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Carolina Watchman, 1859, January-June
a — Sn ee J. J. BRUNER, | | | EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR SPECIAL NOTICE, No name of a new subscriber will be entered on our fist, without payment in advance ; nor will the paper be seut to subscribers for a longer time than they | have paid: for. \ The red x mark indicates that your sub- | scription year has nearly expired, aud is! notice for a renewal, if you desire the pa- per continued. | CLUB RATES. Hitherto, we have offered to the public no pro position tor “clubbing”, \ pao, we had found clubs a source of more troubic (han profit But vclubbing™ has become se eo mon, and we are so olten spoken to on the sul fect, that we have coucluded to oller the follow sis | elub terns. | Five copies, Ten copies s because under the credit Clubs exceeding ten, in the same proporien $1.50 each Payment always in advance to those who raise clubs of ten. Af a book worth $2, (to be selected by the raiser) giv en to those who raise clulas of 20. A fee copy given copy. ani woe ADVERTISING RATES. A square is the space 4 occupied by 16 lines of Mrevier type Uscasioual renewal Pig cuosiruy yp Without additional charg arias granted o those who ad- | $7 FUCA Ber tine regularly through the year. vplaonuy & 7 Three dollars for an nouncing candidates tor oflice Court Orders et Myaasul & Qassu) ¢ 25 per ceut higher than OLpdow yy the above rates. Orders for divy.ce of husband Pray mranyy | sdovtty quity and wife, $10 each BOT Pers in aivertis nding ! uo n i o d o i d ew s ay ? B] MU E M I s p l e a p e 20 9 ES sw sy, should occupy tie beast a OD space possibie, write Upon the back the werd ¢ OU wise thoy wil be put upon the woul style SIU a 4HOW SE The following Cone veellaneons BLANKS are kept on wl te ‘ ‘ , uot th an sent by maid tu at gantry, at sin. expense Civil Warrants, Com. tatake Depo © & 30 Casas & Bonds Apprentice Tndeutures Write, C. & 8 Court, Letiers Testumeniary Executions, © & > Letters of A timnistratien Subpanas, C4 < Witness Tickets, OC & 8.0 Juror Tickets Prosecution Bouds, C&C. Bail Bonds, civil cases Bail Bonds, crun, * Attachment Writs, Delivery Bouds, = Administration, lo. t Bastarday, No tee Appeal, cs N EI And many fed te order ou sl a filant, 6 Blanks- requent uspruie Oe TIRE STIR - Otho Swink, Bot TO REGULATE THE LIVER IS ONE OF ot deb tr the Physician's pnocipal nisin al! cw or weakuess of the syetein, for wheo this is : health naturally follows ni To find av De Sanfordsdunng years of pracuce, where the Liv er Tovigorator was used with the greatest suceens, ' and fully expermnented with, unlit could be re fidenee and trath, and on inedy todo ths has been the ain of mended with has it been recomenended for th any disease lank Koad, bidilis to be opened; wntil tt has bern fully treed. ai own to be bene fi cial in the treatiurent of sae diseases | veo reese Ah how CAPO TIL Fs oh A originates frou a Lowhieh shows ite in the forin of yauudiee, dyspepsia. sick sour stomach. t nhousr Weakness of Che back spine, stomach aud be derangement, and minx | others toe numerous Genie) ne atbof whieh mary be benefited by the use ot the Tavigorater, cartig: th Liver and removing the cause t For sale by WoL WYATT, Draggist, Salisbury N.C ido ! : 1 Tre Pro. Treve Who could dream of the may nitude such au undertiking as the manufac ur Purgative Pill assumes when it comes tite use. And bow paintaliv de the following speak of the amount of human sickiess and sat that hittle morcel ot a remedy ws and subdue. Da JC. Avenof tl jo his Jaboratory forty gross per ¢ tie Pills, through allihe year ‘This as er box a Minute or one dose a second. We thu ver 4, 000 persons swallow this pllevery day, or 1.296000 a month! Physioins. thik of that! 13,000 parenis a day who seek relief fran the medieal skill of one man, Surely that tnin ssoule besos he is in this ease one of the first mite! ce and of the lighest character. His occupation eotuls apo hin a fearla responsibility for the weal or woe of his fellow man woterth de eons well, imanefreties sinoot his Coathar —Painsrille Courcer For sale by ©. A. Henderson, Salisbury, NC PROSPECTUS OF THE CAROLINA CITY TIMES. The undersigned will commence the publication of a Weekly Journal with the above tile abont the fir Z week in January next, at Carolina City. No The Times will be all things, New tral ia nothing; bat the best ener tors will be directed to any and all measur ndependent known as NEELY’s MILLS" sistof 2 ercllint Flouring Mille: Mills in tus part ot the Sue ‘They es ofthe propre ona NEVER FALLING STREAM, in a dor ending grain growing country, aud tine Custom, the Saw we ~ Devoted to Politics, Wews, Agriculture, Internal Improvements, Commerce, the Arts and Sciences, Morality, and the Family Circle. VOL. XVI. SALISBURY, N. C., JANUARY 4, 1859. sx) wv Seay ee , : J : P J ¢ ‘ 5 ail i ¥3 ) pais ) ‘ on i 2 TS a. ~~ Joy to the Admirers . OF A FINE HEAD OF BICH GLOSSY HAIR. Talk of beauty, it cannot exist without a Bae of hair, theu read the following, and if you ask see circular around each bottle, and ne one doubt. JROFESSOR WOOD'S HAIR RESTORA}s TIVE.—We call the attention of all, old a young, to this wonderful preparation, whieh urn buck to its vrigiual color, gray hair—eoverw thet t of the bald with @ luxuriant growth—removes the dandruff, itching, aud all cutaneous eruptions— causes a continual flow of the natural fluide; and hence, if used as a regular dressing for the hairy wilt preserve ils color, and keep it from falling to oxtibme juld age, in all its uutural beauty. We call then upon |the bald, the grey, or diteased in the scalp, to use sees yp « it; and surely the young will uot, as they value the N U M B ER 32 | flowing locks, or the witching curl, ever be without it. Ils pruise is upon the tongue of thousands. The Agent for Prof Wood's Mair Restorative in Equity Sale of Negroes. BY ORDER OF TILE COURL OF EQUITY, | Twill offer tor sale at the Courthouse, on Priday the last day of December, 1858, seven Negroes, belonging to the estate of Benjamin Julian, de- | Sale to take place at LL o'clock A. M.! ‘Lerms six mouths credit, with interest from date, | ceased, boud with two approved sceurities will be requir. | ed of the purchaser. IA RENCK MER, CALE, Dec, 1, 1858-4028 —Prister’s tee & Equity Sale of Land. | By order of the Court of Fyiuity, 1 will offer for sale the following land and t gRYy ACK meto the bers of Benjamin Julian, de- | WH property, Belor cease / About four miles from Salsbury, adjoin: | ing the lands of Win. kt Praley, Hannah Kin- cad and others, Also, the THlouse and Lot in Salisbury, where the Post Office is now kept. — Sale to take place atthe Courthouse, on the 3 dst day of December, at dl o'clock, A.M P2 mouthis credit, with Terns, | Tuterest from dato, bond with approved securities will be required of the purchaser. Printers fhe 225, 104 ACKES 1 ehorsattaw of oN, DP itterson, wthe ands of Paui Yost, Hen Sal to take 7th dav of Janu. ty Beaver, Sarah Rose, and others soon the ook, AM credit, boud with two apres lice at the pres ary nent, at hbo’ rus, 1X months writios will be required of the pureta hoe Geel Deh, NO ToRS Comer and others, adjoto Hohe. Joho Heth and oth Aare Pexeellent mena to orcodtas ti the coun ty. Sale to take plice at the premises, on the 19th ct January uxt Per ty the pur Vmonths cred facet ving S with two aq securities. Piinters fee 82 25 Beloneng tot Kei Gavel see Moin, deceased, Damel at the «dotnet Tats oot Marrtin hoehwor Hottinan and others, Sale to take pola cinises, ob the Loch dev oof January next at bl lock, AM. berms sax tnonths credit. the pue chaser vivo bend with tWocepproved scCunites. Pitnrer's tee S225 ONE TOWN Lod ine tothe t if Tsaae Nestler, deceased, lots of Fialew ame others. contaming three at the Court ember at eleven Hit, the pur- Belon Methe townoof Selishurw, adjormmoe the vont One aere House on the ads Yolock AM haser civinie be Leecunities Prvoter’s fee e225 Hav the Plantation aud ‘Lown Property: be to the estate of Creare Wo Brown, des one on the ased. consisting of GOO aeres of band NIso, the and adwe Tite Pets ce 1 t \ $0, aed the vacant Healt tiddines to be o} ned t tke ple tt the Court fouse on the Bist dav ot Lbs ber Terms, Womenths credit. Che purchaser ovine bord with Wo woproved see Ivifies Mis tee &2 90 los VOTES $-longing to the | sof Cathe kur ne the ' Of Satniel Pred Dotin ¢ ' thers ou the 22) dav of January Hhenty at thes ! ' Perms, sts tnonths ene OH WIL WO approved ser iiities L. BLACK MER. CME. IEELY’S MILLS FOR SALE. | N ACCORDANCE with the last will and testa- mentot t rkhin Ss. Neely decensed Twit sell mu the promises, the oth day ot Jaanary, Ps5U, those VALUABLE MILLS. | The Mills con lL Corn Mill; A qood Now Mill, and Cotton Gin, With the Mills will be told about THO ACRES of! Laud, with Dwelling House. Rooohens, Stables, &e Phe repatation ot Neelys Willaims seeand ts ne ire mituated | to advance the interests of Beaufort Harbor; and Vip is aiways supplied with lomber, whieh «ell: rap particularly to keep people posted on what we are | really doing. With this determination they will fur- duetive pr div. Persons wishing to tuvest (their money in pro, rerty, would dy well to examine these ha faithful record of all stavustics which may be Villa before sold mineral their power to obtain in addition toany ¢ information which ean conduce to the welface of our | mercantile interests. ‘The want of such a Journals felt by every intelligent citizen who desires to be at all acquainted with the resources of Beaufort Harbor —our present condition, fature prospects, &e The Times will give the latest market reports; ar rival and departure of vessels from thos port: und its f colamnes will afford the latestintell gence both foreign of Pine Tunber near the Saw Vill and domestic. Special cure will be taken to give a full and accurate eammary of State news The Times will be publiched every Thursday, and Will be mailed to subscribers for Two Dolbus a year, jovariably in advance perty, will call ou the subsernber nea y VALUABLE MILLS for A.B. CUAPIN & CO TRI-WEEKLY PAAIL LINE. TWO HORSE WACK From Mocksville, N.(., to Salisbury, N.C. | 3 CHANGE OF ROHEDULY Leaves Mocksville every Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at §1 o'clock, Arrirca al Salisbury same days at 4o0'clock, P.M WLPHEN two miles of aid Mills, being well timber Leaves Salisbury every Tuesdays, Thursdays aud 5+ Saturdays at = o'clock, A.M. ft Arrives at Mocksville same dayeal lg o'clock, PM ow i} The P jitietor, also, pledaon himself to aend Pas sengers fron Mocksville in any direction they may 4 wish to ge rene terms, Try hon, all you that wel to cnc te the moontams in that direction STACH OPFETOCH at Salebury at the Wansion Hela Wireline, HR VUSTIN, Prorrteror Mocks mn hoe TAYLORSVILLE . Negroce. conmet ng of men. women and children F EK 1} | (\l iy) { y) lonring tothe estate of George Bo Dowglaw ave. aM A 4. . Said Neqrone willbe sold on accredit of nine mont TIDHE » . nr | Pe Tustitinnian will be resumed sei, will he genuired on the Wh dy i] Freak. nt tt ar ee , New AOTINTIEIN| “ mes Phie se nmost valuable lot of Negroes, prising Lateran Blackemithe, Miners, Fietd Handa, Cooke, Wash Mie MARGARIT Q CLEWENT ora, Neree Girle and House Servant, mule and fe , I ure yiaed to at vhe had eharg fi m Those wishing to purchase are advises ne arom Satie ay a turing the tnd this Sale R A. CALDWELL, Com'r Primary Branches per Sean on, mae acon) Salisbury, Dee. 7th, sos 4124 Higher Boaghel Branches ° : | Mose. lili, Frew, Vielen wy vane, oe Bank of Wilmington. |; Sre)een sities: ORiet) Wd conahle CENUDS BANK has deelired a dividend of Foor | Steam aie ~ percent payable on the 1th rest ISSO As CAIRN WAO | Dee 10, 1MGN Twit 4 JEWETT, Cashr. | \ ° . * ° ‘ adjoining the Mill ‘Pract, good land, and all in Virgin River, inthe county of Davie; Abe “ 25 NEGROES For Powill hire, on the same day. the Negroes belong: ng to said estate, forthe tes of 12 mouthe, and) Twill also sell about | Land, | cila quantity of lamber. 262 Acres ¢ : \ orest, except abont 20 acres. has a large amount N w Haven, received the following letter in regard “ \ pti 4 \ to the Restorative, a few wer ks eince : Deer River, Conn., July 23, 1856. Mr. Leaveuworth—Sir: I have been troubled with CARRIERS ADDRES FRIENDS AND PATRONS U CAROLLRA CHRISTMAS, 1858. ° Dian Patios t t \ try snow \ Ite “ I a vou I \\ u | 1 mid al \ \\ { 4 = % \ \ ‘ 2 RF Vin 1859. = = 3 I t 1 ! eyGTOS Me = \ yawn | (haan t \ JANcany, porta \ 1 2 dae ts 91 LG lod ‘ aH 40) ‘ 3 PRORUAKY, 12 3 4 5 accuse ‘ t ~ y lu did " AIG U7 is de Ip 22. V3 24-25 20 ! MARCH 124 4 A wwrre pen i 6 7 Rw oO Idd 12 \ fe De cot Vins \ 2 21 2224-24 25 26 Tha j Tg Bs HN) Hie a3N) | Apait 1 2 or rose \ ' iD s rece \\ , \ ‘ ' nN ae Cheer I \ Hey j i ; ' way 1203 405 6 7 sovemnrn ‘ ‘ rm Hho TL 1243 4 ‘ I hal tee fo frowa 15 16 17 ys 14 vo vy I ' pa thy 94 ot) Be in \ \ 4 Pad Ya eee | { & JUNE 1 203 4 pecewnrr. > ob mt 405 ee lt) te 142 20 “<9 ( MIT t \ WA a t \ \ i Mr : SPP IOR SCO RTs ; ‘ : Dasidsor fh Ap ad etal : Statily Fin wWhvc Sth) Supe \ \ und t eowintry blast Surry rl oF ey ue Yak u Whe \ hoard \< 1 i ! \ t \\ x an i 1 Ms fice, Da 25th ! ! y Mesander ah Ay voth 1 | Tem | 1 Ral Cayereell \\ ‘ ' terial ] lth do by “ tur I u ie lith de Vid inh 1 (ie erie tlw ‘ BISt iliy Vive Dalton e ! i 7th Novern thie tort l4th riley {who di nt ligt do frtends Poet clone vowill tot be silbuy, he COUNTY COURTS Jannary V7. Apotl is, July 18, 1 oO > February Tt) May 0, Nags, Now. 14 a March D4. June 13 Sept 12) Dee. 12 Rian Iw Va very cay Cliristinas Andi New Your Vy the powers, J ' yea te } y dea | } JAMES BOWERS Jan. 31, May 2. August Qa inn, xg vig @-0:6-C mam — ad ' * 6 © a oy . G We Raa AA | | CALENDAR FOR 1859. ieee ctiavanieaia sexe, gine : ! very foundation of the disease. There oh ' are thousands of sufferers who woald £ \ hot wear their distempers if they knew | they could be cured for 25 cts. TRY : | Ayer's Pills, anc i Purify the blood and disease will be = { Starved cut 0 Cleanse the system from imparities and you are cared already ‘Poke this best of all Purgatives, and Serofula, In- Ps digestion, Weakness, Headache, Bachache, Side- : ache, Jaundice, Rheumatisin, derangements of the Laver, Kidneys, ond Bowels, all derangements and Akeng A . all diseases wheeh a purgative remedy can reach, fly ~t ‘before them hike darkness before the Sun. Reaterif you are suffering from any of the numer- Fel. 2b, Mav 16, Aneust 15. Nov, 21 re ry. han 3. Apnal 4. duly 4, October : oe eer. AV) rate ARR peel ms Clie i, AYGINS o, AMID ovemibs eho 14. May 9) Nugust ov, \ dandrufi or scurfon iny head for more than @ year, wy hair began to come out, ecurf and hair together. I | saw ina New Haven paper about Wood's Hair Restor- jative” as acure. I called at your store on the let of | April last, aud purchased ove boitle to try it, and I | found to my satisfaction it was the thing, it removed | the seurf aud new hair began to grow; it is now two Jor three inches in lengih where il waa all of. Thave great faith init. TL wish you to send me two botdes }inore by Mr. Postydhe bearer of this. I don’t kaow jas any ofthe kind is used in this place, yoo may {have a market fur many bot‘les after it is known here. Yours with respect, RUFUS PRATT. Pirtaneenia, Sept. 9, 1856, PROF. WOOD— Dear Sir: Your Hair Restorative ie [is proving itself beneficial tome. ‘The front, and alse , jthe back part of my head almost lost its covering— le fact atv. T have used but (wo half pint bottles of your Restorative, and now the top of my head is | . | | | \ | well stadded with a promising crop of youog hair, ; [and the front is also receiving its benefit. Ib «|? | tred other prep iratious without avy benefit whate ‘ [think from iny own personal recommendation, I can induce many others to try it. | Yours respectfully, D.R. THOMAS, M.D., No. 464 Vine street. : \ Vincennes, Ta., June 22, 1853. eae | PROF. OJ. WOOD: As you are about to mana- jfactured and vend your recently discovered Hair e | Resiorative, Twill state, for whouisoever it may con- lcera, that T have used it and kuown others to use it a || |—that. f have. for several years, been in the habit of using other Hair Restoratives, and that I find Yours vastly superior to any other T know. It en- urely cleanses the head of daudraff, aud with one healthy, soft and glossy appearance; and all this, > without dixecloring the hands that apply it, of the Cress on which it drops. I would, therefore, recome tend its use vo every one desirous of having a fine " color and texture to huir Respectfully yours, \ WILSON KING. O J WOOD & Co, Proprietors, 312 Broadway, p New Youk. in the great N.Y. Wire Railing Estab- and 114 Market Street., St, Louis, Mo | Saldby WOH WYATT, Drugzist, Salisbury, N. C.. and by «ll good Druggists | Nov 30, IsSx. 3mo027 * State of North Carolina. STANLY COUNTY. {lisiment Pe Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, November | Term, 83x | George Graham, } vs Attachment { John A.Gruham. Y | David Carpenter, ) { re Attachment John A. Graham. J the defendant is not sidentof this States It. ie | | IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that ordered, (hat advertisement be inade for six weeks | Carolina Watchman, for the defendent in the X J above causes to appear acthe next’ sav of this Court, yee lie be held for the county alor-aid, at the Court House in Albemarle, on the 2] Mouday tn Febroery nextoand replovy the properiy leviod on, aud plead to the plantith’s acuou, or the ease wil be heard ex parte id judgement rendered against him fur the plainsil’s debt - Witness, Richard Harris, Clerk of vared) Court, 6 7 x 910 & at Albemarle, the 2ud Monday of Nov. A. D. 1858. R. HARRIS, €.C.C. eo Pr's. fee £5 50—6w 30 a Py The Poetry of Physic. alls | AYER’S PILLS, | Glide sugar-shed over the palate. bat their energy, alth THERE, and tells with giint force on th® ‘ eus complaints they cure—suffer no more—the reme- dy has been provided for you, and 1 is criminal to neglect it. | ‘That Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral, is the best medicine . _ for’ Coush, is known to the whole world, and that OX on | Aycr'e Palle are the bestofall Pills, is known to those j who have used them We) Pri ete per Box—5 Boxes for £1.00 2 Prepared by DR. J. C. AYER, Lowell, Mass, ‘ and sold by CoN Henderson, Salisbury. NOC. Haviland, Stevenson & Co, Charleston, S.C. M. A. Santos & Co., Norfolk, Va AO. Bradley, Wilmington, N.C. NF. Rives, Petersburg, Va Poreell, Ladd & » Richmond, Va, and all Dragoists Nov. 30, INR 2m2Q7 Carolina City NC, July 26th, 1858. Oetober 17 Tur Atlantic and North Carolina Rail Road being Conditions made known oa cay of sale JOUN G FLEMING, Ex'r November 27th, 15m Swe 1) NB Persone wishing to examine the p SALE. | | [ NOW offer iiny Mille for Sale, consisting of two paurot Stores, one pair of Burs, wuda Saw Mill Cached, running two Sowe.ou the Mame Yadkin 318 Acres of Land, | | | | d, pine and oak ‘Perms to suit the purchaser, for inther partientars apply tome, who willat all tunes | nition these who may be dewrous of purchas ag hose who wish to porchame weald do well to apply hortly. ax Dam determined to xell on or before the hoday of January, 1850 GEORGE SUEREK jw2ep'd | Nale.. November 26th. TROR. , Y¥ virtue of a decree of the Court of Equity of r Den Gan thence beatdinnke) WILT ywreof Salisbury, on the bet of January next, 25 vd and approved mecungy, bearvg verre om Bootes and Shoes, Hats and caps, Carpets, Rugs, &c, in Tk WITH OTHER GOONS SUITED TO THR WANTS OF THE PEOPLE f handwome Dress Goode, consisting of Robe a Las, St and By ats We have on hand a tot PINE DRES# SILKS bor and eity of New KEEP CONSTAN ”. Staple and Fancy WAndite Nottee. PPLICATION will he made to the preannt Te giaiature of North Carolina, for a charter fora | Navigation Company between Bonufort Har York and other places : ~ THE SPICES OF GOOD LIVING: --) PG. SPIENS ‘ ] AS JUST RECEIVED A large aupply of fresh confections, | which with the articles Juced by | him asa BARKER, and with the addition of an OYSTER SALOON, make upihe most attractive shop in ‘Town \ | cornnts, Cream Nuts, Lemons, Brandy Poachin, Sardines, Pickles, and every other article in his line | AUTRES TSANG) GO OT), | His BAKERY is kept up with regularity, aod his xhop constantly supphed with fresh Bread, Cakes, Pies, &., &e., | which he furnishes to fomiber, for partes and tein ‘ ba y = dividuala nC very moderate prices LY ON HAND, The lovers of Oysters will find here, a ealoon fitted upin Northern etyle, and a yeee article of Ovsters A LARGE AND GENERAL STOCK OF Dry Goods, Ready Made Clothing prepared in the beat mcnner, at short vote any hour, night orday. Be sure and eal! on Pleliiosy IH]. Beards building Sea a Tebaines, Wertnace ana TO ALL WHOM TT MAY CONCERN !! pence teehee meg ULCER PRICES rather than keep over until another season ode SUBSCRIBERS wonld reapectfally inform ‘ thoee indebted ty them that ther BELLS are now ready for SEPT LEMEND ed we would request to come forward and PAY UP, Drs. M. WHITEHEAD & J. A.CALDWELL, us we are comrenien to make colleeions in order ts AVE associ ited themacives in the practice of Medteine, Make our Spring purchases 5 hoffer Met) Professional aervicests the pabhe oe A&W MYERS, sofboth, In any case, without No 4, Granite Building 1S5R ny BROWN, COFFIN & MOOK To thoan « : o those concern Vitl can have the rervice bal] ame occupied at present hy Dr Warvewear, Der 21 lr HE subsember, being under the necessity | pavinent be not made by the FIRST OF JANU- found in an officer's hands for collection j His new importattous comprise a large stock of | | Candie x, Leaisins, Alinonids, Hilherts, Co | | WILLIAM B GRANT. S T must have money, Twill sell the remainder | 9 | 1 et sntaof Produce to ne 7 | A of my FIVE STOCK OF GOODS remark ly A| supa us it Me Ince to DL aus ry Morray, ably cher Callin with the Crash and ree Pr YEE OH) Or ew er TEI 8 GT Renta aatiee. BDAY COCAE, ‘ ‘ August 8d. PRON tr 10 MARCUS HOFFLIN | Bi , — Salisbury, Nov. 90, 85% Bmv27 OTQCTp i | MISSISSIPPI] LAND | ] TAYLORSVILLE, N.C, t Loy wtoatiost | now completed to Bevcront Harvor, | have deter: | mined to locate at Carolina City, for the purpose of doing a FORWARDING AND GEVERAL COMMISSION BUSINESS, Of and hope by promptness and striet attention to merit raising money, informs all those indebted to hin, | your patronage and support. Berg the Agent of by note or account, to pay up without delay; for, it! erin ss re i : Murray's Line of First Class Packets, ARY, the account and notes due to bim will be | to thieand MOREHEAD CITY, every effort will PAY UP! be made tomake this the cheapest and most expedi- Wr ALL, persons having claims againet him will | cious route to New York. Vessels will be loaded and present them for settlement jdischarged at my Wharf (adjomng the Ral Road M. HWOFFLIN | Wharf.) aud thereby save CAR TAGE and LIGHT- ) ERAGE CLOTITING!! | LP Partionlar attention wilh be given to all orders, CHEAPER THAN KV ER ! ! ! and to the sale and shipmentot Produce THE SEVENTH SESSION or THE | UNITED BAPTIST INSTITUTE, LOCATED 4 FOR SALE. | Peas removing to North Mississppi are in- formed that PB Barringer, Commissioner for the {hears ot Gen'h Pant Barra dee'd 18 now offering dest) ACRES) in Panota on Melver Creek, withia the Pown of Sardis, on the Memphis and Ral Road. About two-thids of the land}e quidlity mach ofitexceNent bottom lands divided, when pricveable, to snit pnrehase Perms, one third Cash © body offand [forsale a Linds ( Wie commence on the LOth of January, 1659 Asan Enatitution for preparing young men for the higher |} colleges, this School presents taany advantages. At | the tame time students who de not wish to graduate B baianee, Land 2 years Nave here excellent opport ites for preparing for he ve tiem of Ife . theanive doce stale yee Goce intention \rees the undersig whohave plate of the lanlin 4 seetions, with ~< tations, quality of aol, de PAUL B BARRINGER, y Oxford, Misa, + BARRINGER, : oncord, No. Carolina, Oct. 5. 152 Imp'dl® NOPICKH — tpphication will be made to onr jeent Lemalvtore to Incorporate the town of G Hillin Rowan ¢ ounty, N. ¢ Deer Titn, 1858 Rourd nay be obtained at $7 00 per month Tinton from $10 to 815 Contingent fee &1 The Faculty—Prof J. HW Footer, A.M; WT Beane, A BY, WOR Gourvey 7m By order of the Board . A. POOL, Sec’y Der Wet, 1858 490 | MARRIAGE LICENSE FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE cl “WILAT IS TO BE DONE WITH OUR CHARLEY? Yes—that’s the question ! The fact is, there seems to be no heaven above, ol earth beneath, exactly sate and suitable except the be do Winle he ts asieey? there our sonls hase rest—we hiow where he is and what tiv is about, and elecp to a gracious slate, bat then he wakes up bright avd carly, and begins tootncs. poundin,, Lame ringe, siting, me ddiine, and asking questions; Im short overturn ing the peace of suciely general’ { about thirteen hours outlof twenty Everybody wants to Know whoatte d with bi everybody is quite sure ta he can’t stay where they are. The coon cant have dum in the hitehen wiaere oe infests the pantey to get thou te tune paste for his kites, or melt lacd in tlie ganee pan. he is sure to pall the wood pile down vy ead df he garret, Yeu thouk for ow wh fhe goes into the woods be sent type initia taut Ne Ulvat ve have settied the problenn, Gi yeu tne wat a boundless field for aetwity ts at once opebed, ainid all the packiupees. ex be Ss yA i oe ars (6 cist ths ‘ fraisth there Qid letters, hewsprapers, U1 he ot om Cellameows Contents, are ail birt ce and the very tern of chins aude t is instituted, Phe sees eniless caypsne rs jm all, and he ds aiwaves baie rigs soe thine, or knocking something apurty ra wttige tro Nes ate sawing, or plans barrels in all directions to batid cities lay radtroad tracks, tll every boda’s les aches quite down to the lower floor, i everybody dechires that Ciurley mitet be kept out of the yarret. hen you send Charley to school, and putouta tice and it will grow while you cannot—you ust sleep, bof a eon you ; a little uuow tuke trouble for liam, either ora great deal by-eand by. Let him stay with you at least some portion of every day; bear his noire and ae lonorant wavs.) Putaside your book or work to tell limi a storys, or show jvm deview still parlor plays for ' ns nothing by being allow a poeture s titi, for tie was Lto spoil the comfort of the whole cr \ edt wosheet of paper, and a cis Lo pene us whl suinelities keep day Ww pat let yeu for an dear, Wate Vou are a ta eersce He tony Tard a ‘ Viena, Tt hedous fete eb Vou, and 104 yeu ee he and: care POUT AT lane v, baluver which ts prea CN: , roed lav titi Gaw, OF Wheel t Oi TN G0sGiitih 2iVG Wont Chiagley, 1 ' wed ceod: tat ol Pui, Vode pre se ete est al Beet Tavis es ver avant ham te de Without Vou any pee taan chickens Were teant ty grow “ Yaedeor ta Vout Piven Let hi Tay, | voor \ ets bed thera s , ‘ dy area ae ea ! PSOne re be we Was Natl 1 E> PE ETE ont WEST) ten uf feed Whe room, Week wed between tha . a fone w fede titerd, Lec Ot got the devices for Ciariev Ww we we, aw few shelves wield) de tie pony with the thaime of a cabitetis one facet ott est. Tle picks mp stiell+ and pob fies and Stones, ill Guides anal Wiis. Wath ie bes wi sy LUI TU NCL) Wet sors abd a little gui, the te Mr. rernuaaets ~snethce we vemaeaen ste From the Yew York Evening Post Reporter Jones, of the Su-| THE BONE CARRYING GHOST, We recently published astory, Which fame is coextensive with that of * Cousin! isin Cireulation among the Spiritualists Sally Dillard, tells the following with! of this city, to the effect that the spiritof intmitable humor, showing clearly that} a dissected man, whose skeleton belonged | some of the coupeers of Gaston, Ruflin, to Deo Redan had been picking himself) and Pearson, are rather slow at taking. | up ard bringing lis bones, one by one, Judge ——, of the Superior Court Bench, trom Harttord to New York, was once holding court at Fayetteville. Dv. Orton, the partner of Dr. Redman, A case was called ap Vor ‘rial in which! publeohes in the last Spiritual Telegraph ex Judye Strange was counsel. A wit- anoaecount otf the finale of the affair, ness ain the case, named Sarah Mooney, | was aboent, Mr. Stra Which us amieh surpasses the ve arose wud stia- previeds Derformanees of this iidastrions ghost as ted te the Court that he could not go inte Suu 2 pertoriinces rurpissed the the trial of the case without Ceremony 7 eof ordinary ghosts (Sarai Mooney). At thissatly the whole! aeserts that on the evenings bar burst into a gigele of merriment — Was etands “Dh man on the near plaza, a sternly rebuked the members of the bar (iauirom as tne Judge was somewhat initated, and ete emit ehane cnc iiniewitiiton el Chne walter Od respect to the Court, aosharp stroke. Le pu kel it up, and After adjournment of court some member BCNClat more tollgweel UG then called of the bar explained tu tus honor that the outa tumber of persons who were then merriment was called forth by Mr othe offices, and the dropping of the Strange’s pun, “Phe Judge appeared to Gotes continue d for some tine atintere be satisfied, bat still did not see the point Vals. Sup posite the performance had of4ti pun. At the close of the cireurt closed, be drew up a statement et de- the Jirdiere returned house still pondering f= which was slenut by the sty Wisit= onethie Ie math of Mer. Strange, and wou ae opresent. Datos sooner had they dering where the pus could be; just be mt toa the bene throwing recom fere tie reached home, however, the point wegeetd abd the scoottl tretaiaenut com cecurred to hii, and he commenced ted ot fonptecn bones, Whack the ghost laughing iunimederately, When he en ew on about a quarter of an heur, tered his yard he was metby his waite, Weta alinest a bone a minute, Which who wos amazed at his cachinatory (nis | Was cerliiy satisfactory, comadermerthe which had not yet snbsided. MSTMee We Was Ge Nano fete dhey., treieeny TU ail 1 oy cloca, the perlormanhce commenced again, youreclt¢ _ “Well, my dear,’ he answered, after he achievements, hurled a pertect shower of bad become somewhat calin, Sat the “They fellin eve: Cumberland Court there was an absent Withess in one of Mr. | npeled te bri then ~My dear husband!” she exclaimed, | swhatecan be the matter? are you beside tie ahest, excelling all bis founed rOoHeS Tito tine PoouUn, tue office, on the floor, on Strange’s cases. ry pear oot hope you are fairly rid ot hum fora tew : be ot te lebels he will paste on, aid andoon the table, some thy tng S Wilt: Whose names Mary Mooney, and Strange hours at least. But he comes heme ters | dis be tnay dntocently spend sort Vato dorerbly from the directlon of the retiarked that he could hot Ho Into the ier and tere breezy than ever, lave j Nettie i windows, and many iu a perpendicular toatl without Mary Mooney, and here be learned of rome twenty otter Charney A betteoot bymd gui is an invaloa: ioe trom the ceiling relapsed Into huriie ine of lauvliter, every separate resource for heepin Uy a pos nce tor Various puirpeses, her inust In tins way the large bones ot the feet, “W hy, Jidyve, replied the good lady, commotion that the superabundant yt, ' ithesgh he Varnish dos tose ite ce paitebis at ib, and various bones of the *T don t see anything langhable in that itv of cach can originate. Phe ean cic fers Clothese UNhnit ew dod aandsand feet Were showered upon the us remark ike dim Siaith—he has learned to stack oc free lalate voy ecn ete nished doctors, when the whust, by a) * Well, replied the Jude, after a long his dips like doe Brown —aned Will Bowe ist No ath seme chnavitigs ta Color master stroke, eclipsed all tis previous pause, oy don't see the port jist new, has shown hint how to miew dihe a cate : nes (erent oie tinant achoeverents. "Nt last, said miyselt, I did afew minutes ite, abwa@sou and hie enters the premises witha nes | ' erin Ae tyes ter \ e deetor, * of Ws were Bical miay depend upon its be igs i Hel one st war whoop, learned from Lom Ets . i ie ‘ en ie til > uly there tell down da veu wiihouly discover it He feels large and valorous 5 te tas leant \ ' woleuene amend rave ; wecontaiiitas siNty-one Just so; uf you could only see it! ed thathe is growing diiiteosely strong e lee oat (lle i the sttimues bemesof thelinuinsnn bordkws \Weolh Ihe Joke Was not Very start, and and knowing, and despises tore Phan es : Gaerne call to anise | Was of tnushn, and about it tie ducge was very excusable for not er the couventionalities of parlor lifes Se ie tte ese Gelisaté toon muchos lounge, and 1 toll diets be- tudes te tun of he ting wus the al fact, hie is tore than ever an itera, ‘ trove, ame the treudde tore my face -ninel bearer to tie than terclap. in the way of decent folks who want te ; ear te Fe iccranle Cminoatire Giiell |uittice! Hrcstin==inercclitect be quiet. . < | : te : vied send us all ie appar a oe cel and wita HAE SALAS TE SIE ON IO), It istrne, that if entertaining por knew what tela wit ! Force that it tnarkead t Where Some dozen or more vears age there liv will devote themselves exeiusvery te : coeae . Phe parties presenc were Dre din Alabama a family named W reading and) (ellie (tutes ee NT TY ENDER MOE Oy NE pated [eda Wil @ UPGINOP OT Be Ye wor poor, and lived in an titibis kept quiet; but then this is dieewrice Urea) esate GNI EGY nei ; ciitaires pitt enjoying all the blessings work, for he swallowsastory as Tower boc: \ fs de leny aah adie Ne Ov Ge Auk ! Tey iat closed the ext bitions wien naturally arose trom the tor a piece of meat, and lochs at yeut ee os Vy : ' re anleen WG (OMAGH: nas incall, DMEM MERE GaP EE a Te TERRE! SENET MONS illness ‘ “ m cheountered @ ine of the treasures of the rich, unta PCOUSILU TOL sO) a tats Tosa a : z , ‘ a wierd EUS) TROLS ARLEN Ten fuvered Uber to the ae al of at 1 short duration, and then the oad qrestiot siggy seedlings Uiveis AGIA A) MIS Teavunte Guan Ta Sieh WOE OS WO INES ae i (a) Waemin, len lie aunt comes back: What is te be doa wil e ce ehtoon i PT vpse neal Wis Wan) Soom atten tte 7h .,,, ‘Uematsu ea eee him t ; ee 0 a tS as vos | boWas turewn, which concluded: tie Ou the strenati: of Che mice Is they were But after all, Charney ¢ Tt Teen \ a AES (H 18 Teen tein WO isgrine, Tie genial tine which We otis to wet, they bouctit a wae ae aa Le -_ ea eu Ms Staal the work asstated toe erg toi, and started the bers to O1l Vir emn nid awtel fact; and on tae tis { + ~ Wes ed © Uren een ee Mites AS cee Seo i en av Creer nih Ge fests Wat ie tee ee le Sek ee : - sade ' Bee eo onthe cats fey soon returned, aud the family wieve him ¢ depends a furs 1 one as (On lack ed oe Pini eae home tec ent iarccentcn eee Many a hard, morose, fatter dian has Sis | = alt the cela abost (ae: aiecate pauvil | SAAD Wises umert tend dineue (lle avell come froma Chaney turned otf ces ric (eI te ire cio aa) Senna han Jected ; waauy a parental leart ache 1 a = Ses stee ter testi! eMine Prune 0 (elaine /Mimp ton The wanel eueubeat une Wrote, OL come froma Charies left to run the stteet ~ e ait) & Pee a Gatny te: Y j Slee hall nee: <Faert Myers was hang rales & Aral Vas Reteer. sande Alineed eae é eres i Me ‘ Jj of, a cn a | ace yt : ne on a wt Preday ut ie ie eae at ha < od ESEDUS that one remained ' Aneta Ait ‘ s ler Db. Neste a felliw-convict 10 (ue awake uuring tic first Hiyht after the at Zo) Oe ee ee Mle 9 r ETO) fentary My rs Wis at One pival of “tlem ar givers.” At short in a : ab eis oan Ine suppesed to be insane, on which ace tervals sue would call out to one of the be POGUES 1 Vt at net hand ai ca ‘ waits cid Sct UN iat rit dis excentionm Was postponed from yj ryers | en cote back PSUS eek staat at ‘ Ts ene Hats Henin ededot September. Since tien a med cont Teller els ee Oe lletnenea lis 2 oe When you Cannot cet retha \. M ‘ et yi ee Were Teles ny Heelan ‘i yemeniadted! Hetty tice rel wih teele en Gul mig, Nihect (arn dieas ttre, Nia ait TCO ETN Woes Olu : 1 % a cal aan ee . ‘ ; ; . . jee : Mamma and sisters dad berer pay a o Phravk teslave when a dire Pa ; ys a on SE : ae i ee ie EMME ' i i ae Aan 3 an u ony ou call Miss gietse Tite tax to Chstiies ee _ ae soe et Ss ch CraZottey iia ACUTE Ol Mis CXC aN ikaw aivsaiter, tht ral 18 Wils Hs ine 2 ee ey aS ae : ae ‘ Be Fees at the a vf spring, wien Miss oetses ae en ees He ee oan ite a ; ‘ eel From the time of t! ssien Of Would yo te the door and call vats "0, wi our Seriptures retder us farsi ywere | od Stew diamant Whores 1 +i ec a ea ae oe ne oe a “ u . on ; ; a . ue nt it ete as wis ater gy neta . Wiiat do you watt, M eS TBEESEY r a eydec Mbnny (aveae (mete ery ariecexna re van mt : Mita eal SLE ey Nothing, Hanna! 1 mty wanted to question: * \Wonitelin decduentan Oia deputies in Pe d—et Phe mu i a : : i iuat 8 a! cant me Miss Betsey from thie . ‘ i el AN vetfered im the conmsela Sees ley { ! Heke vie : - ‘ iar we osyened frei dits celi wit : = Ban es sie i ee ae _— es Ghat ak ] the stroneest murees A valiant author bas published a book ASO RIGS TRICYSSTES TVRIUDN CHAI ey ANAND SIS TEES : Vinterresated fim ast Pe Qian (cin aS cH) Gere aimerci. UD ey ie advocates the Tittle Job oi fui ery, You cal persuade, cous Gin atid wet a me Tue Ce thin und pray couvertiog the Arabian desert into an turn hin to your poeasnre : vou can make Po wool Me replied: tat be was ans ; i ue * ‘1 eran ef a pp ovcean. ‘Dae author argnes that the great bis eves fill and dis bosom swell with re fre teeneet track «(int iteetareul at , . coe a Lin wert or deed, Valley extending from the southern de cial of good and 1 PES UGGS LUE) pt tie Nort Nat Se ' aha nile. ot pression of tl Lebanon range to the SAOUE GID CUNEATE IE SLES LIS PUSS ena rer roi roomie wilroteticGnitltect@Xhthre tite vexstert) WOE , , eee TU ESI] t _ teh ferent creerercrineaertict ut er branch of the bead of the Reed Sea, las Tut ok alead seme years, when Cig tm a PASTAS setae] NEG weain, fu this couditiow af a nad the re been once anocean. [tis in anany pla a “ a seer ie cua ae hee ‘ ‘ ; Se ao i i - ae a mained con stanthy, even to the last hour ts 1300) feet tee the i - ot at Ae en se : Sire Pal ‘ a ae aa ie: OUI ie Gaiptonce: diterranean, and in it-are situated the weight aud tramps when a rough beard chanoreus that the shive should bey in tee a of the excention In Deal Sea, and the Sea of Tiberias. -He shall cover tat inGe; rewind cli vat Vy Uist esiy eet rat Patel Mase lice en Unido ae oe, Warner, believes that this ocean, being cut off wilful streneth, of manieod til out that te returned to slavery they would hil Aces fheal cain Barns Migs celecwot iametive en seaby tiemse of the land Jittle form, ‘Then , ae kev toda ite ti to your wits; Mf N W no wonld eive worlds for t Ss heart, te te soto tenn hey how Mo tieqaivid Hoan that rude, and Dusv. and tomy as \ IWRsome aS Carpcot Piiten atid pia Jor Waye we to lim, le tle creature, and wants to be where ¢ rest of the household are Ao room es go well adapted for play, cannot chat is, nud instill a socal | hiss at the hour when the ¢ a ; union; he liars ihe v . | aud his piay roo ere \ be warned iv at t | yas, but it in hve ca watt Givers for. Wena. fans, When beso taste tis ot hends. and hele ie ' Sy ese mat MAE stave j L it i : . x \ ! ie oany aut vate he replied, © have tethine te say Colonna Yazoo, Sunflower, Tallabatchie down anc ha My Mire Nivea Server cesar uintices ' ! tsiste ites ‘ , : ee) : | - ; eeky ALU 1 ' Lea eam iene as von ind panola—within certain limits —which promising that of the tea. iuenroner tit z \ ! me the ENcitemett ra vey are at ; weet 1 i q i Ee - Sayer tl Wage tise ier liad mastitute, we believe the Yearon sulject Article ever , : } < pypua his lia up ’ é UCT Tid So bittde tay eles try Pratl Uy las ‘ ‘ ‘ Pane ess cry tregacl wp + +) . +f a 4% | eer ' ! pelea dieser att fear t (if oceveriiow—certan portions and tracts Wial et Comntoone at you wad let la ! \ wud t See Teter a feel Biv : a u rein spectally exempted, This tax is to stay there. 1 ( Wir services were wanted ered ae i all i ; 7 | ipedh ath Wha. tant last for five years, and to constitute a le Vite sactinet of the Wttie in Noduret, 18 «Ps SU Coat \ veo tand. ‘The collections for the first me Bannan 1 tte or tremterstan wit / ; : ) arming te E Grods adie iy 10 ce wait (ines ao) Winn fats recently re Miree years in certain counties, viz; Dol wany a tmother who dias meg oced if pie \ v Livy ; 1 Cisne var, Washington and Tsaqnena, (river 2 , ae ; cia (ee) eto iien cause it ae Ir Kseorsne , “( | = . 1 Is that there was imported inte counties) are to be applied ry the local TU lveatny Tiina ne IES ae eh Al .r Nee , : . Ciiethni Shewould a ‘ i : } He countey lie! visi tliree lai re mihenities im paying the debts hereto + Wants poe AP Cy eal ‘ nt tty Weir | ; tle Arabs constantiy teldt & i ; ; t ay u god ponds of eqivnn Otolive fore contraeted in brilding and repairing that hie js awkward aud mied ye, ay ad ! ‘f } t : fl (team cuelmiite al levees The other counties, and the: ane iu veneoral. the ' ‘ \ Ion re ' t ; @ plagne in general, \ ! f mere tian fenti disused tor aiedi after three years, are to pay their propor Jast his own company int mili e ' cnn Cras | < bie Poof eating oy Hous tute the treasary of a Board of Le the highways and lie M ‘ rie Vit 1 Wa ae ene ta : © eaeudie Wee tae . ! ) eosp orapeal ‘ ‘missioners till the day comes when the tletits ‘ ‘ ~ Vu Jit Mas oy ’ \ sea ! . \ i : Oey clergy ond =. their eon, apd the steters the rbrot Ons Wi AN Wey lent f Wistecnay ' wie His vant Deu adie AMY, ‘apt. Spencer Penk ihe vee fnwet | ‘ f ; pla é see ad : nyuierel ate | ms wd Dodira at he Capt. Spencer, ¢ i ts ‘ t it ga f thre we Pelbster, 'r ’ brings to them, as he comes all foal a va F Lies ae ante ve ship Daan el ebster, from Lon 2 Neve 5 ( ! : ‘ WP later x ow York ‘port t Sou (orem OUlCe-teemypamnnnane ap ths I 1 Tekan ST catttevanes. avedl serous Me APTN lan New y rk, reports ihe ! AVEO TE es iva 2b Septem ne 3°30 ey have doomed tin Duy ' tien 8 Ana . <l every ety and viilace an : ~ vat pice Greil) lat. 4 : ? i ilivere ven > on the oa WeSsAWE ie tif itis too much tronble to hes Weng f Q ny i‘ : LSAT ds UE EG : ' ng we W ' ‘ renunberof de rode pole oy i your society, there wall be \ aaa » ME *-- SELES > (nba aH ae HES AN TAD ’ . : 14 10 ‘ ! \\ yp Hctantitten ween leis nrevini aund tar iiniesw forelimi tele. ne f ‘. ; | 1 UEDEHIN Ee weliilennieerrac: tweet 1 torted, with the sea 4 Is preying no friendly tites—where be who tind. per ie . . ne the tet week, and on OO them. They were Pete Nelelyt . t | i st nah Me Daseengers oO sete Beme mischief stil tor adle lands to ad : j : ‘ pee ; ae ee " Cae U Uoe pee , uP NK eee % ! be br ogot \y ie Y , 41 it Was i ship Nastia They were nearly tozeth @ill care for tim, if you do not Younunay pole Barca ke laet nigh man Our citizens thet qaacde am aye To ee RAS Hi thigh Wie sliver Wate Narannah Newe voarranged ltmeelf in his shroud, and at the southern extremity, and being only : walked teamdupenthe scatold witha tire fed by small streams, gradually became TSS SED TERE En I eS step, and tubing held of the 1 dried by solar evaporation. He propos a nach te eG Ee hanes vd the twenty ot Lees, therefore, to cuta canal of adequate fei PE es eval my ret | t. jucuse » trom the head of the Gait of Akaba re : boa ' ine : te i } en way, TfL can held on to this, f think T to the Dead Sea, and anether from the ae elie Can pve wivevit vet! Te then bose Mosliteranienn, near Monnet Carnrel across al ; ‘ i " ae STO a ea tonrth do the miost blasnhemots laneiagze, the plans of hadrea on to the fissure iu 7 oy é ie . . i ae i ak tir and throwin an apy he ane orange Co (ie te taoiitarn reanege ce Lebanon, Dy this = eronid below. exclaimed in aloud voice, Medts the Mediterranean wonld rush in, ' Beet oe Gert Saas ei ken up. sou G —dd—d rase ja With w fall of 1300 feet fil up the valley, nt Svtie Strouse vite Tiina aml be nd with the most stoieal indif rence he atl substitute an ocean of two thousand : enya nee on ia) pe AKG, WMT os csnrttennrrer || te vaze with undinching eye square tiles in extent, for a barren, use- . - Gee en eee - eee upon these below dain, “less desert. COEonC Outten cel ad aaa Ain At the conclusion of some further re oo ay een j , aed marks, (daring which he said the wallows Miss ixxl gyn dite. he Ley slature of iv is A pou tis uppearance, the colored Wats a pr ftw thon ondkinwe Aen ia Mississippr has recently passed a law for eae ty SE STs Ss) Usa kill iy stpposed jie Would haveto weit? athe protecting and reparing the levee of the Meets Ws tenatlyaiis = O° throw hin over the el placed the witite cares figure Mis Issipept River from Vicksburg to the ohn Wen ve, One of the “ e BK aCe (eon tae tline Le at ue i SOS ei c . un Le Ae ae . oe a fitores Tie persons hpen the scaffold ; u ee i tax eta cle Tae c: Site. Hae Abreay GH cel aan Hey retired’ ta the back part, when the . e the Janda int « Cr ates cea | & Teed den pat [Reve Ali oiten asics \ivcraials yon Desoto, Funiea, Bolivar, Washington ane tio taite fare) et ofa es: [on ery in yronps of two and three, Feequena and the adjacent counties of From the Sp:ingfiel! Republican. | { preme Court of North Carolina, whose HUME—THE MEDIUM’S FIRST EXPERI MENTS IN AMERICA, Tis Boyhood aud Apprenticeship in Connecticut, Norwicu, Ct. Nov. 10, 1858. Your iuteresting article on Hume, the great Yaukee spiitual inedium, of European cele- Liity, Induces me to supply some particulars of his intioduction to the science, rehgion, or art, as dilteremt people uiay choose to call it, He was an apprentice ty Mr. Edward Worthington, merchant tailor, of this ety, during the years of 1849 and '60. Le was abut eighteen years of age, A rather tall, utsophistieated Scotch boy, with but little learning, a kiod Uispositien, au buro hair and blue eyes, whose peculiar appect anee--which will be recollected by those who bnew him well--revealed lis wonderful power as # medium, It was during the years above referred tu that quite abexcitement: prevailed mi our city ii re gard to the newly discovered seienee of pay cliy: logy. Pranukliu dhadl was tihtly crowded fora fon tine with audiences composed mostly ot those who tolluw au the wake of all the uew tsues of Ure day, aud it Was atone of those meet Wes the professor of the iysterous scenic: wigle @ looking up” subjeets anong hits auditory. first came across Lume. His ctleminate: nian wer and the poculianity of bis eye attracted the attention of the lecturer, and lie was requested lu step turward and be psycholowised. Thuis at frst hesitated, out ually consented, and trom the success which tollowed, his future course, as vie of the tnost wondertal incdiums of the age, comiuenced Ihe modes operands of puttiti a person into the Pordchological state was novel, and, as 1 ap peared Co the spectator, extremely madiculuus The sutgect was uiade to holdin dis rhe hava @shver Coll, set iu a Compusitign of pewter aud zine, Upon which be was lo keep lis eves tas tened tor about twenty minutes, “Phe operator Chen steps uf, grasps the thumb of one hand aud louks lim sharply in the eyes he squcezes (he wrist, elbow aud shoulder alternately -—-sud dewey passes lis land over the suid oof tas Gack Uektes upward) grips the ueck very bard; places bis tuuiib traily over the thas looks Bereely ta the eyes again; rubs the temples , syuecd s the forehead, pitesses bis thuinb be tween the eves at iitervals ) makes swift meu Gots with tos bands belore the tace > loses the eve lids, ated rubs them softly with lis thumbs, od dua few tmotments the subyectts au a poy hon oth Or destmerig stale, aud at the wil ul ihe | tale thas ordeal Hume pisses, and prov {a “aatue dt sul Nther thas hie atteuded the meeths regularly, as lous as thes cd to be What was thon Jock and an uneomtnon one, Welle cCoblintied, and entertained and astonished pbeseut with bis unaccountable teats wihitle Wu the trate state, Lie protessor was W. oD) thio, the present leader and the above alluded tu stheet of the Coutibental Voealists, aud to bin Way be ascribed the boner at Aenor itis, ot tis al meni the supertatucal vito this yet Winch teve tinde hin the bosom tr stud princesses, Pout the wiiter of 1850, the waiter w | Lab an even party ala private tose thas itt, to which Hume was iivited to de batsevera of the company tnicit ora twist wintel they had « Nptessed of withess . Plies pertormigices while in the psy ct meical state After he had become vise sibic, as it appeared, to all worldly ioatters, a Une, heavy batakercuiet Was Led over tis eyes so that it was diposstble tor tn to tease discus efed abeht, eveu tad be becn wide awake Noy era htwos of witte were brought forward, aud, yperator tasted each, Plume at the sane Wine, by iiotiun ot his Lips, appeared to be drink Pave the patie of each wine ace Unatels Aommouthind of vinewar, im the mouth of thre oy ebter, neariy stented: Hie, Se verat van ties of eat yes Were th Mo Uasted: with Ube scare yer experniments: tried che oy to jlece of paper that le wo »Coaitortia, bovis uj Ries, atid eonmmieneed bootte tesaneeds, as te abel death i" One } t aller arertler witty thie [teetonts atl tis tamihkereiiet was tlie r caretany. aid stowed away to bis bosom as sor relly as Atthe will of the opera folie wae Woe io the same rou —sh brrdson the wieg, abd rabbits on the ron, aul stowed ther away to the tuaionary qeoeue bay oder bis arin He aleo went Hebi tae tan per which would liawe caused to unedasiiess Whe sept bersou tsning atc made him promise te Wwotid ol go near tue water, for fear that fre misht be drowned Batatowill bee useless here to deserbe all the pottormainces witnessed that events satherent Isibtooey, that Signor Bitz or Protessor An dersou, Lae wiaered, tever entertained an ae ence with feats of magic abd meerummeney mer to there wonder and astouistinent, We dite thought thea that at would be but a tew vears taking the crowoed He tremble by bring bevore Huse would be oads of the ola) world nev stous of the past betore them, ever as Banque's ehost made lis murderer shake to tis boots, TR, G = Tlow a Boston Publisher Lithen in Mr. Fields, the Boston pub Isher, has a Wonderful memory, and lis wis not j knowledse oof English literature ts eo when a friend know where any particular pass Wishes te may ‘he found, he steers at once for the corner and consults the man who is very likely to vive the desired information. A pom pous Would-be wit not long ago, thinking. ty puzzle tin and make sport: fora company at dinner, informed them prior to Mr. Fos arrival that he had himself ithat morning written some poetry, and Mm tended to submit itto Mr. by as Southey's, aud inquire in which of his poems the fines ogcurred, At the proper moment, therefore, after the guests were seated, hie began, “Friend F., Lf have been a pood deal exercised of late trying to find in Southey’s Poems his well known lines, running thus—ean you tell us about what time he wrote them?!” “1 do not remem ber to have met with thear before,” re pled Mr. F., sand there were only two periods in Southey *s life when such lines could possibly have been written by him. “When were those 4” gleetully asked the witty questioner. Somewhere,” said Mr, BF. Sabout that early period of his exist tence when he was having the measles and cutting las first teeth; or, near the close of tis tite, when lis brain had soft ened and he had fallen dite idiocy. The veritication belongs to the measles period, but the expression clearly betrays the The tunny questioner stiiled avathibie that idioticone.” faintly, but the company roared, The Wanderer. This celebrated craft arrived dn our yesterday, in charge of the U.S. officers, and ts now waters lying oat in the stream. She isa beau tifml vessel, and ber tail masts and keen looking lull show that she would be hard to catch i a chase \o rumor was cur renton the Bay yesterday, and ly aany heheved, that fitty Afmedus of the recont Hnportaton, ha } been arrested on a plan tation ip the river, and taken in charge by the FOS Marshal. Surannah Rep ‘referred to a notorious fact, that, in Brit- wanes wore — a nn cs meme = ~ — : ——I THE AD VALOREM SYS'PEM. | THE LAW AND THI SLAVE TIADERS. We think it was Mr. Webster, who, As @ inere question of plulanthropy to the when it was first proposed to change the negro the persons who have recently brought « iff f . 1 1 cargo of Athicans from the coast of Guinea and tariff from specific to ad valorem dutics, lanled thems in Georgia, may have dunes benge . i tical work. Butaside from that iolated feature ish legislation, whenever extra revenne rine transaction, we canuot perceive « single anted, some particular article Wis Gycumstance to celieve the moral turpitude of always taxed higher. The fact is of it the erime, The Jaw of the country has been de- self enfflcient to blow up all the argue jhorately violated, aud an act of piracy commit- ments in favor of ad ealoren duties, a8 ted as sordid aud as wanton as ever disgraced affording a betterrevenne. The message the times of the buccancers, Why have gibber- ef the President, and the report of the ing negroes, litle more elevated in intelligence than sodnmany monkers, beeo brought from their native cud Lope nial wilds to be thrttst upon our col? Simply tor ther money value. It is not Tyo Pretended: that any can enure to this r Sceretary, this year, both recourmend ad ditional duties on tron, and avery heavy duty on silos Piis amounts tea contes sition of ad ralorene + wily srnnting Yet, Continent, its peapheer its institutions, except the “ioe pecunmay adeantage that may result from adarger supply of Labor. Tt eannut be denied tharany but moral ijary to society can come ot these inportitious, ‘Phe laws of the country hKnowledye that the ad eudureme systeit jay teen Uiehon, the pubhe sentiment of the las failed ¢ Whole couutey offended, piracy comuitted, and The Seeretary of the Treasury appears cat deiberately ineured, sol ly for sordid gain, to be dn a most unfortunate dled For the benetit of the pocket, the sanctity of the He sees that the Free Trade bubble hits how has been invaded. butronched securely be- explodedon hishands. The mation looks land the law, the South has successfully defend- stiona, bathe has none ed ber cousntutenal riychts against the assaults Ht blecding and hot water cau of ber ences for a quarter of a century s but How sore of her peor le are willing to tur upou fi that tel batter down that ditherto sacred and im- procghable rampart. Heretofore, the pride of the South bas been, that ber cause was the cause of the Constitution and the laws; but now some of her own people endeaver wantonly to abrogate and set aside those instruments. At last, among a division of counsels sion that the ony lies is tot the Way to raise revenue, Mr. Cobb thinks that uo daty ought te he laid for any other parpose, Why then hot comeout atone, ike am Lie aud ac to fii for st to vive. Wet renovate the patient, be knows tot to tell stimulants, havin What cam. Ttis in vain the sick inan witnts been depleted until he is in oan atrophy. He knows of but one process, and to that he sticks, with a pertinacity: worthy of better cause. da the cotmmnon aifairs o fag axsguiionies Whine hfe, When aman finds that, by pursaiis there are those between the wile and howestain willing to seek only what ts expedient and pro- thable atthe expense of what is tawtul and what ruptey, be alters that course, and tries the js honest. Hie the South turned dew? Is gain, Domo is the almighty deliar, to be henceforth the god acertaiu Goutse ih his business transi fons he bas come to the verze of bank opposite. Tt is net so with our cratic politichtns. They have seen the ot the Cavahert policy of Free Trade fairly tried three Tt scems to us that one of the most important several times, in the brief history of our quesdons ever presented: for the decision of the % Southern people is now befure them, in the case ‘They have seen it result, each ‘ of the pirated permens who have just succeeded COUT, time, ta diliiteble and anieasarable das Wo dandine aeareo of duiserable Atnieans on her ister, Comiumou sense Would port to the 7 nak tan feimiies ieee eel i coast, abd sold them for ioney in vielation of on ie remedy, a {ti hee the ; lh Bez ai \ leet te haw. Ths a question whether the public HOA, mut they seer Pescuutedy deter Ve : estat nitnent of the South wal permit the laws and inined net ty dy eo, untess the people wystoution ot the country to be violited with compel therm, putty, TCis a qaeston whether a local pre There mensin inthe face of taht. They ee ech roane ariel) olin wasn Uibas fave seen Chie protective polies aly tied. pn ge het in Poston an} Cineitnati, to overs and, they have aowave seen the countiy 4) We ltneeais teh tna lum s flourish under at They cannot pout te question wh 16, serdid wun or any sort of wbositiche crash os ras followed im the 4 tary adic dicey the Sou hb owith consent to tram of free trade Yet, With patriotisin pormittae Consituton her pathabam— to be purely Detmecrate, they Teck te thea toanpded bterot Wiatare atew frohten- pity Hive wl ji ter rain thar cia eh lat tans Vinieuns to the value of try, to placing tere own popularity da oy ay Head th tis ditegity, and reverenced, re jeopardy. Tt would not lo te contéss that “preted aud Se) SG) a AGT ple t they had all alone been ai tae wrote, . Wash vata Cneom, ana heat as Ly Ieper lies VUE MS WMS CUMRISHIAS ASSO- ea ee UIsHi0. Weoabe informed that the Crristian Associ scoured: the pets Young Men's ition of this town have ces ot five competent thy tebe trasted, ata wo \ Jook oat for new pulers Lic 6 emen fora series of lectures to be AE ABILIB ES. TUM: TS APACHE TE SUE 5 elon tis place daring the present ee cee (eeer New Viokjos \Wivetes The ac nen who have con- per gives a lang pecount petra, thea thas ntob lo perforin tis gratuitous service, spec api the handy ot Dersaie Donates aie every way competent for the task, wndto whieh the Aineriean brane of tis ds Gere gen of acknowledged ability and seetlints take the prineipa tur p Weems learning, and Whose tices as well as names that Prince Nepoteous the sen otond dened a a ee ENC vatre quite familiar tas second amannase, Is dbtenseny gous at des , Wav lie | he fie lecture will take place on or about January 6th. and t speaker on be Rev. do L. Girard- After tii will fol- Hien ot our citizetes Ammentean nephew. yout Foliar Ne, 1S Maparte, whois now a Captan in the brent Tarps rid yvtth tronol the | eothe ban Chaar that occasion will Peron was Hiduced te ap pocnt a cOnitiisston ta ex The eax of Charleston, tmoe inte the decatiunacy of the Aimeneans cetimitiies appeiuted consist of eahrec noms low atregilar ontervals therzh perhaps Is, bishops. gqudwes, de athimen of the boghest betaine The exiet order that s here place SANE TNS tug Phecsmenc wad estow Tictiy [lt VW Dak, beg, tor C. Bar- vat old dereine was tamed te Moss Tet eon ritaer, Req. Hon AL W. Venable, and ttre by aga of eat eCornell Leaw 1a Deetrs of this place. THeCLHLHe AMAuninees Was diecclvid tis Naud Dive ediission tee wail be Jo cents, and onl Lise church declared the martian va the procecds to be devoted towards de- wed the frst Reap eter aay Was rv fhovine the exnensescfthe Lectrers, and RS the Hiss beanies AUCH SLATE SEUSS time Yeotttin Vivi Caitstin ascciations Pipetalss net In PCR ESS aaithaninie (ike aay is, it is te de- t las consent Here was a direct couther be : i ed towards e purchasing of a Libra- tween € hured PS the reizrous atid the , loa | ar EEN ieee ry fer the use of tac Assocition.— Wiad- Pe \ a ms 5 jbatidar : tie fasled todee od Titer ion linear winna, Cuee tact nobetween Pinner Napoleon and Captain +7: Meats Te & ee eee ee DE VITOR GEN GADSDEN, Chine aethul dard FEO Eke Hperor, but uw 1 aver Ve ti Hoppers of {ve i z me reotiyureall Gu tint Mtvse SS ay | ‘ per etevening brought t it i) , the mournful weet the death of Gea, James vase sof State tf i vr tl freet aN Bie a fe wth - fe aie inaancn m the sturdy patriot of reno of Pitniieres and ties ‘ : i tie wd tion, Gen. Chinstepher Gadsden, he sen, Captan ts n Init y atte eae : ; possessor, dian emine? ab cree, the noble: traits extended over ay ots ehiey hss f . ; Ulrinicts : ere prominentto the - ho interview with Kanperor, and their com i ae Sees frm EL UE i IP | \ sorsterl unat bow South Carolinians have ratte at iote Wilby thie catis Betsy Was pietiitedd t Ps ‘ ; ‘ ; ‘ ere t : p | wlotned the charseter of the State, at lome and wfortinalateniews with the Princes Devons : fh clive 1 Nin Vive t _ ) abroad, more conspicnously than our lamented othe neess Mithibte & Captan is ab Xe ut : : : ee Bi ! f Oy rads dtvallithimypaetions of lane ot trust and sentnow on x months’ furlough in the Unite ee = ; 1 i , - mT Woervaice which be held. he brought to their dis- tes—diis father havi e preceeded biny hot : Nee tive qualines of head and heart which made anne oils, The (Ronis Gay equ al ae | Phe wa carn oleic i tie emt bespeeted by all As a friend. he was trues Prance, ate en oof standing openly espe S “a - ‘ ‘ Cine ay care, : a u Hronty 27 4 tan just at Lilevalioall his deatungs ; and Cause of bis tamiiy aarmst his relatives ou F asa tuetiber of scoety, his effort was always to abvance the repotation of his State, and add to her Ata late hour, we can only alinde to tin loss as that of a Ltul abd devoted son of South Carolina, Columbia Carvlinian, Dee. 28. Afisorms« —We stepped on board the St. Nicholas, yesterday, and took a wlaupse at the Atricans—the genuine onal Congo nesrocs, which came here wy well noomatter by what route Thir- tyeeight of them were on board, bound for New Orleans. Many of them seem throne of their master, hke so many camme ane sprightly and outelligent, and will un- inals, who only sperk with eyes which look be doubtedly make fine plantation hands. seechingly fora bone, and tuls which wag ther They are mostly of the Congo tribe, we uwratitude, bat who dare only give Congue when beleve. A larze number of onr citizens visited them, and satisticd the curiosity that has lone been entertained to see the real Atrican. These negroes are suppos- ed to have been here in’ the as yelp till their master gives the word WW = \C Ie veloc Al nentiaer are glad that he bas thrown them the Monroe BLEUE IAA cee . doctrine to worry, and that they are permitted to reheve the pent up gallof ther hearts by baying AU the hourtshiment they can derive fiom the Monroe depends upon himself to he a hetding man in the country tn spite of the Palais Royal and its in eet yposition in the confedersey, uences. THE FRESCH (iiss ASU THE MONTKOR & boc Phan BF. (The French prose whieh as not allowed to say Wh about Moutsbembert, is tn a blaze upon uy thing the Mouroe doctrine, the Monroe doctrine. canoes of Frenel journalisi a chance to relieve Dis is one good effect of touives the pent vol Tt us ye pentoup sy ie themselves, [tas a benedietion, this Monroe doc mee rn ; : ; trine, to the deat aad dunb of Pans, giving therm they were bronghit, they were here, cars to hear and tongues to speak. Una dismal circle sit tthe uobappy editors of Paris around the the mpernal buntenan harks them on their prey No matter what crimes ocear in their presence, what cuffs, lashes, or warnings” they them selves receive, the poor hounds dare not so muct earl abaerer Milancholy Ov An accident ofa lamentable nature happened in’ Gas- ton county on the 4thinst. On that oy doctrine they are welcome toc and af the sts ype Woy! Tf. overseer tor Mr. Wao. cease to shine beeause of their barking, i will be ‘i . 2 Prenee it the distant stars of our constellagon, Stowe, staricd to a concert meeting at New Hope Church, and while on the rowd bis horse ran off with him and threw lin against a tree, fracturing his skull and causing death ina short time. Mr. animals, who never permit robbery, burcbury ard [hi] was about 30 vears old, and sustain- inrder in ther own dwelling without at ieast a cd a first rate character in his ueighbor- Charlotte Democrat. more than the deep monthed bail dow over the channel, of whom) their amaster stands in such: wholesome dicad, was ever able to accorplish We owe iy of ours, of bigh and low degree, for likening apology, however, to the whole tam Femmoustiitice to Ulery itess Clltisco lity (akemiroads on silently whilst a nation is plundered of b erties, andl flies into a rage at distant paciic aa | -feichmond Dispatch pment gio by the name of Dick Martin was kill- ineoallny mega We Jearn that a free ne- >. Viited States @1 tn the southwestern part of Gaston mincelicaiieq@rallcol li tenmtrcnut tian: UU Og or ALOLIS Et sane them Yon : ' - viile U. States, including lars, for the fiseal : > The annual report of the ) Newton Floyd. Tt appears that Martin, the de- cease 1, wave amen who was in company 3 with Fiovd a dri of liquor, but did not commage for the same po ried amounted to Gor any te Floyd, wherenpon he jumped RNL55.287 77 Pie from his horse and plunged a knife into the breastof the negro, killing him im mediately. Floyd las been arrested and is nowin dail — Charlotte Demoerat. Road, by aia named year ending June 80, 1858, to have a inonnted to &52,SS0.s00 59, Poe silver nomber of was $235 400,000 The the silver cents comed director recommends that com oof the United States be made loyal tender to the amount of fifty or one hundred dollars in one Jot. As itis at present, the Banks Goorge Fo Wer a journeyman printer, died in object to receiving them io amounts over; Honhos, Georgi en the “iat immiant, of typhord tive dollars at a tine fever He wae nacive of Columbia, &. ¢ ad fo n e te l l s na a m e r e e e a e Til Bune ofc of t eve! rea rect pur ken will new pre cull ten tiny the bay con tha este an tio offi tat the ag) try of tia Oe or f e k kr ee a ee . a. ae a ga i ae ae at . a nn a ei s we ” ' e ba g. —_ - aaa a - SN xd From the Richmond Whig. willing alliance with the repablican par-| : | Tue Aruxns Factoay.—This building is now com. | SUPREME COURT. BP ~evator Hunter is already annownecd as PHYSICIANS USE THE wit D ae THE LATE POLIIICAL CONSULTA- TION IN WASHINGTON. Wasninuton, Dee. 19th, 1858. Editors of the Whig: Gentlemen,-—You have doubtless seen sundry newspaper accounts of a mecting of conservative gentlemen, fro all parts of the Union, held in this city, on the evening of the 15th inst., aud as your readers would probably desire to be cor rectly informed as to the character and purpos ken pains to ascertain its real objects, and of that assemblage, DP have ta will now proceed to state them. The professional news:mongers of the Metrop presented that it was amecting of the pe coliar friends of Mr. Crittenden, and in tended to advance the clains of that dis letter-writers and is have re tinguished gentleman to a nomination tor the Presidency. But, | anauthorized to say, such was not the fact. “The objects contemplated were fur higher aud nobler than the promotion of the political inter ests of any particular individual. Lt was an assemblage of gentlemen from all sec- tions of the country, both in and out of office, for the purpose of mutual consul tation and comparison of opinion, as to the practicability of allaying antislavery agitation, restoring lariueny to the coun try, and arresting the obvious tendeney of asectional contest in the next Presi dential election. A number of Senators and members of Congress were present, besides distin guished gentlemen who held no official position. Thirteen States were represent ed, and letters were there, trom leading: gentlemen, in halfadezen other States, expressing a cordial concurrence in the objects of the meeting. It cannot be dis the two po essen taised that tas great parties which tow ¢ outrol the litical destinies of the countiy are tially secfévnad. ‘bhey seem to hi of the eat national were Bizlit oi the Union, and ail their contests aie restrict Democratic ed to the slavery issue. Ti! party is nothing more, at tes state a Southern sectional party fis |} alin Ail ite for Cheatt idea is slavery propagandi-us. policy is shaped with reference end. Uence we have seen ityin violation of its avowed principle of non it the terven tion, constantly calling on federal governinent to intervene actively, for the enlargement of the area of slavery 5 for getting that the same process ¢ f reason ing which would cs ishovs right ted terpose tu crt nd, would justify tsa vention to reatrert, the prozress of ry. need only reter to the effort by the Exec Tu iMustration of this pro, vsitien, I utive and Congress, to force the pros very Lecompton Const tution upon a re Juctant people. OF a kindred: character are seize Sonora and Clilimatua, doubtless to the Exccutive recommendation te make them slave States. “The same mas be suid of the hint from the President that it inay be necessary to bring the principles of the Ostend on the Island of Cuba in certain quarters, to open the African slave trade, and te bring Nicarayua un- der fillibuster influence. As for the antagonist party at North, it is avowediy a ox tronal, slavery party. Its cardinal de : slavery restriction, To this end, it pire claims that there shall be no more slave States, and some of its leaders have an nounced the startling doctrine, ig an irrecoucilabie antay est, and an irrepressible feel of lostil ity between the Northern and Southern systems of labor, and that a war musten sue between them which can only be tei mipated one or the other; and that in the end, the wheat aud rye tields of New York aud Massachusetts must be cultivated by slave Jaber, or the cotton and rice fields of the Carolinas and Georgia must be worked by free labor. Thus it seems that each eeetion has its arty, but the cowtry has no party.— These two sectional parties have been or ganizing their forces tor the great stray gle of 1860. AML the important industri al interests of the nation have been ney lected or forgotten, and the two houses of Congress have lite ampitheatres, for the gli of the champions of factions. Men of national and conservative sen- timents see and feel, thatif this condition of things shall continue much longer, the days of the Union wiil be numbered. They see that the country is about to be precipitated ona sectional issue of the most exacting and alarming character. They see that the gloomy torebodings of the Father of lis country —who warned his countrymen against the dangers lise ly to arise from parties orgauized with reference to geographical lines—are like ly tobe fulfilled. “They see that although Inanvesto tu bear and of the otforts, the ante Mieke ods there tisth oof tater by the decided ascendancy ot been converted hatorial coitests by possibility, the Union might survive | one such contest, it certainly could pot out-live a second, The only which the Union can safely rest is the recognized equality of the States. Des troy that and the glorious structure will at once fall into ruins. Destroy the sen timent of fraternity and eqnality, aud you rend every tie that binds the contedera ted States together. Let one section un derstand that it is ostracised —that it is to be denied its just participatoa in the administration of the government, you drive it at once into revolution The Whig and American parties an powerless to arrest these fearful tenden cies. basis on and They have both almost surrender ed the contest in despair. They hays been crushed by the larger sectional or ganization, as Hetween the Upper nether millstones, They have been suf fering a gradual but progressive disinte Vs wae thy gration, and the great danger is, that they | will be yradually absorbed by the section al partes—the outhern “Whigs and Americans being constrained by the force of circumstances reluctantly toco operate with the party of their section their brethren of the North will, by simi lar outside pressure, be foreed into un whilst ty. Itistrue in the political, as in the physical world, that the larger bodies at tract, and, as it were, absorb the simaller. Considerations lke these have induced thougbhttal, wational and patriotic men, from all quarters, to mneet together in in formal council, at the national metropo lis. ‘They claimed no representauive | character. They assumed to act for no- \ but themselves. ‘They sought, by tree Conversation, to acquire ata iaapart Information, as to the toce of public feel inp in the different qaarters of the coun: desived to ascertain try. ‘They anxtousty whether the calamities, above pointed at might not be averted by the timely ape oy t r Ars 7 peals and vaction of those whe syiipathitse | ( WAN ROLI N A \W A | ( HM A \ . with neither of the sectiogal ori zations, and whether there was not a large urass national SAUVEMNIE OTR NG A, © of sound, North and South, who could be recalled, conservative, mien, and rallied beneath the stars aud oftipes! TUESDAY EVENING, WAND 4). J8a8 of the Union. ‘ : . as the fClitue cot tlie cae : a: such men was the meetin of the RESP WAT Tine al soit ieee en tun nl Poth dustant Composed, and sacl Were our patrons expires with the year Ps58. ane ducny the objects of its assemblage, ithe month of January. We trast our laters lave Lai eratified te dito you, that the been sttsfietory 15 theny wand (at i walle thet: results of the conference were eminently Et fae a ne Csi i“ : uy x ij ou Set us meu neemes toenter - ne addresses were inade Poe tiost feater othe favor to ash tl neighbors to take at? val and conciliatory spurt wats toanitest deubt neta title eflort on the pact of eae hoof our cd. The tost satisfactory aestrancers, as ; wt a a) really inereace our list tothe coudition of public opinion, North Qe SLE LOE UY A 2 (nents we have platiou Please Gey vn South, were viven, and entire confi dence Warn expressed, tin tie practicabily | Our Raliigh Correspondent.—We have had ty of uniting all the rervative Clements nothing from our Raleigh correspendent for two oP opposition, to the pres ont ¢ nfeehled and s doubt Aduituisthation, eu weeks The : less following the example distracted in the contest of 1SG0, ‘The name of no standard bearer was) even susvested > bat Td learn that all tle .—. ne i i road's oe = x ave ventiomen from the Nertiiexpres:ed their] Iiluckiwood’s | Magazine. —We Wave } wood for December, of the members of the Legislature -spending the holidavs with his friends. Black decided conviction, that, as the party te IUis always a welcome vis be ousted was the Southorn scetional par | tor oes 1¢ ‘ fact e Cte: oO Hee his ‘ . . . ; ne ty, the candidate selected: to aecormpl oth MORE DEMOCRATIC. INCONSISTENCY tuat ereat and benetierent work should ; : , Ca coniinoin tic csuutin [ieeseerd ate Phere is hardiv a school bow ten vears old who has not heard of that great lobby. of the North I Fie omeeertain litth: David a. Reed haroed Upon it, they saw they would yive apee to the South, tha iwostrot assure they were bot war trolina Democracy Sutrage > and tow on Southern ations, bat is OTE seeking to restore tht equilioriii of the cad portrayed im vivid colors the ijastce dove fovevmment. Tt was econ ata elareeo asthe dads man iM not na him vote for ' re ) . \nenn , Hit the candidate were tiken from the Sater Albths Sanpathy foe the poor man North, it would be diipossitte te divest . Democrats when they were Miew, and j sited by the ently scetional iis 1 hoe Contest of an ay Karts AF hee clected by Northern votes alone. but “es = J Lewistature, all there sympathy and love for the ) ow they are ces reobjeet is, net te have a cand to beth branches of the by the sutfrages of the people of both sec do down With an acceptable Southern can ar people has wonderfucdy cools lete, itis believed we can carry States, and thus in some | A few days ago, a motion was tade, and a iveoor six Southern Will introduces into the Leyisiature to amend dhe tour new President inte oftie 1 ‘ *uiah Constitution of the State, so as to permit Jers to renresentative of the National Uiton sen i ; hold offices of trust and) profit. Said) bill was Hoert, whieh. in spite ef the present an . \ ferred tothe Judhietary Coumnittee, snd a report favoralde appearances, is known fo poss ces wt atrate hollan the papular heart, ve usde ta due tame comdemping in strong ‘Vine oem wif Che (1 Tt ti nos, atid in hanguewe becoytin a liberal aud sake of the Union, will be the battle crv.) mbebtened community the olgectonable artiol All feel that the Union of the States js But to cap the climax, that newly fedaed: Dem an object dear to the atfeetions of every erat, Joms Kai. chairman of the © ve patriot, AIL feel, that ainid the diy of oouelades the teport with al recomu on contondir factions, it sof date b ; in dine fc a it has of late been ii the Constitution rawuin as if is; that toto omtiof view Se es dite mranloath Sina) Capeiineesedny in (ee ssrties Parties are the off] f pullie sen u Fc nay ages ova Peete Lowith their government Phey usk for no | ‘ “f | a nt t s eathie Ne public men, but their creators Now and clapge, audat is neither a Ww then a creat miteter spirit may arise, Who produce wtent, when peace can tnould and guede puble opinion, and prevail.” stamp upenitthe iapress of lis character We ashoin all candor and honesty, were the . 1 1 i of 100, these pubbe men are the mn Gpmcnidveos of ie jetties a alate the democratic (akers cd the: Free Sat dlty quid frantic tht) , athe fraze humbus ? We heard uo com; taint, and FOTlOl See wellinieemnuce noone cle, we think; and undhit was caported, Depend npon it the stns of the times ava David S. Reid) instructed bew to pro all indicate an up leas nyof puinic opin cee Tall supposed our government: was good jon Similar to that ef PR40. The waters en: Was it then “weve and petreotie to have been moved —at of the White Tlonse w Pthe next occupant produc content when peace atl lapprtess be floated into ; revailed ita } opmos fe Git Ges onos ; tan stot al MOStecrust PR Dut, in the present: instance, we suppose, the timent of the Amernean poopie, Finite cating Uline Rintre x. env denmcaeai Being satistied that there ts a eommon numbers. at lower n wr tie ws ground on which all servative men AUER Le lenanenitscTScO note! can stand, the work of conciliation w Aiaroreletity Say tli CANCET cll tisebetar., (Ube aril wo bravely on A mere TUT@rous HO racy is tisincete stra Heousiatent, and on forint ilect ne will, in proper time, He ty when dts necessary to wet rite office do thes held, to give full and authoritative ex sow t Jove for the poor and oppressed pression to the prove ipole sof the new or Then, it accommodates itself to all anzation, and to invite all) who love We wish the people to note ton of the , ' », erats he Legislature —he | e Micin Conmtey ananeetinmeliicy ts ptr ivent ! Mocrats in Uh Pewistatur how they lias c dotyed the question, after admitting that this unite to arrest the torrent of sectional ex probibitery cl try ny one Ww arelhe of an Ske Tf se faithful democratic guard: mrergt Inia citement, and to avert the dangers of a No considera tions of a mere personal character will histurh the harmony of and intederat this Ideny, tans should lave which merely sectional contest, emoved the blot from the or be permitted to the party. It will be time enongh a vear orimore hence, to survey the whole field, ganic law of our State If the amendinent of the Constitution ro this respect had been essential c to the success of the party, ne tine would have and select the men who shall, in Siew of been lost to impress upon the Joes as well as all the surrounding cirenmestances, he best fitted to become the standard bearers of the great “party of the The signs of the times are all auspicious, The Democratic party is disorzanized and de tmoralised. [tis torn by faction. There is neither vigor nor unitv in the Exeea and aspirit of disatfee tion and revolt pervades beth honses of (ane Now, then, hy decisive, enerrenice action, Gentiles that they are the most hheral set of fe lows under the sun. W what they Chink of modern democracy now ! VAY E110 SUES. We experience no little disappoint- ask our Jewish friends Union.” 1 2: IB, ment in view of the present condition of tive department the streets, after having entertained the belief that the work done on them daring the last was of s the tine for A lone wress, sumaner aud fall, a far pull-=a strove pull sand a poll atrogeth. more pe romiment character than that of ie £ er is all that is necessary to ensure a glo. previews years. The fact is, itis appa rious vietorv. Tlang then, the banner on the outer wall, with the thrilling senti its ample folds, ‘Liberty and Union now and forever one UNION, rent to every observer, that the ordinary M Adaimising cannot stand the wear and ment emblazoned on tear to which our streets are subjected and insepable My doring such weather as we have had for the last few weeks; and we bad better D. K. McRae, Esq. has been elected atonce, come to the point of paving with to deliver the annnal oration before the two Literary Societies of the University, at the next commencement. The Dialee tic Society, upen which the duty of electing devolved, could not have chosen ‘a more talented son or more graceful speaker, We understand that the President and ‘at least two his enbinet, Messrs. Brown and ‘Thompson, Atami of the University, have promised to at tend, and their presence added to the rich ‘literary feast that may be expected in the Mr. MeRae, will doubtless draw the largest crowd ever collected at ) Chapel Hill VY. C. @Preshyterian. solid stone, and have done with it. It is not necessary to dwell upon the great annoyance and hindrance from mud and water encountered by man and beast In every attempt to pass any of our streets, nor upon the diszusting spectacle they present to the eyé. We all see and feel We have been turnpiking and MoAdamising we know net how many members of the evil. years, and shall we sul continue itagainst our sad experience in the past? Year af- oration of ter year thousands of dollars are expend- ed in this way, and yet we are always forced to aduit that the expenditure was fruitless. Experience is a dear school, Fehon fie qeleertaeie , ' qt will We aa te a eto that and we think our town has paid enough the Bank of Charlotte has declared for its teachings If we ever subdue the emiannual dividend of tour per cent ‘Tearn that the affairs od condition ; in facet they have nes ne ee ak are red clay and mud in our streets, it must be done by paring with stone. er been otherwise, notwithstanding the false reports circulated by brokers im cer Mr. MoV. Pegram,a very competent gentleman, has recently been elected Cashier of the Institution. Charlotte Democrat 2 7 0n Kridav last, the slive, Prank, expiated ae t tain q ters. Tisidaie on (le gallows: — llterge was, ascry 8 talon suel) occasions, a large concourse of peo ple assembled, bat nothing, we believe, occurred tornterrupt the crhabi ton Frank appeared to he very penitent, and de | Wann Aericane — The arrival clared, under the gallows, that he was pr: pared Ly pleted, und & portion of the Ynweltuery iu operation ; the remainder will be ruaning by the first of January Througt the esergy and enterprise of Dr. J.-S. Lin- ton, the indomitable agent of the company, the build ing was cotppleied and some of the machinery gotg in w few days over twelve month» from the day the foriner building was consumed by fire What is etill better, the old cone bad paid the original invest- ment, back to the stockholders, aud there was a suf- ficient surplas to r build and bay machiwery. If any man rays aflet this southern wanufaetories do not pay, itis becuuse they bave not such managers as Dr Tinton. Ble is a ‘Southern Rights” wan of the right stripe; he uses the right weapons in fighting the North, wainely: the developer tof Southera re noutces and establishing South Manufactornes.— This Tribunal cominenced its session in this city, ou Thursday last. Judge Ruffin appeared and qualified as one of the Judges. The Court theo proceeded to elect. a Chief Justice, when Judge Richmond M. Pearson was elected to till that honorable position. The applicants for license to practice in the County Courts of the State, of whom there were twenty-five, were then examined, when ri to the following, four of the applicants being rejected : James L. Ball, Elizabeth City, N.C. licenses were granted One euch man is worth more to the Sourb than a re yiinent of gasey poliicians who eit wbuut the corners hofthe street and bar-rooims and talk about disselu- L. J). Starke, “ we tion, coffins, regiments, war and blood shed ty ‘, . SI | Frank Vaughan, “ - Jessee Wilson, Hertford, Perquimans. Nat Allen, Warren. C.F. Lyon, Hertford. Geo. W. Blount, Nash. Ed. Sanders Parker, Johnston, Thos. S. Kenan, Duplin. Lewis W. Howard, New Hanover. \ Aflen Bo Parker, Harnett | : : united support of the people of North H.C. Jones, jr., Rowan, nl peel Sam. M. Brinson, Newbern. ' : huey Me " Dey is tig et James Balla, Ashboro’, Randolph. all who wish to see the South become a fe dk, Shkelleanp, iio Vhoe. N. Thill, Halifax | George Gregory, Greensboro’, John Ralston, Missouri lees Spruill, Warrenton, N.C. (OW, Sisal, ce o3 N.S. Patterson, Franklin. Raleigh Register. These are our eentiments exactly, and such examples of enterprize and indus. try are worth more than all the theories | and long-winded speeches of hairsplitting ; We, such establishments in Southern fire-caters in’ the Jand. too, liawe some this State, which are deserving of the Carolina. producer, and thereby Gud porlent, to stand by all such manufacturing estab libhments, When we learn to practe nore thoroughly the doctrine we so lustily preach, the South will become really yreatand dndependcnt, and wot before. Among the manutactories we may here | Sets THE LEGISLATURE, Under this heading, the Raleigh Reg inention are the Yadkin Manufacturing | Company, whose products are really sub-| stantial and beautiful, and would adorn a Also, the Rock Island and Salem Woolen Manufactories, besides a large : vister of the Ist instant, has the following : prince. | : . . . No business has been done in. either \ cog ' j House of the General Assembly since nuinber of others ; all owned by enterpriz ) Thursday last. The Speakers— Messrs. ing and liberal citizens, who ought to com ee and Settle—have regularly gone | | “through the gnotions’” of calling their mand the approbation and support of ev hodies to order, bat with no other result We are no! hot, under any than to count the members betore them Jand adjourn, ‘The former gentleman had fin his dignitied body only two attendants [tis not probable that there jwill be anything ike a working assem Ou Saturday the Hall Ellis ery troc-hearted Southerner. secuonalist, and would consideration, sav refuse to buy anything Lecause itismade North, but our SSA ci one day. Is to itupress upon the public the impor | noble tance of encouraging all suc en | blage before Monday. two Tfouses meet in the Commons Jto inaugurate the Hon. Jolu W, ; jinto the Gubernatorial Chair. For a cee | LATER FROM MEXICO. fer tothe Agricultural Establishment of] N O D 6 | Boyden & Son, Aldrich’s Car Shop and dee WENT AAR LE “ ~ tye D Sal Blind The Tennessee has arrived at New Or- | ie Dvor, Sash ASL leans with dates from Wera Craz to 221 Murdoch, Darby & Co., besides others i hactent ' tne surrounding Coubtry. | } terprises undertaken to our midst pret; and then, if we have any thing to patron ze others with, we can Co so, exaimple, ia our midst, we need only re | and Factory ot The Progresso party approves of Presi Mill here, idle} There is also a Cotton tent Buchanan's message in the highest which we would like to see in operation; | fers. | rnd if it will not pay to spin and weave, | Zaloasa ia still in Mexico ready to fly. ri - ' | The Archbishop refuses to advance any we respectfully suggest to some of our] ey ene - capitalists, whether it would not pay te! Marquez has been defeated near Gau- turn itinto a Aloureng Mill, jdalajara. It is romered that Zaloaga has offered , to place Mexico under Enclish protection. ts] pe) . Mlorren is going to England to arrange usual with us, Was a heisy Jay) and ou 2 eT) he first day of the new year, ¢ alters. Echeagargry has defeated Camano. | night, with negroes. On this day, ser-| General Alatriste has defeated Zaloaga’s ited torees before Puebla. quently sales of large lots of negroes are | streets were thronged from morning wntid| /Vante ure out, and not untre | The Spanish briz-of-war San Nichatas ces : sat Tampico, A bottle was found at sea | appointed for the Ist January 5 so that,! Pf Coatzacosleos river, enclosing a paper! from these causes New Year's day is al) stating that the Spanish frigate Quallalu The Spaniel force ways the most important to the negroes | que was tostat Lobos. jis preparing to attack Vera Cruz. of all the days of the year. j c<se - | FROM WASHINGTON. | | below the prices paid the last two or three | Wasincron, Dee. 26. We learn that the rates of hire range years 5 and this, too, against the fact that negroes are scllong at least 25 per cent.) Tt is believed | par that the Liberal yin Mexico, who are now endeavor- | yobtain the recounition of the Juarez |Government from the United States, will enter into a treaty for the establishment here er than one year ago, Ing “2: R4 A NSplindid Bading.-—The new Store erected by Dr. CAL Hi xprrsos, is now | of military posts in Chilalua and Sonora, sutticientiv near completion for use, and} The friends of the Hon. John Forsyth in passing that corner yesterday morning, | ~4Y that he has no intention of resigning . 4 | its position as Minister to Mexico, Glowing accounts are received of the ‘ we found the Doctor engaged in remov | Medicines, Gen} We beautiful ing his Stock of Drugs, ‘ overy of gold and silver mines on the to the shelves of his new building. Gila River. These rich mines are report: venture to say it is the most ed to be landreds Diuy Store in the State. bes The Doctor has just formed a copart-| P10) ed on them, nership with Mr. Joun Exniss, of Vir | Mr. iment’ valuable experience in the Drag SOUTHERN PACIFIC. RAILROAD CONN TEN TON: New Orvrans, Dee. 25. brings to the Establish trade, and weneral basiness talents. Quar| citizens welcome him, and all such, to our The Railroad Convention adjourned to- | jday. She deliberations were closed in, [high spirits, the only obstacle in the way | | being the consent of Texas to a relinquish: | pment of the suit fora forfeiture of charter. | growing town, jan Vessel Boarded by the \ British War Steamer Ajar. American be held at Marshall, Texas, on the 13th it yesterday morning, from Port) January, Rostos, Dee. 29. rived at this Prava, She ports that on the 27th of Oeto ber last, she was ordered to heave to, and after) | —The brig Anglo Saxon ar re IDM IE ID & After inquire} Tn Rowan county, N. ©., December 23rd, 1658, and) Wes SOPHEA, consort of Joho C, Miller, Bag. aged 47 years, 3 months and 5 days having « so, was boarded by au officer Ht Ter Majesty's war steamer Ajax name of the from randedh so he subject of The British official then proceeded to hepoptne ELL ing the vessel, where whither bound, her papers were der this notice was a consistent mem- shown. L. Chareh, and in her death, the church | examine the papers at his te isuregand the Anglo has lost a valuable member. But it ow her eternal Saxon was detained one hour and a half, await The | vapers were tt anded te Bas in of the | papers were then handed to the iptain of the leo Sie leuccaimhualiaud wid savenichildrentemourn Anglo Saxon and she proceeded on her voyage. her departure. Yet they | gam | Mother Miller was an affectionate wife and a kind inother | ing the action of the Baush fanetionary, 3 also kind to the servants 5 mourn not as those who i Phe Collector of this Port will procure the ne- | have no hope. She on one occasion observed toa member of the fam- iv. That she wonld soon go and dwell with Jesus.” The night ere her death, she prayed much formen, jespecially for her enemies, to meet her in Heaven ssary athdavits in connection with this outrage, | and forward them to the proper department at Washington without delay. | eee yop 2, . oye : rn ps | daughter, and all except: two small sons, are profes- Sailing of Another Filibuster Exped: Atads tana tion Irom Wow Orleans. New Orteans, Dee. 28.- ing schooner, supposed to have a party of fil NeAP Cad liinaineialeannaven The Mr. DAVID MceMACKINS, aged revenue cutter pursued ber and fired a blank, 71 years and 3 daye sordof religion and members of the | the sons is preparing for the office of the munistry es A suspicious look: | ‘The Banner will copy busters on board, went to sea yesterday, cember, PRS, Sand subsequently a shot gun, but the schooner | kept in shoal water and escaped. It is reported | MARRIED : Wing Ro Fratey, Eaq, Mr. Mises ELIZABETH A that Collector Hbach is collecting a large force, | On the 29th ult. by WENRY CC. OWEN ;CLODFELTER and bas chartered a steamer, with the titention ' of preventing filibustenng expedituns to Nica mm ieee | On the 30th ott, by Win Ro Fraley, Esq. Mr THOMAS F DAVIDSON, of Buncombe Co., and . A Mise MARGARE DP TOPREXLER From Nicaragua. New York, ec, 29.—The latest advices from Office Western N.C. Rai} Road. Wanted IMMEDIATELY, JOS Puke WESTERN N.C RAIL ROAD, 50 NEGRO WEN to rand reporsof and Road, Apply acthis off TA WHS GRUNER, Jim. Ad, 1x59 Nicaragua report that Yrissari tas been recalle: Pwo more British ships of war have arrived at Crrey town The Nicaraguan government was ini fear that five hundred filbusters were coming be empleved on tie constme sbury and between down in the steamer Hernnann ttn Newton Eng and sup't COUNTY COURT Jwtt ounty Court was in seasion this week Salisbury Forsvth ¢ \ . As usual, there is nothing of importance to chro Exchange and Collection Office. nicle SU EIEN ETOH), A The cases of Wm. Bowles for cutting or stab RMIMTKEARED TOECY ANDISEIIENE Among the surviving children are six sone and one | the 2th De- the prouineot Administration candidate for the Charlestion nomination. It is even positively stated Chat the President himself has declared Mi Hunter wy be the ouly man worthy to suc- ceed taint If that is the only recommendation Mr, Hun- ter bas of bein the only man worthy to suceced Mr. Bachanan, he would be better without than with at, fortwo b worthy as Ae is wortliy, is tan tamount to saying that he is unworthy, for be has been s weeded in the balance and found Justice, holding in her hand the of L850. will exhibit to. the world the esthaite in hh Democracy is held | by the poople ot the United Stats, for that scale destined to hiek the Wien Presidents select their successors. itis time te the people to let be known that thoy have ave The poopte will scicet: the wish to them, Th Lamiselt. — Wadesbors wanting!” presidential sods wi 1 bean! lection, they heed not trouble SPARTA ACADEM LOTTERY. ove Capital Prize $50,000!! TG EUSEON LY SIONS DOIN rule over NODC) OFLET E: As the mero Chase, become the owner ol the grants chartered by the States of Del Kentucky, Missourt, and part of those in Georgia, under the management of PUBLIC rs of oar firm have, by way of pur- iware, Messrs. Gregory & Maury, of Wiliniogton, Delaware, | we have decined it expedrent to change the name of our finn, on and afies Sanmary Pst, bsO9, to that of WOOD, EDDY & CO, who willhereatior have th nao wentot the Sparta Academy Lowery, wud the ers, as above war To all trausactious we have endeavored to conduct our busiuess with tite g ty and promptness, and we can assure the pubre that the patrouage heretofore beatowed on os is well deserviug of being trausterred tu our successors. Very reepretfully, S. SWAN & CO. Augusta, Georgia, Dec. 15, 1xS* WOOD, EDDY & €0., MAMIGERS, Successors to S. Swan & Co. The following Scheme will be drawn py Woon, Eppy & Co., Managers of the Sparta Academy Lot- tery, in each of ther Singie Number ¢ -at Augusta, Geo, Lotienes for January, 1s. in pubic, under the superiutendence of Commissioners Uy 1 Draws Saturday, January 1 1859. oe ) Draws Saturday, January @ 159. ere Draws Satarday, January 15, D859. Chiss 4 Draws Saturday, January 22. 1899 Class 5 Draws Saturday, January 2Y, 1Soy o ON THE PLAN OF SINGLE NUMBERS. Su.o00 TICKETS, Five Thonsaud Five Hundred and Ten PPrimesii: NEVRLY OVE PRIZE To EVERY MINE TICKETS Magnificent Scheme! Tu BE DRAWN EACIT SATURDAY IN JANUARY. 1 Prize of et OP ene oy | ioe Sut yea ni oe 1 Ww Too | TELE subseriher takes pleasure in announcing to fis ' i ‘i friends, and the pablic generally, that he has 1 oa . taken this long established and well known Hotel, 1 ln aud has inade every possible preparation to accomme- 19 Pao) jdate the business, travelling and visiting portions of APPRONIMATION PRIZES | the public, in the most satisfactory manner, 4 Pr EIU Approximating to $54,000 Prize are $1,600 Particolar altention is paid to his + 4 “ gajnQe ft Tua! 4 By 19,000 1.n00 ye 4 ‘ as On) - 4 “ owe sod and every comfort is provided in his 4 big 3 6a | a daa ROOMS. ee Hix STABLES are abundantly supplied, and at- 5,510 Prites amounting to $320.000 tended by a careful ostler; and to all departments Wace Trecers $10, Hates $%, Quarters $24y Di A Corcular showing the plan of the Lotteries will be sent to any vue desirous of receiving wt. Cortifieates of Packages willbe sold atthe following rates, y < the risk ieate of ba geof lh Whole Tickets, 10 Halt Es He 10 Quarter oS x 10 Kighth IN ORDERING TICKETS OR CERTIFICATES, Enclose the money to our address for the Tickets ordered, on receiptof which they will be forwarded by first mail Purchasers can hive tekets ending in auy figure they may designate The Last of Drawn Numbers Prizes will be sent to purchasers immediately after the drawing Jr Purchasers will please write and there simnatures plain, and yive their Post’ Office, County and State Remember that every Preis drawn and pay- able va full without deduction [ir All prizes of 1,000 and ander, paid immediate- ly after the drawing—other prizes wt the usual time of thirty days NOTLCE ‘FO CORRESPONDENTS. Those who prefer not sending money by mail, cao use of miles inextent; and: | there are hundreds of mee already em THE ADAMS EXPRESS COMAANY | ey for Tickers, in sume of and upwards. can be # AT OUR RINK ¢ om any city or , whereby mo as IND EXPENSE, town where they have an office inva “GOV. STAMPED he money ond order must be ene ERNVWENE OFFICE PosT them All communications strictly confidential. Address Orders for Tickets or Ceruficates to WOOD, EDDY & CO., Augusta, WOOD, EPDY & CO, Avanta, Georgia WOOD, EDDY & CO, Wilmington, Del. orgia or, or, Es : Lr A list of the numbers that are drawn from the | (The next meeting of the convention will, wheel, with the amount of the prize that each one is | entitled to, will be published after the following papera:—Augnsta al, New Orleana Delta, Mobile Standard, Nashville New York Weekly Day News, Richinond Dispatch and Paulding (Miss.) Clanton, and Lattle Rock (Ark. True Democrat ») Constitutow Gazette. Atlanta Tutelligencer TUFFS, PAINTS, TURPENTINE, 1p) YE ESIN Chalk, Whiting, J RINALS, Byrenges, Breast Pumps, I ARDEN and Grass Seeds, ‘ s | Manufacturers Articles, | & \[ AGNESUA, Mustard, Ginger, ALT-PETRE, Borax, Gloe | kK NEMAS, Surgical Instruments, } 1) URABLE Ink, Blacking, TP SINGLASS, Gellatine, Extracts, 1 ORKS, Bottles, Sponge. I NDIGO, Annatto, Rose, Pink, y UTMEGS, Mace, Cloves, kK MERY, Rotten Stone, Sand Paper, 4 SS ALTS, Sulphar, Cream Tartar, ‘ A r \ INDOW Glase. Putty, Y FELLOW Ochre, Lamp Black Fluid CHDS, Aleohol, T RAEN, Linseed and Lamp Onle, T INC TURES, Backs, Quinine, free cece Heer. calen NuuLie yer fn dite bing the free negro, Williams, with a knife, and York Exclange. Spece. State Stocks and ancur ttle eorosty and some excnement Phey were a In the evening, in the vicinity of Winaton, in “Sha le” Mehuight fora similar offer were rent Bank Bile Money a i" ed oon deposit, and ac S ODA, Saleratus, Starch, coke DOPE ae PExO ue nil are extremely an affray, Win, Bowles severely cut the free nee disposed of Bowles an y Mek aught wer a) aT Ea * a cael Ae le ction of claime and Main Street, at hye . lant evening ‘cen ite Soe eniifer ney gro, Willams, with ao knife, bat not dangerous. sent ed-te the &Stoeks” for one hour anda Haalcergr as wer pmayiResem dle at ey Spl RY) Nees St Nicholne, We know nothing of their deatinanon ly. Whiskey was at the bottom of it Salem found an the county at the next ¢ our to beam JOHN MeRORTE , (Oo! ye ) - Montgomery Confederation Preee posoned for three months People Press Sahebory, Jan 9 1859 R132 Joi +. 1259 'f sloners tied ta presse duth of Jan ‘Ten Doilars, | EN-| VELOPE,” of the Express Compiny connot receive | | sry drawing, inj Register, Charleston Book, Savannah Morning | 73 Exeves, Me, Sept. 30. This certifies that [ have recommended the use of Wostar's Balsam of Wild Cherry for diseeses of the Langs, for two years past, und many botes, to my koowledge have beeu used by my patieots, fl wih be ne fic tal results fh two cases, where it was thought confirmed Con: umptou had taken place, the Wild Cherry cffeeied uw cure E. BOYDEN, rt an at Exeter Corner. Da. Farcrsau, of Saugertics, N.Y, says he cured Liver uplant of four years’ standing, thet would hot yield to usual remedies, Anata fs tuss M. 1), of Roundbrook, N. J., sayeitis (he best medicine for Cousampt i blage. that he tow ever knowa PT ‘eo urnless yned t putts on the w For sale by CLA HENDERSON, Salisbury, N. NOTICE. _ iduy cliums egainet the “Commie woof Salisbury,” are hereby noti- thei to ine vn or before Saturday the ATS aoe All persons h ot the Tk Hy order ot the Board of Commissioners, JH. ENNISS, Iut. Police. he t132 2M, TROS SIX LIVELY NEGROE FOR SALE. )S Phorsday and Friday the 20th and 21st Jen- wory next, Lwall sell, one mile South-West of Jul, six lkely Negroes, conesting of women Hildren Also, at the saine tame and plaee, all ie Kiscval preperty belunging to the estate of Tha Moe Waehin, dec‘d. “Terme made known om NonXe EPHRAIM MAUNBY, Ex'r. plead) 2132 r Classical School. — xX RANKIN, Priscipac. THE tth se ary, PRO9 Tims of T: per session of 21 weeks, | Primary B Higher Bughst 8 8 00 Clasueul Course, \ 12 00 | 20 00 , 50 advance, the remain- N | Charge fomcontnge Tuition fees due, one h the close of the te nm Ume of entrance anil ¢ ston, exeept in cases of pro! Board im good families: from month For further information addre Lenoir, N.C December QR, 1 | AL & W. OMYE NO. 4 GRANITE R \ yey respectfully eall the attention Ladies to their remaining Slock of ‘SILKS and DRESS GOOD, | which will from this day be offered ut greatly reduca |ed prices. Persons in want will find it greatly to their advantage to call and examine, as we are de- termined ty close thei out beture making our Spring purchase. Dec. 21, 1858. ler at se 130 MANNION Efe HOTEL, SALISBURY. | the propmetor gives his personal attention. | A comfortable OMNIBUS runs regularly to the | depot on the arrival of the ears. With these elorts to please, a liberal share of the | public patronage is confidently solicited. WM. ROWZEE. | Jannary 25th, 1458. Professional Card. WE may be found at his an's Brick Row, when not gb- | $ yt on Professional, business. 8dz,[Nov. is we 25 BARRELS | OF . New Crop New Orleans Mo- LASSES just reeeived and for cale low by SPRAGUE BRO’S, 29 Salisbury, Dee. 13, 1458 Theory of Vocal Music, IN SEVEN EASY LESSONS. tf supply of the above nseful Musical Werk, a4 Ave ly printed and for sale at THIS OFFICE. 1130 Dec Qist, 1558. \ 1 Coffec, Sugar, Molasses AND | ws AH. He 10 HOGSHEADS New Orleans and West India Sugars. 8&0 Bags Rio and Java Coffee. { 20 Hbds. Muscovado and New Or- | leans Molasses. | 65 Barrels Crushed and Coffee Sugar. | 150 Sacks Salt, | SPRAGUE BRO’S. Salisbury, Dec. 13, 185% 29 Cheese! Cheese! ! Cheese Il! BOXES CHEESE 100 boxes smoked Herring <t Adainantine Caudles. 100 dozen Brooms 100 boxes assorted Tobacco. 10 Casks Western Bacon. For sale by LO SPRAGUE BRO'S Salisbury, Dec. 13, 1858 A RARE CHANCE NO. 4. DECEMBER 3th, 1858. Such inducements to the public have \ never been offered before! | A. & W. MYERS \ TILL offer from the present time their handsome Stock of Staple and Faney | DRY-GODOS Hen such prices as will induce persons to purchase vhether they are in need We are determin- ed to reduce oar present stock as much as possible for the purpose of making room for our Spring purchase. A. w& W.MYRERS, No. 4 Granite Row Conoord Female Oollege, | STATESVILLE, N. C. (ANHE Spring term of this Institution will ecom- menee WEDNESDAY the Sth of Jangary next and continue 2b weeks net Roven, exclusive of lights and towels, per Ses- ion - $50.00 Terros in regular course, = < 15 00 (BN TINGE SCTE : : a 1.00 For sreulars contaring fall particntars address, SiiterilleeN Gre it TRoa a DO YOU OWL ME; Call and Settle your A cootpt immediately, aa Dee d money to pay my accountaansetiled by the Tat @€ 3 I be placed vn the hands of am offre; eoll- JAS. fie Now 2, 1858 oa Pe : oa ay a e% nay . Tete ~J3ATED VEGETABLE .({TLE POWDER. U. NTATE S a AIL, Bie Subscriber is now receiving at his Drug Store in Satisbury, a farge and wellsclocted stock of fresh Drugs, Medemes und Cheuncles, fresh Garden ant Bield Seeds, Surgi OP on CHANGE . Salisbury to Asheville. i} Y S BROWN = LINE OF 4NORSE 1) PAS ae a ee sb \ ae ( oe kenge: Coaches 3 how ranuing in conuection catteauant caren Var ; eo a afaik oie! ail praprictary edicts tin ‘ ' 1b Western North ¢ oe Rail Read, nthe dav. Dye Stutts : ui ‘ SOE ry Lo \ 1 Vruicles, Windev m x ry JN adit § eben " Weve ' s) peine Ge ' i: Ma pe uh ' sod a, ; ; : ( MEU PUeAtue PPLE AN UVEGIR \ “ ; 5 beet aciaennig ULE RID? nea mene verte! es testa eh nll . ' ’ ted Bh ak te BLACK Wo 5 \ \ Hideo Cor uenietn vine Ashen le ts | Ane Cth tht ES i ry ow dense OT ‘ Hy SS a , : " : ‘ PRiyl 1 4 t ! in youu ce refund th rr . Aah ‘ (ES TAIRA SY, ( nd \ i" Wie dita Ny ¢ tf, [ros uh sin ee ll : i rR wis the my Whe ‘ s é hit, as 1 Pes Nora ty seal ule : lo Heater MiG tts Sy. A fh eae ( il 1 uf ii if Bev. No Wee. RAY. AL.) Principal IOUN A SNIDER Sta io that ‘ TENS 1 : S © ip ; feayd Wy | : . vette SE DENTAL NOTICH HDS Pou dats run. Sane ie i) s he } i . . ‘ \ Ih ht - Seer ainciers . fay % ) : : ! wont Gem DR. BESSENT, , : es VS REATOVIED ro tan DENTAL fooves re eee Bee es l| ris ID Bagos YS : : : vie + prepared by athend bil operutiar rd ! 1 he |! th fe ; j \\ i S ' i ‘ : 0.4 iw i )\\ AN = ’ WANT ais 3/ ’ | vi ; , i : a ) i" aa Be TEI VEGETABLE SG (PTIC ast tu Kors Ton ~ . | eS _ - ] LEVER NTE A ELEY SOLD Ce a. ; ‘ Po RIVED We SAT \ i) WO RTT, FRERING FROM YO ALL DG ! terested in Building !! Wi lis G2 West GL , ‘e 2. | »- Greensborow2h Wateal | Oo ee INSURANCE COMPANY, alu . Comnission & LSorwardng Dist i J MIDVES, toma et : hy : ENelicps, Woe LESS ene ie Lea IN. oc. ene er eae Ind Wey hd ire ni ty ott Wilmington, ct _ NE Sipe A CARD NEW MERCANTILE FIRM. COODS ALL NEW! MeNEE EG TO CALL ) eT and the surroundis LY & YOUNG THE ATTENTION OF THE CLLPIZ le Counties to the ZENS Op TREMENDOUS ATTRACTIONS ! BRITISH, FRENCH, & AMERICAN DRY GOODS. A. & W. MYERS, dv i g y SPO Oe we they are now receiving "Phey are contident from past experience that ad 3) their stock, which is |; irge and carefully se fected ; Is adnirably adapted d to the Wants of the community, ae 1 that having boueht the Princip al a part for cash they cau sell cheaper than any store in tern Nori ¢ any part of Wes- ‘arolina. Country ue: ‘rchants and the public gener: ally, will aie that, as we fave determined and eat 1, wew algal ps ere ureatly below thone at whieh G ds have been sold here toture in Salisbury he 1 WWE PnOMe eee te purtin of aur xt ck Am 1» Freneh wud red aga bles tse *y inoes, De Lanes, Up Hyannis Clea ire nas tugs, . Ss. sane awre: Goon BEM pierre wn Mls ecb aper thaneveroilered iu thismarket d Linseys, Osuaburgs, sUepes, eh 1 SS” Goons. Gemw ss Cloths. Casstaeres fe Satinets, Kenicky J Foevery variety Alec, a tite assortment of Rock | Hey ” nin Wiaetirine Compo Je airs ir sery. Watt and Linen Shirte, Glove oy AS La c e s . Bo n n e t s . at s . Ca p s . Ge n t s ’ Cl o t h i n g , Bo o t s & Sh o e s . Tr u n k s . &e Cc LOTIENG. A good Y Ventlomen’s Clot TE OETD HO aiggS Cec eon rady ont ela ata ARDS crowdine thon Sette, AY HATS, c APS, ON rs and EE, ATS, BOOTS en LEO ITs with every thing that gs neay. edie We hive purtp 1 ) ‘ fh ef our stock oa re Mpetetion Broge . ry Wf ty ew il Wy rad ¢ ARPE TINGS, and OL CL, OTH. b Granite sant, sp o o r ) Al ( ] cd | pl o a q u a g y ° AQ U U , | UT Sd a T v a g [F U j 9 Y 7 ap u s a y o y Aq “S O L O Building, Salisbury, NOG wndattractve my Snes CHOICE FANCY AND IMPORTED FABRICS, and all that is wood and subst: mitial an Pee aints, Oils and Dye. Stats. Ne cee aylla \aeateraie whe Ih Wine la wal ca Sara yl fj Woob WARE, vo WHOLESALE ORS : Buckets, Brooins, Tubs. Brusheo, Tirine, Rone, See, al ai Cc ROC KERY AND QU i ENS ny ARE. Sala iD “Bese cots Vat (, esd \ Gnoceniss. | ras dof, ESipa & Con, FACTORS CAREY TERCHAVES, ee re mo OT OST ate 5 eit JAMES thom oi WATCH-MAKER Atry Hite ae “6 The i iat HARA . 4 IMPORT Cl iGNs § Sn CLINT ID ea x ; 5] { ‘ iow Peand tthe earner ona " [by te, GRIST MIL! 1 k a R sy 4 L k, Sas shury, Sept. 2b. ISSN, Ue ; ; \ A aos lo i Vet a ( \\ S TYAQ ~ ©, SAORI AES SL OUCLOTORS RAIL ROAD NOTICE Moe HET PORD, \ < : uO GENERAL L ADIEX DRE \ \ ‘ | a J Bs 3 . : on . ian 223 ACRes, COUNTRY MEP Cy TA NZS. m Aiea HY eonirer oy ee Coe tt Qolann POPES it we ee Commission Merchant, - 3 . z t Be oi 5 uty . ST OPO ESTs, : ; i ia 5 Woy \ an : an at Tits ms haa ie m oe [one ts \ : EXPE DITIOUSN TOOL NES Bp ABER, Bila Bin, , oe . 5 Fompounded eausrely (roi GMs, : : LO ORAS RIE 3: PREIGIE PO 1 i ; a PRIOR OF Nok tal Wu maces ‘ rv PACKETS, tere oot l | a \ hi if ‘ \ thet Jw CONROE PN S} VOING NEVO AES, ae : ” ; F i oa ) ; } a > Widttout res ) ‘ eet NSCS ae : see ‘ mal t i . ee NBD PA : Wye ee ‘ he Pere UEP AAS bore er ory ee - feorel t : C ye \ ‘ : ‘ u feet (Gm 4 \ ! ' ie WW . rene ’ 1 THOM ARON, An oot oy , ih a The He & HOXEY WANTED: . seni MILEPARY GOODS, foo tees x : Ng \ Swords, Si.ho3, Belts, Epaulettes, Laces !! a 1a , ad hives PACLE POUND! RY NORV OY Dos ray OF OULTPLRA Wie eas Zz ee he ae GOODS, F ce : as < ; \ 1 od ut MAGHINE SHOP, coy S882 epee, ! | : pn WEY ES WARY LNY & GR HAY, ~ HOLTON OF CoP iS Sep snip. “ a ; ‘ ow : fe eae It ee ey ere es we c ’ : ‘ s 3 Conta ey) Oa ue : POWAY £, UNE, \ . ; S| : oe H.W. BEARDS ESTATE, VAN Pores < reper ae : peer ein ‘ ; oe hee W { ae ‘ | 4 f ' : = is ka ' ut Paste tes ‘ : Ue 2s 4 ' Er = ‘ x 2 TRI SIUM WAH 124 ale hem . Sys _ Ns “ = Sees & " : (3 va ‘ /, ! J = 1 i ‘ : ig | rm! ) [ 2ag\ . et ae t Bick eratlact > aoe 2) nan ny? ( oN Oke \l ‘ \ \ 1 . - {a '/ . ¥ ae : = : . ee ; Ae 1 MAL te . \ ; ; i Morbu 7 : . o | nee ar ‘ y sO ~ . he , ay : : ef £ a ee : ‘SY Just Received by Exoress base \ erties 2 [fone wright Bese ot a . ‘ \ or Tere ‘ : ee on. gfe ok Rae ae es ; ra = ' Fete : asta, 2 i A BR. ae ne tec = Ht” esT with to ny-chace oO 7 readin ss th oe es a; s ° A SS ( : WE YSD SEE Clpaes| Mantles & Shawls, o mE i, y See + “ “ 2G) , ; =e 2 John Dooley, WwW. WILSON'S Hi Noten i tm 8 Pe hu Pa, : MAT VANE PUCTORER, IND WHOLES AL eG. fhe eee pe : ' DEOLIR IN HATS. CHPS. FERN. NEE Wy SHOW Si ASE, tee Ns : nee, E een IRINNUIMOS. Ge PA oe _ Ly (Rea V ' ( ' ( ies eae pu ee nd ry [Se Wavled ! a eee - “ | g SY. E22 pp ~ I | aera « ae Ti ar atrete u ba MA - ‘“« P, TDA fae as ee dhe Ra ies Tees ye | SA ee ‘ ae a ton iF . ‘ Gre (IE M4 EE SOE ISTH He UE JID eG . r Rochen VW ig) ey Ae Ven rs OL i de 5 Ny ( sot they . Poraratyet 1 (aa , Be eP AnD iden pen besa iaiiae Pach aly 1 Uae Etat ate SHO CITE e Sy ry on frets \ ~ ! Ko SF : pe yavy ’ | ' 7 in” » ! ae : ene i Nr TH age Rites cae w CELEBRATED POYWALE PILLS, Clocks, Walking Canes, &e. (CHEST EMI NES Witten : We wer & Jenet! me OS : i ay ety woes Thacher meat) on Bie oni ( be et PROTECTiD | PeACEEDTERs er SO, fener ae Nowe) ret hana a , SSRIS Ses ( BY ROYAL PATENT. . 1 Vinny : u ; at a u Cs ‘ ad my oy oat f | , r , yee : Yo Planters and Parners, cade, Ie raoteenie Gace neater \ \ | f io } 01 | 1 Be fl ( Pare POONS, and the best quohiy af wee your ACCOUNT Ve? Vi PEN EE ED ¢ q eee “ \ (“( Ve ‘I, : [eer ; NT is oe Sat 4 Wy ie) pop 7 3 f I j : PO TV tLe i I f I Nol NUE ee eae) a a IT. ae \ VED | ‘ t es eile ‘ Ue sees MARBLE CUTTER, yy \ fe H ' A Wot Wi RG SOY ® weoputiie, that he soy 1] | i © Le 1 ' In ids reued at sry \ One < ON ; ' - BDR. jes E YARD IT Beaute teadesaies a 3 New Place. eee, | Pi s eaten. 24 fil all cederw wath atixp at ce Wonk nr aN 1 { He Ne Siaunn rn ESS an / we eS SPRING AND SUMMER . a ue Mart ' FIMO TEs , ini i aauaieiiaial ans 7) ASHIONS. /AMERICAN MARBLE, sy i i ee Vo cn? v May, / / ae ; " iin bar 1 1 \ \ i ‘ Teas awh a fort ! ful lee 4 A Ae mee heen Weare ¥ me wes ae ond (ATV! os Ae ne ROBARDS, oh ROWAN HOUSE, a 7 Nalishuriy NOC it ‘ ( \ 1 | a1 - VT THE OLD STAND, . ‘. 4, 7 Silex ware Nome J gmbh sy be il ice bet persia Aopier, Rowe AM : “ws x ‘ NOTION. , RORARY nm ' ' ; ae a “SO ' B'ACORED. a REY MGI: Cott NG u Fy sqeanvin ts \ ue 44 ; DEEDS Mite ahaa AL THIS OF fF JU'f Hof \ Pot ALS TAS SAL S. brves i « MERCY € CO JAMER REARD Sa , \ 1 pe SS GOODS, EMBER MDERTRS, HEAVY STAPLEA DOWESTIC DRY GOODS, the larg Ht eid IML. Bt \ ERS wy bring beth we were in mark. athe must Beas sas ee as lize a Gs aa iE DGD apes « fica the North, rrefere invite "we can offer ontauwe te (all times ie relject and eor- KC. notin vesting, Fight aay bligads, - Blarkats, Sc. 1 uM 1 i i ' ty . pene Ye. Sattinets, ah 3 ing Pn Ree pine Goods, J widthe d RY, she hing, CSA INGN ! ' hy an grnin, 1 x ! ‘ » chid Long t { whi Camtnceand \' Vieels, fem ' adee end Ween ' (OV AND HOOP SKIRTS COUSIN TCS py i LOOR ! tt ve Clothing, Mate, Caps, Ney Viuthks Careetings. a Heavy Goods. t «f these MN “Welofe o and SHORS, am the hin on ue Seal to ky that + best selected They sre Wey will pige Oo Ob Our prot Very ojlve vee SADE FEMALE | ITS trey ISRU RY ne MINARY, ofthe follew. Thenertorth devote all their robettened pubhe if | Mmner wthe 20th day pS 1 ! ee about the 20th of ! , Oath | ! ) i \stistant in the Literary 1 I Wa ily | ' Wars VER AMS cy PULTION t < ! me of entrance of protracted i Worespertahle fumilies ow TO FARMERS, WAGON AND CARRIAGE MAKERS, WV; he PT Ty HIM SAND PONDS ot TON Feat Cl nant sins) laine es er obese. Don't WeRTHY & CO \ wid ee ena nt will tnd let day iy Wve Io weatle hove cost. We WIELDS & WoOsK HAST CALL! ATA te film of WeNoe MI eettle Their notee ' VI"59, thome faite roohat tune wilt « “ fe tandwof wan Of- MIE OC kee Go m4 | <a De n e en e e n t e n e e e a e U posit plan than tion ne n j i o d o s d em s oy ) uw ! s; u a m a s i s e a p e 20 8 . 8 n B J.J. BRUNER, ~ BHDIMVOR AND PROPRIETOR Misptaced Ktuduess. There ig nothing like an obliging dis- position, [ thought to myself one day, when traveling in a railway car from Bus- , ton to Worcester, seeing a gentleman who | had fallen asleep at hig destination, | Passengers ie West Needham,” cried jee conductor ; “the cars stop but one minute.” | “Hallo! exclaimed a young man in 2 __ spectacles, at the same time seizing an (old gentleman by the shoulders, who was j sleeping very soundly ; *“here’s Captain | LLulmes fast asleep, and thisis West Need- |ham, where he lives, Come, get up, Cap- SPECIAL NOTICE. No name of a new subscriber will be| entered ou our list, without payment in| advance ; nor will the paper be sent to | subscribers for a longer time than they | have paid for. The red x mark indicates that your sub- scription year has nearly expired, and is notice for a renewal, if you desire the pa- | a | Devoted to Politics, Wews, Agriculture, Internal Improvements, Commerce, the Arts and Sciences, Morality, and the Family Circle. rn de CLUB RATES. tnan sould be. ax be as to thes sod f man. Surely that tet itos handed in, betore at by Oe can be published case one of the first inteligence the whest rress, ot account of Che enuraving of the ue s OTL AL t tithe engraving of th ous to place this bevend qnestion, and had 4 been inoimy power, Lo should have ordered bor ing tu the feet. found. Pedestals with inscriptions have also been On one them stands the ‘husband, it fell upon the Lndianian’s face, and the soft, warm tuach aroused hit at He did not understand it exactly, be vut of place. If you were my child, 1 am Very sure you wouldu’t eacape.” Hitherto, we have offered to the public no pro tain Holines ; here you are.” | poaioy _ ce : beeause under the ae The gentleman got upon his feet and plan, we had found clubs a source of more trouble eyan to rnb bi &?, : but the youn than profit, But “clubbing” has become so com | V( [ XVI A] I . B U R Y N C J \ N J ARY 1 I 1859 N U M BE R 33) oe forced hi ad Bi he d 2 ae - mon, and we are su often spoken to on the sub- | ) iQ 2 . SALISLB vr, JN. 6p Uealal\ lox 9 Lod. pt MAIS ILL 3d) man forced him along to the door of the ject, that we have concluded to voller the following | car, and gently Janded bim on the road- slub terms. : | side. Whiz went the steam, and we be- Five copies, sa. | k . ; , ae gan to fly again. Ten copies, $15.00 | Important Letter from Com. Wilkes-- | vot extend to such depths ax to render its min-| To Miss V. A. ‘made some inquiries of the man about his ; I bebe es eee , ey pure The obliging young man took his seat Clubs exceeding ten, in the sane proportiot,! Resources of Deep River Valley ess difficult, but, on the contrary, both easy aud THE MOUNTAIN BEAUTY family and circuinstances. sn voked grateful, anc it may bea little tri- again, and said, with a great deal of sat- $1.50 each ; : P Alley. | protitable. | a fe Alan men! ain . After family worship, the deacon invit- umphant; for his aunt had borne down istaction, to somebody near him, “ Well, ei always Hares ye eps ge We are indebted to the courtesy ofthe | The ores of iron consist of the Black Band, in| BUR MR ETL UILER LET LEY ed him to go ont to the barn with him. npon him rather too hard for a boy’s pa-li¢ it hadn’t been for me, Capt. Holmes : Rel ig a Phar age ce Me ie Wane aos | Editors of the Fayetteville Observer for a tpt aaa with the coal seams, and so situa: | When they got into the yard, the deacon, tience to endure. . : _ | would have missed his home finely. But rsapvng Women umoaetiian tet i or) rreciad peut of yemtolowing letter i. on ye readily mined with the coal; Spee: | Cinios | let We Neleta girls, pointing to one of the cowa, exclaimed, ; Into the sunchine as quickly as possi-/he has left his bundles,” and the young = ‘at 26 “ s . arid bsaces s ¢ she Co R s'g ’ H yw . } 4 2 ’ . = arp Finn am Wren War 2 Wine ular, eae the Argillaceous and Magnetic ‘i Reet are ea ae ( | “there, take that cow, and drive her home, ble! Oh, is not that the better philoso-| man picked up paper pareel and threw 6 o re p a 5 A ahs 5 f G it we ots ws . A . ew 5 % é ¢ Bae | een gat ree cag nature Ma Warren Wine | ores arc all found to bernahim and: ine iuintity, Redimin'd my joyful even The man thanked him heartily for the cow, /ply for our home? Is it not true Chris-|j¢ out. * Well,” he said again, “if it ADVERTISING RATES. ‘low, by which we are enabled to lay this ae Ot their ro besides the mineral Tihcughalcouldiuipriea api and started for home; but the deacon jtian philosophy? It is selfishness that! hadu’t been for me, Capt. Holmes would a . g there is abundance of wood for charcoal ; : i the : . i : 2 1 - 5 z 7 - interesting document at the earliest mo- °C") : les A fur beneath the sun, F serve 3 » of vruws angry and repels, because a fault ” A square {s the space | Ae coe ‘ COE Ce the uncleared lands of this district: still have the | While life's sad stream, along my veins, j wae obse ae uo ae in the oe . ro hen me ited et a 3 Gt axe sa missed his Landies finely. . ¢ eaupielluyiouave rer | WlCHC before our readers. It will be seen primitive forest growing upon them, aud char: | With sluggish flow, should run pee Gir be OUT CLC ay Vine yee fen Jer into supa oe as ¢ le Ae react hen we stopped at the next station, as Brevier tyze that Com. Wilkes, atter a patient and ‘coal can be obtained in any quantity ata cheap | Now: lliave secuiaimiugihesentitis some rods. He then looked up, oon T ‘1 rein ou a tt 7 De 4 ht aa a ht a lady began to rummage onder the seat s . e 2 . i ’ le Chey i -OW . 4 ty he) roe pugs y ‘Tt itti U-ccasivual renewal thorough examination, fully sustains the fate, and there can be no question, but that the A mountain beauty bloom, Jed out, ‘hey 4 bring that cow back. he f al te 4 8 Orin : & it 3 a whe Capt. Holmes had beea sitting, aud £ ny upliaoen (1) Suoteouceusumenaea lt; leretot 1 Nello quality of ou cau be ianufactured theres And with « sudden, deathleas flame, | man looked around, and the deacon added, Com ae Yen Ce vigorous In ifs warmth.’ exclaimed in great alarm— 3 granted to those who ad. | Cpinions heretofore expressed as to the Fand cthatetlere ismnos localiee sTieecurtaunlry | My vital parts eousume, “let that cow come back, and you come We retain anger, not that anger may act “T can’t tind my bundle!” z gp utnsowu & ie ara through great value and abundanee of the resour- | where a better and) cheaper article can be pro: | Byala La us ane mate lback too.” He did sv; and when he as a wholesome discipline, but because “Was it done up in a piece of brown ne yeas ; : \ i : y ugh uke to weep, F ; ‘ ne ie AE u 3 ete BT ottares (or an. | CUS OF the Deep River Valley. Ie will duced. Fire clays for refractory furnaces, build: | ER ete and ene aeatanicn came back into the yard again, the dea-| We are unwilling to forgive. Ah, if We! paper?” I asked. i euouasuy g nouncing candidates for alyo Le observed that he regards the cre- jing materials of sandstone, gneiss, and granite, | I may not hope tu keep jcon said, “there now, take your pick out) were always right ourselves we would of- * Yes, it was, to be sure,” said the la- cin | : ‘ Taniistone grit and fine sandstone, rooting slates re : of the cows: Lain’t going to lend to the|tener be night with our children. ihe s jallon of means of transportation to and : = +1 The roses of her native heights, \ ’ Fong eel y- F PES Cres Orie ca) lea Fite cal | i and sands ae Inanufaeture of elass, and por Have blossom'd in her check, Lord the poorest cow I’ve got.” — A mert- —- = “Then,” said I, “that young man yon- 5 2b per ceut higher Ue rom this valley as an indispensable pre: | celain clay, of which there iy atarge tract. Phere But Indian rubies are the lips can Messenger. . der threw it ont of the window at the last : uiiau] B ihextove eaten nlets yequisite to any action by the general | #re lo rich copper wines aud quarries of soap ‘That pout when they should spevk. | a A Bride in the Wrong Bed--A Rich Repiie pimeat ¢ ur divoree of busbeud F ; is e and ay: ali 5 | Her brows are like (ie moou's, that gleams os - A A piled Toes) . : PI 5 eu ees i pain a veut sovermment for the establishment of na: ci se ue As ID k fe | Mite iecuine ARR iS Into the 8 hi Joke. This a to a scene between the oblig- } é Lei, Wd : val workshops, ke. But we will not dia weer ae ete ies nun 2 That moonlit snow could vever match | DEO TEKe SISTA | We have the Cincinnati Enquirer as|ing young man and the old lady, which i af bof us v AL ablaves, ¢ ts 4 } ? } c i . tan our readers fromthe better, Lt speaks |i ysures a eamine ti ene eas a ae Phose drifted heapa beiow, | “T wish father would come home.” voucher for the following : ended by the former taking the address ayiue, Or ih hemes fig F | leis = : i ae ‘ Saracen ’ | The voice at sal j : F » < : . 5 ne vow £ tor itself :— Lead. Standard. Hheins sceentunione diut, Tle Guild! eon Her is ie the graceful fawn's, | The ae Chat ae oe a es, A newly marricd pair put up at the | of the latter, and promising Haas hee Fei rotvs Tea OPAT SETS APSE: [and oni ietae Boceeni ae ac ee aoa jtone, and the face that looked up was sad. [Spencer House—they went out shopping package in a few days, provided he shoulc ‘ i | REPORT OF CAPT. WILKES, jHen expensive, and will cause the ercenon of| Her tatry feet have made | Your father will be MAA HARA) oe |retarned—bride had left some things— CUCL find is . . 1 | 1 o li t oY ‘ or 2 ‘ “ i Pa | avers Chabldh ca nnsent cour seu tematic Januutact ries on the spot, which wil be more (Haining Chiat dremorsntei coll a aint, who was sitting inthe room with jshe quietly slipped out, leaving her spouse | | Well,” said the obliging young man, PLUTO? | Veninerale ravenna (te OE . i coonomneal and protitable, Dameof opinion that , A chey lees woreliippen ja book in her hand. - wleep—found her lost articles returned—| ‘catch me doing a good natured thing Hite dee oO it better addressed tu ot . ‘ _ vu ubow hy s pat ‘ e Fe : x" ‘ 7 Ailts Ae or i Cranes edie, AS wom What, when such is the case, very Tittle coal ean be at v Fra ae fd ae The boy raised himself from the sofa, | MOO ALNI TOR rad wayeerocinto the [again ' What can I do for that old wo- “1 ' cagress, the Hs arte ie at binds pledses he eee! : ) aN : | 4 aise) 197 Vfardettu be sped, cxeept it be for the pro where had been lying in tears for halfau | yp: re lromsiuncereit 1loUk- lian if 1 cannot tind her bundle?” low. by Capt, Wilkes of the Navy, the head of . ! ‘ : : 4 ; 2"8 a ‘ F 10 Mansion instead of the Spencer—it loo > ! . : AY ’ EE iat Nel Wy Ue eel duction of hittin tile fo qdiep day 1 in ve ree ae b 8 sells [hour, and, with a touch of indignation in| oq 4 jictle stranze—asker boy if she was | Whiz went the steam, ding, ding, ding, re ) J oes Sie (ae talks wiroeniicaiiee ae ut decan'd the Oread Hed, Pe eevee ate ; as : " : a a 4u0 e the Navy ty examine the Deep River Valley, faa WARES) Usha ES TL UU IIATIRS Hh Aud that the foul hat felt her charm; [his voice, answered : 5 lin the Spencer—boy said yes, not fully went the bell, the dust flew, the sparks willow view ty the ascertiannt ent of ite adapted: i 7 ling age. was dead ; “He'll be sorry, not angry. Father! derstanding her—she tuld him to lead | Hew, and cars flew, as they say, like light- The fl Court atel nase dhe © BLANKS inns forthe location of Naval Work Stops 1 would, however, remark, that all these min Tu vain 1 tried to tind her form, [never pets angry.” ‘her to 48—she vartly disrobed and got ‘ning, till we stopped again at the next an rey eal (eae Facies one Me (les eines eitrene erepetr erals aua matenals are valueless, unless the Beneath the mounian oak, For a tew moments, the aunt looked at Mn ae am henasband 2 ' statiun—-I forget the naine of it now, but c ee Bs : © raulespareopenedianilteviry calvenunrer alton Ati Gly Hl dita dniikeliGiepell lthe bev half enri iy eee into bed—expected ber lasband momen.) ae Ke 8 betas el 1d 8:1 holt ‘ Wi varie hts ane we own, enumerates the Sigal tlh dictates tet wove connie aacee rae slieioiscullien (tcremwaelinike | : yoV halt carbons % and jet her a 6 tarily— fell anleep—the occupant of 48 It would ve of no consequence | cou 4 ex Cc alistesraclh taste aa citi e Creamures a Neate transportation, but in the quickest possible Yet here amid these pastoral grovew i" Hea te a book in her hand. The yfadison, an Indiana merchant, returned | remember it, An old gentleman pnd ‘ < couretal pense ispeetion disclosed te dia aes ay Line F y a avd : 2 ry a > se; -here Pe oie eee ae oe Ne ee leas : UOINTID Visine ine Gil proiis oF Gm Siren ated unless Where mountain nee wiound, A f down ou the sofa again, trom the theatre—a lithe tight—qnietly | UP and began to poke under the seat where (rer acer Apprentice Putenture thar remarkable region, but save emphatically | * i cant and lid his face from sight 2 ' .| Capt. Holmes lad sat ii One Pare cc px Pie teense arn SHivelee ava Gratis (his ts effected they Must remain cuurely dor Ma ee peake cubiume that touch the sturs, é That's f tl aw ii farted went to room—tu bed—to sleep. Lhe ac- | TW VINES NaC joc ki for?” Li - re Gilink “ ttere ‘ stration, ret mh Ws te i alucless 1 acHities ¢ ith pg tog snowe, @ cru we ats fe . - F ‘i “ ~ Fy a ee eee tion aud teal mee panied aed ere | Mescniiicecit teaayan aaa an ee hat are you looking fori” Tinguir ee ei leeds ve x rach dle ound dha bras elunwsll Pithivk it must be apparent that it cannot be Brtore any. dazzled even, yea GRD APSO LE Asli A ALTA low long the two reposed there side ed. ; 9 coe CBS C. Various Kquity Blake terany Gicnetaneni ps Sefimnte ti Coal expedient for the General Goveritient to estab On Whom came down, with softer rays, the sound of a bell reached his ear, and by side, with only a fuotof space Letween | “ Looking for?” said the old gentle- \ ne ; aye woany besitalion in providing those facilities ; - : fhe fh ) We 7 ; he : : Ac - . = sae 2 caeetl len lee aves cul dameeien enette fans Womachine shops tor Ul we copsty ge tien of i The love that fils the skies ae : the ae ute [Le stood Lan thei, all uncunscious of each other's pre- ian—* why, I am luvking for my bun oe ithe: [ean iin uni (ker of ARE Cire agp CS I UES Ouse, UN HS We do not wish, when we have died, peas ihte Wile; and then Caine slowly | cco, is not exactly kiown, out probably , dle of clothes. . ana EL ELH RueaT EPaaviens mig district ts shown to be acces Hani very al (un lavevetatetueot: back, saying with a disappointed air: Pir ianilioueeencuraltrencudousenclea “Was it tied up in a yellow handker- yi Nites tthind, ‘ ‘ penuh aeans rection, The completion of vour Western boul Or that the thoughts which e c “ ‘Lfathe a orowhi reps | ‘ Voljett oar ma Appeal, Stee bs Wasniscros, Dee. 24, 1858 ne 1 wis aan . me a a will t iy val iueectather inst, moran r \ ae et sl "Ne ‘i vp ri are A la a my cea i Ise,” d th 3 ‘ of, ‘ one ds ' ANIUAt On er oa : ef Use: re » ! vis aw o ne a - ata | ry , 5 > GWT And many orner ' werntuepeine Maks py a age Woe ey ee at a Fee An i any Ce dim so late it Twish be would come.” | tnale screams issued wildly, piercing, Yes, and nothing else,” answered the . ted to order on sb or » the Hon darren Wenslow g ; : oO give the facibtres for speeds Ri ae enter eereres | You seem anxious to get deeper into and ceaselessly. jold man. GCIs LEER SLES My Dea Sac: Ltvke great pleasure in ans 2! ie Uansportation tur both passengers and Aniiniau witlioitcudence secety jtrouble,’ remarked the aunt, who had ‘The hotel was in an uproar; proprie- | “Good heavens!” exclaimed the oblig- ewenieerouy lec Nee ere ation tretglt fl Geduny nae rsnat heante Wee iy ee | ag oF 2 , : wermyg your letter relative t lhe Ean attors ee een ene ) y may : nly been in the house for a week, and |... clerks, waiters, porters, and guests,{ing yoong man, “Tthrew it out of the Tue Pua Tacve Who could deeaw of the mage ot the Deep fiver country, wiieh Dar now en i neal fate ve leone i Hiresvinie, Va. Dec mth, Loos who was not very amlable nor very svm-| io cd and lalfdressed, were at the door | car at West Needham; I thought it be- SHEE rete a alin oe ei a odbc Gis [Raper (iain, calc Cobh Ge ONO AGnS LURES tro Coco Glialbeuie) nese Oi iicined to war danclildrentmeliicebOy eee encores 2 : hionva Hh ” Doren ee bil aauitesboten 0 ctanhiin peneral iinmfsllin dle Woupeamen | han diay 3 for the extent of the eval, we shall have an ; ne ; : i ae BH) aah a Cee & Nef The Fe ‘of “forty-eight” in a few minutes, block: | lunged to Captain Holmes. ; 7 use, And how parnfully de the following oumbers Cousress atior the holidavs Haas. fe if un ares of 7S square miles; this gives an approx INTERESTING DISCOVERTES IN ATHENS. a sue ON Naat ey s UE COLDEST ing Up the entrance, and asking each , : Captain Jolmes! exclaimed theo ‘ speak u een at re and sulter 1S * dheest Caer icsernaitie ll unt eeriiroratie avnop matin te the quantity of mineral wealth jocked During the last week of October, interesting &°) Tae fa subject i a ca lother eagerly, “What is the tmatter#?) fellow, with a look of despair, “ who is Wiitle teres arm ds f t bat 4 : ay me asl d : . ‘lieve rhe - « Fal tia i \ ; Tv ne A ense fee t-ce Semen easel rar ienaias winlnadl) cee voula Cornet jew Ut theres atau Git Gone, Boncsy am lgeiimiice ioe Encl iGrny UIE enn Scie TTI ID GINSOGIT | ce, “GNM ine yey that YOU) wor God's sake, tell as what is the trou- Captain Holmes? That bundle contain in bie laburatory forty gross per dem of tie Cathar, sult ufiny exaunnation, Owing tothe delay in hesitate for a moment to expedite its develup: Che excavations that are now proceeding on the would like to see pie wih peer suid the olen ed all my clean clothes that I was to wear te Pile, through all the year Ph eget bowen a peceivina the specamens from the Deep Kiver ment by any tueans in its power, Necropolis, Among the things browhit ty buht; 20y a little w arinly, but you won't. The cause of this outery may be imag: | #t my sons wedding to-morrow morning. minute ore ee second We thusnud over 43. neetenthica otis else aii Givenelesrnll agen (lee AMithough we have no actual proof to offer, is an tungce of Miuervay in aimucilated state, wich © Tiuust confess,” replied Aunt Phebe, MUM U re lind wa kencdiabout mid. | Dear me! what can 1 do?” 000 Peas ae this pie oe SINS jectipcotieal Fan a EO ROU TaT IGE) Oe there can be httle doubt that the extent of out head, bands, or feet, having on the breast aj“ that 1 think a little wholesome discip- | night and putting her hands over her| Nothing could be done bat to give his cans eee ae ae ; nyt bork ae anticipated, midleeuitnelnine in toclapime at the coal must underhe the basin, bass desir bead of Medusa, and wearing a garment estend (ting of that kind you speak of would not aire Fay \ ‘adress to the obliging young man as be- fore, and console hiumwelf with the pro- inise that the bundle should be returned character, His oceuparon entails tp a hea a tearing N 6 mys $a be mode, considenog tf ved , statute of the comie poet, Philemon, son of Da “ ’ SK i A A : Ws Hu eee ike (neni : pie : dering ito great por ientes , Tam not your clild, and don’t want roepimintily fomthe) wealiscowoe fot tie) iciiuw msn Pes a y a See cicce inal aC Onn port egies (ANE AS ane ous ob another, a statue erected by the Athe- | 1 ) : ee Ie jthough be did not dislike it, and ing mo-| to bin, provided it was ever found. —Parneritie Courier Paeed not pomt cutto vou the situqten of : tobe. Father is good, and loves me. | mans in honer ot dulus Caesur; nent inure Mrs. Re said: “My dearest The obliging young man was new in 5 < : i F appropriat Is expe ‘ and upon ot . : Fac suletiy CA HWenderan, Satehin, Nit the Hie is pis ticd, bat we nae be wenre OM OO Pe te et sexpenditure, it eat “Uf vour Father is so good, and loves bay ‘ milan 4 5 ees i apy. tens (Wri aecealie ne a Fate Could Hot be nade. er two are inscribed the uames of the gatekeep | ay e il ie BAI Sey lusband, where have you been ail this despair, and made another pe Mea \ SvIRIA bh ae ay Well a> i ttle is really who ; FOU BO Well, you tus 0 vo y ungrate- ” i 2W nl aver: 25 = PROSPECTUS geographical position as well as its valuable pro, Having thus given you a short synopsis, | ers of the Acropolis, A pillar bears a votive of: 5 J eee grate: | while? that he would never attempt to be oblig grograplical position as well as its able pre 5 . OF THE CAROLINA CITY TIMES. and the provements for accessib lity Lacuens, yvowith which all im itpoal to this district have will close, refering you tomy official Report for the particulars of iny examnuation aud the cou Nicaretes of the There is also a pp Attic Detnus Peleces Jestal, five fect in height, on ering of tulor a very inconsiderate boy. [is good- ness don't seem to have helped youmueh.” | “Tush, will you @ ejacuiated the boy, “ILusband,” echoed the merchant, be- | jgiuning to see, like Lord ‘Tinsel, that he ing again. The nextstation was his land- ling place, and as he went toward the door been viewed, ou the part ofipany in your State clusions at which TP bave anived wlich the people of Gythium erected a statue ty : : had “nade asmatl mistake heres” Lam of the car, he saw a silver-headed cane, c The undersigned will commence the pubkearion of aud the preyudice which bas existed ayminst i ; Very respeetfally yours, Claudius Atiicus (Herodes) styling hin the ben | excited to anger by this unkindliness of | opody’s lusband. I reckon iny dear, Which be took hold of and read the in- 2 F | 14 nich bas existed auainst i, ; ; ee : < i Sanita \ ’ ‘ : FY ere F A y a mcs Journal with the above ey ay us HC fom the appropriations having been lavishly | CHARLES WILKES. ss 7h ares Da od ae on ae ek Te dhe hae tl jmadam, you're in the wrong bed.” scription oO it— Moses Holmes, East ek in Je neat, at Carolin ty =. r 5 eces of sli ’ iF of p on bet v 3 y =} “ : Seed eeu y ae 1 es echo ene oul dusclessly expended in the constrnetion ot e aes ee eh be , - labs, " th oe ; " rhe | hie e Vv : a ‘ 20Y 8 a ler] In the wrong bed—horror of horrors, Neechan. Woe Ends pendeutin all thrag ed a decrees, &e., 10 . von them, have ¢ en WwW spoke Ww » fir 2. ) . Well 1” i slai igi tral iu nothings" but the best energy ofthe prope Wethoent Dams and insccare Locks, which were Troubles ina Chiuch—The Pustor in’ 4 nal Dia ate ey | hare - ie al AW wl id ab a Say ae ay) thought the bride. What would ler Well! again exclaimed the obliging tore will be direeted to ony and allimearates tending found inadequate to beartheirowa weight, with: | J?;/4n.—The German churel fees, CONES TELE ON OO Soe tore BUCEE tong) Bor ce: ou are WTONE.— Jiaae Jord—what would the world say ¢/ young man, “it here isn’t Captain Holines Gaines ie AURA! ab ipenti ad Ubi en) aan dls Gineewirais come: reson. — The German chiureh in the th men bad brought to light a wide stairway of ten) Richard is suffering quite enough, and \ ul Wis IR. cence rail anieorn Canes. A Re en These mishaps and pr SOR nCneclin’ t district, New Orleans, is divided, amis steps, leading ito the Parthevon, on the west) you are doing him tar ratlers thal es marin ae SS I “Y s.” said tl ho got in at ee tnistiaps ? oerns . 2 act- i : } J are ees, ce eee “ . Wath this deter my they wall fur | ! PLE MS) nority upholding certain measures of the side, and au tnseriplion mentioning an unknown a from her couch just as her companion Soy DIET © Gp) Ge) fs CR IHiE rowel (lee CBRE HAS unfavorably ou preventing Ap propria: nish @ (asthful recerd ot a ons bern made by the Legislature, as well as pastor, Mr. Presler, the majority, among structure inthe Veropolis, called the Chalkotheke woud,” jdid the same. Tle was tually as much Again the bell rang, and again the boy the last station, ‘and the old fellow is : : fc Reese Nsy \ jn their power te obtinr tn addin to any commerce a mane tee ae aig Unease ene mae Minriclecs : mitre daite vo lame too. He will miss his stick. ain ate caimitine Onin Gre tudern ate dhecine nimmitiniry Gann auimafllin Gecerae whom are the trustees, bitterly CIE tT aia irece place for brazen vessels or instruments; |tett the sofa, and went to the sitting room tlarmed as a cond ea i her tu give ee aed eb acted tiie | mercantile inter The want of such «Journal ir iheae great and useful works. Tat sure that him, and having procured an injunction alo a part of a quadreme, in low rehef in which | door ° hom Cone endl tho exe Teese he ayaa: eet J 4 felt by every itethzent enizeu who desirea to be @ y nre vet many who entertain doubts, and fervidding him to officiate, On Sunday ; the rowers are very spintedly represented, Hr CoTha icant ceuoamdnereenieidined ment, althongh it was the one he had en. obliging ea ea . 7 ail acquainted with the resources of Beoattort Harbor 3 Z : : l week the ol Gy ates . oot | the figure of a man lying on the deck, wear ng Ree ee eS COMME Tired le ienakccOullietotlyats “Know him! [ should think 80,” ro- P present conditon, future prospects, dd we unwilling to give ther money and exertions, , Wee fe oObHoOX Ns Clore Vina attempt jl ee. stairs. : lied the gentleman; “he is my uncle.” he Tiwes will give the latest market reports; wre or credence ty the truth which has been fully ed to enter the chureh, but was met bya. te Paes ee a eG ae Ah, Richard!” was the kindly greet- ee i “ \ ie : he li : E. ct Neodli ” rival and departure of vessels from thew ports andl brought to haht by the well directed) efforts of deputation of the female members of the Chah CN LSE SEED aD DD (Ue uly ee ye ws Mi Gerdon took the hand cal the pep oe hi a aes ri cr mE ne oa columns wil! afford the laexcinteiiyenee both feretga te Win, McChine in sinking the shaft at Egypt; congregation, who told him that he had Jamis, or in sutue other vaval battle, — 2rocedence Hees me : ee i : “My God, madam, dont yell so! you'll asked the obliging young man. estic Speciil eure retaken to gi iy aap see) ai ) ‘ : boy. ut wha sme oP, r 8 ¢ rt = fe ts sy yy af ; od ae athe J Ee eile a tegive Fis fully establisted the eaistence of the veins! no busivess there, und could not cater Journal. ibs ; Rae k fe ie pOUIBUCE Cat yes0) jwake the house. Be reasorable; I swear * OF course he dues, He never lived full and accurate surnnviry of enews. Ss °, i bs you de Oo lappy. . anywhere 2 The Tiwes will be pabliched every Pharsday, and) of cual, and left no reason to doubt the existence} Ou his disregarding this information, al - - Ira \Wonbevoule x c here? And Pict its only a mistake. Have some thought, any where else. ; a OH willbe nailed Goeuteoribers for Twa Dollarea year, ofmcoal basin and lar quantities of the best scone ensued which is thus deseribed by | Pride. laa Nhe i ir . hal ae Fe Nil ne "Me. of consequences. T doit want to hurt} ™ Weil, if it don’t beat everything, iavariably in advance ; ae bituminous coal as well as a great variety of the Crescent: = . : : pled ie evalete Tite) ve Moray. VP vou J awear Ldon’t. You'll yet me shot, said the obliging young gentleman, “and A BOCHATIN © CO. oy ores which had been noticed by Prof, Em-| The ladies, itseems. were fixed for con A jnst pride is one of the most beanti | Gordon sat down, still holding Richard Sy and yourself —well, 1 won't say what.” I put him out at West Needham, a mile : PINs, ‘re od fe One ¢ etnies : 5 a apite CO en t . ‘ : ; i ions, the State Geolow in many localities, | tin vencies Al a eo ed elias fol manifestation of liuman character—a | band. ; ; | Just at this juncture the throng outside aud a half the other side of his home.” TRI-WEEKLY MAIL LINE. Py Ener Ee eiatiliveconhmied lt ee sooner had is rever-" disposition to be cultivated and encoar-| ‘You are in trouble, my son. What MO mlnisclte ae the al dmbelretdl| \ : ? . ence forced his way into the chareh than fl nud fwwery Sond has he med? ESS STS IEE AS Mie a A ea -—* the recent examination of the Comiunisston tine ’ aged at every ave and in every Condition, | has bappencd > : rareas : mor ne | : {they descended upon him dike an aval pu : 2 Bes? : : . : : Mrs. Lt. cowering in one corner exercis- | FAITI TWO HOR HACKS deed, there are few places to be found in oun a | | i 1 opens , Pride, in (the maintenance of a spotless | The eyes of Richard filled with tears, ing her lungs magniticently, with asheet | : ‘ : Dearanes celine alee 1 Sine) eGR jlanche with cowhides and pepper and Character at wali te-aiayedhet sernlns lie looked into lis fatlions: face pd es 5 a oe : ! 5 f ee . 3 country ere ther uch # concentration of Sol a even a ie. Dene tin character and pure life—pride inthe per-!as he lookes ito his father’s face. Ele i wrapped over head andniorimand thorns God has marked implicitness and sim- eke os Ue 8 miterial, and which can be mined with so little | avn abundance of the best fuel, consisting of charcoal and the mineral coals sus- | powdering him all over with the latter. From Mocksville, ¥. (., to Salisbary, ¥. C. = toil and expense; mercilessly with the former articles, and CHANGE OF RCITR DELS formance Of noble and generous actions —pride in’all things that tend to clevate the mind and heart, and that, however! tried to answer, but his lips quivered, — Then he turned away, and opening the door of the cabinet, bronght out the frag diamian in the middie of the room envel- oped in a coverlet, and ejaculating: “My plicity of faith with peculiar approbation, Ile has done this throngh the Scrip- 5 | i rai : i ue rer erred ene ve : e : God, madam, don't!” | i 5 i an oe Leaves Mocksville every Mondays, Weduesdiya ind eeptitde of being wlyaul weously coked, in great Thus beset, the preacher liad bat one al the vulsah and vicious may regard us,en- ments of a broken statue, which had been | dive J DF eran t De, Gali, aac tures, and he is doing it daily in Chris- { Fedays ut Ll alelock. AM ‘variety aod quantity for ail purposes of the arts ternative, and that was to fly from: the rer ray Woestae nt home onty the day before, and se WD tJ UOTIOTS (WOT eles be ASEAN CERVA| +e . . { Arrives at Satiabury aime dave at be Le AUAL haes-teelie weal niece AEE church—an operation which le pertorm SVICCRCO WAR LU LC UII Og LCE CSE Cl al beac Fy the day betore, and BCU) tere must be some mistake, and request: | an life. An unsuspecting, unqnestiona- ie : Pee eal swell AS Gotites Ses, cal PAL le He) (Ue ES % (ey ij i eel ibe ry avelan ie o nti » ‘fore 8 tathe cer! - v . . Buc . } Leaves Saiimbury every “Tuesd ye Thursdays and A thouelntincemc cimeiterotacouleandirancim Cdltomthcmateluciianuiliy ok i of the viggfaeus. Forttiod by such yu ide, them on a table before his father, Over ie the others to retire, called the mer-, ble, anhesitating spirit he delights to hon- Niutardayant <j o'clock, 4. M * | ed to the satistacnion of all, A porcemany we can, din the midst of poverty and) whose countenance came instantly a sha- | 1% | = le doe delight i dul Aree ee MOLK ameane ce eae a TneKy PE Me Ole Deep River country will not bear a compar hearing of the affair, went to sce Presler, , : eo araat lohant and went with him into another or; he does not delight in a credulous, | vret. The Proprietor. ul-o. p enowith the vast fields and mountans of these and asked if he wished to lave any body trial, Mmaifitain the dignity of manhood, and vise by self-respect super ior to every . “ i t ore lear he whole story. “Who did this, my son?” was asked Auten vm! reise Leste (ihe) Seiiselto Cites, weak, unstable mind. He gives us full con EO ics Shaloibn cay digeenm ininerals cour Wester States, yet owing (ol srrosted ; hat he declined inuking com qaystortune. for, utter all, the lomase/inan even voice ) Phe Doctor then sent one of the ladies to evidence when he calls and leads; but H wish to ineon riagnonbie terman etree ein thor position, proximity to tuarket and adapta plaint against anybody. The richest part Mite ; ee ' att : 'y UTS on fell AO : the hotel to Mr. R., and the entire affair he expects to find in us a disposed heart. that winh to re to the moant Up m that d Irhity to many purposes of the arts, itis far be- ad? (ine ae < ae Aiea fuilas tin hula pare tou exter a polup and possession, M | i “ We a lee explained greatly Cover relief, though Thongh he gives us mehehoridencenat STAGE OFFICE at Subsbury at the tore them value, of great interest to) your ) Aaa : is the man —the true tran —that counts in | ow ¢ \she was overwhelincd with confusion at sense, yet he gives such evidences as will Hite Wan owsre alien! Sires andelocousilerol anton! iniportance were cowhiding and flouring the preach-\ (he rreat battle of life, and on the pages of} © L threw my ball in there, once—only (°7" “8° ' ape elie a “f lowed HR AUSTIN, Prorate ron ee : : ' WEA Ba lS er. their luiabaudeuand Idle were et Las W ’ ; : ey int adie 2 = Y acircumstance that might have ruined be heard by an open ear, and followe Z “ot 1 TWHGRAES (Ak lars , abi : i Ae “4 otsuclie F ty 3 Be rere ‘38. | : . : ° ae ; Mockaville, Dee 8, 1858 Phe outcrop of t i bituminous coal bas been ingiaround ae quieted uicorGenied as) lint ne hat cannot suc : ; My a accoin: 0 Tl olee \ wi ; Thivete i her reputation forever, by a disposed heart. “Thomas because . raced UR ed. HII EG SHR | i Bil istie: s : me ‘d advantages! ** 2 P m8 Bar wone sk | . . iN AT “ _ Hi ed 18 ae a tive eum of coal ae Ry hi Gy Eeanay unatcee plished, in spite of se-calle u advantayzes , ‘ pyor boy's tones were husky and] (Uy der the escort of the Doctor she was thou hast seen me thou hast believed ; 4 y ; > the surtace. eoshatt « ryypt § 2 | 4 a . : . 1 ray , nee 5 rem ndous. 4 ws i = i TAYLORSVILLE weurtace, The shin to Ruypt is sunk to the tle cic en ucinatearanuercetnnn ileal and OP TUTTNE spite of obscure birth, ret us , , conveyed to the “Spencer, where the blessed are they that have not seen and 4 " - ; . . depth of 460° feet and includes the lower cual | b 1 n ignolfle cast, and perhaps still worse in- A little while Mr. Gordon sat control- Nucbainl waa tiniuds pacing the corridors yet Leliewed 1?” Welare witnesses what i K A | Al I A( ADK Wh seam, and by it we are assured that there are | mot end here, however. Tle was arrest heritgd enibarrassincuts ¢ eo Minsclf mdeoGllacting. lisldeniebell at ‘ } pacing t no Ne mies aa SE ABLEA i 4. . . : | era sete hye ; PTS : 3 im 5 5 Fee lwith frantic mien, and balfterazed with an opened ear and disposed heart will do four cou seams, two having onited as they de: lod the next day for contempt of court, in | s. Then he said : | ‘ ED ee AEN i . | ’ Lo&k over the record of those who have Chonglits, ven he said cheerfully : lerief at the mysterious disappearance of in men of the world. If wealth is their f TANI oxercinew of this Tneutution will be remmmed scended > the largest is there found to be 6 feet attempting to preach after the issue of . all 1 © Whatis done, Richard, can't be help. | > co , : 5 vey) ze at i F iad made one humanity ilustrions, and see nitis done, Tuichard, can't be help f ire t: if luce present itself befor 4 on the 10th day of January next, under ihe Sa-, wile, separated from the others by beds of car (the injunction, and sentenced to two . ; | . Hig wife, whom Ire believed) lad) heen pursuit at a piuces presenta ilselt belune perintendence of fon y : k meek iin 1" eld oF 5 ec © TWO pow few were born and nurtured in the ,ed, pat the broken pieces away. You spirited away by a villain, or murdered them , if their persons, and families and 7 yonate of trom hnowu as the Slack Band. lour’s HMnprisonment. ri tice reel SO ries imeem teogble ale ae . : . away 0) wily + : . 4 4 " Mim MENG ARE AMG Lalo \ foNoT le iveeeont ine Geen proved tu beof the best ! ae lap of worldly se e i pride. ; The pion have : " a : . n Ce ee a Tean for her jewels in this “infernal city, affairs are the objects; a whisper, a hint, az ‘ | 1% rte ps, thes yior ro. BEC — ANG FEPLro” oreyour yn 'SSHeSS | . ’ 2 “i » REGS so - a who had charge of the Masie Departmentduring the qitelity of bituminous coals, Tt is a shining | TN Taps + kn BP ; cera, the leaders, the Ane uw ul our race, , BEC I mater : s oF un Hhonghtiesstess | where as lie expressed it, “they would 8 probability, a mere chance, is a suth ; fast Season. Rates of Tuition as heretofore clean coal, resembling the best specimens of Ue es i cad! TAGS 1 fesse have have been elietly of the bomblest origin ) wihi wed wow LORICLC ASCH Plier ymaiorairetint any time. cient ground of action, It is in this very \ Pamary Branches per Session, £5.00 Conberland + it igniter exsily, burns with a | lately been making violent attacks on Austria, |so far as temporal surroundings were con: Yont para. ' | As soon as he beheld: lis sponse he state of mind with regard to religion, or Bogtis mnehes © + &s n rie \ | ; i + : op! A . , aw hii ms fi i 5 : 4 ad eel re : Alvebra, de, tanght i bright, clear combustion s and leaves very little Tn relation thereto, the WMorifear as published cerned, ae : a Mle oy tree Wie tught ber to bis bosom and wept ike a which God delights to honors, He seems wate. Latin, Freneh, releen, We, tangy a : ( on Ces . 5 ‘ oe ale ‘ rn ‘ we asl ce j “ae by the anal rater. Boarding ean be had cute nable Mshy itawells and agylatinates, making a hol che following paragraph : Phereis a pride as mean, contemptible peer mt ma UNE) ee rs neck. You arej oid. de was melted with happiness at te put forth his hands and to say, “1’ut ] 1 - ' : Nolawie Bub itis tan) ! | vlan bs terms . : low fire sa desirable coal forthe parlour grate | “A discussion kept up by certain Paris jour and debasing, as its counterpart os eleva he SOI a , , lher discovery aud lecuvery midtold hem tiysiand mto mine, follow allsiny lead- : Payloravilly, Noo, Dee 21, 1858 4 ad for blackstmiths’ use pis well adapted for aan with a persistence that is to be regretted ting and noble. [tis pride of birth, with we minutes later and Tiehard enter (1. tad scoured the city forinteliizence of ing; keep thyself attentively to every ’ fuel coking and oily and is superior to most pi : - ont personal merit te back it vide of ed the sitting room with bis father, Aunt ‘ ia aay i or > : seems to lave occasioned a dhisquietude which ? petsany | * her whereabouts in vain, turn Concord Female College, vids for the production of yas, for which i will Cy relations with forein Pow i. fy nu wie jus wealth, acquired or inherited, without vir Phebe looked up for two shadowed faces, _ STATESVILLE, N.C. ein great demand, itis almost entirely tree if. Th. governms ai ol? (ihe Emperor beheses tag or generosity 11 its tse pride otdress but did not see them. She was puzzled dS PPMALE Spring term of thon Lnsitation wal eon. UU M8 phury ats coke ts hyhtand porous sic ty be his duty to ware public opinion against and, equipage, which knaves and fools, “That was very unfortunate” she said, Marniimnonth Turnips.— We notice that Working up Sam Dust. —The ingenni 1 Rates VERSE SDNY lhe cath oll dlvcneay 21 a ae iC burned, it inchnes to smelt and ine efeets of a diseussion which wonld be of a angfeven felons may compass a lit winle after Mr. Gordon came in. our neighbor of the Salisbury Watchman ty of Parisian cabinet- makers, inthe Pau ; next and continue 2L weeks flow, but when sls Blew con URON iutlock Purrtra tn iehmnee dirrcinic nae tien Cowen! — “Tt was such an exquisite work of art. speaks of reeeneng a Turnip from Mr Qourg, St Antoine, has found a use for Doaan, exclusive of lighte and towela, per Ses potextibit this tendeney, which is owing to the ithe ally of Pranee.” Tt is hopelessly ruined.’ Cowan werehime 74 los. That was a s ’ : aa Ine iol 00 Dresence of large quantities of bitumen; it does } > : ‘ common saw-aust, which raises the value & rey PIPE ol ees a 1: Lending to the Lord. Richard was leaning against his father pretty large Tormp, bat Me. David Co foovs ink al heat? ' Itt ob eas disiutey 2 eX proser 4 . : ' E : Fi F oi or y far above »worth o ¥ Consisiencine, - » ee Pe Mie pial “wienbextusen to Lok Foop ror Tvrayts.—A_ hearty infant Ghenibis wma dye, Mle Ghananeiny, Tahoe oft lioeell Gononity, ees Fete Gin ey OU DEN SU ep eth Io ; jospieras . . , 1 oie tye Des vet 235. C0 = f For circulars containing full parheulire addrese, u c ’ aay ) i Ield ' will swallow, during the first year of its A poor nan, some of whose fanily was ly siuitled and drew his arm around lis onr othee which surpass anything on the sel timber By anew process, combin 4 i th ¢ y one who visits this coalheld mus 5 Q . ‘ me ' E F ‘ Eo Wer Pk ‘ eerie ra tiiten fants Par od life, fourteen hundred pounds of milk, in si@k, dived near Deweon Murray. referred boy. Mrs. Gordon threw upon her a look Parnip tine we have yet he undo Phev ing the lydrante press and the applica ; e we satisfied t re regularity of is seams, ane 1 ” , ‘ ie’ Bin sate N OG Deen ean Ets Ae Heaton pea sates “(yes which are twenty-one ponun Is of cheese, tadin the tract, & Worth of a Dollar’ and of warning, but it was unheeded werched oa fraction over ers ind a half tion of intense heat, these wooden pare : § ville, } a + RS ip ec ton « p dese . (p ; te bes . Th atts . ed to be some 8 oor LO fae in the shaft of thirty pounds of butter, and a landred ocfeasionasy called at his house Asnp l think Richard is a very nanglity | Is each, and one in- ticles are made tore form themseives into eory of ocal Music, hervpt, which i 1000 tect within the outerop,) and twelve pounds of star Atsix conta pliy ofmilk Onemorning heeame while boy ches in cirenmiterenee, the other 27 asolid mass, capable of being moaluc d x IN SEVEN EAS Y ODES SONS: that ats seams conform to. the shape of a basin, 1 quart, with the necessary sweetening, the family were at breakfast Mrs Mur “We have settled that, Phebe,” was Mr. Thoms took the premini on tur into any shape, and presenting a brilliant supply of the abowe useful Miercal Work Terrance F ATS > creates (each dear little creature costs for food! rose to w pon tam, battiedeacon the mild bat firm answer of Mr. Gordon ne AL UE Tete Groand af anv one can surtace, a duratility: and beauty of ap- DN ae i i f yo trongh. and Lam satistied that the greatest at } ‘ snips a 1 . : 3 ER handsomely provted and for mile at ea therm adeof the axis offalone, filty dollars for the first year.—‘aa@ te her, soot tllatter breakfast” Sand itis one of our rules to get olheat han raising the article we should pearance not found in ebony, rosewood or PHIS OFRICE Wey Wl ’ t ax | , § hy : wet it w } 3 Jeo Qlet, INSH (30 Hie trough, and that this valuable mineral docs Journal of Health, Sh® did so, a meanwiile the deacon sunsline as svon as possible.” like to know it. Charlotle Democrat mahogany k eM La i n e im a g e _ . “ eS SET Ein ce na cree The [louse met at 10 o'clock, anid was ca rat Dorder by Man Speaber From the Raleigh Standard Logislatare of Norih Carolina. Satcnpay, Jat. 1 HOUSE OF OMMONS the House tantly the result culated to create appeebensiot furnishes no Cucut of our pouteal yosututions to assume the responsibilities of Ue Wards ty te 1859 In appentin > to which | have been caded wheeapresston of iny pret uud yratitud low citizens tor l istanee cal is forthe wellare rbefure you today, gentlemen, logh station ' ilped to mist be at re staal mark of From our Correspondent. Circumstance, depends the successful prosecuvyun took their departure, the Senators returned to the DENT . Rareicn, Jan. 8, Senate Chamberin the order in which they lad are for public purposes, more than upon any one the Assembly. The Governor, Ex Governors, | DREADFUL RAIL ROAD ACCI.- | | of works alrendy commenced, ‘ A careful cousideration of the subject, con- rived, and both branches of the Legislature im Coluinbus, Dee. 31.—The train due | fire me in the belief that, by the observance of anediately afterwards adjyurned O11 10 o'clock on here this morning from Macon ran into a prudent economy, eur public works may be Munday. a culvert near this place, killing two of! the hauds and injuring the engineer. From the Fayettccalle Observer The train yoing to Macon, with twen- ty-nine persons on board, including the No great deal of important business has been done in cither House dunng the past week. The Seuste, as you have seen passed the bill to nid the Coals Fieldy Rail Road its 2d reading. They bave discussed at length the affairs of the gradually prosecuted to completion, without ether et Larrassing the public treasury or toa roustig the bardeas of tiviton Phere bene so quorum: present ' iB i fe ecuriidenen Tesclectimatcc (a Ii Una Titst REEL UM ites : : es : 5 hareess Gila quarter to be ocluck , age pened 1h A tnore detaied treatment of this subject Foanttecille Siuty pour Years Ago. Reta: . : ; . an Ala nenidlee vies CUS EAD UE SiN C iniag ' ; oc ainedl | : of Daly g . hands, fell through the bridges, 16 miles | North Carolina Raiload and indefinitely post \iaquartr to be o'etuck bole brane Natta g feeanse uf the circumstance would be incompatible with the general A friend bas handed us the 2d volume of from the city, killin Me | teak OR ° ‘i ‘ Tritteolacl fatioeellta, ae a en fu Pentre an ? rh . WW) ing sevente persons soned a bill to give the majority of Directors to , 5 ate pectsomael nequaiitaben ith tt r uhs which TP opropese to employ upon tha ithrie’s Geography, a quarto of seme Phe following bodies have | ; | & os russes was reecired from the Hurse yu Tn Wodtrow ne uk enNeoen) TA) CRS) Specie recommendations will be re) SOO pagers in which we find adeseription: cds Two M 2 ay (Gi ee el ea; Fo the stockholders. T understand that the com- ete pree@ Dd wirtte Che ityeugurattot, ale Ne = ‘ ‘S al) AWG ae ) - tie ’ Misses Grices;, of Satem, Alay aa . - i niente e dutics of wittel: Seeved har Mores wopttate tile oft i tteville @ j t , . : oe ny stipatio. o LtO ee atatiscol the Sitiate fy scl Dn eC Seine Se ‘ he (eer cenit ul a cline cen (EEA ed ; i ‘ ‘ ; ie : i 4 an a yo. Ut ri Win. HL. Snell, a train hand; a lady and | mittes mpow investigation of the affair of ie a : ‘ rt paseo lietd uh pou thy eb custing the hopes of sa Woostated te contain nearly louses, we Aral haha aa an | one wre c . 2 Vyuse, Uonsurrad in, aad! the Senate [sno eae Be tes he. Wee aad ave ile ds trons cea. Ge i c nek k » Well three children, of Texas; two ladies from | road are hard at work wud call ronan sume Lime Vio the blot tw the order af the 4a | ; ' Saf Fada aie milton tb i sites o in reck, With Columbns, names anknown | during the coming week. The Senate have pase- eit fi Test. clitiens 4 t HEMET AS | Soe ats te he) Ot io very sont bite i oh + ~ : . | ) ime, led by the Speaker and Prins = , ' | re ent Hivned that a coneriato —¢ OR fell epee ai Wee ue Phe other bodies have not been recov: ed the bil to establish Alleghany county by a has wien : : at State otise,)otie nm Das ig f f sous Cin gt OUUsausls tee, " he reru 1 1 ree LN ow ‘ ted whieh will command u he A chy at ‘ BF ees ros the ered. Twelve persons were saved: —Dr (" ROI IN \ \W ae 1 tT majonty of three. Much of its time bas Leea = ; ‘ , the sottie Hell | ! nelle otherot wood buntby vortintary subserip: ral Nees i ye o [ [ { ( i i AN : 4 jPACLSD se ti etnies h ‘ my os SS tat Paley coach Ce ANEetR nO dhomtineeasn five Cura) Pp Walker, ut C ie Phillips, of m doves a 4 ARV Gecupicd in discussions, Tu day Dr. Ramsay de> lua gava isn of Gov. Ellis. : we |" gota Go) ie a Pe ETC Ne ecll hetow il tavoua an tiguitt ‘ F a ee s.W. nee of NOY. Conductor hvered bis reply to: Mr. Fisher —it is spoken of . wee ( . estas iow toee tpon thas question, since out : ‘ . : Sell) a gentlem Texas g ‘i , , r q . fhe attendance of spectators was considera Tk 4 NSM elt ie a ie la a Wie ie lusteteal Covclne Banks, bat which we de not remember other iV as Al eee ae ee uu SLUG SIBIUTE NG Ai (C. ay avery good production, [tis a new rule ip s ; . jon ‘ \ V CPHL WO RYT i) Tins CU she EN tienes , Whe ‘ aAdabaina, ale our others not) . . ry t , sie We ‘ iy “i ‘ . . | ” . cae ’ “ . ‘ “ee y bane Hy eeu mre ae val * ! ne ‘ et Fete sectional distinctions, apd produce a unity to have Leard : be ieee On the bank ascertained. | the freedom of the press and of zigere ae a SUCH Glen Ite line iieC relia waste, malnac|! Neat | y a : Seer amon: ofthe diver stands abudbling Date ‘ re . . om TURES PE ENIN J mublic mH ‘ state Chiat te q sHitie , Neate (iekca entail cee! fea te peopl as ‘ 4 toad vnon the peoy \ : eee Se 4 co and the ty Amoug the killed it is believed, is Thos TUESDAY EVENING, JAN, 11, 1859 public mann ist het ite that t ome shall criti a me rae } 2 ; feet ant To ptenins 1p Vooupen a Bved and meditin AIK « ” a = she Sy capable of comaming OP Bris Imcte Clrntlestons Trial West or cise his actions, There isa great difference these . Pilots Guise ews Golem ey a ira See) qontiuts Would safice Cigar tite the proscanen about G00 hogsheulsyewbieh quantity Ga. Mr Van Ness, and Celeste Sharp, | RENEWAL The subscoption your of many of 4X8 being « Whig and in being a Demoerat, Ten Ve eich : . ' i ONAN Less enterprises, by the confidences which its tas been received here in one season and W. PLD : a al ne a Na, aubeses | \ ; ; ucts (Papo, TeRKIG, ri Nt td | ; ; ' : wnt o 1, Wropeee, (lie Teva ail TB tarctwny ee [PRs Reais ees Nite the year TSo8, and turing A dill of considerable iinportanggsto the mil- Ete LCI GOCE naall ¢ las leribon abd permanency would inspie ste [oe tobseco and the*warehouses have count the month of Janaary, We trust our labors have . . ) . 1 rset, discees Bathe and nae ies fein, Gee wernt parle Fgh fy 5 county. oy 3 : itary pertion of the community WHS to-day ine t AN é set tae, ty the ate : he HES i ’ Ute bend Cat, a pert both ciety peares Lietrade of the place © beeu satistactory to them. and that it wall be ther & : ' z oe oe Coote: of Mar cngenpaits en ok ilove ap ly@ectiee (eon elinane anon: COMUNE (paps cclhenearen aR i Second Despatch. TairlnGe Olly to reqimdiar sullecrqiine, laneuedoced ford he Convitttce or Military Affairs, Mincoe tee etc ( cu 1 . prtiond oe u he centre and tmost iin . | 1 ab beter aise EUS LSI Sfa ae. By ‘ CUT ATLOLES ¢ | cu & o ay . ‘3 a | set is rie etnies bere ter Oi one ~ il ay remMse ye ossile y i a } Belo eis [eGin in ee Co 5 C podouses and the machiittions of polit al ta proved partof the town is about a mile Columbus, Jan. 1.—The Sun's repert- ou ca ie teenter on our list : Vina It proposes to increase the salary of the Adja- viper ta me a - Ree iri A es oo : roxe Who have derived pleasure frontour paper de ; ; wet d astae Pearsou.— lustices Bail rain Vin Nou a tee i naliane ‘ Wecrcncanat from tat tiven. Since tuatiday the tawte co oe oe the tollowing Hist of killed 3 Mr AV oto tire lode Wc) a GAS i il wy. lant General to at least 500 dollars, and wakes 4 Siediten, Ste aud) the Coord Ppt er a riancen yt Sta hny Is aha elie 1 “ . ‘, . i has progressed westward, and pow much Leverett and three children, from Lapa doubt nota litte etloct on the part of each of our hin a competent offeer ; am nds the inilitie law J ‘ a (eee mls, [ohio mit tte ‘ : AV) Ame He . abgemmeu.s © cUpied Une seats nun Thery ny Weekes ct Jovacd a HOE ee Ft) et = : | cttinh of the business is done fialfatite further ee Parish, Lonisanay Mrs. Smith, of present subsertbers. would greatly ierease out list. generally and tends tu the encouragement of vol- J ; a ies aint ay dehalinG@y, Giodky Waier é Tein ates vant! A , : , 1 © M = Toul the Speasets stand Speakers C1 tel ees i Ape ee atcat aan eave oS CHM ef from the viver, and many dwellings are , Xs, two Misses Guys ot Alabama ; Nita Git Guile its teenter upon some Tbetal inpreses an tcer companies roe weg the Spates can. Tl Awe dtected sy cem pale edit i eee, Jocated tivo ated Hiece niiles trot the river? Wertiobneineens Mra iucke, the tine |ents We nase ir ant plation Please try ‘ithe Sumner aconsithadiia cplilocs oe a cu sis: " en ae . rank | vet SSenate had a considerable squabble i bear Gr tue AL Ws tuk poses) ss neck One i at ueGiinrine 2 SRUUER co ine further than within ourrece! tal When the mail train arrived at} Llite lL FBitestiti W re] 1 ( Mthe Speakers aud is the rear ot Wee Do taigis EE Pe es a 2) : eae ' ' State, where tl adie lection Columbus, all the bodies tad been recov. Adiditiona Ucilitica WW e linve frist tue “Appenitinent of magistrates and had not ( s ‘ : wud ih tlie Case ef a Stbite, ere the pubhe : ; b . : P withe oe le BS Se IY a ; | Osi Nie Jf ORR TES qantire ; 4, ered except an infant of Mra. Leverett’s added a valuable assortment of new and closed: ils sessions at TE of lock to ight. One en ih hea Monet line eon aeeer teens uibotniyene suvcolies he Freemason’s Lede, tately built 3, several ; we lark at Warnell aw a ‘ ny tea ous ‘ \ ’ aoe ny i an Ni - 4 . . on : i M Speaker Cha : now formally annenneed Res , Rees amen ; i Were, tenn itrecc, (uci soniercitice: Yor Phe race hors Mordeze was lost. e fashionable type, &e., to our stock of job of the appoimtinents in contest were for Union the clec ‘ Venst iast hal at) i | ie pS Ae eS: a . cura fe » tee x: es 4 _ a ae: Fn . , a ! : oe eoeay mie iraaecinp ate Ss barstans Heh anberitances furwhich we tt las been pulled down, as old and ineou UT Nothirty feet, breaking and emply printing materials, and shall be much county, chia Elva claniiesVubintse nts ttl teeth : ' yy - ‘ ' f 1 : i ee > amyl ) ltr tae passengers in the stream. The - Inthe If i \ Sel eile ee ge he . reve dios canny OH cl virtitous ainees oe ies venient, and anew aud neater one erected cane ee oe ; : 1 1 pleased to show our friends what we can b the Hoase of Commons a large oumber of i an | Patino tte scitunents planted deeqdy tt on ifs ette ist Peports are much exrywerated, : ete : ; ; Ne tat, ated Was Tew present to bikes Uae athe Dee Telia elena ene i : at i fe . eS do for them in that Tne of our business private bills have been passed, and on Priday and ; a ely eoanstitonon ter the deat | vols ated beat of our people, which boil *Favetteville is better situated for com . vines ee : saturday business of considerable inportance 6 ae iene (oes than seed the Assembly as ‘ i dean Any ot ty idawot a breach of the qoeree, and vend agimeore merchandize, than Wool Growing at the South —It the Se Ne ee ilfecusead ind acted on. On Friday the bill to Pahoa 1 Whe el prove eidargee inencinents o | any tnlandtowminthestateand tewplices Mereased attention which (his unportant sure, at low figures. Toure licelatiheot . \ h he A tance SST Sarre Ue = \ f wanton + Bank of Salisbury ow vrouy / ‘ Ue a ONES Wine a ne : el ee are more cliusble tor the establishment of branch of business has received im Pexas “= ‘ " " ! : jl EN NN borer. or pee / our poode cesses . ewalliey : in oh) severalimportantinanutactures, There are and Some other Southern States during “We ares 7 tr J eee i , 5 eee |r sclieticle wall the Docaislatie tepresentins, . \ ‘ ee . 4 3 sare new making off our ae an wader Hanley A “G - ener Rieti Oninge clit system is butan fides te th ; i i ae | Sain three mils, whieh make excellent thou Ue past year, wugnrs anything for the t s y naking rac Mr. Fleming proposed a substitute proposing eee rwHV n © are i , i do, the scutuaetits af tl eople on thas , id é A eeu Cat : : eae ” “ee ' \ st to foment USACE Ae He : : nie eet u several extensive tanevards; and one ot @ure, this sate to predict Hak wt ea digs CONS for settlement, and Mr. dous J. to stuke owt o 6 percent” and insert 3 per fas } Pern \ ' ‘ \\ « Pest wired} ‘abavull oho ds sure ea anty ( eb provision . i : : . . ee oe Seen Ue eae . ! ues if : 2 “he nies Hoan EUAN AAESS V Veen SO Cobeilerable distilleries andi trewen. tlle diy) wilesro wie will rival the cot: Srewanr, will, ina few days, be areund cent tox on eireulaton 2 alse to ineert inverts “ “ (eres ye (B eeceaniot Is yA ae u 2 : es on 5 ine . ATMA STS Ht [ER st SSUES aS 8 ie Aisi im eee 80 Terest acy cipen the debt of the 1&5 AN Mae, (om, Lene mae vai, We EE ee those States where cotton as our agent to close up Unsettled Dust: inent in billsof exebiate uot to exceed one half , ‘ ‘ ! vd . ‘ . is ti nee : i are a hay tee Veen cuneate > ‘hal hen tile oniveeimncanwe iii Ws HOR Coike ua) Comes heres thateh we lave 1 HOw ae chief etaple. Unnl very ree yess, of capital” and various other amendments all of i y ai ested aoa Tree pen ets icine Fanuc ot the pemeypat upon anatariy, will sete Lurpenting distlerios it stead of the centivy sheep bave been reared at the O66 wlint Howes alent sl + 1 7 i} = \ | ' | } bp hia wee 1 . eEeE 4 . . . throagl ou Tass toe ai cit : ae an ne fk savidi viliwOs wiishey distileries of that diay, uth oniy tor tacir tleshy,—the fleece not The Southern Literary Messenger, for Mi. Simonton, an amendment to establish a pe ‘ nes Nis et . tthe { | | oD staid mite some The produce received here is, tobace enterme inte the caleubation of their val January is te hand N ri | ti \ | 2 ‘ ‘ ; . i , al ur s te gnc Noy s the time beanie States. le ou subscription of a certs ve ioe . ; " — hun \ Pobee wipon ceeasioty te modieteut Mou, wheat, beef, pork flax sced, some UY Leven in New Mexico, the most ex. hin ‘ ; : ‘ SLA tea CRO TI aig + : ' ( Viatis ie Mocha sea Nod la Bedval Unions hy Hy Colton, Lutter, a vartety ef othe tensive sheep eprazing couptry on this cou ie es UOCeAanicer UWite ASS SOLS EAA Ales oie Nebo teal si Ute ei ta ’ : ilorel nee 1 ‘ ius toads ber aesect articles, the product of a rich ANd ferilen ents itcaw tole Held to lle on tows: C2C Vorth Carolia Planter, it thes Mi Keon. ce aimendin it for a brapel at el evid ‘ AS as | ' Wet rid : » } hs Wee | ws ' es : - Mire nates HUVNS ARISE Eg j ie ae NESS 4 back country, lying to the north and west tition, the elicep are never shacred and want Southern pris of this mature, Mr Any. Wey ected 3 ee ‘ eveteisin MEIC EU) ‘ plored Wat theSMe itas towne fein tity ta two bivnelee! SU tle wool is obtained trom them, Rae Mi Fletins tdilressed the House in sup- er: ‘ = | e s ; ' : H , . so . \ ve 2 ts rathere 7 | ; rare ’ fads 2 woes ey woe ; : a , ; Soe : wel titty miles. Add to tls, quantities » bt Tea cue dite Die throug Ste DIED portof the bil Phe considered: banks as a teees- j aA : ’ eG . nol ‘ i “ aa ae which the Vast beards are d | pro 1 ; = He tet saw Hil! Sanber, staves, wid sore ma : ie ee Be , N qiemecumen: cos Ihied) can) qeaieas tan 208 evi, which was now dnterwoven with cur nder dhs mg : R ‘ ‘ 5 : y : ‘ 3 - val stores made to the netshberkae Bat we are told by the New Orleans : i } ’ Satine t Gu Dots sone al con \ oye witlene ; in] =) Teraiticnnm mi nihee (eds oth ie tines detrtogy aite SMO es rural cetial tues ea aki Ss Hout, But Lye i 3 bes = Sale 4 . Vohas ducreased sspce the reve TEEN Wee ces Se HG market tor Site el Ge he lie Hl 1 bo sectines Ue peor eles “ . - ‘ ' F Hoa very rapid Tg Lecce rt WO NEIGNT SUS SU WITCH Avec Sate 3 el CM she anived at her new home uh vs oppored to the prnenple, be thought \ } ¢ pr a, Se ' - : ‘ we - , } * f f that berhenw oe rarer Out ‘ + equail do pres ese ‘ A i } ; . ne \pericnecd seme dreadful clbeks tn ne Se Ts lay Tsering iis equal to the de complained of berms cho ated soon after went to VU GRIER PENN ieee wht to be equaily dig ; Wied Ry an . : . : - tine filme aedimemtoias Waseem face den ten vad. amel Gotten itselt does pot find a bed. Ou the second or third day thereatter, she buried (hroaghout the community, He said co “i ' : i _ : ‘ i : . 1 1 1 n vd brow Wave t , : : : \ ee ivchectorlinwlmreneltnety are auc cote mie fouls ele tise, week Wits Use waneent Fame te ler Ges etl ne, a CE ee tuted banking posileyes more a , | . ee, ' ee eave . ; & cyl fa tine qu is ad wel ee ee ee iter advantaze of wo inarket near at an unsound neste, aid not able ta serve as was! tH Selisbury Too was an iinportant point be- ; sy ‘ coins Nass : ates yen ~ seen on om anetauer jae Ghumeuiol, Tine cconnanin hotel, andthe equaladaptation ofthe pura esmotedhe the lures Gauea tevnse Chere fete the nabroad was bust, ated tad inercased 19 ee . : ECan tank 1 i “ th frre a Wemmncuey Admini mmonin) Give otis, tee ay faethe, USP t denas and adyace a Oe: fOr Oe wae pe iceted. amd ordered to return, She, Mtperanes, now er waetonctlre lincrot aur 2 . ‘N on ele . ‘ sou 1 ‘ teed, Wels, epi p Meee Sarile. PRG eels Abe Galen NT “ii, Woolwrowtng wails He ou much bs ‘ eee me ete ' faa seach ine dhomt iilnec: OSTEO, film GQuaviee dance, CRE, HERO TOY Soon re tuerative business there than a New or tt fu ; | . Jn : - MUS , te tear a e 7 7 aie MiGs Fi isheal statement of the mercantive - . a erty ue neg ftiedpat a detent ite ied ata uetieh anit asany Ortlecmeate, Sb NEnpesjecclalijeia the existing eansil © ie UD ANNI ES UES ESSE Uae EES IY Un yes ES ea ' RS Win ' { ‘ie { we tu be thejunth susgsted py Se i A faces - BOVHSTING guenier Huse farts live abo (Uiner sain nile and wledt farther, on the road breturieg establishiments in the town of Sahsbu ‘ \ : ! Shoats used between tats place and NE ULET: ep) oe i = ; en ean . hogtied pub ae went! rt meets u ah ; Wilnington, are trom one hundred and os fy directed the attention of enterprts they had traveled ve then, she was) Ibe stated the amount of goods sold, me- trie dibs steclic 1 (fora : \ vet ; : ee . ie iweipte: lends (amptieen: ton eae aymmlnetes TUR capitalists thither, and the production again ny-cted and refi 1 Phe diver Chatieal babor apd imanutactures of Salisbury, ; | fae re te tol popand tor th Kiowledement th E : i vd A eee a eT fore ; j ‘ater " ; } ' : ae ; ie and perfouma trip ia fan tem to iileen f we ob tnay even new be said to be ene then took her seme two butidred varde further, #tmount d last year to 8904.000, yet their bank a See oa s Sah sis be fe days. of the great interests of that section, par and auteaded her thangs by Une aie of tie rand Meg expital wos fess than #125,000. He stated es) free at - ! Selah etH inet ‘ : ticularly upen the northern and: vorth . Tie male , ~ I , RCT | rained cha o + 2 ‘ ae at her request, We believe, and odett her Sick, the people of Salisbury have encouraged public \ cae : . Y i Ae ete ' ae Areas ee ith. FS ; e , Western frontier of Texas. Large quan A doantibull. xf foal } \ Mr MCINeHiMtTheninseeat uot swith gs ive | Iie 2) ' str TIRE TES Ta A yee ret 4 and troubled. she de da vert noc lye provements to the utinost extent oftheir means ° \ dotaiii: CIC MAEONIL ARO © The Mi paste a Fityy on SSS | OS Ue USS being sent inte San Ante ‘ i FUE NS ey d , “ . ‘ . ; ‘ Se AhtEe th ee ; a Miers a We UC autititoten terry, Ute keul HUN ean tor site Gl Wo eration eeceeevas round, at the edge ofa pre thicket, abd there el Webe Tow crippled in consequence and were 4 “ . : - : 5 i SEs a ; Whee ic erentata how the J spanese Tid treat }the EXPE eat tie titee pioneers in Vexas Wool 1 ned. a punful sufferer, for abont twenty the vietins, for (wo veats past, of sharpens and ~ oan ta bes rh i 2 ‘ ontode a Bi bonh ft ‘ 5 } F . \ wf 5 ‘ na dh ae i ee iit careanyn Ole Dossmie Winch tat otticer tad pre rowing, and his sheep new Homber see tour hours, when death came to ber deliverance: STUners to renteve them woe the obyect of the ec ‘ end Leonel yecsliiie eur andtais: Doee dothem,on the partof the gover voral thousand. More recently other pen: It was stated on presence of those sammeoned till. Rowan county bad subscribed £260,000 ; : . ALN fawn Oe - en ee ie Dysalel a ‘ ~ < nae eal “0 ae web Chats people —culbvaling ee ' a Bot ae soe Gemen have gone thither, and ameng tothe spot on Tuarmday bast, that she was se ta le pubue works, besides a Large number of oy , . lees a peeke sy smectite States and SS i a \ - Caulenas them two of the Messrs. Leland, of the jjych anen to complaining, that no one knew cohol subsenptios to similar un fertakings. Mr x u wwe =) , } i i you now. te replied. ** Lou Know that arent ; site, Elie eta > =a if : ; ; ' ‘ Loti ret Cy DIES US NAN at i ‘ | d : Metropolitan hotel in this ety. Phe stock whet to believe she was indeed sick: and (hit Bothen compared the banking: capita of Salis 4 vaous ; ' itn. (eH ny é tt prabas Mehr! ery ease them, amens pasers of Lonistana and Mississipyd whe \ ; ; ; wane walt eat Foal St } : - ‘ - s cause sre te tast be vate e derles \ whoa ws e mise eta 3 | . ag Ate oll Eon awantieiare es st Geto other Hangs, a cireulart lvandeabcnmie | Worhoseuk New Mexico we, have bith to this cause alone ma tttributed the neyheet ver my fl 41 tyett . | ! 7 nee | } it - = she ine it Elin tat (hientres tara Ces seaged Ntalee brave) B35. Creenshoran & vw f ' s thiese with Weare disse: cited tn the atthe ten ier, nel ow bras. bb reset Ze ertoraised sheep for their fleslion}y, ane be met with, ‘The jory ofinquest, after a post had 35.000, 1 re RZ00.9000, New & we j “ : i ptirstnts ‘ “ men one of the Dechtren vans, They NAC neeece yee treme (or tTicapre i tect tlre ria Ubantstll SE Sect st Jered there veriet— bern ¥373,000, Raleigh 400,000, Wash agton 5 i A \ notin ‘ u sya SEE y : meet hat adarge louse built for the safe Keeping of wool VW. Jour. of Commerce. “death by internal bemorage of the womb.” $855,000, Wilmington 81,500,000, Yanceyville : ; \ RG We ja SEL SICH Hy AS tsate | tL aU The dis railroad, and every new and then Bears SVO0.000 and Salen &150.000, Mer Fleming ' w be ‘ ‘ x { i We uss GE > ane Carles bh my SEE tal LE nto ! | We: Ik si | up stead if 2 ° } a . '? . ms o ; ee : Hicnecs ot nw - ] a ph One A oe tp sie a 7 Karnes Motto.—-“Let the far Sat It will be seen by reference te fier commenting on these facts, made a very eax t pre ’ os veo aut HO AWAY pho a ab Noor MOre tinged 4 | | 1 om re ' te ree ce = : ys oe : cn nit eTOrS a Treritetaue caine © fucnl statement of the provisions of the bil ; : “ ‘ we iieors gyan a cicilar pleasnee trip met notte be, then, * pood farmers, our plist colums, that Mr. Hb s a } on ve bill, and saljectof terial tae pes eae NI SY HAUT ID Tien engeneere eave eeege ay camp 1S vod stock, wood seed, and good cultiva Corros, wil pallish, semetine Cie: jpine: (OSA IES the charter was much more asf es 1 wif +t = vey ‘ =? hie et Nv ° Sih oe 1 ea st e Vy an lee 1 7 Poteced op hat . ' : Se : Sam - : oe ; Po tha, ted are never at a loss im the dis. tion! Make farming ascience, in which sent month, a diseriptive Nel cl? the than any other bank charter im the ' Titties vee , 14 Aa wie tise bo 8 . - iat duty I steno test the A j Hef & i at ao : Stite he : ie . eng bach uygeof their daty, stippese that they your head as well as your hands are em- Mountain Scenery, &e., of North Carolina wi HeaiuG ; , | Keay fans a CARH A k at Gonna na © . ‘ - tr. Caldwell, of Guiltord, would on contro- | Ve be basa UE EY ey SAVE NECN AST] SEDI) SEU a Y 1 i af : I ees er h ea ci! ; ployed 5 let there be eystem and reason It will be a convenient and useful work “at ; ; HOLE COnL To, a \ PR Seen? edeto, but doubt if the ratroadl wid i ‘ c i vert the statement that there was a pressing ne- I : SERS - ee pay in ot part ot j ; Al EU incall your operations 5 study to make to those who may wish to visit the moun wie (een Teeth s ae 8 . : ‘i te ah | oo jer at A Th oothoer AWE Oi oJ ep < re cy s ; i - a eessity for bauking facniGes in Salisbury. On A ; hall Boek ° ee ; F : » tain region our State. ° ; re . i \ Wile secnting JS tiv Drohen AVA Wakao © (iyagide ei yZ AMA Uae Ie cr ti and inake your tain regen of or State the coutrary he would cheerfully ive the people ae . ee : ; ee + ; , ths \emorand er they have bad one thou@and cnstenx churns: lowely s Tcntice, by kindness, the f Salisbury and every other portion of the State a. a ae 4 alien: “Das Sie ae eanviens Costin ous aethly like at and amounted them in the birds to visit, and cheer your dwelling WNC. Madoad. = We ate inlet panting privileges upon proper principles. Mr Al dioswa llr) ON nw En) enc att atten Tia auinenane wee ‘ : : . x = : . Air. Aditis aca not to bo suypes “ \ ad ian . yas ; ately forts of thedr different ports. o NOW eth their music. TL would not associate ed to the president of this read fora copy Co (hon entered at some dength into a general Rien Fe ie ne ae a iheceincme 0 RANG AEDs Sigler tice cathe fere is semetiiig cise that will surprise voit, i s F ‘ . tet » i : i. im Hou : 1 ; i ie arilotiormtdernes dingiad| mA amnTTElee seuit ; T Assn feoamelhe tt? dite bite Bi Wh aomanoor boy that wold wantonly of the Repos ts of the President and examination of the bank question. in which he ae ' Vie : ‘ frowaserih swith dane - Le eee uetena nile ot TN ee kil tac birds that cheerfally sing around: Gyiep Engineer,” for 1858, embracing all w tt ul th rare trale 1 ees ' Heke WL TS ‘ he t webore 5 eer ae MACE Weaeas aie 4 op : atintt . DE ORES) a aa aS pretly severe Upon yeVsten { Toe: k Te ver sien bean . ; Tecan A fateahaiy tee nie (ne eater Bole There, and ence upon Washe our dwellings and our farms he is fitted ; - We C ae pee ‘ bE Uaa oc bau ks: 4 . ' +a prs ee r st wat n t 2 sahil ® bic bs et uw ’ 1} ’ , : + , a 8 | ‘Was oe 3 t ‘ fi o ‘ . ato af eC a ! : t ; Ir i Fretatiye ene Nee Nee prey mgton's birthday, they fired a salute of fap treason and murder. Who docs not, the operations of the Company from its At the conetaston of Ins speech he strongly de- ' , sottoon ft Ae onesies (aD : Tes Tiss cre una SOS Tornoe ane q ni : es =e f ? Ae leery woh F j j ' He ; ; [eervoualaiitelenwe tanatleetint ailiitariseninnenact ier SEGRE CLR HATE SME pat ir howitzers. with the freshness of early morning, call organization to the Ist Dee. I858. Ttowas nounced some of the clauses in the bill under a= Wbeny ‘ Aa é are > " ith ‘ if be . . . , ee i ' rari en more portentar reference at dis tine to the ut ae Hiesnins and myself attended, wu ap the memory of the warden of his in made to the Governor, in compliance mscussion, . . : a \ 7 ar tine oo eet eee Gi tee a ‘ ' fay fay de -; y ped Hes} 4 taney and elildhood ? The rebbin’s nest with a provision of the Charter of the Mr. Fleming replied at some length, and made lane | ‘ = detec alowelbyronaun Geos i Saisie ine fon) oveiectwaiioniie: Oe The tedieet ens COBY and in the old cherry tree, and the nest of Company, requiring an annnal report auother strony arcament in favor of the bill ; erulne ts ; f oe : 3 any, i i 5 shee v bill. be , Fatt Peiah ise gen eee or (in tncca yy Les UP MIe CGC Esse Uneido: Oxi nithusasm, Oneanight have almost ie von chirping birds inthe enrrent bush. | 7, 5 iy . Mr. Reeves wished fi t \ eee pnd Cee 8 = iin : From it we learn, the total receipts into BAe wed lor a postponement . | Mont wetoantre| Sraifoiivare ln SWAOU NERY tivo lnmvib. Sve doonivrre (OP UIIRAUE HUI os niRet ca) tthe flowers planted by his mother ’ r Hobow toother fur their 1 en € thre Wer i ante v ’ : f i ee ; | | , Nene (ie Bee ne Thanamse ul) tho Chomp | all '° consult: the people of Mt Airy. He ’ y Pee ee ee ee ae BTS AAA ELI URSA POUT Vie SMRIStCn CLIATIEOtIC RU LCM Lie. Yaa the Company, from ie scat af the trade of th / ; ar dil Wave aT Unreal Gente beter ( 3 : .. . 1 deonstatement of the trade of that place, anc “ x ; eee » 9st hom ae g then upow yout rd wy th Wanderings, the memory of childhood’s sources, amount to KVL 094,23, Total aed : u that place, and fs : a ; ce bodies, (ook, ami yee mea VU oy ‘ ; oe ) ; 5 : ontended they were entitled to have ab ine of oar chit ; : ; / ee ‘ uh The Sugar Crap of 13538.--We have lire and flowers are associated with oor amount of expenditure to Ist Dee. 1858, 4 , i a 4 led to have a branch ma at ; ae lt wbrlanntercreet cbsath ose inet ist Vater ‘ : ania ares ; i ea . hy ers i‘ . . hank there, and moved to postpone the bill t fe As ‘ ie annmewiicee. iene won lewis 1 Gn elleiige Uattelse Omeniko at (hin inated Us of the mothers and sisters, and one ‘ arly h we. Be50 579,61. Dalance remaining inthe en] ml (We) f ns . ' irom at fl Gries et Ae mt ; 2 1 r As von would have your children intelli- cnn REE. Ouclindine dee the TNth inst After some remarks in opposi Paes , , naeeach apron the nv happy crema sn cease eihyeceant Saeed : 5 “as DAA EBL. sti y debts , Ane tee \ RRR PRI Re Sa eos Ne re it Uoosuvar yrowing parishes of this State, and) Gant and happy, and their memory in af ul : 4 2 ten hy Mr Fleming, Gnuieen cons i . ‘ ' Hi ldaetnaw than oer tan snr eonidition : ia ; : . $50,000 ‘ Aer. Hah ‘ ane ; 1 : . Vaodl, animal < Diner nies of past sufering lave leard various estimates made in re ter life ot eiriy heme, pleasant or repul estimated at So0,000. Mr. Reeves introduced an amendment, to the foot I \V | ny forged car i ‘ ‘ ! : a sue ‘ Shae " ahs x , Oxanpy shone Re en i , eT nd Tails oa ommen cone. « coptenp leon of tation to the sogar crop of 1858. Tt ap sive, so make your farms and: your chil ad ited Thine olay lre poaplentt Me, Wey arlcath u ! | \ if ' erat 1 ‘ oe ‘ ca | e ’ : hed. ' veree fy br ! ‘ aN COIL Picts \ beasites COD Oo we a ale Ps i rari pears to us that there are great dificul Jacen tS awrite | Poung Mien Christian Aasoenition, eo) $75,000 in gold and silver, the Bank of Sal \ j L440 Mon leser eaten Lecce Dexpectat Pthe tinmnypdis Chat vet await . : iThere was amecting held in the Teme isbury should establis anc 7 . use ie ae 2 We Fei adele Won dein ia pith ties in the way of estimating the present vane a | Wes ) should establish a branch there; which : at : : Si Lee Doar ; ae ; i yo TREE PLANTING. perance Hallo on Saturday evening last, amendment was adopted H (> ery fee) ReeREe uta winds atl breasts of ail Aimenicans on this ter crop, Most of the conelusion arrived at . . - . ‘ utes ciyies | \ niet udinanae. an tal destin das--there naturaiy arise hopeful hi Ae ; Lose no tine now in planting ont frnit, for the purpose of forming a Young Phe bill then passed ite second reading y f ie 4 eae Gana fete pa MeO ctons ef Ue permaucnee and durability of on this subject appear to be mere ness nade and ornament! trees. A tree Men's Christian Association, when sev 63, nays 46. 1 a) nh t the osu] ‘ » oaleuls 7 ‘ oot i >certal ive . . " é ee Re | syst a work, and not the result of any calcula: planted now, ia much more certain tulive, eral committees were appointed to: for Poday.it came up for its 3d reading, but the t One [ire pated enieations whieh this d tions whatever. than when planted in the spring, aoe CHS rea] a boc aR * : a! \ ; i Pe net ; Ty , ware the object. These committees are appomtnent of magistrates interfered and no tt fe cAvn y AUN tite) Weomav be wrong in both onr premi make a third more growth. re tops o ’ i , . not La Use Sia ODES 2 decidnons trees shonld be well ent back to make reports on Saturday evening vote was biken ee, ' aea and conclusions, but we will hazard : 7 ‘ : ; ¢ 7: ne ‘ , . th vseven ves past when Med ee ies 7 before planting, and the tree planted no next, when there is another meeting to be Woeoeuies Win. Rarer mmtethiadl OTD vodhe ' ‘ ice Goamitino an, aot th ie aiee Ta : eat ede : F ; ae an ; ' ( Tale a CT RNs ad there been deeper than it originally stood in the held at the same place, which all the clue the Yadkin River a navigable stream from - : ' Be lnm Nrner ei crevasses, und no. freeze, thefengar vroand, Smallever greens may be plant: yonng men of the Town, who feel any the North Carolina Taitroad to the town. of I on ; " ' r ia ; See aay Lire, of T8568) would have come [up te ed with their tops me ay they interest in the matter, are requested to at Wilkesboro, Mr. Walser, a bill concerning the so v 7. A ! Es Tsaave . At eae PRN . ave ave bee nkenet with care. ve roots. . , ‘ \ 4 i } 1 " nD Preoopbeoot Cais coutitny. cut $50,000 Towsheads The crevassed have have heen taken up f eee tend. divorecoment of wives and hushands. ' Toy AYA bout perthte a ie ent the e fvarde (0 ro ten. cae { eet of All treea should be examined before Peas : uf , ul te) ae DOSS Wes Soe hd I | : i | t planting, and all matilated parta taken Hon. Stephen A. Douglas has heen re Vo day, a bill te ive the election of Clerk and ‘ t ; : thieds + Wot reduce the cRpp te ., . . bon . ee” ‘ Maste 5 rere ai crit ' i f F nife. f the tree has . : . faster in Equity to the people, w ne s “ : ! PING RASS STURT ES Ts rIny LOY iat a sliary Mie 1G elected United States Senator by the Le \ othe people, was put on its i : : , D \ maeh top, it shonld be fastened to astrang | in rn i" . ie Ql reading Nie, Niven, die fier off tie ; 4 af - a gislature o Pom e receiver ifty 1 ; : : eS : Tania cence IONE The freezes, of course, destroyigmore stake, else the winds will shake it until it & a ne : * bill spoke at lenath mpon it. Ao proposition to \ | . Ve “ty Teer reeormes loose yround, when death four votes, and Lincoln forty six. ; é \ : puck cane in the wpper than they do the becomes loose in the groand, Feral . consolidate the two offiees of Clerk of the Supe ‘ Ps SOS Gtr at j \ ne i \ will be the consequence. As trees fee “= nor Cmurtoand ofcClork 1 Mast ! | , lower parishes. at ses a ropes 0 ’ and o lerko an as broug ; Cold at " ‘ us PD onostly through thein surface roots, the Mr. Cass, Jate Aimerican Minister at Tdef \ sae abi Lsa moseren veryounequally even in the Tower p| ish ich surface oil of a piece of woods, or R . ; kl . ral 1 : Af opamd defeated. Me Kerr imade several speech- ‘ ou om Ave « : res anh pre ex in ite fi The iiienaal ; ; ; ps eo . j Wrcet Airerowate loss wiih is ofinalry RAIN): will bea proper Aiietom cs : ’ i: : , 1 pe, and pre its favor. The bill finally passed. Tt poes , ts ‘ eradaally goon on aa wit rowed Jcane, Manure them with at planting. Let the sented Mr. Stockton as his successor, to the Senate however, where all the misdoings l " ' : he he put dwmont [Os qierccenty ¢ lag bole be dng twice as large as the roota on the zsth of November Phe Pope of the House are corrected and that body may , “ . rt ' V t wi thoy ‘ af > ’ as . . . ee ' ; ci Pa! xtend, and fill all arennd: the ends of gent him, next davoamarble bust of him. consider this one amd reyeet it rw ( “ Wea Ne Was itn proving ane t , . / om . WPS ea red! Tee : the roots with this surface mold, with the fr ; a a ; ' ree ees th - : ' self, as a testimonial of lis regard Mr. Fries reported the Revenue Bill to day ; i y when the freezes came, ee dition of a little lime, er good ashes. - ] | | : < " wt i i & . 5d nd it was ordered to be yp ay Ose Tarren tnelince roved TO per cent, of the £ lat Select w moiat or clondy day, for planting Tie Txctidomis anesavge cubs qunnited a w rdered to be qerint®d. Tt proposes ; aes i . é wonld have occnrred had there boo@ no if possible, and plant the tree firmly at. aati favdlive. (endl Ls to rane £170,000 100,000 for the sinking ‘ j » Koglis oR, f F ? CNrend i ; frost Gil date in the season. Cee In follon the Pogbsh papers, and Vath fund and $70,000 for current expenses, Tt wall Heer ime theres : Jhon 20 per cent, on 392.0000 lees only commented upon, and generally havea atrugule to pet through amit atunda— tho antisfacton, conris ‘ ‘ , formy officve Sey i) lid- as the probs Mee CP of The London Times publishes the proclamation unfavorably, The Times is Wonsnally committee were not entirely ananimonus, nee wade 1 via ' ' ana Ie peel Ivos Weomay be far fren the ngark, of Lord Clyde on recommencing the campaign in’ revere in its criticisms Aci ‘ a Rr ih j | t ial et fthe} pr ; ee wl tl mn ire , Mr. Caldwell of Ganlford asked and obtained State, At the Rane 4 7 A ' ' . , we bedeve 1 wie e re ore Cimde, announemng that where vere no res af 1e President’ ( uban 1 Cc é 4 ‘ Vin 8 Ali( CHUA Sleava - rte fist (me | A Blea inne plan sent vear will foot op net fer from BOO, ance, no plundering te to be allowed; but where \ a : se leave to withdraw bis Bank bill, T learn he in j , Tas Ot | le Bank oe Banner Dr oven a sungle shot ve fired, the houses are to be OO" rican propositions are generally Un doe se with no intention of again introducing it hegre of free and unive Hea a a ble . i P me et 1 tee WWthROAL all appropera * ee 1 4 presen 5 lage a ( burned and the villages plundered palatal le to the I gli 1 Press The appointment of magistrates occupied @ u ¢ c € ] 1 iv de. rom » of the and ts the nto wpe vyht ech- Bors mys may day, sonth king will tho ined rhe l The House! From the “ Dewocracia” of Quite, Sapt, 21, 1858." RETIKEMENT OF HON, PHILO WHITE. (TRANSLATED VOR THE BALIBBURY WATCHMAN | == sarees large portion of the allotted time. had a litle fun after it was over and adjourned, A LOOKEK ON. | a —- = , “It is known that His Excellency Puro {ag An old adage informs us that it Wuite, Minister Resident from the United is useless to cry for spilt milk, and our’ States, has presented lis letters of recall. which experience testifies to its truth, If it: be lad repeatedly solicited from his Govern- were not so, we would “Jet ont” about mers for the purpose of enabling him to return the location of the Statesville depot. Ao and breathe the air uf bis native laud. it is, the best that can be done, is to urge “The motive which attracts Mr. White North our friends in that expanding village to ward, and which is about to remove him from push on their proposed improvement of anoug ua, is one of those predominalng sents the Road leading trom the depot to town, It is a bad case tor one to lund at that wents which pervade the human breast. Sin cercly Gusting that bis veyase inay be a plea) a i sunt one, we can assure tiny that our cordial | point about dark, on a cold eveniTg, 1H ant winlea will follow hin wherever he goes the present condition of the dirt UU S Tait hit ume cil) eae reecurmdnesten and if he fuils to get a seat the first trip jigs asa fieodl—ain cs Roxas Mannan al of the Ornibus, it is much worse; forin worthy representative of the oldest broiler Ke that case he has to take the mud and patie on our contiment. carry his baggage, or stand in the cold and wait for its return. arrived there on Thursday evening last, to the Suuthera Kepubles, they lave alo given © Although the Guited States have produced A crowded coach their Walkers, who lave been a source of alarin and some of the passengers were com> to the world Chee Wasnixcrons, their Faank pelled to remain on the flatform, shiver tine, their Waites, whe were always the fiends | ing in the cold, for not Jess than an hour, of jastice, aud of the peace progress and pros | There was not a spark of fire in the pas-. perty of their sister Sovereigates. And it has senger room of the depot. There was a been our yood fortune, iat tie Missions of Mr keen North-wester blowing, and it cut Cushing and Mr. White have merited our cunt to the quick all the time; aud provoked donee aud vur esteem, rather than excited gar remarks from the sufferers of euch a then efile Ue doubtful character touching the compe- tency of those who located the building, “Mr. White ws a long-tried def uder of Amer: ) ican Freedom, as well in arms as in Journalisin : ways Laving identified hinisel! with the purest! managed the business of the road, &c., : We tried ty reason the care with one of them. He Principles of Liberalism, wheretu tas political And al ; though bis unostentatious tanner and republi | PAB Ci ‘5 , rane & thie ; | was cold enough to talk coolly, but his’ can style of address, may not lave been in all ei lips would) pronounce nothing respects in cutre coufurimiry with) the musty | but condemnations. us to be unfit for our columns. creed is in accordance with our owns couventionals of European etiquetio, yet his oth oases cial and social intercourse ta Eeuadur lias been | A passenger, just arrived at St. Louis most cordially appreciated, and proved highly Ly the overland mail stage, says the Ca satisfactory ty both “Tn bis diplomatic charreter, Mi. White has rorntuent ated people, manche Indians have declared war, and are only waiting a favorable opportunity teTrr sought to make a display of the power of to attack the stages. The presence ot the bis nation, nur attempted to terrify us with the troops lately sent along the route from betebey of tts naval armoents, bat has ad Fort Suith, may check their depreda- Just d ingoted questions without eveceding the i ° wits of pastice and ted Iwona ¢ hoy th tions. An abondance of gold bearing ‘ UpsGiece EOE TReah, cys es TRS ATES courteous, thoderate, and friendly lanuuage,— quartz lias been discovered on the Gila ’ g 22 Anda dis iitetcourse with tetn ; society, be not TIVer: a 2 nv eahituted # commmendat It ix stated that the French Foreign OF tice has beard with some surprise Mr. those quabtes of the he exainyle ot tt publican simpheity, Gut constantly toatifested tt which gave assur Buchanan's recommendation te purchase that he was yur true frend aud safe coun Cuba, F the American Minister of its determuina- ance having previo ele nome sellers aud among the enduwineuts which re commend bin, cordiality abd tranknoss predate tion, in Conjunction with Rngland, not te 1 letters, Mr Winte speaks iu exalted torms uf the new di . : “Tu both private and offic tolerate the cession of Caba to the Unie dS 4 we tre Spat ee it , i ‘ ted States, even were Spain to Consent. plomatist Who comes to succerd him; he com = Pousts aiends tis antecedents, abd presets him to us Mr. Cush tnd tape las Detachments of French troops having ay worthy of eur highest regards, advanced into Swiss territory, Switzer ing did the same for Mr, Whate land has demanded explanations. There demonstrated that that recommendation was not is reat iudignation in Switzerland, ab empty compliment, but sunply the trath, We cannut doubt, that our lucky star will stil Backialew eRSOPS, “2 ree co e « f, vo a ‘ val The Times announces a new ocean tel ntinue to favor us, and that Mr will not fall short of bas worthy pred “Te bidding « heart folt adieu ty Me. Whit and bis most excellent’ Lady, we beg lo assure egraph enterprise for lay ingacable trom Land's End to Halifax on an entirely new plan. ‘ 5 Pie them of the warm sympathies which follow CONGHKESSTION AL, Wushington, Jun. 4—The Senate took pos them ; aud we sincerely bope that, to the peace ful enjoyments of the domestic hearth, may be vdded the pleasure nod satisfeetion, so cong session of thor new Hdl to day with appropriate mal tO nuble minds, of having merited the re- ceremonies. Vice President Breckeundye unade gratitude, and the blesings of an ene speet, the Patek a splendid oratonal effort on the occasion which = Ure people. was followed by one from Senator Crittenden, wae The al rreativ ad ed fo shyt . . ” The new Hall is greatiy admired for its light ERT RACRDINEN CEES! In a speech ess, i c astehess, aud ood acourlic quill Ae GEESE SUE RIEU slic i eer the House of Commons against sural ies. : ut Bes notes, by Mr. 1ill, a democratic member | The Senate appropriately commenced its site, wd s 5 P : i trom Lalifax county, we find the follow: ting by devoting the day to the discussion of a © 1 that the Committee on Finance TR “Mr. Speaker, there are two facts which [ wish gentlemen pp wrticularly te remen ber-—one is, that it las been estimated that from thirty te forty per cent. of the} theresernmants ithaht ls issue of sinall bills never retarn to the After this discussion the Scuate went into Exees jank for redemption—tlost, tory and dis- Utiver es s)0n tigured, the bank is net required to re “>: deem but sixty or seventy dollars of the SPECIAL ELECTION IN WAKE CO tiandred tor which it has received value : i You see, sir, at once how large a source | At the special clection, held in’ this of profit this must be, and how it is that county, on the Buth ult, tosupply the va Lanks are willing to pay so large a bons: cancy cansed by the decision of the House tor the privilege. The other fact is that of Cominons in the case of E.G. Hay wood, the circulation of small notes is contined very much to the Juboring and poorer, classes of people. Phe men who do a motion made by Senator Jobuson of Tennessee, ye Instructed Lo report a bill to ches k the lavish expenditures of the Public money and bring the expenditures of fiantoof the revenue, Esq., a Clerk and Master in Equity. Hen- ry Mordecai, Esq, was elected. his jad exerted file hnet Cale thao fn a election makes no difference in the politi: jirall balance over their yearly expenses cal complexion of the Hfouse of Commons. receive paymentin stall bills, while those —. who handle their hundreds and thousands A LIQUOR LAW. trefase them because of the inconvenience | . of keeping and counting them. Nine- We learn says the Winston Sentinel, tenths, therefore, of the small bills will be that a bill is before the Legislature re fund in the hands of the poorer classes. quiring that when ten individuals, © Binks break, the poor man loses his alll zens of any town or Tommon 86 hool diss Banks suspend, he suffers by depreciation trict, shall make application to the coun: of their notes, while all the time by a ty court to order an election to be held) eady law, independent of prosperity or for the town or districts so applying on adversity, solvency or insolvency, they the first Thursday in August next follow: 14.6 from 30 to 40 per cent. by wear, tear ing, and in the event of a majority of the and aceident.” voters of said town wy District shall de Now as to these “facts” we have to say, miata Aeniiet Ae piers cL euatns that however it may be true that “it has iri i 4 be dea pe spirituous liquors, it shall be made a] ‘ a ; nal offense for any one to engage in the been estimated,” as stated by Mr. Hill, business of selling lutoxicating a the estimate itself is by no means a fact, within the limits of the said town or Dis a3 Mr. Hill could doubtless have ascer- trict. tained by applying to either of the banks ee i CONCORD FEMALE COLLEGE The Spring Session of this institution than a poor one, refused to receive sinall opened on the oth ba! under very qiig¢ Stull more, if the banks break, (a atte Sia wd fairer qrosuects Haticong asaplcl si? we eal thing, by the way, which never occurred than ever dawned npon the school before. Bre - We are informed that the nuinber of young ladies entered matriculates the first losa of their large notes at the same tine day was over 100 and that the number is that the poor loge their small ones ¢ —kuy- expected to double in the next two weeks, ettcvdle Observer. Among the many excellent female Col leges in the State this is one of the Hest and we are gratified to learn of its well merited snecess. — 17 which issues small notes. Again, who ever heard that a rich maa, any more in this State,) do mot the rich suffer the Conservarieat in Desraik.—The Wil- Crpress. mington Journal, in some observations on the signs of the tines, expresses & little an s NEW ORLEANS MARKET. New Orteans, Jan hope for the conservatisin of laws n “We must confess that things look rather dark and doubtfal for the continu The sales of cotton to-day amounted to aioe of any bond of union between par 93,250 bales, at an advance of te. The ae eect openly and matnally ignore all market is active, with an advan mg ten he cnnditions.of the bond. One class of dency in prices. Jaws are openly violated at the North, and A party isapringing up at the South avow ing their determination openly to violate The receipts of yellow pine lumber in j . If Southern receivers of Baltimore from North Carolina daring the past year, amonnted to 9,200,000 feet, valued at $162,000, The receipts of shin ; gles from this State for the same time tans and crews to bring them in were 25,000,000, valued at R150,000, No time ia past when obedience to Jaw wis Carolina shingles are now nsedin prefer: regi rded as one of the obligations of a ence to all others Wil. Herald. inother class. African ¢trgoes ean he secured, there will be no dithenity in finding Northern cap ithe Washington, on her last trip, describes Pwith Venetian bliods, of mosquito net) Should this news be layainet storms ormaranders. Tig natives just as they had dett them upon retrig | oy in good citizen, or when men, clanning to be prince. iheers i such, waited for the sanction of law to! YOR THE WATCIDMAN | A CARD. any enterprise, All lawethatoppose any Om the Death of Twa Little Daughters. py avin wmited wich myseit Mr Jou particuwar schemes of profit or aebition, | en . Cwnise, receuily of Petersburg, Vu, a gentle | Adieu sweet babes you're sufe with God, oan of long experience in the Diag business, and or run counter toany prejudice, are cither ituti i ve Are Bu. | ; ungoastitutional in themselves, OF Are 8U-) ye Kiged you laughing, kissd you eryings the ¢ pee by the authority of some higher And kissd you oft while you were dying. increased facilities for conducting the business. aw, and the atteinpt on the part of the Crost we will be enabled to commend the coufide nce Executive to put such laws in force is de- and potconage of my former cusiomers aud the pub- nounced as atrocious tyranuy, and the officers engayed in doing their daty in the premises are stigmatized in opprobious language, and designated by cuntemptu ous epithets.” Except from care a weary load ; Two little buds just begun to bloom, Now culd and silent ip the tomb e Won ally a doe e How much DP loved then nove cau tell, jo as C. A. HENDERSON, Ob! dhok how soon my blosoms fell { Jan. 11, 1R59 uss “VALUABLE TRACT OF LAND But then av angel hovered nigh, | FOR SA LE. ‘Po bear their happy reals va high ] offer forsale 27b ACRES of Land lying in Rowan Ah yea! it was w gneveous thins, To see their little sou's lake wing; Greytown atthe Present Day — New Orleans correspondent, who went out in Countycon the waters of Coie Creek, the Lauds Jothers, about dh miter tre joni Phibp Owens, ibendermou Sanh and near the N Ties them in the parlour now, Just at the close of even, Salisbury, When they sent their bette vow PO. Wi Rowd, "Peruna, « this dall little hole, ag it now is: { Uppolenerecurmonitaeers ae one, i 2, UF Caldwell, | ns dw aud Uiree veare Apply to Greytown is a village of three or four yy Rea ELL hundred Jamaicaand Nicaraguan Indians, with a sprinkling of sickly-looking Eure peane and Americans. It consists of a half dozen lanes, running at right angles, along which are! ranged a few frame shanties, and a mun ber of native huts, built of a epecies of! cane and palin leat. ‘The English Consel, | Mr. James Green, is fitting ap oa frame T mire their sweet and weleomne kiss, When T come home at even: 8 omen Target Firing. annon and Batl and Musket and Ball! My home is lonely gow, Ob! sad and dreary ai GOGUSE Hor scry cloveil ohiidres wil taver nee ty irs) Attendom! ARTILLERY 2 ~ [lock around the house Ponee their vacant clair, | My bosom heaves with suduers, Lwipe away a tear | YT OU are hereby ordered to mect Bag LAURIE | at your Head-Quaiters ou SAT. 4 ae URDAY 22diust., at To'elock, A.M, house of some pretensions, “That of the = azo Gel Starters (nitrate Oot ae 4 - ; FLING with Canuon and Ball aud Wusket aud United States Commercial Agent, Mr. The late London papers contain the | Bali Cottrell, is an humble cottage, recently following, from Rume. ALSO refitted with cedar doors and window | shutters. Window eashes do not enter into the economy of house furniture in this countey. “The apertures are supplies | Should jays above give equal bien, Viliry to reach that Heaven harrow, grass prow You are herby ordered to PARADE on | Piursday toe bath oaort, in full Wieter Cuiform By onter of the Caponu, ALEX. MURDOCH, O. 8. MOUNTAIN SCENERY. | Ninerica will | ZAe Scenery of Western North Carolina and wire screnes. lleavy woolen sliut | possess a cardinal tor the first tine, The | ters swing on the outside, tu be closed At the consiste ry to be holden on the vor, itis proba ble that two new cardinals will be made one for Rome and another tor America true, and Wistern South Carvlina. ken of as BY HENRY E one dat Work upou the Scenery of the Blue Ridge anc LAs tellow rfiges of Mounties will be published The following will be its Goutente. jarchbishop of Baltimore is COLTON, likely to be the first wearer of jin the United States.” { sleep altogether in hammocks. Jeary in January J Chap. P—Tatroduction, | ok T1— Asheville TEE —Roaresto reach } noa Gap Road Chap IV—The theory Nut Gap Road + VA Phe Routes trom South Curolima-Salen | Gap and Jones Gap. Plat Rock. Heudersoaviile. | i Cums Head, Whieside Mt and Casiuers Vatiey. | In the County, on che 30:h Dee. by Rev Ste phen | Chap VIR’ Route va Wilkesboro aad Leno Frais, Wr JOSEPU RUMPLE tw Miss REBEC. | Ute Valley of tie Yadkin, Wilkesborogh; Happy }owateh stolen [Oy LOWRANCE P Valley. Leno, Hrbriten ete { fothis Connty,on the tth Janoary, inst. by Rev | C Alieand:, We V8 UAWIRANCES ta Miss | fatdnone Spring Hawk's Bild Pa MARGARET Bo GRATAM | Chap VILE —iauvide Pails; the Guay Heavy Lethon at the Yarborough | MARLRILD : hom ot he deol me Wie Wetotbeetidi’ prs dni aaroaant ete Alb ance dhy [eee The (Ol Cheeze (Whine, ti Wewkordl, qemdhe teh Galil) oat) oles wt tb SSUES Patil enstho tts Mins | ; EMILY P, daughter ot i Po Ailen, [aq of David they had been robbed, during the might.) con Coanry : we Asheville—the Swana \ Tlouse. —Ow Cliristinas morning a nuin | | ofall their loose chanwe. One gentleman | 3 nad 300 dollars anda g fone (hin andececral Piirche (werenrc Chap. Vif—Morgantow and its surroundings; the le Rock reake Ruck, » whole lieved of smaller amounts having moved inte th. large new brick baildiag on! wer of Maine and Water Streets; with our! Our wotto will be lo give sulisfaction | e-fourch cash, the balance Office Western N. C. Rail Read. SPARTA ACADEMY | LOTTERY. Riker ahoemeprirntierty NEGRO MEN to be employed ou the construc- tion aud repairs of said Road, between Salicbury aad Newton Npily at this office AMiss ©. TURNER, Eng. and Sup’t. Salishory. Jau. Sd, 159 3w32 oo Capital Prize $50,000!! | TICKETS ONLY TEN DOLLARS. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC | ' Exchange and Collection Office. NAT ELS 3G 7G: AM PREPARED TO BUY AND SELL NEW York Beehange S e. State Stocks and ancur- ent Bank Bilis Money received on deposit, and ac- couats opened subj ec to checks Bepeciil otreainn paid to collection of claime and premittances invade progmpily on diy of payment. JOIN MchKORIE. Salisbury, Jan. 3, 1659 Bad bess, and we | Lenoir Classical Sohool. | Cou assure the pub ec that the patiouag~ heretofore | bestow don unis well deserving of being transferred | N. P. RANKIN, Patxcrpac. lu cur succe ru. 8 Very rerpeefully, | So sw AN ke GO, THE 41h sess.on will counmenee the 17th Jana- Dee 15, IMS ae 9: tery | WOOD, EDDY & €0., MAMIGERS, - i | 4 As the members of our firin have, by way of pur- chase, become the owner of the pranisehartered by the States of Delaware, Kentucky, Miseoum, aud ppartal the | Men-re Cor in Georgia, ander the manageweat of vy & Maury, of Wi unington, Delaware, ned it expedient to change the matoe of | we have d vur fir, on and afer January Ist, 1959, to Chat of WOOD, EDDY & CO. who willhereaferhave thy Mapavement of the Sparta Academy Lottery, aud the others above wamed | dn all transactions we have endecwored to conduct Jour bustoess wiih mitegrity aud pron} Augusta, eorsia Terms of Tuition per session of 21 weeks. iimerafirancices 8 8 00 Successors to S. Swan & Co. Mire Dar glely Che 33) 60 Classics! Course, 20 00 Charge tor contingencies, 50 VYurtion fees due, one linifin advance, the temain- erat the close of the terin —No deduction aude under! frum Cine of eatrance until the chee of the current session, excep! in cises of protrseted illness. The fillowing Scheme will be drawn by Woop. | Euvy & Co, Managers of the Sparta Aeadetmy Lot | teria each of thee Senge Number Lotteries for | January, IMSY. at Angusia, Geo ! . in pubic, he supernutendence of Commins ours Clase L Draws Saturday January 1, 1969, [Meat o9 goed Gaumtiew trom §7,00 to 98.00 poe ( 2 Diaws Saturday, Jann el test) te , : ‘ : ae i | For further iufurmation address the Principal at Chis S Draws Saturday, J [S99 i ; 2 ic | Lenmar, No ¢ e 2091 Deermber 2M, IKSR 3 } Clase 5 danuary 29, Lsoo oe iad 3w: w _ *. ry. vp. OTICE. : Paar All persons holding elaims against the ‘‘Commis- 50,000, re KETS, sioners of the ‘fown of Salisbury,” are hereby neti- Five Thoasand Five Handred and Ten fied to present them to ine on of before Saturday the Priszecs!!! 29th of Jaunary, 1659. YEARLY OVE PRIZE TO EVERY MNE TICKETS By order of the Board of Commivsioners, . J. H. ENNISS, Lut. Police. Magnificent Scheme! eae UST _ mess ee a TO RE DRAWS . SIX LIKELY NEGROES, EACH SATURDAY IN JANUARY. FOR SALE. —» —— | ON THE PLAN OF SINGLE NUMBERS. amount stolen was pearly S00 dollars, and| | oy ap ne an ; a ae TmAalte (ie Sa 4 1 X ie Viewty of J 3 the vite DIE PP; Salphors the Millio Springs; Peasant Drives Vis recidence t three gold watches. The robbery was doubtless perpetrated by seme expert ho vi ¢ \ Enel ceeinneeeay ee ie bag : iM vances tie Mountain | EPAC EP OIOUS VON Chap NE —The Mounteas the Bald Mount Chap NUP=Phe French Biowd Kiver aud the Warn Springs tel titef, ae wil of those who were robbed on the 2id inet. Capt found thei duors docked in the moecning | Sed wear ed years At the remdence of her broth: @ Haris Mies MAKITA [ot OOK, ay 5 Zod vont, o clue to the perpe: 37 years f Chap XUL—Pieasant Country Stupp ng Places ; he niwlit betore ppg ‘ the night before. rows ou the Carwhas Hare nat © hunney Kock nt Tbichory Nut Gop: DELL VO arate ise Reveroin Yancey; Penland at Fla Alexander's and A traturs of the theft has vet been obtianed that we have heard of. —/’et, Laryrcas, MRT DOE” PAY | R & x [Ba ra’s onthe Frenea Brood; Alexanders onthe | r : ) y SWanthanca | Governor Chase. of Ohio, in his late SA. . TURPHY, Coap NIV—The Western Coonties; Hay wood, | JIB OSD. Puskson Macon aid C he igeon Raver, Peanh- nesage states that the agyveyate public » Yr ToL sa Winter Pop; Vailey iiver; the Navthula 4 ea ay 0 ou ttend ta : debt is $17,160. The finances of the v u c 4 te Hudiane ; [iy Severs vil Swann fete ae Fret peng Clas SV -Hrocactions of the West, Aynealtaral | State are ina good condition. Ana fale CORES (Hiss FEBRU tad Monerals Wed) Piowers3 ‘Pree Growth; Wr! Pe NEY, 2290) wild li thedvida ech \ eee een Roe. MURPHY Mountain; Salem ; rEarnyc > R THE MARKETS. Jan 1) 1259 build oh Suns SEN ivi s miley Chrety ou Mouatains o i Rae Sn AIRBUS WN ASHOTUs eTieTie Sictomhne catia ' Salisbury, No ©., January Vt, soo INSURANCE COMPANY, sosurce the lives Phe wok wall contain four views of Moontain = of all hea Persous fom Tb to G) ycare of oe, dor > ory and @ Mapot that seenon of country, show CORRECTED WEEKLY BY | foe cece (he eeseunvenre itl (srl We aleualeestnge Lines sopping Waccsd Noud SPRAGUE BROTHERS Ales ali xl vex trom 10 to 68 years of age for ane | Paces. ete fiw gotepan the best style of the | teed 66; 197 eed Ber i oe five Vea. dor tworthide chet ue “ tet, and sold at 60 cents per copy. When sent by | Aa lesdried, 5 : Ah Bee hice a ra Le the slaves South ur South-west without exe wad, 66 conte. Persons wishing copies, will wddress | ening ga i they US eaten Wf. Pai Robin N ¢ Hecswany Qa 23 Whuiorrai uba, 435 445 AV loowen paid puneroa dy within VW) cave af er sat A Iiberal direcunt to those Giking,a numberof copier | eats 5a 6 Q Neo ms or distr bation fe sfaclony pros Jo MO HORAEE, Agent for wa Batter, 15a Ie Mureuvade 45 0 30 CANDLES— Naile (Cay hy nf SSM UL ues weer ea Siabl-n and Springe will be inserted upon fly -leaven ae Bs re Ane ad : cis oy pa {warded immediately Adin ine, bo a WHS thiSSIb Wi | \ | ] |: | : a e Ri, 2d 8 Banners, 50490 | = ( ) ( ae ' Jan V1, 7 : 33 Sava, Via 22) Potatoes treeh, 75 a ow NUDE firin of Mile & Meose having thisday made | > ) Wo 14) t > Canane Hew dh Sweet 70a ba TVabeiimucniat (aie Sock cel eCrienie Niiok ‘Q ) : y \ Conon Yarn, 100 4 TIO Rags per Ib 2h and Accounts te ine me Triste tor che benetitel thy J DY I AVA, Cutie aa GS Salt persack, 175 a 0U creditors of Wad Mile & wd Mile & Moose, Ment. $5470 Sheeung Bro 9 a 10 | all persons ind bted to either: of the cbowe courerns, | ae Chirkciinjerdor | Ous td sugar Bro thal © fully requested to come forward aud settle | P Gi SPIES 1 Basx perder. 12g 0 15 Crashed, 1S a 10 feiay os the busnese of the firm mast be . fy 18 A> Feathers perio, $0439 8 Clarified, Liga Iu teloned “Be prompt sind give cos Anes Fy rd ce 4 Fione per ibe ed00 tor Nal Mees devin 18) leis ad fans camibcen! avant Hs Cott ] I NS Ma IR UU Le) ds ts) = Suck, 200" 2235 CWhite, 904 10 up the netes and seeounis, and ell the rearing ce ae Treen co LGs Tanks fron Bar) ja * Red, ~Ua YU | Store de. The goods will be closed out at low which w b the articles produced by Lard 10a 120 Wool 25 u 30 | figures bun asa BARKER, and with (he addon of wa , PORK 64 47 Titeerdcuiecstorl ea boveenrmmtvenctenverace| TOD : , ee et ae OYSTER SALOON, FAYED PEVILLE MARKET, Jan. TE, enter cols avers short t Lobe make upthe most attractive shep in Town a es ‘ ’ a ene SEEN LO il Tite rew tmnorcaticns coriprice 6) Inreeiaeckiot ACE N, peroeb a e cer. by a | i A .. 7 a COFFE (Jan. U1, 1H59. 35 | Candies, Raisins, Adinonds, Pdberts, Co : ‘ | i Rv me a ae Una hl = mh 11) | rodnuts, Cream Nuts, Lemons, waguira, oa 1b h i : ‘ die St Domingo, 00 a 00 Is \ | A |, \ ( ) | | ( 1) \ Brandy Peaches, Sardines, Pickles, and y aay ae Be 4 Ai | - . - ce a ed reo one pues | every other article in has line aly, 555) Supertine, ALE PEST NN DG OOD: Sus! 2% DR. BESSENT, \ rill be sent to any owe des.rous of recetring it | | orderedoon rece poof which they will b sent te purchasers aur diately « ries cee ee esac sweuteu Hack, toon, D4 ADAMo EXPRESS COMAANY 4 1( HOGSHEADS New Orleans 1) URABLE Ink, Blacking, 20 HWhds. Muscoyade and New Or- | 1 9 4 oP 0 74 ‘ ' “eis | Wee sah ys Thursday and Friday the 20th and Qiet Jan- 1 Te )o00 Tow | vory next, Twill eell, one mile Sooth-Weet of 5100 bm | God Hil. six bkely Negroes, cons-tng of women 400 | de mn deChita i oe jand Ciiidren A'so, at the same tine and place, all 1 x : Tso00} ton & the personal property belonging to the estate of oe ech fia 100} Duvid MeMuchin, dec'd. ‘Tenns mace known om APPROXIMATION PRIZES day of sule EPURAIM MAUNEY, Ex'r. 4 Prizes of $40) Approximating to BD 10M Prise are $1. | JeH. 4th, 159, 2:32 A 0 LY ee eA roe = “7 ced ee eS a & WOMYER Aoi oo ES a a so 9m | 4 “ine ‘ on re : . uf y 4 stat ve NO. 4 GRANITE ROW, san abt ate 00004 6310 Prizes amounting to ; ! TOULD respectfully eall the attention of the ORD \ Ladies to their remaining Stock of SILKS and DRESS GOODS, }which wil from this day be offered at greatly redue- jed prices. Persons in want will fied it greatly to J thelr advantage to call and examine, ae we ape de- jtermined (o luse thei val before making pus Spring Woore Tickets $10, Watves $5, Quanteas $2'y Li A Circular showing the plan of the Lotteries Certificates of Packages will be sold atthe followiue rates whieh ie the risk Certificate of Package of 10 Whole Tickets gee purchas i a ve Walt * i Dec. 21, 18528. : * 30 mn ae v — IV ORDERING TICKETS OR CERTIFICATES. | \ i ' ef Enclorethe moury lo our addresw fur the Tickets MAMSION HA. il j ly forwarded IN ALISBURY. yy fist mail Purchasers can have Gekets ending 10 any figure they may designate The bistef Draw Nambers 1 Prizee will be che drawing Li Parchasere wal plewse write their siguatares ee subscriber takes pleasure in announcing to hie plain, and give their Post: Ontice frends, and the public generaly, that he hae *itemenber thal every Price siiraws and pay- taken this long establiched and well known Hotel, able in fall without deduction “and tor u every possible preparation to seconme- Tir All prizes of 1.009 nod under, paid iinmediate- date the business, travelling and visiting portions of the publics in the most svtisfectory manner. Particular attention 16 paid to his » Couniy aud State Iv after the drawing tcthirty dave NOTICE TO CORRESPONDENTS. Those who prefer vot scudiag mouey by mail, can’ and every comfortie provided in bis ROOMS. a : Hix STABLES are abandanily supplied, and ate whereby money for ‘Tickets, i euins of ‘Tea Dollars,! tended by a earful ostler; and to all departments jand opwards, can be sent us | the proprietor gives his personal attention AT OUR RISK AND EXPENSE, | Acomfortable OMNIBUS runs regularly to the any city or town where they have an office depoton the arrival of the cars. morey and order must be enclosed ina GON With these efforts to please, a liberal share of the ERNVWENT POST OFFICE STAMPED EN. public patronsge is confidently soheited VELOPE,” or the Express Company cannot reecive WM. ROWZEE. other prizes ot the usual tune Ld | freon | Ths (anon Jannary 25th, 1858. th25 | Alleommanications stretly confidential | Address Orders tor Piekets or Ceruificutes to Professional Card. WOOD, EDDY & CO, Augusta, Georgia Sia j oor, WOOD, EDDY & CO, Adanta, Georgia pe C. T. POWE may be found at his 1 oor, WOOD, EDDY & CO. Wilmington, Del. . one Rear A ina! Sos when nena HO MMetCammieer mica Oo ae eel (wheel. with the amount of the prize that each one ir | ie B \ R R 5 I S \ entitled to, will be published afterevery drawing, 1 =) 4 XV 4hs | the following papera:— Augusta (Geo) Cons ituten OF Fal. New Orleans Delta, Witile Register. Chart - : Standard, Nashville Gazette, Atlanta Titeliuencer, =e New Crop New Orleans Mo- iNew York Weekly Day Rook. Savannah Moraine LASSES just received and for sale (News, Richinond Dispatch and Pantding (Miss low by i Clarion, and Little Rock Ark. ‘Trae Deaorrat SPRAGUE BRO’S. Salisbury, Dee. 13, 1858 29 V RARE CHANCE NO. 4. . Such inducements to the public have never been offered before! | | A. & W. MYERS | W ILL offer from the preaent time their baadsome Stock of Staple and Fancy — “DRY-GODOS at such pnces as will induee persons to purchase whecher they are in need or wot, We are determin- ed to reduce our present atoek as much as possible for j the purp of making room for our Spring purchase. A. & W. MYRERS,. No. 4 Granite Row. | BPO YOU OWE ME; ~ UTMEGS, Mace, Cloves, PERSO: . | Call and Settle your Aceount or Note ID VESTCRESTPSIN Ess FEREEN TINE) ESIN Chalk, Whiting, | RINAL: Syrenges, Breast Pumps, and Grass Seeds, ( + ARDEN ALT-PETRE, Borax, Glue je | \Y Manufacturers Artic'es, ‘S AGNES(A, Mustard, Ginger, D NEMAS, Surgical Lustraments, SINGLASS, Gellatine, Extracts, 17 + ORKS, Bottles, Sponge. | NDIGO, Annatto, Rose, Pink, Lopes ea Mis BORER te kept amp watle regatarity and bi! GRAIN, per bushel— | KSEE MOV DDETOETTEEDE NEUTER OOM suo au Anu RUSUaS Ise | reins 90 a 90 { on the corner formerly cecupied by Da Basox Bread, Cakes, Pies, k., Ke., \ aes 095 «4 0 06 where he is prepared to attend all operations | Wheal, prep i t Oats, 40a 50 sonnected with his profession which he furnishes to faimbes. for parties and to in Peas: To a 0 00 Jan. 1, 959 tf28 dividuals al very inoderate p tees Rye gu al oo Phelovers of Oysters will find here. a saloon fitted Awith cools 13 1g) THE SEVENTH SESSION up in Northern style, and w nice article of Oysters | SPIRITS, per gallon— | oF ThE V prepared in the best aningerat short notice at almost | . i auy hour, night orday. Be sure and call on | Peach Brandy, OO a Loe | auy huur, nig ! on fee eee “sles | UNITED BAPTIST INSTITUTE, SPIESS N.C. Whiskey, SU 55 | a DMA isis in TL. HW. Beards building. Rye do. Up Ooi | TAYLOUSSILLE. N.C. Nov. 2, 1858 123 Rectitied do. 40a 450 | , TILl aL commerce on the fOth of , ONS : 4 05 | \ commere nth ’ N Misha per heg y OW 9 | Zoe) ij Janoary, ISS9 As an Tnsiitunen C TEN ~ Me IRON, per Ib tab ee lor propane vumeinen tthe hunr Coffee, Sugar, Molas English, erie Baa UO [colleges this School presente inns wdvautaser, AC . AND Sweedes, sae z ayn ate Vthe same tune students who do not wish to graduate r See bm Nae here excellent appertanitios for preparing. fer xs A HU He cal kd ; the active duties of life T , ) TALLOW, per tb yes 400 Raard muy be obtuined at $7 00 per month HIDES, per Ib— Tarton from $10 1 815 ind West Pudia Sugare Bald 0 SATTIGT at XY Bags Reo and Java Cott Dry. : a Gunmen 01 tgs Reo and Java Coffee Teese ae 1s The Faculty—Prof JW Foore, A. Mo; WT ; SALT— a ni Boaxe, A Boa WOR Gacirsey __ rate Malinnes , Liverpool, persack, DE OTe OW Ry order of the Board 65 Barrels Crushed aud Coflee Sugar Alum, per bushel, oa 00 NA ROOT NSTeN 1dt Sacks Salt MOLASSES, per galion— . ay | Dee. 2ist, 858 ani SPRAGUE BRO'S Cuba, 30. 31 sbury, Dec. 13, 1NS8 29 New Orieans, 4a 50 | SUGAR, per Ib— . Loaf and crushed, a 00 | StCrok Porto, & N.Orleaus, 11 a 12 NORFOLK MARKET. Reported Weehly by ROWLAND & BROTHERS, COMMISSION MERCTEUNTS, For the Watetvman, JAN. 11, Western Shoulders RAS] do Sides, Wow 10d N Coand Va. Hog round, 124 a 60 LARD—N.C. and Va. No. 1, bbls und kegs, Oa 12 w “ON 2) = “tall | TRS9 1 BACON FLOUR— Family, KH 50a 650 | NUT FH VOLO Supertine. $9500 550 CORN—Wohite and Mixed, itn 72 Yellow, F2ho ow OO WHEAT—Whiie, O00 s000 Red, 000 a O00 CORTON: PEAS —Black Eve, new Red and Black, old FLAXSEED, | kK MERY, Rotten Stone, Sand Paper, ‘immediately, as T need money to pay my debts. All 4 aoe accounts unsettled by the Istof January, 1959. will S ALTS, Sulpbar, Cream Tartar, be placed in the hands of an officer for colleeuon ‘ JAS. HW. ENNISS. ipa | Nov. 2, 1858 123 ali i eet aoe \W INDOW Glass, Putty, | Equity Sale of Land. i 104 ACKES Belonging to the heirs at law of R.A. Patterson, deecased, adjoining the lands of Paui Yost, Hen- ry Beaver, Sarah Rose, and others. | Sal- totake place at the premises on the 17th day of davies ary nest, at PE ovcloek, AM. ‘ credit, bond with two approy Y ELLOW Ochre, Lamp Black, CIDS, Alcohol, Fluid, | RADN, Linseed and Lamp Outs, Terms, six months Jsecurition will be required of the purchaser, Dr's foo $9 93, 134 ACRES Belonging to Thomas Rymer and others, adjoin ing the lands of Michael Hoalig, John Pei and others, lowing upon ita large and excellent mea- T INCTURES, Bake, Quinine! (QS ODA, Saleratia, Staren, Main Strect, SAVAUESIBUTB VE, Oe (65 Jan. 4, Doo 1f 32 | dow, tnd one of the best orchards in the coun- PAY UP q ty. Sale to take place at the premises, on the | t VO ot dangary next, Terms six months ored | othe purchaser giving band with two approved the on reowsity of Trinter’s fee @2 24, FAVILE cabserber, bern ni ter Re canics BEESWAX, | ret Veinforne all these ind bted to han es DRIED APPLES per bas. of 2% The z Fino ceupeouiiy teins uj wsonialeline tors 10 MB ACT ES : “ BAA UE Siete 10 aoeee tbe wt made by the EERSTE OF JANE. Belonging to the keirs of Jesse Martin, deceased, “ woo ) 2 Bye tireait | ' dy Nosy we ye owdjoriner the comes of " tichwine Yume FISH —Meckerel No. 1, ae officer + ~ tor condeetinn in uf ee cod other . t ee ' Ae a - 5 ae as AGAIN (OS a ascot ws AOE tie alten SRR sgrarnet hime will aR AS sitiie antih alive oof (Rinne een EL ‘ = > s sts MED m ‘eloek ers sn totths credit wr ae g Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Ready Made Clothing ee Ua ite ae a nia 6 a Qe r + 3) ~ Fert pu ern es ™ Boots and Shoes, Hats and caps, Carpets, Rugs, &c.,, CLOTTING! Uvinter’s te #2 29 REMARKS COTM AIPM. TROL ANN TRASTO RS Or 195 ACRES WITH OTHER GOODS SUITED LO THE WANTS OF THE PEOPLE — sate uF 7 : Flonr receipte are fur, with om liberal stock <i 8 pay we pave on hand a tot of havtean D & votes cometh oF Robe a Tag Site Stripes, Printed Delaines M 1 1 , , mg the hemsof Cathars ners am ’ loll with lunited antes, some for conatwise shipment, FINE DREAM SULKS, Robes an! My ¢ » a AU REBCCED PRICES rather that kery Ivanhoe ne \ TA a ee will etl the remainder tds of Samuel Deal, Dolo Corre] and ( ! oa ee Gog eae une’ A foamy FINE STOCK OF GOODS remark ie 00 bat priaciptlly for consumption at hem one et ve . ee ae iy ro aiteahe reeeinteatin thes ; BROWN, COFFIN & MOCK ahly cheap Ca Mice ierGanh Ant ae A eek hee beets light MARCUS HOFER Darniary next at the premises at Vy ‘R week have heen light, tis wanted and seld to-day . fon ae Notice. = Saishury New au eax anki Terms, sy months ensht, the purchases gong at fu prices ) The eee The stock in market has been mach re PPLICATION will he made tothe preaent Le Drs. M. WHITEHEAD &J.A.CALDWELL. boiled tay supa) eure duceilanditain gud demand givleture of North Carolin roavharter fora Wi aeancrated homartved the pract Moti NOTICE { aan vel ony one Printics (ete 35 Sa) (leo 2 Saino Tata que Sih ahi Sorsrestian ces canieiny 1b cyeom esradaas (ccc ath ee aU rai ee ah ‘ ae L. BLACK ERK, © MER sh is wanted and sell at full bor and city of New York and other paces She sas uae : 7 : aa alli all Wa, DSR 9 [Per oms: ine came ncenpied at present hy Dr Warremman, Veo Thin, 1s38 Dee 1, 1859 oe aig era \sliapiiagiipiigapamminnapiiiniie be ofdinire ‘reens | CELEBRATED VEGETABLE TREMENDOUS ATT | Sey aout ures rene ee CATTLE POWDER. EeCuONS: OLD SALISBURY REVIVED" : ' SY HAIR. : aM ELEGANT AND COMPLETE STOCK OF a RIC H GLOS SUCH has been the cure and economy of the offi- | Tath of beat pyalts ss Dna ee anne ee large caputel wins cn pretniuns nutes 8457059 OF | 1a — of ban, thea read ae flee te aa a one can Cash $18.545 54 — making 9 total of B470,504.92, to . 2 Tene based EEE RTE tie ASR ots Ineetany losses Chat may accrue > We Cherefore have VHE Proprietors take pleasure in offering their doubt. fo bemedatiou tie eaying to the public, that there is ne Vegetable Cattle Powder, feeling coufident that ) or ws A Ye hove utade te aoapesements, and have now ou hand JROPESSOR WOOUS TATR RESPORA Mules Leountey, ‘The most iti the article lane needed by the Agnoultural com re sip MUM sce a IE CGH Ot) aie OS Ct) ies Meaouidlne Gung oie ie Wiexean annie Cane Compound is useful iv ines al! disea- ' young, ty Us wooderfal preparsGeu, whieh turns oll ale, where the Ganger from fire as inch veilen’ lo Horses, Cows, Hoge, aud Sheep, en \ ! te os r | mM ofthe bald with a lun DIREC PORS: reby os the blood «id all seere tons Ce Poveer mw pero mnended tales tbe gine | , OD ALL sain At growth reise dandrud, storing, and al! ecurane TE franes Shoat. J A MW rie, Causes a cont flaw of the A + rw ye i ila ‘ J in coup! inate ee mper. Stebberag, Coaghs © ia a iP aned 26 « tegular deste bs cowl | (isis Mh Cae W . a. Giandera, Farey. Gupesand Col ff ~ og -_ = preserve jis Color, a herp ck fens tothe rene fewer } ir creed ne ee Vale eat ae 6 = Dieeeive pI aca Mae eS i Sas tore j {Yellow Water, diachwes of the kid ye - 4 =“ Nv eT a WN bie tinge Se eee ce, Satan BO) tik, Mestetitindhs | nya uMedta unre, oe = (‘*, y Te ee ee, Jasteetowns Wo a ” yl ie oe Ihim y be g i B ure of tal i ie w 3D R= 4 Te. surely the voun tet, a (gM : ie Salish H Gee, Raleag our Lanes a we mixed with Water whea drt ug f cig len anal mandinrrariedet ue cymes UAC rea ir arse aera ee vows. ¢& oo SS YEG TO CAL L THE ATTENTION OF THE CITIZENS OF ty raise 4 yon the tongue af thousands i : ‘ rn oe Sere a er aaa ww = a hoe and the surrounding counties to the * Newiliavitecesciveditne(iliwnim lett itirenent \ nea Misine sss apne with this Pho powder is highly recur nended for eows. Pu - Re) hh ; ; - 7 oe A TRH Eee eee ee Pita. cline ve adiercesern riscag their bluwl ad beingiag them to a healthy gt el tal) & | S&S: ( \ C Deer Riven” Conve aly elk Hy AWRY Me Seeretary Slate, driving ot (the wopurives of the body. ine aw a ad . } Me ji A aanepunites iter enborough, te Nt 5 its oft crewing their strength and muproving their appetite loreal (qo) . : Mir Leaveuworih—sir ave been troub ed with te de aral suet The SU GN Ute Gat JONESVILLE Hiker thean yield tice the aatiouut of mk, aia o . they are now receiving Hay are confident con past Beemione that brad Uay hea ; \ . 4 poor couditign A farmer, that once uses this pow my herb conte tread ror weer | meh alu HCE EOE OO) fon Pe their stock, which is large and carefully selec ted, is admirably adapted 4 $ Q “ ay aperaboul Wood's thar Reet Soy AF ry vr mie s : . = Bived aiaie. anant rreowthe [stat Mate aad Female \eademies, oy eee a an elena ae ‘a 7 & <4 mee to the wants of the commanity, and that having bought the principal as a 5 , Sh er continuing the use of it, all Che diseases arising from, Ais eae mere a . a a ante the impure state ot the blvd and acerethous may be iS) oy part tor cash they can sell cheaper than any store in any part of Wes- > 2 een ata agienslocanve imate Mier Dos cenecs Barina Cae Depart ne She Nic ivcy itary 06 ra a ap) ao tern North C arolina. e i i Se ASE Roy ovhow wT oo Rea ow Pa or three vanes a beng W aphere aF arin off Vass on TCE CRAIN Er Ae en eee ee ES) Cc N Fn iind (rend tie twobot |» Maw Pek Hywosu, Peachera Waste aud Bene (Rate bloody ink cer for dry coms. hae been (=) 2. (Country Merchants and the public gene rally, will find that, as we more by Mr (he bearer of thie, Edowt knew po, res) % i sand bey Ly benefichd by gong the powder every mnmd + (=) pees Pave determined and can uttard, we will sell at prices greatly below those at which Goods have been euld ) Board per session of 21 weeks, wol&very thing for day, por three times a week. as any of th { tho thas place, vou may ae ‘ ‘A ay 00 jay heretofore im Salisbury. Below we eoumerate a poruon of gur stock : Ms : ie fave a warket for inany botles ater dis kivwn pg eM am HOGS. oe . h Ss = fe att ata Row pun ane an te BLS 13 G2 FOS DRY Goons. RUFUS PRATT reichesnl Winhrleeneeuch 9 Ou. Fechous the: powder is reeomie aided to be given Q S te American, French aud Eagtish Calico: s, collored aud black, Domestics, Flannele, Merinoes, De Lanes, __ nian : iniearatedbentianr, te vache awe arcks, uleers oa the laage. and = = es ~~ Alpscas, Guigoama, Doilings, Bea aud Cra ile Blankets, Table Clotha, Towelinge, &e. Privapecrui, Sepe 9. 1056 He tie UG UATE Sr CN LT Se Sis We iver cod in fattening, and mey be given by miviag ~ — Oe ee ee ere eee ee ee 5 > SERVANTS’ GOODS. ie proving iiwelt beneficud tome. “Phe fronut.and alse ere ae XE FIRE. fo) o mu 300 pair of Negro Blankets, cheaper han ever offered 10 this market, Kersey, Plaid Linse ys, Ovusburge, the bick part i my head alnost ue Ms ee — Pee eo Hiitwdlnn taree Wnrdniee cara an ao = Dn ttripes, cheehs, Ke Deveoused DUL w Osha pa biln Re ical o digi emu nay ring parents an op- Phe Cottle Powder, proving soetiierctous for what jit CL Peso ive, and: the 4 head is : : (Wie ihe l wee ira bore ea rite ced et a x to < Se en ne Got cae emmem! o a 5 Gevnrs’ Goons. . oe i i emit tne ¢ 4 i eviay We have ative appa edit to some laying hes, and found the effect most vA _— e Cloths, Cassimeres. os Sutinets, Keniucky Jeaus of every variety Also, a fine assortment of is ae ae na Ma i me whategee Pits. s globes, ala a good brary for pean it - ! neug thems be sides, ear thew S ~— = ms Kock Psfland aud ¥ aa “ \l Hite actuning Companies, Jeaon, Mowery, Knit ond Linen Shirte, Gloves, &e vos wi anyt WANE Vonetis . tittide Wenger thuwauctiil i fat 8 © ean, mae ¢ can juducr many others te try it ' | Petieiiaakss ate tic lene gets, neces evs ‘ rods r =~ ~ S ; ; 5 Monae neranan une a ae et el aus fae ae " vd ae ral y oad “the frattored = Sine ae S| Nike, White Goods, black and taney Dress Sike, Shawls, Cloaks, Searts, de, Laces, Ensbroiderien, Rib- ee wert 1 We fire ra ware > aud ye Cts des ' mt e 5 Oo 5 a >) , sil tine i dhe rt ats : 7 . ' e i> > . DR. THOMAS. WD, J neni us vo iundred and titty forthe dition. Leaves be given aunced with Ladin meul und — <=) n oO ‘ eos wily us hint . rape, Glover, " mais Ireh Lines, swim, Jaconet, Tarleton Muse No. 4d Vine street pe Peeves RSE coin tnd) arias ws ~ anys aud Saconet Bd ula neettiona, Corsets, Hoop skirts, Head Dresses, &e - ! patcciars aideres the Piel at SOL, Wicleeale and Retail, by Wo . | CLOTIING j Vincesses, fu. dune 22, (858 , ' 5 ARE c¢ di | | ‘ Gs Jonnie Yadkin Co. N ©. and Catalogues willbe Dragaist, Salisbury, N.C. A “. crowding their Store D wiht PROF OFF WOOD) An you sreahsuttiasine a, ‘ me ieee ih ae re, ‘ley 1, Granite Building, Salisbury, INGO VOA godt aecartnencamcrntinneneClaluieto which werneie Ppee ah tiene } : ‘ : ke P ; Ve rig that is new, elegant Pat factured and our recemily discovered Hour \Gy uth, P58 Rios rEN > clegan andattractive | S CAPS PES Des Be : > Penton, (iiewiathe cimanceumavem coo TO ALL - ' : in HAPS, CAPS, BONNEVES and FLATS, BOOTS and SHOES. ate mae es I d in Building!! CHOICE FANCY AND IMPORTED FABRICS, i" rermmirerwon ae eteisss i ranaenses antcnsey o a H ‘ t eeCon af our stock, and ehu gece thon ip Ce nterested in Building !! igs, Saree asl Pa era lhahe aul aii e, alicia VaMM eC ie ee Restoratives, and that 1 fi — ¥g Tits Q TSP NOG . rtyany other E know, Ut Phe Subscribers exit artention to their aud all that is good and substantial in ( nie PINGS, and OIL CLOTHES, i sndraff, aud with Will ' N) ™ er \ ; : uw r begin on tl oh ) Mills on West Hill, HEAVY STAPLES DOWESTIC DRY Goans Drags, Paints, Oils and Dve-Ntutf the angela su alii « Mor yee Yile Waan a alas 1@ LLY a S. ru ? "a INS, , aU ve ul heathy, = ‘r med oa s ran aes Po extents melection. wa } 7 WRENS cunleihees invniner: aN) Pansiks ant (ONPSS Ve fen. vane ty and price they are wotuliaid uf ty Som pw tion wich the I h We are wile Ayetin tor the Beltvae White t snd OQaketatied Leather, Calf and Guat poate! ter z ae “i : © tte FEW ELLER, l MENTAL Woop Wolk ux Montdinge, “He State 5 wdeed rather invite it, aud will with grew coutitenes SUHe present season Casa ““ ekivs, long skins, acwess aud Upper Beather te thiead ~ ss = ; ‘ : ‘ Breckets. Me We. and mimnatict PR AMEES sf rel ’ . . Mmendustise wevers oneldeutiin ar havin Wh ake ‘ ins WHOLESALE oT "VIE pa WOOD WARE. T Geepcnel ious GiteiG: — EecMoMlhy ate SA His Ye ae a SPOKES. a ont , ie yi. LE AND RET ALL Bl YERS | al arce stock « rell xeaauned, selected Lt , will be ane vin the benefit of ane Wynn: a oe i A 5 = CS hee WILSON KING oe seas 4 etd Lrumen, will bet ao ae - | craton ape iigliey an wassaiy lie teed eritieell tet they bring beth Buckets, Brooms, Tubs, Brushes, Tirine, Ropr, §c 6 ; ; Hy : Mer prize Wale fe Son suka ap Cecirspp tes : . ; 0.3. WOOD & Coa. Prope etors Ciitract (akeu for Aue up Stores, aud for the fenesrttuataarcetiemeeire cra ace ‘ h) % = } Sac Marin angina Sy Mee : ae WE IND SEE ERECTION OF ALL SGRTSOF BL ILDINGS, et wera wrokens actos ot ce cenit Ske shencet Gourds uaparied ints the oagntey, we were in mark: CROCKERY ANDY QU EENS WARE. ienieore Sui Moree, sites : ; ee NEE (IHG BTN Gere Pen on Pal mee a. = (period betu re cesideuts aud uther buyers had pelecied the most | We wre cabled ta whew a mcer acd better aeleee! stock of these genie thau hus ever bre kept mthe Sid bye Wo HOW VAN R. Drogo Sulavaries R. WELSON‘S Pies ita fore SIRUISTSS storie CepHEHe GB EES Las a2 @BDaD EDes pliens Special attewtnin sesasited tosoar Chim Daairr arin, and nha aud Plated Tea sete Lemkeug Cand by ci good Druggists Inost approve rt erier tavelt ou the early FRENCH ERE 1 TON Nyone of in having jast returned ft Glassex Xe ; £ F . ‘ rate ned er Nor 90, 1888 ton oN . 7 S] l yW C ASI ‘ fe oe iW te eae Stated Mey hee she Wake wldsaber oi lth wavin nein) 1siue inseesineh ae i GROCERIES. | b tee : Clriheorectitterlee tty retains We attemti Olvmin Dow ai tC osm itry tance Girone <1 Phi ’ z ‘ ' ; ; Vo with anuswal Gag roy © a8 We Cc. te Rio » J Caltre, 5 ot all de Sve ' 4 Ne) . >of Nor anes ‘ Np (het aisiipaseed advantages both ta prices, richae se on eon y an offer joan Java Coffee, sug Hoalideseriptiou, Syrups, Motirses, Sault, Spicra, Candles, Soape. de State of North Carolina. DY fle alae ieee a G ER IS’ r M LLILN. Foca shrine them! ste al he fee afyled llon toate ead eee emnTimeMt: We shall runtimes te LE We can be bntid at the miter opote dhe Mauasoa Hotel, Exueliy scouged Uy Wontar : re STAND Y SCOUNIY: 4 Chin ( at rare to Geet Maly) MOST F WARIUON ABLE adenine PO SDPSIBNGE SEA TEI Salisbury, Sept. 21. ISSN. D : : . eo Cora wal, ; fdeen aration is ith every tacit Freee Renee Court of Pleas aud Quarter Sesmious. Noveinher t rail ALE IL, for fl acer ye tien ev eer Py None atte ‘ a aes H “ aS pare ce pace to atin cur object wud cor- Al A Be ey Eee ce: ver Mn intone — Fi (Seng Orisa, : a ie paren Sener ne cane Hf, DARBY 4c We call attention to the tol ow . 3 iy | eect f Hewhl array i ADIES. DRESS GOODS, EMBROIDERTES, &C, Spa Be aa aud MUA: 4 ; ; John A Griham \ n if ’ Splendid Brocade S rem n’ a ocala Clocks, Walking Canes, &o. COWAN\S Mite da de therneed and double skin | ell Hated Selveto wih greaeie au oun vesting, MACHINE SHOP, COUNTRY MERCHANTS. / 4 - t Riel Bayadere a Lez and plod Sake BK pnd ee epantval ee ee naw, CEIBAP, / re Attachment Ov ors . j John X Giabain J ey } lies engl pao einn ; : Rich Brocade, Oitoran, Bayaurre and Gre ¢ et epproved take H ' \ , yo hessartay . ' > a ’ ny Tree Du e ane arte Gera rine. oy e ui ; tf adie wt ete ene ee SOG ET MRIE RONDO al ewe ghee ecneeee wtaviroak,, Lyre Davison Corin ae eae : ' s od ‘ ee . ack Gro de Rhiaes, Poult de Sort anc (oe eur, 2 ‘ ’ ; 2 . ’ : te erate mins igs SncT Wk mLS a Ta ly i. bark aan, Ra de laa Pata Soke Nin aug nce Gai ari a ieee EXPEDITIOUS ROUTE 1) ordered, hat acvertisement be iade fer sy weeks TM ariel sever Weve been sed a rund. ane phew ses : 7 : Pe eee eS YAO WALT Sonning oG (ltt Mews Ir BGAN Ee a] Tptiec eration Co nisanie (ite: detmaiewn Un din Cesena 0 catching anmenenl crema mi eee FRIEND OF THE NUMAN FAWILY Baris Velbunetcbinar Cis werenentarie PI Deen UE SNCLY deecripuin ertabhipent would pe Eri FOR He i SEEIOR OF Nort gbr/elcueectOhoneurin Ne Geer Te uneiieeC ee ites sovelamel eon Klegant Bayadere and Figured Freuch Delanes antation Goods, Blankets, Se. inform bus tends and the : : : RTA ‘ PPS aricit nike chinhte SoA Ak rn Coie tae! ee ohe new aupaly of SILVER TEA , : : , Satine Facouue and Alccone, anew article ine Nionimo Tenccctant public general y. that CLKOLINA . a id Aloase i) \ibstice ier cae raps wim oedinct Grune a DISEASED KIDNEYS, 6-4 Plan, Pigured aud a bea Breve Mennera aud travy Lincey u Hee iis, fae < Foes CU rept iia \ PROTAN ES and others about purchasing their next aod replews the 1 v ut Hata less vet deat thea, yin. HLL arent) FG Teun ite actu ee oo fe dest Gnec ky ebecys: meee | HORSE Ua ts ae co Fs pane el pphen. are requented to ny * COM ip: . wilh tye bara oe 1 Be EPLAIED 1) \sTors LEMIRE MLE TERE NAL TONER ERE SS ANCE Ne aint termes ae Sean Riaukei*, white and colored, a great variety very THRESHING MACHINES, | of fe se sate the North) Pastern t 4 pare, and | eudered agama him tor the AL \\ Tey Ct heal 4c AR t ; oon tie Tha ' #4 aut i reuch Pods aud Str pes cheap uv y ) en mae urtneed Sad Rood. fro precast BC to Cheow, the ad 4 Ayes Fegik annie . Fe i ea) ‘ DOTIIN CCC. shar, Bayadere Silk Warp De Bore { si Ve nowt approve vantog. of a CUE AP and expeds te “3 ; ; pla rit { warsanted for i 5 | . Pedi tous route from the yi se ere Th AC uae Aisi cas ts : | ou Ue proprietor gives ‘Thisiavalasble medicmeis for enlent the Davie Handsome tow preed Ponted Moushars ard Cash Housekeeping Goods. | Neches patteros, bol Segbeard opened te them p Attyanasie. the Zag ¥ yNGS nyse, les Wor S ‘ Fa au inere® : | ee REA LIGSETT. AM Freight coumyned to the care of the Agent o 4 at Alben t - " AD | i re a wit “ x Hotel in Mocksville: at De Ro Camphell’s. ce bre fipineuHiace Reychunes a hdcrimeeciite Deven sheeting and Pithow liven, with or without Siraw Carnere. to sun ihe winteet be Noe hy i Were ie fy ane Heese ce . . 7 R HARKKIS, © ©. ¢ u dels atthe Drug Score ia Charlottes at Zeverty ie fin (RpeleaGen otBudtenehanie te Bie cehed aud unbleached eaten rheeangofallmidihe, every person. Engine work of every demeription. of Came«smnn n . ay] _Prs er $5.50 —bw39 . ote sa em; and atthe Carolina WatchmanOft ei ne a Sue ERENT Bed Blankets und Y ertles Qualia, a large suppt WILE and FACTORY GEAR CURE T EARS AW ie Fo 5 5 : t ‘4 . Roch Preach zand Chintz Rote. . hs g PPS, flarge for storage willbe wade at Cheraw. All . \ oven feeemiesntieliuny 5 due te ; Wiete Pimity foreounterpanes and eurtame, MILLS, Straw Cuntene Cor Shellers, Ploughs at ae ; U Z j ee ‘ : oo at Apphque eB agate aud Brussels ¢ sand willbe taken care ofin the Company's Ware. F The Poeiry of I hysic. i q Phesubsenber having entered into © spactnershy; Sue “lin and Lace currins: BrocateHes, Hlouytisepaiineen, Wisner abu Goal (iat, SU ananiunientied (ur) Sohednle a ehmerne ete ieee i withJohn f. Cowan, origina eT TE TB stein tit Honiton and Pace rammed Caltare, SUD Uinen, Worsted and Cotton Damasks, kinds of Castings and Machine Koad tel order portation of Freight will be fiwid at the Past Of S / 4 i AYER'S PILL S, SPRING AND SU nfactureand wale of he abuve Medicine, 1 prepurect eae ! Deneck Gable etatts. waphine snd dev tan, at ahort notice Ff kee pe nt goed supply of al : SER SRO | i 4 MMER « vrnisha supply by adcressing hin at Su Neat hat ie vite dais ck sk and hucwaback towel kinds of material. sich am rolled and hammered Drv : SoRetie my } Rent Breae wen aod Canine Bintrahti eer : : owelling, tod of in ’ n Pigner es ; 4 fi caniiiima Cte coaidiice: (i) tice) weet eguhay Sibeon evant cutie " ‘ ‘ Notteuid nie (overs: beth round, Mar and square, frome 4 todd nehem in di August 10, Is3m Ses Se , : en rires aginee, ven e B.D. 5 4 , . rter Steel of every diercption. Block-un, Zink . — Gg vy cee A hwhiteund culored Cutline Silenced IT 1 tite phil} ee: A i. Peace Silane aise FASHIONS. fine cen urs Aires ee ‘ o ‘ CARPETINGS and Babbit Wetals. together with a good stoply of H H. BE ARD'S EST Ly ' THERE, aid tellin wit) sysot Cares aithe Sis ana. : . an teatce Dio, (anime Het (ave Ta velvet, Pavagtry Brussels (three ply and ingrain, Cerys arcicie kept inthe mereanate tine. Sond an . . ae . toe A I EB. 4 Very tou Weltne a ase There { HORA GTA Ce HE ere b U. NT. AT kK \ i | (] olla ene a ir a Fo Staptc and Faney Goods, voch us bleached Lung | S0Ur urders Grr those celebrated Machines carly, thar ap iOse indebted to this estote are hereby notified ; rates eas ee a riailia a ; Fite » Aue p) Nhmwune Carnecantiits aud Crape, collars, deewer Clad ONE you may not be Csappatnted Chis season, ax inany te Come forward and inake payment, ae Pcannot By 10! Wea , st ers f ‘ wer ' t vid trad ’ pre : ’ : 4 Fras oh if they kuey iteaae a i eile Vuotleached Cotton. Irish Linen, white Cambriceand | VOTC lst ie Bot getting PTT Hobs the busine <n And those having claims againgt i ret Doe ey a fllusinurncll nat Glmee atti Bin tan Jacvners checked and plain Muah, Flaunels, de.) eon ace OAR TOs: Le po (he Gente are nlm notfied to present them within wilhoow Fete 18 DURE Wh aseort Nem Preven uein (Bunheo der fee tie eon ce carcn A ebroary 9, IRS BA-BV-Be che cone ‘aren by faw sor (hin nets 1 ee | aS abircrele tte qe ds Xe, are supped wih the hest geades and worth cewill be plead ESSEC HC! Ts, gan ein to | A Spperny 005 Mastin, Cambre and Linen Bands. Eegings and fn. offic them great inducements. * | Meneret ihe recwvery: | JAMES REARD, 2 wd . wy . ' Ae Ad Ad + ? - > 5 : { 4 min 3 Stan Senanynitiies Soe aed ay Palade CHANGE OF SCHEDULE, © caves, Whe cova eee BEST STEEL EXTENSION AND BOOP SKIRTS | | Sot sh, hs Adawnetrator a area [= bregeletard | = Saaz, _— He - td and Gupure Laces of all descriptions. | ° ,ME R. at aR CRI: N, 4 ke th wd fas XEeadnet Se ; ut i ye < ) ctu >O A: i ae) Geile 4 . . UCore weit Bi Tia 5 | manus AC Hi digest Bulle yegan a eee ie ee ol rena Salisbury to Asheville. (| [00011 Putiesand Dresses he kas R Rharhee FLOOR cet Kk 08 OF “Hous ENOLD John Dooley, athe , > i see i ; . ie : & ' , ke 3 ‘ 1 mem . © devoted to Ready e ething, Mat, Le al \ a : Bee Coe Fare ISintes. ca Pate rk, oh aueire conte vA He wil ( ‘ Hite. \ | LINE OF 4100S E TEP AS. Spleaind Bins : 1 Comber Hem 'deutched Baots, Shwes, Trubks, Carpetlops, art ey ; FURNITURE HAT WINCELCTCRER, AND WHOLESAE wl derssin Wiéhin pars! ve red) dy ean rein i, ae iN ‘ AD ps eet : cae bow Tuning in cooneetion - | i aut Jat ge fs - Poattof whch we call special otenten of these | DEALKR IN ATS, CAPS, FURS, bef Share ok ‘ he howness I © laine on the an fo a nsf Cothina Sleeves pie indk eh ts welvay anv thine an th line. We have in et | TRIMMING : if k eg : Pee , : es : : \ : ore ON, he. FALL, Vee Rewlerodiyincace enfeaci tran: anvarihe nner. act ‘ ot be sar Western North Carolina Rail Road i Black, Uhtead Lace and Chanuily Veile aCe uate as ia ree f Inu 7 Ode conphiuneetcey ae : ' : Were eerrri ace? and very ‘ ‘ ues Cl k M tl & h 1 (PAVE now tn store an extensive and , tei Wetetien 8 ae A 1 Gh Tease Maton ehteiie: Genre eileen (ie (ul (cdhen aecenial | Oy STL, oaks, antles Shawls, BOOT A d Sil N COM plete amortient af eeces thang in my } ag a eoteal t id . : te. Shoe, Cultare, 4 ss Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. reaching Rich Bettie TalniaseOltankeaid Mates ' an \ 4 a aday he the Fall trade. and aus pre- \ theney mal trina ren te Napperon the same days { wi He h Wand Be rode e ’ NEA Y UF 7 fered to offer uausu st iidacements to pu iy) aeeaie Fi / Com pristig eve art f 1 ‘pur se eal oe vt any detention passing onto PLEASANT OUR. Loou'e Velvet and Cold and Black clothe and tame, Wd CHA CERT Gt ET ee hoe MUROMY'S CRANITE ROW abscone ut Orders tor wok pian sci DENS for Brroktad.crosming Ue BLEB RIDGE fr Cloaks artery ait ' eee Pe coterie SALISBURY N.C Tn my Gite wait to the markets and manainctories A ent — . . tirfy or ter on eoounination of oer stock, that - ‘ i JAMES RREARD ‘Cnoon day, and offe rthe pablie a tine view of $e », Bordered and Ch ESICUASHAWI welyiie slits nly Jie lnrerelibal, the best ' ofthe North and Bast, E have spared no pamsin the Mevchunet Foca Ove cal deere ee BUENOS SOO SHCMISS. (on, tune. endl aunty Wied Stewie, Gecs angltinase teck of Boots and hues nee 4G ss a patedh selection of thie atobk ¢ aud TE flatier mowelf thet long x10 Salehury J Ist, Dede . Fe a! tehell an Clineman.) reaching Nshevile te Ulol pastoris : Aver Be ; ann ney aie wap iner enables mete anticyate che wants of any x uu ae ~ ta coca fe “ end ' fi sath Ci, : Cini call be. os CAH GPS hort lic i elagauiaereanlacnr advan oa, i Since thers gar Tae ie| THE LIVER foaah is Virginia, North © aration and Teurenee { y ) ae nee of any ather rante. No expense or pains, Chilarens PVRS of every decerpiace Uf es lee areba dC Ricii tstres cet culty wdivited oar vee re i ' y i A beautitul wetfide. and will give much better satisfaction to maY yy vid custom 7 FP Ty upke thistle RUMT @tNGr Wise in nud exteinivi Hapsrtny DaeOR i biman Bile claauivi att hwinitie tems traalleniecieeeonken i fy 0 R A | 0 R! ’ ere and the puutilec JNO DOOLEY es ( i (avait settle wLandni ee > Raches, Betuland PARTY WREATHS, French oo : ee mea USD raat Vic Gine SE age! tfax 4 A z ‘ s nD Yorold at very low prices. bat prove almost = woven to all Powillin every fascia errfund thea i tiners, Ornaments for the Muir, and all the latest worthless to the v rer Our goods are bought fi pines er oun arvana > me Hy vith bewe no the ws are se ight frou 7 wn S ‘i a Niner Fa > a FeneythPae AD le ihe nin Greiner shomselves on the wary bet terme,| «compounded entirely from GUMS, To Planters and Farmers. > Ves and H.C. MALCOLM aaeiine aoc. G K NT LEMEN'S WEAR. (enim s0 ter emai advance, 0") TOR gah A RAT AAAEVERARS | PMI weigh nape ode Age / . . Zi 4 iM be Chat rinehare a Weoshall be hoppy to have all in want to give usa easter, miler. and tmwe offre wl in North Curctinn, forthe male of Ke ee Hi rated Diack Prete 1 ee 4 | y f Kettlewett’s 2 PRACTICAL MARBLE CUTTER Morganton, N.C, Ang. Stat, b=5%. tft4 oa t ‘ Car asst cull, teehog satsticd we will not fail to please, Ceol brated Ferulzere and Revovatore of worn out : MECC Ge : A. & W. MYERS, | vod! : DESPEC TELL, aire 0 ra G ne Orfardiared Doeskius and new «tyle Car : | y Pa * oa nt theese ft : iatorni« Mie ie te mf ‘ ) “ps wand new etyle fauey Carn Wholesale and Retail Dealers, } G thone of herten It mens the aes View penpren dl « Ace , oN Carolina City, N.C, ai ate ah mebe FEMALE NORMAL SCHOOL, monte is ee SET Roe, ee | Cesc a PRGUONE es Mlieoy cui tis NTiseraitisanmn een tp July 2th. 1858. a. UM ME eral eBSTy | vi € | wall strenqton sn bal ap ith on { : a soveron,” Guine and Land Salt) Nod . . M RBLE VY URE TOS TE, NS 8 TEE ' . The Liver te one of tv ra ofthe | nd Pereew Lie S4nr~” nnd “Lavy Prosrwa’? , ‘ +N. ’ | Raman body; and when it ai tie CHEeA an Prelate yetaniiees 7 ed) ’ NTO GGA «eee ; , 5 . & { RY | Reman body: and when i aa roe fie Lavetions well Of anperior quality mene : \ fait Raat bee Gp ie MP x ae GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY y ALISB pple y depente Lael VEY emi Mitchell & Crasdulen hishl are \ piBeci cates (inricnrn. fee deine, federal te ie Rev. N. Me. HR. BAY, AK. Principal i \ | sorts é , Sele ee) breed SoS denn ‘ PUSS Ui Meanie en Giuy taithe jicrore) «ttl Nines TN] a) veh i m NOMEN TS a SIR JANES CLARKS J OM ALE SEMIN ARY. oe oe ee east dimng a Nae bors SRA PUN is Qicaay f die Ne OR it STostintion ia new in ehurge of the follow. ( = dave been tried, require wo commendations, bat (ake FORMAGDING AVI GENERAL COMMISSION ETAT VN oy ot ether IMPORTED mites Weatof Greensboro and & foun Norma, CELEBRATED FEMALE PILLS. Peeves Ne wall hence trun devate cell their « Ree er ne abi Eesttlaere ai Resa BISIVESs Cte fie next Sexmon will begin Sept 1 I fate secure the faver of anenhightened public. | St dealt gp EO Co seo rey ept is he ea . i 5 ft Is lish Pamphlers dexeriptive of the ticle ‘ aaa hen ona AM Pod patra Ce averted Staeilereettere om ¢ Fall Secon will commence on the 20th day) Mit lable . 1 me articles, with rertifi- sa een a neni ERICAN MARBLE. oy , re ha nal College, and has PROTECTED _ oe ne wn LETTERS “6 september, inst, and clove about the 20th orl sag mgem chat bleremedy ie si Be thot Vines. pcre, &e will be furnighed f ieaule an AS - j aC ‘ Sait mee haa bet to t bottle. and Dy maid, tes Jesire the pling ties Ware's Line of Bint thew Pac mt vasinel he ean pro Ls srierian in giv, dielirnehesieercn) BY ROYAT, Se PATENT, [ue (eo | Peete iam “remmve “ail yg muri tad mater tom BIASED YSIS IL AUS A TNE) UO ATES SHCA ; es eed pers the test Pemale Poatrations. Our profite are loaned ha 805 At AD) Wirktsson, Principal G5] piece elbealihy Naw of tile Ocr 25.3 Peeh Un, ae r S tite e loaner o fot 10 emt we! elo. t Sole rt fo n e es oe wa MOREUBAN CIPY, iexy da « We ai Hee, Wamu | Te ladive educating (hemmetvis for tear liers, “Prepare fom proscription ofSty 1 Cneke We Ppa ; ieeN AO RSE Reena ne R ie Eaicrarv| hey. eM = ee rok ie iii pe Made te ites Cais the . f vivort« Wl ' Rit neh are evedite! far tuition until they can teach ee ; ; ‘ devartinent and Music 1 faweal carat net sites etn ee F ‘ ant : 2 oa. nisinvalwuhle medicine j< un Cling {cure ot all thast ante oceamioual ure of 1 s ; dish a’ ; Woes ie ul M hear W rerammelit si hearding pupila, The ex naintatant tance beeen easy PERMS OF TUITION: | River Yavigerates.” |! = ie J 4 P ER wg tne ec SUSE Soats apa uN ae moses are less than atany other Tostitution of the vescucc quee cee ner OO ee es REL _ Aeient te relieve the stomach ~) ( a pa 3 a ew arc er ak ce : ® " ae seterin the Spat Bourd alate aad the aug eae aii ene A am ECU ATE As EAS SHEL Divclieckirtn spenaes £100 done taken before Ps fae bs Night- 4 arHenlar attention weil be sive to all orders ‘ Heten Veh Brancher, Si 16k 15 per Semon. Latinund , _ 1 stud Wobe charred fre ft | one taken at : ( WILLIAM BoGRANT yy tow Walt ot the rrpenses required in adranee Sa ulivrly enited, Tt w na short time, bring on the piel ness l | ais sheets al . wil Headed ett ' II I, Re ID \ R DS All ohepmente of Praduen ta IW Canes Memmss [ ) R \ . | \ ? ; Pe WANTED. Situations for Southern Teachers monthly period with regularity Bond can be obtained in rempectable families on | Heastarhe:) - ee uv New Vaih wil be furwunueu ies aise. L. Na. vw totheafarmmation — Avnwess, Rach hottte, peter one Dolly tum the Goverument Stampa reneanuble terns | ee re eS vera ve ierraiet rane is i pe ; sepa Rev. WLI ONG Great Britain, to prevent eur feite Depts va tes ny | Recent 2 Lae ae ROWAN HOUSE, f Hah ee atk ee IEE KOPKIETOR CAUTION, | Marbus, ani e preventive f . TO ALL WHOW IT WAY Cove cay Pane Sib : um EEE HAP ie Ps) e) HEART AIRE MUL, i PARY GOODS, | symein the eacer vn the Nalisbary, N.C, yur SUS inition ee oedema | veree 5 . I wish to ur ha 20 THREE ae a nthe re eure ring Swords, Sashes, Belts, Epaulettes. Laces M 2 a ent nin to Keep thin long eatabhahed and papa. ic eaie est MES es. "4% x p r chase UDG Oa Ait vn vce AND EVERY DESCRIPTION OR MELITARY noe by eee a eerie a a termi tate oon Ver NY . ee a , ‘ nn earners ' d willipny cand Time: Rattcur : : ° ‘ = fannie Me wae fortes ; ae) na) i a MATES SNIDER NT cea Aan eetator gay ITEMS a imi at an ahs oom, rit wot tn ee GOODS, (Ee BS MEER evn sind Vince seme o d Be He aE ' von [cae acini, Beri Re fexaeplanta- other vehage failed act ig! : : : ACCORDING TO THE 1 5 ales Uivapeciinttrenietente SOLU POINT 4 oMror Ve e sur Spring p ay ry ‘ : mire - i ‘ ; ton SOM Proprietor, and cay i i Spring pureia Uke PAP ws IRE Wa MPP fa remmnne Foean TP would not iron, ealosnel veerangthiye tit Latest US. Army and State Regutations. — | Dropey,'y exciing the tee su Pr hea Be ee Atle nelle priblic : 5 mit'wand by { t fis Prot te HHA rile of the nny Li Camek oor ea pernenee ti ‘ dwar wo there \ ' f° ia . 4 cy { Det ie. i. = Cannan © & vid wane ee Ene eee ue viene SCHUYLER, HARTLEY & GRATAM, mod fev aties neato ue ts give ie : , OUNIISStaN & Sorwardng Stelle Sone Saha Te Bee OSI S Sie rans miter ante tctnrnoenqieyaee IMPORTERS & MANUFACTURERS WoL. ROBARDS, « ees nes Wn Atuesb 19 WARDEN EAN St cua tnt be § AO VEW YORK outh with the I renee LZ ae suai DENTAL NOTICE Cheese! Cheese!! Cheese Me Te ; ‘ os NOocy P) im Moe VX yew 1M BOXES CHEEST eG tii toy 409 ; al Tih eda gorator, and sir ser 5 together, Lem nok Mra BR EEG > >} : ee ee Piss Te eee JAMES HORAN, rcking er eL MAPLE OMS ERY, od te dan ee Tne arte ON TOMO Sohasian at Set ta ate Sor Vad y plore ae EZ ww , 10 Camke Weetern Bar Settle your ACCOUNTS ‘ WATCH-MAKER AND JEWELER, Bren the notes Jew tier ot Dye pa Sei ipullaisy DA. } bess I \ r, a vi "Wate VOTE — Application will bx made iRY. NLC 4 Si i Rn Bitcanea Roo spracre mney Puest atchmaker & Seweller /') , SA, 5. @, namroan Inte Or SautAN ran sorns | PP AS REMOVED coo DENTAL ROOMS Raley ane ere Be \ woe ‘ ; ’ ote wet Teg sv ure of the Mtare, in amend the One dee belew it. & A. Waphy's Atere. Wholesale Mesa on ae | | | as SOU oie occupiod by Daa hison, NOLIGR Os Panis ; : JAS BEARD —_ CONCORD SINC; ; Le he at, ae fe . ie ae ae ~K " REPS constantly on hand atarge aesortment cio gy har Se i Naas * fenton Reraceterdcn a pee EE rele } sent Lesialeture (Vis orporate the toms of (os | ira SS Serle os) atts netbeans (eal niciiti a) Dieta (ee WATCHES and JEWELRY of all kinds Vanmaaric a Dave hicare vine Atle i} Dee. 8, 4857 (fae ; y ade teltee Clocke, Watcher and Jewelry of every dareription | Grorar H. Krvace, Titebnegt wh s lance Maia “te f 4 ; a ; i ; eek Min ELUTED Ne! ; PINMI NG LILO? Vis? Heats vbw rly « , : 5 ae : totalled by ali Druggitte Sold als, | a 5 ee By ee Spe oem BEAN WAM AE TS chit neh mae aek ig poate) SAE ARR | BLANK DEEDS aiid Opt (iy) HOW RUPP For sale at this Office. Petresry 19, 1958 ty38 | POSE NTE IN ‘ " | FOR SALK AT TINS OF VICE er s ee = de MS \RON, Lion 2R E ie . og , to J.J. BRUNER, EDLvOR AND PROPRIETOR we FF GH - anes Sod SPECIAL NOTICE. No naine of a new subscriber will be entered on our list, without payment in advance; nor will the paper be sent to eubéseoribers for a longer ne than they | have paid for. \ Phe red x mark indicates that your sub- agription year has uearly one and is notice for a renewal, if you desire the pa- per continued, | CLUB RATES, Hitherto, we have offered to the public Do pro- position for “clubbing”, because under the credit plan, we had found clubs a source of amore trouble thaw profit, But “¢lubbing’ tas become so com-| yr o> VE quon,.aad we are so often spoken to on the sub- | V O Le X V I. fect, that we have coucluded tw offer the following | | | | | | | SALISBURY, N. C., JANUARY 18, 1859. NUMBER 3 dub terms, Five copies, $8.00 ; Ten copies, $15.00 | Rhodes’ Super-Phosphate of Lime. Clubs exceeding ten, in the $12.50 each. Payment always in advance. A free copy given to those who raise clubs of Gu A tree copy, aud) a book worth $2, (to be selected by the raiser,) giv- ten to a commercial house in this city, da- ; clubs of 2 P ; RPO SAAT tHE ted Ilavana, December 4, 1858, making Satie proporvon, We have great pleasure in giving space to the following extract from a letter writ- wre : ADVERTISING RATES. very interceliNp reference to Baltimore enterprise in Cuba; but fully setting forth yj _# esters te tue wvece tho result of the betd enterprise of our || eccupied by 16 lines of | 5 {townsman, B. M. Rhodes, who, for some Brevier type. Oceaswonal renewal yours past, has devoted unyielding cHoits Without wdditivoal charge <woNsesul § in inf — seulturi ; Eranted to those who ad: | tn oinformiog our agriculturists the econo- 205} 498 _ : ; fae H seosteerel B vertise regularly rough tical use of W’eruviay guano, which is the year. Three dollars for au “how being fully appreciated and under- Cryer eT | nouucing candidates for) gtOGd + e vice. | me Pe . 43081 @ Court Orders charged =“ YOU have been so freqnently in Ta- 4 per ceat bigher than ol eeuE & | vana yourself, are so intimately acquaint: the above rates. Urdeis for diveruel er Rusbaed LCG ith Bll its: splendors, grandeur and SxLvseer vrs g cs wayyy uery P sewul you, and wife, $10 euch, loveliness, have personally given me so * sending neue are re iocaleditis slate’ thel nas ber of insertions required , and if it is wished they shoud occupy the | OB space prmeitne, # ribe Upu the buck the word close . y E Otherwise they wit be {HOG everrrenewing Flora, the brillianey put up in the aswel atyle : ' and amenity of its climate at this season, .D e n e d o l d ow e s ey a] mu s m o r f e e a p e 20 3 5 animated and graphic a description of its oyyuc } } Misi KRsS jrural beauties, picturesque sceneries, its magnificent natural productions, its showy and charged accurdingty CW No discount ov thoes reales BB awnks | al ee Sg tothe port, where myriads of bustling peo The tollowing Court and miacelaneons BLAN Ks! are kept on diamd tor sale, at this ofice eeut by inwil wo any part of the country. wi simall ty of drese and undress, trom the polite expense. [the majestic and enchanting view which }untolds itself to the watching and plad id ned eye as you draw closer and closer Can be ple ofevery nation, in all the eccentric: antl sober looking Don down to the shirt Com. to take Depo © &#C Appreatce Lod ntures, Writs. ©. @ 5 Court, Letters Testimentary 1Coa S00 Letters of A i@iuistration, * Sjivelal ect 4 Marriage Licenses, Do, Certifieates, Varives Equity Blanks, Do fadictiments, Land Deeds Dy ets im Trust, ou W. : a > speeder Mean less, strong limbed Coolic, and clamorons negro or mulatto, wedging themselves Juror Tickets along the choked wharves, the intricate Proseeution Bonds, C & 8 0 pmazesof Havana streets, oralong the end less and stupendous * Aliiacens, or ware- Bet Doed aT ‘i bayuity ad houses, where ple on pute are heaped Up Notes (Hand, ' ‘ Nota te Bank, to the ceiling innuinerable boxes of suvar, Aud many other forme of leas frequent uspruie Blanks ted to order on shurt nutice awaiting ship's room Joe BRU NER I RAV, VOU are BO ‘well acquainted with all the wonders of mae the Siempre fral Tale (the ever faithful PROSPECTUS OF THE crown, that I will not dwell on the ecsta CAROLINA CITY TIMES, cy tmay in ny torn have feleon ianding | . . ral ee Island,) this nniqne gem of Spain's shorn The undersigned will commence the publication of on and roaming over this faverite spot, | @ Weekly Journal with the above tile about the first week io Jauuary ext, at Carohua City, NOC The Times will be ‘Independent in all th traf ie nothing 2 bat the bert energies of th c an tore will be directed to any and all measures tending With the pleasing feelings which this va te advance the interesia of Beoulert Harbor; and particularly to keep people poeted on what we are really dovng. ho this determinstion they wall fur mish a farthful reedrd of all staneties whic te ie their power to obtuin to addition fo any ¢ iaforinauoa which cau conduce to the welface of our mercantile interesta The wautot euch a Journal is felt by every inteiligent ciuzen who desires to be at all acquainted with the resources of Beaufort Harbor —our present condition, future prospects, &e The Tins will give ihe latest market ro ports ar | rival and departure of vewsels from thon port; and its colamnes will afford the latestintell gence both foreign and dancetie. Special care will be takeu to give fall and accurate eurnmary of Stale news The Tiaus will be pubiiched exory Tharaday, and will be mailed to subsenibers for Two Dollar a year, iavanably in advauce ,/where nature seems to have exhaust =, Neu- ved all its resources and capabilities propre ned and delightful picture evokes, are as sociated reflections which warn the heart nay of a true American and mereal Saltimorean, meeting, as T frequently did, an old ac quaintance of the Monumontal and indus trious city, orthe apparently known face of a smart, thrifty and inventive Yankee, some unfolded genius, dreaming over the mechanical wonders which his seething brains are brewing and harmonizing —-or ADB CHAPIN & CO perchance some luninons meteor of Ame ‘TRI-WEEKLY MAIL LINE. TWO HORSE HACKS, from Mocksville, N. (., to Salisbary, N.C. rican skill, a: Wendall Bollman, whose well-earned celebrity has reached even the ears of this Government, bestowing on hitn anqnalified testimonials of estima tion in the shape of a golden contract for CHANGE OF BCIRDULE all the iron bridges, station houses, &c,, Leaves Mockavilic every Mondays, Wednesdays and required along the railroads and else- Frdayant 1b o'clock, A Arrives at Satiabury same days at fo'clock, P.M Leaves Salisbury every Tuesdsys, Thursdays aod Saturdays ot 54 o'clock, A.M. Arrives at Mocksville same dayeat lg o'clock, P.M where; or perchance meeting with that enterprising gentleman, B. M. Rhodes, with his beaming, intelligent eyes and The Proprietor, aleo. pledges himself tu send Pas- sengers from Mockaville tu any direction they may : wish to go, on reatouable terms Try hia, all you and powers of nature, assisted by art, to that wish to go to Che mountains in that direction a STAGE OFFICE at Salsbury at the Mansion Hotel, Wa. Rowzen. Agent UR AUSTIN, Prornintror. Mocksville, Dec. *, 15x. glowing soul, explaining the mysteries the tardy Spaniards, and teaching their | young ideas’ how tobacce and cotton, &e., |may ‘shoot? luxurionsly in wornont soils, < ; by means of his Super-phosphate. Long Theory of Vocal Music, : aaa s IN SEVEN FASY LESSONS. ; : supply of the above nse fal Musical Work, der difficulties which required the utmost A handsomely printed and for ante at THIs OF FICE 130 ‘and arduously did he apparently toil un- industry and energy to secure for itin this ec Bat, ININ. island that weneral appreciation to which his fertilizer is manifestly entitled. Equity Sale of Land, 194 ACRES Belonging to the heirs at law of ROA. Patterson, ave which his perseverance has met with deceased, adjoining the lands of Paui Yost, Hen ry Beaver, Sarah Rose, and others. Sal+ totake place at the premises on the J 7th day of dina ary ext, at TL o'clock, AM. credit, bond with two approved secunitics wil be required of the purchaser. Dr's feo 82 25. 134 ACRES Belonging to Thomas Rymer and others, adjoin ing the lands of Michael IDealig, Joho Phlig and others, having tpen it a large and exellent mea and sugar planters may rejoice at the sn- dow, and one of the best orchards in the coun perior prospe ctive yield of their lands ty. Sale to take: place = W9b of January ext, it, the purchaser giving bond with (wo approved plied. securities. Printer’s fee ®2 2 ' 148 ACRES Belonging to the heirs of Jesse Mautin, cased, ance of a thorongh going, adjoining the lands of Martin Tochwine, Daniel Haffinan and others, Sale to take place at the premises, on the 20th day of January next atl o'clock, ALM. Terms six monthseredit. the pur a suficient supply of super phosphate, ehaeet: ging Baudet A eno oe experiments were made daring the sea ers Tee Sa <n 105 ACRES Belonging to the heirs of Catharine Parrs adjoin oy 60 vegas of tobacco. fng the lands of Samuel Deal, John Correll and x es others. Sule to take place on the 224 day of My with great difticnity, the skepticism January next, at the premises, at Tz o'clock Mo of the proprietors, managers, de. and Terma, six months credit, the purchaser giving bond with two approved securities. Printer'’s fee $2 25 EO BUACK MEN, COME: Tec. 1, 1858 28 NOTICE. AW persona holding claims agains the “Commis soners of the Town of Salisbury,” are hereby fied present them to me on or before Saturday the 29th of Janvary, 1X59 . By order of the Board of Commissioners, J. HW. ENNISS, Int. Pol “Tf the unqnalitied support and patron: from the Spanish local and home govern ments, and the prejudiced islanders, after Terms ry months tho ordeal of a series of rigorous and tui nute experiments, nade under their own inspection, is inany way conducive of its practical value, Cuban tobacco, cotton at the promises, on the , Perma. sig montha ered. Where this active fertilizer may be ap > | “Tt appears that, through the persever active Balti morean agent, Who Rhodes had the cour: age to detail to this island last year, with son on nearly 100 sugar plantations and After overcom- lastly the terror of the negroes themselves, who beheld, inthis novel substance, hob- goblins, poison, and fulminating elements, until they became converted by the agent this scarecrow, repeatedly tasting of nnd seeming better of the feasf, his zeal has been well re quited, for the crops pre new pared with this compound are now being gathered with a result which is cheering and clating the hearte of the proprietors. Deo. 98, 1858 fturning home, via New York, lis pock am | Everywhere through the whole island the phlegmatic. Not to know her was to love | her, for at first sight, rather than after a tore lotiinate vequantance, the eve was vreatly pleased. The stranger even was aand intelligent tobacey planter has assur- taken with ber beanty—such an image ed me that the nee of this fertilizer had Was she to fancy —such and idol toaduire Accordingly, Mary never felt the want of admirers, she always had them atcom- where disappointment had followed the inand. Sul, on vo one of them could she application of Peruvian Guano, while it fix hereye, and retain it there. All pleas: ed ler more or less—none absolutely. To make a selection, therefore, was quite iin- the country, which frequently destroyed possible for ber; or,iftora tine she made jone, she could not adhere to it, not even tu her own imind. Tt this one urged his! ha : f suit, she required delay ; if that one, she eral of this island, directed, last planting gid nut like to commit herself, except for s¢ason, to experiment ob cotton, a Crop a tine. Many a one hoped ~—all were disappointed; and yet Mary was not a coquetie; she did not encourage her sai- jtors wantonly ; she lad ao desire to dis ous lots of equal size, quality of soil and appoint them; ler objections seemed to be real, and, fur the tine insurmountable | she tonged to marry —-if she married at : : dl, to please herself; if her adaurers did ruvian, South Keys Cuban Gaano, and qot suit her own Inspection, she set them The proved so marked in favor of the latter, ‘effect las been equally satisfactory on \ every description of product. A large 3 I ! & enabled him to rear luxuriant tobacco had freed the land of ‘worm,’ the pest of entire vevas, “The Marquis Concha, Captain Gen- which the Cubans are anxious of intro- ducing into the islind. ‘Three contiga exposition, were respectively manured, each with a different fertilizer, viz: Pe result aside. Perfection Was her model, fancy her guide! _ For a few years she thus continued to encourage and to disappoiut the expecta- lion of it to Spain, where the sulject and: tions of her suitors. At length, having become more mature ‘in judgement, she concluded to listen with a willy ear to the solicitations of a young on whose unqualified favorabie report, a) centleman living in an adjoiming village Phis young man was highiy esteemed by all that knew him. Xs to property, too, he was in comtortable circumstances, and could easily maintain a fatmaly and live Besides the in genteel style. No reasonable objec tion could be made against hint as a pro Many a youn lady, iadecd, would have thought Rhiedes’ Super Phosphate. that His ExeclHency sentan official rela article itself were referred to the celebra- ted Royal Chemist, Senior Don Reynose, Royal Decree emanated, conceding * th: proeilege to B. M. Rhodes, or, in other words, viving him the monopoly, free ot dJaty, on the whole island. honor which it entails on this gentleman, per candidate tor aiatomony, and the estimation in which the benetit- ted planters will hold Daltimorcans, Mr (ersetf hi shly honored to lave received Rides’ fortune seems to be secured by bis attention, In point of education, too, he was sa this snecess. Tlearn that he is abont re perior to thauy of dis associates, having prosecuted fis studies, in his youthtus ets full of orders, and with a few more da Already lad aken @ Commanding position in the bid = fair to Lecome ataan of superior inf tence: f interest and success of our people, bat fn person he was likewise dicuified and hy. With Witham Randal, a voung man ossessed of so mach to commend titi to | herfavor, Mary, allerashortacquaintance, | To must not omit, though was decidedly pleased. Trae, mdeed, she! had ong objection to limi—he was a me but this circumstance Was resolved to overlook. No oue liad ever picased ter su much, and to every one s, beyoud his compeers. lhe Nhe wiittering doubloons than le brought. te commnbiity in wiiel he dived, and the island. T would add many other items mest conclude to-day, reserving to my) pleposs' self the pleasure of adding to the relation of the Sincidents of my travels’ on anoth CE day > Jel, pressed by time, to mention the arrival Mame} she and installation into othee of oar new rd States, Col Consul General of the [ Helm, whose graceful courtesy, readiness Ciere bad always been something objec tionable. Mere sident, it is true, had eansed him to become acqmainted with Mary. Soll these tovo persons scem to lave been to serve American interests, and firm dis charge of his official obligations, will en fina no oof our coun le ar try —Balt. Putreot VOTEN CY GCI designed for each otiier, eo easily and go id they take a faucy the one vatarally ‘ to tie other. THE GOL EN OPPORTUNITY LOST. Some few months passed away, each Conpratulatiog Ge other on them lappy BY HENRY A. DWIGHT, anticipations, aod each becoming still ary onl ens & bres Tees Gate aie ee Mary Atwill was a ABBE ily of an more interested in the other's future wel amiable Cispositien, butef Little stability fare, of mind, Tn omany respects she was wor thy of dimitation and praise in all She was se aptto recede troun lier engage The world aronnd, it is true, always | increaulous, and frequently a little too mach so, bad no greatcoutidence in these | wooings, for they had known Mary At Now she was will betore, at least so they said. Ov of this mind—now of that—to-day one course they did not expect anything else thing, tomorrow another, Atoone time than a rupture between these two devo-| she would wecede to this or thar proposal, ted ones. Mary had not, they said, con at another she would thy from it stancy of purpose enough toadivere te Sach wits the character of Mary Atwill, any engagement. She looks, too, they and yet she had many admirers. Seme- added, a little ligher than a mechanic. | times they admired, indeed, only to exe Sut William Randall had uo fears, he| crate afterwards-—for whilst she captired was sure of the resuit. Mary had, it was | with ber charms she neglected her victim true, disappointed others, him she would ; —she conquered te hill, not to save the not, coald nut. \ captive. Broken hearts never a source of unhappiness to her, for she con —not ments, and, therefore, too Tittle reliable as acompanion or friend Were Thus hope spread her brightest bow] ’ before him, and he believed ber prom | sidered the loss of others rather theirown . ses. Among the sceptical on this point, | funle than hers. ; They admired on thea Mary had a particular friend, who, to, own responsibilities, and were, of course, contirar her in resolution to adhere to| the consequences. She William, thas addressed ber: did, indeed, encourage the attentions of “Mary, do you think that you really | her auitors, still it was pot with a fixed Jove William Randall £” . | design 3 or, if se, with one only fora tran She was withing to be en answerable for & Moot certainly Lodo,” Mary replied. | sent period, “ Your friends imagine otherwise.” waged, with the tacit privilese, however, “They do! Well, they are of sundering theengayement. Shedidwt mistaken.” . think that inatrimowuial promises were * But he is a mechanic, Mary.” i binding, though she was willing thatothers “To know that; but he has many re should regard themoin this hight, ay they’ deeming qualities to: make up for that) thought proper, evil.” “But why,” she said, “should one ad “Why, Tothink it is a misfortune at here to what he despises? Why, if le least” ° has made a rash promise, break i? A “Now, Mary, what is mechanisin ? Is it not the resnlt of genius © © Certainly itis, and so L regard it.” “Well, why should any ong voject toy a mechanic!’ WWhiy, the world, you know, are apt to look down upon dmechanios, and to say that “But some of onr greatest men were lady, at least, should have the privil we ‘ot being tree to act in these matters as tae | A ventleman, too, should never marry ifaver , clination mary promypt sto the anion. So Mary reasoned, whether rationally or not, her future shall decide But such were the principles of Mary's conduet in matrimonial ant : these principles originated trom her tickle iecianies, Mary Had she duty reflected on “That ia trae; bat Tdo not imacine her relations to others, the sensibilities of that it would be my good fortune to uar of this on one, ‘he isa mechanic.’ 4 Ipattons, and hess of mind her admirers, the obligations which each ry a great man.” “Do yon think that William Randal > t ‘hl { individual of the same chiss in society sustains to the other, and the advantages may one day become a great man * No, indeed!” CONTI VemtOtanye Ury oa “Oi! Teonld’nt expect any such good Tuck as that.” no, “Others have had such good luck, Ma and why should you nor have £” “Others have had the good Inck, too, reason and conscience the arbiters of her to draw a prize ina lottery, but I never arising froma proper observance of the which all yp upon each other, she would ung qestion ably have rendered jnstice to all cured her own ultimate good duit Mary was too reckless to be under any ry, montoal elaims have and se very rigid moral restraints, Chatis, to take conduct. Wd easily changed from one intention to an “ other, oneengagementtoasnoceeding one. al Jottery.” Shll, Mary Atwill, had somany redeem “No: but we judge of the future from ing qualities thather wantot stability was the past, and as Pnever tad good Inek in overlooked, She was lively and witty in any one thing, go LT expect none in any conversation, polite and affable in her de Ol necessity, Cierefore, se wats had You have never tried the matrimoni ther” Marv, let me tell you that William Randall will one dav be a great man! Abo my dear frend, you flatter me In her personal Appearance, too, she was!too iach! Tle mav be, bat it |" charm- fascination even to the moat! only as by a miracle.” portment, kind in ber feelings, at least tor the moment, and always realy to meet her frendsand acqnarmtances w ith asinite will be, )cenjecture 5 hwas soan the eve of Mary Atwill, AAR “Why do you say sot” “ Because a mechanic has no one to clevate him in the world. An eagle needs wings to guar, and a man uveds friends tu rine.” “That is trne; bat there is another way of rising.” j “What is that?” “By one’s own genius; talent will car- ry one anywhere !” “And do you think William Randall 80 talented ¢” “Indeed I do, and his future life will) show it.” | The friends parted, but Mary was still sorry that William was a mechanic. She! should muci have preferred that he were a merchant or a lawyer, or even a gentle- inan atlarge. Still, as she was now en- gayved, and as all the world said that she wouldn't adhere to her engagement, she only resolved the amore determinedly to do 80. | Tiine passed away, and the wedding day approached. Williauy Randall was delighted that the world was this time to be disappointed in Mary, and that she /was hereafter to be rezarded ag possessed of a less fickle mind, She was now to re establish her character for stability. Ie, too, was to enter upon & new era of en joyment. Matrimony had years. All his plans had been rendered subservient to this one great end. He had accumulated property —he lad toiled | diligently —he had his mode of living—he had concentrated all bis thoughts and wishes on this one most desirable and wost delightful result Phe day lad come in which he was to realize his utinost expectations, The knot was not indeed yet ted, bat what could intervene now at this fate hour to prevent this last act in the scenery ? Ma ry Was still of the same mind; her wed ding dress was made; the carda of invi tation were sent out; the preacher had been notified, and all things were ready. Only the appornted hour had not yet come; it Was jost at hand, \ William now called for his Mary to en- ter the consecrated room. Alas! as he stepped into the adjoining room he over- heard the words : “Ol! LT cannot marry a mechanic, in deed T cannot.” William cried ont, “Mary!” Not another | word was heard; silence reigned supreime. | le repeated, “Mary!” All was silent | still. Pe took his bat and retired. | The next day he received a uote from | Mary, that she desired a few more dayo | for consideration. Wolliai cousented to | iy yet bot without the utmost chagrin | and disappointment, Nor did he escape | the taunts aud jeers of many a oue who | Dor) | been in his eye for) been economical in had before prophesied this result, worst of all, the pity uf the kindhearted and sytipathene, The few day ssedl away, and with it | Williau’s entire anticipations of nuptial Ile was like a dismasted cast ashore and left to the mercy of the winds and waves! But Mary Atwill was not forgotten.— He did, so far as he was able, eject her from his mind and his memory ; but the world kept an eye upon her. They thought she would at length be reward in what way they did not dare to still, such abuse of conti-! dence, such trifling with one’s affections, such blighting of his dearest hopes and anticipations, they did not believe would escape punishinent. | Atter atime William Randall recover ed, to some extent, from the shock ; he entered again into the scenes of the world, and became still more snecessful in his business, and in ashort time quite a weal thy man. Ifis early education, in con nection with other favorable cireamstan ces, rendered liin the associate of the! inost elevated in society. He was at home any where. sa politician he became extremely popular, and was soon sent to) the State Legislature as a representative. | Phis served only as an introdnetion to | sull higher offices. By regular grada bliss. vessel | jtions in political life, he was, after a few | vears, raised to the dignity of the United Srates Senate. The mechanic was now a! great man, and perhaps, if the circum: | stances would have admitted of it, Mary! Atwill would bave been extremely hap py to have received the offer of his hand Bat no, the seene was now entirely chang ed; she herself was no longer Mary At will To her history, therefore, we must! avain revert. ‘Two or three years after her rejection of Witham Randall, she was again solic ited to enter inte the Eden of matrimoni- ilife. Tler suitor was a vonag gentle- inan from the eity of New York. Te, of cotrse, Was no tnechanie; lis father was a millionaire —the son a young gentleman atlarge. fe drove a fast horsey he spent money as if directly) from the mines! In lis personal appearance be was more than ordiuarily fascinating; at least, he Now, to be conrted tw such a) distinguished young gentleman Was a great honor; what must awart who be bia bride —how happy —how highly favored of fortune should she be ! Toa young a chatiye was of course enongl: to concern a tickle inind Mary now began to think too, that her tine had come to settle the matter; that dubrousness wonld incur an prospects one should fy inthe country so vreat aimense risk; to live a maiden was nev er her ambition, whatever been. else migh linve She, theretore, concinded this time to be true to her engayement Samnel ELoppin, too, intended to be to Ins. The village was agnin also agoy at the new acene now enacting. Another vrand event was abont. to tranepire, and there was to be a tace about it. Some, i" »0, thought that Mary had been amaz business allowed no delay, even thoug ‘her ing wise in rejecting all her former sni- tors and taking up with this one, so grand, so rich, so handsome. Others were of a different opinion. cA is mot geld that ylitters,” they said. that is bogus!” Things, however, moved forward; the wedding day was hastened ; the youny gentleman was urgent to get back to the city, for his affairs required It (ot course) 5 he was a young man of business, and lis h “There is sutie coin a short time since he was a young genUe- man at large; “his vacation had expir ed ¢” As Mary was reputed to ba wealthy, and as the trausterring of property to its prospective owner would callse BOoMe Whigs) tle delay, young Hoppin suggested that) this businesa should be transacted prior | to their Inarriage, that event being now no longer a contingency. To this readily consented. On looking into the state of ler affairs, however, the young gentleman was in- formed, to his great surprise, that there! was a mortgave ou the estate that would swallow up the whole! | “Whew!” the fortune-seeker cried— “a mortgage, a mortgage, faith! That wives a different hue to the scene!” His countenance fell; his love died within him; bis beautiful Mary lost all olie ‘her charins; the flower faded away ; no longer did it emit any fragrance. And what was to be done? The wed ding was hourly expected + the delay was occasioned only by the neMrence of the preacher. Bat lo! the telegraph wires relieve, our young lero. He receives a despatch that his mother isdying, and that le must hasten home instantly if he would see her alive. Alas for Mary! Ter bean-ideal flies : he must eos he thes! And who ean pity now? The neighbors? No! Iler friends? Notone, save she who remon ‘strated with her in faver of the mechanic Indeed, ber sympathy was that only of a fricnd that sticheth closer than a brother. She pitied her much, but condemned her more; condemned Ler for losing the gold rt) opportunity of tarry ing to her advan- tage—inarrying the only one who could have rendered her happy theough life, jand, perhaps, prospectively 60, beyond the grave. i Of course young Hoppin was never heard of again. Tle was disappointed in his expectation of a fortune. He had heard that Mary Atwill was very rich.— When he found that she was not his love ceased, and he had no motive to return. In the meantime William Randall lad become quite a distinguished man. ILis sphere in life, consequently, Was yreatly enlarged, and included men of iutlience and talent. Asa politician he was very poprlar, and rose: from one offfee to an other until he reached the United States Senate. Nor did he remain unmarried. He sought a partner of intelligence and infla- ence; and forgetting the tistory of his first love, devoted lis affections tu the more recent object of lis chotee, and is now passing this life happily in her soci ely and in- vughters wor ety > being favored witha teresting train of sous anil ¢ thy of her parental name, As tothe unfortunate Mary, we have only to add that she afterwards married —if indeed that is marnaze where the hand is given without the Leart—and that she confesses, with bitter tears of regret, that she lost the golden opportanity in the rejection of the only one that traty loved her, the unfortunate mechanic. And, in conclusion, we hope the read erimay vot think it malapropos that we jexpress the wish tha’ lie may not lose his golden opportunity, and especially that more important one which, if lost, in- volves not only his bappiness in this life, batin the life to come. = oe MG es: j Mr. B. Monroe, of Woodford county, kKy., furnishes to an exchange an inter esting article upon the mule trade, trom which we make the following extract: The mule trade is one of the largest of Kentucky, and affords one of her clief sources of revenue. The increasing de mand for them in the south, among the sugar and cotton planters (which 1 ow ing no doubt to the great number of farms annually being opened.) affords a very easy solution for the eagerness and extent to which stock growers launch into the trade, for itus avery heavy business, re quiring a great deal of capital, The tule is fed from weaning tine (which is gen erally at the ave of tive or six months. to the full extent of its capacity to eat, aud that too on oats and corn, tovether with hay and fodder. soiling is usually adopted in mer, as they are kept contined in a pout or paddock, Containing an eere OF TWO OF In henof the lon food, the sum ground, whichis usually partialiy shaded, in herds of one hundred fifty In this way they are kept und the fal after they are two years old, receiving a sort E At this age they are taken to the southern mark et, not always by the feeder, bat me wee of foreing, hot house treatment generally by the speculator or rader,” they are seld to the planter entireiy un Phe Planters are too caus t mid prove Town beast, broken buy a broken iole, dest it sha \ jaated, broke sold foray ig more difficult to tell there aves external mark ve ds not generally soup to be an ant fattened up. and yn one ns it than that of a horse Tie of tine and sers parent upon therm But itis a small job to break oa have a steady tiie It as) necessary to herse to work them: with, and a second hand to drive them an our (or two to keep hin up, after which he is lings will avers 'ready for any service that the farmer may |require of him. He may kick once or twice, but is unlike the spirited horse, who, when he commences, is apt to kick himoeelfout of the harness before he stops. There were in this county in tae year 1855, 20,000 mules; in 1856, there were 4,855; the number in the county at pre- sent L have no means of ascertaining, but suppose itis at least as great, perba yreater, than in any previous year. The probabilities are that all these, or ag ma- ny, Were fed in this county each year.— The countics immediately around, po doubt ted equally a8 many, some more. Lhe counties of Bourbon, Fayette, Clark, and Jessie, are engaged quite a8 ex- tenoively in the trade as this, Berides the great number of males fed annouly in these counties, we supply N. Orleaus, New York, and other cities, with au ituincise amount of beet, mutton and bacon. These tacta being considered, you inay rewlily imagine that we inast, ef pe- cessity, be a grain-growing people. Such isthe tact. Yet so extensive is the mule and yreat are che protits a tecding, that thuse engaged in the trade can afford to give 40 cents per bushel for corn, at least they say sv, and cannot get It for less. The average price of weanings ia about ». No. 1 froin $80 to $90, and extra, often as high as 8120. A lot will often chatyve hands as often as a dozen times Delore they are ready for market. Year- ge, L suppose, about $100, owing in & greatextent, however, to their quality. At two years old they will bring $125 or ¥18u, if they are average select A neighbor of mine is feed- iug a lot of one Lundeed, for whieh I am told be has refused $175 round. But this isan extra lot, no doubt the best Jot in Kentucky. The same gentleman gave @ short time ayo $300 for a two year old to work to lis sulky, and is working @ let at his farm, for which he paid 8200 each. Another gentleman of this county sold a short Une ago, a two.year old inare mule or S4yv. But these are fancy prices for taney mules. There is a stall and infe- rior class of animals that is considered a sort of dead beads, and which the feeder won't bay if offered alone, and those are ones usually found in service on the farms, one Strange thinzs to be seen in N. Mexi- co—luteresting Relics. From a letter tothe Washington States, by a correspondent in New Mexico, we wake the following interesting extracts, How few of uur people are aware of what wonders are to be found in the vast terri- tory of the Great West: The Country in the Vicinity of Fort Di fiine.—Vhe country in this vicinity a number of deep and frightful chasing or canons. Tmtmediately at this fort (ere is one of about a mile long, and is of sold rock are about tive han- dred feet Ligh. Canon de Challey, from which Col. Miles but recently retapned ona itapainst the Indians, killing six or cizbt,and taking 5,000 sheep, is a won- derful phenomenon, [tis about forty iniles north-west of this place, is forty miles ony and 300 yards wide, with walls of fliuty rock msing up 1,500 feet, in majea tie grandeur, as if to pillar the very heav- ens. tlorses and inen, standing o these towering spires, are represented ag Appearing lke rats and pigmies, Stones thyywu down at the troops by the Indians bieak inte pieces by the resistance of the air, aud arrows discharged come down rorizontally, from the force of gravitation. A pistol shotis echoed and re-echoed hy the adamantine walls, and rings in the car for minutes afterward. The appear- ance of the canon, as one yazes up and about, thas sunk a thonsand feet into the bosom of the earth, and walied by bhage and rugged rocks, is said to be terribly vrand aud frightful. In these deep open- ings the Indians plant grain, peaches, mel- mms, ete, and in times of ditticulty, take their flocks and women and children. — Paey seem, however, to have anticipated the march of the troops upon this ome, and consequently not a great many In- dians, no horses, and, but 5,000 sheep were found, busies lots, more. lias Ils Wa P. trifactson.—The officers of the scout report having seen great quantities of si- licitied wood 5 ze trees completely transtormed into silex and others in a pare tial state were abundant. The silex was quite sulphuric, and emitted fre free- ly by contact with iron or steel. A Paco of People Destroyed by Vol- eanic Eraption.—Namerous stones of rare qaality and beauty were seen, and immense quantities of broken pottery strewed in every direction. This latter fact favors the supposition that a race of people once inhabited this coun- try, who were either destroyed by volca- me eruptions and earthquakes, or liave ceased to exist by gradual deterioration. All through the territory are to be found Aztec mins, and it is not unreasonable to prestime that a superior race to the pre- sent at one time were spread over this country. But this is a subject which I leave for the specalation of the more learned and screntitic. were Voleanie Evuptions and Crat ra.—In the valley of the Gallo--a creck which thaws froma be | crystalline spring, shes up from an iimimense bed of rock ereas a large deposit of lava, exhibit- vwidence of having flowed down the cy in astream of fearfal force and vol- ume trom a distant mountain, whence it Indeed, exist all toronusl the country, todicatime that at tats region mast lave been sha- was erupted, CRAG S one tine hen and torn to preces by valeanoes and earthyiakes From the data furnished by screutitie examination, the tost recent have been as late as three ceuturies back, Liis stream of boiling lava must have been 5U fect deep and as many wide. Le seems to have rushed on until it gradual: vy cooled and bardened, and thus was fornedan abrapt termiation to its pro- ress. od volesme discharge tiust forms of the waves can be 4 1 seem patty, The dark, iron dike sub < \ q naked eye to ive pel re bast centa ry {euch rl hot twe tb ] ftoree ban \ned Vuars ag woaihit, rela Gules te wouder UH Verrxice gHeKe Rielics ofa Former 1" ple Phrough vat tats country relies of a former pone ind rains oof towns area to be found an wreat quantities The deep asins in the earth, the sirmguliar and te tic atth- —— ? oe tale of rocks ard canons, too clearly in dicate the awful upheaving and tearing astinder wich at one Gane must hace vis 4 ftol Jere, and point to aw race of people Frown the Salisbury Banner The North Carolina Rail Road. e have received from the President of thas Durted | ay a ‘ dis Peal the tollowing commubicaGen tor pe gate wre beueath tai aso 1 | Organized Nature. tates Which e ; : . bow aid then gloddonw tee strat of the Sarisuens, Dee. 2%, 1848 Psried teasiter tient 1 pe ycay ! Va Va te VRS ! - 1 chen vir) Li tate ou Xu wt A ig fi rootathare and Sut lina ert of Sen beantilul, toes 1 Wfiequemty serve bt proceedings on the B mmto ™ Raa create ratuer t vty Uiairst [exc | aah deters len sen ii Rane (eee Se CRIM Ad Vie CAPITAL Sacre hows ft tle Neh The Captain of the Polee of Washing Can t dean Rewcd tieed badly deataged ton City tas teste dis tetartis tur toe NRT Cn een ecrac ie SACU IRUNTTGEE month of December, which tuakes apy: metanciely picture of the state of movals atthe seul of government. A large poo portion of the crimes are atari bated Coie toxicatiou 5 (lus vice was parucularty ap parent among Cie vouth of the catty da ake ses Ue Stee Work hete reierred to, was pltced ia wy bods It has not been my nt, urine Chis tie, fo moter an any matber whatever, ation mats, or terespetisihle. or generally vague aid voothers were diads. TP have been fioe the Cliristuias iolidays. qe sdusticd to leave iny management ty an VEG Ort anne Wig Mrere ais ee war iets. wlicie) iinneatriaescerite int arrested and or tio thes @ Ria (sae. Ne lene Gotwde ceteenl ni of dhe oaty dur Vee itch rude 7 Feed tall that : whee YT ot vivo we ed vl and 401 Cor worsens titer tien | ; Prats ot ‘ \ i : ‘ | ' \ ee Coolant j u \ 1 Loew wise ih Pela, , ve we tel sey wed tt ) Her) Pere sy iva dy Bae anol ecu. widdeal ia a fe fated, £2 Vermont, bs ae i £ gi tintaitee tard senna very Konty NG (yh JER he : io ae ae oie a) ee ie ave renenady pelivved ty bo rath Maine, bs Gre 15 daly, 25 Mien a 1: Lintisiana, 3; ae oS r US wey, 13 Switzerland, 15 AN ites A) Stockholders Phas mone, Wie : 3 colored t Bays J Inquiry tow hing wll $425 wie females, YS5 colored females, ie feeh alle ol Se Wikunee 23) The amount of judgmer Imposed for violations of tie laws of the ment of the sand con's juested the elation of any coinplaitiis. Pew hat ever been there alleged. Mone have ever been Corporabon dartne tae Mouth is S27 , : wtitained 45. Sanmonnt of tpanes collccted du Wetta ; , ; ring (i ntiiis SL00605. LPheamount! Phis charge which vou have bronght forward wuts atta costs obtatued for the b Gre adigh body. being of a ditherent charac of judy i eS CUMUONCIIG (HElLst Ol «lative ctor trol sts ins nie rumnarked salove: tole Wie Ol Do@crrlcrweworily at neice is cue lath ourd of 1) Pending the 3! plies) 2k) CM RZ SN) OU Teos tht po Swale tun mud to the pub the amount obtuaned. preceeding PWeive AHEM Soul eet 1 months. ‘Tie amecui Wf curh collected ane vient wliee VEY nthe for the fast six months is $7. 1su s2—tx o9 i tote Ui Was Collected the Wel Herald kiow. ardentitted tocrespeet. Tt ts token for ing & preceding twelve months. feat dat te henorable genth man, oceupy ins [fee penal Hee Sentral es Fofesponscae position of a pablo repre meeting of e@ Academe in Par the tative, Wo huewinuly fend his voice atid privepal Moutyon prize of three thons etucber in giving ereulation te ether persona and francs, for acts af virtues was bestow Ppa titsrepresentation, and, Cherefure, 1 ed ou Hiaticoise Duriudeec! 07a Waliennieety telered Umi watever ie etd ust! cluse.) The Acadetny, tn awarding zh body is spoken, ot as the stump <poceh of prize, Were Gertious of rewardiiy ¢ UE ane! reine for cfleet, nor as a prtragray hl yal devotedness—that attachment to fan DGG Nees srtn peel Comes tritened fy iis ily ties whie's | - , particularly ¢ : party uses— bat with ¢ fortune—and \ of feeling which the acquiral of atias latd on good evidence. bs band coud ms nay be considered alluwalile, Hot rest untii bios neeenee had beet TS ale Pate deli berat Permit me to ol, Ire politieat ane parts clearly prov Macdaine Diva ‘ ie Ss ' % t (heed : Haran . rad Usage s? firey ‘ . \ 1 sts { t at? 3 \\ Stitt be ow y \ re Fr t ! i OPV sit Ww tte ' 1 Wee ‘ ail eoatas 4 Magerits Me Pirand, woo wa Fine Oprawe GaP al fs Ge, tever con ki tt = r white tn ue dts re aia ioe ‘ { ‘ te SEEN SuCce ther ie Peres : ite etsy x ( (heessant cfforts to , ‘ 1 ti 1 , Ss cueel¥y aS tie may Ve 4 Trrse t " Che rea ee . Juease, the acts and character of all officials—it trey evra te demmned, ang tue © uplete her husbard prvve tet nbocence of I equally true, that every sentiment « tostebeptical, ity. and of commun justce, would forbid a pre idyment, or a censure, without evidence Phas tis, that, in relation tothe administra DEATH ON ViE CAs! The Aiton Democrat notices a te uch et an Slate Work, yon tithe ing inen to. onal’ the Yor trave charge, Sach yn one as, of sustals doven trait C vier WN 4 mater % - Levis be 1 . vas ‘a \ . ' Tae Cars a Vira hor Soe his i ‘ { es fowa ‘ eleu ft tem tit { u : Wikio tet Cars 1 Cas ud tod ail ¢ 2 \ | V Sa ‘ Watts ‘ t (i tt PHS Fy we Hs Ny t ‘ \ a} ati power eo rat his \ bb ' revevens tee Wont | Lb to ot > : Y mos os Louis to weet her busbar : i » Ws: ee SS Stat Wiinr Mree tate Th Zl ani Seine Wend) We ye Taye ais t Pe known for iis dove ef cvervihltar on IST GSES NAH TORT V77 Ee the way, teat ees es tte Roads havins badly inan of Lace: ui fe gorilla: ena @ Sule = heretore thea dual stock Yacter: soln (te Veoetrtds t ait ty be placed in filhcontrol to on Were ai at Sta The SV dii as ee etic Peo edi, ok Ue guests PUGS ONE GEREHG! OS Te TPG Peli nds Ni ris (Uangeaf the jaw f have nuthie Appert Tie table war pac wit i ; 7 Chae Maine ; fea-Water viele fit to diiek ov yt ee i cell iene t W—oliit wal vour deducth nor Oh ag fo Tea eee aaa ’ i ferieh at J 1 \ ea Dey Tire) aS WES boomy owt aecount. Yoo wal qe ! Wiss Mita Wreath sent Mt be uel suepaiseddl to diear that roar Centuries i othe noble Jord had WonmeGters au ane, tl é Heys h Miseif Mn SPT GN ETO Miele it atotdl nestake and ass mids of sand sown in Rneland! | The dinner cave wheat eutistaction HS Sorraiicatestly We eo ' nt a ete ton suf he 7 , , ros nfore you The North Coratina ale oe : i G ri : y on J a a a Hak Jove 2 | riustion) hua been tn the hands ty ef Patinueveuh oet wakers mi the Fug 0 terelead Stockholders from the day of Vuurg We Gade, Tees & Poa tise for 1 @tattecuteon ta this day, My predecessor comipon siwdast wi raises the value come trom Giese Stockholders, [owas elected of Gurber Tease. process, ¢ moat reelected flomtime totime, ‘Thus the dinsaime tices ad i frete ow sadly you have been omnis of itera ' aoe vane : : oh i MSs the miyast Geeatine of the intiwrent State BPE Wt { t fete a hd \ ee : Nase Ca | fr tl TL eondenmnation of aud press tat eye aN fer POS soa Wis teen Urldy valality LU He ae fe) Ade aire ee Pe Ne rettath. sit ot elegwr tee there ac found ibe you st 1 re ‘ Ont oti Thos Cene® (Innis cy in be bot | + / i ee Aiea 8 TENA my tlhe | i TAT vant Soriial ete ‘ vt er lon ‘ ( Wee yer ' as feet uae a Ved N ( j ay ‘ Cmncrnn the | « MM Mite ei < | | i fel a Conway premented Wie teeta ad tac \ . ' s ~ r ‘ t 1 if 4 vd of rare lu ty Popon ts tess, w } ; i ‘ neoet ' oot prblindied ful Vey He } as ! “2 sien Be MU vt , if BY ETN OVINE arr velalsey me bist ¢ the Graarde, iu of oreat ¢ BRST US treed) ! He poowen cf quence, es as fee 1 \ putt vor ny rel on eer cafes ccent Stor bond tha A Richmond letter writer spoentates ax Mont dgeofs ‘ The douerats w lhow Nowe: “Our merchants imetine fle 1 tere fas Vaan | iad ' wn pitien that the price of Vobaecu, thas ion. much Jers of y (isnot within tig reeot var, WH eontinne at recent q HCN, (uy 4 deome believe thal a variety of enunes ’ ; i So von mag ace |) ay weil fo do the NLinfluence an advance ia prime quate ee : } nl : Peabest nant ret oboth State and < The enotmone Inercase in the oe S nN 4 feetror at the eta and phon of the wooed te tee pres ceugre r e Lessee “ Vn with nn error testance on whic toe belief ia f \ our od Pan some toa J have obser “ much concern, the rating expeuse, and coudition—ou the part of Many Woo MSMMDe to speak of ite-most of these geuthimen of intelligenee.and boror, who have not ck to do the Road an injuctice. They have emphatically pronounced the work | proficiss both to the State and to the stock hold ee p ving ue dividends, only able to meet its cure x omses hy Du you won der why soch scatements are inade, if not true ? Foran ry sing te Ke for grented whatever is said: by senichody, than to be at the trouble of examin ing for the truth, and aside from being deeeiv- ts earnings. reason, beesuse jt is so much Caer Cat cdomecerror by designing falsehood of the bad, a nigornty of chquiries are like the hungry ju Wihan who bas no special desire to bang the Hector bit piust go te dinner, Reperts have been nade but ot read, ecry of no divi I aod favadion is cons’? nd an answer to facts, and the road is condctuned, and the man agement is denounced, and a verdict is recorded tc obdinaly Phess things have given me concern [said asd by} tor ter ons touching me personally ; Vy hoteans. The tine fas not been when any reo on fits caused ure tu see! \ voor Sor honors — and al ! tei cru! tito be rqesdd to ser To tae Sivte, In a responsitid, Shuts pester, Py injustice wand abuse, / ver beating andertaken this bard ser ertts probable rewards, P have given to nhor bad, bot fittle thought. My con ‘ Las bs for other reasons, far more For b holding that sprit abroad, and Je tout to Meovive honest, jutell cent and hener which woud curse the land with a Geant to Work out is corrupt ends of particu Yoweull mortdly assail and ues pouboe work, wloch has doue more North Carolina her just character abroad t ve her people hfe and hope and en- Wotton tt he present tt t UV wive conbrarement to eperry—and more te bring ito her borders th fusht of prospenty, after a long Cie of datkuess. Ciao all o(ber exuses — if there Sn thus perverting truth, they could yratity partoan comity, sectivual jealousy, abd persoual tial Tromet, sir, to have boon obliged to tronhle vou eel less others, wid this commmuntenatton It was due to Justice, and TP desire to express may Yreat satisfeetion at the execilent opportunity of trething before a Nsseruhly ane ome tits Road, and ots ailairs, from the begin tis what Psbould amost dave 1 t and fas tecn happaty din « ind etatis no ste! labor tocuter i ‘ ~ my rouning back for eariy Hite Va sworth the labor to hare such a Royottas will de above the questionine and ) UE those whe bare desiced ta discredit “1 mMieht which could be from the Kod rards mv administration of the C mipa rotpan ean say with trath that Phave ever cal porposes the power of this cor or that T have ever enquired concern vee beyond tis character and fit july whates touching my connee WM ane MANET the public works of SUE hetoo tall aud expheit for my Wastes | Jl tahe care Ghat all such are eniacde le } ver hoy been disitiuated to need “ yeety chaesed or not. f do dot ji tilow any pre result. to (cause ofan Sta Vali per thas atime, or turough covert parusan as Lan not ty sunderstoad as charging vou woh thes tsoith Sour remarks which have 1 cated torch this communication :—nor am Pat athe eb to complain, bat rather to thank (hk Has given tune a warrant, which oth VU ys Ww boanve been wantne, to make thie eulas the organ of less public accus ers, 1 ttiahy by question as to your mulives— call upor ~ of ho cuhsequence to me to engiire but tor your charge —P consider myself war ho eapectiog that you will be at some to attend the fenquiry, You a Depresentative trom the Line of the Road aroittes J trom my own District. havit ery facility oO aserrtiio how this work bas been © badly tana das on T believe, therefore, ev tryoustioan wad thir (lene Sati cha 1 Woatas due ty the Senate to pro sent ' lee State wl ) tt 1 a om have to oa of ue Wark, ' tint Mt Te speetfal y von de, CHS. F. PIstE, Piel WS NENIRSIS OE \VEIR, SINS OR FROM ROWAN AND DAVIE, Made in the Snate January Sth, 1859, taahitter addvesxed ti bisa iy te Lrexedent af tue N.C, fe es, which was read in the Senate Janu wy fA, [sot ‘ RAMSAY, OM SI Mr. Speaker: Twas surprised the oth- erday during the discussion of the Bil tooamend the Charters of certain Rail- reeuls, to learn trom the Senator from New TEinster that it was ale<trable to read be- fore th Senate, a letrer addreased to me by Mr. Fisher, President of the Nort) Carelina Railroad. in some remarks [had Mite In bide an the Senate, toueh Wer the prevaditge enition as ty the man avement of that road, Notwithstanding that was the first in tnatiod Thad received of the existence of euch a letter, | did net object to ate being read, aithough that ventleman wax accorded a privilewe which, upon retlee- hon, [am not sure was nota vielation of a law of the State and of Parliamentary nsase. To have objected might have segeeted me to the suspicion of a will- in dot my priv- Aes as a Senator to escape animadver Mess to interpose the son, whiels Tam always uuwilling to do, so far as fam concerned asan individual Senators will recollect, that after th Oller was read, [di med all intention eeting personally on any one, and ut Lo would reserve any remarks on the letter ante TP fivd dad an Opportunity f prerusitige at etd As Tohiaase lund that op munity Po owill TW )ot eed fo dee “Het ebservations on itas t think it de- scree Poa full andorstsne veoof the matter, petuit te read the entire 4 portof iy re Whsa niaivalin Phe Nenderd ear ounce Was, Sa, |) Mir, Tanisay was an favor of the bill. We concurred with Mr. Worth, Tf did TURK The passage of the dill would a flection an the fhe the evile had prown Sh prev Hontopincon was that the North Caroli tn fiteenatd laed been haudly m inaged Pie rprtof these remarks, ia tliat fowhich exception im taken It is said Grovertior Bystoon Was wre tare of the case inthe fetter, “i relation to the alininis tration of ay tioportant State work, Dinake ident lack of all aceurate en me a warrant which otherwise would and certain desiderate being accomplish” iformation concerning this Road —its cost, ope) lave been wanting, to make this call up: ved he entertained “no rensonable doubt, on you as the organ of less public accu- sers.” He speaks freely of “unreasona- ble people,” “malignant persons,” “the vindictive and the cowardly,” as well as jof “gentlemen and men of courage.” Which of these classes constitute “the accusers,” whose “organ” Lam to infer ] at, it boots me nol to Inquire, for in this counection, PE must be permitted fully to reciprocate the feeling which prompted the writer to say in another place, “I thake no Qvesnon as to your Od ©es, since itis of no consequence to ne to ine quire” Thas itis patent that even Mr. Pisher nay be botrayed into the abenrdi ty of making “wenerally vague charges,” Bat, Mr. Speaker, i¢ is not quite aimat- ter of 50 mueli indifference fo ine, aud perhaps to the public, what Mr. Fisher would do were be not aa he says “under bond ex offers to Keep the peace.” Men gage the tion, as well ag muzzle the dog and vestrain the ox “that is wont to yore With his horn,’ vat as he is neither ot Waene the North, Carolina Raii Road, it is noi so Clear to any aquind that it is generous te keep him tin duranee vilee? ban in clined, however, to think that it ig well for ented in general and the Senator from Rowan and Davie, in particular, that he is not “permitted to po at large.” Sur, Mr Fisher, in my apluion, is cotire ly tou seusitive.. Tne enough for both of us Le is a pabhe tan, such men sometimes ocempy high bustuens, and are thus like the tallest vaks, most extasced to the violence of the stern, Thave a right ag a citizen and as a Senator tu speak treely of publie men and matters; and as 1 am in the habit of ringing # vessel before L buy it, and as L had o¢casion to speak of “the prevalent opivion? iv regard to the mar rornent of the road of which he is) President, he ought not to couelnde that | thought he was cracked because | found the road hau a bad ring. world is large He arraigns me for what he is pocased to teri “any deduction on vour personal arrcienusene” mm the admiosteation of the roads and yet he ackuowledyes “it was argued that the roads having been badly wanaged by che Stat, therefore,” &e.— Now, if it was arcued that the Scte had Matiageed the TO 3 badly, how could he speak of his “persoual arraignment.” It appears to me thati he had carefully no- ted any words as feported, whieh are “the system was Wwrony—the evils laa zrown out of the mufure of the case,” Vw could not have been betrayed into the de- duction that he was personally arraigned, ttiless be cousiders himsell, like Luts ALV of France, “the State.” Bor Abr. Fisher is tt atdtanit in lin | tpprehbension that hl would fe sit ve ised,” yea “astonished” to hear that the Worth Carolina Lad ftord has been in thi hunds of the Cndeeedual Stok In Iibege from Mayor tisurjnieition to (hia iy 1 oceuitess Chat Lo was werpresel” to tear t Fist aid Urtner as se ia Bat atter hear nygoat, Lo was abso lutely “Ustunishet te hears trom the Vite seuice, that or three years litnt from the organization of this road, the State fad no vorwee in ber mes tines oth er of Stockholders or Board, because pot yet a bolder of any interest therein Nee Suly 2850 “Ai ae fal Gh Cantsoll tiny power th both.” Now, Mr. 3] Mens beng contradictory and COM trom the saine witness, T can see but two constructions too be placed upotr them, the more charitable of which is that the witness has inade “a total mistake and misappiehension of facts.” But, Mer Fisher goes on to say: “For some time past I have observed, with inuch concern, the evident lack of all accurate informa Ton concerning this road,” ae, son the stite eaker, these two «tof mane, who assume te speak of i yostoaf these gen Eevee s t Votenor © Phey enpetat he CObDINES “promonnce th pred tess State and the Stockholders, dividends and only able to expenses by its carn tthe Presidedt of bottt to paying no TUKECGE Ws) (eNp HACE a ys? She “coneeru o tas road seems tu have been to very lit Ue purpose, since it is apparent that he himself has not been at the puins to get that Saeeurate information” the want of which he eo feelingly deplores in others Bat, what an Darra aed fort Why, sinply for saving that © the grees at opinion Was—that the North Carolina Loulroad was badly manaced.” Is that not 802) Does not Mr. Fisher, hinself, acknowledyve the fact ¢ Does he notsub stantially say that for some time past, he has observed that many ventlemen of in- telleence and honor, not only lacked ac curate information concerning this road, hat that the same gentlemen had cmphat wePly pronounced the road propileset Wn notan opinion prevalent when metmey tertarn até And ie nota Railroad pene- rally considered badly managed when it iscmphatioally pronounced propitless both tu the State and to the stockholders ? Tam not reported to have charged that the road was badly managed, but to have spoken of a “prevalent opinion,” the ex istence of which Mr. Pisher himself las proven, Taving 50 satisfactorily estab lished this point, T will doubtless be ex cused from going before “the committee of inquiry? which he would otherwise “be warranted in expecting [ would be at some care to attend.” Public opinion rs the accuser, and Tiave only anuounc- ed that tact. The indireet insinuation that E hace angenerousty, and unjpastly prejudged aud censured, either the Pre sident or the Stockholders of the Road, is therefore based npon “a tulal mastahe and neasapprehenxion of facts.” Mr. Speaker, ander the former admin istration of the NOC. Railroad, the stock was stated to be seling at 50 ets. in the S100. under the present it has been sold, tlameorreetly jiator ned, at less than 15 cteanthe $100 Wiis then bad a liberal share iathe Dire tory > maw scarcely any, where the State has appointed. The al feyation fas been made, and not Jisproy ed, that during last sniper there were hot three whi othcers in the subordinate departinents of the road; yet the woig party has alwaye been the trae Internal Improvement party of the country. In duty 855. when Mr. Fisher was first elected a Director, a Committee reported to the Stockholders © the strong assuran- | ces” they felt “that when fairly ander way it wonld be a permanent 6 per cent. paying stock,” and couyratulated the annals, bit sinply President of of its value to the Stagkloldess.” i In & memorial addressed to the last /Geueral Assembly, praying the paagage | /of an act permitting the Company te bar- | ‘row $350,000 at 8 per cent hiterest, this! statement is made; ' “Ou the other fiand, ¢f the road re- ceipts are properly appropriated, the State receives great iid in paying interests on her bonds; ese uestionally beyond the 6 per cent. on the million of properrod Stock ; the balance capital steck of three iillious, receives some thividend, and its market value fs justly appreciated, ex- aclly according to whatever it is able to pay. The request was granted 5 the Com- pany borrowed the Money, and no divi dends have been declared 5 et. Why nott Let us see. tn 1857, Mr. Fisher Bays “it can hard: ly be considered an extray ayant estimate, Jee! that the low freights and sort crops, with the constant diminution of up fremhts fe : yee RUACCG TENGE have diminished the 2" Vhe inanavement of our 3 SAO USTOIETR I. a (OL DAY EVENING JAN@ 2G 1650) Peceipts aver B150,000 the last year” > and again be states, “a darver amount of outstanditiy served attention, ndebteduess has i as anown to excist Railvoads is now receiving very well ye The been paid thon wu Uppointed a committee whose duty ita Short crops and Kow Heights bad diminished the receipts, amd rinses URS Ae enki Seta atin tala them, and to report fully all matters cal JAROLINA WATCHMAN. Loaewishature has to pey into every mystery concerning oils rilvelite tkliatduts 4 ‘ about, preveuted the declaring of divi Cues to enlight No stockiseiders atid the dens. Why were these debts not keewn Public as to thei: condition, financial ana toentet? The Steekholders suffered he Cause of this ignorance, Somebody cot: nected with the menagement of the Road ottyhitte lave kuown soneetheng about the matter, The President, at least, ought to have had © accurate information” on this point, but he had not. Is it then any waiting to know the result, will, if ever, pay a dividend, iifordasation, clearly and satisfactorily set otherwise, and the people are auxiously They want tu know why cnr railroad stock is so low, and why they have not, and when they To get this wonder that “the prevalent Opinion is forth, will require a thoronuh investiga: that this Road is badly managed ¢ nt Ww does . y ? Preqodt ° . Bat Low does it come Hat the freielts of ihe ry NG MeA MeL eCCURSIITIy can are so low, that, together with short er “ps. ; ele, the stockholders lost the benefit of Pat ths State sie Tae, ewes ito her tion into the manasementof the business $150,000 in one year, when the State had 3elland to private stockholders to VE wemfratling power” iv the matter? Did cute the investigation to an enti the sic Wher was Mr. Fisher and the State, that they did not resist the demand «1 apprehend, Mr. Speaker, thar its ut M j ry id Z Pi some trouble tea ON: salolactorily to the ted, in demanding low freiehts ¢ Legislature will certainly be held te a tccount by their eonstimments if they fai todeit. Let the work won then, say ain tl we, te the end that justice may be © Cig sontry, and untilhe to State and people, and te e should tot be surprised that there Whose hands tl ¢ VWhat the read over red s been thas manag isan opinion abroad, : Roads have been entrusted winch he presides is Vadly maa Whether the road bh ed or not, one thing ta Certain, inen of en terprise, financial aenmen and wave pennoned this | officers have failed te perform them da ’ enpatil, Companion let ithe stiawny Mn ier gislatare to tur out the read to them for five Years, pro: ising to pay the interest on the prefer red stock of the State, and Mnprovemnents are conceived in error an vanity, wl, leh it las kaewen.nl Cie Ssome dive- ea herd” wre atop oe security to return the road Cheir error. and eqnipments to the Ste. atthe end AP that tine, te good condition as wlren Some yy ty ers, Inabitest a keen desire to blame the Feeciva jese gen mast think there is : a ‘ ay : * officers of the Ra Podus,) tore neh Ti money tobe wade byt world aot make this of decervod, bat we cannot Is pr yr they ey tnav be cially those of the North Carolina [ail SHeerity Tresret, Me. Speaker, thar Pf have fant finders. This is just, or it is net J thetyiit it necessary to say woat DP drave To as it appears hasty —premature. tLe about this extraordinary letter, and the , ; lise! ; management of the North Carolina Rap (Vay Mot have discharged lds in portant Teoad, and as the affairs of that Road are Cuties to the best interest of the Compa Wnderwoing an Inveke ny In every particular, and it were est We he MWMvVestivation, { from the community a suspension of its remarkable snecess if he had verdict until the report of the Commit: vedsmale. In the mean time, | hope Sventiomen of inteliwenee ane | oe and all others, who fave received a Chrashing over ty shoulders, will bear those who know Mr. Juace with such pertection as to be abso lately faultless in every particnlar. But holders do wrong, as is iusinia- isfactory result, ant the members of tis ) those te Inanayement of the It Tadlrond (US0r HANG) Wintel tice reeminces of the forth in : ~ohcerne rlett ty ie tine P rathe: Ualanecennl co give Wond concerned tnay be left tomake the most of of oor cotemporaries, and athe espe: iestion their road, and the Pres dent, Mr k slier, has become a special object for the shafts of lieve that no human being eould fill his Pusher well, and their misfortunes with christian fortitede. have had Opportunities to see his paine- The President of dis Road is aman have always respected, and T entertain hea. Nyelounyea fa tias dhena : P : nands, Gerieve fhe has not come as high Wo vindictive feel ae x ; ue tyes towards line mow : i tandard las any one [tT have wronged him, TP have done seo ; AS) unintentionally. Tf the jntereste of the could, it bas been from nao lack of effort Road have suffered under his adimima. on his part.and anvil the tothe s of perfect Contrary is ration, his head was wrong and not dos yy TOON, MNS? regard the lasts is) a lite SI CAS i SA SUITE Testi mace open din as Caimatioe from minds toh dias been the cuse, Pat not respon \ . . i i somewhat warped by prejudice, anda ~ tie for it, and Teannot help it. : ) : Having spoken of the totter atdrossed Teslre fo accotnplich des:ons tet jritent ee i i } he yds Ptiink it deserves, and aving tothe pablie mind Ife has been vail endeavored to do so swith considerate ty ofany iu proper management, the Com- feliteration, and on sood evidence,” f mittee, appointed by the Legishiture will, [f he isto blame for the depreciation of the stock, it will ’ avilal 4 ash ‘ ‘ aud ; Wal simply add that Dask ne favors and auedite tovtiud: iante nk from no re stil . | he? 3 . ‘i ly rv Tianking Senators f ip ready ac it te address them quiescence in my rip be found ont. Then blame him, and with on this qheetion of privilege, and for their, him, those who el patient attention, L shall now resume my scat. cted him and contin- ned hint in affices bat antl then, it does seem tous he may treat with contempt os: THE WAR-MAKING POWER. ' We copy in today’s paper a portion of the Road. Iwany things we lave seen published x +e _ Fisher & Judge Robertson, of Richmond, Va., to , a the Euquirer of that city, and which has: feuvemen having made a> pass” at each otver, touching the management of the avery excellent article communicated by | | Mesxsre. Mansy. —Therse for its teat the following remarkable dee larativon * Mr. Buchanan in his Message: North Carolina Rail Road, and finding inusnal amount of interest manifested taking devotion to the business in his gainst his admin stration of the affairs of “The Exeontye government of Unum conatry, in an WiMtereourse with foreiga nations, ix timted to the tibpoymeat of do plamacy ean proeved woturther, Et without the direet authority of Congress, ex cepton reststing and repelling di sttacke. Tt would have no authority to enter the territories of wayeven to prevent the destraction of the avnber NS foe thoes furl, at not legitinately remort and protect the lives and property of ourown Ciizensontheir pasmage Deis true, thaton a sudden emergency of this character, the President would di reet any arined force in the vicinity to march to therr relief. bat in doing this he would act upow bis own responsibility.” Judge Robertson was once a distin- suished member of Congress, and noted for his rigid construction of the constitu. tion of the United States. It does not, however, require a very nice examination of the cousitution tosee that Mr. Buehan an in the language above quoted, profess esa willingness in certain contingencies to violate the constitation by making war on hisownanthority, He himself adinite that le “eannet legitimately resort te force without the consent of Congress, ex- cept in resisting and repelling hostile at- tacks,” bot, nevertheless, says hel! do it, toe. deliberately violate the Constitution which he has sworn to support. Well! Mr. Buehanan has precedent for his pro posed outrage apon the Constitation, Tle has only tomake the war, and then send a message to Congress beginning with this declaration, “whereas, war erste by the act of Nicaragua,” de. ime S» plenty is game at the West, that one firm in Chicago contracted tu send 100,000 pounds of qnail and prairie chick ens tothe East this season, and has al ready exceeded that amount. or ~ Toga. —The Asheville News save that 19,092 Hogs passed throngh the tall gate <a the public on the subject, we lave given, in this paper, Mr. Fisher's letter, and Mr, Ramsay's reply thereto, deliver ed at his place in the Senate. They will be found interesting. ooo MAUNEYS PELITION, We give in this paper Me. E Mauney’s pe: tition to the Legislature to lease the N.C. Raul Road for the term of tive years, ‘The reader is referred (to the interesting document. in another column. So far as we areconcemned asa stock holder, with the lights before ux, we xre inclined: to give the offer a favorable consideration, | | | ‘There was an accident on the N.C, road a few nights aye, hy conning off the track, and although considerable di reoowas done to cars, Wet Neve a negro (ato band hurt danselfin jumping, hota person on board was damaged. , about the time of the aceident. WALLER & CO'S. VD. TROUPE, Favorably spoken of in the Raleigh Standard and papers of other towns where they have been, have issted bills for performance in Murphy's Hall in this place. They propose to play sew. eral myhts during the present week, owe t 287 The attention of farmers and onr dealers in Groceries, are invited to Messrs. Hathaway's notices of New crop Molas- ses and New Orleans etgar. =. Carohina City Timer-— Those who feel ade sire to promote the building up of the new City on our cvast, have an opportunity to contribute avery yt charge NW another part ( npany on the near approach of the at Marshall, near that place, irom ee to 2 eae ny he eee . igi Uae Sle ite t Sifter foes on te say, pone hte camnpletion, fn 1856, Mr Fiah Novernber to the 21st of December, be- UU i CATA EL Jas Saul ncl lire up fawn Pat all disposed te complany, ops Abie arqe light anticipate for our ing about half the number that passed Carolina City Timec os D atoand: aprytily ESTED NEMS SONU PEO Ue UES Hany seared) fy senande AP © recess and prosperity,” ;darinys the sume time last year. Ipaper, Address AW. Chaffin & Co | ! The So@therr Cultévatar, by Wun. P. Jopvy, Augusta Georgia, oue of the very Lest Agricultural works in the Country, comes tu ue thig week greutly improved. |It is very cheap at $1. ’ { = oe ad | In Boston there has been a remarkable ‘and steady decrease in the number of jwnarriages for the past nine years. Tho namber of certificates of marriage fesnéd in 1858, is ene thousand Jess than during the year 1854, and smaller than for any of the previons eight vears, For the three years ending in 1855, the nam ber of mar- ringe certificates issued was 9,762, against 7,916 for the three years ending 1858, a decrease during the latter period of 1,846. The valuation of the property of Maa- ihusctts sulject to taxation ig $813, ASS for the het year. The amoust of taxes assessed was $6,820,116. The average poll tux was $1 81. At New Orleans, on the Sth inst., there was an imposing celebration of the battle of New Orleans, consisting of a military and civie procession, in which General Seott appeared, The Mississipi river is falling rapidly at St. Lonis, with large quantities of hea- vy ice ranning THE LEGISLATURE, On Tuesday the bill to aid in the eon- struction of the Fayetteville Coalfields Road came ap on its third reading in the Senate, and ufter several amendinente had been made it was pation its passage, when the vote stood 22 tor and 21 against the bill, Mr. Speaker Clark voted in the tepative, and the bel wag rejected, On Wednesday the bill was reconsidered by (onajority, aud ite friends still ' trons bopes that ip will pase. Ino the s nite, oon Wednesday, Mr. he atleneth and with marked Weoty dn sppportof his bill to estabbeb Fovalorem taxation tu North Carolia. Phe House of Coynnois tas been ene waged for the most part dunug the week mothe disenssion of the Gr nsborongh ind Danville conneetion, ve snbject has been thercuzhiy and ably disenased ly Messrs, Moretea 1, Catdwell and Set- tie for, Ti ders, Bullock, Green and Dorteh aeaiost the connection. No vote he tsoyet been taken, Lie Revenue (has heen printed and © desks « Ie will Up tor consideration in the Com. thoos on Mouday next. Materyh Standard. members. Cobia Eiamturitutcek Stan derd. Karin, Jan. 11, 1859. Eittoks: [ft having been re- ported hgce and elsewhere, during seve- ral days past, that serions damages have been done te the works of the Cape Fear and Deep River Company, by the late frestets, we ask the favor to state throngh your paper, that we have direct and cer- tain information frou reliable gentlemen, res:ding ov the Cape Fear river, and who have recently come to this city. They bring information from every point on the river. There js ne damage to any pertion of the works except in some mi- Gor dnatfers, not amounting to more than a tew landred dotlarsin value Of course larcndon bridge must be safe, unless it Say proper to be washed away by some- ile tes the locks and datng from the Cape Pear and Dwep river im- prevent clse beau We dear from the same gentleinen, toc stoner and barge which reeent- Ivo went np to the coaltields, were, on Sanday mornuing last at MeNeill’s Ferry, niles above Fayetteville, They are feng ta Wilnineton and are laden with th blackband fron ore, and various nieuitural produets from the Deep riv- er valley. WW, TUL, STRAUGHAN, J. A. MOORE, W. P. TAYLOR, ROBEKT N. GREEN, MEMORIAL FROM EPITRAIM MAUNEY Tu the General Axsembly of N. Corolina : The undersigned respectfully representa to Vour honorable body, What he is desiruus to lease forthe term of dive vears, the North Carolina Solroad, atid the eth cts pertaining thereto. He will give one hundred and twenty thousand dol- farsa your for ' the use of the same, paynble se- mi anonady ard wil bind lomself that the rates of frencht shall not be increased, but diminished and that he will surrender the road) and rolling stock, atthe end of the tein in as good condi- tot as he teovtses iC; the rolling atock and oth- er opersonal efeets to be valued hy competent petsens when he receives it, and the condition ofthe road to be examined also by competent persons. at the beginning and end of the term, amd if the rollin stock shall be werth less, or the roadway in worse condition at the end of the teri, Chan at Che Gime he receives it, he will pay the difference, or if worth More, or in better con- dition he will elaim compensation for such ip- crease of value, He will give bond in such pen- alfy as vour honorable body may prescribe, and seeurinies ty be approved by the Governor and Hoardof uternal Improvement, for the perform. tree of his contract, Your memorialist is a stockholder in said!road, and makes this proposition, because he is satis. fel he can omeke profits by it for Jnioself, save the people $100,008 a veartavation anda small dividend to private stockholders, and give tothe pobhe more than their present benefits frown the use of the road Your memonjalist prays vour honorable body fo pass an act authorising and directing the dé teetors to make with Jom the contract abuce in- dicated, unless they can make one more favora- ble to the interests of the State and the stock holders, Your memorialist hopes that your honorable body will not hesitate to grant his prayer, since there is no prospect that the road is to be man- aged any better for the future than it has beea heretofore, and consequently there is no reason- able ground of hope, under its Present manage- nent, that it will ever pay any interest to the State, much lesa dividend, All of which is reapecifally submitted, EPHRAIM MAUN December 20, 1858. Goip Hits, December, 21, 1858. The ondersignisl are acquainted with the me- moralet, Ephraim Manney, and beheve he can Rr atipte eecnnity te i rforin the contract pro- posed ta the foreye uy inemorial M 1. TODLMES, RJ. HOLMES, 3 ' W what past in th cupid Wer be wy a ee Feom our Correspoodent Rareten, Jan. 15. Well, Mr. Watchinan, here we are again, aud’ what have I to write ubout The doings of the, past week in the House of Commons are summed in the words that the whole, week has been oe-| cupied with the, ablest debate of this session. Were 1 to attempt ta sketch it, norespace would bs taken up than all your reading columns oc- quence and iuvective bave. been leaped to-, aE a. repptation in the Puntrigt thag any man might! well be proud of. Bat, Mr, Editor, there is the misfortune, common school teachers are scare: ly ever k@Own beyond the neighborbood in which they teach, Wijen will the time come when co: ave sehdol teachers will occupy the position to! which they jugtly Lelong! It every ove under-| stoud the A ate, *As the twig is bent the tree jucliues,” common school teachers would not Co Jovked upon as a usgless piece of property;—but we are digressing, rung, aod all asséenbled iu the house, and the ex-| £ 144 be &: Jallwde © tlt on tie Dan- ai iywtiug eonmpenced, By 10 o'cloek thé house ciples which he infused into its first ouin- ton. Wit wegnment, sarcasm, elo- was filled to overfluwing by ladies and gentle \ bers. men, not only of the District, but from neighbor: | Hox Pee Midre—We are glad to see in the City, ona visit to his old friends, this distinguished and worthy gentleman, late U. S. Minister to Econdor. Mr. W hite-appears to be in excellent health. Tirge touches bim bat lightly. The conn- try” containg no trner man than Philo White. The founder of thie journal, the breathes the spirit and exponnds the prin- Mr. White and his excellent lady are gether with as much profdsion as the suow wouldy ing Districts, all @uxiows tu hear the ex smina:| staying for the present with Mr. John C. seatter its flakes of Dccember day. head might Le said to have closed the debate! bhis morniag, though Mr, Norwood wade a} ‘bhbech which but few listened to, after the Gov ernor sat down, The Goveruor's speech wan mainly a defence against the persubar attack» made agaifet him during the cousideration ot Abie subject, and most nubly and eloquently cid he yindicuts lis goud uainie. Such aspeeeh dias admirable. The fluency with which then ans wered questions siowed thas they had been well trained —that their teacher bad doue his duty | and had been laboring vot for the money but for the youd ofthe children cotrusted to lis care. Without entering upon detail of the several «elise, T would just say thet the class ino anit: | Miebe, Cubststing of six or eoht hi wide, Weill diserved the praise of at present Phe es with which they worked and explained Che bows and Gov. More. Hes “Phe several classes acquitted themselves) Paliner, in the Western Ward, where they will be pleascd to see their friends. Reuleigh Standard. The weather was intensely cold on the th ipstant, thronghout the North, In varions parts of Maine, Vermont, Mussa- chusetts, and New York, the therenmoin- eter ranged from 5 dey. to 35 deg. below pyt lately been beard in the Legislature, and uo ust ditheule suins, showed (iat the Barck Board Zero. such will again be heard this sexsion, de dewlt his lows heavily upon all who tid attached hin but the most severe portion of bis speecl was addresqad to the gentianan from Wayne, Me Dorteb, We head a member remark, “what a! skinaing,” “you cali hat a skinning. E think its) breaking Loucs,” repliéd avuther. thowevee Gov, Morehead mdy have triumphed in the de- | bate, the friends of the bill are uot Very wuuer- ous_ag the vple Lestitics ; tad been an iodsspensitle pecs of feeniture tiny I dearned, on inquiry, that it the custom of Mr. S. to lecture on Though the cunsieted entirely of dde boys and gird the way hey tuade figures oa that old black board, would! have dume Luuer to riper yours. | Class, so young, daderstand factions so well. | At 12 o'clock the examination closed, and all that sehool roo. Vad be anthinctic every torus. cliss saw | ever se a u The Massachusetts Legislature on the ‘With instant, re-elected Hon. Henry Wil- son United States Senator for six years from the 4th of March next. ANCIENT SHIP BUILDING, The ancients seem to have outdone all suc- YiédsMensis. Baird, Brummell, Byrd Cald-! stantials, to which we all, (in number about a! from deseriptions left us, were superb. Ptolemy well of burke, Culdwell of Gailford, Chambers, | Clapp, Costoer, Dula, Ellis, Fagy, Gaither oi Davie, Gaither of bredell, Geuiry, Hall of Rowan, | Harrington, THM of Stokes, Mizcius, Holdsclaw, | Martin, Morebead, Pritchard, Reagan Kipley, Shaw, Shesull, Sumoutoa, Siu peon, Speer, Wa: ker, Wattidee, Windley and Wootin.— 37. Nays.—Mesers. Wadham, Barbee, Blount. Ir dygers, Bryan of N. , Bullock Barns, Burke, | Dickson, Dockery, Dorteh, Farron, Ferebee, kc Chatbam, Gicen of Franklu, Hall of Warren, Hargrave, BEd of Mabfax, Hatebius, Jones uo: Craven, Jones of Orange, Kirby, Leak, Lew, Long, Love, Lyon, McCotter, Mor! Mucte of Chatham, Moure of Martin, Moore ot N. Hf Mordecas, Morgan, Newby, Norn, Norwood, Purdie, Ransom, Saunders Sunallwood, Sparrow, Spoocdit, Stephens, Ta lomblinson, Phornburg Wold Ward, Waters ibd Wolsou-—63. Monsrs Fleming aud paired off. T dearn that it will be reeonsid-enslon Men das, and abil introduced to charter a Koad to th Dan River Coal Fields, which will probally pass the House. Ou Tharsday night a bill to charter a compa ny ta construct a Lubroad from the Coal bields in Chatham to the North passed its 2nd reading. Lt is mercly a naked charter, The same noght a till to amend th charter of the Wiiniigton and Mabchester hai toad, passed 2nd reading. Thos iy about all cia busidess of any cons quence which bas boon a: ed ob. . Tou give yeu an idea cf the feeling of the Howse ; In une of thone scones of confusion anil Inattentign whieb sometimes occurs, 4 | wats read the second tine aud the question yu one wauted iC read again, avother cailed out any Money in it. withdrew bis desire to have it read, (hat wis all he wanted to know; and the words kill it went around, and the bill was indefinitely postponed by a large majority. The only bilis which have been introduced since my last that relate to your section were: Mr. Gaither of trede lla bill to prevent tle fling of timber in Big Rocky Creek. : Mr. Burke, a bill to extend the corporate lim its of the town of Taylorsville. Me. Fleming, a resolution in favor of Wim. A Walton. Mr. Speer, a bill to amend the Constitution 80 a8 to equalize taxation The State linprovement aud Hele f Phoak has been retntroduced by Mr. Piaie Me. P.K. Caldwell, iitrodue: ingthe Western N.C. Ruttead. bo pi tes that itshall be detoont uxt con a6 B50,000 shall be srtine then to pay (ice tract shall bs let out until the one preceding it shall be finished. Lt will probably be the vil: that will pass. The Revenue Bill comes upon the Monday —of whieh you have a copy, In the Senate, the sutyeets under considera tion for the week, have been the Coal Fields Koad ; Mr. Bledsoe’s Bill to amend the Consti tution, and the Western Extension, The tate of the tirst you have learned. Mr. Clarke re ceived several hard raps fur his course while the Danville Convection was under discussion in the House, Every one condeinnshim. The whole of Monday, and much time of the Senate since bins been occupied with matters growing out of the election of Magistrates. Mr. Turner's course has atiracted some attenGon to this matter. In his speech, explanatory of Ins course, he stated that there were now in the State over 4600 Mans trates aud this Legislature was about to adil 1293 more to that already enormous numbe: Its well that some attention is directed to this matter, tor the mode vf appomtment is getuioy to be a great evil, [tis tou frequent that mer bers appuint wen more for political influence tbey nay have than for ability or fitness. boo often men of by no ime: clits selected. Mr. Bledsve’s bill was postponed, and the Western Extension will come up again on Monday. ‘The bill will probably not pass as it is, as I before stated. Mr. TP. kk. Catdwell’s will be the one. I learn froma friend that the Council of State, which met in this city to-day, appointed James bultop of Wilmington, and UH. M. Long of Thal ifax, the Board of Internal Improvements; and J.B. Gorden of Wilkes, Archibald Henderson of Salisbury, and W.P. Ward of Duplin, Liter ary Board. : J. W. Alspaugh was to-day elected Assistant Clerk of the Senate in place of Ro Busbee, resigned. A LOOKER ON, Drake, Faribault, Outhew, Thompeon, Wiiatttiedd Dargan, Reeves Tad Carolina loalroad sotne dia bili concern Mon ptuion as ry eT) Liat atic Liat teoeon isthe Horse or my uv ter are For the Watchman, Examination at Pine Grove. Ma. J.J. Beusen: I hope you can find room in your most excellent paper for something besides polities, [for one, am tired of the everlasting ery Politics, Polities, Free Sutfrage, Loeofoeosm, Demagogism, British outrages on the G if, War with England, and a host of other things too tedious to mention. Now, Mr. Falitor, vanety ia the spice of Iife, therefore, [hope you will in sert this article in your paper, not for its intrinsic worth or value, but because of the theme. Karly on the morning of the 12th Jan., 1859, there might have been seen a merry group of little boys and girls, standing around the old Free Sehool-house in | istrict No. 6, prior to the commencement of the exatnination, At last Mr. J. W. Shinn, the teacher arrived. By the by Mr 8. has been teaching at Pine Grove since the 28th Aug. 1854. Ile has taught on an average of tea months in the year. Although he was very young when he comm: need, yet by close attention, be gained the confidence, not only of his employers, bat of all who have attended) his school, and was loved by all Te bas gained a 100 ) dune atuple justice. Phe dinuer was pre Philopater bad one built which was four bun- i \ | | Siuner? a litide too far, LE will tell a secret that willlead them, to the enpyment of from that gouty old gen Uleman— Dy rpepsia. dose uf Dr. Senlurd ss Inqigetator alter coung aud you wi vever be tronbled with indigestion; i the contrary) belore thé weXt Weal Uiue sppraaches ! ZX its fellow ranges of Mountains will be published the appetite will be #harpened to appreciate any kind | WY . G Q ® :>) a | onli 4) Le full a us di | “2 : m , early ii January ve following wil! be its couteuts of nee a hafta ve sor sours, the Invigorator ta @ ir rng v Chap. [—Iniruduetion. es . . § ag j will fix the matter mght at om North- Carolina Standard, it, gives us pe- | Uneng if i that, (0 wpe the expresnon ofa frend, will At ® o'clock the bell was/CNliar eatisfaction to know that it still jer a inan eat gravel stones, aud take the Tnvig- | orator and they will digest donble doses, 00 O88 OF (Wo OECENONS, for pick head- eche, oud it acts bike x charm. ; is, if any thing atls you, go without delay and get a boule of Dr. Sanford’s Tuvigerater, aud ifit doo't cure come and tell o#, for we want lo eee eae perron that it will not benefit —Jrraey Shore Republican Dom ary goat eh inwere cavemen J.B OGLER, MOUNTAIN SCENERY. SPARTA ACADEMY OF SALISL UR Y WN. C, The Nx ucry of Western North Carolina LOTTERY. wirn and os R. & N. DART & CO., | BY URNKY EB. COLTON, ‘ Capital Prize $50,000!! wd Veaporters Gnd Sobbera of WMCKELS ONLY TEN DOLLARS. NOPICE TO THE PUBLIC. As (he members of oar firm have, by way of par- chase, become the owner of the grants chartered by ni-Salem the States of Delaware, Kentacky, Missouri, ead part ul those i Georgia, under the management of Messrs. Gregusy & Maury, of Wilmington, Delaware, wooinas eed it cxpedent to change the name of vi nanyen aid afer January 1st, 1559, to thet of Wook, EDDY & CO, who willhereafierhave the totvement uf the Sparta Academy Lottery, aad the oO ers, a8 above named cionere without a vamet Tukea their Weatern South Carolina. on ss Work upon the Scenery of the Blue Ridge and ¢, for there is mane. 26°Warren Street, | 6 FL Asheville New York | ae) TIE —Routesto reach AshevMe—the Swana noa Gap Read Will be pleay d to eee all his old friends when vir- Chap 1V—The Wiekory Nut Gap R iting the City Vv. Jan Ih, 1x59. Bundt We have tried it in The Routes from Soh © ore Gaps Fist Horn Ul ioe ‘ \ ad, Whiteside Mt ard Caslier's Walley , Chap VI--A Route vir Wilkestor and Lener New Orleans Sugar oo) Mev oa i, Valleys Lenore: Heba'ten ete AND Chap Vil M MOLASSES. ae ee Gap and Sonn Curnarn He sler-onville, What we waat.to say w on: readers, voung orold, ntow and ites For sale by W.H. WYATT, Druggist, Salisbury, | N.C 11134 fu al ipeasactions we bave eudeavored to eondact me < . . ypr Nowlin Cove aud the Cave cur bustuess witthiurteyiy and prompiness, and we | WrOurbiltingsgute neightor fth: Goreiteneenees 250 MILD S. of PRIME to CHOICE ee YEN cots of choy beg the Wine © oi sare tiv pubbe that the patronage heretofore us of quackery, ber use we pobosh Dr Ayers adver- NY CRE Sie MOS s eat Siete eves b stowed on unis weil deserviug of betrg tramefesred tixemente. Now this sare editor hagas the Char ge = (unp Na tne Black Mouatan; tae Mountain $/ 0u6 successors, Very reepecttaily, Macopeia itselfis net more toe from the sasmeous 300 Burrelis of choice New Crop New Orlane ay Ieee ay (Ona S SWAN & CO. of qaackery than his medicines He krows they are Syinp and Molinves, daily expec od from New Or Cie wie Eire Monel imate hati staunt Aucusts, Georgia, Dee. 15, 1X3. endorsed by the mecicul Sof dime eouuley are feaus, tor sale by Yo Meta Jace Aboot (eee ial te Sane eee used end prescribed by ov yerctns, uit have HATHAWAY & CO cara “ap . . , _ Pee rnes GRIST OE yet ad eminent men of iia as Seen alec r WOOD, EDDY & CO., MANAGERS, te commendation of pr i Wilmington, NoC., Jan. W0th, beet peas Choy MEE Pleasant vey Stoop og Places . vice character or exalted for | “ pera ne aud ae ered oun ep erine PaO nie ttout Successors to 8. Swan & Co. Knows ivo that they have d and are doing in this Haat nat attae GN (ee ean ee Ten community an ameunt of good wie the ulmost Target Firing. = i eo ‘ Alex iden wom’ The fstowing Schene will he deawoa by Woon, Mlexduders outhe Evvy & Co., Managers of the Sparta Academy Lot- tery aneach of their Single Namber Lottenes for January, 1659. at Augusia, Geo, ia public, under the wap. cutenude ne Commi-sionere. Kas vrai Yancey; stretch of his abiity ean vever he pe toequal— Berks Cannon and Ball and Masket and Ball! bf oicnison ine Breneh Broa: Co. Press, Reading, Pa. AT HOLTPSBURG Waitin Sold by HENDERSON & ENNISS, Davceists, Chap NIN Salisbury, N.C. oot Mtention!) ARTILLERY!) The Wemera Counties; ud Cherokee; Pigeos River; F Hay wood, atkh- Jacheou, Micon veo Wants 1 ‘Tap; Valley Rivers the Nautibala; 1859. G Satnrday, Jannary 1, Oxygenated Bitters. TOU are hereby ordered Cherokee Ned Cins Saturday, January 8, 1859. y : | to mect at yoar Head- Chap. SV —Urodact ue of the Weat, Agncultural Claas 3 Draws Saturday, January 15, 1839. G7 Read the following leticr from Carre Paawenr, | Quer el vos CHUN: and Moner.l, Wild) Fiowers; ‘Pree Growth ; Wild ( Weve siturdays January ay 13859 | Keg, of Concord, No HL, aman honored an esteemed | p etd MI, epee Anima ard Repiles ‘ 4 dn x Y, January 22, 18590. ain. | ie fall Winter Voile Sim. Moron lee ile Chonmeiing Samy (ede Ces 2 Whee Biienihyy, eouetap es), ewe | present were invited to the Grove where was ceeding attempts at ship building, the Leviathan | by all whe know hie :— \ | spread a table, covered with wick uacks and sub "of 1858 alone accepted. Some of the galleys in full Winter Uaitorm for TARGET 7 m 1 ie ING with Cannon and Bail and Masker MOH Sonngs Of Stoker) Shoceu Sprage, KR ttrell’s ae - ne ee Gestiewes,—With no disposition to make my othe Sponges Letters of Dr. Chisty ou Mountains of ON THE PLAN OF SINGLE NUMBERS, | name conspicuous, L take the opporivaity to etate te By order uf the Captain. North Carobina. t 50,000 TICKETS, | the afflicted the benefit PE have derived from the we ALEX. MURDOCH, O. 8 Pie work will contain four views of Mouutain of Dr Green's Oxygenated Br torsend ton co smend foes eat evar vail) ae vlenGr Glau taniinalenun ins cine Five Thonsdid Five Hucdred and Ten pared Ly the cnipioyer. Mi. S., also, bad a; dred and twenty feet long, and twenty-eight | sack of apples. At ld} o'clock the bell ring, atl we assembled im the school roum (fe all that could yet in.)! to bear composiiuus read, avd speeches spoken, elther racy, spicy or sentine ital aud like the es enmnation, would years. The day bem maid and pl want, we all have dene honor to rnper Joved ourselves well, Vos, that examination who were Were, Betore dismissing the cousre gation, Me So arose aud read a short bat well Written essay, but to give avy extract of it would the wy letter tov log Atearly candle tytt we school house fur @ singing, at broad, and required a compliment of 4000 rowers, four thousand sailors, and three hundred soldiers + but that of Hiero, constructed by the renowned Archimedes, consumed wood enough falser, Wastburn, Watson, of'which | oannot speak too doghly, they were to build sixty large valleys, and was fitted up in abivyle that Usrows the most splendid of our ves- sels into a wide distance, There was not only a banquettithy room, bath, library, and a spactous evinnasiuin, finished and furnished with the most » Brice, G thug, Geeen otf will ve looked back upon with pleasure by ail adinirable skill and costly material, with stables, tish ponds, wills, and yardens, Lut there was « Tomple ot Venus, i ca up ina gorgeous styl . . . | neve yar . cr the floor being inlaid with precious stones, aud [several, who have invariatly fouud great benefit frou the wails of express wood, ornamented with choice paintings and statues, The warbke ap vessel was surrounded by won buiwarks, lke a ‘companied wih water brash at brehef, TP eouctuded, weh the ce of frieuds, bat LD Notesund Accounts due us. and reibnincne Jao AN uu uber of advertisements of Motels, Livere 1 Peineof.... ........- $50,000 | 10 Priges of without the Jenmt faith in their efficrey, to try abe 7) jy cur thands on the FIRST DAY of FEBRU Stablos aud springs wall be tuserted upon fy-leaves, : . awa | woo : 7 = % 9,004) Oxvgenated Bitters, from the use ut which I eon ARY, 1*59; will be placed tn the hands ofan offices Uf tei warded aumediately . 1 3,000 immardiate relief. having nu return of water brash ef (oe eotteccon Row A MURPHY oy 16 33 i Aes ter taking the firet portion. My weight har increased AP dill, eee Gwl2 i 3,000 eae ee 1 1,500 10 Tone | | Stadia purtenagces of this netine inonster were O08 Boston, Proprietdre Seales all f think Lowever spent a pleasauter day and corresponding seale of formidable grandeur, The! ENNISS, Duaoists. Salisbury, N.C. Picink, Mr. Editor, that it would bea good rampart, massy, aud strengthened with enght) pln for all commen hho} teaehers, to teve wentnations at the close of cach term, Chal rev ceruanly study better, in order that they weeght show off the better upon the day of ex ft would tend to restrain tapatieuce aud tault Hoding aineog pareuts, aod to nake the teacher labor with more pacent zeal for the tleane ment of bes pupus. Tt think we should approach du a nore etiboett vin nation. tis was done | Novus through the degree tu the perteetion whi domign ut vur Puble Sclivuts. M.A Mt. Vernon, lowan Co. THE TOBACCO INTEREST. The fllowings joint res lutions in rela: fe cu which North Carolina is 80 deeply interested) of the tion to the tobacco t United States with foreign nations, were Clerk deplied, ves, member introduced, by unantieus consent, i the Corn, United States Hoase of Representatives, by the Hon. T. B. Bowie, of Maryland. The resolutions were referred to the Com mittee on Ayriculture: JOINT RESOLUTION in relation to the tobacco trade of the United States with foreign nations. Lee solved by the Sonate and Mouse of [gt Site ar America in Congres ix inhled, That the Great France, Spain, Portugal, Austria, Brazil, Lee pres ntatives of the trade in tobacco with Britain, and other forein nations, is clogged with restrictions and Liamitat s, wholly imeon- sistent with that fair asd ceciprocal cond: Hoof commerce wiseh ought to onxist between the United States and those ua tions respectively, and is, therefore, an eatisfactory to the States of Viginia, Ken tucky, Maryland, North Carolina, Mis souri, Tennessee, Ohio, and Connecticut, in whieh the article of tobacco is an im portant if nut the chief staple of agricul- tural production. Seo. 2. Be it further resolved, That it is the duty of the Federal Government to use its otinost power, by negotiation or other constitational ineans, to obtain a modification or redaction on the part of said foreign nations, of the duties and re- strictions imposed by them on the impor tation of American tobaceo, and to this end to empley all the diplomatic and commercial powers whieh the Constita- tion has confided to ithin producing a more just and equal reciprocity ina trade so deeply involving the value of that por- tion of the agricultural labor of the coun try in which at least one-fourth of the Confederacy is cotieerned. f Sec. 8. Be it furthe raresolyerd, That the treanes of the Gaited States with China and Japan present a fair and fitting occa sien for the enlargement and extension of the tobacco trade of the United States, | and itis the duty of the United States to use all their exertions within the limits of constitutional power, to foster and en- courage the introdaction of American to- bacco as anarticle of use among the peo ple of those nations. See. 4. Be it further resolved, That diplomatic Negotiations with Eughind, France, Spain, and Austrian, as well with China and Japan, ought to Ue com menced as soon as practicable, by the Government of tho United Soates, with the view of obtaining a inedifigation of the existing systems of revenne and tax ation of those nations, in respect to Amer ican tobacco; and for this purpose in structions ought to be given to our for eign aininisters, consuls andl commercial agents in those nations by the Executive of the United States, to use all their gon: | and levitimate finetions in producing so desirable a result. stitutional see A Young Men's Curistian Association was or ganized 10 this Town on Saturday evening last. The Officers elected were, Win. Murdoch, Presi dent: J. W. Hall, A. Baker, H. T. Hadson, J Bitting, Vice Lresidents ; Jos, M. Newson, Corresponding Secretary ; A.D. Wilkinson, Li- C. Groseclose, © K. Burke, Recording Sceretary , J branan Am the Temperance Ebill on next Satur Iny evenmny, to be ting of the Aasoeiation will be held at at utclock, at whieh time all who desire who wish to learn ywited to attend members, and all f the elie em 1 \ssociation, are towers: and there were tachines sufficiently powerful to projebta stone three hundied pounds | weight, or a dart seventeen apd a bad tect long a distance of Lalf a mole. ee THE MARKETS. Salisbury, VN. C., January 18, 1859. CORRECTED WEEKLY BY SPRAGUE BROTHERS Apples dried, 50a 125 Lead Bar, x10 uy Yall Winte, Wa 12 Beeswax, 20 a 23) Molasses Cuba, $4 045 Beet, 5a 6 ss NO 0 4 bo Batter, lon te Muscovade 454 50 CANDLES— Nails Cut Vallow, PS a 20 Outre, x Admaniine, PY AOE TIDUS alt toes ath Cathe Rio, galt Panners, 504 90 Javu, Potatoes, tesh, 75 a 1.00 Cotton, lt ‘Sweet WO ane Coven Yarn, 1004 110 Rage per ib 24 550 G5 Salt persack, 175 a 400 + Meal. 60 «70 Sheetuy Bro 9 a 1U Chickensper doz 1.064 14 Sagar Bro Rall Eggs perder 12h 015 Crashed, 13 015 Feathers perlb BU" 35 '¢ Clantied, 11h a 13 Fieur per bbl. 4.00 4455 Tallow, Wa 2 tht Sack, 20a 225 Wheat White, 90a 10 tron: Bar) Sa Red, xa 90 Ward, 10 w 12 We 25 a JU PORK 7 a7) FAYEITEVILLE MARKET, Jan. 16. BACON, per id dia 11g COFFEE, per lb fue, ha 134 Vayuira, 15 a 16 UU 4 vu Fannaly, ao Supertiue, O00 Fiore. bt 6 0 OW Cross, 475 a OO 80 4 90 OY 2 OO 60a 50 75 a 0 0 Rye, 90 «#1 00 LARD, per lb, 3a ta SPIRITS, per Non-- Peach Brandy, 00 al 64 Apple do. new 70 a 0 U0 N.C. Whiskey, 50a 5S Rye do 65 8 7 Rectified do. Wa 45 NAILS, cut, per keg 44 a5 TRON, per Ib— English, 4a 0 Sweedes, common bur, 64a 00 De wide, Than 00 WOOL, per Ib Ina 19 TALLOW, per tb 10 a Ou HIDES. per Ib— ry. 8a ll 00 Green, 6 a 00 SALT — Liverpool, persack, 150 a 00 Alm. per bushel, GO a 00 MOLASSES, per galion— Cuba, 30 a 31 New Orleans, 45 4 50 SUGAR, perib— Loat and erushed, HAS 00 StCrovk Porto, & No Orleans, Ila 12 NORFOLK MARWET. Reported Weekly by ROWLAND & BROTHERS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, For the Watehman, JAN. 18, 1859 BACON —Weetern Shoulders Aa Ry do Sides, 10 » 00 N Co and Va. Hog round, 1} a 00 LARD—N.C. and Va. No. t, bble. and kegs, Oa 12 SO. ee: S Oall FLOUR—Family, R650 a 650 Extra, £6.00. 600 Superfine, $5500 550 CORN—Whinte and Mixed, Pa id Yellow, Tia WHEAT—White, T1041 20 Red, 100 a 1.10 GOTTON, Wigan dy PEAS —Black Eye, new $1.30 4 000 Red and Black, old BS a OW) #135 0 140 2a 00 £1 x7 Hn 200 FLAXSEED, REESWAX, D APPLES per bus of 26 Ibe PEACHES © © 40 © penled aye) w ee unpeuled 3.00 FISH — Meckerel No. 1, £12.50 us No, 2 e150 TAVES—R.O Hhd 830 a 31 WO Pipe, $50 « WWhd R40 “Bol. Bough #28 a (00 REMARKS FLOUR receipts have been moderate, with some sales for Kastern orders, and fair demand for home conaamption, the atock i not very lreavy CORN, the market bax been but moderately sup plied and with « good demand, sales have been at full prices. Cotton the anpply on the market ie not large and the lute mewe will have a tendency to check sales DRIED FRULT comee in sparingly, Apples are enquired for, and are wanted WACON, the market is fairly supplied, with mod ernie sales 2D EE @lBce MY pieare come wd metth ACCOUNTS are all nade out ready for All those who owe me will img money Setilement up as Tam need and very anxions to close Op my old books COA. HENDERSON Awad January JS, 1559 (600 HHDS. OF Looe thei to others. Fortwo years Phave beon troubled with indigestion aud its ai tendant evis, such as flatu- leney, constip. tion, severe atlichs «fd toc all Roads, Siage Lanes, Stopping Places; Noted PPrizes!! : It will be gat'upin the beat style ofthe NEARLY OVE PRIZE TY EVERY NINE TICKERS Hi at 60 Cents per copy When nent by role Magnificent Scheme! Persous winhing copies, will address ; TO BE DKAWN HIF SD, Wo. Pomeroy, Raterrh, No ¢ FACIL SATURDAY IN JANUARY. 1 , A liberal discount to those taking a numberof copies Foer Intend to PAY? ARE YOU IN DEBT TO Hes les R. & A. MURPHY, a mall, 66 cents iorrhoea. ac. whieh id spirits, so tow that Lappled to sever- the stomach reduced mne in flesh, strength I wasnearly untitted for bus: = al physicians from.whem Paobtsned only temporary) Do You fire de ve dinuriviiiits edvire gone thirty-five pounds, and my health is perfeer. 1 r 4 ) We 1G) aL Wil ‘ can truly say that P consider the Oxygenatec Biters i ae ill: \| ICES Of GOOD | WING See al the best ionie extant. PE have recommended them to ape NORTH CAROLINA MOPTUALR LIFE iv 4 : v x ’ : ends INSURANCE COMPANY, vosures the lives es, ee fet all healthy persons foom 11 to 60 years of age, tor P. G. NPLIESS . o 1S yt TN i AS JUST RECEIVED A om farge apply of fresh conteetons, 5, é which woh the articles produced by tin asa BAKER, aud wih the addivun of an OYSTER SALOON, tucke up be most attractive shop in Tuwe Yours cosseectntly . CALEB PARKER Setn W. Fowre & Co, 134 Sold by their use. foue veor. for seven years and for life Also all slaves from 10 to 60 years of age for one year or five years, for two-thirds their value, nllow- ing the slaves tu go South or Suuth- west without ea- tra charge All josses paid punctaally within 90 days afier sat- isfactory proot J.M. HORA, Agent Sabhsbury, Jap 35-OW NOTICE. Woashingtou Street, HENDERSON & 1134 MARRIED : In thir county on the (ithinst.by Rev H Jo nd. | eon, Mr FOS. GREEN to Mise S. ¢ McLELL. AND, dunghter of Mr ©) WeLethand Toth’ County Jan 2ed.by Rew Som) Rethroek, Waove Tickers $10, Haran $5; Quaxvens $2i¢. 1, TRS9: Ji A Corcular showing the plana ef the Lotteries | wail be seat to any one desirous of receiving it. His whew inipertattons comprise a farge stock of ficatesof Packages willbe sold atthe following ratese Mr HTENRY PROUPALUN. ond Mre, RACILEL (PMGE firm of Mile & Moose having tasday made Cidicx, Learsina, Alinonds, Filherta, Co Coviienten 0 Pa eewou ae ee ee aN Aemiument of their Sooek of Goode, Notre — ’ . Nificate of Package of 10 Whole Tickets,.. In thee ates i" th ie K Seon R at yard Accounts tome as Trustee for the ben fitof the comuits, Cream Nuts, Leinons, : i 10 that > Me VOMN Ae DARRUER Gud MostcOPtlA i ac rubucoi Nas Mar Gunga d Miles th Prandy Peaches, Sardines, Picklis, and oe “ MAN eis ell persons indebted to either of the above eaue daughter of Me. Simeon Lents are respecifully requested ‘oc ray other article in his line Tiothis connty: Jon I2.hoby Rev Sam’t Rothrock. rtd oe IV ORDERING TICKETS OR CERTIFICATES. Mr DANIEL MILLER and Mise CATHARINE M000! te aneane eee Ne pe Tele STAN DAG): Enclose the money to our address fur the Tickets mk oe NN SUT UNS LOT RASHe Mucho w Jacos E. Moose is my uathonzed tee we tte Mhe BYR EL Y ae kept uo with regularity, and his ata on eae a af MANTLES as, serwaress Tibpudar) Bagi Me JA MESIHAS SINGER co Mics Mumba mutreditid) vecounos junit edly Une rennin Rh is EORslAutly sa yt ides tiii tree ALPE OGRE 2% ne ELIZABETH OWENS Rolie eaters ALAS det TIE EAS EH Bread, Cakes, Pies, &.. &e. time tbe Direc Seales oct) BD il be eee ’ ‘ oy 5 asta rawn Nambers a rizes wi Mboreneetted (theives Uaioe ace uen he CuMniieeitomnitn tin partiesland tine | gui wi cueccrelmolccutalysttir Ute Grawing, T° Purchasers will please write their signatures plain, and give their Post Office, County and State. Tj) Remetuber that every Prize is drawa and pay- Oa . count, are hereby ugifed to micke mediate pay: divedaals at very muderate prices, DIED: or tske tnnuedate pays lt Ut, ag enty avery shert tine will be aidlewed b re ot Oyecers wiiltind here, a saloon fitted At Mount Sterling. in Tredell County. of Pnenmo- fore the clatug willbe patoat for oe hy an ou thera etytle. aud a mice ariicle of Ovyrters : wa. Mix DELIA ALLESON, on the 29h of Dee, otheer Jas. W. CLARK, Trostee Der a ahs WER hiner ent «loc nulice «lw list able in full without deduction ; Pon Jan Uh, W859 wus any our, wirit orday. Be eure aud call om 1 AN prizes of 1,005 aad under, paid immediste- ly after the drawing—other prizes at the usual time of thirty days NOTICE TO CORRESPONDENTS. Those who prefer not sending mouey by mail, can “TH ADAMS EXPRESS COMAANY Dollars, SVIESS in II. HL. Beards building. In5x, ing A CARD. Seay eee Office Western N.C. Rail Road. yon Eis coe ea ite mae iS Wanted IMMEDIATELY, “ above Company that Che first iostalime ot of the | Bete THE WESTERN N.C RAIL ROAD, 50 NI thirty per ceut.is now due. Payment to be made to RO MEN to be employed ou the construc I J. 1. Buus. DA DAVIS.) day mut Gepaciol aie) (Roulh ston EA rinmeecind AVING ‘aseicinted withyvinyrel Mri Joan Hii 7s ay nen tori Tickeislia pains of (Kea Een arte id, ) Exe ne culiisean betersharenyanearentie: p i hs ax. Com. Newton. Apply at thes office ee Spee Ten anys ere aud upwards, can be sent us J. HU. ENNISS JAMES © TURNER. E is man of long experience tn the Drag business, and = we a oe Jen je ies NISL Canad AMES. TURNER, Eng. and Supt 1 \\ing mined mtr the large wew brick bulding on AT OUR RISK AND EXPENSE, \ of Main and Water Streets; ‘increased facilives for conducting the business, f } trust we will by the corner with our from any city or town where they have an office. The movey and order must be enclosed in a “GOV- ERNWENT POST OFFICE STAMPED EN- VELOPE,” or the Exprees Comp ny cannot receive then LAND FOR SALE. offer for sale Land, contammg 235 ae ies, adjuumg the tands of ho D Jonusion, Sol Mall and York Exchange, Spee State i ent Bask Bille counts opened subject to checks enabled to commend the couhde nce Exchange and Collection Office. SSUVEIEVECTR DE, a, (Us AM PREPARED TO BUY AND SELL NEW he and ancur ©. A. HENDERSON 1 Jan. 11, 1859 3 vatronage of my former cusomers aod the pub- nerally Our motto will be fe wire aatiafaction one traet of Call and see us AM commnanieationseteetly confidential. Address Orders for Tickets or Ceruficates to WOOD, EDDY & CO, Aug +, Georgia. WOOD, EDDY & CO, Attar Georgia. ALIS TOILE OUP TLSLAIO OP wo inh fain es, aoe, others, on sud tract there Lustdinges. @ good Money received on deposit, and ac MEADOW, muty of BOLPTOM LAND, and WEEE DUMB bepecialatienaon pad ty cotect of elaime and TED Absa dither treet wing 1 | igton, Del. Vavie County. Weide Hie \Wildarplace, on Huness Temllunceosnamad prompay on dev at pavineint | = t ; "ase ut wae tl : at ug TSN) nearer. FOR Q A iD j Te Abst ofthe wumbers that are drawa from the pl 7) : uy 2 calicbaren sean reat any | rs ata whe lowith the amount of the prize that ench one is otherns us TEE Ce Oe Cone . z aan Ue Ter Or sue 87D ACRES of Land tyiogin Rowan cotced to, will be pubbshed afterevery denwing, im dueave sone Ut Be a Ivan c Ss 2p i (etn vn Ae CARH aed Creek, adjouing the fodewing papers :—Augueta Geo) Constitation Bit aite ee Le ee aie 4 & W Wh i R | Foti Hip Owens, Henderson Sinph aad al Now Onea Mobile Register, Charleston ‘ a uunpie . F Me ei 4 r) Hee nit Wiss on nue Gee a Se oe ette, Acianta Lutelligeneer, ob ot eacedie tron ae yt 2 fy hateS tence i New ¥ eokly Dav Book. Savannah Morning ; ne Ss and ane ee . ‘ay proves . \ a rips. rth eash, the bolanre i i n re te ee NOW A GRANITE BROW, (joc crdcoroues two and three wears, Apply ia News, Richmond Dispatch and Paulding (Migs) marion the ruinesther on the Wilkesboro! red, 15 YYTOULD respectfully eal dhe aticntion of the [ironman Bene De wn, | Mate ek Seine Deve ules (roan Salebury: Ladies to their remamning Stock of . mee Sa ul Jan. 11, 1°59 tis JD JOUNSTON, Ageut for RF Johnston Amoi t sl! SILKS and DRESS GOODS, which will from this day be offered at greatly reduc ed prices. Persous in t will find a greatly 1 | thelr advantage to cull and examine, ae we are de Jan. 1x, TRS9 Coffer, Sugar, Molasses, AND es A HL We | HOGSHEADS New Orleans} = ( India Sagar | I ) YE STUFFS, PAINTS, TURPENTINE, RO Bage Reo and Java Cottee { 20 Hhds. Woscovaco and New Or- leans Molisses 65 Borrele Crashed aid Coffee Sugar 154 Sachs Salt New Crop Mol: : ew ( rop Mola termined to close them out before making our Sprog =a | 190 CHOICE NEW CROP 9° aT & CUBA MOLASSES, 29 BARRELS New Crop New Orleans Mo- SPRAGUE BROS LASSES just and for gale Salisbury, Dee. 13, 185% 20 si low by W ALT-PETRE, Borax, Glue SPRAGUE BRo's PYATAL yy CEN Vy N | A | ) N ( ) | | C |e, & Mauufacturers Artictes, ar etie ) ESIN Chalk, Whiting, expected direct from Cuba during this month, for PRIN Is Soy cenecs: BreseUtiatips sale by HATHAWAY & CO Wilmington, N.C. Jan. 10th, 1859. p'd2we8t COTTON LANDS ON THE YADKIN. G ARDEN and G:ase Seeds, received im Salisbury, Dee 13, 1858 29 DO YOU OWE ME; FUE sudsenber offers for sale hes Robt. Bilis VC AGNES(A, Mustard, Ginger, Plantanen tong on the Yadkin River, Davidson eee ve connty, five miles trom Moltsborg Stason NC ROR. « NEMAS, Surgical Lustruments, 3 | ie 0 IF SO, | IDV VT CLR UTS EL jon Apu ae oven. | 2 rr DE. BESSENI 5 contaimng 441 ACRES immediately, as Pneed money to pry my debts, All | | AS REMOVED ro tie DENTAL ROOMS \ ines on, the river, affording some of the nehest bot- tem landsau North Curoiia Iw devel, of very Cotton ie 5 Phe place fronts about 2 ) URABLE Tok, Biacking, recounts unsetiled by the Istof January, 1x39. will on the corner tormeriy ogeuped by Dro Bason be placed in the hands of an officer for colleerion tend all operations JAS. UL ENNISS 123 Jan The uplands are most- vail highly where he is prepared to i } SINGLASS, Gellatine, Extracts, fertile loam seu adapted to connected with lis profession The place ell improved 4 dings an - = . : . The place im weil unproven buidings and | Noy 2, 1KO8 1, 1839 tf28 VY ORKS, Bottles, Sponge, in firet-rate cultvation. waterexc Lent, and location, very pretty andhealrhy Fromavacledernauareien Cra be piven, and we | I NDIGO, Annatto, Rose, Pink, Dalsoe ti with lends, Stock of every kind as well as Farming Tools, and Provender | Address, JNO. A. BRADSITAW, Salisbury, N.C 234p'd Valuable Mill Property, Negroes | and Stock For Sale. 4 pS subseriber will sell on the Second day of Fobristy. 1859, nt tis residence, hie MILL | PLANTATION and WILL PROPER EY. ‘Phe, place isin the red lands of Jersey Sectlement, Davide son County, d miles from Holtsburg Depot, N COR * UTMEGS, Mace, Cloves, I MERY, Rotten Stone, Sand Paper, 4 erie Unb URE) iS ALTS, Sulphor, Cream Tartar, | < vA T : W IN DOW Gtaee, Putty, | Y ELLOW Ochre, Lamp Black, CIDS, Alcohol, Fluid, Road. He will sell at sane tine and place hia stock i of MULES, CATTLE, and Hor GRATIN, T RATN, Linseed and Lamp Ols, FARMING together with & LERELY YOUNG NEGRO Samong which are 2 FIRST RATE COOKS | ORSTON BRADSHAW | Jan. TR. 1R59 QWpdas “aD Aad + hice A MEETING Rowan County willbe held on th s Pow peranee Elall, on the Lthot Pebroary.: A.M. being County es purpose of promoting the cause State of No Ni} Friends of Edacation in the ¢ T INCTURES, Barks, Quinine, S ODA, Saleratas, Starch, Miuin Street, MAGISDT i dy Ve ©: Prod f the Pducationat | Jana (32 PAY UP! WILL KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND cpuir sseoster tne autor he ocrmiy 0 saturday of the eomen and reapees fully Poachers Conn unty are and earnestly soloed to a d, and all h htok xamiued are requested by the Bx raising mooey. informe all those indebted to bin, oo wish tobe examined are requested b ek As 1 Hy note or areount, to pay op without delay; for, if A TARGR AND GPNERAL STOCK OF : ‘tbe not made by the FIRST OF JANU- ARV. the a will be Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Ready Made Clothing \'\. 1% vem meteors ue Boots and Shoes, Hats and caps, Carpets, Rugs, &c, Sahm ieen te him i present ch om for settlement, amiming Commitee te attend the Educauional Meet ng AW OWEN, Cor. Secretary Saliebory, Jan. PR, 1RSY wih RA GD BH alte WILL offer for rale at the Court House Door in pvin wot aud vetes due to him Sabebary on Tureday of County Court the Sth WITH OTHER GOODS SUITED TO THE WANTS OF THE PFOPLE M. HOFFLIN. : . EE SEBEL IN (er dears Nice Leib eno digress Tees (ieee Clutpac eet ilccs Hiceues WaT PSS rl Februnry next, ONR LIRELY NEGRO BOY pig piss SILKS, Robes and Hyadere Unite (RUN) PRICES 6 iuG Ikan Liepaee te ; Terms Made known LOCKE tw Said boy is aeplendid Waggoner on day of Sale M. T Ith, PROD CLOTHING! CUEAPER THAN EVER!!! sell Aindit to fa , thist interest tug “ca ATIMBURY. Nov ve. 18a PROWN CORFIN & MOOK our, Jan Notice. oh ) I A R ‘i E R S. PREICATION wl he noute ty the preaent ie Drs es WHITEHEAD cay A CESK atts \ =| oe rs iS eva Tr wonDe pnd ALL those wanting a good article OF aa in NAR a ‘ eon atk a fort i ‘ ee . er mont Ves OLAS CLOVER SEED, Dea 13. R56 2 : ie ee eras) Sevilla tan cariaeiel hewn : . ae a RE A ie a ha WARIMAGE LICENSE BLANK WARRAFTS ioe em Thine ‘ wo FOR SALE ALT TUS OFFICE bor ode hie Office. ive Wins SS - ~ ~~ ae - x a Joy to the Admirers ‘Greensborough Mutual OF A FINE HEAD OF RICH GLOSSY HAIR. Tate of beauty, ib eaunot exist without a fine head 10 1 tbat fea keener cround each bottle, and vo one p youn, LOFESSOR WOODS HAIR Piva. We cull the attention of all, old fous e biek aud if you ush mu an RESTORA and to this woudertal peeparitiou, which Curis iyiual color, gray Wair—covers the head tthe bud wiiu a luxuriant growth removes the w dade cteag, aud all cutaueous eraptious cause a coutinual tow of the mataral fla “dos a regular dressiug foc the & olor, aud Keep it from fall tr ratural beauty fy the youns wall uot, as they value eas upou the tongue of Chousauds The Avcut ter Prof) Wood's Hair Restoraty Now Tliaven. received the following letter in retare to the Restorats afew we ks euce Deir River, Conn. July 23. 185 rih—sSir: T have ber oumy head for more Cron a vino come out, seurtand han tege bert ros na New tavern paper about Wood's Hair Restor tiv weil fealled at your store on the Te of Apol fast. and purchased one bowtle te try iy and | fowad tous sfaction i was the thing, tlremoved the weurf wid aew hairbeg to te grows iin new tw or three tucues in deus Wachee rticasallef VP have vireubh ed w or diseased an the scalp, te us aiid We call heunpet as, orthe witching curl, ever be without To wish vou to send me two both » INSURANCE COMPANY. SUCH has been the care cut economy of the offi- have nade ne aaessments, aud have new on hand crge capital, viz: in premity gotes $457,059.03 5 in cash $13,345.89 —making a total of €470,504.92, vo IneeCany losses that may accrue, we therefore have bo bentaton iu saying lo the public, that there is no aafer Company in the Southern country, The most tobe Risks i this Company berg in the Weetern Hthe State, where the danger from fire ie mach part DIRECTORS: James Sloan, JOA Mebane, ©. P Mendenhall, D ENN WJ. Ace uel, Jobn Lb. Cole, Jed H 1 1 o dates Mo Gace EO W. Ogbarn, DP. Groene, David Webnight, Greensborough: Alex, Mal Newbern: Bo OF bally, Wadeshorough ; oS. G Codia, Jocstown: Wo Al Wright, Wilaiagton ! [ Shaver. Salisbury: To WeGee, Raleigh; GoSpr Piyush: ROB Troy, Lumberton; Tho J ‘ wucey Ville AU con muunied bron business conneeted with thir Oiler, should be addressed to PETER ADAMS, Seeretary enborouch, Neu. Micy 3, L852 ae JONESVILLE Wa'e and Female Academies, Rev Wo Vay Evros, 0M, Principal. bod Crriiy, AB Nesoe ate wipon, Peacher ia Female Depart Vb fo tent Mi? Ki Hawwoxn, feacherof Muse and French | | bYeers of this Company, that we are free from ne | CELEBRATED VEGETABLE TREMENDOUS ATTRACTIONS ! CATTLE POWDER. | ELEGANT AND COMPLETE STOCK OF BRITISH, FRENCH, & AMERICAN DRY GOODS. A. & W. MYERS, =e TESHE Proprietors lake pleasgrys ip offering their Vegetable Cattle Powder, feeling confident that jitis the article kung needed by the Agricultural -om- | jmunty. “Phe Compomud is axe ful in mos all dirca- ‘ses incident to Horses, Cows, Hoge, and Sheep, en- | terug tuto the circulaiion, producing au alte: autive Jetect thereby, purifying the blowdmead all secretions Vhe Powder m recommended for Qormes to be given in complaints of Distemper, Slabberiug, Coughs. Fe | Purcy, Gripes and Col vers, Foot-dixeases. Glanders ic, Jauadice wud Yellow Water, diseases of the kid a) “ ney. foundered horses, &e la Et may be given iw duses of tublespoonful thee or four tunes a Week mixed with water when driuking | COWS. dv i g xy Ao U v ul SL I ] VI ] [' ¥ j 9 } H WY d[ T V S I T O Y AA | ‘Phe powder is ho ghly recommended for cows Pu- rifying their blood an@ briaging them to # healthy state, diving out all the Gupunties of the bedy, in- creasing their strength and improving their uppetite, ia ching then yield twice the auount of milk, ania a | prose conditiou A farmer, that once ures (hie pow- Vder, wil never be withott it, Tt should be given in dose of a tableapoonful three times a week, and in o | mn pl o i q m 7 y ‘s p o o y Ag , 2] continuing the use of it, all the diseases arising from the impure state of the blued and seeretians may be | purely diiven out Tidivearen of (lu lowsllorantlontidisense rcaws that give bloody milk, or for dry cows, it haw been Rg La ge § a —_— z pC ue found bighly beneficlal by giving the powder every jam ‘ Most, the bearer of this, Tdoa't k Boal per sosson at 2} weeks, with every thing fur-) day, of three tines a week. od hind is used in thas place, vou ita histied (ei Th ° $35 00) to | ao vet tor many bot les ater tts kook ie FRO ae 13 00; HOGS. Nn Dn Your SE AS REC oe * PU Bor hogs the powder w recommended to be given D = _ Preven aud Bandra ry, excl, . in uha, swelled arcks, uleers in the Jauge. and Pitanecrinay sept 0) Tea0 Phe tw yoetgh losesstoa of these schools willopea fiver, and in fattening, aud may be given by mixiag f=} S . : te treet Weduestay ta Janoary next Ttoisbighty a pound of a halfofa package iu a barrel of ewilt. - PROF WOOD =Dearsirc) Your Hair R cy tothat wll euter the fist week or as sod = Is \ <}) beneficial tome. “Phe front 1 tee finneacigno si IPOS TORE Ss a UNA fete PTH STH ST SAE ag: ORCAS Guanes hes fb ocondueted on hare buildings, and . len) fo ntiet a Five aned but two halt pint betes be ougiee apart, attrding parents an ep. Phe Cattle Powder, proving so efficycionn for what : jain cn oly vey cet now (he bop Olly bed ee en nce eore and diaghterea thareugh tt Was first recommended induced aeveral farmert to | (=| well <1 With prowisiag crop of wena tar, BM OS We have atine appa. fed to some faving bens and found the eff-etmowt 4 gam and to tusalee reeeiving its benefit TE have i ‘ 7 tito a yead hbrary tor) Wonderful ra fattearng them; bes dex, making them Nn ~ tree prepurations without any benetit whatever i Oe ae “_ * ‘ Contiine longer than usual in iaving egg. Wecan, © san fas) bo HOH ER person reer ery Een ee boarding houses open tereferefore, ceeomnend tt. ty be feed to chickens.’ 3 Lar | cau ue y others to try it ac emalendtcy eerie dente, at the low rates geese, turkeys and for all kinds of the feathered a ed Loedid Yours respeertnlty Sopornmith aid we hope that parenteand uae (ibe, woere tis demced to ke=p ap a healthy con | 7S . e DERG Mayas SDT ds wel scud usiaaue hundred aud fifty forthe dion, Lomas be given miced with Ludian meal aud puget iS) DR No. 464 Vine street we ; water two or three tines # week = —— - her p Glare adress the Prneipat at) SOLD, Wholesale and Retail, by Wo. WYATT. . . 5 on r ‘ 4 orgs . Viscevves, Ta., June 22, 1554 Wee fo Vddkin Co oN C. and Catalogues will be | Drugeit, Salisbury, N.C 15 ARE crowding their Store, Wo. 4, Granite Building, Salisbury, N.C VJ.WOOD, As you areabouttomoynn sag Hwith every thing that is new, elegant , andattractive . vad wead your recently dese wered Pour Nav 10th, 1-358 25 TO AT L | J ta] ’ fad ‘ é von 1 | . a | ’ . 4 4 a” ve. L will atate, for whomever itinay cone oo t A ee mW | C CE A C AND IMPORTED F tale (en (an CE oliestct Ge I d in Building!! | Ss ay oraontll wares, ve) ND OIL TE bea nterested in Building: ' arnt) fll afi fl anaydl 2 . ’ a SERCO ees, aan awe 4 > ys Suteeneierieti pane ede and all that is good and substantial in yours. up rt ‘ Th “ Me s y e 7|r 7 ) Xe! , a Oot ar oa es Ba Mills on West Hill, HEAVY STAPLES DOWENTIC iy oe 2 . MHS on We Hil. fy: SPAPLE WE: ODS. Asia CG) Testi ety ‘ VIC WARE, —— healthy, rot i ss anpearance send all h “ Pies will drem Iumber. do all kinds of ORN A. brextent aa Sete Uy aud Drive is are Trai ety carpuiiuniwi(li the lurgcet Ace sete : ra fark } EWELER. MENTAL WOOD WORK as) Mouldings, (ie States iudeed rather (invite at, aud will wit grea confidnce, the prom ut seamen, eoheit boil Wowhielitireps, Lb would t re ~ Brackets. We ke and manufacture FRAMES . mY yy eh VAUD ' e tleseroaps ot ltgwe ge SASHIES, BLINDS, DOORS and SPOKES A WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BE YERS elon and (ox tohairs Wespecttall, yours irge wioe’s ot ireld aenagwed, selected Li wane, willbe tov thom Che benelitef aa ewan ater ka oer shev © oneriefy the most evitieal tl : WWTUSUIN KING Rene anienil ‘ a Pilerpe ae OL a acarvin riemaking (ite . ANI MISSES UU On (iy al Wvantaiee Wears Hani: we. BL2 Broadwa Conteret taken for fi ting ap stores, and for the tk er te poelvem ofthe weve and chine Crise Hosni ite the eonatry, we were in mark NO cuca aise NN Rarhine ry ¢ 0 WV gE 1 \ D s E E ERECTION OF ALU SORTS OF REEL DINGS. tsevera’ «6 sdrance ot the regular perl taloe ceeds ote and other buvers had welecied the must lisscent, ad Lb Market Streer ost Lows ‘ , wos tieh PLANS will be farnished, if desired a ~ = \ . . W.R.WILSON'S Miov slevenll ctrentiia (thers Puik ts: of the BPECOH RHE BEED- HS Glia DaDEDes s VW OE WA ATE. Deasret, Salinba o Lite , ‘i: he early FRENCH IMPORTAT IO ‘e a hee , omtapprowed potters. and supecion tivisl 0 ne early ITIONS on Hote bovine gust returned feom the North 08 brgists 7S , : ‘ : a oan ed lie Sit We have Gun tak @ advantage of tlie rani wn wall as toren iw ria Roe . ee Junot ‘ ] | A |: Vheirr work i not surpoased by eny in the State MOM TTT S HO Cel UWyeretere 4 ves i \ ] ” \\ . ( yW ( ‘ Ss Pry J) Orders (led at Coe shortest notice the atte: Powe ib OC og itey fia be SUM tn onan ulidenee ewe o joie “y oo . , : , > OPN ‘ them ounen ehontaren be aT etyrol aascineniy We hall voit ' State of North Carolina. gs Soe eee tee icity ot GRIST MILLS. Sec encidiamn ty ca seoh aAed Se ee target Meniiaie te SATUS, FEW bt 7 TE ; : LESS SMES OR . Pongeecal wide o§ Lory, are tue Greet Mille , WOS'IR PASHTON VILE Goode nin STASI CUES eee vl 2 tterin en ete Vi GOR Gai amuiy | CORI Coper a die | suctttn an) oe waa CEE one Oiphdies Censors Suan th w < Ey Red) WEN awuthig choles Sane ennaea LION cetlio-0 dome, opimibeds Lanisoaden belie purehencig ‘ ‘ en - LANTI i i \l WERDOCH, DARBY & Co We call attention te the folowing \ 1 es f G ; ’ 7 Salt-hury, Now Yih, 123s bint wal mA u ' . ’ ’ » 7 cawenmnene Cas Lens se espana) oman LADIES DRESS GOODS. EMBROIDERTES, &¢. John At m N a . r a) Spley did Brocade sch Weber a deg fired Oh on herd penance nie i Slocks, Walking Canes, &o. (‘( y\\ \ \ N te) ihe eM ngacdt enbeinite chore ' ‘ ng eg IR SHAS OEE + ‘ b Ph, Abaca > im . . " Ma a ou Li Variety re Attachment ‘ a * * \ eae He : B ‘ 4 ‘ Se ein eav eda. ; an nN j . «448 : aa Fahy i Riet Broeadte OF Cou Bayadere and Gro Gran MW ‘ " ' cr iatcnals torts ye wear Now 1 \ veh b P ) ’ Wace kg i Pees omarion? ee VEGETABLE LITHONERIPTIC nese : ro penie olin evuntae ne i 1 t ' 1 t Black Cee de Kinnes, Poult de Sod and Tafeta Soke Niger Rad chivcieech il Sa ' ~ + on bes coh $i : teu . Seite. ta ee ; Tete SS ama ; reertreutef ladies In eiety ofevery descr pion reds : ; : ge a FRIEND OF THRE HUMAN FAMILY on Ae Bese Teeny & Ov naiidedite ? ; ‘ ; ‘ “1 ; Ronen) Winns aK u biegavt Way adere wn eek oe Plantation Goods, Blankets de. tracey rates KUPREMING WHOM Saline Facontionnd Merone, «new aelets row, 1 oy : \ \ mee de am mupply 0 PEA DAREN wf Ve 6-4 Plan, Figured aud a dea Bieven Mennoew acd tency | Aeon Hone ue Al wt PARA POON ar aN aeeeT DISEASED KIDNEYS, ache oe saehe rs Vor tery Plead Kerrey. Nattineta, » ' SIP es Reus nnd) ony Tipe elo uni Lon . oa - ‘; aha a oe ue ; Ae oR avert STEVE DL. VIL) © VALOR Ntone/nthe Bladderand Kidneys, Wok Fee Ae ‘ au NDR Boat wt Colored, @ great variety very : eeutital Fie Hud Stripe ) 4 Vk We RiClonke dowelro ce opunuiit } i ; ness of the Lotnw, be Madiair, Ba Wowary Det . lain Ds bivred mest t tos tad warcanted tne Huiidecie Ponted Muustnes and ¢ Houscheeping Goods. ae j in| ( koofcurs \ if ' ' ymin y Thin iawa ble medemeinfor sale atthe Davi theres 1 , mae i iM iEEN AD 5 Wo WILSON Wet MWoekevili ut Dr Ro Caimplelts IfeotupiusaBleckeRnntisst enna tit ee rf ue | « Linen Rene eae th Tie Hie. Aoiigintitee Wily Siste iu Water ac Fuyerly's dpe a pe domen Wik tenes ce Wereg odin le sens cet am sheeting oC ntl widths Pr 03 Hate saem: aud atthe Caroline WatehmanOl Rich French € tice and Chintr Rode w i Ne *fdn ls, a iarge supply, . r ain td me edansbury Pou Appique Bo agante and Beussela Collate and yy fone i vod ee , 5 [Onyvegr ) . he subserber haeing eutered 1 Sopartnershiy Sleeven < ee he ae ee Phe Poetry of Physic. } | wou Soba P Cowan, orginal patentee fot the man Valener anes, Hanitn and bare temmed Cotas po! ‘ ye genase: — co! a VE. i @ afacture cud male of the aluve Medicine, cpreparedts Siemocacied) Soncn i . lane pone ond dev dae A NIBIROS JPIUE IES urns caapply by addressing un at Salebars, No Rew! Brosh Minin ane Camber banbeaanet cbr. | rire sthabavk swelling, ’ \ / rrealling athe residence, 19 iniler west oft or & ce “ H. ©. MALCOLM (aes HD ALS) Valea ag oe eee eet ne CARPETINGS = 4 . pie? MSS to and Sette . ' PRACTICAL MARBLE CUTTER, : Prone: Masi, Dace, Liven, Cambne and Pagan, 18 Pew Base 9 there ply aud ingran ' « 4 y ES Phe EEULLY mien | , ; , l STATES W Al hndline ce, Si ere CH G 1 t ( such as bleached Long at ns eae i intern puble, thai he 4 \ 1! i | ‘ " © Wasinieaniicn andierepe sail rees ienven i . ra 9 nace Vearyahice eur Tish Donen, whie Crmbricrand } ! TRY MARBLE YARD Hlnsten and Lace Copes and Ber han Voom Mastin, Fiannela, &e \ i laser an Real Freveh Mastin Biobr dered Basques. Poa Sa Te Gowih the West gades and \ ; 1 & i ; He wonie ine as Masia tt Wirete hee pregrired Muslin, Cannbne and Looen Bunda, Begioge and Ine 01 mora nts it swith disis t MONUMENTS, Pe SF PSPOATIS PIA TP were ° BEST STEEL EXTENSION AND HOOP § Soom ampanae, HED STONES DNULE Pots atthe CHANGE OF SCHEDULE, ce Oo ccines iMG (en 0 uo Be SRLS TS : me Mokau We ie, of cither EMPORTED bnow i enico mye ’ : fal decerpiane ! F (iP NIL GS : Avec ; OTRSEC ; iy ; modi leanne ; . Retire tannin Galerie Raced JER SECOND FLOOR i Pedttane ey AMERICAN MARBLE Salisbury to Asheville. ici aternnee haunt e Gms Tote ved te Ready Wade Clathlog, Mats, Cape 1 Vy I \ teu v * ( 1S BROWNS LINE OF 4HORSE LEP AS Splendd Embeodered Lane Cambric Hn'd oitehe Roots Suoes, Prugks, Carpetings. und Heavy Geeods. { hk iy owas (ENeinG ingles denied aes nel) he ean pr soenyer Comelowis pow runing In routieetian Farwe Pucied Hen tare tats ' (it OO anil Gbomell cibomion) aeiee a vedy can reach A Che rOeEE DEP stias Mankte ateedaeed prees, wih the trate on the Bruliride red Washaé eo eveand Handkch te fomy thee that ine. We have in etore a Uimtk the Sun he boordees tor Mouuinenie de, at reason. , ‘ Real Back, Thiead wand Chanslly Veils ee ent , : T GHO DORI EE CULE ae . Western North Carolina Rail Road, Cloaks. Mant! & Sha 1 uo ! no more he rene: He would be hoppy to hive ali desirone of dealing leaving Salisbury by Rut Road at 5 o'clack AM oa 8, an 8 aw 8, \ and SHOES for Veoand vt ik erimivat te tis ' Viewer spears of Marble, hear on Moudiye, Wednesdays and Fridaye, reachiog Rich Velvet Paltone, Clonks ond Wanten \3 4 i> vTy D) Le prees a fer themnsess Morrantou to Nupperon the same days. and wit Rib Cloth aed Beaver do do varety of poods a the line 7 Phar dieea et p i i the beat Wiese (home Wid 2 4 ite. oy pee 19 the bosivess, aii any detention passing auto PLEASANT GAR byows Velvet and Cold aod Black cloths and trim: cura ce alli wat it they wil pve ose col, ts far Oo a he wile hee peranalatteation te patting upiaone DENS far Breckjad ooomug the BLUE RIDGE moog: fer Cherian ree , amarieienmeietariereheitel lye ! Hi Xr Honoen dee, and offeong te the pablie a fine wewor Beanial P Domietes) wel CVs en Sams enn bee tg Uhly UK liver Wat Phe Ad HE wales Lo wh rea ! ola Gee the eclebrated Pe keotthe BLYCR MOUNTAIN, Voou. square cid road Wool Shawls, new and beans gQoek Bante od Shoes ever othed ‘Phey are 1 De t MoM trhell and Chngman. reaching Ashevile 4 Hol prcterne tow Hoinend them to our frends Py Hite ad y 1 Y | Donner whieh willbe trou BEGEEP to hours NJeo a Dene and elew ese tine , Withavery ¢ huowing they are good and ani oie! advence of any other route. Ne eapenae orpauns Chiictreoe FURS of every diseriition 8 mute wea on Wench better = talenen to Ck os s will be xpared tomnake thin the aren wrace tisk iy eh etensive ueertiny Boot Robhona ale ' Ne Hien raah goods, such om mre fre " “ 4 “ ‘Bu THe Rott Give ita TREAD and if aaeficion oe Racker Bridalaud PURTY WREATHS. Freveh oicatiy sid at SING) fant lint pam. crate Moy Mt _ hot given to all Powillinewery tostance refund ther Blowers, Ornaments tur the Harr, aud all the latest: worthl os to th Cate iamtsiarc bn uehi tre) G0 Won wy AT Stage Fare boveltien in that line tlre inl fants ose!ven on (he very leet terme XN 1 1 Pr T re 272% bach, te ¥ . ade te} ’ . recy yun ee y re ) : . ‘ ee NO. 4 CS BROWN, 0 GENTLEMEN'S WEAR. Ghost ic \eat aa aan . : hn tra tar tae . | West pps to beve o want i give una p ; — ° ° “ieee 8) G,, Live re eRe a tiperioige! brated Blick French Clothe and Cass cali, tochog sat afin d . . om fa please Spgs , i ~ ; ‘ 5 DECEMBER U3th, 1858. a . (alurditicers Daesk im anctennw revlon tare Cie Sonersannee ca eo Ma OGran Carolina City, \. @.. FEMALE NORMAL SCHOOL. mers i Buildiog, Saicbury, No July\Qbth. 1858, Such inducements éo the public have HIGH POINT, N.C ASS SLB) SALISBURY Pip 4 Neocon divaatiabRoaditnies never been offered before! GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY. vy 4 é + Ue fh fiine ier HRev.N. We. RR, RAY, A. Principal NUR JAWES ChARKEOS I. EMAL ’ IMINARY. ' : Mecain decfte (ire te (enon A. & W. MYERS : Te Thstaitins ia ne san eh of the follow i ; oa . . FANGS Tostitaten im on the N.C. Railroad, 15 CELEBRATED FEWALE PILLS. Inge tenshers wha wall henceforth devote ull their! ORWARDIVG AND GOVERAL COWMSSION \W LL ote tats Hicpreaens tae thee hand aime mitea Weatot Greensboro. and & fram Norns Pagrus ty “reve she {asic of as enligentened pablis BUStNESS Stock of Scaple ard Faney colle Pie next Sesmon willbooin Sept dss Pie ay r) The Pall sescon will commence on the 20th day ae I xR pee , Dial pnt Talal Ura CRNIEIN Genny nut hus PROTECTED 6. Pe LETTERS «6 September, ton, and close abont the 20th otf oe ; Wows ie We me 8 \ -(;( )I )»( S ee GaNeeret lta BY ROYAL ©% v2 <°S parent tebe in : PSE HON im giver Wothe branche ann Wn Gk eek : , ' Ma nit-al vase lkessy Breer Para Ui ive eminem con al Ha line ae n Fe Oe 4 bw PCr, Hannan an / es ' ete an tes 1 wretite cire vate € ts at: ‘ we eee Can id DS RI WOON. uaa, ott « ; iy voure ti ieed or a Weare determin: (Co young ladies educating themnaelwow for tachepa, CUPEned! fron a pres iptt PAP Dat nei, ates No Nswiecantoin the Literary j a) (ean leg " Mee ale vek an mite hue dione for and auch are credited far tuition ental they con teach Bik ini a War Tessie. Poerrvctor in Mine | a : Poprirpose of durkeag room for one Spring pnrehane A in SURE nce , ns. oe Seite Wistnvalaable mn reat a * | a k \ cana ca A & WOMYRERS Ci et ' v 7 sratus., new Pes We 5 Ina ' 1 wor TERMS OF CTULEION \ Ajeet Vf (Ray aera XN eo ecan aecomnmodate 120 bb. wird pig te Phe vy od nad towhieh the f netitu . Ne NTT Ces set lek CSi ET mE Granite Row Penses are lesw than atany other Dnsttution of the (Rect AERA TAT ACEI Vial eharseter in the State Hered alatieo usta otis fy wie may ees a ! iE vito al orders ' A ve wire Bogheh Branches, «36 tbo per e Titel To WAIED LAvmiEs Darged from tune of entrance } : flow Hil fiof the expen cquired 1 é ies UE RES Ses Tine Mein no Ais WRN 1 CAPES ; ; ; rpenaes required in advauc nef een arr sina l Any Le WANTED Situations tin Spuriaiaitioichers a UUM EE AUTEN, warned im teapectable families on Vo caan Fre O faces Mian IN For fall aiformation Nnunee tat ET AINE ACIS TUL ALE LO ) forwarded (ree of Commies ‘ ‘ r r Rev. WOE LANGDON SATAN CD SOUR ts Auras Hl uwie SALISBURY. [nniniee COME ATO. . itt co econ, aly 2th Tes ft Pia PRR Cet etie ae ovtht esr MILITARY GOODS, ' Rity ~ 178 4 | Sieliscr Hur in Atmonneiog te bis THR ER MONTHS 1 DP , ; et OAL VOW WAY CONCERN! ‘ ji Ge rarenrstedll n, ohyi Ger livre A wis to urc e oh feat Tift. eee Swords, Sashas, Belts, Epaulettes, Laces pStlle SURSORTRI AUS welt ¢ be anit ther | nd well kenawa Oe I h p has 20 Tn tease ot Nery oe vod lar ne Pein ee Baek evant Ip : " ne seed be tite: tes an ect viene cing PA passa act Gee “cape Faiewa neh welignny Mod OnteTihen ranean 8 OAVIEV RQ) DLSCRIPRIOY OF WHLITARD ( TRGARMNENE crane | Pg ted Veiiny portiona of mie highest (0ST preen for thong Hysteria WI Palle with emect a a GOODS, woul regi st ba Fe at neonates motion Pwant them entsbh frworking ny Lexus planta. Orr mee tore Caled at aliboagh a power ! Soonmiva To Tn fe rake eo fairey cavers ' ‘ dit : hiss wnilateeiee taal ae ami) del Temi Pew teonta ny cahonel ar ny, oranyth th 1 ' 1 viteat US. Army and State Regulatione wre pre ag pure ile lav owiee wind asym frome (a twenty cane ld sunittta} ‘ cf 4 & WOW ERS . (een ny MEY ; CV Es, 0 ES Tn a ce aes ei fe SCHUYLER, HARTLEY & GRAM, , HG i , » ROBARDS Bole Agent forthe t a sand Cunnda, Oriya i eg : 5 1) i Iv o~ 1 ROOMS Galvhnice. May ath, Ped Ae Ry macs IMIOFCT Rie ee MAN TE NCTOE RE RS (1 Gh EH " W Prt E — Intel C Ratdwin &C DO ESOS Dye Les weese > Cheese! ! Cheese i! ~ Fe ETN ASS S2iE ON y Y itis ’ NI ORS attr 2, sie y ; > Roch ns NY . oa 100° INES CHEESE ep ee ceaite nt Ae H. Ww. _i U I [P., ROD MRS coaihnnsinee siamnsenclosnlinanvaithorly AGES Tle (Et Is pda Vtvcem ik an el erring: Naan Ni Hom cadie: peer gent will nance 9 Pile hy cetera mat . Suieceeitne tenes ne aes Yercnie Up ML WHAT, seve euileniny JAMES HOR ATE, : i . Ait Wiviland, Steweneon dCs, Charleston, 0), Whateeale Aged ( ly 40 trace a ae A 4 nu uy, WATCH-MAKER AND JEWELER, k WV ROWZEE 1 k 4 PP roatlran will be ma anepy ’ 1 Pt are nme mere a Jatchmaker & Bewellet, vvatereowe enone weet SALISEETY, N.C, SPRAGUE RROVS 23 Anni iftlie Manes ; One deo below R.A A. Muphy's Store, ’ “ ” , CONCORD, NL © CANAL ety Thai Rea aire te rE ! Professional Card en '. . . fe Me A f ‘ vi i we by atacon other articles Kk Ee constantly on hand a large assortment r h . . Le sn her t rdw Watch Clock and Jewetry leaden | hat wre ul Batate tan WATCHES and JEWELRY of all kinds VENER AGE LIOR NS]: 1 u Me town of Conened and by enreful attention to — Clocka, Watehen and Jewelry of every deaeription | Penge IS TULA iT THIS OFFICI Do" POWE my fhe found a4 ie eS U re BLANAW WARRAFTS dae retin the beet manner aud on the mostreasona fea nal busine BAZ.) Nov [as AD : me AweRepp, | For sala at this Office, Febrnary 19, 1A5R ly38 | ] | | { ! | | | “NEW MERCANTILE FIRM GOODS ALL NEW 1 MeNEELY & YOUNG le 1 TO CALL THE ATTENTION OF THE CITIZENS OF J Rowan and the surrounding counties to the SPOCK CP GVODS they aro now receiving ‘They are confident from past experience that their stock, which is large and carefully selected, is admirably adapted to the wants of the community, and that having bought the principal part for cash they can sell cheaper than atry store in any part of Wes- tern North Carolina. (Country Merchants and the public generally, will find that, as we have determined and cun afford, we will ell at prices greatly lelow those at which Guods have been sold heretofore in Salisbury. Below we enumecale w portion of our stuck : DRY Goonvos. American. French aud Baglin Caticves, cvllored and black, Domestics, Flannels, Merinoes, Alp ecas, Gingi ais, Dothogs, Bed and Cradle Blankets, Table Cloths, Towelings, &e. SERV ANTS’ Goons. 300 pair of Negro Blaukets, cheaper than ever offered in this market, Kerseys, Plaid Linseye, Osuaburgs, ances GEwtrs’ GoowDws. Cloths, Carsineres, Vesviags, Satinets, Keatucky Jeaus of every variety. Jeans, Hosiery, Knit and Linen Shirts, Gloves, &e. Rock Island sud Yadkin Manufacturing Companic Goons. De Lanes, ADDIE Ss’” Silke, White Goods, black aud fancy Drese Silks, Shawls, Cloke, Searfs, &e, Laces, Embroideries, Rib- sitk and linen Waodkerehiefs, Crape, Gloves, Hosiery, Irith Linens, Swise, Jaconet, Tarleton Mus- line, Swiss and Jacouet Edging aud Lusertions, Corsets, Hoop Skirts, Head Dresses, &e. CLOTHING, A good assortient of Gentlemen's Clothing, to which we invile special attention. HATS, CAPS, BONNETS and FLATS, BOOTS and SHOES. . We hive pail porticnler attenCon te the selection of this portion of our stock, eo Brogaus, water proof Boots, dress Boots, and Shoes, anc be 4 challenge competstion in Ladies and Children's Gaiters aud Shoes. CARPETINGS, and OL, CLOTHS. Drugs, Paints, Oils and Dye-Stuffs A, lining skis, We nte for tthe Bellvue White Le id phos ae Hermiock sud Quk-tanned Leather, Calf and Goat mrieisiundelepeniceciticnseiicecuidieudi arated WOOD WARE. Buckets, Brooms, Tubs, Braushes, Twine, Rope, ec. CROCKERY ANIY QUEENS WARE. We are enabled to mhow a mere und better elected sock of them goody thin his ever been kept in the Gon isinvated Geour Che a Dinner wets, and China and Plited Tew sets Lovki.g GROCERIES. Rio am Juve € Sal Spices Candles, Soape. &e 1 Wer be ereppomte the Maussou Hotel, formerly occupied by M. Brewn Saisbury, Sept. 2h, PSo8. 17 | Ey EAGLE FOUNDRY — RAIL ROAD NOTICE AND TO MACHINE SHOP, °UNIRY MERCHANTS. NEW, CHEAP, CE : 7 ND Lyro, Ducidson Comnty, N SHEP jromictor otitis Xt 1 EXPEDITIOUS ROUTE extabarbue nt FOR inform bie freeads and the FREIGHT FOR THE INTERIOR OF NORTH roty, that CAROLINA hate cull facturing NI ERCHANTS and others about purchasing their HORSE POWERS aud * tice that by the Fall ond Winter sopphes, are rs quested to uo- ‘ mplevon of the North East THRESTING WACHINES. | teats Ruvd, trom Chertesioa 8. to Chere keen fran the most approved vanlage of a CHEAP and expediiious route from the plipe. Specusl atte Clases KC flee, Sup ore of all deseription, Syrups, Molsamer toand at the cor would publiew y Northern 4 ros. both Seaboard is opened to them portable and siatienary AW Freight consigned to the care of the Agent of wither without Straw Carri re to mt the waoteot the Norh Exetern Rail Road will be forwarded free evens persen Bngine work of every deserptior of © Omen issseny WILD ond PACTORY GEAR,CERCELARSAW No charge for storage willbe made at Cheraw. All Straw Cntter® Corn Shetlern, Phoupha, goods will be taken eare of in the Company's Ware- nye Caltiators. and Goldinachinerys AIL heure aru leaied tor . Schedule of charges for trane- kinds of Castings and Machine work made to order portation of Freight will be found at the Pest Office ate@hurttwticn Ue alee keepe a good supply of al & &§ SOLOMONS, Rindecutorncr euch ew roted and hemmnered Pron, Engineer & Supenntendent. voth round, Mat and -quare, from 4 to 4g aunchestn di August 10, IsS& fia ametor Srel ot every dine aption, Blockeun, Zink _ and Babbru Metals, togecher with a good sapply of ’ 7. Vor = Peery ariete kept inthe mercantile ie, vend ia He. H. BEARDS ESTATE. sarge connie aes uae _ Mave Maem eurty, that puese indnbted/othix eatniemre herebe eaten you inay net he disappointed this eensun, as inany te come forward and inake payment, as Teannot were dastin bot £ delay ine busiue ss And these havieg claims againet Eerate are also votfed to present them within faw or this votice will be plead JAMES BEARD, Administrator. 7 JH THOMPSON p'd-1v-37 he he time himaited by Febroary 9, TRS or in bar of Cher recovery Sept. 6, 1x5 L ARR SON } in it > ‘SS M ac aa re VINDS OF Hi John Dooley, . HAT MANUFACTURER, AND WHOLESAE ‘ DLALER IN HATS, CAPS, FURS, TRIMMINGS, &c. FALL, 1858. WAVE now in store an extensive and comple Le assortt tofeverything in my Nine adaptcd to ihe Fall trade, and ain pre pared (o offer unusual iadacements to par- ) Chane re as FURNITE aKLY uv RPHY'S CRANITE ROW SALISBURY, N.C To my Inte wat to the markets and manufactories of the North and Kart, TL have spared ae painsin the seleedion ot this siobk : and —E flaster myself drat long experence enables ive to antieipate rhe wants of my frends in Virginia, North Carolina and Tennessee. { A coli ie respeetfally solicited from mv old custom- ers and the puble JNO. DOOLEY. Richweond, Va., Sept. 2m, 1RSx, tf2n THE LIVER INVIGORATOR! Compounded entirely from GUMS, S ONF OF THE KEST PURGATIVE AND LIVER MR. 1 DICANES vow the public, that acta as a Cutharne, | ~ al than any other medicine known remed: To Planters and Farmers. FYE midersigned has been apnomted role Agent tu North Curching, forthe sale of Kettlewell’s Celbrated Feculizers and Renovators of worm oat Bi) w thot any ofthe paint land Phey comproe his Wastrenareo Goane.” No 1 rnd Re Nove ron, Guano and Land Salt) No. 1 prito and 2 Keeveewent’s Sats” and ‘‘Laxp Prastea” iy of nnpernor quality Michell & Croveda Proosruare om the hei ‘s highly improved, “Supee hese fertilizers. where they tried. require no commeadations, bat tabe Guono and all the Ferulizers and Renova- sel or Liwe? Nave been the lerd of as made it tin study, ine years, to fied some remed, Moan) decangementa to w hic tors of the Pamphiets descriptive of the articles, with certifi- ot thar ver &e.. will be furnished such us desire them, by application to WW. NUTT, Sole Agt for the State of N.C, at laet fon Hany person trom entes es, prices, by inal. te 4 the blood, ery, temo sing urtfy nd 5 3m bole mach’ ause of the disnaxe— emed the c= Che Mndomitable vin Night= j AGAIN! H. 1. ROBARDS, ROWAN HOUSE, \ Nalishurn, N.C, Patil! « ens the bowels Dy spepata Inne reieve f one 1 fs anda prevent Morbas, ptr , mimes te keep this tong established and popu- bent having in bia employ meestants, whoare determined no one shall d tistied Have not rented ont or leased “OLD POINT COMFORT,” but am «nil Proprietor, aud invite the travelling public tar Hore etherent Booawey in ihe mice Vormas in Lor apeedier rem Dropey, by exciting the vid pur cofthe many luxunes oufexpenence nable us te give chem tu Feverand and all Fevers N certainty, an: wondertils and fact itiens It tify te RORARDS Wal T. C.& BG. WORTH, rent | Commission & Forwardug en ERCRARTS, | Wilmington, N. Oo. | Febranry, 16, 1858 | BLANK DEEDS FOR SATE AT TIS OF FICE 1p) are INO n ite tay giving their unanimous y or. Water in the mouth with the Invi- tagether. oa Ms gorator, and awailow both THE LIVER INVIGORATOR 18 A SCIENTIFIC MEDICAL DISCOVERY wor 4 it too great to belleve. rice BRANFORD & Co Pr Wholesale Agentar TW Drort & Sows, Philadel: nd ; ONF POLAR PER ROTTLE prietors $45 Hroadway, New York Rawwes & Panw, New York hie S Bean &to, Noaton onm D Pann ( | Pamwnaros Gronar Hl Ke retailed by all | WH Mave LY J Woe & Oo, & gh RR Hance, Balimors sold alro hy ve Dr W.H. WYATT, Draggiat, Salebury, N. ¢ Vy 40 J. J. BRUNER, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR No name of a new subscriber will be entered on our list, without payment in time paid for. The red x is only intended to indicate that the year paid for ia about closing ; and to inform those who wish to reuew | their subscription, that the time has ar- rived for doing 80. 7 TERMS. Single copy, sx'00 Ten. copies sou VOL. XVI. Clubs exceeding ten, in the same properton, | advance; nor will the paper be sent to! | cl subecribere after the expiration of the, SY y | | SALISBURY, N. C., JANUARY 25, 1859. NUMBER 35 $2,00 | | $1.50 each. Payment always in advance. ADVERTISING RATES. | The Old U. S. Senate Chamber. | On Tuesday last the Senate took pos- session of its new Chamber, in the North Wing of the Capital Extension. Before renewal Uccasivaal | . ek b eaving the old one Crittende iy ithout additional charge 5 ie, Mr. Crittenden spoke granted to those who ad- A square is the space | | ' occupied by 16 lines uf \ al yseeesses Weer sy ie *| Ngsezssszicomonl | ERE ee ey tensor 3! vertise regularly through SRITPEN DEN eae eee epee Mr. CRITTENDEN. (BESESES ES ce dollars for an: Brevier type. as follows :— | I move you, Mr. President and Senators, that we pro- Bazaeeee cone » ceed at once to the consideration of this | Bu as2 : : Se |) ofce. report, and that it be adopted. ‘That is BBsze zee a Court Orders charged (he purpose for which [ rise. Before, | Pie : th ; oa | Sewaeu-. | | Gre ae nne,, | However, submitting that motion to the belay eo x) the above rates. Jers | S Setase tsar ©) bee | vote of the Senate, I lope that | may be! « for divorce of husband |. - 6 ss : Pe jindulged in a few words of parting trom this Chamber. This is to be the lust day | of our session here ; and this place, which | has known us 60 lung, is to know us no and if it is wished they ayer ; ‘i pie : sneukd occupy the leas | (ore forever as a Senate. The parting | pace pussibies write m@pln Uc ec vwh: cee ee eed chee | SUCINS tO NG, BIT, to be somewhat of a Bo- Otherwise they will be} lemm one, and full of eventtul recollec put ap in the usual style 5 and charged accordingly. | Ons. I wish, however, only tosay afew (H- No discount wv) words. nouncing candidates for VERSES ae) vee uN | and wife, 10 cach. Cees taht (8 Persons sending = in advertisements are re quested to state the nuin- ber uf insertions required , -D o p s o d o s d eW E eg y UB ] MU S M I E H I e A p T s0 F z 8 6 % L $ % 1 1 sQUOW & Ou vB S3 ' F 6 OS BL : — : Many associations, pleasant and proud, | G AWTOT HL IG) | bind us and our hearts to this place. We! wi zd SD. cannot but feel their influence, especial se eS I NS ee lly J, Mr. President, whose lot it has been The following Court and miscellancous BLANKS | to serve in this body more years than are kept on hand for sale, at this office. Can be}any other member now present. That sent by mail to any part of the country, at small we should all be attached to it, that my longer association should attach me tu it, Com. to take Depo. C.43.C. [18 tnost natural. Mr. President, we can Aree eicer nae quit this Chamber without some feel: | lpablenkad aay co Hache ene mM ing of sacred sadness. This Chamber Witness Tickets, C4 8.C, Marriage Licenses, jbas been the scene of greatevents. Iere pet UAE eh ELL sitten Gln Datos questions of American constitutions and poe oceans manne laws have been debated and decided ; questions of empire have occupied tue at tention of this assemblage in tines past; this was the grand theatre upon which ythese things lave been enacted. They WU G¥ BU S 61 8 expense, Civil Warrants, n Executio Deeds in Trust, Bheriff Deeds, Equity do Notes of Hand, Notes to Bank, Attachment Wri Delivery Boods, Administration, do Bastarday, “ Appeal, OT And many other forms of less frequent uspraie ted tu order vo sburt Dolice. eae bh, Oy TRIE STOLE Blanks- jthis Hall. | Sir, great men have been the actors here. ‘The illustrious dead, that have dis | tinguished this body in thiues past, natu- PROSPECTUS OF THE CAROLINA CITY TIMES. raliy rise to our View on such an occa sion. T speak only of what 1 have seen, The undersigned will commence the publication of | and but partially of that, when Esay that a Weekly Journal with the above tile about the first here, within these walls, [have seen men week in January next, at Carolina City, NC whose faine is vot surpassed, and whose The Hines wil eat eee nan rane: Neu power and ability and patriotism are not tral iw nethi * but the best energies of the propr ey ae oe tore will be directed to any and all measures tending surpassed, by anything of Greenn or ot to advance the interesta of Beaufort Harbor; and Roman name. To have seen Clay and particulurly to keep people posted ou wiiat ai are) Webster, and Calhoun and Benton, and * i ete tion they w f ; Fi really dewng. Wath this determination bey will fur Leigh Geille Clavt nish a faithful record of all statistics which may be e ) in their power to obtain in addition lo any commerciat’ Congly not least) iningling together in information which can conduce to the welfare of our this body at one time, and uniting their mercantile interests. The want of such a Unaroal in en aneelsitertlie Dencnt unr cruntny felt by every intelligent citizen who desires to be at \ all acquainted with the ressurces of Beaatort Harbor —our present condition, future prospects, &e The Tiwes will give the latest market reports: ar rival and departure of vessels from ths port, aud its will afford the latestintell gence both foreign estic. Npecisl care will be taken to give # ny (last They seem to our imagination and sensi | oilites, on such an occasion as this, to have left their on these very walls; and this majestic dome seems al Mu press colun and do full and accurate surnmary of State news eloquence. The Timcs will be publiched every Thursday, and 41) titation for their uamea willbe mailed to subscribers for Two Dollars a year, ‘ 4 ‘ : iuvanably in advance most yet to echo with the voice of their This Hall seems to be a to This Hall is full of the pure odor of their justly- earned fame. ‘There are others besides those [ have named, of whom IT will not speak, because they have not yet closed | A.B. CHAPIN & CO TRI-WEEKLY MAIL LINE. TWO HORSE HACKS, Prom Mocksville, XN. (., to Salisbury, N. ¢. their carecr—not yet ¢ nuded their services to the country; and they will receive their reward hereafter. There are a host of others that Pimight mention—that de serve to be mentiened—but it would take | too long. Their names are in no danger tof being forgotten, nor their services un thought of or unhonored, Sir, we leave behind us, in going from this Hall, these associations, these proud The Proprietor, ale, pledges himscl(iojeend) Res: ! IAAL 80 ts ell calculated to prompt songers from Mockaville in any direction they may to a generous emulation of their services wish to go, on reasonable terms. Pry hin, all you) to their country ; but we w ill carry alone that wish to go to the moantaina in that directo: With us, to the new Chamber to which STAGE OFFICE at Salsbury at the Mansion ’ Hotel, Wu. Rowzer, Agent H.R. AUSTIN, Proraigeron. Mockaville, Dec. 8, 1558 Theory of Vocal Music, IN SEVEN KASY LESSONS. AL cmPniy ofthe ahove usefal Musical Work, handsomely printed and for wale at THIS OFFICE Jee Qist, 1858 130 TO FARMERS. AU Gioce martng sagor ar: OF we leave this Chamber, we shall not leave CLOVER SEED, behind us any sentiment of patriofismn, NDERSON aby devotion to the country which the CAN be accommodated by calling at HE? & ENNISS' Drug store, Saliebury, N.C. llustrious exemplars that have gone be- 3w35 fore us have set to us. These, like our January 18th, 1459. - a : 30 A i meArniediwil ue: IT Does any of oar high livers ever eat too much honsehold gods, will be carried with us; dinner? If any have cooks who tempt their appetite and we, the representatives of the States alittle too far, E will tell a secret that willlead them of this mighty Union, will be found al to the enjoyment of their dinners withe at & ya ways equal, { trust, to the exigencies a from that gouty old gentleman—Dyepepaia. ‘Take a Lee } in . : dose of Dr. Sanford’s Tnvigorator after eating, and any tine that may come upon our coun yoo will never be tronbled with indigestion; but on try. No matter under what sky we may no matter what dome may cover us; the contrary, before the next meal time approaches sy ; the appetite will be sharpened to appreciate any kind hin pero patriotic spirit an uconatenol the United States will be there; and of food. If the food rises or sours, the Lovigorator will fix the matter right at once, for there is some thing in it that, touse the expression ofa friend, will have an abiding contidence that will nev- fet aman eat gravel stones, and take the Tove! oy fail in the performance of its duty, sit orator and they will digest. We have tred it an \ : ; hi it double doses, on one of two occamons, for sick head- | WHCre It may, even though it were ina ache, and it acts like a charm desert. Mibaliwe want ney Curent es SE eee But it is yet, sir, not possible to leave js, any thing ails you, go without delay and get a : . De : ene bottle of Dr. Sanford’s Invigorator, andifit dou't cure this Hall w ithout casting behind us many gome and tell us, for we want to see one person that longing and ungering looks. Tt has been jt will not benefit —Jeraey Shore Republican the scene of the past; the new Chamber For sale by W.H. WYATT, UR Cia a is to be the scene of the future; and that : a4 : me i future, TL hope, will not be dishonored by CHANGE OF SCHEDULE Mocksville every Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at Il o'clock, A. M Arrives at Salisbury same days at 4o'clock, P.M Leaves Salisbury every Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at Ky o'clock, A. Arrives at Mocksville same daysat lgo'clock, P.M Leaves ug all the inspiration which our illustry | ous predecessors are calculated to give 5! and wherever we sit we shall be the Sen ate of the United states of America—a vreat, a powerful, a conservative body in the government of this country, and a body that will maintain, as 1 trast and believe, under all circumstances and in and the glory of this country, Because T Our bithngagate neighbor of the Gazette aceures any comparison to be made with the past raat weuniin preciauly dw tie stale in ‘ i Ws : “cise y state ‘ w ave ita iilustrations of great Fi ey re ae eee b encore which it in deposited, for ages and ages. from the suapreions | be : . : YRS So that Pharoah and his host, when the went quackery, because we publish Dr Ayers adver tisementa. Now this sane editor knows the Phar macopein iteelfiis of quackery than hie medicinas. He knows they are and great patriots; and endoraed by the medical Journals of thie country. are yreat preservative clement of the Cov- ured and prescribed by our best physiciane, and have the commendation of professors and eminent men of : and he king care to preserve the Union of the the source nt more free this body, the ernment, will discharge all its duties, ta chararter toy exntied for hie comprehension, knows too that they have done and are doing in thie States which they represent commanity an sinount of good which the utmost Of al) their lonore, the source of trust etretch of hiw ability can never hope to equal— Berks | sn Co. Presa, Reading, Pa which they sit here to execute, the source as it has been and as it will be of their Sold by HENDERSON & ENNISS, Drcooiets i Paliebury, N.€ Tiedt country 8 greatness, happiness, and pros Maa DP EB dS Ece MY ACCOUNTS are all made out ready fur , Settlement All those who owe me will please come and settfe op ne Tam needing money the time that is past. with along account of the different: pla and very anxions to close up my old books, Cc. A. HENDERSON Iw35 with the following eloquent remarks : , Wey naies The Senate » , ae 27 'y. G7 MARITAGH LICENSE Itime in this Chamber FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE \e converted to other uses; January 18, 1X59 Henceforth it wil eae they were of that ces of meeting of Congress, and closed is agseembled for the last hing of the Jews in Palestine remain forever connected with great events, and sacred to the memories of the | departed orators and statesmen who here | engaged in high debates, and shaped the policy of their country, Hereafter the American and the stranger, as they wan- der through the Capitol, will tura) with | instinctive reverence to view the spot on which so many and great materials have accumulated for history. They will re- (call the images of the great and the good, whose renown is the common property of the Union; and chiefly, perhaps, they will linger around the seats once occupied by the mighty three, whose names and fame associated in life, death has net been abie to sever; illustrious men, who in their generation sometimes divided, sume- times led and sometimes resisted public higher ass of statesmen who seek the right and follow their convictions. There sat Calhoun, the Senator, inflex ible, austere, oppressed, but not over- whelmed by his deep sense of the impor- tance of his public function ; seeking the truth, then fearlessly following it—a man whose ubsparing intellect compelled all ¢ lis emotions to harmonize with the de ductions of his vigorous logic, and whose | noble countenance babitually wore the | expression of one engaged in the perfor | manee of Ligh public duties. | This was Webster's seat. Tle, too, was even such a Senator. Conscious of his own vast powers, He reposed with conti dence on himself; and scoring the cou: | > tivances of smaller ten, he stood amony ther altering lis attitude nor the express nother, that thy days may be long upon his peers all the greater for the simple dignity of lis senatorial demeanor, Ty pe | of his northern hone, be rises before the Imagination, in the grand and pranite out give a sort of consecrated character to jie of his form and intellect, like a wreat the bar as if he had bitten it through,— New England rock, repelling a New bug land wave. As a writer, lis productions | will be cherished by statesmen and scho- lars While the English tongue is spoken. | As a senatorial orator, his preat efforts are historically associated with this Chai | ber, Whose very air seems yet to vibrate beneath the strokes of lis deep tones and his weighty words, Ou the outer circle, sat Henry Clay, with his dipetuous and ardent vature un tamed by age, and exliliting in the Se vate the same vehement patriotism aud passionate cloquence that of vere eiectrt tied the House of Representatives and the country. Tis extraordinary personal en dowments, his courage, all his uoble qual ities, invested him with an idividuality and a charm of character which, im any ave, would have made him a favorite of ory. Tle lowed lis country above all \ earthly objects. He loved liberty in all countries. Ulustrious man !—orator, pa triot, philanthropist -lis light, at its me ridjan, was seen and feltin the remotcst parts of the civilized world > and his de cling sun, as it hastened down the west, threw back its level Inellowes cheer the land he well. All the States may point, with gratified pride, to the services in the Senate of their patriotic sons. Crowding the memory, come the names of Adams, Hayne, Ma- son, Otis, Macon, Pinckney, and the rest I cannot namber whe, im the record of ther acts and utterances, ap beams, in hues of splendor, tu dliuminate and. te luved and served se them peal to their successors to give the Union a destiny not unworthy of the past. What models were these, te awaken emuiation or to plunge Fortunate will in despair! me BEE LONE Os the ypu re nga be the American statesmen who in this) pers and the public expressed themselves | there is a little new box onthe table; on no Olfallilceetliics wen lCiLnyea yt) age, or in succecding times shall contrib satietied with Mr. Rarey. ute to invest the new Hall to which we yo with historic memories like those which cluster here. And now, Senators, we leave this me morable Chamber, bearing with us, un inpaired, the Constitution we received trom our forefathers. Let us cherish it with grateful acknowledgments to the Di- fall time: romentliG y rch, ‘all times to come, the honor, CNG CARS | aye Power who controls the destinies of | empires and whose goodness we adore. Phe structures reared by men yield to the coroding tooth of time. These marble walls must moulder into ruins; but the principles of constitutional liberty, puvard ed by wisdom and virtue, unlike materi al elements, do not decay. Let us devout ly trust that another Senate, in another age, shall bear to a new and larger Cham: ber this Constitution vigorous and invio late, and that the last generation of pos terity shall witness the deliberations of the Representatives of American States still united, prosperous, and free. | & The Sea Shall Give Up ils Deads The Cleveland Plain Dealer, in its re port of Professor Maury’s lecture in’ that city, on the “Highways and by ways of the Ocean,” says that Savan “announced the startling fact than animal matter at the bottom of the decp sea, owing to the superincninbent pressure, the exclusion of light and heat and the saline proper- ties of the water, could not decompose, but last trump shall sound and the sea give up its dead, will come forth fresh ine fea ture and perfect in form as when in pur suit of the children of Tsrael they were engulphed by the waves of the Red Sea This conclusion it reached by timerous ingenious experiments, one of which, the sinking of s cannon ball through which ‘rity in tines to come, as it has been in LSA E Apparat for grappling sediment penty ! u ‘ from the bottom, in which sediment were found remains of animal Vice President Breckinridge followed wher extinet, such as clams and other amaller specimens of shell fish. he would not like to become a tempora | anid he, “LT would rather be yet it must Arngas than Aang of the Sowa,” 2 ; ‘ lite, fresh as oo. When Rothschild was asked whether is announced in Covington, Kenta ky, at CON, Ohiey Jow of the biggest words without scratching his head GIRL BURNED IN A THEATRE. |THE HERMIT or THE MOUNTAINS. Mr. Rarey, the celebrated horse-tamer, Dear Children—Open your Bibles at} Wilburn Waters, the hermit of the tried his power, while in England, on an ithe Book of Proverbs, first chapter and Pond Mountain, in the White Top region, etl Nel a Crui /tenth verse, and there you will find the jhas killed four bears within the last three seat yy Aname se beast tL A ate words, “If sinners entice thee, consent weeks, one of them exceedingly large.— ser. The following is an account of his thou not? Now these are God’s words, | We had the pleasure of being with him | inethod of procedare. How Cruiser was Tamed. ‘spoken to you. You know very well who | last week, when two of them were taken. Accompanied by one individual alone, sinners are—they who transyress the law; | Wilburn is an extraordinary man in his because the Bible says, “Sin is the trans-|way. For more than twenty years he has : gression of the law.” To entice, means |lived alone in the solitude of that vast per, and physical strength, Mr. Rarey 4, persnade, allure a fish with a baited mountain region, devoting his time to proceeded to the encounter. As we heard jiook. You hide the hook, which is meant hunting and stock-ratsing. He claims, the story told, his injunction to his com-|to destroy the fish, in the bait ; so the |we velieve, to be a balf-breed of the Ca- rade was characteriste enough. ‘ What- sinner hides, covers up, the sin which is|tawba tribe, and is a tnan of great plysi- said he, “don’t | weant to destroy the suul, in the prumise |eal power. He owns about one thousand uf pleasure or profit. |acres of land, and raises and sells large ; : fi a certain city, one day a young girl numbers of cattle and hogs; and takes you see me down under his feet, and him’ gced permission of her futher to attend | vast quantities of wild honey. Although worrying me.” This compact made, he the theatre that evening ; the father wise- | he lives entirely alone, the latch-string of resolutely walked into the arena, which ly declined granting the request. his cabin is always out, and nothing She left home in the afternoon for her|seems to be more grateful to his feelings boarding school, in another part of the than the dispensation of his hospitalities. ‘ ‘ ' . ‘ city, and there found the lady teacher | But, poor man, he now haa no latch-string SHPO quietly mp io this barrier, he | aniong the scholars for the purpose of|or cabin. Durivg a few days’ absence leaned hisarm upon it, 80 that it was just passing the evening at the theatre. four weeks ago, he returned to find his covered by the iron bar that ran along The teacher invited her to join the par- | home a bank of ashes, and all that his and looking fixedly at the savage he tYs but she declined, saying, “ [ cannot | house contained consumed. When we ; my father has just refused me per-| were there last week, he bad built a fire inission, and I must not discbey him.” upon the spot where his domicil stood, ' The teacher very improperly urged her | aud we partook of his hospitalities upon we believe by some to go, and said, “ Your father would not a log in the open air. mechanical arragements, for none dared certainly object did he know that 1 would Wilburn is a good Christian man, and vo near enough to touch him—imade his accompany you.” | bears his misfortune with calin philoso- The young girl yielded, and went with phy. He consoles himself that uo wife the party. \'8 made homeless by his loss, and no chil Children, did she obey God's command, dren left without a shelter. And well 8, “Honour thy father and thy tay he bea Christian man, for, removed ‘a from the vices of civilized life, and with ion of his countenance in the slightest the land which the Lord thy God giveth none tocommune with buthisGod, world: thee (” Or did she obey the injunction ly allurements never tempt him, nor ava- atthe head of this article, “ [f sinners en- | rice nor ambition disturb the tenor of his tice thee, consent thou not?” way. ‘The theatre was brilliantly lighted and| Since his residence upon the Pond} Again and again returning for the impe- tilled with people. Much of the beauty, Mountain be has captured 86 bears, 36 | tus, to the further corner, he rushed at) fashion, and talent of the city were there. wolves, upwards of 300 deer, and a count- The imusic was charming, the perform. less nuwber of wild turkies and varmints a nobleman of indisputable nerve, tein-; ever happens, my lord,” you speak or interfere—at least not till, cousisted of a loose box divided by a half door of some four feet or more in height. | top, intended to tame. Cruiser-—from whom 8° muzzle, head stall,and such iinpediments had been removed usual dash at the intrepid stranger, to pounce on him as a cat would on a mouse. fry SP ree alee a tee ‘ Rarey stood perfectly motionless, nel which degree. Thinking le had lis enemy by the arm, the horse seized and worried at the mysterious stranyer, actually sercam | ; : ’ . i ance Was attractive, and every thing pro- of the hills. i 8 ised pleasure to the andience, The play) He is forty-six years old, has lived a- Rarey sustained these successive went off well until they came to a part bout half that tine at his present Joeali- charges with the same «sang frotd that in which tire was used, when some one ty, and has never been at Abingdon bat he had shown at the commencement of atnounced the terrifying fact that the the itwice, though only thirty iniles from it. atre was on tire! Then followed a scene Altogether be is a remarkable man—re- of woe which cannot be described ; ma- tarkable for his physical strength and ro . . ny were burned or crushed to death, and powers of endurance; remarkable for his this wild seene, with its frantic fury on among them was the young girl above secial qualities, hermit as he is ; remark- one side, and its calm scientitic superor-, named, and the whole city ‘was wade to able for his morality and simple honesty; ity on the other, the redoubtable Cruiser, weep over the luss of her sous and daugh- remarkable for his fearlessness and suc-| cess in the chase, and remarkable for his | accurate judgment and sound common | ing in the uncontrollable violence of his rave rage, the engagement. Atlength, after more than an hour of blown, exhausted, dripping with sweat (ers. The father heard the news of the dread : ful calamity; and while he sympathized sense. We hope our first visit to his abode mnind as te the properties of this figure, wit those who were bereaved, he thank-| will not be the last, but that we may Le| which he could no longer believe to be cd God that he had saved his danghter) permitted in futare years tu greet him | human, came quictly close to it, and trae frum the destruction by refusing her re. among the tall hemlocks that shelter him | to lus nature, warped as it was, sinelt at quest. But, O! his joy was short lived now, and partake with him in his wild | tor the next breath of news told him that solitade lis hoe cake, his bear meat, the ashes of his daughter were mingled; and his venison.— Abingdon Virginian. | Me] with the ruins of the theatre, and her oe _ | AO HERES ROORONEE Cavalli aunye (at eplitveliouse to: ul had gone from the play-louse to the | CURIOSITIES OF THE EARTH. It was a trait not of the bar of God. Dear children, “If the sinner entice At the city of Modena, in Italy, and thee, consent thou not,” lest you be huried about four miles around it, wherever the to eternity with your sin fresh upon your earth is dug, when the workmen arrive lat a distance of 63 feet, they come toa bed of chalk, which they bore with an angur, five feet deep. They then with-| draw from the pit before the augur is re- inoved, and, upon ite extraction, the wa- ter bursts up through the aperture with great violence, and quickly fills this new- ly made well, which continues full, and is not affected neither by rains nor) droughts. But what is most remarkable | in this operation is, the layersof the earth | as we descend, At the depth of fourteen feet are found the raing of an ancient city, paved streets, houses, floors, and differ- ent pieces of mosaic work. Under this jis found a soft, oozy earth, made up of and completely puzzled in’ Ine equine ) 1 it and touched it with his nose; then Ra rey threw open the half door and walk ed boldly up to him speaks voluines system perhaps, so much as of the man But what confidence the man must have had in his system, thus to preserve his | ; soul, coolness and equanimity in a position So - CORTO MS eC Ui Ris Nae Christina begged her mother to bry ‘her a canary bird. — Her mother said, and when his peculiar method had been «you shall have one when you become resorted to, and Cruiser, converted into! always obedient and industrious, but es pecially when you give up your curiosi ty, wilich prompts you to pry Into use- less, or even bartfal things.” Christina One day she cave which to every one but) himself would have been of mortal danger ! The “salt was now on the bird's tail,” aquict, docile,and not particularly showy hack, had been ridden before astonished re » horse-tamer was universal hundreds, the horse-ta a A | promised she Sanit ly recognized as such, and both the pas jome from school, when her mother said, Jaccount whatever open it, and do not leven once move it. If you obey ime, I Frowe ey Magazine. | LEX esa A more sneaking, cowardly, fiendish li: | ar than * They say,” does not exist. That persouage isa universal scape coat for per- sonal yossip, envy, and malice; without form of flesh and blood, when invoked, | y tar . » Ss y ! and yet stalking boldly in every commu jare some Little holes in the lid! T lean there be in it” Phe character is a myth, and yet) © , itr ble leet cl tel Saye A; Due opened the little box, and behold! Intangible, and ye clutching its there immediately hopped out a most beautifal yellow canary, and flew chirp- ing merrily about the room, As she was | Ese ean trees entire, such as walnat trees, with Her mother then went ont to visit her! the walnuts still sticking to the stem, and little sick god-clild, William ; but searce-/ i146 Jeaves and branches in a perfect state ily was she out of the door, ere the ever of preservation. At twenty-eight feet curious girl had the es Wy her hand.— deep, a soft chalk is found, mixed with a “How light itis!” she said; “and there vac quantity of shells, and this bed is What cleven fectthick. Under this, vegetables ‘are fuund again. | : | apie feel aes nae eats Gis Pict : | = {shall soon give you a great deal of pleas jvegetables, and at twenty-six feet large | | nity. A ener es = SYMPATHY OF THE NERVES. ; room ; When the nerves from long habit have ivainly pursning the brisk little bird about ‘been accustomed to transmit their mes- the room till she was out of breath, and : sages from distinct parts, and are sudden- her cheeks glowing, in walked her moth: | a US [new ed It es ue ae lor, and said, © You disobedient, curious | ly cut off from them, they still retain along Peete ealatine feats cle 'yirl! this beautiful bird [ wished to give | their trunks the sympathetic or sensation- acter or motives, “They say” is always to you, but I wished first io) put OUND al actious. Thus, a man who has had a invoked. ‘That is the assassin who strikes the proof whether you deserve it. Bat leg amputated will feel distinctly along now I shall give it to good litle William, | in the cloud—the Thay who haunts the ; footsteps of the offender ry) Tuan! who is more obedient, and not 80 curious Othe 5 : as you. from earcless word or deed, and excuse |The mind is also influenced by this; and for the stiletto. Men dare not always re-| “ Mark well thin truth ; the prying mind {frequently this peculiar direct nervous . , : | Wall lose far more than it can tind, : veal their own feelings. With smiles) jaction can only be allayed by that which and pretended friendship, they present TT cane ak ‘is negative and reflex. A curious instance the envenomed shaft as coming from) AN INTELLIGENT GOAT, loecurred within my own experience. An i They se Be sure, reader, that when ‘some villainous tale is told of you, and. f,Jlowing account of a child adopted and tained his diseased foot too long, but at the relator cannot give an author more guckled by a goat, after the example of last consented to amputation. I knew tangible than * They say” for it, the slan- Romulus and Reins. him only with a wooden ley. When he der ia the creation of the heart by your Up in the Fourth District, N. Orleans, bad his nervous pains, he always called side, and reeking with the poison of envy) lives aman, his infant elild, and a ima: for hot water, into which he put his wood and hatred, and earnest with a wish to, tronly, well-behaved nanny goat. The en stump. If told of his folly in suppos have the falsehood of © They say” bud ite janny is the hairy foster mother of the ing that such a proceeding could do any to reality, and become current coin in the infant, w community, robbed of its parent proper, and she en “They say,’ we repeat, is as cowardly tirely eal Victiins with remorseless power, [tis un seen, and yet from an exhaustless quiver wings its poisoned arrows from day to day. And no mail is proof; no charac ter, position, or sex escapes, No sanctu- the course of the trunk of the nerve sen- sation from toes which no longer exist.— ” as itis false and fiendish ; a phantom ere‘ which devolved upon her. When she process actually #4 vared to do him good, ation which smiles, while letting loose a hears the hungry ery of ber helpless Ht though all must know there could be mm brood of vipers to erawlin your path,and tle human charge, she is by its side im an: real benefit. Stull, here is the effect of blast by their venom To retail the sto: ynstant, placing her teats at iomeciicCumidarcniiralter: ries of * They say,” isto sueak behind an of its thirsty lips. Frequently the qui ko ieee intangible personage and put in cirenla- ears of the quadrupedal wet nurse hear tion the infamous amuendees and calum the child's ery when she is browsing tn nies, which, from raw material, are forge Tinder- Hearted Wir a Mr. Brooks, at Homer, the other day threw a knife violently at ber husband the street at some distance from the louse and leaving her own repast, she darts has - tily off tosupply the wants of the “moth erless bairn,” dependent upon her, as Ro-! whieh put out one of his eyes. inulus and Remus were of old apon the 1 the High School, when the lad that stands dugs of their woltish protectress, Webe lieve we have told a tolerable strange sto ry above—Dbut truth is stranger than fic ed nearer home. Spelling Match. — A bigspelling match the longest on tho floor and spells the : heen ir lwards she would have given five dollar Jia to receive a fine present en rather than have it happen. | The New Orleans Zrue Delta givesthe old sailor suffered much from this ; he re- | hich the fever, some time since, wood, he would become enraged, and his io ’ Bed, 5 paroxysm of pain would increase ; but if} appreciates the peculiar duties vratitied, he took things easy, and the | The wife of a amount of her conjugal grief may be |; an a ARMOR ee The Celebrated Lizard Negre. Mr. Editor :—This remarkable or rath- er unfortunate human being is, or was the property of Mr. Martin b “Marshall, of Fleming county, Ky., and is subject to one of the most astonishing and distress- ing afflictions ever endured by man. A short history of his case may not be an- interesting to the curious, and especiall to some of our medical friends. I shall therefore state as briefly as possible all that I kuow in relation to his case, and his sufferings a bumber of years ago. I do not exactly remember the year I was in May’s Lick, Ky., and while convers- ing with Mr. Balsell in front of his store, this negro came in front of us driving an empty carriage, Mr. B. knew him, and asked me, if I had ever seen the Lizard Negro. 1 asked him what he meant, he observed that the negro was troubled with Lizards, and had attacks periodically, discharging from 8 to 12 at a time. I supposed that he intended the remark as a quiz, aud laughed at the idea, when he called to the man, asking him if he had his box with him. The negro said he had; Mr. B. then asked hin to alight froin his seat and bring his box, that I wished to be convinced that he was trou- bled with Lizards. The man immedi- ately obeyed, and took from the carriage a tin box—perhaps a foot in length, five or six inches broad, and as many deep, and at our request walked into the store, he then opened the box, and to my utter astonishment and dismay, drew from with- in and placed upon the counter, from twelve to fifteen iinmense Lizards, mea- suring froin six to eight inches in length; he informed me, if I renember correctly, that he had been confined to his bed the third or fourth time, and lay at the point of death from every attack with intense suffering. I questioned himn very close- ly respecting the symptoms of lis first at- tack, he said he was first taken with vio- fent pains in the stomach and side, also with excessive cramping and vomiting, terminating in spasms of convulsions.— Le said that he told his master, that he believed there was some live aniinal in his stomach, that he felt them ronning round in his stomach and biting him in- wardly, which caused him frequently to full as if he was shot—while suffering the inmost excruciating pain. From the man- ner and looks of the negro, while relating lis case, I could not for my life, wholly disbelieve the story, nor was I altogether willing to believe it. I therefore deter- mined to visit Mr. Marshall, and learn the truth of this strange story. I think some two or three weeks after I met with the negro, I calied on Mr. Marshall, and told liin what his negro had told me res- pecting his case. To my utter astonish- ment, lie assured me that every word the negro had said about his situation, was literally true, and then proceeded to give te all the particulars of his case, which would occupy too much space for the present, to relate. Ile took from his desk a box containing a number of large Lizard skeletons, and assured me that he was present when they were discharged by the negro. Mrs. Marshall also dectar- ed that what Theard was true. Mr. Mar- shall remarked that the negro had had his third or fourth attack, and thas they occurred every six or eight months, the boy being reduced to almost a skeleton, would sutfer the most excruciating pain aud would discharge from ten to twelve Lizards at a time, and then regain his health and strength and appear to be per- fectly well until a few weeks before an attack, when he would be again seized with all the awful symptoms of his dis- tressing malady. Mr. Marshall said be supposed the negro mustin the first place, have swallowed the eggs or the young Lizards at a spring on his place. must here state that Mr. Marshall is a near re- lative of Chief Justice Marshall, and is an able and talented lawyer, well-known to the citizens of Kentucky, and acknow- ledged by all to be a man of sterling in- teyrity, whose word would be taken as soon as any man’s in the Union. Mrs. Marshall is also an elegant and accom- plished lady, whose word no gentleman would for a moment doubt. All that I have here stated, in relation to this un- tortuuate negro, 1 believe to be true, and must say in conclusion, to those who have }any doubts concerning the matter, and wish to know all the particulars, that I ‘can only refer them to Mr. Marshali, who is still living near Flemingsburg, Ky., who will willingly endorse all that I have said respecting those tormenting devils of the stomach. In this case, surely truth is stranyer than fiction. | Respectfully, | W.S. SHACKLEFORD. CLARKSVILLE, Tenessee. 2 = ORIENTAL WIT. A young man going on a journey in- trusted a hundred deenars to an old inan. ; When he came back, the old man denied |having had the money deposited with ‘him, and he was had up before the khazee. “Whore were you, yonny man, when you delievered this money ¢” “ Under a tree.” “ Take my seal and summon that tree,” said the Judge. ‘Go, young man, and ‘tell the tree to come hitner, and the tree will obey when you show it my seal.” The young man went in wonder. Af- ter he had been gone for some time, the khazee said to the old man: | “Ie is long—do you think he has got there yet?” “No,” said the old man, ‘it is at some distance; he has not got there yet.” | & Tfow knowest thon, old man,” cried the khuzee, ‘ where that tree is ¢” The young man returned, and said the ‘tree would not come, | “He has been here, young man, and lyiven his evidence—the money is thine.” WHOM TO MARRY. When a young woman behaves to her y parents in a manner particularly tender- ly and respeetfally, from prinetplo as well Ridge on Health and as nature, there is nothing good and gen- tle that may not be expected from her, in whatever condition she may be placed. Were | to advise a friend as to his choice of a wife, my first conusel would be, » “Took out for one distinguished for her attention and sweetness to her parents.’ The The fund of worth and affection indicated by such behaviour, joined to the habits duty and consideration thereby con- measnrod by the fact that she sail after tracted, being transferred to the married sistate, will not fail to render her a mild and obliging companion. — S/ar. | . _| How Coffee Came to be Used.—lt is) somewhat singular to trace the manner in which arose the use of the common | beverage, coffee, without which few per sons, in half or wholely civilized coantry | in the world, would seem hardly able to} exist. At the time Columbus discovered | America, it had never been known or} It only grew in Arabia and upper, Kthiopia. The discovery of its use as a beverage is ascribed to the Superior of a monastery, in Atabia, whe, desirous of From the Detroit Free Press, Jau. 4th A White Lleiress Klupes with a Negro ~—A youny girl named Sarah Judson, whose father lives on a fine property a avile or two from Pontiac eloped on Sat- arday and caine to Detroit. The partner of her flight was a black man, who had been in the employment of ber father for some tine in the capacity of a farm hand. The first intimation that the father had of the intention of the partics were convey ed by the fact of their flight hey um ; toon preventing: (he ier mediately crossed over to Win Iser upon PEC’ | ~ fally sensible tiatthey Met nocturnal services, made them drink reaching ee City, ful y a t » hecatieam afeakke anon Oe repent of never could accompiisi Cael : , ; Vemniiee dan i sherds, Wii ot designs on this snle, as no officia epg used. 1 s from sleeping at Unibatiiiad lar cler: Shes ; were More ci tyoatte rowsing cn Truce evcrent ranuensd] colben Corrie flare vely after browsing ¢ gytan could have been t dye fat alt hee in Its reputation have eo far transgressed the bounds of de cency to unite the couple, the appearance of the girl being such as would for tid the unian in the mind of any ray nothing of the law in individual was found in Can: formed the ceremony however, and the two were made one. They are ew tn Windsor, enjoying the sweets of the hou spre id through the adjacent countries wiabin about two hundred vears it reach ed Paris. A single y tint brought there in sixteen hundred and fourteen became the parent steck of al! the coffee planta: | tions in the West Indies. The extent of constiuption can new hardly be realized Poe United States alone annually cousume atthe cost of its landing, from fifteen: to evinoon, aan Ae, ae “The brother of the girl ¢ me on the oe eae uf el Ae ee rext day, arriving here we eine ee ae face, fay qPaoinedh tren ath av kocs alkene The ascertaining their whereabouts, wen A ecm, eve ite She wits ee a darger and paler yellow. The West tu dhan Rio uas a Linsh greenish grey Unt. ensivle mi, te Scuse, Doe la who per her and implored her to return however—loved Ler ebony contented, vn half—was happy in lus arms, and couldn t think of going back, The emotions of a brother at such a sizht can be better “-. Fall of an &rylite—The fi llowing de imagined than described, Some wen SCription of Tite Fall obarhwerolite, is wiven would bave blotted out their disgrace with toa fetter dated 9th of December, trom single blow, but he had Chuac, a village in the neighborhood of that it was no sin against God or man op iuee, France that his young sister should repose in the been taucht bont 7 o'clock this morning, we heard embrace of a negro, and at the same tine territic explosion, similar to the heavy calmly look him in the face and say at vd ota heavy clap of thander, which she was contented. He wenthome ashe oo nued at least five minutes. At the! bad come, alone. ; same time, we perceived a million of ; The girt is about eighteen alec i gparks in the air, followed by a black The family are said tos have oa 4 loud, which greatly astonisted pes tran iu society which re = meee While we were thus gazing at the hea- and the blow is consequently e The father is rien, and the girl ds i vebs, ab enormous stone, of a nature un known in this country, black and burn- an herress, which makes it very nice for Five te, (lll cabnere: An anh? lie on as Ie the African of her choice. Tie matte tle barn belonging to the widow Marie has caused an intense excitement in the one, Capercan, She was standing at her door, peighborboud where the patties are Wel tr crritied. she called for assis: : : & fe Foray Me orb and ’ = ku wn, the girl having been bern s ie, Iter heabbers Veaeuded to Ve brought op where her parents tesde. He dy raey went in the direction of ditticult to imagine any train of cCreut stances be wiiel a young and inter gent i, girl could be brought to form a cones on a eae Non so repugnant to ail cur senses Vet tiie fact exists. A more compiete for the crime of fanatic sin we bever beard of. The least we can wish is, that thie vd perceived an enorinous i) they endeavored to raise Up, Ooty They found, onl neat, thatit was perfectly calcinated, — Moutow “fie weailer ia cold, aud the neighborhood ‘ure covered with reak- the mountains father, undoubtedly well curcd of bits be- liefs by this time, may be alee to save bic ; ; daughter from the termble future which Die ogfa Circular Saw Throaen Thre: how opens to lier. The Free Press says 1! hot Abolitionist,” and las eated amalvation, and tee pirl hi. 1 reared under the demoralizing iotlucuces of suc shorrent princi The Detroit Fice Less lowing description of the peygro Wie re Quarters of a J —The Gettysburg We ; & Pa.) Coupiler says: “We have the information from a reli that, a tew davs aocir OpPeratron saw ine of Mr. John Bas Reading township. in this county, broke, HC SOUT CO, cular saw ii wt the tue tol distance of three the oid one piece flew a . ron the heart an i CdS) GHG) URN UBEEUY Gee paarters of a mile—-truck barn of young white heiress in tuatc \ e Mr. John Elliker. cntting through an inch 2 : were at 2 iittae aitis Vester Fi DG SU8G GR Ch Uae beard, then stitking th » leg of a WINnOWs day to get a sigtt of this modern Orhelio teeth This is an extra who had won a second hhary circumstance, but we are assur Vater prootofitumay still be seen ue Mi. bib ker’s barn.” broke Desdeior found a lean, long key, about hity y Wool showing off a counten fine ivory b.ack to ai iautlud advan In his escayy a shot in Ing tu the civpunce vl there ient a solitary ivory reheve the horrig cl ever he atten from the South be receive to the oo I winch adds note The other as wsa Harrisburg oP eol tis le ce commotion, and sy deanery iper, a hore bald eagle canglit Temnaitinge tea wid duck in the river Susquehannalh, tvawhs when- Ypposite Dancannon, Pennsy Ivannia, car ned ittea cake of ice which had lodged 2: noarock, and commenced bis feast. Da Br Eee An F Patoee ti ony it is supposed, that A MURDERER REVEALED Ue WO : us fect and heise froin the A miracuions aiscovery of a horrible ut te froze fast to the ice, and murder is related by a Belwian journal bein unadle to extricate himself, perish of a recent date, of which ed. He was seen flapping his wings uu suminary :—Two brothers, J Vdhark. There was a desire to capture from Gyek witl cwteat Nineriean,” bat Cotld et dauyliters at a | town of Grosswar sence, the Vouryest who was left at | er daring the night. and crv declared that ele saw lier ele and ali being mnrdere The moth- er. for some time, took no notice af the AWaihs hve lave tna (eo chiic’s declaration, but as she persisted, ‘ i‘ and would not be pacitied, she began to be wlarmed herself. and the next morn ny took the child before the Mayor of the town, tu whom she deciared ler dream, stating at the saine tine that the marde rers were two men living in the ne any borhood, whom she delioerately ied on account of the wrest mug ice between tin ant tie +2 and Lil yo Tn followin: —A Wes: father ate. vin —, some twen id uw the Cirenit the Pormaner in and county ot W— a back woods- man Was ariaiened and convicted of an The averavated ussanit upon bis Judge ordered the prisoner to stand up, and concluded a solenim anid appreciative pouted out, and added that the murder was com Tanith the entrance of the the rowed to Grosswarccn, vln nition by sentencing lit to ninety Wavs Hnprisontment, the last thirty which e was to be hept in soutary continement, and upon bread and water only. Jue prisoner, Who lived ina region where iuXuries were never known, and even the necessaries of life were scarce, reflected a forest, on or, after receiving this revela Htat proadent to tase inquiry » two ne cated by the they wer ates BURPICloUs Circulmstance Induced tie May or to dispatch some officers tu the forest alluded to by the child, who discovered 1 when git mnotnent, and replied, “Judge, say uheat ver ‘ =F cd to bea bread, and Vil pay Ti asen te from: home Wibsters Corting.—Daniel Webster the horrible spectacles of five bodies ex Arr 1 the woman be loved, and the tended on the ground, which were those (enty years which he lived with her of the two brothers, the two daughters, brought him to the meridian of his reat and the driver of the vebicle in which "ess. An anecdote is current on this subject, which is not recorded in the books. they all took their daparture. ‘The corp ’ Mr. Webster was becoming intimate with Bes appeared to have ail been set on fire, 60 as to destroy their vehicle horrible tragedy ded the amine t! they Miss Grace Pletcher, when a skein of silk. which he was holding for her to wind, was vetting into a knot, Mr. Webster as sisted in nnravelling the enarl—then look pounced tee wy te Mi-s Grace, he said, “We lave heizhbors ata fam not fardistant,as they Unt eda knot, don’t you think we conld were in the ae TE Om hlentitvy ane the Was nowhere discoscred. ‘This officers te ex ) Whee ne ehboruood, whi fortunately pom the two very net of ¢ uv Grace was a little embarrass notes on whieh some spots af rtoawere @CL Sido nota word, but in the conrse of Visible. On being seized they iinme vfewomonntes she ned a knot ina }iece ately confessed their crime, and on the of Gipe amt I Litto Mr. Wo ‘This child's dream being revealed to them. ne. Pheee of tape, the thread of his domestic knowledved the finger of Providenee in vs, Was tonne after the death of Mer their capture. Tis wonderful dre un « Webster, preserved as one of lis iost the part of the child, aud ats fuitiiient, Pee DIVES GI GS? excited an immense ser youn t Qa neighborhood. tne dies aft ray Hath werner hic erostarthing facts whicl The Africans that went Wiest ] Goat sh contemporatios brings ! at tine cle vratizine hee Montgomery Confelontedeo: Lacie oe : DU za talT¢ wou Is the rave state says that the lot of filty ius t Mra Pavlor was cleeted passed through that plaice a few days ay rontlenit, bre rerneas lit ID ( are quictly qnartered on the planta TO SUNN ON Git Vii | Pi neg Satine loneieliccaee of } an residing t t fry - } fa gentleman residing Marty ti ven Wi ly rea miles of that city, where they are bey s Phe taroed ont all the clerks reernited from the hardships of their voy Hes e i Broadway age, preparatory to taking their place in sae the field. Vie Confederation adds that A Bare Beauty - X whole inilitary “twoofthe miscrable wretches have died Company in Dayton, Quio, a short tin since their arrival at the place of destina ce, fein Tove with a beawafal: young tion, and that many others are reduced ty lly, a dewess and as they coutdw't all the yrave’s brink by the sufferings and have her they compromised the matter by hardships of the mniddle passage.” selecting her as their captain State Neiwhorn i CAROLINA WATCHMAN. SEINE IR I ayo ©. TUESDAY EVENING, JAN pet A Convention of Elders and Dea cons of the Synod of North Carolina will be held in Raleigh on Tuesday, the 15th February. Youxa Mes’s Cunistrax Assocra rion. Mr. L. Buackmer will deliver an address before this Association in the Presbyte- ‘rian church, in this place, on Saturday evening next. The New Cent Con.—Mr. J. Ilersuian, left at our office on Tuesday It is a little larger and thicker than the dime, One last one of the new one cent coins. ofa lustrus color. On one side it has the the head of an Indian, crowned with feath- ers and bearing the inscription, Usrrep the laurel wreath, encircling the words oNE It is a beautiful most likely come into general use. see set Stevenson & and retail Dry Goods-men, on North 3rd Srarks oF AMERICA} On reverse a CEN t coin, and will Bowen, wholesale Str, Philadelphia, it will be seen by re- ference to our advertising columns, have Mr. Dantet, Ziw 5 sulnton, N.C. We once heard a very intelligent man say, Worth Sane of the west.” Tle was speaking of Alabama, We shall be wlad to lave it pass to a proverb touch- associated with them SITIES Net Carclinians are the Mississippi and Arkansas. ing ler sons wherever they may ream, In the above case, itis evident that Mr. ZivMteMas lias merits to commend hii, and to do eredit to his old mother, the State. Suecess to lin oc Te Wan last, in all their gay and dashing trap- Our Artillery was out on Saturday ‘ings, for parade and target firing en vements did not adimit us to be pre sent at the contest for the two silver prizes; but we learn that Mr. Ciarres Birarenaw took the prize, fring with the and Mr. Joun A Raseay took the other in the contest with cannon, at SOO vardss Muskets. We learn the shooting, both with Cannon aod Muskets, was very good. Long live the Artilery. On Thursday the 18th inst, this Com- pany appeared on our streets as a Caval- Ey: Company, and attracted very ven- eval interest. Their Commander, Capt Danby, seemed to be thronghly ‘posted” in-all kind of military tactics, and those under him, rarely ever fail to compre hend and perform with facility and pre- cision all lis orders. The Artillery isa vallant corps, beyond doubt. ais Sp gp.—We are this mor ‘n+ advised ofarenoarkable instance of railroad speed, Which should not yo unnoticed. A hex uo oWhich we are tateriaily interested, and have tried for six weeks to vet from Salisbury, was forwarded from that place on the sri of December, (so we are in formed, thengh our rarroad receipt is dated the 31st and actually reached Ra- leh on the loth of Jannaryv,—only 16 or ddays by radroad 120 miles, freigdt Will not enter prizing individual set Up an opposition Nhe of Wagens or ox carts, to wo through in halfthe time? Tf any one will, he may Count Upon one customer. —Fuy. Ob. ~ 1 pad in advance. Rote trains lave run as usnal. It of the Aornd, the life of trade, so hurry up the ox cart [tisn't But opposition is the It used to be a good institution and line why not again. Fire at Neudrn.—We learn from the Newbern 2’rogress, that on Monday morn- ing, between 8 and 9 o'clock, a fire broke the of Mr. Geo. Bishop, on Beard Street, ont an large steain factory works The fire caught while the hands were at breakfast, and the flames spread so rapid ly that the shops, machinery, lumber, and every thing else on the promises was en veloped in flames before anything could Mr. Bishop's residence was saved ina damaged eondi be done tor their rescue. tion. Loss between sixteen and seventeen thousand dollars, and no insurance. Mr Dishop was engaged in) manufacturing Es window olinds, sashes, doors, ete. eo A free woman of color burnt to death in her house in Washington, N.C, had was ou Sanday night the Gth inst. She put ber children to bed and waa sitting by the fire, when her clothes canght ina aze and resulted fatally, Whiskey A wary friend sends us a imartiace netice, with this remark ¢ ‘Tnelowed yon will finda er troublesome paper, but tis the evilenee of the beyinning of ‘ frowhls Vat it can possible put yon to 2 We see it stated that Dunean K Muftue, [:- jo Whe, it War romored some Hine aye, was going to make Newhbern his future place of residence, has finally ) decided to remove to Knexville, Tenn., toengaye in the praetice of law, in con nection with Col Baxter, formerly of this Nowe kera From our Correspondent. Rarkion, Jan. 15. The following of the ratified Acts for the week, have an interest fur some of your readers An act to restore Jury trials in Linculu Coun ty. An Act to incorporate the town of Mount Pleasant, in Cabarrus County. Ao Act to incorporate Davenport Female Col- lege at Lenoir. An Act to incorporate N.C. College at Mount Pleasant. An Act to amend the Act incorporating the town of Lenoir. The Revenue Bill has been under discussion On Monday, a short discussion occurred on the seetions taxing every day this week until to day. Jand and polls, but a ruting of the Speaker stop ped amendments and debate, and cut the mat ter short by proceeding to the next section, The next amendment of importance was striking out the whole section that lays a tax of three cents on each gallon of distilled liquors, wines or cordials made and sold within the State.— Phe pext section was amended so as to tax all liquors brought into the State ten cents per gal Jon and per bottle, instead of six cents, The ar guments were that it would encourage the home manufacture of pure fquors, and where people were disposed tu use foreign mixtures, they might afford to pay for them, It was sugvested, too, that many of our people were beginning to turn their atteativa to: the growth of vineyards, and the manufacture of wine, and this tax would im inediately put a stop toit. The section relating to horse-traders, Was so amended as to make it apply only to drivers living in other States.— Note shavers are made to pay one per cent. in stead uf one half of une per cent. ‘The tax on weapons is to apply only when they are worn about the person. ‘The tax on sideshows of cir- cuses is made $15 instead of &10. players, &e., $20 instead of $40. ling alleys $10. On stage Private bow- The merchants’ tax is amend ed so that it does not apply to the purchases of Au addi Uonal section taxing gipsies 8100 for every coun- produce or manufacture of the State. ty. This is a short summary of all the amend The Lill reading, reecommitted and or ments which have been made. Wats puosed its second dered to be printed. Tt will again come up as it special order on Tuesday next. The chair gave notice that he should nut be rigid in ruling dis cussion out of order on its next reading. You will notice that many Whiss voted walnst it. ‘This was so for various reasons. Some be cause they were opposed to certain features of the bill, others because they were opposed to the system (if there be any system init) upon which But I H the bil was gotten up. have no doubt the fact that Mr. Fries 0 directly appealed to the ipguivs racy to sustain him, and they so general Iv did so, and the fact that he alluded to the fac Hous opposition ty the bill, and rather dictaton ally intimated that it was not only the duty of his party, but also of the whole Legislature to allie He will learn sustain the | or wrotg. however, if he has not already, that where men’s woekets and thetr chances for coming back are concerned, bis word, nor any one else's is baw A bill « ts third re interest to your county has passed sading in the House, to alter the term of Rowan Superior Court to be extended to two Lo-day, in the Senate a large number of pr te bilis were wssed their 2d and 3) readines Only one, however, relating to your section, A bill to icorporate Pleasant Grove | The bill to N.C. Military Tustitute at Charlotte also 4 Crreenes tmp Ground nu [ tiet Cour incorporate thie asser In the House the bulto charter the Railroad © and The bill to create a freeboUl homestead also pass boro’ and Danville pany passed its 81 reading Was dis cussed a short while edits 34d reading, with an amendment that the homestead should not excecd in value ¥500 The bill to establish the Bunk of Salisbury was then taken up. Mr Reeves moved that part relating to the Branch at Mt. Airy by strik ing ont the words “in gol TL silver” and in inequivalent.” Mr. Tilbot Halifax and Mr ejected. Mr. Hall of tlalifax moved to strike ont the 1oth section —- Japt the bill to the form of the charter of specie banks, and that le mere Flaming opposed it. Mr. Fleming had tried toa ad thrown such restrictions on it as he thought would be of use Hill of Halifax, Tbeheve restricts the Bank to the issue of &20 ss. Adopted. that the Bank should pay a bonus of $10,000 to Amendment adopted, Mr another amendment, which Mr. Clapp an) amendment the State for the charter, Mr. Fleming thought such a provision would be dishonorable to the States it looked too much bke selling privil est bidder. res to the his Mr. Clapp thought that ito wa Vocustom ine times past to ask a bonus Mr. Fleming wished to know if either of the banks in Greenesborough bad passed such a bo nus. No answer, Mr. Clapp called for the yens and nays, but the call did not tind a second Amendment voted down unanimously. tis the first time in the Legistatuée that I ever knew a call for the yeas and nays to go unanswered Mr. Benbury an amendment thataf the Bank ever suspended, holders of notes should have the right to warrant and sue any one or all of the stockholders, Mr. Fleming said that there was no other Bank in the State which had such a provision in oats charter, Mr. Benbary said it was time it was instituied, and made some al Sank, Mr. Morehead opposed the amendment and said concerning the lusions to the Farmer's Farmers Bank thatif the bead Bank was moved to Grecnesborough no one would ever have cause to complain, ‘The exll for the yeas and naysoon Cis hardly met with a second, and but for at the till would have passed before the hour of adjourninent carne Amendment rejected by yens 5, nays YS Thave no doubt the tll will go through on Monday, Mr. Fleming is of the most generally popular men in the TPouse, be personally one sides. too, every one seeme to think that if any place needs a Bank, it is Salisbury The Dhanoerats cancuseed on the Trustees for | rity not lone since, and nominated six of the thorteen Phir nominees ares Paul Cam eroam, W am Lander, Jolin J. Jackson, De Watt ee \. M. Scales that and Robert P) Hart. 1 am happy to say some of the mest promt nent Democrats would not go inte a eaueus Phe past week has heen one of some festivity Pwo partios have been given exclusively to gen One by WOR McKesson, of Morgan ton, wae prepared and served in excellent atyle hy WK tlemen er of the Oak City House. The other by M. H. Mordecai, at his residence. O ‘ed authority¢ He quietly produced a, Good Move—Governiment Eependitures. course, there was avy quantity of good drinking. Report from an Examining Committee, | A LOOKER ON. We copy from the Fayetteville Obser- In our 3 aoa the most important da- jcertifying that the North Curolina rail- ty now before Congress is that of a redue- jroad was the cheapest built railroad in) tion uf expenditures. A few days since, the country. And to this Report was} we copied some pertinent remarks from ver the following stirring account of a signed the name of thissame Mr. Dortch!) the Washington Séates, on the subject. distinguish member of the present Leg- islature of North Carolina—a gentleman’ whom we have always delighted to honor. We have also seen a display of his powers,—on one occasion when beset by hungry democrats who sought to kick lim ont of the Presidency of N. C. R. R. Coy ders a lesson that day, that would do him We thought he taught Gen. Saun good the balance of his life. There were some younger gentlemen engaged in that affair, who were doubtless benetitted ; but Gen, aunders lost by the difficulty there is Sin teaching old birds new tricks.” We had seen the “ Glorious Old War Tlorse,” putting out his strength on other and very different occasions: but that was a day to remember. oe Nice Glorious Old War Horse. —This was the soubriqnet gallantly won in the inemorable campaigus of 1340 and 1842 by Gov. Morehead. We have been for- cibly reminded of it, and of some of the rich scenes of those days, by a yraphic description, related to us by a friend who was present, of the scene in the House of Cominons on Saturday last. Asin 1840 he vanquished the democracy, with equal ease discomfiting Gen, Saunders and his Colonels and Captains in) the various countics, so in 1842 he gave a quietus to his opponent Mr. Henry ina single day’s discussion under our Town Tfall—a dis Clssion never to be forgotten by any one who heard it. It was commenced at 11 clock A. Mo and continued without any intermission for meals until 9 35 PL M., tore than 10g hours; atthe end of which the victory was so apparent as to be free- ly confessed by the democrats. After be ing thus thoroughly beaten at every point, at his own home, Mr. Henry never met his opponent ayain, whilst the old) war horse was as fresh as if he had been en saved thea child's play all dav. Phen, as now, Gov. Morehead’s private affairs were dragvzed inte the dise Ile was required to tell how inuc owed the banks, how he had invested | money, &e Withal marked his manner last week, when the Speaker wished to interpose to stop the sston the coolness wiich personal es indulved towards liom, he said, * Ob let) liam yo on fee time, allowed his opponent to rant about “the debtor being slave to the crediter,” and therefore a debtor tothe banks being! unfit to be Governor, Every body sup- posed that lis oppenent had hin there [le was amanufacturer, he bided lis miller, a ininer, atmerchant, a blacksmith, a tanner, a far mer, and we are not sure bata shoema her and a saddler to boot, We don't mean that he personally carmed on all the branches of Dusitness, bat that he had set up deserving. menin each of them, ie furnishing the capital His Opponent very naturally supposed thatone so |i iveengaged in business minst the banks, and so, in the extremity of tis de owe eat, be charged 3 and the democrats were in logh feather, and the Whigs corr yon uly depressed, in expectation of the an -wer that they supposed would come. As we have said.the Governor coolly bid And never chop fallen set than the democrats, or a time. have we se more enthusiastic set than the whigs when the time ded come. Tle did not owe any ank a dollar! He had invested Aca own ymeyoin Various enterprises, by which be assisted worthy men, and tm And then came the retaliation for this prying inte these proved and enriched his State. private affairs It was like drawing eye teeth to drag out the investinents lis op ponent had made, not for the improve mentof North Carolina, not for the assis tance of worthy men in his own State, but in bank stocks and State stocks «ot Ohioand New York, and ve (éttse? in It was a scene to be remem- ered; and we doubtif one of his present assatlants would have ventured upon such dangerous vround if they in June Is42. Louisiana. had been here Our informant, who heard and remem hers all this, as well as we do, says that that the Governor was even greater on Saturday last than then. Tle) had assaved by Dridgers of Fdyecombe, Dortch of Wayne, and other leading dem- ocrate, opponents of the Danville connec tien, Mr ariclous been Bridvers had imputed an ‘ay pint’ to the Governor. In re ply he said that he had invested edyAty wren thousand dollars in rail reads for the improvement of North Carolina. THe desired to know muck the gentle man from Edgecombe had thus invested ¢ Do you desire an answer now ? said Mr Bridgers. Certainly!) And Mr. Brid how vers replied that he owned one share | (nominal valne $100) in the Wilmington | and Weldon road, (which rans through} lis own county.) more “avaricious” apirits as Gov. More: | head, and fewer of such patriots as Mr. If we only had Gov. More- lead in this town, we woold gnarartee the speedy completion of the Coalfields Railroad, with or without State aid. Te who safely carried through the North Ca roling road, which no other man could have done, would infuse some of Ads sort Dridgers. of avarice (very different from the com: | the cold) hearts which could not bat build our road. Tf he were here, he would never rest until he enlist ed every owner of coal and iron lands in the work, and either persuaded them or shamed them into helping Fayetteville to do their work. thon sort,) ito Having thus effectually Mr. Bridgers, it was Mr Te aposed of Dortceh’s turn This yentleman had delivered hin ‘startling developments” im regard to extravagance on the N. Caro lina railroad whilst under the Presiden cy of Gov, Morehead. This of course de rived ypreat weight the fact Mr Dortch has long been one of the State's self of some * from Directors in the road, and was therefore presuined to have avatled himself of his Opportunities to secure full and reliable information on all the financial operations of the Governor. He sentinels placed by Democratic Gover nore to see that the State lad justice done to her. Ife arraigned Gov. Morehead before the House ax guilty of extravagant expenditures of the State’s money. And what reply conld the culprit make toa charge from such a bigh and well inform was one of those And 80 on through the catalogue of Gov. Morelead’s accusers. He brushe: them off like mosquitoes—those lean fel- lows who keep up a prodigious buzzing without having the power to sting. We imagine that some of them felt like creep ing through a key hole, whilst, as oar in forinent says, the towering form of the old veteran seemed to expand to the di mensions of the side of a house. Long live the old patriot and: states: man, to labor for his State and to con- found his enemies, whether political or persoual !—Fiuyetlevdlle Observer, oo COM ESSION AL. Wasuinaros, Jan, 21.—In the Senate onamotion ot Mr. Hunter, a resolution of inquiry was adopted whether it is notad- visable to transfer the Revenue cutter ser- vice trom the Treasury tu the Navy De partiient. The private calendar was tuken up, and the private but. animportant Lille were passed. The Louse was engaged upon private | bills of an unimportant character. The President has replied to the Sen ate resolution, amd says that there has been no correspoudcoce in relation to the porchase of Cuba other than what) lias been already published. He reiterates what he said in his message upon that subject. 2. PROM SALT NINE: Sr. Louis, January 13, A gentleman from Salt Lake, Novem: | ber zoth, gives a painful account of the offering among the men and anitnals on the Platus, in consequence of the cold — Men were found frozen to death at nearly every station, Ten of Maj. Russell's men were frozen to death at one tine, The snow was very deep andthe weath er colder than bas been known for thirty vears, The mercury stood twenty seven de yrees below zero. CHA LESTON MAGN WIM Charleston, January 20. Sales of cotton te day 4,600) hales—ot the week 17,000 bate, Prices have advanced Good middling 11 Be. ALW GQELEASS ALAILKEL, New Orleans, January 20, Sales of cotton yesterday 4,000 bales prices generally unchanged. The stea mers news had uo effect upon the mar het. — NEW YORK MARKET vew York, January 20, Sales of cotton to-day 6,500 bales —at anadvance of go. Middiing 124.0 Sales of the three days 16,000 bales. Diewdstuths buoyant, Hplands FONEE TRIE OEIC TOUS TONG TUE SON TE Boston, January 1: Additional intelligence from Hlayti says anew governibent lad been formed by the revolutionists, and a decree issued, reviving the Repabl 1846, denouncing Sout migue’s adiministrat an Constitution of dion, robbing himof all power, and an thorizing Gethard to call together the Leg- islature. Goxk Down. —The “barge” &e., went down the riveron Tuesday and probally arrived at Wil did not hear the big guns up here, bat that they off, the whole By the way, wouldi’t it have nington yesterday. We SNP pose wert hundred, been betterto lave fired 120 pune? 2ente for cach ton ef coal instead of 2 yuus for each day of the tripe But 120 enns or 100 anna, the shooting in all very wetl: “Shoot folly as it flies.” fly often, wor fast, and when it does the gunners should let tly at 1G No guns were fired here, asthe Herald supposes, about the passage of the Rail read bill thronel the Senate. Unlike our Wilmington friends, we don't go off at half-cock, but desire something com plete and useful before indulging ino re The bill has not yet passed the House of Commons, and if it should, a may possibly be so amended as to make it us useless (it Cannot be as inyuriousy an the present WB ad DLT. dames and locks. fuyctteville Observer, This one doesn’t OCI gs joleings. THE BLUE RIDGE RATLROAD. We publish in this morning's issue, the Would that we had) result of the mecting of the stockholders, of this road, held in Charleston on the! Sth inst. Tt will be seen that the work will be proseented, but, of course, with the restricted resources: of the Company, it inust be of slow progress. We are in- formed that the private stockholders are fall ready to comply with their pledges, borers in the Island. i and to promptly pay up their instal- ments.— South Carolinian, FARMERS BANK MONEY. An esteemed correspondent in the Wes tern part of the State aska us: “Will yon please let me know how the Farmers’ Bank at Elizabeth City stands @ Are its bills current in Is there likely to be anything done by the Leyislature that will canse them to rise to par?” The first and third qnestions we are un In reply to the second we will say, that the Farmers’ Bank bille, payable at Elizabeth City, are from 15 te 20 per cent. under par here, We got off the last we had at 15 percent. We hope the Legislature will do something to step taleigh ¢ able to answer. the logsea the people are sustaining by this depreciated currency. Ral. Standard. oe The Couneil General of West Indies have voted the introduction the French of 18,000 iminigrants 11,000 Chinese. considered 7,000 Africans and This large number was necessary mn consequence of the great and increasing desertious of la tions, oS prigid: and economical ‘the Government. The expenditures have reached an evor- mous amount. We have proposed schemes fur establishing protectorates over Mexi- co—war debts for Oregon—the Paraguan expedition—the French Spoliation bill— Old Soldier's bill—all before Congress. If these pass, we should be forced to a tariff whose rates would gratify the appe- tite of the most rapacious protectionists in the country. In addition, there is a pro- position to purchase Caba, This would require $30,000,000 to intiate negotia- senator Brown, of Mississippi, it is said, goes for the round and handsome appropriation of €LO0,000,000. This, he thinks, would put suflicient strength in Mr. Bachanan’s hands. With all these --not tomention Utah wars, Vacitie Rail- roads, Florida wars, Texas wars and in- crease of the navy—who can conceive the prodicions increase in expenditures t Under the present iniquitous system of raising supplies through our indirect sye- tem of taxation, which protects the man- ufacturing interest and throws in support, as well as that of the Government, on the agricultural interest, who does not see how severely this latter must suffer, un- less prompt measures be taken for re- trenchinentt We are pleased to see that Senator Johnson, of Tennessee, bas intro- duced a resolution calling for the appoint mentof a special cammittee to obtain from the Prosident all the aid and infor- ination which he promised he would fur- nish if called upon, and to report a bill to reduce the expenditures to an honest, administration of We hope the matter wilt be promptly acted upon, and the line of conduct will be that which Senater Simons, of Rhode Island, proposed. It inust hotend in a proposition to catdown the pay of some clerk. Tf we want re- trenchinent, “attack the lions, the large This isthe most important move if the session Tt does not smack of those bational and national necessity,” bat of honesty and retrenctament, We ti pe the mattor will be pressed and the rygit inen placed on the linportant committee, —South Car. itets, costly plirases, houer” DE MEE NOMEN ESC LOO We published, last year, & soine what lenuthy circular, concerning the Female Normal School auder the management of Rev. WoT. Laxcnos, at High Point, N. C. We think its peculiar features entitled itte public patronage, and appeal to all for encouragement, and under that view we then gave it the benetit of our columns as we also doayain. We invite attention to the sulbjoined paragraphs copicd from acircular before us: Benevolent Ferlurea, means to poor young ladies as wish to be teachers, and auch are credited for the entire amount of tui- tion until they can totch and pay o. Our plan embodies these leading features. — We are employing all our . oe effect the education o such 1 Tt proposes not only to edueate young ladies of ineans, bat also such as are not wsoudequately provided for, if provided for atall, in any other Female bostitution State. 20 Tt invelves no humilia- ting conditions, but such as are honorable and reasonable. 3. Jtisarelf sustaining plan, being based apon a plain business puncte. A principle that underlies and sustains the business operations of the ld. A prin- cipal that creates no invidous distinctions. That hax no charity scholars. Female Schools properly managed yield a profit. Pat protit loaned te suel young ladies accomplishes the work. Our ability to educate this class, therefore, is in exact in the we Cex the loan yu cncipal, fanio to the patrobage we receive fro others. Sach are not beneficiaries bat loan pu- pils, and entitled to all the privileges of others in the Tustitution. We have been cnyaged in this work for years and demonstrated that itcan be done, And we expect to devote our life to the extenston of this work thronghout the leneth and breadth of the South. Young Ladivs Wishing to be Educated Sor Teachers. There is a great and growing demand for Bonthern Female Teachers. The de- mand in this State alone far exceeds the supply. Ladies who teach the English Branches only, and for small saleries, would do well to study the Ornamentals, and secure through our aid more lnerative positions, We will guarantee sitnations to all who may be educated in this Inati- tution, Applicants tor aid willstate their age, the branches they have studied, ex- perience in teaching, if any, and whether can pay for their board, books, &e. request their influence in securing paying pupils for the Institution. Special Advantages. We are selecting young ladies to be cedueated for teachers, that are far ad- vanced in their studies, and that have had considerable experience in teaching, and the edneation of this clasa is produc- tive of great benefit to all the other papils. 1. Itynaranties theemploy ment of none but experienced and competent teachers, jas such only can complete the education of such young ladies. 2. Such youn ladies appreciate the necessity of ee government, and their intlnence is given to iaintain it. 3. They are from neces- sity economical in their expenditures, and thus exert a restraining influence on oth- ors. 4. They are diligent students, and so stimulate othera to study. 5. They must be thoroughly trained in the elemen- tary branches, and other pupils must necessarily share in the benefits of such instruction, 6. Many of them intend to teach that they may aid widowed mothers, or educate orphan brothers and sisters, and soch present a noble object before others which must win them to deeds of benevolence and mercy. 7. They are generally of deep prety; and their influ- ence is salutary both for “the life that now is, and for that whieh ia to come.” These ben: fita outioergh all that can be di rived from any Inatitution not edieat- any this class Two brothers in Maine, by the name of Rich, have been lately tnarried to two sistors by the name of Winge, and have removed to THlinois. The “riches have taken to theinselves wings.” aa n be A held pro} the side wus Gwi on | ate Shie imp ring tion The nies (poss gon ee 7 SHINGTON ITEMS. Wasninaton, Jan, 6. THE OVERLAND MALL. | Sr. Louis, Jan. 21.—The overland mail with | At a cancus of Democratic Senators, Ronit b * lield on Saturday, Mr. Slidell’s bill, ap-°"° di be Lomeli oa. propriating thirty millions of dollars for! The President's message reached San Francis- the purchase of Cuba, was favorably con- Co 0" the 26th of December, in nineteen days | Apples dried, It hardly Baeu, at . eouwax, was Messrs. Douglas, Iverson, Toombs, meets the expectation of the people on the sub- Beef, sidered. Atmony those voting in its favor and twelve hours from St. Louis, | dates from Calfornia to the 27th, bas arrived, with Sulishury, .V. C., January 25, 1859. | J. R. VOGLER, | | OF SALISBURY N.C, | WITH THE MARKETS onan ere ln R. & N. DART & CO., 50 » 125| Lead Bar, 8 10 Importers and Jobbers of go id) * White, 10 012 ‘ | 20 a 23 Molasses Cuba, 34 045 YY A N Q Q Q v $8 » 5a 6 uu N.O. 55 a 65 / » b ‘ . Gwin, Slidell and Davis. The Committee ject of the Pacific Railroad. ee : 1518 ‘ ‘i Meruress 450 oy 28 Warren Street, ‘orel Pai i wer i A F CANDLES— 8 (Cut 5 on Foreign Affaire will ceport the bill it~ Yates from Victoria to the 18th December -patiow “aac ORE ae | New York. 2 Lew daye. Messrs. Luuter, Mason and speak of great sufferings on Frazer river from Adimansine, 24030 OILS LINSEE D— | Will be pleaned to see ull his old frends when vis Shields thought any action at this time | WoT E bd fr bere: Coffee Riv, 12gu 14 + ‘Tanners, 50290 iting the City. impolitic. An attempt will be made da-' 07% HOCH DERG TOE MMO AGS ines, 17 4 22; ‘Potatoes, trish, 1.00 a 125 Jan 1B, 1559. 3034 ring this week to pass the French Spolia- ly, with 125 passengers was frozen in on her way Cotton, Wall Sweet 90 a 100 tion bill under the previous question, UP- There being no provisions on board the inate Varn pry Ree ee 175 0 2.00 New Orleans Nucor The Government has ordered tive compa. passengers attern »ted to go to furt Langly over-) + Meal. 6U a 70 ‘Sheeting Bro. 9 a 10 = . ‘ me I 8 By 2 : | nies of United States troops to act as land, and whilst a heavy snow was falling, lost Dota oes SLT “i : iN AND . : b \ posse comatus with Medary aguiust Mont- their way. After three days inexpressible suffer Peathers perlb, 3035 4 Clarified, 11h a 13) 2 | MOLASSES. ymmery, in Kansas. ae y which si t re onen to Flour per bbi. 4.00 «455 Tallow, [Ufa 32 ee ae ; ; rau yy ing, during which six of them wery frozen to Flour Pp ce AHA oeE Wie White, 90010 [250 WH DS. of PRIME to CHOICE - - - death, the weather moderated, and the steamer, fron) Bar) Re “Red, HO a 90 aren : . THE CLVIL WAR IN KANSAS. { getting free from the ice, took the survivurs tu Lard, 10 4 12 Wool, 25 a 30 NEW C TROT? TETG LU EES Sr, Louis, Jan. 15. {Fert Langly. A special messenger from Governor Medary to Governor Stewart arrived ut Jetfersun City yesterday. He reports | that Montyomery is fortifying binself near the Missouri line, that United States troaps have been sent to that region, and that” : volunteers are being raised as rupidly as following correspondence between Amos | possible. Six hundred muskets passed Kendall, when he was Postinaster Gener: | through Jetferson City on Weduesday tor al, and a postinaster down in Alabama, | Kansas. A petition was in circulation at Victoria for the removal of Governor Douglas. Mining operations had almost entirely ceased | | Going the Rounds Again. —Most of our older readers unduubtedly remeuiber the ‘from whom Mr. Kendall wished to learn ‘the source of the Tombigbeg river. It) CONGRESSIONAL. iwill bear a reprint. Wasuitoron, Jan. 15. “Sins * * * This Department desires The Senate was nut in sessiun to-day. jto know how far the Tombighee River) In the tlouse, on motion of Mr. Stephens runs up. * bd * * * the action on the French Spoliation till Respectfully yours, &e., was postponed until the first day of Feb A. K., Postunaster- General.” ruary. The reply was brief and ran thus: | The House was mostly engaged to day * * | in Committee of the Whole in tue discus gion on the revenue laws. So here goes: | AS 3 run up at all * The Tombigbee dvesu’t it runs down, | Very respectfully, &., a0 \ No AFFAIRS IN FLORIDA. | correspondence in this stvle: The Postmaster General continued the Savannau, Jan. 13. r i Ca oo Ww Ge Vane Ayan ments 2 The Tampa Peninsular, of the Sth, says Sik: Your appointment as post that Col. Rector arrived on the 6th, with aster at You willturn te over the funda, papers, d&c., pertaining to is revoked, a delegation of Western Seminoles, make a lust effurt tu remove the Florida Indians The Savannah and Cebatelegraph line has been commenced, and will be rapidly your ottice, to Your silecessor, Respeettully, A. hk, Desires General.” | And the witty po-tunaster closed with extended to Fernandina, through South- this parting shot: | western Georgia and Florida. “Sint * * The revenues of this office for the quarter ending September 30th, have been 95 cents; Itsexpenditures same Private Secretary —Goy. Ellis has ap pointed Graham Dey es, bsq., of Unie town, period tor tallow candles and twine, were his Private Secretary. Mr. Daves is a O35. [trust my successor is instruct | young ge ntleman of” ruperior education cd tu adjust the balance due ine. B aud very pleasing address, and will we Most respecttully, We ’ doubt not, make the Governor a most ex- be r cellent Secretary. — .Vewbern Daily [ro wale Yl 3s. Mr. Bruner, Psend you the weight of i 4 Hogs which T killed on the 40a inst, Dr. Edwin Hickman, who died near 25 months old, 408, 392, 405, 395, aver Greenock, Arkansas, last month, was one of the oldest citizens of the valley of the Mise ssippi, [le was a native of Surry county, North Ci c r ‘ . +} asing 400 cach lishanm your pa and oblige your friend. ¢ A.M.GOODMAN, ? vlina, where be wis This I want you to pab- WHEAT—White, PORK 7 «7 | 300 Barrells of choice New Crop New Orleans ; = Syrup and Molasses, daily expected from New Or FAYEITEVILLE MARKET, Jag. 17. teans, for sole by \ HATHAWAY & CO CONT t Tl a lid) . rae FEE, per ib 4) Witmingion, N.C., Jan. 10th, 1*39, — p'd2:34 Kuo, 12,0 135 | , ieee ol TG Office Western N. C. Rail Road. St. Domingo, 20 v0 FLOUR, per barrel— Wanted IMMEDIATELY, | Family, 2 a . an | JQOR THE WESTERN N.C RATL ROAD, 50 Superfine, eas 2 on |B NEGRO MEN to be employed om the construc. Fine, ee tion aud repairs of suid Road, between Salisbury and r 4 v vo ) \ : ho hyerlipik— ee Newton. Apply at this office | GRAIN, per bushe O06 JAMES C. TURNER, Eng. and Sup't. | Ween Ay a ti 00 Salisbury. Jan. 3d, 1859 Bw32 | heat, < _ Oats, 50 a 50 : \ pose 75 a 0 WO Exchange and Collection Office. ; 90 a 1 00 . : a oe | CAR pert ani SALISBURY, N.C. SPIRITS, per gallon—- I M PREPARED TO BUY AND SELL NEW Peach Brandy, 00 a l 04 York Exchange, Specie, State Stocks and uncur- | Apple do. new 70 «0 UO | ent Bank Bills. Money received on deposit, and ac- N.C. Whiskey, 50 a 55 | counts opened subject to checks Rye do 65 a 7 | Especial atiention paid to collection of claims and Rectified do. 40 a 45 | remittances made promptly on diy of payment NAILS, cut, per keg 44 005 JOUN McRORTE IRON, per b— Salisbury, Jan. 3, 1059 &132 English, 4a 0 Sweedes, common bar, 64a 00 ue NORTH CAROLINA MUTUAL LIFE wide, aga 00 | INSURANCE COMPANY, tusures the lives jof all healthy persous from 14 to 60 years of age, for W, per Ib 10 a 00 [ine yenrs forseven years and for Jife. | \) HIDES, per lb— Also all slaves from 10 to 60 years of age for one Dry, & a 10 00 | year or five years, for two-thirds their value, wllow Green, 6 a 00 [ing the #laves to go South or South-west without ex- SALT— | tra charge. | Liverpool, persack, 150 a 00) All losses paid punctually within 90 dave afier sat- | Aluin, per bushel, 60 a 00 | isfactory proof J.M. HORAH, Agent. | MOLASSES, per galion— | Salisbury, Jan. 11, 1*59. 33-5 Cuba, 30a 31 ; New Orleans, 45 8 50 N ray x1) Ds SUGAR, per lb— | pt () | I( kk. ada, 00 | CINHE firm of Mille & Moone having (his day made an assignment of their Siock of Goodw, Notes z A r ie al alg Ad and Accounts to ine as Trustee for the benefit of the VORFOLK MARKET. harchlamt 2), Sibel, one) MUNG ee Mba, Reported Weekly by all persons indebted to either of the above concerns, ROWLAND & BROTHERS, | are respecifully requested to come forward and settle ane TAT ECE | without delay as the business of the firuy must be | closed. Be prompt and save cost For the Watchman, JAN. 20, 1559. | Jacos E. Moose is my authorized agent to se'tle Ka ky UP the notes and 4 Stock of Goods. ‘The goods will be closed oat atlow RCONGEW caloric tiu dere ini, and ell che remarning do Rides, 10 « 00 {> NC. aud Va. Hog round, 11 a tH): Ggures. . ARD—N.C and Va. No. 1, bola. and kegs, 0 a 12 | Those indebted to the above firm, by note or ac- us ENG oh aes ‘ Gal) (count, are hereby notified to make immediate pay - ment, as only a very short Gime will be allowed be LOUR—Family, A Extra. - fore the claims will be put out for collecuen by an Superfine. officer JAS W.CLARK, Trustee ORN—White and Mixed, Jan 11, 1659 133 | Yellow, " 110 a) 20 whi mole New Crop Molass giso ow’ 600 HHDS. OF (BETO Se EAS—Black Eye, new he Tted and Bleck old 00 a 00 5 Ga AS ree born in October, 1792. He removed to January 18th, Lsoy. FLAXSE oD, $135 a 140 ( HOIC E N EW CROP Nasiville with his family when le was wee BEESWAX, Qa I | CURAEMOLASS San ] r sevel \ ears o d DRIED APPLES per bas. of 26 Ibs $200 0225 * == “ . Za) SEE POS EIN is uae A female correspondent of a St. Louis “ PEACHES « © 40% pe lise ee aa direct from Cuba during this month, for i , Sane rely a ee Unpealed 5 ale b : ; A Load to Carry ~The Washington Paber ie une ia pak ole oe lately. pIstt—Weckerel No.1, #1250 | HATHAWAY & CO - ree that made Ler stnac ter Lips. tseciisa “ Nu. 2) e150 | Wilmington, N.C), Jan 10th, 1559 “dw correspondent of the Louisville “Court pity that ladies in that erty havetosmack TA VES—R.O hd %30 at 31 ‘ : ’ : [EAS er,” a Democratic paper, gives the follow’ their own lips. In this latitude, the men Dy teen Adin COTTON LANDS | £ 7 , rf } ‘ . a. s . ing doleful account of the ofheers of the are always ready to save Chem that trou «Bhi Bongh On a OU ON T present House of Representatives : ble. REMARKS | HE YADKIN. | F Ssubecriber offers for sale s Rob t “Didn't the Democracy catch a Tartar Flour. receipts have not been large, and sales toa RIDE Alecia catituce cme Selene RUnt ale ’ fl a lartu ei Piantanon Jving on the Yadkin River, Davidson RAV AGES OF TITk SMALL VOX, Boston, Jan, 19.—The schooner Wil liam M. Dodge, from Capetown, Nov | st . } - } G cratic State, and one which is re Nhably 27, reports the small pox and fever rag when they elected the otlicers of the Honse lust winter £ Orr, the Speaker, defeats the admission of a new Demme moderate extent, at an improvement on last weeks and ates of allon the market a€ full prices, amount ing to 75,000 bushels dunng the week county, five nutes from Holsbarg Stanoa NC ORR, contammug 24) ACRES miles on. the reer. efferd ng seme of th nees Tie all ey ve plaice fre bent 2 Corn, receipta have been fair, the demrnd ia good ' ti ! Hebest bet tom landsia North Carolia. Vhe uplenee are most Iv devel, of very fertile loam sei. highly adapted t Democratic so long as General Lane tives. ing there with great fatauty. The Cape Allen, the clerk, turns Douglas man, and ‘Yown Advertiser save that at proper med uses the great power of Hits position to de sures had been a opted, one the isitied feat the purty do the admission of Kansas. fives would lave been saved in the brict Steedman, the printer, takes the same quae the epidemic has been raging. course, goes home and openly repudiates 7 the Democratic party, and proposes te 1 Cotton. The place is well improved in baildings and th first-rate cultivation, waterexcelient, and location ID HAE ID bea ee Tinmediate posession would Of Apoplexy. in Valobuaha Co, Mise. Jan 9th” be ev rand would alse self with bonds, Stoek of every “50. Mies PARRIE RP BREVARD HALL, aged Kind as well a» Farming ‘Tools, and Provender verly of Predell Co, NOC Address, resbyterian and Iredell Exprees please JNO A. BRADSIAW, Salisbury, N.C. | Jan. 18, 1559 2WB4pd tuke two bundred thousand men—Aboli The Japanese have a very excellent tionists and all—from Obie, and yo to clanse in the obligation which is assumed Chicago and nominate Douglos for the by the husband at the marriage ceremony, Presidency, and run him ag whole field, Hac hney, the doorkeeper, plenty of tea and rice tur his wife during proved a thict, and was sentenced to ex: life.” The Japanese are not confirmed poleion. Ha! ha!—but isn't this a load heathens, after all. to carry 1” ee os a 5 The annual report of the board of lake under: fe Fire in Memphis } tive fire occurred in Memplis on the on steam and sailing vessels, with thetr cargoes, Nearly the ( be €732,232, a decrease from last’ year of i $658,700. ‘The total loss of life in 185%, was 122, a decrease from last year of 368. fe morning of the 5th instant. whole square, from Adams to Washing: ton street, on Front Row, was consumed, The Washington correspondent of the Balu- more American says that the election of Mr, Saulsbury as Senator from Delaware, is regarded one fourth of the lose being covered by asa positive rebuke to the Bayard wing of De The loss is variously estiinated at from $150,000 to $250,000 — probably less than insurance. vis, by others Reinhardt, and by others was literally smashed deteat. again Brewerton, The Secretary of the Interior says there a by the walls of one of the buildings fall i ary soldiers living, and drawing their au : The Firemen worked lero nual pebsions. la ing on him, ically, and are awarded great praise for - A private letter from Trinidad states that the incoming crop of sugar will a- 4 mount ty £5,000 hogsheads, being the largest yield ever made on that island. the energy and untiring perseverance which they manifested in endeavoring to subdue the destructive clement. F —- ‘ National Infidel Axsociation.— Tt may be known that there exists somewhere in, have petitioned the Massachusetts Legis the United a“ National Infidel Associa lature for the incorporation of a new line tion,” but we feel satistied that it is not)? telegraph trom that city to Halifax. known that there ia at present in full ope: It is stated that Dr. G. W. Ilolines has | ration, within the limits of the corpora | pofysed an offer from Mr. Bonner of &5,- A committee of merchants of Boston in ration, a duly constituted branch of that gog to write half a column weekly for will open on the Ist of Fe Z Building recently purchysed by the undersigned eminently republican institution, Its une year for The Nei ne meetings are held every Sunday evening, at the corner of Tenth street and Ey and | The Charleston Courier has been shown the audience on Sunday night last, thongh specimens of peat, found in Christ Churel composed mostly of young men, nomber- | parish, which burns well, and can be sup- ed about one hundred and fifty. Five pled at ten cents per bushel. or six ladies, from the front row of chairs, I ei ° , ane a fay tl : Grace Greenwood lately delivered a yynave their countenance to the pro ae ; BAe \ temperance lecture at Coldwater, Michi- ainst the Among other vows, he agrees to “tid Wholesale Dealers in A very destruc: writers, shows the total loss during the year 155%, large S Wore respectfully inform hie ts nS. old friends and the public, that A man, called by some Da. mocracy, which did) everything to compass his Hecuncindecaitacnry onthe | are yet two hundred of the Revolubons he Rev No MORAY, Princira., with efictent Asstatants thorough education of young Ladies, and ax an addi- hional feature te qualify such of them ag,may desire C. A. HENDERSON Science, by an expenenced Tnstracter furmahed Roome, fire plices. fuel, &e 86 per month | English Branches, 86 to Rl Spersesmon; Languages Co Rail Road STEVENSON & BOWEN, LATE STRVENSON, BOWEN & NESMITH,) | ™> 2D HH a= ce A MEETING of the Rowan County willbe held in this Town at the perance Hall, on the L2thof February, at 100 clock, DRY GOODS ALM. being Saturday of the Coanty Court, for the 8 purpose of promoting the cause of Education im the State of NOC. All Teachers, Committee men and Frends of F and earnestly solicited to attend, and all ‘Teachers who wish to be examined are requested by the Fix Educational Associa Have Associated with them DANIEL M. ZIMMERMAN, docation in the County are respecifully . ” .: ue emoved te e : . i mmerly of Laxcorstox, N.C, and Removed to the ining Committee to attend the Educational Weet- ore No. 53 North 3rd St. below Arch, where Ww ee aS ice | : ng A OWEN, Cor, Secretary. | an increased Stock will be kept, and inducements of- ahaha dein, 1 Weel Freda | ered equal to any House in the trade Purtapecema, Jan 25, 1559 6m035 ( a aD’ EH @ ice { ) aT Al hb WILL offer for sale at the Court House Door in (' RRI AGES bl RAIN &( Salsbury on Tuesday of County Court the 8th A AND, Jy ) | Fehroary next, ONE LIKELY NEGRO BOY. — : Suid boy ina splendid Waggoner. Trrma made known William H. Smith, aha ai Sale MoT LOCKE Lenoir, Jan. 12th, 1859 3w2k Salisbury Light Company, TOTICE is hereby given to the Stockholders in x above Company that the first rastallme nt of Che nA "OIN; TCG CARRIAGE BUSINESS, tisold Stand, in allite varied branches, and will thirty per cent is vow due. Payorent( to be made to H. Enniss D. A. DAVIS, JUL JENKINS, | Ex. Com J.H.ENNIsS. J | Jan. 18, 3659 334 jooaaed to show his work to all who want to buy ood, oid, durble and handsome Vehicles His Simith Shops re prepared to execute in the best style and manner | Calland rxpect hia work and hear prices fowork for farmers or other purposes Country produce taken inexchange for work, when pel A CARD. LD Sid UEHE: (tie) AVING asrociated with inyselt Mr Jouy H ] Evsiea, recenily of Petersburg, Wa. a gentle inan of long expenence in the Drag bueiness, and having moved into the large new brick building on the corner of Main and Water Streeta, with our Female Normal School, High Point, N. C. Rail Road, 15 MILES WEST OF GREENSBORO’. increased facilities for conducting the business, I trust we will be enabled to command the ennfidence and patronage of my former enstomers and the pab he generally. Oar inotto will be fo gire satisfaction Call and see us. THE object of this Ensuitation ia to provide for the », for the avocation of teaching. Tte next Sermon) Jan. 11, 1859 133 ruary, in the New Brick Me building im aitnated in a beautitul grove on a VATA Te TN COTE AEN 10 ommanding eminence, and baw a sufficiens number . 1 . ‘ A 4 { well formshed rooms to accommodate 100 boarding KOR SALE. upile I offer for male 271 ACRES of Land tyingin Rowan We ehall have lectures andexperiments in Natural County. on the waters of Crane Creek, adjoming Board and the Lands of Philp Owens, Henderson Smith and near the N others, about 44 miles from Salsbury, ‘Torts, one-fourth cash, the bslanee nid Ornamentale on reasonable terms. Board and ona erediCofone, two and three vere Apply to a : Tinton re ° dvance. The Propne 5 Ro A. Caldwell, Bx n Sallisbur vo —_ if n half the Tuition required in advanc I n (hes, 0 A Rea Hl, Lei wry ceedings.— Wuahington Craon. wan tor, Teachers and Pupile dwell together and eat at \. fl, CALDWELL “——* Gerrit Smith, the Abolition candidate the eumé table Sr: Dig Web) oy A. railroad man was married and fy. Governor of New York, save every bronght his wife to Columbus, Ohio, the vote cast for him at the re cent election : other day, when twenty locomotives rang (cost him four dollars a piece. ed upon the track gave the happy parr a fearful salute by setting all their whistles screaming at once. The reerniting officer in Albany, New York, has received orders to enlist no more foreignere for the United States Count Montalembert’a mach apoken of army. What does it mean? pamphlet has lately been sold at Paris, . with the title printed reversed Masses of the pamphlet were disposed of before the pe lice saw the trick. Female Labor in London of the state of the female labor market in the metropolis may be collected from the fact that an advertisement in a London weekly paper for fifty dress-makers bronght seven hundred applicants, many of them from long distances, to the ostab lishment of tho advertiser. The Legislature of Delaware las elect ed Millard Saulsbury, Democrat, United States Senator for six years froin the 4th of March next Some idea , 2 A Anengine on the Atlantic and N. ¢ Railroad ran off the track a few days ago, burying iteelf alinost out of sight in the earth. Why are horses in cold weather like meddlesome Zossips (} Becanse they are bearers of idle tails. | | | AS REMOVED ro toe DENTAL ROOMS ON gietature of North Carolina, fora charter fora Ste 1 rYoung Ladies of limited means will be credited we Pustion antl they ean teach and pay forit. Situa lone guarantied to auch. Por information Coffee, Suear, WMolass Avpnrsa, 4 ‘ REV. WoL LANGDON, Proreirron AND Jan. 25, 1859 35 == Q HL He FE Ue New Orleans 1 and West India Sugare KO Bags Rio and Java Coffer DENTAL NOTICE. Quad Micsemic ABBR DR. BESSENT, (008i come sos SPRAGUE BROS on the corner formerly occupied by Dr Baron Salisbury, Deo 13. 185% 20 where he is prepared to attend all operations ng eh Sr ton ees BARBIES Jan OF New Crop New Orleans Wo- LASSES just received and for ante Notice. PPLICATION will be made to the present Le am Navigation Company between Renufort Har low. by hor and eity of New York and other ee STRAGUE BROS Dee 13, 1858 2 | Salisbury, Dec 19, 1858 a9 | “OLD SALISBURY REVIVED!” Gi <= NEW MERCANTILE FIRM. GOODS ALL NEW ! McNEELY & YOUNG ] EG TO CALL THE ATTENTION OF THE CITIZENS OF Rowan and the surrounding counties to the SEEK CY EOUDS i J = S . : i —— a) they are now receiving. ‘They are confident from past experience that their stock, which is large and carefully selected, 1s admirably adapted to the wants of the community, and that having bought the principal part for cash they can sell cheaper than any store in any part of Wes- tern North Carolina. tFeCountry Merchants and the public generally, will find that, as we have determined and cen aflurd, we will wll at prices greatly telow these at which Goods have been suld heretofore in Salisbury. Below we enumecate # poruon of vur stock : DRW Goons. American, French and Englis) Calicoes, cullured and black, Domestics, Flaunels, Merinoes, De Lanes, Alpacas, Ginghams, Drillings, Bed and Cradle Blankets, Table Cloths, Towelings, &e. SERV AW ' T's’ stripes, checks, &e. Gers’ Goons. Goons. 300 pair of Negro Blankets, cheaper than ever offered in this market, Kerseys, Plaid Linseys, Usnaburgs, | re "SPARTA ACADEM | LOTTERY. | Capital Prize $50,000!! TICKETS ONLY TEN DOLLA NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. As the members of our firm have, by way of pur- chase, become the owner of the grants chartered by the States of Delaware, Kentucky, Missoari, and orgia, under the management of es=rs. Gregory & Maury, of Wilmington, elaware, we have deemed it expedient to change the name of vur firm, on and afer Janoary let, 1859, to that of WUOUD, EDDY & CO, who will hereafter have the insvageiment of the Sparta Aeademy Lottery, and the olners, as above uamed. Lu all transactions we have eudeavered to conduct our business with integrity and promptness, and we cum assure the public that the patronage heretofore be stowed on us is well deserviug of being transferred to cur successors Very rerpectfully, 8S. SWAN & CO. Georgia, Dec. 15, 1858. ‘WOOD, EDDY & CO., MANAGERS, Successors to S. Swan & Co. part of those in M Augus The following Scheme will be drawn by Woop, Evvy & Co, Managers of the Sparta Academy Lot- tery, in each of their Single Number Lotteries for January, 1X59, at Augusta, Geo., in public, under the superintendence of Commissioners. Class 1 Draws Saturday, January 1, 1859. | Class 2 Draws Saturday, January 8, 1859. Class 3 Draws Saturday, January 15, 1859. Class 4 Draws Saturday, January 22, 1859. Class 5 Draws Saturday, January 29, 1859. eS ON THE PLAN OF SINGLE NUMBERS. 50,000 TICKETS, Five Thousand Five Hundred and Tea KPPrimges!iit |NEARLY ONE PRIZE TO EVERY NINE TICKETS Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestngs, Satinets, Kentucky Jeaus of every variety. Also, a fine assortment of Rock Island aud Yadkin Manufacturing Companies, Jeans, Hosiery, Knit and Linden Shirts, Gloves, &c. LADIES’ Goons. Silke, White Goods, black aud fancy Dress Silks, Shawls, Clouks, Scarfs, &c, Laces, Embroideries, Rib- bons, silk and linen Handkerchiefs, Crape, Gloves, Hosiery, Tneh Linens, Swiss, Jaconet, Tarleton Mus- lus, Swiss and Jaconet Edging and Tosertions, Corsets, Hoop Skirts, tHead Dresses, &c. CLOTHING, A good assortment of Gentlemen's Clothing, to which we invite special attention. HATS, CAPS, BONNETS and FLATS, BOOTS and SHOES. b) We have paid piruicular attention to the we Brogans, water proof Boots, dress Boots CARPETINGS, and OI, CLOTHS. Drugs, Paints, Oils and Dye-Stuffs. We are anole Agente for the Bellvue White Lead. Hemlock snd Oak-tanned Leather, Calf aud Goat skis, ling skins, tion of this portion of our stock, and challenge compettion in Shoes, and Ladies and Children’s Gaiters and Shoes. arnece and Upper Leather, shoe and saddlers thread. WOOD WARE. Buckets, Brooms, Tubs, Brushes, Twine, Rope, &c. CROCKERY ANIY QUEENS WARE. We are enabled to show a nicer and better selected stock of these goods than has ever been kept in the plice. Special attention im invited to our China Dinner sets, and China and Plated Tea sets Look ug a i Glasses KC GROCERIES. alt, Spices, Candles. Soaps, & Rio ane Java Coffee, Sugars of all description, Syrups, Molasses I rWecan be found at the corner opposite the Maussion Hotel, formerly vecupied by M. Brown Salisbury, Sept. 21, 1858. WILL KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Ready Made Clothing Boots and Shoes, Hats and caps, Carpets, Rugs, &c., WITH OTHER GOODS SUITED TO THE WANTS OF THE PEOPLE. TT We have on hand a tot of handsome Dress Goods FINE DRESS SILKS, Robec aod Byaders, that we wil VOT Cash customers will find it to their interest to give ANG ti Nae 122) 15 05 PRICES rather than keep over until another season BROWN, COFFIN & MOCK THE SPICES OF GOOD LIV Ne. ee ee yt enn, eee and Western South Carolina. P. G. SPIESS hy HENRY 4 Work upon the Scenery of the Blue Ridge anc COLON: sa Lax, Sile Stripes, Printed DeLaines, Merinoes and | Magnificent Scheme! TO BE DRAWN EACH SATURDAY IN JANUARY. 1 Prize of 1 1 . 10,000 mY \1 sooo} 10 1 1 yt | 10 . . 1,000] 925 | APPROXIMATION PRIZES. | 4 Prizes of $400 Approximating to $50,000 Prize are $1,600 | co ‘00 “ «90,000 1 4% 4% 850 “ “e000 1600 a 85 “ “pees = «| 869 4) te ets 208 wD * 4,000 8 600 \ 68 150 “ “ Roog 600 4 foe “ «1500 400 5,000 SS 20 are 100,000 5,510 Prises amounting to Waowr Tickers $10; Hatves $5; Qvinrens $25. | ar A Circular showing the plan of the Lotteries will be sent to any one desirous of receiving tt. Certificates of Packages will be sold at the following rates’ which is the risk Certificate of Package of 10 Whole Tickets, 03 iP Half 1 Quarter “* . 10 Eighth ** nan ROERING TICKETS OR CERTIFICATES. a se the money to our address fur the Tickets ordered, on receiptof which they will be forwarded by first mail. Purchasers can have tickets ending in any figure they may designate. The Last of Drawn Numbers and Prizes will be sent (o purchasers immediately after the drawing. Jr Purchasers will please write their signatures plain, and give their Post Office, County and State. 1, Remember that every Prize is drawn and pay- able in full withoat deduction. I? All prizes of 1,000 and under, paid immediate - ly after the drawing—other prizes at the usual time of thirty daye NOTIC O CORRESPONDENTS. Those who prefer not sending money by mail, can "TH ADAMS EXPRESS COMA whereby money for Tickets, in suins of Ten Dollars, and upwards, can be sent us | AT OUR RISK AND EXPENSE, | from any city or town where they have an office. The morey and order must be enclosed in a “GOV- ERNMWE POST OFFICE STAMPED EN- VELOPE,” or the Express Company cannot receive them All communications strictly confidential Ad jress Orders for Tickets or Certificates to WOOD, EDDY & CO., Augusta, Georgia or, WOOD, EDDY & CO, Atlanta, Georgia. or, WOOD, EDDY & CO., Wilmington, Deb 17 A list of the numbers that are drawn from the wheel, with the amount of the prize that each one is entitled to, will be published after every drawing, in the folowing papers:—Augusta |Geo) Constitation al. New Orleans Delia, Mobile Register, Charleston Standard, Nashville Gazette, Atlanta Intelligencer, New York Weekly Day Book, Savannah Morning News, Richmond Dispatch and Paulding (Miss.) Clarion, and Little Rock (Ark > Trae Democrat. TUFFS, PAINTS, TURPENTINE, R ESIN Chatk, Whiting, J RINALS, Syrenges, Breast Pumps, 4 1 (A. ARDEN and Grass Seeds, ] AS UWAP TRU LSID i Zita teliow ranges of Mountains will be published ( I large aupply of fresh confections, carly in January. ‘The following will be te coutents: a which woth the articles: produced by Chap. [—Introduction. S ALT-PETRE, Borax, Glue N hin asa BAKER, and with the addition of an “ 11— Asheville ( yY ST E R SA L( Ye N, { ee ice to reach Asheville—the Swana ; Chap. IV—The Hickory Nut Gap Road “© V— The Routes from South Carotina-Sa ; nm = Gap and Jones. Gap, Flat Rock, Henders Candies, Raisins, Almonds, Filberts, Co. Cwsar's Wead, Whiteside Mt and Cashier's Valley | Chap VI-A Route y.a Wilkesboro and Lenore make upthe most attractive shop in Town His new importattous comprise a large stock of coanuts, Cream Nuts, Lemons, Brandy [Pe aches, Sardines, Pickles, and Valley; Lenoir; Ubrvten ete every other article in his line AOE Poel ACY DDG. OOD. | Piedmont Springs; Hawk's Bill and Table Rock Chap. VIEI—Linville Falls; the Gingercake Rock North Cove and the Cave shop constantly supplied with fresh Bread, Cakes, Pies, &., &e., which he furnishes to families, for parties and to in- dividaals at very moderate prices The lovers of Oysters will find here, a saloon fitted | Warm Springs up in Northern atyle, and a nice article of Oysters! Chap XEM—Pleasant Country Stopping Places prepared in the best manner, at ehort notice at almost | Carson's on the Catawba; Harris’e at Chimney Rock any hour, night orday. Be eure and call on |Shenil’s at Hickory Nut, (aap; Penlaod’s at Fla SPIESS Rock on Toe River, in Yancey; Alexander's and A in H.W. Beards building. Sulphur; the Million Springs; Pleasant Drives | His BAKERY is kept up with regularity, and ad Chap IX—Phe Vicinity of Asheville; the White House 5 Jonrnal of a Party j Chap X1— Phe Mounting the Bald Mount. Swannanoa Sow 2, 158 2 : ISG Rs IS wee Chap XIV—The Western Counties; Haywood . \ . Jackson, Macon and Cherokee; Pigeon River: Frank LAND FOR SALE. hing a Wikter Trip; Valley River; the Nantibala | Cherokee Indians offer for sale one | Chap XV Productions of the West, Agricultura | | | Land, containing adjoming the lands of K. D Tall and others, on smd tract there are good burldings, a good MEADOW, aqnantity of BOPTOM LAND, and WELL TIMBERED. Also, another treet lying im Norah Car Davie County, known aa the Wilson p ing ¢ others, contamiung 200 acres, well impr tract of Animals and Reptiles Areevpix.—The Pilot Mountain; Salem; Pied Stokes: Shoceo Springs: K ttrell’ Jolinston, s mont Springs ina doand pros ing all Roada, Stige Yad-! prince vntog the tands of Hinton Comer e tract of 250 acres. lyr duciuve A kin County ind others, on the Hamptonville road -its improve ad tri and sold at GO cents: per copy the Valley of the Yadkin, Wiikesborogh; Happy Chap. VIL—Morganton and its surroundings; the Chap X—The Black Mountain; the Mountain Chap. XI[—The Freach Broad River and the KE. Baird's on the French Broad; Alexanders onthe ore of Dr Christy on Mountains of on Tont Phe work will contain four views: of Mountain ky adjoroing the lande of Arthar Neely and | Seenery and a Mapof that seetion of country, show - Sete Et will be got up an the best ety le of the When sent by \e Manufacturers Artic'es, C \[ AGNES(A, Mustard, Ginger, k NEMAS, Sargical Instruments, 4 : ] ) URABLE Ink, Blacking, SINGLASS, Gellatine, Extracts, . C ORKS, Bottles, Sponge, I NDIGO, Annatto, Rose, Pink, N UTMEGS, Mace, Cloves, a MERY, Rotten Stone, Sand Paper, 4 S ALTS, Sulphur, Cream Tartar, . it W INDOW Glase, Putty, y ELLOW Ochre, Lamp Black, CIDS, Alcohol, Fluid, FTX RAIN, Linseed and Lamp Oils, | and Mineral; Wild Flowers; Tree Growth, Wild T INCTURES, Barks, Quinine, * ODA, Saleratus, Starch, 5h) Main Strect, SAVEILVEEIE IG Aim (Ce Jan 4. 1859 tf 3Q PAY UP! Linea, Stopping Places; Noted thee te Pereons wishing copter, will address mente const ofan excellent Brick Dwel House Wd, Pomeroy, Ratergh, No ¢ TEVINE subscriber, being ander the necessity of wad all other heevemmryontchensre: Dungasis cri Is A tberal those taking a numberof copies rising imaney, informs all those indebted to him 1 ‘ node reumine or 1 i A bed in thieland ae Tomi det Leas ‘ forsale or (iy, account, ta pay up without delay; for, if reoron the subacriber on the Walkerbor’ road, Pop ¥ an ertizemente of Hotels, Livery payment be made by the FIRST OF JANU- intles from Salisbury Soahles and The inserted upon fly-leaves, ARV. the unt and notes due to him will be FOE N= oN Pieemrcilndniiretately ye nena Ue Sahieonts hea at 33 Jann IN, 1859 Yves Valuable Mill Property, Negroes A. 4A V. WY KR and Stock For Sale. VO. 4 GRANITE 9) ROW, ‘I baer ibe Wael] on the Se i { | u f aban ie 1 : ' Wit Wi rp ally eall the attention of th ebriary. 1s n ares PLANTATION and Milt PROPTACL Y i Tan hear remaining Stock of pliee in the red binds of dersey Section David eo Ce ieee t Sku and DRESS GOODS, Road He Howell ai mame tine anit ree bis Stock of MUT ol CATEIELE, and Hot Cotes EN which will from this day be offered at great'y redune FARMING TOORS, togett wih ® LIKELY edi pnees “Perscue: vy amit will find vt greatly t YOUNG NEGROBRS, amoug vwelicd TERS T he'r advantage ¢ Jandexamme, as we ere de RATE COOKS moaned to close Chen ou eo making cur Spring ORSTON BRADSHAW porehan Jan 1X, 1859 dr pdrs Dee 21, 1X56 4630 ford rns re hands for collection Lr AGL peraoos having claims agagaet him will present them for settlement. M HOFFLIN. 4 ry 4g ‘ CLOTHING ft CHEAPER THAN EVER!!! © \ S TL muat have monev, Twill self the remainder fmy FINE STOCK @F GOODS remark- Catlin with the Cash and see MARCUS HOFFLIN Saliebury, Nov 30, 1858 3m27 ably cheap | prs M WHITEHEAD &J A. CALDWELL, I AVE aseociated themeelvee in the plone ot esenns: ee lene ace anes ticestor talk lnisey eaae Wea LOT fice -the same occupied at present by Dr Worrewesn, se Joy to the Admirers (re ouch Mutual! CELEBRATED VEGETABLE vo A FINE HEAD OF Greens shorough Mut CATTLE POWDER. TREMENDOUS ATTRACTIONS ! \ | | | ELEGANT AND COMPLETE STOCK OF Talk of beauty, it cannot exist without afineheud ' we mads no awessinents, and bave now on hand | of hair, then read the following, end if you ask more large capital, viz: in premium notes rlelie 03; in by y | see circular around each bottle, und no one can cash £15,315.59 —-making a total of $470,504.92, to) { doubt Ineet any losses that may accrue; we therefore have | “pue Proprictors take pleasure in offering their ; sp _ no hesitation in saying to the public, that there is ne Vegetable Cattle Powder, feeling confident that J Se ROFESSOR WOOD'S All RESTORA , i ix 2 eal Tate Hee a on PAS cifer Company in the Southern countey. “Phe most /icie the article bing reeded by te Agricultural com: Sunes Chaise woul Praia eu are eie eich atimim ic: che luskein Chte Company, Dalle jy the Weetern |inunity ‘Phe Compeand is useful iy most all disea y fC UE Nees LM 0 partof the State, where the danger fom fie ismuch sew incident to Horses, Cows, Hoge, and Sheep, en ‘ back to its original colur, gray huir—covers the head : bal . a 9 ! . i ; : auve [ese tering into the circulation, producing au alternative of the bald with a luxuriant growth—reimoves the DIRECTORS: effect thereby, purifying the blood aod all seeretions COODS ALL NE WV NEELY & YOUNG | | | | INSURA! RAUCH GLOSSY TOAD. oi cccscccsnzce2 cca economy of the on UCH s {this Company, that we are free from de bt; P Mendenhall, Do Phe Powder is recommended tor hormes to be James Slown, dA. Mebane, causes a coutioual flow of the natural flids; aud i heuce it ee | rr regular aren fur the igi wilt Be Weir We do MeConnel, Cole, Jed HE ta complaints of Distemper, Stabberiug, Coughs. Fer ms ; eocoeven meni Mamiikec nical oes Mame James Me Gaerett, Ogburn, DP. vers, Foot-diteaxes, Glanders, Parey, Gripes and Col ©) i) 4 Te se olor, 3 iy ‘alling foe t a . : elie ee Mal “ ies i . ‘ ane 7 y old age, in all its natural beauty. We cull (hea upou ‘David MeKourht, Greensborough; Alex Mil ic, Juundice and Yellow Water, diseases of the kid: 5 Me Z ‘ By (i \ Judesborough ; S.G naey, founde orse : ASTRA tara un err nry Clie earlty Wo UE Newbern; BoP. Lily, Wadesborough ney, foundered horses, & it; and surely the young will uot, as they value the Jamestown; Wo A Wright, Wiliington Ptanoy be piven in dores of tablerpoouful thee or MoGee, Ratagh; HE) four taaes a week mixed with water when drinking dandruff, itching, aad all cutaneous erapuous YEG TO CALL THE ATTENTION OF ‘THE CITIZENS OF Johto To Shaver, Salebury lu i s y aA a — -_ flowing locks, or the witching curl, evor be without : a Re Dobe fh ss . «Spruit is vont i: oy, Le od , vor ’ aie f . . ? it. Lt praise iw upon the tongue of thousands ea wee ue ; | COWS. a ) Rowan and the surrounding counties to the : The Agent for Prof. Woud’s Hair Restorative in Tvhisen, Tanceyyile | oe er ; 4 Now ilaven, received the following letter ta regard All comimanicationson business connected with thie! ‘The powder is highly recommended for cows, Pu se a) ae ‘ ( es C i to the Restorative, a few works eluce: Onlice, should be addressed to rifyiug their blood and bringing them to a healthy = we oe rw & Derehinee cor uly th ma | PETER ADAMS, Secretary. [atate, driving out all the impurities of the body, 1 — 1 a } SA oni) Ss y bw) 1 . enborough, No C.. May 5, 1657 tf creasiuge the euget ‘ ipro. m pe bile (ga) nae . a Mr. Leavenworth-»Sie: [have been troubed with mie es Sara ia eee anee le aes - they are now reteiving. They are confident from past experience that dandruff or seurfou uy head for mere than we yeur ever \ x : ee the amount of milk, ain a 4 : to ; : . ; RAIS Ter maGHie eeu ca enatameredien JONESVILLE | poor evadition a farmer, thal once anes this pow- ae their stock, which is latge and caretully selected, is admirably adapted NGwltayenijuporabaue Worden [fiir Want . fier, will uever be without it, Tt vhould be given ia A rants ote there ity. ¢ : f ae ee ee | Mate and Female Academies, hinge at iaevaplesurdittive (ites euweeks arden e 4 (@ the wants of the community, and that having bought the principal Feat cardi fuerediveeetieuice Wai. Ge UN) MU, Gi Di] Tos, BE [hos Geese, Sh Tarra continuing the use of it, all the diseases arming from ee part for cash they can sell cheaper than any store in any part of Wes- found to my satisfaction (twas the thug, iL remeyed Cin 2 ie aati [alee es BEA) te Miu eadiaes ceva: ine be > | tern North Carolina. | the scurf aud uew hair began to grow 4 ibis now twee tes VOD Lorraior, Reacher in Female Depart: | hae oh tla Teast oe a dise are ollo t wf dise Or cow | yy. p 2% : $5 . or three inches in length where ot was al Phavs ment . sel ete eh HT aes eee CHER Weeth ~ ft yeCountry Merchants and the public generally, will find that, as we great faith in it Towish you to send a hotles” View POR Hawwonp, Teacherof Music and French |i ogy idiiky Nesp felt isa giving the meee every me have determined and can afford, we will sell at prices greatly telow those at which Goods have been sold { more by Mr. Post, the bearer of (his tknow i : Peetineveeyi ines (ural dave niiree tineelaie cee 5 heretoture in Salipbury. Below we enumecate @ portion of our stock : ! as any of the kind is used in this place, you uy ates Bie ey ‘: : ni opt fahts, $35 00 . havea iharket for many bur ater oo ROM py yy nm 0 BIS 13 on HOGS. | | DRWT Goonvos. RUEUS PRATT \agieon rh own, 20 vu, rity Ne ek er reine adel a be pies Amencan, French and English Calicoes, collored and black, Domestics, Flannels, Merinoes, De Lanes, French and Eintroidery, each, 5 00 | : MR a Alpicax, Gaogiaius, Dalliogs, Bed and Cradle Blankets, Table Cloths, Towelings, &¢ ae | in coughs, swelled necks, uleers in the lungs, and Z Pieeceueniae Sey ice te Game) min (Wont yrer th werent Lene 66) hools willopen | tiver, and in fattening, and may be givea by muang S&S RV AINE O'S” GOoonm ss cd the fist Wednesday in Janaury next. Tt usbighly y jouud or a half of a package in w barrel of swill unportant that all cater the frst week or 4s mat — . mile POLCLERY, ! ois are conducted im large buildings, and ita sciable distgnes apart, affording pareuts an op: | The Cattle Powder, proving #0 effieacious for what minended tnduced several farmers to ro Blankets, cheaper thanever offered io this market, herseys, Plaid Lineeys, Osnaburgs, PROF. WOOD—Dearsir: Your Hair Restorative attome. ‘Phe front, aud al falmost lost tts covery 4 400 pair of Neg stripes, cheeks, GarrTrs’ GOoos. i Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestiags, Satinets, Kentucky Jeans of every vanety. Also, a fine assortment of Rock Island and Yadkin Manufacturing Companies, Jeans, Homery, Kot and Linen Shirts, Gloves, &c LADIES” Goons. is proving itael! benet the back partof my hee infact evip. DL thave used bat two half prot bottles of your Restorative, and now the top of any head ts weil studded with a prounstig crop oof young hat and the frontas also receiving its benefit, LT have poratious without aoy beuett Whatever C ind dauyhtersa thorough | (war first re We have afine appa- | feed iC to some laying hens, and found the effect most wonderful in fattening them; besides, making them J eontinue longer than usnalin laying eggs. We can, rertumity to give Chern sons pl o r g wy *s p o o r ) AI G ] °| ¢ AJ Q U U of UT et e ] education i ihe same villa and globes, also a good bbrary for ratty, Wath mii La c e s , De n k e Ha t s , Ca p s , Ge n tried other pr Cl o t h i n g , Bo o t s & Sh o e s , Tr u n k s lan) i ) t fitof the papils, 7 Tthink from iny own persoual recommenda tag Ee eee ee eee carding houses open | heestorefore, recommend tt, ta be feed to chickens ~ ; - cun induce many others to try it Pain neh merit diauoncct ataients’ the low rates | geese, turkeys and for all kinds of the feathered hme | 2, White Goods, black and tiney Dress Silks, Shawls, Cloaks, Searfe, &e, Laces, Embroideries, Rib- Yours respectfully, \opet tl we hope that parents aud quar-| tribe, where itis desired to keep up a healthy con: | 2 bene. silk and tineh Handkerchiefs, Crape, Gloves, Homery, Leh Linens, Swies, Jaconet, Tarleton Mus- Wig WAS, ie, |e Tee ea UL GS hl | d i , d Jacouet Edving and Tasertiyns, Corsets, Hoop Sk Head 6) SAakhro Beal N nV ldhans will seud asia one bandred and fifty forthe |ditien, Toimay be given mixed with Indian meal and fl oe lux, Swiss and Jaeouet Edving and Tasertigns, ; p Skirts, Head Dresses, &e. No. 464 Vine street | ~ | ’ oe oral ext 6 0 watertwo orthree tines a week | CLOTTING. ne ears 2, 854 For father particulars addeces the Principal at} SOLD, Wh: gente and Retad, by WOH WYATT | \ . , : Pa . 4 Vixenyses, fa, June 22,9853 yi, Yadkin Coy N.C. and Catalogues will be | Druggit, Salisbury, N.C ams) ARE crowding their Store, Yo. 4, Granite Building, Salisbury, No Co, 8 good assortment of Gentlemen's Clothing, to which we invite special attention PROF. O. J. WOOD: As you ree ah a mar | | ware : er " 2 Vevey . nae Pata ia ; Sree ri re : Pe Bue : , avira) cull ceatlh aetiy Gocuinlsy dteoomiaral Uhmelcs ihn TERS 25 TO ALI with every thing that is new, elegant. andattractive in HATS, CAPS, BONNETS and LATS, BOOTS and SHOES. Restorative, LE will state, for it aay ee : 4 : : See _— | CHOICE FANCY AND IMPORTED FABR We have pal perocularattenton to the selection of thie portion of our stock, and challenge competition in ce tiave (sed it & DUD AEE TS | Interested in Building !! ' Beogaun, watet prot Toots, dress Boots, and Shoes, and Ladies and Children's Gaiters and Shues. : ron the bh : . mnd that Tot | he Kiiroateraedn coment: tx Ub and all that is good and substantial in CARPETINGS, and OIL, CLOTITS. ert ott A A + ie ‘VY oT on Drags, Paints, Oils and Dye-Stuffs i Mills cm West Hill. TEAYY STAPLE& DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. rags, Paints, Oils and Dye-Stuffs ; | . } 1 t ; Weare vole Agents for the Bellvue Wiite Lead Hemlock end Ouk-tanued Leather, Calf and Goat ante Ty Ww U sam tiiate cy do al Kini of OI ee ae ea a yee 4 oy ei He ioe ie Lae rae ison e GH aD (1 vine, lining ake arness and Upper Leather, shoe wud saddlers thread , without discolor . ? ur MENTAL WOO WORK, ae Moulin, (Me Stale 5 thdeed rather savice it and willwith prea Ci ee a ae : : : dress on which itsdrops, 1 wien Brackets, &e, Xe, and manufacture FRAWES . re . WOOD WARE ee eS ee WHOLESALE AND RE v MIL BUYERS | eB a color aud texture to hair , woven ange stock ot well arasuned, selected LimmeR, willbe to geve them the benetit of au ecamiaton, know eros rari tieaitiactlencurnier et) Buchkcts, Brooms, Tubs, Brushes, Tirine, Rope, &e. WILSON RENG hn Ree : Be : : bat they brug beth . keptoa tain chill and enterprree inte requ sition Marekcagtanitlonren| eG ‘ oa han Bh) r a a A AR Gael q O33. Woon sc = Fae Aerials Contract taken for fitting up stores, and for the ! erto aval ourselves of the newest and choweet te finto the country, we were in mark ¢ ROCK ERY ANID Qi EENS WA RE. New York, i the Wire Rashege Heal COWE AND SEE BRECUION OF ALISO T SOR BULDINGS SaCseteral weeks i adcanceoi ine ietuiar ported before rondente and other buyerkt had welected the an et) We are enabled to show a meer and better selecte fs'uck of these goods thauShaw ever been kept in the Iisment,, wud 114 M Sl Wir for viuch PLANS will be furnished if demred BPEcewe EEE OBES BS acapaD EDew ee nee ite yee nan ener tineee Ts Gee Laie Gilanses KO Sold by WOLL WYATT, Dow Sie tiees Ven ane lens OUN es ‘They alms el attention to their SPORES, of the : i} hedelieree 00 ‘ wl appre ' id xupe finiel f thes FRENCH IMPORTATIONS, ov ur dirty have rieretarned Be GQ ER Oo CIR Goenaday . = Hin N ae 1V SJ | ( yW C ASE ee “ ra md “ nae d ' \ ne if (Ne State | i We 1 ve ae ip taken advantage of the marny a “ re vtrwiM ‘ ane ea ue 2 jae re LSS. Nov 30, State of North Carolia. gD tes r CUGHEs TERUI ILE a Reet Wienete ane SUIT EN GeAl GHietcll Guth eee oe eo oete UIC eerne ie Sli eclebra ine Sora) Sani ety OL isan hares Sary-h Co : M I L. lL. \. hem u wnpasd advantages both in prices, rtchnees and taricty of asavriment. We sbull continue te ee Ad eu echene mite the Mansion Hotel, formerly uccupivd by M. Hrewn eeeivechroumto lit ile meas mlthn ner aryles (hit cnilin del my dn loipresrnt tlle ade atull ' Salt = [SoS atte th eatull tim ‘ Salls Sept. IS, Crint Mills | WOS'T BF AUSTLON ABLE Gods in the inarket ee alisbury, Sept. 21, 1S. i 17 \ the Foetory, are two STANLY COUNTY. oe, a ee ot ati 8 ae : UNTI ee ae ey ah ic inl ei il ” rand with de ae hla a rupply o With overy tf eibty t : n soe dteneiye basiies iy (epure no pane to ution our object and cor _— § t of Pleas and ey Src sn, ve = ut , ‘ Vl i wil Me ‘ youn ee PG ur Steck a therough examina before pur hae: yt \ : Geet LASTIC CELE ee eae EAGLE FOUNDRY RAIL ROAD NOTICE PD asia (ibis am al mand pre the eed ara LADIES DRESS GOODS, EMBROIDERTES. XC asp | ro ohn A. Graha oe : : r Splendid Brocade S Rellieralin i Ue Bein enn ee Big 5 ya lene anc, Oo wanyen AS sent nee Sewn en COUNTRY MERCHANTS, David Carpenter, ) , | awl S AcE Tiesto ena r “oe he : Ua ena a HR GCE Oe NEW, a f Attachment ee HaMe ae WHTTERS 4 4 ee us J an aia ‘| nd F i , yek and colored» ste of the ost approved mak x , ( a . ap. Waving bought myn . a 'p PUL iy Hine en Otloinat, Baydcre siti Gris Crain eM rns baltic iid eatlinelarati rile ton bees ‘ nab) SERIE A) feat foranhonly, Leun VEGETABLE LITHONTRIPTIE Sn rere a al ies ae 7 ovate, vrarth os k Tyro, Davidson County, NOC. ENPLE DITIOUS ROUTE ‘ this oS [het I e woebeaper than OK - ' : wees i Areal ney } ch oshirin ew large ee noetorof this FoR ilouliaerts ater re F ere D vert eon meld in Sa Yee ats _ = . ‘ z Daan oot oe ESA) ESC eetabishinent weold PREIGIUD FOR THE INTERIOR OF NOR tw the Carohna Watebinan, for \ \ \ vem at these low PTI STD COL ari THU MANS SNH ae Aine Plantation Goods, Blankets, §e.| inform Ae duke CA ROUIC« SOLRG above cases to aratihe next Pernve <6 os | Tee ee BUFFERING PROM REL Arn endet lca vine ec ' Ml j ee, public generally, that ERCHANTS and fay: i . oren 5 tid wee the wsurplyof SILVER TEA phere ee i ; iy a Nee wervantn, he ie still mnanutactunog : Sand others about parchasing their Ht " ue : Sine [ ; oa ONS. and ihe bert quality © DISEASED KIDNEYS, pistes Esurad iad tae HE SE ereay Ni en sal inc Phads, Rereeys. Sattinets, HORSE POWERS and \ he ane te iter supplicw. wre requested to ne- vareaty tea! found ot va mde of the . , : ee See frfi ® | tice that by the completion of the North E apa : Oe ON eastine | eond a beue tery Aydaega, Weuk Woseias | Wiel iy r TIRE SLING HAINES Rat oad fron Chavet 8 1 Cnr po ‘i \ ! \ promp Feu eon ue ti © next approved vantage ofa CILEAP and expecnwus re ter an . : > . : ke ea esi fo nesn of the ONL (UR, Mohair. Bayadere son warp De Bs | ns Pie fi t a h : ea mane ae ‘i tn PEPER ELT | plarnet! - v ; ee Handsome low pneed Pruted Mousines and Cas | port sud statenary All Freight constned to the eare of the Agent of 4 teres ror without Straw Carriers, to suil the wanteot the Nach Eastern Rail Road will be forwarded free Hon WoR WILSON Hotel Engine work of every desenption, of Co FACTORY GEAR, CIRCULAR SAW N I ie Black Boubaznes aud Tamere lotta Bh s de Dye Daaivem, Boy pos & R t Hote Saem; and atthe Carolina Watchman Ot Risehenntel oir Pale a \ Sein Soph Sead oe ifs fil; atthe Drag Store in Cho MTL rrage willbe made at Chernw. All Rh OYARRI Cc MIELE, Straw Catters Corn shellers, Plughs, geeds willbe ikem eare ofin the Company's Ware- Bria (eo $5 50 —Ond0) a ’ , , | tic 1 Nalisbe ; ee ie e ee! os ‘ un, : , » op . \ Ny j |" eons HN. ng entered inte eopartne rsh; UO lee Wot soe \ ee i Se ee Oy Araya a house untolealted for Schedule of charges for trans: f 5 The Poctry of Physic. f SAH Ae Gicamantrenn atte tan Glbainae ue ; ; \ ay he ned Kear Cactiies and Maclaue work made to order purtauion of Freqght will be fuand at the (Bos Olies i Se . e nrg: { ee OC ENT dns eee tae eeu EY , aud vine " i k ne ‘ » atabort peticr He alas keeps a good supply uf al SS SOLOMONS, a . - fa 3 US es as pe. eee bal C sa \ i hockaback towelhing, nds of material, auch aw and haminered Tron, kK e & F = i Wie ole ere nes inles west of ther a \ ery drapeniciane Ricckstie Lath Pah A lI c \I Wa ‘OLM fo Ep AUS TES Fife oA) alae Coulis UR 2 ETINGS aan Metales tages eens teow lea as . . . . * * ie eS tt eure ‘ i + : = , I I R hee cnlanerain, ceveryaruclh kept ia the inereantile nd in onn oole rene, md ¢ i's auth a PRACTICAL MARBLE CUITER, | Schnee gate eet French Mus J Laven, Cambrn and Payne, 00 ae : eee eer: y; ery fan ol fe trons Venere fai ‘ ' i i | Hilacer ss lee vie DSUs : S esis Ou Ceelibcaon) (ony Avnet be disappomnted this season, as tnany 7R, HO Pere VEU ® mibhe, thar hy J ( you om Pr ) are - , : : Am) ate a) Miotaee Minciipnccesm ia Nellans Mei ONets ’ ! were hurtin not geting DEALER IN HATS, CAPS, FURS, ee tted Machines early, that ' Le HAT MANGER AC HIRE RAN DAV OTE SAE mute stitle rere who 4 ry HHECEOn! Gh ? ti toberee q lie tet, Whale on Siiae lune dlecnpiaeel) Cees | Wi eer 7 7 Pans JH THOMPSON TRIMMINGS, ge. FALL, 1x58 , 1 and Lace types and Ber has VERA pln Mostn, at eins z aaa 65 hie . Ba . MARBLE YARD | Rei esta Ae eae ee We ey ay gg) Pavan yadcts HAVE now in store an extensive and ) is ‘ 1 Mansion Hote? wh aredl te se | Muaxtn nbne and Linen Band wand I m nents li Ome te KemoeinentGoCeversthiiy ininy i , Hise se ow ‘ We ip MRO) (Phos TESS , Pad ie . . BEST STECL EXTENSION AND HOOP SRIRTS ine adapted to the Fall trade, and am pre- ey ude Si) Sit ST MG ol se deed LLPANE OLIN IVURSIDNET OI Bs Thread and teupure Laces Feo means | | ared to offer unusual indacements to pur- tea . ' 1 wit Vpurcd , ‘ : i Workanthe Markle la, of eaher IMPORTED - | ir \ rN ty {UE MAAS | a ems . ly s Teandlbeeeace pot R NE ( OND PTLOOR | liars ditolctert (anche macketaandrianutretoriee : eo ee Se HER Cs N MARBLE. | Salisbury to Asheville. (adien wrought Cambne Robes ; Te di cura tin Mode Clothing, Wats, Caps, ofthe North and Bast, | have apared vo painsin the anle. damndices. Ra A il cetieouiternrs i ; Al i = t oS BROWN S LINE OF 4 HORSE LE PAS. Splendid Krobrodered Lineo Cambne Ub md + do boots. Sioes, Priaks. Ga nella es and Heavy Goods. Cia Kee tot) and TE latter myself that long (isons Methioscy all Co ulienteanin, dot UDsese oral stk meh which | (ro autres elinostsnnsty curate ces Cintas Laws Tueked Handkerehiets I Pwlech we eal special attention of there | aot sme te antepate the wants of my ee pees : ie erie eis wed, ote web Cie Gand on tte oe annie: intimal: rconecr ota) UOMocecylts <0 Gh yt attuy Gluyo can (ueke tits Ae Ee ee | facies Nid as Nordlund wud Tenaesee ] pie eee ta ey ' ' jie ih, Thread Lace an Veils tre Innis eee | collis respectfully solicited from my old custom: before them bike dick heats pigs te 1 form tor Monae nis, We, ¢ | \ . t . . % Real B k. Thread 1 and Chantody aldbousi an : of esterm North Carolina Rail Road . ers ond the publi JNO. DOOLEY Reater if you are siiferneteonnany othe maner FE te i _ West a aes. Cloaks, Mantles & Shawls, and SHOES. teen eee LEY Me CONTAINER Faire \ ‘ be ba al de scrote 4 ving Savusbary by Ro md at 5 ofeloe : . : : Te eter Ge : : a Janet’ Klilibe hor as MEioac, Miedieatiine each Coker, recnione, (itn Weied Tilney Cie sacid) Senter, « IN ‘ | Unies ud Le Uta : : aye (eee ti raver do ‘ Fite ccna r M N St NEARL Tp “etter freee nte eth iiint nertetas | Marganion te Supperou the mame dave, and with | Me ee reer SED ie ne Se ela ‘w. TAT RPHY's GRANITE ROW. lo Planters and Farmers. ‘ awh heeriieant Having had 25 years expenence in the business. | jatany deientign passing o PEBASANE GAR (by 1Col'd and Black clothe an Canis Watoat they wil give anew eal, te SALISBURY, N.C. | ; locate 2 vad ona MeO walbaive hoe persunatatteation to putting upinen: | PP NS for B justo crmmoe the BLUE RIDGE ke P mo tiat Hhoaller an ea eiinatien of our atoek, Chiat = - TINUE ondersigned has been appointed sole Agent Hsgoannuniieatiecn fe Re | Tee entities wemcon)Comnanl InntieBorderc anti eesti) Wy othe Inrgeet. bat the bert selected tm North Carchua, for the wale of Kettlewell's ae i - va Get | macdiaberuita Pikeorthe ditt A MOE NT dan, Long, square and round Wool Shawls, new and beau ck of Baots and Shees ever offered. They are Celobrved Peruhzers and Renoyators of worn out } Peay tet | 1 Mitchell ane y reaching Agheville to Uful patterns ! \ FRR TEL UUeM Tieeninctret le} lund Tso Cares) Gt) 5 1 4 vein hi jee, lav will ie dro BIGIEE to EN (eure| Seo a lence and rligant wecoriient at Davie ee rn ee at THE LIVER | ‘They compree lis OM asternaten Grease.” Nol Vrs lee Mis) " | | kieran panier nic. so caimace ti puns |CUpMbmaR TEN Way ale ivi) sisi Alia : ; i eoeh better sotintaction to | TU { ' md 2 Reso cre” Guano and Land Salt) Nod . i OB laure mpuredsocnikertiie ihermben wrvcenicr (sella xt namortinental Banat Ribbons, Bronete, Nuys rs th 1 nowt | | NV IGORA TOR! nod) Rerrikwent'« Sante” and Layo Prasrea” See ; t x iBi Vi Sn. Geena Te timed i mcmcitog «| eeees Wali UATE iad ITHS. Dice Maks fen) ait Gon heya A . of xupenon quality Ges CAT ool ek noen toall Lwillon every instance Sint then, Flowers, Ornaments for the Hair, and all the dates worthless te the wearer Qurg if : PREPARED KY DR SANFORD Mirechell & Cioesdal s highly improved, ©Screr Q a | \T Cha ene hoveltieein that hor the mar facticers thammetves onthe very best terms, Compounded entirely from GUMS, | Proxsmicre or Live ‘Phese fertilizers. where they : ; ; | on | = “S pROWN a sted we Will se hiatal very stnall advanee. 1 rtried. require ne commendatee bat take Ses bee .. OSB EATEN AUT ee ee ce es Pareell, Gadd & Co, Rechimend, Vay ant a | % ‘ ; Contvartor, Tilers celebrated Black French Clothe and Cassi call, feeling sutietied we will net tail to plewne wal Drier - | Morivantun, NC, Aue. Alet, DRM rth cnet 4. & W.OWYERS, les deseriptive of the articles, with certifi- Noy 30, 1-59 2027 | DECEMBER 13th, IND. Oxfordinivwed Doesking and new style faney Coen Wholesate and Retuil Dealers, No @ Gran [rates of thor viriaes, prices, &e. will he furnished | ( ; | KE \| \| K NOR M Ub) SCHOOL meres 17 Building, Satisbury, NOC | by nail, to such as desire them, by appheation to arolina City, N. ¢. . i sues i ‘ TID . ae ; WONUTT, July 2bth. IS jsuch inducements to the public have NA TORS, S.C, GREAT ENGI ISH] REMEDY SALISBURY 2 Oty Sole Agt for the State of N.C ee Ruaiiveaucinnei eit | never been offered before! RENT ENGELS ue I EMAL SEMINARY 5 Ruocm sea pee Sr ee ce Reve’ 2. RAY, ALK. Principal SER JAMES CLARK ESS - ST eR ey Ree ernie 4 Aye at faulty and el to feeate at Carolina City, for the purpose a & W. MYERS PENIS Instivation inion the N.C. Railrond, 15 CELEBRATED FEMALE PILES, Ce ees Mi heneetorth devate all thes ¢ ) C4 PA aa ieee treba Cees aE ehergion to secure the favor of an enlightened pabli > your VD GENERAL Cocuiesstoy oiler f the preaent tine theirhandaame | ee lee le uaa res rl tren ree tint Poe Phe Fall Sens will commence on the 20th diy -- = BESTVES | ts PPrine palig a Gradiate of Normal College, and hae | PROTECTED , f\ S LETTERS “f Septewter, 145M, and clone abet the 20h | 3 q ‘AG AIN! 1 \ t , . cbruary. PS Spiiibape tin aoeonteacs oulloie. 0 hatuaptiedinte DRY Gl DOS Pury experionerd Assistants | BY ROYAL in a PATENT. IL, L. ROBARDS your pet ' fi ! paves Mk ot | | Tustraction os enon all the branches taught in De ESE 4 Dy Wirnixsos, Principal r ida = . % ’ . Ve v ce permas to lyase i Re ener eail| = . meN Wy a ‘ i in tiny na (onda ipeak wel ry sy Line of birsi (lass Pack wit ommdnee 4 te porch he beat Bera ciiang. (ue ietnoctin (oied|| ep Mire? es a SV TURISHIN NeweCunt in the Literary x eg bivad, Sas, GM Ee ov rn ‘ t monet Weare deter venng fidies edoe ching themselves for teachers 1 aaa departinent and Mauve Hole machinery, removing K the cause of the disease ROWAN H Coe, MOL Nee eye as Eheein ew Pteredues our present atoek agmuch ae postble fort and ench are coodited fur turtion until they can teach tel h ictal SRY ste War Hes » Testroctor i Was Cn = nred what 1 b ae : je i. be mod ’ 1 (ee poste Hie Seve} aaees tl a Cronin fer one Spring purchase [and pay if. We lave Apoaratas, new Pianos, &e | Thisineabrinie med TERMS OF TUPPION BD, ihe vc A Seeits — || Calne, I, © tions New Y \ Segal ie Ib rr Are WoMY RERS, I\Wecniuscommolited@ a borciing pipe lle. Pui mai siiaizerogs From S80 & | HMM pret once y fy oe ey diaachary mo Wharf oo fhe tail Dae Not Graite Row. | pengesare lesethan atany other Paxtitution of the | teambiect. Tem Pek ee ee ene ry | the Betent to relieve the mtomech aiitleontinnen te keep thie long ertabliahed and popus thes cat MRP Wal Litt Vanive chartterinaie State, Bonrd aloun and the [ata speulys SHPEA Ml holticadeinan eo at cune| CE e- retiring, preven Night= tar Maren. an th rostyle having in his employ aie NC | inches, AEB tok dS per Session, Latin and WAIED EAD Ceti pt | Only one dose taken at night, loosens the bowels efferent omistants, whe are determined no one shat i done deduction made except tn cise of protracted | gently, sand on- | [z} thvene: leis Wh tan w to alle a) each, S740 Freneh &3 Ornamental very | pis poontiarly er eer o Fea oe latins spepe ge away dissatisfied Have not rented out or leased CHT CUS Sten Uh Ti | | tthe erpenaen required in advance Jasenthly persed with repaterity wud ean he obtained tn reapectable: fumiliea on] 7 spoontute will alae vl OLD POINT COMFORT" i MOH TEASE TE 7 | 4B AN PED Nitiations tin Southern Teacher | py yotthe, price one Dotler, beare the Gavernment Stampoe retsonable terias | _ vesthe bata sell Proprietor, and mvite the travelling publie i \ formation Nikos s * ead r | . } } ) Niven an | ' \ ’ Great Britnin, ts prevent eounterferts Sept 7,1 ts x a Chalte, shih toeallane rol how) Lovunes ourexperence Sie ee i Bo AS TRY | fi Kf oN eine | rm. acorn tit Chotera Fuori soennilin Wracuoraennle uy ROME ro . ark yu te H " Nine ee ret ad é . Sue I Ferrer hy NII NR Y Goops: row ont of the HL. ROBARDS " \ fol, DO. (GH aes Faia iia eel the aty eel 4 , . , DN muni wees i ‘ eS i = 3 Nev 22, TRSR Q6af very ' Pe RTA e ornare t DEES T Day a eves Swords, Sashes, Belts, Epaulettes, Laces - To ALL wow 1 MAG Costar sy Te Pn" gs T wish to purchase 20) “wi enn eas te See Be | Bere |r ea BG, WORT ut Steaenl ati mean Tee ® wish 0 pure ase Sevy me ietapin a Aiteetnone etek AND EVERY DENCRIPTION OK MILITIRA a Chante nar ES 1G. OUST, RIBERS ; > ' (inc nest niciben = hee a teeae witha rater pus FS ine cra A Hip wleact a GOODS Oren C cinmissi c fi 1 1 ) ( . is ' ’ io Pe ernt Mes tats aor ne “sn ee: ae ce : mr Commission XK Forwardng | ibe Forarontcingraay Tena at cts iadtgoutoml athinsng, se anythin rifle Ne fe bai eee = Thos tr omnte ate BRNEATE " mr . ws , emerge HARTLE y Rgwee Chin Bes eas ATES, oe AA JRILE. ae cot | ce CELEY A GRAHAM, ae Citi vet > Y a Hor. ROPARD MaleAweotbar tie toni cee nie LM fe Se A Veet n. willing to lesa enw Ae tS IN. (C. D od 2494) vim. eal . wt Mai) : a Ree ee 1) WALOE NOD ANG). Care giving their unanimous February, 1, 1N58 ly V/ MN Cif, A wee i Cone - ve ee wpy ' A Hoeheat wy ) / A ba heehee: the Invt- { Vee: ) ol / \ Teh JOU LO vrei lacpilll Sak : 7 o> wp» ss Ihe ! nla Cheese! Cheese! ! Chea . : ug [22 Vn Vioanea , ; ne THE LIVER INVIGORATOR “Dp roan: hs CHEESE ; aN Me Se Se {AAS DOCHIR AT. Te A RCINNTIFIO MEDICAL DISCOVERY and te | Ra ANS ETRY oof ip We are t veon aC r ‘ \) ne o Aen dee pfeing benef nm eqirad IP SO, 4 of Ue iver Complain ‘ ee MC ccepaelanectD Lape os WATOU-MAKER AND JEWELER, wi pay ; 1 , : ! DIET pplication PIy rt Se r be (1 Canks \S rN Ny , or vl Ey eee Een ae ee tire Ae 1 P ! : wut NZ i Atchinaker AY Jeweller, 1p t AH Ue alntire of thy Stare Re ee Cancers RANFORD & a Radiat pain y. New York | ; va » pee Nes tue am crane Cr bat Teed SIMES | 1 ; stig . GOON: Sa ’ of es . F ane a a J Re ; ik ana Ree eae eee Tanners A Park New a tae Thiet Aity 228i onl be placed te fe . ‘ Professional Card. gre» | atch Chek on Sonvtey wares the Poll und Real Batate 616 NC a Be coke aecc= ch a er cnt : ' retailed hy all Druggiste Ipplree n ; : ‘ : , aa \ Bold alve a ; ae : a A ‘ H, — ee ee fie as BLANK DEEDS repaid on the bt onanner and the motemamna) OE Se eeu Ailend | fe SI WMA PS Powe 7 ele atthia O ve, i wet tb PEomane fk Mars wien at ai gan at arty iran nncee (POR SALE ALT THIS OFFICE © vetnaury 19.1~% lyae ly=40 J.J. BRUNER, MDLPOR AND PROPRIETOR SPECIAL NOTICE. No name of a new subseriber will be entered of Our List, without payment in advance; nor will the paper be seut to piration of the subscribers after the ex time paid for, i | ; The red x is only intended to indicate that the vear paid for is about closing ; and to inform those who wish to renew their subscription, that the time has ar tived for doing so, ig TERMS. Single copy, £2.00 "ve Caries, Sa.00 Ten copies, St5.00 Clubs exceeding ten in the sane proportion $1.50 each. Pt AAS, Pay tucut always it acdvanes The following Court and miseellancous BLANKS are kept on hand tor sale, at dus ollice sent by mail te any part of the counisy eXpeouse. t a Olvil Warrants. Ousas & Bours, Writs, C. & 3. Court, Exceations, © & 2.0 A bimwnas, ©. a 3. Bpeciat Lette ithess Tickets, C& 2 C Marriage Lier Do . Various Equity blanks, Hidietments, Laud Deeds Deeds in Ti ust, Sheri Deeds, ” Administration Nastarday, Appeal, OO And many other forms of less frequent uspraic ted to order vu sbort notice J.J. URL Notes to Bunk, Wlanks- PENELG t $ VOL. XVI. ALISBUI tY, N. 4 FEBRUARY 1, 1859. NUMBER 36 of those who believe that more harm than as long as the Government of the United good has been doue by avitations Upon States; and it has Pronounced ite Opin this suliject, and that the continn tee of on the point in Question, not only tunis puch agitation, both North and South, ean produce no other effect: than to alienate from each other people who should be united, and to Jeopardize institutions which secure to the people of this coun try a larger share of liberty, political equality, and freedom: in the pursuit of happiness, than has been granted to any takably as a court, ut with suel raty opinions of its members, both from free and slave States, that there is no longer any doubt of the views of the tubunal, the sepa It is the supreme law until that decision shall be reversed. The American party placed ite fret alseon record through its national coun viler community. To would uet Peopen el edinst the continuance ot tie avita the slave trade with Alvica; on the cou. th hn. Vlow cana point be settled if this jtrary, L should oppose that Proposition has not been eettled @ J present the ac with whatever influence and talent | pos tion of ¢ power was repudiated and its exercise re fused, | vyfoss Whereby this asserted {SU. 3 dnd there does not live in the tree u | States ciizen who would discounten jthee infractions of the pouey whieh for {bids that trade sooner than Lv dy oon ] present the action of the people = through hational conventions, lndlorsitns, | accepting, and fuarantying this COMES: Speech of Mr. Marshall of Kentuchy, Delivered in the lous: of Repre seul tives, on the 19th Jan., U5, LE VIENING SESSTON, The committee resumed its session nt seven o clock, p.m, (Mr. Daukspare the clair.) Mr. MARSHALL, of Kenta Chairman, when the member! WW who sits on my right, Mi ASHE LEN, finished his speech, a tew days since, on the mission and duty of t Repub ean party, [tried to obtain the fl t taprocese wreply to it, Failing in thar effort, TP lave waited the pllication of the speech, and have perusal 1 assuines a tone of susrvestive ac an denotes at vnce the solicitude of tie coun cilor amd the reserved ) commander. Leplete with prom se rewards to the farthful and of pebaities ty the disobedient, the very style of that speech asserts the prerogative of leader ship and discards the eqnality of fellow ship. [t was written out its delivery, and was mere proforma. {t was pronounced with a deliberatencs and precision of etuphasis whicl It is iu» ” i Tyive, whieh authority of alvin read here [twas meant forthe country i tacde general tone authoritative: indeed, the mnember spoke ee cithediat. {Les trequa use of the terms “olizarc! yo icles chic” served a difference purpose merely to string together uuusual wor ls: they pointed out the connection of this speech with one delivered at Auburn, somewhat more Cian a your Re Say yt dintinguished Jeader of the Keputiica arty, Who repr fs flie State of New Paik im tlie Withe of the ¢ Both are miitierals from the sani partictes of the saine syste: tmitusie trou twer diestre ts vO Cony red oy « Site tdsters ¢ rat is frou Intel leet, only diversitied in the eteerreoness of the production, OV betng publisn throueh different chcutels. Though the princi miuciated = | been expressed, ler: re, its repetitior now by the tember from Maine, serves to prove that his speech is a represcuta lied and and that it was itended as t! from certain leaders of the parly, Bominening Ure people of the trc« States to anotlic in next presidential election, to be nade un der the to lead and control the Repubocan ot tive speech, duly st+ prepared : > trttwle trerte publican sectional etfort the AUSpices Of Extremists who essay ganization, and to convert it tu their own uses. TL inake no doubt, trom this be ning, that we shall hereatter be entertain ed with new cditions of the speech from the saine distinunished aa thor, reading ua the second Jesson, which treats on homogenecousness of material as a necessity to the v itality Of Systems Atsel States. Under this view it inay be as well to reply at once to the whoie theory of the Senator from New York, and tv embrace in one speech all T have to nity about the policy of maintaining a politica organization upon the basis proposed by him, and offered here to public discussion by the members from Maine and Oia I confess that Tam not discontent that the occasion has been presented fora puly lie de bate, in which the selools of Aimer can politics may be classitied and arrany ed lutelligenthy for popular examination , and the lines which divide them may be auily defined, so that men, who have "int Rochester principles, mi policies which are tuggested and the courses which are tol be pursued. They May thus, at least, learn to stand by their principles, and | come up to the patriotic discharge of their duty. I shail offer no apology for any want of polish that May Appear in the prepara tion of my remarks Upon this oce, bls I not study antitheses, we Ih phrases, or call poetry to adorn the preseftation of iny views. IT want to reach the hes oriny countrymen; and PE know the blest way to ny object, is to speak with the simplicity of trath and the directness of candor. My only aimis to bi ine ther minds to the earnest iy a st contemplation of the future which awaits the untry, and te fe urge them to avoid the calamities te waich Wwe shall be su jected it they lend willing ears to unwise suncitlors, who fail.to present and do not promise to pur sue any scheme of practical ctatesman ship. T shall address mnyselfin the first place to the people of the free States. I notof the class the gentleman from: Maaine culls “the slavery Propaganda!” Tam a citizen of a slave hol ling State, was born and reared where the inatitution of tin Slavery existe, and T have noted well the workings of the eystem 1 andindasteial habits of t whom E live the pon the AE ES AE EU LU EN ae Tam not exercised about I wonld not Jesialate attirniative ly to compel ite ex tension, any than EP would to pro Jada it hy lecal enactments [am one secral extenston of slavery, more lwhich the States and people of this eoun press the sanetions of lesan] penaltios for tonal deciston, and pledying the country ja Vielation of the laws Upon that PINHUCE to staid ly amd sustain it. Toanight cite further than L would. t later case, in whieh men of all parties Et were tscléss to discuss the ott mn eatie tovether to vote fur the Crittenden cal question Whether slave YY ois ahoevis Montyome ry amendment—a bill drawn whole. The theory of the Senator from New York may be summed up thus: 1. Slavebolding States chies, and, as hot consistent with that republican equality which should exist between men who live under »democratic institutions. | are obliyvar- such, are 2. Slaveholdera, being obligarehists, prefer an aristocracy to a democracy ; and their efforts in the history of the Gov ernment of the United States proving them to be awvressives, cites all who love warchy and aristocracy, fy preoscn€ ian opposition to democracy rather than sliver holders, ' 3. History and example prove that there must be homovenconsness of labor ina conntry governed nnder one polities! svetetp ; therefore, we must ultimately all he free, or all be slaves: and this fact be + the corollary from itis, that all tree people in the free Invaccepled as ani niles Honea a ye ' 1 . Stites sho sonmane effort te } My? observation of its effeers CY upon the painciples of the lewists if it ! ule bi te dnene effort te put Has brought my mind tet MASS, which cotnnatnded tue im jority of Gown shavcholders in this G vernment, fa 5 Hh Taian ih : . or. ¢ t, to assue : ‘ ‘ nl hat bene Nts spring trom rin 2 Wise oe af et sexsi Mitra sav Wiles eG lemist, to assume control of its pol evils follow in its tra file IER Cu nile (alleotene pented deedurations, (OF and future destiny, re eardicas of the fauve theorem: has nothing \ Teles cautts. Cane jn , Views, terests, or wishes, o welolders sane eel i : erat ‘| % r 1 1 oan practical with which tue Aine un state tustwe thik ottie pert ) $. Tlie ehten 1 tle Ey win, : my oye me Gan ce Pier ! My properes fu t ty date otish liane TT te politic te | » t . ’ " | should bes PORN 10ay ia tea ach thesencer aoa L ieepectiiniy su PEA COGAN CUTE mt te flay trom, thie STS sk ~ Ee as . ; (tlre dee Sree iat s prectice upon the forcgatne volitienl views peo} tek Hee ‘ t 1 > t roverdeatt aper cir prepadices, whieh aod purposes, we fiad best rest the nev Ss i a 4 e reloslia protester yo theer parthotiem ;otacenia Mon the wenera Principle, “all ‘ dt ‘ ‘ uiited cree: fen are created equ aod are lowed can fl { y AS dapalitinne tinaateommnn test an ef UY their Creatur wath certain 1 tralile J fofesstiue auithrop {2 OC ON Vey 4 > : amionsst which ¢ fife, iberty ! ; . Fj ve } (CU (OG ihalilion the Renu a anny x feu wt a : : 1 uo at al power, and t re oof pre 1 t Ud 1 ness 11s hi | 4" ; | rotplaces am ther mouths new } { : i ae Be ‘ a soleil ata ition thr batrament > like role lias ASeietieri etic e: : "1 1 i bam ( the mont radical stamp, whiet far sare Ue like Napoleon, MS a ted the em ityoof sneh agitat surety with ' r Nre tu protec 2 liberties of France ! { ni ‘ | iss anvtinog that party has heretofore pire t ne rotect eee series of brance raw frown ! ss th t iV especthiity sabe the trpde E ; 1 Chi ip fussed as cardinal. Sir, we were told. - wy t Pest thully siabenst to the peop al des bo Me res Ae Uewes Senn ; Cotten eat t Pope thons Die ; tw years sonece, east ov the Cun ; , . ! ! , seine otter teats of becom Sa ‘ ae eee tht sClose at oritent y pra e, under a Relat: NO exmrenict fT , yo be were then acting with eat familie, cy ih lesan ait ae i i t etise of rm Ua 4 tes Or tthe 1 eUSP UE: Cree ray 2 po Ft ! ‘3 y , anos i | : moparty, but clamming to be . TICs Seles ies Bay UE pee) mouv of the Government under wh« Rect tlhe | eae ie te \ ae party lute hostility te slavery, a6 itexists in our ) { Me This slott ot ey . thiol . atl . , ~ Ge acre {ound prosnered ried j chines ce ne Country, which is at war with the com ; y ; xy ! chided whe uy Wan ae) carly a century, With this sutroduc ; Hinds al cpated | Preurecs of the Coustituien, the charae , j i : sus slietld be petted: that oOriritate 4 hed tives eoter me tae arvainen F . Cor tie, el SoC Ulie rovertimeht t {olan ! : aa . Hand Was tinitea ta, opposition ta the at c Pe ‘ le efouowin propositions charsetertz f thie a cua 1) 1 ‘ } NF { ' R Polavery inte Katinas. “Vits SDL SECC free ACCU am rey ne! sly qiurpos. Mevntine tire peo PosstOtity prove RHEE : i Yo Np scony ey Water dismemberment of the at and: the i a , pleat the tree States werg indveraent at Uismembermen - sand the ra 1. The a it prob = to be solved un EF Niseuint lenny oy (ot that p ae cushice wiieh Ory IosvVstern os, whith our | ver) ; at Hea by & Pelatueds tor the benct 3 ‘ t rove ena eterinclenicere rocked by our fore t pencil th be @ Goutecke miey of it 4 2b toeie posterity ' a ‘ \ hake aby advantage tre ay 1 : | f 1 1} lg 0) | v ted rit : ) necd yow os ta rit , es PUM They deemed 4 -resst V¢ ‘ : = oy Cis tare ucerers ‘ a tae the ehariete i 3 this selionl , i { tid marked by bad tartl WweoLne (es: ; | : 2. Wiiether the States shall advance : ‘ ee 1 of polities. It isexp Yas planrvand an . \ z ; Tiny of Wannas is sealed: thre boepals att { Weer the Goauding irit-of freedoun, or A disgeiised abolition y the very state t ] z) 1 STAM Ziton bas to tar ier tmissionm t > , >, : Bust Uber Cae tl Boling titioehoe o ; Min een 2 ee | ta ue Mtootits awn coses Hous the able welfare msstently with t . ry ia . - if ’ ' ij 7 ts t fava oy . reed Whe ' ie t Liq an party 1 : eae i fino Se West 4 Zt ‘ eres \ i ey Ie t : VietGigni and ye Y ‘ ami urn r ‘ oy 4 ‘Ory j Tldress nivnei! to the Manes \ ah t vel CP sei 8 Ter ' Shadius neni an ' fore Ley Vand repudiate Vv Une metal hig iter bes pra 1 of ; : ; yo ; ouan \ rely ie 1 ated joa Hoot t propl i nV 4 ! f WAGE etext he i ity it t ‘ “ ' ; Nike Curt Me so ehodke Cvs oe ae . PEERY ot we Vato : he : : i ‘ t ! ¢ \ A t V Hihidties po tits sour tore praet ¢ wid, at athan Cala I: . thers, mibabiting the British colonies in test ‘ , 4 itfect Cher Country oy seureer! Wai 7 J Aineriea, bY cotmon ctort, achieved in Hemen Characters t ry Z = tonee wa Contederation hae ’ Heretof Pave nadersto od their : f EAT a Sela . ! Inotnos rt nes wi Vothren Com 4 x Lt | : ond, OTY Was la cerateng fact In a 1 not tee et the stia quent establishinent of the Gov Mts res eof ertiment under the Constit ot the ‘ a Conted States, this fact was jett Where it hones it discotite rete uty Was found, to be coutrolied by the sepa t Conisses to riterters i thy ‘ hate municipalities in| which it existed : auehichal Pathan ots Shave ‘1 Wo further note berng taken of it in the ne States, despite constitutional obs : Constitution thin the provinton touchiny ne, OF to assUING Bh EXCisIvE Contre, THEN & ma pr tue MehL ee LOU hea the extradition of fugitives from service, = Taare f ' f Vase, thous ere Was bho wnCotinis ver the destinies of ciibiye States tha at ae Aue Le : 2 a hi " ; the power to repress the slave trade. and nay become hereatter members of the Mt tnamtaining the other proposition like the representation accorded to three: fitths mion. Tie tirst of’ these jects politi» Wire. I can understand how he beeaun Era ealaeat Eyodeniy Gila: as Du RhoA Raa Dae Urrer TSO Lats: ans cinphatieally deny. Lhey Ray, O11 ui cH DR Xe se! 2 Vision Was A compromise made by slave: | the contrary, dheg wohl ; rutre' the prght Cold not resist and whose direetion ietileve with etiies ‘gouty hye Sonn . yy “orlade TEE: ‘ l s sbtre the . re : - : é R Ue Vastu i the laden ihe ie Hd not control, antl he stood betior Who insisted ups the country apparently go he publicaniz y As to the secon |) they admit ! ; ed thatthe light of his Ameri that, being opposed to the extension ES Hist slacotne \ ca) aust slow lavery in the Verritories, they feel tit tts ww fru candle only, compared with 2 ; Aine ane 1 > } Van everything in the power of the peonle meoutensity of lis Repub Pout, Merce Stites slivuid be dune th preve iy tae vote of Wansas on the Lee vtnpt bn anaiunysnem corstitution tras settled all doubt as te Hercatter ho considerable body aot Thnow the people of the free Statesdo tae wide the Kansas people, not lke the sy of iy @ ll UY ALE OP prose | Oe Meitvurn of slave 1 ; ‘ t ( stem shay Know BO party, and , any party, out of Wansas, will seck to in an f etther srok to change their opin ferfere ain the disposition ot ! slavery ven nor fo prevent its free expression, Weston by hy se Tice will of the Dat just at this point, Jet me ask, have Ian people will be carried at, ane tie people of the free States the POW, Kansas will come inte the Unis Bey A i tha Reian Conyressional acti vihee lan prevent State, under such constitution as shall ex the extGhision otislavery to the Turaitories (Dress the voice and command the aequi Chis qaestion is one, rake CE A egrophilismn, creence of the people who are to live un derit. ‘That contest is elo seven the distineuished Senator from New York an nounces that it ia closed; the leading Democrats of the South recognize it a closed, TE hope Linay be pardoned foran eXpresston of iy own thanktulmesa that it has been ko settled as te vindicate: the great prince’ fes of non-intervention and pepolar sovercianty, which were canon aed by the [sou, butof the constitutional right and politi cal expediency. It is not to be fairly de teed by inere impulse ot feeling, but its cevstott rests on the constitutional sane tions under which we live, ( ¢ i and upon try have established their political rela tions ty each other. lt is nota question of ethies or philanthropy ; but one of po é ) fepistation of i t tical rights and power only, Now, ask my countrymen of the free States this question has not beea heard and de cided often enough to be considered aet Hed? Tt was decided in 2850, by the levislation of that date, after a strayyle ot It was decided in 1x52, by the Whig and Democratic parties volun tiarily three yours, or ee ystand by the principles of Mn National conventions, reset the ex MM pronise of E850. Southern tren seem to have thought they were again de editing this question when thev voted fer North eri men Who voted for that act were wi} aye to resard it as ) IIow far the right to Carry a slave into a Porvitory extends, | ' ly decided tlie tobnnal we have, ¢ We are told that the Dred Se has been misinterpreted + the Kansas Nebraska actin 1So¢ a pudicutl (tee xstion wheen since judieva by highest constitutions tt case that this pont court; what the ud was imer wak not before the “slaveloldinye judges” obiter dicta, and finally, that the poln cal power of Congress cannot be controll ed by a coordinate department of the Government. But these ty exceptiong the decision will not avail Phe Suprerns Oourt is 9 conshiiutional tr banal, to last | i [ss In this exivency, What should beeome ofthe Republican organiazation? If the avoidance of slavery extension in Kansas, becadse that violative have been of the provisions of the Missouri Compre would tise det, were the sole cause of the origin of that orpanization, shall it cease when ts real tiisston tas been fulfilled £0; | shail it erect 1 Woaltars before wh be de to we t lop new banners, whieh its masses be rege The latter eo is palpably the determination of yentlemen from Aud that determi ‘ to all conserva n Its menibers strall calle ) DI tired to follow ¢ those Maine ation | With when the Ole act. SUITES. fhe State reart thre 4, fo Choose now eiided by the Jeaders, apon mere abstcactions. t and to lefert, and tha of politic mothe ditt bY recognizing the rights the that each [utr between a politieal array o rad cal sectional Purposes ult tate: over Whelumny moderate practical sehoal tien whieh ie Harmony betwee ‘ it of the Republic ot al sections, and dry Workitir for ral good, with a path comprehend, the interest at tre zeal the eonntry as the greatent good of the| nthe representation of! the whole of that population, Pheexpla- | nation of this effort on their part is found Ww the fact (hat representation and direct ts cor-relatives the taxation were established our and statesmen of that day were eXpose as large a surface of their neigh- ry Constitution : northern | to Os bors as possible to the burden of main The practice of supporting Government by a taritl of daties ott Pasports shat off the slave pop Vaation from a direct tadation Upon their valuc, and deft noonty their politieal representation 3 a result which, taiiit the Government in operath ey tinned alone, BUGIS CO in “Tho COrres ponding equivalent to the North, bat Which faet secured forvane and power to that section, throuzh the en CONTA OIIENT FEINIERO) Nec) inechianienl anne manufacturing industry which has found | Ws permanent home in the midst of the! North, under the well-directed energy of that poople. When ventlemen from the free States at this day criticise the institations of the slave States as oligarchie or aristocratic, will they answer sf they are more so now than they wero when the Confederation existed, ‘or when the Constitution was And if, finding fault with these features, they would make them canse for! a crousnde against slaveholders, will they notadmiat that thei Invokes a censnre upon those men who in the an Cent time entered into those constitution has in adopted postition al obligations with these oblivarchies that established the very relations which ex ist today? Jfow can those relations be changed without disunion, o1 usurpation fpower within the Union? If these men cull avow disunion ag their purpose, the patriotism of the people of Maine even, Will soon dispose of their t reory and of fem. Tf they will avow Vshrpation of power contrary to coustitutional obliga thon, will not the poople whom they ad dress spurn their counsels and maintain thoir own plighted faith to brethren and countrymen ¢ There is noe NCOKRSION In the Constitution by which these gentle nen ortherr coustitnents can legitimately imtorfere with the institutions of a State which an republican in form, or in any inanuver control a State in the adoption of : jl rejection of a piven gystoin of d EBLE | labor. They declare that they do not to add, in order to attest ny steadt seck to interfere with slavery in States position to the dozmas asserted by those where it cxists—that there they would ex-.to whom I have been replying ; nothing tend to it all the protection secured by which could point out more clearly than the Constitution, They aver that they whatd have said, the broad and salient ouly seek to prevent its extension to 7vr- fact there can be no coalition between The argument already advert. the 1 cd to proves that this proposition ie itself thin castdo. When the geutieman froin a supvested vonrpation of power not con Maine abandons his obuoxious abstrac ferred on Congress. TP have already cited tions and. sectiona! Views, and shall be to tlds point the results of several contests ready to march Gpon vu platform of broad —cottests in which these very leaders Union-loving, and practical statesman Were actually and actively enyayed, dred ship, Uiat sliall discard tiegrophilisim, and in Which they were defiated. Vieir the exbatst ite benevolence and its Wisdout ory has been rejected not only because it’ in sume eifort ty restoce the country to recommends Usurpation, but it has been prosperty and tu serve the inturests of the condemned by men who refuse it on, white men whe inhabit it, We may com- grounds of general political expediency, bine; but on his idea, resistance will last There is another consideration bearing while J live. on this view of my subject which of it The gentleman gave me to understand self should secure the rejection of this that if we could not stand by the Repub- theory, and which Exposes it a mere lican principles as he expounders them abstraction seized on by politicians total. Maine | ly bent upon mischief. Our country has, would yo into the possession of the Dern- extended from east to West until its boun-) ocratic party. iui I have long Suspect Jaries in that direction rest upon the At- ed there was but a single point of ditfer lantic aud Pacitie oceans, ‘The State of ence between Republicans like the yeu fast Op- Tulorics. ’ California and Oregon have determined tleman trom Maine, and the Democrats. | azatet the introduction of slavery into lle contirms my supposition by the dec; | tier borders. Minnuesuta has rejected laration that, if an Opposition cannot be Kansas lin tied framed upow the ideas announced in iis itlso rubstantially we Texas hus al ! ready determined ite future by the voice ab exodus uf lis whole tribe tu the Dem ecratic: party. orci specen touching slavery, we may expect Mie question ft Ther people, and the resolutions of an This means, | EMT TeS nexation he Tidians own and occupy that on this question of the power of Con f “tess over slavery alone, they differ; or, region between duaneas and Sexas.— : tal and New Mexico were created by at leust, that if the Republicans cannot In the case of Utah, 1 Win power on their own basis, they con well remember the Wilmot proviso was sider the present Democratic party their offered to the bill as an amendment, and uext best chance. L cannot contradict 1 the gentleman, nor dissuade him from his ICU OF LS oi received ouly some fortyscght i lis fae to show that, after the pas uclinations. Lean only say to hit Chat sage uf the New Mexico billin 18d, with Not even such a misfortune as a painful tie suarantees it contains, there was but) Separation trom lim can produce a mod | an inconriderable number of Representa: Mication of my principles ; and when he ere, even trom the free States, Who atrives in the Democratic camp, I can ze the power of Congrees otly wish the leaders of that organization fumen claim, and the ex. iuch joy of the acquisitions of a In patch to their political quilt, which alrea Votes. cite t Uves continued to ur whieh the ge new | pedeney of its appheation to Utah. tiu free States, who that ever professed dy exhibits nearly every color of the rain} _ Chatardent love of the Union whiel! bow. 7 | should di-tingnish a wenuine American Phe ventleman from Maine denounces, G u ; Wil today or bergatier jor a crasade, ah op] Whose provessed o Jeet is to pull de tite Hiory Adevinistration ow ! t , ves id ( lay and We bly, : ; assisted by the patriotism of Dickin-; ment of this country upon the single prin . » being the first @ Declaration of Indepen HATE Teen auspices of Fillinore suppose, to administer the Govern ster, sen and other Democrats, wave peace to! ciple he has announced v i a distracted and divided country ¢ sentence of tl Ihave adverted to the political statns ence, accompanied the bs esl pe, to thatet Texas, Min tary Uj} ‘ When the American people in \dinivistration Upon tay Wansas, and the Indian Territory, | livery. il be wery little chance of its fai by @ running com it nen ithe wickedness of African : r My j she ind to the guarantees to New Mexico and. stall au his idea, tal contained in the act of TS5G, to bring tere & fore the popular mind the fact that they jure by aD | j a quarrel over the spoils; for cover every inch of territory within the : KS Og ty Present boundary of the Union except likely an opportunity ot : tuat meondderable section embraced by, ePe then itte the Union fone adniinister 5 +] t lasiill us , romilscd amony the iuteresting exercises | sg is the Grodsden pare hase, Known asthe Me Havin te farther power of of sn eXpansion in an eastern Mr. ; Wertern direction, let na look ta the north ertiiiate PUP Cattery sue ated south, ol tree States, we find the whole north in| poliecal storm: bk an oceasion. Chairman, [thin Vy. tI do not} volar c ntinental reat ot $142 the fearful vio I wi Lhaveseen the aga rs of lis pe Passing the preaent cordon) Aterican sentiment, Lave seen Wild s ' | ce before to di the hands of Powers quite able to hold) let Henan from may Their possessions, and a climate, too, ety aadat ' ah esata ec ] ; Tine @hniie leet (ns Urely uninviting to the esta Hishinent of Clliar school, matshaling their hosts t slavery, NLS professed eNXpectation ot the stravale over Ciese same Iasttes, atid , | > seen ther Pall beater 1 Ms spread thither will be condemned by | have seen them fall back, beaten. dis Titec amu ral ‘ t ye ve ordinary intelligence as entirely apoery. Comiited, and overwheliaed. They never phal. Looking to the south, we tind ai failed to claim everything people of a different race from our own, | Win anything by ther own noabled force, they seldom invelved in anarelly and civil wars, and) a the elections which tramspar last fall, unable to respond to any national obliga they clainy the return of a lira & pal Hon. We find aclimate and productions | Hean. strength 5 whereas, To wnderstand where slavery might be advantageously the fact to be, that a lare Proporiion of rion of more etuployed in the development of the re. | the returns belong to the exe senrees of the land. Should it be the fare; Conservative men, and will come here to of our country to be compelled to absorb) Tepresent more conservative and practi-| . . » a | * > *V1tee . a portion of Mexico, or even in the whole Cal principles than those eunciated by ofity there is ne probability of its being the members from Maine and Ohio. It y ne : 5 } af 1 for Nn . yor F a » done at any early day, When it isdone,, WHl remain for the opening of the me Ml) shall we be told by the people of the tree; Conte 40 f Ute CaS Tee States that hey atand on quard to pre. | Which the Republicanisn of the pent Ae vent the Séafex in that direction from in| men will coeG eS fpotaee, Mt (pital es troducing slavery, if the people inhabit)! will ial repeat the i which Ing them inay desire to do go ¢ Why, nee it achieved in ae Hal ae ao even these advocates of the theory of the /¥f the course pursued then Wy an ee Senator from New York do not pretend ocratic leaders. T cannot bring myself to control the action of States, and when | to the belief that the party to which the ever any part of Mexico enters our ays. (gentleman would yield the lead of the tem, it will be absorbed hy States, Phe, Opposition, numbers more real streneth idea of a protectorate over a part of aj? day, than when it supported Mr. Tale . . ¥ Salta he ve, ’ +. State which the President has advanced, | fer the Presideney. ; tmplying, as it does, paralysis to the ad-| To exhibit this fact, no more is want ministrative functions of the State, will | ing than that the Americans and conser sever obtain, But, if those States come | Yative men of the free States, who do not) imto our Union, it will only happen when {intend to be led into another sectional | they come as Texas did, with institutions | contest, and who do not desire to roll this | already organized, upon the charicter of stone of Sysiphus forever, shall take their which no question can arise here. | proper position, renew their devotion to determine anceess | epee el school and men who | and New York and other States! fwrlt he i) lacto | sectional Contest fur the Presideacy de- liberately planned and roposed in this i Hall? What must be the hallacination | which conceives that the American ‘ple will, in cold blood, divide tise rea by a sectional line upon a sectional ques- ion, having nothing practical in its issue, and no foot Spprouid in the Republic on which an application can be made of the result? Itisamere abstract dogma; adead ,and extinet dogma; a dogma that cannot | be reduced to practice in American states- manship, Ghat (hese gentlemen advocate is the basis of organization. Su pose ithey were indulged, do they not know Ithat in fourteen, If not fifteen, States, they could find supporters enough to muster an electoral ticket? Ah! they reply, what care we for that. [know not what they care; but I ask m countrymen of ithe free States, if they lsat not have a lcare und avoid the poising @ presidential reontest upon such points as will justly alarin a wholesection of the Confe eracy for the security of its rights and property? We hear these gentlemen say they do not rintend to strike at slave ry in the States. | What, then, does the nztionale of the ar- 'gnment of the Senatur from New York thean, when he teaehes that in this coun- try we must all be tree or all be slaves ft ithat we must be reduced practically to a homogeneor asis, and have but one aystem of ? What should the peo- ple of the slavcholding States understand ‘ty Were ther countrymen of the free tes to voto work dutiberately to elect a residtont pon a basis like that au gZest- by the Senator from New York? Sir, they could lave but one understandin vf its neaning. They would be joreed | to the unwilling conclusion that superior numbers, greedy and avaricious o: pow- er, had enlisted in a crusade against their constitutional rights, and Lad determined Upon an adininistration with a view to hoid them, if not in absolute duress, at least with the sword of Damocles eus- pended over their heads. Thus forewarn- d, they micht not abide the torture of spense, and they might sever relations ch no longer preserved even a decent uice of political equality. becanse I tecl an abiding assurance inasses of the people in the free States do not desire to afford, by their tion, any just ground for alarm to their iglibors und countryimen, and especial- lyeawhen they can effect no purpose there- by, unless it be to exhibit a hostility that can tind no constitutional channel for ex- pression, that [ announce my conviction here to day, that the new party which the gentleman from Maine will be able to lead into the tield under the banners of the Senator from New York, will not be much, itany larver, or more respectable than the y > ed { | } | | +] t ie fold Abolition party, as it existed in 1859. Other men will decide that the mission of the Republican party ended with the Kansas imbroglio, and that the vote on the Crittenden Montgomery amendment the last and noblest act of its career— piedzed them to the principles of 1850, by which, tor the sake of the Union, they Hot conveniently mot proviso to the organie fa Territory, his party would next ply the W rely mathe territorial people to apply It themselves by territorial levislation. Viiis is the easy and natural eradation. His second mode of atfecting the rights of slaveholders in the Tcrritories is of Democratic origin. | remeuiber that in the canvass of 1556, 1 denounced this Huy sovererguty as being in all ite qlee practical bearings as host to the fair Yiient of the rights of the slave-hold- inthe Territories as the Wilmot pro- I remember to have said, that if the Kansas:Nebraska bill received sucha 8 to anthorize thiy idea of pop ciuty”—and it was this tewiich Mr. Duchanan pledged himself when adoptine the Cincinnati platform— T would not xive “the toss of a copper” between him, as the embodiment of thig idea, and Mr. Fremont, as the embodi- nent of the idea of “ congressional sover- elgnty” applying the prolibition through eG Viso ithe Wilmot proviso, Tis frank remark was repeated from Lexington to Louisiana, by the members of the Democratic party, as somethin pepectly herctical ; and had | beloaged othe Democratic church, I suppose I slioald have been e Xcomtmunicated with as much facility, for such an objection, as (he distinguished advocate of this idea of “popular sovereignty” has been, within the past year, for adliering to the idea. After tue presidential election, it was confessed ov that side of the Honse that the Kansas-Nebraska bill did receive two constructions, differing at the North and South, bat southern Democrats declared that the difference was “tnmaterial.”” In the taidst of that discussion, the honorable member from Tennessee, (oN tits Jonxs,} came forward and made a speech in ad- vocacy of the idea which has been eince so much denounced by southern Demo- crats; yet I see he holds his place in the very empyrean of Democracy. I then presumed, from the facts exhibited and the wide latitade for differences of. opin- lon given ln that party, that tt was proba- bly true that the whole party concurred in the declaration to which T have allud- ed, Testimonies of like character have stnee then been afforded by other leaders vt that party, engazed in the actual ad- j respectfully submit that chore és no encuse Sor the renwal of slave ry agitation. This| Iwothin the present bottiduries of the Un Looking, then, at our present condition | principles which demand adoption for and our capacity of future expansion, I (the yood of their country, and refuse here after, calmly and steadily, to fuse with! any aid and every species of radicalism. | Vhe first thing to be done —the first thing, to be done —the first step to be taken must be taken by the people at home ministration, which serve to contirm aud strengthen the opinion that in the Demo- eradie purty diffirences of opinion are enenedte tad Wien houneces country needs no legislation about slave- ry. The power of Congress requires no assertion on this distracting theme ; canse the guarantees of existing law are already applied to every foot of ground the member from Maine an- that Ads Party dooms this squat- ter poverciuty the next best abolition specife to the Wilmot proviso, I suppose other deelaration shonld not excite go much surprise; to wit, that if Maine can- uot have A/y idea as the basis of organi- ZAUOU avalnst slavery extension, she will throw herself into the arms of the Demo- cracy upon the squatter sover ignty idea the next best chanee of affecting sla- be Phey should meetin primary assemblies, conter freely with each other, sift and ex amine the proposed bases for future ae tion, select, cach ion. ~~ Where will these Rey ablican lead for Limsell, the ers find territory on which to make tan ble applieation of their peculiar dog mast? If any such place exists, | appeal tothe Democratic party, which now holds the power both in this and the otter wing man (principles of administration he is w Hing to espouse, and then stand hy these to th Las If a conservative national ticket can be tormed which will represent the ideas that sueeceded in ES50 in quieting D very i tie Perritories adversely, I am ofthe Capitol, to bring forward bills at the agitation of that wear, and whie Were stil of the ojimion that there is nat room onee to establish terntorial governments 30 well recerwed by the whole country The toss of a copper” between Aq uat- therein, Consistently with the principles fast year, because they were built LDS Corer anty and the Wilinot proviso ; which have been decided heretotors in the same sound aud cational Hasis, (hen or, te speak more piunly, between terri this torn, and in the judicial department Mere ww Tbe roo W to hope forthe return tara prevention of enjoying a right and of the Grovernmont : principles apan the ef this country, from its rant me awfal the ressional proiilition of the use preservation of whieh T alone do honest condition, to an era of well regulated of it doit does seem tome thata par ly beheve the harmony of the American prosperity) baton the basta of the BOM ty contin oloments 1) th for and Union ean be preserved I wish that tleman fron Moune, and the Senator from Ayatust tArs iden oft popular sovereignty, the sluices of possible fatnre agitation New York, there is ne reason to hi cannot be Nrinty attached t yany particu- may be closed, and that the bitter waters aud, indeed, it is creditable to the BOC Tar set of opinions on the subject, or must of “secti Malian may ho stayed fores of the CONMEPY Tet Here 18: HO FOOTE fray a pacity to adsant inte its organi er for They Zvtion every vartoty and shade of opinion. Mr. Chairman, I have nothing further | Why, sir, is it not shoe king to ficar a} Can it be there is net tho differ ence of opinion on this point between Mr. Douglas and Mr. Davis; the one holding to the doctrine of his Freeport speech, and the other denouncing It ao fatally he retical t There is a looseness of thonght on this creignty, ‘ ud principles of the legislation of 1850, on point which in my estimation 1s reuiarka Ile. A gentleman insists on the doctrine yf pon-iniervention by Congress in the “ffuirs of Territories, aud lauds this prin ciple to the skies. Here le parts, culo, from the member from Maine, wie iaists on the right of congressivial intel cntion in the affairs of Porritoris s. Hl tablishes a territorial Congress. We insiots that under sca a covernment the territorial iphabstant uiay vd-late upon every subject, limited ony y the Coustitution 5 and that within t. id vange, he may clavery, bat to preveut the master enjoying the rights incident to tits ress tion of master. Le thus Sholds witi Cie vare and runs with the hounds.” Ile ts yaitet the Views of the northern Prec Soiler, yet roaches different process ; older, vet cars him off from the enjoy: went of the rights granted to Jima Phe of powers 13 eX liv the same result by a error of this construction posed by the very fact that its pretiscs 4 lestious atfeeting shivery. ( status of the law, aud lesishation on the nt with each and conclnsions are uC onsis that it offers a theory one way apother way uther 5 atid reduces to practice It is high tine we had reached tangible, sia ground on this point. Thold the dee enunciated in 1550, which was heralded to the world as the true pebey hy Clay, Webster, Filmore, Dickine: It is this: the General Gor being one ot derivative powers it i, and acu Cola wrers. ernment, only, will iaterfere or the destiny of the embryo States Union; there shall be no central infla ence exerted by it to invite, oF prohibit, or hinder, any particular system of labor intervene to shape of the or any sort of political imsttudens 1D the Teritories, further than to sce that they are republican in’ there form, upon the wy of the State into the Union, utine itselt to the honest exere sd to it for the ce ad will ¢ of the agency deleg mon benefit of all the principals under whose power of attorney it yee Julien yower of attorney is the Constitution ol the United States, which ex; S tie grants of power to the agent and the pro hibitions, and the Goverment must Kee} within the limitations plications necessarily spring has been expressed, tu carry which is within the object of Uhe express ed grant. rfect freedom in the several local expressed, oF line out that sovereignties tu manage their own athairs in their own way, provided the right of place on which le conscience is left tree, avd the form of the Lie by republic is left free, and the form of republic is preserved, is yuarauticd tle Constitution. ut the teratorial government is in be sense arveerecynty. It derives its lite an { being frome Congress, and is incapable of exerting a power incompatible with the duties belons tu Congress under tat Constitution. It is plain ¢ pot delezate what .t dues not pr toat the creature canhot per was denied to the creator, Congress in etitutes the t iritorial zoverninent 5 ¢ gress detines atid limits its) power, Va! gress is Dound by the may pve to the termutorial ypoven all the power to de for the te ES Cit seus-, and mu What obstitution, ated Ineh rritorsal } ple woaieve: Congress contd do. It ts plain Congress can exter d the grant ne further. Congress cannot prevent te slavelien fran gong tu the Territory with bis stave us property—and t i i ¢atinet—then inane a territorial govern: preme Court says Brese Calo ament, aud eteiow cf wit The preve nthao. I the rivlit ut ea tue Territury “by tion,” then Congress cantiot create sirument by which t fightfuily doue 5 ar attempt to ae it by such instrument showd be contre ed and tiwarted by Congress on the aud stration of its Jt results from this view, that Cong should preserve a Constapt supervir the territorial legislation, ana tuat, when ever that legislation travels beyond the proper iimitagen of terr torial Congress shoul power to Congress cCanbot affect the slavelorier after be reach Uhtriehuiy re suine tiie Cath oe 1 1G ANY just a Owl power, abrozute it. Thave beard it frequently asked Po: - an .\merican citizen lose bos digiits \ cowing an inhabitant of a Lerritory Ol anewer that the Constitution of the Un State~ guaranties to lim lis f science ; the free exercise of iis rely frecdorn frotu arrest, uniess by warrant Jaw ; the writ of Agders co jus anil Uta be by jury. ‘Diese are of his constitutions Tiguts, of wuich be can now he ad pnved. Dut when he enters a Lerrtory over which a been institute righte -uis 3 tion, and the limitations on the territorial thy Cont rovernment bias HANA Cis! parboipati a yyedtis extent to which le may exercise that riyhit—de pend cutirely upon the nature and orzan ization of that termtonal government, which is Aéx const/iution, pro hate eves What would be thought of aman talking of the exercise of Ade rights in Virginia, contrary te tie constitution of Vi Or of ove who would talk about right8 as an American citizen,” who en ters a bank corporation, where his pow ers and respons bites are Tie Ima! defined by a Jeyielative charter ¢ ' ernment is tot z ter. [teed not conform to tie idea ol popular participation in tin ie the Porrtory Tnintan eur history where it this idea--asiu Mich T think it be-t, jection exrets, that Congress shows d aie the territorial poo} power in matlers alone; butt boundaries as must not be ompatible w Congress owes to the me federacy If these pointe are well taken 1 ere be no true foundation an ow too rest the doctrine of : the Territories, according: ta toe view of that subject taken by Minos. The territerial wo Srepeated in has de parted from san anain Dadian When no paramount of tie wrest cerming t CCenRaAry Witt liniit ¢ umeress isc dt, phera ol tie Co PULA ROVE tie territorial y" yest way wayward > they may be * wotriendsy to thie or to Chat avetem , butat leat ( press can repress therretforte to do woo and tpay acrogate ther legislation, w it infringes upon rights wich: o cannot invade. The p ople of a Territory, in formi iy their State constitution, qualified nyht to adinit or to reject slave have (he un ry, and they should be adinitted into the \ Union without question as to the inanner nation 5 in which they have exer iny opinions, beth upon the Wilmot pro- knows no viso, which I reject, and on squatter 6ov- which | throu ! cupy different grouud from that main: bangs upon us, a8 & people, like the pall tutu tained by York or the Senator from Hinois. view ‘Ty fe 4 nae aT government Gy adits Tce BY J legislate, not to erchide pet oO ter to take und riuits of citizen ai rehits of he ie with the slave. Clouds operaluhs of oar political machi- nery. subject, mean te abide by the principles already Gf having deci ted. likes the peheves ibis right. tuahe war Lam asked why If tix the period of fram aay a him witte inthe Perritory, 4 when the people of a Perritory come to with ir, will a the formation of a State constitution, they yiode of carrying on a naval war are pot acuiig under the territorial gov % It zens (or should bey with all their r exact period We say they fap Gu given either precedent or subsequent to Paris Bourse, and. in the formation of the constitution. caine place at the same thine. feress doe with a navigating class who ride cised this right. the ocean with a daring, and who keep, is a full view of ward over their trusts witha fidelity that fear nor self-indulgence, lat are we in our present condition? Look which I reject also, avd on the at the homes and fuces of our people: they are happy, sir; yes, they are happy, | years—indeed and they are yet in the enjoyment of in-) r dividual immunity from the misery which This, Mr. Chairman, have stood for hoamy whele public course. I oe Our revenues are exhausted 5 Janguishes ; our industry | ‘avests Congress with all the power is discouraged ; our debt lias aceumala- c = . . . > . ated toat by the Constitution, aud ted, and is accumulating 3 foreign Pow- ers environ us by unfiic udly polities 5 New of mght. My our commerce either the Senator from fo CX= 1 whtot Congress to delepate ! the trust toateritorial government, Con. travazance marks the path of our admin cress Pemaining tac coustant supers toot istrative career, our tla droops 5 the of the action of such governinent, Itre: flame atour American altars flickers in ecrves all the nets of the States andthe the socket. Tmake no reproaches. G vd It denies the power of the squat: knows, and we all know, W here the fault is. the The people Know it, and they should de- mand a change of policy. All 1 ask of It holds comity between ty countrymen is this: Ilave hot rds and preserves the chough to inspire men of patriotic feel- ing in all parties tou united etfort apon souie nativnal and patriotic basis. ridled license over . vet owe uO respousibil- PY Uy Warr: we the people, r ind uiatintains those ential to the ethica- all sections ances Which are Th steamship Europa arrived at New York ' . War dlurry on Europe.- ~The T have said that I do not think there Is lor renewed avitation of The existny vonecesei'y ¥ on Saturday, from Liverpool on the Sth lustant: Add eauisfy ine; and in the fature 1 oval arrests of parties suspected been enuaged in the late sedi [donot ask a man to say he tous movement had taken place at Bel Deed Scott decision, or that he fast, and also at Kilkenny, The conspi- Lask hii to obey pacy turns out toe have been more exten: ountilat stad be reversed, and net Co sive than was at first suspected. upon miahts which are decided ‘Phe London Times says that an Amer Phe tine by the competent tribunals. (eau invention had been taken to Eng land, with a view to its beng disposed of the State constitution as that atwhieh cy the British orany other Rurepean Gov- HGZC0 ay whts T deny to ernment, and which, if it does one-half of answer : « exercise what the patentee pu irantees can be done the as will ake such a change in put steamers out of the question, and 1 ernment; they donot derive their power render of no avail the tremendous forts of trom Conress 5 they are Atenecan ctl ulits Cronstadt of Cherbourg, -invention isa submarine boat, for »oortriual society, form: working under water, withont tubes, or and politcal compact Wath any other communication with the sur rclotircram Leucutarest that at this ¢ ave the right ie ts members of ce of the Water, and capable of carry: | incoinen and oa darge quantity of explo tations TO SHIT THU erves. sives, » American aud French Gov Phey are not vow fettured by modifica: ormnents are said to have declined to tions of politcal right, they are now Mee fay avthing te do with the juvention, iid: sowerer st eth ) Admiralty wis giving Whether the State can be established yt fail: Ne aMaRen ea, netrom what or not depends on the assentof Conyress, Gre still prevailed on the tical circles, in “Ss recent remark ae Why respect to the leinper sat of Congress necessary atl ty the Austrian Minister, territorial governtuent esti It is atirmed that a uote was despately lished by Congress Aces possessor of the od recently from Paris to the Anetta Nlate in to arise, and Cp oeern ectat iB ficent Because : suf, on the su DeUVlA, doa territorial gov becitre a St terms, Viz: the Pruth by Ras }oby the Alied 5 1 that there t faet, ne dotference be ouched in rather st at tiie nent Cannot Got € MY possession © ptssagze of ad beew conside mit dissent, tle Site aisteon |? tinte du abeyance, or it ean PyHiN tubl shed by revelution, Comic Swan cen itaci eovernieat i Tan not establish a territorial Calitormia ; the military daten AATAVER arate dee, aes Tee Pan Pile ; nlrat “al oe WAY | the Niate was timmecdiately ¢ e Gudenwndence shee ‘cml (oes dousretnl e fort lished. At Pop ena. ay asec nbhiaze forta- je menaced. eda @opstitution for Keene Congress Pais, January 7.—The Moniteur to day contains the followin would not weve up the tori tera the Ntrt could not be broneht in Nt Lecompt my at etfort was made, and Conzress consented tetake away the terrt nelatoon, Wil rovert ments nay okAES SNE other “For several days public opinion has tated by alarming reports which itis the duty of been rial wovernment Groverument to put astop to, in declaring that nothing in diploma tic the fears which those reports tend to provoke The Paris correspondent of the Daily News says that the impression that Eu- rope was the eve of a general war waived ground imine nscly ; and he as upon de the Noah N. not happenin, could not arise. When Con its assent prece lent, as by an enabling act, the State comes into nthe mstant; bec relations authorizes urress UVES xis >the consent Congress las already paved the way on far more into detail than © ; events might take, the beyond a doubt, that whatever turn French army of Inarch ‘ou pa yuld Dave done, to clacidate ny Views Italy was quite ready to per.” * The same authority says the Anstrian Ambassador's private Secretary had been suddenly dispatched to Vienna. these qnestions of power, because eto pert out to the people the ma terial differences between the poltieat pi s and toe differing pract. eal results which must flow froman adep existing ae or the oaro! them, Othe A jetter from Paris, to the Indepen- e sole, | pesi-t the extent of powel dence Belge, represents that Prince Na ca shy the northern po: 2 Jeon has stated to Lord Cowley, the ‘ of the Senater from British minister, that the Imperial Crov- Aus ot hand, Lresist ernment ts ready to abandon the present it of powers Tukey Ase) of necro immigration, prov led ted 1 feonr Ulinole. while Great Britain will frankly undertake to Sine fom the jaws of one beast. only assist France in obtaining coolies for the to another Coty { would erlemore vind Frenel colonies from the British possess rather trast my fate to lons. t iis t 1 tresidar tribrnal tha vob. Lweuld a ; ; ; tehe under the d sofa tyrant, AMERICANS TN PNT IS: ler the beets sanarchial tiultis Any one secing the carriages of Americans ' j een en i ould neve rue the owners to TynctemtuntatlossCvaiseanc. Wiel in Paria, would wever imagine their owners L | . Lo wnuldeans belonging tanccountey laying no rand Fillmore, and to tind my views dee teed iis Sd : Ws : - order of nobulity, and where most of the men of ved even bv obits ie, Gen tre : : LT MAN CONST markare those whe bave made ther own standing loans Loopihion Pod sy alerust ¢ i uo pe vis fr i yangusta tl bu and repntation, For these veliivles are t tle Sie Cecure cat i ‘ the Supreme int of the | that vou see, have very large ¢ States, Mine is the safer path to follow. Pacce. a resort to the oe} | finest m the nthe dloes seem a nites nits of arr servants are dressed out panels, and the principles T protess most gorgeous ner thia break wertes, [1 really tiie) the sto wonder, these good people ever came to have ol State lies at «neh splendid Scouronos” of Marquis, Count, or un r under Duke. The French when informed that as Amer ny she is exp sed te teans, we nerther have titles nor wear orders, and web e billows, and her eyo. in fact consider ourselves as noble without such ms old thnders creak from bowsprit. to things as with them, are inclined to logk apon 1 Gave us peace, Mr. Coairman 5 rus batmnony 5 aud give us the transmitted it. the owners of the above deseribed carriages and liveries as snobs Ameneans display their coat Uinien | arm on all occasions, Stick them in the backs of their book | hers We } | ' ayer Hill ove Give ulhessinaas vhave them embroidered on their F ot : 38 tothes, and carry immense seal rings with the to ourselves and our posterity. If weare . Sov aetul can Ere PENNER polities a arins engraved thereupon, inost exquisite liv, with : : s which they seal the most casual notes they have sectional prejudices as to throw themn qo write, let it be to a friend, stranger, tailor, or away, the fimpartial pen of history will joot maker i record of cur country and onrselves that) the prize of priceless value to mankind was lost by devenerate sons of noble sires. But, tion or ty (CTAB AVA IPSITES Se Nitrest “i Cleanliness may be defined to be the emblem fete address one other serve “ e ‘i o OU SCI ATS purity of nind, and may be remembered un ntlemen in all sections yup che three following | First, itis a mark reads: ied pel caky aie wee oe ; fth eLtake my seat. Hive af politeness, for itis universally agreed open Vanerse ‘ee dwindled | lot . } toe thes little that ne one unadorned with this virtue can wo measure, tout they present nothing else into company without aning a manifold offence rideration exec ine slavery ? 1 t slavery The different nations of the world areas much abies: distagatshed by there cleanliness as by ther arts { g tion has abeorbed our attention for nearly at doserenees : the more they are advanced in Daynarter of a eentairy 5 rnd Jet om civilation, the more they consult this part of pall kindness, what good result has been politeness. Secoudiy, cleanliness may sant accormplisied Gv it? swe more pli yo be the foster ma Haleer of ath-eeton auty ‘rnnimenire (iewon <coate Cho mon Clin syne ninonly produces hove, but cleantiness: pre ceded uel Ihave we ateeken the shac 27” Vo iteelf isnot unameable while Kees ethotriea 31 slave 4 TLas we rete ne Vlean and ntsu He ke a preee ' GA ltl sews the pe reine? notal fay eit a ight, we ; : rk 1 v boners easure Yo atew iB Wars 1 a acca the Vinion won any Siipanecm com he Tne) Gti ae UPON Oe STVeen Peet value, outof this core. that as cleantiness renders us ages protracted: ¢ t here, it to ourse vies Chiat itis of Weal and that se ‘ | mtiv nfl Iw extent of § verals l fonind and body, are ineon pian t We faa time awl iecn ' (ay 1 stent with the leabit of at Inthe third place eel is, afk morerinted Gali, We Mee eceR eine with chastity of sent | « (henna Haire tn ant ment and naturally refined feclinus and passions i Ve dtro i ce, thy rough the CHigent gents, whose Cnergies are la Hea from eng nee, that through Cie pre at valenee of custom, Cho mos crous achons lose upped A hil and industry; with a 5 CCU eR CNUs Nats ; ) their horror berg nade familar to us whilelon mechavial ilies, whose lurdy arina-and a ; the contrary, those who live in the ne loved Ay from the first appearance thi two ve bra shave pressed us forward ‘ ADOT f examples, f race of Ho bare: gerent Mnprovernsye nt toon shockar vg. and thus pure and uosol Jrott evond «| ! . ye Alone ) poate bevated which we have wone abead quad thoughts are naturally sugyeated to the Gl Wao WT at COL INE POUL TC UAB nferior mod by th olycete that perpetually encom to that of noother country for tact, Vigi- pase us, when they are heautiful and elegant yn Japce, punctuality, and powers of counbi ther kKigd CAROLINA WATCHMAN. SALISBURY N. ¢. 1839. PCESDAY EVENING, FRB. 1, THE HOMESTEAD LAW. It will be seen from the proceedings be- low, that the till to exempt from execn- tion and sale, fifty acres of land in the country or a house and Jot in town, not to exceed in value See hundred dollars, las passed the [louse of Commons, ou Its third reading, by a decided majority.— What will be its fate in the Senate, re mains to be developed. As to the propriety of passing some such liw, we have no doubt. We believe that if our Legislators had, sorty years ago, turned theirattention to this subject, North Carolina would to-day, be bette: off in wealth and population, by many thousand. No aan, can doubt but that the action of the m0 States, on this very question, has drained North Carolina of thousands of her citizens, and @hat they are now making up that power which is 4 | l of No Hanover, Ransom, Ripley, Roney, \ wresting from us strength and intlucnce in the councils of the Nation. A homestead law locks directly to the comfort and happiness of the mothers and dependent children of the State. Link these to the seil by securing to them a perta nt home, bevond the conmtingen- cies of misfortune and affiction, and you have accempished much towards ebsur- nya population equal to the capac and development of the resources of State And by the operation of thesane law we may Contidently expect a curtailinent of credits, and consequently a diminution of the jnucident vexations, troubles and ) 4 Tosses. Time, money and cnergy would be save lin this van soon be produc tive of good resiits on the social and phy sical condition of the people, as at would as surely stimulate business. Ithe will secn onr representatives, Mes cis. Fremine and Hans, voted ayaiust this bill. The never forget | poor men of the country will w they glorified free suf trage as the roypht of the poor man, Free soth these HCO Ne ¥ otes to the democracy, but vcrats Would not give Jor mien th urauce of a / by supporting this bill. HOUSE OF COMMONS Sytepay, Jan. 22d. re Dill tocreate a freehold homestead exemption law. Mr. Baird, an amendment that the val ne of the house and lot should not exceed ROO. A nimnber of amendiments to the amend ment, Which were withdrasen. Mr. Outlaw thought if this bill passed yield it would Stop emit thon and inak Peueatticieto tic eiten Liey would then knoe Would misfortune betal them that a home waeleftto their families from which they could again start and by in acquire property. le thouwht it would do vastly more for the solid: prosperity of Ure State than any bill dustry tore before the Legislature. Mr. Baird's amendment was adopted Mr. Martin moved to postpone indetin itely. Lost. Mr. | rejected “Mr. Fleming, at word white \ an amendinent, Which was aimendinent insert before citizens. Adopted. Mr. Suaith moved to strike out shall net dixpose of withont consent of wife. Messrs. Norwood and Ransom opposed this amendment. Rejected. Mr. MeCortter, that no homestead should exceed S300 in value Mr. Meares opposed. this amendinent. He hoped it would not prevail. There were but teyy homesteads worth no more than $300, 9 The bill was one which ought to pass, the interests of the State and the welfare of the people demanded it. In stead of being productive of idleness, it would be one of encouragement to The mechanic and the laborer. Now, he made his 1 or R125 a day and it was wone al- most as soon as made. Ie felt there was hothing to bind him to bis home. It chance get behind from sickness or some other unaveidable cause. Were this law passed, he would always have an incen tive to lay by some of his earnings, to better lug condition, ata future day. Mir. Outlaw moved to amend by strik ing out x300, and inserting ®oUU. Car- ned and amendment adopted Mr. Norwood was in favor of the bill. Mr. Hargrove opposed it. Mr. Purdie was also in favor of it. Mr. Martin could not let the bill pass without lis solemn protest against it Mr. Moore, of Martin was in favor of of the bill We should look for changes in our laws and they would come. This bill waa calculated to develope our re sources. Mr. Fagg thought it was the duty of every government to protect the interests of the people Vhis bill in lis opinion Wis a very iinportant towards fulfilling this duty It took the poor man by the hand and called Inina free citizen It bound tii to his State and his home step by stronger ties than any which could now bind tiin Ile, by this bill, would have a home to look to with pride, and he and his family would gather around the fire side with pleasure, which they lable under any misfortune to be taken Pie bill would pat in’ his j hands means through which he could pay from them of the Gill. his debts. It would give him a home to live in while he worked and laid by for any purpose. North Carolina had the) name of opening to the poor more than | any other State in the Union. This law had been tried in other States and proved | well. If it was passed, there would be no more returns of insolvent tax payers. | He hoped the House would 8o clearly see the interests of the State as to pass the bill. | Mr. Sinith was opposed to the policy {le wished to amend it in several particulars, and that no constrac- tion of it could be made to apply to tree heyroes, Mr. Outlaw thought that the highest individual tribunal of the country had decided that a free negro was hot w Citi zen. Mr. Sinith, an anendiment that the free- hold should not be protected from any bond previously signed or cause of action The bill then passed by the following VOU Yeas.— Messrs. Baird, Baxter, Benbu ry, Bryan of N. Hanover, Bryson, Burke, Byrd, Caldwell, of Guilford, Chatibers, Clapp, Cox of Jones, Cox, of Pitt, Dock- ery, Dula, Eller, Fagy, Raison, Faribault, barrow, TORY, Gaither, of Davie, Garden er, Gatling, Gentry, Green, of Franklin, Harrington, Henry, Holdsclaw, Huteh- ings, Kerr, Leak, Lewis, Love, McCouer, Mekay, Martin, Meares, Moore, of Chat ham, Moore, of Martin, Mordecai, More head, Morgan, Newby, Norman, Nor wood, Outlaw, Purdie, R in, Reeves, Shaw, Smallwood, Sparrow, Spear, Ste phens, Taylor, Waddill, Walker, Ward, Watson, Williams, Windley, Woodtin— Vays. — Messrs. Badham, Barbee, Blount, Bridzers, Bullock, Darns, Cost ner, Craven, Daney, Dickson, Ferebec, Fleming, Fries, Gaither, of fredeil, Hall, of Rowan, Hargrave, Tester, Hill, ot Halifax, HEU, of Stokes, Higgins, Jones, of Orange, Kirby, Leffers, Master, Moore, Sanders, Seales, Sherrill, Sinipsen, Satta, Tomlinson, Waters, Whittield, Wilson {2 The bill to establish the bank of Salis Mr. inosved te stoke out “wold and silver” in bury was then taken up. Reeves Msameondment which was adopted on its Lreadiny, and insert “equivalent” Rejected Mero Thilo of Halifax, moved to strike out the Doth section. Mer. Bieming opposed it, he had endea vered to liken the bill te the charters of ' paying banks. Adopted pp. an amendment the Wipay inte the State Treasury a ronas of S1O,000 for its charter. . «dat. dle thought ling so te disgrace other spe that Bank » Mr. Fleming opp would be ow State as Neoohe the tousk her te sell to the high est bidder the privileges of a charter, Lejected. Mr. Beubury, an amendiment that in case of suspension a person holding the notes might warrant and sue any one ol all of the stockholders. . Mr. Fleming boped this would not pass. It was a new and an untar fua- Glin: Mr. Benbury knew that it was a novel feature, but he thought one which ought to have been introduced long age. | ailuded to the Farmer's Bank at E. City, the holders of notes on which had to sub mit to a great shave. Mr. Moreh J ist prov Jaton ad, thought it was an oun Vhere it Was necessary for Astothe Farmer’s Bank, if the present bank there were tines when v bank to suspend moved to would be complaint. were Crreensborough, no further ground for Rejeeted, veas 5, nays 15. House then adjourned to Monday 10 o'clock. POSTAGE —It wil ressioual news that the post office be seen bv our cong committees in Congress have agreed to post s rates: on Jetters under 3,000 d l0-ets. for over that distance. tes ol newspapers and printed wat ter, WE SIP poe, will alse be raised. The reason for this Increase is, that the Post Ottice Department must be toade self sustalming, Ly members of Congress want to make the Department pi strikes ns that it would be far better to abolish the franking privilege and thus pay their own postage, instead of increas- that of If that dant lave the desired effect, they might appropriate a portion of their &3,000. sal- ary (their pay for only a part of a years service, by adopting the old pay rates for themeelves. Tne present mail facilities are about all the advantages and conven iences the people (especially those in the South) derive trom the federal govern: ment, and members of Congress woald do well to economize in other rerpects! before they curtail them,— West. Dem. recommend the adoption of the o a Cts assigned y its own expehser, it their constituents. nig Good !--Them’s our sentiments, ex Members of Congress are won- actly.” bf i} derfully prone to auginent expenditures their own benefit and to re-) The enuring to trench at the expense of the people. bers of Congress, 1s an iniqnity, and ought to be restrained. | We are glad to see the © Democrat” zard—-it couldn’t swallow it 80 effectual- ly as to feel no inconvenience from it, or as to forget it. Neither could the people perform that feat. It comes up well now, against the proposition to raise the post- age rates. ere MR. MARSHALL'S SPEEC ale We invite the attention of our readers to the able and interesting speech of Mr Marshall, of Kentacky, published in this paper. Those who desire to know the changes taking place in parties and party polities, as also to watch the movements of the black Republicans, will find it pro Mr. Marshall Congress, and fitable to read this speech ig one of the firat men in handles his subject in a masterly atyle vs Those fond of music, and who Music desire to keep up with the march of the CB. Srywocr & Co.'s advertisement in another column. REPORT OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE N.C. RAIL RCAD COMPANY. We extract from this Report, (just made to the Governor,) the following, which we regard as of general interest. From pages 6 and 7: The Coxt of the Road. #The excess of this whole cost above the capital provided will show (what has been often asked) whether the Road has had any sett earnings ov nol. The capital amount provided bemg— $4,000,000, less unpaid stock, 27,- 665 25 $3 The loan account being, Paterest on sane and premium, Other items shown, Total, equal to $4,353,067 6. Which is the whole amount furnished to us. But the accounts show the Road to have cost $4,907 nis Here is a surplas of 4,914 82 over and above what was provided :—This has pad, as is shown, and patd—oul of the Loud carn tuys becn “Tn respect to this cost, but (wo questions pee d be asked: —1. Was it for necessa work ?—2 Was it an cquitable cost? ts ta L. The work was, GN except the Water Station at Asbury, at Sec tion 7, aud two buildings at Shops,—that tur Mas terofthe Road and the Hotel) a part of the Road construction always designed, estiinated for, and found indispensable, No one has vet pointed out structure on the Road. As to 2 The work done has been by contract, at the same rate paid throughout constructions tien employed tron the beyiuui cording to the estimates of the Chich Euginge: Whio Ww BU UL OCUSSaAry and by the sane I COntEets ae to say but as aw fant of the J itis hut beedtul for me iexperenced, able, and vi Comapany interest. The President shows that the construc: tion work done at the Company Sheps, was indispensably necessary, Was author ized, and done in the usual way, that itis all completed, and 13 invalnable to the successtul working of the Road. On page 19, we tind the following : The ds por cant Loan. debt of the Conipany now existe thst Mareh dat, PSo7, ated din Ma ‘ avinent of whieh, a sik dtu wot the mnatarty ine at MW North last Vow ak ua which are ord Lorre Ube ve President closes his Report thus: The Apert IE} ve cou t io { ale) te ae Th tre ' prot y no taken I \ “ work. Phid ‘ Pte retase ty sey ut all tie Stat ers, Lotieed tot sav to Case Ww ‘ the te berets ue Halle v a> W as ol iabor and one io ue Mr. Fisher has been freely censured touching his administration of this ereat work ; but with his Report before us, we canhotsee that it was just. On the cor trary, we ce much satisfaction from its Perusal, an I believe it must so prove to stockholders generally. So far as veneral charge of & bad Inanavement 3s concerned, we believe it t ithated from, and is applicable to, arents at the stations, who have pone times neglected to take care of and for ward, with promptness, the packages committed to their hands. We expect avain, as we shall find it convenient to advert to. this Report “7: . ° Phila., with af The House of Stevinson & BowEn, whom Mr. Zia wirwan bas formed a connection, 18 et clustrely whol. not “wholesale and retail,” wale, and we inadvertantly stated in oar Jast, as any one will see by reference to their card, From our Correspondent. taceian, Jan, 29, The following of the ratified bills may be of Hive. interest to your readers t An Act to lay of Alleghany. An Act to amend the 119th section 34th ch of Revised Code. An Act to incorporate: the Warrenton Sav jogs Institute. An Act requiring the day of executing to be be noted on Justices process. Au Act to incorporate the North Carolina Military Lostitute, An Act to incorporate the Atlantic Fire and Marine [Insurance Company. Act to ine ate Lincoln Lodge, A. Y. M. : ” An Act to incorporate Lincoln Lodge, f “People’s Departinent. otf and establish the County morviug the resolution ref rred to was introduc- ed by Mr. Simpson, of Rockingham. The House refused to table it by yeas 52, nays 54. It was then withdrawn, and Mr. Caldwell, of Burke, in- troduced one saying, that the Governor aod ‘Treasurer are mistaken in their calculations, therefore, it. was put right to base a Revenue Bill on them, which was tabled. On Friday, Mr. Martin introduced Mr. Simpson's resolution excepting the use of the word improper instead of oppressive, &e., was tabled. Mr. Speer, ou Friday, introduced a series of resolutions fayor- ing ad valorem taxation, which were tabled, yeas 53. unve 41. The [louse has got no farther than through the 17th paragraph ofscbedule A. ‘The amendments of iinportance are? Tn the tax on note shavers, it is changed to 10 per cent. on individual am't. of profit. Unit d States officers are exempted as it was thought not to be constitutional, and s provision inserted that the salaries of minisiers of the gospel shall not be taxed. The 17th section is stricken out entirely, and one inserted which taxes ten per cent, on value of imported liquors, and & per cent. on value of all made in the State, Teannot say when they will get through with it in the House, shout Wedodsday, though, T guess, Report says that it will meet with more bard knocks in the Senate, than in the House. The whole of this morning was occupied in discussing: the liqnor section spoken uf above, and among the incidents, was a very pretty fa- mily quatrel between some of the old liners and Mr. Bridgers had been tak- ing Mr. Fries to task for discriminating 1p favor of home liquors— intimatiog that it was the old federal doctrine of protection, Mr. Kerr thought Mr B. would go against the interests of home, Mr. Bridgers didnot think it beeame a neophyte in democra- ev, one who was still on probation, tu dictate to fam. Mr. Kerr replied with much wit and sare Mr. Reeves, if it was democracy bot to protect home industry, theg, though he bad beea a Democrat all tis hte, he wanted no such de- moeracy as that, the new converts. that he was not a trae democrat. castn At the might sessions they have been taking up bills on the « dendar, Last myht the bill to Rocky Creek een and third read- The bill to the charter of the town of Salisbury bats pares dite second and third rt present felling of tunbers in Uh to Tredell, we IIS Secob lees, amend | (yes On Tharsdav night, the bill to establish the county of Lilinagton, passed ite third reading. Phe dail to abolish the Geelopieal Survey, Was Mr. More- conclusive argument ty, and claany y neobeated the cha- Fioinons., The bill, Lam happy cussed at Taken up avd length. head mate an able and pon its ut racter of Trot te say, was iadetinitely postpen Yous U1, Navlgs. Acreselution to turn Prof, Einmons toiproduverd the next mortng, got only one wate A oresedutecn: wis poosed _Tesquesting him toovisit the Western portivn of the State and eXnmine its agneultucsl and mivervlogical re- 1 Inthe Senate, the bill to amend the charter of the Western North Carolina Kail Road, in troduced by Miler, the same as Mr. Caldwell’s in the Plouse, was passed by yeas 22, nays 16. SOULeES Was pa This was its second remdiing Lie }to establish the Bank of Commerce passed its third reading only Y voles agninst it. Vhe bill to estab the Bauk of Lexington, passed dis second reading While on Banks, I inay remark that be no doubt but the charter of the State Bunk will be extended nok there ds SIN Vears The billto amend the charter of the Wilming- ton and Rutherford ltoad bas passed its third ready, Vhe famous Yadkin Gish bill has passed ite the Senate has bquite a parrong motion tor the past week. A LOOKER ON, aecumd reading, So Yat kee been —_-: HIGHLY IMPORTANT FROM MEX KO, WitenincioNe dane 29. The steamer Tennessee has arrived at Orleans, with dates from Vera Crag Lhe Spanish fleet had ews from the City of Mexico to the 10th inst., states that New to the Yoth inst. sand for Havana. Moramon rejects the Presidency, and ad- heres to Zuloaga. taken Mazatlan. The Jnarez’s forces have Robles is still acting as President. English and Freneh Ministers demand payment for the dnes owing their respective subjects, or else they wills rder there Beets to take Vera Craz and Tamynce. SST AW AYU, SI QUIRINI His 153—P. M.—Cot- tetp and the steamers news bas market. Wheat buoyant. Comm decnming 4 sales of mixed at 86 cts. per Spirits Turpentine tirmn 3 reales at $44 cts. per yal. on the spot, and tts. per gal, to arrive. Rosin firm 5 of common at SL.75 per bbL to ar- firm; eales at 3¢ a 4 cts. New York, January 2 toot in é unsettiod the vushel. pal naale [tice per Ib. In New York, recently, while a large crowd of beggars were besieging the over: poor for bread, a wag started ving Bank failed, when Instantly thirteen of the begyars ran at full speed tor the Bank to draw out them money. seer of the a report that the Commercial 5 Litter Postaye.—Tire opposition to: an Therease of letter postage is general in this State. The Senate bas raised its voice against the measure in very decided lterms, and’ the Assembly will conear.— The Post has been well denominated the Every man, might be taken from him, should he by franking privilege as used by some mein- An Act to incorporate the Goldsboro’ Mutual! woman and child in the whole country 18 a A Insurance Company. The first work of the past week, was of much interest to you, and you have 5p ne A —the passage, on its third reading in the House, has that $3,000 salary lodged iv it8 git- 0). Gill to establish the Bank of Salisbury.— You may bave noticed too, that your prudent member, Mr. Ramsay, bas also had a branch of the Bank of North Carolina secured to you.— Should both pass, you will have about the amount of banking privileges which the large and in creasing business of Salisbury demands The Revenae Bill bas been the theme in the till proper, has’ not at all times, been before that ITouse of Commons since Monday. The body, for on Thursday morning they had a res olution declaring it unjust, oppressive, &e, which was discussed for over two hours, re fused to lay on the table and withdrawn, The way of it is It seems that laid down the amount necessary to be raised he somewhat over €100,000 more than they recom mend Ferebee, in a speech on Wednesday. sinking fund. mi Ao j einen @ fund of $100,000, with that from other sources, could never feel in a home neh was ¢ +t Vt 5 ; Science, are inv ited to notice Mesere a year, would pay off the State debt in less than \ len years, i v talk, no doubt noted it | the Governor and Treasurer both tevenue they thought present Till raises This fact was brought to hgbt by Mr Mr. Fries contended that the %100,000 was wanted for a It was then argued that asinking The discussion having produced some and set some to thinking, on Thursday | Bwee interested init, and revenue can be rais- ed from any other source than from this. Y. Cor, Nat. Int. Nine prisoners escaped from the jail at Newcastle, Del., on Thursday night. The proceeds of the Lecture delivered in Raleigh by Henry W. Miller, Kesq., in bebalf of the Mount Vernon fund amount- ed to R115. Licensed.—The Supreme Court, on Monday last, granted a license to Mr. Jno. Wilkinson, of Salisbary, to practice law in the County Courts of this State. Mr. W. wae prevented from attending the first day of the session, the usual time of examining applicants, on account of the illness of the Superior Court Clerk, for whom he was acting as Deputy, and in consideration of this fact the court consent- ed to examine him at this time Raleiyh Regtater. vee If you love othera, they will love you. ) kindly to them they will speak kindly to you. Love is repaid with love, and hatred with hatred Would you hoar a sweet and pleasing echo, speak tly and pleasantly yourself. If you speak 4 aN Ve strict don’ rebu v flis ing tion hop $ 0 k at mnz had ity hat ad- ave yas neh Ines else pera Cote has rant. dts. iri 3 and inv 5 > ar- cts. ange ver: arted Bits) oof Leask to an un this voice cided ur. — d the man, try 18 » rAis- y this. Int. jail at 1%, ivered 8q., in nount- rt, on to Mr. racticeé | State. ing the ime of of the rk, for and in ronsent ater. ve you. ey will sid with Would 0, speak \e YUE DEMOCRATIC PARTY, | ’ Justice iy Dussia.—A St. Petersburgh | ) Prajdisciptine of the democratic party grows letter in a Brussels paper relates the fol-| niet sea eae ; * strict and stringent, And if Senator Clingtnan lowing ently) id LA Leon Kot-| ‘ : ; choubey, of a rich and ancient family, a don’t take good care of himself, be will be not nf P | b WvallGalsn batireadjout inan of an imperious character, had long be y wll s land agent an Austrian About a year ago, |) together in the I ‘ 3 4 ; employed as We ary tired of this democratic party ; It sti-) name Saltzinann. fis iQ Cushions everything, lest: ome “ distract: when they were alone ing issue” should spring up; and its organiza- Prince’s cabinet, a warin discussion arose tiow is so close that no member of Congress can about some account. A pistol was eud- h denly fired, which wounded the agent in t Hope to effect anything, or originate action upon fi or ; 5 . Whe 2 jp dl any subject, except strictly within the party ae the side. When some of the househol : ‘ i : M rushed into see what had taken place, and on the rail track surveye tui w P : . : dand laid down ty Prince accused Saltzmann of having by the party engineers. For example, there is fired the pistol at bimeelf in a spirit ul which would involve a general war; Reser. Gregory & Maury, of Wi'mington, Delaware, Mr. Boyce, of South Carolina—a very exe ‘dient or | lige he Prince i third, by purchiutse, as is now pt oposed. ©" have deemed it expedient to change the name of | . ry Ce, South Carolina—a very elt revenge and to ¢ ray the drince nto a a Sasa : our firm, on and efier January Ist, 1559, to that of | views, very de- criminal trial, On the other hand the agent asserted that Prince Leon had tired at him ina fitof rage. The inedical men ment rapidly “ orgavizing ” itwelf to. pendition who were called in declared that the through extravaganc ni eenveyttene, cm Ih, wound could not have been produced by P r avagance au Huy , and has He democrat ; but he has his own cided and highly rational views, of how the 0D n country is to be saved, Ile sees our govern { ee the man’s own act. The case came be- Niners indieated the way and the only way of fore a police tribunal, presided over by « turning the tide—oain: ly, free-trade aud direct General Pool. The influence brought to taxation; #0 that we may all know what we pay, bear on the court led toa declaration that and Sherefore hold a tighter hand upon those the Prince was innocent, and the untor Bot this, /tunate Saltzman, being declared guilty of wounding himself, was thrown prison, The sentence, in due time, re . seived the confirmation of the Govertiot fact, it would totally destroy any “nat an he: 4 f . Af EE) tae eonal Oe St Petersburgh, and the affair seemed ie who undertake to spend it for us. thongh it would suit the country very well, | would never answer the democratic party. Inu party, by inanition. Therefore Mr. Boyce must it an end. Sar . The wife of the imprisoned sit silent, and look out for the approachiog | iyan, however, was & Woman of energy, amash with as much equanimity as le can.— and she went about frou door tu door Free trade and direct taxation are ° distracting with ber four young children, imploring | every one to uid her in obtaining justice. valetudinarian democratic party could not bear She was at last called tO) Ysurekee Selo, paid alvo imprisoned, leaving the children | fto be provided for by any one who might) isgues”—the delicate constitution of our rather them.—Souihern Citizen. oo | : The track of the Mannassas Gap railroad is} have pity on them, Public Uns brought \ knowledye of the Eimpe- lr now comploted to Edinburg, Shenandoah coun HS CaS to the r : ] ror, and he ordered an ingniry to be in- Cy, Virzinia, and the cars will run there in a few | i Aan e stituted by the Senate, whose decision no days. The following are said to | hundred feet long and one hundred and twelve Ye its dispositions: 1. Salizmann, having | feet high, is daily passed over by the engine been unjustly condemned, bas a right toy! and cars. fix the indemnity which the Prince stiould secondly, the governor who The » over Nz » assuge. five The bridge over Narrow Passage, Vel Ve iubtscul pay hin, contirmed the sentence cannot be reach ie i “2 The Richmond Dispatch says: “During No vember and December 1¥86 staves were slipp fed in his person, as he is dead, buat lis memory shall be branded with reproba ed over the Petersburg and Weldon railroad fe : ae SSMS finn 8 comely, General Pool is to be \ the cotton and rice ficlds of the South. On tried for injustice, and his two assistants | ae O07 e “re fe Pr © same ae 1 1 \ Tuewlay 107 more were sent apen the same iy the atfaur shall be sim larly treate Al, road ; and 100 more are now 1 Petersburg in readiness tu be forwarded to the samme market” “-- The citizens of Gedrg'a have been seized with Hancock and other counties are sulli nig dey Tetion from this Silishury, N. ©., February 1, 1So! CORRECTED W ‘LY BY | SPRAGUE BROTHERS 50 « 125 Lead Bar, a fever of emigration to Texas. cause. Apples dried, : Baron yal White, It appears from late Cuban journals that pro- Beeawax, 20 w 23 Molasses Cuba, tests against President Huchanan’s propor dljyinnes: Wad 5a 6 OF eee ee ; i | Butter 15.4 18 Muscovady 443 60 chase of Cuba have p sent to the Queen of CANDLES— Nails Cut 5 at | 15a 20 Oate, 35037 | 24430 OILS LINSEED— Waa ld of Tanners, 50 a 905 17 0 22y Potatoes, treh, 1.00 a 12 | Wall Sweet 90 a 1.00 | 100 « 110 Rags per Ib ’ Spain from twenty one cities and towns of the, Callow, . Adin , island, besides the bishops and ecclesiastics of cl penne Havana ; pve vton, ago de Cuba; the ladies of Havana, Matanzas, oe Yara, the governor and e clesiastics of San i Bejucal , the university of Havana; Cheeconum | Corn, Gd a7) Raltpersack, 175 a260{ - os Flineanacattl 6 > iyo He “Me 60 a 70 Sheeung Bro 9 a 10 | ical societies of Havana au intingo ; the bat) Gr ienaper doz 100 a 14 Sugar Bro Kall tallions and squadron of volunteers of Havana, Egus per doz Cranheds aia clo: Nerw per tb Clarified, : f Cub + Bank vain of, F : and the army of Cuba, the Bank of Spain otf Shen ges hit SDC Wegmans, Havana; ptofessors in the preparatory and sper] 6 t Sack, 2058 225 Wheat White, 908 100 ial schools of Havana , the colleges of lawye ra fron Bar) vie a Red, Beye = Lard, 10a12 W 25 a 30 tribunal of PORK 7 a and notaries of the same cities, and | oo FAVEPTEMILLE MARKET, Jan. 27. | BACON, peribd Yh a Ilé commerce of Matanzas. mittee of Foreign Affairs, reported a bill! appropriating «$30,000,000 to the acquisition of Cuba by negotiation.— | Cuba is a fixed principle of Atwerican po- The President wants it only by was discussed. that reported by Mr. Slidell in the Sen Fan ee The committee hoped the necessity for seizing Cuba would never if it should, it | Bitch, the former, carly on Satureay, de- | Virginia, and Mr. Hawkins, of Kentucky, TOV ClUSAT Clk DA elN FEBRUARY. | : ; t turday, for his harsh expressions about the seems to be rather pugracionsly received . lin other ry \ reap ; a PHE MARKETS. diznanty muy it ies jauite; the Dons and Hidalgos of Spatn | jand Cuba are thinking and talking about) Ja health ever since ( CONGRESSIONAL. Wasuinoton, January 24. | SPARTA ACADEMY | Senate.— Mr. Slidelt, from ine Com. LOTTERY. (LATE BTEV (CHARTERED BY THE STATE OF Ggoauis ) facilitate | —_ | Capital Prize $50,000!! =| paNteL he report assumes that acquisition of | cy, and its accomplishinent only aques- —— |jarge Store No. 53 on of time. Cuba might be acquired in iree ways—first, by achieving its own case it would NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. Aw the members of our firm have, by way of pur- chase, become the owner of the grants chartered by | the States of Delaware, Kentucky, Missour, and part of those im Georgia, under the management of fered equal to any Pirtaverrma, J idependence, in’ which jon be annexed : second, by conquest, honora- WOOD, EDYY & CO., who willhereafier have the neut of the Sparta Academy Lottery, aud mau the ofne In all transactions we have endeavored to conduct le means, except in a Case of overrmmiing ceessity, a8 a MmcHs ure of self defence ‘he report urges Conyress to sanction the «, as above named our busivess with iitegrmty and promptness, aud we that the patronage roposed renew al of negotiations by puss cu asare the public ig the bill. Ton to our successors. Very reepeetfally, «.—The Consular Diplomatic bill S. SWAN & CO. Augusta, Georgia, Dee. 15, 1654 WooD, EDDY & C0. i {NAGERS, Successors to NS. Swan & Co. \ desired \yood, solid, durible Mr. Branch, from the Committee of » prepared lo ex Soreign Affairs, reported a Dill eimilar to The following Scheie will be drawn by Woop, Managers of the Sparta Academy Lot fut | Number Lotteries for | be when all other occur, ' ‘ Lovy & Co. will pa tery, in each of their Single ineans have been exhausted. Febrary, INSY, at Auguata, Geo. in pubbe, under Hlizh Po osto the supenmtendence of Counni-soners i) AFFAIR OF ONO wAMICADLA Class 6 Draws Saturday, February 5, 1859 , 2 , ‘ sae Sets hed) i 7 Draws Saturday, bebrnary TZ, 18a (Besse RAY, AU olen be # licaws Bata ola 100 sao. | DUUE objece ar GF ag ‘ : oy Lthorongh edueatie W asnixcios, Jannary 24. Class 9 Draws ha I His 23H) Uk) ete ratncy a ee | ON ‘THE PLAN OF SINGLE NUMBERS. 50,000 PICIISTS Five Thoasand Vive Hundred and Tea tne nanded the withdrawal of the offensive} yeqRLy OVE PRI 70 EVERY NINE TICKETS | pupits angnage of the latter, A “correspon: / lence” ensued, ending with the Irawal being wade. Roger A. Pryor of In consequence of the high words that! mnased in the Senate iexccutive Hesston. | m Friday, between Scuators Doulas and | will open on the 1 { Building reeently Maznificent Scheme! TO BE DRAWN with furmsbed Roome, Englixh Branches and Ornamentals veted for Douglas, and Mr. Benjamin, of ! Prise of shunon | 7 Brie Lonvisiana, for Firel. It will be publish 1 “ 1 m0 | 1 Loe Bong | 100 Bi | the same table. on a ; ; 6 5 te 4.4000 | 100 WO} yy #7 Young Ladi It is said that Senator Davis, of Miss--) °° snow | Lup ; = AVPICONIMATION PRIZES dat | tions guarantied ¢ ssippi, apologized in the Senate, on is = Priges of €400 Approximating & 308 . “ lebate of both yeutiemen, Jan. 25, 1939 we e e e oF President Buchanan's Message w gy are country ATT LOU VCY M0 = o,48 9) IriRGee es ne Dre $320.000 Jean Crapean est beaucoup in: | Tne, divert Glens 4 Curcular showing the plan of the Lotteries | will be sent to any one desirous of receiving it and the Mexican | Imp WAr their doughty ancestry 5 Greasers spout about mountains of car-| Cerin nage, and rivers, oceans and lakes of Uettideate ut Package of ty blood. Verily Mr. Buchanan is unfor- a te tunate. He seems unable to please either} a Whites, Indians, Mulattoes or Niggers. Wonder how bis policy pleases Ilis Ine | ates of Packages willbe sold atthe fullowing rates, IN ORDERING TICKETS OB CERTIFIC ATES. Enclose the money lo our address for the Tie iting the City. ternal Majesty—the Brimstone King ¢ ordered, on receiptof which they will be forwarded Jan. 1K, 1659. Livingston CALL) JE ssongee. by first mail tchasers can have uekets ending 1 | av ¢ any figure they may destrnate Phe Last of Drawn Numbers and Prizes will be Jaent to purchasers tminediately after the drawing Pureh {a Letter from North Carolina. March 2, 1850, reowill please e their Pe Vr Reimember that write there signatures vst Office, Ur ty and State Faverreviree, N.C, Dear Sirs For two years very Prize is dr Dra Setu W. Fowre } pant [have been nore or dese Croubled with a cough awn and pay- able an full witheat Geduetien pas Pi AM prizes of 1.0 ly after the drawing —o 1250 JTITDS. NEW | 300 Barrells of Vand under, pod unmediate- rkenwith a severe {hy oa very bad cough unig the past year, T wart ver prizes at the usual time Taj ot durty daye NOTICE TO CORRE S<PONDENTS apply toa physician, bet recived ney Those who prefer vot sending ivory by mail, can | t of Wis: | use Tthen procured a be yo oa quart of mere Pewent profusely at oht, whochin Wi 1 addi ion te this duced me to | | cans, for sale by permanent benetit tare Balam of Wild Cherry. which seemed to have | me . no he demred effect. Teontinued to use it, and my ap THE ADAMS EXPRESS COMAENY, Wilmington, N.C., Jan. 10th, 1559 peas I petite, which bad been very pour, ret ead williiiwhurelgemoney tor ekris, ib eqine of Ded Dailare, Wommetesipili wealrestere| © ATC akinaytourbot: Tad Upwain ls 2h De sent vs Exchange and Collection Office. and have er DAVID RK tlee L wax completely cured, joved good | BELL 47 OUR RISh AND BNPENSE, and Accounts to STEVENSON & BOWEN, Wholesale Dealers in DRY GOODS. Have Associated with them TICKETS ONLY TEN DOLLARS. | formerly of Lixcotwton, N. C., and Removed to the an increased Stock will be kept, (CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, &C. William H. Smith, b stowed on usin well deserving of being transferred | at hinold Stand, ia all its varied branches, and will) | be pleased to show his work lo all who waut to buy | Huspeet his work and hear prices. ar of work for farmers or other purposes intry produce takeu th exchange for work, when Female Normal School, 15 MILES WEST OF GREENSBORO’. to, for the avecalon of teaching. The buildiag is pituated iia beautifal grove on a | commanding eminence, and hus a sofficient namber | of well furnished rooms to accummodate 100 bourding We shall have lectures and experiments in Natoral | Science, by an experienced Instructor 1,500) half the Tuition required in advance "| or, Teachers and Pupils dwell together and eat at low ae for Tuition autil they can teach and pay forit. RE Vwi L ‘J. R. VOGLER, OF SALISBURY N.C, R. & N. DART & CO., ‘ 28 Warren Street, 1! New York. Will be pleased to see all his old friends when vis- New Orleans Sugar MOLAS Syrup and Molasses, daily expe cted from New Or | SULISIBILIR OT, i (0. ENSON, BOWEN & NESMITH,) M. ZIMMERMAN, rs het. WEW MERCANTILE FIRM | — GOODS ALL NEW! | McNEELY & YOUNG | North 3rd St., below Arch, where d inducements of- House in the trade. an. 25, 1859. 6mo35 A Le were respectfully inform his | ; 53 EY aid ends ane ee peter Oot) Pes TO CALL THE ATTENTION OF ‘THE CITIZENS OF Meee | MCOVACR UL AGE BUSIN ESS. D Rowan and the surrounding counties to tlie NN POG BN od (ON ONT SPOEK OF GOODS ‘They are confident from past experience that their stock, which is large and carefully selected, 1s admirably adapted to the wants of the community, and that having bought the principal part for cash they can sell cheaper than any store in any part of Wes- tern North Carolina. QP Country Merchants and the public gencrally, will find that, as we have determined and can aftord, we will sell at prices greatly telow those at which Goods have been sold heretofore in Sulisbary. Below we enumecate 4 portion of our stock : DRT Goonvos. ae ovate is sae mens | Amencan, French and Eng!is Calheoes, collored and black, Dom -stics, Flaunels, Merinoes, De Lanes, mot yottriys LES IG) CH! tio Alpacas, Ginghains, Driflings, Bed and Cradle Blank+ts, Valle Ciuths, Toweliugs, &e. isi ariah tin Oe Sent eR AI TS” GOODS. Tis next Session 300 pair of Negro Blankets, cheaper thanever oifured ta this market, Kerseys, Plaid Linseys, Osnabargs, stof February, in the New Brick | purchesed by the undersigned z | stripes, cheeks, &e. Also, a fine assortment of Cloths, Cassimeres, Veotings, Satinets, Kentucky Jeans of every variety. A i . Rock Island and Yadkin Manufacturing Companies, Jeans, Hosiery, Knit and Linen Shirts, Gloves, &e. LADIES’ Goons. Silks, White Goods, black and fancy Dress Silks, Shawls, Cloaks, Searfs, &c, Laces, Embroideries, Rib- bons, silk and linen Handkerchirfs, Crape, Gloves, Hosiery, Irish Linens, Swiss, Jaconet, Tarleton Mac | tins, Swiss and Jaconet Edging aad Tusertwns, Corsets, Hoop Skirts, flead Dresses, &c- CLOTILING. A good assortment of Gentlemen's Clothing, to which we invite epecial attention. HATS, CAPS, BONNETS andF LATS, BOOTS and SHOES. tention to the selection of this portion of our stock, and challenge competition ia and Shoes, and Ladies and Children’s Gaiters and Shoes. aud handsome Vehicles. Calland | His Smith Shops | d they are now receiving. ecute in the best style and manner < 6m035 int, N. C. Rail Road, Privcipac, with efficient Assistants. Board and fire places. fuel, d&e 86 per month 5 (£6 to RS perSession; Languages Board and The Proprie- on reasonuble Cerms. es of limited means will be credited Situa- o such, For information ADDRERR, LANGDON, Proraieror 195 We have paid prrticulsr at Brogaus, water proof Boots, dress Boots CARPETINGS, and OI, CLOTHS. Drugs, Paints, Oils and Dye-Stuffs. We are wle Agente for the Bellvae White Lend. Hemlock and Ouk-tanned Leuther, Calf and Goat skins, liming skins, arness and Upper Leather, shoe and saddiers thread. WOOD WARE. Buckets, Brooms, Tubs, Brushes, Twine, Rope, &e- CROCKERY ANY QUEENS WARE. We are enabled to show a nicer and beiter selected stock of these goods than has ever been kept im the Special attention is invited to our Chioa Dinner sets, and China and Plated Tea sets Look‘ug GROCERIES. Java Coffee, Sugars of ull description, Syraps, Molasses, Salt, Spices, Candles, Soaps, &e , formerly oceapied by M. Brown. with porters and Jobbers of AVY YB. place Glasser Ke. Bun34 Roane 17 We can be found at the corner opposite the Manssto He Salisbury, Sept. 21, 1858. AND — SES. of PRIME to CHOICE TCOROP SUGAKS. New New ( choice Crop Orleans HATHAWAY & CO 8 a O F According to statements made to the board COPFEE, per tb |from any city of town where hes ve ‘ 4 : Sree . Be ; ty M PREPARED T ' as) SAKE of directors of the American ( colonization Soci Rio, WQhga 134 | e raul the North Carofuinan, cheerfully |The nosey and order must be nel AM Be a SISELY To BUY AND SELL NEW , ,: Laguira, 15 a It t jem Co his koow dei ruth Go ate belle, PRN MEN PROSE (Odes SOUSA TONS York Exchange, Speeie, State Stocks and uneur ety, many iuteligent free colored persons at the St. Domingo, 20 a 00 emoeutin regard to the efficacy of the Botsan VEN Scam te ies Cannas cern edelcn Bark Bulls. Money recessed on deposit, and ac- Ge North contemplate ao cally ret val to Africa r Lot 1; per barrel— None PAULI AR * wiorracn t ery them lmerreen 1 e subject E aH hecks | . ‘ Fanily 550 05 50 | Sern W Powre & Ce 13< W , ' i , ee, en | ixpecial atrention paid to collection of claims and A very intelligent young man of New Jersey de- Superfine, Aye e m Dornan Rametore scl) bs HENDERSON «& | _ je pe ue aoe ee remittances made promptly ou dry of payment on sires to ex} lore Atvic FWY 19 of Libe ria, as far as Fine, 5 15 6 OO ENNISS, Deudisrs. Salsbury, alt 136 | “ AG 10 q i" y & t A Se ue ee = i | ( . Py ke (Ur, Vogusis | Salish Valicd, Leo e322 , " 47. 0 00 ury, Jat ’ ae the Niger. The sovtety approves the purpose n ATS ee ya) OF ae, RUA TEIN ae Cl Ne i f (the New J cad: ‘Wn a a Atl DIED: eT WVOOD, EDDY & CO, Wilminsten a Be NORTH CAROLINA WUPUAL LIFE | = of tiie Naw Lee ee te ee ne 095 ri 00 Te Abet ofthe numbers that are drawn from the INSURANCE COMPANY, insnece the liven! FP ject. j an 0 Savi res a f ‘ i yey ecm C SUE AU er Ce cer ariiinc a eee ree aw) ct uijbeeltlis: persis from 14 to 60 years of age, for | | sta, ene) SIMS'TE Rn the Truh year of ber age, 6 of UL alain gomM at chone tt ve year. for seven yeara and for life . ' Peas, 75 a oeeo iden restart t Peieuieee iy ta’ w ve publisie 1 Very ving, 1D be ret _ = | \ - Some idea of the rapid advance of real estate fae 40 a db 00 ke Cir ie ete Me the following papers Au i Grepy Consatution Also all rlaves ue i te i ae ait ans eee | nee @ A ' 5 A a ee burs Pitee ' , : : : ' cfor two-thirds their value, allow. | y i trl TON AEN yr r aw Goletrinede trom & : LARD, per tb, 13 ala i Srey) D Register, Charleston Se i > | H ND jo New York may be form } from a cream ear a ne “ali : Standard, Nashville Auanta Intelligencer. | go South or Roath meeruninuntess IW ILL K EEE CONS I AN T LY ON AT stance inentioned ina letter to a Boston paper, Peach Brandy, OO al 04 THREE NEGROES FOR Sede New Wong \eusly Savannah Morning 0! Rises pad punctually wilin 90 dave after sat A LARGE AND GENERAL STUCK OF “that in March, 1854, twelve vacant lots on the Simi ate et i 4000 | Gn Turadny the Bib of Feb. eats ot Weekes Cheam Ga Hoa Drie Wsmer Mire li sticiary prowl JM HORAH, Agent q west side of Fifth avenue and on Toth and 76th » : MM UIE a oh House ue Salisbary. Powileelia Uhety Negro woman - , ‘ = Nee | Salisbury, Jan 11, 1899 35-5w Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Ready Made Clothing : i ye do ; 70 and twoehe dren. ‘Terins, six montis, with interes’ : : | streeta, eight on Fifth avenue and four on 76th Rectified do Wea 45 ; . : , Vy , ; | ¥ ae ° B t d Sh H d C ts ight cn Ps seal GON ag ec ae Swit ee) VALUABLE LANDS | NOTICE. pots and Shoes, Hats and caps, Carpets, Rugs, vare of lots, e Wen e by am ‘i Hetil (eas ‘ a street, in one parcel « ~each twenty five by Ay pom ; : BcaepHe ce @a BLUHce, . WITH OTHER GOODS SUITED TO THE WANTS OF THE PEOPLE. one hundred, sold for €20,000. On the Loe Bygliaty ta 0 | hy ‘ \ )) rere 5 | NITE firm of Milk & Moose having this day made | pg we pave on hand a lot of handeone Dees joda, consisting of Rube a Lag, Stile Stripes, Printed DeLaines, Merinoes and Sweedes, common bar, bya 00 t y , i I HE subscriber wishes to sell tis lands lying on} an assigument of their Siock of Goode, Notes | FINEGARESS SILKS, Robes ant By were, Goat we Wil sell at REDUCED PRICES rather than keep over antil another seasca. | ine as Trustee for the benefit of the | COT Cash customers will find it. their interest to give usa call, of last November the same sold for $65,000, and x cs wide, on the last day of the last year they sold for WOOL, per tb the Beaties’ Ford and Butfiloa Roads, 124 mules Woeet of Salsbury. near Correls Mill Creek. “The Tres you can't be cured too soon. | Tract coutains 202 ACRES. “This place 6 9 Ham Greditore OG Wed. Milla ds (lo, all persons indebted to either of the above concerns, ists Nv. 82) 1) AS BROWN, COFFIN & MOCK. ~ MOUNTALN SCENERY. and Mills & Moose, | mT LOW, per tb $80,000. Dee Pet chi ard sounenmpiric tala) lnroved-=(helBuildinemant Benger areal NAN AII) Anus afully requested to come forward and settle | 1 ea wa 10 00 curable and thet mourn when itis tn) late. Foure}in GOOD CONDITION » and the open lands are! without delay a8 the business of the firm must be a . ° W, iG y = The most severe earthquake ever felt in Jamai-| ice 6 a 0H | fthe of aioiheatisenspr wiich qecpleyUrechurcli RICE SH wnlas progr’ ye avy lands in this sec-, closed. Be prompt and save cost The Scenery of Western North Carglina -. . eee | yards. might be cnred by Aye Mthartic Pill, ifltion, ‘here isa good MEADOW on che tract, and) J EM erined “arts , , ' . t e the Sar yar » ag ach wet, HK acon BE oosk is my sathorized agent to se tle | and Western So th 3 i ca res eae 2 Kingston, on the morning of the, ay meee nena wo (eben Don't god BE gull Spang, fuint,| a 10 acre piece of DRAINED BOTTOM, ‘There op the notes and wecounts, and sell the remaining | | “ aan South Carolina December. | 4 espe , a sleepy and listless, because your ood is loaded with | are over 200 acres of Wood Land comprising a great S k of Good The goods Hl be closed low | BY HENRY E. COLTON wd Atuin, per bushel, GORe RCOME Roo OMT See Hee dui hes Newt Oe IM) acrew of ne gagrent Stock of Goods. fe goods will be closed out at low | INRY E, TON. . . ee | MOLASSES, per galion— Ee Geena Ag Ree Bln deal oS Ts Tanber. ‘There isa YOUNG OR. | figures . - Work upon the Scenery of the Blue Ridge and The United States revenue cutter Washing: | ular fio aR | ene ie ee aie i ae a ae ci eK USEING ROT OE fruit on the place, which i! ‘Those indebted to the above firin, by note or ac- = , ; ON itstetlow ranges of Mountains will be published Sead orleans’ Mea [parade yourself around the we de euvered with Pian: |alno favorably focuted in reterence to mills, chureher, jeount, are hereby notified 1 make immediate pay-| D VE STUFFS, PAINTS, TUR PENTINE. early mJanuary. ‘The following libs ea contenta of the ment, as only a very short time will be allowed be- | Chap. [—Introduction. ton, KE. 0. Murden, Lieutenant Commander, went | SUGAR, per Ib— Loaf and crashed, tp eea from New York on Wednesday, for the | E SC nik Bocto: & Ne Oreanss | 18 12 relief of vessels in distress, by order of the Seere- | | NORFOLK MA RINE IE. Reported Weekly by ROWLAND & BRE TEES, tary of the Treasury. General Santa Auna has be dent, and General Alface Vice Vresident of Ven- | r chosen Presi- | exuela. | COMMISSION MERCTIUANTS, ; 7 For the Watchman, JAN. 27, 1859 During the past year Lyon has manufactured _ b \ « a , . ie) more than sixteen inillion pairs of shoes, ‘The, BAC ON—Wertern Shoulders Brad | do Sides, 10 a 00 shoe business of Massachusetts 1s valued at $40.- | Niceanlivanlion ound: 11a 000,000 a year, and one half of the shoes made ‘ LARD—N.C. and Va ae te bble. and Roce a 7 ‘ | A NG Qe “s 5 in this State are manufactured in Lynn—so the! pLoUR—Family, 97.0007 25 Extra, £6.00 9 6.00 (hriving city of Lynn annually mavutactures | $20,000,000 worth of shoes. Superfine, $5 00 a 6.00 CORN—White aud Mixed, 7 76 To a 76 ‘ | Yellow, kL a 00 By the bill against prize fighting, which has WHEAT—Whue, 1.10 al 20 passed the Seaate of New York, and which, it). (ppon Red, a , ne is aaid, will also pass the ITouse, « challenge to PEAS—Black Eye, new $1.30 « 0.00 i i impri ‘ Red and Black, old 00 a 00 fight is punished by fine and imprisonment, and | FLAXSEED, mes LA ip case of death after a fi rht, the guilty party 1s SENS WAX Qa 00 po x guity party BE AX, APPLES per bue of 2x Ibs £200 0225 adjudged guilty of manslaughter in the first de PDRIED Cee a0 oo Aer heane aiding and abetting shall be | ee cei a, gree. Persons te anpealed 3.00 8 ? er i efi | FISH — Meckerel No. 1, #1250 deemed guilty of manslaughter in the first de e Be ae oe: [PA VES—R.O. Hhd. 830 (@ 3 \ WO. Pipe, #50 The overland mail from California brings news «Wh #40 © — Bbl Bough #2x a 00 that late discoveries at Fraser river have piven | renewed confidence in the richness of the gold |} fetds. An unsuccessful attempt was made on Satur rescuo an al ANOTHER CHANGE!! SALISBURY FEMALE SEMINARY. day, at Leavenworth, Kansas, to ples, Blotehes, Uleers. Sores, and all or any | wchonl-house, &e. He iaiiineasercottie «kin becaures our sy Alt | JOSEPH B. MeN BELY fore the claims will be put ont for collection by an! ) ESIN Chalk, Winting, aa 1i— Asheville, (eee meade Pant wom wonteel) sbuul testa) dan 2h. )t0d flicer JAS. W. CLARK, Trostee iv 1iI=R | ! : § | offic . : WARK, Tr ce —Routesto reach Asheville—the Swana- Haggard, all caved in. bee Ain outer ou a * | Jan. 11, 1859 1133 7 RINALS, Syrenges, Breast Pumps. ieee Gap iieeh, om | (ieee need micencte nme ranea| US AGT Eos N ( ) | | ( \ I ~~!) aD" nO = ~ \ | Chap. 1V—The Hickory Nut Gap Road. Pile aet ihe Wangs Hult nasarely naw ter quench) z ue a Be "wat te ON Casa Bue eae. os : tee ' ane lsedacandeliimatad : : ( 1 ARDEN and G.ass Seeds, \ V—The Routes frow Soath Carohna—Salem ma fire, ‘They parity tee bedy and blooe and restore | WILL offer for sale at the Court House Door tn 1 (Gap and Jo Gap, Flat Rock, Hendersonville, LI, persons indebted to JA BURR, are request: | pmake unmed ate payverent anthorized activity Which you can! f Salisbury on They are the one | “ eds | Jan E whem settioments are to be mage Feb 1, bso. OUR MUSICAL FRIEND.| \ weekly publication of Sheet Music, suitable for wow. A the players and singers of the Hume cirete. and \their functions into he slthy Das quick ag they are tikea nderot the age, recognized by all Febroary 1 ANDREW (8 IDY Agent, with great medion) We Fwhe knew th Jihem. ‘Teke the Nites Pills for all derangements requiring pargative on day of Sale Lenoir, Jan thousands know many 1136 a eough, and ined cine 5 Boxer for £1.00 AYER Price 25 eta per Box Prqnemedihy Dit dent and sold by CA Henderson, Sahsburv. N.C Haviland, Stevenson & Co, Charleston, s.¢ of the day most. favorite M.A. Santos & Co. Norfolk, Va [pernn; scenen, songs, ballads, wire, &o. Au wbund- Bradley, Wiltnimgtou, N-o lant supply of every thing that the popular taste de- | Lowell, ; above Con SI ee res full tele eo, stitched ixteen pages full folo mize, stitched 1M iney per cent rf. Tteontanmall the popular; ‘ | consis ing ¢ {handsome co dances . J. U. Enaiss. rangements from the ” Rives, Petersburg, Va . linands; never to ditficult, always iustructive, and 1, Ladd & Co, Richmond, Va, and al’|ever fresh and delightful | sts | (Phe favor with which OUR MUSICAT. FRIEND | 236 | has been received by the public, and the commenda- | AVING a trons at has won from the Prese, are guarantees of its ] worth. A work soclean. acenrate and elegant, does | yet exist in any ojher country r] of music procured at the regular stores would cost at least twenty times what it costs in “Our Musical HE aubserber, being under the, necessity of | Briend.? Vanety and excellence are se cured by aub- raising money, informe all those indebted to 1101) seribing ton periodical co cheap, and much needed to pay up withoal delay; for, if the corner of increased facil \ ' ore nenranin ; ‘ and patronage ¢ Ay WHOLE Or A , an NU | Pieces by the following composers haxe appeared 10 jie generally payment be not made by the FIRST OF J a ; -|ihe frat ten nambers; the names speak for them will be | WARY the TUT IC cites tre \nelven. Mozart, S. Laver, Wallerstein, Meyerbeer, aaa vi ay officer's hands far collection | Flotow, Burgiollers B. Schubert, Verdi, Doniaetti,, Jan. 11, 1R5! SAL pemans having clume agamet him will Strauee, Musard, Thatberg. Baltes Rossini, J. Weber, present them for aetilement | Kuecken, Speyer, Abt, G. A. Macfarreny Bellini, M HOPFLIN. | xiyart Ascher, Crouch, D'Albert, Bishop, Auber, + | Paesiello, Lindpunter, Beetheven, &e., &c. All CLOTHING! | thene pieces are within the range of ordunary players CHEAPER ‘THAN EVER '!! ' ma Wd aingers and are invariably characterized hy deli Tt | erous melody and easy accompaniments anty, on | ST will ect the remainder | \* Timust have money : e Our Musical Friend of my FINE STOCK OF GOODS remark. | {ia published wee kly, price 10 cents, and may he or dered from any hookreller or periodical dealer It others, about 4 C. Raul Road Hh) Cheaper niin with tuercnnly Ate next, ONE said boy ina splendid Waggoner Salisbury Gas Light Company. TOTICE is hereby given to the Jan. 18, 1859. Evsies, recently of Petersburg, Va., Vh man of long experience in the Drug business, and [he sme amount. haying moved inte thy large new brick building on! S ALTS, Sulphur, Cream Tartar, trust we will be enabled to command the confidence | p Our motto will be fo gree natisfactiontl| Call and see us WE AIRILIS TAR SCTE OE LAND ffer forsale 271 ACRES of Land lying in Rowan | the Lands of Philip Owens, ona credit of one, OW y of Count LIK s Csar's Head, Whiteside Mt. and Cashier's Valley. Chap Yi—A Route via Wilkesboro and Leuoir. the Valley of the Yadkin, Wilkesborogh; Happy Valley; Lenoir; He brv'ten ete. Chap. VEL— Morganton and its surroundings ; the Piedmont Spri Hawk's Bill and Table Rock. Shaaeell Tecan | eeuage es a ee the Gingereake Rock; } Chap IX—Fhe Vicinity of Asheville; the White | Sulphur; the Million Springs; Pleasant Drives. Conrt the Hib | Qe ALT-PETRE, Borax, Glue NEGRO BOY | Pecunia satay ¢ Manufacturers Articles, IS M. T. LOCKE 3w35 | a AGNESLA, Masiard, Ginger, 12th, 1259 2 NEMAS, Stockholders in 4 ypany that the first installment of the | URABLE Ink, Bilacking, is now due. Payment to be made to | | corn. Bt ‘ ; ee | MINCTAGS TGR IeM EC ac Pe Se ek ea the Mountain ; + Ae 3, | Ax. Com. ORKabalentsponee Chap. XI Phe Moantain; the Bald Mount. SNNISS. an } Ss, iy SPONEls Chap. XII—The French Broad River aud the Warm Springs. Chap XItL—Pleasant Country Stopping Places ; | Carson's on the Catawba; Harris's at Chimney Rock; Sherill’s at Hickory Nut Gap; Penland’s at Flat Rock on Toe River, in Yancey ; Alexander's and A. E. Baird's on the French Broad, Alexande rs onthe , Swannanoa, Chap XIV—The Western Countion: Hay wood. Main and Water Streets, with our eekain: Macon und Cherokees Pigeon Rive Prank: conducting the business, 1) ling a Winter Trip; Valley River, the Nanthala; Cherokee Indians Chap. XV—Eroductions of the West, Agricaltaral and Mineral; Wild Flowers; Tree Growth; Wild Animale and Reptiles. Arrenpix.—The Pilot Mountain; Salem; Pied | mont Springs of Stokes; Shoceo Springs ; Kittrell’e t | Springs; Letters of Dr Christy on Mountains of FEN RATN, Linseed and Lamp Outs, | North Carolina | The work will contain four views of Moentain | FIN INCTURES, Barks, Quinine, Scenery and a Map of that section of country, show- | ing all Roada, Stage Lines, Stopping Places; Noted Places, ete, Le will be got up in the best style of the Leold at 60 cents per copy. When sent by ite. Persons wishing copies, will addrere cy Rvighs CC A liberal discount to those taking &@ namber of copies _ | PT NDIGO, Annatto, Rose, Pink, A CARD. srociated with myself Mr v UTMEGS, Mace, Cloves, Jous ul a a gentle-| [) MERY, Rotten Stone, Sand Paper, ities for fmy former cusiomere and the pab- ; T INDOW Glass, Putty, Cc. A. HENDERSON. y ELLOW Ochre, Lamp Black, 133 ’ ea CIDS, Alcohol, Flaid, FOR SALE. the waters of Crane Creek, adjoining S ODA, Saleratus, Starch, Henderson Smith and, 4 miles from Salisbury, near the N "Lerma, one-fourth cush, the balance Rai hready carxlA oly (0) Main Street, SALISBURY, N.C for sale or distrobation fi iv ave. leged fugitive slave MIVA TA | WARCUS HOFFEEN 1839 a2 we flourishing Inatitution isin charge of the) catjabury, Nov. 20, 1858 ama7 Jatt he kent direct from the office of publication atthe mr or R. A. Caldwell, Eaq. in Salliabury. Jan. 4, TRS Are PA number of advertisements of Hotels Uvers On Monday the Secretary of tho Treasury following Teachers, v1 | ‘ following rater, vearly ®0 3 half year §2.90; Clubs, j 59 A; UEC AED WANE ma aD’ HBH@lMcte Stables and Springs will be inserted upoa fly-leaves, 1 , a D. Wirxivaon, Principal, Drs. M. WHITEHEAD & J A. CALDWELL, '3 copire, 8145 6 copier, 2G; 10 capies, M40 per) Jan tl, 1859, 113: A MEETING of the Educational Associnnien of iC tony arded immediately epened the proposals for the remaining por io0| View N.O. Winaivaow, Aasiatant in’ the Literary years enue rates for half year, No subecripton é : : ben kts N an iM ; | AVF aseorinted th Iyea in the practice of Medicine ate rane ; a : Rowan County willbe held in thie Town at the Tem Jun Vt, 33 of the Joan auth: rized in June last. > early ff department and usic iiatear thet n F Tecihepntite, Those taken for eas than 6 months, payable mn advance sop 1 . , eu eua the be tice Bae a - es $ ny authorizes ‘ Pe Wu. Hanne, Inetractor in Music, Pea Wavelrtt Eee eOmice oon Musical riend,, alg ah cancion) Coffec, Sugar, Molasses Leet: a a De Canite (enn Gs 1 y 1 ty differont parties offered in the agyregate $31, é . exten charge Beran, Now York . ¢ AGM sbeine Saciniay oC Cnn Cnty OT see i \ ' Takeipleawereinsayingcnnu sche cscnul )tsi/0 S cgwyes Mec sihe alsa) aa sent hy Dr Waereneat cot URE MOURECO ANI purpose of promoting the canse of Education in the A. . i (ies, thaukwle 2 = J Sinte of N. AML Teachers, Comnnitee men and 000,000, and the rates varied from } to 5 per cent. Those who offered more than 24 percent got about $6,000,000 of the $10,000,000, The the bidders hae surpassed their expectation We are for paat favore and request & continuation of the same with a gregs addition, As there may be are Nectadan in their feelings tn regard to Twonld any publicly what TE have ead im privat: teach no Lem, if you want that tanght you muat gene tor the Preacher on the 2lat day of Feb. one weeks Terma of Tuition as heretofore Board in family of Principal and others ofthe high some whi Schools remainder will be divided between who offered from 2 to 2} per cent. premium. 1859, and continue twenty (a One hundred and eighty-cight thonsand four hundred and seventy five bales of cotton have been shipped from Memphis, since the ae of the season. Bo says the A valanche. Feb lat, eat respectability WILKINSON, Patverrar 1136 AD 1859 | @p ue The second Season willeommence “ob, 1, (tina6} : . TYyRW 1 x Proprietors EQUITY SALE zs. 4 OS] BD ! (iS eAC RES Marlin, dee vwine, Danie DENTAL NOTICE, FEB WR. BUSSENT, fics ened 1 Waft Court Relonging to the heirs of Joss Mar adjoining the linda vo snd others ep “A . He * leans Molasses Sacks Salt Friends of Edacation in the ¢ ROW, VO. 4 GRANITE and earnestly mele ted tecatrend, and 1 ) HOGSHEADS New Orteans and Weet India Sagars who wish to be ex (mined are requested by the tx \V OULD respectfully ent the atrention of the RO Bags Rio and dave ¢ iffee amining Committee to attend the + val Meet Ladies to their remaining Stack of 90 Hhds. Muscovado and New Or A WLOWEN Core Secretary lrab . BR, IRSD twits SCT se Doh SILKS and DRESS GOODS, Crushed and Coffee Sagar which will fronr thie day be offered at greatly redec- Notice. man Salamone place at th , < ; ; : SPRAGUE BROS Se ON enllche ste the 4 Pre aiitcnes (oreins so ewant will \ tly te Moe ain Matiahary. nn the Hth day of February. be AS REMOVED ro tre DENTAL ROOMS galisbury, Dee. 19, 1858 29 MALL TION wl Pa a we SL CLE eae ateona oi, ee Aes as: ing Tare’ay of County Canrt’ Terme aig in ue on the comer formerty vecupted by Da Bason, : - +4) 1 hol eae : Veet an : ie memined to close then oat before makvig caf SPleg credit. the pureharer g ye a easy ’ Ju ! where hei preparedto attend all operations BI oN kK DE { DS pies AUER Veena i fe ee ay ’ ve ee wea t F pecurition iM ER, ( aoe CONE ne gts : Ss ee y ___, thor and city of New York and ather piace: {Pre fee @225 26 Tn i, feed u vas UPON a TAT ALI O HELO L \ Dec, 13, 1858 o* Dee 21, Ino 1130 | | : \ | \ ern gine Le CN, = NI PROSPECTUS OF THE CAROLINA CITY TIMES. The undersicued will commence the publication » a Weekly Journal with the above Cag about the Aan week in January a at Carolina City, N.C. ‘The Timus will be +*Independent in all things, Neu- tral in nothing ;” bat the best energies of the propri- tore will be directed te any and all measures tending to advance the interests of Beaufort Harbor; and ly ty keep people posted co what we are) i With this determination they will fur- | nfl record of all stausties which may be Joy to the Admwers OF A FINE HEAD OF RICH GLOSSY HAIR. Talk of beauty, it cannot cxist without a fine head of hair, then read the following, aud if you ask more see circular around each bottle, and no one can doubt. PROFESSOR WOOD'S HAIR RESTORA- TIVE.—We eall the attentwe of all, old aud young, to this woaderful preparation, which turus! back to its original color, gray hair—eovers the bead of the bald with a luxuriant growth—removes the | Jane ruil itching, and all cutaneous eruptions — | of the uatural fluids; a regular dresmog for the hair ni in their power to obtain in addition to any commerce information which can condace to the welfare of eur The want of such a Journal i mercantile wutercsts. felt by every intelligent citizen who desiics tu be all eequainted with the resources of Beautort Harb: —our present coudivion, future prospects, &e The ‘Times will give the latest market reports ipat-apd departure of vessels from this puri, and iL be | mons will afford the latest intelligence both foreign ind domestic. Special care will be taken to give a tull and accurate summary of State news ruses a Continaal tow and Mere use will f preserve ite ealor, and keep it from falling to extreme i old age, in all its uataral beauty. We call then apou the bald, the grey, of diseased in the scalp, to use it; aod surely the young will uot, as they value the | Howing locks, or the witching curl, ever be without hit Ets praise is upon the tongue of thousands in The Tiwee will be published every Thursday, aud | The Agent fur Prof. Wood's Mair Restorative in| ib led to subscribers for Two Dollars a Nearly w Ilaven, received the following Jetter in regard | pe aie advance to the Restorative, a few we. ks since ja ye re. ; A. B. CHAPIN & CO TRI-WEEKLY MAIL | LINE. Mr. Leavenworth—Sir: [have been troubled with HACKS, dandrast or scurfou wy head for more than a year, TWO HORSE auto come out, ecurt and hairtoygether. T Aven paper vhout Woad'’s Hair Restor- From Mocksville, N.¢., to Salisbury, ¥. 0. |! jthe seurf and new hair began to grow 5 alive” asa T called at your store on the 1st of or three jaches tn deng ho where 1 wae all off. par my haw be saw ina New t cure. Apri last, and purchased ove bottle to try it, aud t sdnd tomy salistaction it was the thing, it removed J have s 3 Lk CHANGE OF BCHEDUL great faith init wore by Mr. Post, the bearer of this, [don't know Leaves Mocksville every Mondays, Weduesdays aud Fridays at 11 otetock, A. M. asauy of the kKiad iwused ua this place, you may | Arrives a\ Salisbury same days at do'clock, P.M [have a market for many bot les after itis known Leaves Sulisbary every ‘Toesdays, ‘Piurdays aud | here. Yours with respect, Saturdays at Rd o'clock, A. M RUFUS PRATT. Artiver ai Mocksville sane daysat ly cock, P.M Redan Puicanecema, Sept. 9, 1856. * The Proprietor, also, pledges himse!/t. sengers from Mocksville iu any direction they may wish to go. on reasonable terms. ‘Try han, all you that wish to go to the mountains in that direction AGE OFFICE at Salisbury at the Maasion Hotel, Wa. Rowz Agent. H.R. AUSTIN, Paorrixron Mocksville, Bec. 5, 1858. Theory of Vocal Music, SEVEN KASY LESSONS. supply of the above ase ful Musical Work, PROF. WOOD— Dearsir: Your Hair Restorative is proving (self beneficial tome. The front, and alse the back purtof my head almost lost its covenng fin fact aitp. PT have used but two half pint bottles of your Restorative, and now the top of my head well studded with a promising crop of young hair and the front is also receiving its benefit. TP have tried other preparations without any benetit wh vever I think from my own personal recommendation, | can induce many others to try it. Yours respectfully, D.R. THOMAS, M.D., No. 464 Vine street TN: haud-omely printed and for sale at THIS OFFICE —_ st, 1858 1130 Vixcesses, Ta., June 22, 1353 pa] PROF.0. J. WOOD, Ass you are about to Wann, ARE YOU IN DEBT TO factured and vend your recently discovered Hai Restorative, | will state, fur whomever it may con- T wish you to send me two botiles | h Mis ow twol 4 | | of t jr p I G te « oO 4) | portunity to ¢ S large cepital, viz: cash $43,345.89—making a total of $470,604.92, mect apy losses that uwy accrue; we therefyre Lave no hesitation in suying to the public, that there is no safer Company MW the Soathern country. arte andsay, fans will send usiu one huadred and fitty Greensborough Mutual INSURANCE COMPANY. —_o-—— UCH hasbecn the cure and eepnomy of the offi cers of thie Company. that we are free from debt ave nade n@ @isessments, and have now on hand in preariam notes $457,059.03 ; in The mosi the Risks ia this Company being in the Western {the State, where the danger from fire is much s TORS: P. Mendenhall, 1. Cole, Jed DIRE Sloan, J. A. Mebane, © Weir, W. J. MeCoune!, John James M. Garrett, EW. Ogburn, D reyy, David MeKnight, Greensborough; Alex r, Newbern; Bo OF. Lilly, Wadesborough ; otlin, Jamestown; W. A. Wrght, Wilmington iT Shaver, huiv; TT. McGee, Ra ae Sproidl, Plymouth; ROE. Proy, Lumberton; Yanceyville All communicationson business connected with thie thce, should be addressed to PETER ADAMS, Secretary. enborough, N. ¢ 5, 1857; tf «May? JONESVILLE Male and Female Academies, D in} P Mil G Jame- S Sali nsou, Rey. W.L. Vax Exton, A.M, Principal. L. J. Ciumeny, A.B. Associate iiss ALD. Lorreipax, Teacher in Female Depart- | ment. fies PK. Hawwoxn, Teacherof Musie and French 1 per session of 21 weeks, with every thing fur mished except fights, OO Puiteou varies from 6 to 1S. 15 00 Manieion Piano, 20 vu Freuch and Embroi tery, each, 5 00 ‘The twenty eighih session of these schools willupea the first Weduersday in January next. It ishghly that al! euter the first week ive their sons and daughters a thorough education m ihe same village. We bave a tine appa- ratas, with waps and glubes, also a good hbrary for the beaehit of the pupils. boarding houses open the low rates have reveral la tutied ation of stud th, aud We the ace ™ its, at fe per men We hope that for the xt ” For further particulars address the Principal at Jonesville, Yadkin Co., N.C. and Catalogues will be sent Nov 10th, oR to pareuts and guar- | CELEBRATED VEGETABLE CATTLE POWDER. tm NHE Proprietors take pleasure in offering their Vegetuble Cattle Powder, feeling confident that itis the article long needed by the Agricultural com- manity. ‘Phe Compound ir useful in most all divea sex incident (o Horses, Cows, Hogs, and Shee p» en termg inte the cirealation, effect thereby, purifying th Phe Powder ts recummeuded for borses to be given tm complauits of Dosteniper, Slabbering, Coughs, Fe vers, Foot-diseases, Gisaders, Farcy, Gripes aud Col producing an allernative ney. foundered horses, We muking them yield twice th: poor condition der, will veve doses of rmount of milk, A farmer, that once uses this pow rhe witheatit. Tt should be given in a tablespoonful three tines a week, continuing the asin ia and iu use oft all the diseases ariciig from the impure state of the blood and secretions may be nrely driven out, . To diseases of Hollow Horn, Hoof disease, or cows that give bloody mitik, dry cows, it found hivhly beneticlal by giving the powder every day, or three mes a week VWOGS or for has been For ho vgs the powder is recommended t be given elled necks, the Pitas Hinge, a given by ron lunges. ane fmay b int ing a pound ora halt ofa package in a barrel of swill | LEAD CUTE IE Miportant or as Boon thereafter as porsible Phe schools are conducted in large buildings, and | at a suitable distance apart, affurding parents an op- The Cattle Powder, proving so efficacious for what t was first recommended ie feed it to some layin he sd weve feet cal farmers to i | blood and all seeretious. | ic, Jaundice and Yellow Water, diseases of the kid | | | | | | Ttmay be given in doses of tablempoonful thee or | four (huer a Week mixed with water when drinking | CO NaS The powder is highly recommended for cows. Pu rifyiug there blood and brir githem to a healthy stute, crving out allthe iepurities of the bedy, in Jereasing Cleir streagth and unproving their appetite, | | | eS , Do n n i e Ha t ns. and found the mos Wonderful in fattemtng them; besides, making thei contisue Jonger than usual ia javing We cat theret refore, recommend it, te be feed to chicheus geese, turkeys and for all kinds of the feathered tribe, where itis desired to keep up a healthy cou dition. TCmay be given mixed with Endianmeatl and | ; Water two or thi | SOLD, Wh: Drugemt, e times a week aie und Retad, by WOH. WYATT Salisbury, N.C TO ALL ms ARE crowding their Store, Ma. 4, Granite Building, Salisbury, ; oa n a eee TREMENDOUS ATTRACTIONS! ELEGANT AND COMPLETE STOCK OF | BRITISH, FRENCH, & AMERICAN DRY GOODS. A. & W. MYERS, | \ | “Dn & ad ~ y iS S2 o *- oan fot) — , Tr u n k s . & ec a ) Ad ( ] aI ¢ LO L BI G E PT B J I Y CY JT E S I P O U AL x is 5 | *s p o o v. is Cl o t h i n g , Bo o t s & Sh o e — — — er x} me S — me Ls > — 4) = Ss! a) : | = ice 5 o x) _— ey ta | fs = hwith every thing that is new, elegant. andattractive in ! | R. & A. MURPHY cern, that Thuve used stand kaowa others to use it | : aed CHOICE eS AU MOREHY, eee re en _ Interested in Building! CE FANCY AND IMPORTED FABRICS IP SO, wf uvng other Hair Reatotuoves, nd (hat | fidd | lall Ud ; | ) = ~, =) BVASUIV SUP Cor bouny other kieow EG The Subseribers eal! FatiO pole and all thi S FOC A s i ‘ jn Shon fakes Jit) dx PLD your nal Mp ie a ee k : he Subscribers call attention to tl u A yat is good and substantial in LL, Notes and Accounts due us, and remsiuing raise will restore any person's hur t : | Wills On W rh t Hill. Hl ih (Vi QT Ap &- UAE Bl 7 4 ‘ LAX in oor hands on the FIRST DAY of FERKL youlitul color and teature, giving at VAC Wink | Ms . ‘ 4 vik ( DRY GOODS ARY. 1=59. will he placed in the hands of an otlices fi and glossy appearance; and ail 1 ie a | s. r collection Ro& A. MURPHY. | without dises’omne hands that apply othe | JEWELER, ee HEY will drees lumber, do all kind eof ORNA., En extent. selection. variety and price they are notutra HY Competition with the are how 159 Gul2 | dress on which it dropa. TL would, therefore, rece \ le MENTAL Woop WORK as Mouidings, | the State indeed rather mviie tt, aud will with prea cout Iemet yer bel — Mend its use “oe very one desirous of have a fie ud manufacture FRAMES.| \” " TO F ARMERS aise and texture to hair. Respecttuliv yours, DOORS and SPOKES 4] W HOLES sAL E > . ) RE a \ IL. b i \ Ike RS Wao & x ahr de WLESON KING) j large stoch of well seasoned, selected LUMBER, Will be give them tha befhtoof an eva minal F JI Ww D&c P 312 kepron hand ma on i seciety the moet er tical that they bri gh ALL those wanting a goo! article 0 A OOD & Co., Proprietors, 312 Broadway ie | ee ee an tit en Be is.tion in imak - cs CLOVER SEED, (sinent Omndil Cd Wurkeusireer St tng Mi i ay SE ee eats eae Fae isu | Payers ee kaniedcencee(ineeeeuint prerial tet Be agli alice trans q - iy a 7, v9 1 .) x ila ‘ . Wil e furciishiee sire tos CAN be accommodated by calling at HENDERSON _ Sold by WoT WYATT, Draggist, Salisbury, N IR, MIO SO) x S iificy aisdicall diction (0 (heir SLUKiES ate HBEcCe?vei ze ZA nea. ms «sapap ew Sf Drug Store’ Salibary, N.C iK stn by iI good Druggists — \ BD i “ \V et upproved patterns, und superior finish ( the carly FRENCH IMPORTATIONS, one of our firm has encniegly nS _ Jamrary 18th, 1858 SCA) el i - ue | ] I¢ ) C ASK, Their work 1 not surpasted by amin the State | We have thus taken advantage of the #arby an well ms tisen inropren Havecuies tb : ae - IState of North C lj | Wr Orders filled at the shortest notice alteat bur Town and Country trends wy our SEPPIA «th ona, aan zt © . A m” foubdenee as we ' t . hele iE PArOlNA. ND che ta yew supply of ' ma ' 1 Unsarpass d advantages bout neem, 1 And ee wep mma: Boe Les oe ae WATCHES, JEWELRY, GUUS) MILLS. | cerita: Calter clei cere Hufben teas eee cas tiaenne, otal Seep ~f RECOUNTS arsiall inederncbirendynty SENN Ib) nC) UN Te | i ae we if Ginseng | Connected with the Factory, are two Gast Mills | COST oR ASTD ON ABLE Goode inthe market i ETE CRO ICH S Settlement. All those who owe me will! Court uf Pleas aud Quarter Sessions, November | h nw an aaah de Corn will be ground with despateh, and a supply o With eve Wty ty conduct au externa ee we wil please come and settle vp as I am needing uwuey ey | ae Seite tlie nil chee: tgood MEAL wil alwiys be kept ter ein 1 oe IP Shenae dell aanelcmvaminerinn, tl is py at ‘ breet and very uaxiews ty close up my old books. Geo we Grahuin jl ‘ 1te CABLE urde- | MURDOCH, DARBY & CO, We cull atie: tion to the tollowimng an C. A. HENDERSON — a} Kerniedinsent lat 1 Look roaud —and see the splendid array | Salisbury, Nov. yth, bros Oma January 18,1958, BF scat Lea LADIES DRESS GOODS, EMBROIDERTES, SC - -— Devi Capron 9 Clocks, Daring Canes, &e.| | Ta er] Splendid Brocade Sk Rober a! To Prarie velvet mh prea ve a co ) | Joho A. Graham. \ 1 ee Ghee ; as etal the tis tauakelt i ) Wiis Ue ty cheap Ving bought , " " " vy ys Rich Br ale toaiais Bayadere uid Gro Gran Vern it viunstuetian. inal acini dys ay steae vag Malt pep BL LITHONTRIPTIC (oie aoe Wot mate rie habe weary the defendant is not a rer tof tms State ftom jy and Pwith sell, twenty-tive per cent cheaper than | Black Gro it Rhines, Poult de Soiland Tafeta Suks inerise . M f a ar otk | P G SPIESS upaees dt Une ltee Urea inde g ee vee eUL I tee ENGST GG sol 00 ee Nile) of from Sects per yard upwords eee 7 ae CSS Ul teste a larpey, me |B N in the Carolinn Watchman. fur the deters he} frensh, Lwilldeduct percent, even atthese low] FRIEND OF THE HUMAN FAMILY Pare De Tate Robew a ry frandwen , Dan PE a As JUST RECEIVED A; above cases t+ appear at (he next Termot (hus Court, rates ee | cows prom [Plevast Bayadere and F Peel Viclnee Plantation Goods, Blankets he. ; Tu treeh eauteetuntecd to be held for the county aforesaid, at the Court Come and eee the new supply of SILVER TEA Satiue Facoune and Alec ew article k M 1 er : which woh the articles prodaced by j ieeesVeS Diaries aunt Sind t Se EE ON ine a best ane) DINE ist » KIDNEYS, jd Plain, Figured ah Nese one ( ‘ sre dada Malar b BARER, : b the addition of Hextoand)copevy the properly levred) on. and pitiae pAe EDLES thot ean be found on thie side of the Carhmeres. > hereeye. satiinets, masa BS oR, with the addition of an nee plantff’s action, or ie ex mntie tats ec PLATED CASTORS OLONRELILC) DLL UEL Nidneys, Were | Hayate s Wallies and Valeneias | i TOP: we. 7 parte, and ju Jere: ee Cr AT deo Watches. Clocks. Jewelry & prompt: | . : | Beautiful Preneh Plaids and Striper ’ i SECM nv EBSA CES Nat ss OYSTER SALOON, plaintiff's de Ly te paired, lowest rates. and Warranted for| n f the Luinn, che, Nilevieaiecnh a tetany make up the must attractive shop in Town. | Witness, Richard Harr , Clerkofour © | twelve ip hisbranch the proprietor gives) ny Handsome lw priced Printed Muusliura and Cash Houschecpinge Goods Thitiewnimipriatiousctmplinerallargerncuk (ij at Alvemarler the 2nd Mandis of Noss NG tla hie tenon WOR WILSON . Thi _ ca ee tiie Dea meee ; , i = se ¢ lier, Leuc {]monds, Filherts, ¢ | , Pe US eth eG De a loa re : Drax stor i ( ns and i Tres Lupinus’ Black Bombazines and Tarnes he f : ai Lumlies, Leuesons, ACMone ilherts, Cu. fee $5.50 —Gw3 C uz ore 4 varlotte: at Zever ls ny if Tene CHES Ha , rs. fee £5.50 —6w30 mes a he CarglinaWatehmnanOt pon Pr: UD Tis Tere bch aren Othe ae coanuts, Cream Nuts, Lemons, earn et eke ee : le Sy We oe : - , . i : . ; tot Applique Saguille aud Brussels Cothirs a \ 1 ‘ He Brandy Peaches, Sardines, Pickles, and The Poe {ry of Physic. \EW \ ARBLEY ARO. Rereduintorcaparine rd unit SnyDiguree aguille au useels Py Mir See 4 is - % ° 5 — ' lee Valenci pe ? feat ; ‘ ( Ip ®, every other article in his line AYE Ras PI LELS fe Re Cueundiaul oi wove Medicine, Sleeves a Soir : Ty . LNIEIE, LOUIE RLMNTO. CPO ‘ \ 4 : Fit | lia , Aiea au ee Sal , Real reneh Miein ani rie Eanhrod dollars, 4 ' k NO) yu 1 1 sorcalhog at his res e, 1) miles west ofthis] s Pera atie MG His BAKERY is kept uy with regaiarity, aud hist Glide sugar-shod ethe pals ba H. ( . WA L( OL. Ht E. Pp. AUSTIN ‘ 1 a I : o . ( ra. > aR a TI NGN P their energy. alt howrapped up, if : : thee ane jl } que, Whike a Cathars een pA Bread, Cakes, Pig. &.. &e.. acta ee ey PRACTICAL MARBLE CUTTER, | rr are UP hesicia. nie (omiibam Gan eae, I “hanes Abs cil as it f rey } Sie ee eras <3 i ie ; pe ©) PX ESPECTEULLY informs the poblie, that he| ft NY | LW i \ Wl AIL tbl ee uererneng ss 1 ! ueanha COM Veetines whieh he farviches to families. for parties and cin re cae oC mutlcrecs whe wat EA thin ojacied | OME: Vis eu OF ; | Mearnins: Muhn,eambne aud erape,evliars ale Cig eT mt Givyluwls at very moderate prices Me their diatempe naif they kuew | nee u t i ' | ae , "i ete , 1 ey conidt iret er, Gel | 5 a s ‘ anen. white Can be lovers of Oysters will find here, ‘ n x He Salt 25cte TRY MARBLE YARD | lta lustion and Lace Copes and Ber has i . uM e ea opin Northern style, and a mice arts yere Pilla, and vou wul kuow it. es Reul E hoNusl nd n I \ \ i : prepared in the best manner, ut ahurt notier wt almost | Purity the blood dine awe wil be Uy ae ve Delco iy a Hale iM Ale aaninie eae 8 Te ania hee Ne tes any boar, night orday. Be sare and call on | starved cul We ctu eel CUM atte Mi a MBN Ts on “3 . pe eae Fades be tiupmacd) | ; aeNte , SPIESS | Cleanse em fro inition nee OPS. and all k eR : HOU Saif VION AND HOOP SRIRI . , SPIESS | Ait) Saees cinerea ae in the Martle line, of either IMPORTED! ANGE fae SCHEDULE. | super b Valenciennes, Thread and (uipure . HOUR SKIRTS in H.W. Beards buiiding. Pi mitosis an Peceen call Soradailta, Tk HPAL yy | eae ae or vi 1 Nov. 2, 1-55 us Ligpost uw feiget Ree, ie | Sali : Ter wreushe Bodies and Dresses OND FLOOR : k ils ehacie. Sad is b : i 4 Rhonnecen, decngenents of the AMERICAN MARBLE. la s minae A to eorehae ee It ae euit oat ifenee Hewes Wide Ctathing. Wate Cape ay hid (Peels. pul ay ernRTire (eat 2 made arrangemet h i hee wre : ‘ aL . ‘ SE S.y Splend stb ren red Linen Cambre Tend <ateher Roots. shoe Pru tarpetbers, and fi « LAND FOR SALE. Radin ts cud fame, al @rangeneuty uty ating wile drrongemease hy whics wr ean oro) (7. Sater Coa irata neve tanning ip eommertion| daw Tuned Hauiherehrt pettiness. ant Heavy Gand offer for wale one tract of be 1 : . Tee Sin pis cau fi) alll orders tor Mounmenie, eo, urranin. | a0 oe (ate on ie ive Bi eT a ee ; fea ae 4 UL SEAN, a Wie Wes tin yet Panes OLL DE cas MLR, CHAM Molthetnumer: yay | Westera North Carolina Rail Road, ye nn ea adjeiuiug the lands of K. D musplanis they « nenore—the rene would be happy to have all desirous of dealing fanaa | Cloaks, Mantles & Shawls ‘ ‘ ore fieccun, Sais CU coe has ak Pe Smee erie eee eee Fede atbhe tk teaving Saliubury by Rail Road at 5 o'clock A. M., p 5 } nd SHOK aWateriue(eaid (reel (here are: pend baikhinterarel sr aecckareosLnmredl> Gheibeaneiakse: PAT On Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, reaching!) Rei Velvet Palnas, Cloak» and Ma « b vTN MEADOW, agnantity of BOTTOM LAND, and Pha Cherry sPectirml imine brendan) llaout jad 0) kere exmirencmirithe husinrac | oe uno Supecconthewuaecduys cand wine. Winns lack oe Cy ch ty of gooda in the hy MSU iar aerdaaotaen en, rca NRA: Conn ante Etre eee sa rere errant Battie eMeS*s out any detention passing on ty PLEASANT GAR-| Lyon's Velvet and ¢ CPS Ane IGN aiden aml thie Rte ee Ear Davier( ourilye Kiama enthe Wilsiiipiect iniinaedie ie! hest otal Uillamknawatnthien 07 me DENS tor Break tast crosmioe the BLUE RIDGE | efor Clone : t Suiantonicn sunt] tng creek. adini the lands of Arthur Neely and Who ha them Jun Iss tor Haroon Gay ualallaring aes iliaa Bie i wot | ARC enna CK DR tetra tei wreath (ioe cee hay lence on) tee. aes tictrene Pc rene aa vee Poakeotth: BLACK MOUNTAIN, | Lang, square and round Wool phawla, wew and be fii Wire ceoncatbeach dWieee act 1 250 acres Iwing in Youd Prep ODR COAYE a ; Wt Miteheli and Clagman. reaching Asheville to Ulul pattern 1 et wee commend them te Ponte lyeko hone t antak ; R owell, Mass, Dinner. wioeh will be from EEGUT to TEN hours} Also. a barge and elegant assortment of Tare al fe \ can in ae : ee ds SC ET atta PeTNe erceeenevneys ae alee ty Cans other mute, No expense or painal Clulurens PUIS uf every dicrig S DeOnst Su tianntivenatt cythwos wna eimai een) mcaielcnnmetin(antexectientiinre ieee vie: hee URS ale will he spared tu make thy Poniar tack Line ay | and extensive amsortinent of Bunnet Ribhone, Bonnets i Sef pete: and aN other necessary out-honees Bargainscan be WON Sa hee © vf A Beales ALT vik s ve ita TREAD and if satisfaction i| Ruches, Bridal and PARTY WREATIOIS, French asotly suid at very law priee ie fe te: Alice | had in this land aw Tam determined to well Ca A aah = Sig = i vol gaa hiv ali Tw bevery instance refund thetr | Feowera, Ornaments for the Hair, aud all the latest y Sidhe comave. TUCHeR he ou u y a | Bena the wivecnberou the Wilkeshon' roads Ion eN Gh fe Pateedicngie Ay a T ae SCORING site tle wen Enea eiree eee | mailee fri ish die i . ae 1? AS tEYATTPD ’ YAarTe TaN auth cer nt i ee sn a ron sbury STAT RETR: i , Gadd & Col, Pit hiyuud, Va, and al'| N ( ). Z { | CS] ROW N, G [EN ] LEM InN ’ W ie A R. Woe uh } ew won ‘ Mee aka advance, Agent for R. F. Juhusten Nine i (uk ee | 0 ( dbspon ae oagend Contra: ie Uiiger's celebrated Bluck French Clothe and Came cal, he ung cai stele walnnt tultente ee Me Jan. 18, 1*59 aaa 2in27 AV An be Wy e e rganton, , Ane. Bet, PX5A tf ; . is ul te please Bano: | DECEMBER U3th, 1858. TEETER ee cnee ed ineoreee tal craeeccaee wa A AM MV bE, 7 | nh > Vp vn see Reta euler, No & Gran 25 BARRELS | Carolina City, N. €., re . FEMALE NORMAL SCHOOL, ite 17 Hurirn Gents, 8 | “ae a ON | Suly 26th, 1858. ‘Such inducements to the publie have! HIGH POINT. N TEE ‘ a | Ad 7 ' . > «Ne sar ’ . , y r | OL | fe Ave oid Nooth Cancina Raat Road beng] BEV@R been offered before! GREAT ENGLISH REMED) SALISBURY | New Crop New Orleans M weeny Hicencars: Garcirt, (Tce ; = 1 : : : inn : | , Mo- noch. Uh Deer dhetine Hev.N. Me. R. RAY, AJR., Principal DA \ Lk SI MI ARY | ae ee ate iat roling r “i * sim AMES CLAR rs A i . PASSES Rin eee eee eo ce Carolina City, for the purpose. of A. & W. MYERS I, oe J K ie Sep CT ee ffs Dpatceutaieannine jow by : | . | IS Institution ison the N. ©. Railroad, 15 ‘ELE TE Ee ; p : Ing teacher Rill heneefiril devo aR wet ona FORWARDING AVD GEYERIL COMMISSION VV Ut th from the present tine their handsamne rnifhee Seca Coron Daraie ents (aan MUTE CELEBRATED FEMALE PILLS. Dee teenie ee fou ose ce Saltebury,/Der. 13, 1°58 09 BUSINESS, Stock of Staple and Faney ye. Hin next Seamion will begin Se pt dst. The oN, FR. The Fall Sexson will commence on the onth ane a tnd hope by promptness and strict attention to me ci | ym Y -( \ ( )I ( YS | Principal mwa Gradnate of Normal College, and has; PROTECTED tb! . °° Ps LETTERS ''f September. 1=5e, and clome about the lich of dat, Dose any ofonr high tiene reer eat ton mach: Mr titties and apport, Beng the Agent of \ J . Inve GanUs need Assistants | BY ROYAL $92 » PATENT, | Prirnary. dsoo chord Les \ fav Cooks who Leinp tlhe Wu nnits array’ 1 Line of First Claxa Packets. at euch prices as will indnee persona to purchnac ean i He nin all the branches taught in| Meare Ne) NED WWimeiceune Laincinal e too fa el a secret Uhatw ’ hein : whether they are in need or not Ww S dele the beat Fenian RE tie Os put fits are loaned | . = . MW Ny a w te, ale ) pens af Weddin ee without a viet REM NIE CTY, every effere will ed to reduce cur present Hie aH itoihen eee to young ladies edacating themeelves for teachers a] EL IAM st see Ul Of esti he Me DIY A, te ‘ 1 Maui So Sesiacen te Tui Ultacars fom) maty og man—Dyepopara ea He remke (ie the cheapest and most expedi- the purpose of making room for onr Spring purchase (Md auch are credited tar tuition until they cum teach | CATIA Pry WO Nea: FA ER We paar ducer of Pro Sanford» Tavigorator after eat ‘ r New York Vewse ts will be loaded and A Seg Leis ee ea DAVEE EWN eRe aaeat imine iae ented eal MRTNInineninable inedicietatunvaiting ineneleuretareall thon : : ily one Maec ieee ‘ : ‘ A. & Wo MYRERS, 5 . rene CNS TIE y du Th Ver ng tr tT ded with vadigertion : Sharf adjoming the Rat Rond No. § Granite Row We can accommodate 15 boarding pupile. ‘The ex- | painful and dangerous diseases to which the female conatitut . ‘ TUITION; m the conteary, before the next meal tine {and ther we CO NRTAGE and LIGHT penges are lees than at any other Pnetitntion of the ismbject. Tt moderates allexcessand removes ail Utgrtap tJ! seth Fiona Way o De almoepened to apprerinte nit j 7 same character inthe State. Board alone and the | il apeedy cure may be relied on Inciteutee expire eCO0 of fom the foud rime or sours, the Tnvigorator i" a will he given to all order > : English Branches, $36 to x45 per Sesmon, Latinand | : : sp tugenia wall be charged) from tine (of ent . fix the ae right at once, for there is mame. BNO Ue Ane stopment of Produce \j \ Thy Greek, each, 8750 French &5. Ornamental very ‘ , at td LE mdno deduction made except tn cage of protraetes t une tnt that, to use the exprendoan ofa friend, wi WILLIAM B GRANT nu) im Be i yy ly Vlow, Halt of the exrprnare required in advance ve na xherttime, bring on the gekness & men eat gravel stones, and take the Lave tetera ere : PEW AN TER ID Nite tie Sadthern Denchnre regu Sound can be obtamed ia respectable farmhes ont Pe and they will digest We have tried iin ys yy pf Prdure oD Cotes Memnay IN | For full information Aporwan \ Seon Th REA SON STEER BIAEO PARROTT Te TT double Guses, on one of two cecamons, for mek head “ ‘ ft UCreerol CCnmnimennh P + = | - : | Great Britain, to prevent counterteite Spit Taos aches vedHatislkeachann Semen ad or SALISBURY. | | CAUTION . a Whai we want to say to our read ras ~ 0L25 e —— 1 Jaty 200 F iv: ut | iain ry. , 1 ‘ | ay e re ven he nly 20th, TSSm tfX | Thene Pitta should nothetiken hy finalen ducing the FIRS | f ye, if muy thog mile you, ge withbeni delay and eta TO {LL Une WIT | WV CONCERN in eG subacriber takes pleasure in announeing te hi« einer ade uel Gate i i ” gle T M I LI I A RY GOODS, boride of Dr. Sauford’s Envigerater { FO eect : aN frends, and the public generally, that he hax Fi eae oe yore er’ Swords, Sashes, Belts, Epanlettes, Laces couse wpa bell Beslfur we wall tn scene peram dint | HE SUBSCRIBERS wantd roxpecttally infueg SREY fhe long entabinjed and well knows Hot 6] wish to purchase 20: Benen Ercan arate yew “+i ; . : it will not benefit — Seraey Nhive Republican Red peed ta tie Unat thee BELES: an and hom made every porable preparation to accoume- Y afl \ = Fett 1 and Limba, Katine on slight exertion, Pal t i th Se i VV VERY DESCRIPTION OP WILT VR) 4 , Geel yen nowy SAME NURS - date the buswneme, t tlie ae ove « geod and young Negroes ows and wall pay : AAR LL tess D Palvitatvor at 7 pp areal by WH. WYATT, Deuggia,Salihary, 1 er weal penance MUN oi a at ee Se te etna the highest CASH prices for them POY T iyatesien and Whites, theme Pills will cfirt @ ears when I GOODS , Tint Pea HUUACACEPREH in ta teuitel toni ime } BurteuiarmtGeiaanieca tiie ane | Twant them santable for working my ‘Lexae planta [other means have failed, and Pe bas Milicemed yd ACCORDING TO THE A thse es , = Her eeae arenarius Bile cvrema tiicat dsr: <( : oe Htiene. and demre to bny as woon an bean. FP would) Mtcenttin iron, calomel, antinony, or anything hurtful te the I [Sd is R rhilfingagate neihbor ofthe Curette a a ee : then buy eile and hove team ten tot yoarw ole mien a a ieee etl Es 1 0738 oti gush Geos ne puatah by Avo eca soy wy ens ei etee cern nantes SCHUYLER, HARTLEY & GIN, tix mente. ow this kame editor knows the PH Grouile Burlorg ae comfort ie provided in hia ; 5 i i i HOLL. ROBARDS Role Agent for the United State anit Canada | a Gs eres ts ose free from the «p f EROO™MS., CIV higa rer iih, Uae ino | jan ANUFACTURERS| 1 p hie medicinag We knows thes ace : , 19 "AIDEN AWE endorsed by the medical Jouruale of (him country. are Cheese! Cheese! ' Cheese 'i! PABLES are abmadanily en at . é | le Waidwin & Co.) ahh Ee . weed and preseribed bv our best jhysicimue mil have Frcarefnt antler: and to all departine ats bi W. RU p P a vu NEW YORK tue commendation of profersore and en mer (iene et a giv Nie peraonal attention ° ° i nue ak lowed t any authortae Wily 19. 1854 Vwpd7 | SEER oD ie in caer Ge 100 bey elearning 4 “OMNIBUS teas reewlart AAR MILL Dee nees Rete on ng) Pile by return mart arn | p | RORY tosis ' Wvart JAMES HO kone “ " © Candles . ' . {t ¥ vow TT. 4 tr siebiir . . & ee eee WN UN: 190 dozen Brow W , ’ . ie gf p taviland, seve ia arte ” i Whoteante Avd ‘ n ‘ H, mont of g ; Renner \ = Gea ierele F Soe ft td Pee cae? es Mk: : WATCH-MAKER AND JEWELER, | Cn R “ sib Gide 10 Canke Went : NOTICIe ; ji 4 | Prem, Reading, Pa ' WM ROWZEE ( Application will he made | . Powe Page ory atchmaker «x SALISBURY, N.C Ree PENDERSON & ENNISS, Daviciers SIRAGUE Rkas |} eta XY cwe do inifie nese fiero Ci thes aremenmamendat is ‘ , ’ | aliebury, N. ¢ Imo t Sibabury, Dee 12 7658 29 CRA eh 1 Town of Salwhury, se ne ta inereare O26 @oo below i. A A. Wuphyls Sterc, _ R ORD, N. ©. 5 { : i . g eae ae NOTICE ‘ VOM - ? fi ¢ i] enue of sad Tow Sy ataxon other articles } EES constantly on hand a large ameortment MARRIAGE LICENSE ste pale etre: m ee pa to) esstonal aro. Vine ew War Clock ant Facing borides the Poth and Real Estate tay NWATCHES nid JEWELRY of all kinds , rorate mwa of Groli i Dy eareful attention te cl Neicis a i : Py a 5 op , a . ineR want fae ( -. : <a » Witches aud dew Of every deerription DROME SLL AGE TMS TKO Vik Nien dese Se ie i tel tan Seana Ne te aeeeeicitint BLANK DEEDS tpairedin the Beet inunner mid on the mostremseny SEE CE Orgess 4 Nov . an ol * | fxd U * ia ’ os ed . [ki fey ey | OIE SLID UP TIS OIA reer tin, a tas AGAIN! lL. ROBARDS, If. or Tut ROWAN HOUSE, Salisbury, NC, ail! coutinues to keep this loog establigh ‘ap lar (lores. in the best dlyte ‘Ria dtity te hae! 1d ated effici nt iw istunte, who are delormdned ‘ne éue shall go away dissatstiod Have uot reyled pat or leased OE) POTN ELE OMFOR' le but ain sul Proprietor, and invite the travelling public toculland partake of ane Maus luxuries our experience wud tact. ‘iene hyble us to give bem i. L. ROBARDS. Bhat TC. & BG. WORTH Commission & Sorwardng UERGTANTS, Wilmington, NW. & February, 16, Ios ly John Dooley, HAT MANCKRACTURER, AND WHOLESAE DEALUR IN HATS, CAPS, FURS, TRIMMINGS, gc. FALL, Te8. | VEAVE new ca ote noextensive and compl Ceassortmen totes ervthing in ays hoe adopted te the Beil Wade, and au pre paree hor dndetalindaer iments to pape Chaser Jory dite vst tothe markets oud, mann iwetorios Mitte N , Post, P have spared no painsin the rleedou of this slob: and P flutter mysetf thet long vabl sme to anticipate rhe wants of my mene io Virgina, North Carchon and Tennessee. A callin respoetiolly sulieited from my old custom- eps ovnd the porblie JNO. DOOLEY. Richmond, Va., Sept. 26, 185%, 1f28 RAIL RUAD NOTICE TO COUNTRY MERCHANTS. NEW, CIIBAP, . New LD: EXPEDITIOUS ROUTE FRiteait FOR 4 ie) LRIOR OF NORTH CEE ENS ‘out porchosing their wre red d to no- oe cf the North Evetern js } Ny Te 4) K ‘ > © to Cheraw, the ad- t G lane ‘ous route from the Seahboar tethent. vt ! word to the care of the Agept of \ 1 (Raa will be forwarded free willbe node at Cheraw, All ar the Company's Ware- “ ‘ule of charges for trene- rortioh ot Biesghe will bo towud af the Pest Office 5 5. SULOMUNS, Us r & Superintendent. August 10, pao tf) r EACLE FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOP, David. Cannty, VC. is | “ILE proprietor of thee {iblichinent would hiform his frends and the generally, thet ! inanofaetaring HORSE POW ERB and TURESTIMG MACHINES, most approved » both ne and satenary, re he wante of cry description, CIKE ULAR SAW vlere, Ploaghs, machinery All 1 work nade to oder supply of all lard \atmered Troa, 44 vache som ch- » Diock-tin, Zak vith a good supply of line Send in Moet , that (lis season, as many sit Lyre, pubue , patte Ah esearly 1! THOMPSON. p'd-ly=37 NEARLY ie Post Wy's CRaMm w SALISBU RY, N. Cc MAIN ty MURPH THE LIVER INVIGORATOR! Y DR s\NFogD, Compounded entirely from GUMS, 7 ONE ob Tite # DLC EN Met ree bet Wm Ly a Codarte bot m Léver temed: bis ee wis thats Vine Cuil parges tt, a daily in moderate willinyehaibeas-avelilealbl Wa pre wbieamesl ppl prea om) poli Haver ve owe of the oe vovan bendy, and when it eg t P stem are a R » spenalent & & ‘at Jast found, Plame, ‘ny any the tym sane the aa on fy) ving effecting @ radical « Hiltons attacks are! onred, Pernees Ny) PE eoccesaa” weet see Liver inviggratod. ficient to relieve the stomazh riding amd spurting. retiring, prevents Wigiae~ night, loosens the bowels rt (EIA ty pag - spoonfula satiet A ve ' male obatraction removes the fect cure, holie, whfle © thelere 16 the. food free Howe bacon befire ne done taken f medi tot o é Fie tievialioen cleueeee: ” benite Layee for wren’ removes old end by from the skin while Ps « 0 ™ mplaints yield 3 almost to the Orst dose, twe at Tacks canned by W. f ie remedy in miter, or on giaa | Dropay, by exciting he hilt Boved, = m FF, Race th p at . 5 A oaal y ( operntes with certainty eral rams | 9 ) ae eee sites testify to ite wonderfal ortue All who wae hes ore ving thelr unaniitsous testimony tn it Fc wd i oo Mix W Ae tn Hs mouth th the Inve maEatar: and swallow both tage See THE LIVER INVIGORATOR 18 A MOLRNTIRIC MEDICAL bigeoy working. caren, Almont ton great ia believe Hees ob SP nale onan e IAW doe greg bene and. opldoen ve herte te reqntred te cure eny ktm from the worst Jaundine on Dy, all of which are the rewalt of PRION ONE DOLLAR PER ROTTLE RANFORD & Co, Proprintors, 846 Broadway, Mew Tort Whelenaie A Roners & Pane, New York tw Tr A tome, Pita ; a Hic Hwmearn Chota f 0 J. Woop & Co,, ®. Leute 1 A Hance, Baltimore. “aed retailed by Atk eu beats Solid alro by W. TL. WYATT, Draggist, Salisbury, N.C. ly BRIANA WA hivANIS Tir vale atthi« O14 ee. The Mudomitadle x } Se t h e Se an J. J. BRUNER, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR SPECIAL NOTICE, No name of a new subscriber will be entered ot our dist, without payanent in advance; nor will the paper be sent to subscribers after the expiration of the time paid for. & The red x is only intended to indicate | that the year paid for is about closing ; and to inform those who wish to renew thei subscription, that the time has ar- rived for doing Bo. TERMS. Single copy, $2.00 Five copies, $4.00 Ten copies, $15.00 Clubs exceeding ten, in the same $1.50 each. Payment always in advance see ADVERTISING RATES. | occupied by 16 lines of Brevier type OUveasivoal renewal uupaeuy gp Without additional charge granted to those who ad 4ofiseeul Bo vertise regularly through the year - suofjsowul & Three dollars for an 2 suoijiseut p Bouncing caudidutes for office. sucuiesul ¢ Court Orders charged 2D per ceat higher than g/,suojjsoeu] Q@ the above rates. Orders for divorce of husband gaye uo aoeuy Youd and wife, $10 euch. CT Persons sending in advertisements ave fe quested to state the pum .B o l j i o d o s d ow e s ey ) LU } Mu U a m M e r e s p Y se e | A square is the space | VOL. XVI. propertion, lina “My sweet angel visits me, by faith, many times in the course of the day and myht. T want T wish to tind “ Dearest heart, let us both look up to that Heaven where our an fyel ix, and from which she is still permitted to observe us wif interest —up to that Heaven [where our Sayiuor dwells, and from which he is {showing us the attractive face of our blessed and lappy child, and bidding us prepare to come to her since she can no more visibly come to us.” I lave no taste now for worldly business. 1 go ty it reluctantly, LT would keep company ouly with ty Saviourand bis boly book. Tdread the | world —the strife and contention aod emulation jof the bar; yet [yall du my duty —Uue isa part of ny rebyiony aud acceptance to be at peace. {no reat short of rest in Tin.” Tn Decembe f 1853, another daughter ded, ouly my bhessed Savionr’s assurance of pardon | SWOOW Eber ofsnsertious required ; ; wod if itis wished they but he was angled with Christian patience and should uccupy the least!) ..),, ; : Fg: WUsUoW ) epede essibicy writcujnn (oom eter and writes to dudyve Cabell : the back the word clone Olberwise they put up in the usual style wud courged accordingly WM No discount vv these rates Flock upon life as adriana bearing the same Vi be . maainle st sont. thowsh wot the same deyree of relation to tennity, as an hoor spent at the theatre, and the 2, UW BE fonons there exhibited for our mstruction, du to the whole of real life. Nor is there aus thing ta this passin pageant worth the sorrow that we i? fi ye tar Bi Awivs, The followin are kept on hand tor sale, at duis oflice seut by mail tu any part of the country, at simul! UX pretise y Court and miscellaneous BLANKS Can Le Civil Warrants, Casas & Bonds, Writs. C. & 8. Court, Cais C Subpwnas, C & 8. C Witoces Tickets, C. & 8. C Indictments, Land Deeda D Notes to Kank, CH And nanny other forme of ices frequent uspruie Blanks ted to order oo short notice Natwnal Art Brown, of —The Hon, David Panl *hiladelplia, recently deliv ered a lecture in Boldin, on the sag gestive subject of the *Rine Arts.” We take the following extract from the Aimer ican of that CYS It is @ yreat mistake to suppose that the noportance of a nation ly upon the number of its square ailes, its population and its Vie cultivation of the arts and sciences are ca pable of advancing a people much higher, depenils role COMME ree, Where tynorance is wilful, ignorance ip vice; and knowledge is virtae and pow er where itis properly employed. Poe try, painting and power, foru: a most sia table alliteration, The poverty and ney lect of poets and artists is a reproach te any people. England, as far as she is ahead of ail European uations in litera ture, plilesopoy acd practical arts. is vet belund all ot although these are in a imaeh more flour them io the arts of destin, Ishiny condition than when the ioteror Pron is ak ole celebrated painter, were paid for at se many shilling a square vard Wile te Queen Elizabeth paintings were so offen sive thaton one occasion, a prelate, think decorations of St madlon, ly at lng to concentrate her faver, presented her a fine picture, that the re became so curaged Vtortunate: paver ot) only ose her wrath by declan 1 was net the work of au Enetistiian, butef a German “Tt ie well,” said » “that dt is se, or should have enquired inte ity” which en quiry wonld probably have cost the ot fender’s head. But compared to ns, England in res pect to the fine arts is “TH ypernon tea Satyr.” Jravellers report of us too traly, that we are a money ting, ing, and, untortunately, also, a money Why should an Ttation BUPpass an American in miusie, in sentp money-lov losing people ture, or iedeed in anything! Tt is be cause he has mere taste, zeal, asin and indasthy on the pursuitef them And whiv has he these? Beeanse he os rewarded for them. Artists, therefore, should be liberally patronized by one peo ple. late been wade in this country in the ciation of the arts, bat nrore remains te be made, and we are no trie sens of our sires who shook off the yoke of polities bondage, if we shake not off the bond ul fureiyn art, Whose yoke Wwe tow wear cutlass Great progress lias of years appre “> WiTEEEAM SLE On th» death of one his dausht-rs, in 1831, Mr. Wirt wrote to Judge Car: “T owe you several Jetters, my dear friend ; but you are kind, aod ean allow. for my sina tion. LT have had such a winter as 1 before. Heavy causes to arngoe, with a broken heart and exhausted strength T felt far better disposed to le down in the grave dt was not in such a frame that TP eould address Even now, Tam unfit to write. For to me never hiv When, every step you, the heavens are hung with mourning, and the earth covered with darkness ds gone. Tlook atimy beloved wife and still re inaining circle of affectionate children, and my heart reproaches me with ingratitude to Heaven. I have been too blessed for my deserts. The selection of the viet is too striking to be mis understood “Thera is a better world, of which I] have thonght too litte. To that world she has gone, and thither my affections have followed her This was Heaven's design, 1 see and felt it as distinctly as if an angel had revealed it. I often imagine that I can ace her beckoning me to the happy world to which she bas gone. The charm of life She was my companion, ny office companion, my hbra nian, my clerk. dorsement. My papers now bear her en She pursued her studies in my of fice, by my side—sat with me, walked with me was my inexpressibly sweet and inseparable left but to We knew all her intelligence, all her pure and delicate sensilitities, the quick ness and power of her perceptions, her seraphic companion —never me go and sit with her mother love. She was all love, and loved all God's cre ation, even the animals, trees and planta. She loved her God and Saviour with an angel's love, and died hke a saint.” About the aame time he writer to bis wife {lavish om at. T shall te Tthem, DT consider at as merely parting for the }lewve ine, or when ca led to) leave Present viet, to tect under happier circumstan cos when we shall part ne more,” -<- EST SOTA BLU, Tn Bugland, where there is a distine tvelinedrawn between the various grades ofeociety 5 where a privileged class is one othe tine honored institutions 5” where the titled nobility enjoy privileges more than the commoner—though those exclu cive rights are frequently questioned by srestioss democratic spinitot the tass ess, nevertheless, they are tolerated as @nuong the recognised institutions of the country, ‘There areouly certain employ ments Which the scions of nobility will deign to accept as suited to their sphere Prominent among these is the anuy.— Anistocratic Young England glories in an epaulette, although the mechanic's son, by deeds of dating in presence of lie countrys enemies on the battle-tield, or ter some other qualities which mark the character of the true seldrer, may occa sionally be rewarded with w commission, and rank with bitin who isheir toan earl: dom, The mechanical pursuits, howev- , er, are considered improper fields in Winch to develope the genius of nobility; it mast have something speculative, ideal, dreamy. We expect to find a different state of Ching. in our republican COUNTEY, where every man isa sevcrelvn IM Tits where the Taw makes mo dis Own Tr between tnan and man, and where tinction the rapad advancement of the country las by the stoutarm of the been achieved mechanic, the indomitable chery of the culuvator of the soil, the activity and en- terprise of the merchant, and the wisderm of the men of practical mind, who lave siided with steady band and tiem resolve the councils of the nation, There is great fear that wealth and luxury are making sad lavoe among the sons of many ofout citizens all over the conntry. “Phere is an almost universal desire among the youth of our land to avoid being employ edias their fathers were, on the farm, in the counting house, or in the workshop, where the country would be benetitted Sy ther productive industry, froma pre Coccoived: notion of a want of respecta bility. “Phe ranks of the learned profes sletis aire overstocked with anany a youth, who, bad fas talents been exercised inthe held of l moiht have provedan Arkwright, mechanical labor, a Fulton a Witt, but Franklin ; a Whitney, or possibiv a ; talents, for tack of practice, have Whose remedies ¢ loped, and the possessor spent the best portion of his manhood as a brietless lawyer, or a patientless pliysi can. The army, too, (not the ranks.) (has its attractions for the youthful aspi rantatter respectability, and affords an- other melancholy proof of the desire on the partof youn men to avoid those ein ployments which tend to increase the pro We have an oiilustration of this in the fact, that for ductive wealth of their country. the fon appointments of cadets to the West Point Academy at present at the disposal of the President, there are more than five handred applications on tile. The list of appheations is increasing dai ly, and will probably number thousands before Marcel Rex, the time when the Appointments will be made. a false idea of respectability: has more | weight with these embryo heroes, than any “thirst for glory at the cannon’s mouth.” Verily, we live in a progressive age. Fay. Carolinian. see A dangerous young widow of 30, in Ludlow, Mass., with four dead or diseard ed husbands, has torn a young lad of 18 years from his afflicted) parents in the saipe town, and taken bed board at No. 5. The parents locked np the boy, but the widow was too sinart for them, got hin out, and fled with him to Jalinea, where they were married. She's clearly one of the widows him to and a Why are ladies the biggest thieves in existence? Becanse they efer/ the petti coats, bone the stays and crib the ba | bies. t Now, when iy children or friends We opine | SLEEPING wrmi tie LANDLORRDS | WIFE. | We give the annexed incident in re- yard to Rev. Zeb Twitchell, a methodist clergyman in fall and regular standing, and a member of the Vermont Confer- ence. | At one time he represented Stockbridge in the State Leyislature. Zeb, says our informant, is aaman of fair talents, both 48 a preacher and musician. In the pul- pit he is grave, selewn, dignitied, and a thorough systematic sermonizer; but out of it, there js ne man living who is more full of fun and drollery. On one ocea- sion he was wending his way towards the seat of the annual conference of ministers, in company with another clergyiman,— Passing a country inn heremarked to the other clergyman, “The last time I stop- ped at that tavern Lo slept with the land- lord’s wife.” In utter amazement, his clerical friend inquired what he meant. | & | Inean Just what Tsay,” replied Zeb; (and on went the two travellers in uabro- ken silence, until they reached the con- | ference. Jn the early part of the session, the con Wrerence sat with closed doors for the pur- | pose ef transacting some private business, fand especially to attend to the annual ex- wmnination of cach member's private char- acter, or rather conduct, during the past fyear, For this purpose the clerk called Zels name. © Does any one know anght against the character of brother Zeb Twitchell, du ring the past year? asked the bishop, who was the presiding officer, After a moment's silence, Zeb's travel Hog companion arose with a heavy heart and a grave comnfenance, He said he had a duty to perform, one that he owed to God, and the church, and himself; he Must therefore Cischarge it) fearlessly, though trembling!y, he then related what Zev had told hin, while passing the tav ern, how he slept with the Jandlord’s wit)e, &e. Pie vrave body of ministers were struck as with a thanderbolt, although a few sunted and looked first at Zeb, then upen the bishop, Knowingly, for they knew bet ter than the others the character of the accused, | The bishop called npon brother Twiteh- ell] and asked tian what he bh relation to so serious a charye. and said : “did the deed! [never tie!” Then pausing with an awful seriousness he proceeded with a slow and solemn de tberation ¢ © There little circumstance however connected with the affair that I hd not name tothe brother. Tt may not have much weieht with the conference, but, although it mav be deemed of tr fling importance, Twill state it; when I slept with the landlord's wife, as [tole the brother, I Rey tthe tavern myxel ft” .2- ad to say in Zeb rose Was one Ohio Journal EME N ATO SCIEN Tiss A most remarkable instance of the ossi fication of all the joints in the body of atnan, lias come toour knowledge with inca few days. Valentine Perkins, of Mantua, Portage county, Ohio, is the per son who has been thus singlarly afflicted Ife resides with dis another, Mes. Mary Alvord. [He was born in Ulenrietta, On tario county, N.Y, in Mareh, 1813, and is consequently 45 vears of age With the exception of an imperfeet notion of the right shoulder, one joint of the first two fingers ot histight hand, and a limited motion of one or two toes, eve From the Ravenna ry jetntin tis body is completely ossitied andas firm and immovable as ifone bone constituted his whole franre, Until he years old he en- Jeyed robust health. At that time the tantly had removed to Karthind, Lake county, in this State. Tn dune of the year was cleven he was eleven; he was thrown from oa horse and hurt one knee, and then going inte the river te bathe, he took eold in the injured part, inflammation ensued, and the cartilay nid Tivaments were destroy ed, and ossitication twok place. After this had transpired, the numjured knee was attacked with inflammation, and finally be came completely ossitied. Then joint af ter Joint passed throngh the ordeal, until how he isin the condition mentioned. | the roots of his finger and toe nails. The nails came off, and a new substance resembling nails grew fingers and toes, full haifan ineh, The same disease commenced at out, atright angles from his Ifis jaws have been set and motionless for thirty years, and his frout teeth have loosened and come out, forming an ape ture through which he talks and receives his food. His food is all prepared for lim in asuitable manner, and le always re tained a good appetite, though he is not yluttonous, Twenty-four years since he blind in one eye, and for twenty-three years he has been totally blind. AIL his other senses remain as perfect and acute as those of any other person His limbs remain near the size they | were when he was hurt. [His head, neck, | and body have attained full size. His neck is nearly as large as lis head, and Ineasures nineteen ence, While his wrist measures only four and a half inches i one hundred pounds became inches in ecireuimfer His weight Is about Lis body Is In @& Bem) reclining pos! tion, and he is not aftfeeted by heat or cold as much as persons ordinarily. Te is always cheerful, and very fond of talk ing. this intellectual powers are fairly developed tor one in his condition, and | his memory is excellent. It is said of him that Ne can tell the names and ages \ TAH things—all things—are done accor: of a large proportion of the persons in the | Horrible Execution of a Christian town of Mantua with accuracy. He does not sleep more than persons in good health and is not troubled with sickness, aside from the disease which lias takeu posses- sionepf him. Fuith, a Fountain of Peace.—When fa man can look upon the mysteries of Providence and upon all his personal af- flictions, with a full, a lively, a steadfast conviction that He who has dispensed then has done right; when he can say with the spiritoft a child, * Even so, Fa. phants, horses, &., left the city for the books. thers” when he can thus throw himself place of execution by the North gate.) farce dark eyes, and with a broad brow : ! ie : if with a placid temper upon a corrent of They led with them the two servants otland temples crossed and re-crossed with God's dispensations under the rudest tem: | the venerable martyr; both of thei wore | deep blue veins. His usual seat was on pest, adrift npenu the wildest billows, he |beavy chains on their necks, and went on |g stool beside his mother, and often he is happy. And that is—PFuaith. When he can look upon the doctrine of God’s universal supremacy with a stea- dy eye; when he can turn to this truth jwith an unwavering assurance that eve- ry decision, that every a#pporloument, both of grace and justice, will be right; when thas trusting in God, he ean acqui- esce in every particular of Tis govern nent; under every mystery, he is happy. ing to lis will; for God's willis his—his And this is—Daith. And when a poor sinner, in full view of the terrors and strictness of the law; in fall view of lis own sins and il deserts; in his own helplessness, can trust in the promise of God through Christ; when he can feel that in the blood of the Lamb there is a sacrifice for his sins; when he can thus leave himself quietly with God, and wait and Jook for salvation, surely this is happiness. Yes, this, too, is— Faith. When a child of sorrow, overwhelined with hardships, and stripped of earthly comforts, can go to Hin who bad smitten tim, and Kiss the rod; when le can say, *Thongh thou slay me, vet will [trust in Thee;” when he tind his way place of secret communion, to recite his eriefs and to ask sympathy 5 when he can will is God’s. to the xo tothe throne of vrace for consolation 5 though his troubles awe been like a flood and the cup of his adversity: like worm wood, yet there, in that tora and bleed ing heart, peace gushes up ike a reviv lng stream. Bat this is another form of —Paith.—Lessuns on the Cross. The Angels.—Some time since we co pied a beautiful incident trom the local columns of the New Orleans Courier.— Here is another equally touching from the sane source : We are not fond of detailing the scenes of that last stragele with the great Arch er, before mortality puts on immortality; but ina season like the present, where no one who interests liauself in the great charities of this city, fads daily to witness such events, now and then one occurs that ig pleasing and imstractive to relate. Such was the death-bed scene of Emma B—— A flaxemhaired, black, sunny-faced dam ‘was Eimina hyhtof ber mother’s bousehold, and the favorite of all who knew her. The fever entered her family—a brother, cousin, and an anot went down into the dark val- ley betore the pestilence developed itself in the lite blood of little Emuna. The disease was rapid in its progress, and yesterday, we stood by the bed side Her tangled hair floated over her shoulder, the rose-tinted cheek bad become waxen, the change was evidently near. Suddenly from a deep stupor she roused into an attitude of the utmost attention, The eyes sparkled like a diamond in yas-light, anda slight tinve of pink appeared on her cheek, as she sprang up whispering with subdued in terest, * TLark, the sky is ful! of music.— Itis the angels; they come into the room, they come reand the bed. Ob t itissbro- ther, cousin, aunt apd many, any more.” She stretched our her band, her face dim pled with a heavenly smile, and with the exchunation, “LP come! she sank back The vital spark had fled, but there was none of the deformity of death there. A seraplic stnile still dwelt on the features and they still same exultant expression as when she ut tered, “TL come,” in response to the inva tation of the angels.” Death had daguer- reotyped a smile as he yave lite to anoth- sel of seven suminers, of the little satferer. upon the bead. bore the er angel. ose A Protest on Tick.—One of our Lou- isville leading houses sold a bill of goods A set- tHement by a note of four mouths was re to an Indiana customeron credit, quested, to which the hoosier debter wil Hngly assented. ‘But, suppose IT don't pay this note when it tallsdue © * Phen, replied our merchant, Syour note will be protested and your credit destroyed !’- ‘Tow much will that cost said Indiana ‘Dollar and a halt, (remulously answered our friend. Then look here, old fellow, just include that amountin the note, and pay it for me when you get the note pro- A leading merchant collapsed ehureh for a month, tested.” and was pot seen at though a very strong Protestant. — Loues ville Courier. : To the Queen's Health. BY ALDRICH I drink —I dare not say to whom, A Queen'—not England's Queen, but mine T drink to Are richer than the wine ' one whose pore young hps Unto her hazel eyea TP drink, And to her nut-hrown hair, And to the cheeks (hat wear The sea-shell's faintest pink ' T would that Tmight breathe her name, My homble song would grow divine, Fiven as theee molten rabies tarn When apilt for her, to holy wine | Bishop ia Cochin China. | The execution of Don F. Melchoir, a | French Roman Catholic Bishop in Cochin | China, has been noticed. The Hong Kong Reyister contains the details of the terri- ble execution. It says he was carried to the capital on suspicion of being an in- surgent, and kept a close prisoner unti! his execution: On the 28th of the same month, at 7 | lo’clock in the morning, the troops, ele- NUMBER 37 Love Your Mother, My Boy. An old gentlemen had been making a ‘visit in a family where there were three boys. Of the second one they all seein- ed very tender. The romping plays of his brothers were changed for gentler ‘one’s, if he wished to join in the sport.— If he becaine weary and threw himself on the sofa to rest, the others slipped out of the room to finish their game elsewhere, jor seated themselves quietly with their Benaie was a thin, pale boy, with jfoot to receive joyfully the martyr’s palin. | would drop his thoughtful head upon her /Ou arriving at the place a great circle) |Knee. He was asmmiall, pale boy ; but oh, was formed and the executioner tied the |he filled a very large place in that home two young men to two posts, placed near | and in those parent’s bearts. Old Mr. each other. They were kept for about an |Grey, during his visit, had been deeply hour in this position of torture. After) interested in Bennie, and many a sweet this scene occurred one etill more cruel! jessen of patient trust had ‘he learned the | and terrible. After the attendants had led the two young men to the place of panishment they brought forth the vener- | able Bishop by the East gate. The whole of the circumstances with His tim to his death were truly terrible. of the city with a heavy chain round his | Twenty guards, sword in haud, surround: ed him. The escort of the three prison ers Cousisted of about five hundred sol- diers, two elephanta, four horse men, two nen bearing instruments called “chieng,” a drummer and four trumpeters. When the Bishop reached the scene of his ylori- ous martyrdom he was covered with sweat and mud. On seeing his two servants, | who were awaiting the blow which should let their spirits soar to Heaven, his emin- ence exhorted them to courage aud gave them his blessing. A few moments later the mandarin, who was seated on one of the elephants, raised his voice and order- [ed the heads of the two servants to be! itirst cut off, and afterwards that of the [Kou (the term applied to Catholic priests.) Atayiven signal, the head of one of the |servants, named Tiep, was struck off, bat [three blows were requisite to ctfect this. The executioner then took the head and flung it into the air, that it might be seev jby everybody. The executioner then |struck off the head of the second, named |tLieu, but on this occasion struck with a and | more fortunate hand, for he only needed | Ja single blow. lascended to Heaven to receive the reward lof their courage, and to prepare, 80 to [speak, that seat of glory for their master Happy souls, which had fin so few moments. These faithful at tendants had served the Bishop in this: Hlife, and in their deaths they shared his ivlory and his triumplis. | Now let us pass on to the horrible tor- jture suffered by the venerable bishop. | 'The two servants having been executed, the executioners stretched a mat on the | vround, placed a sma!l carpet upon it,| lobroke the chain which was around the lneck of his Eaninence, and made him lie [down on his back apon the matting. The! | bishop wore at this time nothing bat a | pair of trousers turned up to the thighs. [Lhe victim being thus placed, the execu: {tioner took two stakes, which he fixed jin the ground on each side of him, hand to which his hands were tightly {bound by cords, causing great pain. Two jothers were then placed under his arin- | pits, aud crossed over the chest of the lbishop so as to press it tightly. Two Jother posts were then set up at a short idistance from his feet. Phe cords with which the feet were bound were stretch fed round these posts and stretched violent- r then pegeed down; the loins were similarly secured. It would ly, the feet beit be difficult to conceive the tortures of the! venerable prelate thas bound and racked An order was then issued first to cut off the feet, then hand, afterwards the head of the martyr, and lastly to eviscerate hiin. | At this order, five executioners com menced their frightful duty. Vhey were armed with a kind of billhook or hatchet, | tere for them 5 but evil days came, and | aided. jatter a brief but violent struggle with for- | purposely blunted in order to inflict great jer suffering, They commenced by cut- ting off the legs above the knees, \limb receiving about twelve blows before hit was severed, The same process was repeated with the arms. Sut the power of speech now failed the happy martyr, who so long as strenuth remained, hac not ceased to call on the name of Jesus. which they conducted the venerable vic- | eminence was led through all the streets | inother, Mr. Grey ¢” neck 5 in his hand he carried his breviary.| ow that Idid not love her more, when hwhich was destined tor hin by oar Lord! trom him. On leaving for his home, the jold yentleman laid his band on his head jand said, “I hope we may live to meet again. Be sure to love your mother, my boy.” “Why, sir, how conld I help loving hert” asked Bennie. “Did you ever have a “Yes, my boy; and I’m very eorry [had her. Love your nother before God takes her from you.” When Mr. Grey was gone, Bennie said: “ITow strange to charge a boy to love his mother! I should as soon tell one not to furget to eat.” | “Oh, Bennie dear,” replied his mother, “Mr. Grey knows more of the world than | you do. He has doubtless seen inany | children who do not honor their parents, although they may bear a fair name abroad. He has known others who des- piscd their mother’s counsel and hated her reproof; such lave fallen into open| sin, and broken the heart which loved} them more than all the world beside. There is now a young man lying in jail ina Northern city, never to leave it again unul he goes thence to the gallows. Ob, how many hopes lis deating mother had (cherished in connection with that once | bright, active boy! They were all dash- jed to the ground. He took a seat with | the scorner, ree his poor, fond moth- | ler, and went down the way to death. with her husband by patting her arma around his neck and aaying : “Now, dear George, we can ge home and be happy, as we used to be.” The did go home on the steamer which left last Monday. This story is strictly true. a The Red Peticoat and the White. BY CHARLES MACKAY, 1. O, the red, the flaunting petticoat, That courts the eye of day, That ioves to flare and be admired, And blinks from far away,— It may delight the roving sight, And charm the fancy free ; But if its wearer's half as bold, I'll pass, and let her be ;— With her red, her flaunting petticoat, She's not the girl for me! IL But the white, the modest petticoat, As pure as drifted snow, That shuns the gaze in crowded ways, Where follies come and go; It stirs the primrose on its path, Or daisy on the lea; ApJ if the wearer's like the garb, How beautiful is she ! With her white, her modest petticoat, O, she's the girl for me! a Punch’s verses for Louis Napoleon : The Hangman of Freedom. What lawyer will thy ruler hire, O, France, eternal shame to dare, What venal slave will gold inspire To plead against Montalembert 7 How deeply is thy bar disgraced By harboring so vile a wretch, Who, if he suitably were placed, Would fill the office of Jack Ketch! Av executioner, indeed, Is whosoever shall advance In such a cause for sordid meed, Jack Ketch of Liberty, O France! Let men reject him from their face, The caviff, meanest of the mean! Let children hoot, let women chase The menial of the Guillotine. The Angel in Disguise ; oR, HOW TO CHOOSE A HUSBAND. 4 ROMANTIC AND YET TRUE STORY. A beaatifal young heiress had become so disgusted with a flattering set of soft- pated pomatum haired, moustache-lipped, strongly-perfumed suitors for her hand, that she shut herself from the fashiona- ble world, turned all her property into money, deposited it in banks, donned a cheap wardrobe, put on a mask, and went, pedestrian-like, throagh the city in which she had hitherto moved with so much dis- play and magnificence. She asked alms of those who of late had knelt at her feet and sued fur her hand. They knew her not, and casting a look of scorn upon her veiled face and coarse wardrobe, bade her begone. She entered the country— here she met with derision and scorn.— A few kind-hearted people, it is trae, be- stowed aid; but these were of the poor- er class, who had hard work to procure their own daily bread; but they coald | First he robbed a store, and for that he | was imprisoned. Then he made an as-| jsault ou his keeper, for which crime he ‘was sent to the State Prison. There he} jstained his soul with the blood of an un-| (offending fellow-creature! Lis doom is| jnow sealed; but, well for ber, the sufter- | jing mother is not here to know it. When! le was first borne to jail tor robbery, she | jwho had risen above every other woe, She had no longer any motive for toiling | to keep a home. She went to the poor} honse and died; her heart was broken. Oh, , dropped her head and give up all hope. | Most of mothers. That was the reason why Mr. Grey said to you, ‘love your mother, my boy.’ Nu one fears God whodoesnot. Hecommands it!” ©Oh,” said Bennie, looking into ber face, “it seems to meas if PT couldn't live unless [loved my mother, [ thank God inore for giving you to me than for apy thing else in the world. WVew York Waverly not love their | eee The Vici Ling of W itudes of Life.—JSoyful Meet vand [usbind after a Long | Absence. —The California Spirit of the Times publishes the following, and vouch- es for its correctness : In the year 1849, a young man, who }was rich and engaged in a lucrative bu siness in Cincinnati, becaine enamored of a beantitul and amiable |danghter, by the way, of wealthy parents |—and after a brief courtship married her. i Ile loved her dearly ; she loved him dear- ly. A fortune of happiness seemed in tune, the young man became a bankrupt. without a hope. The gold mines of Cali- lfornia were open to the adventurous and \industrious. Ife wonld leave his beauti- ful wife and seek its glittering shores, y) where he would remain until his fallen | fortunes were revived. Ile came to Cal- yes, Bennie, although it seems to! you go strange, there are boys who do!-. girl—the | not turn a fellow-creature hangry from their door, and therefore gave a small pittance from their scanty store. One summer day, alarge company met on beach. They were mostly from the city. The disguised heiress, from some cause or other, had wandered there. She asked alms of some termed “upper- tens.” They spoke tauntingly bat gave nothing. What they said had been heard by quite a number of their company.— them laughed or looked as if they thought it “served her right.” The beyyar woman turned about and was walking sadly away, when a good look- ing geutleman stepped forward, and catch- ing hold of her arm, thus spoke : | “Stay, my good woman—tell me what (you want.” A She replied in a low trembling tone, “ want a sixpence—only a sixpence.” “You shall have ten times that sum. Here,” he added, drawing from his k- ‘et an eagle, and placing it in the gloved hand of the woman, “take this, and if it is not enough, I will give you another.” The heiress peinedite eagle, exclaim- ing, “I want a sixpence—only a six- pence.” | Seeing that she could not be made to take the coin, the gentleman drew forth la sixpence, and gave it to the strange be- jing beside him, who, after thanking the | generous donor, walked slowly away.— | After being langhed at for so doing by | his comrades, he set out in pursuit of the | beggar-wornan saying, “Perhaps she is an leiress—or an angel is disguise—I ‘mean to ascertain.” | Not that he thought this. He wished to show his indifference to what his com- rades said, besides satisfying himself labout the strange female whom he had He soon overtook her, and ad- dressed her thus: ‘Pardon me, madam, | for pursuing you. I would know more each | [le was left without a dollar, but not} about you. As the speaker ceased, the mask drop- | ped from the face of the female, and the | beautiful heiress was portrayed before \the astonished gentleman. That they were afterward married, the reader has already imagined, for the hei- His head was then struck off, after repeat: | ifornia, but the cloud still hung over him. | ress used this means of procuring a wor- ed blows, and lastly his body was opened and his entrails drawn out with a hook. Such is the exact account of the death and tortures of Monseignor Melchoir, near the very spot which had been consecrated two years earlier by the martyrdom ot his predecessor. Immediately atter the exe jention, the different parts of the body | were wrapped up in the mat and thrown Into a pit dug for the purpose. The Ton quinese wished to make the elephants | pass over the spot, so as to trample under lfoot the grave of the venerable confessor pof our faith, but these animals, less sav- ave, aud we may alinost say, more hu mane, than them masters, obstinately re fused to do so, as if they would not pro fane the relies of the noble martyr Bishop Melchour’s head was exposed for some days on the Southern gate of Nan | dinn, and then broken toe pieces and thrown into the sea. Puneh eaves: “To find out whom a child loves make ita present, and notice to whom itis eager to show that present, exultingly. To find ont whom a woman hates, do exactly the same thing.” He was active, enterprising and persever- ling; yes while others around him were ‘yathering the golden harvest in atten- ‘dance, his every object failed. Foreight lyears he continued thus. IIe became lsick, weary and disheartened, but his | pride would not allow hit to write home for assistance. living. A few weeks ago he was at Fulton street wharf upon the arrival of the mail steamer, and among the passengers who came ashore, he caught a glimpse of richly dressed lady whom he thought be knew. He followed her to a hotel, gota fair view, and recognized her as his wife, rs stron whom he had not seen for eight ¥ Ile was poorly dressed, but his aff conquered tis pride, and he linmediate The re cognition was followed by a beautiful ex hibition of unabated and untaltering love Phe lady’s parents having died, had left ly made hinselt known to her. her heiress of great wealth, heard of her husband for eight years, and Ife was at last reduced to | fsell newspapers upon the streets for aj She had not} ‘thy husband, and the generous gentle- man had long been looking for “an angel lin disguise.” The happy husband is often heard to isay that he got an ‘heiress for a six- | pence.” — Portland ( Me.) Transcript. | 2+ — or A Newspaper.—The ‘following illustrates the idea many per- ,sons have of the duties of a newspaper. ; From uo other occupation is substantial ‘service asked or demanded without offer- Tuk Deriss ‘ing equivalent compensation : | Landlord.—-Mr. Editor, Ul thank yoa to say I keep the best table in the city.” kditor.—"Tl thank you to supply my family with board gratis.” Landlord. —I thought you were glad to get something to fill up your a oo Editor. —“T thought you were glad to feed men for nothing. It's a poor rule that won't work both ways.” Exit landlord in a rage, threatening to have nothing more to do with the office, fearing for his safety, she resolved to vis: | it this State and make enquiries for her-| \self. The lady closed her conversation | y | Women obey willingly when they are jcommanded kindly. | ra Prom the Norfolk Day-Book—Kxira AWFUL CATASTROPHE!! Burning of the Steamer Noi th Carolina, ; from Baltimore. ns TWO LIVES Lost. Tie Steamer Georgia arrived in) our whor this morning, britggtag Cie start wand painful intelligence af the barn cof the Steamer North Caroling on » iday inorning fast, on ber passage fro : P tiara ta Nortolk, allof whom fortunately es With 2G prisactis board, ath, except one, the Rev'd Nt Bypiecepal Minter of South Car Wide Gu lies Way lowe trou the No Done of the Stewards of the Doat, a ate man, fhe Gre was corm at about half past ove Wy 1 discovered, on F of tae State Roos of the upper sa oom at whic thine the Goat was bel S ‘Pont | mee dries: Gelow Smiths wit . tat Phe putibs Were bosimediatesy Work, bul the fre had gained such Wdway as fo be impossible tu su; press and the boats were taitiediately tiost etont and all etforts made to save the isseligers and crew, Daring this thue it was sad a dense 4 Was prevailiug, ad it was i whttte cool and courazeous eff ris tthe efficers of the boat that the greutest mfusson did not prevatl, and fortunate yeve son} on board was saved, it is seneved, except the Wo persons above dammed A lady with a child came down by th stanchions trom the upper to tue lowe: Jeck, where she threw herchild overboard Her husband, seeing their perilous situation, gumped in to save them, while the heroic © Ileury Fitggerald, plauged into the water to assist them, thus, making four into the water atone tine, all of whore Were save by weass of the boats after some « ye Outs rou and Jumped over alter at. ” There were seven ladies on beard thi boat, all of whout barely eseaped ty thi stnall boats in t might clothes, met avin ah Opportunity toy wet even tie shoes and stockings. The exception was alady whose nervous cund.tion wot allow her to sleep and ele was in tu dress, as she had not gone to bed. It is believed that the passer was burnt up, and who is bedeved to be THE ART OF PLEASING. A modest: and virtuous young tan, on first J RON soto society, is apt to be sorely perplexed upon the questopy how to make hignself agree able to ladies. (fe need not be ashamed of his perplaiti. Washington Irving, ig une af his cathy sketches, confesses that a well-dressed bady was tn object perfeotly © awful” to his youny We were once acquaitted with « father Perri tecttigtt geontienian of distinction in pub elite, th of several accomplobed daughters, who could hot even to bis fifteth vear, coter a drawtiu toon whet heties were present, without painful raat Heut Tt ie curtdudy & royd seu a WV ang that to stand in some awe of Che beau 1 \ \ person of coarse sud valyar mind wl boas thore of binisell that dis best hiends tid who knows fittle the worth ot foe Words beak rasbesdeariessty ju wheat orks ag eran Addison would fear to tread Hos w Wwe remeniber a fittle ‘nedent of euty days, which helped us to overcame Vashtul dread of the society oft st Scat \ the ag of a beawtital wiel of wevemtoen, ard over be lined with a cotsctodstioss of our Wakty te savoany thing to her which she world bserve that she, What tcoufertus discovery [We foltas a coward chanced to was Creminti gg woth cha Gar brssie nt fecis when be finds that hes eneuiy is tore com ftely tertor stricken than Adifress oltselyes to the task of duvetipg our fay hioselt ‘Or OWE tedis Tt svoW He iiitaboe, We ison mind, vouns av itipeathiy walle lees, ec who bash and stuammer in the com Phe wirls areas much afraid of te av oof Ladies yuas vou ate of them ! You wre I you uk so, itis Likely that gour fair tricnd hiahs Wkeardia your maners, You think Uicrwise y tor the really all bred teliows wows bave Koown bate dever suspected (hei Sreeding. And) after all, whataa wood brecd te bat bebitual good mature The siuple ta: fat you tes to please is a proof that you pos t se roWil sven aequire, (ie power to dos Phe good hea Yo owelliuformed mind ow soot ove ura ti feameanor, or will se sbund youtone: fir want of at, that its ab senee wiil never be noticed. ; ‘ : Besides the’ rls —thatis, the most of them HR tthath Whi ts s vided they see that there tiple te tits moinners, pro s substapee and worth Hodem. Gracetil mnanners and ready wit are food so faras Chey wo. Bat be sure of lias. © fees shite Vout, that Rpthoy the society ties cued of met ¥ Wil passin the dare mM for What Vou are worth—tio tore H as ] ' rey ads fothine tno ah the at tomes, hited, vi eeut, aul high 1 tun. Sa cucu wri tal te Woesieitt ld at awkward as Ca Wi, 4d ow \ t ist and e b : Pie atfiirs of Utah see > tees a tis the Nev. Mr. Curtis, of S. C., was dea } SS a ean iad a rye and eould not hear the nolse aed) stir ieauon of the bertory, ly tine subiiesion the few moinents left the passengers to Brin \ 2 litsdriints to the tw or eseape after the alarm had been ave Pol ih ngs dedi curated bs tha apelin tater The escape to the sina mits Wats for. Us CHS 7 Spit » “ a tauately favored by t! et | iM \ ant nish. ated even weather, otherwise it is belicved the fuss it See Cas Gt piarctics of life would have heen: hoy vr ih ear a ease vt Fe) Fi je . i J ~S . The bell on board ¢ Heaat Sant . ad fie . kept telling till the sinall ts eo ie ee oe ‘ : Lat j her, when Murers Were tike ' eo aig het Wonrdlenn jes: Dinan a . i ‘ ard, and the Ste 1 ist] t Ml of the Parker Veine ti \ toni serie nat ‘ abont fav break, amd to. k thearon & ward nan Titeslenewy oy fi i " and Gr maoht thear int jfoa Roa Clie Sa ele eects SE VeL AAR ANEE anh S frora where they were bronehtte tits cit Frame gy Woeokly bhatleten Beeston Your ur AGS MOP Uy the Bree! Chota, “te anes Cavan feof ML way power \ Tie Captain auf the Lorust Point ver du tee. has osisred lias steady pefisins generally kept near the | cht boat aed t pecs ‘ esuopena tom the Casied burning steamer, in order to render a Mates Wi repanug lisa hatice cs a wit assistavee with'n lis pawers det ra = v bod petsisten vosach Is hes het ta tee tlie ee \ Wo mip ecesaty Ub f, eae Phe f tie ! et tae i . Hee Peden ie rattler ! ; : oe , : r i Secs M noudu a; > 2 Ue ey \ ae ‘ i cl rand jars af Tokae herr cl 0 ‘ si Sti p revetita dew \a ny | ‘ ' r H oe i y 4 Con heft fein <a ' i rte ¢ { ot Moin weut ow ! ‘ \ ’ ow ' , oy. hh ‘ ‘ ‘ od pastah d , Ws v ott Serta ‘ \ rel . - vin Dot Me Edy 1 ; G ot = vb ‘ t ’ . . ’ al rN , , i ‘ ¢ apta n Cann adel t ( Lagat : ' iy Ay Norta Carolina, had $3 Nite y aa : ; tn his state room, w te tial - oN \ t Strom ant Torin to ee te uc ep foaete ; a (ot o that te tie Sabie t ' \ bolas ound sideration t anydung whatever, and Af yy { Dates istrict atton ' t ser of Me boat, bust als tine pressures 4 4 or ' Mal distret 4 st Ut paseciyy RON ' wl 4 ' The Pukseters Tone r teen ae Fee resi SES Portstnouth, and tay i Teved y { : t ttie tin s they bad on board, are red redyle stat . t ! Ui teas Gut atid jt wet by Sree r t ‘ 1 ; bista sc Dane ‘ tote vi ‘ cet tn tee tray at enable thers to tne ! (at Is) Capmeserel tye Gr 1 Tis ve th eles | that has vc Les Horeaitiet ~ : ’ ” BInCE bivy oS A , ‘ : Se Tay . ried of thirty yours i. BN ie SUS iiss the ei re Ke those ee oe } See al ved Poe@oy se { PY AXPS ‘ \ Of the forward Doone, Ww J oceupicd by AiO RCC] as ry | \ F ! \ keeping the dinen, doo leit ie ean fe j 1 boat. ail that when the dad of Gey | rey | S a arewep i Was opened the wloue saloon was i ‘ . me Sto tl ay deen light Ulize by the drat leu casi ft ir f oy f : t rough. eas Pa vast conetnt af fone ' Loar PAMOEN RE AVED Ls \ he ip ma have 1 tte TATE Names flemaene WY war otalid} non w the vangnist Dodo Proun, Der a Iw Phase ra sel the ery 1 OE Dense Mise Troup, altar ated wont] therefore dave ta nite - hae , ? we ostripeatly a wssistanieg ot the esshizend AUBERT } aM Sf wert Part thon sh minedh wise « s Vo Wo Field, , Seat ti) ee EC lastaneenureass 2B ne Weg ode et toy, mug seeins vet to RS. Grepary ffs i : athe ee HARTI Pct and wood o in Jo Mere, Bey XY NLC i fur dat of the fia fhiy > H. Pritgersia, S Va \\ HOMIVIAN CREP PII VURILA PCR ES R.A. Crag, [i Ny) a ‘ Jolin A Cid ier Not ‘ i ee “ Dr. Sohn Gives, t he : uD EH. Lavels Ww mavorg, Va : ‘ Raia add wetertield = fe Tir idete Seon AY i 5 ut { > oti that t f Ko Mathews i M 0 ' aut Faneg Join A Greet 1 MM Win Denby, tr, and ester, \ d ‘ Teter Adiitun fh Na ome Mathew Wo Ay!win, 1 emul Va \ | MI De Wirkee ee SF et ! HoCrapom, wife and infan MN Nu ‘ Miwe Mary Pharipa te, Now \ va tle 4 Win B Parke, ' \ ‘ = \) Mary A Bryan Cliath “Se th | PARBENGERA— Jam ya ) i r Rev Dr Corie MURTRIG SITE Ste siicron at ' f om. trav! hy Nerth Carolina Crrntral | , An _ “ part twade by (bo bister the North Carshua Kairos : j : ( ‘ Sleggs that wot dese tua #)o0 \ " > t wit accrte fo (he Kate neat y tele ' in the North Carolina ho J \ ” bea igeray hight n the burden ef Gj A Gs ‘ : Fieher thinks Mat itw fot b rd roag wi be able to pay oy donde of re per e@OL of all its stock 3 yh # ; es} dw ch . i ‘ ‘ 1 4 att rey e BuGulo Courier antipits a ceeat t slidifest aceupa f crease Of the recenue of Hie Soce f Mk Gur jeans Beek TUe eanliatlsed from the use of steam power onitscunde Fit and means acl rood san podneine the ty three propellers now bu xg sane Jincryen AS A pols | Bales NORTH CAROLINA RAIL ROAD. four years of completion, than the North We copy from the’Fayetteville Obser- Carolina Rail Road now hus, and if the ver, the following spirited review of Mr. C. B. Fistrer’s able Report on the N.C. Rail Road. The Observer hastens to lay {before the public the cheering facts 1b to approve in this, it would enly show from our neighbors, wa yet, as a people undervalue whatever is at home.” gleans from this Report, and with pride : they are at the night place for > benef} aud exaltation, copies mumerous extracts a e night place for the benetit frotn it, as wellin justification of the Pre ell . ; : ; : preanttole partar the Company's property, sident, asin vindication of the value ot ; “f ' ) Pee : ‘ the Toad, convenient and safe operation. The tone of the Pres The subject of this Report came up in the Levislature a few days ago, and with CAROLINA WATCHMAN. one or tWo exceptions, the discussion ex- what is called spicy, cutting and slashing ; hibited very apparant confldenee in the fore aod aft at the gram blers tanong the Hs bot more st ¥ 8p} ; K , ie SIGUE CIR IN. wo Gs accuracy of the statements made by the in Mr. Carpwrrr, ef Quilford, thought if the atfairs of the Road were Presi¢ent: to intorin themselves of facts, have com- TUESDAY EVENING, FEB. 8, 1sau. plained of tmnany of the qieasures of the Board shops, the borrowing of x thoroughly examined, there would be the location and erection of the Have we a Democratic Party Amongst Us? What an absard question ! 37 yf 4 SOUO0U ats op setne “cit” found at the bottom. We NE LGRES pur cent tuterest, after they tad utterly fail hope bo one will prevent such an inves- } . j ed to getiton better terms, &e., &e., all t [fave we tivation, It is die to all that it should ; the complaints growing ovtoof and end So far as Mr, Ing tn the tet thar dividends Juve pit nocratic party amongst us! Why, pe Eichcrnc thorouy ist thi nnoeratic party ra ant and tent Cio demoeratio party me fre'concerned, it is clear that Ae desires it, been par. The following are samples of rower al ver t) ronntry ¢ s not F : 7 5 * in power all over the county ee and we think it is due a faithful public this tone, coutaining also interest sO talui also interesting in © Ridts Governorof North Carolina, a i=) Jude . 5 . officer that uo reasonable ground of com. formation :-— ind has not that party a majority of over by aathe Levis! ef Dowt they ry wislatur paint should be left to those who etl: 6 Rai Road two branches : claim Management Consists of Chink there is s vnething wrong, aoe Mat micnt of The veneral policy as te Yrodaeats, tures, property and mode of ad HiiMistration, 2 to be the only mational party in existence Pat Ne sucha qnestion toour neighbor, the Aun and dou't they clam to be aunit?¢ Rulrotd.— A Cheering ; The adsinistrative su ts Operations and Pros: pervision, control and police Se icutirst belongs to the Board of Di reetors to be determined and rewnlated Phey must do so nuder the penalty of be ince denonneed either for high rates, or er no dividends mers atd teow hatch ont right ia your yeety.— ft is with pleasure as creat as it face. Patit tothe Stusdard, and it would Put it Sentcned, and it) would Was uuexpoeted, that we tiave lust treat it with dignified contempt. Winston blow aloud and long blast of gloritic portoof the Patitis the (tno tie N. } Tit would say hie ye, to dated as lately as the 20th inet.. ane jae 108 copped a pamphlet of about So pies to the Just issued at Salisbury, containing a Re Ty : ‘ : Nese rocks approach tag clos ly to sail 4 > President: and Directors ot retween theme —it is , Railrowl to Gav. Wiis. It is titpessilte, 16 te pares wre t low te ton over democracy lutte D tocrat, an State and the Stockholders figd nothing As to the shops, he clearly shows that of the work, and that they are the most as they certainly are Indispensable ty its; lents Report is te the trast marked devree spirite d; itis stockholders.) who, uot taking the pains prosperity is increased—her revenue is increased —and her character rises with boti—part passu. Upan the tine of this Road, aud within its influence, adjacent, that still, ag in the time past, differing | the appreciation in real estate, since 184y, y has been not less than Zen Millions. Strike the Road from existence and be- ‘fore twelve months its value would fal] more than Ten Millions. Such, and so great fas been the effect of a Work habitually reterced to by many persons as wholly unprofitable to the State. This is not very coming from thos 1 fevlone ahireet stratee while SO remote frou its to Denent, and whoa e Rn no further than to ascertain that it las net paid dividends to the Treasury, do hhas Cost tore that its capital provided. Bur, that people, whoa CW Vers avo, were almost wit Hout herp ine try Woy to devise some scheme, them wccess to the markets of the world, whd a means of pussaze abrowd better oO wine to wn Chan iiopassable roiwds—who would wil linuly lave given a tithe of therr reven ve, itso only to be obtained, for securing this, now that they have it, are fall of complaints at the lack of dividends, as it they had invested as capitalists free te cetisare and condemn their anil ane fon ot whrat ever, in Wisdom agi me expen cuce of Rail Road thanapement, is discoy eted to be not judicious, ‘Phe cost of this Row is a tess cost, than that of any oth ee Load elsewhere has be y dor its Line Pie whole Road, with all its appurtenan Ces Is wood, as ibis substantially and well Naished, tur pertiatency, tor safety and for economy in operating.” Mr. Fisher Visclt and the Road ay follows :— closes his able defence of “ALL these facts have been shown i) the Atal Re ports of ¢ ,oyear | ANY are bot intortied, Wis beewuse they bases Heploeted ta rene We atte not Chateeauig With thew iebares hive From our Correspondent, Rarkion, Feb. 5. The week past bag diad iy its proceedings tore measures of MN portance than any since the com- In the Senate, the Deep River bill has been twice rejected, and as Inencement of the session, often reconsidered, and is still pending in that body. Mir Bledsoe’s bill for the Bank of North Carghva bopeleasly hilled ; the Dill to extend the charter of the Bank of the State, cut up and amended in every form and sliipe possible, and then Mi North Carolina, was Tansom’s bill to create the Bank of The and the Bank of Lexington, substituted for it Back of Salisbury both passed their thindroudiugs. 1 ann inclined to think the latter will: House. Tn the Honse of Commons, the Reve: nue bol, the Favettewte and Coals Fields Road and the Wiltiineton and Rutherford Road have catch” its death in the all been passed, and the Western Extension bill repeotol The bill tu create a Medical Buard of Ratuiters lias also passed. and bills to amend the charters of the Bank of Cape Pear and Bank of Wiliington } The above are the measures of State impor- tance, besides, there tas been over two hundred Joral aud qarvate billy disposed of in the House. Phose of interest to vour seetion, whieh passed then (hird readsng, ane as follows : A bil to establish Savings Banks in Raleigh wt Hitsboro" ON bell to prevent the adulteras fon of lquors Abi to prevent felling of time pron the Seath Fork of the Catawba, A reso- Hon in fevor of the late Sheth of Wilkes, A bith to present the sate of ‘roxieating liquors Within three tiles of Pmvitson College and Chapel Pitt Nobill to theorporate Jonesville Mede and Fomate Academics. A till te Appoint eNporcral Masrstrete ti Sidistiteey A resulution Wtivorofts, No What Vo tall to construct » toad in Withes anol Cadwell A bill to amend z r ower for ct Wodivitends sire . Any , , It » cla te 3 + | the culverts, are eo notin power! Gio- sents to the Governor, “for the use of the ; ; : ' rial ! OU ets ie Inanewerent ot the boat bas cen wter of the Sowa of Newton. A bill to . ; ‘ SG eS GUS iT tlio mCapiomconieniticd dx” tlvence cin haem nititei enti tpevate Pork Cuter we Boscia ' rous Democracy FAW ihit ise it? General Assembly, an exhibit of the lis ail seed) (ho Geeehare linet cot J : : ee at U ‘ Be oto R tillto - : , . : . : lies o receive the bennett: of this, ing ther OW obypeets ob parvite pitecest Ate erative ethan Netter Sirime Court att Read the suljuined answer tory, condition and affairs of the ¢ orpos pulile work) to: Pinte the pockets of the lor of personal or partic selemesd test 1 Mone ; z ! : é , : ; Nees sd Way dit Ph Getuinece Prhe Washinwtow Styt y It is also ration } the Reoae Anda tietdy {| Cee sci | Censure aad alee of snets ts “ : ; . . ae F hoa ‘ : NLT bos deen passe! prepranng $25,000 lomrecratie paper, mit at Tend Qua encouraving exlabit it enleutated t no ue ie thar; rer [ees eRACayl wee Ltt | \ 1.000 : ‘ . A , i Wihiv ne t { ‘ ae As MR MAU ters, aiid tay Ge presumed to how wre di perse, he mest before the sun, the ey LU SSeS BOWES! ‘ are atyetegten «ecto Te: ] ‘i : ‘ UO a fact h Gn 15 r , : rye ses lemocrucy is, aud where it ip tembug. rongous views ro generally entertained of 415, : ante we Se T thas aa {i lod Wh Sn ‘ A t ; ; z ; a , owner MDS, OMNaITe MOE conetagunean 1. TGoy cent i) d a mee cea te Worthleseness of the stock held ty CA fon ilncoor Vinee Puer wee quash Pee ee ee a Gertie eaieeet bredefl for w cond : : : TC PAR ‘ ado 4 ee lnmaoritngdbs ay Ae tlhevie fitent 4 Woe HAVE WE A DEMOCRATIC PARTY the Stute and by individuals iu this o 1 fateof that putitic « erpris dele s—fiave pti ats babibtses sat of 1 Wobkestusee “hist {We reupret to % ned ral t ' ' t > ' AMONG ¢ wantio enterprise ‘ I vet mites and wat es at tue Toad carniies rave operated the | vat this ma > been cable) heme hie a] ] } forrarad t > a ! ryt Chinon cetan fie iyeals R t he rl ! as BR ESS a We need not tolow the Presifent and f PEE iis hei [ad Ui ay Coal pas bee by sch Wohis tansy bow counties are bet- awe ve t Pt he tits Z . i SEC ve Cat terest amel the t g ‘ | ! abesered -, , aie inlieae Dircetors tn their mouute statements tu r one ; we ae : jy wil Missin S monton tlnewueer et A) mand e k irereaders are entitied to a@ weneral state Col [esrulsrane wel areear ison { ie Cre Qe cdi a 1H rare : , oe mw Keep & & nc | daneerous as we \ un er re ; ' < {sce t t ' ) x z “ ya : ‘ i, cd vatlent i Tooaety Paty. we care al | wt Wools resyits Vict ! roweak out muapete i ate comdiet its always chyowereais Citas } aes t bel herste: ¢ ty that there as , e wdeee no, eecie: . f ; i ae oufiae ; — . : ; : ; ro Constituents WG Pane Coie uni Phe id, whie 5 223 miles lane < i ; Semi AWS! ice ‘ Teath Urauspertaton of eed | erty wath Meo ferstenntnetinst 5 Wil to onniend (he ; in Wy h ommal Seek x (th een can ’ ieee eter | iit Withess Nha GEES CRAIG AENY AS eG exes yo - Perel the Neweidet a t 5 we wal vet voaaser that the parade ; ! St) - tony } eer Net ‘ ; Z | ue fatto Cot par 4 st 1 ‘ i 5 ) sitsters ‘ t \ \ we ‘ We thw y fon senlioe sto cal opiate ~ etnbraced by all observing & ne a i ‘ pty te : Soebnacenent Wirt \ | 1 \\ \\ ‘p Had 7 ea oveote . tit Gut tie very eles s . i ~ 1 | ‘ . ta ut ‘ noand Tu mt Rail SM sadividies Deamecrats dispersed ater the t | wi takes, Wii 2 = ‘ sels ' he : = dt . . : : ea 7 Pes Siien ' wie Hits yo de (juotieccenn ells ‘ : di Sispe tere os “ ONtravacint exoerdit t ft eu HCAS BUCS ik be Paynrs te te Mn eter Votes bratebiage prove tie ) pris ere ts Ubyvestiona tensive aha | Ole TUE SLGHE viii, Uy Cee tees ; Sieg et EST vies piedit, ated wat a ttu pres ‘ MINS spoke several Cues, urging ‘ 4 SWS Peres airy Yow a) t t \ OE TY ‘ VT Ti Lote Yt Voit t ing 1 hore Teast 5 i SCOR Peat \ Pi Ot a waa pis \ t i Hpared ow ee sae te wen . ire | ' los , ; \ wench} wt Nat the amend- SECA a Taney the | mopical abd prac ep y the counters - : “= : t d af ‘ t ts tit ewer 1 : fhe ere metin «discriminations 4 ‘ pi Rte : EELS Pare sien eee meeneel thie : i POULSEN BIO Vtort rs \\ ' ‘ r 1 4 { E u ' COUN Tas as tu Sepia F tf i . ; tha 1 ’ ats fora Weroot shorter distances were ! gente Lech Fun mer oot Psol | a (UEC Teeeal aye : ; te t te . ) t ‘ Seba rei i Silla VPehiiary 1S508 ake ete : Slee ee ‘s qi : Pater ce was adyeuated by hol toe th vets. and uly ee ee ee Ee TLERN GE) V PO sthgas fist | Pele LE Ome Wi edestiey Huncepiada ann ‘ ‘ | ‘ ae i ‘ oe ! 4 ES ] ee cen ee ; eae : stol Vaz 1 opposer rm ‘ ie ; \\ ibe if val baie enn Ss Jeena ery yu bare aie | | ceca evens C0 | AYE Noce Hi ae \ ot t aa nditionsean be predseated ef , oe ) ee aucun teeta act th pin oor POM doe bo ftess ou We says bo Sates CeCe anal WV \ ) bp ’ a wards ticle a faretie ter et ; r Cormitionen Was for centen before e aneeey t } ath tpt ay } ae 5 ' Bs ae SL OGG 0G00 of “preferred stock.” on wie i Ske? aus : \ 4) Tire au = iM fe tow this side. Place, Wo any man pretend to 5 ! Let t "tome that 11 tt fy ne tae be ein } tf 1 ' rw pot ‘ } . : ' mash Sareea F tae interest is to be paid before any diva ee 4 ‘ eae ! ! , : % ‘ comple hoerals are coprered apo a bests i ls Vo teense tite tnty: atte Senin N Wiereene Hine eu oly olhe, Sn palo ran <i illest i is SHecute winelinnc Arie gthe Yen ds dade ol tae WOCr TUVCe Mins. | ai i . , ane q mation : ; ; vee i ; Ne AeoteaTae LE eee : i ’ MUN Ho edoon ee Gee] SAV to these w ' rM \{ wl klonone, Tod Re i ‘ th t COUTHTY Is there so a ps ohn ‘, een an here figetiiae Uae +), tee ik ba 4 i : a Gil i t x (hap ine TaN, SMe) Buch eet ds ate approacd to unanimity Che > Sali a ' Dd? (anions deni thon ; s SOs) ao Aon ie } PAG) Novotny at resus tn eqartier Pat the ped cost 8497852 $4 beyond Se a ST Ik SiGe) oe : : a ks ) 1 ° P z ' } (bes ade Thine rel ; 0 ont pee er “ meatal tay meter Laly Tlie disaeement betweetthe Presi this sam Wience was tais excess d ay ; Me Ue Gees os) bu ae ‘S a ie c Wave: Tue 7 nach ' sors vate) Walker, di | tid lis Seeretary of State on this sub) rived? The State anthortsed the issue ¢ : nats u thee ay i Me Z ) : : ‘ ’ } 1 we MOOS te speak on the bill Mee esi Han equiswent difference amuns Ss per eent. bends fur PPO Chon tte » ’ t iy \ re U ; t : | eS aee f ’ ’ emer ais a Whine of the “ten ' vul was é ree 13 Ri eliney vat etisalat ; Ma f \ ‘ . ‘ Wow \ south, dem ra at : \\ ! (a ie Madde : f SES ' ee videul Company recerved xe ‘s otha : \ Poa) ‘ 5 cathe would f ‘ i Sedu Ue Waren L ; ! E rthat : ‘ Calta 4 . t Wa T4257 trom interest, yu { r ss : Pee | eh } ‘ SO Vedanta Phyo SUITS 4 ‘ ' ‘ r re 1 erate ‘ _ ' ey \ Ae t t ‘ ' j ied ! Sn SO he SD alot ey Som bre WW wee mors te f thetr ! L iY L Vee ' | wan ' ~ | “6 vy cralt sermnant iis ee a ‘ 1 sibacden destriretya , ! j a ae ' hain \ 14, ke a) hote ! ‘ Eros rar? tr, too, Chat Mesem. “ wa rope 1 ' t \ thera \ he Pet , ae ic j wHtCh Jot Wnteitd sity in a r , ty 2 ea ‘ hy » Mictent men, n sand Darbar. ‘ isis Comite any Door ran, ; : hye tal \ eres ) Ta bbe olbaee ' trons, makes an avzregate of S55 bub se . ( : Te te aa , ; ‘ eR a TS Ie eset : - , ! wlan t ret toad éj ' ' t Senior whericiwe (ees a noamene AH bow comes the factowhoeh has beh x MN ES ats ‘ Pabb town where our sos ( Wen w bons Har division amine ae . Hips aes ee Feisat Vecy aay Gente, ea ee Wee tis Sin eons a medida) lah iss } Der tAcy NiGr wet th SUIS UNIAN ACIS CHEE NBS oe ed: ee CU tttial sv iiy Qtr ielae ent eos ' BEEN ee eet! i ‘ 1 oy } an ! | a ve wer unat Viti the tnrtvo ire. Lely aioli Uf Tare tit Lolth co nallion ’ bs ‘ ie oot ” has foaled in i : pi I a : ; a tia aoe fel Nie Thee Nasu om eae al rt lea, 2A) lost ant tition of all—tie of fofhars hex bern pod aut of the jet f : : ue: i We 4 vous , : is ; su the i ‘ Meise spel ye vee heee Va peer , ran t s * = deesietin ; be 4)7h9e pore age Hes 2. abattont sins Horespeetof Wineb Mr Burhans evracags of the vogd, Vrue. the Common ‘ ; | : ‘ t NHS : : ne ne AY Oe Var stented ia. t oo Wein party, ane © lies’ haev fo \nakensat on Tok latleauies: ws Hel whoe Mie Cbs, miaintaiies di ony has athoating debtot SLT7jG43 34, but 1 to j ibe ' meth fe @xprnd res te rey ‘ Wats ns ms : Ee ted Lee SLU TSISE TY Senate oa Sess net this at has avaiable means in : i ‘ ah \\ t , Ale t y aon 1 yar eitey broken dow erste ! vs} \ \ vo Monday 2 by the following \ Prey men TONE Tere, Sverauis Tenant, (Gi cl Shao a 5 ‘ I Vw tot it] 7 vet ' sa t Melicrncy, | \ (hie } ; ee Us EE bs La : EG : es . ! a MTP AED tb 1 ab * ner € d : : . u : i 1 He Conmersstons tethers My yp ( ] ‘ ' . ) M i wt Doarbee, Baxter, s ‘ , a MO" Foes of S41,.205 96) and an aevgresite of Sy \ , : me re : Diet I 5 “ “ NIMS Pe Ut > ' i un ‘ It { pltrad mn = dia qs t ' AL ovea ds line, by whereby ade ie Ay lea ‘ pey Corot donee Dacey, Dickson, t Het Chis Vor tyes ear , } } i ee } G t ' 4 / SNe th BEE gs war dine ra i ‘ tor ae , July JSso Peerad doe ely amd profitably tana ced Mp pority party oe © Mah: tine Drake be w Batoont booming, bev Fries, i ‘ t rha Saehe Gy US ee ery = ray effort te fish the Road of the datecer their Compse on ceria We: Bor. teal biwanlal, Ihall of > thaearn thacun | A Se SION Mays To dime Iie. Sus . ie . | . ‘ I 8) Wien, Blatrets, Parnugton hia 1 compron and an Ant be . E : ‘ racttatt, fas fo wiike it < | U the ‘ titeaae il HACE fic oi 0 att } 7 Wes 2 ie) diy USS SS) ile 8 eatin ‘ a ‘ i Stubes, Ub venis, J] ns, Jones of ; 4 ' create the follawers of Deus 7 ‘ u . 2 er nanent Lo complete tf Sia SE NP ere Pe leer oa {4 | I Sat Gh tlhe Aino? (udieoene ay Rie 0) GnOnRNEs Gin oie fen Ril eae 8 Fae ; Fete 2 v eo Gunite us wiliat eae ne I Lotions I Pole. [vane Mee “ j z sacl 1 ul : eo ha fyoiney be entirely avadable for 9) 0 | ' < iN Vv Ml rious mine as are the aspirants for the Pre OF US. Showing a resular and nia ct [oyiiee vive ter al wyailecrttie ieee ye panty ein deteated aa] hos kh ; a i boat, Vorman, Nore eney so Many are the Cidues among the Deo teri inerease every year. The abs low ae Fen a ve lids att atl alice dhe ee leat . / (k Mecin, Reeves, Roney, rach ficnres stow, that af there lad been : , ‘ r ea ste TORS ‘ a = dy The mp- Py . Hi ) : Cea Or ed Conpetent : ios tk vow MN \\ t Levan Wise NAshonistretinniiem atundecla qin elebit tur paey fF the protita woald heave a y Bluey Sonat f aed = be Veg a Viton, Wilson, a - ‘ " ay yA wiv 1 r 1 bs \ * Uvnnae tt for the: dedivs mort Chie ye unt tid the State, up te the Pst inst, szb0, ' FIP } pa a i ‘ ! to the ff Gelearte N yop ; ‘ ‘ ( yprrce andl toe pay ty such past it iy] cu q Ue Teapot \ Messrs Bae dl Braninell Vovd, z heen becomes wi ov cial cecsional aan on its inition of preferred stock, ani I | J 4 ; LAT onic ue : yd. Cald | re hea fone lf ; ESAT adh fe Hibae i yo HEDIS rl Assi Bo th Wns Cs duk Vso fer yer Cent, or tie reiniinine 7 i 1 ce ies ‘ a , a aan’ ces " ae Ue UA \ Viton ot af erae | \ \ ; ‘vareil: Se Alen vel aven Pats Wiha thie Glee teed tve tranhkines pr eal a! Re Et Daag Bi rebee, : i three ter tiatis at stack iM EsaT, three pret eo fee tule t ee Feline) I) = (ao tiene tC) Henry % \ ae nhyey witl ) f 4 ‘ " Oe leet vgy ‘ , \ . ; 1 , Fepeat i nie . Henry, y with a CO cent in DSos. four per cont and indhavy 2 (Aste eae qe TO ue eee [Gs Mgmt Bie ate, Aine, Venti Mirchead. te ‘ now +a the ite Pop { thy . e ‘< eed t ee . ms a ¥ 1 Soa mrannial dividend ofnearly (hres t kn FP ' i I a t { . How i itis manitesr 7" Its Tiappemel te — : Ce ps Seen. yer ne ie ” a \ nen bal ranites a t \ 1 ) ~ Apes Fo st ite oth rom pee | |" ‘ }) rey ate t shir | ell 4 By Nel ba ; ) ah passenerer trai on the rond, daring Vite Misseiin Wrecehitire laectundenrd eed : , ey Coes cream, Speer, Nesey wenera ly topreed ta option ar ny (th new that the debt ts paid dividends vy term of nearly four years nebonty oy nett abe for the exgaad tf Uplne Leiter, Vomtnson, Phornbarg, Wad- g \ : _ ! AES ul So ab ib in puilscon of free pay \ ; : Mreul diac, aud tMatje i tue poeuit at Mies We ENprera! really Wiialst in ne fat revered ae ; Pn : : Hi Weres Wil Noadiy, Windia 4 suit - i ; Wiee Mis fine fas any enuine of | H Aye “ ‘ Al > F ee hive swill probably receive 5 or 6 per My = Deeroes Ten Hint State within a year, or be spoil, Bateven in this mast important mat OTE Hal sho at S ; ual Passenger toain deft the track, one from P : Meo Dorkorg oyred off with Mr. Ett of EBali- tor Chey exhibit the same diversity of interest Gent. tue State Sinking Band: wall recerve rani over a horse at nicht) and onee The alternative of choosing tasters and fee ee MP iteband panel off wath Me, Moore ; i “ w ah atouichn ; | patredo \ bore, ind potley observable ia every ocher reward from Vas road at 150000 a year a Letely tron some nnknaown eanse. in pel remaining sfaves, Petitions are eireule ot ¢ on Tie coursed © prese demos ecutive Su nply sotheient, with ats other re — , : vu nt [resent Democratic bxvecut Vin atiply erent, hb ity « pay (her eitse causing any injury to persons, ting re questing itive (hee tune tis pre Wities and Amoreank in sfadica, Has been styznatized by the indieciminate ostra: serrees, to mect the S Feot a5 it sbiail ol bata ay in i) ~ ; 1 Ve Va tener the -chirte ats 28 soot the suasvavine oliceh mat ats Peto: ft eee aes. Hildt the introduction at any more staves | j Sayan oe SARS HET TIDE GT Vidliirespeet of fitore pro Now when we reflect that the pubbe 1) ia an opimen EXT oe an Ss inte the State Phere ia also a stron live [Pieced e a ee i Haren Fi al eee ) toat the contractors om this work ecad u t Ter at Mreefor can hold a simi- Vig 1 va rehiots ob the varty ate | likey iach (lan “oepupeene (t herowd was, . - matio YG , ork } } Ahoy . Mn t the defiat of tt C val, Char “ Se ane ae eae a SS helen ane calbed ieee rss Guncnadhad? fg) ge, “MTN SIND Ts esSrencaKET IS OT Sites PETES tte Hank | also that all bills cubed \ of tts ha it tee GNtiena a fits chee ate sie Gor oy sll eet Minle : i 4 etic fe ¥ tt be vty vate {fe » “3 : | feo stich on) MWe ne ' oO os « 5 e the doar « : , tn nobody cou CUEING dl cnn Alt Tei avo dial tine conical Tt is reported that there are two « etn : ve nn nent to almost every Bank 2 ‘condition of its finanees, we th ik We x . ¢ Wihat they stall forfiat charter fora suspe the pares 4 fete finest | deerme ned comtinres (ae : ! (egy Ne ae fas fed tow conefnaton not warranted by ofshives from Afiies on the coast of Geor- tA De HCH set oral eUspe tision ' " j tay call pon the pablic to rejaree aver . ‘ Gasp . ‘ of fom Pvery ettart was made ty defeat 1 4 feopressire of an overshadow oy : say bate the Gelel that the State, 1G gia pie toreticet [ite | iy ) a a ' x a Noli tlie ' oy UPN Te effect a landing, teak rincorperate the State Medical Associa: Weare tworrantd in oanticnatios th 3 UNITS t Foe ee ere eV Wurke wv hoesiolin ay jnuneve Ciimieh F , : oe | < ; ne ‘ f ca } mound create a Medieat Bourd of Examiners, i fthe various factionsamony [eports says bas been tested by CV ee tell titer capital of construction, Toun , ; butte bi passed without amendment by LAIN Y Nes Stun veretal eet STs Lenn : Tetatenlle Coes ; ane Derdlicen ek? The new Bored of Youn Commissioners tive } | He NE } : A : cers and Directors of the Company, and dertake to say roma Knewiedsee of in : serv tharidsomie majority, Canteatellcat eens witht nu ; ; ~ gvapted the right of way tot ; nH ' ( i ahs A TT SSE fhety Tie eastiv testa byes Ole. tom (he: lo el Contactors (tit tHrereas at lancer ale! Vithe right of way to tne Gas conn pany te Mr Gouther of Tred, a day or two since, ine 1 1 yf | rot disen my the tye : Sout DEG £ AS lies ‘ } | } 1 | 1 ) ) : ! peepee al ee ! | pe Ue SUS ets enet) Gntin, im) bre IesediI Wit iios Mindy ae Geni, We telenlaonistiemn to adie dai (re aad ene wemonmts are kept oa a pbate ane eimprele | a! . , | I i Wie Gueianie pati wit roscmearneilel the iso seintolcrecentienideumietan iowa nniended Dae tie thing the Sth and laid ono abe collation, therfore, to in hens ah Fepet aloetinet ) i hah nan yo depart who tale why 4 eon { uostock some | zenoor mote apphoants for heense jure whe 1 vile Demoeratie party a ' ‘ ‘ : Pew 1 ur Waa Tal t . : Rak Sher i oars Pte fe Vive ear yesof toe road, from all sour clear, and Wotowas a faet than any aC Narn ct vimlent spit a) eee : : Hae A RORY a Heady ae a +f WSalsbury, though atl br a eanrenirel Tiree aes poml Ces, frome Sept, sod cthe dirst ears ran ad Mveir ck, or apart Pit, as pret Ve er ree PALER Rea ae ’ oa has | ; ’ igen aa, \ teq Ut work done, this profit, so fir, bas not ‘ ) J sete Ueto he first \ Voto danty pss vearsy have amor : tiny Syn for / ten ; earn, fee ‘ f as ; Y u Wy EU OALLL been of avatlable catue, bat standa as an st ‘ ste it tI) among them, ve Paral: Le w, te SL Aso os The operating eost a wend. Tne Ondine ae WN Iara, Ge Webs tan Dene Pasi fit mid Tis probatie, however, that the passage of your ‘ Niel ) ‘ 4 . : 5 . ‘ f | 7 Path, does tot assist any Democrat to ge : an ae ae ; 5 ae V1 OU STS fe mooenplhed Guin aaa eve hip, * Wt even: lack " flag eae ‘ la y wera wet back : cn Rafhact an : here the following are Che ratitied bills of in- ‘ ‘ i S i ‘ of the earnings for the Rret few risk and cost, and it troe, that mo one \ UNS e Ma an Stee AK D port t] [ee ihest Conon renters nt t res wise iy \ }} “ { we : \ rats a ; = id per conto: then 455 tate tr fone anand i ORE AG As fast as ot \ die off A bill to authorise the construction of a toll ‘ eo nus Co has saved mar 1 ) ) : ‘ 1 any 4 nek toe Mam lead eure aavanives I | , ve ca A w Wt : INS Anet Crap takes he vacant places, ‘I area bridge across the Vadkin at fonesvilfe . eee a Te contra re trom fosaes on this Reo, te itnitierol yung tien our town now, fre Nall to authorise connty court of Caldwell ROnGEE t : 1 fie non the appreciated valne of real ; iene tA , sell town dots Leno ' fer Va oe Ae f Dae : al A 7 a yuenting the Liquor hopes, look down with ; uiy w tlie Vooeetate an ' pictice of rts ¢ temetiar : ‘ , \ to oy the Yadiin rivers to the pas- | eo fare ee A t — ‘ | mie , ly Stoel sotemptoon afew de based wreeke of bumanity mat hal ly \ i ‘ ‘ ' bere sare j * tir attad te (Hise : ae ca vanes ; : , “6 eR ay hue Sein cil ey they moet theres bat the raneis not far off when lane Sine hilecira aun (hace rejected : | k belo vo plopor ! ’ : on 7 im y ; ‘ ' ; vel we jave over GC Unreasonably clamorons tor dividends re will he tho who w sok down on them Nobili to exempt negro from execution. ese ' Mn vedi e have ( ) ) to en ! ! rome 5 Well Pp a! ft hecause, the general tiflaenee Uy the tine the present corps of “hard ease x wl) to consolidate the Wostert: Extension, the f , > 'f “i iy Sone) ta lo oonay reside C. Reload: an he s Exte 1 Nie ate at ‘ nay oR Qa qu cunt ie anatio “cana prowperity. Te Nrenrenve € me ihives) difee cin ; foul a andl t : Vastern Extension. A r n F : ' fn ak ; tt . F ; 5 miltavestatitish tees cot Clarke Ap ae in ts Yo fonrd the ated North Pusher sav, after Cig exbilit, tr compensate for the intercst on stock yon 2 aid al) (hacer Taverne ravi: A 1 ' ae a me A = : / ~ thre coum ier : Gian re hee : nit to present enuancipation of slaves by will or 44 wa tered, Recattipr rN rere wn be pointed ont of a hf fo landholders the yepreena ial f and wil opercepuby tll the blanks around the toatament Vpon this bist) Mr Fleming spoke 0 vie two ts, lost all there Gags Re ' , mil , value hee made a direct retarn PAA licens oat Thee cd ; Fi ; : | lie ea totter ¢ Hition, and having be e , ; , Vaal H ‘ Sof the do reer Ntlao it goes en, from favorably, Messis. Morehead, Outlaw and others LENO ae fer promise of a prosperons future with Me Tus stands asthe individua CT enerabion to veneratiot AINE 1 A LOOKER ON, Ma a r E Dessee Cias tracto are RO a fow t: Ou. tativ unad. and { Fe repr Justi citer mon room fearf veut of ti Ii ers O! Gulf of V trove jects ment) dam Bent reveol thuse| cen Veral man: query utled of d I bias t with be fo fican’ gor prot A stale of tt tabls lea Se so d a — amar vangejip North Carolina bonds at New York, is now in sesston at AfLany. The fullowing tes- Silos are reported at 97h; Virginia 96}; Tem olutions have beey adopted : nessee 92; Missouri 864; Louisiana 95. Resolved, That m advocating & dissohition of . the Union, the Abulitionists are justitied by ev- Gas.--Mesers, Watenuousr & Bowes, con- fy precept of the Gospel, every principle of inorelity, aud every elaim of humanity. Resolved, That the Union is » covevant with are pow laying down the pipes, and and will, iv death, aud ought to be annulled —an agreement with bell which a just God cannot permit to stand —and that it is the paramount duty of all tractors fur erecting the gas works in this town, a fow weeks more have them in operation, : oe So We are indebted to the Hon. L. The resolutions then quote the langaage of O'B. Brascu, of the House of Represen- 1154, William He Seward respeeting au pie: tatives, for a copy of his Report on the Suje conflict between free and slave States, and unadjusted differences between the U.S: tu seek its immediate overthrow. found on that a resolution declaring that any and the Government of Spain. party is unworthy of coufidence, no matter what = OS Its professions may be, if it refuses to attack the er The latest news from’ Salt Lake, | 'atubou of slavery itself, SUNDER, UREA, TOM, (OC IS. The Yorkville Auguirer fears that the Dr Curtis who was lost on the steamer North Car- represent it as impossible to execute justice there in consequence of the ex citement and Mor-! mons, which they carry into the jury violence of the . ; olina was the gentleman who bad charge of the roome, where, with difficulty, the most : ’ - Limestone Springs, ax he has been on a tour to | > a1re ¢ . re hee . : i j . : fearfal sceres of bl vodshed have been ae the Noth, ‘The following, which we copy from veuted, and it is supposed nothing sliort ‘the Baltiwore J’utcof, seems to contirm the sus- of martial law will reach the cases. “Lo | picion : << THE NEWS. “Tt was reported, yesterday, that this distin guished divine, who was lostin the North Car ina, was w Presbyterian Clergyinau. ‘This is aw error, as he has always been, since enlonng Itis said that in the past month the command ers of the British and French naval forces in the : : . . the ministry, a member of the Baptist Church. Gulf sent a joint hote to the governor of the State Ile Wis Ab One Line connected with the publica of Vera Crug, demanding, in the name of their) tion of the * Beleetic Ti view in London, and a reporter of he debates inthe British Parlia- meu Governments, payment of all debts duc the sub Abvut (weuty years since he removed to Baptist Chareh. ie Ganson in Maine, Subsequently he damages sustained by saul subjects ta the pre (took the postural charge of the NVcntwunth sent Mexican bostlities ; and the repeal of the | Street Lb. jects of France aod England ; « mouthly state ! ai ° 2 ’ 4 this county, became Pastor of the ment of all import dudes; the paytment uf ali wt Church, in Charleston, South Aiua \tthe tine of bis decease be was revenue laws vow existing, will a restoration of Jc. Prametpal of a be taal The ( ' the Norther Dr. Cur De GoverBur ely i. wae crinent for alatty, both as a weiter and Vera Crug has promised to cousider these de | prren her, aud conctoandedl dare mands, which, be says, involve the important jery community in what he bved He lias been Vreheased from his labors at atipe age (ia lis 78th vear) tu recenve the reward ot the those ia fore a year ayo, Which were thirty pet : By 5 Jortot South Cat cent, bigher than dhe present. rofloence iney question whether foreign Governments are en ist titled to coutrol the revenue, aud prescnibe rates J of duty. | Petitions have been presented to the Massa Letters from Hayti report that the Emperor) 0" Hts Tews ret the yuny , , sy Hope tithe secretion, bo has been compelled tu return ty Port aa Prine: ' Vea vend ths US with the remainder of bis troops, and Chat te wil orieetits eitperioaeuit forced to abdicate. [tissard thatthe repub oof Boston, approves the proposed cheat eo U I 1 1 ‘ 9 ficans, if successtul, will reopen to curmimerce tie 1. ports that bave been cluned for years, and we | Cheap Padding.~ Five eggs, Vtee pints of probably revoke she odivus tiyuopuly law, Jaweet tack, (Wo labvespoonstay of sour cream Soilcanaterly tease 4 tle salt, and doupsof ton Tat bina dish A letter received at New York frou Hana states that the steamship Ualtimore, the pioneer (Hil oe hours, aud to be eaten with sweetened Chea OF Hhotanses. of the new line of steamers Yutended ty be er tablished between Baldinure aid PLavana, woul me. © TROWBRIDGE, E Michigan Staite Bak President Jeave there iu a few days Governor Cumming, of Uicdhin bas hate ines | Deinorr, Auguet 30, 1850 sage ty the Legislature of that Territory, urs: De Geo Bo Garis-—Deue Sir Having been a lent inlimeruretbeutntnn relies leyorticeclan sci ty cats uae eles AEs ela the establishment of common schouis, uv lier is von Ua ipa. i) ator laws the people on the reign of pence, and Galley cheerfully attest tase itticucy My cane wana bid on the Mormous to manitest: in future their de : SE UEN AEC tRG tT mound of Heli, wor coumpelled to votion to the laws. and reamed auiivald for titteen e dotv. had trom ot Advices from Paraguay indicate the intention | d rin here seeiued hitthe pro of Lopez to resist the demands of the Uo St he the Bittern P "i Seed sod ao) three He bas forty thousand inen ready for action, An!) weeks P was pertectiy weil and have ence regained the mouth of the Paraguay river is protected fy 0 erty pouuds « Kesh You are athibery to Unis, g ! w alail fu ther im se ot diullus a fort gartisoned by twelve thousand imen 5 and Gil abiae ene i moonting one hundred and one guns. A Buenos | Respectfully yours, Gee PROW BRIDGE : . Such cert ficates as the above it questiouable whether our Gevernment hie} caged int Ayers ourrespoudentof a New York paper think- | are Het to be oh- Coe dest of ment, bat done wisely iu seading out so stall an anna Most sulistartory preola of mands, ment to entuece its d Powin & Co, bbs Washington Street, HENDERSON & mya 1136 t A correspedence has been carried on by Ch LEN N ISS, Desinre Su | Viovernment of Canada with the Home Govern | meat, m regard to the possibility of unigng, by | VE SIDES : AVAL ETE? some tie of a Federal character, the British culo 0 1 rthocustin M panery county, by PT ves mm North America. |! j 5 Men, We DANI S06 GTN ain) . Mins VN NODE Mit (aN A bill bes been introduced inthe New Pot Ti County can Deon etal eWay Assembly te repeal all laws against usury Haq. Me ABSALEM A. SHUPING aod) Mise eee PS IC CMC SPse hrs UE is The venerable Alexander TDimboldt has writ (iqize sunnier eremiyiiaeecran (lee eutn amici dene Leone a $ . - PP r \s Heitho, Mr JOEEN Mo WINECOEE ud Mise tm te 4c, Francis Lieber, of New York, soli WARY © YOS4 ing his co-operation in’ procurins the sale an | On the Vithiust an Mo rerimery county. by JT . : : can Wl Gott Gai. Nie Tied Se RR WES co A ‘ e d State e choiee an transfer to the United States, of the eh Aten ey DUA CME (Ie tontical and phy siclogiea! library of the late Joln fie UN aie lierites Tiny vrotn Ue Roos SS, Meander, Mr J POC ARIIOOAN and Miss CLA Riss cA VEER: | Muller, the Greatest anatomist aud ply siolos | | J faiths County.on the Gihoinst, by WR Fraley | | of our duty. Fisq. Me RICHARD WALKER aud Miss MARY ANN SWINK amers from Cal The exports of treasure by st jfurnia ia 1858, amounted to 845,100 260 value of exports, other than treasure, ame te $8,622.120. The debt of the State amo to $4,623,604. DRUGS / AW, The patent granted January 31, 1845, to Cy cus TH. MeCormvek for is reaper, expired yes | S 9 terday. The Commissioner of Patents overruled DWwESsS, a motion for extending the patent, on the ground | that the pantentee has been sufficiently remuner Seminary at Chester, ini Slate Slocks.—We note a considerable ad-| ‘The State aptislavecy: convention of N; York, WHY or PRAY FOR EDITORS! / The True Witness, (N. 0.,) offers this jinquiry, and very appropriately makes the following suggestions. There is proba- ‘bly no glags who are Jess freqnently re) lmembered in the public and private de- votions ef christians, and none who 60 greatly deed the aid of those influences which are invoked and secured by prayer. The Witness says: “We have heard inany prayers in the pulpit, in the prayer meeting, and in the family circle—tor parents and children, husbands and wives, brothers and sisters —tnasters and servants, rulers and sub- jects, ministers and people—for all classes jand conditions. But we do not recollect | that we ever heard a prayer in our whole life for editors. Why are they never thought off And why is not the bless: ing of God asked for them and upon their labors?) They have a great and a hard work, many trials, and solemn re- sponsibilities, They not only ueced wis- dom from above to guide and grace to sustain them, bat they need more than the patience of Job to endure all that they have to pass through, And yet men abuse, and find fault, and say all manner of evil against them, with or without cause —but never pray for them.” | “—s Geological Conneetion.—Dr. FE. WL. An- drews, of this town, las one of the best Mineralogical Cabinets to be found in this State, or probably anywhere in the Southern States. This fact may not be generally known, although several scien- tic gentlemen have been aware of it for All who have seen the Doe- tor’s collection prongunce it a superior soine Line. oue, and estimate its value at from tive to ten thousand dollars. collected in this State are large and va- ried. The specimens of gold ore are said to be worth %500. there isan Opal, worth $150, and other precions stones of considerable value. Tn addition ty the colleetion of North Caro lina Minerals, there are specimens from Phe specimens Among the stones Ir Irope im great warlery, [ft the State wants a really ting Cabinet of Minerals, (product ot North Caroli- hay) this one might be purchased ata rea seuable price, and kept in the Capitol as evidence of her reseurces, Without further expenditure Upon Prof. Euimonus Western Democrat. Rained by Gambling and Lotteries, — The Boston Herald gives the particulars of twomen who have recently teft that city, having lost heavily by gambling and the purchase of lottery tickets. One has lost property of about Flz2.000, and the other istminus a property of about $40,000 THE MARKETS. Nialioshury, N= Gs Fobruary sel CORRECTED WEEKLY BY SPRAGUE BROTHERS Apples dried, 50 4 125 Lead Bar, KOLO bacon, Ya lO White, Wa l2 Beeswax, 20a 25 Molasses Cuba, 36 445 beet, Sa 6 my N20] aa 5 Butter. 15 a ie Murcovade 45 a 50 | CANDLES— Naile (Cut) Shab Tallow, Oats, 4) a 50 OULS LINS EE b— Admaniiue, Cotfee Rie, Canuers, ba G5 Java Din 22dzy Potatoes, Erish, 10 1 125 Cotten Wall Sweet 90 a 1 ou ( 1004 110 Rags per tb Ley Co 65 475 Salt persack, P75 aloo H0n 70) Sheeting Bro 9 a lJ (% 1 doz 1 0Ua 14 Sugar Bro Nall E; doz, 12h a 15 Crushed, Ub a 15 t perth a do ‘ Clantied, Ilda 13 Fiour per bbl 43004 500 Pallow, VER) a}e) Sack, 2s no 2 Whe: White, G54 105 Ire Bar ja tends ea 9 Vand, 1a i2 ol 25 w 30 PORK 7 a 74 FAYERPEVILLE MARKET, Jan. 31. BACON, perib 114 200 COPPER, perth Rie, I2ha 134 Laguira, 1s a Ib St Domingo, 20 a U0 FLOUR, per barret— Fainily, 40 8 5 50 Sopertine, 25 a 000 Fine, 500 2 0 00 Cross, 475 a 0 00 GRAS, per bushel— Corn 100 4 0 Wheat, 095 «a 0 00 Obata, OY a 50 Peas, 85 a 0 00 Rye, 90 a 1 00 LARD. perth, Iya 4 SPEREPS, per gallon =- Peach Brandy, 00 a 1 00 Apple do. new 70 #0 On 4 4 1 » NOCo Whiskey; 47 a4 50. ated, G L, A s Ss, aj ( A Ryedo 65 a 70 The Legislature of Florida has repealed the : ; Rectified do AWD A 45 statute forbidding trading wath the fodians in| VUE unde rsig are opeumg for ther Sprang NAPLS. cat, per keg 44 a 05 4 ‘ : s a : Sales Vussoriient ol all goods ia their TRON, per Ib— that State. ‘There are about enghty res [GARSON thatth Bagish. fa 0 the State, of whom nearly all tive in Dade conn Sand : a SHA ORe Sweedes, common bar, Ghai 00 ty. They steadily refuse to emigrate, declanny DOMES [ic AN D FOR EL TNS Viki wide, Tha 0 that they will live and die in the country God Tn offering ther Stock, they are enabled by un WOOK, per lb THon LG: : F . TALLOW, perth Wai 00 has given them, where are the graves of their | portant changes in then buscess to masare to Cash pre it (orefathers nad prompt 6 months buyers. bargane ia all deserp July oy Me Reed y tons of (heir goods: the quality Gs be atrietly as re } ee "6 = i treen, 5 Express Robbery, —We heard yesterday tha | ris nied ree SA fic $ vecane have an oppertanty of selecting from - Adams’ Express Company was robbed on Fu aur ateck the most refabls and popale: pharma uet Liverpool, psec 150 a 00 nay tast, between this city and Atlanta, of the |eatand Cheaneal preparations at reduced press Ni rabushiel: Oe large sum of €40 000, Dinggets. Merchants, and buvere generally, will WOLASSES, per galton— ; Cal 30 a 41 ; ee : a 5 : te Maroney, the agent here, has been arrest i ear eae, supply, comprsing all new aud approved ee Diane thon 50 ed at the suit of the Company, for embezzlement, |" ae = | SUGAR, perth in this case, and held to bath in the sam of Ss i AN DA RD | Loaf and crushed, Wai 00 000. Much sympany is: felt for this untoward ». . ) d ' | NtCroik Porto, & No Orleans, 1boa 12 event | atent Medicines, | jn6ore wanker Express companies seem to be the prey of ex . | = ‘ sig Wasekiis tiacutenl pert rogues of late. Tt was but the other day Fashionable Perfumery | Reported Weekly by that we noticed the robbery of Harnden’s bx fe Rye = y | ROWLAND & BROTHERS, yress of $100,000, somewhere in the neighbor | Ol LE ] TE } ood of Bost nd the Ad F Arwen (lines ‘ | COMMISSION MERCILANTS, 100d of Boston; and the Adams’ Express bas 5 Seay = been robbed of large amounts several tines with PREPARATIONS, &C. &C. | For the Watehman, FEB. 30 1859 in the last two vears Montyomery Confedera which will be furnished of the best quality and at the; BACON —Western Shoulders Xjon iow . very loweat prices do Shs 10 « 00 _ Catilngues of prices furnished when desired ; and, N Cond Vac tog romnds 11 a 00 Descent upona Colored [fell aeiaast tan an exannnation of our stock solieited LARD —N € and Va. No.1, bbls. and kegs, 0a 12 { . ae oO is ’ » * ’ oe oe J 4 oe ‘ 4 party of the police of Pittsburg, P JOUN C. BARKER & CO, aie Meas ee ay, a party the police of tsburg, Penn . a = . . FLOUR Family, RW a sylvania, nade a descent upon a gambling estab Vo. 100 North Third St, Philadelphia Batra, 6500675 lishment in that city and captured colored men, February Sth, P85 Yn IT _ Superfine, $6.00 1 6.00 who were all engaged in games of chance. They Re Bee CORN —White and Mixed, itn ut were brought before the mayor, who fined them Ranaway '! ---$)0 REWARD. Wor Renee ay A an : > 6, 20 a12 $3 each, and bound over the alleged proprietors 6 R ANAWAY from the subscriber on the Red, Lio wae of the den for trial. | 20th January last, a Negro man named | COTTON, ha 14 ee or ALENANDER. Said mnan wef a) PEAS —Black Eye, new £150 4 000 . . Nope , | pper color, 5 feet or LO inches high, Red and Black, old HO a 00 Funeral of Prescott, the Iistorian. | avd will weigh from 155 bo 163 Ibe, <n very likely | FLAXSEED, Sele hans earls ditunas AM fellow, bat haw rather a down cat look —aged 22° RE ESWAX, sa 00 s} years Phe subscriber thinke it probable that Alex! DREED APPELLEES per bus of 26 The i 574200 The funeral of William HL. Prescott took plies is lurking about either in the neighborhood of Salve this afternoon, at Chauncey street church, Rev, | bury. Mite Lawne'eor MoS. Medkensi's plantations Mr. Ellis officiating, and was attended by the: He wil give Me above reward for | Rellowatoiitaccariiinileee antweschtitatta its oe dae him, a hia remdence 24 miles Souil ene , of Bringle’a Ferry, in Rowan county torical Socie ty, a large delegation of book pub JOHN C BENSON fishers, Governor Banks and many members of Feb 8, 1859 (137 the Legislature, both branches having adjourn ed at an early hour to attend the services. MICHAEL BROWN, LB We learn el DP. Waring. Es), of COMMISSION MPRCHAN I this place, has been appointed Consul to the SALISBURY. N.C Adz ale LNs f island of St. Thomas, which we believe he ac cepts, [tis an island in the West Indies, and PROMPT PERSONAL ATTENTION GIV EN to the purchase of all kinds of PRODUCE is not, we learn, often visited by the yellow fever, aa some of our contemporaries seem to imagine And to all consignments to be eold in thie market o 8 ehipped to other Porta —Charlotte Whig. February 7, 185% 17 apprehenaior { us PE AG ER sai: $5.50 a R575 FISH — Meckere! No. ty #1250 ) “ Nie, 1150 » PTA VES—ROO Hhd RIAL ae OO Me ine a0 Who ra) Bol. Bough £2R% a 00 REMARKS FLOUR, reeeipts are fair, with ao good demand for home consumption, some aules for eatery or de with a moderate stock in market CORN, receipts have been very large, eines our last report, they exceed 100,000 bushels, all of which hash sold, vesselain port are scarce the advance sn freight® hag reduced the qnotations. COTTON, with fair supply in market, is rather quiet. PEAS R EYE, fF receipta small, hear of no alee DRIED FRUIT receipts light, Apples are wanted, but Peaches are neglected For wankncen Wantag and . SPARTA. ACADEMY | every form of Debility, use BAKER &* CO’S COD-LIVER OIL. TS use, iffairty tried, will su-n restore the tone of the digestive organs, invigorate the blood, give general rotundity to the figure, aud add energy to the mind and nervouscystem. [ts value has been remar- kably evidenced by its wonderful restorative powers, when ordinary tonics had been vainly exhausted. It affords nourishment to the body when no other cau be borne, aud furnishes the frame with fat in a truly re- tnarkable manner. Bottled only by JOHN C. BAKER & CO., No. 100 North Third St., Philadelphia. Aud may be had at all Drag Stores. February sth, 1859. STRAYED OR STOLEN, 2m:37 youem the subscriber, at H.C Cicer | art three miles south of Salisbury, on the fi night of the Ist instant, Sorrel Horse, with a blaze in the face, and w kuot on the left knee, occasioned by a kick. Any person taking up said horse, und informing me of the game at Madison, N.C.,or Mr. J. M. Joues, will be Itberally rewarded. J. Z. DALTON. Feb. &, 1859 3137 ARE YOU SICK 2 Turn you cag't be cured too soon Dou't delay ant yoar complaint iin carable, and then mourn wheu iis too late. Four. fifths of all the diseases which people the church yards, might be cured by Ayers Catharuc Pill, if taken inseason. Don't go diagying ull Sprivg, fame, sleepy and listless, because your blood is loaded with bile. Don't wearthe headache, heartburn, aud their kindred disorders, because your stomach is foul, Dou't parace yourself around the world, covered with Pin ples, Blotehes, Ulcers, Sores, aud all or auy of the sesol the skin, be Dou't show unclean dise wants cleansing y haggard, wll caved 1, because your Stomach aad ohealtby action. Ayer's Bowels need strengthening t Pills set these things myht ax surely as water queach- ‘They purty the body and blood, and restore ther functions toto healthy activity which you can feel as quick as t are taken. They are the one great medical wonder of the age, recognized by all whe kKoow their virtues, auc many thousands know them. ‘Take the Cherry Pectoral for a cough, and es fire the Pills for all deraugemeuts requiring @ purgative ined cine. Price 25 cts per Box—5 Boxes for &1.00 Prepared by DR. J. © and sold by CA. Henderson, Salisbury. N.C Haviland, Stevenson & Co, Charleston, S.C MOA Santos & Co. Norfolk, Va AO. Bradley, Wilmington, N. ¢ NF. Rives, Petersburg, Va Parcel, Ladd & Co, R.chmoud, Va, and cll Drugyists Feb. 1, 1859 236 PAY UP! FANE neuuscninrmbenabondarsihesnecess ent ramog money, informs all thore indebted to hing, by pete or account, ty pay up without delay. for. tf ravinent be not made by the FIRST OF JANU- ARY. the foand ian offic account and uetes dae to bin will be re hands for collection 1 ALA persons having clanns agaciet hun will them for setilement M. HOFFLIN CLOTHING 2! CHEAPER THAN EVER !!! \ S Timust have money, PE owill sell the remainder, ofmy FINE STOCK OF GOODS remark Callin with the Cash and see MARCUS HOPELIN Salisbury, Nov. 30, sox 3in27 ANOTHER CHANGE !! SALISBURY PEMALE SEMINARY. Te fhunshing Enstitution isin charge of the How.ng Teachers, viz ably cheap A.D Witkixsoyv. Principal, Mire. NO. \Winkissos, Assistant in the Literary departinent and Masic, Mr. Wa Hessic, Enetruetorin Music, , has surpassed their expectation. We are thankful ke pleasure in saying that the present Session for past favors aod request a continuation of the same, with a great addition Asthere may be some who are Sectanan in their feelings im regard to Schools, T would say poblely what T have sud in private, I teach no Lenoit you want that taught you must send tor the Preacher. The second Seasion will comme nee on the Zist day of Feb., 1859, and continue tweuty- one weeks Verms of Tuition as heretofore Board in family of Principal and others of the high est respeetability ADO WILKINSON, Pariscirat Feb. Ist, 1859. 1136, pies NORTH CAROLINA MOTUAL LEFF INSURANCE COMPANY, insures the lives of all healthy persons from 14 1 60 years of age, for one year, for seven years and for life Also all slaves from 10 to 60 years of age for one year or five years, for two-thirds therr walue, allow uig the slaves to go South or South-west without ex- tra charge All losses paid: punctually within 90 davsafier sat- infaectory: proof JOM HORA, Agent le Bo}. Salisbury, Jan NOTICE se ae TANGLE firm of Milly & Moose having thisday made k oof Goods, Notes an assigninent of them Sic and Accounts to meas ‘Trastee for the beurfitof the creditors of WJ) Mills & Co. and Mills & Moose, alk persons iidebted to either of the above concer are respectfully requested to come forward and settle without delay as the business of the firm must be closed. Be prompt and save cost Jscon BE. Moose is my authorized agent to settle up the notes and accounts, and sell the remaining Stock of Goods figures: "The goods will be closed out at low Those indebted to the sbove firm, by note or ae count, a pment. asenty avery short time will be tllowed he- fore the clams will be putout for collection by an officer JAS WCLAIK, Trustee Uae lhe 159) 1133, PAE AIBIIE TOR MET OUP IANO FOR SALE. | I offer forsale 276 ACRES of Land lying in Rowan County. on the waters of Crane Creek, adjoming Henderson Smith and Salsbury. near the N the Lands of Philip Owe others, about UA miles t © Rail Read ona eredit, of one me, or ROA. Caldwell, Perms ourth eash, the belance sin Sallishury A.W. CALDWELL ane Wye 133 DENTAL} FR YR. BESSENT, on the corner formerly cecupred by Dr Bason | AS REMOVED vo tre DENTAL ROOMS whe mnaected with his profession Vanya tf2n EQUITY SALE ap u- HS ACRES Belonging to the hereof Jease Marlin, decensed tndeot Marin Richwine, Dantel Hoff nd others vdyoriing wr Monae in Saliabury, on the Mth day of February, be 6 purchaser giving hond with two approve [uecuritier 1 RLACK MBER, OM Pre fen $225 26 to our succe ssurs. + Augusta, Georgia, Dec. 15, 1853. Cause your system | sut-elf abou, lean, | dw) e hereby notified to make immediate pays! two years. Apply te FRESE and as productive as ayy linde in this see. Sale to take place at the Court LOTTERY. (CHARTERED BY THE STATE OF GEORGIA ) oe Capital Prize $50,000!! | _ TICKETS ONLY TEN DOLLARS. { _ SABA NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. | As the members of our firm have, by way of pur- chase, become the owner of the grants chartered by the States of Delaware, Kentucky, Missouri, and part of those in Georgia, under the mauagement of | Messrs. Gregory & Maury, of Wilmington, Delaware, we have deemed it expedient to change the name of vur firin, on and after January Ist, 135°, to that of WOOD, EDDY & CO, who willhereafler have the management of the Sparta Academy Lottery, aud! the olners, as above named ; To all transactions we have eudeavored to conduct jour business with integrity and promptoess, and we cm assure the public that the patronage heretofore | bestowed on us is well deserving of being transferred Very respecifully, S. SWAN & CO. | WOOD, EDDY & CO., MANAGER Successors to S. Swan & Co. | “OLD SALISBURY REVIVED!” ——_— NEW MERCANTILE FIRM GOODS ALL NEW ! McNEELY & YOUNG) ] EG TO CALL THE ATTENTION OF THE CITIZENS OF Rowan and the surrounding counties to the : Qe oe ’ nm eS SPO OF GVODS they are now receiving ‘They are confident from past experience that their stock, which is large and carefully selected, is admirably adapted to the wants of the community, and that having bought the prinei ‘ nart for cash they can sell cheaper than any store in any part of Wes- The following Scheme will be drawn by Woon, _Eovy & Co., Managers of (he Sparta Academy Lot- | tery, in each of their Single Number Lotternes for February, 1859, at Auszusia, Geo, in public, auder the superintendence of Comunissioners. | Class 6 Draws Saturday, February 5, 1859. ‘Nass 7 Draws Satarday, February 12, 1859. a 8 Draws Saturday, February 19, 1859 ‘lass 9 Draws Saturday, February 26, 1859 | oa ass ( ( ( ¢ ON THE PLAN OF SINGLE NUMBERS. | | 50,000 TICKETS, | Five Thoasand Five Hundred aad Tea } | KPrimesi:: | NEARLY OVE PRIZE TO EVERY NINE TICKETS | | Macnificent Scheme! | | | TO BE DRAWN EACH SATURDAY IN FEBRUARY. | 11 Prize of $50,000) 1 Pri 1 i wo) Se 1 mm] Lime & 1 piowd | rag fe arecn 4.000} too ag 1 ccs 8,000 | 10g sary Coy | APPROXIMATION PRIZES | | 4 600 | 4 1,200 | 4 000 | 4 909 | | ‘4 B00 | | 4 610) | 4 La 400 5,000 100,000 | | 3.455 Prizes amounting to $320.000 | | ees wes | Wuors Tickets $10, Hacves $5; Quamtuns $24 ! AYER, Lowell, Mass, | li A Cireular showing the plan of the Lotteries | will be sent to any one desirous of receiving it ¥y | Certificates of Packages willbe sold at the followlug rates, Jowhich is the rink : | Certificate of Package of 10 Whole Tickets, $50 lo Half 5 : 40 10 Qaarter ** 20 i] 10 Righth * 12 IN ORDERIVG TICKETS OR CERTIFICATES. | Enclose the money to our address fur the Tickets) ordered, on receiptof which they will be forwarded by first mail Purchasers can have tickets ending in any figure they may designate. The Last of Drawn Numbers and Prizes will be sent to purchasers suitediately after the drawing | OF Porchasers will please write their signatares ain, and give their Post Office, County aud State Ti Remember that every Prize is drawn and pay- able in fall without deduction r TP All prizes of 1,000 and under, paid immediate: | ly after the drawing—vother prizes at the usual time | of thirty days | NOTICE TO CORRESPONDENTS | Those who prefer not sending money by mail, can use THE ADAMS EXPRESS COMAANY, whereby money for Tickeis, iu suis of Ten Dollars, and upwards, can be sent us | AT OUR RISK AND EXPENSE, from any eity or town where they have an office Ay and order must be enclosed ina BEONG| POST OFFICE STAMPED EN- ‘or the Express Company cannot receive i | Allcommunieations stcictly confidential Address Orders for Tickets or Ceruficates to WOOD, EDDY & OO, or, WOOD, EDDY & CO, or, WOOD, EDDY & CO., Wilmington, Del. > A list of the numbers that are drawa from the | | | wheel, with the amount of the prize that each one in, entitled to, willbe published afterevery drawing, i the following papers:—Augusta Geo) Constitution al, New Orleans Delta, Molile Register, Charleston Standard, Nashville Gazette, Atlanta Lutelligencer, New York Weekly Dav Book. Savannah Morning | News, Richmond Dispateh and Paulding (Moss, Clarion, and Little Roek Ark (OUR MUSICAL FRIEND.| weekly publication of Sheet Music, suitable for the players and siigers of the Home circle. and | | consisting of sixteen pages full follo eize, sutehed ina | handsome cover Troe Democrat. Ti contains ull the popular; dances | ofthe day, arrangements from the most favorite | operas: scenes, songs, ballads, wire, &c. Aa ubund-| Aut supply of every thing that the popular taste de- | never to difficult, always instructive, and | ever fresh and delightful : | ("The faver with which OUR WUSICAL FRIEND has been received by the pubic, and.the commenda- | mands 5 tions thas won from the Press, are gaarantees of ts worth. A work sochray, eerurate and elegant, does bot existin any olber country. ‘Phe some amount of music procured at the regular stores would cost at least twenty times what it: costs in Our Musical Frend” Variety and excellence are secured by eub- [acribing ton periodical so cheap, and much needed Pieces by the following composers haxe appeared in| | the first ten numbers; the names speak for them- vee: Mozart, S. Love. Wallerstetn, Meverbeer, Fletow, Burgmuller, Fo Schubert, Verdi, Donizetti. | Strauss, Musard, Thalbe wssini, J. Weber, | Kacken, Speyer, Abt, A. Maefarren, Bellini, HE | Nimart Ascher, Cronch. D'Albert, Bishop, Auber, Parsiello, Lindpuinter, Beethoven, &e, &c. All these pr ssare within the range of ordinary players sand are nvariably characterized by deli cious melody and eas and singe accompaniments. Our Musical Friend is published weekly, prfce 10 cents, and may be or-| dered from any bookseht® or periodical dealer Tt] \ will be sent direct from the office of publication at the following rates, yearly 85: half year 82.50; Clabs, 3B copies, Bl; 6 copies, $26; 10 eopies, R40 per} year; same rates for half year No subseription | taken for less than 6 months, payable in advance. | Office of “Our Muscal Friend,’ 13° Frankfort Street, New York, | GURB SEY MOURS CO; Feb. 1, [1m36] Proprietors. | VALUABLE LANDS ‘EC@DER Gp BHC. | ! FENHIE subscriber wishes to sell bis lands lying on| the Beaties’ Ford and BotPiloa Roada, 124 miles | West of Salisbury. near Comrell’s Mill Creek. The Tract contains 292 ACRES ‘This place is well im | proved —the Bulldings sod Fenees are all NEW and | in GOOD CONDITION 5 and the open lands are | tion h tsa good MEADOW on che tract. and Ja 10 acre piece of DRAINED BOTTOM Phere over 200 acres of Wood Locnd comprisiog a great There wa YOUNG OR- a de | of valuable ‘Timber T/\TTN {TV CHARD of very select frit on the place, which is { alao favorably located im reference to mills, churches, | Ll J Bde | achool-houre, &¢ | JOSEPH B. McNEBLY Jan 25, 2859 tb J.R. VOGLER, OF SALTSBURY §.C, TR. ae ON DAMIR ae (CO), Importers and Jobbere of | Jand Oroamentals on re hes prepared to attend all operations a ma wee-DHr' BOOVVD 28 Warren Street, . New York. Will be plenwed to ee all hia old friends when vie ting the City tay of County Court Perms mx months Jan 18, 159 3m34 v7 BLANK WARRANTS For vale at this Ojce | Englich Branches {half the ‘Tuition require tern North Carolina. gi Country Merchants and the public generally, will find that, as we hae determined and cun aflurd, we will sell at prices greatly telow these at which Goods bave been sold heretofore im Salisbury. Below we enume-ate # portion of our stoek : DRW Goons. Amenecan, French and English Calicoes, collored and black. Doinestics, Flannels, Merinoes, De Lanes, Alpacas, Ginghams, Drillings, Bed and Cradle Blankets, Table Cloths, Toweliogs, &c. SERVAWw TS’ Goons. 300 pair of Negro Blankets, cheaper thanever offered iu this market, Kerseys, Plaid Linseys, Ovoaberge, nme € aoovs. GIN 1's” Clotha, Cassimeres, Vestiogs, Satinets, Kentacky Jeans of every variety. Also, a fine assortment of Rock Island and Yadkin Manufacturing Companies, Jeans, Hosiery, Knit and Linen Shirts, Gloves, ae. LADIES” Goons. Silke, White Goods, black and fancy Dress Silks, Shawls, Cloaks, Scarfs, &e, Laces, Embroideries, Rib- bons, silk and linea Handkerchiefs, Crape, Gloves, Hosery, Irith Linens, Swiss, Jaconet, Tarleton Mas= ling, Swess and Jaconet Edging and Tusertions, Corsets, Hop Skirts, Head Dresses, &c. a CLOTHING. A good assortinent of Gentlemen's Clothing, to which we invite special attention. HATS, CAPS, BONNETS andF LATS, BOOTS and SHOES. We have paid pirticular attention to the selection of this portion of our stock, and challenge competition ia Brogans, water proof Boots, dress Boots, aud Shoes, and Ladies and Children’s Gaiters and Shoes. CARPETINGS, and OI], CLOTHS. Drugs, Paints, Oils and Dye-Staffs. We are mle Avents for the Bellvae White Lead. Hemlock snd Oak-tanned Leather, Calf and Goat skins, lining skius, arness and Upper Leather, shoe and saddlers thread. g Ph WOOD WARE. 2 Buckets, Brooms, Tubs, Brushes, Twine, Rope, &c. CROCKERY ANIY QUEENS WARE. We are enabled to show # nicer and beiter selected stock of these goods than has ever been kept in the place. Special attention is invited toour China Dinner sets, and China and Plated Tea sete Lookiug Glasses &c. GRO CERIES. Rio anc Java Coffee, Sugars of ull description, Syrups, Molasses. Salt, Spices, Candles. Soaps, &c IT We cau be found at the corper opporite the Maussion Hotel, formerly occupied by M. Brewn. Salisbury, Sept. 21, 18 S, 9 WILL KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND A LARGE AND GENERAL 3TOCK OF Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Ready Made Clothing Boots and Shoes, Hats and caps, Carpets, Rugs, &c, WITH OTHER GOODS SUITED TO THE WANTS OF THE PROPLE. We have on hand alot of hands 1) ese Geo yaisting of Robe a Laz, Sile Stripes, Printed DeLaines, Merinoes and FINE. DRESS SILKS, Robes amd By ciore, hat we wile sell at REDUCED PRICES rather than keep over until another seasea, ¢ Cash t titeves. to give usa call SALISBURY, Nov. 22, 1so> BROWN, COFFIN & MOCK. STEVENSON & BOWEN, (LATE STEVENSON, ROWES & NESMITH, Wholesale Dealers in DRY COODS. Have Associated with them DANIEL M. ZIMMERMAN, formerly of Lixcotxtox, NOC, and Removed to the large Store No. 53 North 3rd st. w Arch, where au increased Stock will be kept, and inducemenss of- JT RINALS, Syrenges, Breast Pumps, fered equal to any House in the trade : | ) YE STUFFS, PAINTS, TURPEN TINE, y ESIN Chalk, Whang, R Niwa 4 Puivavetrina, Jan. 25, 1559 6m CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, (0, Se William H. Smith, + : a ‘ - CEE Vena tibet EN Sa sarge eee CARRIAGE, BUSINES S ee ha ' - . at hisold Stand, in allits varied branches, and will ( " ARDEN and Grass Seeds, 1 SINGLASS, Gella », E fhe aerned mci tio carts fin alll eth sari! tm Dane SERS CAUIAHit5: 22D good, solid, durihle and handsome Vehicles. Calland ; : Tgmeea ncn’ onl Gesn paces Olin Staeiy hagas: (CS Oleh s 1 Boitlen Sponge, are prepared to execate in the best style and manner ND lOsAnnatton nose. Pink AP Chat ie (bomen ar wiliar ime E b ee Country prodace takeu inexcliange for work, when devired UTMEGS, Mace, Cloves, Jan, 25, 1859: Bm035 ke MERY, Rotten Stone, Sand Paper, y Female Normal School, GQ ALTS, Sulphur, Cream Tartar, High Point, N. C. Rail Road, 15 MILES WEST OF GREENSBORO Rev N. MORAY, Pasveiran, with efficient Argsistants TLE thorough education of young Ladies, and as an addi \ r \V INDOW Glass, Putty, Y ELLOW Ochre, Lamp Black, rbyeet of Chis Enatitation is to provide for the tional feature to qualify such of then as mery 6 to, for the avoeation of teaching willopenon the Ist of Fel Building recently puareh sire Tis neat) Session the New Brick gz undersioned Phe building ie situated in a besa cal oe CLDS, Aleohol, Fluid, T RAEN, Linseed and Lamp Oils, ve nina coaiaandiig enitinine ean linmian cutter munber es we TNT eICE enhance Ohw@el furiiahed riome th accorniodies (ih) tetris | ep parks Sulina, pupile Ete sieeitune Sineen We ahall have I aT NS Ss Set cha Seience, by an ex; striet Hove furnished Rooms, fir “tile @e 8 ) Main Street, #6 nnnves RID per Ness rasonoble terms Board and i addvaniye The Propre Jin 4.16 ™ 42D EE a > He SIUEMSTBU HOY, ke (06 1) «f32 tor, Teachers and Papile dwell toys wid eat at the same table 1c Young Ladies of limited means w } for Tuition anti! they ean t aid pay t ae CEILING Tediearional A eenesation ef’ hone guarantied to sueh Por informa R Sol he donnie bowealikecDeans: Appress ia the I%thof Febrnary, at 100’eleek, REV WoL LANGDON, Prork AM ~ iy of the County ¢ . far the Jan 25, 1759 ethe cause of Edueation te the . . ~ No Vo Poachers. Committee-mea and Exchange and Colleciton Oice ' tales PEheCAun (yom reaprestalty soleted to attend, and all Teachers > ry: SAULT IY ‘ vdare requested by the Ex. AM PREPARED TORUY AND SELTE NEW Comm ' sttend the Educational Meets York Bechange. Speers Stocks dou 1 AW OWEN, Cor. Secretary, ent Bank Bills, Money 40% {and . ind b Jun 15, 1859 counts opened an Fepecial attention pard te eotleetion vines 2 AIC AR Vines re npO) dural avant BLANK DEEDS | JOUN Me RORTE Salisbury, Jan. 3, | nia? kot SALE AT THIS OFFICE, peel! i MOUNTAIN SCENERY. | Joy to the Adwirers' Gickddbéroagh | Watwal “CELESRATED YEOETABLE Lhe Scenery of Western No th Carolina OF A FINE HEAD OF T t i Oo WwW D and Western South larcines “ INSURANCE COMPANY , CAT e TES ER. | SSY HAIR BY HENRY EK. COLTON. | RICH GLO ° | QUCH hus been toes care Sen ecovomy of the offi- \ Work upon the Sceurry of the Blue Ridge ned cere of this Company, that we are free from debt; its fellow ranges of Mountains will be pablished) ‘Talk of beauty, it cannot exit without a fine head | have toade wo a eeseune nts und buve now on hand |targe cupttal, viz: in premitmn notes €457,059.09 ; in early in Juuuary. ‘The folowiug will be its contents: of hair, then read the following, and tf y ru ak mure | | eush $13,345.n9—moeking total of $470,504. 92, to Chap. b—fatroduction, (eee circulur around each bottle, and no one can) ‘© [1 —Arlieville, Vdoube | meet any losses that may accrue; we therefure have re ee take! pleasare in offering their Routes to reach Asheville—the Swana-) Py ROFESSOR WOOD'S HAIR RESTORA. | %° hesitation in saying to the public, that there is no Py ce Cattle Powder, feeling confident that sa ‘TIVE. —We eall the attention of all, od and safer Company in the Southern country The most] it is the article long needed by the Agricultural « ‘om- The Wiekory Nut Gap Road young, tv thi» wouderful preparation, which turns ofthe Risks in this Company being in the Wertern) munity. ‘The Compound is u-eful in mom alt direa- Phe Routes from South Careina-Salem fick to its original color, Eon mates the head | part of the Stute, where the danger from fire is much | sep incident (o Horses, Cows, Hoge, and Sheep, en- Gap and Jones Gap, Flat’ Rock, Uendermouviles ofthe bald with a luxuriant growth—removes the | levs, tering into the circulation, producing wu alternative wars Head, Whieside Mt and Casiuers valley. gandruif, itehiug, aud all cutaneous erapuons— | DIRECTORS® effect thereby, purifying the blood und all secretions Chap VIA Route vie Wilkeabors wad Leu. Qyuses cevutimual how of the uutural fluids; wud James Sloan, J A Mebane, C. PB. Mendenhall, D.) The Powder ix recommended for hurses to be given te Bats a? Gis wet Lith AWDeetaorin WU Gores cece aeriadremamiie dicts call 2 MGib Monk Sect os L. Cate, Jed Hi! in complaints of Distemper, Slubbering, Coughs, Fe Volley; Beno, Ue breien ete. ‘ i und keep it freun fallig ta extreme fandsay, James Mo Garrett, W. Ogbarn, D. P.! vers, Boptydiseasees Glanders, Furey, Gripes andd Chap. VIS Morganton and its surroundings; the Pa cries ray Wexaaeny sn Ge David WeKuight, deere Alex. Mile! ic, Jaundice wd YeHow Water, diseases uf the kid- Cedwuat spraze; Howk’s Bill and Pable Rox ei straneeY. ake ee ewhern; KE. FE. Lilly, Wadeshorough ; 8. G ney, fyuudered hornes, de “pp, ALL —Linville Falls; the Ging gercake Rock; Coffin, Jamestown; W. A. Wright, Wibnington 5 tum be given iv evens tablespoon fal thee or | orth Cove and the Cave John P Shaver, Salisbury; T. WeGee, Raleigh: Ho four tum a week mixed with water when drinking ee ee ae ee ee ee a nee ae aaa alas ‘ows. Le an @ RMS : Phe Agent for Prof Wood's Hair Restorative 10)" , | (Cl X—The Black Mountain; the Mountain gw town, received the fullawing letter im regard All communicationson business connected with thir} ‘The poe der is highly reaomnended for cows. Pur | Usrume 5 Jus aremal of Party | Ottice, should be addressed to rifying their blund and bringing thems to ® healthy Chop. Xt—Phe Moantain; the Bald Mount PECER ADAMS, Secretary. fatate, driving out all the impurities of the bedy, im etthormugh, N.C. Wty 5, 1857 tf creasing their strength and smproving their appetite, IEAIp Mib—Phe Preach Broad tiver and the JONESVI LLE | winking these yield twiee the amount of unite, ain +s ae 4ha A ee ry, Apes. pour condition. A farmer, that once uses this pow Male and Female Academies, , cn ip XU —Pleasant Country Stopping Places; Gagmn’e en the Catawba; Harris's at Chinuey Rook; Ider, wiluever be witheat a. Et should be given in | dowee of w tablespoontul three tines a week, and iv ' April last, aud purchased ove ‘hotthe to try 1, and F) Rey. WoL. Van Eurax, AOM, Principal . found to my satisfaction it was the thing, it removed L. J. Cueery, 4. Bo Associate. Sherigp iy Puckory Nut Gap; Peulaugs ot Plat 5 Wasnow two Vise AOD. Lorraiar, Teacher iu Female Depart. preserve ie old age, in albite the bald, the grey, or disc used in the sealp, i use it; aud surely the yous will net, as they value the 0 \ thowing locks, or the witchiog curl, ever be without (co the Restorative, a few we ke since : Deer Riven, Cons., July 23, 1856. | Mer Leavenworth—Sir: Lhive been troubled with dandruff or scarf on mny head fur mere than a year, | my hair be gaw to come wut, ecurtaud bain boge! ther. 1 naw ina New Haven paper about Wood's Hair Restor- ative” as acure. Leulled at your store onthe Letof, Vick Soh ‘Moe River, in Yancey At cader’s and A Bo Bard's on the French Broad; Aleasuders onthe Swen Chap NIV—The Western Counties; Haywood “the wcurt and uew hair began to glow 5 Teepe, Worng aackeiniateton Guress Gia iotens:, G2 Utne air hes in length where twas ull off. brave nents ; : ; tas Winter ‘Prips Vailey River; the Navtibala; Bee at faith ta it. TL wish you to send me twobotiies Mins PK Hausovn, Tescherof Mae: and French Cherokee | | the no pure ot wlicely ditve La dise am mle of the bived and sec out sions muy be TF? —_ 1 Uollow Horn, Hoof disease, oreows Ge that vive blady miko or tor dry cows, it haw beew found highly beurfictul by ging the powder every day, or three Liges a week oo i] cone By Milo, (ete Win Ue iearstt AiG, Wate Grew Board per session of 21 wee ks, wih every thing fur- as any of the Kind is used in this place, you ma pom ; Chap. XV—Producti ous of the West, Agricaltaral | aished except lights, # | and Mynetal; Waid) Fiowere; ‘Pree Giowth 5 Wud! have wa uuarket for many bot'les after it ts known Taint variee (rom Oot eS 15 00) LOGS | A Kaine and Reptites Here: Yours with respect: Mums on Piano, 29000. Pes Arrexvix.—The Pilot Mountain; Salem; Pied- | RUFUS PRATT Uric and Embroidery, each, 5 00 For te ae Lika ie recommended to be given D mo ugs of Stokes; Shoeco Sprives: K ttrell’e — T _, incunghs, ewelled areks, vicers im the Junge. and| : “t 5 he t i} ih session of these echaals will open F ‘i hr Stenters of Dro Chreiy on Mountains of Prtraveceura, Sept. 9, 1856. ae fe Wet ie ee Th meri fiver, andi fatienmy, and may be given by CUTS, {rao} Natth Catalina PROF. WOOD = Dearmir: Your tl sir Restorative a pound ora haltol a package ia barrel of swill. = The work will contain four views of Mountain: is oroveng tivclf be neficial tome. Ea fe is ~ : ' : a the reafger ax possible ”) » am Scenery wid u Mupot that section uf country. chuw-, the beck partof iy bead aluwied lost tte cove cig Oe a eet (error ber oe, OXONEDE TOL — ih g ail iat ley Senge Lanes, Stopping Places, Nott infact asta T have used bdo ede ee Bae ate at a euuable distance apart. aff irding parents aa op-| The Cattle Powder, proving 60 eflicseinus for what Sa) cciaee i a ate op oe the ea wiyle lee of joer ‘a ae SNe serie . team nei portanity to give their sons and daughiers» thor gh) twas first recommended tuduced ee vera) farmers to art, aud sold a cents per copy hen peu yo well stadded with a promis wf aU We have afine appa- feed it to some baying bei, aod found the effect invel mal, Gicenta Perous wishing copies, will address and che front is sto Teceiving its benefit TE have : : vite : Wi, Pongray, Raleith, NO€ lined ather prep irations without any bemetit whatever |e Konelit of the pupils. (es) & lheral diseuut to Chose Gaking a numberof copies {think fom my own persoud recommendation, 1 We now have wveral large boarding houses open | therefore fore, cS) for gale of disteibucion jeau i iduce muaoy others lo try it for the acconmedation of pludenta, at the low noes geese, turheve and for all binds of the feutheced = sw] NN oe Important that all euter the first week or as neon educanou im the same villa continge longer than usaalin jasing ¢ We can,! to chiekens, nineud it, ta be f OPA nu uber of advertisements of Hotels, Livery | x oor et ote 4) (art per month, and we hope tha’ parents aud guar: tbe, where itt desired to ke pap a healthy con- saver, i i A : ' diene witl sead uscrane hundial and fifty forthe dition. Komay be given mixed with Tudian meal wud No. 404 Vine street water two orthree umes # week tables wud Springs will be tuserted upon fly -k forwarded jimedtately Next wesson Jou dl | — \ > : aera Q For farther particulace addrers the Principal at) FOLD, Whotemnte and Retail. by WIL WYATT. — pupae = . Ds 49 { A W : =A —| Vincevaen, Fe., June 22,1853. [yi cavitle, Yadkin Co, NOC. and Cuulozues willbe Deaggint, Sahebury, N.C 5 Al & PROF 0.3. WOOD ae mare about Heats pest j . . WYER 3 lee Seer ania) sa Geeoanihy, chee cee) (a 8) 5 95 Wil Ss «da diva cently ‘ ov 10th, 1858 wo5 | ray | Restorative, L will state, for whomevever iCimay con " wae | oO A LL NO. 4 GRANITE ROW, |eco tow T have used st aud ka ewan others to une it _ Interested i Buildi n } that. do have, for several years, bern ta the tabi Nn 1 Bi The Subscribers call attention to their Mills on West Hill. " | —— ps 5 ovlideeinnten cal Cine a ORNS MENDAEL Wood WORK. ax Meaidioge, 07 Brackets de, @e, aod mauufacture FRAMES SASH BLINDS. DOORS and SPORRS AN tell ecasuned, welected Li mukw, w ibe Woe respertinity eall the attention of the (of aang other Har Restoranves, ood Chat Uo tind tly soporirto any other bknow tt en Ladies to there remaining Sock of {sours + tirely ¢lewuses the herd of dandratf aod woh ove SILKS and DRESS GOODS, "ii. fr ii toate o the oncina Southtaleator and feature, giving iba] her VAICH WAKE which will from this day be offered at great'y reduc- healthy, eft wet gosey appeariuce ; and u er paces. Persons in want will find it greatly ty without ciaee actin the hands that apply i. oor the we ore de- dresson whieh itd ps DP owould, ther: fare the radvantage to coll qgd examine, termined to close them owt belure making gurSpriug mend its mae 6 every our dest color and texture to batr Respectful! sours, 1130 WILSON KING O J WOOD & Co, Proprerors, 212 Besdway, . Contores Crken fet tg ap rteces. and for the New York. ithe great NOY. Wire Rasiug Extah COWE AND SEE f FON OF ALL SORTSOF BULLDINGS, t> fy) Usmento a Wi ESS Market Street. St, Loan, Mo for toet PIANS wail be furcisted it de mered Said by WO WY ATR. Deaggiet, Satobury N R . W ] LSO N Ss ney ig Carat) thar SPoh kos of the Co. and by od Deuggiots uimot dave purch ise Decedd, $808. a 1 AVING Evviss. mon of jong experence im the Prag business, A CARD. aeciated with myself Me Jous nly oof Petersburg, Va a gentle dd aupeciont BRITISH, FRENCH, & AMERICAN Feontinumy the ase of it, all the diseases arising from . Pa ratus, with maps and pies alo a goad library for wonderful in fittening them; bea dex, making then Vf NEW SHOW CASE, Pekin agin see 8 The Hudomitable AGAIN! H. L. ROBARDS, ov THE ROWAN HOUSE, 2 $.¢ Salisbury, N.C, | till continues to keep this tong established and popu- liar Hoven, in the best styfe—having in bis employ eMewnt omistans, who ace determined no one shall ie away dissatisfied Have not rented out or leased “OLD POINT COMFORT,” ‘bat am still Proprietor, and invite the travelling public to calland partake of the many luxuries our expenence aud fuciitier evuable us to give oe Sr Nea ———————————— TREMENDOUS ATTRACTIONS ! ¢ ELEGANT AND COMPLETE STOCK OF | | DRY GOODS. A. & W. MYERS, IS ¥ re d ji v y y Y y af V S a O U AA . L. ROBARDS. Nov. 22, [X54 Bat ae | 1.C.& B.G. WORTH, Commission x Forwardng MERSTANVES, wilmington, NW. a. | Februury, 16, 1ho0 ly { } lo l pr o w q u y y *s p o o r ) AI G ] af John Dooley, HAT MANUFACTURER, AND WHOLESAE | DEALER IN HATS, CAPS, FURS, | TRIMMINGS, §¢- FALL, 1858. | HAVE now in store ao extensive and compl te assortment ofevery thing inmy ] tine adapted to the Fall trade, wad win pres wees pared to alter unusus al inducements ty pure A chasers. dn any bite voit to the markets and manufaetorirs 3 lof the North wad Kort, P have apace ed uo painsin the Dwele af this tebk ; and FE fluter myself that long wee exp rienee enabl sme te anticipate rhe wante of my i vads in Virguna, North Care ine and Tennessee. Cc = A eM respectfully roheited frogs m\ o'd castom- Wem cre ond the public Cl o t h i n g , Bo o t s & Sh o e s , Tr u n k s , &c a 25 JNO me el) as Richmund, Va. Sept 28, 185%, tf? a a o 5 | RAIL ROAD NOTICE Se Ae 10 * | QE crowding their Store, Wo. 4, Granite Building, Svisdury, No € COUNTRY MERCHANTS. h every thing that Is new, elegant s andattractive in ? ee 7 ASOD HZ CHOICE FANCY AND IMPORTED FABRICS, EXPEDTUGLS ROUTE and all that is good and substantial in? PREIGHUT FOR THE INTERIOR OF NORTH CAROLINA CAVY KA peatent, selection, vanety apd pure they are notatiav “APLE & dO WE NTIC aS ERCLANTS and others about porch> aing thes 4 Mh) D RY GOODS. Fall and Winter seppler cre reguerted tu toe fee alat by the eo pletion of dhe Rovwh Eastern yd. from Charleston 8. © to Cheruw, the ad- Hy competion wih the largert hou Hey vaurege of n CULE AT and + aperiiume roure fram the State: tideed rather invice it, oud wilh woh prea ¢ Ce the pres it rec me, seued boob zs uv ~ ay Saati Renee WHOLESAL lL \ N D RE PAIL BUYERS Poe e eect cusped tu the earr of the Agent of ve them the benehtof ad eyauios kas reAMITMIEHN Gio Winch Gin) ADAM Uy Geta iat foe om leat in Read wil be forwarded free wbenterprzes re ja beni aon we the mapp cee a of Comensnion t Te Mion Meet THe tien ime nee cha herd Gools waperedi ite the counter we were in inark soharge for storpe wall be iy ce at Cheraw. All veral we Tudcnnre al the rerulur pe) cotint eeaueniin and iher yusecee died welicredite anon > will be tabeu gace ofin the Con puny’s Ware- honeeuntilealied fur Scheduate of charges ferirrene- | portale bof Freight will be & and atthe Port Office SS. SOLOMONS, Liugtacer & Superinierdent. apace m BE “ BEH.B @Qn G2 DEP aAPaa FRENCH IMPORTATIONS. one ot cur tir basing just returaed fom the Noah | may ee eas eM) well oe Derr rwrowrativse, id cnn therefore iuvte | having moved tute tho dante tew ny) Nawveo oe Bine7 . the earner of Wain and Water Stn sis, W J. Orde re filled ai the shortest netier. yoiry tr eoyonr SUPPLY vite » Confidence a we can offer Aucust 10, 1658 fll , \ ' ’ VIKA, SF hn increased frenfities fer conduc ry ND the large wosnpply of S £ N \. richness cud variety of ussurtment We rhull Contuue te trust we wih be enabled Vian aes The Poetry of I hysic. MEU Ou s 7 LEW PLIES: - G R I l I I L I, the wen atyles thar come ous sae to prem nt to the trade iulliimen te - Connected with ry. are two Gorint Mills Is ju live mathet aud potranage of tay ternter cus eines ind tae pan and a great ¥ ty oof Gutteriag | aoe icine cal Core will bey op da upp « With very Vivi ne Vigne (uieceewe wit partie jammeiccatieninerobeci snd cor MND attv. Oar motto will be lo give satisfaction Call aud see us AYER’ Ghide sugar-shed « god MEAL syudlcliaige tle PILLS, rihe pala. bat PRTG Cie Callen Panik coun si xa t A HENDERSON Saban NTNU eae Gat - the aplenidid areas dealt ay ay \DIES DRESS GOODS, EMBROIDERIES. &C. MACHINE SHOP, yay tte all a giee ou Stock « thorough exuminaiou beore pucet _ on VY, 1859 143 we these ene cas. abtharoh wry ed orpe ) \ THemy, and bells ws ge ? 2 Snenaek : | : . SulisBary Gas Light SHmDANy. deans eit ines a Tine Cloeks, Walking Canes, &o. { a ve ‘ te an ne aye , | Tyro, Davidson County, Jie (OE NC! ICE 4e hereby woven to the Stoeklolters un gre thousiids of sutfere re who would Ly AL (\ ich Maswdere! a ey and plaid Soke mM eile leeiidion natrenich FEMME proprietor of this LN shove Company att Wmentof the} ot wear (heir distemspe re ut Kure of ee UR (he , , aw Ricitiecde (Gann, Mayadete and (sry (etn " : Cae the memt pupae moh ] Beraniinneat would ta ees wade wi ee chevedouidbemurahin ve ce CNISy Wis net ryoeh sought POPPY RER 5 'kTpippi i re ' Were ond ether inatera's for be ye wear = ice pe cere lags att tr hr mae FE ee ee see om VEGETABLE LIVHONTRIPTIC Pe gaa ee ea bt his nda the ait = : a : es ack Ge ‘ ult de Sodtand Lateta Sikes nectie, awes elie e enerallye : : fe aa ne tele n ove een edd in Saliebory. av = Fi resortimentet tadier hestery ofevery d rl i Re JUL ENNIS.) Gee ee era in career rei revat mire ine PRIEND OF THE PUMAN FAMILY Pane De La saben. ve me PI : len aeeece ie al HORSE POWERS aad Ja 1, 2859 3134 Closing it erateans estates ay it, G ; _ Fieger Witater 1 (ob letres hacen Values antation Goods, Blankets, &e. S THRESHING MACHINES, and you are cured already 2 ee pores BOHR L MING ERE Satine baconue and Vlecon ere ear t : Da s T j : ; ele te ore area SILVER TEA : , Pig Meo ee Weare wa@eDp a Ha" Bc Teeth iced ahalitvure tives edd) seratal nlc gms 2th 3/7 he oem aap) hap P xt [6.4 Placa. Eisured and a! DL ich Menu ‘ ea es Ve from the most approted : BD a= Saute Wirukneareiieniaiie) Giskochmicagiee 28 PARLE SPOONS. and the beet qualiy DISEVWED KIDNEYS. | , sured ai Leak Herinoes and theayy Lucey, Mariboro Phids, Rerseys Sattinets, cme peepee ier M Y hin a se ne tee ed will | Wedd arndices Cheamaueiadeuisetaeni= ct the gy BEDE ta eae WN eee sin Aha PRE eid IN, Wicd) WPOSCROTIES, ante y id Valerera Uraikaie. witie wialen red t FO USE a = eee hex ue ieee H 5 Cie) hae al & ute and colored, a great vanety vers | with ar without Straw Carers. to suit the wante of yd Mt lane se STW ER PLA RED AR TORS r, Kidneys, sud Bows ls. all ders ul Pienely Phods and str pes please come wedaetiie up as Lait needing money ahidaeimen wh che pangitiy remedy cau reach Ay AM Kinds of Watenes Clocks Jewelry dre. prompt \ i ; : Pichia wn ogee idivervuusiuin loclose cht books : » a : eptired: #1 the liwest cals ho warranted: fo n if the Loins, be, re Bayadere otk w 1 : azine work of every descriptions Gita Canin Main CO pO TT aang team Ike darknese hetore the Sun Ds capa aan We ee at ae f He! at ame low priced Panted Mugsiues and Cash Houschveping Goods. PORY GEAR. CIRCULAR SAW . 9 ‘ eat of yet ace muff tom auy us the nanier : ae Th YG EGOS This avetnolie trediinets for tule ar the 1D ' Pe MILLS, Strew Cutters Corn Shellers. Ploughe, rary 19%, boss Bw3d ons complunnthey cnre—sutler no more—the rene whet ae fired on Nebel: O00 Carnpueilie Pe anne Wear Conihentinersnrie tani: , ; ‘ Sy EL Pioush-cast Calovaters, and Gold machinery All 1 , haibdent jrovided um voi, and se is) cranial Salinbory cpt 2M, Ri A (Gyan os Charlotte ware l © Abs Hlingtices, (madean: ae i ae 1 yn EC ne Raita? mound Machine work made to order WG neater bats any Gx and atthe Catelia Waichmintt. Web Beuch Cheste ond hints Kobe s A ee oe Fas whort aatce He also keeps a good supply ef all AY Ti te e Cheryl bectavaicie tte beet sda : if VY Ries th Sethe) Porat Appigque a bo agayle aud Baue le Collie aud yy hae ged Me RG hanna Viuds of anaterial, sneha rolled and hammered Iron, + a Concho is known te the wrote world. and one ; j Phresabee rate go inte sonartnersh Shriver ee Recent Vaio ae Jycth round fat and square. from 4 to 3) incheein #- : We a Pilla are the vent ofall Vi la, eivaws to the rer Ane COuMcniaG Ai irre’ ic) Gea Seat Seilmn nds Pace ttraannedeCalerea tyre SE laietie Sch ot every discoption, Block-tia, Zak ” q NPIE NS whe have used them s A. ‘ © esetnge aad sale otthe abuve Medorte. (pre ures + Sie read site eee a ly dnd Bobbi Vets her with « good supply of 2° Carol \ [rurmit soppy! ming hin at Sulishory, N , Weal French Musun aed Cambnie Einbeodtd te lire op Pt ee ae teckel evers artiel: kept inthe mereanule line. Send in ; arolina € 1 € | weveeendtan, (0 C00 ‘ Rr oun oun ee { your erders for those celebrated Machines early, that AS gus RE \ arolina City, N.C. 7 ; @ scenic MieninlD iniee wantiol lie ; : ; ; voice tact ! % J furge auppt 0 . RON ASTI Sp Suly 25th 18358. YJ ie ( . \f A 1, OLM ; u e fe D AUS TiN { t S white and colored ¢ PA. Seve ¢ (RPE TIN GS {vou mn - vot ve Wer alae d this season, as many ey heal one = erralinced Us + une itt s ter wa eis 7 were Jost in tot getty oe Draeet ATE nt reer ane Ber Selawemmur Sith C codlon Bane PRACTICAL MARBLE CUTTER, Hence Minin. Germs Tenpm, (ouiite con! tape ia uheee ply aut egrm [me TTOMESON OY PER \I OON Hoy aimiieted ta ieareoun Wetmore b Wow davies DESPECPEEGLLY inforsox the public, chat he U QT ATES Li | AIL ‘ ( ae em atid Maite ! and Fancy ¢ such as bleached Lang | Februury 9, 1858 p’d-1v-37 ae tf i i : . wucgag Mas! smaibr rd erope, Collars, sleeves Iw Ss SEN OS). INIA G ped ty scare Ww Carciaa Core, torre parpese oP DQ true opened a . t yT> eeu 6 ua ‘ : ! Pat ; = ‘i ; hanes 3 ies icled Corielielelaanewliiee Crain | THE LIVE i eae : {down ‘ werand VER rk dap she most attracticw steps T FORWARDING (VD GEVERAL COMMISSION MARBLE YARD Vlas aid 18 Pe toon Mitel beberle C3 3} 7 ' Hie new importation. compose ok BUSINESS [tent Preven list hook Weare corpued wih the beet gaudes and \ q Print Pee 1) / / Q : pponire Manin Th whoopee oe ae ie Mass, Caantiow F fy oe rand pal tetapeieute | A a Candion, Letistna, Anonts, 0 {hope by promptuess and stnet attention to mere tel alt anders w th dap teh, Ga WONU WEN E> “ : BEST St PRE ED BY : ~ : u : res ’ r r , s EEL EXTENSION AND OOP SKIRTS PREPARED BY DR SANFORD, - : veut p trenage and smppert Bong the Ageat of WEAD STONES, TABLE TORS, and all kav's Qk M ‘ a Super leweienne cad and Guaipure Laces se . . ee , We ihe Ff First ae Workin the Marlle ne, of ether IMPORTED CHANGE OF SCHEDULE, sm a ha ia aie a of all descriptions Compounded entirely from GUMS, Branly Peaches, Sudies, Prd and PALIAN or prom . Pern ateacanht (eae seal ecrat a OF RNSECOND FLOOR | Ye iitisch Uitinctec oe paste tne acta Onthoree, d 7 eerie: milder uni mune effectual than auy other medicine known. nd MOREHE SD CTPY ery offer ; bal every other articl: in his tin i eee AMERICA N MARBLE. Salisbury to Asheville. rnt ee Reb Tod coed tu Ready Made Clothing, Hats, Caps, Teosmmumiy «inert tots Léeoy remedy. acting Get om the ! banafe tine the ehoapest and inet exped ah ; nae ered Ianen Combne Henid witehed fants. S Deel i anes fen ou the womach and bowels r PTE YN gun p roto New Youk. Vessels will be bonded a : aie ie ( 4 TUAW fot Ot CLOUT y Ube t aots. Shoes, Tranks, gatecllere and Heavy Ge Asta en os the seme p and bow. Ne AEE HUET NO GG ured atins Wharf pein the Rat Roel fire ‘ es eter Gee erie oe ee oe \ sate Weed tere : oan UOT SGN ode (Ach ac Ae O0 anise) EIeSiT SY ore rr scemnies ees lomed Iie BAKERY on caliente (ODE i ionre, gotl Uneethy cuceete OORT A! On) DUAR vr pay Wena \ wiih the tranoc on che fe a ee vei uy thing an thar ime, We have in rtece nf SPATIAL CaTiEiL) [a jeoderese Gunes show censianlly panied @ s Er vt w can fil oli orders tor Menuime nie, de, at reas W { \ {1 ( li R: il R d, The a Pace and Chanlly te neeornent of | bul 1p with wousual rapatty : ae ; ey ble rites ester or arohlipa wha oa Daven omicel © principal regul of the Bread, Cakes, Pies Ke Ac. po Parneulee attention willbe given te allorder. | tie would pe happy to have all descone of deatin oe : awe . Cloaks, Mantles & Shawls, 4 | harman yer o — Peewee {erations wel AIL LESS O20) ' Ponibeeniietdela tibciitinenna Reduce | : m : leaving Saliebuey by Rail Rowd at S o'chek AM oy y fi Mn an N | a ey lly developed. The siowacl hich he f tot es and tein ! rb. teal cuditer spreriemial Warp NG&C i) Mss i dneedays and TTP ae CERCA Guu ees JOINT eh pKreMlay ene ) eater ene =) perigee peated mg ve far Stihl . sartes and te P : Peperdeetarel solver 3 aa oeluieguer y Cees |i ‘ nd Brave to eo is le at we cra Se ' WILLIAM BOGRANT prices and jogde for themsets ay Ate Pen ren din GH TORIC Gann) CUD Rich Cloth and Beaver the eee ee rrr ) . sure of Iu functions. when the Uae AUS ats cH Having had year rypenence in the business vp Lyon's Velvet and Cold and Black clothe and tran } goede in the line | Of one organ—the Lawer— Tylor a nae 8 sonektanmimesn| — SU sh vine at Waco tel) Onto Ueno OW os ol thc ae aS ete vere on any terentinn james sn PL (NANT GAR. | para eereneae Car assere alli want if they wil give ue ac fa fe) Foc'ivs fiocsaotttbet or wb Ge Seritisrns atc ie. ant sche at Ovaters | New York, will be forwarded free of Commmenion Rede No peri) atte pba teper Gog ee DE NS (irl fecakiiecielie (in BLOM RIDGE (7 Pel an, hohaubontGamisetenan 2! TU Aeon cwuiiiinu te oun Rae he aire enets | a People ag eb iob SEs prepared sa the festa ' iis Nonet Sd, 20s Ln nr nee lee enecanycl incon Ing te the pubic a fine viewat : you cescrienoa real Acai eee cattecan: SUM Me wotonty the dacgeals hat the Ww counteract the ae any derangements Ww biek Hecinimtndivepiin. Ge ange a leet : the e Hroated Peck Abs (RIE ETS ALRONE STEVEN i peransur , seek of Boats and Skaes ever off red ‘ that thie remesly is at Jant found, any person troa. ae oS ea MV pAell ond Cuneman.) reactong She side medio ss that Weoean roe time ad the ded h Liver Com- of Rs forme, Dige) 2 ‘ oS oa orge and deat wssormieot of Bodies ond rad them tu wu trend has but to try © beetle, and Cans (ere TO ALL WHOM iT MAY CONC ERN!! vel wall be Cree EEG TEE to TEN toate May pave ne gtrat cw Aiea \ aan woth every eonfideres huowinge they Gre gee Th ame emerson © morbid or bad Hele rom ee ; eR: [SE RSCREBERS would respectfully inform (amy ailerronce, Niewapener orpote ts cy oe. TN PANN weit unde aud wil erie mine bene gs tneaerian fm. niptstig nthe BH vince’ Realths ‘Row of bi A hose phted te them Uet ther BELES are Pt ornake Chis the gear sreGk LINE IN) po ae Bes PARTY WRIDUTHIS, French bave t= Gea the cannon test goods, each ce are Cre 2 eis ioe ‘ ais Gr SEPPLE MBN Eto thoee eourer: Gave at CURVE andif earefarto 9 hares i aoe Me rane ie dinacin lt ite ane qienits sold at vers low piers. bat prove alronst | > The cause of 11 LA N D I Oe SA] fc ! tronkd request to come forward and PAY UP, | ra veal fowalbon every anacance refamd (ert ahah worthless fo the wearer fcilseare te acehit (rant z cured, mud, what te ie ire Compe LLen to obike coliecdens in order to age La — { rey Vien fete rs (heinse've ron the very beat dernis. | ™ the cccantondl use of the es oes | O | csprows, | GENTE EMIEN'S WEAR. onttcrtiSts very oma at nanee ly oases : Ee | ciate tenth a : . rhaing: and sonny Tasnils i Jou. AD SOW OAT YIE (tS. | 4. (Patani, | Mh dipaminienr inutile wml) Cars Holl be heppy te hove afhin want to give use| oy reuving, prevents Nigie= sansaet l cy Nod, Granite Bates : | coll, feeling satistied we wall not fail to please ] j erin Salers ie ena So - - Mirziitan, N ©, Nie drer t=ox ! 7 1A OW. OWIERS. WE night, loosens the bowele : DECE SDE PBIh, YS5S. Ixtrcdiareed Doavekina nde new style fnucy Cass Cuererte te oe eee in (tee = ag Ore Tier 97, 1658 1f31 } | others, on sand Craet there are vd toe dt ery ATE COW acquatinns Heo) tA SIU eu tooece | Cheese tt Cheese ttt WEEE TEBE \ oar nite Cheese! Cheese! ! Cheese Davie © Cknown me the Watson pice on Hane {4 MMinntoxee HEESE Such inducements to the publie have never been offered belove! = ia FEN. to purchase 20 good and young Negroes Bellows and will pay les beghe et € SH prices for then ing creck ah. yen of Neteur Neely and DMM bor aBn: d Merning others. ning 240 a wellimoroved and pre, Adwimmntine Candles. \ ) Pwant them antable f rworkinainy Lexae planta ducuve We tre hot 1 Youd “ait Vdozen Broome | lanecnildenre lohny ae sean ee oun 8 welll han County. dl aah licen Caner TU icea iewicted chabieco ' A. & W. MYERS del han wile aidilkive (rom (er to twenty year Ol. | CU OD Ten 0 et ie 10 Canks Weatern Bacon, | TULL offer from the present time their handsome and want two or three families sf ikely | YE eB male For sale by \ Stock of Siaple nnd Faney HUE ROD NES and all oth , Salisbury, Mery ath, PsoR cena | | o SPRAGUE BROS 29 a DRY-GODOS : : B , : ; Sie af ancl pices Honduce persons to porehone H 5 WwW ° R U Pp P, land unites from Snhebury | PROSP E¢ ‘TI Ss rs veil PROTECTED (% rpoonfuuls will RysP Tare tyne dose of two tea Sick Headache. me ote taken Tor fe 7 Building. Sattebury, NOC mate obstrnction removes the TEInb 6 dinense, an’ maker perfect cure CREAT ENGLISH REMEDY. — MELETARY GOODS Lronacg ros we / ore. SER JAES CLARKESS Swords, Sashes, Belts, Epanlettes. Laces) ‘msm ine onecis of nett Cray a Wong achat One bottie taken for removes all sal- jan frown the whim. time before eating gives v4 (ood digent wall. CRG cures CRronle Diars while Summer and almost to the first dose. tacks caused by Wornes tv jrafer, or speedier remedy be | Dropsy, by exciting the mending (hie medicine Jowneas or wwnatural color taken @ short CELEBRATED FEMALE PIULS. AV EVERY DES’RIPPIOY OP MILITARY | GOODS sd ’ | ghvera iw te ge uampehiea Rene writ | eaten a i + PATENT Latent USA Thee ne mr a Late S. Army and Stote Regulations we pte Fay FO R D ' S ny e Y ROYAL “vm S mails few battles cures Le absorbents ‘We take pleartire in recom SCHUYLER, HARTLEY & GRAVY, i im Ten Te, whecber they are i nced ar uot. We wre dereroin Peepaced froma preeripthon of Sir d Chirke MD, Physi Sees aie iy Aci fir hk Pd Orsi ed ty reduce on at stock ax mnie as possibile for | carn Eeteanrdinary to the @ IMPORTERS & MANUFACTURERS) Sotngee ett gel Rees, Cuitt Fever, Janel leon CX Ce | \ A Cc |’ l Y T ] M ES Na » (vabige com for cue Spring purchase. | | Thisinvaluable medicine le unfailing in aul ihne 1) MAIDEN LANE, | with certaint tnd thousands | agp are willing to roasts to iw . | wo mS . ‘ : yee . | woenterful virtaes \ 17? Deen aay of oor bert tn ever , Ay A«& A a Rt : ae | va juseiannisee tee w It soatitution NLM Sa he All who use it ore giving thelr unanimeus dinner? Tra have en “ ‘ wna te Vhe anderen will ¢ yamence the pabliesatrane ay sratite low a ia ’ view ad roves allobati nections Jaty '3, 1638 ize testimony Im its fa a » meer tek tenon aia oto Taw Sarg darn! wa ale La ABA Si Watchmaker K Seweller, eoer eres ae mneae tires Aodtys anna oO dling dino Ge Pa ey teats Sti dist € altace itioe ce c | TO WALEED LADIES JAMES HORALL, | THE LIVER INVIGORATOR from th Bee ee Dyspopsrs “Dane Vie Poo Wb It We ndentin TE : rx, Neu HOTEI CONCORD, Ne Cy [the pecntiarly anitet, Tt will, in a ehert time, bring an the TAESERUIRNTINIG MEDICAL TIRCOURRE, end fe dally Ace Sader Divaenectine iti Orient mie tien me nes A ie SR ST \ \ no ley monthly period wilh regubeat - Be eer ene ae cinieg Meicat, and, beldoad ware you wihaever be trated we ! ‘ se wll be cliceet auy and alloeasiecs tending d rT I suheey “oer al 02 ‘ a * ae o Sern ae ee ahi E i beerrmentaiam nn WATCH MAKER AND eee See bottiente Moule: f wecire eay, ind of Liver ex tee yetore the teen aneat tree ' her ta advance the on este of Beoufort: Harbor; and IN Wopoe te nent a Tiboead patron ag Great Britain, te prevent comnter® ‘ ae SALISBURY, N | ger Se tol as gia fa Sm . fhe wbarpeund toappreetae any Ketd: naiccieitiarty to Ree fe je ple posted on what we are or of Time Pieces, repaired in the ’ - : PAPE BNER cg) cbee PRICK ONB DOLLAR FER BOTTLE, foo brise® or woure really dung Wath iva determination they wil fae. oS ic, es mea pee | ASL GONS One doo belew R. & A. Muphy's Store, | BANFORD & Co., Proprietors, 945 Broadway, New York. wi i fix the rratter nyght at once, tor wwh a (aithlal cecard af all etanstica which may he | = : : Trene Pilla shontd nothetaken ty fomitean ducing tha FIRST rer Anni amine ota A Wmsienels Anion! a ecreaetan of t te pre laatita fomridilaceey Le roniine ] : - TURFE Siar . ; Sete ieghy S const on a large assortment R ws & Pann, New York Drort & Sons, Pet! thing iat that, to we the epee ten totherr pow or trie addition toany conmerc al yu auherriher Lukes plensurein annoaneing to hin | Nee tae i tre eto bring I w sreute nl TEWEURVocallkinds ; ee . SANS Semen WON Hoya tor adel emitted cas ate Ja TRI-WEEKLY MAIL LINE. = ! yes ” via trode oomereat Te interests Thre of Fr ’ ” s Lal will digest. <8 Dav tt reant t Pie want of such w Sourteabes cain thine to porstabished and well known Sete, | Woof Moby every soteligent crizen wha desires to be at mur eal gravel stades, an intone whiel ean conduce to the welfare af our ae Tr and Paneesrocn & Davis, Chicago, O J Woon & Oo., 8t, Lewte : Pig y ee atone nando ive essai) Unesco ene om Watches and Jewelry of every description inthe Back We Hears palbeasea of Nery teat Lin Spinal Afections 2, Patigne on slight exertion, Ralpitation o oe doses on one or iw orearions, T nh andbas made every pasate te F ' ihn ‘ vaseiiile preguerition Co aecomme ant A) ’ a ble terms ' nd were hkhe a ctharss ; eee Laequatited with the ccepiitel v of Heatley Harbor dite the Hisinena, ceuwellinge wud viniting poriane uf] Two HORSE HTAC K Mysteries, and White Pills will effect a cure when a Fehrnary 19, [RSE 1y38 W.H. WYATT, Druggist, Salisbury, N.C. Wha we want te say to our ce ders rold our present consinen, future proepects, ae he poblie. ii the mestaruabietary manuer : a : . other means ha aled and althongh a powerful remedy, de tye he From Wocksville, N. (., to Salisbury, N.C. sntatn tennscalminel antimony aranytiing hurtful tothe ie afany thing ile you. ge wihont detay aud t The Tiwes will give the latest market reports) aT revel bole ef Dr Sanford’+ Tnvigeratern aodititd rewee orvaband dep ron that ecu wil cularattention is paid to has rire Fvewseds Crom Clue port, and ile Mord the lareatintellgence both foreign wto give @ oo 4 come and tell ue, for we want to wee one Joracy Shove Repuliican cia : tie Npeeml rare will be ti iC will nat benefit copatitution Theory of Vocal Music, ‘ IN SEVEN EASY LESSONS el States anil Canada AND Coffee, Sugar, Molasses aii divections accompany each package le Agent for the Ps ceaw. thowacwt nu ; fli at ry nary of Slate news EBL e ovided in tue Leaves Mockeville every Mondiys, Wednesdaya and Hy of the at ful M 1} Work rr @ate by V ve iet, & ay ‘ a CUI UU au i JOR Mosha sapply of the above usefa uecn ork, : : \ \ ‘Wratnadl ; Qayeat Dho'clock, A, M ’ . yA -/_e - 4 womb d . serihers tu o hare a ear, ree on viasbyss sume de a olin 4 . is . sae oa ines = Hie ST ARLUS are akpodwands anpylicdard ate Leares Saliabury overs “forndsye, Thucedaye: anil R Ny atone | Te OE 1 HOGSHEADS New Orleans ae let. ‘ he AOR CV AEN we 00) tended h ip fal osther ss and to all departnvesss Sotardaye at “davelock, VM NON SMA d A pusinge stamperneliyt ° ' : and West Tndin Sugars La Oe d Wee iia they for gs iw nal attention drrtree al Mocksville sume davaal igoctock, PM se eo hottie contariing AU Pile hy ret ; aN finge Rininudidacn Cofice vee * a ; kK a ' . sk ( ) Ie A R \I I; RS Vicomtambl OMNIBES rons regalarty to the Ty Peteeainmani( tect Tae ie " yw. oa ne tr “ eee ARE yo IN DEB T TO SATE in ee eee ae Aisi ce. 0s f . Pera nas AV aan ' ‘ shiver 0, Charles (, Whoteanle Ag Jeane Muhnsne x of quackery than hia de va fhe hoon ey are , fs : . a i aenver 1 kevitle in amy dir ron they nyey 40 2 a ee aa omar ett ea aane Ge : ety STEN. cfinue wantin A TaeEd Cult ey OF Vcch clear on a Hi 1 a share of the hte go on coa@onable terme ‘Pry hen, all yeu R. & &. MURPHY, a puree rushed and Coffee Sugar ; p Hronage ie confilently malieit ¢ He ee ae Lannie »DTD - “ i Racke Salt peo) and proverb db towt ply and hae : tu Mountains in that d ' l Al l I I SO i ; . Flementiacud iene edn a abllentunene wir CLOVER SEED poaen Nat Us STAGE OF EECE at Setabory at the Mansion SALI E LS 1? , — SPRAGUE BROS. phapactar ter exatied fortis co npest uy eee: SHS JL d i Hotels Wat Rowse. Agent OF Do You Ever Intend to PAY? Salisbury, Dee 13, 1R5k 29 h coomimodate Wing at Hs JERS tor > = Knowep too Cat (reg bave « fal naa onerous airs ON commodated by eslling ! WOR AUSTIN, Proraieron ’ Fee) Scion th one nene eta SX ENNISS! Deng Stare, satibury, N. ¢ f { € 0. Micali, Ute ea neers ey New Crop New Orleans Mo- 414. Notes ant Groomnes due as, and crm tine Drs. M. WHITEHEAD & J. A. CALDWELL, atretel of bia alnity can never hope yu Rerke Sannry beth, bod 3 ro essiona ar LASSES just received and for aate NGG chant. onthe FIRST DAY of FRBRU w AVE neanainted themarives in the practice of Weiveine, , i , ey Biikeeact Aer ancotha ard offer their Professional services (a ihe pabttc, Phase low by ARY a5 V will be placed in the handa of an officer Ae fy a taut, ae sane tye lnicap eases atten Co Press, Randing, Pa BLANK DEEDS Rod by WENDE RSON & ENNISS, Datooists, ea Salisbery, N.C lmo94 nd at hile BLANN WARRANTS | For vale at thia Ojjce, } sen on Professinnal business Bag [Nov 185. OF nS Oe ae SAUER cise IES Malad (0k || DS RSA MURDINY | Vepeaee a SPRAGUF BRO'S for collection CM OMce the aame occnpied at present by Dr. Watrewaap, abury, Dee 13, 1858 29 } Jan. 11, 1859, Gm12 1 Ri a a t Mi t t ni nt VOL. XVI. NO. Oc J.J. BRUNER, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR SPECIAL NOTICE. No name of a new subscriber will be entered on our list, without payment in advance ; nor will the paper be sent to subscribers after the expiration of the time paid for. The red x is only intended to indicate that the year paid fur is about closingf; and to inform those who wish to reuew their subscription, that the time has ar- Single copy, $2, Five copies, $3.00 Tea copies, $15.00 Clubs exceeding ten, in the same proportiun, $1.50 each. Payment always in advauce. ADVERTISING RATES. | A square is the space FS ex) | i & ' occupied by 16 lines of Fao ors Drevier type. cs Occasivnal renewal without additioual charge « & ve st ws ef ry s é iz t : & Cy the year. Three dollars for an- nouncing candidates for office. Court Orders charged SZ euopuavul » : 2% per cent higher than the above rates. Orders fer divorce of husband rr and wife, $10 each. “ t@ Persons sending ° in advertisements are re- — quested to state the num- “SWIOON & ver of insertions required ; « and if it is wished they - n a > * 7 x ‘dee aus) +4900, Youg mo } j i o d o i d at e s oy ) ty Me t a w W e s } j A e A p e 20 3 1 8 os Wa k 2 to 6l 96 u L 91 3 we Me l 61 1 should vocapy the least space possible, write Upon the buck the word close. Otherwise they will be put upin the usual style aud charged accordingly. GB No discount op ? these rates. ANS, “syujuoN gy “eHUON G | 32532335 u the charges against us; they knew that the treasury was empty, that we were burrowing bad been iucteased during the Adminstration of Martin Van Buren, and they thrust Van Buren out of the White House. Weare now standing | upon the brink of the very precipice from which | Van Buren was hurled in 1840. The treasury is empty, our expenses are double the revenue of the Government, aud we are borrowing from twenty to thirty millions of dollars to meet the | existing deficit, The customs are yielding only 40,000,000 of dollars per annum whilst the ne- Cessary expenditures of Government are nearly $80,000,000. Yet it is proposed by the Execu- lve Department of the Guverninent to select the present as an appropriate dime for the creation of a vational debi, which would render the very jHame of the National Democracy odious with j Masses for the next quarter of a century. To | carry out the tate Executive recotnmendation of | au armed protectorate in Mexico would cost the | country, it has been estimated, 100,000,000 of | dollars, besides the probability of auother war with that country, ‘To construct the Pacific Railroad desired by the President would cost certainly 150,000,000 of dollars, whilst the pur- | Clase of Cuba, if aceoinplisbed at all at this time, | would cost 200,000,000 of dollars. This would | granted to those who ad- | 8!S€ US a good total uf 450,000,000 to pay the | vertive regularly through | Interest on, which would require the sum of | z 30,000,000 of dollars, or about three-fourths of | our Present national revenue, and render it ne- cessary fur us to burrow annually some fifty or faixty millions to defray the expenses of the Go- , vernmeut. ‘Tis would be a splendid legacy for the Adiniuistration tou: leave toa grateful coun- try! The legaey of the Alien and Sedition | Laws, which the Federalists left to posterity, and | the subsequent bequest of the Hartford Cunven- oa, would be trifles compared to the yours of detestation which this sin) would visit upoo the | National Democracy. With this national debt of $500,000,000, the interest upon which would absorb three-fourths of our national revennes, with what chance of success could we defend ourselves from « party charging down pon us with the cry of Retrenchinent and reform.” CONGRESS. the Senate, on Wednesday, the In The fullowing Court and miscellaneous BLANKS | bill making donations ot public land are kept on hand fur sale, at this office. Can be sent by mail to any part of the country, at small expense, Otvil Warrants, Casas & Bonds, Writs. C. & 3. Court, Executions, C. & 8. C. s,C. 48. C. Witness Tickets, C.& 8.C. Juror Tickets. Prosecution Bonds, C. 4 8.C. Rail Bonds, civil cases. Com. to take Depo. C. & 8. C. Apprentice Indentures, Letters Testumentary, Letters of Administration, Special Letters do., Marria ge Licenses, Certificates, Various Equity Blanks, De. Indictments, Land Deeds, Deeds in Trust, Bail Bonds, crim. ‘ Attachment Writs, Delivery Bonds, Sheriff Deeds, Administration, do. Kquity do. Bastarday, Se Notes of Hand, . “ Notes to Bunk, GM And many other forms of less frequent uspraie. Blanks- ted to order on short notice. From the Richmond Whig. to the several States for the purpose of founding colleges, recomiitted to the Committee on Public Lands, yeas 28, nays 26. The Indian Appropriation Bill was dis- cussed during the reinainder of the ses- son without coming to any final decision. On Thursday, the Indian Appropriation Bill was passed. The Bill giving lands to the States, as above, was reconsidered and discussed during the session. In the House of Representatives, on Wednesday, an ineffectual motion was The President and the Democracy. The venerable, squint-eyed * old pid- dler” of the White House is catching it | from his party friends, on all hands.— | With three Democratic organs in Rich. | mond, there is not one that will defend | the recotnmendations of his Message. On | the contrary, these organs scout and re- pudiate nearly all the recommendations | of their President, thas opposing the pol- icy of the Adininistration of their own | choice, and leaving the President and his | Administration entirely atthe mercy of | the oppositiun. We did suppose that the Examiner, at least, would stand by the President. But noteo. In its Tuesday’s issue itopened aheavy cannonade against the President and his whole policy. It says, fur examnple— It is undoultedly true, that many of the recommendations of the President, in his last annual mes- »aretn direct conflict with principles which have been wlemnly enunciated a- gain by the National Democracy, and should those recommendations receive the sanctiun of the Democratic party in Con- gress, its integrity, unity und harmony will no longer exist.” That is indeed a meiancholy confession for the A-caminer to make in regard to the policy of its own President. The idea of charging that the effect of adopting the recommendations of the President would be the destruction of the “integrity, unity and harmony,” of the Democratic party! But this is the roand taken by the Lvqguirer, the Wash. ington States, and a number of other in- fluential organs of the Democracy, all over the country. Verily, the Democra- cy have caught a Tartar in the President. And the President is catching a great many Tartare in those who were mainly instrumental in elevating him to his high office. Ina word, there is open and de- clared war between the President and a large majority of the Democracy of the South and West, and it protnises to be a war tothe knife. We side with both, and for the extermination of both, as svon as possible. t will rernembered that, a short time made by Mr. Taylor, of Louisiana, to in- troduce a bill providing for the acquisi- The bill mak- ing appropriations for the Leyislative, Executive and Judicia) expenses was con- sidered but not finally acted upon. On Thursday, a resulution was adopted instructing the Committee on the Judi- clary to ingnire into the expediency of reporting a Lill for the punishment of po- lygamy in the Territuries and restraining the people and authorities from interfer- ing with the Federal judiciary. The subject of a National Foundery was postponed to next session. On Friday, nothing of interest in either House—private bills. Saturday was de- voted by the Senate tothe District of Co- lumbia. The House Coinmittee on Military Af- fairs have rejected the recommendation of the President to establish a Protector- ate over Sonora and Chihuahu.—Fuy. Ob- tion of Cuba by purchase. server. Political Movements.—Hon. Alex. I. Stephens has written a letter to friends in Angusta declining a re-nomination for Mr. Stephens’ retirement is Ile is by far the ablest Congress. much regretted. man in the Honse, as his ability and long service have made hiin very influential. The Democratic Legislative Caucus at Hartford, Conn., on Friday last, almost unanimously nominated Judge Douglas for President. The Administration was very bitterly denounced.— /o. Tricks of Trade.—A yublisher of a newspaper in New York has sent us a | printed circular, in which he proposes to pay in jewelry, for the insertion of an ad- vertisewent. Wedecline for two reason: we do not want the trinkets, and suspect them to be counterfeits. when the Opposition charged the Administration with extravagance, the charge was indignantly denied by all the Bemocratie organs and politicians in the country—and by none more indig- nantly than by the Democratic organe and politicians in Virginia. But they all now admit the charge, and are among the londest in their cry for “ retrenchment and reform!” Hear the Axamener on this subject, in the following extract. It | Bays : “No party, however strong, can withstand the accusation of having recklessly and extrav- agantly expended the public treasure, Sucli a charge arouses the most violent prejudices of the people, and woe unto that political party against which it is directed. In 1840 it swept through the country kke a tornado, hurled the Democratic party Rom wer, and tore almost every Democratic State from its moorings, save old Virginia. Men did not stop to investigate [le also distinctly offers five cents a line for “favorable Editorial notices, once a Several objections to this also. month.” ‘lieve the paper in question is worth a cent. ant . | And we only advert tothis little affair, to show our readers how a certain clase of publications rely upon tricks and cor- |roption for support. Beware of them. Vad. Christian Advocate. | We threw a similar proposition in the fire, as we do dozens every year of such like impudent offers to allow us to “ work ‘for nothing and find ourselves.” They ‘all come from the North, of course, though we never heard of a Southern editor ask- ing or receiving a like favor from a Nor- |thern editor. We do know, however, that j when Northern editors do any thing for money, and that the expenses of the Government | | We do not sell our praise; we do not be- | Southern people they require to be well | paid for it. We have understood that at the Pomological Convention in N. York last fall, a North Carolinian wished to notice, for the credit of his State, that the largest and finest collection of fruits was exhibited by a North Carolinian, and that he was required to pay §20 for the inser- tiou of a short communication in one pa- per (the Herald we believe it was.) Yet many Southern editors are green enongh to publish long Prospectuses and puffs of Northern publications, &c., for nothing, or next to nothing.—/ 6. Parties in the /louse.—We copy the following from the Washington corres- pondent of the New York Zimes: “The defeat of the Diplomatic Appro- priation bill to-day created much constern- }ation among the Administration men. The Republicans yenerally voted against it, because they cousider it important to cut off several of the missions, with a view to retrenchinent, which the Demucracy backed out from after going with them in committee of the whole. Many Southern men voted no, because of the appropria- tion for the retarn of the Echo negroes. ; Thus the bill failed. On the announce- i} ment of the vote, Letcher, in despair, ex- ‘claimed: “It would take a Philadelphia lawyer to say what party has a majority ‘in this Iouse.” } Mr. Blair and the Destiny of the Races, Mr. Francis{P. Blair, Jr., has recently delivered a lecture at Boston, in which ihe assumes that the supposed superiori- ty of raceis by no means an absolute fact bat a thing entirely dependent upon cli- /mate. In the temperate regions the white /inan is superior because the climate is adapted to his physical organization. In the tropics the negro is superior, becanse in like manner, he7finds the’climate suit- ed to his physical nature. | Weare not prepared to admit the truth | of this generalization. It overlooks the im- portant fact that the human organism adapts itself with remarkable facility to all varieties of climate. The process may be attended with certain risks, but when this danger is overpast, a syinpathy, so to speak, is established between the cli- mate and the individual which grows "stronger as tine yoeson. Why does the negro luxuriate, ag it were, amid tropical heats, and the’white man amid the bree- zes of the temperate zone? Simply be- “cunse they and their ancestors immemo- rially have been adapted to them, and their organizations*,become adapted to them. But reverse their positions on the earth’s surface; let the white man be placed inthe warm latitudes of the seuth, and the negro in*the™colder latitudes of the north, and must it necessarily, fullow | that, in the flow of generations, the white will become inferior to the negro, while the negro will sink below the level he occupied in his native wilds? We think }hot. Undoubtedly extreme heat, like ex- treme cold, is injurious, and causes a | great decay of mental and physical ener- gy. But it is idle to say that snci results are produced by climates like Central and Sonth America. Yet Mr. Blair fixes up- on these countries, especially Central A- imerica, a8 being peculiarly adapted to (the negro, aud as the natnral receptacle _for the slaves of the south when, in the | progress of time, they shall be enfran- chised. Ile assuines that, in these conn- tries, the white man cannot grow to the physical, moral, and intellectual dignity that befits him, but will necemarily de- | teriorate. He beholdsthe Spaniards great- ‘ly fallen from his progenitor who follow- ed Alvarado in his conqnests, and forth- with attributes the degeneracy to thie cli- mate. He forgets the mixtore of blood that has taken place; that intermarriayes | or other intercourse with Indian, negro, mestizo, sambo, and mulatto, have left } little of the original Spaniard in the de- | scendant that boasts his name and line- age. He furgets, too, that several of the | mightiest empires that the world has’ known have flourished in climates equal- ly warin as the climates of Central and South America. No; the white man in /climates like Italy, Greece, Carthage, Persia, Mexico, &c., attains to extraordi- }nary power and exhibits extraordinary energy. Besides, how does Mr. Blair know that the States of Central America will receive our negro population, in the /event that we shonld wish to get rid of them? What wonld San Salvador say to such a proposition t San Salvador, a State ‘as large as Vermont, and nearly as dense- ly populated ; a State boasting an admi- rable constitution and wise laws; a State whose industry, peace, order, and securi ty, give assurance that republicanism is understood and wisely adininistered. | We differ with Mr. Blair. We antici pate the day when the Central American States, under the guidance and control of the white race, shall be flourishing com- monwealths, rich in their varied industry, and powerful in population, agriculture in commerce. Happily or unhappily it be, the negro will be forestalled, and when the hour for his enfranchisement shall strike, it will be found necessary, if TH. A shocking calamity occurred near Alleghany City, Pa. on Monday night about 1 o'clock, involving the loss of the lives of a man named Rogers, his wife, and four out of five children. The Pitts- burg Journal says: he is removed from the country at all, to send him to Africa, the home of his pro-, genitors. oe ae Great Manufacturing States. We recently gave a highly important statistical table in relation to the manufac- tures of the United States, for the year which terminated on the 1st of June, 1850,. Many changes have since taken place, and the condition of affairs at the present time is essentially different. A few facts, however, deserve to be recapit- ulated. It appears, according to the ta- ble to which we have referred, that the leading manufacturing States at the time, were Massachusetts, New York, and Pennsylvania. Thus, in Massachusetts, there were 8259 establishments, with an aggregate capital of $33,367,642. The Cost of the raw materials was $85,856,- 771.) The hands employed amounted to 96,261 males and 69,677 females. The cost of labor was nearly $40,000,000, und the value of the products was apwards of $151,000,000. In New York, the num- ber of establishments was 23,553, and the .from the evidence of the neighbors, fur This Rogers and wife had, it seems some time given themselves up to hard drinking, aud though he owned the pro- perty on which he lived, yet so worthless had he become that the family had been supported by the neighbors out of charity. He and his wife frequently had quarrels, and so common had their quarrels and noises become to the neighbors that but little attention was paid tothem. Screams were lieard by the neighbors in the heuse before the fire was discovered by them, but supposing that they were, as usual, occasioned by a drunken fight, and as they were known to have been drunk all day, nothing was thonght of it until the flames were seen. But it was too late; the dranken husband and wife, father and mother, were consumed in the first story, while the cries of the poor innocent chil- dren, innocent victims of the infernal vice of their parents, went up in hopeless agony trom the second story, where the merci- Jess flames had enveloped them with their fiery and fatal wreaths before human aid had reached them. The only one saved was a boy who got out on the porch. The house was dry and burned like a flash. aggregate capital amounted to $99 ,904,- 403. The cost of material was $134,655,- 674. The males employed amounted tu | 147,737, and the females to 51,612. The | cost of labur was upwards of $49,000,000, and the value of products more than 8237,000,000. In Pennsylvania, the nain- ber of establishments was 31,605, the capital $91,437,810, the cost of raw ma- terial $87,206,377. The males employed ‘were 124,688, and the females 22,078.— The cost of labor amounted in the aggre gate to upwards of $37,000,000, and the value of the products to upwards of $155,- 000,000. It will thus be scen that Mass- jachusetts, New York and Pennsylvania, |are the great manntacturing States of the | Union. In no other State did the value of the products reach $100,000,000.— | Those which ranked next were as fol- lows :— “Ohio, | Connecticut, Maryland, $62,691,279 45,110,102 32.591,892 [neighborhood are thrilled with horror at All that human aid could do was done, but it came too late. The two cities and | this oecurrence. | Rogers was a carpenter by trade, and | the eldest child that perished was not over ten years of age. The one which made its escape was eleven or twelve years old. Fearful and Fatal Accident—A Boy Carried over Niagara Fulls in full view of many Spectators.—We learn that an adopted son of Mr. Gibbs, the foreman in the Niagara Falls Paper Mill, was taken over the Cataract on Saturday afternoon last. The victim was a promising little boy about eleven years of age, and a gen- eral favorite with all who knew him. The Niagara Falls Paper Mill is situa. 38, Woop Curring axpSruntina Macuinr. The Baltimore Patriot thue describes a machine for the above purpose, patented by George Page, of Washington: “We proceed, therefore, to describe it as best we can, and in doing so it is ne- cessary to remark that the motive power is steam, and that the implements thus set in motion are a singularly suspended saw and a peculiarly shaped axe. That ig to say, that in appearance and arrange- ment the machine of Mr. Page is unique, aud differs very materially from similar inventions. But that which concerns the public most to know is this, what is its capacity # or what can it do? Can it cat a cord of wood in less time than any other macbine? Yes; and split it much more handsomely. When set at work in the wood, and taking the logs just as they come, it will cut a cord of wood, any length desired, and split it beautifully, inside of five minutes, and run at that rate, if desired, the entire day. Sixteen butts of wood are split at once, the axe being driven with immense force on the principle of a pile driver. The slata, splits, flinders, or whatever else you may be pleased to call them, are uniformly piled together by the same agency, in such a way thatthe outside layer protects the bulk from rain and snow and thus facilitates the seasoning process.” DEILFYING THE FEMALE SEX. What a horrid fraud Satan is practi- cing on the church, in regard to the daughters of the covenant! In fashiona- ble circles—dare I name them christians ? -—the years where girlhood merges into maturity are frequently sold to the adver- sary. The young American woman is taught to deen herself a goddess. If there be wealth, if there be accomplish- ments, if there be beauty, almost a mira- cle seems necessary to prevent the loss of the soul. Behold her pass from the pedestal to the altar. The charming vie- tim is decked forsacrifice. Every breath that comes to her incense. Ler very stu- dies are to fit her for admiration. Day and night, the gay but wretched maiden is taught to think of self and selfish plea- sures. Till some lenten fashion of. so- lemnity interrupt the whirl, the season is too short for the engagements. Grave ted on Bath Island, between Goat Island and the main land, and the machinery is driven by water power. New ILampshire, 24,324,413 New Jersey, 39,711,206 | Kentucky, LTD Ye} | The total of all of the States amounted to the enormous sum of $1,010,000,000, while nearly one million males and fe- males were direetly engaged in the va- rious establishments. The reader, from this brief outline, may form some idea of the vast extent of the manufacturing in- terests of this country. It is, moreuver, constantly increasing. Southern Monitor. = 1. : | Robbery and Reatitution.—A young “man by the name of Brooks from North Carolina was robbed of $1,100, in this city, on Tuesday night. Ie had formed the acquaintance of another young man representing himself to be the son of Sen- ator ectee E. Deneale, of this State.— The two drank freely together, and the Carolinian being overcome by his pota- tions retired to his room at the Ballard House, whither he was accompanied by his companion. Next morning the Caro- Jinian missed his money and friend and suspected the latter of having purloined the former. He communicated the cir- cumstances to several acquaintances, one of whom happened to meet with ‘“De- neale,” and boldly told him that he was suspected of having robbed the Carolinian, advising him at the same time to restore the money. The accused acknowledged the theft, surrendered £500 and a gold watch, and gave written orders upon two Cyprians, for other two gold watches which he had bought with part of the money, and presented to them respective- ly. After making this restitution, he took his departure from the city. The | Mayor has been apprised of these facts and is doubtless making efforts to bring the thief to justice.— Richmond Whig. Errecrs or Nkoro EMAnctpation.— The New York Courier and En@fttrer says that at the time of the insurrection in Hayti, there was exported annnally from the island 93,573,300 pounds of su- gar, about 77,000,000 pounds of coffee and 7,000,000 of cotton. In 1801, there | was exported 18,500,000 pounds of sngar, 43,420,270 pounds of coffee, and 2,480,340 | of cotton, In 1826, the sugar crop had fallen to 32,864 ponnds, coffee to 32,189,- 754, and cotton to 620,973. In 1839, the ' export of coffee was 30,608,343, and cot- ton 545,126. Sngar, it will thos be seen, | had disappeared from the articles of ex- | port, the fact being, that what sugar is used on the island is imported from Ja- maica and the United States. The total value of the exports in 1789 was 205,000,- 000 francs, and forty years later it was but 3,500,000. Similar results have at- tended British Weet India emancipation. It is in accordance with all past experi ence, that if slavery would be abolished in Caba and the United States, the world would have to do without sngar and cot- ton. T Ou Saturday afternoon, a number of | men were engaged clearing away the ice | which obstructed the flow of water in the | race, and Mr. Gibbs’ boy was playing in | the vicinity. In one place the race is spauned by a narrow fuot-bridge of plank, destitute of a railing or other protection on either | side, and somehow, in crossing this bridge he lost his balance and fell into the wa- tere The current was very strong, and in an instant the child was carried out through the bulkhead at the tail end of the race, and precipitated some ten feet into the foaming flood, a short distance above the ridge connecting the two islands. The rapids were full of floating blocks | of ice, and mingled with these the poor | little fellow was carried down the stream. | Ilelp could not be afforded, and horrified | spectators watched him till he was lost | to sight. Ile was observed to raise his haud once, asif to remove something from | his face—and that was all. Lochester American. . TOUCHING SCENE. A brief paragrapi in the Clipper, a/ few days ago, announced the death, within a few hours of each other, of the twin | sons of Mrs. E. P. Lesdernier. A New York editor speaks more at length on the subject, by remarking that he had called at the lodgings of Mrs. L. who had just returned trom giving one of her public readings. He found the lady de- pressed in spirits—-almost heartbroken, indeed, by the rapidly approaching death of her twin sous—young gentlemen near- ly of age—whose fatal disease, consump- tion, was soon to claim its victims. They were taken ill, nearly at the sane time, a year ago, while Mrs. Lesdernier was pur- suing her profession in California. She immediately returned, took them to the Sonth, trusting that a milder climate might prove beneficial tothem, and, when- ever opportunity offered, gave readings | as a means ofsupport. For nearly a year this poor lady struggled against misfor- tunes that would crush most women, di- | viding her time between her children and | her profession, and hurrying from the | scenes and the applause of her public du- ties to the sick bed ofher boys. OnSan- day week one of them died, and the oth- er, noticing something that made him | suppose that they were waiting for him, said to his mother: “I am sorry, mother, morrow.” And so he was: next morning he died. eee Wrrry Rerorr.—“ Will yon give me that ring?” said a villave dandy ; “for it resembles my love for you: it has no end.” “Excuse me, sir,” was the reply, “T choose to keep it, as being emblemati- | cal of mine for you; it has no beginning.” 7 RB Vhe bill to aid the Western Railroad passed its third reading in the House of Com mons on Monday evening the 31st ultimo, and is a law, | orator and they will digest parents shake their heads at magnificent |apparel, costly gems, night turned into day, dances, at which Romans would have blushed pale cheeks, bending frames, threatening decay: and yet they allow and submit. And thus that sex, which j ought to show the sweet, unselfish inno- )cency of a holy youth, is carried to the overheated temples of pleasure. Thus the so-called christian verifies apostle’s ;maxim, “She that liveth in pleasure, is dead while she liveth.— Dr. Alexander. A Strange Discasxe.—A singular and malicious disease has appeared in Provi- dence, and some cases have proved fatal. The Providence Post says of it: “It commences as a little dark red spot, on the face or hands, with, perhaps, sting: ing or pricking pain, ou which spot there soon appears a pustule or vesicle seated on a hard, inflamed base, in which is termed a slough of charcoal blackness, where mortification commences. The cases are attracting the earnest attention of the physicians. The only effectual inode of treatment is said to be to burn the pimple out in its early stages with a red hot iron or with caustic. In view of the rather undefined nature of this dis- ease we would suggest that it is desira- ble, if any one is troubled with a pimple j swelling of an unusual character, that a physician should be at once consulted be- fore it is tampered with.” Grear Frrsi.cWe regret to learn that the sudden and great rise in Deep river last week washed away about 80 feet of the plank road bridge at the Galt. Also, about 20 or 30 feet of the bridge at Stuart’s Mills at Carbonton. Also, that one leaf of a Lock Gate has passed down the river by this place, and another was stopped and is secured just above town.—-/uy. Observer. 07 Does any of our high livers ever eat too much dinner? Tf any have cooks who tempt their appetite alittle too fur, [ will tell a secret that will lead them to the enjoyment of their dinners without a visit from that gouty old gentleman—Dyspepsia. Take a dose of Dr. Sanford’s Inéigorator after eating, and you will never be troubled with indigestion; but on the contrary, before the next meal time approaches the appetite will be sharpened to appreciate any kind of food. Tf the food rises or sours, the Invigorator will fix the matter right at once, for there 18 some- thing in it that, to use the expression of a friend, will let A man eat gravel stones, and take the Invig- We have tried it in double doses, on one or two occasions, for sick head- ache, and it acts like a charm. What we want to say to our readers, young or old, is, if any thing ails you, go without delay and get o bottle of Dr. Sanford’s Invigorator, anditit don’t care | come and tell us, for we want to see oue person that to keep you waiting: I shall be ready to- it will not benefit. —Jeraey Shore Republican. For sale by W. H. WYATT, Draggist, Salisbury, NiEGe Im34 J 7Our billingegate neighbor of the Gazette accnees na of quacke ry, hecause we publish Dr Avyer's adver- tisements. Now this same editor knowe the Phar- Macopeia itself is not more free from the suspicions of quackery than his medicinas. He knows they are | endorsed by the medical Jonrnale of (his country, are ured and preseribed by our best phy sicius, and have the commendation of professors and eninent men of character tow exalted for hie comprehension, and he | knows too that they have done and are doing in thie | whieh the utmost | community an amount of good stretch of hie ability can never hope toequal Co. Press, Reading, Pa Sold by HHENDERSON & ENNISS, Drvacierea, | Salisbury, N. ¢ Iinod4 Rerke — Scientific and Mechanical Notes. From the Mobile Weekly Advertiser and News. Pressure of Steam in Boilers. —A parr | Milet has been published ia England, ly | r. Anderson, the well known machinist, on the management of steam: boilers, in which he says that the pressure within a boiler is greater than is generally sup- posed, With a pressure of fifty pounds per square piel, It to seven thousand two hundred pounds on every part of the surface exposed to staat, amounting, frequently, to any thousands of tons in the boiler, tins accounting for the enormous havoc made by explosions. The jointe ure weaker than the solid parts; good eolid plate will withstand from fifty-six thousand to sixty, thousand pounds per square inch of sectional area —the joints will give way ut about thir- | ty-foir thowsand pounds, which shows the importance of secing that the rivets! and other fastenings are always 1 sound condition. In this conneetion reference may be mide to a proposed argument which Iis been broaght out for preventing explo- gions in steam-boilers. ‘Phe apparatus consists of an clbow-pipe connechtig the furnace with the side fluc: it is fixed just below water level in the boiler, but may be fixed at any elevation, or in any posi tion requisite, and can be applied to any kind-of boiler, as an opening into a side | or centre flue is all that is required. The ipeis perforated with anuuber of Roless! Rate an juch in diameter, 80 placed as to be subject to the immediate action of the furnace fire. In these holes are metal, | more or Jess fusible, according to the pressure of the boiler. The moment the water in the boiler, from neglect: or oth- erwise, is below the level, and leaves the pipe bare, the heat trom the furnace acts | apon the plugs, which melt, and the steam, oozing through the holes, imine: diately relieves the pressure in the botler | and extinguishes the fire, thas preventing the possibility of an explosion. . Self acting Car Drake.- oN pecuiar method, has been devised of stopping a train of cars at the will of the engineer. The cars are stopped by the friction of the ordinary brakes, but the power aclu | aung them is derived directly from a drum shaftor the locomotive. This shaft, or rather a pulley keyed thereon, 1s press: ed inte contact with the flange of the dri ving wheels, and is thus compelled to re volve and wind up a steut chain ronning the length of the train. This chain ap- plies the brakes of all the cars. Po pre vent pulling too severely, and fracturing soine portion of mechanism, provision Te made for limiting the extent of its action by causing it to release its held of the; driving wheel so soon as a certain portion of the chain is taken up. The point at Vwebich this anslspping movement into play is previously arranged by the nmurouits tes engineer, so that however exclicd iis oe of danger, or cuteless and bangling, lie cannot endanger the integrity of any te portant part. ; oo A Peculiar Construction af Ships.— A ship-building firm in Boston have now ingeagpse of construction in their) ard a ginal! eteamer which is to be propelled in She is built as am ex- a@ novel manner. periment, the inventor being furnished with funds to construct ber by seme otf the leading shipbuiders in that city.— | Tire hull is fifty-two feet long, teen fect wide at the stern, and tapers} gradually to the bows, which are very] sharp. On deck she will have a cabin nineteen feet long. She will be worked by an engine of twelve: horee power, to which will be attached the propellers—one at the stern, three feetin duuneter, to: work in the and one at the stem, eight feet in diame: ter, to work in the air. ‘Lie air propel: ter ia attached to a shaft which commects with the enaine and also with the water propelle at the stern. It is supported by a post at the stem. Tic smoke pape will lie horizontally on the deck. The! inventor is Contident that by this arrange ment he can’ earily get twenty-five toy thity miles an hour speed out of this craft—the invention having been tried | ow asmall beat and found to work wath | the most satisfactory result. The hall ts, completed and ready for the machinery, and atrial trip is to be made ina few wecks. | Supposed Influence of the Moon.—An | examination of imetcorological records, | kept in different countrivs, through many years, proves conclusively that the popur lar notion concerning the influence of the moon on the weather liais wo foundation ! in any well catablished theory, and ne correspondence with observed and thir- | She is five feet deep. Walers) facts. — There is, however, some reasoy for sup posing that rain falls more frequently about four days before the fall nioon, and less frequently about four or tive days before new moon, than at other parts of the month—thongh this cannot be con | sidered as an establisticd fact. In other respects, the changes of the moon cannat be shown to have influenced in any way | the production of rain, notwithstanding the prevalent opinion to the contrary. There is also a cnrient beet among many persons that tinber shonld be ent during the decliue of the moon, To test this matter, an experiment, on an exten sive scale, was iade some years since in France, when it was found that there was po difference in the quality ot timber felled in different parts of t] Nar month, [tis aiso stpposed, bay some persons, that buieht moonlie ay re tn UVES Vettiiee In some way, He putrefachion of animal and vegetable rlibetances, Live facts in respect to this enyyorition are, tiat oon bright clear nigh's, when the Pecdie Lites brilliantly, dew is move freely deposited on these substances than at oiher tines, and in thie any putrefaction may be ae celerated. With thisresult the moon has, of course, nu Conlicclion. - ots . Rejurvenescence — Mr deminon Noble, aged 96, died in Calais ou the Th ali mo. A year or two before she di d, HN) entire new set of tecth bad grown in her mouth, and she could see and bear as well ag when young | ' OLD BUCK ON FEDERAL EXTRAV- AGANCE. | The Washington Slates —a leading Demeeratic organ—republishes, in a epir- tt of unecessary cruelty, the following : 2 letter from Buehanan, in rebuke of Fed- Peral extravagance, written in 1852, when he desired to defeat General Scott, and cleet Pierce. It is a very refreshing pro- duction—-coming trom such a source.— He complains of “the enormous sum of ‘g » . | fifty millions of dollars per annuns then spent by the General Government; and yet he is spending about a liundred anil- lions, per annum, now, What a misera ble hypocrite and profligate he is! But here is his letter, which all should read, and then lay by fur use in the coming CUNVass 23, 1852. On what is- “Wueattanp, Feb. . * * GGENILEMEN: * * sues, then, can we go before the country, | “ sae | al aud contidently calculate upon the sup- port of the American people at the ap- proaching Presidential election © T an- swer unbesitatingly that we must tall baek, as you suyyvest, Upon those tunda- ifehial and time honored principles which have divided us from our political oppo- news since the beginning, and which, | troy the Nery nature of the Federal Con- stitution, must continue to divide us from thenrto the end. Weanust inscribe upon our banners a sound regard for the pre- served rights of the States, a strict con: struction of the Constitution, a denial to Congress of all powers not clearly yerant- ed by that iustrament, and a rigid econo- my in public expenditures. * These expenditures have now reach cd the enormous sume of FIFLY MILLIONS Of dollars per dna, and, unless arrested in their advance by the strong aru of the Democracy of the country, may, in the course of afew years, REACH ONE HUNDRED MILLIONS. ty accomplish great national objects sane: tioned by the Constitution, oneht to be oh a stale Colmmensurale with our power | and resources as a nation; but its expen: diture oueht to be conducted under the guidances of enlightened economy and | strict responsibility. Lam convinced that OUP OL Pen ses ought to be comsiderably ry duced below the present stundard, wot eu ly without detriment, but with positive advantage both to the governinent and the people. “All extensive and lavish expenditure | of publig money, though in itself highly pernicious, Is nothing when compared with the disastrous influence it may ex- ert upon the character of our free institue Hons. ah strony le nileney towmirds cxtrav aygunce is the grout political evil of the prosent day, aud this ought to be firinly resisted, Congress is wow incessantly iniportuned trom every quarter to make appropwtatiotis for all sorts of projects.— | | Moncey, Jig the national treasury, 18 constantly demanded to enrich contrac tors, specudators and agents sand these | projects are gilded over with every al- urement which can be imparted to then Claims which condemned by former decis- Lad) become rusty with ae, by ingenuity and talent, had } fons, antl been lhave been again revived, and have been | one general rush to obtain money from the treasury on any and ev ery prerence. “What will be the inevitable conse- quence of such lavish expenditures 4— Are they not caleuluted to disturb the | nice ly adjusted balance between the Jide | ral and Ntate gover nincnuts, Vpon the pre- servation of which depend the hartieny Greedy expectants fiom the federal treasury will regard with indifference, if not with con and cflicieney of our system ¢ tunpt the governments of the several States. Lhe doctrine of Stites rights will be laughed to scorn by such individuals, us an obsolete abstraction, unworthy the enlightened spirit of the age. Vhe cor- rupung power of money will be throughout the length and breadth of the land, and the Democracy, led on by the Hero and Saye of the Hermitage, will have iu vain put down the Bank of the United States, 7f the seine fatal influence | for which it was condemned shall be ex rrted and fostered by incuns drawn from the public treasury. “fo be liberal with their own money, but sparing of that of the republic, was the glory of distinguished public ser- Vants among the ancient Romans. When this twaxio was reversed, and the public money was employed by artful and am, bitous demagesnes to secure their own! averaudizement, genuine liberty soon ex- pured. It is true that the forms of the ‘repnblie continued for nanny years, hat the auimating and inspiring soul had fled forever. Lenterfain noserions appreben- sions that we shall ever reach this) point, “With sentiments of the highest res- pect, Lremain your friend and tellow-cit- | JAMES BUCHANAN. me zen, A Very Sud Story.—An Enslish pa- per relates the death of a father from vriet. Itsave: * [is boy aged eight yearst was accused on a charge of stealing a sovereign. Bail was refused, and the lad sent to prison, with his child took the matter so deeply to heart that he went off and never again looked up. A deep seated melancholy took possession of lim; le was obliged togveup workvand on the day his litte bey was tried, the father breathed his Tie Wee er] whe attended tit Biys Hie he dled of a broken heart. The boy WV hiechargeds Var phis Sibhurhan Property. — lhe Avalanche of the 2] saye: Acsale of twenty six acres of land, six Court Wasonade a few days sinee, toan meles and three quarters from PA Athansas ventloman of fortane, at $2,000 yet er eater of subarban property at prices equally ne high Acre We have heard of various othe The appropriation of money, | felt vet we may sul prefit by their example. | The father, on parting | From our Correspondent. Rareron, Feb. 12. Really youf correspondent is in rather of a bad humor to write today, Tt is dull, dirty aud gloomy out of doots, and not very comforta- ble within. Tt seems I made a mistake last week in say- ing that the Bank of Salisbury had passed, bat wow TL know Ide vot, for it passed the Senate oh n (Y my | | yesterday, | Among the ratified bills of the week T do not | find a single one of interest to your eechon, readers generally, | An act to protect purchasers at a jadicial sale. | A great deal of the week has been occupied | | | | Ly the discussion of the Western Extension, whieh was on Friday rejected by yeas 3l—nays 74, aud was reconsidered to day. If it gver vets to a tinal vote on it, Dwall give vou the yeas and Messrs, Morelead, and Walliams of Cas- well, have been the ebief speakers for it, Mr. | Norwood has been more active against it than 1859. | any one, and made decidedly an able speech. | One day was devoted to the Albemarle and a == =" Chesapeake Canal, which, after a speech for and tae Owrna to circumstances beyond | against it, was rejected, Reconsidered the next day though, On Thursday, the Bank of Lexington was taken up. An amendment: was adopted fora branch at Graham. Also, one that the Bank shall publish quarterly statements, Also, one L that all bills over $5 shall be the multiple of 10. ' Both adopted, Mr. Waddell offered an amend- nent that if it established a branch out of the State it should pay 6 per cept. on the pretits, Rijeepd. - Mr. Walser advocated the bW. Le spoke at much length upon the wealth of the county —the growing trade of the town, their need of a bank, Ge. Mr Morehead endorsed Mr. Walser’s statements and spoke of the great mniuiog interest of the county, Mr. Hill of tlal- ifax, offered the bill ou the ground of opposition to all local banks. He thought i didi not be- come this Democratic Legislature, a party which had heen opposed to Banks engirely, to be Jrtss- tng tills ty incorporate these petty Banks at ev- ery ttle town. TF the people of Lexington wanted a bauk, let them yet a branch froma lange bauk to be chartered this session. The bill wits rejected by veas 39--nays 49. } After some debate it was reconsidered, | The Western Extension bill as introduced as | | SALISBURY. N.C. avs, | TUESDAY EVENING, FEB, 15, our control, we have been under the ne- cessity of printing this No. of the Watch- We have been disappointed in receiving alot man ona smaller sheet than usual. of paper of the right size, which we had aright to expect here ten days ayo. ome = faeF~ Ocr County Cover was in session last week. There was a large number of lawyers and others in attendance; but (we have heard of nothing trenspiring | worthy of note, excepting, perhaps, that one out of the three thousand wew magis- trates appointed by the Levishiture, ap- peared in Court, and was duly qualified. o-e Tue Liqvor Conse —I[t is alleged oy some and hoped by obers that the stream of dissipaten in Salisbury is decreasing but the Watchman seems to think ditkereutly.—Salisbury Banner. Hlow does the Banaer think subject? on the It gave a most horrible, but is , asubstitute by Mi. Willams, and whieh by re- ie et tid FY a re ty g a 8 N } exaggerated, picture of our town some | on aderation, is the special urcer for Monday, months ago, and ifthere has been a change since, we wenld be pleased to know in| 15 percent. more than the engineer's estinates whee ha comes, io tien Give anaye| bi (ibe tie [antl Wis seco section: is | 1 Rear B d “ ftu evtend trom Morsanton to Asheville. When or re uw ar ; : : CU HURE COU LCE. IUCLL dans A so far as fone-third of satd ainmouut is subscribed by rit viduals, &e., provided, she is not required to pay more than | $50,000 darme 1050, vot more than 200.000 | in 1e69, aud each year afler a sum not more ; | | | | | | we know, there has been no decreitse in | of change in the effeets of the liquor sold. the State is to subsertbe two thirds; the number their patroas, and ne | It continues to speed men on the down: ion 830,000. Mr. Caldwell of Burke offered asection of bis billas an amendment. That it the Borke stibbenpuion shall be declared void ward road. Upon what) ground is it Salleged by some and hoped by others” 5 by the Supreme Cou,t, a new subseript that there is a change for the better? We) Se Oupreine : SEARED | > . ‘the same amount shall be raised and secured, shall be pleased to record the evidence. | iat required instalinents paid before the State Oe) shall be called on for any further pavinents. Mt. Vernon Addresses.—Hesey W. Mitver, | Phis was rejected. Esp) has accepted diyitations to repeat his much | applauded Mt. Vernon address, (first delivered | much abt lholdiny 2 tight hiavnel on the Prew Raleiel bel Goldet wil sary should grant a Raalroad Company the right at Raleigh, we belicve.) at Goldsboro, MN Gy draw larve amounts out of the State when ton, Fayetteville, Greensboro,’ and some other | towns — conditioned her ove-third, prescribed by law, i not filed our, Phe Senate has passed the bil to aid the Al on the selection of days not | brernvaetde same Clee sapeake Carri Sompapy throulh conflicting with tis professional duties. its second aml third readings, The vexed ques WE \\iertcel quite sure that the citizens of our ‘ : | vy . , bon of Deep River has at last passed its second town would Jike to hear this address, and that 4 . | : : reading. Tt allows the Governor to appoint a many would Le jleascd of an opportunity thus | coiinission to examine the works, provides for afforded them, of teetrfiving their appreciation of | their sale, and that the State may bid $609 000, that this’ will pss both the patriode aims of the Ladies’ Mt. Vernon Pdo not dhink, however houses, tur Lam of opinion that a new bill will i 7 awe _ be patau. Mr Pres, in the House _ +. Viyodaced a bill to Mheorporate the Deep River Hos. WM. L. GOGGIN NOMINATED FOR | andl (exe fan Solis a eC reine a it il GOVERNOR OF VIRGINIA, ee Talo bie nce Gal i iin ewe not hear its provisions, The Whig State Convention, in session in Association, lowlavy an The Chesapeake and Aibemarle Canal Company ask for additional wid to the amount of $125,000. The Revenue Dall passed the Sonate this morning by veas Bln tys 123 Richmond, oo the LOth instant, nominated Hon, William L. Gouwsin, a trae and staunch Way, | and one of the ablest debaters in the State, fpr Pwo Democrats, Cosernerinoprecition as Time daly Iateter Edney and Battle voting avainst it, and) four ; *) Whigs for at. Messrs. Mider and Edney enter: the Locofoco candidate, and who bata few short! od their protests against it. Mr. Wiley eh years since, way an open advocate for the aboli | ed to protest against it but as he voted) for it tion of slavery. Sucerss tu the noble Wigs of the Senate would not allow him to. a ; : The Committee to examine business end re- the a etiit ilas sieitiindcaanl i port a day for adjournment, reported this even stant has the following: RA bills tu be acted on in the Sonate, Vand about 200 in the House, They think the Levislature can adjourn sine die on Thursday at 7uclock, AJ M.A message was acvordingly sent to the House to that effect upon which that body will act Monday, Virginia i Aiea “We have no time for more than a bare allu Tt exceeds =-far exceeds —our nest sanguine anticipations, alike in the sion to the Convention, numbers, the character, the standing, and the in fluence of its members. Tt is one of the very largest Conventions ever held ia the State, by | pany party) and harmonious and enthusiasne be- ' Vyond description. There cannot: be than fromm six hundred te a thousand, and perhaps af And! a finer looking, a more respectable, a more diy Tf the Western Extension bill is to be passed, an appropriation for Deep River and also for the Chesapeake and Albemarle Canal, and a Suate Bank to be established, the day of adjournment will be nearer a week fromm next) Thursday than on that day, ’ less teen bundred or two thousand delegates, ae I suppose of course you have seen Oiled, a more intelligent, substantial, noole and | y copy of the Secret Circular as published in the ; ‘ : t Resaster, Which is a pertect copy of the doen It is composed of the very best men in Virgina [tent styped into the hands of the Democratic Tt is de- beldedly neh and never before was such a flutter: play produecd among the unterritiod, Hs authior Edo wot pretend to say, but it was (printed at the Standard Office, Et has lad its Bet together with the declaration that Judge kihis cannot be agin elected unless the Demoe- racy toll bis pledwes to the West, to drite them into a passage of the Western Extension. Dem oeracy Is a great concern, they will do for sae Lcess of party what they would do for the good | patriotic body of men never assembled on earth, Itisa complete SUCCESS — a triumphant and a i jp members of the House of Commons, vlorious snecess, Ail honor te the ever gallant We have always honored and loved) thet —but we honor and dove them, now, far more Chin ever before.” and tidouitable Whigs of Virginia! Who was We cuter into the feelings of triend Ridhoway, band we beheve that ifthe same energy js mani fested by the Whigs throuzhout the State, sue- cess will be sure. —s -See Mrs. J advertivement in. this paper. Drug Store. C. Baker & Co's They are enter prising and scientific Drnugists, and depend on the proper management of their business for suc + CUSs, { of the country, T noticed yesterday evening in the Senate that abillto prevent: felling of timber in’ certain creeks of Rowan passed its 3 reading. | Allow me through your columna to acknow ledve the kindness of the Postinaster at- thes | place, Mr. George T. Cooke. This office is one of the best regulated in the State aud all things aoe ANOTHER BRIEPISH OUTRAGE, An American Brig S:ized, Searched and Birned. Wastixoros, Feb. 11th, 1859. | | Zo on very smoothly considering the smuunt of | business done. A LOOKER ON, The Government is in receipt of intelligence, bferail thatthe Amencoon Brig Rufus Soule was recent ly seized, searched, and burnt, by the British steamer Viper, on suspicion of being a slaver. “ Clubs."—Our thanks are due a nuinber of fiends in this and the adjoining counties for Clubs of new subscribers, sent to us within the me CONGCRESSION AT. last two or three months, and we have the plea | sure, today of acknowleding another from Gran Wasniseros, Feb. 11, 1859 ie ii NC, In the Senate, yesterday, Mr. Clingman made a concise and convincing speech against the Ta =. APTI NTION ORC EG GR TOl ye UN EXTRACTING TEETIL We learn that Dr. ROP. Bessent, resident Den- tist, in this Town, has very suecessfully made this { Hiff Will introduced by Mr ‘Bivler | The resolutions upon the Cuhan Neqmisition | lull was discussed, bat uo action taken | In the House, the Oregon State bill was dis cussed and then amended. -. applic ation mn many cases, to the entire satisfac | WILLIAM AND MARY COLLEGE PUN ED: Purersperc, Va., Feb. 9 1859. Willian and Mary College was burned vesterday morning tion of the patients, > | Mr. A. J. Emerson tas accepted the appointment of Agent and Cor. See. of Loss one hnndred | thoneand dollare. The Students escaped, | Colportage. \ | \ | | | \ provides that the subscriptious shall amount to | | Tinay be wrone bat itlooks | strangely toome, that a panty which talky so | | | table. T]+ wanted to know if it seas intended! to} suppress facts connectec with this work, The | people desired information on it. We spoke | | | aa NORTH CAROLINA RAIL ROAD. We subjoin the ee of a dis- etission which took place im the Senate of our Leyi-latute, on Tuesday the 8th inst. op the me tion to print the Report of the Special Commit tee, charged with the investigation of the affairs | of the North Caroling Rait Road. It will be a seen that the Committee were not unanimous in said Report. But the most striking feature of this Lusiness, was the spiret macifested by those | who participated in the debate. The question involving the management of | this Road, has been an interesting one for some Ume past, and antl the Report uf the Investiga- ting Comittee shall become kuown, there can be vo abatement of the public anxiety. Mr. Fisher's late able Report to the Governor, was received with applause where ever it was read ; and we shall be bighly pleased to lear that it has been sustained by the Lnvestigation Com- millee. There is, however, a rumor abroad that the Comnittee’s Report iv ailverse. Tvrspay, Feb, 8, 1859. SENATE, NOKTH CAROLINA RAILROAD, Mr. Worth presented the report of the juin: | select committee on the N.C. Lailrond. This led to a lengthy discussion on the ques- tion of printing. Mr. Humphrey moved the reading be dispen- sed with and that the report be printed. Mr. Pool moved that 20 copies be printed for each member. Rejected. Mr. McDonald moved that 10 copics be print: Ie-jected — 24 to 16, Mr. Bledsoe now moved to lay Mr. Hum- ed for each, phrey’s motion on the table. Tle was for print ing the report, and would vote for as many Co- ples as were needed y Lut he understood a mi- novity report would be presented, aud it would be better for both to be printed and to go to- gether. Mr. Ramsay called for the ayes and noes Rejected —27 to 17 Mr. Thomas could not understand the oppe- sition shown toa short delav in order to have | Tle desired to have the present report read: it was a course he the minority repert brought in. had never seen departed from where any inter est was manifested in the matter. Tow dil the Senate know whether it onght ta be printed at all?) Ve asked for the reading, and he asked to delay the order to print till the afternoon or to- morrow. in order that the minority. should oa out with this. that the people might: have » the information together, If the report was not would move to hace this printed and go out alone, and he would then vote to print the minority report sep rrate- ly. Mr. Honston conenrred with Mr. Thomae — He objected to having anything printed which was not read to the Senate. eent in by to-morrow ne But as it was de- sired to see the minority report, he would move to lav the motion on the table, and he called for the aves and noes, Mr. Leach opposed the motion to lay on the abont the * party in pawer” and asked Mthey would not let “Senators” print the report af their | own erpense, if laid on the table Mr. Pool said he wanted to kee the report as) early as posible, becanse there might he some | legislation required, and he desired to get at it as | soon as possible. The other report he also | wanted to see, but conld do so afterwards. Ue | I[T+ assured the Senate the | report would be printed, there could be no doubt about it. | Mr. Thomas was as anxious as Mr, Pool or any was avainst delay one else to print the report; but he could not un: | derstand the unanimity amongst the opposition \ to send out this report withont the other. Te | would Like to know what that report contained | that all this feeling should be exhibited, Would | hot the Senators wait till tomorrow, and would | they not agree to have the report read ? | Mr. Turner neged the printing pow. ‘The ses- sion was vetting late, and ne tine was to be lost. Mr. Houston renewed bis motion tu lay on the | | table, M-. Ramsay. That will do; we see how the tnatter stands vow, Mr. Ward said there was no member on bis side of the Senate opposed to printing any num- ber of the report, and he coubkd not understand the ureat laste manifested, The motion to lay on the table was rejected | savant) (hey PN 3 Mr. Worth said that no one had seen the re- port bat the members of fhe committee, As to | the delay he had asked the dissenting member | of the committee, who was A member of the House, about his report, but had not been assur: that one would be sent in, He was quite willing to wail for it, however, lle was surpris- edoat the party tecling that had sprung up. Te proposed to send ainessage to the Touse Propos- Ing to print, and that wonld give the member al- luded to an opportunity tu say if any report was tu be sent by dam. Mr. Thomas said none but the members of the committee might have seen this report, but there were other means than writing to communicate by. Tt was evident something bad been said of | Chis matter, ed The Speaker here stopped farther proceedings He dad det the time for the specutl order pass ip hopes of wetting a final vote \ on this question, but thete Beiy no prospect of tthe ruled the revenue bill to be in order. Mr. Ealncy appealed from the decision of the chai. Chatr sustained — 30 to 5. | i] In the proceedings of Woadnesday, we find | on this qitestion, the folluwing as reported by the Standard : Weonespary, Feb, 9, 1859. SENATE. The Senate was called to order at 10 o'clock. The Speaker announced « commanication from C. | F. Fisher, sq, President ofthe North Carolina Road, addressed “ Hon. H. 'T. Clark. Speaker of the Sen- ate,’ to be laid before that body Mr. Turner objected to the reading as the commu- nication was not addressed to the Senate The Speaker eid it, wae addressed to him with a request that it be Jad before the Senate Mr. Pichtord took frou the desk a report to the Legislature (printed by their order) and addreesed to | the Hon. ‘Phos Settle, Speakerof the Honse of Com mons, to show u clear case in post on the question of order The Speaker ruled in favor of the reading Mr. Turner appealed trom the deemon, but with- drew the »ppest The following was then read: | Raveion, Feb Pith, 1859 Hon Hevey T. Crank. Speaker of the Senute | Sir: luminous Report has been inade this Moroing by the ‘arotina Railrond Company report at@nee, inorder that | may see what it oun- to settle the quertion. | ee j lait of torbesrauce. \ tolerated for Yeats jn the open profession caylvania. I most respectfully wak to he allowed to read thie | a $$ tains, ro that in cose | my deem tt pre per to mabe ta you any communication referring to its satements, the seine way, iv justice to me, be enuexed to the Report, aud yo forth with it. bewould not trouble vou with this request, but for the fuct upperent, thal the delay consequent on priate ing so berg y a document, would, att is late day of thesesrion, eile ctually cut me off from any reply at ull before your Honorable body. I win very respectfully, Yoor obedient servant, CHAS. F. FISHER, President. Mr B'edsce moved the request to be complied with . Mr. Donuell objected. He did net sce by what au- iority Mr, Fisher could make a gomimunieetiva to the Sennte. , Mr. Miller thought it a strange proceeding Mr. Cherry was willing the report should be-read bat would vot consent to its leaving the Senate. Mr. Leach entered hie protest against cuteiders coming in to forestall public apinion. His, (Wr, Fist ers) conduct has been reported on, dnd he wanted to send out a reply Mr Bledwwe thought Mr. Fishet should he allowed e A tt to wee the report, particularly after the declaration of ; Mr. Leach, that his (Wr. F's) conduct hag been re- ported on. Mow did Mr. Leuch find that out? The chuirman of the committee says no one but the avesm- bers of the committee had seen the report. There wus uo cvidence before the Senate to show that Mr. Fisher's conduct had been reporied on. Mr. Bledave did not understand this matier. He acked »gain ‘how. Mn Leach came to know the contentsof the report? And he asked if the report had been submited to Mr Fisher by the committee, for explanation or infortia- tion? He thought it woald huve been bot an eseéf courtesy todo se—particulary as bie evadaet hed been reported on. Why this hot haste yesterday and to-day to print (his repart without waiting fur the mi- y report? Mr. Donnell rose to a point of order. Mr Leach said he saw no other reason for the des lav than to throw the investigation aside. Nosiinor- ily report would be presented * . Mr. Bledsoe sxid Mr. Leach would find there w a minority report before he went much farther. Re, (Mr B) desired fall intormation. Mr Lankford acid he had the minority report now before him. Ie weokd present it,.nd when the majori- ty report was reuched on the table he would move to print buh. In the mean time he moved to lay Mr. Bledsoe’s motion on the table. Mr. Leach demanded the ayes and noes. Mr. Kumsay hoped Mr. Laukford would withdrew his motion. Mr. Lankford withdrew the motion for an explana- ton from Mr. Woith. Mr. Worth proceeded with a few words when (he Spenker announced the special order. Mr. Turner moved the special order be postponed Objected tow Fiom the Richmond Whig. PLAIN TALK. On account of the Pennsylvania Dem- seruts all being in faver of raising the tariff. and because they are warmly urg- ine the aebeption ofthe President's recom. mendation in behalr of the specitic daties, Warhington States adininisters to them a erave lecture, ahd tells them that the the State Rights Democracy have Lorne with them until forbearance has ceased to be a virtne—that, in short, thes may all pack up and yo over to the Opposi- Hot as seen as they please, as the State Riahts Democracy can yet along very It inust be confess. cd that the States talks to its Pennaylva- well without them, via allies plainly enough, and it remains te be seen what effect such blunt speak- ing Will bave nponw the “faithful? in Penn- s\ivania. Read the subjoined extract from: the Stales ¢ * Our associates in the Keystone have swalready been indulyed to the uTINos' They have beea of fieresy., We permitted them tu sacei- j tice Dallas for his mtrepid fidelity to the principles of the party, and we utowed them to promete Buchanan because of his hon-cContormity to a cardinal point of Democratic doctrine. These things have been done ter the protectionist Democ- racy of Pennsylvania, and yet they have the audacity to exact a sul further com- - promise of prineiple. The demand is in- sufferable. ‘The State Rights Democracy might as well signify at onee our deter- mination to sarrender nothing more te the partial interests of our allies in Penn- It their service is to be bought by a betrayal of principle, we prefer their anhtgonism to their association. Between a Biack Repubhean President and a De- tocratic administration with #«& federal policy, we have very little choice. Free: trade is of vital importance to the pro- ducing interests of the Sonth and the West. Protection is another form of Ab- olitionism; and rather than be responeis ble for is imposition, the representives of the slavehelding States would surrep- der the control cf the yovernment. Bat we do not admit that the vote of Penn- svivania is indispensable to the success of the Democratic party. The loss in- volved in her defecnhion wonld be more than supplicd by the support whicha free- trade policy nay propitiate in other qaar ters.” 2+ Rev. Mr. Bernuem, Lutheran minister of Cabarrus county, preached a sermon in the German langoage on Sabbath af- ternoon, in the Presbyterian charch ip this place. is sermons in’ English, in the Presbyterian and Methodist chnrehes, forenoon and night, were delivered with the fecling and cnergy of the trae Chris- flaw mitbister. We learn that a mecting was held last night for the purpose of arranging pre- luininaries for establishing a Lutheran Church inthis place. —- Western Democrat. Decay or Anorrrrontisa.—The New | York Daily News is of opinion that, fair- ly gauging the opposition of the North, hot more than tive per cent. can, at the | present time, be estinmted as Abolition- ists, prepared to follow in the wake of “the dangerous doetrines laid down by Se- ward in his Rochester speech, or hardly enough profess irreconcilable hostility ayant the conditions under which black labor is carried on at the South. Mr. Joseph Bond, a planter of Baker hconnty, Southwestern Georgia, sold hie ran inovy Contced Gogo Ged? Tl Meera (ac coe | cotton crop a few days since, consisting of 2.200 Indes, to Mr. T. R. Bloom, of the N.C. Baptist State Convention, and Chairmanof the committee on the affuirrof the North | Macon, for the snin ofone Aundred thoue- Jas S Parefoy that of Superintendant of i! and dollars. This ia the largest crop of poston ever made in Georgian. tate an or b i t so e # ‘ FRESE and as producive us any lande in this sec tion, There is a geod MEADOW on she treet, and VALUABLE TRACT OF LAND a \0acte piece of DRAINED BOTTOM PANAWAY from the enbecriber on the 20th January last, a Negro man named ROWAN ARTILLERY ity NEGROES FOR SALE. crnet Tastin 98 hereto ont Vhere =e: Pad ace eeeniioianiaiitll oe ee — sake 1 ice f i MARBIED : H For Weakness, Wasting and) SPARTA ACADEMY ( Q| D SA ye ) the { r Mansion Hot}, ia this towu, by J, Thoma. |» ’ 1} : of: ebili us P 4 J t for oe mT ‘te gosta H SPEEKS: of Cabarrus |. FS sihes form D ty, : F LOTTERY a CSET LTS “BAKER &CO’S * cee z | . a At Wa. H. Horah’s coanting-rmom, for example’s (cuagrgago y Geialaiads OF Gkonuia ) igs cia Le cera 7 ir BLIC SALE. -LIVER OT Oe re BS. BEAVER w Min DELILAH BEAVER 4 4 Capital Prize $50 O!! Jo this County, ow the 10th iust., by Rev. J. L I wilt Dh Oy ree R idente of P f fairl d. will eal iwelt of Pp: ithdea!l, Mr JOHN WD. A. BROWN d NM W oscil, at tho lute Residente « Lackso T 5 une, if fairly tried, will eouw restore the tone . a rere C. FISHER. A ie (lousten. deceased, on the 16th DAY OF MARCH, the divestive orgsus. invigorate the blood, Or |. TICKETS ONLY TEN DOLLARS. . “ yy ‘ y . x gevernl rotuudity to the figure, und add energy fothe : Tea nn va vith . LSS 1 H K V A LUA B L EK } A R M mind and nervousivatem. {ts value has beeu remur- No rice To THE PUBLIO. i au- DIED: belonging to the said Deceased, eonsioing of 1,600) kably evidenced by its wonderful restorative powers, As the members of our firm have, by way of par- nm to 2” i or 1,800 ACKELS, incladioy bis Dwelling, and all | when ordinary tonies had beea vainly exhausted. It | chase, become the owder of the grants chartered by : fo this Coanty, Feb 8th, UDORA JANE, daugh- | necessary Out-Baildinge. The larger part ig in| allords nourishaent to the body when vo other cau be | the States of Delaware, Kentucky, Missouri, and terof Rufus and Elizabeth Miller, aged 2 years aud | woodland, well timbered, and well udapted to the | borwe, and furnimhes the frame with fat in a truly ro- | part of those in Georgia, wuder the manugement of y p € read 6 muntns, growth of Tobace “Phere are 130 or 2) weres of | warkable manner. Mes-ra. Gregory & Maury, of Wilmiugton, Delaware, ALL NEW ! “Buffer the little children to come ae me and | low grounds in callivation. Bottled ouly by we have deemed it expedient to change the name of = iders forbid them not; for uf such is the kingdom of God” ALSO, at the same tune and place, all the proper- vur firm, on and after January bet, 1559, to that of i en | ty belonging to suid Extute, consisting of © JOHN (Oh, BAKER & CO., WOOD, EDDY & CU., who willhereafter huve the ~ MeNERLY 4‘ YOUNG Ee — . = A z management of the Sparta Acad Lottery, sa n> THE MA RK KE T S, j § NEG RO ES, No. Y5+ North Third St., Philadelphia the sleet aafabove aed. aia aS as aes _ ran r ° ~~ »wed Men, Women and Children. most ofethem being Aud may be had ut all Drag Stores. To all transactions we have eudeavored to conduct EG TO CALL THE ATTENTION OF THE CI rIZENS OF owof . i young and iiksly, including 2 good Blacksmiths. February ‘8th, 1859. Qm:37 our business with integrity and promptness, and we Rowan and the surrounding counties to the i re- Salisbury, WV. C., February 15, 1859, Also, a good stock of . = —— ~~ ae amu the public that the patronage heretofure ro -\ # & ul , ee Oa a ; ThYel stowed on us is well deserviug of being transferred NS nem- CORRECTED WEEKLY BY M UL ES AN D HORSES, ST R A Y E D to our successors. Very respectfully, > oo } here SPRAGUE BROTHERS. Cattle, Hege, aud Sheep, neveuat huhdred bushets of re - re ; : S. SWAN & CO. Z) won + — | Mr. Applesdried, 50.0 125\Lead Bar, 8 10 Dade tereiys Wess Karning die waa OR-STOLEN, I EBOy (Cha ay Wes Tbh, DeBeh they are now receiving. ‘hey are confident from past experience that deve Bacun, 9a 10 © White 10 a 12 eee : Q : “RUM the sabe H.C.J 5 So ' ip a Kitehen Farait M the subscriber, at H.C. Jones’, N 2 o te Bospwar, LEO 23 |Mutasses Cuba, ub . 45 mre to he hate rig to diy anil al is sold he 4 three miles south of Salisbury, vn the WOOD, EDDY & C0., MANAGERS, thet Ir stock, which is larg © and carefully selected, ie admirably adapted » Mr Baxter cee eee Wie $8 | Perma made kuown um the day of sa’e. 4 as mn night of the Ist instant, a Successors to S. Swan & Co. to the wants of the community, and that having bought the principal vi CANDLES— iNails (Cut) bha6 cll menses indeed to the biasate wil plonee eo Sorrel Horse, mn . part for cash they can sell choaper than any store in any part of Wes- lorwir u H Pntr, t a ving claims he i Ss 4 = ovof ’ 15.220 Oats, HU raSUm i ommscurnamiaka Pu IUGREC ut MDion aa Uuiba oes vert hlelbimseliantie fucanandle Keot ouithalleluknee iit oer caseienk Meteo eee ae oo> Cerne NOnthy Garonne ; i <p aguinst the Meytate will present thein for payment : Eovy & Co., Managers of the Spa c. 7 . hed Admaniine, 24.2 30, OI LS LINSEED— 5 MOILN 1. DALTON occasioned by « kick. . coe iene aot pes tomlin ; ; and Coffee Rio, 125 a 14 | © Tanners, 50a 95 Feb. 15, 1859 . bees iccutor Any person taking op said horse, and informing re nes : an ane Pie tine for t j Country Merchants and the public generally, will find that, as we y tl « Sava, 17 a 22} |Potatues, (rish, 1.00 «1.25 , , . me of the same at Madivon, N.C, or Mr. J. M. Jones, | ine ou Ree ae eChan ra » 1a public, under | have determined and cun afford, we will sell at prices greatly telow those at which Goods have been sold Caton ¥ in a a A <9) seh 90 al “i L will ale’ eel prit itetv, LOT No. 3. in the will be liberally rewarded. a | i i een ers: heretofure in Salisbury. Below we enumecate a portion of our stock ; atten ern, a ags per TUWN of NEWTON Cute ha Connie 2 dLor J. Z. DALTON. ‘ass Draws Saturday, February 5, 1859. . F i t , Cutaw Sounty, an _ ’ = : oe e L Pal d bed ; “ a “ ue igo Laas ene oe a ae No 3, ia ths TOWN of WOCKSVILLE, Davie Feb. 8, 1859. 3137 Class 7 Draws Saturday, February 12 1859) DRWT Goons. ‘ cent coder UGe 14 Suse? Gro, oe iy : iy | County. ea le oes Class 8 Draws Saturday, February 19, 1459. | American, French aud English Culicoes, colored and black, Domestics, Flanges, merece, De Lanes, we ; Eeee dos 9) 0 13; e en reais Persons etre pugchage will please addrens ARE YOU SICK 9 Class 9 Draws Saturday, February 26, 1859. Alpacas, Ginghams, Drillings, Bed and Cradle Blankets, Table Cloths, Towelings, & ae ee es a Al ue == SrRVANTS” GOODS , : , ‘JOUN Uf. ‘DALTON, F z t | Fioer per bbl. 4.30 a 5.00 Tallow WU a 12 ‘ A : ON THE PLAN OF SINGLE NUMBERS. bed en 4 2 Feb 15, 1859. tda33 T 4 rant now ; Sack, 2190235 Wheat White, 950 105 NEN you can't be cured too soon. 3.000 TICKETS 300 pair of Negro Blankets, cheaper than everoftered io this market, Kerseys, Plaid Lssey®: Osnaborgs, ajori- Tron ( Bar) 5« Red, 20 a 90 W RE: STE R x R: A I [, RO A D. Dou't delay aotil your complaint ix in Five thers y - Fr sare aT stripes, checks, &e. re to Lard« 10 a 12 (Wool, 25 4 30 4 ‘ curable, and then moura when itis too late. Foar- | J ve Benérea and ren Mr. " PORK 74 v4 fifths of all the diseases which people the chure hj Priges!!: Car FS IN 3" 5” Gooww ss. ee Notice to Co ‘ontractors yardy, might be cured by Ayer’s Cathartic Pill, it! NEARLY OVE PRIZE TO EVERY NINE TICKETS | Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestings, Satinets, Kentucky Jeaus of every variety. Also, a fine assortment of ay ae ° i. token inseason. Don't god agging ull Sprivg. faint, Rock Island and Yadkin Manufacturing Companies, Jeans, Hosiery, Knit and Linen Shirts, Gloves, &c. draw RAYECTEVILLE mt ARKET, Feb. 10 Exaivecn'e Orelcra © ORGR | sleepy and tisfexs, because your blood is loaded with Magnificent Scheme! j BACON, per ib Iga 12 “ Fagetteille, N. C, Feb. 3rd, 1859. tina hae oe re Pee Te ete) U A and set! TO BE DRAWN 3. AID XS” Goons. = s COFFEE perth | [Soret dhs branes sorta ehinfal Dove | EACH SATURDAY IN FEBRUARY. | Site, Whe Gore ck wn oney Dress Sik, Shaws, Chk, Sear, e, Lace, Embree, Rib vibe Roo, ha 134 | rier Bltches, Ul-ers, Sores, und all or any of the |? Priseof.... .........850,000 1 Prizes of i500 bons, siik and linen Wandkerehinfa, C ‘rape, Give Husiery, Irirh Linens, Swies, Juconet, Tarleton Mue- fed Ree aR ¥ yO cleat ditearce of Aline Mah caste me spel ‘ : mone as Bin Anh “ “ serene So bane Meese deca a3 she Roce ee eee: nee ehineties Diem @e: oned . - Do , ala wants cleansing. Deut show yout-elf abou, lean, | to + 5.000] 1000 ca 800 Tl HING. FLOUR, per Cai me Doe haggard, all caved in, becwuse your Stomach and | 1‘ 4,000) 100 150 ¢ /OT ; . papel 3 ‘i a i Bowels nerd strenatheningintohealthy action. Aver'at § ee SHMIO | OOo Sn 100 | A good assortment of Gentlemen's Clothing, to which we invite special attention. ws OL Oy tea Pilla wet these things ght ussurely oe water quench- APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 4 ‘ bys) INET. “J x ES. ries hes erg esfire. ‘They punfy the body vant) (lierdl, maven i Prizes or $4%0 Approximating to $57,000 Prize are $1,600 HA 1 S, CAI s, BON N E I Ss andFLATS, BOOTS and SHO e GR Nis, aoe Nahe lee da their fone dons into healthy activity. whieh you can ca i fn He oe ue ‘ Hn Wen “ te at We hive pri! pirtiontar attention to the selection of this portion of our stock, and challenge compet-tion im om. Can 1CO40 Sr AL ED proposals will be reecived at the En- feel “ ay i yah eee eel They are Pi ne ‘ Crs, “ «5 gay | Brogans, water proof Boots, dress Bouts, and Shoes, aud Ladies and Children’s Gaiters and Shoes. - Prot 0 menredl Glnes 0 1 if ae Baty | ereet medical wonder of the age, recognize bv a - a Pant) % 4000 B08 g SEWN <, = mm 23 ihe ae Meer tie diediatat aud Mersey esiginistur| aie Kawa ier aes, oat ww viemande wo) 4 ROR oe CARPETINGS, and OI, CLOTHS. 0G cE Pr it an 1 this road —turn vhins the Cr ne es for 14 miles, and them. ‘Pake the Cheery Pectoral for a cough, and ema B86 avlare as 100 rei a) 7 g& Rive, yu a 100 | forthe laying of 25 miles ot Tract. wud uatilthe !5eh \ mee Is for all derangements requiring uw purgative 5 485 P rizes. am unting to $320. 000 Drugs, Paints, Oils and Dy e-Staffs. SOT t CARD perth, 12a 13 [twst. for Che Sapersructare of the Bridge ucros> a Matt intl sasabevmiii ee be A ' Ts | Lowes Littl: River, 200 feet long Pes 23.416 ort Boa—5 Bocce fr 81.00 We are sole Avents for the Bellvue White Lead. Hemloek snd Oak-taaned Leather, Calf and Goat lies, SPIRITS, per gallon-- | . x ce 40 ls pi OX 2 KER AUF $1.00. hemoce icsers $10; Hacves $5; Quanrexs $209. - . 1 al Peuch Braudy, 00 a 190 | Good eeterences will be required of contractors as Prepared by DR. J. C. AYER, Lowell, Mass, | ——- a — skins, lining skins, arness and Upper Leather, shoe and saddlers thread. 8 to Apple deo. new 70 a 0 yo | be hear brit co carry out their eon raet and sold by 7 A Circular showing the plan of the Lotteries 7 ’ ° that ake Whiskey, an en Pisue, Po ties and Spec fications of the work ean | C. A) Henderson, Sulisburv. N.C E will be seat to 1 ey one desirous of FRO it. WOOD WA R Ii. A -. - \ be Beru at the Compauy's Ofhce Fiuvetteville on Uaviland, Xteveuson & Co, Charleste iis (Gs a Serre 4 , Ge do. ti "i | a apauy Ree in vettevalle aviand, St uson 5 arleston, S.C. orne Br aa io Mi ‘ ae j aud alter che 2th ties. M. A. Sancos & an, Nortolk. Vv. i | Certificates of Packages will be sold at the fullowing rates, Buckets, Brooms, Tubs, Brushes, Twine, Rope, . a d , rp , . + os CAAT OES TALS “a TWON pert soets Dek Bagg Sop | NLP Rivta Pelerkns Vi (TO gete Fe oar ort wate tite te! ~~ CROCKERY ANIY QUEENS WARE. ON, per tb— | 4. bang. Supt. ives. Peter-burg, Va | 10 Halt tee we z . ‘ Sagt el Poreell, Gald & Co, Richmond, Va, al “ “ 10 Quarter ‘* : 90 | We are enabled to show a nicer and better selected stock of these goods than has ever been kept in the ad ee eOnhanGar A " aa Tie Western ROR. Cofpiny deste placiag the rami’ . an To Ont uy | oe 10 Eighth “ gir ooonnooiw HD nee * special atlention is invited toour China Dinner sets, and China and Plated Tea sets Look'ug wusi- a ; ! | balanre of the Grading and Superatructure of th Fel 4 | 4 i AEE Ca Do. wide, Tha 00 SOLS Poralructare their eb. 1, 1849. 2m36 IN ORDERING TICKETS OR CERTIFICATES. POEL CSS ' l road to Deep River Gg mites) uad r coutrect by tl tate MOOK. per ib Og ee eamener eee Hoche the mone: taior addeees for the Tickets GROCERIES. very ene ne NO OO etienens the 25Un tit, to porous should be disposed | : | ie red, on rece ptof which they will be forwarded | Rio an Java Coffee, Sugars of all description, Syrups, Molasses. Salt, Spices, Candles. Soaps, &c fess. Dry. _ Ka l0 00 | to submut pio, osals, based upon a'l oprreprivte loca. | s jy na a ie a Tere eaten gL | EE Ween be toned sts anenss (ponte thera ies Hotel, formerly occupied by M. Brown. Rin = har W. A. KUPER. 5 . e } any Ai they may desipnate. ~ , , Iva- Green, 6 a 00 can 15, 1859 2178 VUE subserber. being under the necessity ali The List of Drawn Numberw and Prizes will be + alisbury, Sept. 21, 1858. : j SALT— raising money. informe all Chove inde bled lo him. | sent te purchasers tuomeciately after the drawing ulus renegan: ei ie l 7 . wy | SOUTITERN by note accoun', i. oy ae Beant eur fr Purchasers will please write their signatures ie | aa — . um, per bushel, 60 a 4 payment be not meade by the a] -| ph ly their Post: Off C ds eak MOLASSES, per gallon— ARY. the account and notes due to bim will be | YP qEe ge ernth “en every Bae eee ee Wetmals Normal School, enD- Cuba, 30 a 3 found in an offic crs hands for collection. | able in full without deduetion. rf) New Orleans, 45a 50 | 17 ALL persons having claims against him will Lr >All prizes of 1,009 ae under, paid immediate- High Point, N.C. Rail Road, SUGAR, per Ib— Hy] present them fur settlement. | ly after the drawing—other prizes ut the usuul time 15 MILES WEST OF GREENSBORO. Loaf aud crashed, Ws Oty M.HOFFPLIN. | ofeine dave : Rev.N. M.RAY, Principat, with efficient Assistants. iat StCruk Porto, & N. Orleans, ll a he ——o-— ‘ am) ! NOTICE TO CORRESPONDENTS. SENS his [ oycttan tn provide forthe on is to provide fo 1 aeRO CHARLES fp, GRAY, Cc LOTHIN G! Those who prefer not sending money by mail, can | eaeugraceainie “i nes ten nel as an addi- — N : F e vn of yo 4 > STUFFS, PAINTS, uu Ss AL I Ss B U R Vv MAMVOTIT DEALER IN CHEAPE R T 13 | AN kK V Dy R! ! ! Tae ADAMS EXPRES COMAA | tional feature te qualify sue ies ae us man ee LD YE STUFFS, PAINTS, TURPEN TINE, ! | to, for the avocation of teaching. s next Session a . mloty F E M A L E S C H O O I Monuments Tablets &c AS T must have monev. T will sell the renjainder | s NY, will open on the Istof Febroary, tn the New Brick R ESIN Chalk, Whiting, ee 7 ] A } fr) pee | whereby money for Tickets, in suins of Ten Do! A. dersizned oat PASEROS enfin MoCo ne of my FINE STOCK OF GOODS remack- eidiafireriancantteteenttas | Buildug recently purchsed by the unc rrsi ene ¢ i RINALS, Syrenges, Breast Pampe MIE subscriber will open Feware | SELES toinform the Ciizens of North Carolina | ably cheap. Callin cal the Cash and ser thts | he t itd (uated in a beautiful grove on a : pole , . i 1 Reecae me ead tein Charch: general Ix, that he has Spiel d the stock on J i MA RcUs HOFELIN, | AT OUR RISK AND EXPENSE, | a reie eniiieher, and has a sufficient number U ARDEN C: wt Salisbary, N. C., on the first Monday of Salisbury, Now 30, 185% 3m27 from any city or town where they have an office. | of well furmmhed rooms to aecominodate LOU buarding ( Y ARDEN and G:ass Seeds, > Oi M inet. 4 Sir ( NYT: vat ¢ . mo: ey und order must be enclosed in a “GOV- 1 5 4 t of T TERMS OF TUIT VAS Fi Ww. tain us Hyp ain fee, “PTE NORTH CAROLINA MUTCAT, LIFE | ERVUBNT VOST OFFICE STAMPED EN- We hall have lectures and experiments in Nutaral S a cia T Ms ION AS FOLLOWS: where he is prepared to receive orders for any or wll isu LCE G iY g e: . . Cu Ke v 8 R z AUG Mantel cy p ; INSURANCE COMPANY, insures the lives | VELOPE,” or the Express Company cunnot receive | Science, by an expsrienced Instructor. Board and ive schon aug ecules 5 months, a He | incs of work in his fine. of all healthy persous from 14 to 60 years of age, for | (hem. furnished Rooms, fire-plices. fuel, &e . &6 per month; . Manofacturers Artic'es, s ric, or 5 ny FRE Pe , ‘ , : A HOC: Be. dre te ae 7 ane ; YON M ENTS, one Ne for seven ye ae a Pas life. All communications strictly confidential. Englieth Branches, £6 to S15 per Session; Languages Qa ave Cn aA gn ‘ ai Re Also all slaves (rom 10 to 60 vears of age for one IM lehan Ordarmitirinickein Gr Onnihectiata | and Ornamentals on reasonable terms. Board and AGNES(A, Mustard, Ginger, ay HEMISTRY A sTRoNomy, . : T A B L BK ] S, year or five years, for two-thirds their value, allow- WOOD, EDDY & C0., A @ . | half the Tuition required in advance. The Proprie- ai papengil te eiitpis ga aaa nd TOMB-TABLES ing the slaves tu go South ur Svuth-wen withont ex-1 4 WOOD! EDDY £ CO, Artima, Georgia, | tor Teachers and Pupils dwell together end eat at i! NEMAS, Sargical lastroments 8 itt- wbs. Fr studresin e same proport on. = ’ tea charge. ’ 4 ’ 0s f Aids unta, Georgia. ret | “4 ” i ° All persons wishitg further information will address Altos aid fiewhhin 90 4 af ie or, WOOD, EDDY & CO, Wilmington, Del. the Gs 1S Salat macy, d HEAD-S NES Pet EIS LITRES te CECE : Tr Young Ladies of limited means will be credited URABLE Ink, Black the subscriber at Salisbury, N.C. Boarding by Rev an ¥] “STONE! 3 | isfactory f. J.M. HOR (> A list of the numbers that are drawn from the | id \ BIT WI) Lath ACE A x TY proo! MM. AHL, Agent. eae SELL Steg x 19 ih 0 tilthey can teach and pay forit. Situa- | ster- L. €. Groseclose. a also MANTLES and FURNITURE MARBLE,| Salisbury, Jan. 11, 1859. 34-5w | wheef, with the amount of the prize that each one is | Pe eauenueairaueh Re attanon Dn ten) Gilenae (Ext e to von J. L. SWMITHDEAL sha!l be put up of the best maternal, Quick and C hcap — | entitled to, will be published after every drawing, in 2 Apuncee hice anS=tJp COUT) LEGCO) enn- ~ eb. 15, 1859. pddy3rtf for Cash the following pupers :—Angusta (Geo) Constitution 7. W. I. LANGDON, Proprietor re aght OO I \ N 1) Come and examimbe—the most fastidious shall be N ( r IC kK. al, New Orleans Delta, Mobile Register, Charleston Jan. 25 pas Ne a t(35 i ORKS, Bottles, Sponge, ; { ' satisfied. Being a pracuicakinan and an experienced > ' . Standard, Nashville Gazette, Atlanta Intelligencer, | "7 “2 = Se ~ _ { u ; heir j 4i workman, he will give his personal atiention te he | Gana frm oe Moose having this day made "New York Weekly Day Book, Savannah Mornin | NDIGO, Annatto, Rose, Pink, | Finiet tise t an assignment of their Stock of Goods, Notes NawameRichmandmDienatel id Pauldin M x | youn = a, Fa as . S H.unte pea bn 4 elal e will bein receipt of SEVERAL | and Accounts to me ns Trustee fur the benefit of the : ce CUTE S Qui) YT UTMEGS, Mace, Cloves, De- FINE LOTS OF MARBLE, inn few days Acalharoe ha PR tea an cer) Sin ce aero Clarion, and Little > ess ose ) True Democrat. : = Orders from a distance will receive prompt atten- | on oe hy , ; i ae = 7 eval offer for sale 650 ACKES of Land, 8 miles West : : ! t all persons indebted to either of the above concerns, E MERY, Rotten Stone, Sand Paper, ' i io 8 a 2 “RO Mon, aud/novone shall be dlesatioticd: : are respectfully requested to come forward and settle wy ree: of Salisbury, { mile from the W. N.C RR C. P. GRAY, Proprietor. ig is ; bon f * 2 X ALTS, Sulpbar, C T pro- hibaigte yin entes ; ne balance is exe lleut woud Salisbury, Feb. 15, 1859. 3x1f ten ‘ne reuieh wid eee fait Anan Be ape et Abe weekly nae ee of Sheet Music, suitable for S PUA UGA) oa om. nit are ‘ : : . ay i : ircle ~ the . < re Jacos E. Moose is my authorized agent to settle AP CIDIBy cruraud elie ere Olt ite ket ree NK Ab- a GOOD M EK ADOWS DR up the notes and accounts, and sell the remaining iar aene Bee ive tie ou aunts ie [ ( iS, : ‘i a : , popalar ; 3 sneis 3 Dwelling Houses (one is an excellent one) 2 gond Stockof Goods. “Tilke: gnode) willbe) closed out at low of the day; arrangements from the most favorite - F 2 ; Berna, and all other necessary buildings. Ti can be Watts Operak are nenleonmebolladeddiin ccm An abind: ) roa Vy IN DOW Glass, Putty, ives divided ‘into 2 or 3 farms to enit the purchuser. Call Thore indebted to the above firm, by note or ac- a ‘ ; iS f an ere s on ' a i ‘ Cacraid hb 42 B . ‘ren- s000 on JULIUS. A NEELY baat are hereby notified to make immediate pay- | “Ut supply of every t we UY COS e POR OIG | ei eene Os MAIN SI NEARLY OPPOSITE ELLOW Ochre, Lamp Black, Bat Feb. 15, 1859 3in Ieqr38 ment, as only a very short time will be allowed be- aden ee ee ulwuys instructive, and MURPHY 'S CHANITE ROW, ME . 5 i , : . Senne . ever‘resh and delightful. SALISBURY, N.C, é 3 P ratialy = aa Bie Cee one Te The favor with which OUR MUSICAL FRIEND tee Oui Ascneh Lali cuss ATTENTION 1] OS Ss, Fee on. fae 1133 has been received by the pubbe, and the commenda- HX RAIN, Liaseed and Lamp Oils, . : 4 x S tions it has won from the Press, are guarantees ofits (. | s If ROWAN RIFLE GU IRD ! ! G | A S iF C \I worth. A work sochean, accurate and elegant, does | " i ! Via a ir & . Dh N ‘| A | ee a pea ‘I \ INCTURES, Barks, Quinine, Ore 9) not exist in any orher country. ‘Phe same amount bi, d NC hy of masic procured at the regular stores would cost at \ free- OW are hereby Teommended to appear FENUE undersigned are opening for their Spring . t x ub ‘ ea W | I ODA, Saleratus, Starch, aar- ; eat Head-Quarters on the 22d Fe! rbruary, Sales a fresh asavciinent of oll goods in’ their me = Bey aera sare ape poe Ree iin H. Smith, ‘ S at 10 o'clock, seid sod capped asthe law dircets | line, both ing D R. BE ST; NT. mar liNereaiinerodicd lechanniendimuch needed Vou respectfully inform his Main Street, yorder ofthe Canitin, | DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN wi Pieere by the following compnarrs haxe appeared. in MV stadt! pe eat SALISBURY, N. €. Feb. 15 138 ; AS REMOVED ro tie DENTAL ROOMS | ‘he firrt ten numbers; the uxmes peak for them- SN et uae | Jaw. 4, 1859. 32 ister cau une Tn offering their SGck, they are enabled by im- ||: (he porter theater unnipeed by Da Haron [ver Monart, Su Lave y Wallerstan, Mevebeer,| CARRIAGE BUSINESS | asa ; oR ares) b Ar yy portant changes iu them business to assare to Cash | rhe . aieica| " , “ong | Flotow. Burgmulle tr. F. Schubert, Verdi, Donizetti, : ‘ non ‘ STA TE OF NORTH CARO ENG and prompt 6 months bay ers, bargains in all deserip- | aii mee heeten btes to attend ull operations Strauss,! Musard . Vhalberg, Balfe, Rossini, J. Weber, | at hisold Stand, in allits varied branches, and will ' aR EC > Be 1 af- ‘ CABARRUS COUNTY. tions of their gouds clthe quality to be sirietly as re- ie " ieee EN AAU (es Kacken, Speyer, Abt, G. A. Macfarren, Bellini, H. | be pleased to show his work to all who want to buy) A MEETING of the Educational Association of x 5 presented ’ meee . ~ Smart Ascher, Crouch. D' Albert, Bisho Auber, | good, solid, durible and handsome Vehicles. Calland Rowan County will be beld in this Town at the Tem- ! Ps | ) ip ‘ Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, January Physicmns have ag opportunity of selecting from J R VOGLER ) Parsiello, Lindpainter, Beethoven, &e., &e. All| inspect his work and hear prices. His Smith Shops | perance Hatl, on the 12thof February, at 10 o’cloek, . in 4 Perm, 1859. our stoek the moat rélable and popular pharm wcueti- ‘ ° 9 | these pieces are within the range of ordinary players | are prepared to execute in the best ae and maoner: A. M., being Saturday of the County Court, for the ¥ j R.R King ve Alfred H. McEuacham. eaband Cheunecal preprrations at reduced prices | (Qik SIGHS IG (OIRO ANG (64, | and Singers and are invariably characterized by deli- | of work for farmers or other parpese | purpose of promoting the cause of Education im the thes, H Original Attachment Levied on Lind Drugzists. Merchwate, and buyer generally. will | winit cious iInelody and exsy accompaniments | Country produce taken in exchange for work, when | Stste of ye . All Teachers, Committee- maori = : . . find a large supply, composing all new aud ved | ; . ei desired | Friends of Education in the County are re tfally with 2 Po sprenting to me satisfaction of the Court that} vn, diew: pm) I ; TERA R. & N. DART & CO. Our Musical Friend | Jan. 25, 1859 6m035 | and earnestly solicited to attend, and all Fischers hris- i resident priests : meergeiot ene ny tie eo : ST AND ARD 1 d Jobbe: of , is published weekly, price 10 cents, and may be or | who with to by examined are requested by the Ex- : is State at resides beyond the tx | is mporters an obbera a, LU el ity 5 ice nt at y ala . 1 1 z t ‘ - en STAND: r Mere tricia oahetien ci (en eich ccalan (i ANOTHER CHANGE!! Soo ee es eGWEarte Geren last , cation be made for six nadie " the Carolina Wateh- Patent Wedicines 3 UA XN QY » Q VY $ » ! ba ab y ree oe the oth cee os ae ae | _Sulishury, Jan. 18, 1859. 4w33 efendant inthe above case to appear n Wi ft y . U * no Bathe ey Veos CARY AMER Es Fad A mo Seeees esas ora j Mie tonl Gecnicattits Gama tn ter tate rae aye . wv) | 28 Warren Street, | 3 copies, Bl4 5 6 copies, B26; 10 copies, BAU per SALISBURY STEVENSON & BOWEN, i coualy aforesaid at the Court House in Coneord ou F } fi Wyiene so semiel cutee ton ball avexcs No eubscription al ol , QO) y “ eran Ge'3d Money i Apo nent: tore ep ashionable Perfumery, re New York. Uti regen Hameeayabin“aieanee”” | FRM ALE, SEMINARY. | Tl aay peepee vie , 1 4 ' feo eas osee uy ng o P e Si} re of * ir Ca te « ranuktor > * a - . erat. ret lore oad pled Wy che plani's acti, | TOILETTE | Akai pleased ov ee bol fends when wns) Mee of ter Mune Fou” 18 Franko PAHS Aewiching Unsiation nin charge of the, Wholesale Dealers in e 1 ” ain. A | ULTER Lke ‘Y ee ne Q ollowing Teachers, viz tiffs debt, interest and costs, and the lands fe vied on Jan , RAD 3134 | C]BESEY MOUR CO” | EoD | 5 Onn = Se - | A.D. Winktvson, Principal, | coo Ss New will reas to satisfy the same. | PREPARATIONS, &C. &C Feb. 1, (Irn pd36} Proprietors | ALIEN CON Wigee SCA aatace Uline) Literary | DRY D e Oh be iN _ Slough, Clerk of our said Court at) which will be furnished of the best quality and at the | MICH AEL BROWN, | . 3 | department and Music, . \ Have Associated with them fair. poe Fae ee che Ve BLS PS ee tee | DANIEL M. ZIMMERMAN . D. 185% ~ SU 5 Ge ‘atalogoes< of price rnishec on desires ( : . orth, Pra. fee $5.50. (6w38 St anki — CONTMISSION Mk RCH ANT, » Take pleasnre in saving that the present: Neewion DANIEL M. ZIMMERMAN, ! a aoe | ‘ . a . . ; 5 d me ap | § 4 Sp . -~ mu Eco has surpassed their expectation We are thankful! formerly of Lincoustox, N.C, and Re moved to the ne Conoord Male School. TOIT i \ Kk ER ue CO * N 4 LIN Bl RY. N. CG | FENELE subscriber wishes to sell his lands lying on; for paet favore and request a contingation of the fame, | large Store No. 53 tiorth 3rd St.. below Arch, where tion- | Vo. Vd Voth Third St, Philadlphia ; ann ihe Beation Poctandisumileattcnda, 12 suilea| ne erea viii) meAR tliere maybe De) ienweh Ualnjincreascd stuck wll(/ oo kep(vald indecaments)ef- : N a s TEEN IG . = j . 3 cs in are Sectanan on their feels in regard to Schools, | fered equal to any House i the trade HE Spring T. ee March le an, | ‘ehruury th “ ; = PRAMET PERSONAL ATTENTION GIv Reet aliniiaiiince ie ne Carrcliel Nini rec kene Rive sate: at yn | fered equ 5 es For eine saeaercs pee > is | plato tiay tis DEH 234 l BN tothe purchase of all kin ts of PRODUCE Tract contains 292 ACRES. ‘Phis place is well im- T would avy pabhely what PT have sad in private, [| Pincevet ria densa 1859 6mo3$ y Se- yee oi ae | And toatl comininente te be goblin the market or proved—the Buildings and Fences are all NEW and | tee my fem at De re —- : ti Y. ahiied vat herent ren) NDIPFION = anc ian? i tor the Preacher he second Session will commence ) ert ae) th aad rly Concord, Feb. 14, 1855 was | ATTENTION, eee any aT GED EO DITION (ad the open nt ee nen een eee eee wee Ranaway !!---$50 REWARD. | | | lack SA ath Board in femily of Principal and others ofthe high ALEX or ALEXANDER. Said man isof a : ’ over 200 ex of Wood Land co ” ' ’ fthe high } A sali rof N. M> Donny, deed, T will TOU are hereby commanded to KF OR S \ | E - t a el ie r < . | vod Fee Ae exit spoctall (ise dark copper color, 5 feet 8 of 10 inches bigh, on the 12th of March next, at the Court | PARADE on the Q?d inet, at Qe sts. denl of valunble Timber vere is a ‘ : A fy SPANTRISOS Teese og joy GUIRY tee very) eee House, in Salisbury, line CU AID t venvinelen (rniien tio iiiacesow Niches lock Al Mi, at your Armory, I offer for ante 276 ACRES of band lying in Rowan Priscipar fellow, bat has rather a down ent: look—eged asker j Five Valuable Negroes armed and equipped se the biw di- Conia the Geintal Cri Create, echanine | ee ee) al Uiietetescostaimilla cliuce hee, Feb. Ist, 1859 136. years Phe aubseriber thiage it probable that Alex ’ | cecte By order of the Captain (ive (asada? Tethins (econ, Glendioaceny cian crag |G ee Ce ' t ritherin the neighborhood of Salie- 4 3 two Men, one Woman and two Child Tr | : . ' i 4 ) n Smih ane JOSEPU RB MONEELY | sturking about eithers et ° : | hie wie okGhildcun ne men) ALEX. MURDOCH, OS others. abont 44 miler from Rulithury. newer the N stuns Oe BERD ne hay. Mrs. Lawne's or M.S. MeKenzie’s plantations, sting Welton, acy ly a ee 16387 CeWad Road, “Cerne, ane taucthorashe ibe Hetagen tee (18 | Drs. M. WHITEHEAD &J.A. CALDWELL. 11 w! give ste ahove reward for his apprehension 1 ” ) asher erms Win Gamkle aie amo ck (eon oman. 7\aydl iG tod delivery to him. at his reetdence 24 miles South 1, O| #x mont wae + PETE pply AVE. asaocitted themaeives the pra Me . of F he credit with eae and approved eecority BLANK WARRANTS lmevor ROA Caldwell, Esq. in Sallishirs | BLANK DEEDS ee ea ee, We Thoee of Bringle’s Ferry, in Rowan county hona- : Fai5, 8a HUGH A. DOBBIN, Adm'r ea - | \.H CALDWELL who wish It,cam have the service nany cage, without JOUN C. BENSON, »p of é vb. 15, 1859, 4138 or eda at this Ojice. - | Jan 11, 1859 «99 | FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE, | panne ano came oncupied at precentsy Dr Warne Feb 8, 1859 37 Aoctical. Tiom Sharpe's Loudon Magazine. The Exile’s Memory. BY ELEANGR F. COBBY. ewe as { homestead! quaint and Jonely, Woicu siull Pthy threshold tread ? Wiveu iclurm to these who love me, Ji, alas! they are not dead’? Roune thy rustic perch the woodbine Platters i the evening breeze 3 Sall thy lowly gate is guarded By those ancient poplar trees— Stonding sentry, night and day, With thetr leaves of trembling gray. Wiollt know each sounding chamber; Well T know each dark recess: Oi! Tinight be happy often « PP) Ht deould but love thee less! Well LE kuow the streautet winding Through thy pleasant pasture-land, Where at noon the dappled eattle Pe the shady waters stand, Thowshts of howe are sweet to me, Pouny vee the distant sea. Joy the dearest, grief the deepest, Bind any heart with sacred wes ‘Po that homestead, quaint and lonely, "Neath our gray, old Bugheh skies ; There Lt drank life's cup of anguish, Benning over with bitter tears 5 When our gentle sister Jeft us In the days of joyous yvears— Thioweh that poreh where woodbines wave, Borne in sitence, to the wrave BS eo s first entranced me { : t der spel (i bods aid wentle glances de rans ipo chould tell, NVbn Came. with wider changes, And the dream was soon torrets Yes ives fae f kindue ss I n iihiar spot ) venus tid recast (Nene of those ivied walls Of. teve ay in retile it \ cuds Psee no more A teal 1 re | Wodst of outwi sorrow, Wien y veartis bleeding fast, Nitro sty IHEr Volers Matter tohe happy pas Dd ‘ell nnuutanioyte Neve J poplar trees. Pie Leborer and the Warrior. Th. Say ey edn ot sang® ' ‘ the plume, I! AP SMB no tone | vil ard the loom! fi) 1 Ids \ t s tread ! ne rhstop vields vohas koown \\ < Who shup os the steel, \ sti ‘ au GET: lh teh Sspree and tune, Sie nt Met vensstrils here eubhine I Monte a tealu ite spoil. | im ' teks s Pi Ee Nea ' ! hau WooCTnan' Boxe: 1 wo tprize, \ Hat gender outword hehe ( les i town delht, earner sall hoshall heed, | \ ' ‘ tm the wall Wothat tases inan proceed : vod r toiag low, ! shall (uty tke ot aed : \ Ul ge, i rudd ¢ tiderstood ces Wn Te ESTES nik A NOTORIOUS WEE NT IIE, ae I YC ands vorrespondent | eT hte Saks Worth Thane 1 ANEW. Vou tay dive for Youd never “we hnew, it will Sam Wit? Wie Pay sin, for eon Wl OG tang of Ohio, who, AMUN WELT forecet ofhsyay ia CO GE ONE nals: r toepetent, en living quate moring city of Tani: M the 1 ts | believe. at the Angelo Nit Hers VOry retirine, apel ! “CH Upon the at ter ‘ Wx Lien Lae Isvrettiny Very Paw di the other dav. and HO Geol ert (ele iiue Whe eeneral inn re now tO CS BO uret- ly a Vonay. even closely nade much hy run Ie 8 WS peojae dom t often WOSCONO WH OSS Tey ean tiie as pale’ WO Cio ee He TS bmn el 1 rely tar the cm S\N ere tong, he traced to OE hei tr fhe Ps Preasares CONSE ' i hit we tise, \ Canad; Ds NAV No Mens ote i a / ate occ 7 A - in } , y ’ f Pane - lL O PEATE or we alllectou fey ! | fer ove iheten | t he Jat : NP tlle ar 4) nti gr til tes Ufal ot cay Perper. mia taille ' { . PCC I NV EG Wihretr thie eligi ‘ ( wih Its not only Pleasant Pe FAT ee hh, lane 3 ' ! } Whole t POEs Orr quicker than | Had \\ ’ i! Wilitientdiatns A \ ( Pworldly sie CESS ‘ Pin his pocket, silver IN his face, and iron | purntal and {sued Linals, TEE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY. SIK JAMES CLARKE’S CELEBRATED FEMALE PILLS. <i LETTERS PROTECTED CS PATENT. BY ROYAL aot Poeparcd tron prescription of Sir J Clarke, M.D. Phynt chin Batraerdinsy to the Qucen, lable Lungerous diseases to 7 W medicine is Untuling in the cure of all those which the female constituuion Issuigoct. Tt tnuderates alleacess and removes allubstructions, cure may be relied on rO MWAInD LADIES It will, monthly period with regularity Each bottle, Great Britain, to prevent counter tits CAUTION. These Lil? id nol THRLE MONTHS of Pregnancy, aa they are sure to bring on Miscarriage, bub at any other time Mey are stfe Ina ibis pocuaarly suited, in @ shot tite, bring price one Dollar, bears the Guverument Stampo sho ases of Nervous and sj inal Affections, Painin the Back Fatigu vghterxcrtion, Palpitation of the Hearse s,and White hese Pills will effect a cure when al other means have falled, ous n ntainidrun, calomel, antimony, or anything hurtful tothe cobsttution Fu colons uceompany cach package s Ageutforthe United States and Canada, JOU MOSES, (Late 1. C. Baldwin & Co.) Rochester, N.Y NB $1,00 and 6 postase stamps enclosed toany authorize | Agent, willinsure a bottle ele Pills by return mail For ent f ples le by W.H. WYAT fin dst Gn in Rowe Charlie: oHaSuCle Whlerale Agd Ty 40 MILITARY GOODS, Swords, Sashes, Belts, Epaulettes, Laces | AV) EVERY DESCRIPTION OF MILITARY GOODS ACCORDING THE Litest US. Army and State Regulations. SCHUYLER, HARTLEY & GRAHA IMPORTERS & VAST PACT RBILS 19 MAIDEN LANE, LV i VE TO VORN. lypd7 July 13 JAMES HORALL, WATCA-MAKER AND JEWELER, SALISBURY Nace One doo below R.& AL Mu Iy ay’s Store, BEEPS constantly on hand a large assortment WATCHES and JEWELRY of all kinds Clocks, Watehes and Jewelry of every description | eporedia the best maouner aud on the mostreasona *hroury 10, |hoR ly3k Theory of Vocal Music, aN baNGE EA Y: above usefal Musical Work, Vy printed and for sale at : TEIGH ES) Ne KOS: Wie Bibel, tf30 a“ DOL IS IOITIS ITP TOO) -& AL MURPHY, LE ESO. Leer Intend to Ai Sh bESS ONS supply of the Netiidsorne Dy You HPS hetukenu ly females during the FIRST on the | andalthough a powerful remedy, do [tice that by the compl ) of Comruaisston, | gouds will be sake LE Notes and Accounts due us, and reimaining tour hands onthe FERST DAY of FEBRL ARV. bed, wii be placed inthe bands of an offices for collection RSS MURPHY lhc. bs Seni), 6ut2 25 BARRELS Or my NeW Crop New Orleans NSSES jost received and for sale BROS 2a SPRAGUE Salisbury Tc. 13, Tx58 Coffee, Sugar, Molasses ANT Sp A HL’ Be HOGSHE ADS New I qa Giest Gankn Strain =) Wiss Ronan doen vane 20 Hids. Muscovade and New Or- Orleans —=—} (Fr 3 heaos Wobrsses (ys opis (Pans ven adhe rahe Spree fot Sens Salt ° SPRAGUE BROS Salisbury, Dee. 13, X58 ud TRI-WEEKLY MAIL LINE. TWO HORSE From Wocksville, V. ( LACKS, 0 Naliybury, N.C. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. TLearecs Mocksville every Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at Hl o'clock, A fevires at Soisbury same days at +o'clock, P.M Leaves Sausbury every Tuesd ‘ys, Thursdays and Saturdays i <ho'clock, VW Vrriree at Mocksville same dayeat Igovctock, P.M The Progrietor, al-o, pledges himself to send Pas- vie m Mocksville in any ciree rom they rary \ 1 Preasonable terms. ‘Pry him. all you that wil foto the mountains i that direetion SON OV PLC Bat Salisbury at the Mansion Heel, War Row sp fernt H Ro AUSTIN, Prornieror Mov Ie, Dee Ls gol wish to purchase 20 good and young Negroes Fellows and will pay trent ¢ es ASTD prices for ther Piwant tiem suitable fie working my Texas planta. ons und desire to buy an soon as EF oean. DP would alsobuy carts and boys trom ten te twenty veaew old, and Want (Woor Ciree tamibes af likely Hob ROBARDS tha Sa shburs, May dth, W ~ Watchmaker & Sewel ler, CONCORD, Ne oC. api i) ’ | d : set i as and Jowelry anid ’ refal attention t eee \ ] wont Piece, repaired inthe \ be HOW RUpr Cheese! Cheese !! Cheese!!! Toy hl EN Foe TREES bon. ed Werine on \ Tectia: (ilo itt i bey Ti anneen | 1 vA » Bie ’ I 1 by ; SPRAGUE BRO'S be Cvxchonee and Collection Office. li JIN eae TNS |< PNET VST Sey, Nay \ ! . j Mee loteacedetrttr u 1 ved de posit. and we A ; of claine and ' j Po pavene ne TOWN MA teen ae 4 TL RORDE 1 Mo- | No charge for storage MANSION uf HOTEL, ALISBU RY. — SRE — | TUE subscriber takes pleasure iu annoaneing tu his | friends, aud the pubhe geuerally, that he has j taken this long established and well known Hotel, Sand his made every possible preparation to accomino- date the business, travelling and visiting Portions of the public, in the most satistuctory manner. » b Joy to the Admirer& OF A FINE HEAD OF RICH GLOSSY HAIR. Talk of beauty, itcxunot exist without a fine head of hair, then read the following, and if you ark more see circular arvuund each bottle, and no one can doubt. DROFESSOR WOOD'S HAIR RESTORA- TIVE.—We call the attention of all, old and { back to its original color, gray tair—covers the head of the bald with a luxuriant growth—removes the daudruff, itching, and all cutaneous eruptions— | Particular attention is paid to his | | and every comfort is provided in his ROOMS. | His STABLES are abundaundy supplied, and at- tended by # careful ostler; and to all departinents | the proprietor gives bis personal attention Hes | A-comfortable OMNIBUS runs regularly to the depot on the arrival of the cars With these efforts to please. a liberal share of the ‘ public patronage is confidently solicited WM. ROWZEE. January 25th, PRSk. tf-35 T. C.& B.G. WORTH, Commission K Lorwardng - MBRGRANTS, Wilmington, N. oO. February, 16, 1858 ly | 7 evi John Dooley, HAT MANUFACTURER, AND WHOLESAE DEALER IN HATS, CAPS, Fl Tes, TRIMMINGS, §&e. FALL, 1858 WAVE now in store an extensive and cotnplete assortinentof every thing in imy line adapted to the Pall trade, and aw pre- | pared to offer unusual indacements to pur- ! chasers. | Tn any lite visit to Che inarkets and manufactories of the North and By | tet, | selection of this stobk | T have spared no paiusin the | and T flatter myself thet long | experience enables me to anticipate rhe wants of my | friends in V irgiaita, North Carolia and Tennessee A callis respectfully soheited from my ald custom ers and the public JNO. DOOL Richmond, Va., Sept. 28, 1s3e, tie | RAIL ROAD NOTICE WO) | NEW, CEEAP, | COE continual How of the natural fluids; and | hence, if used as a regular dressing forthe hair wall | | preserve its color, and keep it from falling to extreme | old age, in all its natural beauty. We cull then upon the bald, the grey, or diseased in the sculp, lo use and surely the young will wot, as they value the Howing locks, or the wite hing curl, ever be without lit. Ite oe is upon the tongue of thousands The Agent for Prof? Wood's Hair Restorative in Now levers received the following letter in regard to the Restorative, a few we kes + Deer River, Conn., July 23, since: 1X56. Mr. Leavenworth—Sir: T have been troubled with dandruff or scuri on my head for more thea year, tiny hair began to come vut, ecurt and hair together. I suwina New Haven paper about Wood's Hair Restor- ative” asucure. LT ealled at your store on the Istof April last, und purchased one bottle to try it, und I found to iny satisfaction it was the thing, removed the scurf and new hair began te prow; itis now two or three inches in length where st wasaullof. have great faithin it. [wish you to send me two bottles tnore by Mr. Post, the bearer of this. I don't know ag any of the kind is used in this place, you may have a market for many bottles after it is known here. Yours with respect, RUFUS PRATT PHitavecriia, Sept. 9, 1856. PROF. WOOD — Dearsir: Your Haar Restorative Is proving itself beneficial tome the buck partot my head almost lost its cove ring— infact BALD, of your Restorative, and now the well stadded with uw promising crop of voung hair, benefit. T have tried other preparations without aoy benetit whatever T think from omy own persons! can tuduce many others to try it Yours respectfully, IDS, VR, IPIKO MES. AY 18) No. 464 Vine street. and the trout is also reeeiving its recommendation, | 1853 June * vs, As you are Vincenves, PROF. O. J. WOOD: facture d vead discovered Restorative, L will state, for whommoever it Way con- and vour recenidly cern, that Phave used it aud kaown others to use it | COUNTRY MERCHANTS, | | VND EXPEDITIOUS ROUTE IER | FREIGHT FOR THE INTERIOR OF NORTH | CAROLINA \ ERCTEAN TS and others about purchasing their - Fall and Winter supplies. are requested to ne. North Eastern the ad- nd expeniious route from the | thre to Cheraw, uot of from Charleston S, ¢ He ACP ard iscpened to them AM Fremht consigned to the eare of the North Eastern Rail Road will be { Wail Road. | Vantage of ia | Neabn the Avent of forwarded free at Cheraw. All. Company's Ware- Will be mace J nocare of tu the house untillealled for Schedule of charges fortrans- i portation of Freight will be found at the Post Office SOLOMONS, | Mogineer & Superintendent ttl ns Ausu-t 10, [soe THE LIVER INVIGORATOR! | | PREPARED BY DR SANFORD, | Compounded entirely from GUMS, 1 Oa yn, OUI (este a AE AND LIVER ME DICINES now be TAL CIN as & Cuthartie, easier Ets cpl sre cfect uel inn uy 1 adh rtie bi “ther medicine known ting first on the and bowels the op ; ees ' the same true that ie pu ad when tucen daily inn Ale doses will strengthen mud built it up with The Laver is one he @ prine On G Honan body, and when it the powers 0 mwa of the jones weil 1 The onuch on the healily action of the apces! tions, whenthe the whole the Liver— eases of that or ee made 1 his study, in a years, to find some remed inany derangements to which Kan, one of the proprietors practice of more than twenty wherewith to counteract the itis hable To prove that this remedy is ‘ded with Liver Com- has but to try al 1 These Gums re the system supply iuvigorating stomach Aho urifying the blood, at last found, any person trou | Plaine, in any of its forma, | ouviction is certain inorbid’ or bad matter from y flow of bile, | 1 tu digest weil King tone and health to the hole mach iS (he cause of the disease— | eMecting a radical ¢ | re lous attacks are cored, and, what ts tt er, prevented, by 16 occasional use of the — | Liver Invigorato Levent to relieve the stomach. boing nod seuring. one dose taken before S = x o: lo i F: | aa Only: ening, preventy Night= mare Olletanalidnecn taken ar) Me osens the Lowels | cues Cose Nene. | after eacl ‘cure Dyspepsia of two tea sutuls will always relieve reheves Cholie, while ie eure for Cholera before eating gives vi food digest well € hros c Diar~ es ° and € first dose ised bs Worana in safer, or speedier remedy in from 4 menting this medicine ax a Fever and et Axue, Chit Fever, ' my Hows ‘Type. It operates Willing to testify to ite Mt are giving thelr unanimous | its fave Ba Mix Water In ike mouth ith = gorator, and swallow both together, oe Ln THE LIVER INVIGORATOR TS A SCIENTIFIC (MEDICAL DISCOVERY, and ta daily m: , ohn It cares as if by seldom more than Aver Complaint, mmon Headache, ver. PRICE ONE DOLLAR PER BOTTLE £ te bottle fe re from the worst Jaume lice all of which are the res Honth’s proper use will restore (the oor | healthy, | How completed to Bevoronur Harsor, | | Ney directly trom the rey cleanses the head of Candculf, aud with one any person's hair wina. Vouthtul color and texture, giving ita soft and glossy appearanee ; and all this, without diseolorimng the hands that apply 1 or the resson which it drops. Lb would, therefore, reeom- mend its use oO every one desirous of haviog a fine color aod texture to hair Respeetfolls yours, WILSON KING. Nov 30, IXSx. Bin 27 Carelina City, N. €., July 26th, 1858. ‘Tour \thante ane North Carolina Rial Road being have deter- fined to locate ut Carolina City, for the purpose of | doin a FORWARDING AND GEVERAL COMMISSION BLSIN tnd hope by promptuess aud stret attention to merit Being the Agent of Murray's Line of First Class Packets, tothsand MOREHEAD CIPY, effort renade tomake this the cheapest and most expedi- tious route to New York dscharged at my Whaef Whart, ERAGE J7 Partienulir ate Your patrouage and support. every will Vessels will be loaded and utyo the Runt Rowd ARTAGE and LIGHT. nny tad thereby save © emtion will be given to allorders, and ty the sule aud shipment of Produce WILLIAM B to D Merray. forwarded free of Comuntssion rid GRANT All sh pinents of Produce Conpves will be August 3d, DR5x, WATCH WAKES AND JEWELER, COME AND SEE | W.R.WILSON'S | NEW STIOW © ASE, ND the large, new supnly of WATCHES. JEW EIARY ; and a great vanety of Glittering and Fash- the “AT Charms of new Styles Bins, of LANTIC CARBLE™ order Call in—Look round —and see Wheantitul them of some the splendid array | Clocks, Walking Canes, &c. fvorious kinds Now rs the vine to buy Having manofocturers, foreash only, Lean, cheap bought end Twill sell, twenty-five snch ariicles ever have been per cent cheaper than sold in and I will deduct 5 per cent, even at these low Salisbury, for cash, SANFORD & Co., Proprietors, 345 Broadway, New York. rates : | Wholesale Agents: Come and see the new supply of SILVER TEA | Teter A Park, New York TW Irrart d Sonn Philadel- and “TABLE SPOONS, and the beet quality o BiG Bre aa ee aE Portland; NK IIVLES that can be fonnd on thie side of the | ox & iaenne Cleveland ! Fatisestocx & Davis, Chicago, © J Woop & Co., St Louie: Groner HW Kereen Pittsburgh SS Hance, Baltimore, And retailed by all Drugyista. Sold alro by Wilt y Aol Dragsist, Salisbury NeC 1y-40 PROSPECTUS CE ANT) CAROLINA CITY TIMES The undersirns Adantic: also SILVER PLA LED CASTORS, AN kinds of Watehes, Clocks, Jewelry &e., atthe lowest rates, To thisbranch the WE TR prompt tv repaired, and warranted for | twelve months Proprietor gives | WILSON (f18 his sole attention Salisbury, Sept, 28, TR5R | r YEW WARBLEYARD. Powill commence the publeattony of | a W. Ari wile the ahote usleahunt the first ! week ou Uinniey est, at Candin Cay. N¢ I] il A LL OLM | The Vises wil be Tidependentin all things, Neu cn _ | tratin wething 2” but the hest enereies of the propr PRACTICAL MARBLE CUTTER, | ol i i tre my and all measures tending DESPECTECTLY interme the public, that he to i mee the toterests of Bewufort: Uarbors and has opened a particularly Co keep people posted on what we are realy dina AV ihie detenninajni (nee ellie MARBLE YARD wishooa f Nita oe 1 ark all ptt tos hel » een tena wilibe j . oe bee ne opposite the Mansion Hotel, where he is prepared to LURE clint iti ates ae hee ie fil all orders with diapateh, for MONUWEN TS, AGING Onin. Tie can al enti e Terie LESSON ES Ast ORS cand all kindw at felt by every intelligent enzen whe desires the ap Workin the Marble line, of either IMPORTED all acquainted with the resources of Boanfort Harbor CE AEEAN of | vr prekent cond No fotare prospecte, We | The'T ras wil ys Iytsat wake eine. ar ~ANMTERICAN MARBLE, TiVal aid departure at waste finn thn per aidinte Having made arrangementa by which he can pro eolninis vill afford the | Spee Nestinteligeres both foreign and domestic Herre willbe taken to give ai! full and seeurnte SIMOLAEN capes viel yom 3 Phe Viwew will be path hed ever Vharsdav, and WH be ial Coeuhsciers (or lwo (Dullaran vent, | tavariih bady nie I | ADRS TAPING | } Drs. M. WHITEHEAD &J.A. CALDWELL, | ' HI AVE nasaniate W the nthe practies of Medteine o~ ” uty ou hy fr Wwirenean | cure the IMPORTED ITALIAN WARRER FOL atredneed prices fil Ac, al re whle rates weoean all ordecs tor Monuments WROD He would be hapiv to have all dearous of dealing speciovcun of Marble, pn hiw tir to call and see for thernselvex hear rmriees, and jugade Maving had 2 veowill give mm &e June ox > yenre the his personal atteution to poldog up men expernence in busineas, ents 1658 bef WA TEN STE THIS OF FICK} MEA TERI AE Tt Nol A 7 young, tu this wouderful preparation, which Curus | The front, and alse | Thave used but two half pint bottles | top of iny head is about lomana. | a a that. [ have, for several years, been im the habit ofousng other Hair Restoratives, and that IT tind Vours Vastly superior to any other T know. ft en. | (vis | Cot j trust we willbe enabled tae and patronage ee ron he 4g mdomitable AGAIN! H. L. ROBARDS, oF THK ' ROWAN HOUSE, Salisbury, N.C. | still coutinues to keep this long established and popa- jlar Horen.in the best style —having in his employ (efficient umsistants, who are determined no one shall ( go away dissatisfied Have not reuted out or feared “OLD POINT COMFORT,” | but am still Proprietor, and sivite the travelling public | tocallaud partake of the many luxuries ourexpericuce | aud fact'itier enable us to give em, Lt ae ROBARDS. Nov 26: a2, CELEBRATED VEGETABLE SE POWDER. Toor. NYLE Proprietors take pleasure Gs otkeriog their Vegetable Cattle Powder ‘itis the article long weeded by the Ayneai tural eom- j munity The Compouud is asefulin most all disea- ses incident to Horses, Cows, Hogs, aud Sheep, en- | tery inte the eire obvdan. producing an srhaative j effeet thereby, purifying the blood wid on | The Powder is recommended for given th complaints of Dostemper Be | vers, Foot-diseases, Glanders, Farey, Gripes and Col ic, Jaundice aud Yellow Water, diseases of the kid- | | hormes to « Slobbermg, Coughs, ney. foundered horses, Ke Tt may be givenT in dores of tablespoontul thee or y feeling Confident that | {Gap and Jones Gap, “MOU NTAIN SCENERY. The Scenery of Western North Carolina and Western South Carolina. BY HIENRY E. OUOLTON. A. Work upon the Scenery of the Blue Ridge aed A its lelluw ranges of Mountains will be published early inJuouary. ‘The following will be its couteuts: Chap. I—Lutroduction. GS H1— Asheville “TLL —Routes to reach Asheville—the Swana- hoa GapeRnud Chap 1V—The Hickory Nat Gap Road. ee V—The Routes from South Carolina-Selem Flat Rock, Hendersonville, Cwsar's Head, Whiteside Mt. and Cashier's Valley. Chap VI—A Route via Wilkesboro and Lenoir. the Valley of the Yadkin, Wilkesborogh; Mappy Valley; Lenoir; Hi'briv'ten ete. Chap. Vil— Morganton and its surronadings ;- the Piedinont Springs; Hawk's Bill and ‘Table Rock. hap VIEL—Linville Falls; the Gingercake Rock; North Cove and the Cave. Chap IX—Fhe Vicinity of Asheville; the W bite Sulphur; the Million Spriags; Pleasant Drives. Chap X—The Black Mountain; the Mouaotaia House ; Journal of a Party. Chap. XLE—The Mountain: Chip Xtl—The French Wari Springs. Chap XEEL—Pleasant Country Stopping Places ; Carou's on the Catawba; Harris's at Chimney Rook; Sherill’s vt Hickory Nut Gap; Penland’s wt Flet the Bald Mount. Broad River and the four tines a week mixed with water when driuking | CAO Aes } ‘The powder is highly recom vended for cows. Pa- mifying their blood aud brig them to a heatthy state, diving out all the tarpudities of the body. iu. creasing Cheap streneth and teprowiig ther the fr, that ounce appetite, atountoof aitk uses jmoktogy Chem yield twice asia A frie withoart it j doses of a tablespooutul three Gaines a all Che the pupure state of the blood and seeretlous nuirely driven out. | poor condition, Pt svould be week, liseases arising froin der, Wel uever be | and on continuing the use of it, may be Ta diseases of Ho'low Horo, Hoof disease that ywive bloody nitk. or tor found hoghly beueticl il ty day, or three Uines a week JES powde POR COWS dry cows, it has beet weving the powder every rx the commended to be ree given ined bed tocks, weer in the lungs, and liver, andi fatctenuioe, aud ancy be wiven by inivray a barre! of swill HADEN, HH j “Phe Cattle Powde { Was Tiest recommen tpound ofa haliota packare in ry proving soetfie ceious for what led indaced several farmers to feed it to some laying hous, OF WOOD & Co., Proprietors, 312 Browdway, wonderful vf ttlening them: bes des, makeig them New York, sethe great N Y. Wire Railing Betab-) eit Mie tarrer Ua Uana Heneviie pics) Ne cnt isiment. and 1 Market Street, St, Lous, Mo (herstoret res cocunineutiits cone tedster Weis Baddbliay WA TD. A TPE Draggist, Salsbury, No | geese, turkeves aud foe all kinds of the fe athered Co and by oll good Diaggints tribe, woere tis desired to keep up a healthy cou | dition. fk ) Walter twoorth7ee times a week SOLD, Wholesale and Retad,by WOH. WYATT, | Drureist, Salebary, NOC (Spe) | TO ALL _ Interested in Building !! The Subseribers call attention to their Mills on West Hill. pie will drese tumber, do all kinds of ORNA WISE, ASOXOHD SWVORIS as Whasiyan igs, | Braekets, &e., €e, aud mauntacture FRAMES. SASHES, BLINDS, DOORS SPOKES \ | lected LuMBrR, will be stoce of weld sraxuncu, » and large kept ou hand Contriet taken for titing ap stores, acd for the ERECTION OF ALL SORTS OF BUILDINGS, for tieh PLANS will be furnished, of desred They avse eat witon lo ther SPORES sid supertor finieh Pheir work re not surpos Li Orders filled at the shortest netice Gils | ev iiss: Conneered with the Factory, two Grist Mills Corn willbe groand with d spateh, and a supply o J goed MEAL wil always be kept for site MURDOCH, DARBY dth, 1858 COWAN'S VEGETABLE LITHONTRIPTIC OR FRIEND OF THE HUMAN FAMILY. AUFFERING FROM DINEASED KIDNEYS, Stomeinthe Bladlderand Kidins YS, ness of the Loins, be. of the alle Most approved patterns by any tu the Siace are & CO. bd Salisbury, Nov ths pow. | Rock on ‘Toe River, in Yaueey ; Alexande! nd A. {Baird's ou the French Broad; Alexander's onthe Swanhanoy Chap XtV—The Western Counties; Haywood, Jackson, Macon mdCherokees Pigeon Rivec; Freuk- ling a Winter Trip y Valley River; the Nautibale ; Cherokee Indians Chap. XV—Vreductions of the West, Agricaltural and Mineral; Wild Flowers; Tree Growth; Wild Animals aud Reptiles. Arresvoix.—The Pilot Mountain; Salem; Pied- mont Sprays of Stokes; Shoceo Springs; Kittrell’s Springs; Letters of Dr. Christy va Mountains of North Carolina. The work will conta four views of Movntam Secuers and a Mapof that section of country, show- ing all Roads. Stage Lines, Stopping Places; Noted Piaces. ete. Te will be pot up in the best style of the art, and sold at 6U ceuts per copy. Whea sept by Persons wishing copies, will uddtess Babbitt Nts mail, 66 cents. Sy fis Pomeroy, | A liberal discounc to those tuking a number of copies for sale of distribution viven tn | rnd found the effet inost | mov be given meved with Todian meal and | Weak) Thisinvaluable medicineis for sale at the Davie ! Hoteloin Woeksvilles at De. R Campbells. in bre. dell; atthe Drag Siere in Charlotte 1 4t Aeverly's Hotelin Saleins and atthe Carolina WatehmanOf. fieesin Sabsbary Phe sabsenber h ving entered inte cooartne rshiy with John Bo Cowen nfactureand sale of the onginal patentee for the iman. above Medicine, impreparecta rddressing him at Salishory, N calling at hos residence, LO niles west of Ihave. Eee Daee = iN June 2t.0R55 tf5 U. STATES WAIL, Furnish a supply by his CHANGE OF SCHEDULE, Salisbury to Asheville. { oS. BROWNS LINE OF 4 HORSE 14 PAS e kenger Couches is now runuing ta connection | with the trains on the Western North Carolina Rail Road, lvaving Salisbury by Rail Road at 5 o'clock A’ M., Mondays, Morganton to Supperou the same days, and with ont any delention passing onto PLEASANT GAR DENS for Breakfast. crossing the BLUE RIDGE and offering to the on Wednesdays and Fridaye, iConoen day, | reaching | poblie a fine view of | the celebrated Peaks ofthe BLACK MOUNTAIN, | THE wot ri PRIA. and it given to all Powill in ev Stage Fare (rive ita watisfaetion 4 not ry rustanece refund ther C18. BROWN, Contractor Morcanton, NO (ue Slat, 1x58 tries ' A OND, | AVING nemocrated with inyveelf Me Jous HH Fivvine. r tly oof Petersburg. Vay a gentle moanoof tong experience inthe Diag busines, and Hoving moved inte the darge new broek tate ng oon the corner of Main and Water Streets with our merensed faciitier for conducting the buanesa, I vom the confide nee fimy former cusiomere and the pob he generally Our motto will be to give satisfaction Call and woe ous ( AS LEE NYRR GUN Fan 11, 89 ay Mi Mitevcll and Clagman,) reaching Asheville ty | Dianer, which will be from ELGIVP to TEN hours | advances of any other route. No expense orpouris willbe spared to make this the aegr wre TNE oN | Joho I Ji \ nteaber of advertisements of Hotels, Livery fables and Sprinvs wil be tuserted upon fly-leaves, forwarded jurninedtately. Jan. 11, THE SPICES OF GOOD LIVING { 41 4" /| nV 4 e 2 —— 7 (i. SPIESS Ws , Wo dRPESHT tik Das 1 AY thy LN lurge auppiy of fresh confect ons whieh ow th the arucies produced by a BAKER, vod with the addition of an OVS Rae .OON: Itractive shop in Town. 33 make His new vinportattons comprise a large stock of Almonds, Filberta, Co- comnts, Vita, Lemons, Brandy Peaches, Sardines, Pickle &, and every other article im his line Bee (ele 1 PANG OOD. His BARERY ix kept up with regularity, and hie shop constantly sapphed with fresh | Bread, Cakes, Pies, &., &e., which he farnishes to families, for parties and to in- dividaals at very moderate prices, The lovers of Oysters willtind here, a saloon fitted opin Nerthera style, and a mice article of Oysters tt short notce at almost sure and call on SPIESS in If. TH. Beards building. 123 LAND FOR SALE. | offer for sale one traet of J wand, cootamming 265 aeres, up ihe inost. Candis, Le Usins, Cream prepared co the best miner, Be auy hour, tight orday NV Bos lands enti ml): Hall and are good burldings, a good adjouing the Jolinston. Solomon Po hert en said traet there MEADOW, a quantity of BOTTOM LAND, and | WELL TIMBERED. Also, another tract lying in | Davie County, known os the Wilson place, ou Hunt- mg creek, adjoning the landsof Arthuc Neely aad others, contamiog 200 acres, well inproved and pre- dune Also, one tract of 250 acres, lying iw Yad- kin County, adjormiug the lands of Hinton Comer | and others, on the Hamptonville road—ite improve- ments consist of an exerilent Breck Dwelling House Bargains can be am determined to sell. Call the Wilkesboro’ road, 15 | | ive | | and all other uecessary out-houses. !hadin this tand as T noon ow the gubsertber oa tniles trom Salisbury J.D. JOUNSTON, Agent fur R. F. Jobnstoa. 3ino34 ‘Greensborough Mutual INSURANCE COMPANY, Oo we CH has been the care and economy of the offi- cers ol this Company, that we are free from debt; how on hand large capa tmopremium notes ®457,059.03 5 in caurh $13, inahing a total of $470,504.92, meet any losses that may acerne ; we therefore ee Ho hesitation in saying to the public, that there is no safer Company in the Southern country. The most ofthe Risks in this Company bemy in the Weertern partof the State, where the danger from fite ie much lene. Im, 1R59 Jan have made no assessments, and have Viz aly) | DIRECTORS: | James Sloan, JOA. Mebane, ©. Po Mendenhall, D. P. Weir, Wo J. MeConnel, John L. Cole, Jed. H. Lindsay, James M. Garrett, E Gregg, David MehKuight, Greensborough Alex. Mil- ler, Newhbern; EB. BF. Lilly, Wadesborough; 8S. G Cothn, WoO A. Wright, Wilmington ; Shaver, Salisbury; T. MeGee, Raleigh; H Plymouth; RoE. Troy, Lumberton; Tho Johnson, Yanceyville Ww D. P. Oybarn, Jiinestown ; Spruill, All communieationson business connected with this Onice, addressed to PETER ADAMS, Secretary. enborough, N.C... May 5, 1557. tfll JONESVILLE Ma'e and Female Academies, Rev. W. L. Van Eatoy, A. M., Principal. LJ. Curery, A.B Assocsute. Miss AOD. Lorrnipce, Toacher in Female Depart- ment Mise Pook should be Hawvosp, Teacherof Music and French. Board per session of 21 weeks, with every thing fur- nished except Ights, $35 00 Tnition varies from 6 to R15 15 00 Masie on Piano, 20 00 Freneh and Embroidery, each, 5 00 The twenty eighth session of these school« will open the first Wednesday in January next. It ie highly important that all enter the first week or as soon thereafter as possible Phe schools are conducted in large buildings, and | ipart, affording parents an op- portunity to give therr aone and daughters a thorough We have a fine appa. nt oaosit » clistane edocation im the same village pratoss with maps and globes, also a good library for | Jonesville, Yadkin Co, NOC = | |, the bene ft of the We now have several large boarding houses open at the low ratee hope that parents and guar- usin one hundred and fifty for the popu. fir recommodation of stadents, of & the Tper month, and we diana will aend next session For farther particulars addresa the Principal at and Catalogaes will be rent Nov 10th, 1858 tf 25 Professional Card. RR... VT. POW BF nee he found at hie Office, in Cowan'e Brick Row ional bueneee wiz Noy, 1s when not ab 26.0% eran Profe Pe Zi ed RY. rolina idge aed vabliahe d buulouts: Swana- 1-Selem sonville, ) Valley. Lenoir. Happy ge; the Rock. ve Rock ; ) White ves. louotein sonthe ny wood, »Freuk- utibale ; cultural ; Wild 3 Pied- ittrella juins of ountam ‘, show- ; Noted je of the sent by uddters f copies Livery -leaves, and his d ty in- n fitted Jyvters almost S ng. 23 _ a good D, and ying in ) Hunt- ‘ly and nd pro- u Yad- Comer prove- foure can be Call ad, 15 sion. no34 ual be offi- n debt; hand U3 ; in 92, to ¢ have eis no e most Jertern Finuch all, D. ed. H. D. P. x. Mil- s.G ngton ; gh; H 1; Tho ith this tary. ll epart- rench. ig fur- 35 00 15 00 20 00 5 00 lopen highly » BOON ®, und an op- rough appa. ry for Lopen rates guar- or the yal at vill be i) te a l —" Lm VOL. XVI. SALISBURY, N. C,, FEBRUARY 22, 1859. eee J.J. BRUNER, EDIYTOR AND PROPRIETOR SPECIAL NOTICE, No name of a new subscriber will be entered on our list, without payment in advance; nor will the paper be sent to subscribers after the expiration of the time paid for. The red x is only intended to indicate that the vear paid for is about closings and to inform those who wish to reuew their subscription, that the time bas ar- rived for doing so. — TERMS. Single copy, £2.00 Five coptes, $8.00 Teo copies, $15.00 Clubs exceeding ten, in the same proportion, | $1.50 each. Payment always in advance. Se - ADVERTISING RATES. A square is the space occupied by 16 lines of ® PI Brevier type. : Oceasivnal renewal 3 t oe without additionalcharge | < Udjjsevuy pL 3 granted to those who ad- eS % uoNsowul B vertise regularly though 2 i the year. - sudl}iosul @ Fy HG Three dollars for an- =] suojjiosuy p Heuncing candidates for = ollice. ES sacuiosuy © Court Orders charged 5 25 per cent higher than | z i] sao}jesul Q the above rates. Orders 3 4 for divorce of husbaud 3 dayyt aoly and wife, $10 cach. dosup Youy Pe Persons ser in advertisements a sya & th “SYIUOW B® I} » the back ¢ a Otherwise they will be putupin the usual style and charged accordingly CA No discount ov these rates, wt AN et = ) all eral emt gal) re A.) a The following Court and miseellaneous BLANKS kept on laud it by mail te any part of the “SylUOK 6 eyIUOW, BT for sale, at this office * country, at expense Com. to take Depo. C. & 8. C Apprentice TPadentures Writs. C. & 3. Court, estaimentary, Barcutions, C. & 3.0 Let of Administration, Subpenas, Co & 8. C. Special Letters do., Witness Tickets, C.& 8. C. Juror Tickets. Prosecution Bonds, C. & 3. C. Various Equity Blanks, Bail Bonds, civil cases Deo Todietmments, Batt Bonds, crim. °° Land Deeds, Altachment Write, Deeds in Trust, Delivery Bonds, Sheriff Deeds, Civil Warrants, Casas & Bonds, Marria ge Licenses, Jo Certificates, Administration, do. Equity de Kastarday, i Netes of Hand, Appeat, Notes to Bank, CM And many other forms of loss frequent uspraie, Blanks ted to order on short notice A Bright Day Dawning We have never in our life been more conti dent of the approaching dissulution of the Dea ocraue party and thy signal iui; oof what has | been called “the deal and buried Whig party,” than we are ths moment, times indicates the utter demel tion of Deimoc- racy. Wich the vastest: expeuditure of money in both the Feleral and State Governments, in which they have had for years past almost um Is, vast versal control, the spoi and enormous as they are, have been found sufficient, as we are told by one of the most prominent Democrats in the Union, to keep the hungry pack together, Upon no question are they united as regards matters of Federal concern. Ts ita Pacifie Rail- road which their President: recommends twice | over? What does Ins press Girough the coun try say about it? in the Democratic anti-consolidation South, are either silent or dead down against it, while ina Democratic Senate the bill of its Democratic patron, Mr. Gwin, has been emasculated to such an-extent, that Mr. G. pronounced the bill As passed “Sa perfect farce.” Look again at the Lariff—at the recommend- ation of Mr. Buchanan, ou the one hand tor spe- cific duties, and at his Secretary of the Treasu ry’s on the other for ad valorem duties, Will not every body agree that itisa splendid exem- plitication of * Old: Hiekory’s” doctrine, that “a Cabinet should be a unit’? And dues it not show that when Old Hickory said * Mr. Buchan- an was infirm of purpose,” he knew Iis ian? | Does it not prove, too accurding to Democratic doctrine, that the old leaven is in Old Buck, and that he relishes the application of the quo- tation— “Who can tell what perils do environ Those who meddle with Coal and Tron”? These are no speculations of vars. We go to sources recognised as entirely Democratic tor proof of what we say. Just read the following from the Washington States : « Our associates in the Keystone State have been already indulged to the ulinost limit of forbearance. They have been tolerated fur years in the open pro- fession of heresy. We permitted them to sucrifice Dallas for his interpid tidelity to the principles of the party, and we allowed them to promote Buchanan because of his non-conformity to a cardinal Democrat- ic doctrine. These things have been done tor the protectionist# Democracy of Pennsylvanis, and yet they have the andacity to exact a still farther com- promise of principle. The demand is insufferable The State rights Democracy might as well siguily at once thea determination to surrender nothing more to the partial jiterests of our allies in Pennsylvania If their service is to be bought by u betrayal of prin- ciple, we prefer their antagonism: to their association Between a Black Republbean President and a Demo- cratic administration with # federal poley, we have very little choice. Free taade ts of vital importance to the producing interests of the South and the West Protection is another formol Abolitionisnr er than be responsible for its imposition, the sentatives of the slaveholding States would surrender the control of the government. Bat we do not ad mit that the vote of Pennsylvania is indispensible to the success of the Democratic party. “Phe loss in volved in her defection would be more than suppled by the support which a free-trade policy may prop tiate in other quarters.” Need we make any comment on the above? Need we point out the distinct admission of whiat enormous sacrifices of principle the Lemocracy have made to carry and keep the “Keystone of the Arch of Democracy” ? Te the coolness with which the Democraty “States” proposes to do without Pennsylvania whose “favorite son” is now T’resident of the United States, and for whom so much has beet sacrificed ? Nine out of ten of the papers | and rath- repre- And need we remark Federal'y speaking, then, we say, “Day is STRANGE FREAKS OF A MILLION- | The building was indeed Beckford’s When certain folks “fallout, honest | wen get their dues.” Looking at our owa State. | We have never seen the time in ten years past when there bas been more to encourage the | Wie party than at this moment. The Demo- | cratic party are here in the Legislature with an | immense majority. They have been here near. | ly three months, and what lave they done on | their chosen platform but to pass one important | | bill, which they permitted to be beaten and. re- | beaten—to be kicked about. from pillar to post, jand at length passed into a law, because a ike | ' counvisance of the Federal Government was re- | ported to have advised the establishment of Work Shops and a Foundry on Deep River! | | The Democracy have done this, and have done something more, ‘They bave matured and will | pass a tax bill, which, inthe language of Mr. | Wise, will cause “sinners to groan,” and which | will “empty the saddle” op which now sits many | a “eavorting” Democrat. \ We predicted that the Democracy would have cause to lament the responsibility entailed upon | them by their heavy majority in this Legislature, | and we shall, if we live, see our propbecy fulfill: } ed. | We hail, then, the “dawning of a brighter | vday.” We shail greet the “good time that is | and wall | be cnabled to exchange congratulations with our parartre daw ning, coming,” and which will soon arrive, / many aud coustant Whig friends, not oply in I this, but in other States. Ala adeant, then is our wotto.—faleiyh Leyister, : oso Merico and the South American Lee- publics.—\t is impossible tu conceive of | a state of things more disastrous, than that in which Mexico is involved at pre- sent. She owes a foreizn debt exceeding BS5,000,000, vizt 860,000,000 to British ; stockholders 5 $7,000,000 by the Spanish convention 5 $6,000,000 under the Span- ish-English convention; g260,00U under | convention, and about x10,- American claims. Phe annual ! Interest is nearly $5,000,0%0 at 6 per cent. Lesides, she has a civil war at, home, and has just been threatened with invasion by Spain, England, and France. What isto become of her ?¢ Bat if Mexico is under the weather, it cannot be denied that Pera flourishes. She has an army of 4,000 men, commian- ided by two marshals and five generals of division. There are, moreover, 22 brig- adier generals, 142 coloncls, 153 lieuten- ant colonies, 200 majors, 40L captains, $56 first and 418 second licutenants. She has a navy of ten ships, carrying 100 Pguns, and this navy is commanded by ‘three adinirals forty posteaptains and lthirty-tive Hieutcnants, With sucha foree, she tecls herself able te go to war, and }ehe has, accordingly, declared war for tue fiftieth time, ag Bolivia. The jcatise is not stated, but we suppose Peru keeping, What a tiaguificent —feichimond Whey. Sil . FIFTY DOLLARS A DAY. Frou a paragraph in the Lecord rn we see that Members of Congress will get Uhis session, srayrly dollars yer day tor every day cuyploved exclusive of mileage. the French QU0.000 ailst HOOSIERS State! Every sirn of the | Now we putit te the common sense ana honesty of thetuselves and their coustita cuts to say whether they carn it. They contracted with their coustituents to work for cight dollars a day, and then voted more thau six that Our Representative voted increase, but pocketed ité themselves times atrount, avainst the We call on him to adopt the Augucrers sugvestion, It says: ‘Let some Mem- ber of Congress immortatize himselt by introducing a resolution providing for the cutting down of the present pay of members. to fifteen hundred dollars per fannum. JShat would be twenty-five dol- larsa day, which is enough in all con- science, considering the Preasury iscmpry. | Away with this wretched pretence about | z reform” from men | “retrenchinent and who pocket fifty dollars a day of unearn- fed money. Let them no longer insult the {intelligence of the country, by asserting that they “are in faver of? economy and retrenchiment.—/red. Vows. The Washington Sates continues to | pour hot shot into its own Admuinistra- | TIRE NOG G Te tion, and its own party, on account of the wasteful and unprecedented expenditures | of the public money. It says: | . . ls Every body—Whig, Democrat, Free Trader, and Protectionist—admits that the expenditures of Government are er orbitant and beyond endurance.” | [Is not this a Democratic admission which the people should remember, when asked to vote for the Democratic candi- dates at the coming election ?—JRéchinond Whiy. Importing Flour from Li rpool.— The Detroit Lribune says that * Jolin Young, Esq., of Montreal, has purchased at Liverpool 10,000 bbls. supertine flour at fifteen shillings per bbL, to be shipped to Qnebee at 1s. 3d freight; sy thatit will be put down at Quebec at a cost of only about $8.90 per bbl, exclusive of insur The above shippment is thought which will thus have ance. to be Oswego flour, made two voyages across the Atlantic Dealers could, at present prices import flour from Liverpool te New York at a fair profit, and even to Detroit.” Black and White.—We find in an ex change paper the statement that seventy two white females were married to ne yroes in the State of Massachusetts last , vear. If this be so, it is carrying ont the | Abolition doctrine to practical results. | ease. journey, which resembled more the caval- ‘our train; nothing was to be left behind ‘painted, the floor spread with Persian car- _ed with snperb ewers and basins of chas- ithe other sides were vegetables and fruits »,erected at so vast an expense was sold. AIRE. idol~-the object for which he lived. He devoted the whole of his energies to nake vat i 2 z . . . . oe William Beckford, one of the most re! it realize the most fascinating visions of a markable men of modern times, was the only son of Alderman Beckford of Lon- don, who died when his son was only ten years of age, bequeathing him West Indi- an and other property which yielded an | income equal to half a million dollars a year. Young Beckford’s mental powers | were good, and no pains were spared in cultivating them by a refined education. | Sir William Chambers instructed him in| while the great Mozart, taught him music. At twenty-one, witi | the income of a prince, and accumulations | architecture, in ready money to the amount of abont | ordinary. five millions dollars, he lannched upon the world. The great talent of promoting human happiness was placed within his | ors were allowed to pass. reach, but he threw the golden opportun- itvaway. Prond and haughty, the youth. ful@Beckford withdrew from the active business of life, and retiring to Portugal, there devoted himself to a life of luxuious The first outlay of his wealth there was in the erection of a gorgeous palace. During his residence in Portugal he visited, under the royal sanction, some of the wealthy and luxuriant monaateries of that country. It is difficult to convey an idea of the pomp and splendour of this cade of an eastern prince than the tour of a private individual. “ Every thing,” be himself says, ‘that could be thought or dreamed of, for our convenience or relaxation, was carried in but care and sorrow.” “The ceiling of my apartment in the monastery,” he adds, ‘was gilded amd pets of the finest texture, the tables deck- ed silver.” The kitchen in which the dinner was prepared is thus described:—“ A stream of water flowed through it, from which were formed reservoirs containing every kind of river fish. On heaped up loads of game and venison, on one side were vain imagination. The tower was finally erected, but as might be expected, the mortar and cement used had no time to to sect properly, ere a violent gale of wind brought the vast structure to the ground. Merely remarking that he should have been glad to witness the sublime fall of sucli a inass of inaterials, he gave orders for the erection of another tower of 276 fect in height; this also fell to the ground in 1835. After the completion of the abbey, Beckford’s conduct was still more extra- A wall, nearly two miles in circumference, surrounded his mansion, ‘and within this circle scarcely any visit- In sullen gran- deur he dwelt alone, shunning converse with the whole world. Majesty itself was desirous of visiting this wonderful domain, but was refused admittance.— Strangers would disguise themselves as servants, as peasants, or as pedlers, in the hope of catching a glimpse of its glories. Nor was its interior uuworthy of this cu- riosity. All that art and wealth could give, to produce effect, was there. “Gold and silver vessels aud cups,” says one who saw the place, ‘are so numerous liene that they dazzle the eye; and when one looks round at the cabinets, candela- bras and ornaments which decorate the room, we inay almost imagine that we stand in the treasury of some oriental prince, whose riches consist entirely of vessels of gold and silver, enriched with precious stones of every sort, from the ruby to tie diamond.” Such was beckford of Fonthill. With an income of more than $500,000 per an- nuin, he seemed above the reach of ad- verse fortune. Who would have ventur- ed to style all this evanescent as the mir- A sudden depreciation of West In- Some law-suits terminated unfavorably ; embarrassments poured in like a flood on the princely age dian property took place. owner, The gates which had refused ad- mittunce toa monarch, were rudely thrust in endless variety. Beyond a long line of stores extended a row of ovens, and close to them hillocks of wheaten flour, finer than snow, blocks of sugar, jars of the pur- est oil, and pastry in various abundance.” The dinner which followed these pre- parations was served in a magnificent sa- loon, covered with pictures, and lighted up with a profusion of wax tapers in scon- ces of silver, “The banquet,” he adds, “consisted of rarities and delicacies of every season from distant countries.” Confectionery and fruits awaited party in a room still more sumptuous, where vessels of Goa filligree, containing the rarest and most fragrant spices, were handed round. Such was Beckford’s mode of life dur- ing this journey. Returning, at the commencement of the present century, to his native country, Beckford again abandoned himself to the Taking a capricious dislike to a splendid mansion on his estate, which had been erected b¢ his father at a cost of $1,400,000, he or- dered it to be pulled down. selfish enjoyment of his wealth. Ife resolved that, phaenix-like, there should arise from its rnins a building which should surpass in maunificence all that hitherto had been Fonthill Abbey, once one of the wonders of the west of known in English art. England, was the result of this determina- tion. Whole galleries of that vast pile were erected solely for the purpose of en- abling Beckford to emblazon on their win- dows the crests of the families from whom he boasted his descent. The wonder of the fabric, however, was a tower of co- lossal dimensions and great height, erect- ed somewhat in the manner and spirit of those who once reared a similar structure on the plains of Shinar. “Go to, let us build a tower whose top may reach unto heaven; and Jet us make us a name.” Lo complete the erection of Beekford’s tower, four hundred and sixty men were employed both night and day through an entire winter, the torches used by the noe cay it, bat all but one of my pretty dangh- ly not large enough for both. “If you|~ c, the | open by a sheriff's otiicer. The mansion The greater part of its costly treasures | were scattered by the hammer of the auc- ltioncer; and Beckford driven, with the} (shattered fragments of lis fortune, to spend a solitary old age at a watering- | place; there to moralize on the instabili- ty of wealth; there to feel how little |pleasure the retrospect of neglected tal- jents can give, and to point the oft-told linoral of the vanity of human affairs. He fell, it is said, unpitied by any.— The tower which he had erected at so ereat a cost fell to the ground, and Font- hill Abbey was pulled down by its new owner. Thus melted away like frost-work before the sun the extravagant produc- tions of a man of wealth. Lis whole life had been a sad misapplication of the talenis committed to his care, and in the end he discovered that he had been cheat- ed by the mirage. Though Beckford’s princely lavishness cansed him to be talked about all over the world, his true claim to remembrance }rests upon talents as an author, and his genius as displayed in the wild and sin- gular Oriental tale of “ Wathek,” which is so splendid in description, 80 true to Eastern costume, so wild and vivid in imagination, that Lord Byron considered it diflicult to credit that it was written by a European, and said, ‘Even Dr. John- son’s Rasselas must bow before it.” Mr. Beckford died in the year 1844, aged S84 years, leaving two daughters, one of whom is the present Dutchess of Hamilton. IlLis wife was Lady Margaret Gordon, the daughter of the Earl of Aboyne. PRETTY WIVES. Young men are always talking about wetting pretty wives. It is a very pretty thing to lave a pretty wife if she is also | sensible, womanly wife. My sons are ‘all married, and, as I have a numerous fumily of them, Eve something of an op- portunity to judge—now that ‘tis too late to better their condition—what sort of wives certain girls make. Tin sorry to heart’s grief—but I will not interfere be- tween man and wife, so I must yield my sons to their fate, and leave them to steng- gle with their trouble as best they cao. The day for help from other than Ged, with them is past; but, for the eake of youth, who have not yet set their seal upon their life’s happiness or misery, I wish to speak out boldly, and enjoin it upon them all for their own peace’s sake —if they would not have their hearts wrung with anguish, mortification, and despair such as they can form no idea of —that they see to it that when they mar- ry they meet with one who is possessed of at /east an average of common sense, good judgment, magnanimity, and patient, un- selfish affection. Try your lover—try him—try her—prove them in some way; but, whatever you do, don’t wed with one whose disposition you do not know except in its company dress. Often I hear my sons, who have the handsome wives, lainenting that they had not chosen as their brother did, who chose for the no- ble and lovely qualities of heart and mind, rather han for the outward appear- ance; and whose home is a scene of con- tent and happiness, as perfect as earth is permitted to know. I say I Aear the la- mentations of my unfortunate sons, but it is my Acart alone that hears, for I have not a son who would put into words the dissatisfaction which, under the same cir- cumstances, no mortal man could fail to feel. But no—their hearts hear quick, and not a throb of pain can move the child’s heart without making its echo in the breast of her who bore him when she knows and sees the whole cause of his trouble. Oh! ye young, if ye must needs have beauty, take heed that with it ye get wisdom.—Texian Advocate. =e EATING. ITow much we might eat, and upon ‘Low little we might live, are curious mat- ters of speculation, and in an article on the subject in an English /eview, we find the following suggestive facts: ~The accounts which travellers give of the quantity of food which can be con- sumed are extraordinary. Sir Jolin Ross estimates that an Esquimaux will eat per- haps twenty pounds of flesh and oil daily. Compare this with Valentin’s six pounds, or with Cornaro’s twelve ounces of solids, and fourteen ounces of wine! Captain Parry tried, as a matter of curiosity, how much an Esquiimaux lad, who was scarce- ly full grown, would consume, if left to ihimself. The following articles were weighed before being given. Ie was /twenty hours getting through them, and | certainly did not consider the quantity | extraordinary. ‘ Sea-horse flesh, hard frozen, four pounds four ounces; do., do., boiled, four pounds |four ounces; bread and bread dust one ;pound and twelve ounces. Total, ten | pounds and four ounces. To this must be added one and a quarter pints of rich | gravy-soup, three wine-glasses of raw ‘spirits, one tumbler of strong grog, and one gallon one pint of water. Captain Coclirane, in his “Journey through ltus- Fas and Siberian Tartry,” relates that 'the Admiral Saritcheff was informed that }one of the Yakuti ate, in four and twenty hours, the hind quarters of a large ox, twenty pounds of fat, aud a proportionate quantity of melted butter for his drink. ty test the truth of this statement, the | Admiral gave him a thick porridge of rice, boiled down with three pounds of ' butter, weighing together twenty-eight pounds; and although the glutton had al- ready breakfasted, he sat down to it with | great eagerness, and consumed the whole without stirring from the spot. Captain | Cochrane also states that he has seen ‘three Yakutis devoura reindeer ata meal; land a calf weighing about two hundred | pounds is not too much for a meal ‘or | five of these gluttons. | Some caterpillars daily eat double their | weight in food; a cow eats forty-six | pounds daily; and a mouse eats eight times as much, in proportion to its own | weight, as is eaten by aman. But when such facts are cited, we must bearin mind ithe enormous differences in the nature of }the food thus weighed, their relative }amounts of water, and the indigestible ‘material. The same caution is requisite | in speaking of man’s diet. ii | : cse 7 RESIST TUE BEGINNING. The Arabs have a fable of a miller, who was one day startled by a camel’s nose thrust in the window of the room | where he was sleeping. “It is very cold | outside,” said the camel, “I only want to get my nose in.” The nose was let in, then the neck, and finally the whole body. | Presently the miller began to be extreme- | ly inconvenienced at the ungainly com- | Fs , x A panion he had obtained, in a room certain- turnal workmen being visible to the aston- | ters-in-law, are more plague than plea- | are inconvenienced, you may leave,” said Beck ford’s principal enjoyment was watching At night- fall he would repair to some elevated part ished travellers at miles distant. the erection of this structure, of his grounds, and there in solitude | of my noble sons are wrecked for life, and | yield to it. his senses for hours with !all becanse they allowed themselves to would feast the singular spectacle presented by the dancing of the lights, and the re flec- tion of their glare on the surrounding' vital deformity of the syrens whom | I It is my ! first. wood lsnre to their husbands. They are vain, silly, fidgetty, ineflicient, fretful, selfish | and exacting. They are jealous, too: and it is the grief of my old age to know that the happiness and comfort of many be blinded by the glare of youthful beau tY, or even to regard w they chose for their wives. and thus rendered unable to detect hat they knew of the will soon be entirely overcoine; ithe camel, “as for myself, I shall stay | *y where Iam. The moral of the fable concerns all. When temptation occurs, we must not We must not aliow so much as its “nose” to come in. Every thing like sin is to be turned away from. Ile who yields even in the smallest degree and the last state of that man is worse than the I MUST DIE! Reader, are you accustomed to think this as true of yourself, as it is of others? You may be in perfect health to-day ; but has the thought, “I am mortal,” occurred to you? Swift and sudden, death has come to multitudes; if it should come thus to you, now, are you prepared for it # To-day have you thought of the end for which you were created? Have yon re- membered that though you must die, the soul will live forever, and that God will give to every man the just reward of his deeds,—to the righteous, eternal life,—te the wicked, eternal death? Let no care, however pressing; no pursuit, however eager, lead you to forget this trath,—“I must die,”—and after death the judg- ment. Says a writer: In the giddy whirl of the world, men too little pause, to reflect that they are mortal. On and on they delve and toil, strive and contend, criminating and re- criminating, throwing their whole souls juto the vortex of the world, as if it and Its objects were worthy to absorb their whole being. Painful object of contem- plation!’ A few more passing seasons, and all who are oreeranat the exeitin and maddening strife of the world, will, one after another, have silently dropped into the bosom of death, no more to be seen of men, soon to be remembered no more on earth. How unimportant, thea to the disembodied spirit, will appear the trifles which to-day are so matek magni- fied, and which »y partial, interested, and selfish views, ars clothed with so much consequence. I must die! This short sentence, frequently uttered and pondered upon, would go far to moderate asperity of feeling, to eradicate enmity from the heart, to cool the ardor of worldly pur- suits, to abate strife and jarring discord. Se SWEARING IN THE PULPIT. Above all things, my young friend, do not swear in the pulpit! I have heard the sacred name used in a manner that left a doubt whethes the preacher had ever read the Ten Commandments. Your brother, Gubblegurchins, is given to the bad habit of denouncing certain crimes as “damning villainy without a parallel on God's earth ;” or, once in a while, for the sake of harsher emphasis, he witl say, “(od Almighty’s earth.” Now I have disliked to give you this specimen, for the repetition of such language is like handling pitch, it leaves a defilement and stench upon the mind. Ihave given it, however, that you may know just what I mean. A clergyman who rants at this rate ought first to be advised by a friend, and if he show no sign of repentance, he ought then “to be dealt with as in other cases of immorality ;” that is, set aside as a profane fellow, dangerous to good mor- ais. It may perhaps, give some force to this counsel, when I tell you, that not long ago a preacher used this style of re- proof toward a noisy drunkard who had strayed into church. He was not so drunk, however, as to be forsaken of his wits, for he sharply retorted, by saying that he would have no such swearing there !—.Vational Magazine. ———- me Simple Mode of Ascertaining Interest. —A new method of computing interest on any number of dollars, at six per cent, ! which appears simple:—Multiply any given number of dollars by the number of days of interest desired, separate the |right hand figure, and dividing by six ; the result is the trae {interest of sach sum tor such number of days at six per cent. This rule is so simple and so true, accord- ing to all business usage, that every bank- er, broker, inerchant, or clerk should post it up for reference and use. There being no such thing asa fraction in it, there is scarcely any liability to error or mistake. sy no other arithmetical process can the desired information be obtained with so few figures. ae ae —- “I feel,’ said an old lady, ‘that Dve got through this world. I shan’t enjoy mach more trouble, nor suffer much more com- fort.’ Ja” Does any of our high livers ever eat too much dinner? If any have cooks who tempt their appetite alittle too fur, Twill tell a secret that willlead them to the enjoyment of their dinners without a visit from that gouty old gentleman—Dyspepsia. Take a dose of Dr. Snford’s Invigorator after eating, and you will never be troubled with indigestion; but on the contrary, before the next mea! time approaches the appetite will be sharpened to appreciate any kind of food. If the food rises or sours, the [nvigorator will fix the matter right at once, for there is some- thing init that, to use the expression of a friend, will Jet a ian eat gravel stones, and take the Invig- orator and they will digest. We have tried it im double doses, on one or two occasions, for sick head- | ache, and it acts like a charm. | What we want to say to our readers, young or old, is, funy thing ails you. go without delay and get a j bottle of Dros tnford’s Tnvigorator, andifit don't cure come and tellus, for we want to see one person that —Jersey Shore Republican. it will not benefit Forsale by W.H. WYATT, Draggist, Salisbury, Im34 1 7 Our billingsgate neighbor of the Gazette accuses usof quackery, because we publish Dr Ayer’s adver- {tsemente. Now this same editor knows the Phar- | ma ypeia itselfis not more free from the suspicions | of quackery than bis medicines. He knows they are lendarsed by the medical Journals of this country, are need and prescribed by our best physicians, and have | the commendation of professors and eminent men of j character tov exalted for his comprehension, and he knows too that they have done and are doing in thie community an sinonnt of goed which the atmost stretch of hie ability can never hope to equal— Berks Co. Prese, Reading, Pa Sold by HENDERSON & ENNISS, Daveasrts, Salisbury, N.C I1mo34 ~ = ————— = | CAPTIONS OF THE LAWS, Passed by the General Assembly of North | Curolina, at the Session of 1855-59, kept for hire, twenty -fiy dollar tater of spi tuous liquor taller of uit liquors, thirty dona every heonsed re- Pres Ii addition to Wines ol this, such retaiter shall list the amount of liquors, | as required in above act, and 1}. every itinerant Wines aud cordia pay the tax there Trpose vinter, da- | ter: whenever, in their opinion, the business of the “ { . P mo clonery or details of the act, but only those por- | out ofa part of Ashe] tiops of i whieh relates to the mode apd eutyects | 57. Au act to incorporate Lake Landing Canal of taxaulion.] | ian 2, An act concerning courts of pleas and quarter | 5 nh act to amend an act entitled an act to | sessions for the county of Duplin. [Gives the act | charter the Fairfield Canal compauy rie justices of the county power to call an extra} 59. An aet to incorporate the Bln City Cadets, of the town of Newbern . lees 123. An act to amend she act of Incorporation of « Cape Fear. the town of Kuzabeth City » 202. Au act toincorporaie the Lizzarcdale Copper } 124 An aot to repeal an act entitled an act to Company . abolish jury tals ip the county courts of Polk coun | 202. Aa act to authorize the incorporation of eom- tv. panies for agricultural of grazing purposes. : 203. An act to incorporate the Old Topsail Steam- bout und Navigation Company. 204. An act to incorporate the Fayetteville branch An act to prevent the sale of intoxicating liquors at or wear Davidson College, and for other —— surgeun-dentigt, portrait or micitture | Sa Ere é ane jeunes takiew likes | court requires: it, 60. An act requining the day of executing to lb Urposes, 5 , , ACTS grerrean arbgt, and other p ae ; A I ) ; St hn | i 5 1 5 Ye OF eR eOBys as of the Wilmingtuu and Weldon railroad company. nesses of thodgymian face. ten dollars fur cach coun 4 3. An get Co 1D: orporate Shoal Creek Academy, | noted on justices process. 126. An act to chable and authorise the sureties 905. A Sivee hath hold ke ‘.° 4 or ; aie t eC lerakee ¥ 6] ae ie felon eanical I ‘ . 200. nact to fix the tunes of h ing U eourts Y An Act entified Bevenu {Provides that the | ty in which Be carnes on lis bes Procaled, in the county ¢ rerokec ; _ Ol. Ui ac tior the rehef of Emi Tooper, of Lie of Jolin D Aberuathy, deceased, date sherdl ol Dear euc att Quaiter Sessions of Watauga. S courts at their first termi atter the first day | That such: person as wliall ty Ste tOry evi 1 An act tu mcorporate the Copper Tal Mining beri. {Permits her to return to slavery. | plin county, to collect arrears of (es tn said county 206. An act to amend the charter of Farmer's bank vu duly vt. sal appoint one justice of the peace P dence to ihe sherith of Me cout s wi Le pros | Company ee , G2. An aet to authorize and empowel Solomon 127. An act to protect purchasers under judi of NC. s and two troebolders foreach captanes destretiae the pores © | tee, that th ; iu au © Mh act to iicorporite the Guilford Copper , Klutts, aduumistratur of Caleb Klutts, late sheen of sales. (Nay picreou det into possession under any 207 Au act forthe better regulation of the town county. who shall be a board to Galue land and town | uel fins listed: the bas pero wi tor the | aid Gold Mining Company Rowan county, to collect arrears of taxes duc said jarhetal sale continued. where the ttle tuiay be oe Sof Smithy Wesin Brunswick county. ie “Hier distiet beards are to perform their da. [eesieus year, s pttrona tle tax do pesed | G6. An act to incorporate the North State Copper sherdt, daring his term: of office. tamed asa seennty for the pree, shall be der 20S Av act to estabish the Bank of North-Caro- hes ald make return to a coauty: board of valu Sin this pacagraph; every perocrese lent of the State and Gold Mining Company 63. Anact to provide for a more speedy distrie | the legal owner of the prenuses tov all noassd fnew [Capital stock §2,500,000. Of this amouut t to meet on the secotad Mouday of Jannary. ale, Wl im person on ly" ag hall pe vey st 7. An act to prevent the felling of timber ia the buon of the laws tid journals of the General \ brinwine suits tor qujuries thereto after dav of the Leteruky Board is to take $500,000, the Upiver- : GHCHL OIE lictiint manna eeanlconne ccleslih@= (aU statue si voanfter waters of Tuckubo and Trent rivers. [Prohibus the sembly. [Provides that they shail be distmbuted by) sate sity 32U,000, aud the rematuder by individaals. eh Tie ono ehiceenie cine ter povelaae becorie tabir poy tas oot ene half of telling of Gimberin Tuckaho, (rom Tuekaho bry the Secretary of State in fifty days alter theiv deliy 12s. An act to authonze the Petersburg aud Roan Boch» tobe opened immediately in Raleigh and at Neer ence \ “ente eR OnE ores Wie ws jiutelare, aiel 10 Joues county, ty its junehou with Prout, and al ery to Iuitn. | | ouke Railrood company. to runa new road fiom Gatys other pouts, Capital to be grate in specie. The Scfiie arava) tex Gear OMILLLTI® CPO ipuce th Sect iri Wp ced the Trent, between Upper Quaker Budge ain G4. An act to incorporate the Warrenton Say-) berg te Weidon, aud for other purposes Bank col to issue more than $2 for $1, and alwaye rity board is te exalts wa Compe ‘ j co | ear 5 third i i = list | arsess when np yoand make retain real dedlars, | Che town of Pollocksvaiile. Penalty mot less than igs bank, in the town of Warrenton 129. An vet to amend she wcis passed at the ses. | 1 kee ae on band equal to one-third its cireula iste. and re-aesess when neeossary. and make retarn ; : i ye : ee 2 Ae . i ne gs ea . FL avineicains We Ulye crane i alee deapanaraisecalt | OEE tre hffoone halt te Tenotror move than titty dollars, it a white person 65. An act to grant to a company the lands coy- 9 OHS of PRS 51, Ped 755 aud PSS6—S7, eouted an © i ee “ Se la be and os re to the clerk ee COUEEY COUT Cay sol] c : ; Sh ' \ E re es un stric i lis ewan use. ame Hie oie | ithe treet thes Wa slave or free negro, 89 lashes at the public whip- | ered by (He waters Gt Hiintoms creck. Tihemriielinomaig ee GON te ceces te Puchaseye and Keowee ‘Pura- | tures tnay restrict to Il notes redeemable these boards tu receive not miore per day, | 0! CUNY : : ye quatd beh) i ertire area pret J Le pike road comp iy where issucd. Branches to be established by stock- Wohim cane) in the dheanacecil Mare dirs. Te 4 Ona r UL resdent of the State, wi hie i el ee ie ” \ con : of Craven, Carteret and Jones, with powel HUMES AclecH ine enconetgemencoriltenlmtt holders Suxpension to be attended by 12 per cent. ‘4 Sythe wove t Sr eL “eas @ noe 0 au rate , ow otiat | ane g . » y i aN Tea SU x tukevs of the tag-Hst= to receive such compensauon ; vl oe ) brit Aus i Oe ' : ad incorporate the town of Mount) and authority to drain the same. ville Light Infantry company. (Exempts its miei damian s toe -holders, and forfeiture of 4 per cent. ny " Steet ‘lls Ss Mite of ron Usa TAD? cout ( ne itle net to fe solos . © wo th court may allow The follawing sub mls aud sells, sled pay oue-hall per it i : in Cabarrus cou ee ein a 60 act to amend an act ent tle cy Gu EE) | carta es aerinic a iy panieatl to the State unless suspension is advised by the Gov- 7 Ras Preuss fC samonut of each sate efleered Ti he tual te : act to Meorporate North-Carolina College, amend an aet to ineorporate the Nauta and | : . j rhe ue . B keep the T cts Sannualiy disted, and taxed as follows: | ; c dg I : C | Bi. An wet to : “patio ‘ 4 Ap ernes aud Council ink to keep the ‘Treasurers ae ali / A cae hall be lable fer the tM Cabarrus county Pickasege Tia npike company lap be! We tuucogpariiey tke TAS MAAS es vad eo taevn Hiv) CRI WG. The t be Real property, with the mmpeos ients thereon, 4M o85 ju a 4 ii hath , Terie ae 2 Turopike company deposits aud to toan hin R200, e tax to eluding cities of land.) tweuty cents on every rane | sane. autd the sheith ot county oa wlnel the ‘ ae o nN ve act passed by the Gene GF. Au act ty incorporate the Newbern Tight) 132 Au act to amend an act to incorporate the patd to the State stnilar to that now imposed on the drededailats ul ite value: cory) taxalile poll eiulaty: | oh Was made, oui ca Cee cresitle nbly otf North-Carolina at the sesson of Tutantry. | Geter Chilled | Bankwof Cape Fear} cents, every toll gate on at Rie rea ewer Ul staal collect by dis! t hie sel to incorporate the town of Lenoir, in | ; 68. An act to incorporate the Wilmington Totel | 133. An act supplemental to an act to lay off aud ath An act to establish the Bauk of Lexington. } Tonic cciteoiit ye reecipts, al Tove | erie be found om ty fie seth cCOuUuLy ; Company. — [¢ apital stuck $100,000. | | establish the county of Alleghany (To be located in Lexingtou, Davidson county, with Final hay Gan Ae ennet Moire to he found ' tie Ves ery person V0 Anact authorizing and empowering the jus: | 600 Vu aet concerning jurors suiinone Thy <pe- | 1340 An act to extend the term of Rowan Superior a capital of $500,000. A branch to be established at relecarce. Titian 20 eure forny els playin a Ween (Hava scounty of Fiaukho to sell certain pubs oul writ ot eee im Carteret and Jones county ! Court to two weeks Graham.) TIE i Hite if eS . . ye | » H on the total} receqads of Coils docine tle year eents per pack ot ‘ duvine tl bis belonging to said county. Such jurors to receive the same COMmpensatou us 1s 1850 An act ts ieorporate the town of Lillington, 210 An act to establish the Bank of Salisbury. yt otal peceqad~ Of Couts dc Ok Us : . : t Ate Pg aha S yery stud rt t t esl 4 nn yal by petson ‘ a the Vn act to Incorporate Davenport Fomate , allowed to jurors sutimoned on anor ul cenere New Hanover county. Capital stock S500,000, with branches at States- every studhiarse avhi Po dietes Loe a a |) ‘ : anoriins ; ae jack { Ve hee oo al Coils a Caidweil eouuty FARCE Loniiec tum te tle Daca etna at 156, Atactto amend an ucr dneorporating the ee aud) Mount Xiry i Bets ; . ei et i aie we dae | tet to cnlaree the powers of the CANCION Vaneey ville Plunkroad Company | 5 veliest prev deni. cel Ve a cee’ t . ; 7 37 \ tt Be Ht i t he | ; - ribs ceil ; fl j Fare GPA leraT rely ccatte tartan Tl Ain ays oradenmmavatie tlhe Miadbor laste 37 act to prevent the felliag of tiunber in the | < , j Toten i his sake ‘ 1 ona ‘ to aith act tou povate the MeLendot's Creel ie a ie te Shad! exesed tha \ i : eens nen Vueas te dees De : chee be PURGE URTIM CL RIndn Toartiteun AGithenelerce ke ResSsoLUVITIoOns. . “clay shaved fled atin are wares of tremehandize t al ‘ \ wamize and Keep tip a more etheiel Navieahion Company. i the county of Moo: el 1 \ reso ution concerning the Exceutive mansion. [Pro- ; eal 4 ak ; 1a iether lll aes extn CEs) HRROIERIET RUT GH ee obgaue cotupany in said town TZ An aet fo meorporate the Phocnix Miwa DOME City y Forsethog olf furniture, lighting the mansion with gas, vayeet shall be {insted and pra tie ly F . Me. Xn ce to imecorperate the Baltimore and. repe gated whirewehing Appropriates 2000 and the pro- Aye | Aine ean ent son. te $ Loti Lathe ist ete eG ae cce Tan Commauy, i Gruilord county. \ } | ceve fale of fr tur ty nowlach the owner respies | every He tae ¢ s wie dal re ; are 3 ; Monteotuery Mininve © oupany ' Sasa wines ge E ' 1 fi a ‘ ross armen of ile alia ty t eeics TOO) Cs GUE ‘ Vadiitt TSG tite ote SY the wet te daearpe an i LoKeh auton a of BOG. Haywooc lows per diem GSE its ORG IBY IME ot ee b ‘ al eee nary ol lea Tet Hes \ - l j \ ical Y ‘s per ate eis x ISU At act te extend the tune of perfeetng Utes) ora mente ae | lature t Dew 1 tee Bere au Sure ne r Sol the Stora ti r nary oof leapnioe an the cour atoN ites cise s ile Sie ; i ! vichiture to Dec : Calicilicn derma nein) Oree ne the firsc | or such as are not resident ol © State, five Thy (eal Wy vu passed | eZ U nt York Masous. to land heretofore entered. (Extends time to Jaw vin favorof Judge Nash's Executor, [Allows him AERO HAE ELe Teams rare, Uh (ONS ; proses amount ol sales, sal ject to allt! sol, jo 74. Ataet to meorporate the Jones couuiy Male | wary 1, 1661 inarterts salary of Judge Nash ot debt ot the Un ted Ss ftlis State. isand exemptions set derth in the tenth chap To Atouet to extend the coporation ot the town j and Petuale Seminary in the ce vot Jone | 140) Au act totmeorperate the nnanuce Golduin ae ie td Frazer. (Returns him 615, i i : this ss ! ; ao fees ren | ‘i : , : : | i Vid by bin Sonpt by clapton boot tie Revised Cori Tevised Code, entitled rections wud de IK boi Leno county 7. Ai oaet to ineorporate the Thats Montane vag and Manutecturis Company \uthorizing certain repairs to the House of Pu Dee ey fary oth shat Patgerk r every merchant, wierehatt taille Ree lior 16. An aet te amend an aet entitled an aet te) Colleve in the conuty of Madison Put Auoaette estaubleh the Bank of Salisbury one Der Paty other State or govex - al eee j ; ; {= ; . : : ji Kerlation concerning the distribution of Emmons! report nee Coca “e authorize the constinetion ol a brated ot thre ‘ ( tet. to TRIN CI EERO, Gen feetanit ol Capial och Bol to oxeee )UUL0 v Poxne Feit eat (TT CaNes Merona vara aaeeneesiys Tn | ealen cots . VARS Melee is ak te iicorporate tae Christan Cold ; Wai ome) Sai EY 7. Ke pproving the naval commission of the United Seas Od fe. i mn opel : on Keowee Tartip the eons of Jack- | Minti Conmpans Lil No cet coueerne the eustady of minor eld states; apy Pte esanie the Coal Fields, and for other pur- Ue het thader. w pin ‘ ; 7 | dat the session al Ls8ob— 3% | iim Ninel tot porate: thie SG ree vet fee drea in cette Cases Gives the podue or cours dis i , . LaUes He EAM INHELUVA® OME Sky iWalecerincr aE ten li \ whoa act eatited an aet te tieerporate t 7s Nt wich ten were thre fee ail oN ha Sas cee us committees ttaxed ou dds narciases in | Cove Turnpike Counpany, passed at the session ot Cotlegs anv (i aie im JEM niroes 113 Nw cette aierat an ae. en ithed an aet tos Hf rein Lavoe of Joseph Marshall sheriff of Stanly / , ew ee AG 7 moa ae ee ‘ . charcr the Wiolisegton oud Manehester ava ros uy Nuthorizes the pubiie treasnrer to refund to bim §35- of tl CLOUT I 1 oe ‘ rhea Dtteraty dstitahen tor the NO) Conterenee | oi, Oy the atountoverpatl by tii in settling his taxes.) ! ; ; ' ay at les _ | TX An aet to requive the clerks of the Gee ture \letioctat leiscorale@lanii sie toi MANSY, Po Kesolution wuthonziuog the Goverbor to furnish arms to an hiet \escmibly to take at Hie neath Tau rd feel ie i : lab An cet to de porate the Salem Mutual I 1 ry echoes ds havh or other ace: poration av tiehtng com SSIES ont ee = ! Tee STA LASS REA GSMS cach surance Company M1. Ressiation authorizing the governor to furnish arms to , me, \ elit 4 ered i i a i Pon Ntaet to raathke diusthaatids hatbe tor e debt to ames tdi M4 \ lad , i f th hon Military School in Daplin county } wa cen UENAEEN) tt te-shiave or person Who eae or ve : ee fy den ih ieelcen i Ilo fect te day adh and diaprove the toa veut 1 aHapapein Geaeie GOW. Thanpten, late sheriffof Bune t Vonete or notes, bond or bonds tide by id Y ma ¢ ‘ ue ~ on ; i oft , the Bihiw Paetory, Silica cRoiey y (oo LO Ge Aen eolohe county Dish iges him from the penalty of §1,000 in- s hall isi the pretits made au Liceess — [ ie 18 GN hoa ine 2 i 1 7 - “ tocneorporate the Orang ‘ at to Hicaly t Ue WWyienes GRETTIN bord by a tnistuke sane by the county court clerk in render- | shoe thn COLLIN i ae lity ines @iade by tr tha rk 1 mat ; + (thn jo Crate ¢ LEY Chto en nee the tame for hetding the | 1 Tate ii melaainetoont len Tit y t i li] dé ad \ ‘ ‘ 2 \ti uet t verporate the DB I tt } ; Tan uk . \ ; ‘ ‘ o the Library. [ \uthorizes the vearending on the first day of Joly. whether tiie USS el : : ze , vous ee de Bev t ‘ : uae id eee col an icticiesiad ae equ t ' ‘ ‘ Coty ' eo \ , Nan \ \ eu th wes m in the gal- oer Git Gist : 2 araet (tie ose si i) ' Ane ‘ ental seat a Hea ‘ U yl thet y . ) es ME Dy ! ra oa ta ‘ rowate vtount i ' me Mibright Alamance ¢o 7 hint ix Ae ij ‘ el dic LO ter as) i whi cotiy i Se \ foNe 1 ( “wt ‘ S| ee ber CleVigw ite it A : _ ae \ faut ' t LY alow \ Tigi Sere in ate tune al vi ~ f hit Caldwetl's executor, (Refunds vant duc \ 1 te ! Ce F ; : aie Cikadh Sethe as ¥cahow ies wets obs pal ' ] oor. deace ; i ‘ r t ny t Tow OR 1 a x LS Stak as +, of Johnston county. AS ji Bey t toy deeded au act, passed at r t 7) ies Us tet eee a) ' entttied 1 ' + . ft-% portby hin J i mised So, 4 he eH Ieee A l p rh otthe Weren Norint anny haha ad Ks ref tos Webb, S.J Lathan and ¥ th ! extent Sire maa ‘ , . \ Landen a Eihirs et eceius a ci “ W eo More Ke tunds $12 ah nln ciel serail \ ' vlivom Red ti 1 H tue : A ’ \ f il Wo} sheriif of Cherokee ; uvinaal \ | : oe ' iy er ee i e : nA ‘ mae ‘ ak an ‘ ' , ! rift ' Jite sheriff of Wilson ‘ atl ‘ - ww KR wl ' jn ; | ; Lichen ‘ ’ f t . \ t ( " t fre | , \ . ' ts 7 OPT: te to re tan ul his | 1 ' ; ee : ae F zat tr ALO ot Fi cart \ ‘ vty Lieut a the ! : ‘ & ) ! ; Be the Neetu ¢ ‘ fie Ocenia See eit uh ¥ ‘ V jet set resid tonne t Hah oie ‘ 1 \ t : u Vindtial fon (ein i p t ) legal cepresentatives of Rartlet P | ; : Vv ree - J ( { 4 \f < \ t 1 rk l ’ ‘ ! Ws teach uf sehowl dis fi trader aun shives, w \ \ ‘ iM \ c \ = if | ‘ cy ' . . ‘ ‘ 4 ~ ; } ‘ Pere edbuettlhy : : . a \ ‘ ul to the } i seal : iM ' J \ i : {Sar \ Johnson [Retarns her ls ; ttl : ' have ' ee cet at porate the Arenibet Pen I \ Vioet to entnee the powers ofim tee tos i rigws ; ; ft tlie ce e : 4 1 ! shade Reta ba ea Arle . t fered a he sided ale " § ‘ uM tt oy at k Coty ertrets cht , new th el <a onatt (i Cine ih 8 1 urns him ' j AN , Cera ; i , eS the ‘ ss eae r j \i 1 no Wet at pre bscsial pote, Von t “ 1 ae Ye AGH a; er sheriflof | pe iS ‘ - ~ i ‘i i ' a \ t we Dtidedd Shan fs ) i ( (as , i ' Bs ea ye pare “ity ' ian i ee ies 7 Ff Pee \eotare dent Unored Stites pared ‘ y t \ ‘ { i \e ; ; . ve ; i ' f contelmmen an) yoce <5 Vins i ye ’ eh 1 Sheer ce sul Lise | ’ a hall {Refunds $8 40- . ! ! a ma. At ee is Veh ee ee ea Chesapeake cond ee ae ree Vas eee ey sett Se Mea tet ' ee : ony 4 ‘ ) tee Tete CeCiertcOm sme netl ie Elanlwes e\la ti teiratia mere forthe reh Solomon Mo Wray, high sheriff vy sale or exelatce or net and ea atane hin 200 An aet toaneorporate the Panipheo Go iared apete tities Het ce} ittied “County We Re (can ‘ : ; uy Yonersy. (Releases hin from the penalty of Pesta lil A | 1 ' ey WAG Teva ION TC mwtoot War Yn thoe and Charges Cry fhoawcr to a0 Ung . u ‘i t tag x 1 proy { he fully di = a 1 err ve i fod Na aet towmecorporate the Montgomery Miu aryr ihe said awk accent agasuet hip This resolutien to We to answer { " ‘ eojasaces to allow the sua Poca Wace at (Cosoresncs . ey \ ' Hes nee senininen feicct iy pay stein Tas AN tfor the rehef of saeh persons a utaiter Ul Obst of Deen boUveLv Ven ie Nn GF routh connie (When armies Aimee 2 vd | r ; fi 5 , Qher deem the ds lehion oot the records ot Take settherent. | soak Minuit ceturne Cor pany nosh OG Aas ; ; on ten ‘i onnty, oceasioued by the burmng of le court Sd. \boaet to tneorporite the Lon Xere Couard Po Av aet to imeorporiie the Petoss Minny anc ont ee OAs ee arsnang en ae nn nae : ~ Bere ot SH seri cenneateen CHAINS ee Wf duckson Stewart, former sher- ‘ eliest | braun een : ; pa s I Int) [Sune provisions asin case of Solemen ‘ ale all exceed Aye ‘ ne ’ (Oa Re eh TOE Ye u u 1 1 esti rel vatier ‘ if fag. Navuet Vocaenedind an wet entitled an wet. ta Wo Wrey eae ; retain Ne eli eum AiTitae, ire WRT nnn one RG . Mieric len die he aan ae Oe ee a osu mnoin fay f Henry Von Gi.hee and H. Baker ‘ Ma fell Gar pie : , ; 7 ’ ; Utunde the tein tee ou nail ielntn Melu Ixrelnveriabae) . aiorontw (PGE 1b ( rey Hi, cer aeiit dent inneanneen ee Lt toWn of Goldsbora . also to exteud the laits thereat AA Taccneh ane ae r 3 { 1 a lure wean ; tl A Ween iy 4 ha real pany i I Pays 1 j t ' in fas Bheneger tombs. [Refunds $2.30) i ( ri and fer eter purposes i 1G fiverof Dabney Cosby. (Refunds $1650.) | . : ala se Ate ruaenaaliimact arn (ihe 6 4) Tee a Ain act to iueorporate he Ruckunant Coa hoa fayref CON White, ef Cabarrus coumty F Kel ie a , | ae aph tans fy AMR veal Sitar | a a iat a hanue ‘ 1 yoatnye enti u ? ne ‘ iH \ unde got nee , \ \ hehe stud Gi Wr ttss stat ( areca’ tt ’ wise! pleas ated quarter seastet iaetid a ' p feChow j tot : i » HANNE UES) i q — Ree ducon on favor of Wo Watson, (Puys an account of ‘ : ‘ et { ( ' o . sockgtain, t : t Vea bea ta ' eval Minty, patssed at tha ses fisah ; ; 1 n tak Te ef ' : Loi An acta th ie elie une ec i nr boat in New River, (Gives ly erly ‘ by Sa * ) 1 { ‘ > ' i} a tt to dredce c hoauvat Woy <1 ‘ t : y u : mousy ‘ : : Raver Pijeeveien Fu cuse of a sale of sand vn fae oe y aut a straight SU Rts eS He ASE a an ‘ Newbern t ‘ eh sre arene Che datids ol oe : ee cundN Raflroad.) aad one el F miaee and | @ 1 ' | ; : J al pov tent t Gover satitherzed to purehiase of 1 vfa f Crowder, (“Refunds $100.) HROeVELY pe ; fin MoNenent | Ulan ‘ ‘ ae ‘ vat | tio eost nt ror oS Foun Approp tates i i ‘ tian, of Haywood county. : wat TOE 1 Vu ae eoreliet thie eTes } , ered thie trl ' i \ et i , to pay hin ‘ r Kin . j 1 Water, Wo (ORGAN Severo ! : ur \ : ! sat © ‘ NY Mal thal Veats oo Keep tp tee works 4 AR ‘ah eae ven i ue Aah <a ~ Fo ary t ten 2 { ’ 53 n v4 . ‘ att ul Q ' ve hevisec etary ys ‘ Silaae Foe i GN orany yies. Medic ities « : Hert ou \ Gil poke Company Weise oof ins reipase by the Grovernor Forni rn) Code (ay Cte Magistrates wie have quatified aipee the for Ai . ; ei ‘i < person Shaver ad loot aw , \ ost Stott @ Te quad ! M4. At wet to ineor porate Oak Cay Sa Penson the w 1 $05.00, te be part by tte ee PCT ATA Se erigl ’ Ot \ ! totaly Sane nt : ‘ a : State. Porm Voeud tures by the State tobe de] i, ‘ wey Bo ails county. 4 muni Ciel Ve } i ‘ : ff Cusme wanes an new letiet Tonthurethey) , Oke UR tizer i = G Anactt we peoteet fowl im the iy. Aw act to ineorporate the traistees of the | dueted fromthe purchase money | \ K fin ses “flee voy teed diana: eharacter a / ; Witt PCuitaek corns Tn Menon). HRN loom \ ry ts rporate soe town of Gold Uy n wid ie es 1 1 ie the cou toOwhe tay, tits .s ; S2o der each offence tor using any firesarna Tater "Mt toto tmiened the u tthe W i vided dil or npiwards. one Pcent oon sued | Ta al Grer LO Ua an " rape . : \ Se SUT VIN Sait Coa tha Toativertord: Ta wit ; vtend the corporate hints of the FU EBASEES at abe IEA . “ t rain aeclicnih eri vom i ai? (ee = - , 1et nd for other purposes | Gea iedaeiene ahs) TAREE, OR Ser ol tie eee Cees pibezon ay : ' 1 hroude it He Sate ya tv I Touts nei Oi ti / ‘nwa ave [f } y ‘ oy : ; Nail aie Sinica tiie tis\t po Rundi tire. on bar lie Won t vist the tuk of Commerce. | : a pees adhihs AG wobuys from al * a Lit ; i : , toa wher ' capitalof SHU0. COU. | Core apt der certtied by tie viii—-that ON 1 day t WW. An act te aneorporate the Goblsbo Wigan , : : N nowith acapital of $600.00. | 4 I : | i aclieice ae Halt ¢ , < ; ) a 1 . eG \ meh te bes Voshed at Geoldsberouch ! , . (osueli teense ton dias ; eye State he other halt) to hee Comite : | oe 1 8Y ype the | ue t 1O3. At act to apooint @ tax coblecte e coun 5 ' ! rs tan ruded. “| The ribose Os An wet anthariz the acting quster {4 t Rot ; fr een eter | f 1 1 |r Liane ~ Cae whe tan aes mn Can an ' ' ( 7 Hidegasliiay the ; ; ( ; | ny ) 1 t iat \ ' i} CONC A eats ars 2 Wied ea bea uhh atnoand Cra Peo cs mH hi CVEPV Tera that buys too hh, Sparttie 1 EN juder oi “ 1 1 1 ' apy [ht Anoaet for the better seeurly of tles to iad ; 4 by c i : | yy tt ‘ ! ri r t wee YM { . lit 1 ! . a ‘ > u A Ee CuO NOUS OFRITA LS eM Ce IEE LEU Who tomporarily cares of at ; pres Pee TV Ce Vtern Pike courts of pleas and ter se and o her property SATE U NG Gen) Ven. his agent. tuetue or Coniniiss: erehant five pe DENY place Rey reessom ob PRdO. fap ' ad counties 7 165. An aet to meorporate the Lower Tattle river! _ sent eset tale ae tite iit east shali be weenaed ay | (fates Bo Bet 1 Mm An aet fo open the Pedeo and Yad and Cranes Creek Navigaton Company estate, whether legal or ecuut aireron din ovine a ce {diced y ‘ =e vol fees OF th ! eoot fish Poh Viuaett porate the Heaward Relief Brig | SDA TEAS EOS TDSC, JETT 9002, USSG), “al Wesvnwentaieilivies, clan : ; Provides that erson | any wo fer authorize the ny Peet Hagine Company oon the town of Wilaington i \ \ Vietiesecct ; ol a daisede ariel doe tied ( ‘ ‘ n jst omar at lh ; eal bho Annet mend ano aet, euttied an ae i HES GaIRoHeldl (abate. « i cute wel | ban ceed erin ean ' Me shou > urt for the cout t Haart | THE REPORT ON THF N.C, RAILROAD / le j ariel , , ro\ t <tt ein t , Te a Ths. Anoact team orporate the town of Leieesier, (sic than enon , ; r ay aati tor desceniat tilis 1 Wile aa , tai : , : en 7 - j ‘ ( ; ra Barres tape ¢ \ t ' if t tt eer oes t Wiereuib ie Tere ; fotar tan unposed mi il reat tie i Ces N | Wit elise Jeu esata , i 2 | Mattes apprinted te Ee teate the atareof thts , weed ae tiuisbaaid ors ' ae Suet ees ite fe ‘ es 160 An wet te ceeneporate the Weehames’ and Ret Neecinateh MRR ce ts : yr ree is eal ATT Spied ‘ | ieee erat to thie cendiieres PENG ea UO renner thee : 00 — : te ’ y Chatman, oA Ma blwin DD Drake and F wh N t rer i) . re A . : a Ole ocated ia the town ot Ashe- jy op og t ’ . ‘ , it } . TEN Woe eallecied or secsin ‘TRC Aeescoy teint amen at act ¢ edo an ae = ered eStats water poms cram) other priv fe Giga re Gaeen, one other member of this Commit ‘i : 5 ari’ cal a RS Fund Vives aww <t f erweent fowne= of ¢ fon an Leteot is tee deehined rosa report, not beenuee sald re feeetate ee ; i poten a ‘ toolhermenreta i . ; a ie Law ne tothe wie ol Graston and Woden [7A Ne aet aiient porate: isvani Coie mee an scanners a 1 : avee said report set re hee rei 1 deal f thie ONets 4 t Sinise | 1 To Nt aet to authes ‘ rhenoned? a toll) Buneamibe e unt EES ICES yor impr y, but aaiwe : ‘ nae yi t 1 Samer - ‘ a arn the report for of time, &e., was not Noroae 1 4 up Noiey China I 1 Tonessi WT) Amocet to apport a speerl made fareieprre crore in Twn as thorough as it ; a : ; nasil vias : 1 Fe eran Pee Genii : suid eI) aay evan i ; hot Comprise every thing, or go far enough, he ‘ ‘ ebeel th vec 1st ‘| , : s Aas Hh vated the MeRue ce . : el relat ; \ , j ier tha © roles and ae F Hi 2 Ua ite 1 \ | ey (lon tawaeh TA powers i emnecalilaemetitr ee foes i an contract, a very : ' t leer ' . : Vine w Rastern end of the dine: -ane see ( ie the siqie tax as pealers, ox Ciech ey qapenet i ‘ t 1 iiid Wee COUMEY | the ee rsot Cherokee and Roburs on | frets in the ease which show that tb ee uiee icing ! owe , : oe n vat the me are r Stet ' court saat be required toe i rite a dent na ts | \ 173. An aet te amend the charter of the town of | oderstle damage. : : mpany sustained con _— ‘ \ [ee x eo Preadedie < iy ate Pan Charlot ; aAmace. for which the President of the Road and the at ay clit eri Hye enc aek cu men a l \ vat ; ‘ : ! OO ee A Yreetersare biarsabie Mr. Fisher was then a D, , a ae cunsclnel Mivcantren ctelthtiel leet Vid Nn set te amend an aet sappler lt a< then a Director, and in toy anny ane oe Fes ; ony reurt leet tier of Lire Tas Pplenentalelomanl y waconscue (emir ute win li ci Cent ines a \ Ceili ies : Ht th comateral oe na Pei Company. i the county of Tendersor Ti ot teat in the eoustuetion andl equip tet toestabl sh Heriett county Ned ee te eo ee sot a ie Heosma eya| @ remote relates lie devizee ! ert S ; ~- fe UP iS reply te the Report of the C i ane th , liseits “Uwe ity in soe nent of the Weetern Hanirond tom Payettesile tp 17d. Anaet te inend au aet te appoint commis: | tag Committee ' the Tnveatiga ee of a stranger. a tax of thee: perce er oat SSUES ESS HhoAt ; ras | eee cane cioners todas off i road: ¢ Doacate Gul Tae Camaitters a copy uf which we have not seen, we lesra he Wp Gros thir tier Den ile taeanresumnes nen whined ‘te era ine UA NBIAIIE EES ' Hot te provide for minning and mein tie coadields (Phe Treasurer to issue State veuds " TN atte, oad from Brown's ford. gn thes his given a san-fiectory explaination of thie transaction - aa . OV When , ‘ the hetween the States of North Caro 9 habuing GO years, for mot nacre S400.000 mal Yadkin. in kes county Tie Cunimithee show tl rot nee } pipe) yare Wes hwy (a 1 m ff 8 PUA ELL ae 2s PULRY beronein Y GAT Grdat i\ . is . OL Lola Neuen enoarlteaNt Win, Toonami 0 | tatof the $47,363 worth of wood on day of Daly of every year, Gixalle free tie ce chai! Gf the company, eves) Con pooraeti eo MELT) a Phe Governor as to appoint a fe reeenve in exchange the bonds of the compas CORMAN GUANA a ts BNO) ee VU damtoas reported by Mir Fisher in July, (857, nearly all was oe : eee BALE et Tuan . . OMS wero te act wath the comanissiene ny the Sate to dy : Ho Upon a fatio cal tli UE Ei Ac Marae es contracted for under his admitisteatio C Certht hsred aud the tax paid by die owner of the land ¢ClObe Wprorated tiv deters pate tt o matt ie ‘ Te : mui eb (UO uy tia) TE eRe aE IN 177. Av actin f vor of certain enterers of Cheros | Ca ‘here fl ; eam Sipe eae te tug ahi nk he nu Pileev reside, Macao <lallenmaulittony cools ON UTGD Sater sic\ Cain eine a0) " \ these toomake a survey of catpany, secured by motteage. Good and sulle” yap tands | dang has lost by the rotting of thie wood, and hy fires break ; ie ‘rarer Aner eaWull fad tay dle, ean anvil genctle Timark at with < fone monuments, cient bonds oo be deposited ly the company with Re ener are rere meyer t Jong ont along the read u . AAS {ess GOR Tepe Ua) teat ft pene fire nen A ) : ie tides chee STING EVOL AR The Committe she Tene ragle ae ; i { 1] vecand rede i on Genes Assembly and obtain a special act ot ice baie : ! Nines the Treasarer to seeare the pavinent of the witerest 7 Anaet ecneerung the powers of the Conn my ea ie “ . } canoe earings right of nga _ ni i Phot. ol il reine hi ay : , Vinaes fae te) Hees Ostow ated) Gh tie bend fre company tor the first two yeu Cour : : ‘ Se aaa aod in , Neen ; ar ; 7 pias swith Ti ollinnges Rayo ripertnyanset the el ¥ of i ae t diate ; ' ay lh ‘ : 1 Ta \ the ort hie vad ts Completed. thie pare cyt ot thie si, Gh eh eo mee a metiaeadh tah de see at Reriche ante Helmets ' f inst the ronning ; i. : i Frenette : ; be powers of at tnaqority, OSCE in taxes (road totnuake oath that ne partal the S$ £00,000, 06-2 the 70th Chap Rev sed Code, entivied miiies f if ' se TUNUE LY Ot ineveral a j : | 7 : ! . ; Werayscrin Sayear fhey report unanthorieed proceeding: ! . x jor bedi ap pecpoatis bitned trom the State, has been used te pay the ay Tet) Ney arith: meme) he alanine ait Thee he. ve seyesal es Gnovuy WW taper at atts metip ates edings : " 1 t ; ‘ , : ) . . Was , { 5 fivioge the rate of diterest ats per eent on th tends ¢ ut babe pra easnter ed Siu ib a NAR Cus Ge Yp nd mut vhs ind Vovtorsville Phankroad Company © ane at larity i eompl ve aan ae i ! i : | 4 , . : ; pen ! Havity in comphance with the requ Hla eet OB nine ‘poste al Nia oth an diverges Uys AUR GRe Muenab ay I~? Vette tucrease the pay of witnesses 1 MUR MLEUTiivla Calne gece timer nrrant Aoi nabs : ‘ ‘ We ; ine IMI fe ‘ Teenaimeannte ; 1 lent of this debt, They re os VA \ , ' babes j ‘ ' wu ‘ USACE ABER HAY, ves ut NEVA AN PST TATA ' \ \ : : ; peut naimet 1 Yollunding “a town’ at the Company 2 ; rreeniwine passen : oan Jos ‘\ en Re ecco Ue e naettoepeeventomeking obstrietionsin Swi Shops and say they ean find no recommendation of the Chief hn ‘itor a pile vs j ; f quors wathan t snails ad avin Avordb yl a ny — ha er for sueh an expouditure > nerean they ascertain the ( a ty ' ‘ aebie GUE aakat Onslow € 1 ve rhe (Pand establish two rea in lenst of eaele or citherofthe oT buildings erce calthere, 1 ‘ ‘ , : : : Sietivawvarll anal Warnes : ere Ne PE RRRLKAG ve thy ‘ ; , se \ Tay ! won prog \ YOO Na ate ramearporate T hn [rales N ie \ nae ; avant teoof rent fiesboen th buildings by the Directore te 8 per See ees eral; ’ . yy \ 1 1 aia { Nie t York Mason Thlnare ' A pay heat 7 ) os! Wittee suvgest the Company ought not . eft | t , a ihiemy, Sve ave (en Awe Shoe aoe) ReaD ; ue i y pereent tee invested in boi dings ata ( PSh Vt to frerutote the eatleetion of (axes on rent 5 fen ‘ { ' wor ete Ne ean ie ‘ . 2 ne ' Pencost, whidh have so far entirely fail ' pay nothis su ‘ ‘ utd svitm ! Mi Jaa. Vo tet te pay in ReTnaenr wenn ts Reiko ; x t ‘ hota Peopirane his ailyert frrtt i ean j Y ; UN mn WT Naa porate Rot} \ ISS Ansett pr tthe sale orep citaensa liquors \ The Comnatten eoneliute thes he RT esi nt ; i ah / Ph \ A ened area . epert Ty auving, after making apeend dinwa iy thank thie fete disclosed, warre : \ | tt \ ] \ ! ‘ che ine \\ Is) Anact to meorpeornnte the Woahmgton Gas Heitsienanit armen: sana \ 1 nl ght compo Vly mannged —by the : 1 ) ) . ee we whieh the \ ) 1 the powe ex \ on Tran 4 1 An cet ie repeal an aed re oieanderstahe ier anient eine, Chine animttien reset ine yore Ni ( ( | ery Glens eae [atone tel We ‘ Counties, and ¢ sanateaeayee (0 ra Aa eu! an pe NS ate ite the ha (asheht T}t Anactt vend the act of opporatioiwet (Steel a ferry aerese Vackor river Works A wi toatulthe ' : 1O1 An act te revine the te fq r ie huctan al Tonks rey de charter of a company te How far Mr. Fisher's reply to thie tk , , i 7 ein Buretrnis 4 pivvand few Veaut ae Gahan aserias fees a a eee is Report exhonorates him \ io tetsu ih a i ra ie Mino means of knew ing, as we have not rR tae eat PHO re \\ , \ ; ‘ pet OU cHINM Atnlllknowse ret ikear ‘ : y ‘ 102 An vette further regulate the inspectors of reowil advert to Uile smb Ge the Cane hae IG e\ubact Wee ie ges te ae Jf g ws ; : | ify 1 ¢ 1 ‘ 4 + -o—* ; ‘ 3 ' \ 193 Anact tounecerperate the Coal Miomg Com el « ' “ 1 ce | ‘ { 1] \ ’ extend ‘ rate ‘ , is WW F i an ; i 1 1 ] clave had to prnton a small sheet again orate ’ a rhea “ wait) NR Wioael (ae qpsennile Gane fms maaan iene UD seer TANS aiest toatl tne oily PAs | hee \ eyleet 1D Sa iiectiat a! reorpera e the Pitt « ee a abandened by there hosbande APA fnrin vA ; Tele ane ‘ i . viv 1 “ wot, aad | 1 " } : ; 195 . yet toaneorporate the Fayetteville No 1 The Leastature has adjourned nd we publiah ; , ; ‘ revel trot (ilies | lV ret fo meorporate the Ter re ey Savings Bank to-day the Captions to the IES OVER OST ontpa ‘ WEE tH , ) F Ae My} wto the Acts, to the excluson of rae elce ina sec t propose : , \ re jury trials te e county, Turnpike Conipary yor An et for the rehefof Cammon School Pye Almost every thing clee pes evney. il } ei ‘ F I | 1 Anaet to meorperate: Pollock alee frint Nor Onin Orangeand Ne Dil in Wo alee es. fh fon ee eon oll Sen Hla ude Bae ail ranean) WEN evans V97 An set to meorporate Carolina Cat 7 T) " twenty-five dollare: ove an : ‘ , ' ‘ f ! wi "wy Steam t ere will hon public lecture before lee ‘ ' = | ‘| eilectallie ak atresnt mn Vermin Compan Aine pes “ Nhe Young Men's dollars « wv alle \ . ; ‘ , , 4 uv ' y r Henson, atthe Luthe 4 { { ey Wm nove! te ‘ rorate 1 | } UNE an A nine Or ter aly oar dey Aung! ! 1 : ue Cow MOnone and Vnionet the batters { the SO vy es co ! porate Mara Hill College, in Church, newt Saturday evening at 7 o'clock a Jota { witort ome fifty de CVOTY te \ { 7 0 4 cnhaniin & oe hate ; - boaten ; ! i relent A se tate | An act toaneerperate Pleasant G 6 Camp Act Concerning town of Wilmington TPT WYMAN, the celebrated Magician, gave ids — are 4 wilt ‘ ¢ 4 ‘ ‘ ' | y { ( } ) , ar o en the a evere ¢ vety i : J enamine Mleatarns T Tyte Gere otal ilo highs Gans Anact toamend the charter of the Bank of < y; Ba el ees Hh Murphy's Holl Inet week, and i seeallthe tme He im going aoath . ¢ | on . areas a a ‘ ° He A gentleman from the South, who cam ia eee u the Express ri ‘ a cum 58 ' a oe ander his ee _ laut Friday morning, ee Read advertisement of Ecuscric Sn go several {udies, compluined of a very | Magazinek in another col c | Western North Car li ee sats uncomfortable reception y r column. olina Rail Road SSS Sete : at this place. Ou his arri mia ° = e depot they w i = 7 | A PASSE c CADE . ‘esie wclng oo pa eee ia in the mud, and | | BOOKS FOR SUBSC RI PTION = | Rau Pes sister and rw cemranliy hae Salisbury for i) - j or lights, they t or immediatel uodays excepted.) (Sp coy (mir die merle qi y ae to pick tle the Capital Stock of the BAN mail Brain from the Bnet. y, after the arrival of the North LOTTERY iN RV yt Hotel, as best they cu , tothe) Miunsion Is RY, be ope : Ls Oh SAL- Salisbury in eve leave Statesville at 6.15, A.M., and reac bd y could. The gentleman a L. Suatker, in th pened ut the Office of Joun The Pass for the mail train going East » eat BY T us they had a shocking time of et. | next, i net ace, on the first day of M TPs a ht Train will leave Btatesville every Saturda 6 G06 Co CORES) they BEd) Those wi ne of at, and we doubt not | Cher i He iar ay open fur twenty evan see jeiieesanity ne avast meena at4 AM, Pith pens (ays owe . yo are not fainil er of said Bank m : he A Car for ligt Md i unday C. Se ee ee Peet ey 9 See" | Capital Prize $60,000! mud. By-the- : ounder in the aia a WLL, ) 7 Feb 2» TURNER | g e ‘cs ene - way, how did it happen our friencs of RB iC He ee ] ei a a) liga TICKETS ONLY TEN DOL i he, n House and Mansion, tlotel were 4 i MOORE. | 3 Western N. Caroli R: aa ae e LARS. 4 and that morning with theff*Omail ono en SG ee E na Rail R. Freight. NOTICE TO THE PU a mt pea ‘ TRpreeyve ; 2. ee >} . S ‘ are usually very prompt. nibuses! ‘They oe ye Es, ERR CHANTS and others are} As the members of our fi aie z iia, } Sulisbury, Feb. 22, 1859 1 BROWN, = AN PREG destined for the West TE eka that all | chase, become the ow firm have, hy way of pur- " | oxee 4139 | Hane ately ce Oren a aarevaea aici ee ae Telee : a pian chartered by A " 7 dest will be seated up and f Apa ire, Kentuc Mi ; i % avo AnotueR Bia Toxnie.—Davy Thom laid in th i} \ 2 — ireking bakes the mpucof ew Bead ier ive ss bay a ear the management of r f he near ~ s r tee q , : vhade-—Mr. THomas Hat, of Rowan, produced i f February 22, 1859 RNER bog & Bupt we have desired it ae of Wilmington, Delaware, GO Turuips, last season, ab ents j 1 a = vur firin, on and after 5 Da AUR eras Oo DS A L Lo Ae , ahead of any yet brought up in \ S O U T H K R N WOOD, EDDY & comers Ist, 1859, to that of eae NEW ! ction. He had one measuring 10 inches ® managetnent of the Shane n ieee have the \ diameter and weighing 94 Ibs. Anoth . : PU B 2 me aes as above named. GREY] eats OA McNEELY & 1 i © Ibe Croan " other, weighing L 1 Cc S | n all transactions we t N ccameRowanie aiica Suri 30u nave eudeavored t EG L d yet. it | usiness with integrit © conduct 4 TO CALL TH y oA eee can : y and promptness, E ATTENT M ) ma APER FCET CURE BY WII . i will sell, at the late Residenc elles e ean etre es the patronage “alent te Rowan and the surroundi EN PION OF TH E CITIZENS OF 5 are : Gees oni : ve - . Pee cit iu io ae JD CHERRY. THE V1 dain Hiss Kath rdener of Pra a CHARLES P. GRAY, tober aucheuses oe of Gat transferred ve ing counties to the LAGINS 7 e New Yorw Mi 4 Oh , : ery respectfully an — an : evant winor au-| THE VALUABLE F rsa eo eid i © FARN MAMMOTH DEALER IN Augusta, Georgi S. SWAN & CO ( ' \ aN (eS Auanti(ourecciara belonging to the said 404 de ! { Ba , Georgia, Dec. 15, 1858 . | ee) i chs since, one of the or 1.800 ACRE ha Deceas: J, consist F m T r a ; uses dae suffering sv badly Ryn POCA fleece ce eae his Pirate a one ents, a lets, &e, WOOD, EDDY & co MANAGER ey UG) LOK receiving. They a ; fid a Soo nable to sleep of nights, Girth aha || ear ey CAS U The ti : a SHES to inf oy) S the are confident fi eee rreerreyies PANT CGO GOR esc lend || ecco Sell ttt arger part is. i inform the Citizeus of N ’ 1eir stock, whict ent from past experi : Pair ; ‘ be nbered ae 7 in ver bike eae. rolina rich is larg varal, past exper evmptouns mera neia Ba ilabe ate thin, and gave eae of Tobacco. ae a Hh ee to the |G RAY Bee nee purchased the stock of Successors to S. Swan & Co. . to the wants of the feat and carefully selected, is admirat ty ade vat © recommended to him ve o quick Consumption ow grounds in cultivation. 90 or 200 acres of 5G ee N, and removed to The — e communit and AAP jty ada oted ee noveecl Pirlo. eae et aaa which | ¢ ; Pee Coa elenmeacinumentdiy) teewat Bain Street, O pposite the Post Office eae fallow ing Scheme will be qrwa ey Ween part for cash they can sell eee ” oe having bought the ne val ; Wistar's Buleam of Wild Che OL Batle of 7 ee to said Estate, cons ee z the proper- where he is prepared to rec “1 tery, in ceniy if Shagorogtie Sparta Academy I ) tern North Ca li pet than any store ini : I iinmediate relief, and he ist ae 1 oy N yan Ey kinds of work in his tin COILS EY er ON February insy tote Ehupky borden auen a ya rores . . ans pare of Wes- ’ ” ow & we e. ebruary, [MS% : e i ther partieulars may be erated me Winan, and tor: | ven, W EK G ROE MONUMENTS the oes ede uals] _Geo., in pablic, ane: t i Country Merct stroutd add that the couy in the at this office, We | ee one Pet Cl ee ae s MENTS, . ence of Commissioners. havadeteemingd ‘ ‘ ants and the public g¢ vencrall iH com x x y above case wi __ | young and | ke ey ve a t ‘las : atc and can a 4, yi ; age! ole rytlninyd ex tena Ase Wus a¢ | Rena Pee ate 2 good Blacksmithe aut § T A B L E TS ce : 6 4 aws Saturday, February 5, 1859. | heretofore in Salisbury. aie pe will sell at prices greatly ae aes the te le find that, as we ie Hare: hoc Gremeele IL (UP ARS stock « ass 7 raws Saturday, Fel ‘. Bou. , ename-ate a portior which Goods have b wrapper. Sold b HENDERSON PTS on the y bral r Te Glaser Draws S ay, February lv [x59 nof our stock : een sold ” Salisbury, N.C INDERSON & ENNISS, | (e Me : I, IS AN D HORSES OMB- TABLES, Class 9 Draws Se titans 19, 1859 Am Fi DRS Goox > B91t attie, Hogs, and Shee avr, and HE s Saturday, February 26, 1859. erican, French and English C <4 Corn and Whe p, several hundred bushe : a A D-S T 0 N E S ee Alpxcas, Gingh eal Sat alicoes, collored and | * a By eS reat, Hay eG ishels of 7 pone at NE o—=- , Ginghams, Drill . Ms tack, Dom AOR Mrs, Allen’s Hair Restorer ea ee ited [ar hi OU cle Magu On Tae Ns rain eGR THEEAN OF SINGLE NUS Sse ER linge Bod ad Cradle Bunkrts, Table Clothe, Towetiogs Merinoes, De Lanes rest i By u Z 4 anes crime “Bon A pul elie ee as ak, ae SUNGLE Bi SRS » Toweling u : } eatoring the Hair to its original colpr, for sale at a hea Pururure, d&e " ols, Houschold | for Cid up of the best material, Quick and Cheap 50,000 TICKETS EES: or XZ A IA 30 &5” G on a Z INDERSON & ENNISS' oe UD ee from d Cc a Fi : eee! G pair of Ne B € > Nee | Teros made | day to diy antl all is ome and examine—th 4 ive Thonsand Five it ‘ Negro Blankets, cheaper thane : . —} | miler iw rib cll : s sold ae : he most fastidiou ve Hundred and stripes, checks, &c aneveroffered ? : Grass an ; | Aavarene aie ar he d ty of sale S a dé. Being a practical man and a ae shall be ; Faroe s Ten , s, &e. vred iu this market, Kerseys, Plaid Linseys, ¢ J : ne Hes over Seed. ee eee ine eee aren eee ace hase pee oa) MEASLY UNE TEAULE ‘Y GQsEe oes 2 ass hire ee | ird and make pi ‘i ease come | Finis 8 personal u ne cH py 7 . . on ehctnat tree neti si |e EE err ot anne Pinchine vain fe wil be anal atieti the U EVERY NINE TICKETS | ciothe, c Wes’ GOoDnD : oe ° al Kieste of G ir Nee vy Istate will ae them tor pay ase INE LOTS OF MARBLE, ina y of HN ERAL Macnificent S h ; eee Cassimeres, Vestings, Sutinets, K &S eb. 22, 1859. to ENDERSUON & ENNIS’ Feb 15 . JOHN HD ae Orders fror fhreve Altay Cty UG CANIS nerhd =) Ncheme ock Island aud Yad te 4) entucky Jeans of every * Lh 1S, 1ee@ SNL ONG : wa distance wil receive ‘ id Yadkin Manufactu’ . : usof every variety. Al z : , if : suo n: : prompt atten- TO BE ne cturing Companies, J Se pe y. Also, a fine assort ; Bat : fa 7 econ ion, and no one shall be diseatisfie | n DRAWN yJcans, Hosiery, / alae riment of ; eon ret) s Celebrated Hair Dye. |.) 8 KY a “_ - ee aed EACIE SATURDAY IN FEBRU XV. A WEE &” y, Knitand Linen Shirts, Gloves, &c. ying the Hair Black or Brown, for sale at 7 POWN of NEW PON eee LOT No. 3. in th Salisbury, Feb. 15, 1859 — a rset 450,000) 1 E PATTY.) Silkay White Goods, black ahdit D Goons : : ‘ eosin: an: 4 ° 9. Bn woe + 850, Pri t nd fane : = HENDERSON & ENNIss' | ne a) tn the “hOMIN lot WGCs monty, and LOL |For We k ! pow 2h | Bo eee Be 1,500 if vas, silk and linen Uandkerchiefs, +6 cde eh Shawls, Cloaks, Searfs, &c, Laces, E * . Valuable Gold. Silve dt aes SVILLE, Davie | akness, Wasting and y wos 2 WELD 100 i = Bal ins, Swies and Jacouet Edging and ieee : Sie Hosiery Trish Linens, Swiss. J ay ec haar Ne Rib- : ‘ ran Oe raha asic a e Shehy : “ : a ai yrtions, Corsets, Hoo Skirte, He ) ROG arleton Mus- L A N Ds F( yR S 4 L. in Ip | aaa cretion ee ine Ri plenae address | every form of Debility, use : oa he 3/00 yeh im £6 eh CLOTHUI NG ead Dresses, &c. 4 | pasties [road etl (Santee, SS OH A® PROXIMATION epee (Wl ACenod: ING, AVING bee 46 be JOUN nl | BAKE R JN PRIZES. good assortinent of Gent We Hx i Danone ere off ale | Fob ds, i555 WE TBA E, PGS | ee & coe ‘ prises or ttn pee as HH ‘ Sentlemen’s Clothing, to which we invite special ; 6 wil ee d ‘Testament of David Me Mock a last | a tle | { | Ae k Bie Prize are $1,600 A’ Ir s, CAPS, BONN KTS pectal attention. aeth 5 ce sh highest bilder wt public # ie ‘ ‘ : \V is M8. I N R \ | | Rt ) sh | ) | ( ( ) { | Ae 5 Tao th 8 Wh We hive pail pertical: andl I. A Ts, BOt TS and SHOES : : id twelve me COL ak || i + Ay Ves s ir ¢ Ae ay ‘ ‘snus y iculae attention to the is Vek day of Mare mouths on Saturd sy tt : | / ee 90) | Brogans, w nto the selection of t , irch evt.on the pre the 26h — 4 J} ; 4 “Tse Ai 4.009 kh , water-proof Boots, dress B: of this portion of oar stock, and ch west of Gold This, 42 | ae ses, one tide south. f Ce ' | VS use Dee Be re ARUD us s 8,000 Fs Bai oots, and Shoes, and Ladies ang C and challenge competition in ‘5 CO Anes en ceri i ae Ate GO TNT. cnn | Notice to € ontractors it ye : v fuirly tried, will soon restore the tone of | oO 20 Tare eid) O60 Gai | CARPETINGS 1 Children’s Gaiters and Shoes. Ne a oe Barn and ot ne i “. | ener me Love organs. invigorate the blood, giv | 3.485 Dai 100,000 | i= r) and OL, CLOT Hs nD Cae eadow, au la goo SHINEE) Farneril rotandiny to the Bae ood, give > Prizes amounting to — meee . a auinnber of Gold Vers tu da good Pari Also, i reick, W. RR hace ie ve firure, and add energy to \ $320. | D P; : ’ . Sarltyall RENEE ce vue ut lich lane tae Hugelicile, NC Feb ac) ber | THK me hae ue cvetem. fis value has bee Re ae | Whore Trekets $10; Wat % , a rugs, a nts, Oils a nd Dre- ll t there has been « at Uver and Lead Wein, on whiet SE NEES 1D) ' ia i diver ideneed by its wonderfal rest y : HR UUSIRIGEM i QESCULE OES Ww y rarity ATER Se fet) 4 ae , neh SD) propo-a's will be when ord nnies oralive powers, a ce: e are sole Agent Tits e J He et tensa cie : ; OUD fee dha, ani Seer oe sii . he reeeved at the En. | affords ee tones had been vatuly exhausted, Th Ir 4 Circular showing the pla : skins, lining skins wh the Bellvue White Lead. Hemlock snd Oak- Bh herekns cl - rd alm, i (eer City en || Cae he Tie Golea iis ot ue Ko ountil the 2oeh | borne, aud ts ay to the bady when no other ean he will be sent to any one Hoek nee ie of the Lotteries id Y ness and Upper Leather, shoe and saddle rs f ak-tanned Leather, Calf and Goat . Vein half a inde ofthe ae dane. sia inds fil eeond |<< Sney <lene Hes tsonty of LEA ailes of | la Ane. the frame with fat tn a truly re- Certifi Braces n ete Ww OOD W ARE need eo ea ee Hat aga, | for the Lay ong ot 2 e Crese-uies tor Po tniles, and | Hes | Certificates of Packages will be : ¥) SAW Sainine bile, g itera dota essand | Bottled o | which i the ris ges willbe sold atthe following R ae ° ats HU GED Wrath jer te re oe 4 Thea” ite fee Us eA ie a a eRe COD sas Medel) ) hy i Ceri heat Ritere £1 Whole T ee Buckets, Brooms. Tubs, Brushes, Tici : dinunee tyes yutitreifu ule Sid bow Pinen atte Race fers fang JOHN €. BAKER & CO, | : ~~ CROCKERY AND SHS ROE apie: well tunbered e Sad Lends ac aod cele rotren will t e He ees . - y)KS 8 | i 40 (4 Tr s > ae ery betray sich cont : eo z ae “9 ‘ i Y hb, ae Aap 2 rn (inte wilebeentaticee ( a " i Tes ao taninp onl F ‘ oS : Tractors as | Nin. Lod North Thard St, Philad I DA | IN ORDER i Ht e are enabled to show a nicer and better sel ad QU E EN SS] WA RE. ; giver Uryeres veccva a opeeher, or i ts hon vin Steen ALGER \ ; y adel phia yy RIVG TICKETS ae 2) place. Special ee elected stock of these a , aE EIHES REIT Ale ated ve Executor may think ad) Ob ee) at iigece ee i a an une of the work ean | oe ty be had at all Drag Stores | Pieters ath h TICKETS OR CERTIFICATES. Glasses Foal al attention is invited to our China Dinner sets, ve ( eh ull a ale ever been kept in the A ae midoat pel Wicent (avertenn ebrouary cl Rai q wuclose the money to x anc a ae s Me WI QAOR TES: FS alter the Joth inet } 1 Fayetteville on iy JED Qu37 Prana eey cae : “ one ee fing Gib Feeketin aR n ated ‘Tea sets Look ug 0 ua DYGebsNccuinr | s , hich the ‘ QD 8 4 Wie ds 5 See | WoA KUPER AR by ue et “pirchucupecan ry J a forwarded | Rig ane Java Coff Ce RIES to | ( Zz any figure t) ‘ ickets ending ; offee, Sugars of alld Ca i, Junie 5 | Mo tey may desig ngin crw escriptiou, S \ < ids ecm mer | op ep OH ) Y OU SICK ? ? | ‘The List of f Buate We can be found at the yraps, Molisses, Salt, Spic : 5 , =e Oo Ay | he Wed: : ast of Drawn Numbe e corner opposite the Manssior pices, Candles, Soap: : D R E A cee tg At Ss hater a ru R lk eee _ *| ri na punet bead: sR coeds ie will be Salisbury, Sept. 24, 1858 e tussion Hotel, formerly occupied by M. rida ve ve Grading and Supe rst Be i gz ve runs ? Purchase . ts 5 erthe drawin 4 le _. rocaton Dae ee iperstructure of thers you can't be : ; ers will please g Ae SPLENDID X20 (4 GUINEA) LONI | Sie abresoat AG : i, : Og wiles) wader contract Ae a ath Don't delay until ae ue ae soon. | ale a give their Pai Office, ay Be na — Me rr) riat, Deautifully re-eng : g YON | ate Ney would reerive pr we) curable, and theo mourn whe it mplaint is in| 7 Remember that ev Rand ote and State. fey y re-engraved by 3S : ou the 2otht . proposals for that | fifths of i lenitas too late. Four- | abl every Prize is draw = r r : ato) ANE : to submit ad - ‘e arma a should be disposed \ SHAE seas i oe fie wa, (pull ihe Enea ' . a without deduction. FA CHGS ON Female Nonnal School, OO 3.) E ] ] lions , doupen all appre : Aen be cured by Ayer's C , Pee ee enh ea ite of 1,000 F 1) I he C ectic Magazine, — eane ee nae loca- é ken inseason. Don't A ia ade: Pull, if) ly after the Fre a eae ees Seis immediate - High Point, N. C. Rail Road ey For F J ° aon eee and hsiless, because your blood ie Peak joe AMER YECR esut the usual time| 15 MILES WEST OF 5 : ” T r Feb., 1859 DRE (N, Oe eS ag petal ee aa ee NOTICE TO CORRESPONDENT Rev.N.M.R ip Caeonanlabgantiat 4 ya mah parties Sa ; hodred disorders hecatse : n,and their | Those w s. v. AY, Pris i : f pan ee eG it : Scott and his frieude, Shakes- VE DCM \ Dh LN, | perane ohare : ae yourstomach is foul. Dou't | uee ose who prefer not sending money by mail THE object ae hat. with efficient Assistants. s Contempo a ; e | self aro lew add : ac cs fe reg Sa Mtemmporaries 24 Portraits adorn | ples, Blotehes, Uleers one ne ce er d with Pim- | THE 80 | thorough education of ates is to provide forthe he af 8 aniete: ioe ‘sy anu all ol At at r sadt << , Portraits ofiwo Empreseea— 6 G L A S 6 : | §} net an diseases of the skin, because Lie: of the | ADAMS EXPRESS COMA tional feature tu qualify such of fa Ce i ue aes ») fared esha cond) ss— Er cesin of France in | de \ (>) (ala A ‘ | wants cleansing Don't sl ause your system | whereby money for 'T ANY to, for the avocation of m as may desire | YE STUFFs, PAINTS ' ees b. SOE) ALTE Turkess of Aa ; VENUE . | hugward, 3 ee how youfself about, lea \ s ey for Tickets, in sun T , of teaching. [ts next Ses , NTS, TURPEN TINE y ie the March No. Other spl { strta,ene | Sundersigned are ope: lp £ oe il cased in, Ueeduse your Aus ? a and upwards, can be sent u ns of Ten Dollars he open on the Ist of February, in the N Hen 4 ee NE, tices er splendid plates will Sales a fres i une (ie Tne Syaon | ee NeCURC TUE your Stomach and | sar 5 >| Building recent! y ew Bric ESIN Chalk, Whiti ed ies ' sh assoriment of pring | op vethening junto healthy é ‘ AT OUR RISK . g récently purchesed by th v . Whiting, The Bove . line, both fooll goods int ills set these (hing yaction. Ayer's ISK AND EXPENSE ‘The bi e undersigned yr SCLECTIC Inviles i oe ce | heir | A vngs right ass : z TXPENSE uilding is situat : tolltsienmnptuntn anole au lovers of choice reading ny soars jes tire Phey purity the ei urely as water quench. | hs any city or town where they ha a commanding aauie A a a a beantiful grove on a [ JT RINALS, Syrenges, B. y. posh 4 Contnines } < || cliyeney (eqnteura) i jlood, and res Orey anc Fe office u sufficient amps 1. The best eee a *| yM ES | IC A N D } ( RR Ik I< I \ | te nenious into healthy le pee t dccsture ERNM EN 1 order must be ehelmad ta Ee ae of well furnished ase ae i A TT : oBieate rea ‘ a Y . > ; I feel ¢ | BE ot hie i a 4 2) P POST vas “GOV- wy) cy NY , ish Quarterlies and 9 Stee red trom 7 Brat- | Tncahonne aes 1a 7) TONG i elas quick as they are talen. Meee. 4 : you can! vpropp Ul POS r OFFICE STAMPED La pupils. rodate LOU boarding ( I MRIDIENMAnd eG CakeEseeds peal ack oie qahercd ike cream from 16 | portant et 5 Stock, they are enabled t | great medical wonder of the age y are the one | 4 >, or the Express Company c y ‘ We shall have lectures and : ‘ appetite of the reader vad re one, for the literary | and pr at esin their business to ussare t x oes | who know their virtues, and a Oe ae: by all | ne Yun DOU re ceed | OC le Ncon ay ounce Pee a helen naar SEUELE Ss NOU ASHE 2 LUTE a (8 5 pee ! der anc aint yea enna & yon : assure to Cas . Baa irtues, and many thousand es "7 ervenced [nst _ | 2, Borax, Glue al ed Wiener air: bell Ses iH Uaas ca) MEE ce ers, bargains in all deen. 4 "v ' gee a Cherry Pectoral fa a He ee ha ane tee ele ed tly confidential ae a Rooms, fire- places, fac, &e 86 oe sell , ) wealth, most varie eee est in intellectual eee : ods re quality to be siriec | e Puls for all derungeme te ough, ale “ ress Orders fur T ae = pee nglish 3 t pouth 5 M ~ Seen le vO m aa ies frou) moral lone | ee ey TICRLY BS hes med:cine uugemeuts requiring a purgative WOOD ny kets or Certificates to and a = Bee ee 5 Languages | © ¥ anufacturers Artic'es, OL iG puted a ae ily published Lane ok os aS Vave an opportunity of selecting fror | Puce eee or, Woop, EDDY : fe Augusta, Georgia. half the Tuition Sa aieene ls ea 4° EN Ee AGNI artistic embe!lis , ek the most reliable g : ng from c ye = § Boxes rk - oO : i 2 ne “AGNES ae f “Hotierk ‘Ubon ave ov ne iments surpars cul and Chem a t ie rable aud popular pharmacueti- | eecenans Wye Ms = B xes for $1.00 or, WOOD, EDDY & aoe wens Georgia. tor, Teachers and Pupils dwell to a he Proprie- \ {A, Mustard, Ginger, . arts, refining in induence active gallery of tine hyena a Be Parations at seduced prices Anelecitd (ae —C. AYER, Lowell, Mass, | U7 A list of the numt h , Wilmington, Del. the same table. gether and eat at] FY NEWAS,S The OR d garsts, Werchants, at : ae ee , staat a mbers t am Fi Try % ‘\, NEMAS,S a beeen he Ecuecric is the cheapest, in view of th find a large supply ane ae ra generally. will ‘i NendersoneesclishureneeG dale with the amount Sa aac casa yo the Ph ree! pee of limited means will he credited /| urgical Instruments, res il cont a tew of the manedies < eh ising al ew é Ore avilat ere : qe entitled s nat eac ition untilt you ae ! a equal ina Sie Its begs matter is nearly PEER e and approved Nea ey He - uson & Co, Charleston, S.C aes be published after every eee ‘a tions eiuanned Pra " rie a ue fonts ‘StI \ I CIR NELGIE Hato, BIg, which cost &7. ‘I "fe entire Barris QoanreRiies \ ie hl 4 KY D Ad Br ntos & Co, Norfolk, Wa Bt Al, Nios C papers :—Auvusta (Geo) C ane or information —_ . i i Steen a 8. E i SR ridlexca\vil tee I, New Orleans Delta, onstitution Appress, | SINGLASS, G belli st ve Ecceeric is only &: eon : x A | Jo eet UMA Vail mington, N.C. : a, Mobile R . td , ASS, Gellatine, Exi: sa lala alone are worth that nae Its em- a z D N fRieary Petar, in ales, Nashville Gazette, Pisin gratin Santo yy W. I. LANGDON, Proprietor | se eae: Bhcice iia ea and cheapest way of getung a | atent Medicines Drag Ladd & Co., Richmond, Va, and all dn c eekly Day Book oa ei eae See ey 1f35 C ORKS, Bottles, Sponge 2 y of current lite s ae fy ft i ee a » and a % , ichmond D ati e Morning | a 6. No tamily Grau reaconds lag aly tire ‘ 9 t ¢ Clarion ispatch and Pauld amily —ne father c 2 ,and I, : ulding (Miss. NDIG MEeNo mie fare tierce mstuongis' Fashionable P oa he nd Tatle Rock WA) Trae Deimoerat.” | ¢ Sf Re heed 2 ee th 5 .no young geatenin, ean spe fi 7 : les) , Y I , a is small sam so well in any way var re, nd er umery | OU R \ Be aiie QF SALISBURY WN. C. | UTMEGS, Mace te ee and gratification. ‘Pryat. ¥ Mental inproves TOI I E eh bp ) Ms i ISIC AL iE RIEIEN D = cont 5) fet » Mace, Cloves, eed the mind with ' ou will find octroe. | 7 wy 4 vaakic _— LIN A yITH (9X wery nd crane ith food worthy of is wants and PREPARATIONS 45 re A Hae at of Sheet Music, suitable for R. & N D \ RT & CO | kK AIRY, Rotten Stone, Sand Paper . 7. An intellize | E subseriber. being : i ayers and singers of the H sa ade * ° AY, ve, ee & , ie men, ae ie nt press. farand near, and eminent ahinivacibhert y &C. &C. raising money. nae a r the necessity of | poe of sixteen pages full folio ree circle. and | Importers and Jobber. : Ss ALTS, Salphar, Cream Tartar a eee Withete, (eet aes and an ae a wee daniinnen qualicoandn ut | ee ce ae - t ne indebted to hina, | ee cover. Tt contains all th . ; ren ina Y w 8 of ‘ i p Es = eee us IO ah IBIEC AREAS see p withoat deli * | of the day arre ame e popular; dances XN A f sit care | ae | payinent ben \ Av fry it | y; arrangements fro { ) by, ‘iA GREAT ATTRACTIONS! _ pon of prices furnished when deeired | | ARY, the ae the aan OF JANU. | Operas scenes, Ae m a most favorite OO ‘h ~ OM 4 Vv Ss \ TT we . a AD 4 sxannnation of our stock . PEVLEC AEANUS TS Ny and notes due to hi ant supply of ev Hao) WEI ) CUM Cae An abund- 2 4 - yi a ery TO NEW Stp P solicited ound in an officer's hands f im will be | ply of every thing that tt : 8 Warren St : Paying i . SSURTIBERS PG ENG > an | 2 s hands for collection mands ; neve : re popular taste de- reet, \ y syd ent ying in advance the | 2 Pin ae (oe) | ota ALL, persons er to dit : e N f) \ INDOW G ae Be cents pirat ae i aay runt (cia, Cae AN, DT AN etl a KER & CO, | present the a far ee ee reclaims against him will | ever fresh and Pane always instructive, and ew York. | MILG i UNS, ack LBs ith two splendid : tlie Ot VOU wade iN ry: . | ettlement. The favor w Will ) ae te = i Sir Walter Seal vo splendid march print hard St. Philad ne favor with wl 1 eee ; ill be pleased to se . ELLOW Oc aa and his Ce a his Friends, and Sh ey nat February eth, 1857 : vain (phat, M. WOFFLIN has been received abe MU a AL FRIEND | iting the ¢ o see all his old friends when vis- ehre, Lamp Black, orang, conta B : Ondin . tions it h» i a » public, and the comme J i ; : ortraite—: ining twe Pearly w37 4 it has w aT menda- an. 1k, let CLDSs : . ni a ite—surparsing all precedent “ - SIP SIETE (DIE oS | Cc i AVE I NG vy worth. Aw a ae Press, are guarantees ofits 3m34 en So Alenia, Lila; core SI SIE OP SOIR THEE | * _ A work gocheap, accurate and ele : i he ueee TERMS: NAR ITH CAROL INN | CHEAPER 'F . soar not exist in any pi eek ar urate laity gant, does RAIN, Linseed and I wot Merion aitened cn the heen enc ar. | : 4 PHAN EVER!!! Mitiiere prociredac arent ie sone erent i nd Lamp Oils, Mach nuinber contains one re: of every month ee oe NTY. S ; see? | least twenty a ee gular stores would cost i INCTURES on fareaetaetonpen Ht ue hundred and forty-f oar Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessi: | AG : must have money, Twill sell the remai | Friend.” i AL eae whatit costs in “Our Me "1 TURES, Barks, Quinine, eG ee ee ai aie nd Quarter Semsione, Sannary of my FINE STOCK OF De a, cite aretha ibiceeliancctarsenture dee or witiam H. Smi ee 4 is F beautiful Steel P erik covers with one or more ROR King ve AN Ha ably cheap. Callin with the Cash and ae pe | eu x h periodical so cheap, and much me you : * } ie EE Ne Sel ake eras ak - & buimbers comprise bie by Sartain, The twelve Py ero Weed Ho MeBachorn S . WARCUS HOFFLIN the coo ! ie following composers haxe appeare - d. LD respectfully inform his STR auntde bout volumes of 600 pages eso) rp s Nitgneiaend ficciod om fbn RNIN Ovo OLR aE : LIN ae : a numbers; the names speak ue * in \ old friends and the public, that { Main Street tof IVE Deke ae s. vod embellishments. : : war ippe APU se Cities Raven uon aicttenG é | . 3m27 Fic ; ay Mozart, S. Love , Wallerstein Me G Epa oe Ss the s { ig , ‘ ne i din number, arene ae ee i only three eens ae, : ats telirn finae thar an a . ourt that | N ( yy | ( 1 Ik | eraarte, er F. Schubert, Verdi, pate CA RRI AGE BU SIN ESS | Janu. 4 1 sy ASBURY, N.C. une No. 42 cents : peal se afi alice Specunen ' TRAE CUT ey Seg TS (eet He eee 3 /ha 1K s, Masard, Thalberg, Balfe, Ros i Heels i Is viel : oe . een EFRRDITO GE (ORR. MeV eee thi a .. QO | Kuckeu, Speye ‘ e, Rossini, J. Weber, | 8! hisold Stand =a) | ees tf 32 nea eel ui [pai a Siainps cay bee EC ore iy te nits | i fA: (ean AP hte: a ; eS J Speyer, Abt, G. A] Maefarre , and, in allits varied t 4 _ ings 532 your orders; Address WOT BIDWELI ae ; yomode for six weehe ta it sare ena | at eh eee j be ee pasts Tee made ee ee Cronch. DAtbert “Bish ae u a Livia " a Dro TE) Conus (ee leon a STEVENSON & BOW EN, the . Nan at rae tan for the detend AY OOF ieeline. | era) Aes ie EU Sis of Gooda, No esietlo, Lindpamter, Bee : op, Auber, od, solid, durble and he i o boy ah GY A > ekinan « ndant an the above dh Neconn ye RISE » Notes “ ’ theven, &¢e handse, ‘ ire aut oBan WED: nan , 5 » Yooat the next erm of it me Se ee a a eaediven: ef “ 1 \ ‘a Prosice for the benefit ofthe these preces are within the c a = tf So Se Aes ee He eee J Se Oe Dee RONEN eee , Mis , 3.39 ae sont to bee toll) te Jo Mills & Co, ane | and singers and i ! ge of ordinary players | ate prepares (ce . His Smith Sho 4 Vhole » . 1TH) Dre 4 NE 1 Nee < sierra tae (O for the all persons ndebted 1 Mile & Moose a and are invariably charact ane) (pal {to execute in the bes Ip esale Dealers in roe i “GROTES FOR w \ | rn ihe Yt Whois cap “tend par House: inonedid anelenrenusjinon i yted to either of the above concern +} cious melody and eaxy acc ae acterized by deli- | °! mierda (ono an orl LEER tstyleand mauner | ‘ a . hee / ; W Apnul went? and reple ; pee Vly requested to come aU Dol . ee om panime nts (e a moses fae Se ee eG Pn be is ecru) wie cued fleet Oo cee vy : the pooe | without delay as the ae £ be . pres and settle O : aaah produce taken in exchange for work, wh | DR Y Go the sell on the 12 soranss dinetll, Th wei jal gemunt will L Le, winoil « accou, | closed. Be pranp ee ve firm must be ur M . lem el S mae Tisenie ie Suh ati Thal iets a che Guo | Po debt. paterest al . ‘ v pe et him tor plane | ene ‘s i inpt and sive cost | usical Friend Janu. 25, 1859 | Have Associated witt : oe Fiv z Val roi eral Gy crate rts, and the lands levied on | up the i ss isany uunthonzed agent to ae tle is published weekly, pr act 6m035 | 1D. ANI ET Mf. 7 ith them e a a Di Lins Ubesinnn | ptes and aceounte, and well Piers |e price 10 cents, and he y y not uable Nee duper So Sih. (CD Sahat (ante. IF fhe ending coe un any | ‘ may be or- ANOT 3) “IM MIE Y | Slows rere een . ‘ ety ara og y yookseller oo seri | Yh. i ata two Mennone wanna ; egroes, | Silico wonnt ie . a Meer Courteat (etiucce «The gonads will be closed out at iow will be sent direct from a ue riodieal dealer. Tt OTHER CHANGE!! | formerly of Livcorsrox, N.C IRM AN, fail 7 Reon Ge iF a ‘ a iniderine. Gene ane fh) Tea e a oe in January. Frryices onnibieadl ( | following rrtes, ve ei eof publication at the ae | large Store San BAY Bi, mis | aay Removed {0 the ; : tudes wad wagaiens ee ? SLOUG tlc ebted te the above firm, t 3 copie : vill year $2.50; Clubs me rd St.. below A oman an excellent Co rgoners, and the U 350 6w3s ( Feount, are hereb n, by note or ac- pies, Rl4, ¢ ay ‘ ubs, rinereased Stock 1 rch, wher rate Ceri ocse ail | . and Washer. ‘Terms ’ 3 “ es ie mee ’ Y polliee too make tmmediate pay- year, game ene nth 10 ae KAN per SALISBURY fered equal te a be be ke a and inducements of- kin houd and approved secu ier ik eee ort tome wall be ailowed be- taken for less tt . nr o subseriptior OY » Provan mune chad linge: oat HUGIE A, DOBBIN, Alike Ie iD ALISBURY heer ei ie out for alan ie an Office or non Aten yates tg : r Fl M A L In SEM I NA R Y | RCH ae TEG) Sh aa 6m035 : : : : Ane Oe us Haak : . WEICa wend,’ 13 F ; S flcurist : A) “ie AU (helanineatiineeatit pire 4 fh M ; A Thane (ile Wee CSW TE (UK licne tcc Mirent, New York, vend,” 13) Frankfort irishing lain rey Clio | Ranaw "! ' a Jerihieeeeua: ¥ } a a REA UTIISLET OREO L, | 4 | | ( ) ( ) L . . 1133 2 [. SNES COI following ‘Teachers, viz: » oharge of the | « ay. ---$)0 REW ARD. ein , eee! gil VILE subserit Feb. 1, {Impd! DESMA Cs A. 1). Witkivson, P Wee H A N Sas ia nber will open a Few »{ trpdi6 Pr " , 2 » Principal, | Bg from the subseribe ithe = 4 “( I I¢ ) W OM \ N Senoot at the Latherg i roprie tors rs NOO. WILKINSON, Assist \ 20th January fast, aN Sune an excellent Cook and IVA ANG Salisbury, N.C, on tl reran Churehy 4 VA T ~ department and Music » Assistant in the Literary | ve Noor ALEXANDEI cero man Tamed him months credit a ani benso-rervint ) Vermne—e Mare (at , to iited Memo) cl . ‘ LL { A BLE | AN N DS | Mr War Hexsic Tl ' dark copper color. o eR. Said tnan isof a ae , with bond and approved se nk RIX TERMS OF TUITI cap, ge aiks ‘ | ahaa pl 3, [nstroctorin Musie, Mich: warmhotvont 4 +0 ee sor MW mches high 0 ‘ Jos E. DO ; D f "ION AS FO : | ake pleasure in saying the . ; catia Nae rom Tao t G5. The hoes Ns snb _ Feb. 15, 1859 DOBBIN edn Srenunve and Reapryc ' clea DR Ss CHL ce surpassed their ex ae hy Meothe present: Seesion se weobot has rather a down east ee ty likely i 198 Duda aes peu na aia monthe 6.00 ve SNE \ T. VENHE aubseriber wishes to eell his | | for paat favors nud ee ahon. We are thanktal | ars The subsentor thinks it probat is apet) Bk, | \ N | ) Ev Grawwar and Pu a 7 R700 AS REMOVED B the Beaties’ Ford and Baffsl R ands lying on | with a great wddivon AS tae of the same. hur ane ahant either the neighturhe Ae ote a4 i Clesintey ail area ee00 on the e pp rie DENT SE (OMS eo ate Garaita 9 pada, 12) niles | are Neetarianin their frel ere may be mine who flew es (einctiae ST. Sei Renrahy ot ee rain Ea PER &@p Moate, (exira,) t aaa R10.00 Meee formerly necupied hy Da Basow Tract contains 292 ACRES Py {ill Creek. The | T would aay pabhely welings in reward to Schools. eowill ive the above reward for hia. Spee elinie SR BL BCe ois On ry Mre JOE. Smithdeal, 81s 00 : ves prepared to attend all operg * proved—the Buildin vis place ia wellim- | teach no Jam, of what T have sard in private, 1 and delivery te him, at his resi vie anprehiensiin ; ther atudies in the @ per conoected with his profe perations ga and Fences are all NEV if you want that ‘ of Bung residence 24 nuales S offer f Ail pacers cache ; 1 amy portion Jan 1, 1839 profession in GOOD CONDITION 5 and th a Vand tor the Preacher The : tanghi you muat send gle’s Ferry, in Rowan county 8 South liat I =r forsale 60 AGRES (be ‘ ng furtherintormatie ia ‘ ‘ FRESH anc ; e open lands canines Sic “he secoid Seasion will comme nee ve er ee daliabaee od be gehts Land, 8 ailerons ie Dna ae Satotiary N.C ene ‘ a AL UABLE TI (eo pe 1 = pridacurs ana esd i a ne. es a t day of Feb, 1859, and a ere MICHA JOHN © BENSON } AbcatihalCia pe e from. the ( R. Ro} “ rroseclosea : ry Rey 4 : : ; 2 INCI 7 £ a gm ADOW ihe t Pre CORA Wty Sede alta lence decane ; a 1 Whe WD 10 acre piece of DRAINED 3 ract, and Terms of Tu tion as he BR : land and bottom. On it are in excellent wood ih ta JL SWITHDEAT IE ORS A L E |e ever SN) nerew ot ond ‘i oe OM. There | Board in family aeavelb Obs 1 \ ; OWN, , y od UA ro oO) ’ 5 2 GOOD MEADOWS, Petar | Poe for le 27h ACRES of a salsa her "thors ea'gac kee. | iefthaencenes (EMISSION ME ! 276 Ae Cuore : i | } eran Ss Owellingitionncst i al OW ‘, | Conoord M 1 Fe County. on the waters of ¢ Tec Rowan | tga e select trnit on the place, which . A.D. WILKINSON ; . _ i 4 ) it Birmeeed cicnee nei an excellent one, 2 good | 7 ale School. | Ror eands COAPIi ne Owaneas dander ' » Adjoining ere ae Ny fa Vite in reference to milla, churches, | Paty il a Paixcie S { LISBUR V " ’ } . Rice Gla necessary buildings) [urcan be | ie rine othera, about b4 miles from Salat son’ Smith and | mune, &e | at, 1X59 hee ‘ a N. C. eS | em 3 8 , : Ep . 36 z a : ‘ a goon on ‘arms to euit the parehaser, Call | For furtl pring Term commences March Let, IRS C Rail Rond Terms, one martin aot near the N Jancan sent JOSEPULB. McNEELY Feb.8, 1859 PROMPT PERSONAL ATL : anc Feb. 15, 1859 JULIUS A NEELY ver information addrese the Principal Yona credit. of one and tw cash, the balance | Seo ine6 6137 EN ihe picchuse o(nliik ; NTION GIV = ’ os 5 n" uF 3 yew Ne s 1 eet Me inds > ’ 3 : 1 3 ; me,or ROA. Caldwell, E _veara, Apply to) Drs. id te all consign nt nds of PRODUCE mlaqr3R Concord, Feb. 14, 1959 AMES R. McAULAY \ tldwell, Eaq in Sathebury ) BI \ NK DEK haniblansnaeonind &J.A.CALDWELL shipped te othe op yvouts to be sald in thie market or : | : oh | Pho “pel pe anciated t al} J UR! 138 | Jan. 11, 1859 AH CALDWELL | - 4 »ED H AVE aaoctated themarisen in the practice of Madicin Samir a TPscill 1733 (a) Ny, : ana Ad . whe wish it, can have the nal cervices to the pablic (37 R SALE AT THIS OFFICE gee Wave the tersienst bh in ang ene, wath WANRIAG E ve . EB Office — the name oocupied at present by Dr. W FOR Nt fe ACE NSE y RITENRAD POR NZ Al a ALE AT THIS OFFICE ‘Poetical. THRILLING VERSES. The circumstances which induced the writing of the following touching and thridliag ines ure as fo)- lows: A young lady of New York was in the habit of writing for the Philadelphia Ledger oa the subject of Temperance. Her writing was so full of pathos, and evinced such deep emotion of soul, that a friend of hers accused her of being a maniac on the subject of Temperauce—whereupon she wrote the following Jjnes : Go feel what I have felt, Go bear what I have borne— Sink ‘neath the blow a father dealt, And the cold world’s pruod scorn ; Then suffer on from year to year The sole relief the scorching tear. Go knee! as I have knelt, Implore, beseech and pray— Strive the besotted heart to melt, The downward course to Bliy 5 Be dashed with bitter curse aside, Your prayers burlosqued, your tears defied. Go weep as I have wept, O’er a loved father’s fall— See every promised blessing swept— Youth’s sweetness turned to gall— Life’s fading fowers sirewed all the way, That brought me up to woman's day. Go see what I have seen, Bebold the strong man bowed— With gnashing teeth—lips bathed in blooa, Aud cold and livid brow ; Go eatch his withered glance and see, ‘There mirrored his soul’s misery. Go to thy mother’s side, And her crushed bosom cheer ; Thine own deep anguish hide ; Wipe from her cheek the bitter tear; Mark her worn frame and withered brow 5 The gray that streaks her dark hair now ; With fuilug frame and trembling limbs ; And trace the ruin back to him Whose plighted faith, in early youth, Promised eternal love and truth, Bat who foresworn, hath yielded up, That promise to the cursed cup ; And fed her down, through love and light, And all that made her prospects bright, And chained ber there, ’mid want and strife, a drunkard’s wife — That lowly thing, Aud stamp'd on childhood’s Srow so mild, That with’ring blight, that drunkard’s child. Go hear, and feel, and see and know, All that my soul bath felt and known, Then look upon the wine cup’s glow, See if its beauty can atone— Think if its favor you wall try, “Cus drink and die!” When all proclaim, Tell ine I hate the bowl, Hate isa feeble word 5 I loathe—abhor—my very soul Wuth strony disyust 1s atur'd, AVhen 1 see, or hear, or tell” Of ihe dark beverage of hell! 7oe 'From the Natchez Daily Courier.) | *“T would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, | concerning them which are asleep, that ye sorrow not, even as they which have no hope.’"—I Theses. iv., 13 and 14. *Tis not when first the anguished heart Js called with ajJ its loves to part, Vhat words like these can comfort give, Aud bd the drooping sprit hive How can we say that ‘it is well,” When searee has ceased tie funeral knetl? How be consoled, when haunted by The loved one’s last expiring sigh ’ E’en when we weep and muse alune On those who are forever gone, The heart will scareely dare confess Its depth of utter loneliness ! ‘Tis not when first to passion’s tide We yield—forgetting all beside 5 Or, 10 the coldness of despair, The soul can lift itself in prayer; | No, each rebellious tear must cease, Ere we cau feel the dove of peace, Shedding within its influence mild, And calming every tumult wild. Yet s'Jesus wept’ —we too may weep | In grief for “them who are asleep 3” We, too, with sorrow's flood nay love That quiet, holy spot—the grave ! Yet let us venture not alone To bend o'er that sepulebre stone ; Butin our faiting spirit bear ‘A sympathizing Saviour there.” ; Had Mary gone without her Lord, | She imight not hear that gracious word Calming her heart's deep throbs of pain— “Thy brother, he shall rise ayain !” And though not now our loved ones rise To glad once more our tear-dimned eyes, | Yet still those blessed words abide — “Tf we belleve that Jesus died And rose again’’~e'en su will God Gather together from abroad, All those for whom we sadly weep— Those who in Jesus “fell asleep.” ome LITTLE NELL. She was not wise, but she was fair, Bright as the rose-buade in her hair, | T never saw her soft eyes look | Upon the pages of a book ; ; Oh, no, bright title Nelle, no, | | 'T would make them dull; E tetd her so { She was not learned, hat she to me Was Nature's sweeteut poetry Those golden curly, I see them now | | Sweep like a sunbeam on her brow No great thoughts puzzlea that bright head ; They made it ache, so Nelle said Shejwas not wise, but oh! her eye Melted with gentlest sympathy ; When clouds Jay heavy on the way, Bright Nellie chased them all away Sweet, ssmple child, elie did not kuaw What in her heart made sunshine so She was noi learned, but oh! her face Has such a pure, a Joving grace, The angele loved it, and they bore Our Nell t lo a brighter shore I saw the langhing lipea grow atill | Rweet Nelle sleeps beneath the hill ae . EI *REAT ENGLISH REMEDY. SYR JAMES CLARKE’S CELEBRATED FEMALE PILLS. PROTECTED LEGTERS BY ROYAL PATENT. Prepared from a presertption of Sir J. Clarke, M. D., Physi- cian Extraordinary to the Queen. Thisinvaluable medicine is unfailing in the cure of all those painful and dangerous diseases to which the female constitution issubject. It moderates allexcessand removes allobstructions, and a speedy cure may be relied on. TO MAIED LADIES it is peculiarly suited. It will,in a short time, bring on the monthly period with regularity. Each bottle, price one Dollar, bears the Government Stamp o Great Britain, to prevent counterfeits. CAUTION. These Pills should not be taken by females during the FIRST | THREE MONTHS af Pregnancy, as they are sure to bring | on Miscarriage, bub at any other time they are safe. In all cases of Nervous and Spinal Affections, Painin the Back and Limbs, Fatigue on slight exertion, Palpitation of the Hears Hysterics, and Whites, these Pilly will effect a cure when al other means have failed, and although a powerful remedy, do not contain iron, calomel, antimony, or anything hurtful to the constitution Full directions accompany each package. Sole Agent for the United States and Canada, JOB MOSES, (Late I. OC. Baldwin & Co.) Rochester, N.Y. N. B.—$1,00 and 6 postage stamps enclosed toany authorize Agent, wilJinsure a bottle containing 50 Pills by return may. Yor sale by W.H. WYATT, agent for Salisbury Haviland, Stevenson & Co., Charleston, 8. C., Wholesale Agd ly-40 MILITARY GOODS, Swords, Sashes, Belts, Epaulettes, Laces AND EVERY DESCRIPTION OF MILITARY GOODS, ACCORDING THE Latest U. S. Army and State Regulations. SCHUYLER, HARTLEY & GRAHAM, INP OR TERS SAN UE NOT URES 19 WAIDEN LANE, NEW YORK. typd7 TO July 13, TRS. ; JAMES HORATI, WATCH-MAKER AND JEWELER, SALISBURY, N.C., One doo below R. & A. Muphy’s Store, I EEPS constantly on hand a large assortinent WATCHES and JEWELRY of all kinds Clocks, Watches and Jewelry of every description repaired in the best manner and on the mostreasona ble terms February 19, 1858 1y38 Theory of Vocal Music, SEVEN EASY LESSONS. EN supply of the above useful Musical Work, | handsomely printed and for sale at RS ‘ THIS OFFICE Dec 21st, 1X58 uf30 "ARE YOU IN DEBT TO R.& A. MURPHY, ie SIO). Do You Frer Intend to PAI? LL Notes and Accounts due us, and remaining £X% inonr hands on the FIRST DAY of FEBRU ARY, 1<59, will be placed in the hands of an othicer RGN AMET aay 612 for collection. Janell» 25 BARRELS OF New Crop New Orleans Mo- LASSES just received and for sale low by SPRAGUE BROS. Salisbury, Dee. 13, [sos 29 Cog e, Sugar, Molas AND eS ia a HOGSHEADS New i 1¢ and West India Sugars 34 BO Bags Reo and Java Cothe 20 Hhds. Muscovado and New Or- Jeans Molasses. 65 Barrels Crushed and Coffer 15C Sacks Salt Orleans Sugar SPRAGUE BROS oy Salisbury, Dee TRI-WEEKLY MAIL LINE. TWO HORSE HACKS, From Mochsville, ¥. (.. fo Salisbury, ¥. €. 13, 1Rox CHANGE OF RCHEDILS Leaves Mocksville every Mondays, Wednesdays and Pridays at LLo'cluck, A.M . forclock. PLM Tuesdays, Thursdays and wardays at sy o’clock, AL Me” Arrives at Mocksville samme days at lgo'etock, PM Arrires a) Nslisbury same days at Leaves Salisbury every Ss The Proprietor, also, pledges himself to send Pas- sengers from Mocksville in any direction they may wish to go. on reasonable terms. ‘Try him, all you that wish to go to the mountains in that direetion STAGE OF FICE at Sal sbury at the Mansion Hotel, Wa. Rowzer. Agent HERO AUSTIN, Paornteror. Mocksville, Dec. 8, 1X54 . kt I wish to purchase 20 Ye, good and young Negroes Fellows and will pay the highest CASH prices for them : P want them auitable forworking my Tf exasplanta- tions, and desire to buy as seon as I T would also boy girls and boys from ten to twenty vears old, and want two or three families if likely, HL. ROBARDS fay Hn. W. RUpp, ean Salisbury, May 4th, PR58. Watchmaker & Ieweller, CONCORD, N.C. | FVIUE subscriber has epened a Watch, Clock and Joweley | Store in the town of Concord, and by eareful attention ¢ Yusir hopes to merit a liberal pate re | Clocks, Watches and all kinds of Tin vay repaired inthe | most earetalmanner, and warranted | August 81, 1so5 [l4ty] H.W. RUPP. Cheese ! Cheese!! Cheese!!! BOXES CHEESE | LO¢ 100 boxes snoked Hering | wo Adamantine © audles | 100 dozen Brooms | 100 boxes assorted Tobacco | 10 Carks Western Bacon | | Por sale by SPRAGUE BROS Sahabory., Dee 3, 1x58 v9 Exchange and Collection Office. NA EIISTONE TEIN A (CF I AM PREPARED TO BUY AND SELL NEW York Exchange, Specie, State Stocks aud ancur- ent Back Bills Money received on deposit, and ac counts opened subjeet to checka Eapecial attention paid to collection of clare and remittances aade prompil 4 vday of payment JOHN McRORIE, Salisbury, Jan. 2, 1859 132 j Seaboard Drs. M.WHITEHEAD &J.A.CALDWELL. who Wish ityean exten charye WANA fe HOT, SALISBURY. HE subscriber takes pleusury in announeing te his friends, and the public generally, that he has taken this long established and well known Hotel, | aud has made every possible preparation to accomino- | date the business, travelling and visiting portions of | the public, in the most satistactory manner. Particular attention is paid to his | Cs and every comfort és provided in his ROOM | His STABLES are abundantly supplied, and at- | tended by a careful ostler; und to all departments | the proprietor gives bis personal attention A comfortable OMNIBUS runs regularly to the depot on the arrival of the cars, | With these efforts to please, a liberal share of the | public patronage is confidently solicited. WM. ROWZEE. tf-35 January 25th, 1858. T. C.& B.G. WORTH, Commission & Sorwardng WERGRANTS, Ur tilmington, N. C. February, 16, 1858 ly John Dooley, HAT MANUFACTURER, AND WHOLESALE DEALER IN HATS, CAPS, FURS, TRIMMINGS, §c. FALL, 1858 HAVE now in store un extensive and complete assortment of everything in my line adapted to the Fall trade, and aim pre- . { pared to offer unusual inducements to pur- chasers. Tu my tate visit to the markets and manutactories | of the North and Bast, Phave spared no pamsin the | | | selection of this stobk ; and TP flatter myself that long experience euables ine to anticipate rhe wants of my friends ta Virginia, North Caroioa and ‘Pennessee A callis respectfully solicited fronis my old custom. ers and the pubhe. INO DOO Richmond, Va., Sept. 25, 185%, {fen RAIL ROAD NOTICE COUNTRY MERCHANTS. | EXPEDITIOUS ROU% POR PREIGH YE POR THE INP ERIOR OR NOR Pa CAROEIN Mi RCH AN'PS and othe Pall and Winter suppl that by the Rail Road. from Charlestor vantage of w CHEAP wid exper te them Al) Byeqaht conten Norh Eastern Ra of Comission | ' itpurchasiog there re recuestec North But Vee ot the to Che tice Coan gebe tin Ss. f aw, { roan tous Toute s opened | dite the forwurce ce the care of the I Road will be No charge for storage willbe made at Cheraw taken ¢ h Ny are | Jeatled | Schedule of eharges fortress portation of Fresht will be found at the Post Off fois aie LOH LERIAG KOESS BS Pigineer & Supernterdent ult gon will be 1 house Compa Uns r August 10, J-.= > “4 THE LIVER INVIGORATOR:! PREPARED BY PR SANFORD, Compounded entirely from GUMS, | Jo OSE OE THE REST PURG ATIVE AND LIVER ME | Di INES eopubbic that acts as a Cathartic, easier, inilder, fectual than muy other medicinekmuwn. =| | It is pot only but a Lérer remedy, acting Brot ou we | Liver to eject ita mort: tt nthe stomach and bowels & carry off that matter, thus weomplixling two purposes eflectu Bw any file pa in the pecs has but to try a { These Gums ren: the system. supplyit invugornting the ! Kiser and health toibe | the cause of the disease~ | and, what ts asi use of the | © stomach Night- night, loosens the bowels thyeness. 0 » Dy<pepsin Us wil always reneve One boitle taken cause of the disea Cnty one dose oh striction removesthe He, while One dose often rey for Cholera Morbagsy, and a pre Br Oniy system the effects of une bot wont of the med BS One bottle taken fo Jowness or unnatural colo kness all sal elie along mickn Jaundice removes One doxe taken « short Bor te the appetite and makes One dose « 1 rhora in its worst { Bowel complainte y | | | | BF A tew bottles cures Dropsy, by exciting the mending this medicine as a A 5 Chilt lous Type are willing to testify to ius and all Fevers witheertainty and ( wonderfal virtnes. All who use It are tesUinony tn tts fave Ba Mix Water In the mouth = gorator, and swallow both topceiensane Tost THE LIVER INVIGORATOR IR A SCIENTIFIC MEDICAL, DISCOVERY working cures, almost too great to believe. It ‘cures am il by mingic. cron the first slice quning benefit, and seldom more thay gne bottle is reguired 10 ene any kind of Laver Complaint from the worst Junndice or Dryepepatnn mmon Headache, all of which are the reault of a DIwe Aver. , PRICK ONE DOLLAR PF BOTTLE SANFORD & Co. Proprietors, 345 Broadway, New York Wholesale Agents: Rarves & Park, New York, TW Dyort & Sone, Philadel: hia, MoS Bere & Co, Boston: H HW. Hay & Co., Portland JOHN D Park, Cincinnati, Gavtokn & HamMonn, Cleveland: Pans ari na Davis, Chicagu: 0. J. Woon & Co, St. Loule: Geonce Ho Keysek, Pittston SN Tfanca, Deltimore. An retailed by all Druggists, Sold alo ly ces WE. WYATT, Drageist, Salishury, yusands | { | | | ‘ving their unanimous and is daily Nee. ROS Ces OF CTEE CAROLINA CITY TIMES AROLINA CITY TEMES. | The undersigned will conmence the pulley cat a Weekly Journal with the above tide about the first | week in ( NEC Phe Pestex will be independentinalt things, Nen- | | tralian nothing 3 January next, at arolina City, | but the best energies of the propria tors wil} be directed to any and all measures tending to advance the interests of Beaufort Harbor: and partientarly to keep people posted ou what we are really dower With this determn tou they will fur nish a faithtal record of all statistics whieh may be In their power fo obtain addition toany commercetal of The want of sacth @ Journal ts Information whieh can eondace to the welface our mmeretutile Giteresia« felt by every intelligent ciuzen who desires to he at! all acquainted with the resourees of Beaufort Harbor our present condition, fature prospeetsa, &e, The Tiwes will give the latest market re ports . ar nvaland departure of vewxela from thes port; and its coluinnea will afford the latest intelligence both foreign | 4 anid doaestie. Special eare willbe Caken to give full and acenrate summary of State news The Tivys will be published every Thursday, and willbe mailed to subscribers for Two Dollars a year, Invanably ia advance APB CITATIN & CO for eash, Po will deduct 3 per cent, even at these low rales Come and see the new supply of SILVER TRA ind TABLE SPOONS, aid the best quatity o Joy to the Admirers OF A FINE HEAD OF RICH GLOSSY HAIR. Talk of beauty, it cannot exist without a fine head of hair, then read the following, afd if you ask more see circulur around each bottle, aud no one can doubt. JROFESSORNR WOOD'S HAIR RESTORA- TAVEiE.—We call the attention of all, old aud young, tu this wouderful Preparation, which tarns | back to its original color, gray hair—covers the head of the bald with a luxuriant growth—removes the dandratf, itching, and all cutaneous eraptious— causes 4 continual flow of the hence, ifused as a regular dressing for the hair wall preserve its color, and keep it from falling Co extreme old age,im all its natural beauty We call then upon the bald, the grey, or diseased in @he scalp, to use it; and surely the young will uot, as they value the flowing locks, or tha witching carl, ever be without it. Its praise is upon the tongue of thousands. The Agent for Prof. Wood's Hair Restorative in Now Haven, received the following letter iu regard to the Restorative, w few we ks since: Dene River, Conn., July 23, 1856. Mr. beavenworth—Sir: [have bees troubled with daudruff or scur! on my head fur more than a year, wy hair began to come out, scart and hair together, I rawina New Haven paper about Wood’s Hair Restor- } called ut your store on the stuf April last, and purchased ove bottle tu try it, aud J found to my satisfaction it was the thing, it removed the seurf and new hatr began to grow; it is now two or three iuches ta lengih where it was alloff. Vhave T wish you to send me two bottles inore by Mr. Post, the bearer of this. TI don't know In (his place, vou may many bottles after it is kKuown Yours with respect, RUFUS URATT. ative” as u cure. great faith wait. an any of the kind is used have a market for here. Piitavecrnia, Sept. 9, 1856. PROF. WOOD— Dearsir: Your Uair Restorative Is proving tiself beveficis| tome. ‘Vhe front, and also the back partof ny head almost Jost its coveriug— Infactuatp, f have used but two half pint bottles of your Restoratove, aud now the top of my head is well studded with a promising Crop of young hair, aud the front is aise its benefit. triedother preporatious without doy benetit whatever receiving have Piuhiok trom imy own personal recommendation, I Cun juduce many others to try it. Yours respeetfally, D.R. THOMAS, M a No Wai $64 Vine vtreet. Way tae 22) ha} As you ure about to manu- Vince ves, PROT OFF WOOL: { color aud texture to train fespecttulls yours, WILSON KING. OF WOOD SX Co, Propretors, 312 Broadway, New York rthe great NOY. Wire Rating Extab Nsnrent. aod Pa Market Street. St, Lous, Mo. Sold by Wo WY AEE, Drovsist, Salisbury, N C land bs wrists Nis tt) Bin? Carolina City, N.C. July 26th. 1S58. Te \ cane Noth Careina Raf Road being mv oni dito Brvcetons Uanuon. P have deters th o toearce at ¢ ha (uty, for the ¢ vse ! dort w ‘ PORWARUING IND GUVERAL COMMESSTON BUSINESS. tnd hope by prowptness and strict wtt your prtronage aud support, Berg the Agent « natural Holds; and | cow Hilly on We Che Jrdomitab nie oF THE ROWAN HOUSE, Salisbury, N.C. still continues to keep this long established and popu. \lar Hoven. in the best style—having in his employ | ficient assistants, whe are determined no one shall! 2 Le | go away dissatisfied | “OLD POINT COMFORT,” batam still Proprietor, and iavite the travelling public | to calland partake of the many luxuries our experience | and facilities enable us tu give bem. H. L. ROBARDS. 26:1f fave vot reated oot or leased | Nov. 22, 1358. CELEBRATED VESETABLE CA POWDER. Be ae TBNIWE Proprietors take pleasure in offering their Vegetable Cattle Powder, feeling confident that itis the article long needed by the Agniealtural com- munity sex incident to Horses, Cows, Hogs, and Sheep, en- tering tute the eirentation, producing un alternative effect thereby: The Powder is recommended for horses tobe given in complaints of Dastemper., Stibberiug, Coughs, Fe The Compound is useful in inost all disea- } | yrifyiny the blued and all secretions. vers, Foot-diseases. Glanders, Farey, Gripes and Col- Jic, Jaundice and Yellow Water, diseases of the kid- ney, foundered borses, fUmay be given} in doses of tablespoonfal thee or four times a Week mixed with water when drinking CONES. The powder is holy recomended for eows, Pu- jrtyrag thea blood aud bringing them to a healthy the body, in- creasing ther streagth and muproving their appente, jstate, driving out all the dapusities of moking them yield twice the amount of milk, asin a A faruier, | der. will ever be without ie ! | poor conditions hat oder uses this pow- Tt should be doses of a Cable spooutul (hres Gines a week, and in piven in contimuiig the tse oii, all the diseases arcing from the pnpure state of ihe blood and secretions may be cblirely driven out Tu diseases of Hotlow Hora, Hoof disease, or cows that give bloody muk. or foe dry cows, it has been found lighly benehelil by giving the powder every ther a week HOGS day, of three | | Por dows the powder is recommended to be given In coughs, pweble neeks, uleers on the fins. and jliver, audio fattening, and may be given by onving & pound ora all 2 pankage ana barrel of mwill HOUDIE TL TEA foctured and vend your recently discovered Wosr Restorative, Dowill stare, for whomsoever it may con- cero, that Dhave used it aud Ka own others to use ct that, Plave, for several years, been im the habit ofasing other Haar Restorauves, and that TP tind vours yastly sopertor to any otfier E know. Tten- Nrely eleauses the head of dandruth, aud with one meutl’s proper tse will restore auy person's hair to | the oneinal vouthtal color and texture, giving ita heaithy, soft and g'ossy appearance y aud all this, without discoloring tae hands that apply it, or the dy owhoehit drops. Po woald, t efore, reeam | Mendis Use overs ove destous of haview a fine | ‘ | The Cattle Powder, proving so effieacious for what twas first recommended induced several farmers to | [feed it to some laying hens. aud found the efleet moet | wonderful in Tittencae thems bes des, making them Contione toner than usaatin laving eves. We can, | thereforefore, recomend it te be feed to chickens. | [geese, turkeys aud for all kinds of the feathered Jtobe, woere itisdesied io keep up a healthy cou- dette Poatey be eaomxed with Ladiant tical aud witler (wo ortliree Gow a week SOLD, Wh esate and Retail, by WOE WYATT = Noo Cie Dr bury TO ALL Interested in Building !! The Subscribers call attention to their t Will. ues ist | Murray's Line of First Class Packets, yes Wel dress Migber, doa! kinds Of ON Ac vthis and MOREMEAD CITY, every ethort: wall} MENTAL WOOD WORK, as Mouldings, beam ounohe this the cheapest and most expedi | Brackets, Re. Xe. and manufacture FRAMES, aie tor Nrw Vitko Viiescle wslbolandedinad ie Sato IGN Dist) OOS sande POR Bisa) Siena ue SA: Cam tie (Ran) (isa) images sob wedl xcusuned, selected LuwBer, will be | Whart, and thereby sive CVRD AGE and LIGHT. | kept on hand ; Hraks Sela Us fe te tah for etine up teres, aad for the | 22 (Pactretloe citicntian conte a Lorders, | PREC TION OF ND SORTSOFR RULUDINGS, | fA) Oy iaies ner nd) Siveeeeoi ash ein!) jlor stich PLANS will be firnished. if desired | : as View asc eal a lon te ther SPORES, of the | NOTA BD GRASP. | \ INnost approved patterus, and superior Auish | Ali sfoomenisof Produce to Do Conus Verna | (her work os aot surpassed by any va the State. | New Yo \ tocward-d free of Comune ston J Orders filed at the shortest notice. Aug 4d one) 1 Para ny : | GRIST MILLS. | Conneoced with the Pactory, are two Grist Mills { Cuore wall beer a@owith desputeh, aid a supply o | good MEAL wilalways be kept for sal | MURDOCH, DARBY & CO. | Salisbury, Nov. 9th, [s3s bua | 14 é VAtCH WAREL COME AND SEE WLR. WILSON'S NEW STLOW CASE, > ND the farge. new supply MS IRE OUTES, DIP TPT wad a areat vettety af Glittering Charms of wew Stivies and F ons. some of them of the = LAN TIC CABLE® orde- Callin -Look round —and see the splendid array of beautiful Olocks, Walking Canes, &c. of Vvorions kinds Now ts Che aioe to ireetly from: the manufacturers, foreash only, ud J owill sell, such arueles ever have Waving beaght | per cent cheaper than sold tn Salisbury, and hay cheap a its fwenty-ftive been NEEDLES that ean be found on this side of the Ndientie: also SILVER PLATED CASTORS All kinds of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry &e., prompt. Iv repaired, atthe lowest rates, and warranted for Toahisbranch the proprietor gives NVoe Rem S ON: wis twelve months his sole attention, aR, [sos Salisbury, Sept : EW WARBLE YARD. at | fier t j hed in this fand as COWANS | VEGETABLE LITHONTRIPTIC FRIEND OF THE HUMAN FAMILY. SUFFERING FROM wWyep 7 wal we DISEASED KIDNEYS, Stoneinthe Blidderand hidneys, Weak } Loins, he. This invatouble medicineis for sale at the Davie Hotelota Woeksvilles at De Ro Campbell's. in Tre. | dell, atthe Deng Store in Charlotte: at Zeverly's Hotelin Salem, and atthe Carolina Watehiman Or. n Salisbury | : | ¢ | | | ness of the The subserber baving entered into copartnership: withJohn B. Cowa the ian. ufactureand sale of the above Medicine, ispreparedto fdressing him at Safisbury, N vorcalling athis residence, 10 miles west of Ee DAU S TEN: t15 | ATES MAIL, bo original patentee for furnish a supply by ac C Nice ones be Bo UST CHANGE OF SCHEDULE, Salisbury to Asheville. C S. BROWN'S LINE OF 4 HORSE 14 PAS- ‘e senger Coaches is now running in connection with the trains on the Western North Carolina Rail Road, leaving Salisbury by Rail Road at 5 o'clock A. M., Mondays, Pridays, reaching Morganton to Supperon the same days. and with on Wednesdays and HC. MALCOLM, PRACTICAL MARBLE CUTTER, PESPECTEULLY informs the public, that UW has opened a MARBLE YARD the Vansion ove I, where he is prepared to opposite till as ders with digpeteh, for MONUMENTS, HEADSTONES, TABLE POPS, and all kinds of Workin the Marble lie, of etther IMPORTED ITALIAN or AMERICAN MARBLE. Having made arrangements by whieh he ean pro utredneed prices, fc, cure the ironrep Prabian MARREE he ean fill all orders for Monninents, nt reason able rates He would be happy to have all destrane of dealing in bie line, to eall and gee epecimens of Marble, hear prices, and jugde for themaelves Having hd 25 yeare experience in the business, he Jont any defention passing onto PLEASANT GAR 1 DENS tor Breakfast, crossing the BLUE RIDGE Jat noon dty, and oflerimg to the pubhe a tine view of the celebrated Peaksotthe BLICA MOUNTAIN, Mt. Mitchell and Ciangman,) reaching Asheville to | | Dianer, which will be from EEGIEP to TEN hours advanee of any other ronte. No expense or pains j will be spared to make this the resp space Liscay | Give ita PRUEAT and if 1 not given to all Pwillia every instances refund thea Stage Fare TROLCRL RANT satisfaction Coser ROW NG | | Contractor, — | i} | Morganton, N.C, Ang. 31st, URS8 thls A CARD. AVING associated with myself Mr. Joux H J }man of long experience in the Drug business, and Evvyas, recently of Petersharg, Va, « gentle | having moved into the large new. brick holding on {the corner of Wain and Water Streets, with onr he willgive his personal attention to putting up mon {increased facilities for oonducting the Dueinece, I AVE associated themerdyr< and offer their Profess ve the ser in the practloe of Medi ata he publie. Those ) withont 1 vse ’ ! the same ocenpied at present by Dr, WHiteaPad trom uments. we Sune 28, IN5x at MARRIAGE LICENSE POR SALI ALT THIS OFFICE {trust we will be enabled ta command the contidence | and patronage of my former customers and the pub- [lie venecally Que mottowill be fo gine eatrafaction | ¢ all and see us C. A. HENDERSON. Jan 11, 1859 ¥ 1193 leash &13.910.r4—making a total of kA psafer Company in the Southern country. } | | —— — mee r Sy Al x MOUNTAIN SCENERY. The Scenery of Western North Carolina and Western South Carolina. iS BY HENRY E. COLTON. Work upon the Scenery of the Blue Rid; and its fellow ranges of Mountains will be published early inJanuary. ‘The following will be its cententer Chap. I—Tutrocucton. c 11—Arheville. 1fl1—Routesto reach Asheville—the Swane- now Gap Road. Chap. IV—The Hickory Nat Gap ‘Road. V—The Routes from South Carolina-Salem Gap and Jones Gag Mat Rock, Hendersonville, Cuwsar’s Head, Whiteside Mt. and Cashier's Valley. Chap VI—A Route via Wilkesboro and Lenoir. the Valley of the Yadkin, Wilkesborogh; Happy Valley; Lenow; Hirbri'ten ete. Chap. Vif—Morganton and its surroundings; the Picdmout Spriugs; Hawk's Bill and ‘Table Rock. Chap, VEEL— Linville Falls; the Gisgercake Rock; North Cove and the Cave. Chap IX—Vhe Vicinity of Asbevile; the White Sulphur; the Milhou Springs; Pleasant Drives. Chap X—The Black Mountain; the Mountain House 5 Journal of a Party, Chap. XE—The Mountain; the Bald Mount. Chap Xtl—The French Broad River and the Wari Springs Chop XI1—Pleasant Country Stopping Places; Carsou’s on the Catawba; Harris’s at Chimney Rock, Sberills at Hickory Nut Gap; Peuland’s at Filet Rock on Toe River, in Yancey; Alexander's and A. I. Baird’s on the Freyeh Broad; Alexander's onthe Swanuanoa Chap XIV—The Western Counties; Haywood, Jackson, Macon andCherwkee; Pigeon River; Frank ling a Winter Trips Valley River; the Naotihala ; Cherokee tudians Chap. XV—Productions of the West, Agricultural and Mineral; Wild Flowers; Tree Growth; Wild Anmmats and Reptiles Arrevpix.—The Pilot Mountain; Salem; Pied- tnont Springs of Stokes; Shocco Springs; Kittrell’s Springs: Letters of Dr. Christy ou Mountains of North Carolina The work will contain four views of Mountain Seeuery and a Map of that section of country, show- ine all Roads, Stage Lines, Stopping Places; Noted It will be got up in the best style of the art, and sold at 60 cents per copy. When sent by tnail, 66 cents. Persons wishing copies, will address WoL Pormeray, Raleigh, N.C. A liberal discount to those taking a number of copies for sale or distribution, }rA number of advertisements of Hotels, Livery tables and Springs will be inserted upon fly-leaves, foiwarded iminediately. 1k . Places, ete. 33 Jan ——0 1. SPIENS P. 6. all with the articles produced by bun asa BAKER, and with the addition of an AS JUST RECEIVED A OYSTER SALOON, THE SPICES OF GOOD LIVING. ] large aupply of fresh confections, make upihe most attractive shop in Town. His new (atportattuas comprise a large stock of | Cundics, Raisins, Alinonds, Filberts, Co- counuts, Cream Nuts, Lemonea, f Brandy Peaches, Sardines, Pickles, and every other article in hig line ALL FRESH AND GOOD, His BAKERY is hept uo with regularity, and his shop constantly sappled with fresh oe Und Hares Beng a & Bread, Cakes, Pies, &, &e., whieh be fornishes to funubes, for parties and to in- dividuals at verv inoderate prices, The love Oysters willtind here, a saloon fitted apin Northern style, and a mice artiele of Oysters prepared in the best manner, al short notice at almosy Be sure and calf on SPIEsSS in If. Hf. Beards buildiag. rs of auy deur, night or day. Nowe Dy ISDS, 123 LAND FOR SALE. | Mer for sale one tract of Land, containing 239 acrer, adjouutoyg the lauds of K. D. bJolnson, Solomon Hall aud ohers, on said tact there are good buildings, a good VWVEADOW, a quintuty of BOTTOM LAND, and WEEE TIMBERED. Also, onother tract lying in | Davie County, known as the Wilson place, ou Hunt- ing creck, adsouiug the lands of Arthur Neely and others, contanmuag 200 ucres, Well improved and pro- dacive Aj}so, one tract of 250 acres, lying in Yad- kin County, adjoving the lands of Hinton Comer mdoothers, on the Uamptouville road—its improve- Janents consist of an excetlent Brick Dwelling House aad all other necessary out-houses. Bargains can be { am determined to sell. Call subserlber on the Wilkesboro’ road, 15 titles frotit Salisbury. seonon the J. DEJOUNS TON, Agent tor R. FL Jobnston. 3mo34 Greensborough Mutual INSURANCE COMPANY. ee YUCHE has been the care and economy of the offi- \ Veers of this Company, that we are free from debt; have made no assessments, and have now on band $57,059.63 ; in 79,504.92, to we therefore have bo hesitation in saying to the public, that there is no The most of the Risks in this Company being in the Western partof the State, where the danger from fire is much less. Jan. 18, Pes). farge Capital. viz: in premium notes 3 mineetany losses thal may acerne | DIRECTORS: James Sloan, J. A. Mebane, C. P. Mendenhall, D. Po Weir, Wo J. WeConnel, John L. Cole, Jed. H. Lindsay, James M. Garrett, E. W. Ogburn, D. P. Gregy. David MeKunight, Greensborough ; Alex. Mil- ler, Newberns FB. F. Lilly, Wadesborongh ; S. G. Coffiu, Jamestown; W. Wright, Wilmington ; Jobn DT. Shaver, Salisbury McGee, Raleigh ; H G. Sproil, Plymouth; (. &. Troy, Lumberton; Tho Johnson, Yaneey ville. Alf communicationson business connected with this Onfice, should be addressed to PETER ADAMS, Secretary. enborough, N. ©., May 5, 1857, tfll JONESVILLE _ Male and Female Academies, tev. W. L. Van Eaton, A. M., Principal. L. J. Cinery, A. B. Associate. Miss AWD. Lorrrivce, Teacher in Female Depart. nent. Miss P. K. HWamuonn, Teacherof Music and Freneh. Board per session of 21 weeks, with every thing fur- nished except lights, $35 00 Tuition varies from 6 to S15 15 00 Musie on Piano, 20 00 French and Enibroidery, each, 5 00 The twenty eighth session of these schools will open the first It is highty important or as soon Wednesday in January next. that all enter the first week thereafter as possible The schools are conducted in large buildings, and at asnitable distance apart, affording parents an ops portumity to give their sons aud daughters a thorough e We have a fine appa- bes, also a good library for lucation in the same ratus, with village re maps ane fit of the the bene pupils. We naw have several large boarding houses open for thea ccommodation of students, at the low rates OF ST per mouth. and we hope that parents and gnar- dians will send usin one handred and fifty for the next g&eReson For forther particulars addrese the Principal at Jonesville, Yadkin Co. N.C. and Catalogues will be Rent Nov 10th, 1858 tf 23 Professional Card. 1 ma Office, in Cowan'« Brick Ro enton Professional business Ada { Nov, be found at ble w, when not ab SAS ver | ; gy BRUNER, DITOR AND PROPRIETOR SPECIAL NOTICE, No name of a new subscriber will be entered ou our fist, without payment in advance; nor will the paper be sent to subscribers after the expiration of the tine paid for, The red x is quly intended to indicate that the year paid fur is about closing’; and to inform those who wish to renew their subscription, that the time has ar rived for doing se. 7 TERMS. Single copy, $2 00 Five copies, $3.00 Pen copies, $id.008 sOlubs exceeding teu,in the same proportion, $1.50 each. Payment always in advance. ee ADVERTISING RATES. qQuese- A square is the space occupied by 16 lines of wn vertlsements are res quested to state the num ber ufiasercions required, wud if itis wishea they should occupy the least SWIUOW Q space posnibee, write Upon the back the word c/ome Otherwise they will be putupin the usual <tyly aud charged aceurdingsy sWuOW § WO ' S B BU R N S BL 1G “SUK 6 AEM GU these rates . VP FAQ wD) x = WS The following Court and miscellaneous BLANKS are kept on band for sale, at this office, Can In seotby mail to any part of the country, at stall expense, Civil Warracts, Com. to take Depo. C &8.C Casas & Bonds, Apprentice Lulentures Writs. C & 8 Letters Testamentary, fs Letters of Administration, Subpenas, ©. & 3. C. Special Letters do, Witness Tickets, C.& 8.C Marriage Licenses, Jurvr Tickets Do : Neates, Prosecution Bonds, C & 8.0 Various Kyu Blanka, Rail Bonds, civil cases Do Indictments, Bal) Bonds, crim Land Deeds Attachment Writs, Dreds it Delivery Bonds, Sher! Dee Administration, do Fquit do Bastarday, wi (Hand, Appeal, Bank, SI Ani many other forma of less frequent asp.uie ted to order on short nutice Executions, C Blanks- THE HIGHT SPIRIT The following able and patriodc letter was ad dressed tu the Whig Convention beld in Rich mond, Virginia, on the 16th instant. [ft breathes the right spirit, and every Wiig and American in the country should drink deep of the noble feelings visible in every fine, and not give rest to his efforts until the discrwanizers and section: al agitators are driven trom the fiah places which they now so unworthily hold. ‘There is a storm, we verily believe brewing in the public mind, as will, if rightly directed, burst with fury upon the heads of the cohescunists and public plauderers of the nations Treasury, office, and bring our government back to its pris: place honest menin tine purity. From this day forth, let ws, in North Carolina, work to nd our gout old Ship of State of the Goths aml Vandals. What say our fiends, Every step of the present Locotoeo democrat ie Legislature has been, not how they nnghtsul serve the yeneral oud of the State, bat low avd/ ul affect our party true wants of the p “O] Such utter disregard of the t North Carolina, db serve rebuke, and if properly brousht before te people of the State, w/l receive at: Stacvros, Feb. 9, 1959 My Dear sir! ET regret very much that cireum stances, over which Thave no contred, wo prevent mne from attendiug the Convention on the 10th on- scant To was anxious to be present—l des ted to witness another old fashioned “unen of the Whigs for the sake of the Uinon’ Never was there more urgeut reason lor such a meeting—oever wae the un: don Of tue States tr tuere sunninent perd Unan at pre sent never was there yreater ocousion f ribe Concert and co-operation of all nauonal and cgservative men to restat Che facdious spr and sectional Cende ucies, which are running not throushaut the ¢ rantry—ney- er was there aime wich appealed moe Pereda-tve- ly to the honest and patriotic portion of the commu nity, to stem the ride of wastetul extravagance and poliveal corruption, which pervade the adsninsira tion of the Goverume nt Surely the people of Virgima must awake fom ther Nethargy eredong’ Woeotuey see dactriies broach: ed by the execuave, forthe re cuurse with foreign nations, whieh could be toler sted only in a code uf freebootors: when they ser all fra ternal fecling betwees the North and South destroy. ed by the mactiuations of the federal voveroument, hen they witness the tnonstrous demand of thors mailions of dollars, to be wuhdrawn tren the pabtic freasury and placed at the control of the exec Wve | when they see a Democratic Senate aband suing vs executive functions, aud withing, in advance. to ratty any treaty the President may negotiate forthe arqu- mtion of Cuba when they perceive that one line of conduct ix preser bed fur our dealings with strong va- tions and ai ther for those that are weak aad de fenceless ; when they discover that the golden role of ask ng of yiher couuicies, “nothiug bat what is Tight and submatiins ts sorting Chat is wrong, i at terly ignored ; when they find that in a time of pro- found ecace, the expenses of the government are swelled from tifty to more thy sgerhty unions; when they learn that the surplus of seventeen millones which was in the into power has hee Waton of our iter reawury when Mr. Bachenan came Waquandered, and all the carrent revenues are gone, and w debt of seventy millions has been created in two years American industry has been 1 Jabor and reward the Capi of foreign nations, when they are told that we vay the productiona Nations only firenty per centoon an a erige, when they tax our productions, (exes PueGiton, «hy cannot do without,) of an averive, three hundred prr cent, and Virzinia tobacco about one thoweand per cent! Surely, Esay, the people must aw tke ty just sense of their wronge; gucely Whey nage cme in the majesty of their strength and hurl 4; Ne power Ahe party that has ro shamefully abused the Canty dence! Must the earth quake? Must the, quake before the people cau wrouwed? EF think not T think, when the Democracy stands condein, d, it does, out of the mouths of its owmorgan-, the Ple must eee aad feel die neces ty of a change! Let, then, the noble Whigs and Ameneavn goon in the work which they have wo nobly begun! Tet them put iu nomination agtrong ticket of good mean and true! Tet they speak to the people face to face! Let them expos» the Imquines and ine deeds of the Parvin power! Let them uuveil ite treache- FY tou the South? | Gecuihem uncw up the wasteful @xtravagance and profligary of the present Admin tration, and Peano ponsive chords in tin OM wilh Your muvenmnthvant end saul Private in the ranks, [ mile; and [Fo wiecy with the gallant Wir. lend my wore wit theses see that rrestrated to foster the > Wheo they ot foreign which they BY rth, peo doubt that they wall find ree popolar heart! Awa sll cheer wily comtrubnte my that Teannot be present Ninereans of Virginia to torteud sad earnest ap Peal to come to the racey Yothe Constitution ond the country! Way (iad eyacg he good work! Your friend and teltaw Whar ANGE NO 55 STUART +. SLE NEAG\. \ Mr. Mallory, from the Senate Comunit- tee on Naval Affairs to which the sub. Ject was referred, has submitted a report in relation to the present condition of the Navy: "The report saya that the wisdom and poli. | | e il gee Brevier type. be ; ” Uecasional renewal) aed dujamuy p WHHOUL additional char gr > Udo 3 (ae granted to those who ad- = Bix suoHtaeul B vertise regularly through sUoliesul g 3s = aime CEE Uhcee toltare car eat si a z sUolsesuy p Nouncing eandiduter Jos os ottice. y Ly ts suo dosu Court Orders charged = Les) 8° . a2 45 per ceut higher th Bs Wotiduse ihe above rates. Orders | Se Hywel gt 3) for divorce of busbaud 3 2S gaye uon aud wife, @10 each 5 Ph UI | COT Persons sending o MW No discount on} [Mme ot Gen, Greene's command in the South | VOL. XVI. | Devoted to Politics, Wews, Agriculture, 3nternal Juprovements, Commerce, the Arts and Sciences, Morality, and the Family Circle. Sy . a ieee aS dipicted. Suddenly a voice was heard from a remote part of the Church, and in an instant every eye was turned upon the speaker. It was our veritable bes of the * peg and aw!” fraternity, who, being met intoxicated, had risen to hig feet, and while endeavoring to maintain a standing position by clinging to one of the posts that supported the gallery, thus addressed himself to the preacher; “ ; Ben Merrill, shoe-maker in the town of Se - 2 G——., all the way from the State of Con- necticut, calenlate to be able to stand on MBE R 4g that day!” He then dropped upon big | Seat, not being “able tostand” any long- er on that occasion. It is said “there ig but one ste from the sublime to the ridiculous,” and bat @ thin partition wall between the domaine of seriousness and mirth—whbich facta were then and there most clearly demon- cy of fostering owe Navy was never more obvie army arrived in sight, just as the rear of the i Pruning Che myght the river rose tu sneha Height 4s. to ous thau at this oment, alien the uaval pow: ers of Kurope are rapidly voementiog thete al: heady gigantic services. Vast same pobey dies foud the whole country, and Greene, having Hates Co us Hot the organization of large fleets, formed a Jonction with Mongan, tnareted feisure- jor the coustruction of tam: rots ships, bat that ly on to Virwinia, where he reertited lis fareus ut Vessels, dinited in with large tttiabers of Virginia and North Car The olin troops) and having done so marghed de Movettents Lberately back into North Carolina, with the in IUGR Dee es ST Oy Talle, Ticks mort anal tention of giving battle to the enemy. Phas Hots doubts ot the defensibility: of harbor for trovemien® bromyhton the battle of Guiltord. one Uiicatitis wihitl tiave titherto Geen regarded of the best contested wetion of the whole war Wavinchle from navel assaule Hence our Manifest datwer at neatly ali porte trou attacks Atveneans landed on the other side, Womber, should in every perfect of thet abality OF steamers ta direct Chetr case be the ttiost vlass, The comsuminate: wosedons of Greene, to wiving battle at the tine, in the plsee, and under the yet wued sta Mes (sas Great Britain and France circumstances, is candidly ac knowledsred by fea brite ti tae Pwo tetodred ate Oftv nal ‘Tarltou, whe PAVS a high comphment to the abil Hons ot duis of Agenenn Cetitierce, pisses ity Of the Aiuaiean Goneral, Jauouaily betwoon Picrede and Cobia strait: he could hot be | Ulet Mrht be boc ged by sin Enughsh or French | War steqinets, specie If he was ten, tiuch worsted, for he was in a foendly county, aod was in full communication we eeach other by signals with the wrest and Mnexhausted procinee of Vir Phe naval authorities of could easly reerait, Ou the contrary a defeat or even a cheek would destroy Cormwallis, He 1 PEvery Owenty tates wna, Where tie | Barcpe feswedin sail vessels for war putpe Vers As ulsil te, Great Britatic tas tu Cup her Was two hundred aniles trom PHOINOHpe Sle ANGE Me Taw gars (iyi He had wo tiene iy the codes oY Rushed. on whom he could depe nd, and Nas fewer guns an JPOpormon to commercial ton bis resources Steal Wav, as COtO pared With tbat luis army was cero posed of Cotemas, every man of whon it hid door warned nage Chan a quarter of 4a comtury woop and. al | | | wars a toss which it would be dif le VW pott ot sfips and ELSE TI Tea cies, LP irlhes ins ereanistances the fathsuth with thos of At Beitain dan at the batthe wast MAb and at one Cine was on th (SCROTUM ITER Ceci, Tn Tie one onan nin pert of bem gained by Greene, Coupelled at alice ealant Ws oral ner, cogs 2H casadly dint enone ABU Ro with cleat dedburasint with 6259 guns, Enclind dund SCE OCT Atiers tie wii Gt Woutded nearly a fourth Jeousts 34 veomels, Wille THE vans, fn dm she tart ot tie whe Mrerlish aruy, [leoretire| one [ts ul of screw Shops uf the lene, VO thier deeks ps Wann sales. did! heme awatted theenemiy. whe jit OL twoktecher=. One of ies Uh Duke were atraid to attack bun Cornwallis, tt fot Weitigrton, threw awe whtof i had other things to think of, Two dun re bade imiles from his resources, he lad just t waht oa whtoof tet Jal of 2.300 pouad at one broadsnie. Sf also 26 serew FEET SELCES SONY WOE Sistere: lati te yn which, notwithstar cue dats prlops, and eiy INTO ea UES eects! ae ronstan tie tial eaten Abang sseroutil ty [Us diposiie t MEST Chere yo sin! cattiped og The was astounded at tn homber POlsht Histclass truates, six uf the sm mil Class of Slain, and lied te tients of provicdine tor | . and sevet secutidl class ¢ rvettes, Wounded iy two aye: Greene care forw oad Livessrencnatesive tte ts, it is urged thar ad ettered ta battle, but be bad no mont C i Md aecept it. amd dnimedtately commenced las re oupress should authorize the cons : , } [e u > should auth Ze the Constr trees, Placing his wounded in beats the catvivd Hon of ten new steamers, ite, ite sett (hem duwn the lone river on whieh W Wehertot . ) i Nevetuera). Conadl ‘ A trent ale Tespects, naval expenaitires nay bel situated, to thaty lace, and loft the w lial Phat eeUdTE cpett ty Crreene, Whose Niveeriy ~ abridged, toad the scans of wrestiay trom defear all Che 7. | | GENERAL GREENE LS a, TY a eel ; the coast clear, returned to South 4 We observe that a POP OU Ce bred Ae tar lai nnn ley Soot contined th to Coneress by Georce W WSHID LOM Creme, the PONY ho (ince iste ronal (en Chramnitis t senof Gen, Nathannl Greene, to putettse t HS CORY GO GEE papers of this father. conteeted ow a en ee rel fevolunon it the South, ‘They are very vo Px0eh dao ees ’ Hnous, emily uy atotiey then ACUMISESOR po Prabimaal Abc reat titerest, tot less (han two th Med otivin 7s. i detters of the faeneral lirrtiselt Phere is, be sides, @ connected seties of papers, which, taken JOU, SHAG TPIRIESTHOIE STAY. On meethe. 1 ww Ce lete liste o ’ " x Yn Connect n, tarnish Vo complete ta ia i a Uicanmanncsen¢ suveral Southern Opposi Quartermasters Departinent, dining the whole : Hon gentlemen lave been Trequenthy Phis colivetion woul! Geof immense value to the | Wentioned of lates in connection with the tatare historia, and we trostat will be porchas ercretnert aan for he “ext Presidency ed by Congress. Surely, while so moe money, ' and Crittenden seem all po Neth rotls > | { Bell Is UnvOWT AWAY every year su the Ppubleattan of | ' zealous . vot) he Wottliless books, such ab opportumty as thos wih vO Zealous triends, beth jn tie Wet be neglected. OM all the men whe fisueed and the South Tn aslidlition te these, ithe warof the Hesolutton. tone died sueh Amilo Batis ot Miesmud Stina ecm, fith chums apon the gratitude of the county ¢ US i I Soe BEANO spohen off aa will be scen from the follow as Esreetio, Washington alone ace pres Tad ; he Jatter been carried off by sickiess, « astray PK Extract trom the Wastin A butiet, or any of the other chances of weer. dis potdence of the Petersburg Lateline EGp se place would undoubtedly have bean tlie! byt “The maine baw mre Bates iat Mie { (rrvene, Tt is weil Heen alluded to by the 2B uikal known that te was tle wae en : : Ry , has choice of the Commander-in chief tor the sue Commercial Mdvertiser and ante tation cessor Uf preteretice fo any of dis brother offi ; ; atl fotirodis, of late, as a candidate for tie cers, even tetore die tiad proved’ bis worthiness, AG aa hye ie wenpanen it the Suuth | Pestdeney, No better OP Mere pepe he ie Ain Wom ation could te trade Whit, Heaies possible bo couccive 4 florea } , } . Tat i ‘ le i a] ' Jdoc die condition of attairs than that of the wee a tative of \ PESTA ECCS a prtercanetuse, at the penod when Greene took quaker fatnidy, renowned tor its wistlount, i me in South Carolina. Charleston had! its integrity and iis seanid wana sea ” ty tuced nearly a vear before, and the ree-| Mr. Bates emigrated ta St Leis, at any ular toree on fer General Lines early age, where be then became a Prous treaty. dhe tredueed fo eags Brrtst frees were spread over the went TCM ATCT ties tite LT wre nhntcint Whole prover. cad there was tochias te uppose the tiest members of the House of Repre- them, save a fiw Pubszan corps, adeeadde tte sentatives frou that State. and iesipprort erof the Adinuistration of dotin Quinney Adaros. thirty years ase, be devote: ther way. tut alosetther un pel tothe task of They ond regular ar expelling the veteran legions of the eneniy, R Cirine from Cone “SS, ililtbost swartned in every distiet. A se : Httise ft te MW Under Gates, fal been dufiated até mmden, : aid the Miitovul both North Carolan aint Vic Wha were stricken with sueh terror by the de jus profession, aud tas never sinew heen t pursnaded, thottsh repeatedly treed, te feat, Ghat it sceined almost unpossille ever ty ral TOMI bo public Ife. Tn PS46 be presi Fersnson bad been dfeatead ar ed over the Chicago fntern: Ivo them again I Priprose Kone’s Mountain, it is true, and this defeat lado ment Convention, with sued Wistinenishedd somewhat revived the sprotot the Whress tur Wuiversal aed that athens Whom were some of the ablest apathy, card adlatost despatr, und that it putforth inen inthe Cnien, -n ISK, We Rios was elected President of the Whig Na tonal Convension at thility as te command the sll there was great despondency every where. uiiration of the members of body, That the country Was roused from this state ot Ms full strenuth to resist, and, tinaily, expel the Wuvader, is due, ander PJeave ny, we think, alerost which entirely to the yeorus, the enery and the perse Baltimore, endorsed the nomination of Ey lhmore seraben of Greene, Gates loel cullied a few atid tnt this position he added to the lanrels troops at Chiolottetown, and Greene brought me a . ee : i ae eer i) una en Ger ecd patron cla (ot t tis skeleton Of a force, he found fits he had previously waited in Cincago. A or purer life, the courtesy : : Der Jotegniry posed to the veteran forces of Great Britain, Paes) : . MAS ‘ Every Whig would be at least three times his number, commeatided ty does not contain, ; the most disGnguished of their generals, who had lsptired 3 ith new fife by Inis DOT, just sugnalized Ins ability by the areat vic tory of as recalling the yolden days ofthe Repub ( a s. ligand the better portion of the Repub Ue swamps, and the forests of the country jand. leans would cordially KUpport tin It Presidency, Mr. wonld restore the “era of good feclings” between the North and South, and crush out the monster sectionalisin by the tnere Camden. But he bad, in bis favor. the nve to Che eve of eetius, these presented advantages elected to the Sates wirel ait properly dsed, were amply sufherent to counterbalance the disadvantages of idertor sat bere, Ly ofle of those nuacmanntable faalition Which seemed Coattend the British army throwsh force of his cxample, the tone of his in augural address and the character of lis appointments.” — Richmond Whig. Tle advanced Gut a small dis oy out this whole war. totake advantage of his victory at Camden, by crushing North Carolina Cornwallis had’ negleeter as it appears to us, be noght tase done, Vance into that province, aad fell back as soon as Hota muten GOVERN MENT EXTRAVAGANCE The Lonisville Denweraé tias a point he heard of Fercuson's defeat md advance, and Greene, to divert lim fiom Purpose, Citeateaed the strong post of Nine Vesending General Morgan up the fo watell the fords of the Pacolet oy elects Hol to te Ms ed, vigorous way of expressing itself, that WV COUnLLY ) 5 I we vreatly admire. For imany years thy Ma Was an x, ish) feading or mule thealane an of the Democratic partyin General, whe pushed Tariton’s legion, with in Kentucky, its views are alw ays entitled structions ty tind Morgen aud push lint to the Uttermost.” H j Vi ; | to consideration and respect. It has re- eohd tod jum, but he eanyht a . . 2 1) y attucke A , 4 aOllenies Partar; tor M MEAN so far from being pushed in cently attacked some of the wild scheme convemently, altuosxt aguililated Tarlton's legion of the Administration, ina manner Ina, at Che ¢ owpens Cornwallis, astead Tt secs strange to us, that ly creditable to its patuotism: and ata on of detaching Tariton, did not. % Materpose with his whole force between Greene Bat, prepesttion te spend thirty millions i ne dependence of spirit. Ta regard to the and Morgan, and destroy them mo detach, he committed the sane error ynputed ly Nape gotiutiag tor Cuba, and the leon to las marshals any Spain; other stomitar thats, he always tad projects of the President and lis Iny too far off fron lias enenzy and thus permit . 2 re) i » 1), ‘ra sake as plainty ted Iii to move as he pleased The blow which friends, the Democrat sie acu Pariton had just recerved, roused hin, however, and as boldly as any of the Opposition fo unwonted activity, aud he immedigtely set out journals. It Bays: with the two fold object of overtaking Morvan : : . ‘< . Ha 7! MWee saa we Peyard the projects in and reaching the forcea of the Yadkia, before We confers wi Psa iB J . ietededun Rothroljectas le Moreunieet volving handreds of wilhons of debt with , rn ( spor OFAN | es . ; Helear with bia prisoners, wud Greene, after a alarm. They are disenssed in Conyers Ba retreat, which may compare with any on record, With ag tnuch coolness, and with ag much succeeded in crossing the Yadkin: escaping so zeal by democrats, as if there were no narrowly, that the advanced guard of the British | danger; nor does it seem to occur to them Greene that success wonld involve the destruction olthe cherished policy of the country, and particularly the Demoeratic party. We all remember with how much anxiety General Jackson urged the extinction of national debt. His oppnents made lieht of it, for they saw thata debt would make their policy of a Ligh tarffand a watioua! bauk a necessity ; but even they would perhaps, have shrauk from such expendi tures as the projects tow in contempla- mivelve. — Better let these projects alone, dobu Randolph said he had twad the philosopher's stone in the maximn— ‘pay as you go.” Tn these fast times, this frugal maxim seems to have been for prot. ten, We talk of projects to spend liin- dreds of uitlions, whilst we are borrow: Mysctneney to live from hard to mouth. preposterous, We say Thon [lis is Congress : orditury expenses, before you talk of ex- peaditig tundreds of If you cant pay as you go, how will your suc miittions. Ceseors pay the hander ds of millions of debt you sewn disposed ty incurd Show] Usa hitile financial skull in proviling for | ordinary expetses, betore you tax pene: rations to come,” } COURAGE | Take life ike aman. Take it just as (hows it was—as it ijs—an earnest, viral, essential affair, Take it just as Unugh | Vou petsonally were born @ the tak of | performing a pert init; as though the} vorkd bad waited tur your coming. Take Was thon shat was a eran Opportunity todo and to nebieve torvard teat und good schemes: to help and tee (Oey cheer aos itt: ritig, Weary, it way be dieart The tact is, life ie un dervalued bV a vreat majority. of nan ys | broken brotuer vine Ttis not made bi tas much of as should | er thie be the case. Where is the man that) accomplishes one tue of what idaht be dowel Who can- back Opportunities lost, Helis nachieved, thot { , me Wotnat not hock Upon Ps CP istic d, top tations wntulfiled, and all caused from tte toh of the necessary aud feosible offre ¢ if we huew better how te take and make elnost of life, it would be tar preater CUS ee Naw Gidethct a dan stands anide from the crowd, labours earnestly, steadtastly, conti tently, and stratelitway Peeotes famous for wisdom, intelleet, The world Sounders, adtiires, idolizes: and yet it ottly ilustrates what eacn taay doit he Ifa nan but say be add, and tollows it mp, } t"! ' a SRY pereattiess of some sort. tahes bold of tite with a purpose, Mere ds Noting in reason be tay tot ex peet Co pecan lish Phere ts tu macic, Pe racte, We seeret to han whois brave Hheartand determined ins dvit,— aoe see AT MIRACLES fe French L’rewre tells the story of al TheW ti rae le Wn the Tlautes Pyrenees, au fepartinest already rendered illustrious ry the miracle of Lourdes: At Tne, in the [antes Pyrenees, a Venn fir) Of fourteen, qatuice Francine | Bagque, attracted considerable pubhe at Tention towards the end of December last HV anhounete that the Pols Virgin and Vests Chivist tad appeared ta her, as also corti members of ber fianily whe had} ted in thetrinfaney. Crowds of Visitors | rive tat Tre trom all pirts of the dis triet, and the Commissary of poliee, sus pectine an in postare, also proceeded t the residence of Francine daque, i order to witness the apparitton of a departed | sister of the latter, which was Ontnoncaonetatt for the evenine of the 29m alt Oa en teringe the house he found froar fifteen te! Twenty people assembled in a room, wath feverish Mupatience depicted on thei featares, Prancine Was reclining on oa heal and was dressed completely in white, [for features where ¢ yitracted, and her eyes were fixed ona crucitix which was} natled to the wall At the end of a quar: ter oft an hour she rose and blew out the | whts. Five minates later, she ordered | the candles to be relighted, and then an | nounced that her sister Marceline tad appeared to ber and had presented her | With a picture of the Virgin, which she forthwith exhibited to the persons prosent. | Phe latter withdre erying, A tniracle ! Phe commissary of police remamed in credalous, in spite of the tangible proot| furnished by the favoured maiden. Atter| @ severe Cross-exaimination, he, moreover, uscertuned that the picture had been | pucchased at a grocer’s shop for the sum of ten cents, 2. | | Pees CON DEAN DS Wien Ge | A correspondent of the Nashwille {a7 rocdfe writes thus :—* [tis Very Cominon mona large nomber of professors of re ion, in telling anecdotes, to use the vathis Chat te profane swearer employs to decorate the same oaths that they used, Such persons speak thoughtlessly, or they have nota proper knowledyve of Chris Han propriety. Tt is offensive to every one Who has correet views of Christian Tt must be offensive te laches refinement to hearthe broad oath from decorum hi the lips of any ian especially a profess ing Christian, though only repeating what ethers have said. [tinust be contrary to the wishes of thoughtful Cliristian parents for persons to repeat blasphemies in the presence of therm children.” Pee The following scene recently occurred ata theatre ana nerghboring city: First actor (firtag a pistol): * Unnatural son, die, Dv cary hand 1? (The pistol misses fre!) Seeond actor {falling on the stage. | “Itis true the Pistol dissed tire, O my, jfather, bot J dhe, in obedience to your pa-| ternal wish.” 'never did man a wrong. | | to this | first show us how to pay our, ) world, cueatly forall her poverty, and the flush jbng it out—"why should 17 entered, Ped out for morn a month, jeff the last bit of work [had in the shop. jsiniling. band Pit satisty her tor it. Up the boot, Sica NEST SII, ° mene ee = ee jstrated. The scene which followed snr- The Coblera’ Temptation. | ecanty store?” said the old man, regard-| passes description, and therefore I will linn the cobler rather enviously, will leave it to the imagination of’ the ‘of . F Gaia be ’ | “Just as contented as the day is Jong, | reader. HECTOR HORACE, jsir, Aud why shouldwt I? f£ wont! Goldsboro’, Feb. 10, ’59. away merrily upon hia well-worn knees./ starve while there’s a crast. of bread in Ue was a jolly fellow, this Jareb. Poor| the honse, ora ripped shoe in the village, tis true, but just poor enongh to keep} 1 should like money if T could have it : free of care. He owned the roofed box | but 1 wouldn't pass one day and night of in which he worked, und so he owned | discontent forall the money inthe world.” the little thatched cot that joined it, In| “And if you had money, what would ithe cot he lived with his wife and seven jyou do with itt” ; 2 a children, and inthe shop he worked cheer. | For the tirst time Jareb looked sober. | save was received from the President, as fully allthe day long. [le was not afraid | oe hae in the ey t follows : lof! ‘sé, for he i ar- [ld made and his eye rested vacantly| , . of robbers, for he had nothing worth car. | ly fl Wi J ' de all tn, fete Renate and flocs, of rying off; and he feared no man, for he{@pon the oor. den tienspoke; ail lig epremntatives? lightness of manner was gone, and his BCR COCT ‘ A merry fellow was Jareb Gropp. He} vice waa tremulous. . ; ia The brief period which remains of your sang as he pegved, and his joyous notes| “Well, 1) tell ye,” he said, while a)present session, and the great urgency \ ’ - 4 a . : ; . : : lacked ouly musical sound tu make them | twitch of the nether lip told that he felt and linportance of legislative action, be- attractive. He was built after the same|deeply, “cat belp thinkin’ that ny | fore its termination, for the protection of pattern as were his cot and shop. Hej little ones aren’t a coming up as some} American citizens and their property was short and dumpy, with a round, | folks’ little ones are. ey are pood me whilst in transit across the Isthmas, be- shiny, good-natured face, and with a bald) honest, and happy; but if they cou d tween our Atlantic and Pacific posses- pate, Uiuugh he was tive and forty years have a chance to vet a little more larnin sons, render it my duty again to recall cide = }than their poor old father’s got, [shouldn't | this subject to your notice. “froll-de-rol-de-rol-lardo {” sane erie {can’t help thinkin’ as how there] 1 have heretofore presented it in my *Fol-de-rot-de-lol-riddie-de-rol-rictum!’? (might be a bright ynind or two among | annual messages, both of December, 1857, . dareb Gropp sat in his lite shop apon a low bench, and he pegged and tapped Special Message of the President. Wasiinaroy, February 18, Senate.—After the discussion of a few private pension bills, an important mes- sounded # voice trum the inner door ee that might make a ductor, or aljand December, 1858, to which I beg | dharwets lhovebbaerd up and saw his wife. lawyer, or may be 4 minister. But nev- leave to refer, ; ; Just a match tor Jareb, for all the bor mind—they’re in God's bands. don't] In the latter I state that the Executive ‘ : ; ; ' ?” repeate 4 rover A in ita i Ys Short, fat, clean, and good-natur- | complain, Complain?” repeated Jareb, Government of this country Jn ite inter. ed and happy queen, She was dressed thrusting bis awl throagh, and then pal- {coarse with foreign nations is limited to f | How many |the employment of diplomacy alone.— of health glowed upon het plump cheeks.) 4 rich father would give all he’s worth if| Where this fails it can proceed no fur- Duck.” said Jareh, tie likes o? this! his children could only be ditferent from) ther. It cannot legitimately resort to Hever fh ypenied lane ” what they are? Sickly and weekly, may- force withont the direct authority of Con- ale s | ¥ - Sra aaa 5 es Sie Ue) iG, ange xsd sugar plum?” be, or perhaps bad and wicked. Hi!’ jsress, except in resisting and repelling asked [fepsebath, | There's no such word as complain, | hostile attacks. “ ae For by it we uothing can gain | It would have no authority to enter the Hepsehath was her name, thougiy slie Save trouble and all mental para— territories Ni caragid ven to prevent hadu't beard at pronounced in full for With a—tfol-de-rol-de -di-do | Pe aneaee ate a : } : - the destruction of the Transit, aud pro- Veats | "No, no, sir, Pve got enough, and : Hil ye ace tira elioe eles : i j oe itect the lives and property of our own DSO EES DS LUNE that’s more'n everybody's got. citizens on their res. It ia true, that ne y ! ; NUZens oO vassages, Yes, my love, { The boot was tinished > the old man ; ndd pede allelic “Ils is the lage work in the castle tose wh aed eeuine a i a sudden emergency ¢/ this c iaracter, Suit mud pllivan Gry mine pre eee lian oa a ; ha piece. cin ie President would direct any armed : i | i puta pes have fy Eve no change tur such a piece, sir, furee in the vicinity to march to thei flude : ’ lane » tele , arcl ‘ir re- by me. Weill shut the gates, lower the said Jareb. li | a ie loi re . ae ; ld ah ie drawhridsze, put the warden on guard, Take it all.“ | SES bit BRIE ESS Ty and call up our coach, eh @ EON AL respousit ye Syetincan cell ead walk, pepper: Under these circumstances, I carnestly mute” = recoumend to Congress the passage of janact authorizing the President, onder such restrictions as they may deem pro- per, to employ the land and naval forces “2 dowt want any change. A slilling ts to pay you tor mending iy hoot, and the rest is for your wife and | children, to pay them for the loss of their walk. Come, don't Uisappoint me.” Jareb took the coins and though his HEa ug (rai lane mpi AVE Agee TSENG Ce: of the United States in preventing the make an appearance. EH fol-de-rol-deri- The old man pat on his boot and went d ine oon being cupmoed or closed do! There (ap) thats the last pes, ad away. The wite came in, and Jareb|)¥ ‘2% lesa vivlence, ae protecting the wld Smith's shoes are done. Sveth— slowed his treasure. They were ae rich | Ves and pigperty vat Siierican eeeue Smcth—didwt you ever feel thankful vour a8 monarchs now, They danced and | (avelling thereupon, requiring at the Name Wasnt Saath ?¢ Heppy eb? There suo, and then each cailed the other ae ae that ee shail be with- wis a Sith putin jail last week for rob- fon |! rawn t : ane { ie Caries shall have bites somebody, However, after this they went and took passed away. ey HOUUBUCON provision, : ; ri . a : vur citizens will be constantly exposed to thor walk—they and their elitdres.— Lhe oldest child was only twelve Vente) wecterclica 11 their POR apt tolew- : e less violence. A similar necessity exists lor the passage of such an act for the pro- tection of the Panama and Tehuantepec routes. ‘Another subject equally important commanded the attention of the Senate at the last session of Congress. The Re- publics South of the United States on this Continent, have unfortunately been ina state of revolution aud civil war ever since they achieved their independence. ‘\s one or the other party has prevailed, and obtained possessivn of their ports “Todo. my treasure.” Shall P put ny silk, or satin! or my ew vervet e” Bat ye vever heard tell Pa Cropyr's Heng purinjailnever. Now, WN thaple strap, we'll be off, Dring up the nttle Grompaes.” aid the vounyest was two dl TYTETUN looking family When Jareb returned and entered his Diack thronshoat, carrying a gold head shop, the first thing he saw was a silk ed cane, and Weartnyg @ watch chain of purse. He picked it up and found it full the sitine precions inaterial, Quick as thought le put on his, “Are you the cobler’? he asked, as he tat again and ran from the shop. Ie reached the hotel, bat the stage had goue “Twas two minutes ago, sir, but Vin’ ane the old can bad gone in it, So the an old) feudal Lady cobbler returned ty his cot, and there sat Gropp is vein to ride out, sir, and Dm to down wath das parse it bis land. attend fer.” “Wat shall we do with i¢f” he 6aid | eer ,Open to fureign commerce, they have uneasily. i : J yi ean : seized and coutiscated American vessels Vhe wife pondered a long while— | : t : : : and their) cargoes in an arbitrary and "Lets take it down into the cellar and an : : ; lawless manuer, and exacted money from hide it. Then we shawt be rebbed of it . ’ American citizens by forced loans and nor we shan’t loseit; and when he comes a ak 5 jother violent proceedings, to enable them we shall have it for him. | a . : The Executive Fai a rer come. | catry on hostilities. Heppy ne eonins he should never SOC | Governments ul Great Uritain, Franes “Then we will leave it for oubehildren, 24 other countries possessing the war- Pd hurried it amazingly, and was J08t) and they may use it.” j aking power can promptly employ the agin’ to take a roan down by the river) x, they went down into their mien | ACC SEN medusa io citatce tumediate with her and the little ones.” cellar, and havinw looked all around, they redress tor similar ontrages upori their “Aha—T[ see,” said the old gentleman, tally removed PStCnenironn tte wall, | Subjects. Not so the Executive Grovern- “Now you just ran and tell pie the poise In —having first rolled it up| Meut of the United States. If the Pre- your tidy to wait for you half an boar, In many thicknesses of stout paper Hand | Sident orders a Yesselol war to any of [ain in a finr- then put the stone back as it was before. | es pont ut) demand [PLR redress for ry. The stage leaves in an hour, and my | hoa [outrayes committed, the offending parties boot has given ont. Come you won't re- | Frankel Goldetern crinibeees ae well pair iel ae case of ae SU TU Absit , ‘r such circunistan-: | Seer eee ut on je commander could do no more than ene Set TREE SHU eisorirriecat, A RICIL SCENE IN A CHL ROH. remonstrate. Ife can resort to no hostile “Hi-dnin-de-follo! Well, I suppose I In the delectable village of G-—, whose act. The question must then be referred must stick to my business !” | locality is on the banks ot the classic Lar, to diplomacy, and in many cases adequate Thus apeaking, Jareb left the shop, | dwelt a disciple of St, Crispin, who had | redress can never be obtained—thus and when he returned he pat on his apron | but recently arrived from the land of American citizepa are deprived of the aatin and sottled inw lis low seat, The| clocks and wooden nutmegs, and settled | same protection under the flag of their old man took off his cloak and sat down, jthere for the purpose of pursuing the MiGE country which the subjects of other na- and the cobler pulled off the fractured | TY honorable and philanshropic vocation tions enjoy. boot. 1t was ripped badly. Jareb made) of ree auning the perishing aoles of mer The remedy for this state of things can him a stout waxed-end, singing merrily | t utortunately, bis bachanatan propenst-| only be supplied by Congress, since the the while, and when it was ready he took Des and indalvencies, often led him into) Constitution has confided. to that body ' : | wschiel, and into the perpetration af arts, alone the power to make war. Without “You must bea happy fellow,” remark- | 80me of which were of the most ludicrous the authority of Congress the President ed the visitor, after he had watehed Jareb’s | Claracter, : . cannot lawfully direct any force, however mond matnred dace wwinler On a beautiful Sabbath Morning, SoMe| near it way be the scene of difficulty, to “Why shouldi't Phe? Lowe no man | Years since, the people of G—, as was' enter the territory of Mexico, Nicaragua anything —have my health —and love to their custom, had responded to the Bonna tor for tense tonite purpose of de- lomnry ware baile mall tilde hangin” of the church going bell, and had metin fending the persons anc property of “You've laid by something, | Sippose, large numbers to hear the word of life, American citizens, even though they may fora rainy day € puraned the stranger. | dispensed tein the pulpit of the Metho-) he violently assailed while passing in “Ay, thousand upon thousand of dol- dist ehureh of that village. The preach- peaceful transit over the Tehnuantepee, lars, sie!” cried Jareb, giving his awl af @P selected for his subject, one of pros) Nicaragua or Panama routes. He can- found iuterest: and as he portrayed In not, without transcending hig constitution- pvivid colors the al power, direct a gun to be fired into a would attend the winding ap of all ter port, or land a seaman or marine to pro- only they might havedirty faces, fond tect the lives of our countrymen on shore, ‘Benn of the best natured | levers etaduaily settled onto a tixed and or to obtain redress for a recent outrage children ye ever saw, sir, and stont and) CaMest gaze Upon the preacher. As his on their property. The banditti which ' subject grew in interest he warmed in intest our neighboring republic of Mexi- “Ati Lineanttorask wourih you had fechug The awful realinies of that day, eo, always claiming to belong to one or Hon inueed tilav he alittle money, my wilat mind could comprehend! The last! other of the hostile partics, might make = rian cream comedian indus | day of the world’s eventful career! Wiltativnvendden descent on Vera Cruz or the jsublime, yet appalling thoughts, crowded Teluantepee route, and he would have no power to employ the foree on ship- voard in the vicinity for their relief, eith- Tommy and thardiy tid HTeppy departed, when a They were a jolly: tate tirade tits dppearaece at the shopdoor WGTeatwitls. He was an old ian, very well dressed, in ot gold. baron now, sir! “Eft are you the man that does nend- ity —mnending of boots and shoes (asked the Visitor, taoving back a pace, as though he tewed the strange fellow before him Was Crazy, “Yes, sir” answered Jareb, “Pin the man. But you see amy wife hasn't walk: T just tossed furtons pune, “What? so much ag that?” STE ike ty shew Cem ta SiC sity i Seven! testrial affaires, the sly terrific scenes which glances of ‘ ' of oem sir! rogyed too.” grood: tian, tiiens.” i : SOM rncent 7 repeated Jareh, with a comi.| Upen the ae In rine he ne of de eal leer, “Does aoman day by money 4 stbject t pon that day 3 pe Woule ! when he's balding timself bonuses “arid tecriiite Her Myoinate relation to minan- er to prevent the plunder of our mer- Nowsit. Nomduer tian lay UY. anid ie 8 Grol < Ut npon eee to chants or the destruction of the a by money when he makes tall a crown v Toot the billof his earthly responsibilities. [i reference to countries where the loca day, and rears seven childeen. Phen he preacher became vellemient, at authorities are strong enough to ae little ‘uns will take eare of me when ] when he reached the clinax of his appal the laws, the difficulties here in lieatec Niwiiom: | Hing theme, he inquired, in tones Mat can seldom happen, but where this isnot echoed through the secret elamnbers of the case, and the local authorities do not Money of gold, in hoarded store | Rae ' d a Thavamnonenctit every heart, * Who will te able to stand possess the physical power, even if they when the terrible day of the Lord shall possess the will, to protect our citizetis To-day tea te a morrow a bore, jcome ?” A inoment of death-like silence within their limits, recent experience has Fol de-rol-lol-de-lido : : t ! : | ane 3 . very \ vk- | = p } ren Sxecutive And Tin the heppiest man alive (ou ned, in which every heart be at quick: ! shown that the American Ex er under the dread anticipation of an ap-) should itself be authorized to render thig Such a grant of authority Fol-de-rot-loi-deciido ” “Then you live contented on your| proaching realization of the terrific Scene) protection. gardens? am old, never fear, I have none; [ live and breathe—I do no more . . wiih 5 al Agnes - thus limited in its extent could inn seuse be regarded as a transfer of the war-making power to the Enxceutive, bat only as an appropriate exercise yf that power by the bo Ly top When at exclusive ty belongs, Lie dietin Paniuia, in 1956, in winch a great camber ef eur ciizens pie oi Jost their lives, (urnitshes # pomited illus I rent tue N tracion of tue necessity Which may atise the terns oft nat Was appumled, tit for the exertion of Cite authority, LT therefore earnestly rec vumend ale Consens, on whoo the responsiguity ex ‘ elisively rests, to pass a law before them gic oi aslj MPT, © suferring ou the Pressient moe ola | \ ct the lives and the power te prs perty ef American citigenis 1 the cases es Liars whieh J diave indicated, ander eucu re E strictious abd conditigas ats they inay lie Huy Hon Ct deein advisable. The knowled that of tue Read, (rarked Nu. 2 euch a daw carists would of itgell yo far Oe” Huiueatons they * Tone to dieke ready Uh to prevent the outrages which itis titer ote iioarnigennattea ded to redress, aid render the CUEPHOY i aressedt to fim a letter, ait meat of force uinecessary. Without this. qs the Prestdent of the United States uiay st ne be placed ina painful position before tie e wi (No Mnceting of the next Congrress. Ta tise Att present disturbed condition of Mexiceatl | deisel, 1a one ur tere of the otver Republics South peeper, att wisat of as, be person can foresee eccun. Sid LE aw Jot sleet Comunitte and financial allen pe lo ex@anine | idea ob the 2 alter that th i bestow . whole ul tu duties suluGen Ut ud the anne received U1 a“ Lie abprprouate treasurer f. tiathed No. Ly ined wed, with t nqticies t rences may take place betore tiatperiou a fi case of crmergeney, CUP CHZES, SOO i iad ing that they do tat enjoy the same peer gies saouts tection with the eubyeets of Earepean - i Governments, wail Cacia bes aut TE CSCae yt cunplain. Ooo the other Gand, eleuta Ne ee the Exceutive laterpose, ued espectauy ae phewld toc restit prove disdstrods Gh yea when Valualde tives be dost, be ritht subject: was ty Dineed to gevere censure for having ws Wt cee sumed & power lel coutided to tian da ae ; s the Constitution. Dts te guard a vi on that Tonew appeal ten dlis Contingency TD asiiye tas recommended tos Congress, Conzress a lugasure While 1 deem neces: : sary and expedient for the terest ano{s a boner of the country, L leave the whole cis Ne tema subject te thelr wiscderu ated discretion J ceetiniue we JAMES PUUIAY SAS. CaaS A Dated at Waswscron, Feb. 15, Dyot A partial debate took place on the CS ee rea tion to refer the mersaze to the Comint a, therefore, at fee on Poreiga Relations. Unie ened Messrs. Coinenan iid Benjani sponse Oo : : In «fly Tn supportot Hae vic Wool the ties a . a) ie Mr. Seward considered that it was a eoweek, bt te see the President of these Hip SSH United States asking Compress to conter \ " on him the warinakiog power inorder te ‘ vee assitiilate his Tunetions to those of kare Meee ne ' han pean Governments, The pitestze of olay a oe me bil granting the President such power iD gaa be asks, woud be virtualiy Ge eurrene ‘ 1 \ der the powers of Cot gress aud da oype SO ee plen to the express preeents of the COE ey stitution, a ‘ Mr. Fessenden expressed aanibiar views and cited the Parazuay expedition, which ih tine was fo Consist ofa single slip, ad is ew s ee ecb au atmada of twenty sail ae ab Lista ce uM sate of how the President mht pritige the ‘i . a nation inte war. Poe President nev ae cual comes forward atid asks for penered pow \ POStSCTIpL W ers. Ttwould be rere rational te take a MitiaArary steps at fee te aave ib k i Nf. XN oy than blndly confer abeciute powers, eilinin Mr. Douglas was yaad the President I had cailed aiiention to this sulyeet. Ee considered the President onedhit te lave On M melanie rwower Tu keep open the tratett routes, ue fen! u ae to ee nS acne and commence. | . an & Tits onecin’ Geo iin nyessed with power stan {. 7 marily to enforce redress for any outraye n were Gonmuticd pen one thay, citizens or pa tek M perty, Wierever it occurs ‘ie Beecu. vast tive ot eve other nation bas it Mi . . Ris Dousias pi Vet ger fo eve Ho mers Vote of contidcnece du te preeent’ Excen ne tive str aoroad, to thane the Auer v Can vame respected, but met uneuiy fo HEA Increase Hie Excemtive power iat fs United States. Tie lieped this teseacs would originate a mere Vigorous ai Ctl 1 ‘ Kient foreisn | \ “ ‘ Wie JOawes ak VG Combed te eo me conenr in the cect Jovian t s ite fullest extent. There is tio totesec ns \ tu What dint ho omight met extend, tury y ed by ambivon. or atv other lect. = » Berry, Wood That we want to invest tae Exec o eee wit uae power than our fathers ware, eee iG ee "i ie only maths the decadence of tue Auet MWe ancien Se Ce can people. Mro Davis world pire PW aie. cotdhis tll anise delay of Conuressional action fo the str rendering of acrreat constitutional pau Ar fie request of J ciple. Bat he diel tet understand the ue as? Hivisin t & , } witch said: Miia President as askia dor undue or irre: a ae ae pousible puwers, The transit route wart cries ” constracted by Amernecan eitizetis, with At sane time the bor pL!) ve paid to suid M Atnerican capital, aid Mr. Davis would grant exceptional case, dam the power, but would limit it te the Special Case that is known to exist Mr. Green obtained the floor, and ex pressed Liuself as ready togeon with lis 8! remarks, when several Senators proporcd \ to adjourn, whereupon Mr. Gree raids... thus wus coe of the mest diportant tes bosner <1 Sci@ate, and ! Adjourned, Bayern ever before the fu be carclulis considered. The St uneaship Grell austere ten ten Portland Adveriser of Uae Pith instant saves * Yesterday we were shown a let ter froman todivential gentleman in Lon don, under date wary 20, toa friend oto De haeis, ape Wired Wer We heer only » Jotin ©, Mebbre tod th ‘ ‘ in this city, from waich we make the tol We were lowing extract : Yosterday Psicned the contract fo) the B we etal) at once proceed to tinish der ! 3 Ship for th Hew ceuiparey, ane having got the more te dose. You ais he : gay teal Portiand. I hope ere | wre fer party bis te them a visit in hero”? : Sacr ror Horses Perr. — Common salt Tle wbseorbs measture from the athespiaer, iets hence it has been im seme mistances ap . pled with vreat suecens for Koop the z Jia bond dioots of darses tieost Lie hoofs af noni horses become dry and oft entimes crack thereby render then ‘ Jame. if the ardiiatis are drisc Wohl M ron Genet nciiive tine lrmteiant Joint woth a sait brie three tits 4 1\ Igtneness from the aoove can “ ‘ aveide | Tt is a common practee with gone blacksuathe te Tees oI ' incorder to render vi sn , Mie salt brine is ta: Raperiot to baspit oe tot effecting this oject ; , Sir Phillip Sidlinew) (eave [ anne Hs Herald ternpure at bis. petro euthceth me dt bhrow the Late Sh \ Piailip MOH RMNITEEt UrieatNae ew peas erect cant the world, an loa trie Canistian - oon anip i Bnacks was Vimee bot ented, “Won dei, | hejust mg back tolived Mre. Snowoks meecly - vil, ‘ vil pouldu’t, wy dear.” Jion, abo with nittee sferred 1 ation Mea tee appointed vasulel 4tlr 'y would adit, citoan of the ad ent bo We porate mt Th » dan dt ‘ be ‘ ‘ rnd at wnt «nie it IX Ines west at Fister, EB: sli Loatfepd then bork heey ‘the boo ahsWwer pa A Report of the Joint Select Commit- tee on the N.C, Rail Road, u. the genera, man, nation and prospects Of b Carohna Railroad Company divect the undersigned to submit the Dilowing report as the hear IVestipaton >. the vature of the inquiry as well as fem emed. it it Xpecchent tuey tad de MepteTt Gus ut alderation ¢ M Mur Ureas ent Mendenhall doing all tue waik. They were to provide the road fe cP y , iron ruils, and every other species of matetial and months; one-third at each period, and 1000 cords, all delivprale on the western end of the road, in with all and évery fixture, and work that may, iu all 2/490 cords; aud cohtracts tere made tur wood, Li wodbone foard stration Ob tc quality: ¢ snd | apporuted by Gin.” vind with gr tothe rafts, brick and other material to be the epeedy and safe transit of wt ther tains: all materials and all work to be subject: July 13th, 1855,) to the amount of 41,0124 ours, | to the wuspection of the cliet eugineer or some one The contract sets out at great made, as wall be seen by reference to said table, in minnuteness, the weight and the judgment of the chief engineer, be required for deliverable on the eastern eng of the road, after oeomouves with Mr. Fisher's term of office commenced, (to wit, atacost of $51,265. All these coutracts were and December, 185! and Mareh, 185%, and November February doin January 100 cords of at he manner in which every species of work were erable in the months of January and Feb vdone. They stipulate to complete the work rary {Roz The contracts tov the western end of, tJatiuary, [Xo4—-and that othe tine here The dead, excephng the two contracts made by Gov shit] be Considered as of the-esscnee of the AMoretead, are not on file in the offiee of the trea 1 urer and book keeper as they titertied us That forapartotthe work ou the festdiyisioa, and al estates ob fourth of the road onage ot the from Ww tytbeering and super ieridence on this dis OLEPAGTS they were to take off alary of the clef ewieineer expenses of the } Actnetuber of the committee called our attention deducted to alledged nustuanagement in aequinnge the nieht evey a portion of certa mm the towtot owned by Win N We called Mendenhall for intortiadtion, whe stated that Morehead lad taken a Andrews for the myht of way ! to pay sto be ob Way ilets Rateteh ou Mr Gaon Cieretolare Nnilrew s deed fron general ad- and touud it referred to in bas yordex, by its number but the decd was not there months in 1857, beginning with July, mere than the total disbursement, in detail, from July Ist, three months after this ec coud train started, 1855, to July Ist, 1d08," and yet you see enormous is $52,R09,54 accounts credited to Dudley and Ashley, aud one Theome of mail train for the corresponding J. G. Moore, since this committee was appointed tor G wonthe js 1S56, iw WOTS49R Wolk dove de ln bork an 160 Muwie metbs 10 be a duer of odd jubs about the shops, as we tule: from the items of his accounts, He ts charged with cash, at Sundry times, beginning in December, 1855 $12475 67, and he as credited with estimates to Gain 12,747.56 Deduct expense of running express tron as per Roberts's catimate : 2) h2 » 6 3,092 puts ; 1 fee ae oe ema AGS LUE en, the amount of §15,990 7%, leaving balance due hit erent ono fo , uy : ee gxyog January Ist. 1859 of $3477 11 Weanney here Dn 5 REED Ett bene ' — to No So anestibitot said are and No, 10 Nit limaley a xomonit hee gone yy ileum in he credits as tending to shdw the general Saving vething about the pear awd dear of toad and MWataceny al ott) You yyllsee hiss after this coliitiee Woot apposite me Ab ya ee tor dabor by conmon hands at Sb O00 per diy You will see had tome the book stood Noveriber Moore's debits would have been S12 425 32. aid his credits $4,200 +6 Novermber, PRo8. the Would have been SS 125 42 in favor of the compa vad machinery redits ou [st December, I8o8 to the anieunt Bu the vame G mouths of the yop TSSs. there ie neb wore than ball tis wecoatt Was ian tnerease gver the correspondin Se ae ee Il Wommeeh more than thes merease this veneral account tliat i we the cordidons in wiiel: trey ISos took place as to tet met ddarlit baave been ex Deeted weto passer rs, Withoutthe express: and tis I ‘ Oth observable that there was an actial falling off as to gorsain July, Mugast, “ple ber and Octo ber Tsox, The stall Noveniber and De fey thre so that ou the Got bravlatice erease un the tmonths of eomnber, is probably athobratable ny One tonth alterwards the batanee tn fas te voris podria dL The einen of the ercase of way travel, durin the sitting oot foregoing is given its a spe the General Assembly Canney I repratads thie Hnatieial toanaeenient as Ane Ul Celi siibeer bers to ahe stock af ihe lus tecolection at itis tint Mis Rishon laity lit ty S85 sharesah Suck undies ulate wae PseeslOUn tic is) cune ieais sy if We exatiined Rated Gintiote. Cine diac cm peccnae. (Ae RBG RIDp Sass csiiel eine Ores iit Irena thot arnt ' ve fotine drews') recent wivern to Ge More- heat the tementhls est rl the said We feond Mielrews! reccint saven ae, NBT Ai ilsri Gloire Delis enreanineet Moliee & Co. shodid: coniplet Re Onuenmbiee endeared NIV ay Roel Doras ls miLucl Wal Vem teae ces sell ieee NCCI enisoG: aniiel eeL \ Cunstepranetcnc taller elie he Tt does not destenbe the lor nor quantity granted, aa oe hcl (Ce Gunna ft should be here remarked that ne fault supa hie tol wool 1 ve 1 5 ty that the expre ity OIC eRMRanes TATA eOnre UG fl meric i s decade every qnes- Witel was probably described accurately ui tie Y tible to the book -heeping or book keeper as te these “ i all Ul case q [ie ‘ bet prevail Chree voting ta the athtinatys s choean ¢ ay ESAT tontine exorn We cited Andrews te anpear before med ae accounts, Tie ds bogged te pay on the warrant of einen er partot sac contactor > IS. He appenred. ana stared: that he \ Ande CARIN aRareront . the Poestdent Tle Gould take de netee ob winy csc dese Taets, ari cetais 4 hee yess * Hi feria ltl te tal anel onesie el Some papers to Crow Morebeud. granting | iaulhenteanimunh claun heb by Moore agaist the company uotl rs j ‘ine (edhe Ng ie Hitol wayastolotNe. do in tue platot the cit : ee ge restdent settled at 1 iastaniee n oor V 1 that the \ v2. the board Iway as tolot fon the city Ys ta the loan of 340,000 a0 percent interest rm . l For vustanee, whet Moor ws oor arlene ioe CRROTHD Mgcediwodced trom \\ iit RIE alot mrlate iy: Fy te ea acai ipe ait ial pay Presented: fis warkait toni the sileut, dated thee equ d iy 18535 convevityg te ban dot No 4 - “ uM ~ ewer rot i if ue Novenuber 26t ai Lal or S50 ‘ nme ant } rane | Notiney de Geer onatite UNINE i lat . col ATER UEED ony Une WING Ra ISG ett teret contin vember 2bt | Jor SSO) the bemsh keeper . om ot the Not Hynuleniky (on irom NDI eutiiD Cane com Tein atirein, GUT URE RA Oi al idan am eee (il fo bende op 28 Theasirer could see by tis aceonnit that Moors 5 epercen ee dent ated directors to issue the eoupen bonds ae reserved inatead of 20 per cet also recites wo fu feet deration, dones aa lie commpatiy forthe sin of @Sa0.CKM) woth ep Wed Che cotipany 37028 36. wud yet the tres a : He a 8 ‘ t toodatma tas Ghoues sp right todetiiiages. a tie dad in *. ‘ suber Wats Lretaiel ter deoneor the drat Vetiges oo ' Wy Dee 1s02, the eription al two un les sy TU TTR wD Ost payable semi-annually, pavable inten years at fot es drat Thug Pteets ie toot Hie mura wae Re om Tie Sort ol an Tor ED ce il tae anit for Huenutramerel leit by SRN IR ti tO he eescaped the atlention fire Way Gino been enum PT eatin Sari Waty Vndiews stated that Ebindge sin Win, 44 etal i! ! Sot the committee at faanee, UP they dot attact A u | . ran ip Y | j he present Tabiltes of the company and the put ne 2nd ot April P853. tame was given tof ll SARIS ORE ‘ Uae ee clase of the necessary motive power and cas WR SN Vices Ds Vay tae lds 5 SO aethretit f clartniey this dor: thats she Lo pvate . “ as . ao crentle acon ‘ MeRae € Co ti dst Ape 08640 te thin their con : f tM ytd On the bth, Noveniber, (S56, the directors ap Gi RCI SCRE) IW 2 Chet i 60 as well as ne could cecoileet, He thought 1 \ Woh Chat repert would convey ) t t Siio Tl Hed i cout to “inthe a report ot tie (ieake Tire) ae SP eetee ae eo there wie stl due hin about li coosatd tie , \ Iperteet eoneditiot t Yothe Lath diny, PSS3. the State directors take! eta ” Me bow ot the road and its finances to the u rua eu sestio the beard of directors, many ballot had executed wo deed tor the tics Wwaty over this ee fanttoot the book Keener, Ww i for porest t lave t otoaned did not mtend te CULE One ait he ba ae : ~ oust ve tauits © President o: ( 1 ; at a va SSUES BAGO: ! We ' m m ‘ . the bonds anal caine Cherm avilable dbadit us ee ue Hout I" an Rac Mr. Motedieaed Janoe dae faci Was pad A : ve ; pa 1 mits of Dudley A Ashley, Moore ; ae Seen : Qf te fae coupon bones et the compasiy atoresaid he co ital the directors resolerd | he treasurer sowed Us tWe Warrants foot ' : f { ot tind thes ” y ther bow It ‘ r ROME re i Upen the toemonal ot thiscyritttier. anact was u tte {he ay : enn WL Walter Gwawan to] Fisher ander whieh te tad paid: Mudrew storie be ee ae ee j , ON y fae aetol the Presateut Perk eee Menace as (oie asin) SPO One ¢ these Wart atiits fer Suis tae ea fun iis Wieden ao: \. athe Do partedlarty to that repert inesuncledist Wihvaineometie: dred: Novenib S24 Sige 5 Ure efi ET eesti Hecleesat unlit Hiv Os Aah samahenine bee ome extent enpbet the Watt ob rel aay, vit hence deunidiaaris as oeeelst Deen Tor Wittelh deeite tia ~ tie facet ota vet = te The seeceNsk TUTTE: thihtv due to the reports ob seb, ISO7 and Psos Fe mea ie nae (estannlteseny ye : ta Ceres ¢ awe ee es the te tal condition ot the « Mpany te the Hest abvisie ©. Ra 1 us : : . , Hidintnteat lento iF sie auido oy Witet We suall refer in a srbsequent part of this a | | tors order the | We fitdon the eurnal of tae directors, daly sti ut he directors ord t whonnt cach ven ve vearty tothe itesnide tO tutes sia enitenetors Ton need e pillows Val TE WARREU PU iT ii Phe hos cie is ai extract Hot that report ; han a ee er ar att yi tt 0 iF . 3 vn uw tbs ld aed aad payig wy Poet estimates t Ferran - a Ue : i oad ea siphinie fut ter elie SS ‘ EA Ee aie elle after the frst ot Sey v hs Cen a) ce oe the ponepal aveabt when due, cand cas) oC ‘ PMD N, Sour stati tee ay oitl bos Cine las Meenst I=aeonetiaren eband inprove vel atid Firvdere at Ela river Lf Sees tenoetun lin a nate ! selves bY cc hostape their teport tere toohtet etuineer that tlie eet e followin Was passed aner sonis ie ae areal = colo ( Isehiat ores Vite Whiobe claitw. ce jhate dish this-contract bv t Resdred. Vout Berya | brane! Fire ie th nGotwents nae ft ' thes WE ho ieiget bed vtvetin Callan: the \ esloeee eer West trans exeerte the worn at tte Thaw dl CO re) a , ; GS twa anu ool tl OTP aAnhy the Ire wanted sy Rreeenyen ae eet Sine! seotons adioinitie Hed \ ua 1 S137 Se te iN Ue booivs ot the HPA, a t mit Work by the \p ! Ula : ‘ O nhool RST, tie. Aico ast (| es ie Thee enn on ets taal Liat Han a wv ’ Hat the sani ol S2S.000 be set apart out of the an pz : eee SATUS TE ta Ce Tes on \ saa yond agratcnemp, UZ eNCODIN TUS reciente Sars 1) Uta \ fie alee al cus a il tog ee PCL COG URC sets edy cure thy ' flatly \ e000 Tee and Cae j es f seth juu ‘ necp “ i 1 l ' F oat Z ht i “ i Mil ( j the fare arteacde colon as ward cA oe s 1 ‘ \ ne ‘ 1 oO elo Ph pace mney sore | prallel wit t 5 is t i abeems Town Roe ee te i} : ‘ vowel te 1 ( Co MeBie A 6 ; Tele tive Catt MUS LaLa hase i. ~ kh ‘ ese) " \ w ' AKG OL in fone Uinldebin ton Style faery ecco LL any er ated Back cree ! rate E han Tee ‘ t w! 1 1. wd Pity ter WNaawaqes) facalin etetimint Work Hired mh i wean a; er Se Met ‘ iN ' i \t Nowe ee tthe cot Caer 1 Tent LLC TN ‘ ‘ salt a it . Gece 4 ‘ Soa rT 5 We el emt ate [Oars 2 Wa wt cra fe ta gay EES c ayant stan t hut And ereneed fy PAt aaa \ : \ S25 ine <, : heweuuh , Pins state ob tints oot ne longer te es ~ \ ited ' te ies 4 ren th Va Whol oa Sit ane whe i Crlers Vinat tiie prestedecat eas tu ; feeb . : , t thugs t yal vol te ‘ = ‘ i“ el Sth ts ! eoteris : ‘ ; ai iON at athe ‘ wolts i meow ws Aealive ce Vieres aie Liruseeute bel Co | peraress vo lita ew : fon Ay ave Neen Rie eet side oa Woaccoatad Me dace At COURT te Venti : . i oe son why two vous ta Cucbsend since tite : : nak . noni i Io WHE SS COP y ¢ ie Le) . \ \ vab ‘ eat ' Wed o) Facets in hoe s hip 1 ina) rep, the engineer employ vl" fevired ‘ pay is woe ob satin ; SUL UEC GSR ack TAR: Doone Prestpest & Dinter nie I \ Porn| j Stops at cot Ss Y iy on Hoag.22 luila lie I, f : . " . : Rerendes ‘ : ‘ ‘ Lavedesie tre oiets ‘ ra ered iit et ee er re ae ; ' , ' mold not be meres t ee intitle coetanyey Se . ', at ‘a val \ , ‘ ss : Hey Wits > atonal a feb thie Niue \ ‘ ‘ ' ' ob \ putin | SU TW ee " ba t eek i A a : . a ae AGA CI) " ‘ i faudeetr it nm i ‘ eaters cuban O reldeued ult Wen warren alan Tha eat \ ‘ an uteri) ¢ e Mehwe & Co, t 5 1 SS \ ean feptentiass at at wn ‘ le waa Sie \ i-eceaninens mene am x e i ‘ EK aNiN. is ‘ ‘ write We ot ce A pa SS HAE se Te Speier stlin ey Lt tin Ml \ . pe ait i r i: ‘lon ase Wiis emecpe to ve . ba Way “ ‘ wed Tt es oriitally u . ‘ ‘ ‘ rele iy : , i thas son 4 ! sleet tay the ti a eosatae ss aid f Ay a Cate i 7 Via Wap te avilenss x y Sitint Lover | ‘ . ee ; ; Tee ‘ a ered Lite ¢ oh ee : ° te that ond L ties said Mi Kae | ; TDS HASHING tl von \ We dave Sra) & ( \ to pe Wa ‘ He Re | UGS cr oe ! USES eo i) * . seh ate vet LAP nett errr fe . ' 1 Ly Vises to cliton tenes \ ete t th ' (ioate abn ' \ r le Z WEE ‘ ‘ ‘ ter itt wa ‘ h : i Ri OTT \ & ‘ Y \ ‘ Sa ty ‘ \ Dor ~ \ ‘ - \t a m é A ees Tl oN Y ‘ “ ‘ : ‘ us es ( VoWeoa 1 V leigh . ‘i R ‘ whee 1 ‘i Iowt weehiave whe ‘ ‘ 5, Tew : { tp Mee \ eee oral te, ote) lists e i ovr SE, dd \W ~ racoeriiit arene = Dem alate 1 Tar | Ni LA wean wh ( it i ‘ vast to the thie Celine: a taniitn Si haath I \ bes - Eile hive Rent ' ‘ » @ teas ren bervepae on ie a 1 layla, a : ' Han oP ‘ stew f 1 ! Fe < c a ' ‘ ee it thea ora ‘ ‘ wat these i Meee Nie Dvtiey AOA So is eal Pie pan ' Dre aN: a if \ sree : ike Ske 0 ES \ ‘ “ " uneumnt = Ae (Oe Snel 1 Danaus. 1509, tence win . \ arena whe PSE ult Nodiertanes tas cetne tee WMT boperen ae aceeien eigen . " toe treasure | Keng bh ‘ ‘ t an el CoaNt <H Weaede Teena . i tt ‘ A \ ‘ 1 Tooper tries. when tiv wast ioe Wt ‘ \ over tad Pen es e ‘ elit z Ml Meme cin 1 eeted for oh heh ' eho vi fry ” pron nay vel ‘ \ ' fin Pah moog first ba in fie atu Spend t t Com how icde 4 at 1 ' > it ‘ ' tl y \ 1 they pony Wark Gone below oS tes 1 M1 tthe sperd L Shh ent pe i reas than thre Flere as te ene aS Ob teen : ; i ey ie ! Tae ' Piette nile acre ait Waa totenid aa t eRe tod Ttem as to turmeut at Baler ‘ iene aa “ea a hg fuxcin finger Geouiiierent Ub (epee ont Toner 5 ; i med ~ ” ‘ oe Pre Vit Hpapn ter tive mien, | HS ot ONober Isat to the North Cavoliin Patt we toed tec ot the tra rite ery ts egal te way eohy Ly listiterestes ond Hes, tate t Wee ceetriposer Andthe soil eaummittee farther remucted ! aly fl bo party a att ‘ \ Mehr a& ( Nase nn HEIL is ie ; ; eel eee AN Cesta ey MIN DIRS ure rRnge nee tal F mney ATMCAAL UINPATY ih Ae ' eu THASter ae TAClHMGNG tha The OSHCr tian Ml MRE onsite diond an Adit et ne : \ Hie SA ik Sw RG a te Ee hiss haves au ertkorencrr oye Patel umount of extra: adewat 643 -0G TN eres Hel Vea 1 ‘ oa ' Poexeendane $3000 Tt as seen | Kowloon tothe hadanee When the corn W as vats at reap? agen af mherd oye ‘ wdag | tue Norse Carpenter by contact, | pany Was paysite bo per cent Te we tain , SLE OSC TET fone ret Tene re I eirctect n ‘ S2502 Tato Wlaeli is to be added the (ue pay dey CAN DOTRRVE ne redson WwW ' ae ( SUT vane 1 4 estalils t ese Lupe H cities, pout Te olin ee [ett bet Was reer reer acti Weert Faraerieenicnn vue i ror he my wp oal The ti telnet whe had is ur comnutter called on the treawerer and book out te DO peer cenit c . “ ‘ ’ i 1 u yea Tet be aid bet nnow | keeper for the counteotthe North Carotion Raat , Bia ena: Te “ahi Theat nraenid ' ie 1 i Costa “ rent Frovd Company against the Western Batensiu, for Re hes Vorepented extenstot ; ‘ ‘ ie ‘ 1 1 In \ Isa7 the Director jwork and matertil furnished for that road No wets ‘f crt, heeittamens tere See erie \ 1 enjate eowhet ik Pliet <a te uid a tiotel | aceoont was onthe booka We eaunmned Mr Re hoestiniates | Wren ' ‘ara F they) a ‘ 1 ad Tot tere SSO 1 0) | berteon thee sal ject. who atited that the work Ww Ivt ¢ i Cea ° Nyt ‘ 1 hat aceon artes of three eon Wothe shops for ihe Westerns Bacension fiom igpaiot i ' matt Wes an 1 ’ ! tM | Medinet Sineuy (repeeme ano oiita leoo Gd KS IIE Tyme adem trnonc) (io AD Ibo seit GANT AIST oe Hee ‘ ‘ 1 ‘ 1 ie Pitted ie iaE teal elite Peelittretict Aud trom July, PSOR. te Dee INSs. te 1.50833 pec 2 | eR ; ete LY . : eau f " at ¥ | And the book keeper, Mr Wilis. stored fisaporoval Wis wt iat Direct uke ‘ BV iretenc ms TeNTiiiis Nae eoriaciierrriet | Vhat the amount due, January 14, _ : Net A , ; . ‘ . from Ween Extension for freghtis 19,669 96 an nee nee Med ; : : In Nets | we carpenter souk only | gad uoron buck . ‘ : | And vot on book, ‘ utmot {va owe ‘j ; y Tatcua psa ‘ 1 vv lutte Tau ti) es rel Ne toes 2,600.00 | Wee ahd teri vce at ae ' tive ' fi \ Wn What sine brick, taser Pp ue an NS nen an it se Fob brrek matscnny. | Aud the onty ereit 1 $2,000, paid in Witt a " Withee aet : : i : : a ce OShts SOS OTE POE AO cant September, 1847, W677 ally attic iftise WMS sree thisty Votee xpress tratt bess t we Mr} > Ta ba costed carpenter Wotk, that the] | Ne 1 } ‘ fae g : Seeceg hibit Ne howhech came to oar hands they would Lave eens Tame Pita lemme! diihy tne yyonie tien Ma Seen uit we Sheer S1S.000 oF Se00OG : AN Ml i LU wl execs “ i Rainn os tl ow \ ' ren he paneer Pe Sic, (tarevesatnmmer te tH oe comate. (ssid ESRI STs Feat cat | Neeley tapers Mein benicn ake (aedieraaa rll é i Aig) Stee ive Nees nani dy omanliye, Your prutter tearm that the aetial cost of ae tranesporta rast frente ea ; x Poesia said eps ACF ; ‘ ia tae StAW i Be ANNITEL < 3 Awa me Hy alievs ra Ae ther heavy yvoatticles on a 4 ‘ ' Ve Te ' t ' " a ' Aureeten = Taibie from &2 SO to gel pet tem per LOO niles ‘ . : . es : Boxart! CS oh tietiae S57. fheslihect I ' stile iow \ \ ey I ap ie eam Wi eet NG Os \ at & ! Wbectors ordered thaet sas thee tre the ite ta leone ' , « vs ‘ ' ‘ ' ‘ id = i i! Lie fF thet 1p <renart te the alhreetars dy R Ad arin ' : ; ‘ ; : 2 pie (obogmatenal &e oy be earried atthe < ‘ ‘ ; x 2 t : ate ty tts wot! best ee t 1an7 +a \ hist pay aoe ‘ - ' e : ak ' ee Avia ' or .y Peete cane Ta Me Piaher’s reports fithe 20ch Januery, Doo, ' : Vinee 4 a5 ian ‘ i ee he sets down the amount due from other ; Sie i : ‘ a Pidities abe an excep tha these ontt Fanaa e2rae qi fi ‘ tte Se fe > ‘ Polis Pen wiipect toot all Dednet ant dune from Ween Excengon 2b Q206 ‘ ' Vateat ‘ ' I Avice a 1 aah al oe tibe dre = 1 sare tol Lesving doe from all other ronds Bai ‘ ‘ ! t [nthe 20: Saniairy reco the resources of the F ' ' ios Sy acaeaa| So 454 se ) " fi <prolicy company are stated te ainaunt to S20 To : of } ; ‘ aa : boro iienev a ito and invest at And ite libilines to 043-49 , M ‘ : 1 ‘ | ‘ c ' rt phe at Wy tie etal eee gal tye eto your Surpliowen hand R206 36 Abe lerey i - See iS ve deeliy eeHHIC if : ; geo Ae anty cs I Vow! saa Ripe test i i 1 , t 1 tis thie Jateel da 1 eur ar ad i ’ Ie says ren ‘ Gc ane teed ie Ju wk ; \ Pilaere enteely a9 ‘ . ( wenn l 5 | : ; a \ : ! | ‘ ‘ (ast stock taiiles catia Gh ‘ ; i ; : Ba i. WINN Ure at at gid the ‘ sets any i fosaive : ne ay thee St 6 eee ' : 4 : ae 6 t deliv) eiesaecnslal i r * eae Vie [ob meson along tase re VERT OS et Md ssyos ‘ e ud t 4). yeh fos we ¢ mo heox we tran vr wie Atoone ot the eu Heetine fothie commitioe oar ; ; 4 * veomarie and thet theme sven et ATelinmiie any. Ser Coke ) [SPequsea cOUE WindPeswina te DERE WIR . ue yer inne SHI C00 ws ane Ge: \ ae siatenne the debt due toand ae ~ yO Mg is t ae ; B hetorecn, ea th tee Sa 6 Seon afterwards the books ‘ — beer wanted oe Qrepary ow Sete taken of hy Mie Mills cethar Mr Mender . a hia ( ' 1 ile ore “ i Total oucfic ¢ upreas train KI3200000 Vowhen Mr Math . rah tt 1 hat at weuld appear in the forth ‘ Nc ; ; f the Photlent of the Road, Or ‘ ‘ \ hese On ute : . 4 vi ' earanice eport. theo statenient neat ap " P oe duly . frome ih Hiscrtacmuauyailines ‘ < £6556) Us Vie |i : dt hoki hong him te furnish the cor oe wf . L pe y EFM SS SUE Se ‘ ; I statement of the debts die ee COTS ier at Appeal 1 NC th epecifying the name of the 7 Bauineers at $55 00 per monh, 195 00 o {vations abstrnet statenent he Lik ana wine cad rlehtonlso vw let diac bee eT) den ty vie \ ithe ‘ vat show G iy 1 ¢ ' ' ow Tha r re of the debts owing by the corportion, specifying a taluine @tats V4 Fire rue 120 oe . have f the past three years i towbhom and when each debt im dae, banging up (Wane dat 14 Hreakm Q2 tm 00 ot eoot the present adciinistration of the FE . ator my QIN~ 50 } ; _ : This statement to the same period to which these Oahatrer) ihe cpen of 7 engines fo ear ~ SU per ween made o reference fo every ' ; . 1 aes £ ! Arata n nomad thy i lee foevery warral Accounta were broaght in, Mir. Fisher's report to the ' 1 ss Lt , rh ard car ther vt comnts ” rror 4 ‘ 1 ' : ; wy lotail, and can there NtAIN bo err Io vovernorof the State of the 20th instant This ; reheend | ist with perteet accuracy, the total pav- |utter wy s 4} ; Pet fae Pann Rape nae perm onth O21 00 nents ut tae pened duly Rind I let was dated the 26th January isctow deliverable ma tite and twelve) The inesme of both ines, mail and express, for 6 | ¢ We had aideratood frou Mr. Mille that hie pres | This statement is headed “statement showing | ence, wiih hie books, was much needed at the shops, and we had consented on the 22d Jangury that the treasurer and Sook -keeper “hive leave to remove td thy ir pespective offices ull their books and payers (ex> cepting (hose in porsession of the committee) oubject to any further call for mformation which tbe eunruily tee yay mmuke ou them auewer being received from Mr. Mille, under the order of the Committe, the chairmau, ou the ley February. addressed to Mr. Ficher a lester, of whieW the fallowing isa copy : “Cas BL Fisnen, Bsa: + Dear Sir: —The committee investigating the af- furs ofthe Nerh Carolou Rajlrowd, tostruct me to suy te you tbatthey wish you, the treasurer of the Compasy, Mr. Meudentall, ond Mr. Mills, the book~ keeper, to appear before them ut your office in Ral- cleat 4o'clock Po Mo, on ‘Phursday neat, then and there toextibit Geuna derailed statement of the debts due tothe North Carolina Radroad Company, speei- fying the name of the individual or corporat pwing” rush debi, and prodverg the evidence of such debt > also, a hetot the debts which company owes, aod to whom eweh debi as duc, bringing up these statemenin io the same pened to which these accoamts the were beonght, on your report to the Governor, of the Zt ot dauary, is 9 We further wish to be fur fished. at the same tune, with «let of all the debts fra Company, coutroeted pronto che 13th of July, IsS5. and which have been paid suce Ist Dee , 1856, kuown to you at the Jarter date. wiih the warrants under which suid pay Meola were the eaistenee of whieh was ne inode Youre, cespectfally. JONATHAN WORTH, Chairman. POS —If the statements cannot be made ready by the Line species, pleate have the books aud papers hore trom whieh they can be made” Vi the time appouted, having recerved no answer frou, Mir Fis ree dnerbers of the committee vled at the phice appowted, when Mr, Fisher then, Dh tto bin toin- fenins tha © thathe refas- atte Mills, who we toldiot t WD WT attencar oot Wwe took the steps necessa- errondance of the President and the. Ived toceportthe facts we bad s thar our purpose to investigate scnvelved iu the enquiry commit- strated. We bavea list of de- wid entertan no doubt that © 20th January, is 7669 25 due ) Was intended the other debts and flor Uae reasons above fateimendt it the repent al «] to which Mr, port tg Grovent Deca Vould tacoasy te furtash ot he We redo as tie detaiis nauet have been made Voute-eatinm tin ocd anelbceean et bbosieht rape ove Tales ' hairman bruarv, Was sajrgested by that his toe ume stubly. company arose and not net nenvon= date raccount: Ta 1 Was set Warrant il fet A PHULIN, at 1 n Meinaton ob eact 1 woul have n too Proms thas furmush the 1 that he nto exist, 1555, whem the f oupa- sed the treasccer Size 44 wh Loo OO: In til 7S aikabie that wtor the ‘ ’ ‘ Pexpired, nud Se Nat TS ih sallcr wards Mr Men- shed with the ‘ Wet dite tay ‘ ” iV debts except (awyun, ws More and Holl Hie notes Were pre- vonstrue= rohks by the bin brow \" iti Day 1408, over faay, to + te tard By re- it several of he penalty of . i : ea ceniniland: , largely station ty of his on agt coding. Se ee ee be rahal rae eas aceess fo The pas Mi Meruleriad, state ved $4,000. + from i Law River, sunt $RLS- tus us that Harlot was noe save tint l arate e cine 1 vat tothe halanee due that by sn Was ered= tepesited: ty the dwertor hie Vett Wate aieont Soe i halt th Tiohnger, solvent teaet year, State and the with tu Ver a! <hares of ylocke > AppouMnuenk, thee Che com - Ales travel tree at ) wi ler- lev way travel free viel these between Wisiarked No, 12 ays eden has served peti ol the roud. over whit tank that ly sete othe acconnts of oe Ido peheoat the shops Yoa ll see hiv the extoertannencd. No. bo, he received Por the first 6m hent 92,210 % Aciol Lor the awme pesto! te received all for the liber thatde by the day. at ade dar per day, epeept Galnent, (he blacesmith, y aye, ® 14s 2 84.006 11 And forthe Ina & monthe cf IS87, by arround anmex ed, Vou will ser he received 2.208 14 And sail for work by the day.) 1478 060 Tital for the year 8 ’ Besides t vou well see that he reecerred “from Vette leon tue wells, We, SZ! Ge Mie (SUS15 2ound $1475 00, are not er att iedetail to avoir! making this report too tor personal snperntendence in 1867, wow nts to S71] (Mh t Jabaie 4 nderatand, for whom he ts Atareced! Soin (Va cout hands negroes pally fe stow What deeree of confidence i due to the reports of the President, Winel we regard as en- lorsed by the dineefom, We propese fo review the. I iteat Thos, OT ok ane 20th Tiamary, 1859. ij tlatter report, we do not regard the ditectors ectuemmetinte. Ta Mi. Fisher's report of Vv 1856, he estimates PSosenned wall pay the debts and complete the Hictiuehounot thecal, Elesiy the Statements, f dais cep iecbeen made with more than usual re(VaRUIKEITE tet estiiiiate binitted are such as, een [Rue AVA note believe will make « fulb completion of this werk and: sneh daa been my Sucietoneet cin povtanee aia necessity of a speedy aud entire INpletion. as to eanse me to have made outand to present to yeu sueh tall este mates as could tea vdoubtof affording the ad- Ministration tt wis fer polis ' oad on @ feiainy (eo wool the tittle: oidebredness which brine. const exation, and with the equipment nilispe tortie roarnd profitable operation.” i} reoterut othe tacnonal to the Laegista, ture. acho p uy ell the bonds of the com ALY At ae nse merest At the tine the act passed, alleawativet roof the & percent bonds, Mi vad Le of the road DX months: tad Treen 4 [ve and paying at the rte al |e fo per annum: to rae money to neet the | heeof the cormpany, and one would have snpposed Ut have fonnd ont what it owed, acl found ant raed on the The $3.50-000 was ompany’s bonds, Ruiticren ir mietlumtireriie cepant Halli bennieers next earnings of the road, less the mterest S000 and the woking find, providing for ene would have been surplus for dividends n hes report of 1857, he says the net earnings Se e s hm = amoun tbat.“ hia be In . operal Deduct pere Sinking If} an Jul in the eboulc ‘Gol ¢ 4rain amou ducte Wedu And 1 c f t os ) | ' 2 emer es amount, for the past year, to $162,924 63, but states | that.“‘a larger auount of outstanding indebte sdness has been paid than was-known lo exist In July, 1858, he reports the net earnings over operating expense, for the preceeding year, to be $185,212 V6 In his report of the 20th January, 1499, he makes the net earnings, from July Ist, 58, to January Ist 1y5Y, @l12,544 9n. These net earnings. summed up, stand thus fin i Net earnings for the year ending July, 1587, Jury, 18u0, to January, 1509 per ceat,.. Sivkiog Fuad, If Mr. Fisher's estinates wade with so niuel sate dn July, 1856, bad been correct, Hien Wie neCsutp shas in the treasury, according bis own showing abuuld have beeu, on the fir-t January, 1899. 8379 ‘G01 67, instead of H4l.2Uo 26 An the Express Arain Wes vet cout mplated va ihe cela tenet rot, amounting tu §73.20U, the sun ought aleo te be de ducted. ‘Chis wou'd reduce wet surplus we gBl6 dei 67 deduct the present reported eurpur, 41,205 36 #26 3h And you will see, to make these reports consirtent ‘that there must have beew pad wih utwo years $265,276 31, on debts Snot kuown to © waist,” at the time the memorial was eutaanited ty the Geuersl As sembly at its last sesrton. Your committee delieve from the report of Cat iGwyna, on ‘caving the road, mumtiained hy rej ated srepertaof Cee President aud directors since that date, thet the rond was cheaply coustiucted. future prospects, if well and ecouunie ally danaged, are highly enccmreging Your comamitice are bol ignorant, agement of wo exteurive aroud, (he mort yviyilaut at id judicioas administration might comnt Bur tmaking due allowance for these, we think the facts fhereiv dise!ued. Warraut the Conc us ou that itis rudd shas brea badly manaye d—by the Prestdeutaud Direc Wors—in the particulars which we have been able to examine, in the Wine and under the cueummstar cer, herein set forth. Tn many veportut pericalare, we have made no examimation, because we could not doi withoat totally neglecting eur other fegistarive ducer We regret that we have been unable to make cur Unvestigation so thorough as we Wink the sutererte ot the State require aod thaties thatin the mn encoun. J. WORTH Ite ays NEUE EDWIND D DRAKE D. D. FEREBEE CAROLINA WATCHMAN. Chairman SALISBURY, N.C. TUESDAY EVENING MARCIE 1, Isso NORTH CAKOLINA RAIL ROAD Ao the surest way of doing full and tmipartial justice affairsof the N COR RC the Report of the Joint 8 of the Presider in:olved in the swpany,# termined to mitice, made to Mr, Fisnen, w the same Feaders may performed the daty assigned to the objects. Many of of this Road, and are therefore en it was for their mat publish entire the Legislature. and the Wibt reply se papers before thet gece tain for themeeives how the Comm id ty what Mr. F ery our citizens have invested t much as we dislike | articles, it is due them that all The Tables referr dt the rep 2 CW The Mon Pur) Wier and Micuant Baows's in thie pt at porsent They have t im the vieduity, and t friends Boyde to vee they are in exeelient The Salisbury Band rlectitta fi sweet dlowr Weiane evenings ag “Hom fimple o five band, after au at far distant country [> wo Ws ewaked many a portico for the comphinent they had Bodine few apy remarks | td himeetf and lady 2: Town by of February @as celebrated in thie ET The 22 our two Volunteer Cy mpaties atl the Brass band 7 Giful display of the Miutary and the inepiring strains emateu: Musicune, kos te the day echaru pat otic joy ‘The Rowan Rifle Guard went Western Tr the morning, for the pury tin ewe uted etood ; bub it turned out they went bo Slatesy 4 1 dell Cadeta by surprise ard trek the young ladies at (noord ¢ K ira of the Artillery and Guard sor ota ris te exe t Matesville, as the Cadets ough On their returpig ia the ey K the (rawr wis escort of the Cadeta.u he and of Capt. (xine oe of the best drilled | Mcer= several of our prine|) the evening, the Cadets ot to Statesville “.. Public Documents —Our thanks are due Hen Z B. Vance, of the Mountain District, fora copy of the report on the survey for the Paeihe Raibrord Alan, Tar ff —Pahie lands fair to beco for a cepy of his speech on the and Pensions, Mr Vayce bids mea prominent actor i the coune Isof the Nation otto Found. —A tine satin vest, but littl worn, was picked up on the store prem ses of Mr. Win. week. The owner can yet itby applying Murphy, ene day last at the Counting room of Messrs. Murphy | | & Co. ROWAN RIFLE GUARD—TARGET FIRING ELECTION OF OFFICHRS The following is the result of the f the Guard Ro Rivas target firing, on the 22d, as reported by a member Let. Hest average shot a silver cup 4. Second best, W. C 8. Third best, bt 1. > 4. Best single shot, Capt HL BR ed the Company's cup Awarded the first prize Fuatry Second prise, m silver cup. Apart A silver cup nanvs, to whom was award ELECTION OF OFFICERS Avan election helt at Head Quarters on the 22nd, the follow ing officers were elected Capt. HL Ronaros ] 2 cats aes A Wine Jet Lieut. 1. 8. Ar pain | ar pF Weave Swe. Cou msc, | an & ( Poway Bed MOY. Mc Neary Tet Cop ROW Bao corr p ah "AH. Gray tnd Jom 0 Moen Ensign, Mo Horry | vet WORK. Witson O. Sergeant, Was Brows anh Ho Brooms Recretury, SLAVER CAPTURED. Norroik, February 21. FOMOY McNewir The barqne Julia Dean, Captain Hed: Jund, of Charleston, lias arrived here, ian der charye of Lieut. Paine, of the Uni d States aloopof war Vo neennes, been seized as a slaver j fF Const Castle. Nhaving A LIVEK The Liver, according io our burnman ceon ny a plice second only to the heart, and consequently is one of the greatest dizponsera of heatth and heppiness or weknese nad diseane "To keep the Liver in a proper performance of iis duties if to keep the system in w state of health, and tree from ararly all bodily ils Dr Sanford’< Envigorator ieagrent Regulator of the Liver Te new life and vigor, streng' hy tad invigeraces 10s curing the fountern from whenee so many etre sick uess flow trent any derangement of the Jaundice, Sick H ayrtem, do not fail to try Dr orator For sale by WHT (oH Riewe DY Phyat logists eccupies in inate la cuto at nail maat We sry to al! whe with Laver, Rilliousnees an debility are such ag Deapepar, eadnche, Santord’s Daver Pnvig WYATT, Draggiat, bow Landreth’s New Crop OF GARDEN SEED for aale at MERONEY 8 T. J. & P. P. MERONEY Want Morey. TTLE with ovina very few drys or you wil have to settle with an officer “Mareh Let, 1859 140 Salisbury, NORFOLK MARREP. "~~ Norroik, February 24 Flour, receipts are good, and gales are readily nace at prices quoted. Corn, receipts are fair, but the deinands excee ds | the supply, and sales each day, are made cf all on the taarhyt. at full paces, Coton the market has a fair supply, but the ar ather heavy, there is no tte in it Peas B. Bye are received in stuall lots, sales at qhon tens Died Bruit, Apples are wanted and {sell readily eiveted and ditlicult of > Peaches are te HOR Mor Ul a skilful P ysevan of New York Ti hie rem ks on Dy spe pata, feo uel medion the ntomoch. is that pr pered by Dr. ¢ aniecsced the Onvgenated Br ters { woud publi ho the ree pe tor pre ob kuew what it war, but Tt mee Dd City, says— The most ef- id eneryy of 2. Green, Lo HM prave the lote pang (his wala wld stoue teb avle medimeine, sel, I sun only Hniprsperty called eormmie nid bos tine ~Biters at feast in the popular Areeptauion of that tera, frit contatis ao ale choles cher spine, and te rather sour than bitter “Phough here. bs the way. Pevunst tus earn etly eoutiu the dyapep ie rufferer agieat om ng biter the baw 6 of which is aleobol ar other ordent spiat. They ae more energy to the stunaeh. than a Wupari te whip gives strength to hese His tems iry, whieh at benygih will tie vitae Thea deme of whieh I ai speaking, obviates Chere objections which they exvcie me and sare te to lowed by a faction boy wear out the slomacn Sean W. Powe & Co, 15s Washogton Street, Box Peopretom Sod by TE NDERSON & iB VAISS, Dragginis, Sabsvury, N.C., wand be therr rite every where we MARRIED : ArOrunge © Hb, Va, on the 3d inst. by the Rev Damel Bo Ewing, We JOHN S PAYNE, Semor Bator ot the Chronicle, ind Mies WARY VIRGEN TA PORTER Pall ot Orange Co Tu this County. en the 10th by Win N Luckey, Bey. We THOS LOCKE THOMPSON, te Mies BEEP TEE NO SMUPTH On the 27h ute, by the Bev SJ. Petzer, My [uid to orde TF Plan iostraction should aceom TPENIGY AWN STE und Stee UC YOmdea bats CUE ie rier allot this County DAVID CLEWELE, Outhe Wh inst., by the same, We JA WES A Feb 20h. 159 3th ‘ 1 ts i 3 a (s Hil HESS an SO AU TA Ue DUNS Da. Barecek in fie travelson the cape of Good | On the 2tdvust. by Rev SC Atecenders ME tine save Df and very frequently among. the JAMES A HOUSTON and Mine WARTEEX A yiteh Boor ot the boek countey, Ayers (ip gas LOWRANCE ID He Us 1 8 onthe Lith ut, REBECCA her 2hth your Ta Tredell Ce wife of TON red affectreate ti atysay 1 wite, a tender mother now sles The adovPhive ead wat tothe fe G ouib vat devine tee nd enoviert the spot te ineurn Nhe loss of a beloved tirrud Oh may our whts, and wishen fly Above Urese ghey shades, To thome brypht worlds beyond the sky Where De th can neler invade — Com At the house of tin un Rev VT Butler, on the Fthomet, LUORN TON H. NM EBB, aged 10 years aud TP tenths Tuo his Court nihe Gh ins. WARGARET IANE ROGERS. aed 13 yearn Liinonthe and 14 "ye LAW ev h ee Je ab WELL. OP RICE, che one formerly o¢ fby Dr Nesbit Water st SALISBURY, x CS Maret ty beat ua Tae no plenecee SHY P.O 1B, SCIEN, G Caonmis ton Merchants, UV ilmington, N. C. Veale as TEESE TANS TT HAC CEVENT, EAND eas ROBINSON SN MANIPULATED GUIN HARK, JAS KERR fF OLARAS jepinaate FERTILIZER (Wath a ae ihe ib) ve ftled wihouteh fava, (ONS March is 1s59 Binp dd Salshiey Mal2 School. SHE bith Sess fttve Sehr FE owill connue l we Tithof aL cl ri PERMS OF PUEPLON t ah RL. per evs (tate sa Pa wed fiom tine " ¢ ‘ duction ane ver pl nol pied arted «th gs. ‘fourtiow one hall wr ashore A OW OWEN, Princina March Pst, 1859 Zuid \MWAL FERTILIMER. SUPERPHOSPHATE OF LIME. irons: aitention of FARMERS ied they will find it te thet oned hh Fertiiaer, wen beer apoented Agent luable respectfully ea'l ythe same, leet t Peruvian Gane, Tiverest lo une propectes are much more bscig. aud ante sattebie te the sen and the groweh ¢ {hinds oyrar Phe Manntucture rs say Wee \Cuseless to dwellat any deogth on ot Meriure an the necessity general and stall pase over tothe qaestion tot less inpertany te the tterests ot farmers. which ofall the vanous Kiods of Manure isthe most powertul and best adapted to the growth aut vield obevery sol and plant Ttminest evident Urat that sor owl be most and { permonently ennehed, to wlreh Mature returns all substavers that are withdrawn by es Ulvame hoerep and by comparing now all known and so mach praised kids of Manures, we mast tome to the conelisien o the them answer 1) expeetations Birney ord figeney by which that none of of farmers and io whet yeti te be Vane eliere nt part, Sowing te the ne His mest the Uae wood- fibre, is Wasted, appears ia the soil an mece alraw or and is therefore powerless to enrich it Guano possesses a great disadvantage in not con- Mineral Substances. um by the the d of eneching the | tarmmog REOCN ynally eufhicrent woes: caredul manipulation, Anions Teal after the Jand requiring cane ely too rapid solubit yo | compost ion ot Uric rowte ad Sit eahauste i bet Acro done te che by prre teal farmers, veal theory and toalleypenener vor Menure it as efflerent in fret onenitiwated seit ax in one empovenshed by Pt returns to the sof all sa bet neces me many Coops SU an crop more empoverished EB: ee ADAMS XPRES COMPANY. ee OLD ESTABLISHED RESPONSIBLE having Express facilities ever the North © Rood, peeps Receive and Forward all desenp ieue of treight and valuables to and from ail poms on thes Road ‘The “un pany prompt forw rds wd reliable Company, are ed to aroiina Rad fre Ltr ® possessed by this € for the gand quck delivery of maber en- trusted te them to all aecensable pomtx in Unied States, and the eadly del very of fr ishts by Steamer Express trom New York. semicweekly and Daily Dolan Express roa New York. Philidelphe, Bata off r great there Spring more Riehinond, Nortek aud Petersburg, tuduce Merchants to obtaro stocks quietly For tucher particulire app'y to Messrs, WoNenny ments to & Yousu, who have been appouted Vygruts ot ~alishury. No ¢ \ WOH PREGO, | Suporintendent Marcel Ist. 1959 ire ih) iia AGENCY, I HAVE the pleasure to intra the public, h inate arracgemente woh Me JJ that Vy ave Bausen, lo reerive and forward tome, orders 11 | and to deliver finehed work to order ng through hin ALL work shall recemwe Mu Scheburs, wy hae of business, seal Wome to me [through his Agency, provapt attention both as to Binding nod be exeented with exsetuers and care quality and style, and on as low terms as Can be obtaly din any part of the country Blank Books, Ledgers, &c., | f Courts, Re for Manutactuniog © For Cleras: risters, oF the use of Meccuimies (entrar yponitee Pectoral, which they Keep hing ap by a theng arcuud the neek of the bottle toe per over Cherie branmocks aliint eee to be their ade eed this m0 protec ion @ the throat and fang disorders which are quite preva. lent amoeg thou DP thought ta speak nee iment oo the poeteal genueot the Amencan people. that thew shen yD belies ne only Asking it they asd toe thot bet bods they to ter purgauiver grew all around them Cian any @od prep sald by Nt: NDERSON & ENNISS, Datcoints Salisbury, N. ¢ TinodO WOOD, EDDY & C0.’S Single Number Lotteries !! PUR STATE OF GFORUIA CHAK TERED BY — Capital Priz2 $59,009!! TEs CURSES (OSES DOE Nits: Note POT iE Rathi Ast hen \ pur vane, beer t st 1) wor aud , Ue VGreur gia ent of NFecre amare. Maitieyec nt \unettrenghiauls deta Meairs, we haved edt tito ret dL iiyereuil ir tiny Ist. » theat Woon Eby wen who wi erhave th ne it Sparta Neadent vrttery, and tne wih anid ' r wel vored te eandue|l tee test ww my and t ss wd o stow . esers iG your shoes Ve Previn mA Na OL): Nugussa, ¢ rei, Dee 14, bos WOOD, EDDY & €0.. WANIGERS, Successors fo NS. Swan & Co. Che f Nee ow he drawn by Woop Vooy w fore ms 1 Neadet 1 hot s ‘ rl 1 M eee one Tanne (S y put under saporiat Contes . ‘ i s \t 1 ( I) ~ I | ( I) ~ .f , , ( \[ ' COUN SELLE NGNat Ho SE Nr dnl; WAU Sele van TL Five Thousand Fone Uondred and Pighty PRIZES! VEVREY OV PALE Ta EVERY VIM Nl aaatherat Scheme! TO BR DAWN DAY TN Five TIChT TS eae PE TT AE 1 " i APPRONDDATION PRIZES tho fhe Apps wou Priz ‘ ; ‘ ‘ 4 ‘" 4 4% 4 ’ “10 ‘ " qn BAG Prezes cimonnvog $320,000 Wrore Tikes $te. Wares QraRTe Ks $2 Pot Corculan showing the plan of the Lotteries will be sent toany ane desivuus af recerring it Cor featecot Packuges willbe aoltat the following rater ate Ea hag White Tek t! To ths " Qu y OR CERTIFICATES. Trekets AEN DROERIVG TICK E Bnclose the tien ads the wrdered, on rece forwarded by first By CACO LEE ED uv fi te (he Drawn Numbers and Prizes will be Gent nediately adser the draws | eowill please wrote there snares phan, and give the t Otic County and State To Reaember the able in fall wirheut deduction Ti AU preven of 1000 and ander yond rine diate = drawn and pay ty atter the drawing —other prizes at the usual tine of thirty dave NOTICE Us whe THE ADAMS EXPRESS COMAANY, en Do dare, PO CORRESPONDENTS prefer vet sending money by om ul, ean whereby money for Tiekets, in sais of eesaary forthe grewth and yield of the plants, ina and upwards, ean by ns cheamealcounbration most fit tor a quek its revi lae AT OUR RISK AND ENPENSE, ban, noarehing them with Nitragen, dissolved: tran | ; fein esieines 4 sue ran catiive the Afbamine of the blood i the format Xan ene ie AUN ONS ‘ ' " Den © ie aN Te moves wndloordar nitish be et wen ft coomderably weererates and ade the re ruler bat ERNVENE vos of Et cr wr Rl EN slow and leaited iy ifluenee of the arr, rac Meteorol ge Lagente By its Salet neasralizes the bitter and sour aub eure te hime whoo wontea te 40) pounds af the @es owner RW to Vand plineaon nere a valuable crop frequently increased the yteld sp fifty pe cent | ‘Peaimonale and Pamphlets to be Ordere ta be had at the O | fiee Rent to W RAEDER, Gueraven Lined, | Chemist 3m40 and oliver have Raleboury, NC VELLORE of the et r ceive then Paypress Company con AT} communications steer Wy confidential etane ech a fresh anen tivated sor, subareas stun ! rary crcreawnumer et bere detranental to the cul Aiidrows Orders fer Tickets or Cerutiont & to ture ofall econ ger wing plants WOOD, EDDY & CO), Sngusnr, Go corgia The Ph osphone Salle ot ont Momure, by their or WOOD, FPDY & CO, 8 tints, Georgia chennest ouabain withthe Veds ot the soil, be OT Wwouh, nbhy & CO, MS re ¢ Olihle Eo water, and supply yan growing Pr A dstef the nmmbers thi are drawn tron che plants with « sutton nt qurintny oe mphantes tdi teed, with Che amen a Seti . ponaable for the prodacsn of ariel erop ririidl fae owt ine qoriseelnate se cat ‘ of Our Mannce, composed ot dead cine, blood AM teas cailew tng can per Nears ? and raw bones, repegents the fatlowang ambyns ay New Oreans Dele Webite Re which eperke for tmeit, v7 REN Qnaimecirean Avitcana I beauties etter 2 ye fu 89 pr RIL New York Weekts [iw Haok Sa sai eet Uo 1210 Sees inne) (iepoie coat Paik Orgame Matter yreldiag Srimenia 45 Clarion ond Bittle Rook Nik Pras Der Ammonac Salis ; ; Lnsoluble undefined metter, 4) Western North Carolina Rail Road, SIC ies COT GEST RC ie STEM: PASSENGER THAEN ne " Gy uk mediately after (he a ere aweSisrtth 4 Water and Loss, f mt 4 " r s ann | RETURNING Oo Giateat ea ‘ PM) proeen t &iishoey fort eat | afanrenetomers having fonod one Wan : Ales Ss é Biba ete e ntat te be ‘ ceetlent Mane the neceaity eas ee with the fullest confidence to every t lvreut terme JAMFS © TURSER ae & Supt February 2) 1857 Western \. Carolina Rail R. Freicht: M “Sietrttt sen a a ohe ' nt thy a aking} Jaws ¢ if r to N festination without br tthet aiporile TURNER, Foe & Supt | February 22, 1850 af {LISBUKY. auc hftasd NEGROES FOR SALE. S Ad ninistrator of N. M> Dossin, dec’d, J will) sellon the 12th of March next, ut the Court} House, in Salixbury, | Five Valuable Negroes, | | two Men, one Woman and two Children. The men! \are first-rate field hands #nd wagoners, and the Woman an exeellent Cook and Washer. Terme— wx mouths credit with bead and approved security. HUGH A. DOBBIN, Adm’r. At the sume time and p'ace, as Administrator of, Joun Buackwene, dec'd., [will veil A NEGRO WOMAN, an excellent Cook and house-servent, ‘Terms—six mouths credit, wih bond and approved security | “OLD SALISBURY REVIVED!” D YE STUFFS, PAINTS, TURPEN TIN E, 4 ESIN Chalk, Whiting, NALS, Syrenges, Breast Pumps, ARDEN and G:ass Seeds, NEW MERCANTILE FIRM. G& _GOODS ALL NEW! ; ALT-PETRE, Borax, Glue JUS. E. DOBBIN, Adu't. | ee |, Manufacturers Artic'es, Feb. 15, 139 413 | & a ‘McNEELY & YOUNG [ 209881 soe one L A N ) } | 4 SY ; TUE AC ° 9 AT RITE wate . JQ NEMAS, Scape ow EHUB Bre rO CALL THE ATTENTION OF ‘THE CITIZENS OF [2 *f°*%: Serfen Tetrocens ae Rowan and the surrounding counties to the ID URABLE Ink, Blackiog, ' otter for nale G90 ACES of Land. 8 niles West ~\ eQ § —— ee e bald np Of Selisbary.dinife from tie WV. No CR. | & < Bs G oe Q I SINGLASS, Gellatine, Extracts, Ab suc hai is cle ure 15 the balance ts execHent wood | y) ww) ws e Ss ) | lent and botiom. Oa it are . = IC OA Sh Lee) Ee: » GOOD ME AN DOW ‘they are now receiving They are Faniiens from wae experic nee that. NDIGO, Annatto, R Pink Gr ’ : '’ ose, Fipk, Bec ie tL ous ale client dneraa po ltheir stuck, which is large and care fully selected, is admirably adapted ae be wr tallocheriseresary build. I can be 10 the wants of the community, and that having bought the principal! N UTMEGS, Mace, Cloves, [divided site 2 or 3 tarins to sat the pareh wer Call a “a mn HEA SLY. part for cash they can sell cheaper than any store in any part of W es-| iE MERY, Rotten Stone, Sand Paper, b. 15, 1839 Sintqr3x tern North Carolina. | i IS ALTS, Sulphur, Cream Tartar, " Ranaway 11 -2-$50 REWARD. I. wt Cc unt Me rehants and the public generally, will find that, as we! ° ave determined and ean afford, we will sell at prices great! i tow th ANIA AYE (Cini ened S h I atly below those at which Goods have been sold | XY 20th Haeaarilice Noe nen tained heretofure in Salisbury. Below we enume-ate @ portion of our stock : z t ALEX. or ALEXANDER. Said man isot a DRY GaoonD s&s yo ce Patty dark copper coler, 5 feet 8 or 10 inches high, | ; - , , 2 2 American, French and Eag iss Calicoes, collored and bi ¥ aid will weigh from 155 to 163 ibe.—a very likely , x alicoes, cullored and black, Domestics, Flinnels, Merinoes, De Lanes,| \7 E Lam Flies, tim en coiee 9 diumuccrt Le We oeeea J) Alpacas, Ginghains, Dailliags, Bed and Cradle Blankets, Table Clothe, Towelings, & m 6 anes Y ERLOM/ Cente. paBiaeks years. The subscriber thitags it probable that Alex CIRs yrare The eubveniber thinset probable het Alex | Si JEON JER, OF CD. ING ICY Ss” GoOonvos. |. nin huts. Mra, Lewrethwor MoS. Mekenvzie's plantanons, 320 pair of Negro Blankets, cheaper than everuitored iu thisimarket, Kersey», Plaid Linseys, Osnaburge |TIN RAIN, Linseed and Lamp Oils He will give the above reward for Lis apprehension stripes, checks, &e M ? 2 and delvery to hun, at his rendenee 24 ules South | TT. INCTURES i Sr Saute ue Ne asi | GENTS’ GOODS. JP PSCHEESS, Batis Ques “JOUN © BENSON | Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestinzs, Satine, Kentucky Jeus uf every variety, so fhe cesnemennag SOS Stan, iio, | MICHAEL BROWN, | Rock Island and Yadkin Mannfactaring Companies, Jeans, Hosiery. Wait ind ee u Shirts, Gloves, &e. | . » Main Street, atte, w LADIES Goons. SALISBURY, N.C. itke, White Gools, black und fancy Dress Silks, Slhiwix Cl.cke,Searthy tc, lneew, Eunbrorderies, Rib-| Jan. 4, 1839. , § bone, silk und finen Handkerehiefs, Crape, Gloves, Hortery, Teoh Lanens, Swiss Jaconet Tarleton Muse | — Eject F s4 LI ISBU ine ‘ N. C ee Swiss and Jaconet Edging and fusertions, Corsets Hoop shirts, Head Dresses, &e 2 ies CLOTHING. ARE YOU SIC ! BS whe Parellase Gfall hint of PRODUCE | A good assortment of Gentlemen's Clothing, to which we invite special attention , nd io all consyaments to be suld in this imurket | H > T E pe ae : s, - . ; ripe. aay HEN you manitibel cared! ical coon inane: Grennees Diets ATS, CAI BONNETS andFLATS, BOOTS and SHOES, Don't delay until your complaint is in LAD AND AERO PUBLIC SALE. | 7, 1m59 Iw Houston, deceased THE the late Residence of Practno en the loth DAY OF MARCH VALUABLE FARM well, at sole We hive pait pirticntar attention to the selection of this portion of our stoc ko and challenge competstion io | curable, and then mourn when it is too late. Foar- Bragainy water pra Bela drow Boctaladil shigsennd tation and Childrens Gaiters and olives: [ye nemu! aH the diseases which people the sate 5 , yards, might be cured by Ayers Cathartic Pill, CARPETINGS 5 and OL, CLOT Hs. tukeo inseason. Don't go dragging ull paapeddin 5 A ‘sleepy and listless, because your blood is loaded with Drag: 1 Paints Oil 2 nd Dye \tuffs. | bile. Don't wearthe headache, heartburn, and their Dy ae disorders, because your stomach is foul. Don’t Mone: Acrnts tor the Bellvue White Lead, Hernloek «nd Oak-tinned Leather, C ‘raae yourself xround the world, covered with Pim- thins, ling wkias, acness and Upper Leather, shoe Heel uaa ‘ H Uhiead taned Leathers Calf and Goat | pen Blieiie, Wt Geen ted Cll e2 Coy Ci : ; ’ {unclean diseases of the skin, because your system WOOD WARE wants cleansing. Don't show youtself about, lean, a . hayyard, all caved in, because your Stomach and Buckets, Brooms, Tubs, Brushes, Ticine, Rope, &c. | Bowels need strengthening iato healthy setion. Ayer’s Pills set these things right assurely a ach- ‘ , + ; gs rig’ arely a8 water que ¢ RO( K i SRY A NX y aU EE NS SV A R E. es tire. They panfy the body and blood, and restore “ ther funeiousiato healthy activity which you can k We wre enabled to show a wieer and betters ed stack of thes) ¢ tath h ver been k ole ‘ Code than Han Sire been Wepe Hithe piven Spel attention evant toe Ca Bh er ee Wud (an Gt Puch Vents Ab gd Cet arta melon riba ces, tence by ak ; slapmes XC : , : : ‘ who koow their virtues, and many thousands knew GROCERIES. [Thine Take the Cherry Pectoral for a ough, aed ) Riv an Tava Coffee, Sng crsof all deseription, Svraps, Malises. Sal, Sprees. Can ilee. Soaps &e lols Gilles CID Chae SERIO GOT OG panes 4 TF We can be found at the corner uppurite the Mausson Hotel, funedy ovenpied by M. Grown reketnke Sausbury, Sept. IR5N. 17 | Price 25 ets per Box—5 Boxes for $1.00. | Prepared by DR. J. C. AYER, *Lowell, Mass., = and sold by belongieg to the said Deceased, cousimiing of 1.000 “HE ACR ES, og lus Dweilog, and all le ry, Out Buide Pie farger part is an aod, Well dinbered, aud well edupted to the wittot Tobaces The JOU or 200 acres of vromnds in cubiuvalion ALSO, at he same tine and plce, all the proper: ty belonging to sad Estate. consmting of & i} IS NEGROES, Men Women and Children. most of them beta young und ikely.inmeluding 2 good Blacksmihs wod stock of | MULES AND HOR nie] C. A Henderson, Salisbury. N.C. | Haviland, Stevenson & Co., Charleston, 8. C. | | | SOUTILERN M.A. Santos & Co., Norfolk, Va. A ©. Bradley, Wilmington, N. c. Cattle. Hogs, and Sheep. sevens) hucdred bushels of TINGLE sabsember. being under the neeessity ‘ Ny e Lat Retersbargs Via: (ipa and Slheat Glue, ies 2 cae Bitenmne ENingznnnesennirnie ull ioec nate iat inte Poreeii, Ladd & Co. Richmond, Va, and alt : comieil Sarena. Cerauynre Toss (Wines) Ube time Biettatiily TRS Op cs Wedebats it] > Dongen and Kitchen Paruture, &¢ pavinent be get oin by the FIRST OF J \ _——o_ eb. 1, 1h59. 2m36 be eanteime trom day to dey unt all as sold. VARY. the account and uetes due to him wall oe | . Fe eee ear Tce re Sie eh | CHARLES P.GRAY, OUR MUSICAL FRIEND. Aliperss wundebeed to the Eatat~ wil please come 177 ALG uersous hiving clams againet hin will | MAMMOTH DEALER IN | forward andinake pasments, aod those haviegelams Preseat them for settlement | | A een publleationc( Sheet Music. suitable for avant the Hatavel all preaeal them for pay ae wuoreis. | Monuments, Tablets, &0, erence eine aees thea fe NOUN HL. DALIEON . consisting ol sixteen pag~s full folio size, stitched ina a ' = ISHES tointorm the © Punt hand I Feb 15, 1559 Executor CI OTHING vw \\ ne Ciuzensof North Carolina | handsome cover. [tcuntaine all the popular; dances . | fa L Mee generally, thet he has purchased the stuck of | of the day; arrangements from the most favorite Twila LOT No. 3. in the CHEAPER ‘THAN EVER my (GRAY & BRWAN aud conovedito joperas; scenes, songs. bullads, airs, ®e. An abund- POWN ot N Htawha Conuty, : : . , ON Main Strat, Opposite the Post Office |unt supply of every thing that the puputar taste de- SL Wi Cine REGS aap RBIS, nea Sinus haeernleueclimiltenlltierremaidee ie : a, i > |inands; never to difficult, always instructive, and ( Mlimny FINE OS LOCK GF GOODS ronan ner 7 Is Me epared to receive orders for any or all ever fresh and delightful. hung ta purehuee will plese adddreon bly ebrup. Cll wally the Carb ait nie of ttt ‘inl line | ‘The favor with which OUR MUSICAL FRIEND ' reat Houstonville. Eredell Ceanty. No . Wikcus HoreLIN. | MONO MENTS, a been received by the se and the me JOUN Ho DALTON Salsbury, Nov 30, 1X55 ein Pe Sar jung it has won rom the Press, are guarantees of its lay oa ee ee . TABLETS, pe A work me cin ay ntcurate 488 elegant, does ‘ pot existin any other country. The same amount SEIT FETA GEE eae NOTICE. TOMB-TABLES, tr isese We aredlal (un Pegler wares Svea atm Rhy 7 7 a ~ st twenty times what it t ee } i CABARRUS COUNTY. Ve PRE eo Miele * Moore havin moa se and HEAD-STONES: tres” Nanas ac acenence Ralppepe poqrore an assirimnent of Sock init ) COMER G PI nancnh Quarters seniemdiiiars Hage Aenerafiode mente (itupese (adie lareGantine oy uf ANTLES and FURNITURE MARBLE, scnbing to # penodical so cheap, and much needed. (iat, oan creditors of Wo J.M mal Mille ae iene: “ns patup ofthe best material, Quick and Cheap Pieces by the following composers haxe appeared in ROR Kag ve Altied UH WeBaeh orn all persons sod sbted t ofthe above conemrie: —( ; ihe Ruel iemmambers ithe) Oemes dete Hel sees Original Attachment Leried on Land are respecsfally req ne forward and settle oc exon —thg mot istdious shall be selves: Mozart, S. Love’, Wallerstein, Meyerbeer, 1 st rete Wen agement 1 goo practieal man and anexpenenced Flotow, Bugginnller . F. Schubert, Verdi, Donizetti, sp to Bie saushietion ofthe Court that oy og By Pernpt and MivernOs Ritu wil iaye Nis Temeninnrrentiinn ti them mUneisd ey usacd, ‘Thalberg, Balfe, Rossini, J. Weber, e Bacher 1 ve dh Tere IatHimetamntelietee Hee ok Rates HES inlet rea fa Povshing soon He wall bein receipt of SEVERAL Kucken, Speyer. Abt, G. A. Macfarren, Bellini, H. remade ot thm Stale Wit pemadee WY ol Hie IS ge the guten anit aeronite, aid wl The teanaieie | Qylegy tna tistane wil pets, peop Smart Ascher, Crouch. D'Albert, Bishop, Auber, ot the sane: Hosordered by tie Court Ct pute eee ee ear sc Reavalaeac nutes Orders trom a distance will receive prompt atten- | Paesiello, Lindpainter, Beethoven, é&c., &e. All : A : pie dr nas weeks in tie Corot Watch eo ire * ‘ on. and noone shall be dissaustied these preces are within the range of ordinary players iethe pest Perm ot th WUE ato nace for alee! hose odiived (nite ebsen icin. by Note Ar ap P. GRAY, Proprietor, | and singers and are invariably characterized by deli- a fe pent Pern orshie Ces he held fo h a : orecvers Salisbor eh tS Quer leio | n F . unty af brent att Cunet House in ataundl on canisea Le Deke Ae ease UBL : sei . = ens Ee ee A de Apel ees cad He gee ment, aseniy avery shot time will be aiewed be | . . tne 22t ME vaday an Apal wets avd cepted the Bi" page the elation will he nut out far cullen be am j; Our Musical Friend cde \ cal ere, ‘ officer Jesse Ce nls ment willbe rendered sa net him for pl That (lly eat lis published weekly, price 10 cents, and may be or- nifty debt, ruterest and e4 and the lands tevied on wil be seld to satiety the same Witness, No Slongh. Clerk of our said Court at Sa M a: ve SINE, (Oe othee ia Coneord the Ay etrou N Pre. fee $5.50. SALISBURY FEM A LE SCHOOL. cay | Le subscriber will open a Fewar.t the Lutheran Church, March i st son the first Monday of TERMS OF TUITION AS FOLLOWS SPELLING Wiritive Ev Grower vida uu 6w3s SCHOOL at Sali-bary, N. ¢ £6.00 £7.00 #500 £10.00 ~ 00 per and Rewprne. per SF month, and ARiOIMELIC, i and Prit., ASTRONOMY, Mrs SOE Cursisriy and Misie, yomon hs Smithdeal, fae (ey hy Others ndies tn the sitae properten vy further iitermacion will address (ean Nie Ki sons wish the sabsceber at sa varding by Rev Grroseclose J L SMITHDEAL A pddy3net BOOKS FOR SUBSCRIPTION . | ane the Capital Stock of the BANK OF SAL- ISBURY, wall be oy Offiee of Jous Feb. 15, 1859 ued at the T. Snaversin ths place, on the first day of March pext, and weil remain open for twenty days. “The Charter of sed Bank moy be seen there, R A] GALDWELL,) — 4M NESBIT, lee BOR MOORE. z M WHITEHEAD, ¢ = ; SAWDL REEVES, MICIEL BROWN. | = | JAMES E. KERR * Salsbury, Feb 22, 1834 4139 Valuable Gold, Silver and Copper LANDS FOR SALE. ] if AVING He nappented Exeentar of the best Withied Pestament of Miavid WeMickin, deed, Powil sellto u hoaghest bitder at publie sale, on on reditot sin end twelve months on Saturday the 26h day of Mareh aextoon he prem ges, one tite aonb wertoot Gold Hill, 425 ACRES OF LAND. on Powhiech there oa good Dweling. Barn and other Out.) Hoosescafiest-rate Veadow. and grooe Barnin AlsA, cnmmnber of Gold Vers. some of which have been worked profitabiy . oa silver and Lead Ver an whic h sank Sor LOD feet Ais repo and Copper We Sard Lands there has been a shaft here sad te be goed and alae, on which there hos heen some work done recon half acme of thew Known (ald {hill mine, worked by the Gold Hill Mining Conmpany The course ot a@nd vers pres throngh sad tants for the dietanee of three quarters of a inde. Said Londs are alan well trrberes POS — These banda will be cold altogether, or bree several Tracts we the Exeeutormay chink ad viewble on the day of wale BE. MAUNEBY, Executor February &, PR59 dato Mrs, ker reator VARRTIAGE SALE AT THIS (en's Mair Restorer, g the Wair to ite inal color, for ania at TEENDERSON a PA Ntse LICE SSE FOR OFFICE \ dered from any bookseller or periodical dealer. It j will be sent direct from the office of publication atthe ‘following rates, yearly $5; half year $2.50; Clubs, |B copies, S14; 6 copies, #26; 10 copies, B40 per year; saine rates for half year, No subseription | taken for less than 6 months, payable in advance. I. pera of “Our Musical Friend,’ 13° Frankfort \s , New SC. DENTAL ur ic i, SR DR. BESNENT, REMOVED to tue DENTAL ROOMS on the corner formerly occupied by be Bason, where he is prepared ito attend ell operations | ‘Funsinens Jsnc yH 49 SONI™ 4annye .B. SEYMOUR & CO., Proprietors. Feb. 1 arse | | VALUABLE LANDS i} connected with his profession Jan. 1, Isso VATA LE TIA CT OE Wiese? 1 on, FOR SALE. —CARRT \Gl N BL (IES, &(, | Tract contains 292 ACRES. This place is well im- 2768 ACRES of Land tying in Re li HS ith, onthe waters of Crane Willia m mi | proved—the Buildings and Fences are all NEW and \W OULD respectfully inform hie in GOOD CONDITION ; and the open lands are n tf28 E-aere owe BS EU Ee | CINHE subscriber wishes to sell his lands lying on the Beaties’ Ford and Boffaloa Roads, 124 mites offer for sale | West of Salisborv. near Correil’s Mill Creek. The wan County the Lands of k, adjoining | Smiih and | r ithe N Philp Owns, Tenderson others. aboot dy miles toon Selisbiew. nes old iniends sua the CORI Row forms. one-foarth eash. the bolanee public, that} FRESH and as productive as any lands in this sec- ona eredit of one end we vears Apply te he contimes te carry on the }tuon. ‘Phere is ag He sa paltisitract eed me,or ROA Catdwell, Bsq yin Saliebar ‘ 51] GA Jn 10 acre piece of D OTTO ere CE CALDWELL | ( A R RI \( i Ie BU: SI N ESS, Face over 200 acres of Wood Land comprising a great Jan 11, 1859 ER) MON <i lenmdtiteny redtirenchaemnnd) wil detuoussusblesmmnbsrs There is a YOUNG OR- Vibe pleased tos hie weriktaciil wihicwanteebax i CHARD of very select fruit on the place, whieh is ( 1 I A S Ss 7s C | wes de wid, tt enidhandsameVenicless iCullande me. ivorably located in reference to mills, churehes, MPs, & ie | aieneiheands onl thearammen Uo Sant Sing Cueoeimncs, ce 56 bare preptted to execute t oe [roo - OSE McNEE UIE andere ane opening tor their Spin Me ns en the Dem aslesmltmaimer| i a5 1858 ee NE Sales a fresh assoriment ot ll goods in thers { line, both | ry produce Caden ime rch wge nourtaction| DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN. | has For’ Weakness, Wasting and WOTHER CHA every form of Debility, use VOTHER CHANGES! and prompe 6 meontha bayers, bargains rath desecip | BAKER & cc ’S ne "| cassauRy — COD-LIVER OIL onotanty of erveerne tom] EVEL SEMINARY. In offering thar Stoek, they are enabled by om portant changes in Cherr busciess to assare to Cash Sof ther goods: the quality to be resented Physicians have an our stock the moat reliable and popular pharmacist ce / PeTEN ROTOR Arner VinTEN Wy Hal ineeabaNe” FPS thaishia Insvuten iain charge of the TS nse. if fairly tried, will soon restore the tone of See ee Hani re mane ale ae Laat fanaa ton 7 the acgesteve orgnns, invigorate the blood, give find « large supply. comprising sll new aith approved OAD Wiugrsses, Poneapal genera) rotundity to the figure, and add energy to the aerator 5 ! (ws oS { : Innd and nervoussvstem. [ts value has been remar- ST AND A D : Wino, svistunt in the Biterary jahly evidenced by its wonderfal restorative powers, nent and Ma j R , \cher ordinary tonies had been vainly exhausted. Tt b x i Wi SSG, Enstrieto cin : . bare UGssotteo rin Muse, (fords nocrishment to the body when no other ean be ® Veusare inst wtothe op Session borne | furnishes the frame with fat in a truly re- " 2 ' 1 i ton .and fare s the frame with fat in a truly Patent Wedicines. oh Wc seciiies juirkchte araarter F hi bl P fi is Gp ans : . y NaN ' Bottled onty by Sarre ay PPG ‘ mayb ~ NK sALCR RI asnionabie reriumery, | a arene mune promanl ( JOUN C. BAKER & CO., world wey publely wot DP haive sa Yo. lst North Third St., Philadelphia And may be had at all Drag Stores Febrnary sth. bsod mot von want that tanehey TOILETTE, PREPARATIONS, &C. &6. (rete teins Qm:37 which will he farmmbed of the best quality and atthe fry Seeks very lowest prices Wetien as for Me seuahel when dons ant] fectantina te ww tenting STEVENSON & BOWEN, an exarmmation ol am * “ k “ We este rlnhity Sob WILKINSON. 1 hare eu ene & NESMITH,) JOUN © BAKER & CO., ae ay holesale Dealers in No. W54 Verth Third St, Phivlud i} hint t Vet, 1659 ut6 R CGOODS February sth, 185’ ae Febs. 1559 ry D Y e Have Associated with them | Drs. M NEN See, altars L. DANTE LM. ZIMME RMAN, | ae . 1 ' , ¢ f Conoord Male School. ryn l HWE Spring Term comme Marchoist) 1459 ee at ee suka rly Lavcotstoy, N.C, and Removed to the For further information wildrece the Price ps re , ‘ larga Store No d3 North rd St. below Arch, where IAMWES 2 McAUEAY ‘yer aan enthy De Wi tenean an ieceased Stook will be kept, and inducements of- Coneord, Feb) ta, 1859 1 ts t {equal to any House in the trade neapecemia, Jan 25, 1N59 6mo35 Batchelor's Celebrated Hair Dye. Professional Card. Grass and Clover Seed. FRD Grace. Orchard and Blue Grade, Clorer Se ferrals I with a fall assortment ofall kent ‘ Jon Seed e | a.¢.T WE may he fount at h at HENDERSON & ENNISS 1) Corea Hrick Row, when not ab DOR Dying the Hair Black or Brown, for sale ent on Professional business ad?),Now, 18a, =r 12 WENDERSON * ENNISe. Feb. 39, 1850. 1/90 VOR THE WATCHMAN SEASON ABLE Scene how entrancing ? Moonlight is dancing, Stacight is glancing, Brigit waves are gleaming, Sac u)mphs are dreauuug, Lustrously beaming Brave bark is resting, Fearlesslv breasting, Do'phins are playing, Sailor boys praying— ‘Thought ever straying, Yet, ever wounding, Wide as the bounding, Deep ae the sounding, From the Philadelphia Presbyterian Edward Everett as a School-boy Ora- go large in the eye of the public at the present time, that every thing about him is read with interest. Ile was born it Massachusetts, on the I[th of April, 1704, and baptized on the 1oth, by the Rev. Thaddeus Mason Harris, the pastor of the family, a man of more than for his personal worth The following verses were written by Mr Harris, tu be spoken at an ee n by his little friend Edwe was already distinguis! The expression “iittle roan” applies to the colour of Edward Ever February 10, 1859. Do wait Cll Tam bigger you wiki ty hear my part, it will find a cordial response: If there is anything that ¢ ay 1 warm the of sober inantiood, enjoyment which ever Te sits voice heart to the ihe such #4 tes ank, hh vin delight in their “dav o that ie must be world har dened indec 4 who can resist the cheerful influences of a ip Ise compabionship with We Lake on i of inerry chilies nowith ¢ woe alinost apt yroach to envy, it benev-| pity for their nncon- ay Ge ceeds aire ae hot} tnemory with her want “afi wihicels a time rolie ae) paths of Uiat (Funes after picture rises before our im —and when, at Tact the pales broken we feel 1} even eo ebialiied HT te the fade NCES of a hhapp: py fl i all who cau call up six may cloud the present day, Baia the future sorrow and crime are glad in the sunshine of jov je ife “Wustont ties folly —annoved fretted by the touch o and ready te taint at the 1 He; the xephyrs are too rough. the ere too heavy, and she igover peer ( by the perfume of a rose bud recy come—ronse her affections the fires of ler beart—and mark/|rated aud bleeding limbs, or crushed aud her then; how her heart streugthens it- self—how strong is her parpose. Place ber in the heat of battle—give here child, a bird, anything she loves or pities, te protect—and see her, a8 in a relative in- stance, raising her white arms asa sbield, as her own blood crimeons her upturned forehead, praying for life to protect the helpless. Transplant ber in the dark pla- ces of the earth—awaken her energies to action, and her breath becomes a healing -her presence a blessing, She disputes, inch by inch, the stride of the stalking pestilence, when inan, the strong aud brave, shrinks away, pale and te Mistncine daunts her not; she ‘Urs away a life of silent endurance, aud, pe > forward with less timidity than to her bridal. To prosperity she is a bad full imprisoned odors, waiting but for winds of adversity to seatter them oa hroad— pure gold, valuable, but united in the furnace. Tu short, woman ig a raclu—a mystery, the centre from which jradiates the great charm of existence.- Mrs. Anu 8S, Ntoplhe ng. | | . Wye ae we | CURIOSITIES OF FOOD. | That there are curiosities in human food is demonstrated by a single ylance fat any antique or barbarous bill of tare | Mankind has been wonderfully Ivenious | from its infancy, in the concoction of edi [ble varieties, Apart from baked hamean | jthings in Bejee, and broiled tingers in Sumatra, there are sundry culinary fash lous still extant which mast be marve jlously aniatelligible toa conventionalized | Votes Not that it appears strane to feat ducks’ tongues in Cuina, kangaroos’ Ftads an Australia, or the loose covering of {the creat elh’s nose in New Bronswick jNoteven that itis starthug tosee an Es {quimaux eating his datly rations—twenty | pounds in weis ab of flesh and oil—or a! Yakut compe ting in Vorachty with a bow constrictors but who would of red ants in Dirmah, a halt atehbed e in Chita, monkey-catlets ane parot pies! rat Rio Janeiro, and bats in Malabar, on ts and prauie wolves in North polee » Tittle doubt that t sprepadices 2 Shaw ccomtiet. for the Bie slip for the new jjted States there shall also be a Tait relish a stew ‘mangled corpses. When ie got ae within! —_ , TEE ae | Joy to the Admirers | MOUNTAT SCENERY. C| af ) if ble pon ¥ Lage ae GREAT ENGLISH REME DY. OP A FINE HEAD oF | The Scenery of Western Yorth t ga Cys HI on il | 3 SIR JAMES CLABKE’S and Western South Carolina. up his male for a few seconds and looked | ; on an 0 Y il R ' around, and ug seon as he discovered me,! CELEBRATED FEMALE PILLS. | RICH GL SS Al , LY MENKY E, COLTON. Se 4IN! | he laid whip to his tunle and came to- we . —- | Work upon the Sey of the Hs Mhles wl H. L. ROBA RDS, Sh ft : ! y : y. ite 0 fine ( stellow ranges of Mountains will be published ° 7 sreased speed, the loose Ae Talk of beauty, it cnutot exist without a finehead 4 & its fe gen , wards WS with JULES 1 spee b had PROTECTED Rive Ixy LETTERS of hair, then read the following, aud if you ark more early inJanuary. The following will bets contents Or TRE gear rattling and flving about hin. Thad By ROYAL $ACWEAR® PATENT. ‘weciccular around each butte, wud vo one oan Chap. L—tnirnducton ROWAN HOUSE canght np my bridle reins, put spurs to a | doubt. 16 [l— Asheville | ry my horse and dashed off as fast.as iy Prepared from a presersption of Sir J. Clarke, M. D., Physt- prot SSOR WOOD'S HAIR RESTORA-) ‘TL —Routesto reach asheville—the 3 wana- Salisbury, N.C, horse could carry ing; but my movement ofan Baxtravrdlnary & the Qyeen TIVE.—We call the attention of all, old and noe Gap fer ‘tier sete TREO en Mentamtraton econ Wiellonetentettenedlend popes ; pa at Thisiuvaluable medicine is unfailing in the cure of allthose Young, to this wouderful preparcuion, which Carns Hap pe DUCT INCRE . F made no change in his, for still on he ve meddiv ayer eremeens VackiliitaUrigiiiallenorey caviar meeuverent ahead V—The Routes from South Carolina-Sulem lar Hore., in the best style—having in his empley came, withont tarning, or even looking PMhft! 4m stungerous diseases to which the female constitution he EA I : fics ins GEN and ones Gap, Flat Rock, Heudersonville, efficient wssistanis, who are determined no one shall a , US) fj la subject. Lt moderates allexeessand removes allobstructions, © Har ce YUBUD E aah COWEN rte eves SUI Caeats Ut ad Whiteside Mt. and Cashier's Valley go away dixsacatied Have not rented oat or leased 3 Hee r deft. Onr speed goon Reclycurennneoerenee dandraff, iteling, aud all cutaneous erupoous— Cursar's Head, Whiteside Mt and Cashier's Va yee C Have were nied tea i. a right ra i Mi a Pi bee dh were causes ecoutinual flow of the natural fluids; and Chap VIA Route vou Wilkesboro Leva “OLD POINT COMFORT, brought us within hading distance, when TO MAILED LADIES ) : the Wall f the Yudk AV ieee (ire HerON ; 7 ; hence, fused as a regular dressiig for the hair will SEN ‘ BI Ukerbar PPY batam still Proprietor, aud invite the travelling public to mveaver, and almost breathless @nqul- itispecutiarty suited. Tt willin a short time, bring on the preserve rele lor, and keep ittrom filling toextreme Yalleys Lenoirs Ee br’ten ete tocalland partake of the many luxuries our experience ryoof What's the matrer, Gilbert? Oin, aenthly period with regutwity old ageyin allitsvaturalbeauty Weal then upon | Chap VEL Morganton and ite surroundiss the aad faeries enable ue to give them horror! © Muke hie tuddy house, dinner hah battle, price one Dollar, beara the Government Btampo ihe buld, the grey, or diseased in the seal, to une Aa as Hawk's Bill and Pat “ Ke " L. ROBARDS, i hy Bs Wont vc Wil purest Bi itain, to prevent counterfeits it; and surely the young wall not, as they value the yap VIEL —faavile Balls; the Gingercahke Ruel; Nov. 22, nba 26:f YS Montyonery Mad. | CAUTION, Howing locks, or the witening curl, ever be without Nerth Cove aud the Cave. 7 a | These Pills sh nul retukenhy finer during the FIRST be Ls praise is upon the tongue of thousands Chap IX—Phe Vicinity of Mle; the White . cl ies Shien Min al reponse! ia a The Agent for Prat Wool’ Har Restorarive in Stbhur : the Mil Viewast Doves | GELEBRATED VEGETABLE / REE M Progutuey as they are sure to bring , “he vunta » Mountain unin) dude at whee ih Bei an on tuges hub atuny otter time they «re safe N Cae ete eeavel| Ue (way [eee i regard Trane i ati Bh ee vutan; the Mouota CATTLE POWDER says: “Yesterday we were shown a letter | Inwteaesof Neryine and spina Affections, Painin the Back mm Woes Besser, (Conse. Unde, 8, eth Chap. XU—The Mountaing the Bald Mount a tr Jocnnal gentleman in London, 2tl biabs Fatzae on slight exertion, Palpitation of the Hears oe _ Chay SL —Vie French Beowd (iver and the rontan duflaennal gentleman in ON sreceavien cit Wites . under date of datuary 20, to a friend iN otiermenuehave failed, and although a powerful remedy,do daudrufFor scurton my head for mare than a yee & pe Proprictorn inke plensure in offering their Wari Springs 5 Chap NEUE —Pleasant Conntry Ste 112) BEES this city, tromewliich we «nate thetullow: .extesntainiconsealomel, ance vranything hurtfultuthe WS har began te come out, seurtand bairtarerher. L ‘I ae WEN ons i . ' Yesterday IT sivned. they (constitution sawing New Haven piper about Wood's Hair Restore My extract: “Desterd: sive Veyetuble Cattle Powder, ferliog confident that iCis the article tony weeded by the Ayrcultural com. Carseu's on the Catwhes Hattie’ satChuunes ov Shemla at Hickory Nat Gop. Penuland’s ot) blot Reek on Toe Reverin Yaneey ¢ Alewander's and A e " Ute rund is useful in most all diveas fii ag AN ; a verve Navid: nun ! on rok em Vint iN V Rivers the Nauitatas Cows, Houx, and Sheep, en~ verokee Tides Ri Chap XV Py nftementetihs Wrest, 2 tural Mere ante the circulation, producing an alternative , ductions of the Wes mre altura Spouse; e Pills will effect a cure when al Mr. Deavenworth-—Sirs PE bave bees troubled with y, Fall livections accompany each package ative’ as aeure. Leailed at your store on ihe [si of sed ore beithe ta tr a Sule Agent forthe United States and Canada, mR ent) (pcs io senha i Gy thy ote Bb Baira’s onthe Freneh Broad; Atexauder's on the Sword Chap NIV —The Western Counties: Tay wood Jackson. Moco sndCheokees Prreon ee Fr comppany, and we shall at ouee proceed found to my satisfaction it was the thing, removed JOL MOSES, to finish her, having got the money to do (Late LC. Wildwin @ Co.) oo You may say toall Portland, T hope, Rochester, N.Y ere Jong tg pay them a visit in her. PAC HT San DEAD ae SOFC the searfiand new hair bein te grow . ibis now two or Chree saches in length where i wasallaff Lhave great faith it DT owish vou to sead me two bot» tnore by Mr. Post, the bearer of this. f doa't know ben ‘ Agent, w sure ab ills by return ma s any k 8 x S y . For aule hy Wo H.W r vr Salisbur i Os TUG ae Sree te ORS UR ETL TEE yog GEMOSD Cert (cr ameruy Unters oftene ths Puma and Miweett Wid Brewers; Troe tnmth;, Wea (gird tirby. partying che blvd and all eeretions. The Roman Catholic editor of the Bos: | 1y 40 here. Yours with respeet -qiimnals ont TR: oon WEE Die Powder is cecoumended tur berses to be given P RUFUS PRATT ‘ ie vomplasits Veteny Mla : 5 ton Pilot bitterly insists, that, wherever} | Ee RATT cia i Mountains Sem e Peds it plants of Doatenper, Slabbenug, Coughs. | =| ne ; k ¥ Ru vers, Poot-diseases. Glonders, Furey, Gripes and C ent Springs of Stoker: Shoces Sprines; an a Stones be Glin Wie Mtnaie eect wy Saudice and Yetlow Water, diseuses of the kid- Ras ) ney. foandered lores, de Ithere is a Protestant chaplain in the a Privvenmina, Sept 9. i856 PROF WOOD Dearstr) YourMor Reet " oat fnew! te Catholte chaplain, TP he is such a very | is proving tisel beneficial tome, Phe trontanda Tie Work will contain four views of Monntun), (olney be given” in drew of tablespoonfal thee or ’ : eat the back pertofimy head alist lost tt. coyerng—) s four Lines a week mixed with water when drinking rreat friend to equal religious rights sip ( x ceners anda Map Mit Ree en OF euntey, show _ a mactpanp. PF hoeve used bai two half pint) bottles: tig ull Roails, Staies Janes, Stoppiis Macey: Ne rare COWS pose he step over to Romeand induce his of your Restorative, ond now tie topofay head isp te bear pant tv! ' . ; 1 nee ine ail be wet open the best etvle ot the worthy friend the Pope te ordain, that, SISOS CLO Teenie Tp ON enon AGE: va deci au llama pile GOVIKE. Millen cout On feria teghly recon nended for cows. Pu- wherever therg isa Roman Cathohe chap and che front si riven its benefit TE ohave ly Pr wishing coptes, will a . rhlood aod brung them to « healthy | IR | i t tre other pe pur itious wali Vboneti whatever yyy n ie, OS I ‘ball the nipucties of the bedy, in- hain Within the worn ChOTMTMTOTES, There Pthink fomony own person teGunmeudation, [ Ih ; rose Ching a bonberof copies Chbatine Chere ater Wh abd cnapeoving there appetite, ' 5 Hie also shall be a Protestant chaplain. cw tuduce many others te try it Te SCOR Col arian tnckiog them yield Govier the amount of nik, asin ae Louisville Journal. | Yours respee fully, Ro EG eerte ay senenbeo! Hotels, Livery beer condition \ firmer, chatonce ases this pow- ! DE THO SUAS MDa, thls and Springs wii be cuserted upon tly-leaves, den Wil ues meowiioatit Pt should be given ia | CO WE 4N DS E E | No 464 Vine street fhanteaye Wed) a Finuirorti rite dy | doses of at pooutul three times a week, and in Female Normal School, | W.R.WILSON'S | = Jan Lt, aa ected eis on dh, al hela ! Vincesves, Ty. Dune 22, 1853 (he topure siote of the blood and secretions may be High Point, N. C. Rail Road V WWUD asne cee ah at nrirely diaven out 15 MILES WEST. OF GREENSBORO! NE W SHOW C ASK, Keccnatne iaoetie Wiwasee onee ill: NPICES OF ()())) I I\ ANT Te ieee ms mae han kecs ’ 1 rhily Kev NO MORAY. Parvereac, with efficient Assistants A ND the tar w Supple Of cern, that Thavenged tt aud kan ollers to t hot Vftly bene ficlil by avin the powder every ' et , * dayyor dire Lines & week TELE obyeet ct thon Tas rns to prowide fo WATCHES, JEWEL Chat. Thay Paevernl yeurs, been in the ' PELE oby this Paseturion is to pr forthe Y, ae ; TT NS ee horoweh eaueatoon of vou Ladies. and as an addi and a great vanety of @littering tora ives, Aothat hea 4 , vosuchot chem as my desire Charms of new Styles and Fash- er tony other Poknow ft 7~U. Ay t mt powder im reeommesded to be given as Re hex Sere ions, seme of them of the @ AT wad of vi tothe New Brek LAN TIC CABLE rier month . AS JUST RECEIVED \ Isonae ed teens ulcers an the lunge, aod er poye > Mr. Darwin hada passion By ta enw any op Oye ] vin 7 es cw Rivers 4 j Lote) iy be given by mixing tor poms Dr. Brooke makes Ki lavir ur the med ys le Look oud —and ss» the splendid array elt outh i xtur ta a ‘ © ganas. poset (ss Lpouial of ava ; \ ry rey barre! of swill. : vuitnl prove on weaatiin WW. “ i : ; = Wh ; thatmelted bear's grease is at tost refresh ' hres * nee rhe Wado: Hon asa B VRE Iw ul fan HIS N06, i commanding eminence. a 1 sotfivient wutnber Clocks, Walki n th hie band HOW Cu We RGN eG ausarruea iid Amitai Badal ee MAW beat ig Beye Canes, &o. °, ston which wtdrops. Db wed as S - 2 _ S A DON. The Catt ipso rtiicrcions for what atter che testimony of Tippocrates, as to pupils , ol various hinds ba : i ne a ee ; a 2 , , (wan first al Sonia t | 1 eonte rn res and experiments itural Now is th eto bay ot ) ‘i rhe oo ype bo tat Senin ye ) t t aout " e eter jthe thavoar of boiled lug! If squirrels) lhe ycensee Dice. Cute Gu tly Pe 4 Henne me " Sle " ‘ ' soa darge stock of ' He dinie (iain cello, mw OE ire cditwe dn tae aud rats ri the Koons, ties plices fuel We 86 per months wid Lwiil sell Geenry-tive por cent cheaper tha DE OTN Prop re AUD Bevan, ¢ Mine Whe 1 / tx, ¢ bi ans POINTE: WO Tb t Tndies—at a sloth be wood on ther ek Pies, KO RLS per se Vy Languages seach acietes over have been gold ia Saisbury. and Yow Yorks 09 the art NOY Wore Baring Et DES ENA, Yi ert 1 Lote he teed to chicbeas, Ainazson, and elephants’ paws in Seath tis un reasonable Be Lee and fereash, L w eduet 3 pererat, even at these Jaw mut, and Pek Marwet Street. s7 fiowe, VM aban Vis) Ladin: ry “ Ubraeys aid to i kinds of die feathers cn an, Sean , ution requ red ta advance ve Propne- rates ~ wW OH WYATT. Deawe Sansbury, N , At i oo . 7 . thew ( tes keep up a healthy con- Atrica, why should (We cunipbssionate wevers und Papiiadwell together and eat at Came and ace the uew supey of SILVER TEA. ¢ AUN Met helen : » L ! ae we Prehles, an Tine nye ved with Eodian meat and SUCH Paces as lave ttle beech or mutton fi the wee t TABLE SPOONS ne (eG ties <4 “ tn fee i joi Dap ean wn ane Wer tWwaorihoee tres a week v 1 3 1 Tine Kee OA be quite sure that it.as Mon TeYou esofimited means wil be credited NERODLES chat eon be found Tine: Sale cote (it a . SOLD. Wir veen'e and Reta by WH WYATT, RESTO anos Wee wee sanllid) cmeunes ! \ he Vieaeh and pay tort. Sada. Atlanies aiss SILVER PLAULED © AS PORS a . | NI, HERES OS NID (BORO D. eee ie 125 ! i oa jous gnarantied to such or information AH kicdsof Watches, Clocks. Jewry We. pronunt THE LIVER } th. BYVRERY |. wila rerularty, and his rEN for not eating pork, there are rease AL oRES® WWorepured. atthe rt rates, and warruated me 1 Vay soe a | I oO ALL quite as ur hipeachal CS TOAP UHM eas 3 it] eae ASM [fo de eG BEES. Prornir ror twelve montis the p eto ae » /y I ti 0 K A I 0 rR! . , »: { I d . B ildi ! alpaca, weriaids’ tans, bustard, aud ana; Jae 25, broy U3o his sole attent ; Wo WIESE ' Bread, Cakes Pi Tes, ok Ke. ntereste in ul ng i Veutidla.—Zanedan Athenee. SARUM ES SS es ne Compoanied entire Te ‘Gl MS, Vee SS ; Petre snr tin The Subscriber oll attention to their | J.R. VOGLER, ee ee oy | ' | OF SALISBURY ¥ ten ant oe oes TTS West Hill A Sublime Idea.—Viee! sil pussaue | con air : ers a 7 . CU Sister 2 | S On CN ° boone ussor Mitchel’s recent lee R . May ugh ty Be ste ed eat ott muy ede cata a ' a : : a . N. DART & CO., . é i | ‘ ww Tyan coalvnll kyade: of ORNA&S tures tu New York on Ast HOLY, ater | . | . . | SUITES MENTAL Woot WORK. an Mouldings, | ; nporters and Jobhers of (' \ ‘ ve . in HTL. Beards biuitding Bia x WeCl ea mauitacture FRAMES, bpd ful the ublathomable distance [“y AN \ Gq v Sy IL. . [AL ( OL, M. | Wee 2) eae 24 = ASTI > BLINDS, DOORS and SPOKES. A Which He telescope can penetrate 8 8 PRACTICAL MARBLE CUTTER, pee cet eli we cauned, selected Ltaper, will be flap beyond the syste tu whrreh the cart prevolyves, ana vet titled with Independent jsystemis of worlds of iibiine wumovers, | Wats us ToiloWst | Light traverses a Space at the rate ota INOW Mites wb tninate, vet the | erat: free | the tiearest star re pia ath A oo cutnt td The ' m vealed stars Bow die _ Wotelescerape ot 1 feed tavse Greats of Tntey spice, and his 2 tUsalVed thet touiat tthe Milky Way inte stars, covered Herosvstemis of stars t tu dation pomats ollitersie thai ody the { laihkniess beyond When he be eid Clits anagiree wieyss When be saw (ese s¥ stems seattercd fasely throws Out space—whee te reflected Nyro thie i] mivense distance, their chormods tag totude, and the countices miclions of wor that beloroed to thd, it seemed te lin ts tote tae wild dream of the Ger poet Was nore than realised. * God called inauin tis dream inte the j vestibule of heaven, saying, ‘come lith er and I will show thee the glory of wis fouse.” And to his ancels ACI LOM Rtn woout his throne le sad, take lai, stray Tin ot tits robes of thesis; cleanse lim o fis alfections 5 puta new breath ito hi hostrils; but touch not tis aumian hears —the heart that fears and hopes and trem Dies. Ao inement, and it wie done, and the man stood ready for his unknown voy atibbinee of a raredlity Tithe prntotis, tie angel, with sounds cients of treay jsped away from: the en, Some tine onthe mighty angel's Wines tucy fled through Saharas of dark {tress, wi trom a chistance not counted save in the tithinetic of Heaven, and lyht beamed Hpon them—a sleepy thane as seen ture’ a hazy cloud. [na moment the blazing of suns around thetm—a moment. the Wheeling of planets; then came long e- ternities of twilight; then again on the) tight hand and the lett appeared tore Constellations, Ato last the aman sank down, ersing, # Ateel, Tocan go ne far thers let me die down in the grave, and hide ayselt from the iutinitude of the Qniverse, for end there as mone. oo Kav eo? demanded the angwel And Is ftaere me fromthe sittering star, that stone around vere Cate a choral shout, * End there i. none! Steud as of Jed dematide the anvelasaus Sands it tuts that awes Grow! Lan fhe biverse of Cr . Send there is none to er i Kiown is adian ne toqwkward ot eyperrence] pers : pechally tor ehitdren, a reat many of When tawe becom mit dob the vin erusced toa death by the rus vier M ders ty er have theretore been never toa woanvoof th ‘ Tren te ¢ We erat Welie the sin Was ma ' We tye, as Twas its mom rokinge sate i work atvont a lalt rom the aan es A | ‘ testo tiene i it direction and saw adr \ wo boy some twelve or tl etecn years old Wie ‘ ’ eot the Wes oN ‘ tt wearor, just as he mnliteted from the win, and comin towards rie cts fist as the tude could carey ham A! first silt: of hinomy heart palpitated, my frame trem bled. and the cold perspiration: stoor my forcoead, and I tae aes up 1 lace ferness of death. Ato lenuth,| {rriree at SoUsbary same Learee Sahisbury eve 28 Warren Bireat PESPECTRULLY informs the puble, that he New York H LAND FOR S MGIB. Tro ata ates Faah vine a ew ork, has opened a Z stores. and for the EREOWTON OF Uh Scie SOF BUILDINGS, rtfer for wil OR A T O R . | (ie idol BINNS Goll he froma, dar destred Will he pleased to see all his old frends when vis wen eee SY) | red alien te chien ate wise oun ‘ Dhey atin alt ates tthe SP IKES of the Ganesan ning ee ae ; opposite the Macosion Hered, wh Wig Ik sins ; i nos ‘ Poveda patter ‘ felis 1 [a9 Binds Hl 4 ir F eae vere aan Vrs Plant, . ee : 1 Wek re not sitprs ty wuyin the State. SRE NOE: aN DEBT TO Heaps rays rvntl hops er ' A aun al om ts fom: TR ATDOM Pe) _ . ‘ a oe Ww the Murr MrokrED eictine ie ginal leit ercce AWIPIOL HaN ed) Vino fer ine Ghsae MM L i R.X A. MURPHY, TANTS Saeco: es nemse’ (Mee County ke wr am the Walser i Gs esi ttin n ve tan Gree Mille : ¢ r ‘ BE si, AMERICAN MARBLE. “pp het ty . tanh a hide supplyo 1 ne pens Weir i) TPM) 2) Wises oi =, vou) a ai EY M iva 1, DARBY & CO ‘ ore 1 vi) lt 1 teed prices D 3 . i 3 LLL S i | ie Swaeeenon) “Wosme cre ne doretmec ne te ea tila fers tor VM & Meresinintle a) Sheila Nig t= / S Heptony de red Mess - wD A ' \ vihe PERSP DAY ot FEBRE He pater Lal na the bowel NES is ' mR Diva Has ARY PSS) wit be placed eh Sotanottice Heowon t 1 ir lealiug Dye vod r . uu ee Borra (ean ' len Ro A MURPHY lin Sine, 1 ~ sot Ma hear Aisa me ot Ls pertissal ties i } 1 fa rate DRM Nye dai ' sires te mre Wilkesboras roads ja . a ’ a ’ ve cee TT tong ia 35 grag sero 4 the bose Pom eeu. el soonn Pe 25 BARRELS he al gro = Ft Scrat Cee gH DES TS, on ae u bale _ io fhm res ain . Wry FRIEND OF THE HUMAN FAMILY. SURERRING FROM 1 ' 4 , Greensborough Mutual | DSe NEP RipveAs, INSURANCE COMPANY, (0000 0% 00" U0 te ieee gey ee nesxol the Lorna, be, Nem crop New Orleans Mo- RATE ROAD NOTICE eas TO SPRAGUE BROS Saimbury, Dee 13 153 2 COUNTRY MERCHANTS. . 7, ' . NEW, Crrearp UCU This lips oll nee soelemammayed eas ain Rien earurhteninahenvelelcrerniaaicien Davie Coffee, Sugar, Molass en , Noinescinticst! qpmycdin sor casio rssieinine, Mein Wrniesveiba acts. (8. Co umiteiltcenn thee AND . spp van F tyes a0 iene Terabe erty aes Wai Inand deli: atthe Drag Score on Charlottes at Zeverly's “se wom | EXPEDITIONS ROUTE MALAY A pecuMin bot RIOT MRO, Ustelin seta aud ate CaeslueWuekente . CTT SUVS bas Sry hing a teal of S750 92, to Wee in Satiebory 1() Mose ws Now Orleang PRELGTIED POR THE IN TERLOR OF NORTH Ber Mix Water in the th weit the Invt- SGT AGERE SROES STR EBD TEPAIRE @ Bike bse Abts Tyas pre Purana ie LeBel uaciperinership st i Vie rete (OAT ETES \\ Korator, and swallow b ogethe vesita Ms rie the publie. that th with John Fo Cowan [patentee for the man. Baas Rev and Invi lathe PAP RRS Ts one anibipnno thee oe THE LIVER INVIGORATOR she ripany Southend corners ifvevire and «Al » Medicine. ispreparedte 20 Hd ss Muscovace and New Ori. Ballard Waiter siiptis ee. sre nen ete et le $ TENTIFIC MEDICAL DISCOVERY, and ia daily 4h . ‘ ipeny bei in the furnish a supp go hom at Salisbury, N. : ape ae ' ae tte 1 tures we at hy Sia oF AGhEs Sabet, oleate thn iiteiemuch Cooreatling at hat te J 19 tilew west ofthie aa URE LE OCT aerene ae x rs Lars B.D. AOSTIN. i Sdn San ca : . iene enanne: ‘at DIRECTORS: eevee 1s soit ita) SPRAGUE BROS fl | rat James Sloan. MWebar P Mendenhall, 1 Salisbury, Dee 13 ”) facoualraentre | RANPORD & Co. Proprietors, 345 Hrvadvay, New York DP Wvote WY W Witennrle 1. Cole, ded U NT ATE e Age int Stivs dom shur | “4 [ ud bet TOW Dyort & Sone, Philadel ‘ | «+ s GL S) Wels Parilene Gregy, Da wore ¢ Al Mie} TRI- WEEKLY MAIL LINE. . Pe are Gee charge forstornan willie que at Clheenw. At Pawseatick al cage 0 J Woon & Co. St Lonie ‘tt J | TWO HORSE HACKS SL I Scar CS IEG pity a Mn fetal eth y/arirag ciate oes abe reyiees nevuecres 4d) LF: An | ‘ , use a catedtor OS Nhe charges rons ‘ a ‘ | , ; , 7 7 wrrtion of Ferg wl lied ded-int Gre Post ih ex Wo WY VET, Druggist, Salisbury, No ¢ (Spr. Pty ' Prey. Lutnberten, ' many Pl age ip LE From Mocksville, \. (.. to Salisbury, Y. C. i’ ou a Ss SHO ‘ ARI) dlehursim, Wena CHANGE OF SCHEDULE, Raion @ Sipaneedian, | All commamest oocon business connected withthe rom « GE pr Ke ” Aver 10. 1558 ' 5 V7 epy ey OMiee, should be addressed to pe ot a | mt 10 wn | PROSPECTUS Rie vals PAY WRRNTES. secre Salisbury to Asheville. oie iekevillnmvery, Mandives Wednesdayeand | omy : ame) Ue 7 eewery: Monday Inesday pa MII. ITARY G OODS. | OF THE enborough, Nol. May 5, b8o7 tr (' 5. BROWN S LINE OF 4 HORSE 14 P Pow | te s and Swords, Sashes, Belts, Epaulettes. Laces iC AR LQ], [\ A (" |’ LY T IV EN. ‘ MO AVWEVERY DESCRIPTION OF MELITYRA | | | | e wenger Coaches is tow running in counection ee hothe trans on the | i Saturdays at 4 Western North Carolina Rail Road, aA ht ioe nap ks eget timietactaponensiewtiencea ANSON 42Be HOTEL ie ear M vil mn tly PM GOODS! Sent Hs dvinacunthtiiveenitaava anlmetennn ii: Neel diy leaving Salisbury by Rail Road at 5 o'clock A. ML, Poo Praprintor.alea I y0 send Pas VRAIS: G6). “ares week in January next, at Caroma City, No ¢ | IN ony Wednesdays and Fridays, reaching ngers from Moekavilie i any direecion they may . ‘ Phe lives will bes ndependentin all things, Nev Supper on the same days, and with Sea rheesanitaentcniaiNbs tie wis all yeuy | detest (Ss Abn nial State Regatatiinm Nc, vile e” han he bral enoruma ol the pesrrc| SALISBURY ca an detention jes i te PLE ANANT GAR. tore te the inomitams in thatdieetin | SCT YLER. HARTLEY & GRANAW laure wll bediemetral dn aus anal al) ntemnaren bande | ° ° DENS tv Breakyuat. eroseing the BLUE RIDGE s OM eI ay Satan 6 @ Mansion ALES oe F Yo Tt advanee the rateresia of Be outert Harbor: and. epveep cos } j pat noon dav, rng ta the pabtie a fine view of Te ne ae SG POn TAP Te A Ewe tr Re ee J ee os | HEE whens He take« pleasure mannonneing TORI ise cle heari ofthe BLACK MOUNTAIN, HOR AUSTIN, Prornieror. | 19 WAIDEN RANE. really dome Wath thie ders ; will Theale nie Wee ee Fae a et Me Mel ME Mitchell aud Chneman reaching Asheville to Monteeciliee line case | VEW Yor ath cuenniiialt hecenall ea) cli Guterimies eae que te ake le ty a k He) Hotel, | Dinner whieh will hy UT to TEN hours — 4 ‘ etn hei pee tovonorininfanticinininieentariteri ia “ 1 vali Ie . i " e pottinn f advance of any other ronte No expense or paine Untormaton which ean conduce to they CPOE ia. aan oe utenti ANTONE OT! will he spared te moke thie the Meet #TAGR LINKIN +I wish to purchase 20 Aan tOren Heorennahe Inbeteain, Ehewenit oUt acbuwrast ee| ykartieac Me most sh bary ion een eine en ay eon ne Nocaduc: olbeoientl cullyanny | ATEN a= ' ee See felt by every inte heent cuezen a Ssveplans) WATCH-MAKER AND JEWELER, “ict: Aye A net g nto all Powillain every instance refund their ea 10 A0B Lg, Pirate CoS. BROWN, rest CASH preee tur th: Powant them eutatle for NY OUP preeent ee 1 reotn me snd He palin fl can, Tow uid SALISBURY, S.C, | Ue He Gall a nine ry porte: ar andevery comfort is provided in his (SubinaiGee. vbuy guts aad bows tr wenty veara old, rivalarnd departirce of vesse moths port; and ate , ay 4 aRe sud want (wo or © fanmbes at tikely jOne doo below R.A A. Wuphy's Stare, | columns will afird the latest intel renee bath foreum ROOMS. Morvanton, NOC), Ang. 30 et, 185 tra HOLL. ROBARDS . Ki , and domestic Speembeore willbe taken te ‘ His STABLES are ahandantl rialtertiee | ia eh ’ EB PS constantly aint and large aRcortine rnd domestt ‘ a ! Soa mdandy supphed. and at-| 4 Pca rl Tira PUES eae niaion Phe Tiwes will be pabiched every Phoraday, and the proprietor gives hie personal attention | Male and Female Academies W R U Pp > moredin the best maine r and on the mont ison willbe mated to subsernbers for Pwo Dolltre a year, A comfortable OVNEBES rans regalarly te the ‘ c) ‘ a li. ° ‘ I ° nlantieenis " Snvaniably in advance Deaatiaits Ale chreaReAe (Bh coves | Rev WoL. Vex Batos, AM, Principal February 19, 1845 1\3R A.B CHAPIN & CO With thease efforts te tee, a liberal share of the LJ Creery. AJ BO Nasociate : public patronage is confidently wolieted View AOD. Lorrriper, Teacher in Female Depart- u - aL ears Sr Me inn Ci ‘ SWIMMER Zi | ment 2 | heory of Vocal Music, Carolina City, N. (. H seremores Othe DRY Hote, Shen EUES Gotitakin’ Dachorel Meche ond Beets IN SEVEN BFASY LESSONS | July 26th, 1858, Board per session of 21 weeks, with every thing far- Oe rr as . , » | copt lights 4 Wat te ) HI 13 tI X 3 tller, a] a - Puselil Misrcal Werk, Cue Atlante ond North ¢ taRond being John Dooley, Jo nished except light ; #35 0 : | a4 ierinttlenrnasits Aine iri ties Cin vt now completed to Beacronr Hannon. b have deter ; Tritton varies from 6 to ®1S 15 00 CONCORD aN } a4 PIS OFLICE mined to loeate at Carolina City rthe purpose of Ha T MANUFACTURER, AND WHOLESAE! Music on Piano 20 00 a hn Wee an eonnetiaca (ak nal dicaiag |! Waseloi San tro doing 9 DEALER IN HATS, CAPS, PURS, Brcuahein dt ataiinaiieryanenchs 5 00 I arc onset ' FORWARDING AND GEVERAL COMMISSION TRIMMINGS, Ge PALL } The two ' wah thee caliis will pee , ' rita ibe ms 1 BUSINESS the firet Weda in Jannary next Tt iehighly y seca Is Mis iesem ena neds ninhe \ ( \ R I). les palnainedninrampiiiesa nineteen | WAVE w ul sen Ah ae ve and imps that ter the first week or as soon ‘ ' Wow rere | | WAVING mye’ Mer Jou HP your potrerage and support Be h ‘ Ue aay a L cheese anna \ en he Ball trade, and any pre (iva cra) Incted in Inrge buildings, and . . ' Va renile | g . F a ae F v “ ‘ | Murray's Line of First (lie Pachets, pared to offer uimenalindacements te par at a minble a \(Pirding parents an op- Cheese! Cheese!) Cheese! Waviow movedinti th liege new beeok hndding on tothe and MORBAEAQ CULY Bs TAR HD , LE ate a UT SE age g viote vent te the markets and manntactorion ednearion inthe cane cilliae. We have afine appa- s the earner Minit A ANSE treeia, with our be made to make iim Bikeroce navienac Ty, en , + ee any : bho e oe ne vt UDA Wharf ladponine the Tat Road selection of thee atebk 11 Hater myself that long the benefit of the AURORA! CaaS Wied lamiapee ee / Ee ARETE Tes CU TLETS CAR NSH La goed ANAL) MS eae ; eXpenenee enables me to anticipate rhe wante of my We tow have ral large boarding houses open ood R 1 1 ynage ny former cusomera nnd the pub. Wharf Lthereby save CARTAGE and LIGHT x ’ 4 ! 1 ; im) t thet thet Me he rE " frendein Virginia, North Carolina and Tennessee for the aeoommod ition of students, at the low rates law : « “ A h at ‘ ie ndiare ile — ETE LIES A roenlar attention willbe given to all orders A onllia respectfully solicited from my old custom. of 87 per month, and we hope that parents and guar- ™ ‘ ) ‘ m A HENDERSON ‘ " 4 whipment of Produce erannd the puble INO) DOOLEY diane will send asin one hundred and fifty for the Fur wale b ; } i and tothe sale and shipment af Tre Richmond, Va, Sept 2X. 1858 tf2H next arson SPRAGUBP BROS Tan V1, 1859 1149 WILLIAM B GRANT. | Po iSen Guciisoe partientars address the Principal at Sale Dee 19 Is) 9 r SPY TAI 1 : . . . ae 2 WUE TAG LIENS? | BLANK DEEDS All ahinmenta of Produce to I Cotnes Meaney, BLANK WARRANTS Jonceville, Yadkin Co, NC. and Catalogues will be (7 wa . New York, will be forwarded free of Commission ‘ : fent FOR SALE AT JTUIS ORPICLE ORV ALE VAD LEHIS OREIOLE Auguet 3d, ISH tf10 For sale at this O, ce. | Nov 10th, 1858 17.25 ‘ ) —_ — — SU aDREmmceme emer GPECIAL NOTics.. No name of a new subseriber will be entered on onr list, without payment in advance; nor will the paper be sent to anbscribers after the expiration of the \time paid for. : The red x is only intended to indicate that the vear paid for ie about closing ; and to inform thoge who wish to renew their enbscription, that the time hag ar : ___|rived for doing 60. J. J. BRUNER, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR a 3 ® = North Caro lina Rail Road. Appendix to the Report o! the Invesugating Com- mittee. (No. 1.) | Execorve Orricr, Rarsicn, Dec. 10, 1858 | Sin: I received yesterday from Charles Fisher ' Esq., the enclosed letter 1 deem it due to hin! ray ; ' : 2 ss 2 —. { . hic! reel hould ey } that the committee of which you are chairman shouk Xs abe a Of VIRGINIA. all de apprized of his intenuuns, aud therefore send \ . ~ 1 =} ‘MASSACHUSETTS versus > ) \ NUMBER ed ou the letter. Yi 7 Y MAR H 59 4 ~+iv 2s Very respectlully, . wa | \ ( ) | Oe xX V I . SA LISB U R b) N. C = C 8, 18 CG Boston, Febroary 19. lic + TUOMAS ee : | The House Judiciary Committee have N DSON 8. ee paomeeaeceen: - ———— — -_— = regent baa rer pe Sanh = eS rasa oo . 7 aheeee eer the above, I find that the 7 a ‘ = — | reported i resolve granung $1,500 to en- 4 cominittes js wJuint URE, aod tay wot have elected | . ) t § il i [sti Levi cetaid to test es constitution- si 1 e . . rien . achairman, Please lay the Jeter belore the coin pyr 7 A : 3 3 € b q S fa h ami € rele. ality of the Virginia law levying s tax on . cintes when it moots i evoted to Politics, Mews, Agriculture, Internal - mprovements, Commerce, the Arts and Sciences, Morality, and the Family SNe, > { . 0. | a = a ne spew ee = = ee —— = = = + = — — ————————— (No. 2.) | _ ——— = — = aaa aes a . : “4 4°57! ; 0.77 CG Pugsipent’s Orrioe, N. C. It BOSD | No. 6 | 10 chimney pieces in 2ud story, $6 6900! T1565 days work by Tilla, 50 17 50 McLean's, i nh ae “ bee 0 on ‘ace! . ‘07 Sauisnray, Dee. 8, 1855.) | : (No. ) . d MeL btes i spe | ie. Oe “ , , 1.00 35.75 | Gibsonville, |G. M. Isely, Jun. 17, 000) A W \ ) TS 5 250 00 3o¥ . Stagg, | ; WOOD CONTRACTS. | 178 feet of baleooy, ‘ 32.00 | Co's Sl 1D. M. Worth “Sept. 1,57, 3,000 oo To His Excellency, (iov. Braga: ; : N i Deliverabl | 7 windows iu Lasement, 86, 42 00 ns 34 S Alferd, 1,00 os ay i edict J ‘ 6 S. Se xt, w |g t 1. 57' 2,000 Sm:—At the earliest date which ix posuble I Wo Carita st No. of cords. Non iti, Sidouts “$10, 3000; “133 Sandy, 1.00 133.00 | Graham, fies rh ce s ale 1°59! 1,000! Prk opose, by leave of the board of Finds Ones ee ER harles L | artee, } 1,500 Aug. Nov. eG | 308 fect of architrane, 174 ct® 6965 | *% 77 “ Carter, 1.00 77.25 | Haw River, |B. Y. MeAden, — * us ys ne ; dasize to your kxcellency, for the use of duateaumdl ui Niewy , WERy, Benjumin Sumuer, if 1,000 and May, 1857. ‘ San arch ' ie ji Penola 80 00 | “153 “ Greene, 1.00 153 00 ; Mebanes’, Is. A. White, May, 3 38) ,000 ably : Seerelt report of the affairs uf this com | Feb, 1, 1856, Jos. Me Sanith, 524 Feb. 0. om 2 } ik PSA ESC) LE SME SERIO as 110 00 | w 109 “ W. Lackey, 1.00 109 00 | Hillsboro’, J. D. Cameron, “Sept. 1, °56 8,000! 241,80 pir pany, embracing Varoua statements, abstracts and Jan, 7, N. M. Vinson, 1,500 Jan. 1, “ at) front steps, ee ee ' 1. ene 1.00 yo || beri lr A. Sugg, “ \Apr. 21 56 1,000) 00 tables. To prepare these latter bemy a dabor ol! yy,¢ 22, 1455 Wim. Carpenter, 60 June 1, 1856 2 buttresses, lo, “g 00 “ 404 “ J. Betane, 3.00 40.50 | Morrisville, IC. P. Wilder, st K det. 6°57) 1,000} 275,79 some inagmitude for the office corps (nota barge . © Semon) Clipe 200 Mar. 30, % 2 pair steps uf 7 treads, $i, - 120 7 Sencar 100 eK) 85 | Raleigh, 3. D. Hardie, Frt. |Aug. 1828. 2,000) 1,607.06 to there regular duties, whieh they | ell vaca reo Peete ae z | 3 ) es = ants Ty s 8,) 3,000 023,56 . pete eet can it a ecessary Chat they Jan. 23, 1856, N.G. Guly, 100 Catt, 20, 1657. WING OF HOTEL. , Oates i“ Hauling, own wagon, 376 87 | is 6 fe . ie a 2 etl oe 1 L 814,40 Sorat Wearable mine tw aleud lone work, (Wee. 7, 1855, 1. Pilkinton, 200 1, 1856. ; amy) © 2 Ditlerent men, (a day now and then) — 22 00 | Stallings’, [b..31 . F rilips, | uly, 1357.) 000 ; sey ine Chenier tls Janu. 1, 1856, Jo, Ingram, suo, BST 480 fort of framing in basement, $2, 237 i } = 7 : Hauling by G. Andrews, 17.50 | Smithfield, — |IL, Millander, “ |Aug. 2,56) 1,000, 750.60 y the honor to be = < ae 37 ; i , 9 _ FY vue obedient wuvanty = 4 = Jolin 1. Johnsen, 300 es eo : ‘UME OM ase ) * 3k s W. A. Kilpatrick 2 horses, 875 | Boon Hill, |W. Hastings, “ |Apr.27,'65| 800, 282.55 i i CLAS. F. FISHER, President.) Mad, Jo. Inyvam, 800 a 1" | 2483 ; ‘ OE ig . cs ae 50 00 | Carey's P. O,|A. F. Page, “| no bond. | 112,72 a os ; - ne W. Thastings, 800 C3 1, “ 14 windows in—2ud story, $10, be a rn “ “ 3 ¢ 21 00 | Goldsboro’, 1, B. Griswold “Oct. 23,°58 3,000) 2,601,18 : wy Kenon Daa ede sos. 1 jee WIL Whitley, 1000" 1, & | 10 : It i. co ab col UC “ W. Steele, 2“ _5 00 | Balnnce due from Agents now out 5 4 Chas. F. Fisher, 1:39., Weg Vesa 20 ae La a ‘ ne “ ee ie oot foe Ss W.H. Moore, 2“ ie 87 | _ office: 300} 1,018.19 ’ President of the N.C. RR. Company — a Viomas J. Paucett, U0 an ’ ae a aa “a4 “ Ss 4“ 5 0 Smithfield, R. Fulghum, | Sone | R55 ne W “ D> 56 6 : > i > 12, 36 00 “ g 4 § 5 ’ G 3,000} 5,279,62 Sir:—The undersigned having been appoints ‘iit 0 Bene I oA AY dates, ioe _ } 1858. | . ie : : i fae at 2” 00 o 7 : 3 3 00 Goldsboro’, W. H. Woodard, | ’ fd dd ) be joint committee of the General Assenibly, now ing bee fo 1 Rod Ne ei 1,200 ; : 1857. 2 ne at , , Ate “ 4ip fA Stagg, dump cart, »1 25 | Haw River, R. W. Hamlet, (no i 825,80 ny sevgion, to Inquire into wid report upon the Liat fel Wa James M. Sanith, 1.500 ‘ b. 19, Pa ae pe ht 96 00 “oa. ce sacols Adatns. 11 50 bond,) | * . n- cial management and pros of the N © alent 2 ® JM Seales. dr, 12,000 an ih, e 60 feet base 510, : ‘ 3 a RVs ’ 4150 | - pee _ — e, road Company, have organized and ane teady tol Bob 1 ™ WooTE MeCallers, 2,000 Feb. 1 « 8 windows in basement, $6, ; aS 00 ° 41 ce oC ile fey aaa 1 ee STEN sen asus nea 9 a : enter upon the duties assigned thems. hatin cons | pa 10 baa & Richardson, 1,000 Jan Ih, oe 2 ve cs 2 of them ontside, $13, 36 00 10 v ye eo) el wate canal. by se erie prt) Micvansesnionont ‘and amount recetoed, t 62 An sideration of your letter of the Mth inst adelressed ! pg os Ve de MOH owu » 16 és 1 xen) to semen ee, 25 00 “ + One (1) O35 wie One woud wus finished, e0 that he coudd travel free and expeditiously to ey to Gov. Bragg, and by bin tansinitted to this cont vis NY () (Gunite, 300 “ 1, = | For shelving, &e, in dining pantry, 25 00 | “ 384 “ J Fruit, 50 . 5 | meeting. a a eS in mittee, we have resolved to postpon the « : mY abst DEER | . OTTO eto ninehieinu nid oud stories $4 lin 40 | “ 6 Months for self, 234 V0 1850. | No. 1852. } a mencement of the investigation ull the dtl of Jaa ute ie: . USNs ; CUR a | : a ane ae 450| “ 23 “ Strayboro, Grosston and others, |Shares ee be ‘ Was ail) Hein, SS SS OES, 100. Apnl of, 1856 3 quarter rouna pust, eh, | BY 28 50 = Gehiddealdtanel AEE toes uary next. p ies ; : ogg time on time book, 285 DY STOCKBOLDERS. | || BY STOCKHOLDERS. 3 Ko enable us to make the investica proposed Aan. 5, 1RO6, 1. Beonean, 12,000 0 Jan, 15, 1857 BACK PORCH. et b || 40 Means, 40 \ ‘ oe) 7 . : 6 eG ae _C. Means, | - it is necessary ty have the books « pratiy 24189 Willis dolinson, 150 ih, Oko ene) €56 10 $2,210 86 ; | 106 Elli 6 ore d we therelore tequest you, with yours © §, 1806 Nathaniel doner 12000 Dee. 25, Bs 2A Uo rectal (nile Foy vena ' Juo. I. Shaver, Ss ry pee ie i i ts ie " - Low i) 2 i é Io; re ; ‘ ia i " 5 BOO dat ; 1X3 W345 sheeting aud shingling, €24, 23 37 Credit his account—charge shops constructor. Ore Theo, bh Vert, | 106 Davis, 20 eb Aut >. mi ae sete ee ated ; ete 74 80 >. F. F., Pres. har | 0 T.J. Wilson, (Salem co.) | 245 Governors olive, tin the capital at boclock, | es : \ Teraltied 8.0 “ 10 3 lsvu flooring : . iF. Fries, | 80 T. J. &, ‘ a on the 4th January ext with all the byohs ofthe a \ a | ion " $30 “ 7 “ 102“ boxing and cornice, 50 cents, 51 00 | Accoust For Junk, 1857: | J. W. Thomas, 81 Thomas, 81 company he bonds given by office and eu ae Bee eNotes - : P Hing and Damnsters 60 cents, 147 00 ; 1 . is ; bey haat a nate We Nera Acai 2 wp © EV Tombnson, 1.600 “9% | LON railing and oe isters 50 cents => 00 | To Furnishing timber, making and delivering at wood shed J.M. Morehead, 180 Morehead, ye : K ployees of the computry W Ret . 5 mw 5 : wo | 18 coluinys and expr 4, g ee $178 50 | Joho A. Gilmer, 81 Jones, edie ae o ie Vio die PA. Page, sUU 1. enna 25 U0 25.500 uf 2 It. shaved boards, a tpiiaget | 20 Holt 20 aac it 1g he ouoemtty (nlc the remus cats (a, bys Ce aN thirisnt, 100 i SUG me “9 Nt i eammenn ce x IR AN enj. Trolinger, Holt, . uke het oe : Z ME : J us | i i‘ \ oe : ‘ TOU Mayen WelsoG J pvar steps, 15 treads and rises, &e., a 00 2 pair a va at, Lire by Company yoo Wik Gtabere’ ao sacrders #0 : on reterred ta, ty exarane your by-laws, the | iy AL Morgan, May , f lee ‘ ie ally ; 3 A ¥ ’ Bt ceedings of all the Ba TALD UNS UNE er) ES IE oe Jolin W. Brasincton, 1000 Jan, 1, 1854 ¢ i: ian : | me 2 o 18 50 | “ 2 shirts 1.50, 1 pair shoes from Worth 1.80, 30 BM Seine, iso Hite. ia : "i ai canl dligeiectn ul wt hook = anid papers ot re fil, M. Sensor, 300 o 1. S Y25 towt como, F 5 oo | Gaal paid for taking up thump out of foundation, 100 | A. J. DeRossett, i , a 4 ay cone us wy pertori tally a HUty aster t As Cel hiwande 100 May 1, 1856 1 Lest es ae lieder 20 40. | Getting and delivering 30 large rock for wood shed, 10 ov | A. T. Jerkins, | 116 Gilmer, ; eynve vou this caddy totice, bere ‘ 994 feet of face and mnoulding, sents, x ee A; wears Be a len ‘at REET ach (HSI hoy Wiley M thot, 200 ie Ls Moe a "i i , an : al slunuline in front house, 24, 168 50 | “ 37 picees tinber 8 « 8, 18 feet long for eugine rah lMiloao, 959 . ronzing the General A- : 1, Goad. Athan, Bi diy oy Se ray 0 56 42 | shed, 40, ° ’ Py Dae are eal 21% WD). Carlton, 300) Jan. 1, 1837 237 in wing, 2 a } Getting 25 10 feet sills, 30 7 50 | Ho | Lo. 3 - : ; 2.000 ” ] o | loo hip shingling, 20 BD | nea , : i 24 BY STOCKHOLDERS. | BY STATE. 1d Bee 1s AMA chit a } ue Walley 20 12 40 | ” 4 candies from Worth to salt pork, Wie ican ' 40 W. H. Washington 20 complying wrth this request — -- | me . 2 vr. bracketted, 2 22) 75 1858 : + U, Meal oo i y to ive you w@ Peasotiaboe ti prepare ton thee 43,5124 a . Sones ae aie , t low 60 fu i keg white lead from McRae’'s order of C. F. F., 3 00 | ie ie Ellis, | an See rice pd quiry lonerally at ®E.25 per com | a ceva se . ae ‘ 7 3 00 | D. A. Davis, : Q 5 re on Very respecttally ; Generally aC BE 25 per cord \ 424 Of guiters, 20 84 80 | Cash paid beygrves for watching plauk, Sco || Te Bake x 80 Kobert Strange, 00 bs . ‘ | e ss m P. K. Harden for plaster for foundry, 2 00 | pee) ea 5 n {Signed by the tucnitets ot Me eouumitter | \ Sian 3) | SACL PORCH: | J. W. Thomas, | 81 Ss. F.F hillips, - Drawers Onl NC TR Roma | Decewurk 21st, 1858 #226 34 | J. M. Morehead, | 180 N. G. Rand, ; . Bee ian oes i Dudley & Ashl yx work on Supertutend nts House: | 93x7 of flaonny, 90 48 Credit bis account, C.F. F., Pres. | John A. Gilmer, ay cS A ae 10 . ~ © 8602 fect of therm, 4 $147 68 | 2an7 * framing, ee ben OcronER: | Cad. Jones, | OR A Bele Gastiemes. [hiave lad the if SUAS MANE OSs vnetine i GRO O: 73 84 | Tr nnaeanilcnh TSO 0U ACCOUNT FOR OCTOBER : | E. M. Holt, 20 a this hour, yvouttect: fecte Cae VSRUsl aoS tit iire lise v SULLA | . 546 73 ee a as vouwili= asi din beta? 11560 att ceiling yotst, 2, 51 20 | 24S feet ot ne keted cornice, 2¢ ve Cs To 150$ days work by men, 150 Be ae ila ay ; ‘Apeembly to euajuire ante ated report 2360" i pevitl, 5120 | 224 sotht, oops cs Cocks 1 ty Wht : S nanealeonditon geueralinanarenentacd prospects (25600 % sheeting and shingling, 34, 89 6U | 1302 framing, 2 30104 “97 “ Sup. self, 4u 50 | A.T. Jerkins, | 116; BY. STOCK. < ] Gt the Nerttncen a Kavvoud Compa iBgo “ partivons, 2, 33 80 | e452 “extra framing 1p wibg roof, 45 U4 * 30 “ With two horse wagons, 75 00 Fries, 50 x 1 T noticed the nO MVE TR I ae) cormiee, | 10, and brackets, 242 00 | aa Rel 6 “ Dump eart, 9 UO \ 794 Hill, so e i bees we mus fireze, 25 cls, ot 25 | eee $6,711 08 “10 wb Topping trees, 15 00 leaded At 180 4 i Me fowl Loni : atientilachion (oot es ee gutter, 15 ets, $3 75 | Approved, « redit their account, C.F. F. OF) “ Hewing umber, 13150 in “es ie reene aa aie de tirwt story, 14, 140,008) eee . : arc ; our at y : ae erry ge 1 a vecunu cs 12 156 00 | Estimate Dudley and Axhely—work done at Com. Shops: Accouxt FoR NOVEMBER : | 330 OU : : f | —— a ee ; 7 the same, ‘The tre & duors in first story brick wall, 12}, 98 00 Furnishing and laying 308,092 brick, a 46 Yo 179 days work by men, $179 00 1854 No. i 1855. | No. in attendance ot nee | 5 oi wood wal, 11, 55 00 | Carpenter s work as per bills, Vt Je Saye = feels 12 50 Shares. |! Shares. . I consider ’ 1 front door 25 00 = = e moe win |=<=—seo ——————— ts % : Pe Gs “ “a horse wagons, 7 B BY STATE. the Hoar et Wudeore nd secondistocyabrick) wallal.2, 48.00 | Total amount store louse, $5,015 22 40¢ ‘ ice Uetie GEE soseel ce BY STATE. | ee F ) 134 Hewing tinter 20 2 Fisher | 10 P.C. Cameron, 33 tio) touching Tas tiatics C3 “ wood wall, 11 44.00 | 60.580 biek in one smatl house, and 4 ; a i - tat) - 4 , “ 37 50 Meba 48 Pe tae Net ONT ee 2 2 5 : ) $605 80 25 Sup. self, ‘ Strange, | 1 Giles Mebane, | veetioane Iso State work. tls 2 stairs cases, 70 and 30, 120 60 foundation in second, wail | 2 Bellamy, 5 | ei a vl ey ee Bo clombey pieces 3, 40 00 Carpenter's work on 8 sinal| houses as Account FoR DECEMBER = iid , | 5 Dortch 20 ¢ ge eet ec a Slsnire a Aatar 3,520 00 ok, b, clearly may be ad o Qo teet of raking cornice, Le ov | per coutract, es Feed nese eey ken 8256 75 | Julin Berry, | 0 Hawkins, 92 | pleasa Tain quite su 4 pair steps, anc 3 verandas, 390 00 ar Pg a ) M 750 |G.S8 Stevenson, O Shaver, 314 prompt “ SRY feet vase, 15 ots, 132 30 | Total of small houses, 4,125 80 “ hewing posts, : ai , Dick 13 F ) i | y pe S F092 75 “9 “ * 1 + wy . 1 2 MI $10. $1,502 7 I by Cook 10 50 | Hargrave, | 20 Dic you eve aid Fitting avd banging 23 window blinds, 23 OU | $150,275 brick in Mooi M house at F o 3 “ ) : 0.50 | Dorteb 20 Largrave, 20 CE a ee ‘ . = | Carpenter's Dill as per contract, 1,400 00 27 * by self, super., 405 ortch, grave, ° ! pressn MCG eas Hee Bite ye $2,153 62 | Total amount of M of M house, 2,902 75 “32 “ by two horse wagon, ee bs 58 | 644 quiry post A Approved, credit their account, FF. | Work done by the day up to the Ist of ua 3 “ by three © lu The report, which 1 sy in ' | } Neel 4 $1,459 90 “9 “ by four “ 10 00 \\ ee pares RGEe Es area ‘| lhe day to the close , “8g a by dump cart, 8 62 BY STOCK. | \\ BY STOCK. my necessary absence! Dudley cd Ashley's work on Captain Allen's [louse : | eee vy the day up to the s ARSE eee | Rien | 114 Fisher, 10 Punable to ive itty time ated a a of 1856, 1555 3: ne suas ahaa noel to make it mea short tine, bat had t 3415 feet of flooring at B4, $136 60 | Word done on temporary dwellings, 41 40 , Caps 2 e bedi “ | fe oo es posed it could be of vale to your conmmitivg 6X HKO3 framing at 2, 174 28 | : — Credit his account—charge shops construction. 4 Saunders, - : gece ae Pas cept perhaps asa statement lor enquiry wud teler- y “ sheeting at 4, 90 72: ) Patan henlas) 6,056 63 (Oh 19105 JA Morehead, | . McRae On sod A Gs aa “ cornice aud frege at 1, Ne ay Account rendercd tor smoke louse, 20 00 Account ror JULY; | a | \ LE eR ee nese ee vee | 22.790 brick in, chitnneys to. wood 9475 | = —— oe ae ” CH : ay ; ISER Pres't 8 witelows in first story 14, 112 00 Narlelyticees 227 90 To 134% days work, by men, $1: 2 1856, No. Amount |) No. days : M Joxatnay W ae ——- 10 second V2, 120 v0 | . — De OT s Cook, 13 50 |'Shares, | Received. i Service. ‘s bs JO A o . - eras $4 _ NO RCRS Anes eae at Susaiatiibaiasinse | patie diseeee ane gentlemen of Committee SelOnrenimite tir fist ntory al2, 60 00 | $18,348 30 “ 2 GS Haukng with two horse wagon, 66 25 | — oe \ : sy ) outside 29.12 FF 00 | Seed Laite ye “97 ws Supr. for self, 40 50 , i 2 | 4, Credit account, Cc. F. F. I Dick. | 12% 8440) 8 (No. 4) 1 sats GY) 36 00 | “20 “ Toys, 1s : | 48 64 90) 8 : 3 : = 1 | E eae fy Ey , 525 | Mebane, | | P Nig Benuse, S.C. Jan. 11th, 1859 i Fes oragnnll kay 1s 43 00 | (No. 8.) 3h With Dump Cart, Giatee 38; 40 90 1 ue . " on 5 , a ( a8 “ : 3 00 5 2 J. Wortn. Hsq.. Chinn ot Committee & \ (eras ; 10, Ae 4 | Raceron, January 20, 1859. 2 One horse wagon, Hawkins, 92! Le oo! 8 . ti bs inet te na a ee 724 ; re : hes at = 108 60 | Mr Joxatian Wort, Chairman, &c Account For AUGUST? ela . i at ne = ; on of the 6th inet. a ris ie ‘ mase 15 ets., : : _. Pa e . aryrav \| | y the settlement with Mes-ra dC } closet under states, 10 00 | Dan Str: Yours of 19ch inst, is before me. Mr. McKnight spoke To 172} days work by Men, bait res Belleny : i} 5 129 80 6 contractors on the North Carolina Rathrowd, was 17 (eet Ulinds= fer Ht We and banging, 17 00 | to Mr. Mebane and myself about doing the brick-work of the boarding ~ 26 @ Cook, Pee Deak ' ii 20! 86 aa 5 4 tasde) UY 8 Cu ull CLs heal ik ue uae Ppt steps Niet vans 2 00 | house and wished to see the pian and know whether he would have 26 bed Supr. for self, ; 00 us | \ accurdanes with an order ot the beard of ditecter —— =~ | the job, &e. Ava time of a necting of the Board of Directors of the “45 ts With two horse wagon, 112 50 sao! a Seal a Seat nino aie] 1 B1291 18 | NC Railroad, Mr. Mebane and myself went to the office, and in “ 43} 2 With Dump Cart, 65 61 | | consequence of this order, the ehiof eugincer | N.C, » Mr. ; : , ' facut C . : t pet cadntine te Sil ae Biante Ge (ear KITCHEN HOUSE : formed the President of the fact that Mr. MeNight had spoken to us; “5 ‘ One horse GET) ry a BY sTOcK. \ | be] aware of and the only connection [had with it was) 3360 feet framing €14, $50 90 and we wished to see the plans and yive him sume answer. In reply, Co Bi Topping trees, aes aoel ; : ; ti i at the request of the president fo assist in miatk- | 1000 weather boarding 2, zu 00 the President merely stated that whenever Mr. McNight wished lo see RECOUNT OW SxPTEMBEAT [ge i 114, 110 00, 8 : ing out some. statement relative to the ace mut x40 slanyiing 2 21 00 the plan, he intaht call on him (the President), and get what infor . Gannderst 20) 14 40, 4 = and to appear Iwdtore: the committee and answer g yg thoonms 16 00 mation be desired, and more dn his manner Wian i his word, let us To 1993 days work by men, 199 75 McRae Ca. 885 18 40: 2 such questions as was asked, none of wie deta | g windows, $2 telits, 10016 lass, 18 00 feel that that was his business, and that he did not wish any interfer- “26 “ Cook, 13 00 = x A aR ral = Kol ae eae: a tls ae | $ sloors, of 4 pannel, Gf, 26 00 enee, The interview. was short, and Mr. Mebane and myself deter “324 “ ‘Two horse wagons, 81 25 1857. Sh: ce erg ‘a Lh , see SMES MULLER, | 2 clumney pres, 1s 00 Ininead to have no inore todo with the building of the boarding house. | «26 * Supr. for self, ayy = Ni as ocr Saale Jee li) SE | an ee fies & CULES 6 50 TL have never been consulted about it, and can give you ho informa: “ 30 “s Dump Cart, 45 00 BY STATE. | | (No. 3.) | 60 boxing mid cornice 25 cents, 15 00 tion more than you can derive from books, contracts, estimnates, de., “ 16h “ Topping trees, 24 75 | Cameron, | 38% 41 po ; (e paton, 8. C., Jan, 12, 1859 aoe on file in the office. Respectfully, — Mebane 48 39 , ; MARIESTON dan | $176 40 | F. FRIES. $1,117 12 Bellamy, | 5, 169 80, 6 c eee ee te i ar chaser h | Kitehen poreh | From 1856 To Decemper, 1858 : Dortch, | 20, 12400; 6 - y 36 stan noreply wave oO! o ‘ : : : . i say that T disapprove of wuels tls mvoreang bg Usha Cg: ais a Of | ee To furnishing material, digging and walling 10 feet diame- aes | i oy He ‘ } Messrs Jolin © McRae & ¢ nv the North Ca Front por Ne Fa | North CR. R. Company, i aceount with Jus. G. Moore Tee CRN taralerone gar LE ede feculhiewdtwaterigivens haver - Le : lina Rail Road The masoney for the bridge over Changing window toa door, i \ @ ae “Ax WO Dick, 4 , the Nense and thefeulverts, were badly bail The stair case . 50 00 | Ion ae is 524 feet deep, at $22, ad ’ ee Hargrave, 20 4180 «5 o culvert, which ave away and caused the acewlent, | , ees eC woke iy en To furnishing material and digging well on Robert’s Lot, 75 00 Ls | x resulting in the death ot Mr. Holland, the conduc $1,704 338 | a ip CO 1 eh 00. we y Site betas =97 43 | Fo furnishing material and digging well on Boarding | 549 : tor of the frewht Gain, recenved any parieular con enndt ead tieie ceentit CEE | Dat : rane : Wien 75 00 | ‘ anata cal (henedn NG denies SGulliae, sire) SY PDMeDGE GhERITISY Disa) a Ait, 34000 Jun. 1, “Sills, 134093 | To furnishing “ “Capt, Allen’s Lot, 75 VO MTAETOCK! r PLAT SSN a nae ieee) Tk tr Decewnen 21, 1858. le a © 360 (0 May 3, © Work atshope, 1,500 58 | To “Supt. house 15 00 | biter | 10R rebuilt. The track wens go neta vadly and | Kutinate on Dudley é Aadely's work on Hotei— Front | june 30,“ 26000 June 30, do. do, 65112 | 1 ns i “ Teecelsteots 7500 |" , | ik Pang, From the begin: the completion of the uy se Ah, oo 200 00-1858 ie) Saunders, 2 73 1 6 track, there was a constant rite between the en Buildang. AD Ata hy, 0 HSER, Teg eo || i Geib, rock, lime, sand and labor, build 444 yards lnpete 11489 60) 8 ) gincer and the contractors, they repeatedly refused 6640 feet of framing in first aud second story #2, $132 80 Siete “aw 30000. © do, LSep 1856, 522 12 | rock under tank, ; V1 25 | (Baril 20 2100; 3 to obey the orders of the engincen, and it was with (6768 ceiling joist 2, 125 26) 7 a Paid MeCalla, eo Serews & Locks. 27 69 | Tu cash paid G. Andrews, for digging 1,432 feet ditch, 2} . | MeRae ' 885 180 60. 6 the greatest difficulty that T cpuld get them to de gg00 root 2, 132.00} yxa7 per order, 63330 © © & arshopsin 1x56, 870 32 Gen, 35 77 | * i penne a aay of Me ee tes wait BY2R SS partivgn th tirst story 2, 64 58 | Aaa ny 10. A ; ‘ann o “oe . Ce aon ca) To cash paid W. A. Kirkpatrick, for four large stone for 1 oC | 1,147 iar e no recollection of making any written res gy. : i 5 77 08 arch o, “* , | ! Baa) D a . 1 00 oe 3354 * second 25 a ay fie oe eG : | foundry, 1858 | | nort 49 the board of directors i regard: to The tars Bel ip dm, Paid Judge Glass, . 2 ons 5 | eo fi Bi Nie i het Meh & ‘ ee pi E280 basement 2 cents, 25 60 \ Ruffin, 107500 work at shops, 11070 | To cash paid for 18 serub brooms, for shops, 2.70 BY ATATEY | | frequently apprised the board of the trou! leaned! 192 © stare wail 2 cents, 3 84 ie Of o 50000) " * f table furniture, 45 1R | To furnishing maternal wand digging 7 feet square well, and os 1. M. Barringer, ‘ 38 00 4 5 difliculty wis | Avene then behavienr was| 1012" aupport lor Fil) OF CMAKCS 30°24) May 1%,‘ ir 50u OU) 4h leaning wcll in Are | and taking out all timber, 22 feet head water, $7 per foot, 322 00 Garteront : 38 15 20 5 hea ; ar tre 262 92) «Paid Holt. 56-7, is = ; : such that Thro all jaisanial iatremisc Ui, SOO! flooring 1 first and pecan Pikes? EDs vy Me Murray f Co, 439 work at ahope 6 92,002 72 | Bellamy. | 5 111 20) 6 them, and communicated iy WE Sty 4 windows that reach the floor 11, ae July 22," R00 00 montha, 1N57, 1,815 25 | . ae “| Deortch, \ 20, 6600; 5 ) ae ne ne ; 7 i . 11, og WO | One ah 1.00000, © © © do. do, 1,473.00 | Credit his account. Cab. Feylares I Toye 12 31 40; «7 aave no recollection that) E7was consulted by Neroatud a ‘ . 2600! \, 41000 “ * « "tf , 226 34 | e d the committee of the board appointed to settle the 2 eked ttle DE 50 00 Novis! Sere ee me ete neha | ; | Hargrave, 20 60 00) 6 ) Aiseaeten dentine delve Ne Wes 2 doors outside with side and head lights 25, a IRR Eon On Or SE its (No. 11) | Mebane 48 18 00) 1 oO SOF Mesars. Joti we ae 8 00 Oe Gh, hy months, 22 5 . : | ’ count between the company ang. their contractors i eee oT ere Tien2 a 00 | ey 30, 1,500 00) do do, Indebtedness of Agents on North: Carolina Railroad at the | Uawkvus, ie 40 bel : was 80 frequently referred to in connection with * inside with head lyhts 12, © May 31, R00 00 for board ‘56 Nou : - | Shaver, 314, 75 8 ‘ communications to the beard, from them, that I 2 without head lights 11, oe a hae ia, 1.000 00 : | end of the month of December, 1858 : ee ull \ have no doubt every member of the board was tar 1 sliding door, 50 00 Noy, 26,“ 500 00 $15,950 78 | 554 1 nished with its detail 10 chimney pieces in first story f, 60 00 | Dec 25, ‘! ace’t shops Date of — Penal Amount | | : a r Ss : r Vey nt of the acc OF 1 stair case, 120 00 | oe ee RA domber Calle | bonds ty. Due | ae \| ee ee ee We) | 812 | Chariotte, A.W. Welch, Agt. May 15,°58 89,000 2,020.24 | Gorell, 20; 38 40| 7 Cen fen nec iditammuesny ria eee ee” ae ey a | To balance, vaso | Warnsburg, © Win. Johnston, dan 1,759 1,000 87.59 | Saunders, 20; 68 00) 7 ‘ ry as to the motive for taking the settlement oat ot 6 windows in second reaches the Ol nee ap SieeaTee ever py bal bn dice Aer 71 | Concord, Jolin C. Young, “ jApr. 11°56 2,000 293.68 | Fiaher, | 126 } my hands ; 1 inferred it was done at the solicitation a = one ie oe pet a aces Salisbury, J. A, Werrman, “May, 1858, 3,000 7,044.93 | Alexander McRae, | 885, 132 40) 4 : of the contractors, and probably with the view of 10 doors in second story with head lights, 120 00 | So Holtabury, Steph. Roberts, “ no bond e200 Se tirieat 14 38 40. 4 ‘ relieving me of a position, in which my motives [s u “without, 55 00 | (No. . ; | Lexington W. B. Dusenbury, “ no bond 37.49 ees =| | mei ie muned as [had no personal intercourse 2" “ « with side and bead lights, ws es | North Carolina Railroad Company tm account with Jae. | pomasville, 1. L. Thomas, Sept. 1°57 2,000) 180.61 | 1165 ) the contractors : ‘. oe 3 oS Ry eee ee . es aga very respeetfally, | u en ne 5 00 G. Moore, from January Let to June 30th, 1857 + | Tight Point, A.V anes sale Ug ie Pie | No. of days by all, in 1856—71, amount paid —01.004 . “ WALTER GWYNN door | ; } ' sen an | damestuwn, |W. LI. Reece, “Sept 157 i “ “ “ 1867—71 ; “ O é Hon. Jonathan Worth c ee : 1 window frame to bareiment, 2 60 | To 150 days work by W. 1. Adams, $1,00 $150 00 | ( ensboro’, J. B. Baleley “ Apr. 29,°86 2,000! 462,42 “ “ “ 1858 —69 ; oo 726 80 Soe Oe aie! B07 feet of base in xecond story, 10 cts., 80 70 “783 . Jacob Summers, 1.00 82 00 | : ae ‘ s a, 2 (No. 13.) Western North Carolina Railroad Company In account with North-Carolina R. I. Company 1857 June 80, To fre't at Salisbury station, $ 1,869.41 do Ase 14 do do Dec’r. ba ae do 1858. Jun. 19, & 92 cords wood, | Transporting 2 trom Goldsboro’ to Salis engines 201.29 654.41 40.00" hury, G0.00 July, 1.) Amt pad Richardson for S . J. Watson, 180.08 4,“ Transporting 1010 tons iran, Pa cee Aidrich’s order on | J.C. Turner, cl’ fen’ yr, “Transporting materials, & Work at shops in 1857, 6.00 2,500.00 38,000.00 28 37 a do do Sos; 400.51 “ FretatSalisbury station, V7TT.72 “ do do in June, 4,251.26 Paid Tunstall & Dor o Jorut passenger shied, ‘Transporting two (2) en AY Jo Dept ign eines trou Goldsboru’ to 200.00 Salisbury, 9V.00 us Transporting 2 passenger cars trom Goldsboro” to Salisbury, 60.00 * Freight at Salisbury in July, 375.60 Ditto, Anguet, Ditto, September, Ditto, Ocfber, Ditto, November, 25 zug ou 1.508.338 © 500 sills in April, Dee. 31. Work at shops to date, DOSS 1elst0s $51.54 53 $21,243.63 1857. | Dec. 2h, “ Back charges of freight turned over at Salisbury, to date, 4 <= | Gr ! . 81, By cash in Sept, stomach. & Le freight recerved at Salis Dee. 209002 2 QOO.00 , $25,043.15 323,948.15 bury station to date, 836.384 2,336 34 im Rai Balance due Ist Jan, 1859, £21, 603.81 From the President of the North- arolina Rail road a reply te the Report of the Chairman of the Jout Committee on te Nor th-Curolina iad road. - Ravrign, Februi 14th, 1859. tthe Senate How. Hexry T. Cr ven, Speaker Sip :—Tt is with extreme reluctance that 1 propase ach trouble the Senate with a com: cation fering te tiey ottcial re > with th North-Carolina Railroad, but tas requied ty iis pes wards the D rectory, the State, aid the stockholder as well as due to tiyselt ys tice, that Labould noner a report lately made by Mr dena Wath chairman of a committee to exatiine inte the aifaars and + 1 fot corporat nh - Early in the mont] Wort! v the Senate t December last, Mr fy te exatiie 1s a Resolution to appx fairs of the North Car vad Compan include other roads) afm committees was raised and Mi Werth we made chatrma: The first notilication fo me ofits + and purpose was bya er from the chairman ot date December Pstho and recered the 22d > wluch letter, with ny reply therets hohe report Acc the request of cr, deonveved te Raleneh from the office of tue North-Carcinin d atthe Company shepe. alt ihe portant vouchers, pap Lo books of the corportiou, and caused the reagurer and the Seen as to present thenselves witli t 1 attendaner on the committe: h tat the rdesiy 4 hk ol January 4¢hdaer Viet aud here Tostated tothe cba td readit tog Otis eka ' dopetepated the expressions ot my letter— that it would 14 gteat pleusnte to i 1 voany queans i my power At ZT ocleck tie and Mr Mile atte y temporary of fice in Ralergh—n roverbor s other. 0 posed to Use as Bis committen root the papers were a aud rematied i couversatou periare OW Ven \ 1 lis plan ot ex- V . ranv Ya ‘ t > se \ noaeh ws\s wal reenter as we i epied thts ives } sultona plan tor ad le rahi Rerved. sepMi thie t LESTE eS watenial, rw tip pos sible to eamiw a as Wa aie, bat bes thea tat apd Impartial exal My \ } puny yale sogh a yelsiade dis- eveatyipartialingurv. amda iitthad Been tiv tte nie ieqaire® regular } vid Devethallow: vou tes per A ytead just examination: here are all Cie pa Hse, a : retase plain them— ‘ Jucas T mevnoned ebe tla rears See Inconvenient ate pportune one ty < Nt Wout great hinder the busi - nora we otters tie “ave he sure from it; that a> to mvt ty t 1 ric Get tendence there. i ‘ ss ' woauhany time desired, it~ eb , that any questions for intern Carr ! atid s {ote un vetantiy replied ma Wiiat were i js From that myht tu Ue + af this ecamination, uw Hh a boaks were discharged. ne x quest his heen of ny t ie The chairman beyoas sacher vow nee He says. age |e (1) delivered into the ' ' toe papers Ae i eee eae e greatly mistook iny acti at anv Tine have ~ ble records wreolou WV uty ‘ acu defivered 1 hands Headed ony permission to take to bis oer the Journal of the Boaid, winch Ttreety ac questing their caretal keeping.) ent of as appeared later, w was fis first error of usin Ins custody, He eave. ot toy statement ed that be attend to dns duties on thet neither asked his 7 made the chservations tioned by me above. have corte tM cho the chairman was net ail at lie —the ceeond wast sects t acd ensent. ote be absent. tor ' dues abel atte: to my The chamman exaggerated w tureughout These are unumiportant things except as <lowir s total micapprehen sion of our relative positions, and pari Phe proper jursuiecton, On the second week of the chart FY Twas closely engaged in making out my Report of Janu 20th, te the Gavettor the informa- tion of the General Assembly —and was ollied to have the aid of thes cretary, Who le book reper in makin up my nancial statement The charrinan dwelt : s examination. Hea? By lack of my Books ot bin todo with these except tor final compar Dteaseertarn ther correctness ?—Was he to eramine the Roan. by my statements 7 or was het ft payinents—the affaurs of ti reference to the audited souchers ¢ of receypts, and then test the 1 no counection with these correrthiess of my book papers excey had in Raley throngh wh since the Bist sear at the corporate operation received and paid gutall monies, as bis account fanibar with every insportant transaction. and able t to dose How t Secretary, he creat ie Oy) desired information. he else delaved for want of the and theretore i On Saturday coeni7ant of Tweit | and asked how fie was pre the secretary with dos boot =. and firs atlas The secret from Jus statements b pled the treasurer, the cidestatheer on td wt qent the After leaving the ¢ journal of the Bos report, and directed the seeretary t ‘ train On Monday I recen+ & folliaw Tact oy secretin s Mr Cras F Fisurr The con pans Dear Svv na Ratiros rested in tne mitte Koes Seat pst tw \ of your book book The conarittes requce that your A this cornimitter w tile a your shop books attend with ik 4 ih next The committee « ' me eG ta fore them hy 41 Yours reepecnt JW Mr. Weet hac preserted to tr ew tar ' cogumning He proceedir {tte t cline to send it la reply to this T wrote one of the « would be laid before the body jas taliow Sarimsrieny, J vesterdey on Dear Sir, LT received or pug Whe er Worth, chairinan of vour conn ties lie Wont soe Dave beer pon wW hie Frenik heeper show w should T “Talos and t valua- Ippreciate } &e. I do te return; but eNaet somner Moseqieter Gh Utts uN HER DOW bee The x bt the hands had passed every voucher Whe had Who ought to be the Treasorer aing « M ary (gas marr, Txt} le “9 Cas amended te ter from Mr Uns Mr that iy red them to avy Cortat papers and sare time ren a4 courtesy, Tins ave considered all e committee consent- le apreeng te return.” ascertain the same by amount retary hae clvurman I } | | and my object in writing this is to ask whether such has been the case with the other members of the comurittee When Mr Worth wrote to me frst, as your ecbairman, T replied to his letter on the iustant, esgurring hiu of my cordial aid in your labors I bas- tened to deliver, accotding to his request, the material of the office for your examination, aud alse placed at the service of the committee, the of- livers who could explain these papers and books, and also made a tender ot mv own assistance when desired. The treasurer aud secretary were in Raleigh ull Satarday evening the dint week, 1 went: there fivmt bome, twice in the week, beri present sther, three days, Last: week the scopetany, Whos the ouly tian in the office having clr of its daily work, was obliged to see a ltde to tus regular dates, and Later, 1 found his aid bsahle to euable ie to pertect the financial and statistical tables. of Minds iy report. The treasarer diean ts was Uiere un attendance on your Committee, atid esis surely able to gave you any information desired — hes personal iio w ledge oF Une bersanese ¢ xtetding back to tie beydinning, white tie secretary dias been ci otlas bata short tine [ Was coyaged on the te the week, and could not go to Ralengh tli Saturday inert, whet Inuch to my astonishment. that your hatvoiat had proposed vi the Senate a resolution to anthorze the sending for persons and papers, thereby citupatang what was tar fron the fet, dat there existed any diliculty im obtauwing either or both. Upon this followe the Tette ‘ and character, seem tome to lack both courtesy wad: good fenipe Thave vives Mr. Worth no reason to address mein this) way, but on ‘ {au extreme measure enelosed, which int the contrary, died consid veel te have observe ob Lberabity and respect toward! tim. Ele moved in the Senate an inves: teaton, Without warrant of kaw in bis opinion, and Po hould: have been eutirely right om requiring a wave rate, to be rade in the tiost full and cou pete muibner, Wtiade at Bat, Dhave allowed a desultory enquiry ty rn weed Withedt plan arc suchas maght d the road prejudice atel could tesalt tone fall uted andtuy of its destory and condiGen, tor the mason that bwelbhaew what the committes at onee peroerved-—the cnpossrbilety ol what t chacdinan had proposed Tt would have given aie wi austachon to have remained in) Raleysh Pattendance ou every meet of Vour body, bot fam sure a moments reflection would satsty any one of tie impossibility of my dein so. A railroad is always in need of the vilant personal acention of who ever is wnecharge, but specially so i che tirst days of the vear, Whe everything has to be re artanved promptly or highly dangerwus contusion results could lave neglected to attend vour body. ty [tis quite impossible | } would Pyspeet tur genUetien Culnpesitie rindden thas t as well as iy sell-respeet ave Another tin fins oecirred tome, too, just at this pimeture, in the labor of riah 1 ton detaik forthe use of this Lagastature, I com taak prone vit he accounts of the first six months fallen ether Towrire <toexplan te you, for the mtortmation of the commmttee, how Thave been geeunieil atul to express ia regret that Your chairman secu to have tallen a : his nasapy elegsied i respeet tO my merce and thet of the seerebury. aod that te: las se cotirely misconterved my desite te de whatever ¢ Your engiry fully. Your obedicut servant CHAS. FO FISHER. ELD. Drake, Psy Ou Saturday the ehsirman had proposed in the Se hate a resolution to thonize dit te send for persous and papers and to eater inden oath rime the next week Powae wholly ceenpied in niyent ereragetents PeVistlie Ey te t The thenday t wing bowent te Paden, and alates fe ia ter aud iG proceediies, the chain having giver ca MN el at Beat 28d tecallin attendance, Seeme one of the t if] I dhe would dome the favor fo ask the chatean w \ tL econld again see the committee Tle saw the chanimian i ' Wetepiy trot damn. that Peould only mane ANY “eNp lara | ed tedumke, in woting—whereapon P addrensed t Haemian this teste Rareion, Wedtesday, Jan 26, 1800 Joxatiys Wears | Se On MM I ' efor the pase of attending : vo ii ‘ ear atv thing ob your t tect Tten ‘ Mio Goeven te do tne the laver to enquire wl n \ I ld hosee (he cor Chik He on tte tue ited t tosee Tan ca \ owas t Maine ay ¢ ule \ ‘ BL VOT foe Prone se 4d ‘ Mat " at TSN nent 1 ' toa to Waste time ae} L ure tt vou Whether Pat to under= stain fooppertanity of seeing: the committee Near I ! lon of whats understood by the tern oN | atv ANIA GH you , it tere tall Tues ‘ A (CHE, We leila: on W t assembled the committee. and bernie fo Phyo Sa et ' wee TP presente veoh and enquired \ was ty i ob vited toda se, Lappeat ed before the ' WE peesent oneat the tew tages this had lier ist \ The comrnittec iby views ob the ex traor a Vo Colitse it e charman inthis Whole proceeding, ated men ni plossun re bpaierients of iinpottanee, niuch to I dnb pessoually present with: ther re, | ‘ ‘ \ that | ‘ t thie papers and toch = » tan Vetremoys Woher discharge they should -ci re ha ' Viten -oune wou. being about ta retire ti 4 \ ders tauial ] ot 1} fanvlaet on ot trove ‘ fant tut t end Vo papers { ke where Vn 1 Tie ha rand themed ob the « tee obs vould | yossbde to reeorimence t | I t We not si nel mn tee he tata ! secretary handed t er tlite Jaw ony et tr 1 Raceren, Jannay 2 1359 Mi 10 W= Mites / » I a t N ( ta Ratroad pousent \ ait ‘ t toett at t ‘ Oo 1 Ca i} ( Vong the nat " Hiviediie as sea fist of tie der : ay ere eat bs eet = t ‘ \ th 1 viet u M 1M Stal Hot \\ in tore Monday xt Yoours pespe \ JOU ATH AN WORTH, Chinen Tow 1 Wa Parey 33) Poo) iN ww W tine! ‘ IN Wee OS : ory, hat ort a ora Udeta ' Pthe debts due tothe N CLR. ER. ¢ a veu in any t tothe ty ' You were appointed as cla booba coud ‘ pop Yourewn Prepesition) to conduct t ‘ sien. Ye had a eo paper Pooks and mien of thee eflics well as of the brour veut service ane call, sinee the bth ast. the vootverrrequismon, PE othered ny aud nthe beeinmme. end repeat Vv osince. have never yet proposed to ME vine omatrey for ved ft acthough as in this case, ask my suborwiiates ot matters of w Poould have best tuforticd ve Taye tuade to his Exe tl the Crovernor a Report tor the iotornia tion of the Lagielature, tet fer the purpose ot att vou tater to! your report. beeause it wa Toatitest duty to vil onmb your own fallinvestgations, Y rye Waiter etal discharge to the of fieetnen, their papers and books ou the 22d Thiave last week sta ted to Vouremtaitiattes onvietion, Chat thia discharge was pretiatiuse Ine NCE uw Wal ject and that peotacespting it, | aie \ thems ef 1 T now say here, that desire ts torn Vaur attention ty ‘ itien-ot the condition and atlas of as te the st the compa toa direct cuepainy ' I paAny ahireet jury for tre there tine, t uruse all my pay 1 aid—-aul that at the othe yp te Mo taking my teportas a basis of exatiuation, and sec waoether or ne cr CIOS he Fisttistt The next day the chaiman addressed me this Rapesay, February lst. i Ciymres FL Bisiter, sq Trew Soo Vie cotniattee invest rating the affaire of the N beth oot poe tos foyer, the treasarer of the cor th Carolina 1 pean the book-heeper, to appear betore them at Poclocko pom. en Thorday next. then and there to ena ed statement of the debts dae te the North Carolia ba } Speeding the name of the wndividual or cor- ar th debt and produeimy the avidence of such debt alse ati? tthe deb \ eats seamed te wer each debt wc Yemeni up t statements to the same perod to wiih these accounts were Drousdit Vour beport tothe Goverber of the 20th dan i We tucl Tout the stenue (ine, witha. {8 pl sn seted ven the Toth of Inly Wioen have i (eee ty Trlr Pale hte eased wh \ 1 \ othe datee date wath the warrant) aide Wi a Pps vee \ ' tu JONATITAN WORTH, Chin Pee lictlss ‘ Cioet bectide ready by the tune speenied P rok and papers beret Whiel they cau be tuade out | WN ci Orne Nem Carine Rattroap Co. Cosiwsy 2suors, Pel v, Ixn0 4 Joxsvrias Worrn I Oe , dre wmv starnng trom Rakesh, vou hatin ; ! \ ! ur ‘ hei ‘ Verepoet Psa tha: | fee ' ! he as ow wal po oid ‘ 4 i Nati tial ' as Vou Be 4 prod yy - Va fone oF i ‘ i “ thea ' 1 ' ! Wasa derions findrance at a season al wa “ Vib 4} ' net ‘Waeu \ : ten and papers a ! tl { fee i aar Ptherm te ‘ tisand papers subject toy exat ‘ {othe ot wna Kat (a ae nN ROW vial cherger en I wave voura 4 ‘ vou Nt ye ue na ‘ has fhadl thse va I mn ) 1 th ‘ feat the ty Sit muy AY Wat eh dy vor ] ‘ would dd ve tomy predecessor theter er avi If tus ae your parpew now Two at eearn pack up the oMuce aon. tents and tak mdown te Ralogh Otherwise Daball decline to reaarry then ft ' | ver piace, where they are constantly required for use adatoms \ As to the statements and lists enumerated in your letter, I have given in my report such bs was deem- ed necessary. Your examination if it had been ful- ly made, would have faruished all of these tn de- tail, and any examination hereafter may do so. shall give in the nex€ annual report to the stockhol- ders a more detailed statement: of vld debts paid from each warrant My cngagenrests @re iret such as to allow me to give you such an one now, even il I considered it aeoessary aud proper to do so. Respectfully, CHAS. F. FISHER, This closed the correspoudence of the chairman abd myself not much, [dare say, to the regret of either Tinust here correct another litte mistake in his He does not furnish iy last letuer above, report, but says “At the tme appomted having received ua an- ewer fromm Mr. Fisher, davee inembers of the com- mittee attended at the place appoitited, when Mr. Fisher tol™ one of them, Dr. Mills, that he refused any further iavestgation on the subject. Being satisfied that we should be unable to report betore the end of the session, owe fook the steps necessa ry to coerce the atteudtince of the Prestdent and book-ke per, we resulved to report Ue tacts we had obtained Here is a statement posit not tell Mr. Mills * that Tre Tdid sed any further dives ely bot correct tization on the subject, batl replied to anu inquiry of Mr. Mills, that Thad) written and sent to the clioraiau what Po had to say, which was that I should dechue to resconvey the office to Raleigh except ou The chairman talks about coerce the attendance of the he very well knows is notsetise the condihou taenteued ii miy letter steps necessary to &e.” whie bat whieh may do president to impress some as to fis consequence Tins staterment tarnishes, according to my best recollection, @ correct and tall aecount of what bas occurred between the chainnan and nayselh Ttisa dull detail, bat necessary toa proper understanding, Ttorn new to the repent ot the chairtinan, wlich he, with great candor, cauls the cesult of an onperfect inquary, y lonw, that, warned by Iny review of Pits document is so vi tsexatmnple, Tshalbendeayor to taaks tas bretas posible and [pledyce iy set to show athe hos tos-<tated whether ignortantiy or in tentional’y tet the tacts every statement wi show, ever’ Trabusaction aud the makes, (CUNCLEUED NEXT WEEK, ] From the Standard. SUB MIDEAVE STE Tile J SWBACIES! To Meo COR) Bisher Steecent conmmimnication: in res ply Co the veport ot tha Ctra ot the t n toittee on the No 4 [think Mai Fisher has done mit [ stared tothe committee that Puunidterstood Mio Fisher te retuse in tolina Raa vistier reat qu Substance any further sayestivation on Tahd not eave Mr Biber. preeise la | sul geet statement to the comuniiee, as b thought ww 1 he rather uyuriet wort Ut i wWeetalel bee rather a reflection ou liu, but a SOULS jure fer at, T now tin tuanner and place, precisely give. a> it occurred Pie ecomtmttee were qu sted by our Chairman fo ussemible at 4 bh. PUM oat astua tien RY 1 wt been ta ed ty Mr Fist for ee OU oat previous tentang: Us Mice BstOL preate . pied bw w tatally Vise t { 1 Uv ¢ MAL Peqiie Prue te see Mit aed ach where ow j othe transaction of | : | hom il Mr Fister int ie ee Toad beet ted bw Mr h WowWhert ' Worthiel Comiy nsaet t that thiee of the wttee tind araived, und 1 pre strcacel thie vot Wes oe t ‘ He stated that fects t v ol Written a letter to Worth one thie sataent ot ’ itement Lstepped oatot i Nee wu vUi bed] tn roomy Where Dowas Vestine W Solis feu thernen = M er passed t { bested Juacza. and tired ' ‘ I { soo amet hie read W Whettia ‘ a dd——d 1! tle sed 1 wonld be ron tute Wath? Is bois abr fiepers ct ' ham. He farther sta a Oe ver books and papers up to the cornpa pee adie Lanier ot some GOor SU tile ‘ , Ter desired to. they miubt woop there amd lave the use Of tis papers. Dat Chia books IE bei el state t lf atid deave t ' ‘ va t eral ‘ a c fe at then ‘ ‘ t aHOW nV fa , ' pete ag, Ww 1 Vos ivy sy ee NEL From the Gree r J BAe 9 Ta contr a) Cr BF, Bisier. I Neath Cas I C 1 ud xed to Hl Hear ( = t ~ tt ere asta ‘ 1 His Tee st { U Whoot are ineorreet a taat on after elcid Aaiaself a wa Mie eNposures OF the J ott ] Miki bye forte laew car abet ae Into my wt Hen 1 Prva North Ci i Tene bet I wont ' 1 tiny PTR es 1 UP SSI AVEEE NIE, Pros PeNT (CLE Grreensborg , § ' From the Sa Bonner Se «a bx Buittor of the Standard pin Tn eral Saturday I fied a © Sfatenent ie ny ae wolhotier where Para mot ye naily k ’ Tostnrpits ys Hee t \ Tused any - WN \ Sas therein alice At bes pretended: a xar Towards tie tettibers ot this inittee even ad My owns yo fal Hiden this anyguae The reply inde MEM cas briefly (foe the Train was aboot start wi Td writted 11 Mf Worth what Thad te sa nly on the cond thoas named world Dresc the Other papers & books te Ralerh—and adds verowill rerneriber Mr. Malls. vour Chatrmnan hoe geo tally disehary ed then by letter, whine Johan Tome have mlilevgiisc: tlt tlic: Goncimiren mur nine pets anal: plieation, after this dish acl boenecennucti ac the examination : and t nty did Tallow the pa pers andl hooks to be removed Mr. Mills mis-states the whole matter —and only gives soomimeloot troth ae relieves at trom a tote Tsrepresen tation Tostiit what contidenes die to the accuracy of tie st toed tative whe berms place Del ative Connmittee, failer ‘ t od Devdeeted ite mertitys also orityeeds 1 then steed atu stam cenise K ‘ ba eireriaah by its charinan i eats 1 own inquest of factyy whether 10 was trae or talse ust or unjust CME Th ESAS IRE PS to above Ts aver! s ep tane alent these stuallinatvers, Toappend here a bret t COP. Misoesinart whieh ialso are ply Me Miowas othended at omy sheht references fedntnin the reply to Meo Chactian Worth Efe had no partion dar ven, fo ally twas not any de thy part t entionlineatall and Edad ne ethan rete hoofly te] wt hin h Vege ert ove Vrordinnate ariel cgest en passinf that oot the Resad inl he het reosuchoa Chairman of power to have hes me ryt nohand and te have taken ne Tittle trouble te explain fa what he t to have understood tally sor at toast t fed toe as a frend woold have done der hit as a trier the ad Vatration so far ashe remamed in oie, TP pres poof any infor Thation Wanted He anys Toregret that at tem rte defend elf avait the exposures of t ee. Mr Fiaher should have found ate eessa wasn Deters WANS eX posares This sounds a good deal like Mr. M was i fthe chanuans party flatters hinaself i + oul aca haven at ' why ath I " ‘ 1 wesaik ft It ) enetit Could he ' oility i ve etrnete Wiembecudaet Mi Mo knows thie wall anperflae parade about what nobody bas reterred to oe qestion be taste offieal tat as te hon orahle vioet Ptave on Htanion in saving AS it as tto give even the Devil iy that Theleve hes aeconnte always have heen and are eet Whe Anditng Committee are suffi cently vigilant of all that Bot Mr Miowoold make the pubhe’ believe he mean injured rman New the tacts are-—I heard that Me Mobad Verod © hetle bhvete , behind my back, and wrote himself unnecessary trouble in taking offence with- out reason, but if he insisted opon being insulted, | should pass by Greensboro’ next morning, and Would with pleasure, stop lon enough to give him ‘any satisfaction he wanted. I did stop next day as long as my time would admit, but Mr. M. did pot /come down to see me. My offer was repeated to {him since, but he only wrote me an uncivi! reply for my courtesy in offering, what most men are prompt to require if they feel aggrieved —and with res OUT IN a Non iny obliging offer before him, he cx Face whieh no gentleman would disgrace hiusell by tnaking. | T consider myself therefore entirely justified in paayiog that Mr. Mendenhall has treated me, upon ithe whole. very shabbily, first and last, aud) has ;shown limgelf to be both a very anewil and ungen- | demanty person,—but still, as Tmake, on principle, jo ditt: Fagyrieved by me, 1 wall not neglect hin ithe wishes any notice CHAS. F. FISHER. chee between men who consider thenisel ves | aE CAROLINA WATCHMAN. SACU EET RO A { TURSDAY EVENING, MARCH S, 1850. 6-27 We are again indebted to Mr By-the way, we design publishing his speech, Vasce for public documents. alluded to in our last paper, 80 seen as we can finish up seme otter uiatters now on hand. one The cer appears on our table highly improy ed Ir the best coming to our office. iweekly Petersburg Intellien is one of Newspapers osse The Legislature of Missouri las made whoappropriation of $2.g0u to the Moant Vernon fuod this paper, the Re ier We finish, in ; pratet the the N. ¢ ot Mr remmaiider of that reply shall appear in Tivestizating Committee on Re. Road, and give alse, a part Fishers reply to the same COREE TENG We Interested world advise Chose of the affairs of omr readers Wn ul, te PReservie Hiese: Copiits et our patpeny ab muy be oof seme use hereatter comparing one With Che other, the respec tive tuenits atid dloetenits of tie doecunent aided to, Gest a oper ow fia ti ye es clearness. te Reportar tue € suant tee, de Wa penteer as We bs acer dt Is, We thok, geod ioaiteerity os aie dics Wooes, Pi wasasinueh thers era day feomake ce trae aa Vjast repeat, as it ts tiie datyoof a jury ina Court te brine a puest The © they find them of record, wee fepert fete its Mr. Fisis erogives a distory of those tacte, with ex of planations cirethaustances attending then Phe reader can be his own as te the snticieney or insutficcer the reply The dith sifess sect fo be Vtles vrowing outot this ta thickentny s and beven Oy the wrole, that there is almost as mach Mist new, on very linportant pout, as was sik: weeks Nevertiieless, we look clearing ap, indomueh wood wa the resol confidently forward toon complete of the investication, We hope the re will be no stopping short of thar Corruption in Uigh Placea—the Pre xedint convicted of aiding inthe pire heisse of cotesx —The special Committee on nas val contracts and expenditures, have brought ino uiajority and minority reports the majornty report alledwing that Wonses” have been practised in Beal lari Hosdepartment; and the minority report charges the President of basing given bis sanction aid: approval te a scheme for securing the election of Mr. Florence, ia Peunsy Iwata, by use of the public money inawarding a heavy contract to the firm of Mernck & Son, in order to secure the votes of their 450 operatives. The scheme succeeded — Florence got the votes of these operatives and was elected. Ocha Der The Raleigh Standard, we oliserve, publishes Mr. Fisher's reply to the Report It would have been in better order to have given of the Investigating Committee. the Committee's Report first, and then , 0 the reply We have laid out that course for ourself, in regard to this basiness, be e cause it seems tous fair to all; and we fool to Standard adopting a different and one sided course tor itself. We and Charlotte know whether the to concerned intends be understood as Patriot to publish the Greensboro’ Whig intend notice Mr. Fisher's reply after the Comiunittee’s Report; and the Fayettes ite Observer ia giving the substance of both. This seems tons right and fair, and we shall regret tosee the Standard pursuing a different course —. School Fechibition Mr. A. W. Owens, teacher of our male school, gave a pub eextlibition of bie pupils on Friday eve The atiendance was good, comprising, in the ning last, at the Temperance Tall, main, the parents and friends of the pu- pila. The oceasion was both novel and intereating. The exercises consisted chief, | ly of short patriotic speeches, with now dicrona nature. The little enacters in all these perform: | 6 him that he had given! sneer, evinced aptitude and study, did themselves and teacher credit. to stimulate learning As a and improvement, such EXercises doubtless protitable —the yood results de- jpending in no small degree on the selec- matter employed by the youths neds are tion of the for this purpose. — The Coal Leegion of AV. C.—We see in the Daily Glebe of March 8, an able speech from the Hon, Joun A. Gunmen, (in Committee of the whole,) advocating the location of a Government foundry at the Coaltields in Chatham. We shall, at our earliest’ couvenience, publish this speech, which, whilst it does justice to | ail ; : : hour State as a mineral region possessing i psuperior advantages for the proposed es ‘tablishinent, is highly creditable to Mr ‘Gilmer as one of her representatives in the National Congress. H “7 i FOR THE “WATCHMAN” Ma. Environ | Some months ago Lcommenced preparing asenies of lectures on the “Explanation of the Alma- vac,” with « view to raise mouey for the endowment Aerdemy, Plens ofa Professorship in Western Carolina now North Carofina College.) locuted ut Mt Pa the Southern States aud lecture : My object was to travel through some of and subwequeut!y if deemed practicable, ta publich these lectures, afier erevision. in book form, Wut axmy conection with this Toscitution bas ceased, P have relinquished the projected enterprize Twill now let the public have the benefit of at leant some of these lectures Should they, bewever, be fiund suthevently iterestipg, aud ineet with favor, Tomay publsh them in book form at same future period L peg the reader to bearin mud that these lectures were hastily prepared duniog my teisare momenis, and with a view (@ make them level to the compre My anny WM GURIAKD henson of the Common unud struction not literary display Explanation of the Almanac. BY REV. WM. GERARD, AM Tutroductory Lecture Asu book Bat be it remember The Alinavac isa small hing ap peare (rifling and inmguificant ed that i required a pened of more than 2000 years to brngtte ite completion “Prue ite bile, bat it mermmpoatrealiy Savaltum in pave” much i little tinalmost asindiapensable to social life and civilize hon as the Bible in co Ube progress of Choananity Tt tea ve§y common thing fora lecturer to become at sorbed wot: 1 od thas may be the cas with ous haps weoare attaching undue unper tinee te ihe apparently omsnifiernt Atmanae that ee te fore os Tiassa cheeg thats throws about here and (here aod every where theough the hour Wefrequenty be: To mithe mes the plaything of the ntint upon the toor agubpect asmeciated with sueh scenes the choiwe for a senes of lectares Delorean col shtened mudence. may cause ammiile bo Play toon the face of the wou dohe litera But we treet thot tle sober ir Heeton will euable all sach Tose Where ond whit Che weertd Cote wrth Hat litle book on tte equival: nt that beek that ve Volves in sonbots mene of (he nom abetrase prob lermmin Astronomical science Phoacivil pent of view its of ine dlealible im pow nee Di hrings order and reyotornty cote: ell the was nous cud connine rable relagene that exist between renene Ti oaffoers the busuess and intercourse of ine country with wher Taff ce individual states tud communities, teaffeere the business rouine vf every fomiy, an Te necnpation of every gadiuidt from the king to the peasant, fiom the preadent stnet sweep or By it, the bewiinine, continnance and completion 1 dotnvemie business, pre bec upation erinined b turehand with yreat yet too anmueh te may, that an exeet ftynmie wea wandard—whieh oe the byet of the Alnanae ie indicpenaably necessary for eve Heaton POUry, Slate, Com mity some ty furmily aud ind al Wathout at ne naten, neoor Zeveaatene old Tne teeti tor eurry one afe form with any deuree ofauceese AL would rewolye Nonto aaurehs and eonfamen, and the world wou he fullof wander ag cid birbarous tribes. The eomputatou system of the Almanac cea micnt botoniversaltangeage by whieh notwoe are baked together. and by means of whieh all ther commercial ypecranionm are fae ated Bat take it away. and every government becomes a Babel, andevery fame y sn indated part True, dumng the first ages of the world, there war hoe regular computaten wyttem ; but what was the sorin) and evil ewndilion of the world?) Not that ther conden Was owiag Mainly to the want of such wasyatein By no means, ‘There were other causes Bat vet, had they beenvin the men, as they are now, which can secures!) be conceived of, mdependent of thie were nce lok ‘here would have been all wanung a There would have been a hiatus which nothing elre could supy ty As above remarked, there wes no computahon sve tem to regotote Cher affairs by. aud te link them te griher Mankind were separate and eusted only ax tobes or fanihes without any regolar evetem of gov erumeat. ‘The home of each wandering tribe or family waa there where they found the best pasture ground for their herde, and the best sol for the few products which were necessary for therr subs ance OF other employments and wants they were for the most part ignorant. ‘Their calender was the appa- renuy revolving heavens and the seasons of the earth The sun, moon and stare, i their appearance, disap pearance, and re-appesrance, served to mark the time for them. By means of these, they learnt to know the proper time to attend their herds, and to therrseed-tune and harvest Tn some places they were governed by certian periodical statew of the we r,agthe former rain und the latter raim; of by certain regufwrly recurring phenomina, aa the overflawing of the Nile This river, by ite regular ewelling and overflowing at fixed penods, told the vhen (plant, and when to leave the low land« |The first important, and entirely natoral divimion of Ey. ptaos, with great precimon, to wow and time, waite daya—the epree of ime intervening bet neun-ree and sun set. Dn order to ascertain the duration or completion of any particular labor or busiiess of any kind, they counted how often the sun bad wet during that time We read also that in an cient times the people were wecustomed to place stones at particular places, at the setting of the aun, either to demgnate the date in gener, or the age of some porticolar person, orto record some hiatorien! father kept na record of the age of lis children, and each tribe fact, or project. Probably in this way each the tine of ite ongin, remownl, or some other occur rence of note in ite history readily that such a mode of Bot it will be ween marking and computing time waa very imperfect Indeed they themaelves found it laborious and unsat lafactory , because in mony inatances the stonea be came too numerous te count them with any degree of necuraey It became necessary therefore to de viee some other method in connecuon with this, to nate n greater period of time,—one that would They observed that the moon wae aubject to certain regy embrace or include a certain number of days Jar and ever-recurnng changers and they discovered gh ton, in their observations, thac ehe peared th 0 days. these changere ina period of about 29 mon he But afier the lapae of eome con siderable time, it was found that even thie division wreedeficient Thay discovered alan. by their con and This gave ree to the greater measure of tine, namely, ” Thin wae a partial remedy for the Inborious and then something of a comical and Ju- Pon emlnyidase tinued observations, that the eun-epparently declined the horizon, and returved »guin at long though regular intervals, They found this to happen during a period of some 350 or 360 duys, or between 12 aud 13 changes of the moon ; and this gave rise to another und eull greater measure of timé, namely, the year. 1) was also observed by all nations that the different pomtiou of the sum during this period affected the earth in its temperature and its productions ; and that 0 this regulated the occupations of men, and thie gave The subsequeut division of time into weeks, bours, minutes rise to the division of the year into four seasons. and xecouds, will be treated of at the proper place. What our situation would be without this little, insignificant book, eveo with all our other knowledge, —we leave every one lo imapine. oe Linportant to Common School Teachers and Committees. Bro. 4. Be it further enacted, That in lren of former reyolation in regard to the sale keeping and use of the Common School Register, the following shall be in foree, towit: Lt shall be the daty of the Chairmen of Boards of County Saperin: ten dentate keep and preserve all the cop- tes of said revister belonging to their ree spective counties, when the schools are And hefore the commence- mentofevery [any] school, the commit tee of the district shall give to the teach- er anorder on the Chairman for the reg- ister belonging to that district, and the said teacher, on receiving it, shall give @ receipt tor it, and be resposible for its sate heeping until the close of the school. And in no case shallany teacher be paid until be returns said rewister to the Chair nan, inas good order as when received, and with the blanks properly filled with an accounted his school, according to the Instructions of the General Superintend- cut forthe State. And the register for each school or district shall contain the and number of the school or dis- trictand be kept for its use alone. HotU Sesslon, Hate ADJOURNMENT OF CONGRESS, &e. Woasiuincros, March 4, Owings te potnts punctitio between the House and Senate, regarding the raising the revenne and increasing the postage, all the appropriation bills tor the land and ocean inail service for the coming year kevery other appropria- The Treasury bill and the bill abolehing the franking pri- The bill for ins creasing the rates for postaye was defeate | ed have been dost. tion ball wits passe Vileye Were also passed. Phere is ne probability of an extra sess shor Congrens ahjourned At ton Jolin Marsinw third Assistant Pastmas- cap Ce bets , died suddeniy this thorning, Mr CGrovernorot Virginia, opens dhe cans Democratic nominee { Vass at Woodstock on Monday next, and has onvited Mr Gouin, the opposition Candidate, te teeth da discassieth.— Nbv. Grou sin has aly taken the stanip. Phe election takes pl the vorh of M ay Whe preacher, has resolved notte visit the U on nrgeon, the celebrated London i Sates the present veuar Pour Stare ciections willtake place this syrine, VIZ: New Ebonpshire, March Sis Commecneat Apt by Meds Deland, April 5 de AY May 26 In of these States a Governor is to he chosen, vinembers te tl " each rena, atid aise e next Congress, 1 SILAS SS CO TUN, Pit NGESS: SEE, AV ANB LA Jeet. Ba, The Princess, from Vicke- biog for New Orleans, exploded her boil- New Orne ans sfeamilioat ht fire and borned to the water's edie, Conrad’a Point, Baten Ronee, on Sunday Four han- dred persons were on beard of her at the toe, two hoandred of whom are Jost and mostly Lovisiana nomber of Those krosen te be killed are... Wo Sevmonr.of Baton Ronee; Mr. Calhoun, ot Maveville: the pilot and assistant engineer of the Prin- td (3 Marphy, of St. Louis: J. Hodyes. ot Mississippi, and ghree whose Hoknown, Among the misses L. tow. ards, Representatives from New Orleans tothe State Levoslature: Jos. Clark, aes cond clerk y and Samuel Watts, of Virs No other Northern or Eastern A large number were badly scalded and The boat and cargo he former was one of the finest on the river. Samuel Watts, of Virginia, is among the killed. {We very much fear that Col Samnel Watts, of Portsmouth, so well known as candidate for the Lieuten- ant Governorship of Virginia, and a gen- tleman of great personal worth, is refer- red to. — kd. Letersburg 1’ ress.) ee At near Diornin sr. resident of Misstssipge. AN on beard were ladies inissine ind large ' Hates: are incoare Charles Bannister and cevanyat names have as vet been ascertained. otheewise injured are a total boss. THE LATEST. A boat has just returned from the wreck, bringing a number of dead and wounded, Itis reported that the Princess was be- hind tine at Baton Ronge, and the en- yineer declared he would reach New Or- leans inacertain time, or blow up the bent. Tle was entin two. About one hundred are weonded, many dangerous | It is yet Lnpossible poascertamn certarnly the nam- Some were saved in Iv, some of whom are dying. hives lost. bouts, Numbers of bodies are unrecog: aed. Many bodies are tonnd along the Blrune No further news has been obtains edoof persons trou the North. “> FROMM AS TIEN GHON: EXTRA SESSION OF CONGRESS. Woasttxneton, March 5. | The Cabinet has now under considera- ‘tien the subject whether an extra session It is believed that the large amount of claims now due for Post Othee contracts, will render an eXtra session of Congress is necessary hecessary, Gov. Ellis has notified the members of the Bourd of Internal Improvements to meet inthis City on Thursday the 10th instant, and the members of the Board of Literature on Friday the Lith, The Directora of the Cape Fear and Deep River Navigation Company will meet in this City on the 10th.— Raleigh ‘Standard —— ~ & po a, —_ — = omen a The affair « the Pr Feb., r death Attort by, pis maeimb New vinced heard cour the d Sickle Mrs. apie quenc urade the of He x and ¢ cated of wl minu Sic tivo the | Key in B endt \ | | — & _— _ = ». The Washington Tragedy.—A horrible! affair occurred in Washington City, near’ thie President's House, on Sunday the 27th) Feb., resulting in the almost instantaneous) death of Pamir Barton Key, U.S. Dist.,! Attorney, for the District of Coltunbia, by, pistol shots, fired by Mr. Sicktes, a member of Congress from the City of New York. Mr. Sickles became vinced of the truth of rumors he lad heard before, touching impr: inter course between lis wite and Key. On the day of the tragedy, Key rode past Sickles’ residence, and made a signal to Mrs. Sickles. Mr. Sickles was at that pment suffering intense agony i Conse com cr quence of the guilt of lis wife, who had urade a full confession; and the sucht of the offender maddened him to desperation, He got his pistols and went after hie, and came up with bin at the place wai cated, and aimed three shots at him, two of which touk ctfect. Key died iu a few minutes. Sickles is yet in jail awaiting examina- tiun and triale Mrs. Sickles is suffering the most horrible remorse and shame. Key has been buried alony side lis wite in Baltimore. He left four children te endure the shame of a guilty parent ee SUPREME COURT. The following decisions by the Supreme Court, may be of sume intercet ty vt readers: By Pearson, C.J. Lu Tomlinson v. Clay well, in equity, frou [redell, directing the iuterlucutury order to be affirmed. By Barrie,J. lu Swany, Brown, trom Rowan, Judgment reversed aud venue de hovo. By Rereix, Jo In Counnissioners ot Salisbury v. Powe, from ltowan, attic ing the judginent. on District Convention.—The Whigs ot the sixth Congressional District propose to hold a Convention at Winston ou the 12th of April, tur the purpose of noniuat ing a whig candidate for Congress, and the whigs of the several counties in Chal District ure invited tu bold meetings avd eend delegutes. On the 15th ultimo Baron Meyer de Rothschild Parliament for Hythe, Unopposed, thember ol Witt Alderman Saloumons, bets the thord mien was returned a Der of the Jewish community tow ii the ITouse of Commons Inthe British House of Commons, Loon Bary las obtained leave, by a veto of 155 to 85, to introduce a Lal degabi aie mar riage witha deceased Wifes sister oes The Poatage Bii—Ow F Senate parsed the post route tall oot diss ot Mi Yulee attached as an amendsnent, after having been moditied. This bill albolishe- the franking privilege ca Colo, except te parties to whom itis yranted by mane, provides that official correspon tence shall be paid for by the respective departinvetits of Government frou which it issued, is crenees the wingle rates of postace to five cents for under and ten cents for over three thousand miles; sea detters, ten cents; double or treble detters ti snc proportions; printed Inatter one cout per every in advance to where within the United in the county where published, aad sent to newspapers as UACHAN LES, itehall pass free, postinasters to be commissions of from ten to fifty: per jnstead of salaries. three ou ui CUR, States, except when when joni CE “> THE MARKET Salisbury, N. C., March 8 1859 CORRECTED WEEKLY BY SPRAGUE BROTHERS Apples dried, 50 125 Lead Bar, x 10 Bacon, Yu dO White, 104 12 Beeswax, 20 a 25 Molaases Cuba, 37 «45 Beef, 5a 6 = NEO 59) 8 65 Batter, 154 1s + Murcovade 45 4 50 CANDLES— Naals Cut Spat Tallow, 15.220 ate, 404 50 Adinan ine, 242.30 OILS LINSEED— Coffee Rio, 12g a ld of Tanuers, 30.095 Suva, 17 a 2p Potatoes, Erieh, Pn a 2 Cotton, Wall ‘Sweet 9 a 10 Cotton Yarn, 100 a 115 Rags per tb fh Cora, 65 «75 Salt persack, P70 a1! «Meal, 60 4 70) Sheeung Bro Ya ll Chickensper doz 1.000 14 Sugar Bro xall Ege per doz, 10 4 124 Crashed, 18 a 15 Feathers perth. 30035 «* Clanfied, 11h a1 Flour per bbl. 450 25.00 Tallow, 10m 12 1 Sack, 2.200 240 Wheat White, 95a 10 Tron ( Bar) Red, xa 90 5a 10 a 12 Wool, PORK 7 a 7b Lard, 25 4 30 FAYETTEVILLE MARKET, March 3. BACON, per ib ga COFFEE, per ib. | AVALUABLE PLANTATION, | 7 LIKELY NEGROES AND NORFOLK MARKET. Reported Weekly by ROWLAND & BROTHERS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, For the Watchman, MARCH 3. BACON—Weetern Shoulders do Sides, N ©. aud Va. Hog round, 11 a 00 LATION. and Va. No. t, bbts. aud kegs, 0a 14 “ NOP 2 ets tha 134 BIW a7 2 | MUCH OTHER | so 4, DESIRABLE PROPERTY | | at | PRIVATE SALE. | ae undersigned will sell nt private sele, @ high: | ly improved and valuable Plantavon, containing about 200 ACRES, beautifully located on the Mocks- Ville Road, three-fourths of a nile from Satisbury. By ag 10h a 11 FLOUR—E ily, Extra, £06006 55 ‘The dwelling new. conveniently arrangec and 1s Supertine. 4 $6.25 4000 one of the beatin the country. All things considered, COLIN —White and Mixed, 79 a BU a ore desirable residence caunet well be inagined Yellow, 62» 00 ) He also sell SEVE NEGROES, FOUR WIHEAT—Whie 1504150 MULES, TWO HORSES, TWO ROAD-WAG- Red, 140 a 140 ONS. FARMING IMPLEMENTS of all kinds and COTTON, Joa 11g of a euperorquality, ope Beri NEW BLACKS WITH PEAS—Black Boo, new #130 4 000 TOOLS, about 30 HEAD OF CATTLE. including Red and Blick, old 00 a 00) MELCH COWS. CALVES. &e . a lot of HOGS. FLAXSEED, 35 a 135 ubout 25 SHEEP, HAY, CORN, and SHELLED BEESWAX, 20a 00 OATS, aud ull his ) yp) PLIES pe of Ox 1 Than . . OD ee nuuschald and Kitchen Furniture, FISH —Meckerel No. 1, #12 50 all in goud conditen—in short—he will rell all the oD No. et 50 property of whech he i ia possession ta VES—R O thd &30 ce 00 TERMS :-—Lfdesirabie to the purchaser, an extend- W.O. Pipe, #50) ed credit will be given fur approved rates, bearug a Hha $10 Fnterest from date, payable annually \ Hf not sold privately betore Thursday the 31st day | “Bb $ Yka 00 Flour, there has been a good enquiry the part week, Roush of March, Ewilleellallthe perteboble prop ory on that day at public sale New der twenty with heavier receipts, the market i firm at our que- on od _—Fourot the above nan od Newroes i tations for eash (erain Pe apie have been lighter, years ol age, aud are warranted + us anvan the Phe others are older, and amoug them is oue of the be tof COOKS GHO. KR JOUNSON Salisbury, March, &, 1FS9 idl MILO A.J. ROSEMAN, M.D). WOULD respectful that gre audebted to him by account, that they jand our quotations have been fully sustained charters to the Basteru ports, wre more treely offered, and cou (eights have receded, which help prices, Corton 16 tn fy Pens, HOE fur demand with wales Dued Fran, Apples bax declined. | | reapply with rales e. are in salex ai our quotations, Staves are in good demand and sell at quotations | inform ull thos NORTH CARLIN Y COULSGE = {ae settle by mete or cash. as further indulgence Mocust Peeasast, N.C. } Jernnot be given, To his absence on professanal evr- Fob 1K. 1859. f [vices hie Father w authorized am agent to make set Hements. No B— Dr Rosewss resprecully retarns hie sincere fur Ata mecting of the Board af directors of N C, College this day, the Rev. Samuel Rothrock Qhike te his neighbors and the pubhe generally, the very liberal patronage hopes by simet attention to his profe ssicnal business tus old stand bat he has reecived. aud jand « linistopher Melehor, were appointed # eon ‘to contenue the same, at Roseman'’s Store, mittee to draft resolutions of respect for the ine inory of Caleb A. Heil, Exp, deed, and: ot the whichis LO miles South-west of Salisbury. where he is permanently located March &, 1x0 \VIVAL FERTILIZER. OR SUPERPHOSPHATE OF LIME. Te undersumed having been appouted Agent for this Valuable Fertilizer, respectfully call the estimation ain whieh de was held by this 3inpdal Soard, did present the followin: Jtis with sorrow and sadness that this Board | recenved the mournful inteligence of the death of Caleb A. Theis The places which have Is form | will never present itself in eur widest again bor beau. one of its active and efhicient members known lim will Know him oo thore will he particnpate with us iu our deliberations aitention of FARMERS feeling watiafied they will He died at his own home being surrounded in bis lastimoments by bis family and friends, who to the same, find it to therr consoled bun by their presence, wl le Tis spirit initerert to ane | ustead of Peruvian Guaoe, os ite ‘ properbes are much more Josng, and wieore surlabie took ity departure fre vart yas 1 k departure from earth. I tothe gon andthe growth ofall kinds ogiain, “Phe Jence gives to the church geod and use fulimen, Manufacturers ay | We consider it useless but they, like all others, when Ir mission ts i Ment: i nhall pase ended, wo the way of all flesh. Tle who wives tothe citerests alse takes away, but uever forsakes his fathtul Vu is vite clylieen ‘ Cadipted t ve yrowth a) Nid propose } the following resoiutions which [tas most evident thet that soil will be ioe and 1 permineutly euneied, to whieh Manure retarus all were unaniinousty adopter Ae era ai ticereea runneth crgpe Rexoloed, That this Board has ceerived with and by eanpanig now albkoown and somnch pramed profound sorrow, the annanenatyen of tae death Kuves p Meno uaiy see MAE Coast hse veaie ear of Caves. AL Hetiie. beng vanacuve and efficient : ecg Caines LMU ea i aes eae of farmers and co what chey ela te Boru-yard member ot this Baad \avure owing te the Ceghgenay by whch te tot Resolved, “Vint this Board will meanifest Hs etherent part. che Utne. te wasted, appears io the Fosiarct for thre dives cl the derudsceds wud its sel ax mere woor wool tibee, aud op therefore svinpathy with bas tardy by ween the usu Pe eu : iy Ae an re Gua at doeady aevage in net cou tan ficient M Satsta ees EAU ee SNORE REGEN these aad aretal nan pala as by the ' nea Loonb too re Ain tay caused by the de- (tie ant Woh fenipest te New AU Fall chiue the ei erreur eokinpalke rihe crop iore emp veriahed pape din Sect cdiihenniees Cie befe a ne According to chemical theory and to alle pe nence 4 bo shary prqpets atad Lutheran py preeueal fariners our Meare sas effiseat ina teed tow treeh uneultivated re upon one empoverahed by many eropa Pt returns te the eal gl subetoncer te pesary forthe growth aud vield of the plants, in @ frevatron Mbowt Ht for aq tie them woh Nitrogen, silver t the SIbomine of the Wood to the focuoof [i creme seow termes ant acts the reralar so amiimila | Ta Magia Bag Mr JOREN (enciy TPS) a ase ALC { Miss MAR factimCanire. Hate gidebs Ree Samlilanicke facacadoar a Mr ALEN AN OK PEBBLES aut Mie SUR ATE Ry re sales st neurrahzes the biter and nour gab ANN OE. daughter of George Peeler, Exq Shiner el w fret) One activa Ss: Aen re vegetiion, bat berg + n | ile oen ture ofall geatn ere w WO UE IBS 4 Pop ich PAUL MILER bq ce ng plants Phoxphone Salts of out leombioa Ta this Counry ti wa nthe Seth year ot Hi tie County NOESTES SVE UME), PT wn che 36 ear ot he We he 3bth veor hes ; oe Man 7 To thin Counts SLEXANDERS Bo nad ew bee. Ope tofant son ot Jame th House, on the Oth wiyety speake for ttse lf, wiz o of tie age pe OUUD IO UUN E20 Phosphate of Lime, . - 1s te 20 pr | tothe County, Feb 16rh, Wee WARY A the Saipiate of Lame ) iw ter ot Peter and Mary Miller, im the bOth yearether Orgime Matter yielding Sminouct, <5 | age Amineniae Salts, : 1} Inthe County, Feb lth, CALEB A HECLIG, Tnscluble undef or =e Baqi the 37th year of tin age Soluble S f Soda. &e , Sulpha |) Pie deceased war a very werthy crizen, and an af Soda ‘ lo exeinplury member of the Ev Lach Coureh Water and Lass, . 4 a fe . ; iat) are DR. WINTIR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY. Every one of cur custamers haying fonadour Man | BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS'! Ure what we represent it te be vexeetlent Man \ < ure adapted taevery soil and we recommend tt | ‘Take only the Genuine!! with th: follest confidence to every late ent former AVERY thing which ic really valuable aud which costs the CUNARD IY AEs A Ta Crnetey Meret reg In eet Vb ineentor ti Mh lesser the bane, Awurdable Chap Ruth 3) pee have ly counterfeited the case with Wisriams frequently increased the yreld of the ceop fifty per Hoismon Wire t Je qualities and wellearn ee | ed repatation of ferepecly miiiiswerGdin ee ate anh fer creole mal ctr ia, Cemimantils and Pamphlets to he had at tie OF anza, INetamearios Of fier Ordera tobe seat to W ORAVEDER, ih owe Chat dire as Saheabary, NOC Sino . Geeraven Liem, be Chemist 0 4 only Genuine Bataan Qo upen the mck, bat rendering Uren sin the Courts, hable toa criminal prosect tet Ube rn » Genuine Bal fl The mm hae | beet in gy years, end with those w 3 kuch letters as the following, fram a mearchant, are ceived | “Miteoap, Delaware, Oct. 26,15. | ot Wis demand a | 8 W Powir a Co, Boston Pr me a supply tare Balaim, as bam neaely out and (here laa great for it, itis duing wonders, 1 cures Cougha, AsUond, 1 ang Congh and ¢ ptfon, without fail There has never \ heen any of the genuine here until yew cent me a lot suare time Landreth’s New Crop since, but plenty of th runterfeit , Yours, truly, UISSOLIST LUNES OF GARDEN SEED for sale at MERON BY'S REMEMBER, THEREFORE, act WRO Sexe HEALTH, that th MoT, J. & P,P. WERONEY Want Woney. Q only Gant oc hae the Watrths Sanat ae uF 78 Be tt ne well wat fthe Padeaierom, SH So meee . TH ADAMS EXPRESS COMPANY. won = Appats OLD ESTABLISHED RESPONSIBLE and reliable Company, having Express facilities over the North Carolina Rail Road, are prepared to Receive and Forward all descrip tue of freight aud valuables to and from all pints oo this Road. + ‘The facilities possessed by this Company for the prompt forwarding and quick delivery of matier en- trusted to them to all States, and the early delivery of freichte by Steamer Expresa from New York, Semi-weekly und Daily Tiland Express from New York, Philadelphia, Balti- more Richinond, Norfolk and Petersburg, offer great Merchants to obtuin their Sprig accemmable poiuts in Unired inducements to stocks quickly. For fursher particulars apply to Messrs McNeevy who have been apporoted Ageuls ot INGA & Youss, Salisbury, Wo HH TREGO, Superintendent. March Ist, 1559 1nd BOOK BINDING AGENCY, IN SALISBURY. HAVE the pleasure tovmform the pablic, that 1 have made arrangements wih We. J. J. Barsen, th Salsbury, to recewe and forward to ame, orders 10 my line of bustuess, and to deli finished work to All work sent -y. xhall receive prompt attention, both as to those ordermy through hin to me through bis and be executed with exactness and care cand on aa low terns as Binding quality aud ety le cau be obtalued to any part of the country Blank Books, Ledgers, &o., or for For Clerks of Courts, Registers, Merchants, Ratrosd or Manutacturing Compintes, tnade to order, 27 Plan tmatructon should accom pany every order DAVID CLEWELL Feb Bin WU 29th, R59 of Good the Dau. Bar nuack iu bis travels ou the cape Hope save: t very frequeutly among Dutch Boore of the back countey, Ayers Cherry Pectoral, which they keep hung op by # thong around yer there hammocks found the neck of the bottle too peg Ladend this seeme tobe their tole protecsen agarial the threat and long disorders which are quite preva- lent among them. Ptheughtuta speakit minent on the practical gen us of the Amencan people, that they shenld tach the staple, P helieve tne only remedy this people bay to tre Asking tf they used the same manufacturere Pills, they told me that bet ter purgatives grew all around them than any body could prepare sold hy HENDERSON & ENNISS, Davociets, Salisbury, Tmodd WOOD, EDDY & CO.'S Single Number Lotteries OF GEORGIA ! HARTERED BY fiik STATE Capital Prize $50,000! ! TICKETS ONLY TEN DOLLARS. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC As the embers of our tirin have, by way of pur Chase, become woerol the granute chartered by niucky, jer the of Delaware, W the State partof (hose in Georgia, ut mauagement Mexera Cseego-y & Wanire. eapedieal te the to that of we have deemed il change t rJan Tats & Ce) Sparta eter feat, rary Woop, EDDY manavement of the who wilbherea Academy the oon waned vor brim se WEE s, as above transact we have endeavored t yaad prot © that the Com assure the fa bestowed on unis weil desersiag of bei to our saccessors Very respectfully. S SWAN & CO Augusta, Geargia, Dee. 15, so WOOD, EDDY & C0., MANAGERS, | Successors to S. Swan & Co. Missouri, and of of Wilmington, Delaware, name of erhuve the Lottery, and And ts yeonduct sand we heretofore y transferred | Midsummer-Night's | _ DREAM. | | Be SPLENDID $20 (4 GUINEA) LONDON) Print, beautifully re-eugraved by Saruin, embel-! r | inhes | The Eclectic Magazine, For Feb., 1859. | Two match prints, Scott and bis friends, Shakes peare and his Contemporaries —28 Portraits adoro {the January No | Pottraits of two Empresses—Eccenit of France in! Tinperial Robes, and Mania ‘Preansa of Austria, em- | bellish the March No. Other splendid plates will | follow | The Ecrectic invites all lovers of choice reading to its sumptuous pages, which cuntain— | 1. ‘Eh: best arucles—cream gathered trom 7 Brit- wh Quarterlies and 9 Mouthlies—hke cream from 16} paus of ach milk gathered intu one, for the hterary | appetite of the reader and bis fasnily | 2 ‘Phe Bevecric ts the beat. nchest in intellectual | wealth, most varied, most free frou moral poison, | and most sausfactory monthly published 3. Tos portrait and arlistic embellishinents surpase | ‘They are wn attractive gallery of fue) \ | all others. arts, refining iv influeace | 4. The Ecrectic is the cheapest, in view of the jtreawures it contains. Ite reading matter is nearly equal in a year to three entire Barish Quanrentiee, | }which cost $7. ‘The Ecrecric ws only $9 | bellishment alone are worch that money | 5 Lean the easiest wud Cheapest way of geting a! leneree library of carrent literature, good for all tine. | | 6. No tamily—no father for his sone Se ) Its em-| | no young lady, no young gentleman, cau »pend this small sum so welll any way for mental unprove- | Fnent and gratticanion. ‘Pry it. You will tind true Feed the mind with food worthy of tu) wants) and destiny | Au inteligeut press. far and near, and eminent commend the Ecrecric in strong aud emphatic GREAT ATTRACTIONS! 1 fo NEW SUBSCRIBERS | Paying in advance the January number, 1859, wilh embellished with two splendid match prouts menu, langusge | | | | be sent, the use of —sir Walter Scott and his Friends, and Shakespeare | and his Contemporarios, containing twenty-eight) portraits —surparsing all preeedent TERMS: | The Ecrectic is sued on the first oferery month | hundred aud forty-four! large octave pages, double columns, on fine paper | more twelve ! Bach number contains one neatly stitched in greea with vue or beautiiul Steel Portraits by Sartaw. “Phe numbers comprise three voluines of 600 pages each, | tides, indexes, embellishments. Paice | Phe postage ix only three cents a! covers and with Five Dotians Humber, pre-paid at the office of delivery. No Send your orders 5 32 Specimen 42 cents iu postage stamps | Address = =W.H. BIDWELL, | No.5 Beekinan at, N.Y! 3139 | Ranaway !! ---$30 REWARD. R ANAWAY from the subscriber on the | AU 20th Jaugary last, a Negro tan named / ALEX of ALEXANDER. Said man isof a 5 feet 4 or 10 inches high, | Feb. 22, 1659 dark copper col Jand will weigh from 1 fellow, but has rather a down-east look—aged The subscriber thinks it probable that Alex | Islurkeng about eitherin the neighborhood of Salix | bury, Were. Lawne's or M fle will give the above reward for his apprehension > to 165 Ibe .—a very likely yd | years. S. MeKen7ie's plantavions and debyery to hun, at his residence 24 tiles South | of Bringle’s Ferry, in Rowan county | JOHN © BENSON | MICHAEL BROWN, COMMISSION MERCHANT, ALISBURY, N. C. aoe racihter eral Lad or PRODUCE | all consigninents to be sold in this market or shinped to other Ports LAND AND NEGROES: PUBLIC SALE. | (37 | T will sell, at the late Residence of PLacrso The flowing Scheme will be drawn by Woop, Horsron, deceased, on the 16th DAY OF MARCH | Eppy & Co, Managere of the Sparta Neademy Lote) 7py | a T al \ ee eo |, VALUABLE PRM Mareh, Is30. at Augnsta, Geo. am publ, under belonging to the said Deceased, consiming of 1,600 the superintendence of Comimuisicnens (ies au AO sitinday Murely 9, Loo! ‘ Sy ae Saas five M Pee oa ( Doaws Satunday. Wareh Ta. 1859 ( 1) Dawe Satarday, March 26. 1850 ON THE PLAN OF SINGLE NUMBERS. sanoe TICKETS Five Thousand Four Mundred and Fighty-Pive PRIZES! VEARLY OVE PRIZE TO BYERY VIVE TICKETS Mavnificent Scheme! TO BF DRAWN PCs IDA Nees Bebe Nie) or LA00 ACRE. Ont-Buidings including lis Dwelling, and all The Jarger part is in well Gimbered, and well adapted to the Pe rounds io enluvatien necessary acco, ‘There are 150 or 200 acres of vat the same time and place, all the proper ty belonging to said Estate, consisting of | IS NEGROES, Men. Women wnd Children young and likely, metuding 2 good Blacksmiths Atlus. m good atock of oS He MULES AND HOI Cattle, Hogs, and Sheep, several haodred bushels of Corn and Wheat, Hay. &e, 2 Blacksmith = © Tools. severil Wagons, Farming Tools, Household inost of them being gets 1 Prin $50 ) Prizes of yan and Kitchen Furniture, &e % : He Sale ts eontinae trom diy today nnnl all is) sold.) ue #0 Terma made known on the day of sale lim “\) All persons indebted to the Estate will please come 1 oe forward and make pavinents, and those having clams VPOPROXIMATION PRITES V Approximating to & SoA WD Prizes amounting to against (he Estate will present them for payment \ JOHN H. DALTON, 1e59 Executor | Feb 15, T will als Hoprivetely, LOT No 3. in the | TOWN of NEWTON, Catawha Connty. and (LLG P No 3. in the TOWN of WOCKSVILLE, Davie County | Persone wishing te purchase will please address the aubserber, at Houstonville, Dredell County, N.C. Wrore Tickets $10, Hatves 5) Quarters JOHN Ho DALTON | 1 A Cirenlar chowing the plain ot the Lotteries! Feb 15, 1s99 tda3R | will be sent to any one desirous of receiving it cpg pepe tae = | NG ONO Tel HG Aue Nese CortificatesooPuckages willbe sollatthe following rates | which vet CABARRUS COUNTY, | Certificate of Package of uy Vint Tickets mr Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, January | 1) Quarter 0 ‘Term, | Vo Bagbth r RAR Pave © . 7 . R gos Alfred H. MeEacharn | | RDE : T. y PICATES IV ORDERING TICKETS O8 CERTIFICATES. | Original Attachment Leried on Land | Enclose the money to our address foe the ‘Picket# lordered, on receiplof which they will be forwarde by firstamaidl Purchasers can hive tickets ending 1 any tigure they may desyrnace Lastof Drawn Numbers and to purchasers inmediately after the drawing urehasers will pleage write Puret Il p! Pao Remember chat able in fall wiheat deduction Va ND prizes ot Prizes will be there signature plain, and give their Post Office, County and State every Prisets drawn and pay 1.0090 nnd under,\piad iminediate TT appearing to the sausfaction of the Court that) A OH. MeBacharo the defendant in this case 1s nota resident of this State, bat resides beyond the lamits ot the same. tis ordered by the Court trat pabh- cation be made for six weeks in the Carohin Wateh man for the defendant inthe above at the next d n i | case to appear Perm ofthis Court to he held for the county aforesaid at the Court House in Coneord on the 31 Wooday in Apnil next; perty levied on, & and repleyy the pro- and plead to the planttts action, nent willbe rendered aganet bin for plain Rio, ip 13 7 wremoiney Wasted and bealth jJeapard ly utter the d ing—other prizes at the us a ; agate pes ek iA ta rs) hth) Cn DEAN a GEG aiinenn Cnery ce uapnran gynt all Ee a tm ee ee wal tim Fintereat and costa, and the lands levied on St. Domingo, 20 4 YO | HENDERSON & ENNISS and W. LL WYATE, Salisbury N.C. * have ty ec lUlcesiitl. an officer : NOTICE LO CORRESPONDENTS | will be gold to satisfy the same ; | FLOUR, per barrel— 1 Mareh s, IN¥ Viw4l Mareh tet. bRoo 1fi0 Those who prefer not sending moaey by mail ea Witness, No Slough, Clerk of our said Court at Family, 5650575 | OY PiC.k LAW PARTNERSHIP ame : see office in Concord the 3d Monday in January, Bunerdue: Set N ) | ICk ; NERSHIP, \ AD. 1Ns9 No SLOUGH, © C20 sen Scape N ¢ ve ERSHIP, THE ADAMS EXPRESS COMAANY, | "= 20" 8» | Gey Oh ars cn | LL PERSONS lable to pay TOWN TAX, or AU & R. A. ( ALI ELL, whereby inoney for Trekets. im sums of Ten Datlare, ’ ‘| . GRAIN, per bushel— EX shin ve the poate lente of the own GAC AS thaar Camrtrlesoruresd dy De Seaiye aid cps aias eat Be RED | Valnable Gold, Silver and Copper Corn. 100 of salisbury, are hereby vetified to give tm thee fist a ae T ? VN PENSE | : Wheat, 09 ae a atable property, diaring thin month, (me at wy ci WETS Tree Gy IT OUR RISK AND EXPENSE, |) UANDS FOR SALE. Outs 7). 75 Office in the Court Hoase. “Those who fal to give LI IRIE Nite Nee, from any city or town where they have an office. | AVING I alk aie & ‘ . ee SPertee 1) ouble The mo vod order must be enclosed in “GON POU CEL NP POMMG ES xecuter af the tast Peas, i Jin nay exapeet to pay a double tax | ape “5 0 The m nnd rider : moa S f : AR! ae ae " ' i 1 Ali properiy eubycet te (axauon w aude Ge Oe March 1,1 ' ft ERN WENT POST OFFICE STAMPED EN WW Hy ard ‘Testament of Wessel Me Mackin Ps LARD. per tb Fg 10 | mendment to the Charter made by the Inte Legis #.° Banner please copy Dante eae oie eed Putin Catmnn araiiye ocean ncaa t nttetey nuulceenl? BBL bet alin a ld | lature - \ , \ Wwe vy Res eater a ie on ve rs ou Saturday vi Peach Brandy, 002100 | ra BO MAS MeN BEL Ys Gani PC & BG. RTH, All communications stectly confidential oon caeeHeneltnie, 7G TE EE age (EASeIhy, att - 3 Beal | eae Orders for Tickets or Cortificaty ee ‘ Apple do. new 7)» 0 U0 Math lat, 1899 =; ee Address Orders for r Certificates to Faas equa Delany Bade cyte NC Whiskey, aia 40 we r5 General Commission Merchants, WOOD, EDDY & CO, Augusta, G lence iret ‘Ie on mai ake nie Rye do ie eqn eelesleorivemmoticenttaiktiie: Gouithillne fies ats is nm or, WOOD, EDDY & CO, Adanta, Georma fa number of Gold Verne, some Br istry lise inet Rectified do Aa iy Oe ee eon ae bet ate rasa) Hees UVilmington, N. ©. be WOOD, EDDY & CO, Wilnington, Del | warked profitably. a Silver scifi Svea, ene : atte superna, in the Conc tlauee, co PALeRA IN | : ‘ : eos Sy anes he air 3) ne u ne are wane Oe only, on whe fl . : he . 1 er Abst of the numbers Chat are drawn from the there has been a shaft sank 0 or LOO Feet p.and TR¢ N, per lb— WC dcrncaaain Cue be hg the 2ith day of the month GIVE. PI 4STER, , wheel, with the amount ef the prize that each one ig) the ore aatd to be good and also, a Copper Vem, on English, | etinyeencns wr tien ee ATieimmie x vined HAIR, CEMENT ; Perriad H MAI Nel Ubi RReulNVih avert draw nmern sminchilece tine eaieonserwiockidivesay sii Unda Sweedes, commons ber: Bee 00 tans aamnel theo ‘ ae Ne natthied to ‘ie LAVD PLASTER, | che fallowing papers: —Anzusta (Geo) Conmitation | tein half a inite tthe well Known Gold Cit mine, Do wide, 74 800) aiu(iieleemerwely Sai a De aan nine ROBINSON'S MANIPULATED GUANO Lal Naw Orleags Delian. M Register: Chyrleston worked by the Gald fill Mina Corpany Vhe WOOL rer Ue es Po MAS WeNELLA, C.F ANS BBER C CORI PION rie Santail, Siete Sent tient Litelereneer, couree ol sod veins pags throngh gad finds for the LE KES ie a 10a 00 | Satsbury, Maret 1, 1859 aa FERTILIZER Order for aay of the ube filled Now York Wrekls Dav Book, Savannah Morning distance of three quartera of wimle: Sand Tocnde are SS, per Ib— nat - ne ONS Newe Richiaondh Dispatch and Parliiog) (Minna aleoe ell Wipbered thant change of coninvesion— Teams, CONST w i a ¢ ® Men Rall an | , 5 . Sat ine Tees stoi?! Amp'd 40 Clanon, and Tattle Rack Ark Troe Democrat L These tanda will be sold allogether, or in ae aise: 6 a 00 Salisbary (ras Licht Company. W \ three neveral Tracte, ac the Executorimay think ad SALFH : ’ . stern orth Carel 9 4 visable on the day of sale Liverpool, persack, 1500 00 Tamara m the Splahury Cae Light Salisbury Male School. Ina Rail Road. Bo MAUNEY, Executor Alum, per bushel, 60 a 90 ‘ c ut ans are ae wy iv dot un es at as j February &, 1859 tds MOLASSES, per galion curt Houre on Saturday D2ohiiats tale ole PESTIE, Fifth Sewer on ofthia Sehool will commence ™ He G . { 7 Di yorganize unde Aisne 2 ee maati Tenth Cr thea Wi > Cahn 20 31 iS M to orgamte under'the Chae | Artem AU teie act SITERTIUtESin ING Wath eacin tn, 9 Wand tench BOOKS FOR SUBSCRIPTION New Orleans, 45 0 : ; ; Ean ii ineniontns Ruths CAaniinl ain COFS AEG h 5 5 yu RNNISS TERWS OF TUITION foe ei entonst a aampiaynt el tt tock of the BANK OF aA Loaf and crushed 1S re 0 J HU JENKINS From 86 to 810. per reason iahn Monday at @ A Mae ae to obviate 6g a ve omnes Ay hike te as StCrnik Porto. &N. Orleans, dion 12 | March R-1141 Pie aren, CESS (ote SAINI, Acne Wt Rey \ bh thie Train ext venir willice ath anh tht twenty dave Vhe | adenta will he charged from time ofr LN F = ; eee pe - nae oe ae sate IS JAMES C TURNER. F " A Supt Charter of said Bank nay be eeen there. i “© le te C Oe spr | Administrator's Notice. As, eTEIRaRC NANO OIE . ; Ros CALMWELT.) LL who are indebted to me will please call and TL perenne having claimelagnina’ thevestate (of COWEN, Paincipat Western N. Carolina Rail R. Freight RR WOORE cettle their acenante nr notes. ‘They canact-| Jd Klizaheth Fonrd, decd. are agai notified to pre March Tet, 1859 2140) we TANTS An Ona ae Maren y nculed M WHITEHEAD, | 2 Ue with me or with BOR. Moore, Faq, who necupies rent them within the time prasonbed by Inw, or this . RUNS Pe ere ashen i IE SAWL REEVES : an office with me. Office in Cowan's Rrick Rowe, | notice will be plead in bar af ther reourer Mrs, Mlen’s Mair Restorer, , MICH'L BROWN, | 3 T. POWR RICHARD THOMASON, Adm'r | JoOR etorine the Mae to ite ogi EAI : JAMES E KERR j * Baliebury, Mareh 8, 1850 3am4t Mareh 8, 1459. 4 |i HENDERSON & RNNIRG Pebrnary 9) 160 | Saliabory, Feb 8, 1959 1139 GRAY & BRYAN, and removed to Jalen MANTLES ES “OLD SALISBURY REVIVED!” © NEW MERCANTILE FIRM GOODS ALL NEW! McNEELY & YOUNG EG TO CALL THE ATTENTION OF THE CITIZENS OF Rowan and the surrounding counties to the SPOR GF BOO Os. Emon (OS we © they are now receiving "They are confident from past experience that their stock, which is large and carefully selected, is admirably adapted to the wants of the community, and that having bought the principal part for cash they can sell cheaper than any store in any part of Wes- tern North Carolina. Country Merchants and the public generally, will find that, as we have determined and can afford, we wille-ll at prices greatly telow those at which Goods have been sold heretolore in Salisbury. Below we enumerate # portion of our stock : DRY Goons. | Domestics, Flannels, Merinoes, De Lanes, American, French and Engtish Calicoes, collored and bla Alpreas, Ginghains, Deillings, Bea and Cradle Blankets, Table Cloths, Towelings, &e. SERVANTS’ GOoOonDs. 300 pair of Negro Blankets, cheaper than ever otfered 40 this market, Kerseys, Plaid Linseys, Osnaburgs’ stripes, checks, &C GeEIVTSs’ GOoODs. Jeans of every variety. Also, @ fine assortment of Vestings, Satinets, Kenvuc Rock Island sud Yadkin Manufacturing Companies, Jeans, Bowery, Kuitand Linen Shirts, Gloves, &e. LADIES’ GoOonoDs. Silke, White Gola, black and fancy Deess Silks, Shiwls, Cloaks, Scarfs, &c, Laces, Embroideries, Rib- hones sik and haeu Handkerchiefs, Crape, Gloves, Homery, [rich Linens, Swiss, Jaconet, Tarleton Muse hus, Swiss and Jacouet Edging and Lusertions, Corsets, Hoop Skirts, Head Dresses, &c. CLOTHING. lo which we invite special attention. Cloths, Casstiueres, A good assortment of Gentlemen's Clothing, HATS, CAPS, BONNETS andFLATS, BOOTS and SHOES. We have part perticatar attention to the selection of this portion of oar stock, and challenge competition ia Brogans, water proof Boots, dress Boots, and Shoes, and Ladies and Children’s Gaiters and Shoes. CARPETINGS, and OI, CLOTHS. Drugs, Paints, Oils and Dye Staffs. We are wole Agents forthe Bellvae White Lead. Hemlock snd Oak-tanned Leather, Calf and Goat arness aud Upper Leather, shoe and suddiers thread. WOOD WARE. Buckets, Brooms, Tubs, Brushes, Twine, Rope, &c. CROCKERY ANID QUEENS W ARE. We are enabled to show a nicer and better selected stock of these goods than has ever been kept io the sets, and China and Plated Tea sets Looking skiue, lining skias, Special attention i tuvited to oar China Dinner GROCERIES. Rio an. Java Coffee, Sagar of all description, Syrups, Molisses. Salt, Spices. Candles. Soaps. &e Tr We can be found at the corner opporite the Maussion Hotel, formerly oceupied by M. Brown. Sausbury, Sept. 21, 1858. plice Glasser A&C SR TEE NOTICE. SOUTHERN | 4 firm of Mills & Moose having this day made | an assignment of their Stock of Goods, Natee \ and Accounts to m# xs Trastee for the benefit of the VEL . Mie | creditors of W. J. Mills & Co., and Mills & Monge, il persons indebted to either of the above concerns, are respecifully requested to come forward and settle without delay a6 the business of the firm mast be | closed. Be prompt and save cost Jacos E. Moose is my authorized agent to settle up the notes and accounts, and sell the remaining Stock of Goods. The goode will be closed oat at low figures. ‘Those indebted to the «bove firm, by note or se- count, are hereby notified to muke immediate pay- ment, ly a very short time will be alluwed be- fore the claims will be put out for collection by ea officer JAS. W. CLARK, Trostee. t CHARLES P. GRAY, MAMMOTH DEALER IN Monuments, Tablets, &c. W ISHES toinform the Cinzensof North Carolina generally, that he has purchased the stock of Main Street, Opposite the Post Office, where he is prepared to receive orders for any of all kinds ds a at line. | Jan. tt, 1859. _ ee ah MONUMENTS, - ————— TABLETS. DENTAL NOTICE. TOMB-TABLES, and HEAD-STONES and FURNITURE M ARBLE, | shail be pat up ofthe best maternal, Quick and Cheap | for Cash | Come and exsamme—the most fastiaiens shall be satisfied — Re S@&% DR. BESSENT, | |* REMOVED ro tur DENTAL ROOMS on the corner formerly occupied by Da. Bason, where he is preparedto attend all operations connected with his profession. Jun. 1, 1m59 xperenced he will give his persoudl atieutian te the Finishing room He will bein recep of SEVERAL eS FINE LOTS OF MARBUE TI eit see | SALISBURY ou" FEMALE SCHOOL. i Wt] Ape subscriber will open a Femare Lolly Scoot at the Lutheran Charch, Malisbury, N.C., on the first Monday of March inst TERMS OF TUITION AS FOLLOWS: Hemg 1 practeal man and ane 128 workman, Ordere trom # distance wil reerive tion, and noone shall be dissatisfied C. PO GRAY, Proprietor VR5. sett Feb. 15, Salisbury, { Specie and Reapina, per 5 months, $6.00 Wairixe and AgirnMetic, OB $7.00 | Ev Gramwcr and Priv, te $8.00 Crrmieteyand Astronomy, — “ $10.00 Mesic, extra, by Mrs.S. BE. Smithdeal, $18.00 per (S months. Other stadies in the same proportion. All persons wishing further information will address the subseriber at Salisbury, N.C. Boarding by Rev. | L. ©. Groseclose. \ ; J. L. SMITHDEAL. Feb. 15, 1859. pdt y38tf | VALUABLE TRACT OF LAND FOR SALE. I offer forsale 276 ACRES of Land lying in Rowan County, on the waters of Crane Creek, adjoining lithe Lands of Phihp Owens, Henderson Smith and lothers, about 44 miles from Salisbary, near the N. 1C Rail Road. ‘Terms, one-fourth cash, the balance ona credit of one and two years. Apply lo )me,or R. A. Caldwell, Esq., in Saltisbary A.H. CALDWELL. | Jan. 11, 1859 1133 CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, kf W ae old friends ana the pubbe, that he continues ty carry on the ~ CARRIAGE BUSINESS, | 4, <4 - at hieold Stand, iv allits varied branches, and will! G A Ss S, & C 0 eb pleased to show his work to all who want te OULD reapectfully inform hie good, solid, dandle and handsome Venicles, Ca b ‘ va | PN BE undersigned are opening for their Spring 1 Sales a fresh assortment of ull goods in their { line, both _ DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN. Tn offering their Steck, they are enabled by im- portant changes in their business to assure to Cash His Sinith Shops are prepired to execute in the best style and inanner of work for farmers or other purposes Country prodace taken in eachange for work, when Tigpeet his work and hear prices. desired Jan. 25, 1RSD 6mo085 ANOTHER CHANGE !! tod prowpt 6 mouths boyers, bargains ia ull desenp- ‘tions of there goods: the quality to be strictly as re- presented Pivemans have an opportunity of selecting from our stock the most reliable and popular pharmacaeti- cal and Chemieal preparations at reduced prices Drngzets, Merchants, and buyers generally, will SALISBURY hl , on : - FEMALE SEMINARY. find » large supply, comprising all new and approved “Nate Hourshing Enstiotion asia charge of the | remedies; fallowing Teachers, viz 2 A.B. Watwiaeos, Principal, STANDARD Mra Not). Winkiveos, Aasietant in the Baterary department and Music, marie nat Manes Patent Medicines “Tobe ieue avn eo Pashionable Perfumery, : TOILETTE, in Manse for part favore and requ wre heniar mn ther 6 PREPARATIONS, &C. &€C. teach ne Fem if von want forthe Pred | which will be furnished of the best quahty and at the Mv the dhat day of Feb. Pra toand contour (8en'¥-] Catalogneso! prices furnished whem degired ; and ne owe Jan examination of oor etock solicited Vermeat Tartion 1 ber re arn) - 1 . Tahal nlite H aneeentaienen JOUN C. BAKER & CO., aaireanenta tl 1 V4. 154 North Third St., Phi ; Crempant ty Ray AMS 15t C 7 hird t., Philadelphia. Percirar | Pebroary Sth In) Qm:37 Feb Tet, Psoo 10th Ne te Conoord Male Sehool. l HWE Spreng Term co enee re ra WHITEHERD 7 A CAUOWEDL, pi a ee | AVE Aeecomnyd iets a i mM Me JAMES R WeAULAY eee uinayetine s See Weiaie Eae ectioeencil, Hanelisa) 488 4cae neerionratr reaent hy De Grass and Clover Seed. } ERD Orase, Orchard and Btue Gram, Clover Seed, together Professional Card. wins fame amc a Bea Pet. 2, 1850. 180 Fe eae MARRIAGE LICENSE moat 1) Now 1880 “y FOR SALE 4T THIS OFFICE en a ne . a at e 2 M i j } q j si r oe sa g t “S e oe eee SSS / The Coblers’ Temptation. | Concluded | Ou the f falls wong day He cobler watch- ed for the stage, ‘Soul when it came he that any pecuniary pood was to grow out ‘nude with the old man’s 7 ~ ” | The last balt of this speech lad been! hands in his vrasp 3 for even then the thought had not worned itself into Jareb’s honest mind went upto see if the old gentieman had of this. come back. fiis he did every day for two months, avd ao old nan came. At the end of that time, Jareb was ta ken sick, and tora dong tune the doctor despaired of lis life. And Jarel was very pour, toe, Many a night the clul- dren went suppetless to bed. ‘JSareb! winspered tleppy. with tight ened look, * there ts gold tn the ella” ‘Daw speak of it pets x TRY cal i thoag ite dowt! Ou never gasped Jareb fag: wl Aysthere’s wel: but usin tours. Cost ours, Peppy “Ldidwrinean we'd take at, dareby I didt mean we'd take tt © cried the waite. sLonly theaght you musi't die! *T shat die, we took that!’ Heppy 2 After many days, Jdareb able to walk out, Oa pleasant autumn das, as he hobbled along upon a crutch amd statf qr passed him, and he saw that sate white aired man upon the box with the driver The poor cobler buried ony and when he reached the tavern he found the old man slanding in the lial. Ali, this is the the stranger. ‘Lam the cobler who mended hoot last spring. replied Jaret ‘Yes, 1 know,’ replied the old inan: “and the stage driver tells me you have been very sick. +L have beensick sir, Al, Dwas unade berveus fitst, and then caught eeld. Yes, Pve been very sick.’ ©The driver tells me your family suf fered wiuch during your iluiess.’ *Soime, But that isn’t the thing now, Dit we you lose something the ny 3 you came to iny shop! ‘Lose! repeated theold man, starting “Did vou tind anything? * Yes, sir. "Was ita purse?’ SV enncit SOF ereen silk? S) Che dit. Wath tity gold guineas in in? ine T found it, and af you wilh yo dewar wilt tie, you shall bave it? Tie stran cer Bue mements i sence, So dareb led the way te fPihere; Bat 1 sons delight. shad die if Grobb was y he saw the stave cuach comiig merry cobler! cricd your some, sir *Ldon’t knew what wits in regarded the cotter tor mel Uitaliy save Iw wenl toe his tittle cot. “there, ty dressing tis wite, * ler love sid the cobler, iad Ys ave db Calbidle, the gentleman tis come for tts putse.” *We havent wet a calc, dhe Ny buat Lohave soumetii if that will auower. , And thus speaking, Heppy went oat retuned sae lbemsat a Vitae (hee amd Carued toward tise and whe she pine koot, which sie lighted up by Jaret took this sand the stranger lohowed tia, * Tecan wet ity > §Go enV toilew you,’ The cobbler said ne more, bat hobbled down the narrow statrs, abd when lie tad come to that partol tie wall where tlic purse bad been concealed, lie asked tis ld the terel, Tie latter did eo, atid Jareb removed the stone ane drew torth a paper parcel, all damp and mildewed. huey returned to the upper rowin, where deb unfolied the stout pa Compion te pers, and produced the purse uninypared ‘Hore, sin. here is your purse, list as I found a. The ow ain emptied outthe broad wold jieees and counted theum—just) fitty of them. dle returned them to bis purse and then looked inte d wel’s face. ‘Have you oulfered for want of mouey during your sickness ( he asked. . ‘Much, much, was the answer, © Aid you bad this gold by yuu all the while? ST wasn'teours, sir, Oh, DL omay have enffered, but net as L would: have sutter ed fad f taken that. Tt wasnt mine, it was yours. Take ity sir; and when you remember your Jareb Gi pp , veu children, aud his own wid ils se wite, you Bay tlicy Wercil ve larned, but you ll gay they were honest. “Gropp! tire yp? Gropp? repeated the old ian, tac his gaze, wet upon Jareby bat upon his wits, * You are not from Evgland. are you! "Yes, stro answered the cou ler, ‘From what part! ‘From Daventry, Northampton. , amon the | And what was your nate before vou were married € the vld tan asked Bat it was indeed Heppy’s own bro ther, and one of the chief objects he bad in view when he first set out on his trav els wus tu find his sister, if possi ble. He had forgetten her husoand’s name, hav- mg Neil it once rn Lndit, and thea only casually in conversation with a tian whe had just nea; and now that be had found the only relative he had on earta, le settie down with ber come out, ‘The old tian was eur hua . = as . = oo a sy | MOUNTAIN ee: ~NEW MARBLE YARD. @ The Audomitable AT eS ud consequently is one of te greaces! dispensers of heatth and happiness or sickness and diseuse Yo | AGAL ! | BY BENRY 2 COLTON. keep the Liver ina proper performance of ix duties a] al i if lo keep the eveisie in u state of health, und free i. C M A LC OL M. H. I ROBA RDS, nN eae ale ne nasty of the pie, bee re ; : ‘fa uvigorate ite telivw fanges of Mountains wall be pu from ararly all bodily ill, De Suntird’s Vuvigorator PRACTICAL MARBLE CUTTER, or THE carly inJanuary. ‘The following will be its contents: ina vre rn any derangement of the resolved to A large house of a beautiful eminence, the Wealthy ownyt of Was forsale, and Uncle George bomght it, aud thither be took And ti atte doiigs in that his sister's fataily r times there Were sore vreat farge house. The Gropps bad a competent they became prodigies of learning. da reb was utterly astonished at the won drous jutellect they displayed, Dut the balance was kept up. nore and tnore ad little ones became vanced, and threw off shoniders, aud bad not Eeppy land stopped then, there in tho knowing how mnany necks might have been bro ken. Tt was tortur le for iittle teacher, and As the whieh had died, orator NG 1idd ot Regulator of the Liver Pt qaeti'ls site it w life and vigor, strengthens it aud tavigorated iy rng the fountain from whence so tans streainis of eter hes We soy ts e troubled with | ) YE STUFFs, PAINTS, TURPEN TINE Chap. [—lutroduetion. u Ti— Asheville | Lfl—Routesto reach Asbeville—the Swana- now Gap oud. Chap IV—The Hickory Nut Gap Road. . V—The Routes from South Carolina-Salem efferent ameistants, Whe ace determined no Gap and Joucs Gap, Flat Rock, Hendersonville, NTE Have not rented out or leased Cunar's Head, Whiteside Mt. and Cashier’s Valley. ae ty ey Macile line, of ether IMPORTED OLD POINT COMEOI Chap VIFA Route via Wilkesbere and ean “Ac nenceinwtitl Boanrewranilinneedicmeealinamanie Cue Scilly of ub Meckny Wilkesborogh; Happy AMERICAN MARBLE ates een ee en nn nnn perwnce Malley; beuuiry Urbritten ete 0 Mupcic TRE puG (petal ces CUT SURI Chap. ViL— Morganton and its surroundings; the RUTHER pee SE TS SAR Piedmont Springs; Hawk's Bill and Table Rock. Chap. ViLL—Linville Falls; the Gingercake Ruck; Beth Cove und the Cave. Chap. IX—-Fhe Vieuuty of Asheville; the White PESPECTEULLY intorins the public. that he has opened a MARBLE YARD Opposite the Mansion Hotel, where hei prepared to fill all orders with dispiteb, for MONUMENTS, HAT VON ak ABLE TOPS, and all kiuds of ROWAN HOUSE, Salisbury, NoC, sill eontinies to keep this tong established and popa- ) ESIN Chalk, Whiting, all who ¢ T RINALS, Syrenges, Breast Pumps. Lsuch as Dyapepainy siundvee, Sick Headvehe, Biliousnees or debility ot yetem, do not ful to try De Santord’s Liver Luvig- far Wore. in the best aryde loving anh ( i ARDEN and G.ase heeds, ° \ ALT-PEERE, Bo | ‘en ssa lintivd forsale vy WOE WYATT, Draggist, Salisbury, Ss rux, Glue yo uway dinsauetied > Munnfacturers Articles, ARE YOU SICK ? eo I NEMAS, Surgical Tustraments, \[ AGNESCA, Mustard, Ginger, Having made arrangements by which he can pro: F 5 atreduerd prices, Hob. ROBARDS 22,1 RoR 2h Cure the IMPORTED FE ALIAN MARBLE he can fill all orders tor Monuments, &e , at beason- Nov Then you can't be cured tea soon 4 able rates Don't dehy watt your comphant em Reet | i ‘ AL Tok, Blachinig, He would be hap fo } > all des sof dealing | 1 -p ble. and then mourn when itis too late, Fours | i SUT SUI TA TNs COMUNE EGE EIU Heating Sulphur; the Million Sprogs; Pleasant Drives. a ean ea ae ee al) : |Meat wae tee al deseo CELEBRATED VEC eT AB ee ee enn the Mowotain Sele rarities Gumceine Gnaacadinade (inet || Be eos ii GeUEBice she tUp prices, and jude tor themselves CATTLE POWDER. l Howe Nines Tie ason. Davttaed agging al Sproog. faint, Having bad 25 Vears expertence in the business, c hup XI Mountain; the Bald Mount. ' ples. Bhitehes, Ulcers, Sores. and t childish things, Jareb and Coecle George put then on, and became children themselves, One day the two old men were caught in the actof pumping leap frog over each others came ott them that the vood dame retained all her trou senses, tor there Were the height of tuight lave many Reasons When, i their childish joy, they done tniscliet | ' I she not been ever near to wateltover and protect thems and once, CL fave it from goo authority.) whe she caueht them wrest Hing at sideiia, vars and ded them inte the house | ‘she took them by the Bat they had to iditye im rough sports sometimes, teras Cacle George had sud dently teeome Woisantiicegey cand: loness irk weptiis of pe jthyesy dound themmeises teved by a spar of yoy and eratitude that would it te te siihlontly beer Uthed aie thawed out from the tee heniess, ated ios Verty ated walt, cuted. Seo theyypy trad Go Weeteh Theat andl see of the eliidren became old hee oe eaten WC) Cis ees tm "1 mie Toe ys ie wale etl Te vo upae OE AER decnvitpKiudle Loop lelicde Pie told oaeinn Ste iUu et es clartt eChinl teatytit 1G: av pd teva a Droge eal sherc oF Ie hameet. ow oie pulsisned tat Loe) Nan (AES Vine Devlin, a few Prisoner) her hives atten tle re bellion, was tirade Wits cceupien ny soldiurs, Wie iW oastiber, and tien set Tie ters bark rable sian of ug place, Chey offered her Tiger) maki nC bat tection (Cems PUL Roierts blood ¢ al Spicketting and balt tcc 1 Wits Tact appre to fiers staltn t e “ts. sbatre wy with bayonets, aud atroaming Ww this nolig weman continied to excl “LE have tothitg te tell—Di uever tel co al V1 © Was Hel around er ncek. ! ry 5 emiiiet is 2° Ni you tell us where Ms house fo vetintormation as to tier tnts- ome, ONES Neva Lhe ith blood, mney iP you dike, but Pil teil nethiu.. Soe bad scarcely tone to add) to these words, “Lord Jesus. naive mercy ou iy WP Woen stig War pheuiie tye cidist the derisive slicu’s of savawe Joy froin he eC CUL ONES, lead, they cut her cown, and ¢ When she was appouen ls Ind plate of dneehsibiiiy to prison, She any several years, at wisued in the ja min astate of decrepiide, tran Which sic never recovered, I DEY ay ceeded in discovertiy mePPootly eats after “ wads, Dr, Madden sue hes noble then old and orcad i tae Battertichd Wits brotueit to praced in the house where sire iad lived every form of Debility, use . rmiiet and lets Companions, witty bo ced Where the spectacle Was CUrbots atid | Wotan, poor, Curtis ler seaty extrennty of misery. Sue Lane, and wants cleansiog who knew ther victies, au anv thousands kouow Chap sal Che Breach Broad iver and the ¢ as PP) is rani Sie ‘ Chap Nut —Plensant Country Stopping Places; 7 : Ai Carson's ou the Catawba; Harris's at Chimney Rock; | Sherill's at Hickory Nut Gap; Peuland’s at Flat | . Rock on Toe River, in Yancey; Alexander's aud A. 4 we Proprietors tak KB. Baird's on the French Broad; Aleaauder’s onthe Vegetable Carte F he willaive his personal attention to putting ap mon: your boood is boaded wath wehe, hepburn, and their epy and faites, because ( VORKS, Bottles, Sponge uineuts, &e I NDIGO, Aunatto, Rose, Pink, June 2s, 258 bef Don't wearthe hea odred disorders, becatine Vourstoincch is foul Dou't vered with Pray yo rage yourself around the world VPTMEGS, Mace, Claves, Wloor any of the ineledo diseases of the skin, because Dot show youteelf about, lean, your system Rotten Stone, Sand Paper, ] MERY, pn ootfering their Swannanoa Chap NIV-—'The Western Counties; rd, all caved ia. because your Stomach and outident that Haywood, GEES, Sulphur, Crean Tartar, : seed st henogintoheaihy acnon Ayers fe rel these Chings nytt assarely os water quench i . mn Ue sare Ty Beedle Ui Ane Ar YW Jackson, Macon sndChaiokee; Pyreon River; Frank- asltie. lias ramaity is vdhy anil Gifeche auntirarsienes, | VATCH MIhEI mawdy Phe Compound is urefulin most all dees Toa Winter Paps Valles River; the Navtibula 5 GeiPhonetirninin Gedtine aetaamy Cheb umn Gon WE AND i mentee ty Hae ss Casisy Hoge, ad Sheps eu Cerimecstiiann: | fuel as quick as they. are take Tres are: the one JEWELER, oe ae ui i" einen ain, predic ig au alternative Chap XV —Productions of the Westy Agricattural deg the blood and alle cretion ya Vauerd: Wild Fiowers; ‘Pree Growth; Wild Ainmain and Repti ew Arr soi Phe Pilot Mountara 5 timedieal wonderof the aye, recognized by all \V IN DOW Glase, Putty, T BELLOW Ochre, Phe Powder is recouumesded for horse. the gaven , Lac th eonepl ats . a vboboe v ey ‘ye Wren stilver(herryeReowuraltar a Lamp Black, u plaruts of ei inper. Sbobberug. Cousts. ilemme Rede aud : bree hii cUiscanea tn inrecturive Cnupensnt Ges : : ’ the Puls for all derangements requirug a purgative Mas i Mout Springs ot Stokes; Shoeco Springs; Kittrell’s 8 IS, Alcohol, Fius vdice inert w Water, diseases eka ae niall Ais CTDS, Alcohol, Fluid, Hearne ty vs iter dieses of Me Kl. iia: Letters of Di. Christy oa Mountain of - ‘ ' . opp " TUM aT aia North Carolin nee Yo cts per Bor—s Baxew tor ¥1.00 rIYR en coy \ SEE : : : oman . rt srotina ie per Box—5 Box * tor 10 | RAIN, Liaseed and Lamp Oils, TEA D EE [tomy be given 4 ewof tablespoonful thee or Phe work will contain four views of Mountain repureiby Dit dh C) AYER, Dowell Masey fhurdiaes a week wnvcd wilh wand «liek dHahing Md tli by WLR. WIELSON'S nae Sonar aid wi Majrotthatmrenaniutes CoA Henderson, Salisbury, No ¢ (a No NE \V SHOW (' sls Phe pow der os fe ty yuended farcows. Pu a ML Roads, Stave Lines, Stopping Places; Noted [i wail be up in Che best etyle of the T INCTURES, Barks, Quine, week, ete Haviland. Stevenson & Co, Charleston, 8. Q ODN, Salerotus. Stareh, and sold at GO cents per copy When sent by \ a 4 uF . Vv y ; . , router te heathy nod, 66 cents Persons wishing copies, will addrese ao Nidieesineak ve tates i Cees. spuiiessat the bey. me Wow, Pein Roulish, No ¢ Purge ae lee NL TLIENTENE RO. AN 18 nen a OeLe a Charieeaie Popeye there appetite, A liberal discount Co thore taking a number of copies ie Deficient ean PY a oie cat 1a imountotinitk. ast! for male or disteebution ; 7 Feb. 1 4 236 elraiie a VE ital Heli uses: ie pow: J \ camber of advert sements of Hotels, Livery «Sl beogiven ta] tabla aid Springs wil be tuserted upon Hy -leaves, forward tine diate Ty J. R. VOGLER, eee The CALLE ue i ae a OUR MUSICAL FRIEND. gp SU f7si C01 X, 0, pilenghth et tee tetas nis crore tnt enc, 43 Weeki uulea tim stent Mesteeistel nn i et ‘ "6! aa Pe ce i a ela ee . Clocks Walking Canes, &c. oh er ena DIOP An ; Way ol astern pa # (il belie see, stiveled atv Ie, de ON, JONI ay (C1, ot varius Kitts ae ean te Rice tee tree j b ihaulin ci Cecauiiauin alleles Fen aenn| J ieeean Newiin theo te bay eheap Uavone bought teal} Tenet oie Tbe ypmedet ok ‘ , , ‘ eee DAN GOODS 5 ee ee Cues P. G. SPIESS evenirenteacal sat 28 Warren Street. . : . Z ; « t fp scuatal Je JUST RRC EVIE 1) e4 Pie tiye: wen whieh OUR WUSTC VE PRID 4 New York. (cop ace ene Sante! SOO TN I ead eeepc Bs oe io Was tieedaneesary Ne jae, aa ie conn sabe RC Tet en ecnernecere ereenenen iG . PNG Svin Nes . poke Bichon ms Hee mi whiel tt arickes produced by eivedrinc’ te een ines Ae arn eae s as i ‘ Seine ' HOTEL IE the Oe ties EUAN: nd with the addiien of on w h Novor ehoah serrate wide sail Gates me ATLAS (Like eT Want esd eis tal oy El T een teats line sar mann sue ae van ; ee ore i Hier Pug mein cena for wha OYSTER SALOON, bis Dit is ge saree 4 Female Normal School, : eee Ses ty Be re 0 mee enelii2 nwa opun Pown ast \ \ pew a ts ' bor \ =o ! , r ‘ e Tiel ” Pe Meenaad Usvaire SUES er ‘ ' S dba Mich Point. N.C. Rail Road, : Wo wonsas x sabescamaking thee, Miss fee Unis ernes tttccBeafs hes . ae WILES WEST OF GREENSBORO > : ae . ee Cieliies Lee A/inonds, Bethe rts, Co 1 . . ' ST RNY, les ritin dh iit Vee ID eSB ak ~ ards th j coanuts, Coed Nate, Lenton, : LOS PE : : , ; : : ae \ 1 rilt rn = PI PI CS } 4 ; Brandy borhan, Sardines, Pickles, and ; Wie Mishel oced W ; a ) ; waren te “ ne ap. potherartite co len line SH Wy e en i ae Boon ie ' 1 | LROLEN \ ( | | \ | LIMES. D Wi 0 ee ALL FRESH AND GOOD hee ba ap Wctiowom, on ke ; : He BURERY re kept with reg alert, wud hie ue into ‘ Vochoracce raed ‘ ‘ fee a Fy Si eee nh i . 1 } 1 . Yip Foie yah easy ety CN rode arenes tinea 40 re. Interested in eet Bread, Cakes, Pies. &. de. : et the ae ar whoeh be tien shop tet jor partes ard to ine Our Musical Friend w ei Te xjeerinie Notary oS " i : Last iat mls " Wi Il W : (earns re wr Watveremanimntved a Toe hen I son est i ge a Neem sinne ards na sesecise aOysiee dee is r ‘ ft est-h b Ses Shaper session: baw ¢ \\ ' { he besten , tshort ae cee at ulinost 7 i i th oe ca se) OO aon oy eae i u , 1 \ a nO te, 8” i Pry ue Gs Se) i ‘ : erent ‘ . Tat Ao NOCH: ih - M ~ = : Oy ae ces Ge ne % nine j - he noes “ , Ay does a PRAM in HE. T. Beards builaing, ae ' a co ! SHES BRIN DS, Dots SPORTS NV" Noy 2, Ds5° 23 od cer M alt i sh te h trol om , Situa \ WW wells i ‘ _ xt Niw Vuk Sei -, Bar : NR SEY MOE R & CO Vienne eet ; foe ee “te an 1 AND moe SALE. Fil Oo “PirpenlB FEanrcfiene Rev Ww LPANGpON OE , as tee Hee’ ! RUT ES Da Tee Pal fat bien F 1: fe ete a Hee ay veh Ae ; HEN Ss ne Land Sing Gesinierees , . ers : . , ~ oof the ee , ‘ 1 VALUABLE LANDS 25 BARRELS : a Seas rn —_? up) i 2 “ Le eat ' ensaid tract th dings. a gee BcaRpEe Gs B&H UES. as ho Bers Aertel ba WE DOW a nconuy STAND ond yee ae . . » is s WR PE eat yongin or Se ae ~ Yew Crop New ons Mo- P CHAPIN je) RIST MILES. Dice County. ee iicee " oe ie . ey 7 a st : : * ‘ ‘ : Seca) TE race pO yung ur Neely and fee rowan WREST Pil webE nies Carolina City, N.C. MUN Le se 1s on (aN ft eee Aes Mane Nad he Ba bath (en SEEN ne e F Li DN DIG YS 6 2 (eon CON GTELION rh ante te ! July 25th. ISS, < ye S ae net VaR ee ea. PU (CoE t Phere isa coat MDA DOW : Coffe e Sugar, Molasses ' Fs Hee ene { : 704 apa Cromonct oth a tsteaesiy [Lsties Dott es net) Lier piece of DRAINED BOTTOM, | : Ter ‘ oe ee () Np) i Sit on ee HD cane Sl iateaces gh We raea vt ar o ' 4 ' Nite oF EC ity, for the purpose ili hy Uhen dand: as vedetermimed ty ell Ca iia af nein 1 ee eee os AH. He FORWARDING (YD GEYERAL COMMISSION VEGETABLE LITHONTRIPTIC nutes trom sscstons “es eee quan notte onandete eoiuents l( CH sos New Ovens BUSINESS | es re ae daavlt \Wbaseth (hi etkesk Seneca ericlean . ; ; ; OR grat for huet JOSEPU BOW NEE xi) Hays In and Java Cutlee _ Ma ae PREEND OF THE HUMAN FAMILY Jan Vs, Tes ined ASS ar US) aun ER SE VED SYA) Seal Worray's Line of First Class Parhets. APOPERISG FROM laa > . i) ' { UB E r » Sue ! } . , ( S¥S i) » ‘ For Weakness, Wasting and ,,"""' aan tothis ait MORTITE MIPCUDY, every bat DISEASED KIDNEYS, Gre ensborouch Mutual teveuing to sce her inemory of events re- turn. as i aWaheniie from a drean:— “Here Ma. Hlanilton lived and Mir. Dow Jall—there was any room,” and after Hhoments silenee, her hands trembles tears streamed down her cheeks, and wit a voice taltermmyg with “there,” sie sobbed, Robert slept.” Nee! torse Bastiy Mone Ie. Mmner isa i Us the feeds of for good wife. Sho dias i nily need be witheut it on ae “My tuatlen name was Tepsebati: miptoot expence, Olan exchanges ace givin Mansen, sir’ Les Vn dete hou * Were vou from Daventry ¢ Wk tala “ J th elie 1 Man fron Kearny LL \ ‘ I, ' ; “* mus cebter, TP owentio Daventey toiee won | : eta 5 an ‘ To was eivteen.” to ‘You never lad a brother ¢ wah teen Oasis Jenne ene OTe Pat sapliim, sett Off te Tndiay and there he aired) Pow sone) 0 nprters bets oe a George! He wart good bow he wae veo tiled with sew dustor tin Pie dee was then PV yo Geo tne, [le was sinart Voth packed stole. de putand at fern Lo vrth Iman when he went away.’ : ' Piss tote conepatet, i ater to heaps tly * flow de von huew te is vr from thowopal (Hyatt Pew *Bocause we never teat wu | Wes was then “ Tel sir.’ \ ‘ Loter Phiten w bh 1 + [fepeetetie! eried the old min, start ’ ny I lie evap AOS Cin Ui tes eek aloe: lk at k ot “ . igen ‘ sone nay) See dt ved cane tell mie 6 . ; ; we de Toate! bo remeciter tow of ty coud hewl ; that veu tod tiie ii tie Greys but d coulant tind atere veut daa ties A Suutheru I bie Chern, | ed. $ was nestiyent—very., But eas,de a, 7 ay den ki tie , STs aint George Muneon? gasped {fey One of +t sigh} Poo preachers py. starting flan her char, and tren FS ES Dhing t Uh anper LEARN ee aI SEs a ; OS Toads an wir joyce Raa aen COURS Citic “nie tent theat Thea tbae : Ati ain thre cued | a GT i Pose UN) " ta AN ‘ he ehoeted het a Waite Worked rr goin inti y teat Cadheen pers d All ad Hired, bat whiten ste tind ote [tothe four Methodist Tey Fath e Sythe peal tf maw --Creors 1 ‘ soi that city. cont vt Vall Pac sine He) TeNANED THRs Rpm two abut S10 Py PSsbots. | ' i face, ed cradually the features o oil both i eault = who fad boed tn years lone agene wo vteete: tlie Jwinite Leboere are a reveule | totes It was tier foratines en 1 ety Othe ar f the ch VEXpClises ownde a ther Gore Presentiy Jiren Gs a trel 5 whe \ [ost Cee MENGE ANTM SPF the cid cite ees wWitaoen ) Het > [AGENTS EE mn ’ t ' y re aval ft a) ba} ( t are ‘ at a fet APince a Caen WS one yay et wrod ' Aner it Pu taken that gold) bt tb tad wie oc FSS SCE Sal AYU ess i eae, ste St, (URE nave kKnawn Gere Muniweon litcliyceser 1, 180) CO abd sever between 60 there's alwaye a suuboum sire to fall ny ind TU ote ee Ponetion Le @ome aorne tat ye ay depent. George how ded As Orrin Worti Having One of Amt Do ytad mow that we didatt tench the “fattest” offices ino the gift of the your gold, How could | ever have bh people ofthe city ot New York is . of minted to eal unt deli ghe edrother inthe face after eheriff. Tis fees, last year,’amn itt) How d’e do, bow de do! #22,209. Sacks Salt Salsbury, Dee 13 Dy SPR MATER IBROS ace eee eee detant Ntanein the Bladdh rand Kidneys, Weak IST] NOR 0 ANY erat Na cay aN Vins INSURANCE COMPANY, ( BAKER & CO’S TRI-WEEKLY MAIL LINE... Teen ECT TTT tage nutes amir eta tea COD) -[, |\ | I OTL, TWO HORSE HACKS, os wean ent eee totais ia aoe Be ‘ rsalishors he Davie w! Ci hos heen the care and economy of the of cer otths Company, tha weoare tree from debt ments, and have now ou hard Vi7 0 premiom notes $457,059 63 oi QV —-inaking a total of R470, 50082) to Seta Suse. it (nirly Irred. Will sonar restare ¢ From Mocksville, yo 0. to Salisbury. V0, Vilaneoiieace (bahar dn ih) (eropmres Niemen (leaner yngrnoaciligy TCE eco (at diy dames 8 ie Montene have chy ‘Drece ative ordatin Renee Blinds seve New Yo ke. 6 we Pore Jone ot Course : Ionaniiietcon inciting dal AUP he hemtanon i aaying othe puble, Hat there ae ne anasto ieiion tlre ditinoo a akith en 4 i THANE OE hole Niugust Sa Ps mt Toarennrieattiles | be ciepeepapeets dates Company onthe Southern counties, The most fomninlaivmuaen eccrine ol n F ' r e vee enppiy Sv addressing hin at Salebere No leethe Rawk ithe Company hemg in rhe Western Kobi exdeneed ty is won 1 " pow ee S * Cpoeentli m eeenicntic, 1 ie WERT UTE partofthe State, where the danger from firer much rn mae: Cemnmeniadl irom gus i t volt ‘ RAIL ROAD NOTICE oo _ Kb Ni s rs ry lesa S nauristinn ne | ; Cohn Pereree at Soosbary tiie devs TO faraganhalsns ae | DIRECTORS: vid hn ‘ rame wilh fat ina hearts Sertapeevery Titenl os : | Jrines Sloan, JOA Mehane, © oP Mendenhall, D mri COUNTRY MERCHANTS. \TES ie ee be Rea ear y val Fee (i eae \ i} | All Lindsay, Jamee Wo oGsarrett, EW. Ogh pe : creep vents NEW, CIEBRAP, oS TE AEE, a cone annie a a tia ern Yn WORDS (CO, TRAURIBIR: We (CO), Se ANese ANID fies SURO eRGR: Matha Wiadeals ISG : ; ; ; ‘ ainieurite atae | . ‘ wpr on & rps | eat no Jamestown: Wo A Wraht, Witnington NE evar ie Oe rere nt cachet ae. War | ae ee | ENI EDITIOUS ROUTE Dit Slicrem wien ap Ais Heat fT cop SUN Oo RteE ae Ae aes Ma ; 7 a Pon op ; “ Spr. Phomoath : ROB. Prov. Lumberton: Tho ‘ Pony te had ve rig Stores . [aie (re ee eran PE RETGTET FOR TOE INTERIOR OF NORTH CF 4V GE OF SC WE DU LE, | Jotnsen, Vanes vill ' " AUSTEN, Paorateror CAROLINA TRUM PATNI MTROnehisiiieRtcanteated wiht hie be addressed to VW ie ei ee" Salisbury to Asheville, (ee ter an ats STEVENSON & BOWEN Soctetheay. le ee a oI wish to purchase 20° als ae aye ne oe an C SUNS SEEN etP IL? DUO SI EAS enborough, Ny Ca May 3, 1857 ce We hole ae Drate rs in = Panveandl meinen on OI NQe ATE sti aie ttanteieiut clmirtinn ere ee ec eee waite musing Midcousleudep Die tert st Mon Teanetieo simon ihe’ eqns) tate : DRY COODS., (en: Rabanne Teveygiann vw a araude s Whs Guay, ca Western North Carolina Rail Berd Wy AMNION l| 4 ATF Hive Vesierited with them vee " ‘i ~! ro Pf : : : / Val Road at 5 o'chek J ly DANTE L VW. ZIMMERMAN vad guration aie aes Ses vs A chine rarentcre coils a (Olbeoace iunsas aud pee: veh IN BLS AHI? ay : Hof ROBARDS fesils Waco ae Clune (aurea: ure FASO A ESRA Ue Ss MU mt r . at Sue. ent neal as iva Saliebure: Mog alte tose unt cna fh selriicelinrn aan Sey ce ETE MaDe | SALI BURY. ne ne \ ; ' at Aa feet, GMT tet rane the ALOR haem 5 ‘ eas Aer " vf oul or . cee ne F . <i SOLS. eeeante De ee JI MINER ne nln ooneing ty his oe te ae Hn. W. RUpp, nen GS eee le BER MOE INT TT Mh cuncie qlee neil ounce Piuss (nee) Ginny : SNE AE AEN ES WW 1 WEN any (Ee leeta PS ay a taken thie long es PAcGiewlienawnatictels fh eo nte dene 7 Nes cpenar apogcge SME baw nade : Lie preparation te wecomme SALE. wee. MILTPARY GOODS, sn) tee Pe ee ES (anit Teed Wicca s and visiting portions of NEG ROKS S FOR hist wabstaetary tanner \° A ieeeqerene SU) (nrnironeain u Swords, Sishos, Bolts, Epaulettes. Lices val Lwilinevery inetance refund thee Particular nots pa dats . ‘lami Wren mage a dhe Gea ; ioe Srp VOLVER) WSC RIP RUN OP WILK State Hi Aue Viper & Jeweller, Hv nini i wie. TABLE, Five Valuable Negroes, RUSTY No We nny | Contrarctap, MN esnry contest is pices i he wre first i ' A ee) i ‘ ‘ Hie STARLES are nt dantly supphed, an 7 Comtawesec air tent: wal Wake "Tar ga oe SCHUYLER, HIRPLLD & GRIM, JONESVILLE Ay eve tal otter! and al departnenta ets wih Ua ; ‘ f wore UM PORTERS © MANU PVCTERER Male and Female Vcademies Ue pine tar ves his petanninl attention FA Ges TEED SS ANG looms N baat. . ; . _ . Ror ss lite OMT Sorans regularly to the | ctr ‘heese! micedtatharca lit i , \ s ASSES aliae *rine pal eR Cy Te J \ Jia tebe Iw 4 “ Mheese Cheese! Cheese im 4 ; Nip Hh Deh (hea) Cero ty tel xy “Wit hothe florins to please. a liberal share of the a BONES CUBESE : : Wwe spe (OD Lorrainer, 4 erin t Donart. piible patrons Nilenthy woheited \ SEGRO) WOMAN. [OMY ira cores oon ccna tiers a ant WL ROWZEE mee ‘ ' 1 " ) cau | adlee HAMUiGS T10IC All, Minch K Wansi, Vearictot Maae ani tiene | Jouniy 2ithe Teo "eA me abe Hn WATCH-MAKER AND JEWELER, © | vei SebniDeolay i . j a Winecenetes Cerro Ean < ane 1 “ ‘ ‘ f Te els VETS RYN. ¢ Hoos eat 5 Va HAT WINER ACTURER, AND WHOLESAE I \ ‘ | ) SPRAGLE BROS One doe below R.A A. Maphy's Store, tr 1 inte a 500 DEALER IN HATS, CAPS, FURS — : — -_ ° [x BEES cone (alias aecuemnan | Ty @tghily sees af thee achoale willepen TRIMMINGS, de BALL, Asim Scape @ UE Be . No wares ing LIEW EER Y sian: thie first Wada tay oo Dinnary et Dt ag highly Toe fi Gan Ae Et ert * W WEN ae bat tomyeel® Mbp Tous fp bene ' i thie ir , raw puoesit plete aaron peer UU RAINY I |. a ow 1] \ Uh) ween una a 7 foneras ang Ene alapted to the Ta tral wid am pre- j ‘ \ een - P ae , , ; 4 ; par voller 1 ieemente to pare howe hb the he x , p : . rere tae : Fares : ! in : Mt ha ie a et Theory of Vocal Music dtvetiomat he Qs ‘ Wd . ree ; 4 ‘ ‘ Thncketeand|mannimotores yD ( mS alah ee ) iad one) oc ee a ined ae ear eof the North ant | T have apared no pamain the G 00D, ME ADOM =n an tai i In W st fiN es WN ADS oe os SN Aeitanehaftlack . : _ welecscry of “| snd T flatter myaelf that long 1 Dw r Were aun eecelent one 2 gu ; i comnand the “, ohne F b. aren pespercenee enables to anticipate rhe wants of my fringile We Nireila, Noah Cariiimnnl CDenncees i] RescinH itd! form Somers ond the § 4 supply of the above neefal WMiercal Work : Rs Y Our on w 1 fo vane eatiafaction vandsome mrrinterc fore for the aecommoc vy of atudents, at the | - j , ; Dee Vtaninecarednl cies ee ee a r a y hand vet Pand 4 tle a “ A et ; ia is a“ eieon \ onll is respectfully aoleited from my old custom. meri MCI AN BEES SI CAD AEM om Ps OPrtet a el A elo eentl alate. Gre thtes: eee anu Te JNO. DOOLEY oe use oR YERSO fee Oia. 185 aa faye 4 ne \ hundred and fifty forthe | set yen GEL HERE Feh 15, 1849 Prrdeqed Teainet esa Wate next areeion Richmond, Va, Sept. 28, 1858, tf28 BB ya. ' For arther particninre addreee the Principal » ~ oo BLANK DEEDS Junneville, Yadkin. Ca, N.C. and Catalogues othe BLANK WARRANTS For vale at this Office. Batchelor’s Celebrated Hair Dye VOUIIRIAUER IICIEMNIE JOP ying he air Racor Be te renee (FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE, FOR SALE AT THIS OF FICE. \Now. ton, 1058 as | eS The fi are he gent) expen civil W Casas a Writs. Executl Rubpar Witnes and 1 kinds vnat of far Man eth worl a pow (au taro aud t plan pen Ou and whi Phe Sul] Ory At Ins Soll i — : 8 = ee |ed men very sinall, not ovly in their rel comse- : | Bien Ss Water |<juence, but far more in the fact, that pe Sd | | such examples out of a great work of a - MG can he find material for his report. \ TERMS. | : : Even these trifles [ Lave ia this commupiea | | Sagentss ‘ < . : tion fully explained. ; | 5 The chairman has studiously avoided sddress- \| man eunites S15.00 ing to me any enquiries He asked ques | { a Ate 1 y A ip ‘ 4 {tions from the subordinates touching matters | , i i | . . fee | best known to me, as chief in authority. Could » J. J. BRUNER, | EDIVOR AND PROPHRAIWTOM \ Clubs excecding PMNS [ih | $1.50 cach yet abwvays ae atyicace | comin ie ao ‘he thus obtain the fullest information? He has he 2 ADVERTISING RATES. ; : ; __ |ceusured me for work done, plans adopted, and % a ee ne = — = : |contracts made, before my term. Why! Be 7 ¢ | cause not examining (if he did net examine) the mre VOL, XVI. SALISBURY, N. C., MARCHE 15, 1809. NUMBER 42 ceca ie oo me po fair, impartial, just inquisitor—that whatever sonny p_ wets astsiionsi Was wrong, was mny act—whatever was right, : : prance cotiuee yr ad : ——— = = —=- the act of some one else. ep nUo demu, B vertiee regularly nat |} Is this my allegation only !—eee his report— vient the yea eats ¢ . $ 9 ‘ ¢ Me ° . . ba see the contracts of the men at the shops ; all Heh nieve dllars fue a Devoted to Pelitics, Uews, Agriculture, Jnternal Inproveneats, Commerce, the Arts and Sciences, Morality, and the Samily Circle. limale by Col. Gwynn, orginally and for the heyjaveuy p nednel ud : bi ~ 1% | kind of work he most censures, all charged to me wtic because be considered them as affording mat- ereumiscgval @ COUcL GET : . his report. hops for the residence of the officers, &e.. or to Weldon, fasting ! In like manner, leaving leaving, as is stated, but some (one before, for) Would pot avy man of just purpose have Water isof noe value, beluer Ouly Two mies Trot shat be tuit up by the Rairoud Companys gy Weldon or Goldsboru’ at 12 or 1, 1’. M., they collection from this company, abd only ascertain~ | been glad to see an exbibit such as my report pot dade ot Here ds a very plain issue, the fact is stated reach the shops at 6 or 7, 2. M. Are trey to [ed to have been paid by them to 1h linger, as bas made for information {The Legislature and i se that this “town? was built ac: have supper, or to ge to Kingsville, more than not expected by me, some tme afterwards. the people have been glad to see it, and what is : huown ty the Board and to all cording to pritts ot tile, approved, adopted, and 229 niles farther, fasting | Se of our own peo- I neither expect nor propose that the road shall! far more unsatisfactory to the chairmae, they Oe ee eee a inaned, extent, reaching front Goldsbore! to six miles tien on the Koad, except perlite the Treastir Tatiacd: tas ti He had my report, yet he ple, for dinner, on both trains, up and down, all lose this, Aw to the bonds of ageuts, | luye age bave been satistied with it, in advance of hie re- fifty six tiles of road, the ear uy or he would have inentiomed atte the eliaar ches the statementabove, when he either knew do not live tear enouch to eat dinner at home, vetiied the treasurer that it was his duty to sed@port :—but the chairman is inclined to be severe : to these bonds; to keep them, ard see that they in referring to it he calls ita report not authorised rehiet dependenee tor 20 that the plans avd estemales: fur ceery baidding Wt might answer very well tor those whe are so good ; to take care that agents are never 10 by the dircetors, so far as their jqurnal shows, nor hops, execpt those for the hotel bitterly awatust this indispensable strocture, to Arrearey aud to notify me if they faled to pay provided for in the charter and by-laws of the : up regularly. Whenever he bas done so, | have | company, which bas so much delayed our en- immediately required from them pivinpt account: | quirk >.’ This is very severe on my “report ex- ability. But the receipts of thisroad bave been traordinary,” which I flattered myself the chair- over a million of dollars through the agents. man might read, digest, and at least aes con- Nhe default of payments less thin five thousand | demn, in such unqualified terms, dollars w this date ie tive sene—the actual lass | ‘The chairman, sir, has bean very hard te Oseasional ret ter for 2b per ceut higher that re MiG FISHES HEPES ferilencenelie ays. your comiiiltture jeer ties titseys \ | uotjausut the wbuve rates a for divorce Uf Wesbantl | sys 4 oy the Tneestigatina Comncitcc— Concluded ‘ é soaje anny aud wile, #10 ened 1 > < Coahata acd ur trot Ul a owotd Pate The Contract of Johu ©. Me Rae & Co is lis \ renal : first subject Pins was a work of cou ra Suite a ital od o a d at e s ay } Uj Sj U P M e s T I I e A p P E sO H i e inee, Whet Pin tiy late report above Litier RET orp) f luet bevun atid in itetive posrention for Ome ajay Uy ul fy ovetused to huew—whieh he pleares—the facts, and all do not carry their dinners alous, or fast. | wer three vears ordonzer, cutirely daring the alti Miles 6 istrahon ob Wy predecessor fo it fear Vite Vea eof all at the company s tit we must have stepped aad waster of te proud, aud for the store house pot alow by such shifts; but the wreu travel | dirman tds wothine worthy our Lraitis without ment, and nothing whatever to censure 1b he! work or providesd other supeptien, a th eNpe of Messrs, Jolin Mo. Worth db Co, were prepar- 0g public will approve no sugh wiggga Ly pole Sots Ute eeviein wuligntatulioa tiled: | Wnptiienwan 10d eden (es cifenay the chi engaer, Col, ey. [tis the daty of ratiroad compatces to ae he close, when he actually proceeds ty make ine tos paid far abowe ifs cust to Us. Gaqun, dt adopted: V have reduced the cust commouate, did it ts their anteres’: only a period of years during its whole proge responsible for the whole claracter of Che work Next is the chiietuat's section or fhe Joryrexs oll sotne, and changed the plans of others, but short-sighted barrow policy cau ove lyok both | his first notice beng of the transaction CHEN Frag which iw aly so alsanl tirowahout, and Aub sory (6 pay, cannot claim the honor of the considerations. leap : , closed it, aud upon which Hhapyened to hace a) ho lays snel uumitigated ignorance of the sub plans or luextion, ‘Phe ecnsure of the chairman | So mt lh for the need of the Hotel: now for se far beyond remedy wot one thousand” An) please or to satisfy. He commences by propos- pean eal Leute CL lie viel stil pity ant) Lothat cannot undertake to mend ats biun and his fiends would have very little: terror for its plan, ‘This was submitted to the board nnimense uss this: jing in his place a proceeding not warranted by As to the delinquent stock, about which he is! the act of incorporation, as he states in his first troubled, it belongs the treasury, [tis so much letter to me ; he proposes in the midst of his slator, fur 4 few weeks, to under- than the tour millions of capital, apon which any take the herculean labor of investigating the af- dividends could go out, The board have always) fais of a large corporation through nine years considered it wiser tu let this stand, rather thar! ofits existence! An absurd impossibility! For sell at a sacrifice. The chairman probably /it might be questioned by some, if he could do thought it was given away to the original sub: it ju nine or twelve months. Being allowed by scribers. ‘This was a uistake of tis. | courtesy of its authorities to proceed as he plea- ‘Yhe chairman refers to the Western .Vorth | ses in this adventure, he rapidly grows arrogant, Carolina Rattroad,” (he cails it: the “Wester takes “the papers and books into possession” jo} bvtension”) iy a way that may be nortifying to) ard the men into custody ; grants “leave of ab- that company. ‘The board of directors have sence’ and “orders” attendance at his pleasure. rather considered that in aiding this work we Lu. not satisfied with this, in which be is in- The followine ate kept on sent by mailto any part of Cae cou y, at on psetuleient are Ww very pra tee After the cote (ays or correct the mis statements—| Com. to take Depo. C & 3.6 clusion of Worn, repeated appr eations were Madera byjet ace fetes se without merenee go to Unis place abd point out one unnecessary chamiunan pleases. Lam not ashamed or afraid ‘ ! ‘ : sy cements budding, De very wall knows then ts none, of It. loes he Gnd the leuse tou late | Te Pas ota invested —andsotnuch less amount! duties as a | Jiis second servier of passenger Uititis was suede He knows, noteover, that by far the lar- occupant thinks it is not la ol deaa Phe rensens gest part of the work bis been dowe under con- extravagant or ornamental / We thought it Jurse Thee tua by tie dvay wemlerutl vial ihe eb i the Witheu Tome deancnirmonn, GA ts made by the board of dieetors and chief sery plain. Were the pnces high for the build: Bail Honda, civil cases ” i ‘ \ effecting this settletuent, because there wi yyy re this y Cheimeer before my tera, abd the balance at the They were exactly at the rate estiinated " bail D soma} intercourse between d dent, Cliet {1 expens: Atwilleive me otherwise I mav safely challenge lim to. and adopted, on my recommendation, if the Civil Warrants, Casas & Boule Apprentice t lectin Taveuni Writs. C. & BR Court, Hatters Test ve ary Executions, C. & 5 ¢ 1 sot Adin een, ment, Not ghee or twiee, aut tnaiy tithes, Rubponas, © as C Myr ! rele, { Witness Tickets, C & & ( Martia pe bivetiees, . the cutitieter fot a titth se senough. Is it thal hecu depresette Hohe abou ceriieiiedh i Nias wired: cuuseal \ He knows that the day work of by the chict engincer, throuzhout construction, rail trail deft Charlotte early in the mort Satie rates Poadiew & Astieyv, which he puts shes ath beth, for work done in be ck and wood, by the square, ib st 1 Josinerr aud contra 1 medesertnee HO iis. {irons the Bue tiv diay te | mee Te taal tra of Waewlone ulder contint, tae ty ( ol, Gwenn, and the lumber cost less than was paid tor a other ode of settianent, ap oomte! acorn if ‘ . Nocet tees us Wit Paddy, 1 eit ty the facts 4. 4 south Carolan Eavinnd air [le knows that dhe day and “job work of das, sfroquentuspriie Wake land report vote eth ctwlial « mie sete Caiterh © ‘ erarencatClnevidke a ae On Minnie, online he published at len CM And manyo ted to order on abuet ne the Hutel was needed —if itis Its cost’ has been « Hhely to retraite ned 1 mt NOT AN Sent \ i ; es nee me let nder contract made with Col, Gwynn, i tee h the wo | a) Weeden 1 é indo stuply continued in foree upon the sat hi or tor what is the Liane ! ¥ hy ai tates ' Coe , Pee ae . ait A el uowenint tie ewe leche work FY aarll nsieeall gigs comin, Cdlvn lass cree amas ones mine line and promoting oorown indulged as” harmiess flourishing in the way of | ; ret . f ‘ A eicletto erie he las wet he owas done onder a situidar content with the «lire! ed over the rod, that it was deplorably needed |! rest —and they have oniy made the sate Lib- bie’ authority,” he applies to the Senate for AVIA AV “5 : t f taee ne a i eae : rivoe eer a ‘Otel ae aecil ts abcrenl weeale= to fiat lal terms for freizhts (of coustruction—not for! stu ferther power—this already potential chair- : ; ; : ng (ordinary freights) th them, that this road re‘ mian—"ty send) for persons and papers, and to SUPERPHOSPHATE GF LIME. ce er ta on ey ee wed from foreign coreratons—in the course examine under oath,” although he had, sir, I of its construction, Our payinents were made pray you to mark, all he required of both, which Wes und: ag “""PARMERS A age vomit vite tn mw maaN aig wth the tants tu th | ty these partly in stock of the company: Us we could give, freely subject to his commands ; to (he same, e 1 q h s fisive lo “ears pot ell as to refresh the plrysical os tired tra way could this need be» y The chairin i has exagserated the cost. The | '™ wl pass us imcash. Its prowess towards com- thus, by this application, casting upon Ua, could have had it by proper enquiry and exaint | 1eeben will largely wad constantly increase our! through the grave avenue of legislative action, hatuluiiie Uavitilusk ipevulueks Wi hues, Freceipts, aud su much is it ideo ih interest’) an uputation of having withheld what he re- and he publishes «letter from Me, Fries, of lis to be called au “extension” of our ruad, Can quired for his enquiry, and an insinuation that the chairman see in this nu reason for liberal serious dithculties bad occurred. He asks for dealing towards that work information only from subordinates, wholl ig- irmau's report poring the aid or existence of the chief officer; At anufacirerwcns i P ; i aa reanires eieumspect ts he is ny stuckholder,) he would have known ' Lis un le refuses to this official the use of bis records ; , . tl erly nade, He gives am extract from the re be complains, first, because a forthcoming re- o pertodthe finatice commpitted In July Vet, and ports too loug delayed, then he impolitely d vy fand he omits a nots referring ty it, When this slurs that report when it is issued and does not | ae ee) (idee ‘ aa? ; atu it (ae eS E hat has simcularty showed, and am realy to show avain it nieerteal bee VLasked the chairs exactly suit’ his uses, as “unauthorized ;” he . : eat deal Nobody hucw better than Ale, Pites, far ie ts qe tla Mr. Kokland, if he would be good enoug) wreatly lauds the chief engineer of cOnstruction, bertape host profitable > nan of worldly experience, that this hotel was; °?* Aplacn what it meant definitely, as it sounded and he greatly censures his acts; he thinks ; Se titedbadie tyll (ye ats theeet anos cau GIGONS Dae | RARE UE vauely as well ds barslily to iy ap: upen the whole, rather well of the company’s i bepsion. | asked it the con e bad found shops, but he objects to the houses he becomes tavtiene in error’ he sald nothing; anything suo learned in the arts of railroad management, wrone / nothing, Was the transportation: sy> and condemus emphatically our running of Tie Geheinent venoms ie letidedaueyenetscmnt Tiltiisccnirued toy) (uate) port van allele on the road, a trains; be tinds the train we thought our best ‘ wot one? he said, admirable iu its perfect ar | and most profitable ove is sinking us 80 much jocks, balanees and books, What! per month that it is fortunate for the road re- ythe accounts cvipts he did not figure out the other train; he with individuals, these only were not as they! proves to bis own satisfaction that there ought | should be. Such was the fact, until the present lo be a large surplus in the treasury ; we have secretary and book-keeper, with great labor,) thought ourselves doing very well to be out of brouzht up and regularly entered trom the first debt and to have asmailone. Finally, drawing HT gana a nseh © ; 5 i La i he i : Cie A ene (work. wahout reproach, bat [dare say [learn, but to censure. As to the cost of the year of this curpuration, cerlin accounts, I his labors to a close, he apparently relents from : : Pthe shears or buildinas, of found ne account ol habilities due, listed for re-/his stern character of prosecutor on the part of . dete ene yt came into this office, none was! the State, se far unwaveringly maintained, and then kept as now ; hence the tnpossibiity ofde fora mgment, “the quality of mercy” allows— termine the old indebtedness witilit Was) pre “that im the management of so extensive a road, Rerto incl Wet vcd tare pas ment: It is conc that (he most vigdant and judicious administration late of lour books arein perfect order, as Udieve them to meal coment errors Slut be concludes with ns tothe date a ; We lee etry tye claieman woud Hace referred tis verdicts that) this road has been badly book seeper yy aud i , ' (hi ees i , : , , fait of the book keeper, to tiem iu his report. managed by the president and directors.” How! ‘ Se ara \ : ‘ a bee “ ‘ ‘ mae Hy ; iS : jl . ARO att toto be qast,) but of the President.” A true word, sit, in th Hu save on pave 22, °No system of book keep 1.710 the partic ulars which we have been able to ! { wean be adopted, which wii ike the book. ; @samine, i the time aud under the circumstan- % Dalinee sleet show dle truth, 1 the! cosy toenan set forth. In many important: par- siren be required to pay on President's) Uenlars, we have made no examination. eon i etna etal ‘a Ee reculicchons touching the matter, Tithe chan Son das mau had been at the Jast annual meeunys of the holders, (stich, of course, he could pet be, propetter are much ued mou ray \ 1 Mtn o er o ‘ meagan | \ j tc , yee stock Only one other point of the cha T sisal further notice, and this Saune 1 eeotteetions of Mir Fries touchin OWe counder petems tO Gwa[) iu ‘ ' t Wate’ | wee daa : Hae wn ; raven i Hien Nat lee oct ot slope. apd states the read, had proved detect report was read in the meett Penne fiven “ RcUIUitse , 1 ‘ a i «NS ef . 1 thone rubeeauers “ ean ge en Se r img tae His letter contains nothing requint } Kinde SLanne crear a! ; y t ‘ el t : ; trates amount it is fotos Sth) pO, ov We, Wotermus, exeept that be | thats m Ste ‘ ‘ : a yar’ | oct amen] othe decd i wl pay. convesved my fone and taanner re t mn, ore linportant ¢ yy trom ther report ot ls apparent curdiia cu vperabon in thei ast 3 {vanvemen g (eps ' itoto b t uhine ae Citue chardmatis a shabt [cannot steutly allow, pyear ts ofc then 2 why, the plain books of en ters to one of the men engag The chairman says, “what the several houses Gy. Mooresan terms and in} at the shops cost, your commit believe no one tarmog proportional). M ie dus position, He» calls | cao tell” ‘The chairman “believes!” How can and requicng a tom car j Vaca by the py 4 ‘ AK era nal “ | 7 ‘ nea heeaineieet — Mio Moore Sa doer ot adil jobs about the shops.” | be properly bave any belief without enquiring to too rapid seul y ot N nce ; Aud Dagan say, be did not enquire to | ; 1 \ Fs : ‘ cal Siz Viger \ MNES, TeURC Ue we fit Tir tO pire kus tilate mie Ur Ma doen ot Ws that are | dearg conn than ' Ncoo diag ' on : ial : ' ; ean anil hy pra Tyo ated wecuta V dele \ ‘ \ coe : { “ alow ader than Fuaned, tam dats oftiatenal, and trum estimates, freehoo rany craps HOw mnetee res By ace Sali« f “t ter ros A 1 {te . ' ' i ei i Was for train at z stances of tlie hop Wildes, and the ac torevery fault end ons tau (al ud Vie t bin the Warrant, without showing fur what Ues warrant Jive the chairman the full benefit of what- ae : , eee i Mt Cat dhe ike tit a 2 AG mths . ever publeity this paper may confer on bis chenncal conan woth the We ' Paved ‘ th was | “& : a Se Misequrins ancient cde civuaclin on, lbs tnic ona Now the “truth is, that er warrant epey “eoteusion” because | intend to make a wit- . 3 ested does show, “for what Vas weet HNL ST OSS), Ea lhe shall vot have to say that I , init apaltes clvcameay (kealeard) eo, Sui OSscnl AIS jpn of Ins “conclusion.” Ne Ntasnen eat) eatenenite ; , bso cl Naat 4 arlene aus ene | ih © tanaue metaois ta tise tnenol) (fe line work) ware Helms Lcemens Ueitiiat ates vey) tui) Lto attend a sing he ought to know that cach one My respeet, sin, for your honorable body would and raw ists seemenita thre fodlons : : so hot allow me to speak harshly of the chairman eient ie Ge His reference to the condition of the treasury (ur ef tas report, even if T was disposed to do 80, n daly 4 ind lis remarks thereupon, Edo) or deemed 1 worth while. I have referred to Wer oder ol aihocntuiniporea cc: lomuuiinize uierdoan iments etic chairman’s repost, and I piv extending this already very dong communi shel stite bere, what l have a right to say, and ny notice, nor bis attempted what wilt it be denied—that of the signers, | planta with aeuticy vanns oll IP \ : ; ' an \ i Cunt! ie contract woth them, upon tes ComEY own busttress, ate which speaks for rise witht, Mr. Moline was ta tedergh, at mit teleetort a S hiet Har dmeasurements by square, ated atst pulled ft the same, accor Phosphate of Darus, : 1: chat fh ieee 1 Ti ewan noua es, wiieb slow for them IS press SUPINE : fe eT tees ! Mbt ‘ { t lay as dow as such Work cit Organic Matter vi a u - the i t a “ ted quay Coutts apd the whine, not o7 Atanaetiiae “ erved by aivselt in its prog re I ORETEUES j but aisu eyanined, Ispected, Ibeuts ub Ciesesire On Tee On I Warrant, ctblens, to give renieveent: ny statements, My report of the bis.) the senatorial associate has given very oc sasional fone sUloonuietin sels odhoal issanent, 1 Se: afhurs, condition and. prospects of this road, allen dance on any mectings, and very little aid ured to qnake noo vuglit to be capable of sustaining anablerreviow ) Many en {allo I state further that rarely in + of the committee has there been a ing ailected thereby. liave reason to Severna: attendance, Of course, therefore, it has been signed on the faith of the chairman’s en- Hactors f yoent vi Tnsoluble un | nlia Hiteeat es Soluble alte, Chile sonta, he ut, at Ie thot doe the treasurer, of Teniew Of recnburiy and very car compatisots cs te the pes Rey DOs vine more knowiedue of bis busi bave, up to the present, on ae than any cbeaneer could lave, and mach | improper payments, acearding fo thenwury stick ptian) Wuercbaitinatl has made, or can make, with any ice }, and auditing committee, out }to do this than the charman tas anditing of the be " ' uM uu janet Iss tft ay. from the same faite CH mn reeeints ast year : judi Gre whew cores retin Ace M ‘ ‘ A elCOCUINod fitmiont NniMcren als. Uhmnl ql rare iON DEL TUsens Ua be to exam aud report on and have satstied these as to the manner of pay.) bebeve that qhis report has been generally satis t ‘ Wits t ru uutry, dv evant Hoe ae O Lhe chairman shows bis ienoranee in talk inents, Hlas the chanman teund any wrong ( factory to the Legislature and to the publ, nor qteres. reatly dnerensed city te Het about measurements ona lt uhoad by “dis. Efso hat has spared me its exposure io Lopprehended that the repost of the chai [but sir, what, after all, has been the value and : and alia ‘ a a 2 ciec: i thy dl Sab Win ae iii conerannaden tie eceetani an The i The chawinan gives a statement of staGon | tan ¢ tnci-turb this satisfaction, but rather must the etfeet of this examination—to the Legisla- A ee ie I hea ° lamers due as by bY is chattcter confirm it. ture or to the State? Does the report give you ¥ 2 No y the Pas Opies TEMES AXA RTA) Ni: mates tuade aud approved by the elief engineer bo rks, At thee tendanee, (lan In conclusion, sit, 1 have to sav this, that! the cost of the road in figures?) Not at all.— yavina, Pues it give you, for general information, any i isiness in the past, and its: pros - initely £ None whatev- carly oy elon oats cheeks and charge of incompetent management ¢ fthe wok easiby tion of misman- trusted to my bands, anda proposal was m ide yw, in bid policy —neglect of duty my enenies ty proces do upouan investi ration daiecer to tify, or loss of property ? Not one. betat be earefaiy noted, Ist. The charter of [Is a siiole inaccuracy or mis-statement shown t orpord Fe wees (ode he Lon oy tenets Notone. Itis altogether made wake anysuch inquisition, 2d. The Up of very small thir +s—full of mis-statements, ted—full of errors; which I fics (honin Gut often) Circe e wrench Feat eats on the road, or aud bears upon every page ® (ant PEC) irdoand clothe them, to Jose ail lost time of 1h the accounts of Me liae, “Vrolinger, and An the Board of Directors, appointed by the board ™ tuifest spirit of censure —almost but not alto- ht wether throughout, for the closing page makesa Work Gi Wie dadit at Wise pronitises, lat alten xen on tee Ofcom Hes voresponsyble for them ment there was fiell of exploration to jind have said to the proposal to examine, made by fall ater Ike 3 ! Monuments, Tablets, &C,, Coultacts Gabe cavcuteds Lttraiy bre teeitituin eae ivet ae Fellini Cane Are rel Wil the chamman now undertake to do this walter fo censire Ir he had looked into this those who Lmicht have sus] eted did not intend Shall L then be at trouble to defend myself, 7 hk i \ FISHES toinform the Cincens of North Carolia to Ube elatriman ts UFOS SUPE) SSSINSCETE TNS SANSA Pesan a AR NS nS SIVELY ASEM by ates as ce profitable undertaking ¢ Tso, T would He would have sedm Tow it is: (a thing eva To examine Mir and funly: You are caceeding atid to denounce the chairman By no means. 7 | poet ost Vebtine to dssure Won coutraet, for all year require lone explanations) that Ualaness your jurisdiction; the charter gives you no such He as entitled to my best acknowledgements. — mids Open the road, as Lome as die pleases, bes appear agaist station as nts, For instance, on authority; look to the reports of the State's men, Lf ritarn hom pa lily my thanks, His exami- = The rates pottd to das. Moore on dis est Yeents’ accounts, sowie bali ue of his i eatimoanimls and Ramplilets tachechad at the © ‘ Iyurged standing in the position ofa st ite offic iat wal ! ' bef trar Pat t ' aS eis vanes | ! and approved by ane atierwards, because $eh.) to begin this examutuation, DP stvou fic eee eileen nets Cia t WoRAE DN Re M el ! Pacrectead ‘ threats, ay A | nell (eae OO Toreal Mittal inure tawee (eenoeey TORO AS ITM UORGNGUTMIT a CAT ELEN TON SSCs DEGT EVAL S| IO charge of her most important work, [ bave been S. : ( Gear bien ; P : : 1 ! ; reven T \ te ie) wae ti ' Ws aRlige 4 t CMe Niantic cuormously extant, 26 te rlaaeman iad vation accounts, as one cr the piled from vanous aveugned before this General Assembly on ta | aie eh tank tick been re tewon'd roads, and t specific found Moore's estunates there and he tadaneces ¢ never did eramine o! tthe ehict ¢ eer Was dn ot alae This, by fart ost ipport uv 10th, Ps. mient in its daaty uses, tos \igotes auitielo swore to 1 } a lk (bbarlie thie to louk colt wish bauds fur any and all work required of ove hor, lature son the engines, or In this department we might Jose, any mouth, charter docs provade that the Quterestaf the Stae which T have cc WARBLE EMPORIMW. : CHARLES P.GRAY, °°" cases Where : i Chemist hadi a SOUTHERN ae PN SN ' Mee ot Allanven an picid etna scl a uiget ass lesen it yoother capacity to by a bad system, more than he deplores as lost shall be well guarded by her representatives tH lave expos dav where, whieh has caused many steered, this whole qatter is mastered aad elo baal weather or otherwise, all ck time—and to drews, in rents and interests —butin this depart ofinternal improvements. Turis being so, Imi MAMMOTH DL ALEROIN generally, that he has purchased the stlek of taive Turned: ¢ wypry from) ete nis | | GRAY & BRYAN, snd removed to re le tretetan i ier Tae tay \ ; ; Main Street, Op) the Past OF piv ad wood, beyond the vis ont. expets> delstat (he road t t tes the privileges of whatever Dyobs amas Sistof December, each agent (as as las da (you wish to see its comlition. Bat, sir f said bod has becn of immense value to this much | in the abused pabhe work, about which absolutely f witere lenapraient an Weare recat’ wih oot pauyiis t exer | fest on th | ) 5 poet be requied, With a quaranive agaiiet any t duty) sends to the office by mal train Wis inn oosueh thing. On the contrary, strut : I | kinda of work in hes ha ete le aes eerie (a {4 HY ‘ ? F ‘i Coli quisition but for the clean work offfremht sent to every other acent, amd it Wi consciousness of a cotd.ton which we most de- Teg vies Utttes Ibe (6h understood heretofore, in | MONUMENT bared to bave made puble, knowing our acts te da public attentioy to its condition, and \ cantot exactly ti it iipen ame, iets tance leerett Tek ae 0 Pwtiat was dima sand, ql thes@inet, 1 tis was iy bistiess, faraciaet that day: but itas not reeerned for two days pe we yfaithful and proper, Tsai for tha tb ests cneral interest to be felt in the rye = FEN 4 ' \' ‘ : 1 l A B I, 1D) | »: PEis tient lee SE on Ne TG j aw Hl Ay ane nun. (Henny eS SDT IRS /) woofar taps. by the agent ¢ ace) with itpand certante Weard amd tor myaelt, without Resin, = EW eerie rt Ui Saikcyionts which was never felt’ be- | Aint ae Heasau tne perplestty for the contracts © charged wp as against the agent to whom > ’ chaieman cans wid | : er , fo TOMB-TABLES, Vidrews in ht Niet yok Che (ets: yg mistake 4 rela THe (eboktetial apo) wee Gente ts s VMeowork Tas en dete and not taken from lis warehouse and pand tori ware cal ynestion af jurisdiction yw shall be © The taas done i than this. [ a the - : , sy, Uren tive terns steal ode te is te a] the me tena th It ist an body ot all the erambhos and fault finders ec wath of Dir ny i atanis tiluretoneasa best wamtcticcdh Gy your proposed Gt ts y 4 here cherman as my witness. He shall defend me and I EAD-S1 ONES; transaction, I {tye us ‘Treat Tice ie aig ee , mots sutherenes eet 1 toa beaha 1 he ea in, ont foot areconr papers, books ameimens they are at your 424 stall enemies. Hear him: ly \ AIG IAVN PIA tots TOES PIPIRTS SE IRURIRiCg alnca dy tigi needing ‘ Va itew ' re ; ae ‘ ‘ ce vr eal ie eae ' passed Layun ot Goya Goods vot wlelacual faim Germinal examine wl van please and as vou Your concmetter belicve, from the report of HallWennitcat nme hentrnnt: (Ao ween \ ' 1 l : : oe ; : Da i Tce, ~ es UN SIA! ; J kinew the ter f thes actu wa ' norton paid far by me, att sho n his warelious roam due for t wt t Fru ste nie th Hie (nh th non hava the road, sustained (ira Buri emanate lth 0 (ase a re UNE It isctrues thot 2X \ ‘ ; . ; ee en Sak a wine rt Wen ‘ ' | “h ue ard ia | einige betepeddt ripe too the President Se ae entiafied. Being a practveal man and anevy nebtot way tha 1 ovstte Nowe ) i ‘a en fenton tue A (ee eam Tin Hotlat the S Ss a pronument fea: towards hath tad agents, are th I tion tall ocuasions 4 vuisIGOn, 1s, t tors, sine thet dette, that the road was ¢ ne) | sft ne Sn ae We ME aay kuow Detter mtb erst i. un (te dow pedtertian lesermiis (4 tree the report a Hunan asatas apres appear as delinquents, when tas uotso. bhese pe th the whole tra sual nothing bat the eurestrueteat ane cy ra p xpwrets, t reel and Panag ee Psst heat eS MINT Une pasinaut til Kav reve wie ms report, whiel Lam atrand 1 tstraetar the road, alike ereditab eater GCUt Un Ument lonst as lctastas (yc mtnocis toy state sie elite SOS SU) })iiss MOR Se ' yitirjedare highly encouraging ae i rahe a Mee ee { prceeot hit I i ee (ee t ' | sel Hes tOstied eleurmar ane] ta state only Acts Liss the result of lis labors, very satisfacto- rdere fron a dist eawnllene rt ! ‘ sdit seal 1 1 1 efu eons liss ti eh yap, | J istacty E tion, and no one ehall be dissatict: MIRE TEMS SU aetis SL 2 Wishes \. ' tone Gidithaatir, nes eneine wallotrcoste at sinbuls Hi Gabon) etter sp lens Phe chamman states three cases where agents T simply ask, has this been done, by the show. ry tome, and surely to So Oe This is CU MR Prone with Atedrews ana Mins yest mt as usnalt et tn thinker bee dis wat iyselt if rt bad eost butinallimyexpen are rn defanttand misstates allo them, The ing of the chairman's own report 1 Tle himself) bes it Tast af any minen ee nsured, © 1- | SAU AU able! . LTS cesT ELSE ANGST 1 : { n of . } setron of the of work, public or pusvate, | liwe never yet one at Ce Isboro) ow on a nore that ilies vty pert , 1 and pleads cick ot ana n Chea} constructed” with ae | t }, hl - Terwards of teeessity pit \ ' : } Nethatie Oar = cenit cuane? (en ‘ cat atom: or jreineatalene two thousand, tatover five t lata ‘ Hloumenne le wirorcd at Wiccan Sothat ae “ deghly encourag oe be Wad © areca 8 1 : ; | | + DENTAL NOTICE cones eee CEC ene onsen ee cue EE an Pa t 1 or to be | 4. . 43 de Nasa Na a \ . he ret ud Tsu potent is Ube eta at Sisal vasan tnent \ i two ( vor ts built, a Vine ‘ orto be i x * ' ! ’ ya ‘ Mae to lak Vipeeter vtravetors tor roterin ‘ 1 tive ’ Wois ‘ to te { ' vl 1 row { first at ‘ NA Fest tte 5 ‘ 14 thes ih t t i eee Live t Taw f t < wet ' ensur tied wha Your ob t servant, ) CCRT rh ‘ . ' ‘ \ t : i \ y : : ( & oh SEs . SR, |). BESS I. I pavers teenies , | ene aww, DR veel cessnen We tan Whee : ae ree eas ce rece AR ant Gand CHAS. FE. FISHER : ie hie case of ret ' ie avd ct ; m eet cruel uateiet Fh ! | t ‘ yc Veen Walenta tt ( 1 reshewn aes pas 7 1g AS REMOVED ro rue DENTAL ROOMS : ; : , lH Nee toa aN ly Gnrthecurnen farminclyeoomiplcd iy dn ikaw) | tsi . ( ‘ ' ,whatth Toeonid oo 1 rikes anu | ' where hee prepared to attend all oy hance [his was an nef of tl mac | i) r thy ntt mitey, att unlora owen me tt | Seo Rn ‘ Corpora . remencny (hy CECE n- mondected witliiia snninavion , nat ae . vara : : : | ' eh iloe tinst Wave in i aa Beh ih : rey : Jan 1, 1K59 tf2N ; een © nite eynetriae ue hho Nivea ; vate ‘ ; : aan rae ‘ Neri | pargia Ve ‘ reountrys i rong ¢ maumieatio oo ra) ( , nate geneurn, | ys an el, aun ees ante aac (yen | \ f yn a ite | nt ter a aig. Tan © oe lao Speaker of the Senate on Tues os rrass and Clover Seed. Cireuastancn « \ th \ : ' belbios . eee ed re Prong 1 i cw Wueapableo vont coat oe SaAys \\ lod had « {7 cat d { t trelit and reach of Cee | “ wa ait f ay ih \ rave vod balomeanagerin | \ \ ue I ease CUENTA Nite cine Sen " | 1 . Ae ane 1 Oe ea ae gee A nee alee “uly, 1 ‘os sob Beye Tene feangnd un OG Gillen oapeaUanTt ye y NL ibe thes meal Pte the Hoy 2 yo twas re transachoms, may zs is TL presmine. ther until a et Wo thtant, or are they t 1 Fale Gey) (es nO cored from ¢ vrent oa 1 ‘ \ rtalit, t \ yok to fur im the morning 1 | Poh 29,1859. ify. se : prepuce Ji prot ot whieli, Ptake one singie fowu W )omust necessanily grow up aroun . proces , PR E 1 Mi ca s h pn aa p na t e a ae = sores The adjournment was Thursday morning, ear | ly. Of course, therefore, it, was necessary that! it sbould be beard at the morning bour, or not! wt all, Whew it was proposed to take up this conmunication in the evening, the motion was | bitterly opposed as out of order, and several | hours were consumed: ip an attemnt to talk it down, Sceing the intention to do this, | request: | ed my frieuds, as @ personal favor to me, to withdraw the pap rT, as the opposition to its b- ing reveived anu read showed a determined in tent tucut me off from any hearing, and to cou sume the remainder of the session in opposing it: Lut then its withdrawal was objected to by thi eaine persons who had opposed its being receiy ed, and it was therefore, ordered to be read, and the reading commenced. The clerk had proceeded as faras on the third page, to this sentence" A courtesy, as appen ed later, which the chairman was not abie to ap preciate’—when the reading was iuterrupted by the most violent language and acuon of the Senaiors from Oia apd Jufmston, Messrs ‘Turner and Leach, wud the paper objected to as distegpectiul to the Senate most proper gus dians of its dignity, these persons, who were then disgracing themselves aud insuling that body ! | Sach was their conduct: and language, that the reading, bein of Necessity, suspebded, an hour of trrevular discussiot tullowed, (near the eleven o'clock at nAghi.) which seemed dikely to Jast to the end of the session, When, seciny the determinauon of these and other Senators to suppress Uns hearing and printing, although | even at the costof every hour deft. amd) seemy the large amount of private and puble business | yet unfinished and warang achen in the bills | \ beyged iy frictids tu withdrare the communes tow, as P could not cousent to Uais defeat of pul fig aud private tells and waste of precious time, tor any teason, wud would ratler suffer the out raze that allow ail legislative action to be ob: | covering the Speakers tables P again: earne the fast hours of the session were structed, ob so tuuch remaining to be done, whe o| aprdiy draw | Ing near, 3 hinuel: opposton iw motions to | adjourn, the motion ty allow the withdrawal was | cartted. | The Senator fromm Ovange pretended to pro | | pose a tesolution, which fe sacd was for receiving i) thas paper, carly in the evening, after the motion vf the Senor tron New Tinover to recene at] His object was well understood to be insidious, | aud whois tor ff ct Wirt! has been the course of this whole pro ceeding, wall appear by a brie! pesiew 2 | Early in the S a Setattor proposes i his place tora thie affairs and cs a commilitee to enamine ndition of a State Work and the committees is appointed. Some weeks elapse, and the Caairtian writes to the Chief Otlicer of ti work # detter in which he save: “We give you this early notice, because we are aware that your Charter continues wo provi ton authorizing the General Assembly to mevests gate the offuirs of your Cony ny y reply tu this letter was a prompt assent to their proposed cuquiny, abl Whe theron ned there was law or cht Powillney waived the question of both law aud rieht plitced ail tate rica at the cominand of the committee for its use = pa pens. books, men, ofheers Potered my owt ad, wud juvited its free use. DT asked the committer to gu wit tu the Company Shops aand see for themselves, They procee din anexamination of papers, books, tien for Weeks, as they Please, They “like into possession” aud dite custody —they assume anbonty as ait by law, not by courtesy, and exercise Gb arrogant! off-nsively The labor is closed. anda fall of Didretment is Ail tis usurpation is subi Coulaibeng state tients preferred, as iis resu nd vcralent; bear on evens tude false, Perverte Pa bad page the imy Nsouiens span sowing wha aw describes as “malice afore thouglit Having beer thus, without warrant of law, broeght itu the Senate Chamber, arnaigued, tried and censured on an er parte hearing aye statement, fam to the opinion of the honorable: and just ja are per ta “pusesh first, andt . to be ordered fo de parbib siierce > no rey ean be mia by San outsider” (1! heir Bued termi p beter this sacred) jur.sd to Talse « Ges ut they musi gy fourth u sweted as h ith! Weil might an b ask ifthe Senate of North Carolina was tu be converted isto a “Star Camber.” it was al naht honorable and jast seuatoria’ | lative Clournis Ccominities to proceed ona vnanthonige) tees gabon, upon er parle es denee, 0 suppress the truth, to pervert pla transactions. le receive secret Information, t given ander vath, to seek what eras capatle o being tarned to cousure, to tind nothing what ever da a term of yours to approve, to thake out a proseetton’s teport defamatory of cloarieter and then ¢ to publish at ur tie sacred r eSonate. and tio tnan shail dare protectio to sag itis false, or lie ds cominitting au outrage on the cleunber and body ! Ti: resort tempuibie in character aud in substeues to re thes chairman is fart even qt dn Way re quire even the notice which, in tet Is respeetal to mud ritld for its deserts: t Gar T wis to answer, be catter u Wise it OW 1S teath, to anistead the unsaspeetiig ar ae the unscrupalods, abd having to reply. it wats Grcrssary toca) whats Pose. propery Sifter, however tis tespeettul reply bas been refused a just hearing. Dontend, on aig responsiblity, to tence the Whale pro ceding as it deserves, mic tn aus proection of “privilege, for what is nsid Phra thort will mode by tliose whoa raced thesnecdyes ! sted the dirnity of the Senate by thers wg fuetan this anatter, to give the whole fara gevty coloring, and su shield thermelyentrom pub party i} Ye) du this. soomsded by detuazorues ThE Legislat Pal this amgorty a ' Indignation, by exciting ced protecnon, They shail not ty honest are tog often Trefer to the facts Wns aspect swas dargely Deuiceratic im ima jonty. “tose tg shield Cn Oe a | over me! Pn any voce o evatnination £ Did Domccrate speakers const tute the Comunittess with anys al fiver to me? Only ain the last seene of thas proeerdinar was LT sumtained by Demoerstic im by 1s first. (1. siny personal tuends tr past nen aud, # condly, the proceed. ng was then only tad to assibiae Paro yan aspeet fo project an tnyist action, For wwe, the Domoerniie men of the Legislature have dete all P asked cf them, atl Wan ty propose a vote to wise in reas Vien Oo mnte nile Gaia teronnets Codie) led —thatis, the simple juste the woa wave secures even to the hamblest Vey | tne justice, Chae asked trom the Danocr ite ia eity nothing whatever, Nor Haw ask a ing eomyveself under a ur thay man i] naority cat oive | the defence of truth, justios, aad any own a’ Not as artisan was DP oplaced incha Sate work) not assach fave Po contre directed it Tie ver and: patronage yte defame ony administration of the works. has been smgpested aa well by Democre ooktats as by others. These are known ton th malice. ther vindietiveness and ther coward’ y art Phey give the ohare MAN secret ta sus neoand anded) das on quisitions | ohS proper to go. farther, aud will ¢ " authore tu send for persons and papers and tu eramin under oath LV wall He and tas they please prove what is bere sad —and more. they shall have as mu And J promise all tse, of whatever degree, that their malignity stall d local tego asin the pact, to meet them alwaya more toyteelf, than half wav, not at all doubong. aaiin this pPastomny abioty to cover them wry co fusion HER hy the plain w wds of truth ( | ee i | Zp ? p g) ae ¢ hake. AN ACT To Establish the Bank of Salisbury. See lL BE at Bnacted la the General Assen OCurdiva, and it ts hereby Bracted by the antioridy ot the same, ly at the State af North Thata Bayi shall be established iu the Town of Salsbury, the capital stock of 1 Five Hundred Thousand Dollars, to be divided wresof one hundred dollars each >and tor the purpose of forming wiil shall not exeec . : on, and reveiw subscripiion tor said stuck, books shall be opened Ou the fiest day of March. in Salstu aun open for the space ot twenty days. under the sapennutenden Mowing: persons, or a qaajority of them, junel Ruehard A dames Bo Kerr, Michael Brown, Samnel Re M. Wintetead BOR, Moore, and VOM Nesbit. And books shall be opened ia the town of Statesville, at he same tine. and for the same dene: of t superintendence of the following persons ora majority of therm A.W. Jamieson COA. Carlton, Joseph W, Stockton, LQ. Sharpe and Wo PF. Cowan; and said books shall be closed at 12 o'cloek, meridian ou the twentieth day adter Wie opeuins of the sac he Seri ne. tor the Sune purpose. un 1 ler the hamely of the books of them, shall ryec amount ol She Be ait further enacted, That upon the elo on, the @omunissioners aforesaid) or a inajoniy of hieet and compare the same. and in ease a stock shall have byen subscribed tha they shell proceed to scale the san Salisbury eum authorized er, to Wits all be reduced yuo ietion shall be + than that sam sald redbetoom ul there stl remain upon sank books # greater we Capital Stock follow vag subscriptigns overa@nd above ten Cvogsanud dollars. st rota, unul they am redaced to that sum made upon subserptions of ten thousand dollars, and wlore any re and ali anonnt of stock than is herein authorized, alike pro rata redaction shall be inade upon the gubsenptions exceeding five thousand dollars, anti they are redimeed to that sar > than the Capital Stock herein aathorzed, all suns of tive thousand dollars reduced pro rata until the stock be reduced to the anmant berein authorized: J’oruded, that no sim of two hundred dollars or under, stall be acaled until the Lamyeer subseripuons are reduced to that and if there still remains upon sand book more and under, shall be aloud See. 3.0 De tt further enacted, That af upon closing Che books, it shall appear that the aneunt of one hundred: thonsand mI ! 4, to the Capital Stock berenm athot sed. bas not been sabsernberd, Whtissioners shall have power to resopen the rothe sume rides and reculations rthe openine ot books in the first wled Py etotis, as ate herein uw Metanee. until said amoant is subseribed > and if the whole amount of said t Is hot subsenbed betore said corporation is organiaed, the Latterwards have power to heep book onder the tock herem su ex and restuetions until the whole arce af anthonzed shall have been subscribed See be Be ut further enactel, That when one thousand shares are sib schibed, and the sumeot twenty-tive thousand dollars is actually patd to v Directors, the sabseribers tue the Bank essors aiid: assteus < ead they are hereby created and inade a fy poling an low are er by the uame and stvte ot DEB NSCOR SN ists 1X 1 cmene untl the tirst day of dar Voone thousand emaht eel Pty lo atoresaid, they tu uid it aw. to have, purchase, recerye ‘ shecessors, Lat ent or Tetterts aud the ' ar, ithe Loplead to and t 1 end te dete ~ Ws rplace whatsoever. ar <t wud we to brea t rorenew, at t at . rial] seer There ity it ve wt shah | cenp tn Maier v al tues Sat t ters av be cahed in wn ein alter sp {oan ‘ exeetite ad a t | ts, W 1 4 and La fe ocawy, aay atl kW Vd ‘ est } Tries ated ove ralattious, rests sand } en ter presenbed uv abed Shino. Det , Pera ( pa La watead. the PD me yo proeerd | sit ud va wot i pay thie thus cal ‘ ' 1 uel Pipes ~ V proces = net pol ‘ PSalsbury mew speape sell the: satis ' ‘ Di the , ‘ alle peat sibseriin woul te strike sa aby er Cay ahi |e ‘ vt esd & 1 Riots saa : Eom! hie tr reenacted, That subscription tot t said ( pau edad Lope Vv altt y thal WI tie hy a 1 tiie | ' Phe ‘ | he subseripton ¥ pers te lite erent i 1 i ( ors Ww ert 1 =i ‘ ‘ t a al ie for abot t wir sid at Voser om stall be if) eopnae ila eofiest tive g Tock tioiders, tw dis ores ih Ste Vo proxy , ant it ot iailiare se said sabseriy sha kent u he. and shai tc we mee tered a pra Moth capital stoch “t A Peat murther ¢ Tu S soen as sand ks shail be all ayy ! 1 med md detuies 1 4 Mtidine “ fT ' wot ' i Wey? sit 1 sith ad ea ! tte his fee asta: 1 eet as | Terug doe ne ‘ my viele they a] pipere dt tut election , _ ear t ee me ends tr ( and ' i ws fo put the Batik | Directors» ‘ ' tt ! \ Nie leit ae fs (8) 1M wool Nia ‘ wad \ ‘ ive t ! TAs hia!) Loe el j i. yeiry Direction cat vthe «tla Pthe Bark. aml making se = Poot fu rl Ve yperation M Vv thes ' ~ shall have been] ' ane a wnod tae peotits Mthe B i be deehared: Ley Des ieut ane 1) nl the wiole a apital stock All Decrees te the Bank yu coll and > 9 Beat purther enacted That the folowing egulations and be ctenltorm aid be the fordamental articles of Cor itbon pera of the Stockholders cannot be de tnless sews re the whole number ot votes thes agents, bn ents and every aet Worequire the sametion of ot voof the Votes y WW be preset Every stockholder ti ve are and ' Mian two. shall he entitled to one vote ! ery two shares hove two and NOt eExere oone Votes forevery three shares above ten aud pot exceeding one tamedred, one foun shares above r me vote, ON the first eo or alates shall . fVvotit ' 4 adie olden. tha cal ‘ er previods tu the cay of lems 4 vote at elec general meetinus ly proxy wen stockholder Note hoa stockholder, who ia eitizen hee Isa Heertor, ated the direet when app: doo shall @aoose one of their vshallalways be nine; to be President of sal Bank, and aL ranaaraia cre Tustittiion as shall seem best te them. niiess ctherwise verted Tay the stuekbolders Not less than three directors, of whom the President scall always te shall constitute a heard to Pansachion esse xeeptin cases of absence or sickness of the to when het byowrittoy, apport ay other dite to supply | A nut ber iten, wi ther al hers atone ceed Ww weratany time teeta general moses relating te the Bank. ory t least twenty Hewespaper published in sad town, it any, vulal nene. in one whi < Vand speciving the object Pineetisy. Comper ly ter thy nt. directors and other « ot thee an jon. shall be granted only at Che pleasure of the cht ! rectors shell auwnaliv elota Caslaer and sacle « Mere as . corssary ty pert (ie Vosiess a eo Bank hese otheers ule his y tse ent suretie fret less t ten thousand irs ea th ow veoomdt torat Haatpere Wo The eash k kt ta } hie | eoday and date ot each meet ~ ve a veut i) cay amo v fhoty vie ash Shook hall Ge es idener ( of Jastice a . tom t ' t wh take an oa ' 1 ore d Te iy w rill be ” it the oft hed kot tr en ( Te ee ‘ \ To Aa Be lo: solar tt i vo yrest acid tere othe transactions Ip Ihank of Sa myo ! pt ley Ay Tri ali eases, ta gedit wersotial secunity t clirectore stall be Gomsidered as a puedyre te ebepaviiennt \ ithev diay } ew ot sand Bask ow ‘ | V [oe = vall | ea { ‘ 1j 4 thaiete ‘ t , Patsy pon 1 % coe beet obtamed npor Tl peor { vy trate ' ob ex y UN (ee pou Une ta neyetia ‘ vas able raid silver the ok yoo ‘ ated trnaly 1 | . un t : | od ‘ t back \ en a law of ‘ Natta’ a 1} NA (eta ' ‘ x tad tu 4 : On ‘4 » ‘ s” ( i) \ thie 1 ‘ 1 at the ‘ | 1 oye wonnts \ ‘ 1 “tab wd if «av + 1 \ 1 if mix pr per amin, & ‘ 4 od 4 Pneolalarnt ite f ’ lonr Wanna) { n the “ Varied eye} aaeof any t pote paya elsewhere tha wn eo row the ontent te iivad AVS AgA St rece eu HST ia gre rate of jntereat than te allowed by law, «aid porta all, in adil ttat wenaltes tow imposed by law in sie peels SMU ao peralty « honsane dollars, te be rece Loin any Court of compe ict nlf tert “of tor tl ame and t! Fern slat! ob u the ie a la ‘ eto upon conviction of said offence, forfeit its charter; and in all suits arising under the provisions of thia uct in regard to usury, the Cashier, or other agent of said corporation, may be a competent withess against said corporation, notwithstanding Uae bill, bond or promisary pote sought to be avoided or impeached, may be payable to, drawn, eudorsed or accepted, by hin. See. 10, Be it further enacted, That the total amount of notes and de shall not exceed three posites which said corporation shall at aby time owe. umes the amuunt of specie iu its vaults; and if this sectivn be violated by said corperagon, it shall work a forfeiture of itg charter Ske. LL. Be it further enacted, That in case said corporation shall re- fuse to pay or redeem its notes, it shall pay, by way of damages to the | holders thereof, Qvelye percent per annum; aud i addigou thereto, shall, | daring the time of its suspension, pay to the State a tics of three per cent pen the amount of its circulation, whieh tax shall be recovered upou oath by the Castner, to the person taking the tax dist, at the time he lists his | Provided, That whenever any vote of said Baak shall | taxable property be presented for paytuent by any other bank or branch thereel, ot by any satu. the votes of the bauk of braneh presenting the sone, erin payment of agent of the UW payable at said Bank or branch, shall be a legal t and if said notes are offered to be paid in the manner aforesaid, Sunk of Salisbury shall not be subject to any of the penalties, Uie sane the sat s hereby imposed tor refusing: to pay or redeens its ver of the Bank of Salisbury stall lave forfeitures or datuaz notes, and the Ca rower to ad- tigister an oath to wy persou presenting stehi notes for payinent, as 10 | whether he presents thenvas the azentof any other bank, /rovaded, said | © oath shall not be required at the presentation of each uote, but shall apply | to all dhe notes which stich person shall present duriig the day Tf this, or any other enactment herein contained, be violated. the Diree- | tors and officers of said corpovation, Knowingly aul w IWoussenune to sueb violation, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and shocomvietion in | the Superior Court, shall be fined ob imprisoned, or both, at the discretion | of the Court | Se VL Be it further enacted, That in ease ot any insolvency of the | Bauk eby created, ov the ultimate mability on the part of the Bak to pay, the individual stockholders «hall be hable to creditors tor the debits ot said corporation, in sais double the amountot stock by Uren respeeuvely | held ai said corporation | She 13. He it further enacted, Thataf a vacaney in the Direetory «hall occur, by death or otherwise, the remaining Direct: sliall fil saeh vucan ey until the succeediag meeting of the stockholde | See 14. Beit further enacted, That the stuck ot sind corporation shall be transferrable and assienable according to the caves wlael shall be qusti | tuted in that behalt, by the laws and ordinances of the sate See 15. Beit farther enacted, That the officer ar the head of the Preas | sury departiient of the State, shall be furnished: once to six tenths wath | a statement of the am of capital stock of sad corporation, and of the | debts due the same: of the toneys deposited there: ot the amount of their notes in « ol cast int 1 mutinwvested: in | exchat and Sea gener) accouut t books of the Baak, as ratenient 2Poareden that this shall mot be construed \ the wecount ob any pr vate person with the Bank. except the Direetors See. 16. Be it fia ther enacted. That the P Bank. shall annaally pay inte the Treasury of ¢ | on-each shure of dd capital stock whieh mo { and paid first pavinent of satt ta twelve mes the sand Bank shall base e power is re {tot eto lesy any ad a GaN thei her Ww h tay be etied proper by the Crete Vane Vo bot es 1X as may be deviedon other Bauks in = See 17. De further entcted. That tae TD . sad Bark shall declare senna Isot t ‘ t ‘ niure t va v Bask be else : ‘f thereto ‘ +} lett ] . Who hiiave 1 aa ‘ t See, 1. de it fu enact Tha ‘ toot \ ! ih tlie Hist Weer I). ‘ each an vy ‘ Creueral Ass tit he Gs ' { ‘ ‘ vol Bans ihe ‘ tpota , thon, det eto wihssa . pa 1 VEN pit e del 1 , ‘ mle San Hea ct wenuly ‘ tins du 4 m 1 ‘ , UN <i q t wh and ‘ Ors, at 1 ] ' Visite ak n ma | : ' ‘ mdbecsh i wry every thie re ! ea tat of the Bank. aiene 4 t Tow = bar telat er ol la feta rte t t Ka | Spe fo aaa each eae Waa tae Dp ( | yer ¢ k at } won , \ wel. wiltuliv, aid ' , a wiv i) 4 x tion ot the Dar tl lo | 1 I tothe ard Dire oO os \ t \ } si t ) | 7. y 4 1 i t ine eats ‘ cy ) t Ag o mda Iw ‘ i radeenpy il Vi at em ' Siiperior Court, shia we ofined at the chsere rat t i edo trot enecee: bor ea =F ty Je ot Purther enact Tie ct . t yesial Bank ‘ voder } [Pci \ other species a ' ' eat ! ‘ hi | | Thiam fiver eb = 1 t a Otter ach ' tol Sf ule Awd cay a Pelle v Ta ~s than ta 4 Shoe Beate t ] I hong sar ‘ ty, ‘f te \ ‘ ‘ EE (ined ja ~ » Pie | 1 1 ' r te hat t bor w \ uidias any ' 1 ‘ pry A Pre IE . < 1 x mesa Bank ( 14 r th ‘ { sistoin faisely a cet ' 1 d 1 roar Cheek « 1 Dee CaS 1 ih past ‘ Ww Wheat t ba 1 t ‘ anes fe 1 tte i £ i 1 ‘ ses Ler ‘ wiv tales r ‘ 1 vsaid DB { ft I to wid ’ } ’ 1 ix i 1 eu { £ } onde VY Tatih ! \ 1B. ‘ auy Casloer theseat aa fal ‘ 1 ! te detraud bocorpora en) ke or pn Every sack persen seen ny 1 ered: att tilty of v en sel mide elnatie Deu eA Col xvoaandecietnt he v oye wee t her. at eeret ( tex ore tyne laste 1 vou tis ‘ See 23. Be it purthey enacted, That bids ob Serial eianedins ti le e Seal ob sa pen aban lia eT bal Ot pet s sliced] Loe alte by oen ' thereat hanes ' Lopwers per fot j ) ‘ vied trib Initecy ¢ ‘ ‘ , t ’ ‘ 1s aesiner \ dite Vee seh ass or | ees te Dring and: manatier i beny her or the i rotal funy t hete winel Vin ed by order {said corporat AAR ae) ke ay ‘ vothie Caster ranv chen or dralt Be ikiie 1hau tye itigy tlhe paviiied fot omnetev fa aiuiy | i ‘ * Ny ‘ det oor bearer, th not under th {said ' ota dl ! ‘ } he ‘i rt 1 1 Vth ; 7 rib: der park han HHT lee ntloen as Js those wl re payabb: to bearer shall be negarty PHVENY Oty See 24 Beat further enacted. Vhat whenever the I inire may be of the or mm othat the ehiarter od eby ratte | have been violated. it may be law! ation, to dives torney Graeneral wath be Assistant Crovent eomay thouk rer t (wire facias, Ve t es tor ; ip yn \ ewhyet ute eby granted | the { { ahs arree ue , 1 1 ’ Wo preseribe by daw ae In cases j | Sri we het } ‘ , Thist President 1p tore at | wd Dank are ' ' ede pewered and: rec arcedd wat three Minne titer Poth sane tabhshoan the Town ot | State ! a tera fesard Park, w we al sto cf tt fe Thad anne hon Votlaonsand della vi that ard branet Bauk shall ase a Presi dentin Carshite ‘ Hall bie app ey Preside An of wird Da faut | 1 1 wy be prese ct f pom Prarided, ¢| ot ant tren ull te H ‘ kKoot sud Bank i | > ( The it 1 , ip. n the of seventy five t i I Tow {Mf ia \ ' tle branch wd toa vn fs di A toms a <1 1 t Aothe pr ‘ wh at 4, Hy ' 7 Th, this VEN leet ) ; i ies Vea Ti i fi ‘ eee erene \ y the oadent ob sad Ra ' ‘fr te rt 1 all be ! from and Roa A 1 15th dav I ‘ Ci) i} SEE HW ¢ TERN TY TG NAC Crate NORTE « ot \ Obie k OF SRORRTARY OF SO\TE 1, Ratios TE Page S { 1 t j Nua Ca na, d ‘ ‘ it tt 1 Steam they Oh Coven ned vt A died day oat February, }859 RUFUS H PAtst | vary of State CAROLINA WATCHMAN. SALISBURY. WN. @. TUESDAY EVENING? ACARGCT 15, 1359 Per Those who have Book binding they want done, are solicited to leave their works, with directions, at the Watch ian Oftice, and it shall receite due at- tention. Qe We are oblized to the Hon. B Craice for copies of Patent office reports. AYE, (Cs and is looking well. has been at home several days, Per Some one deft a bundle of Dry Goods on our office table, one day hast week, which they can wet by calling tor, and describing it. Tt is possible it was designed as a present for us; aud if se, we should hhe to know to whom we are indebted for it. Who kuows any thing about it? oxo © Bank of Salishury.”—Vhose who Wish to obtain copies of this Bank, wail tind it in this paper 5 and they may also vet pamollet copies trou B OR. Moore, IPG) Mr. Michael Brown, Lother Cotitiiissioners The Book, tor stbser plions of stock, fonnd at Mr. Michael Brown's Counting Room. Over 100 shares were taken on Saturday, ey COMMUN Ee may be MIX Wolds ATION nthe Rodeih Ressster of the P2rh ist aconmmarcication trom Mr don than Wooth norepty to Mr. Fishers review of th the Conemittee of Pivesticetion, or ie attains of the North Carolina Roodro wd) We shoal) give this Commmnnient u Vooraper, ctr ts for thas weeks be trp yt ped Weeowill sayotn ade ane Mi W i lias done teniscd the er ‘ weoedl, ane faikrnis vt ‘ ats ot pats Cor corm henpe serie ont ated stra trae dim tor he pert ‘ of das duty as Committecman ayy ted by the Decastata can only fied yowitle the blivdest aiad mos Wire asotis patetigans Vesen then. it minst Necessary y iby the renudiagon ana dishonor of those detnoerats who served ou the Comat tee with Mas Worth esse TN OAT ACN SCC) NORE NGG (2) Nit Oirkans, Marcy S$ ces recerved inthis city trom Pata to the vor Hime, state that dares aken the field, and cone te Vera Phe was tulle prepared to resist attack Phe Loherals were carrying on the war spirtediy, and had Captired i rra at Nusa Cohentes eee Pe ies el Ie Vi WANS LING EON | : WiaAsttscion, Mirely Ss The Senate, to-day, ratified the Cass [leron Hehe amendment PRO Se PEE ERE N4eT, Chunis aersinet Ne With an that presented ther WeGrenidamay dose before Grenada small act fnaily on the sul ject, 2. NEE LING SO! I NebOS TON: Quite a large inceting of the popula tion assembled at Torner Hall, lastmieiit, and adopted resolutions denouncing the LENG Ge CEISALANS measure requiring two vears’ residence after naturalization before being allowed to vote, The speeches were mostly in German. a6 THE ESTE BLOODY AFEPERAY IN KENTUCKY, Lovisvinen, Ky. March 6. The Grand Jory of Hopkins connty find noe grounds for indicting the murde Thomas S. Low at: Tawesville Several of the citizens have lett, feari: Viole HVE fro the outlaw 8. mers at ly = UPTON ss) Hei Prinaperena, Marcel 8 A rot is new on progress at Klizabeth port, New Jerseys at the Coal Docks be the Charter of | RAIL ROAD WARK. Under the above head, the Daily Prog- ress of the 15th inst., contaius an editort lal, which, we think, dovs said paper but Hittle credit, and reflects very unjustly ou others. That other papers, together with jthe “Greensboro” Patriot,” are Mannoying their readers” by publiohing the facts in Pconnection with the investigations of the North Carolina Rail oad, ts, we presume, fro concern of the Progress y and, mideed, ittmay be, that the dull, heavy and msipid articles contained inthe Observer, Watel- tna and Patuiot, tay serve to locbease the relish of certain persons, tor the rich, lively and sprigutly cdionals coutatned in the Newbern “Daily.” We publish what we think of titerest to onr readers, ave pernuiibotlien papers bo do the sates abd to connection with tie North Carolina Rail Road, our and the public, will beat us wittiess, tial Pedals we have pubsslied the facts on boil sides. As te the Observer, allieugh it heeds te Hintind Loe detepee atoour bands, yet we permitted to ray that ue paper ii the State has shown a tere comicodable et tert to do justice te ail parties im this inatter, And we would tioce resarn Chit when the Ooserver pubristed a condensed stutement of Mr. hk Poth, with seme very compl iientiry re sheers report, of Jatt. marks, We heard no compliant thous the Progress or any other democtatio paper, butoon the contrary, the OQoscrver was then a tanya ishy proper paper, and its witicles Get atal annoying Go its readers Aste the Witehuiin, iit boas showin ay leaning any way, thas been tor Ma. Fist er, and the Progr ss cate t be ignorant of the fact The tellowing abstract from) the Prog tess, shows the he is writin about sere thing of which Le has no ke movledue, ot else is willing te say anything in defence of Ins triend Mr Fisher. Our tudividual impressions are, that the rovd sinee Mi tahased with ay yudment, apd that the State dive beem torte Fisher ascended the throtie, lias beer od deal of energy and sont slockhord ps atid the of such a tian Tite lie took work aud its athars were an a dost hana ritatile condibon, own tothe bungling ta eceine ty his lfastrraas piterecessor, tut tre has dips the road and strandstered pets athars, ard wet continued wood thawte ment stovteders w Ho doubt, al ate ears iy lee) io poe 4 divideusd tram their sive tits Ifthe aifiirs of tie read wer a ean mnentable comditian whem Cras Mone ead dettat, then the recomis stew tha tl reetory ted of Tae t bes 1 tah \ ws osnee been strao \ Progress tas We es Ht tiie r trad fis SV sds db dete desert ‘ ses Peatelatioth to best ‘y rsh ie” Weel as wt aie f 1 pe as ves =f Ns tint scr far v4 et i M baste Istiee oe ees Some Cause, Watlie ene ts portion ot Mir Basser s sel Missi. Featiogs Tektite plyoor Mer. Poster te mie Ro port at ( fuvestuating Com ipireiies, es at Ra ‘l the Putrrot and the os wid Conjure t PW pea =, I} tess t Patriot contatis at tiie ¢ ! Pepi Wate Tf cy Pie iy ae er) nthe Ss 1 Tas ears) vite eoWeth, ot t se t . ED ‘ = GtS . ' witout r ered Wocows ‘ | ! % : thes} ' t “ i t ' ay popes and foe sued 1 Iw pros Malisth Va: ayeerie os ated tirore fle and tl have as pot its Vo fia i { Promitse all thes wha erate ye teat it vechenety shia eatotselt dow ' | pest to ppeet tt AWANS Tore tlie Wh Merk UDA Denileeliny (enmem-eatiet ines eriecteetiicea lean i over them ow haeniine les 3 joontty Maur bs Nang [a Lobe sorry te hrow that suelo was the tiet, wet Pam constramed to believe that the above paragraph tas been added in vour paper, with the view of exciting the avainet Mr Fishers TPintend ne otfenes, bat think at my daty te cal your attention te this Cemocracy We too have noticed that the Standard in publishin Mr. Fishers reply, fatled to publish the paragraph reflecting so strony knaves.” We published from the jucmotlet as sent out by Mr Fisher himself Whiv the Standard tits excladed a portion of thos pamphlet, we on “democrat cannot concerve unless it the orders of Mr. Fisher isin keeping with Mr. Fisher's ether acts Tn the languasre of Mr. I path requires cenm was done by Such condner ber. a Croukce rect Watkin Oreenshare Patriot A SEW FORRIGN POLICY, The Washington Correspondent of the New York (Meradd states that itis timouedit the President, as soon as he os relieved from the cares and troubles of the present Coneress, will tike measures to in crntan) longine to the Delaware and Lack wwane RON TS TORE Ci ceanal a rer poliey Qabroad Conipear y, between the laborers Poat he lias been urged to this by tats recently @aiplyecd ty them, and now on ib Ue uel sitesi of tlie ¢ MUU Ir hy halete (aptamer sete. unl Unwin ae is thoueht that the old sehool of piactwe raumniis, leanecaans Keen fnered) (hs lemtin (RGR shonld be withdraw and men parties, asd diay are reports (has worn fk Se abawis: ise NEO TE STALE VRE AL late Alfred TE. Pres ton renehed Colunatia last evento, aie The remains of the will be uoterred ia the fiotty Gari ground. at Pronity Conreby on te terra. Though dving ina distant land, be tas the consolation of the presence of his pa tents and family io tas tast moments, ai he mournfal how they tave satishactiot that he rests at themomnel lowed home South Carolinian Mestrins, Tiss. March 2 Half the houses i a sqehare on Matin street, inela offices of the Hale und eng ver er, Avalanche, Ledger, Ciristian Adve cate and Presbyterian Advocate, wer burnt today. Armong the sotferers are Hutton & Clark, printers, Gilluskey & Warren, Saffarans & Stratron, Wo Tl ITunt, No Stillman, Temneh & Bro’ (saloon) and Jos. Tenzel. Lose &350,000 with ouly @ partial insurauce ding the ot spirit andl enersy substituted weeny tte the lanenae of the weiter, “who notion Ty comprehend the necessities of the coun try, but also the polities, manners and lanedage of the poapl t be sent Phere is ne diseuisiny the tuet toowhorn they mary ] that onr foreign policy i onmeot weak deveniaenl tnd dinbeerity \ Souths Phere ts net the ott of a Govertinent in Central r J Ainerioa, that tas tet spiGherd as re peat edly, “The Spatush authorities of Cute J Dave committed! outra eschouch too war yp tantn the opriten of taany, the seize of that ishand ™Noece the discovery of gold in Calitornia, the States of Central America have sniqected onr entizena to insufferable Annoyances Oureommerce ‘thas been or (ped, snd cone citizens out raged with the atiuiost aiapmmity. } Whi ? Because the Government, torgetfal of the object tor witeh it was toanenrated. con ‘centrated its attention te domestic affairs to xneh questoos as the exclusion of the slaveholder trom, the COMPO terrt tory, or the profection of thig or that i ~ terest) or asin tines Past, fo a men ype ly of tho banking system or extravagant |schemes of internal improvement Agit las in some measure been reforined, and driven by public sentiment back to the purposes for whieh it was formed, vis: the protection and regulation of our for- vign affairs, we are not at all surprised that it should now set iteelf to work in spirit and earnestness to accomplish its tirst great purpose. Mr. Buchanan has had a rugyed path. There has not been an impediment untried by the opposition. sutif he tix his eve steadily upon the Coustitution, dike his predecessor, Mr. Pierce, he may be able to transmit the Goverment to friendly hands. The con- centration of the attention of Congress to foreign affairs, and its: diversion from the a domestic character, pertaining properly to the State governments, will de umnel towards remodeling the Govern- ment —towards restoring peace aud good! will, if that be possible, and towards overthrowing and burying in disgrace the whole gang of politicians who atill desire toorise te position by: exciting discord and committing the Federal Government to Hourpations hostile te particular sections, Nouth Curdinian, Vudue of the Coal Ficlds Pitilroad. — Few, we Suppose, are fully aware of the Vast Hi portance of the Coalticld Railroad incall its bearings. Indeed, withont an examination of the rail road systems in Virginia, North Carohina, Tennessee, and onrown State, with those of Kentucky ind Ohio, ho one duly appreciates its im- porlance. 5 In the first place, by the extension of the road trom Raleigh to the Coalfield Road, will complete the tase link im the vreat metropolitan route, att present the sliortest throngl) route from North to South by more than four hours; conse- quently it command the great through mail and through travel. In the neat place, its connection with the Wilwington, Charlotte and Ruther- ford road, when that and the Western kavtension, from Salisbury, is completed ro the Faet Tennessee road, will present tothe travelers of the West, commencing it Cincinnan via Knoxville to Charleston, the shortest apd cheapest route, even af ter the Bine Ridge Rual Read shall have been completed, Thus this link is only wanted to complete a chain of rail roads Northoand Westaf more than a thousaod ust niles thoeNtent By this route, Charlotte vel Salistary will have a nearer road toy Chrerleston than tay Coban Wee hrow that these statements will be cred wiv received, but we appeal to era 7 oof the conntry, and es erally te ve poblished by the Blue Role Tee Real Company, far conti: Worle sive Hoprospect in view, and Vita the reaes of seasotaile energy and teats, Wher ean dearot the earhy comple of ose dtnportant a work ft We do fer ciideed it requcres but an exaink Thon dite the trie ue ts of this road to ritatd the hal necessary, we cy Hivos othe road HEN Wita travel, and now a word Ps portunee su rescind te the trans. portation of frereht Paking the preat (rete Gloves Tan Ghana coitncke: wn I. Gesee, Ht presents a rente to the seas ial tatherts Tero anmed perhaps chea- ey, itn tee Paltonoreand Piilalelphia ‘ the Bine Ride Teal Road, { 1 OP coarse. all parte of Nora Gena ed fect Tennessee, in “wt eet, ¢ Salisbury and Uliy lili AM he cir route to the trate Oy tie other taund, than somes a rtloot Te Vdinu the coal n ' ( \ red aneut- to digael wr Pre av <c t wiv Like counting te vrs het ore toe eos are batched, mt bial ever s retleet prot the pro- eress of tmiprevenents in the last few veats Fen five veare age. meany look. Popo the idea ofa rab road trom Che- rw to ( Yarieston trol mer al t e wild ievoot seme qeral castle badder. How they have the consummation them eves, On Sradow the future itnet this part to fore. with sathecient distinet: Or shall he ton of all roads an the next tive years stil be de- fess Chepenimces atl vinnilit? predicts t eon these tied the parentage of a propher 4 Cheramw Gazelle, POISE St NEN See Gr tN Pde Nb; Acdespateh, ino this morning's paper, announees the death of the Ton. Aaron Venable Brown, who at the time of his death, was at the head of the Post Office Department. The was borin Bronswick Connty, Virginia, in 1795, and was con- sequently about siaty four years of age. Hill, in North Carolina, and was a graduate of . Man- cum, formerly United States Senator from North Carolina, and Ex Gov. Manly, of the same State. IIe was edneated at Chapel the same class with the Elon, W. He.early in lite, east his fortunes in the then youn and frontier State of Ten- nessee. Rising with rapidity, he soon took aseat inthe De castature of that State, andoin the cCaptcity of State Representa- tive served with so mnch satisfaction, That he was elected to Congress, in 1839, anil held tive until his seat aa Federal Representa- 1845, when he declined a re- eleetion Ile was then bronght out as a candidate for the Governorship, to which he was trinmphantly elected, In poli- ties, heisa Democrat of the States Rights school Ile is re presented to have been acmanoof tinpressive and easy manners, of character unblemished, ard of indom itable industry and fimmness of pur- Post Olfice Department has been highly enatis- pose His administration of the factory and. inne degree, had his pop- ularity adit niatra- dhmamished, or has tive nbility been tmopaired, by his ean- With its complex and ramified W ash- Mnoton speak in the biahest terins of him. TTis oss will be tele with pecolar keen nessat this tine when, trom the failare of Congress te neehon Distness All who knew him in make the necessary appro- poations, the Department muat be redne- ed to the inost straitened cirenmatances. Acshort tine age, be was violently at- tacked with pnenmonia. This friends oped be would soon recover, but a and- den rel tpae took place on Sunday, which terimipaty! aw our despateh indicates, South Carolinian, % es een ion. the Mr. the ‘one 6 tO ting hed, re of Man- froin y, of a in Ten- s00n tate, enita- tion, 330, hnita- 4H re- 48 A Thich poli- ivlits heen ners, Jom pur- Post satis pop- atra- con- i tied ash- him. een ilure ypro- vine- neces. y at- ends snd- hich a. In, % s “ke From the Greensborough Patriot estly, or it is clear I should not have trusted you alone with the papers, &e., before the Chairman TO THE PUBLIC. L cauuot allow you tw jasuty yoursel! to your Charles F. Fisher, President of the es crecence ot to the world for your very an penerous® coarse tawads ime, or for this extraor- v Jar Ok ving is & North Carolina Railroad, hu ee M = dinary return to me tur invariable kindness towards reply to the report of the luvestigating you: ‘This would auswer your purpose perhaps, committee, made certain charges and iu- Gut net mine, Few meu ar sinuations against te, [took it apon uiy- evil for good, and the world always judges: such se)f openly, and also, through the public newspapers, to pronouiicy said statements bad enough to return men right have been the assailed party in all this procecd- 5 jug—assated in a tost unprovoked manner. — as false. L received a copy of the afore: a caonst no man have Leiter sank one word veh said reply, on Friday the 17th of Rebrus toss done one vet of offeuce betore being so wsatled LT will not allow you by abuse and faleehood ary, aud ws soon as [learned ite Contents, I did, in public, pronounce the state: te pace ans Hiisteprescntation of . merebectcteci mic: Wroue altitice It you dese to menta, 60 far as they reflect Pte, BB iti My, Chatman Worth de false, and that L stiould tell Mr. Fisher so) ghout the Road matters, on + to bis face. Ou the following day, TL oanv intormation wanted I went to the Shops with the expectation Cos And as iiueh as of finding Mr. Fisher there. li His b Sere s ‘ i Ltowill, LE reperat was disappointed. While at the Slopes iy ive the tlk I inade the statements Concerti there Thope youu otherwise tw rathhs \ huew ail 1 will On wy retarn home, not having seen Mr. lon he ee es Fisher, | handed to the editors ot the Pa ACEI 1h ao i triot, the carp which appeared tn then is” hl " | wy arity ¢ . 1 . 1 ab pti ter eve of the Both of February, which is us 4, Eee crate follows: ' out Ite CY Pitts ENDEN TNE: TO THE PUBLIC. . ver trottite i lie Ww “In a communication of Charles Fo Fisher tt ar wt i : ‘ sident of the North Carolina lial Koad Con _ addressed to Hou He T Clarke, Speaker Senate, there are insinuations and stateuen ring Wo, aad reflecuuy upou due, which are incor rect and untrur T reyret that in against the exposures of Cie jorut x leet oe ot the Legislature, Mr. Fisher, sould lave found it necessary lo assall 1. Into my whole official condict as Treasurer ot the North Carulina Kail Road, Pinvite the strictest seruuny wing po Banner Mills aaprpen 1 Atimselt pert [Phe arucle and Postscript here alluded) to, Waici attempting to defer were published tn our last paper. ~ by. may.| Mr Fisher, an appenre from hie weigags, eens to have a very srong renee of toe ridiculous, aud such very the care, Lam vota lite surprised. hati did vet CYRUS PP. MENDENH ALL, sir ke (oman somewhat ridiculous, ond ap al ttle out Treasurer N.C. RE ¢ of the ordinary manver of domg Wangs. to be offer Greensboro’, Feb. 21, 1sou. lo give me ratistaction, for having denounced hum tor falne . , es : inaking statements wilfully wud knowsogly During the week of Guilford Court. Uaving charwcterieed his statements ii mach: borane the following correspondence to pict jae from their tality they deserved 1 wan tally rater tied Wate (he issue between ur T have here between Mr. Fisher and inysell: | tufure and do now, pronounce bis inenurlons agartint Fruncany, 21st Jie as most anqualitedly falee > he says he ttended odo me no ajuance; E have notbiig to retract, und Moesxvesnacy —I Ma C. P LATE FROM EUROPE. | ARKIVAL OF THE | NOE TT SBere eT OU’: Portiasp, March 11 —The North Briton has ar rived, She brings additonal titers of interesting Hews. | Paris letters say that) Prince Napoleon received an ian ians on the ous ult and tial vattairs, which their most ardent wishes reneh Minister of War lad contracted for nse deputator sy Luipra- & speeeh « thises w The aad been ordered trom Lationiciere had otter Hties ft was cumored that Gen ed tin ATE thie ave servi iperor ip case ob he wa Paris we to be in sie vent of Tatautiy 100 Wen Taitiee SOU 0 } Trobe instyatineg wa 1 Sart Senate bad aiepded a ta! a Tonal f Lo deren? Aictiel sorey seeily queeaneaiinndnani ete tat UT | > Phe wa ai areaeen Was fial's peat \ fe . : Tiere was od a a . wae a Varhedies tit ne tal Gravel aa ek Cn ih Sieh per ‘ \ wha been 1 ( i iene [reel eNtae i ; ! Feta Niet pole o t ( ae ved nen 1 at ur 0 al {is ' wit! x ua py all tie 1 i \ ' f ‘ ed the Piedn 7 ; : Piussia sya. 1 : Coes ae ' al peat + i | ed (eae ct ee ues : 4 A a“ r 4 tan } y prevent Uae i bas t \ ce Howick We ise HWE dl, dl, Care hai Was shot aud kiled by Vincent ay sons, at Stutesburg, oon Saturday toc ince. [Rest We: rat ee 6 a luce dat Phe weapon ou al Was a gan, contaiting sligs of lead Pie verdict ot the yury before Coroner Lenoir was, thi deceased came to lis death from a gun Mee E subseribeg is desirous of purchasing a large TAN BARK WANTED. quentuy of TAN BARK. 7 Persons wishing to engage will do well by making immediate applica- \ tion upon the subscriber. H. C. SIMONTON, March 15, 1459 £42 | THREE VALUABLE SLAVES | FOR SALE. BY VIRTUE of an order of the County Court of chase, become the owner of the grants Rowan at February Perm, 1859, Towel sell wt the the States of Delaware, Kentucky, Missourr, and Court House in Saliebury on Tuesday the 3d diy of part of those m Georgia, under the management of PukKEK VALUABLE NEGROES be- Messrs Gregory & Maary, of Wilmington, Delaware, we have deemed it expedient ty change the name of fever the North Carolina Rail Road, are prepared to May next ig tothe chided of Jaceb Hughey, fos, sox Mouths credit. inte rent trom: date ROBERT Wo HUGHEY Commissioner Mar 15, 142 DR. WINDAR'S BALNIM OF WILD CHERRY, BEWARE OF COUNLERFEITS!! puimel! our busimess witnintegrity and promptness, und we b- dowhich costs the el We be dase with Wisran's od wellearn KS thing 4) i ly 1 Laem 1 reputation never fail on “ Co , | dik Pama, bet | CONSE MELION | lives uno le of Single Number Lotteries ! ! TICKETS ONLY TEN DOLLARS. vur fian,on and afier January bat, 1999, to that of (WOOD, EDDY & CO, who willhereafierhave the linavagemeut of the Spacta Academy Lottery, and the olners, as above named. Con assure the public that the patrouage heretofore to our SUCCe ssur 8. WOOD, EDDY & CO.’S. (CHARTERED BY THE STATE OF GEORUIA.) Capital Prize $50,000!! NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC As the members of var firm have, by way of pur- artered by wer — 6 Ree and reliable TA a} Receive and Forward valuables to and from prompt forwarding an trusted to them to all States, and the early Lau all transactions we have eadeavored to couduct stowed on usis well deserving of being transferred Very respecifully, 8. SWAN & CO Augusta, Georgia, Dee. 15, 1853. WOGD, EDDY & C0., MANAGERS, | Successors to S, Swan & Co. more Richmond, Nor! inducements to stocks quickly. & Yours, Salisbury, N.C The following Scheme will be drawn by Woov,| Murch Ist, 1459. ’ EXPRESS COMPANY. :: The facthties possessed by this Company for the Express from New York, Xenn-we Taland Express frou New York, Philsdelphia, Balu Merchants to obtuu For funher particulars apply to Messrs, McoNeecy | \ Female Normal School, High Point, N. C. Rail Read, MILES WEST OF GREENSBOR@. | Rev. N.M. RAY, Principat, with efficient Assistants. | THE object of this Institution is to provide for the | thorough education of young Ladies, and a» an addi- tional feature tu qualify such of them as may desire lio, for the evocation of teaching. Its next Sersion will open on the Ist of Febraary, in the New Brick Building recently purchesed by the undersigned. | The baslding is situated in a beautiful grove oa a ) commanding emience, and has a sufficient oumber of well furnished rooms to accummodate 100 boarding BLISHED RESPONSIBLE any, having Expr fac [aura any, having Express facilities "We shall have lectures and experiments in Natural Science, by an expsmenced Instructor, Board and . all descripsivus of treight aud nil pranieroneinie Rand furuisbed Rooms, fire-places, fuel, &e., $6 per mouth ; Kuglish Brauches, $6 to $15 per Session; Languages and Ornamentals on reasonable terms. Board and half the Tuitioa required in advance. The Proprie- d quiek delivery of matter en- uccensable points in United ‘ “ eacl “ HEliverg iat tent ities wiser tor, Teachers and Pupils dwell together and eat at ; ad Daly the same table. hly and Dai | Young Ladies of limited means will be credited for Tuition uotil they can teach and pay forit. Situa- tions guarantied to such. For information Abpkess, REV. W. IL. LANGDON, Proraietor Jan. 25, 1559 (735 25 BARRELS OF olk and Petersburg, off-r great their Spriug who have been apponied Ageuts ut | W. HH. TREGO, Superintendent. | TindO Heeye Commlaingare clihe Soartaccaden!\ (oC: -| New Crop New Orleans Mo- ee terres tie Single Nuuber Lotieres for! Ramaway !!-=-§50 REWARD, | CAUSES (til strived (ue fer/otle 1 ni eeulou, March, [*59. at Aususia, Geo, in publie, uuder . f h b 1 € be the superiutendence of Commissioners | 4 R ANAWAY from the sabseriber on the | ciel : SUE , 1 reunine Balaam bas 4 . . . | V 20th January last, a Negro man named | SPRAGUE BRO’S. ' stor uearty twenty, Chiss 10 Draws Saturday, March 9. 1859.) 3 ALEX. or ALEXANDER. Said man inof a] 29 reno encom | Chex 11 Draws Satay, Mare 12, 1550. bate copie bein steely (OUiehee Mane) see Class 12 Draws Saturday, March 19, 1859, | and will weigh from 155 to 165 ibe.—a very likely Delamere, Oct p28 at Class 13 Draws Soturday, March 26, 1859 fellow, but has rather a dowa-eust lovk—aged 22 oe ae ee ON THE PLAN OF SINGLE NUMBERS. years. ‘The subscriber things it probable that Alex psig sido) TICKETS iw lurking ubout either in the meighborhond of Salis. has never ss sao bary, Mes. Lawrie’s or MOS. MeKenzte’s piantauone Lr, Bb ol some thue Youre, truly JACOBY, FOULK.” REMEMBER, THEREFORE, it wo se bly GENUINE Has the WAKDIES Sias cb HC OF ta wellas Une PRINTED bootie oh UL POWER A €O., BOSTON, on the TAKE NO OTHER m Maes Kur sale by ReON & ENNISS and W the Pada APPER HW. WYATT, Salisbury, N.C lowal I 1 NOTICE. LL PERSONS table TOWN TAX, of ; ia the corporate Pmits ot the ‘Town to pay who reside hereby notted to give to their list FACIDSATUR DAY IN FEBRU AT: Live Thousand Four Hundred and Eighty-Five | tle will give ihe above reward for bis apprehension | and delwery to him, PRIZES! y EARLY OVE PRIZE TO EVERY NINE nae of Bringle’s Ferry, in . , Feb.8, 1859. Magnificent Scheme! ° TO BE DRAWN Priseof a) 1 Prizes of tC 400 Dwow | lon #00 | IY Re 150 | low PROMPT PERS EN to the porch APPROXIMATION PRIZES MICHAEL BROWN, “COMMISSION MERCHANT, SALISBURY, N. C. WATCH MAKER AND at hix residence 24 miles South Rowan county JOHN C. BE COME AND SEE W.R.WILSON’S NEW SHOW CASE, ONAL nase of all kinds of PRODUCE ATTENTION GIV- heard an if ruch letters ws the above, whieh he calls courte yim : b . elle c wh a : , ' Je Haiti TN HiVeeUHiBeriD i a , ug to $59,000 Pi 1,600 | a down by the Shops this morning, that gus aidl vbligiigjiare w eulicieny cacwtacinaco SuOt Hred from tie tads Gt \ eent | ay Bc (Pn ae he a ees se en erie are eee, And to all consigninents to be suld in this market oF a the large, uew supply of thought proper to take exceplions fo omy reply te es wiuuded: leejngn, Lain (ie an ri SHS y WS rE Me Pc Oe ULE 10,000 1,000 | shipped to other Ports WATCHES, JEWELR ght proj i hin wounded un, ise AER TAHA i = Uy u , , the proceedings of Mr Jonathan Worth Chaninan, How bis blustery. bull aud brs ue ) 1p } | : els . rd tell tah February 7, 1s59 (37 and a great variety of Glittering : s ¢ deceased and Parsons lind beer at Si hiie ) ty taxation aceording to the | 4000 re ae 5 ‘ ay and to use lanvuay realeniing lowa, Lhd atter being denoguced tor miakiog t ; Chee. ly le a Bown roth . Charms of new Styles aud Fash- had not been und-r H as ocrike hin very aceute sense of the ridiculoua, P Yai Tor sore Tengen et Tene ait tn ie : PEE LD a spss Se 4 Lon gir | | i \ jonn, some of them of the “AT- qercnfes renee Arion Chae dum Gomme Malai Loeesiens Ona il Gien MnOeirhee GAME CoP Iiwcutine wea) a (heen _ : : 00 20 are 100, Vi { | LANTIC CABLE” order te x nitty PH VAs oN bl Ey pO Bat | | Call Look d d Khe aplendid to Greensburu to give you oppottuinty ly sansty teae bh pe yet wupre a Iy c tleus an tb (Gre Yo wien was belie bat bey Piasons tin SN ineey ede out ae 3,485 Prizeeamounting to 320.000 | A A I 4 eee cia .vok round—and see the splen array youre! others now, an Unele Poby » rthe tly. go, cll A) W ‘ : ee ne 7 patd tothe proper te trot which there Hove Trewers $10, Harve Qu antens $2" | . fiupGGrracanaiciicee wil ive ecilare lrusy ina ne scene ee eRe Ney tree ditaccuinni (er a1 Clocks, Walking Canes, &£o. been sulticw nt to assure you ciJaw COT Tes Mle SIGE Gehl Sad) Aeneas: i, te i jeuined. a Wenn : Willearcan cuailanecens Oy: a i a ular showing the pila of the Lotteries | A : - u ? Hl , feet \ vote SRUHAHS Cae cou aintren un eediay HUnie ks = p t (ey will be sent to any one desirous of receiving it PU of various kinds. suggest, that | asi a bad suis | yoeNpe POS <1 ask. ae a inatter of just ce, thatthe Salie, WERE DOT Tt e: fi in iperior Court, th uct . mendoranent Bie Hates Gudouiir juperiwiteiiravernilt Se Tule, eon tide lace irar Qvgleunter ued Cotutycon Wedant ; an Pier; . Now ie tiie meltn shiva cheapo Having) homgnt Ra icin lynne (tenes Thien REM Mr Fisner's article woil ale publish this, CoP henna: apc Have (eouiien reno tie ed i Weucinnaomnl dsl Gheiiile eet ieiea bee tl mR es follow near atce jdieetly froin the manufacturers, for cash only, Team, : ee ; ; ae MAUMEE OSSCOUIS AACA e RE Mee Oe | ; vimie tu May Court, All permons lave.” Certibcure of Package of 1) Whale Tickets geo] EF will well, at the late Residence of Praceno end Twill sell, twenty-five per cent cheaper than CULT BELY (CMU a OLE EN Sr Le Ve SLUTS Modnore Catt one vodred ane tity ‘ ; aie ae ! : 10 Halt : TU! Houston, deceased, on the 16th DAY OF MARCH, | such arucles ever have been sold in Salisbury, and on my part, towards | " “ 1 : aie ) hereby noted to de-| 1 Q | 1 ati anilided 5 rat low ) owards tu 1 y dissver anesiatie ie = i ; = ; . ioe | © Quarter 20 FEN ‘ bd Y . . | for cash, I will deduct 5 per cent, even at these . ebect eaten ' ‘ ‘ amis W Sas present, post the nate ail me. p his to iid time | " a HEP i 5 : 4 au Bae ty ear eee PHE MARKETS. : Hain i ie pea es a tes Mises THE VALUABLE FARM [ie cowardly, aud fi IN are re ace : , ‘ : SiGe aia 4 | IN ORDERING TICKETS OR CERTIFICATE [belonging to the eaid Deceased, conmaneg of 1,600) Come and see the new supply of SILVER TEA better than your ee ptete dest ¢ y ee we 4 Vv i TG Sah rt Teta \ vr 1 Baclose the money to our address for the Tickets oF T.n0u AC RES, melodiog tis Dwelhag, and alj | and TABLE SPOONS, aud the best quality @ aininadion, has beer i, AGRE HUES REA ES 23 LACHES JIS TeX wy fat bonay ce |’ z a ee : dered, on recesptof which they will be forwarded | uecessary Out-Burdings. ‘The larger part is in] NEEDLES that can be found on th sion of truth, aid CORRECTED WEEKLY BS ‘ pe eee i A VALUABLE PLANTATION, ‘ie first mail. Purchasers can have Gcketwending inj Wovdland, well umbered, and well odupied to the | Atuntic; alte SILVER PLATED CA81 out Novwwdy hk 5 . 2 : any figure they may designate growth of Tobacco. ‘Phere are 130 or 200 acres of | All kinds of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry &c., prompt- SIEAGUE BROTHERS ( ~ > val a Aidt) aber reply contains fe y Sa cc * : ES ae ee 7 LIKELY NEGROES, Phe Listof Drawn Nambera and Prizes will be | low gromndsin cultivation {Iv repaired, at the lowest rates. and warranted for what Po have dstnet s . SE u We bta ea | Slit | 1 ! s be prese Sy et Jxent to purchasers ummediately wfter the drawing ALSO. at the suine time and plice, all the proper | twelve months. ‘To this branch the proprietor gives ee i 4 livia dl \\ 2 , AND MECH OTITER Je Purchasers will please write their signatures ty belonging to said Estate, consisting of j his sole atteniion W. R. WILSON. Agents bond Way lates a ; 7 | . % F ; | ' ox. 1858 ns uFiuuato you liv aus. josatt . Mi Via oe) Cee as Ue ete) cee R (=) plain, and give thou Port Office, County and State yng vgs Salebury, Sept. 28, 185: 1 ‘ibe Ce ee os oe es ad os ed @ We en DESIRABLE PROPER ees ccdewi ed ay 18S NEGROES, | - Nay ugteuceaci dena il uik ae _ é th —_ ee eo oe Santer Watednetn ‘ jable in full without deduction i Men, Women aud Children. most of them being | PROSPECTUS y F Raa eine Mere : eyo) Nae Cu deat PIC HICE SSUILE | TAM prizes of 1,000 and underpaid immediate. Soung aud ikely. ineluding 2 good Blacksmiihs ' —~ UNS OSC SC Ry | SUNS zs ‘ WISE [an a to 1 20 ate ree) . ees ly after the drawing—other prizes at the usual time, Alto, a good stock of OF THE . be retained in othee andy tiaty Ge bet j \ 1. OLS LINSEED face 40 . 7 jeopactaat : | y : { ‘ 4 - n Dy ‘ 1 t wp fale, a ah ofthirty dave | SQ Aral r - * nee ere eee oe ioe a ae es : ' on. Conve ng NOTICE TO CORRESPONDENTS MULES AND HORSES, } AROLINA CITY TIMES tended to your Gis tess Witenes = wd dbs: p Potatoes Tech PO podn ‘ ' b Aver vathe Mochs Those who prefer not sendiug money by mail, can Cattle, Hogs, and Sheep, several husdred bushels of) ~~ . = . fave ts ‘ ‘ an : hon Al = ace e . vik i : fray Salelitey, sake ° : Corn and Wheat, Hay, &e, 2 sets Blickamih’s! ‘The undersigned will commence the publication of In book-he w ‘ ‘ ~ lew ‘ Var ks ' 4 1h ‘ ‘ tentmecks | dw os uew y rec aud in : | ‘Tool, several Wagons, Parunag ‘Pools, Household |a Weekly Journai with the above title about the first Seah cigar et a Sie reece é eee ee een orem Cs THE ADAMS EXPRESS COMAANY, | act kicten Purine, January next, at Carolina City, N.C. Sou kaw ter i eet AG ; M ey I en 0 sale a : 1? AERIAL Ges aTORE t 1 towel be named, whereby money for Tickets, in sums of Ten Dollars, Sale to continue tromday to dty unnt all is) sold.) iwes will be “Independent in all things, Nea- Gov Morehead + a ‘ 5 faa hones vig sasar bs sud q ' bak Hew loose | SEVEN NEGROES. FOUR and upwards, can be sent us [Peruse mode knows on the day of sale tral iu noching 2” bat the best energies of the propri- Jes than my own wt ha Wigs ' =i ‘ 4 \ nt MELES, PO HORS Ds. TWO ROVD WAG AT OUR RISK AND EXPENSE, j Ali persoowindebeed to the | wal please come | tors will be directed to any and all measures tending undertake to | Fonte at le pet i tos U4 b1h ad they st > | ONS FUR MING MPL WEN ES of all kinds and | for make pavinen hose having claims) to advance the interests of Becufert: Harbor; and USEC SOT USL a) : if ff t ; : SEW REACKS MEPEL fom any city or town where they have an offices: agaiist th fae ; | i k fence, against tier AOVETY Fabs atid ct i De ey t 0 pas aie) \s 1 tes as: ¢ Seana Se Ans aet ‘De ices and order mut be ea ag MG. against U1 state will present them for payment particularly tu Keep people posted oo what we are Terr i . Sark, Pde a Whee W 0 : yen « ‘ poletbet: TOOTS ate a0 HEMT OF CVPTLE. eluding, GRA ES [POST OFFICE STAMPED E JOHN HL. DALTON, | :eally doing. With this determination they will fur- Traralicei rd ads : ' Hoey 1 ag KR A) Hine Mieycecroty etl tant can Gave eam teh WIM OD CWO COMERS Bien wi ay ISS a ersene oan renter ennini: Bee) [sel ogy Nee) Executor. | nish a faithfal record of all statistics which may be Eee ae a r ‘bed In G2 Wal WH a HO eoules Gedy unt aboot 2a SHEED, HAY, CORN, and SHELLED | © RESUS ETE SE SOU DEOL Cau vOLTSCeys — in their power to obtain in addition to any commercial : wy : SHR ct Poltk 7 74 Sl IODIDE ESOS & UMIRS erteseas Cay IES : i \ se ; ae ; Twill also eell privately, LOT No. 3, in the intormattion which can conduce to the welfare of oar ol TRAC TOUS pase \ Malicbary, N.C Jind . . . cammuicationsstcetty conhaentie | TOWN of NEWTON, Catawha ( mercantile interests. The want of sach «a Journal is al BL NCE SD Sra hoe PUVEPPEVILLE MARKED, March 10. Household and Hitehen Parmifure. | address Orders for Tickets or Cesiticates to No 3, in the TOWN of MOCKAVILLE, Davie, filt by every intelligent ciizen who desires to be at sant couceri ts HSA) 1 4 ‘ Alot Wight Ile Weslo Hin gine ¢ { shor will sell all the! WOOD, EDDY & CO, Aug , Georgia | County a!l acquainted with the resources of Beaufort Harbor es, Whos Li . 1) SANs jp oll WN) et net weft osuy feyeargus tenia UE Wheel tie Sth passe ssten or, WOOD, EDDY & CO, Atlania, Georgia Persons wishing to purchase will please address | —our present condition, future prospects, &e. reasous { ‘ COt I LE perth ; : : i {Pies 1 fe netieomen laden ane xtend= or, WOOD. EDDY & CO, Wilmington, Del the subscriber, at Houstonvill redell County, N.C.| The Tiwes will give the latest market reports ; : ' j a noe ey i i a Ae sol be ven ft droew beanng qo A fist of the aumbers that are drawn from the Pea erecd JOHN TE DALTON nval and SH a of vessels from this port; eee ite that 1. wind Denia Pete ‘ cae ! wheel. with the amount of the prize that each one ts bolo, sy tds3R columns will afford the latest intelligence both foreign ite t Se Weal ied - Wy) , | ‘ ! ¥ the Stet day pitted it blclhed:ntiereverurdraw }und domestic. Special care will be taken to give a ae ' entitled to, will be published after every drawings nt Cope g op ee a . rare : : Fanny ' . : oe f al, New Orleaue Dellae Mobile Repiatury Churlestan AES (HES The Tiwes will be published every Tharsday, and epi (Wehr Hdl (ieeente Sipiertive torao , aT : fice ft H Ni iP yn fs ' Neceres wre ou Stancil Nashville: Gureites Aclattia litellizencer: , eae . | willbe mailed to subscribers fur Two Dollare a year, in haste, Twill stop at ‘ : pee wie a die wd W184 * : ri Rec Nau Vere Werke eDue (Hank leteatnaniMoriig me seul cee and Qiiericn svsiios Jauuaty Wal ibvarieb) vin envence: Recital \ Rene ie dE ty ie ; < ean! ‘ 1 Sorre older. and News, Richmond Diapateh and Pantdiog (Miss. Perm, 1559 | A.B CHAPIN & CO. ete GATS tee Gels ” ae : Se are the te ee yy. Clanensand Little Rack Ark “Trae Demoerat ROR ER tga red He Wgtachatp Carolina City N.C. a u tition Te: Jet sf y neet Ia ehoas Dye “4 Oririnal Attachment Leried on Land. | ALO se W O05 4 1 00 m Saeiex en Nia Culaas 441 ! _ Pee it nak den Hes n wear debi ay of og Tt ‘ 3 TEvanpearipatatheinan(iccis GmU len Ou rte chat July 26th, 1858. Pras, bain aoe ' y Ie Ses «J Tuves AOU. MeBacharn the defend o this case ia notay ep N ee runa Rail Road bel Mar. Cras Fo Rises [ \ Vente GIL rato, cele Re) y Petia ile Staiaent ee a, B 3 Cie Atlantic ane North Carolina Rail Road being oleic a Ne Kye, Wa 1 00 ( i on 3 4 WILO A.J. ROSEM AN, M.D. ; io 1 ES I: oe N beyond the limits ow completed to Beacrort Harsor, I have deter- your letu : ‘ . LARD. per ib, 12 4 13 Horeslehe ww 10 WV WS It Deore c E othe same z Leis ordered by the Court (iat public) nined to locate at Carulina City, for the purpose of er, but have Nae ype SPTehaeuerenlone: Ni WOULD respecitul 4 hat cation be made tore weeke in the Cardin Watehe | going a , in Court Peach Brandy, OO a 1 0 a 1 1 bt hind vat, that they man for the case lo appear ; ra . Sc treen fifeae aay f ie en yc an fay TOM Re I ieee a trina tee Ne FORWARDING AND GENERAL COMMISSION lie Apple d “ 70 4 0 0) TEI BUSLVESS had used lana owards vou | NOC. Whiskey, a “ AVAL IG IEE ID e4 beowve To his ate Vy professional ger igen ; on. _ eeanty aforesaid at the Coart House in meord on! A ot As Uns you hav lf andl ioe hess ify be 24 i va reagrntwninke sets [) YE STUFFS, PAINTS, TU RPEN TINE, the 3! Mevtay in Apnl next: asd replevy the pros aud hope by promptnese and striet attention to merit ever, that the insin Detar Reetitied do a 45 Ua oe Miretieiy USER es sui te 7 ; perty levied on, and plead to the plamatt’s action,| your patronage and support. Being the Agent of contained in yout pull “ NAILS, cut. per keg 440005 atta 3M Raa minus hasan R eae TIES UHC or judgemeut willbe rendered aga ust bim for plain Murray's Line of First Class Packets, ed to the Hon HT 4 Avo PRON, perth Se ! ue s sand the paihe generally, tor band costs, and the lands fevied on : ; duhat Pout od F t ne ; 1 Engixh, 4a 0 ver eral ter ae hat he fas vived. and JT RINALS, Syrenges, Breast Pumps. satisfy the same to ths and MOREHEAD CITY, every effort will ete ee ; Sweedes, common bar, Ghai 00 hooes by ster atention tu his professional buses ; Witness, No Slough, Clerk of our said Court at be made to make this the cheapest and most expedi- saw you . i DID Leraut eit SV A HID KRU nstanie ef OA P Neat ds Gruxsrseceda, office in Coneord the 3d Monday in Janu tious ronte to New York. Vessels will be loaded and Y ARSUIDE It Pavers (i) I ‘ Do wide, Tha 00 Y : US ARLEN SEBASTES di SUT TRA 2 WOOK, perth ape 4) On the manag atthe th of March, atthe resi Store, whichis 10 ies Seateweet of Salisbary, Li AW Ina NeSCOU Gn Cn discharged at my Wharf (adjoming the Rail Roed ereies ablizal ee] ag Assisi TALLOW, perth HO 00) dance ofha@ ean dewioD)) Borklewda in Fredell Coo where tte ts peunaentis leeated + ALT-PETRE, Borax, Glue Pre. fee $5.50. (iw38 | Wharf,) and thereby save CARTAGE and LIGHT- our assuinp also. that Tod fe ante zy Wate Wad A its Marehs, bS40 3inpd4l ‘ } ERAGE. ; . HIDES, per Ib— JAMES BURKAREPE AD. in the Y2od vear of his igs n ; RA Vy untertered) with tae invest cat i sai 0 eee, > Manufacturers Articles, Valuable Gold, Silver and Copper LT Particular attention will be given to all orders, tee isentitely gratuit. nthat | Green G a 00 D OLEY wes S$ Q LA \ 1D a FOR -\ I kK and to the sale and shipment of Produce witheld any testimony or ta SALT << ee : FANS S SALE. WILLIAM B. GRANT. Is utterly untrae and with idation lee ee 11008 00 JOHN 0 ; f on \[ SNES Suen seith Cnr ote AV ans . Your att ' mr dik tee eye ee Bek : ; Hat and Cap Manufacturer, 9 % ey . I ING bewn appointed Execntor of the fast All shipments of Produce to D. Corpen Murray, bl ay Ae Cai Se aU es as AN b WHOLESALE DEALER IS ~ nw 20S) | Ey SDL diet CLL: Withard ‘Testament of David WeMackin, deed, New York, will be forwarded (ree of Commission. ponsibhity Wiieh tt tte Mi LASSER, per gallon b : ‘ DREN EW F 4 Twill sell to che highest bidder ai public sale, on a) August 3d, 1RAR. tf 10 reported a oT ment Cuba, on AL Ria Tats, ( Ips. Fours, Trimming EN S ] ) URABLE Ink, Blacking, coeditof six and twelve moaths oi Saturday the 26ch - = pu great aysit Nese Orleans, bia 50 chai ae - il \techlnkeo heparan wteonh RATL ROAD NOTICE Tn conclusion T have to say that the miemices at SUGAR, per Ibh— - : I radia rage pe _ SINGLASS, Gellatine, Extracts, weet of Gold Hill, 425 ACRES OF LAND, on threats in your letter only excite tiny conteny Taaf and crashed, 15a wy ae rei or paNe Manica Tie ee which there isa good Dwelling Barn and other Out: | TO Yours siCrouk Porto, & No Orleans, 1lo« au iaveudier teeth / e a ( VY ORRKS, Bottles, Sponge Houses, a ficst-rate Veadow, and a good Farm. Also, CHANTS (EV USE MEN DEN Ee Tao andreth’s New Crop Gr namber of Gold Veins, some of which have been | COUNTRY MER e NVORFOLK MARKET. Reported Weekly by ROWLAND & BROTHERS Mr. CoP Mexpesmare Tad ply trom you, nor did To des COMMISSION MERCILANTS, or communication With you ter Verne aluet sy For the Watehmao, WARCHE 19, 1s59 that has ever been offered va Vorgiuta . lave t tle ach an officer little becoming a gentlenian. My parpese in wi Towoutd ask the parneular attention of myastom March tet 59 140 ing was by no means te do so silly athong as te BACON Sie Shoulders ari “doers tomy stock of ats ae ; He Re iTCAianten do Sides, hoa 104 . ‘ A : anes a paper, whi a Wusteriie betula Si ieend Ga iivoren ay ae STRAW GOODS. Western North Carolina Rail Road, silwan i. ia Sea ; Be yee fi | NY LARD=N © and Vag No 1, bbls and kegs 00 14 CIMA (Ue CYAN: I ey iN nF nihil ee ad. PASSENGER 7 Weare Salisbury for o notify you, in order to give vou the boas an a ‘ ne : Se Jou YOOLBY ‘ for States eid (Sundays excepted) No 2 Wa 134 at han Liminediately after the wrrival of the North ¢ possible trouble im seemy me, at an eadhy tine that pe hoOUR Family, KR“ 000000 Main street, Richmond, Vv Tee ynicen desis ee : phe pai J would pass along aud» at Greensboro extras #4000 Maral aloo) ree RETURNTSG will leave Statecrilie at 6 197A Micand reach con re Vinoriiny to see yortor any of vou Snpertine $6 504.000 Se a Ot HOM oe Saturday at Tiends, and to give vou any desired satistaction. It CORN —Wohite and Mived m2 S2 \ ) ap j ‘ ‘ Pvt Batista Monday nt 4 4M, 40 ne to obviate was my impression the letter was ve Iwowait Yellow, Koa rb ( ORI OR \ I ION BON DS ' vooforanaing oy Sehay ten and expressed on this pout a jould not WITEAT—Whire, Weteen ads FOR SALE. A Car for he ht Express F En this Train have ay Sete NEAT ; ¢ ) JAMES COTUINER, E & Supt yave written to you atall but to say this. Loci Red, 090 a bot . . HaiReien ene ‘ ere come by and <topp: long ws Tine would al- COTTON Me ig) (Se SIEM RO ROS NGS walle cocerce sei lis rece. {het (imal coneince rip | : PINS o hlnekonincen naw. gro 000} Voter wart ihe TO tday of Mint nevis tar the , ah, . 5 ve UTE HATE Gn ati onenirier Pot cxntl (not att att a Lvrics mnitieatr imran San ROUND: ies WJOSIOUEY Ni Carolina Rail R. Freight In position, by either qisrepe hin ' FLANSEED A185 0 FAS toed mnder aeacrat the Geared Vexembh at North QPRECUT SES es Wierd: oe ‘ / Carolin mutloeezeme the VIDS One ES ye e my communication in reply to Mi Chatman Worth Rt tate i LE 1 ah eeu a fi . a ay : 2 ‘ ; a ss rypu : ae ee , : fie HN Ua | PRED VPPLES per baa of 25 the . Buti rent (into Cen Grranonoan (ute Gua) wu pia neo ek Th you wash to stand ty him, take RK bart A ENTS oo om Te e560 08550 The ve Bonds will be issied Coupons at aS not at my elie Ttas not atal ae that I it oT RS(T] = aViantearll oe £19 5N tached to suit purchisess, rang trom tive to (Welty pabpuary 22,1878 sinuated any charges: against vou never deal : . ears t the d ‘hacnt nd beartoy srest at 6 p oj Sin #1150 years tram the day of sale, and beartog rite m . ; . Greil TOSI DUAt Ons any body What 1 Pe VeEs—il 0 fd RIN G2 OO percent. payable semeannnsly , T. CX t (y, W ORTH, one to says penerally said quite plainly My Pope #50) JOHN ISTE ft " ke , yeto vou g | tog nto neat # ‘ sere eole purpose in refermng to you at all wa ; an rifled 41) Titendant General Commission Verchants, awer what was said by this prosecut nil tae ‘ BAL Rongh # Wa 00 MATIC EN EC Sere Heme ine plain that vou, an offieml in this Road tora term at REMARKS Wilmington, N. C. MARKS years, either did not understand what had) heen . . a YT » \W y R s Dear eRR IN done, or, berg in office yet, vider this cdisinisted Flour receipta are largely iierens A, particularly 4 A Nal ( ) ) EN > Say on tion, and therefore a part ofat n tol feom Neth Caratiny We silva SLC EUS : : LIME, PLASTER ! ' Beane lla ts ea tear iwa, The aijek Forel at HENDERSON & ENNISS HAIR, CUMENT. at the trouble and responsitulity iy Nye WMA Tie bs APU o u H \ 1 . > STrR OS peed ia ds i Gaull Gane tir V5 mt LAND PLASTER abe Conia irene, : a ‘ : meee Com — Vrnvale eines our dest report, amount (0 pay ry ; i fhe CRONE ROBINSOV'S MINIPULATED CU4ANO 4 AL a i warch oof qoatters f ' r by Ihoaawn yay dy Ths , Binele CTNengvall GH aeniet CD ieeniinl Gene fall 50.000 boshels which have been geld y none Soe Die lis eae TiS KERR §& CLIRK'S PHOSPHATIC Sonacinul cack fl chondhil ait lia UU TAN AE ate Ta see MERSON & EXNIS8) FERTHIZER Onder for any of dhe nbove fille eas ould not have take Cotton, with a fair supply —anlee are made at quo Mae i : Ve Se nets aha Wen ites Oe eee See] : aM Vyouatall, but for th tations f Neaveeh ire: sath Arndt doing so. Tras not otherwise than tt) Pena, Ro Eve. salen have heen made at qnotationa refer to or think of people who requite kindnes ingratitude, and Tahould not have desired to met tion you at all then or elsewhere Dried Fruit ples acll, but Peaches are slow of ale come into m moderate extent A STR UN Coe) ine plee to which constant additions wih be nade during th peapon My experienes and freititie tiace: enabled me EVN nd oi ey STOCK of GOOD flimtecncisie i aiben the way, the mont COMPLE UE % Linseed, Sperm and Tanner's Oil, (Srecedin at WENDERSON & ENNISS Mae dh io As to my attempting to throw responsiblity 1 4 you in order to avoid it, Uso as simply FRES H ~w. GRD BB @ Ecce When have Lever tried to throw even qast resy LT. who idebted dame will pleavee bility upon abler aud better men than yourselt SPRING STOCK \ settle their nee unt. or tea ' ie vy ¢ a . And have I not m erpress terms taken all respon MO ee Mose Pee we bility for every possible matter? To only intended you shonld have the proper share of a subordinats and as to myself, T was « rly responsible: al your condnet and negleet. You take respons ty from me! The truth is, Deid notexpeet yon to act as an efficient frend to mein nd desirable Gooda, and it will he complete about one week, when we can present one of t finest and Inrgeat Srocka that has her market of which the pubic ahall have dae notice BROWN, COFFIN & MOCK Marah 15, 1859 this examination bat Todd beheve you would act fairly and her W B are now recriving nur Spring Stock of new , Rw42 Office in Cownn’- Brick Ruse POW! Pod an off with me in he Saliabary, Moreh ©, 1859 ffered in thie BLANE WANTAN ES For sale at this Ojfice. » OF GARDEN SEED for ile at WMERONEY'S ihe de TPS APS EROVEY Want Money. _ CEE days or you wil avery few hous worked protitabiy : I NDIGO, Annatto, Rose, Pink, | there has been a sh " UTMEGS, Mace, Cloves, the ore said to be whieh there has be a Silver and Lead Vein,on which | yaft sank SQor 100 feet d a Copper Vein, on Sard Lands NEW, CHEAP, AND EXPEDITIOUS ROUTE FOL “prand vod: and: yen some work done k MERY. Rotten Stone, Sand Paper, vein half amide ofthe well known Gold -Uhil mine, z ABS. Sa eee TESS IS ik: DAUD AGES lene EREIGHT FOR THE INTERIOR OF NORTH S 5 » Sulphar, Cream Tartar, | conrse * sd veins pres through said Jan ia for the CAROLINA. ‘ distance of three quarters of ainile. Said Lands are Cee Pee . . Ja so well trobered \ ERCHANTS and others about purchasing their BS 1 pS. —Phese binde will be sold altogether, or in Fall and Winter supplies, are requested to no- I | Ne neVHr Nl Prine iacthesxeoulorinavthink day UGeslnitaus atte completion of the North Eastern \V INDOW Glass, Putty, } visable on the day of sale | Rail Rod, from Charleston S.€. to Cheraw, the ad- \ | E. MAUNEBY, Executor. | MGS: of a ¢ Ly aa eae Cede route from the TE , ‘bre m. 1859 dB! Seaboard is opene. > DISD? (era ESI ES | ULE aie A lun eeentieniaaneduiithercareot therA gent of CIDS, Aleohol, Flaid, ISBURY, wi To Siaver.in this T RAIN, Linseed and Lamp Oils, next, and will rer T INCTURES, Barks, Quinine, Charter of said B Q ODA, Saleratus, Starch, ‘ Main Street, | SULISBIRIG, 2 Agata Gey J. R. VOGLER, SALISH ERY Vo Cx wirn Salisbury. Feb Of | BOOKS FOR SUBSCRIPTION i pos the Capital Stock of the BANK OF SAL- Norh Eastern Rail Road will be forwarded free of Commission No charge for storage willbe made at Cheraw. All yed at the Office of JomS goods will be taken care of inthe Company's Ware- March jouseuntileatied for. Schedule of charges for trane- The portation of Freight will be found at the Post Office. SS. SOLOMONS, Hobe of plac n the first: day of nan pen there ank m RAC MEDW EL): Engineer & Superintendent. A.M NESBI1, | Aneust 10, D858 fll BR MOORE = e . MOWHITEHE AD, | 3 h 20 rwnrrenv ap. > go] wish to purchase MICHIEL BROW RG | = f good and young N egroes Fellows and will pay JAMES Eo KR BRI - =the highest CASH prices for them apo eri) 4039 T want them suitable for working my ‘Lexas plante- ‘ . tions, and desire to buy ae eoon as Tocan. 1 would se huy airs and boys from ten to twenty years old, BOOK BINDING AGENCY, * =" theme se eps, Hk, Ae SS, IDANIRAP ae eto) IN SALISBURY. Ghuaiunye Mra 4ine1 eae 149 Importers. and Jobbers of WAVE the pleasure tornform the public. that 1 Cheese! Cheese !! Cheese ” have made arranges wih Me do) iar se VSabsbary, tor cerye ant forward tein s i 1) eae HEESE ed Herring corde yeoof bus BB. 4 1 TOD howe srl 28 Warren Street those ordering theongh hon sen m a Adamantine Candles, . throngh hes Ageney, sha wpt atte ” 100 dozen Brooms ! New York. nnd be exeented with evictnegs ar borh ast 100 boxer aamorted Tobacco qnality aad atyle, Will be pleased to see all hie old friends when vis ving che City Jan 1S, can he obtalned + Binds Blank Books, Ledgers, &c., .,,..,,,, j rnd any 10 Casks Western Bacon For sale by as low terme as Binding any partof the country SPRAGUE BRO'S Dee. 18, 1R5R 29 1 RUpp i. I IR TVNERS For Clerks of Courts, Revisters a , LAW PARTNERSHIP, Moechatne, Raina ce Majutecinony (onpatit A CARD. , » , ah Bis strnetion shoul eom AH & RAL CALDWELL, a vin a yrs emeted gah rm 1 OFFICE, the one former oped by Dr Nesbit PAVID CTLEWELI Evsian, recently of Peteraburg., Va. a gen'le- n Water Street Feb 201b, D850 3 Ai) nen of long expenence in the Drug business, and _ : having moved inte the large new brick building on hae o one TRY NOC cane ng on Miya & Sip: (ler SaStol ey 92 A croft Main and Water Streets, with o@ : : WMareh b, Na? 1f40 Ydministrator = Notlee. i yaed facilines for conducting the businegs, I PRUNE: Soe (a #6 Banner please copy LU, persons hav aye agnine’ the eatate of t , will be enabled ta command the confidence mvirs Ta Watch, Clock and Jewelry . i Blizaheth Foard. decd. are again notified ta pre and nage of my termer ¢ vere Soe es ay ' {hyo Rtieation) py vy? ESN? mentriheinc with ne tine preatrihed bv t or thie he lly Our motto will be to gree sabrafactre mi ie MARRIAGE LICENSE ee Gone | qesiaalecaner Pea Ue ete lens tia Al ee : Die . RICHARD THOMASON, Adm'r , CA HENDERSON, Angust 31, 1458 ty perme HOR RAIe AE IPOS (ON PTHICTE Sirti, Tee 1a Jan Vt, 1859 Ne waneniagee * POO © drauh tai ka saiernce ie eepaenr tnd Re am age SS jac baal Debio es <i tsa 1 NOLNTAEN SCENERY. "1. SVLISBURY. REVIVED! = 1) eae et a ate? £3 Gy jo» ~~ HINTS Foe THE MOVTH, shenaguce siesta PQ, ARE YOU SICK? yyy yyy ga tu the reeeptacle uf trash, as you think trl m mr nt best . best. ~ Titty yeu cant be cored toe The Plantation. Ie Blowmenen line llorscsmoreaniies DAAeeblay Gil our? Gemnlient ern BY HENRY BE. COLTON. : 1 pe ANN bi entcble and then mourn when ii is too lite Four ‘ ; ae ae Me Bader o } Yyowith the gear on, not unfrequently are tbs of all Gian _ — which p 3 ie olune Ss AL INBU RY. We Lene Make ample preparation for a fal @ gear on, | y Ae oe ut NG : - Sea somight be eured by supply ot provisions for your family thrown down, and becoming entaneed pica seanon D ne wt MnUileaencii etn ee eiineenamiiineNernt te : vind Phe tollowiig will te ; fremis, und the | wouerally, tha ~ Chap Tt COWIE cahen this long estulleie Powell known Hotel te TE Ney cod thre sone a ' “ik ie heel mach Ashes Swat and servants—also, an abundance of in the traces (sometimes used as stirrups) 100) td Txiless, because y | prove snder for your eT ay laa are diipged tudcath, even by gentle an Cred disorders, because as SOOM as the season will allow, full nomenon ARE ee Skee” ee WE RGANTILE FIRM. crops of C orn, Trish and sweet pote ave ore . Wael Ppa) uel ; RatuG Ker ldicise: your cyeenn MUU EMEAUtentin is) : sae nde UE i a 37 lite of at least one plow laud oo iny fart . S “er O: wre! sh Pie Dourt show ruteelf abou ea Ae = eps “\ Re le M d Cashier \ \ » EE DSHS HES CebIK Cow I ve always to untie the hamestrimg before fan. bevause sour Stomach and TABLE, Civ GLOW Wane Ge Wieesieore ain | CGCOODS ALL NEW ! Ces inthe drill, for fodder, Lucerene. in fue. Q iganoltealtiy actions Averin end every comfurt peared iiilis din Shanes Gene ‘s hia | 5 . : 4 mounting . th ‘ ttl | ' y i the drill, Mc. Plant the chinese Su- ee US CE SO ACA oar Valleys Leaeos El \ aya) r r ; & . ape ue . ~ » To protect aga! inst fire, let the little ore Phey parity the tnd blood, aud cestore ROO ‘> (inte Ast) eal ; t Wec\ if fi 4 Y \ } Ol NG | A gar cane, also, for svrup and forage. ther funecuons ito healthy actviy which yeu ean tie START US 4 al we r . ‘ i ‘ i Nadu d c\ ANU : 5 , . 1: . > recrroes 58 1 woolens throughout s quick as i ! tre. the cone 1 i need . Woe have given full directions tor the Hates be dressed in srooleng tivoie wedi ree He nr eu Nag viane ofa ten . _ YEG TO CALL THE ATPENTION OF THE CLUVIZENS OF } f culture of tas ae heretofore. t st eeu tous eds hase A cantartable OMATEES runs regularly ( ‘ 1y \ Asti ote Ss ) Rowan and the staroundine counties to the > 5 Tn preparing for our reauls i Corn held d w.aen fires are tirst need it if De Nte) d ee rival oft . \ 1 me . 4 , ids for alt ¢ : mee purge wh iberal share of Cin Sa | Shain ! San aa nso Gi cy ! Crop, plow on subsoil vour land 10to el in full Tinpress on the minds of all, med cue autre ati Aree ecucrent ‘ ; i a ent up £ ES Ry . : = . om = = : re , . * 7 A , p=] EY Tres Kies URN INKY HON) ces dewl avi did oil iemsocemeies, Pom at engine (hs 8 tie ai cae a WA ROWZEL Coon Wl ie Ml ea Wien bd & Tt 2 ’ , , : ts j Janaary Wt nos tea Na 1} Ty Bewude j : 5 - pint: cxills, [Dio TY Thsce ch GNOME ae anmmntinnae wih att BuNrenRe YP few ao CCS IB cP SUIEA toncyot Mihir : : Ni ni ec a they are now recerving ey ure cont nie nt from past experience that atter the danger of late frost ts over. , air Aabeer ' Fonthe ae . oh TO ALL eee 1 a [ince them stock. whichis huge and carctully sclectod. is admirably adapted . , catch wltire, otherwise nine-tenths wis ne ( ; ; t rf : \ aes As soon as vou have finished the > Bet era Oa A ; t@ the wants of the commamity. and that haven boule the principal : - ‘ Cs ran. T often eateclise them pleasantly Nor \ . Hi Sar aoe 1 £ met 7 Adantine of corm and other provision oes oan i YG Interested in ee Na fe Tk \ Viviane s Voqeart foreash they can sell cheaper than ans store in any part of Wes- ; ‘ \ | necilly when they are clearing eal t ' \ Ven igo | 4 -2 } CRO sa repre On Colon s\vCOt been: tie uts vant TONAL Ces ee e ry The Subscriber , ue ! , fen NOG tritici ; .y whe is othe Siri eae . 5 1k mon 1, it S) 4 ; “ tatues should now be bedded out, so Luring brush, ke, in the Spriny UL Wills on W ie Hl. fo Chap NEN "Pe MW Ceontosiess U1 a Country MoreGants and the public Generals, will find that, as we : ; as to secure an abundant supply of of tanger, and the more so, as women, sate Ween \ es \ ; Hat y neat whet Gouds have been sold j i “ \ : We Sdraws No crop cuttivated in the girls and small boys are usually detailed OUR MU SIC AL ERIE \ D. PASIVIEY sel dirows has) Pio iN Van ! mat ! ; : 1 aa i ONG ( \ i MN ‘i > Gey aney mate 1 oN oD —— " South io more worthy of attention for that work 5 1 proceed sumething after Sues dhy suet Syne M I ee “h wyoun WSS I ny an ‘i \V 1 H tbe \\ ASP 3% all 2 OID Ee i than the Sweet potatoe. It ts one this fushion: What will you do if you A players ’ dhe Home eretes and SASTTES. BLINDS, DOORS aud SPOKES A Sues OTR Pow - s ; Alierpatay Des luiies, t of the most valuable esculents for ; Koil ; ain 2 Ne ie CIS Naas Sean eH S EN el gs cea deliceteotel At Wn Wall : . catch aire? ow you run{ No, sir fot coves LP contaiisaltthe papular: danees mi hand = h aa UES pores OS 4 mag oor beast. and every planter What then? Pl fall down and roll over (2 Gs eaten four the inost favorit bet takeu tend vostro, > t ihe 4 eae ey Ah EA &s ce +OODS. 4 should have fullebanhs.” at the setting 4 en 7 ‘ i , ; im Se seus, faiads, airs, We Anahi bite oor AEE SORTS OP BULLDINGS, Vy : . oN , ‘ > Pond Linseys, Onnaburge, The ty ‘ : = and keep a rolling hv? fecuuse thig pny ENITN Fotiat ive popalar taste des tor whieh Swill be red it ! Ke es : RN i reek % in of wouter, even ifthe does not make ooo! let yas ; ; ‘ ‘ Ne acid i Gags useaniiecs, in They its eal) atts PSU los ant . len ae oO : A Ss. Sra \ S best te ph out the fire until fteestoand detubtta poet , ; ; K : \ ? = quite <0 (uth, cotta, Wie Tliyq = he eresray to gare a wa ; Hee cie ut bene phates autre a > JE IAT OO & Goons . ; ee : (white vams.) the Yellow Yains. and help comes, and running will make ity.) EeetmasoMAHS ollie Shulbanuces cere ie Q (ot Dihaie bal soctins: Sinaaeacte aneticn f : I » fl j ‘ | : an ox tle ere tae i i : ma | ' lie J te 1 \ ow 5 | d ) } ! , tsas the red eNeero Killers” (so called) barn faster. Is that allf No, Sir, Tf te 5 Wie en Une Trams ar (RTS VIILULS { Wile, os EPS (SO Ci ; Sf Gwnarih, | Naw ecdinneaias ; nin iy HAL) [eke Wo if nS ° -OODS Haeci are all fine, productive varieties. we lie down and roll over fast, we only 1 Catia odrerconuteys lt C, tw 1 A an oF Sain in 3h. 239 EIS Ss Cr - an ; a : ero ey hiveaatares aeleiate wala : \\ ty ~ +, Einbrodenes, : Hs Irish Potatoes should be planted get burnt a littic on the legs, and perhaps) ny 2 en te eas Je gal MIE MIL lle cel ee ace rN W ! i ‘ ! | ey Heme in drills 3 fect apart and covered with pot at all, but if we stand up, or ran, we Pend Variety and. yertlemer are serureat by site NECIRIMOCTE, AVES Steep ; : I | | yt AE ms ey EY TUNEL TRIS Gath KO SHAUN Ge TENSES rene Tiysesuilhew othe Ihikwaes aur dhvew stay wlan dao cln ub Haluneaninent ee eres Hy 3 tees Pa CLOTHING, Bu as heretotore directed; or. scatter ma. 5 lei ceseriiien all antes mn aie ow Pauline cline Gla Tikes Geanen ("( i} \ \'s TY Ta f \ (i \ \ ‘ eae j ‘ nure in the bottom ofa deep trench, oe f iy so ae Ee ow en al bee Vif \l id Aidt } HM HA VSS ONS eRONN EDS) en TSO Sand SHORS: Aviveal . is certain dea Tatley a Wave UF tis : d ' A Uy 5 : pe ‘ drop the sets upon this and cover uy 5 . str M rn ' , be vpn " \ eae Pelton i ot ay ao ' or six years, had the lesson so well by kh ~ Cie ay Sines cB " VEGET : mY) BEI: \] PU o aa) ute | with carth. drawing it to the stem: as . ; Sean ue \ rae ' ‘ > 4! 5 i ‘ : ae , i they grow. heart, Gat he ran to tie resene ofa biaze: 1 bids (Re wa we | PRIEND OF TUT WUAtAN | i . (i. | Ni SPEENS Ea UOTE THES, ; ; : , . be ee ; . a TEND © ! 1\ MEL : Pur Veceranie Garprs.—Hyou ts cubbettwo years, tirew itdewn and § yes oll: PAIS fi § espa Vale | if : ¥ have cabbage plants that have been mtled so enerscceally, that when tee sus in tors = oe . : a ' Paid DY (pe N tl : a " kept I tt} { een | DISEASED MIDVENS, : : . . rep OVET WINTCE, S¢ hem Oul now. tened mother arrived, the blize wa oO \ \ \ \\ I Cab and Goat Sow mine abbaveeccal to hei a ceria elateal aud tu eh auilered town Mai Mislcal Brien 0 cated wekhaetal ihre Onn tos | : j 3 S i Rely LPs : Z Nia i eA] ett ; the summers Plat Duteh is the best. jury a < sno ees lay Sivan pe oe ae tan a vos TST ; WOOTY WATE. ; re Thin ont turnips, as soon as thay aes ann Tuer rmedenees iievenv ls ee RAT ah ie , dn . Plows 4 7 . 7 Buchets. proams, Tut LORS PS. (Pn Rope, We. j ; a have four leaves: leaving them at the | _ : aoa" Hollow Fates, ve halt your £2402 Clahs 4 in ee ' ' . “9 yg . ’ —— ¥ ; 3 ees : Lares Ts TUE HPN NCE MPO Ley at rs STI ob St Poeopes, Sap I! 2 . { c tf CRO? fa ‘Dem | ANE) ai PO EONS VN ARE. : distance of six inches apart: and sow : ce pews ose ae a Se A Sa wine Nua / \ / * eine woe more turnip secd: Early White Duteh 0 OS a nae ee ¥ { ead é ain , ‘ \ i [eacran Iawkag tatere A » ' < ' ( f » oy oO \ i 13 4 is / . / and Red topped duteh are the best » What ay MOuTber ot reeipes wre R sacl fey 2 ‘ prop ; PI ‘ New York : — = 3 eT Ie asin H for spring use. Tf you did not sow fund in pont tor seratches in horses — Pn Tos a ve Cp pp yy a St ODO CRE: A. SO Do Manu By Onion seed black.) last month do Only one is necessary, tiers it ! ‘ ( at ; ‘ ‘ : ee : ‘i : : 1 ML saat S Ml he ats itat once; they willeome into use ti one dram or so of Corrosive Sublis VeVstN Binion be NDS anon lea a s., yes Of, {ISS aes, 1 the latter part ofthe summer. when Aaieae Whar hae Breall Cahos, Visss & ode pies ’ ( ‘ wy Pabout a vl apa op 4 : Ae TIVE Vac LAEEHAREARS SNES EN SIE S LS FT LIT I ut all that were raised from the sets or ee le Suen — e OH .HCe j Nj \4 Oh) i} 4qZ, ; ee 4 , anes ! Water, apply sete of this te the . ; C Pe ‘ somysennne any my Pap ela buttons are gone. TP vou did sow uty they T " euler cre com NOTICE 7 Ak vee wo black Odion seed in September it ESS EEE NSN mA Mili Creek. 1 / . ’ Ei EON Tl TE “TLOOT a ee cg fend, it uot too tenders basing firs Gls werd sBURY tye Nd I, a can now he transplanted. saw Care hea Het ten ae hasiny first iy os ee a Wenge kot SALISBURY 4 eee a OS, Runs (Pati (aueliy sige (lige SSNS Shit sey aun Ascii Mae GOOD CONDUPION 2 tbe o Se CITING E OF SCHED! thane Sites PVE NIE STEAM) SS AN ad 1 Chureh, lia finest,) Parsnips. sa! ify fettuce Rade plication enemy cures, Tt yninine js PEESM Wega aie Wo leet : ye , a ishes, Thyme, Parsley and Rape fone 2 tere HD RORDA RS Ties fe Wasetere sRite | a (llegar PPR VDD bop POM. Salisbury t to “Aeheville, , , \ ‘ HSI AEN SERRE) a . - 1 ' \V Loon 1 5 Ieee ra early greens. \ Plant all in rows Jo -eratelh But it is a virnlent poison, 4 Las : BUOACN STN tt Wtlotesds ets - £6.00 t Bye } : Tent | Phere ma YOUNG Off \ ELE £ ! ; i iy ° ; 2700 Tie Inches apart. Sow also, a little spot therefore take care of your bottle CHAR D os very sole the | 1 iS it ‘ : a7) Cc 7 aN nE ‘POWDER. , . i bos with Celery and prote ‘mi fror : asa hee : ‘ Ane ae EN SEES OSS C= ‘ ‘ \ 1000 wu ! lery and protect the ti from the f Toere is danger in giving eopperas) chores, & Western Nor rth Carolina Rail Road. A \ oi) Hac mil sun, When@herry troesarcin bloom indbane wi? few) andl ed Onl ae JU=E PUR. My NERY . " . MI | : ' tort ; plant Snap Beans and when Apple oy as no Ditewiny fine. ahentl ’ ~ ut C Mondaye, 1 i} ‘ \ 1) odeum) to hogs at the same td 10 1A . trees are in Hower plant squashes a ‘ For Weakness, Wasting and *\" ee Weer ean } (ae | aly il hill both are quod when given at ditferent a a TENS aN ats , MEPHDt MI \ ‘ : TTS Ds & MS at < afte a | . , ,», every form of Debility, use / ‘ TUT : 3 feet aparts Cuctombers and nel ‘ ) " : melons 89 om awmamed tinue” BAKER & COS: yy 8 Hike they ee Ee Cs ee ! Wes sae PY eee Whale) TOUR SMILIES ' i superior, but alittle latter, Alivines ost ider @penustanees taat rer [' ‘ ie Ce 1 Sal coe ! ; are ereatly bonettted by onan or F deatvee jen oo an Gi x S i he oN a } poultry Thaire, At the aime time Tecratieg abl : nnd i 1 “ i‘ eT CNGN Nie a Bs ‘ also sow Okra. Tomatoes and crs i i : i ‘ | i . ee a _- eis WD ‘ \ I M Vac! \ ie : ‘ plants. Asparagus Wilh ow OC in to . : othe In ; , \ ao ne Ge ! sprout, dom t safer any to ran ap to ' sch fatima tents re JRO NS SSAY UL ILE J i ’ 4 . 2 dlsenvnee Salt and Corn : Y: , : oe ou i seed. butent all down. Cabbages: HL . rr by Tale and Female Veademies, ( 1 wey Ms Pei (hes laa Ga anil I Sor imine Corr ator has oo, a edt sce Shieh have bean ou and TES SL ALONE (Co VB AISTEN (CO), ee et mye as ‘oO starting to crow should onee ay nengoested tome th atthreetablespo VI \ z ani ‘ have watering with ha tcl rracennsare ! . salt putunder . earn w \ Weoley Ih Ni 12 tf ji ne ae ‘ ' or # CINES aa ‘ } If i} i is i} | | | - - / a — VM PhO | 1 im 9 ee shovelfal ofclichen manure dissolved shat | eal tive ean Dare = ; Na \ hos In LO @ailous of water will be found 4 Worl ole neeletiieeelen ; Da Bak | ; f aA JOS I SS, an one dient fertilizer for them, 1‘ ] es : ARL “obposita. ( : I \ ey) & & C. j ‘ , \ tetry it \ nwefore | ‘ MURPHEE CRAWITE. ROW, 4 x 4 , , c ‘ q All vesetables that already have a . ‘ STEVENSON & BOWEN, i SALISBURY, B.C): ))..%; retin . : ; ‘ wal Y Wiad Onwtiien NS NES MITE ! ‘ lea prog Sole : start. should have a good hocing bs ; cys ; . a oo | 1G Hele wail Thy, alers in va. ; I on Me ; the datter part of this month. ‘ Ee TET SES D \V i! ! ' ‘ YT , Wai Plant a full crop of Engh hh Peas, Si ronet. Vain, ee RY GOODS. ” é pos ‘ ( WRI it \, {} | (lif \ Af, XCD MUP SR NOS TEY TeCIETETIG GSS ' as heretofore dirceted, alist USE SEIS 1 HOGs - - “ I by om. Le { THe Orcinsrp asp Proie Garvey, 9 eras Co, Gin, 155 DANIEL TINE RAI NN ; ! Wiliam H. Smith, woe " i Ifvou have not finished praning vot ee ee er ' \ ‘ Pes \\ hh ee vit ; your orchard, Go it at oncecomutting pt Pro me Leneeermenen tit ATE SVG NIL Neda eet loos Meee inatiee 1 t ot ' : ee i ; ten i é only such trees as ars TESS SES: uhasof much value tien used alone as 7 ‘ vax TT r ‘ EN) ( ARRI NAS hoe SIDS IESS, ' , ee. \ ee b urtantly to bear, Such ought notte Hie rocditeteoui tie fetta Diora by 2, un ee : ‘ ' : , , 2 olde Ue acerai r ¢ be opruneduntel the deaves are pretty ‘ ‘ wes mon tienes - ‘ ' ‘ proved hee : } heat cued, wll aeticattaral plants require seme ee TRI-WEEKLY MAIL LINE. mons ] pinay ae By this method. stet Pe ire Ginny: BPxsasos Te aie i ase eee STANDARD well sort kg ; . trees wil ¢ } ring: should wever this late pron srowth, at which salt pplies nly two PEG TONE LEAL bos » y ted ‘7 — not be safiierent. give them ae chlornneamlsodium. DBeime very soluble From Morhsville \. 0. to Salisbury, V0. ‘ ‘ alent Wedicines, ; , , ; . I nother severe proning mn the middle in water, sait is sometimes rather more ; ; . John Dooley, x ‘ ‘ ‘ hj ; Ul Jules that will prove catictictors, aceduntatgesithascthertetilinge: poe Bo a cacte gg MED ASED ETE RE TE ASD WHEE SL oo ee Nene Fashionable Perfumery, , As soon its the trees are b SAMMI so that its applic nto adallofeorn has : ‘ \M eS antisoe ae i Va a . J lye on ou Mt Wit Anon . to bloom hang upanamber of wide... ¥ iigoniince Mane aeanuapeilnnce ale i‘ US Oe r ve . — UPTV TTT | 5) ra TT TE ( PREPARATIONS, ‘ke. &C. cect Saar nora Sli [fallow th Rare Ce ens a , Gireensborouga VWutual : eof the best stable manure Wehave 4 Ny] ‘ t 2 . yin Ree il ne a wody and at the ij lasses-water. in your trees—-vou will rs oo teal al ' I OM aq INSURANCE COMPANY, i ae i i ES aarinl) aSSenT fea (esa a Alte TN “Bios : pledges les eit Bie Vr Hi tina je i _ re JB is ten dleooteadl @ OM) \ 3 : ntoalwave in eenneetion with wood ashes i vd 0 e t thus prevent them: from doi iiyary ‘ VAT SS AV ODA IUKIES hrs ' alle terms Pry hens att vent mer ' ' > va JES Viet econ Gn to your fruit. | 1 sihtcoesnt, sulphuric and SHAS IL tiie we Clee Aten an ' : ites : ., She ROWAN } ri HOUSE, ' \ St, Phitad Iphia, ) J Tin: Frower Garprs.—Proagate | cateh a ereat nuiber of miseets and : : a . Soe ae Jun 37 : ' : Pe ; HE ROANE STEN, Prorat enn frends ie Voor Soh Cantina I ' Sisbrarin VC, ne Dallas as soot as Voll ei <ce the =) uta srood tard 4 ty oy os a, 7 sprouts or borne worthy at sharps hale dashes, te tee ddl, sel as well ava ay, : ee SEO Day 7 aes ul \( ) | \¢ ke. split the stem right throueh. beavine joo vanes neal) wane asa TEETER [. ‘AN N 1) : ' ‘ ; . oo "I resis I Abe Lari hecday made a piece of the stem and one or two ; teats Yarn : ; 5 ; “ AOS TT: ‘ ee ee ay . ! aD RG Se BM Ble rere nes: i oe a a a buds to each preee. plant: them sot Ween, froin ‘ a I ; Fon Ni ete a a ; ‘ ‘ NO il G yar Milla ee Miina eae feet 1 | ; 5 7 ie yp ' tr ; ea Se n a ia e s i n e i a d i e a m d n e e d t ht ad n a n DR T dc Cpas to be coverd with at least 4 Hed) | ! PACRE Scar T Wo. rv Co Ge On \ tt | WW ' "ae Te a mmehes of souk Pre ape all your Wess — tou woe WON OR fh ; { A pwn i Wi Mo qe en Boas te 4 ering plants. to takes thee weed of ALN ASITERS THICOHRS AVIA. ‘ I]. ( , iy VL OLM, 2 rt A Bre Wt . i tt ny : the China trea, wher <plnitered iy ay : DY (COL Ie MI PRACTICAL MARBLE CUTTER ae * sence we vurnielie vet daria, WATCH-MAKER AND JEWELER, 9 2 GOOD MEADOWS, : sel Fvteten Rati be re ae furrtushes the best and uae ‘ " al (eet tek a ; RoE ' The dooutatlow t stakes astione Cypress eanint be fad SATIS CTY 3.0%, tov he WXG Y eae ees ae " . ( . (Pumnicd finer aan) Ges Toon linea Coe inne Titans en! On summthn ss Sacre is Sen TS MARBLE YARD Pate pay bo so “t shou dame at ene CID RE aay ! Bas M ° ‘ Ppa wute own vetoat stould be dion ' " I's WALCuEs JEWELRY ofall kines ; ' eee) ae : hon by an Reeolleet that fine seeds will ons he Wate e Fewelry of every des Bitehelor’s Celebrated Mair Dye. i vb sroxts rvent crops pty 4 acne al See EARS pele }: ‘ need to bo coverd shatith. Peover : ES NET me! ’ pee Ma ther IMPOR PED Dis t \ in . ! AS ' : t r . Lore) . : t ed deephy. thes will net sprout. ' ao jie a rit ( offer, Sioar, Molasses \ : Drs M WHITENEAD &J A.CALDWELL, GHEPEARY Goons, AMERICAN MARBLE, . , u raat ant | ¥ ~. Pavory of Vocal Muste. oa nm TA GL’ Mle ) ) ‘ ; Thoen Pamcer---How to Prevent . " 7 Pye Vi WEN tech Vet MiTTE VA i ee ) Hae f . _ . ' 7 ! ; = a mre nit . CGO) (lise | ; ; ' (.. cel th } : ii Z iyi iM ntti a Se wi aS pi ‘ofessional Carb. - } met . = 7 . ' : : . WW ! 5 a on po Dp" ( fo vows sy be At hin ‘ m ‘ \ ! Concord Male School. SCHEIUER HARTLEY & GRATAY AS ving \ I ERIE OS core " ie 1 simencoe Wa ' ' ; ‘ i ; ' Wane ener, 71 Harscestiae ro WAEDE SY Eve, te Wes Allen's Hair Restorer We a WHR AWPU TE TEP SS) M i ' je u Haine We OOS et ey, BI \Nk Deeps Irs. Ulen’s Hair Restorer, / idl vt them, whieh you ca thes 1 \ ' \ ) ! | JETOE A? PA ES Oak esta 4 rin [Tak Vey fie IP ICR —_ — _ — oF = ©. Y ng his ace J. J“ BRUNER, PROPHII" ENIrOR AND TERMS. Su.00 pAeo $1.00 Clubs exceeding ten, in the same proportion, $1.50 each, Payment always in adyanes ADVERTISING RR ww * suofi oul g valent § KUDIoen & suri g POR i \ RATES. A square ty (he space won VOL, XVI ALISBURY, N. C., MARCI without additionalehury granted to those who ad Vertise regularly Houncing candida sy) —ms {t ‘ r NUMBER LSot 455 Devoted to Politics, Uews, Agriculture, Juteraat Juproveacats, Commerce, the Arts an) Sciences, Siaratity, and the Family Circle. tal Assembiy the tess, as to its not being large enough. nuch. If they had prescribed a plan, the exe- cution of which required twice the amount of heir limit, we should blame them for the abear- tity. We said nothing as to its being too large yr too stpall, and Mr. bis therefore had no for jus cins before the Gene- opinion of the excellent bos His re- narks warrant the inferener, that the country from Columbia to Goldsboro’ is a desolated de- with nothing on the way to “refresh the physical exhaustion of the tired traveller.” The et of his observations are mere assertions—the sare strain of vituperation which abounds every Wihtere. \s to station agents, Le says—“The chairma states three Dwi re station agents are im ciltand wes state all of them, The one at y alittle more than two Hhousand == not over tive thousand as he repre- Wild bel Wi when? We gave the theures furnished us by the proper officer.— any which is improbable why impute it to me! We were stating ensetabile preter sert, cases Ce idsboro’ wd be onl I be ounce mistake YS per ceut higher ti ; . . ; ; ee annie ie coord) Cee ce fees Tey 09) ng the dry summer, beet chon existing facts—not what the balance will eaoiaenur gle aiive ratcg 10 Mr. Worth's Reply (o Mr. Fisher, (ft nor presuimabie thatthe Speaker all gl ite OM al ves Grey ae Fi eee PSE ee oe een ene ont bee tor (hate mach sa OU! Wy! it eoie lucite pened, Taian na nee : Lo the Kditor of the Balagh benstes a = im : i ; Heat . ie ; iy “— : ie e j ie th . is ae k . eres: ‘ teria tien et los ps table ot thes hee who i (eu Veal , beso, it didi t - = 4 . te Ile says “| he one at Smithfield was an ap- Jue, oid Per bemins wy Dask the privilege of replying, through your jead ee eee anew , enh pu Suni Chan She J was dist Pte ened well when there was no woll abou LSS cee MES ve aoa . " oie ne of a former term and the Joss was ae we ceolumns, to the conanut acti) Got teriie Tay priety, be printed wit het + deena Uatbicamay wiltlee « hice We toate that he Miro besher’s cotmmentiay ob 80 Tht fthe General, heuding ies i ue - owing to uncollected freizhts at bis death.” In Pccle titer Tresucntiar uma Nentn eG inilie al | a Hone aa cfr: @ccniie thar comma woul nat macud cgmsiintngte i to dis parsate Magorls Tenor as to the cont with Was the whole sui et ee J yard tor ibs Or what is this at variance with the report t We HY Conane, wiereiainte the jeyert obi ee ee ne ee woe : ; (AP tl fer foie eke. MGhere et \ be disposed Toi WAS port a a donation | 4 awe. donot state when he was appointed. It may SUN spas pees b 8 of the committee: ap pouited te avestiaate bons amit ins Oy unan x F i i fans nee bawahe tem won He does notdeny Chat, by the ternns ove ftp (Me hts te eogeny VA oe is be that this agent was appointed during a for- iidieier come win, yemalcusol cal vn peat suit Wot ta. \\ t th iianinne Heupener of con oe Poof the conteact, “the decision of thet fo bene Hupnine of the express Tee ‘ o ie on mer Grin, | have not the means here of deter- eC The report was rigued hy four of the five ght te pet Feira thes (le uenictemtnner ional qCeract Aiea) Se cer for heer was to be tinal and conclusive as to eve Ww tutiealion UG ts aN . , I ‘ " ds mining. Tshould not be surprised if it turns 5 me ae Bae etubers composipg the committee, two oof tothe erigen otas a abt whieh must be ever poe send tor persons and Pound toe ootestion wheel could: arise as to the es CD of ENC CHTL Cin LsANL EE es i UE . the wood, bought dsore his “term of Se LUMEN St BENG _ macly rt 4 a lremMietserctactoral | ; ‘ : a cane pene : | ; hom emnes bis caditta He does tot pretend it Col, chatactenstic of Me. Fishers tase ait sete obs atice, ach party,—and tor the fa toforth in the vised ay tents respes Ie Crenural \estiies tiga wi ' | dee Co in a docuibent uddrésand (a the \s to the third case, he, of course, says “the rportand the manner of stating them, each of bly AE CELITICT PL MUCHA WL TOr EET wo both brane \ mibiy thie atiiisna nwynn retised to perform his eluty, Te dow a see 7a tt <4 eaten Ieee asap al ei aie an =) the four was equally respons but Mrob.. i [uimart! fates oh couche. | tu caerense 1he power a ta the pavaedut of the tot controvert te fact that the work was badly het of the Senate, an hos this, the CAMO ein) rman made an untrue apd incorrect state- [~ ] s order io Romney Ot the jutluenve of te der cane ae lle tielonre cron mite wick 1 the doe, and Usat the disastrous results tollowed is be” (the chairman) “gives ‘ Ae out Ce | ment. He had introduced the subject by say- : ALAN Ks donnnant party, singled me out as the object of uenib: ee Ale ans te Cuties fe iperfectexeeution set forili in Ge imajonhy res Wiechainic, was never gICuil be IM AS 1S SOste tine (ie chairman had ris-stated all of them.— The tollywing Con aud niiseellancons PEASE ffeey neti. {e avnny genuine (hs (ie oll ei i ten eee A (hati ! Mr. 1 ter to ime of the port. thegoes not pretend that the Direetors batts the chairman's own account, made U7 This taust be impressed, and is reiterated when are kept ou haud bo Bu Le a ‘ ne ? ee ~ ‘ ~ a ‘ i} ee rie | en eae me ey _ at s oe ma ; ) : F teh 1 ae Ae ‘ ignorant that Col. tawy un disapproved Ue ftom separate qnestions to the master mechame. | je reached the third one. Any one who will : S eee : ge ne ol hn ad i ae oil ; ‘iy , Avr . fe ieee : ‘ - k ie a ao ; i a ee : fe ane oe lee : - , ask FF cuatewitlotnil kiowdudere cate Cie ape | Uits chairman cannot comprebeng, and this ds (ake the trouble, will sce that he mis-states the ‘ tl fen Se rarer : taut 7 : ‘ a es i vi : hs i me ‘ eek ‘ ae “ ji i A i ee a ! i Le tt : vontials (itis ancygtiedl uy cell ik pant the ual lite fault ; wea se oe ae ee hepa id shows nothing wherein the report as " Mon joanne my i ‘ i a a t co Ue dsstus (i Siiukee ne cnnnecus sea , nom. inne ee: “ har; Nip hot Ay | nteactuts the full amount which they would) teu ; on a road are no a Wweuw te : : was Incorrect, Exceplibg as to his owo misreei- Giasena seu i \ : boparty. be could not Cererivcae i ath he ‘ ar paroles 1 \ wa ' healdie feo jf tie soak lad Dbeul onectrntiy aes His vetiinyiites atic ng tal — and winds up, neither expect por pro- . Gh & Aud a, wt ‘ fe wooue a. mate cl (ew) pati) ae Woah ca fence Wim the I ste : Vaart a lo A nd ldone, butacousderallerxtrantiowance, PACsons, as to the Passouesct Gathe, are We they ce that the road shall lose this.” . Gane D Adis two die opposinan—aatd foerdare We a jauded, Saul) does tet seem to ane to be i eo better weeby writ re ' Wen Nou time tina tacts sctatorde ti Cole Sally tDa Deh GrlOnegts. » af {dn the conclusion of Mr. Fisher's communica- Heatley Oy Als cae ees (ies pula? Goins a Wire (Omumiiie @haeae Wan lone Ce eo ebariiniecntia eA suv (he renint. qd Ceyynins letter, tint the ditieniiy widh thes [le does not venture to pornt fee Me ae tion le says: “L have been arraigned before i et Ds ; (ue, Uneenmtiajweteateerniaheqinelennn bam hae 1 a na aw ual ee Pe nes rot we an Contiietors arase trot their rettiss! ta aber tie Wey are erroucots [Phe accuracy of the are this Geucral Asse mbly on the charge of incom- rains coer bree iteutive ta tlin dutes: Atel | toil tin : . y ASOTe ev Oe lee thas tat ade ores of the ot id feds, atte prs ved by his own reports. peteut mabagement of the work entrusted to Administration, do GAT tt rep at uy Weturln ohne it fn \ Pitta tl elie Peet LCM Tee Sac ELT wowlieh be deehires This sa met reluston deducasle froua the ay Us ie my bands, and a proposal was made by. my en- ‘ Notes te Batik Plas pretext is uot tour fon ial Od ‘ eee fedletivy) Oreo tantes t ries | talebios dient Bucineer, with hat teat tran Ne tomaeh tore (an Wt’ cides to proceed upon an investigation, _Who COT And many other forins of leas frequent usp Binur dan Men Hi eniithiaie iil sent taitln oy one ‘ ; eile ee etindniee es ode ean to independent of the great ican at yiade the proposal? L offered the resolqtion of Sb EEE Ta eae on ot TRH nies Telia aCe 1 cag Rae re ae re fe that i ha he eiotewi tli lin toad and ins ry. Hh the smilincainy, Dues he mean to magnify me into en- Anatole ce riniy ican nl ace ai S ; re At Rak sige aa ; i. crease of tras wing patie year A" egies TT hie wneaus that J was his evemy, he ae rn ee : f , ; ; ; a Ee ea ees rte ww liccl nee were restr Auccet this tratn, whence arose the greater IN iy wreatly mistaken. Thad never bad any tran- AMM \| FERTILIAER. Una ey In Movant : , i : ! \ 1 nant y i wd . Py ak ts ‘ Yocit tier 4 woes iD wool Te eA Vachon of correspondence or intercourse with fal Welicceunivewet ines ivan Gmewere Tele Oe a eee ee hon ‘ elon val now Wat sid thy Hea Tame el TU CC AY eis a 3 a iv Pfam Dente rtained not an unkind thought which Cle report ts bins i A ; f eneee ; 7 an ' i bp of | Sy wwe ata Sl ya . ; mee Lie " weenst tim, and he would find it ditticult to SUPERPHOSPHATE OF LIME. . lot field, spoensuthe ek : ae oy , 1) ae a j Pan ' j < 1 sutistien| Uitte ( raw cr ie linagine any motive | could have to injure him. ee) k : LE Qe : : 7 ‘ . ] o ‘ bittes, and commended i CTO Sth He tidy, viet at be carefully noted, Ist. The FP iandersiied having been appouted Ay Wass It fore yn a ral ee arene ‘ 7 Nee wine rey v lisowt miy grew tp at 1 es ee ut chatter of this corporation gives no authority to ] i Glare ennai Lae a é Hee oe hae ty . , i Sie ace ree ec 4 ' tue ai Tecenicatisaiiact taki : cen : rk ee a WCU] 2 The the Leuislature to make any such inquisition, attention of . wae avon i ; : ; Satan : ce we at ‘ I t Tea Company ae i ae a we. Lb might bave said to the proposal to ex- FARMER = a Alek ee Ee ne iy oe eeeeati H : Sie WuNt er iit yo wrens | Vhetactisstited aiine, inade Ly those whom IT might bave sus- the Same, (eeliig sitctied chev ow ' ‘ | fe , bw ; ‘ biodoat men \ ' t ! ‘ EOP pected dd uot intend to examine fully and fair- ENE VRE 04 eeaeen nS ' ee ; ; : \ wis pot ily ‘ (Hn tea) ly You are exceeding your jurisdiction, the pesben are t MI sn 0 ; ; . ‘ ey : / \ | Wy fined otaver i oto i ! LG, 38 : a wter vives you no such authority, look to the rt a ’ will > u ; ie : \ twas, as alee vowhart tea tnakes the statemet veovhen beesher new nots of the State's men, if you wish to see its SER ciniatatgeS ve : atv i. Winer mit Between Mec ber ot telused to knew yess facts, condition,” ; ve Dalene : vo Le Ml : ‘ : ‘ ok Meet \ | { f AVEC USB NCE s4etter to Mr. Drake he says the chair- ten um i “ : t DY t tic Mr, terest WEYL t OG TEM Bae man “moved in the Senate an investigation & ate wl ‘ M . : 7 , me oS ie al % thay aahot bial MM wstey of the rond, died for Ue atl wothout warrant of law, in his opinion,” &e.— NEUES TPN ; Ee . . ; ‘ ee , ; » eee " ae ‘ j Went becatse | Vv Jokn MW uh Co wmere prepare! Now this is an untrue assertion, J entertained sid veld eyes ieee. ; : ‘ oe . ae , : cella @) ie 8 ae aot the eye of the cheep engnere, € no doubt but that the people, through their re- ae eae ne he l faa Le . ; a i oe ne . i 7 Lae i * Naty OHO laa : ves Cieuin, aud OO Wes ie uel! veer hese ves, Tat aon slit to investigate the Cos sulaGuies - ian ; ‘ ‘ j i S Non ¢ 1 POE Fiatacement of @ corporation, three-fourths of 4 comp ‘ \ , ‘ 7 " : ey : ; ae ; hed \ ! a I Vii : tas) iss to The shops. tie stock of which was theirs. Tbe Legislature mat Marva Get at ‘ a4 ; ; i : EER a ' . ; | ain ’ to sav W j iar i that w i ho Nosuely pects wich al spied my resoluuion unanimously must Mee St cre eae uw ‘ Sa , ad . ; ARNE j ‘ ‘ \ ' ial \ t ! Mr tohad aertd jaye thought so—L did sot think, aud po mem- Ry . tee . : ‘A AK i na : a : ' , oe ‘ Vea ‘ ae iow pouty tel thse “6 ewer vo pee ea ne ui ee "ber of the Legislature could bave thought, this 1 ; i ' : " et ny i ‘ . hy : ef Se ; a no owas conducted to Hseertait (rut fatten We rou t TOLLE F examination Was it kod as ae of the L’resi- helm ner mts Ww ur ow Wire. wind as Q . \ ; . ; : ne Mn Mornqninng what were to beats effets on! M ee nt uh as ul) Utes ms het dent, or they would not have unanimously au- aun ee ; . / ; | - Aa 5 ( ; . oe ee 5S ov indindual—and every iiember was bons ae es 4 af vn at ae thorised the committee to send for persons and i ( emally wat et in CO ae: OF Prey ; | ; Peprucemcteatenine an viaeul ; emer te 1 (nice aon an caamnees he committe: concurred ia the proprety of er souk rea i ie 2 ‘ 3 iat ae na ; ow _ | papers and 0 examine witnesses oo oath. In ‘ 1 fa inom etal mane pe , ‘i ‘ | ini ee net a eats i ws qa Wes sau subject ie sposed by Mir. Green, | suppose he Mo SH NNN a Listas ; q m ; Mr, Fisher's letter of the 22nd December, he dis- t { Niusenia, cause : ; ‘ , ’ . f ates Ae ih dee ane sets g Whee \ this uiqains Miro Fisher's te could Toave EST MOE reuse YOU Waerly admits it, without restriction or limita- i Ne Mr I ' ! Weseleant sit) shire the way of . ae it Three i duly, PNo7, having been would notcome when askeuto come, and ee tion, in these words ¢ “although, as you remark, ‘ ” Hu hie wt af s nolan Sy] 008 : Ke tat Howl be sa BSE eS eer aes Ne a rowated. Gur charter does not authorise such an investi- Ox : aie baad i F , \ ae ave \ IIa Dappeared before the committee wl . ‘ition in terms, yet, as a State work, this night ' G M lus ‘ ; - i ; ‘ a ~{ ' x “ Op pe sons et Ss remade Gast ielony to the sovereign power and most eh ouneul va mo : ‘J , ; } \ vou eruaps y u Be uly may be and ought to be exercised at its i io I . ls ! \v juir ip ware! So 2 thouyht—and hence I did not mE ‘ ; ' ‘ sili \ : ' ur term of a Haver Hat t Motecl that he was at liberty to withdraw his book- : . es ; n & ‘ © " : 5 | yn presi tliat Prat the commitive ¢ ee ks een Tbooks at pleasure and to answer or t ul ‘ 1 \ ii \ . ; / : M \ 1 ( n eM! Joat 1 i Phres Te vtuse tu answer at pleasure. I felt that this Tt gonenlerabls a . tints : . ‘ ; wiiet tHe fw ra SOR eel Oe ee nolit rto the sovereign power, was for wow aad lit vWetiee ot che a ’ ‘ ‘ ‘ a ES ARS ean, hit 2 \ the BY We be We tine ted in the committee of which 1 rete ae ca 4 < a 1 yowes . vs rad It was a member. Tlence the committee, or as ' raat : a h is Se eet alone fe i moe ; ‘ a weeds road Nt tt Psi HERES Mero Fisher prefers to express it, the chairman, Daren Hed ui : & ‘ ; . \ ir ~ Wie WAS METTLE a wh king about “steps necessary to coerce ture ofall gra “ , : ; bel H ; a . / i i Dae ren A i heattendanee of o President, did not know, Phe Phosphoe Salt of oar M F : < } Aeon ‘ as in i ses a Mr. Bo says he did, that what he said was Ofeanetia ' s av ho \ j i : P ter oe : : | | ; 5 was utider Go Hehe OW a sgeense.” or did fn or the committee feel ae ttentl SONG Wee an Gee eae a eee : & Fac ; x ‘ i 7 ef ‘ Cat i See u GAY AU chat tlds expression “might do to impress some peneable tor ahe pe wa . her eee ‘ ra ; 7 CNM . : I. 7 lat l Welty mt : eu! . “ lis Consequence, ; Ose Manace, conumposed at d neste errr | ; ; \y ; / Ve \ \ yu fie s) SU raesent Pie raview of the President's. official reports : 7 ra es op ze i Wow I : ie - . 7 : Nee A te ss t ( Coy H iy Wows i" t + nade hy the epminittee, proves that if his state- ; on crn 5 i= , , can : i . : : tan . ‘ ; : : : ( : Wesy ; le a a ae i Noy sn lis report of July, 1856, and in his it Tanne 2 ' 5 Wl ‘ , ie i Hide ; 1 \ , ; Pe . a mh 4 Wty the Leuslature in the winter of r Niinon \ heal (nat at eo NGel « < HW ‘ Pah ‘ ee 1 ’ wats ! l i : ; vey Loaded had beew true, there ought now to be Anmmianine Salis, : ee Rice en : ; Cen ay ; Fp er ben ’ prot ; Va tearpiusin the Preasury not exceeding $300,000, ce De cen Stee CGE Pee ACL E NnbAlaI AMSA KURITE se le i ' \ ee ‘ penn | vd Dea Stes mae NN ar ae , Wseubof S47,.205 36—as stated in his report sires ele Xe, lo 5 yo su Tee rp r ae shail art : a sae an ans 1 } ets Wet Ob dix) 4.995 32 oe dan vOch, 1859. This review he does not Waier und Loss, 4 . Ti ‘ SANS. liveraraens ake Aine Hu ' re ; , Ml ir A , : Hel pk ue yhseny < tau vanity OF deem of suthicient im portanee to warrant a re- ; yin \steali those a \ 1, ts Ashe says Chad prec t ' t ! eal 4 ler t d u fox. M ea 3 , ( , niin j ae) . z Aves A fen SST eae i ; ! | vt tet '" rou t necount Ley [hs allezation that the investigation was con- Lvery gine of our cuayamers hay ‘ Me ) 7 Mr. Fisher save t or 11) Var \ : ‘ a . 1 eee) \ tas i \ . 5 prett D TECPEC SSN! roof Mr dicted by me only to arraign and censure his ae eo ni i ua i 4 ! \. “nd ; yretnar| ws : Hie a Hl : t | ’ h tet Dire, 18 CUT Condnet, is without color of truth, The investi- Ure adapted ta every sul 1s ey apport expected. snd the Assembly « ete ahi car ae ind a farther inqaney for abst of a ; A eat Sr fe AOR ee walle meth iisceamen lien eee with the fallestecitide every Ihave ey Yo iotah ters enw Valic mermenaee uenedeahy june de 1 thea ae | ‘ipa oe. tas to the w dl, if his statement b tod phintatien awaen whe write te seed : wad 4 i air ae ud yon mea eer Ga se : ee ee seein ' \ iu fro ; ‘ Fees nae te, won { have brought censure on somebody avaliable erop 40 100 pp 1 ' een en ne, | 1 1 bs BSL, Hilnlan vooretonlladh asus geal 0 eat ' iy ‘ \ ch VAST eS SUCH ENS AN l “ Fejore dis term of othee. The remark is an an- frequeatiy in peed the vied isis Cera crear: omelet thn Apvarllaier ‘ she it t yey ca ; : : i t veth h alt 1 “ ac u Lowirrant, Ce a AREL HOUR ult tocvery member of the committee, includ - oe ay er eed 4 ene ae om val ; F mal bomy iy (oat tr ‘ bi y ; He peas is \\V ‘ r written Py eg v ts fe ; ; Me Gacen, who frankly and honorably ad- tive, (lrdere ds W ORE DER : henal eotupiat ise Weel Cee dha atid yt tw Het / : ' one : io . i Tt tur t uit ! a ' wtement of ¢ USE lon the cofiius in of his minority report, Goerees Biren Sima Ne remiicat tl ; Mh , \ 1 ' , . : : - ye ind tou), \ ho heeper Hews — CISA pose AUSAUEST TCS rueeessary to the vindication of bis as: Chemist svi fomatts lho dena goats alle fyi alts fete are all the payers t uel ee bg a ha ie Rap were ade qm Pts work Was Genes it a Srp ate INES ores SOC WUE IE ROS rity, atid tied a1 Derren Gaciitne iss SO ade ee meee oo one Met te Mee eotnmiet a Seal of Hhedticiman, he says: Te com- He Tal Ue uae taeiwectmeinin eee! ' i vos) yi \ : ener le _ Veoed Wot } = Seca ob HOUT) ED 8) Wate. Ape ences by proposins ia lis Place proceeding vi ; ean en a i etl avenini hy Nor Hy Wats Chen pee aii . | meal tt ; : . ! | twoy i] \ | 1 Gas Us NS us bot Warranted hy the act of ineorp ration, 8s | ailnitectnre (ut lim kit eeet Carini Ss este f Is SUG Uy Teac rel Wil eneteente af Jains ee \ 2 wool ot went PASO, ametnh ie to Mote he states in his first lettgr to me.” Now, that cae re antelwecan Cann ls VAMtiation Was merely eoote bas mar ey See ect anerevivn MIE) avon HAIG) athinal “ moet ‘ tL S150 per cond | he a A hee Was signe 1 by each member of the com- a i : wed to be conducted acy to bis notions ot : fr, Fisher's communication he does nat yest Pinelly. The credit for all tiese ills are et [did not state that the proceeding was rrebee, thecomeiee at of Tas tanonty A ; ; , ‘ Hyer vcenraey, a 1 serrors (id ; ; <i 7 ‘ ma Gist ; eran enet ree tee Y, ee Wueomen le el lr aiclerul ane a ee ees ‘ \ ‘ : j : , ; rucl statal in th , » wood Pon Hooks, 1 cod not warranted by the act of incorporation, but CHARLES P. GRA SS tee ag ed ae mitted errors) in Ba ey a oe teen (ingen lee (et leaner ay dee Gl Teo dint tem ae anecae (} woordnpdy that ceny thane ce the repaont vot t Agodbaliivedieay Gdivere gee . ly Pa ca fLw colt 1 Hey Wel nen IP | , Sali | ’ iat) ytam ne peer MAMMOTIT DEALER UN _ ei ee. yi Gy ot the State, ; as t 1 - ‘an Teal cairieed a auntie tracts and das reports; but he efianzes ye. teen without any estimate by any Verested o roviton te this etteet—that Mr. Fo might raise M t T bl t & ' 1 Rreeoe reed chaniii eve Oe SD eX e itd Gf Decomber a Oe anee. Sas . boot delte [Ube trad said the purelases v tel | pany competent to make it ene, iti he thought proper, as to the juris anes . cs ee aot lin y f i ! fo Be a ‘, I8d8. 0 On thee ty. at Unit interview, | . i Le a 1 4 ‘ ete ie or | a conta ts } M ; t 5 4 “i hes e i of ag al tin I aslature, ii never dunbted the \ yeneraily, that he has purchased the atock of i ‘ Wot tei ae to any faces away 1 bes ye i ea ee 1 Larecatinin ltt, (ese. maak A lat trary. Tt ‘ cation” The seek >) : Pee TN Et wer ot the Lewstature, The remark, point d By : i vial » chron the heat cit ‘ in Wot the ¢ \ oF ust > atameoule. pornts alse te the whole General GRAY & BRYAN, and removed to low acetal) la de aes iho ils neeeagoowe’ pi hae nTied iene) “heen poll mee Deeonibn te © ie cone sine on Ree i a \ y to - Main Ntrect, Opposite the Post Offices Wesow ‘ nn Tocon yoret out Hever trea eran Ot CS owen f Hien a ee ul cant @ 1 Hany : \ ; ( ‘ i ‘ ; 4 uh vies : ioe ‘i Vest y ow a : ae es ae where hein prepared to cecerve andere for any or ail (ie 1 me round ‘. _ ee oil \ | yg id \ we ! ae : a A | _ St aN | Pwo sow Ish a Lae s wd ey cite clons ou eri Kondayof work iu hos hie , : be teved \ Nea! rip te tat M1 on ten 6 ; ; eA aii ech. a anes He MONUMENTS, ee Plane. Te thn a a ie Dh eT ue es i ' ae ae Hep (wae arden) yt \ 1 oamany 4 pect wee joumdectake TABL ap Ss Wh din fe lanse init thre taunted 16 = an Ji ‘ ‘ hae cas a ; - : hg . : yeabanuwany DS Hoanouths ater M ‘ . Woy ved il thor of investiuating the atfairs TOMB-TABLES, epost aden he salen TE Gee ant awe Woe ited G) ie hee acemmiowtes Taal Gea) | Pete DA pee E ee oe ens aon lyn be aa ‘areveiiilive civ bX ; deanna ; ; ' ; ; ' t ) } \ ‘ Wnt Xe pod WEDS TONES) 0 ea a as ae a ee ee oe Soe Loe ran nee (tein leo MANTIS Gnd PURNERURE MARBUG. Gia aici ion weal how 1m sth, esp pues . ae an ae ait oe fe Vets \ m wach yoncher—each transaction, shall be pat up ofthe best anienal, Q I Oheay ; _ ; . i . \n vd i v ame it—wlich it did note-then it Cae whem and the atonnt, UT rad fe Tah nis werten te hana ' ; iden have | ile Mt ie or Cash ct ann < \ 1 lias noabsurd ; bat im pronouncing Sy eRMbornanme<aihee ies Mcuione ollie TTRLI AMIS aypiess sy snd ven whieh wasn s ' cnet Are etc poetic eeensriels Ung rapa al int gabesgatseind 15 i tTbay ee eal aban ne note : thee S ee oh i ia my inehes uf the Assenbly, this Manche Feo of SED ries Seertay) Germiinme evil iran dowmrowins imal alc. a aces Ca een ; \ eoveral \ we s 4 to nher ot the Assem= FINE LOTS OF ORONO, nen ace le : : ie ' : : { \ \ iy. \ Miro Po oever theught of the Orduratrotyn distance wall reraive peanpt wet SUED AUS URE HTT SERGE TE : : \ NV WW \ et l uD ; ; i ‘ re ities Se Ruel nee AWS eMtlentes clic tony and noone shall be dissatistiod AU UE SUE IE ea Ewe \ ! con the adoption of which he ( ip toi tor further aduntted (hat the obj uo his part ‘ ml aye . ; “ : : aa ! Salisbury, Fel if this partial investigation risen sonce Mont iy Soleo 10 t \ \ WE on De MM , | > \\ \ ut ie : partion was eclased, b iii ' ‘ iis . BOOK BINDING AGENCY, 0" esd la be erate ton hs a | : : IN SALISBURY, ees oa lied — ] ANE tte ptenenee voit the ot pha expected of the ow ane a Wc Cane ; , 3 linve 1 vile mermngemente wir Mr bd Un xe sheomma | | ‘ ‘ He ra Reins i resent onereedciivara, analtoceny tan : ian inv lin be . Vota dot work Vio imersiain Ther 5 r : 1 ‘ ue u MU i amen (lias ! sthroveh been A\l awork © ‘ y = } ‘ ‘ averof abe and “or throngh hie Agene Vell receive pre 1 n minittecs | es ) y ’ “ \ J . ‘ \ pleasur Lut not sat Ail ba G@XEENTAd with auaeinraa aud eure lniicneno sola ovcu elute t SeetOneNT SE ! | ‘ ' \ which t s indulged as quality and atvle, and on ne dow terme ag Binding which rests Ietence on vt ! \ it ‘ , re r ye WAY nef au- ean be obtalned caany partof the con potted Assertior pparently : ‘ 1 ee thee Set tor still further iy Blank Books, Teduers BLo., ne hot really in opposition pen ] sad tH ope ar ‘ vA reve y sl aicman—"“to For Clerks of Courts, Regiatera, or for the nae ot Of hee . TAU Ok : u wl \ i \ ‘ ' 7 id und pay examine Merchants, Railrond of Manutactating Companies Speaker of the Sonate, al Mess vane, [ser are bole ts ; | ’ ; , : | | pray you made ( ae: Lyla atraction whould wecom Brown, Phoustar at 1 x . , ied. I \ ; , : ve icetrtel pany every order nify Has communication by | wot, witha i) Wiothanes (Ee ail ¢ a fe de teseer Eat UDA) CORES BLE reading, by order of ghe Senate Varia trentra melted ‘ any 4 ein on i ‘ f t vimMatil 29th, 1k59 f Bima Now, Mr. F. admits he kept away his book Keeper and books, vot deigning to make any “explanation” to the committee. fle admits he did out attend the committee on the two lust 4 occasions when asked to do so, aud on the Jast ‘ aceasion he refused to appear, It seeins Lo ne 6 that be is now sabe memory. j He asks, “Is 4 single inaccuracy or tiis-stite Anoth He sta wood was purchased ment showu in my reports # Not one.” er evidence uf a sad defect of memory. ted that the vast excess of before his teri vf office. was a mis statemvot by which he excused lis 4 own edininistration, and slandered that of tis This was untrue. tt ptedecessor. His report: of 1856 represented ¢ that $350,000 would pay the debts of (ie Coin i pany, finish all constructions, &e.-—s90 that th + future earnings would be dividends. “Phe &350, i G00 was supplicd by loans. His subsequent 1 i ports show uet earnings to the amountol S100, a 681.67, and vet there has bee nodivideud. HH A, sets out ip his re port extraordinary, that the net { surplus, Ist January, 1859, was S41 .205.50 | as to which we Anow that €27.005 25 Cousis'« of unpaid stack, worth very Little; aba as ty Cie resources and Habilities set forth, be refuses to j exhibit the details--from which refusal, and b habitual inaccuracy, credulity iscl! must draw the lnference that (hes report would not bear sori ny. JONATHAN Wolclil “2. From the Hillsboro’ Recorder } Mr. Eprrox: * Railing “is said * to : bring relief to angry minds.” i T would allow the caluimniating Presi 7 dent of the N.C. Railroad, to rail on, j without any notice from me, but 1 wisi to show to the public what little reason he has for railing at Senators. In President’s abusive reply to the Commit the tee who reported upon the condition ot the road, he adds an appendix of abuse, intended for Messrs. Turner and Leach, calling us “those persons who disgraced themselves and insulted the Senate.” — * Such was their conduct and lang tha: was suspended.” the reading of his communication rf Te was : the view of these just Senatorial Judees for the Chairman to suppress the trura te pervert plain transauctions.” “Tam to be ordered to depart in silence—no reps can be made to false charges.” Anu no inan shall dare say it is false or hie is committing an outrage on the charmer and body.” Such are a few of the Ire sident’s elegancies, as applicd to Messrs Torner and Leach. We met at the depot soon a Senate adjourned ; we were in three fect of each other. Why did the Prosiden not tell me “my conduct was insidious? He could have told me face to face what he afterwards told ine through the St ard, when he was a linndred milee have no admiration for his yallant for bearance exhibited at the depot, especial ly as he had just placed in the hands ot the printer lis appendix so replete with i impudence and etirontery. S et e a i i n c m e a n e s pa ES ie Mr i j The President asks, * Did Democratic ‘ speakers constitute the committee with ! apy special favor to me!’ Ded that majority interpose its shiell over me? 7 If it was a faver to appointa majority ; of the committee Democrats, then Is uy : they did. If “that majority did not is terpose its shield” over him, it is because é Dr. Leach would not let them. We have rules forthe regulation of th Senate; how that majority and the spean er vivlated them I new propose to slow. The third ruie for the government of tiie Senate says: Atter reading the Journal, the Senate shall proceed to busine-s the tullowine order: Let. Recess nie 4 ‘ tutions, papers, metoriais, per nce ficates, &c. te Sof str} i mittees. 3d. Feeports of seceer « tees. 4th. Resvlutions. Sth. Bole, an! BO on. Wednesday mornin, long after th tine for receiving petitions, papers, a had passed, the Spe p he had a communi which he offered to the Se: mach di { Ussion the Speaker withdress 2 the paper, which he well knew was out of order when te offered it. At oni Me. Ashe moved to take Up this pict Mr. Fisher's aud print it. “The ~yx said it Was net before the Senate. Mr. Ashe, Stopping the Senate, to wit, tue reading of bile. sc bhi Tore t hec of the Senate to reply tu the ¢ @ question of ye n; it under ned the ry tie aut Nin, Jeslen’s Introduce oumiittee, ‘ The Speaker informed fiin there were only 25 rules of the Senate, and that h had read a ruleof the House of Comins J asked periunssion of the S to lite duce a feseiution authorizing the pou ing. My purpose was not * insti My purpose was to vet clearot Mr. bis ere ieiters and coms ent Dey Was the fifth Senate. Jw COMmmunication might reflect uoon the ¢ had known it wasavu-ive of t tee T should have yone | ing—preferring lis ti A of Senators. Twas not for ti time we liad hin bef airaitis ible to reine Mr, Fisher's pa per into type, as was ‘that majorite,” b bor was [tor forcing it into Ghe Sor ie . When the Speaker vietated the ru if a the Senate to let in Mr. Fister’s re ply. Mesers. Gorrell, Poot, Me Done ail ast er Senators, read and referred Hote tl rulesof the Senate. They declared tin Introduction of the ptper \ vied ation of the rules of the Senate Miller spoke right out, Tle ¢ Scaker that he had slipped Mr. bs! peer ii i to the Senate in vigiation of iu ricce and orders. The Spe aker made no defence Wiimctrt : iv seply was, ° My. Moller miuet uot ys ect apon tive char” Mir Mecer rey that he had proper respect tar ‘ and that the cliorknew wit veo Me M sald was true After Mr. | had been forced upon tie Seva A ks . quiet while the clerk was 1 | nd he cumne to some offenseve allus rn tot Chairman of the Comunritte I }) * Leach rose anil said iwwould not nal to hear Senators atbinsed tor t 2 chargedapublicduty, We Hid et hes distine:|y all the Doedora Sry (Haar al jonty” raised such acry oft —make him take liakeat a | rapped with his hamraer | | | not regacd it. In reply te the cals et i “that majority.” [said eoxcon Dea they are per, itine a Mirage, ands olating the rules of the Senate, woul they know it—go on Leach Awd so Leach did go on, and b0 the Speaker kueckod on, and 60 © that majority” wention M Asbe moved that the Sergeant at \iim- arrest the Senator from Orange, As we have no such ofticer [invited him to do 80, promising to couvinee him that Pre sidents of Railroads could not take pos session of the Senate. Dr. Leach moved quickly across the chamber to Mr. Ashe and said ‘no man could to Turner without going over lis dead body.” 1 telt sate—-no Serveant short of Washine ton City, and Dr. Leach between myselt and the of the Wilmington vo the President road, whe made the Viis httle episode broke the reading, na puta stop to Me 11 Senator Worth ata Ast jected, abuse Mi Lots coud the Committee. asked to withdraw the paper The Speaker routed that it not be withdrawn, any Senator obpectiny After some discuss Mr. Ashe repeated souotion to with iraw the paper, saying he shad accompieccd his purpose, ON he wanted was an acknowledgment: of the paper by the Senate” Dstibotjeet vd [here the Apeaker shrunk ft: ~ futw. le refers Tore question to tle Senate instead of d Irigy it, as waa is duty, and as be had just done before “Tuat majority” voted to withdraw —the The Speaker, in violation of law and his fer a Wuinority weneraliy voted against it. mer Cecision, declared the paper wit drawn. TL then asked to dutroduce a reso lution. ‘The Speaker said it was not in order, L them assed him how it could be incorder to rece ve a paper from Mr Fisher and reftire the thoor? He could make no reply. 1 did it ywweohim he had been acting in violation of M: Worth rose toa question of personal priv eve. ‘The Speaker ruled bin out of or der, and rapped him in lis seat with his one from a Senator on to sli ttl XS the rales of the Senate hater. deftferson’s Manuel, pave Tl,savs+ “A thatter of privilege arising out of any Question, or froma quarrel between twa suspends ral question, HeiMbers, OF aUV other @nrse the consideration of the or FROM THE RALEIGH REGISTER. TO WMS EXCELLENCY, THE PRESI DENT OF THE NORTH CAROLI NA RAILROAD, WHO IS EX OF FICIO TAVERN KEEPER AT THE SILOPS ; ders, which fails to inform them upon a subject of suck mayuitude. We have no prejudices against the Pre sident of the Road, nur the slizhtest ey pathy, personal or political, with those “democratic knaves,? as Mr. Fisher calls them, who are endeavoring to put lin You are pleased, Sir, to say to the pub hie that L have disgraced myselfi and ine President. We have very serious doubts sulted the Senate by the opposition made whether any one who is likely to suececd te receiving your paper aousing menibers would do halfias wellas he las done But to insure vu ofthe Senate for bavir Every character should speak tor itself. r reported upon We say this deliberately. taan’s conduet and T think tveclf justifiable in treating with silent yveur road duty, and especially to secure confidence in that faithful performance, it is right contempt any ing coming from you, that the doors shonld be thrown wide wich assails iny conduct or character. open to the fullest iuvestigation, whether In the first place, | wish to know of your of any one isolated tuct or of all the tran sactions of the officers, from the beginning to the present time. We blame Mr. Fish erfor mianife sting the slightest re pugnance excelleney, why have assailed me fit your purpose to enzage ina contro. you versy in which shall vie with cach ther dn etforts te eter of the ott we Nlacken each the char f Tf se, Do vou net know face for gentlemen to ao, to vither a partail ora thorough invests 1 decline the gation y indeed for not demanding such ssule, a public press Investivation, Which fatied ina body con taining a@ majority of don by Gurure for the exhibition of the committee and others 5 foran inelina >be the last 4 etuer for the dise i personal diliculties 4 Our friends will ' ty we indalve in public abuse of each other! Tonake you this propesinons We will a joint committee of tive, from Rowan and two from Jolin ston, (vou to choose them) whose daty it friends, though “We Ul-temper towards ission, or the settlement jasjst blame him us; our cnemlies will laugh at as, if Ile Tits abundant talent to do this-—-few men are amateh for dim, a he right ou his side and will preserve lis temper. caluily tev cteng his way throush, Pulse select hiree has shall be to ingire into your public and We have been led away from our pt pose, which was mainly to sav, that the last Patriot contains a most belligerent correspondence between Mr. Fisher and ©. P. Mendenhall, Trea surer of the Company, (published by the private Character and behaviour general iy, and also into mine, and the committee Greensborough stall pot be abused by either ef us, for any report they may make to the public. [hope and believe, the committee would bad fix as assure not find vour character in as : they did your road I You ty pronounces the President's statements they will find nothing whieh will sully Sorerly untrue,” Sunqualiticd)y fiulse,” “unjust, ke Le tells tut that “the me naces and threats in your letter only ex The President latter.) in which the vasurer repeater CAN Lam willing the Committee shall vo farther than this. They inay inquire Who first Violated the rules of the Senate and if there would have been Mine. y cite iny conteurpot. ONS hats ay twooor three wen letters, fall of charges Wher ig Wie emai, i (he Syne lide og oo muaeniatedie © wimecaehearmmlay Gan selbobserved the rules of the Senate. — duet” we. and professing bis readiness Your Excelleney is pleased to aay that domust be first disposed : ee YUAN to give the Preasnrer “satisfaction,” for ' yrotection a rivilewe f | | A 5 Tye sate dithonty saves “UA tember Vou Channon a a n . PUNO VE wet 1] rose he went to Greenstorouch, sd Whiit Vou say. t bot Know that vour ' ree ra noeatis to hiss not a right to real a paper in lis | >ho : Mw hit o Preasnrer apecial notiee of thie - a \ MOE TEI OPN SV USEE GEIS Ve Ore Todmore oy ' objected to Aud further, I a : A a Nis | Preitsa y \ CXC e Trot responsthaiiey for what vou ' wd ' ashietaricht to read lits owt i ! ‘ : thea SHOT Tas Spt iy ed oto writing, without PN Nama : BAN : thon 84 or Tei vatee a itadia (Gare tlie her te CHMEMIIAN On Vout toy Heine TEN nine euienteits il : that MeCllom, the keeper of on ; ! 2 lie P Upon his qaest of per Maal d 3 Gees id 1 . STO | I Constlbatioth oly Laviaes hese t tlre fest > 3 but he should hay wpe : : ESASUe we lates 5 } thos eXebupcon to imenibers of the Cres tree ‘ tohe found be had) personal \ ; new ' ; raul Assen oly, aad not tot med pres i rtosettle. How could lie hear Mr i | : oo ! “ . 4 ) ri CCl mu AT Vertt chor tit Vout Ashe and refuse Mr Worth? Under the ; : ‘i Fromesti’ Fanelicntic Olscrece ; : foose way of talkin vou wid me exenip rile Mr. W. was entitled to be heard, for | : ; : Ww : Mr Bisher’s Le ply Yoe reyiy of ( Was \ lot, pl tated forsiverness fie ° ‘i Mr. Fisher had reflected upor him. THe; | ; (el ehor, Uan ar ; . an Nt Poth pd VARY GASES iG: Abul TR eda e Sata Uh u : | personal matter to settle = My \ . Le isncd, ta t rtl und eal Gielen Ltd Lanyselt) Uy To sad ta the retended to have o: , 5 Couerian of t rs . 6 7 mitrary | cooley Lobe beleved st vietous look fora precedent to jus iy q \ prune Mot Lr ry Wo ces : rscert iyeont, Dw spenkins and renin 1 is) tify Mero basher and ‘that majesty y nent of that Is I ananEy places ve $ ‘ oon TEU Se Tet f your tisinw sued tertis as _ ‘ Dal Mr. Ashe, Mr. Gra Me. W ; ry discourteat mulling and bitter, te ‘ \ , “a ’ hoes thowWs to Seraters Who bad used er oe . ’ ford, Mlr. Pearson sorany otter Prestdernc j ; wards the chatiiman ated others —-al tl s : i , ul " ESS erins towards vou tm thie i save Mr Foy come before the Senate t an 4 i yooerulibe the fed pia tow ' 1 | COANE 33 refresh wour it ind : ‘ abuse the respective comimiters who re 7 , as Ve (uernas [tA ee pecal teu tient eet x Fyfe fanials 2 Gath i PONE Vint Wosak SVN v . port tpou there roads ¢ i ell : towne t el cra stteall py noofat had been read 1D ie Onetrt nae Pil UE Sal bs 3) l Dee . ' Vhie President, super n went, ane z | | 3 LE Sn) Le i \ Us stort trod eat , \ 7 } 1 r lidit wae Book keeperof the Wilmdnvton road were ; 1 a RENN Ces . AVWeese fay oy vill ion IR [ ) felt é i le Mir. boa Varit bee I Was con allin Raterch UW ywitt a line ’ ; \ Hs = P=a con Uitedl Tyee , 1 ) wy ) i} 1 ee? ’ t Wid ‘ std . Liat t pile of hooks Vhey }onet ea 1 ID ; 6 ' poses the cnt poue t Charu of their ¢ tte a fool, ar , . — orechate Luvs fed oa j Teer ol ; > ii aed mee, Seercon, Tewel l SUEp ps e thought CO lk » HOP diay : } 1 SEE CHE GHivelal EET (i iad i a bt 4 \ varied eeluGiits K 1 was heard they huery thei ban aK fi tive Senate. Au lige Swern W ' ee 1 } later Drown, Who spook : View the State Bank was nudersoing contd not owith any eeeney ww Its noyoue taver Bh vest tion, by a lewishitive committee, iy wees ; woe Committee fo be dn eb tor tie pues ’ a Stor a * i \ UM soe: ! condieted woth tiaueh for eens \ et , ect ah amaeute ) formaiecek a Harty avril Gael leen it = Wel Gorn eke UR Peel ps ‘ y . erness, did te Presiden i 7, a tae posed by the Senate itse Poe paper FES SS ttl Coa Ted sth Ty 4 “i is ate or the TLonse to abuse 6) 0) ; ern, Hy dep ut Mi. Fisher was nota proper one to be » te whe eg 8 a oa) a) nten ais S 1 " the committee Did the President of | ; q ‘ » received and rend and prnted by the a te Peet a “t en ve fit HH. thinanites ! he oid VOSS. Bank abnse either of the Senate. Tt vowithdrawn by Mer EE at pres : COTLIETIEEM 425 ‘ : n rest Committees appointed ta re " u ius Hs Peqptes wetow ri Count Leaner t sotet ~ ‘ 1 ine ts condit Zan ‘ t 2 i ! i Ww | eT mvs : ’ elics IP Tetiiend| SS ‘ ort : ; jl ‘ a ea ; Bat the 1 VERN ; sain ul \ Navy ve ( ha - ; : ; eater of pared: Wath naany Rares Wi in, from t mt ety aes eet . ; ‘ ! Vota WW ! ee \ 1 ( Gis | ; Gy ed i l my ‘ : ; Vers, I TGs 1) , : \ Poi i Ted J . out i mene Pasa ¢ ptances sowing FO a ! ~ Vie ¢ i abuse \ Tota tear 12 : ea a ae | Ml we ; ie 138 vt ! ' 5 fea rl rae ean) ea aneelna ™ mire Went HeMNstance Wher , Phe clivcunan ta tone \ vou 1 diseraciis t ' or Onis Wis everaliow \j Sie pen Per TH ‘ ttheypo u “ a y i Hi Ves ‘ ! ! \ shine ab Lewishativ ydyoor Con lent, ¢ \ \ kr ows : i }oteld a Set oT al * : in oy c% tisetise, it Whisk do to iiperess VW + A es t ' wed | 1 in te ' ni stolen qa: Tote as te his Conse a T pede (one. eueeh at eu oe uvcelf to ww thin som ted, ‘ . th 4 oe alana shetier tanvotar tentioncady bet Ml ie) . ' od ts wy eve that cor pat V (6 ja (ne ery state it wh ¢ makes oo Tif | Su Mago apap, a5 a We tpretlote ce Penge pathy trel C swe ‘ t lt ria I peaks Aaya EROS ee nbcry i 1? - 1 nil y iliac Naxtaset wy ! eat) then order Les] ; : oe a : ah Petneiiicrtl ayerers Ele Sell iuralien 11) J d Prin, which ae Foran ag) i enlie so nese Hocevehont, ail Wis ) Faevenawd qual tonost iss ancae | rarer on thie seeinert Ger barn teint fave R Re ome on oe Hane fom dq rey ithe mess Menu Url tre tere ts Soreat aan tatermen ts” fw wo i orm, west Saran e The harman shows iis henoranes Pastors reply, fyessic uite son tee Clee Phe dad tes aia Hearn, bat to cen stedon bein reas bon there, Pr ou “The rapidly vrows arrogant s es, Gen A , Po aA | verter Conran” Sele aemadon WAL ro NV antlineveNipecs ay alt EE » ele Lethe) cree Wie I < fetes JHE eae ney oe t | oh \ Isher s 5 eu hates bos Consequence in this way theo i Ao an HW ye ea ELSE al : i t \ ra eeea Kay “orale ; aie | V¢ cal If ipsee Wp ek son ted nat iS escent ee { 1 retain Vout = wat i, ' ‘ 5 cae, 4 ‘ \ f lresate tf ‘ ' rt tie t correct SToadal mot tell Mr. Mills dec. ACH | ! } mei i ‘ . ‘ . wee \ ! wee era | ; WS edoany further inwestteation wih lec iets eueer el | aan myect Tluar dim taihar if Prom tie Bayer ) ’ ' , F “ y t i ae i t 4 re no dis seat. Phe Chairman i ' Aes | cr ! ctl ‘ ret i it steps necessary ta couree the yea | ‘ eceiie 8 ¢ Lencaih Qa bine etn | " cea Tice ypeiies dante Co Whiel ayer eee ue P i bar ‘ ENP rE > W I ! 1OWs Ts Tonkense, Out may do tow ie 1 t ) iM . Wes in tis four pores ot A ppendis, pS CG WC hits: 2c vl fev wnee, “Vand | fg ' be 1 ; Xe Hott cailebrosscel ler ties essmnaute: Cnitechae tin peed Mv sedh tas Votiiat he las mis fe 1 en } Pi F fitted). odiaar raion F Pita ional puis One mav speak lo the public of - ed, v ‘righorantiy or intentional : ve 5 cel r 2 a els ¥ ! Committee ot the satire, and he the Senate, of Suemators, or the Senate's ah, eee aoe ‘ SHOW, ever transaction Pee | , | ) . 4 H y tra ; il Subsequent pullicatiot pleco. THX penta a laealy oy contempmons lan ma every statement wii he takes arte cn neat ntt ! | | “ , Hetonty de that, bat they sneer at this oprau and the publie wil 4 of the Nesiteny tit OE 2S a Try AS UC ayer odtipap porous were Teneo ium leat re ‘ Serle ks with manifest r y ; _ Poptopriety ot bis se dormir Pat die has ne wW i eu Ifest renorance rece are ‘ Reh t tee } | ' ] 4 1 iN \ a4 t leita il to the ¢ n ted oy to spon fa the Nunes tel pereyue diac eC t PUeeM) Oedlese : aay ie | , a te Pac sist tare ve a fait ul to qiotorm reference to t rtnan alone wun eved ignoranes of the sthe the poy Te ih (isda hn , ; . OS ey . ype ' fret | ’ ’ ' , ‘ t - : ( Burin Ww “ © pat THe UEC rama tent Mnosidves Wir PO OGWE mie Ghee aye ete Copies 4 é N cevnuigeivnr \ ) as * ‘ ele PETROS IA) ' DAY TRESS RAT) ARUN Toes teethe [ee i ehh OU EY TN eure iat atea Ct yy te Viel dat sige at yume i . i ; “| . aay uve vik " > } i £ Vo its man i) ' X Ses signs Pinay Sih Podtaygiiry yrite t Wal 1 ‘ ' rit 1 wet rrrorianiet sept Ww t 1 1 i} : | a et _ : Le Sth o wire it tas heen acai! th i Sieg, Woe Mice Jon ‘ iS dabvienge tht ated thre gy, Lon " ’ \ : - ’ ‘ j , : ic ; 1 \\V 1 uy «tt all our AEN ‘ LG ne Mt erent is y fart ties Pnpon ! ‘ hint ' 7: s | Vprprose rat he Jas. Gr Moores in terms amd ina spn er irs ett ' < It ; : ; “Uy | 8 ‘ ' rescot drh ar t heron Ls pos eo calls ‘ 0 ' viran ‘ Mit wpe , ; Woe AYP Wace ay Gall ees ant gandi AAO : j ! 1 ee i ‘ , ' 1 ‘ ‘ nee _ i ' ity ~ A Paese aurents may fa: thea, ; x : ' | \ Cay 1 | | awa nh al euniesn a Chores ; wally fhe : Vora oO ! , \ 14 ~ : r ite r sels aeiiey Axe vou il de wm witeriy tit re ‘ V ileee ; é 5 ies 1 eerin is that ( tuese esti from M Stat ; Ite | SNe} 1 Pisat ( ‘ r pia iota . 1 fen Canker Shetek , : : Frm Vishay Banner ' ros ‘ nes ter aabrase J. thew \ t Mal ‘ Phe Rae sh Register of The 14 deste <thatiee Poat Senators \ \ t tated ‘ Satuntiy dias a oseeond edition of Mr ff ween A tem ‘ th t (on ime Woorthis Report, enlarged ind | ( bored , | i ' ‘ 4 It is a re prontof tins Mase Mat ind Dobson, ated lp | \ vr ( | [iy Nitin snes dir : ete asices 7 oad eae) te | Dit anewernd © tor & i vs eo [tt ‘ ‘ ts treads petition false charges cannot verify 4 foot t ave i ! ‘ t nt ove Plrotest ated t ‘ ‘ vat Loam ¢ eet \\ \ | wept ' Chairinan having found ! wi place 4 ret} H void ie i) EES { 4 r nn HN em donned au tarned as a Proseeutor mei ' the meouke Pread reg MW teons | In oretnin ft rthe partatt State now Lalors with | tor, “tit yority, or Parner and tt ies TAME 1) NOoOuEE re er wea good dealotpianisareal art 1y reerve een be permitted to sayy that in one he isa special pleuerin regular practiee, Vi respoetfally, vonrs, bie North Ca a palper does its perhaps aeenst Pat his County Courte . I? 1? fore P $ yo H DROSIUSUEE GEE RASHES ts marty, or deserves the approval of its rea: to aul the Solicitor, labora to show his oat, wand put themselves in the office of either his or their faithtal performance of tion to tight his way through. instead of honest intention! and he labors also to do what inen having a weak and bad cause always desire to effect under dithculties to raise the ery of “party” as a defence indefensible injustice, and for his for hi shameful abuse of Legislative position and authority to assail private character. He will tind this a He can neither show that Phave been placed in office by influence -that President —that J elected by Detno failure. Democratic have been a “party” have been elected and re T have bad any spe cial favor trom the Democratic party in the Legislature or not, T can assure those } cratic votes shown a willingness to come to the aid of the Chairman, that they will find them selves in the position o Wh been, and who are, issitling rsand better men by far wie lave friends, than ever be my the Chairman was or can centlemen to whem | can ap peal without tear, My “party, and Lintend te stand or tad by He Lami sorry to trouble von or the puble honorable and just position is above With a further communication, but having protiised to see the Chiatrman out, must bes wood as iy word. Et is tea late for your paper of this week, and T have ho time to write now, bat the day can afford so much time brief review of tis List Rey (CHES 185 TSUSISOE NE, March L4th, 1s59. poe. A word here on a small matter Mr. C. PL Menedentiall tats ty al aan, leves that he wave me otfeuce firs hs the facts ta be ons slow The case thus: dle takes dusuitat my reply to Mr Chairman Worth. Sehind my back. own public otherwise. stands He talks with blustertne threats, AS soon as this Comes ou the Jost of Pebruary a letter oft caag bom any sat tory kKnowldee, Dowerite hin Istachion tie wants, even at lus own coor Teome by ane stop. bathe whe lad wone to the Shops in search of me, when be knew Dowas uotthere, does not walk down to bis Station where Tomotitied hin | We 1 He contents diaiself with a nmete Ny oo) Vo footy dtsmit to diet atid he olfer te sive htm files to my tetters of ‘ \ ' i} am the ws 1S beter s dated After t ndomy back nto ae urnmecessary ane atuttons itty UtV, Tits poo CO MAe Ne oe pts dn thes was to sneak out ot Hh tev afooser it lie Hn ses Loar ¢ feut haa TP Stial toot treats \ eur atue Wott HEY TYEE PeTeren ee fa Hy deat hie Vers West hows Tai ¢ vee Curia . has repentediy seen tbe ot vate CAROLINA WATCHMAN, Nall SET I ON, repay ty tie Presitent of tha N.C, ia Tr Poa A VE A Gre Tita Resch ae oe lid, th, Of ay Coe Messy Hy Te f Wormington, whete sale dealers in Grrveeries, are speal to THOS lie Oris week. diy one wleentenye ao ‘ it Crroceries on tian Hate pi intl ie Pie OL rier naive faverable notice of Mr leavers tie pertot the 2orh Janimary last, we ceemartdue tothe Obs rer ta wive tecremmurhks on Mr Tisher’s reply te the Reportof the Tuvestiatiug Comittee and they will, accordingly, be found a this paper For shittor reasar we also ! ly to Mr Com and Mr and Mi bisher nie Mondenhalvs WNACATLON Vive pot think, must regret that the Tea ct aias been converted to the pur esof porxonal vit ration tnd abuse, which profit no one, but iupay serve as adiverson, to the newleet of more Mportant matters concerning the tas ness ot the Railroad stock company. Tie Lelders and the people are more interest eda deal, in the Proper manase trent of this creat work than im any per sonal issne between those whe dia ena relled about it. Show them reliable faets and figures, and det them hiow clearly nnd satistveteriivy what t Round is do Piper, siti ab prea ocd omed Ve \ Theeth have been rendered te a eenti lier and taxerid det pooped As the case now st Commutecman appormted tw the Lest lature nvestinate the adlarrs off the Ife Set ver Soi ssumatire, chat he found toe aunial Reports the Pre sident unreliable: and when ow Lio t THe be rhs of eal ! ve of | ! c y GSS) Tike IhOe fn toy thre ook keeping, itis vari te expect t atisty the pubhe thatallis right, oy any thing short of information offered ina form command ing the public confidence It is die to all concerned, as a to the eanse of in terna provernents, Shat all doatt aid nreertanty should be rena nied eve ry mystery @EXpoalned ] C perhormanet of this duty now rests, we suppose, upot the Board of Directors, and we submit that the task onght to be beynn in abun dant time to bring up such a Report at the next annual meeting in duly For our own part, we have endeavored wtizans whe have better to gnard against prejudices either for or His indefatigable devotion to the business of against the President of this Road. the Company has led us to beheve that few, if any, could do better than he, and and hence we have regarded many of the public charges and insinuations against hin as proceeding from improper motives We contident- ly expected that an duvestization, by a or very contracte d views. lesisiative Committee would clear up all these things. Ou the contrary, that com mittee, in the most decided terms, report that the Road has been badly managed, and this report was received by the legi slature. of management ina far different hieht Itis presented to the pubic sanetioned This, then, presents the question by the highest authority; and antl it is) proven by indisputable facets to be wrong, comtnon respect tor the sovereign anthony ty of the State, should at le very cattious rejection of the testimony Wath all the books and pupers in the possession of the Company, ast dictate a thus presented, We Uist itis not impossible, as itis cer by public and private Justice, thar all the tainty dotmancded Considerations of Hacts, as To past Mement | prom the Incoming) and the present condition, of tl of the the nterests company, should be set tort daa way financial and other countmanding publie faith, Fire dy day we have hadthis year —Last Friday was the inost win s atabent fouror five Oclock, the wind was at its liighest piteh, and just then the whistle it Mokpocn & sounded Daisy's sash and ' factory aunoalarmn, and our citi ns saw the black smoke, aud lone sheets of tlame curling and writlitn its rey Mere blown by the furious winds. every man in town who could leave lis post, iustant Ivy went to the rescue; and: lorses were hitched to our tire enuinesand taken out Fortunately, the datuaze was much less than was feared it would be Yhe fire wicthated daa plar tuated about K RG Ss WO vatds from the factory 5 and bw ore exertions in moving vast piles of larber, plank and wood, with a constant use of the engines, tt was contined to the kiln uid twoostacks of plank nearest te it Phe loss is estimated at between five and seven Lundred doliars Viviun Seendy ot Noth Carolia Mi hen wiss, | votedusa | rok etl yi. Cor beg desert prive of the thetntarn prey ft North Ca ! Ttos handsomely omen ips and to one contemplating a ie trip te the Howetaiis ef our Stat tow t fend te eela) as it ia dnteresting te any peader ; hee Satornratws voreceerd te the qa Loar features ot t reson ah wired treats. Mr € 1 debat Asheville forseme thine. and writes of thas ane paces with which leas aequainted The book is for sale at Enaiss’ bool Sos tf trom dS. WR ~ Je. the Washine nocorrespondout of that rarer, from we “ tsi ae raced \ ( f } Stor sav Mir re i : re on 4 Chern Ni et ee \ ' y il a i} \\ +2: | We ; ves ‘ ‘ t juite apes sh Ie Wns Ae ile We pe t yt vot \ Nara Di Dh lhe Cheraw G EST Tera this Cress y plat hy < Hl M ' i ' ‘ a I Mealy Vea ak i tarps tt tow | Crist says Mel ¢ has twa ait latest RRUAUNG) Sheey bapa Sell irs terre ere Voyinte rend tur the parpase, w hie | to steve without any oan ne of th “7 Explanation of the Almanac. BV KR. Wot GRKTORE, ow Tutrodn y Lecture, Contyuned From what we sited in the former part ofonele tire. it smevideit, that whatever wan the ti st dive onof time, and whatever pened may we ce d forthe comin Mmentof the evil day. t mist b determined ty tt Loofothe heaven'y bodies W cre bead. by a nec wsars init, othe planet] and stars Chat shee in caiensiry ot AM our du beware pvegroalaiet then ‘Picour planet ind ite kindred wear hed for the arrnaigement ane control of our dat Vor tions And however 1er » snd aecurate ait Comechanical chronometers may bes we are stilbob iced ta veqalate and ater then by those heavenly chronometer: whieh the Groat Biter nal has extubhiahed in the ekieg Th eornection with thie we cannot forbear giving (he following extract fia Everts Oration on Ne (von hay For all the kendreds and tnbes and Ter hy wn has ' tor varokes tw ind the glon trots ions, far ups 4 Verhestime becfries af the skies, euume twelve a rit selve for the pale student over Instheaerine Lampe twelse atid the tha rw fh f Orie Voit hee rossest the nn doonat that fated hour weve by the weary eoneh of lang sting humanity. twelve an the star poved coorte af the Kaipyrenn; twelve forthe heating tiles re Oe twelve f Seay Ant { r welye Ving bea twelve e\ (ven reken hearty ows lve tor tha tr eu Fares for a mement and expires: twee tye for the cumet whoa period iM me umured itors Twelve ' substantial for every vnaenacy thing, which partis the senee, the eileet. or the fanev, and which the apeeeh of thought of man, at the given neridian, refere te the lapme ot tens We come now to the « rel itself, and we willen deavor ty axcertain, if posible The On gin and Sign:tiatiun of the Terma (UOOVELE STASI AN SSTE) OMI AYE aS Syn The tern Calendar, w Nosnsed now, prinerpally ' Cerman languag * } from the Greek Oy evete ts (hy ZINE: CET eGiank borrowed this term from the Greeks At firetit wae aouh. (i paliys, torde he regieterofthe montha, weekw and dayaof the vear The modern Calendar however, in mora extensive and eimbranee, besides these. alse the femate observed by the church the teing and seting of the sun and moon, the relative position ofthe aun, moon and stare; changes of the moon, eclypsee, @e . together with a variety of other Whine matter which has perbaps ofted perplexed the unini- tiated, and which it will be our business (o explain in the following lectures. Thi the early history of the Roman empire, the citi. zeus had indeed a very limited knowledge of the mea- sure and division of time. The entire management and coutrol of this matter wasentrusted to the priests. They announced the beyinuing of every twonth or tlew moon, by a public proclamation, hence the word This custom wax perhaps borrowed from the Jews who Calenda, trom calare, to call, to proclaim, &e. did the same thing by the sound of the trumpet. With this mode of announcement they contented ‘This war, among the ume for settlement between the ‘The word Cal, endarium was derived from this custom. Tt means Tn this book were recorded the names of all persons who owed ins themselves for a long time Romanus, also the borrower and the leader of money an Tnterest Register or Debt- Book terest, and whe were bound to make settlement oa the Calendas, or first day of the moath The term Alimauac, which ie used in the English language, seems to be of Arabic origin and derived Manach which signities number, or calcula, They say that at Armaricum in Celue Gaul (now France) there lived, about the middle of the third century, & named Quiuklan. tle published an- nually wosmall book concerning the movons of the sun from 4 tiow of years. Some trace it toa Celtic origin. eertan monk, and moon, which he ordered to be translated by a sumber of persous, and eireulated through the coun- try. (for this was prior to the dscovery of the art of *Diagonon Al Manach monk Qainklan — Thos tile being too long, was, forthe sake of conven- Its title Quuklan.’—ecaleulations of the privting.) was ence and quickness of prouunciation, contracted into, "AL Manach’’—the monk or the monka. Accordiig to others again, i was derived from cer- tun square sticks or rods, upon which, poor to the ver Almanac, the old Saxons cat euistence of a reg theanmonthly changes of the moon. The sticks of rede were ea'led Al-noa-aght, ‘monthly observations ) words were contracted into Alinanac Uthis suffice as to the onyin of the terms Alma- pac and Calendar ‘They are at present used as con- vertitle terns, wand it is inmaterial whether we er- tive at any certainty as to their onyiu and former meaning The Alimanae proper embraces a calendar or regis- ter ofdays, weeks aod months, with the Gines of the ing and wetiog of the sun aud moon, changes of the toon, eelypses, bours of full ide, stated festivals oft oharcnes, &e, &e, But it is customary to pab- sho connection with these alo much other matter, aparto! Which iw counected with the Imanac pro- perand a port not. Sometimes the greater part of the pain pht ken up with poetry, lustorical sketeh- tr. ioral lesnons, anecdotes, &c Tu Gerinany the Vinsnoe geaeraly on a large pamphlet and the great- rpartin devoted to literature and science, thueform- ng a vehi finetruicuen Jo the Loved states it has become necessary to pubosh various hoods of Almanacs as a medium of ine stra pend amusement, such as agneultural, me- chameal ae reanile, conneal. &e Relygous Alma- vacs have als. become: common of late. A pulnber fd Hationa have availed themsely enuf Chis meth. uta f " ta) mid the community with Se strtistee forint Itc nendable as “ whict ' hose who are ' hoor Jour me totake a church poper Vhe Nimarac aw decided.y cheaper Weare disreesiig. but we eaunot refrain from po- es We mean thoee fby he muon over country by medical cor Lanb-rerstormg and 1 have no use for them they are too cheap! ‘The Almanoes comte notching. bot the credaty of the yoorit pave for st, and that sclactines dearly eueugh eee POR THR WATCHMAN ME. WORTIDS REJOIN DER Tis borate prod has at last appeared - seterised Wild esen ta retualice th 1 : < fasts to dive M- ‘ . terwent ‘ Jeet this Mod Beant of \ 1 ioceert ' M ead a D t i i \ that I “ eX ' ‘ 1 rakes F ; would + ‘ Mr ft mat ‘ vd \ i ' 1 Nine 4) vit wloa ' vit ' ‘ vow lhe At , 1 t owas the \f wi 1 Mas Cosstin was its ‘ t . Thur Ma Worth says ' ta ' u M ' Dos Gay, M 1 iH Votor were tast ' ' thee da F \ wine t ' ' ' ' \ Phete-t man \N It fora vefia wir had Nhe gross inpustice which Worth asserts ! fis ohew made, Mr Editor by a por- eared oy the authors and abettors of whoo Mi Fisher to convert itto a political Bi Wid able to those who, only f ieeseather te ty pers secon advance them selfish piter Bot Whatever inentor demernt attaches to Mr, | Wirtainsteatien, the Wires are tainty n- Ir vell hk Sto that adarge mayenty of the: ho sowned by toemibersot thir party —-as stock- wesc they have elected, sustanied hin and kept votlier Por ny part Dam unwilling to al- tothe Denroerate party the ereditof Mr. Fish- eesadnomistration, Tel uothe four years, that Lofice, earned thi Road Company thro? grew financial difficulties paid off nearly a half moot indebtedness, and dias the Road now in wliorable working condition inferior to none in the ted States Ith ry. te wl lived in Greensboro! instead of Salisbu- would be regarded as atnodel Rail Rond Pre- teat SALISHURY. ocs ew Goods.—The reader is referred to our advertising colamns for information tonching the business aspect of our town, the present season. Wehave only to add, t' at purchasers are coming in, and there isa fair prospect of reducing, very spee- dily, the heavy stocks our merchants are now recelving ASG “There are land rate ax wel! ae water rate.’ In the debatecon the Naval appropriation bill, in the Tlouse of Representatives, Gow, Winslow, member of the whois a Naval committee, ce- fended that branch of the public service from IMputations cast on vt the tu debate, and reminded House that there arc land rats as well as wa- The a species of ver- fer rats Phere is no doubt. of the fact. pubhe offices are full of them min bred under the re Van wn of Jacksunism, and so Boren, and Polk, and Pierce, and Buchanan, that bone sty is getting to be multiphed onder the exeepnon, roguery the rule. Toor Lobias Watkins, who defaulted for the sim of four thousand dollars during Adame's administrition, was a solitary specimen of the land rat of that day. Jackson and Jackson men were so dreadfully shocked at the enormity of that offence, that they have been doing all in their power to obliterate its memory trom the public mind, by stealing at the rate of hundreds of thousands and miilions at a clip Fayetteville Observer, ee ae r a I 1 ® t ep f unini- plain in ne witi. emea- emeat riests. nib or p word This 8 who 4. tented pg the *n the d Cal. means | book ed ins ‘ht oa glish jerived aloulas They rance) ury, & ed an- he sun by a coun- art of anach ‘lan. — mven- ed into m cer- o the ue cul “ks or tions ) Alma- 8 Con. we er- ormer regis- of the ges of ‘ivale | pub- vatter, r pro- art of ketch- y the great- form - ry to of ine ,» me- Alma- amber meth- with ble as m Do- thee Lover edical g and them hinge id that L por- ors of litical OW IN in the Jishu- i Pre- LY ed to ation OW, add, here apee- 5 ATO bill, slow, from inded Is Wa- The f ver- ud 80 , and etling r the aing's f the »men ity of ll in n the dreds ae ce c a J oe u s e e ne a r e r ne a r ae nP E B E ea t MARRIED : In this coanty, by ©. L Partee, E-ry.. Mr. 8 G FESPERMAN to Mine MARY E ALBRIGHT In Grace Charch. Canton, Miesissippi,on 2d March, Hon. JOSEPH POSTELL, w Mus ANN E daughter of the late Dr. Laweon F. Henderson Jn thie County, Mareh 17th, by Rev Sain) Roth rock, Mr ROBERT W.KEPLY and Mies SALLIE L., daughter of the late Heary Holsbouser In thi» County.on the 6th inst, ROR. rales : ae Mr. BENJAMIN W HOWARD and Miss ¥ c. COZORT. On the 9th inst., by the same, Mr MILAS A AGNER and Miss MARTHA JANE OWEN. MAKE UP YOUR PARTIES. THE BIG SHOW IS COMING! Orton & Older’s Great Southern Circus and Perform ing Animals. FOR ONE DAY ONLY! E-ORGANIZED and Evatilished tor the tra ] velling sessen of 1854, with new and trappings, new Horses, new Pertoruiers, Paraphaua- lia, &c. &c. &c Will Echibit at Salisbury, March 26. ADMISSION cts. contly Suturdiy, 50 cte. Children and Servants 25 Onton § Oxpen, P. A. Ovven, Geo. Consraste, Crancey Lewis, Master of Cirele, Hevay Apert, Leader of Band, JOB. Wicks, ‘Treasurer The principal features of this Model Company con stitute w full and efficieut corps of Byucatiiaus. Nore bats, Herculeans, and Dramatists, culled trom the Stars of both Europe and Ainenca ALSO,—The W: a ful Performing EPON and LIONESS, ROMEO & JULIET and tie Pet LEOPARD, WASHINGTON subdued and trained expressly to the patrons of this popular coimpoiny READ AND WONDER. The above and Performed in the ning, Tubbs, and are who perform ina circle The leaders of this far farmed TProoy Proprietors, Basiiess manager, Equestrian director, captured. imported amuse and delight taken from the cage raptor Pol Antoals will be by thet aainals in the C the only yCOMprise following unexainpird and voatia M'D'LLE ORTON —Tue peoless Pia Dona the Cirque MAD. WARTINA—The Ne plow ulira male Equesirinn=. the be suttul fader aud MILES ORTON —The Amercan Somersauit ri der and greatest living Vaul er ght arr MONS. MARTINA—The Southern favors wohapproachable Slack Wire Walker. La ‘Pr and Corrotinnest Mr. CULAS PFUBBS—The man of Pron sa bis ee culean Feats, and Pertorin Noirs THE ORTON BROTHER S—Tto eporisof the Arens MASTER WILLDE—Tar we beauiful act of Bending ed CHARLEY LEWfs— hea Gube val, Wusi be ween t JOS. TINKHAW—The voung ar Revo's CHAS. MORRISON —Ctane Perches GEORGE CONSTABLE hevoung Smerica Clowo and Jester, the chaste the ongnal ed witty This son of Momus has won for hinself repata thon of being the most original Chowan of the age The tuterladem on the Areaua wil be et salhes of tis Diamond wit And a best of any who woald be considered starsin any oiler THE SPLEYDID BAND-CHLARION Containing Proff Milcary Band w Abies GRAND OPENING OF NEW SPRING & SUMMER GOODS!! ethead o Ever ybody . pry VARENSE PATRAS TIONS, JUNE, call and see our STAPLE \ND : AN ea i EVE! Bopy ock of POR eee LXV ETL New Spr WET TE SY vy DRY GOODS, Thev are rieh and rare, and far stn, kin beauty, that was ever offer ed in Salisbury. We are selling off DIY ies rays Tay, ated eclipse all cont pe tition Give Us a CALL and we will convince yon Siok is fe) Tat ae ANY that has before been otf red to tin pone ant rhatoo prices are down te the LOWEST water unack | MOWVLO.---Polite attention to Customers, and Small Profits. | SPECIAL NOTICE. Cotxscey Minors aul the poablie generally | tinel in SICMIMIEIE ASU) TANS) GOODS, asplendid Stock of READY-MADE CLOTHING, BOOTS AND S lot all sorts, sizes amd prices, LEATS, PLATS and BONNETS, | Drug Paints, Oily and Dye-Ntulls. WOOD WARE, Bie BROOMSeER elt baw TW UNE SIKOLs | CROCKERY AND QUEENS WARE, UGA COP Eas A, oroftfered iddition to our Stockh SHORES °) KETS, and the best eteck of > Saeeaey PSSA SEN We bey leave te retu hanks. ter the ' in word ! rotrieneds Fe) Sree cont! Une Caer tion to busaiss, and . wil & faver us with the Peta dacoaMinly SIP Se Gorktliy (SSP sVHATE MSE SAP VST CODS Ti a0 TRH ira Manrwu Hotel 7 ; : ; ; NONE SY OUON Cre Satieacny, NO, Mareli 22 Ws NEW GUUDS, nh IRCHI 21st, MV Ob AW. Wit 0 1. le 1859. tN. Granite Patiding, SMLISIBEIRY . So CORES TTS Pal sUits ~PRING DRY GOODS, JOHN DOOLEY, | Hat and Cap Manufacturer, | AND WHOLBBALE DEALER IN Thats, C t Trinmings, be. in OVE Bow on ae a sortment Sierastiie i omay line adapted to the SACU N Gr LN 1D 1? o which coustant additions wil be Furs. made dunog the eonen My expenene enat and facihties have dome on this vee ,tootfer the DARGES'T, wud in every Ww the most COMPLETE SPOCK of GOODS that has ever been offered tn Virginia Female Normal School, | | High Point, N. ¢. Rail Road, ' 945 MILES WEST OF GRLENSBORO’ Rev. N.M.RAY, |THE object of (his Pnstitation isu thorough ADAMS’ EXPRESS COMPAM. Principat, with efteient Aasiatants. vide forthe education of young Ladies, ai ts an add boual feature ty qualify sueh of thei to, for the avecation of teaching 1 will operon the Istot February, un the Nae Brich Building recently purchesed by the understuned The builds ts pituated im a t reve on & | commanding Mmipenes, an { number of well furuinhed room to aecomaioda J boarding putse OLD ESTABLESHED RESPONSIBLE pupils aud relate Company, having ib prone facilities We shall bave lectures anc. xperias ACUTE OWEr OL x PCtint um Atal are prepared to d all deseripie ie vot rel ht and { L4 f would ask the particular atteuuon of my custom. Scieuce, by an exp Uraret and Recowe and Poow ers to my stock of furuiehe d Roone, ee : “ nooth, valuables te and from all pointe on thos Road STRAW GOODS. Kaghrh Branches, $6 81S porsesmon. Langnages ‘Tie tucilition poseeased by Une Company for the which for vanety and extent Cannot be surparned ane ARES I ated ule ae : chuy and quick deivery of NOMEN DOUIES half the Purton regi red in adva I i) face i ON a “ 8 iy, Mee Peachers and Pupils dwell tog : ike discret " _— ait ecreety Ruelunvnd, Va he wsttie Cable : Be hee aN ad ae gy Ledhes of hanited unease x AOMIOCEE [Intel Peedotinam Sic shade. den . rites ean teach ane pay t situa Rieu olk and 2 ’ ) ry w t CORPORATION BONT ved ty puch Parinta caumimatety Shuaiiale) We site | ADDRESS ( FOR SALE. lk ange ga Wii Le SSO Sed (oe Kor rarticulare apply to Mesure WoN eeny ALED PROPOSALS wil be received, at this pe ed ae Me & Yorye, who have been apponted Agents at Ohthe Wh day et Npri next, for the | Salisbury, N. 1 vl 'b eins tne {trom Sold to &BOUO, os os A TBE eta | sued under an aerat the i Asseribly of Saati Naprrintendent. | oroauthontgin « * erm to rell the) Moreh dat, Pso9 Jind | 1 the ¢ for eee i pe pores = ie aks It | wu gee Ranaway !!---$50 REWARD. | ta {ote ssat porety run from tive ta twealy PACH Wake DEAN ANN trom) tl Wal caritarrrcntiven| aa oe Cee TSS SCAR RSENS C0" 12 ae \ 2th January fast, a Negro aman named | ae ea : , | PEWELER, | ALEX of ALEXANDER Sad man isef a} JOHN TP SHAVER a a reel Pitend aot | | ropy ote woes high] Ce | | tan boo te Dio tbs a very fihely | | Salshuey, N oC. Merch ta, Prog dow fellow 4 dow YE vl rsule at Mar lo A VALUABLE PLANTATION, 7 LIKELY NEGROES, HEN DIES ONTE TEN NTS: to AND MECH OTHEN PIL \ ATK SSMLE. ae Uoprivate sale, a ligt Anh y 1 ve Mocks we Road ou Wosalebury 1 welit il roan aud te in foh line AN tha rider Hare dealoatlecreatid fart) ah sataKe: WW “ SEVEN NBO Loon YUH Teta rw HORSES, PW ROD WAC (HESS (eo EMEP SCS BRP SEB OSAP K of asupenerqualiry, one scot NEW BE At enn POOUS abou 30 NP AIOR OLD EET hadi AUEIGC G-OW s NIEV oa adet oof HOGS shout 2 SHEEP, HAY, CORN, aod SHELLED LEY ES doall hos Household and Kitchen Furniture, » good coud.tien te YOM sell all the yerty 5 TEA 1S t prurtia peNter fe roup i s. bearing 1 . re ve Bist day Iw si , onal (Boo Fouris tie alae waned Negroes ate 1 So . ji COOhs (ola DO NS ON Salisbury, Wareho =. boo 4141 WILO A ROSEMAN M.D. WOULD respeerfalls iiforn all Grose thet ‘ ites Wiel t ane Y tule st. a 1 eae fot sl ser 1th sau ® pinake set BI) weetfully returns his $1 eceived sstonal business stand Roseman’s POWDERS | | DESIRABLE PROPERTY | , Clocks, Walking Canes, &c. [°i:x ; years. yer China 1 pr that | } Jon turk , Cheri the mearhberhood i . oP bonatthe Lowe ein Mise Rgi7 a wplunuiim | - OME AND SEE Herein tive the above reward tur las apprehension | R. W | [Lys SC) Ne sid delivery to han, at lin teredeuce 24 ules South] of Basigle’s Perry, 1 ewan cou | JOHN Ce NE W SHOW C ASE, ' BENSON Wie, DESY. 137 ae | : cat ec COMMISSION MERCIA Lae ie Teall tbeallonts tania =envices (ime utiandt) con SALISBURY, N.C. | Wo beautt rewutiful PROMPT PERSONAL ATTENTION GIV of all kinds of PRODUCE to be sold iu this market or the purchare { And to all eons rimnents. fvsnous hinds i) Teekn News thes ume to bay eheap aay Tee eee be me fa wos the vuin vocheap Waving bought) pl tuary 7, nau, tay Jorectly trom the moruutactorers. forcash only, bean. | { twenty-five per cent cheaper than | Noarieles ever ave bees Ralisbury, and | reach, bw educt oO perc even at hese oe VEGROES Come and cee the new supoly of SILVER TEA | Hille NGS Cot | OG) Naw doh pest og VN | NEBDLES that cin te feaine mde cet bel | annie S SELVER PLATED © ASTORS | PUBLIC SALE. Nib kids of Watches, Ciucie dewelry de. prompt: | Worepured. atthe owes tom and warranted toi] i ; ie fae a Twill well, ot the date Remdenee of Prac eno i ste arsed. on the preter wy WILSON Ware : 4 : Eston Iith DAY OF MARCH, [Salat Sn 8s. aie VALUABLE FARM | Sse VES iO ACR ae a us ies ue ag OF THE ean ee oan Hae a eee ie (' AR MAN. Cry TIMES. He ae Mla al (2 ABS O, atthe same ine and plore, all the proper- ne 4 : ite ' ty b to saudi Esta , Zl Ly aa ‘8 ( ( Na . | Is NEGROES Fela ik : galt ae ‘ : se Moen enoand Ch ldren. most. af n being ae ae Sonic Womeladiag 2 goed Blacksuuihes res je pleat wna we MU LES AND HORS gre ed hee Ia a utes gale, Utusthold cia to ae fk Pai H Ustaale ‘ ' a on i , i i * t I eat ; ne us Ppayment DAL! LENG Executor ANORYES: Jal colitis will r he fate snd dotnestie Spee full and aecarite stenmary privately, jthe States of | 5.465 Prizes amounting to Woop, EDDY & co. t) Single Number Lotteries !! (CHARTERED BY THE STATE OF GEonaIAs.) eee — Capital Prize $50,000! ! TICKETS ONLY TEN DOLLARS. NOMCE TO THE PUBLIC. As the members of our tira have, by way of pur- chase, becume the owuer of the grants chartered by Delaware, Kentucky, Missouri, and under the ay ore of of Witmington, Delaware, ent to change the name of sur firin, on and afier January let, 1859, to that of WOOD, EDDY & CO. who willhereafter have the Mmanazemeut of the Sparta Academy Luttery, and the otners, as above 1 part of those in Georgia, Mesers. Gregory & Maury we have deemed it expres amed 15 u!l transactions we have endeavored te eonduct our busivess wiih ioteguty and promptoess, and we assure the publc that the patronage heretofore bestowed on usis well deserviag of being transferred lo our successors Very respectfully, 8. SWAN & CO. 15, 1858. WOGD, EDDY & C0., MANAGERS, Successors to S. Swan & Ce. Augusta, G via, Dee The following Scheme will bs draws by Woop, Kopy & Co., Man igers of the Sparta Academy Lot- tery, imeach of their Single Number Lotteries for Mareh, i559, at Augusia, Ge in public, under notendence of Commissioners. Uae sup: (a 10 Draws Saturday. March 5, 1859. (ere 1] Draws Saturday, March 12, 1859. ( Iz Draw: March 19, 1859. Cass 13 Draws Ss March 26, 1859. ON THE PLAN OF SI .E NUMBERS. 50,00 TICKETS, Five Thousand Four Huadred and Righty-Five PRIZES! \NEARLY ONS PRIZE TO EVERY MNE TICKETS Magnificent Scheme! TO BE DRAWN SATURDAY IN FEBRUARY. 1 Prine of $01,000 | 1 Prines of ...... Hoo | 50. : 1 Ju.noo | 100 1 1 1 3.000 | 100 “ APPROXIMATION PRIZES, x 4 Prizes of i Approximating to $59, rere are 61, 600 4 anf 1,200 4 au sh 18; we we eh 4,808 A tb “ + Bobo "B09 ou oe ‘ gp 800 4 ss 8000 th +e 0 ‘ ‘ ee We Wire Tienes $10, Harves $5; Quanruns 02%. j 1 (orcular showing the plan of the Lotteries will he sent (yo any one desirous of receiving it. {Packages willbe sold atthe following rates whieh ie the risk Certificate uf Package of 10 Whole Tickets, a) us 10 Hal wo b 10 Quarter a 10 Eighth ‘ IN DRDERIVG TICKETS OB CERTIFICAT! iclose the money to our address for the Tickets which they will be forwarded by firstmail Purchasers cau have tickets ending in any figure they may denignate Phe List of Drawn Nuinbers and Prizes will be ) purchasers immediately after the drawing J Purchasers will please write their signatures plan, aud give their Post Office, County and State. J Remewber that every Prize is drawn and pay- able in fall without deduction ] ~All prizes of 1,000 and under, paid immediate - y alter the drawing—other prizes at the usual time Wtinrty dave NOTICE TO CORRESPONDENTS. Those who prefer not sending money by mail, cam se _ THE ADAMS EXPRESS COMAANY, whereby money for Tickets, in suas of Ten Deke aud upwards, can be sent os 17 OUR RISK AND EXPENSE, from any city or town where they have an office. The mo cey and order uiust be eneloxed in a “GOV- ERNMENT Post OFFICE STAMPED EN- VELOPE,” of the Expreas Company canuot receive wrdered, on receipt of sent Town at 10 o'clock on the doy of Batib nel ow (ieee wee nliched tere: tuurdae and Twill also sell LOT No 3, in the thei m rate Hs Cc Ups. Boers: Niiocs, ete. , : oO a x BLDG TOWN of NEWTON, Catawha County, and & All communications strictly confidential. by 12 beaurful uetel ss) Horsen, nealy caparison Bnd il willbe tnaile psubscribers tor Pwo Dollars a year os TOWN Wo \ D ., . ed. and driven by Prof Gea Wo Moses the mode Rann eve r Mere Cas I] aca cahieein ad eace 3, in the “VC of MOCKSVIULE, Avie Address Orders for Tickets or Certifi ates to Jehu and 40 Horne Uae anoexae f \ re AO RUNDE NG COE _ , WOOD, EDDY & CO., Augusta, Georgia. We as we ‘ f Presons washir a purchoss : Heats ae ce Gin WOOD, EDDY & CO, Atlanta, Georgia. 1 NV oupa . oy DR. WISTAR'S BALSVW OP WILD CHERRY, Lee ae Hoes or, WOOD, EDDY & CO., Wilmington, Del. G R. AN D < ‘ON C Bb R ‘ he Ss if i j DIOBRIS UH WSL tN LP Alist of the numbers that are drawn from the Immediately after the oO 2 S ‘ BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS'! Deeds tus wheel, with the amount of the prize that eweh one is dE CE se i aay , Take only the Genuine! SCL RONE EVO eT etal IROL TEN le ee ta SUL Be UBL a eda ten Orel cra wiee) 18 - DAV AV IES IES u ye ie ie ef =) 2) the following papers: —Angosta (Geo) Constitation THE SABLE WAU ‘ ‘ ! 7 Pa Bee nae : CAPARRGS CN ry. al. New Orleans Delta, Mobile Register, Charleston Will give a Grand Coneert, ous stry . ' - 4 _ . Peete Hee ered hears Standard, Nashville Gazette, Atlanta Intelligencer, new Dances. new Burleagues, Con ve, MeN \ t fe ee 7 he ; re ° New York Weekly Day Book, Savannah Morning by the folloming woil-kuner ta : . i ~ ————— . ar ae News, Richmond Dispateh and Paulding (Miss.) Cherie) es. A. Landiey, Naa. M Prath 7 ( ip Landreth’s New Crop : ae ee ees von a SVC OTE Clarion, nnd Little Rock (Ark. True Democrat. Schultze, who challenge any sunlar pany fe eouy ‘ g 5 with them : ent CD fines “ OF GIRDEN SEED oR RON EAS 1" Fan Adimenon 25 centa, Chiltren ond Servants to ctw who wiles Ghia Cae ane i eee Ui : Vio lw Pee Bi hbiks t neat wit \ ta RE HW UNI DEST ET 1 : 1. Ondine ate eespecttd ¥ xobened \ T. 5X PLP. WERONE iu ant Woney. . aie We bave weeu t ‘ s Mr JOP Grow owt \ \ By 7 rth Cnc Ae “ ‘ ‘ ‘ A CARD. ‘av W Wiis ; AU ean os ‘* Pik ie pees it to my interest to aecept, cn tral, a refy ist. Pal fio j om ’ \ ext situation tendered me at Bayetievile, N | > CW BeODe ; a ‘ lor wish to say to thors vadebted tyre. that TE hace belt ‘ Pe ~ wh wo 7 Western North Carolina Rail Road, 7 vet M is | ) > STUFFS, PAINTS, TURPENTINE my account hook«in he hands of Med J Brosew Tr will be seen bs eomtyavy ’ ® “ PANSENG@ HR CIE Ads : ; ; ul uTos ae , ; who is authored tu recesps nn mny nine koheit thy pationage of he 1 r A oe Tay SNPS nh u 1 R ESI S Chath, Wining, aOW JAMES wheertme mest. ‘There wa nb : i bane ye afer x ‘ fe a bel ay < vied on rv March 14, 1559 Awd attention UDP Aah eS Heels : CAL ou ) wil bes J RINALS, Sycenges, Breast Pumps, Micon 2207 i238 vag : ' ‘ ' W Ns eth sai rta a i ‘ : ein ' vit y | Py ( uM in banoary 1 ARDEN and s Need mn . , 7 or 9 ‘ ey { aud Gcuss Needs, 5 ; " u i | S Stor : BEE NOT 1 { a bel ; SE Ee r a re } EDEL MiG hy ALT-PETRE, B Salishury, V. ¢ Mir ae) ) eas aN ‘ FOWL A €O,, ort ( , ' : > Salishury, NV. March 22 she WHTGS of Davie ipa ‘ yp) Peteont fel oO . Valuable Gold. Silver and Copper | 0) vanufieinrers Articles, CORRECTED WE BY mise io Moek= i ‘ ‘ Ui ret : : aj iNIAY RO . ie ne ; Sonnet air " Hl Western \. Carolina Rail R. Frefecht (esnrusoyaessiss cu won wi Sr LANDS FOR SALE. \ : SPRAGUE BROTHERS . . ; a | AGNES(A, Mustard, Ginger elegiters to atten PATTI CONVENTION CHANTS a , t ‘ v4 SMU Nliveiaditial | ae lho tae , ij ger, Applesdried, 50.4 125 Lead Bar, eG heldon Woueta Hib at Aped neste t AND AL teeta hth Woes ' I Waleed Tosnent of Usd Wes deed, | TA XE og Bacon, White, Min 12. (in 1 : ; N ( y ie c ke ! i ia ; f ae kK NE WAS, Sargieal Instrumente, i vormnate ‘ : * | Tvtise vibe teuhest t rhe sale. an at Beeswax, Me imecral uba, $7035 pyyariet ee Witte ‘ ae | ' ‘| ne ts ee the atin , Beef, Ooh a 65 Moreh 22d. 1859 bec bos Monit LL PERSONS sal [ESS TE QS ae ys al WI ‘ ; . eer [eee Tok, Blacking, Butter, Mureovade doa Su uy : wie reside ithe e opeerace bin the “Paw Tan ul Seen ; ue | Wale a Gee : fio woh AND. on se iE ie ea Mee® 1 QQ) BAGS PRIME R10 COPE EI i one =a MOTE So Neen tote tr Dieeerie Waal pees pen es atone Extraiep Tallow, Poe ee viol | ae een Row PR TR AYO IML. Ta ae i isn ” Uiniianee cu thet ; ne Admanizine, 2420 OILS LINSEED 05 PAGS CLAY COV EIEN MIEN T TAY A ‘ i , 7 1, ae " I Oiic veer ae hee a V ORKS, Bottles, Sponge. Coffee Rio, 2g a dt Panners Wa OS B25 LAGUER dase received . s » gh tian Cerneral Conimisstan ALCrOHANES. a win expres wep in Aas atti eel AES ‘ | Gian, aes Hee teertty Spr reas WNERLY & YOUNG SALISBE a North Carolina LE Sa eee de Gree en a "HT NDIGO, Annatto, Rose, Pink, Gotten, Madd Nweet 90 a1 ou Vie 20 ti Wilmaington, N. C. arcnnelencreira’ (ear imace 2baln Finade by aie law Taine t Hae ( \ ' ; TMI M : - \ \ g 1 9p} a x ace, Clo ee Oe a i Tey ee qRERE OTE TRIE tan CO Pe SS IRS Ta SURSORTRER TAVVING BOUGIT WE lature COcunercenimchGelmeantin wee nt moi Ne Arve er Jom, 79 4 Malt pereack, Pedals Cuolss O) ule Daa \ (VRS enadtead (Branca . op 7 ANNE WS SESTEIRIEN 185 ila : tea, f Tee nay ; s Gols: 65 0 75 Sheeting Bro Yo iO I. Inet recewed, MeONEELY & YOUNG - tena file he : ; HAT ey EVENT Ateieien 18 reals eee a he l Ae ‘Te ‘it ‘ a Vd ae kK WERY, Rotten Stone, Sand Paper, . sole ts | 1 , POS ew reer ‘ i , wotked by Cre oy 1 , rapa 1 Chickensper doz 1.00.0 1g Sagar Bro Ra dt War 22. (t ‘ ee aa R aa ae i VD PLASTER Kee ne ee i nes ; vf heatech din ear eariveh Dain ; ; ! as e: i t el x ; TA : PEAS y Ie al ' . ; . ; aca fPaein | yi pose th \ ate 3 t rf the Ss ALTS, Su!phar, Cream Tartar, Hele Le ne ; I HEMEOCK LEATHEN at rth sh vid whieh for th RORINSON'S WANIPELATED GUANO hanee of jaarter faye Said Lands ar Feathers perth 30085 Clanted. 1148 1 | ()()Q) SETH ee Sidi SOS pir m anlar eae Taaia ‘ 5 vir peng, itor the conntyef Rowan a Chik's O Sein creer Flour per bbt 490 9 5.40 Paliow, ae eee, ees it 4A SSDS IIS KERR & CLARKS PHOSPHATIC ioe ache Superior Court, 1 rt Mouse, ¢ SS —hucn (highs cat bp call wilenidinm, om tall & © Sack, 2300250 Wheat White, Ysa 105} Mar 22 Na Grint tow, UPR TCEIZER Unidhre tor any af thesabose led) vehi al! c*astie fein aie Re HER CIIAI TNatd el Orliye Gh onaianrRe Grune GUELE Tron: Bar) 5a Red, 0a YO - Try MSE Re WE SRy SANG ZAP Nice \ , ; without charge of cammtssio Tee Asu AUedeinasidlins tn pial etl mar leet ineanianill Tene a nce ; 8 ; Lard, 10 a 12 Wool, 25 4 30 {500 i MONEEDY «© VOt NGS) UITESGRTNT ESIC) Trost Yet | March tsi 1s30 Simpidad AoE greece Gin Was ah AMIE pecan dbavuTe Pe STARR, Dea 4 \\ IN DOW Glass, Patty, PORK 7a 7d Mar, 22 us | nat} ; claims agaist the county sre hereby notified to de | Pebranry &, 1859 caste} 2 . ively earned oni (ite tlt t) wet ac nent VW RUpp I jeans (ro coftns sundaes Heenan ie conul Conte [yo RESO alive, Uanip Bikek; VORFOLE MARWET. | Do you want Ready-Made oi Ree. Set teeninieee i. ° PI SSS ee GUN a eG) | BOOKS FOR SUBSCRIPTION | CEDS, Drobo, Fad Reported Weekly by AOOTS, SHOES and HANTS] Cia’ MeN EEL Wie ornnnt r aie (iy PeCUSHEL Sh aint Us ies = By (oun fpoteugmtal Stal peRNN hE SIAL A : ; . & YOUNGS, who IIGROSTOST Caak {on very large iy, rt ee ‘ j " td EN ERU MUN ET Geacd iar Ou ROWLAND & BROTHERS ae eetipa at ceatrtily Wires tere eaillenss ax Ne (Tia : , 7 TS RUNS walle ayer act tlhe mi | RAIN, Linseed and Lamp Oils, Ra Ie Mar 22 WKH | Spyro tm, 1938 ‘A wish to purchase 20) ty the a CUS S INCEORES, Marks, Quan 5 , : (AR or 3 5 au NSU UE Chart Aad a seen tt For the Wateh A OMEN ORT te, an SIPRISCGE THOS Sans, T Watcy maser x Jeweller, for Cheat ee Se te APO TE wy ODA, Suleratus, Starch, Uae eee SIT NG SEN NES ; w pny bexceptants . MON ESBE . BACON— es ne i | SIA SG SH MW IES, UE CONCORD, NLC. hy ns. and we Ten 1 would} bok Waort Main Street, do Sides, hoa io ‘ . fae . SRE . eolyy | Hise buy g¢ fotwe urs old MO MWHPP CHE AD z NC. and Va. Hog euad Me on dtie, Ogre ot Se SEDI w& SO es Wilmington, VC, my wie Pee Teoh DUnehUni des anid wand ean crt TON a SUL REENI SL STBLOTRINS ANS (0 LARD—N.© and Va. No nbs and Kegs. Onis Mar 22 us | Te . a ‘ ae WE Te TROUENIRADES | MICIET, BROWN dete 8) Way) tf 32 “ CoN y Ww hag x | O iis. 7 Choice, New Cray, ‘ b g Wels rtasiaseed | Salisbury, May 4th, Psa ww AMES BE ORERR : FLOUR—Family, Ri Tin n on “aD BEG Be 300 Tier (arene Nok ee ies Howereee | Shishury. Fab 22,131 eeerren eee PA | (andi ce iawialivunlart diem bata) Bom Ticteds y Cardpnns Molisces | Cheese! Cheese!! Cheese t! : J. R. VOGLER Superfine, yoann 9 | apiaareted Wate ar tee Then ean set 75 Barrels choice Vew Orleans Syrap, ” = | ICeNE reese! LKECERST D tGs . : z y : CORN—White and Mixed, AREY st Ip key owt BOR Mae. beq a wholoecup SO Hhds. fiir to choice New Orleans Sard mele \ 1k R ia LS 1 \ ne SCHETSI Carolina City, NV. €., (DIE SA IG IES 72 IE IR} EyeaeG.. Yellow, nOon 7 Aimed . ony hee wa Brick Rewe 200 Barrels Clarified Soars. he n Wer bya - Sorap WHEAT—Whie, Ht ll Sa mum ea « lr POWE 500 Bags Rio. Lagnira, West India & Java Coffee. Cs = : i ‘ July 26th, ISos. R . NG DART \ CO Red, 130 4 140 Salisbury, March =. 169 Hinde 150 Barrels Wess and Prime Pork. . . asiceentt : . eon ; ry & N | 6 COTTON, hie ee eee : 25 Whds. Western Bacon.---Sides and Shoniders. New Trop New Orleans Mo i Ce \ ne » lif | ; Jobb f PEAS—Black Eye, new 8130 100 / 200 Bis. Vellow Planting Potatoes. LASSE rn dial Tar wie you i ane creand Jubbera o Red and Black, old won 10 ‘R Dy \ Mareh Pt. 0859. 3ms:pd Pele) Teale TRA Har sili di ; AN Q } FLAXSE $125 w 135 | SMEs Pee SPRAeL TE BROS ccoee 4 SE Cay f Wee, (33s ’ ! FORWARDING UND GEUYVERAL COMMISSION v » bf BEESWAX, a 00 Bank of North Carolina. Sie » CIN ree 28 W Aeecrks DRIED APPLES per bus of 2X Ibe R175 0200 eS \ ak w Tae I B D. 2 arren reet, a PEACHES «© 4@ gg e a a fo 2) N pursue a1 \x \ 1 «C\ R 1). es Tie ete) TE ea) New wens FISH —Meckerel No. 1, £1250 Ne are now reeriving ont Stock of new | ae snd) Chale ' sh r CORI INY catenin Fannin i Beng the Ve ' ey No. 2, #1150 Halll airientibs (death ana cel be complete inf ihat Books wile be epered on a 1 di \ i ene RAR me yp | IV CSUN ' M s if Wires WTient etnias Prekets W 3 see all his old friends when vie- TAVES—R 0 Hhd K20 00 week, when we ea i Ces \ ' US mage ceeeeyadl aie st king rp \ ! ; Im? W.O. Pipe, #50 nest va argest Slock® th i y | ei { A ‘I . t ; 15 ins AUT XS rey | sa mat Hha aN) matket of which the public + ! Hee | Hoe SS ras : ' meee BMI Rough #24 00 hiv OeS, corsise Mork RII & ALIN 7 \ \ Nes) ue LAW rect : KS Wo Havvid : fl ; REMARKS March 15, Psa) yw | : 4 SACs Lebctis f q rh . . 2 Wiha NOE NG Jie Te . ) Fane resipalieccives eoscsnacauuul @ a Y. a THREE VALUABLE SLAVES eS VIL & R.A. CALDWELL, port. Arriving freely from N. Carobea, The de Theory of Vocal Varsie, : a : : : yee Fas ane emies eter a ye mand at thie time amall, but will soon be better ops Re en ye oe” 7 LOR s. AL. Lk. eee Pan syep tee jos s : ' : ) hal 1 Oar/quoiationsjarc cnahysnica dj | | serv ' Wy VInG Ea \ ( Ct VEN HEROS WHAM BR OBRAST RKALISEU RY, 5. Corn continues to come in, and gales were freely ch geen Musical Work SENN , Aa ee ; : i. ; ys : made on arrival, until to-day when there was not RS A handsomely printed l lent | Ss ie . ez ath eae we 1 ‘ “i ae Z ea M16 Heatseal Pr br ¢ ex Minny March 1, 1859 1740 z . wor ue masa treads t td day f \ quite 0 much epirit. Tis only temporary Pits OFLICE M : Re aa Ryne sane 4} ; : OF Cannan ss °° Banuer please eupy - Cotton, the atock in the market bas been reduced ‘fyee Q1et. ISSR Gh) gq tthe eis Yon to Uiiahes xg x rey WW aS ~ | and our quotations are well sustained | ; : | Linseed, Sperm and Tanner's Oil, nr Da ener! Viwecpi inmate fai (Vie WRAY IPS WARRIAGE LICENSE Pens, Bo Eyn, anlea have bern made I ARGE late Fiat Dotch and farge late Drombe Oh . : RUMP CCL. ANN GIN r/ \ file a Flarened and Beaawax arrive aparingly, with sales. Ms bbage Seed forsale at , _ | Pereale at HENDERSON & ENNIS. | Mote are x ee Aye a Peat. fap Qa an , 4 Ws nn a ike Qin: FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE Dried Freit are mot much enquired for HENDERSON & ENNISS Mar 15 rae) | ar 1h mmissener ’ i A ) f43 | t 4 tN ge er on t Rn an en p e n n n e ' ~ be AT Sgn, DN POR I Eo oer =— e earth, draw up the substance from oa De. Bacaecw ty his crave!s on the eape of Good - Tape * L found very frequegdy amoung the ri ‘ell | ld. cyte OUP COINIMNON grasses, OWINY LO bureh Hoos of the back ¢ vere (GHu ney ov ! J, which they keephuog op by «thong aroun ARE YOU Uren? ? WANSION ¢ URY REVIVED! _~ “OLD SALINI HOTEL, Oo their short roots, cannot reach, which en: oe he bottle to a en cavaadis Bs Holey vou 1 Ue ve } 1 7 en Dowt delay watil your cor isu } vithstund the hot, dry blasts luce s seemed tol ae Heelion uratant ‘ u TED Sees Deeg ie pri aad Lee drsarivce whist ire quite preva itaMe,and thew toute wae It ls tow bate. Fas SAL ISBURY. From the Southern Cultivator of midsummer when other grasses fail. jent amine then: Ve choueit Hibs of all the diseases which people che ne ive Phiclin curcdeds 8 Cathartie Pil sy PSB EIT RE 7 Ilureco mand stock ea alla kindsscrventhits: oe cecal ge ius che it De I a ee eg THLE wutseeboe take asure in announcing te his WHY USE CUT FEED? OPst and stock of a 1d3 prive ies cheat wicqiely ah folk the ite ane hea ipseasca. Dowtwod sawing oll Spree. fart feat val alee roullke reonceeleia What the va An intellizent farmer asks for the phis "8y made from this grass the preference e's ths peas bay ST ata, (oie, (acer dbo lta Hethattge andl thay taken dhs long hed ued well koown Hotel, / intellicen 2r asks for the pli ’ Sorte Uenutaetare , , dome ih athens EY TE WC ier eeu Paes aL : ' jl F Ye paration to aeconine on wer all ‘rs ree fed or tl civence : Vhon com ink 2 sbeeaus setnach ts foul Doa'e GUS AS I u I losophy of cutting hay. He can under. SYS" 4 Ute, aN TG onc wa wes grew a IE veer enna eel \ v Sisting portaana of stand that ‘tis usefal to cut corn stalks Me seed left on, requires no other grain ert ey aes Pe Foe ay nt fue he nt aM oe Qary ae NEW MER C p NVILE FIRM. ae ental ee , : na . ‘ “ se ean i re : rare earn ze ular attention is pard to fis and coarse fodder, because the cattle will HONs4 the winter; cattle and cows ye me nhow Cutt een IR ait tl trl] ijp datten on ity and as oa food for youn: A LIVI PWepy ) ahh ¢ ta iS) Gite Stemiieh avd x ABLE, GOODS ALL NEW ! eat them better. Sut when the cattle wil : bee ‘ ; B d fea Re ene fe ANHuy Sane com » provided in his . Rawal , AP fal , pou fev. It Cannot tre surpassed, as the ! Ver, weCording ! ? Genup te i i ¥ Ww raueneh | ee eat good English hay perfectly clean, nr en haba ecoueary a ilere sean oly to th ROM, THe SUIT U iia tt cake GHiltninnll cuit ROOMS. [cane . ; , tag why should it be passed through the hay EASES ERIS WOE Ee EASA EY I ‘ nee ate nnn tioieebdpcataran Uy , Ve WHEN You cu eS TAR areeniuintuntyceunpliniyaidat WeNKEL 4 0 ke G tert ity aud size to their wants. Thave, as 1 fe : ; Peels quick VPhey are uly ided by a caredal osthers and to) all departorenta , . . ; 2 rt mes mn rn peer i eer ‘ 4) . OP Ny ' 5 ’ “1 ere ‘ . a“ ) | ) ud, eiven a very brief account of its v the t oan \ \ ner i ; ‘. SEVILLE oie ee i yea TO CALL THE ATTEN LION OF TITLE CLPIZENS OF rien idently supposes that the So > . 2 : a . oe ee. - bans Seoptr OM NIRUS runs ee gulatly Sole . Our friend evidently supposes that the ficstiity 1» Peace iy nt Gi i ; ; en \ ra \ ) Fe owai and tho surroundiae emuativs to the stomach does its work upon everything [! ts, but hope some one more compe 1 | i a! ly : Ufa alle aE at { c aa ORS) . uykit o e ee L th theserthaty to ea hberal share ot he r= that passes into it with equal faeiity, and feet than your humice servant Will give rare { pp Ce Puananeneite. Wouceant iene nrakede “SU oe os GwewDs ee ean ly Rother hiss tn ial wheel a i WM ROWZED woe 3) without avy tax upon the rest of yee 1 Here Vane Pwookl further sity, trom ee | o llb 1, Popa DR dO Mi January oth, Deas a ; ; ah re eden (he St RCMCCEOlIt Tia 4 are | t y of it, that all that ean pro- J Sq is 1] Hlth debts of they are now recesving vey are confident from past experience tha tem. This is manifestly an error. Al) “Hat TL know of it, thar all 1 : a ay t 1 . bef ciecrcn Duta eiiallevantieneatichesccds tedonot tad toy Dy Sauceds Tavern tava Pe . ‘ oe TO ALL their stock, Whi his ldaree and carefully selected, is admirably adapted food has to be ground up before itean be © Ce SHH URE HEH l J Sievrnson deo ; ; Ae ib ‘ on eae, Neatnlic, (Nit ! to the wants of the community, and that having boueht the principal fated and pasa into the circnlavian wid Sow if) willl De worl rep by itspro9 (torsste by Well Wi Wt 151) Salisbary a a puetesien in SITs " s ‘ qf i | | CSIR TIME) YS oo“ ‘ | : eae Ne Tinh inn part for cash they can sell cheaper than any store in any part of Wes- 2 } ce . f > present ve subseripuion elersbors ‘ s dl mt ‘ of the animal. If food is not artificially ceeds tor Cie teeta De a TUSC HI eee absense titention bo Taian Naraty CONTR: ae WRC eee F SSE to your useful “newspaper. ae ‘ ; : prepared by cutting, grinding, or steam TI : ' ‘ For Weakness, Wasting and ) Ae Wills on a\} ¢ st Hill, e Country an rehants and the public venerally, will find that, as we te WOOVe Can be Peace Upon as NO CX : 5 ing, the animal has to prepare it himecit so kinds of food will pass through the system, im every form of Debility, use BAKER & CO’S ,| . but falls far short — hi far as he is able. Certain aervuon, doing the subjcet justice ALOU N TEIN Mera OP Wistien SCTE SIBIR NY Vorih ¢ trol ned » Daan i 3 * . . ) ‘ ate f veer. parting to it only a part of their muta L. Ru Vall y Parmer Ul OD -L \ D Mt ( N L WHE NET EA) (hoe ; : , ‘Donongh Co. [linoix, VS5%. ment, because the teeth of the animal Me Donough Co. ['linvis, 159 ie ISA th LemEES 6 , epee Vea ‘ > have not pertect!y masticated it. Whole = I. ! hee : \ ip SWAP AY ae ene na eri . ce iy ‘ve he growth of ; 2 XL its tellow ranges of Moun . ; ° Wlitiye. ( revent the rowth of t t kernels of corn or of oata are often seen‘ yt Yo preven ity : vidi vce tue t \ \ i Thuan Wile aeleaaieenntee nen . . ' lone shanks, and secure true, solid leads od and uerscassyseun bis visage tees be H (ier (oti ° in the feces of an old horse. ' : Ter titecies j sesunialee nila SH ewes on those stalks that manitesta disposition on atheist \ yevhaus ed. | The more pertectly food can be prepar ; i “ ae m ‘ reach Ashey es A - to wrow to what are commonly Known as aed ib AES SSH ADU ERAN ae tle . 2 2 completely 2 sys: a - * Horie, mad ta tes vive ne Wid ivcuaa truly re , ; , 4 ed, the more completely will the sy rane uclnike he Gun Pope sen oie a ‘ Neel wR ma < . n hed bea Wes 1 1 Sale ti tem appropriate its nutriment. If the arayen rhealteaicmvtie (ie es alle | oo, t-Salen yhole lat ’ grinding » fi ie cee evel >IT }p \ (eyonte Wwe man Ny} Co oa whole labor of grinding wp the food “Take a pen kuife and stab it through JA yt S ( 3 WRN kK ER “ ( (Oe (iment : & Rani “ ai ; ' 1 | is re a 1 ) } ! . ' throm men (he amin, He Ss EROS cdi nen hemndion Grewia small cigs Von Pe si, Plea tae \ he ‘fi bn \ Women Way } - 7. > ory 1 : f * y : ! ees , 4 tax upon the vital energy, which every pieee of wood to keep the incision open, , ep ae iy vad ata rate Es good farmer wants for other purposes Tt) whieh will cheek the w:rowth, By doing j vay | ae u | the case of the horse and ox, you Want this, a good head of cabbaze may be se (; xbo \ ean ( ! : 1b oh Mutual the strength applied to locomotion and cused on every ola af ( HAY oroue yr l ul ta <a ial 4 ve - ‘ ‘ ih dranght. ee INSU NG BEC UM ANY fe ene ee " Whatever strength is applied to grind Thevongh 1% Atoneof the Trish — ' rine Ate Balt W : ROR VERERORER HERR SOc tetres creer 7 ' | ‘ Athy ] i ing food, is so much taken away frog 42tiete Tasty aha f rt peakers Ss Fant nes i ‘ ¥ - : their capacity if three of var 7 UI TH TPO uty be: wi ol 1 Ee ee ( XTi Cy 4 Ir ~ ) ) he 1 this ¢ try : ut ( ( i ( { hours of strong wuscular labor are > , +I denon \ n : N ; \ ' : “What brought out the imi auri- ! i oN cock Por Kt Ya \ \ in working up hay and straw into } a mes i a an De : ; ie ; ] f nut] Lae taral wealth of Seothind ? HATE yh at ENN Desi ee (Mies quinas , there is a grea uss of strength and ¢ , ‘oe Sy 7 2 enabled the small farmer in) Deleiaim, ek ee W Nai =| W ‘ oe {tk ae time. : ! “ 4 . ! Mi ! i ! he re TCiehit renee who, on seven or eleht acre (oP orliteeanes Wes ow fl \ it < ; he case of fattening animals, vou ‘ > DEES: In the case of fattening animals. 3 ae laa. able to du ter for him F Sac Se ae ‘ ‘ »aliment to go tu the formatior ; elages a Cl Da \\ \ \ want the aliment toy oO Bee s~* SK farpily than we can do On P Wet Wd We Coed, J I. init ai Ml “ ' \ - fat aud flesh. This process woes on, —. anes at : ! ‘ce Aethines WWE C [5 ASF oa por fs ite } ; two thirty acres of land in t i fede / San Wh \ 1 7 . successfully, just as animal is kept countey It was pot by allowine three ailing eo t Ww, : Sg . 7 . . ' : , . , . Ve baie OY WW nS 4 \I quiet and comfortable. No uscless labor four adieht tillasze farm to remain 4 1x! . rove ip Hos ‘ na " ie ss Ne 4 should be expended ip the grinding up aod making the other ~ ! RB. Tres, fun I | T] , , . _ od ) < food. The straw-cutter, working up the ren It wa tase thie \ , 1 . ' . yn Poaamenie Gt lat an lel im a) cones oii ee ; ; ‘ hay into frayments of half an inch i . ey PRIER 404465. Sorcery length, or less, performs a good part of UME: ( TESS SE VGU SU CNS Se VEL et eA, ott AMON eb 1S il i ' I \ . e ee | » ty 7 5 ‘ the working of the jaws, and makes the Ve VTE ICUS E E TU EAE TOES AVE TURE Mou ft i \ oe le purist aivune, wat Leeann OC “offic. Sucar, WMolasses ‘ feeding of the animal al glt matter. Ii - oe lat } , r no dan there would Keep ones e acre AND Ja XN i | 3 ay ole 2 Treo )¢ up into a fre - the hay could be g 1 a fivoe na meses ean He &p “A HH.’ Be eal, it woul: suli better: as it won w ' meal, it would be ette iveilevia! [ne mice enna) cnet oar hee HMRI exe ON make the work of the animal still iahter, . \ hina Snes oe RECO AY, SU ooR in mm ae Otte PHD CDICLG ma 1 and would wore completely yiel lo up its le. aH ic. Moon ap eral | \ a ( ; i{ i) 1 Bok 4 4 ‘ ' imer f it 2 steamed it ne nutriment. Tf it. 1 an hast fen Nrenteetat Gait eee ait Poeespad wholly appropriated lavas idenl pees aie . on ST We have no doubt thatitpars gated: 4 Meron ait years, and STEVENSON & BOWEN, Cyl eae 6 ' have fran sllat price 'y below those at which Goods have been sold Py Yowill dieses uh dol! kinds of ORNA ‘ iS tle a portion of our Ktock MENEAL WoOobD WORK Mone [hich pees en, tink in imme ICA Ve DAY Goons. VTS RAIESTINSS (HANTS Givin) SSI TBS \ i eon, h ick. Domesties, Flanuels, Merinoes, De Lanes, ato well seasoned, selected Lt work, willbe \ as nie r > ve Cloths, Towels, de. hepa he ° TEC HON WE Nit SOE Sth INET Pid NG . Peredta this market, Revseye, Plad Linseys, Osoaburgs, vinet PLANS will be fursished, uf desiied . ae i fr tise e ithe r SPORES, of the Vi ee ee Gan rs’ GOODS. | Liens { A Anat ue “ : Crttien.t Satiete, Kentucky Jeans of every variety “0, © assortinent of iG fn s a “M il L 1 <i Koad iM tari Compames, deans, Uboseey, Kae aie u Shits, Gloves, & FEN as * C with thy Kuetory. ae Go count Mls | LADIES Goons. ‘ wth " haley won yt Sie. c 5 cee ion Sines ; ce Irrier, Rib- Mite Atlan Wythe Kept tis veis. sem cad bees mn dis fo ‘ re Cloves, Hosiery ie h foenens, Swiss al ' ) Varleton Muse Moe HP ARLY 8 CO se rid Saco bad rit ta » Corsets, Hoops sae G sses, AC Wel ‘ CLOTHING, 1 x 1 We bovile spe BONN Ie ae ATS, BOOTS and SHOES four stock and « rroot De == Bouts sh rtf . 1 Childee CNTR NGS: LO, CLOTEES. rabatter on > -COWANS RAE MBILE I EUS HACE, (CAPS, hallenge compet tou ip Shoes us Gaitetn at PRES hy toa? FeTey ETSY ATS and DINEISED RIDVEYS, Drugs . Paints. Oils and Dy ¢- Ntutts. ae L he Wes “ R vu + I If and Goat ” ff Lins, Woop. \V ARE. Ml hie Rd He is Buckets. Brooms, Tubs. Brushes. Ticine. Rope. Wve. eae ie ane oo CROCKERY AND QUEENS WARE. riers ‘ — : veil . dt Rininh Sites Gone - Wana Sada GROCERIES. eal AY ; h ' fal . . ! . ~ waned Se Snine ee me STIS yo ; ee W im fawihe 0 thee TEM Salisbury to Asheville. Lea {UG ass HAN Ube CC tid ets ves firty sears i the coarest fodiier. A root-cutter is aise iiic row years, avd Wiolesale Deal ors in oN ; t SN ( au indisper ddjonet tole ban ves twenty five veut DRY GOODS. Oneal R SALOONS, \ vs fort Pp VE a ve the more perfectly it comminutes the ; | a . bE ee OS " iecapets ar ; . 1e better rr COT ANAL VE Net ts 7 ; . : roots the bette ery ae DANIEL M. ZIMMERMAN, eet wd Pilicalist The farmer who bas ever experiment oe ‘ a : fh oawenous. SU R aya \ / ed w 1 traike P ~ : TN = \ ae Se , } . ‘ | or etn! f woovedrs, anc es . \ aad / ‘ f resolis of feeding with hav and roots pre 5 mae tl , : . ! rtw r ftec Re : uy th yar } [oO t Se t , To \ y pared in th.s way, can have no doubt o Teen cane ote Decne KULIE IERIE SOND. URE heir uriity. Teainess, we apprciiewl yo iagsrimene tes TRI-WEEXLY MAIL LINE, 01838" lias quite as to do with these ma or es or Oe a ; : bw : a TWO HORSE WACKS, Bread, Cakes, Pies. 8. 8c. c whet ‘ nV n t Veurs: tue crank te ent np tay ¢ = ( Poesy uy rseventionths, Fram Wacksvetle V0. tos NI eo Ait! ‘ ca t tt i rope t 1 ~ XY Or sey Veats. a | : i) 1 , of spendin ee. bow gercas CST CES: see Lore M \ A] W sdays si | t ; Frais 1 \u ar uit ; on convenient ty Deneve that it will mot pay gcc anmnes (n, Teewon, 0 ' ee doclyee cama en Pv SPIIESS Sloth, lowever, 18 a poor contsellor December IS, PSos \ ‘ ”" voi 4 + sane VTE. TI. Beards building 1 ' ae i N ; this cube. as all others. We should PP eeh ieee i Ot Nee \ MG a \ 1 ‘ s spoon think of tecding them with uneut Kiet a notice ne of eaaincre. Ue dete |? ’ y teosend Pa Qn a Fam Sewekive ani er mee diag Meckactirian Wey dine _GELESRATED VEGETABLE straw. A warm stable and a straw-cut- see there Dplatnits —in vour section tuvsatile 1 1 O ter are both good investments [lyin oot the cont in regard to the Chinese Rn ane ' \ CATTLE P WY DER. ~ , t 1 » vu 4 ard [ecqiater. Sueur Cane Molasses, fear of its scouring, AV st [hous (oan) pa . ve Hoi Ae SSI hrOR ae _—* 7 Moeksville, Dees =, 125 ike HUNGARIAN GRASS. Tomade some the bet season which rt SOUP e Cause Oo ssonine T think L. A \ | ) a Nel ee cor ried) ova eke Mies ainag, MES me Leite Re IO Teanrenmcer lenin, . myer rea ] REE REED ET Te cor eS ce Ee Se We ece TP . ie and ite inerts tay net be amiss, and PDIERUIE SIN AGT CA 2H Bet Me Ste}, \ knowine § ' eat ae noo oS halfian onnee to the wallon of syrup, I } fall AC tos 1 . RV nie ha ) cm , , ind was well pad for the trouble, the > din tat Wow tc ikl the “newepaper” excends throaeh el the . , ; 7 San fi | ee ny © Mevasses being mae better than when tia 0 “st States of our tl: will, forthe beneit a 1 I ; : first 4 You can make this publie 2 GOOD MIs \DOW Sy Wonca a Aonterestofourt ero tne ead ean 4 ee * 1 | ; 1 for the totormation of these whom rt may 3 Das rt j NPE, sf and West, North and South, endeavor to i neern (oemac atime nine cae bs | say something relative to its Introduction (Oh. Tae WP SOAS Tall es TE, a ' WEIS SIRS ut Q in America; of its productivencss dal Ney loa Beh 05 ' Naileasiis fuser Gaus . ies \ A 5 . 5 f P . (Po) N 60 of ite use, but feel certain To shall not WALI AIRY GEOYOIDS } a, ; i ° ‘ . (Pp ’ | be able to speak of its merits as it be r ; : A thoroue exclusion Swords, Sashes, Belts, Epantettes. Laces 4 Forves Its introduction in the [ rac ey { ; ‘ WWE a) BSCR IPTOON OE MERIT VRS \ NW ee lach ‘ States was. as nearias To ocan Jearn. in ' ° nae | GC OOn ime { 1 it sor Shep rere ce ; ‘i 1853, bv a native of Hunesarv. A een ; an ee . It 2 ~« ‘ a test 4 erler Way eH yt T ei fl ‘ 1 \ R tleman, then vesidone in the State of | , ay vitesse pli Coy SCHEV EES WR TLEY & CRAY, " NOIs, procured a mall band UES ers x | VY Py \ , . wel ; “4 ‘ ' ' from an Tlunesrian ex e and to t ; Pe etipmaenr : La (0 OPN TDG Ss WSS 5 I " (oa. Ut Towa, and sowed its test on ! ‘ . View Pak 4 ‘ 1 it ‘a t er Cita 7 of the great West. Tie its | 2 ‘ T 7 TTEEG SNS hive, the little hanelfut hae fa ; | RAIL ROAD NOTICE of supplying vy the ery for more secon \ Ae) ‘ Real gl ' ‘ 1\T Se ae ATA UMS T1 = (one COUNTRY MERCHANTS. , two or three coantion in Towa, bit . NEW. CILEArT, ah ; 5 ; A : : the demand] for it that its seed ne ‘i en ; . 1 Wen oo ; Sosy) ; . : f : ; ; ! IAP TEI ODES USODIE TEE ' unusnal heal rates Jie prodgct venes P : f ‘ 4 the On eeu! Sout (fea EM both for hav and sced ia snech that it ; ‘ eave ii 5 bo HAS ES IO Rad wad sopplanting oat. and tomotiv. and eve TENN ET the nomberless ner weowa ; , | \| before it and giving it place | . ' | to four tons of hav and frou ‘ , Lt fF OS OT to thirty bushels of seed is an avernce | ‘ CALE TINs , \ \ > per acre, vet it has fr ent lee , . ; crop F | are unt ecu Administrator's Notice. known to produc e, atone cutting, six t ‘ae (lace oer j . ‘ \ \ tt . of hay and forty bushels of seed per acre ean GE ' ' Derouth does not appear to effect ite | ; aver Pees : he qvarRyp HOMASON Adm or growth, ite long roots striking deep int» » Hometicall RUSHES : an Sisley, scout. Jha [Sosy NF U. STATES HAIL, WNOPHER CINGE !! a DRUGS : % Me ff i | iP VG Pe OLENCIE DE Ti: MEDICIN ES, JOS? FSS. SALISBURY IPE MEN ILI STEAMED WIR AY 11 } rod t ‘ BROWNS LINE a eo iw , yw cna | ; 4 4 4 Ue * oon inte news. EIS , GLASS. &¢ ' , , . Wen fiewsgan a tothe Spang Western North Carolina Rail Road, 1 s a us < Sea h Aw : M & i | . : oy A DONS FCN eels ee DTG AS ANGE alge = 7 f ~ 1 = sie vv i (His (eRiede PURE I : | ! u ’ ! 1: BINOK MOU STAs (h : i oct Nomeartie aen \ ' Seas : | * 1 ' ‘ 4 ‘ met CN 0 . : aes ie Sh WHS sus f iN a ved Bonen f ’ ; 7 . °° S royW I ’ a ANDARD Me VG 1 } i) SERS Patent Wedicines, JOS Tee say UL ALTE SALISBURY Male and Female Leademies, I mM NIL SC REO oT ee WP [hy aod Vw in oo ' . 1 re 5 \ ahfe2 Te . : t ‘ . ei Me gio I 1 Bem I) me a i. ( 4 s ee te a ; et ! ! t TEERM SSE TE LTO NON LOT LON ; 1 Ban) ! ; = an i NY ‘ Femi) " Pa te : Von, San ; ; os ‘ Nel hovowy aL eee NT] Wins 8 STS 00 per Co aS CARRTGES, BUWGIEY, MC, 622 oo eke 4 Ae SHV TSG ey ea Hd, ) W aide Q '’ Sl ] sf Key roa . . = ‘ ee at ' dicted on Varge bunting William H. Smith, JL SVWEPIDR AL eat Hien . rei en a eh Pee a dest dacteu sien Ws tone amos, (Gee Ze ZN . mobs thet TALC IBLE TRACK OF LAND W oh ‘ . Farge boopdivge hatsee op "ARR I \G D BL SINE ist I . > \L E. R si “ ‘ ( t win far- tier * n Nowe orn : ! 4 ' sof 4 ( thine Ao | 1 1 1 | (8) il Sth wid 1 Heily hu { \ « i ie the N ; ote : ; yr > a i I ' a ce i] ’ ( ~ 4 ( ‘ | Tae ees are 1 i 1 : , . T Go rn YH CACpW ELT rhe . , ’ i i ' tit VEW WARBLEY RD. > Fashionable Perfumery, TOILETTE, ( v lie Mndomitable PREPARATIONS, &C. &C. AGAIN! Lol H. (. MALCOLM. a oo ; he beri quailty and at the PRACTICAL MARBLE CUTTER, ele ROBARDS, Cofiileie tee ca utara lens cuentee veutdenretiara rd es us ' that dh een : as : \ ‘ais eee : MARBLE YARD ROWAN HOUSE, Ig a va en an) : M nf ' Nalishure. NO€ 1 ‘ 9 ELEY E ‘ welt MOST YG Sits mth A ASE thas TP MIB aly TS: " ; i \ \\ ’ Moar | 2 OF eithe \ On | Sen! Pabwcrnn SOIC, AMER 2ICAN MAR \BLE. | On POINT Comte i pe ey aa Raine Ha ' a : rite =| ee tor the fitofthe whore prices Hee ‘ , \\ Aiea 1 San Woe ' \ i 4 u end lhe above neers i WT ROVE \ fawn tl ad ‘ ‘ 1 W | 1 \ Pseou Bo Moe 1 ia ' \ ‘2. ( 1 d W = Racy ey ! v ’ * ar VALE ABER LANDS oe Ae . Piston Gia aie = “4 TE NNOMW & Haunt orro yen | ‘ noby nn Boe DRk Se WB me oto aa 3 as UE eres ib 6 al Nopupileneeret ee I Can meee \ ne eh t ' ! ! \\ ‘ sant ; int paces ete Ane “DEMPAL NOTICE, , Hie CONTE Eee W VW WW “ f \ Dw " ) My RIGIG Bie Waa Fee ae I @®0RO BESSENT, \ ! NViticcnl Je SIMONE) ore DENTAL ROOMS ; \ YOUNG OR 4 ty cecuped hy Da Bano 1X , \ eh | y attend operations + ' ! \ bas sae Ase DEG ‘AMRIT ve ‘ ’ ime tt he ' tf LOR Drs. M (WHITEHEAD a7, A CALDWELL, i eof ' ’ eof both inanye i ] ea} ia Wears Professional Card. CLS SOT Fl]: BLANK SALE AT Thowe e, without row ie vy he 1 at rel PD" CPi £5 ne fon ae OBee, in Cowa Row ' femam ' AME Occupied at thy Dr. Wwtrnrap Bi — os SE , a ne ems _ J. d. BRUNER, AND RORICE TOI TERMS. EDLrroR Single copy, S20 Five copies se Ten copies, Clubs exceeding ten, in the same proporuon, S150 $1.50 cach, Payient always un advance H ADVERTISING RATES. F que wen A square is the spac uM . 7 occupied by 16 lines of Brevier type SAL VOL. AVI. Uscasional renews without aduitiona clang donaseuy fp granted to those w a 4 suvpjavwul B Fi Vertise regularly (hicugh the year. uy sq u a m a r i u a a p e 20 f i e | PSR Y Ne Ce DIN Cli 2 ; 5 “ One =) ey : sot 3 . — a > Pe a iB Ss ffl Pee Senta \ suotjsebuy & / (is 7, 4 RY a i B ayer aft ” { gan rane ely ) : ia Ok: : ce ae a Devoted to Politics, Uews, Agriculture, Jatecaal Inprovements, Comnerce, the Arts a1) Sciences, Morciity, and Lye Family Ciecie. Ss euotyiosny p wotneing candidates is S > = - ~ ' s cE itice. & tluouawur g Court Orders Charged . 25 per cent bh rthan : p ; . . , ; Ns F , ae : eR fe ‘ Te cage cre i lonsesuy gy the above rates Onlers NAIWMINAL FOUND Hiseassee Wa dinprove the taanufacture of iron, we ouning, Says a practieal scoten von mas: leagrin to urge the bill nH aM BURA g wuepaesu ve above ra aN i NaN 1S a A Pris I ; 1 fe . : i is Sf Saale: 2 etter provress hat 3 for divuree of i " oo wba, Cowhave, Taw would be snved the miort ter, epeaking of the Deep rver vi thre poe sa n, or that © Pe ted z ee gaenive: SPLECH ol 1 Ih fn Seo) Cees iment tide laranels “Tat satisfied that pi can be nimade at could not have been made. bat there TEC Bs eae Gb ' 1 Ver App 1 A : roy ee : a i: ma * Hite cael: shee tive : 6 MY a) (sag Uta # Hon. JOHN 4. (HIER, Imnntreturing purposes, wh will last tee. we have to pay for in a cost of nine dollars per ton in ¢ am) vet time and opportun vietied de 1 ipal : ea : ce Sen exlieniertolay, iaesia lit ine memincgt: (att rea cacust vavy wuns would pre- county, on the banks of the Deep river. future iipprove it eT p ES= EN cay Ie Pp . | rane aie Den Flas NrcuMMen US mUny Sone loo cla etoand their quality. One hundred and titty thousan: dollars vince to wield a voice thon Sara t estat NUATING : ; 5 ( Stee eal ete a | 7 ‘) ie 4 M hhothese streams flaw,» wold be, une tedly, very tuaterialiv: would ‘eto buy enough of mineral which will finally dispose of this question, PS AUS nau seen | LENT y afresh ire Keone asadl wdlcqne we Hiecun . lands tosupply two furnaces with material I shall be found earnest in ins sting upon . H : . fo , | : drow ane ‘ De aN j 7 . : , ye udivantiops Dae ONG be PDUURCO UE HU Tan aT i ; iis (Cust ik Creator, Tucher rene Browd alone is Slt therefore appears tome that every for some peuerations. It wonlds eto both the advantages and ne its of North pe aad Charged accord t oheon the state of the Union Iore Water power tl a New Enu- cousideration of sound poliey and econo: sink the pits, and erect two furnaces on Carolina in the premises. [shall keep iy quo BE Neen Boe Mi. Galen said: land puttovether, onky waiting te be call my demands the estaldishiment of a na othe Scottish principle; and asthe minerals eyesteadily upon the Drove neuts fthing ah fcaaie . i “ se “e ee aoe ‘ . Aa lhyedhyrdte eo Cael ve i Maz. Criatmaas : dn offering any views Gd ante use by an industelal enterprise tional foundry whies accordingly res- are the same as im Seotland, tho plans in their behalt 5 and shall not tail to urge anes, 4 og LS) Wostppert ef the eluims of amy mative Sanihar to that whieh has made New Bae peetfully recommend.” ought to be imported thence. The two for iny native State all that is so justly ie s tas ¢ 5 , 1 | eee . ; ‘ a Ee s Die NCES healthy linetrsiiie cr OKC ure ettiatelic ieee Thai et ever Sosoonas Lafiscovered that this sub: furiaces could make from four hinndred due from this Government to her Jong > The full Court and 1 ie puble patronage ail cisbursements i ‘ this partienti te render N, Caroli: Jeet was again recommended to the at to five hundred tons per aanum—ata cost nevlected Hue of far as the Govern e owing Court and tmiisce.ateous F , . ee sey A ry . , :. fe ; ei , ya Ate ure Ss ie r Hab Gt Sil lor sah ae ol " ( cosabistmentot national work- Pato qcimeversthing hersuperior, Overfour tention of Convress, Latonce felt convine. of about ten dollars per ton. (8200,000.) ment has the right and power to act. 4 sent l nail to any part ol the co ut Joaitence struck with two Tmportant ce tles wired! dhoneandstondles revole in Low. ed that North Carolina was the state, and Priee in New York and Boston varies In fact, I wish to see a new eth opened expense tions. First, that of the tiany milions ef hop and over ten titues four un: the Deep River vailey the locality, which from twenty-two to twenty eight dollars in the South gene ally. T wish tosee less nt of Ta Snipes) Ubbrestre Iii Mali ite AC enn KE Sa eihK edt hcean ge iiwclute Uicureteemuitercueiie Hestincin Ce tomeneGh ne RtcH spen tole fustian and parade of new thedzed and ‘i Jasas de Bonds Aun Tene BEN tes : Dea = ' ‘ ; al va Plea sit netic euipe , &e Wille Cae nC Iurey ie ttcn tea r tures, distributing ro tech capital misty y wrest ice Meaney (Ones) pilaennn ah Girth @ AiG uKOM GAY auliceriain® (LAV. In addition to these materials, there is broken down politicians, in the shape of j LE rar : eee the people waere they Elecite inte qnieer Geen a ’ Siin ou [hvtie last session, offered a bill fireclay of best quality, in great abund- so culled southern commercial couven 1 bas : Bpretal ven 1 el ‘ : x : ‘ » ractical § \ Wits te Sa ee ES ee the same tie, ether titer Ul t \ nt supply the ower. te thi Was in hopes the eiforth ance, interlining the seams of coal and tions, and something more practical and | Juror Tickets , : & ‘ : ee} i i + es Aaa erie , TV iregryes eee ae Preaseatonennntar@ ayseGe) “Nisan iyicey Iain of Commerce and enter ete VES aan ROOT MECC EUR COLE Ta TTS“ TFC Leet al vlily formard, and that! black-band ore; thus affording from the available resorted to. There is better, as] . a eee spective localitves, ated te Syed ae tre ered Nepean they are exempt the ci North Carolina, and the fae same pitor slatt, coal, iron ore, and tire well as more profitable wenn before u | Ere bate the sea-board States have cerved more or tram toe bitter frosts and: treezine cilities vodoon this subject. would) clay; and the other descriptions of iron than the mere celyiuy of high sounding Hn ' 5 tt i ane baat : A : ) ‘ a feasible fe. , bejaty ' Jessa Vanticetnedld Nommstare that pepe. whieh eomeendl at tines the best be well considered, and, it well sustain; ore, to wit, the hematite, specular, and resolutions, without a feasible feature Ly treat 1 a i 2 >. woatt ! ' : , hah wee ee 2 Real “ Reneaedt ene of tie vost Had oy Ee teen sts cppeat We No | Hil Chie Gs Tbelieve they can be, conceded inagnetic, being immediately contiguous, them, ora possible benefit in their pro : (Oh And many other formeof less trey aenta e Wark tors whe pled. 1 Hise trenetten thier wiry ale oy Nn Gl aiaced Bat Lhe qiost of tieaures leaves nething to be done buat to develop. visions, to the South or anybody else, be eo iu esneaser ean titel boner uipor ait ee tO Nee) it etude (Aide eal : | ! fap kee) pure Gry Tea V pir tit aloard come ated use them to any ¢ Atent and in CVGhy yond the fancy of those who pass them, is ] n i hl hever ta 4 ll Vote ! an ’ ' trey claurneter for a sou WN tke at wee that the Government can Wish of T wish to see our valleys and mountains iy f y Me OleUl ANatiie trae tiet jeu fie ee ; A eae an Pere a nent Ciewet Pegs tas ascent mane brought into actual use. I wish to see i , \ ‘ ‘ = 1 . 1d 1 | i i i e@ Ment patton ae Toit eet ‘ et Pent eae Cen ea Tp is ew tiv purpose tad | secon | supposed requisite for a our streanis studded with iiils, whose — SOLS RURNE Yt I IMEC Ire GU) ! rt ‘ f wi lorel Cert We 1 \ tae S21 fe a ie ie (pany tists e dora national toundry—the mun verless spindles and looit sh CE16 OR a that monera © ia : fis hal fate tea ot Ue pretrist |p 8 WEES 4 wibility to tide water, and back au eternal response to their ever and A R vtha t \ = Hoe e : j ‘ i¢ ter et “nt yosce Goat SUPERPHOSPHATE OF LIME. A tes wodbess extent, | we tu lena Tose ireslaeste nmi) dercat atl promise, then, by sa w that tl Ihe 1 cha petite Wy Twill brief onward low nye current, eave to see = at CNet thet < eli | ved ' I : ! river walles the State of North Cato: ly state, is advantageously presented in) the of the furnace, aud ar tlie : t rpented Ag ; ae : \ decid , i Paton later lalate m@act A ean d oe a hh oe A heer | es ca t mf ! n peenii Cacgins for is location these North Caroting coailelds. Pie | tre f the forve declaring the @iac a rit jt “— ‘ ‘ fed oteds Petey) Hore ! fone 4 rt ey ther Within her berders river flows through the coaland iron that commerce and tmanutactures are in FARMERS UE EROS oe a Wy tale, | la) att Pe Wabiat constitutes a stata plice fora deposts, Iti ifalstream, highly ripe development. 1 wish to see the ' * ‘ nt i t { ‘ , jess ext epee fotnedey 7 caperedk tos roworks, Which are thountarmsofthe South pfecnant with their othe saine, feeling satistied they wil fied att . ; : : , ) ile ' al wine peas ‘ lier ae aoe: ove trv S ( . ra Veiga euele et } ie bona neeonstricted, Lbedistance trom imites of wealth, disvorging their liddet houg properties are mueh tere lasiiigy esa cb | Gee r | Rear ‘ ative : ave pound af these, pa the site of the works to the seaboard or’ treasures, and furnishing COUT prosper mS to the soa and the grow.h re TED Saas | pom © Wa j i ' ' mouth of the Cape Fear river, in which as certain tribute as they afford delizhtrul | ee leas to dw \ ere for pert en ' ener : Iw Dera e ais ‘ tyte tide water, Deen river flows, is only about one hun-) retreats and abodes to our citizens 4 tyof Manure ia gener PN Ua che etter Avert ce) ' ' Roe pice A aN ( ss ! fl 1 bie ve V Sixty uniles : and tile water, to In short, ] wish to see the South, in ry over tothe questo vot less amnports 1 4 1 | (ie ' i \ wer the Gepth of some twelve feet, comes to fact, what nature has eminently de ot Tanstenel whialy ata oY eee Ls . ae ‘ fee (ire ‘ : con = ; ar tneans for subsisting a within some seventy aniles of the place her to be, a commercial and manu the tnost powerful and best advpted the grrow . , i * B ) ‘ 1} ¢ ale ana eee? c oN Mand - test The aa eh ‘ al vcane t , ron i ‘ it i \ n Where a nation foundry contd be advan ing. as wellas an agricultural people. ia Peis most ev de Wet tit sort at he . Ca PEtee rier sat ; ' at ore nar re, Overt Pee aN \ * tayeoushy ¢ . With the slack water We can then boast ofour ereatne Permanently enc d “ M : SHS | ; fae peace an ‘ G ; fonone an ; reo, The Cnet Sas they secon will bes eause we will then be great and prosper: ito substanern thal are Ww ‘ ; . : ee I me fe He ae aR j I: eo toioad te Pavettesille, bow une ou aud by Comparing naw ak \ " kinds ot M i We nbast Got ' a Ve ae t : s . ( \ ae , ‘ \ > 1 re iv Thy t iories tor Crovernet j ru REN : “ki t ] nveniently | tt ! WAG (SEs Khia ALR.) , eset ft : ' A Waa? 4 ! ! In ¢ t TOES: Hed Coty Se ( Vere ry \ erictarsilusonentes mata ivan | : : oe Bias PINLOPENA, Oey ern eee Sh Lives, Sb i ; an ’ free 4 ‘ A ‘ 1 teh trie een (ee ry 3 a ae se ne ee ene Gi Cen oa. Pe ae eene Gene ye ae ne “ili birseecet Any te ah ihe eaten roe by qaiireads wiilst ao enciiy’s We believe this pleasant amusement 7 fini ue tere wine or wand T bat oe ta jp ace TARe oa ‘ iene 11D oe eK ce to beone oft es . Is inthe teets Garescend the stream, orand armed for boys and girls, and sometimes taose ehElT 1k 7 ¢ ) atl \ 7 raves . pana oe . . nent Tam tee ( 1 ‘ vant ww Tee aS ver Wat atm] \ PL Mil ee ‘ ane the estabusthinent wl a Ut: of imore mature ave, originated in Ger- tania propertly stl iu : : : ; * ‘ eo Veen a i . ay Se es a ae: e : in i oe ‘ " ' : as Many, where it is called vid liebehin, ne reli yd Ch ese ated . t fe deeds deine eae AR on Gouw aiine teeea ate, FLAW OYE en) ae See eh boos, well aed ney; Which ts about as nigh security as = ; alt i ees ‘ ' Ivereull hich, ¢ s spoken, has the seund of foes Papel Mais oe anne ! ee atl a hot os : mein | Toeucent ecient es boy tes | Ww heavy can be obtained. The locality Ve ‘ ee ae epes s : : . comport ion of t \ ae tl Hoan cai uicel a One we a tat) (esse if ‘ eer | mone t © aoud one, phe hin, which may have been the ori- SS. than beturs ! eve went ated Weert att ' yee Taaniyee ct cinerotion ct per en neeevery Vik Phirdly, emer, and means of sul win of our word, to which we have given t I -: ‘ * } a o eos + a According to chemea ting 1) Voeape cn esonres \ tear : , ( r ‘ Li ' i ’ tite Ned population of mechanies and al a Latin terty or forfeiture, exacted or won eh " valed » " cast 8 ve ‘ s ! ya : ; S : 1. In this respect theDeep river va by the tact or management of the win- mote : ¢ Vv oOV | ; t e tive er vy certuindy p ssuberior advantags. | * ae : aes ee eats : i : . ae ‘ = ( H : : ning party. With us the thing is man- Recent teres 1 ae | ‘ s ( t \ ‘ Vit nl 1 I dividing line between NS a z ’ . scale cal a . 1 ns Ay RCAL aaah amir 4a) Oven fe r ‘ : ; : 7 i ‘ eae dq north. ized, however, excessively cluinsy, anc “6 diate trade eile cca, \ ‘ ‘ y ; Ch Manne Te On: skill, A person in compa : ; ‘ 5 ~ t ' \ ( neding south from the : : the Album : : ; > » ony Chances to tind a double meated al Fee : ae er CHE " <4 Fe t j ; nat , ted ore g ~t coal locality of the mines, vou traverse the . , Wd lado lalla merce pret a fe : Y - ‘ : yond, and hands he @ meat to aneth- ved slow and tinted influcnee of the tar, : ‘ 5 tn | \ } ' nyse stir so, lit ti fottomanel rice regions where t staplGse uy : ; Fa fie tencal gee tite Y ! 4 i cr, and savs, or, rather shoud say: Wali ieee 2 Lt 1 Q ‘ tiwale rtheek ness Extent ey to ally of the oo ; Fee fe By its Sale tt neusrahzes the bitter a ; j 2 Ta ey vow eat a plilopena with me ¢ The oth SD ae ; : a Paes - : os es mu va ee a : See ep anay say: “Lai afraid,” and refuse or sling vegetahon, but berg detran ‘ ‘ Rec ba Prt to ee oe Grd Geniatseyod | sav say: am utraid, a ’ SOA fe i : ‘ ; } : tomy and accept one of the nuts, and cat it at tie ture of all grain crow | ' . So oy ; : - ee ah nese nant ' \ cheat, corn, and ‘ : The Phosphorie Salts Ce Sagat abs ee 1 \ ‘ : : satue tine the challenging purty cats tie ; chemical combination wri Neds ott hed Io cx Wve retiains b eu t Wen s vu nny i ator come soluble in Water, Atle ROP pry ow - 5) stk HEN 1% thie Cuts { (a ag § \ () AS ti { 1 \ t joe i i crat ner t bay tot ry -, } fs i + e] rt ! . a " e ; ic Vans thev separate; but when they | plants with a sufficient quantiy of ppt De Thee fia Nuh \ iui ert - Ae , A ee {dive alreel 1 is sth oor South, ‘for n ha ’ ee : we i pensable forthe production of a neh ero ! ji . : ? . ; ee reap A See Tea a rae ene ens “emti tenn leavin Oe et avain, the one that ean think to say ware Our Manure, ¢ fof dead anny s. blood dee : USAIN AH he Pat \ : Se Ce ae ae ae : 1) . ‘ te tee ip Plilupena’ first to the other wins the tor 1} ' we eanttn : tt L ecure GudeoMer else 4 of Heeb or Lin the Deep the che ; ' re and raw bones nents (he fallewiage ot t ( : | ry \ r i I mn een rreliintntimen mete | ay Gt which speaks for iteell, viz rete . ; A an L Strat ' st and most ae rates. by : i i Phosphate of Lime : 4 MW ra ‘ . lotice be—eenerally, amon clindre some tri Saipinte f 1 ‘ ie ' lant CoN ‘ ( tl t 5 ‘ Sonly cone spats Sat other wawoof descriptioga, it mpiy be said that ev aie Mudtie tule Wa eetle aire Sulphate of Lime, i : ee Teen! mpg folks, soni ie pp gest Mitreryp e Ncmones 4 Hos eck ! Pigeons i ONeR a 8 ' n 1 bor : incr Toate ENS Wir att SAUTE deposi er a sent, suitable to the condition of the par: re Aminomac Salte, - ‘ Nor can [Tow ade fin Mstiee tet i one tid tt ' ! ] t Ct eye rth inpos wl tands tobrooks of water, ee Lien tine Tale lon ie n a Ansa avle und lb st ay 7 State in this important matter, both fe ( tO SHE making ail the description of tabries unutains, and a tudt sate Gul ee fae ian : ey za) Soluble Salt, Chior, of Soda, &e , Sutphate ees Cu : ; : : : : : ' j fade tailor philopena of a gentleman moay immed wou ali cath is ey 1 ek [Oen ASRUGeneione AGMHe Mes TAVEM ITU 1GeN is [I Pryatien midoads t 1 fang! ' fOr War fhe) Watvitl tise Cari st be over es revs ane the oF whet and ele td J aes Nol (ih Rediee lt hie per Water and Lass, 3 L could wish. even were Tot tiated | fea bey ar vletion timated. and should) give a e@ontr t bartev and vines and tie trees and pom: Ae Taeet in the street, the Jady mav t tn 1 jot aut | ' ‘ et nil ( tie sel noof the | ty eranates; a dando Wea cha) Hirneny., | EA ie ees ea es linens Alfie oc ee puurtiepear sty t ( 4 “ ( ty i Lee 1 1 \ 1 1 lerrexsy PAT ATCS ¢ ib Js Lol e und uh 1G) cant, HO wrase [scomrou immice ee | tof a nation fommdey, t | \ t ' nat lower With thie And besides this, t tate itself is ex | OP." ley) ee ee Use Every one of our customera havin f wl ment of a nate ' WAVE ie et j 1 it ued i ' ae u 5 : wt Wet ; qi i onlin asol is getting old. Well, then, | aecept : advert dire So ' ( { rt & f retted {this deposit UsiVe < vet, found ecllent, oeine@ clevate mb healthy, abot : : I the Gini cemeninmaaiee —inicre i) Ai ST gee : ys ; ae u eee eee . ee ee : ne : ea Bat the genticman should never altiucte vt, ure adapted to every sod and crop, we recommendit alist bommdiess, are the mineral andy ot eertan kinds af fiubriesefiron for in workable quantities in the Deen river ding in frestt water and springs of the to her want of an article, but exercise his with the fullest coutidenes Wo eversrateligeut hemet ou theturiner, pe ' a ONDE iva 3 j teary Woalse toim valley, combined with the otierand hare purest qoality. No rezioa is more heal- ae ents ater Parenter We and plantauien owner whe Wante to secure te hors ; ; ; eel ol , i | , , wah pldsrement as to what wou aecepta i) 12 1 that om ov j \ at 1 nee Reis t eed ¢ ler ores found in snety et vrarredsunne cy fehere Tey Co) nich Tam now speak ; len nee : a valuable crop SOU to AO pound per a . : t ¥ F x Hee i e ble. Generally, i our he \ to win equently imereased the yield of the crop titty per tl SRTEVOLENS ti PA Wreelye 1} vtec ‘ { \ descr will enable the Governientte 1 COME we | hcbawweva. war dees upset nel by et a not new of tt Ver en {ra ed }otaeta ry deseription of Grom fishies, from the There isalsoan abandant sappiy of oak J LOTR yates ee i 7 «Th win Teatimonale and Pamphlets te be bid at the Of ane i : = i ‘ 7 a ; \ fete licereteeteedialee (anraeinvelt pani Ce rude, in this land of thivtt and fini LL, fien Ordera to be sent to WOME DTG bee TERS Se 3 aD Ao. : a Via a i ne Wel encl@um a ha ae 7 a bod a fad n Vf. . . ine : Sait ' ‘ é Syodl @ Fon neiemen ask 4 ake t He t Joop dean that ean dee demeviede poses as will be needed aoouta national} - 3 ‘ j (Guspecun (ipa, maisbary, NC giere cetively sonality uin ractesl the j yy t lope tatid tha lenny el | es one he thing is far better and more plea Chenrat Mato mere partieularty te tiere sell, ahun- Seeretary of Jeon das imetalment forany partof the mivah or miditary ae UTE, WETTED COMVOCTFCTE POAC. HEN intiv mm (in “Chori ties aimlec ie aa vn 7 ‘ | | } ‘act ! ! reatlso Limestone Lother suitable a ‘ Fe aia Laer ey cnr SOUT HE RN dant, and Towith addy taore walnable d foe noiisetiet wu) report partnrent \ limestone and rer suitable ma cial nouindeeeonive Cette nna Neiudl I posits of coal ane fa These are the at : 4 eau 1 the t Several very able and dnetd reports terids for practical use iia toundry, in . ft auviedk. WET 7 t . Ae | # i \ aD ‘ | : i : ‘ : Theo RGA OS remind. CM a ¢ t i j J N POR tieles of universal ey winch every TY tt the fallow Sie! til Gay ( ie been wa Trt t State ore , eee supply, i the country round aie lletine ein a [ju ; : | 1 - ek | ays its at We hen lot asl hat more | * secre dite re P paves tribute te ta scme slape, and ove fie ner sts, wlio i mor ea pen 1 it, ren, tay 1 K. Wha a we ae te : A. ; : . Wena srril ay Cotperln ied oeee G ealeave. crmaetin atu fin Mlicecammeenteoce feel qnimuibedl (uae cniuan evince li liver aleuvanyls ler eee es etl steaat nthe ae y t must, sa. de co avkn ai md agrien| “The impertanee to the putdie servic \} j Jade \ the vreatest re pplying al r ne if When IMO (Ihe Ash ‘plo } } } ) Sivonen’ tot fact , tisite tor : * fommdry 2 Verpash ©? ay A : : i J © fture, and their natural ofSpring, manu. of esta ee gu tration fonndry has caution and attention to the frets, me requisite fora national foundry {Cana eerie’ TENS ee haus GETING (Vn? le factures are the Teadinu object mans oer frig tta the attention of n ty mention prominent oy muchas TP have here attempted to state, ! ; = X Mies MELE CHARLES Pp. GRAY, Jfactures are the lending objects of nian va secotten bia utter 1 stom Tomy im ee roa ve ie ai ye sport is to bein. Let us suppose that a &C MAMMOTH DE VER ROEN attention, Teare nat whe tolls the purse, Consress ly my ecessors, that teth tessors Jolinson, facksen and Eimons-— te s ae SOLGETLSEI Gal a Gil Me onmirenis upona huly y she invites | t ! re | | ' ; ' t ) YState ( s trae other places miav possess somes > eata : : ’ While Pheld the articles of indispensable cn tit a eons a Soreront Conse 4 Pezied \ 1 } I ll and at the A : * ‘ fl 1 ' . A him to walk in, an at the same tim wt the Monuments, Tablets, &e,, woe, such as coal and dren. The former wey Wee Fis SURTEETC yd private date rc re Prom their partemar articles of material to an equal ks the talisina word If he ae ; Boe 1 fl } speaks the talisianie ri t wt ; en ne POWOMSING soci haeereny aia ts pnt ew fo tie at at fas ; try cheourages ine te {statements in their ips wreater degree than is to be Wl hy nav ceavi& in lee GS lus ten ay \ i f we ; ia ! : = ' , ents the offer to thin he as lost, uz ae oad pe Techs Uae ss ua) eee Un au t ie ESA y em ent 1 (oral WwW rare someof found im the Den OORT Ve O VS GOs: Sel : ‘ i byt j : : do vemoved to : eee w ue = iy ‘i ; less she removes the tan b elling bam SOLAS ESAS TUS asain EET TE IE es edi ime (inn ames Iesenteon rN LG Gidk GRRE) Grenunae thes can all the natertals be found te the same | : : : Marin Street, Opposite the Pust Offer, rt VS Ba peat ; fee ne tality? Til = to wo away. ) “ i Tod : ' Wrostor sll@liars nate world wery eiu y develop and estab i Ae CAL hay Aho COMUTING, SHEN cata Yana ney f I better i ' 4 ‘ hy fern e OPUPER TOTEM ° Ws it ! ye ae wa ! ‘ Pa ire - It she asks iim to take off his he i where he is prepared to receive orders for any or a , ‘ : ; hes LI ReAiyes cermin Ging (i ae Gitlter Gerecnye Gir aneb recet 1 (ee rwotleb ele crariie Wote mt Anal the (rest fis THT TE ese bt citON (Cat 5 stieue uit Higrate ant VAT kands of work i his tine ! d ’ i , , ee ie ta cere al rope Hast resotitery keep : to ited ‘ aetrat roy tsaot cont and iret il it \ ! | t Us earl . FAG pury to would tye Vid 8 4M ETCH eure WERE TTL Bate es Te eee : ) { k ) Be ‘ | i : . re mst stated) or ita pene ~ id 4 MONUMENTS, them, im same shape: tl credited that, with mitt SAPS Of liao pe New Vo: ak. ur Geven dlallares SU Y (he amir or cca, Wir ais Tih hy Very. ce Ul alee 7 ‘ : bh a UU os ” as Te As ey Tite : t lao 4 I A B L iD | > Inman is a eonte.buter to th noore, atl t youtdless Nper ton other tuaterials T have ena pane ] suita | Sypyut | ! } . ' | ! po bie for the king of © y deseriptiot sea nt TOMB-TABLES, sreat staple minerals, Whe Spin and ihe Cnitest States, swe sheabl wot hase 13, [pia very easy to works aed free of ble far the anaking of esery deseriyeien Notes | . “i re ther lee ' 1 2 hie nd absorl Tenens: hee + EET UE TI re Croverninent ¢ \ cm bat er open fb SET ban ‘| rh 1 ak. SE pyr i uw ' ofihe and HEAD-STON ES; °° t a at ; j f : ere , Giyecdh tis ro Man) Gay ING rata! qs sve ! ae od, as it were, the so-ealled 4 Sue ol ( a y It Vdmiral \ rom ) ’ 7 also MANTLES and FURNITURE WARBLER, “wala Geen tke fy ye teri neta : Wea een (ee eel “anne evan Ee ana 1 Uiaeie ong Aud Dthe ay ae : Eee shall be put up ofthe best material, Q ( on aiel ON iaas iB i ie i mn ee . Ril MN Wie (hoe mithy exercising rWitste wort for Cash NYE, Veni i being | : EEE 1 Black band in " \ . Cee heii gh port otter sous Iw Come and examme--the most firs ie ghd tid coal and iron, th { Acean Give: @uasdk aude en ram DA ee en Dah |e ace , ies eis Pi REACTORS AG fats, has drawn t | I \ i ' tential : ’ ae. Vay! ! ia ; oe tn Int au workinan, he will give his pos 1 } ) A ; : ; \ 5 v8 , ' for aonat oat cae ning Bamainre mean (oa bean eaneque vir SOCAL) SYERMG aipaal coxilhren teoomtase [i er ma Peat Laboratory \ rita vit 5. lene inlaee eaaiee T Copimetts Glue « : Se ‘ SVs INep owen that ‘ M FINE LOTS OF WARRBEE, 104 tes coffers, where they are vet safely lock 4 metals throu ; ' \ fa ceaaiie Ue eee TEN Nt ee Sees & ypen i on M4 Orders from a distance will reeeiwe pron 1 edupy and are likely to be, while WSrperont ' ' it Myon 3 la \ ; : oa hi \ thomder Weome Crorve | ne } rar tion, and no one eball be diseatstiod , Bes anil dan ; text ; ; moa | \ ( Vs ; a ie na ae ci \ ‘ \ CoP GRAY, Pr domestie and conine lb peolic et vk vn wp ; tien idk eel aS ae oe Chel uae tines sper lhe Saliabury, Feb. 15, 1859 1: trons, cqnal: adapitat { \ 7 ' a ' b al indo e Pe engnts ce o , : 1 Wen UTE \ ( oo vom | ae ‘ ( ew ( ; q cal all ad \ . : | eins att lee 7 b ‘ cn fat tt iB BOOK BINDING AGENCY... re. . a aaa the anlsantaces to le al harrsanied cpanel a. ak IN SALISBURY. th ant ‘ ie ae a ae a ae e { : [HAVE ihenilenenre tantirmethenn ioe telnet Itt \ \ A 7 ; Take eX : eo rx fey & Le have made arrangement with Mr dod Bar ser ‘ oli x ta , : Mea are ai proper iN vy vttaaat In Sababary, to receive and forward tome, orders in P ‘ ye ( \ ' ' \ in my line of business, and to deliver finished work ry t . , 5 fi Lente ' ela } lon RTA Shui amin Ley AN those ordering throngh hing AL work foome iinerals of coal at rand equally TY ri , : ‘i ; ‘ : ' f s this roplav t through his Ageney, shall receive prompt at blessed with water p , fer a [on it ' ; : r \ 1 i ; a . : and he executed with exactaeas and carr, both aa t oe ee a eae ie ; eae) hack \ ; | LOSS quality and atyle, and on as tow terme ne Banding PUPAE erements for Oring Pact TO se. Ae eo nie nee ; ; yare very 1 Basan, } can be obtalned in any part of the country ind whieh must come int en spite 3 Nery \ Poin vith rae p enn ae Lit to ¢ youn f al ue a ' i t t t rhe " Me { ¥ ‘ of preset rlutherto newt Her wae on \ ; - Blank Books, Ledgers, &o., mY aie ee : Pelgere eo rit ay Atay Canes Go. A ah ‘a veld , fs * For Clerkea of Courta, Registers, or for the use of | FSS Ti il eat m AG eutctant { ( t ‘ , ) t | rany antity, and at y feverv kK resentative she | ae ELL, Merchants, Railrond or Manutacturing Compan: nthe universe, | ler Yadk 0 varat KOEEG | \ : Cee enya , ane \ Bey ; ahem Har cin \ eli Rennie « ahaa ‘ made to order, TF Plain inatraction should accom.) Mitchell's, Fishers, Dan, Smith 5 North the hes pavity Wins, Wed ‘ i } i Nicine : ete | : ; len | ; ' tthe ' tre more than ay voresret that the opporta. summers \ sly ( pine 4 pany every order ; \ and Sonth Tow, Caney, Ivy, Swananoa, abroad for vest qneadlity af aren \ ls toon 7 ’ nin Ik i u ha pper v ee aah sithont ; , DAVID CLEWELT Rican iy Tehaanvtl 1h is Tuckascega, Ten-| national foandry would soon teach us to compensating for the higher wages in qity las not en favorable for my eol- ina chair w mnake one spring A Feb 9th, 1859 indo | French Tbroad, Pigeon, Puckasecga, \ : ‘ TIHPAD aS there is a notable « Legal Egfficts of 1 peating Hearsay Slunder.—In the last volume of Gray’s Massachusetts Supreme Court Reports lecision. It seems that a woman uttered a slander of an- other, and, when sucd for it, her de- fence, Was, that she lad only repeated what was currently reported; that she had no malfee, and, therefore, was not li- able to an action. Judge Thomas gave The story, he says, uttered or repeated by the defendant, contained a charve against the plaintiff of a nature It was a falee clare. Tt is no answer in any form to siy that she only repeated the story as : dit If the story was false and sanderous, she must repeat it at her pe- vi. There is safety in no other rule— slander cannot be trace lL Tle who gives it circulation, gives itits power of mischief. It is thésaeces- sive repetitions that do the work. A false Hood often repeated vets to be believed. A iuan cannot say there is a story in cir- culation that A poisoned his wife, or B poched C's pocket, and relate the story, and when called upon to answer, say: * There was such a report in circulation; I bat repeated what I heard—had no de siz to circulate or confirm it;” for two very plain reasons—that the repetition of the story must, in the nature of thin; give itcurrency ; andthe repetition, with- out the expression of disbelief, will con- tirm it. ‘he danger is an obvious one, and Jong since pointed out; and it is, that bad men may give currency to slan- derous reports, and then find in that car- rency their protection from the just con- sequences of a repetition. the decision. to destroy her reputation. Otten the origin of A Sone in the Vienna Theatre. —A letter from Vienna, dated the 7th of Feb- ruary, says: ‘The night before last there was a de- monstiation of another kind in this city. A new piece called * Montrose” was giv- en inthe Court Theatre, and the Empe ror, with several other members of the imperial family, went to see it. In one of the scenes an envoy appears and in- trims Mentrose that Charles Il will be acknowledyed King of Scotland, if he would consent to swear to the Covenant. On Learing this, Montrose waxes very wroth, anc rails in good set set terms at the canting hypocrites who would fain place the Church above the State. As soon as the words cited were pronounced, there was a perfect storm of applause, which lasted so long that the Lourt could net full to remark that a public demon- stration lid made been against the Jesuits, Gitting Into Society.—We often hear that it is dithcult to “yet into society” in this or that city; but this is nothing but the reiteration of a truism that it is diffi- cult to wet into society anywhere. Socie- ty, [ke everything else, demands an equivalent for what it bestows. Those intellizent selfsacrificing and agreeable, are never at a loss for society, for tueir company is courted, and society presses them itself, even against their in- clination. On the other hand, those who purpose making use of society to enhance their conifort, withont intending to sacrifice anything in return, are invariably repell- ed, whenever their object is discovered. Those who are struggling to get into a sphere which they may deem higher than the one in which they move, and who are | who are “above tuem,” invariably render themselves dis- agreeable to those whose favor they court, 1m succeed in attaining their ob- ject. This is all labor in vain, and vexa- tien of spirit, for, as in the respective worlds of business and letters, all persons fiiol their level, so it is in social matters. An individual may take an inferior or saperior position at first, to that which he showld occupy, but his every-day inter- th ins fellow-men will inevita- ily place him, soomer or later, in that vosition which his mind, disposition, ha- nits, tastes and feelings fit him for. Pitershurg Intelligencer. Who are obsequions to those Course | | aie a Cuts Slerping with Children.— A small Tors years old, on the night of rth Jan’y came very near loosing life by acat. Wer mother heard a strange noise which awakend her; she hastend to the bed where the child was iving and found the cat with her mouth close to tne child's mouth. At first they took the ild to be dead, but they soon vorceivedl it seemed to catch for breath FOCUS COPEL y- Aster two or three hours she was re- stared to consciousness, but has been very stupid and unwell sinee.—Galshurg Dem. me : Lying in Beid.—No piece of indolence tie leaith more than the custom of ne in bed too latein the morning; and vet this is the general practise in cities, the inhabitants sellom= rising till some 'the sun is up. The morning uudonbtedly the very best tine for ex- , While the stomach is empty and the body refreshed by sleep. Besides, the morning braces and strengthens the Whole piysical system, and often answers the purposes of acold bath. Let any one accustomed to lie in bed tibetsit and nine o'clock in the morning, yun spendan hourin walking, tive diversion withont doors, Lluis spirits cheerful and Scie ughout the day, his appetite Lis body braced and strength- hinits tine : td Vall ft She Lee foaned. \\ til, ot ¢ -Mr. dumbnus, formerly John Trea- ine rate, Was rough joxer, even in S twenty irsago, a verdant mem- oe Groneral Assembly ealled at the Winans {said he wanted “some in ido you want?” said White- \\ I don’t know,” said the mem- | Jo youn suppose T ean pay you {von don't know 2 \ teen pay me about what I have es ' ; ' said Whitehill, Or arNxep 1 tL member of the Legislature, \ and if thefs all you want, I pay off Gehat you've carned’ very Peas Bob, give this member that ten 1 ” tt mterfort hill weve also long ! [| Nunes (0) Beacon z Tn 5 ee = | From the N.Y. Express sentiments of harmony and univn by do-, | {497 The Rowan Rifle Guard was out | SUPREME COURT. Bank of North Carolina. A MAN MISSING. 4 | The following Letter was read to the ing Justice to sen eehas po nuareal on Satarday morning, and elicited much This tribunal adjourned on Monday) We copy from the Standard the fullowing wo | Easton, Fae Mareh +: | " Whig General Committee at its session Pe Pear Be we eT attention from citizens and visitors then last, Opinions were delivered on Sgtur- tice concerning the opening of Books for sub: | me aed ee ar ney a on the 4th instant. The sentiments ex Jp our town, The Brass Band were en- day, as follows: scriptions to the capttal stuck of the Bank of respectable merebant of this place, left he a pressed will receive the earty eudorse- ment of the cunservativé men of Gic coun vient public service, and appeals to an iutelligent people for its contribations by direct taxes, but by duties distinctly levied and honestly paid on foreign: im- gaged for the occasion; and, really, we must say this Band is worthy of all praise. By Pearson, ©. J. In Burnett », North Carolina: Thompson from Washington, afttrasing the judgment, Also, in Den ex dem an act passed at the Jate sessiun of the General “Notice is hereby given, that in pursuance of Manday for New York, intending (o return the ‘next day. He has been traced to the City Ho- ‘tel, Newark, and left there at about two o'clock, on Monday for New York. Nothing has beea try: {Practice and perseverance, with a com: ‘ j ; ean : B ; ports, with diseritmiuation when necessary vetent j have triumphed in this Clements v. Tucker, trom Northampton, Assembly, entitled, “An Act to establish the heard or seen of him since. He had considera c Doe ate ea A ee A 4 ’ Petent instructor have trramphed in this 4 i oN relies love appoinied ‘ ined’ get hiate ie , 5 in tivor of American and against foreign ices ientive : ral i sign aay al affirming the judgement. Also, in Doe Bauk of North Carolina,” we have appoiuled | big money with him, aud fears are entertaine ee , - SF Ss : Suse, t By, snerally do, eve ) vce . 6 7 a 1 ; . 278) » de; i Mairsspono’, N.C. Feb. 25, 1859. uterests. When last invested with au hitie r J Bee Bey ee ex dem Howard v. Howard, frou Halifax, the tollowing named pe ne iE) te that he bas been foully dealt with. He cane . . . sence NIG. : A : ye sueIve wu 2 s ce) per " ‘ ive . Gentiemes: Lregret that my absence riority, under the mild and just rule of SEL CWIT BMLENES Ol URI. affirming the judgment. Also, in Wick- Teseive subsenptions tu the capital stoc thirty eight years of age, five feet ten inches F a ati) 5 1 : b ’ . ’ . suid bank, wader whose direction books will be high, bas dark hair mixed with gray, grayish ; from home and indispensable engavements | tnore, gave due attention to all the = “-: ery. Worthy, from Chatham, affirming petied for that purpose on the Ist day of April ae Runeheot ferthelenunide ot his : - { ’ alave he acknow] re usat t “rests ute ale . tt = rag, , nei err I . ié Pay. ins, . 2Peced {a a pOSe amas on eyes, a bunch of warts under the left side of have thus long delayed ue ac know i dee nat nal duterest at an oe ails ek” The democrats of {farnet ( ouuty the Judginent. ee ? he ie v eee > eet, CO dll ldlkasiney aera diver yeath wilalOl chin: Ly lad on & black elutb (ck Goud, pray: ment of your letter of the Ti BS Caren fifty-two uillions of ae have nominated Hon. Warten Winstow |)? €duity, from FeO CUM IU) Osage inte ef open sixty days thereafter : ish pants and a felt hat. transmitting a resolution of the Whiz thouch there was an overflow ing Treasary f teat: C He j faccount, Also, in Alexander v. Torrence, - Ten (i, Pater Ie tbe re General Committee of the city of N. York. wahiets it constantly but vainly besonght y ave oF re-elec Hen to Conzre ae. 6 isa Cal Fre Mecklenburg; judgment reversed a Te i vu U. Kirkland, anes, ee } oe - : ‘ ee UE ean vane ‘ Pecos . At Charloite—Jos, HH. son, J. KE. Drown, |). : ee ea } be. aspect of afairs. Tostill more regret i hen faely ina oe r quarter that this trict convention, By Barrie, J. In Gilliam v. Henne- Wi Jee Z Friday al a Fea Oe eas ; Vaeure sg Frese lic i qauount of expenditure was ox ATRL o . cpieuey . ‘ 5 > AB , | rate tn er had been perpetrate me: Ch Hensinte aoe bation ee ee . a aR ul ° Dee SACL TES BiG e yaa Ne G | ime = jberry, from Chowan, atirining the judy At Concord—Caleb Phifer, Ro E. Foard, Ku- at on ey: ar anita manionlslhslf al enable me to respoud to this request in eariny for the jutervention o eInocrane =i nhl 2 2 | K | he . 7 ic ie ; Ae ounty, by a de r b, . ur the Watchman ment. Also, in Hunter vy. Routleee, fron) fus Barrin er, | A Mie be fj o We * ref she der : . x hinny } ; ‘ : Ot Res . ‘ * brother. Phere was some misunderstan ng be- a befitting oe r nh w ce under its author we Ue | Fayertesiuie, March 21, soy | Duplin, reversing the judgment and judg: At Salisbury —K. A. Caldwell, Jobo L Shaver, edo (uch atte Up cute Toe Geren You do ime me gat e wen ae ny seen expenditures mount up to eighty TUESDAY EVENING, MARCH 29, 1859 Sie ire Hmentofnon-suit. Alsuin Caroon v. Rogers, Sam’l Reeves. : deaf and dumb man wanting them near the classing me in the * ¢ ae a iia MELONS per une focal peak und : ne ' _ i trom Talitax, jedgment reversed and ve-{ At Lincolnton —J. FL Hoke, Heury Canster, granary, and his half brother, wanting them Was want t i. Wil. ase een Ai tees er Se ead On, ago by The Wj Sintinel . yet sie As you know, Ti left nire de novo. Also, in’ Williamson v.ib.E. Thompson. ei WoT Dorteh, 22mew bere ele, had pulled them down twice, : lave ame sbster hich tue vo soplic ¢ . x 3 \ elistr ‘ ce . Sent a) 2 © ottuec & , . . , y y— | : , i . head of Clay an ebste R ane s 11 wou ue iust p Wosoplic of statesmen, that te Winston S ntene/ is trying to make the ancient Burg,” oa the morning of the Bib, yy Wamsou, in equity, fromm Wilson, Al: ; At Goldsboro Win. kK. Lane, W. AS Ty. deaf and dump nian then, by signs, told his every He of pablo emer oe ae le EEE OL sails pawer aii at of using its readers believe that Jouyx A. Gian quite unexpectedly tu yourself, and, | suppose, lo ga, in Attorney General v. Bank of Char eel ‘ cei bo Daw M. London, Ml! brother he would shoot him. He tried, by : see danger, ls appeared it ; . SCR vil are often found ig different permis an abolitionists! It is more apt to that of most of my acquaintances. lotte, in equity, from Wake, dismissing yy, i ‘ adie a a ee) eras signs, to dissuade him from this, but when he ruard of the Constitution and a Const: sons, | ‘ | ; fae ¥ . es i 2A. Wright, ; ; 7 Hou~e Hulent hile rite and loaded t rind allU mon. wincha wheter tiie Lut our syste of poliey ; ; make others think hard things about the! Ono my way down, nothing of Importance oc the bill Also. in deukins vy. Hull, in At Favettevifle—Geo. McNeil, W. MeL. Me | "08 tte the tea br au Me ee i A ae ‘ t, futtonal C nion 5 ’ : 8) Policy is too well un ad livers erupt, When latiiec Sh equity, from Rowan, directing the ac ean, divllio, NE, deve and as soon as bis brother came in, he shot bim 1 of power in a party sense, las ever been derstoud by the country to need detailed — aie en © acrived! at ttie Company Shops, couuts to be taken . a \. “~ hod bo TL Dillard, W. Elling. tt the left breast, killing him immediately. He loyal to the Government and relied Upou exposition, and in iy opiaton the people a ewas 12 o'clock ; and having half an hour tur | . ‘ ; ae ay ee Hen Conk: lid double barrel gun and rifle, and ' to extricate it from ditticulties and save, are ready to return to i, (5 fie filha cet The trial of Sickles is set for Monday, dinner and to fook around, [made the best of). By Rerrin, J. In Campbell v. Craven, & a i : pee W. Woodtie. J. Patton, gf RTGS ons for some days, aid proceeded to a : air ‘ i oth 5 i ’ aah ; : Esse area | At Asheville —N, r ir atton, « i ; ; it from the antagonisins of factions and: and tried paths of Xperience, if all who) Yesterday.) It is said ex-Senator Banu- my Line possible. Su far as my observation ex ee ee ‘ ‘ie a P18 ie ~ Oras cls iis sections. Most heartily do T concur with approve it iv seattment will co-operate in) ER has been engaged in the prosecution. ‘tended, it made quite an impression on your J tGKiment for detendant. feasts et At Lestgton—Samn'l L. Hargrave, Win, ko Svewing bis determination, the coroner with lig . : ittee the sre should be an ae ; , | v. Wilmington Railroad Company, trom 8 aes vosse Were afraid to attempt to take him. We our comuiittee that there should be an action. They want Dot we , cal saes ‘ xz pany, } i y : 3 ; Woac War, tior rutmors =, aT humble servant's piod. It is decided] y Upretoy lite atin. tle iudument Also, Pelt, Andeew Hunt, understand that the lawyers about Hillsborough end of auitatien on the subject of slavery. ot war, but peace, except when a resort, Hon. Wan. ‘T. Haskell died jn the Hic eae Wer buildings aineitae Uully) Weranted (RCT RR Scie ee SCR UIC DLS IENI Si, AU Wnmorlkovs' dh, M0, Dintlysy, 18, 8, leiety ¢ t Tega eon ug’ sah ’ . . i place ae buildings my tastefully arranged in Day a oyd rranville. ¢ ’ wave it as their opinion that he was not amena- fhe : . ' : 4 mM Davis v. Boyd, from Granvi aterm , 4 ! In the Constitution formed by ont fathe to arts way be necessary for the defence kinsville insane asylum on Sunday week. and handsomely built. The Hotel, cree it . oe ' Mill 2g die. Be McLean, ble to the law. — Cherlotte LY. C.) Whig ere they inutually agreed tostipnlations!of American interests ang poe, Thus / a ianudsomely built. he Hotel, erected by jing the judgment. Also, in’ Miller v.} At Morgantuu— Kk. C. Pearson, M. C, AVGrt | le wa mame ao . mn ACG Mig. s ou this topic, which in the first half cen tury of the Republic were rarely misun derstood. Upon stecessive enlargemcnts of our borders and the institution of new States and Territories it gave rise to di pare actuated by no luge for conquest and dominion. ‘They are wearled of sectional avitation, and desire jf possible a restora: tion of fraterual feeling. jtravagance, they Fequire Instead of ex retrenclimenit, visions of the most serious character.— Governor Excts was called to Wilming- ton, lask week, ou business in connection jwith the Deep river Hwprovement, aud Was very handsomely received and enter- the ¢ omipany, ism superb building, and as well kept as jbas pretty, by that “ wordd-wide” ye nowned hostess, Miss Naxcy Hira uD, former ly of Chapel Hill, bountiful and well prepared table!) Here, track (How the boys miss her Cherry, in equity, from Bertie, no error “Hose Gm \Walione in the decree heretofore made. Also, in NUE keboroen ne Peebles vo Whitehead, in equity, froin) Mitchell, M.S. Stokes Northampton, issues to be submitted toa \t Wadesboro’ ~ II. 13. Hammond, J. A. Leak, jury. Also, in Tlanner v. Douglas, in Alex. Little. I. Gordon, Audetsoa -_ On Monday, a remnant fof the once powerful Cherokee tribe of Indians visited our town, to sell their notions and make AMtbough they could speak ! . - | Unuxnal Visitors, jsome purcha not by sudden effurts, made in dread of, Mined by the whole-souled people of that after track is laid down ; and here are now con peqaity, from Gutlford, injunction ought At Newbern— Alex, Mitchell, W. HL Oliver, | but hetle English, they excited a yood deal of A : Seas Tyan e vel ly costs Msn. has. Welly Interest. Their tribe once possessed this whole hese, upon two metnorable occasions, isple: . ‘i Warn city. . to have been dissolved with « » Also, ) | tle ae ed under the Asp ae “i fey : i CORY et threaten cu J stegated # large number of youd mechanics, re in Caldwell v. Justices of Burke, in equity Vt Washington —R. 8. Donnell, James FE.) region of conntry, and it was natural for us to we ec se : J 8 ic dhecreaaxe OIC : nee ; ; So g y } 54 \ ee POET SUR OM NG HD FEUED EA Data but | Poot Can Bs ; F Mississippi, Pag and turning out some as tive Cars, as from Burke, the order retuging to dissolve) Hoyt. Thomas Sparrow, desire to look upon the descendants of those who ; we Heury Clay 5 and, if the settlements thus oy a well considered reform aud correc Ta” Senator skOWN, Of Mississippi, Ss ; . ie 7. fe , ig : . inet Walhegr ( Vln ©, tat smee tral dite cen worthy call Canllad) tts cris 4 id asl re appr : youl | ‘ seer . , eevalus Bay (An een Pou ever came from ryond Mason anc Jauu's the lnjpanetion is erroneous. nthe ques id See a : Met : as ‘ ele : é in made were not approved t ay - thie : tion of abuses, beginning with those prac ‘made a speech in Tammany Hall, a few : * : ma nae a the powerot thee lorie Curme Me bam, Richd Paaton whoop vpen our hills, ‘The Cherokees are rath- i were acquiesced in, and regarded as hia ticed under the eye of Congress itself{—| days avo, and declared himself in favor U2 ; } ase a At Wihdsote-Josegih UoUChetry, VIL Wie apy halhonie people, and, unlike most of the ‘ by ahe «re: jority of the Ameriean ; Se 5 ’ = ; ; Court is unanimous; but Upon the con : (4p Yahe yreat majority ¢ he American in the departaient of public privting, for ce acquiring Cuba, honorably if we ¢ 1) But [had barely begun to see and Appreciate ‘ren af a Neh, Mean CJ j ston, Havid Guttaw Tidhians we lave seen, have a frank, open cown- ae Bn : u a, Mt : : : structio 2 AC ARSON J., dis : people. example. They desire, ins fin 4 a thore on as hen the le vose, ate ¥ suo FAM POS EE , , At bawloro hier Io Js a dleney 1. liewaae, A few anote years wi (fand them. in : Without designing to censnre those ene |. ; Een ee uitional mandi Ain Af te but forcibly if not otherwise. His robber “hen ae “ let louse, and 1 was soon sents. Chicken deta < ie \ , . tt 1 appy hunting grounds Bi u s : Observalive, di Tilget sailor lift . ‘ Fast as the tron horse could carry tie, NES aL s Ue Ce ye POULT CO . 3 tertauing and achug on a diferent opite | aoe in the public counsels, and need but Seitiments were cheered, Woe lea ik hig - a pee tee At Osterd —Robt bo Gallia, TL, Hargrove, Pendleton Messenyers Su ! : le \ , aud arrived at Raleioh Tninutes t o'clock, , é fi 1: : jon, more than doubt the wisdom ot re ution of effort on the part of all cuter TI tee ae Jone the Wl Dorants ll Ga eal Itc i tl ‘ It is against the law to Jangh at this, J. 0 Lin sjoba, iw “7: Su opening this controversy since the corm ter these Bent leet ay We ie Standard is vetting to don tthe tere emalned Lil a, when ook the more i NGA HSC el estitonl: \ Alspaugh, ; : . I t BUS Ne 3 ite these sentiments to effect the ' a ' Whos Fatal Aceulent.—Mr. Reuben Whitehead, Fal promise of 1950. It has been productive vieet of their wishes, reliability of the Northern democracy as #uelent mode of travelling, the stay, for this The Omnipotency of the Democracy : ae Wileor feat fetus Pisuical ly We UL [never ol Gee counth cee Ex it sjole Factions, : dis é ae o plac t eV ville Sam tL UGE Eka fines eAdtentae , 5 eles a of no result but Siutent, ist ae i , { um, with sincere respect, gentlemen, regards their support of the doctrine of Place: Or the true cause made manitest wiry ; ‘ theo _ nae killed on Thursday last by bis horse runoing al gracetul a ntentiot : i the distan : rae . Your obedient servant, protection of slavery in the Territories alagh, has some attractions, being regularly from the third Monday of Novetiber, ce Ghauri AUnern Creasurer im Ra SWAY Sith iin in a buvey, He was thrown Pi. 28, aNd sectional alienation amon tue ; > 2 : ; , . : poe poe Mae utls i he . F P fhe ee J roan Bee i ey ‘i h | ost mie scuteand To M i ee ni ements fie cagesh, required to pledge themselves id out, and generally level, with many. har in the vear of our Lord one Thousand 6 Goder the direchon of the undersigned, an (fC of tts a ee ae ' a pe i States. UF A SSLRG EAE LAURENT Sh Sura o Messrs. . wiips Phenix, lis : a rf i * ‘ : oer . j ‘ ; ne Vundred and tity yards, hung by the peck an ears in the North which have bee Ra cllcsan se fe - to do so, they will meet a total overthrow CMe residences, the streets of wood width, and Fight Hundred and Fifty: Bight, unto diected by the sand Ad eine aeliareink ie ve All ears in the Noy c Blackstone, A Dininger, D. L. Levy, } Leal . ; ONS S85 RTS Us USES RC Tes Ul " He was ayed about Ae disappointed, and which never can be ul A IK, Satin @Ginunacee. te SG, Thelin qaaanliesanae diminished, “eis witha ber Gorders some of the Brest men the eighteenth day of February, in the fin W COCK ES. 25 years, Mr Jobe Worrel was in the boggy realized. The law ot soil ard chimate Davin Wrens, Esq., Cor. Secretary. and they cannot carry this dead weight 12 We State. year of our Lord one Thousand Eight COT BROG DEN Athe tine atid was shiuhiy bust ae sai ly Ly qcavivs # - . , ’ f mire Sout e trrrns a oO be ; 1eaily the — in suShat Hetepone dan! ioe piel Lo neght, in a worn and difapy Hundred and Fitty-Nine, there fel! . ve. Turbor utherney, sct with the Jaw penned by lay : i eee : ; . ‘avait eapien ; - 4 .. lee Sa f ines i ( PES ROP BERSTON MON NRCIN 0580 lated stage, an almost to pirees, TP areis from the Heavens somnch rain in and RECEPTION OF GOVERNOE ELLIS Practicaliy, therefore, there is uo | Net an existing cause of Ciscussion on t vexed qtvetior Momtst thes of Ameren have their cornup the Od World vils, the thotarehies « CART Fayetteville and Coalti lids Rond, ol at Fayette Mtter looking round a short tune, | at LL oclock, on Wednesday The annual meeting of this Company was have been about and apon the country borderine i u onthe Pee Dee and Yadkin rivers as Mighla Lnportant ty Norfolk —The Norfolk seetie of an utdsual excite i be ‘ and Portsmouth feratd ot Friday says: Our town was the : EE UDU CLEA Hee ie . ; iene ate vuuinemroerentied liveth anteater) . 1 1 ont unless ne shall be fonod forthe @e Wot tree trom: the nee MAE LUG USES UAT ChUMAt ml nCtTON ley on Monday last. favorably impressed with the appearance of the hever theretofore since the days of the ‘ ; . er vesterday, from a Bos nn Procter it, we append anextract from a leading , oe . fea Aue: or wrnival of Crovernor Eis, who visits Wilmine Ay orice i flame. The political Nezation which ve Fett iie ey ee Fe We learn from the Observer, itis expected Pltce and 16 citeens, A considerable amount alheshy hits Gilten Gheeainngs an ake overt 1 Whe ran in thos ery, tn Ch oa »to enide the We desiigeg 7 Se eee Wy : , of business is sti'l done here. } bine ze . : : Hoon business connected with the ¢ Fear wi Win extract : mnay aspire to guide the future destinic “At Cis ineinent, Continental Kurope is ene 20 wniles of the Road will be completed, OF bininess Is smil done here, but nothing to bke tine pou ee : fas Hen ledevat ar St couscatently. anped! ; : : B Wwitatvina aon Heenan He ena S . vik TARTAR ie renee ieee eannens: frat eland, of the nation must consequently appe vastcanip. Notonly have the visions of long by Jat June: by Ist Sept and 37 nA CSE me hail Fayettesite hela the Beit remenibered that at a session vo Lees Or EATS aoe sabe h , tik Va one of the to pubic sentiinent on topics more ex pap Enluriine peatetledens A atigiatit ‘ + y prize, (the Western trade) she onee ha: ier sas erie en the woudl Gate at et wee : a J . ] nora) \ my a “aR nduring peace faded away, butevery one ow yeleteNuy mee rcuntrich jas been ace tw MA) nee had in} the General Assembly of the Stare ot Ee cos v : Hae kt toh | to. “They wil have two porta. — sive and general than opp Ph nn paring for immediate war, While we are wr? \ j Wal grasp. Fayettesile covers a large distriet, avid North Carolina ie batted foat the Weller va that work. tow i session | roth.” perl eet Waite ‘ or TG Meat ltexrcripeemereenrien rience 5 . 5 Nort) avelhy POLITE Gttic ‘ a ir at Work » zeal for the cstablisiiment of slavery in a tine, the resulution may lave brew taken whieh for butlding ail the ears, passenger coach Ties weil for tinprovement. ‘Toere are a howe City of Laleiv! the third Mond : ; ' Territory which must svon become aStve ie to plunge Europe into blood. Austrian and &8 excep te to beestablished at oy | ; ‘ ; + a yout Teale Nera © thare mday tan early hear ove ciilitary companies, at Oxo and regulate its own institutions. The Di,dmontese vat Pontsstre watciit! eich oti Wavettevilien Mir CS) [ayy A te Gee . Pea TEES AULT USO ayy Alay F Me 7 A15) i PA HE a iee enter af et pens proceeded to the Lhe ony theo’ aT ea North ee ‘ : ) ees oat pony MIS : nol we Car as Ehee mah etn ; POU y CO day fate spaceoal mint ee ‘ a SS arccuwientiisiccne: like tie TOS Sut: tiver, ferarsenieeaniiet, . hut so far a have beea able to learn, no new boday | t Lan - , i : aes Veen . , period is passed when this i ue, ke the a a HATTOW river The arsenals and foun S di CVSS, the Sunnie nude hrisey, fuepplitlss, dunten Ghee Haniert ry, SW itoreton and Weldon Radboad depot, and at Brittels feessew, discoursing on the doom : rod of Aaro:. can be pe “do to swal dines are at work day and bightan Prauce; hor buildings of conse quence, are bow bein erected Gye) se UIUC aS ID) a2 Li curacy, f , hd , We cel ae low up all questions Ginauondl pul to ses are bought up, clothes and shoes are manu. liere, have taken this contract AraC I notice a goodiy number of store houses mpty ALD 1559, it was en tered, ammony other about ball past seven ocluck Ube roar of cannon of the worle teas the following remarks + ‘ Ip ale quest? Loni BLO Ny = , ; . 5 1 ES UBS ‘ - areata rare years 4 0 eed Utne Loof the n our dis é obstrnct, as for vears it las done, the at. faetured with all haste, and thousands of men DB. Macrerr, was re elveted President, of as well as dwellings. Rents are lower here tha, PPO Ione then and there made tor ena |anteiocod ce arnic ta eo ya “What this chance is to be, we dare tention of ( ress to the national inter. fully equipped for the Held are ready: for embar the Company fh you bhitve the fish to swim up and over the Unguisteed guest, who wats Ae Tells ASAD ey even conjeeture, but we see in the 4 t jon of wress to the nations 1 ! ; any. with you . G re h (COMIN Lee Of receptic des ae , - Cormeen Fire 219 MEKRORUIKY alenane kation at the Algenan ports. Austria, on the Oat shallows of certain streains as follows: Ware hy th UULRERSSSCA aU and Me en eenn themeel yes rome traces of de- 3 a) ssts, and tu prescribe as un we trust SANE . : ; : : ' ace \ ’ t - tle 1 ts } A ,, g an x 5 (atin ¢ mace > ‘ a i by the tritary to the Carolina Hotel, where all who do nor sit be ty the tears uf Cl Me. In spite of debt, disaffection, and tha Gas Light—Onr Town wae lighted Phe building of the Westetn Railroad i ly “Be it further enacted, Zhu the chan hearty welcome Was exteuded to him in behalp 2ertetive elements and some indications s La polit lo loxy set up by ex Wotat oun: fete ee TAU neddotn lenietn with yas, for the first time, on Tiimrsd Ty eC Oe al Pall feel cont will do much a,,7 up th mid Pee Doe anid Vudhin 4 bur Gllizens. Wy nie ee fa oy, SL Gyan power, the fragaients of broken a :. ee. - fthe obstinate warlike spint as er mine . , tae : . ' , a " Ce - : , Mozens, by Ow TStiAn, “ ‘hve a _ 4 ; : 0 on either side. Teens ie i aud they evening last. Nearly all our Stores and (earls therea ha Wa making the /2ivers, SHLAA LL be of si pierent depth of jos Hovey Mleas\entilctiie rnnicel alee et Pltnets—the descent of meteoric: stones f ped rat r . ‘ ae 2 ye HAtwGcuielitetonelsment i Guled ' ereete tah CE. JEU UP) Tee EMULE CATIMeNI EME LON ter cee fise coUpen our ylohe—the whirhne comets In view : ee marched 1 niws to the points threa quite a DoMber of private houses, were Hors) calles tet BADE MAUS woud ccrele 7 LE AEC TEES AY ASS TGP rae A ae SO SES i Sbrtimaigy WOE i it public mind, yt reveared thre { [Berctyrelh Bec, ease Buren ee Satell } Nard ty nore, tad the Leuislature extended recess have beet expected from the young and talent: Wielding ther loose material at the solar i aes ) ee i A : fairly Hooded with the riel Heh 3 2 fi ‘ . . . ¢ rl BitGee ray t slrtace he le S erdgttons 5 7 gaickened appetite for the aequis pork fieahens but or repaired, strona —% uly weed! Le Me Tara ' NG UNE aid to it which it was muhtfully entitled to (A true extract from a ratified act of ed orator, Governor Ellis Mepdy Was More at slrtaee— thre ME CHUTC Grit ey Ost | Cuba, and the very extraordin prvtits tode stronzer, ata! the whole resources of Cases almost equal to voon vay splendor. There is one feature in the composition of the the last General Assembly of the State i sth) he acknowledged in betitting terms the own satelite: —the appearance of new stars 5 { } } qk } ) ° “ Une xpecte nd cordial greetine te | i nd disappe ‘eof others.—are fe - recommended tuo 1G us anew party a tist nee military ore Q brousht to bear Phe Messrs. Myres ont-shone all the (leson Pvedecit? Iu nieeaien | It wilf be seen further that the Demue. lexpreted and cordial greeting ty met and disap pearauce of others,—are all fore i . : weople, of Payetteville wt eounty, that ‘ tthe dsof the epzens tet stor ' ‘ Cray) pendine conv device, having tor its OUIRCU Lo Uhre sce ‘I rest. Their splendid store, as lishted up | racy were pet content with providing va With atthe handsof the etazeny of Wilma sous snadows of that unpending convalsion to a new test of party fealty, sad of that neh partvenlarly adinire, and that is their diberality ed thes Patriotism apd enersy, and alla which the system of the world is doomed, sutticier thof water,” but, to make ‘ which is about tu expire. Tt shonld ever |v jotlous of France, would han wo to war te OU that evening, surpassed ee HI OT Witte tlie Lemslature was Delping, with a lav nears eee He ae Wan ae a AU SERGE No UTNE NG ee Ths placed on a planet which is to be be Vorne in migdethar the exon PAmoia’s reheat occupying the Lege the kind ever seen here before > tnd jh band, all the other portions of the State, the jah pivers irite end uingell anand Galtotl at ae work, nee ae Fear awl a USNS Tainan upoand underheavens which are their territories was not one of then jects : a Vrase t Hanover, Ravana, pasos. cattal, it issuid by some, to the brilliant Representatives fiom here, f think, did uot OP the channel of the Pee Dee and Yadkin nee ie ates Liss : ve Pea th oo | Or pass away thus residing, as it were, for which the people of the United s:ates i ‘ Ayu he PEt " displays of New York or Philadelphia. pose it, althou dh it was turning trade from them rivers.” Hye orn ‘Ah core iioee Valeo ah am on the cometeres, and dwelling upon the entered into the Federal Union. [tis ie ee eet deere Reine ae van by the-way, they have sumptuous habits, Uhope the Western Road may more than meet Now, after this let him who will be applause 4 Py Hee oikanee Ge tear tauselcums offormer worlds, let us learn true that in he BiG oees cals our Wistr el to hee Goraqent ' irae _ faubidden ; they lon ated onatriflein the ss ayot ther expectiuens and that the wealth of t lieve in Spicttaalisen. Let Maury took to pee anow of bis remarks, The reception was a HRARG Ure sre ot taunting ‘wnt wisdoin, if we mnagniicent Gomains have been acquired, eheasties aravinlenne cian pia in Untanwelinn fowls Tia tc Dbepaleiver cnenitry musscnon rill un dh sieii ellis melecral wy for wet seasons and for venerad one: Paty differences Were torrotten 1 HAeE ine im en alee ady tuughtin the school Q adding greatly to the national commmercr en ise Urecctsecti ttn tiene SSNS) ROD ERE NBA Ses Taye) Ie teehee itacete Fe andl coctine (UES Meret OG pln Gaps coe IL, att: aimenaeawer | pay de respect tothe Governor Of revelation and power, but always of territories teever, What passes in the vastand silent “#Cevery bedy likes to see pretty things _ ee Fa OE IE a signal proof of ther dominion over. of the State. Waenyton Herald “+ iguous ty our own, or the main land pire of the Cz a Snot sueasy to learn with aud Vinit pleasant places; the Mesara, Ue founer prosperity of the old market town ot the flugde, look toa the Democracy for rain SESS God» Protection to the Young Deer. the continent, by treaties made with the secur vy, bet there are rudiors of troops concen-’ M. seem to take real please it provid: the State and “sutheient depth of water for the Pee rae isrowntowe mAkinereol tees tric anes An old Canadian hunter declares that Ss assent of fair sovereign fora reasona tr tu Poland, and we may conclude that ing for the eratification and entertain The United States Arsenal. on Hay Mount, sage of fish,” hereby humbly confessing! 4, HT wvsimpiiem oh niiyes {ifs Ben musa, anes the reason why the wild deer were not ble equivalent, or by Conquest in war ' sno abeviation of the burdens of an re afd i ie lec al presents quite abeauiful apoearance, (he wrounds that they are vastly eifted, as URS RN) ACC ray clin Weinman ondlarunt to ~ rove tl Killed when youns, (as they only breed : These, however, have been buteineidents ati ace, Bat when we turn to our own Met of others, by ordering with taste wing well laitout and ornamented with shrule te be, with the power of naking water. (and oularee demanding MSactimedten | was ONCE BW year and are always surrounded in our course, and “to form a more per: Country, we feel thost keenly the situation of at and elegance, every appuintinent about le i Machinery ofevery kind forthe construction Is it nota pity that they bad not made LAP eeRTTA Roeser sty ¢ onigress that the work could by other animals which prey Upon them, fect union, establish justice, increase d firs Are these exacuiots never ty end £0 Are their establishment, displaying, in person, of ee en tiie atu, i" : ae _ ; Sencnottiuie water in Deep River, ani thadtane sien cravat lenge. entire aie tite ns doses, wolves, bears, panthers, ete.,) is mestic tranquility, provide for the common a se apprebensions never to t vallayed { Twen those litde civilities and attentions which ' _ f cl . 2 a re acs { ie “ ‘ meta the “channel shall be of sutticient yexpense Was concerned, in order to obtain. the that ne doy or other animal can smell defence, promote the general welfare, and Uiter millions mul hee “ Arualted UTI aee nike up so much of the happiness of so an Se oa he (eM: Viale Sioa, depth of water” to swim boats? Wiis heeessary appropnavon. They accordingly had the track of a doe or fawn, while the lat- seeure the blessings of liberty toeurselves 1°" : as ie : : Mh ane ee Halen ietence ; AE be manutacturing arms within the burders | notf Was the late body merely fishy ¢ thetr estimates nade by archi sand engineers > is ton Youny to take care of itself!" — and our posterity” stl remain t ES Veh pnatiniesae the since a Get i ms . Hees Al a of the ( ue North State. The attempt nay be bold, but there newer, “pea oath, In every instance, afterward, it re Tle stated that he had often seen itde- purposes for which the Government was / sy nd atl diecieatth fihetrtien ev edtis much we can say for them with The North Carolina Presbyterian published was despair ina gallant enterprise when quired trom (iree to five ames the amount re mnonstrated, Tle had taken his dogs over } we ertablished. 1 do not know that, under okies, hm nreaecuid by aie Wma (OM disparagement to other mercantile here, is duing well, having over 3,400 sulmeric “Surry” was saddled for the tleld, ported, We will spreify two rstances, and we the ground when he just before seen them Ou all crrevinstances, T eheuld say, with Mr ‘hat he Mayes ean be then off and we may think KenUemen it oar Town, admirably suited bers, aud coutantly reeciv ng new aecessions,| We would suggest to the authorities of ee a «to look al them, The new Pass, and they wonld take no notice of Moat eto us Cuba OREO rappers fortunate if ho new ones are imposed. by nature, experience and cultivation, for [ts success isa Strong proof of the State pride our native city, who have so don been VOM! on the Capitol was to have, cost, accord the track, and conld not be induced to 4 me may come when ifmay nt acl NECOssary to enlaree recruits foe talks continually of ft osoldiers, cher rafled thanting the tavy, cats cannon, aud the business they pursne. Indeed, we be heve there is no other Town in the State, of that detiotaination «and the approbation of the puble, so fivlnylys Ypressed, must undoube : : Moy to the estinates of the encine ors, KLOO G60 trying to vet an increased depth of water ES : aight sug sum for a eupalo ona pubhe build Appomattox River to send for i ! ing sutiteoest RIGHT HUNDRED AND in the follow when taken to the spot, while they would dustantly discover the track of any sand even te coveristands buidi vonvulnerable erat.” “White Surry” and get him to do som IETY THOUSAN Peg) , deer tot baving young one Tins is but ce : . j fi te. \ ‘ I: Nie bok 2 ; i uy) ’ eR, ns is bu fthes Pout Jet all such events be the . which can produce, from alike number, edly be gratifying to its worthy editors, agian Jeans oT Ue a il DO UN (es JTS ch, : Padanin » 4 =o of the ser rut let all such even i , , . lewislation forthem., = TLe night, too, com het, cemmresanen Phe door leading into the ONG proof of the adaptation of the natural _ d resulta of tine and aecessity, and effected ieee ntte=diiy ( Textone Guninin e 50 many AL uVo lt merchants and business | ROWAN. | ne thre nel of the James with that) Cao i AHS: oh a laws to preserve : when i 08 2) : i Saevticat.—The Charleston Courier of th 5 | vine the chat Me E Capitol, which wae to have cost tea thousand, preserve life When it most needs. without injustice or loss of national ebay het; alas gentlemen as this. If any doubt it, Jet Baretl Wh of the Appomattox, 80 a3 to make one actually cost FORTY-FIVE THOUSAND Dy iit, j Protection. > Thea stratic Mr. Fidlinore ; aura | or the Watchman es oe ww See ” ee a ae cle ap : mult rat ao . ih be “Has not our friend of the South Carolinian them come and see. They are always rn Cig Sa Moral ! Nannie ue thus “Big i oe and LATS Phink of res countrymen, ad au | rompuy refiscd the overture of & ahd . . : a = Lowy 4 2 y Maret ve ’ ‘te ure , 2 8c. Wer our question any of yu ave tol ¥i : ah p | “ f been “sucked in) by x case of iiberal subserip- | ready tor euch a test, as well as to dis- po Litde Petersb ne Se voth be ac ees ow many of you have tuil-| yp Ay He Ditwt Wiss Hor.—The an- and France for a stipoiation tuat nerther t * peported by dhe Wiliwenin Journal ss Mu. J.J. Bar ser comuodated,— fu/, Leegister. ed from bos hood to old age without being worth | | an i oe of the parties would acquire this ReMi ne eee ae . eee play their wares. Jone half what Democracy pad tor takioy one thor of = Heart Pietnres assigna the fol- ' je i l Pat : If we have been, itis on so vrand aseale that \ Dear Sirs © Enonuh, is (jurors “8 jlowing sutlicient reasons for not kissing ~ and at the same time declares a Me . 1) ' ar eee i oo | ee 55 ae S . 2 door ! $ ae epee ae ma ft we shall uot unind owes HH wey A r ‘ ee ro , ; enough of anything” is an old addage and ean) An English View of Webster, Girat-| tte way this game was played at Washing-| Mrs. G: F pL Sees MO UIC SCN Chih) Ms > solution of our cotempo: sdoubt to the Wil ( yte 0 ye rede bt The ‘ A ‘ ‘ a i f 4 ' 18 F : ‘ MON OF our colen parity sc th tshington Monument So (NifA UNE pee Fins tied to this newspaper Railroad war, tan's book on America, lately published ton. was 1 nisss Lalwore hee fe tyl Le Lain auch a good husband [ wouldn’t. 4 transfer tron, Spain to any other Pirepec iinamcon fornia South FU eubaoan , i pay : i , y } ton, tus: La ts were allowed three to [Me C E an) Powens and the entorcemant at tiie 28 0 ue , Washington Monument (at W ashingten) with truth and Propmety, We were glad to see of Daniel Webster. Grattan has the rash. | five dollars per day, and required to se. even be guilty of the appearance of dig- 4 . f ‘ Bee eee y “suck in” ¢ 5 : 2 , ‘ ‘ , . F i aka mee 7 ane i ieclaracnn Salltintegunantcneetan en 7 there be any suck in ce the matter, hag never been finished, as our readers that the Tovestigatiag Committee had looked ine Wess to say that in public Webster “was evipt for that amount. and receive one half loyalty tomy sweet wife. 2 se t if Ne Bon , MO Fh einaveertias) Gn he subscript , ; ag nf : . port’ } Pre tol aie A 4 . q vould see ' : i é or require The Some Hin off Whe 2 i agit f the Cheraw and Coatt are probably aware Phere has been no ty this inatter, and were also wlad to read Mr ponderous rather than powerln} In ee Hey were told the other wis to Bort atiatain tr Chany Saou Se ral ee co een Sine se , bethe capital stock of the Cheraw and Coaltie! fs Gurkwlta nace fur eoeen Wise feta ; ; ; ; ciety he had none of the lightness of a the party, and that, by retain power, they) T don't think Mes. G. would fet me. ‘ sd State * iH Me a , , . one of Or Severs ars ie sable repo ‘ , anc » read ¢ Y a a ey ; ie c ; ’ | Koad was inate, as stated by uss and the com YE ERG WET) AN) UE EREASSTAON (O15 Cla) Cres teas) ey man of the world nor the weight of aman | would be eoabled to give the parties other work = by sulfcient macs PAH Ot rat ce Lo tae, ppsantnt the cet Iwo 1a been stinding in an untinished con-. that was directly relative to the Road and its). ¢ ; ” , é tod Phe { : r 2 a as 2 tac, g t | 1 toad g Biot zenias <> and farther that, “ag ta the | te do fe same villaoous pame was carned é 2 4 aspiration for ie \ wth viii ‘ Mitten, havin been carried up only some managemeht. But when sensible hen forget Aone lawyers, and orators of Enrope out in large contracts, and the heads of De part bev ry girl who intends i qualify for ‘¥ should be taken nestier to su Caroli the North Ca ae i : ae Voce Wesaee 5 ments shared in the profits. The ety of Wash. | marriage, should go through the course Ae Te, atte Gn Invest ) nd i of 149 fect. We see that the old society, | that they are men, and engage in personal dis O'Connell, Brougham, Peel, Macaulay, ; i f Fee ikery. Unfortunately, few wives $ , Wor ta borden thie t <Srth) : . ; aA ton is now liter : 4 are iy; sookery. suf ately, fe 6 g tion of the country with exac ee : ya) a Under anew charter cranted by Congress, pate, instead of disc tasinig with wisdom andean- Shell, Guizot, Thiers, Berrver—he cannot! " : . aw i era i i with thieves, am Pa ene Ce ena ete ne co Y with exac Naty ‘ { ' tal :) 5D ’ oe a : : Re doer , Stealing by officers 1 re Crovertianent, ty the. ¢ é anki 5 : 28. RB, A dreds of millions to pureda ~ 1 bin wo years, has been reorganized. Under this char- dor the great matters entrusted te them, it is he ranked with them atall. In . legeaunice order of the day."— Welmington Herald oo R, fe the Gil that weanay lous rare cating = Giierwise 4 \ We tint foratontresntontnt tie lens ig to be ough to tire and disgust all eval people of style and diction he was inferior to 5) |, ; m ma - i ann : : j he . , Everett; in fhiency and quickness, te Caw | PICONTC dose orders were laconic P. ed domains. And when owe know of : Kit was iy EAE SEY 4 Has AUrreritine ie en : 7 Anil with respect to myself, it will reanire an ’ : : Be : : ‘ 2 a ty that ¢ ‘, vot f ; qt | it sta exottein Vr lent of the Soci ion aie t Fisher t tel | Hndge Story: in bold Persitiasiveness, to Trouble ina Roman Catholic Church Aand to the point, which F rederick II certain tin uba ‘ - A exper sher to cate ve reading ¢ ore |, i ; . = tl s ) : 18 minon ge the f ssratifled. that such subsenp the Maverof Washington city is te be fl i - BEETS OST SB ND Clay: in sententions and anthietical terwa: Priest Suspended. — On last Sunday afternoon,’ wrote to Gen, Salmon, commander. of tig roposi WR plile = . cor ations se tle ( . ” ’ y te . nen ny fitiet Ae dh fot only novest bende within te two ven. Np tirst View Pre sident TGR Siciety wns) ee ealol TU soM ities tor nt | aoa ness, to Calhoun: in fervor and command Chere was an immense vatherng inthe viewty Cleve: “if the Austrians come in my o yprietors, bt am toe 5 i ; ; ; ‘ ’ Newey ‘lone Ul Youd, from F will take a greater Turner to turn my mind. of langnave, to Presto ot St. John's (Romano Cathohe ) Church in Fife territories tel] Hienriiev avant ke 4 ie toy yy x x folly ercanized,an Wednesd lh (rem taf of langnave, to Pr ihe Y lave toistaken Wt . od ete ( te lea be Codie ' ; i] ( than Thave seen yet. Tho’ the controversy may eth street, New York. The lerald «ayn the ws their way; if they begin to argne, make INGHEYS tor its purchase, at Oa) ‘ f - eort was elected seeond, and Os ? <2 keanlilaue wi ‘ . jose lig i . . f a aie: eae press wed te cloarter was wast ‘ OEE Fang on hike a Leuch, neither party will be Min 7 inblage was chiefly composed of the members them prisoners, if they make resistance : Paras Ais EXPER? quits a hel ' rename berry third, View Preside tive TR AN ; , fy Sid, - Four children, two boys and twa of the above named church, who met to hear an cuuthennin pieces,” : ’ = denall the ¢ ces done yc ing 6 : a A : Wiiie poucy, coutlemen, ts foande-d fe anthen ear “ IISSHATEOM Siti Treieurer Ai) Ahelhn (©. Beans Ue Pees ney ceo tn girls, were barned toe death in Forsyth address trom the Tv Mr. Daymon, in vindica \ is bd * r = “4 ’ , Fj . ’ * . ° ‘ 4 NO one idea, Pinay fornys the sa Wreqran | aan; { > was about ; J very uncivil contention before the public county, Ga. on last Friday myeht week. tion of hiawelf on the subjection of his suspen ame Secretary Renewed and Vigorous ef a EB j ) } 1 ; ‘ ae me a of a teuporary excite toexpen al caer rR at Mo ; ios Yours respectfully Phe parents had yot them all tosleep and sien by Archbishop Hughes. Tt appears from Phe oldest picce of furniture ia the mul- : . ‘ | ur torts are tow to be made to push fo d i AE a tle tarts in tlre pet lial thapivers ‘ratill an ite enerries wow tm Watts inl tow k a omnat inte Onn push forwar ase then went out to spend the evening ata | ets in the case that the reverent gentle man tiplication table. It Was construc in x i abl aN ructed more Dpon Cuba }t Im tis fb frome an frietied, M M u, actin w With a this work Phat block, now lyine there ’ ; netwhbors horse, and on their return M8 discourse to his congregation prior to his than two thousand ye i} 7 vie 9) Phe Bank of Charlotte refused to pay ios ’ 4 : ner and years ayo, and is yet ho warrow platform, forme! t. 1, fer spur ! JJ tot os k t © end orsed tlius : pay found the house nearly consumed suspension, made use of the expression that hell 48 good as new ° preted in different cectiona « ent stock, bat allowed the outside public te eure x an increased tax demanded uradler the reve was paved with the scully of bad priests,” for mee tiie Mean arnnen lin ORTH CARO Heractot [Satco7 Whi eve fie hee which, conpled with the fact that the reverend 2 Meanings; but ait looks te alt great for afew 4 i : nhne act of 1856 (7, ang the case hav ing ; interests of the nation ; ne ay odd thousanad dedlees wort VINA Canaiitp to the sipreme Court. tt wae iy A loeofoco exchange says “the conn. gentleman is too enthusiastic in hia atyle of A billte prohibit the marriage of white , 4 fil er ee ca lethal x 1 } reaching, caused the Archbishop to order hia with bly Jk Ds Federal Government. an hey Fallon vefthe on wk anne es herald i oren tn 1, ral . lawton: try in alwavea in danger when a party | x. } with Wack perrons has passed the Wie- x sf a oan atari lbeall Pane ean Ty . Ut ete pn cided that the tax wae un awtlual, because La) 7 suspension Rev, Mr. Daymon is a sronelyte | o t them by the meane committed teats pow ech, i (Wann “at * wante office It always iain greatest dan : t : consin Leyislature a Cen | Hance witlPthe letter of the bow it being te better taste and more creditable to the levied on the franchises and not on the ‘ from Jroteatanism, and is 9 brother of ¢ apt ¢ or, While abstaining from tue exertion # : ger when the democratic party vets oftice. : ; . | cu : : ce save the charter Qur friend, Mr Morrison, we State profits of the institution 5 76 Daymon, of the British war steamer Gorgon, of . ] kid of powers denied, HW contemplates the Asee ate gratified to know, ig in very good eireum +<- 7 ; the Aciantic Cable fame. He declares his inten Abingdon, March 19th.—Ex Governor | in and beneficent exercise of those confer Maite seOmU Anni imac lei attains Fatal Erplasion —\¥r, Fmoraan waa kille ae The parent who wonld train op a child. gon of building «charch at bis own expense, David Campbell, of our town died thia 44 ne ta : / ) . & | y ; a red for the pnblic good endeavors to We think we baye given the solution near Natehez, Mise, by the explosion of a Ma In what ship have greatest number of in the way he should go muat go the way and his congregation have declared their ynten- Morning after along and painful illness, le ~ allay sectional excitement, aud to promote, Wilmington Journal rstand portable engine in bis yin house, jen been wrecked? Ovartship! jhe would train up bis children, | tion to follow their pastor, | aged about 80 years. ; Do s e : et t b t l i o n se ee re e ee e h Oe ee 4 pe e — ar o SE R S SI E MARRIED: Ta New York city, on the 22d ult, 8. H. Westou, Pastor of 8. Jobu’s Episcopal Chuich, Mr. L. C. WALLACE, of 81. Louis, io SARAH A DEVERELL, of the former city. FAYEITEVILLE MARKET, March 10. BACON, per ib Lig a i2 CUFFEE, per |b. Rio, 12h a 134 Laguira, 15 a 16 St. Domingo, 204 00 FLOUR, per barre!— Fainily, » x0 8 5 90 Supertine, 5 55 4 5 iv Fine, 5 30 «5 aU Cross, 5 U5 a 5 wu GRAIN, pee Lashe!— Corn. 100 40 Wheat, 095 » U 00 Oates, 65 4 00 Peas, BS a0 0 Rye, 90 al 00 CARD, per lb, Ph 18) SPLRITS, per gallon—- Peach Brandy, 00 a 1 00 Apple do. new 70 a U UU N.C. Whiskey, 47 nS Rye do. 65a 70 Rectified do. 40a 45 NAILS, cut, per keg 44 005 IRON, per lb— English, 4a 0 Sweedes, common bar, tha 00 Do. wide, Thaw 00 WOOL, per tb Ika 19 TALLOW, per Ib 10 a 00 HIDES, per |b— Dry, Ka ld 00 Green, 6 a 00 SALT— Liverpool, persack, 1504 00 Alum, per bushel, 60 a 00 MOLASSES, per gallon— Cuba, Bene Qn} a 30 New Orleans, 45a 50 SUGAR, per lb— Loaf and crushed, 15 a 00 StCroik Porto, & N. Orleans, ny cy CLOTHING, y E have now in store the Jargest and most complete Stuck of CLOTHING we have ever offered for sale, comprining every article wanted for the Spring Trade We will guarantee otr Clothing to be equal m rl. wv > i la oe Ua STYLE and QUALITY to ANY Goods in this market and at Lower paices than they cau be purchased. In the assortinent will be found, Black and col’d Cloth Dress Frocks, Super BVk Tealian Cloth Drab Dr Alpaca ( Super Fancy Caps and Tweed Suits, Fancy Laven and Marseiles Do Ex Whie Marseilles aud Linen Ce Linen Dock and Drili Corts, Brown (ieuds White Buff and Faucey Marke len Ve Plain an figared Sik and Satin Black and fancy Caps. Panis, Linen and Varseill)s Bosom Shirts. heirinterrat toex. @ Ela and oats, 1 du Allin want will find i to amine our stock be'ore purchasing A. & W. MYERS No. 4, Granite Building ide Mar BOOKS FOR SUBSCRIPTION Ee the Capital Steck of the BANK OF SAL Path ISBURY, will be re-opened at the Office of Jous LL. Shaver. in this place. on the first day of Spr next, and will remain open for twenty days ‘The Charter of said Bauk may be see Ke A) ECMO GTI SE AM NE-BIT, = BR WOORK = M OWHITEMEAD, } = SV ORIEN ES. 2 MICHEL BROWN, | = JAWES E RERR J ® Salisbury, March 28, 1559 4th MANTLES | MANTLES | A. & W. Myers, RE SELLING MANTLES lowe LAX have ever heen wold i this Seenon of a handsome SILK MANTLE, for $1 Latest Sivle BRILLIANTS, than they Just think WO of ihe ever sold on the Cheaprat this country —eall and see it we are only asking 15 cen per yard, Worth 25 A&W MYERS, No. 4 Granite Building arch 2 44 New Good ' New Good: Wh WOULD RESPECTFULLY INVITE THE ATTENTION OF THE PUBLIC TU OUR SPRING STOCK, Just opened,—consisting of oO o =| 2 9 STAPLE & FANCY ORY GOODS: / HATS BONNETS, Boots and Shoes, READY MADE CLOTHING, CROCKERY & GROCERIES, which we will well at low prices for Cash or on short time J.J. & J. A. McCONNAUGIDEY March 29, 1859 44 They are not all GONE. ADIES, we have still left a few of those mice 4 Black Garters that we have been seeling at cents, come soon if you would secure ac and a nice fit. A.& W. MYERS Match 29, 1859 44 ~PAMILY GROCERIES MOOSE, Ie now receiving and opening at JENKive’ Comnen, « large and well selected Stock of FAMILY GROCERIES, CONSISTING OF Coffees, Sugara, Rice, Molaseen, Tran, Cheese, Pepper, Mustard, Starch, Pickles, Cateupa, Raraine, Figs, Candy, Vinegar, Powder, Shot, lead, Gulden Syrup, $e, ge Aleo Tubs, Buckets, Brooma, Churna, Measures, Rope, &e. all of which were each, and will be sold Produce Salisbury, Mar 29, J. EK. Moose, Commission Merchant, SALISBURY, N, wit AL give his personal attention (othe purchase of all kinds of Produce. Alec, to all conmgn amenta, for thie or other markets Regearxce:—D.A and Joel H Jenkins, Maroh 2k, 1859 BO OTS Spice, Bed Cord, bought lusively tor at short profite: for exc Cash or 1859 tia Davis, Cashier, Salisbury, N.C BB Roberta, 6m44 parr | NE have just recieved all of the | various styles of BOOTS AND OES, worn Wy Season, all of the best manufac. ture we can with confidence goarantee to all of our customers, and to those that may favor ue with their kind patronage. Boots & Shoes surpassed by none in the United States in point of workmanship, mate- rile and neat and pleaeint fit, mcall ia respectfully policited at A. & w MYERS. No. 4 ¢ ite Bal r Balisbury, March 29 iranit aoe | 1 SALISBURY, N.C. | | | | | BROWN, COFFIV & mn of the any thing ting, ne compu OF FASHION! New und beautiful Stock of SPRING MARCHE 25, PROD. TAKE GREAT PLEASURE ng to In Stock KIN G GOODS DEABTT OF aT fale hin OF LIES DRY GOODS LINE, by the Rev'd: E | POR IU Nvi | Great OODS ti LIKELY NEGROES, Importance to the PUBLIC. | ‘W AND BEAUTIFUL "SPRING GOODS. OU will find the che Pair and handsomest Goods fe 4 Y: Salisbury, March 29 State of North Carolina, ROWAN COUNTY Court of Pleas and Quarter Semsivus, ooeery | Term, A.D. 1859 | | | ever) description ‘ & W. MYERS, No 4, Gramte Row. | Henry Wo Hudson es. Franklin Bryant AMTACH MENTE satiefacnon of the Court, that IT appearing to the the defendant, Bryant, as abscouded of conceals hin. self wo that the ordinary process of toe law cannot be ve ordered and adjudged thot publication be made in the Carolina Watchman, a hewrpaper published io the ‘Town of Satishury, for appear served Upon hin, i tm therefor NC successive Weeks noutving hin to be and befure the Justices of our Court of Pleas and Quarter | Ressions, atthe wext Coart to be held for the County | co Rowan. ae the Court House in Saliebury on the tire Monday in May neat, then aud there to plead or replevy and show caure, if any he has, why the Plarouth, Weory W age @ bin and the vilachment be sold to satisfy the Witness, dames Booher, Clerk of our said Court atotfice the first Monday in Febrowy, A Do bao, jand io the enhty third year our mde pendence j JAMES bE. KRERR, Pr's fee 85 50) Madsen shall not have judgment land tewed upon by virtue of Uae | Na aR’ EE @ ce S Aduiunistrators of the estate of Joho R ford. died ard, Staf- we willsell at the Coort: House N.C. on Tuesday the 19th Clerk bw4d | | | mnt sbarrus CO next, the following property lo wit {1 Woman about 30 years old, 1 Boy about 10 years old, Lb Gail sbout 6, and | Boy about4. ‘Perms made kiowu ou the day + JAC. LUDWICK, Js SISNET, | Mar 29, 1n59 Administrators | WOOD, EDDY & C0.’'S | yan Single Number Lotteries ! ! CHARTERED BY THK STATE OF GEORGIA | Capital Prize $50,000'! | IIIB (OST TORS JUXO EN STIRS | ROMP: JEM TER Doe telat ial kG" As the members of our fir haves by way of pur hae, become the ower of the wranteecharered by he Staiee pware, Kentucky, Missouri, aud! part of thos yemia, Huder the tianagement ot Messrs te Manivoot Win 1 aWare, we tay 4 Noe wee hia tle tatiie + ur farity, oy aah or i YY, to that of WOOD, EDDY & CO. who will here have the na tetthe Sparta Acadeury le ry, and ws above we OF ALMOST EVELY GRADE AND PRICE = >| Ther dil Gena | Tosti ‘i Iptness, wink we BOATS A eres ne Won cosiltn =~ SW AN ae C0) Augusta, Georgia, Dee 15, 155 WOGD, EDDY & (€0.. WANIGERS, | $s H O E S Successors fo 8S. Swan & Co. [ig (Micon Sallmmnr cull ie iknow tne veut Romy & Co. Min ieers of ihe So Neadeiny Lot fe ta Soule: Nailer Lotetien tor OWATN A CAPS | Ciiss Tedton Sau ike : 5 o Vey Hoe Ue Rois een in a BONNETS foe bes see Moe & FOULS T PRINTS, de Par: | W Pp an which we in Almonds JONTLY bury. at A. & WL MYERS March 20, 1859 44 NEWSPAPER KEVOLUTION. NEWSEUN PIER KEV OLU ELON NEWSPAPER RE VGH TON SEEGERS SeiBUe AID) NEW SERN “NEPEAN 1. HESNMIDH IRS AEE ANID) NEWBERN WEEARLY PhOORESS, NEM BERN WAGERIY PROGRESS. NES VATION WN Ele ey ieee ESS, CTE NYE] VN De bis (UTPOE MOBS OSE BY: ; (PANE Meee! AOSID) ES ONT) (HESS ADEM RAS ANSP AY THAT AN Ve BANE ISIE IBMT ANS SESH) Se TEESE AN UIE ME [OOSTEAY OAS TE: TA@HIE SRG SHED AL BEA Tes NON TES ca] DAILY PROGRESS DATEY Pisocdiiss IAWHEAY DP eHledIs | (ASIP ALESSI ROR 1 Pe CEN DEY SNS IOHE NARs Ne VoleAlt ONY SENDS Ne) eS AS TESTE Este NSE Bet Tees SU Vill lilesd ss EN Ee RG IN THE PROGR IESE TRUE) TPN EE il DAILY AND WEEKLY JPSSUVAT cAWASIEY ARV TE EHS Ea) INE AY eNO ED ANY IES Bde) SUBSCRIBE NOW RSCRIBE NOW SSC ites NAN OT Address J. 1. Pesviseros, t Progr Newhbern ( 1x59 i Kerosine Oil. EIN UEigeonans KEROSINE OL for sale at b HENDERSON & EN NISS SIOES. FR BARAGE SHAWLS AND DUSTERS chs READY MADE CLOTHING py.) 4? AND I DRESS GOODS. sUCH rw DIRS? As fs, mwmevm~ pete FANCY SILKS, BOCHING HP WARK GR AMARTINES, He DE LAINE ARS HAN DRERCHIERS PDGINGS & INSERTINGS, SILK MANTLES STRILA SHAWES ENCH & CHANT Ac qT. A LARGE AND Rich Flounced Silk Robes, MOUSELIN D 11. LACK MANTLES. fiect sols AVE J ae Sof the te the atte handsome article Salisbury, March 29 utc ! P: Irs POPES BDZOURSPRING Pe SIPIB SHE bot those A «x. W ASSORTMENT OF A SELECT STOCK OF CROCERIES. STYLES. m want of MYERS 44 Spring Silks, SPR ING SILKS, LINEN & COTTON SHEETING, Staple and Pancy Goods, sols '! The Misses Grasswitt, : JILL, Indies low days agree 2a, ina few daye, nevery aclect Those not in haste, 1859 offer to the stock might do of aw well ON THE PLAN OF SINGLE Sng TICKETS ; Five Thousand Four Hundred and Eighty-Five ra TO EVERY VINE Magnificent Scheme! TOBE DRAWN Jo ae Sy NUMBERS TICKETS aN POE, AD 4 $ Pere i Sac ‘ ting ! iis feu 4 ry “ + 1 4 a5 i ‘ 4 4 fu 4 yee DABS Privesn et $320.000 | \ Wire Th were § Harses§ QUART aks $2 | J 1 Corcula ing ft anit the Lotteries will he xeut tuany ane deairoun eiving if | Certiflent Paka w soldat th following rates Cert Pacha Whole Tick +) | Walt a r | aa ig | IN WRDERING TICKETS OB CERTIFICATES. | | Enelose the mouey Coour address for the Tiekere! | irdered, on recesptof winch they will be forwarded! by firstmail Porehasers can have tehkets ending in fany figure they nay destenate { ‘The Lastof Drawn Numbers and Prizes will be ORGANDIES & BARAGES. I ANDSOMEST DIES and BARAGES, ORGAN ever off red in Salis nspeetion of i to in thear a wait sent to purchasers diineciately etter the draws 1 Parcha | . wiite there signatures Vpn, and give thear t Offer, Connty and State TP. Remember thatevers Prize ie Jable in fall without deduction } Fran ly after the drawing rawn aud pay prizes of 1000 and under, paid immediate - other prizes ut the usnal t fot thirty days NOTICE CO CORRE Those whe prefer ONE NES tnouey by mail, can not send: use THE ADAMS EXPRESS COMAANY, | whereby money for Tickets, in suns of Ten Dollars, jand upwards, can be gent ue AT OUR RISK AND EXPENSE, from ony erty The mosey ERNMENT VELLORE” or town where they have and office order must be enelosed in a “GOV POST OFFICE STAMPED EN- or the Express Company cannot receive an }ihem All communications atretty confidential | | | | Address Orders for Tickets or Certificates to WOOD, EDDY & CO, Angunty, Georgia | or, WOOD, EDDY & CO, Adlanta, Georgia | or, WOOD, EDDY & CO) Wilmington, Del the following papers Aug 17 A list of the numbers that are wheel, with the amount the eachoone is drawn from of the prove that entitled to, willbe published after every drawing. om] vsta (Geo) Constitution | al, New Orleans Delta, Mobile Register, Charleston Standard, Nashville Gazette. Atlanta Tntelligencer, New York Weekly Day Book, Savannah Morning, News, Richmond Dispateh and Paulding (Mise Clarion. and Little Roek CArk ‘Trae Democrat CORPORATION BONDS FOR SALE. lk ALED PROPOSALS will be received, hi vat the TOth day of Np next of Bonds, ta sums of from S500 to dae vrizing the Cx at this for 3000 of North the sned onder an aet of the eral Assembly Carolina, authe >ymmugsioners to sell Bonds of the Corporation for ¢ Ronda will be tached to amt purchasers, running from five t ertain purposes he above ixsted with Coupona at vtwenty Veare from the day of sale, and bearmng interest at 6 percent, payable semiannoally FOUN T SUAVER Tntendant Saliehury, No 6 March | p59 15w Vist For sale at POWDERS HENDERSON & ENNISS Mar 15 ne ] ARGE dare Plat Dateh and farge late Drumhead aCobbage Seed forante nt ag HENDERSON & ENNISS' BLANK WARRANTS For sale at this Oftee. | that they have ist CRAND OPENINC OF NEW SPRING & SUMMER GODS! a a< ethead of Everybod y yyy WRENSE KVUVURAGSVAOAS, bhi” eh be} al ‘ed a Tie Se NDE RSIG NED MICES DECI GE EIny call and sce our New Spring Stock of STAPLE AND FANCY DRY G Thev are rich and rare, and far surpass any Stock in beauty, ed in Salisbury. tition, Give cus a cate and we will convinee you that our Stock is far SUPERIOR to ANY that has before been offered to the public, and that oor prices are dpwo to the LOWEST water wark. MOT'LO.---Polite attention to Customers, and Small Profits. SPECIAL NOTICE. Country Mrnenayts and the public generally will find in addition to our Stock of STAPLE AND FANCY GOODS, a splendid Stock of READY-MADE CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, of all sorts, sizes and prices, LATS, FLATS and BON NETS; Paints, Oils BUCKETS,* BROOMS, BRUSILES, INVITES VE LO iO ODS, that was ever offer- We are selling off DRY GOODS rapidly, and eclipse all compe: |« TWINE, CROCKERY AND QUEENS WARE, WOOD WARE, ROPE, hand the best stock of SUGAR, COPPEE and MOLASSES ever offered in Salisbary We beg leave te return oor inmost sincere thanks, for the liberal patronage bestowed on ue by oor friends last Seasou, and hope by stet attention to business, aud low prices, they will sull favor us with their purchases : D Wefwlte CALL AT THE OLD ESTABLISHED STAND ON THE CORNER, oppos.te the Mausiou Hotel vas MONEELY & YOUNG. SALIRBURY) No ©), Marctii22) 1X39) tas NEW GOODS, NEW ti A.C Wo WYERS. No. 4, Building, Granite SALISBURY, N. | thie SUBSCRIBERS RESPECTEULLY | announce to there tnends aud ihe publie gen | erally. that their arrangements for the SPRING PRADE are more veothan hitherta. and hat they are tow prepared to ext ie of the ingest and iment altraet Siechs of eet Theis i nyse fe Vases pene fee —3 DRY G00 IS, S——Xa WMYERS. Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, ete., | To tovited to offer cordially ever had the pleasure an examination of whieh they ar We have b: time aod labor to get up a first-rate St sted that no house he State cau offer erted Stock Our Stor Bvery large ana eubraces such oan assortment ax wall et AUN fies to hny of ux x all the Goods cod amour line, Us ings we shall | sosalt Che cite rest of our customers | k Iseless fo ecumiercte bit wall state. awe ed in obtaming | ERE CL OSC Lexi nUple NTT | and we are fully warrented t vat | y who wishes to buy wall fea re ansuppled. Our Steck will be replenished throughout the Geso eri sere inn Ut eet AN DEDESTRABUE | Jers are respeetfuly s ed which shall at al! times have our prompt and personal athention. | We have secured the sery Mr. J.P. Gowss, long and extensively known in this section | A. & W. MYERS. | | 7: «> a He 2De Tt will be seen by the abowe that Pam now in the House of Messrs A. & Wo Myers. TP reepectfully | solicit the patronage of my fiends. 4 ete them all the advantages whyeb are promised on the above advertisement. “There wants either ono by order, shall at all Gunes receive ay carefilane ees GOW attention je Pp ta Marcu 22d, 1559 100 BAGS PRIME RIO COFFEE, BERING BONNETS, | THE SPRING MANTLES | : SPRING SILA WELS,! JUST Recieved and McNEBLY & YOUNG!S, | drew Stores: Metalhen GREATEST CULRTOSTRY OUT” for Sale. a new style of Chil vWhich are renowned for Just received at Mur. 22 tM Fthear durability and cheapness. and by netnal test have been found to outwear three pair of the old style JOU ENNISS, ™ @P EE @ Ete " No. 3 Granite Row LL. who are indebted to me will March Qist, 1659 Ww ‘ settle their ace He with meor with BOR OM Omer Co vUnts or notes can set .bo eccupies Brick Rowe Ce RON: dual snoflice with me HATHAWAY & CU, Wilmington, NOC. 300 Hvds. 2 Choice, New Crop, Bop Pierces y Cardenas Molasses. 75 Barrels cholee New Orleans Syrap. SO Hhds. fair to cholee New Orleans Savars. Salisbury, March &, FRESH Peel STOCK. (etl) \W Fare now receiving oor Spring Stock of new 200 Barrels Clarified Sagars. and desirable Groods, and at wail be inplete in 500 Bags Rio, Lagaira, West India & Java Coffee. about one week, when we can pre t of the 150 Barrels Mess and Prime Pork. finest and largest Stocks that has heen off 25 Hhds. Western Bacon,---Sides and Shoaiders. market of which the puble shall have dae netice 200 Bbls. Vellow Planting Potatoes. BROWN, COFFIN & MOCK. | bntG) UE SLE east Mareh 15, 1s59 tw? Bank of North Carolina. | fe pursnance of an ' ve abowe named the Assembly Bink. on Theory of Vocal Music, chartering fen og hereby given UN SEVEN BASY LESSONS nt Books will be opened on the bat day of April supply of thea fil Muercal Work Atamd remain open for siy tit 1] ot PHS OFFICE Subserp Pst sand Rank i Ofelear 10 TET Ay CEOS 1s Fel iS) fh SONA . we vo SAWEEE REEVES, THREE VALUABLE SLAVES Mae st ea da oS ae ‘Oh SALE FOR >). AN Pig pony ae Caloand bay 2otbs GOOD RY ay Eoof an order of the County Court SOAP for ¢ “4 Rowan at Bebroary Term, 1559. Twill sell att HENDERSON & ENNIS Court House shurvoon Theaday the 3d day of Mar t f42 May next PRE VALUABLE NEGROES by | longing tothe ehidien oo Jacl Unghey Tadinra cre mari socanate wumnaonnnm cb Linseed, Sperm and Tanner's Oil, ROBERT WOHUGHEY ages nt HENDERSON & ENNISS Mar 15,.tf2 Commissioner May ih ws | Hlements \T. J&P. P. WER | Western North Carolina Rail Road, THE ADAMS’ EXPRESS COMPANY, JOHN DOOLEY, | | Hat and Cap Manufacturer, | AND WHOLEBALE DEALER IN | Hats, Caps, Furs, Trimmings, €e. HAVE now on hand a | complete and extensive as = | sortment of everything in my line adapted to the | SVRING TRADE. {0 which constant additioas will be nade during the | | eason My experience and facilities have enabled me on} | this vccasion, to offer the LARGEST, and in every A ae OLD ABLISHED RESPONSIBLE and reliable Company, having Express facilities jover the North Carolina Rail Road, are prepared to Reeeive aud Forward all descriptions of freight and | valuables to and from all points on this Road. way, the most COMPLETE STOCK of GOODS | that has ever been offered in Virginia I would ask the particular atteution of my custom: yer to iny stock of . STRAW GoonpDs. | The facilities possessed by this Company for the Vvhi¢ for variety and extent cannot be surparsed. prompt torwarding and quick delivery of matier en- JOUN DOOLEY, | runt d ty them to all accessable points in United Maio street, Richmond, V States, and the early delivery of freights by Steamer 1x59 cz | Baprese from New York, Semi-weekly and Daily |Tuland Express from New York, Philadelphia, Bahi- tore Richmond, Norfolk and Petersburg, offer great jinducements to Merchants to obtain their Spring | stocks quickly. | | Mar. 15, STA TEE OHE ENO LL (CAMEO aL ANCA | CABAKKUS COUNTY. Court of Pleas and Quarter Seasons, January ‘Term, 1859 ROR King vs. Alfred H For further particulars apply to Messra. McNeezy & Younc, who have been appointed Agents at dalisbury, N.C McEacharn Orurinal, Attachment Levied on Land. | wit aes dent had ® ‘ TT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that March Ist, 1859. 4 meant j ACH. MeBacharn the defendant in this case is not a | ieee resident of this State, but resides beyond the lunits | [tis ordered by the Court trat puetey Female Normal School, — High Point, N. C. Rail Road, of the same yeation be made for sx weeke in the Carolina Watch- man for the defendant inthe above ease to appear | a atthe vext Term of thie Court to be held for the | MILES WEST OF GREENSBORO. count aforesaid at the Court House in Coneord on | Rev N.M.RAY, Proxcipat, with efficient Assistants. (the 31 Monday in April nextg and replevy the pro- THE object of this [nstitution is to wide for the petty levied on, and plead to the phuntif’™s actos hor uagh Eda ae sete Vee Licdice acd as ace Jor judgement will be rendered against him for plain- tiie fil ate (a eialty ae of ikon as may desire jo, for the avocation of teaching. Its next Session 15 | uffa debt, { wall be toterest and costs, and the lands levied on sold to satixfy the sare vill open on the Ist of Fel y, in the New Brick Witue F : } will ope proary, e Ne ric! | ake oil ‘ a is ee cheat sald a sure at) Building recently purchased by the undersigned. ee Oe |The building is situated in a beautiful grove op a A. D. 1859 N. SLOUGH, C.C.(¢ Md commanding eminence, and has @ sufficient number of well furnished rooms to accommodate 100 boarding pupils We shall huve lectares and experiments in Natural by au experienced Instructor. Board aad fornisbed Rooms, fire-places, fuel, &c., 86 per month ; Eugheh Branches, $6 Wo $15 per Session; Languages Pre. fee $5.50. (6w3x) MILO A.J. ROSEMAN, M. D.., WOULD respectfully inform all those that | Science, are tudebted to hun by account, that they should settle by note or cash, as further indulgence | Stuntibelgivea jaud Ornamentals on reasonable terms. Board and half the ‘Tuition required in advanee. The Proprie- tor, Peachers and Pupils dwell together and eat at the same table. Us Young Ladies of limited means will be credited Tu his absence on professional ser- | viees his Father is authorized as agent to inake set- N. B —Dr. Rose wan respectfully returns his sincere | thanks to his neighbors aud the pubhe generally, for | lthe very liberal patronage that he haw received, and, /F Tu-tion until they caa teach und pey forit. Situa- Thopes by stret attention to his professwunl business | lions guarantied to suc i. For information to continue the same, at his old stand Roseman’s ere ADpREss, Store, which is 10 miles South-west of Salisbury | in oF Rey W. I. LANGDON, Proprietor. where he ix permanently located | an. 25, 1mot __ 185 1hoY 3inpd al | Marche, eee | { | Landreth’s New Crop OF GARDEN SEED for sale at WERONEY'S me AND SEE R. WILSON’S NE ws SHOW CASE, ND the large, new supply of PA WATCHES, JEWELRY, and a great variety of Glittering L Charms of new Styles and Fash- NEY Want Money. SETTLE with os ina very have to sertle March Ist. few days or you will ficer | 1140 | with an 1e59 TR Aas will leave Sens Ge Zi the Wess, daily, (Randaya excepted.) BA ions. some of thein of the “AT- Ainihy ES tely. witer the arrival of the North ©.) GAN'TIC CABLE” order j mail Train from the East | ; - RETURNING -will leve> Statesville at 6.15, 4 ML, and reach Call in—Look round —and see the splendid array Salisbury tu time for the watl train gong & lot beautiful The Pa 7PM the nec A Car for r Train will leave Statesville every Saturday at vod Sali<barvy oon M favoaut 4 AM, #0 as to obviate ty of running on Suntlay light Express Preicht rune with this JAMES C TURN Clocks, Walking Canes, &o. | of various kinds Now ie the ume to buy Train r & Supt cheap. Having bought dtreetly from the manufaetorers, forcash only, lean, 3 or. end [ will sell, twenty-five per cent cheaper than Westerm N. Carolina Rail R. SECU ia sricics ore: bute tren edd oh Matibory, ana AVE FREIGHT destined for the West, will be sent forward | for cash, E will deduct 5 per cent, even ut these low immediately on ite arrival at Salisbury, and all goods ehipped | rates to North Carolina ports will be seared up and forwarded to their] Come and see the new supply of SILVER TEA Be a reese uma C TURMHG cd & supe, tad CABLE) SPOONS, land) the best qualily a . Ro NEEDLES that can be found on this side of the Adantic; also SILVER PLATED CASTORS. All kinds of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry &c., prompt- Iv repatred, at the lowest rates, and warranted for twelve months, To this branch the proprietor gives | h R. WILSON. 18 February ZZ, 1.50 TS9. & B.G. WORTH, General Commission Merchants, Wilmington, N. C. | February 22 his Kole attention. Ww Salsbury, Sept. 28, 1858. Hiverwil eis the DEALERS IN PLASTER, HAIR, CEMENT, LAND PLASTER, ROBINSON'S MANIPULATED GUANO JAS. KERR & CLARK'S FERTILIZER. Orders for any « without charg March Ist. 1 LIME, ofthe ubove fillec conmission—Terws, CASH i) 3inp'd40 nH. W. RUpp, Watchmaker & Jeweller, CONCORD, N.C. eriber has pened a Wateh, Cloek and J owelr eee vr, ly why n ! a Kime seine Pi: apprehensiv and delivery to him, at hie residence in Rowan ecunty SOLES CG of Bringle's Ferry. BENSON 6137 MICHAEL BROWN, COMMISSION ME RUHL WMI, SALISBURY, N. PROMPT AT UENTION Feb®, 1259. PERSONAT GIV EN tothe porchase of all kinds of PRODUC B And to all conmgnments to be sold in thie market or hinped to other Ports «February 7, P39 ifa7 Carolina City, N. € July 26th, 1S ina Rout Road ber T have for the Tur now « Atinne and North ¢ ted to Braves it € onnple 1 Harnor deter mined to locate arolina City, doing a FORWARDING AND GEYERAL BUSINESS inet attention tomer your patronnge Age Murray's Line of First Cliss ce COMMISSION ey promptness an midtaapace Being the PHOSPHATIC careful attention te n 24 miles South purpose o | DR. WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY, BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS'! ‘Take only the Genuine! VERY thing which is really valuable aud which costs the iF| ‘4 inventor time, money and research, is subjeet to be base- | ly counterfeited. This is emphatically the case with Wrstaa’s | Bocsia or Winn Cukxry, the invaluable qualities and weil earn- ed reputation of which as a certain, safe, speedy and never fail- ing cure (or CocGus, Cols, Hloamsex esa, Broscarma, Waoerue | Cocgn, Croup, Qcinsy, Asta, Ineicesza, IsrLamMaTion oF The Tho wt, Loxas, and Cigst, as well as that dire disease, CONSUMPTION, have induced unprinctpled specalators in the lives and health of the community to palm upon the unwary a miterabie, worthless and deleterious imitation of the trae and only Genuine Bilsam: thus not only inflicting a lasting injury upon the sick, but rendering themselves, according to late decis- ions in the Courts, liable to a criminal prosecution, which, in proper time, will be commenced against them. ipe for the preparation of the Genuine Balsam has xion of the present proprietors for nearly twenty J with those who have used it needs no encomiams. Snel letters as the following, from a mearchant, are daily re- | ceived “Mitrorp, Delaware, Oct., 26, 1958. Roston—Please send me a supply of Wis- asm nearly oat and there is a great demand Yl 3 W. Fowne & Co, turn Balen, - | cx repaired inthe, (7 it; itis doing wonders; it cures Ooughe, AaUwma, Whoop- { and warranted veg Cough wd Consumption, without fail, There bas never 25 BAGS OLD GOVERN WENT : RADY 1 t (ly) MOW RUPP, | been any ofthe genuine here until you sent we a lot some time Op NGI } } since, but plenty of the counterfeit. 25 AAGUIRA, Just received, | mn | Yours, truly, JACOB Y. FOULK.” MeNEELY & yt NG. | BOOT, SHON ll AT | B. ARR Ie I S | REMEMBER, THEREFORE, «1. wuo sme« erstrn, that the Mar, 29 ude | 5 | Dy 4b only Gexrixk has the Warren Sicxature or OR, BUTTS, | | OF aswell as the PRINTED name of the PROPRIXTORS, ve: TE w. ARC EMO REACT COE FIni eS Clits AND | POWER & €O., BOSTON, on the OUTSIDE WRAPPER: | wae 2 fe tose Na " ea | | TAKE NO OTHER, if were money wasted and health jeopard- A Sha cece McNEELY & YOUNG New Crop New Orleans Mae) ized. Por sateny Miara22 43 CLOTHING \TORE. | f BASSES just received und for sule | LONE YN & ENNISS and W. H. WYATY, Salisbury, N.C. . | lowe hy | March >, 1So¥ 15w4l | Qoa” HEMLOCK LEATHER at \ | SPRAGUE BRO'S TI\V DT AI — : McNEELY & YOUNG'S Satis Yeo. 19, 185 29 NO l IC I: Mu 23 ae No. 3, Grantre Row, | SGIcua ay aes TT Ui fe | N¢ op | amaway !!---$5 MW | pomaattion . ae {. 500" Ibe WHITE LEAD AND ZING, | SALISBURY, North Carolina. | Ramaway !! ---$90 REWARD. Laver Hees ie Bey OWN LAX: 2 +) MeNEELY & YOUNG'S. | | AS NERY? find dhe cafcatce om Wire| oo: Cee I Cone Me Ot ET) | Re : ; isbury, are hereby notified to give in their list Moira? uh | 20th January last, a Negro mom named |. ! his VE SUBSCRIBER HAVING BoUGHT! 3 nS EX we ALEXANHEM <via eoniweora oS Nable property, duriag this month, to me atmy ‘p VIER flowy. ei | oY oo Office in the Count: House Those who fail to give D: out WAL PRE LOOAIES stock of Boots, Shoes dhark copper color, feet < or LO inches bigh, : Li vo yon want Ready-Made Clothing. go oie janie patronage Hes naw recevinn BF eS OF UN tne es Minh in may expect to pay a donble tax. BOUTS SHOES amd Viste Callal MeN Fan lay the targest and best Steck of Boots und Shoes ever fellow, bat has rather a down cast lock —sged 92 All property subject ty taxation according to the & VOL Si sl ave just received a very large athered in the Town of Salisbury. and which for the years. ‘The subsernber things it probable that Alex ee BENS NE STBESS) DY tne aie E26: mesortinedt, Whiell they are selling at low prices Cash. or to Punctual Dealers will be sold Law down. |i turkeong about eitherin the neighborhood. of Salis. | {tere : : ! ‘ g about eithe © neughberhood of Salis THOMAS MeNEELY Mar. 22 3 JW ENNISS, hwey. Mire. Lowricor MOS. MeRenzie's plantation | tarot 1 Fe TAS McNEELY, ¢ | Nood Granite Row above reward for his NIE MIECU LiSRe T alse give notice, that the Committee o H forthe county of Rowan willmeetat the Clerk's Of, tice of the House, to pass ue on the last Wednesday in Apnl. being the 27th day of the moath, May Court. All persons having. clams against the connty are hereby notified to de- Superior Court, in the Coart Ielsms agarnst wad County, and previews to posit the same woh me, previous to ey time. rin was McNEELY, Baar: tsbury, Ma 1, R59 Tal wish to purchase 20 {and young Negroes Fellows and will pay ‘ ebighest CAST priees for them want them saitable forworkingmy Lexas planta- tions. and desire to buy ae soon as TE ocan. 1 woald tise bay girls nnd boye from ten to twenty years old, and want (wo or three families if likely HoL. ROBARDS, 1f49 ry Salisbury, May 4th. 1 Chea@e! Cheese! ! Cheese !!! L106 Min — ne t Adamantine Candles 1) fozen Broome 100 howes aseorted Tohaoco 1) Casks Western Bacon tethreand MOREHE AD OTLEY, every «ffiare will For sale by be ina make this the cheapest and most expeds SPRAGUE BRO'S ous route to New Ve \ swilibe loaded and Sabshury, Dee 13, 1858 Pit) dat my Wharf oa ve the Rat Rowd Whack sidiherehvanve VRUAGE and MAGE ; PR AGH A CARD. | Tue gh Asan tien ss (eee te Mtoe ere AVING associated with inyeelf Mr Joan H hid tthe gale mad steppers ance Exsim, recently of Petersborg, Va. a gentle- WILLTAM BO GRANT aan of tpenence in the Drug business, and I Wapmoe: Moos, lm rowed inte th large new brick budding oa x oo Com mien the ” f Main and Water Streets. with eer tf 10 iIncrensed facthues for conducting the business, I rstowe will he enabled te command the confidence and patronage of my former customers and the pab- x 2, ry in mt s he generally Our motto will be to gure satrafaction, Call and see os ( A HENDERSON Of all Hinds far Sale at thia Ottce jan 11, 1759 tf Wil itis well eoated ; them again dip itin Pi, Lime and Potato. Mr. Philip Por Wealmess, Wasting and ARE YOU SICK? MANSION ip the melted rosin, and again in the sul O'heilly, of Providence, Rt. 1, (says the every form of Debility use 3 / ‘e } t ews Por, : Wy und give a Vist coat of celts mak- és pyucitoon Tlegraph) states that Time cua & Co’s Tars you enu't be cured t Don't delay until your phi a Ms Hur coats of rosin and two of sulphur, js of no avail in preventing potato rot, as ae &’ ALISREU RY MEDICINES, r u cdatable, add Chea niu witen 4 ‘ ae he tried it, and bas seen it tried by oth- (‘( Ne |, | \ |: I ( )| L. Hall the diseases whirk pople the eliucch - 5 ) cy berital Wy aye itlaeiie ©) JOS ESS th rn weil : Py ‘ > taf HOTT DRUGS, to the thickness on the stick, of one-halt to three-quarters of an inch, prepare as mal . : ’ : I : ers in vain. After many experiments, pps y., ITU rlecaridarmaltoamauneeutirrn siectn Vises i WE Sprit tus : ‘ aN 4 nany sticks as there are copher hole * . i aia ws ry and | ' oh ‘i with ! . the public: as 5 ( | \ hy ly Teu ; Bol has found that a handful of dry peat the digestive ungans. wevizurate the biood, 2 ; vr by Ceaieedh aati dain 0 1 bed snd wei ewe a 4aiky han Bt C Chal l tuke them to the place; insert the . Es Terre lecUt Vy eetnt ie i rddenie ' . : ee ao ' . f \ ral. | u powder or small jucces Was the best ! Ties wun ee Se al ! ‘ ive Tey cE of 4) he Pais pen for their Spring Oba j De ee oe eee uci, \ with Man ‘ eee melissa Fem UIMeNTL ont ee ae he litthe distance tn the hole and lie ventive, and tie ENG EEE GC sans at bivvmsint eee eae reg eng een war HOMESTIC AND FOREIGN then cover the hore with a clod ot foals. ue . Peta ‘ , CAN App lel, it wash SAee UINOEP Ge buen, adi rusien eas a Hite ele eee \ { 2 COUN Ge SN Nee | cart, net to putece the Leht, and leave a oa ee are ‘ ee a deol ea u . 1 aud SO AIL, : A ; ; : A remedy to work a cure, Phe imateh OES OTEK os BK Vonty by He ie : mo Vets andevery coltert is provided in bis ! an : i eal ede byaim = > witial at.) vegetable lite lett te itsclh He ls wet CHiene ¢ Gat os s \ IE ' , ; o Cas @ Pe ee eas JOWN C. BAKER AU The ROOMS. om ns to be subye fe) we (West Yah x an eae j 4 ‘ “ " 1 “ ~ . cluscd, nud wilPs: cedily generate su plu Vu ae Sou di bse. PI as nee : : \ ‘le we His STABLY S are ahundas Ned. an : ‘ continually reproduces itself tu tlie sate vo ve VO NO, t Let ys pee oe tended by ae tal ostl wdota al depattine Ween Dear Nie Tre f 7 Se ok een Leas, wi id trust be ¢ owe g Ee sie es tn A ihe projenetat vee snuieanaletiaiient ; ian Teac REE LHe) OED: Ue A OIE gy e etn all cthetintte Ue ioe ni ee eV ewtutartatis CMENTES run rewutarly ti cie | idee) DH AEE The hardy crab, gnarled atd thoruy, ae © ife dane Th cere TOES te) Ele tet iD | d rm generally, will ticeen nfs . ran ni tee, Within rene Pits power, and it w ¢ vn ) : os) th thes: ethais to plowse. a Liberal sliare of : Riper ueardnape eeu > 6ame in Ye STEN uit mea eh a in vat tlronage tie TSE NRE ae fe the eastern | 1 et erforate every t Jani corner of curt arCens orouch Mutual” i eas 2) heieeche ea : : WE ROWZEI : cra : 5 he eastern hh il-sides—the samen : - oR Soniye ; es a ‘ veere there isa pore, working dow twa PNET) NOME INSURANCE COMPANY | pe SO RTI: Thonn Mites a ae Gesua STANDARD 27 Was a Cacdsanmd VCars ago—tie san aS a : al. 4 AY ‘ ‘ vas : = a ae a ree MN a - Cv Pal a ee Vortane rata ‘ = AQ AGARGE a Nen Resiene eae aa \ is Upward thus, at hee Kr \ a a ; ; ; ‘i vases ay a . yuN I if t o ay 4 2 Tete tuck : : ; ; : rindastre farmers of one of th ws B Punips S! : He enn cri, ke MoA NS cr ‘ Va sterested i Bald IHAl . L : ( : IK Ine: ? ry nae At ATS. at 8 Nace 4 4 Ieee oe . : ‘ Soe \ Ney W , \ J d : F . . i ; CU tie teas teslctncte [hove wo mast nado haat NAN Beate Wrenn S| veTeS to ashionable Perfumery, : The Subsc subject it tot control of mtn. a rales of art, and the acrid, w ne me , EPIC, Boras, ¢ ae SE ak oo “ pean ot ie . “ a : TOLL Lo tealeles « : The same process (says the New York = eC RSSULA VT ang (hat hat theres ne) Poh l 2s Wills on West Hill. PREPARATIONS, &C. &C. ; ee | Y : ’ swells into the princely LDaldwin, at , ; : é if ' Ziti.) thay be uscd tu Cestroy other US i) ECE STEM oy et) Vhe un Golden Pippin. The cl 5 wn ‘ tay be used to desttoy other in pein thts Counany bese a the Wes WOME Nr AS SC v NI RY. PEMIIY, wll dnee tien oer dna WRN Ne ae eat quality and at the : i boxious earreenis Where @oplicrs are un = ; partot the State, wher ane i treve mach nl awe ee ais 5 ‘ ‘ hop ape 4 the result of much care ubor. Tt ie eit \I QENESOA, Mustard, Conger, : : : Ti, Ss rots ¥f MENTAL sboob Woh ee en. ee ee q ; . SHOWEL, . f « x i ' ‘ ~ j at : must be taken from the fo: and plant ; I NE AMAS SS Lis runt | ' r Pe we \ ; D Wee oe HO CoTLES TRIS RIES Ges Stiie) eM ew arin F ; . tines Slo ba ¢ 1 ) . : oe ery A ip ed in better soil, Compet rees aud ” 1) URABELR tuk. B in Gre, WL Gun dit iG al Gl i ican ENT Ir Beats i ae ee VEE & CO i aes » . * S) “ | 1 w 3, his Mi huvyry weeds must not ste ite et A) EOS SC AC See NWN UNG I » a u Ny ne \ ver \ \ \ : ‘ tik thie np st Ve Vat Vartt Thend St, Phitad ope ae . - SENGEASS, Gefiatiie. f TS, est a4 ACE ALS LAW SAMA, ui . ‘ ert 1 ect : Sat PICO PU, SUP Sp IML EDR ies 1 ny [=A ¢ 7 putriment. Wath the careful a te ACK I | Ne : rue bik 4 : Ne oer tre i Ls few a SORE , zi ; : ala t rel : : ; ; NEO Obutcee Sint Cut esta t, Wat : y ae ue : < a : rous culture, the fruit will be eniarged, i forse Cibie os convenient fur ( ac files loestignrerss tie Sey ia im - : Hh ean Whey oe na bet a Was a SALISBURY : } , | \ | ile eae Go Spro ee be ee | ee i , 3 slight deviatous in thlivor will appear te reterenee when desiring te knew the nui | Nbr i Bak we : ; a aan nen Ween tal Se " ri rd ' Noni ener eres le He VE SN IL, ky wi HH OOL. j 1 1 al ie é tay } \ an ~~" et em 4 1; ens f Oeders tilted ot Cot the critical und caretul observer. Tht UG Tatler nies int Plants wich w it OCCUPY \ TES et Mice, Chive, ‘in hs ‘ 4 1\ | i © ee (ao era (e R | say \I | | I w LAs 4 ens [eepetiiee Kraan e | e PEPIN AS IEDR ESAT ale : Me ae tere i neceteitert cen cor aGhes nese pee \oeeel t ~ © oust if IAS 34 3 MW FU ys Lie toot at the Lutheran Church, i best of these must be planted and reared san acre when set out at y ven distan ia STE ICY es castinee Sande Papers ah Ne a ae SHS | “a \ rf " ra ( is ' Gi ula Sauber SoC un the tos Monday of x to bearing, and the best again selected, apart. Tt wiil also assist in determininy a ana ; : uborough, a Nay ae Vent | nl = fit Ky <\ , bone " - \ Pe A tt ) eR Pe Taran ‘ PVE AX ttt vie WN ey | Wihvhow PEERS CLP TU ITGES, LES VTP TORIES ; 6s and so on, until the highest perfection reddmeunt of manure to be applicd to al C offee Ca Su. Lar, Wolassc he Woh Nit Woaechomrsin dike YE TRIN) THe TaN OS etn) re erin TC REIGKS ; 600 | Hea Bh attained. , When distributing a certain number : | aN y - hi ‘ . aise os \ gr nad ] j : ’ : : EN Gun a Pin £00 D Precisely the same law obtains in an ] ads upon an acre, sty \ INDOW Glee PB | Sop AR. SE reas O4ath ' eras ea ( { )\\ S eine ’ \ \ x10 “ mal life; and th animals and birds: il VAG OOU ayrutre fre' ft i \ | & ye Ne Hu ; ‘ t a RAV ‘ : ‘ i Ce Py abet Ajied ; \\ i i 1 ' \ , ‘ tte SU pe pont on ie ses Wanhan a tar ‘ thdre re tel : : hes fiyedters te. (cen clive. ninanliae Jr IONS Waites Cauiyy Pawel! \ ees ; i . that are BNC le i tuaiiy | rt OS APEX s | iD BUTE PE UBIGLE LEPHONPREPTLC hey MO i sien uv Tet o ! can be. greatly and permanently clans i iotice Obtain Che min t t \ CHS sect | ; a u l eh s I De M Abin, lo iG ; tres Lie disiclétie ¢ 1 hate . Es EIS ; H (és Wreaths i io SUR Ae | ed by the breeders art, in ¢ ! n 1 PRIN D OF THE HOM YN PAMILY Wit qualities and disposition, ‘Tue cin ee aes : ee = “pus TURES, Ba a VUNG Poe) \ ‘ i he bee 71S Cae Lak orn aerussimirl ain : , & (i <os 1 7 rans 5 aA ‘ ATE you desire will per ie : i \ ( ( | ‘ \ AED erie | ORT > ~ AT. Ie. rime ee te ee STEVENSON & BOWEN, » 6 —_ mete oe - ! ity fone Wir Ne? : followed. But first of ail, tie tr r nee fh Carpe ee a i , ; i ' tiny T Col ue oe) ' a tl ~ net must have a clear and distinct caw ; . ten ete a WHEAT MY oy Wholes sale Was rie , . _ ual , e 4 E zi ; \ \ i I UN ! - 4 | . tind what he wants to breed, and thos shel 2 es Seri oP | ! : ' 1 ‘ d nla nes what mate bela " oe DRY GOODS. ee oe eee : e determined by the s on M . . iS! PROSPECTS : ! ig Ld) : animals are to be reared, the elimatetiey y Or bn DANIEL Mo ZIMMERMAN, 14 een are, : ( are tobeput. beri ere meee ifiz CAROLINA CITY TITES. barges pe neta oye 3 i , NOTICE, me I ay 80 admirable for the » HS a Weeki d itn oe ; Heh ‘ \ wie kin | . well adapted to the cuxurlant pe-tures } es Phe Ts ie : ue a oe ! Toe Na . : : 8S ae rallthings, NV Shee G AnNtUCKY atu tue prams of tie West, : ' . Wreryiyv PB Vie: t \ ‘ mid SIGE bo ] ene TRC SKLY FAAIL LINE, i) would provaltv ficcthes dam sen Is . Ee v B HW ; . to Ope. CRS : ; : ty pasties ot wits judte ot New love * Tus a wit wey PO MLO NTE SLIM CIN: ia land n h tj Frou 4 \ Nal Nils Net \ i growth, when the same pastures wear ; e ' ; iw easily sustain tie Haiter, tite as aed , : vance a ; pal ! 1 Mi ' , ' fo al ee I j Nee : hardy Devon. Decuuse a breed of ans Sot Harbor) 4 ‘ ee i rs ’ ah Es Ray. ~ DS a al aoa roe: rere i Het , e . . / ‘ | i MAIN ST NEARLY OPPOs \ ' Ee mals are 4 ty ted ‘ ne ie : | . * S ; a at Til _ th 4 sr \ i | \\ I\t VRE eae ROw, f \ \ UAE t " atior does not, t et \W yomnltae Da a ‘I , ' n N.C, ! kL ' ta location, it hot, re ‘ is: <u : aur eagevedbvet Vr : } Hi M4 a ial } {,{ 1, ant that they wid succeed > 2 ‘ thea t fon j vie . ; other La t tf im : ie et ff 7 ae ea poe a ; i : yp i, Al ae | LAND POR SOMLIE. c hate Te ekil beet a ud y iXiuier Wefule tiqulead taken Sfoe luntDollcrnsa: ve ar . USN LN ‘ES Ji. i. | auh i ; oe aa cia aaa s, stables and vard fenves-- constant ' 7 , SEV et ® ETA erin 7 pe . his ol fect fy the Eciesu ries oat ut: swt ae A OBL CHATIN & CO u N \ au Mg € 2 op by 1 \ rth ! Ted NO Cima 3] \ EL eek treet #4 cece he \ \ eat | ey 1 ) inust ther EV COs GOT alba det ‘ “ ; . ee Be se at's saad Chit at J. R. VOGLER | a | , the resuct te wich he w ae oye . eee Pa . - ; . : ae . y | — { ee ED) Q Fl Ci IM tole, CDI OSE RULE Tile | ; Does he wisi t fiCnGHse fie S.7 bat - : . . . : F . SS NET AN is he) y eS { tL, A N LD) om “ a pe , \ \ % (ies ( RLU TET sdens for | greed? This, perhaps, is easy. Dat : ; | on) ry <p) " ¢ i DRE aa ee ee a ees DAR kD, SED ek SS BUI. ee ee) neve. ae : ( | , 1 AER TSU EN ( tt ( . ig Wise and will it he preftalle! Wy i ; i” aie tas ean une the vear, and fi I : Ne ; : : ‘ ( : ‘ sbou.d have no aifmenity i Rego ‘ , ‘ y VSHVG TG 3 veral tit mt i y 4 . et : . He * the size of the Devon or Mora : ; DRY & > 9 v Ss \ * i og IP Western orth Carolina Rail Road, | ay I s 1 , é ‘ : tu ! when you have increased the <7 \ F Aa ee - oo - ; . : ; 28 Warren Street, | =) GOOD VEADOWS a oo mat] ; ; . viete, Every f Ud Tave a good ee you have the Devon steer, and the Mor New York. | pep ae Le : : top fey ’ et etes fan fee ete tag ae i de Hatt PA , : : : - cee y see at Ac VOL (ereny ale ; fs ; I \ aN PoE | Wh te aT gan horse?’ What you have wiained it beet ee ; , . ' u - ee ; (0 NES ee 2 WL ae ' j : pin Bize y y have in svtumerre, ; 5 : ’ WA § NETS ea fab oy TPIS Ain ANS, WL a fh ae o nid pactness, case of motion and visor : : — . . _ a Lily au | ' | : ' . | Xr i . . aa The question of size is of the grentes: mee Vn XR. ‘i CU re ELL. WHEL I Vit Cif (x ps =. (J ye 4 Il omaita l [e My mel? iv , ay | heute OPEICH ' ls We Boe Swords, Sishe B Esaulett Lices | ; ; ean . rt ee ae —_ —— \ ~ | NAVE ERAD Te Seo RITE T gent} ve Wr , ft : CNG ae i SAEISOT IY Ne | CeO) se 7 — st ‘ oe Hi. . ROBARDS, os ites ol wprienlsural eoetios jabouatry, abe ne wae mime He! Ma S| be ton ste ee ROWAN HOUSE often foster and encourage err Nie ae 7 are | ony an ' ‘ mae SS Oa: AR nk W \N’ TE 1). | un VEER HRELED & GEE, CELEBR ATED VEGETABLE JONESVILLE | Nalishurn, NOC, , Importance +) breeding, H to whic! } very alie fo mistake, an as committees and ay opinions on tie suljec ray edie any eecities. This necessity would bes rayipe en " z . a rien : “ihe of pn : mg Wath cas : a . ur colt, if Wery fil, 3 nels te eet a yt Sel hye cee eo ee eT | ‘ rN “p we K 1 ie eee ine (O MEQTEDT 3 TE ASSES Cc Af ii EO DER Tate dad Fomale Veademies j . Ma ‘i ure laren eae aio Gut om flee es HP by tak Oe atiniedate apyhew| VEN Yor? us rer : ‘ ; wit um—dail can see that the coit or the ca Mieqaaiy line (ae Gunes oi aan 7 a ) Hehe Hy . I i [Voy Var Wn i is is large. ut all are not eritical judges. Quid « ewe lier curctconme scone: Stach AE , nee SL STS . : iD ' : ! ! | st rr | ‘ f : 7 i rreh 1S ie | F , mt TON Sei AT ee ult al Md oder a iead uf mit fe POA pray : and pe Sue ind, means wheat, oats, A ce RAIL ROAD Nori iS ui Me-P oh OU I 1 ' a | ' YTS Te TRABOSTE IBIS Hey} ble « itn ou on : h . wal. Wis probable that every dey ata guna hat, in a eonatey lake Pinan Veer satoncioienvans| COUNTRY MERCHANTS, 73h tetcers te pcre wa | ae an Wh komanps from a med TPZ Ot PCte Gh andi NW, CIIeEaAr, ay at lent that sor tedium cise sec rag Mme tebe nsiaut on the snpgitios oF fy : este at Net ant | EXPEDITIONS ROL TE. cotta i be hae / - ae a IRRIA HN, BUGGIES, Ae | | I at least tat ted Ze of a ; hy Sahel Lie Pea We bes rae n t heteyiry } ” should not departed from. excerdt t : We dae 110 (in : eee ao ; ; alee ; , ‘ . } Ie i ' Dae FREIGHT VOR THE INFERIOR OF NOTA Phe t : ar ; a William H. Smith raise anitna.- cor ecial putposes Tine _.. oth ' { . * eee ean MITES & ih) - ‘ ! t \V , rae Dy ae yy j Millie | Wen a 7 5 rere re yy ' ERCEEVN TS | ‘ 1 th ‘ ' : i OTT oy form how draft horse for he “ thitkst) tit /} fee Meat pram Spadina Vl j ' : ; 3 2 tii / \ ; 1 ( ieee ' ; \ eA . ¥, ie os heavy Pout hie \t this season of the wear, w bopersors f <i k H 8 j j i é i . serene : ; = . tea eile fe ble Sasstineilien bor linge) en ; ' : fin j : ' ; a . vo not have case aud erace ef motions 4 Ue SPE Wp Chet deat. Ub frequent y ccc . : ; yrs : ‘ ‘ ml ( ARRI AGE [3 STNIESS., ] | will be have the iron dardilood ard 4 ype (oa sudd Chante 1 a SH WA NTE, Dea ele ici iP pe S — _— : ! Tusold se spehes, and wil : Poe i : ‘ Iv wart to bus \ durance of the medium -.ze ther catine bite > { 1 | 1 . ; ; ‘ i ; pene eis E : ey len ; eal, 71 byt i : ee ee . JN a ' ‘ ; a 5 ; iss Santi Silene ; | t ‘i \ { enh ithe 4 7 Me D ' verte best eandananner 4 Ts | «NY of Wohe completely remedied bw taking i i \ oh : ( \\ 7 : 1 * S - ° i iP i , ' ‘ ‘ ‘ ee Feaeatenrile nen ? ee \ Sy Ma tet i kal j ) , ! . s ‘ ~ S iG } | ; fel fey ! 1 ; ‘ ‘ eeuarivd x ‘ ; _ Seen ome 1 aS alse = | ee eee al ee Ey WABI BYARD ANOTHER CIANGE Rite c mf VON A IN LS " Wo tew tt ne a i \ AM \\ Mia, there Vy ee : , ; ; \ ee . Ml 3 : ° SALISBURY i , anitnal semewd at \ a a ; ou r Wie t a a@ Bie @p AAR .LE Le ‘ < 4 ne : al and very siv and dilh ! i Peat : ye Mise! , Foy I. €. \] VLCOLM rieM MI. I. SEMINARY. a Diya iivies Gi a , ie aed . je PRACTICAL MARBLE CUTTER lL um J thse a , *. ved { .? th Mah iss oy 1 \ \ ) 2 my \ a 1 Fi tive, coneniinns whasg a! ee WASTES HOR ATL Ae 4a et, oe eee Neti Ki prowhuct when tose ey “ GATCH-MAKER AND JEWELER, | | hates . en ro ee ake co. ik Rure® ( liner t . HEAD N My Hee | tere t J } fle 1 : SVE ye oN ‘ : hy | \W \b NI jas j i ' ; eliow i \ t One Woor telow R.A UV. Wipes s Stas. DEN me Mar ' rant ti y ARD TE Saket) Wa 1 ccs Ie holes, and toe ¢ 5 rt ale t : We ' q ) “| eee Maa a ate cies AMERICAN MARBLE. esate Bits vt ‘ 4 ; a PTE UY AE SS G40 Tat a \ } 1 Pepa f ‘ " ! U { twe 1 ‘ 4 my the + { ; ‘ ' ae ie ban nae . then taher Noam et ' ‘ . : |)}: \ | \ | a ) | | ( | 5 Hl SHE ey sei tt ' t ; z y N Gs Ghee fp nN .s . : . H, Professional Card. . ‘ ane aD a} TID SRM STIS Sras : ic _ Sakae a : u oe Ad | * Dc re rews ac Hh pra . Addininistrator’s Notice. " m . | iio a i qu wna on plate nA n A el WERE) reaunive \j al a | || Ma Dis MWHITEHEAD & J. CALDWELL. stick perh ps two if {1 ' - 7 ; ae ; sas ; Dy f was much eta ind oes IAIN Is DEEDS VAR REM BCR Sa te ' " ued, “‘llow very fat AP Women are ( i . j : ‘ ea ; : 1 low very fat y ‘ POW; {/1/: 1 7 //// OhFLTCT fe the teow ie M We sad rial FOR SAIL 17 THIS DEPT Cp, aon 1 without Pp on e about two ane take powdered saiplur flour en" y ak ee A and roll the dipped end in the sul; ug C | UR E N en e s t c o r e e m e n c i n e n n eS ee J.J. BRUNER, | EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR | TERMS. Nygle copy, P2600 Five copies, Sean) Neu copies lee Clubs exces 1 the sam reporter $1.50 each Hida ADVERTISING RATES. Sores A sus Mes sa k e 1 i ' SALISBURY, N. C., APRIL ne VOL, XVI. 6, 1859 ened by shining on filth? No. It may bring up from germs hidden therein the most beautiful and fragrant flowers; but the exhalations arising from it toward the sun are chanyzed to forms of beauty, ma- king glorious the entire heavens. - Common Sense Yous Ladies. If the young ladies only knew it, they would be making themselves far more attractive inthe eye of sinsible persons lof the opposite sex, by showing that they are not afraid of pe nrfonnh nga little labor, than by a mawkish impression that they NUMBER 45— £ “ | are above work. i ba | Yonng men of brains, while of course ; : i; Lee 1 © thatela very that wonld contina- 3 win F cae = : F 7 : ally keep the ladies at ae wash-etand, or : er a Devoted to Politics, Uews, Agriculture, Zuteraai Iaprovements, Commerce, the Arts and S Sciences, Morality, and the Family Circle. vat the sewing-table without amusement ae ue , : rand relaxation at all, Hah to see a desire 2 BOOS memamty lune Hate r in young ladies to make themselves use- G ' / ; ful, and in selecting a wife woald prefer 2 ere ‘ Explanation of the \lmanae. Fram Howe held Words inveclfin one of the fair vdleys at the ways give him one through the woods heart, and T cannot be happy without! gach an one. Itis all a mistaken point $ as LOST ALICE. foot | \ ind be coutent never Would you mind ¢” you. : . that ladies need be dressed in fares and : pee uy k Ww ot bv M to ¢ face ap weary world ©Oh dear no, nol? . = Yes. I believe you,” she sai vilks and feathers to win the admiration ‘i DEV Pe Ps Er any The next moment she was off like the ee But do you trust me, aud do you love’ or young men, We know of half.a dozen Hose TH Kien ditt Emme tae Ieaiueny ateet T walked slowly chrot the woods, wind, and the doy tearing after irk-1e Pe young men who fell in love with their ; , 7 ow the pitust faliny through the ing til te woods rang We her She might trifle with a triGr, butshey ices wien Uressed inthe plainest cloth- RES tthe Minanac a 1" ue! : a is no leaves of the youny beeches in che- that night no more. was cariest enough with me . ing. 1 II wed TByotite tos tike Cli et 7 : 4 ‘ hae { ie 4 1 radiance va ae \ , drawing nF ; cays - ae ee an os aera Ata late ball in Baltimore, a gentle- ty rby nen Hitdh the Gomadic wel ney persed! (ce WOE ih and: feeling CHAPTE os : ve a ae Tei test mie y ie ae man (probably of a codfish aristocracy) f Fhe dl ees man aya. Se Veins ane vlow at my IT was, as | have alren iy pit) 1D aeleeve, . : ra ie PO) Ont ir a ea having danced with a young lady whose pawn UE EE SAD ; f the bbaod weve wing newly wly-going lawyer, verzing towards a caliily ¢ Because [do not think ol shall) attractions, personal and conversational Phe prine al diticuity consisted in recone . Ve i, 5 ' nid eame to tae bithe circular respectable unddie age, th Ober tivope eo uUnny Ninn Youdo re lave Me #8! seemed to have made an iinpression on foe as Fe eS iva wuss t wove of pines ated bendock that led out grey hairs showing amon ny Hive shad! Hee GSES GIN Thy ae and should his sensibilities, asked to have the pleae- lo cores) with abother. Lin . Aer amume GOOD) lke as Looking ghiss., ite fil dad miy Groans ane cies, andoany Tam weyward : ay i and ure of seeing her on the fol lowing evening, Pus t 1 PLANG yeoks Were the fist to attempt | ¥ ' al redbas Dpucreed iia Way Gat ho hot eager, generous youth, ke most oth I shoal we: ary your life ont by constant) «Why no sir,” replied the fair one, “I . ‘ \ Get Signe cane: Conan pte vehi nl I indy lu mvhoerimens and they had passed away, Dat Nu rae Out efane am l ve ay ak we to shall be engaved to-morrow evening, but denature rs eee A call ae dae) elit tn one tuo I Madiiot Kinwn, one ting Ince Ete, poe ae eee ta Tov [wall tell son when yon ean see ae (Cx Goce eu nee Cas ’ : aed | ; ; ' y the sanshine be ! ‘ Wow Tualnncedic: aye im iy dreams,) aud that pen aT DO the ea a a “I ohh: all be most happy,” exclaimed the Coe i ; - “ oe ; ; reg bem) taper OATHS Gunde would wish ine be a Ms Tr e Ennely xc. - Beeculiuns, © & > i \ ns ee ae GeunHle iedetmein timed) oe ry that spreel and wid to It Lever wave my visions a body and "C8 betore we had been married a month; Well on Saturday,” resumed the lady, Rouie et { tabael termine ; ee ee a | . ‘ Ao ereat 1 New: a name, they were totally unlike all the and sae 208 out wit ae ee ‘you can sce me at the foot of Marsh’s aed lee j i ; UE = WSU Oe er Si oACTT Nero niland deg was standing Setweuen me realities Phad ever eeen. nae Wilke oll any dogo 1) SSUES ae te a market, selling cabbage.” Kai ' Vs. assis to vito oat) lu ea eens en hirer St her, showing a forundible ww of threside reveries was a slight, delicate heart, by way of umusement. ROW Wt The ge sutlemnan went, saw the usefulness ens rhait gO de (eles ene creed HLS ie 4 ee yee white teeth, ane | ome hirea: tle creature, with a pure che ae, ae GS ILasif Thad seen it all—even now.” of the lady, was still more entranced with ora anie ; H Is ,oul ferent) ane Ulee latte antes piles ? act voit the bluest and clearest of eves, She looked at ine, and all nae ON ’> her, ind they were married shortly after. Bastard ay . on ; : c Chand, ane Nae laett Rec teatrcet nik dinestot, Grolden Waire vain veartand nature were in her eyes. They | AES : : ; Pe ‘ Hel ie be oe ami Seine 60 aed } se vunae Troe cyl Benet like the Grete spoke love and passion, and dee» tender | a . one r sae Ms SUE = Pees ee ee nae ‘ ee a farce ie . rf t Bs ch aa rare NA ele eas forme. Something le aped Into BEAUFORT TARBOR. t Se UN too : 7 . : a ae ; i A nee hey on a | kK 7 . j : ive, Hite it iny: heart at that moment which [! prom the Greensborouzh Patriot's Correspondence. AAR. : Whoa os ; i Die a Tsetse tts oe at | say, Thad ne Ik It let vine wething that made Montnrcap Crry, March 10, 1859. | ‘i 7 a nln r nveoaffection of the few hours seem [ey , 7 SU aR re ee eee, | OO oe cold and dead becide its fervid glow, [> 2ilétus Patriots As you are among i ; 1s ; : su = . : Se nie ane Seen Ke ti ‘ ul in my ane wi the instant the teow ts ue o & eS ee are , ) Jose to y heart AUR O08) Lyorti ONS : oO SUPERPHOSPHATE OF LIME. . y ee) te 1 ed oe y fort naa : : bo ‘ : ; ; ‘ 7 ee : \\ y os : Ce 7 oa loved woman with Deautortthe iiportane eit deserves, I will la DS Wee & wecntedd = ee Cee es : Foe fea “y: i i i" vo a fevanehs hve tenner, ReaNG Hee! SATO ONTTAIAY iLonreasonably wive yeu wliat , rave this day witnessed. l rts S | \ : el | i] te & = ie ead cae Baowe i on eH cote citys LO } t avill tritly and honestly Lhe ! vu kin wy 1s built upon ot ei ‘ : repeal \\ ie i ral ‘ i Tdowve y EO aE Gay pile <4 Novelty in this coun- FAR , fy ae OTR Pie itd — Prats will it try as wellae in Enrote, and is just fin- t . 1 1 1 i Pee ei ed . rf ete steel ENGI it e wary use uilt thereon, | WW Pees Kiaveeean arn t down, and our Hs amet ima ton and tae : structure for enclosing the ul : ‘ : 1 los “ ised and will be under cover gs ; ‘ \ | eel : ; eat hae Te cls I _ eA WLnk Vise \ “next week. The arrange- \W \ : it i . Wee ate ; : i : Sa [her pretiy head sugtinst my tients bere for Joading and unloading : i g ; i , : H ‘ (ea ii). tho. aiid ler Hitnul s into imine accuin, Sesser. and cars are sty rior to anything , t ‘ ‘ : é io; es Po vou Mean it for your answer? [lave eve witnessed, either North or ie : " , ‘ i F a le ae a 4 Gun fas sca ale Trond, dea Alsee, ceed Ware houses, being some and a | ? ' ’ . , : : : x i narrower than the wharf, Its j S ' : he enn ee ‘ Lhe an Ss ind placed nearer one side of the same, on 0 u a ; : ie - “ ; “ HEN Se I: shiad ever giv The ray read track rans on each side of a ; ‘ ; 4 ; ay SOUTER eee tin be Nagra ‘ to mame Batste never called the same an | between it and the vessela : | f ‘ - ‘i \ mn yoany other again until sie ceased ving at the side of the wharf; 80 that if a : : ‘ ~ ‘ ‘ \ eee ell esi utes ye lo fove i LGt soured, sweetly in tay the cars are ready, the woods are taken 4h a ° _ 1 oan a ora el 7 leben Meibany How, ath Lit will sound sweetly dune from the vessel, and pat directly ‘ l u \ , ‘ i \ i - ; a ite tomy dying day. on baord the cars, with mat any delay or males = \ \ : uy ; . es ee ' coat. df cars a not ready, the goods le 1 fe il en : ‘ : a ete ' ie 5 Ke LE ALSA ESS, whieh are valuable and need locking up, ; cea nod 1 . ‘ ; F ' \ t ; seine ¢ Mee watch ea | - Ae Scene Wp - “T cannot so debase invself as to asso. are carrie 1 across the tracks, and pat in att ; ; pee : : ae and i Wale en oe 7 re ehate with th folks. The atmosphere the warehouse, until the cars arrive.— : I \ : ‘ ee SES oo , ‘ Se ee . : . ae a ae oe an] ae about them is contaminate By sym Those more bulky are lett outside the : ‘ rots dt pia ‘ \ St ‘ : aie ve . | ee oe a ‘ men pathizing with them sharing their amuse. tracks on the wharf, though pot exposed ee ui , ‘3 : ; fal, dl A : peel te ments, and becoming familar with their to the we Ry as the whole is under cov- by pr ; ; ae L * 4 a yak VOREe Res ] should be broaght down to er, an d- enclosed by Ta sliding doors . \ } vel Aen their level. TL ecannot lower i. If, for ] remaining entirely 1 sund the coat oe | tw ‘ - , wish the spiritual influences about me to Here the steamer drawing twenty feet ne i ant} au re as will raise the tonwot iy feel: water, “and the lucomotve weighing t : 4 ‘ “ > » : : i 1 E twenty or thirty tons, with its whe ole train, tte \ . . “1 : ee tle a nay be alone side each other; ; and this, J eee A 74 to : on each side of the wharf at the same rian , : : . SS ye at time, while in front other vessels may be = i \ ie = 8 ; me: = “ roe loading or discharging cargoes. Gu : J a abe ae a es re hey : wirable arrangement, | have : - \ : ie \ { any thing to compare to ite aot | M \ Z ; on) 1 Ne ie vreat credit on the Engin- chem \ . - ; : ie e He st s yplinned it, and superiutended Me : H ° . : ee ; eal a Chis ions on the Rail Road au- Ue Say ‘ \ , j a ‘ hee a al tor se os Jom and liberality “oe . Ee i : : ‘ ; ‘ . tet WwW he de: ha so mach to facilitate commerce, Lene ve \ oe ae Cm nan) jt ‘ contractors for the admirable } . ) } - ii : ; ‘ . » : _ Waetisy (emietaede TUR THeNet vyoof the SS: : iI Gati il : j Sieve Gee Sl vessels are Iving at the wharf, ‘ 3 . : ( a‘ : i : : : : ‘ nee is aways hateful. A bearing of to wong and discharging cargoes. Hee _ : a oe ‘ : | ae ie . ean, ; the lower Tanetiority ind:eates poverty of soul A barque of some cit hundred tons ene ‘ a ey ' ‘ ‘ i : \ : 5 aon ; Ul eae eit am ier ee Pie truly great cannot be devas 1 bey veeted here to-morrow from Balti- fs x Sa . = ‘ i a a ara ae issociatina: with the huarbl fed traly vartered to take five thousand bar- Water anc I ‘ : \ ; a : ‘ ‘ . M ; a i: 7 ue ; : is a oe I pte veat omnia is the most acc csible. Lis rels of rosin direet to Liverpool, a portion \ 1 De cetbes ; neveleeea lene , tc witty GAVAY er ENG “ ~ vyeatness is inate; and it radiates its of the cargo being new on the wharf. Evr ' M ’ ; CO ae as ee 1 ibaecla ne ; mie ene? yeas of syinpathy on all about him, [see a number of good houses going ure Mi ; . b : : 1 - oe he : P aan . Hon i Pe oven \\ 1? What were ethem, drawing thet towards hin np. aud | population is rapidly increas- Pap cei Ae eed ; Sette en : i on ayn cin Sans Seat, € heared Nl ann aes Coo tlie refinius them by its ine ing; an leed, there are few places more ei aes as : ; ; ; ee a i —— ; Ua ie adotecay Loans, ee Lill they are transtigured in its changed than this siuee 1 saw it twelve avalich) ‘ wpe ; _ — SO ae a ys ft be, it fed ie ae Ae be! a "presence, Inonths ago, ; frequent s ' es) ; iy Ty ' W) Ee fey Tips ee aa ra , 7 es ye ; ln the presence of true greatness we I found your townsman, Gov. More- Tas) 1 ‘ oo : : na dS Tie SARS a es Ba aN Lae ' van ‘ : i VW tn felis towel conld) walk rit iitomtiGalendercre the founder of this City, the en cry ene W Textile “ davon any pas MrelinateteWanstiae eu le cls SAG ‘ : Se ne . : : , . heart, and then open ours faliy—we feel buibler of the wharf and ware-house, at Grusta ! Nat as tt t \ ) Lek HONS . pa ' in ve | : sil we idoamet one of onr own heuse- the Eastern end of the railroad, }le was Chem i come, Ie ae, dae Lio Titian ae ' OT ISIN Pa te ae a ee ae fie inde quan gay. fetd. But look at hing ving direction and instruction to his SW UN Sidi eis eee Bodh Thin te eae I a sckae aie ee ence) eee eile ronan ear er ais ye Conscious wreatness like a Workimen-—some thirty in number—in his wn be Seat P84 dave, whieh Da & a fh oyu i 2 Abe ae ee Atay tomer Lorie. fuer any COE WSS nee MR usual quiet way. He is evidently grati- We i. DY ae ae y toe es ' ; fi Be a i \ sytnpath tied with this consaumonation of his wishes \l ARBLE |: WP SSS A PSEA TLE GREE Acai wT et Ia [ iarcis ee ‘ _ Coe elas SSE Ne PUA SRST CO elie lee burns ou the the conneetion of the mountains with wel TT] than tl i ovear \ dy OWS A SS ea wet it 1 aM Woah pocip to Pr reheat nia rm 0 (they ow pees als ; eicesnu digs areenyy thy Rae : piss seeornd Kang of Home, endeavored ae Sete and hettest to hace aay sient Ty hae ; ee UE ve Pen , ; , i a A a ey tare. Lhe ontward rigidity only shows [shail be deceived if a brilliant future CHARLES iP GRAY, cords to the best of lis knowledge, to renmtovs al a) and pe TOON TEE Ts a we it ; oe i | ie : ee ‘ rope . a Sect a ag Te DE ty of inward expansion, dovs not await this place MAMMOTIO DEALER IN this coustanthy crows contusion (leis cen a ‘ ce Os . 1 i ; ‘ : tid : \ ah . } ao RY a meee ee ihoncerust stall be ruptured. Cae Ma Tablets, 80, (vi -rthemonnn teeing Meat Kore go ereaswih 9 ! ! lies Mice Amt hy acuthy [ snppos EU er easter een us plat ~terueran th ( ed ene Damarios, aad the ot} Hay ay Lover | weetueles i fre dba cna al a4 y Yen will marry ¢ ae ‘ fe i ee eek Sak aa fare tion vestentay several goutlemen of this W ener Phe tas putchawed thes thin Jantarins the first, and bel Ie quiet worden as | ve herast t ( i ir to was It te lw ot advise nan, be he ‘a omelaiye a 5 “ ere i «ty pode to Baltimore in one ot the new- GRAY ‘ Uk Vv ands aE TEAS ESRIVRURRUNL ESE AnbarS eter (At aw late t e lads s-city t toy lal) 1 rent ie ony ice er ; Tee <5 roveune in case he al 1 t | ’ = ea ae 4 oe eine } sleepin rs. which has been Mitrin Sfret, Opposite t Pe Ore Ne a Pinas me ee wad Lips of o Mrs. Cams” nersett san EG Pa me wiseoor prudent to marry wom ‘ m tie wh “a a a Se iinet Dye tli sre and Obio lysine : ‘ FAL ea (tn re ee . : 7 a - ’ — Ree » oud ; OES ul it uty Wey ” y Cann Me Wah a al oe von tier pond, kindest we ie " : ane et wi ae ie a ji ee o ‘ ea ent tarin hou wed Ytver dnt ae : : aed i ho othe appear- MONUMENTS, sive) Nuiansiiol va Betaunmy 2k gs: Whaever Sauk] Titik I Oa te ee ot aval aatumediy nat tak ae oe ae Oe eS Eon at \ ie fo the rest same 24 and seme 3d Vou are: Gohing ay my, Ve , a: ; iv “y POOP I OM ash é af | ; nn “af ey took wp amd te strom La Reine ; rill 4 B Ile [lhe Sak Was wow ais follow Pit nay me tyr vou Te) You have fae : ; ; i : pte’ ‘ p teseornn Sean ain i; they tad themsels oan Women oy eure . 5 nie tone a ABLES, 1 Jonuanias, bud Wodays i aS Oat i. » a ‘ ® ; et * : f ' ! Lao as worctinm a hae) ame SD Ses Aen De ye ec r sleepune backs of the and HEADSTONES; Mu iN oil eae : a“ ieee : f : \ I los ind | , i Ieee he MY via tist of seats are taken ont, farming two berths; AD SSS cad TITS NIIRINIET ES 9) Np, sen eee Tes. ee ‘ tarted, as sie ded, a : re me BS ol at mumber of berths are taken from shall b> put up ofits best material, Que wl © ay R , ; ; at ae see MS ee Nae wie mt i wy i es oh ‘ | ‘ ye ae ie Ie isu ’ r. The berthsean be separa- for Cath 1 Moje i} ( 1 lou ' , | \ ie Auitan ae t i ‘ t Gomoand exe ' Ana ; _ iw : ' \ i movers | : ieee a, king th sauinfied Ue : tenia ditto i by \ sie aL ew ee as anal pm ftewtle Wet sho Ay CLS “iw ew ce Sle Priva wlies ie} scar is a Adama The i an owen ‘ , : marae | cnt | Pie) \ i y noite) eo colishie nd wellsapp ed with Finishing room hw NON : : an} v \ \ : j : : 1 ‘ 1 Pat i, i : allt \ rele ve (rav= FINE Lots ov wearin ee ) ' j ened nae ad) eG \ bails n ‘ \\ wert me \ is : A ean Orders tra . “ eta) ' $1 ; i ae ; nil : iS Ware, tne doce ist rat Uy ' & u \ t \ t Pecan anen at ‘ o ’ ue tion, wad in orm AS 58 } Me . ; \ : \ oS | i \ ney in the Cor Gkay at eee , ‘ \ ‘ ‘ Ta ares : | we ; ‘ uA ‘ st Wash © Sahabory, be t ‘ Viel ' yg id r ’ ‘ His x feo al ere ‘ ee oe I : , H aen aly : dea \ un \ ; . \\ ert eee BOOK: BINDING AGENC WY, . ne } feworere { \ Lee Sa Tetris 1 SUI STI SSS StS Tee : ‘ u \ i aN “[s the sense IN OSE ISBEIY: ao Non eae untrel i > Erbe ‘ * ee : easing than the sense WAVE tT ' \ eer ; ! : ayy || i ANE ' a : : | va 5 t ea wes have mate a ‘ ie al i SUIT SSS} N= - | \ bait \ ee : ; : ‘ : : vabarroom Unele in Saliaby : \ ; ; ie lhe : te ce. . “i Lo ‘ a those aniier i AC Cen i | ‘en ve mvcous te hear h t through hie A ‘ 1 | ' | ‘ - We eee ee and be exer x 1 1 ‘ ( | = : ‘ \ Piysty fi \ | ‘ it , : Shes annie aality and «tye. aud ewe I G inane A : ee eee ae t } ft ; a a e : , i o | : \ ‘ 1 p ' . | wit : s t my Blank Books, Ledgers, oD ea mia ie eee ee 1 an. i \ moe oe cane ae maGlerseat tons \ ates t oh t ni ao n wa . ava Merona Hh : Sh ' \ } Bs shepherd issutt veda men ee ba : ; ie Iran . nn Pon \ , aK } var made to ord ree isl \ i ' on f ; on 7 reac de Ww Ae iey eee ee th vk . 5 Nae ret ; leon ‘ r ) ENN | Mo dol | < in ' \ | rat vat wile LE CMGI ati \ Foster wall fall on ' PXXGoon th rest it seamed sometines as uf Peould wander asl sh ai ean \ vatheslatew stey a em \ 1 ba . innit ae ( | ; Ie va 1 iso Feb 29h. 1559 pyres Ey late, the hth of Nyorl ‘over tho hills and far away, and dose Sad t is lo ‘for arace; la ne, when Tsay von lave won my Ww e by eommon to’ks # Can the sun be biach CULTS GH STE UES I iRaIN Pose | Tue Raitkoav Controviusy.—The Char Jotte Democrat has published none of the doenments on this subject, giving as reasons, that it neither appreciated the motives which prompted the investigation noradmired Mr. Fisher and his manage- ment of the road. It would not publish a part without the whole, or one side with out the other” (which some of the deme eratic papers do.) Tha Democrat adds, “Mr. Worth was not a proper person to paton the rnmor says there has existed cuiuity he tween the Fisher and Worth faniies tor many years pct, and, if this is so, We think, and others think, it would have teft him off such a cous committee of i vesti better to have | tee. Itisa little stranze t could find nothing in Mr. f official course to approve. tee was appointed to Investisate affairs ot the North Carolia Tedread, but it appears only Mir. Fishers ¢ was exatined into, and that of decessor passed over Whiny It is right and proper to examine fairs of all corporations where the hb) ate ds interested, but in this case iteoks Lie a one-sided investizadon.” Towhichitinay be replied, that Mr, Worth was put on tlhe committee by the demo That Mr Fisher closed Lis reply by thanking Ah cratic Speaker of the Senate: Worth tor his testimony in his (lisher’s: favor: “Lcalithe chairman as miy withess must all enemies,” He shall detead me ag said Mr. Fis atts It is of the first importance that the doors should at all times be thrown wide epen to the investigation of the manage ment of works in which the State has an interest, and that the publie should see the results. Only in that way can the public interests be protected. DEMOCRATIC ACTICLES or FAITH We believe in Calhoun living and in Webster and Clay dead. Wiz helieve that teelhau Cs aud irets”” In 1 et BOCLELY, nud-sills ot ried as the capital of are the * eas tit to be res Siac ay, Soke | We belies in Squatter Sovereignty aul a presidential cleetion, bat ate all Sqsatter Sovereignty re verts to the President, We believe a | come a partner of lic ce State ought to be Union if it las 35, OO Vababitants A i) ) att + tr We believe a Slive State eught hot to boceme a paurtaer of tie Union unless she has 93,000 Inhabit W Pac believe danan and Douglas las Noalios Ark. ind money wenerally Wiodh at oCCusioial tose of frcisury rays, Wiel oust not, uaderany ordinary con fy colt » ty exceed forty dah ais }t We spoils,” and af there be more victors than | oils sti bebeve te the “vietor belong the spalisy 8] Wd be made to order, We bat South Carolia is vreater. beheve in a National party if at neludes the North and leaves out the South. believe that thisis a great country, CAROLINA WATCHMAN, (ood t iot hens for ite tnd the igh tore SLITS B12) Ve TUESDAY EVENING (Bt, APRIL & esi Dr. Bessend is now at his office, ready toattend all calls in his profession, 22° Dr. Aad eton, NOC, year of his life. mii We acknowledge the receipt of a ticket: Mr. Worth asserts the existence of gross errors of invitation to a ball to be given at Chap- in the annual reports of the President, and con el Thll, June vd, complimestary to the sequently lack of confidence in his fiuancial sttes yoy J UNA ¢ graduating class, per We Disbursements by Teeasurer of the N.C. Railroad Company, money has gone into the Treasury from the va for the fiscal year ending July Ist, 1858.) nous sources, eae he source duly set forth; and I Di Ro-- on the 1st r, died at Wil inst. in the 92 rave received a Cry of the Tam one of ose who desire clearness on a point "same respect, C. PP. Mendenhall, \NORTH CAROLINA RAIL ROAD.’ Mr. Editor: During the discussion and gear’ The Greensboro’ Patriot says i— We rel about the N, C. Railroad, there bas been one jyve also, for some time, been charging For the Wutghman. item overlooked, in connection with which T iat here was a plan on foot to depreci- think there was “bad management,” and [am ate the stock inthe road, to wear out the pretty sure it belongs to Gov, Morehead’s ad patience of the stoekholders, and finally ministration, TI alude to the enormous surplage col) qhe road to pay off its debts, ind the of “ cross ties,” which are to be seen all along $350,000 loan debt to the loss of the pra the line of the road, stacked up and. scattered vate stockholders, of their entire stock. And in Mr. Fisher's reply, under the dts about, going to waste by rot and hable to be des yiise of crying out agaist detnigogies, Each stick of that tinber cost the company bot less than 40 cents; troved by fires in the woods. of whom lie ds ehies lie says: © Bar better would it be for the State aud the “people, to pat them (the ruads) ap for sale to “the dighest bidder, Gian that they should fur- “ish party capital.” and Tam pretty sure the loss from this source If Mr. must amount to thousands of dollars, is responsible for the wood contracts, Thus does Mr. Fisher, under the false duce the price of the wood cuntracted for by his lea of endeavoring to put down party predecessors, from $1.50 to $1.25 per cord, as t f : he says he did, be certainly had the right to re- SP"! it, which has, for dhe last four tmenths labored incessantly te getup, endeavor to familiarize the public mind with the idea of selling out oar works of internal ject’ these verbal contracts altogether,) Gov. Morchead’s administration is as clearly blamea- ble for the waste pf eross-ties, {have often a a | improvements tothe highest bidder, And heard this item complained of as an instance of | 1 We now say to the public, and to the stockholders in this road, Chat this selling onto will, at no distant day, not only be “bad management,” aod T regret it was nut com be asad reality; and has been secretly at work for some to nancial business of the Road is vne of the great est importance. We oved light on that subject a yenes und kaaves, time, by * demi coneuimate t treacherous ver And in conclusion, we would add, tn the Savery facetious, if not able ments. [tis a subject of deep coucert to every For all such, by whatever name tnav be known, ie have about the all in T want to know how much “den, equally politcal lagzarent aid posts “tothe body politic of the State They confine themselves to ther Write TAN payer as well as to every stockholder; and © the emi our oO} bere, of such importance, had bettes “proper eccupan msofscheemtoy ticke The Wilmington Journal avows its dis belief in the degeneracy of modern pol ticlans, the corruption of modern Meocie ty,” and the extravagance of modern tas Jous, as compared with olden times. It thinks these things are pretty much al he from ape to aye, We dott We think that there was ne previous period wn American history courparable w ith that of the Van Buren dy tasty for the reguery done period: prey tats of public otlicers, to the present i whieh each bow and mean men tad been elevated to sedate 1 the American Congress and other ita places. Itis true that this degeneniey, both ws to officers amd Conmsressnien. ts most apparent at the Nerth,asver but Mois progressive, and tay vel beer equally socat tae Sout Wray lever an the dectiine we hate se ooten heard crimeited trom the pudput, tie there is no stalenary Gonditeen at tacit bature 5 that rian etlier forwat 1 backward —yets better er wore Na a the weneral tendeney bon cannery tad tot been to the Weise, Hiren ive Ww read the stuns arta {Rerpulien! Yuu at the Stentes ane Key traced eI it Comutesstnatn, representa opal t great eity of Tie Unien Iv J LAVAS officer of the nathan fear its capita cits Lutterworth, another pull thi Norn Whose prvwatye chine , press lias aun merey bot drawn a Wey Wena wre DELO BO pers thtrrends of thre dent of the Ciitted Srites fr Cle Cie (POS EET? Treree Beicn ( (Cs Pine Wilson Le stery of the Winston Sen Th dome Ulic Ser aprowes Upon vet Theva A Loss of Three Thousund Lives. Near Taganrog, on the sea of Awlff, a catas- trophe vecured, about the beginning of Febru- ary Just, which involved a loss of life wnparallel- ed except by memorable earthquakes of volcan- ie eruptions, EC appears that seme three thou- sand inhabitants of Taganrog, relying upon the promise of far weather nade by the genial at- thosphere and tht cloudless shy, proceeded to the Agotf sea to indulge in the sport of tishiag beneath the sea favorite pastime of that re- gion, The atmosphere continuing serebe, the party Wer tolled into a feeling of security, and sentored further than tsual upon the ee, in the hope of obbuniny haul. Suddenly a breeg: sprang ap from the east, which, growing: whirked the show tod. tiie . in all directions, and be- Jong stewceded tn detaching: the jee from yee fild then broke into HO Merous pleees, Ly owith ther teritied and heliless human teeaht, dutted towards the open dobe rendered: the une ippy berms by their fantic relatives and friends and within two hb boisterous by deren, loose obiee tone the shore, “Die larg Wisi No assistive ¢ lis nota sign of life va slione Wan wietlilenetue sirens cul thecsene Ouetles wine chav a ci diitedin shore upon whieh were tive of the unturtunaics three of tiedeat and the other two namb avd insen- Vino two latter aga amd an old man were testoned by umes of the usual applian: ees the wil bowever, survived tata fow hours; the toan recovered, bat last the use of his tongue Jotthe fright caused 4 Uribe ty] Dee ’ ' By the seen te had passed through. THe pre- ! Vy Written narative of the occurrences of thteartal might on the Azo. By thin cabetrophe lenst 3000 persons (Watery: televe VY. Aeening Post, Joortalof Commerce, speak- wy ve spere thot iit miperdasee, says leat tee iitiber of cine nt tines are being There was veo time to examine “all the We believe in the great principle of k Cran ; ; ho fy Ps \ ‘ “4 tier erty aft gi vi Site pis 7 op . . waht to kiow to whom and for what YUP POses, , , Fi F ‘ affairs’ of ce Road, for as Mr. Fishe: ms an ‘ van « . for if one vote be Cotton Phe price of cotton is unset- “lle eae, evnvdl fl | a ory and keep ther incompetent tind. the | oes iS Woothe ustof the lv, where the true - - ‘ . wood then two are better, ' Z pe hat money Was pad out, ne would also, ¢ ‘ “ ‘ fe ‘ ‘ niece Pos said in his reply, it would take nine : [ vy ; . tled, and sales generally light. Tireresn | from the great works upon which de ‘Sappose, for argue nt > sake, we ad Ban ! Dd SUN OISIEY's ' : We belteve in the inestimable right of , A yD . hike to know more about those “old debts not a pend the lite of the State andthe pros: ait tit Mi ie age 1 savin ther tiermones tem todelble diss 2 th + vi le OCT \ ast celine See . ae . rend th eG: (HNKO Toned vce Cl oO fe Ateter el aibeidacee Teall months to do so, And the Democratic Pomocrats, when onthe stump, to change “88 4 decline of 4 at Savaneah, and New own wy exist? de—by whom made, and to © yer) Tn wanna ae ; ace, shed of te Liman t lean the fea arty in the Levislature failed t { is : perity of the people. ners abolition Ree aren party in the Leyislature failed te provide: tacie principles with the degrees of lau York, on the Ist instant. iver eouha andl ae ola Tihs Corie m : ; ey ae , Poe Me) taleetet At deat twoon ¢ ist of subseri- for such an Cavestigation, to be made. tide and lonzitude : | } . t i } j | . ST ie “ ' mas tor the ean peated aes n—inpen who vrais. site sa . . ha ‘ B : Fought te have been furnished a list of the ‘ . A ._ Goaliner scatter tat Wish rads : necessarily, utter the session closed, We believe the history of political par | 40 Oranges. — Me. Sinith, at the Post ; ite L redalicot tion st Cond teney, Thou Art a Jewel. fico a OE Sond Grate ite thie | Loy and litera: Cre | , Ris alton sey tl - . j they ealed for it: and, as ao stuckholder, Poyet of houses eb eapiativ cts (ep viboolunianAiiiest ere et 1 ee though earn ha urged to do so by Mr hes ustabl Sthe tice tit tere is ne Oiticen is cntiticdeto ong tliiiksetion some “ ; ; . G It there ever was a shamefully ineon unype . yi ( Denn oe Ihe spelt thee Worth and others The Gotnmittee ex Bie ane iad ie. a) 7 0 - teel the necessity of such a hist } Pease: tL Me Yt Sbeen assetted Chat ten 4 cohesiveness equal to the cohesiveness very fine oranges, His shop is well sup- . stent pauper itis tl Raleigh Srandard we , amined, therefore, those matters as to oft public; the oF i j : AN SMOKES ARIE Oa TR ee naan Oe leet TEENA Ue t i S wo volun count them which there bad been complaint. And Ace Ge ar aga vine on | ui! thine, with tans very Hi cree Nre wibditiess which the Stanedsrd heap Pie w \ \ Ses > . : We boates | but Chis as ne eireraetonys Can HE | Ay Te , things in the line a confectioner, 1 : . iene ey erereal . vale ame) t . cel tevetie: fait tovtnest before the foun- the examination of at Te tw ne (Ou _ tw srcntindies cial - ARTE SSEEIESTOP SE: INS TB ale: elon Mer. Gr ‘ haceat of lis course et und t t t , : ; } . (the wood contracts and the Andrews) i i ; eq) ' cers ' aie ' | bat M , . * ‘ Gd) HD UC RCO = sot tds : > , 18 Neoonline to previeus not theswliescat lie! CHO TRU HED es Thee MUO S ASH ite) ELI ry Mi Ge ‘ ein ent ; ' fair) was iiade at the instan aa NE. ; The Rev W. TL Depurrr, reqt Ht a beet Bis Du | me ; . 2 ' | a stor adineasten, of S f 2 \ ANOS vor tsa s . coy enieieatatine Garin us PN Gokee eon tei esesce cnt ys and we Cite SAL) sey Gan Testa Te : " (ii inther, Corres pote Green, democrat, be probably suppost ow We bees ie Ties me cit f Dible Society, in this State, ap es . J Badisk Noni. Heel v4 \ \ . . I. Puen ' n ti ming iy ne | . : ay Uae Hb . . Lives 29h of Marvel, to aspen : ties te Gall their ythe annexed ent Z ete a s Lun N46 ctriate Asay as Mr. Fisher had stated in his report, jy so or Walker aud his followers, and) )" ited to the vaeaney made by the death — Hi , OU ~ a ‘ Avot f t vt 1 ' | sonenin the } ’ i ANE 7 7 ' robe Wht Take Teey eu that the wood contracts lad been made. yetjoin all to pray for ite success. of the late Mr. Derwell, has | PSU SLUIC (Cutis ikon 1oin Wins a TE \ i i ; hitiedd Z , f n yoetpun all to | tor its succes t the late arwell, bas been here UTHER 1. orn Pr wh Cded ano acecnitlistes during Gov. More inistratian ; 13chof Apal, for purpose of nominating a G iar I eepion | fai < \ Net loube 2 for sever ‘ e » t 1: . Wat vest ‘ ' a 1 1 able be The investization was not contined to Mr { Busy 7 Hic: vires) in I, NAGI DHS As ged in tis work W Akan (GORE fe eee (olen vend Avy eee { { ca ; \ ° > : f / . S u | ' ‘ieiveraiven (ciWnee| - > Mines ; : Fisher's adwiinistration, nor was Gov Jew days ett ; ' \ He preache : vteran Chareh , eed t eins. <3} ; ; , i : , Bi Le th au); IU} St , ca t ' reo i i ponents Morelead’s pus-c lover, as the Detneceut eral Jaro broek tenements ; M my Sanday morning and in the Methodist 1 an 5 ay. ‘ ye fit trav Woseas ; ink ae a avs ' ek y . r \ = ‘ ne ES alin ff \ ae Vir ne tahial thinks, because veliy Were agai AV AN, AWheikeeea gan equniiess on Gorse (CUNO ue a (Ome mote ween? We te Samet diechan tell aia + in: ll bone. Vie t oF , : { 5 7 Fisher and tor Morciead. atel widely known Carriese | vecent weather the ¢ tons were sin {I ; . a vo ‘ . Bh | ‘ Now Yorn, Me He, =O Cotton of ‘ 1 OTe oa Is resinmal sloseer t } ‘ ' It As to any previous enmity between were stiuen with the tut Gal ree F 1. It 4 ‘ UN Eee SUNSET ESA) ' lew: Un Wes Tt ts juan test ol > i ; Per er Meessra. Fisher and Worth, wenever heard some veiicles ou Tian at waRinen ’ » tt es : Hed (SMe TY Ty REN u Meee) rea peri ec seein Mt > : , ‘ a ‘ ; t 4 : : ’ a Gu f }. , Ly \ wo sales u Hon that ther cons ‘ttoe i A , rT) SA remarks fie popes ' Ey , of it, and thing Vs PCOMMUGT Te CL CU Te EAHCE Uti a p Wi leain | fea 7 -We have tind exceeding ' / : i ~ ay SS aa va 10 per other at the Commencement of the ives wor rea tt ; ; ny uh AVNET ee \ Le} ‘ Sothern =? ren ‘ > . . os 1 tigation wes fur te disprove lt. Sareea acu eee ; uo - heavy raius for te Va week past. Our mreesiitall ob eee te tan ; . P . (bn \ \\ Seth | i . n 1 tev woite Ul a 5 : 1 ‘ eae tall streatns . nel le arth - “ - ' Te { t if it were so, the testimony of all the HYe fast tacive months be badder e mire ba iu) Strcimis are macy swallens rts 1) Gactcy. Jet, Jones. Ciecro Lava ‘ as . <n stew a erie ter ’ Ener Voss YO cons members of the conuuiitee that Mero sness by oue dvarth than Voure . vrs can do Wetting ir prepiurinie Por at 1 Gaither, ( Spi Lawloraiw } a - , a LS aur! ~ 1. , 1 2 r oral Worth’s Report conmined nothine dia Net ein eae ; reat he | ; Vanes Nr eae orth » Re ey ated nothing tha | peti i erly wot titer Clete fie frequent mans fer the last qf yinan dF) Mees, POY Ca tl Roar . " 1 » fi ‘ SM Ae elk ap gs VE Une tol. tor was not truce, und that every subject em Gone (are Auadiredd diel scat y tu Guo ves tivceran tant litt we opperated NE l 1 1 \ i ‘ ' ; ‘ . ) co .* ga t ' , ‘ SENSIS ais led Sat i Sa Lae Se ~ ~ so ut Vtg: ‘ = 1 braced init waa fally and fairy investiga ticles, Gal of course of lis ow ia rn Dee at ' ; ; : : ; ‘ 2 ‘ 4 ( , t : ; \ 1 \' anut arent ce te mit dear Wet Lb) Vine ' 7 | ' ‘ ‘ ted shows that ifauy cnimity caisted,ithad tase nee \ fo hav cevtenne lies fay 4 \ : Ae eh is ud BF. Cauchedl, Ds. MeGuore, J ‘ eae 2 ; , : Ueto UD anh: ‘ a Rei tee ES i trllpeeect , hess wi . ‘ \ 1 s no inftuence on the Report, uuless indecd year cbesides repairing aid sale oth se UES ese TEA wot (err fillows turn: Hidara BM. Savior J. Me Barton, HEC: i rote ( ( / Tot Me We | Soren all the ve members of the committee con at ai Pate ny _ ed daring the winter, and now the tine Cob. Gedid, HL alta aml Ne ay Tin ‘ eloper \ fe earan soto ova rea tor the ; : Holic work, ett Poeart ‘ ot Viv ‘ were atentuity with Mr. Bisier. 12 aberent Goudie ay any Caucus oe plantineeisat liane bin. ie ' Ml vNew Your oe HENS Si ~ road, One ye wee i ofiion } . Tina, . 5 Now. When atts tenenupberend) that t neue Soh J i" A Pay tlevnihe Observer. na, besides shipping, via New Yerk.) We tad frost and iee on Pridavy morn On motion, the names of the Chainnan an \ te ss Uae GH RDN! nes several eatriages each to Georgia, Alasvine Jast: bat \ ond crit Mbadernay adie (eee Wises position on toe Le TENE cnt) Cee! SEES MG mas AMIE T inte Waseem Tit mae (aleanmaty Uinta Gray) lana) TREC Se mT AIRE IN if ’ \ Wed, Tar Ia: : ; bane, Mississtpot. aml Bbordalaneapaate , . : ; , ; tititing, was pace'sely that ef Mir G ‘ ts as an he Elohalis: gy Rarroap Controversy, Gain De re ANE {Te ere was done to fruit Tie Hoo. Re C. Purvear and N. Bosden were , a < The Winston Sentinel give as a reascu 4! yer to Tyxas. Varese to distant dPeli (ig anil outetanved Hhenmedhea syapedy CM ARE Mr. Wise, had tn ' ; ‘ 5 > thes \ Tt rede i } iia > , rae { . : = : t , Wislavees th etd “ 7 \\ { for not publishing the Repert ofthe Corn * DE CATS ISREU SEA VAV IES en OYE! TAOS Wa eit om eat leet eem Winans Mar. Griluiers seat would Have voted: par i ‘ = Pegi nse ef Judge . a / ik pre ie ine < Q\nnt , psa Mia ae) : oem I nee l oh ' mittee of investization imto the tmiatigg, \ i jess Be a yt Toe news, for several dave, have borne Weotheccuaiity ont niet Paton sely as Mr, Gomer did, are We tet ys ce veri ' - ‘ ani ment of the Nori Carolina ralroad, a US TMS NaS We tells us that , . tiled in saviig thatthe Stamdard ish 1 bas \ ae "sy penal Mr. Fisher's reply, &e., that va bitter See e's es Pe doy tre posomew hat warlike aspect, and conse: # oe SCH SEH HEUTE EAS STIBELELS Eee ee ‘ Ee ‘ _ ‘ CSP AU Ee be : bec t rials yr cent sate aah tk Vesclonte tent Se font x Reha JU inG@adsisteut my ales tie Latte My Guaieat ik ‘ I i personal controversy tin grown outor the 5 = a - SVCCUN SORES etd 1 toXK - Tt Would seem that a PED UEIE [AU ee eX Vhy the | } an wl ‘ : investivation,” and that vthe wholething [CU"! Shee eovour advertise Freneh w patrations have been Ditnoeriey Whiie It 1s 6 rintheevent of tis mn a es has come to be a mere squablie between | { a 1 vO VET, tite with ar ¢ , Teel tot witli, | 92 mais Wena sit techs tien by the Charleston Convention t Pie t i eee } A hy ma , 1 . ‘ ee men, whose enmity against each orher S* > ir, Met ; Mat ilto beat renee to Rarepeat voities. France cheliigs be seat tothe Saosbury Watebiman ane 5 rt the rtor the Presdenes ( ; t \\ 1 ‘ AP ” ob ya = . f at : ' . Lp tite takes this metuod of expending itsel Sn su val met Pavan (aaante ‘ Ip fess, for pubs cation tel mitelstates? Wi (ean Ga ‘ ; | ‘ W Taotnas . 1 * Set Thidti be ! tie 4 ! ‘ = 32 - i 1 tty i rk " i n ss f It is trne that Such a controversy “has a ay chy Wit ' ‘ pert 7 ; ‘ y } ' | na : roe en os ' Tce StOMTU Sone ante Wireclrnnee stat SoEETM re mee eae Yet THANITY, LGC eeaInoaet atietnkaace Ae Ih ! pened \ ! BAUS GEES) grown vut of the investigation” bat t SUSUR i DARED UI f i ! soe - : Wo SEALE, ¢ ~ oy ; u Mal varcer . ‘ 2 ; ' 7 f Rarer ay 7 Vallta ol PRG Ce Teo © Standard a) Dae ! ' 1 vy r ig no reason ata the people stiowd ‘ os ‘ Vly wes Isthians of intepec, and s hiken Ll NEN TES aE you : ; , ‘ \ = anleetit (on, Seep enn ; . , ‘ en \ ; Ati not be fu and tbtertied as tet , ‘ nt thie ds rOIst Tecate ss J Pak is betrayed > 1 iM \l . . “a : Vv i ree = rir < SS . my ‘ & ‘ ‘ ! 4 a) ve ret Investigation itse vw State bits three . tas ren AE soveretenty: there fete bee eae ind sh Prot he reelected te ¢ . , Mt : ‘ millions, wend muachofcharacte: and tatu = AO Neve ae riay 1s Gin} , re ree Ml COMMENCEMENT AL DAV Epson Cod atti ext 7 a eas ‘ ‘ ! | . \ tt loo a i . al AOE ee bs L 2 vhs) ‘s _ : : ‘ ‘ . ° tt « ist { , internal poticy, invested in that road ‘ pool UOREAP LS) ERC EEG Liked Hae 0 i W ( | ‘ ~ ( Iu i how any | can be indi ut te Pe Time CTV eel ciliciemt hia atleast TS esiat Gti TO Sie Sa Uitst aut, ea) » "a u u ns 14 | weer, stypirsend the Water mana ent sses our nuderstit ae ! e dah 1 Director ef a tian Sich our @ou Is pretty dirtaly pred The nest meneame nt at Davidson | f fens fir in his r the pols ‘ ( CUT 105) Witty toe fated ae The Sentinel! also alleges the ne \ us » UES SURG eh, ‘ Nut “ eae! Inu i M4 the Presnbatin bh tns LES ie ‘ of party feeling into the controversy, at a elk 2 GSTS aE sata fee yesh. Oude aoe of Theliay Me del eee nto te Psi ie Mes see ssire of the } sy | ‘ ise Re oh tlowiish . , | . ‘ \ 1 . ‘ the desire of the whig papers to mah / : : peti! Phe steames a de. Chan bes, Yorkie S Cosi deliver the tie shel (anni Hae eae HOE ‘ feral tirnth, Stampin [land party capital vat of the matter, us a ta a . . ee ra i i ! a Joe : ; TONG Gtk dist my oration | ‘ Minn: Assueriion, Ont cretrale G37 tia C1 te stout ae rnritiat fe ante if x ie ite | v Mies, Fequ of Poston, recently ther reasuii { rorin the subject Now \ . : . be = ‘ 1 : Ire ; f “8 ' . BD ef 5 Asp an will bat . Prlticettou pesrenien GeaiC! Inueneetive | Wotrdertud treads the isi , i ies pea 1 na? IG Mesipe ' way FOre, ae itistrue that party: feeling has ty seu fe whall 2D) We have re‘ ! ; ‘ He WS Xl Ving Commencement day, W Se Ns OTA ite . : ! ‘ kate f : Moy a L . t 11 oree 4 : 4 ' | ' font ' road tie cleetion Ma. ds ve extent been arraved; but there w ( nefiecd subtercmean discoveries 1 | ‘ m \\ ., baton, dr. Bey. of Warrenton, N.C. wel ad Mecrate homiuation, ‘Lhe pool a Sake = “\ uu hiro 1 Pp . Hi Ver, ‘ ‘ ie i : ‘ Y ul seized \ ia , ea Fi hee ’ ‘ ten Ay er) neeraner tainly nothing ofitin Mr. Worties Report © {Varcdiitcan drew we find North : i ia ; j ress the | nS s Silom dla ites (Cen Wars Tek Th Wenanee WV TnnEGenE | ‘ ae ae ' =~ " i Se aes athe : . z caragna, aud dinprison re officers ane ; eat vein frat Tevet tate co! ' Vis cised: toon Mer. There was not the least alinsion te party, Carine revesddina feet cep asits ofa crags lav evening previous (he Annual Sermeonbetere oned wath it, aid aseven Chives dip pane py jyocr at ; i Lo aceon “tn ae eon line of direct or indirect, in that Report. i imestitiwondeimn. juiroon’ Fete oti CHS: ' . ‘ . any eine ai : \ atone eo Tine oO ’ Mg . ve Ba SHEN ey ipeton Journal | . SAN re yrer maaan , t on ] t | inthe waters of Jordan could not clean ' <te ers bet a 1G; | . ay ; wee English treaties with ? wea the Gaaduatire Class, wili be delivered by We \ ' own ta se. Ree nl un eT wen ' “ried ny Caen Dor tas Wirgsand two Dem» Nias eee ee Ene eat Nicaraua ‘ “ iss. ] red by \ : ; nt ‘ vt Wo ' vat ain America, OT al eet ee a a \ ae have been ratutied, Tetnat 1. Dabney, 1. 1. 1 vion Vheolowienl (2e78e7t any more effectually thana lee aver Was eibecquenthy elected, crats. ata 4 io a fault 1 Wa ve now Leflore vs several speci - , for publication in papers of both parue HEA THU Teton -On Re Ten notin LIU ERATION W asitty ey i NCRRCM GE Sato, Seu 1 Pte Democrate nomination Gan a potted I) eri ae Poiwic ares — eS ARI Be SA eae Ita trent uirt Hronent) : i \ | Why not publish that! Pie secret of the t Awe (Re diy dienes (heme Ik i as curt yoreported tere that Gay leper Anti-Lecomton Mr Gilmer anti Shite: tie Pinoys Mi. Pacts Sat Toni ety ot the Noth shops Polk reluctance of the Sentinel and other deo dole denen down for mark One pet coe " ae ' a Toads ‘ > i the ef INE FES WNSIIORS te represent a distedet in Compress: le irieer wi { (> capgines (04 wil | tte roused da Now Orleana, Mocraic papers toy isi uy thie on retary . ) hear ; ‘ ect that) Mirarion tits seod) the Tsthiros , COs arb Chen ( a oe st fiouk calling oo the eitize \ st ; ! : s it Fea ASUS SIC ESC GON ESC ese rear inet ta kt reports ft Dr C. Hepburn and wite, whe have been Cunt he was anitiLeeemnpton, Xatt Lee i ne ' \ ; ; ‘ oe x Tula sullieaes (olf the saljec ths ontin the remark abon Pel On neh Tapco Teciy Gee US rinee ; reports trom ' , Mr WV i Varta ihe’ Co sat s Tice tea ' ! So 250.000) for the “party conta And itisa plain confess formeiabl Me niles Tae fy chentsiall Sardinia state that at is th Bt possible cotmmisstoned by the Boal as Missionaries tt AOS Nae ise fit to preside over tre gr tty ¢ and the same thst broke Tiel ae da Puce Seu Nov single ap: aioli atta reo herin alate Whe WO antl qncnt Ihe Pale 2p ane hae ae ame it the increase by | mance af her arta: Japan, expect to leas New York for their tis Herd noheeause he oe nome hy pieces every poutecon tie tal Soro pee has Leen cefused, They expect agement et toe road caleulated to damaze ars Ati aeits Momethon SAG Une alin. mt and navy, tas refference toa ane oe aban, al Nata Sern tDiomocruetic Cantention £ © Ostame, tonily was cates, aml achiariy inelted to rase the three millens for cudowinent the demoeraie party and te Henchmen Cures et antec: ivan! terpated collisston wath the U. States on ee iy (hin? savin Gat the Wye Tin hyn tie tates MCW site (Calera) /thinexs- ith i list . ' +2 tl t \ . ‘ whig party Lie democratic papers ares ed enamel seve] HE) CREE IE TYEE. GCM that account, ; Without bu the ist Ji ine aN petee evidently sati-ticd that such is the case. surtnee of the tooth where that is Lroke fi These war rumors are contradicted by The Wei ieiavntecitcot ties Nol The following preamble and reso ay Pee Soe Tie Wan tas | here have been iiostakes and wrongs t rai ) : Carona Med Suciet WH take polices ~ . 0% an istitacton Stair Contrdiets that there ha thosttkes and wrone Bo tras abonut tive bos bane bv tour the Daily (Columbia) Carolinian under t Metical Society will make pela of a democratic meeting in Virginia, re- DRI m Ip the story whieh has had a wide in the tanacecwent, which it wok teat side oat the base [Rte atiinurest late eich [et at Statesville ou the Porth of Maw. ; PTLD Asin a te BLE Lt) relat el accoe ty lami ciclest Cy peanee ; ; ; stranzest date April fst : pudiating the doctrine of rotation, and © (oremerereth aftac tl al | ; the Press, and been profusely ilustrated, ab tl, ! oth TAT RERT SIRE RS batt Herds, that in the Compse of the sare rp 5 : . s 2. 5 ‘ a = ERE tsirore at few Peeve ‘ a ; 2 not detend or jastty We all know Tow exotora + tiey Lave strack upon wl NE iS ( tof North firming opposite views of great good days sineeon Bosue Bauks, and was s¢ a avn | Mh ee ete ready those papers are te sustain tue appears te be the deck ofa vessel, per! Wiel, Saneh 30 wee w us , . (AE sense are worthy of note : ured ty (noun. Wie ondky tres cae ; : es ees HN [Pes yslencn ve lreerier [ern aii . . “4 g mee civ TOW persons Tarwe iam dele tof , | Re ” aie leadinge men, i re then plausts anh aie Nines Gol, Thane Shame th One gig ts ie Wma tol alarestan duavii i Hin Wectaweat «ne Salen Kee (edicts ite Sonia wie On Tine Hoyshead was Nouns a GPOMNC e estan Fretless aiteaeddy wotarty feetot ar viele vy basstes Murti tlie buriel tlt war ismeimediee: Cmuntoatue Cnilentcelimte tithirite FEV ATS HATA VTE TAA Pe TITTY Teo Ve b0 Whratitinediearerl ts TECHSHIPAHE. VAT Wee CLAD A Getoan naturalist has described 600 Sn defenee of alin ci ; : L Ves are COnSHTCd ds ante ‘ : ohahl j species : 1 . . CE ! TET SOUL CUA One of the mevitable Wootier States, Within the past few > Ther ulibidien iNet (octal Nut, a Wl mabEV beve ver. it ts fae nav i? H thes, wien he has collected State Dircetors, ind tie : Sor beards ip was carved tu the fuscton ‘ p<po ] filled fel x Pon dnani aol WO dian ae aig OTe SEGRE Ss Vie ond cvcene CCI ay CNSR one Wehy Annikee: My costconn, sa 1, a , c mouths we have filled orders troup New LOM SS Aas os ¢ . Hed the woritnp iy becaine they wore AU) ART citer, Or taal at eau le NY ’ Polson Jue Potersbure Lerpress ‘earl. ae Melee linet © snnili € interests Vhat sree the orienbot our Cre Ncask of wine at thon a Sonert quan Pity thenscd datorent hinds of teeets i it ork. sitadelp poston, South Caro s deinocrats, is a in ¢ Crete) Tait t i Fe j : , ‘ | £ ’ ay 1 i d ‘ t || Sinee os Susann Whe Figen ) \ ut Seaver boc tollects fiat te ; 1 i Upon b Bo ed Pallisies ee teter tron Gurcensliias \ i Mabama and Tennessee, amonuting vermment, to reward the faithtil, continne “ \ 1 1 per ray en collect pia i ve eit ; oa Lodow ee eae ny Peifvall (hae Sete dhitiny. lin Wine mateo (diel Ratlecahe erly enn the efherent, and elevate the meritorious, BE Pees coe nik & And why sleoull wet ee uK net wed , ' ot tesco leciaurin == fie Ob . has always been the settled poliey of the ie ws Tis \n Ure Wit niath Capita: gut ol Uris tithes Crovern ot ke die foaniy | row he G SD or, of that eotaty, died mnder i my os South: teat it is this poles whiel, mv Ya Pp TL EENS EL wy) vt INLETS has appornted a Board ( Tae ot . . reinstates so susplerots ascte bili 1 Ginn ; nl ' } Wore they thrown os vaord frou UAE SINS | a i , . , awarding i venetits althe the wived . ’ , rs rectors, notef the men who had siewn -: Hine Ore Sas Une) Chee pnoicennetdl ne this fi ee the Mgnt] all Lani ty Ale yen nile (nate tet een Oo Riemer tHe GUO Stee (a al by ! caecording iy Phordeqaats, ceenpies in an interestinthe vor bv lied) tha h JOn Mint Rowe thon vil \ ; ca tne NSC Wits DG Ctiatemited TSCM tomer ts . i dhgwerll fac 6 ; 1H foretell ' ‘r ; Caen | th svat, jE TEL “ ‘ : PON Matton Wats t \ vlite eopbon vid consequat Kone ofthe orevest dispensers 0 fe yi , PT ' \ 1 ! 1 R Calor bes 108) 1 nt tiles ay Mista be G ! vt ' ppu Ty it, but mere | Uetatrs ; CV, ie 4h liao Waae & Vvagraint Seotenmian w mules oueneiecat? Wes thauike th hay Vidic Whigs of Tonisiana, pu atch alte Sacheenetieentt tle WS fete ena rained set t Heal and happouess Aen Winer | Gata be expected, apport a democra | Hin AACHEN ane i eine Fe S peste a reoran Zanon of tae party, Md Cet a i eng adhe rol sep hace the b piece? oP Pawn an i prsaper pete of ite duties j ; | | \ : momiut ¢ MA n ee Reta eer linen aan . ress ! l , rj : te keep the svaten oi aon wale esi, dent, and leave din jo bis owt at ie Woah ( 7 ei, ue ; Hs eB were xe vidi: ber orethren thr MUTTCMe ren tims lice incmec there tnust uric ements ois ‘ SEU) hoc ebettle seal (ake eee pe ee most of ther work Mostriatt re uient \ \ ; tateles fet a te ta the fuer Ofare to Send Tetras toa convention \ f}. a off tr pase } ( st) ‘ ey) m4 | _ Wor Cotischotstess Chat a weneraus con ya Lae En i SC IVAIAT Meo Tt instills inte it shown bya Legislative commun \ \W ' hee oan : ; Ae hea : yee Cun Geeceele. rer) 02 UA REL inh New Orleans (HIRE TIREDNESS tetas ay mein angle awe Aynneerrant ees . ody ' nd wivigerates 1s We MERE Ut lvatcth Whites are ; ; . etl oomillaen te Fourie OU lies siewava ie ia ai WALCO yiyce ye will mead Wom 23h ae i af n ‘ hy tn rr ; ei Suman streamer of * t ¢ ) ; ’ 3 . uo t t 1 i Sie : ‘ a . a ‘ bit VF ~ is ar ronbled with party capo relies i 7 ; , : bet j ; ui / A chet tor the approaching State election fh Wisane « | 1 1 oy - Sites al cas arested and eva red, . ‘ ‘ ‘ e owe do tet tate Ww may It Chy bracet Nal ebn wera sty sgervernica | shaw Dyapep Ht the Wi or verat ne ! \ nlexvan _ ncn , ; Stee a .. eros awntlicit iment ed. Cen Wan 7 pera tase) timers sek TL ltnnencren abinived thosin tant we ' oetats te ' ; alee ee EDU Hs . eyetem do net ta try De Santor ' x fr hin aha a - . a ' AGUS hoe yuNintee Wi 4 (rk Ita TeeNN u a) ie ron on of hdl | eal Shani ON qa re eieere Grey » Taver Lavig ron tiiakina party eatyat nal ult auteth | ‘ ‘ erean , : Cttinst a we Not tes ste ' : BL Wee ‘ ‘ EEN OO ‘ oo ‘ Vn oy sn Vora VOU WYATT, Droggiat, Saliabory, Can otene al ce ads j <4] \ 1 Dbousand tans of wan ze tte ine are utterly and unalterably seviytion t hin wa ute Gireli jue: a lind In way ing tl pr rte ald, that , t o* Cicorsny Dirsnrics uy t ) al , ! } me . i ey vowa ae : ; ; Vuoit rola minaghon PPoscd i Teri tens t very Inundsom the readers of the Oioscreer cal SCL rt : ‘ if t 1 ‘ Wy pred ‘ ae CUNO ! eal fiineeoy conte: Ae oa ah dean 1 can fen We Boies . i the cape of Good that our object was ‘ i eB) eran , \ , \ ; Wine a eet ii , y . ee ay waive Tt ' in dguenily nmoatg the ats \ 1 " ( ected sy ire \ Krk A | is es EN rat pit Baptist ¢ pymetniand this * Prenen Nd \ eserd ot D i ' j try, Ayers Cherry party capita Was unin fet bv the prey ee re rae veal 4 (witha \ ‘ td tow Seon ‘ \ hoot ' ; i pass ¥ : i : | nia ‘ ed a ve pita, ; eo HebiCAM One contin dett te Ww ' Shun op by » thong aroond praise ce bestowed npeo Mr bisiers f td \ vadver t tha wre inen are want 5 fil eonerkat nl ' r ther haamocks ; ; one tian for piaaty and del woot thwart ? Wei eeeney wesenect a © loreneledaasennse pista ver haamor DWthofdannary Leport, whic mequaient pore ace ; , ; ' ; ; work ' stern 1) nooft Hvis, Marqnette Co, Wis, Marel 20. or adhieh oa tra reefer | ase fo hethorg@ole protee ion againet developemetits stow was inter Mito for pes : bs | gentle by DD Cl Miata wate York. [oid Pheer hothong ike having an untianr I: ; ; : Baul VPC the throat and dnog daorders whieh are qdite pre a 1 rene F | ey ‘ teow, Jonathan Post, a Baptist preach produce, and iw eomatd that abl ' ) Tthonght ca speaking comment stall the Report of tiie tise rit fl | we : and Avents abd €brocers veneralis ' ! fanny wtof any undertaken - ee 7 i Ms . ell Poel u Posey go ite eines Revs : ae hie pean srifibtadl eeettunnute (ot Cum Wav Gnoestailie, rei killed vesterday hy though dearees of Lit anil ramen We poeheal gennaol the Amertean people, that mittee, Our fast Nhe prosperous cont iad ora hey fi = ' tould farnih the staple, Eo beheve the onl AR revi AP tec Necard not y arith HOS Ayucnt climserelmtlyipa. culate cna The murderer ts about 80. tight bind the ge ipl mits ato , ony: dition and bright: prospecta of the road : | in | | ts C VORe , 5 VO rem isp dy tee Asking if they used letwilaat A an j 1 1 rorieenh bps GC Wasoerta (ileus ‘ Jor MNS Clingman ae THM x val tray she UR Clin, (Haine Sees doand bas been tasane for several country and determine the a Neeeuinee pro the eens nm cnutecrirere Puls, they told me that bet eadetatled in the Lota dan ry prone R . > 1 : u Le dhite as de q ie ANA we] ' ite Fle in the olvane whale netiotta ts reins lottdostoneaie tims as merocciiedtocanioniton (anna Vedloq Out wasetlionc (te forte harmlea tessed to tts flag, there were ne such cot parratives grew all around them than any be fh uy ’ dy has been somewhat Weakened, we regret ' Aaicricua atamlaril, tab eo on Wedne urope, in tue steam. tet timate su fail motil this oecurrer II ad (fort fines to tl rosityoof tl \ COUN cel ysre thaw tis thio ce clare ‘ 1 rope, o the un KUCGE SS ¢ ve propet ns oecurrence e made no effor Wes to thie wean fhothe American . to ear. ” Sold by HENDERSON & ENNISS, Dacca ; Mm rT er Arabta Charlotte Demoerat to escape sailor tonal Intellige | ; t era ; ' emoera escape featlors ager ert italiani Salisbury, N ( Imo} ec ae s z nn I ome ere om Lire is Dack ima thargthos may BOLL dine, but lodge Ww An ex¢ great epi by a wes “When y fire ! Were the On the 2 KLUTIS: ter of Mi In this ¢ Roseman Miss FRA On thes CORLL of this cou On the SLOOD w this count In KLUT Very worl the Geri For BACON- LARD— FLOUR CORN— WHEA COLT DRIED Fistl SAY Ee ches abo SY PR ee e | , | Fashionable [LINERY | Nx Lure is what we make ft. Let us call Dack images of joy and gladness, rathes thargthose of gnef and care. The latter, may sometimes be our guests to sup and dine, but never let them be perinitted to lodge with ws. IN SALISBURY, Miss S. H. Grasswitt, AVEING yusts woed vine Opposite the Bunk.) Anexchange publishes two lines of the great epic upon General Jackson, written by a western bard from the Eatponre Ms oF f XN. Where weemks iit di Bani : sum ER WE AR, he joes 8 in \ reraiat al spent sere isten, then myo men “When you see their ever gl punn fire!” Were the lart dying tA. Jackson, Esqeire words MARRIED: ‘nek Oy fiat in tee NT VEY BLIZABGTH da ape I Bashionable, Phain. and Serviecable NI iliinc Ond KLUTTS and Mies M ter of Mr, Moses PV, weeorh inet. by MOA do ever twhieh she invites POP iE K ml > 1 close ‘ vit tosbe oun iss trie ot thee date Pliicye & fully | 1 lon Sialic Nclieel ea a! cMOl tas inure | Ceti we CORMIER ane AOS ‘CORRMILE al) evry sdiarabie worn raat cid ‘ of this county { ! CF CU) \ fier pracete 4 On the 29 rite. tev t ‘ VEG cy 4 1 1 a ty ome ; SLOOP unt Mice DARDAHA HUAI G cae ie TESA STE) et this county : y t B ‘ t Nees ONAveTnitnietiemanice sb OITe OH eset ID NIE Oe ee ee WaLnectal eHtNIroTscdie: Clie ToccM et In this county, March Zod Mr. Mos} (A peers Cl ! Ve lares KLUTTS, auel 45 yea Pie dee ase twats ip (os cr 1 Preach Chip, very worthy eatizen, and an exctapiary Haciseen Yeu ‘ Ribbous, the Gertnan Retormed Church Sow Ve ( = 4 fun Ud Cape l We ‘ 4 d ar VORFOLK MARNE. pac He ater ee Keported Weekly by shaker Hoo Band- Boxee, gc. Wi (a SMWELEIN ERY. of all norte. ROWLAND & BROTHERS, hoe od een, LATEST COMMISSION MERCHANTS SEV IES 1 Uh Straw 6 w—the Faney For the Watchman, WAKE Si > ( . ‘ . ms “ we MY mil BACON —Weetern Sher dv ai and Vai tog NE N ¢ we thoa LARD—N. Co and Va. No 1, ble. and hege Oa 1 . : ASN oes a 1d AT FLOUR—Fanmly, OO 00 j TNL » ’ “oy shed a 00 ', Geen | Try the New Grocery Store, . Rha uu : : Ring WHEAT—Wti 135 at 60 FIAED DOOK Quon GONE R WAIIAC STE BTORE 2 Red 1A 9 Van ee every requir df COTTON, Piz) ay es niveau cies \ i R a ty PEAS —Black Eye. new $hoy as) Aen Co Uehis IRSA ( Gerores Red and Black, old . a tal Cus , i} t FLAXSEED, titeal ( ( Se WHESWAN spat Ki. cey( t Day APPLES per bon Pa aw x 1200 Meine ; PEACHES ate £510 ok 2 FIs SMeckere! Ne 1 eae) z . ne He 53. it 20 8B PAVES—R ttid Wo Pip JUL “OW 18 a REMARKS um Flour how b vw qite d aid ne io ( ' Cr barely aust une K ® midew at ' 2 excep for cons in : L : ! ( Vopr . in 1 ( vine ad ’ Dried F rai ' made alt ne reg . lak i Te . BUT NOT LEAST. Murphy & Co., vu BR Wyre 10 BEWUER HAVE rec SPRING OWI GOODS, \, COSsIs TING OF oa ae STAPLE axe FANCY DEY GOODS ee G ee Midiare, (Ou 2) 1 Lond ab NA // Cryst i : : No G I nie, MO . ‘ is Wadl He Saege, (Re ers ; a V ( ane oN > | Ptiews | ties vé _ ob xf Sti) volt 2 Tne (eae (Penni, Net La I nA 1 ty fu x tat La ath | ee road at / ty \y 1d Wet ‘ Mit \ ‘ us Vari fore » . i ‘ aicall betore ‘ 7 sewhe et 1 mined nit toh High EU ee <bury, \ 4 ian L] JUST RECEIVED and FOR SALE. a 146 Bags Ro ¢ ! wo cant i t Java Co thee 6 Hhs NOOO SiieMvadiltss 40 Bbin Clacn - r \ st | 20) Bola Crust Powered aud Gra 4 Boxes Tt WEE ITA, SS. ED sf UBLIC SALE ; Saliebury. Ap two I 4 & 7 4. PAINTS! PAINTS! ~ositice Nale Wit Reser PIHRTILIAUB A SoraREPISE ae td Posilice Nale Witcout ieserce et . a 5.000 the Pare White A Hl aud Z a M 1 ‘ lot of Pau Seed Ohl, winel wil be reld as eheap a OR ett AA OY APRN NIST: NTH E TRA, ASE 1 i Ms r ss Salisbury, April 4 tuto t : | hi F Ww . qe i p> EP, ‘ . Ait stirs «Vat Isis LIN per nf ay Powder, Le: ud A |) er ee , STAs) hCaWIRh se 1H) Waleg CED Ge Deus CNN eS \ URPHY & CO, have qeat received, Wee \ i , “ 50 Keg Martng Ve Rind suey Ute [aE ( Pale Wwe - i ee a ee . Witthniser & Frgrt ter, 1000 ths Bar Lead 1 5 40 Bag Shor, which will ald as cheap asthe ay eitiles [onic RTM CCPC ey HD. N cheapest ' ' roy Salisbury. Apel dies ata! I w ; leiterstlaes ' ‘4 \ \l a \ ‘ IRON, STEED, 86. 0 vn YG RTS ee es etree a C0000 the T tesorted ¥ Wd} SWS) y tu 1 \ 1.500 tbs Casts ! “p 1 % . ; 20 b AR at Ie LS 1,000 ths Geonan t t Reneaiectak an oe rae Ea atl 1 Si xett Bo pie Spreng pas ‘i A @ Mibe. ™ GEOR TOLNS TON > New ~ Mee Ole ans Mo- No house is allowed toa r Iothem oun init a yeaa tay tov PL NSSES jit wnd for aboye articles « Salisbury, April 4. dRou two SPRAGUE BROS POCKET KNIVES ! Ritinbry Die FR 1S " oe, ,W c have on hand a large POCKET KNIVES!! Jamaway 1! ---890 REWARD, ‘ And superior otal SH meee PAVE BARC EST. CHEAPEST REST = Das eet) (rece iieestiecen 1 FRESH) SUGAR. COFFEE, Ne aa Ik a ae soles [ote Gea mey aie a Wee a Tie (Pa AS TP Tl AN TINe: ALDEN VEEN NTE myn 1 | m3} MOLASSES, © x ‘ eee ag i SYRUP, TEA, cas Gain | t ; S IEE, BACON SSS Tie ! a LARD, PEPPER por > apc RONVEY Want Woney. | Vox i PICKLES, Cai Stole. SPW, Ps Tk aAnT W Toney a s ~ CRACKERS \ x be a 1M ‘ 1 iN | . ASIN, = the will give rhe at yee : MUSTARD M4 Mol De fee Sarl 1 ea 1 7 \ Raw i VRDIN ES caret : Vinegnr, Soda. No | Wav Pil . ' 4 ae 14 Pet DOORS URE Sets ee fhe enon. (ity | ' yy | ) Nand N“ 1): \ ee Sho hap re \ MI yoy yo eee | jie vow atina 4% ’ ‘ ee (EMH OSI SIE (se pot Carotina City, \. ©, . ‘ a \ bole ye - on ae ve : July 2oth, PSOS, Cash or Groce vies for Country Produee : \V Le . ; , ~ oN 7 tos 1 x i Fresh Batter and Bore (Kissy conde (leaned ' HW \ f Flow wal Med, Fouas, 0 AHancee <a) ( ( Dred bei, ke, &. oleae wo eae 8 ; 8 \ is ‘ them tous BEARD & BROTIE R \ ' poet PORWARDESG UND GENERAL COMEESSTON t Saliebury, Apal 6, N59 \ rereere bi t F yaw Wy , Hi C Sa fh R : i Just Received and For Sale. _ tees \ } T the old wand of MURPHY & CO ireav'y Line af First Chass Packets : 2 ee pe iene Kerosine Oil. MOREUE AI OTTY : AO Sacks Salt 5, 110 Sidea UF ck Sole I rye RP OSIN On ; y Pe COUME MiP | HENDERSON [PSS ; : ) . d Sahebury, Apri to dso Iwdd \\ wel a ical} Pid ‘i ! ; ae are not all ao Five : » » 1) ' , Book Store Removed! ; | ! 4 + ET A 1 ae) an ae | h \ R. ENNISS hac removed Iie BOOKS AND y iN STATIONERY to the large Store former ‘ A VN WY 1S ‘ : ' De d pecupied by the Inte Geo Wo Rrown, as ney Conda Mt ’ ’ ' . e : ‘ Store, that he may have mor m for his laree ae Aug socimeni of New BURN at NOV EES, joe pe EDS ppy ; 7) : chased in the Northern Croce Th hing pat BLANK DEED WAR eae 1d ‘ : pre reapectfally rivited to ll Pie SSULIE AUP TETRIS TPO RS Ae AE HEN SOTA TCE April 6, 1859 15 | STAPLE & FANCY ORY 6000S ! New Goods! New Goods: E M POR 1U M Gre WE WOULD RESPROTEULLY INVE THE ATTENTION OF THE PUBLIC ro wl 3 SPRING STOCK, Just opens d.ccor sisting of Bi BEATS, Say BUS SES ~ Eoots and Shoes. RIE AI SLADE) (OLAS G. CROCKERY & | Pc anieeciten FAMILY GROL PIES J. AOXUSTE., 3 OPAMILY GR bie Vmods Ba “CLOTHING, Wii 7 SALES HA View and oF SHION! SBURY. N.C. bewutiful Nock of NP RING fetaves aay WY OY MAR TARE G . “~ (UE 255. 1859. TT PES Ss ILE THE ee OBO. COPFEY MOCK at Importance to the PUBLIC. NEW AND BEAUTIFUL NPRING GOODS. y OU will find the cheapest and hundsomest Pevery descrip CRAND OPENING | SPRING & SUMMER GOODS! oa ae Ahead of Everybody / 1! on ut A. & W. MYERS, No 4, Granite Row 44 Salisbary + March 29 State of North Carolina, ROMAN COUN. Y Court of Pleas and Quarter Sermons, February ‘Tena, AJ D Psat Henry Wo thadsen cs Pravkin Bry ait SELACIIM EN 0 UP appearing to the sate . ae AWRENSE KUARSTUAONS pervs d Uwe bana, th om the : : = zt Z ae "are bal Wad NS sed a ‘il \ a thot pubbeation be mac E Tennent THE UNDERSIGNED RESPECTFULLY INVITE EVERY BODY TO ; call and sce our New Spring Sto k of o be held for the County anon tiie Abas an GOs etiin: NT \P] |; A\]) |r WWCY l) R YC GODS, fret Mosntay an May aueaty thea and theve bay \ ; / = fepresy and show eaume, Hay he tan a 2 ju 41 Ma 4 Biiwutt, Henry Wo Madsen shallnat hove They are rich and rare, and far surpass any Stock in beauty, that was ever offer- Vhs ie “ ed in Salisbury. We are beoing raf DRY GOODS rapidly, aud eclipse all compe- Uiek af ver wiecuary CIC N. +t A 1) frou, Give us a cant and we will convince you that our Steck is far SUPERIOR to pendence KEKE Ct dovear ou JAME. SE pANY that tas befor® been otf jthe 1, OWEST water mark. | MOTLO,--Polite attention to Customers, and Small Prefits. SPECIAL NOTICE. \ Country ne renANts and the public gener: ally will find in addition to our Stoek of STAPLE AND FANCY G OODS, a splendid Stock of READY-MADE CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, } prices, HATS, FLATS and BONNETS, ed tu the public, and that our prices are down to Vi'e fee 85 50 Baap BE Od“ Bte Peer Jali tcne tata) House i 19th A Adiniiistratore of the i food we Coucer eal sell at the Court Cabarrus Cy, N.C. on Tuesday the day of April next, the fullowsuy property to wit 1 LIKELY NEGROES, 1 Woman about 30 ye old, E Girl about 6. aud 1 Boy about 4 deed wil ars uld, 1 Boy about 10 years ‘Terms made } . of all sorts, sizes an caen EE MISES Ie | Drugs, Paints, Oils and Dye-Stuffs. WOOD WARE, BUCKETS, BROOMS, BRUSHES, TWINE, ROPE, CROCKERY AND QUEENS WARE, and the best stock of SUG AR, COPFEE and MOLASSES ever offered in Salisbary. Qeg leave to ve thanks, {hope by sinet attention to business, woop, EDDY &CO.S | Single Number Lotteries !! CHARTERED BY THE STATE OF GEORGIA | Capital Prize $50,000'! > ge bestowed.on us by our friend® vey will sll faver us with theif for the and low prces, liberal patror retLirn por most since lust Season, un THING 4 ) r ; a wey EXCELLENCE OF QUALITY UCIRIEIES (ONIN TOES UYU AIRS ie i a ALL AT THE OLD BSTABLISHED STAND ON ‘THE CORNER, opposite the AC need We Ib ‘ 7" ; 7 ne NOtICE TO THE PUBLIC MONEERLY & YOUNG. a = ne oe 4 sfihs foariornieanrtieselnmedtn cen nse yitie ROTTEN ae AN eh Gent) SPY LP and QUALITY Co nen oe ie ANY Grands 1 i t ow = , iN MI 1 rad ; 1 1 Cagireaa m we | q T Satiey ‘ v | . DRY GOODS LINE c a roe ~NEW ODS, NEW COONS. ‘ ; ae ¢ yoo, EPpy Co willhereafier have the ! : a or 1 PRS f Abt AND PRI 4 ‘ ae : eles aie iy mi . i ey ee — ee nia MIRCIHT 21st, 1859. 1 ; iD { \ Pi ‘ ach with ' a aoe. sae 1 o \ Le Bh rs by tba te pat hereto \ | \\ 2 mre AW, IVER { 1 SCMAR AC’ ie: tO EP . ‘ e Anime (asiguitie BAP. tg US Now A, Granite Butiding = eo ee WOOD, EDDY & €0.. MANIGERS, SALISBURY, NX. ¢ M —§ a €) = Successors to S. Swan d Co. ote SUBSCRIBERS RESPECTEULLY = BOOKS FoR ae CERIN eee e will be dawn by Woop realy tliat Unie ures uennente Joos re ieacee en Gk HARES OU nw ¢ lhe es Beales lan INDE ate mie oatete Pst ye oO do ies aed HE RU an BONEN EAI CAPS. SORTIR TS Gates 00h hel Suh tear elitist ee a edie ae Ia eas Ok kOe he OATES Fiat) Cla iy esas asa eeser ers Ect gveveiva + vO NLT 2 » PROT TS Nate ay eet = BAAN Ay fi ss / ike ip cian Apel aa, Te DRY G OODS, MO OWI EHEAD = \ io. mt sa | | Rae ON THE PLAN OF SINGLE NUMBERS TAMES tT KERR z an en ee a | (agen TC Ks . ) ) Wenmte mew Me rvey Live Thousand Foor Hundred und Eighty-Tive Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, ete. A. & W. My Vu Pit ats CN Pt 7ers, WO TH, : i ‘ I & bh General Comumissian Mert frrts. Wilmington, N. C. ISTER (HEB R FENIAN GE Hes RORTNSONS AURR OW Vt WEIS (i ONY PEON PENCE PAs CTU N , CLOTHING |ANTLES| MANTLES || B28D¥ #222 DRESS GO0DS. rps RAR AYESEe FANCY SILKS, fj rece. § bt Reb f 4 INSERTINGS, rl FON TIE MANTLES, Awe ANd Dt T Fe ney Gy ae T sro GROCERIES. Parasols ! Wis AEWSPAPLE Pde tee 1d THOS TRE AWSETS: AAP STE CTE SEY CHANTS i TEN elas BVP Sy ls, “i Ue att Mieke . iw ot AD We ALY ih Gurine ORGANDIES & BARAGES. LS aa n DIbes ‘ VEO VG NI NI Ni NGL SLY ‘ SA 4 in D iD {) (SIL) ( y 1 ( ' \ | 4 j Now ‘ M all. lle Comission aN We fast Lae Silks, SARIS SCG: SST: ia) REVOLUTION. 1 i | \ i | Aa | al \t \ | | \ | IE. 4} | | Ni oose, sols! ! (ORGAN VERS THE Al ADAMS EXPRESS COMAANY, Merchant, j that they have ever had the pleusare tooffir To ‘ yoinvited PRIZES! e leery x YEARLY OVE PRIZE TO EVERY MANE TICKETS a ene e Mavnificent Scheme! | iva TO RE DRAWN ge 6 ueh ; . ’ ‘ ’ 5 yor { ' vle ~ hu 0 " NC HeS WLU WIDE INS et Deanne ee \ " ! ‘ WL they om Fainonr tine. Vall tints we she ry try to It restaftou ts Wet kit ns sto wi tat 4 we hay ceeded on obtaining ‘ NEMATION 11 The ¢ stand most Desttahle St 4 Prix Hr ‘ + Prone are $1,600 ported. and we ore fully warrant we tat _—— ‘ ' 1 bone whe Ww vbny willl Res oreunenppanii ean sick awi)l DERTEp nished throughout nce eoacanwitivevecy ilnnw timc a IOC HOGS ty DESIRABLE 4 : ¢ Jo O-ders are respeet(u ly sat stich shal at allt Shave oar prompt and personal atreation, : . : “ qin We ve accured sue oe ices of ic J. Pte ks, re eat eel) huown in this section ‘ rs Uhl A. & W. MYERS. Dehd Priz 320.000 SS Wane Trxats $10; Herver $i. Quanrey | !z a= GQ Ba De Tt will be seen by the above that Pom now inthe House © Moscrs A. & W. Myers. I respectfully Jj ha rl qi 1 1 Lotteries | relient tye of my tt ‘ fea the acvantages whieh are promised in the above Lhe 1 x ry ring ails Their wants eth by order, steil at afl times receive ary careful nnd prompt stteniien . P. GOWAN. ma " Latthe following rat Maren 22d, 1659 ee i 4 1 Ry 1 Wd Tr ke Wy aS te Ha : ; oS Se Oa eee ern WHOLESALE & RETAIL, IN OR OGRING TICKS CERTIFICATES. 2B Qos mtn eee NEN UM Enclose the money to our address Je Teens yO VGUERAL Just reer : ‘ ann joe Ne SEIS # VOCS | u i ty reh they will be forwarded MN ay | ‘\ eatnril cere ranliave tiekels edu a 43 | 9 Aaa) wots they insy dest os . ee {ND Hg teva fave sottifieds ena) Diaaracuell th J yas WAND aut ue rt aa Gar > se , ter reeritedy atten Che drawing ASA ACE CRIN ESS ASAT “ : Mie Bae toes Conn Pint a . (l THING \ " Sarit § e ther Prost Othee, Co tals vber that ry her is drawa “ “se Il. ()( () HEMLOCK LEATHER at \ Hable tn fall without deduction NOUN RELA CVOU NG Sem No. 3. G R Te \) a) Lute wadinder. pail aumedinte Mar. 22.° a3 | No. WRANITE ow, ee aria [eee Tae I {. 500)!" Willits LEV WNP ZINC. | S4LINSBURY, North Carolina. x oe apuer - MON BELN & YUL NS MOC LOLOO RIBS EON DN Tes ten 3 lode who prefer not sending money by mol, ear VE SUBSCRIBER HAVING BOUGHT PELOALUS Stock of Boots, Shoes, ets publ nage. He is now receiving the largest and best St wk of Boots and Shoes ever offered in the Towa of Salisbary, and which for the Cash, or to Punctual Dealers will be sold Low dewa. JU. BNNISS, No 3 Granite Row. WE Do you want Ready-Made Clothing. NOO'TS. SHOES and WATS = Catiat MeN BELY Tiekeore ia sais of Ten Dollars. & YOUNG! have just reeeived a very large Ie went rssortnrent, AND EXPENSE, | ¢ patre we whereby ay fo Ss. whe LTR Eh iral whieh | {7 OUR RISK they are selling al low prices wad ‘Crom any eity or town where they have an office TTS OE Gnas ha re [Phe mosey and order must be enclosed im a °GON SI ICIN Cael Nal Ie GREATEST CURIOSITY ovr IERNMWENT POST OFFICK STAMPED EN SPRING MANTIUES. asad . IVELOPE,” of the Express Company cannot reerive CPT NG Sil W be JUST Recieved ang for a new atyle of Chile {et feeacardin SG SCHIS G OMI SES Get eee aid hace reiownce Fae Al communications steretly dential Mar. 22 rire) woty and cheapness, and by netnal test Adress Orders for Tickets or Certificates to i vfoun outwear three pair of the old WOOD, EDDY & CO, Vagusta, ff ~en! a il JIS ENS USS, \ oor, WOOD, EDDY & CO. Nthinta, Georgia z apa Nog Crate Cre J oo WoOoD, EDDY & CO. Wining Lt. wh 1 March 2 : | ct |p Adstofthe numbers that ar drawn from the zs wheel, wah the that each « SAS oe \ titled to, wi ie Clim Coen ee aan ites ey the following papers tee <Constitauan: re Sines ee el ae onl , A , Salisbury, March nt “! New On j : Charleston Wilmington, N Sera s : ta Dntellerencer, 7 sik We : have : : . ae 1 Sark oa “ wn FRES Il FOO M7 Choice, New Crop, ethan 1 n ete enines en STOEK. Bop Vrerces y ¢ ‘ardenas Molasses. $5 Bartels chalce New Orleaws Syrap. ( ORPOR ATION BONDS M0 Hthds. (air to choice Vow Orleans Sagzarss Are TOW PRET TS Sprin of new 200 Barrels Clarified Sagars FOR SALE. arid dextrable G w " »n 500 Bags Kio. 6 ira, West India & Java Coffee, Tait ane We lew we Gh) pp ae ot OD EB Bac eels Wes Prime Pork. CPALED propos eee aay Aiea tee ke when w t \ 150 Barrels Ne and r > 1 ene a y a Ae ‘ : ‘ Bsus ECA SOCKS NL Iebeen of red ii ttas 24 Hhds. Westera Bacon.: Sides and Shoulders. P\ieeie tate _ cee ; ai oS ie : norket oof whieh the pubes vave ’ 260 Bals. Vellow Plawtiog Potatoes. d ‘ the ¢ ies oNoce PROW SN [Ne Non Wy Maret th. bsode 3ms:pd Comnn te selh the Mah | ’ ne 1 ; Bank ss ory Carolina. | y ; : Die nl Theory of Vocal Music, Se ‘ ofthe Assembly, chartering at por . y twe » aos . i] ' Bink, notice ia hereby. gives n ‘ ut TS SEVIS PANSY Rss ON > nthe dat day of April ; . . ety) Missa Wn ci cai tar mutts daye at the office of JOHN TP SITAVER ay ae f Sin NC tar the purpose of Titendant “Ts s : psteck te sad Bank , Z He OKHICE Be N 4 M 1 say hw fire aahcts Re irae rhe Hep A CALDWELL, TN) i STS WE wes aes ~ = : : ; SAMWUBL REEVES YEAS! P OW DIERS | THREE VALUABLE SLAVES , ae fA aes Fog eale WI BSON AQ ENNIS \ OR S \T, kK. a PAMIEIRS Call and boy 25tbe, GOOD ae BY VIRTUR of a { minty Conrt SOA sents l ARGH ire Blt Doteh and darge late Dramhead Rowan at February Tern 1 eitae \ HENDERSON & ENNIS". A above S ale int oem iiwe ti Salil peUinedax ihe Adednuecdt Mar 142 onan ITENDERSON & ENNISS' | May nent THREE VALUABLE NEGROES be \ ter vg tothe ehudiet ) » Hughey , %e IDEN SW SIRIRALAVICS pas a peonit eee, Linseed, Sperm and Tanner s ON. ; : : ROBERT WONUGHEY Far aale at HENDERSON & ENNISS’, For wale at this Of ce 1 oNtar 1S. 1789 Commisioner Mar ls 149 ag e s nc e ce e = <9 ae . pe nn y ce r a our own wants, but those of the “rest of ) mankind,” and we ca ae it, if we will can Wines; drive all poisonous and une Other from the 4) mixtures Wholesome foreign LL PERSONS table mi the Court: House property subject ti tr Let us, then, push forward the ole ry. Let us, then, push forwar ie pro who reside in the corporate Vict 7 yi of Salisbury, are hereby nocitte daction of pure and cheagy Waive fai u ‘i LAE é : 4 Paxable property. duriug tl U Way expect to pay a double tar » taxah NOTICE. TOWN TAX, brits of the south, to te Pown {to give io their lint ‘Those who fail to gt “ COD-LIVER OIL, mm according to th For Weakness, Wasting and every form of Debility, use CONT & CO’S or mes foe eae re MeO NLe Certs a a TS use. if fairl ed 1 urestore the tone of nae Suppress, in a greatrineasure, Iie C9 the Charla tide oy eee oe Tee ee eene re i ne eee ik pling of maddening aleohole deine (PONS WES TEIBia, (1B 4 general retaudity to the Tce, an . March Ist, beoo ae oud and nervous evecea: ftw vat i Pheep our voted millions of troney a Kobly evidenced by is w fal restorative powers ) . the a Taleo give noties We RETR ON CET | mene] DRO ary tanies | varily exhansied 1 ome, ft rb ‘ : nena Z Lome, for the benefit ofour own poo ee ecnai Epa eae (Re ieee Ga lords nowoshinegt to th When no ote can be : EMRE a : : : Phere ie no Work of patriotism orp 1 Mf the Superior ( ‘i Conrt: Hone, pa burte, tad furnishes the frame wr eran rules CHINESE SUGAR CANE. ‘ SY Tie a ae ee ee, : 5 miccleaiky munnter > . anthropy ap wl a@ portion of onF Lama yy aa } iy oraniecaan | vtile ? A correspondent of the Aurwer ct ese uy ; on vin ae . i Pune ' Bottled only by aril a Whers Cat , tnere commen dally ae a i SEL ey , CIHR Ane (fa Planter remarks very sensibly : ‘ a ; ae oe ‘ i fied tac JOIN EC BNINE RIG COP Le Se pe chee than o> and tow enterprises that) diol. pout tie mane wo der revione tos ad tine, + : : $ aa é : Mr. Hliter:—No foreign plant has . GAEOeS Wai ae, e | Vo. Wot North Tred St, Philadd phia - 1 nrodnccd as . F Out ds strony alol sure peenhlary Mauee Salreburseenl a j a an ever been intrgduced inte tie country {| Andinay be had at all Dray Stores P 5 6 ‘ i ay ma | Pebruary sth, E859 Onda which has swept it with such asfuror” us cee . CARD | February sth, INS on the “Sorghum Saccharatum. Hien nh He) FDP he vi aN) . . | Yang Meo ied Teer Begg Ts OP, Greensborough Mutua Incredible has been its attr.butes.— foster qoamt< ston ‘ rp \ | : ' ey It 14 ute ET Withee ) : It was to make good sugar, good syrup, 97 8 a8 tet u ee UE ' Ve busiiess. and PNSURANCE COMPANY, ‘ : . Ww Larote t 1 t rs iS " " hu oe i _ good brandy, good beer, good thour, goody ote bela H corn M iS) Streete. wat! We PCH toes been the eae and eeonon. ys ef the atl | G ised ents bn ss 2 eer of thie Company ire dree from deb dye-wood, and pood paper, ke. Ttis one ved trceiticiestct fas thi aren betes ay a ca : r on Heat a i nal i its have nade ne awe itso and have now ou hate of our American peculiarities, to always BET RSTEES ISR Cra alti) UH oll EZ ! ! ner dthe pa Vege capital vies io prema fm 7 ! won the oh, it WH benr the calor ali) Os tistact PIPESIRFAS ea erie 0 i expect too much of a yood tang. On ; n Ker vet Fhe ei ge ahem aie eat . ve CPA NES ON sidiat . we oo the put that virtue is never sutlicient—it must claim ray sla SSes | o hesitation ii saying o the pubbe, that there ts ut safer ( Myon the Southern country Pie ne every one under the sun. We are opts Tu es ©) bk. WINPAR SS BENE OL WILD CIERRA, ee A wr " list wo it ‘Nh mertof the State, where the danger fron tire ss itt mists, and the moment we find owt that >)°* : : . : oe Le ee MEL : theit Comparions tell us what theie elias BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS!! : our sanguine expectations are be SUE acters ares if they 3 te with th Take opty the Genuine!! | Ohms to be realized, We pet Into a pueper, aud ut i pretare na , ; H W w / ' \ i ee denounce it all as humbug. stun \ ‘ i ee ey eat 7 . y ‘ (AS i) ‘ Mee ; Careful experiments, made by distin i : } s . i o t 1 Ww tees guished chemists during the last VET, Ulan ; Lae “ ate fe lalinel ; ; : ‘ Gs have ecttled the point that the Sor tid most certa ' bale belongs to the family of grasses which se UE tects) ! ve at business te ! if tis y wet \ vit i » 1 to crete “glucose,” or fruit sugar—not crys: feud toein on site Wy ohn tor ; Ped CUR AAWES Secale . 1" : : wt) | evborough, N.C. May 3, 1807 ttl talizable or cane sugar. The value of lestruction Our moral and pi ' ji | me EO fio t + ‘ ‘ ‘ iA ’ = ' cane sugar compared to glucose, or wias> 2 COIS IY Usk aby Lae ve : Coffee, Sugar, Molasses . . hones of ¢ aud, es ou 4 ’ sugar is as 8 to 1. We may give ie (Ware aah ai " ; | AND th. ‘ Tittcre vous Is , Ca thao then, the hope of maling Poprs vate or scene Unat pollut SOW Fore € 051 , 1 mule Gp CA WH. Be bly. Carcfully genducted experiments, etmacipatoon or daiits the wend ya i Sie RUSS eas HU Se 4 Rep oe however, Lave sat eeplol tra «L 1 a Surirs daring the last vear, however, have sa ; : Fe ae ss 5 Yeck \ i fied the writer that a ve wood syrup vee K i \l 0) can be manufactured at rate ol OF M rp? , | Oe. a ( ae a ’ bere ee ' D iF sa cents per wallon, and for even less, ly t Gott eChete, Cu t, Was \h Se | oe ' t ~ ove 1 | Fines A \ ~ i s3x ' small farmer who is not entirely eng: 1 ‘ ; : i ‘ i at 1 vy, Dee \ . _ } 1 | 11 \ eae K ! MI ed with the cotton crop. Tits will prove ; Healer: Wencr x ; ae : u ! ae A te We STEVENSON & BOWEN, an inestimable blessing, bringing itwath hh rune = thas ip the means of almost) every farmer Or inte dies bist f t Wihols Me Dey CPS IR ) i) ¢ ' RY ' OWnlie wo horse aid wh acre ob wrouud, ta py DRY GOODS ie \ ee Oa provide their funites w tha taxury Sut the creat valuc of the Sore ro ru ms : pe O Golan : DANIEL. M. ZIMMER Tes resta not in its syrup makes quites. | ae : i tne e 7: butin its being, inrals, One GF Gale eau em Higa. un Ss \ ees nN the cheapest, most delicious, re! Tate || ae ; Poet yo arte ! we : 7 Piuae Ne hr 2hriscleann 5 tious articl: of food; purtcuiarly dari COMWE AND SEE a season of the year Moa scarcity pres) JOHN DOOLEY Wy vails, ‘The period lotween the suit Hat and Cap Manufacturer, . AND AUEOL ES EE be ny + grain harvest wleanines and the peacroy igavery trying and my friend, Maj W.S. Lyles. : ducted cx; . from: carefully ce rineuts, that land lanted 4 NETL ter in food for loss, STAEN Cay fia) s | mM ho eonstasbuddit 1 nine th $ sorghum wil pay bet horses, mules, and cattle i Maiexn ne ’ ‘ est enah'e a e LARGO 1 dine Pt sTOCh of GUODS ta \ vet Virgin 1 oN ' a tamnal mouth-, tean any —CVEN ONL) Way, te mn COMPI Ifa few acres of suvar cause ) 1 } the best land a man bas—wiil keep tus Tit Geis partame wtsene stock ont of his corn cribs unt the pea fields are open, Oran coos z ' quarters in sod oF Yor—fat, sleck, and JOHN DOOLEY contented tel tiny custom ere tony stock of t SAREE EZR N ENS Goons. dud eatart them imto winter why —tiiure lo hu tein ifs Sane \ ' tre Don’t get alarmed, and cry humbag! s/ but try it again, try it as a part of the CAL ey farm crop—as an investinent, hots a fiuti- cy experiinent—auG you nay rest as I sured it will poy. 0 {1 / / (EL COE, eee ' es 5 : HWirh Point, 5 Naat : uh ! ( rt 6 WILES M GEORGIA WINE, TN G1110 hoe r : aes get ~ 7 ’ Porm ‘ t rity | se f 1 ‘ The interesting and pazocestive it our friend, Rh. Bachanan, Esq. of ( : Dati, MAU SocHose amy lin A that may still be ents ple, respectin, the capacity of tlie S.out ie Diba totes ] at for the e production of pa. : Grapes and Wi: not, give a new impetus to Vine Caltcr easy and titable es and will, we doutt MILO AV WOULD tones 1 } Lhe ‘ vit [ among us. If we divide by # (ie one tions shes eee pee RL aoe (1000) gallon esti:nace of Mr. Bachaua Georgia correspol dent, we still | gallons of wine per acre y Mey athe low price of sl per gallon, ves us S25 —a return far better than We can es fF Syauicyee Th KG! a Gaerne : from cotton, corm, rice, wheat, tobaece, ot , : a oe : 1% Rail Road, \ f Dae SA AES any other staple crop. Tray be urzed that, with a darze increase in the price of Wine and that the Western North Carolina 4 PASSENGER CR VEN I, wy SS. Mitst, nece ssarily, fall, present rate nN t fertice toa sustained; but the history of the past 1 : proves tuat the dei tad Yor nearly wi tic vecessarics aud luxuries of Tite more that ASR=eC) Vee NE et x b : Woke keeps prsee wit Che sgy Ue aeliel “Wick att ; , ; Western \. Carolioa Rail R. ft ; ostof our asic. turad ata ts Tost ie aS) EH LUD SE YE production ‘ ven real en ‘ tein Ly pre than thev did ten veats ayo Tiow \ i i 2 Fr 1 . \ Quire a century. yer, to supply eur va ' and coustantiy iereasin, ieren with good alld Clie tye \ to drive out of use the juin eo balitity of adulterated trasu which we tipo abroad, and the He aie that we inake at home " ROR Vis By reference to the article + ( , pagne Win present mamber, ot Cieese ! Cheese?! Cheese 2! Fi be seen tiat ANierica adore ny . ' Lt)! : series : France wid consiimes aleout « hap eh ag half million battle x eS BM ULE Ue STEIEE AED CARY 1) MSR ns bundrede of ats of Mnees uh hogshieuls f ostath caliel ie haeen Claret Suen oP i jawportation of iefraineat MICHAEL BROWN, eee © COMMON VERGE. NILISBURY, N.C. INATL ATT rage of all k epuniries, costs us additional ia dollars annual y With our vast extent of country snita pro hen blege the Vine. ant oor abuulance of ton BEE (Dina prdine Pore ehaay lands, we oughC uot only to supply : elrearve lace 197 ernton P Sens GAL PRODUCT nis to be sud ro ae SHOW CASE, ec hanes chs VN s market or / [fees Ge Any 1 Sete wt Hemale avorma! Me (he PARES UU Ue (Pike Wi Ree = DAN BY i ‘ : D2 Wis tLe neon ec ve ae ivew York. OPN Clocks, Wallking Canes, &e. | school, il Road, jae J. 2. VOGLER, , QBS, ee df DRSUIP, 1 CM AWE Mears I Powe Nip Vey ie 7 Professional Card. TRI-WEEKLY MAIL LINE. TN OMLORN TL SILES GICs. Beatie WOEKNY ita Ne Cae hulle Nieu hie Shwe weil mall tet Ma LAND TOSS» ilettes. Laces WILITAKS WOULIEIE SE Swords, Si:hes, Belts, Epa Ate Ve ree See MAY TUDE GOO Lite FOS Are State R PLEY & ts VW, 19 WADE N BANE, RVAD NOTiva ee) TRY MERCHANTS. ww, Cri APF?, VND. DITIOESN KOCTL Jean (AE 1S ea nf COREL TES ANTS cid IE NITE PRET Por OOP TT VALUABLE LANDS ACG DAR Gw BALBOe Pave wishes t ' i Phere kay WEEP ‘ € HELEN Lav Be b Pes Pher *s Stores 1 ’ 4 DENTAL NOTICE GR 2 BESSEVT, AS REMOVED to the DENTAL ROOMS on ’ ' rely oe by Det ' red ery TO ALL Interested in Building!! The Subseriber DRUGS, ealbattention to their MEDICINES, ARE YOU SICK 2 Turn you can't be cured too @oon Dou't delay until your complaint is ia curable, and then mourn wheo tis too late. Four Mills oa West Till fif bs of all the disvases which people the chureh MEETS Oa WSU SET. DVES,. Te cies anne ; NEN ‘ \ takeodisciscn. owt yodragging all Spring, feint, CRS, stimber. doll hints of OR ’ sleep {is tems, because your blood is luaded with | NERS LE el Veroddd Warig Mouidiigs G L A 5 3h Ke ( bi D row = h i sdache, be Plimrawend (helt Bea a {om i I Yih, Mito for thar Sprog Kindtecdisorders, bee cise your stomach is fl Don't sant yoda Pont \ i Seidl TSeOT yoods tn their pogice y fount the world, covered with Pim- ‘ pide 1 Pil ples, B s ULoos, Sores, and all or auy of the Se niece In erat toe shin, becatise your system Cipla ta - ot fete DOMESTIC aN) POMREMOCS. Syne chou ii Galway ceeic bia een: das \ { , ’ ie ae | ! ros F u he aid wl oeaved by vi your Stomach and aN " aa SE ames nee Bs dstr a ' rhealiay action. Ayer's Paey aad \ \ softhe | : : r ae " yy, Bills set thes lit eaten as water quench- Host app > fi ’ : Bu ew tice, “Mey ty the body wud blood, and restore Pheer work \ A: , Ae ey Ba : tu day acuity which you can Lo Orders iled at thes st ! F une a elas y " ta They are the one : rae WHULILS : oy oe ee pee wreot th owouder 6) recognized by alll IE AL tg hs ote pe re te a er pee eS wl Rio ier voces, aidioany thousands know, ( ! ! tae a 1¢ Ni ip a aA i hem [ck i ry Pectoral for a cough, and ( i . ; ue F re kin ; f ee ie i . stor all deriogeiients requiring a purgative ] Hd VAC ‘ Sash Now vi Hee m todd aye ’ Ie rete per Box --9 Boyes for $100. STANDARD Prony DR J. C. AYER, Lowell, Muss, # _Pat t Wedicines . Salish WANwtoy 4% Mur, Patou Medicines, 01 pone pl aa) . i ue = Sy bal aut b! P rey les es ae H x See “IN ashionable Periu OE ee . . a r-huryg 1 SALISBURY, TOLLETTE, no Yeuwonsts ae be) val ’ i ‘ pun wie PREPARATIONS, &C. &€) '6' ike es " mm Cay \ he heats wed at the Ne in TN Gt ! Iw ‘ \ h ui SEs Saas ue Va AROS (2 TRAST TES: she 1001 Vo. V4 Vents ny (OST VEU eater i hh al re ve alt bia VEN Pee UREN TINE: ROO. VEN. SALISBURY ESEN Chat) ne Hiss VA Yeh u supplied! anid sat Ri s ‘ . a i‘ IR We MEA IL SOIL) OL RIN ALS Fiesty Beier Ea A. Pa ee PME hava vena Beans \ 1 OMNIBUS inly to ect p ~ tothe Lateeran Che Noand G Seeds de th ‘ Sali | joe 3 ithe b lou \W 1 1 thshare of the) Maren ios ns ALV-PETRE, Borav. lic a . PURMS OFSTEE PEION VS POLLOWS : WAL ROWZLE ar hy uM 1 s Artic UTES ; us WW mt Aa aru & i 4 nd t Brut NEON LIEN NGtistade cre ty roy 8 ae MS \ \ ‘ ain SS RIS. poe Nel aWolthsht} ut wn Ly Oe on a Ee Sb tyen pan w wld | URVBLE fuk. B el LIPTON TRIP TH a Co a lee | EEN Gila Nes ( te Laat * yal TED EEA: f PRY ) HEM AS GATS ! { (es : I MARGE ley ts ae! Pe \ Hows, Path DIG) ie Wy OUR SAV IEA : i ‘ N Uris M r . Nn fy NW ] ' VORA (hat ow 5 ‘ ( AAG ~ Na tper i c ! te I DF y oy \ p E (St intiay & ( Part Met ‘ | a ( ceri \ we - j ( ‘ e RA t ‘ | ‘ i S Tele SRNL | SSH HI RS Cepeeee 1 ea | Wwe ) ‘ - Ee ONN a I ! ‘ ie NOTE a . : j ‘ ie CUM AHE a CIDS. A Rid eels ele i ' i “ A Neotiig A j Ae, ‘ A RS | ( Ne ah \} voM He CTURE 8 « i SS Ws Ne S < 1 Ay 1G ese t, a SUSIE Me ON (G:. J tea dh ia? | THE SPICES OF GOOD LIVING MAIN er N ak 4 J 4 VU MURPHY’: 7 Nish SALI Cc. U. NI ATES S WATE, PG. SPIESS ie | [> 11 | SIP SS \ 1 ta & bs td CHIN Gi. NOTED iat ee “ae Hi i stock of Ce, J ~ ; ‘ ( / : : ‘ Salisbury to Asheville. \ y ( \ Limon . Ly it oe ee ds IP and SVON(Gp ee Viet eon ead, NEG PE IGE STEP SLD ip ED 1M tt | \ y, andthe A Mieomie. . ee Breat, Cahes. Pins. a den ey EN Tes Takia . fopactes and town Hea £ APY —~ | ’ eos on fitted “ov . x pat oe : : @ |e nto Cable se ( a Re SESS a A ae fa Whe BE, 1 dondls thauthdiinye Nee | II 7 Rokk ARDS, Sey ge de5 24 ( nas , . | ve | ROV vAN HOUSE, CELEBRATED VEGETABLE rnp Soin ve.) 6 GCATTLE POWDER. id 2 arile Aeadenies, ‘han Pas eee \. es hoe: t cnt ! ha J \ ! : I ‘ lem ati de ay fh i Pvmrate = Re eA TOO SS yas . z pp ; sg , ‘ CAMHS (vase peawire om offering their " 1 J ! ' ‘ i Viv t t Pow fe ’ ae doe i te th TOSeO te ; Vgnew tural se ' it : oF . i ae te cece fig ot oa CURRIIGEN, BUGKHIS, (0 ae H. Smith, yoan alternative fall secretions res to be given yg. Coughs, F wean the lat Jan \ | 1 fan la i} 1 a \ OD reknertta riform haw hey 1 os \ ' ; \ ane Triniy te g f tablespoontul thee or i Aone Garr tines a week in ho water when drinking \ iti ris vn \ ARRIAGE i SINESS. ‘ i he ' ier ; ; Phe powder is how r nuended for eows. Pu- MS : ' ' eae aa ae y i A is) wether blood aad boonng hem to a healthy ‘ tate rota l tle punities of the bedy, in- : ; i; A Na : va | x ‘ 1 1 tnproving their appetite, dis t h ' aah k moyield twee the qinonntofimilk, sein <i 1 yee ie en : : po Nofarner ) nee uses thie pow- , ’ ie ; 1 iB ; ‘ ” moat sboatd be given in ; meh tunes a week, and in nt , , the diseases arising: from 1 ve blood and see is may be WO CN? 1 j n, Hoof disease, or eown if dry cowssit has been ae VEW ARLE) RD. SALISBURY go the powder every 174 oan i i ryder lO NE oe | ONIN Why For huge te power nrerdninendad ty he given tt PAd Odi RSIS 1 cl ' ; mete Peat necks. uleen on the lunge, and PRAC AY, oA ous ] I ; ik rit ry be Cor TU mixing ' ' ; VD War I Se ‘ INTs fawill KR Ate Nu) Ren ene Pot Tie) r Cooet | ‘ Pr nl jones vwowh KABn8 ZARD Mn Wy It elites) eam ee a ees i ! “ feed it neta h rif found the effect mont WANT \N wow 1 f taking them me) j . ' vine tian ! mou Viaving soe We ean, Sark ! rep : ‘ wt f tt Fito chickens, [TP SIE S 1 ( far, tieke ye for hivel f the feathered . \ vee EU bes whee bociak & henge cae “ AMERICAN MARBLE. a tm mvitiniagrralend M i ' LEY NS R WEE AVY AT ‘ iD Nn 15 ' . ee ann: T ee Administrator's Notlee. . / AD WERKINSON fi pom ig@ciaius ngewe The Petals of eet ‘ Re Blaabeth E ed are nyain notified to pre i I iat ) Hee yi Gert maine iitaenclvati thi lnwaceithia : Powili be plead ga ba peruse , 1 THOMASON, \ ' Drs M|WHITEHEAD &J.A.CALDWELL. \orey wenn FVD THOM ASO an A PEReR TERE an rote Midine <= WAR ie BR Nh Lt eee te ; (TAY et : . Tenia eat ani ane ae BLANK DEEDS mene tw oMme FOR SALE AL THIS O7771C# | ipied at present hy De Wit LORS ACE VAL Teen THIS OF FICE. 7 1 My ei t i o m a r t i a s p e se f u e wy io d o a d Sa r s of is \ IE m J.J. BRUNER, bbtrok AND 7 TERMS. Sinvle copy Bive oops, Y copies ADVERTISING RAT Ava i sq & SHUN OD OU Juror Tickets. Peasecution Bonds, C Bait Honds, . Bail Bonds, crim Atcachment Writs, Delivery Bouts, Administration, do Bastarday, a A al, ee TO And many other forms of less f ted to e@rder ou ehart tatice roeupled b y equent usp TALON ENG OVUM TE £2.00 Soe a a) by 3 ¢ » a : Widow f x ad ¥ UO Lou & rlise regularly throug? be BTATRniT the year A UTA AE furee dolla 1 t F eat pes : tu aunque) © Court O \ : de rericeuene nie: cin 2 Woqjaimup gy te whey wid ry readies ose tiatnt 3 wud wife, 1) eae) = POT Vevson nebo i VOL. AVI. Devoted to Politics, Uews, Agriculture, Internal Iuprovenents, Commerce, the Arts and Sciences, Morality, andthe Family Circle. —a SALISBURY, N. C., APRIL 12, 1859. sence oannw = d Washington's Ancestors.—Queen Vie |toria is not the ouly personage who can show a long list of ancestors. The i- gree of Gren. Washington carries back hig descent to William de Ilurtbarn, Lord of the Manor of Washington, in the count of Durham, Eugland. From bim descend- ed John Washington, of Whitfield, in the time of Itichard II!, and ninth in descent from him was George, first President of (the United States. The mother of John ' Washington, who cmigrated to Virginia, ‘in 1657, and was great ndmother to the general, was Fleanor Hastings, grand- daughter of Francis, second Earlo Nient. ingden. She was the descendant, through Lady Tuntingden, of George, Duke of Clarence, brother to king Edward IV., and King Richard IL, by Isabel Nevil, daughter and lieiress of Richard, Earl of Warwick, the King maker. Washington, MBER 46 ecranitlinn ital ae linlocmier er SON NTE GATE, UREPORT CONE” (Cy POS LAGIIN SUIT CAROLS. The ¢ year lias just ¢ Mauch fst, hits been one « Tportitae AT nered terest ail encouragement To wie. Land secrned to open my way at every pep no ds to wive succes Cotati love and cooperation in behalf of dence, {this cause, have preatly inercased within wie, Blanks 4 tide ratgited i or thw Valuable Pertitizer, rempee attention of FARM to the samey feeling watistid Manutacturess say We cousder it useleas to ow the uecessty i Ma over to the question wot less t ot Sarmere: wine of all tie saris wie te the most powenul @ , aud yr vers i fii b peri nentiy entiet Ry ' those subsiancen the aud vy cou Cw Kindacot Manresa. we amast e tet that tote of Chere aise ‘ of tariuiers Masi, aweyeie tl ethereut part, the wows soilasinere straw oor w fibr sadya Mit and requinng a nos 1 mya too rep auluinley of Aus ‘ componaon af Une Ned, im . 1 an tha ‘ A rd by procte a. taurine M fresiun vated “n many cops. f bon he Ceneiry chev a non thon, moa the Alba t he 2 fe foamed ages ae blow a Devries) agents mety Bvi stauces Siting vegetation, but | weodetia tur eta freshouneu ate cheuneal combination woh the 4 come soluble tn water planta wth asathornen pensable forthe produ at a Our Ma ant raw b which speaks frites), v7 Phosphate Varies - ~ tem. popeeeetite the 1 Sulphate of Lime Orgame Matter viding © Amimoniae Salte Pnsoluble Soluble Salts, Ct af Soda, ke, Water and Lass, uudehurd mister, Every one of our eusteners What we rep are with the fullest coutideuees to every and plantation owner who AD (ep Wonts ba see a Valuabie crop ayy ade y SIE AP UL TE RSS totervat to Use i sustead ot Peravian Ge properties hw much t to the wot atal Che arowih ds rot Sunda, We, Sulpluct ore adapted te every sad ana ero, won ERS }oAg vecall the the " 1G yt I Wrst te retos lin it \ ) ea vet A) a 4 4} Ypriecent r Wan ent Ma memend tfarn hirse lt were ave sp Nty per Frequegitly mereased the yard vt thee cent ‘Testimonials and Pamphlets co be hed at the Of fice. Orders to be sens to Wo TVE TIC, Gecsraves Lire, Saixhury, No Chenaist wa MARBLE EMPORIO ay eee CHARLES P. GRAY, MAMMOTIT DEALER IN Monuments, Tablets, &c, GRAY & BRYAN, and cemoved to ta e evhere he is prepared to kinda of work in bis tine MONUMENTS, TABLETS. 4 ak se t t i e n t e e s e n e , \ TISHES toinform the Cinzeneof North Carolina generally, that he has purchased che stock oo Main Street, Opposite the Post O fice, TOMB-TABLES, and HEADSTONES: VICE alco MANTLES and FURNITURE atrial be patap of Che best material, Qiced for Cash Come and examine — than i satiafied 1 rapa thin dan workman, he wall hsp thattent Fimehiag room Hey on reerap eownlber MTS OF MARBLE vad fetes TRE!) we dave receive orders for any or vil QWINL FERTILIZER, OR / SUPERPROSPHATE CF LIME, 1, vg tun Qrdera from wu diatanee will receive prompt ‘ tion, and no one ehall | reatiatiod | CoP GRAY, Prqinerie Saliebary, Feb. 15, 1659 Ini BOOK BINDING AGENCY, IV SALISBURY. r HAVE the pleasere to inform the pablie. that I have mage arrangements wih Mr od Bryer in Sahabury, (0 receive and forward ton fe my line of busiiesa. wud to deliver fiinshed work t those orderng throagh bin A rk . through hia Ngeaey, shall reesive promps ' and be executed with exnetnees and cure quality and style, and on as low tenons can be obtained in any part of the eaantry Blank Books, Ledgers, &o., For Clerka of Courta, Registers, of for the uae of Merchants, Railrond or Wanutacincng Cogipantes, made toorder, TP Plan suscruction shodld accoun any every order ' i . DAVID CLEWELL Fob. 29th, 1859 tr dO pevery Pur was enabled to pe last twelve tiontlis. ny the year, 42 Counties, f rahe Vinits, te PLU fat onVvermed . mrel notor prayer with Laoy 5 of White The folowing Covet ail wiselianone BLANKS ie td they id tet toni preaets ate le ae ‘ ia jj fonce in three, six and twelve month and seut b tlty auy part of t iury, at sioall : ; , ; . ‘ oo ; | many far ies bad net hyard a sertie > : The reasons for this Com, to take Depo. C.& 8, ¢ everal years Phe reasen ! ancy, IE : SLA. tance to church, prejudice to the nearest denomination, horance of the daty, af {] love of Gistifteric le things Lhave fonnad to be viartous--dis | } jihetion, and places of amu sabbath fy sorted toon thie children. Recentiy prayed with db persons on ant neighborhood, and « | Ja sertnon 4 Thote, Uw at abother me porhaod of 7 Praddies, tes mureh, Hs a eeneral ry i PHUArUSE ¢ Is Ladso fourel 220 fan destitute of ob ¢ \ mr fie ib t ee Preasous tor 5 dest 1 i CCG Youbet ore ae Ste sowie totl IRORUY cnc Os el tl ! AS pu t t \ ha trade | ‘ Aitit to rea Bs et { free try ye \ re pen Cie d it c thev are lode es 1 ttalisti W 1 (GE EAS vil by t eNpe 4 TWotth AN Lae SOL i \ Contie sored to tt \ 1 1h trot ect in fb te A oa I eins | ve ‘ Chi S for t sttha wed of GENT Stor hint ; t Pete S vine G pres wri te cL per teete is ‘ lore ( GS Ae | ; { CCA Jesu rk o ~ Tastes: der the oy 8 ‘ qd Us Cette t PaaS mid t Rgmonar Cea ! eer t Br Layo Fi N Way Tis TR De, beg 5 f ( : 1 \ é ¥: ut Ne ‘ va | ‘ “( IPs u i \ 1 £ mid Verse ab tiie Jjrst 4 i Wiis ite thiset : it ce CG Lie t | pat ys ert ye eke ey thie services ta waeh that Panis, \ | , ' = sited a | wo 1 I t " Cen | Rene Ae RORY ’ | URES THER Kas Depots and A=. lames in Norta Ca rolina. Atanother Depot Tet ama Pwho told ame die ded six tailes thet Tthere, and the nearest churen t 1 Wile thont Y moles, where rew Wes onee a mantiy wii rane fits frei tithe could rarely atteta fuev had mo rel is books except t Boole, wiiel yy the Amer peem iver Them an Society several vears azo and they did hot Lnow what sort ot ) t When Tteld | some from this Depet stitut family with wo tiful books, and a heart Crod tor souls. More than 3: had a religious vis families said they nev tand praveratthen T think cipal reasons for this t ' now come when aimost every minister ol ni there are two prin houses betore the time lias every denomination has just what he can yn after preaching, to visit the members of tis charge, aud ia frequent mstances, the circumetances, that weaving him such ate he ean tovisit his own member computa vely po time to wo in the tre wions beyond? to visit and pray with oan only should be wodlive fiumiites, Wie Cert Kindly reached at their mes, that the gospel may he pre iched to fevers crest ture Second — because a lance toajority of the Jaity mewicet the uly reading of the Bible wud prayer dn thes oan fang Nes, consequent Compaen are prepared or wiilit fom ny ind pray with thes ve Tent tarmister tia tine Ve ol sey ral hundred members scattered over a whole county, recently tell ine that there was but one of them whe wed in pol hie Th another county, among all the de nominations, mt was 1 i TAMRSCE RES SL ont of 2,000 families had taumily worship In view of snel facts w 1 fear are true. inere or fess, in most of our eoun trea, how ean every fan Ave a reli tows visit, mnie the Sore CNS ACEC ive eo hed Severvo where and th fevery creature, the sek, the poor, the jenorant and wieked, whet thev be at our doors or ata distan and tonntains ¢ Fhe tirst ia the ving Ministry, preaching and a And second, sirattiad andl createst iistrimne ting ont God's saving trath every cliristian, old and geck the Holy Spirit's inffuence in pro perly understanding that truth, beliewn ; young, ™ on iCand prichsins Veni rohome. year, and perhaps iore than any other Tragedy of the Night-Moth. pb Tee fun carldye ervants aud vear Wutas Lhave not yet the anit, RST ORICOL hei! bors may sec the ti daiveresult- trictds are referred to the Atm. Meose Woe Pel anined nidulelitesiere are keeping Vain du tic woe Vs and the Soctery’s Annial report, in whicd Their meck and silent course in heavens ve rtew having every dollar is acknowledved, Nave recluse, all things are slecpicg, 5 id te ‘ rive Aelive prety at Wiea In every county T have been kindly Mis ining to study sill is given rommes toad the miaistey dexten ding it) received by ministers Tinembers of tlie Mitte! ook weiter tooother homes wire iosodliness rehros aldverent churches. How dcelehtful te AMured by taper gleaming bright atigh npre elf tay re tuebeasiie fa see cChiistiuns of YO ditherent denomina- Awhile keops hovering round, then ventures 3 + i) Ou Grvihe rs wt vay hit enlities of VOrods sacs provide Tons uidted im heart, techng and effort, 1 Ga mystic page te hgh aie tretert } nts ‘rs te pealtay Oi i sacl : denes is seen in raising up and strenuth toy Uoinuers t Joos dor in such we wih awe she views the candle blaang 3 ening the Colporteur svetem ander the oss. mueb for what oar Saviour prayed A aarverse of fire (¢ seems Atmerié a kind Pract Society Po uoth-aarante with rapture gazing, Or fount whence Lite and Motion streams. Isde tobe schat they allanay be one, that the world : ’ hi the Duptist and Aue mas believe that thou jus sent me.” [Par sielper te the divi ministry in eas Yours truly, What passions in hee stnall heart whishog, rying t pospel that thev preach and Wa dl, WY (CORON UE etn: Hope udless, adoration, dread ; and Wiit vit io traets and ne = the Aut, of Atm Pin Soc. for N (Ch Ath TEND) hertny punone twirling, , 4 She darts aud—puth!—-the moth is dead! ehitstian Colpartesa to the homes ot om Kaleigh, March, 1so9. sabes Who could net, and: baeetreds whe The sallen tame, for her scarce sparkling, Weotliat ee) MOE IG Viataakt bibert >p 1 Gives bul one hiss, one tttal glare ; tre t other Whit | i etl SHOE I ING, Now bright and busy, now all darklng, itl eit THeir puipits, hus. by t | ‘ ' : er She svaps and fades to empty air J eiicient and ecouomical svete , Teecat being about 7 ets “Twill never marry Mr. Younuscrew althouel 4 p " Vane Cost of it berm abot et FON a ! x Whough Her bright gray form that spread eo slimly, tiamuly We duay render important Weis meh as Croesus,’ said Juha Gausiington, Some fay she neemed of pigmy Queen ; try in having rele vs bustin into tears | ae silks cloak that ms saeneet , . . ‘ \ Weneny er wee, wee vyes that looked so keen. | prayer in every tanoly, You shall never marry He ontaome * ty, Geeause he is as poor as dob,” said old Gaus unvodly, where we can TY: tuse: Ih mal ! 23 \ Jae {Last moment here, now yone forever, ce pivsvtsie util Cuildioh jist ara they OOM, bursting inte the roo ve Mew, Migr] AyC meme here May gone Keven, A i : { en esibters cuterca at And ayes cirelug round shall never en rise ose freaiiet oy . ’ : me | feoud wraeiwus ) dataa what asthe matter ¢ (ive ty Chis creature shape again Mw Wie { ne, link sotialiv a ‘ = a Mi fajgor Ma Why your eyes are Joa to Wh Soak ‘ | ran i Poor moth ! near weeping TE lament thee, 1 trels, an iowill burst tt buttops ep {t MW talk ie * Thy wiensy fort. thy jastant woe; ' ees “Pwas geal fors'thi too high” thac sent thee Cy d wants eu We Cat ‘ | | ; ee ‘ C she loved a From cheery earch to snades below oohs 1a t r rh Ma bacdbey dene sav (iter pucu 4 CTC AT eT OH Titi a Weta rione tlie Is yeives bow lier titler re Short speck of boundless space was needed cing a ‘ 1 ePPorianict fused to have bim fora sonanlaw : and how Mr For home, for kingdom, world to thee! y Wirsdili, and otc duties ii the dun Vetinesenew: a sitit bat levoed Where purwed anleeding av unbeeded, : u : : Phy slender lite from sorrow free Con Ube nhs rods yposed ats en accepted by old 2 ( re Liberally Mr. mn Th Besta ECs} mer ate lo But syren hopes trom out thy dwelling ae ' Te a ) t Gl sul Mes (hiters Eniced thee, bade thee Barth explore, Gl ' \ M said thie ofd catrpataon [ raime so date with rapture ewelliag, c ves Hie ean me faye Is swept trom Barta forevermore ‘ ‘ telly as cn ceve Mr ( 1 st \ vss oe : l 1 Poor Moth! thy fate my own resembles Wowitl trots aod bechs, and ateathed ‘ fj ehine ’ oa a : os ; Mi too Wh feutle ceking med i tfath » u d weary rambles, 2 1 noWwha NU at 1, Ope r her 1 eck th 1 oue’er shall tind : : is ye Woot j ‘ Vow ‘ joeta Wa detRiyeiparncint ca Mout elit niles Tike thee, with common lot contented, SS fn ue With humble joys and valyar fare, Be ES eS | SS Ms nievus, Arabellae rinnncat’ tat ane oan F | " j i { ' ea : ‘ tig via ‘ aun ‘ vol iS a Bo I Youghuow, to join Une by efttit Mavtheoteu r wlonger da rae niet tlic ee Tis cube | ave promised them part of You aot dene 4 : ‘ Le alo bus al t " But nature's styie g | . esillen ywitl ‘i e W 5 is rly ura charms, A cer t pea fa g ; / ; \ eel knee \\ E tru { fe a i ee, DP ruphec arias S S Chaties. is S vf M ‘ ( Int pose, Elite sa htios What gamed we, little moth? ‘Thy ashes, tt oF eae It anaes here i I. \ woe Tiny one br hug pang may show ; 1 Melty aie ts aS Te a tod 1s And wothe rag thoughts tor soul Grat dashes Baia eye once nant e From deep to deep, are but a death more slow C Reever saw : ; —(Thomas Carlyle f Deu liars a ron ir] as she t 1 t ! . . kiwi Ttrietd, aud prescr wed look: | ng wi 1 Wa q a I a : xothore beautiful than ans the book of | ON THE SHAMROCK. ES a ait Hy, oth ¥ (bas t Youngsciew (who: bye, was | } ‘ tt ' 1 t 1 | B THOMAS MOORE UV a 4 t va iu i i rohit eas J lia ul paints 1 ohimy ‘ Le * bs = €° i} ‘ v i mt 1 (CTU prere | > 4 Ww ~ rn J lis = ‘ 1 r PUG i Ma Whose qaver t i ei) ' i hivew A thousand atrows ; | Wier hey ‘ . ay ected th ait brewrit SG SR Sait: : . ey Shoots up, with dewdrops stream ug, { Seey Os Issed atid 6 Aw soitis reel ! (are ry Nn Wath a patience weruy of the cunse As emer seen t Pespenticl eure hipw Phro’ purest erystal gleaming : ae » Shane gree imortal Shamrock ! Lotte ¢ Eto satinty iis | Onebhe Mau k r Laorta AMO ay ‘ Chosen t seus dat thy succe: de : j Wey pa ‘ | \ é sn . ted. | v) and Chief, ! Mi.) ’ the yu sand some days OG pis acl sane! , ‘ i’un | tdivs scarcely | is I x \ ‘ r " Save Valor, ‘See, if peecbedse dur COC? a eh role . ne { Phey spung forme . ~ , ; . ees | Tinase is of morning ! | nul wo st os al Sie Lowe oe Nwann | Forme they grow, \ 1 \ \ Ny ! ro owhat it wa My ¢ rang. | | a ) ' ' \ i el sets \ « ' ] vane t ‘ ee | And er do not sever Walls Tyee et \ Mi. Y seerew bean a sui cutal arith: | ‘ leila i ple us, va ( ler yethe | "Three God-lke frrends— : wears, th ! ‘ Ty Twelve vards of Jining at sixteen pence a] Love, Valor, Wat, forever! ; : ag } Oh the Shamrock, the preen, mmmortal Shamrock ! chuiy res reit | to t vw Sette, , ve | enon Gal : G racious! Could she lave wot as | tabvine ; in | sracious | uld were easy Of Bard and Chief, Tat ‘ ; POAC SINC ats har ett SU UOT Ce Oe Bieiie native simmirock \ pe rae wrintore him f Tt so, how much of that} } i iy yuyyg it ) rent ! Spd " On iwitond , wou Cap Was Swan & Loca, and how mug hy © firm b Withisters ane editeres ou the | 1 | May last the bond, dude Ceastineton ¢ | e re and write are Wroent on { (bur aioe tcf ere They wove that inern topether, ; is ; SS Ireenamel butters at two shallues AGI Ceniiine fall lock more to them own farm One drop ot gal borg te find tae destitute ay Sie tad twenty-four on ber dress at that mo On Wits cherished feather And the Leaders, Deacons, ment, tor Vouteserew bean to count them ae ee mene wmbers of erent Sn , ; eee ie tlowers divine, Cher mei 1 hats of sth) sewing cottats up! yeaa holding pubive mes us vaily tow] Pai eawen ue Say 6 ae consult and devise as to more prom ) We Maule as a fs) felt dnehaed docear and thor Ne Pizittion, | Sereain when the curate a “Tt that was Agaiust the cause of freedom! ; tod Ol the Shamrock, the green, intportal Shamrock some ot these meetings Lhave Geard fa tl day a hy } : mere | su nd pee of destitution equal to To have ever) MIP Mr. Younsg-crew V think wd iia nener known Jt is most ch eetoknow that iid ; (OU Sayers antec Sn iaee there is an increasing namber of ehris ’ The elo as oe were oe ) nV. pale as white saraenet at the seene he had | , eis Wh MG, | ind movin forward | aah 7 ee . t i i" tratl Witnessed, the dadies radiant with the conseions Interesting to the Bearded. —A writer o ald dh spreadiiag spel trath, ‘ ; : . , > J ? , : ee vr fulfilled se their woinan’s mis : t vst has the following pith During the year DT distributed over” V having fulfilled so far their woman's ms-fin the Boston Pyst has t Bees Lz : dou . foe ae 626,000 pages oof truth, besides mu eal San ATA tacnarrew ue communication ¢ ad e Shall see oO ary: ” ore, SALE . tnore sent toothers tor distribution. We Flee Min HEMI TEU UNG riitueucte aw ucre mae auenecenmitretated weoirevelicre that have had about 40 Colportenrs in the State ‘alles, sere thaw igus Gam He cama leer doing asain work in thousands of tam Mr. Y. whe stattercd s] the nerves aud muscles of the face and ulily, could only bow therefore, as well as all the descendants of that marriage, are entitled to quarter the arms of Hastings, Pole, Earl of Salis- bury, Plantagenet, Scotland Mortimer, Karl of March, Nevil, Montague, Beaa- champ Deveraux. | Not ald the Next Commwuion—"1 think | catnuot come now aud make a public profession of relizion, Lido not lhe to do such solemn things in a tarry.” So said a poor man who hoped that God had loug siuce bad merey on bim, to a good Inisslouary iu ove of our lower wards, He had been urged tu this duty by the good man. "Well! when you coming { said the missionary ‘Not ull the next egmmunion,” answered the reluctant man, | Ttnust not be ina hurry, { ose = NEPOTISM IN ENGLAND. The Lord Chancellor of England hav- ing lately appointed bis son-in-law to fill ; ; }u vacancy in the responsible and lucrative “But you told me jast so before the Inst com: | office of Couimnissioner of Lunacy, such an munion, thus 1 urged you then to the duty of outcry was raised against it, that he was publicly tose oe sour Value ‘© compelled to annul the nomination and CGR RTE SCE Nae setnomneh Alhsrieantie (i lis temaca CE son-in-law another opportnnity so favorable as the present? tio dicthovenedteal srmmvarat GY h id Do you nut believe it to be a duty ? ies Pee ae arren, eathor ces es se he* Diary ofa Physician,” “Ten Thoue- Ob! certainly, I beheve it to be aduty? 1 of the y. G ait ae ae a believe [have been laid under everlasting obh and a Year,” &e., Xe. Nothing aameore cations to the Lord Jesus for what he bux done Prevalent than this practice in the United fe ” States. Even the venerable Judge Me- “Why not, then, make a public confession of Lean, of the United States Supreme Court, | your obligations to bim.” jrecently appointed his son Clerk of the “I know I ought. But [ do not like to be in| Cirenit Court in his Circuit, and we see Jahurry, I know it is months-—nay years——|it stated that Judge Irwin, of Penneyl- [since [ hoped in his mercy. f have no doubt! ania, not only appointed his son, bat jou this score, Yet T think I must wait till the shared with him the receipts of the office. |uext communion.” Richunond Dispatch. | This poor man lived most of his time in Wall street. ic are for me.” He had an ottice close by his taunts of Three communions had gone by sinec run to say business. he had | munition,” Many of the most experienced politi- “Not oll the next com-j cians in Washington, assert that nothing |can prevent the calling of an extra seesion about the first of September. | | } \s another was approaching our missionary Every day j Brot li r, who looks after the neglected, and those! adds to the complications and difficulties who nealeet the msels vthese Jower wards, /uf the Post vtlice Department. thought be would call in at the ottice of this I broker, and ask him tu be ready at the approach iiupreonruanton’ toobey Christ's command, “This | | }do on | oo 3 Nori Axp Souru—Commerce vs. Fa So walking into natéccam.—The Boston Commercial Bal- {hs office, be inquired——where is Mr. C——. | fetin of the 26th, states two applications SCG} | for charters are now before the Masgachu- setts Levislature for lines of steamers be- tween Boston and Southern ports. One by bk. 8. Tobey and others asa committee athe avd) Itty of the Board. of Trade, and another by SLi rent aah Sones Donald Mackay ; the former contemplates So, "Not till the neat commuvion™ had been & Une of four steamers to ran between |said one time tou often. And the man went weston and ¢ Harleston, or Savannah or | ls last account in a burry—~though he did not both, and the latter to New Orleans. jlike to be ina hurry to publicly profess Christ before men, Poor procrastinating man! Such . are niany even of ae who have bee n converted A frreat Dith rence.— AD exchange in these Pentecostal tines of Iso and Isa9, | Paper says:—*It is rather surprising that Not ull the next cotimiution is the language; Whilst ocean steamers built by private en- lofmany hearts. ~ }terprise make voyage after voyage with- out damage, there is searcely a Govern- ‘nent steamer that makes a voyage with- Jout having 1 put in somewhere to repair The admiration of the Mew York Heening \tuachinery.” Post has been uckeled by the sight of a shoe-! pegging machine, made up of three or four cams | and a couple of saws, and which will take hold! [48 Phrenology is a great science,— of a large brogan shoe, and pey it in a neat and Two of its professors in Chicago have re- workmanlike manner, two rows all round, iu less cently examined the head of Jumpertz, than half a minute. who murdered Sophia Werner, and both The shor, fitted on a last ready for pegging, pronounce benevolence to be his predomi- fis placed in an iron frame, or Jack, attached to nating characteristic. fthe machine, and borne up agoustit by the band a of the operator. The machine being put ia ra-| rewembrance of me.” we have cleared vt out,” sume one ap sweredon a rough, brut ) What do vou mean / “Cleared him out? How “Oli! you see, he said the missionary is that f* . died the other day, just and we cl out, and car oe 4 a A NEW MACHINE, oe | | | wy = pid motion, seizes bold of the suoe, gives ita ra A Greek maiden being asked what for- pid turn or two, and then, aficr a few seconds of tane sie would bring her husband, re- jratting and clattering, off comes the brogan with plied, SL will bring him what gold can- | Hie sole firmly pegged, tot purclase—a heart unspotted, and | Virtue without a stain—the inheritance | | Biche Children at a birth— About two ttota parents who had these, and nothin oe ’ Jmonths since, the wife of Jacob Abbot, in Gol else to leave me. I aes CLOW. presented her husband with et = seu \ ple sof affection ¢ mne birth These ela as 5 é it ty nat one aA These « \ Terrible Hurricane,—On Sunday night week, dren survived until six weeks old, when two of 7 one halt of the city of Aberdeen, Miss., was de- stroyed by a hurricane. The seene was awful, the howlug winds blowing down the Presbyte- nan Church, uurooting the store of Parker, Par- tish de Co., atid several other stores and dwell- ings. A lance amount of goods were badly dam- aged, Ithen sickened and died. The { } are still living and toriving finely jeabt w six whole remaining The re very stuall specimens of humanity the wotloas might have This statement 1s literally true, itis vouched for by numbers of respectable wit ushered into when j been expected | ; nesses, Who saw the children DBoston | Herald. | The Title of Mr.—The title of Mr. is some- thing to be proud of now-a-days, in contradis- tinction to Esquire or Hon, In old times it was eqnally a mark of respectability, as will be seen by the following extract from the Old Colony Records, September 27th, 1631: “Tt is ordered, that Jusias Plastowe shalt (for stealing four baskets of corn from the Indians) return them eight baskets again, be fined vt. and hereafter to be called by the name of Josias, and not Mr. as formerly be used to be, and William Buckland and Thomas Andrews shall be whip- ped for being accessory to the same offense.” T. Haskell A most brilliant gemus and a {truly elegant genteman, a thrilling orator an | Death of Wm Phe Louisvillk | | Journal says: a statesiman of unusual cultun try Was the whole eoun- sply Impressed with the sad announce ment that tis reason had been dethroned some two years ayo. Hopes were subsequently enter- tained of his recovery and restoration to useful: ness, but with melancholy whinpses of luc idity, he bas worn out existence as a mere blank, and bis dearest friend cannot regret that the balmy band of death bas at length releved lim from | sutferiny. Phe grave never closed over a more | — Allanteeririt mative SLNCHENG waa me , gallant spirit. attection can never w ep over a |\ aaaitiaan of aaa temperament once called on Dr, Dwight, President of Yale college. One of the > hoys Was rather boisterous, ‘and pestered the nervous gentleman somewhat, | whereupon he said to him, “My boy, if you will j keep still while [am talking to your father, I will give you a dollar.” Instantly the boy hush- ed down, gentle as a slecping jamb. At the close of the gentleman's remarks, be attempted to leave without giving the voy toe dollar; but Doctor Dwight was too fast for him. He puta dolar into the man’s hand, saying, “You pro- {more Joverble, high toned and chivalme man.— | {Poor Haskell We knew him well, and, kuow ing fim so well, our heart bleeds as we peu this ineffectual tribute to his memory. | Ao Girl Printer A Cincinnati paper states that a few years ago, # poor orphan applied and was adinitted to set type for that paper. worked two years, during whitch tite shu exert She led, besides her expenses, shout two hundred dol Jars and availing berself of the faeries which thes. TL bave now been in 71 counties in (ink) Gaingincre aaa wlan’ eyes, allowing the beard to grow strength: | the printer See Acquired A good edu ation, mised my boy a dollar for good behaviour.— } I : D ? 4 She is no B associate: cdllress A pop Nye cary: ) Mirise sir, 3 N.C, where Pohave seen and heard of [Ngee tram Gara sid Mrs. Major Man ons the eye. Itis said that surgeons iD he isn the me i itr ; of ay aire frive hom that, as vou promised, Tf sir, we lie, ] | , \ : aper and engaged tagbe married te one of the ; Molebiats. the blessed results ot these linimble tit wasp cane will make Ennis purelises toner the Freneh army have prov ed, by experi DAR er ns TRARe i ’ Ae t : Z 1 our children will be jars. } 1 ‘ g . se smartest lawyers in ©} e would be disin { ’ andl taerr beaks qe trav Sant VAN Let tani 0 Ltiees that soldiers Wearing the : . -— ae ee d ‘ 1 | fi tant ; ge Malis: ee ae j ag) fi chned to credit the above if we did not dinve so belind. [lave iret with most at pe ee ee a beard are much less lable to sled tl © (many evidences of the elevating infltence of the Ni York Morals Dnproving.—The New MOTETS, ¢ | ] eonever beet more 1 Vovou may Want soup thing for Spy: wrenerd ae wanlin vat | > ; . labor , und TP has ver cham i a the eve, and jfas gener ally cones Jed tha {printing off Nee aton theimmresinpreenaiion pressed with Crod’s pros e than : itis a protection trom diseases of the throat : - . . Of course she did owho ever knew a eirl of 51 2: of the morals of that eitv as follows : seen To tnost of Tyese tire avi : : and lanes. Jtisasserted thatin countries | - 4 minds, business talent Ae eaee AS Sollte did not ar where it isthe custom to wear the beard, One of the &Skoale Couitas Phe followin We are disposed to congratulate onrselves = * hi \J Peay Pte vat 1 t vut ot to . ‘ + CUES Ney abi tGh Sean UNG Wy Pomen ‘ its " ' , : i ; ri the eve retains dts Tistre and bridbaney !was sent us fem aw rine cou that wothon one week we have had bat five mur nd Gites, a eheerfatsess tm selt denial me NG Set raat much loneer, Tt may be argue | that $e Wotiebororyintingice ders, three rapes, Ccht stiedes, forty-two bur- J : seo : toe Te ret Mack rlanes, one hundred and twenty-two robberies, ned sa sah sod ' mates deonot snffor juore than nates from \ ie : ural la, iis \ | : And not ore than tive huudred assaults and ol UIPOTH Stree Myo iN AINE (HEE an eens : diseases of the eve, &e., but it must be bihy Ts Comen Shore A itenit ken Wee : | { Wd fon , : . . nore ects (ovele 7 ay eG creel cals an vatteries four country friends dee ren wy were maka rom Ss 1 NG ali crandlweller canner Sh adanitted “he yoare Jess exposed to tre ele.) We - Sell ont at th w a a Be mp Beat CH iiene tireint Giinilalilis War canG@esniee SLOW a year, fo enue Sou Heit) Day by day. as yo 11 viful Majo nents What « Creator give the ren an ven th l ! \ q AY Aipory ier ails aetliines (en Gauttnan amano ae vied trave r expense slic Wwe pay | eentinnt \ he tvetun wis of creation a beard tor? Certainly of July 1858 the Pian an} termes Boe det aia . % f \ 1 present pemee them by clonatrons trom the be volen lmloulen mone: leave asa fas hot to support barbers. There is just ag) been On the Day of save all men Entrested an i } : , Pos requested to t oy ey Pore \ reventine salary ot a Catia | bach mht tess muneh sense in shaving the head as the |the house is requested to Attend this the & Day | vers haller ninounts, wry | sithom ' sfa fin ie duly 1858 Le Vhe pang of a moment becomes intoler- CHADS } aaa — - ~ ( ta , sctly Te tian tnnnaily, with a vt for daha Gushingte | wht whet we hoaw of nothing bevend the mo- , fey h | tlhe M At, M ie ‘ q carnest praver tor (i i I) 1 na { ; oe snqnasl tle RU Aconchie Eee vor ut Wea { 1 | { t i dé few t ME Heagement a ee oe ne to ‘+: . : woth ia eee ! * ee Tan iN 1 { a, An ravlroad depot and a darcge wi r KISSING ictal AYE L with atl 1 \\ ire fer RUS EUV TIRTL , euaarr ite Peas Whither ot trol the THavany Harlroad, ¢ oh lin Siege ik his love. professing | ‘ , \ sa ae Ge ics yc 4 two veara ago. Ac inol of qust been constrnered Baltimore. and \ mitre Daj all ted of miming : i t ial ! ved ; ‘ k woh her thumbs began to play in other St Wea ) twoh Jred person von gathered, but twenty sa r work Weg a i Treat GLI N atknwekat me tate fl No ¢ ' [thank j ) ; the captors succeeded in taking the fugi th i \ ! : 1 wlan ur n Coe letar j , ey \ Wai et to Cincinnan, where he was placed oe . fers YS Ren resting OuO ee : erality, and Poa su ther reward fouls an tim lens w ead the eller broth ipa Plensant Mo Mask was addressing pe During the past winter, there tiave been ay ; ; +. Inle at Holly Spriture, Misa. Inst week, when le yu thie pF ’ A IESE) IEE IO SEWERS SUERTE AI SSRIS Ss iy SOS FT : ! f ‘ a t form stoch he forty odd steams! lying between New ) ‘ Y) thoy eo te oO su en ei i ' , yy Wheel ve s maved, as the trait of the ee Si Veit sons thin rapt PU ROBEISIE IO UL Teena BAN are Ws nile tal Anarene sullen) 4 ie ffe last wt York and Enropean ports, and only two F ! | Ilis } er et he often fortes himself dreadfully by talking stood, and brok iis peck e ha prey Kf by } pon the waters Pie d Per ae . j srrvindle of them have been American. ! ; atid kills hima eating committed a rmnider N.C. last year are more than the progiuus ately | w | "i Ri e s el so e m ‘1 LADeLI aA Marcel 81, 4 t locomotive attached to rb dion the Readinsz tear the Schuythul falls’ bridge, with terrible et foot The engineer, vamed doustab Missimer and « brakestman, Gace duba Tolan, both dost then Goal Uae oy Railroad, lives. The Gods of Uto Mist eamed Las uot yet been found. Te was uo doubt thown tuto the Schuvlat Coe ueangied body ot Pola was fomad upon the Low path of the canal a distance of vue bundred and itty feet. A steko Jog speRlacte thaw that presented by the body when gathered up. rarely meets the eve tf of the head bein blown off, aud the br tered over the ground. The had fallen head frcmost upon x satety valve of the enue feet into the vard of iL was tuand ation dav litt. as heavy as tWo strous Whore was as Untorluti ae tock i was blown a house at the ta A piece of boils then could lit, + Where ' Was footed upon abil about cbt bundred feet trom th spot where the explosion occurred. ‘Lue enti locomotive, a very powerful one, was, ip fret, Vasbed into a niass of tragments upou the bridge —a distance of sixty feet from where it stood a the moment of ihe collapse. Ao sinall frame building, occupied by Joho McDonnell, stand bear the spot occupied by the engine eussiun tocked this builditg to its while the live coals which were scattered uy ward, fell upon its roof and set it on tire, ML Douce was asleep at the ine. He from his bed against the wall, with some vio lence, and a cliid sleeping in an adjoluing roon made a narrow escape from a huge frariuent ot iron which was blown through the window of the apartwent. A daughter ot was su much stunned by the Jar communicate: to the building as to remain unconscious tur: length of Uime. The explosion, accordiny to th: evidence at the coroaers Inquest, Was caused by a@ want of water in the boiler. —A very Pue con was hurled the same ia useful and Something Neu tutidation * CAROLINA WATCIIMAN. SALISBURY. N.C. PUSSY EVENING. VPI 2 1S5Y. i , Pa Concord Presbytery will be in Session this week, at Third Creek Chureh, Jin the North-Western part of this Coun fry commencing on the Lith { — » | Bisexwoop, one of the most deserved V popular Magazines poblished, ison our table, well freighted, as usual. oo The North Carolina Planter for Apol, filled with a variety of qiatter of wreat interest to fe ners abd plauters, las been received. ose wanted the AWGe, tfencing master by Mrs Information concerning whereabouts of AN ONEY Obzswesnt Profession, tddressed to OLzawskt, Letters | Midway, | vp Names —The © We: Carolina Wateh Hil v name of a new PU Started at Hea eticille, NOCY We inerety notee the tact { , se ol protestiny Vas untai use of wn ithet paper's name. Our uehbor Bruner in sbsbury publishes the ‘arvlina Watchian,” aud itstukes us that thisnew concern at Hendersonville akiog too free use of fis name, Pitch into hin Mr Bruner, and make hin drop your name, or ex pose the unfaimess of such conduct. The Cure e Watelanen™ at Sadisbory is a test cate paper Whig, bat we cant say ach for tus new Watchinan” at Hendemousille--dou ts Hprase it will lest very lope. The tact ahatoathas hooked an { apers name owebt te hill it. — West, Lem Del) tut! —Oir tupliments to the Westen Demoerat for this information, and for the good rap be yoves to the fel Joaw oat en reoncel' Nice el ap, that, to bewin hy al aling another} pera tate. There jayne ston when the The (this paper) Was ey somethin In a name Comes up in this way, jp Carolina Watchin” jestabiished July 18325 —hhas been in jsuecesstul eperttion for nearly 27 vears. Is. ConBEquEnT Y, eXteusively Maus Mota, (0 oS sot this portion of the State, now lis Joretty Krrowre. ULOLELAEES, feb thee tue South and South west, who learn dite read at when yet bevs, under the parental roof in the old State, are new = tots | and the names of sach persons ary added to our listevery week. Phe Western Carolina Watchman” nay | can us out of some such patronage as We have, toc, Arnie and ad this by etealiog our nate Jove patrons in the | Joti States, Who know as little about Salisbury as they do about Henderson: ine > but they do know that the * Caro ima Wateliman’? is in Western North PCurelina from ingenious ivance, designed toinforn | Qavidson County, N.C., on this subject, ati these we offen re passengers on railroads of the several sta j will reliese the anxiety of his wife. fective orders for advertising, and for the tions as they are successively to be stop le. I paper. The Hendersonville concern tay ped at on the route, is in use Npon the | yor a i 4 == 7 > . ) sol sol Hf this pratye ia the Richmond & Pe tersburg RoR. 2} gag F7 There was a fire at New Orleans | O08 es UTC PE OEX CS Hs pratrona ie consists of a wooden frame, about a foo) oy the Td inst , Which destroved the low | And there are other ways in whieh ov, 5 5 at tyes , ¥ i TAYE i foneht 7 eni (ered oa ee which is attached to the root | foe Cotton press, 10,000 bales of eottan, as tee WAY p metit ¢2, and damage tos, pr eile the cars—one in each car—withit , . . cu Yil the Hendersouville taiar lan a8 eo Ween ind the buildings on four adjoining: lots, | which are two sheets ot Uno bot o ; ie os Lhindk on these dhe!) (yl de chee tee as 1 uted at nearly sl Quu 000 which are painted the names of the pla |! : Rt ines | Pei tllues chistes a yell ‘ tye i ) tis sialle of Ts ¢ i . ces on the road, in succession, as the vy ve ate | : 5 _ A Gir. These sheets of tin are won nd jen fhe stout correct fis tor We don't two rollers, bke window sliades, aud the | ao The Madisen (Fla.) Bess STO rk now iis name—where tie nor any names u a them are seen fret vote) telseaton horse whieh fellintoan old wall ds cabeut hia Bat itis no mutter ' ae i, | of the car, When the particular station | Hor Su feet ICG Wirsatligewnn Wyo Tiverernenineuina Hs Peasons, apart ig reached, indicated bv the telegrapl re P Se cele . i the conductor t ln rallos i a ye cand tackle some four hours atte trom pecuniary consilerations, why there OMGNCTOr turns the roller FORT | ie st wv ame ws found bat sl | ! not be two papers in the same the next name, and. at the same tine | Yah a Iwi \ je fonot be two papers in the sam strikes a little Hoattached to the fran Mer. das. Harrison was os | AES | ean Fe nd section, so nearly alskedn nate which serves to cail the attention of the (‘fe horse's hind telipped in, | Spran Waitas possib-ee the manat Hendersor | ! | passengers to the chanere. Dy this means MY in tine to escipe the pel Us Oe vice Cabinet see or appreciate them; ana Movices in travel, or passenpers on i { sacl. | ve therefore ask our brethren of the pen strange route, who wish to be put off ae | \° oe ‘ ie i Dit fara Ease Yee STRUCT Vatiil sCissunsltun ivchimtin tt hten dian @ particulir station, are saved tut Brémstone Shotere. —We have seen) atic f help ts en! en | ace of frequently comluctor: | notices of several showers of bromstene.bou the subject We published tes Guest ons, to which too mz of themare}in different parts of the | ote, ia Woastclonan fora 1) years, aie tiapose | to give unsatistactory replies.- Greensborw’ /’utriot has told of one in} respots til for onr own errors Is as . a. Ack voy leas of Hic hinend, is the undolph County. We dave often, atlintuch as we care to bear ae and has we believe, obtained ¢ . : ry >of vVear, seen o scround, at | Pace patent fur in— Peterslurg Inteddigencer. {is time of year, seen on the ground, a oo. erarain,a substance resembling brim Congresstonal Election M cs , : . re) = aes Cech aalbiyi a Se office: Plirce counties tn the Wake district lave THE LONDON PRESS ON THE [tere incofor, We saw it on our offi | ‘ ; ‘ ‘ ‘ roM Pat ie hace 4 ; E ny 2 0 OF ‘ ths neo: bat recotumendec {he reeeetion o My SICK LES IRAE EDDY fep, Bone two or three week ea ek Ee 4 Hd not etppose it was brimist On) DRANCH The London Drees have various com 10s ; 5 Nue c BeAr ; Whe. © auninent . r The'l the contrary, we have long Jad ides Mr. Cores js ont avast Mr ANCE sntgon the Sickles” raged ie Diine zs ar, 7 i , } t ia twas fuze off the buds and new leaves) i the Mountain district, though itis net remarss : 7 . | ‘t recety | ! nd T rM “ek f trees, which are bursting out at this] yetknown who will be thy resularhy non ne e te ee ak Shea NS we season.—Llas any body ever burnt it, and nated democratic candi late in thatdistrict, cording to the tasbion of bis ave and jie - 4 | | fi ‘ se? Itis hardly probable that Avery v country, We think it proba! de that hac f Tel lied their nuse? yt Consent Co run aecaiust Vanee ACOULS he been an’ Enslishman, livinge in Tow 55 ' S me in eg don, he would have acted otherwise. TIMED UR ELC CORNING Uae M HAW, if is sited, wall foe he } tony to Ne ‘ oa : ‘ Take it, however, “as you may, the story], Hae RS 7 OM Sem cite os Neuen, I] { | (nat.—It is reported in the papers that) > is a most lamentable one. In Rnulane | See ‘ nthe Brat distuct mueh interest will be felt in it from the | resident Buchanan will attend the nest Atlira culls ale Arsenio enti nieeen fact that the untortunate young wite— | Commencement at Chapel Hill, Jane 2d S a F , TE Ne to appornt detesates toa Covention and sure she ig most unfortunate—war] [Je will visit Hon. Weldon N. Edwards, ia rai P sacial cir - i - ’ A TO MOMINATS a Cathe py Jrostidorm tees known in the social circles of Loudon. | ¢ Warren connty, and be the guest o! . "t When Mr. Buchanan was minister over (ren oH te esha ‘ Mr. Cision, and it is cxpected) similar to Her ise i Taleigh, : here, her busband, Mr. Sickles, was secre ; meetings will be held in ad the Counties tary ut le: ton, He Was accompanies ce fi attic, fu is a diy whe wine by his wife, a child: in years, and st Corruption in High Plans —Vodes HchyoEERtnt Viieeatidh ue tieonaetenk more 60 in appearance. She excited headiee the 2 An fe elena ‘ j iis rea e President is charge ees ‘ Rane , terest in every one who met her in those ; ee ARE SD 1G ue days, cnd many an English friend wil) |!!! bare apeaue diel corruption i The alk to the poople ab caitairs of the a . . ’ , % heap, ‘ : grieve at the termination of her bricr|-We ol the Wastmenyton Union The stor. pepe, ate) to tae ler tien ewe carcer. Such things are of all ages and of 21! countries, and this Washington about Mr. and Mrs. Sickles and Mr. Ke \ might at any given season find its coun terpart in the scandalons chronic! esotann of the European capitale—Loudon incl ded. [t is true indeed that the husband's vengeatice was swift, savave anil Such is not the w avin whiel » ries are resented in Enyland, bat, ing to the civilization of a country, 60 js the fashion of its revenue. One uses a stilletto, aw revolvers, eran old flint a fourth a barrister Weemploy the fourth the United Stites, tie second eaties Inore fa REVETE Wodnpe aecord Watior another anoth oun, Weapon 3 in miliarly to the hand of an out J hus band. No Blackrepablervicn in Charch—S cor respondent of the Hartiond res SANS A sing lar scene happened a Chnteh in| Pleasant Valiia. ¢ chent, on Sunday, the 27th altimo. teacher probably one of “the three thonsand.” trots a reutibor Occuppying the pals it text, he had gone far w town, wa ttory | ry ds told by the Wis tthe Philadetptia cratic authority, —and bow ever extraords Aton Correspan- lent o Press,—-deino ary, do therefore worthy of notices. It shall appear la our bert. oe. A young Woman, who professes ) tere escaped from the oe eae ut Salt Lake, lectured oo, or described, Mor hon religion and manners in the Courthouse here, last Sanday night. We not attend, but we Jearn the lars {Court room crowded. A | | plizical acqnaintance tetas on the street, was detse ly jearly Monday, and ashed—* What took Jvou to the Courthouse, fast night 2? Ne | leubt be had been revolving the ques jonas to himself and the immense crowd fae saw there sand no doubt the les longs of earlier Tite admonished lim! | ‘here were better places and more impor {lant iistraction favitir “& your attention at that hour. ence, “T have been instracte it ny thiag of Abolitionsin or Ps put cates bat il oy ae Must serve ny Master ani) J nD Gi Putritid Fosxita—Mr. Nvexaxurn juncture one ‘ot tt CONS pos Mt noc, of this plac e@, baving seen at on, [Us my impr Meeting is out.” 1 ously and went out. The aod the deacon went to the Set dow and pulpat said te dims “Tf you want ju ache | [ fiave objection, and ny nt | this church is tot the proper cay | wot be permitted tr yon ” ty | heal sermon or epecch. vou homes | house, or any other ul 10 | “ t good audience, and you \ or pay a pot be hurt. Vint sony t t ee There was no more preaching on ‘ ie Chat afternoon, | The Fl! of the Maxsice ppe bees ia fate of descent necessary to produce a rap al rent Im w river is very slot Vo fall ches to the very s Pale seiait ta ties Mew WM ithat its navavatle to bat at en ‘ We learn from ana i | Geograp neal aud State Sire oitereleerat of deaoemt in that reer tedow its ; atl the Obie, de but 2.6 nehes te tie nate the mouth of the Minuesotito the Gulf maiden, @ 244 feet. or ii tw the mile, The greatest fall 5 fw Hock Island Bapida and the Oni 64 to the mile. 19 moat 4 OF ined Inches “The greatest wander in the world,” announced, isa new bank lock, whithour any key oe kev hole—the invention of a man wawed Bacon, of New Maven, Con necticut. | now ict Cana ees} iceoot the discovery of stranwe fossils in Sampson county, among Which, was the both of seme ereat sea fish, and a pices WY Veal s ark, invited us retind to his esidence ta see some wonders be had jaw aft stelbrock qtarctes, alony Chopks of streams wear Newbern. Pe tdoseime hat dozen petrified tooth of wea nn sters, at Tyne fied siielis BETO 4 ety. One ot the teeth menusnces t nehes across the base, and alent ete Altocetscr, it im fl LEE Wo anid i to 1 REHOME Period tf His voat t reot the to Tt in wey od hey edote oa uh ~—a nota wmeca er, perhaps Nhs cen lary HLin tali wet ofiy Vids Joule edly formidat neers Snow in Baltimore last Tuesday There are 45 ( adets nthe new milita ry school at Hillsboro’, N.C Destructive firea have occurred in largo sugar plantations in Cuba, destroying La i] ’ p rad vast quantities of cane Hons Heed upon them by thes daninistration. Tt \ be she Ioimay be the speil ot party will this time, yield to the power of reuth. betthe people kaw how arrogant Hemoeratic oMeials have become: baw Ntravierabt wath the pul moneys tow ( rapt tor the sake ot the po rl ul WW Ttipertant they ran re buhked. Ty they with hear and act, it wi be well If not. the wh Wail at least wave discharged their duty, 680 Cotton has advanced 2] on all qralt ties, at Live rpool, as per latest aecoupts Bread Stalls and provisions, dull The home markets hi we also advanced ishightly. Gieen peas are now going from the South to the Northern markets by the hondreds of barrels The American candidates for the mu nicipality of Richmond, Va., have been cleeted There ts pnmense excitement at Phila growing out ofa fueinve slave case Af. tera trial it was decided that the proof of the zro Was not The shoulders dentity of tie ne conel ind he was diseharved. ko him on their anf carmed tim in Coumph through the isive, tree hegroes tor t\ Phe New York Herald says, war has yomenced between Domintea and Don ith Poe instractions t Mr Lamar, the rep sentative of our Croverniuent t Niea Asa, are sald to be of the miost positive nine Ile is to demand an Apolory, res Htotion and dudemmnity., Ona taire to comp y with lis demanda, he is toask for [tes] \ war Central America wonld serve this admin stration a Sem Perper t sould enable them to turn away theeves Lthe peaple from the ¢ rrraptoon wlrok A borstiye ont at Washington, and pave the gpoismen a longer probation Beef steaks sell in the Newbern mar ket, at 124 centa per Tb ( hens at 40 and turkies at l2 and Pretty pro- SU cents per pair, 13 conte per pound tits, trong surely The plantation which Lhat the pleamare to visit pose for amement that this othcial cort was that of POD. Meares of Bratowick audi duet Wwuist net be anguired inte, Ou the My iat was accompaniod by ts hospitable owner contrary, every public officer should Nhe broad Hat poece of ground of many acres, ex kiow that this conduct will be subjected tends alony mverund out upon adjacent creeks tu the severest scrutiny, wet by has per ‘ The land as divided into “tasks muming sonal and political friends only, for the 0! Houdou county, Va. through in every direction yerosiie Purpome of wiite washing lin, bat by his exch other at oeht angles. Noy lows are uscd, thie personaland politcal encmies also. And Whole woth being doue with a broad Choe and ne puble officer whose conduct will aot along narrow one When a set of bands are put bea such scrutiny, or who resists its be neeof these tasks they stnooth it-oth ine uindey as tit tor lis place Jivahe the Dele trench row ’ a Louver We freely admit that much of the ase tall inthe same day. The tasks are oxen fulness which the Report of the lnvesti t y ws fo eitas the work of one eating Committee tight have had, bas vich tt been uullitied by the conduct of the De Panother to sow cad tiecratic press, io refusing to tet their rit The mambers of these task wticht readers see that document, vel Js con dis fenced in bat surrounded by a stanthy presentinu itas the Report ot Mr and and au embankiuent. These are des Worth, tustead ot what it w Hay on Tee [pour bated as Nod 2 &e. and contain 10,19 or Bo af four medibers outof Hye, two of the acres, There i oftand tour being Me. Pisher’s political and per: vitamin vanded by satel fiends Wherever the people have! a large cana been allowed to read it, it has undoubt a idea of how the land edly made a OMe rest neatid excited vd Bat we I ov the Wat elman A Day ona Riee Plantation—The Cul ture of I To many « Mr Eoiton less, the mode of planting and « article of foud, is as much unl Bast Indies are acquainted with its exerhed humgle co lately paid a visit to one of the daepe only a garden in the isting diet Your Testis « ot tis observations there. yeu a taut SE EEN Gas the ( In tian WHTG Tie Whines af nvited of th day We ti faced) ail iar tit tl toon the convent ‘ with thre the at heart ir the good of all have Court happens the s convention which render for sotie to attend. why present who unavetdab! CHM Assure ¢ nthe dostret amd the ¢ assembles, that Lrece Polis in pore nc “hare at the il bearer of on we Moreover, eas pntinte ciontlation, that the Whigs of foult, mu the Cape Fear propos a Coneression the we Ane 10Gs Own TU ounty trnar Conver tivat we ocatt sade ny as All, RAVE Uy] of ion, and fellows Wiies cause oreo une Won ey me Wh ouvert siti of | tio Wy wall that the rar NN “PS, this gre hat doubt sal were however nt having telabee ee Irede! if " ou he jour nt toat parties thie yon to be regretted that our Superiv » Lhaars dis which we thee week of ie Hee planta ! * You sou cml the TNE omventiont do] ke to be prevent tow do ier tforthe stand tptos whi ever fie which tie fi Cbs byoan enemy no Tred How ‘ ere dis satistied because of the convention bemey held at Winston, i3 without any foe tionoin fact donbtless, wan the eo jurat sieht Log cor Whose (itt is thie S Wotkestiags erally Tid r Teet wary bra fron | New OoJeans Delta publishes a ‘ intofia man whe off)red another Sf Wetopatan Ser mos ont of the worlds the georres toe be qard when the godisrdial acl ore cerved his quietaa Tustead of Killing the man, however, the pretended assassin told) dum of th ropect and avreed wit! him that he sh i lay quiet natil the money had been p uid over, which be did A thousand dollars tas since been offer das hush money Snow at Detroit on the Sth The Radroad Controveray.—We must beg leave etill to dissent from the opin- jon of our friend of the Charlotte Demo- crat, that this whole railroad controver- sy, together with the Report of the Tn- Vestivating Committee, is useless and a- mounts to nothing after all.’ This can- hot be the correct view of the sul: ject, 6o fong us the State fas three millions in vested in that road, and se long as it eat pelled to place the management of this No public officer shouid be allowed to sup Momense laiterest in ere hands. tly @ deep interest and a desire to know more Phe puble would like te know, for in atanee, all about those ‘old debts,” the paydnent of wioeh Mir bisher says lias prevented the dechiration dividends In Doe. 1856 Mi Fisher t the Lew fiture S30U,000 of bonds would pay off all the webis ot the company and leave Wo Gartiinyes atter that thie to be divided alton the stockholders, Well, the &350 ocdot bonds were sold and the debts par Sinee whieh, the net protits of the roud, up tot T-tof Jin’y dast, were about x d00 000 Hem ts. what bre (pes Catireot Ch HINO Of SEI at netprofits? Tteertamly was ver divided ' The ston ! is Mr Fisher satan TD HOST ACEO tir it cay SVS t Texcepr S41 205 hal mice on tand oon . 4 ne oe ted n CNIS te i Eowiit Ww WS) Com towet a listof these debts, buat a bet succeed We certainly t , s ty to Mr Fisher as our course ia this ra ud tin sibess has shown; but we think dae on et to Lace favtiished a | tive: Contait te emit CEN het 1 | 2 Gurren tread ern ae Werte 1 HW othey asked ta Wet kel Wet still te furnis the tacts to tl HR, Will chose WV ' sas the Den tf, “how a dem at Governor and weratic Dire , ure to De blamed eae ot Mfr, W otk mony, atid sul meqent events Nea we put it tet Calin and honest sttse oft Detnocrat to answer, itv Unt We thik it ow anawer | estiy tata vhether it was roght and j nou Pat Crave to appeal oa te Staite 1) tots yt hae te | fv anu ax de erats, some ofthemt i Sorts ead ( \ ’ ven at } ( a WN 4 . f ty ' < . : ‘ | \ XY ‘ en \ 4 i ley “ ‘ \ Stiting from a pace s Wns Sis x05 Goh meat tere i nesy =f , Pare reine He cored sale i Loe = =f 1 tin ‘ . shy pocrits, Wisse ae ’ Wi tie Mis of f STOCK Vas vote Wo. Line after odidh not ti uty aiPors tat ts nade, they Wath ae tdoentitied themselves te some volee 1 i enti firy. Observers DEMOCRATIC MERTING IN WAKE Phe Democracy of dhs County held a tect non Monday t pitpose of ay pomiins eee t bead a Convention whach we) tiest eae 1 yorepy this Pts ( \ ry Gane Ie ies eee ‘ ' pet oe Wete ‘ “ } 1 1 Giant : than the toatter of foo dss atis| Dhonoeraes of Wake tony 1 t t ruse under whieh the panty mywhes Wostanids Mr. Sha Wee deer by Mio ante t 5 for My. 1 ts the i Uaet bata sted portent « Pron wy ul ity te present, whi ppos remih peutot Mio dows pronemoced bw Me. Tews | pie (0) awe thas, very qin tiodeed y Cantal we hear, teanped a with ‘ \ tyes stit Wy) [bea tod “ far fs stianits vey Sli iuient Mi, Wala the St That MN Mion ¢ mat jist betore d \ il when f te trrackity n by cunendine sons to meal i, MpOr tN thin mcelend, KO, Ks The friends of Branch didn't Wish the amendment to pass, beeause it would make itappear that the meeting was atid to speak for the mcores of the Peamocracy of the eounty, thor did they wodown, be cause by dome sot We substanee Voto Hiat the majority of the meeting were net Hfaverof Mr Bianehy sad bere socsenuystane ed. tived aad situated they ineontinently sharr tover and to vote on it Phe amend meortoof Mr und the kono Wilson was the very extents of ture of the chairman to put W.othe best reason to < voussisedy tied oman, One ts been Wott fon tt Hieetpare Wit pe didice Thek, before he leaves here, Will bind the Demoeres over te keep the poaes with eacl Wer. ate the heave HOt i poeta wid oth tewe th Visite secuty won ally ty they ow urdlde te wler apartinent for moi Shernths Efics Theat Wren the resalation of teootion bad been prasseeh Min Branch was, after seme Opposition we mpm ited toccome inte the meeting and Tillers tte KWaeentenec tflaey fpevibrmmany, (le duane ab made d howl ow wihs oot th | th « 1} stor fh hamibles to J iheth i tameniin feuehanh Senate Prefers Bondage to Preedom, Whe Norfolk Herald save: A colored woman named Mary Dunmore, who fad been tmannimitted, bat preferred remain a slave to complying with the law whieh required her to leave the State, was sold on Monday, to a gentleman named Mar- ten, At the low fiz gare of RLOO, } FUGITIVE SLAVE CASE, | Yawxre Rontysoy’s Dovtte Suow.— . Puitaverpnia, April 4. This popular and talented Company, un- Before the U.S. Commissioner here to-day der the excellent management of YankKEe the ease of the uegro Dauiel Webster, alleged as Jtopinson, after a serics of highly success. being a fugitive slave fiom Athensville, Va, was ful and satisfactory performances in thie bemy beard. While conducting the prsoner to the Commissioners office this inorning, the most city, closed lust night. This is decidedly exciting: scene ever known bere was exhibited, one of the best POS that have ever ex- Hundreds gathered wlong the route with every bibited Routh, and in character, style, and evidence of a forcible seizure from the officers. — popularity wre far abead of Alix) ordinary Marshal Jenkins determined on such inuvemeats Circuses iat give theirannnalexhibitions throughout the country, Their horseman- slip, acrobatic feats and theatrical repre scutations are excellent, and contain no- thing uuretined, or that would shock the They contemplate canvassing the whole State, wand fave fett this morning en route for Camden, Statesburg, Sumter, &e. Columbia Guardian. as left uo doubt upoo the minds of the throng that the first man who interfered would do suat the cost of his life, aud thas sacceeded in carry ine Daniel safely before the ¢ The coutisel for the fugitive objected to the power of Attorney of Chammants counsel, as it was aomere trauser pt from and not a full record of the court oI tnissioner. sensibilities of the most fastidious. The‘examination is pro gress, Uhe court room being guarded by Jane pobew force. The oo Diep River Bridye.—We regret to learn that the Plank Road Bridge over Deep River at the Gult (the rebaitding of topleted jast week, and an- Monday's Observer,) was again Washed away by the floods in the evidence for the prosecution closed at bine o'clock this evening, when the counsel tor asked for a coutinuatce, tot bas cng with the arcued that the statute should be en the delence Vad tine to consult Wittesses, Mi. Brewster : which was aud opposed forced by summary : \ jy veunced in proceedings, the continuance. Puble feehie is much excitec and the law demanded prompt aetion, in order to shield the claimants from: disastrous results, (Ye 00 Sunday LOTS lust. The Vis was the intent of thedaw, The comuasion brite will be re builratonce, and on a forthe reason that, different and more secure plan Lyetteville Observer. er decided on & Continuance, feds tot perfectly satistied Toul the ddeutitiea — State Bonds.—We lave seen a letter irom Treasurer Courts, dated the dtly inet, Don of the negro, the witnesses nut having sceu \ hitn for seven or eight vears. Phe Court: adjourved ull tomorrow afer Heke larating that the bids at Dis ofttce for the $500,000 of State Bonds offered for sate Dan River Coalficld Road, —Guorze 1) ia hin, amounted to %2,.072,000, The Boyd, Bay. the Senator from) Boekingham, bas $500,000 were sold, of course; about one- written adetter tu Gob. Miken and others, whieh third of then at par. We notree a sale in New York on the Int at par. Phese doubtless had three imonths spterest due. fuy tlh ville Observer. we tind in the last’ Groensborough Patriot, ext! planing Che provisions of the charter wranted at isf., he date session of the Legisleure tor ets Koved. Mr Bay I says: \ | “+. 0S The Charter has but ome limitation, and that! S the road most pet run withio twenty milesot ftun Over by the Train. ~We learn the North Carolina Kout The Company ean that the train yolug North on the Wil- sy tocite Cie Head as te run trom Danville in ridavton aud Weldon Ratt Road, whieh Hectirection of Greensboro’, aud make somes lott here on Monday afternoon, some tine Gwenty five or thity mites of raul, and when durne that melt, when a few miles be- SUOMI wenty tates al ie NU Taal, vend Goldsbore’, om some trestle work, topccid Wot until the tneeting of the teat Gen HEH OLO PY LN Ua Witey amd apply ty have the charter Ihe trait was soon stopped, and upon ‘ ae : a eee examinat 1 it was AceUOSE to ean fo temuieieny lie Gein toy Teed Sssiike. or ly RORY onl, linn i) eign: Wil sae wae Vee eum io Germanton and coutieet wih Geagton for seme weeks prost. Tis head |, trom Germantown by Wassevered from tits body Wil. Herald on the NOC) Road ee Sorony Muchos in England.—Great toat Stratford amd North- Conseaqnence of InAbinectnre of p this section of coun enciterment Heya the most fay ; Knvland, oa ny sheet rentricted FO ela : sewing machines in the el da stidl be revectied ine as A soand shoes Ata meeting in Staf- Pestionietow crit attended, by 200 makers and bind- AHR (vimentin olen te MO Staonal Gin 5,000 persons tad nareli tp te tl been thrown outef empl yinent in North: ampton, and 2.000 un Stathord, by the ine Trodnchien of thachine-sewa tops, and a .s.. Winer Was forded for resisting the iuge- i vation fafa x [ders are unwelcome vis Peps writ Ver busipessisdwcne conducted i rere a Gs rf nestle The Legislature of Wis- AN a etge stone fy dia qo oe Have potssed cesoli tots snstarning, Cornpour line prescriptions, the eternal Ute decisicn ot the cascot MoS. Mo Booth, eer here tensraes tnay dead teas. Whe Was arrested on a charge of helping (he WHICH INGY Cost some dinecent pereon | TANSEY To Sevilla shire Fugitive Slave See Wisltes toonake a #eh and discharged by ate Courts in nitraterot idters ty Cl &@ Writ of Tethe ats « 1ree the Supreme rhea mance, she is either Court ot the United States has decided rs mt to gain, or itsle docs, fils of (eat the action of the State Courts wae (ct vons re Woat she really waite, be feat aod the Levsstature denies the auc ie 350 baste at the steady (Uerty of the Supreme Court wade ofa leves upon her, that elie forgets Veet sie Cotes for ar tis To take Wistrn Business —The Lonisville ket WHT U CIC al cot y cards Sonriuicat lest Lluretlas says? Lie opine ESE A SLA Wire Nt resscu New all dnnined mercial s stores could but hae Nhe dat the veneral business of the city is pas Teey iat Wpon (hae etter hw thirty three per cent than Marte of tose estat. TSE ESD Wetitd te been Por five veurs 5 and judsimy the PEN UE CSL Oe tenet iiel Si aCusinCl ntanamatect Welnensly by What ts already yn owhich wen of busines ky, myn, the is dikely to be the epring Louisville, present breil rmnt Lele shury Tatl rye HCL extended and productive business” ever doue in fie fretos.oclers are unwelcome ve ' tany ploe where business 13 being Fiurt in Mt asian/ pri The Brandon vonducted Repatehoan of the atic ult. sass: o Note histanding Ss shave lad severe frost Mit EVEREUIS LECTURE ON Waste recently, fruit vetremains uninjured, and j (the prospectus that we will have aw fair TON crop. . My the 14 stant the citizens of Bal Pa dt Vio btve ready access to st will have Telesraphic accounts from Paris aay : 1 ; j wipe bear the most complete, that five powers iad agreed npon a Ene I: | | tid splendid © noon Creare Wasdiinetors roped peace congress, bat the basis, ex: atever tell tr the lipsot mortal mean Tike fentoof discussions apd place of mneethinge Will bear an Orson, which not only tells af the had not been settled Hace. (the cay Patler ot hist ry bat which. by most torn tal oof the province of South Tolland.) 41 . mith shows how deste Lote, Berlina, and other places, are ae : ly : war than the must r oowned mentioned as Lhely to be the place of tt n * ‘ting, Mr. kve vation, too, mdependent of its ES Tramsecmbint ments as acompesition has tural TPartford, Ch, April 4-—The Republi- the commendanion and the prective. thatitis the this State, to-day, elected for Con- their entire State ticket, and pa darge majority of the Legislature. cals ot nig of a tian she ray appreenite the traits wresstien, e Was neton good and wreat above sm Major Wilder, that all persons Joe ot Ralensh & Gastor Cold whom to hen Mr Everett, behets atone face for the round tip the Wiather Returned. —The past tew days and nights lave felt quite win- 1 terish, On Tuesday night there was quite » half price it tortned of considerable Raleigh Register thickness. Doubtless peaches are pretty generally destroyed, but ap ples were not so-early and will fare better. Garden (vevetables will suffer seme. Ti dell Leepre a : ty desire Ce | or, tu other word freeze aud ice RESIGN ATION OF PROF. SHIPP. We Jearn from the Christian Advoeate. that the flew. A.M, Shipp has sentin his! resignation a3 protessor of History in the | University of North ( totake ef fect at the present session, Slippas connected with the M. +. Os Dir.—That our friend Murray of the Ga- mette has discharged his bands, dis ontinaed the Jarge hterary weekly, and that ad uly whi pa- Carolina, ciose of the Prof ; \ perowill soon be built up on the ruins. We ret is wate : a State 3 ' 1 € | Chureh, t es af the State and N welcome tam too, ‘Three dates isa small nune gradinate of the Ciiversity, Te ANB YC ber for Newhern > we do hi that Mr. Murray copied his present position nearly ten will start a daily Newhern Progress years, and has won for himself the cha oo. Mr. Morphy has just achieved anoth- er great chess trinmph in Paris. fis an tigonist was the President of the London Clob. and the result Was, yames for Morp hy, one drawn, for hig opponent racter of aripe scholar and a christian we regret therefore, that dis tobe withdrawe from the dn [Lillsbor ough feccorder, OLD HWICKORY'S GOLD SNUF} BON ventleman ; SeTVICOS are BUifution Chess seven and none It is anid he will not » Wednesdi ayo night we had the plea visit Berlin, sure i shaking by the Ward B. Burnett, if Special Notice, Elegant Dress Goods !! vesterday Just Reccived by I Tpress, | ATEST IMPORTATIONS, TE wou!d invite immediate ittention to the fol Vie riraaxt SPRING DRESS GOUDS, for Tad comprang a large eupply of choice styles 10 Two Flounces and Double Jupe Silk Robes, efe- want Biyadere and Chene Silk by the yard, Buyadere Poulard Sitke RICH BLACK SILKS of all kinds. , PP : ey, 7) G 4 a i A Remarkable Fact —Thera ie an oll png stern Ravages and Granation Robee, in lady in Whee ling, Via., now seventy years | Organdie nnd Jnoonet Robes very Rich of age, who has resided there fifty years) For novelties of all etylre of FANCY GOODS, and has never been in a Dry Goode store °*" ™ is Gi ee Aare Byiipewe. vo wha Li in her life, nor inside of the market house, | April 12, é 4 | hand left: Roehimond for Nashville Tonnes J foreceive personally, from the heirs Jackson, the gold sunth box awarded to him as the “bravest soldierin the Mexican war,” RUT tact liter General who toring Ree of Creneral Hicotiptiang@e with the Now Orleans. This or owas conferred on this yallant | the vote ot the New York vol noteer Regiment that served Kloriously |, in Mexico. The presentation will proba bly take mere ut the Hermitage on Mon day next Richmond Engnirer » hero of vtrot Beliher ty § § : 3 a ee t t i e a STAT Withi tities of market, pr ces, ready wich 1 of the q Bacon, bas inv within bay an option « house vo pow ex] busines, tm any 4 all king require ling on trains « employ, conve Whoo com my PRS ches Tavigy general « us, wh. Certificat, evidence {vis wheo at, that hay, the me We wish try ene 4 Amer Sold b Da J) New Ea iu this ey ern Stati ate th esis with ma Wea a Droper e More fo can —D io hus thee u flower] plants of Ev BAd srgpetensicgrentan Sem STATESVILLE PRODUCE MARKET. Within the last few weeks large quan- tities of Produce have been sold in this market, for cash chiefly and for very tair pr ces, and our business wea now stand ready with the money te purchase all woich may offer of the surplus products of the country, as Wheat, Flour, Corn, Bacon, K&e., Ke. One house iw this place has invested near $20,400 in produce within a few weeks. The merchants all bay and pay in cash oe in goods, at the option of the seller. We would name the douse of J. F. Alexander & Co., who are now extensively engaged in the produce business, while many others will puretiane in any quantity, Stocks of Groceries ate all kinds of wrerchanudise which furtiers require for farnily use, are ample and sel- ling on very suiall profits. Phe freigtit trains om oar Railroad are kept actively employed iu delivering merchandise anu convey my off the product Who can doubt that there ooming.— Iredell Express. ig a good time WR. SANFURD'S LIVER INVIGORATOR established fuct that Dr. Sauford’s Tavigeratur will cure Liver Complaint, Jauudice and general debility. Many people. personally koown lo us, whee word cant be doubted, have given (heir certificates tu prove this aud with such @ muse of evidence who can duubt. Iv is traly th tulid’s friend, and will give relief whev eirsetee remedies fail, and in sume instances that have come under our own observation it seemed the means of snatching i's Victim from the grave — We wish all of our readers who ueed inedicine would try one butile, for it will surely yive reliet.— True Americen. Buld by W. H. WYATT, Salisbury A has become a: 1m46 Da J.C. Aven, the world renowned Chenist of New England, is now moppiug at the Burnet Houre in this city. He hi oeen making »tourofihe Wes - ern States, with his sciewtific as-uciates, lo lives gate their remedial producti jas, ur such as he cu make remedial. We ustice he has been received with marked dietinctwa by or leatiug ciizensot the Weat aud are rejoiced t find they have shown Proper estimate of the mau whe hase perhaps done | more for the relief of human ills than any other Amer- | can —Daily Journal, Cincinnati, Ohvo. sof the country, | “Tomine Ack | \ | | | - AYER’S Cherry Pectoral. For the rapid cure of Conghe, Colds, | Hoorsne:s, Bonchiiis, Whooping Cough, | NK | Asthins and Consumption, isuoiversal: | ly known on the beet remedy ever yet| discovered for every variety of Pulmon- | ary disease, So wide inthe field of ite usefulness and eo numercus the cases of its cures, that alist every section of the country abounds in persons publicly known, the lungs by bs use where Ne femttate what autadete to employ for the distressing ts virtues are known and dangerous affections of tne pulinonary orgaus whieh are incedent tosurclinate By itetinely use | many, nay almost avy attacks of diseare upon the rrewremred and thus are saved many grave. No and those whe do negleet vrovide themselves with a remedy which wards Fanos orchrvt thousinds every vear trom @ premature fornis should be withoat it to off this dice rous class of dixa®ee 8 will have caune lo | deplore it when itis tog late eificacy of the Cherry Pectoral need not be given to the every neh borhood Aimernean peocple.—they have living proofs But thoseewho wish to read the statements of those Whose whole health has been re co & AMPHITHEATRE, MBINING wored and whos lives have been saved by ite une, will find them inany American Alinanae which the | CIRCTS I who have been restored from examining and selecting alarming and even desparate diseases of ud When once tried SUMMER WEAR, crepectfully wtorme ber friends its rupeniortiy over every other medicine and the ladies gener Oite kind is too app rreat Co extape observation, aud cou puble no longer the cheapest aud most ultractive @rsoriinen ever exhibited in Salisbury, a close Vanpection, fully prepared to gravity every Carte every thing Broa iiiepirrene crnll carefully discriminating as lo price ) secure t approved Styles at the least expense. she is happy to betieve that she ts fully 7 faction to her patrons CRAND OPENINC OF NEW SPRING & SUMMER GOODS! ae ie P TAPLE & FANCY ORY 60008! Ahead of Everybody /!! pI BONNETS, VY WENSE NVVESRETONS ke Boots and Shoes, ADY MADE CLOTHING, THE UNDERSIGNED RESPECTEULLY INVITE EVERY BODY TO! wt} call aud sce our New Spring Stock of CROCKERY & STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, Fashionable MILDINERY | IN SALISBURY, N. C., (Opposite the Bank.) Miss S. H. Grasswitt, AVING just returned from the Emponiums oF Fasnios, where she has spent éome weeks ia the most arrroveD sry Les JapteM by the best cicies for SPRING AND — " a New Goods' New Geeds!. Fae On TE Donan oo SOR | SPRING STOCK, | Just opened,~consisting of ally who may feel disposed to en- her efforts to plense, that she has just opeved tof Fashi sable, Plain, amd Serv iceable Millinery, | to all of which she invites confidently believing that she 1s ‘ | Having devoted much tune to the examination of | gadaurable worn in taxhionable life, and | the best tusie in making her purchases, d aud quality, ro a he richest and best Materiales and the mm GROCERIES, | which we will sel! at low prices for Cash or om short ‘ime J.J. & J. A. McCONNAUGHEY. March 29, 1859. “ vepored to atford eutire eatie- J CaLe ayD EXAMINE. Among her selections, berides inany others too are the following a below wained have to furnish gratia for every ee Soak ee ae are rich and rare, and far eurpage any Stock in heanty, that was ever offer- RAMILY GROCERIES | Embracing all the great Now lies, Pree 25 ete per Bor 5 Boxee for &1 00 Hae Lanees, SNe aoe seein Sua a AWeparu lee tes ett IE Sas we ie ala . IN ON I \ AST CONCE RN. mien He a ae eae Tine Siraw Cords, + Straw ‘Tassels, Gi EUs A CALL and we will convince you that our Stock is far SUPERIOB to J. F. MOOSE, SHS renin, Ghimenennoe Opera, BatllGym-) Hendersun & Eanise Salisbury NaC jaa ae RESHICn Pe eaeee Teale {ANY that has before been offered to the public, aud that our prices are dowu to Is now receiving and ‘| Waviland, Stevenson & Co. Charleston, S.C MoA Santos & Co. Norfolk, Va AO. Bradley, Wilmington, N.C NF Rives, Petersburg, Va Poreell, badd & Co, Diag int Ayr. 12, 1k 9 LOST NOTE. TFORWARN all persous againet trading for a Nast, ane Moos cele), forming an entertainment WITHOUT AN EQUAL IN THE WORLD! A full wnd efferent Dram the bes: Pheatre in che t tie Vrowpe, selecred trout won, @ Mute! Equesi rian Richmond, Va, anc \ Gyimuast aud Acrobsic Company 3» CLOWNS, who have no equa ety this country, end whose jokes hoekueyved on vulgar | | 246 are ueither stale, | Jomed Blond, | Shaker Hooda yoni) all sparking, bright, new, and in the STYLES {t \the LOWEST water mark. MOTTO.---Polite attention to Customers, and Small Profits. ‘pwn Y rp 7 a SPECIAL NOTICE. Country Mercnants and the public generally will find in addition to our Stock of STAPLE AND FANCY GOODS, a splendid Stock of READY-MADE CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, ce opening at Jeannine’ b Aue | FRESH| Corner, a large and } | well selected Stock FAMILY GROCERIES, CONSISTING OF Coffees, Sugars, Rice, Molasses, Teas, Cheese, Pepper, Spice, Mustard, Starch, Pickles, Catsupe, Bonnet Ruches, Taf t+ Bonnets, Band- Boxer, &e., &e, &cJ Worre and Coronen MILLINERY. of all sorte, LATEST 177 The Straw Goods are opened now—the Fancy Joode may be seen on Pharsday uext Sacisucay, April 6, 1059 145 A BRASS BAND AND OKCHESTRA, peeve tne at Cte ait tnoedi ae) (et Be. GENE NEW ; : ; : sospaeced ee Raisins, Figs, 5 Composed of the beet musical taleut in the COUNLTY sine ant giver by Bad. Kua cuiger, which i tort ny er 7 of all sorts, sizes and prices, ITATS, PLA TS and BONNETS, Candy. Vinegar, Powder, ly Ae a) [rained Horses, Poueye atid) ) ey Os [ Will | GROCT RY TORE i} | Shot, lead, Golden Syrup, ales hae 1. d2t46 P Oil 4 d D * if J Gc. Ge Also Tubs, aie Performance uf the great panotic Drama en "y ue ae * ae Ah p) aint Ns Ss an ve-Stu 8. Buckets, Brooms, Churns, Measures, Bed Cord, tle al ial | — vy hic’ B 1 eee | J SG 9 | ue : - Ceaepe , 2 ; =e es a Rope, §c., all of which were bought exclusively for | I JAVA aul” a . \ 1A Pit Try the New Grocery Store, WOOD WARE, BUCKETS, BROOMS, BRUSHES, WINE, ROPE, ee will be sold at short profits for Cosh oF | ‘The epleu dd Natiensl Drama is founded on events | ‘ , y af T ‘ y) tel asa 29, 185 Ltr ieoad Sion Dranaetootionne BUT NOT LEAST. icc sion snore sossa! wanowane erone CROCKERY AND QUEENS WARE, Satcbary, Mar. 29, 1259. ry American Revolution!! | MARRIED: At the Mansion Hotel in this place, on the 911 inst, by Rev. A. Baker, Mr. H Ww E. A. CARLTON, both of Statesville In Jonesboro,’ Hlinois, by the Rev Mr. Haim-ted Mr HIRAM FRE fortnerly of Rowan couuty an 1 AYER, to Mis> Murphy & Co., STOCK OF With such a comb th ves the won ag the mana ger feels confident of ments f the HAVE SPRUNG page, and reeewved there u % — Goons, CONSISTING OF usual large SBE | | jurt appreciaion « WILL BNGIEBET THURSDAY. VP SALISBURY, | April 20st, PSo9. | Perforiance ul 2ant a eure DM I Fe e t QRESH GROCERTES, Family use, shell be regutarty supphed to our ustomers AT COW RATES. for Cast inky be sold for Cash or Barter every kind required for and the best stock of SUGAR, COFFEE and M¢ )LASSES ever offered in Salisbury. We beg leave to return our CLOTHING E have now in store the largest and most complete Stock of CLOTHING Groceries 9 most sincere thanks, for the Libera! patronage bestowed on ue by our friends | ine ‘The profits are | last Season, and hope by sinct attention ty business, wid low F Give usa call prices, they will sull faver us with their vo sivall fora Credit business V BEARD & BROTHER tH purehares Dintt faite CALL AT THE GED ESTASLISUED STAND ON THE Mansion Hotel NER, onposite the P 3 CORNER, oppos te the | we have ever offered for sale, comprising every for the Spring ‘Trade BAKER'S Ap jarucle wanted M/° : N Ie [Ie I sy & y OU NC r | We will guarantee our Cluihing to be equal tt4s Sauimaray, N.C., March 22, 1659. m I \ enh esi Aduuenois OU Cente Chilucen anc servan's 240 | NV Lal if Ni to Miss ANNA GATTINGEIG nulls ON) piiciparicolare sex Ueweripinan 1 STAPLE asp FANCY DRY GOODS, [sly in ane QUALITY Austra. | Apr. 12-246 > BURT, Agent Cre ined neue. Clean. to ANY Goods in this market and at Lowga In Cabarrus County, on the 30th ult. by Rev J | ne ; | BR & NI 1 € oe J j races than they eau be purchased. Jn the & Heilig Mr. HARVEY W. OVERCASID and DHE LEviek | Be Ds TEEM Es OUI TE : ; Jassartiment will be found, Heilig, Mr. HL! W Bakery Co's Anerienu, Freneb, Honia path ¢ | : aay a : rae | | ren oy | Sip f ee ae ' | Black and ecol'd Cluh Drees Frocks, Miss SARAH JANE DEMARCUS | l \ \ | (i 0 B { { c2 and Voedta Pen un Chocolate, Prepared Coeus | super Bik Italian Cloth Drab De Ela end q On Wednesday the 30th ult by Samuel Taylor | = A * X aa = 2 Pate, Cure mtibel Sy ase Homarpaihs ae Die j s | Alpaca Coats, a 5 Esq, Mr 8. F FLEMING of Yadkin, and Miss 2 | ive 3 ita oti arnt tees AC rs crn ea et Y o1. >= “Super Fancy Caps and Tweed Suite, | ELLEN BRUNT, of Davie County | Compoanded entirely from GUMS, ; Mun a dae DAC LEU MNCS | WU. IRC H 21st, 1859. Fancy Linen and Marseilles Do. =a + Spirit of the Age and Iredell Express please copy SON ob vit t v Pics dean pain Re BAR Ueas UE ee ee Ex Whie Marseiles and Linen Coats, ae see aan i a - ' one , f ara yy faces spans Ue tke (a! Gur AS ds 7 ] T | | Linen Duck and Drill Coats, Brown Linen do. eee \ : ni i, LE A TOS een le Arpolte <= | White Buff and Fanev Marseilles Vests, 7D: | 4 Pa Po eve, Uusnalg ited States shourshinent for eh {Plan av figured Silk and Satin do DIET bee Oe tai aa ae sey fees {pereone in health, and ae substitutee | iit @ v . . OW, = iia) Aisne Cenap ans Tn Rowan County, on the 9th of March CHOLNS s be wold aw cheap cheapent— pect inmea nd) Vspen ie Gners AY 4 Granite Buildi | Linen and Morseilles Bosom Shirts. abet Se Ah B. and a L. Gray see . . ' Tinetie gues, and they rt Ace TecaMiaiidada ty Gti) vO. 4, rranite ude, R | Allin want will find it to their interest toex- @ i in hus 4th year farewell! sweet child, we 4 ee Do eee gh wish ins ouiCemerelincrrmcstty DUAR UT RD MUSA TU é . -pIyTpV . ‘ amine our stuck before purchasing: thee up. your stay with us was short, ides PAN Mepears 4 Po | ivacam meacdhin ¢bippetee dela: bor saie by Cheat ae Ir ¢ ee vA | SALISBL ROY, Se Co ‘A. & W. MYERS, flower sent on earth to bloom, is thus early trans eo ee a. nferwold SHIRES CoG, (tse MITE Met eS murah === No. 4, Granite Building. planted to the mlesual(G@anienol Gada uic sho ‘ a : bara eae rad, bnad gwig Baltimore 2 Kennett, Dudley & Co, Cineinmnau, and | He SUBSCRIBERS RESPECTFULLY Mar. 29, tf44 E DD : =, nee by Grocers generally announce to ther tiends wud the publie gen- 2 eal au a of Evernal Day : 2 WALTER BAKER & CO : Child, thou art gone to rest, be ) JUST RECEIVED and ay; Oe fae ee ee BOOKS FOR SUBSCRIPTION - we bs _ * AN 1 are Yore ensive au vtherto. it So early in the tomb, , | ae PS. I¢ yR S \ I KE | hat they are now prepared to exhibit one of the | ae the Gants] stock of the BANK OF SAL- Bat Jesus summoned thee away | ° Cone ¢ poder Vo). ZN SO , . e | jargest and most attractive Stocks of \ ASBL RY, elas mae Sacparerers ) i CRO, am eae The Saviour called you home. —Com, | * 116 Bows Rin Core: : Notice to Builders. wera tyty (ime ty che aNy Fe nea Gn awiey soe ab) w mp old Governent Java Coffee = 4 \ K , *.* The N.C. Presbytenan please copy | we c AF ty OF \ Chart f said Bank y be seen there. oe SS ne old 6 Hills SO. Sugar PEME undersigned, building committee for North seeded cemo poems : SO ee Me CLD WELLE — . _— : | ~ ; zs at Hoos Chartied pay ; | Carolina College, ae ds siroux to erect two large AM. NESBIT, a THE MARKETS | 9 wet whe ts aed a Douered aut Granulated do. falls wr the ae of the College, and would pene D Y D B. R. MOORE. H Ke : | res Deaf do RIP «& yarn deta . hi he job to i : i a ; aa! Salebury, April d, isos 3w45 all at Mt opienalcditent: t a“ Hevlepeeat the \ ea i Salisbury, NV. C., April 12, 1859 | etme tat na Se ' ‘ yrounds. speeficatione, &c., with a view of making MICH'L BROWN, ; jon ; Pow ler. Le; 1A Shot. eon: Y 8 JAMES E. KERR } © CORRECTED WEEKLY BY | Com BS Uyenese | owe r, eae TO ee eeiike horeclan ate Gatien, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, etc., Salisbury, March 28, 1859. - Dy «pepsin i ary, 28, 185! 4t44 SPRAGUE BROTHERS | . . Hee ERPITY © Cinohiedac tresiced JOUN SHIMPOCH.) | ttt they have ever had the pleasure to offer. To : Sih ‘ Appleedried, 50.» 125 Lead Bar g 10 | ae A ce eck fe SSCA, 2 [an exammnstion of whveh they are cordially vied , PP ee RU iain . Lae Hy oe Mamie tie a M. RARRIER \3 We have bestowed much time and labor to get | Bacon, A & os Mul Ten GU | on ie th 1 MaMa Ned LG. Wh ILIG = up a first-rate Stock and feel satisfied that no house H Hat we A eset See | A eee niarier lume cl DoW OBEPELE, } [in the State cau off era better selected Stock & W. Myers, ; ; : ge sh nich will euld as cheap asthe E ; : ak ak A. 6 Batter 15018! °! Museovads 45050 | 33 g PeATIEK f Mi Pleacante Marchi ath, 1nad aoe Our Stock is very large and embraces such an / “AN Le taaes Naile(€ é a sri Fo dvundice tte Oe ater Ng Teen é . assortment a@ will enable any person fo buy of ue z RE SELLING MANTLES lower than the oe DLES— Bate oer aut Hie aa Sess e teat vines al ihe ac? wd with the beat adrantage to themselres, all the Goods EX have ever been sold in thie Section. Juet thin % aliow, : oy wer arr OI “ . 7 = they may need in our line, Tnall things we shall of it « hand. SILK MANTLE, fo 5 . ‘ 7 - : . TENE > g a handsome > MA ir $1.50 of the Adman:ine, oe a Say mh ce ae os | others he a Se aa I RON ° & I E kK I 49 A&A On try to consult the interest of our customers | Latest Style , Coffee Rio, 248 1 auners, 0 SE te wel ~ ; We think it useless to enumerate but_will state, | BRILLIANTS, the Cheapest ever sold in thie + Java, 17 2 223 Potatoes, Leh, 100 a 1 25 | tein be = Wowie \ URPHY & CO) have jass received, P] nite ec ie : = | ; , Cuica Wyeth! Sweet 90 a 100 ie Es toe aie ; Te (ean ee \ we nave succeeded in obtaining . . ; [country sacel ste ore it we are only asking 15 eents Coston Yarn, 100 0 115 Rage per Ib 2 a = = Dropsy, x | 1500 Ibe Cast Stee | iiperenneiehorsodehepripertxtithe: Select The Choicest and most De xtrable Styles | per yard, Worth 25. A STL Corn, 70 a HO [Salt per suck, 17 al io we apie dla 1s ae ne TUE bee rect EX Root. Harris, are requested to meet me at the | mported, and we are fully warranted in saying thet | No. 4 Granite Building. + Meal. 65 0 75 ‘Sheeung Bro Cy GLU |p es eA fee! rene Tin Pe SON 50 wert KE puc Springs affice of the Clerk Superior Court, on 2tst and 22nd . : ' | March 29, 1859 Chichensper doz 1.00 a1§ Sugar Bro Kall foowihe : z L : fu bu as dave of April 1499: then and th nae TRONOUE ne one who wishes to buy will leave oar Store ausupptied. Our St ick will be replenished thronghou March 29, 1959. 7 4 E if 8 Crushed, I3al Seal = No house is allowed to und ; Sai ee en egececiamrea 77it Ne yiments| ciuse season with every thing that is RIC HW AND DESIRABLE 1 fe \ y | Egae per doz - i . Crushe an | All who nee tt are giving thetr unanimous 1 oy, eat a ' S nyiderteeliethemiin cihe dun ulougeruncul ee nee Ad) [beleiven eyo) Ti Laney a fie One are ay pectfully solicited which shal! at all times have our prompt and personal atiention. ty, Gs & B. G. W ORTH, Feathers per ib. 30.435 Clantied, Lge 13) testimony tet sons secured in the Deed of Trust, will also meet me | V ; u PG ihe jy known in this section ee i wae Ly ie) qgatatan mind ear nttone ares weevetg eae se Sede ii tec Ree: ON ea We have ercured the aervicew of Mr J.P. Gowas, long aud extensively Kaun in nei | General Commission Merchants, Sack, ite, 4 k S. McKENZIE, Trustee eS o 8 a: Iron : Bar) 5a | ed x(a 90 THEPLIV ER INN COR Ao. | . April 1at, 1259 tw — wWilminst N. Oo . : IS ARETRNTIP( MEDD UL Desc eVRKY a tan dat | =<ge. We have on hand a larg April Pst, 185 Bw | mington, . le : Lard, 10 a 12 | Wool, 25 a 3U zl s i eas Bee es el = | « a targe aN cera Heep | CHRO I PORK 7» 7 eed foun a | (ae aud supe rier dot of 4 - soi i) , a Haver FRESH ve PUBLIC SALE ; WW. Shee. Treepeciiuily| LIME, PLASTER Ten lech aaaielisicne mel i N ee Twill be eee Wy the abave shut Eno now in the Uunee of Mies: Ao & Wo Miers: Prespect ly ME, PLASTER, . 7 = ee Sa ED | TEAS. UGAR, COPFEL, pW. 4. solheit the patronage of my frende, ple to then all the advantages which are promised inthe abe ve| HAIR, CEMENT, 4 tart. aw advertiseme aut lieie wants e(ther i pereonor by order, shall ut all tines recetve my Carel sts prompt L y i NORFOLK MARKET ~ } MOLASSES T i by order, shall at all ‘fuland | LAND PLASTER Reported Weekly by SYRUP, TRA oo As JP. GOWAN. | ROBINSON'S MANIPULATED GUANO. | RICE, BACON A Positice Sale Without Reserve.) Marcu 2d. 19 tg JAS. KERR & CLARK'S PHOSPHATIC ROWLAND & BROTHERS ARI, PERE FERTILIZER. Orders for any of the above filled , : LARD, PEPPER, = ee | re y n ‘ COMMISSION MERCHANTS, oe : ee Ce, GINGER, SPICE, ON THE 19TH DAY OF MAY NEXT, {QQ BAGS PRIME RIO COFFEE. lama ama dary : i 2 Rs | ; , 1859. ewe PW WYATE. INDEGRON & RN SES SINS : ' ee 4 VEU TS : - ———__—__—— > For the Watchman, APRIL 9, 1859. ius de Hood TENE cy ee LESS ae caffioeill ci Alles itonves ie Oy Cehorgas 10 thi ( KA fi | ; | 25 BAGS OLD GOVERNMENT JAVA. | ; 1USTARD, wton, one tile from Sababury. all the loose proper ‘ 25 LAGUIRA, Just received, i Fi. e PP BACON Western Sorcattaie By i FR SANFRODS LEVER INVIGOR ATOR { SARDINES, ty he has vet on his possession, consisting of iuch BOO r SHOK li (T McNEELY & YOUNG. | 9 § do Sides, 105 @ 104) A OUCADED estixery ewow GUMS, | Ninegae, Gouda, Noo 1 Mackerel, Pickled Salmon, valusbe HOL SEYUOLD AND KEPCHEN FUR- 3 * o) x Mar. 22 1f43 | Fa N C. and Va. Hog round, 1) a WW PURIFIbS THE BLOOD ani uae. ho. fh , 5 , aa ee : : ete Me ee | f 7 ‘ leone OS Chtce, Bicctnp aida mhawder eS LDU R Pan ced COOKING IS DUNES aps staat AND | . : LARD—N.C. and Va. No. 1, bble and kegs, Owls | 4 sPRING MEDICINE | Shot, Lead. Caps, Sonff, Tobacco, Cigars, Matches, BLACKS MUPH TOOLS, HAY, OATS, CORN, Al I ARGE LOT of TEA and COFFEE SUGARS. | - es “No 2, " O07 0a 13D AP AMILY ETL Fs )&e.a&e CALL AND SEE US. “We pay COWS. and many other things —in short, Twill sell y 4 Just received, MCNEELY & YOUNG Q—Family 000 aX 00 | A GOOD MEDICINE i . FLOUR—Family, ae Pe ne Cashact: _ , uiniost every hind of pereanidl property 00) that pec> | Mar 22 “| Wat k { i Extra, t se TELLER GOMER ST ash or Groceries for Country Produce sins weeding any convemence for honge-keewing. oF | | aicpmarker « ewe (er, j Supertine, $6.25 2000 CLERIC R MEADAGHFO | lee : Aah de aroduced dn eltarnirartarming (mplenieucs) \ Ibs HEMLOCK LEATHER at f 5 , Ae (ety Ginknecmot (hes, mipe Goan ened thee, eee F i \ . - OOO CORN—White and Mixed, gO tk CURES DY SPROSTN pieemee ae a d Lard, good (pany sort, can probably be accommodated by altend- . di . McNEELY & YOUNG'S. CONCORD, N. C. Yell x6 a 00 CUES COSTIVENE SS | Flour and Meal, Potatoes, Pers. Beane, Onions ) | No. 3, ¢ te Row | ’ nw, be } ‘ : : : : 6 Omonss ing the male No. 3, Granite Row, Mar. 22 if43 } WHEAT—Whie 135 0160 Clrths CHRONTE DIARRITES 1 Dred Frou. We. &e, alwayve in request Boog mn a Ane p 3 _ 4 Wee subscriber has epened a Wateh, Clock and Jewelry . oe eens eciiancay ae nest ivccalls Cr Denmemanee axe TieaTntirs Leth ofl SALISBURY, North Caroli \eeetee ee ae : = Drsiccintne town or Concord, and by careful attention te ie ed, 1 a) AO) CURES vo ORES ' aliet ) es is . < May. and coutioue from dav today anutall stall be} 4 ALI a orth arolina. | { £ 00) be WHITE LEAD AND ZINC, business, hopes to merit a liberal patronage. i Clue Te SERCH Lea Leiter tS) eet Roy WEST, Aurst ee MENEELY £ YOUNGS. (| (ee ae SAS—Black Eye, new 254 19) | Se udeertisznment in vanotier column tens6 Salisbury, April 1, 1859 , be Be (43 Augaeglres tel), 1. W. RUPP. e Red and Black, old ns a 90 | ‘Ju j eo PIN HE SUBSCRIBER HAVING BOUGHT ; Meee eee: . FED . 135 a 135) 5 st Received and For Sale. “350 : ; out WAL TR BLOARIS stock of Boots, Shoes, | Bear e FLAXSEED, * Ss : | LPR J. Weer haw heen constituted my Agent to D : eel yr \ y DRIED APPLES per bus. of Qn Ibe 81 754200) For sale by SPRAGUE BROS. | OR 15 Uhde Cia Molasses ee tee oars cb as ech te Cie coh alee ee and best Stock of Boots and Shoes ever BOOTS, SHOES and H VTS ?— Callat MeN Y | . ey 23 a PEACHES © © 40% $5.00 0 $525 ry z 160 Sacks Salt pay any just demands against me offered in the Town of Salisbury, and which fur the | & YOUNG'S, who have just received a very large | OF 1 FISH—Meckere! No. 1 12.50 RISl and SWEET POTATOES, 110 Sides Hemlock Sole Lewthe ) Loe ee |Cash, or to Punctual Dealers will be sold Low down | #eeortinent, which they are selling at low prices 7 . Nie aEN SO ne ah TR ; A ‘ wt ’ Serene: ee GEOR JOUNSTON ee He Lat New Crop New Ofleans Mo- e or ee use, fo ele a ‘| : Apri of, wo ey a Raw JASSES jast d and f 1 TAVES—R. O. Hhd. 829 @ 00 fcrpeceGEan date DCR Se aa was . 5 Salisbury. April 4. 1859 aed No 3 Granite Row | LA ) receive nd for sale ‘ Ap: 12-46 SPRAGUE BROS dws STINT NUS) IA ROCA | low by Wy 0: Flee Ce) ! | Tite GREATEST CUnlosity ovr [oP PSG DONS ETS, | ue by “ Bol Bough + Be 00 Caper! Cries: bes | Book Nto Ly R 1) s | ij POCKET KNIVES f | JUST Recieved ang for Sale. a new etyle of Ch 1.| SPRING MANTLES, | Salisbury,Dec. 13, 1858 SPRAGUE ae ‘ae i = Roo, Laguira, Java ond Mocha, a large lot on ast) b re emoved. POCKET KNIVES !! harentn Steir Metathe npped. which are renowned for) SPRING SILAWLS, G I - Te — | oe ' : tai a nme Chua! and che sa, and by actual te ust received at McNEELY (© YOUNGS, |} > ri E Fa a ee Om Ses te oomard We BOVIS AND pig AMUSE. CHEAPEST ana BAST [Stef smegy ge pa aor MarR vorse». Great Importance to the a- FAYETTEVILLE MARKET, April 7, ISITE ccamconaiia, | VM rcios iy Wow wae near cen Bee Cen CHE ARES T ant Oe Peay) “ Ty LENNISS PUBLI : . Leen - . eupred by the lite Geo. W is Sein 5 sortment of Pocket Krives ean be found at {ce Rae | a C Ye BACON, per id vig nde aque me Weer LN TNO! cay ali an ie tor ue eT a y Goods U8 POP MERONEY'S waegiaae No. 3 Granite Row a ™a GD B"H a@ cl mce . » cOFEFEE “ . tye more re 0 wre a ‘ ee : Dist, 195 1 ub Ce per tb BROWN SUGARS. Alo, Crished ond Clanied, sotmentof New BOOKS md NOVELS, just par Salisbury, April d-itds Norioy Srore | are See ALL who are indebted tome will please call and NEW AND BEAUTIFUL *Y epee 15 fy ae For eile low by SPRAGUE BROS chased inthe Northen Cries "Phe reading public —_ —- = + \ é settee their acenunts or ae They canset A] 7 1 , ) Ke a \ We with meor with BOR Mode. Esq. who occ a WW ate ronmetuty ated to ane, r : «sion SPRING GOODS . PLOUE race 204 v0 April, Pod But Ab Ua 8 Lies Ls WERONEY Want Money. | " | anothee with me. Office i Cowan's Brick Rowe 1 ° ' = , sence! 0 eine oe y iM ad oO ROW h- Family, 5 60 05 90 | Molasses! Moluxees, NPB CORPORATION BONDS TETELE with nein a very few days or you will| Wilmington, N.C. | saushory. Mareh s.1=59 cl A vi Vix will find the cheapest and handsomest Goode Supertine, 45) 6-5 7 A O. and Woeat India Por sale to: | é “ “ . » Yhave to settle with an officer ! . of every description at 1 : a large tof NoO. an ee . ' ) P . - Fiue, pal e340 | Apr 12-46 by SPRAGUE BROS | FOR SALE. | March bet, 1859 110 500 Hhvds. 2 Choice, New Crop, ! 1.1. \io A. & W. MYERS, a Cross, ayy by All | | oOo TT ray et F M eo. De OOSE ne No 4, Granite Row. n GRAIN, per bashel— TONS AETICP Ee LES. QEALED PROPOSALS will be received, at this | Bop Trerces § ¢ ardenas Molasses.| 7, 8 15 Salsbory, March 29 44 1e Corn 100 40 LY ON'S M VGNET I I owl ER & I ILL . > office. unubthe 10 day oof Apri next. for the ) MWS N va 75 Barrels chotee Vew Orleans Syrap. | c OMIMISSION Merch a nt : — t Wheat, 095 » 000 | For the Destruction of all konds ut Cr den Ineects, site of Ronda. in stims of fram 3500 to 83000, 16 16 ) S and \ | = | 80 Hhds. falr to cholee New Orleans Sugars. , Carolina City, N.C, : Oats, 65 02 00 | Anta, Bed-Buga, Rouhes, T Pore Mote, sued ander an actef dhe General Veembly of North 4S (6 | 900 Barrels Clarified Sugars. Se MESIBIO IRN, iy <0) July 26th. 1858 Peas Hav |p A here & Carolina. authorizing the Commamoners to. sell the <= \W Eo have just reeeved all of the 500 Bags Blo. Lagaira, West India & Java Coffee. | : uly th, 1595. — Rye, 90 a 1 00 ae EE alles al Ron the Corporation for certrin pirpanes various sister of BOOTS AND) 150 Barrels Mess and Prime Pork. | \\ ULES ae COL Ua: ‘Tue Atlantic ane North Carolina Rail Road being LARD. per lb, 2019 | What greater trouble, in an hy vs ie fies (nailecail is dered) coh tora ore SURO Cait Micesca on. lllet Mipeinet Gitte 25 Whds. Western Bacon,---Sides and Shoulders, ut ue Also, to all COnED: Now completed to Rearrort Hanson. [have deter- SPIRITS, per gallon— | Tian gnawing rare bed bugs an! fleas Pane (Harun rANU MER: PRTRKIERINAve a twonie Gre mec DW Un con lenge ein nants ear nil Ol Ou 200 Bois. Yellow Planting Potatoes. POMS Sag Le 3 fined to locate ai Carolina City, for the parpose of Peach trandy, 00 a 100 Gardevatcanbernicceri lent) aie ate ae othe devol sale, and bearing interest at copstemers. and to those that may favor ue with their Mareh 14, 1859. 3msipd Re f ‘ . ; ‘ i gig ROB Robern: joing « Apple do. new 70 a 0 00 anvicnimenadltisy © 1 Reber 1 payable semi-annasly kind patronage. Boots de Shore anopassed byt a a aan UI os . FORWARDING AND GEVERAL COMMISSION NOGaWhakes Gatien tcc Te wand acoy aa trod i JOUN T SHAVER inthe United Stator in pout of workavanshop. mute Bank of North Carolina. Harct psog Guts BUSINESS. Rye ‘do 65 « 70 Chennetin Aga. and has been ved by al Isiendant rls and neat and pleagant ft, mea 8 respecttolly an . ; . i Rectified do. Aon a8 Raatern govermmenta und colleges Reference cu Sabebury, NC. Moreh 18, 1859 pos mitered at A. & WOMYERS N pursuance of an act of the Aasembly, chartering | Theory of Vocal Music, and hope by promptness and strict attention to merit NAILS, cut, per keg 44 20 5 be male wh raver tue ariicls haa t (ede 4 oo No.4 Granite Bailding the above named Bank, notice is hereby given x cee your patronage and support. Being the Agent of ‘4 . § e e icles haa bern trier : A | rE . Da ty . IRON, per Ib— Fea imipie ate clues ery ™~™ @D EB NE @lece Sal abury, March 29 44 that Rooks will be opened on the Ist day of April IN SEVEN H#ASY LESSONS Murray's Line of First Class Packets, { "i ree fro peeom, ml Tet SRC UNIS RIE SC! | ne re ‘pen for aixte alnve Hl (he office al 5 ‘ : | agiieh, ae 0 ; ; J next and remain open for sty \ t ~ Sinatra Wa Maea Var : Hepa Ee : metic animils. Many worthiean niiana ate ad & Administtxtee of be eeraie atdoha fe. Siat John LE Shaverin Salisbury, No 0. forthe purpose of B® Ak. po errs to thieand MOREUEAD CITY, every effort wil fol Breede: aaehel a ber, Oh ee, Phcoiealincmtiie ae Sears A fl diel we wilaelial (he Court Hrueia | Ney are not all GONE. receiving Subsenption of Stock to aid Bank | % Va nies Dee) Td ee aa Mt app be anade to make this the cheapest and moet expedi- . ’ ' ( ¢ : ; <raute ne Nin ee oaded a ds, pee wae ig a 00 Concord, Cabarrun NC oon Tuesday the 19th ee . RICHED A CALDWELL, i) ASU a een Se hone route to New York. Veasete wil! be loaded and es ra AP ee tb re 4 a 19 Remember * day of Apal next. the following property to wit ee we hase atili left oI of thore nice iNO 1 SIVAVER | fon dincharged at my Wharf adjuning the Rat Roed ra 4 » per Oa 0 “Pia Lyon'e Pow fer killa ince at eat - Ne iy 2 Black Gaytere that we have been selling at 75 SAMUEL REEVES, ~ P =e r Wharf, and thereby save CARTAGE aad LIGHT- as HIDES, per Ib— a Rue ate gear neaiiac arsmerlinicn 4 LIKELY NEGROES, cents cone son if you woud monte a enoiee BAIT May 224, 1489 UHR ee neem | THREE VALUABLE SLAVES ERAGE : ry, al 0 | ; ate ren ; ware anda nice fit A & WO MYERS ee | sala? atte Ibe given to all orders, > pe ay re ) . 11 Woman about 3) veare old. 1 Bow abort LO year 2 x 17 Particulaf attention wi fr , Green, 6 2 00. | Sample Flaske, 25 cte regular wi te and ® FN adie Ue Bes a A “ ie Match 29, 1859 44 ; 7 | |: ( ) ] » S \ I ey Fe at WacinticalaMiamven lal] Pidece a SALT— | BARNES & PALS, Now York te ee me mae Te FAMILTES—Call and boy 25tbe. GOOD YVo?. ahue WILLIAM B. GRANT j Fa ‘ : DOSEN AFL RY EES SOAP for 25 conta, at | BY VIRTUE fthe : “1, Lats i ; Liverpool, per « 1508 00 NDE NNISS 5 1c ‘ S( n 2. . . FE of ano the County Court of . 5 Alam, per bushel, 60. 00 Ree wale It DERN ‘ se nate Wa NES Gan PAINT ! PAINTS ! ! HENDERSON & ENNISS Rowan at February Term, 1409 Twill aell nt the All ahipmante of Produce to D Coupes Moanay, MOLASSES, per galton— | ee Re eee e Mar 29, 1859 , Na ae / se Mar 15. 1f42 Ee ieee al tai a Tneade Nena tint: cenNe ew Works will be funwacded (roo cf Comrie: Ds Cuba, Wye 30 | / , ue ae bl RAS ue Dave jist sata May next: THREE VALUABLE NEGROES be Angmar 34. 1858 710 : Naw Orecnn is an 3 5,000 Ihe Pure White Lend and Zinc, and a large 5 de engiteciine chili omec nh ttwahcy ’ ‘ —— , SUGAR, per ih— a 0) BLANK DEEDS ue of Lin Seed Oil, which wall Femail acchy ap baths : Linseed, Bly and Tanner's Oil, Tarma, ec menthe naka Kerosive Oil. Loaf and crushed 15a 00 ae me. — 4 | cheapest or male at HENDERSON & ENNISS’ ROBEKT W OWUGHEY | ’ 0 : . : 5 HO fe NS i S OFFICE 8 5 s ; : la bh KERORSINE OFL for aslo at 4 BrCroik Porto, & N Orleans, tl a 12) Of all Kinds, for Sale at thin Office FOR SA TA TET: BRIOCHE alisbury, April 4 Iwi | Mar 15 fad Mar 15. 1/42 Commusmoner I Ten inee OT ENDERSON & ENNIS@. WOOD, EDDY & CO.'S Single Number Lotteries |! HART RCRD BY YVR OF Ghokuia. Capital Prize $50,000 !! TCH ELTS ONEY TEN VDOLLARS EM PORIUM, PAHO 'g NORGE rE ei Bier : \ coal a) ; \ in) \ Meer wen ! .\ RAN Ueki enlte changed Varn i oe. £ Wo wt uw ! «Avg 1 ee : ! Lito j o SVAN eo \ ny ‘y grey s LW Aare rs Joly bee a 1 SA Ross cossars ta S. Swan & Co. ‘ WW No { 4 1 ( Dp ' ' ( ia) New and beautiful Stock of SPRING ON PIES TaN NOL Is {* hive Phon eeroetlys Find Tigity-tive www ws . y a ig ae § CORRS Cae a netaeh a 1 ) MARCHE 25, 1859. valle eae SHU BARS se ' ieslheent mele { \ \ PICTOU TS AMISH. BRINE, COEVIN. Oh oS. TAKE GhEA e ip announ ' marr atina, Gio EC ELENEE OF QUALITY , ony sds Lh, . OF \LMoot EVE ni \py BOOTS. SHOES IN ORCC TICKETS it soe rib ho tt Ps, YEAS?P a OV) PCRs eye I For sale 1 HEN DE Pl ott meat, 4 Maer | i ARGH ! a PO ie ; ; 43 HENDERSON & V1 BLANK WARRANI i ah elaiated For vale at this O. cv. uae h for Sal if he J THURS. TS (ou CIE = NOTICE. whi re sate E'Vavable property, cunig Gus mouth, ae WAV Hy Hanay expect te pay it All property subject he Cn writ ire odinenc to \ THe AS MATELY, ft Salisbury. Maret ' (MINID), | ( VUES Ses theraet DK. WENPURS BAILS OF WILD BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS'! Pake omty the Geouaim \ | ‘ | { . \ { MN | t | | ie " Th i | nn Ml Nn + A iM 4 REMEM, HOWEE A OO, SE Nt 1 ' y Al wo al ; \ GetEE MLE ATH INS) IEWERLRE, COME AND SE R. Wibhso ZINE W SILOW CASE, ' N wires (ne ae S TEWEDRY Jew Professional € ard. Ate cater ta the Curjete Hibs oO yure herby note bo gave ae eae For Weakness, Wasting and every form of Debility, use CONT & CO’S COD- L VER OTL, ayo ANG. tthe ‘Town tu their th te we atiny vo give Cavan! Wie al ea Woe Sie, ira phon Tt Aud tay be Wada Diag Stores Feboouy 4th, Psoy 5) yo.» Greensborough Mutual Via oven Luniniese INSURANCE COMPANY, ba ' POE! tions be NW i} , doecomomy of the if business, 1 ON ( ‘ fpeeieen Ne root ! | How ou eeod etic thee ‘ K foe Mod Wt sat CUT RU t Shiolliser ‘ ut ' ’ “ tefore PERSON MCUeE. Ta) tt Phe CHERRY. Se DIRECTORS: en James Stoan, JOA. Mebane, CoP Wendenhatl, 9 UL AWear, AV 1 MeConuel, John b Caot Pea Hb e elandsave ies Me Crcrrerte Us. \hy Ger bop (lege, Vara Welvulli, baeesiinal Lex M Newt i. etis, ugh. SA ae SV Ag Ve \ ie J vi TD Mee Ra Hf G Pt KOE Troy, Lumnbert ry Jar ' vhs ‘ PES AGI AM Serene tai. Aptis alitsy Giggle, utd enbor uch Coffer, Sugar, AND i” eos WM ML de a \ une ae ALLts Now Ofleans ets iy) ie [ rhage “eh diag te : tot i wi el tae i 1 vt rhe 1) STEVENSON & BOWEN, Wholos le Deators fa DRY GOODS. DANIEL. u ZANIME RMAN ~ \ \ \ NS THl-WECKLY MAIL LIME. DE \I Ma veri ie 1y% FA NI. BUSSEVT. I]: REMOVE Ds mo DENTAL ROOM ' ' Ie Tore! oabbiimtrsleee tab profem | Jan 1, 1859 tf22 folasses FOR TO ALL Interested in Building !! The > reco atte ay toe tl Wills on West Hill. Ve igieiven Grenier moire tes M ) u Faod ae | rotundity to the Trace, aod addenergy I Vicar ‘oat ' \ rvouniys fis vatue bias be { hes ha it mative Wes, “ vi ie ryculy eahausied. ft Chak = ‘ vet von no other gat be ark mies acd t sh th futana truly re- | ! oD l NG whaable ner { \ Botued omy by Re » i i — st up) u AWTS (CIB AMINTBEIR as 1), ! > WANN. 222: ROTEL, SALIS 0 RY. oC ABLE. ROG nS. TSS bes ser N contort CONTENT Es tis recealariy ta tte AWM AOUNS SOB or COW A Vea UBL Lermow renee [OE Seay Tt ATR te MAPLE ASE SNS Jeo aN VBE Nea) ‘ DisksED KIDNEYS, Way Sete : THO HORST HACKS, mm 7 NOTIOE Po CORRESPONDENTS Np ris ay Sher ; { shir HATS & CAPS Phiose wis ailserd no tanh, cent PMOW A Getic Way) Ch ae): ARTES Bs Soda Os SRNL | 3c a nm G eS , op yrgycy > TAEADAMS EXPRESS COMAANT, | ae ee : BON Vi Bove Pines Peau Dy mm TANTO Cunt , ' An I e e 4 , eid ene . . When Look round and see the splendid array 4 ‘ , ' TOUTES KUN ee NTN Ne heautrul I co ! ! 9, J oe De yee iCicces, Walking Canes, &c. ' Zz Kate \u ny A wD Ss ental Ay recrues ers ese cokers riives a wksvide " Saute Wesenes > Ss er) ERNVWENE POs? OFFICE STAMPEBD EN.) of. irour kind: hoe: : m= Ja VELOPE. or the Express Company canuot receive | New is the vine to bay ehesp Having bought ogee tan Mores heu Cieety from the manu rere Gor Litt e READY MADE CLOTHING ee [dT watt wt ae: oe ) ae (here : s SHES frie) ! : ™ wwe rppy a ‘ et " i Vie : DRESS GOODS. HG ae eee oars oo vcd . i ee ae 2 PARLE SPOONS ‘ i CU NMG COUP SEIU AT oll 1 \ Sb s Se \ ce A eT TT Ve a vey ; i FANCY. SILKS, . ay Vigadeat . LAND Salisbury to Asheville. Rich Flounced Silk Reobvs, ' I 7 pee ene ' FE aQ@bDsae 3S A ALEcCe { ‘ Paes} . MOUSELIN HE Gy : ee AR ! WR WEES ON \ FOU LAL s : ! ! . ] ’ ry { \N ; . : { WON ok KR Western Sort ¢ na Rail Road Ny ; . Female Normal School, ct 1 a 7 VM fate | ‘ayy ve " . i i rt) Tees State of North Carolina, High Point. N.C. Rail Road, oe OOD Mie > Mi. RECs ROWAN COUNTY 15 MILES WEST OF GREENSBORO 41). " ' DEN F He ees FRENCH A CHANTILLY LCR MANTLES : Pleas & Poh ea N AG RAY I t theanrte, (CUS Weds ] ke BAKAGE SHAWLE AND DUSTER | ‘oi res i ' ! : BLA EL MS PT PRINTS, A. & ' ol I Ae = A , NEI We es . t ; i hivettl AKU i ! : = 7a : ; LINEN & COTTON it -ETING VELITARY GOODS. tne Stap te and ane, Guod=: I j Swords, Sashes, Bits, Enantettes. Laccs | VDE DEX ORR OS G2 LEER Ney A.D A SELPOR stor Een ‘ bout . CaS ) GOODS, , } GROCERIES. ; : fae \v Notora Ww .2 me _ pg er huiream Mase Ue a ag d et Bede evan 8 Lae SCHUYLER HR TLE “A GRMN, NSS IIa, fi ‘ Wier ray ra : Year r Rovere AR \ : , z Hite manik {Bonz ‘ . Parasols 6 ] arasols 00 1 teams, ' ; iia iP os es Yate and Female deademies, . PaaS I ray NG alia te JEL DEN £4NE WV EM Ave gest OPEN TY Oi spit. je ean bo NEW LOK, Ce ee UNE N SOU Sl te UNE ei Tale \ sian Nant Young Lad 1 will | do July 12, 1-58 1! Vb 7 my which we uy ann nee ei ' ry ce Tete ey eae saat Reamer fe handao r Nea AN t sien ? hs wuarantie I 200 ba) e Ty WTA! a ea | M <i ihe Wilh Salter. V a DNS Gles 16s, (ater daca tee es ar RAIL RJAD Wd se i " anaes . (Peat, Sh ae Rae ANG ee 2 s ot Spring Silks, My dan aa Is cs a ORGANDIES ACh Western Nort) Carolina Rail Road. | COUNTRY MERCHANTS. |: aS it at He Je’ os Bree fi ay Ace eae, A EU I a J.R. VOGLER, NEw, Se hr NDSOALES SPR i Hoek CHE AN I Dibs PA Sl OF S275 0 Pie 3 ft, oD Chet bors. A & WMV ite vs ENPEDI yO NS ROUTE arch 20 A 14 ; / ) . ' Poor ff : os 1 oN. Wane we FREIGHT VOR THE I PERIOR OF Nota rh NEWSP WWEAG WE VOLE TION, marten s CVROTIN a Ni ! ht ; 5 ¢ \ 3 : NI \ FeO ee Se Se STP Th Meat TON t i YAN GBODS Nie oh 4) | is baal haw } rt tl 1 mt LAV DAY. Carolina Rail R. Peetcht 28 Warrom Sarees earl eeadeeem : ( « \ oe New York. cit si re Sen hee ya : ae Tro : \ : i ting the ¢ le Neerh F Roo V y . ClikhA Si Jan feth i ey LY on PTVE! up. : s eee ee woe, FT cesta’ fils sci VAY PUR TNE RAI ratte ' ‘ \s : Y COSI HSE: Tu VS : So WwW! to » » 20 ; ‘ ; Senne a ONIN UNE LENT: ene atin i Ae We TK AP ance putin t ONLY ONE bora v Ni | * se Pe Ns a \ \ ipa . (OTT y Dro Negeri t Th q Xihy sae AN ~ fag Wo rT RATE : aes Nile yd . en 0} MA An ‘ ONLY SIX fp . a Wied th, eat Rat WOVIEIC MIBID IE, Tha NS IBIS ey he : . forte Sa DS2 Fe BALE. H.C. VALCOLM ADVERT ‘ ( BAR SHEP anita Neeet ice ; i i Re png DVI T i iN . ANTE i T : PRACTICAL. Ain} CUTER an \ Wh \ I ! Tr J bn) vy TT Pays BARK eet urine aren eae \ ! lee Vt rte; 4 " ‘ ie ! \ a fe (,0bOopo Cod Tran ‘ ih ry" v a dee Ha | > , SSR SaaS Sa. » ave 424 YARD iG M fie ita: 3 VIE ADDON ' ae ity re tin RAINED ie OProw Vier 1 ss ‘ VON Mie vet . ; ee HEADSTONE i [em feat ; LB NON = Te eee i) JAMES HOR AT spe aes Wocl nod ionangn an EADIE Fs ns 1 ; “ a f An ; HP MELAS Sra CTA WATCH-MAKER AND JEWELER, (1888 02 bm me en eo MICTAEL B2 OWN, vases AND AMERICAN MARBLE. owls Cr : . mtd j {\ WE Vi Wid} )\ Wih ne door below HOA A Wephy is Stage, " ee, e : Ha AN SIN Siih Ad WIE IDIS THIS OFFICE, eer om. the same oecup DRUGS, = MEDICINES, § JOS FAS, Lore EEE TRI NIU SELIRIPIE NE TELS) mG L, \ 5 Ss &C » FSIS sk 4 cn \ i ee ae eee eae ee a a i LUNN ly reaees, Breast Pauips. a (psn [yt IME STIC ; SGN LI AND FORELON, y ARP PETIGE, Bore their Stock, , og led by out Leba Wthen business to assure te Cos \. Mauutactarers Articles yompeO aie cha buyers. barriuns mall desenp- SU MT SEU SAM I SSS LUE ey PT AGNES(A, Mustard, G M Ie NAH Woscal Tustruments, 4 | ) UBABELE Tas, Bock, SINGHIOVSS| Chaititne., EXEraGl, ( SORKS, Bottles, Sponge. | NDE, Niet Rose. Prick, XN LDAP Cos yy Miata Clover they are euat SPANDARD Patent Wedicines. Fashionable Perfumery, TOILETTE, ° , PREPARATIONS, &C. &C , the best quar iD MIRY, Rotten Stour, Sa 4 1 AISES, Sulplaucr,Creain Uartary furuished of andatthe oo very lowes pr eat a rie Sad \\V INDOW Glass. Putty, reat nureen es eae ya © RULUW Goie. lain Buck, KOBE Ul PAX ke] Ce), / ; UE Pag l CIDS, Mlevhol, Plaid, Vex frat A A Lhind St, Phiiadly ON cst ' tay Uli sea! YB AN RAIN, Taureed aud Lamp Oude, SALISBURY ZA PSOIES, Buen (nun PFrRMALE SC TOOT. or Pr ee ae Vain Street [Ravine Cnuren : ; ae ga fee fies Mel SITE, Jad, Peo oe EAU UTHER THIS ie BUNT RITES > t {Reavis Tava r eA Ot \\ i Ak Mh Gd : pete AAI 1 ( weit aud Poses xn ( x Now, tt alii Y] vray Mis SOR Suuthdeal, SES CU) pe ae , Other t Hote sanie proportion P q. NS SPIENS \ Speen ar canines weirs . Uk 4b Tin Nt Pear ry Rey , i - ee aee Ae ee une PosMirupeaL | eee ee j , ‘ ion BH whi woh r ON Phe dara By 4 i GNK EA Ww ou of an LIAR PPP Ge LE d i Wi ES 1 § ( ye ‘ FOR SALE, | MY STER sos: | SHR Row Ils . wk of ‘ : ‘ ( : i ( / 1 nile, hiptys, ¢ ' > s Crean Notts, 1. Nacly LB, Hl ~ sted ne ia t / Mt ‘ Vb CALDWELL ee eS Add. dP Sia NG oon . ae. 2 " we Moa a Bread, Cakes, Pies. Xo. de : ~ Me . xX town sr a Gf | M ! ve im) te 6 ' these 1 \I YY 1 | ‘ CELESRATED VEGETABLE NU SS BORER: | he sndomitable AGAIN! pile sspate state at ect at and werent IH. L. ROBARDS, Moonen sees oe WA ee ree ROWAN HOUSE, omy. Salixhburu, NOC, ge ‘ Sh rie : In conghs, si eda GH Hades \ ae ' ' Iwen 1“ i j 4 ) ; uid tt hen i ' edt veehial I re dion ol POUINT COMPORT Phe Certle 7 ' a was first a edt to aon oti Eeanan | CARRIAGES. BUGGIES, we. wo. SOUL, White, h LW WYATT, ; : . Drweraret, ) ae 5 pvt : smi a iam H. Smith, Maninisirator’ s Notice. WW at 4 ) thr Voauforn tes LE pe fia elumes noainet the eatate of es o _ iizaheth f 1 ye e ent them wothin the voserde d bye law, or thin ( vn RIG Md WAR TOUS SON Natt BUSINESS, Ue esa tral ee Can JOHN DOOLEY, Tea plnne Hat and Can Manufacturer, : Ho SU Thats, ¢ Ge / : 7; - ts, ole HANG ed {ress hang in Sa EEF" See re SALISBURY Se ALGRLISS an TUNES U's FP AEAVILIE, SIE MUS SiR. oe 1 Os TAOS ‘ ys } 1 . | LAE TT F 1 ( las e | ; I | I ( yOpS 4 te W i | 1 roy 3 | ; eh ia toa Saint aamecesd MEN boas oe ~ . ‘i : MI Gem Richi Nn . ae os ne aie ll thes He ' an int, that ce i: 1 i) Wi biloi ss crn a | . ved, a eerie Dis M\WHITENEAD @J.& CALDWELL. ey iG ae - Niet few Tne ie eee hoes he Se ae it MARRIAGE LICENSE fed at prisenily Vr Wasrenman.| 200) 22 NallliJ& AV 0 JONES OLTICH THE SPICESOF GOOD LIVING. ii n . P it e r * a 3 3 . & ; F| 2 z Fy Fa . A 3 4 2 3 z 8 J. J. BRUNER, a Corruption in High Places—The Wash- EDITOR AND PROPRIE ington correspondent of the Philadelphia Benes Press tells a remarkable story about the _ = | sale of the Union newspaper establiah- Bingie copy, tt ; ment. We have no means of knowing ee ren | . whether it is true or not; bat as the Clubs exceediug tenvin the same proportion @ Press is democratic, like all the other par- $1.50 each. Payment always in advance | ties mentioned, we decline to believe its ADVERTISING RATES. | tale, and therefore give the substance, as Ue: |) A square is the apace | if occupied by 16 limes of) | TI X ie | / 3 AN ( Jeo VI. Brevier type. Uccasivual renewal | Feelin 1 without additionalcharge ZVETZTR vos | Sek ae granted to those who ad- | /SkSUSES sUoprsewus B vertive regularly through - € -s9sup yous | uy iI follows: : . The Union has been a losing concern, NUMBER 47 because of the withdrawal from it of some | fat jobs of printing, snch as Post Office | blanks, &e., which President Buchanan bestowed elsewhere, in coneequence of j ena en—. the year. | oge fe ° ° . », ser . r . 5 LEEEEese moe sone or oe Devoted to Politics, Wews, Agriculture, Internal Inprovements, Commerce, the Arts and Sciences, Morality, and the Family Circle. ed ets zcresie a be srelnsuee 3 EaES SISA cups g vouucing candidates for . o 2 — o ( nven- Z Eereeec. Welicarroners cnarted —_— tion at Charleston. The profit on those Fe ae arin renee 5 i ne pice LA a cee ene im : jobs is fort fift 5 Sooo meer mrad nae Explanation of the Almanac. From the French. jhour, Monsieur Felix was again at my tations at eighty makes eighteen thtu-| “ We have done great wrong,” rejvin- atte ery ot By) thopeend idole ih OR a Sa cline cn Cetre __ j H to G Rich. | door. jsand france—eay twenty thousand, to ed my friends; “great wrong in what year. EF eek eeSe— sue den and wife, gl each | BYIAECAWMLUERIGRDITAT NG al AS ce | “Monsieur,” said I, “I had no wish for) make a round sain.” | was intended only as fun. It will cause! ‘‘ The sale as I anderstand from a per- = P; a Feceane: scone ‘that house, and did not even think abont) “Ah, twenty thousand france of in- ue mueh sorrow.” son who obtained it from the fountain io advertisements are re nn No ¢ discuunt op aaninrder The banker bowed. eee as quested (u state the num. LECTURE IL—(Continued.) “Nothing can be done without money,” it, when the proprietor came to beg me come ” said 1; when could | receive it!” “On the contrary, I thank you for it.” head, was simply this: Wendell allows SLRSISSS sun & GEES oC KOR ecinr: On tio omen on Gy Sino said George, pettisily ; “Lbad asplendid to purchase it; and it appears that the! “Oh, to-morrow, if you confide the; ‘It is our duty to disavow it; we are| Bowman to assume possession of the Un- weno nae should occupy the least! Pyipiliue, as shown, im the above table, the year Project in my bead, but nobody will lis house is now mine. As it suite you, and | transaction to our house.” | going in public to declare ourselves guil-|ion establishment without paying any SERTAGS S| UIST Minckelworiicluesl | now contained 354 dayen divided among the iwrive teleltO @UCII wipourteluwsas ly) Jany other will do as well for me, Laccept| That of course,” was my rejoinder ; tye purchase money, and in consideration ath eri OLlparcenmieeuetnv Ge | monthe which wake up the year at the present day, We were three frienda, met tevether: your offer.” j what other could inspire me with so yreat| “I entreat you to leave things juet as| thereof, the resident stipulates to give Rare oe tnd charged accordingly | though these munthe did not occur exeetly iv the Dewailing the rigors of fortune, Our la) © You slid! be paid in a fortnight, in) a degree of confidence ?” they are; a few days more credit will|¢he contract for the post o blanks and z228 Bezgprven Bi inees raion. Soll this arrangement did not meet the ditticuty, for this year had 114 days leas thao the eclar year. fu order, therefore, tu reconcile this, Numa ordeted that every other year, after the 23d ol February, there should be ad intercalation of 22 days atone time, aud 23 the other, that is, altermating a Aint : rf) = = . ——~/ @ The following Court and miscellaneous BLANKS are kept on hand for sale, at thus office sent hy tail to any part of the country, at sinall Can be every4wo years with the intercalation of 22 and 23 but that every twelfth year there should be no expeuse, dave, Sull there was confusion in this Com. totake Depo C &&C Apprentice Ladenturee, Lotiera Yestunentary, utercalation at all Civil Warrants, system, the more so as the regulation of the year was lefi to the Priests, who were uot unirequently Wie Tike, Ca 8 C. bribed by tenants, debtors, creditors, d&c., \o make A the year loug or short according as these p reons of parties unght derive advautage from this arbitrary Land Deeds Dreda in Trust, All Bheriff Deeds, Bail Bonds, eri Attihaent Write, Delivery Bonds, power. Thin cheat could be easily carned on. the priests bad tu do, wan, to out or double the d wentations, however, took the turn they usually take among companions whose age does not exceed twenty years. “And I,” said Albert, ‘have finished a work which would create my reputation | could a publisher only be met with will | Ing to undertake the expenses of print) capital for payment, aud therefore wrote|1 had but tive francs left. Sach, howev- ing. “T have asked our principal,” added 1, “to Increase my salary, after four years of assiduous service; and he answered, that of such clerks he could get as many ae le wished tuy 6x bundred francs a year.” | “My dear fellows,” interrupted George, | paper on VParis,” exclaimed the purcha- ser, delighted with my promptitude in buniners. Paper on Paris! 1 was ao little accus- tomed to that currency, as tu imagine that it would be necessary to send to the to a commercial house, the only one whose address | knew, as from that I re- ceived regularly an annuity of five han- dred francs left me by one of my uncles, and which formed a welcome portion of my income. With what impatience [ waited the ex- piration of the time, when I wrote to Will it be believed? in the midst of all these treasures, I felt a certain em- barrassment in asking for a small sum, of which J stuod in the greatest need ; for, Jafter paying the expenses of ny journey, er, was the force of habit, that 1 could scarcely believe myself legitimately pos- sessed of more than my little annuity, which was not yet due. “Dare I ask,” | inquired, with a blosh alinost of shame on my cheeke—‘“can I, without indiscretion beg you to advance me for the moment a sinall enum, which | the executive printing to Wende!l, or some one he may designate. Wendell agrees in turn to pay $20,000 of the profits of these joba, in monthly inetalinents of $1,- 666, The residue of these profits amount- ing to $20,000 or 825,000 per annum, he is to retain ag the purchase money of the seller, Albert, who will print your manu-| Union and is also to diecharge eome po- script.” litical debts incurred by James I, chiefly Truth, however, always comes out.—|in Pennsylvania, in forcing Lecompton Some who were on the watch were sur-|through the House of Representatives, prised that nothing arrived from Marti-jand in the election of October last. Hf, nique ; well advised people shook their| however, the contracts should ever be heads when speaking of me. The edifice|taken from Wendell, by Mr. Buchanan, so quickly raised tumbled down with) then the sale of the Union becomes void, prevent the necessity of displacing my funds.” George and Albert regarded me as completely deranged. “ Come,” said 1, “let us lose no tiine, the carriage is ready ; I will tell you all as we goalong. 1 have spoken toa book- Ad anistration, do Equity ‘ era sat : “although we have ueither the one vor) Monsieurs Hugues and Bergeret that hav-| want on arrival in a strange city f” equal rapidity. and Wendeli again takes poseession of re al sa N tem er dtble Ta ia ry tbe any, W-a-Uays, } . . . . . . . ah ieee ee Nocnienren) ud i Pe perenel i eu a i we the other any bope of making a fortune, ing certain funds to invest I begged their] “Eh, my dear monsieur, my chest is} “ The best of it is, he has ended by fall-|the newspaper property as the real own- @ And many other forms of less frequent uspruic, Blanks tod ty order va short notice ibe regulated ty fio detects of Numa’s arrangemen! soon became Nut i / I} fapparcot Che imonths were gradual'y wy far removed } | trou heir plated seasons, that the winter mouths | k iL 9) were cared back iniy autumn, aud the autumn uit their selfish purposes.) could credit of neh To what good € asked I. “Tt vives one a position in the world a we bot yet the being laryve Inheritance augments the considera oni which we are held—every thing advice as to the safest mode. lt appear- ed that the words “certain funds” have very different acceptations in commerce, according to the name and position of him who uses them. The news of my inheri tance must have reached Paris. Certain entirely at your disposal. How much do you want—three, fuur—ten thousand trance ¢” | “I do not ask so much; a thousand | will be sutticient.” “Will you have it in gold or notes i— ing into the suare which he laid for oth- ers. Four my part, I never believed in it.” I comprehended that the storm had broken out, on finding one day a dozen notes on my table. They were all near- ly in the style of the first I opened. er. Therefore there is really no sale of the property of the Union, but that it has only been rented to Mr. Buchanan, thro’ Gen. Bowman, by Mr. Wendell, Mr. Bue- hanan having stipulated to pay the rent (twenty or twenty-five thousand dollars | months into sun i d about SU years after th +5 e A . sane i . - OR lee Pree alice a hoa : ag 7 fae | becomer casy. funds, situated as I was, was a modest | Call the cashier. May I beg you,” said] “Mr. Grignon presents his respectful|« year) out of the public treasury, in the \ of Christ, the difference amounted ty 67 | oe : : ; : é SUPERPHOSPHATE OF LIME. | “LE remember,” was my answer, Shay manner of specifying a considerable sum {the banker, leading the way as 1 rose to) compliments to Mr. Meran, and haviny| way of contracts. “ Julius Cesar, Dictator of Rome, was very anxious ie ing heard an omy chidhood of a cousin at least I supposed s0—on receiving in depart, “may I beg you to continue your an urgent need of money, begs that he} Attorney General Black drew up the < I agne ee ented cd o ‘ , e sed to or - . ee 3 5 , : oof [te snes TUNED : ore eri pee co aerial ciel : oo sae “ who went to Jamaica or Martinique, and answer from the firm that my letter bad | geod will to oar house | will be 80 youd as to pay, in the course| papers in thie flagrant bargain. The rest or vus Valuable Fe | rempectfu ve! the Ing coulurion by aboliehing (heiuiercalatious cs : ’ J baleee : : : 4 : 5 it a tention of | in ae 4 a ne Laneaie ae we ate der never reluried been received just before the close of the} ‘* Certainly, monsieur—yoa well de-/ of the day, the little account which be has} of the Cabinet were ignorant of the whole | mow © aceon pl: hi ded yy da 5 3 } ey ; i i ” . , 8 FARMERS Halen epee ie AR, cimdh mers “Els col “Thatis just what we want; we will Cortes loan, in which they had purchase |}serve it,” I replied, with a confidence | the honor to enclose. transaction. When it was discovered, ned : Y | : bring this cousin to life, or rather we will to the amount of twenty thousand dollars; | which the certainty of possessing an in: | My answers were all alike—“M. Meran/their M@elings, it is said were awfal, but ned »the same, ferling sausfied they will find it to their) as, accordiug to Numa systeus, (here was, at that 5 i ’ : E \ . : | Lice AU auscnilErnelScdeat, Paruvicultiueai esis ica ctentee carton tigated aa ieslitebeli mice hill tim. Yes; Jacques Martingue, thatafd thoaght it too much, a large pro-|come of twenty thousand francs began to thanks Mr. Grignon for the bill which) ouly found vent through Hughes, the out- properties are much more lamang, aud aire BULB | ocicted, the year amounted te no fear than 445 daye, (CANINE WRU ar plantation, fifty slaves— fit might be immediately realized, as the | give me. ; | has been 80 long asked for, and sends the | going editor, who, Sampson-like tried to i. Nese and the growth ofall re en an the uawal year, From tH short, @ tertune valued at two uilion stock lad gone up. A postcript, in the “There is yet one favor which I wish amount. pull down the hoase. a eee a Uealealcdwenladaienicneth roel (iielcrreumstanee tiwaslcalledentercun/uemmreni a ctlice- ti (OMNIS CUCACECOUsIt Louis hand of the principal congratulated me|to ask,” said M. Bergeret, “you are not} One letter only contained no request - __ the necessity of Manure in general aud shall pase) the year uf cuufumon. (This was a long leap year, | Meran, trom attachment to the vbame.” on my accession of fortune. acqnainted with Paris; you have, per-| for money; it was from a friend whom AN AFFECTING INCIDENT. over Wy the question vol lex inportant tothe mterest® | aay would, perhaps, have suited the ladiea better, We laughed heartily at the joke, of; Twenty thousand dollars! The letter | haps, but very few relatives here—come | I had almost forgotten. Fearing that | : a cima ao cae Be eae emis Bes eee than our modern ones. But we are free to give eae WHICH | thonght no mere; but my two fell from my hands; the amount frighten: | and take a family dinner with us to-day ;'/ tad been duped, he wrote to lend me tive Recently, a small lad not apparently 18 the inost powe , apted to the gro 0 A See y : eiaer ta Ae pant Nien : ® our opimon. that ifthe ladies take wnne therheads, rechless trends, George and Albert, ed me. I wrote instantly to my corres: |my wife will be delighted to make your| hundred franes, should I wish to remove | over ten years of age, knocked at the of- ra [ein uiust evident thit that wail will be most and! (hey cau eccompheh their purposes as cov aw the spread abroad the tale, when we broke pondents, informing them that so large a| acquaintance w from a place where so many rumors were | fice door of the jail, and asked permission is peemeveutly enneted, to which Manure returos all ’ entiemen, if net soover Chose subsiavers that are withdrawn by each crop; 8 aud by comparing now all Kuown and so much praised | kids of Manures, teat none of them answers fully to the expectations | With the aid of > wigenes, ab eM cut astronomer we must eome to the couclumoa of Alexandria, Julius tastituted a year of Sbo day> end 6 hours; but tie fractional part ot the doy wae of facmers and (o what they chau to be Barn-yar to be omitted in the reckourng vot i would amount Up, Wilh all the seriousness lmayinable. The next day people came to compli It wal, of course. be under steod that T disavowed all catse > but no two tment me, one would beheve tme—my trends suin went beyond my means, adding that no remittances having been received from Martinique, as they supposed, | was una: re to satiefy their clatns The answer came ina day or two, sta- “With the greatest pleasnre.” circulated prejudicial to my character.— “We dine at six; if you have no en-| My reply gave the necessary explanation, gagemient for the evening, we shall have) which 1 coneluded—* I am rich, not by a tew friends, and lope you will stay.” /an inheritance in which I never believed, ‘There are few moments which I remem-| but because it was determined, in spite of of Mr. Mclean to visit his father who was confined within. His form was slight and fragile, and but illy defended from the cold by a few scanty rags. Pov- Manure, owing te the neylyeney by which 108 aso ‘ : Hee 5 5 5 { chenit paftc the awe. wasted, appears in the 24 hours, and then ty be titeresttd, whieh bad attivined the trath of the report. du ting that as [did not appear to have con- | ber with more satisfaction than those of|my protestations, that 1 should be rich ;)erty was depicted in every feature—his i pol asinere atrow oor woottibre, and is therefore | made the fou th year to conmst of 366 days, and the vain did 1 assert that it Was all a joke.— | tidence in the Cortes loan, they had sold | my leaving M. Bergeret’s house. I be-/and | have, in reality, been made very clicekeollowfandiwantaslifathonrer Heer Cisee UL Lele en \ others 365 ‘Thiw ve called the Julian year” Lo the Muny remembered my cousin Jacques; outimy stuck at a profit of eighty thou | gan to beheve in the reality of my for |rich; I scarcely know how. This ie what j of life had f k h a Guano possesses a greal digadvantage in not con. | os : - ‘ - A 4 iu i R. tas eae Ty veut Mineral Substances,| Roma calendar, the intercalaed day was placed seine had actually seen hin embark at sand francs were always slow in coming | tune, and had a thousand francs in my|I would wish you to say to those who) 7° O WEE TORO WES TNO woud requinng @ nue. caretul manipulation, as by the [alter the bth (sextas uf the calends of Mareh, avd) Nantes i L7S¥. Among the number of from the distant plantations ; in the ente- pocket—a pleasure which had never be-| talk of me. request was acceded to, and passing cw fd solubiliy of Ammonu, caused by the de-| therefore called bresextus; heuce the phrase biseex |tiene Visits Was oe Not the most agreed: pm, my siynature would furnish me with [tore happened to me. The fifty golden] 1 owe more of that fortune to my sin-| through the outer entrance he paused be- wn of Une Acid, instead of enriching the | i y 8g i Pp Aap Taine io Gao cher cupoveriahed | WH yi GUNS ECD Jive. With the whim ofa young man, Lali the money LT could want. The pros- Napoleons gave me an extraordinary im-| gular situation, since it has assured ine/fore the ponderous grated door within, membre | According to thie ayatem Junmary, Wareh, May. | tad some tive previously ordered a frock pectus of a German bank was inclosed, in| pulse; in fact, I stood in yreat need of} of a friend apoo whom I may count in ad-| ang extending hie hands, throngh the } According to chemical theory and toallexpenenee July, August, October and December, have each 31 coatin the uew fasbien without having which fifty sharcs bad been secured for|them. — Possessor of twenty thousand | versity, should it ever visit me. For Anois ns i a B = ‘ . | o o ure as e ent or 5 é 7 : ) , hy prseticn ia ur Manure a - ie Be | days, and Apel Jane, September and November the iueans of payment; the parnient was ine tranes of income, I was obliged, on my |another week 1 was the subject of con- | pening GaN UO CT OAR F Uueulivated wo, a8 i one einpoy tiabe | , ’ : ; : | ‘ , : we Hite E may Can hi Fenn to thecal al aabetcoees ne Perrh 30, whine February haw 2m, but an leap year wort out and T yet owed half the bill. Kichty thonaand tranes! Either Lun-jarrival in Paris, to leave my trunk at the] versation. ‘ Ile has been fortunate, 1f,ODe of the motley group shat ap withio nat * " i : ¢ lee : | ‘ i : a . . . . | : = cecears forthe growth aud yreld of the planta, ina 2 @.ye Hence the school boy's table | Tuere had been torsemetime acoolness be derstood nothing of commercial matter ;|ottice of the diligence, not having the] you will; but I say be isa clever fellow ; | as “Father.” The lad deeply felt fur the af erie eo iliiauionitniet fits fir cali okies Ain todnhreleveninmul iad nxth hiween my erediter and myself, whese rin oor the clerk had written one or two|teans of paying for a lodging. I now! who has known how to take advantage | parent's disgrace and casting his eyes Gou, nour shag them with Nitrogen, disedved from | . fi 1 5 rar . ips me : ma [4 y ss cooe Ton dedbe [ice Lah Wie ienonen) Aurion 4 Have thirty duys to each affixed ; portunities TP wished to avoid, “The ru nenghtstoo many. My sitaation became hastened to redeem it, and afterwards) of circumstances, it is not everyb Y| downward remained for a length of time . 1. considerably secelerates wud wife the regular bat| And every other thirty-one, torot the legacy made tim hasten to embarrassing. [was overwhelmed with {took a coach to the first hotel pointed ont} who could man@uvre in this way. ivediandinctalstatneeandecnt A " a x a y arouse ae sow and inated fluence of the wir, ran and other] Ear: pt the second month alone, jfind me. Such was the penalty 1 paid congratulations, especially when Ll puton | to me, where I established myself in a For wy part, 1 was for a moment} by him within asking in a gruff voice rleorologie sl oye nts ‘ . - “ | ay, ones ; ares Hy “ ie ate . lan " e . meen) v ’ ( a by AN aie inantralices (healt pesndmecureanb=|| Which har but twenty -right in fine, ton the foolinl pledsantry of uy tt ien Is. ny new suit of black. ; The editor of the | bandsome apartinent, and pat on my suit} tempted to applaud my own genius, yet | “What do you want?” Starting ap, but ait stance sofa fresh uncultivated soil, subsrances eumu- | Till teap-yeur gives it twenty-nine | “Good day, Monsieur Matthien,” said newspaper thought: himself obliged to) of tuourning. 1 arrived with so much fa little reflection convinced me that tal- atill hold on to the hand, the lad eaid in : eutal to the cul- | as s i t CTE SEW Tir? 5 COiini ac || : y 4 Jerveret’s ile a] i i ; alae tia eee bie ae trimental to the cul fh in ccOY con) woncoomEn clad Gill bo oboe Il, mud pote eiibarrassment, ns heet = give a biography of my cousin Jacquie: .} punctuality : at M. Ve ace ae via pee to do with i 1 quietly sweet but almost heart-broken accent, ee Dine picenlonie iis ly dur Manure, by their] Searand which nots or how long 1 will be from any ped, you are come for the titty tranes © and asked me for additional particulars. | scarcely lac time to finish telling my his-}took my place in society as the possessor “Father, Mother’s dead.” The words | chemical combination with the cide ot the wal, be-| particular year tll a leap-year occurs, Any year, | ‘Dees Monsieur inane that Tam | was besieged with annoying questions, | tory to his wife. She, however, had beard of twenty thousand trances of income, and PT iM omaMel ariel omcriniiialmerne , Cone soluble i water, and wapply all gon @rowiog | which being divided by 4 will leave no remainder thinking of such a trifle ¢ Nos at was for Tn what way would [furnish ny house ¢@) enough to cause me to be received as a/still keep it. ‘anddenly transformed into a loving hns- ‘ . a : ‘ J iis plan PAs, Salvin Aus ats i qi up CRE a sn (i a bemenceiey oid) dic: reamcnibe nm cae dears (UU Canenst vine ( what would L do for public establish-) trend of the house. Every one did the, Moralizing on my sudden change of bond and father; bis head sank upon hie y yonmable for oduction of a ne 0 : AAS oni ” , i ae A TT é : 5 c 9 : cude Manure: nenaed vi dead suumate, bleed. offu,[son will show how many years have elapsed ence af What wourning t ments! Some benevolent ladies wrote /amiable tomes Lmeta beantifal woman, | position, [can only look upon it #8 One| 5 ogom, and he realized in a moment his te, and raw bones, represents the following aualyam,|leap-vear oecurred ; thiaremaincer, being steeiiseicdl “The mourning for yonr cousib, tone to recommend to my notice the institu.) and overheard whispered remarks made | of those strange treaks of fortune which | Gouraded situation, Tears thick and fast Ve faficlWepeokal(ar itee (vin an frou the divided year, will show which woe the last | Sietr—the mourning of an her atlaw ¢ tions under their guardianship. 1 was / upon me—modest bearing, great skill, | all the world alluws to be 80 unaccounta- | tlie first, perhaps, for many a year— ea | (ese De at lame, 7 si ie nh Pre) apeyear, und 4 bemg added to thie wil show when) Without doubt you want a complete ruined in postages; for, in the midst of j splendid business talents # Thus, when | ble. Auwediac wn Nischeakeand turning Anant ' au Sulphate oo! Amie, - - E 7 ' | ‘eens Matter yielding Ammonia, - 45 the next one occurs For example, take the year suit.” ; —alliny riches, whether real or imaginary | M. Bergeret entreated me to regard his — ive motioned his boy away. Sorrowfally nm NGuinniteetits oo P : 7% | 1s60: and In60A4=465, with a remainder, whieh) At this time, Monsieur Matthieu, it [had no money. Fortunately, from the [house as iny own, 1 promised willingly, mp acEny ihe left to wander back, to keep alone ay tie Tn-sluble soda me eee 5 shows that the year IN60 ie a leap-year, Again, would be impossible.” finoment I was held to be rich, not one although | could profit: but little by the A TRAGEDY. | through tlre night a weary vigil by the ; b ot al Mie L Sulphate : ; | ; Soluble Ba ie 5 a uly 19 take the year IN62: and 1N6244=465, wih 2ofa) SL hope monsicur does not think of would take a sou from me, and trades-|invitation. Madame Hughes would have Om Gotan coaninys Ima. Ciencias die mmdiass ear eae bs ore a, &C, hl > bia es = | . . pse.— en Water and Lows . 2 ee Rf remainder; hence 1X62 2—=1r60, and In6242= | with drawing lis favors trom me, Coat, men courted the honor of giving me cred- | me to dine, when 1 met with other intro-| , iva i al oe, | eS jor iH i a . « & 7 ot 7 " u , i very | ————— } is; showing that IN6U and IN64 are both Ieap- | vest, and pataloous black, frock aud dark it, |ductions and invitations. I was taken to]? C'0Ck, our well ordere’ City was thrown | Pd} | . P a es ti y sraveud: | Be? selnone: j bronze for the mourning.” At last I decided on going to Paris.—|the theatre and to parties. Now that ]|!nto a state of excitement, by the occur- | SR ache } Rvery one of our customers having foundour Wnt) Bucy thie aystem there waratllanerror Twas) st tell you again I have not yet receiv: Immediately on arrival, | went to my|was rich, 1 could almost have contined|rence of the death of Mr. J. L. Greco, ‘IC “UE mn { tre what we represent it te be:—aneneelient Wan : ; ; eee MD i ) y , | ; ’ 4 '. aud TCLERING| tn ores Ca lent ori. oe menumilm| OS Eames Ue Vipihaeairte were gradually | .)|—— bankers, who received me a3 the inheri|my expenses to some few presents and| Chief Engineer of the F. A. & G.C. Rail) [Little or no attention has been devo- See with th fullest confidence to every intelinge nt fermen creeping away trom the 21et of March and Srptem- “Tentreat) monsieur not to apeak of tor of great wealth fees. 2 f ° . ra : ; ui nee e g alth, . : Road, by the hands of Mr. ALrrep Sears, {ted to this subject in our country, and suf olantation owner who wants to secure tohunsel{) ber The day wae intercalated too soon, that@ | iiney at will come soon enough,” add) “IL regret,” said Mr. Berget, “that you Meantime my two friends, George and Vea sas z a Wa . . = nvaluable crop 900 ty 400 paunds per acre Dace} itereniated before a whele day had been geneds | od tie tailor, who bad already taken out frosted th N) indi | tforthe stock Albert, had heard with alarm of tie suc also a Civil Engineer, and who is widely) yet tt 18 one which shonld not be treated : ee ee vd the tale oO fae . uaken o lr tste ‘ au, aptock |: , ae i uli eerie é fre iy increased the yield of the crop fifty 4 ieee Pen euiicinettteresdlaiten mrmulimere —] : ’ Ay ‘ (I) ro Le the Opant u oat, Tor the Brock | iy a Lnoentinitiie Statelfromalienonnencon: with indifference. In England there are what cout | [bis scissors, and passed histicasurearound bas again gone up. No matter, howev- | cess of their report, the truth of which se } fi F Sous 4 fi Batak an thie OyeI| a!) vatned only 5 hours, 4% inmuter, and 5 eee ’ ' , 4 ; ' several large factories where it is made Ste Pemimoninte and Pamphlets te be had at the | ) finy Watet. ers you have some lett. they dared no longer deny. They had} nection with the Fernandina Rail Road. 5 ; a Tene oedeee tal Geune ttl W RAEDER, Ve sili tour yeura would gain only 23h |p 7 . fie ‘ . . hl fev (eave int Na for P : for ocean steamers especially; and if hem Gowravee Lreaa, Salebory, NC | 154, is wee Hence the intercalated day wae TE OD A GS OOM & Will you have the goodness, monsienr,” | been frightened by my departure for Pa-) From all that we can gather, there had) sound to be a profitable business there, ean Chemist duel read tw by ddan. 12 see every fouryenre Clothes, and permitted bin to continue. said J, *to tell me precisely how much all [pres which all the world attributed to dif | ygen sume matter of offence between the| we do not see why it may not be made I at cweure. utineansdtees exten ati mouied Grietlat No sooner was he gone than another in’ these funds are worth which you have | ficulties in the liquidation of my debts, rentlemen, and npon meeting after tea| here. It is generally composed of coal mode 4 ale this tucker a of col e + al 7% ri . . u =f . J bd BOOK BINDING AGENCY, ; dividual entered, who immediately be bought for me ¢ | and teared that | had suffered myself to|®> ’ Hed . & . 2 one day bu ALD 150, thie tose had amounted to & tar mixed with saw-dust aud coal-dust . : . a P P | on the above evening in the office of the co st, IN SALISBURY. . A Sree Sa ei erieaaveiancenre eee “The calculation is easy. Twenty) be deceived by what was concerted be- S 1 d a sy a ten days, and Pope Gregory XUL, attempted to rei ” 5 ) : ; Judson House, Mr. Sears drew a repea- | 4ll heate: together and then pressed into HAVE the pleasure to inform the public. that TV} dy the evil by a new expedient. “Thin was, to drop | My dear monsiear, you must do mea thousand dollars, at eo much the Ccullar| tween us merely a joke. : ae af P ; ) I? Py » . . }oomy 4 Parig.| ter and tired two loads upon the deceas- , $4uare blocks. ine coal and saw-dust have made arrangenents with Wed. J BROSER | terealaiory day every 100th year, excepting reat service. Buy my house. You are —and the sum already paid. If you sell Three days after my return from Paris, ; titmcwonldiethenmset| reread ia Sahabury, to receive and forward tome, orders in } Sener Nas ae Wee ‘ He senes : . rath i their|ed, and passing through the heart, caused | Mat wourd otherwise be considere waste, shabury, 1 ; Re Gulith) (liv chenuiancveer bated time rich, Very rich—you want real estate.— to-day, you will put about two hundred) my faithful servant announced their|°\» : ’ 1 . . iy lina of-basheassandiie deliver: hiihed work tojjeach Mlllihis By athe -uiia + compute ‘ ; Ae ates “ BD | a . /|his death almost instantly. are thus converted into a useful fuel, ca- those ordering through hin. All work sent to me {loses Lin 3 see a year, which makes about 19 } itty thousand francs are nothing tor you” and twenty thousand francs into your | names, Let them coine In, was my Bev aralinecconalcore iniresentabutrtie pable of being packed neatly and carried eof throngh hia Agency, aball receive prompt attention. | houre in 100 years; dropping the intercalary day on) —ouly halt of your income; and: at pres pocket.” reply ; for I did not receive all the world. ffai pe a } Pee ‘I ikea any distanee.—Scientific American pre and be executed with exnetnese and care, both a@ te] 1 WoQih makes up the lows of 19 hours, and gives sent lam in urgent want of money. 1 I opened both my ears. On seeing my handsome time-piece and | fair was 80 unexpected and quickly over, th ] datyle, and on as low terme as Bindin ‘ s ae , I : | 5 : that no one was apprised that any eerions es ™ | Peyoul ele aipenks part of the country Bias a gnin of about S hours; droppug ton the se- expected Monsieur Felix to buy it; but! “You say, monsieur, two hundred and! gilt candelabra, and the new furniture fica a0e lie pet J RETIN one cas be obtaln ‘ ’ i : : Bolte e. 7 me < ; r Bl k Books, Ledgers, &o cond and third 100th years. given a gain of 15 hours | he does not decide, and To have seme twenty thousand, Are you quite cer with which I had decorated my apart aes ae on a a ne Charles Lamb's Disgust.—Charlee Lamb ie | an ° 2 §' 3 YD Jin 300 years. Tf now now on the fourth 100th year, | pressiby enyayeruents to settle. tun?” ment, they opened their eyes in conster- | ter Mr. Gregg Tell, aca, who 18) said to bave had an uncompromising disgust for aa For Clerks of Courta, Reqiatera, of for the use of ine ntercatnry day be inmerted, the loes will be only |] vay your louse ¢ what forly 1” | <Agcertain as any one can be withina! nation. jsaid to have been quite cool in the mat-| two things—roast pork and tobacco. He said Me chante, Ratload of Manutacturing Companies, | of es pore | ® ss ‘ Ae P oes ‘te ant f ftice shen | laced | if} wr fic he devil bonieee GeGbo ireecinm cine) chen. | Cele) iio oti ci iicrons SD er. BRYN SEAS yin trolly Itisasafeinvestinent. few hundred francs.” | There is much difficulty in gaining! be a SSA a feat) oa ial nl I be ae ‘ te abel’ wh lees pany every order Ks [thie method the difference can ooly amount toa day) After some repairs, in two years it will I did not wish to appear too mach the adtnission here,” said Albert. himeelf ee the friendly oe eee ye See pe Si ee ; ‘ DAVID ¢ eae ee 2500 yeare Ta thin wystem, called the Gregorian! ie worth donble. T have your words"! novies and replied “Yes; Iam besieged by persons with seers oe was soon in CUstuc 2 of the . a 18 not 8! what be thought of sheep e 59: a . « 8 are = oS ks pes - . . . : ae | 2 y 2 eal. Feb 29th, 1R59 m | Calendar, the years 1600, 2000, 2400, are invercalary; | and he lett without giving me time to “That is well. You spoke, also of ALall sorts of solicitation and projects ; but! * ee 4 18 ae dee that are 7 7 ay Al oy Ales oF and the yeurs 1700, 1X00, 1900, 2100, 2200, 2300, | re rly. Hanke you, m dear friends you will be always afloat upon this un 1appy at alr, we for- , won ; ; ; . ecw N CW WOOdS ;! : . ; : Bart: Aen | bear to notice, as Mr. Sears is vow in pri-}| “Golden” Wedding.—Col. Seaton of Wash- hey We i. a Wo! &e, are not. | So well did he propagate a report of “Yes the establishment of this bank welcome. You are come just in time to °° 1 CQ oe ; 1 : ; lebratad ul fe ae ds, Thursd: ~ ‘ ‘ . . fay i se : INVITE son, and our Court in sessiob, and we ex: | ington, celebrated, with a few frends, nursday we safe RES TRULLY INV . PHE ATTONION OF THE PUBLIC TO OUB Spain, Portogal and Italy, and during the same year The Gregorian year wax immediately adopted in) 1) purchase, that in two hours afterwards Mousieur Felix caine to me in a great has met with some difficulties; bat the affair is not less good; we are on the accompany me to an estate which I have some thoughts of purchasing. It is nota pect a//7 the facts will be brought out that! night, bis golden wedding, baving been married | : 4 : ; i } fifty ve d for about th . clad | , ae : pied 3 if F : ‘ . ‘ ’ » leg » y years, and for about that period connec , ja France In Catholic Germany it war adopted in yep. Apparently out of lamor eve of terminating it, and the serip is’ large affair-one Nindred thousand trance: lavcrleautorttis exd affair. Mr. Gregg Re Sees aaci pe: U = [15535 in Protestant Germany and Denmark 917005) ya ave cut the grass from under well ip” 5 na eae lth Ue eoiaidiscancclofial enid| wae much esteemed in this community 1 the National Intelligencer. ‘ =, ane fopte rain how ss ee = 5 3 ’ . 4 Peis 4 fea ; | \ a Sweden 7 cA paliy Puulend a iwaeeadopios sy! ny feet, monssteur,” said he, on entermng “Could that script also be sold ? I George, with a sigmiticant jerk of his by many te and has bee ae sud. | : : ae 179. by act of Partament, directing the 3d of Sep Cannot do without that house, and inquired. land jdenly cut off in the prime of life from a DR.SANFORD’S LIVER INVIGORATOR. s [tember to be atvled the 14th. ae computed time had lost D1 daya. This wae called the change from Old to New Mtyle The Julian method hae been relinquished every SPRING STOCK, thongh it was already mine, as 1 had made an offer of forty-nine thousand francs, believing that the owner would surely Come to my terme, Bat there 5 “You hold fifty shares,” replied the banker, “which have advanced four hun dred and fitty florins, making altogether nearly sixty thousand trance.” “Two leagues only; carriag you un my “Your carriage!" “ My carriage !” but I will take Wife and two children, who are made to! Tt has become an established fact that Dr. Sanford’s Tnvigerator will cure Laver Complaint, Jaundice and general debihty. Many people, personally known to ue, whege word cannot be doubted, have given their cerufeates to prove this aud with such a mass of (feel the terrible blow fallen upon them, | The body of Mr. Gregg was placed on the Steamer St. JuAns, ou Monday last, where except in the Greek and Amencen Churcher; |, (, hope of starving you into an agree “Altuough as yet 1 lave paid noth “You have a carriage i be AG ee Ko ag a wud Adis! ra cae sone Gambon cm ee 4 the difference in ime now amoynte to 12 days is : ‘ A aa = “ es a rome, Massachusetts, le being also of tie traty the invahds fnend, and will gve rehe Just opened.—consisting of “ eee Bs a eal On ra ment, a, without further preamble, I ing ¢ Yes, and two dapple gray horaes, ee an Mee lee pe when al, other remedies fail, and in some instances STAPLE & FANCY ORY 60008 / iris oat ain 4 come to offer you an advance of fifteen “Without a doubt,” was the answer. which | brought from Paris; as yet 1 ae = et i that hove come under our own observation it seemed regular Almunac wae published in Nuremberg, 1476 thousand franes dponm your bargain 7 “That is singular, but since you say have no saddle-horse, that being more to them when this unfortunate calamity une means of anatching ite vietim from the grave — Ml] ‘ ler Tow ted in Lat dembraced : . ” overtook Ww sh all of or d d medicine would Hl A 1 s by John Miller wae printed in Latin, and embraced Fitteen thousand frances coming—l go. L eulmit. I should ike to make a ditticnlt to find »pvertook him, Se ™ nalts ar autos nila rage medicin cl 9 a period of 30 years A copy of thee Almanac was y ji 1 rt] Both these gentlemen had been, cou youe bottle, for it will surely give reliel— True N N kK T S ? knew not tow --toome, who bad sotnch gate investment of the whole, will you My two frends retired to one of the 2 ’ Apttican t B ONNAK o, wold for 12 dncate—25 dollare, The wnount Almanac ' fib diay cannninye aight hondred ‘part ee: uf Wh : comdloces, wien flem otugmrad Go ans Piece, but a short tine in Florida Re wonlwy Arrieios - appeared firatin 1546, by Dr John Volmer, in Ham. TUUIIG IN ERTS my eight th be so kind as to apeerfy one ‘ | Sold by , Saliebory m4 r another, looking all the time very lngu Jacksonville ( fla.) Standard we Boots and Shoes, burg francs of salary merely rk to the registry of Our five per cents, Monsieur —our 7 we RE {DY MADE CLOTHING oe the courte of law! Although but hte: five per cents I know of nothing safer. brious oe Dea JC Aven, the world renowned Chemist of es ; ‘KERY & mei! acquainted with business, I saw the ad- At the present rate the yain will be six “Dear Louis,” they said, “you know TRAY. ne dee call qoute Mle, dk to hig Ne® Engiand, oe now stopping at the Burnet House CROC } It ianaid that one reason why Mr. Buch vantage to be derived from my position, Lean easily understand that all these it- that voor cousin is not dead t fenaye Pir hee eadls tea ppeatoded ‘a. , is ate ie been pak ine atourofthe W a : : me ay, . ~ ' , ft ern Stites, with his serentific mesuciates, bo inv eatts ard (O R O Cc E R 1 E S ’ anan declined to call an extra session, and replied — tle matters worry you, You will seoo I don't know of 4 be are Pe AID nee took you for a jewel of a woman, but you gate their remedial productions, or such as he oan 8 “Ttis impossible, monsiear, for me to have to deal with much larger sume a not very certain that he ever livec have turned out ouly a bit ef matrimonial make remedial We noties he hae been recrived v's hich ‘ Cagh or on short ow PBI » members|. u : ae i hed CULE OLY, pee sie ile eumaon a pean ora the apprehension that the | give You an answer at this moment; re “By placing all that Lhold inthe five You know that this story about your jaste.” with marked distinovan by our leading cuimens of tbe ary , ! cHB 1 March 29, 1859 44 would vote themselves extra pay, and MARRIAGE LICENSE ‘the treasury is in no condition at this FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE time to meot another Congressional draft, | turn at five o'clock, mean time [will con sider the matter.” per cents, T ehould have an income of “That is soon reckoned. Three hun inheritance is all a joke t” Tam persuaded that only you and I At a quarter before the appointed | dred thousgud ur thereabonts, the qno-| believe so,” was ny answer. Weet and are reyotoed to find they have showa @ proper estimate of the man who hae perhaps done more tor the reliefot har le than any other Amen- \to you as long as | live.” can —Darly Journal, Cincinnats, Ome. “Then, my love,” was Uke reply, “console yourself that its very adbeave, for Yowill stick IMPROVEMENT OF OUR COM. REA MERCE Waile the sales ingident to the spring al trade jn wos ¢ity lave been unasually Laree, the external conuuerce is still wore MOVEMENTS. that the rise in the ESTATE We stated recen ue of building lots inthe environs of, Se ree i es Sate as ae contra tal ace is left remain- year, there were 1546 aerivals at iis _ > lage to accominedare the : population. Lo port, against 614 fer the corresponding mouth of the last year. The iaproce- ment is most manifest in the coasting trade, us will be seen by the following: Abie corstwise at Poiladedpiia, to: show that the consideration does operate we extract from the No York Com mercial Advertiser the suljjoined conden there, sation af @ Communication which apy peat From the Fuyetieville Observer The Power and the Duty of the Press. —There is great trath and foree in the New York gity was based on the enat- su bjuined Pemarks of the Washington tous area eeenpled by the Central Park, Union, on the impropriety of publishing) whieh ais ght be given them now, the details of crime and immorality like-’ ly to be brought out inthe pending trial of Sickles. We do whether their publication at this tig is hot stop to Inquire indpoed hy a desire te screen Sickles aud \ hatever tae 3 friends in high plices. W oy y - ri , x arch of this vear, 22093 ditto tor Marcel ne (hetieeNewey ork Council ik nya v¢ Uniow’s motive, it rebukes a terrible of Tat your HOG tuctease BSL 5 equal to Lowen: ‘ . i Coty COA SSS which is doin more to corrupt the wuch more than a dealing of the coast: : ing trade. In the bulk, tue, of the ten “AN writer in a tvorning paper says public taste and vithute the public morals, nage, us well asin The mumber of the ae Meat oneluding Central Pack there are than all other causes combined. There = 38S.00Lb lots between 42 Land Li6th streets Decueting Lu percent. of these t rivals Gonstw ise, Ute increase is Duc Maech of tuis year, there artived Comstwise, ane slip, ten barqucs, brige. tour lutelicd and terty roar schoon ere, four bendrcd and thirty tive el one biindred and three voother twelve purposes than dwelunges, and allow sng seven persons to each of the dots remain tye (34,798) there is roo for 243.550 tn Brom 1545 te 1855 the pop 258,651.— WIth ete aver and TUDES Ee growth for the will be comp Tete steamers, eleven labitants, barges, anid tour huudied and three boats ; Wile ie March, Jost CudstWise, whe slip, tive barques, cyht ft briga, two hundved and egtity Neat len years, Beboeners, one hundred and twenty-four ly inproved and occupied te taurlems, sloops, forty-ehrit eteaiers, Toon and cue laindrod aud ninety-cight beats. it Hie © Thus there bias been au increase of one the civ reaned Honee the weiter co Vilation of voar, there arryctl Yudes, four, the city s,s Will be seen, Glation, tor though the popu Brow as stated, the expansion ofthe binlding area does not keep pace and neve The ef the build Hues atieady erected, and what mose aids ong barge, PCG CaO lation dows slip, tive barques, tour briges, one liu dred and staty steamers, exclusive of the sloops, bares aud boate. schooners, and tity five worl at, y hag done se. tect ds to crowd inere densely Uhese barles und beats are ehygaped tu the canal commerce to distabt ta doiy this ts the exhorbitant value tix places. Stew canal boats ply regularly cd on real estate, which cripples Vaiteliigr tu Mibany, ivy, New York, Harttord, Daluiaiere, Pperalions uratertally, as there is to Aloandria and otler places, ground rent In Voxug in New arpes and boats are concerned York, and aiuan who wants to build a house nrast buy the ground outright Tr Is, Uherelore, syotet and the In othe: eee of trade equally valua- Lle of no special advantage te Lhe torcign trade of this city evitces the community that the value of these also some movement. For March, this ciipty lots rises so fast. Bail Ting is not year, there arrived forty-seven vessels cneouraged by its Way, it ig discour: wed; from forego ports, ayaipet forty-sex for and whale ey Gerlniurgitre bavi td sel! ake last year. The tendency, as shown by the figures, seems to be to Mise spaces hey have bo ditention of tin the people fave to hive ino un Wholesomely crowded tenements, INCredee Proving, the uumber ot bargues and brigs in our Hieatls foreign commerce, and diminish the nun Der of shape aud echooners. No ides of the prosperity of this branch of our busi tir to the detriment of the Lealth of the cits ye tutadely: hia there exists ne reason people to tear the scarcity of building nese cal be pathered from these figures. lots. ‘The town las an pie roontonmevery Acmoeh better motion may be formed’ side to expand lu any size required by th from the reular statements of unports.— coud.tion of its prosperity, wud itdoes, a Sine¢ the tiret of January Chere has been this tine, cower a tue fareer area, and en werease of 20434 bass of coffee, of Contain many were buiidtngs than any Gipect Upportation tom Tho de Janeno ety on the Aimeriean content. Wath and other ports, the total this year being cach successive season there ciscs up a 43,504 bas vags for the corresponding year, Fus this year, the reached 24510 Athnount to 2 Hits at tbe previous puri od. thant has at this trae. Le porter the bith permit month oot Marre. Lincre dred and etaty eight issued sdgabst a totalof only 23.310 test crop of houses, and the demand tor period @ lat them keeps the supply. I Marely alone, wowere trot coffee rative, tie while the O12 bays tor the same pers parce with Mouth of Is portal iivestme: hiports of lag Pou erection of Uaildines ex Dut the vrowth of the city hive woud bates, pales Bot ce wt obeem greater koat the re stesned for the two vot which ele The imports at this port since the tret of January show the followin increase, fiat 4s Compored with Che Corresponding pe were riod of last years Diiinstone, 293 tons; ven, were lor four steried dwells, one cotton, To.Lbt bales; fish, 476 doles: lundred and thirty tive for three stormed hides, 24.3945 indis, 159, thee. gs cron, dwellat: thirty-crstt for two stormed LOOL tons, 97.750 bars, 48 45 | y toad dwellinas, DL teuudiy, twenty: three stores, Lusi pt us 313 es, 1400 htds. and Uerces; naval stores, 4430 ls, 5 oranges, SS3U boxes 5 hice, 12 terces 5 sutnac, SSd4d bags; tobaces, 833 ales) susur, GULF Ihde. aud tierces, 1S2@ Wils., 13.031 baes. dt thus appears that, wreat lead- dog articles of iron, Cotten, sug fee, three ofhe four shops, to peliootbonees, one boxes; trelass- one libaratory, Us, SIN Tactoties, hore), oue chuich, two feed stores, four tee diva 4, aud etytit fables. Since the first of Jan. no less than three hundred and siaty ene burlding pernits have been issued. The tizures extibit the progress of the cits Ttisa fact that budding operallons ure Just How Very active tn all parts of Poiladelplia, and itis a mineh tere Vinportant Cousideration that. the operations of the present season wid ii part quite a new aspect tony d Ak Thier in the araund cot very faverably, there lias bee a darge aud wbatily ty MnCPease of Veg cates hat our te wise frie ts Meroe, atid Ulebe dad as Well as our coast trretetitn eg, here tlic OXiit the tact, — For the fast week of Maret we Jean, rel) tls don Isthicts mere at deed te EXP ey very one will be re) } percerve Ateenica ind the mnclease of the rounber of factories tslieons Ss » Weert Diedes, mere Daring the tenth, peruits were issnec dive tr the val TSG.5701, Cousis for the erection af etx new ones. Thies Pony sean, Coa, Cundive, tadaw, are fast mubtiplving im areay ane Voip hiamis, tn (ere To douth Suseriea ane tance, and Secon toe tain iiborest in the Wes Heseur mithulaetures ited the ey. —Lhededdlphit Anes Mtn anid produce i steady and wood iagthets Gazelle, As Ure ioote slatistes would alow, the Dassives of Pita PO at The murderers, fleury Gambritl, Ma > Our waning adveriisenients i pot be revised, never Were truer lines writted than those hy Pope i “Vice isa monster of eo frightlul men, to hated nee tom far with ber fice, eto be ween Been too ofl We first eudarc, then piy. then embrace.” The newspaper press penerally is aiak tng the public too Shemliar with ler fee” and the consequence follows inevi tably. “We are som Ter times compelled toask if Neead compention are ioral newspaper ret prodactive of is ternible te think ofimarder, and other forms of evil, which wreat evils. Th of the wninute details the preas, stimulated by a dandable enter: prise, daly pieces in the hands of bays and gitls, imnocent hitherto, but after a few ruonths of such revelations, tnnocent botlonusern We knew how the coudactors ot the pubue will have these details, aud we are compellud to furnish them. Bato we that is a Inistake. It neWepapers refuse, for instance, tuatters off, pubhe moratiry, the tain such daformation£ The teath is, the pe ess is hot ouly the exponent of public reat papers reason; they say “the think vreau to record the Qutails of any Usive te how Gan public of sculiment—-1t ts to mould opinions. Ft prurient qatters are furnished prurient appelites Will be stimuhwted ta ask tor tinore; whereds it the Ceonmad well dig of stare We should be sorry to have these re mates biited towny one case, We be Heve them te be oot weneral appleation Jortrnatioitr te fist becait Lie ceee Sa Glnea ia Om and itis tine its disciples assumed ther proper office as directors of the poetorie taste, amd Ceased to pander te its diance per Let us stow the wo oceht te be done, t uiesires, ther thon dagaerreo Telless with ditty ui every te a have been a tin true fit bye a traisu: is Tn Nterigag seat Mae tran ole Wore Wonder Wigs) dere Coo often CHtrust entirety un ined ha ed to stipposcd to b specialty qeaditied fer tus ay liv’ the piasesston af The Necessary Tes, iid the proper trav, abd experience. Now, What wonld be thousht of that ene hoy thay ti at powerful uaaehine ioder bis comtiol, allowed some subordigaty te onuse Liniself with the levers, or ta pit nthe beam which cle valve! And vet that ts Mmachinary of ren tlie sietony Vinat often done with the our qioral and soctal ide. Poo generally the rule scenis to be recog that cd, atid plies tise whatever exists ought to be nitilis APP IC FOP orts Uist The severe laws for regu lating the press di develand lawe lal tins sulutary etfeet—thar ail d shot ane me ate shied pin oone EXpression, ME EVence Was Wat for pout Wee hope te see a sinihur respect fe (ETA VEH OLY thurs (Earn TPAPCU ryports week, Pa jpelictons diseriaciedt ‘ pourtofourteretian PAWEL dS Nip PES eet for ther wots, cute Iern? anmudecan . lent, ated poowes SUE, TERR ON SOS TRI DROERS, ENT mere =, nee Unset tora burg petiad 100 Crop, Peter Couve, and Jolin LE ¢ fe We prubtiched tour last issue the resa e—Pheludedphit American and phous were all four bn on Friday ast, (U0: ts of the Direetory AE We Pink of i 7 Lat : fhe Qhite Fretite tee to Galeet tax ot mot ae TURE [PCS TIS A eecsilkeni lnwlerns Hapesed tiv the Late Ones Hewars amd one of them (the Clipper) ature. and giving toeie reasons fia : en 2 Be : . : ) ’ , JUVE SCT ITI ORS SURI ML, UVC SUEY CIiCESOt CUCH ate tliG TOT Ul We are lad te see the Bank : } \ ; taking this estar : y ois Wnconst Ou Satuiday, as we learn from the ate nen, and ashortlustory of their lives [US's he und Phe Liaw UIST bE ces ce ; tutional, and of at were net, it ta liigiady Vidou of Sunday, the anticipations that ber tes Tne eleny cis ilas ie sitll unr : spe GS Uaeie | Sarat . ALG rilaneee ntl ypen te case ta Ueury Gambrill, who suffered death! ona tie VyWidke teate: (oenanore wik Gre Gonce : Saran . for the marder afatticer Bunton, protested without stopping for a moment tie de the defence wloattracted a crowd tar " Ile ac to tue last thatthe was innocent. greater than lad been cor within the Ace court rob, ipressed {uside the bar the deed. Maron Crop and Peter Corrie were ex eented tor the murders officer Rigdon Phe witiess Uiretial 6 hoseevidence Gam bail 1 They and aurdered Li son Nhev throng ef caver spectators ocenpied eve ry inch of studi rovin te the very eles After a shortintere ad the Pitsoner was brought in, of fue tabic for tae counsel. \ Was Cone were both : . i friendsot Gambrill, and the names of the Jurors were called over, Al! Jou Gra ham, the lawyer ot the New York bar, roge from hisseat and \ , ; hours betare convieted flieer while tu lias A few Crop Confess. beesuse as ewdencr fivud Liev shot thes OW House taikine wi the Tunediately towned criminal ‘ : th tiis wite Caccution, uses Richard [Harris afriend of his, ofthe gle broker, it havin been vund for specie oe soecie funds, of asin j [tis setnanfestly at uncon stituteotid and inipalitic thet nota Democratic yp whole State has ventured to utter asy tla = Ne in its deter enaccurent, the iperoin thee ge Deine a De “e, althoush isure sompoatically the work of wy, introduced by HICTAL, and passed by a Democratic Legislature. We have waited, daw atter dav, to see What the Standard would say dy reforenece tecatarticle we wrote and published some copmnenced Tie onentige tre defence. 7 5 three weeks since, ane im wich we proved Aira clear alive lid ne ro cd that it was he wite shetothcer Rigdon , net i ; ; ff ; a z : SKETCH ing 1¢ address we i : foo ian Matic) cherbotrstrattor tliat thre frencneall can olla ay aben and expr seed Pepentance for the cat 74 ' n ee ' : va 2 * St Yh Poe Ss Aboot ‘ 1 shatute Was doeonustitationrial at Hbpotitne er ’ ne migtal of the dee i Corrie, perliaaps, wits a } ' ee two colmoains of that paper, the Union why an are nin Galan U0. € ypylint inthe divhest dezree, but data word ia co iey a MCCOMPMICE. Rata) vaotis Buys: ; 9 ve reference te the suldeet tas yet ese oped Mr. Gra! ‘ , the nezre who taurdercd Walliams Wing J ee CSS ‘ 1 Mir. Gratanys Cred proceeded in a mas : the Standards Tips. Why this silences 4 aremarkably intelli class. Tle had) traveled a yood deal of seafaring rewere alse i Was idto be terly and Cliburate style te yee ont the pat his enoruity ot man, bt ae ESS ; | ’ NAAN, PCy frequently Troms thy sacred Sortie _ ni {le He then tock up the subject of the star, al the adulterer’s " secon Was dileiaperate, uf the unfiutunth wen Upon If the Standird be une its duty to Seleves the enactment to not offer snstitutional amd) amwise, is it sayoso? Ad oon vane, iat be Constitutional 1 the eves itt of Sr. Sickies (iid Wie tine he eles wud expedient does it met owe it te ite the gations, thes attributed the position \ Key, comtending that he labored aude: ; ; i eer Mw party the party wh passed the 1 7 nowhiels ey them stood, to foge trl An dusanity of the will, Lrought on by jf! gos f ‘ Ww tecome outand pastity it by good nk vn mr , the gyre, prevecation be bad received mi a oy eae a aaa foe td snbstantio€ resco Surely, itis : ay ie j fot w si sit ‘ i ; Tle was Stl argudtig this pettet whet the ' a a ; hail ee the bonnd@n daty of the Standsrd) to de f | ee iste s oe sty be lege ik . Jour for aoonenmentarrived esd te teal ma a, ee meoor the other of these two things, and a sad date dnay eetep others tom comin His eval, lias spoken tor tour boars and ; i | Ther , We, Cherefire, now, co plate words, pret : Pees ein dar Hugs iptain oe bits Aol wlal€ with poowerfal etfeer on CH ie = ; ee : he tothe Standard tuis direet question: 1) en rl i ithe ( vate nee ; sudrettee, Gros of whom died sto typ : 7 Cie that the law of the last Legis ! on 1 \ ren, | : toe dndiayg the whole tine lative reqnerng every non-restdhnthrokes TMCS OTE 1 y AV inct Prior to an adj surninent, oie CPS cs i prey ta the cash op (ie Maule faa ‘ ‘ Cll! vears ae Attorney rome tee anak formal perc: ¢ > NCA HE SAE ALA RD CLO, OF ELEM INGE, ¢ ue ; { Marty Crop was bug 23, Porer Co ; / that the Jury shombd dave the priciles i heaneay (i rele ' i foun y as Wi which . . fi me HEHE CHEY Crragrdb ae ae fj on she neat day of walking out wider pa ’ Wil ; hall ith tile tyhion pareaitat, on outth chad) t 4 ESBS ISS Up eGel: denn, t / ‘ f Sr On ey exteded The Court assented. ose Mr. Stiunton then sueested Clit t jp) PALE CHINA MIEN C)) NG Ch lanier I ey Vapour tin juryoan oe oe hence) th Cicome cranial syed) Saamieune lle a pods) ted worse ‘ in n will toe On the terres speeches to hid constituents, amd is tes | Legis Jnd ee Crawford said le himself was ce hecineried| Winaedine (ae Gly deen }" Weave church going tian, bat in view of te Chanluston Mureniy, a deadios THY VOTED AGAINST THE SOLD fact that the Jury bel: Sathorn Roguty? demoerit oaper, pat DI Pin Penoenie tions, ated w iis Hhack repartition s ee eh , sit clurcit be ‘ to eoune feat aye folie ding r i) i Ct n a CORR @ (Poe ri ce te Mite Te Ty Tvinle Himucyiere oD Pine Sats ! cury es a . ONS f Jtiith-7, ) il 4 Verte at MCE pon Tieret aid tana very rou he jury were then condagted to thet Qo, ‘Cami ievne. nee verted) thea in Oe <i thet - Uh m quarters, Ve pre eis wae Fen J . t Lity, Observe ft t es { ~ ¢ : aun the gourt adjoues re ' ESE esha wt ariny en WE ey -- vontry a battles in the warofisty Phe _— renal Cone ntion The438 anna reason alleged for these votew agonist we Trey Purchase of Books —Te State cal Goovenn fthe Protestant fpreeopal mertortoas a bill was, it wonld take (fF Olds has purchased of the Angletous, Chive) of te Diocese of Nopth Carolina, &38,000.000 a year te pray the pensiotes iu New York, eighty thensand dollars will lee held hora’) op pie dst Now. a plan statement wil show that worth of school library buuhes. Weduce ay ‘May, a) Thik Pedsott Was bo rageon at all Right the) trillion af oliges would pay eighty thous aud soldicrs-—“ag any as were envaved in the lust war, and itis very well knows | that not more than one-fourth have sar- vived to take the beneflt of any pensio The statement, therpfure, that this pension bill} | was a scheme of the Black Key silica | to deplete the Treasury, so a there aah bean excuse for a bigh tariff, is aay Ratras Rid preposteraus, ‘Tle ball Was Inteodaeed inte the House by Mr Savave, a Democrat, from Teunessee, backed by every Democratic member that State except GW. Whea Messrs. Branch, Suaw & Co., voted against the bill—they veted in company with Grow, Lovejoy, Nichols, and other Black Repablicnns. We ecomzratniate Messrs. Draneh, Shaw & Co. on their cordial cooperation with Black Iepubli- cans iu their effort to deprive the poor Told solvers of that reward which w: faithful services free Jones. Ve 1880 PSD: Pecrinenthy dag thete EVA SSG) CAROLINA WATCHMAN, 7160 34 Cotelia tig SUE SE CTE II, AY, nt, rapes % an in his Message, and his Damoers's Seeretary of the Treasury! Keep ithefore the Peple, That this De- Ineeratic party prefer ta syuander the na- ‘tional domain of land to unnatoralized forelzners, to foreign felons and panpers, and to pet corporations, iustead of keep- ing the same is a sacred trust for all the Site ‘sto who it belongs! Keep ithyore the people, That the cor- rapt party ia power, asked fora transfer of the wartaking power to the Presé dent-—to allow bin totmake treaties with- out the superviving coutrel of the Senate; and te trost their President with the enor. secret corruption fund of MUIRPY MILLIONS, to be used either abroad | Laver rrom Evropx. | ARRIVAL OF CITY OF BALTL | MORE. | New York, April 12. | The steamship City of Baltimore arriv- ved today, bringing advices frear Liver pool to the duth altime, The sales of cotton for the three days pamounted to 28.000 bales, of whieh spe Seulators took 5,000 and exporters 4,000 bates, The tiarket firs, bug closed quiet and dull, wing to the advi- vices by the last American steamer. The Mowry are the latest quotations: Mad- dling Orleans 4 15 untdlling uplands opened os SCrVICEe at home! Nop it bi fore That this VETO VeRO CEG Ss suoiiry of only at partof the misrute of the Dethocracy, shows the necessity ofa ‘Orer rf ” 2 b . Acasa, April 12, combined) effort ofall the opponents of a Advices received in this city state that corrnyt Democrney to rescue the Govern- - tom ~~ the yp. ple, DE Mr. Bri: to vive neh could Mr. Who never eet a sqaadroc in the field, Aud knows ng more of war thant a epiuster, Thirty Milfions of Dollars, and with Democratic and combs, and touth-brushes, and hairbrush es, and snaffy and snuff boxes, Aa, Av a, COREE purchased for members of Congress sith give rere ve strenuously a bill Bachanan— his paper, colleagues set ly see After nearly directions, tered our office this (Monday) ierung with every thing to do for this week's in three or fe Wants of ventiomen exchanees, WCE ASEMUUG, ay Seat) 7 the celebrated Seminole ehiet, Billy Bow. tment from their evil grasp —that the de- legs, is dead, featof that party is a vreat national ne- aweek’s absence, we en- iors censity, the lndispensatile prerequisite toa —hMnowcedle Whey. THE ec Siliabury, Vo C., Apes iL 19, 1859. WEEKLY BY any reforis! CHENICUIES LON MEIC the | Cisriesrox, April 12. var hows obey business, The cotton marker was unchanged to- paragraphs, day, with sales of L000 bales. cading on write CORRECTED | &e. Our readers! score e 5 ern ! SPRAGUE BROTHERS the people’s money, and vet vote todeny usust excuse deticiences. MOBILE MARKET. < Get i Bunga iced her > 8 10 | i % i . . eo pyres dried, ° Q5' Le ar, 1. the poor old soldiers the small sui p! Moate, April 12. Dieu We dt i + White, 104 12 ninety dollars a a, when Ae (Mr. B) : ee oe : . Kevwwax, 20a 25 Mulusses Caba, 47 045 \ Mi. Leverett, —The Wilnington, New- : F 5 . 5 and they wore pooks ting sifty 7 em vee, ve ee BION, 7s Sales of cotton today 1,500 bales — Beet, ds Wt OU day of the money of the said jpungplte 2 Ea bern and [ater papers, speak in abe middling 12g. Sides of the three guys CAN fs— mie ils Ge Sor Ol, Domocrac a Dommoertey 1 hischest terns of this gentleman, who has! 13,250 bales. Tt cepts of the three days (allows Tom SU utr, 40 50 Le deigh Register. delivered tus celebrated Mount Vernon, 9920 Gales. Adunaneone, Yha d0 OLS LINSEED — | Cotfee Kio, Wem 14 Tounere 50 a 95 2. Oration ut those places. Ile spoke nt! _—. Lowi. Pin 22, Potatoes, booth, 100 w 625 Qag™ The Favettewille Carolina evie ¢ vapel Till on the eventiset the bork. | NEW OTLIASS AMLALKET-. : Fans ie 4) i Re pia Bra) ue Hs Lee Tans { Coruna Yarn, Pa tte Rays perth. D deudly takes pie aN m hunt down Sane | Nin Onn Ns. Avril] 12, Conn, TW a RU Soli pereock, 17a li§ the Hen. dao. A. Gatiner. The Pane re ‘ ‘ . . ; + Meal, Th ma Sheetie Bro 9 010 Notwithstanding Che Very satisfactory Phe Etneational State Convention will Silos af Gorton today 16.590 Wales—-"tincksieeer dor Lue 1h suger Bre Koll explanation Me. Gy has wade in reheiatn ascmblein Newbern, on briday, the ddth naddiing P2$ Ndles at tie three hays . ie per der i, if ed Ny c 2 3 ee ane rece eathers perth a do * Clartied, ea 12 jlo the few aboution speeches be sent to day of June. 34,000 tales. 1g celpts of the three days } Me BES Ry. Wa ee rae Poany per bbs soine personal trends, to shiow them whit Lee jALOU0 bales, apinet 15,000 caine date "Sack, 24 o 240 Wheat White, $50 105 their cnemiles said about them, the Care 5 Hast year, Vtlits 3 Fron Bary Sa Red, me OU [ ven were recently lane Lard, 104 12 W, 25030 HAT, TS Fast Issue, Continus te hairy : r Sod PORK 7 a , Vier ot the satie oi otritig, aid endeavors fo te Pcltiricre tinder, Lt taust have NEW YORK MARKED. make out that dao. AL Gilmer Pave. been ana nepscene; and itis te ba : _ 4 r ea Udlaeounia hee . ' Naw Yous. April 12 NORFOLK MARKET. Nitomnet, ar as bad te neat Wat We is Hopnesl jt will Have n count clfoet in that nor Hit to be trusted by the Seuth, cetera ae anllamwee (the teommmnne Sides of cotton to day 4,000 bales Renarted Weekly by er the lite of us we are uualle to Thies Heemernie ne Geeta anil a tathet Ben, ROWLAND & BROTHERS, tail ts ats at Comprenead bow atiy sane tuan can Gri a i | - — such a charse waist Mi Gilmer. Cony, Chime, MUTE restratn the Viewedee atid SS ST CER ST SMe : Ron : : \ : H ; 0) iD 2) Then : Tet eetise alone titst teach a team that wickedness of men, just oas death from! Liens PROM MENIC For the Watehman, APRIL 9, 1559 ee Piemonte Ibe se, ie ines Hee Goseome fume Mica welll Go erupt an Naw Oncians, April th. 3 ycon oWestern sheulders rs | Gilera southern tan by bit wast these sibistances. Mom rece) fren Dy thearrival of the steanielipe Tennes ae hae Uy A education and athinitie;s—a sheve owner , ‘ 7. ; \ i NC and Va. Wig round tba tu : : ; , ee a , tie tat precipice because death lurks at tees frou lets WTA, AVOUT UD, Se Ie AG ASS 1 at Wa So (i iiic oid) Copan 1 ee eee a tere, on 3 cd) aa tihaay wee hove Wie Lae Mexiean news. Mr MefLane : NOS ‘a 134 (where Gul his fopes are centercd)y atl yp OBE SGS ae eee Alt TECOUNIZGN Te ee CCrinTent represented FLOUR — Family 8) 00 as 00 who desires fo return to Conzress—sthould perpetration of crime, it tanest to expect x : Bvtra 404000 “4 w etl | by Gen, Juarer, Gren. De Gotadoinade $645 000 j Bais mt NGeitionists Is saitt ited nee - ‘ Supe rtioe iS a ive iby] a uN tor uy abeoliti wittand merited pootshinent. The well at tnietecesmtil attack on the Capital on CORN White and Mived, iets siaypely aubsnis Pie charze is ooly mrad View tie (the security of se. the 2danst. ‘The tieheme wi aaa Yolw stow GU rar dreds iy eet 1atis u t ) i * TE AT—Win 35 i Ws paroular tine asa medus of d etal Hi ere loony chetlee Utv should there were tive hundred kifled on each ENT S ut Py O00 featioge Mir Gu the neat election, and al ue abe Sharan 130 4 140 ce t re fie Le tot escape zu (eu ( 11g a 194 we feel snie Cia ontof the entre Dene I _.. IPEAS —Blick Tov. ew t 25 Panett Cralic press of the State, hot one erie | ! Red and Black, old 90 ‘ ' ‘yp . : Xe eee nother’s sonoof them bebeve that tere Re frijgerators.— Messrs. J. D. Brown ARAGON APP ALIS. FUAXSER Mi, 135 - . HD tes os WAC ila 5 s fifotstiade { reason tn toe ch . , ; . Z : 2 UHR RE I Uh il me ae wa ve just recesved a dotof retite Woastisctos, Apr Hd PRIED APPLES perbas of 2 the 01752 900 al po Very pidiculogs, that were i * EEA IOREES Sy 38 3 gia: e560 2. Cane. (ONAN ee ey ; 0 $525 not for fear that sume of the lator , , Brera EYEE 4 USGS Tr iL eestinelerstinnd Wetec Galniret HANES e\tcher | Nee te $1250 Wight be musled by dts tulsitv, we should “ween they t RUSS Near GN Ap prego: Una Dots y abr on strong dreds res eer : ne a) arise an cs . : F Al \ oe See OeT diy £29 @ 0 let the thine drop, repardine i het wor. to pemecttot as it ts possible te Dring this fer tlie sort l tae Nic urea entan MeO) Pay a : thy of consideration We ied yon all Plrome © Nanlicre ny ive Icons SISOS and fave cotertaine F that the Mtn ®10 frends that there is tot the trst iota ol pl Ice ite thieosealiitiar tat Bee Ui Parasuay sytadson be employed tere Ril Roneh $ 2na 00 truth in the Charge invade by a laree por how \ 4 state the pretts ot Ninericean citizens, and Hoteat tae Donmecraue press af the State Be bi tor thee pratee hated property on tie Pea ‘, . ' | \ Dy, ° ier Ubon: lties Ay Gihuer is tau sna Hteometoccssn then Bazaar of Bs Shion, A erce ; i 7 ‘ { et ee Witiraben toni, Loe charse is antrive BF Concord Preabyte ry met at Third @ bj assetoers win be escorted: tre st = - sae 1h ! Mir. G. dias preven it untroe tine and Creek Chareh, in the Northwestern part To sed ats set as the Pransit © UPA ’ Salisbury, April 19th, 1859. wain,and be imatter what may be said. Aah ( nay Tica leh Ve are prepared to perforin tne wl pervice. MAGAIFICFST PRENCIE DRY Goops fo (he contrary belies Mr Gr.dinet ; ; oe. NIPESE GOODS were pa che ie sot an : mendance of members was larce, ane PN CIAELY NOW AND 6 he he has always been, and wheat ‘ Ciptnt poe | 2 Site < oo“ MORO is Te aman Wee fen) Hee oa ENTIRELY Ui 1 ered tate) i mel © proceed teresting, Dhere was aR yo a RIVALED-- ' ai Halhy \ WUC MW the proceedines, Leverts of Caney ee ES ce eve WRAUTIRE EL DAY ADERS REGINA TOPFET AS O8 ENTAL WRT CHAD sy Deu RS TR ere eS rate ieee tie Cates (ih) Nes fe Veans cane 8 skhour | fovilie Cotemiporary ti thees and LIS OOH eure tan eck , : ‘ | oe. VERY brik CHINTZ WARRGE ANGLAIS k 1 } anc 1 Cs, SOP REIS 2 He WN Sood) (Meolomen (ua) TVOF ' ' saestiny Mimeetion Wata tlns ene uid happir noe manta (hee al ieecuny titice (rntuory 1 ATIN = DINE bot HER SUPE bor. DE CHE u anil ti less of the terfeit ed lee ‘ on Bank Sepa UG ioe eS Cal ethire tNoutir ¢ hare ih crretthitien Me ae} CSE SE SORE LUGN CRD. Mr. Goliner is ana POTS OP Mem ad F , . Neti ater cee ATWO (IGM WAYAUELE AST RRICIIE HOUBUR JURE witht aleditinianty on a Way fretdiy to ministers Gand theie flack=1 for RESTING EAITEN hey ; ; Mit 5 _ ; COMED PRINTEO ites Romké, botBEr JUPE, ebetbics of the Souta ? ncily of the New School Branch ot che 7 : ee . MEAvY MATING TY 1 ANOTHER COBBAN EXPEDELEON, Set tten cise DE SOL TWO REOUNCED SILm This isa stiple question, and we trust Presbyterian © We Miers coe teas anit SUPEOOUMLITY UY SUCUEIE VID PO RLOUNCED SILK bowl be answered oy al) cander, NGccncerecnroimalienmertmer ecient New York, April 13 ROKES Ninhinanottor Sinan. : » , ; .. . FINE OAND DE VUTIPUL Pants PIINTED ORGAN DIES AND : nem bers , Wacs soytery. te ‘, ‘ SG est oruine i SEEN bel aoe bus i q es tery ‘ Phe ROG Sa aontitas oe SEVER aU erat SO TANS GOS DE ERIN, all babe, te0cut alt nas, a ruling clder in sea the Cuter tlig, and saya it bas no WICH CoLonbo PL en Giver air sit Faye , PINE QE CEETY 6000 9) 90H CHINE DUCAL CHATLY DISTESSING we OCCU NCL. Siloam Chiareh, Tredell, was tried on Sar leubt Cat the whole Psland is now ure Lapin’s ile ndit qaatty) wude wid bieck Mumse volt AN weespeditiog belt vy York vias ee rise ee Rater en Ce flnelva. ac. (erage corning: He was charged on the’, = Se) We are informed of a melancholy a \ : ; ai . the datter part of Moreh. boy f Cebrate ra qeuhty black Bombwaines and De cident whied happened on tha 2) inst, @ubnenity aN common citer,” with a va pean flees \ ni ureoiedian ier ees mourning atthe mill pend of Col. John EB. Xustin, tlety of offences, not one of whech wae Wovde ‘ppp > COrpr EN) banc IC AST COMPLETE : } . ail Ge eet ; WOME SUTPIB ERICH CHORE. Chauee oer lireae Ca lucky River,on the road leading fron, proven. and the Presoytery acquitted lin Jaci ’ ' hthis pl tce fo Stante County Qo youn Withectt a dssemiing voice. Phe Supertor Court for the county of wt aiedlere | Sti MOG; Ay 4 ie : / cant Palys weet | ) ‘ p 1 Wake, was held in Raleigh last week, ‘ M Tae cai . Mian, aed wboat 22 vears, amd his twa! © Cite -t M. Drown, a rating we RS ne ; ea : . 1 A . © Judee Dick presiding, fae Ds oc iste ro! FESPEEli ve > anc elder fo tthis place 5 Scag oneness Se RUSE sisters, heed respect \ 12 ancl Pt, clit roint chred a Me place, was al Spd Sapp. 4 irs) with man owe Se no {ilate nai ie: trem of Jacoh Little, deceased, of Stanly se tried on Saturday atterneon, Mr. | meriter in killing BOON. Merritt, wasae A. & W. MYERS County, bad been to marker at Ciarlotte ; Brows was aan hot Nos GHANNITE BET DING. aT isly wetted quitted, de appeartue that he acted lesitr April 19, amd were retarnit wohome. Arriving at Phe Presbytery pr Noably a } marie) ctr onately I kel dere, an { oO oO F the abovementioned pond, Ch is Mon : — Mrastins Hone was triedon Tunrsday . . . . i . ’ ra, ’ for the murder of Sherwood ED Pigeiste at Nea STATE LODGE No. 26 Hoss vant TS cute Ati * | | : ht Aa : . . > ’ ere if roams ar & ferry tot.) Thi of Thint Creek is onc Winston's Morel in Rilelalo vn Janiary WM eX willice cbrate the With Anniversary Aastiaand des neste aide ried WH Tienes! itereatiic im (iia ius tery, fast. al Gonvaeted, Wiha branelit nut ‘ ie on » ue this ce miineat, on convey tle tieee Mes ated their teas ie te F ee oa hiae® tne peeteauee Iie Mee iG tiesdoy the Yb vines by 9 pubhe pro. ; C Consists, gn the mai. ot phar sleseen it a Ve} OES Et cemoon wud an Adciess "Phe Prutermn- avo, HU SRS een UCT ACT eee) ne Wants oF the Seoteh (ish Prosticteriaie costae! towed top tie Tiel a tlie ty wid puliie are ry Uolly invited to the boat became trinnanageak Jileitt 7 «Te i round of inipreper charge to tie jury. tteod ae wider of chr 4 1 i ’ settler tat : ‘ Moat . = ail = Nec’ ever the tuach bnoane FO SID aA TE es 0 STH Me athe o Jection was overnuled, and sen Aor 19 SUD AS TMCS IMD ON, rey itwontover, Afr. Austen and Heyto VOurs ier rnd peta ns muy ofthe destin tence of death wis Passed upon the pas F : ant ori A Jonped ont aid swank aslere ; you tonsotthat sternconsistentyeians and dos! soner te be patanercention onthe zit Positicely the LAST CALL!! roti (is nisters cetece elo 1 : . Hy ated Lis eisters eta | the boat ptable peoule. Phe vsnal vote ot thanks! dian of Moy. An appeal was thea taken TE have a large nuinber of ansetthd Arc unte, aol went + y, bocuetlier wath t) EH nceavedl. Ge arte ieefetivead| (homilies av pffrei the Supreme Court, \ which mart be chsed by the let of Wav, and atid four Torses Atter it prussed over, | ‘ 1? J IHillsboronyh anaten aleo a tacge amount of Notes, which if net ate the porsons were sti in the ae stat thie clese af aieetitng, will have, we thi Jina . : canted tu by (hat tine will be placed in the hande of tl Teri ‘ Wn wen rguer metic i = Teeny he ay an officer for collection Viece Wa een ind three drown regards the kindness and h pirality of, “, Pron ' ~~ cen { BROWN & COFFIN, ed taimediately., The beat coutimued te Mhis compregation, a meaniog: aud slorniti ; ay hail es ae ‘ I ae | Apol 19 3wA7 f ; i Re aiie Bhan tis clase, whe had ran away fron: Mer, Hot er stream, bat yout Little tel cance by hoomeans @nitien . “Se 2D EEG RCe Creer, of South OC ytolina, and wears tie Ipod, toy that he cout mot ston it, total dis sis c ‘ P ae sashes ky oe ae The home te which we were assigned. (1, fale Curve Wreee Syl | fil, cl Gren a ner Alter wreat ithieuity fe i 1 IY on Ai ver, of New ork, with who are indebted tome wil please call and wot ote shore, bat oom hooking back Was a fome indeed 5 and not thas Mogan tates, hed in Canada, bist month, from i 2 the their aceaunts or age Liny can met. eal rT + eee | : siipetiion wad il Siecle: We Wisce Ur owith one or with TE OR. Moore, Raq, who see upies Gouhd see treatatic the boatar dis sis eppettnuity to make our thanks to the if : Se en ee OS iiiwiuien eMMCenCuwall erick Rte i A os ree treed he th preter a lhe hy . hare he falco wath, CUI neds Geel) alas [nna emnlernwon cond Mike eayediown davly CTEM ta the Srcth by preten ting ty by or howe i t ‘ - : . A . . Chile Wat. Seisbury, Mareh x. Ps39 Sand Manes of two tities, te the Neuse of Mr yy Jeaving, for the comlort we enjoyed, ‘ LL. Grreen, tor fie » On returning to the ay under their root, we take this opportuni be: Loose, river, vewher the wirls nor the boat coule Ch] aes rae . Do ” be found; baton the nest day, the body f¥ todo se. Lang may they live to dis Keep it Before the People. ' est } aneug « riunate youn women pense Kinduess, and enjoy the reward of Aecp @ bifore the People, That this pro- Commission « Ferchant, wee Gent distance below where good actions. fleate Administestion das spent Fivey SATE ESAT NE, the aeetlent Ingepened. Tire other tad Aes MILLIONS oF DoOLEARS, in two Coneression Wir eve hee personal attention tothe purchase net been discovered abate litest qecatnts roy - ; altennaef pnbhe printings And they have Se ea Also, ty all coustgne ranmtie nel sitectpnile (haptuin Port ei The Viinial Convention of ; I a imines hwor other mark: te tt | hati fot & (ea ha been guidty of the waste of six are Np ee oe DS nen, (ete ab eto eects thm eee | , tl and Joel Wd Salisbury, N.C ... Ona nawexet aie £ ind, Cabarms Co, on EHOUS ssp ponbars annually, dariig drat die eae Bini . , yy) tithe tn collecting the revenue. the proaf The Aieriean State Conneil,of Mare. Pbursday, the 2s Aja AL : : | I ivayon aye (G . md meta Baltimore on the Tih and persens mterested will tube notres tod if Sine ae aca report of even a Theo U of Vocal Music, 2 . y Jermocratie eomunittor ! IN SEVEN BAS > . pled tesotatoins on Ciecor of die e ‘ ut 1 { ' | — SS INES SOIN S ! 1 P persons desire sod Ce ALES: TEA OF W Alpe / ’ lia iL — liyetheadt (2 yee napiane Pane ae Neep it before the 1% Phat the . mapaly of the above usetol Meseal Work ty on nly Seen ietn SPORE TUS HOS arian ts Wwastetul deuation of Pubbe Pands by a handaomety priated aud tor pale at = ' t 1 3 “ ines 8) the ” \ es . : Ww , 4 havneushinne ie oy ceamteen A Mi wi oF Sysop Democrane Congress, enabled the direc ji PUTS OFFICE any eer tm lee od ' en € K : : 5 oe tors of asinade Ratlroad to wee a MIntion | ns Hien to hominate candidates for Prosidunt Dar a = , : , Ob [6 e ilies Cite Hake esieetes Gale tire MICOSh . See and vice President whose past hiteeminont Meath fof ii Wim Wha: lage a ie Bis jek S i m THREE VALUABLE SLAVES , s sehr MT ea Veresa and the Is 1 sthomable vattonality. Flin, Woo. Wa Taw citi rls ei & ‘ 4 . i) Gla tiiteeteuneta tlt TEN atin SOP ay Teun ran antl r= yet ( ] fistit a iso tully prove il () \ S\ 3 oe portal te whede . ney erent , le preie gistatve committee —sewiae how the ay VIRTUE ofan onder af the Conary Court of fiate acct \ Vahape orton, (Un ef Cattorna, died at tis residence iatonal treasure and denn are Haine Rowan at Pohewary Perm, 1499, [wil ell ut the | S ; oy no Wlamath county on the Sth of March, ered Gy those chaning to be the peo. Court (fone Sal sturvon Vuesday the 3d day of ‘ Terias Nboiitie sat tre North, on ' ; i AGU nike ss evel | Mayo PURER VALUABLE NEGKOBS. be is SeCunsionista at the Suuwth of consniapsion Jocrased wae a sen af Pe es ng tothe chiidven of Jaceb Uaghe z ) . , 2 g he chiid-en of Jacob Uaghey ate the Rew. Franets [ Hawks, D oD. of uy nj e brfore the Dy ple, That this Petine, six montheceeit. invereat fom date = : ’ : Dorie eee Adtiintatration seeks to vive! ROBERT WOWUGHEY a h ' ’ . The ¢ atta Advertiser save there New York He was bern in TH Mshore sonporions eantrol to the Federal govern Mar 15. 1109 Commissioner Wits a heuvy frost ft non Tues N. ¢ day uily My ved the Hint tour night, the Sth instant, rai prospec ts. Louyptert Jon the f2thof February, 1826, and ment over State Banks and Rilrowda, by had Consequently, jit your at the tine of lity death ¢ E Ll ES VARIN F Shy means of av sofamous National Binkrupe Pptoan not he dered that if vou want to get vale law, aa rocommended by James Baghan | rrerived for your money, A 4 W MYBRS isthe place 47 at entered jis te ee ~ J , P ’ b ork, MARRIED: To this Coanty 4 on the T4th inst. by Milo A. J. Roseman, Eaq. Mr. JACOB BOSTIAN aud Miss MARY KIENICK. Lu this County, 12th inst, by Rey Sam'l Rothrock. | Mr SAMUEL M.RYMER to Miss SARA JANE HILL, MD HME IO 8 To this County, March 27th, Mas CATHARINE wile of Solomon Ketehy, i the 43d year of her To this County, achat, Wee CATHARINE, relict of Johu Sauk, i the Tist year of her age. | An i A A) y » ® YASS 4 4 48 “ They are Cheap Enough, GIVE ME TWO PAIR” | | SUCH wis the Linsuage of im lighly regpectuble O93 id rempouaib'e farmer of Rowan at JU Eystss | Boor ayy suave Ewrowen hot werk. Me wanted) Shoes, they wee shown hin and preew named: eau he Ande’ call whe you ever lovked al SS, Calep ap y, eee re Caps & Clothing Wty New Wee He 1g ae Granite Ro Ky anid | a Mo. he WW Prue he ' Nise relail Dd They are cheap enmugh, give me two pair” | p they were Farmers if you waut She onl Ow, re yorwll tad the Logest aad beat Sick | REMEMBER, ds Ts ToS STiSis\: No, 3 GRANTIE [ow Draying. | Sa undereigued am fully WINg dire kof ME CG Fy, ‘aps, Clothing. AND GMA rt Line ee r WABILE TY, prepored todo all hind of wud | le 2 iat fhe ! “DIAYING, from or to the bem Dnt fy ” poets rea fe tec cane { (ieyputnen cao eebrres Ce a Cl Cull DS dhe, ow ee my town, wt aby hour ot the day Orders a you Clxf, ap 4. or night, as Crensnstances may require livered to Chem orleft at thei Stable an the East) Ward, will receive prompt a tention Charges mode: | fate SNIDER & KIGGS | April 19, 1259 3Bu47 8. 4a, pw Hs + Tn Sabsbary. on the Lith inst, a LEATHITER | POCKET BOOK, ned with «a sting, contamiag Bia tive parce aw, also two notes, one of B25 Ou | given by JJ Phonpeon, about tae 25th of Moreh 1559; and asohee ot R15) given by John E Rhean, | | about the 22) Juve, bos, alo contaiiog (wo re. aly re ceipta. Poe firterof the mone. wil be tbe wondsd Pf orworn ail persons ag ost Cody above numed notes WOA LINEBERY, York College, Alexander Ca, NC or the Apr. 19, (3147) DE ROSSET. BROWS & CO, WILMINCTON,N.C. | BROWN, DE KOSSET& CO. | NEW YORK. | Commission Merchants. | palsted Guan UP Sole Agente nt: Wi-nimgion for Reese's Mani INF phosphaie of t ou, aod W. Whitelock & Coe Super: P e Ir Din eteceof pure Pecuvian aud other Gaanos, Laod Plaster, g« dy? Parveular attention given to the sale of SA Sworea, Cotton aud other Produ e Good News for Ev rybody !! April 1a, brad Iinpd47 State of North Carolina,) New Clothing ! Good Clothing !! Cheap Clothing!!! DAVIE COUNTY | oh BTM Ky af READY-MADE ormely oc¢ suprice doby Jamis TL. basins as a Book Store, Court of Pleas and Quarter Seasons, March | Me. DAVID WEIL. | io 1: agree us Yeorm, 1-5) (CLOTULING, in the lense . . ' \ lt Poeigi sect ree fore JW Kennedy, ve. Abraham Coulis and respectfally invites 1 ibtie te cal Las itws be te their aebeantage, uit re Original Attachment Leered on Lan! Tpurchasing elsewhere, welis Steck may be found every variety of Ready | . ’ Trae) OPS | 1 ' UT appear ng to the satisfaction ofthe Court, that Made Clothing te siit the Secret Bane Diack ard Cold Dress Free Super the deiendani, beatae Coutin, © vot an smhsbitant' Pralan Cloth and Silk Atpaca Coats, fine Suniner Cashenere and Paeed Froe fyasanell of ths State: Dts, re : ee Bae Court a ke, finer hak Drill and Beat [Linen (Candis. By. Woote and Paney Marsei'les that public tou be made foro weeks in the ate tte Petine ick 1h cela Panta, oamry Sooke Stripe Cash bein Couto be and appear atthe neat Courtef Pleas mere Pants, SoS. Drape. Union Castinere Pants, plain and taney Sik and Satin sud Quarier Seamons, to be held for the County of Voor white Botha fancy Marseiiles, assortinent of Linen and Mar Davie, atthe Court House to Mocksville, on the * nd Mondsy in dune nest, and show cause 1 nny ‘ a Ss SSaioiyb. panedhi AAIcanA. ier denon) ates (Coins Svat Cmee 1K cocka tine relies Bosom Stirts and Collars Gentlemens Hurvnishing Goods, WATERY STATES NASR) GOI SILI 8 a possibly be sold any where lee in Salis Let every person call and ex cnine for himself and he will not be dis DAVID WEIL. 2 8A bre wad dand soll not be eoudemard for hacen! the Piainitly dcobt aud sale ontered accordingly OF Witne-e, © A Harbin, Clerk of our maid Court, at Office the 2nd Meuday in March, AOD IY And rill well ? A A MAKBEN, Clerk Vhury re Lapyproitted, Pr adv. @5 50) Hwdi s Se ; 2 State of North Carolina, DAVEE COUNTY cas and Qaater Seren, March if fie oa) LaGiarkenven tiie Tawra ikCleckercecd Peivten fer Dewrer Te appearing to the watieticet Mathew wud Yoace Chuk. tae Mentoced vi the pot 25 per cent. Chi ayer than SALISHCRY, “April LO, 1Sa¢ ee LAST ?!! BUT NOT LEAST. Murphy & Co., Special Netice, Elegant Dress Goods!! Ju st Reeciced by Erpre SS; he Cower, that ihe dete odaut- Wilde ot the tio aod ure ead W. Cisrke, deed, wre notin aboan sof Cie ets WATST MPMI, so eane & Somme Watehi su Tet sound Doce te and a my m ity 8 TER R appear at the ave Cou leben Quaner Sen Oe Dweold uivire an teout Urirhny filed Sen yas; a % R mous to bb et the Conary of Davre vt oth he REPO SPRUNG DEBS= Gap Conre (iuse) ) Meckewtle. on the Pleats "ae Gath ot ponsavcc taae rupily ce at! GOoOoDs, ii Jian iene and wit case, if wy (hey O1ly Wiser lw ihrnnices as ie Mh Robes ot Gea SInI Snare he peaverot the P moet shall wot be granted tt Wiyadere ang C 1 ; 7 i 5 a helpaeien PAC sainuen neti, Ulamne hes SIPAMPIIO ccm ASCO Thy Caos. Wines, VOX Ubartin, Corrk of one wid Care, at] ‘tC: > wos eS atalllenas Ceocertes, Ho trdisire, Geen tee, office the Jad Moutay im Wareh, AD 1so9 i RICE BLACK SILKS ofall ay anti. de Sos, Hite, Chien tte A. A HARBIN, Clerk Very elegaot Beragea and Grenadine Robes. ir : ass WLHtED Crilaeine [uti tse CFLS Pr addy. £550 ow di Doobie Jope two Flaunces Rebe X Paroque, - : Orenndie ond Jaeuuet Reber very Reh al Dye Sout. Realy Call at Brown, Coffin & Mocles For vovetucs ot 2 oe a GOODS Witch (Chidehiugs fe nl ~ ¥ € ‘ t X& * ‘ e ae ee Nod, Gaamire Bunn y Tron and Ste Elid ee est as cc eens: 4 Sk Pd Pum. Sof ty Karn, Note and Cyyer Leath ud dil fal ete (ead mxvdlp kept Store aloof wireb have been carefully see The Greatest Indaucements in Just Received and For Sale. Fashiontble Dress Goode are now offering nt ste A ao Store of BROWN, COPFIN & WOCK A Tr ce eben ot iN a OF Apr 19 4i4; Neen ee LL Sates He ntock Sele Len ther Le VERY CHEAP mined not tobeun ters abebiir ye Apel Aatiu pa Sohisbury, Apri ad, bs. 9 Bw Hertel ete wtb tae meddle cine peat the eh apent — View chucnen ative tae elma wonis, and they “5 Hy will fiver them wath Then are deter- MURPHY ACO Nope that persons win Ladies Shoes of erery descrip: | tion at BROWN, COFFIN ¢ MOCKS, retling a wl befere purchase ise where sinall petite. Cotposed of the beet musical tafent im the country comING AGAIN'! = GRAND OPENING | COMBINING | CIRCLES & AMPIITIEATRE, Lubracing all the yroat Novellic, |, IN ONE VAST CONCERN.) We Drains, Rqestrianiin, Opera, Ballet, Gym- ort, and Mouscelry. forming ab entertainment | {WITHOUT AN PQUALIN THE WORLD! A fullasdefiiemnt Dram ne ‘Troape, selected from Fthe bes: Pheatre tn che Union, a Mode! Equestrian, | Gymoast and Avrobctie Conpiny | 7 ox | 5 CLOWNS, | who have no equa nia this country, and whose jcker are veithee stale, hoeku ved or vulgar | A BRASS BAND AND OLCHESTRA, | A maichlers stad of Pramed Horeca, Poneys aud | Males | Phe periunmunce of the proat pariouc Drama en- titled Daves of? TG, | The splea td National! Drama iw founde on events| which transpared daring the | American Revolution !! With sach a combuaton as the above, the mana: | gerfeels confident of menting 4 liberal patrovage, and @ jurt appreciation of the public | WELL EXPIBED AT SALISBURY, THURSDAY, April 21st, 1859. Perf rmanee at 2 and + welch, P.M | diesen OO Cents Clildeen and Servants We von Bille > For particulars sec desert t Apr. 12-2:46 ALS BURT, Agent THE LIVER vidi tbon | PREPARED 1 Compounded entirety from GUMS, ATIVE AND LIVER ME & Curharte, K SANFORD, ove and, what ts fe oeeasional ure uf the tl eve the stomach S Night- R IN V I G O R A T O R . | ene the bowels tiveness. + Dyspepsta wii 8 y ‘ moves the Cheotte, wide Chautera Cholera, eng gives vi Chie fe Olas, Seve e 8a { Worm Diopsy. by eacisi nvdie Neue, Chile lous Py jr es aie wha Lentiiy to itm SA XR P O R D ' S LI V E | AM who use Ht are kiving thelr anos testimony bo its favear i | ar Mix Water In then nth with the Invi- orator, aud swale bey: iether, ! THB LIVER INVIGORATOR SY oo Ne Sie VEY. and is daily i . ® rf BANFORD ACO OP i Who! Hams ys ores ae w , pias te sdwey, New York | ale AnD ve LAD vss. Philadel Hascg, Baltimore. Aud SS Sie, W EWYATT, and HENDERSON & KNNISS, Saliebory, N. € Nor 12. 1y46 STAPLE AND FANCY DRY ( | ; ‘ of all sorts, sizes and prices, | purcharen | hat they | they may ured inour line | sole tthe patronaye obimy tieuds, plodgioy to thei all the advantages which are prouised in the above Ss OF NEW PING & SUMMER goons) Mow! Miss S. H. Grasswitt, | I AVING just returned from the Euponame op Fasmion, where she has apent some weekp ia | examining and selecting the moat | adapted by the hest sireles fut SUMMER WEAR, ‘copceshully | and the fudies generally who may feel _ courage her efforts to please, thotshe hue jast the cheapest und musi attractive pata! a Fashionabte, Pisin, aud Nervicesble ehhead of Everybody ! !! millinery, LARENSE WIVRASTIONS, East |» close inspeedon, coufidently believing thas abe ie | fully prepared to gratdy ewery carte. THE UNDERSIGNED RESPECTEULEY call and sce our New Spring Stock of CN RY ae Having dewoted iach dime to the commiente® of levery thing admirable worn in fasbiovabls Me, and BODY [CO consulted the beat tasie in making her, parchesee, curefully discriminating as to price and geslity, @ as 1OQ])S bog | feetion to her petrons. Go Cause snp exameng. Among her seleciions, besides wy other too isveeure the richest and best Matesials and the. most Thev are rich and rare, and far surpass any Stock in beauty, that was ever offer: | vadews to enumerate, are the following: INVITE EVERY approved Styles at the least expense. she is happy to believe that she is fully prepered toaMord entive eutin Jed in Salisbury. We are seli ye off DRY GOODS rapidly, and celpse all compe | Banuein, Childsen's Flats, Jockeys, tition, . i | Blood Laces, — Cruper, ull kouds, Premch Chip, Give Us A CALL and we will convinee vou that our Stock is far SUPERIOR to ee aren as ese Oey Q |ANY that has before been oifered to the public, and that our prices are dowu to /Chid’n's Has, Cape Laces, Flowers. the LOWEST water mark. | Risbon, Bonet and Brace Wire, Jomed Blond, Ronnet Buches, Inf t's Bonnets, | MOTTO. ---Polite attention to Customers, and Small Profits. ‘ x 1 SPECIAL Cocxrry Mercnasrs and the pnblie generally will find in addition te our &tock jof STAPLE AND FANCY GOODS, a splendid Stock of READY-MADE CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS, FLATS and BONNETS, | Shaker Houde, Band-Boxre, &e., de, dc , Wire and Cocoggo MILLEN ERY, of all sorte, N (@) T ] C k. (eee, bright, new, and in the: LACEST 17 Ube Seruw Gands are opened now=sthe Paney | Gowdle may be seee om Thoraday next. Dargsncey, Apil 6, 1859. 145 SRST | NEW Drugs, Paints, Oils and Dye-Ntuffs. FAMILY GROCERY STORET! WOOD WARE, BUCKETS, BROOMS, BRUSITES, TWINE, ROPE, | ; , | Try the New Grocery Store, | Cc ROCK E RY ANI y QU E ENS WARE, FIRST DOOR ABOVE JONES’ HARDWARE STORE. SUGAR, COFFEE and MOLASSES ever offered in Salisbury. | jee GROCERLES, every kind required for | Family use, rhell be regularly eapptied to our | customers AT LOW RATES, for Casm. Groeeries FE sn only be wold for Cae or Barter. | and the best stock of S We beg leave to return ovr most sincere thanks, for the liberal patronage bestowed on us by our fuends Hast Season, and hope by sirict atiention to business, aud low prices, they wil sul fayoe ws with thet ‘The profits are oo small for a Credit basineve. Give ue a Galt. BEARD & BROTHER. Annl 6, 1859. 1945 Dou't falto CALL AT Mansiou Hotel THE OLD ESTABLISHED STAND ON TILE CORNER, oppos te the MONEELY & YOUNG. Saviasuny, N.C, March 22, 1899. tris NEW GOODS, NEW al pecemeeeere MAR Cif 21st, 1859. tetie Cocos, Cocoa Shells und Cracked Cocoa, Cele- brated a» vutriive, sulatery and defieious beverages, for nore than three-famrths «fa centers, are mane- | BAKER'S PREMIUM CHOCOLATE. W. Baker Co's American, Freuch, Homeopathic and Vanilla Premium Chocolate, Prepared Cecvs, e I i" \ = —— 2 jfaccured from Cocoa of the finest quality, aad war- { = = = iraut d superior to #my other Cocoa Preporations ide U ek y “ = nade in the United States, As pourirhment for chil- dren invel ds ond persons in hetith, and as substitutes i for Pea und Co in Nervous and Dyspeptic cases, they are invaluable, and are recommeaded ed the tnost emineut Physiciuns. Ti For sale by their Agents, DC. Murray ew York; Win 8. Graut. Philadelphia; TLV. . Bultimore ; Kennett, Dudley & Co, ‘TY ade, by Grocers generally. WALTER BAKER & CO., 3m45 Dorchester, Mass. Notice to Builders. “HE undersigned, building committee for North Carolina College, are desirivus to erect two large Uallx tor the ase of the College, and woald take thie meibed to invite master-builders, wishing the job to call at Mt Pleasant, Cabarrus Co., and examine the grounds, specificenongy&c., with u view of making Proposals Specifications at the honse of Mr. L. G. Heilig. JOUN SHIMPOCH, C. MELCHOR, M. BARRIER, L. G. HBILIG, D. W. BITTLE. Mt. Pleasant, March 25th, 1859. 3w45 NOTICE. No. 4, Granite Building, SMILIES, NC, “OXHE SUBSCRIBERS RESPECTFULLY ansomnece to their fiends and the public gen == erally. that Cher arrctveiments for the &PRING = PRADE are more extensive than hitherto. and re now prepared to exhibit one of the s argest and mort wi tinctive Siccks of There geht Gigs i tasers ws ‘tea 48) senha FING DRY GOODS, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, etc., that they have ever had the ;leasure to offer. To An examimation of whe they are eurdially invited. We hae bo vantecbinuch tame snddubor to get up a first-rate hand tect sat efied that no house nthe State canothera better selected Stock Oor stock is very large ond embraces such an ¥ ‘o o r ssoriment ax wilenable any pooan to bay of was eth the hest aileantage to themselves, all the Goods fuall Chives we shall Cv tecus lth saterest of cur easouers We titsk it useless to enurnerite bul will state ded in olwnnig sttud most Desirable Styles Lie Chose inported, and LI. persons who bought pr perty at the Sale of K Root, Harris, are reqsested to meet me at the ood Whe wishes to bay willeave our Store wusippled. Our Steck will be repleaished througout th | ether of the Clerk Saperior Conrt, on Qtet and 22nd bine season willeevery thing thatis RICH AND DESERABLE. | days of April 1559; then and (here make payment, Orders are respeetiily sieved which shal wt all times have oor prompt and personal atiention, Fasne longer indalgeace will be piven And ull per- ce have secured the services of Mr J.P. Gowas, Jong and eatensively known i this section sons secured in the Deed of Trust, will also meet me A. & W. MYERS. — |! teceive their respective claims. _ M.S. McKENZIE, Trustee. | April Ist, 1839 ‘/-_ «> a we ED. Ieee - vals Te will be eee by the above that Pam now in the House of Measre Al & W. Myers POCKET RNIVES / e fully worrwuted imo saying thary Tresnec! fulty advertise me at These wits cither wi pereon or by order, shall at all times receive my careful aud p ompt 7 POCKET KNIVES !! attention er tee GeUNVE AGN: | Manen 22d, 1559 ti YUE LARGEST, CHEAPEST and BEST as- sortment of Pocket Kuives ean be fon T J.& POP. MERONE Sibsbury, April 5-if45)} Notion Stone. Tt. (CS Ib}, G. WORTH, - ¢ LO TH I VG — i 5 2 ; General Commission Merchants, | \ 7 E have now in store the largest and (7 5 v1 | ks Ape ly fy) SANFRODS: LIVER INVIGORATOR, Wilmington, N. C. most complete Stock of CLOTHING | Pr. J. & P. P. MERONEY Want Money. fe | . 1 . = OSU C TS Di Nine sees. tl SE MORNE. A we hove ever offered for sale. couprising every SETTLE with as ina very few days or you will ‘arpets, Carpets, Rugs, Ma OOK Store Removed! %08T RECEIVED and aaa . aan (Mee want to tne Spring Riera tier 77 Carpets, arpels, UES, at d . y ‘ . A SPRING MEDICINE, LIME, PLASTER, | We will gusrantee our Clothing to be col Marchi lec Th50, 140 ting, &e. the largest mmortinentin the marketat toe RURENN (eo Sahnaire nnvednhiaiROORK SEO ND) at ( ) vo A It, kK. A PAN NERIINE, HAIR, CEMENT, in rr Jarge Extabishinent of \ an ain ek oo, : ae ae LAND PLASTER, | STYLE and QUAI oe ta | HROWN, COPFEN & MOCK. [+ we s ve , os oe : oe : int \ evn (hen 10 ee office ' a | CORES IVER COMPLAINT, ROBINSOWS MANIPULATED GUANO. | ° ar, ant Q 1A AT Y 0}; real > coup diby ve tate Crew, Own, Ani eine iw ‘ ale , rr emt Java ofler Kw Ay Ass : T, : : on) Grand ' 1 ’ ame 3 Apr 19 407 Se Tie he hohe Navioanuirerocin fuchivtace ce Kine S ee viel | eu HRD VCHLE, JAS KERR § CLARKS PHOSPHATIC AS a ee is ee ae | 50) (| 8 and SHOK: C M k eornen of New BOOK sand NOVEES, past peer 40 Bhs Chenned suger ; TG Tie Hele RE RTIDIZE Ran Orderetirancnc ihe ebace tied cee las ee He puren ised. u the Brown, Coffin & oc lira ite Sanh dino WW teach (AOU IE Sin tiinte niin, [Rae ineantoial (scone lain CL GES CHRONIC DIARRITEA Fwith at charge of eonmisioa ‘Teams, CASH hea Mes eet oaiy bv ted toe Apr bod ‘ 34 Have the Lirgeat aseortinent of yoods for Serve Werrin the market Cotton Stripes must des rable and best Goods to be fae oe] CORPO Ape 19. 4 Bowes Tet do MURPHY & CO Suliabiey, Cpulds eos dws RATION BONDS — . an ror saLce Powder, Lead FRESH SUPPLY. I EEALED PROPOS VES will be moccanetl: tes \ URPHY & CO, have jist reerived, Je attics utd the 10h day of Apal newt 30 Regs Poastug Powder PRIN M R Janle of Bonds, i Suda uf from 950) to KOU0, ie QW Rentucky Rite do ) Co x IER cee eric or Soh 1000 tha Bar Lead Just received a fot ot Ce & Shot. 4) Bags Sho, which will sold as cheap asthe CURES PILIOUS ATTACKS, {CURES FEMALE COMPLAINTS, | CURES JAUNDICE, See al pertinent in nother col mis LAND PL ASTER. | fur sale hy SPRAGUE DROS. RISA ES WITTE T TT OWA TOTS, for seed and table une, tor sale low by Carolina, eraeniag Heron itentnteraace ellis | ee Pe SPRAGUE BROS | Bonde of the Carporation for certain grucpomes chenpe fs er | , A Re }4 | "Phe above Pare wil bs raged with Coupona are | Satebury Apntd. eo Bw45 Cotte § Cote td? Aah tached to anit purch osers, running from fire to twenty = OPE 6 5 co s ss ry] ‘e io. [youre trom the day of sale, and bearing tuterent at 6 | IRON ; STE EL, AC. | Roo, L aguira, Java and Moeha, a targe lot on hand Ww HAVE received in the Inat few diyeanoth- | percent, payable semi-annnly | pas Fandon tue way. Bar sale low by er supply of | JOHN T SHAVER \ URPUY s O- have jet received, fo Aprs IA th SURAGUE BROS | GOU0 Ibs Tron aesort d | SPRING & SUMMER GOODS, | . Latendant. | + ; Salisbury, NC, Maureh 15, 1859 Wa || CUBE oid 1.000 Ths. Geen OU wert Bo pra which we are selling ata very emall advance. Spraige SUI Cat Mora “a aD BBG lS Ace (Mo Naibe ~ WD ween ollowed to unde sel p e cc 1 1) | S Administrntore ofthe stare of ohn Ro Ste i Ne x ollowed Gounder sell (hem ia the! . ‘ | : Teell ac the Court House cy) SOEYe SE res Calico“ 6y “ i d ford. deed. we wall sell at “ , Rey | a 10 hina (nicrecen be (gran URnECaR Wy olhe (EO) | PCD a Aiptet) ts east) Bw45) 4 ae yt oe 124 day of April next, the following property to wit Biragratealers wore REY SGROES >. We have on hand a large} ‘ ‘ ab | 1 R °) § Black Sik at 50 wor h 35 | } LIKELY NE cn (Vand superior at of And all other goods in tke proportion, there goods) 1 Woman about 30 yeare old, E RBov about 10 veare FRESH ere all going of riprliy, persoum wishing hase old. 1 Gort about 6. and 1 Boy about ‘Terms mids ee SUGAR, COPPEE, would do well to call soon known ou the day of sale | : TE Hl i ly TO nya A. & W. MYERS, No 4 ( Row TAC. LEDWICK |e * J MOLASSES, April 19 17 JJ. MWISENUIMWER, SVR ES, Mar 29, 1559 Adiniistiators ITH Tie WR AE Tay sy fe | NaDaras fate ate % a ay fe Ses We ieVIeTar ERD Lu 6 \ CE OTE FEE SUGARS PICKLES (I NGRR, SICK, pads ey fot ee eV | ARGE LOP of TEA and COLPER 3 Mb a Just received, MoNEELY & YOUNG F you wich to parchane the handsomest and most Mar 2? Wat fashionable Drews Crooda call at to pure NACKERS EASA MUSTARD A.& WY MYERS, Koy HEMLOCK LEATIFER at SARDINES No. 4. Geanite Bailding |( )( MGN EBAY i VUNG ss Fines oa. Soda, Noo 1 Meech Pickled salinon, Apnl 19 47 Mir. 22 thas are ‘ ocho { Powder It Raton ati alec ont aie ues : Tread. ¢ 1D sooth, Pobace Coyors, Marches Ibe WHITE LEVD AND ZING, ASS (AMIE! AUST STR abs, retin ecriprian call at Aw Wo Myers, No 4 Grave I. 00 Wane fe CHOBE ; Haildiny, who has the birgert Stock + Sorex day a3 Cash orferoceries for Conatry Produce the State ’ ia Fresh Materan! Be Bacon and Lord. good Do you want Ready-Wade Clothing, tiear nnd Meat Potisers Pear Meena. Ovens, ' ROOTS, SHOBS and HAPs? — ¢ MeN CEGY | Dried tra, We, w wove qa request Bong VUNG Ss hilinde gn reenivcl in wers ducer fname ie ARD & BROTHER ‘ ' ue SHlstiroeen poitae | a5 NY Person in want of aS tk Drese can be sup- cree which they are selliy at law p ne | LAL pled ot A. dW. Myrre nn they have them Mar 9 | LOST NOTE from five dollara a patron to one hundred : = AQIS : ; f ; ee Shores Arlt SPRING BONNE ! T FORWARN all perena ngsinel trading for n SPRING NASER. nin ste Sieditedilin IR isa fay hl JEWS A TERMCTE That ean not he denied that A. dW MYERS are SPRING SITAWLS ean ane wnd giver by FJ. omiminger, whieh tow SLY & YOUNG'S. J ornishad, CON PRICE 149 ' Apr 12, pd246 Just reeeived at Mar QQ selling goode lower than any house in the State | ' WEE STE TOM AEN, andl No | 10,000 Vhs Black and cold Cloth Dress Frocks, Super BUA Ttstian Cloth Drab De Ela “rz Alpaca Coate, Super Fancy Caps and Tweed Suits, Faney Linen and Marseittes Do. | March dst, Psu Smp' dso 7 E have just recieved all of the aw various styles of BOOTS AND ist « worn this Seasop, all of the best manuafae- ee we can with confidence gonrantee to all of our lonatoiners, aud to those that n favor us with their a | kind patronage. Bootes & Shoes sorpassed by none in the United Stotes in point of workmanship, mate- tinis und neat aud pleasent fit, a call is respeotfulty | solicited at AL& W. MYERS, 9 No. 4 Granite Baitdiog. Great Importance to the PUBLIC. NEW AND BEAUTIFUL SPRING GOODS. Bx Whee Marsesiles and Linen Coats, Tonen Dock and Drill Coats, Brown Linen do. Wiite Baffand Faneyv Marge lies Vests, "ein au figured Silk and Satin do ‘Black and taney Caps. Pants, Sal abury, March 29. Linen and Marseilles Bosom Shirts. . Allin want will find it to their interest toe amine our stock before purchasing Vo will find the cheapest and handsomest Goode A «& SY Arana Ro No. 4, rans Sune | Baycbarveat arch oo wie ued . MOOSE, BOOKS FOR SUBSCRIPTION Is now reeeiving and | HATHAWAY f CU. pone the Capital Steck of the BANK OF SAL- epenmg at Jenkins’ ISRURY, will be reeopened at the Office of Jous qe GR UGH ate, ee Eat | FRESH) Coayga, a large and the first day of April PARS. Al toxnd Cliified. ! | Ins N ay i AR: \ on i u i Fes d Ww ilmington, NG. Heat, nd will eemaie pliclorliwente dares Clie well selecred Sivek o ary. ow hb spi : es Charter of sad Bank may be seen there F AMI Y GROCER ) } Apr. 12 46 | . 3 . a i 4 yj ES, ta. . - g ( SIAN Ersoy | (9200 Hh’ ds ’ Choice, Ne ow ¢ rop, ; 7 eae H Ul | 2 CONSISTING OF Voliasser f Molasses 2! Molasses fo! ty 3D > Trerces \ Cardenas Molasses. RR MOORE : 1s Coffece, Sugars, Rice, : new 7 ee NS OMRIM \entlininmn Roreslelawils do haccececice New Orleaas \}rmp: M WHITEHEAD, (IS es UOT hes Apr. 12 46 V SPRAGUE BROS LYONS MAGNETIC POWDER & PIL For the Destruction tail kinda of Gaiden Invecte | Ante, Bel Buse BR Ticks. Firas, Wothe, | Rate and Mice, | What preater troubles in on hour of enae, Thott gnaw oi ached bios wil then Gardens ean be preeeny end be sort of thee peste EC wand aeove re Mehl w Fieneh Chennetain Nei , ’ rad by all ASTAPN gOvernMe TR ane Wleges Ri terenee ean neanade w 5 hah Its free from parern, nad h Pe teomomnkind and d mete nmnd OM ! sono ate ad teed Te anne att ' BE Lye temember Pie Lay's Paw fee einen rat While Dvene Pte or ve ’ ls and mice Sample Fluwhe, Qi cts verslar we ree, siete and §1 IWUTENTES WPM Naw \ ork For en'e nt HENDERSON « Wo WY AE ES) Dra «BLANKS lor all Hinds, for Nale at thia Office ENNISS’ and rea, Solishury Im 16 » | 500 Bags Kio. Lagnoira, West India & Java Coffee. Pepper, Spice, Mustard, Starch, Pickles, Catawpe, 2 Raisins, Figs, Abmends, Candy, Vinegar, Powder, 80 Hhds. fair to eholee New Orleans Sugars. 200 Barrels Clarified Sugars. SAWEL REEVES, WICEEL BROWN, JAMES BOKER Salisbury, Mareh Qs. paso te 150 Barrels Mess and Prime Pork. 25 Whds. Western Bacon,---Sides amd Shoalders. | Selene: Geldes Syrup, 200 Une ee yan ak Potatoes, feo | | . WwW . R U Pp P ee ae Mea Pern ia cea. ; 7 . = | y 9 Rope, he aliof which were boagh exclusively for Bank of North Carolina. | i> aoe) aaa pike Seas tieae ee es ve ee 2 a ue Tat acs ae ee Ugh en RUNG i ANTLES | MANTLES | ita il Stewmos eo Soldner, Sa ‘carer ‘ bo CONCORD, N. 4 Nit everiber hae opened a Watch, Clock and dow? we town of Cone moet stock to ad Bank | TURE TRI COVE TION ety ely ING) 1 STAVER recouwing Subseript A. & W. Myers, AS SELLING MANTLES lower than they A b SUVEEL RELVES Ee aiberanlalncts neti vevet been auld intheSection, Jwat think Mar 29d, Ixa0) ait homme (hieaaruibonaeesviicas bata handsome SILK MANTLE, for 81,50 of the revo raw ( ! Helis TAKA ADSM LSS nwonire Looteet Soy le | eee i TRIE ANNE eho Gheanes tee cee ldiliwe this WEN DERSON © ENNESS*! | wy B AR R I; LS eit We are only neking 15 coms Woe 1 | ; {i A & W MYERS, PAGe PROME Ri Corr | No 4d Goawite Rulding. 100 | New ne New Orleans Wo- wae 2) 1 x59 uM 21, BAGS OLD GOVERN WENT JAVA i RR CIS gee Fee leed Guu for wus ee arene onxe how by They are not all GONE. wo on MUNERLY & YOUNG CERAOUBRROT Se tn a ae eMusic y Dice alae ay [, Rack Caen haties hove Rew selina stays rt a Al ’ a . 4 ! ' BLANK DEEDS BLANKA WARRANTS |ainieh an Comin Dex P venre a ase pa 7 z ane fit FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE | Fir sale alia Opes ee a i: £ : EI | EMPORIUM sin eT OS | Capital Prize $50,000! ! FASHION ore gem rey | & 2 vay qo | NOTICE, | 1) | LL PERSONS liable to pay TOWN TAX, 2X who reside in the corporate Himits of the ‘Town of Salisbury, are hereby noufed to give in their list of Taxable property, during this month, to me at my Office mn the Court House. ‘Dhose who fail to give er er ‘Greensborough Mutual INSURANCE COMPANY. —0— QS! CH has been the care cat economy of the offi cers of this Company, that we are free from debt th a ' " = TO ALL _ Interested in Building !! The Sabscribert call attention to ther Mills on West Hill. | AYER'S 64 | Cherry Pectoral. Sey For the rapid cure of Coughs, Colds, 3% Hoarevert, Bonchiis, Whooping Cough, | | faylaapcetl ial partenariat ; ; Re ; Asthina and Consumption, ty uuive res! aS rine j jin ma a double ta have tiade uo a wessiaents, aid tave How on tac F 4 : oS: PV UNG Ss, TURPREN " were > PEN il = ‘ ly known ap the best remedy ever vel Se A es - ‘. O L) | TICKETS ONLY TEN DOLLARS. | Allproperty eubjeet to taxation according to the large capital, yia: in premium notes $457,059 03 ; an FISHY. will dre ber du all kinds of ORN As gjiaransiie i cuneate wrirereen eatin | ) | ae amendment to the Charter nade by the late Le cash $13,345.49—making a total of 8470,504.92, Lo ] eh ULE Uc TDI Aad s ‘ : l YEN 9 ‘ . pry . i , VEN PAR WOOK WORK, ux Mouldings, ary disease, Bo wide as the fiels fe dy BESEN Chath, Wiring, NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC lature NC tee any losses that may accrue, We therefore have 8 feu x { EAE FRAMES usefuloess and so numerous ihe caresot EX ~ . oe i > Brachets. &e, a vod ibantaeture i br a) ' Hey ‘ PED Gi Ute GL HA ECU GANT LORIE oo 0 Fae Mie) MEE fc ful a EGU CTUD CONEY 0G Ute ints UE ALG OP eG ONS LIOLES Gut) SIMA Ms cures, that almogt every section of RINALS, Syrenges, Breast Pumps. chase, becote the owner o! (he grants chartered by CURE RL) 4 ua safer Company in the Southern country. The mast lurve stock of weld geasoned, selected Lumber, will be the country abounds (u persons publicly the States of Delaware, Reutucky, Missour, and \ BER 9 of the Risks in this Company being in the Western ° a ivan a Bab asia cs iid known, who have been restored tron 1 ARDEN and Gruss Seeds, part ol those in Georgia, under the management of Pune ety ee a Cee on of the State, where the danger from firers muh MERC nie atores andi rere tiie alaribinigisndleven\dcsparsteldidicce ( Y { _ he een on pel *. sel sogt a Ea flee of the Supenor Court, in the Conrt: flouse, to ree DIRECTORS) ERECTION OF ALE SORTS OF BUILDINGS, the lungs by iis ure. When once tried & ASEHSUT STR, Mitiore Ee we have decmed it expedient to change the game o ‘ : 2 : ‘ te . % 7 i iy a rediewne [our fin, ww aud afer Janaary Let, beSY, to that af; pass Upon all claims aguiiet oud County, ou the last! James Sloan, J A. Mebane, C.P. Mendenhall, Dp, fr eh PLANS will be furnished if desired. er catemau ve menevery allecmels oF [WOOD, EDDY & CO. who willhereatierhave the, “ednesday in Apni, bemug the 27th day ofthe month, po Weir, Wo J McConnell, John L. Cole, Jed. H They also olf atteation to their SE ORES of the of its kind is too, Cue Wt to seape abserveli f and | & Manufacturers Articles, Himanagement of the Sparta Academy Lottery, and) 28d Previous to May Court All persone having Lindsay, James M. Garrett, EW Ogburn, Do Pp. Mest approved patteriia, and superior finish. where ite virtues are Known, the public no longer tt je Sparta Academy 1. US Pir against the county are hereby netifled to de- Gregy. PD, Kal ee fake io Abr. Sub Their work 1 not surpassed by any tithe State. hesttate what autdete to employ for the distressing a [Peg nui OY lo ava uth i] ' 1 REL ac me i Ah CCS UES 3 te S| UP Orders Alled at the shortest notice and dangerous affections of ine pulmonary organs AGNES(A, Mustard, Ginger, 1 Pr all transactions we have eudeavored to conduct: post the same with me. previous to said Cine ler, Newbern; E. F. Lilly, Wadesborough ; S. ¢ : pane : ( i rf | THOMAS WeNEELY, C.B OC F Os 2 , Ww \) ca which are incedeut lo our clinate y itsuinely ne : ee our business Win tuteyrity and promaptuess, and we | , Coffin, Jamestown; W. A. Wright, Umingtoa ; ¥ S ih HAY, S ral tany attacks of di : i \ NEMAS, Surgice! Tostrumente, | ; | Salisbury, March 1, 1x3! at ‘ ae Te . (iaoy, Hay alenost ary Of diveare upon the 4 ' chil asntre the puble wt st the patronage heretofore EMCO EY Chali sone I Past Daueaty i mae Senta Connected with the Factory, are two Lounge or throat, are arrested apd thus are saved tnan, 4 ' r bestowed on ues well ee of pe aie i {pitt il Nnaath R. E. Troy, Lumberton, Tho Core will be ground with despatob, an thousands every year fom a premature grave | URABLE Ink, Blacking, } wo our successurs. ery rempeetfully, : olnmon, Yanceyville. da MEAL willl hee family should be without it. aud those who do neglect | rally ; | ; ; yoo DAL will always be smily should b a ee whe du negles eae . oo , _ 8 SWAN & CO. | A CARD. Saree een Ppawese connects gmt MURDOCH, DARBY & CO. to provide themselves with a remedy which wards | P SINGLASS, Getlatine, Extracts, Augusta, Georgia, Dee 15, 155 \ AVING associated with inveelt Me Joux Hf, OMee: should be ac EET CICADA USS Sulisbury, Nov Yth, sx B2k oP this dangerous class of diseuses will have cause to} . ; | SNNise, recently of Petersburg, Va. a gentle BiG AML ey deplore it When iis too late. Prootsof the surprsimy V ORKS, Bottles, Sponge. ie, . , . es k vrecen reborg oa gent enborough, N.C, May 5, 1837 tf ! : Le a | WOCD, EDDY & C0., MANAGERS, (sn of big experience in the Drag busners and ONL C2, May 5, hs efficary of the Cherry Pectoral weed net be given ts Ro = i : : l having moved inte th large dew brick badldiag on] gry . 1 np jthe American pecplem—they have fiving proofs in | | SHIDO, ASU Sto LHC | Successors to S. Swan & Co. j the corner of Main and Water Streets, with our Coffee, Sugar, Molasses fevery neighborhood. Bul theme who wish to read the Se increared facilives for conducting the business, I ‘ i dliy | statements of those es whole health hasbeen re | UTMEGS, Mace, Cloves, |, The fillowing Scheme will be drawn by Woon, trust we will be enabled ty command the eoufidence | stored and whos hives have been saved by iis use, | + oe ; , Bopy & Co. Vaauagen of ce Sparta Academy Lot | aud patronage of my former cusiomers and the pub- | Sp A BL’ He | wil find them im my American Ahwanac which th I: MERY, Rotten Scone, Sand Paper, tervsineach of their Siule Number Lottenes forohe generally Our anotto wall be fo ware satisfaction | a "| Ss. 4 L ISBUR Y. agente beluw gated ave to furnish grads for every | ie , . oy pre Tenn mall \nenniveceonmin vablengnder (Gall wilieceres! 1( HOGSHEADS New Orleans, fone x ALTS, Sulphur, Cream ‘Tartar, i 7 . -NDERSON Ww fndia Suy = ¥ \ \ iy ‘ Wi coy aac enc auc LO SILOCE) ; | ' oresa CAT IIEN DERN iy ae oa ee nes subscriber takes pleasure in announcing to his, Price 25 rts per Box—5 Boxe ‘ fur &1:00 os aus 9 iW. &. Class 14 Diaws Saturday, April 2, 1xn9, | Jan UL 1859 Bee OOEKIe Miaccovedo aiden own friends, and the public generally, that he haw! Prepared by DR. J.C. AYER, Lowell, Mase, Class 15 Draws Raturday, April 9, 1809, DR. WINTAR’S BALXAW OF WILD CHERRY. eee Mil nezes taken this long established and well known Hotel, | and auld by ; ; —- - Clas 16 Diaws Savy, Apel 16, 1859, a 65 Barrels Crushed aud Coffee Sugar Puce BUS SSS, uNetlePrenacal usta eteunnu | endereun dE uni salisbury Nie INDOW Glass, P F Class 17 Draws Saturday, April 23) 1839 BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS'! Shr nant : , [date the business, travelling aud visiting portions of | Haviland, Stevenson & Co, Charleston, S WV : Glass, Putty, New and beagtiful Stock o ing Ts esos Ghactie naga: een fakes ae >: SPRAGUE pro's, [the public, in the most satisfactory manner | MOA Santox & Co, Norfolk, Va Y OO WnO! : ins oh Take oniy the Genuine !t ¥ ee BO eS Particular attention is paid to his ALO ieee vy, Witiington, NOC ELL chre, Lamp Black, SPRING ON THE PLAN OF SINGLE NUMBERS. —— Salisbury, Dec. 13, 1k58 29 | BE | Non Rives be erlureeva } AVERY thing which is really valuable aud which coste the ; . CIDS, Alcohol, Flaid 30.000 TICK A nventor Cine, mony and research, je subjert tb } 8 tow. ¢ Prarie, Heese & Co, Rehutond, Vay and all} ’ : , counterfeited — Th ts emphatioal! he o th Wisran'’s | r, \ Five Thousand Four Hundred and Eieity FIV CR bicear ule: Wisi Crenxes ine rvcloutiemunnine cent estate! STEVENSON & BOWEN, and every comfort is provided in his PEA gn Srati iy RAIN, Liuseed aud Lamp Oils, | > ron vd reputation of which as x certain, safe, speedy and never fail RNS OBCOCRE bh PRXTON Ch SEPT | ROOMS d : i q ing cure fur Cocats, CoLps, Ho. ksmnias, Bios cuirts, iearcrn | -' We J RIZES So er mmnmee li COveuh Carli eaClit say ouAnenil aINFLEESa Relais warn a Wholesale Dealers in | m a SALISBURY (OP USO, Boitce, amine: NEVRLY OVE PRIZE TU EVERY NINE TICKETS | cus these, Conus, and Caner, as well as thal dire dices | His STABLES are abandantly supplied, and at- | ; ‘ CONSUMPTION, have induced unprine ripled speculators tn fie teuded by a careful ostler; and to aff departments * ODA, Saleratus, Starch, MARCH 25, 1859 Magnificent Scheme! era and Neath of the cormunity b yalmupi the wees. | Ble TTie ieee Nivieeresual alien (iomie EM A LE SCHOOL. k ° iniserabie, worthless and deleterious (mitati f the true aed Cee EAR ee ua & 5 = . eis Ge at < RI only Cauies BA thus a oO AlbeanT eR | Have Associated with them A comfortable OMNIBUS runs regularly to the 6/9, NDE subeerber will opera Frware Main Street, . , S Oy, y AMIR upon the sick, but rendering th ing to late decis | depot on the artival of the cars. fe ScHvon at the Lutheran Charch 5 ‘ppt py yer , a 2 Ne z- lane in the Courts Hable tow crlmiual prusecction, wich, 6) TY NTWT, M. ZIMMERMAN Wah dieonanan Geniky fiberel a) tthe x ' SUE SIBE TROIS ave tl Te 1 Prine of 656,900 1 Pri of 1,50 roper time, will be commetic "a nett me re es ie 4b vk. PRAM IO th these efforts OM ea ee aber pare © n alisbary, N.C, ou the first Monday ¢ a BROWN COFFIN & MOCK hae 1 Pte phe ripe forthe preparations he toomadne Belatie he| eee a ry NU cad Retiacadrc, ua tite patrutnge ce Canhdentis wdiniced aan Feed tad. eae ; es ormerty of Liveons roy, vand Removed to th: TEE pee ye pron . : 4 oh uh a ee Uute ci nteues (Marve re Nias Ser nite cre naivan eth arere|| ' ace? Ms RO ene TERMS OF TUITION AS FOLLOWS ee Ja ary Doth, . 1 -. PAREIGRETIELECRUER bo Ais | oe Ss _feppitaaocn the following, frum a mearchant, wre daily re | ay nereased Stock will be kept, aud iaducemenis ol et Sreccine and Reape, pero months, £6 00 CELEBRATED VEGETABLE in agmeemcing to their customers and the public, the arrival APPROXIMATION PRIZES “Mitgomp, Delaware, Oct..26,1s55 | fered equal to any House in the trade | Watrixe aud SOE He, a $e .v0 | of their Stock of SPRING GOUDR, surpassiig in 8.W. Fowur & Co,, Boston send m Wie | Poicavenrnie, Jan 25, 1459 pdbme 35 | \ iE TA Ey Guamwar and Pat, Lael CATTLE POWDER $ rare of $100 Approximating to ce Prize are $1,60M| tara Bula, ae Cat nearly ot at ‘ are | ) ra | S jCuemierey and Astaoxumy, $10 00 td . uae Si se TALC 1,2) for it tisdoiag wonders: it cures Cue how, i # e 4 one " we | eas cueuAtedliconslen Mani Silane ier noe RI WEEKLY MAIL LINE ne | Mente, (extra, by Mre SE Swuthdeal, $16.00 per 3 5 by By Ge eb 5 9 been any ofthe genuine herr wnt) you seul me a lot some tke T “We « yuvper I | E (i \ ITP Ppp: fo enh Other mtadies 1 the satin yropurtion 12 ” wag see pentf the coer fcuk ek VEGETABLE LITHONTRII LIC | All perenne wishieg turthe Einar tinge eal setae is . is vara, truly, 0 oy A) "hw the subscriber at Salisbury, c Boarding by Rev EXCELLENCE OF QUALITY ‘ ye ron AO] REMEMBER, THEREFORE: Gb wo sna vatsirn, 1 TWO HORSE HACKS, oR a ee ee ’ nee uh} HES oe only GaNCIEW has the WalTtEn “hoy 611 ae : Io ; eA fs ROHIAT Aelia | op ; : ‘ FRIEND OF THE HUMAN FAMILY . JL SMITHDE AL any thdeg heetefore offered. They cannot think of enumera- | 2*485 Prizes amount $320,000) row A Dew ate Prom Mocksville, VC. to Salisbury, ¥. 0, Feb 15, 1559 pugy3mes ee oe } ag. aor of deecribiag, the multiptied ant varioas artici «| TAKE NALCiT Health jcapie = SUFFERING FROM | ef i I HE Proprietor take pleasure in offering their 4 Rodin Gn NEE TLE nay ic, WEES EAR AEs WORE Eh ToL LO | re EE oe . CHANGP OF BOHEDET? DISEASED KIDNEYS. VALUABLE TRACT OF LAND| Vegetable Cattle Powder, ferling confident that | apy thing you want in the HEND Se ENNISS and WOH WYATT, Salisbury \ ¢ “ . <j [tlie the article long weeded by ihe Agricultural. om arch q . an days {nema and . m3 ba Leb Circular shorung the plan of the Louercen| March tS a || rai . ek \ x Thi nthe DplaldnaniGAalive x, Weak} I OR SA LE. munity Phe Compound is urefulin moe: all dines | ucill he sent to any one desirous of receiving it , See, Ta . | J offer forsale 276 ACKES of Landtyingin Rowan | ter eden! to Horsey, Cowa, Hogs, and Sherp, en | ey wunie dave nt 4 oe k ness of the Loins, ec. County. on the waters of Crane Creek, adjonmy | (200g (ate the cireuiauon, produciug an alternative ; se i) ie {Peckages willbe sold atthe following rates v e : 4 “ive an fhmivuloslle meuieorsfordulemcthe Daye lie lanisan Hil pee sin lenderanaem tect oe funtyiig the bled and all ecereiuons ‘athe rig . 1 iy : : ; ne eS } Phe Powder is recommended for heres tobe giveu eruficate of Package of 1) Whole Tickets, so Pr iteee eK lie wale Karls wk, PY otelin Mochevillrs at Deo Ro Campbell’a. ca Ere. | oibere, about dh aniles frou Salisbury, wear the N u 4 & — . at 10 Malt : ee CCE DEA Se pee me meiie Lirapes\aremun Chatlniteccnt Geverivial( ‘Vering, one-fourth cash, the balance [10 Compliance of Distemper, stabbering, Coughe Fe Bg OT ALMOST, EVERY GRADE AN DAE CE Sai ‘ re ee 2 és pledges traits olen Saem,; aud atthe Carolbua WatchmanOf foone and two year Apply os | Yer Foot dineanes, Glanders Farey. Gripes mpd Co \ WO a 12] Pci ih: etm any Pel RAC mevor ROA Caldwell, Faq, Salisbury pire danuhice and Vettuw Water, disearew ot the kul | IN IRDERING TICKETS OB CER TIFICATES | e terms ‘Try Theaulwcrites having eitered into coparinership| NUR CAD OW Rite tera uuderedsliorsas ec J Euelose he ny oour address fur the Tickets | nowutames in that MGA: Commi onginalparentes torah seinen Jan tt. 1839 1133 J Tt may be given in denen of tablespoon fa! thee or | eedisrct oem Geel CARH CER? OHI IS eER Ne ghey on u ME i" elaeniien j rea Week mixed with water when drukiny f ifactureand sale of the above Medicine, spreparects [oy Nesting Purchasers can have uchets ending in lgent, urtieh x euppl) by addressing hun at Salisbury, N N ( TI ( ‘|; COW Se vy thgure they ay senate ‘ AUSTIN, Prureietun, (ir caifiugathie reuideuce, 14 milee west ufthiel . ae Eierprarieeia lagiies fede P \ { he List of Drawn} unibe re and nzee will be Is5a ee ED. AUSTIN r e powder is high reomimended for cows u re ! eh 8 HR tiem of Mille & Moose having thindas made | fyrug their t J ' rent hase aedite neater a r gh rac ylug their blood and bringing them tow bealtly a sea as me ae [sade . Jane 21,1855 tf5 an ammgumentofther Sock of Goude. Notex | sta Wine out all the uepuctiow of the beady vm | otain, and give their Post Otfice, County and State mi 0 M E A N D SEE L A N ] ) | a ; : ft “ rae i ue es ‘ uM ioe i rhs eerie Cheir strength and improving their appetite, 7 G Rese nta RAE Bees lick watawapesys ; a 1 een ile ¢ oy ane ills ¢ oome, | tie hem yivid (wiece the amount of mith. aeons ; | shen tall witout drdae tien R.WILSON’S s-apee ew wae. (RP RHA RRIsoy, Beans ire a teed ene ey ONE Bib ined see ses i pie | TrAll prizes of 1 O00 and under, paid immediate N 7m W ] I ) \ - MmanurActl © Oe, | “} “ equested tue forward and weCile [oer wil never be without i teheuld be given in | | ° — ) . without de tay us the badness of the firm murat be} dose ct « Catleapountut free ¢ e ' ’ | : He Seb eam eta prizes at the nual vine | S ( \ (C A Ss kK as) r V foe GOD aRSR) HESS ap erent Seniors SMC ALL K De OF House} H( fi fe) Jelogedt Be prompt and save coat Ontong the ae a 7 eli t dieeee Nine i i | hirty daye the @ o e in ety if Saliwbe uatie tro WN | oP 8 nen ed ngs \ 1 6. gi ‘ NOTICE 4PO CORRESPONDENTS ND the large, uew supply of Oe aera ae a a Lea E Peron Be Moowe ny aathorized agent to aectte {ihe yiipure state of the blood wud vectetions mins be ee Seu About hat x ele ure de balaper ss exe dent woos op thes fem ind accounts, and well the ren { t / CAR: Those why prefer not sending money by mail, can | WATCHES, JEWELRY, epernilinenmtny: Tamers : Th Bertoni sc Tiapnnee aa Hern _ cL Hae ) | / a an d botte 1 Stock of be goods w be Clomed outatiow | bn dine seem! Hollow Horr wif Unease. onceowe | Use | and @ great vanety of Glittering | fears i |Z Chama new! slylcanandl knah 2 GOOD M EK ADOW: jhgu Hat give bboy aol. or tor dry come, it haw beet { se onidebte Othe above o { gh - j exer ‘THE ADAMS EXPRESS COMAANY, | Miho: 20.02 ey Aa 2 GOOD MEADO [oats ebed we ane ny ge op aed ey bess by eg te ened 2 [" Fibecb¥ maser oe Ticket of T ; Cc, ee welling Houses one ie an excellent one oun are hereby notiied to make untediate pay | day, or three ines a week BO \ \ f: | whereby money for Tickets, in suins of Ten Dollara,| LAN’ TIC ABLE” orde te and allotberuecemsary bald, Tt can be | Protas ody mw very abort tone will he allowed be HOGS 2 e y | © | and upwards, can be sent ve Call ia—Louk rouad—and see che xplendid array 5 : 70 NEARLY OPPOSITE ' \ re. {TOUR RISK AND EXPENSE, nfictawifal divided inte 2 or 3 tarts re a NN Dea : Call v's CRANITE ROW ye th siais wall aK an Ve ae an by ent Bir hoge the powder ie recotmmeuded to be given Garett US ANE REY JISKURY. N. ¢ BEE > EO AMNG Triatees i vepugha swelled (a nk ts a we yen. Hi eles: - ig vere i the n ’ . from any city or town where they have an office Clocks, Walking Canes, BO) is iis Bin tars | Jan Of, bsg 133 eee ner. Gill ne foe cake edie ae q's PRIN a thie tay Phe mosey and order must be enclosed in a “GOV a , | era rail PRT ae Fe et su MY R A * ; RYMENT BOST OFFICE STAMPED EN. |0f various kinds. _ " , , | a = ; 5 a pound o alfofa package in aw barrel of ews Vike vey OPE." or he Exprem Company ean receive | Nit the i. to buy cheap Having bought! MELUPARY GOODS, | | LAND FOR SALE. POULTRY. ren treetly from the mat ufacturers. foreawh ouly, Doan, offer for sale | . ie. READY MADE CLOTHING | “i smnusestsoencns cosieniny andl nilain "tanner "igen SWorGA Sashes, Belts. Epaulties Laces ener | iit Pemer mow gran ' ats i. muchiuritelselever havelbrcnisdid: in SNliibunes vod} AND EVERY DESCRIPTION OF WILITARY dyouniig the : po Dae EG SU Ubet iu edu celine vers b Gira feat AND LaDIEX’ Adress Orders for Tickets or Certificates to \¢ h 1" : adjaniag the lands of Ko D fecdal Grwins laving hele atid fund Ween WOUDEED DY Te COMaagume (aris es cach, E will deduct 5 per cent, Sven at these low G 0 ODS Jobnston, Solomon Hall and aE ae eee i ee : oe wt ; | A ae Sp RUSS | ratee : Wireeinenid tract thera are pearl hulldineecancant : 7 pecan pee, or, WOOD. EDDY & CO, Adianta, Georgia. | Come and see then ated -ROTE ul MING “ MUN dase Laat) longer than vena . Georg rane and eee the new supply of SUV ER TRA Se rik MEADOW, a quantity of BOPTOM I panes : 2 ; i ‘ oy 5 eA Qnanuity a ( WAND, ane eet 2 DRESS £0 ODS. | or, WOOD, EDDY & CO, Wilmington, Dei and TABLE SPOONS, and the bes My Liteat (eS Apmysand State: Revulatione CHAN -E OF SCHEDUL SECIS IMBEHED: @hlen ‘ennchirltenro lye tt sun ieee canoe be are V7 Aletof the nambe re ihat are drawa from che | NEBDLES that ean be found on this sade of eters, eee ; | lave Countyakniwinn thei i(et Glace som ilGn Ce ete nen cca) wheel, with the amount of the prize that each one in| Atlante: also SILVER PLA PED © ASTORS SCHYYLER, HARTLEY & & 7 AA . dad [ng creek, ndjudung the lands of Arthur Neely and geet entre tie desited to keep up x hest FANCY SILKS, titled ty, will be published after every drawing, in| All kindaof Watehes. Clocks Jewelry &e.pemptl ye pon pee & MANU BACTERERS Salisbury to Asheville. |. crecuntnining 200 acres meriltiirityedii and sini (octmey eae ane Reta ttaeest (mat Tact currssa! orf = the following papers:—Augusta Geo) Constitution | ly re ppaired, atthe loweat rates. and warranted | 7 1 SHR SoS NE See Tducuve Also, one tract of 250 px. | git Wad Oa nae a cacauniss semis k 4 A F ounces le Rob-s, Jal New Orleans Delta, Mobile Register, Charleston | twelve months, ‘To thiebraneh the proprietor wives be RENN Ee : ( eerie M ar hee URS EAU RASS he sion tunedin Ieaity aiediieaies Gore FOLD, Whotesale and Recad by WH WYATT ' SPAS TEL standard, Nashville Gazette, Atlanta Intelligencer, | his sole attention WR WILSON VEN LOLA. en ree ws PRUE ST CEST ee ioe ati titve AMT TES Ch i ' oh ree CAE AICI Mee New York Weekly Day Book, Savannah Morning! Saliebury, Sept 2%, 158 uf July 13, Ise Nyda uieetas ig Sane On LS : e ea a : /~ ARAGES | ’ , ' ! . . A : [mente const ofan excellent Brick Dwelling House | Administrator's Not ice. SMARTINES, POPLINE i. a head ee a Eaves | Western North Carolina Rail Road. (sud ulcer wecesairy ourchaunen Hargain« can be a . : OME, Galt Pay) »* Roe A rie Democrat Female Normal So ol RAIL ROAD NOTICE leaving Salisbury by Rail Road at 5 o'clock thadin thie land as To aim thined ty well ¢ ots Pere vaving claims agwine’ the eatate of ay on vad av 5 o'ele ATEN we |] 4 5 . : ‘ PAN DRERO HERS, 1 3 | ho 3 on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, reaching Ono the tubserlber oo the Wilkesboro’ road, 15 t Hone Goad POG Caceieee incite me eo rane, State of North Carolina, High Point, N. €. Rail Road, TO Morginiton te Supperon the same davies and withe {lea from Salabury Fee OU HERE oe oe ae SILK MANTLES, | 2 mo We re . vot any detention passing on te PLEANANT GA DD ON Ssh ONe aes ans eke alae anita as ; RAK TRR TRIN Re 5 MILES WEST OF GREENSBORO : puserieg eH ANAN TE (AR RIC if / aie ee aati ee al ; pont K COUNTRY MERCHANTS. [DENS for Brevk past. crmming the ALUE RIDGE Agent for RF Johnston Meese NR ae (ANTILLEY LACE MANTLES, Court of Pleas and Quarter Seastous, February | | Rev N MORAY, Privcirst, mith ficient Leeratante NEW, CHERHAP at noon day, and offering to the pablie a fine viewor| Jan 1, 1859 Amos a 2 ol VSD DUSTERS Tenn, AD 1s59 | THE object of this Enatitution in to provide forthe ’ [the celebrated Peakwofthe BLACK MOUNTAIN, | | ) ANT ! 0 Henry Wo Hadson ra, Frankia Bryant thoraagh edacagon of young Ladies, and ax au addi { oe Me Witechell and Chnzman, reaching Asheville to | | HN DOOLEY, the nit uf a very long cha} niPeueth ENT twenal feature tu qualify web of them ag may deste NPE DITIOUS ROUTE, | Dimer seven will be irom EIGHT to TEN hours! Hat and Cap Manufacturer Ki \S8ORTMENT OF r lio, for the avoeation of teaching ft next) Sesnn ww] FOR |. advance of any other ronte. No expense or parne In omit. AND wie , Peri ttyr te Milinfactinnn oo om ! | * hdd = is 5 vos 3 1EE hag Rach th a a pile i Cth 4 jf ale Coere (hac will even on the Txt of F broary. in the New Bock] PREIGHE FOR THE INTERIOR OF Norra 8! be se tectnake this the heen KrkOR LING =O r BANE? (LOICA IE tic kw & test OVE A, ; c : ne DOV ant, Fate ee ond ae Building recently parchesed ty the undersigned | ~SROLINA THRE wo Covidien “RIMiAdamid ieewa Gente enna a (es Cap, I ure, Trimmings, che. | : me Aline orinaey process G6 the law chunnubelcrieibunlding isi aiialedi ih al bueaiinlirrve Gh) al : net giien te all Ewillin every inwtauce refund ther ' | tics Gods, Sole Mie in theretore ordered and adjudged | samunanding eminence and hae ean eure an a VP EEGHANTS and othereabntpurchaningthein Stage Fare ) d thew "AGS {1N! | nay H tow on hand 9 | t t + rinade © Carolina Watehini | : é ie Ae cae amplete and extenmye as Vo SbGLOT rueK OF UNE PLDC ts ae ue at Me : Hwy us nes well farmhed roome to accominodate LUO bonerding | Fall and e MCG rAUpDihek ary a to ne. | CR BROWS HW. L. ROBARDS | aurment of rveryching in my | a 5 i new-paper published in the Town of Salisbary, for! cuits tice that by the completion of the North Eastern ' a. . . ’ | ; : 3 SeRIeE Ss. ac moeriveweckninatiCslig hiun/tu boband mnpencualve shall havea tres saderrenmeteeesmemal ttm Rearderron (iiecniecn! sacs UC heuer iene! : COR GECCLGT or THR nopenes pled (the \ tetite Vic lustices (our Guucuof Rleamand Quarteni caine hy alex ncn let elie ouch aii seneee nts CIMPAP aud exielijcuerauterin ie canioreN: (GmAne- alate lnoH vary RO WAN HO USE, SIIEN Crate) bes id Meena we Ue meat Costet tr be Welt for the County tanahea Rina fe plices. fuel, &e &6 per month :| Seaboard os opened to them | Sere ee | eowhich constant additions will be made during the a Rumen st the Couct (uve th Salebary on) the, rule Biwuctea, Ali 8 (a pee< mins Langunges| All Finuhtcaimened tithe earcaf the Apent JONESVILLE Salish VC. joann wt y | ' . i) first Mouday iu May next. then and ts Lara and Oraamentale on reasonable terme Board and | te North Baatera Rail Road will be forwarded fre w i : d F , \ d | NAELSOUTY, LY. , My eapecienee and facies have enabled me om 2 epey id show 7 by fen . ALS RRE f : q a » mooceasen, to offer . ; if iNQinN, ara ‘{) Ne Hae . Maigret founy he has. why the | hattihe Tuition required in wdvanes ‘The Proprie. [of Comm 1 | ale an emale Academies. | continues to keep this long established and popn- anon, to offer the LARGEST, ond in eve vate ry denn ahall nos have Judgnent | tur, Teachers and Pupila dwell together and eat ai tCheraw A rien ( 0, Gee ¢ , [le Hoven. im the bese style having int wavs the most COMPLETE STOCK of G vODS . fini hen and the land levied wpoa by virtue of this ay rae \Meawaall ey » Van Eaton, ( Mf, Principal ‘ d ES OI VU that hesevercbecnefered iy Wirpiitd Ni tH) 8 A the war table pany Are. | , } ie. iS a a ' redin Virg y Oe # - JN Lehane nit he ald thy mmtisfy the ware | ST enya (rec let enelliyteairavaniy Reeeanine Hertel sUcineeeahenernne| hl @neanss 8. 1h Accum ene ae Ge ane Cetermiingd) no Ooctahallll Mtewtullinsh ihe pariculncatieenatin tense: ‘ as Die ats ness. dares bee Kerr, (Clerk of our aid Conet) for Purinnuntilthey ean tesch and payor, Siluas| pottauen of Freight will be found atthe Post Ofien | ee A 1 Lorraince, Teacher sn Female Depart.|20 ay Usratiafies Fae Tot rented wat or leased cre te iy atock af A Ry rc (bes peibe HU dey ieee Drliry Age Lalo 3) | Hone guarantied to auch Por information | SOS. SOLOMON, | as - PEN OIRO ! STRAVW Goons : ser acs I) i" ivy : jand nthe eighty third vear one independence | Aborese, Engineer & Superintendent Mine PK Hawwoyn, Teacherof Muse and French | but arn atl Proprietor, and invite the travelling public | which for variety and extent cannot he eer Selb 1B: CSS, itis | REV, WoL LANGDON, Proraiproe Nuguct 1, 154 tft | Born per seston of 21 weeke, with every thing far. | (Ocal and partake ofthe many (uxare® ourexperence JOHN DOOLEY Spring Silks, Pra fee ® 6w4t | Jan. 25, 1839 tts | : ; , nike] cnaciity Itiate £25 0/24 factiuexenable ux to give then: Main street, Richmond, Va ‘ Painon varies from 6 to RIS 4 HOLL. RORARDS y 5, 1Ma9 : ; Ie i Ars mot 1 OH ARDS far. 15, (859 142 ORGANDIES & BARAGES. West ra North Carolina Rait ‘Road, J. RB. VOGLER VALUABLE LANDS ee Porc gn ng) Nev 22, 165¥ hat | ii 2 NCS) NGER THALES wit) leave Salisbury for . ~ eneb and Banbrode prac f ‘a T 7 Sdyo0 feel s OISie SIL. OBA. A Syitle and the West, tail. csanitare exerted | es oe: Meee , | Me ape «ses A Mce' cha a rv, each, 5 OU | MILO A.J. ROSEMAN, M.D, . ; alae oes al Iy, after Che arrival of the North C.| © SUSIE ILS (eC he twenty eqghth session of theae achoole willope a () Ya) Try Wee i iin Ss aU ALMA RES F ver re io en nie a . , me ‘ , raN lu Berar wes z Ph o ae Bs | nos WEG entity in TRG Gest. TG serene ( A R R | AG ES, BL G( rl ES, WOULD reapectfulls inform all thom: that yee ¢ 4 & | Te) ve Statesville at 815, AML, And reach | with the ation’ Pord and Buffilon Roade, P2h mites | |, reante ae (osetia . 2 1 are bods bled te han by acecn tt t aa Dtrain coing Kaa! | a | : “ ; 2 j importan ttoall enter the firat week or ae moe b, ‘ dy a ut int they disseny 24. 4 44 eae See ele eee Rees R & N D \ Tals & CO | Woeat of Safiabary. near € orref’ Mall Creek. The ilerentt ccisa nacelle . &o., &o should settle by nole or cash, as 2 tint r indulge ner a eer ri -& N. Dz 1 Prmet containe 282 ACRES This plane ewe in eet ee oe sere H. Smith ‘eannot be given Tv hia absence on prufeasinnll eer SEW Peern EVoLe roy, i Sunday jf Importers and Jobbera of pat the Raidings and Fences are all NEW and | it a ecitable distance apart, affording parente an eel 3 Vices hie Father is authoracd ax agent ake set- N oe Ve REVOLE phon 3 es IE OO) DE GON WON eaclitheranenmlandsmare | wrratanttnan ee tiatr ste and danghters a thorough | Veco respectfully inform hie, ements. : mC. VER, Ene’r & Sup 5 tee Vero! \ Wien Ce pray ae : SEE oe ca Bone VA XN Q g VV Ss y PERE DSH and as productive as ssv lands in thi ee- | cdyeanon in the aame village. We have a fine apyn old frends and the public, that, No B—Dr Roaewav respectfully return bia anenre Par 7} Nf tton, Phere te a@ cee EAN YD AE ae CT Grane coy maps and globes, aleo a good library for | :,W continues to carry onthe thanks to big neighbors and the publ generally, for Haken te Vinealing eer Ja 10 acre pece of DRAINED BOTTOM, There! ine panetit o , . the very liber lage i v7 Vite 4 Carolina Rail R. Freight 28 “Warren Street, larehy ie Oni adremnte wind: Tiana comprising a gre | nS eer Me ncnls CARRIAGE BUSIN ESS. Pn Goal pe ea ee utn DeMamer aceite eld \ Mi: eens » FN ant re hereby notified that al Ne York ye ze ae Upiag We now have several large boarding hoases open 4 ‘ 4 SLN ESS, per by toe attention to hie professional busine sn TNC . deal of valuable Timber There wa YOUNG OR a to contione the « h at PHT ONT featin w | te Gaillte [for the accommodation of atudenta, at the low ratea|at hiaold Stand, in allite varied branches. and will uv iii G1 In Conti) Tuaee a) C : Wille pleased to see all bin old friends when vin |CHARD of very selnet frnit on the place, which is| PET per inenth, and we hope that parents and guar. jeb pleased to show hia work to all who want io boy cure: Wiech is 10 ines South west of Saliabury, : ft pies eee ae iting the City ae rabils ls ted 1 reference to mils, churches jilans wif end asinene hundred and fifty for the | 1 dunhle and handsome Vebicles Calland ™iere het permanently located ( 9 9 | ae hie ay . c c Lal mh ley JAMES © TURNER Jan. PRK, bay Fanta Ic you ( SOSERTIDIMEN Rhy ie " San . - leirmpee et hin work and hear prices ¢Hiw Smith Sho ne March 159 3mpdah a | 4 OF URL aia | or further partientare addreaa the Principal as! are ea Ue to execute in the beat «tyleand manner , LAW PARTNERSHIP, | EY Rey eae Cea Joneaville, Yadkin Co, NC and Catalogues willbe Jof work for farmers or other purposes | Pl Bi ¢ \ Al K «86 I wi sh to purchase 20 oo Jet Maui rupriducal tae tivexchanveGeearetet en UL ane ine Negroes Fellows and will j A.W. & R.A. CALDWELE, 4 1 ae Be AEE is died au Waeren hu Negroes Feile d will pay i & dale ed , eaeen Het x aS hort ot 6 ASHE primes for Vem "FICK the Ae \ TTS ay Pre . ) ee euahle f ewarking my Lexseplantn, QUFICE, the one formerly occujied by Dr. Nesbit, snr A 1 Positive Sale Without Reserve. Z Bee Aree amma on Water Stree . Re | NIGTH CH Be . a i ee SALISDL RY, N.C DR. B E ki NT, ray mi cele id boy < from ter entation ali ALISH tg Ain (On vN y — : , . re 7 ., ON THE (29TH DAY OF MAY NEXT < A cod watt (were three fadtber tf likely March 1, 1859 40 ‘ ONLY SIX DOLLARS \ Year : u AS REMOVED co tue DENTAL ROOMS | SALISBURY : 1b ROBARDS . ily UR (OOS! ONIN SIX DOLINRS Ard ‘ . *,° Banner please copy | | on the corner formerly oeenped hy Dr BR | | | will we 1 at the readence of Dr George Ro John 4 . Salebury, May 4th, 1M5@ Ag y ' LR ARON , Se oY T r ein te " oo — LUD Sete hese preineatiostiond aiimertoost H.C. MALCOLM | FEMALE SEMINARY, Betictstatetoam Setebory.aitthe tow poet ‘ \DVERTISE Hine 2 Pike PO (een, 00 o TAN BARK WANTED), | |ronireted sett tie peterson | ana Se ein : NSIS lene frre ty he haw vet in hie possession, consietng of much ° VIVERTI Sk 7 _ ny "| Jan dts 1728 PRACTICAL MARBLE CUTTER, Pec amrhieg Inmsaten twin charge of the, value HOUSENOLD AND KITCHEN. PUR SDVERTISE eS MEERE [ (0 aubscriber a desrone of parchaeng a large mses PRAT LAT SY id | PANS LR SUES NUPURE. « good COOKING STOVE, a Set. of iN LOO , Allecung pentty oF PAN BARK Dr Parse Carolina City, N. ¢., | ‘ ae st informe the pubhe, that he} A 1) Witxrynon, Principal, BLACKS WITIE TOOLS, HAY, OATS, CORN, LN : Sdauantine € andles , will de well by making ummeciate apphee July 26th 58 ’ ih { Mere NO Witwrvsow, Anmetnnt in the fate rary COWS and inany other thinge—in abort, TP wall sell : Pin Nccal tw. Houpen the mubeenber . toln MARBLE YARD departinent and Mume, alinost every kind of pereonal Property; eo that per ns "y Sion ra Mr Wwe Hewwia, Enatrnctorin © «need con yo Gee aint ar Tabacee H © SIMONTON, fence Quis Aint Sanity (eae (er avwi bony ™ sia, In torin Muse wont in Bny Convemence for honee-kee vin " > ve A . ‘ ) , , J beng : ving, of Hee ‘ NI : a | : fi Cane Wh careen Bapon March 15, 1859 (fd | weompleted to Bro sort Hannon, P have deter ppemite the Mansion Hotel, where heis prepared to Take plenanre in maving that the present Session BPS (bine produced oun farm, or farming implementa ee YOAND EhRI For sale by mined te locate at Carsina City, for the purpose of | fill rere with diapatch, for MONUMENTS, haa aurpameed their expectation We are thankful OC SRY tert. can probably be accommodated by attend: I y Jex \ND EEKLY SPRAGUE BROS JAMES HOR AH ; doing a» {HEADS PONES. PARLE POPS and all kinds of for past favor and requeata continue HI ete wig the eate SEU TIE NON SobGinan hee 1, eas 29 | FORWARDING AND GEV COMMISSION | Work the Marble tine, of either IMPORTED | with a great addition. Awthere may he some whe .. Phe ale will commence on Thursday, the 12th of SUBCRIBE NOW WATCH-MAKER AND JEWELER | BUSIVE EP ALIAN of are Nectaran in there feelings in regard to Schonls, May. and continue from day today anil all aball be SUBSCRIBE Noga MICHAEL BROWN Does mr eh T would ary pobhely what Phave aad in private, 1 tld RJ WEST, Acest Add \ reneoos, Brastinice ’ See. So id hope by promptorss and atret attention to ment) AMERICAN MARBLE. teach nv Fam. if vou want that tanght youtnusteend Sauebury. April 1, 1459 ur : \ ty, your patronage and aupport Being the Agent of : 4 New 0 ii 1 T | Paving made arcengeriente hy which he ean pre 207 tbe Preacher The aecoud Seamon will commence ewes \ One door bel ry : . > | e£ £ l : RIW Maa ne 41 | | Sr ce MTS 8 Sa pms nates e. Murray's Line of First Class Packets, Joure the imponten iraties mannii, atrednced prices OM the hat day of Feb. 1654, and oontinne twenty 1 J Wror haw been constituted my Agent to = ope | : AneiCl iPpaue cfs nl proper rae 5 me ALL Wa MVE Bay ee ee Inna ness pimeuta tw thie and MOREMEAD CITY, every efort will he can fil all orders for Monumenie, eo, wt tenon. Oe Wek rece : fate tenes eeeas es ay pe . “ ; "NO nue of atl kinds he made tomnke thie the cheapest und most expe ble ratee eCins! ition ae he te a By Des dues tomm cad aig Y {e LS i P ( s \\ | i ie RS SA{LISBURY. ON. € liebe Watilesenidews nn i seretiaeettre | ite A : ; en oe nt el aniiet eat 4 He would be happy to have all desrone of dealing | Bowrdin family of Principal and othersofthe high PM) AMS yogi demande agariet me toe rey ’ ow r eatela wy re loaded and yi +7 Y Pee " Ie Pre PROMPT PERSONAE ATTENTION Gry. tparedin the best mannerandon the mast rensonn jhucharged at ine Whar adjucning the Rat Road {iD De oe, to eal and see specimens of Marble, bene | Ott reaper tability ‘ ; GEO. R. JOUNSTON i ey i ve Seer ; all kindeot PRODUC ble terme | Wharf and thereby eave CARTAGE and LIGHT. (Poce® and jnede for themnactyes | A 1D WILKINSON, April}, 1RS9, 6was “rds February 19, 1858 ly3e ‘ ue . i Nadeosescnra epee neeeinet het Privcira ‘ weninente te be suldin thie market or v ERAGE | aving hac A) ’ nthe hosineen : sea I ARGE lave Fiat Dr fleeces veraniead pod taut hee Pact ir flariieuiar allanimncwiiiihe [he willgive him personal attention to patting apmon { Peh tet, 159 VfR6 PAINTS ! PAINTS ! ! os t HAT given to all orders, | | - Biabthace Seed forest vt sere: a, Tsay 197 . and to the aale and shipment of Produce URLS a | Yat) HENDERSON & ENNISS’ Professional Card | OOP ky TRIS hur Drs. M|WHITEHEAD &J.A. CALDWELL, Linseed, Sperm and Tanner's Oil, HENDERSON & ENNISS’ 1f4Q BIANK WAR OCAUVTS For sade ah thie ve. Forede at Mar 14 | R.C. T. POWE may he f Office tn Cowan's Brick Row senton Prof onal business RAY) Now na at Nie yok WILLEAM B GRANT | All ehipmenteot Produce (oD Connes Wennay Lye wil! be forwarded free af Commision IRAK Augnat 3d tf10 Kerosine Oil. HP genuinne KEROSINE OFT, for enle at HENDERSON & ENNISS MURPHY & CO, have jurt received, AVE nesociated themselves in the practice of Medic 5,000 the Pure White Lead and Zin 4a l H and offer their Prafecaions vices tothe pablic T lot of Lin Seed Ou, which will a - e, ih a large wie? ft oan have the servic th fn any case, withont Bari wi + whe MURPHY pal asthe ‘ a charge fa ’ CAT Ohce—the vame oecupied at preser thy Dr Warren an Saliebury, April 4. Bw45 * lo J.J. BRU SER, \ DOT OR N DEP ROMITsrOs: TERMS Single copy, $2.00 Bive | $3.00 Pen cope $15.00 Cl ba Hl.50 each uonsewup op Wop ional B suolaenuy & Uofdoouy § P-urQinul & , Uotsaeu, YD Jaye doy soup Yow equ £ sO UO wun BE e tollowing Court and Hastarday, Avpeal OMT And nang other forme of betty order va short not A square is the space occupied by 16 lines of Brevier type VUceasinual renewal without addition soharge Brauted to thuse who wd | VOL. XVI. Vertise regularly through | the year Three duilars for an neuncing Caudidaten tur 0 Court Orders charged SALISBURY, N. C., APRIL 26, 1859. NUMBER 48 ——-—s Devoted to Politics, Mews, Agriculture, Internal Improvements, Commerce, the Arts and Sciences, Morality, and the Family Circle. 2) percent bother than . os _ From the Wadesborough Argus he wbove rutes. Orders tor wivrce of stand! ‘ Vrs seeins te have a very bad opinion ot the Detiouracy, but we thuk it wil ie ein and wife, $10 cach u geracy, but we thak at wall fiud it ratuer Hard Work lo taahke its readers believe that) Deno Chats ate as dishonest and. ALUPL ds it charges. quested ty stale the num berofinsertions required wad if iis wished they slinuld vecupy te lemet space powmibie, rite upon the back the word cloee Otherwise they will be putup in the usual atyle wud Coarged accordingly @ No discount ow these rales BW Ss, miscellaneous BLANKS ace kept on hand for sale, at this Can be Sentby mailto any part of the country, at sal UXpeise Civil Warrants, eyo. & SC eutuapruie, Blanks BAKER'S PREMIUM CHOCOLATE ' W Biker ¢ tty eres ter pract bie ; and Vaiiia Peemouin ¢ he Prepared (seed So Wlerrtar pra ter do Shelis and Cracked © oeoa, Cele- wivul Vanda u ‘ ” 1 » tnd wa ther ¢ tte ( aA teh for Peo and Corte ~ an teen they are iovalial au ccc ' Ty 0 Phys » ly Fors bv th Ny Gar 1a) (} Murr New York, Win S Geran, | WOM (ested , Batuaore . Reune rt, Da at ca alia by Gra ere geaeral’y WAT PERE VATE cd $i dS Dhvet Macs | NEW FAMILY GROCERY SPORE: Try the New Grocery Store, FIRKT DOOR ABOVE JONES HARDWARE STORE Ete GROCERIES, every kind required for Family use, ere Ad tobe gold f too small dora Credit busine shell be regularty LOW RATES + Cath or Barter suppued to our tor Cann Cicoeeries The profits are BEARD & BKOVHER. Annl 6.1859 tas Notice to Builders. ane Carol Hralin Method to invite call at Me P grogids, speciticat 4 propos ' Dpecitical a ¢ the use Aree he ny rater baile earant, ( nm, AE ous at the honse undemmyoed, budding unto Wolarge and would take ties wint t bot a Aaa he wiha w aking f Mr TG. Heiby JOUN SHIMPOCH COV ELCHOR, | Mo 1G DoH Mt March 25th, Pleasant, THE LI ARKIER ; HETLIG, BEE Tsou wad VER INVIGORATOR! PREPARED BY DR [8 OXF Gy THE Nest BUR DICINKS now before the q * —} = - These Game the system supplying in thet; Invigorating urtfying Hote mach R . “4 LI V E Nile twee for fe ere: ) aud th All who use It are testimony a favo TR A RCIRNTIFIOG MEDIO 41 te t -O R D ' S SANFouD Compounded entirely from GUMS, rROME and, what ts f the reematonal tive stomach Night- ’ s the bewele pide, wile tor Cholera or x Water in the mouth with the Invi- orator, and swallow both together. THE LIVER INVIGORATOR yer Complaint mon Headache, PRICE ON@ DOLLAM PER ROTTLE SANFORD & Go Proprietors 345 Hroadway, New Vork Wholesale Agentar Ranwes & Park, New York ja, MN a moh Gromae Ho Keyarn Victabs retailed by all Druggists Sold uly w Saliabury, N. ¢ Tw no WOH Hay dee Dyort & Sone P) i Rt Lonie ~ H WYATT, and HENDERSON & KNNISS, Apr 12, ly it BOOTS ana STTOES, \ VATIOUR ie SHOES, worn this Season { tare we can with confidence gi cu kind patronage in the United States in pont inte and neat and pleasant fit, A&W policited at A Saliebury March 29 TE have gust recieved all all « smere, and to these that may favor Boots & Shorea surpassed by vf the BOOTS AND best mane View of f the arantee ta wil at our ue with ther none of workmanship, mate cenll it reapectfully MY ERS No. 4 Granite Building 44 Western Democrat That's a fact! We lave a very “bad” opinion of the Democracy, but not worse Chan the opinious eutertamed by Demo perats Chemsel ves, who have honestly con- fessed iat the present’ Democratic Gov eolinent is the most corrupt Institution thacever existed in this or any other age country, Democracy condemns itse 1Outof the mouths of democrats the Demo- leratic party stand condemned, Oo the authority of thon. Andrew (Johnson and fou. Mr. Toombs, we ar jraign the of the United States, While ti possession of, and adiin Istercrl the party, {“tuahing tuore corrupt uses of money proper im) the people, than wny Government now on \ | Jor Governinent bv, Democratic as nny onto the atietnts collected trom teot the habitabie peobe Tiisis youd Democratic authority. ish our readers | NE AS to belteve, ds Mwhat Democrats say oot thetuselyves Democrats who lave beeaue disststed with Democracy, apd whe will ard the Opposition io defeating the party ewrtls Which they ones cooperated — but which has become so tuonstrousl: corrupt that I armed: to fey are be Wh ibs Gol nected with or ietaeneed ty at Phe readers of the whey ( hip t ‘ IGECEAY oct Wires Credeia to what they Ca rt ‘ Western (2 meerat to the rt Willintiatied ter ‘ x Noa \ Now, ae cannot help, Lowever much We Hray pity eoobliy nity ot din ate Visio W ( Latis te distin So eT hy Cae tea SE not appreciite the ditherer Oo ween th Atmentcan ba the tals wh (hist abo HRS oben Gee a wee BC An bird, the thoow there are animals which take ther ca “tizzard. ofrom surrounding objects, aud wiich, seen ta ditferent dsperts, are alone tine green, and at another | wn, OF the color at all, as circumstances dictate. — We know, too, that the dunat mend, takes its tone from those with whom it as jrcclates. bor instance let ainan become he associate of thieves and felons —let din consert with the vile and vicious the dintoral and depraved—the profan Vii rit let toon nto low and vi dd conversation, aud qead the prodiuy 1 deformed and prostituted inte eel jon tis oWn sense of! proprie withe nobler promptings of lis ta ve will be blunted —his conscience wil be seared as witha hot iron, and Ae b as bad as the worst. Cone Piisis the inevitable etfeet of bad com pas It is aiso true, that when tie mes a? vinous Corrupt, the outward Vision is fefeci ve the tmerat mitlaenciog the mat ura Tous.atas possible that a tian’s tietais diay become so taluted and cor rupt, that the dost beautdal objects: in nature ct art, serve but to remind) tiie tthe vile and valpar, and dustead of ele Vating ald ennobany, serve only to bring Wohi valoar and bestial propensities, Lous, the Memoerat pronounces the Atmenean eave, seen through Demoera ' fue “bazzerd” —foulas Democracy 4 eae ecratic bird Msett-— corrupt as Corruption cam make it ta Oreath taints the attaosplere its stemach erares the food whieu would discust, and tauseate, and mei tity, and destrey the tile ot any “1 creature cess repolsive than tse if I these respects, itis amemblem of Dome cracy. Tt does mot sour ay ay with the Vehitteriings in ats meuthe’ Tt cannot sear. Tt bares the vehittings” which ‘at has riven trou the festertoy carcass of some dead anal in its stomach, even as Democracy has swallowed the “ehitter “ofa defanet trea ! Ti 4 they are the “ave saa Democratic bird SUA et parts I ‘ ! \W 1 nK \ Ie M \ ‘ meen ‘ eta We ste fh ‘ I / 1 \ as W \ Tis | ay | ‘ \ wen ] I) } ' Ow \ \ \ anion ] sine d wid they Weoshall der him sour, Mr Bazzard let in lis upward: flicht, progress of the cause of truth -which ar the ply toy thieht of the foul and dilomened bird we shall him sour Phe noble bird ig avinbolling the Ip nhove onward and upward, Whose presence isa sure pressae of death md corrnption, ffe as Liberty. Tle is free as the air which sa; an emblem of ports The earth ham “buzzard” with ied the ot nostrils of party have cormnption. The tills the stench abominations e people They are gorse feted with prey. The oppressed and cannot rise from the earth there 1 and sur are heavy and They flap there wings and beat the air I ey strive to Their utmost efforta barely sutice to enable them to reach the lowest linb of some stunted tree in the immediate siein ity of the “ehitterlings,” where, in iinpo tence they sit, gloating over their preya| atten with bright new dollars, and provid- hear, requested the witness to repeat, — ‘their stinking breath aud nauseous vomit ed for the enjoyment of his old master in IThe merriment became general. Tt is' CAWT DOWITHOUT A PAPER. there only detence against jutrusion,— the Paradise, whither he is supposed to ueedless to add that the will was sustain: | And there they sit, until disvorged, when, lave betakeu himself, the model of an ed. With fresh appetites they again glut thei stomachs to repletion, tide er hike wing we most In respectfally conyratiiate this Western Buzzard” on the happy conception which bas enabled Conciuslon, Hitn te bestow upon his party a naine go es Were over and he had ascended the happily expressive, and beautifully illus throue, that?the policy of the decease trative of the strony sympathy between the scavenger bird and the scavenger par- (Ke hditors of newspapers will see the pro- prety and fitness of designating that par- tv by ther new vame—* he fd <2. The Kite of the Slave Traders. Phin udon Morning News of the 22d ult Tithe death of a wreat, as it ealis hin ‘a black Woolly-headeal po tentate, and nevertheless ateble tmonarcly, a@ trained and experienced warrior, and a hinge Whese deeds had resounded far and [treters to Grezo, the slave king of Dahomey, whe expired lately, but at Winatl tia ly kuown, on the wide Is lot [PEE Pe Weetern coust ot Atrica. Lis Ore at ee this julie bw the ls teodetaned EES KOR isd ul GC oatrociaus ¢ tian any . rane ait sola Por upwards ! Wenty f) Pe dio silpieed tie ca Hands of © Spanish amd Portaciens . ‘ tested the Distt ot I> t He ey wstit uf n toute AEEEels AWA Ey EES Sica ulits ! is \ ts hes 7 Cis toners Phe organized ane 1 5 Potal foras aud cravites on the lasrest Se Atiica has known, and annually sutd, wi treniocse or seruple, lis own Countys ae ntens of thousinus, for ex | theo Hible crueities armrest C pPagties ol. 4 ted fhe wreteled - dd Tet f tlie Ie passate, ov dey Wlatine nesredand prouroted the titheire iateral prosperity of Cuba and Braz. This potiey, and te derived from it, excited the cupidity fohis neighbors, aid from Whydat to Lagos the slave trade became the business of the whole population, When sucecéeded to his patrimonial throne, the adjacent country was inhabited by inde pendent communities of the Eabas, and it the wealth Gez Was on them lie perpetrated his earher dtrocities. The attacked them, burned tuerr towne, carmed off their choicest peo sand when his own violence was un sHecesstil, bis intrigue dutroduced civil yvEleRe ASS ACME Urea Rey Tecate 4 EPL An Ainercan missionary, Mr. Bowman, Pe Teed arrative says: “fohave counted the sites of eighteen TesolaNal towns within a distanee of six ty niles between Badagry and Abeokuta the lou ate resultof the slave trade. Phe whee Yoruba country is full of de populated towas, some of which wereeven larger than Ad Of 8 at present. WL the plitces visited by tye] ders, only Ishukki, Peoono. Dkisii. and a few villages remain. Tj towas destroyed a few weeks after any arrival in the country Other and stil Tarzer towns have tately falien Atone of these, called Oke Od dan, the Dahomey army killed or captur 1 2aaen people, the Ving presented Domingo, the shiver with a on which oOcCaston 600 staves. The whole number of people destroyed in this section of country with: ithe dast itty years cannot be less than Sou.de0 Lhis won Lappearte be incredible, bat ts ares tobe weil authenticated Tes For a tune ! raised Towls Upou the Codst OY The prosperity of the slave trade erew dn numbers, commerce and wealth Wisda Porto Nowo, became the seat of the taost active and flourishing trathic. terrible passtous mcident to the nefarious bronght about their mere nests and dens Stier, Dat ther ill-gotten gains and the business seo own rung. They became of robbers, titeves and pirates; scenes ot disorderand violence were of con Dadava eof ten thousand iilabitanuts, was burnt throat athe ye ation i ; Tut, stant occurrences Vv, Which boast GOW IT a Cut wonerst at ' biclit mw tawloss ps the whole Ion Was Closely chaded by alishernesers; ind) Lases was destroyed by a Britush bombardiient After this exertion of British power, and its tore permanent establishment in those parts, the inthaence of Grezo decline ae vet he was suticienthy potential te mar taro ti treastiry and th amd to attract proleon, whe corel pded a treats Sub, the diplonaey of Lonis Na of frond ipoand com in the an erest of his scheme fo Here Will appren Neat observes, French Colonies News ‘and funeral esi tp in tie however, as the London Nits chistial rere is over lus death has been mourned and tis cele brated by the eutire slave trade interest Interior His obse med at Abomi; thre of Whydah attended it thems: of the coast and the qaies were perfor siave trader anil each carried thither lis assisted contribution of slaves to be sacriticed to his memory, atid oof merchandise to be presented to lis suecesaor It had been proposed to tac litate: Grezo's adimiss mn into the other world by the slaughter of POO Atmeanss but whether from th ditticntty of preenring thar naarber, er fron thear noereased valne to the Spaniards thie Spannirds, limited to nt Why dah, nificenea on the occasion erent ly Diassacre (a was happrly SOO v3 Karopean agent as usual, displayed his mag Ile offered to the new sovereign a large silver salver Buzzard gabized a large slave lhonting expedition. oak tree in frosted silver, from the branch- es of which ling, for his use when dis- posed to the flagrant weed, the choicest ot Havana cizars.” Butin getting rid of Geto, the poor and despotled Africans have uot escaped their as reckless and blood thirsty a savage as) linsclf, an- nounced, as soon as the funeral ceremon- | tormentors. lis son, a monarch would be continued. This was Gesivned to express his approval of mode in which the latter had filled his treasury, and as evidence of the sinceri- ty of his words, the heir immediately or- | i The Value of a Bit of Nnowhlye. = In the Piazza, before st. Peter's, at Rome, ‘stands the most beautiful obelisk in the It was brought from the Cireus | of Nero, where it had Jaid buried tor mae | ny It was one entire piece of kyyp- tian marble, 72 Dea | world ayes. fect high, 12 feet nq are at the base, and » fect square, atthe and is computed to welgh above 470 tons | and is supposed to be 8,000 years old. — It Much engineering skill was required to! j, remove and ereet this piece of arts and the celebrated architect, Dominico bou- should 1 | would Take Care of the Present.—Take care | ; of the present boys, and the future will Children are great! I the word. ie bovs and of their good or bad quali- | Many a boy las lost a fine chance | just vecausé Ue men that knew hit saw that he was uot industrious and truthful, so they did not speak well of cs. i life ltake care of itself. ‘dreamers, and they often dream of the future, and of the pleasant things it will Many a time, when a boy, sat dreaming over my books, of | graud things | would do when I become a man; of the money I get, the beautiful house L would) build, the travels [ would make, and the | inany kind, and brave, and grand things 1 would do to win fame and power in the | But, alas! my dreams were on- ly dreams, and now, as a man, 1 know {that itis not the dreams but the deeds lof childhood that make up our manhood. | Take careofthe present. Do patiently and well what you have to do. day's lesson’s thoroughly. be honest and kind. fbe industrious. ny one will know your perybody bring thet, hav c I is watched by the men in his} Ps neighborhood, and they oe Learn each Speak the truth and You necd not fear that yood deeds. kv: often speak ot tine, Was setected and engaged oy Pope itn, or help him. Never mind the fu SEN SSO. eet! Goperatons aNitire, ‘Take care of the present. Begin Reeeet AD Teet Wits built for ite’ as Love to be just what you like to be reception. and the ometisk bromeht to its tin ynliend, The noble, truthtal, gen ie. Many were the Hivebtots Cotutrie | Valeus prepared for the raising of it to ts ast resting place, allot woich excited Clie cups crest ai ie the pur ewe th evervthine Was in readiness, t cay appointed tor the great event A sreat muititude assembled to witness i. tae ceremony 5 and the Pope, afraid that) the chimor of tie people in distract the ‘ion of the architec ssid an} ya rots to tn Htaiiniye and drip tig ek ye alties on any |t one Whe should, during the litthie of the vivantic stone, utter a sing Wool Of feck rt tugs and breathless sence, the splendid Atnidst suppressed crc teiment tonuinent Was eradually raised a few inc! t f the t when its upward motion ceased 5 it hun suspended, aud could not be got further ; the tachle was too siack, and there seem- ed tu be no otier way than to undo the yreat Work already accomplished. Tue} anboved architect, in his perple Sey hard ly ku ple were anxiously watching every to wohow to act, while the silent peo jonoot tis teatures to discover how tue! problem would be solved. In the crowd Was am old Dritish sailor; he saw the ditticulty and bow to overcome it, and | 3 he shouted * Wet Withi stentoriam cat the ropes!” The ob the culprit and ludyed tin in prison ; the architect caught the magic words, he put hits proposition in force, and the cheers of the people proclaimed the suceess of the Next day the Dritisti criminal was solemuly arraigned Vigilant police po great uodertaking betore lis Holiuess ; his crime was unde wiably proved, and the Pope in solemn language pronounced hig sentence tu be ---that he should receive a pension aunu ally daring his litetime. } These little facts stored up from obser Vation, call never do the owner any harm, and some day be of great utility; and only proves tac of re this story value bering stnall things as well as great ropothing that is useful is too tn sant for man to know, and there ts ho knowledyve that lias not its use. +e. A Liaw a desal pentleman writes On of the Eastern Cireutts ont Judee was well versed in the law, uj and Jiked a joke. An linportant will case, involving some fifteen thousand er Stun ped, — From Tennessee at forows t one TSE dollars, was before the court for trial. Able counsel were break the will, on the ground that undue coercion Was used by the test he by fas will manuimitting several slaves, trying to ators wife over lin, ato the hers held coast tis own wish. Atl went on stooothly tora tine, when tor the plamtiths, bad heard the deceas- | D 11 WIT f it Sain Roberts, aictorney asked waituiess if hie ed sav anyciiag about makin a “Well, what did you hear, Mr. Jack. ¢ sone” tl a ' h < Heeroes eard him say and “You may stand aside,” rupted Sam, Selig bar was convulsed wit » wanted to see t Tree, lhastily inter witness stood bewildered: the 4 ilavehter ; witeess ehaneed up and down easily, tll at lengch is Llonor suimtnoned enoush of oraveity thess that las ev to fell the ow not as Mr might stand aside Jenee was dy] Roberts wanted, and that he During the progress at the same trial, al Sain Was caught again He was attempt Ing to show by a withiess that the deceas a will San, “did you ever ed did not want tu make ONY Wilson,” said hear TTorton say anything about a will! y. BA) ey \ “Well, what was it, Mr. Wilson?” “He swid te did not want to make a will are best’ —there is aman whose presence } " I “Dd he give any reasons ¢ sa boon and whose characteris a sermon 1c yait to the world.—- Lhe Lien Lijhte. “Well, what were they ¢ Give us his 3 “em. Own Words. Well, L will He said he did not Furmers Bann charter of this want that raseal of a lawyer, Roberts, vostitution, as amended by the last Levis coming over there with a bale of sacks to lature, and which removes the mother tuke away his money! Bank to and vives” the “Poor Sam was dumbfounded ; the bar fairly roared; when the Judge, either from a spirit of fun, or because le did not jerains Savs re othe ire every day frustrated, and kind designs rendered praccically useless, simply be x caulise orting ¢ cae yee “] disti we Praate ans Wee lhe tye 3 erous, intelligent boy will be a suished authore Masters of Lodges inher dine ihe stauap. wee That Crazy Woman.—The Greepsho- ro Times states thata Mrs. Rankins, por be from Kentucky, has been in that town, and as evidently She represented herself as s, the widow of ; | : ne Kept, a Mason, and as such soliciting aid from | rity. She had letters from the of travel, proving that she had imposed on the fra rity venerally Atmeong other books, she claimed to be the author of © Light, ty within jand) Darkness,” published by D. Apple-| poof the pedestal, ton & Co, Ph c ila. The editor of the Times wrote to the publishers inqairing who the 4 author of that book was; they answered that it was written by Miss Lizzie Petit fof Va. This Mrs. Rankins spent a few days in The Way they setth | Charlotte a short time ago, and succeed- ed pretty well in duping some of our cit- izens. SI e behaved rather badly, and imany then believed that she was either deranged or had some evil object in view. Charlotte Democrat. it in Ihlucare. The Georgetown, Del., Messenyer says Saeall that Pos Register state that they have a case ot Small Pox in that town. A stranger stop ped at the Winnsboro Hotel on Friday wight the Sth, too unwell to proceed fur- ther. A physician prouounced his disease sinall pox, Whereupon a panic seized the citizens and the exercises of Mount Zion school were discontinued, last week the wite of a man in Dogsbo- rough tlundred, Del., and with a young man took up her resi- | denee in} left her husband, Ulsboro. The husband made his appearance one day, and sat down upon a log and calmly talked the matter over, regarding it in all its bearings. The result was, that the young man who was In possession of the wite ayreed to give the lawful but injared and forsaken lus: acd. band, the sum of seven dollars and a dog | tor his wife. Thus was the dificult and dangerous business compromised to the | 3 jfull satistaction of all parties concerned and the former husband all tight, title, ! and claim in favor of the lover, departure immediately. took his oS The Winnsboro, (S. C.) The Register the disease is contined to one particular house, aud very properly re- jtuarks that there is no occasion for any vreat alarm, Dost usth Thy Might.—Benevolence disposition and decision of le in which he royal hand tindeth todo, do it with thy might” character inited, make aman a blessing to the cir moves. The precept of preacher—"Whatsoever thy involves a principle of far-reaching sig wificanee, and recognizes that power of tive usefulness which God bath putin the e who means to do well, rat all. “tout, rcked hands of men thore favorable opportunity, will thing as entire neglect. and not doing, is just t not quite so honest by Slaushis at impossibilittes,” the popular fallacy Branch to at a general meetit repre sented Treens oor” : City, was vesterday accepted cof the Stockholders convened in this town CGenerons purposes of | clement time ts neglected without dori wiat he means until the arrival of some hever the same Meaning to do, re sane as deter , he Procrastination is a) mining not to do and saving so, only itis But where the work il where the will to do it ia which and despises that noble energy that Ssecond thourhts Eelizaheth ( uty Pionecr Take eare to, nan of IS17 shares were What! do without a paper! No | I've tried it to ny sorrow tu subscribe for one. | Nor wait until to-morrow Should lovers hang or drown themselves Or other foolish caper T never get to hear of it Ido not take the paper! Why. there's my neighbor, Toby Stout, 1 He always reads the news, | And, having news to talk about, He never gets the “blues,” While other yawn in ennui His mind is light as vapor ; The cause is plain to hal! an eye— | He always takes the paper While neighbor Stout hears all he news, And knows each current price And always minds the P's and Q's, By taking pood aly ice, | T cannot tell the price of grain, Ot poultry, cotlee, paper, | Or any kind of merchandise — I | | suse T take no paper! | Though T have studies which require ! Mach ume and mental labor, i a Yet T can spare a litle Gme As well as Stout, my neighbor. Though time be precious, Pecan use A longer mite taper, | And thus find tine to read the news Theretore Pibtake the paper! | >. | | Questints and Ansivers.—A sopbist, wishing to puzzle an old Milesian, one of the wise men of Greece proposed to hin in rapid succession the following ditticult The phifisopber replied to them all without the least hesitation Our readers can judge for themselves: What is the oldest of all things ? God—becanuse he always existed. What is the most beautiful ? The world—because it is the work of God What is the greatest of all things ? Space—because it coutains all that is created, What is the quickest of all things? Thonght—because in a moment it can fly to the universe. | What is the strongest ? | Necessity—because it makes men face jall the dangers of life. | What is the moet difficult ? To know thyself. Whiat is the most constant of all things? Hope—because it still remains with man after he has lost everything else. questions, | ee | A Sul Death.—An interesting daugh- leer of Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Keener (whose funeral takes place this afternoon) came to her death under very distressing and somewhat remarkable circuinstances. A few days ago she pierced her foot with a splinter, causing at the time but slight pain; ina day or two inflammation en- shed, andony esterday she died of tetanus. Last Friday she was at school, and full of life and hope as the gayest of her com- panions. A sad and startling illustration of the uncertainty of life. —Auyuste Des ome | Louis Napoleonand his Old Creditors. —There has just come off before the civil tribonal of Paris a trial which is strictly suppressed here, as Napoleou TIL is, in ‘tact, the defendant. In 1S41 he sought to raise money in London, by the issue of scrip, based on the recovery of Queen Hortense, his mother’s property, confia- cated in ISlo. Very few ot these certiti- cates were nevotiable; but two Belgian bankers, De Coog and Terwangue, be came possessed of a certain amount. They brought their action to recover the money, The tribunal decreed that Louis Napoleon in London could not give away what he had not, and that by a decree of the 2!st Jannary, 1852, the Bonaparte family had renounced all claims of any family inheri- tance whatever. Plaintiffs non-suited.— (Paris Correspondence of the Globe. } o> Stirson and his Piddle.—The writer of the Declaration of Independence was passionately fond of fiddling, and is 5 to have excelled in playing upon that in- straument. In 1770 family was burnt. atter vears, with glee, an anecdote econ nected with the fire. Tle was absent from home when it occurred: and a slave ar- rived ont of breath, to inform him of the disaster, Inans1on After learning the general des trnction, he ingmired : “Bat were none of my books saved 1" No, massa,” was the reply, “bat we saved de fiddle.” DROSANFORD'S LIVER INVIGORATOR [thas become an established fact that Dre Sanford's Invigorator will cure Liver Coinplaint, Jaundice general debility and Many people, personally known to us, Whoge word cannot be doubied, have given their Certifeates to prove this and with such a mage of evidence who ean donht IOs troly the invatd’s fiend, and will give rehef when all other remedies fail, and in some instances observation it seemed the means of snatching is victim from the grave e wish all that have come under our ow ofour readers whey edamedicine would give True for ot wall sure relief Sold by WOT WYATT, S ccabury Im46 De JC Aven. ihe world renowned Chenuat of New Fouland. is now at pping the Burnet House (heey He hasbeen making »tourofthe Wee VStates, with hie acientific aaeociates, to ingeal gate their remedial productions make We notiee he has heen with marked diatinetion by eur reeoch ae he can remedial received eading ciuzensof the Wost and are rejorced to find they have shown a Proper eatimate of the man who has perhape done more forthe rehefothumanilisthan any other Amer jran Datly Journal, Cinemnat:, Ohve Mr. Jefferson used to tell, in! Agricultural. PROFITS OF AN ORCHARD. i It is reported that one of our farm- |ers in the neighborhoed of Nashville, has this fall after making a large a- (mount of cider and vinegar from his orchard sold the balance of his apples to a New Yorker for $900, and the _N. Yorker claims that he will realize |six thousand dollars by the operation. We suppose there is little doubt 'of his being able todo it The orch- ,ard consists of some 5,000 trees that |have just come into bearing. The | enterprising pepe has_ twelve | thousand trees ready set out, and will soon have an orchard that will ‘yield him an immense revenue. _ One bundred acres of orchard will ;contain some six thousand trees and ‘they will vield enough the sixth year jafter planting to pay all expenses, of | trees, planting and cultivation. When 1p full bearing, they will furnish some three barrels of apples to the tree ev- /ery other year. If the orchard is on any of our railroads, the apples will nett two dollars a barrel, or six dol- ilars to the tree which will be equal | to three dollars to the tree every year | Thus we see the handsome annual in some from 100 acres, or an orchard | of 6,000 trees, of eighteen thousand dollars. If those statements are exag- gerated by one-half, it will be seen at a glance, that nothing promises half so well. But there are a thousand facts that prove this estimate below instead of above, the reality. | ‘Tennessee has a position among her sister states, that enables her to supply them with mauy valuable things, but the day will come, when her fruit and vintage will be one of her most pleasant and_ profitable re- |sources, and the market cannot be overstocked.— Homestead. TOBACCO—EARLIEST AND BEST MODE OF RAISING PLANTS. | To raise tobacco plants early and | successfully is a great secret. People often fail to get early plants, because they do not take sufficent pains to put in the tobacco seed; nor do they make their beds in the right location, and put them in a suitable condition for the rapid growth of the plant. A | tobacco seed seems to be slow to sta- rt, unless you resort to the most in- genious means to force it to swell and sprout, | ‘The earliest, and perhaps the best ‘mode of raising tobacco plants is as follows : , _ Prepare a bed 40 feet long and 10 feet wide, in a warm place where ,the sun will help to enliven the soil ; | pulverize the ground thoroughly and deeply, and in the meantime work in fine manure, free from foul seeds, ;so that weeds will not come up a- ‘mong the plants; rake down the sur- face of the bed smoothly and nicely 5 and after you have thus perfected a kind of hot bed—not at all expens- ive to make—and when you are sat- istied that the ground is warm, or in /a satisfactory state to receive the _seed, sow it on the bed at the rate jof three ounces for a plat of ground ,of the above size. But, before sowing the seed prepare it in the following ‘manner: Pat three or four ounces /intoa tightly made woolen bag; moist- en it) with warm water, and then i hang it up behind the stove in a warm jrocation. It will soon begin to show signs of sprouting, (it should be watched ;) and having found out that |it is about to germinate, by its swollen condition and other indications, sow it on your bed in connection with two or three quarts of dry sand or Indian meal. The surface of the bed should be pressed down with a heavy plank before sowing seed and never rake in tobacco seed; but after you have distributed it evenly over your plat of ground, either roll it in with a hundred pound roller made for the purpose, or tread it in with your feet. Some press it in with a plank. About the 15th or 20th of April is the time you should sow your seed, if the ground is passably warm. Some sow earlier and some sow later. [First of March, in the South.] Ars Suppivipe tHe Carrie Yarps.— In regard to the necessity for such division of cattle yards as will give equal opportunities to the animals confined their in; for progress and im- provement, the Prairie Farmer says: “ Large and small animals are turned in proniuscuously together,and every farmer knows that the larger- ones are very ferocious and domin- cermg towards those much inferior, but careful not to provoke the wrath of suchas are nearly equal. ‘Turn those together that) are of a similar size,and they will be more quiet. Calves generally are too much neg- lected, and come out small and puny jin the spring. { —ocemeaes Federal Impotency Against Public Sentiment.—The result of the Echo case, in Charleston, well illuetrates the futility of Congressivual interposition in the af fuirs of a Territory, either to establish or exclude slavery therefrom. We have contended that public sentiment is su- prenfs yver federal power—vaunt aud de- Claim wbont the latter as men and jpurnals may: ‘So far from regretting this, we, as’ wn udvocate of State Rights, rejoice at it.| From the tine when South Caroiima took her position against au oppressive and unjust revenue system, and stood forth the solitary champion of uullitication, the efforts of State Rights men to bridle the assumption of the Government and te wreet from it the power it claimed over Lanke, over interval improvements and ditrict, it is evident that Wie party would have Conetracton, Gen. J. M. Leach, From the proceediags of the Whig Conven- tion held at Winstoa ou the 12th inst, as pub- | lished in this week's paper, it will be seen that | Gen. J. M. Leach of Davidson, bas been unani-| mously nomited as the Whig candidate for Con- | gress iu the sixth District, composed of the coun- | ties of Alexander, Iredell, Davie, Stokes, Rock- ingham, Yadkin, Surry, Ashe and Alleghany.— That Gen, Leaeb will be triumphantly elected, “744 ; ee hone we presume, who have noted the signs of Capt. the times, cau doubt. Phe democracy evident- ly exhibit manifestations of alarin, whilst the enthusiasm which prevails among the Whigs of the distret, gives asstrance Chat they are uni ted and have entered upon the campaign with recently purchased under act ob Cone ‘ly ‘and other black repablieans, to never eurren- der their love of the spoils. All such will be brought square up to face the music, and no op- portanity will be allowed them to dodge. Tredell Kecpress. —— From the Fayetteville Observer. The New Machinery at the US. Ar- 1.—Thronugh the polite invitation of S. Arsenal at this place, we had the plea- sure on Saturuday last of examining the beautiful and highly finished Muaghinery a coufidence and a determination of success. As ress with a view to carry ont the ori- there isa strong feeling tor Douglas and oppo- sition ty Buchanan amon the democracy of the vinal design to make this an Arsenal of The extent and capabili over domestic atfuirs, have been unceds been glad te have gotten clear of Mr. Scales, but ties of thig machinery may be inferred ing. Who, in looking over the past his ashe had served ouly one tern, they could not fou a pernsal of the following list - tory of the Federal Government, can deny that they have been successful and that the Government hag been beaten back, inch by inch, until now it is almuct a naked skeleton, a mere oatline of wiat if once claimed to be. Powerful still as it was intended to be, in foreign affairs, ifs power in domestic affairs is gone, and twelve men, in any State in the Union, cafi contemptuously set aside, with more impunity than they could a town-ordin- ance, the most high soundiog enactinent of the Federal Guverument. Since the days of South Carolina nullification, State after State has discovered the weakness of the Government, and have detied its laws with like impanity. Lastly, the very Territories have opened their eyes to the puteney of public sentiaient, aud they, too, now claim to set aside, and wll set aside, any law of Congress purporting to force upon thei an institation to which they may be opposed. Whether right or wrong, this they can do and will do. Though they possess not the right to ex- clade it by legal enactment, they have found out the power of local sentiment; decently do so. The democrtey of the district vein several hundred a the minority, and di vided anion thettiselves, toting is required but a united effort on Ue part of the Whigs to elect Gen Leach by at least 1DO0 majority Via hope, however, that the Whigs will nut be Lathe tou contident of success, for they should recol Stulemeut of Machinery Watublished at North Caro- lina Arsenal, Fayetteville, NC 30 Horse-power Steam Engine ~motive power for rou Planing Machine for pl Rithng wachine, fur nffing Firesarme ; turning Wood 5 Do Li ing Leon Sabots 5 lect that the party bas often beeo defeated by Engine Lathe, double-head, for turning Tron 5 trusting foo much to their own strength and to the weakness of their opponents, We consider the nomination of Gen. Leach as , decidedly the beat that could have been made, and as cmiuently due to him for bis many and great services to Western) North Carofina, and j the counties composing the Buh district especial ty, daring bis long Legislative career, For cen successive years Mr. Leach represented the coun lty of Davidson in the House of Commons, ail ay a Legislator he occupied a high stdod and wielded » considerable influence, which was al ‘ways for the benefit of Western Carolina, As ‘a memver of the Judiciary Committee, he was ‘\ustrumental in recommending, and aided in | passing many salutary laws; aud as & Inetuber eral Do. do. uf Spheres; 2 Do do. ” Cut. Screws; Machine fer eutting 14 inen Bolts ; Do * Dove-tailug 5 2 Vertical Dritling Machines for drilling Trou 5 Horizontal do do a y <? Machiue for tarming Spokes; Do * Morticing Naves ; Do “ Boxing do Do. “ Cutung Fetes; Do. “ imming Spokes, &e ; Do * Foot Morticung 5 Do? © Power do 2 De Planta Wood ¢ Do. “ Pauchiag aud Shearing Tron; Do. © Milling Tron; Do. * Bending and Shaping Tron; Dishing Machine 5 Circular Saw ; Ahn of the Internal Improvement Committee, be was Pencning Atachines' alweys found laboring to extend to the West the Machine for Bending Ties} tuchtes of market, and it was on bis amend lineat, if we are not mistaken, that the Weatern (Extension passed by Statesville, Gen, Leach’s and that power they will exercise and no | vue was always heard endeavoring to obtain | eartlily power can preventthem. If they favor the institution, they will throw the weight of that sentiment in its favor—if they are opposed to it, the power will be thrown accurdingly. As the Charleston Mercury says of the slave trade cases, 50 say we of all attempts to force any feder- al ineasure against public sentiment—it will be ‘idle, expensive and vain.” Whether at the North or at the South, in the East or West, show us anywhere an American community, and we will show a commanity which may be so influenced that it will cleave to sentiment, and sac ritice Jaw. Whether it be a thnidity of that canor which American sentiment creates when opposed, or whether ot be the adlesion to individual cunvictions rising above law. we hnow not. In esther we recognise practical higher-lawism— that rule of action which makes public sentiment “a law unto itself.” Congress muy pass fugitive slave laws, anti-slave trade laws, territorial slave laws —but they are worth nothing against public sentiment. Perhaps some may say that this is a tendency to anarchy, and should be remedied —that these laws should be enforced. by changing our Federal Government, and remodelling it upon a more central- ized plan. Thatisthe only remedy. those who oppose us assume it, and we shall meet them on it. We shall not be long in demonstrating that the evils which this would generate would be immeasur- ably greater than those now complained of. If, then, the laws of the bederal Government can be 8> easily set aside when they conflict with public seutiment, which section will move for disunion ? The slave trade men of the South have achieved their object; what can they complain of! The anti-fugitive slave law men of the North have achieved theirs; should they not be satisfied? Neither will dare strengthen the Government to attack the other. Thus the two extremes have been tunnelling from opposite sides, and have met on a common platform ; and having each accomplished their ends, are deprived of cause for agitation. Could the Government maintain itself against the sentiment of these respective parties, and enforce its laws, they would be fur- nished with issnes of agitation by which they could lash popular feeling to the point of revolution. But such is not the fact; and we see no course left the Gov- erninent but to contine itself exclusively to foreign affairs, Such appears to us to be the practical result of the conflict be- tween Federal power and local sentiment. s —s CRIME AND THE PRESS. The Press is powerful, but not for good only and always. It is too often used to propagate vice. It can inflict a deadly wound upou soviety. The cause of mor- als receives a ticavy blow, when through the ayency of the press, crime and ini- quity are made familiar to the public mind. The recent publigation of the sick- ening details of up homicide at Wael ington and the trial of Me. Sickles has produced anteld mischief throughout the wide extent of our land, That such things should occur was bad enough, but that they should be blazoned forth to the pub- Jie yaze, exhibits a most vitiated and Jde- praved taste, both among the conductors and the patrons of the secular press. To the credit of our Southern hewspapers, it onght ty be made known that but one of them, so far as we can judge from an ex fepsve erchange bist, has published the revolting Confession of the guilty woman whose frailty bas occasioned all this woe. Commercial New York city, professing to be controlled Ly anen hewepaypers ip of high moral character, bas been pollu: fed by this sue doctinent, but we bave seen it copied by only oue of our exclan ges in the South. They have followed el the noble example of the Va fional Tatellign nerr Which took the pool tien that its colamus should not be ujade the velicle for impure the licentious iu telligence. Al) honor to our papers tor their superor pradence and probity, aud equal honor tothe public sentiment which they respected and by which they have been upheld! —Y. CO. Presbyterian. “-- Jur Wurat Cane iw PeNnsvyivanta The Harrisburg (Pa) Union has advi ees from all parts of the State bringing cheering news of the wheat crop, which is aid In be growing luxuriantly, and to be thickly and firmly rooted. Unless overtaken be some unforeseen ealamity, the Union thinks the prospect of an abondant harvest more promising than it has been for three or four years past, It can only be done! Let. }tur the West & more equal distribution of the |schoul fund. Lt will also be recollected how he \Jabored for and urged the passage of the Lill for jacwilroad from Leaington ty the Virgina line, through the county of Ashe, and that the bill faled by ouly two or three votes. Do * Stretching dos 2 Atmoaphene ‘Pnp- Hammers for Forging Tron ; Fau Blower for blowing Smith's Forges 12 Smiths’ Forges, &c. &. It was intended by the Commandant to put the Engine in motion and to start various machines into operation } and some 40 or 50 gentlemen visited the Arsenal on the occasion to wifness its these Che prople performance. But whilst petting up steam (por phe it 4 aut of the new connty of Alleghany will also reeol a small piece of cast iron connected with eet bow Mr. Leach worked aud Jabored toes: the boiler gave way and stopped the tablish the county of Afleghany ; and although work for that day. This piece of castiren this was nut effected while be wasta metnber, jad externally Ho appearance of unsound yet, deeply iinpressed with the injustice done hess, yet when it gave way iene win A the citizens of that county by refusing fo grant them this priviledge, he urged it upon the late metibers from Davidson to go for it. Thus it will be seen @hat no man has labored harder ur done wore for the people of the sixth Congreional d Leach? and, we fee) well assured, that the result of the result of the electiva in bext: Aucust, will show det, than has Geo that the peuple have not forgotten these services chill dnd r and that the tine bas come to reward them, Gen. veach is no stranger to the people of bis Condition of neatuess aud polish. = eo} ! manifest defect in the metal or the cast- ing. Though disappointed in one of the ob jeets of the visit, no one present contd have been otherwise than gratitied at the vrand display ot ponderous and ingenious machinery, all arranged with consuminate rd to convenience, usefulness and order, and Kept in the most perteet The district, having fora number of years practiced brass on the engine served as a very tair law in several of the counties, and baving dunn inirror, in which one could see lis face the fast Presidential campaign acted as elector distinetly, and the engine room is as neat on the Filimore teket. Tt as not our wish ot intention to disparage the ability of Mer. Seales, but the Whigs of the district, feel contident that their Charpion will pot come off second best in any ebcounters Which may take place betweed these gentlemen. We shall endeavor shortly to show up some of Mr. Scales’ political siua, but we really fee! sorry for the gentleman, eptereiny as hye does, as a lady's boudoir. We hope soon to have another and a better opportunity of seeing this machin ery to advantage, when it shall be in op- veration. The beautiful grounds and the large and handsome buildings are them selves well worth a visit, especially at this season, when [fay Mount is so lovely a upon so hopeless & contest, and shall therefore Spotl -Luyetlecille Observer. deal as gently with lit as we conscientiously can.-- Greens. Patriot, THE WHIG CONVENTION. Rather Fury.—Vhe Louisville Courier Hsays the following was related to the edi tor by an eye witness, and may be relied Which assembled at Winston on the 12th) on as strictly true : instant to seleet a candidate to represen che: Sixth district in the vext Congress, uoauimously nominated Gea. J. Mo Leach of Lexington as Uneir standard bearer. and will be well received by the voters of Ube district, a inajority of whom will not tail to a cord hin their suttrage in August next, and send tim to Washington in teu of Mr. Seales. Leach is a sterlag oid hue Whig and me This is a good selection, Gren he is a statesman, and an uncom prominin tend tu the Union, with the Southam it, Bat Gen. people ip his distriet ; Leach is no stranger to the and bis reputabon is oot unknown to fame in the balls of fegistation, where be was well known aso practical amd enercetic deguelator, tu the Assembly of North Carolina for severcl 5 terius, We this day mount the name of Gen, Leach vur standard bearer in Cie next canvass, aud ane Ueipate his taumphant election by the freemen fof the Sixth distmet. Phe Sith district could hot select a more efficient yentlemau than Geo | Leach to serve therm in the next Congress, ior one stronger to battle with focofocuism in the | approachiog canvass, Let the Whigs tu the diy \triet now go to work and elect their nominee, — Will they uot do it, resofutely aud without & | peradveuture $—Jredell Express. | = 12: | HON, A.M. SCALES, RE NOMINATED. The Democrats tet in convention at Win | ston on the 12th instant and re nominated [fon 1 A.M. Scales, as their candidate in the Sixth dis | trict for Congress. In reference (o the proceed ings had in the loco conclave, the Patriat fur atxhes the following fram a correspondent: | “They passed only one resolution, avd that was {ene approving of Mr. Seales’ course in the Just ; Congress, and re-nominating bim. tmored on the streets, that the harmonious and It was ru { | jin regard to many of the public measures now fore the coantry,—some being for Douglas, sume for the Adugimstration, and others: partial ly in favor of the measures recommended by | President Buchanan, The fact of their only passing one resuludion, and Chat not touch ji upon any of the leading questions of the day, is corroboration af the rutior, Tt sively that they could oot agree y for they could not agree; for whe ded they ever unterrificd were somewyat splitup in their views | { shows co 1 when did before bell a convention without passing ase res of resolutions platform, — / without buriding WU Eerprexs up a broad BRIERE AY SIO WINE We dear that its) the Leach to canvass the distnet thoroughly between thin and the committed by the (rN VV ASS Intention oof Gren ection, abd day bare the wrongs Admiutisteat Qe party, upon the country, fo Che the peopl This duty he wil for the freneral nad Demoers full view of perforty moa niastenly wy inhegited wit Ins mother tonsue, the peculiar gifts. enlarged by a liberal education, for dissecting the Locofo co corporeal funchone and poo tical integuments, with a skill unapproachable in another, Te ors and the Peniorratic hoops knocked cf the eaten casks. and not be able to opeq shop any Hoowill have all the @ yiaptin debate will bave alt grocery x reworm tute iu the Sixth district counts and cl aryes that forse yreat length of ume bave becn runing up 4 scote ayatist Dem veracy, fully posted into the led ser tor pabbe in spection, and verified by testimony furnished among the tiselver Thets. there can be ne dia puting of charges, no squirmning of consequen cea, with politictane and others, who base pooned their faith te the administration of James Kuch (anan, aud sworn by the beard of Douglas, Gree ‘Therefore it ts with great pleasure that) “A ventleman of Henry county, fond which he lad been keeping in anticipa tion of a good old fashioned fox chase.— | Accordingly, a week or two ago be inv ted a few choice spirits to meet at is plantation to participate in that sport for the sake of which any trne Kentuckian would break his neck with composnre,— Our friend took dis fox to the woods anc turned lim loose. After viving him sat ficient time for a fair hound was put upon his track. favorite The dos start, a struck up the music so melodions to a| huntsinan’s ear, and started on the track of the fox. After a while the whole pack of hounds were let loose, and dogs and tiounted buntsmen, commenced the excit ing chase, guided by the deep-mouthed yelps of old “Spot ’? Just as the chase Was becoming exciting the tongue of old Sst Great the wonder thereat, and his owner Was con jectouring a thousand excuses for him, when in turning a ehort corner the cotm- ‘pany met old “Spov’ and Raynard j ging quietly and coolly toward: home.— The fox had been raised with the d was probably up to snafl, When he found he was pursued he stopped and quietly hawaited the arrival of old “Spot,” and by some hocus pocns succecded in bambooz ling that quadruped into friendship, and inducing lim to return with him to the the house of the hunter, The company jlost their long anticipated fox chase, but they managed to have a heap of fun out of the owner of the sagacious fox and amiable old liound,’ became silent. was r vwaand soe A Nor Banking House to hear that the Bank of Clarendon has We are glad parchased the vacant lot on Tay street a few fect westof its present Banking room in the Fayetteville Hotel building, and will proceed forthwith to put up w brick suitable for the transaction of its businesa, The Jot is S6 feet front on [favo street, and rons back to Franklin street, about 300) feet, affording ample Writer, apace for handsome tnprovements. Ifthe Directors should mot ineline, as itis sud they do not. to embrace a dwel hoy for one of its officers in the pla the boilding, we hope they will take inte consideration the idea of a Public Hall in the secon story Every one is aware of the need of kuch a room, in whieh Lee tures, Addresses, 4h of July Orations, ASE will doubtless be may be delivered—-a need which much more sertously felt after the completion of the railroad and the accers of population and business which it will doubtless canse Fy ttewlle Observer An anxions swain tells a partof his ex. “With whiskers thick up she pel fence thus face, I told ine she could never wed a dear faced I shaved them alean, then called again, and thought np troubles oer, 6he ontripht, and ead [ om uy went my fair to see} chap like me lanshed was nore bare faced than before.” 3radford, Commandant of the U.! SALISBURY. CAROLINA WATCILMAN, NAO: TUESDAY EVENING, APRIL 26, 1859 Jo this Distriet Mr. Craige appears, by unan imous choice, to be regarded our Congressional ‘standard bearcr for another term. We bear of bo objection, — Detmuerates and old tine | Whigs alike freelyexpress their preference fur biti. Saldesbara Banner. and | There is error in the above. It may jbe trae that deanocrats “ freely express their preference” for M. Crasur. jfor them, as ood a candidate as they can tind. Ife is a pacdizan, and probably no ‘more selfish as an ofticial, or representa He is, itive at the seat of Government, than oth- ler Southern democratic members of Con- ; We cannot doubt the Banner is) leurrect vhen it asserts that dermocrata Bat that old-line Whigs ‘(who still adhere to their ancient faith) vress. prefer him. should ‘freely express their preference” tor Mr. Craige, is siuaply incredible, be- \ : ‘cause vureasohable. 13 their silence and papparent indifference construed as are e 2 [nino oth crpre Seton of pre ference, be er way tan the Banner reconcile its as sertion with any thing bearing the ap- There is but ht Ue talk among us, as yet, about the ap pearance of the truth. proachiag clection, But who does not know that a calia is nearly always the precursor of a storin, The slumbering fires of the old Whig party have uever so nearly expired as to leave no reason for our enemies to fear they will again forth, to the corruptionists, and fairly scorteh therm burst reveal the dark deeds ot into confusion and sbame. No, sir, the old-tine Wh sertinn as froly expressing their pr for cence for Mr. date, who dares to support Che mst cor } ae > are guilty of nm Crarge, or any other can die} rupt and evtravagant adininistration the | United sun shone States—so pr tlie ate and corrupt, as that ever upon in these such democrats as Poombs, Soule and oth ers, denounce it with words tliat stuke ‘with disinay the quailing lea ters all over the South. Oid-line Whigs will marshal themselves inte the ranks of no such a horde; and it veas as gratuitous and pre- isumptous inthe Banarr to undertake to speak for them, as its assertions are bald Many of them [ke Mr Craige as a neighbor and as a townsman , and baceless. but when it comp s to politics, their roads part, and they march offin an opposite direction, of the chase, had a couple of red foxes, see Strawherrics.— Mrs, Lava Corrin ts entitled to the credit of prodaciig tl } first ripe Strawberries we have Leard ot —What a dish !—~ Large and luscious, sparkli and seen, tais yent tempting REM Lt snyar and reposing in pure rich cream, these precursors of a delightful season, awake a lively sense of the good things of this life, as they come right ity onr sane tao, dividing us te eat them! We are vlad this morning, in return tor Mrs. C's seasobable and fighly seasoned comypli- ment. May ber vines always reward her care. 6 More of Lhem!— Vis so—we have the proof before ug—more large ripe Straw berries. Mrs. Corvin wins by two days; and in this interesting contest amony the fairof ourtown, Miss Lotisa Davis, is text With such the expanding bad, what may we notes- in polnt of time, premise in pectin the full blown flower, and at matur- ing tine? Thanks to you, Miss Lov. and may your firstlings be succeeded vy a bountiful crop. exe 1 ddon, Leach. —It willbe seen by refer-) ence to extracts in other columns of this paper, that Gen. Leaci, of Davidson, was nominated by the Wiig District Conven ‘tion, lately held at Winston, N.C. We ‘learn it is the intention of Gen. Levcu, health and strength permitting, to can vass the district thoroughly. Tle will incet his opponent, Mir Scares, at all points, and we predict that te wil do binmsell credit, and his poditieal party a service. Le will redeem the 6th District, we earnestly believe, Let the Whigs recall to mind the days of others valuable years, —the days of the great Webster, words and deeds never and trae patriots, Cl and whose patris failed to stir the deep feelings of the pra triotic heart ~the days of Fillmore’s ad ministravion.an administration 30 |tist and pure as to dosarm lis enemies and wring from them plaadits of approval from one end of the county to the other; and et them contrast with those men and times, and the prociples they illustrated, the present race of men in hngh places, and the abuses they practice, and deliberately resolve taserve in one more campaign for the restoration of political morality. and the triumph of right governinent. Barn estly andactively sustained by ins p litical friends, the native energy and zeal of Gen Leacn, will display itself in the approach ing canvass, as it was never reen before. Then hang out your banners, Whigs of the 6th Ho has strength and can nse it well jthe fence corners of District, and let the State hear your old- time bugle notes, clear and bold, ringing in every vale and trom every hill-tup. “ We come, we come !” ocse MORE AND MORE CORRUPTIONS. The Knoxville WAcg recites the follow- ing additional instances of the unparal- leled corruption that exists under the pre- sent Democratic Administration : “John Slidell, the Louisiana Senator, is agreed, on all hands, to be one of the most Corrupt and grasping men in Amer iex. Tle has been mixed ap with inouth of the Mississippi, and tas receiv ed the hou’s share. ‘The corrupt use ol that appropriation was se apparent, tothe late Congress, before its close, that it passed a law returuing the retiainder te the War Department, to be used ander the directions of the Topagrajtical ke Slidell, de termined to have the money, and to defeat gincers of the Government, Congress, prevailed on the corrupt aud teobectle old aan ia the Presidential elas to pocket the bill, aud bold it over until atter the adjournment, and he did so, thus Calista the tnoney to remain the hands af Slidell & Co., whe will consume all before Congress cau convene ayaln, * Another case. Tiffany, Cochran and others, engaved ina five million specula- tion, and i the plunder of Mexico, pro- cored the appointinentof McLane, of Bal timore, and the brother-in Jaw of Vit¥any, as Minister to Mexico, who will carry out their schemes of robbery, <—* Wilmington & Weldon Ratlroad. — We learn that the receipts and expenditures of the above Road forthe six inonths ending March 31st, 1o5¥, have been as follows + F250845 48 106,482 47 Gross Receipts, Ea pendatores, E1LouU S62 Net Reecipts, For the same tine last year: (rross Keceipts, $237,675 01 Expenditures, 113.67 99 Net Receipts, $123,977 02 This comparison exhibits a ditherence in fiver of this vear, or rather of the frst six Months of this fend vear, of &26,395 69 tn uct recetpls. — Phe amount uf cotton earned these lost siy meuths iy O.000 bales in excess of Che amount ‘ty of Fi tn fadiana.—The Evansville Gida SV irer sass there is quite a seareity of grain an J provisions in several connties of that State. TLorses, cattle, sheep and hows, are lying dead in farin, The peo Thost every andare dialy diving oftanine. ples alse, are sutferias, especially in Clay county, where many persons are glad te Tornish cord wood, cutand pole vitor torty cents a cord, and take pay im provistots or grain, to cuable thom to live until west stubsen. A /digh Thanh Measure.—Isaac and indicted tor murder, a few days since, in Memphis, Penn. and when the juryimen were direct ced to take the oath, Mr, WoW. Ritehie, tincuiber, retised to be qt the sround that le was conscientiously op Spencer, two slaves, were iitied on posed to capital punishinent, Ou tas per sisting in lus refusal, the Judge const ted him to prison for 380° days, for cou tempt ef court see Riatdroad- -We earn that the frends of this Pearlread are prosecu ther labors with redeaboed ener { if Hv ed 0h Pfrom the Mots are tow retuas Ininds of the mest skeptical lias to its titral completion, This we are please and shoud te of this sectir moof country tending a help We i saa bras tothe stock yielding a& hatidsen This, nee hand to the enterprise. terether with the alters pe its completion, should tidace our people | t not te delay domwer but sabserite to the enterprise inmediately, — Dahlonega Sry ; nl, C286 Pind Morphy.—We learn by the last Syparit of the Pines, that the proposed: tes tiootial ot the New York Chess Clit to Paul Morply, on his return to this coun try, (which Vine inembers of the club, Guded by such ont has now assumed this detimite ahupe | side contre butions as may be offered.) wifi vive (ie King of Cheas “a publie dinner, aA tmavniticent American gold watcl, asset of cold and silver chess ten, tor beanty ated CGosthiness unsurpassed in the world, with a wold medal, commemorative of lis Kare in trinmphs——the whole cost te be nearly $2,500." dent of the same paper we learn that the English chess-players intend to wive Mor Prom another correspon phy a splendid dinner ou his return trom his continental triumphs. oe North Carolina Tohaceo.—The Win ston, (N.C) Sentinel says that the farm ers in that region are turning their atten tion to the cultivation of tobaeco, mach tnore than heretofore; and that they wall fave w larger quantty for market this Vear. “- We see it stated that Messers. Sinclair & Pearce, of the North Carolinian, pro pose To issue adaily paperin Inns ettey ille, commencing its publication in May +2: Difference Bitioren Church and State The average income of the Mexican Church is twenty-five year, while the revenue of the national Repab millions a he is only fifteen millions 2 The Court Milliner recently died fn Lo don, leaving property valned at &400, O00, She leaves most of it to charities; for she directed that she should be buried in pornt lace herself 2: A bill “to suppress lheentiousness” has just pass Surpresasion of LickN pocsne ed the New York Assembly, which vives power to the Mayor and Common Conn cil to enact an ordinance for the general regulation of all honses of prostitution, ins cluding a registry of the names of their Inmates the large approprintion for cleaning out the Ptoleara, ulad to see the capitalists OOP Ce GCOmMaAtry, Of x will be, itis said, in Aprils All the leading physician of the cit” are said to be in favor of the bill | (er The tial of Siccrs, for killing Key, in) Washington City, commenced o the 4th April. — It was thought, on Saturday last, the case would be yiven to the jury on that. da’, or on Mouday It looks odd, to us ia the country, that a. plain case, like thi, shoul occupy so long a time in the cities, when, if it had been tried here in North Car- olina, two days, at the out-side, would have beeu quite sufficient to put it through fairly and truly —~ A ermiminal, iy North Carolina, will feel the rope begin to draw e're a Washingtoa or New York Court have done asking useless questions, The tmo- nary and corrupt one, The lawyers want to pat themselves before the country, and the newspapers want to make money out of them. The people greedily devour the disgusting aud demoralizing de tails sent out in the morning and evemnyg papers and every taste only quickens the appetite for anoth LUis therefore profitable to the printers to have these trials long drawn out, and to the lawyers, 4s they serve ta keep (hem betore the people. Tu the sullen van tine, puble moral the public Caste is wWeated: apd bad men become worse, and often doubtless, tiirty envy the homsed prisoner, with all hos blood-stiavos upen hin . An Alitor’s Riptections —- At the close | of a review of the Sickles tragedy, the editor of the Baltimore San adds + NID marrred Woman ean be approached by any man with undue professions of re vard, or of affections, but with ap instine tive knowledge of his design. Not the slightest inpropiiyty, vor the Jeast indet leacy in word or deed, can be thrust upon ber observation without starthiny her honor and patting her on guard. She is at once warned and armed she has a counsellor even at her side to direct her, auda champion to defend her—in a true and honerable husband. Hence the law estecmns her yintt at least equal to that of her honor, when she falls. bred woman is arraved in the par virtue, and cannot be surprised, hardly be said te fall—she steps aside of The uvar- ryply ot Sue can her own free wil and sing deliberately. Poor Pussy Vasyl Wie things we met lately, in Journals, is the jomnt sui ile of two old maids and acat! decent and industrious creatures, aud ve qneerest have foreien The women were very ry fond of the cat, which was, 1 seems, there mutual died and dollars proper Some relative Jett them about tive thousand This intonieated Freatness. them wath wie Tin Vv dropped all toil, with their cat, and plats ot ‘ ~ removed te) Londer earned dunnyg the corresponding six tiouths of oo vast year. — Wid, Journal, coummenced a grand roand of pl HUstre, amid which puss was always ther com paion Buatls, theatres, the opera, reles, drives, Clegant dresses, expensive tiabits, e ise uyt leraey. Vrs ae completed, Caey scant werk, leit wits vot te be tonnd. “They had to pledice and sell, and LAitian, ther elo effects for food, ces were exhausted, Urey tie atid Whenall these resour- walked down the Surrey Canal, pat the catrn the bas ket, entwined each otter around the waist, putthe puss basket on ara leaped) into the flowing water, and were drowned as they bad lived, altogether! ms ends the lostery of the oid uistds and thers cat, Dustressng Neculent -We regret to learn that Mr AL AL Thad of Woikesboro. one diay last week ounted on a yours horse which bad uot been tal dtu the saddle, by some means tell oth: wettn entangied ii the surruy the horse ran Mro HE some a A French writer ties said, cloriously, Von must act Vou ure awake yo and Trt aire DEW Tat COUvErsG WHT VOM I Vour steep, vou minst labor in the ceme of Virtue dirne the 3 Has Man perfected by gociety, is the test Wall anenials—he ia the most terrible of ally when he bves without law and with Tt he tinds ' nthot five ont pastice Hvnselt gen and Vtchites Wines those eeVvor wlies pretends tie tis needs lhs own re miy fires, wl teat ¢ eostier Titi as amet ty, he is aw save beast or Persons who are always cheerful and ood tamored, are very the Worlds they masotain peace and happr i nsetul in ness, and sproadathaoktal ten per ation fal Le Sabon thet all who live among them, Petrined Lire. —In the hy drantic claim of Bush, Dixon & Co., near Newton Bi Do- rado county, the miners lave Washed oat a portion of the body of a petritied tree, which is net only a Chriogity on account ofits petritaction Wat also serves ta upset all the recovnized theories in rel: on te the formation of quartz rocks, This log is the stump ond of a tree, 24 feet long and 32 inches in diameter. The roots, fibres, and even the bark of the tree are perfectly develaped. The log was found about 20 feet below the surface, lying ip a borzental position, The greatest marvel about it is, Mat the whole low is a solid ass of genuine quartz rock. Mr. Dixon himself assure§ us of this faet, so there can be noo mistake about it. Now: the query is, how did thisecear? Or, in oth- fier Words, if trees have been changed in to quartz nay not quartz be a secondary Instead of a primitive formation ¢—— /’%a cerville Observer, The Baltimore Aichange wives notice of Its intention to prove, conclusively, that one of the criminals recently exeented in that city, and who maintained tis inno- cence to the last, wasin deed, and injrath, wnilty of the murder, for which he suffer ed death. JAS. T. PETTEWAY, Commission Merchant, And Agent for Line of Steamera, WILMINGTON, N.C Daweon's Sobeite Consignments, Naval Stores, Cotton, Corn, ur and other Produce } Cotton Bagger Alao orders for Groce res, r&e, We Rerens ro Joho Dawmon, Keq, and Dr FJ bill, Wilmington, NC. OG Parnetey, Bing, Pres Corn meroml Bank; Dr Those HL Wrght, Pres Beanoh Hank Cape Fear, BoP Hall, Pree Branch Rank NC. TS. Loctertoh, Baq, Fayetteville, N April 26, 1639 Sim 44 State, 4 Prayer Meeting of the Young Men's Ohrietian Neaorsation, —A Prayer Meeting, 19 which the pubbe, of both meres, are invited, will be held, on Saturday evening next, (the 39th inst.) at the roouw of the Aseociation, in the Temperance ffatt M NEWSON, | April 26 Cor. Secretary tive for these protracted: trials, we fear, is a merce- | “THE MARKETS. Sulisbury, WV. C., April 26, 1859. CORRECTED WEEKLY BY SPRAGUE BROTHERS. Apples dried, 50 4 125 Lead Bar, 810 Bacon, Wel + White, 10012 Beeswax, 20 a 25 Molasses Cuba, 37 34% | Beet, Sa 6 “ NO. 55065 Butter, 15418!) * Muscovads 45 « 50 CANDLES Nails (Cut) 5406 ‘Tallow, 15.0 20 tute, 4U w 50 Admantine, 24430 OILS LINSEED— Cotfee Woo, J2pu 14 ‘Tanuers, 50095 Co UR Grig 174227 Potatoes, Frowh, 1.00 w 125 Cotton, Wa tl Sweet 9 « 1.00 Cotton Yarn, 100 4 (15 Rags per tb. Pry Com, TW wd Salt persuck, 1.70 02.35 Meal. 75 ahd ‘Sheeting Bro. 9al@ Chickensper doz 1.00019 Sugar Bro. Bell Buus per dex Xall Crushed, 139 015 Feathers perth, 30435 °* Claritied, 114 0 12) Fiour per bbi 525 «550 Tallow, 10a 12 1 Seek, 240 a QAO Wheat White, 950 105 fro) Bar) 5a “Red, *0 a 90 Lard, 10412 W 25030 PORK 7a 7a FAVEPPEVILLE MARKET, April: 14. BACON, per iv Vig a 1d COPPER, per ib Kio, ha 134 Layuira, lo wo 16 De Vonage, 20 « vO FLOUR, per barrels bauniy, 5G a 5 96 | Duperiive, a 35 6 5 WW Poue, 5 30 0 5 wu Crom, 505 45 10 GRAIN, per busbel— Cor. 20046 Wheat, @95 «000 Oats, ° 65 a 00 Peus, 65 20 00 Rye, 90 a 1 00 LARD). per db, 12 9 33 SVIRELS, per gallon-~ Peach Braudy, 00 w 1 00 | Apple deo new 70 w 0 00 NU. Whiskey, 47a (50 Rye do 65 « 70 Reeutied do Wai 45 NAGLS, cut, per heg 44 005 TRON, per ib— Kaghsh, 4a 0 Sweedes, common ber, Cha 00 De wide, Tha 00 WOOL, per tb Ibe 19 TALLOW, perth Wa vO HIDES, per lb— Dry, ha ld 00 Green, 6 a OW SALE Javerpool, per sack, 3508 00 Aiuin, per bushel, 60 a 00 MOLASSES, pee galton— Cuba, aia 36 New Orleans, 450 50 SUGAR, per tb Paral and crushed, Isa 00 StCrok Porto, & No Orleans, Ll a 12 WD JED Ms Denon tia tewn, on Ft ie JOHN Me RORTR. ayed He tes dette wit lay morn- ay years. — ly of children, hain tances wded at 1b Hamber of own ert cer ttterestiaye fen eods and 1 was 4 \ : (a8) WAS? ve this tastes idence: taoas tile and ve vably and M «1 Tle was th own yoinany Vears. god taghly es elata ena vor ated Was het in tise vveansa oil Church, © Crospel Com 1th, aged At hin residence, io Rowan County fait AWG) ANGE TRG URe toveres, Denvathe, 27 days. Ta this County, on the Tmth inst, ALEXANDER HARTMAN, aged 31 veares, 11 months, 13 dave. Watch therefore, ve huow pot the hour of the coming of death on the RES DEWAN \ AGISTRATES of Rowan Coonty are_reguest- : ed tomeet at the Court House im Nabebacy on Monday of our Way A OM. forthe purpows of transecuug county burmese and a full early attendance im very destrabie State of North Carolina. CAGARIUS (UU NITY. +. Apnl Tern 1259 Next woty courtat ll oclock Courtot Pleas and Quarter S. wae Foti sh Pre kovs olw Tiaenhour Oneual Atlachinent Levied on Land Tt appecnog the retion of the eourt that the defendant Poily hour ae net an inhabant thin Sta Th am the ore ortered by the Court ynobe mode for si W fin Saliebory, nenty ng her to our Court) of next court to be arrug. at the court hoase 3d Weneay in July cext, thea and that publ at lina Wate erokwin the Carus wan port wand appear beture the Justices of Views snd Querter Sema held for thr ta Coneord, on the tothe county of Ca there te plead on replevy. and show cause, if any she has why che plant shall noc have puloment agarnet her. and the land lewed upon by virtue of said Ale tachment be sold to satisfy che same Wirness, NooNjough, clerk of our said court at of- fice in Concord, the Sd Monday in April, AOD 1059, and the "3d year of Jadependence NEESUINe SOU GT nC Go 6wiT DISSOLUTION. HE firm of Murdoch, Darby & Co vin dissolved by mutual proady $5 50 this day consent ALT theme having claims sgarmst the Firm will present them to Alex Murdoch close the business; and those cadebled te the firm will make payerent to him Whoo our authorized agent to The Business will be carried on un- ‘lfurther uotiee by Murdoch & Rarder WV MURDOCH, WM RABEDER, WMR DARBY Apnl loth, 159 40 BAKER'S COCOA. MOST delicious beverage for the sick and conealeacent, AD Tranquiliting to weak nerves Just rereived by W. i WYATT, Drogyist & Apothecary, Malisbary, N.C (Ima Heckers Farina. I FMARKABLY wholesome and nutritious by W Carolina Just recetved H.WYATT, Druggist & Apothecary, Salishury, N [Im4s SEIDLITS POWDERS. MOST useful Medicine in Bilious and other disea: LD denial to wa mates. Prepared by W Draggist & Apothecary, Salisbury, NOC NOTICE 4 + 4e \ S Administrator on the Eetateof John HE Miller, DN deed, Dhereby give notice to all persona who are didebted to said estate, to make immediate set- Hement, prompily paving what may be doe, as long- erindalgenee cantot be given And all persoos haveing claims againat anid estate, will present them for payment, with the tune pre- senbed by law, or this notice will be plead in’ bar of ther recovery inet (Qm4n | PN NWEILIG, Adm'r 6w47 50,000 Brick For Sale. ase wanting to buy Fifty or Sixty Thousand good Brick, can yet a bargain by calling at thee Office 147 April 26, 1N59 | OUR MOTTO Quick Sales and Short Profits. In Boyden's Granite Row, Opponite the Rowan House hie public are invited to call and examine our splendid stock of Furniture —the best and fineat everin thm part of the State Ti consists of Bureaus, Centre-tablea, Sofas, Tete a-Tetea, China Preeses, Wardrobes, Bed kind, Parlor Chaire, Racking Chaice, Cane cent and Winsor Chain, Chit dren’a Chara, Hat-aiande, Wash-etands, &e, in facet every thing in our line, all of which we will sell as cheap aecan be bonght in the State Aleo, a good nasoriment of Wood Coffins kept on hand, and formshed on ae reasonable serine as can be had nda of every We have a fine new Hearse for funeral oc. Call at the Furnitare Store of JOHNSON & WILHELM Salisbury, April 26th, 1859, ly48 | MARRIAGK LICENSES |FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE camone ww = e- e m j M, B, CHA Brass Mr. @ tales their al ted up| we curt Por repugil mane eligibl accon Adi gied Ap iT A <2 er a es be ~~ . ” = ¢ wand thee 47 . louse p our fineat — Sines. — OF VOATRNGR & SCIENCE & ART. Embracing Magic, Music, Comic Kecentricities, Fan, Frolic, Farce and Fucbles / THE whole comprising a miscellancous melaage, that never fails to pleare, wil exhibit at Salisbury, Friday the 6th May, 7 o'clock, P. M, and Sulurduy, Tth, at 2 anal 7 o'clock, P.M. CHAR. BEOSWALD, Leader uf the Garinouian, Brass and Stuy band Mr. EVERETT hax, ata great expense engaged ©7 ; fe talented Company; aad hr dhe pooper disphy of Valuable and Interesting New Books, their unique aud wonderful performances, he hae fit- ted up a BOOK STORE. NEW BOOKS! NEW BOOKS! ! UST received at J. EN NISS’ BOOK STORE a large assurtinent of Pictures, Letter, Note, aud Foolcap Pauper, Blank Books, &e SPACIOUS PAVILLION, ‘Aimong the uew Books will be found The Confes- 1U0 feet, provided with seus of a Sehoolmaster, by Alcott; Major Jack iis Downing'’s ‘Thirty Years Out of the United States ate; Evil by Joho Young, LED ; Ediiburgh; Spurgeon» Gears; ‘The Sait and he saviour, by Spurgeon; Fred. Freeland, or the Chain of Circumstances Rowmama; Phe Border Land of the Chemtian and Turk ; Opportuniies for Industry and the wale Luvestinent of Captial; Zachos’ New | American Speakers ‘The Carpenter's Asristant and | Rural Architect, by Win. Browa, Architect; Villas, | and Cottages, by Calvert Vaux, Architect; The fiadies Muuual of Fancy Work, by Mrs. Pullaues; “3 Barnes’ Fannly Prayers; Parley's Book of Auimals, | Apuilds 200 engravings) Phe Children’s Pleasure Book 5 i The Child's Pretorial Albuin; Grandfather's large letter speling, aud picture reading Book, ou # new on « play of his own, 75 by a stage, aud seat salficient for Si) spectators 9 to reader his entertament void Of groesuces sy commom (a exhibiions under CanVvuns. Persoos of the strictest religious principles: feel ne repugnamce in Wiluessing any portion of the perfor mance. The best of order i mautaned. "Phe most <ligible seais ure reserved tor the lad.es and those who Tae « 2 Subscribe Philadel, Neat es leave ork, wud (from God accumpany them Adiaisson Fifty Cents 5 pied by thoir pareuse ur guardians, half price BE. M. LEWIS, Agent wan Children, when accompa. nw _ Baud pe . Md DUR <1 Dow bay Ory Wark. ABILIP'Y (i ‘lected o rome de a6 Wivh os BL 1G With grey alors, will be AN J f ~ Do 2 Ue lo ¢ L NE faudl 2 Call ye Y plin Hugh Miller's Works. My Schools and Schoolmasters; Fout-prints of the | Creator; The Testunony of the Rocks; ‘The Life | and Times of Hugh Miller | Y vi SEWa ‘ NOWV ELS. What Will He Do With Li, by Bulwer; Woman's | Thoughts About Women, by the Author of ohn Halifax; Dear Experience, by Ruffin, Jane Eyre 5| \Vallette Shirley, by Carner Bell, Lathan, by 2), 1s {Siuith; Davenport Dunn, by Charles Lever; My) | Novel, of Vanees tu Bugtsh Lite; Alimance, The | | Lover's Stratayems ; Ena he Canon. Romance of the | Waren, a Coufe not a pretty Woman; The | ea rpg. “WwW Y Jer it I Ss | Rival Beauties; ‘The Wale’s Priale by Miss Pardve. | Drug & Medicine Store. ccoomectet ris | = Dow's Patent Sermons 5 ‘The Wild Western Scenes ; | IT Is HANDSOME. \Sam Stick; Uhe Arkaurax Doctor: The Grey Bay | Y are: ‘The Cone Wandenug Jew, Whom to = / IT ISCROWDED. te elec carsales Bis clen 60) G ood JN Travels. | REYNOLD’S NOVELS. | Mary Glentworh; Ellen Perey; The Opera Dance ; [Pape Joan; The Young Duchess: The Eiprese | INF BS Y, v Kugemre Bondo; Concaburg House; Ada Arun: | IT IS THE CHEAPEST STORE | ] In rue Srate or N. CARonina. Books for Odd-Fellows. | EVEILY MAN WOMAN ance GILT (olpuey UbemOdahelinwn se Masui se The Ole Fellows! E Pear Book / / OS for Everybody x m 2 =) c Re m Ps ) a . The Odd- Fellows’ Of nag KNOW IT. ; : E A New Pray Pricousen Every Day Bea Books. § New Clothing! Good Clothing!! Cheap Clothing!!! AND mephine Gallety ¢ he Atlantic Souvenir, Bea As Goo as Reviesrstep. Reese (ria ihe aE dns ve | Mr DAVE) WEI, tas just opened Lait STOCK of READY-MADE WYATT Albutns; Gee Sc burs ile at CLOTHING, in the house formerly occupied by Janes H. Exxiss as a Book Store, In Every Part! UN Sy SENS tS ia ruse advantage, before CALL anp SEE a. STIOW! ADMISSION TCE key Seats provided only forthe LADIES and INN AEDS Doors Open from 5 AM td 10 POM Physiciin’s orders accepted at all hours and respectfully invites the public to call, as it will he to then Amony his Steck may be found every variety of Ready and Cold Dress Frocks, Super re and Tweed Frocks and purchasing elsewhere. ' Made Clotl Fine Sansbury, NOC Italian Cloth and Sitk Alpaca Coates, tine Summer Cashine ‘ hi Bazaar of Fashion, . . Sacks, Linen Duck Drill and Brown Linen Coats, Ex. White and Fancy Marsei!les Salisbury, April 19th, 1859. 1 mie Siratiel Linen Raplans, tine Black Doeshin Pants, faney Side Stripe Cashi- MAGNIFICENT FRENCH DIY GOODS. ine tosnit the Season Black inere Pants, S$. 8. Drape, Union Cashinerett Pants, plain and fancy Silk and Satin of the night. u ADT eA td ea GER UTIEU LS werk and’ Vests, white Butt and fancy Marseilles, and a fine assortment of Linen and Mar- Salisbury, N.C 1m48 RIVALED! sid Quality, ae ENTIRELY seilles Bosom Shirts and Collars. ; 1 1 Ua Abe ve : ee? ry . . ~ . THE RAILROAD BAC TIE 1 ADRK REGINA TAP TAS ORIENTAL, Gentlemen = huienishinge Groods, \ Mt , ‘ a: ¥ G NG ae eon - caeeke i . t . SE ie mba UREnss ee OF EVERY StNLE AND QUALITY: ts SATIN STRIPE GOREN ADINE Dot BIR JUVE POLL DE CHE z . . > . Vid Rolibs | And will sell 25 per cent. Cheaper than can possthly be sold any where else in Sulis- VERY BEAUTIFUL BAYADERE BARAGE TWO-FLOUNCED KEDINGOTE ROBES EXTRA KICH BAYADEKE MOUSLINE DE CHINE DO 12 COLORED PRINTED TAREGE | MhAVY SATIS PLAID | | VERY KICH CHINE POCLT DE B01 TWO FLOUNCED SLE HORE: \bury. (a Let every person all and examine tor himself, and he will not be dis- DOUBLE JUPE} appointed. bs fg DAVID W EIL. AND BROCIIE hours, DOUBLE JUPE, | Sauispury, April 19, 1859. CORES SUPER QU CLITY VERY RICH PLAID TWO FLOUNCED SILK | . ———— MILLINERY | IN SALISBURY, N. C., (Opposite the Bank.) Miss S. H. Grasswitt, I | Beebe returned from the Emronwms eg Fasnion, where che hus spent some weeks im examimng und selecting the mogt aAPPROovED oy OF NEW SPRING & SUMMER GOODS! GRAND OPENING — | | udepted by the best circles fur SPRING | SUMMER WEAR, ceapectfully informer aod the ladies generally who may feel disposed toen- _ courage her effuris to plense, thetahe bw pen quent | the cheapest and most attractive assortment ak Ahead of Everybody!!!“ Minlinery, | | ever exhibited in Salisbary, to all of she VNABRASE KVBBASTIONG, Gee ee ARAL > S A " \ P) ' fully prepared to gratify every taste. Having devoted much time to the examination of =. 2 peey on s itable worn in fashioosble life, and THE UNDERSIGNED RESPECTFULLY INVITE EVERY BODY TO anaes ted) tbe) heat) tasia) in) making | bay eo 2 call and see our New Spring Stock of pepeng oye nati ia! ert gt i os . = = | approved Stytes at the least expense. she is happy NTA >| i} if D ; iC / ) / G ()( Q ‘heheve that ahs is fully are ta cel cater aoe (\ ay : Il J i L205 faction to her pairons. [7 Cat sno Rxamine. | A her selections, besides many others too various to enumerate, are the following: | Bonnets, Children's Flats, Blond Laces, Crapes, all kinds, tition. L P ; . Oa MIR Mlusions, aritune Give us a caALL and we will convince yoo that our Stock is fur SUPERIOR to’ giraw Trim’ge, Letter Straw Tassels, [ANY that has before been offered to the public, and that our prices are duwu to Child’n's Hats, Cape Laces, Flowers. the LOWEST water mark. | Ribbon, Bonnet and Brace Wire, Joined Blond, Bonnet Ruches, lof t's Bonnete, Shaker Hoods, Band-Boxes, &o., &c., keg MOTTO.—Polite attention to Customers, and Small Prefits. | Warre and Coroarn MILLINERY. of alt sorte, | all eparking, bright, new, and in the LATEST \ ‘ af “4 ‘I SPECIA L N OTIC E. | STYLES. Counrry Mekcuants and the public generally will find in addition to our Stock | oS Straw Gonds are opened now—the Pansy of STAPLE AND FANCY GOODS, a splendid Stock of Tice Saisacay, April 6, 1859. READY-MADE CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, lof all sorts, sizes and prices, HATS, FLATS and BONNETS, Drugs, Paints, Oils and Dye-Stuffs. WOOD WARE, BUCKETS, BROOMS, BRUSHES, TWINE, ROPE, A +45 NOTICE. LL persons who bought property at the Sale of Robt. Harris, are requested to meet me at the | office of the Clerk Superiur Court, on 2let and Wad Cc ROCKERY AND QUEENS WARE, | days of April 1859; then and there make payment, jand the best stock of SUGAR, COFFEE and MOLASSES ever offered in Salisbury. lear oemer neues ece) ait peel, Pgh poet | We beg leave to return vor most sincere thanks, for the liberal patronage bestowed on us by our friends | to receive their reapective claims. lust Season, and hope by sinct attention to business, and low prices, they will still favor us with their ; M. 8. McKENZIR, Trestes. April Ist, 1859. 3w45 POCKET KNIVES | | purchases. | Don't fal to CALL AT THE OLD ESTABLISHED STAND ON THE CORNER, opposite the | | Mesmonumes MCNEELY & YOUNG. | .| POCKET KNIVES !! ~ NUE. LARGEST, CHEAPEST and BEST as- ODS, NEW COODS.. MARCH 21st, 1859. sertmeut of Pocket Knives can be found at T J. & P. P. MERONEY'S | Sacissuny, N.C., March 22, 1859. | | Salisbury, April 5-145) Notion Stoas. ] NEW 6 Lk Wo) No. 4, Granite Building, | SALISBURY, N.C. [ue SUBSCRIBERS RESPECTFULLY | announce to their triends and the public gen jerally, that their arrangements for the SPRING | TRADE ave more extensive than hitherto. and | hat they are now prepared to exhibit one of the argest und most attractive Stocks of eC TED OT Mea LM PANY SUES ads ed 8 DRY GOODS, : (T. J.& P. P. MERONEY Want Money. ETTLE with us in a very few days or you will have to settle with an officer. March Ist, 1859. 140 “ra, Is now receiving and opening at Jenxins’ Conver, a large and ! well selected Stack of FAMILY GROCERIES, CONSISTING OF Coffees, Sugars, Rice, i Molasses, Teas, Cheese, Pepper, Spice, Mustard, Starch, Pickles, Catewpe, Raisine, Fige, Almonds, Candy, Vinegar, Powder, Shot, lead, Golden Syrup, ge, ge Also Tubs. Buckets, Brooms, Churns, Measures, Bed Cerd, VINE CRT HE AUTIFUL PARIS. PRINTED ORGANDIFS AND | | CORP( RATION BONDS Npecial Notice, Sea eon SACONPTS FNTRA BLACK HEAVY GROS DE RHIND, all boiled, RICH COLORED PLATD GLACK AKMURKE SILKS ie " PINE QUALITY RICH BAY ADERE CHINE DUCAL CHALLT A Great Institution . Lup ot . 1 ite ity high colured mode and black Mouse | Elegant Dress Goods ! ! : NORE es ae voue ; Rika 5 i SS oifice until the 10:h day of April next, for the DVERY BODY SAYS SO, and eo iC must be pie celetrated extra quauty black Bombaaines and De] Just Received by E-rpress. AGUalGe ata nimealin al (roie@oud voce dh) mislia: “2 Lk alinost anithidlates Gine and distance. by the qtr sl wued ander an act of Carolina, authorizing the Commissonera to rell: the Bonds of the Corporation for cenit purposes. speed of its tram, whieh, ae they thunder along Heavy % poe Ottoman Black Silk. for mourning A} lf if _ through hills aod over the plas and valleys, drawing OLICSTOCK Is SOW VERY LARGE, RICH AND COMPLETE i 4 asw iv 1 ea ohnilies ry 4 L : AW, their long leagths and evormous treghts, the gaping e The above Bonds will be issued with Coupons at- world stand and jook—ihey cant help—with wouder J t is ha ; W E would invite unmediste attention to the fol- tached te suit purchisers, running from five to twenty end Geiiehs | anil tie i ia thes are Wen Oty er) on 1 ee . Pat Sint eri went | lowing RLEGANT SPRING DRESS GOODS, | years trom the diy of sale, and bearing interest at 6 Great Institution. People uned to way thateuch ond ros e Ouaom \ for Ladies, comprising «large supply of chowee sUylee per cent, payable sem Aue sechanan cisatcam! (Lf Neowers ural fen pull; at nied by all in wast, of the 11a Two Floances and Double dupe Silk Rober, ele- JOHN L SHAVER eran, ws a lawyer, a preacher, a me anton @ Role ; ae e ee wing that tmey” sin Be gant Bayadere and Chene Sik by the yard, Bavadere | Tutendant tradesuran, he wos sure ve this distingy sting appeila ion haps, more the pode of t Horse came upon tie world’s geet stage: cause we have less need for horses now i A. & W. MYERS Foulard Sitks | Salisbury, NC, March 15, 1659 425w By COR TC IS RICH BLACK SILKS of all kinds Very elegant Beragea and Grenadine Robes, in | Double Jape two Floances Robe A Tanique, Organdie and Jaconet Robes very Rich f Fir novelnewof all eyien of FANCY GOODS, | |, ford, dee'd all xk A & W. MYERS’, | Concord, Cabarrus Co, N.C. No. 4. Gaasite Bernise | day of April next the following property to wit: April 12, at 4 LIKELY NEGROES, A good feam. in thoge Uines, war, per . than mines the bron not be ™! aD’ EH @> Ete J 6 Io. Commission Merchant, fa are te SMUSTIUIEY, Se © Se he: aee wid \W TLD give bie personal attention to the purchase ofall kinds ot Produce. Also, to all conmygn- | th aorother markets hat berate Moose, 1a some of their uves they have been eclipaed —Well, in conmdenag these compariccns in there appheaven to men, we hold chat Chere are seme men who rise far above even the Great Institution stance Ex. Gov. Moweuesp and moral power, put rate op which heaved out the earth from the and filled up the ravine and vanley et seule . deep Ine ats, for vm Charette te Goldabo ro’, and dethe hat way, wath wll wun w Rerenesce DA Davis, Cashier, BOB Roberts - Te known on the day of sale ae See eee ee eee ne aici, and duet He Jenkin, Salishury N-¢ ALT the old stand of MURPHY & CO, SOTIID WICK: Spier teres Geis (hos (eh mi cultiem Olen cyaa- eae dem find d leat Aelia | J.J. MISENUIMER, a ; a 10 Saeks Nall F; aq S59 other men ie a will not us them to ae » » & & & » & hw {0 cidesiiicinteck Sole fenther Maar, 29; 1. Administrators pire to any thing bryen see arenes a Ww ie § Be eat | ; Pe cullen (oie ceegunlenine ciecoamnaue: ee nn ee awas | Kk R SH I PPLY tee “ They are Cheap Enough : ee as ° Genilemen. let Gn teavon together on thie wubject : may THREE VALUABLE SLAVES FOR SALE. ITOFFLIN GIVE ME TWO PAIR™ CH wanthe Ia we oof a highly reapectable +t . >| : can't be beat in selling CLOTHING. His Conte and Pants hay R ein ae Vest A Neck-Ties, Hats, Caps, Boote nnd Sh Karnal 2 and responsible farmerof Rowan at UN NIB vee ore a Ae F ; Ne VES PLUM (reiltiiet Le aT oma iisnon arom jantcwerk, Olle atea | BY VIRTUE of an order of the County Court af | ». sell their ike for se rey ons he Shoes, they were shown hin and prices maned | Rowan at February Perm, a ! a at 3 the | . HOFFLIN’ ITHING STORE hax Beco ‘estore ee oanieh ene =r) ©} Court House in Salisbury on Puesday the 3d day of | O90 region of country RIT) Mele NN OLGA CATE GUM EDGE IEG 1G any PUREE VALUABLE NEGROES be | WwW THAVE received in the last few days anoth | And cheap they were. Farmers at you want Shoes.) May next call where you will find the Fergest and beat Stock | REMEMBER, erxupply of SPRING & SUMMER GOODS, A Great and Indispensible Institution. Jacob Hughey, to interest from date longing tothe chudven« Look where you will, and you will see gentlemen wearing (Perna sax infiilhelcn you ever looked at \ garments from hie S Sener ROBERT W. HUGHEY | ve! jeman wa hae and good COAT, 0! , i | Sir uenean gen teh tre OAT, 4 J. Ul. ENNISS, EH te eh) Commissioner | Whieh we are selling ata very small advance. No. 3. Granere Row Draving. He goes w Morris’ every thing of every 4 just received, surpas NEPLUS ULTR Muatin at 64, Worth 124. ao State of North Carolina, s 15 VE ALED PROPOSALS will be received, at this) UP & first-rate Stock and feel sausfied that no house the General Assembly of North | aseurtment as will enable any person to buy ef wes S Administrators of the estate of John R. Staf- we will sell at the Court House in on Tuesday the 19th 1 Woman about 30 years old. 1 Boy about 10 years) advertisement. | Just Received and For Sale. | ii. 1 Gin stent 6, and 1 Boy about 4. Terma made | attention. SPRING & SUMMER Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, etc., that they have ever had the pleasure to offer. To —— anu examioation of which they are cordially invited. = = We have bestowed much ine and labor to get Rope, gc., all of which were bought exelusively for rash. und will be sold at short profite for Ceeh or Produce. Salisbury, Mar.29, 1859. tA SANPRODS LIVER INVIGORATOR, COMPOUNDED exvineit raon GUMS PURIFIES THE BLOOD. jin the State cau off era better selected Stock. | Uur Stock is very large and embraces such an A SPRING MEDICINE, A FAMILY MEDICINE, | A GOOD MEDICINE. with the best adrantaye to themselves, all the Gooas gM |they may need am our line. Lu all things we shal du try to consult the soterest of our customers » | We think it useless to enumerate but will state, Sai | we have succeeded in obtaining | The Choicest and most Desirable Styles CURES LIVER COMPLAINT, CURES BOWEL COMPLAINT, | } \ ees, | CURES CHRONIC DIARRHEA. = | CURES BILIOUS ATTACKS, | mported, and we are fully warranted in saying that | 7 = CURKS FEMALE COMPLAINTS, | no one who wishes to buy will leave our Store gusupplied. Our Stock will be repleuished througout th: | CCRES JAUNDICE, Fentive sewson with every thing that RICH AND DESIRABLE. es 3 17 Orders are respectfully solictied which shal! at all times have our prompt and personal atiention. | — ‘LAND PLASTER. We have eccured the services of Mr. J. P. Gowan, loug and extensively koown in this section SPRAGUE BROS. A. & W. MYERS. | For sale by Molusses! Molasses! ! Molasses ! rH! A large lot of N. O. and West India. For sale low Apr. 12-46 by SPRAGUE BROS. LYON'S MAGNETIC POWDER & PILLS. | For the Destruction of all kinds of Garden Ineects, | Ante, Bed-Bugs, Roaches, Ticks, Fleas, Moths, | Kats and Mice, §c. 2 | i td én anoh fm& «@— ‘e HR De | | | | | It will be seen by the above that Tam now in the House of Messrs. A. & W. Mreas. T respectfully | solicit the patronage of my fricnds, pledging to them all the advantages which are promised in the above | Their wants either im person or by order, shall at all tines receive my carefuland prompt J. P. GOWAN. Marcu 22d, 1859 tf43 | TC.& BG. WORTH, | CLEOTHING + 3 | dood General Commission Merchants, N. What greater trouble, in an hour of ease, V 7 E have now in store the largest and Than gnawing rats bed-bogs and fleas, most complete Stock of CLOTHING we have ever offered for sale, comprising every | article wanted for the Spring Trade We will guarantee our Clothing tobe eqaal Wilmington, DEALERS IN LIME, PLASTER, HAIR, CEMENT, in LAND PLASTER, wuerhw ry ‘ | ROBINSON'S MANIPULATED (QUANO. ST Y LE and QU A LIT Y JAS. KERR §& CLARK'S PHOSPHATIC | to ANY Goods in this market and at Lower | : . | FERTILIZER. Orders for any of the ubove filled | prices than they can be purchased. Hy Falgh us il be found without charge of commission—Taams, CASH she MAU ad . . Mach lel, 1859 Binp'd40 | Black and col’d Cloth Dress Frocks, | Super Bik Italian Cloth Drab De Ela and | a ‘oa Great Importance peace! = to the Super Fancy Caps and Tweed Suits, PUBLIC. Gardens can be preserved and houses rid of these It was discovered by Mr. E. Lyon, a Freneh | Cherist in Asia, and has been patronized by al. | Eastern governments and colleges. Reference can | be made wherever the article has been tried. Jt s@ | free from poison, aud harmless to mankind and do- Nerina }mestic avimals. Mauy worthless imitations are ad- S| vertived. Be sure it bears the aame of E, Lros. | Rernember— 'Tis Lyon's Powder kills inseets ig 8 rice, While Lyon's Pills are mixed for rats and mice. Sample Flasks, 25 cts. regular siges, 50 cts. end $1 BARNES & PARK, New York. co. pests. Fancy Linen and Marseilles Do Ex White Marseilles and Linen Coats, 4 in the om ors Ot SOR ORTint i FARSHI RECATESSIENY ae i 20 Linen Duck and Drill Coats, Brown Linen do. Foresle at HENDERSON f& ENNISS’ ond man io search igh xtromg and comfarta FEXHE undersigned is fally ‘ EAL : WwW White Buff d Fancv M NW Vest or sale a Me ERD . SS’ a can be Titel x LS babel the Good l prepared to cls all kind of| ‘(uerc of Pieaw aud Quarter Sresions, March | . ae 0 NE AND BEAUTIFUL Plain an heared Sitk and ait “ aa W. H. WYATTS’ Drug Stores, Salisbury. 1m46 which distinguish hie Store, and entit | ae in “ “ “ By) ‘ ee es B dntdl reuretassh dct tS Bei eee mare the (CREAT INSTIPC TION, in Urat line CALL DRAYING, from or to. the Ua AY | Rerages 1 ce ts Ga SPRI ( \ \ Black and fancy Caps. Pants, ‘?) Ay HOPPLINS, ite Yor at the $87 CORNER OF THE MAN Depotoor any where else in| L. Clarke, ve Heirs at Taw of David Clarke, dre a oe “ ft ne ae Be! K 4 e Linen and Marseilles Bosom Shirts. WH WwW e R U J Pp P LON HOTEL, 10 Sdk ato wth ovo Me e on . | town, at any hour ot the day Petition for Dower : | Allin want will find it to their interest to ex- s 9 cagh tet ed 48) or night, as circumatances may require. Orders de And all other goods in like proportion, these gods) 7 OT! will find the cheapest and handsomest Goods | amine our stock before purchasing th Tt appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that in the livered to chem or left at ther Stable East ht would do well to call soon A. & W. MYERS, No. 4 G. Row State of North Carolina. CABARRUS COUNTY. Cour tof Pleas and Quarier Sessions, April Term 1259 J.J. Misenheimer and J. Ladwick, vs. Chrisuna Ri- : \ Matthew and Yonee Clark, two of the defendants (Scr callleoeina ram eer nares res | mentioned in the petiuon and grand children of the RAIDER & RIGS | nd D. Clarkes dec'd., are net inliabitante of this | TV State: Ht is, therefore, ordered by the Court, that [ Publiention be made tor 6 weeks in the Carolina | tev omnertaay bat 1 Watchman, that the aad Mathew and Yonce be and | of Please und Quarier Sea | | rate April 19, 1839 B. aD Gwe He lath inst, a LEATHER April £9 i EN ECOUS cies NEYO cvweth deuhour, In Salisbury, on the appear at the next Court are all gong off rapidly, persons winhing to purchase A. & W. MYERS, | No. 4, Granite Building. | Mar. 29, tf44 A. & W. MYERS, No 4, Granite Row Salisbury, March 29 44 met md wone BERD HLATHAWAY & CO, DUCE SS Sent of every description at | | | Misenheimer, Cox aud Co, ve Christina Ridenhour POCKEE BOOK, bed with a string, contunimg) og i be held for the County f Davie, at the N if . Vi ° ’ F , . 95 00 | ‘ el tone te a0) iB : an eid the ; i < : tlmineton, N.C. TUITE subscriber has cpened a Watch, Clock and Jewelr, Orginal Attachments levied on Land HAO i tive parcels, alse two notes, Wie Of aay seurt House in Mocksville, on the second Monday I r ue bine an hate ken ene mest and m ay UGAR, COFFEE, V gton, N.¢ i | Rei ie theniel quncords awa! by marebul avausiben Ce "6 1 sorry, bee : Fags o are z aShiouabee reas Cools Call u . 1 i, hopes to co eral po fol cuiccinm dunt courrentinn ofits Gamiaie Gee Se homrn tne tain 1 Rhean, [i June neat. REE et ater wy ety L&W. MYERS, | gl MOLASSES, (300 Hh’ds. ) Choice, New Crop, pa eee Watches miei eit hinds of Pimae Pieces, repaired tn (be the defendant, Christina Ridenhour ia not an inhal eee nies ene the prayer ofthe Petitioner shall nat he granted or s : ; amar QrT Ce moat careful manner, and seurranted juant ofthe St ee Te ie aie Fecra Triteel ks The fboat the 22d of Sane, W458, nine yy tae WH OTT Qagment pro cinfeste will he enter d agaimat them Anat Oe set mauled mudi SY RL ae a CN | 42 & Tierces 4 ¢ ardenas Molasses. August81, 1555 (t4ay) H.W. RUPP, Court that publication be made for six weeks tithe OTM USO Mise LC DSO a Ween Jo Witneas, A.A. Harbin, Clerk ofour said Court, at | mn : ee CARD, PEPPER 75 Barrels eholee New Orleaus Syrup. : —— SS ETE etcnnnin aired ah Sekt oaanGn ee Ttitwarn all) RO RID yee [office the 2nd Monday in Murch. A 1.. 1859 | Positirely the LAS CALL!!!) pickies GINGER, SPICE, | ht Hinds: fale te eholee New Orleans Segars. | 95 B A R R E I S Rare be and ohimackefirathedomvecnntoon@nurh nals named notre Saver ce | A A HARBIN, Clerk eee coe sled Account ee TR CRERG NGER, $ r W200) Barrett Clacicd Sagars: | Za) f yn we atte Ps 5 = * He arge ibe re eo co} e, aa inst of Pleas und Quarter Sessions, at the next court tobe eae Neato tien (| Ue adv. $5.50 bai - eters nee, i be (ea haya Minne ee RASINS, | 500 Bags Rio. Lagalra. West India & Java Coffee. OF rejdlnmalte eivitrveee C aliarun ac (Ne (Ccucchnsc | me | li Se ee en Clit ee MUSTARD Iii sea natrels Nese and feime/Eerk. NawiOreniNewOrt ] in Concord, on the 3d Monday tn July next, then . sony ) c aap) \eltatea tS . Ae . Ao IO LPP Nad b EAA Us soba SARDINES, (enn hds. Western Bacon,---Sides and Shoulders. New Crop New Ur ears Me- PCE) icy (ronitteelencar ens ulcer ont (2s DE ROSSET, BROWS & C0, State of North Carolina, . ne by tat ame wl be placed ithe hands of] a 1 Mackerel, Pickled Kalmen [Sena Selle Planting Potatees. LASSES just received and for sale . ees sear gs ns \ an officer for collection gar, Soda, Ni ackerel, Saln are 59. ‘ Bhelbea Who iaplarsuil wedi have jucenient WILMINGTON, N.C. DAVIE COUNTY BROWN & COFFIN. | Sonp, Moen antler ekivee ind commen ders| So OD smsipe tow by egainest her, and the fand levied upon by virtue of paid attachments be sold to satiefy the same Witn No Sloagh, Clerk of onr aad court at of | | Court of Pleas and Quarter Seasions, March 3wA7 | Term, 1-59 JW. Kennedy, vs BROWN, DE ROSSET & CO. NEW YORK. April 19 a 2D EE @ * Be Abraham Cor hin | Shot, Lead, Caps, Snuff, Tobacco. Cigirt, Matches, SPRAGUE Luce l&e.&e CALL AND SEB US Salisbury. Dee: 121858 Brown, Coffin & Mock LOST NOTE. We pay T FORWARN a persons against trading for a fice, ig Concord, the 3d Monday in Apal, AD bead avert eas \ : and the 83 yeur of wor Inde pende ee Commission Merchants. | Original Attachment Levied on Land LL. who are indebted to me will please call and | Cash or Groceries for Country Produce | certaun note of 826 50, dated Jan. TR. 1N53. paynble NELSON SLOUGH, 6.6. € UT Sole Agents at Wilmington for Reese's Mani-! 17 gnpearing to the satisfaction ofthe Court, that CM settle their accounts or notes They can eet: | Eves Hutter antiEggrrice Bacninnd Carded) iiiiine sant givveley biKremnilagen whinhiie birt Have the largest assortment of goods for Servante pr adv. §5 50 Kept pulated Gaane, and W. Whitelock & Co/s Supers | ayy defendant, Abralam Conlin, i not an inhabitant |e with me or with BR Moore. Eq. who occupies | Flour and Meal, Potatoes, Peas, Beana, Onons, [or mistad i eaten Oo ioe C Hotiol Connre phosphate of Lime of thie State: Tis, theretore, ordered by the Court, | an office with me Office in Cowan's Brek Row | Dried Frau, &e, de, always in request. Bring) Apr 12, : nd a6 * | Cotton Stripes most desirable and best Goode to be . Li Linportersof pure Peruvian and other Guanoe. 11.0 publietion be made for 6 weeks in the Carohina CT. POWE. | them to us BEARD & BROTHER ¥ found A { t« tratior ) ’ Land Plaster, ge Watchman, printed in Sanabary, that the aad Abra Saliabory, March &, 1559 3m4l Sahebury, April 6, 1859 145 Ibe HEMLOCK LEATHER at ) Apr. 19. 447 ROW YE OUARH! Ji Particular attention given to the sale of Naval iyi, Conlin be and appear at the next Court of Pleas If yon wish Embrnideries of ae 1.4 \() MEE BINS VGU StS : OWAN RIFLE GUARD: Sister (ang) can enn HNN = and Quarter Segsions, to be held for the County, of Theory of Vocal Muste ; ST AO ati) See 43 ARGE LOT of TEA and COFFEE SUGARS, = Sf April 19, 1s59 ImPd47 oo yavie, atthe Court House in) Mocksville, on the Ye ) meetin sail “ . ‘ ee No ue L Fact acerca MCNEELY & YOUNG EVO arelherciy com nandaditanpentat \ oo pag tecend Monday in June nest, and show cause if ny IN SEVEN BASY LESSONS |; Bniiding jwho-naa\he largeat Ste eT St Sx need: { 50) Ibo WHITE LEAD AND ZING, Mar 22 1f43 Head Quarters on the 30th NAL at 1 o'clock, Call at Brown, € ffin & tal § he has, why the cc Pu ah i nee teal fr ssanecabiheantanmca it Misicecie ks the State 47 4.5 ( hs coo CER ee armed and equipped as the law directs and see the moat Klegant Clothing in the market, the satiefaccion of the Plaintiffs debt and sale orderec A andmomely printedvandtarenlelat Mar. 22 (f43 Do ou want Re: d : Made Clethi PE rte tr eve rarirataralieledl prices aearrdingly A NAIR One | yo you wa ady-Made hing, OO WILLTAMS BROWN, 0.8 : Aprils 4t47 Witness, AOA Harhin, Clerk of our anid Court, at A oT TRae She ae S | l K S ] PANO FAMILIES —Cul! and buy 95th GOOD BOOTS, SHOES and HATS ’— Caillat McNEELY April 26, 1850 lw4n Office the 2nd Monday in Mareho & 2 bea i | SUAP Ger Ve conte: ai & YOUNG'S, who have just received a very large The Greatest Inducements in A A HARBIN, Clerk | IT IS A PACT NY Person in want of a Silk Dress can be eup HENDERSON & ENNISS areoriineat, whieh they are selling at low prices. Pr adv $5.50 6w4i | ; ; ZX pled at A & Wo Myers’ ae they haga them Mar. 15 tf Mar W2 fad PFachionable Drese Goode are now offering at the Store of BROWN, COFFIN & MOCK 9 f 4ta7 Attention! Rowan Artillery! ! YOU are hereby notified to attend Apr a meeting of your Company, Wed . : neaday evening, (27th inet ,) at Ladics Shoes of every descrip- Murphy's Hall, on business of importance tion at BROWN, COFFIN § MOCK’S, eelling at ainall pofita, By order of Lieutenant Commanding, | Apr. 19 Rugs, Mat- pe received for your money, Ac ¢ W.MYERSiat 47 place Carpets, Carpets, ting, &e, large Establishment of BROWN, COFFIN & MOCK | Apr. 19 47 BLANK DEEDS ALEX MURDOCH, 0.3 447 That can not be denied that if you wantto get val the largest assortment in the market at the _ |FOR SALE A T THIS OFFICE. | seiing goods lower than any house in the State from five dollars a patron to one hundred he| Apnl 19 47 TP ISA VEACT That can not be denied, that A. & W. MYERS are SPRING BONNETS. SPRING MANTLES, SPRING SHAWLS, MCNEELY & YOUNG'S, 13 100 BAGS PRIME RIO COFFEE 95 BAGS OLD GOVERNMENT JAVA | 25 « LAGUIRA. Just received, McNBBLY & YOUNG Juat received at 114 Mar 22 Mar 29 / |. WOOD, EDDY &C0'8 | A CARD Greens | TO ALI AYER’S _ A shorough Mutual ALL | EM P OR I UM Single Number Lotteries !! [1 38° srs) potas gir 05, INSURANCE COMPA . y, Interested in Building!! Cherry Pectoral. Or (CHARTERED BY THE STATE OF GEORGIA.) Jeu of long © Speriecee in the Drug busimess, aud | he sabecriberae alt allentiinkton tlie For the rapid cure of Coughs, Colds, Hoarsnere, Bonehius, Whooping Cough, Asthind aud Coumanption, is uuivetrul: ly known as the best remedy ever vet discovered for every vanety of Pulmon —o havieg meved into thy lirge new brek buildmg on Jthe coruer of Maia wud Water Streets, with our increased faciliues tor coudactiag the business, 1 trust we will be enabled (: eommaad the eovtide nee and patronage of ray teruer customers and the pabs SS! CE has been the care a a economy of the offi- N cers of this Campany, that we are free trom debe | d Milis on West Till ay luraber wid bave How ou han Hex RAST UO4 UB 5 on hove made no as@espmients, Do YE STUFFS, PAINTS, TURPENTINE, large WhoIs ib preanuns a Fecill veantee etree AHEY w FASHION Sapam saan: BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS i Vwe have deemed it expedient Co change the name of 4 inventor thie, money ani ee r Ve sulfect to sphat che oitiern, ws above tain as above iaiord iy counterfeited. This is « aly aS case with Wisran’s Of being transteried syne tanoat, £ af Ce at, as well NGS, as that dire diss SUMPTION, ce ines 1 iprincijled speentaters «a ue } b stowed on usis well deserving lo our 8UCCERDOrS Ve \ respectfully, co Gregy, DINLCTORS: . Grecuaborough ; Alex. Mil- | Wadesborough: SoG David MeKuigh BE. PF. Yally, J Orders filled att lorteat uot’ Plymouth, & Yanceyville Proy, Lumberton, The G, Sprnitf, Juliasen, rwill be wround with wood MEAL wiil alwys desputeh, an sbe kept tor sate und dangerous affections of the pulmonary orgaos winch are mceden€ to our climate thousands every year from a premature grave without it. fanaly should be ie supelioniy over every other medicine ind thowe By iteuinely use Nu who do neglect r | NOPICE To THE PUBLIC, 1. generally. Our motto wit! be ty give satisfaction els ee eae ea tee os cae pre el l MENTAL S100 WORK, ue Mowe) aon ae wide is the hee of ibe R ESIN Chalk, Whiting, ° ‘ Call and see us. theetauy lorwes Ghat iis accrue. we therefore ay chets, A i ep ee FAME ure wand so Humerus the Cases of fae he member ofr Sam Haves by way at nans| CASTES DEM GS Mahe een aaa (sil Thee a astie BLISS BOOKS gal SPORES A vacant aime every sect [ET RINALS, syreogen, Breet Pu, chane, bec Caw ler wrantec fred by P nufe 0 southe Be yy ’ our , 0 3 | the States of Delawoure Kentucky, Mabana i mid Me it cats Ahk ofthe Riskwin this Coinpauy bemg ia the Wertern large Aled uy CD TEE BCAA SLMS SC ES known, who a tet cal i ARDEN and Grass Seeds partof Chose in Georgia, under the tee Hepa ot OR. WESTAR'S BALNIM OF WILD CHERRI, partof the State,where the uanger from fireis mach of ‘ are PRERGC MIRE acteatiie alarming acd even desparat diseuses ol ( 1 . ‘ , outract tubes fo lay up eteres, and fi Messi. Grep@ry & Maury, of Wilmington, aware, | lens ECTION OF ALL UES OF HULLDINGS, the lunge by tts ure. When unce ined Cv Ay PETRE, Borex, Glue : ‘ es forwiich PLANS wyllbe varnished. if desire vur firin, on and 1 BOS at t 4 ebe C.P. Mendenhall, D on . ”) eecape o q ICO BUD EU ei adieu ere e. Take only the Genuine! Oe Ne ee te) Oley ai aulruionusiity ther like Gels Ce ee a (Manufacturers Anictes ‘a oO creatie ave Weir, 2 onnel, Jo 4 ole, ot where iis virtues are OW), ie public no leuper r Z: : Aare y host approved patterns, cid superior tivist management uf the Spatc Academy Lottery, aud BLYVERY thing whieh is reatiy Vatu nud wh com Lindsay, Somes Mo Gaereit, E,W. Ogbara, D. I He Te ca ete Tie Giuni Ule Staten nidici(ate wiiaiaitdote'(o employ. forithe distressing e { AGNES(A, Mustard, Ginger, | Tu wl transse¥oun we have endeavored to conduct thacarwor Wirt Chany, Ir ticelan gi eae etn Re EN eabern s ! we \ ie: jour business with integniy aud protnjinems, ail we fe reatation of whieh at acetate iordy nd iocetit Coffin, Jamestowe; Wo A Wright, Wilmiagton GRIST MILLS. ihany, nay almost any attacks of disease upon the! PX NEMAS, Sargical Instruments, C 7 ri . yg cure for Cougita, Coups, Ht KRESS, RONCHI TS, Winoring 5 oo * ‘ 5 Coniassure the publbe uot the patronage heretoture 1 2 odhd Si Salisbu McGee, elg I : en aul, ur emlee | Psel RMA R Sete Coram, Croce, Qeinay Aeris TSrLCuN4 TNL ASMA § oY lobo f. Shaver, Salisbury: T. Me We TU escent ican whe (iememey be sue Lunges or (hruat, ure arrested and thus ure saved many = ] ) URABLE Ink, Blacking, A 7 > aNW WN SCO: ey Lee WWeo nmitnicationson business connected with Ctrs MURDOCH, DARBY & Ca to peatide Uhetselves with ao remedy which wards | SINGLASS, Gellatine, Extracts, i { Augusta, Georgia, Fee 1h, isos jury Office, should be addr dto i aabary. Nas 9Uh. [S56 ined off this dangerous class ot diseases will have cause to t | ‘ cis PETER ADAMS, Secretary : y glsb deplore wowhen itis too late. Proomwof the surprasiny ( V ORKS, Bottles, Sponge, i Wood, EDDY & C0., YW 1N IGRRS, : Pcie wits hy ap enborough, No ©. May 5, 1057 ert effieacy of the Cherry Pectoral need not be given to : : : | The recipe for th nine Balaon has ; ‘ u 1] my the Aimencan pe ue they have diving proofs iu I NDIGO, Annatto, Rose, Pink, | Success o SN. Swa i been 10 parvession tweuty : t 1p ogy : II Wh eVery Heigl borhood utthoRe Who womb te read Lhe 4 { SECCE NOES Uy owas (0: Ue itacetae nine tel SURO) Are Sre € AY CE, SUSU, MEOLAS AMy [statements of those whose whole health has been re QT UPEMEGS, Mace, Cloves, Avs Gdladive Baton wil te day thy Wome ed . y are da AND mored a whos i ee by ue IN weeny. — a> “&Co., W fern of she Sparta Acade lan- PH UTEPORO aD liver try Oc tre 20) Si Sp ! a will tind them in my Amerioan Afmanse which the HCY, Rotten Stone, Saud Paper, te Ae et uf hae si : S tenbee ate a | a Fowir & Co Please eit imne a sapply of Wis 2 e fu" Ee BU RY. Wits below numed have to furiish giuus tur every Ie j Apel (S500 at Auensn, Cine im pubis candi an a rt WASEAS, (ea 1¢ HOGSHE ADS New Orleans! 2 one MALTS, Sulphur, Cream ‘Tartar, (he sugerutendence of Commi maners Wo There has never J nud West Lidia Susars ee ' Prices: er hake WBC RTO ICO( ine w luting ter takes pleasure ta announce to hie nee te per Box) Boxes for 8100 SALISBURY, N. C. Chass 14 Draws Satuay. Apni 2, 1859 bike ae cu 80 Bays Rio and Java ¢ ne ae Sead the puble g int lie line Crepared by DR. J, ©) AYEM, Lowell, Muss, A Class 15 Draws Scueday. April 2859 | JACON Y. FOULK.” 30 Nhds. Muscevaiy and Sew Or taken this long established and well Known Hotel, and wold) by ae ie 1G Deas. Voril le. PSn0 BO Ne ent tat the _ Hea Miitcrer, ‘ e fad hee ide every posable preparation to aceoume Henderson & Ennis, Salisbury, NOC 2 sent ; Sew and bisusitel Sleck ir | Class 17 Draws Saturday, Apmis isag, [2 Mi en he pet pW. GO ° eee jiuaieet et Te a date the bosimess, travels and vissten rope of : sviand, Ste wensou « Co, Charleston, S.€ \\ DOW Glass, Putty, i 4 Ties, US Weta eireqeine - FOWLER & WosToN ie OUTSIDE WRAPPER. SCTE Boal Ws . ee ae the public, in the most satisteetory manuer {AL Santos & Co, Norfolk, Va E Cla : Draws Sa lav. Apri 1 1859. It CREANULOTR ERG o. iD ea au Fea yeenee SPRAGUE BROS Fite. 4 a ae oe 4.0. Bradley, Wiltning A \ ELLOW Ochre, Lamp Black, SPRING | ON THE PLAN OF SINGLE NUMBERS. For swale by Salisbury, Dee. 13, 1558 4 ; N_F. Rives, Petersbu ° | 30,000 TICKETS “UE NPEEUE TNS Te | ry ATB IE, Porcell, badd & Co, Wechmond, Va, and \ ‘ IDS, Alcohol, Fluid, j Five Thousand Four Hundred and Eishty-live | | STEVENSON & BOWEN, i sitevery combircis proved in ss aaah PP RMIN, Hamsced and Lamp Oils i ; y, Ye! ° | a ; 2RIZES! LG eke | ROO M S. SALISBURY FP INCPURES, Bara, Quins, i ‘ VEVRLY OVS PRIZE TO EVERY MYE TICKETS REGIE AB Lats His STABLES are abundanily supplied, and at ; p ‘ . ul ost rnd to all departuenin! BY kK ¥ ey OPES SS atus, Stareh, MARCHOS eS Magnificent Scheme! | DRY GOODS, (22 eee neil BEM AIAE oe CE O1O ing eh este sal «J M: 25, 9, see ae te proprietar wives hus persed attentias r : ee c Sy 1 RPT? we weAeaaele : he | A-comfortable OMNIBUS ras regularly te the 9 HE wubseriber will open a Pewere Main Street. \ ~— = FEACIDSATURDAY IN APRIL. | Hage an a fig te tat the jel Santina Oe Gunliory Cinaeat OLLISBURY. e i y , Prine af £5006 | Prigecet mat 0e ii, ott AVE Uses ti atest Tih) paleelare cot ll furs, N ©, 00 the a) Nitin Ad. , (Uy a : Ww V an J Woe Peis DAS UBS, ee Ne ae ue ieccrnne ied if 32 44 i ' } PE i : yt! ia! om Ns 41 ! tinerly of is OLN TON, ; C ,and ed to the My NE TOS TERMS OF TUITION AS FOLLOWS { Ky a{io? as large Stace HE Nak St below rowher Uaiieatahe (recs eeaty h| ae : et eee en rerises anit Reannsee pe umaniha san CELEBRATED VEGETABLE ° 4 TAKE GREAT PLEASURE 1 aw Los s . lim ran) eased OCk W spt, and inducements Wiarrixg aud ARitiMer ris wr be i@ announcing to their customers and the public, the arrival AVPKONTIMATION PRIZES fered eqaal te any House tn the trade eee , : Ae A of their Stock of BPRING GUUDS, surpassing in ; : e : ; , Piiuarenenia, Jan 25, 1459 pdbine3s { i mA Tes Gnewwer and Birt, uy CATTLE POWDER i Poa fio Ak N ae hs Pra 3 C0 WE ND SER \ Coo swiriky aud Asteoxomy, Siku Ld A 4 ww : ee Lz RL Po, SEE } Messe, extras) by Men SB Siuihdeal, 815 00 per yi : ; es ie a pale ; t b, 4 « ‘ 4 ; ‘ mH : Ova | % ) r S 90 -we rinewhs Other san ton teu BeaStTT OF SetER i ms Pet S| WeRsWILSON'S TAI-WEEKLY MAIL LINE. VEGETABLE LITHONTRIPTIO 8) persue sustuiagiithes votornason wi addres ‘ lh “ Ro Gi a 2 the subsenber at Salisbury. No ¢ Boarding by Rev EXCELLENCE OF QUALITY | ws = "NEW STILOW © ASE,“ rwo oKse wicks, vs ae i fi ; FRIEND OF TRE HUMAN PAWEL SED EAE ; . Ceanmers | PASS Prizes amoant! re to $320.000 ND the large, vew supply of from Mocksville, N. C., to Salisbury, \. C. Feb. 15, 1559 pddydsut \ Bay anurioltaaserintagi ake GL UHISIET eee Seeuaea, (al Gunes JA WATCHES, JEWELRY, SUVRRRINY FROM ) ; —- NIE Proprewina take pleasure iu ofering thei cowprising their new Stock. But you will find at their Stcre i Vice ro SOA RLEKS and a yreat vaciets of Glitterin : onGe an DEQ ( Tee " : Cuff C. é rertabe Caitle Powder, feeling confident that any thing you waut in te Charieoy ew aids burab ? a ae Re DISEASED KIDNEY S. | J iG Mien ' baw the arte ng veeded by the Agricultural om WA Circular ase cing tle vn uf (se Lrgieriey | MERA cies cane err ueis of cha fel .) Henne Viol colectersy NnieRe: MSIE SERA! oh Gl, adi eiane® Radar, Waal See A eee ET ay Phe Connjeucd im ueetil an mont all deen i watt be aent to any one desirous of recetring tt LAN TIC CABLE cceee Fesleye st 1) ologn. XM —* eens ‘ i ca , Hors Hoge, aud Sheep, en- ai Cullenelongkircerd Seer iere iat A hays " ‘ aT ON ; { ‘ SPRAGUE BROS Cn lteriiative i j ; “ the walt ; ‘ / ‘ Yo an alternative j ‘ flestes (fPackares will be ioe ¢ wid rates ait / S \ fa 4 1 5 i a : li which ie the riek ‘ aes S ! s aM Chis sive u aa the Line MNT iN Aen \ ! uli excretions i J 1 Ailsa egeagaio. Mane Tics + Clocks, Walking Canes, &c. 2 oy i MI b ; ; Vow t be given ie . ty Han 0 : ! (hotels BLE TENE é fi . i BROWN SUGARS. Asa, Crashed and ( th coghe, Fe ta ©” OF ALMOST EVERY GRADE AND PRICK gpd eA 20 af varcoue kinds - a s hime fax. oy . : Pavtivs: ( Ceres rae bor wy SPRAGUE Bie L. remy t Griperand Col tad Maar . = NAV RECITE UIT ; » ante ie ak \ J ‘ay aremot the kid ' 1y ‘OADERIVG TICRETS OB CERTIFICATES. eae i hee ie ee , : . Ff Buclose the moves touur address for Che ‘fh (emitter ey, Reet Hecneanieanrisaaicels ‘ eG ; ee : . a 7” i I f { tablespoon! whee or ; dered, on rece prof which they wil be forwar AL chadte pene te a ie ie scree an \' vee . i‘ Se aie N () I 1( I. sa werk Wood witn water when drinking ' : vy finst mail, Purehaser@ ean hive teketseuuug in tor carh, L wile deduct o pert " foent Aah , s noN ENGI Tey ' CUD MES an . any figure they may designate ruler (it NUSTIN, Pacmor re nae - cy 0) ilies aera tr! hoa s ( \ 4 The List of Drawn Numbers and Prizes will be Come and see che new supply of SILVER TEA M Wine. Sens fe ter ah Neos tes EOD VESTIN " ; ‘, i aeons sph Le ; sees Phe powder inh ghiy recomended for cows. sept to purchancrs merclatery after the dew ing and PAGLE SPOUNS, ind ihe qa | On tis ni woo ei a 4 y ihem Vi UF Purchasers will please wr hie weenie ORL EC Sthat ean he famed an this wide of Lye 3 ~? ies Poe . . By r oan K UREN a Se their Post Oo ounty and State Atlante: UME RPLALTEDC ASTORS if \ N 1) . alle 5 ‘ Hew APS bs iF Remember char evers (izes drawn and pay AML ki {Watelies, Clockw Jewelry &e.. prompt s : ‘ Cal ' i * ; : i ‘ ebleiinsfittinee stent eoductie Wore pare he owest rites, asd warranted to BCG DES @p TWA WLAce a oe Ciel! wi r A Bn 1 PPA prizes of 1,000 aid wader rine Ise not To thosbraceh the propretur sven j AGG . “ be Tt stica ly after the draw viher prizes Hecustatitny cath feventinn WOR WitsoN, | . F rr Ha ‘ ‘ i erm ot tia of thirty days Salisbury, Sept Ls, bros 11s J ne ee MeN one ~ od i , a . ‘) t { { NOPFICE FO CORRESPONDENTS Ve Ee Ww ae lett . . t wil be Closed outa nt me vaitch { ll (TS «K CAPS eae fer not seuding uuney by mail, can uebtis BONNE BLE Se ; 1 * on F Wy driven out j \ : ; aes | Female Normal School, (tiation ovine ene then} VI Lore scherrn ati wallornetlnt diescetirintes : ; | ; 5B) at me ee * Rye yy dx mth, orlor dey Gaul tino on | 1 A , Comectt Nae been TdE ADAMS EXPRESS COMAANY, _lith Point, N.C. Rail Road, re OOD ME ADOW trike avoly @ vers alos Cae wall be avowed be pig TOMY Baie ike awisrces thd a 1) 4 whereby money for Tickets. in suns of ‘len edbony, 15 MILES WEST OF GREENSBORO’ 3 Dwriling Houses Gieexcehent ane j a serene EOE. uence tien wm wre k e/ aud upwards, can be sent 5 and all other necessary bu It cant lees ENTS OLA RST tie HOGS. . : ess ry N. MORAY, Priv theficient Aawiatante, 0 o™ a iy oe Ae as a Jan 1b, 1559 \ Zee AT OUR RISK AND EXPENSE, NATE Re ree cae a i je rte ees divided into 2 or 3 farms t 20 the pu a ee . 4 W For hogs the powuer is recommended to be given from any city or town where the live? wa mies SA ROL ee au wae tale nent ie a Al ae me \I i \ BL I L A Ss 1): Ncoughs, ewelied necks, ulcers in the lungs. and a nan eG R | The cae eyiuadurdenmualva en ae een oe me ce u ake ie Feb. 14, 1 vis; R 4 iver, and in fattenin and may be given by nang }: ee SUL ere ERNWENDP POST OFFICE STAMPED EN. (uevuceiGn cat aalinnee Tenn: -, : | mo ao Pound ora half soa package in a barrel of awill a hoe Wa wad O cee dy PVBLOFE, or the EapretnsCnapun waucl echa |Win Ee ots he MILUPARY GOODS, <PEt sw UU POULTRY. : ; hem Buildng recently porchoaed by the . ; = NHEEE subscriber wishe # tu nell bis lands Is ing or & unl READY MADE CLOTHING “sveonnss-stonesrny cntvviny ube tems nant Swords, Sashes, Belts, Epaulettes, Laces fee ee eae tiene cra : AT pee | Address Orders for Tichets or Certiticater to [comm fidingemimenees aie lassen 6 AND EVERY DESCRIPTION OF MILITARY VOtet GE Sala) MaGiibd ¢ oat meuded induced several farmers to ‘ : = WOOD, EDDY & CO. Aug of well Taruished rooms to ace in ne LOH o OW > : me Se nee ese aT ee Lal, ChE i) iat Or he DRESS £00DS oe WOUD, EDBY C0 Wun bel ae ate a as xs nad Be NEW 4 tee cs les es tke team x or, WOOD, EDDY & CO, Wisnington, Del. | We shall have lectires eaten Natora oy of air A 7 ya ‘ ‘ PAST SLC ent the EN es ee Seas 4 Ls M7 A list of the numbers that are drawn tram the Soles by an experienc me (Benazth mid fea (IS. Len) wel ioe Fee nee CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. \«: fi tips tree en 04 Tanta an thi wees ee ee ee eis Noles ij 7 red R t x r , re iman woed a) Me CREE On we, tn ron ” ve frathere | — SUCH As wheel, with the amount of the prize that each one is oe cay meee’ SCHUYLER, HARTLEY & GRAHAW eos) ; i or vA borrow 4 Wher od toke pup a healthy con nuced to, will be published «t every drawing. an is ’ tigi aes. ey 7 ; e . : . AN 1 ete rol bahevepncciionc) _FANCY SILKS, See ee rosie ors toad on) MIORTERS «MSC EA CTC RES Salisbury to Asheville, fice o< ind band cnirnsg ain yo Wns heen mal meh fhm meal Rich Flounced Silk Robes, ea et eames Deltas MAD ai cinter CT Teeter an ae ciel nee mean HED SULCUS) UNL (CL > BRMSS SUSE OD SoS ROS Can, AFA af les Wnty, duthrin os DDD, GMRntios E> cradl Ceres iy OS? TCSP | oe Standard, Nashville Gazette, Attanta Lotelligeneer, | 000 [°achers and Pupils dweii together and eat at LAW YORK e senger Couches is now rumuiig in connection sig. ry yir id vorete renee : Wome! Satiebary, No 125, { ose DE CHINE, New York Weekly Dav Savannah Mornin 1 Va aenien, ate , Hye weds TH, DSS eg et nthe cue io relerenee tomills, churches : } ' OULAKD BARAGES Some Reha ae 7 oong Ladies of limited means will be eredites eUly 154 , F 2 CASO : ; 4 TAMARTINES, POPLINS nce ee et i faeotonnbenweqimtewte ili Gale Guu Western North ¢ ‘arolina R all Hone: JOSEPH B MONEPLY JOHN DOOLEY, 4 | DE LAINES, CULABS ‘us yuurantied to such For information RAIL ROAD NOTICE leaving Salsbury Ren Resaken in ee uw. 1 “59 ein Hat and Cap Manufacturer, ' } HAN DEERCHLEFS, ‘ . y 1 . | . Abonress, ~ Monidaye, W ayn {av eae) ; ror . | ; roavis crseerises, State of North Carolina, REV. WoL LANGDON, Puomipron TO Munrunton to [ae oe i SILK MANTL re . 25,1859 u35 on indian i MINING date, Caps, Murs, LOTT fr. : | eae ROWAN oH NT COUNTRY MERCHANTS. §: Pe wae ¢ ie Mndomitable g ee b; 4 = ( ive eae me Sent i ' FRENCH ‘ CHANTILLY LACE MANTLES, t ei md Q ‘ 8. ruar BOOK BINDING AGENCY, NEW, CIIBAPr, u leat and exteneve as * 4 BARAGE SHAWLS AND DUSTELS Jerm, A$). ¥>39. | IN SAI ISBUR y. ' uw BL {OA ue t V1 VN Tonge nt of everything i my 0 : PRINTS, be. dc, Henry W. Hadeon re. Frouklin Bryant JEN T UR AND We CT rinits AGAIN! Vine adapted to the . ‘oO dof ery jo ¢ rte | at we pub that ‘ EY Lf al = “F - " ss : 4 To the end of a very long chapt ATTACHMENT AE yas EN INPEDITIOUS ROUTE D aul Kiet TEN font 5 SIN Cree PON IDES * ; ART ; a a . wen Mod fuss are ale cates Nie anne Wh, hs, E OBARDS, Ginaheec meee tis miwill Ve Gnudelupngathe : appearing to the satiets vof th 1 1 t : an : ee (lie 6 ie Tecan recine nares na! ’ wh t deine yee de , < LINEN & COTTON SHEETINS, hro-ler ayn tanta Bswverragie ho Grameen aint Maes FREIGHT FOR THE INTERIOR OF NORTH Goa HORA 4 DUNG TS He ay i f e < selfiso Chat the ordimary process of the Liaw eatnot be \ " CAROLINA th iP celal aieeanrer relay O US SeXtherence thd fie lives have etebled me on Fi 4 Staple and Fancy Goods, served npen hin, it is therefore ordered and adjudged | throng t : ' \ RUN eSetnCemierda sonerarel mel) Sten ives very he R WA N H O E, this erent tee ee Re Aas 1 ui In every oy aa jtbot pubbeation be rade inthe Carolina Watchman, and be executed with Sand care. bot AVE Fall ang Winter suppies. are requested to ts CoS pry . Woy, the most COMP 2 STOCK of GOODS t . Ae Din COLECTISTOCE OF | 4 newspaper published im the Town of Salisbury, for; quality aad style, and on as lew tone aw Munn Avie compl Nee wali SNS Salisbury, NOC. any pee gine beau allecel al Mirguiia Y é a.) R Oo Cc E R ] E Ss. [my wues ae weeks notifsing bh ae be ag fe can be obtalu-d in any part of the Mped tromeCiutiestupesy (win erect nar , ee Contract eamb ancy crcaciailmraorrettittecntiannn ae & Re aricular attention of my castom ¥ refore the Justices of our (cur ‘leas an artes ' of a CHEAP and expeditious route from the u un: i fre ald OW ie Riad vate ene : ” eee 4 é AAE Semsionetlac ieexuec iin (ate nell Marner Liens Books, Ledgers, &c., inet Sicye | Genre eo. STRAW Goons. . * 7 i of oan maul vurt Hinise i Salisbury the cy ras! ria, Row ste He A Fe eigliiccuuarened leellircen er ote uli eleNcntent BIN [S\ iLook . eee lies Le ie i One 20S" which for vanety und catent cannot be surpassed - i é ' >. ' ' oie a. syennse 1 l les nae ae | ( ny he Nonh Boastern Rail Road wit be forwarc { Talke ind Lem leelerdane “OLD POINT COMPORT JOUN DOOLEY, ; ; 4 ‘araso s! araso s! Bn a ‘ oe ! oe Sere wlesld weeuine ats : ale i emate Veademies, : Me - Welnegeae Niinnnne AES i Tlie} ry ad wpa fe pe No chorge for storage willbe npade at ¢ riw A : he tra , ar 15, 1859 fie HAVEPIUSTIORBNE EO UIST INTE Seen Ree a ie Te DAVED CLEWELE dee EAnuanoenels annie damnnnek Ry WP Th Ws Teens, Wy cic Lar anes weer tf s 5 CSPRING: he mold te mare ty the sare Feb 20th, Psaa Sino i i < : ae : Ibs thet SIR 4 ; seine « ve chen PONE AN «| Weratasors Piet ee ae 4 : pie weld CG Ly i Pa a tf ‘ ‘ ’ aime Ghee ieee oo SS 1 Pe benenon Eeiieeniine MN} th (heomamas MILO ALS. ROS E MAN, M. I, invite the attention of those in want of al at of» the firee Monday i Febraery, A : tl = SONtLUMONS, Noy 22, 1s5- Moat WOULD respectiully infor all these that MI ert iceman SEM MUEES andi csi arco: NOW Goods! New Goods! ee cher Mom Tc Cen aatee : Salsbury, March 23 44 JAMES £ KEKE. Clerk pine ik 2 hy B ‘ \ ’ Should settle by reeash, aa turihe dulge 4 Gini cust heen ie i a ) oe ree ! fn Vue further indulgenes : s rin Silks frelfce ts ay lh a TITRA RESTS Ay On shied» t ( BN RRIAGES, Bl GOTES eeecot be eeen. by his abeenee professional wer | ‘ Pp: & > Ww YvTIN - + mm 47.1 Vartan varien ty in 6 to R15 Teeth &o., &c. SST wtheros author zed ae Ht to take set. { ORGANDIES & eas eh Western North Carolina Rail Road, | ) | ) i) Shave ain Bene fa ree le - | r, ' Npse SSSEYGER TRATY wilt eave 80 iret Wat ! Ee Me Econchinnd (nibeanterycene 00 PAN H. Smith, * i ee he, Gr a os ‘ a 4 iG SILKS UG sville ne at daily, (Sundays excepted; | ae BVI etme inere rier . y b e publie generally, for SY DRUM UATE SU RUNG EATER S01 at 4.45, PM, or immediately, after the arrival of the North € | 5 aes pet Uhesoeetialt wa tainen TOULLD) reaper Di Svereliberil iininers Thats hieeee “ Dik and BARAGES, ever otf-re tin aN maT RT ORE fies bere ea ULD respectfally goform bow ! ne recewed, aud ace A&W. MYERS MET RIS anes aries rt etter e f , y ) aw pyp Oct a ORG ATA Tce OF Fz \ Winends and the pable, that hepex by etnet attention to hie profeamenal bas March 29, 1%59 iW a t 1 Past “! ae ie JOIboyeiby . HOE aise tee eae te ietnuee ty curry onthe tocontioue the same, at hia old stand Rosemante aie panes ' tie every Saturday at —_ ‘ pani Store, which is TO niles Soush-west of Salibur ok = ee ‘ Fas rontetus | : ; : Pies on ee TOIN Ro ys e Sew ieea econ. 6 ‘9 hoe ; lee RONG yas Gus PENT AL ROOMS a C a R | AC E BL SINESS, Celerant Hisairtinr aids rete vs NEws : ; h . US ee a ne er tora 4 v1 / : ae Mareh e159 Ampd 4d NEWSPAPER REVOLUTION ee oe en Perea eur ae ' Halil Hm) pr alhaes are liens ands aes te SEWSPAPER REVOLTPION Pe brnary 22, xf ronnerted wth ni prof } eee th rere ee se ce Se LS US ) & 1 @ \ * SEEN Atte I ae ee Ue Geis Vee ye oul Ua ccna enn ie ee PLBLIC SALE , : ee { Fi mneet his work aie ty rien * Sonth She : © { NE { Western Y. Carolina Ri ail R. Freight Just opened.-consisting of ( ii (j V.¢ _ ; Wave sever boar 1 ars voypnce Comernoute a ‘ \ 4 ee : y iM ANTS and others an 5 arolina City, N.C, hee at ; oan eee : A ESTE) a a Ai Ha ne West, wi Whe nent f iS P. fi oh 4 oes UL a sead oat the Sela STIS UGH Phen pirposes aren : e oH : POESIPA HIT ar REED ALCS é TAPLE & LNG ORY 60008 : Joly 26th. PS5S. HEC per ivanth, audwe hope thar qercuts and yaar. Country produce taruinevchuugeforwork when Positice Sale Without Reserve. he tn WEE [to North Carolina porte will be sewied a oan I A S 7 Hier Ail COVE Cos onatenn umdinae cine & eet { el NE Ww BER RN WEEK Featinatl on without breaking Bille at th ibid! | A rs THe Atlante ane North Carona Rail Road | r . se } » “« . ] i. ; JAMBS C TURNER, Eng & Supt A ; ESE ” Fan 2, PR id Gmo35 : f February 22, 1559 aon BONN f TS N ne Ipleted to B ronr Harnow. Pt ‘ Ker ee are a olhge din | ONT ES DAY OF MAY NEXT, . “un oh) mined to locate at ¢ ina City, for the purpose Of Parneny 1 1 Na PCotitogues will b NAOTHER CHANGE zit f \ D Ro Jot ‘ , ; oe ’ is wilh elf wt the residence of Dr George John. ! } JOLLATAND VTIALE VY EVR st wish to purchase 20 Boots and Shoes, FORWARDING AND GEVERAL COWMASSIOY ONO. ings pose fos I: niin nh Goma Sahay cllulin: Genco pray 4 i \ DOLLAR AND A HALE A YI nnd ine Neriiow bell weand will pay 2 ADY MADE CLOTILING, BUSINESS, SALT SBURY ty he tes DN fiw posse cme, Consisting of much 4 Oe j ONLY UNE DOLLAR ANU A TLE een highest CASED prites far thee RD AVC TENSE Rone hor Drampluessewrihennnt witeinnn ten a hl T VW - : ee Woy “EHOLD AND RUDCIEN FUR 3 DAILY PROGih want Chem euitable forworkine my Tecan plants CROCKERY & Teper quilenpyiri. Bein Wer yiit FEM. L : S eee) CORB SCS MGV E sasutat wt ; ryan aie ae : : Paemsoe doen 1 Oo re / noe \ SEMINARY. BEACK SUE TOOLS, HAY, OATS, CORN ai ee Vie de Alan Diy POL ee CraniclenttaiMM nsec arent (eo R O Cc E R I E S : Murray's fine of First Class Packets, Ao AD, Aud. A pes Lennart ear edine po COWS and many other thie in whoo, Twill well ) Le iv ¥ * ' y Kt : ve de OTe 1 rape ’ 4 ONLY SIX DULLARS A Yeu: SO re cer Tammi’ Ne ROBARDS — Whteh we wil sell at low prices fur Cash or onshore fy tes and MOREE AD CEPY. every effet w con Peachers. 4 cou l th a oe J tie per- ; ONLY Muah ‘ Sausburs, May 4th, PRR he tt Vine 7 DA SP ON St GSS AUG ee ‘ fe matte ee AE | iy a es n Cee I ((' Vl Vi CO], 1. ‘ ee, Seon, Priicis anya : n Sr Nernarie Ent EAP ! ONLY 3! 1 YEA Arenas alert ee Myo Maal ores : : ae i Sac Aswimtant inthe Biterary yy can probably be aceammadated by attend a Muncie Chie Chat ( Phe is save CAICE AGE aad LIGHT PRACTICAL MARBLE CUTTER, Mr Wa Hesse, bedeoeiir my stuns Mr te ete cel caonties NeENaredavenheni ater H ey i re kale will commence o dav, the 12h © a ADV ERTISI (DYES ES BESS A 5 | MANTLES | | | Filaeuaton cane aie fore [DES BECTECLLY toteric the pubie, ie Up aieomm in iean dhe deca Shes Was cnthnantner teamidisy (eden (GcRn chicane { : IN THE PROG IES OMT tetera open ieee £ Vlas up ned a beemurpansed their expectation We are thanktul sd RJ. WEST, A . 4 v R ~ and tothe ante and shipment of Produce D RICLMEMertEERRTG NCH i ' Stak Resi ty aD . SE, AGENT 4 iN ie ae : = a vs Adamantine Candles A. & Ww. Myers, WILLIAM B. GRANT MARBLE YARD a a‘ ease a mae cat ae ieaiy ‘ a Naliebury, April d, 185 4 : 4 UM Peas ee i i e ‘ ny be , * E ‘ DAILY AND W! 5 }UU boxed ee RE SELLING MANTLES lower than they Ailshpmenteat Produce (aD Cours Wennayelapmome ihe Manson tuted. « ee fh pared ty (ie. yuenan in (hele feclinesin tegatd to Schley’ We WI. Were lanheech constituted my Agent to k DAILY AND WEE} 10 Canks ever heen sold in thie Seeton Juatthink New York, will by varied Cee ol Conan) ' leew ew lien ee Reet MENTS. weld aay publicly what have sid in prieate, P Ciepee of ary permtal property, to make etilements ' DAILY AND WEER! For sale by come MLR MANTLE, ¢ 0 of th August 3d, 1X48 ee HEAD STONES ETE AE ARIS, Sani ail hande oyy Ce j tam ue Want That taoght you inuataend ferme, to teerive what inay be due to me, and to ; im “ . nabon SPRAGUE BROS las ' al acti : lorie Preacher ine we nwilleammenees pay any juat demunds ayainet me ‘ ROU SU BAC HIER Sas ie : : . R rhoin the Ie Fether IMPORTER aoteen a0 x a say te Cent Salabury, Dec. 13, 1438 29 BO Se eae this LW wee WHI a OREM a ler day of Poh 185 aud continue twenty Sete GEO. R. JOHNSTON. . SUBSCRIBI j Rowuteyy stall nid eee it wear v ask ng Cite ne weeks Pp 5 ogi) Gw45 8 RIBE NOM peryard, Wanih 2 | \ R A. (CNMI, DM I Ih, CAN Soret Totion wa heretafore . : ~& tt. : ; Be EF Adio 3.1 Pannen, Ein Poaee MICHAEL BROWN, A aw MYERS, |, AMERICA: ARB eo nesearetagy JAMES HORATI a bern, N.C nh ] Ne 404 Raking OT EICK. ch Taenterlvecoourter livalNaeNiie ea ‘ Viwhich hee fer Rents “Maren BD, 1859 “MW COMMISSION iI HI l| \\T M A Rree eek tine the tweoare ‘s Monat redneed pnt 4D WILKINSON, WATCH-MAKER AND JEWELER, im } : 1 Vial orders tor u tia, < treas ’ a ra 5 r > : Tee ALL cue aalae at) They are not all GONE. SALISBURY, N. rate Paths The, esses ee SALISBURY, N.C YEAS! POWDERS SALISBURY, NV. ©. [WS mete ent it tooo u 110 He wonld he happy to have all dvarcase of aealag é Da dovncetudlace Mees lien nella & Le eee Une logs ea Marie hear Drs, MiWHITEHEAD &J.A CALDWELL, 7° °°?" Plow. & A. wnphy's Rtere, Fes onde ut HENDERSON & ENSISS' Po PERSONAL ATTE TOS COENG “Genin, Mune Meine vous wnitil Marie: e fiuice pair ea. and yngde for ct a (Kk EEPS AUniitlycon Handa large anaorim enti o Mar. 15. 12 JEN ty the purehane of wll k pao ny | oand nine Mt A AW MYERS TAN BARK W ANTED Hinving waded ree ; He ieee LL eee A themeniys« A WarenEs aaa ORGIES a dilate \ ARGE late Flat Datoh and large tate Drumhesd 10 all cone ee me 2 DOD ETAT se , OK UD i De m pm ARTES ort Clocka, Watches and Jewelry of every description wh £ pped to other Ports Cy UNDE ce Na lieas towered eae Pape OA uh repacredin the best mannerand on the most rearor £0 ; ie . porchamng a larg. 5 Pe aame Occupied at prese r 1 ™ ates Seok ee eRKON @ P<ias Orirearn 1 1799 a ier Gacy, Piece etree eapeene 2 he reas, asa fap EU ame oneal a presehty br Rwcanonan bie tevon le P} # ; . . ee j DGeerona mune cathe e . . ae ; . February 19, 1K58 ly3R Wey ; ~ NR WARRANTS Linseed, Sperm and Tanner's Oil, ay ani ie Kerosine Oil. TRISH and SWERT POTATOES. ’ I ahs 4 + may el fan wal YW te ale VAN Ad BLA < i i For eale ant HENDERSON & ENNISS | Ure ihLCie waned eideKe eee nCt al - HERG SSIM ON INT FTPUUE genuine KEROSINE OU, tor salen al for aced and table use, for pale law by MARRTAGE LICENSE For vale at this 7. « Mar 15 119 fenton B ’ . if HENDERSON & ENS TSS Apr (2 46 SPRAGUE BUS | FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE pn wn ct ttn . . _ BRUNER, ’ |POLITICS OF THE DAY orton eS THE KENTUCKY OPPOSITION TERMS | | CONVENTION. a> | e , A Convention of Delegates from all oN TUNES | parties opposed to the present Adminis- a . tratiun was held at Louisville (Kentucky) $1 sy ce L. Wega ‘ cise Tete “ : , jou the 2d ultimo. The meeting was ny) 4 ay Led a ty J JV oliTe, i ‘ " EEO Y Sp y presided over by the venerable Kobert P. ADVEICII SINC TS - (Letcher, who on taking the chair address- eat . ed the body in an eloquent and effective ques Ania tite cee speech. Ilaving already given in oar e spied Wy 1G ines of ee SHO Ho colwuns the naines of the gentlemen plac- Geet | Ue “a Tc ae . 5 NUMBER 505i ) o- Sa u \( yL \ \ ] S \ I ISBL RY \ . ( . \I AY 10 ILS). 2 1 UTES ed in nomination tor the various oftie Oe : ng ° ° eae ae a 2 a ’ to bo tilled at the approaching election, it £ : ueouurnunelet PI gELrES BEDI) 0 ly remaits for us to cite the aubjoined i j A ea ie adiness and resolutions, embodying the ge Diener a lit t . ircle Viewsofthe Convention. The committee é a. i Devot Daliti Agri r Arts i Family Ci ‘ly they were r isted of & sh ray ¢) to a itics Ue ° Bt a { 3; i ° { an Scie nes oral y, an ye ai . yy which they were reported consisted o vt gq p Y { 5 = y ~ : ) 4 boa © Later tat = y WS, a! griculture, = aterna S q rovements, ommer ~y) t! ¢ © ye Use toliowing genticnen, among whom . our readers will recoynise several with i; i aif cae neem eae Woon taey are familiarized by former : ie a ° | : ‘aralinga Corre 5 ‘ re , | Hg fe) SED the above notes, Orders Woop, EDDY & CO.’s \ Fehon dhe INT HAGEL wake, Ou the rh of Jannary, two years avo,! Our North Carolina Correspondent, services in the public councils: Garret fur diveree ut husbaut MOUNTAIN CLIMATES AND PRO. and now Gis L witnessed a few days age) Teyana. ARTI Wn, Se Lyavis, of Bourbon, Alfred Allen, of ee Sing] le Number Lotteries ! noseme orchards on the Brushy Moun. | — “ Ireckonridze, Q. Q. Quigley, of Me- UL WTA gee DUCIIONS IN AOKI CAROL): * Ku y Deoiia eae | ek dnd faChiniats i Pees y OF eiraNianin HeEIcire cn arene . ~~ tains, the ground was covercd with as tine | 2diers of Day. Book ache, dames S. Juckson, of Christian, Wits ‘ Lakb by TH te GROKUI ‘ x ; ; ' ; , 7 tess ; ; seas me ‘i. apples as bever saw and many trees a TL lert Salisbury this mornin for thos Jouu W. Ritter, of Barren, W. C. An- : f oe ‘ Ca ital Prize $50 000 i! Missis. Eotious; Raised in the monn- inost breaking with the weislt of the ‘city, leaving one ofthe most d steaished deren, of Boyle, Philip b. Lhompson, of ee Gee “iis Gy ocak ake : By D 5 tains of North Carolioa, f hope you will traits and these orchids had not been Counties in the State, takinec atl ites | IGG, Green Adams, of Knox, 8. S. Bi te utah ee Ici TCKES ONLY TEN DOLLARS Glow ane te furnisi; vou a bret sketel: of trimmed or caltivated for ten or fifteen Lene aon Pc ete ee Neetiolas. of Jefferson, George Kobert- oc se W Gn “is 2 SOLICE POCTHE PUBL some of the advaatita and pecouhanties: years, This frort was but shehthy ojur CONC acer LC InOEUUL en estanin Soom Fayette, Wo U. Wadsworth, of ee ag . ae can . Et AS Ch a) rin tive, by way of por of Laat region, With some tacts possessing ed by frost and Powas told that tardet portion of the State and all of Tounesse Mason, aud Johu W. Menzies, of Ken- Ce ee et ‘ ~ Chane. t rot ihe granieebartered by yore or leas interest to those who may freeze would ouly make ic better tor pce (NG Inetontrols lent CoMntvie tic iiie woul: = fs ‘ chy sBot als ' t : a ietie | ig * i th 4 - { te een fy aa Wish to anahke further investizations.— sent use. DLhesame varieties below, with tory of western North Cafotina. It was ADDRESS AND RESOLUTIONS. parto > via, under the bagement o Pr ' 4 2 uve tted : 2 ‘ REss A} (8 Ns. Messrs Grewo \ X% Maary, of Witmington, Delaware, ) Mount Tryon, Luthertordtoy county, hae less aroma and saccharine, lave rotted opiyed in 1753 trom Anefh County. tn = ; . . , we have deemed it expedient to change the maine of tong been celebrated for ts exemption lon since. Other tests, too have shown 177y Surry was taken from Row in, and Pais Convention of Delegates to organ- Th e Sic a hao and aber January Det, 159, 10 that of troy killing frosts, and believed (very er. the marked superionty of these traits. in 1777 Barke was taken and suse quent eit Sate opposition to the farther rule i (fa Baca ean See ~ A Se pees neon lo weve entre iialy it Upon the cerct/a the effect of this warm ty Davie Davidson, Stanly, Cabarvos and Of the self styled Democratic party, and ‘i Houareimestof Che Sparta ademy Lottery, and v4) . A aVie, L7G SH I) SRE S i : ; a “oo the ot sedlnitvo! a oagval : this respect. More recent ver points dry atinosphere is not less marked and Tafel! Counties have been taku, so tha: t@ pimpuse euclr an opposition by all good a : ; RTE Poa tire swe have endeavored ty cond of the monntiin ranges fave been quite significant, ind may by further investza:sier tinits have been reduced tua reasona: | Wen turoughout the nation, will state ij Mis Olu \ \ i it ae ee ae a a ine In er reoented as entirely Con be productive of some practical re ile size, During our Sn stru Some of their Bee to that party: 1 1 ae " soph tthe Ulee yaliouage teretotore + + 2: 1 1 ‘re ods scarcely , ever 1 ' \ * i ae en i \ r bento Wiser (ronnie (etuerrormiet) IRE! Ne CURES ! frost, OVEN UN en ot sults. Pevst ere PRS if ever secn, ule, Povwa © anty was thesce: viny 1 a NTA, ’ Dison Party. mena © & st Tou 2 Vener fully, He | eecence, Aver plea an notwithstanding its general prevalence | 4 outlier, and the house which i a He fee Juror ree ‘* ‘ Nur ( Dee V5 hoe pet tan i wrier in tie Vagnet and destructive cffects throughout the! alts vecupted as his head quarters ts It hugs to its em ee many avowed \ Pht ee pe ieee ud November itnbers of the North Atlantic and Western States upon thelial) standin in the town of Salisbury, in Uistuiontsts, who, if they do not control, E . Bai Bonds. « ! 0 . : reriye Carolina Vianter tae furnished sea ine. larvests of last vear, the wheat and oats on ataterot preservative ovine ue nd hve vreat intlucnce over the party; who, Atcha i OOD. LE : ZRS s ; : vod state of pre ation, Bs : Hee eit WOGD. EDDY & CO0., SS * teresting particukas tn regard to tieanoan oon the Brashy Mountains, and also upon vcenpred now by a Scotch Eehliuder, ooY eobetant agitation of the slave ques- ER. A ay ' Successors to S. Swan & Co. tis et Unit scebion: th watini powith the high inountains of Watanga, were of fang almost within eight stands tie by wil{ len, for sinister purposes, are rapidly Apoeal, / ee ! ; ‘The filiew aa set ere fe KY the subject of fenit caiture, and “the gen saperior quality, and the straw remarka ine in which General dae Kenan Sktiglieul CURIS bie whole ation into two great ee ene : ees ! ‘ Witte tale ooo ae Uintlvences of the Gh cued straten in’ bly brient and clean, as nay HOW Un law witloonw of North Carclinds alan “eCHual parties, as the precursor of dis- = 4 fs ; ‘ tot met the dest tender seen, 7 shied sons. Seventeen sean = " HOU Oks . ie Ml [aati : An sider torrets: WiNCrMemSclnccalitsenmmlianeri atatini we l( cuyicim lerienenle rane irc ln Lue inelern Demoeracy at the time of % - re ' | ts i : ~ . r 1 1 BA Fa hes ‘ ‘ . . , ‘ - - es npoy Coat Sabowe developed and explained all that is usetl ion. got the one on wit ee Gisiye (Ps organ. zation found the nation compa- ene sA L ! SBI R \ dj Ne ( ‘ Haast a ‘! oe iy Ptiissthauoen and cumeus in these phenomena, it elie Wistonent Cat iecniiicd ay yeeit cw lree: inotisectionalustrife. lho ee EU CHUCOLATE ‘ hos ‘ior, je. UPUpLAY Coase strable at least that the subject be made] ur hlishment pendence, bur Meets of patrotisna and loyalty to the Bema 7 ' ising ( wey fag es. | tan elev wore familiar to readers generally Hine capital ot County, taken (tien prevailed throughout the nation. ee 8 Balke eh SD EXDU Use In STA 8 ON THE PLAN OF SINGLE NUMBERS ey tain dl Jn this plane of heavy dews and frosts. tyom Rowan a nawed in hone: DP sonsn existed no where, or, if har- eat Vala i ‘ ' red 1 NP wePTICK ETS a Wil Hot apply t so) definitely marked.) and alse thosel op Gen, Win vito fell cate tie eer tte reasta ot a few, it was care- ie i pe Ue Five Thousand Four Hundred and Eighty-Pive my vVilievs Of pouoo and unesar sur marked above—oure by tous that fill our prdsstze ol Ug P Cowan's Bari, full concealed, Now avowed disunion- se uren® 0 ant as ‘ ; 1 r 5 ea > CES! wee, While the eurtice of the heave dew valievs im damp weather, and another | feou, ter 17S 1 fa TSDth) Sig Ula sts nay be f rand in every locality. Un- ' ' beauty ‘ 4 eo PRIZES! and frost stratum represents a plat, deve osctl higher, upon which the clouds rest sijgc vitlao in Radetenviy ‘let Coe rite of this party all real patrio- sent Y q Wf YY o/ VEVREY OVE PRIZE TO EVERY AIYE TICKETS GREAAVIY. CL, GHW. SHINee eater e, CLUCHNT Gonimietueiey Fae tadve Gaia ean ererieel| \ Pe . ; inti dashed outin the breasts of lar, : 3 SO \ ae vw ! : = here d SARE we ko ! f Pt Wavnificent’ Scheme! thenah diferinge ereativ in conpacative or the ees of there ditherent strata un | View veagricultaral Mhtsses of vur countrymen, Ite late ca- aa ie ea . AVE AMKR THE 53, Ta 7 Hele elevation itierait va ~ i sval derstood ¢@ Ly t ul AMPOrenL ACN NORE | oe apace wax ; calming Uoet > been sigualized by. nothing 8o . 5 Pongal! os PACH BAR AY TN ALA 4 evs ate ult rejetbatedd ot the ettne tures sometimes atfeet barometrical mea ced by tie baldine o RO (PO deere | much as ansay sestonal strife, engender- ats ! ‘ ‘ : pT Prager ot 2 streams by abropt desveuts, and divided! surements of hetehts? Can they be sate) feeven mites iu iste Blownas HS Cue bitter sectional animosities. We " my : Spon Anniv oo W ; \ Chess Patigers of spire trom te digher osfueronily accounted for by the principle! voile. eet SA OTe as ava CRE ave factons an the North and in the ealiby m4 we ; y el ke S i = ses Mist s Ot [ee a on i “yea ' VN We Bi A ({) : al ‘ | A ' ; fates ofineuutains. Pocse fisher can oof pravitation (Are there not some see |, Sqildces Where 1s Treated: tau Gleun Se8erest rons that hatred can invent, and vlite [eb va Cian amc nataeane oot “h eres emir atl in seme tustances cn tons or poisonous clements, prejadieia 1 Pemnaly Seminary for young heies, ¢! 10s to destruction as their principal ta ’ by G . ‘ SPST ea Weel Tele Gulia eG r fiosts, to the health of anianals ane plants, and | iy ye da the Stat ieccen iinuies MH) » ANS ARAESUR TECOUS TE] (19) tt a FMP re wie § : = t ; = ’ , joecend te tone ta tes ‘ Seve Ma P : i . f 1 M eu ‘ . doit stig BES ELS A eeGaiiies, Mae PWT. WNIT the dew, reens the lowest} trom this beines us to thea Pome, when On the eve of the last Presidential elec- j nts : / - : ; : : : : ye 6Chudes sume of tae a tlands al level £ May wet the citizens ot popubous 1, bal cas Nope eil, be Ce eolilecr, public see as m THA Rieewm w Ln 2 7N We is ain 4 4 - ae white the deeper i CAA to ait! Stabe, ee = . os thee pPublisaed detters of nany of the leaders 3 f i «eats a 1 i a ANTE , = Way Le NEW ey ARES Ce ie Cee ‘ y eee CE emer oat cin Neen qi ce tern oftac paoty iett little room to doabt that Pe H ) ay TD PADT ! | 4 three bundred feet below at lostst tec lesormed eltevan ear there was an organized treasonable con- a - : ‘ if MN ‘ Uses EXCELLENCE OF QUALITY poet i ACORN tia the (aie or Ait ‘ ere from t fa eaten couspuin sphacy fo rei the Government and > ' oe Qos des North Carolina, are etvoraced some of the sand! area ot land above tie cold and | aecoeded tac Duke « oreak up the Caton by armed force, if j . Ue wy Le , Pee Die pee Pe the extreme head-waters of the Odio. lunmod atinosphere of mitrinste value to} \Monister, and was lier the ¢ ee Went ayainst their party.— ; ytlee Ned OEE Mas ied be any ove deawoun of recesing Chit CUM, eareres 1h 2 Wa invalids, especiily in parmonary and trod, and tinaliv succeeded te the Bart of Que of the Governors published his in- : | iret: qk G Pee rw ane STOR 5 FEO Ges CHa PA aL RTT eee va con ‘rheumatic diseases? Would not thosel Gg Ged Mere distant <2 maces West ut enon, Tiley ie uatei on Wash- Ce page eee tl : ‘a N i Bee vor ee cise eeeeeny MEN VIC RCT ane ree go tn unding Tigh who are depressed and enervated by Wwe] 2 erh, and it is noted for its weneral | Maton, seize the Government by force, ce ST LOW RATES tO : ,) U Siete Tae C0 svery heavy, healthy districts, and wish to be recupe Jonterprise, inanufactomes and excellent! #ud to meet the op position of sixty thon- eC iies Ft B an Nes are ° u hognth 2 and tie outh frosts as well rated, tind tiese to be charming place sl schools, of which there area number, [sud Cuiondoving men in V irginia by cela few pital ior Credb ous tee Uae \ PV ORDERING TICKETS OR CERTIFICATES, defined as in Petite streams of resort—where the dry, simulating air] was settled in 1760, the South and West @eming ber slaves. Another prominent i E EPCS Hin SSE isabel et a : - ee Vo Hecriones cveur addrese toe the Tiekere Tiel (lols dl erie Mi vation trom, pure water, and some of the most lovely | ww (Qhiakers fro Pennsylea rand Nan leader, who is now en ying & Beat in the ie N ‘ eae fa : cord s toh they wall be ter ee yh a dete | ae landscape aud monutiin scenery combing track Lothe Bast by Presbyterians Senate with the full approval of the par- Shae eae ; ; ; : : oy tie to tinoter te his tmentaband physeidlen find Baptists. dlere resides the Hon, 1%. 4a published letter declared that any male Pon Wd \ a Pur J aD iS rs { sal Me stirs tna a ta derert STON Melts Around him, standing int join Mo More head, who has distinguish. Tesistance to the enterprise by the Un- 4 =: sg ' ry ar 1 | > , g + . 1 | \ \ | (i (0 iH A 1 Q R 1 ~ deers tinineciitely a yours bold and beautiful array, alone an extents cl himeelfan the building of raidroads, 22 tucn af North Carolina should be ; : A 5 . Pacis rs wall pivause write mY re fae & ine Cte (aide nt ae i ay dh te I} ie swift attention of vigi- : Ona Hire line (lheuatel ne Sees a i i atte Nes ita t est stochiiolder arn! a , 4 Ta on i i om i | oan Othe mmitives 7 in other words, by " p ely 0 (Ki Hy ‘ eV Pieris Wuoathd pay nessed Ven edibles 1 rae tdvocate oof thre : 5 We Compounded ene Iy fr m { house frost ion the stopisie hh tad Donel to Dw uid tssination, *Yhe domestic if o . My ul Westen) New 9) oi keven tt four mbes further mood civil war,” which the Gov- ’ oe ’ : ae ‘ . co ies pat different ad ait: towilel of Virsaitsud he anticipated, was Se : De POscen Wh STN DeN tes Atlewhany and Cumberland 1a Is several cdl nay th Wee Ne Hoedou by these Detmoeratie con- eco be : ; ~ ybya TN ay. ev, the oi Piszal, Shi \ Meu ve kre enone ahaa ieauitet their Unton-loving fel- i . 5 tBYys a i) ‘ Grearzia, but mere accu ot Cl) (Ontie taw enter [varia quel At einen sin ‘one State by the aid huriar ; WA i KN) a ( A PSN THE ! ADAMS EXPRESS S COMAANY. of Aya th BM AVES ian, {1 ecunell Gey mraees m pel staves, and in the other by or- > : : a {Pen Dollars, sth and Haty other points of interest omitted Celebration o opens of the tatided bands of murderers and assassins. c : ew x is i ’ <4 : she Oe 1 : ‘ rime prrorarod x Msen ir thot R RISK AND EXPENSI ie =] bere; while the Pilot, Nine’s Mountarn Pack 1] Goud: ate DutietEn fhe unrebuaked puble avowal of such . - BB f), Ve \ h fl -~ of Aiea: Rein tines free Q Cts wd Thibriten, stand tike seucneis in the \fay. psa een miele. nore brings #ecous purposes sutiiciently prove the aie 4... oe qv 4 , : TH curr pnereil| tiie te URI 3 ACORN biti ty of corapes tard oeean-like plains bebow,. Tt issas ty Pbdsh t forty undes West of distovalty, notinerely of the leaders them- i j ey =. SMU STP 00S CORT DS SASHA 1S a, Larepean mie cutive. aid here mn these trgilands, that the moun coe er sos located a Miliary selves, bat also a large portion of their an | Cone A pint, SO URIS EN pare AEB eet nt Tstppose is cemitnou tom Pbotto dd tam boys learn, as ie Si sinanea: dela NO Ue ol CL how cup Solem 1 stint to be believed that ) } & \ ren ete mountains, Thos warm st covers. love the “OET North State” and t C1 Cohmmbia swath competent assist these iaen woahl have formed such a con- tx | aad : 3 cr (dierent ie rt tre trtn 1 snpposes th ater partoof the carta rate and defend “The mets Moethe coammte town ot Omuree, racy or avowed such purposes unless } ‘ z fi srrenee - Woon, EDDY & CO, Augusta, Georgia at a smn] yabove it. shrtace To owill close here, as omy sketea bis baad Tat an taou \Va( rtou, Chey tetasared that they would be sus- om- eflecting © - mf T u at a smad ¢ Neat ei ’ tod was hard outin L700, by wu lis wey Aha } 8 i ‘ahha ses p weds what ty SADY MA = CLOTHING or Bu Lats x ae retary Gee ae The area of lands, however, taut lie sith erawn foneer than | intended ind was eatiied Coaldsburs, in honor of fitned hy toe party, Sach belief is P 4 F . Oop, HAY a (ON, he fa) Ses . > ‘ . ay a ' a . ae \ =. ea ES ee Wea ee eee ede Gs ee Cet Ce do tit tur cuitiva Wt, ON, IEE SOE, of the Attorney General ot tae Colony, dpe praot of the general diffusion of | * steht > Tt Ovi : Hhtheanmunt ot the prize that each one is toh. ds very Limited ; and te etigens of Four Diriasce, No. eudafterwands aitered to Thostoreugn, fhe distin sentiment with the great , = : an DS \ x let Wii be published atten ever wg. the broad and extended bet of caunt Aa y 1890, \ in eou Sarl Hutlshoronvt, tue bedy of tie part at the South. The ex- | ea ’ Pe bowinee pape Nat ee Hetwuen the ovtlttticeconet anit yeaah for Amener And tstenee of this formidable conspiracy, 2 fe hoe) iD i : 7 fi t gy tl tly carved it is believed : : Rade, the South and Dros.y thountarus, Parra 5 Vian & ws tin Mes the Eretoo tequentiy charged, it 1s believe " - paew cares Shavit Mate pete A ee oe WY SOUTHERN HOME, i te a came ae : a Cette Rich Blounced Nile Rabes, Ge. it [ecieetielhy an Lined to become pices of beasine in ADDRESS COOMY PCrHER, WILE Or THE NORTH va Mis caltcleleentedna acaclevatianmels aL facts and uc industrieus cir- a et aw , (3) na Ula Wr as topes nl A Tecate bean I Routan Mein omen tiaiiie Aad woe, werllanicnt. (lus ime. Hate tor years past, by leaders of the : Now Yo k (ler : ; i i a t. daminone we el ' ‘ ! cent fourth growers it We ww eharuing Where the shy os bright and fair, Wl know, tn Compliment te Sor Walter party, on pacip iivts, speeches, and essays, A ~ We: a tidved. So aul! Un ont And many sweet Howers mingle, Tealeet, the tirst inan tuat iad an ar litectly dyoccting disunion ag desirable = an rofessional Card. : ! aa ies ik Lo (ieee trast etn uf bese Fier fragrance with the air tempt to culemize the State. dtilend ix tor tie sear, ea sustain the e Le Ist : ee t { i Lue ol i . ' a —- ee apse the t 1s sentis 8 ; “ : aa : e. % mL CT, VOWE Ore ree mony lelis Ge tl the: Poti ot Berio naneoneriinraner he capatad ot Wahe county, aid was . i is at | ra ae fee cpamoe om ~ ' ~ TD Uae Rabie Ah, Oe one & their sin : eee nei called in complinent tothe marden wane party. Bat, whist calling for eondem- ran ohare 4 : mits, ¢Mtendine s ne han . : ‘ bot Grav, Lryen's wite [ts representadive Mabon om diy bests is by no means ee ? ne eae Noe 7 i i eamlanen ; W's -. ' fait VOMANTT SV ii NG@ DUS SETS, deal pies ere tae briccitest reves. a ee Issu was 21023. Theeiy tutendod to include tie mass of their too Bo _@ DAM ERS de See li SPRING MANTLES. é and vrectiest 7 Cet cope ty das five squares, natued respecttilly Cas 5 tolluwers, and especially in A PRINTS, 44 ; ee SPRING STLAW le leaves and t vey : Solin iny mind she hives well, Durse, Nast. Union aud Moore chy, whe we fondly, proudly hope | Hee HCare wlving thelr unanimous ' a a pectoral ke AES DDLBIEAY Ws XEN 2 ea id And time will neon ethace : Vue capita: is located an the centre ot veve are notated with disunion- . CAROL i a2 , : |) eeu i cunt Aero wo drvrin pouth with the Invi- blachkense | | lai Lo, ON a : 1 The tage of my mother loved, | yy mature, atid oat the other end oof Isthy and woo Wall scorn any party domi- w both togeth x , fs . ho ‘ 1 ‘ Av. ihe pal acura THE LIVER INVIGOR ATOR LINEN & COTTON SHEETING, Western North Carolina Rail Road. ang Wes to tue Dine bole. an Je ail CLAD is) Mists TEN: Eseattoviiie-atveet ervey tins Guamenyor'« wll luadiig hey to that resale, ( is ut t i . ae Oe . Passe NGht MRC AUN be CU abun e ern eet anti due diatveds day tare tadvdebie " usiot. and North Carolina as altiost : Ae 3 “0 Say DIU Tis Ura A Ce a ye ee AGN tad: hi \ ' Ane Sage. tn 0 tatunin of ET OSE TIA ane : . Se AL : ret ie Ae ee el Tt ix a Disorganizing, Destructive 3 ih Re eRe: PS a : aus OF Tie State. J : HN We did together tak LE ROLIN ST MU uy ee : : ES IV PCRNING 4 : VMoantreach TSE7, when the corm ancbother veretation Qnebciealicincn Ceenneee cure residence tor its Executive Rileigtieon Purty. CROCERI . Te bs hans rayeks voery Satuntay at was k 1 0 Laing : : ee a To seems uny heer mas th Gans many tne private - j en a It has destroved the conservative ele- uM 1 i oe aes ‘ ™ counties betow, there were corn Nets eXxttbits baneretis Urdces of a bey eda . Stat iF . ve ee eens. Diasec een these mountains, and even above the toch Pim thinking of ny father hived, cated aad cultivated apulaton by Nets ot \ toour Sta e constitu: eh ; ah VAMES © TURNER, Fow’s & Supe Valles Hiner! tos my Vayu (anit, Now tt my far away Ox) juan sual ne roelenet 1 : we evidence through the ute a ( ( if : : = | Be : y : ii ; RG Miwek iy onthe Le ( ' lett perfectly green and nustained by the [lows ninminllueetienc contours . Cio in ice aid incr \ es e 1 if ae a ° a NNR res ese aie 1a) SCHEE SE Western \. Carolina Rail R. Freight frost. Later, however, frost was seen as Mdhiora tie ere yees dd! eens ie Wy baauie ta sce tine Nani Mn ee ‘ mn ter attack th a i t SRS Seed uy. N 6 Whe 1 ) - ' Ff ) regen ntee siren st) Vain the same Way, bu at) eS eS] 1 Fi RA ieee A) US Na! Us HN al a eles arrarri ‘i stil ote thre wer Pairs, ahwen tir Tie rete . ; eres 4 roed by vou vo Ried an 1 u ; ae : p ld mae ue) = ‘ ’ ' ’ ‘ aie ‘ t ‘ 2 Ds. ich NV at 5 sue if? v sf ry i i u ’ ae = ae : stints of vely MoWtitaitis test, . . : Tested [Bhopeucd: on ede ah tine er which the party or \ F ea ; ; ‘ jot { eater } 1 AG el ad) iE Lonwathout breaking hak ot thet usotenel however, on the deghest points Lone aan ld ant a Gans tat tri do throws ; Nts ba dC Aven ihe w aa ee le Ca Wrest Maw : IVSEES@ TVRNER, bas & > a hs ; ; at Paes Bars OTe UNE ED EIES ul 1 tase tras ao ‘ : | reavits party chief and other lea- ul New England, wont ory the Burnet To , er hilling frost below LE tlave seen corn, ry ee men re Western portion State, 1 : : i : pothwenty Me hash on oiekiw a tenret tiie Wes TOR Ee wey Ss Se cetitintts field pers, pepper. fomatees and Move Doe Unwote to tid browerten axe °° a aa te dogma that ul a with tits ne a Salehury, D te (eae: 2 st wis sh to purchase 20. Watermelon vines Gon tie ebeen, test Pat fotimy brothers dear, lines (GN Soh ahd Oivits ; ete a ieee Saha Me ‘ i ; or rin % ) of esron toy minorities On lnd- FAO: Gautionbenl, AWib eaeec: dive fens ree tved f them Weenie wndbson t ret eal on \ \ ae Peas ie oa se ee ee Oe ee "MICHAEL BROWN, ge Sone Ns ston Ft Se etc Pe eer i ue Wratand ore re ' Heat qwear DetepAnine ei veencoriie etl ee nt ¥ 1 ete 1 Level ere enh aire ey ae \ Vome as 1 the! eat aD erep stint ens UP 1 I\\ ()\ WI. He || Tene ; te hay as we ‘ T owen i lt : eee , ern Nb \ yt vets, ther written iy amore tor (her lef Ikthan nyo a moyetrann tet: tooty vears old, Divds and antnals, and Bell : | h ‘ Sees : a ‘ Dit) sland of constitution- a: ohn <1 dlor ( ( . ; leone then soneht to WAters paras, ; ( TODINS utes feature : —— SALISBURY N.C. —_— WoL RORARDS the fio rides, Some tender pier oe ‘ i ; dunn Ste alee ores Pita otelrcemen,) who DROSANFORIYS DIVER ISVIGOR ALOR ; " MG ee ee go m , : Mitthieks i yes dees \ tari at too wreat founders of the e PROMPT PERSON AT TNE OTl 1 1 her here compla Cali on ' I S leave elias tthe b n Vinnix : t iE lat rty Lt haeheoonie aunt 4 wee Satie RES ele ) Ean toa PRODECH iH ‘ TBS ote ane r sttntional libe - ‘ , Loe ere, too vOut soared rere . ante dain a8 Vl ne men sn tr mld a Hot haste LAW. PARTNERSHIP, He cy een Ae ce eee was ty worth the having, ‘i lee ae ‘ ' nna ee lie W se osdatan ' il orl 1 4 . Ion ; i ‘ rouuh the ofhcia a ee Ie AMR REAL CALDWELL, peotetoncand are ran: ono ; wid) will SuGh mm inane o w doy- v doy l value ‘ fie SS pred bv frosts I bave eaten t N ' : : ! Arescerite otal bioGavadl cual ton eae POCKET aS ee: as St © snail owe county ttn thoantiie Not ! vol tue stability : re fans! : : ( , reas : It proclaims throngh ’ when all uthert a es \ <1 ISBT IY, St thera atl Southern t Sad feelin Ec ttoer Ronee Hone tivae ft Ay ° ft ior scenre ‘ ' : POCKE “ KNIVES !! Veta ran snred. by comparison, foat the tints ot MARTIN MOVELDER ) ‘ et the urirestrainable eR ee ee oe rushy and South M ne will ripe ie ' : aa NG ator n ewith a ' viene wh ' yeowou ' te : a | reat i eas , oe An hn ee . eee : - oe ee RE ete a a EGGERT IS TSAR NG on n Vale nail Tee nsomNnD anene gua aes 2 a : ; _ Northern Tate t nT : Porbear reser tine mmucl as von i ae ! raclt for ken Roald by HENDERSON & ENNISS, Sahehury uly AN B \ Rh M \N I : D. y , ; \ a . " al i ae rect tot 1 ‘ ‘ : 1 q itself t itsown lin ih mG , po nother elany \ 4 \ ‘ ink dese ‘ ! ; cn ‘ il elena r TAG GAN , ‘ROA : ' N RARE , sone woshony =e , 1 ‘ : : ; : ; ; PSA PLP. MERONEY Want Woney, | Eres crys IIR Te Roc ns ti Taupin Niue teen nee wi rete Peotoaes Se Kerorine Oil. ve De re cr eri Hee con mathe iire AP atin ad) (RN “aacinin in Guus non nelame an GS tones! ee oyeen Ire th ons . w! PT ist w vena \ wo day y AT © SACO TOS : eee, «alee a ; aa ennai Wo : ‘ WE genuinne KEROSENE OVE for a OO) have (tile with an ocr ; aah bert Mounts ! ban Your qe sit: will serve woul my 1 sh i OAS | c fa TUE SER SUN ke ba Noes | Mare) 1 ’ a) | M i | ’ proep that majorities eaunot be eontined to ahy particular mode, however reason: able, in altering, revoking, or re-makiny constitutions. nothor inflaential Jeader, one who might be elected as a specimen inearna- tioh of the principles of wnodera Democ- ragy, ¢aid iu the Senate; % The iinpor- tauwe-of State constitatians in this coun- try. has been greatly exaggerated. [nu thelr declaration of general principles, they bat repeat the common Jaw which our fathers brought with them, aud which would be law without such repetition. — The limitations in them cannot be modi fied by the people at their pleasure.— Any provision which pretends to take away that power or delay ite exercise Is impotent against a majority of the poo: ple.” In other words, it is Impotent against the power of any temporary party | majority. fi etill other words, the dow ingut party in the Legislature may, with ina peried of two months, by the vet of a bare majority of the people, obtain power to persecute the Mninority into ex- ile er even hang them for their political or religious opinions, Though this does not verify the novel discovery of this Sen ator, that our bills of rights are “uere ce- vetitions of the common law,” yetit must conceded that this new theory would render them as important to restrain log- islutive power as the common law, which here, aud in England, only lives by legis | lative permission. Thus the modern progressive Democra cy, through its President and other tea ders, openly avows this new creed, trea fonaile to the canse of civil liberty, of waich it has long been suspected, deny: ing all sanctity or value to constitutions, and viewing then with distiver, as un necessary temporary restraints upon the divine inalienable righ!s of majorities.— This party finds uo cause for veneration and respect in the fact that our coustit tious are the yreat organic compacts aud covenants of the people with each other, when alone tl tre acting in their real Bevereiyn capacity ; that they are the great measure of right between inajor ties and ininorities 5 that they are the ou ly restraints against despotic government that is upon the power of a party un jo rity; aud that they afford ite only eceu rity to individuals or minorities in the enjoyment of private property, freedous of the press, and all other privilese which are the birthiights of America: freemen, and which are not the mere con ecesions of majorities, The citizen uiust be secure against persecution by the iia jerity for his religious or politcal opis ions, and secure in the enjoyment of bis right of private property, or there is ne civil liberty. He cannot ve secured but by iaviolable written coustitunous Tias party teacies that our nation ever since its existence has been absurdly ensaged in the repetition of futile efforts to se- cure civil liberty by means of inviolable constitutions, placed beyond the imimedi- ate reach of the heated vindictive pass jons of temporary majorities. Fer con- Btitutional jiberty we ure invited to sub Btitnte the arbitrary govermment of the iminaculate Democracy. The indepen dence and equality of the States, the coin: promises of the Federal Constitution, with its protection tu local rights and institu tions, are ty be subjected to the will of the majority either of the people or of the States, or of both. ‘The ouly barri- er againet the consolidation of all power in the Federal Government, iste be yield ed up to this new dowina, the tnalanahle, irresistible, dicine rey ht of the m thority 3. It 1s a Double fuced Party, having one aspect For the North and another Sor the South. Many of its Northern leaders earnestly advocate a strongly protective tariff, whilst many of its Southern leaders say thatthe adeption of another protective tariff will justify and cause a dissolution of the Union. The Northern leaders advocate sqnat- ter sovereignty, while its Southern lead: ers hold it in abliorence. Its Northern representatives, under Southern dictation, vote tur a law say in Kansas shall not be admitted into the Union without a populanon of ninery three thoasand, and then, to secure ther re-election, pledve themselves to vote for her admiseiun rezardless of the amount of population. Many of its Northern leaders favor in ternal improvements and vote forthe most costly improvements ever devised, while its Southern 'eaders deny the power te make improvements and the poliey of ‘Buch measures. Its Nertiftern leaders are opposed to the opening of the African slave trade, whilst tnany of those from the Suath are anxioue ly in its favor. Many of its Northern leaders thonght the Lecompton constitution a cheat and aewindle which it was dishonest and ty ranmeal to attempt to feree upon Kan 6a4, yet some of tucm, under the intlacnce of pecaliar party suasion, voted a bribe to the people to induce its adoption ; whilst all the Southern Jeaders for the force bill and the bribe, yet some of thea at least one of therm, and fre, the most tn dependent and talented of the whole, (Senator Mauiunond, of South Carolinas lias since Contessed that even whilst no voting he bebeved the coustitution to have been an excerable fraud which tie South itself ought tu have Leen kicked out of Congress. 4. Itisa Party with no Common Poli- cy or Fixed Principles. Tte members agree with each other a» Metle in regard to fundatiental principles of Government as Uiey do in regard to measures of national poley. Old-fashioned Federalists, with Presi dent Buchanan and Chiet Justice Taney at their lead, combine with j Democrats. Nullitiers and striet-constructio State- rights wen wote with autievullitiers and the loosest laiitudinarians. Diatributionists of the proceeds of the public Janda mingle with opponents o! thet measure, and both unite in squand ering the pobiic domain for the benefit of unngturalized foreigners and pet corpor ations. Red Republicans, Socialiste, and Ag rarians fraternize with Southern nabeols, who advogute a property qualification for voters, (and a slavelolding qualificn tion for representatives.) and who pro claim in the Senate the doctrine that “la- boring men are every where the mudasil's of egciety,” and that “every man is asiace, Locotven who depends upon the wages of hie la, ber for a support.” Such are the discordant materiale of the party that the President, with a pro: | per regard to sections, cannot even orga zea Cabinet that harmonizes either with hiner each ether on the thost ioportant subjects, We find him compelled te the husuhiating toleration of a Secretary of the Treasury who denounces and exerts his official influence to thwart a faverite and inost important incasure which the President: recommends to Congress.— Others of his Cabinet alao oppose tiniup on other measures. Que of the chief or gans of the party makes bitter couplarmt that tus broken inte fragmenta, and that even those fragments are subdivided inte cliques by ditferent aspirants to the Pre sidency, What Mr. Calhoun said of the paity before it whole career proves to be trae; cit tas no celesive principle but the power of catbe under bis guidance its rnublie plandern” 1 ! 5b. Lt iaa Sectional Party. Tt has avitated the slavery question for PArly Purposes wobl it has driven nearly the whole North from ats ranks Whilst Tins agitating for the purpose of Consetl dating the whole North with its superior strenath tite UO POSTAL preety 4 recklese ot the est etfeets of bringing the whole athom toa anatyaectional coltest an tae clave line, andatterty reckless of the conacqaent pert te the Uiien, Tt sulity ofthe brander Of pipposiige that Was the consolidation af the South under its rule Would iore that Gompetsate tor all Vhat it would lose in party strength atthe North. Te has not svecionalienn dtself) but also da sechoral merely succeeded in INEM preat opposing party attie North, woich sees te have aud slacery tor the principle artic’e ot its ered. { Whilst fett upon there is nota foot of territory which the opposing ideas of these pautivs on the slavery question can have any practical bearing, yet thea ab stractionus are duade the absorbing topie ot politcal disen-ston, te the tatiaite ia \ Jory ef yeeat notion! daterests and the a ei) eae heathy the whole iattenm tite one or the otter of we seetional pourtios, a prolomsed strife between which canner Dut resact in disniton, Wiilet most Do inecrate have cooperated with the bo Ltecists in aiding the agitation trom ter hate of the Crien. wotends to prove that so] OV TELLS powell wiuitica! Bevery thir as the Dow the dis Unionists Will allow the natiow no peace When Woansas no don cer protiitses to k epoitaiee, ou the olavery question, Mey trv Ge vive ctew vitality bv ads fe tira le a@echeme wheel, as tt has ne chine o ‘he openti of tue Miriead slave shecess, Gan be foumded on no aiotive but Chat ofagitation by cneouragiig the sie Taey aa ineali the Whee ation te wiv whinge of cargoes of Atiicatis. dactously Wane ipunisy to the pirabecl felons whe elfected the sinieding. “Paev tucite therr xrand juries toa practical sortef adi cation oof the ations baw, and just ty them tor retusiig fo iidiet the pursots euised in this poratioal trathe. than tes ng mock geal tar the acquisition of Ca ba, winist they Know that Spain, tarauses With the same view they ace all departments of her Goverament, bas solemnly declared that she wall not seil, and whona pertinacious throstuig Nyon her of the offer to buy can bave no effect butte ayegravate her tiist us and in definitely postpone the ciance of peace The schene. if sincere, utes Llanedler 5 toneuring tricky to furnish material for the neat Prestdemtial canpain, itis a fal acquisitions would be wy as an cles faost shallow artifice. [ts suarredamdines lave created a popular suspeeton thatthe scheme toobtain thirty ais os af secret undetected planet pable pkander tor private or pour ty benenit. Way service meney Cavers ipo an Grrowndiess as that susypreien be. there can be te doubt that tie pomeipalimotive with most of the pauty isthe reeagitation of the slave question, with a view Dupracticable as Toone netted clecions, = scheme ds, aid se obviously calcula vieyune the chance for pemewable acquetion, lowerer dest rable tamay be, it ist be arred frou a MOTIVE patambonit the destre of ie tring Cuba, and reckless of all prepa dice te thatebyeet. Pag mote can be found ouly Im ots desire to qadtate: the slave question, and for party advantacre to play Upon a supposed: disatable a tional greed for fore cn territory, 6. Misa Carrapt Party. It is net only corropt itself, bat. Thats caused mele traphon dm inest other Trimtroduced mite the Notion a Government the spora petoeiple for dis porties, Tisatingg pattrenaee sand the dafeettous exauiple bas ditfiised that system though eutthe tation. Ttis aaiverlably a ec rupting sveten. Party alles anee is the test for all offices thous the dagiest to the lowest. AIL athices ~ iromal, Site, Coury, town, or carpe ration, are te tmmesse spent for whien parties Phe nec stiles, and eniplovinents, contend throu the balloteboax, — natiral saty Consequence en Tue ballot box tas became tie Bribery box stating. ie foreed: certiticates of roughly corrupt. lesal voting, PANZations, of frauds have become tie regal or accom OED For this corrnptien the Demooracy is natn false retnros. and all uninner paniinents of national eleetian More respons hoe THA AM Other party. er all other partes. [Tt lris and extended this cormiption se far that vat doubital RV RCO Zc ITS Some Whether the an ceused hathon cat Wage a successful re sistance throu the ballot ox aacaiast pts citicehouders, Neeordine to Dian neal hobders ot civil office ro DL fa porate disci and all coutracters have topo heavy tan on thete walattes amd Garntiges towards Yalsiny aN @rormous Corruption tard: for carrying elections, “Tiis tan d, by tore than a hundred well tri flee loiders, renders the party rule truly formddaole. Vaeless offices are rial travayant Compensation allowed te div crease the power of the party. Witness the many custom: bointses where the duties tiphel and ex collected are nota afta. and, ia some in stances, Net a tenth af the expense of col Jotion, The grossest feaueds itn speen tions ara winked at fron supypos do pate Necersl ly Jere inne Vighant, tone st eye any where snporintenslitig tie expen eof the peoples money The details of all this cormption car not now be you mites but, by way of san inary proot, take the Indiynantavewals of two distinguished Democratic leaders, , made in the Senate, without contradiction or rebuke from any quarter, One of them, Senator Toourba, oaid that, in his opinion, Sours is the most corrupt Govern: | ment in the warld.” The other, Senator Johnson, of Tennessee, said that if the people only knew the extent of the cor- roption “they would come to Washington and pitch the whole concern jute the Po- tomac.” Such was uot the character of the Government when it came iuto the hands of this party. All this corruption has grown np since then, Ina published letter, written by Presi- dent Bachanan in 1852, in order to ex- plain what he deemed the then exorbi taut expenditure of the Government, he sod: Money fromthe National Treasury is contingally demanded tocurich contrac: tors, speculators, and agents, and the pro- jects are gilded over with every: allure: ent which can be imparted by ingenul- tyortalenc’” Let it by remenbered that These contractors, speculators, and acents are Democrats, wand that the gilding is done by talented loaders of the party, and lus explanation becomes perfectly eatis factory why the expenditures have so en- increased under Democratic role, and expecially dtring the Tiet aix yours, tinder the Administration of tina self and President Pierce. Nomen have dope tore than these two Presidents and ther Cabinets te faltil) Mer. propl Bh WF ae “The cCorra pring power of inoney will be fele throughout the length , and the “pable money employed by arttal and ambitious own agsrandize ment The corrupting power ts already so felt and the pablic money so employed. Every one tust concur with hin that sre Te liberty Pts BOON expire” toider sucha condition of our national atfaies, Some twenty years ago the Democrney ormously Buchanan's vial begadth of the land, ves for their demiay fond national and State banks a gre power dn the land not under the direct un- Hacuee or control of the party. To re nove This inconvenience it broke down the wattoual bank, and instituted the no torious pet bank svster witha Domocrat te promise to gave: the uation wa better pe currency.” Tn a few years the banks all exploded and the svstem: with them, give w Toy, ta the result of that Democratic ex peblaienty the worat currency ever known, and the most widespread coumerctal dis- witnes-ed. The ma: Total Joss to traders, maaratacturers, ane aster and ruin ever business tuen of all classes Was moderate Vy coraputed by the dimdreds of tiititas The Democracy then toll the nation thar dtmast take care of itself ia the unt ter of its carreney ¢ that the D Hrocracy would render ities ONY cut tac G ald bat that of a good deo Te procheimed its totentian te sertutnent entirely loose flow all combeston with the nation’s business currency, tnake it a parely bard money Government, which was effectively to re strain tidae expansions and in every event enable the Govertinent to transact Hs own great bustuces in tard money and Mothat atone. Uiinthienced by the example, no State adopred the experiment, but all made Satins, Which, uninflienced by the panacea, expanded mere than they had ever done and there occurred one of those sispensions Which seem to be partof the law of the existence of State banks. er the lapse of a few mouths the resumed specie payinents, aud the nation | and the State yvovernments have ever! sinceenjoveda redeemable currency equal | to specie, Whilst the Federal Governuent neve lin been compelled to resort to a paper eiredtation of moeonvertible Preasury notes ecretary of the Treasury teils Wscnist be keptnp tor two years longer This experment having atterty failed | inal its promised advantages, the De- Hoeracy promptly steps forward and of- fers the nation the benefit of stil ane ther which the expertnent, Ttsays throah its orean, the President, that the States are too c banks, and hence ther wadue expansion; only place them mirler Domoeratre coatrel, let them live mosatanery fear tor inexorable Feder thrtgor, and there will be no more snus pensions, Only give usa bankrupt law avarnat banks and racdroads and vou have feniens towards ti vor assurance that all stall be wells the hanks still cease mnidue expansions, and radibotls forbear daprovideathy te ined ts Bat stontd these just expecta tiens faih should the banks and raireads folseto act, then they are te have inex that of thooradebtors, meliding the whole trading comuntnityy stank be orable tiw, their property and brought nider the saciiticing banner of Federal othcials, sD thos etheeqrubteiam restored,” that sy the rapid avipustment of all debts at Whatever sacrifice of property the expert ment opay ery C3. | Toe nation has long been fully aware, asnuch as Mr. Bachananor his Secretary Preasury can take thea, that a pene dieal suispenssou ds one of the un ofthe aveidatle accompaniments of its Sate Mat great as that evil is, itis net comparable te the evilofinakiy our banks and ranrowads dependent apo | tie smiles and frowns of Federal Demo cratic rulem fora lenient or vigorous en Nor cloes the evil compare with what would ensie batik avster, forcement of a bank rapt Low, from the honest, Vieorous enforcement of such a biowata time of ceneral sHapetsion, | inthe nnavendable sacrtice of every tra The Hoation Needs noe experiment to tell whyat ders oor business nets property, ould be the resaltofa sud len enforce of all midividaasl Every one ought to know that an almost uoiversal Cankraotoy would be the result Poatthe Do noceaey would be sutticiently Inexorable in snely aw crisis may ment by baw debts well be Winlst the nation was writh tog aeder the effects of tie “better cur allowed. reney eXpertoent, the warbof woe which itosent ap te Deuocrane headquarters Wats COTE answered with the menorable “A who trade on eredit: de serve te bresko” Pat the power in the lands of the Democracy and it aay be rebed on te carry out this ts maxio. As Httie will the nation beduclined to contide tothe mexorable Doan veracy the power fo neediuasly breaking up tuose very beneficial pstitutions, one milroads, by #« apothesn: sudden Cirorous enforcement of their delis T. [tisan Eetravagant, Warteful Party The conclusive profof this tes in the fact that under ats rate the annaal ex penditures have increased from less than twenty tooupore thao eighty trillions.. Toe single tem of five inillions spent in tWwo Congressional terme for public prruntingy, aid the waste of six Hundred | thonsand dollars annually in collecting the revenue, as stated in the report of | Ar.) ewer with disuniomists of abolitromists ANTE | : . banks (oo tre invited to a cordial affiliation on terns of Mhaving an excellent newspaper publobed tectonves of Hitieal newspaper, bat Sludependent in army there compmted at two hundred anid even a Democratic committee, snpersede | the necessity of any detailed exposure of | extravagance. | {n the published letter of President Bachanan | before referred too he complained that in 1852 the annual expenditures “reached the enormous | sum of fifty millions,” and predicts that, Sunless | arrested by the strong arm of the Democracy, may jo the course of a few years reach a hundred million.” “Tam convinced our expenditures ought to be considerably reduced below the pre- sent standard, nut only without detriment, but with advantage to the Government and the pea | ple” The’ strong arm of the Democracy” bas | bad control of the fiuances tor the last Bix years, | aud lostead of arresting waste and extravagance | they have been vearly doubled in amount. Such is the contrast: between Deinoeratic per! ry r Y Y furmace and its promise whilst secking popular CAROLIN A WATCHMAN . favor, Thus Mr. Buchanan, the most colnpeteat and reliable witness in such a case, proves the wasteful extravagance of the hones! Democracy The wasteful donation of vublic lands enabled SALISBORY. the directors of « single railroad to use amillion of dollars tu bribing the passage of the scheme through Congress and the Wiscotsin Legishie | ture, as fully proved before a leyislative commit tee, Thists one instance outof many that might) be adduced to prove how the national treasure and domain are squandered, as Mr. Buchanan saya “to enrich cyntracturs, speculators, aud agents,” Phis summary of only part of the misrule shows the necessity of a combined effort of all TUESDAY EVENING, MAY 10, 1859 Whig Meeting in Rowan. Terspay, May 3, 1859. A portion of the Whigs of Rowan coun: ty wssembled in the Court-house, in Salis- bury, at half past one o'clock to day, when on motion, Joun WK. Gianan, Esq. was epponents of the corrupt Democrey to rescue requested to take the Chair, and dE. But The deteat vf that party is a great national necessity, the That Is the only mode by which power can be placed Wn the hands of honest men, who will — 1. Prevent disuaiun aud cheek disunion tend ehicles, the Government from its evil grasp. NK, to serve as Secretary i Tie Chairman ealle \. Vidispetisable prerequisite to any reform, ibe Ulnereauire ited on Tia bey DEN to state the object of the meeting, Mr. Boypesn answered, that this meet ine was called to apport delegates to the 8, Vite es wile tuiiay em the dknas Distict Convention, to be held in Char question, lotte, on the TSth instant, to nominate a i 3 of the Gove niment, and stops st Give an honest, economical administration suitable person to bear the Whig and O, parla : posttion banner before the people of the Preasuny and pationa: donmin Lstrict in the approaching ¢ myressional to the Federal Goverbiment over State banks aud ratlromds, by 4. Not ve injurious contre cCabvass ) abd to represent us io the west Convress of the United States. Before, theans of a QwUkrUpt aw, as recommended by our Domuemtic President and Secretary of the j , : : Cita i however, he tiveting proceeded to ape beasury. : pout 5. Not permit the substitution of direct: tava the following resolutions Goa, i hed ot duties on inp orts, * Ps for Chorin ots nationabespetises, as pecotitaebae d 1. Mesudced, That we cherish acordial, obit by a Demceratic committer val and iumovedule allachiment ty our wlonous G. Not permit the trauster of the warimahing Cuwo, tL We dre delerained te tuamiied power ty the DPrestaent, ror allow dis to inane ans U tlie bringer Vuae lives, our tor Creates wrlout the sapervisne contiol of Uh fg tunes aud ont sacred: honors, HMst bie allacns Senate, or tenst bin with an enurmous » User oi is open or scerel enetites, come frou wi view cormiphun tutd, to be used either abroad or quarter they unas, is we heartily endorse the ser at home, Ses en Geyetiest alent) Liberty ans 7. Not attempt by any but honorable means, Cutan, one ated tis paral OW Wind Tournses the acquistion of Caba Lo Mesoleed, Latin present seit styled Phan J S. Nor penuit the vinpe f foreien mace pally is essettially a disution party hus Obs OF pcupe rs Bates) clibtaue, al total, any avow WY Notsquamler the national domain in do. ed soul gteal influence, Who, by Nations totnbatandized toreyners and pet cor constant atau of the slavery question ae potations, bat keep it as a sacred trust tor i let iste wie purp aAfeembeuvorlie toed Slates, to whom it belotas, \ tbe whole country Male (Wo srealse clove jar Tn conclusion, deeminu. as we do, the es ated thereby aceon tisth tiete tetartous ited of the Detocratie patly as a teal pubic neces UTE He PE pases at brea ie Uy alia destroy sity, for the reasons ly stite AYE TIN ice Che Uibivd) ul the Sistuss comunmtesl cil tat Thore, we would rejotce to sce Verus Wooten « lowed by the blood of the erves ata patriots vl tironehout the Uiion abandonin those Yopro the Levolutron fitable disputes which have been the moan casted $ Meat for perpetuating power in the hands of the. te ily unseruptlous Democrey, combined t Hesoteed, That the last Legislature has ut diate tded the seuitierts of the Proypie, rether tor abd fed a toul wlot upon the fair escutteon of soverthrow, Butea coperaton or union by the ty Ute Netiate ot the Not Carutina, by elect Opposition of Kentucky as now and forever at United Scttes aa open and avowed d terly Undesirable and dmipassitle with anv party whooon the eve ot fast iestictihial eietiat or persons Who seeke by the action of the Fedor whet le SUpposed tis party Were 1 O ortamize bie tide lobe Deaton pre al Government, thronh any of its Departinents, noiuour Va Stabe aiid to dutertere with the dnsiitition of shavers, aud oy Gate of fawiess ruthaus, wader Ue specious we declare that we can have no athiiation what Ail oth batis vl Vienant Conuntitees, to vist with SMITE allemtrom, that is to by ty ated wurden, all S toe patriotic, union lowiiwoaigens, Who do aed te perfect equality, Tesist their vile ated Ureaeheruas less ty break ! lestroy the uoton of our fatters j up and 4. Kesulved, Vint Che present democratic par ‘ § See © Som thing New.”—Such was the de’ 1, vice ona red flay hong ont last week at Covington, by two gentry, handing ¢ Milledgevil whe isa dsorgamizing and destructive pearty, cand shotd be Known abd destenated as the destruc Wotvest asotbas been therm 4 avarmable puouey, ty HO Were seliinst Jeweiry ans tied cde vue after ane rooevery and watches in rather asocel stipe. They 4 theoot the Govern ut Liat bad been set had some two hanodred ditthe boxes in a rom the days of Washington to thee ten Uiis pesue Modern, self <ty ler show Case, Containing various traps from democratic par a brass ming up tua sort of that Gia Eas a LV cane power As witness the di that the when he Mie died Presvientvot tel tiited Likes an oath watch passed for silver. They charged & yrab,” each grabentitiing the lacky own er to the contents ofone of the boxes afore 1.0 Of course they had the contents of the boxes so arranged as to make a ti tu support th Visto stppert at bey Choose to Ppret at, and not thas been eevee to be, “nt rool the Unded Siates at ts Wiltiuss, tae stil thing of it, bat the grabbing of one or 9. two watches set the bovs all ago to try Hore recent and abhorrent ete of the present: Executive, that the will SANYOUIEY Is stipreane cand irresistible, and their lneky cael many of them pal very: can dear for chains, & lathake Constitutions at j fase Resolved, Vi prouressive dea u Tihs We are pleased tu learn lhiaen pinch back pins, {these of modern, loctnities are tr trotithie to tte from the Times that these fellows were cause of well rewuiited constitutional liberty: ane indieted by the Grand Jury and tined petsisied any diust cuevibably resadtin the over S1VQV0 and cost of suit, for their apectita throw National and every State Coustuu tion, “Phev will doubtless take in the: . ‘Shon ofter this. — Aaya Despatch. | Te d, That wes eas Vito givine Up our State Corporation to the tender treretes of oo. of Bankraptey tbederai Coma Waa, Ys yi rower Tl Tide and isa ! _ that we Oppose dts surceidler of tue warimnaking GS Morganton Courier. —The Kelly having purchase ba pres terlala pon whieh to print the Hands of the Presidents that we » that Must exthavac nt and ont ; - : us farleut ty ton Convier,” with issne their speennen 4, ; vs number ina short tine. We congrata: etter : ce, thik late the citizens of Morganton and theo) | ve ueheotien county of Burke upop the certacity al We are opposed to all pro furan territor ¢ toch enti ting , vo their midst. ta rishi inte wan with The pobhiehers are both rllitee practical printers, the best yuuranty (iat acand tive Aimericun powers, as iovited by ce and) President A AN Wise, of Virginia, that the (ili scheme ot Fed eral pobey of Che present Baw ths cuterprise will be Phat ia the fauueuace of Hourish, and ong of them been cuyaged in editing a first class tous valin the Eastern portion of the S atl is Knewn to possess mimnech litterary talent. The *Courier” will net be apo permanent has already ive, Tnoats whole Guttie aid tilt Ups ede: Go edseny Bederaismn. to all its pornts, which a PDunilton onan Abas, of ty otter dattudinaran ever dared to projector propos: Resolved, Vat the toot the yond emluranens ss S extravacanoe ata cor all Things, and aill be deeoted especi ally te theanterests of the section in which itis located. Uo ferpress. present donnnant Paenyy are be ad that itis the duty of eve Citizen ot whatever politcal party, te ! TEED Ss Hy poatriotic rebuke aud discard trom the pubhe connes, all The Austrain possesions in Ttaly con Hose selfish adtors who, tor partizan pares tain a population iitthe it at all exceeding yey Sees of trust and emolument in the Government, tive iblions of people and yetshe hasan, pave fot hesitated ta stoup to all the artittees of foot all the tosanction thre the demagegue, to triple ander wrniss tres positions are strengtiend by tortitications at every birportant pout and these forts The area Ventian Kingdom, being the \ustrian Ppossesions in Italy, is stated at 17,511 twenty thotsand men of all sacred. pric tples of civil Wherte : dangerous and alariiog assumptions of executive authority; to pander to the tost mischievous Neations bristle with cannon, sectional preyudices | to conten the solemn ond Montions of the Fatherot his Country y to sq der the puble tones, with a prodicality bere totore 1 1 iN unknowns rare miles, White thatof North Carolina to shock che pubhe morals with such Ie estimated at Od,704# square intles, oF three than the Austrian domitoioos to dtaly abeat which so much Nowon ler thatthe people yioan under a rule Chat requires for tts extibitions of corruption i high Pltces, as would tines greater scom sufficient to excite the honest idiroationy of of every patoot ceilizen rithe land, and tom ake talk is made. uu Olsvigus to the most srpertertl observer, tat wll Che great tndlasterad interests of the country have . been utterly ignored by thisself styled doanoerstie maintenance such a force as this, being Neetu UE re Nat Ved deanoeratte party and thatuntesscheeked tn then mebesreer, Aimencan people, ourexpeninent of a flee. representative govern: one to every twenty-two ol population, ie cluding men, Women and children, a pro portion yreater than has ever before pre vailed ino the listory of any civilized el conntry. Tt can hardly be looked upon tor the as supprising that Piedmont looks upon thin ternble array of men as a menace to by the tunely apmsing of whe ment, instituted tor the purpose of establishing J osuring domestic tranqmikty. providing common defense, promoting the general welfare, and securing the blessings of diberty for ourselves and our posterity, will be converted in her independance, or that sheshould Like toa mere inachone to reward anse ropulous and te come to pene other arrangement. desing demagegues and knaves - politcal lea ders 9. Resolved thercfore, dence ia party that iso utterly revardless o With all the talk of peace itis hardto see this state of thins can continue, or how warkke preparations should yo oon votiey are etl! going without resulting in some vutbreak at an early day. fac That we have no confi iteown plyhted fath, of all the obliyations of the constitution, and of common honesty. and we | hereby pledge our tives, our fortunes, and oor aid Jarered honor, to unite with all true, patrione citi They who possess the most real excellence say lewst about it meus in every part of the country, in hurling [from power this corrupt, extravagant and de- sates, lie berged leave to offer ess and to secure to themselves abe the dagh plae, | structive party; and place in their stead, houest, straight forward, economical and union loving linen, who will adininister the government for the | promotion and advancement of all the great ip- { dustrial interests of every section of var common jcuuntry, and not with a view to reward oftice- \ holder, dewagogues, and unscrupulous partiaan lenders, | 10. Resolved, That the act of the late Con- ures io helping themselves to the sum of €3,000 L per ver, for each member, instead of his daily | Wages, is one of the many lostances of the un- scrupulous grecdivess of the present democratic party, and in our epinign, is but litte better than dowuright swindling. V1, Resolved? That this modern democratic party is a doubledealiog, hypocritical, Janus- faced party, having one aspect forthe North, and avother fur the South, On the Northera aspect Is written in large aud legible characters — Pro- ‘tection to American industry agajust foreign pane per labor» Squatter Sovereiquty ; Interual Lm provements by the General Government, Le- compton Constitution, a cheat and swindle, On the Southern aspect is written in letters equally large and ylang — Free Trade; no Internal Improvement by the General Guvernment ; down with Syuaticr Sarereriquty; Lecompton, at the hazard of cont war, Ta one thing alone do * To the victors belong these [Wo aspects agree : the xpos” V2. Resolved, That we approve of the Cou vention to be held at Charlotte, on the 1B hon stant, and that the Chagmman of this meetuig: be reqitested Lo apparit sixty delegates to represent Hluis county tn said Convention, to meet and eon ter with delegates trom the of thas Congressional District. in selecting «4 candidate thereount of our choiee tu rep yess of the Coins ebt us da the next Can sles, Mr, Bovpes spoke tor a short time, in sop port of Mrese resolutions, refering more exten sively to the poles, acts, and measures of the alinoistration and party. Elis renurks were potted apd clowe and were listened to with grave When he closed, Hc. Joses, beg. romarked that the resolu Hots were Comprehensive: but attention, Shens was oLe emission which he wishes! to supply. and offered the tenth reselation, aud requested (hati sheutd be dncorporated. as above. Mr. Jones thought tt was brgh tune for the people to wake up. for il seein to bain, that tides this dete: cratic tribe was boldiy conthonted by the md: Mant Jrowns Of Ce peoples ne entre ine of seltish Bess abd comripiion: Would he too great for then Phat it wits tet tee te wor ened at that snot ox Hopes as they sett Washington, shoubl lewd todinmorahties at the seat Of Goverment: at once shoekitng to the wi comntny Aw The Question was then taken on the foregoing solutions, abd they were alopoed with a strony wd tearty aye Phrcre Was one dissenting votes Prd te Roawsay then offered the tullow mg wl pled: Reaitoed, mnie AP point a committees ct seve Whiss. tet ! Vhat the charinan of this me eb the bavccutive Conmittes of lie Who party for the county af Rowan fo aot in concert with North the Eycontive Cosmmattee of the Some of ik CL nyathers sage fitha for leceneiny caltes portoann to the interest amd snecess of the par nd thatthe clatrman and Secretary of this tap be meinbers of said Comittee Om thoton, it was Resolved, Vat the Wher ps ' be pogiested tu pubssh the pte reof the State sedis of this Meeting Phe Chairman appointed the following per sons dew aales ty the Charlotte Convention: Toke Bluckiner, No Boyden. Ho Jones, MOS Meine, 0. Wo Bur Ur DOP Woot De ROR Warr DOO BP Howacon any Ud Mones Hotes R chard Board, May tenes Phonanon ke (Groban. FOR shoter. EOD Wia Bo (grater, Wilton A Houck, Dr Samuel Kerr. Charles L Par ee. J B WeNeerty. Joho Wo At well Thome ston. Richie HP Cowan, Jimnes Gib: ®G Rain-ay, Reuben J Hoimes, Jobe W. Bartnart, Seba Peeler, Nbvulea Jobo Borseo. Dr Charles FB Austin, Lente, B owe, Jotn Crowell Ducky, Joveph A Hawkins, A MO Sullivan, JOB Hastrin, John J Beuner, Wisin Murphy. HOH Rr wetti Somen KRlaris, re Samuel Boyden, Johe Postewart, May David Ro Bradshaw, Henry Bar noger. Charles header. Phonan Barher, John Bae » Mathias Barker, Job Maker Joho Wosteel, An- John Mo Coffie max dS Mereney Jet H Jenkins, Wiley Bean. Joseph Burnie, Joun F McCorkle. Dr somnuet DD Ranke. ew Murphy Th comphanee with the resolution. offered by follow Dr Dumeay, the Charman nominated th IND persons to Make cut the Exeentive Commit for Rowan ve: FOE. Shober, Lake Bhiok inet, Moses Lo Moles, Solomon Pee er and pr DD. Wood On motion, the Meeting adjonrned JOUN WGRALIAM, Ch'n, JU BRCN FRY Soy MEEMING OF RAILROA I) PRESIDENTS Phe Governor has called a meeting of the Pr North Cor sidents of wd the Ina Roritron ds, to be held at Radewh oon the }7th instant, for the pur pose of making armingements to secure a safer abd nore speedy Uraaspertation of freights to breaking bulk, or rond ton other. To siias their destination without cloauing fun one No prods ar tor Wolinineson. trate: deatee in Salisbury loads a When ttarrives at the end of the North Catolina Raolrosd at: Goldsboro, Instead of breaking up the load and placing at ou the ears of he cards taken tite the Wilning ves at Grobdsbory 1 leat as itar nds vot untoaded until it arrives at Wilimngton, Seo also, with coods Joauded at Wilmington, Carolina City, Morehead City and Newbern, for points in theeWest, They Willeome dight through without change or de hav, and thus save thoes, expense, trouble and losses. Tf Governor Eitis shall sneceed in ef techn this arranjyeament, be wil have aecom plished a great deal tor the public yood, and for | the successful working of oar Lutilroads. North Carolin ste BLACK HEART 92 BLACK TONGUE “Outofthe abundanee of the heart, the mouth | sprtket hi” . | This sand the jaumdierd eve, secing every thin throngt discolored organs, cannot safely aiserin Mnate between objects every thing having the same Veliowtsh green color, This not unlike the Hea conveyed by the above senproral quobrtion Phese frets have Leen suyuested by reading the bast Barner, Tt is the blackest thing we have seen since the last weagel crossed our path, Tn less than two and a half columns of editorial, the words Black Republicans occur thirty evcht and “black.” and “black hearted,” and “black souled sume five or six times tines, Phe cause for this need not be sought for in the editor's eyea, for they are asky blue, slight. Iw touched with yellow, which is a far re move from black. Tt is not, then, that things are look tig dark to bin Ate! vetooan pursait of the canse, we are couddent these sooty indications What can it bef The editor is talking azarst a coalition of South ern Wings and Americans with Black Republi have a natural ongin or source, cana, and he waxes warm with the aubject— fairly raves, until if not black in the face, there can be no exemption of the fonque. Fellow Whigs and Ameneana, why don't you whitewash yoursglves by ee de into the ranks | ,of the democracy, Look at resident Buechan- Woihinington road, the loaded | pure he comes out of the hands of the Investiga- ting Committee on Naval Affairs! Look at the democratic Senators and Representatives of the late Congress, grabbing 83,000 a year of the peo- ple’s money, when they had agreed with the peo- ‘ple to serve thei for $8 a day, and how beauti- fully fair that dexterous feat presents them to the gaze of those vulgar eyes which have respect to the old fogy precepts of honesty and right deal- ing. Look, too, to the bleached and enfeebled condition of U nele Sam, so interestingly thin and beautifully depressed, under the blood sucking apd depleting process they subjected lim to for the sake of whitening him! Louk, tuo, fellow ‘citizens of Rowan, to the sweet scented and pu- rifying rum holes democracy is in the habit of ‘constructing wear the ballot: boxes on the eve of election day, forthe purpose of bringing out a clear and furr majority. Look at these and a thousand like things, you “black hearted” and (* black souled” Wiig and Americans, fighting againet the pure democracy, and be ashamed of yourselves, and hide your dark visages in darker “culverts” and deus, But let us close this article with an extract from a doimocratic journal of bigh respectability, whose editor is said to be honest and independent, and can afford, to speak out hos honest convie- bons, open and above beard. Here it) is: Mois from the Chorleston Mercury : "We have seen nothing in National Democ- cracy of bata years which ebalienges our aldmira- Yon, tosay nothing of our allegiance. IT TAS TRIPLED WITH CONSTILOTION AL PRO- MISSIONS. DISREGARDED CON TUTION- PALRESTRICTIONS. AND SEP AT NOUGHT POSTTIVE CONSTI TIONAL INJUNC- VHONS. IT HAS ALDED IN THE PASSAGE (OF UNJUST ANID CNROUAL LAWS. Tf SQUANDERED THE PUBLIC MONEY .ROB- BED THE COMMON TREASURY, AND TO FOKEIGN PACPERS EP HAS GIVEN THE PUBLIC LANDS. TIS PROMISES HAVE BREEN BKOKEN, Tis PLEDGES DISKE- GARDED, AND TES CROFESSIONS FALSL. HED. 2O CONCLUDE THE WHOLE MAT. TER—NATIONAL DEMOCRACY Is COR- WUPT, VACILLATING ANI) FALSE: IT WEARS THE GARB OF SANCTIVY, THAT HibhOUS DEFORMITIES MAY BE CON- CENVEN St WOCS BUT TO UIN CAN Dy WINS PUL TO sDESIROS.® Aye! Whiss Wires ofthe sith and Seventh Congressional f Salisbury and Rowan !— Disteets, read ye welll Do vou believe this Seuth Cargita democratic paper, of ligh re. spectabiliv, knows whatitistdkiog abuutl If verde, then you must behere there are some Hk spots on demoeracy,— very dark —-perhaps “black a derkness thatmay be fe lt—an Eyvp- Hate darkness, and uot iss a curse to the coune Uy Qian that with which the lid of the Pharaohs were vetted, Neighbor Newson is one of them, atl din readers dark Iin, perhaps it as only bis pen. and pot bis tiust see that he os in the “What there in seme “black” thing about tongue wor bis heart Deut Tere is nore Demoeratic testimony BLACKER! -— TAKE ANOTITER LPEM. Th bos recent able speroboat Nashville. the Hoo, re ordiaey credny Clemens retoaked Chat it required extras tu beheve that the Adioinis Hration thtetded to use the thirty milbone of dul- tars tasked for of the Jate Congress, in the pure chime of Cobal Tummy honest Opimon,” sad Mr. Clemens, “the intention was to use it asa compton tund to secure the nomination and election of Jolin Siidell as Presntent of these United States. There ie nothing in the past his- tory of enher James Buchanan or John Shidell te plice them above suspen, ty othe (rive them: thir- ons of dollars to be used in buying Span s'oothcials, and unless vine soch miracle secure, as that of the feopard changing bis Spots a part of the sam will be emploved in buying the Chaneston Convention, and the remainder ia nichasing Che vote necessary tu ipaure the elec: Goo ofits nominee. ose Goon.—Our paper gors tu press eve ry Mon- Jay evening, so that, however pleased we would thave been to notice the pre oee of the girks of the Salsbury Female Seman, which came off on that day. it was net in our power to do ey. Aud bow, we are saved the trouble yelling Upany thing of vurown, We copy trom the Salishary Banner the fuilowing exquiate notice of that ins toresting occasion, which we are sure will draw ‘a snle The Sol'shury Female Seminary—A Holi day for Mr. Wilkinson, the accomplished Prine epral— A Pee Noe for the Youny Ludies.—The yours daddies of the Seauinary having made pre- faaatious tora Pie Nie, to come off on Saturday Last, ont the weather Proving UU propitious, se- Teoted M Fearing, how- ever, that Mr. Woikinson, though kiod hear ed almost to au extreme, might think it lis duty te nay ae om colette object to such a waste of valuable time, they ap- pointed a committee to wait upon and gracious: ly grant hon a holday for Monday. [laviny thus Utsposed of th amiable teachers, ant taken the management of the Seminary in: to ther own hands tora day, the jovous young lumps of lowe, attended by a uninber of friends, dosing parents, and ievited giests, repaired to ) Mr Overman’s beauntul far, abouta mile neare IWoeast of town, and there proscd a day of the Highest social enjoy nent We were, that to uur fair young friends, Kindly invited to te present, but mnuch to our re- We were deprived of that pleasure, We vn, however, with much satisfaction, that the Wyhest anterpations of the sweet young Crea- totes were more than realized: and we mdolye the hope that our representative, who was more Sertutate that we on benny able to be present, (will prepare w full dese Nption ty be published io the Banner next week. 2. Wort drag them out, ~Our neighbor ys at will not drag before the public the names of those old line whigs, who, it says, “treely express their preference for Mr. Cratye.” Is that very wise in the Banner? what exulting pride these Cemocratic pa- Who doves not remember with ‘pers used to parade names of persons who had deserted trom the know nothing party?) Fora while their colomns groun- ved with ‘cards” and lists of names of ‘those who had renounced the “dark lan- jterns.” Tf it was youd policy then, why is it not Bo now 7 | It may be there area few who find a contest going on in theirown hearte, temp- tation having brought them to arguing the question whether or not they shonld aet in thie canvass from motives of seltishness or from principle. The Banner need not fear frightening them by publication of their names. If a man ever stops to par- jley with Satan on euch a question as ‘that, heisa goner , 8, neighbor, just pop them out; they are your wen beyond |donbt. ‘an, to begin with, and see how snowy white and all a ae g i s am AA _ pm ti A ce O2 7 ” =~ nr + b& b = -s - < e e pe ? Se e ) ta Bo a ee ee e as one uld the on And any ury its rw ol rine Ihe pre- day see OW : ed HG) ap- Jus- ers, in ang rk Lto vane the nda, r ré- We the bea Nye ore ent, dio bor lic it for the ith pa- 8 ng An of un- hy la np)- the act e886 not of AT. as oP all thy of remark that the Whige and Amer- | icans in thie gentleman's district, recent- ly held a district Convention fur the pur-| pose of nominating a caudidate fur Con- LEATHER. A very superior lot eiitiiper Leather and Calf Skine fur sale by BEARD & BROTHER May uth, 1649. | 50 HIDES. Salisbury, av. Ly May itil, 1859. CORRECTED WEEKLY~ BY | SPRAGUE BROTHERS. | The Hoa. Joun A. Grmen.—tIt is war-| THE MARKETS. ) | | grees, and that said Convention not auly | Applesdred, 504 125 Lead Bur, 810 seen, Mel White, 10 w 1 passed a resolution approving the course | ieee UU 24 \Molenes Cube, yeas | BME highest market price paid ta CASH for green r. Gilmer, but by ° bes milter: bat) « N.U. 55 a 65 (80d dry Hides. Apply to ; of M Gi ver, but by weclurm ition, ions et ABST co eee BEARD & BROTHER. inated him for reelection! The Win- GaANDLES— iMate (Cult Shag | May 9th, 1859. tf 50 etou Sentinel, Salisbury Banner, and oth Cattow, 15 0 20 (Our, AW a 50 : er kindred or lea ' Adwansive, 24 0 30 VILRLINSFEU— : Administration Business. an / GAT NGUCG ew codes tia ald Tanners, 504935 | Those i , . : fot : Those indebied to the Estate of Caleb A. Heilig. much contidence Mr. G@mer’s fellow citi- e Java, ue cal meets leh, ay “ ae idec'd, are hereby notified to come forward and make i a a . otton, a te weet 00 . 2 j , zens of the district, place in their oft re- Couon Yarn, 100 a 15 Rage per Ib. me Blt ea Ce Uiers tine clr ac pitt Coty [ee tate, wre whe not fied to prene ‘ hin | 70 0 80 Juli peconck, 1700138 Sea aT Tea tees HE a ct peated charges of abolitionism against Ce the Gane (aaited by Law, Meal. 75 0 WS [sheeting Br 9 ie viherwise this noice will be 4 won heeti o. 9a I A Ca en him. There was adealof malicious slun- Chickeusoer doz 1.000 1fsuygar Bro. Gin) WembeR ilar: PN MEILIG, Adm'r ' i : Eyaw per dex Ku dl | ¢+ Crashed, 13 015 May 7th, 1859. . ere der in those charges. 5 aa eee CIaviedyeity ie 12 ay Tih, 185 Te - wee -- Flour per bbi 525 6 550'Tatlow, ade 4 | Stop the Murder iviedawanlt “6 Suck, 2.610 2.5 |Wheat White, 110 a Clothing, Clothing. Stop We Murderer.—Uardaway bone, fey. Bar Su Red, LOHAN Gelea the lime todirocure the nose. | Ww 12) 25430 | ~ Hs fatally stabbed Jawes Cornelius, at his bs desirable CLOTHING. in the Market. i" \W V have just received snother large lot of Cloth- | PORK 7 uid NORFOLK MARKET. | Weported Weehly by ROWLAND & BROTHE RS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, residence in Catawha county, on Sunday | mnerning last, and is endeavoring to es- cape. He weighs about 140 Ibs, has Iitne | eves, spouks slowly but tirmly. Les réght % “ : P buy before examining cur st ck. 16 we keep Ae thumb vs gone, and he may be Kuewa by A Re erent ae 5, rag py mnt cho ce Goode ever bows he ty thie market wins | that mouce easily than any thing else Ie ; : UPS at the lowes: pices. | ‘ : ; 7) Cae PH AE HROWN, COFFIN & WOCK isaditcher. Ltis likely he will endeav NC. and Va. (og roand, l0ga vo MELEDUre CRITE, ea eat or te pass by some other name, Aree LARD-NC aud Va No. t, bbs and kegs, v0 134)” 2 : : ward of $500 is offered for lis arrest and ROOT 6 “No 2, © nF og ae RELIEF IN TEN MINUTES. . a! con oe continement. [tis Said he had ne money Bice Atari, able 1) INtre, $ Waloo BRY AN'S when he left, and if it be trae, he will Supertine, Hes avon | 1) . ; most likely beat around in the country CORN—W we aud Mixed, 3 mets Pulmonic Waters! : : ellw, some days before he gets off Look out) | WHEAT —W hive eb Pep THE Otc aL Mevicine Ravaptisuen in RBZ, und frat artiels for him. Red, 1.30 a 150 | the Mtnd ecer introduced unde: the mame of © Peiwoay i ce. \COTToN, Dig nw deg) WATER IN Heocany other country: ald othar Palmore | : ; aie PEAS —Black Eve Tosa ai Wisfern ure countertetta, The Genuine can he known ly Perrixa.—We have frequently been request: | eal aad ‘Bivck. ld Wen a iH tie mame BUY AN being stamped! on each WAFER ed to “ puff.” and more frequently had ichited FLAXSEED, $125 w 135 BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS | BEESWAX, 324 10 Relieve Coughs. Colds. Sore Threat. Hearseness. | at us—this, that, and every sort ofthing. Many of | Keste tet More to be Admired than the RICHEST DIADEM EVER WORN wy KINGS ox EMPERORS. What! Why a Beautiful Head of Hair. Becuuse it is the urnament God Himael/ provided for all our | race. Render, although the ruse may bloom ever so brightly ia | the glowing cheek, the eye be ever so sperkling the teeth be | those of pearts, if the bead is bereft oF overing, or the hair! be saxtled and shriveled, Aureh and dry, or worse still, iteprin- | kied with grag, nature will lose more than half hee charms - Prof. Wood's Hwir Restorative, 10 use 0 of three tines a! | Wil) resture and permapently secure to all such an orne Read the following, and jadge, The writer of Ube first { | | mnt te the celebrated Pianist, Thudbery : \ Da. Woop: New York, April 19, 1558 \ Dear Sir :-—Permit me to express to you the obligations | tm under for the entire restoration uf my hair to its original olor; about the time of my wrrival in the United States it was | capily becoming gray, but upon the application of your“ uir | “it moun recovered its orwiual hue, 1 consider} trative as w very woederful invention; quite cfficatluus | your R | a¢ well ap agreeable, | 1 am, dear sir, yours truly, 8. THALBERG, “Drych a'r Gwyliedydet,” Welsh Newspaper Office, 14 Nassau st aed O. J, Woov — Dear Sir -—Some month or six weeks | sevived w bottle of your Hair Kewturagve and gave it my uded to try it ou her hair, li the thinking wt ull restore the gray hair to its original entur, | 1 few weeks? trial it has , April 12, 1858 tne Unit tw but wo her as well as my surprise, after ing of i inst FASHIONABLE SEY LBs. | cerforined that wonderful efeet by turning all the gray hairs ts | ran ry br " ‘eocelh en wishing houdsome Clothing should weyers | Serie pe Al the ame Glue besuliog and thickening the Datiougly recommend the abevr Hesturative tu all per vus ip Want vf euch w change of their hair CHARLES CARDEW Pror OJ. Woop With native uy hedr aid whisk rs y grown dark, Heations will restore eleived ine of all dan amoung peron- who JG, KILBY About two years ago my hair commenced falling | ME aud tucning gray, b was fast bocoming ba hany Kemedies to ho effect. Lcommenced ust ive in January baat, A few applications vy. It began to Gil ap, grow out, wud curpes color, health, aud appearance, and I cheerfully re Use 10 all J Chicago, H., May 1, 1357. T ative is put up in bottles of 8 sizes, vig large, me: | hw tinal, the smatl holds ty a pint, atid retails for one | Joilar ies bottle, the median he atleast twenty per ceut thore iu proportion than the 1, retails for two | Paor Woon | | (oar beat actuniitanicedandi(riendeliavetnrnt DRIED APPLES per bus. of 2x1 #1 75 nw 200 BRYAN’S PULMONIC W! | ait ane vases tials & Quart, 40 per cent more ia proportion | stance « dsl ain i > ueca i ‘ wl tails for oe 1 . ° +i : tees Ue eu Relieve Asthma, Browebiits. DtMenlt Breathiag. | 0 4 woop a co, Bropstetors, 444 Bro. way, New York, out that we bave a decided aversion ty it, The FISH —Meckerel Newt BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS food TA Merkot st, st Lewis, Mo | a ee of Nos2; Aud sold by all yoo Brae gs ts abd Fancy Goods Deulers | fact is, to wrile a “puff” because sume ons de FAVE —RO Hhd Relieve Spttil g of Blood, Pains tn the Chest. | 81.49M2 | sires it, is bard work; besides, such“ puth” are WoO. Pipe, BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFURS > my epes \ ' hh (frodieg cm calle, Micttedtior “Bhd Relieve Unctyirmt Comampiion, targ Diseases. BAKER NY ( OCOA Nada Neal Lallied Gat lions ! “e at “ Bbl Bough & 2ka 00 BRYAN'R PULMONIC WAFERS & + ) ae | apt to Gud out aud tolice any thing renily de ae ie orn ee Athan CEP Ca CO CU TET Sealine eh ea serving, without being ask- and ah path? pas (fdarteta ARMA u nd nus yak hE ese oy 4 ‘ ' proved mince cor best with boereased ralen. en io this way, will generally lave body and soul enough to make it respectable, lease don task us to puff any thing. Show us, if you will, any new, euriots, Ingetious, pretty, usefulor wonder ful thing; but don't sav «word abot pagiag Relieve the above Complaluts in ten Mivates. BRVAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS Are a Blessing to all Cla ses sad ( -asiitations, BRYAN’S PULMONIC WAPERS ; Are adapted tur Vocalist» nud Public Speakers. Corn—an moderote supply with a good demand it in weld on arrival al goad prices Cetton—in fair supply, market du'l with down ward tendeney Ro Fiye—eell, hot all other kinds da!l Krieg Fravt of all prods duit There are several new Chins about Lown wirtehs BRYAN's PULMONIC WAFERS cwe bave intended (o malice —not “putt? —which “7 | Are ia a simple form aud pleasaut to the taste 2 : iy N's YC LMON WAFERS diave, until now, escaped us. Phe opening ot th DUE ID: BRYA PULMONIC Wa i Howl 1 1 | | Not only relieve, but efcet repid and lasting Cares, Hoyden rel is the latest. His Taihe Wine), Apel Lith. at the residence of lin anele, ine BRYAN’S PULMONIC) WAFERS built some two veurs pbotuntlree nity was Mow Rand J «, THOMAS CRAIGE soo ot ‘I fre warranted tu give sali faction lo every one. Ile wan In Harw va not opened. ft is msplerdid baalding. as all w lia at Soci Crage eeunty . one. Novi Carsliua, on the Stof Neweunor, edb, ber _—" are nequainted with ve Town, koow ie a ened gece dial Soventec tie. Ue fina No PAMILY SHOULD BE WITHOUT A BOX OF derstand it is very Landsoniely fartished, ant is DO EARIITCCAGRED NCAP eat GOe Ecce holy eee Biryan’s Pulmonic Wafers, 10 the bauds uf avery competent mani The Qaowi ofall, and weed bul to be ine: ben x A SME TSO opening of a fine Furniture Store, by Johnson A atipte for the wa ca of Chose who eurve — | NO TRAVELER SHOULD BE WITHOUT A SUPPLY Ob Woathelin. in the South western end of the same Ube dear wien sudden after an dlieas of only a Asryan’s bulmonic Waters, Building, in new. They speak tor themselses tn dave. darug wiceh hewever ugh wut ' i Ceo ; Att yooh bina degree uneoneius of his we NO PERSON WILL EVER OBJECT TO GIVE FOR our advertising columus. Miss Grresswitts Mi Bo vet Were they even then the evidence , ‘ F G iS EY : Les : ty bryan’s Pulmeonic Wafers, hucey establishimentis new, She alsospeths tur rang habiowud proeple of bee lfe—a ce ply chree TWennienteneie creat. © ener ab dhe Iie aa cusacter, WN rt, Ue ght, word and herself “Lhe Mensr add boM GON Cob aetke i. Pe eas ns JOB MOSES Ste Proprietor Rochester, NY have opened Grocery Stores. They ane ald city tn the daily ated of Gants word, the arost preere . Sold in Salistury t NEE RSON Nise, and ali Dr orem cel (aac tie o ) F AP Sooke to hans ra tes dads habatot power, aud wateh geese te AEG Oa pears mens, and wel rown to be deservtegw. A, fulvese over hin own sp rit—end bis street Conmeen Newson has opened a thew Conbeetoniy. atthe Guanes un ali lw wase—ia he deste to be ueetul Mar 9 189 lyfe Mille de Mouse wtanel Spetes who formerly kept ccnoug his agauercter and te the word—added to he : \ a Hakery, just below, in the Hoard lise, lees leary atonumetien he has eft as neal nase wheel Valuable I actory runaway, leaving a number of cr dtors belived BEM ¢ than proces oniuenl d ren ee the a Nodingirater Giank) Waytl Wool iit ulti, | cae Cieceuuam atte Uist calc sbi asp has recently opened bere, and we base heard it > ’ " Mill Property for Sale '! selling very cheap, See lis advertis: - ae . . we J cae Neg Gees te ware [iania, ay tu arasols . Parasols oe SUES IDED ACH URL R UIA aI BUM DS ous vother bus nere, o! wt tale bis value gentleman's unique Kail Road advertisement BROWN, COFFIN & MOCK, Hble Factory and Wil Property, known as Murdoch's Is certainly peculiar sash and Biod Peeters, ou West Hill, near thos AVE Just opened anew and beautit) selection wes ] place. ‘Vhir eotablixbmeut ecmprises a very extensive | , VE PARAOLS Cir marpassing anything Gist have and valuable nasortineutuf Machivery. beginning with BS Ata inceting of the ie an Artillery, offercd here this eae Wheat you wish one SU horse power Eugine, ove 3 horse portable do., | us We expe! ti sell them oul in a lew days one la Woodworth’s Pliner, and ove hey are gong off fas doy one Spoke Lathe, ath eoanty Salisbury, May luth, 1859. Bhad Machinery, Geare Wachine, other large held at their Armory on the 4th instant, the fol . Surh nud nmght, with county right: Scroll Saw, # veral Circular Saws, Boring and Mer- | TO Bags JAVA, MAWACALBO, LAGUIRA and joing Machines, Turuing Lache, two Grist. Mills, | James Co Sinythe. KIO COFFEE ac. & Bruner, Esq Maj rf To bbls N Oo and Caba Molasses. | eae oe 100 bbls Refined and Brown Sagare lowing gentiomen were unanimponsiy elected hon: | orary members of the Company, vz: FE. Shober, Esq. Mi Joho L Shaver, Beg. Jd Chie property willbe sold altogether or in parce dn James Eo Kerr, D2 AL Davis, Beg. Dro den og, 7 : [to wit purcharers; bot preference will be given to 3 DON. «Enq. 2) tons Peruvian and Caltoruta Guano ' fee ee a a demon, J. M. Newson, 1. F, Crovdaad, Williams 100 phe beat Loud Poister ee ie paket eee eaades and oH Murdoch, Faq., |b. 1B berta, Fey. Jolin Mo tou bbe Hyd Cement nS eat : There on large amount of Machinery not hore Coffin, Keq.. and Hon. Burton Craige Salaion, Mackerel Sh 2 Prout, Miltete, &¢ si nained ‘Chose who want ats thirg in the line, are Frentbennicctes a nels FISHER & FOAKD gyi to esil mun. oe Dam desire te close it eat ' > 8 ee NCS, Be Newbern, NC. May 1, 1654 4130 with as title deicy as poreible. amd well gve mbar é Jel, Beh ow . We MUR DOCIE gus : ; Mas Attention! Rowan Artillery !! Sulabury Muy 2d) 1229 ify LF Mr. Jars Trort, formerly of this ee are hereby cutmanded yyy County, has purchased an interestin the Made to appear at the oi) G AS LIGH Vr! : Troctiog, Why das oh gon (Ark) Journal, and will hereafter be assoet PAD tor URFILLERY ORIGL, we Saunier Car PATENT ated with Mr. H. 18. Bvritt, in the publication of term Puneiual sttendace required = . ‘ P | that paper ALSO appearon Fiday moran. the 2th Mav, Non-Explosire Self-Generating | - rthooce ky atthe Pobhe Square, with arm wud | ; Gecnate metre Cie ntens ! ! ! SIX DAYS LATER FROM EUROPE. Me oglu a CAS LAMP! Orla st lon “onmandsna, MURDOCH, OOS te nublie SAFEST. are now faved with the BE ALES r. fone t ECONOMICAL LIGUer Havirax, N.S., May 6th. ene (hii, IOS . . ae _ — \ ever preduced, equal it cot supenor, to thy bext Coal The steamship Niagara arrived here TRUST SALE. cern ee ee ee yesterday from Liverpool, with dates to ry . te Reading Renna, Private Dwellinse, Manufactures, the 26th, being 6 days later news. B \ SUURTIN La athe Dees of Teast executed to) einitmute: Radeond Care de. de. Lten'y requires Ro incon the aad rgned by Wicheal Brows. lor Pare i atta prove ie anperinenty over every other porta. | The news is alarming. poses Chere men toned. We iT mel at pT Ce ee een nn nee nel by ) Austria has sent her ultimatain to Sure ia che town ot saiavary on Wedueaday, the th of 8 HENDERSON & ENNISS. dinia, demanding an immediate disarnia- June ext the folowing property vir” hm Sulisbury, May 3, 1559 49 ment and disbanding of volunteers, and Yadkin River Plantation, \ three days given for consideration. Et cootanng 1030 ACRES, lying ommeditely on the Che Greatest Inducements in case of a refusal war will be rmiediately nica cod from Sabsbary co Salen ad Davie dh Fathonable Dress Goode are now offinog at the declared by Austria niles fron the former town, ga when there isa value Store of BROWN, COFFIN & MOCK i ; alve Beery, kuowa as Apr 19 447 Eighty thousand more Austrians have been ordered to the Ticiny. BROWN’S FERRY, Carpets, Carpets, Rugs, Mat- Anstria bas rejected England's peace wiich yeld< aouaally from 6." to 8300, There is tore die. tlre aad ocantonGon Shernmteictain propositionand the latter has sent astrony also, between 200 aud JOO Aeros of five large Estabushinent of Menace to BROWN, COFFIN & MOCK Tasha to Vicuna ayainst her River and Creck Bottom, Sardinia. Apr 19 445 ee - ? avaliable Meadow,» firsterate birge frame Dwelling . . ; Austria las refused te reconsider the (hase, sated inn fie yrove and ail uecesmary out SEIELITS POWDERS. iiidid eal cot lonahe Suavecelenen a ii re a : (ee : Hee a i Me : A MOST ueefil Medicine in Bilione and other disaases inci . (ie ro _ 4 poe adh Lotin che town of Seltshbury, nese the dental te many e iinite Propored by WoW WYar already prepared nmi intivste to accomp t piste Sghaces= Ajelataud fir buaiiese—now wccus Druggict a Apeithiccury.Salicbury, S ¢ fay ny declaration of war. petby ap. Brown ca tathess.4 targe and tive Walls. The King of Sardinia and Napoleon vikay Nege: Boy, 70: Negras W have held extraordinary councils. mon | Bue Carriage and Cai “Goth MOST weetal Mrsticine: in Wit/ous and : ts Much dd Fucutute eed many other wrticles nos Al Mnciise : French troops are Concentrating on the sued Druggiat & Apothecary, >. whole Piedinont frontier, (Poulow and ecmeinale known on day of sie, Any - , Marseilles,) aud ordered to embark, and wishing te comne the tand ern de so by applying SEIDLITS SEIDLITS POWDERS. | svecrs old, 1 Hirnena other diseases ine y WOW WATT (landy POWDERS. person he ready to aail ata moment's notice, — [0 Kansom Jucob- POR CHAMBERS, 9 [A Mas eetal Msticine in BAtious ant thee Maennee ines gy iota eae rs 7 dental te warin ¢ db \ Two ier are commanded by: JF CHAMBERS, 4 Trustees Ti rere rents Mecha NE 2 tan Canrobvert D’ LHiiliers, and the whole un May 6, 1859 5 at é 5 : : : ’ : ep IPS der the command of the E uperor ia per NOPE EM persona indebred to” Michnet SEIDLITS POWDER: own will ple vke pevines , reBiDie, we MO=T ueefal Medicine in BM ue and other diseases inci 80n. . B lies vile take p fees nas preeibe A MOST Ne LN Help in Bi Ea Bee wy ATT, Total number of the Freneh army, 8). [iter tiuionce ca us ree Tinggist & Ajuthecary, Salisbury, NC. fen) 000. hee. | . . . . The details of all the movements are) Way 6. 1859 [1da50) Trusiees, | Linseed, Sperm and Tanner's Oil, HENDERSON & ENNISS' 1f42 Fore Je nt Mar 1) Call at Brown, Coffin & Mocks and see the moat Blegont Clothing in the market eee Uae insta Administrators Sale. v telegraph. \ ps { AVING taken out letters of Adm nitration on I Wodoha Welkorte, deed we wall sell property at hie late residence THE FILEIBUSTERS es Ja part of hex perishable . New Yorn, May 6 In Nahebury on Puerday the 24h day of May, P<o9. young off at unparalleled prices na Ae P " ar which dine we wet! Uornes, Mules, Cattle, April 19 47 The steamship Cahawha arrived from Hiawana, CHALOTES Co A ally ul H homie ete ! Hom tuseh itd and Kotehen Utenais, « Cariage Nee : states that the brig Atiican, with 35 TUN DUster Qa thane. . 22 Shares of Steem in the No Co Wat Theory of Vocal Music, and 240 guna arrived at Port au Prince They Read Compiny aud various ober aructes pot here ed attempted to land at Cuba, eumne tated HASY LESSONS awamped and munitions lost. The guns lave been put iu the ots store at Port au Pisce. but ther boats were having elaime Notite ie alas given to all perser useful Muajeal Work, id for male at Cuts OFFICE 1380 IN SEVEN supply of the ahove to present them will be plead in bar of their recovery All persons Dac fiat notified that an erly ret 50.000 Brick For Sale. ngainst the estate, property xuthen handwomely printed a treated, within the cur PHILADELTD iA ELECTIONS Puitcapereaia, May 4 election yesterday, the Pe 1sik indebted Co the estate are Cinta tefi with Mr John —In the municipal tlemeuc will he required npou the ple's Ticket MeRone for eotiection will be returned was cho- ¢ : roper application being made for them CFISHTOSE waning to bay Fifty or Sixty Thousand sen by about 2.500 majority. The same party ae N McKENZIE, good Wick, ean get a bargain by culling at thet also has a Majority in both Boards of the City L. BLACK MER, Office te Councils. Adiminiatratere WARPERS' YEAST MONTHLY and WEEKLY, ': Hanes J. PNNISS’ Boo Srore SICKLES'’ TRIAL, Complete, For ante at JU ENNIS’ Boox Stone ne POWDERS HENDERSON «: EN ee Pride sleeps in a gilded crown tentment in a cotton vighteap -con When rognes give a dance, the devil is regularly for eale wt suro to play first fiddle thbage Seed tor mule mt HENDERSON & ENNISS' Molusees! ! Molasaee ! |! tead Molasece ! There is more sunshine in one good deed than in all the solar eystems ever invented. SPRAGUE BROS Apr 12-46 by A good man’s heaven commences here’ The same may be said of a wicked man's | ()()()"” HE Mi inece Me Gu ea, BLANK WA REA NTS bell. | Mar 92 1m For eale at this Ojhee. | BRYAN'S PULMONIC WaFERS \< | | \ \ i | Re RK ABLY wholesome and nutritious I ARGE lave Flat Datch and large late Drumhead | 5 A large Iotof NO and Wear tndia. Forsale low DRT OARE WYATT, Druggirt & Ay Mishury, N.C (indy BAKER'S COCOA, MORT delicious beverage ' Tranquilizing to Week berves for the wick a dconvalescent vived by WHE | | wy ATT, Diuggiet & Ate: ary. malishury, No ¢ (tae ‘Brown, Coffin & Mock for Servauiw rived a fot Have the largest wssortiicnt of moudn of Georgra | le and best Goods to be We act the market I ARGE LOT of TEA aid COPPER SUGARS 4 Just ree eived, MUONBELY & YOUNG Maur 2? 43 BAKE Rs COCOA, MOST DVaAlesernt ve Tia vet by WOH WYATT Druggist & Apoth » im 49 BAKERS LOCOS, Mu ar licl ir ad convaleseent fuliaas ' rived Py sulisbury, N, ¢ BAKE R's COCOA, MOST delicious beverage for the Tronqnttias week J WYATT, Deugus Apothe Do you want Ready-Made Clothing. BOOTS, SHOES and HATS (— Callat MCNEELY & YOUNG'S, who have just received a very large assortinent, which they are seliug at low prices Mar. 22 43 H. ‘may mnwalescent, it ary, Salisbury, No ¢ eee } Watchgaker & Ieweller, CONCORD, N.C. r Nig subscriber has epened a Watch, Clock and Jewelry cureful attention tu Iivces, repaired inthe August 41,0 H.W. RUPP Heckers Farina. | PS V wholesome and on ua Just received hy WOH, WYATT, Drugyist & Apothers x Carolina Heckers Farina. I EWARKABLY wholesome and nutritious, Just reerived by WOH. WYATT, Draggist & Apothecary, Salisbury, N SE/DLITS POWDERS. AVIRA cIReee Chase ty VTL at Heckers Farina. Just recvived MH. WYACT, Drugyist & Apothecary, Salisbury, N Carolan {im49 SANFRODS' LIVER INVIGORATOR, COMPOUNDED esting y prow GUMS, PURIFIES THE BLOG? A SPRING MEDICINE, A PAMILY MEDICINE, A GOOU MEDICINE, “RES LIVER COMPLAINT, BOWEL COMPLAINT, REQ SICK MEADACHE, CURES CHRONIC DIARRHEA CURFS PILIOUS ATTACKS, CORRS FRMALF COMPLAINTS, CURES FOUN DICE See adrertinenent in @ arcolurin Im46 LY UN's MAGNE POWDER & PILLS. For the Destruction of all kinds of Garden Insects, Anta, Bed-Buys, Rouches, Ticks, Pleas, Moths, Ruts and Mice, ger What vreater trouble, in an hour of ease, Tian guawing rae bed-bags and fleas, Gardeus can be preserved and houses rid of these pests. Tt wax decovered by Mr Eo Lyon, a French Chemist in Asia, and has been patromzed by al Eastern governments aud collages. Reference can he mide wherever the article has been tried. Tt 1 free fram poison, avd harmtess to mankind and do- mestic anon. Many worthless inntations are ad \vertired. Be sure it bears the aame of bE. Lyoy. Remember “Tis Lyon's Pow ler kills insects ina tr While Lyon's Pills are mived for rats and mice Sample Plaka, 25 cts regular aizes, Mi ctr and $l BARNES & PARK, New York. | Forea'e at HENDERSON & ENNISS' and WOU WYARTS® Drag Stores, Salisbury Im4h Jay COCOA. MOST delicinns beverage f e sick and convalewent ZR Tranquitizing to wenk + ‘ Nat received by WH WYATT, Druggiat “s Apotheesry, Salisbury, No nds Heckers Farina. EA pauls ns Gu eG te Carolina lings SEIDLITS POWDERS. MOST useful Medicine in Rili me and other diseases inci fental to warm climate Prepared by W Ho WYATT nace «t& Apothecary, Salat irs « Sins . Heckers Farina. FMARKARLY wholesome nutritious Juat received by WOH WYATT, Di ugyist Carolina A Apothecary, Salisbury, N m4 Heckers Farina. MARKARLY wholesome ant nutritions WYATT, Draggitt & Apothecary, Satiet nso y Carotion ~) MARRIAGE LICENSES |FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE For sale by ! Good News for W. RUpp, | ae = Inet recei “Gi J. H. Wholes, ale ay, a = Boots, Shoes, He Retail Dealer tn Caps & Clothing THES Bhinienie his eaiecr begs te New Yurk Boots h - lurgent 4 Sion 5) ‘ fou 8, Caps, ¢ Las ( lothing, ee dirent from the (9 proiat deatan Heat “you wish 4 Be ’ INF ES: WAT CLOTHING STORE! New Clothing ! Good Clothing! Cheap Clothing!!! Mr. DAVID WEIL, bas just opened a LARGE 5 STOCK of READY-MADI CLOTILING, in the house Gay ocenpied by Jastes TH. Exits as a Book Store and respectfully invites the public to call, as it will be to their advantage, before purchasing elsewhere. Atmong bis Stock may be fonnd every variety of Ready "Made Clathing to suit the Season, Fine Biack and Cold) Dress Frocks, ltaban Cloth and Silk Alpaca Coats, tine Summer Cashmere and Tweed Frocks ane | Sacks, Linen Duck Drill and Brown Linen Coats, Ex. Wiite and Fancy Marsei!ler Coats, Spanish Linen Raglans, tine Black Doeskin Pants, fancy Side Stripe Cash mere Pants, SS. Drape, Union Cashinerett Pants, plain and faney Silk and Satin Vests, white Buffand fancy Marseilles, and a tine assortment of Linen and) Mar setiles Bosom Shirts and Collars. Genytlemem’s Furnishing Goods, OF EVERY STYLE AND QUALITY ; 5 per cent. Cheaper than can possibly be sold any where else in Salis Super; And will sell 2 bury. panied) per Let every person call and examine for hisnself, and he will not be dis- DAVID ee Saeispery, April 19, 1859. | State of North Carolina. CABARRUS COUNDY. Courtof Pleas and Quarter Sersions, April Terns 1859 Jobin Stimpoch vs. Polly Ridenhour Ouginal Attacoment Levied on Land. It appenring to the satixfweton of the court that the defendant Potly Ridenhour ix not an inhabitant of this Sia It is therefore ordered by the Court iit publicatron be made for tix Weeks in the Caroe 2 Watchman printed in Salisbary, nouly ng ber to e and appear betore the Justices of cur Court of Pleas cid Quarter Sessions, at the next court to be held for the county of Cabarros, #t the court hoase B oO Oo K Ss T oO R E. o Concord, on the 3d Monday in daly nec, then and rid shaw couse, if any she Judgment agaist virtue of suid At- there tn plea on repped NEW BOOKS! NEW BOOKS! UST reeeiwed at JUL EN NISS' BOOK STORE} a ldarge assortment of Valaable and Interesting New Books, Pictures, Letter, Note, and Fosiscap Paper, Biank Books, &e Among the new Books will be found The Confes- | sions of a Scheolmaster, by Alcou; Major Jack Downng'’s Thirty Years Out of the United Surten not from Gad, by Joho Young, LLD ;| argeon’s ems The Saint and hie! Freeland, or the Chi » Border Lan has why and th land levied upon | i lachinent be sold te satiefy che same e Witness, Noost vclerk of our said court at. of- fice in Concord, the 4d Monday in April, A.D 1R59, and the 1 year of Independence NELSON SLOUGH, pr andy. @5 SO DISSOLU’ ON. HE firm of Murdoch, Darby & Co, is this day diewolved by matnal consent. All those claims against the Firm will present them to Mur business; Senate ; Ediaburgh y > Saviour, by Spurgeon 3 having Alex close the of Cireninetanees : Mranieats a) ‘the Christan and Tork ; Opportunnies for Indu andthe safe Luyestrient of Capral; Zachos’ New Vhe Carpenter's Asetant and cob. who ws our authorized agent to and those indebted to the firm will mike The Basiorss wil be carried on un- American Speoher) payor nt to him Ai th . Ae MUrducRee icdee Raral hieeet, by Win. Brown, Architect; Villas, | i furcher notee by Mac we ‘ aT aid coves, by Culvert Viuxs Archinect; ‘The| WALRAEDER, - Ladies Manual of Faney Work, by Mrs. Pafline; Bornes’ Famiy Prave Parley’s Book of Aniunals. 200 en Phe Childre Lf Album ; ¢ April 16th, JAS. T. PETTEW AY, eee Commission Merchant, | Hugh Miller's Works. Agent for WILMINGTON, N. ¢ WM. R DARRY ts eravin £8 % S59 ! Patera Nd» large | ok, on a new My Schoo's and Schoolmaeters : Tie Testimony of the and Times of Haugh Miller And Daweon’s Line of Steamers, Rocke; The Life Creator; Sohhoate Consigoments, Naval Stores. Cotton, Corn, Flour and other Produce. Also urdets for Groceries, NOWV ELS. ‘ Dean Eg vand De, Fed, tt, | What Will He the With Te, by Bulwer Woman's} AN TITEATE Ne OG, Paraeley, Baq, Pres Com: honghts Aboot Women, by the Author of Joho eee eee ae Phos He Werht, Pras Beene Uautiax; Dear Experience, by Ruthie: Jane Eyre : Tae Pear, BP Halle Pree, Beaneh Bank | Vallette Shutey. by Currier Bally Gullo. by JF Ben NETS. Lotterlol, Beg, Fayetteville, SoG, Smith; Daveepert Dann, by Charles Levers My Apal 28. 1-59. , —- Im43 : veloor Viretiew in Engheh Lie; Almauce, ‘The | 5 Stratagem; Emehe Carlon. Romance of the Hari, a Con of a pretty ” | Rival Beauties: ‘The Wite's Trials by BOOKS OF HUMOR. Woman; The Miss Pardoe NOTICE. S Administrator ou the Estate of Joho Ho Miller, | . a deed, Phereby g ve not to all persons whe Dow etscrn Sermons; The Wild W estern Scenes; are indebted to sand estate, to nvike tminediate set. Sam Shick : The Arkansas Doctor: 7 Bay tlement, prompily paving what may be due, along: , Mare: The Comie Wandenug Jew; Whom to nee Cannot be given : | Merry 5 Major Jones’ Courtship and his Sketches of persous having claims against raid estate, “Travels . will present them far payment. within the tine pre ’ eee meee eeeeeee sale plead aciar a. REYNOLD’'S NOVELS. their reeavery Mary Glentworth : Elen Perey: The Opera Dance : PLN UWEILIG., Adin’r Pepe Jorn: The Young Dochese; The Empress Nprit 26. 1S wit Eugenes Boudoir: Coucnburg House; Ada Aran- : del, or the Seeret Coruder OUR MOTTO Profi Books for Odd-Fellows. : ’ , < | Quick Sales and Short Profits. The Odd Fellows’ Manual; The Odd- Fellows’ In Bayden’s Granite Row, Oppomte the Rowan House Text-Book ; The Odd- Fellows’ Offering pee pubhe are invited te eall and examine our, Beautiful Gift Books. splendid stock of Furniture —the best and fines ven (iene toftthe State. Th eonsists of Barenus Josephine Gallery; The Atlantic Sonvemr, En Contre-t s Tete a-Tetea, China Pr sa | gravings from the Paintings of Mod Masters: Wardrobes, Bedsteads of every kind, Parlor Charges Woman of Beanty , Che Pet Animal, The Violet Rocking Chairs. Cane seat nnd Wiser Chars, Chile) Albama, &e. &e. Kor eate ot dren's Chairs, Hat-stande, Wash-stands, We. in fact JAS TH ENNISS' Boow Srone every th nour tine, all of which we will ell at Salisbary, NOC cheap as can be bought in the State Also, w good nagortment of Wood Coffins kept on Drayving. | THE RAILROAD i t | | | Drawers, cannot be | Ue goes to Horriin’s, of course ™ [ieee thing of every quality H ! man, a) Mant of this State, 4) Ceart that publication be made fur six weeks in the y | Carelina Watchman. + Pleasure Book 5; 7 Fobt-printeof the | ah Great Tnstitaton {VERY BODY SAYS SO, and so it must be. LL ft almost anmhilutes time and distance, by the speed of ils trains, which, us they thander through hills ead over the plains and valleys, drawing their long lengths end enormous freights, the gaping wodd stand aud look—ihey can’t help—with wonder and detigh: ; and then it ix they are wont to ery out, Great Lastslution. People used to say that such oud such a wan ‘isa team.” If he weve rreat «sa poli- ticisu, as a hawyer, a preacher, @ merchant or a tradesman, he was sure (o receive this distinguishing appella'ion. A good team, in thope times, was, per- laps, more the pride of men, than mnee the jest Horse come upon the world's grext stage; not be- ) Cuuse we have less ueed for horses vow, hat because, ‘iu some of their uses they hive been ech peed.—W ell, ine ~dering these comparisous in their application towen, we hold shat there are sae men who rise farabove even the Great Jastitution. Take for in- stance Ex. Gov. Moaenean, whose mental strength ‘und inoral power, pul into operation the great forces wich heaved vat the earth from the deep “cuts” and filed up the ravine and valleys from Charlotte to Goldsboro’, und mad> the bigh-way, with all ite ap- | pendages. We might instance others, many others, | who rive above them; bur let it suffice there are othey men whose modesty will not allow them to as- pire to any thing beyond. For ourself, we are per- | fectly eomteut to be accuunted like the Great Ineti- tut | Gentlemen, let ue reason together on this subject : >] HORFLIN, can't be beat in selling CLOTHING. His Coats, and Pants, V ats and Neck-Ties; Hat», Cops, Bots and Shoes; Shirts aad celled in quality, neither ean any one sell their like for s) littl men-y as he. The fact ie, then, | HOPFLIN’S Ci OTHING BTORE has become to be, to this whele region of country, A Great and I Look where you will, | garments from his Store, Does a gentiem«n want a fine and good COAT, or VEST, HAT, and feel hy 2 need to make the best use of his pig! Horvtin's Steck comprises Spring and Summer sepply, ‘mer purchases, and is ng line. The famey and iss id und durable ; the laborit 1g and comfortable yarmen und you will see gentlemen wesring Jast received, = passes w VE PLUS ULTRA iv the the man who prefers mia fa se ui can be He has the Goods, down to the prices h distinguish his Store, and eatitle it tobe as the Btore, the GREAT INSTITCTION, in that line. Cate at HOFFLIN'S, wits ruc, at the EH C COKNER OF THE MAN- SION Hel ere WYATT’ Draz & Medicine Stere. IT IS HANDSOME. IT ISCROWDED. iT is FILLED WITH | AND ons. IT 1S THE CHEAPEST STORE In THE State or N. Caroutna. EVERY MAN, WOMAN and CILILD KNOW IT. A New Pray Perroruep Every Day! AND As Goop as Represenrten. WYATT In Every Parr! CALL anv SEE tan SHOW! ADMISSION FREE! Seats provided only forthe LADIES and INVALIDS. Doors Open from 5 A. M. till 10 P. M. Plivsician’s orders accepted at all hours of the night. Salisbury, N.C. 1m48 State of North Carolina. CABARRUS COUNTY. Court of Pleas uad Quarter Sessions, April Term 1859 J.J. Misenheiwer aud J. Ladwick, vs, Christina Ri- denbour, Misenheimer, Cox and Co., vs. Christina Ridenhour. Original Attachments levied on Land. IT apprarng to the satisfaction of the Court, that the detentant, Christina Ridenhour is not an inhab- I) iv therefore ordered by the yrinted in Salisbury, notifying | her to be and appear e the Justices of our Court | of Plows and Quarter Ser: #, at the next court tobe | held for the county of Cabarrns at the Coart-bouse in Concord, on the 3d Mouday in Joly next, then and there to pleador reply vy. and show cxnse, if any she has, why the plaiotif’s shall not have jucgment against her, and the land levied upon by virtue of sad nttachinents be sold so entisfy the same. | Witnexs, No Sloagh, Clerk of our snid court at of- | flee, in Concord, the 3d Monday in April, A. D. 1259 and the 83 year of our Independence NELSON SLOUGH, pr adv. $5 50 GGG. 6wis /Btate of North Carolina, DAVIE COUNTY. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, March H Term. 1°59. | \ ‘ J WW. Kennedy, vs. Abraham Conlin. Original Attachment Levred an Land. IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that the defendant. Ab-aliam Conlin, is not an inhobiant ofths State: Ftis, therefore, ordered by the Court, } that pable tion be made for 6 weeks in the Carolina | Watchman, panied in Sulisbary, that the asid Abra- (ham Con in be nd appear at the next Court of Pleas aud Quarer Sessions. to be held for the County of Davie, atthe Court House in Mocksville, on the recond Monday in dune next, and show eau-e if any he has, way the ead land shell not he condemned for the ext sfaction of the Plant ffs debt and sale ordered accordingly Witnese, (A. Harbin. Clerk of our said Court, at Offive the 2d Monday in Murch, A. D_ 1869 AA HARBIN, Clerk. Pr. adv. 5.0 Gw47 | Positirely the LAST CALL! ] E hove av large number of unsettled Acew \ J whieh most he closed by the Ist of Ma also a large amount of Notes, whieh if not at- tended ta by that time will be placed im the hands of an officer for collection BROWN & COFFIN, April 19 3w47 “= 2D’ EE a ~ Be LL who are indebted to me will please call and ‘They can set- de with me or with BR. Moore, Eeq., who ocenpies an office with me Office in Cowan's Bnek Row. i settle their accounts or notes bend, and furvished on ne reasonable terme ag can | ’ be had We have a fine new Hearse for faneral oc os ah 27 pa undersigned is fully 5 5 Ue ates CHMODS Call at the Furniture Store of . prepared todo all hind of Saliahory, March 8, 1859 3m41 : JOHNSON & WILHELM ae DRAYING, from or to . \ a . s \ ar Satnhure, Ape 26th, 1839 Ni Pigattrwa ee cie cies DE ROSSET, BROWN & C0, town, at any hour ot the dry Dy e B. \ R R kt I S fight, as cireumatances may require Ordere de ' WILMINGTON, WN. ce. ula cered to them orleft at their Stable ino the FMat BROW N, DE ROSSET & ( 0. OF | Ward, will receive prompt atenten Charges node NEU ORK . | rate SNIDER & RIGGS New Crop New Orleans Me-| April 19, 1859 aaah LL ASSES jaxt jonny eTRAGUP ORG aH inns( RROWN COMPING MOCKS, mllitg « Qu sail pois Ape i9 4147 sLANK Dik ‘DS ue RAL TUS OFFICE received and for sale Salisbury,Dee. 18, 1R5R LAND PLASTER. | SPRAGUE BROS. | FR | Ladies Shoes of every descrip- Commission Merchants. TP Sole Agente at Wilmington for Reese's Mani pnicted Gaano, and Wo Wohitelook & Co.'s Saper- pheephare of Lane Tr i npewterof pare Pernvian and other Gaanos, t — Land Plasier, go IT Parvoular attention given to the aale of Neval Stores, Cotton and other Produce April 19, 1859 Ompd4? § i, ] } + 4 § 3 s a t La n d a we e ee Pa a r oi ei th Je PA Sh i se t Me ie * i f om Pe r e A IE Me cg oF rs See Pa res DR, WISTIR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHLBRY. \ BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS'! = Take enly the “Ge muine!! -w Goods' Vew Goods! NA VEAL thing which is really Waluable aud which con's the “4 faveater time, moucy aad research, 1+ -ulyect to be lyin ly campterfalted, This {+ cimmphatheatty the cage with Wiser a's Bacaga oF Wii Cranict, the inveteadle qualities and wellearn fe, speeds aud veer fall RoweMitix, Witoctixd up Twaoad, Lbxox, ani Crest, “as well ox that dire Alsen CONBOMPTTL induced aaprincipled specntators in ihe pment} to pelo upve the unwary 4 nd Aeletepiotes imitation of the miserable, worthless ouly Genuine Bubs upoe the stok, but SPRING STOCK, Just opencdscousisting of Faith ean SS gg pee FANCY DRY GOODS | oetved “WitgoKn, Delaware, At ee isis il A ah ‘ ‘ - BW. Forte 8 Co, Bee Plense wend tac a supp yf hos ‘ outand there ts a & tare Bae in, as | avi ve BONNETS Boots an 1 Shocs., IE MID MONE TOHAUTTAD SS (URUK Pal ak GROCERIES, KEMEMBEK, WEE mak vuly Gaver S as Well ae the reinTeD POWER A COL ber! TARE NO OTHER. tw dned F sale by HENDERSON @ ENNISS AW WY AT DI \ ‘ . ee 7 \ wi 4 INN aeanes I h ty at Mt Coffee, Sugar. dolasses one) [> WoO. Be Maye lt a ne Orleans ATCH MAKER | any SUWELER, 0 Ba Java cotl 2) ids MWuscovadco aed New Or res Mol cspen 65 Borrele Crusted Cider S r Sa Sve SPRAGUE BROS “ne tend ain (alee eu STEVENSON & BOWEN, BOWEN S NEp witty) COME AND SEE i -R.WILSON'S NEW SITOW CASE, ND the large, new supply of WAVINCIIES WHEN MY, fo Glittering LATE TROL NSON Wholesale Deelers in DRY GOODS. and a gr: Charms of new Sivies wiu Fash- at virbety ions, some of them of the “AT i He EE LANTIC CABLE® orde: WANS, Call in—Look round—and see the eplendid array be pe I \I A MIME MA of beautiful n hiseutsios, N.C and Removed to . } s ' reh th Clocks, Walking Canes, &c.« ">" re Ne Nair Stile Nias of various kiads. dey eer I 7 Now ig the time to buy cheap Ibiviog bb i te \ vd ' p Tas: Directly from the tmanutactar Pew and Twili sell, tweety tive pri « eapler taw rr aye cachiariciie in Eee) TRi-WEEKLY MAIL Lite for cash, 1 will deduct 5 per cent, even o . a roles TWO HORSE HACKS, Come and see the new supply of SILVER THA ead TABLE SPOONS, and the best From Mocnsville, VC, to Salisbury, ¥. 0. NEEDLES that ean be found on this eur Adantc: also SILVER PLATED CASTORS All kinds of Watches. Clocks,Jewelry & Iv repaired, a: the lowest rutes, and wares i 1 Mondays De ‘ sap twelve mouths. To thiebranch the propre t+ t on \M i his sole attention. We Tee AN eeu Ss { ‘ ~ 4 4 yoM Salisbury. Sept. 28, 1858 - eee Sold ois 1 al i ote a * = 4 V4 Female Normal School, erent ey put Hich Point, N. €. Rail Road, (Fan (Pan a , 1S MILES WESTOP REIN NEO res : A Bey. NOM RAY iain ir, tere Plansatuitin else Ww THE object of itis bas sie vide ter SSIh Awaits Cy TP ms Sunory \ thurvagh educathuiet Vouug Laies = au uddte PE otel, War Ek foen onal feature to ality sucht hens i Vt 57 ! to, for the avoecanen of feactiug. bs uy Mioeks Uigie > = will open on the Ist of Febroary. in the sat Building receatly purehesed ty the nidepese 3 | \ x | ) The buiding os st ob ere ae ee cominand oO gee DEE Ge A BLOC. of well fur t rig’ pupils. We shall hay ures a wae vNatit ant ; Me ies er n i \\ furnished Roons, nic vi fh Sp ; Bngi-h Branches, &b 10% ree i 5 and Oroaienins ou reas fou . . 7 mos Rainreunis ends i 2 GOOD MEADOWS, tor, Teachers and Poois dwell tegecher and eat att the aame tab 4 se a fl try : oe Wieane : Boerus, and ab other veer means buciuitte : for Puit wey ran Vand p Suu. 4 ae JULIUS AN EELS tions guarantied to sur : Bor 1 F 5 0 ata REV save ENG DON erin) Jan ed, boo) BOOK BINDING AGENCY, INS eet RY HAVE the pes fat d have ina avai Wan ie) 0 in Salsbury r \ rt foew MILYPARY GOODS. Swords. Sashes, Belts, Epaulettes. Laces Wo EVERY DESCREPTON OF MELTPARY GOON = Litcet US. Apiny and State Revalations SCHI Vee WARPLEY & GR MAM, and be executed woh oe uieiness a Wark ae K COM Me ae : quality aud aivle fon as woterms as indie To MAEDEY Ed can be obta! ned Hi Ne Porh Blank Books, Ledgers, eh Pig Uh Teas i Merebaote, Mari vie Mfynures a RAIL ROAD NOTICE Mercksats, Ravriid Gant aciarius Com AVE) COUNTRY MERCHANTS. pany every or NEW, CIrEAD AML GROCERIES, svennrmints eure J. FL MOOSE, Pont (ASKIN TOR RT I) eS CE Sasi is 1p Hl eae! \ ME RAN TE E \V my hee of bus ness a de-iiver t fied work t th we order throogh h A DAVID CLEWEELS 29th, P= 09 RTee) Te uw receiving anc } peovug at Jexwise feet ene Ve and | ( ce ected Stock « TEAS. i » J cali | FAWILY GROCERIES, fen ei Coffees. Sugars, re ’ wd ' \ Wolasaes, Tour, Cheese, Hee aS ! aa 1 ‘ “ ! Pepper, Spice, Muetard Neirch, PP % wh ay N 1 ‘ W Sirs Vie eos ge. lo SS SOLO MONS Buckete, Brore 6 Pel ean @ AS Say ; Rope, ero 4 Ls ‘ 4 rel each. and wil e.g Produce Malice NG -49 DE VTAL NOTICE. FER. BESSEVT. State of North Carolina, BANDE AEN TY Gounvof Picasa) anrinr Acemne Mer NEG . as REALON ED fF DENTAL ROOMS Lo Clarke, ve Users at Law [a file | ee f formeely weet Ghai ot < FTE Nhe), WHY SNOT: pr edo ate jora Tt appearne ‘ ‘ ou Mathew + ( ae : mentioned iy the ead Do Chirk: Carolina City, \. C.. Beate: Pras. ih . t ‘ Vee ee is Publicatwaihelcnit: Ge a een Gime Juby 2ith. TSS. Watehman. that tu ei M ee oN ' Yop 4 ( eppear ar ihe tat 1 Q ‘ i Wy | eons to bet an iD ‘ We in Coort Weure l et \ on Jane next. and sow cane ' a “ FORWARDING AND GEYERAL COODMESSTON the prever of toe meee judgment po Ieee Ww tdi . " 2 ne Witnese, AON Hicnn ¢ ( ! office the Lad Mo vin Ma ae ' \ ! Pr ady. #550 ee Marrave tiie, Vir (hiss P ts \Ner 1 ’ 1a ae | THREE VALUABLE MLW ES \ FOR SALE. | . ae BY VIRTUE 4 { A 1 Rowan ai bo ferm,i- 4 Tow Coert Hour ster Any 4 May pert. TURE VALU AEE NEGRO Vil at He GRANT longing to the oi i fn Terms, six m von ( Vite wih De ' ‘ ReGBhiCt Ww NEGO y : Mar 15. ‘tie Comune cer \ i “tO le be KGa Drs \ © NIRS B Admiin-trevore of the ) en ee & ford. d « Me Wi oF ( ' I] ; Conootd, Crbornis & ( I ' day of April next. he fillow og propery 4 LIKELY NEGROES, : oe, ee 1 Woman abou 3! \s 1 rs old, 1 Girl aboat 6. 4: Hoy al 1 Perms known on the dey of 6 [enemies ’ “ AN Pips ok ( Soe | LISENHIWER ‘ A WENDT ‘ Mar. 29, 1059 \ donnie ators Van 1h, 1849 4 ne cree fris rapes ‘AYER'S Cherry Pectoral. Hoarsners, Bonchits, Whooping ¢ Asthma and Cousumption, isuoive sh, sal Vy known es the beet remedy ever vet disco rd torevery vorety of Palmon ' w las | ch bss ary disease, So wide os the feild of tts taken this Ver A usefulness and so mumercus (he comes of and his ynace every possi’ prey nt its Cures, that every nection ot date the business, (ray cel Viewing portions of the country ab in persons publicly the pobli *, on (he mond eatisticlory toate known, w ha have been restewed frou Particulir attention ularning aud even desparate diseases ol the jungs by Gs ure. When once tried cue oats hind is too apparent to csc ape observatwn, aud where its virtués are known. the pubbe no longer ROO vis hesitate what anGdote to employ for the dixtre aiog Ha STARA an suppled, and at. thd daogerocr affections of the pulmonary organs me we cotmens Shieh are uicedent to ourehimate. By is tinely use te es : : Waby, nay alert any atiaens of direare upon the a ; eee eat " ; Faaee of throat, are arreated and i t i \ Ht ‘ to th ai Ie ONE Houscude every year frome a prematore er No de . Y ; : t t y should be ow thoutat, aud those w Tree : bu : selves wilh a remedy which wards patie pa ‘ SAH ee brows class ol sem will have cause to j ; F : ope yeu iin toe da Proviso! the st Ee efficacy of the Cherry Peetoral nerd not b Amerean peep thes have hwing proofs 1a ‘ “4 every tesgtibertiod hore who wWosti to read Cle ( y\\ \ \ Re nietiaciUlinae WhORERWToe INCUItN [en hrc nent ) POLE iN Peay cit wlise faves hate leet mtived la) qe Ati , Sram mony Ameneon Almanac which th ne ld hl » f i: iN anys t ' * : VEGETABLE LETHON TRIPTI( show warmed hay lish grate tor vet} on in y B if _ a , ' ‘ ts per Bux Roves for 8100 RTH SNR) CONS) SPS TRU ESN SS Te AOI E Prepared by DR. J.C. AYER, Lowell, Mars, . ING FE tid veta by ey : , Henderson & Enniss, Salisbury No ¢ Be DISEASED KIDNEYS, tlistauiestaseiven& Co Charl aii ct ‘ ip Aida Weah Rey ce Lome, A sears ; ‘hott wenn eet lien (Doce nuoud, Way an Hotel ou M \ Dee tattle i Vee Juntt dell; atthe D 1 Cha ui Leverly's fire a ‘ Watchman SALISBURY fice.in Sa ‘ The subecrib G ‘ yaactiership y ; MAL 2 SCILOOT with lola Bot win eter tor the aan aos » Nie wtaalirred Westicane pared pice eribee will open a Bewe Carinae ya ut Sabebury N alah Sonoer at the Lather Chu (Hanmi ; siden Won westof' tn ai-bu you tie tist M \ ihe 3M SAPS Mureh vost Janie 21,18 tla AURA ES WEY ES TRE IETUGESY ARS OUP TEOHAE SY Srepaisa and Revoise. per d montis, Rt Wa ind Aviruae ” x "i 5s “ Bes Garvan aid P ¥ 5 Noreee BIS 0. Ny Ciostay and Ae , : sf MDS OF. HOUSER yy) Yio s th Srchiees KIPURNITURE. ; et a \ ~ ‘ . ' ay Cl i heey EU et dR Hes ese] EAD TAH oA [Pts ie, tise peda ( ( CR igh ‘ RK 1 EX Moeh 4 1 w N ie Rood fede tL 1 ANTE iS eN AT Veta ( i pe AG Ts NOTICE. cue hh oa ‘hes CTEM Ge OIF SCTHUCIDIPILIB: Salisbury to Asheville. \ | ' , 1 t ( #958 %, {4 } , le i} Vs ‘ ! ie “ Me Wastern Sori Carclina Rail Roed, os 1 ee ~ g alk 5 ‘ \ uM ‘ i M ( I s . M LENS NG ik I ' rivet b 1 2 PELE DOP WLANO® Mod NT AEN van ie “ieiM’ ‘ \ ! WC RANE. I im i ' Pi.N i se) $ bital ’ VALUABLE LANDS ee scape @wp BH Boe Ce SOLS PUAN: OSG ve sibsrrte reste sell his Capped ' AL Gath R v VC. tort : rn ut y Mel tia ois 12 AL oh ilar bf a JONESVILLE rs ce Vite and Female leademies, we Tian he A PR Bt & Wi i DRAINED Borrow 4 Lose VRON " i» ee Neil i t ! I I yo) on) CUE Neel)) fest? 1S lip ! t ha . JOSEPH BOW NEED ! N Che Andomitable AGAIN! Hh The THROU MARIS, ear j ‘ f - ROWAN HOUSE, : a Sasha N.C : - : } a WARBLER, CARING rs BUCO IiCS : &c._, &c. : _eeam H. Smith, eet a vu WV ee vere oe Vea ee ARRIAGE ILLS HESS. t 1) a 1 HEADS bONt Pe VOPS a Sata “ he FEE FUL amidliianantamosvainin Galt AMERICAN MARBLE. fo th best =i th Hasine ieade a « ena ' ot re i tan Sat} ( te oe a NAOTHER CHANGE !! a : SALISBURY Ton Je ‘ FEMALE SEMINARY. Greensborough Wuatual Tes i ‘eee | ', 5 nn : INSERANCKE COMPANY. ee Ste) ae Aseistant in the Literary Mi Wai TL ] 1 1 Pale | Fs ' ~ Tike | a Wea Mees ‘ its \W . ’ a \ mn n A ‘ 1 3 “ 1 \ Ie th toh y ’ Nine \ tes ! = j 4 ! bs twenty DERE TORS: ! r f tay joie 4 in [re i yal ind ethan gh ' \ ue al ar 4D WILKINSON ly ‘ ree at \ 1 Pra " \ | ) ‘ 1 \N GRAND OPENING OF NEW PRING & SUMMER GOOD ethead of Everybody / 1! LRRENSE a STDS SEI cour New Spiuing S STAPLE AMIE VCY DRY Goons ee TY AN He ea Voure rr id eat t = elaay y i a nN sSiulie UE, Wwe AEC suienth WO Ye Aa) CMT MS eee deuce, enn Cl tition : Give cs vacant and we will eons my that our > foe tapest qe EVO ANY toat tas before been offered to neiates, ae Oi woop We dow a the LOWEST water uate MOUTVO,---Polite atiention to Customers. and Small Profits, SP ied ae Nor LG le. Cotsnriey Miaeuanics and the pul eereb ad W feist wbdithow te our Bf SUN Ee NNT NOY OCHis esis Sa! ee an MADE CLOTITING. BOOTS iu sand pric 1 SIVAITS Ip VIS tae Gb OeN NS oh Di wos, Paints, Oils al Dre- Nuits. WYOGHEY Wy ass TAL UE TERS, | < ee KERRY AND ae! UNS Ww ARD, nel Cleric Gre Nel ( Clie any 1 WSID SOULS. RK IAS a SI (ital hs t v4 Si SS IEIEN. STE Moe DS, NEW GOODS allls PCH 2d Mat NEW b OA MW. TERS mite Palais SOMES) OS. tl te!) EN (OGG ee oO. I" st [E54 thins fost URE MS I hakea\al ey eee Nee ve ee \ 5 oS co DRY GOODS Hats, Caps. Boots. Shoes, ete. lave ee a F QB G@iABRtULe | i TORS Ge ORT TIE General Commission Merchant Vora “ey Bi van of Bi W7ilamineston., IN. &. nes : TIMI LAN PE Me q PENAL PLM, / LAND PLISTER RIVALED TTEE NSO NS MN NICSE MLV TN Ly TAS CRAG. Nat da ti Ni TIER OES RB EAI Gs IU AEARAIR Ee 11) ‘ Vee © ye) els We have on hand a farge rey syoegy RES SUGAR, COFFEE, TEAS. | i - ss 72) NUO) I, WSS IS a tele ee AT eae IEE 1B Na GN VIC Poe PECOAET GENER 8h ACRES \ A CN la A Nalt Nant \ Cash or Groceries for Country Produce ! Rutter and § i \ ' A. & W. a) Plover ae ‘ Dor dghkrunt, We, yin m" Toate he 1 PE VRID A BCR THT SH Ne We HATHAWAY is 00, Voilinineton, MYERS Whois. \] ie Ny \\ SOO Hibs. 2 Choice New € ’ \ Pe Clee INNEDLRTES, Dea rop, 3355 Trerces y Cyrene Minkiesis, i 4y Ih nop 7 Barrels chotee Vew 0 ie ' 180 Why. fair to elolee Vow Ortetes Sizars. 200 Barrels Clarified Sugois. 500 Bars Rio. Laguira, West dodia & Java Coflee, Ee me a a) 150 Barrels Mess and Prime Pork . ‘ Q os ‘ * ‘ ‘ 25 HWhds. Western Bacon.- Sides and Shoniders. 200 Bbls. Yellow Planting Potatoes. >y x 7 fi hen are Che m Enough ' ] | Drs M. WHITEHEAD &J.A CALDWELL, Y i ‘ ” LE LT: Ne fe [Ch AGES WA DUA tele eT PFN N aw FOL AGS Vi IES fora ind tablet rosnle low by OFEICK xp. ve 4 SPRAGUE BRO March 14. 1959. 3mecpd Ape arch s twasspa GiB TE WS: TWo PUR ryyo RAMIET ‘ Boop i Poo > ai Wi j vi | "W ots TPIS TEs IPS tease TEI 100) _ ! Bt = ODN Nd Tos Dis Hn eerie nny - z PAG (be | \ Monthy ae Serb No , fee NaN t \ fhe ze he a SAN TS Wit iB rr t ie MONEELY & YOUNG 14000) SSSR we Nae 2 1 | M ”) PWALRAGTAGAS., uae, Nyaeil WOK, 1859). a EWEIRELY (UN Commisston Merchant, I)? E STUFFS, PAINTS, TURPENTINE, | ) ESIN Chalk, Whiting, \ T RINALS, Syrenges, Breast Pumps, 4 ARDEN and Grass Seeds, I Ss MITE MAT eg LE sax: Glue «& Manufacturers Articles, \ AGNESOA, Mantard, Ginger, ul fostruments, I; NIE NS oie 4 | ) URABLE Fuk, Blaching, SINGLASS, Gellatine, Extracts, ( VORKS, Burttes, Sponge | NDEGO, Anmatto, Rose, Paik, \ CPWEGS, Mare, Claves L MERY. Rotten Son wid Paper, 4 WK OYEPS, Seplor, Cream Tartar, \ \V INDOW Glass, Pures, Y ELLOW Ochre, Lanp Bleck, CPD, Aleohal, Flud, te IOVEN. Loneeed aud Lamp Oobs, ai INCTURES, Barks, Quinine, OIA, us Mirrn Street, SLISBHOTE I, 0 (CF Teenie uf 32 CELEBRATED VEGETABLE CATTLE POWDER. rh ' tke peanure in eflering their ‘ View tert hy confide mt that . bythe Agneultural com- Cosa eflul jo ines all direa- . i ‘ sud Sheep, en- sm allernative 6 und all secretions ! | heres tobe given I tS lohbenug. Coughe, Fe- 1 wot » barny Ge pew end Col | \ w Water, diseases of the bide ae 4 pout bieepeontul thee or twat wh u drinking reows, Pu- ma » a healthy he baady. ine r appetite, ‘ tofmotk, asin \ ' \ Ceres bie pow Linhew'd be guven an ' owe. aud in soearcung from ‘ secretions may be os I . i w if Hof dise ‘ a + the TET I , redid to be given ’ the lange, and Hoy be given by mening abarre! of owil j ‘ | \ ane he nefor what e ad 1! farmers to ' ith ' <a “4 othe fe ihrer y healthy con. ! woh Pacuie meal wod \ R NS TP APRN: (Wels JOHN DOOLEY, Hat and Cap Manufacturer, A lee pita my toade during the Sena } enabled me on h teas! CE ARGEST. and in every i COMPELITE SPOCK of GOODS citayoell ys Be Nit i ' joo weakeute ef iny Custom. STE a Ae Goons. \ con cot he murpared IOUN DOOLEY, M street, Richmond, Va Mo u thal : UA ROSEMAN, M.D, ve Seer (iy com all theme that as ee eet t. that they foot casi. as tunber mdalgence | oi fi ssiunal sere rinake sete Pre lie <icece Krnerally, vt BL iC SALE. { Positive Nale Without Reserve. ON TH ED TAG) TI EAS OS TENC LS H i 4 , Dr George Ro Johns roRe proper: « ‘ cons sting of moch Hots TL MWOnRD AM KITCHEN FUR- ie) COOKING SLOWER, a Set of Pi See Net AT SCORN. ' retort, Towall well of personal property; so that pers eavenienes for heue-keeping, or decebon a fana,or firming implementa ° con probobly be necorunedated by attends Vues wil mrnence on ‘Tlurday, the 12th of M Le ‘ mit J nll shall be hot WEST, Aces Sil 4 | ’ tw my Agent to Property pake settlements toe, and to GEO R JOUNS TON Ny Ee 4) ’ bw45 JAMES HOR AT WATCH-MAKER AND JEWELER, SONATA Y Na ( One deor below R.A AL Ix Lpaed is ' Noworens ( ae, Way Wuphy's Store, nda large assortment o JEWERERY of all kinds Jewelry ofevery description mannerind on the most reasone “BLANKS Of all Kinds, Jor Sale ly3R at thie Office en CF H ae nn ry J. BRUNER, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR TERMS gle copy, Five Ten copies, Copies, Olubs excecding ten $1.50 each, Pay un ADVERT enue “u p 9 op wg OP # oF Ke uoya .n o p i i o d o s d ew e s ay Uf mM a m a s n u s a p y 20 e B u e The followings © are keptoou boi t sent by expense Civil Warrants, @ Com Casas & Boule Writs Coa x Cont Executions, © & > | Buber, C&S | Witness Tekets, Cod x Jaron Tiekets Prosecution Bonds, ¢ Bail Bonds, cis Bail Bouds, crn Allachnent Writs Delivery Bonds Adoiinistration, d Bastarday, Appral, ax CHF And many other forms ted to order on short note sa sont] rere) sqioW © MOOI YD HUONG SHOW BD $2.00 $a.00 $15.00 the propor ton siWity same in advaneg ISING RATES, A square is the space upied by 16 lines of Brevier type Uceamoual reneway soup p Without additivualctarge ranted to those who ad ous PF MONIOL B verse regularly through Seka tie year f eUviasuy g Minve dollute for am MUotjiasuy p BUUNELNg Caudedater tor olive mwa & Court Orders charged Cent bighee than tates Orders ! beeband ‘ BA PREMIUM W Baker Cos An KERR'S CHOCOLATE hh, Homearop Ph tie Vrepared ¢ Paste, Cocoa Sucks, Rouble. Heaiad oat ‘ tetie Cocoa, ¢ a Shee wd Crack uf ¢ a, ¢ brated aw nutritive, wt raALe® for more than three-foarthe 1 1 thanu faciured from ¢ 1 1 war ranted supenor ta any r Cvena | In made in the United States \ rh reb dren inval d= and persons t fam subst tutes foe Ven and Goths ‘i In Ds anon they are u most ent - Lh edety cf Neenta, DC Murr York: Win St 1 Bala ‘ [EAs Baltimore | Renoeit. Dadhy & Cot by Grocers gen WIG RT etc) 3nd I) . Mas NEW PAMID GROCERY MOREE! ~ Try the FIRST Deon amovt New Groce ry Nlore, . WAKE RTORE | ee teROCERIES, every krod required) for 4 F youre, of be regu me {to our cuntomers AT LOW RAPES. tor Coe Cerceer en ean only be wad tor Cush or Barter ‘V) Ata ure too amall for a Credit busiienn mine Bt Aven av We OHS Ee Aonl b. 1959 Wds THE y LIVER INVIGORATOR! PREPARED Compounded entirely from GUMS, BONE oN YT REST er ca “ petite, a do fen repe rata with Pertatnty andth wonderful » All who testimon Ze Mix orator, ams eallaeso toge R He ad Ea OR D ’ Fi e Sa n e KY DR SAND PORGATIVE as fiver. at . Plaine.) « » fore, he cause of Whe disease what te we of the « cos Night- the lewele x “a dy ape LI V E x Dropay, by exciting the giving thelr anantmous ane mouth i} the Invt- THE LIVER INVIGORATOR 18 A SCIENTIFIG MeL im wm th all of which are the r PRICE ONE BANFORD & Co Proprietora, 348 it lead, Dinu RRY and is daily ant Neve cores weal by LL AR PER way, New York Wholeaale Agentar Fetailed by all Driguista HENDERSON & KN Apr. 12, PNOu. ag taboo gh SOS Hance, Balumore. Koll alro by ” (pl awiamarie Reitanes “had NESS, Sateburv, NC 4 by a6 Tt 8 a be Et @a Dr LL who are indobt settle their aceous Ge with me or with B an office with ine Onn March > DE ROSSET, Balishury, BROWN, DEI ed tome will please call and Heer totes Phey ean wet Ro Mire. Esq wile apres mr Coowa h Mav ( fF Oy a39 til BROWN & ( th WILMINGTO ROSSET A&C rh NEW YORK. Commission Merchants. 17s pulated Goane, and W phosphate of Lime OT Importers Land Vlaster. O7 Parvicndar a Boreas, Cotton anid oth April 19, 1859 Positirely the TE have a large number which most be eel | aleo a large amor fended to by that tine an officer for collection April 19 » Agente at Wilmington for fo pure Reever’ Man ack & Ce White 8 Super Peruvian and other Gannos g { lees {Nav B 1 nae ; j PAN DG AL funeeitled Aceounte Tet of May, and me tee, which af not at will he | ed in the hands of BROWN & COFFIN tw] VOL. XVI. SALISBURY, N. C., MAY ii, 1550. = NUMBER 5 Devoted to Politics, Uews, Agriculture, Internal Improvements, Commerce, the Arts and Sciences, Morality, and the Family Circle. EMPORIUM , FASHION! SALISBURY, NOG New and beautiful Stock of SPING W ee) OO MARCH aS IS50. a, BEAUTT BF 3 EXCELLENCE OF QUALITY ! «BROW, (FET CMO TVR GREAT OD ER5 DRY GOODS LINE, [7 uF i Moen kB TY GRAUDP AND PRICo ~a! BUTS SHOES. CAPS BONNETS 1 Vee a Wenata ~waw “ AY Soo READY MADE CLOTHING AND LAL DRESS COODS. FANCY SILKS, Rich Flounced Nitk Robes, PRINTS, &e 4 AEN R as Tae cnest MOUSEIIN tt ( Foliar 4 VM FIRES: WAKAGE TRIED A HAWES AND T MANTLE TvWEs ry rv STRRS MANTLES SOnTMENT OF LINEN & COTTON SHEETING, Staple and Paney Goods, (hp ian 1c Sahebury, AND A SELEOT STOCK OF CROCERIES. ) in ‘ine . ot . Cc) rr OAD 1 ' Adan Gaowiine Brooms i Ic WwW 1 1 \ SPRAGUE BROS io. oe 29 MICHAEL BROWN, COMMISSION UE i ! W F @SALISBERY Peo ENG And tea abr ppre February 7 POCKET KNIVES / POCKET KNIVES!! PERS CNA Barth. LARGI T Hk nortnen Sahebo Ls de A IY Ue Eee have to set March let k hy ASE SIN CHEN: Hk NCEST PoOMER PRODUCE somaurket or «faz rnd REST ne fomod at Ns WURONEY Want Money. vein ave with an Ty few officer day or you weil 1740 WOOD, EDDY & CO.’S ngle Number Lotteries !! CHARTERED BY THE KTATE OF GEOKGIA.) Capital Prize $50,000!! JONCTIELES TO STE SUES TDXOILIE MRS NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC Ax the members ofour fir lave. by wav of pur ybeeouie the stew of Dh owuerof the grants chartered by Keotucky, Misscurr under Che management of of Witiington, Delaware, Cexpedient to change the nate of laware, and on Georgia, yNX Maury ued we have der our tira tnd atier Safiary Tet. baS, to that of WOOD, EDDY & CO. who willbereafierluve the Manatement atthe Sparta Academy Lottery, aud thecotiiers, an ubovernaued . ransartions We have endeavored to conduct Our busioess with oitesnity aud promptiess, and we Camu e the pabte that the patronage heretofore b plowed on sis well deserving of being trausterred lo OUT SUCCEssOe Very respeerfull SOY WS We (EU) Augusta, Georgi 1, Dee 15 WOOD, EDDY & CO.. MANAGERS, Successors to S. Swan & Co. Phe flowing Scheme will be drawa by Woon, a Neadeiny Lot salihe Spar Sruyle Nunibe eres tot Mav isa G pub vider ‘re ( ee a ' Satire Maw 7. Thou ot} > Dev, Mats 1 (a Diawe Saturday, Muy 2, sit ( BURIRE CS ath ae, AMIS OE ale ON THE PLAN OF SINGLE NUMBERS e000 TLOK EDS Five Thousand Four Windred and Lighty-Five PRIZES! VEARLY OVE PRIZE TO EVERY MIME TICKETS Magnificent’ Scheme! TO BR DIAWS TAO SS UT eIEN YSN BALES $ r ' ‘ \ MIMATION 1 aH ‘ rN Nuating be $s oon E ares 4 ; b 4 4 ‘ 4 . 4 ‘ i 4 otha) $320,000 ies) iy t ‘ + I { Cocular siouwing the 4 t the Lotteries a any one desirous of recewwingy wt r SP wagee willbe eoltatthe folluwing Cerbica Va kag Tickets $i THE ADAMS EXPRESS “COMAANY, sorusuins of Pen Doli ESOS RICE NK 1p EN DENS! tower Where they ia tn oof I un . ‘ romast bes Seite CrP PACON SEL ish HE Tes Sai AAV BY Tas Vill HT r er Express ¢ MAY Cattiot receive \ i SREOLLN 1 fdente Adotrens Orders for Pieke ertiticates to WUT HDS TEAMING ke Ua. SUndany aiding Ct rm WOOD, EDDY & COh, Aci or WOOD, EDDY & CO, Wilat Pe oN 0 -tfthe notnbers that are drawa trom the , woth the amount e that eaeh one ts dite will be pubbshed atte; every driaweig. ot de feeb rig peinpe Nucuista Gees Conscitate th New Orteans Delta. Mo ‘ Nu i “ ‘ sie Niewae, le : A tice Charcon wtf Democrat and New York Ul! 1 Professional Card. Ds Prof aloha ves \ SIREN Gre ON NE lie SPlINt: MASTLIS, SIPS G) SENN AL, NEELY & YOUNG SS tds Rail Road, T. POWER mir be fond Cowan's | Q d ut M Just rer Western North Carolina A Ao NG K ANN w for s iPM , feral ‘ 1 ' RETURNING States PNA Meo and reach tary oy cine for th be Thy T “ y Satay at rv ' Monti ats aM We Le obs pat ther vf r \ A Car for baht Pxpress Feroht cane with this Tr JAMES © TURNER, & Supt Fil \ YPC rs nee ‘ FRR LG TED destined for tie West, ow x! wish to purchase 20 ad ae ‘ Reyne cet nl u le for workin Pevceplanty hanes mt buy am goon as | " Powontd Wot ROBARDS Salis M 4th, PRSR a9 LAW et Ve R.A CALDWELL, OFETOT fornerly fy Dr New! mA TIS Aa 4 March 1 = oid] tro "oa ase TAS BARK \\ ANTE dD. i wnt yu PEAS BARK i r yeoawwish Vby akong imi she appolee open th SIMONTON 1f42 Resolutions of the Whig Anson County : Whereas, We cannot, as men, different to the conruption which marks the history of the pre seut Federal Administration ¢ brethren, the Whigs and conservative men of the be Jonger in wasteful extravagance and officiel Aud whereas, our Union, uniting for the of defeating the false ine at the are purpose y called Demoeratic party, and of plac bla nutonal man attains for the pood and by @ wise and ecouot head of Governn who will adiniuister public of the whole people, Natioual Government, administration of the restore peace and confidence throughout out borders; and, as conducive to this end, we, the Wiss of Anson county, propose a Distiict Con vention, to be held at Charlotte ow the Psth day of May next, for the purpose of nominating a catdidate to represent this, the Seventh Con cressional District of North Carclhina in the next Congress of the United States, recommending Wihoss throughout the Distnet to hold meetings and appoint delegates co said Convention the io the ane isa tnanitesto of pripeiples te which we mean to adhere, aveuage of Washington, be it 1. Pesolved, nd immovable That we cherish a cordial, habit attachment to the that we revard at as the pa ual a Union Hadium of our polit cal safety and prospenty —that we wil wateh for Hy preservation with jealous anxiety —that we wil discountenance whateser quay su even a stasyncco that it ean, in any event. be abd we wi tindige hed Wh upon the tet dawning of any attempt adenate g porter ofthe country trom the rest, orto ent ut (hoes which bow link tosether van 5 tweet W \ with our id ‘ vu | S dtesaleed, Vut tea cv wl Is bondeal on pra so outed we rever t years miithions Of surg have beer ~qiatidered " tsof Current revenue unaccounted for dtd tntions of a national debt contracted 4. RNesolecd, Vhat we ive tired ol the Usesess auitation of the slivery in which we lope, howes lias atiast sa edt Southern people that ther son he tween Derocratie promises abd) Peniocra petormance Le Phat the deteat of Dom ' ya un ¢ | 1 ' welta 1¢ ian {the tou wud s, therefore, a great national necessity 6. Resolved, That we deem it the duty of man inthe Uimon, with what acted in the EVELVY COLSEEVALING ever patty he may have past, now tu use and exert tos influence to the uttermost j Unis sectional slavery agitatinu d to unite himselt to the great party the National Whi. ba, when ry that Is! Nationa vowith ‘ L pres toa for art power S. Ftesodrcd, That in t stribu tris, Ne (ei ‘edo ! sta iat States and Ik sli 9. Tesolved, That we 4 lto 1 doin favor ofa th sut t bees of wovertn ECONOMICALLY 10. Be ed, That our naturalization liw Pbe revised and anmiend dso as to ext the of probation now presenbed ¢ preve the emiration of paupers and criminals, wn eat sarUerpatiner ur elec sw hives ved with the deftar, as well as t sf t Taw Timeliness \\ lneoan North Carolina, we re tioned to know nog owraplical partes, Vopr sae nal distiuetions, no North, no South. n Bast, no West—but our country —our who country, . 120 Reseleed. That the chairman apport ce committee of three Whigs ton Executive Comittee of the county to act the Tnatters pertarning bo coucert with the and have in charge al proper reorsanization of the old Whig party upon its ancient landmarks. eed, That we heartily approve the ous. Jobo A. Gilmer and ZB. Vance, a Presentatives of our State an onal Cotrress, and thoweh at meaty be saad that we are ronda muitof our jurisdic my vet they have been sos! dered and prerse cuted, that we cannot refiarn this expression of and agood will towards two well tried, wood svinjpathy ppreved, and faithful servants Pr Min slinghter announced the Daniel Davis, engineer of the steamer Ocean Spray, onan indict ment for manslaugtter, destruction of that whereby seme ten lives were lost. ease caine on for trial this week the United St: a Cirenit Court, and was patiently heard, and the accused ably de The hanes found him guilty, leav ing the court to fix the punishment. This is the first conviction ever had under the law of Congress providing for the protec A Curcless Engineer Convict We have conviction of already ing out of fire, The hefore erro the vessel by fonded, tion of Hife and: property on board of steamboats, and the ov imple itis hoped, will not be Tost on thease who have charee of oursteam: vessels. Tt has n shown that the law is a and that itcan be entoreed : who violate its provisions cw over diets of this kind, whether appled to steamboats or railroads, will have a won dertal etfeet in inducing more care on the part of those who have charge of them, and the number of disasters will be great ly lessened The case of the engineer on board the 1, ¢ under a similar indictment for manslaghter, is now oon tral in the same Court Ni / A } tn, 1) 1) You may insert a nsand excellent things ina news] 1 dnever hear a word of approbation from the readers, but of one or two lines net snited to then tastes, and vou will be sure to hear of it Mec Liye in! Jatt just let a paragraph slip in (by aecident) WANTED BY GOVERNMENT! The government of the United States, not unlike those of some other countries, pursues a somewhat blind system of mak Ing hnown ifs Wants; theretore few ot Onr enterprising, CHUZes understand how varied are the needs of the different de The system i known the familiar phrase of “hissing goes by favor; hence we sce that, if the exten sion ola patent is desired to be obtained, or af candles, beeswax or mustard, are wanted for the army gov- erminent organ must needs be the medi- vin of making known these fuets; and as a natural result of this blind system of procedure, few comparatively, save hun- gry politicians, know anything about the | matter, Now, we do not object to the government organ, neither do we purpose to interfere with its patronage, for we want no such advertising ; but we insist upon it that it would be for the interest of both partinents of its service. voyne is one universally under or navy, the governinent and constituent, if a more | comprehensive policy were pursued. We find ina recent issue of the Constitution, published at Washington, several adver lisements of applications for the exten sion of patents, which are noticed else where, and but for which few interested in them would know of such applications ; authority for certain supplies; thas, e Burean of Construction hundred lanterns for purposes. The Pro and Clothing brush is, blachiny, also, issued under of the for list ‘proposals,” havy, ance, tl witnts over eight marine Bureau of Vinton Walils boxes, combs, beeswax, Jach-hnives, razors, straps, scissors, spoons wtitss for hats, tape, thinbles, rete ard bottles, corks, ke tor ie Coreen and reward of and if it coul rect access worksho; ciretintoen earth, | candles, must lack poy Here isa chance honest { but and | mustry, CoOvernine wet dd to oar thus avoid all unnecessary tion, it would save a Vast amoantin bro: | herage, and there would be less need otf Wvestiniting ar white waste” com laitees oe. life After BPurod. =A sincalat ar Albany Kid Was discovered in a rence ekerbochker, of the » Pity s Cire 2oth, vault at | tached to one of our burial grounds, on | last. that of who was deposited therein for dead some | Sunday It was a female, | two months since, being found, on open Ing the cottin, to be lying on her side| with one hand under her head. From that the alive when placed the this, it Was evident Wolhat Was and awakening the trance into which she had fallen, vored to extrieate herself from her | ynent, This, of Course was an im ssibility; the cover was uot only tightly, bat the two contracted th allow of even an effort rend down space was the nnfor | fact She therefore took it was evident however, tl : became this faded to die. the casy posture ind Lreathed her tast. they hid her tunate couvinced of and Conc in which she was found, The thonght that aval The father and of the deceased tiad just nga trom the boricd her w eae eral friends wive, sc Inost craze old countey last weex and were brought tothe vault to see their ebih Thescene ated as heart-rending ome ; HS fo Murder. remember ever to lave noticed the We do not same nutiber of conedcdéons for high crimes, in tiie ave been The gallows has been called into requisition State of the Spring Courts commenced aud in every Tourts of onr country, as ti rendered within the last few weeks. nm every Union since the are condemned culprits awarting the ¢ day ofexecution. Tleretofore nine persons charged with the crime ot inurder have escaped where one was punished. But the order has been reversed—nine are convicted where one now escapes. Why this change, we cannot say, unless it be that jurors fen that the peace and safety demand that offenders be leld vuntability for vielated Taw handed shall have its own terrible retribution Spirit uf the Aye. of society fo stricter ace and that meted out to it red crime Lose of the We enna on 160) that die JCA Eat, ites Non or General Pillow see by our sonthern ex it is supposed that Gideon son of Greneral Gillow, of changes Pennessee, is among the lost by the ealam ity to the steamer St. Nicholas. Young Mr. Pillow embarked on the St. Nehotas at Memphis tor his father’s plantation near Tclena and as there is ne aceennt of tis eseape there can be but little: doubt that his life was lost in the weneral disas ter IIe was a nephew oof the late ta mented Postmaster Genera om ] Ponev- Penn mie ed last ve postp Pun e bh ined Whoot Ma ith AW oil Stet m J SOW leave Carolina City in t Thorning aed return an the evens of cach diay Weunderstand thata larg rammber of ponies wil be penned Carolina City Tomes { trreat Let i The 7) spateh saver that an order dias beem issued by the Postmaster rer il, Mr Tltt, proh tig all clerks leaving their duties fort purpose of Staking a drink” during offi yours, Under a penalty of dismussals thas how the determination on dis part that the “sweets of office’ ethall not be mingled with differs of any kind Tin Postinaster General as right, and shows los estimate of an unfurled brain in the performance of government duty jthe leool ¢ fand vive particle SCIEN CH TINGS PAMILIAT. Why is rain water soft? Because it ts hot iinpregnated with earth and mine OF rals Wiiy is it more easy t water than with lard ? pwash with soft Because soft wa dissolves ter unites freely with) seap and it, instead of decomposing its hard wa ter dows. Why do wood ashes tnake hard water t, Because the acid of wood ashes combines with the sulphate of dime in the bard water, and convert itinto chalk ; 2d, wood ashes also con vert some of the soluble salts of water in to iusoluble, and threw them down as a by which the water remains soft ¢ carbouie sediment more pure. Why has rain water such an unpleus: int | ‘smell when it is collected in a rain tab | or tank? Because itis impregnated with decomposed organic matters washed from: ireces or the casks in which it} roots, is collected. How does blowing hot foods make them It causes the air food to change place to fresh eold air. Why do ladies fan themselves in hot ( ‘That fresh particles of air uiay tace by heated by more rapidly, weather ¢ be brougitin contact with their Ithe action of the fan’; and as every trests of atr absorbs some beat frou the shin, this constant takes them | cool, chanye Does a fan cool the: No, it makes to atthe heat air? hotter, by dinparting Ionut it transferring its heat to the air Why is tacre always a strong draft un der the door and tl Je? Because the hall te supply the void in the of warth airup the [Tran our face 5 couls our face by trough the crevices ou cold air rashes trou root cansed by the escape chimney, &e Why as there always a strong draft }throagh the heylole of a door ¢ Because the air in the room we occupy is warner than the air in the hall; therefore the air from the ball rushes through the keyliole fotoe rooin, and causes a draft. Woiyis there always a draft throneh the window crevices 2 Becanse the ex ternal air, bere colder than the ain of the room we occupy, rushes through the window crevices to supply the deticiency caused by the escape vf the warm air up the chimuey. If you open the lower sash of a window jthere is more draft than if you open the Upper sash. It the lower sash be open, the cold exter: val air will rush freely ite the room and cause a yreat draft inward; bat if the Upper sash be open, the Louted air of the and, Of course, there will be Jess draft inward, Why is a room best ventilited by open ing the upper sash? Because the hot va which always ascends toward the celina, cin escape tore e@ asily. By means 38 a fot more quickly cooled—by opening the upper or lower nants ¢ quickly by opening the lower the room tis des out, tated air, whic room A hot room is cooled tore sasti, be canse outer air ean enter more freely inte the lower part of the room where it Is Cobden, Why does the wind dry damp linen? dry wind 4 Wipkis adry sponse re ttn bibes the particles of vapor from the sur face of thre ed Which is the hottest place in a church orchapel £ The gallery. Why is the gallery of all pnblie places hotter than the lower parts of the build inus¢ the heated air of the building and all the cold: air through the doors and windows keeps to the floor tliat has be- Sole neni 7 Becanse linen as fast as they are fori J ecanse ascends, which can enter come heated American, Tushiands.—% pondent of a Worcester paper relates this Morn YoUETSUs Corres incident: about starting for Friday onthe Ver Massachusetts, a sprightly lit tle women with a child took a seat in the Cat where | The cars were beginning to move and the little eo ee through the end (ee Tery her who was in the Just as the train was Creenticld, mont and morning, near Was sitting. wornan looked window of missing hus band, ae at tending to the purchase of tickets, ke The speed of the cars increase Land the woman looked The bus band hore a@oNtous, which has been | Explain the reason of this. ! | Heney’s Spinnine Micarre=The ed- j itor of DeBow’s Review says, concernin, the invention of George G. Henry, o' | Mobile, which has been, on several oc- casions, brought to the notice of our read- ere: | The matter is no longer an experiment. Many planters have adopted the process the present season, and have ordered jthe necessary machinery. Others are preparing very soon to enter the field. We have onrselves seen the yarn par- chased from a plantation where the ma- chinery has been in action, in handsome inercanti!e condition, and of the most superior quality, by one of our wholesale liouses, and learn that the market for it iu New Orleans is unlimited. It will be purchased as tast as received. We sin- cerely commend this great matter to the attention of the planting community, as one by which it is demonstrated they double at least the nett revenue of their colates. --- ‘ Tue Carimorst, Gameiers GETTING ink Urrer LLanp Agatn.—The San Fran- coco Evening Bulletic intimates that the ve fraternity in California are re- covering some of the power of which the energetic action of the Vigilance Com- hinittee once deprived them. The follow- ing slarp comments of the Bulletin are suggestive > “na California Legislature—a Demo- leratic Legislature—the wishes of the ple would seem to be nothing. Gamblers’ aie and gamblers’ money are of mostimportance. The blacklegs ask that jthe law ayainat gambling be changed ; | the gislatare ‘kindly ‘accedes to the [reqnest: If murderers, or thieves, or any other class of criminals, had but the ne- cessary means, they could, undoubtedly, ;send to Sacrameete also, and have obnox- | ious statutes altered to suit their notions. | Why nott There is as much popular opposition to gambling as there is to stealing. Indeed, both are essentially the same thing, utter all. Nobody but the gamblers are asking fora change in, the present law. If money, then, enables the blacklegzs to control the legislation of the State, why would not money enable thicves to do it@” gamblir — do The Fugitive Slave Case in Zanesville. Zaxesvittn, Ohio, May 4, 1859. Jackson, the fugitive slave, was this inorning delivered to bis master, to be taken back to Virginia. A large crowd followed the parties to the railroad, but there Was no atterppt at a rescue, or Pinnsyleania Democratic Boltere. Avroona, Pa., May 4, 1859. The State Central Committee of the State's Lights Democracy is in session here, Jolin W. Forney chairman, for a The full and free imterchange of sentiment. Phere is much enthusiasin and determi- nation to press forward the movement. Phev lave resolved that it ia inexpedient to nominate a State ticket; proclaim uan- alter oppesition to the doctrine of Congressional intervention, as advocated by tie Republicans for the prohibition of slavery in the Territories, or as advocated by the administration Democrats for the protection of slavery, and recommend (the friends of popular sovereignty to vote for no candidates at future elections who refuse to stand clearly upon the doctrine which recognises the principles that the people of the Territories shall form and resulate their own domestic institutions in their own way. They also recom- mend to the State Rights Democracy to demand at all times the adoption of the principles promulgated by the Harris- burg Convention, which were enumerated in the Cincinnatti platforin and Mr. Ba- clianan’s letter of acceptance. see Pickled Eygs.—At the season of the year when ev are plentiful, boil some Jour or six dozen in a capacious saace, pan, until they become quite bard. Then, after carefully removing the shells, lay them tn harge-mouthed jars, and pour over them seak hing vinegar, well seasoned with Whole pepper, allspice, a few races of gin- wer, wil a few cloves of garlic. When ited 1, bung clown closely, and in a month they are fit for Where eggs are plentiful, the above pickle is by no means expensive. Use. The learned, after many contests, have at length acknowledged that the nume- ral figures, 1, 2. ete., are of Indian origin, and not Arabian, as is commonly sup- posed, De Liree new Presidential aspirants ne ave been entered for the Charleston race Ish0, vig: Gen. Harney, Gen. Jessup, 1 and Comiuissioner Bowlin. — eA locofoco editor says the whole ob fect of the Americans of Maryland is “to beat the Democrats.” They could not have a better object or mure patriotic parpose. To beat the Democracy will be a yreat service to the country and the salvation of the Umion.— Baltimore Clip- i ry Very Good.— & pious lady in Vi irgin- How appears 1 commences to atin, (ike ums ani fe (ens ae free, ne 7D asin the habit of having family wor- they dre tuo far ahead of tims and soon 2h OXery evening. and it was a rule of Rune fica hehndlaundiihe widen Oho that all the servants should attend. fe ee es 2 fe Done occaston a Datchman, fresh from fis ek? Tire eS Gin Ge ie col Pe MisV IVa, otal Vall night at the house, ee caida lat echo dnyvlites Ge ‘Oe Was uae struck by the assembling covdactor Chat her lasband is lett, bathe 2 NG wee wes at prayers, After they can't help that *Toam starting on a bro on sit Giles: oie eats a small boy HHS THLOMILT fon allie Cauca ane Ue OK Ito leht the enest to his alla ooh Ki Ay ate i aw thins & ramiber, { = Diite man inqui red of the ei © ree an Wns Ghee cork ae CE Why she brousht the ‘niggers to Cae prayers She replied that she felt res- |} ae weet Comma oar fee le for t rore us training,— When vow Yo ovbie . | oe br ite Ts Were | " Prat : Pe at her ut she re- applied. and the ears ht to a stand US PU OMsan (Nota sous; and ele; be- {i Oritennat rit here (ieee ee (Oe ecto eNcrre dato tie iin he Cars to the dethtof all the passencers, Ss atl au it HO. she felt a deep ly oof this waite Moral--money — aA ON Jl Rann ele aes meee, eA vnan then turned ¢o the ne- 1 ryo, ated asked ditt han husbands 5 i . H Vou think a nizger has got a Sian nth teence foes Tati Mi ioe ae ee 0 t ied fe " i ) \ Be lthe bb “T reckon ' \V boy, de yon think you would Powers are meas {liv their shad x \ wed sf uy ee and vreat tien lyvet ieniaters i sir, | PVE I w » lows to git Dp f Cees ane om ce . Pie : Now, boy, whereabouts do you think . hevid pat a te wlike von in heaven?” The lab iy AU whis lis ehare to the “T dotae, sir.’ sand the boy: “bat I general wealth, is worth a thousand do reekon UT tin somewiar ‘tween de nothings who only consume white people and Dateh 8 ee ee i § al SPEECH OF language of the report, Sidleness, theft, possession of the Government at Wash 1 r ‘ ING insubordination, fraud, and gross ne, deel ington HON. W M. C. RIV ES, of duty, prevailed to an funn ex : In the City of Richmond, May 8, 1559. tev! » e Mr. Rives began by remarking, that ie developments imide present the co: | the habits and pursuits of lis lite, for ant Government as moving ina constant cir oll the debasing shackles of party hy years past, had removed line cutirels from sceues of political excitement ] have no desire, be said, again to engage No, follow citizens 5 Te 1, constitutional, salutary ¥ mimitiees at the polls. Let First, the Goverment dom, and assert the unajest) wud sovet enuty of the popula will Let us te feel out sulfrawes 1 cle of corbuption, with the public honey, COrrupls the cone © hicemancecnedl (EWP cum bineres Gb Got thar Gea: ay UK [eae Ss then the Gottrac. to exclude frome the high places of Che toerbess of Congress 5 With Us throw power of peace and war thral) etfcet, the sole treaty making power, place millioas of the public moaey at his of encroachment, either from Congress or discretion wy protectorate over forcizn States, — tutions of the South, must be a very cre- With the same professed allegiance to dulous, or a very tiinid) mian,. like professions of democratic rights and institutions of the South, in the} jealousy of executive power, your Presi- only points in which they haveever been let us organize our dent inodestly calls upon the representa supposed tw be open to invasion, with an Wanuee tives of the people to transter to bim the impassable wall of defence. THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY. The regular readers of the Watch. man” need not be tuld Tow long aad to give him in He who would, under these circum: | cimphatically we have been denouncing the democratic party as corrupt, and de to stances, indulge any serious apprehension jetructive to the tue interests of the couny aud to invest hin with usili the other States, on the rights and: insti try: —how recklessly they ride over cons ’ s bic 2 vel stitutions, laws, and every thing else, Such a . 4 that offers resistance to the success of in them, Wile P bad a public duty to io \ perform Lendeavored tu discharge Hare Gus (man! te mnie: Ot Colrentsss Cramer Minit Uiake where es URE be Gr Hentorrate principles, he tratnples wonder man, as Dr. Jolson said of the moe pro vatly, faithfully, and to Awe (ate 1a? tins Wilit aot palated Per contiae, (en puteG sist Pyo wher lave irany aiter silo toned, out Ute suaied resard inculeated by the perly alain ot im hisday, would have been party and party measares. It is a sad ability, more anacous to éerv dig meee atuer coulis; wae) HR URE ee all Cie ony Aer AS) (nd Teo BORN eat of the democratic party for the apt to ery fret in the midst of the uit truth that this party has exercised pow- ly to please wy constituents. Cherishin, meta bets tl CaerGes. ON) Ole) S]rCercn tl Shia Sint! lari Ave wine dishunear f : doural | j ees i _ ee Ww ae _ roul deluve. ie fellow citizens, crs, and committed deeds, the most : ae . * \ Ioflaedee or another, corrupt the Gaovert CHC TUES WU LER TIEN 11 [4 tadiberties. patronage and milaence of As tiwh office there is no sot ot Irediia Who wold wo } P with sincerity the principles Lo brougiet : ! : « : 5 ; ey 2 i alanming, and yet the people, in the : | ie Ment ta bestow the conmiaets wilde UVes TOlereaay (iinet aioe” aa ON VON: Won sk thong in the States, fromthe fartuer i defence of the Constitutional ; oe is ; ee with ine inty purse lite, L could not, as : | blindness of their confidence have per- an honest man, change lei aut tlie cael trad stipulated te obla Grae foeneis wire fou ane! detest Hie Dinititest represt ntative trast up to that rights of the South, im case of reat dan uk ' i ) ! o why Chia : i he b t . . i ‘ Rey a . . oe ; Ths (it, fellow-ettizens, | cannot fabow ont ether Wear ities aa dol Taav te then, of serater of Te United States. Succeed: ger, than [ would. Vat, as Ich ty hen (\ ) an Vad Dy r omitted them to goon unrebuked, until now ding of my party. My services wete ne sas i ANOLEN. ii : i os these revolting detads; Ciere they ane yee speetttbly bat Carnestiy Stl tyr ee bar tie Democratic maxtin of peace bonor—as LT value her rihits, TL loathe and Pakive Ciey have vrown arrowant and insolent jonger aceeptalic 5 Ade aN Se Oy = ’ i ' : a z q 5 3 u ES ’ ed a private citizen, contented an tage AY Oe Sf GOW Gol Com CANUTE Tui usih WUT S SNe Bos Ne tor and ae and honest friendship witi all nations, he deprecate all simulate panies to “fright nndvevcre haven the aldacityy to proclaim py with no complaints or reerets in 1 Treiuttey aalisy) vee potiin at Lae cesses To etesy itty Wwoeawing ven Uireaten all by belicoss denunciations, her trom: her propriety to seduce tret SAVES IBIETR NS hs C5 and attempt to jist y the most outrageous ‘ yphau erets In tlie a ( : ib eh i i itto justiy tl 3 8 ; ae : rite taotentul deseneraey Tie lio Tire Com once ane sup Lto tose wire prae fh ardel to heen up the thazing spirit of ancient toyalty to the cause of pure and 5 ; i ast—ne aspirations im the future, l : ' : | - ' ie ee ; Seis ‘ Ly ; acts. When wail the masses of the dem. B ay Nene te das they disclose, au hilt Nout poh 1x Ten! Scie tie Vi Uh Nave tad party vewotren oy factitieus appeals ty ubeort pt woveriinent, and tu chlist het . ut, fellow-citizens, 1 shouta be pert) me at : \ taal he aendl 4 ‘ mt erat . , PSE PAV SIN, SIMA i, De NCHIICe party GaeWwichnawilletle to cay that 1 have lived an unconcerned duty. cts men tied poo fon prelmulke aul aupaeecten: (ul) Ava ce Pei, Ve Tara ae pore ay ln the obedient service of a party trat D ‘ party awikes ) y spectator of public event Tm ah ae ee the esi. | we nothenmenl iallincste veke xe deaallanl en Pore Waist Consist Can snelia party as tus be said to be would practice pon her fears ¢ ly to penoit. tenth to have wu voice! They J ' 1 5 we Tee = aeanene the rent . ‘ ver ‘a fapayae ae + onrine af Ibyet ireeye : naar ay tat , : ; : 7 i : 3 country, every Guzen, the Vaninest comes | MOE with the deepest btn ti cde its ite tr weet UEC SLU UVrsenh ttt wld cvorieerya) (anse) WAU TRO OIE TCU YARN EM I A ED principles and: tatere Mr Giliner’s Meer ptan Ihe last Putt wort DCheve Whigs. -won’t listen to si ~ hie get [ets \ 5 i V vuit si e »ath { is, itis tend piers dhireetl he re bedio Wigens tye ds he reef, One r . . , most obsenre, as Weil as the biptesty thas Aineriean cugcn, 4 iv M Cau Hi) \ yal Yours y ‘ ey l o y : LES a aS) ue ‘ Cea: cootatis Mi. Cuties er aces; ting the nem. Cent, Tf they can avoid it. Wall they oat . im Lrotiod at son Liet 1 vied ‘ Lovet Cer Veer ¢ matey teh sdner tren Verse ol (ost whieh were tui {by thie Wess, ONG GO Vers bo Wht te 1 : . a patriotic duty to perform ta Watelitie : yy Soe iy srt ut t ! Ws EE : : : eure \ : coe WOT AES CTU atin: en tie Wives Distiiet (Ealive ition It beleve a leading man of theirown party f . la ee FOereC ERR! | be suewn to be patty = lei eben (edocs Hp OURN AVHo pettorcr veut dhaty, auto aud acknowled red oracle of The fen danger which threatens the whae , a over and defending, decorating te bis ep ‘| : Sadi j ; fies treet \ ; eine fist \ Wl bomrmienied Weewis channel Vim CHCS Wty Ct CUT er id the following: portunities fie joule fer nal ie Minately, the facts a Vatignt fee tie Vee Whee duty t fer tend beastly ws pic 8 HPC Valid uthi—which wave that aHOast CoMntry Cis the alimver ta the pubice ; ie , i , public libe tie Canon compel Wet Kmaccdae Ont Tlceds Ga (nus Amoi Syuimeria tp) Macient ¥ He tet Pr TH Coimtidence min! Sijint trot CORT WGR tv st Sy iivit fin@lceaen Gute (ae sletter of aceeplince isa hand: and begin to open their eves—to think nhies. ane om = tn py : ‘ ' : era eeeeeeeL hh ie r i talolislyer <i t he j satin t Ig cedar | Vaterest ao all that ) declare that, from time to tine, P tiave © do uiiversal--to aunitertaer ot denis se tal eet i pe ie ariel orgie establishes WistTiiiens) Uivuiseh i pitinmy This: walle SPUD OE ; } adwely intestinal that and search forthe truth, and settle the . on supptessts obiobenee fipeststanee dhoetrine Tae dsccndane i no the councils sprea Uption and abuses whiel ve concerns Mie Gaisten. as a burhital and eye ; . seen much cause for patriotic anviery, but SESS atc ; ee) and on estat a) NST MNG TOS yoy ESS HS AMES teeth (PR OH HSL) HU) PTE vies a barietal cad tea ters Question whether or wot itis patriotic and Ferep oy anuub oo ae ol meen ite Pei wlvre li ie (i edincai it Wgael sue ctn basrar aii Siercesttllneren cern y ney UAC: Willthe intellicent and patrie invaded every departinent of our mctontesentative of is conserealive Sentinentof Noy nal al Sant Lit AUCH ase Oeste s * ; ) fs ‘ Wise fo tike every lbw on tris eat \ ate propagated on thy winds te the cot the party in power That tas Ironeit the ole peaple of this country permit them al administration, ‘Lo reform these au) Curohoa, we > all publish Lie detter im our ueat : se oe OCOD It is this conviction which lsealond Om Mere. 0 Watts cake AY sis aUD ES at Mea Xe renin te thee tn rp oselves to be daped by a mere mame, seo ses, to paify the peverninent trom its paper ‘ is tuo late te obviate the ruin of the couns melcl ay say culecmuned Weal éton, as the celiteal scat of (ee govern Gepes ibis eaedition Pie higte gestalt CU MCmnS TU) UCANCUCVCI Ve Thieme au tiTt acto bring it back to ifs aecoun : try aud the loss of their sacred rights as é u = a ye - } 1 | \ Vis , ee | - tnent—the pubbe ettices (Chinen Me Sash Tsien Wena tute first aml dodeed ple whiten belo to it ia its proper pre teint to the peeplesto re plice tie adres and independent people s SAKE pexelyls a he : ‘. , 1 TO THOSE INJERE hy ; public Liberty upon tac fina: pedestal ol 1Osk INTERESTE! foot on Democracy Grov. Foote, of alnet the foree withont many strugales ¢ | of habit and that loveot retirement which > Ifa byword and reproaes with tie yet mie wiry Ob ce wcny nittie th STE ONGE 1st | { Fo, Lorpretatien, and in its ancient and dion while troditions, is openly ren mineed and the puble morts toctdeive the tones Weare requested by the Post Master to state) Mp seiesdppt, tide a spees Idately at Metn- grows stronyer bY every day sindulsence, dieoutauiiated wniss of the peepte, tte on as | aoc) join tay UGGS tes 1s) eee eh = : fo appear before you, in ies trane ie Ulan the beled that cena pA fests A rete fellow aed obey tins purty teasers y threat oe by these who now dsstine Changers EOL the temple” this is adit that the Post) Offee wil be ope ned for give pls, Poun., th whieh he@ame down upon flattering call that has Deen made upon and is thence diffused, hke a subtle y the predominance of bia es under all 1 mn rl : ; + tk ARAL wd 7 RS ot patrrotisnn, which de pout letters on Saodays fom 7 asim, unul & Te Domeocriey with a blow that was ter- me. it know how incapable Tanimot ae 5 a1, Curotied ceoehy branch of the pubihe cired Wetduces, anil whatever be the con a wo vy go Turtier, and ae u there dbatids Aue uiited ane best ay NiSacchl Moa ouerryc entre tias pot unt! 10 pom. haa ke on the catreme ( ousidering that ding, by anything 1] can say, to the force CLCIGUMTEUSTSL STITH TR nding upen it Have sequences te his counteyy ty tie one patra 1 a single prinerple in any yank liveth in it a weft honor aud interest of all. pontine thdie nies aimeanrpanaun Rania Neier iil iis lcchmm: Deniocraten!| of the many able god oquent appeals not Senators of the domiuant party cles i nant ain absorbing ahyect whieh shou) cosmnend ea tnembers of Che now dom Is tins Coumon catise of ood mer . fis hte, he ouwnt te kaow that whereof that have been attend Auta) to Cin vated by thetr eharacter as We ILoas ther enrace all dis zeal, to the disregard of (tnt party ¢ He haworite nel prong and patriots every where it the fort, Che ip . ; aii . te ketho? For the comfort and pri- intelligence and TN LOSS ee ie tena EY ioth openly procs Tre lhe Cig cosa GV CTS d chate of consciences aud of every measures oft BUGS admits HA are south, the Gast and Hike Aust: Oil We “The Cavalla Messy We re inde bt vareutoleetationicota, Detiotrtre fronds try. Bat powerless us my voice Ts, ie Oe chatiber there salen cons ie ion that ls fo patnoteny, ; c i Tol ae OU IRC LeL Wee my aitscives Ta be a Cered frou su ed toa wetlenan at Hainptencee No tor we inake ah extract fom the Goveruor’s tbat I should be recre Arico uicldutvct the Government of the Cited States ot ie ereunary ead slavian dacteiie he thanefer of tie war miakitg power \ ise and exivent a Work na Hes by the sever) copes ot ale tame newspaper, the speecky as tellows: wood citizen, Talccremct aero ae, they forma part, Tne tn ey laay ate Moettorce lly Vie TCrrond—ol Ts a eB Mk xX can TELSCV us — th eer ce TOW enh Cae teL era com Hiioka puoaliel @ Cade, Wit Meicn Uline ae enimurttanitalercantend: such a cause, while there may We one a uae ie Udshint ol ce Tce nny Ce coe nae co) (tS Wad han d--by the Sent es \ pea as as aay : WT awit ce a Tie are iniescone eve mtnanierigetsntigt iinet cdo thaere was ne trae Democratic party ty countrymen wis to listen to mie. as ; a Go) ROSES cm ake MEE ee SDE aetna ; a a _ ees a eae feat ir uae aaa “ie came, oO rexstence. ‘Lhe organization cal- 1 do net appeat befure you te pread fr Hint me Heo TCG LE iets fet \ r belonu the spoils af viet. Soo , ee ‘ ibe Heit at nn \ ; , ey Demeoerate he rewarded as utterly the triamph of a party. No, telow es SO UD SE EE we Se niacin Oe \ ‘ He | ; ppabie ot ¢ he affairs in rens, itis ati gher case woieh new tris timtat serivueiy betlect iy ee [ijece oie Re Con aN) AOS ‘ se ; SUAS TP VERE ; : — ee cent - manner. In demands the exertions of us all, A held MICE TERE Ry OU A AY the () wenmerent are te Tots iy Tei 9 pee UES AS TUR 2 AR NDS OE ae ets 2 Chek poet the Denmocratie party, now it existe and unblashing cormpliun las tivated 1S ecu sw or pry considera CMs UTI) EM ST se te) tie conferred: and ue ne . iets ea : : u Ce NES , I By is M Se fy corrupt and imbecile every department of our national ace ‘ SU ERE FRMEICe Nes AEC Ti Clete al eral trer esl ts 1a || iblice wood re a ees ue 2 , eye Bee Tet \ Ties (os Nice aul Hise t Cat eel ' wuteseily bo. Party istration, which, if net prompiy and vi trevdom Ween ola dliwestiis Tave Toa exury grade cual alesery from the re | ; ; : ee Mie re RO Oe ‘ Gay see ples entered Wet ears and party leaders openly avow it worously checked by the severeicn 1 ES DOT ab Beye Hie Wesyicetiy Meas a ake ay eS CGH ON AGESE TY Tete Ue ae ee a uN lin S \ ty e Wastingten Staton Inel repeatedly puke of the people, must sac © aulp on Vu PES Laks u ‘ ue Sa I TU 1s ie an odes rs oa y a Teel wuilmacesiesnn Ws Fae NSH we eee? had exposed the pecula- the public liberty, as it Is rapidly Under ae ee HIS tt ee mootaud dtd mat an pesos ttl Tassetiels) (yy it ae oe es ae "t : fee ee oe ib Co CE : © cicses a oe wt \ cits af government officials mining the public morals. ie iene the edilice recs! inn t oo Le : ie ° ae ee Pane oe : x : vA © Washington (Caeon, the organ The wisdom and valor of our ancestors cratibee to the ground LEA sina oe erak * ae a ; Sua a oe 1 H Oe Oy haw wad the nisin ge heqneathed to us holne free iestitiiations, coll ceanse Le un meres Cashes [iain es Ses ° a ba i ae re an ie Nias : 7 i iv to acknowledge which were intended to piace t pre ge sa 0) SS lines estes es HEED |S ar peetenr tiie Dts See a u pe SUNN YP the moet iberty securciy under the ual hausiiye ©) ps SUNY GS OD Sesh MUUNGTEY SS SSE yy ee 1 Rea ee 5 ‘ ie ‘ a i xt ha / 1 ee unio in | or hi kee mode of the public virtue, eingeescmunaan OS vel Ee - seen i aia Tats : ipo Ter aa : : 1 i ; baat tiny tse a TS Sao Nanerreaiai Ravccutive. He stitutions wiich daring ethehi arses, HE AS Lo doswentaibet ann (ene HUES 3 ‘ ° eae See ‘ xy iS Pa teenie roc ot © laying a per cemage on emboldened by impunity, Wend Vow per ER an a viGre sy nec tatt te J thive secu ac fest cabins Ww 1 ive = ; set UPAR E ME a : 1 . : en . ~A he in otheers for party vert to the destruction of Literty, by un inigeoniadl Ux parece aeoteenicta GS> aay Tap aT Des 7 ie Wiha : ory , RUSE EE : : ie. ra a . syoees. [eye note Getta of) Gaus, Wena, dermining every guarantee provided: tor tuidisied Gpot sts paites | sand ir egateni: Tie ee OH Tae ee ASAP ey ee : . ae ‘ ee > } : ae ee ey Der te rane at ity BeCUrITY - evict irnine and patens Sea Sey 1 RE en) INE EASES DSS aS i ‘ me oeens otal ar sia 1 me a ie x Uti 2 >I i ess : . - % ' ns s Peiett Vosuppestet | tism of the people tiene: ves Staci master seed Thee fy RRR SUG METS Wie) : pomesss etan ve 1%) salt ee IS eae i ee a . Red . HUB rail) = lax hoy cortuptions upon the net, then, raily to ther defence, one wed AOE a Cele Sells ra Rae ae : : : ee WY pe : ee : i ' Dormer ati | v. Le did net mean to be wilof ust Stall we be told that tras as ! Al tie em Hoo i : ae he de ue fo \ ‘ ‘ Sodas «the inajordy — the the cause of a party © Believe mies ter ! Siu t PNG ee: : : es te ce ae ba a ; | i eae tat iss st yowere curupt. Te low citizens, itis the vital cause of con GSE A ~ : Se a fe ee - a : ’ ; vi eG / Potye party =the men stitational freedomi—the common case ee 3 iy Sal oe ee . We oe Si lt aa —— ’ ae Bess ; ' i 7 ees ew wad turn the erank of of every Atmenican citizen, Domocrat, pe PRM Aen ah \ Peay uo? pa fat t ey ANE 1S : tosehie ' i | red Se) : : pe e otaemen who got Wiig, or by whatever dene hination le uD CEE RAG MSGR) NT | eeu i vines : ey aes PO UE y ‘ ei : : Siete ecNtina CC aun IN tate and may have been fitherto known, woo val uM ANyrIL Siniv-h (emn® MMSE ay stots ae ; ; ' : eral 5 a N ay 0 ve minis eetin wi hold ves bis birthright, and is mantully 4 Pat ale Hed eEe eS ie | Tce PVCU Ne a cere Te UE) ee ee ae a een a UE SP MU AYR SSM SS) THEI) Fienses te qmanotactare platforms and mined to defend at . ean ae ike yan: Ny sl ie ee he oe ae a ne 0D SS Visi eo rei ‘ tol ineetio gs at svididates =the S/d ifs of tae party That Lhave prescuted te you ne exag GUTGME RSE ULES: UNE TUS e fren io aie Mean vie veveat boiy of worthy ane 1 Eisai eee LAY a . : Pl aa . S a ; ; i Were tae tien slim he refecred, gerated pieture of eur publ ee Ce eee ES EAE NEN GID TER SEES ‘ al ame ' : Le i : S aa, ey ‘ , ay) : va \ r | ! eso Nine in people, to unfortunately teo weil estabisied by cum) (eeeo Seen) es STE ee us TE Ey ara : im t A ie oe eitigt un ae i a ae ins eS Si party they may be attached, facta, now of universal teotartery eke CR MISE : ke tee Se AERTS ST as : as een Bes Se te : : a weleved To. Trt rest and patetotie, Jations brousht out, daring tee tite ses [Seas Ses oy ans revo vet Len sn ena ! SRC es ee oe eed : \ y De : oy ' et apes Harte ot selt Citeaid stitlecn sion of Congress, lave joaced Chen be ue Wn IBIS . : etal Ue ; bes Hoes rwoat Tosa scien , ne eg vee . — : is eo en rf ns ee : i meine Gea Peer ale | eout pes op the orn nt from fore the public in a tori net ty be ques EE EGU SO rei see A ee I A) SUES ae oe ee ee Se te | wast ' pion ob C20 Meets Che ta pilous Wichsters uoned. TOUGH Nae ns tty Tene DD ee aS Eben: i Hoe ae GAS ay oe a _ ee aces Dera oM TNs van tie ih re hurry t nndry omer Look at the report upou public print CESS DD KE aul Se Maile ESS eT SE Waves oaNA ce : i , : ne co i j Se cpa . tet ; Ce al i Serine: fstru 1, Lae inasses were honest ing: and you wii see there how cliabe ‘ SS paler : Wi] pean Unter tei nN a Y . — / p ; . ns rex ee ; . a : oe : = S er ee . ‘ i ‘ ' Tit he tothe orsamzation rately and ingenmousiy, in tat Wee te St : Be ! “ . . \ tne i ee eee ie ae terly and ete vaaty fen and partment of pubic expenditure, corny RG; arena) Jesu ud : al ae ee . : . Sy i ae ; wf Pe ore ed ta teading inen’s tion has been oreanized inte a system t Content Deyn . tlc aliste Sv AS Ae ne la : ae oo Pe ee : ‘ - ins tef tas and to the multiply bribes te th employees and ye ear SEAS aul La) Peal mea - : eee ae : . , ae ’ : ! Fer at ie peat ood New 7 supporters ae ile Coma. Ison. Gilt a ‘ See TIES ee ear pee Thay peat, Wate 9 ‘ : - » ! Ot ete tyes tree azar oh c contract, whether fur paper, tor priutins, © J alison RY See Horapttote, neler tds tess rire Tt oe HON SES Sey eile TRU, Toe Wao aS MIs md ers There ta Ceorianpwas to for lithograpuins, for co graying. ts ens: Seat eT a! be nls WE ae Ue aye Se . ee CRACY { 1 ‘ | Pound go managed as net only to ya 1a rent a : Ree ed a er lis : ’ ‘ la ee a ae ae ‘ . ; . . ‘ MI \ +2 harvest to its contractor himnselt, but PET Se Dee ed} Hees: a = S pS ea oe Leen I a ete : \ PN WSN eNO oriaC NTCCHETN the officer of t! (Covcriimentae sda wu mies 1G Ges are Titi licen OE eis biz . a oid d ute ES eS Na = 2 . : AOR the contract. and to the intermedsat me YE EES NEE ees eM ae EY: bes) , 7 : ie a ue We We Moe “We do net know when we Teiwe scet ; i & oe a agents employed as brokers to preci: Ce) Sa SAR esa ARIE meth ipittrabstec) (Goo De UN oe le Tes eA ee Oia serie inee Gi re (None Re Oe on is ie \ Puere was an Act passed at the last it. Thus isa-nele jobu ade, by its rata ! ptt tid dtr tyes dard co 1 dd pair vs ated the LS vc a oo Hd tvodnore strinins Jasteated! thar cee ie ue Ps NF Duman ot ys ssienefthe Legishinre, authorizing and ifications, to cn ist avd remunerate a doz ng acts Ae Tata ges Testa ay NY Ot See Ses ‘ a VOM pe sein hans Nets Uoecenaned Sho Pin p pe Wot Vhotmees af WW aulhinn far Waemmening. nt of a . en or more political retainers, at an ener CO LS ae me Racy oS pAb et Polis HOP DS iS uy hayeuineD Aahues ie Le Sones, Ciel os cl : = ih : ihren nremeestonen et S ( WW tease i Ra an ha ey ‘\ orn oe ee feces clo ie leetmury s putiepiic ee oes ee von ty EE rene oxen tiie ewig eed ee Mea ial eeiled) \Wacrectur: sal / a allowed to the contractor must be corres: Ao SC TO eats ere TNE ne sta) eis el Se ae | ee PTET TE Mote Thestve Gee ayn ee telat nat) sop Orato ethave been yrattied to tind. within pondingly hig. va eominike hi datacy uke = Ces, WO Ay (ates linet wee ico ian us y oot ry ated otfiee es . i a kewl “ + ioe nil apace JUmeadinien [ey ite ae on _. the dast week or two, that this seabject is customary tributes te dics patents aad as GUiipcrves ACCT CO aIIIG coy AS AM NNES ECEN) Se ie ae Sais ats ae: ! : de eG ; ee che mee Pop slavitn l, Carmecenit rite nett < Poaeiee er compa dios the attention of a portion of eee ale ad) (Panera tos aide MO dna tos ncts ike) Te ee [ontueente we Winecunna, wh THe OE TOE OUNCE TS UHL 16 BOE TE oe tig nya yan Cap aviacatt ; EES oo SEVEL (OG GI WTS a ern, i A ; . e « “rua GER Uileioe NERO eee et ‘ heen test inde AR te esate Kn doher eclvet amd int ivy ‘ ny a) ‘ l a NY ‘ u oT) that there ts a proba- And this rank scene o mm \ ‘ s 3 a aera ali ee , ei Cel tne arhis strathots en irene ‘ 4 it ( yhity At ae Ut) Tne ae? Ga lecuicd ft been passin tie s Dsus od Ma Vie toma SLC aa ; cia Ris Saas SHAS Se UNG ao pe ae Hane He Rel et ang HET. Neue sh lene emer ee ‘ pS eD PVC EG SILC) | government, ' ee me Aa ans pra by our Cooverniied Fi) Pia) S08 Vile tables wien Sul dime Ce DONE Tp i staat wali : niin Hail enemeneiore Geta 7 ore . : . ; NAL Sec ea Ww. rave been requested, One otic leer dace ice eae ae tutiateds for ds, onr podeieab isct Ws > fe eae | ee mien wiih TD pu a a i Vinci fmiee ty fh ome 4 ; . ay Wy several inflaertial wentlemen to give received thi hive? SH ah oe anes Seetiaay tienteonl Sua Tete a ut ; _ ae Ps ‘ a Vacie aie Faaiene aque q ; ae ae noticn ofa pibiie meetiie, to be held in his good wil rit as = Deane vate STE ERS ET tet wy) roviegiy Uiveten sci Tage tants ; : NEE ~ aa nee Oe eas COC ie ryt tert t an was eee TL She Dest His place on Puesdav, of the Saperi anilebrokentt ce ee ae ‘ Hioent duetoiiment for toe peaeed vast fate, aR tog ae Caribana | ca ness sora AS UR a aac Ota rcieares (at i From sa ry to Muretsyiue, via, Astes ( et tele caine HUET Sarto ie a ea soy oll Shetek Staten eft ae) fo ment) fae sara af) CAEL eee! Te I imi tsna 1 ee Tamed oe carne bet “ Bo cenane mrt at whieh time ail the frends of g ; hike Se i, ‘Nore oa Votes . ea eee eet es vie fare Hino ene (nierey wa Seige ee SU a Seer laee an ; the eanse are invited to attend, for the of the organ oi cae government, and is) See ais \ mi la eave (hee drntidn (nuit ae te Hoe nbew band new exploded: ealumnies Phe « u PoSwisbury to Qun, was taken . even now, we jre tela, pubic privter via ee ee Gee Saat pe Para PRES TT? TMS iE ; 4 od . a ey ee Heyer ail © Cendant. re (LRSHEAe WRG Tse COSA CON UO Mag irate fact, though pet n taine. (pprepriate and “pare ae Corrective a oe al axa ara oor the ei ie eM iby eh Be ae Duties alee nately late fe Taam Siieines ty Whunescey wy ineasures for the advancement of the will Touk now att ve report made up VA Ces OU IRMROS) CIEE ce AUT eH! AINESIE ax icie mun) Muted: CEE ey US Ee 7 fo teva a Te partion ay Glee whens ; ae OK at eens of our citizens on this anbject on the operations tu Wavy yards ot el oy the ewerd of pevetuten t Bat ey Se TY ay Oe au ie mi x is Mr. Grows asking Moitajne ~ ie es It has long been e ile } Philadelphia il oan et incimient the pe iti enstaved by thet party tea Hits ullendy cara tek how 6 ayaa ee Consent to barrte thet priverptes und ‘ a eect Meo Lu ‘ ae ners From Charlotte by Davidson Cotlege to States \ ea revir oe fo those who gigantic ia it~ yu : e coh aoe Do Sue bel Taney tae oman, GE os TET nea Nie Te agfoedgny on) peoitiress cee TOM tor ay h min rable-—snel delasivs Lees oe Ve “ be \ token by Ansa Siete attend by Siare Pairat Raleigh, that the gigantic audgetar ong in tie Bihorn the mute thing as i tney Pit. et Weuhy pant w ont Fou in rts eountey, by ea Lea Lea) : i has nS ! ! dete live ciel teal crumb mere! Bar 7 ne PStatessilie to Layiorsvilie, Gagen by Robt i Vie fa large portion of Western N. quities it reveals ft fen cade ne USHER tea SU ors PAE 2 iM eetiees nt TTR Ng 2 - a Z ae PAS ong en in reem erat Ue ed WU. erat Carolina, hy reason of the distance, are tiine ior the patience to enter ito 4 Py ty Dt resaetbots as brevet < feimb oof Viehmies tadwatan db practic iy ue . fa ed a C - ne ~ ( vente aticedh aeamenecd Nin Sor i I Ay ta) Asal iba taker EGY excluded frou. a participation in disgusting details tha revelations es _ : * : a ae MIRE iiss UE : i pa a ; ee! ‘ - 7 a “ alten ac yee : : ‘ atete diniinensty codersed the whats ise Ni lial ches tie Faors ofthe State; and it was mainly miele xlar Dea) ~| pas Be ui \\ —- 7 oo wlanné ; i a ‘ e sg e ‘| Tne fee aa Non (eueeen con © , de ov Mr. 4 variant ey! Bes No Cote Danvule, Va. to proside for them that the Act referred Hop aee ese ; ae me . ecu ae 1a Tteenny Ses ey) Sree Sy Pee” tina blac Ui nRon ee Coa doa Ist con Pe eta a ee ie i a ie y Veter Nalin ta, Was prisscal The effect of these an- work and materia Wy) ol 0 ne, one +t torts band ott aed : Ge: ote) Ge cvory Tn UEIEUULE Stl party fH ye st ‘ ae ie iN aan po = | ton taken by Thowe noal exhibitions of the products of induss establishments. anes tat wake Poe cir oe TO HSH te esate ee em Ug eae MG EN e ah an ‘ i oe ‘ re Fis (en else oy anne (Hanke qe : is HY try, cuterprise, skill and ingenuity ig approbation of the Government oteeit te saints EES DOS Sie GA) ea oy eee ae eraered rear tort sel seas Se HM CRS coon ane (vein jeeenise (vill aod aw Se TEETH SSL OS TURNSU CS taken by Col CoS known to be good, instinnlatiog the d errata ito wd o fl At cw, Racoon ; um amimipeen, ate | UATDS T0ts SSDI an ine Ces BA | Aenea (AOEen Mating the peos ipa ane a itis anieits Hore t _ Ce fem rome SDM ancy, 1 searae ame. cone LOI METH fall Coase tethers) TH ATT VE ple to improvement, and promoting all avus ult ' fi i ‘ : on ' j ‘ ‘ : rere aeeA : eer he Pray eres oA ere wa Od we j a : at aes) He) GS cngety SLE SRO WERE ele splay Teo Teil lot \ (Une Ree FALTER ea the industial pursuits, And as a ineang large Anite at the : aN Fe f et : \\ 1) , aa oe hase at ire : : au Dds es a ‘ - 1 i ie . ie : re el 14 duane ; os ni 7 of coltivating acquaintance, harmonizing rected by the Government! ay ae = eno mi : ' pes ey, i ; ail : | fee 4 ntorests and promoting so jal intercourse, open violation oft feta (an ‘ co ral > : \ vii Pet <, tia - i : ; gee ! See ; ‘ let = © oye know of nothin better Snetead of the lowest bolder ton i ‘ i \ ene sor pm ’ tated tat Tong and Short 2 At Berlinan] ‘ ue peer tis hoped the proposed meeting inthis consideration ot rer Omen | eat s i (y mt ston : i . gts Y Toonalen: tiie bones’ G t Kteen levine ie vace, on Poosday of the Saporior Conrt wolere in tho cu t t ‘ ; 1 | \ \ \ veal ‘ : ey, ae CHM oad a lady ab toed ‘ t \\ I) 1 gqe n May. will be wellatrended, by all who red party, « , ema sce f - u | ‘ 2 \ steal y dale CU UE iy has ergiteen f tied t \ \ “ f | sti || desire to open Fair Grounds at this point; in the ermies , =a MTs (Xe 04 4) , neal roabes U tke at yo tietions Menor IY a 1 : lars tah at ' | ew CE payrt vied that the citizens of our town, especi- tion. Ss: mec eee conn! : st , mild r : ay Mobil pop 1 eteen, and 1 i 1 Bene ' Terie pein will then come forward with hearty, was this policy = ; ; ' \ \ ole a ie Ba it Tornea, in I ‘ t Jongest 1 SN tidienee amd cote active geod will, toeustain the enterprise. @etablistinents 1 satin i th fe \ - rN \ 1) ' : 2 Ce LT iS (wert vente: Ihe aM val thy Ve a) ISSO ASTER esse } ~ 1 \ yeerar se Ipon tl Feet ' bers of ( mitre. te ny 4 ray t ‘ tot vn ( fe ‘i ib Rep Shs: oe ee ae ao ‘ ‘ ‘ ; NN . . The Oar in Le xe The refusal of ing district weer f vi ' j that : le ' : Avra res a a ae oe ee oe pcg SN tetern feomagente the Ono Shite Court to interfere with the Govern nt \ y ; / a es =| ou ; S ' j ‘ ieee eatin et ye : —— is ‘ “ me SS , Veconnections te stan rm vers has pat (hese Abo- making anequirs x iat it : i ( | ae i, utd s : . yada fe verail oS fa bah ne / ot t Jeon J Weounty ye prepa lition Martyrs jute ao very tight place; lie spoils Nite Wm A [ect : Ua Vite ! Rae ; ! : al i . ' yay fee ile eannment: vie Dee ee Das: vake at Re | edoaliean fa Ces bewin te see that it costes something thie manner, tie ved was te 1 Pag tone ‘ a ae ae i a ee Tar Rennes ex atten of He eave the ahd Whaee {0 Steal negroes, and when they under- number of sever | it pi ia ' 1 oN i " oz nN . ap ORE OAM bows ee a oe ee se Terma getter asi nen , ; ; ae «cov atelier “aa stand vida fully they will not be i suels lees and ait Sane en, wl A ciniae f : : it ‘ : : . : . . : if on eee ce ~ a ail these “cea vena att a ee . : dhniee no nce mucins of linen oy cut Wars teratirle ty ju ¢ Ns, . wot wid r el t Hes Wee 2 a UU ed SR t we : eg ars at ne : vem "a 4 ye the ernel att ify Hewat sarren det a tiat y fr uitntyn et (L (Per CALE) CO) UPROMISE SYD E A licial tribunal and close the day following with a Concert and they ean to erush We Pi Guaiciurineaste “ " ) ve Be oe ee a lazy y tata Liberty Toate eet rm t th a ‘ 1a 1 \ Hil Sert vipetunle art lie United States has, by it solemn an ] Graduating Feercises ath Mr Vow 18 Warr, bope and beleve itis, pat your hands on your t ‘ Ee eh CBM OTE Aboli ; , ioniam lias evidentry recerved a check in revelntiomary vizilane ¢ nertiee taking ie irreversible jodgrne nte, surrounded the wii deliver ans }dreseion Friday ears when Iredell utters her Whig thunder! the North which will do it good *Brooklyn Ma. Eorr< flife the pres important a joa burden. scattered pr do men atri .on them, Then its health and of such arti thereby ms low creatur examine @ the Allopat in daily us ministered out of noti sic Acid, 1 a brief sp: Allopathy aiwo prepa but two, ¢ & proto-ch whew oorr effects sim @ccurs, $v! vs always tem, of c: to Li-clilo change m acid of th um or co! coutain ant suppl in obe tus unay be g afew gra salivalion chemical tion, slic ly propo: Their misery, 4 plaints Professo ber of tl ays, iD call tou from the have co the add which forbear | mipute stead of disease. ly the » kind ar There i Ucle wl to so gt bowels, which for on system ininies medic so hor other | of Bat to pro Ty inc a Unive see wl tice, p of mis with | perfor with breat Bobo of th pula and woul Jame ame nad cine- mur in di tions ours rien and tem, riab Innit this atitu have acti I eV It i live isc fit | eo . Wy ~» ~ » ee BD & ee ee ee ae ee eee = Vide et Crede. Mu. Evrron: Of all the inter 8's of this mortal fife the preservation of health is one of the most important and absorbing. joa burden. scattered profusely for our eujoyiment, Du Without bealth, life a In vain are the beauties of nature ject of Abe ine lu vain pol do men strive to fulfill the dues incumbent up » @ committee of Bve Was u Pureuant to previous notice, the Whigs of Stauly | sniel A.J. Paliner, was called to the Chan tion of Job F. ztene, D autod Secretary y aud on A. Underwood war ap: | Vhe Chuirine explained the ob , aadtaade sotne Coumarks upon tle the day wet JO McCara » draft resoluous Hiivew! tamu On ine: ppouted | rable Fo dhe Cer ae.un Pie © fain appa ited the convened nthe Courthuuse, a Ajbewarle, on the 1th B Oo Y DEN H OU SE, instant, When on motion of Willai J. Moatgomery, | | fer | GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY:.' SIR JAMES CLARKL S CELEBRATED FEMALE PILLS. He: PROTECTED & * By! ETTERS Salisbury, N. C. BY ROYAL im - TENT. THE HES superb Wouse bas jos Chirke, MD, Thy More to be Admired tham the RICHEST DIADEM EVER WORN uy KLVGS or EMPERORS. What? cS! a habit Head of Hair. Because itis the t been opened for the Prepared from a proses tpie wate fwiler, al on them, fokowsg cor atte JC MeCan, A Hanneyeuc, D secommiodation of the puble, 1t is complete: in esi etree dines y tke We ‘ Then it should be our aim to preserve our Hearue, WO Mootgouery, and Janes Torus, Dare ail vie arrau cute, ab baving reference to the ined tails Ms ws a el Th ot 2 . typ che absence of che comontice, Hen Bdiund Dee coufort of chase who day avad themselves ef 1 j alleatess abi 1ciiuten all ul thealth and raiso a wanting voice ayainet the use berry audieercd he meetin at yroatiength AC fee Ganenue (le Kereea tannin [dexet be relied on of such articles as will impaie the health, aud‘ juiiaa Murcutrarcimack ou luchmidencGaluw oll (auneaaines init teeeN EAN wD ELEGANT, wid the To Marriea Isadios aye: 7 ee lied ou wade ene remake upow the prosper Rycme LAKE, WELLE PNISPEE DD and furcisbed oe Shon Coa custta A thereby mar the (E ace and happiness of our tel: ot tir porty, aud Cie political querGyus Goat are caw qa very SUPEIUOR SEY GE. “Phe Parlors or ee suid) this a eee ee low creatures, Under this conviction, we wilh "°) UMTS SCLC N hee UTGs |) Pike ‘Sant susptuvurly Gited Ui wan dee gned ue a first clase bach battle, pice Dela clearer us (ESSER EOS: Bee Permit we to express to you the obligations I ‘ 5 6 cominitiee theough ther elearaiat j anes . rw) it ut erty | ae ae examiue a few of the agents that rank dichestiu Moi ave ne re rt 4 Iowa nav > , Mo = aes a a Xe : Eakins to toe ' / xhantd eoghahnvie cng the FIRST } net 12d en ithe Allopathetic Materia Medica,—aye Tisltincaire. 0 ON URKeas, it Wan beri alceriied expetiies) he'd at desig bar fie incu Gea at Phare iusiiese Lien CPE OM OS GDS SG : 1 ue Ee ase Fepttirnd in Anily use, and pronounced hirmless when ie) Seth ean ‘ Theat cnatie aH AEM Gey ate neat VE onianeee tel ee eer Nery nt : y wend iu usention, quite elications ay: i ue Rasa 2 - vit ' te buries Whew , 1 ‘ ministered by the * Seientific Mod). Leavin s . dist we nash he Coad is enamel teria enter Tan wil ! ) Hats, Cans ‘ Pee tar ar yar ST ALBERG. out of notice Arsenic, Corrosive Subliniate, Pru + aoe Decisis _ only true Way of ascertaimiig Che Vawrtte hfe gue Mre Ds & Clothin Uoptnay Ges ae sic Acid, Veratrum, Viride, ete, we will devote " arr pole wy Pave He irOnecaroulitss hege whi Ried ek an lige t a 3 Gray Newspaper Office 14 au st, April 12, 1858. 5 5 ae Ave (tiararyl camo aniing cu ude is eat = / ‘nite Rov. " © month of six weeks a brief space to the Gatiah aud (he Sampson of WN fer Recoritt h ; Lo Se rane Cac tscneraad out B et ep : rativenad pave iumy cu 1 . rivet 1h » . Jak Masks (we pee a Je think! rary Allopathy, Mercury avd Opium. OF the tary 1 at eis bs ae GUE, 1 Cee re activate, Ne vols, Sh i) ; WINE direst f, rae aes ‘te eripina ola, ‘ . of N : iat mS : Sah 0 ‘ . ' hoeS N, ae nee Oe POU Ue Wut bo bes ws w afew week? trial it hae 4wo preparations of Mercury, we will speak « BEES 7 ne at ; \ at \, a i ‘i . ’ vuing all the gray hairs te 4 Ex \ Blue) ee fo An OMNIBUS, bem this Hotei, wel cor i ion Die We Hewat f as, C A ! DE ee ardieccelmgi the ut two, Calomel and Blue Mass. The former is ; Rt ane oien reins ain Wy I vn nae SSE IC PC oe a proto-chloride of Mercury, From the toet that weeare heartily mek va tthe LoL. BOYDEN Tala) ! i Sf : as OSUARLES CARDEW. ahen corrosive sublidiate ts taken tute the mo wh 57 hon : ie aa i / a eae & itu: in 6 : “IBY ip ee Ms! ; Now Your, daly 2%, 1807. ae ' z ' , i HA SiS IY) de Me : a eae Most Leonvaleeceat Luis Ofc BGR hy) iH Pew rw _With confideace do I Tesommend your effects similar to those of plyalinn or saition he | fetete rev i ' ia Ip eo test respretfully mel ere his ‘ wit WOH ALY Ten 1 acious article I ever 1 baffird ban Xt i et aD : ae ‘ emyh nd whiskers ceurs, sone writers have diferred that saci uit nik Y : v eaten t , equ hanes biowel all S hin Wrath t | . Yw't + , w “ a : ae Sut Cet and T ai 1 rauiee Us wothens the bospecalirtes of chee . = “ Dee A TOUUce: ; t \ > SUE Gr PRA ee CEE Al Gb ‘ : ‘ ds always produced by the covets onan the sys ered, Poot sew \ vera oe wits a 0! ok OM ae ern WTA as CL SO ow ; nl : oe tem, of calomel or prote-chloride of merenry in" fh yu Wienke ver pal Weis Tecdlie 4) U Rios nage) fine th Wood ' pom : bo Li-clloride or corrosive sublinate. Such as Vonage Foor Gide TRUSTE SALE. . 1 , ; neon change might readily ro The lavede mM ae Fe ret B TVET EB ota Deed of Trust executed to \ aluabic I a¢ an : : ‘ ’ (asteped my hair firm- acid of the gastric juice and the chloride of sodt ‘ a d the und is ceed hs Micheal Brown, for pur igo elena & tl turned back to Ite former J ' A j 1 5 ; if do wew lisciiat puri e aue cou sD Lor, Weal, wad aporarat wud ¢ cheerfully orieh iw um or common salt. used wiih our . t he l seadihe € uti to ' . Y ee ne J. D. HOES. contain chlorine, thus furneling 7 Se ie eT tn ae ttn ears cena OBS UC Mill Property os See ee een | re 5 tl 1 5 r 1 . i n us aoe $ i retuils for one antsupply of chemical cline, The tit thos \ i wet : adhia River Plantation, we ae ne q nase oe dn ope pustance over a lindred grains of calor © tency Gn cen et can Jha ACRES yang smmediately on the; tte Fs “ he : i Mordech so u a IE Oct et ee verge! iG at Lees ' ae Anant CELETISE a CHEN teak he re Re pla Vlasic ha tea nay x iN al i jtor:, (44 Broadway, New York, afew grains may produce Che most listressay K fy pwede taveret ty atqtretntds Die be was yt Pats Nerd : 4 ul Pancy Goods Dealers. sulivation, would seem to inidieate that seme ¢ on fiber bartiies thas taropecpl 2 ' 1 ‘ ap J 3eod9MD , \ renee 5 BROWN’S FERRY, eels i we 2 chemical change must precede the act of saliva ‘ : al iS tuty right, > i ; ; 1 1 hop tem tute ter tea om stich wields sanity from $600 10 S600 There is), Reali eo wel < ht tion, since all the agents produce au ct et tear Nee (es (ren, oS) soother etween ti wid U0. Acres of fine a1 “ ‘| 1 " ! ' ‘ rea ly proportioned ty the quanlsy tiken i . ne : - 1. \ A ; Thoin twice secon aie cics ( Shit River and Creek Bottom, hues, Purmng Toone, tw oG l. Ni pr Their exlibition multiaphes dis vats : tee elt f ‘ 4 yy A) @ hetero itn Ieee i AGGG Oa See cic ste me ieee tel “Good News for Lverybody - : misery, and cutails 4 long due of cla fetanee sb | ai js : ik u tl <a ; ttine grove and all ueersnary Seeual anal ee TRN | Ke plaints on millions. “Thotmas Gordian 4 en) ‘ fo hemia ‘i 2 ie : ! eer ! a syv-one Will Takeda Wite« 1ids ae | = Professor in the University of Glew, aud nen | Gy af Vile Past) rem ee ‘ oe ' Co ie ad ‘ - towing dedew « \ . oS Vu at any tool Moebivery tote SKF ber of the Royal Colle of Surgeons Lend i = in Ve MO Wu He Set ) ‘ ; gee) : ae M N tan I women etn the line. or IAT B 4 gays, in a work on [ul ! mW Ir rt te AN Urine 1~ i [7 B . , ‘ MRO er a ' 1 i Gh a ; 7 : c F [eee ' sh TH ) noe ‘ a . ¥ Le eall to mind the nunmiends cas str \ ; at \ \ | ! ‘ Ge WA Scie) Wo. MER DOCH froin the excessive cinplos tt ' ava powop “woJoM oor . Pa sal ebury, M m9 ' aA ic ; ft Tn ; , vale kuwwn an day of @ be Any: pete nst HI] on! ! Mii MP See WD ee pi ee \ have come tu inv own hnowledees and te fi i "tl : RO ae | Pace yf EOI} ria Te es LDS UGA eel) B \ kK ER SCOCU \. are ea the additional proofs of tis ruinous operators. tH \ \ bp Tee ak : nae: Pop CHAR ; Most : f ss RY BODY SAYS SO, and so it meet 5 i ‘ ‘ u A . ! a : : Je atmont auch laces tine and distance, by the which still daily present themeses, TP cate J 2 i : ae ee PAPI! - = , New Clothing ! Good Clothing !! Cheap Clothing! u carl aie te wiaeh, as they thunder Hers forbear regarding it as commonly exh oe ty ts . est cds " Ae uta ) ene Tye ‘ ‘ through | 1 rthe plains and valleys, drawing the ee 1" h { : auto O \ reotik i M IB AVIS BI oe (C1 Oe ; TT iC stiles AID AL MADE | thor bee tens nod enormous freight», the gaping Minute iustrument of mi ghity tisciuet, wh ‘i ‘ ; es SApane {hee - k npr We WS WI) I just neal sate ; a EL Sa ner Sanh cecada bh ——they can't belp—with wonder stead of couveying lira th C pica - oo ‘ Cyt NG Tyo dhoyiees TORIpC Ne sO CNU pice UVES a SoM Wessise aie ab Noes pte ' lthenatis they are wont to ery out, 5 “ ; fed © NACE - $ ‘ . ‘hak vant AEG (tae Pecple used to say that such oad diseased and enervated, is tral a : aye Me ‘ : \ \ ! veeuily at . . : i 4 ) : ) melt HELE est Hole Uy ‘ a) ‘ gv ‘ i t (Ay | sue 1 ate Iv he were creat «sa poli- Jy the seeds of disease andl \ bp wt oe : ¢ De ee Mah bead Drestee GAS LIGH | ee weejar wher Nir eet se _ . ek a a ues alae weer ‘ preacher, i merchant ls a ; Cae ate a Paes \I ( nto stat the Sevres ee 1 ! Gm tou soma yd are to receive this distinguishing ee eroey uae ee , Administrators Sale, PATENT i ( es i = ties rer Casters wl Pweed Frocks is hae \ ‘ram. ia those times, Was, per- 2 ‘ \ t \ ved os > . . vopgt . payin ey \ eee . ; ‘6 f me bere is notin th iM i t if voy oe : eas , ; Von-Ecplosire Self Gene rating ct | wie 1 ‘awl ae ileeneneGisttedsle nen \\ Pavey Marsertte p d 1 men, than since the Iron : ; i g . : : ise ticle which so ini andy wiyard Muste fran © ite ke hhc We we tt Sllimendbe db cw coil coll ‘ ' ae | > Fe [recs Waste (nates tal Se Site (asi oe oe i cia Set ie . ra E PSU 1 loot Ueto Uses Mika le S els ; : : us 1 har now, bu oanee, to so great @ ues tl iy) Siete Uses Crue NW Te Ya albesih , Bees a ea CAS LAMP . ! mucicen erties eh se eatin, (Oe ea gti Pants. plitn and taney Silk td a awe atthe t oy have been echpsed.—Well, Dowels, as calomel yet tos ts fecdin ote Scien NC ! are wot WV os: pe _ Sine fie Ginies, cml we Bie areinw (anc! wali Es cee Peat Varese Meteett ica, tess) at Hie assortinent of Tanen and Maat famed / eumparisons in their asclehgra 4 ‘ Pol 3 . ; 4 \ ; fen Ete wid tt e are sine men who rise which is prescnibed (byt Nye trey qutu ins res Heo ! ped ES Beas TS Se kK ee rte my Shiits and Collars \ : (ei ee Take for in- ts u i pool Sieh ‘ ver produced ral af net» ry te the bi . Ms ’ o Sake osaieR for on every occasion. [Hy 4 he tyes Aes R \ 2 tbl ( os ' that Si “ 7, a ee = ‘ 5 ‘ ie < \I reap, whose mental strength Arita ih deen t t { ‘ 1 1 Rua MW . ° ‘ ie R sae Tha! res Circditlemen = | i Hiei CGioods, i hito operation the great forces P| Jemoustrative Vs ‘ ; . vuaviit z eee we x sutita a ; : ‘ des : . nine RAG ate S : ha HN Stestitarat cee dre dhe, Deora ‘yh FAIRY SIDI (S10 Ca LOD cut is earth trom the deep ‘eute intinical to the human constitution sitee wie ONES CS GIL Sto EVN AN 1D . oa ne ae ie fen ; ; , eatin Sil ae ‘ons and Valleys from Charlotte to medicine be-id tr t t aL - . pares oy { ' Pes, tenth (nme Mien eT es hyp ist l Y cPe IRE EL HUES Ye AG Ure hie selwith il itslape Ae lnrpiilita con) ip ce j ee % ae ; m \ betel) ety are enh ' ALL pet ees JS gS TENSES his gee Tht Cena Teena an Lise Na rhmseit. and be will mot be dis-| pends We might Fa Capen , a - ‘ as Lo 1 4 ( tore ol ry + ~ who fise Dow \ 2 but fe of - Pe fees 1 rot os May wail anit rena oie ur Metcnet fe ()ahevran Tae Ahelintiee alte, 8 we tet eae © : sung oe with Mr Jeti Vee - TID Jother men whose modesty will not aliow them lo ae- other preparation | tb otnere it Fs Se SD GIRO erated 4 By SEIELITS POWDERS DAVID WET. ii Coins te send) For oneself, we are per- f Batl 2 rot tt row eden r refer a“aarnstian Wek colle nowill ber ned upou tbe if I of Dath, says Aton other tat eltvcts ' r ss : I : - . vow rail a, sie) 43 fectly content to be accounted like the Great Insti- ere Seren ae ae bo aeiiet Proper appheaton berg unede le mo MOST use fal M : Sanispery, April 19, Psd. to produce tumors, paraiysis an fuotuntequet We Ayes ce i Mos WANENZIE, A " wt by Wo wy TI tulian eet Peeireec ney aetthie batyeet: ly incurable mania” : gina ated Heady the N Cay i L BLACK AEE, Dragest a § ery, Sauisbury, St zody | Gentlemen, let us reason together s subject: ‘ amines F - ter fac He openly ¢ Aciniistrators ' n RTF ' - = N. Chapman, Prof of Materia Malice int iin Stee chun ’ Linseed, Sperm and Tanner's Oil, hl \ \ “ State of North Carolina. L 0 YF K LION, ; : eur in the . y ' 7 a ; ine \ J aLV : ersity of Len Vania Says ‘ » me .y » Wd LN | N Fors t HENDERSON & ENNT J ll Ki % > (in 1? l voi CLOTIING His Coats, and Pants; Woieraliyes een UT eS a cd ‘ rasols 6 ad aSO Ni. ie dts : CABARRUS COUNTY, lee eee TiNint te and Shoes; Shirts aod see what I alinost day env ps ["! ] \\ | a Q Namtede ps9 a neither can any one e a alinust dairy see itt tte ‘ @s Ita \ elela J tien Conn Quarter Soogsi een ISM | tye re oY ‘ ita neithe - a : a OST OS - fe ' | hb The fact is, then tice, persons from the South in tie very ees annie the © frave enboil mote TORY S, CUSEIPIOS. he HOH Ie SEEDLE iS vp OWDERS : an Me jit ERLIN'S C1 TULLE <TUILL ha beeviwe to be, to this whale of miserable existences, emaciated Gr a sh ert Wwe ercrvece AVE joer pened a new and beanictal sel etot ee oy 1) \ ied on Land | « ; ll heey ae h A : ; i Hn ny gone e econ | 8 ‘Great and Indispensible Institution. with both plates ofthe skull at Qty ‘ sa : 7 ae \ . 5 ce h { ae eval arene Uae vA cs n« 1 Pols suet an inbabutani | qock where vou tol you will see gentlemen weartng perforated in many places, Cort : ‘ HLS ey ta pei] them out in a tew diye ra ee . dics \ ce Thy ike Cntiharlna a ie ence } ren ' Werte 1] : ( 1 ilo Theory of Vocal Waste, j ' nade fo Wiehe tel cC ire Weegee neh atts ae ae SUsceltismecsr? with rotten jews and teerdted mess 3h \ , ' = Ny <a ake) ; Sait yng wa ie i s Stock comprises breaths more pesttercus t ‘ . : ie i - 4 ae > : TSS SIS TES Weieeitnss) ‘ . - ' J ign (ERTL. 0 ‘ j y Wie dpriny and Suinmer sappy, i | ! Svea cies ‘ Soy ' , R <7 : ' Ai) fomer parchases, and fe the Bobow Upas, wil tits racked BGs eye Cite \ Tan) : a ee ‘4 ite) Hed | Me uy - igs Sa ae one \ Cldong ine, The fancy and tasty aa i : Tk Als itl 1 Villee Gy) erate) ted! « 1 = (esa vee ur die he Pand dura the laboring af tn ngynses Mh = ana re EE en iit: BOOK STORE. | ght ota Bee rt yabe, 2 ‘ . t ' ( t . are . r as . hiss (nd entitle It to be regarded pulling babe, a \ ( hod ( " (hina NE Wael is! SSEANY TUX \ i mtnrans | ae LP INS STTCTI “uate bt rede ‘ suustiig, spect to tin ' ve fod sid vs SOTO Ts j “ : . ‘ : ' Ae Rall Sue hs Swi wet, at RNER OF THE MAN- mee ve ate Dae. ee Re Clothing, Clothing. yi As RCN a ; ja he coe 6 would exclanu as weooten a 10 ! VS Bina sot : . a i SAN ae ten 1148 ~ 1 shia rot, M ies hu ] ' . ‘ h ont x cour bd damentable ignorance whol da tates bes \ 5 M aE ee As TO a) as te ee acme ii . Boo} or j ae Aqua 10 yee | Sa | ee : ‘ Nc an : d LOPTULNG in Valaable and Interest New Books, 1 ut a medicine.) of that novo 1 ie , an Wey, F ; . ' oe 1 t ‘ ie & i om Ae | ‘ yes i : eae Lye ‘ ' Y 3 Srila el Se ina disyraceful r acl aN mele “ { twas | Gibe=it is quackery —! oA ; ic \ ipa Hie. \\V! ua as ae as \ y Boake fiiid “VA € | age us svn ! ; wk 0 qu ery . } versos op dot at U r Ve 1 c Thee wo t srt | ag sei ie : _ ‘ rs \L ‘ ' BEAR Vou pre vit a ; t : \ i) _DISSOL Al Y STON. in diseases of the liver, miercuty a i r ma co Wa \ i : B Ve i tions are superior to alo other remedies 1 ( 1 : pore \ , wot et : ' ‘ T! (oer enti Vb those heeving | ourself we are satisfied that when \ CS Ye Ee AN UHI rtltis Gr MUU DIES, BROWN, COLEIN & VO i , book ; Sie ns ee Hl oy Hthem 1 | rienced by the use ot inet uy (seat eet WI iz Soli Mos 1 Pen ( | 0 \ ard. bl, whose ay Gee it = « J it se Te us . A 1 t wil 1 u t ‘ { Web ft Ket orice poud it € ASTD for green v1 oe y FEES TAD 1 1 1 i 4 ” , Se Oe ty mm | and those W® have tested it know thats ! UNStE: terec a ne then ie Mane ' SELDLITS | OW DELS. \ gS Tipe \ ' han | ‘ trtied on ua | i SP OU O00 ate pastces Where ' ; ARD & BROTHER. Ost : ‘ i \ Wi Bs Ness Vall ptuaiher | Wieder | temporary, and the qouravated een “hack OFFS TRE a eh AN : ee wou wyatt : i NUN . Veh \ Wi DOCH, | riably return, Suche rele fis alone the res it Sa . bY I AT Pyare (Ny MM Prelsris RAB OER, irritation, But we lave toe matty Seiler bon DEE Rs Barnes’ Fay 0 x Pa = Bes Mae \ ’ on Kt WIBUDS | WoW AC Pres pryryy. Yh emer wa ( mal ‘ coi ) 4 this point, Graham saver TP have seen the con WEN Ae DE vy i - ii The Claes | a Sour & (au rea Teer | ee eee ee apne saga PES I yan peemway, (Dew &s Medietme Store. have the liver camp'a ty jirressver ery rated by Mods ee Whe: Teabapecien 1 The MGs THoaks i “ - . : 7 é See axecurial i Gen: ; (te Mos WARGO AKI EAS ee LYONS WAGE rk bow DER AP i US, Hugh Mille Works Commission Merchant, IT IS HANDSOME. curial courses, tenee an “itp ena tothe Wer a ae i ee. ; 2) VU ape Lever witness a cure effected ty this treatn MPEGS HTLV MVS ce Miow PRTSCLEL PON WETLIG. § ON aaa ik , ae ee ee ao 1 \ sep ZOW DED. Tt is painful to reeeiect that in Gren suo TeNItEY sta t Shweta, (ae a0 - ! a ! { fi Rire and Mice livers, mercury, carricd to the extent ol saqivat , : nS = 5 1 : : y. Whatgr rtionbles, ay an C)yN l ] tomo Be is commonly rezanded as | viel ( Attention!) Rowan Artillery! Heckers Farina. 1 : Pr tidelil care ‘ : ; 1 ; What oti] De Wet hy ive Boliiers Woraie Raves Bt and only remedy for Lwill venture to awh mutt i | Pea ty at ree aioe CATER preRris ee at Fever OTe ea ; _ f . He Uae AU RDN ae ‘ ouTR yw RUG ener We sary, Salst S 1 ‘ Ss ie that the far greater number ot such citses utow 7 t 1 t ' y AE a postke (VO wmbdero ret oy Mo las a Ae i a “ T : 1 mt R 2 j 7 IS THE CHEAPEST STORE materially worse rather than better by such mse 7 Lesa De ; ‘Heckers Farina. Chonnstn Xeon and has bs os a fe ; ‘ \ Wie Sti Shs fh I\crun Srare or N. CaRoLiIna, ' Se Sastera i sand ¢ ‘ ; ' ids Gee of it; and that this aggravation coustst natinere: 4 tne ets far baspeet an a emeanen & ian : es : " a VERY MAN, WOMAN aad CIUILD . { A pine vend K wh sat cia wher th o “i fi ; i Mae ps ly in an increase of the pationts w an WES : pee Al | . Teepe tl Was R vy WAL WYATT. eres oe a tram poison, wad Waren tet doand ¢ Hiren, a Confes 1 a ty Warnes VT NC ) T TC iD es ‘ \ ] a | ; . morbid instatnlity, but that the exist sis ine Vian, (Uris Dead Ayeceacnuniiss: NCamy month ine vee \ ne NIE ewes se) | A Sie TPs bie Every Day! eine iter) becomes mare extucice Atlee SEIDLITS POWDERS. cae: ier mamerodie comm a G TMIS oe “BooKS OF HUMOR. LAS Mime a acon sine ee ; caps Ot ) f " ’ ‘ OX deed Di reay give i (hn ath etemiee 5 rate.” We have given but a fraction i) part ot (eee Lael ies C1 ARS A Ais Tonseful Medicine it wean anliey Weeasee inci Remeanber Ss i Sial . D os Par : ; ian ie ee wn ue As Goop ac [RhURESENTED: tae alco nant Vt ect tee ANU CEGARS at Whotewale or Retail at the pceaat§ af nh! Ts Lyon's Powder kills ine ut M Phe Coon ' \ ’ ‘ } poe fe W : ie ene ae ou Poni nh Moa sMErH Whe Lyon's Pi saremmved tert Lane Marry M a eS cn oe “ . 1s] , a He! without paying a compliment to the (Serpent ot ie fal : fe and Sl 4 J ete Pca Ceuntoeniecuntn JEON Unies et ee Heckers Farina. Fieayls Fiat ve init eescnt ain aul inka pe ent tao oe aawl Eden) Opium, as we had promised SHAN TREMTESCE RATS ARATE RUy LSE cal B Nt Sesh TIN, Sree Waal’ REYNOLD'S Mendes St ee caiuell ae a vu ‘ an » ee eR RE! REFORMER hey Grenvediiaetin’s le WOKE LS BO woe wy er, orcs eee ones nN Forse at HENDERSON & PN TSS: nile Finer a burly OF ps plead ee MA ES SHOR, TORE oss Ts AW WY NIURS? Ung siepee Sitiotrery, Tit feapes liven ) " : ' PON PEELE. Adis eatortison| Aa) nly forthe LADIES and Siaerhinere BRED BUGS on Seen in ' ( tb wees Nhe Ne 4 13 WN) Annoer fumotitty The Brandon nls Shiinanss evn SEIDLITS POWDERS. cosy atm ystangrag, Es : INV ALIS. i » ; “cle his Is “the is \ im i iD si . eM ia 2 oe 1a , (Miss.) Lepublican a ks : vat the win HIPS ean. A TG ai es win pm 1 bs Vit Rooks for Odd-Fellows. ‘ iD > AM. 11110 P.M. dif erence eee a re , . ie ee ose MOAT, MEDILISE ay idee Shemile Iie CHE Quick Seles and Short Profits. Payee ins rdersaceepted at all hours the Huge ee eat ae Ne TE IDIENOS @ IPN SINS NAAR UNS (ewe 18 Phe Ot OP rig A Cn sentence Rica aliivec | asouthern man violating the neutrauty Lene al 50. ovo Bese For Sale. VES N INT . 7 es Not 1m48 Jaw and the law avainst the African sive Vo whagis (ore (ea So renlees PPPs anime bn ' “ony tartan oy ; Beautiful Gift Books. | | ait ka trade in the South / : Toile sete re gee vey feciieee ttt DY ECCI Te SATE Es a : : 1 ; al \ ! 1 ae PA EON ot | met hes sited acer ae th erat et i . . con “ Barresus a + ’ i ' MS Oni ernie ii ; 1M \ nes ie a>p Allthe difference in the wor 1 Whena B tan eure ie cf eReO OES NI eur 7 : “ ‘ ok ° i 1 I A j ) it WW . R U I I 9 ; DERSON & Ss ae ea : SPD CURFS MILIOUS ATTACKS ee , Ws _. man violates the Fugitive Slave law he \ I: AS | P¢ yW ] ERS oe r SNe rs \ a eer . ‘ z AS ‘ 1 iS \ injures his fellow citizen of tie Son NOVICE ENINER SOS & ES SS : = ‘ : oo cone, a | but when the southern tan viouites | Tie Satchiry nud 1 Rod is ent Wan Te _ BAKE ins ( AYY OA. . ~ hae ' reo reaeet \ \V oat = slave trade law he in no way injures any ‘ pe etae eaaee ; weeaR | AGM late Pha Datel and t ve Drantiead ; ae Watchmaker x Jeweller, " ; ) oa : * J ohleore Noed t sina rs Sern 5 \ j ‘ northern man. The one is a preted | He can JF ers ie ‘ash HENDERSON & ENNISS’ Be ina d ist ws roe \ ate : CONCOU DONS G: question the other an abstract one. ‘The — , ae | ” ee EEE 1S x WILHEEM raw s aoheameny ant Seto 4 5 Pa TERN? 8 INN/S , \ = at ; 2 nial wo (tee wnt Netioes G10 REWARD, 7 a Heckers Farina ) Ls aoa . . fs vid | 1 Peas w , i Africa injures no northern man, | w DUN AMWAY fron te ube rid hoch i : N int W enti ens RB A R R Pe 1. cs j cparrepnirediin (he ‘ ae Vom tienen 4 & \ PM ARR ARTS ' fA 1 a , HW RUPP an “onderground railroader™ steals an *f ; HA R p mR eit WAC te ieee’ « ; e i \ Vo pantsn @ ‘ | >South he deprives a southern ‘ \ vada tase NTR IG te gro from the South 1 neon j rok Do you wint Ready-W ide Clothing, \ : , ew Crop New Orle: Mo- i ‘l . man of hie property ax guarranted hy the sve ewe ecient MON HEY aad WEEKLY, Heckers Farina. eee avi: we yy IT Crap New Orteaus Wom yf Stated ts: Cul Constitution and laws of lis eountry 1 M iPyaretinn «t N ¢ wyfined regularly of ft) TENSES Se Cit B (hER \ ( TY OA a VOU NG: 0 5 eer . i 1 Woe AtAM Rook Srore R WoL WYATT, Dent © Apot = SPRAGUE BRO'S Cannot any one see ie difference ¢ a 1 ; Aer i ‘ 4 AG IRs M VY Weebly Day Book ee ne : ; : SICK LES TRIAL. ; AKERS COCO See a ee SICKLE , Heckers Farina. We eee LAND PLASTER BAKERS COCOA ; ) ~ Complete, EMAREABLY «! 7 = int OOO ATA = Gant NEES 7 mae en, Some zort of charity will awallow the ; R hy WOH WY AEE, D Va \pothecary, wal shan S Mie, On a Pur sa RAGUE BIR Ta et wet 1 . . . g = NN 2 Sto iy vrnggiat & Apathaea’ . egg and give away the sliell Wt Winds, for Sale at this Office Forante at JET EEN NITES S! Bonk ton Rs) Csriliex MRT Cares WOULD RESPROTEL Tn ans NO Tilt LLY INVILE PUBLIC LO OUR COUNTRY MERCHANTS, NW, CrrEarP, AND EXPEDITIOI S FREIGHT FOR THE IN ER CAROLINA ERCHANTS and others «hout pur a} Fall and Winter suppliee, are rie tice that by Che completion of the “ orth arte Rail Road, trom Charleston SC ¢ Vantage of a CHEAP and expeditious Seaboard is opened to them All Freight consigned te the care of the Ag the Nurh Eastern Rad Road will be vf Commission ROUTE LOR OF NORTEL Jest opoucd.cousisting of forwarded fre FPA TS BONNERS, = Boots and Shoes, EADY MADE CTT TETRA a . CG R 0 CE R ] E S, Coffee, Sugar, Molasses... An 1) Sp “Hw. Be Les eo a New Orleans “on snd West Sugars HN igh ed a . 20 Hhds. Muscuvade and New O i ES Jeans Molasses 65 Barrels Crastied aud Coffee S gar 1000 Sacks Sal! reterage willbe made at Cheraw 4 goods wil! house wntileaied tor. Sehedule ot + portation of Fre ght will be fouid at Post 0 YWONS R Engineer & Saperinters August 10, iS58 uid SS Sl Ds ye eat MEE Sau Ve (WALCH SAR ER SPRAGUE BROS }<58 , Salisbury, Dec 13 } STEVENSON & BOWEN, STEVENSON, BOWEN & NisMi WwW hale sale Dealers in IV WELER, DRY GOODS. ,.\\.' Have W\D STE WILSON'’S NEW STIOW © ASE, Associated with them DANIEL M. ZIMMER aS NO the tit formericoftineousro.y, NeC yatnl leimiecit : of Iurge Store No. Sd North low Ath where WVUPCH LS WW EL) an increased Sivek will be dinducements o teat Wuret wey fered equal tu any House race == hare ot new Sivies aad r anlis Pritankcenia, Jan 25, 1359 pdbmo35 TERT ann h Cera sat the AT Wi —Voon touud —ard sen thes LAND oe ae ee ee ate W | eae for sale 650 ACRES of Land. = nutes West of Salisbury. dovie from the WON © OR fg { About halfis clewreds the balancer is excellent w ay a oi me land and bottom. 0 1 tk ee 2G 00D ME ADOW <a nie 3 Dwelling Houses one ant [ea tiie Pvtnt IPS Barns, and all other ueeessiry hu = | Nitersleed divided into 2 or 3 farms to suit th (ert 4 | PER TP AW Ss s00n on JCM los Ay NTN \ \ ~( | A Feb. 15. 1559 Parle. cts MILITARY GOODs, — utes * 4 Swords, Sashes, Belts, Epaulettes, AND EVERY DESCRIPHION OF WiLiTaR) GOODS, oe Female Normal School, Nich Point, VOC. Rail Road, r Wid SER eL NEED NOP Ie Nana rer Latest CS. Aiiny aid S R- , x in NM Ay SCHUYLER, HARTLEY & GRU, i ee OOo IS ae AVN SS \ hae dae i 19 MAIDEN Gant, « ' NANT IG os hk fy 13, Usse a DENTAL NOTICE a FMP DR BUSSENT bo , i he Pu \ I AS SEO TO Oy aekte Wee, IEeAYES, J lee Pas ! on the eurn, thee tly oecup by Dyk Basos Sai \ where he is prevare yattend all operat . ! \ ! ) Conoecied with his prolessiot eratl Tey i = Jan. 1, insu C02 ; rise ' — \ Carolina City, N.C. Te ee od SNS er Jnty 2th. 558. eat aoe Nurth tas & Rend boot BOOK BINDING AGENCY, now co rour We ' aa . 7 ised a eet Play . IV SALISBERY, doing | HESS nus FORWARDING AVO GENERAL COMMISSION ' ! 1 BUSIVESS _ aad hope by promotes and «t At Lent) ie merit . your patronaye aud sujipor Betis the Ae ot \ Murray's Line of First (lass Packets, to thisand MORE oe every «Tore be made to miak ‘ stand test ek &c.,, thous route to New York. Vessers u raver diecharged at my Wharf adjuniue the Ral 2 Blank Books. Ledgers. 1 } PO vciimtisas ate Wharf, and thereby save CARTAGE anc Llu SI] { ! ERAGE a ‘ OF Parurolar attention willbe given to altard ite ‘ Qnd to the 6ale and shipment of Produ HH) UL Gh apt WILLIAM B GRAN ce FAMILY. KUCKRIAS A CARD. 4. ee } AVING anspor ted with inyse't Mr Jou. 1 Bae ewes ve Ewing, recen:iy of Petershure. Va man of jong «xj. wt I having mover th neh ae the corner of Ma W ~ Increased feriiiiins { ‘ 1 ’ Isinese, tent we will be enchled to eorua the Aiteaay and patronage of my fortier . (iis orp Ro, Vic generally. Ourinetto will be fu wire ettietuction ee i D Calf and see us. ie ‘ ‘i C A HENDERSON i S 0 vt Jan 11,1559 uy : ! i . “ \ ! State of North Carolina. Now ' , f 4 i} / CNBARKES COUNTY ie ie IP F v aoe I , Coart of Pleas ac Qos Serene, Spire Porn beat Rape, 6 ‘ \ J.5. Misenhe ne: 4 J Tindwa kovs, Chir anak ath “ | ' = ‘ p = M Mueenheiner, Cy ‘ er (ee Sane aa Orginal \ ean wn La ‘ “}) ‘ : x ‘ ’ : enrp . Pee State of North Carolina. the defens ‘ in tant of thm Noise u Pet i Court that pues vw i Cake I . Q M Carolina Watenina ' ~ ' 1 her to be an bf i i} ‘ li ( ia) i 1 ‘ Of Pleanand Quarter > 1 Pp ; p held for th ‘ ( 1 \ tn Concord, on vt fie Marte f and there to p> 2 she has, why ri \ agains’ her. ais ' 1 @aid atlactn Witness, N flee, in Conrur M \ Ni) and the 3 eur } proady £5 50 State of Nor th ¢ DAVIE Cent ty Court of Peas 2 " ; I si] 1 Juk ' Ab Ong 1 need IT appears the defendant 4 ofthe State | that pobliras 4 Watehman, pr % \ ham Conlin b- p ‘ ( j ead Quarier Sice { Davie, at the ( ei second Monde he has, why 1! the eatisfactinr 1 - 1 aceording!, Witners, A A ii. ‘ A { 1 Ofgee the 204 Minds Ml th Prades $5 51 ‘ Caroline. Kiel, TRI-WEEKLY MAIL TWO HORSE HACKS From Yorks Ve Ni fist \ Kerosine Oil. Peery T" genuinne KER ONT THEN RAIL ROAD NOTICE \ew Goods! New Goods! CLOTHING, MANSION SALISBURY. FINELE subserte r tad tne ae rally Cuhken this inog Pwo hieowa aiid bas mad ! dmte the busi Joand visiting p Cie pablo, su ihe t an (ory wanes Partieuia _ STAPLE & FANCY DRY G000S/ C408 ILE, Roo MS. 1) VES TORES, PAINTS, PU RPE N TIN &. R ESIN Chath, Whig, \ i | ] RINALS, Syrenges, Breast Pumps, SOIVICMION carl Gane Neos: (i ~ NED -VEPIGE, Birux, Gloe . \ Mauufacturers Arteles, c GRAND OPENING NEW SPRING & SUMMER Or AYER’S Cherry Pectoral. For the rapid cure of Goughs, Colds, Hoarsners, Bonchitis, Whsaping Cough Asthing and Consumption, ts universals WV kiewn aw the best re medy ever yet discovered for every vaniety of Pulmone So wide is the field of ite usetulicss wud so uumerous the cases of Ws cures, (hat almost every section of the country abounds in persons publicly hnown, who have beeu restored from ng wud even desparate diseases of zeby um ure When onee tried HUF sUpenor.y over every uther medicine ACR RTI Te Tow pete "CO escape Observation, aud known, the publie no longer GOODS f.. ad a ary disease the far Where its virtues are 5 besitite what antdote to employ for the stressing \I AGNESEOA, Mostard, Ginger, W / K / / / / / us ot the pulmonary organs nome ee ucehinate By itetimely use ‘ |: SAU SS See Thstruments, te aC of HLS C I he Y IOC YY. ‘ ache of disease ea tS | ) Penis ff Vinten tresied and (hus are saved many CABLE Tuk. Blichkig, ‘N a Xx \ X xX \ aR X XN fm au premature grave. No ot the R . ON Ss AN S \ N) \ S, t wut aud thome who do neglect | SINGEASS, Gellatine, Eatracts ' > with wo remedy which wards mt ae . is soldineases wall have cause to : ORS, Bottles, Sponge tik toc date Prooltmofthe surprising CN CURIE NT ee SST: TEN DSO THOU dtp tater « | \ oO | NDIGOL Atimatios, Rowe, Punk, hd see our New Sy ( mel Cee eee 5 ( | )\\ \ ‘ » = 1 : 1 Bucthose who wih to read the ae (MIS, Wares Caatiry ‘| | ) | |: \ \1) |) |: i : ( + Di Vi OPS Matements at thea whee whole health has been re- SEMETAGLE LERHONTRIPTIC py weiss, tai sine, sau Paper, geod oe oe: ” tre 14 ! Fs ; iS Searintey omy dade: ; a TRC ett SC Wik oro cenia lelow Uuined hove tu lucach gravis for every PRE Si) Ce ARIE WE) ASS TEE = as ue Soa in midicUibes We care ee bh Y Goo oe pelos, and celipse all compe i) tition Prive 2h ety per Bay 95 Bowes for tb 00 DISSISED RIDVEVS ! Je Es ost int reel Givinee vit that our Stuck is far SUPEIMON to — Crevantns DR JO AVER, Lowell, Mase, : “ ; - . TINO Cement WOE tat bas te tiee Votfered to th yeu ma tTaattour prices are dow te siurve NecC ‘ Avi \\ ™ : the LOWEST water thank Charlestou, SoC | : oO Vhre, Lamp Black rps . . \ . Hi, Wa li : t ia sia naa MOTT O.---Polite attention to Customers. and Samal Profits, Se i ” pave ClDS, Afeolel, Bhuad, ‘ ; mt : : ! C ee aM can Joueeed and Lang Outs, ‘) P I: (" J A I “ ao i | ( E. mond, Va, and afl Ho ee WES BG) te a Uiiesiing SVUsiinwsds aml Glee pimiile een WH fod in addition to our Stock See Ets ane thes: : ceo fo eh aan SE SUATEE AN TANGY CUNT, gexhudd Siuck ot SALISBURY eae oe Mesos ines sieepanen te gay TUS) Sab eannns Sta READY SADE CLOUIING, BOOTS AND SilOES FEMALE SCHOOL. Coen ae i re NGL mall surts, sizes anil prices, WATS, PLATS aml BONNEDS, [UE escrber wil open a Beaace SIIB TE, BS } lay ie a Drues. aints, Oils and Dye-Ntutts, . et othe Lutheran Charch, vu the tiret Monday of WOOD WARE, BUCKETS, BROOMS, ERUSIES, TWINE, ROPE, PERMS OF TUITION AS FOLLOWS ARRIS pe ean ED EESE TABLE CROCKE RY AND QUEER INS Ww ARE, Wastiaad Navneet §p ON, 4 Wiis fad aN ae . $7.00 CIN OF ron SENOt'D ? CATTLE POWDER. anil the best stock of SUGAR, OOF TS) Se ce eee shary : ae eee wy Soo FURNITURES >) n Mist exer. by Mre SE Suuthdeu!, @18.00 per : 1 a Panenitis Or ter wd De made propertion \ “Hs Want Wither istortia itn will address. PV PSE UIE: COLI TES NARGIS iD OSS TIME WIEN, unease ee fe Ne Re tordiig by Rey WW, uN ae . JL SMITHDEAL Ur ae MONTRLA S YOUNG) Geen ence MAIN SI NEARLY oRposire Ts f So. ) i . : MURPHY’S GRANITE ROW Meat ( SE (ie 0 eo SALISBURY, N ! ; . ~ i fee leas Michie, a targe lot on hand 1 ees t ~ wohy j ne \ (it SPRAGUE BROS Ke | ee losnathe WEST LS BLA. and VO. > e j ye t- BIW N SIG ARTA ee ( nd Clarified, Gie Ten Mie MARCH 2h IR59 sieht Fs ; oo CHANGE OP SCHEDULE. ! : See \ ( \\ | a) i\ NOVICE OWS . ae Salisbury to Asheville. : ; ones b o Se 4] PUNE aint Shoe Wi Een eee ( ‘ ; fl | PaO Sip ure (ess ai le No. Granite Building, \ | rite benefitofthe . ) SS) Vis so rit Mile ce Minse, i x . SMIMISHT WY SS. 6 Meares Westema Yori Carolina Bail Road. ‘ be fice ) een MI w if eee 1 SUBSC ITs Ihe AG 19% wenn \ ta towrrk. an rin ! 1M ty settle IETS SN Pan ed an Uae a) ‘ I ‘ Aeterna VN ! RIDGE | aes 1) {nuetaticens nope | in Am rc , Wer FAS ' On Peres sorte ned ’ ‘ ale poy a j ve i _ veo ee rente ce-shee 4 ieee Mon \ ; DS AY a IBIS, iran re gh IM tae he ens he nag i Me VALUABLE LANDS ae! ie ~ LA Ley Thats. Caps, Braats, Nhaoes, ete. B-aRDEe @ we ~Hce ey ca flee Payton ICN UOMO Tarun dung dnt aneuteata: neaten 4 Ge cae Ie Eaule Tying 0 1 t 1 \ ' Seon . od Det t aw Ho) ti les JONESVILLE ee ‘ ‘ MOTUS. Rie jue nell en Male and Female (eademies, mn Ww ETE ee oo eect, Kp ON Ei i ee LST : ree ee . ; Mv tow Fyn thy On ge ae | Dp I 1 TPUROM NSIS OTP aN Ther ve Merrett aasiGg ara 4 ASS DS tip | Aa AN - low wy Wwyat \ 1 | al Shae 1 7 aan) ae : . : which as We ii rp . ' rhein: ! JOHN DOOLEY. ~ OSHA Sh SSRI AS Hat and Cap Manufacturer, re ! 16 te Cis, Fons, Te funtnen a : : ~ \ : eS ce i = he sndomitabl / ~a G@lo AHR AD ‘ SII Ses TR VS : ,; : * - ae , Ne bated dlavionce aad Tee the , ME Wh WORN RIS. } ' me t t i a ; ( WW NY i ee ROWAN HOUSE, ff piel ies . © Nalishury. NOC Ia ir janice . oan ee Pe we ee Water Ges , me ! Bazaar of Fashion, Ps Baten ET Greens <i AMERICAN ann ay WWARBEEVAR, apis ssscuis yi Bae Be yin sn RIES, | en 11 ROSEMAN M.D, aivaveo- ‘ J z balnie ' He MALCOLM, I\st ' VYOL, {()\] PUNY, eGUCePh he MARBLE ' i 4 t vroath Mutaal oo. 4 rr a | | il Wa ee . ae ALAN TES THICODLRS AV sTnaw Ce EXSH ote): fr ee alisbury, April 19th, 1859 Rearta Ver : HK. WISPURN BYESYM OF WILD CHERRY, ii BEWARE OF UOUNTERFEITS'! Pahe onty the Genuine!! MYERS ol. Pe Nilo sce Commission Mekchant. ‘i le lad kk Nt elle oN a Del ny t h ‘i 1 Wo : Ml ‘Et rs. Nes, Stree ow. bowen A OO. ( FOWRAPTE * % 4 a SH Sy a 6 ’ ‘ ! ‘ a “ ry . . ‘ ‘ ie s ' Ry \ istin eee Sn . They are Gia ( heap Linoueh, IPM GD fn WATCH-MAXER AND JEWELER, \'' ie ee SOIR Ji nee ce ae ee ; ‘ a \ Tew c A % lee fe Gf | BES Tf IAP dE Pigs DS Alek Ain ew BLANK DEE OFLICK FUCESULIE AL Fity / ENTIRELY UN- eee? f ee vil and popu. Merchants, ' j bi Sma Garuvral Commission , 1 shone determinnd uv one shall Wilmington, N. oc. so) . Mase r leased eerienne OD POINT COMPORE (ELE TPR ESR Ve r \ he travelling pabhe EMER CMS G ‘ PU Cena rience AS TER AS TTR Kony SWAINIPED ILD A Ne ee 7 oe! HE RE EDS 7 4 CLARAS PHOSPEA TI aia EER a 0 Nora. SiN CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, &c, &e. yo Wi e have on hand a large Wallies H. Smith, CAM I RESH VE italy a Nt ie SUGAR, COFFEE, W ” an tec he TEAS. pubhe, that MOT sete, Dz. ties 1% A ARRIVGE BE SINESS, hee ¢ \ ae beer: Neonches, and will reas oy a Hef Vopleat Toshio hig work t in sera ae . some Veticlew Calland \ ma renee Ui Soha Ne ies) Hie Simi Shine vi) SIEGE ire prey ETO Neuen thie test stuimand inaoier \ . " Mm a ee Usk tulmiseeia Gectanworiere en . 4 I a ! ’ Gmo35 X \ a Gy Be VN} rt W MOTHER CHANGE !! SALISBURY re MENT, Z ae 7 ARY. min ge of the Cashor Groceries for Country Produce i] | It i] re A | AMIS DS TRA AH) 1 “a gHATHAWAY & 00 Woiliminelon, S00 Hives Ait i Cr ie say gaat Ow Vee stant in the Literary { Session hawk fad Bap Viorees | Cards Malesre, OP \ sy te a ae | chaice Vew Orleans syrap fees Sao tie ' fos to Sehoata, SO dblads. far to choice New Orleans Sugars, Iw fay weet eoeud in private, Ff TWO) Barres Charitiod Suars ' Hf HWhoust wend Wags Rio, Lagwia. West India & Java Coffee rth BP t nenee 100 Barrels Mess and Prime Pork wih Qhat da Ethene aberrant ue twenty. ety Western Bacon Sides and Shoniders. week 200 Bole Yedtaw Planting Patatoe ' I wiaf Mareh 14, Pso9, 3ms:pd Roa femily of P a hers ofthe high- ap mee ; ( 1) NOSIS He fley SN ' Priscirar ' cd { i NG Drs M\|WHITEHEAD &J.A CALDWELL, oe ero ” i) * EC AE TE 3) HO) (avi ane hs \ \ MI f Medicine Thoae without ANN wren 0 es M , VEAL AND ZEN try WS GL Ge IWISH ant SWEET Prey 17028 49 fora ind table wae, fore « PRAGUE RROS Ap 12 tf rD Singh and en he ry oo Mae J. J. BRUNER, | EDITOR AND PROPRIETO TERMS | Single copy, $2.00 | Five copies, Sx 00 Teu copies, $15.00 Clubs exceeding ten, im the same proportion $1.50 each. Payment always an adyauce ADVERTISING RATES. A nquare ts the spea cupled by 16 lines of Brevier type Occasivunl without additioualcharge S uunaaut o granted to those who ad 4 % uoptosuy Byer use regularly thivugh ae : thy yeats = e suulianty & (a wee We furee dollars fur au Bes ear) suofaasuy pf Hewucing candidates fur soo other 52 ucipesty, & Court Orders charged t eae - a 2d percent higher Cian s 3 suotsup gy the above rates. Orders for divurce of Whesbane audwife, $l each youn Sati rE GOT Perrone sends sido Ww & SUIMONR OD HONG yon BO Gs Sears BL Aves, BLANKS «following Court and miscellaueou are kept on hand for sale, ac des Can bn seut by mail to any part of the cuuguiry, al pital Com Depa, C & 8. ( Avy Ladeutuces, bet aria 1 {Adminstration : Letters do as Tickets, C.a4 5. ¢ Lacens Jaron Thobete Cortne ates, Prosecution Bood vous Equity Blanks, Ly Appeal, CW Anti many t eof frequedtu Bank ted to order on a BAKER’S PREMIUM CHOCOLATE. W Baker & Co's Amencan, Fr toh, Homenspatine and Vacidla Preasuu Choe elites Prepared Cocoa, Paste, Coroa Sucks, Suiuble. Wea pattie and Ihe tetie Conus, Cocua Shella and Cracked Cocoa, Cele brated ap mulriuve, walutary ane ¢ us beverages for more than three -ftithen urs, are mann factured from Cocoa of th shiv, and wor ranted super lo other ¢ 1 Prepsraious made in the United States, An nourehinent for eh dren imvabds and persons iy he we substitutes for Tee aad Cf Nervoue aie ple canon they are suvaluahie yud are recommended by the inoat erine nt Physic coe di For sale by their Ageuts, DC Murray, New York= Wan S Gran, Po tad, 1 NY Hien " Baltimore. het Dadbey & Co, Caiinan, sud by Grocers geueral WALTER BURER CO 1D 3in td Mave FAMILY GROCERY STORET: Try the New Grocery Store, FIRST DOOR AROSE JONER HARDWARE 8 Pee GROCERIES, every kind fs Farnly ase, ole be sty rupyleed t ur eRe re AGU SWaelt NOU ts ctince cca) Gem Mae race Cotte tee wane Cacho B Vive prtite are oo etmald bor a Credit butorns Give vin a i} BEARD & BROTHER, Avil 6, 1°59 : _THE LIVER INVIGORATOR! ended entirely from Gl MS, YBY DR SANPORT Compounde it . aa --_ a _w = =: iw” 4 the ia} bum ates e Terie ts armach cane Py urtfyt n g the blood, Mir « A Sew hele wach bery removing the couse uf (he U.eemee efter a nL 16 gy cured hat t bett ceveuted,|) 0 oe To ie Liver Ynvigorator. gay ead prresin he food @Nean nea ima Vim done taken behore ggg retiring preve ie NIghe oo dome taken at MM night femens (he bowels and cuen ¢ Le fuer taken after cart ill - -? ves fey! le - tor Cholera 1 BF ‘< ve) nl Dropay, by exciting the mending thie edicine aw AN F Aue, On lous Type. are willing Wo tents elr nnantmous he Invt- THE LIVER INVIGORATO 18 A SCIENTIFIC MEDICAL DISCOVERY ” « hy PRICE ONE DOLD AR PEM BOTTLE BRANFORD & Co. Proprietors, M5 Broadway, New York Wholesale Agentar Ranwre & Park, New York, T Wo Drort & Soma, Philadel n A Co, Portland mn, Cleveland | Ao St Loate Halumore. And eonte Qronae H Keverk F by all Draggis HENDERSON & KNNISS, Sahebory, NOC 4 Apr. 12, 1K55) Vy i6 “A aD BOGS Bce LDL. who are indebted tome will please call and AX settle ther accounts or notes “They ean net Ue with me or with BOR Mee, BX who occupies an office with ine Officer in Cowan's Breck Rew ( HE SPSS Salisbury, March §, 1859 hott DE ROSSET, BROWN & CO. ; WILMINGTON,N.C. BROWN, DE ROSSET SX CO. . NEW YORK. Commission Merchants. Nit Sole Agente at Wilmington for Reese's Want pulated Gaans, and Wo Wihitelock & ¢ s Super ha Lin Tmportersof pare Peruvian and other Goa Land Plaster, Gc IP Parrenlar tion given to the aale of Naval Stores, Cotton and other BPioe April 1, 250 Yup ly Drs. M;WHITEHEAD & J.A.CALDWELL, AVE neeoriated th : id pract f Mead e and off th Post ional aery et he publ Those who wiahit ant . fhoth any n without extra cha: ye EM Omer the same ocenpred at preveniiy be Woorpmsar — BLANK WARRANTS For vale at this Office. Devoted to Politics, Uews, Agriculture, Internal Improvements, woe VOL. XVE. SALISBURY, N. C., MAY 24, [S09. wa eo a NUMBER 52 Commerce, the Arts and Sciences, Morality, and the family Circle. . WOOD, EDDY & CO.'S (CHARTERED BY T TORS Stngle Number Lotteries! ! RTATE OF GEORGIA. - Capital Prize $50,000! TURIRTETES COPS TY DOLLARS, PL BLAC NHOHETHE Tes TE) CAEP As the ieiahers of our fir have, choape, becotie the owaeral (ey the St of Deleware, hen i part ot Chose am Georca, ander th Messe Gereory A Maney sot Wau we have deemed it expedient to cb by way of par reliriered by ui, wad Hituawement of ion, Delaware, our finay an and afer January Pst, Peod, to that ot WOOD, EDDY & CO. whe wilhercutier have the mauasemeutof the Sparta Academy Lottery, aud the ofners, as above iained La wd transactions we have endeavored to conduct our buries: wilh ietegeity aod protplc aud we Cou assire the puble that the patron bestowed oo unis well de Lo our succe mors Augusta, Georgia, Dee V5 WOGD, EDDY & CO., MANIGERS, Successors to NS. Swan & Co. 1 followin Aris We ayo Wey Ferre COTTE EOE May, feo at A tie up ! | are ee Gee (Pa 1 ae Crt 2) Dawes LAS ees HE GN ON THE PLAS OF " TICK heme ow te 44 by Woop reoftte Spar a Aeademy Last Siogle Number Lotteries for tra, Grea, ry publie, under Comics one inci, M i See! “ » Nis Eh, Se Satetbay M We dea) > Vs Tay SINGEE NU SRE RS Five Thousand Four Nundred and Lighty-Five PRIZES! VEVRLY OV PRIZE TO EVERY VIVE TICKETS Ma Y a ¢ TO KE DRAWN t APPRONIMATION Pt 4 Prine of $400 Approxamatiog O & 4 2: ‘ 4 4 4 4 4 S86 Prices amu Wie Trae + ' + Lic A Circular ehowing the plan wil be sent ty any vue desirous oft 4 fPaweges wail fatt ( Bachageof wt Tirk HW + IV ORDERING TICKETS OR CE Scheme! TEACHES LT TEDEGY SENSE = ROW. COPPIY C MOCK, tye pay $520. 000 the Lutteries lowing rates RTIFLCATES. From the Petersburg Lntellige acer | ANOTILER OUTRAGE UPON PU B- LIC VIRTUE. The Norfolk Argus, which has attained game of More to be Admired than the RICHEST DIADEM EVER WON ux ALVGS op EMPERORS. EMPORIUM FASHION! an unenviable notoriety in the political desperadoisin, fully endorses our neighbor's doctrine that no city need hope = 6 What? Why a Eeautiful Head of Hair. Be nl Hirnaelé d for wll our A ) ° Real ee hiya OF Expect any thing at the hands of a De- ut th be s (hisicod peanla Calle Wea be mocratic Legislature weless ahe s adupa ed and shrivel: ¢ tilt sprin & é tu chart: Democratic dilegate to the Capit Pe Can Ves it be possible that the people ot Virginia ty low writer uf the firat ment f rated Pesuist, (ete are pre pared to tolerate, much less sane: New Youk, April 19, 1858 0 you the obligations I ite Dene tion, such a doctrine asthis? A doctrine Dear Sir for Ul iginal that ignores all justice, all considerations | ia ian (Lnited States it wae _ /TETYSRTS xr : “ ition of your “Mair of merct, and scatters to the four winds ‘BROW F , . et woe We Gogiaal hue. 1 consider the principles and spirit of the institutions A doctrine that eee 1 au, dear sir, yours truly which we live under! bh THALBERG . “Drych ate Gwyliedydcw” puts to open shame the maxims and dic Walsh Newspaper Office, 1 Dear fyvour We rts tates of RIGHT, and proclaims the abso- aeeaeol aly lute supremacy of MIGHT! And popular sentiment 60 degenerated in this has vhing at the vallant Commonwealth upon whose coat of arms is proudly emblazoned the figure ball per of Liberty trampling upon Tyranny and Wounsa Wiel exultingly pronouncing over her prostrate us be Le ao eee cry a cues TEI victim, the burning words, “SIC SEM Snel Ha Rr PER TYRANNIS??. A beautiful com By as : 2 mentary, is the newly avowed doctrine of Vew and beautiful Stock of asec Wirt eerrareaerirehalers mara Oe neighbor and the Argus upon that SPRING eG os te md col Hroud emblem and motto which WiGLe Ur : Fa eo ea eieae eae tainly never intended for a race of slaves: Yet the effort is now boldly and actively beim made by at least two Di mocratec journals of Virgaud, to put In practieat Y The tts rau Went : operation the exploded old maxim of des MNICOT 29, 1 BAU: pibse nuns cre err eenrnn ots that MIGHT makes RIGHT. 444 Bri New York alway : In onr yesterday's issue We wave extracts wl Fancy Goods Dealere : . ) : sau from our neighbors first essay, (and we trust that it will be his dias?,) upon the su ! THE RAILROAD TAP GUEAT PLEASU EE perior advantages of bis new theory of is eine ee Gage aun )government, which would at every yneli of its progress, if practically enforced, BEAUTY OF STYLE EXCELLENCE OF QUALITY | Ferush out the life blood of our iustitations hurl to perdition, We j how hold up to the waze and contempla- fthe Norfolk j-lryus in behalf of the Tyrants plea Jand them will ition of the people the essay « ° ° W | Says that journal : titution oe | One great cause of the continued anti j commercial policy The Legislature of Virginia has always been Democratic, and our cities have been Hirough hile and over the plansand valleye, drawing | represented by Opposition delegates, who | | | Ee BODY SAYS SO, and so it must be ) Baa Te alnortian speed of ine aud distance. by the they thande whilates t ts trans, which, as r along [$7 OF ALMosP RE RAY GRADE AND PRICE Buclose the money to our address foe the Tickets Jobe toog demgthe and enormous treyghts, the gaping 1 dered, on rece poof wineh thes will be forwardec lec ld stand wad lock—they can't help—with wonder) 1M advocating their political principles b iad irchasers Can have Uchete ending Viend detighe ; and the e hevewont ter oul iiaive alienatcuetnoim: tier constitnents the eer a aeece minneaee Sanit Heparin le used to say that auch aud hire lites ah Ped SS Pores Pich anuen ined Pf he wore ereat aga pol es haser a) ie ar i ; cher a merchant or a} Ts h <4 < owrtte 1 . ' = veteen| i peered MR ecaimoreiiee ties: wht their political opponents and are , : : rt ( Ae ray not those tines ‘ . i ; \ pau wo tppetiaciea non th bes was, per sloth to do apytiing to strengthen them at K ! ray di pat ' thee { fomen, thin sinee the Tron i : ‘ \ i fhome. Hence when an opponent asks a aly vil wa 1 ‘ Horse came upon tae workls © Ktage y not be i . : { , bi ND pees 0 roteard cine tle Tiwewmaciinve [eRe {for horses now, but heeanse, | EAVOr of Democrats, they are anwiling to vation t raw ' rt the used tune soi ots wes thew have beetechpsed.—Well,) grant It, when they would be willing to 15 vee r tlhese yaeresetys hei appicanen ria Sry wh? f ‘i MATEY SHAME TE OR PIES DE Be! oamins Wectild Hhatthere are # Pe EAITG it fe a member of their own party. Those who | riot eoud rouey by tnaid, eat EY fir abov the Great Institution. ‘Take for tn-| No one rare Kae ted with the facts t ‘j 7 f e li ( l % A (' {PS Secs 12 Moarneap, whore mental strength; can deny, that a Democrat can obtain . Uy * ‘ Hpewer. pat inte aper ’ teal forces Z ! $ EXPRESS COMAANY , pacers ME (NHR CEE SE Le tron a Democratic Legislature what a 1 1 bd vinelc heaved eat the earth from the deep ‘cute £ ch x se en , THE ADAM Whig or American cannot hope to el ne ind the raving and vaileyvetrom Charlotte to.) ; 2 Hac CA) I 0 aTYTTYe! (3 1 eevee owarlall tiea@e Ets PHICEOnke tsOticni alates where the 5 pr Sy pp P7 z i CP DUS TTESLSS TIRED aE NMETV Su e e 4 » ey Weight stance others. many others Democrats are in the iinerty ageunst ee Wanext (er Wig “ ove bat let suffice there ate thoie party F tance, 4 FON Ga Peo \ 1 rN tal tv will not alow them to ae tele party or insta LOG; W rey V ERNWES F OPOST ODP Eo STAMPED PN ‘ op aon of bod _ r ton For oorself, we are per York Legislature where the Kt ae CANS VELOret ! «( ae ie ane Da aU Hy t ‘ Heci'y emutent toby accounted he the Great Puti- “are 1p the majority, (he city of New ulike oa Ss IG oRe [POG a ; which is represented by Democrats can \ ‘ han Geathanen, [et us reaton together on thre subject ve ; td t Ind lit wbtarn nothing as idesires ity paeed its Adres O Vik ( ates o mA) . Ai = aS im NWO voy ae Oe i READY MADE CLOTHING I | q) I: I: I 4 N A very charter has been altered ausinst its AWSOME, [TBM AS Ut \ rer F AND TADIF Parent a CLOTHING, His Conte, and Pante Wishes by the domiltane party ar, Wood, BD DY & CO, Wins Del ; Nk Hare. Caps, Bs te Slives; Shitte anil If we have anything to ask from the ie Salted ONG AEH HOS enor inthe DR SS GOODS ' omen : ran) The fart wa then TONE Leyislature of V Irginia, and we tt ive ’ t 1 clone . ” tw seb ING STOR vas be oo be, te Vis Whole . * iy is ii Ls \ mu SUE a ee many schemes for our benebt tor which ry drawing. in “ ' 3, . ay A Great and Professional Card. SPRING Just rece Mitra 2 ved Rw. 1 at ie ECU BON NTIS, SPRING MANES: SIPRISCGG SUE MeN HT Y © YOUNG so PASSENGER CPR VEN fre Sta jase hae AV PM ‘i 1 i HET RNUNG The t Mw th vl Fetonars Western \. Carolina PRCHEANES aol a Hie t imevedy ately 1 good and young N the bighe st CN Powant thems nid desine | alse bay gids end: bey» wd worn ON (hiree Salishory, May 4th, 1 LAW x \ Ul. OF BEC tot M bole 5 Cake [Peay TAN ate subs w upon th | March 15 B 4 1A \ TRAQ AMES COT Tsar an) ES tott \ fault k rPRODLGH KNOW TD. ots. Puyetteville O ee aw ae > ee Se ee er ee at BE RUN AE SY \ P P kK ay D , and conservatisn at the expense of their PARTNERSIP, ee \ aa a \ PW LAY birorMED EVERY AV oreamie strength It is brazen etfrontery, Sieesi Oar , ; ; 4. ( \| DD \' Kl | , As G : I: then, for the Courier to eharse upon ume MRals A see a UT be - enhina HG eee OEE As Goop As Ib PRESENTED. mailie: HSE Pon aerary Iyvoorare i etter from San ranerseo is vy Dr Nes POCKET KNIVES W \ x | t = Ueto % a u : a on states that their corm ssaon to be Cony ; POCKET KNIVES "] Iw | | sympathy or attihation with the Republi : Tara Se ae : fl ws Evens Part << hwentcirdis diutedl mmenced at the mint at city Mais a (ORY ENGGUST CU ArT Reet a CALL axp SER tug SHOW! al : : ‘ thought a matter of considerable iupoer matt) I ey 1 hdl ADMISSION FREES dc tance, as it is hoped t t the Chinese ean Paya Pt NTRS’ sents provided only forthe LADIES and Vory touching and beautiful were the bern laced to take t Neuerican doliars IK WANTED a : e es IXVALIDS words of the old schoolmaster, as life pas ins viiof the Mex whieh ure at Tear ; ve he . eerie rel away. “f Tt is growing dark othe prem im, and by that us thre u n ARK " ‘ Porsons ‘ \ ag T.d.4 ale WERONEY Want Money. Doors Open from > AM. lo P WV. school nay he disuiissed Down te the on over $2,000,000, wl veh atnonnt of s roach my icine ete wpe ye Le Physician's orders vccepted atall hours very gates of an unseen world be earned vers annually exp mh 1 oto Ch ma, may : " SIMONTON Sey as eaten Seen coy of the night his love and regard tor the ¢ lildrep whom be saved to the merchants of this coun 4 | Mareh tet. 1a? wo | Salisbary, NaC 1m48 he had trained try \ | | | Pause <NER ths tie dally “Western North Carolina Rail Road, & Supt Rail R. Freight ye ect Tonwa roofeact Read yk Supt sI wish to purchase 20 nwsand wal pay them Devas plaints Weve ROBARDS ald dispensible Institution, | we must obtain Legislative sanction ot FANCY SILKS, j 1 Wy cul elite eerntinmentweanine lc) WeeInUSt send a member of the doi ° ’ a gir : beste i » there ce rp Ellis : “ Rich Blounced Nill Robes, 1) ica Bo aneernilen CO Thirce VEST vant party there like Mr. Ellis, if we wish nye es ’ i he use ot his money ojave more ‘sts wr . eee) OARS 4 i Ree ae Ute Ti aC eR ERC RTS to lave our request prante I rothane AGEs ea be risa aN ee People of Virginia! There is Jem a eens ‘ Cae + \ tee ney foryou. Look atthe pictures Con bOLAIM it ' wan atop fore the: sed 9 ning ‘ : ; rN : Se apres REDGIEDY ce aD ine template it, and then say whether ifs t Se VSS TING Seonentrce \ EH Lae Silay arden . hy of Saint Tet e cE isthe Store, t REATINSTITCT thatl tur} More worthy of your at iration or detes : Ay HORFLIN S, wilt vet, at the B37 CURNER OF THE MAN ? vil SION HOTEL tullon has Hs | t 1 & UHANTILEY PACK MANTLES, >: | Panvak sv LS AND OD i | PRINTS, ae, 4 a - | Tet} Lata very long chapter HH WYAT \has asserted that the Southern Americans > QLANGE ASSORTMENT OF . — = | publicans to control the Presidential elec ltion, It is terribly alarmed at the LINEN & COTTON SHEETING, Staple and Panes Goods, GR ES. spread Jof anti-slavery principles, and says Martin | Van Buren was the litionists in 1848, and received OW1,60S PD & SITLECT STOCK & CERI candidate of the Abo lyotes. Where are those voters now ?— Many of them are holding fat offices un ee ues ENTS -<~r - der President Bachanan, and nearly all ()( Ras a es "W \\ » rN awe Oe Ss ofthem arean full communion with the TH) neves 50 rene Du e N Democratic party ! he Abolitionists of al ‘ 1 a . > + ry Xt | I ihr Drie & Wedicine Store. osc ce socrates tie tise nee LE wae soil party sprang trom the loinsefthe De IT IS HANDSOME. ie ee M | mocraey; all the leading Republeans, SPRAGUE BROS ITIS CROWDED. such as Crovernor Chase, Dlitr, Wilson Satshory. 1 ai aH WITH and Sumner, lave alwaysbeen Democrats; IT 1S FILLED MEDICINES PERFUMERY, the most bitter Republican powspaper, MICHAEL BROWN, spices the New York Evening Post, has neve! PAINTS, : AND recanted its Democracy, nnd when ie dited OILS by William Leggett, was the first paper COVMISSION WERCIYT, NALISBURY N.C. ae SAW OR Tie Ne PED IT 1S THE CHEAPEST STORE Ivor Srare or N. Carona. EVERY MAN. WOMAN Gaid CHILD in the Democratic ranks to oppose slave ie Phe old Whig and American part PERSON AE GIy ut fidelity, and preserved their nationality resisted these influences with patrotie About S60 in cash w The Episcopal Convention Phe See retary of the Convention which at Goldsborough on Wednesday of last week | has politely allowed us to glean such sta | tistics from his Journal as the public are likely to be interested in. The Wt. Rev. Bishop Atkinson presi ded, and E. L. Winslow, IB SiGbn officiated as Secretary, an office to which he has heen unanimously clected year after year for twenty or thirty vears past. . The number of Clergy in the is #7, of whom 36 were present. There were 71 Lay Delegates present. The at tendance of Clergy, Lay Delegates and visiters was greater than on any previons occasion, we believe. ‘ThE Services were consequently numerously attended, not) only in the new and beautiful Episcopal, Church, but in the other Churches in the place, all of whose polpits were kindly tendered and occupied by Ministers iu the Convention. | The new Chureh crated 5 two new Coneregations were ad | initted ; and one ¢ Deacon. The number of Communicants in the Diocese is 3036. Number of Baptisins during the past year TO Number Con firmed B58. Marriages 00. Burials 273 Contributions 820348 55 Inet Diocese < building was conse ‘andidate was ordained Three Ordi nations of Priests and three of Deacons All the inembers of the standing Com mittees of last year were re elected, as were the Delegates to the General Con with one exception in each Fay th ode Obs reer. vention, ae Homicide and Suicide in’ Richmond County.— We learn that Mr. ‘Turner Smith fonnd dead on the dd near his house in the neighborhood Bostick’s Mills, Richmond County, The body bore marks of vielence—the head badly bruised. pect a man named Thomas Robinson of| the killing; and the Jury of Inquest found against him. list. of was There was reason to sas Robinson was an old man, perhaps 60 | years of age, had been all tis dite an tdi It is supposed after the murder, as his body was found, shocking: | of, and had a guardian that he committed suicide soon ly defaced, about a week after the ure der, hanging by a grape ving to a tree zal There were appearances of his having} made several etfurts, by cutting his throat | of Virginia is) this. and hanging, to destroy himself, before | without mutiny, he finally succeeded.—/iry itéeville Ob: | SOIR | ay | Murriage.—A practice preva Isin the publica | tion of marriages, to announce that Miss A. mar- | ince, She does not marry the man—the man marries her, The woman ouly consents that he shall take her, lingness oo ber part to take upen herself all the ! tu and in consequence of this wil cares of wedded life, the husband is requir chertshand ah romises, Thew protect he iP avrree honor, and obey, which are only | con \ husband. — «took unto him sud about ber When dacob in search of a tingent on the good conduct uf | | self a wifes” but we hear nothin s Scripture, mentions that taking unto herself ao husha set onton his travels wife, found Rachel at the well drawing water for the family. He stood on no ceremony. He did not wait for the usaal salutations of the day, or formal introdnetion, but forthwiih kissed ber, Sand lifted up his eyes and wept * 'Vhe yov that overwhelmed bin i finding such a pretty do shee mestic girl ain the wilderness, ¢ forth ina torrent ef tears Ali the while Rachel was pics sive, Shemade te advances, She did not hiss Jacob, nor did she coyly reset liberty be had taken. Here we have the neautive consent the submission of the female, and the > te cessful and decided advances of the gentlent for Jacob was a gentleman of forties and dis We should not ther journals that the lady married the centioman ron his fingers to bind the obh rhashand with tinetion tore savooun our She puts noon vation, She does not present bh told wateb and chain, a diction 1 breastpin, oF A pair of white kids. Dead Body of a Mun Found in the Cape Fear. Weare informed that the throat cut and a ballet hole in his) stom- Liver, Averasborough, ITarnett ar County. There were no papers on the body by which it could be recognised, nor was it known to any person in the neighborhood, Our informant, who from a most respectabie citizen of Har learned these facts OLAS knew no other iw urticulars, but re quested this publication in hopes of elici ting information comeerh 1g the supposed Frryette cdl! str rer Wise reeds tranywer. reed Body Found Ses- soma, Whe Was supp red to the The holy of have fallen steamer Fanny, on the voth alt. Gas mentioned inthe Ooser of the 25th fonnil Cape Fear near Bliz eth and burried at overboard from ver uit Was nay WaddelUs Landini the th inst Phe Coronor held an inquest the re salt of es which was a verdict of aced lental death refonnd in lis pock the What is Life? BY THE LATE BLDER O. AMBROSE- What is Ife’ Tis a vanishing vapor, Appearing and passing away ; The flame of perishing taper, That dies at the dawning of day. As short as a mist in the morning ; As weak as a flower on its stem 5 As frail as the dew-drops aduraing, That transient and beautitul gem. The wind whisties—the vapor bas vanished ; Day dawns and the taper expires; The sun shines, and the must is all banished Aad fled trom the wariath of his fires. ‘The tree in its beauty bas perished, The dew is exhaled from its flowers, Aud that ui life which we had cherished, In youe with the fast fleeting hours. So fratlis our youth and our beauty 5 So soon will they wither and fade ; And the v e that invites tu our duty, Shall saminon us soon to the dead. Whatever of wealth or of pleasure We seek to secure as our own, Appear but to tell us (he measase Of inoments eternally flown. See, Time like an eagle, is fying; Eternity follows his train; [is path with the dead and the dying Jn ntrewed, and shall soon be again. The voturies of jov and sorrow, [hs vietns alike must deplore ; Aud the plice that now knuws them, to-morrow Shall kuow them forever po more. Oh! then to the fountain, overflowing, So sweetly with mercy above— Where Christ is forever bestowing The balm of his infinite love. When life everlasting is springing, And nothing can burt or distnay, When angels their anthems are singing, Oh! then let us hasten away. Now ready he stands to receive as, And give us a mansion of peace: From sin and from aeath to reheve a8; ‘Till anguish and sorrow sball cease. Ob! banish our error and blindness, Till we thy salvation behold ; Aud draw us with infinite kindness, And gather us into thy fold. Martha Waller From the Epuscopal Recorder.) JUDGE KINDLY. Judge kindly tlow oft the troadled heart O, you cannot tell May seek to hide its grief in smiles, Aud act a careless part How oft beneath the ringing laagh, A moan is sinothered there 5 And in some hasty. thoughtless word, Is breathed an earnest prayer. Aud O, perhaps when heaviest Ti+ heart by sorrows pressed, The words and actions often are Most carelessly expressed. Then kindly judge ; it is no proof Becsuse the words are light, That nobler thoughts are buried, or ‘The heart's no longer right. A. O. “Tf you would have your laws obeyed, see well to it that they are pieces of God Almighty’s law—other- wise all the artillery in the world cannot keep down mutiny. ’— Carlyle. An npright is always easier than & stooping posture, because it is more natu- members of the other party. The mem- : an . bers of a party naturally have wo sympa- rind Mr. 1, It inay ve eS ie i ane ral, and one part is better supported by to name the lady tinst, but itis entirely out of anothers so it is easier to be an honest ian than a knave. tul.—S/clton. It is also more grace- An affection, however misplaced and Ul requited, if honestly conceived and jneply felt, rarely fails to advance the self education of man. The best way to strengthen a good re- solution is to act it out yourself. If you resolve to repair an old fence, it strength- ens the resolution, and the fence too, to commence at once. Our merits procure us the esteem of nen of sense, and our good fortunes that of the public. A proper secrecy is the only mystery of able men; mystery is the only secrecy of weak and cunning oues, If all the fools wore white caps, we should look like a flock of geese. Good humor is the blue sky of thesoal, in which every star of talent will shine nore Clearly. It is easier to be wise for others than for ourselves. Nature has sometimes made a fool, but a coxcomb is always of man’s own mak- ia ny. A cheerful countenance is the index to The Courier on several recent occasions, : ‘ oe body of a well-dressed man, with his; a good disposition. Observed duties maintain our credit, Jcontey plate a union with the Black Re lene ti Tecan Fk mair u ach, was found recently in the Cape Fear at secret duties maintain our life. A great many persons undertake to build fortunes as Pat tried to build his chimney —they begin at the top and build down, Two centuries ago not oneina hundred wore stockings. Fifty years ago not one hov ina thousand was allowed to ran at large at night. Fifty vears ago not one carl inga theasand made a waiting-maid Wonderful improvement im this wondertal world. of her mother Employment, which Galen calls ‘na pu ture’s plivsician,” is so essential to haman happiness, that indolence 1s justly consid- ered as the mother of misery. It you wonld teach secrecy to others, beum with yourself, men it is indispensable to be for without it they would To some worth money, be worth nothing Prosperity is a stronger trial than ad- VCPrsily. Who minds his own business well, lete alone the business of others. Ah | ok thee maiden vet, t passions dou betrayed 5 Heacts winre Love his real has eet, Sorrows tescest pangs inwade be dangerous to be work- int maciine near a window It is al- sew \ » there is a thunder storm. | ee very dane us ty sit hear some ng machiues when there is no thunder- storm MR. GILMER’S LETTER OF ACCEP: TANCE. Geeensporo’, May 6th, 1859. GentLemes :—The emotions with which I received, through your kind and cow- plimentary letter, the news of the unaui- mous nomination of the Convention at Graham, can be better unagined than ex- plained by me. The friendly assurances of your own personal regard and good wishes, which accompany your very po lite communication, impress me with great hamility and thankfulness. . While 1 most sincerely assure you ot my preference not to be a candidate again, Tam frank to admit that the peculiar cit cumstances in which the most malignant, virulent, and persistent detraction lias placed me, create anxiety that the nomi nation, so enthusiastically made, may be ratified aud couticimed by my fellow cit zens of the District. Although encumbered, in early life, with the usual embarrassinents of poverts and the lack of influential friends, [have always considered it a privileze, ina tree country like ours, fairly and honorably to aspire to the respect and coutidence of my countrymen. The expertinetits, low ever, of a short life, have taught me that for all those, who shall attempt the exer: cise of this privilege, there are in sture many cups of bitterness. While in the discharge of my duties, as the Representative of our District im the last Congress, I was doubtless, often in error, but it was on all occasions ny desire to give the people for whom I act ed the results of my best conclusions, af. ter the most Gene ce It was my sincere purpose to pursue, with all the ability I could command, that faithful and honorable course that I conceived my constitnents would have me take, were all the lights before thes, and they present to advise. My vote on the vexed question of Kan- sas, namely—whether it were best for my section and the Union, all things consid: ered, to force the Lecompton Constitution on the free people of that distracted Ter ritory, against the well known Wishes of an overwhelming majority of her people, was the result of mature deliberation, | verily believe nine tenths of iy people, without distinction of party, with ull the Sucts before them, would have voted in the same way, and would have consider ed it unwise and impolitic to have given wy other vote. Born and reared in the outh, I flatter myeelf that 1 posse-s a pro- per degree of Southern pride; and, in com- mon with the conservatives of wy own section, am itpressed with my proper share of jealousy and watchful anxiety, tur the position and fate of the Southern) States with their institutions inthe Union. 1 think I know something also of South ern feelirg and Southern honor, and if I lo, it is, that while they calinly and stern: a 2 j a : | the corporations of the State shall be ‘placed under the power of the General | Government, — whether the President the i ee ae 5 ; shall be trusted with the power of using he nat onalities of continental Europe the Army and Navy to exercise protecto- and discribing the oppressions and exac- | rates over other uations, engaging in en- tangling alliances against the warbings of Washington,—whether the old) States | The Richmond Dispatch in noticing | tions of government to which they are| subject, in order to maintain the expen: | sive military establishinents which are! JUST SENTIMENTS. [ eee ‘that plan of equality, shall have any share in the Pablic Lauds, sull more than ove thousand millions of acres, or shall they by act of Congress be offered aud géven away to all the world, Winaturalized foreigners as much entitled to take and keep possession without pay a3 Our OWN people,--whether the country shail be continwuly distracted Vy thre age latonotthe Slavery question, and whether to this end the iapracticable question of tene wine the African Slave Trade, shall be dutrodaced and inade the subject of political Sisbustering, the pracuee af foctiing pet vately armed bands of robbers in our Midst to distract and plunder neighbor The ations at peace with us, shall be ated in this prosessed Christian Nation,— whether we stall suintain the present usage of levying taxes on the property ot forergnera, brousht to. this couutry for sale, to rajae the means of supporting the Crovermnent, or whether we slrall adopt tree trade with all the worid, fet foreren ers bring and: sell amony us what they please without paying anything for ity an come to direct tives, atid lecy the same en our Own property already taxed tothe UEnost point of endurance,—whether we shall keep ap the present Brinsh Tariff, which, by reason of the facilities that frauds are practised upon it, fails to raise suthcient revenue to support the Govern: ment, and makes the borrowing of millions every year becessary, and which, by rea- son of its being reyulated by the adva lorem foreign valuation, has a sliding seule, and which slide is always in favor of the foreigners, and against one own people, saying to the tureigners, when you lave il inost tn your power to crush our own industry, we will add to your facili ties to do this the more effeemally, and toour own people when they most need the incidental protection, which a Teve- noe Tariff onght to afford, you shall have the very least aid and protection possible, whether integrity and honesty, in mak Wy and completing Governmentcontracts, sectional agitation,— whether oder shall be entoreed and plundering in high and low places putdown, (Qeetlons tor the consideration of the peo ile Thanking you again, gentlemen, for the Kindness of your letter, and the proiiise of your co-operation in the canvass, | hex you to accept assurances of iny Iigh re gard aod eeteem. Yours truly, CNG Nes Gr ONG te To Messrs. Joseeu S. Yorrey wud others, Counttitiee, these are vrave A SAD ACCIDENT. lv ask and demand all that is fairly due, ! Uicy are the last to do Wrong under any cireamstances. In the South it is vet maxim that “Honesty is the best policy.” Iler own good sense shonld teach her, es- pecially as she is gradually fallin into a minority, that any other policy “may return to plague the inventors.” I have teo mach confidence in Southern Jonor t+ suspect her for one moment of a dispo sition, knowingly to profit by frand and vielence. And, I trust, she Way never le so far mislead us to forget thatin prac tice, forbearance and fair dealing, are not without their influence, even on those in- clined todo us harm. Gut the story of Kansas and Lecompton is too long to be embraced in this reply. Suttice it to Bruys that Congress finally concluded that the Nest way to settle the difficulty at last was, in substance, what the veteran Crit tenden, and those who acted with him, proposed ,—to leare it tobe settled hy the people of Kansas themselves and the Soath, as Lam happy to see, is rapidly coming to a favorable conclusion, not on ly as to the wisdom ef the course, but that the South, after all, really ad had bat little interest in the determination of that question, which by the agitation of extremists, had become so extremely sec: tiona), that, if otherwise Cecided, in’ the deliberate judgment of many thousands, conversant with the facts, would have at once destroyed the peace of the country, —and if not the very Union itself, would inevitably have bronght a conflict be tween the people of Kansas and the U S. forces, if not a bloody commingling of Northern and Southern arins on the plains of Kansas—a sectional phrensy unneces- sarily produced, spreading with electric speed to all sections, tu the delight of those only, who desire to destroy the Union. I am fally aware of the responsibility I take in accepting the nomination which the Convention has tendered tome. The batteries, from which 50 many poisoned missiles have been hurled at ine and all conservatives in the Sonth, are not yet lowered. A fusion of the whole South is demanded, and none 60 clamorous for it as those of “the Southern League” whose avowed object is to precipitate the South into disanion. Like begets like; and when the disunjinists of the North and the South shallfiave secured the division of the whole Country Inte two parties —a united Sonthern sectional againsta North: ern united sectional party —they will have the people of these happy States in the very position against which the Father of his conntry hath bequeathed to as lis most solemn and affectionate Warnings Tam of the South, and shall vlways act with the South when [ conceive ple os in the right, and acting for her own true in terests under the Constitution, Should it be the pleasnre of my fellow. citizens tu place me again in Congress, 1 am notinsensible of the responsihilities ot that position. This country representatives, hus vet to determine the question as to what is an administration of the Whether the poliey of the present Ndinin istration, of preaching eco sy, ment and reform, and atl the sane thin. expending annually more than « leelity millions of dollars, IBBHINg treusury totes, borrowing millions, and fixing on the country in time of peace an tamensee ta tional debt, ix to be sanetioned up proved,—whether the country shall le taxed some hnndredsof millon ofd to build a Railroad to the Pac.tic Ocean, furnishing public planderers acditional tonitice te fleece the people, wherh er the President is to he trusted with mol lions to be disposed of hy himself, without the previons san roof the people's eUirengh ber economical Governnent Tetrenesy and ars Representatives, ae in the case of the thirty millions iv the Cuba bill, whether An accident of a most serions nature, happeucd on our River Saturday, Wich resulted inthe death of four per Vavlor, Charles Stpsot atid Charles Farrow Willams. The Uiree first were sailors. ‘Vie latter Was an adopted son of Ge Wo Williarus, Keeper of the Seaman's Home, and seventeen years of age, sens; Charles Jennings, Isaac only The parties were all stopping at the Home, and bad just finished dinner. It beng a pleasant at ternoon, they deterutined to have a sail ou the Rive ly looking E ighish bait boat—the prop erty ot Mr Willits, ont intothestrenin they glided and to their death. Scarcels twee teinutes from the tine the boat left the dock, in attempting to jibe, over she went, aud being loaded heavily with stone, Jor bailasty——she sank to the bottom, as did alse the four untortunate beings whe had jumped aboard of her so gaily and Dodteheated a moment: before, beats left the shore, but none reached the place of disaster tu Gine to render any ad tothe drowning wen, so soon were thei strusetes over. tis known that one of the sailors cont Hot switn; perhaps avother may have been in the same situation, and these twa y DO PUM pli ito a Wont Several catching hold of the two that contd swith, their Younes Willtaos was Known ty be a most excellent swine iF they drowned each ether in thantic struseles for lite. and doubtless bad he been alone, Materlit have saved his own life easily, bat when release fast seen, he was stray clini, to Hrtiself from the deata grasp of a drown Inv suilor, and went down with the ery of | elp, help, Upon tis lips. To those on ghore whe witnessed the seene. it Was a test appalling sight. To stand by and see four human beings hur red to their death, with no means at band of saving them, was truly appalline, As s000 a8 possible alter the acchlent, drags were procured and PUt Into oper tion and at the second attempt the boat with sails, A&G, was secured. At about 10 o'clock Saturday wight one of the bed ies wis recovered —that of [sanc Taytor All further attetupts up to this writing have proved unsuccessful. Yesterday cannon were fired over the spot where the inen went down, bat without SUCCESS. Wel congton fherald. >. To Business Men ~ Every basineass man and imechante, who tas A proper appreciation of the true mode of doing business, ought te have IM pressed vpon Mas memory the fact that ahenld te delicate abort asking for what It ie Wyeso, he isdeticientin the spurttat inde Ne Man IS opreperly tis die heyleets do Pra pects x pendence which be shoukd ouserve inal} Hinawetion. Lihteare rehts if vet eran ted should be demanded Phe selfish, worldoas little tmelimed te give tito dis own unless he have the mantiness t chin an The lack of proper tultilment Of this prioucrple tae lowt to MANY, fertane, fare and hepitatien Occasionally a CUefotner, who is less a ventless thee anupstart, puts on danehty ates and af be thoney that he ought to have paid long tosdtted at berg dunned tor fects te Dette Notratter, Thelab rer is worthy of fies base Waehkmow it ds ne pleasant to dan other people, nevertheless crrenm REANCOR some T ties requive that we sabiit fe heths tut we would te RUEPAS tra, “wer” al AHiiG became das wekial aie ! for hia own, ated tick at cain very small potatoes, win Ayvoinn PARRtOn when be demands asiali till Athens Herald “That's very singular, air,” said a young lady te a genticman who bad SO. well: my dear miss, | will soon take it plural.” Jet kissed ter systematically kept up, takes occasion to contrast the condition of the people who are saddJed with such enoraious Gardens with that of the Uuited States, who live under the aygrw of Free Institutions, and who lave ouly to exercise right” the political privileges which they enjoy, ts secure for themselves a prosperity and erandeur worthy of the world’s admira tliat, | Incorporated and identified with our system of popula government, as defined by the charter of our liberties, is the Un. fortunes our embarked, and whenever it breaks our condition will he deplorable indeed. The picture that will then be presented is well drawn by the MPespateh, in the following passave ais ation ate which we have selected from its arti ( —Petershury Lat lligencer, { “A division of the States, when once commenced, cau never stop atone hvis lion. The spiritof discord, the demon of Fambition, the foul tend of demagozue- Jistn, will not be exercised by their tri- jUmpfr and suceess. If such a govern Finent as this, framed by the most eon: | plete human wisdom, consecrated by the eet exalted virtue and self. sacrifice, hal lowed by the purest patriot: blood, illus [trated by the most glorious deeds of he rein, crowned by the grandest vietories fof battle and the most brilliant achicve- {tuents of fuman progress, securing to ev ery tian pohtical equality, civil and reli- psteus liberty, aniversal peace and pros pperiy 5 if such a government succumbs to the corruption and seltishness of: bn (Wan nature, what can we expect of the petty political stractur that will be budt apou its ruins ¢ What can we look for but us many separate empires as Eu rope, with large standing armies, frequent de gradation aud tusery of our posterity ¢ Wars, heavy taxes, and the Whiversal Loans to the Fighting Powers — ka: re the Brink WP Bankruptycy — From the news from Europe, it that Louis N tpoleot asks for as town oo SVU MUO NIIO Fetes OS LOU UU GUC, ito Carry on Wp pears on the campaign ia dtaly, in whieh be ps to take the The Joan lately patun the usarket by Russia, Is SH0.000 000 command ia person Besides these there are te the toarket a loan for Xustria of B50, OOO.O00, whieh hitherte she lias been an but has seied instead ot the Nttstrian ton tor Sardinia of & 25 HOO,000, whieh able to sell, the Metals Curreney banks ; oe ek Joan ty England, in behalf of India, for $30, OOO 00 she has succeeded in obtaininy : The total aniount of new loans in the Inatket is $200,000,000, besidesover Slov,- 900,000,000 already dav by these govern: ments. The effeerof the coming war will be to make them all bankrupt. The an nual interests on the debt of Bnuland is S120,000,000, Theannual expense of her Is RLSTS00000. Her OE GO GG, — army and havy Whole anmnal expense ts tissia Owes SY99,000000, and the anna expense ot ler army and navy 1s 873, 900.000, France isin a similar predica ment They will not beable to pay the tuterest, ated acrash will take place that wiil sink all Earope VOY. Herald. A Peo Moubd Ga pers speak of such a wrlin that State. — The Georgia pa- Phe Calhoun Platforuy says: “This astonishine wil, than wham a more wondertul freak ot Isted, is to be exhibited ay Saturday, Apedl 30h We who have s@n her, that she is nature never ex Calhonn on are titormed fe those quite pretty, though the stvleof each face different caste. Ter Junbs, of which she tas adoable nanber, Isoof oun entirely are perfectly slitped and of equal size an excellent order, and ber organs of speech, and use; fer mental faculties are of though double, are used distinctly, or te x o ether, as the cause fay require, speaktine onoone subject With one or both moaths, oron two different topies wath ditherent She is vers persons at the same tone. \ Sie healthy, active, and Quite Vivacions thay very property be styled the Wonder of Nineteen Centuries, for ber like. lias never before been seen, and it isto the Jast degree tinprobable that this genera Hon will witness her like asain. Tire op portunity, theretore, of seeing her ought not to be sacriticed, but by all means ye and see her say we.” History. between North Carolina and Tennesse», Looking along the boundary it will be seen that the line, after pursn ing a general southwest course for nearly the whole wav, suddenly bends directly south ad itappraaches the Guorgia border, Now this line should have kKepton south weet, as itstirted, but the boundary com the their Labors, resolved. it is sated torndutoe Miisshoners, bein ose tear Close of the course of iw preneral Vapree in Which the Carolinians pot gloriously dn cbrmated. and their Pennessee contreres antsed themselves dey changing the lite, and cheating them out of a soall corner red oa Capital | en beth sides, for the Lind “stands ft was consid me at the tine, tobe of the sort ovis ed and appears Veet tuakers a tran poorer tie more le tins ofat Batit has litety been found te be yo yoke as far as cold ry os concerned Atany rate, for this very corner lus with rot the preat copper deposit of Duck town which contains an imexhaustible supply ot that valuable metal Minit in in its intanew there, yet the Valley caddy prattee cat ite ores ty oad | & and Constantly Mmercasimny CVErV year In Ten vears, probably, the Market valine of this region wall be mor tess than a dhondred mations. The line Mag rat about titty years avo, and North Carolina is barred by the statue of lin The vawheolesotie tation from reclamation “thoun was decidedly that time for the good old State NO. Bulletin ! tain dew” CAROLINA WATCHMAN. SALISBURY. N.C. TURSDAY EVENING, MAY 24 1859. siasm of a victorious party, the spirit of its deleyates did, nevertheless, indicate a profound consciousness of the hecessity structed by our fathers and left, as an in heritance, to us their children. There was spirit, then; a purpose to spend and be spent in the cause of the country; there was zeal—in a work only second in im portance to ail the duties devolving Upon wan, We have never attended a Convention so entirely free from factionsness. Every Gan seeing to have gone there, not from touves of personal agerandisement, but porely from a sense of daty, stimulated with the hope of rendering some service ithe catise of the country. Nor was this aim lost sight of, even fora moment ; bat under the guidance of sit cerity: and truth, A trmony, good will and sprit were ts necessaricy its fruits, as discord and bitterness are the fruits of Jealousy and and distrust The nomination of Mr. Taos. S Asur, has been greeted with exclamations of pleasure, wherever it has been annonne ed among those who are acquainted with hin, Ife was the waendnous choice of the Convention, He jis a true whig, a noble man and an accomplished gentie- toany and if you desire to apply an an cient but most excellent test, we answer, further, he is honest and he js capable— capable to bear aloft the banner of the Whig party above the reach of its ene miles, and to perform his duties as a faith ful representative of the people in Con As yet, however, itis notknown wheter he will gress, should he be clected, accept the nomination se unanitquusly of fered him, and g0 entitle himself to the thanks of his whig brethren throughout the district; who, we doubt hot, will, at the ballot box, fully signify their high appreciation off the sacritice required of tity in so doing. eet Our neighbor, Judsing trom his last paper, revards all those who Oppose the Jemocracy, as but little, if any, better He refers to Mr. Gil mer, in this connecton, upon whom, it than abolitionists. will be remembered, the Bauner, Suan ard, and some other democratic Papers tm the State, strenuously attempt to fas ten the odium of abolitionism. And he © Tlow the under- addresses as direetly —hear him: dares the WateAman insult standing of its Intellivent readers and of true hearted old wo by coupling their shock the sensibili wh those line southern names with of the opposition,” Which the writer knows, and whieh eve: ry body else knows, is nothing buta ven eral negative term under which all south cern dupes aud entissacies of the Aboti Uomists tay enter the coalition, ostensi bly as the “opposition” ww Democracy, but really as tue Southern wing of the Black Republicans, whose object is to get | contvol ot the Government, and who, once In power, will need in the South a tew supporters to hold the few small ottices they may have to Gispense, nnd ty act as thee agents in their Rystematic aysres stots apon the rights of the South? We repeat—TLow dares the Watchman stand Up as the advocate of the * Opposition, knowin, as all ved know, that the Black Republicans alone hold in their hands the entire control ot that precious * Oppost tion” parry ¢? We willanswer these qnestions by ask How dares the editor wt the Bunaner, who is a Penneylvanian training, and a South crner of Jess tian a dozen Verrs, presurie ng seine others by education and to lecture those on this subject, who have been bred and born in the South, and who tre dn every respect identitied with ips Ilow he have the face of brase and Tprtence to set himself up te tell Southern how to take care of themselves and their Interests, at Mmterests and its taistitutions é ean nen the same tee playing inte The hands of a party who have ithered Upon Southern imterests wrievous wounds than even the abolitionists them Look how von elected a“ Yor thernsnan woth ss thera principles” when you nade Mar Van Buren President More selves] And how did he prove himself? Look mow President Pierce recognised the Freesatl democratic leaders of the North aa a regular portion of the democratic party, and endeavored to make no dis tinction between them and the democra cy, Iu the distribution of oMeial patronage and in the election of agents for adminis- toring the government—how, in excuting emeiimeren een he cansed Bronson Whig District Convention | 1} : [to be removed to make room for a man (Who would subscribe to, and execute the, CHARLOTTE, May 1s, 1859. plan of copartnership in the appointment] ‘The delegates from the several Counties compos: | of officers in the New York Custon house At the hypocracy in the Kansas basi- ness, in the appointinent of Freesoil Gov- (ernors for that Perritory—and the pledg- e8 of the democratic of the South, He was proud of the honor doue bin, & thanked lis Whig ticiuds He would be perniitred to add, that he rejoiced to witness this gathering of the co for the commplinent abolition paimplilet, and yourownadvoens *'Valive men of the Tth Disuiet. aul heaped that “ah We ss . “iberations ould be abhked by ha , cy of his election, agaist an unguestion- etuie RP UTuigmiays com (he abil mY is. lennereNt re x anf result in the triamph ot thea pris satel the Nlovned Southerner, Mr. togvin, fn tine, uate of thea eboice, [Applause | louk through the records ot the Piet, AU Chiiotonsd Gea, A-Young, ihe delevaten ton the several C. Mes Were requested to report then ever y Whetenpon, it was found slave. Selves to the Secretary the following Counties were represented ry for the PUTpose of searing the peaple Meegnesuena—Gen, J A Young, De Wo d + Hayes 1.3. Willams, J. 1. McDowell, JM. San how they tied Upon and siaudered Gen, dems ST. Wrston, JH. Carson, S Tayior, J.C Harrison, Gen, Taylor, Henry Clay, Mr, Moore J. Mo Alexander, AHL Coonane, E. Rolin ~on, Charles MeCinnis, J. W. Maran, MON. Cart. d PSpiieee ss WOltdy \\e our Clas. feared Wolt) John MeCoy, MoL. Wriston, J. A JOR. Davidson, EO Bios DOD ip Caldwell, Mexander, JA. Campbell, To J. Halton Rowas.—N. Boyden, Rov. Caldwell, FOE. Sho ber, Jodo Bruner,” Vstes 205. Bicker TD. Wonehester, € MeCauley, Win Newsom, Bo FL Houston, SH mh 2 R.A. Brevard, HE Ramaeur JF Johnston, WOOP Byuuin it W ino LD. Chitds BS) Guion, 7 Ny ros SG Chiat tabs taik alta Cried ~ Caraway, Vernon Allen, WW. Bogwan, Eo A mieater (Ob Srand, RUE Burns, Go 18 theroad- nil, Wo. Suuth, MC. Love, TW. Allen, B.A ’ Srasty —W.T Montgomery, Je Ou metion at FE. Shober, Esq Resolood, That all the Whigs here present from the counties wits, Gaston aid Calawha, te re uested Co Lake seats in Htion, aod joi with us in ite deliberations MeCain it Was 1 Unanimously Vthe following gentlemen were enroll Fionn Cabarras—~Ratis Recrttie ‘language of our patfed up neighbor E wt Chast NAS Fite JOB. Tender iy u I in) ciroerdl Mh i iioy WU ON] Winiceute He isa perfect frog, playing oc, and if he keeps on in this style we shall have another UX* Convention ample of Asup’s fable. ‘ Facol Rarasour S 1 Wa On inoten FOE Sh Yprepare reese Jae COMMITEE Wits ap cot Chte for the aetiog | JW. Moser OMMITT We Smit n r, J eee 2 MAY, AT CHAROTTE, res as eee ae ris This day was celebrated at Charlotte in Med a Petmoct (a it ; gf 1b Says a damn grand otyle, We have an edtra from the 4 Petite Sy ANG el artis office of the Western Demoes at, with the © ulti ti pale Duity Bulletin, which give fail and : . slowing aecounts of the festivities. ‘The The EON A | : : ee ae y Hornets’ Nest Riflheanen with their gaests, yard w Conut Swern realy the Newbern Licht Infante. tue Ein City Cadets, the Rowan Rifle Guard, the Boy imi ee a Tres Blues, and the BR mwa Nrollersy ee " " me : Composed the mrlitary partoof the ir Kin AY Ghali 18 play 5 and we have nu deule it Was spler P ieiner il se ahols, OW did. These Companios Were fortiecd ante Wa rsou De : BATE Mit 8 ein liandtertl ine (ron, SHH : oe : 7 Witt inennencien) trated thersrrect Ca A A hen , in : Weil tinted all sorts at evalun TS, Ae : 1 viel ‘ finos, &e A A (6 Was presented by Viet en presstog tos than Vx ladhes of Charlotte to the Hornet a PES SS 2 RE Oaeny a Os {itlemen, having heen pretaced with a oo e raetited re a Sains speech froin Dr. box: and ¢ ‘apt. Brevee re ‘ me . oe h celved twit a speech Phen came target ' vie ! tirtog. and then th Qisthibution of juizes ATRL a Phe Salisbury Brass and was ie the J | ses ee of the unscrupulous tricksters who are hurrying the countiy onward to destruction.” hind again Aud thea we have Senators Juhuson and Toombs, Hon. A. H. Stephens, Geo Shields, Hon. M. R.H. Garnett, of Va, all Democrats, and ail etunding in their places in the halls of Congress, denouncing the cosruplion and °x ravagance wud profligacy of the party ; and besides all this, we have the Memphis Avaluuche, the Southern Ciige i, publistied at Wash- igton, the Richinoud (Wa) Buquirer, the Eufaule Syuritof the South, the Chartestes Mercury, the Washingtoa & and the Washington Union, all supporter of the clectionof Mr Buchanau—declaring thatthe Democratic partly is wo more, and coufe weg that wnbitious combiaatous have controlled it aadl We torces ure acrattered, its counsels unheeded, and Jus power contempuble.” ‘The General, iu conclusion, asked if the Whigs, with these tucts before them, should hevitate 10 use all lawful means to hac “ches corrupt and tnbecile adnmuts(ration” trom power, wud to place ia ity etead Men whe have the honesty und ability to discharge Mapartally aud tathfully the auportaut trast confer: fed upon thei by the people. He suid he felt it hie duty to use ull his influence to attain this happy re- sales and Chat Chey had shown their determination to that effect, by merting there to day in open Conven- Hei for the purpose of nominating & candidate to Tepresert this the 7th Congressional District im the next Cougress of the United States. When Gen. Young hat concluded his remarks, POE. Shober, B cen directed by the Commmittce on resol Which he had been mide Chaiuan, to oiler the tollow ing as ther re- port aye said fie had t Witeaxas, The Present cribarras Me bankrupt Treasury its dition of the Country ston —its lawless jm ratlebel extiay- agement of ie foreigu rela 0 ile preseut ruinous policy, and vt trusting any party to boog ra its trust wud Vielates its must hon, all den Jemonrrate unchecked it A promises Thereture, 1 Reaptoed, Var the so-called democratic party has no na inal eiuciples Upon which tte leaders wet sus co-operate that it ts matte up of the fuy-cuds uf all parties, why have no 8 Ue except the love of power and public plouder: That is essential sparty at the South, ane @ Squatter Sovereignty «North That it professes & oppose in- ternal iu the General Government, hilet itis sanually spending millions (in land abd money) tu buNding rail: reads nid anes aid ite chief, James Buchauan, fe the open te of the Pacitic Railroad, the abu hist st elaine po be the ouly pare tthe slavery agite ion, and i’ Wohas some how hy four ye aod alert the 5 we be ACHE wer pee ye That ie pros ese Set has shamefully used the pate the Government in turin the success of its adbercuts aud in taaiug tte officials (rtalre an elecbonec ring tund ecouumy, ant, AL the ae vin the midtsto Cre sed, in wrest hae al) the public debe bd, te en te ahke —nullities everywhere (national wercun be placed in the hauds © and chee’ disunon the slavery question sUeGen of the toverument, yoatml National Dimain, . 4 backup inw, Duweatic President, nue permit the leaf dates ou importa, to ea ks recote nded Prt the trauster of the war her allow hia t robot the Senate or trust him wrth fund of thirty millions, ad Lor abiempl, by any but territory vor squander vonaturahad foreigners Jott for wil the © treaties Corruption set, or the sabe ot try sO) further show, and won wroat praise Phen canie he raniiate Ree ee ne icant i i i ike eciitg Gee ee tee the presentation ef Dieta? “Line laliee jie. & mwa that “ inborn pudiated , bub PL CUHOtte wine mrotice in the lyors Sat uta ee eine they showed the visiting ¢ Mipabies and come ott i at p j { rea | “e 7 Lur tos! opit= band. The mose magnificent bequcets Ke t ved and unaniioasly adopt \ WW itstir and wreaths, Wrought in the mogt taste: Ut t I the Convention tal style, were distributed amony the Ty fle were indacsl te ant areturnt Wek ot honinatiie & candidate Colmpanics. These were all HecotnpaMicd the sinipioty amd punty ft earherdass, NEW ELE te Utes aL Dstiictin the next with nice little patriotic epeeches,and the DIP CORKUPT&ON ENTIBED SUCH RANK ¢ ‘ discussion f ) TASTE POR OW] MET ried Ie ch seve- boys had te think fest aud talk handsome u . } yy Pe ea oh ux CO ie i ‘ Pl \ qi BOISE HOS 1 PUBLIC SERVICE ‘ Pups th in right off land speeches in reply te qo. y, ene return es lave atagyrayie A Cabiwell, bey Gen them. Then came dinner, toasts, we: Paey ox the Conver and then tore parading; and then. ar as te ‘ j 5 the “ fa tisht.n Ball, Armd they kept up a sini ‘il, } lar variety throuchout the next USN5 SOP ac Nfl : aes eo : at's TeV. atnether cen i nrday 3 so that we, here in Sahebury, not Weenie new A how See f Knowine the programme tor the occasion, racy of bat . millenia sous admitie PAM Inee waited) tor the reticm of curciisnte 0 ae? rin panes and the band until delay aN a : : . . bate tit Tat patotal, began to think seme terrib] a hig ‘ cident had happened, and they were all PO has atded ie the oassiae istand dnequa smashed up, aw Well, Charlotte ‘5 “some” on a cele PChas sqnand ced the 4 bration, as weil as in other matters, which eae ALE We NEARER vain for her the good willofthe surround. | Nee : a ine country. Ourb Ws Dave come lone Eatratit, weet faces lets delichted, ane una Monsly assent ‘uy Pc te thew 1 ‘ D had a great Ume of it” They were Cie ENS US eee aS) tivated by the fair danehters of Meck. 2! eee conn ae 1 Tow t te enburg, and place a ve ty togh walne on ‘ ‘ ibn the boquets, whieh they bestowed. They \ pon Oxtriers, tue aan adimire the hospitality of the Riflemen « DUsiass ANGST PCAC Tete LASS (cy (SY and citizens, and praise all tor their Wudes TeRnes Cita a a Kea that : ee : ; Was charsned 6, Pillars’ sad ve spirit and liberality, Mie Le eX pe ba, RALOONODO With a war debr te qe 7 2 os tyoofh and thes was urged aa reason why lie ct ‘ Con atbocessions tothe atime d of The Boyden House. 65) 11 Boyney the lew ; wall tet bere lected, and yet whet he wentout | : eoraidmen this splendid Motel, sent ue an we at hae Hee Thuretay last We i hed x ence SWI are tee fe protest le tian HY Ueewuce we wy hed to easy Nod Me Plere t Buchanan ofered the te Mitel Suchen finase is niscntte . all aoa ; hud an entecprise eer pre Se) aan a Reeelved, Viva passed at the Eevee ie at pending S57 00,000 1. 6 i 4S - ab tn ae a Cons Now atte at ee ee in Fk Htepenl the laws ie Diba enetar wall sli eee eae Routed you will find it pleanant Post Orcs Daruewesn 7 7 ve ee ne Sy Vele Hira beory we “Orpede® . NA 1 ) « ped yf . . 7" Dp ae T Los 1 a L a Wy at) y Nort Carolina Mhatan ale oprven of this Cote oe President Beetasss has ac ey te ett _ Se ee au Oe Ua tH ie nomoreianmnim tierce i the edoan invitation to attend the ¢ oMMence ey Ia Fev) cumters dan) : Niet HES Pea er ea) Ris cai) ang . u i iS IS es * aharter | meat its passa by thie Via ksbarg mentat Chapel TG, in June. THe will ui i u als Nhe dst Convention, Wat to enable the Bleck Republicans be at Rak thon Motday the 30th inset, , il VORA ek i ne . | y the next Presidential election, ara to build “ Ne) ahh 3. ui ‘ artistic ! ’ fu wy ® form ota rode, Covrth yn tore certified to the Postinaster eee od tae ane TENE) SO Sonn FROM EUROPE. Gear) by te Andee according to few = ery respecttully, your tservarit Sr. douse, NOP May wer WAS PART The steamship City of Baltunore arrived off ( ape Th onl Nesistant Postinaster General taee ray ™ Nooregilar battle has taken place yet Thies the gaverument, the General aent a Hines chuaxstianrenintesnl pyc (elses atu abe Avail the Pot winch is dati Buchanan te MVstery ipving and | , e s Was #) alartied at the prospect of National ite Pali Rin sani MNES IP cited Peniruptey that he Wrote a better te the Babecrore Gis tihng for the waters tosnleade, and tor tai. 2 “ CONE ude Saag, int Alte (ernie Hess ty meraey could cite No uatenal change has takes place in the affare CUtb I: >a ; yO a8 noe merous national debt woee iiey tate Gen Marmora’s stratewetieal ne iin Dora and Ube asian stil ey (a EIEN SE SEED Hoertinated that Austoa will sect hace Toca TC ONpeaditares of dare ee seen Hg of ip Ait diteancene pitol amenated te mens ta nothon of dollars oars dieelnga) waren els eee ae ‘ Marked that where is Was apparent such eee: Fear aor palpable extras eeowe had a ight te anppose is ee ane] : OPER SST iW Alien Whe casi at iuitearity in thea whis Ye Fee 4 Tne ee bat that we were spared the ne nea: g the charge of comrupoon avait eavbotoisteation, a8 these who had created wart | Who were its trends and qapportere were opens and Woaaniwetos, May 19 i 1 On Pin ther denuncmuon of the adiunistration for Sartives de Wael 1 ! : cted’ corraption said 4 SUS SAREE SENSI We STUY) ’ Het what they anv men of t New Y 1 Hire lel ‘ Wer Virgina in a fetter te the Il beow | an War hed tw | t Diol Plata anys without enmbarrassment te on mercial relations Are we Co rush on with the Premdent into a full for the repht of earch would | pew ty scheine of Federel polley which in ite whale outline furred ‘I hark Was cna Ww and hllag ap exceeds auy bederafian in all ite ports The ce lity of the pos whom which a Hasnitem or Adame or any other lautudine formation was recerwerd, [ea Mats trath ran ever dered ter project ot prortnyme “8 The Preadent tide high. To filhbuaters New Yorn, May 20 ¢ holds a demand De offers Cube and the Tsthinas aad North Mex coy vicance ofa gte fet pr th sik anne tothe West a Paefic Ratiiad ; tothe North protec Fatene dl PEA An Nite Hen to iron and coarse woolen; aud to the grea doll Wheat hae dic 14 600s ae hn vomercalcountnes the power of eeatralization by Gann leaiinudalenne bvione ames and wbusee of 3 bankrupt aet to apply ty ‘ ! State banks Vewterday, Middle wank a monster, and - ody on few Wall atreet bankers aun expand and PANES SER COMIR OU Noe contract open ue more Khe vice than he did: and Eitan RUM AON what would they not doif they could force the Poor proviners when they pleased into bankruptey,” Or tee tin [teow citizens of Union. ALB pretext tor a diasalation of tye Mr Boyden « Xpressed his Leart-telt gratification here so respectable a portion of his W hig this Distevet, and more, that the {was sure ineleation that the dominant party had Bhoused then toa sense of the daugers which now | the country, Mr. 1 then renewed. at 2th, the practices and nicasores of the Dem- My, fod tis own peculiar way exposed Chev evil works OWE Perse C they extiby Papitous anal aboses ol the ye leg Cer ane | Trconclsten, he re-read the tore= woand the question was put, and at passed unateinonsty HN Calebwoll i J. tow responded to om end) from anion of the qnetibers, He beartily cons care bint ehbrments of the resolation just pass~ 7 | con of the Democratic party, on the lavery, Was hypocritical and diangerons, rene. ‘They had used it, tor years, ones four Years for party Purposes nd nothing ue Mi Co then gave a runing hy ry ot the “heeryoagitahon, and showed how the Demoerate. warty dia soavht tot political camtal ont ot fe AL Tree at ths tame, thie <eeessyen Ss Were seek Ztocmake it the wnstcument of a dissolution of the Union Ob totion at PF bolist Msg. committee Pthrce Was appomnted by the Cheer te gon Mr \x (his homination anid to request his accep- tan Of the sate OK Jobnaston, FOE. Shoter and the President was added WA ie had heen fir mnany Wie aSh fle telt war- Nowould do tis) whole Miecontest Te was a dig eman of the old Wiig «choot it We) Viet Wien tinve stent and deer setting his face ‘ wiethe ancient mage tis and osayes of the earher fathers of the Re pub- x fin feed ner thre ftaw and order Whe thot t S . i mpire City. fro 5 Gov. F eof Miemasippr. in a speach at Memphis, a i oe pr 4 eo taranns Fenn, anya ©The Democratic party now in exit FR Shober hee. desired to add hie testimony ates te y al here to ; By ite with dates to May 8, anive | here tod AVe OST ears dishonest, corrupt and imbecile inthe extreme” Dehn ot Mr Ashe. He knew hin, and vw No be gar has farther declined. Freights and Exchan- 6 «6. The maseos of the American people are eull proud of dit as our candidate He wanted Iie ges have advanced capable of reecaing the government from the hands brother whigs throughout the distnet to. te el that } o j ] t hm = uw = J ee ee (o l e s ) = — they have a duty to perform in this contest. For! his own part, he wax deteruiued hac lukewarin ness should uot be tis reproach, Weakening at the same tine, the hands of var standard bearer: and he felt perfectly safe in pledging for his) brother Whigs of Rowan, that every tan will du lis duty Ou wotion of Mr. Walkup, it was . Henolved, That the Delegates of this Convention consider theaiselves au Execuuve Commuttee to wid Mr. As, provided he accepts the nudination, aud each act as if the whole bate de pended apoti bis individual aru On motion, these proceedings were ordered te be publisbed ia the North Carolina Whig, Wadest nO Argus, aud Salisbury Watchman; and other Wh ¥ Papers i the State requested to copy Yn noon the Couvention adjourned AL YOUNG, Lresident C. W. Fastos, JS. Buren, TJ. Hotton, > Seerclarces. Another Democratic row about the party. WHAT A DISTINGUISHED DEMO. CRAT THINKS OF TILE ADMIN ISTRATION, Mr. Pierre Soule delivered an Address at New Orleans recently, and took as his subject “The National Administration and its leaders.” he administered the following caustic re buke to the “powers that be:” In the course of his Addtess, “There be those amoug them who have all their life fattened on party preferment and patronage, who blast not to hue aud cry against oftice-seekers. who Auving satned their hands, wav, steeped their arms lo the elbows in thi most disgrace) ad tracsuctious, perverany public trusts into engines uf spoilation and robbery, dare still epeak ot hotesty and Virtue 5 and those who, having trausforin ed Legislatures and party Conventions 11 tu open Marts, where robust and daring voters might be put upat auction and bold to the highest bidder, or vity Manning houses, whery timid and basliful public Servants might be stealthily enticed to gamble away their conscience at a fare table, will talk of patriotism, and spire tu have their names ivseribed itt Chose ofa Washington, au Adauis, a detfereon, a Monroe, a Jackson!” This language, it will be rem mbered, is from the pen or hips of one whe, wet long since, enjoyed to the fullest extent the confidence o! Mr. Buchanan one whe, noder Administration of General Pierce, was appointed Minister te Spam We have yet to see the paper or speak en; Opposed tu the Adin stration, that has uscd severer language shan this: and yet the opponents of those who brought these manitold evils the have Upon the country, have been charged by the Deme crats with dealing tuy barelly wath the Aduiinistration ! . Mr. Soule draws a beautiful picture, truly, of the way in which ouratfuirs lave been managed by our riers at Washing Cones st ook atic liieex senwtar dic tinetly charges that “there are amoty the Democracy those who have stained thei hauds, nay, steeped ther aris to the ef bows, nthe most diszracetul transactions They “have perverted puble trusts inte engines of spuliation and robbery. They have transformed Legisiatures and Party Conventions into open marts, where ro bust daring voters might be put up at auction, and gold to the bighest bidder.” What patriot can look Upon this portrait of the present condition of lie couutry, without feeling humiliated ¢ Wilmington Herald. 2 GOV. FOOTE ON JIE MOUILEACY Gov. Foote, of Mississippi, made a speech lately at Mepis, Peanessee, in which he came down upon the Democra cy with a vin that was terrible in the ex treme. Considering that the Governor has been a Democrat all his lite, he ought to know “that whereof he speaketh” For the comfort and the private editication of our Democratic friends, we make an extract from the Governor's speech, as follows: “He wag a Democrat, but be contended there wasno true Democratic party now in existete: The organizanyn called Dettoctatio te rewardes! as utterly incapable of conducting public athars Tn tact existence, is des In an honest and statesmanlhe manner the Democrauie party, now on hemest, corrupt and imnlurde in the extreme con Darty openly avow 4b fexsedly so, ores and party deaders the Washinton States hack re pratedly charged, and exposed the peculations, frauds, and thetts of government officids oven the Wastington Con, the organ of the execu tive, has bad the untlushing ethoonmtory and dear dittood to ackdowledice wud attempt to justity one of the most corrupt procedures ever under taken by an He referted to the laving of a the salaries of federal officers for parcy purposes, Phe let ter of Grov, Wise, of Virginia, Chight Democratic authority.) was referred to in support of bis alle Aimencan Eyeeative pereentaye oon gations. Tn charging compton upon the Dy Mmocrauie party, be did not mean to be understood ws saying the miajority--the aasses —of the party were corrupt. the party —the men who pull the wores and ture the crank of the politieal machine—the men who getup lists of deleyates to County, State and National Conventions, amen who told caucuses to manufacture plattordis aod candidates —the Slidells of the party, whom he referred. These were the men to The masses of the American people, to whatever party Chey may be attiched, he believed to be bouest and patriobe, capabis of self government, and still capable of reseamey the government from the hands of the unsey upe fous tricksters who were hurrying the comndey onward to deatraction, ‘The masses were honest and Jncorrupuble, but the organization is utterly and irretrievably rotten and dibased. We refer red to leading men's statements in support of this, nnd to the fact that in the city ot New York among the host of Democratic office holders there, not an bonest man was to be found.” ere The Jackson Mississippian, a fire cating journal, which is anxious the South should go out of the Union, recently pnt the query to the Memphis (Tenn..) Enquirer, whether it was not in favor of Southern secession fromthe Union, ifa Republican should be elected President in 1860 The Enquirer responds “that it subscribes to no such doctrines” as resisting the inangn ration of a President constitutionally elec ted, and that it will resist itto the utmost, and it adds that until the Southern peo ple are strnek with judicial blindness, it can never take a deep hold upon the pub Nic mind. It assures the Missiasipian that t and its friends will have a sharp time efore they are able to dissolve the linen, There be those. He meant the leaders of} { | The Austrian Line of accounts agree that the Austrian army is : - Defence.—AN\| Houses are Cleared of Vermin, . . | ; pre ed fre - sets! well ofticered and abundantly provided Aud Gardens preserved from the ravages of insects! with the munitions of war. great lines of Austrian defence, save are: | cent writer, are the line of the Mincio, and the line of the Adige. the former is the strongest; itis ditticult, indeed, ty conceive anything stronger ; “The Mincio, Virgil’g river—“smooth: | vocul runs with adeep, slaggish stream Hylit across the plain of Lombardy trom the bottom of the Lago di Garda, on the North, to the Po, on the South. dust where it issues from the lake is Pessechi era, a fortress alw ays formidable, but by the efforts of the last ten years, rendered aliost lnpregnable. At the other ex tremity of the line of defence Mantua~suituated in the imidet of mar shes, which in a few days can be cou- verted into a lake by the shiuple tian agement of dams and sluices.” sliding Mincions, crowned with recy’ = stands Remarkable Ive Stratum.— A corres pondent of the Boston Transcript ives the following account of aremarkable ice strat at Beatdoa, Vermont: “The latter part of last November, Mr. Andrew LTownbliv, of Brandon, Vt.y com tienced to dig a well near his house situ ated about a mile from the centre of the Villape of Brandon, on a tolerably level plain, Tfaving excavated to the depth of fifteen feet, through sand and eravel, the workinen came to pround frozen solid, through alich they continued tuexcavate the further distance of fifteen or sixteen fect before getting through the frozen sround, “Atthe depth of forty feet, sutticient water having been obtained, the well wae stoned in the usual manuer. The eharaec ter of the ground was (he same through outthe whole distance, vine ¢ ise gravel aod sand—the frozen portion Miterspersed With lumps of clear dee. At the tine the well was dag the surface of the wound Ever since the well was days cpt te Che present Cine, ree forms i Wits hot frozen, Whe well and inerusts the stone at from fitteet to thirty feet from Che surfiee, ane the surhiee of the water, which is thirty five feet ticlow the sarface of dhe pwround, freeges over every Wet. Ob meverad oe festan vitality it castors, when the gacket bad been te the well ander the water over Lite Vreete feitd tecessacy lescered the ‘ Wa WAT wh talChet cut the ree tn wiler Coe CALEICHLO 1, o.- Thathata Rich Convict \ few weeks age tn trated! “Thoniats Moran, a wealtliv ¢ of Scott county, Tih, was fentiary at Alton, for as sentto the salting a ‘a maowithoantentte halk Toast week he died from: eXcess've depression Torpaeits, catsed Wy the diseraes of his sittatio Ile was worth $75.00U, SHOCKING WE ROND \CCipEN | ey Nin OY g May 13. Peter Rival a schunnl tn this vwaeiuity residing A killed bry the Salm. Boston Express train from N. York striking hin while he was Crossing the track to take the down train. Le Was turn in a toehbtfal manner, at least twenty picees of his body being picked upon Various places, the Mesh sill qui vering with Lite. Deceased was an vlishinan, of arked ability, and bad been red ona life of Cobbett, the Fuglish blalesinan teacher, Was dastiannly recently eny The Aueusta dispateh a well conduet ed commercial paper which takes no sites In polities, says: “Mr. Bachanan has fillen so law inthe estimation of the people of Georgia that there “are done ae poor as to da tine ve Po express a good hearty ha tred for bing would be mute tolerable than VErence the silent contempt shown him by the femoeratio ine Noss dn this State, whicl Is positively excruciating, Old Back is vow the “under dog in the fight.” wh Church Penying for th t the ©. States. Phere are twoor three English Episcopal Charches at Brussels, Beles, in which, in answer to the petition of the American legation, the Tnishop has ordered that in the hrany a prayer should be pntup for the ' Pres ident oof the United States.” correspondentofthe National [ntehwencer Who was inch affected on first hearing a opraver offered in an Envlish Church tor the Welfare of the Presids nt. So save a > ~There is a lady, sev wae, living in this ceunty, An Aged Pin Vv VOars + whesWallowed a coumien pin when ste was filtecn Vears of age, which lodged in her throat aud has remained there to this | dav, without causing any serious d tical tyoother than a little soreness aftec taking cold, The pin can be felt with the tin vers from the external snrface of the throat, and when the parts ed tovether the same ed winch follows the piereing with a pin any other part of the body. We received these facts from the lus: band of the lady, and there is no donbt @ COMPress sensation is produc about ther correctness, The pin has been inthe throat fifty five Years withont in) e tac least atfeeting the Indy’s general health.—-Charlotte Democrat. A Freneh author savs: When [ lawt my wife, every family in the town offer ed me another; but when [lost my horse, no one offered to make him good.” Watchmaker & Jeweller, CONCORD, N.C. pened a Wateh, Clock and airs ont : now Rr Theory of Vocal Music, IN SEVEN KASY LESSONS 4 supply of the above naeful Mueral Work, | the same effect asthe first handsomely printed and for eale at THIS OFHICE Pree Qlet, ISSR tra BLANK WARRANTS For vale at this Oftce. Of these two, | Theta and worms, by Lyou's Magnetic Powders aud Pills. Farewell to sleep, when bed-bugs prey, Or rata aud mice (confound) them play. Professor Lyon found « plantinthe interior of Asia, the powdered leaves of which is certain death to gir- deu insects, ants, roaches, bugs, fleas, ticks, moths, &e, A small amount of this powder will preserve a ing pean, Tt free from poison and harinleas to mankind and domestic animals 10 preserving crops (han yuwoo in inmakiog them grow Many worthless tinitaGous are advertised. ‘The vuly grout iveigued B. Lyox. ean be urdered through any merchant Powven kills all insects in a trice, But Picus are iixed tur rate and mice Sumple blasks BARNES & PARK, New York. eta regular sizea, 50 ct and &| Forrate nt HENDERSON & BNNISS) and] WEL WYATT S Drug Stores, Salisbury. Lina2 AM ON IIR TEIE TO & | Near Trinty Charch, Cabarrus Co. on the 19th inet by the Revo JOS. Ueiig, Mr THOMAS s. VANPELT to Mins NANCY J DOUGLAS Ac the Ger Ref. Parsonage, in Rowan county, by tie Rev S 0 Fever, Mr JOBL f FREEZE to} Heise more valuable | ‘The Building is NEW AND ELE janenis, inane {ble hin togive sate { Stock of persons stopping here tion of that gentleman's Stable, is kuowu to the THE | i} } | BOYDEN HOUSE, BRYAN'S | Pulnonic Wafers! |} RELIEF IN TEN MINUTES. ae | { Tuk Oncol Mavicure Ker ancrsimp ix 1637, and fret article Salisbury, N. C. 7 pe superb House hgs jast been opened for the accommodation of the pablic, Lt is complete in all (ts arrangements, all having reference to the garden of plants, and rid a house of all thene TUE | aS apnea eueaay ech ikea ee ena a either as a Boarding House, or as a Stopping Place ANT, and the WELL-FINISHED and furnished tu avery SUPERIOR STYLE. The Parlors are sumploourly fitted. It was designed ae a first class ostracion; and all the sub-arrange rment, Ke, have to that desio,eveu tothe minutia of the entire business. The Rooms LA RE Hotei, in its ¢ reference subscriber will be pleased to receive patrouaye, and believes his experience in the Hotel business willena- He sohertsa tert. which action by-the-by, 8 (he only true Way of uscertaimiug the tnetits ot the House Au orrangement has been made with Mr. ‘Tiow E | | Baows, for accommodating the Horses, und other The good reputa- public Of the kind ever introduced wader the mume of * PrLMomic Warkun,” in this or any other country; all other Pulmonie Wafers ure counterfelte, The Genuine cin be known by the name BRYAN being stamped on cach WAFER BRYAN’S PULMONIC WAPERS | Relleve Coughs, Colds, Sere Throat, Hoarseness. | BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFEKS { Relleve Asthma, Brooehitis, DiMeut Breathing. BRYAN’S PULMONIC WAFERS Relieve Spitting of Blood, Palins in the Chest. BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS Melieve Incipient Consumption, Lung Diseases. BKYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS | Relieve Urrttation of the Uvala aud Toasts. — | KRYAN'S PULMONIC: WAFERS Relieve the above Complaints in Ten Minates. BRYAN'R PULMONIC WAPELA Are a Blessing to all Classes and Constitations. BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS Are adapted for Vocalists aud Public Speakers. | BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAPERS | Are in a simple form and pleasant to the taste. BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFEKS Jr An OMNIBUS, from this Hotel, will connect Not euly relieve, but effect rapid and lasting Cares. | with the Railroad Cars regularly L. L. BOYDEN. The subscriber having accepted a place in the Mie SARALEANN BE LEPE, both of ths county fabeve estubbehient, moat respectfully molea his Ti Greensboro’, on Tuesday evening, the th iet, H{rends and wequaintances to enil Te wi'lbatferd him by Rev. LS. Burkhead, Prof WELLIAM WENNIG jmuch pleasvre to show thei the heayitalitiex of thas © : bbe 0 Ab ; 4 ‘. i ij of Salisbury, aud Miss ELIZA SEARS, of Greens boru’. " | DIED: At Olin N Cy on the morning of the 10th inet IDA LANDER JAMES, di MoE. Love, in the 3d year ot ner age da Wasa child of waded iteliigence and promise, | but tthe Hawer bax beea uipped a the bud Suffer tle children to come unto t them not. for of auch is the koogdonr of God v and forbrd) Jelevant House Pent NN ANG 9 tfol “SALE. May 13,1 TRUS | RB 7 VIRTUE ofa Deed of Trust executed to » the audersigued by Micheal Brown, tor pur i (Dr Jd M i ‘poses therein nentioned, we wild sel at pubbe ane ion miter of Dr SM. aw to the towo of Salsbury on Wednesday, the Kuh of June ext, the following property viz his Yadkin River Plantation, j containing J050 ACRES, lying unmediately on the : | vad fro sbury to Salem and Danville, 4 At Concord, N.C, Apnl 25th, Mra JANE Nom [aie toad from Salsbury io Salem and Danville, 44 WOOD nearly RO Vearn, Consort of Thomas Norwood, Bay, aged She was a motherin Isr slived Her end was Fa virtoous life, and died as whe lived | peaceful, and evinced a complere victory over death | and the grave. BROWN, COFFIN & MOCK, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL ustanity KEP Ere &lecuou of Staple and Fanc DRY 0908S, Hate and Caps and Ready-Made be fouid wo the Neate We have aw tot Geos Iaud whoeh we well elome culver en dvatid the best Boota and Shoes low, as the Salisbury, NC, Beason id dy nei May 20. 1n59 tier MUS MOIIN MSIL Reported Weekly by ROWLAND & EROTIERS OMISSION MRR NT For the Watehman, MAY 19, 1859 BACON — Western Shoulders g o4 du Sides Dahl NC and Va Woe round hia 0 LARD-N Vand Via No to bb's and kega. Ua 13d Bo Ali, 90 hes 38) FLOUR—Faimily, Sr shawn Bau oa 00 : Supettine Se Ue OT) CORN—Wohite and Mined, Yin 49 Yellow Shon to WHEAT—Winte, None COGN Nonna [ele ANS Mack 1 fees TLE Ret an Mo Ye BENS ie BEESWAX, DREED APPLES per bus. of 2* fhe oH LANG TR pes) 00 GS ip FISH —Meckerel No. 1, $135 a 135 334 OO $1i5 a 2.00 85.00 a 85.25 1250 : No #1150 PAVE —RO Hhd 4 a 29 WoO. Pips, #50 “Hd &w Bol Bough § Wha 00 FAYETTEVILLE MARKET MAY 19, BACON, per it Wa 134 COPPER, porib Kio, Wha 1g Iguira, Wey ae ts Si Venninge, TO TT) FLOUR, per oarre!— bans, 7 40 8 Sapertiae, 7 iss bin o YU 6 b to a 6 Fob Pts ad 20 Pby a tug OW a Go 100 41 tu : Poa day AID. per ib, 12 y 14) SULREES, per ratlou-- Peach Brandy, OO a 1 00 Apple de. new Te ay OF OY) No. Witiskey, Noa ou Rye de bo a 70 Reeotied do Wa 45 NALLS. cut. per keg 4h a0 5 PRON, per db Kngheh, ta 0 Sweedes, common bar, tha 00 Do wide, T4a 00 WOOL, per fh Ina i) TALLOW, per th Wa vv HEDES. perth Wee, nha 10 ao G6 a OU Liverpool, persack, 150 a 00 60 a 00 Alum, per bashed, MOLASSES, per gal Cat 30 Naw (abun ou SUGAR. per ih Tat aud erash Isa 00 StCrok Portoo dk No Orleans, 1b 12 THE MARKETS, Salisbury, NV. C., Blay 28, 1859. CORRECTED WEEKLY BY SPRAGUE BROTHERS 504 425 Lead Kar, Apples dried, Bacon, Wad White, Beeswar, 2a 25 Molasser Coba, Beet, ja 6 a ah Butter, 15 4 14 “ Musxcovade 4a 50 CANDLES— "Nala (Cut an 67 Callow, 15a 20 Oate, Wn 50 Admaniine, Pay Crag) COUTTS ES en Bp (ie lay Titeneres ala as Tia 22y Potatoes tro, by 6.25 Ulan Wa tl Sweet Toa Low Cotlon Varn, 1000115 Rage per tb Ly Com, Me TOO Salt perenek. 1604170 < Meal. O00 LOU Sheeting Bro Ya It) Chtckensper dor 1.004 1h Sagar Bro Rall E per doz Mod * Censhed, Ia ld Feathera perth Rw th “© Clarified, Pig a (2 Fiour per hb) 600 0 700 Tallow, Wa 12 Ae “Sack, 2409 250 Wheat White, 1100 1290 fron) Bar a4 Red, Oa 110 ard, 10 a 12 Wool, 25 030 PURO ape ee CTTNNG OS eNO Mle The editor of the “Live Giraffe’ eays he intends changing the name of his pa per in a week or two, but does not know what name to vive it We suppose the paper will be a Domo cratic one in opposition to the Standard Phis is the second time this paper las The first change Atter an deal of trouble itwas broneht to life again ; changed its nature eatised its death but, we are thinking, the second change will have If we remem ber rightly, the editor, in his second salu tatory, promised, should his old subseri bere return, that te never would jump [into the political arena again. Where j docs he intend jumping sow? j which yields annually from $400 10 $x00 | buildings, and & remarkably healthy Jocation. Al MirRCHANTS, [a Hone public s {1 ikely Negro Boy, 7 or titles from (he former town, on which there is a valu- j able Perry, kuown as | BROWN’S FERRY, There is 50, between 2U0 and 300 Acres of tine River and Creek Bottom, «valuable Meadow, # first-rate large frome Dwelling | House, situated ina fine grove aud ail necessary out | and Lotin Ware—w fii the town of Salisbury, near the stand for basiness—now oceu id others, 4 large and fine Males, | Tors years old, 1 Negro Wao- and Harness, pred by Mr. Brown some valuable many | fine Carria Woureheld Furutare ead tery ater articles tut ‘inentoned { | | ‘Terms made Known on day of ile. Any person wishing to examine the lund can de so by applying | o Ransom Jacobs FOBeCHU AM BERS =) tiraccnes STECC HWAMB EIS, 4 May 6, 1859 NOTICE —All Brown wi indebted to Michael PAS MeO. BOON As poMBIbie, om persons please make i further sudulgence Cannot be pven BEG de Ten & tds of Lrostees HIDES. HE highest inarket | Apply to BEARD & BROTHER tf ov e paid in CASH for greet aud dry tfhdes May 9th, 1859 Administration Business. Those indebied to the Estate of Caleb AL Heihy, dee'd, ate hereby noufied to come furward and paytuen€; aud Chose having claims against saad Ee tale, a we noGfied to present them to me within the tine Tanited by law, otherwise riis motes will be plead iu bar of their recovery PON. HEILIG, Adm'r May 7th, 1859 Sion | Heckers Farina. EMARKABLY wholesome and by W Carolina nutfittoue Just received H. WYATT, Druggist & Apothecary, Salibury, S tinad Heckers Farina. I FMARK ABDLY wholesome and nutrithere by WAL WYATT, Diugyist de Spothecary SE/DLITS POWDERS. 4 MOST useful Medicine in Billioue and other diseases ine EBienta te warm chivates, Prepared by WoW WYATT i t A Cary, Salisbury, N. € nay Heckers Farina. I FMARKABLY wholesome and mutritione Just ree ived by WOM WYATT, Druggist & Apothecary, Salisbury Careline {ima SEIDLITS POWDERS. MOST useful Medicine in Bilious and other diseases {nei Prepared by Wo oH. WYATT. Wry, Saliahury, Nt ene 50.000 Brick For Sale. FP HOsE wanting to bay Fifty or Sixty: Thousand good Huck, can geta bargain by calling at this Offices wit YEAST POWDERS HENDERSON & ENNINS' ntalte wart mates For sale at Mar. 15 | ARGE late Fut Datch and large late Drumbead ACabbage Seed fir wale at 43 HENDERSON & ENNISS’ Molasses! Molasses! ! Molaseca ! ! ! Adarge Jotof NO. and West India Apr F246 For sale low by SPRAGUE BROS HARPERS MONTHLY and WEEKLY. DtteEN NSS" Book Srore SICKLES’ TRIAL, Complete, J. Uf, ENNISS’ Boox Stone | regularly for sale at Pir sale at (CUE NVES OOO MES PL CHELAIRS 200 60,000 CIGARS at Wholeage or Retail at the Post Office M.A.SVITH. {| May 17 tf | QO! ETHING te kit RATS, \ Something to ki MICE, | Something to kill FLIES, Something to kil BED. BOGS For sale at HENDERSON & ENNISS' our PUING to fatten HORSES, » to fatten COWS Something to fatren WOGS, For sale at HENDERSON & ENNISS' Something A Cortain Cur Sor Syphilis. ] URROW'S reliable medicine, warranted a cer For sale at HENDERSON & ENNISS’ NOTICE, The Sahsbory and Taytorscile Plank Road is anit tain cure kept up asa Toll Road, and all persons are reapects fully asked to pay ther toll, ora fine of &a will be collected offof them JF FOARD, Agent May 17, 1859 51 Notioe.-$10 REWARD. DUNAWAY, fret the subscriber, on the th inet Xiiny boy STOKES Saad boy had on left x parrof homespan pantes when he nd shirt We vehighe ered. lender, gring when spoken toy and a has scar on is left big toe Twill give the ahoye reward for him delivered to me near Rowan Mills, Rowan Co.N Co orconfined so Teget him W OP GRAHAM May 17, i858 thol ETAL A BYR DR Se COCONe Tranquilizing t konerves Jost received by WOH WYATT, Druggist & Apothecary, Salicbory, Not Bt WN S ick CATA CER TRRean’ Of all Kinds, for Sale at this Office BRYAN'S Are warranted to give satisfaction to every ope. PULMONIC WAFERS NO FAMILY SHOULD BE WITHOUT 4A BOX OF Bryan’s Pulmonic Wafers, IN THK HOUSE. | NO TRAVELER SHOULD BE WITHOUT A SUPPLY OF Bryan’s Pulmonic Wafers, | fe Mis FOC KET, { NO PERSON WILL EVER OBJECT TO GIVE FOR bryun’s Pulmontc Waters, TWENTY-FIVE CENTS | } | — | } | | JOB MOSES, Bole Proprietor, Rochester, N.Y | Sold tb Sabisyury by MENDEKSON & ENNIS, and all Drug. | Kits | May ¥, 1959, hyd BAKER’S COCOA. MOST delicious beverage for the sick and convalescent, Tranquiliaing to weak nerves, Just received by WOH t WYATT, Druggiat & Apothecary, Salisbury, N.C. [indy I ARGE LOT of TEA and COFFEE SUGARS 4 Just received, McNEELY & YOUNG Mar. 22. 4d Valuable Factory Mill Property for Sale!! He subscriber desiring to give his attention more | exclusive toother busuers, offers forsale bis valua ble Factory and Mill Property, known as Murdoc h's| dash and Bhd Factory, on West Hill, uear this place. Thix esablishinent comprises a very extensive aud valuable assortuventot Machinery, beginning with | vue OU horse power Eugine, one & horse portable du, | me large Woodworth's Planer, and ove other large | do, one Spoke Lathe, with county mybt, Sash and Blind Mac tine ry, Gears’ Machine, with county nebes Seroll Saw, several Circular Saws, Boring wud More coy Machines, ‘1 uritog Lathe, two Grist Mills, ae. ve Vins property willbe sold altogether or in parcels to mint purchasers bat preference wall be given to any one wiltake the whole usit stands, and continue the business There is a large amount of Machmery not here pained “Those who want any thing in the line, are advised to Call soon, os Tam desirous te close it ont wedi as lide delay as possible, and will give a bar WM. MURDOCH et) Pa9 Salsbury, May BAKER'S COCOA, MOST def sick and convaleecent Ps Tranqu ng received by WoL WYATT, Drugyis N may BAKER'S COCOA. MOST delicious beverage for thet sick and convalescent Minit (im49 Weve nerves ranquiliz treet ay Ana D EECA BOE ee Se GAS LIGHVE!! PATENT ' Non-Explosire Self-Generating | CAS LAMP!! — FNUE public are now favored with the BEST, SAFEST, and most ECONOMIC AL LIGH'L equal (f not superior, to ihe best Cou Gas Tt uw adapted for Churches, Hotels, Stores Reading Rooms. Private Dwellings, Steamboats, Railroad Care, he, ge A thal to prove iis superiority over every ulher porta For sil by HENDERSON & ENNISS. ever produce Manufactories, Ttonty requires ble hgbt now sn wre Salishury, May 3. 1559. tao | SELELITS POWDERS. Medicmne in Billious and other disomaes inci | mA nat Prepared by WoW WY ATR, Draggist & Apothecary, Salisbury, No (2m49 Linseed, Sperm and Tanner's Oil, HENDERSON & ENNISS' if42 For sale at Mareto. Clothing, Clothing. Vow tx the time to procure the most dexiralte CLOLHING in the Market. AV EK have juet received another lar tnyoet the most FASHPONABLE Gentlemen woshine handsenre Clothe 1 stock, Quy before examining cur tnostehoece Goods ever brought to this market and lat of Cloth STYLES ald gever in We keep the al the lowest prices BROWN, COFFIN & MOCK Salisbury, May 10th, 1859 50 SEIDLITS POWDERS. MOST oseful Medicine in Bill ou dental to warm Propn Druggist & Apotheeury, Salisbary, N.C SELDLITS POWDERS. MOST neeful Medicine in Billions and ather aieasee ine fentelte wart climates Prepared by Wo oH WYATT Ld Apothecary, Salisbury, No € (2n49 BAKER'S COCOA. MOST doliciots beverage for the 2B Tranqnizin weak nerves WYATT, Draggist & Apethvoary, Salisbury, Heckers Farina, FMARKABLY wholesome and nutritions Just received by WOW WYATT, Draggist & Apotheoury, Saitsbury, N (mas ither diseases inci doby Wo MH WYATT, (2ma9 climates, Dru, sick and convalescent ved by WOM (ims Administrators Sale. ] AVING taken out letters of Administration on the estate of John MeRorie, deed. we wall sell apart of hus penshable property at his late residence in Salisbury on Tuesday the 24th day of May, 1X59. at which time we will sell Horses, Mules, Caule, Hogs, Household and Richen Clouse, a Carciage V3 Shares of Steck in the No Co Rail Read Company and various opher articles not herein and Harnes-, enumerated Notier rpainel the extate, to per inwiss given to all persone having elauns sere Chen property autiven Heated, within the time litied by law or this notier recovery. All votified that an early set Charms lett with Mr John will be ppon the will be plead in bar ef their indebted to the Hement wall be required MeRorte for colleetion proper appheation being made for thenr MoS McKENZIE, EL BEACK MER, Administrators Parasols! Parasols '! BROWN, COFFIN © MOCK, Persons estate are returned ] ] AVE justopened a new and beautiful selection of PARAOLS for sarpassing anvthiog that have srasen Call one as Weexpeet te rwell them out on a few They are gomg off fas Saliabury, May 10th, Isao been offered here this Koon if vou woah, days ms Bage JAVA, MAR AC CORO COPPEL 74 bhia N Oo and Coha Molasere ATBO, LAGUERA and TOO bhts Refined and Brown Saeare Wy tone Peravern and Catforna Guapo 1OO bbe heat Land Plaster WOO bbls Hyd Cement Satmon, Mackerel, Shad, Trout, Mattere, ae Ke, for asle by FISHER & FOARD Newhbern, N ( May 19, 1859 aso LEATHER. A very anperior lot of (pper Leather and Calf BEARD & BROTHER 1150 Sking for este by May “th, 1859 | we have succeeded in obuanbng UDS, NEW GOODS. UWARCH 218t, 1859. iW No. 4 SALISBURY, N.C. 4p SUBSCRIBERS RESPECTEULLY to their triend® and the iE Granite Building, announces buble gen eratty. (hat Chore exteasive thaw huiherto, aud TRADE are Chat Chey ure now prepared to ere extensive than hiberto. and robht one of the Urgest und mont Aitimetive Stocks of Wy prea oe 3 Vig a ne Wesmres erety cee’ s DRY GOODS, A b 9 fats, Caps, Boots. Shoes, ete., that they have ever had the pleasure to offer To on Vie eben 7) ? Nag an examiioten of whieh they ure cordially id labor to get bd that ue house Hes reviled We have bestowed mueh tine up a Urebrate Stock aud feel sat ‘othe State eau oth ecra better selected Steck = QOor Stock ie very large and embraces such ana amoriment in will eauble any porn to buy of wi % with the beat adrantage to themxcloen, all the Goous they may weed in our line Vali thins we shall try to coum the interest of our cumomers > We think it useless lo enamerite but will wtate The Choicest and most Desirable Style. unperted, aud we are fully warremted to saying that fo one whe wisbew to buy will leave our Stare wusnpplied. cuthe semson witht every thing that RICH AND DESIRABLE UrOrderw are respecttally solicited which shall at all (ines have our prompt and personal atteation. We have secured the services of Mr J.P. Gow 4N, loug aud extensively known in thiv section, A. & W. MYERS. Our Siock will be replenished throughout the “& «@> BQ Be UD. nbove that Jam now in the House of Messre A. & W. Myers. I respectfully tiny tends, pledtog to them all the advautages which are promised im the above shail at all Gunes receive my careful and prompt J. P. GOWAN. ta for Everybody !! Tt will be seen by the soho the patronage advertivement. “Thea waais ether ia person or by urder, allention Marcu 22d, 1559 Good eNews IN we CLOTHING STORE! New Clothing ! Good Clothing !! Cheap Clothing!!! Mr. DAVID WEIL, bas just opened a LARGE STOCK of READY-MADE CLOTHING, in the house tormer!y ecenpied by James EL} ss as a Book-Store, and respectfully invites the podhe tocall-as it will be to their advantage, before purchasing elsewhere, Among bis Stock may be found every variety of Ready- Made Clothing te snit the S$ Fine Black and Cold) Dress Frocks, Super ftahan Cloth and Silk Alpaca Coats, fine Summer Castinere and Tweed Frocks and Sacks, Linen Dock Drili and Brown Linen Coats, Ex. White and Fancy Marsei!les son Coats, Spanish Linen Raglans, fine Blick Doeskin Panta, fancy Side Stripe Cash- mere Pants S08. Drape, Union Cashmerett Pants. pliin and faney Silk and Satin Vests, white Batfand fancy Marseilles, and a tine ; seilles Bosom Shirts and Collars sertment of Linen and Mar- Gentlemen's urnishing Goods, OF EVERY STYLE AND QUALITY ; And will sell 25 per cent. Chiraper than can possibly be wold any where elsein Salis- bury. G4 Let every person call and examine tor limsclf, and he will not be dis appuinted. : DAVID WEIL. Sacispt vy, April 19, 1859. J. W ENNIS’ | State of North Carolina. CABARRUS COUNTY, en Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, April Term 1859 a it Jobo Stttipock va Poly Ridenhour. ‘ Attuchment Levied ou Land. Tt appearing to the satisfaction of the eourt that the di fesdaat Polly Rideuhour is not an inhabitant It ix therefore ordered by the Court nC on be made for six Weeks in the Caro- Watchinan printed 1 Salisbury, notifying her to be and appear before the Justiers of our Coart of Pleas and Qoaarter Sessions, at the next court to be BOOK STORE, itvtitrinccunrot Catarros, at the court hous id ia ¢ neord, on the 3d Monday in Joly next, then and RMS oto: eg) i) GAA RS 7D) C1} there te plead or replevy, and show cauae, if any she NEW BOOKS! NEW BOOKS !! Mewinetie ‘enue eel not have judgment against her. and the land levied upon by virtue of said At- tachment be sald to satisfy the same. Withess. No Sloagh, clerk of our said court at of- in Concord, the 3d Mouday in April, A. D. 1859, Pictures, Letter, Note and the *3d year of Independence. Bookk, ke NECSON SLOUGH CG. Ore: Aineng the new Books will be focnd The Confes- pr adv, $5 50 6wi7 Winget Mone Owe beset DISSOLUTION, — Dowinng's Thorty Years Ong « Vinited States Senate: Evitvot from Gad, by Joun Younus, DLO: E beetae; Vhe Sart and bis Hf firm of Mordoch, Darby & Co, is this day Savivur. by Spurgeou, Fred. k dissclved by mutnal consent. All those having chains aginst the Firm will present them to Alex. Viordoch, whois our authorized agent to close the and those ind=bied to the firm will make The Busiaess will be carried on un- ‘il turther nouce by Murdoch & Raeder. Onginal ot thin Sout hot panbteenn UST reeeived at I UL EN NISS’ BOOK STORE OF 8 large assortment of Vatuabfe and Interesting New Books, ,,.. > eric Darden (anes, Mau: Soborgh ; Sporreen’ land! or the Chain The Border Gand of nd Park > Opportsonies for Tadastey andthe sae f Zochos’ New American Spenkers The Carpenters Assistant and Rural Architeer, by Wino Wewa. Architects ¥ of Circumstances the Christian vestment of Cupual; Vastness: Pee ret to beat and Cottages, by Calvert Vaux, Architects WM. MURDOCH, Hades Wawuat of Panes Work. by VM Puifons: WM. RAEDER, Barnes’ Family Pravers: Partey’s An WM. R. DARBY. 200 eneravinges: Che Childre ‘ April 16th. 1559 43 Che Childs Pretoria! Aiba: rs 5 Be SAE . Taccerre ie mar if care resdise Weert JAS. T. PETTEWAY, plan Commission Merchant, And Agent for Dawson's Line of Steamers, WILMINGTON, N.C., Solicits Consignments, Naval Stores, Cotton, Corn, Flour and other Produce. Also orders for Groce ries, Coton Bageing. Guano, &e., &e. Rerens ro—Johu Dawson, *q.,and Dr. F. J. Hill, Wilmington, NOC ).G. Parseley, Esq., Pres. Com. mercial Bank; Dr ‘Phos HL Weight, Pres. Branch Bonk Cape Feor: Po Hall, Pres. Branch Bank : NAP Latterloh, Eag., Fayetteville, N.C, Hugh Miller's Works. My Schools and Schoolmacters : Creator; The Testimony uf the | and Timea of Magh Miller 7 Me . 1 NOWIELS. What Will He Do With Tt. by Bulwer: Woman's Thoughts About Author of Sohn Habtay: Dear Experenes. by Radha: Jane Eyre Vailette Shutes. by Caer Bol: Buthen. by JF Dann. ds Cts “oot-printa of the che, Phe Lite Women, by the Smith; Davenport er Niselsur-Variiuen in fame [ike Apul 36,1 3m48 Lover's Stratagenis Rinelie Caron 2 " Harem. a Coutession of a pretty Wass Rival Beautiess ‘The Wi'e's Vrale by Mine Parcor N¢ TC Toe BOOKS OF HUMOR. \* Adynimistrator on the Estate of John H. Miller, ater! Necatoan: Che Wilks Woot dee, Thereby give notice to all parsons who S; 1 The Adkansae Doctors The Grey are ridebled to sid extate, to mike immediate set. Mare, The Comie War x Jew: When te temeu pompily paying what may be due, as long- Merry: Mayor Jones’ Conteh o nod his Ske tehes of @ Mndalyence Cannot be given Tragyete And a REYNOLD’S NOVELS. Pit serthed by Law persons having clans againat said estate, them for payment. within the tine pre or (his notice will be plead in) bar of Mary Glentwornh: Buen P 2 The Op ra Danes there recovery Pope Joan: The Young Quefeee: The Eimpress PLN MEILIG, Adm’‘r. Bugentes Condor: Concnturg Houses Vda Aran April 26, 1559 Ow 7 del, or the Seeryr ier = ti Books for Odd-Fellows. OUR MOTTO Phe Old Pevows Quick Sales and Short Profits. ONF rin Sauk In Boylen'a Granite Row, Opposite the Rove in Howse The Odd- Fellows Wire ext Book > Phe Odd-Feliow Beautiful Gift Books. opie public sre invited ia eall and exanmne our Deepa Gaieive Vine wee ciyerne es <lendyletick af Pusuturesthe best and fines a fo es Peas ‘ ever fix prone he Strate | TCconsistsof Bureaus Whunen aiat ; Pe vent ites a-Tetew, China Presses Nihdinarcee Woidrotes, Bedsteads ofevery kind, Parlor Chaira, iN Cire ROR TMT Wien Chair Chil deei’s Charre, Wat sii Woash-stands, &e., in fact y a al! of which we will ell at b yo bouchtin the State weortinent I YRS TT Lar: of Wood Coffine kept on * ed ON 4S rensonable terme ag can ye sy) a - Cs PUD CSC Uses PEE ied VW hives hueiiewstlvarse Ririfanecnl ice ( p oda oll { : Co eae XY : , Callat the Fornitare Store of . LENIN Ge feces JOHNSON & WILHELM a a eos shi uae UIEHe « Scisbary, Nerd 26h, 1x59 lyin ort AInn ae te a aye > DID 1 livered to them orteft att Sioble an thes Bane D5) BAR R ELS Word, will rerniee prompt a Oharygre neds 0} rate SNIDER & RIG April 19, 1559 dingy = New Crop New Orleans Wo- ASSES just) reserved and for sale ) ow by LAND PLASTER. SRR RnOre For wale hy TUR AEG LE 1, VOW RA OTS Sahebury.Dec 13, 1858 vA) New Goods' New Goods! WE WOULD RESPEOTEULLY INVITE THE ATTENTION OF THE PUBLIC TU OUR RAIL ROAD NOTICE COUNTRY MERCHANTS. nwuw, COHRDAP, AND BXPEDITIOUS ROUT. FC FREIGHT FOR THE IN RiOR GF NORTH CAROLINA ERCHANTS and others about purchasing their N Fall and Water supplies, are requested to vo- tioe that by the completion of the North aaa Rail Road, from Charlestoa S.C. to Cheraw, the ac vantage of a CHEAP and expeditious route from the Seaboard is opened to them. ‘AN Freight consigned to the care of the Agent of the North Eastern Rail Road will be forwarded free of Commission No charge for storage will be made at Cheraw. Al geode will be taken cure ofin the Company's War hoaee antillcailed for Schedule of charger tor iris tauon of Freight will be found at the Post Other rn : S. SOLGUMONS, i Engineer & Superintendent August 10, 1358 fll Coffee, SPRING STOCK, Just opened.--cousisting of STAPLE & FANCY ORY GOODS / HATS, BONNETS, Boots and Shoes, IE ADY MAD CLOTITING, CROCKERY & G R OCERIES, Sugar, Molasses os we wii seit acwos + for Cash or ann AND trie J 3. & JA MeCONNAUGHEY 3 zs March 29, J5ou +t «= A BL Ee 10 HOGSHEADS New and West India Sugars 80 Bags Roo and Java Cotte 20 finds. Mascovady aud New Or leans Molasses. 65 Barrels Crushed and Coffee 1000 Sacks Salt Orleaus Sugar. VATCH WIKE SPRAGUE BROS ttle Dec. 13, 1858 oR) aS a TEWELLER, KS SS | “BTEVENSON & BOWEN, (LATR @TRVENSON, BOWKN & NEsMiril,) Wholesale Dealers in COME AND SER | DRY GOODS. wor. Witsox’s ave DANIEL WL ZIMMERMAN, EW SHOW C ASE, ND the large. new supply formerly of Lincotxrox, N.C, and Removed to the / o Uge Store No. 53 North ard St, below Arch, where PR WATCHES. IE is WARNE tu imereased Stock will be kep a SHEN tly AG as Chismect aw. Sivtiecntl ash fered equal to any ffouse in Ch R59 ut the 4° Ac 454 Associated with them nd t fe] and a grea 8 of | hem ABLES orde+ Privapvecrina, Jan 25, LaNTie Catlin—eook round LAND locks, Walking Canes, &c.! E-aPEQ &p JO H.u.bktie uty und see Che splendid array —— Now is ; vocheap Hoviog | (Ss for sale 650 ACRES of Land, & miles West! fiecthy trom then clarers, foreash eu of Saliabury, duule train the WON CR Rand Pwille we ve Cet Apout halfis cleared; the balance is exertent wood such ar + \ een sold we Stebarve ate laud and bottom. Ou it are wreath, Powill deduct o perc Meus Ee ans ’ x ¢ , ta 2 GOOD MEADOW Cone and ew mupoty of SILVER TEA + Dwelling Honses (one we an excetiont one: 2 good ies SIGH oS ale a \ 3 Karns, and all other necessary buildings, Ve con be NI cor ee ay Ace eta ne divided into 2 or 3 farms toeut the purchaser Call, Shantic salve i us | 0 LIUs A. NEELY Ak Watches. Clocks. Jewelry &e.. prompt Feb, 15, 1859. Bin leqr3 hepa ce the owest rates, and warranted for ve me ( praneh the propmetor gives cetention WoR WILSON MILITARY GOODS. Sdialiia sin) BS EE 7 sis Swords, Sashes, Belts, Epaulettes, Laces AND RVERY DESCRIPTION OF MILITARY GOODS, \ Female Normal Sch3ol, High Point. \. €. Rail Read, Le Vitis tS Ee eOR Oh ENN BOLG ACVORUING To THE . ; Latest U. Army and State Regulations [ip eeNe EN Vea pati f Weoinee . THER objeet ot tis Lusctution a te prouide torch SCHUYLER, BARTLEY & Gt HAM, chonscrt eduction: saute desc ss ant as att ade \CROBR TH Rose ANU Beg TSU Sie bol : nana Ped f ae Se oh eee 19 MAIDEN LANE, will openon the tstot Petruary. ia the New) Brick VE WYO: Modine fe) Gus mdnaraneh ayy 13, 165e. Vypd7 Vie 1 rey La wn ! i Wortiniber le SOC ate LOO beardeage DENTAL NOTICE. forme hed Rooms. ties places. fa VeVi ALY Baughebh Branches, 86 to 805 perses FMB DR. BESSENT, Wincor enon 5 haf the Tiaton requ red iy ava AS REMOVED ro tHe DENTAL ROOMS gor, Teachers and Pupils dwell tog H on the corner formerfy occupied by Da Basson. the eiie table where he ia preparedto attend al! operations 1 Young Ladier os tieted means will be ere d connected with his profession. ford ji yeas {poe Situ Jan. 1, 1859 tie ns gu osuch | ratiot — \ “ tea Wes tts i SPOON, Pror leod a Carolina City, N. (.. July 26th, 1558. Tue Atlantic and North Carolina Rati Road b wow completed to Beacroat Uansor. b have deter turned to locate at Carolina City, for the bo -BOOK BINDING AGENCY, LV SALISBURY. purpose of duing a ] LS EASAY [fe that 1 FORWARDING SYD GENERAL COMMISSION vem ura M J Berser BUSINESS, i ce eee and hope by prumptness and strict ettention to men fei Wee eran lg a your patronage and support. Being the Agentot tlie Oe Seok AREA Murray's Line of First Class Parhels. A clone aes ven cee to thisand MOREHEAD CITY, every effort will can te be made to make this the cheapest and mort expedt tiowa route to New York. Vessels w Blank Books, Ledgers, de 5 discharged at my Wharf (adjoin Kal Rood) Bor Clerks any (A { Wharf,) aod thereby save CAR TAGE : gud LIGHT Move cata, Ra vdonp My roe Comma antes ERAGE wide toorder | 7 Pla nw uiractien sseuld accom i> Particular attention will be given to all ders 1 e r } , and to the sale and shipment of Produce Ry iy Cee WILLIAM B. GRANT finda All shipments of Produce to D. Corners Mranay New York, will he forwarded free of Commisst i OBRIAS ox 3d, Ihi6 rere — j Moos |S A CARD. | Ii, 12 EME asociated with inyself Mr Joust : y Ewin, recentiv of Petersbors, Va. a gentle xa 4 Dri new br man of long expenence in the pee aiir| having moved inte th. large the corner of Muin and Water Streeta. wath ou increased facihiies for conduciiny the biasir 1 trost we will be enabled to command the contidenes CaN vt and patronage of my former customers and the pubs) Coffees, Su rare, Rice, Nic generally. Our motto will be to ice aatisfaction MV , Dean 6 Call and see as. Beajer, § Vipera C. A. HENDERSON s Pines civeine, Jan. 11, 1859 ths ip a Pore Vande Can \ r, Powder Ly Nit, bein ft Nant State of North Carolina. ; ne ae CABARRUS COUNTY Buche Broome, ¢ Wosenres, Bed Cor Court of Pleas and Quarter Sexsious, April Tern 1>59 Rope. de, al ny ' ? a iat wth, ane i tye sate ) ts for Cah or $23. Miseuhesmer and J Laack, ve Chertina Bi 7 2S denheur, Saeilivtaty Unie U0, poe) ttt Misenhemmer. Cox aud Cove Chere tna hour inal tticwmen pega lich eT ae : uf . ” ; « Original Attachments levied on Land Stale of North trolina. IT appearing to the sacstaction of the Cort. tht the defendant, Che sting Rodeuhour is not oan vile t DAY (Ge Ty OLIN Cee ee ‘ Court of Plas and Quien sesso. Mar h Court thar publiertion be k \y Feri. i950 Caraina Watchin ' \ , a hem h Apne i ( to Kev ve. Herre at Bow ot Dad Cha dees of Plena s Hrher Ses one. a te cont h Pe on ft DP held for the Lyf ¢ mare 1 ; natisfac ( in Concord. on the 41 ¥ ’ M A \ ( \ and there to pleadorcep Heme ‘ rial ' he hus, why tie plete) ws oe { against her. and the lad teve by wee 1 said attachine nts be sold me I : rd ( Witness, No Slog. Clerks of ann ead cones { NN wee call SY \ 7 fiee, in Concord, the Bd Won ey in Ap AE VS pam cue wh rie View Otis ii Qhicr ee Ne and the By Sear at ne Pride penites b ' ‘ In NEN SLotulh Coe ¢ rt Wouse I \ 1 pe.advy &5 50 wis ivan oan ra font - er ft s z ‘ . neg { re ‘ “t State of North Carolina, Wooo oo nae i the ad M y M ' DAVIE COUNTY AOA TIALBING Court of Pleas and Qiarter Sess, Maret Hts A tap (Ped Verm. t-54 Cennedy. va Mrabi cr } p ee ‘ TRI-WECKLY MAIL LINE. Original Attachment Levi nt IT appearing 10 the wanetaetion ofile « an 7 pi CKS the defendant, Abraham Conlin, i not oar nlite s PWO HORSE WACKS. of thie State Lous, theretore, ordered b (erin that pablie tion b fet From Woehsville, N.C. fo Salisboey, Vf elion be made f B weekwin the Carrie Watehman, pruted in Sabebury, that the said Nora ham Conlin be and appear at the next ¢ { Pyais t and (Quarter Berens. 1 i ( Learen NM Mi Vidneadaya Davie, atthe Coon H 1 M tecond Moaday in June neat. mnd dow rc ice of 4 ‘ . Lp he has, way the anid dand eh net bee oie for 7 y Va « ! i the satisfaction of the Plarntifle de tit aud mie i i cM according! { { Pare Vis Lev Witnem, A A Harbin, Clerk of our sind Cour Office the 2nd Monday in Woreh. AW | =4 Vie! : an 1 Pae A A HARKIN. ¢ eee: Doheny ' ree Pr. adv. $5.50 bua bs Re aati ! ’ ° MSG tel Baws tothe Manes Eerosine Oil. Mihai ses Ronvec deca . HE genvinne KE ROSINE ONL for anio at e HER AUSTIN, Pearson HENDERSON © ENNING | rehavidle, Don &, TNS ie toreand sale of the furnish a su ve \ by addres _ MANSION ALISBU RY. ae FB subscriber takes aa asure ia anbouncing to his frends, and the public generally, that he has taken Chis foug established aud well kKoowa Hotel, andhas made every possible preparation lo accomune- date the business, travelling and visiting portions of the public, in the most satisfictory manner Porticalar attention is paid to bis TABLE, and every Comfort is provided in his ROOMS. Hie STABOLES are abundanily suppled, and at tended by a careful ostler: and to all departments the vente tor ynyes his personal attention V comfortable OMNIBUS ruus regalarly to the ee ton the arnval et the cars Wott these efliris to olease, @ liberal share of the pubve patronage yp conti ya ted WAL ROWZE E sath, TR Vea COW ANS VEGETABLE LIPTHONTRIPTIC PAB a1) toa eat MAN FAMILY. DISEASED KIDNEYS, iL rand Artneys, Abii ihe Ie, Vennary : » Ntomeinthe Bla Weal Nex of Lite VPhissovalaable me ecimers tor sale atthe Davi Uae Mockawilec aebe. 1 Caingbele, ta Ures at Drus s tu Charlottes al Geverty Hotetin saeiis aud atthe Carolia Watchmanot tice in Salisbury ered iito copartnershiy The subsenber havi with John FB. ¢ patentee for the Medicine ing him at Salisbury, N oWan, ony inan tbove sispreparedts “orcaltiagathis residence, 10 miles west ofthis lace Bb. D. AUSTIN Sie Ss tto H . tRectre a ten dSON, » IND ous KIPURNITURE (O60 D 1°. RATES MATL, SP CHANGE OF SCHEDULE, Salisbury to Asheville. ( SOICCENIN alg tsetis teh hCOut Sit oles: Ae ( ee TG ay cen aCO TN jotiale da Western or Carolina Rail Road, Pern Sees oe Mon wierarts eh my Mondays. Wadin . do Bridavs, reaching Nisonim ne enone weal cone i les : PLEASANT OAR DENS wr fh dicate WHOIS RaUAren flint Tea a hoe stu cia ores (nee aad he BLACK MOUNTAIN, Me Wes ‘ i mie Soon ¥ Dintharcwh ‘ CECH ta EEN tenes witva rayoant vite Nov expe Seon pe Ww va ' t mth fine sri 11k (ib “Gras TRIN audit s faite lls CaS ROW Ne Contractor Mivcanton, YO dae he \ - GRAND OPENING © OF NEW | PRING & SUMMER GOODS! I) YE STUFFS, PAINTS, TURPENTINE, | y ESIN Chalk, Whiting, | V | ? U RINALS, Syrenges, Breast Pumps, ( 1 ARDEN and Giass Seeds, Mo r e e Q ALT-PETRE, Borax, Glue . ’ Manufacturers Articles, I AGNES#A, Mustard, Ginger, g) NEMAS, Surgical Instruments, t VSWENSE NRVUVARSVASNS, | wd ) URABLE Ink, Blacking, SINGLASS, Gellatine, TORKS, ' } LO or Bottles, Sponge, DUS SUN DE RSTG Ne BODY call and see ous STAPLE (ODS They are rieh and rare, and far sarpass any Stock in beauty, that was ever offer ed in Salisbury. We are selling off DRY GOODS rapidly, con veh pse all compe }titren, RESPECT ULE EATEN x x New Spring Stock of AND FANCY DIY INVITE | NDIGO, Annatto, Rose, Pink, T UTMEGS, Mace, Cloves, kK MERY, Rotten Stone, Sand Paper, 4 x ALTS, Sulphur, Cream Uartar, ‘ | Extracts, | | | | | A Tp ) Give cus «4 cAnn and we will convinee you that our Stock is tar SUPERIOR to " INDOW Gi Pott PANY that has before been offered tothe public, and that our prices are down te . . 8, a , rpvcerge id \\ as oan [the LOWEST water mark. FELLOW Ochre, 1: » Black, rw . . 2 ‘ elo Petty MOT UO.---Polife attention (o Customers, and Saal Profits. CIDS, Alcohol, Fluid, | SPECIAL NOTICE Country Minenasrs and the pablie generally wail find in STAPLE AND FANCY GOODS, a splendid Stock of | READY-MADE CLOTHING, BOOTS AND S jof all sorts, sizes and prices, [TATS, PLATS and BONNETS, e ° . ‘ Drugs, Paints, Oils and Dye-Ntulf | WOOD IWARE, BUCKETS BROOMS) BICUSIESS IW INE lO Tt; CROCKERY AND QUEENS WARE, and MOBASSES ever offered in T RAIN, Linseed and Lamp Oils, addition to our Stock SHOES T INCTCURES, Barks, Quine, ‘ ODA, Saleratus, Starch, | Ss Main Street, PEA EJEMIS ICTS 28, OW (08 Jan. 4, 1559 tf 32 CELEBRATED VEGETABLE CATTLE POWDER. Se and the best stock of SUGAR, COPFER Salisbury leave to return oor in ost ethauks, forthe bhera patronage bestowed onus by owe foea and hope by etuet attention ly busiiess, aed law pees well wil faver us weet chet? Po IE, Nab SU: TOM OY TESTE TST) STP OS SIBEGSST ARI (TORS LI ppow le he & YOUNG. "inks CNG f wiike tw offering their | MCNEELY plewsare Powder, feeling co nt thats eeded by the Agreultusal com munity ‘Phe Co ses rie dent to Horse tnpeuod is useful Cows, He the erreatanion, In oanest all disea d Sheep, en alternative produc hy the blood ay all Beere tions that give bloody milk has been nuteuded for horses to be giver reper, Stabberiug, Cougte. F Glanders. Farey, Gupes and Cs w Water, diseuses of the kid Vv. foundered horses. &e { Pty be yi in doses of bles 1 t cll Votes a week rd with water whe ‘| C tee wither b sod brings \ att Wing 1 heoumepusities of tt al theirs eth and wuproveng ther A Wook Lo Van Nae t ee the ammeuntoot tiik, asio | poor eondstion NV tamer. tha uses thee pow er Wil uever be witheat at riven wd “a 2 1 Mine tines a week. and i] ‘ Ihe use oftt, all the diseases arising from | he vopure state ofthe blued and seeretlous may be “an 2 rely diven ont : | Oots Sh d Retail Deal, lin Giscusewnt luiviwiHornelioctd ceacemerenen 10 0€s, KAT ) Hats, Cg mn or for dry cows. it 5 & foucd highly benrticls! by giving the powder every ye te ih gi eect NG PS Clothin day. or three times a week Wdedity oie be 7 »B. Ora § HOGS U her e ‘Nile Roy, a CeO ney N, Nhovs a PS OTER He Ue Useret TOM) the | | AND CEvTLeyeys teres be given | » powder in ree ded to ecks, uleers on the mnie uogs, and g. and inay be given by moving cueeraiulnars package in a barrel of pwill ‘| TEU IHS, “he Cattle Pa ae where its virtues are yi, ; . hesitate what antidote to employ for the distressing and dangerous affections of the Uheud of Everybody £2 fy Lanes or cheval, the Amencan people stabements stored and whos will find them in my 7 “AYERS Cherry Pectoral. For the rapid cure of Coughs, Colds, Hoarsaees, Bunctitis, Whooping Cough, Asthina and Consumption, i¢ universal- ly known o8 the best remedy ever yet discovered for every variety of Pulmon- ary ditease. So wide is the field of its usefuluess and so numerous the cases of its cures, that almost every section of the country abouuds in persons publicly known, who have been restored from alarining and even desparate diseases of the lungs by its use, When once tried its Superioniy over every other medieiue yits kind is too appareot lo escape observation, a ud known, the pablie no longer pulmonary orgaus By its timely use Hany, bay alinost any ullachs of diseare upon the ur climate are urresied and thus are saved many houssnds every year (rom a premature grave. No ‘nity should be wihout it. and those whe do neglect © provide themselves with a remedy which wards Wah. dangerous class of diseases will have cause to Ieplore it when wis too late. Proofs of the surprising | fieacy of the Cherry Pectoral need not be given to they have hving proofs in very neighbortocud Bal those who wish lo read the of those whose whole health has been re- by its use, Almanac which the liven have been maved Ainernican yrents below wumed have to furtieh gratis for every Price 26 ets per Box—h Roars by DN Ie AY for 81.00 , Lowell, Mass, Prepares and auld by Henderson & Enniss, Sale tlaviland, Stevenson & Co M.A. Santon & Co, No Ao NE Tia nis (OY . Chartestoa, S.C rlolk, Va a Bradley, Wilmington Rives, Petersbarg, Vir leat ne (Ay, he rts By (Nolatt) SALISBURY EMALE SCHOOL. JEG Vriccs at toe Latherny Chere, LIP Bo N.C, on the tirst Monday of March iost TERMS OF TCITION hiimoud, Va., and alf 2m46 AS FOLLOWS: Srentine sud Revpine, per me ahs, #600 Wichtive aad Van . &7.00 Ey Gaawk aod Pat, “ $4.00 Cuemisrey and AsiKoNomy, Se £10.00 Moric, extra, by Mie SK Snuthdeal, €18 00 per Jineuths Other studies in the sare proportion, Si pesene wisho g luriber store ben Will addres the sabsenber at Salsbury, NOC. Boarding by Rev- LO) Grose clone J. iL. SMITHDEAL ! Is, eS) pady dre Cote f Cothie FL Coffee Roo, Lagaaa, Java and Mocha, a large Jot on hand ait ot wa Por sale low by Apr. Ds~4t SPRAGUE BROS LOH JN) ToL Award ov. BROWN ST OGARS. Also, ¢ ird nnd Clarified, bor wale lew by SPRAGUE BROS. Apr lz 46 NOTICE. TILE fie ot Male & Moose having thie day nade Ano assgiinentet ther Sock of Goods, Notes nnd Account s Truster he benefit ofthe credit t eae Al Mila & Moone, persone ¢ Habeve Conte, ire tes ! este come forward and rettle he basses. Ue thin must be upland wave cost nzed agent to settle Poihe reniarcung The goods will be Clomed « ysis tiny authe tee aud wecounte., aud se utatlow ve firir, bY nate ar ae. t make vnmediate pay- m Avery shot tine w be alowed be- tore the Cline willbe putent for eolleenen by on Meer JAS W CLARK, Trustee Airis (File 1 beet) 33. VALUABLE LANDS Bape Se WH NC. Bees. subseriher Wishes te mell his lands lying on eae tfl4 | wider, proving efficacious for wha Ss LES Boed and t Reade, 12) lew . ' S first recommended peveral furmere te oe elena, on wot Correl!s Mil Creek The JONES) ILLE ve living hens. and found the effeet mont | Up MLE, Sy : ' ie IE AURES Phos place is well im. a . wordertal rn fattening them: besides, making therm | ee . ed Baod snd Penees i NEW and Wale and Female leademies, Cooe (oreo tiancusalan lav eeprene\ve cane Ce FA NODAHIORSITTIONS ert he ain trite ie Warns Baraca Panerpal her fore recomme to de feed to chickens. | FRESH 4 asp erye un ~ suds in this see. a ane Ah 8 ; ese turkess a ! ee : ids oof ie Cae ee ; | | AER eal wo ae aay a Wise nt EenileeDent r Where tis desired to keep up a healthy ¢ 1a | £ Wk »hOTTE here ve } Mean fo nas he given moved with Indian meal snd ' = at Tod contrite a great M ke de I Wi Ree Water (woot thcee timer a wrek oa ’ Res MATT oO nare A VOENG OR. S lleet RETR PRAT ion) ff, Mune ales iat Ps ANY. WYATT TU SRD avery crsste Arate ay Ware ita, olhGay Bi yer session dew 1 ry thing fur-) Prisvist, Salebury, N, ¢ : tf 25 | reo taverably forated in reference tomiula, churches pxeept furhts £3301 ea Wee , . rn : mh tos 1 a JOHN DOOLEY, | JOSEPOB Mi NEBLY Mais ervey On (HH Jin 25, 0™ 9 | conte (ba 5 0 Hat and Cap Manufacturer, | se uae Phe taeety: etarhth ses festraclivalewllaqien AND WHOLES ATE DE MLER IN : “ elas St. Fee Hails Tats, Caps, Furs, Trommings, &e. | ~ x an eot tht Mere fit avr Ge mnodomtale ; res rib machin 4 ( Santee ane ee iiitineeeand A hie 4 a . ‘ ae semimentofieve ' . HuSAURIAY RoE CIDER Te ee enteh Desdap ted AGAIN! tie nails Saati ci \V SPTONCE TIP Noe. —OPARDS tt for, a which constant additions wid be mad IH. I. ROBARDS, yoy t “ emt = 2 or Tue WV A Sopen My ex ahve have ens ine on) B: eye { F; 4 | A LT. ¢ 52 ( WYRE oe iubjewn oon re! Baenar Of Fashion, el Pea ROWAN HOUSE, wo! , treatin. and ! and orirar wv, the mast € OPT STE 4 On" iN of GUOPS £ . 5! ; , gnge ’ . ’ A Ee eee Pe rea eee Gt cre Salisbury, April \9th, 1859, SEER SHES: ACER Salisbury, N.C, ne ie al ne 4 ie ahora ee Lee particular attention of my custom MniaRt Cet ane Wilmington, N. C. Wek to keep this long cataltished and popne Tascilles Malin ue Nae. mcantooniee an iliii QUEER oOns 0 ; bebe nn oN Hove he bes! siyle his un hie employ _ Se Ls M STRAW Goons. , ENTIRELY NEW AND AE AUT LIME, PLASTER Cust Stance, wheats decerniied uo one niall me which for variety and extent cannot be surpassed ) ENTIRELY UN- _— : . y tated Thay ' iar) a ee oath " te pe HATR, CEMENT nveripe ive nlensicd cmcaricnseld JOUN DOOLEY | 3 Pipe , Morn street, Riehinond, Va. (USTED Be Rrete Taper ENS OnE LAVD PLASTER OLD POINT COMPO an) | } WwW ie Ea Mu su nie a aye he RAG HAP SE STOVOS, Sc AV ETE NOEMETE AU TTES AS COTES ESD if tae Proprietor and iovete the travellag. pubhe ty (i Ee ‘ PUN ATC 0 uit, ON IOS TH | Cae ' y Nite snes WVUr es Ore pe ne pee A A, su EG. ° MALO IN te uaa To WM FORRIUENAI IR atcrita min af lie cosets one noninictaaiie on ogee car lL AJ. Ko EMAN, M. I. Maayan Ree i; ise Bien ANE ( \ Nod. ROBARDS va WOLD respect mall those Chat Fae ES ah M ‘ HONE fees M}) fa ja 26a , . TredUNtED caclianliareenunite torte tlie VN tien Way DYER ASD PROGME bet nte any ON Hl. €, VWALCOLM, SH TTeSoUi A Uuruciel ce cate sath eiee 1eurlipeureuTeaneniine ho MeIPere ante pes AU abT aie We have on hand a large bot be pave Todasiisenuecon, professus 5 WRASY SATIN PEt 4 ahi CARRIAGES BUGGI ore) PRACTICAL MARBLE CUTTER, cee ee at AD HIES roca it ENE HS creer \ RESID UA : Ola iGLES, fee Ta tlmere wuCline eyed iasea sais tonic ulen rect ; oar DESPEC PEEL eee doe alas el de al levers Lea ACCT RG rena ee SUGAR, COPPER, &ec., &e. RQ hos ee 4} Dr Rosewas tuliy retires hee sincere hobs . : . MARBLE YARD i CV varralivate vetsivepiiit ce ie «oe | EINE VAP RETR LIAEIS PRINTED ORGANIIES AND M Q I, NS KE S - William H. Smith, ths ' patronage shat he has received. and FENTON i Aok TAY Ge nn ; ‘ 7 r a y. al . cane aes Loe fee Domne anita ss cee A Y el i TCR Le] \WV OUGD) hese UILy inforay his fi ne rentie Citi fi WEEN ALE ACER ben kame. at his old + ma el NOY SUT ES GLIN nes any LAIRD. PEPPER IF. i eae nds and oS public, that TAD SON RS 18 i tits Pei | tog Store, Wiechis 10 miles Sen weet oof Sa oe alte tae ‘ i PC KiGks CENCE RS eG ee Oe / ; f eee here hes permanently located Miso CRACKERS, | ’ ee "STN Paid Workin te Masole hues of either IMPORTED Be ace Rvp EMG Heh beated extra ghicty Mack Ramerine Goth 1S Leite CARRIAGE BUSINESS, or a) i 1 = | ; ; li \ RC nae ene Ponies MUSTARD, nthiold Sound, an allite varied branches, and wild AMERICAN MARBLE. DR. WISTAN'S BALSIW OF AID CHERRY, (iii tork ie si ther tvnae in eee SATIN aatnh llinnrtiinny inrieaaty torall chip crn ae tie Met) . nee ace scent ha \ Bae Nav Nei Tonle. durilenndliandestia Vente Callaud Sa Mebwwhiel Ne can pros BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS!! | GUE Des Veet SUN ICG i onan Cleat ee cone De rail Ue eaten ; cea ean AEE “ “r ' a tend price ' Take only the Gennine!! (ee eer eee ee aes Shots Lead. Caps, Snuff ‘Pohacen: Cig ite, Matchen, #00 it prited te exeeate in Coe beet sty te and manner \ pe _ Alice : Ce CAL ANI SU i ye ity Howork for farmers another purposes a ut) : Fostiy wouatie ms wtien conte ane ge ; i : Comary produce takenineachange for work, when a : M en PVs cnnptatioalty t ee a yowngt Cash or Groceries for Country Produce des ‘ at ree Weal epeewe MW cn fe diwitused ’ at RT SEEDY CES = LER S a ary) 6mr035 tae ‘ Se nny ee Ry os 7, ORAS ' Miugamil at, aivesDietuennt: bunt Gen “en ie He busines are fart sou Wacusmsyea. When COP St NOS GRANITE BE TED ! 1 Meal, Potatoes, Peae Beans, One Pe sulle tl a ea BOER ADIN SARIS COAT RAMADAN Sed trie Mery we. always tn teqnesn Trin MOTHER CHANGE !! fea dis Seco ne EN a Har as [EO SS oxessc _ Oe BEARD & UROTHER __ : UAE at AE Cts ale ’ ee SALISBURY owen onsen Cygamtsston Merchant, Wutual COMPANY, of the oti direensborou: INSURANCE ECT see tte eae and my ( par w ad tome nate “p i 5009 6 in PSIG SO akg a slot SPOS 2 ve Cay Gases that my ae. we therefore have tt x n rathae pantytie hat there apeou ( ‘ t = , The mest ' iN the voihe Weeter ft tte Rew ren ieee ‘i on fire naeh DIRECTORS: es oy a) eC OP Mendenhall, D wo \W 1 Meer aire Pot DP. Cale Jed Hf ' : 1 Moe (= WO ea DP Wy Mel Mtew MM i ! WwW, s ¢ \\ W an { (EG 1 yn ou ‘ | i fi I th J rN facthths Om 1 AE TTEATe SANE) NpSG eS tar Near Av] M STDILIAS TPO DEBS Moer ‘ ’ and Hine aare t ° " Vou Wvatr | Drmgeit Apert ay 8 os 9 PALTRY. 4. ft HATHAWAY & CO! t eB tmnt tas TLG give his personal rc) ta mn ip i Set een give his | vila mirehas \ a | VW eee a eS i DC Wilmington, N.C, = of WIE, f * ‘ Meets, fir teow vor Niece tnuerk te ° ~- . ’ . 4 . Shogun ince ma Reverse \ Mawes @ lou, 08 Th atin 700 ith ds.) Choice, New Crop, OL hia ee Ghaaee Wen reine and Jol \ Sisal St 30 Pierces § Cardenas Molasses, ag : March 2 fad 75 Birrets chotee New Orleans Syrap, 1 ined Ah Ny Se ee) % OS SO Winds. fair to evolee New Orleauy sagars, ny etd pote sivtaome cme) ty ty ~ 4 + oy +, + 200 Barrels Clarified Sagars. nee bat tesa niente OnE 1 . U7 + "S500 Bags Rio. Lagaira, West India & Java Coffer. ce The yare Cheap Enough, 150 Barrels Mess and Prime Pork. : , Ree 25 Uhas, Westerm Bacon,---Sides and Shoulders, ee ; ; cv. GLE SE SEN OM Paes 200 Bbls. Yellow Planting Potatees, POWER A CO.) ROSTON. noth OL FIDE WRIPPER March Jb. 3859, 3ms:pd TAKE SCLOTLEN were m wasted and health jeopard ‘TCH wasthe lan , f ' e y Ss ee. ; HN NDER OS Sand WLU WYAT Sahabury. NV, ¢ ir wy a Stee K es t ie : Te ae ae : pe ese OX o Gp ast sir Foarunies Fst wl eH SEN Pome Serre ek Shara, they were ahowa hin and price sat \ 7 . aunt, HENDERSON & ENNISS' JAMES HORAN cod he Phey are cheap envne me Matis ——— Mud cheap they we 1 fevinn cone) Sih . 5 Wecere swe WATCH- MAKER AND JEWELER, (owhiore sort wall (iyi wed coodl (aca & 100 BAGS PRIA RTO) CORVEL pr lowk ed er MEW} See Sey Nt Ra me SHER BAGS OLD GOVERNMENT JAVA ! ’ | PIT EN NESS? fv tlean ont \ Oneidtanor hela & A. Waphy's Stare, No.3, Coarssrid Ways MONE ELY & YOUNG FETS coon in Won head « large weccrtment ‘ ye UN WATCHES od SEWEERY of nil kinds BAKE Rr ‘ COE OA. in 0) SLOT AD EAN The ClNi Ineka, Watches and Jewelry of every deacription VENER IY oS UCN(OS epuredian t mannerandon the most yeasonn Aas ads delictona bev ble terme t Lye VARRIAGE LICENSES YALE AL THIS OF FICE rqnbiging WYATT. Dengpiat fs thivtomces Unttalinie Noe t L000 McNEELY Mar 22 Febroary 19, 18 Heckers Farina. FM AURK ATTY whalesome anit y WoT WYATT. Dy ATHTER oat & YOUNG'S I 1743 ntritione dmet ne cele nagist & Apothecary, Ballabory, mse LOT FEMALE SEMINARY. ps fhaniching Gnstirotion isin charge of the fewar Ar hers, Vi7. AT) Wirkixeos, Pr ati Meipat, Mire NOOO) Wirkinsow, Amistant in the Literary department and Mirae, Mr Wa Hessic, Inetroctorin Mase, Take pleasure i aaving that the present Session fiw mor ed their expectation We are thankful for past fivoreand request acontiuagon of the rame, with a geataddien Aw there V their fealinas in tL have ff vou want that Geoghe ve nny be some who are Sectarian regard to Sehools, Twould «iy pubbety wha sud in private, I 7 foinust send i Session willbe ommence ‘,and continue twenty- ton ae heretofore of Principal and others of the high AD. WILKINSON, PRIvciPaw 1196 IRISH and SWEET POTATOES, for ante low hy SPRAGUE BROS Heckers Farina. far weed ond table nec Ap 12-46 Inst recetved WYATT, Druggist & Apotheoary, Salisbury, N {1mao > aid AREY wholesome and nutritions hy Wo Carolina } . of fe ® a s 3 & * 7 a « © 6 & a i & a p p U q is at ary — J. J. BRUN ER, | EDITOR AND PROPRIETO TERMS | : s. Single copy, $200 Five copies, $x.00 Ten copies, $15.00 Clubs exceeding ten, in the $1.5u cach, Payment always in advance Same propyruon ADVERTISING RATE Ot ae square is the spea vecupied by 16 lines of "JERUSALEM ITS SIGHTS AND IN | HABITANTS. | From the senior editor of the New York Express, now traveling abroad. Nothing is visible, nothing at all, of | the original Cavalry—if this be Calvary. | Murble covers all the original roek, sa jiu some very few places, where a peep can be had through the marble erevices created to give the peep. The whole = looks like a series of churches or chapels —with the usnal altars, and the eandlee PICT | TCT LES - PONT” a - B , , ey 3 ‘pDTT Dw 2 | ray »~ ‘a in ITO p ef the Cathole charches of Greeee and a Brevicr type \\ One X\ | I. ALISBU RY Q N. C., MAY ol: 1859. NUMBER 1 j Rome. The Priests of all the religions x ° eon a here siow up everything spoken of in § ie Le oa ee Scriprure—the exact place where Christ 2 et eFC CNL appeared to Mary Macdalene in the like- a the year ae e . 3 P ¢ : * cae : bess ofa yarceter; then, a few feet far- Hi Tie Malnreitoe ap Devoted to Politics, Uews, Agriculture, Internal Jnprovements, Commerce, the Arts and Sciences, Morality, and the family Circle. crag stone ical eri desiuekiing 5 suis g Bouneng vaudidates tot the spot alte re Mary stood : then, when 5 er etre our Lord appeared to Mary; chen, a frage 3 Qo SN] ie eat j nent of w porphyry column, called the Lis STRAY. xvGiien Gece Una WOOD, EDDY & CO.’S THE RAILROAD FOR THE WATCHMAN. oon them.” Wo are aware that those who oem. «At fast fiom Anes colle the bounteous sun, coluinn of Flayelaba, being a piece of 3 for divorce of lesb aud Is Mr. Bor ) columus Twill ploy these deadly means in the @recinent of And brgit Vaurus revives him. ae hat to which the Savioar was bound Blreuch ud wate ~ Sing! e Number Lotteries !! CHAKTERED BY THE STATE OF GEORGIA -Gapital Prize $50000"" ay at sQHOW 9 UTC TSTSES SON [AY Se NOOO ele UW 6 fe uted NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC Rule gly Ax the in vir firin hive, by way of pur = 7 ia: 2 Tue No chacuot ob chase, beeowe Lie owner ol the grants chariered by . ~ ! a : \ @2ze ates ; c ath tie Storer of Deleware, Kentucky, Misscuri, and 1 i} part uf dager mi Grunge, ander the wanczemest ot A Great Institution! ou. » your Ha comphatce With my promise essay to notice ty the use of Opium as a medicine. Atdiough the here relief of pain may in any instances be de sirable yet reyarding womerely as an adjunct to disease a kindly mouitor of nature to warn us of the presence of a morbid coudivon, ib were ev dently far better to remove the disease, the cause epain, than merely ty allay the pain with ter the me condition Ti expe Bat, tuliot Lathe the lig stinosplere im cramped with cold ; and vivifying seul, it clouds sublume, and spreads them thin, wnethe deend uistered claims that af they are fatal MVscrers when scourged by order of Pilate; then ; the exact place where the true cross was ak eye ye Coe A CEE dug up under the inspired and watebfal (4) jeye of St. Helena—a place of especial ee sun, having, in lis appareet paltbroogh psauctity, where the very rocks weep now “heavens, passed through the signs of Aries, (the piace is under, ground and dainp) in ie (urus and Gemini, enters Cancer June Qtat,| mournful memory; then, the very colama diettoy" ian the Sumner eomimenege. At this time |! ymarble, on whieh the Jews nade the sit ne lined hia grewtame height (a tha (| et SM nels trey erewmen ates , pwith thorns, and mocked him; then the of emprrics, quacks, ete, Hat when adi “serentipical/y” they are harmless, : by Summer, well assured that they have been wi junous fatal, and that no serence wil so chiar travene the immutable Jaws of LWietire as to Ganse that whieh is duimical to and weil hfe to be conducive to health, And oso gyreat te the inaynitude of misery entatled upon humani mCi rege amy : ‘ : northern henssphere, and we in oar latitude Reels a Wits cS) NE ae Oana a a Us er Sy Ai wire sud Hikvattion eb tain isco lucie vee welwonld wicliawith allitag Ulow a ; very pluce where the cross was fixed ; ne ite as Ot [Ee ee ee ie ia Ry hecwonn thom trom earth, bury then inobbaiwy Ue “he lamgest day and shortest night. Allihen the apot where Ciriut was nailed to ae he wad J 1 Crate +. \ Hecessihiny beibo wee Vit de} vitality Learnt " EM he 2 tet Re } l t ] x Vg ‘ 1 ike Wuob EDDY « CO. who willbereatse ve the epee ‘ or : ee a : ‘ \ ls season of the year the cultivated fields are the cross; then where the Virgin Mary The following © Maneous Ts \s NK ‘ spe {iin t wie ' Po oby an iueremsed dabtiity of (ue system to com. and cuscr be upon their sepulehre in upniistaka val \ mie 5 vee 1 : 1! bah : REO SeeUtDas Teadia es sil Tr repell this cin onwen lion ns ain oditescae ncn Ved hed null crowned with the many and various productions, stood durmny the eracitixion, &e., &e., &e i \ es hate : j = Why sease, the cousei-htots an Al , haracters TAP (f 4 ected, Ve 5 z Ae Wit se q «eatby mal to \ ats is a i caiehrmelimeinse O s ‘ wNeaghtrs the a GSR UG SOUSA) ANH SHSiRU CRESS FOE CENCE ‘ be te lof the earth, rewarding inan’s labor, and proclaim: | Every historical point of the new Testa+ exper Pena eee arte a world etoud atid took they Gout help--watl pliysican wail direet bis sto a removal of (EPORME y ment here, in Jernsulem, has not only a aan Warrant Content BRE JOS AOS Oe COU, (PEL ante Yee cad delishe: and then itis they are wont beery out the dix thert an afleviati fthe pain eM rece Ea ei derareme eo rile : l tl i Ih bitati ne M ich ee aH ae A Pudetunes Great Lust {teas thateuch a ‘ EN A SET TE SE aud love of our Creator. eee iat ee int aie euch a tia Were creatosap houch the te ay pau dia ote cred il . . jinvention and fane re not thas content bean win r | up t u he datter may gai bamomote credit with Expaloation of the Almanac. “With songs and honors sounding loud, a cy are ty bd ent, a Ios patient or prolong bis treatment and inercuse __ Address the Lord on high, but they wander back to the beginning of Muaista Crus, Det ee et Over the heavens He spreads His cloud, time, and show up here on the ground of es, Ms * ¥ a , . y ; fveniaiiiie Sia aaite, tee alepr a AEE IS TE ead And watere yetDe ee a the holy sepulehre “the centre of the Hail Boudec oval . ' h " eran - Vern Lea tUT, MC, Gl, Up ress a sends His showers of blessings down \ in) = - Boil Wend WOOD, EDDY & C0... MAMIGERS, oat En Ute Coed) aE Seineene aie (KEN uml memes sont LECrURE ‘To cheer the plains below, earth” and the spot even whence was ta Ae oes IC CORCOTRAT OMAN TITAN ! ae STE a See ee | ; : : . : He makes the grass the mountains crown, jken the clay from which Adam was mod- RASNTRIGEEREIEL AA : ann 20, Loe : po Se ee roby duninishing their capacity to percecce UE DEA | Aud corn iu valleys grow.” luted ! Fane y and Fietion and Romance Menta cdade (Hic Onin Rreiavaye QUE ie a Tea \oniie uine : fean ite onan ened Choose fhe para though the dis: andan reality cause As we are not lecturing pon os(iashiela y, but (c) stucumn, thus revel, and so extraordinary is the CH Ant any ater faemeat ons Vobe & Oy, Maun gets of i Nanton | G Past tat i ' Nectiny ainee Hie EN tabate! OA per tnetely design to give an explanation of the Al The sun, after having reached bia farthes: whole operatic show, that one rejoices at 1 ou stort 1 Peel) oe en s tanner eoelte we Y ta Nii ett “ fare etal &s h A { i . ‘ ‘ ai ted ty utdet aah ae, a \ a y abate oh cone Tea, whoever Grice (a Tne, We lo eA peul to say citicly upon alpen POINU TH NortliInLiludes aypenisl anit) ‘to recetie | last this is pot Calvary—this is not Gol- RB. 4 Ik kK Rs ( i ‘ ue noo ' u i of pa vel hast Iney ob our subject whieh filly within the Provineaiot inthe leavens, passing through the aigns of Can gotha—thit this is not the place of the “ ( Ped : M esa iii! a dE Las asia Ours) pices , | aes ches is) Astronomy as ascivnee, Butias the terms Solar L AG, i uni j i Luly Sepuledive, and that for wise pur- . sok mead hast Ww x sop es geome : ter, Leo, ane wo, # entering the siya uo . } ‘ ; 2 Saas : W inate Nit tel you retard ry no year, Lugar your, Astronouneal vear & ms a ce 0) , t | poses, the Alinighty has veiled in seeresy ; , oun shane he . moa ‘ aid tl ou ule orga ar Lun cary INUTTCIE C2, 5U ‘ : i ‘ £ y “ ; Wi ai - 1 \ M Bie ts ee la Gloame Raabe Gy anit oa ae eee Gale indie asia Tobra, whieh occurs the 20th of Suptember, when the spot whereon he micrinced lis only ( ire oH Mine elect Fre an) Colin ne WLU aus Voces we es DSH RSS AIRES 7 SOUS th Se TES ee ME ae Autumn beyins, and when day and night are siy_. : p ees ey t paral 4 the therence between the , at has 1 , oe Woe et cn ON TUTE PIAS ie SIS SAGER Gf ‘ tts | es poweref Uhe system, and thas quite amid form hither between them, or what has giver jequal again. Tbe busbandinan has uow gathered | tne [ory Serciucurr—JEALoUsy AND SOLU IEE fon qi 1 ted Uk we Crea - Nee toric ENE tUruimenploved: todestcnn : f ‘ ihe ae i tb ws ' ten Deets SUSIE UELETN ory peuirera’ vie) % é nen fenitibs cong) opie! Godiesygonie |g, crop and commits tu the earth the seed; Farce —The dome over the Holy Sepal- te. Cu v8 Sucks, So Wa ta re ' 4 he fe 2 A e , ti | : dy ne eae pues eat Fite Thousand Four undred and Pighty-Live ae RUNG comierenEear j uo OD) Teal medouiaireunianeniet 1 cuish them, Iwhich be confidently hopes, by the blessing ofa chre is leaky and broken, and rain creeps brated we uutotive, wut ‘ ie PRIZES! l1lorr IN ! Veter just Vena seu 0) Phe She (ae rather terrestial) wear, 8 \onaytul Father, will yield bim awother, Nature's Uirough and in upon it; but it cannot be o ethan three-fourths of a ¢ ur eu 4 ; ‘ A z ° ne rr : P 2 aan fi i i eae fain: Capon af (Ge ae “vi wraicecen EWIBIN WA JPRVAG i) TEMES) SIME ACME ; ; " ritvem am that pro yo wei wieeh the sun appears to move through the | reen wert changes its hue, aad the sear aud ee va is the acted ar aie cu 5 © at ! : at | t Meiscuhitlieecl eit ; tm : : *€ rill et Latin or Arinemian do ape ig aan al Ay NOUS Macnificent Scheme! \ " ' ura W 1 can twelve sisns of the eclyptie, aud return: to the jvellow leaf is indheative of the approach of an reek wil hoy det Latic or Ar a mi el I ie ue a) TORE DRAWN ee aS for 1 Vite qoat bes same pert. This period comprebends 365 days, | | ty nnd rice vera. Well is it, repeat, at sand persons in heelit, and ae substitutes 1 non : Ana ; Ttth ‘ . ; : i est then, that Infidel, but impartial, Turk for Ve 1 Golfeean Nervous eal Dyapeplue vasen i} SS ATE IOP AY TES AVERY) ston na regarded as aueney shoukd be Oo hour, 48 1 tates aml 4s seconds leery ihe tad AReculireds word re . , eee aati } j tp ' WPA 7 a a ree AAD. CSSOneCHG 7 7) ) } | < 4 ae po ecing any fe pad 4 squats and sinokes his pipe by the door 1 nd are I dolby te 1 en be areal iad ndispensible Enstitution. usa ‘ tees to the (1) + Antena your is the same as the | hade deepeniug over suade, country roun Mera . Ate . bine ; ' ei . ; : Dine | Imbrown; « crowded uunbrage, dusk and dun, as door keeper, and brings in his soldiers , See : WU there is presen Wriating cause, sohir year, except that the calculations are car} Or every hue from wau decliung green to keep order. Bat what can Turk think | ’ i ‘ ' b cllest) 3: Fie out mote qinutely and with morg exactuess.| To mmty deb Thea wow the lanemme Mase. uf such Christianity, and all this ge-gaw 1 ra oar fi ~ ro . F wn . angie : vow whisper lead uate (heir teaf-sirewn walks ays if r Fal \ S. TE \ i ai Wed xchat st (ce) The Leaear year consists of twelve tana | UIE Mind Someta er Gicneneee cool, calin, simp le minded, uni mpas- WALTER Nhe avi ie a tomy anny to ESIC ; wl \ sters its dea Hons, embaacue 354 days, § hours, 48 min, aa (1) Minter sioned Turk—who, in plain simplicity, Buda ha ace ; ia ‘ ‘ on j ; ; EeNs ure , ‘ ' ‘ ss WA eet th wll F lech aamel: aces, es tocianen dane sdae ae Gr a ; : a | spre ads lis mantle npon the bare earth, NE i , , 3 a | Phe sun, descending in the heavens and pass and, with his face to Meeca, offers up. W oo ‘ : ' t ; iy an \sw cht 10 days, 2b hs and 12 sec, j " nae, ye ‘ nee i i ‘ ’ : : ae : — ; pine throne the sigue of Libra, Seorpio, and jiambly on tis knees, with forehead bent |' AMIS GRA RY WPORE oe : ie : ee fae . (1) The Tropical ya ' ne Tenth Sy cous, enters Capncorius, Here, having tothe earth, his prayers to the Prophet E04 pias ee Sieur : ceive ° e wt sidered with reference rived at the farthest extremity of his course) alone—no image of him, uo painting, no Sie Tote ' ee amas Ve Ee Gombe anions Hsouth of the equator, be ushers iu the season of seulptured form, no Virgin—nothing bat pe < n ' ‘ : eet nay , | L i Try the New Grocery Store r More ta be Admired than the Tle nord) Wy iS ie Ok ©) The Saterial year is that period in which | Wont, which occurs on the 2ist of December, the Prophet himself—and, through him, i “ AG ESE ’ ee (he tthe plincot te Loteves Here NealereeDutentin tore tee Ren ih - : ~ ! 7 s (dod? mre e j Be Ee errs PT Cre aE TTE Perr racer err ae RICHEST DIADEM ber FolicTe is bag an ther Fare C0 80 he thy stars apparently complete 9 yevelution:| when we in north latitude have tm shortest day, ute ai Wrens ur ber fu Yo q ‘ u wee Lilet ist al - — e . v SSSI CaO TUES, c Pa aed) oe r Wier anid syeie ( vomue rae JN 0) ' sD EIT Te EAT avd come to the same, point again, ettracing |and longest night, The sun at this point begins aa ‘ fj ~ Way oe . nf own city, is : ! 5 oR on of the blood trom tl a : : , jchased out of the rsulechre as demen or Barnily tee, stl be regula u id iP Teh aly V1 Ia Rage at 1) Terk ’ EVER re Milvadel coll Ube ly Dou 365 ds, 6 hs. & min, aud 10 see. Ito ascend again, and passing through Capricorn wild beast wonld | L Hope f nae j ets teriess NCI ACW 1S NOT Lass thy Cn a ae 1 if PUP Ee 2S thee heart, a threatened sabmer- ia) Ties Pradaseriiral AG bids o , . ee OO eT ope not for mis- pee ban are pire niente cor , “pile Nd VY rN tie ld EOL (tf) Ne Je; rastical year is (hat whieb ex-fus, Aguarins and Pisces, enters Anes when the sommes, Theo, alewaier Cl ristianity Hl for ' : ae i yas to wish not to experience any ae Penuther anda ; i , oi iristiat E RUT TISEMists (Ciera 1 eR ne ol arr R VOR DERING TICKED OB CERTURICULES Whit? W} B tifal Head of H : ora fonds fom one Advent to another, and commen: | seasons recur again in their regukie order. land its progress in the eity of the Great Sac alts t ' iN : v4 -autifal Head of Hair A ) t ven mer bath 1 Spies F F ie Re 1 : - ec Naa iG i ; eel fer, ts aie ashe oe : a! } eos either io the latter part of November or be The most dreary season is Winter, aud yet it) King, until all these things can be mend- ! { Lieir tise is A iby F : \ t fw “ " wantin uf De comber [has its own pecuhar facilities for amusement, ed Never will Jew be converted but THE LIVE ' , —_—_——* Beles eae ; ee (ay 77 vnanen or Col year is that of the | pleasure and enjoyment by interest here, never will Moslem be ’ Fabre MLD Seer Fa = . - B - : g _. : ‘ & intend ; ae rr : turned from Mecca. 2 farce I\y IGOR { ror! i ire oc fl Nite teat Przes u ‘ Anuar d is Ueit which caiy ition Las cous] cx ow allamid the ripore of the veers Dae [ “i Tie if the * A ‘ . , ® Z trived t curnputation of Gime to re culate La the wid depuof Winter, while without oy re alo Laat vat Laine! Greek im- nas ‘ ae 1 ot cere Wl pee sew leis ets . ; ai oe ay t tern avless avude blow ice, be my retreat, position on the Fuster Eve of every year, ’ ) s . r hess, d Compenndrd entirely ‘(rom GUMS, j Pasta ‘ \ oe : : : ; ¢ } Between the growniy forest aud the shore when the Greek Patriarch alone enters UCU mnie Ciel ins ay eeaeare tte shen ‘ i ~ Tie poy ‘ Ey : | Q ' a Pieler ae iad the Tomb, and the “iniraculons flame des- : Ue ae Pld (Mces avira is Wwe 1 Anamalieneal year, the time that elapses from} Where ruddy fire and heating tapers join leends froin Hleaven”—is, only of itself, my el tu oor p ey Ul it returns Tiecheat m. Phere studious let me sit, enongh of disnst for the Jew and the : 0) Fy CaaS oN GE | bite 6 hs AND Ait 4 ie Vermu with whe wughly dead! | Masten —if not for the Christian of any : : one oun | rel, un 4 2 tatercalary lunar year ¢ 5 ee “4 " | . yobs unt ve ‘ eal | Se aa other name. Then, en that great display i ire mowhs. and embewung 3 | eheld, = here a Phere ds ( 3, Julian yerr established by Jalius Casar, estate tural life e few years, and furee, the itunes have to come in, not i Tie ADAMS EXPRESS COMAANY., oO ters its effects Lots 1360 days ; \ L it tH : yg thy Sumwer'sardeutstreagth. only with bayonets, but with leather lash- ‘ : ; ' tl i , ec Veseber Autumn facing inte age— ‘ So: : : hos SSeS Var see: e : He ns eet the sy ) Seen « eienttn neal . ‘ 1 An pel Frege Miner at Inst y esto Tay over the backs, shoulders and = : : ~— “Aue iotilhne iene aut cd ieGnE | | oii vate ulwatiiny Grmmne Usa) Aamir uiprsuaiee en legs of the Pilgrim Christians, to keep = CUT IC PIC TSK Gt NDMIEN THEN SE : hia eerie aati cement era ou pevers sevenoh year when the Espachtes were : , them in order. In the year 1934, a fear- Fears clunaase ten bloat dll: ee sa Fe : i MRAYE CR ue = wworeqauired te det their lands unciled Tie Seasons are occasioned by the inclination : ; z ao ee ' a : a heii ihe eee Un he pared ih oj es as dct fy ful trazedy ceenrred on the Greek Eas- i ln STE. PPR MEAT find Opie <1 hig 156 : Hi Pies Levis teted Wi) Parca aie Nuts Arist) AS [aT SID Oe ee te pia of ber tor, Kaur handre | persons were. tram- v ‘ VE Port lester ( er oes * ; " de A fed veut the orbit, which causes the more oblique or more led to death, in: wy even upon the Stone S 1 ‘ ; vids bw Lert Seis : oe yy voosert ; $s fall uj poppeudicular postion of the sun with reference of Gnetion, . N Sine i eee ; - Nowy ' er ae cert vans the ( Yass | one Th tothe earth, at diferent: periods of the year Tine Watrisa Peace or rum Jews.—The Le CVIDIB, FDDRINY ab (lk, Naccaie: , ool padesasymagiie Me ibeoelagi: Ut TREY Gy ap is varia Fewer rays of heat fom the-ten fall upon the Jews? wailing plice was to me the most e. \ ui i uD BeOS ine te He ‘ “fp Sears past Opauan and ats preparers have done smesmticetu Winter than inSamneralthough ‘teresting place in Jerusalem. My dra-° rene 6) yyo SK Me 1 ’ : , yileay ert 7 _ s - : Ome 1 "é . f H i ; 4 ’ te the ne ores 2 Ubi Oa ! : bs i: i Jhe Cw clesiasticn] vears alone claim the saunas nearer the carth ta the foriner than in a meg a Ilia pone one . erate Fenty i putes. , , a , who, by » way 6 i = : . they Uta eee ; oe RILEY ! t red worl, / attention in these explanatio more | the latter Season. This Hatter fact arises from: ‘ Hapethe E AY, 1s an Logiish 6a = a . / ; if ‘ : », ject, and speaks English well, conducted a ( ; Ae ‘ : Pejmeialis themfininer, brewuscy an crdinuny 1b: Maellipienl siorssofstheseartiimsaclitalvut 08 (sae eine ciireadedlonr way through te gal te } : ‘i Ties 1 1 | fa spasm has |od to very : ' ; v j a will-noe ner eC olat ail Z 7 ka) a al, Ne ut eS: 4 t Gea a Wedrae onty to do with) this much eur hn seillin EPEC e Ussty xplain the plil the usual narrow and dirty lanes, mis- a View ) Man ’ ' vie \ ON es ae ‘ fasion would May ensue, were we to @ephy of these plenomina, We will yet add gamed streeta, of Eastern ci ties, and caine = Cann Praidine «ow vil Water ais Gee cp a@warin alates dy Alley ar that the opposite hemispheres have opposite toan area in the form of a quadrangle, t ie 1 te Detiotral ati i \ y sul ' The Common vear is diviced into different Seaseus at the ame time of the year Thus, near the bridze where the dwellers in Zi- a : ne) Put that mest dest cartearmeacuma, ‘These moasnres ariseehicfy SRHE Chose hying north of the equator have G8 Were once wont to pass over, to wor- ‘ wi . ~ : ' . < sone fort ~ ; fal ie : ship rod in the Temple i ane Professional Card nie Tee i nn regubuly recurring phetomins in nature, Samar, those south of the equator have Win VD 1? ee e ay e, on H ; eve eden c ot ' seen Suck fad . al i Sales on uel tothe Almanae we tind the fol. ten, abd while the former have Spring, the latter 7 ms a tthe T u ine ancient oe Ce R GP won es : min Aer Vig toes (1 i ag : 1 ton wallof the Temple are several cour- w a. PrOWr ve f vat Move ‘i Ae 7 a - ‘ ee have Autumn, and vice versa, . ai ‘ ; een ye D" Meee at Tate ncuisiie hipaa \ ' 1D ' ‘ i Rab wits ants Bas | S a ses of large, levelled stones, upon which . e ‘ \ Nee ; Teiretmesmenns: | (Phe latter factis easily Mustrated by the following the Jews lavish their kisses and embra- wn eee , ' i oa 1 weotrdes of | us Sapa figure ; ‘i a « SPRING DONAETIS, (8 ( te wo Gee ae 2. The Ember days, pao lees, and throngh the crevices of which : Da ae : ; ‘ weotat content to speak 3) dhe Muutis he : } SVRING AEN PS fie 7 3. The Months, | they pour up their prayers to God for the rTN Hi hosewsmoved Merrntng tommy never reach the pub nia, Wan ae [ Piliaianled itl All wh SPI DN Gres th Ie AUS ae : ve \ estoration of Tlis Temple, and the early testimony | cotere Just received at =MeNBELY & YOUNG'SS Le ae Ueda eye but wish fora lengthened trumpet that 4. The Days Feoming triumph in Jerusalem, Here the gorator, and swallow be Mar 22 ud ere cae rr 7 init tingle the ears of empines and charlatans) Nore The division of time into houre had ite Turks have permitted the Jews to come THE LIVER INVIGORATOR Ce ei oo . : ne origin perhaps among the Artrologers. and haw proven | | ; IR A SCIENTIFIC MEDICAL DISCOVERY, and ie aaty Western North Carolina Rail Road. eee In every avenue of ther retrea Th. Te ie Geely RUA HARE Tae tee | needs for years and years, and for years ; Pech o / RAEN will be , SPRAGUE BRO'S Eberle cally Opium ca treacherous palliative duction. the mining of thy fractional parts of a day | Ss they lave come—the scattered ttibes from ; sis Unity, (kunt eys yace ited Shier. idee ae My Tuner the dsc ates Imelh tne aqipetiCn dures WHR Sey Taboruue “Phe divin of hours into the | s : all parts of the world, to ery out, in the Br the seed iat 11 i ohare iene vant dhe . i ut m eer see Hs es words of the Psalinisr, (eu: feo 5) “Oh, at ‘Mw 1 1 ve powers fan, the bo: emaciates ane Conly after the discovery of clocks and watches: ane \ Tee MICHAEL BROWN, Fa bite «eee AE th ae ry itis tree hc egee we oity teat Gnd, the Heathen have come into thine our Stat . 0 . Vil on 2 ean Oe 2 Astreinens in thear caleulitions inheritance. Thy Holy Temple have they ‘ iy ate 1 countenance acquires an expression of Languer : : \ Okeke kets Theta ik ‘russ A Car fitiehc se Pre ci Grune with thie T ( ()\] VINO \| | HI || \\ | eewil . foe ae a \ ' Weeshall nike a fow remarks in reference to eBled, ¢ es have lanl Jerusalem on \ ae by reba | ‘ TAOS TRENISUTIES [ esi ALLL 1 1 d . ‘ and sullerinie and a eneral stat y ean : , ; leans, We are become a reprouch to . yarn s ance, Balumore. z NV enact of thes Deastttes above enum tated, ’ : Totaled by ali Drugginis. Suu uo by | February y N {LISI RY. NOC. aetivity and tecbdetiess ensur tory ‘ ae eur neishbers, a scorn and derision to F ‘ 1. The Seasons. lie ' : [ HEN DE RSON WRNNISS) SulehuryeN G4 | . en deads to convulsions poy in the head, them that are around about as. Tow | . : , oreR ; tN YNOGIY lasd f pre 12, THD eth Western \. Carolina Ril R. Freie , a ' vi a Art pate ; a hapanlauas nie tri Ont Byervon laal as familar with those: fir long, Lord, wilt thou be angry forever? a that oll : rihe porcbase of all hk ‘ = ! % ioe eae ael yD - My Netteietht aesie fy nuit ik Can eed Alien wile AEA odie Cac da Mure mend ats | esenestiune wit the Geer Pie Alito Span. cannon Nannini and Wouter anehyed Ub thy jealousy de ike tire?” Their “> 2 RPE 'A@ Be Laut oa Ue ae bal rete ae pod other Ports ) eee iy ae (agi Cl natural and y i phenomina, whose roy i tionrnfilervoas in plaintive tones they North Corstion parte wf 44 " ny . sipit s such Sy 1 , Us anit a LL, who are indebted to me will please call and destination without boeaking bik at thet ' Real I LOE ie intl m i | renal NeeMateeerer cet nly x read the Hebrew Bible —their devout } 7 3 \ UnN\En «Saye ) rl ay ‘ r 1 \ : 1 lee iss Vsoexp 4 as . i ee thew ee jist \ ‘ ae Ty \ io. \ 1 we e per aaffering, their linmnble lo vk of contrition, cee eens tia oe - State of North Carolina, ts te ete ys oe Oe en, their very adiniration of the racks of the cihtce : ta ¢ : Ae A eae weit A : * : . orrovr ¥6T wish to purchas e 20 CABARRUS COUNT) boo Tess ping aia cnet fan oe Ea. ; : i Temple, ire all painfily sizestive and i) ee ler nile Shshing t S44 } Saliabury, March x, 1-50 mid Sitter] canine Semana , ; mn es Quel peso have been iretuevably th ty TD neand establishing touching. “Pho proud Moslem revels in Hee higheat AST promt ' i | : on wet comfort Lia . troenpaover them. The Muezzin cries . sO ; ft | 1 DE ROSSET, BROWN & C0, Theat sas iiacn I coe ae : . a Geir Hun ise Arratiege conmma thiig rea t eo nwo al ret i nw , WILMINCTON,N.C. atte ae i. ee Ttoappe cr ' “a hat hha ; ‘ bli Me heement of every Seasot ss precise Due lofty Chistian, fresh from the gold BROW Ni DE ROSSE'T & C0. and Want (woot Chree fimibes it tikely * oe i / un ; i , ; ne , ite : Gtr lesan WCEuan J ense, and light of the NEW YORK HoL, ROWARDS / ; W y i “ \ t voks clown too often ee . Satiahury, Mie 4th P85 ta) ee : \ \ \ ‘ a VECSE SSUES! ‘ \ ' > Tet 4 R aire . Nn Npon the and dust Commission Merchants. ee ee : , fe oT cteofaelilt mana. These] ire ca CIDE UME TS scr, Meith soondih ttm. hola ecrety Gricat Pere Carronadiandhen Ur Sole Agentaat Wilmington for Reese'a Mani YTD VE > : i y : ; . ; Oe ick te there surround # ihe ed Gunns, ond WoOWh k& Cote Super LWW tf ‘ PVERSHIP. ; TCS ; \ u \ ME [Pe a : ' a > eal a we ye Ww Now, when one Ne . veld tar tthe con ‘ e yu sia uo Ueearth'sequater d Maye Wea) pt a! Vane 7 cera \ UA mR. A te CAL DWE |, Nhs le ! \ Sivonen and SS RIGA Ren eN ONS $ t tvs Dav and So! ymon, ete EE) " CAE Tel Red Gos t i ‘ee aphe Gs i i } 1s syster t Spon iw su ryeathoet x ok 1 ' ’ hin rave will be and tus t we Grots enosen vie yeter . yee " ' nt Las ) ' a my vere uly oon yare TN ' nor t r ) a Wit Parsientar to th Mean on Woter Str i “ Va t ; . ° f opin ! » thes ation of A whacd abou ar nN a u i Hoe ie : unl woprophecy tells us some Stores, Cotton and other PY ALIS TY. ( ue ny - : oni enleniare ay ; ialidie ow ir an i) are Ne levee tune Kt Redtcciecren ct) ale r orusatem shall be theirs April 1, 1xoo dopa Geaei ir “ . l ber ear sole scene beeomes so tonch- r sod ‘ 1 . \ vile 1 i es Drs. M.WHITEHEAD &J.A.CALDWELL, -.- 1, sane ee ea aie een ; _— LN can se refrain himself AVF the r mM acai SA IBS \ bol pe Ee Pa ee a Se ! ui : aS ao Vag T must confess I have nev- neancivted the 1 \ oat Fl Oe o 4: 1 i] r r , Fer ss m= . Heo eee AN BA Rk eee . iidored, Such eildien pass throwch tsar, ated he mglte shorter, Thy siya tars ie ee ee weeds hele tra have ten eset hott Any expe, without qe shaeulier rite han ® Ney sof tect] ha The stamina of thus mete perpen toularly upon the earth When Jemima went to school, she was [thas disarned me ofa thonsand preyn- CW OMce the game occupied at precenthy br Worsenea quent i au \ Sin . } i. ye f ‘ Ww 4 Le t nas weakened ty a uch “Phe oaair becomes warner and more pleasant, asked why tae nonn bachelor was aingn-'dices against the Jews, and Il am asnre I to engage wil do well by making tmonediate applion x3 ; BLANA WARRANVIS Hon upon the sabscuber i i J i. and bowels loose therr te wid cholera qafant- Nature revives, puts on her green robe and every ‘ar ‘ Re : se “she rep! ed, ¢ is 80 very now faa fora Jew as foraman aud broth- WC SIMONTON : rp . , t : 5 te y th hh anquiar they don't get married. Kor eala at this O'fiec MarcHiseiaad 142 Kinds, for Sale at this Offre \am or sunimer complaint is more apt to fasten thing teems with life dtl dont gi er a 8209I9, BRUNER, ‘EDITOR AND PROPRIETO — es: sina —— TERMS Single copy, Five copies, Pen copies, - $15.00 Glubs exceeding ten, in the same proportion $1.50 each, Payweat always in advance. ADVERTISING Pe RATES. A square is the spea “* 16 { “ occupied by lines o a & = |) Brevier type. VOI \ VII Ei \ Uccasivual reuewa | ot) ® BB eel worrsaeuy |) Without edditiomalcharge = granted Wo those who ad- vertise regularly through | || the year. \ Turve dollars for an- By euonussul BEReaonsasuy yp mowveing candidates fur, office. Beeeey- | | Ste Court Orders charged = 38 eke OG ae NUMBER 1 Devoted to Politics, News, Agriculture, Internal Inprovements, Commerce, the Acts and Sriences, Misrality, and the Family Circle. a panes: Bet eedaewuy e Serace- | BRENS RSA suoquosuy 9 x! 25 per ceat higher than Orders _ WOOD, EDDY & CO.’S ‘Single Number Lotteries! ! (CHARTERED BY THE STATE OF GEORGIA.) Capital Prize $50,000! ! TICKETS ONLY TEN DOLLARS. Ratrupiinitneeushallerv ie NOPICE TO'THE PUBLIC aud charged acoordingly. | As the members of our firm have, by way of pur- [equon Br RA No discouat ob chase, become the owner of the grants chartered by ! these rates. | the States of Delaware, Kentucky, Missouri, and pe meee a Nee of thyse iu Georgia, uuder the manugement of a | Messrs. Gregory & Maary, of Wittinington, Delaware, , x we have deemed it expedient to change the name of a ae om a vur firm, on wand afier January Ist, 1859, to that of The following Court and miscelfaneous BLANKS “WOOD, EDDY w& CO, who willhereatier have the are kept on hand for sale, at this offiee, Cay be Masatement uf the Sparta Academy Lotery, aud sent by mail to auy part of the country, at Cir Coe ten expense. Civil Warrants, Casas & Bonds, Writs. C. & Execution Subpenas, C. & &§ Witness Tickets, C. Juror Tickets. the above rates, for divorcee of husband Srxisis: aud wife, $10 each. (8 Persons sending in advertisements are re- quested to state the num | ber of insertions required ; and if itis wished they | should vecapy the lewet | space possibig, @ rite upon Ue buck thé word cluse. Otherwise they will be dae aos dosuy Youd $8 Go ' s é CI T E Ot y ! syuoN “syIUOW DO s! | SWUOW 6 Oo e (t t s ra 06 asx above ated | In all transactions we have eudeavored to condact our busivess with integrity and promptiess, and we {ern assure the public that the patrousge heretofore | bratowed on usis well deserving of being transferred tu vur successors. Very respecifally, S. SWAN Augusta, Georgia, Dec. 15, 1838 | WOGD, EDDY & CO., MANAGERS, Successors to 8S. Swan & Co. Com, to take Depo. C &8.C. Apprentice Indeutures, Letters Testamentary, Letters of Adininistration, Special Letters do & CO. Do, Indictments, Land Deeds, Deeds ip Trust, Sheriff Deeds, Equity — do | Notes of Hand, Notes to Bank, CW And many other forms of less frequent uspeuie. ted to order oa short notice The following Sehe-ne will be drawn by Woon, Blanks! Kooy & Co, Mauagers ofthe Sparta Academy Let tery, in each of their Single Number Letteres for . = May, ISS, at Aususia, Geo. in pubue, under < a] he superintendence of Commirsone BAKER’S th i Hf ne ( Due houers a 7 | raws Saturday, May 7. 1859 z 20 Draws Saturday, Mav 14. 1859 PREMIUM CHOC , a | : Muy 28 1859 SEDAN OP SINGLE NU 90.000 TICKETS, Five Thousand Four Hundred and Eighty-five | PRIZES! . ) NEARLY OVE PRIZE TO EVERY MANE TICKETS Magnificent Scheme! TO BE DRAWN AVG HTES ACHAT ID AGY cl Nee MIENGY = W. Baker & Co's American, French, Homeopathic MBERS. and Vanilla Premiuin Chocolate, Prepared Cocva, Paste, Cocoa Sucks, Soluble, Homapathic aud Die- tetic Cocoa, Cucoa Shells and Cracked Cocoa, Cele- | brated as nutritive, salutary and delicious be verag for more than three-fourths of a century, are manu- faciured from Cocoa of the finest quality, aud war- ranted superior to any other Cocoa Preparations made in the United States As nourishment for chil- dren invalids and persons in health, and as substitutes | for Tee and Coffee in Nervous and Dyspeptic cases, they are invaluable, and are recommended by the | 1 Prise of most eminent Physicians. | ae zi 7 For sule by their Agents, D.C. Murray, New|). . at York; Wm. S. Grant, Philadelphia; T.V. Brundige,' 16 ; Baltimore ; Kennett, Dudley & Co, Cincimnau, aud | 3 lia by Grocers generally. | APPROXIMATION PRIZES WALTER BAKER & CO., | 4 Priges of 900 Approximating to Prize are $1,604 3m45 Dorchester, Mare Les el i el as gh ny NEW i a bts F Gi 4 1 rin FAMILY GROCERY STORE | | yee —_ ee Am J Hee 3.485 Prizes vmount og to €320.000 | Waoer Trokers $10, Harven $5. Quarters $2% Try the New Grocery Store, FIRST DOOR ABOVE s0Nes’ HARDWARE STORE. QRESH GROCERIES, every kind required for Family use, shell be regulariy suppued to our { OP A Cireul® asowring the plan of the Lotienves | wall be sent to any one desirous of recesving at. Certificates of Packages will be sold atthe fuiluwing rates which 16 (he risk customers AT LOW RATES. for Canu. G een cee rams cata rate tic hetts) us esn only be sold for Cash or Barter. ‘The profits are | 1 Quarter © Pa too small for a Credit business. Give us a coll | be 10 Eighth id BEARD & BROTHER. IN ORDERING TICKETS OR CERTIFICATES. April 6, 1859. WS | Eaclose the money to our address foc the Tickets au ordered, on reer pt of which = by first THE LIVER any figure they may derignate The List ot » pare Purcharers will please write hey will be forwarded 1 Purchasers can e Uckets ending ire Pareha an have tickets ending tn Drawn Numbers sand Prizes will be sent vagers iimediutely «fter he drawing their signatures ether Post OMee, Cou TPP Remember tha INVIGORATOR! .: Compounded entirely from GUMS, 8 ONE OF THE BEST PURGATIVE AND LIVER WR that acts as a Cnuthartie, } plan, and y and State every Prize is drawn aud pay DICIN KS now before the pudt fable so fall wichout deduction der. and more effect ual than £1,009 and ander, paid immediate other prizes at the usual time ex its morbid matter, then on the th carry off that matter, thus aecompl ishing Ally, without any of the painful feelings exper Mather tien. of thirty dayx NOVICE PO CORRESPONDENTS Those who prefer not «nding moury by mail, ean use THE ADAMS EXPRESS COMAANY, whereby money for T, will strengthen and build it up with unusual rapidity The Liver is one of the human body ; and when it were of the 2 trod are © principal regulators of the the kris, in suinsof Ten Dotlare, \ and upwards, ean he seat ua system suffers in consequence be Fee eee ene aay. | AT PUR RISK AND EXPENSE, prietors oe ee from any city or town where they have an office ea i | Phe movey and order must be ene fin a “GOV To prove that thie remedy is at last found, any pereon trou ith Liver Com-) a 7 vit) plaint,inacyofieform, | PRNWVEN TE Post OFFICE Conviction is certain, m id or bad matter from Sled hes hem All communications etretly confidential Address Orders for Tickets or Certificates to Riltous attacks are jcared, and, what ts WOOD, EDDY & CO., August better, prevented, by! the oceasiondl use of the WOOD, EDDY & CO, Au Liver Invigorator. | or, rb ch » Atlanta Ove pda dob is suf. | or, WOOD, EDDY & CO, Wilmin at . with the stof the numbers that are drawn mount ofthe prize that exch one ts [Dsing and souring r- retiring, prevents Night= | night, loosens the bowels oe 77) tiveness. eel wil eure “ spepsia 1K" |spooatule will algaye reese lal | | | TM ist ote ences. | | | dito, willbe pubhehed after every drawing, in | the following papers :-—Augoeta (Gee) Consatution jal, New Orleans Delta, Mobile Register, Charleston | Standard, Nashville Gazette, Athania Liteilirencer, |New York Werkly Dav Book, | News, Richinond | Clanon,and Little Ruck (Ank.) True Democrat and |New York Herald Professional Card. male obstruction removes the needed to throw out of the DH) cine afer a long sickness Jaundice removes all sal. from the skin time before enting gives vi food digest well je Bic Chrente Diar- while rm BE Oye bottle taken for Jowness or upnatural color me dese G taken « short for 7 the appetite, and makes ne en hora iu ite worst forms, Summer = and wel complaints yield jalmost to the Sirst dose doses av! ‘One or two doses euren at. tacks caused ty Worms in or : Children: there ‘a no surer, safer, or speedier remedy in I R.C. T. POWE may he found at the world, as it never fails | Ga | Office. in © Brick Row, when not ab A few bottles eures Dropsy, by exciting the | enton Professi sual business Baz]Nov. Ts ebsor bents. by Clove ees japilted recom | F4 mending this Minas, an preventive ‘evera | Ague, Chill ‘ever, on 1 evens of ile | lous ‘Type. I: jpperated certainty, and t i. are willing to testify to ite wonder! vi ID ‘ ‘ = Ui All who use It are giving their unanimous teatimony in tts aves | Just received at ee eteawy eee, In baat Gay he! LC Invi- Mar. 22. THE LIVER INVIGORATOR SPRING BONNETS, SPRING MANTLES, SPRING SITAWL MoNEELY & YOUNG'SS tid, Western North Carolina Rail Road, [Rk for Statesville and the West, daily, (Sandays excepted.) at 4.45, PM, or immediately, after the arrival of the North ( bach mail Train from the Bast, RETURNING —will leave Statesville at 6.15, A.M, and reach Saliabary in time for the mall train going East The Passenger Train will leave Statesville every Saturday at T,PM., and Salisbury on Monday at 4 A.M., 80 a8 to obviate | the necessity of running on Sunday A Car for light Express Preizht runs with this Train JAMES C. TURNER, Eng’r & Supt aye or ll of which are the result of « OME DOLLAR PER BOTTLE. . Proprietors, 45 Broadway, New York. ri SANFORD & 3B. ‘inetns Loup & Ham Davis, Chicago; 0. J. Wooo . Piuabergh’. 8. 8. Hance, Baltimore, Druggists alro by HENDERSON & KNNISS, Salisbury, N.C.4 Apr. 12, 1859. ly46 Ma a.’ EE @ > Ece LL who are indebted to me will please call and settle their accounts or notes. They can ret- We with me or with BR. Moore, Esq, who occupies an office with me. Office in Cowan's Brick Row. C. T. POWE. 3nd A : the highest CASH prices for the DE ROSSET, BROWN & CO, | Thwantth om mutante tirworking my dex ran | tions, and desire to bu Ou LT car Be ON Cr hie gin sed Wyeth ne @icc ts rie aE, BROWN, DE ROSSE I & ( 0., | and want two or three families if likely NEW YORK. | Salisbury, May 4th, 1858 H.L. ROBARDS Commission: Merchants. | LAW PARTNERSHIP, UF Sole | A. IL & R. A. CALDWELL, Agents at Wilmington for Reese's Mani- | patated Goano, and W. Whitelock & Cx Super- OFFICE, the one formerly oecupied by Dr. Nesbit, on Water Street, phosphate of Lime. OF Importers of pare Peruvian and other Goanos. | Stores, Cotton aad other Produce. 2 spUPpY Na ee — SALISBURY, N. C. | March 1, 1859. Land Plaster, $e. Drs. M.WHITEHEAD & J. A. CALDWELL, +, fanner please copy Hav & (o., Portland ; D, Cleveland; Mo., Bt. Louie; ‘And 00K Qeonce H. Ke retailed by all [ Pebruary 22, 1959 Western N. Carolina Rail R. Freight ERCHANTS and others are hereby notified that all FREIGHT destined for the West, will be sent forward Immediately on its arrival at Salisbury, and all goods shipped to North Carolin porte will be eeaied up and forwarded to thelr | destination without breaking bulk at the terminus ofeach Road, JAMES C. TURNER, Fog & Supt a9 tf February 22, 1859, | Salisbury, March 8, 1659 «I wish to purchase 20 K would U7 Ponicular attention given to the eale of Naval «(40 E ahsocinted themselves ih the ptactice bf Medicine x, | ¥ mm = + oad a F Profemstonnl services to the pablic, Those | T AN BA RK W A I ED. pho petiole ve the services of both, in any case, without | FINILE andeeriber is desirons of purchasing 9 $B" Office—the same oecup jed at presently Dr Wnrepran | quantity of TAN BARK. OP Persons wi to engage will do well by making immediate applic Gon upon the subscriber. “— BLAWK WARRANTS For sale at thie Ofive. H.C. SIMONTON, March 15, 1859 142 Savannah Morning color, heaith Dispatch and Pantding ( Wiew.)# use te! Chie igs, t TRAIN will leave Salisbury for | 5 50 PAL. pr ade $5 5 | THE RAILROAD | | | ——— | i | RR a ! A Great Institution | | eae BODY SAYS SO, and so it must be | Boo Vt ulinowt auiihddates tine and distance, by the Vepeed of its trams, whieh, ae they through hills aod over the | thander along alas and valleys, drawing gapiog world stand and look —they cau't belp—with wonder aud delight; and then itis they are wont to ery out, Great lustitution, such @ tnan their long lengths and eoormous treqhts, the People used to say that such and “yaa team” Tt he were ¢ asulawyer, a preacher, lieu ora | tradesinen, he was sure to receive this distiuguwling uppellaion. A ood team, in those Wines, waa, per {bups, more the pride of men, than since the Tron | at Horse come upon the world's great stage ; cuuse We have less need for horses now, but because, In some oftherruses they have been ech ped. —Well, jin coudenng these comp crsous in ther appleaten tonen, We hold that there are seme men who rise fatalove even the Great Tustitution Take for im. stance Ex Gov Morkubep, whose mental strength Hor power, putinte operaiion the great forces 4 heaved cut the eanh trom the deep ceute’ fand filed up the raving and valleys trom Charlotte to Goldsboro’, and mad the bigh way, with ull ie ap. pee vs We anight instance ot! + many others [wt eoabove them: but let it wuffice there are pother nen whose modesty will aot alow them to ae Jpere to any thing beyoud “or ourelf, we ure per fectly content tu be accounted like the Great Lusts- tution. Genilemen, let us reason together on this et . . + (LPO) tt is 4 Ke ° can't be beat in selling CLOTHING Wie Conta, and Pants Nate cd Nera T War etal Shoe Shirts (Drow (rene: the ' nell the Xt Tew OTHING STOKE HOFF reg ’ A Great and Indispensible Institution. Vqurhiy Hs ad Sumner vt eo ail f rounders and Clothing hoe | The just re ( Siepiwe SA PLES ULIRA wo te, the man whee pee rosoled an tla the laboring vad Mille garments alt an ‘ 0 PINSTE ES TON the Cane You, mt the £8 CORNER OF THE MAN 14s | More to be Admired than the | RICHEST DIADEM EER WOLNGY AUN G STORE STON What? Why a Beautiful Head of Hair Rarer RUGAt Iiennateace et aa One a) : t ‘ : : ea ' titer : ' be snarted and shriwehed hesrah ond dey w Rete egg, nan Geen ment i tt = writ f ta the cele rated 1% e i y Da. Woot wi A 1 t boven ’ the ‘ ; “ tim. Woar t tm ‘ 1 : ne y siikene a wes join, quite efBicathin a “ Ta 1 you y ! = DIALBERC by aoe Welsh New an ‘ Apr mn Pew ty Ww lank s ee : * Tre at f+ War & ' ' ’ Cie ’ en ‘ bine that it ese Whee tes fay phe but te ber we well as inv eu waft a Woweeke't we Ae yin \ ’ adiork ty 1 1 ha ratiye tu New Vora. July 2h, 1si7 Pror 0 J. Woon many Ker tive in Jo Ivo Int A few applicants row out, und arance, and L cheerfatly ree JD iors frets tt least tw WW retwila for twa ¢ percent. tore thot proportion tha tote holds a quart, and retails ; O J WOOD & CO, Proprictora, 444 Broadway, New York, and FA Market st att M And sold by all g teand Faney Goode Dealers sud M Cheese 2! z \ Cheese! Cheese! f | BOXES CHEESE ; LO 100 boxes smoked Herring | hy 3 Adamantine Candles | | 100 dozen Brooms | | 100 boxes aamrted Tobacco. | | 10 Casks Western Bacon. | | For sale by 1 SPRAGUE BRO'S, | Salisbury, Dee. 13, 1R5X 29 _ MICHAEL BROWN, COMMISSION MERCHANT, VALISBURY, N. C. JROMPT PERSONAL ATTENTION GIV. l EN tothe purchase of all kinds of PRODUCE And to all cousigninents to be sold in this market or) shioped to other Ports February 7, 185 tf27 CADRES GOWN | Ye good and young Nagroes Fellows and will poy Courtof Pleas and Quarter Sersione, April Tern 1859 lave been irret jevably ruined by th John Stumpock va Polly Ridentonr Orginal Attachment Levied on Land Tt appearing to the satiefacton of the eourt that the defendant Poly Ridechour ie not an inhabitant ofthis State, Pt im therefore ordered by the Court that publication be mode for six Weeks in the Caro lina Watchman printed in Salisbury, norfying ber to be and appear before the Jastiera of our Court. of Pleas and Quarter Seasons, atthe next conrt to be held for the county of ¢ the in Coneord, on the 3d Monday to July neat. then and abarrom, wt court hones there to plead or replewy, and show conse. iCany she has why the plaintiff shall not have judgment againat her, and the land levieti upon by virtue of said Al fachment be wold to sauiefy the same Witnens, No Stough, clerk of our @aid court at of fice in Concord, the td Monday in April, AD 1559 and the B3d year of Independence NELSON SLOUGH, C. ©. C fwi7 Secongh drops. Pactivity and feebleness ensures which ultimately | often leads to convulsions, dropsy in the head, | Ca AT A FOR THE WATCHMAN, — | el Mr. Eprron: Through your columns I will in compliance with my promise essay to notice the use of Opium as a medicine. Although the mere relief of pain may im many instances be de- sirable yet regarding it merely as an adjunct to disease a kindly monitor of nature to warn us of the presence of a morbid condition, it were evi-. dently far better to remove the disease, the cause of the pain, than mercly to allay the pain with- out, iu the least, relieving the morbid) condition. Nay, more; when such alleviation of pan 1s necessarily followed by a depression of Vitality, by an increased inabtity of Cie system to com bat the disease, the couscientious and manly physician will direct bis efforts to a removal of | the disease, rather than an alleviation of the pain, though the latter may gain him more credit with his patient or prolong bis treatment and increase his fees. Opium, Laudanuin, Morphine, ete., depress the powers of the brain and uervous systet | thereby diminishing their capacity to perceive the pain though the disease, and in reabity cause | ofthe pain are notin the least abated. son in a state of coma from whatever cause is! unconscivus of pain, vet comma has no tends ney to remove the disease system and you retard the aclou of every organ lu the body, thereby destroying the recuperalive ower of the svetem, and thay quite a mild form 0 sense nf frequently greatly protracted. And 6 Opium, Laudanum, ete, spend their vim pon the nervous system just ip proportion as vou ad m er then io that proportion you weaken the Svisdmedteathx natulae” Chroueh which vou ean Pain iustead of being regarded as au enetiy should be done operate tor the re of the patent Hend, as it evidences to the Jooked pon as a tered that there ds present some irritating cause, S soobsteuction: whieh should) be removed Should we notexctaim save us from that “screnee” which administers its deadly miareoties to silence the warning of this kind mocitor which sounds the alarm, an enemy, an enemy Aawell nicht we wish not to experienoe any sensations of cold r the absence of heat, but romain uneonseious had stole dis have a of cur rue cond ten until death icy Clasp around as, as well w \ ho not to fever (which js but an increased cireulation a re: | icuperi ive action) after an ague (which is but resgiation of the blood from the capillaries to the heart, a threatened submersion of the “cita- | delof ite’) as to wish not to yebsat of pain when morbiticniaiteris present | Inthe system. “Their use isa tac Mission by him be presenbes thew that he is incapable of FEmMoyy x! v diseage, Weow. appeal tol 0 ; aL its mod tas ons, nat sab Wonmere thon wleohol ref the her SUmLants oy: Vovilscardy called Dover's Powder a supposition preter 1 otheets of the Ooroin bere alt raved’ bey ats Other dnerredients won Htiestion of Optun that alters its effeets when nhoina competent dose to affect the syston f nut entire p the morvhia Lave very near y ly the same effeete an stimulate yg the genera system, in-an adequate douse to cas pan tha the extract of Opcuim has, These pretences are erroneous aud delusives for we bave seen th Hatter ae certenly fatal as the Gente upasy af net pute so speedily, Ttis probable that for forty Years past Oprom and tts preparations have dune ven tines the teyjary than rendered benetit on the great scale ofthe eivihzed world’ — Gallup's The false thesis of spasm has Jed to very dis astrous results in the treatment of pertussis (hooping courh.) Tt has inducted into its ser vice not only the most sGimulating of the anti spasmmodios, but that most destru coves Opium in-some form, * * * Mn consequence of an erroneons pring’ ple the young shiffarors) im tins) iseneas(uorinee cael an Viterally fed with Dover's Powder, blick droy morphia, Paragoric and the tribes of pedhais | We through pages whict may never reach the pub | are not content to speak he eye, but wish for a lengthened trampet that| mmiht tingle the ears of empiries and charlatans | In every avenue of their retreat.” — /b. | kberle calls Opium “a treacherous palliative under the use of which the appetite and diges- | jtive powers fail, the body emaciates and the | jskin becomes sallow, dingy aud shriveled, the | countenance acquires an expression of languor, and suffering aud a general state of apathy, in- glandular indurations, incurable jaundice, or fa tal exhaustion of the vital energies, All the| | : , - i soothing mixtures such as Godfrey's Cordial, and Dalmy'’s Carminative so much employed = State of North Carolina, tr siosing the ce priest shite conta more or less Opium ; avd innumerable infants so popular nostrumes,” Harfison says: “Daregoric, Hateman’s Drops, dation for head Laudanum or toddy lays the fi complaints, such as inflamations, convulsions and A amall dose of Paregoric The intellect of a child | dropsy of the brain, will often induce fits. will be impaired by italthough years may elapse a/te—cardinal points. often the practice is abandoned. A permanent | til conditioned atate of the nervous system is ine | duced by the repeated giving of opiates to in fants that never through all subsequent life is entirely got nd of by the most strenuous endeay ors. A tendency we doubt not to insanity is thus engendered, Such children pass through the process of teething badly. The stamina of | disease, clainy that if they are fatal in the hands A per} merely design to give an explanation of the Al- Yot our subject which falls within the province of Divalyze the ners us| jas the solar vear, butts considered with reference ! al experience anv | “At last from Aries rolls the bounteous sun, And be ght Vaurus receives him. ‘Then no TW expausiv: atmosphere is eramp'd with cold ; But, tull of le and vivifying soul, Lifis the light clouds sublime, and apreads them thin, Fleecy acd hight o'er all surrousding heaven.” on them.” We are aware that those who em ploy these deadly means in the @rewient of! es of emyarics, quacks, ete, that when administered “ screntifically” th are harmless, but we are 4 4 : bes P () Summer. well assured that they have been injurious, yea, 4, 7 ‘ & The sun, having, in his appareet path through fatal, and that no science will so change oc con i . : : the heavens, passed through the signs of Aries, travene the immutable laws of Wature as wo, f : : Laurus and Gemini, euters Cancer June 21st, gause that whieh is iuimical to aud will destroy i - when the Summer commenegs. At this time ‘the sun has attained bis greatest height in the northern henisphere, and we in oar latitude At this season of the year the cultivated ficlds are life to be conducive ty health. And so great is the magnitude of misery entailed upon humani- ty by their use we would wish with a titan blow ; : have the longest day and shortest night. to sweep them from earth, bury them ia oblivion ‘i and inscribe gpon their sepulchre iu upmistaka ble characters, never to be resurected, KEFORMER, lof the earth, rewarding man’s labor, and proclaim jing, though in silence, the wisdom and bounty ‘aud love of our Creator. . Expaloation of the Almanac. “With songs and honors sounding loud, Address the Lord on hiyh, Over the heavens He spreads His cloud, And waters veil tbe sky, He sends His showers of blessiags dowa ‘To cheer the plains below, He makes the grass the mountains crown, Aud corn iu valleys grow.” BY KEV. WM. GERHARD, a. M LECTURE IIL. THE YEAR. As we are not lecturing upon / / As we are not lecturing upon Astronomy, but (ey tucanint The sun, after having reached bis farthes: manac, we dy expect ty say much upou that part Jin the heavens, passing through the signs of Can Astronomy as a science. But as the terins Solar year, Lunar year, Astrononneal year, &e., some Uines occur it scents necessary briefly tu: show ' ' {Autumn begins, apd when day and night ar the ditherence J between them, or what has given sdithrent terms employed tu desizgace SUE stn guish dhs J which he confidently hopes, by the blessing of 4 (4) The Solar (ov rather terrestial) year, is that wick the sun appears to move through the green garb changes its hue, awd the sear anc the twelve aud falremen | ros of ie @ he ett vu ee tel eee) Anau TU jYellow leafis indieative wf tke approach of an same point. This period comprehends 365 days other season S hours, 48 mi uutes and 48 seconds (b) The solar year, except that the calculations are car: | “But see the fading many-colored woods, Shide deeperntug over saad, country round Imbrown ; a crowded uinbrage, dusk and dun, Of every hue from wau deciiung green Vomooty dack ‘Phese wow the lonesome Mase, Low-whisperiag, Astronomical yar is the same as the Hed out more minutely ated (ce) With tore exactness yy lead unto their deaf-sirewu walks he Lunar ye CON SISES Ihe Juna- an Phe Lunar year cousistn of twelve Juna And give the Season im tt latest view crowned with the many and various productions | cer, Leo, and Virgo, and entering the signa of | Libra, which occurs the 20th of Saptember, when jequal again. Tbe husbandinan has now yathered | jin bis crop and cormmits to the earth the seed | | jbooatitul Father, will yield him amether. Nature's 21 es ALOE SE HON th ins et tare Sabet USALEM—ITS SIGHTS AND IN. HABITANTS. From the senior editor of the New York Express, now traveling abroad. Nothing is visible, nothing at all, of the original Cavalry—if this be Calvary. Marble covers all the original rock, save in some very few places, where a peep jean be had through the marble erevices jereated to give the peep. The whole i looks like a avries of churches or chapels ‘—with the uscal altars, and the candles of the Catholic charches of Greece and Rome. The Priests of all the religions jhere slow up everything spoken of in /Scripture—the exact place where Christ jappeared to Mary Macdalene in the like- joess of a garcener; then, a few feet fur- ‘ther on, a stone like a star, designating ithe spot where Mary stood; then, when jour Lord appeared to Mary; chen, a frage linent of a porphyry column, called the coluinn of Flageliaba, being a plece of jihat to which the Savioar was bound jwhen scourged by order of Pilate; then | the exact place where the true cross was dug up under the inspired and watebfal eye of St. Helena—a place of especial jsauctity, wher the very rocks weep now (the place is underground and damp) in | mournfulmemory ; then, the very column of grey marble, on whieh the Jews made our Saviour sit while they crowned him jwith thorns, and mocked him; then the very place where the cross was fixed ; then the spot where Cirist was nailed to the cross; then where the Virgin Mary stood during the crucifixion, &e., &e., &e. | Every historical point of the new Testa- jment here, in Jerusalem, has not only a name, bat local habitation ; nay, Monkieh invention and fancy are not thas content, but they wander back to the beginning of tine, and show up here on the ground of jthe holy sepulehre “the centre of the jearth” and the spot even whence was ta- jken the clay from which Adam was mod- Fancy and Fiction and Romance thus revel, and so extraordinary is the whole operatic show, that one rejoices at leled! : : ; int Oulenres tia dls {point in north latitude, appears again to recetle last this is not Calvary—this is not Gol zotha—that this is not the place of the [uly Sepuledre, and that for wise pur- poses, the Almighty has veiled in secresy the spot whiereon he sucriticed Mis only Son, ‘Ine ory Sepricure—Jrarovsy AND Farce. —The dome over the Holy Sepul- « chre is leaky and broken, and rain creeps through and in upon it; but it eannot be ) tepaired, tor such is the jealousy that Greek will nos let Latin or Armenian do (3 and wce ovrea. Well is it, I repeat, then, that Intidel, but impartial, Turk sqtuits and sinekes his pipe by the door as door keeper, and brings in his soldiers to keep order. But what can Turk think of such Christianity, and all this ge-gaw minded, unimpas- cool, Calin, sin Hons, embracing 354 days, 8 hours, 48 min. and (4) Winter stoned) Turk—who, in in simplieity, Gmc. 71 ksn shioetes than the sulup auae be any : spreads [iis mantle upon the bare earth, : is : ° Z The sun, descending in the heavens and pass- ante al . . 10 dave 0 lis. and 12 «ee : : i ! and, with his face to Mecea, offers up, eae -) jing throush the signe of Libra, Seorpio, and jim bly on his knees, with forehead bent MO) 2 eR oa Marea HON atau, chivas Girnieniinn Fri, Grote parcived at the farthest extremity of dns cours ty the equineyes. (©) The & dertal yeor is that period in which the fixed stars apparently complete a revolution: and longest night. The sun at this point begin and come to the same pont again, embracing | | 6 hes | 365 dy,, ¥ min. and 10 see. ty ascend again, and passing through Capricorn (1) The Eeol-srastical year is that which ex tus, A juarins and Pisess, enters Artes when th tends from one Advent to another, and commen: | seasons recur again in their regulee order. ces either ib the latter part of November or be- The most dreary season is Wiater, aud yet i ginning of Decomber i (aay YER Alnistine, at onanon or Crud year is that of the} pleasure and enjoyment, Pos that which any nation bas cou- | “Now all amid the rigere of the \ea, Liv the wild d bof Winter, while without ‘The ceaseless svids blow ice, be iny retreat, cumputation of (ime to re culate secular business, &e. | Between the groaning forest and the shore Nort wong terms are also sometimes Beat by the boundless mulutude of waves, june | A rural, sheltered, solitary scene 1 Anomalietical year, the tine that elapses from | Where ruddy fire and bearing Capers join the suns feavig ne apogee or penger, tll returns | ‘To eheer the gloom. ‘There studieus let me eit, Wy embheacing B65 ds. 6 be, and 14min (Aad hold high eo verse with the mighty dead. . . . 2 Emboliemie atercatary lunar, year cx tweting | * : : £ * GC fecuth of the equator, he ushers iu the season of | Winté®, which occurs on the 2ist of December, when we in north latitude bave the shortest Jay [lias its own peculiar factlities fur amusement, to the earth. his prayers ta the Prophet e alone—pe image of him, to painting, no senlptaured form, no Virgin = nothing but the Prophet himself—and, through him, to Allah, his God“? What can Jew think of it—Jew who. here in his own city, is y chased ont of the Sepulctire as deman or wild beast woald be? > Hope not for mis- Talk not of Christianity, land its progress in the city of the Great Q King, nntil all these things ean be mend- Never will Jew be converted but by interest here, never will Moslem be turned from Mecea. The farce of the Holy Fire alone—that grand Greek im- position on the Easter e of every year, when the Greek Patriarch alone enters the Tomb, and the “iniracalons flame des- cends froin Tfeaven”—is, only of itself, enon of dissnst for the Jew and the Moston if not for the Christian of any sionaries, then. ' ed Ufd Meare uenihe, andenberiny tg cr een eee hala wWidien wal oTher Wage, Then, en that great display 4. Julian year, extabhehed by Julius Casar, con- | x hy pictar’d life! Pass wwe few years, and faree, the Turks have to coine in, not mating ot U4 days and 6 hour [| [Pay fos rae Sprang. thy Summerwardentstrength. only with b ivonets, Wat with leather lash- 40 Gregeitan your whieh isthe Juban year eorrect- | Vhy sober Mutoin fading into age - t these ert ke 1 | e« : ra'ly used | And pale concluding Wrater comes at Inet, Dee ee te backs, shot ders and 5 ah year which in known in the O'd Tesia Atid abuts the scene?’ ———— a legs of the Pilerim Christians, to keep Mertasevery seventh year when the Uxrachter were . . . them in order ntl yen Rs a fear- hy law: required to let there lands autilled Tie Seasons are occasioned by the inclination er. Inthe year Bh iM fear , ad : ; jl ; ; - ful trazedy cecnrred on the Greek Eas- ty ee Fi anc . le ear Te alac (he Har AXIS of v earth to the pial o ag r 3 Hie tertns Aued and variable vears are also) 4 ; Ke ye LS UY |p "TP oter. Four hundre! persons were tram- sometimes emploved. A fired vear is when the orbit, which causes the more oblique yy more pled to death, many even upon the Stone eqauinoxes and seasons fall upon the same day) perpendicular position of the sun with refercuee’ of Cnetion, tthe month; otherwise it is a cariuhle year to the earth, at different: periuds of the vear Tur Watuse Praceor run Jews. — 4 . I 1e He Julian year is variable, the Gregorian iy, Fewer rays of beat from the den fall upon the Jews’ wailing place was to me the most | samesortaceiy Winter than in Samiueralthough MHteresting place in Jerusalem. My dra- ( ' The Civil and Eeclesiastical years alone claim | the sun ais nearer the carth ja tbe foriner than iu our attention in these explanations, aud more the latter Season. “This latter fact arises from Bat especially the former, because, in ordinary Jife) the ellipacal shape of the earth's orbit webave only to do with this, Tndecd, much our hints will not permit us to explain the phil We will yet add (hat the opposite hemispheres have opposite confusion would inevitably ensue, were wo to osophy of these phenomina, regulate our affairs in dife by any other, The Common year is divided into different Seasons at the skme time of the year. ‘Thus, parts or measures, These measures arise chiefly while those diving north of the equator lhave fom regularly recurring phenomina in nature, | Summar, those scuth of the equator have Win- By 4Neference to the Almanac we tind the fol, ter and while the former have Spring, the latter lowing divisions : have Autumn, and vice versa, g : 1. The four Seasons, i (The latter factis easily illustrated by the following 2. The Ember days, abuts 3. The Mouths, A. ‘ihe Wadley 5. The Nore.—The division of time into houre had ita] ongin perhaps among the Astrologers, and haw proven to be very convenient and useful, Before ite intro duction, the naming of ths fractional parte of a day § was very laborivus, ‘The division of hours into the s , shorter meksures of minutes and seconds was rffected only after the discovery of clocks and watches: and | the very minute measure of thirde is ouly used by Astrovomers in their nice calculations. Days. We shall make a few remarks in reference to ea each of these measures above enumerated, | \ 1, The Seasons. | \ Every individual iy familiar with these : fur! | ' Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter are fixed \ natural and periodical phenomina, whose regu \ Jar and invariable recurrence is always expeeted asa matter of course, We mizht here speak at length of the wisdom and beneficience of our} « A BR Creator, in ordering and establishing the Seasons so as to eonduce to the comfort ani lhapprness | of man, but this doves not t ‘long to our subject. | The commencement of every Season is precise: | ly fixed by the entranoe of the sun inte vcertan sign of the Zodino, and so laid down in the Al-| | Let A and B be two positions on the Earth, —A in {North and Bin South Latieude, from the equator manacs, These puints are called puncla cardin- both equally distant List Sand S represent (he ean in two positions equally distant from tbe earth's equator suyin the Sunmer and Winter soleiees) Now when the san is north of the equator, hie reye will he more perpendicular to an observer at A, and morn obhque to an observer at Bo Hence the former hae Summer and the tatter hae Winter. Aad vice versa of the suns southern position.) ! Mt. Pleasant, N.C, | | the earth. | | (a) Spring. Spring begins when the sun ia her path enters the constellation of Aries, which occurs about the 20th of March, when day and night are equal, and the sun is directly over the earth's equator, Frow this time the days hegin to grow The thes fall more perpendicularly upon o> longer, and the nights shorter, sun's rays When Jemima went to school, she was goman, an East India Jow, of Moorish skin, who, by the way, is an English sab- Ject, and speaks English well, conducted me thither. We threaded onr way through the usual narrow and dirty lanes, mis- named streeta, of Eastern cities, and caine to an area in the form of a quadrangle, near the bridze where the dwellers in Zi- on were once wont to pass over, to wor- slup God in the Temple, on His Holy Mount, Moriah. In the ancient founda- Non wall of the Temple are several cour- (Ses Of large, levclied stones, upon which the Jews lavish their kisses and embra- ces, and throngh the crevices of which jthey pour up their prayers to God for the restoration of His Temple, and the early coming triamph in Jerusalem, Here the j Darks have permitted the Jews to come jand wail for years and years, and for years | thep baveoome—the scattered tribes from lall parts of the world, (> cry ont, in the | words of the Psalmist, (69 ; 1,3,5,) “Oh, jGrod, the Heathen have come into thine | inhenitance. Thy Holy Temple have they j defiled ; they have laid Jerusalem on |heaps, We are become a reproach to joar neighbors, a scorn and derision to jthom that are around about us. Tow long, Lord, wilt thou be angry forever? jShall thy jealousy barn like tire?” Their Jmonrnfal ery, as in plaintive tones they lead their Hebrew Bible —their devout jsuffering, their humble look of contrition, jtheir very admiration of the racks of the Temple, are all painfolly snzvestive and touching. The proud Moslem revels in triminpl over them. The Mnezzin cries ont his hour of prayer just over them.— The lofty Christian, fresh from the gold and glitter, aud incense, and light of the epulchre, looks down too often Holy with contempt upon the dirt and dust and misery, that there surround and en- velop. the Hebrew. Now, when ono thinks of the days of David and Solomon, and wiows that these are God's enoaen people, and that prophecy tells ns some day or other Jerusalem shall be theirs Jagain, the whole sceno beeomes so tonch- Jing that one can scarcely refrain himself \from wailing, T must confess I have nov: er been more affected by any spectaclo, (Tt has disarmed me ofa thousand prejn- ] AM Ks | the constitution is weakened by it. The stomach The gir becomes warmer and mora pleasant, | it, | \ = ~ - and bowels loose their tone, and cholera jafant-| Nature revives, puts on her green robe and every Of all Kinde, for Sale at this Office|um or summer complaint is more apt to fastea| thing teams with life. asked why the nonn bachelor was singn-| dices against the Jews, and I am snro | lar. “Because,” she replied, “it is so very | now feel fora Jew as for aman and broth- singular they don’t get married.” er. unas to Juavaaten —Tur Srrart oF tuc Cxusapuns.~Probaily more earnest, morte frantic ep ‘nageridie here than in any other city of like lation—for Je- rugalem ie not only fray to the Curis: tia, bat to the Jews and Maaselaran.— Al. nations, all religions, look upto Abra- haw, Isgac and Jagvb, and respect the and their ontgiving. The Ca- “Tipls Qmar conseerated bis Mosque on Moriah, ae the wror Cunstan- tine did hie Church apon the supposed Mennt Calvary. When in my voyage hither, I saw Pilgrims even from distant | Ragsia, a9 well as from all parte of Greece | and Turkey, coming hither, often in blan-| kets, with only mg Coverings necessary | for decency, endmitting tuevery thing, and | suffering everything exposed ty ruin. and tu the cold aie of uight, upon the decks of Aastrian, French and lMussian steamers—I felt they mimst Le all earnest, fimpassioned men aud woinen. LT coula not have enduced fur a single wight whut 1 enw them euffer for a week in the road stead of Beirut. Thensands upon thou Bands are now on their way, Swarmitey i like manner to have their Easter iu Jeru salem, The spirit of the Crusaders, then, 1 eee, is not extinct; it ie odly change —and the world is just as full of earnest Meo asever. The pele States, two, dis- tant as we are, have their earnest) mer herealeo. The missionary ground thar Episeupalians and Presbyterians hate de: scribed as hopeless, the Seventh Day ists and Cambellites of America have taken up. Theu there is Misa Liv ermore, watehing and waiting with th Jewe--come, ev she saya, fur the las! time, and now ty die on the spot so holy. wes anp FanaticisM of TUX Secre.—Tre history of the ety, Wi its re ligions hietury, ie vo ingpiring, that it ut tracts here earnest, enthusiastic minds and men, and anless the wind is balance ed, it tuo uften runs into visions and fa naticiems: There is probably uo place ou earth where “religion,” or rather sect, ir 80 bitter, so persecating, as bere. The eects of Christians here, more or bera, hate each other. The spirit of Christ, as I have said before, illustrated in the matter of the Hvly Sepulchre, but little existe among the population of the city. Even the Turk here is alittle more fanatic than eleewhere. I only inte an alley leading tv the. Mueque of Quoar—where nene bat Mesleins are now allowed to en- ter, and even chikiren, among them a boy with a stick, especially noted, dpproacheu me to beat vfi the dog, Curistiau. I war in company with a party of ladies on Vin Dorvloso, now a street of the Turks; the street on which, it is sad, Clirist was, ta: ken to be crucified, and the ladies were spit upon frow the windows, and had to shy off into the middle and on the other pe A of the street. The only revenge we had was a heavy shower of Arabic, which one of the ladies poured back apn the Turkish women peeping through the lat tiees of their windows. would have lbasiness of the Educational Association, {may be the fullest and the most Leueti- _not, as the Missiseippi, of the Indas, or the Ganges, a great, mighty, rolling river —but w river more famous than either. SE From the Raleigh Standard. State Educational Conventions. We publigh below the programme of which is to assemble in Newbern on the 14th of next mouth. We are pleased to he able to otate that [Kis Excellency Guv. Ellis will meet prohably be present on the occasion. We trust that the Convention cial ever held ju the State : Programme of the Lusiness of the Fourth Annual Cuinuencement, | irg an imposelbility. We shail say the| examination of the: tion wad a suecess—creditable alike to the Facw@ty and the pupils; and at this Institu-| J. J, Bausen, Eso: Sauiemuny, N.C., May 27th, 1859. Dear Sir: The updersigned, Stare o Nostra Canouna, Office of Secretary of Stote. [, Rufus H. eg Secretary of State, in and for the State of North Carolina, du hereby certi- refreshing to the hearts of theese worth | Comeniasioners’ tintped in the Charter of the | fy that the foregoing is a true eupy of the orig: men. his have: eared for the ces | "Carolina City Steam Navigation Company.” That the exeretaes were pleasaut to those | for the purpose of opening buoke for subscription who atterded=tham, was most manifest to the capital Stock of sail Company, and upon to any ol servers for it is just as in| whom is imposed the duty of taking the initia- possible to commtorteit the indications of tory steps towards the opening of books for sub- } rene it.ie to rfgit ean light. And whata rich treat It ia to look | upon a gieat aediance of womenand men, | aH bays.and ee with faces all radient with the sunlight of mental happiness, and vyes speaking @ more elognent language | than than hae fet devised! We had it) there, and like gun beams, it begat life, | der its influence, scription at various points, and alao other steps necessary for the organization of the Company, herewith encluse you » copy of the Charter of the said Company and request you to publish it with this communication in the Watchman. The objects of the Company may be seen in the Charter, but a few words of explanation may inal on file in this oftive. Given under wy hand thisthe 17th May, 1859. RUFUS H: PAGE, Secretary of Stale. For the Watchmen. Mr. Preasaxt, N.C. { Thursday evening, May 19, 1859. \* Mr. Eviror: It is not very often that our quiet little village is disturbed in its secluled re- pose by any unusual occurence of special inter- est. Our youd citizens, though fond of novelty jail lit, with predight of affection, all uu | not be inappropriate. In the first place the jand excitement, are not ulten diverted from the WHAT THE WHIGS OPPOSE. ’ The following statement, showing what the Whigs oppose, ie fron the Lyrichbairg Virginian ; : Da “The Whig party, essentially. t¢ noth- ing but a Opposition party. That ie te ally the meaning of the word, Ht wae ite meaning in England when the Whiyeap posed the tyranny and corrptions yf the olizareby—and it was ite meaning in the |! Amenean Revolution when those persous |were called Whigs who opposed the pre [tensions and exactions of the mothef ‘country. If there be any , one, either ip lour own ranks or the ranks of the other leidey whe is in any doubt of the real character of the “Opposition” to the Demw- locratie party, we propose to enlighten The meeting will be beld, as already anneavecd inp Newborn, beginning at 8 eelock on the evening of Tuesday, the Lath of Jane? | The closing ceremonies, on Friday night, | were interestingg aud joyous, ina high de- | | gree. The Chayel—too eniall by half—_, > | was brilliantly lighted and handsomely TUESDAY EVENING, MAY 31, 1859. Charter is an extremely liberal one, giving to the |“even tenor of tipir way” by any thing that em- | SAR Nese dae asin at evagarne gpg gs Company the right of navigating any orallofthe | anates from beyond the recently established lim: | hands, by au able T We evtewpornry aavigable waters of North Carolina, and also the ‘its of our borough, (unless it is something which | Shodan ny one, then, en rire what is the right of “running between Carolina City, or any ‘involves important pecuniary interests.) But nature of ony “opposition, * let hian be an- Ou that night an address will be deliv- ered by Prof. BLM. Hubbard, of the | University 5 aad ov the sane or the nex | lay. there WiTPBE a lec ure Wy Rev. Win. - >... i Fe fe y UV. Doberty, Prosideut of Graham College, | e.rorg nude, which the author has dis. | ddressing hi t vecially thee feature — OK igi ep ‘covered, und asks to have ceorrected.— | rke' with ititervating ex- This can be best done, by publishing his; istry aul Netural Pail. jnote, as follows, referring to them: 5 * wet s . LECTURES ON THE ALMANAC. | In the last article on this subject, pub- fo, COMICON: pungin,g bie, psippcnte mpophy. res . “upper WHY wo be rewt an Essay orn ~The ottediee wud inode of conducting Fe analy Schools” by Mrs, Dela W. Jones ; tnd reporta WHE be inade on Norutal Sebvol«, on mixed. schools on the educa jonal statisties wf dhe State en the pro frese vit comme scheolk, and on the — ae Carolina oe ot peaches i Luar ye Tubacco.—Mr. W. P. Graham, t Fine . : tom expected that tue pringiples oO") 1 nat onr office, last week, a tobacco “ronaal schoots, and of inixed schools, or ; : : Schools where the'sexes are educated to- plant of this year'és growth, measuring ' . . ‘ether will be distussed ; and that other {nearly three feet in length. It was a vol- nections of interest to the triguds of yen: | unteer. eral edweation wall be brought to the ut-| While speaking of tobacco, we wonld tention of the Agwetation. allude to the fact that quite a spirit for Immediately after the adjouroment of}. . Meher iret ‘af : the Avaociation; alt the delegates and vis- raising this plant has begun to lnfuse it itors, who desire it, will be taken on an self ainong our people. A excursion to the ocean at Beaufort. our best farmers have pitched crops thir At Morehead City, the terminus of the vear, both in this and adjoining counties ; eal o sf ‘ ye . - . Atlantic Railroad, the steamer Caldwell,}g., that it is becoming pretty well settled with a depauiion of ladies and gentlemen Aen aaort na Chars) oo dis. lfrom Beaufort, will receive the excursion: | i 2 | ists and carry thdurte Fort Macon, where pend any longer on wheat as a moncy \dhere will bea ple-nic or coltation. crop. We wish them better success in) | Inthe evening the party will be carried |in this experiment than they have realiz- | |to Beaufort, where addresses ae kx ed with wheat, and for their encourage- pected from various gentlemen. iwEx-| ent we would add that Mr, J. EH. Dat eeliency Gov. Ellis, is expected to be pre- : ; : : ; aa ert ton, of County Line, gives it as his opin: Fo . . { Delegates and visitors will be carried ten, that we have a climate amd soil be- | 3 i 4 | fo Beautort, and returned by the Atlan {tween the Yadkin and Catawba which) tie @ N.C. Railroad, at half the usual are admirably adapted to this crop, and) fare; and all the again i the ate that ordinary care will produce here an +3 . TU P| ere | 1 | . c 4 i | ae ales delegates ty the Assvetatone) nite of tobacco winch will inevitably | Jat halt the regular prices. | All who attend the meeting and become | Sn Mmemnbers of the Association, whether male the Virginia or other markets. Mr. D.) or fetmate, will be entitled tu certificates expresre:l these views in private conver: | | on jus re gutar delesates. sation at Statesville, a few daysago. We To my last communication several typograph- ical errots crept in. Tn that part where [ xpeak of the leap-vear, the proper arithmetical signs fre not used; and the expression “with a re | mainder,” should be “without a remainder” in dividing a year (to be a leap-year) by 4. —-s — number of foommand the highest prices, in any ot decorated) with wreaths, festoons and other sea port in North Curotina, and the City to day we had the pleasure of enjoying a neb thrown stones at them regardless of the GC. iL Water. consequences, Unt was forbidden by ary | ©. C. (Oy, conductress, who told me that in the same | L D (eer street once, when on a horse, a whele| St oe See : bneket of water was thrown npon her. — | 128 Papers in the State, triendly to the Yet this lady is the daughter of amisnion- | Care of eduvcatt -, will confer a taver by hgre, who is sacrificing life aud pro- publishing the above card. i to better the condition uf the Mus- | know he attached no iapertance to aller | and never dreamed we would print them | bot when it is remembered that Mr. Dal | Ex. Com. ton has been raining and manufacturing to- bacen, pretty extensively, for the last ota teen or twenty years, in this Seetion, and | The two factions of the Pennsylvaniz) that too with success, it will be seen that Yas Brace rax Best Gore Boox.—The ; Democracy are pitching into each other jig opinions on the subject are not witte | first of bouks that one hangs to read 90d in right livety style. They are bandyivy | out value. Ochers have expressed simi-| re-read ery aie aremarea i Bibles epithets even wore intensely abusive than | [ar opinions, and the fair experiments | Vor ¥ . « setae eniy Sean he ae aa ji they were wont a little while ago to hurl! which have been made here gu to austuin | derous but valuable fones of Robertson, | 4t the terrible Know-Nothings. The or | them, | now, as 1 have said, the highest Biblical | ein of the Deonglas faction at Harrisburg |” But we should regret to see any thing | authority in matters of topography, read | Zives the following description of the} ike a mania among our farmers, more in) the late valuable work of Dr. Barclay, of | President, the head of the Adinivistration regard to this crop than almost any oth: | Virginia, now here again with his very | clique: pestered as kg dla lar, oh “fle isa vivlater of pledges, an unwise. ioe Me £ Re ay! eet ni ‘Ai ae Funsafe, and corrupt: Executive, @ Pro eat Gorka ge Faewdie ied Srria (Sia ery Disunionist, a pirate in intention, One of the best litle guide inks and # tyrant, an aportate from Democracy, ayo Tae cond a F obal intidice of went dved Federalist, and a disorganiz | perience. Pale? pee fen” — ‘carefully. 5 School Union in Philadel. |°* \ orca pan es seis eel This mild ablse has excited the wrath | poate d> not be compelled, as 1 am, to work half the night to study up history for the| organ, the’ Pennayleanian. nest day. The Bible above all, however, | ants and almost turns a sommerset back | Thoreday 1 Friday last je the best history—the Inind beok, the| ae Thoraday and Friday last. guide book—what “Murray” is else- — +2 —- et; because, itis admitted that the dan | cers of failure are nore numerous than in) ‘almost any other; and can rarely be avoided without close observation and ex- What they du should be ote > wards in ita energetic enunciation of] a tnatter grave cnoagh to jastify a regret, | . . © he following denunciation of Forney | SA oucd fone where, and the Bible besides. Mere ir 3 lthat the name of this important Institu-| 5, power, the most ectrapayant and cor the vpot to expound, to explain, and to and Hickavan, the two reat champions) tion does not signify to the distant reader thoroughly comprehend it, ite metaphors, | of the Douglas Democracy in the Key | some idea of ite location ; and yet, when its parables, its allnsions. I know and see) stone State. The Pennaylvanian calls! ever we speak of it, we feel that it is ne- now that I shall hereafter read the zood | 1,64) : cessary te po further, amd say, at States book tyres! Seg & 0 a 3 I sos dep ummepaRonne aS "Pales- * Red-manthed Abolitionists, corrnpt) ville, N.C. Itis named in honor of Con- : ; e syle and rotten at the heart, capable of perpes| cord Presbytery, to whose efforts, and be tine, the Holy Land, ita ancient peor ; : ytery, , are to every budy in name so familiar) S#Ung te funlest and Ilackest crimes, that we notonly copy its towns and cities who have lived all their lives on plunder, nevolent designs, it is indebted for its ex. | sun. flowers. long, bat almost. necessarily so. features and, ih the main, seemed well exeeuted and effective. Fone Composi- tions were rend, by Misses M. L. Stewart, of Asheville 5 FB. M. Armfield, and J. M. Bell, of Statesville; and M. J. Hall, of, Wilkesboro’, respectively, They evinced | thought and scholarship, and would have | done credit to much A heads. That! of Miss Stewart, was an Indian legend— | a poem—and marked ber as possessing no | common geniug Aud at the close of} Miss Uall’s, we saw several boqnets fall | upon the stage, thrown at her feet by per- | sons in the andienee. The highest hon- | ors of the Lustitution were bestowed on all these young ladies,andon Misa Jane | Caldwell. | An Institution possessing so many ad: vantayer, must, we think, share largely |. the coutidence aud patronage of those who | have daughters to educate, expecially within the bounds of Concord Presbyte- ry. Under the management of a judi The prograume was rather of New York, or any other place as they may treat. . nes ‘ : | ; Neied Gristle acer cic ore ceel ss vera Music, | deem best,” giving to the Company the right of sober qiivtude of our village were suddenly bro- n 2 ¥ < 7 ‘ 7 | ” pavers 4) vocul und instramental, was the ruling extending their commerce throughout the world, | kea by the arrival of the Cabarrus Guards,” from | if they choose. The importance of this undertaking to every citizen of North Carolina, and more especially to the Stockhulders of the North Carolina Rail | Road Company, is great. Goods and preduce may be shipped to and from New York, tg any portion of the interiur of the State from two to three days quicker over our Rail Roads and this line of Steamers, than they can be by Charleston or any other route, and at greatly reduced ex penses for freight,—for, by an arrangement al ready made, goods received at any of our sex ports will be forwarded to their place of destina tion without breaking bulk or any detention whatever. Such an organization inust secure tu North Carolina # vast amount of commerce which is now flowing into Charleston on the South and Norfolk on the North. This increase of trade profits of our Railroads, in which so many of our cious Board of Trostees, and Mr. Fancette, citizens have invested their money. as President of the College, and the pre: | sent corps of instructors, those best ac- quainted with their merits, have no hes: | tation in commending the Tnstiturion as equal to the best, in the State. The lo! cation is fortunate, both as regards health and the moral influences surrounding it. And the completion of the Railroad to, aod beyond Statesville, puts it in close connection with the entire middle and Eastern portions of the State. There are few Institutions so inviting to onr Eastern friends, fur at least one half of the year. The next session opens the 6th July. oe VIRGINIA ELECTION. The result of came off on Thursday last is yet some: the contest which what in doubt, but it is most too mach to expect the clection of the Hon, Wittram L. Gocerts, where such an overwhelming majority has ao long been given to the Iinposition party. The Whigs have made some yaing in the Legislature and alse, one or.two members of Congress, it ia| believed. A gentleman, and a democrat | too, who passed through Richmond on Saturday morning, informed us that it was | generally believed that the Whigs were! snuecessfull, as they were then 4500 ahead. As the State ia very large it will be some days before the result will be known, But i whatever inay be the result, the Whigs | and Union loving men thronghont the Country have much to encourage and an-| imate them to work for its redemption from the hands of the plunderers who now occupy the high places of the coun: | try with so discredit. Let the) Whigs and Conservative men, those whe much ‘This enterprise commends itself especially to The stillness of the morning, and the Concord, fully equipped in their handsume uni- form. Owing ty the incleuency of the weather, turn out of the military corps. But, neverthe- lens, the impression tande by even a part of the company Ubat bunvred us with « Visit, is quite flattering to thein as a whole, They were heart- ily greeted by our citizens, and an appropriate address of weloome was delivered by Rev. J. D. Scheck, in bebialf of the citigens, which was brief- ly and suitably responded to by Capt. Slough in behalf of the company. After these prelimina- ries, the Guards paraded in the village square and the College campus. They were tiken | on such oceasiuns ; sud though the company, as | | we are infurtmmed, have nut yet beep a year une inlet doll, they perform admirably ; and, indeed, | ‘must of necessity increase the business and the we noticed a few who (having perhaps had the ladvautage of previous drill) went through the Varivus evolutions with as much exactness and ‘ | | precision as suldiers ia a regular ariny. however, thers was, unfyrtunately, uot a full | The | swered us follows: “Opp rsition to the enormang and un- Necessary merease of the public expendi- tures, aud te the extravazancea and eor- ‘ruptions practiced under the existing | Demoenditie sale. | “Opponition ta the policy of entrustin to the Exeentive the puree and NE as illustrated by the $30,000,000 bill and recommended by the President to Con- yrees lo deqpofer to hiu the warsopkilig power in respeet to Mexivo and the Cenu- tral American States. ‘ “Opposition to the monatrone project of a Vankrupt law, which, together with other measures of Federal agyrandinc- nent recommended andasanctioned by the present administration, lays the axe vo the root of State Rights. “Opposition to Presidential interfer. through the various military evolutions commun ence with the freedom of elections and the right of suffeage, as exemplified in the lremoval by Mr. Buchanan of his own ap- pointers to office in Ilineis, because the: would pot war apou a Senator of the Oni- ted States of bis own party, for poreeing a Course, a4 Senator, contrary to the wiele es of the President. “Oppomtion to the national indulgence our Merchants and Farmers; ty our Merchants, | Captain is a mao of the right sort for that posi jof amorbid and unhealthy appetive for because they will thereby be enabled to obtain their goods in less time and for lower freighits than they can now obtain them,—to our Farmers hecause Uris enterprise, when carried into effect, will offer them cheaper and more expeditious facilities for sending their produce tu the inarkets of the world than they now bave, or can have by any other ineans.- With these views we commend the undertak- ing to the citizens of the State generally, and! respectfully ask the co operation of all. The persops nated in the first clause of the Charter are hereby authorised and requested to open books for subscription to the capital Siock of the | Company in their respective towns on the 10h day of Juve next, to remain open vol farther directions are given, Books tur subsenption will also be opened io other places as early as the luon, Whether be has the theory of military tactics or not, Lam sure, from observation, that He is laided, we learn, by competent subordinates. The | | | he understands the practical part of it. i “company’s unifyrm is plain, neat and Lasteful, pwnd void of that superfucns ornament which is more yaudy than pretty. The martial music whted not a litth: to the ‘nterest of the occasion, ‘True, it was not a» band, bat thevecasion did not, Much as 1 bike good band music, | require one, if you wish me to feel military, play the drum | and fife—those will bring out the latent milita: | ry spirit, if there is any in the bresst. | In saying that we have been gratified with the visit of the *Cabarrus Guard,” DT hope that 1 may speak the sentiments of all, And Plu alse | hope that the company have not been disappoint edin welcome and hospitality om our part, At names ot suitable persons for taking charge of a least the table of our worthy host, Mr. Scott, | them can be obtained. | All papers fendly to the growth and expan: leemed to have sufficiently invigorated oar im | sion uf the Old North State are requested tuo itary friends for their parade, andetherr teapeat publish this communication and the seco pany 7 ed salutes seemed to echo aud reecho general ug Charter. Le-speetfully, JOUN M. COFFIN, J. J°SUMMERELL, THOS. J. MEQKONEY, WILLIAM MUKDOCH. AN ACT To Incorporate Carolina City Steam SCG Lony live the Cabarrus Guards, and soon be their pext visit to our boapitable village. GAMMA, THOS. S. ASIIE, Esq. The annexed honorable tribute to this) Herritortal acquisition, Which, losing aight of every principle of honor, justier, and seund policy, and at the imorinent rink of war, would, by cunning and drabenest contrivances, or open force if necessary, extend infinitely the limits of the Repub- he, and abeord inte cor system mongrel populations, winch, after yeare ef trial, have conclusively shown their atler ina bility durably to establiah and peaceably | to live under a free representall ve govern- ment. “Opposition to the farther agitation of the elavery queetion, as deading to no practical ged feany portion of our coun try, but fraught with peril to the pexce and perpetuity of the Union. “Opposition te the division of ile coun- ltry inte two sectional partica—which will be the inevitable result of the continued ascendency and course of the Deimocra- tic party in the Southern States. “Opposition te the fomenting of jeal- (olisies, dissensions and heart baring bee tween different sdefions of eur commen | satisfaction from hill to hill. country by misrépresenting the arms and | i ei eS opinions of the people of the different sec: tions in regard to woe another, “Op position —determined, untiring op- position—to a dissolution of the Union, and to all parties, as such, which cherish and uphold ua leaders wen who ure known to entertain the spirit of disunion Company. | gentleman, we take froin the Fuyedle- in ther hearts, or whose professions, duc- Be it enacted by the General Assembly of | ville Observer, and from the general, and | trines und acts inanifestly tend ty that the State of North Carolina, and it ts hereby we may say universal opinion, not only enacted by the authority of the same, That John}. ihe : 3. fl t | : M. Coffin, Thomas Meroney. Syd) Suimmereliclse aoe OXI (OMEN IED TRA US TC and William Murdoch, of Salisbury; Edward | known, is well deserved. R. Stanley, George S. Stepherson, and William | tive in Congress, snch as Mr. VP. Moore, of Newberne 5 Jo A. Parrot, k. Fo) inake, should he be elected, ia just what! Bright, and William S. Long, of Carolina City , | Thos, MeRorie, High Reynolds, and Samuel RR. | ’ Bell, of Statesville; Andrew Hunt, Eli Penry | country badly needs. and Alfred Hargrave, of Lexington, OG, Foard,| extract to the gor xd sense and patriotian | A Representa | the District, the State, and the whole} Wee 5 Ve commend the swonld enrich creditors at the expense of their debters”—and “make the neh rich- | result. | “Opposition to the wild poliey of an | exclusively metalic currency, whieh, 16 carried inte effect, would, in the Language Ashe will/of James Buchanan, “at once diminih the nominal value of all property more than 50 per cent.” would, in effeet. [ble the amount of every man's debts” are opposed tothe corruption every where! £ : ' istri VP i] y: E. D. Austin, of Rowan, and such other Permons | of the people of the district, and hope alller and the poor poorer.” visible in the mis-called Democratic par- | 2 . > a eee P és . : ‘ i ful ire uf the Presidents sa asca| The Examination Exercises of “ ony in North Carolina, take courage and | It raves aml cord Female Colleze,” were had on} buckie on their armour and from now It is hardly | until the election in Angust, work to rid) our Sue from the hands of the Spoilers —these preachers of econviny, but when rupt set of political tricksters under the Up and at them Whigs the politi- cal skies are brightening. EUROPEAN NEWS. Since our last, no battle has been fonght by the contending armies in Sardinia, bat for our towns and cities—its Canaan for our Canaan, its Sharon for oar Sharen, &c., &c.—its Marys, ite Rathe, its Ra cbels, ite Julns and James—and Pro- verbs, tuo, becawe our Proverbs, as from “Dan to Beerseba,” (not so very far, by the way ;) I am ylad to say, no country seems to take 80 mach in Biblical tupoy- Aare our country. best place to see Jernsalem and the surrounding country, is fron the Tur- kigh minarets that crown the Mount of bly swallow each other.— Balt. Clipper. | thie way, aa finally to retire, in deference |rerrible battle will be funght in a few Olives for now the Turks own that Monnt, and in the centre of a Turkish, Mosque enclosure is, by purchase, the Chapel of the Church of the Ascenrion, where Je: ens’ fuot-aieps are shown in the rock, as) 2er that Jadge Serngys who has been re he ascended vp. Baksheesh—imoney — that . word, in Syria and Palestine, party, and whe ispow making havec with) a PCr ‘ ‘ a Da ; ale oe von | that preeionta party in remneste in a dig. | Hhinded that they have very little to do, proper and the Hungarian troops, and it but partienlarly in Palestine, carries you) Tat | i ae ru . g Bikeheesh, no first appointed office-aceker. word you learn, and the last to be forpot- «Democratic Press” will not ae Mx even | te», from the way it is ever imprinted on almost every where. “Biksheesh, Wangi” (non your brain. 1» Pilgrim.) “Bakehecsh, Hadji"-—L hear that it will mike two distinet charges on p sok @0 ofien that they svem ty he abont, the Citizen: the oniy words in or about Jerusalem. — Well, * Baksheesh” penetrates through the smoking atmosphere sorrounding the and recondiy, that as he, the Htizen, has) and mouths before hand. bead even of a Turk ought two attices at the handy ofthe Du- pils burn for it the mid-night taper, and and turban —and upon the inspiration of Bakslees!, @e went up the minarets and bowked far te rte on the surrounding country, (juin the Whigs ouce mere. and wide up: at a9, encrod ip hiatery—and up * stealing from the Treasury of the govern lelence’) and ah whose foatering care Withe most gigantic eff rts are still making ment, and whet the door was ehut againat | 18 largely dependent for its snecess and) py Goth parties. Lonis Napoleon, at the as they may hereafier asaociate with them, shall) be and are hereby created, constituted and dv. | clared to be a body corporate and politic, in fact and in name, by the naing of the s f Steam Navigation Company,” and by that name consider the subject well. they and! their successors may and shall enjoy a) perpetual suceessiva, and shall be in law capmble | week was. attended by delugates from of sueing and being sued; answering and being | yogt of the counties in the District. Thos. answered; defending and being defended, TG) Aelics Era. of Wadestorouvl wae all courts and places whatsoever; and that they) \ a tS adios { he “Ww A od tre nnd their successors may have a commen peal ule, DOE e © MEK) axel and may change and alter the same at pleasure. | heard whether Mr. Ashe accepts. 2. And be it further enacted, That the capital | We are very mach yratitied at the hear- stock of said Company shall consist of Five | ty nomination of any worth yA gentleman Hundred Thousand Dollars; divided into shares and so sonnd a Whig as Mr, Ashe, and of une hundred dollars each. hope that he may deem it consistent with 3. And be it further enacted, That the said | lis interest and his feelings to accept the Company shall have authority to purchase or nomination. He will be a candidate,— who wish a Representative, who will go} | The whig, Convention, at Charlotte last | their wholeadle robbery they turn reand | usefulness, There ia, therefore, appro | and abuse the men and party who gave! priateness in the name, as itis; but it) ” : them life. inuat be adaitted that that does net en- | last advices, was in Genoa, ant had been received with the most anbounded demon- strations of respect. Te liad issued a build one or more Steam Vessels to be employ ed in ronning between Carolina City or any uther sea port in North Carulina, and the City of New York or any other place as they may deem best to their interest, and the said Com- and if eleeted, a Representative,—of whom any district and any party may be proud. Asa lawyer, his ability oa ine tegrity have commanded an extensive practice, and asa legislator, he has had there below are the Valley of Je- , the Vale of Hine ome reok of - dron, iy ray agen ar ane of water. bly eurp ised that oor friend, Mr. Holden, | =the Pool of Siloam, the Garden of Geth- | has had the eandor to acknowledge it. r the Toombs of the Vropheta, the | the Virgin Mary, the Grotto of — and g hundred other places) the Hill of Evil Coun: greptoe, Capt. W. Carr, and Lt, Pegram,| the feelings set in motion by an approach. are ae Soin nraayhel pablo a gel a tw define them in their varied forms and | man hus accepted the nomination tender- mis Dear, (ie: A perpenpema that territory. re are sit G h; and there is the, oonceala the farfamed Jurdan on the same duty. This is “a pretty quarrel us it stands. tirely conrpensate for the inconvenience | stirring address which inspired the grea- and if the Opposition don't step in an"! aiaded te. puta atop te it there will be a regular Kilkenny fight, and the factions of the > will unqnestiona ; The great public almost all test enthusiasm. By this time, Napoleon - it Statesville Female Col) jas no doubt an army of 200,000 nen on lege ; an the WKS WACK? Ges when the soil of Italy, and unless the Austrians “Concord” will feel itself 60 jostled it) evacuate the whole of Italy, a great and ways call i fierce Demvecracie” a 0 te the utilitarian sentiment so peculiar | days, The latest news from the Austrians TENTIDPES > . : as AYP v VENTURESOME. ly American, leaving Statesville to represent all their movements to be very Citizen Holden is willing to lay a wa- take the place she has so uneasily titled. indecisive—advancing and retreating. It a : en i: Towever that may be, or whatever thei, Binet andnilctleotterconsidcrable cently out (i MOCTALIE | | nye i 5 ; . MD eee ee A becthrer es importance of the question, we are re-/d ference exists between the Austrian | jwith the | jwas thought not improbable the whole EXAMINATION, Ke. Hunganan portion would go over in a on the Citimsis offer to bet. or if it This is alwaysa time of great interest to) body to the ftalians 5 and that this state does, there is great reason to apprehend y We hope the | ‘the pupils, parents and friends, and to! of affairs was the cause of such inactivity ecient taulieneltarnucn the teachers, atevery Institution of learn loth the part of the Austrians. that no man wall quit a party whe can! ing—a tine looked forward to, and pre yer an office that he secks at ite hands; gared for, ina variety of waya, for weeks | Aibitions pu >: Dr. Buesagnt is again at home and in ‘his office, and ready to attend all calls : OS connected with his professions. combat, over and over again, the ditticul: | jties that dispute their triumph. Anx | : , Wealways knew that “the cohesive ions parents, not leas ambitions, bat more ! The Wadesloro’ Argus complains of | ‘power of the public plunder” kept the) fearfal uf conseqvences, regarding these Mt receiving the proceedings of the Whig einveracy together, and we are ALTeCA: | Hreparatory struggles frou a different Convention, in time for his last paper. | We asenre the editur that there was no_ jatand point, are generally satisfied with | sae i \ (ai i j t tl | [delay or negleet on our part in forward- a ois alate oat aN as eat them tu the P. O. in this place. no more than a few slight headaches, and ing coeraucy of North Carolina and got neither, he isaboutto revert to his first love, and _.- _ Raleigh Reyister. ‘ofthe Army, have been ordered by the ing examination, and mueh more difficult) ging to show whether or not thie gentle- Their datigs degrees, if one were to attempt such a ed him by hie Whig friende. Vilb-be oientlar tw those of the American [tack fur each one who shows eoucern- ae een hich was pont to the Orimea|ment, We shall make a “ lamping work” One Superior Cuurt fs in session this of it, in this case, a6 fair means of avoid. week, Judge Barer presiding. pany shail have the authority alto to construct or purchase one of more Steam Vessels for the navigation of any of the Sounds, Rivers, or wa tf 1 1 1 1 ters of this State; and they shall also be eapa- LO eter ve hy the demaguune. u ble in daw of holding band, on the waters of wonld give ws tnore pleasure than we can Beaufort Harbor, Bugue Sound or of Newport express to bee him honored with the suff. River, for the erection of Wharves and Ware- | "4ges of theyyeople of that District. hoasex, requisite for the landing and storage of a esses nolo articles conveyed in any of these Vessels, Shot in the Pack.—We wonder if the 4. And best further enacted, That the said) following Paixtan shot, from the * Notes Company shall bave power and authority from (roinntlie Ply month Palpit,” by Henry time to make all necessary rules regulations and z : af by-laws for the government and direction of the Ward Beecher, hits anybody in all this We hope not. Mr. concerns thereof nut inconsistent with the consti | region round abyatt tution and laws of this State or uf the Line Beecher aaid : States providing therein for the, appomtment of} Te RAS 5 A the pois at avisnes of anid Lanier ; the 2 There Is sitting before me in this con- disposition and transfer and mode of representa: | ZPEZATO LWW) hundred men, who tion of stock; the establishment of the rates of Stuf their Sundays fall of what they call freight; and all other matters necessary, to car- | religion, and geout on Mondays to cateh ry into effect the ubj-ct of their incorporation. their brother by the throat, saying, * Pay 5. And be it further enacted, Virat Books for) ime thut thou owest; it’s Monday now, the subseription of Stock in said Company may and you weedu't think that because we be opened whenever the persons named for the | nat crying together yesterday, over our town of Salisbury shall direct and shall contione! Savior’s sufferings and love, that { am open at their plansure or untill the whole ainount vain to let you off from that debt, if it of the capital Brock is subscribed for and taken ; does ruin yun to pay itinwolt and whenever fifty thousand dollars is subseribed | - the anid Juhn M. Coffin, Thomas Muroney, J. | Restitution —The Montgomery, Als Summerell and William) Murdoch shall call s) 7 é ‘ general meeting of the Stockholders atauch time | bana, Advertiser of Saturday says; Comp- nnd place ny may be agreed upon for the organi: troller Green informed ne yesterday zation of the Company. morning Ghat he had just received through 6. And be it further enacted, Whenever any |the hands of Rev. J. M. Mitchell, Rector of the Corporators aball transfer or assign over ofthe Protestant Episcopal Choreh of this the shares by them reapectively held and thereby city, the suin of two thousind five hun- some experience. Ile hae that populari- ty which follows worth, not that which is _—_—— : r, +e yase to be Stix: comme to be|dred and fifty dollars ($2.55) in cas! pene yield to themselves a reasvhable gratifi cme ounse to be Stuckhulders, they aha be| dr PL are ($2,550) in cash, there Peeping Oc Yingialans, Oa eather. It were tedious to advert to all meee ates esha ys vere tem en the information simply that it be ak tn Europ: ; We hare not yet seen any publication | iemseect 08 lunged to the State of Alabama, 7. And be it further enacted, That thie act shall take effect from nod after its ratification, and continued in force for thirty years after the i of the Come A Ltow.—Paul Morphy, the chess play- org c y- . . er, ia the lion in New York, at tho pre- Miro paves pamed and ratified this the] sont time, At the solicitution of his friends , 1839. r THOMAS SEITLE, Jn, 8. H.C; |e has promised to play no more blind- HENRY T. CLARK, 8. 8. fuld games. “Opposition to derect taxation, which for an Dbonest and economical administea: | 8 openly advecated by a verdeu of the “Carolina City | Hoo of the Govermmentaand no other, will} Democratic party, and which would be the necessary and inevitable roault of the carrying out of the Democratic doctrine of free trade—Jirect taxation and free ltrade being, in effect, one and the same thing. : “Opposition to a continnance of the Democratic policy of giving milliens of acres of the public lands to the new States. and persistently refusing tu grant an acre tu the old States. “Opposition to the borrowing of inoney and the creation of a public debt by the national government, in time of peace, to j aid in carrying on its ordinary operations, withont at the same tine making due and adequate provision fur ita prompt redemp- thon. “Opposition to the admission into thie country of foreign panpers and criminals —to the voting at the polls by foreigners not natnralized—and to all evasions and violation of the naturalization laws. “Opposition, in fine, ty Modern Demo- eracy. , “Opposition! Tt ia, at this important conjucture in our national and, State af- fairs, a good name, a peculiarly appropri- ate name, a highly patriotic name, for a party that would save tho country from the blighting effects and the fatal eonse- quences of a longer continuance of Dem- vcratic misrnle.” The world is indebted to the Illinois State Central Democratic Committee for a distinct and categorical detinition of a “National” Democrat. This Oommirtee have recently published an address, fur- mally excommunicating Stephen A. Dou- | Rinse from the orthodox Detnoeratie ieborch. In this address its, eapient authors thus detine “ Nationat Duino- cracy.” | | “ By the term National Democracy we mean those who hold that the members of the party are bound to acguterce in whatever course the party may deem pro- per, under the guidance of ite regularly constituted anthorities to parang, without regard to lucal prejudice or personal ca- price.” In other words, n National Dumocrat is one that-dares not think fuf himeelf, but implicitlpobays.the orders of his par OB mt eh o on nm oe “~ - Pe a j a |Z ig 1 re tf Bi 4) if ty leaders, however be to his own sense of right, justice, or | ment, a definition authorized by a Demo- cratic State Central C unmittee. Ite an- theaticity is unquistionable, Heavca protect the country frum the dominion of euch avet of inieverable slaves as these | * National” Democrats aust be.— Bult $ha Whig Convention held at Char. Jotte on the 14th instant for the purpose - of nominating & candidate ty represent the Seventh District in Congress was a large and enthusiastic meeting, and everything passed off ith the utmost harmony. The prooeediags will be found Yn our paper to-day. Lt wall be seen that the Convention vominawted Thos. 8. Ashe, ., of Amos, Everybody whow we have hear! speak of us temination, unite iu} the opinion that itis the best selection | that could have been made. repugeant ‘Ties way AR vly dull. | | ; ’ Yes May 26. patriotisn, This is an official announce: | The steamship Moses Taylor, from As- inwall, May 18, has arrived. She Ging nearly $200,000 in treasure. | She reports that the rumor was the Uni- | ted States troops in Utah intended desert- ing as soon as they were paid off. | The Population of New Orleans lu 'pidly Decreasing.— New Orleans is thin- THE CHARLOITE CONVENTION. hing out very perceptibly, though the weather is reported to be not very hot, as vet. Every boat, every train, every sted | iner, is carrying away its full freight of passengers, and thongh some ala came in feomalay te day. it is wet such nume | bers as hitherto. Most of the places of pobtic amusement are about closing for the senson—and forthe vext three months, therefure, New Orleans will be extreme- A Puarosopper Maruies a NEGRESS. Mr. Ashe! —[adislaus Magvar, a [fangariar, well) jaw whole-sveled gentleman, possessing | versed in the Natural [History of Brazil, | talents of the higiest Order, and w& ready, lin the hope of reaching the interior with fluent, and forcible speaker. With such |imore certainty, has married the daughter i 1 aaa to lead then the Oppositionists of laf the negro king of Bibe, in Upper 1 the Seventh District may well hope for 4 | Guinea. tiadimph in Augast next. The Opposition througliont the State | makes use of his newly-aequired authori- _ are aroused, and consternation has seized upon the Detuocracy évery where. Their days are numbered. Let the Opposition hosts in the contested Districts but do tlwir duty, and we may count five out of the ciyht Representatives from rolina in the next Congress.—Muleigh Register. The Guano Trade.—Few of onr read ers, perhaps, are aware of the amount of} business that has been reached in the; uano trade of this city, which is but in its commencement. We have received sone figures from a well informed friend and without, at present, going inte details | we may state that the amount eld in this! eity since the Ist September, 1853, 18 nearly $600,000. There was little donc! North Ca-| 10 a vellow 93 a 94 cte. per bushel. Having by this step become yeneralin chief of his father-in-law, he ty to facilitate his researches. NEW YORK MARKED. | New York, May 27th.—Flonre deelived 20 ets; Southern, 7.25 0 7,50 per | bhi Wheat, dull and qaotations nomi: nal; with a decline of 203 ets. Corn has declined 3 cts; white 99 a 93 cts., MARRIED: Tn this county, en the 2Fth Instent, hy DR, Brad- | shaw, Haq, Me FRANKLIN W TEEL to Miss) MARTHA J. daughter of James A. Atwell. | : = : | | NO CURE—NO PAY! ENNISS’ Dierrhes epecitic Warranted to cure Di it) the first quarter of the commercial year arhea and eumarer complaiuty, or ne pay —September, October, November—se that this amount may be fairly credited | from the lst December, at which time the | large transactions began. Of this amount | one thousand tone of Peruvian yaane were to direct importation to this city. | Charleston Courier. | aos eS Not Euforced.—The ladies (says the Richmond Dispatch) are very much an noyed in the streets by well dressed ne grveses, who 60 fur from giving 4 portion of of the sidewalk, when met, take a. rude ly foreing their superiors into the stever- fhe city ordinance ayainst this impudence has never been enforced, but unless the Mayor endeavors to have it observed | hereafter, gentlemen, whose daughters are continually insulted in the streets, will take the law inte their own hands, aud teach the offenders Letter manners. NORFOLK MARKET. Reported Weebly by ROWLAND & BKYTHERS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, For the Watchman, MAY 26, 1859. BACON—Westeru shoulders 9 #19 do Rides, ball N.C. ant Ve. Hog round, ligau LARD—N.C. and Va. No. |, bbis. aud kegs, U# 134 \ barge qu | | Fur eale by HENDERSON & ENNISS | Auction House! | IN SALISBURY, N. C. WE sub-criber having beea app nated Auctioneer by the County Court, woul t of those wang bu wodioat eapectfally eax due tu that K. Buxwe having qaal fied a» my Agent. is here- by authored to attend to the Nuction business i THOMAS J WERONEY, JO K BUKKAKE. Auctioneer wy wane Prrecus sending us Goeds ou comsigument cau have refere ve if necessary de May Sim, in 9 fl ‘ Farmers Read This! ! am now ready toreceive Tau Bark, for which the highest cash price will be pul My works are atthe NOC. Riatroad station, woere LT omay always to be found. Bark can be pealod agin Vugust at the pret cack of she Moon raty. Dam aratvus to gel a Liatms want to hire three first rie hands ( Negroes for the balance of the year or tonser 1 NOMAMHOL Toms dunt | J | Soyer’s Sultana’s Sauce. | This most delicious Saace, although bat recently in- troduced intu his country, has already made it-elf a) May 31+t, 1x59. | great favorite wich epicures, avd i+ fart suporseding | allother Sauces her toture use. Oviginal'y iuvent- ed by the celebrated SOYEK forthe © Reform Cinb” of London, ti is how aanufacturea by the weil Koown | hemse of CKOOSE & BLACKWELL, fromthe ony ‘unt recipe ‘of fluvor peculiar to ieelf alone «sNe. 8, ¢! Uald FLOUR—Family, $8 5U a0 Extra, $5 Uy 2 U0 Superfine, $7.50 a0 CORN—White and Mixed, Yt a 93 Yellow, 95 » Yo | WHEAT—White, l6y a iw Red, lav a 150 , va tl jack Eve, new $125 « isu Red and Bleck, old 65 a WU FLAXSEED, $135 a 135 BEESWAX, 33 a 00 DRIED APPLES per bus. of 2x Ibe = $1 15 4 200 ae PEACHES «© «© 40" $5.00 a $s 25 FISH —Meckere! No. |, #1250 “ No. 2, 1150 TAVE —R.O. Hbd. Sz8 @ 29 W. O. Pipe, e5u Ah g10 “BUI. Bough $ za 00 The excitement in flour has subsided, chsing very quiet and with but a limitsd demand for eon at our qnotations—warm weather with danger of tir evuring and the near apprvach of new, make holder willing to sell. Cotton dall and nominal. | | | Daved frut— Apples are more enquired for—Peach- | es dulli—Apple Branduy very dull aud sale can vuly | be made at a decline. FAYETTEVILLE MARKET MAY 24. BACON, perib © 10 a 134 CUFFEE, per ib. Ru, 12pm 134 Laguira, 134 4 14 81. Vumingo, wu a OW FLOUK, per barrel— Feunly, 740 0750 Bupertine, Tis a7 Qs Fine, 6 Yu as Ww Cross, 6 65 a 6 75 GRAIN, per bushel— Cora, 115 «1 Q Tu «uw SU « bu 100 ai lo wet 12 4 13 00 2 1 00 Apple do. new W «V0 vw N.&. Whiskey, 47a SO Rye do. 65 a 70 Rectified do. 4ua 45 NAILS, cut, per keg 44 0205 IRON, per th— Euylish, 4a 0 Sweedes, common bar, 6ya 00 Do. wide, iga 00 WOOL, per tb 1h a 19 TALLOW, per Ib 10a 00 HIDES, per |b— Dry, 8a10 00 Green, 6 a 00 SALT— Liverpool, persack, 150 a 00 Alum, per bushel, 60a 00 MOLASSES, per galion— Cuba, 2-4 0 30 New Orleans, 45a 50 SUGAR, per Ib— Loaf and erashed, 15a 00 StCroik Porto. & N. Orleans, lla 12 THE MARKETS. Salisbury, V. C., May 31, 1859. SorRECTED WEEKLY BY SPRAGUE BROTHERS | Coudimeut® fire tutiocuced ino Bagland by SOY EK fois composed principal y of Turki-b on hie return fo Crna, aud posse seen « piqnincy | The manufacturers eiunply ask forttacrial, satetied (hac it arse add to the already large cousunptios a8 none ever discou- tinue tu use it. | OPINIONS OF THE PRESS. | “We recommend vurcgrespoudent to try Monsieur Nover's new Sauce, entitied the sSultana’s Sauce.” (ts flavor is exceliout, ani i atfrds cousilerable ad tu comes of show and teak digestion.”"—The Lancet “Phe Saultaua’s Sauer ise vory, poquant, wad spicy § s happy combustion of flavors aud erseuces worthy | of the de hi@ate taste of a Su Cina, the geu and the umversal patrouaye of a discriminating pub- he." —Obrerver “A couesmiration of all the piquant resources of | Turkey and Kuss a —United Service Gazette | “Ase tiullaoe of the sppetite this Sauce stands alone Tt is a inom: valunb'e adjanct to Fish, Flesh or | Fowl, aud should be placed on every dinver table.” | [ A\tlhes. “The Sultana’s Sauce is « most delicious zest” | {Morning Cheont te | Sole Agents for the United States: —G ARDNER G. YVELIN, 217 Fultonstreet, New York; BRAY | & HAYES, Corbi, Boron. Sold by WH. WYATT, Deoggist aud Apothecsry, Salisbury, NOC. May 31st. 1859. ofa Soyer, | THOMAS E. BROWN, Naguin sole Proprietor of the large ee a CARRIAGE MAKING ESTAB. | LISHMENT. near his Livery stable ; | nod im earring on the work i all is branches, to the entire extisfiction of thore whe have usuklly patron. ized hix sly p since his connection with the baste sa We ie comantly manufacrmrmg CARRIAGES, BAROUCHES., PHETONS, ROCKAWAYS, BUGGIE SULKIES, Ge, of various grades of | finish, and ent patierns. These are put op of the very best initeritla and warranted 10 give sativ- | faction. ‘The subseriber ainploye skilitul and he i) ble men to execute or superintend the variou- parte | of all hie work, so that he can fearlessly recommend | it. Catt and examine his Vehieles, and if he #hould | have none on hand to ple rte you. he will baild to} yourorder, in a very short fime, any thing required, | in ony style desired. \ Brown's Livery Stable. S kept np at heretofore Vt is grati fying to himahst this establishine at, begun, at first. ab a doubclalexveriuae nt? HaeL Ye hus proved to the public a great deside- | rutumanan complete snecess. Uravelers, and others, | cau always have their wauts, io the hne, well eup- shed | Cash pricee paid for Carriage Lumber and Proven.) der And the rubseriber i< ntwave reody to sell or! buy good Horses THOMAS BE. BROWN | May Stet, 1859. . wl Heckers Farina. | EWARKABLY wholesome and nutritions, Just received by W.H, WYATT, Draggiet & Apotheesry, Salisbury, N. Oarotina. {imay Heckers Farina. If EMARKABLY wholesome and nutritious. Just received by W. M. WYATT, Diuggist 4 Apothecary, Sullebary, N Oarotina | SEIDLUTS POWDERS. ! | | 3 | | | (1ma9 Apples dried SL . R10! Bacon ih r . Hee ! see nie 10 \ : MOST useful Medicine in Bil ious and other diseases inci mats oh ia ald Auras warm climates. Prepared by W. H. WYATT, Beeswax, 20 2 25 Molasses Cuba, 37.445 pruggist & Apaikesaty aabmwars) © (ol (1m4o Beef, Sa 6 « NO. 55.8 65 ie eee eae oes Butter, 154 18 “ Murcovade 450 50 | . CANDLES— Nails (Cut) 54.0 G Heckers Farina. Tallow, 15.220 Oate, 40 « 50 24 0 30 [OILS LINSEE D— 124414) * Tanners, 50295 Admani:ine, Coffee Rio, “© Juve, Cotton, Mall | ‘ Sweer 75 0 1.00| Cotton Yarn, 105 9 110 Rages per th. 2 Corn, 90 » 100/salt perenck, 1600170) Meal. 00 » 100|Sheeting Bro. 9.70 Chickeneper dor. 1.06.0 1§ Sugar Bro. Rall Bgge per dor. 8211 | ‘' Crashed, 13.415 Feathers per tb. 30435 | ‘* Clarified, 114012 per bbi 650 Tallow, Wa 12 “ tron (ar) 5a Red, ‘and, 10 0 12 |Wool, 25 230 | "WORK 7074 | | 17 » 223 |Potateer, Lrieh, 10 0 1.25) FMARKABLY wholesome and nutritions, Just reecived by WM. WYATT, Denggiet & Apothecary, Salisbury, N Carolina {1mad SEIDLITS POWDERS. MOBT useful Medici ne ja Bilions and other diseases inci dental to warm climates, Prepared by W. H. WYATT, Druggist & Apothecary, Sallebary, N C [248 | HIDES. ln Back, 3.00 9 3.25 Wheat White, 1100 120 HE highest market price paid in CASH for green | 109 «110 and dry Hides. Apply to BEARD & BROTHER. May 9h, 1859 1" 50 i] r &.CO.'S Single Number Lottaries" Foor & Co., Managers of the Sparta Academy Lot- June, YEARLY OVE PRIZE Td EVERY MINE TICKETS drawn, an payable mm full without deduction. (CMaRTERED BY THE STATE OF GEORGIA.) Capital Prize $50,000!! TICKETS ONLY TEN. DOLLARS. WO6D, EDDY & CO., MANAGERS, Saccessors to SN. Swan & Co. The flowing Scheme will be drawn by Woop, ery, inench of their Single Number Lotteries for 1859, at Aurusta, Geo, in public, vader he superiuleudence of Commi-siners. Class 23 Draws Saturday, June 4, 1859 Class 24 Draws Saturday, June 11, 1859. Class 25 Draws Saturday, June 18, 1859 Class 26 Draws Saturday, June 1859. ON THE PLAN OF SINGLE NUMBERd, 50,000 TICKETS, Five Thousand Four Hundred and Fighty-Five PRIZES! Magnificent Scheme! TO BE DRAWN EACH SATURDAY IN JUNE. Priscof $54,000) 1 Pr 1,500 | SF Bow | 50 oe mo 1 1e.000 | Loe « cone Coste oo, Bian | 100 Let a BM) Os Oe A 4000 | Low as 150 1 eo Biwol loo lw | APPROXIMATION PRIZES 4 Prizes of $4 Approximating to $5',000 Prize AS rt ae 00 1200 , ee ‘ 1000 Liew 40 ae: f 5.000 ** Hh os 0) . 409 50 ‘4 an 1) CO + Anon ot ow 4 HO s tx) 1,500 “ne 00 8 8 80 are 100,00 9485 Prizes amounting to Wore Tickers $10; Harvie $5; Quarters $254 | R-member that every Prize in the ahave Scheme is) Certificates of Packages will be sold atthe following rates whieh is the rink Certificate of Package of 10 Whole Tickets, $50) “ * 0 Malt es 40 to OS 10 Quarter * =. #0 se 10 Eighth ** 12 ones = Sparta Academy Lottery, CLA3S No. 359, | On the Three Number Plan. 75 NUMBERS —12 DRAWN BALLOTS Nearly One Prize to Every Twe Thekets!! 1 GRAND PRIZE OF $36 .000. 1 Vrig of €19 170! | 4 Pezes of $2,000! 2 Prizes of 10000! | 20 Paas of 10901 | 2 Pars of 8000) | 130 Prizes of 230 &: & &s di 27,814 PRIZES AMOUNTING TO $513,190! Whole Tickets $10; Ha'ces $5; Quarters $2 50 IN DSVERING TICKETS OB CERTIFICATES. Enclose the money toour address for the ‘Tickets dered, on rece prof winch they wil be forwarded ny fisting Purchases can have Ucketseuding iu auy figure Giey mney dertguate The Gast ot Drawa Numbers and Prizes will be sent oo purchasers inimectately after che draw ig TT Purchsnerm will pleate write there mgnatures plain, and give their Post Office, County aud State Ir Remember tharevery Puceis drawu and pay- able in full wi bout deduct TiAl przew of L000 and under, paid immediate - NOPE E fO CORRESPONDENTS. | Those who prefer wot sending moury by mail, can THE ADAMS EXPRESS COMAANY, whereby money for Tickris. in euins of Ten Dollars, aud upwards, can be seat us | AT OUR RISK AND EXPENSE, from any city of town where they have an office The me ey and order must be enclered in a “GOV. ERNVENT COST OFFICE STAMPED EN VELOPE,” or the Express Company cannot receive them All communications steeds, confidential Address Orders for Tickets or Certificat ® to WOOD, EDDY & CO, Angustn, G or, WOOD, EDDY & CO, Alana, Ge or, WOOD, EDDY & CO, Wilmingte AT Abst ofthe numbers that are drawn from the wheel, with the amount of the prize that exch one is votitled to, willbe published afterevery drawing, in the following puper-:—Auguata Constitutoe alist, Mobile Regieter, Nashville Gazette, New York kly Daw Book. Reehmood Dispatch Pauldeog (Mine) Clanton, and New York Ueratd ‘<| ES TEA, TEA, ie Oe NU oat \Sa@Ne YOUNG TYSON, YOUN: HYSON, | ‘a @ TEA, TEA, TRA, IMPERIAL IMPERIAL IMPERTEALC. a BLACK, | Roote and shies, Huts wad Capa and Rendy-Made | amrarinent ae will enuble ny pesson ta Luy af w $1,600 Clothing to be found in the State seooo BOYDEN HOUSE, ° : | sumptuourly fitted | Draws on Wednesday, June 29tr, 1859, | Eras oor {iaenis, manavement, &¢ ly after the deawing—othet pozes ot the usual ime June next, the folowing property viz: hee of thity dave MIRCH 2st, 1859. W. MYERS, ges Granite Building, = A e . K No. 4, a -pIIpVY WN ¢ SALISBURY, N.C. HE SUBSCRIBERS RESPECTFULLY snneance to their friead® wud the public gen erally. that (ndore extensive than hitherto, and Be TRADE ace more extensive Uhen hitherto. and that they are vow prepared to exhibit oue of the argest und meet wiliactive Stocks of py i ts vent I Se DRY GOODS Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, ete., . ‘ wy. MERCHANTS, KEEP constantly on hand the bert selection of {that they have ever had the pleasure to ther Te & wo Oxamiiboen of whch hey ere codtaly uvied = Staple and Fanoy We have bertowed much time wad labor to “£8 DRY £0 IDS up a first-rate Stock end teel swt rfid (hate howe b jin the State can off era better selected Sick Our Stock is very large ond embraces such ars with the beat advantage to themaeltes. ull the Goowe they may weed in our line Tu all thinye we shell try to consell the interest of oat Cur ones. : We think it useless to enumerate but will state. | we havé succeeded in obtaming THE | The Choicest and most Desirable Style | Jimported, and we are fully wacramted in saying that | We have w lot of Dress Goods on hand which we wall close val very low, as ihe season in. dvineing Saishory. N C., Way 20, 1p59 t(52 | no one who wishes to buy wall leave our Store unsupp'ied. Our Savek willbe replenished throughout the jentive season with every thaag thatie RICH AND DESIKSABLE | Lr Orders are rewpectfully soliciied which shal! at all times lage oor prompt and personal atiention | We have secured the mersices of Mr. J.P. Gowan, long aud catensively kuown ia this section. | | A. & W. MYERS. Salisbury, N. C. HIS superb Mouse has just been opened for the wecommodation of the public. 1t is complete in all its arrangements, all having reference to the comfort of those whe may avail themselves of it, either us a Boarding House. or as a Stopping Place ‘The Building is NEW AND ELEGANT. and the Kooms LARGE, WELL-FINESHED and furnished | twa very SUPERIOR STYLE. ‘The Porlors wre | = : Ti was designed a» a first class p and all the sub-wrrange-! G d | / if / have reference tw shal 0O éeirs yor very OG y eo seven tothe minutia ot the entire business The ‘= «> Be Deo It will be seen by che wbive that J xm now iu the Meuse of Messrs A. & W. Mycas. I respectfully solicit the patrouage ef my fneads, pledging .to them all the advantages which ure prom eed in the above advertisemeut. Their wants either iu perrap or by urder, shall at ull tice receive my careful and poump attention. VP. GOWAN Mancu 22d, 2859. wH3 Hotei, in iis Constracien ; subscriber will be pleased to reerive patronage, and beli ver his expertence i the Morel business willena ble hin to give satisfaction Heroleitsmtest, whieh INF EE WAT by-the-by, in the ouly true way of ascertaining the merits of the Houre with the Rastroad Cars resularty L. L BOYDEN New Clothing ! Good Clothing !! Cheap Clothing!!! Mr. DAVID WEIL, has just opened a LARGE STOCK of READY MADE CLOTOUING, in the house formerly cecupied by Jastes TL lea siss as a Book Store. The subscriber hnving occepted a place au ube above establishavent, most respectfully selene his Fe will afford him touch pleasure to show them the bospeafeser of this friends and mequaintaners te enti elegant House JP. Gowan, jand respectfully invites the public to call, as it will be to their advantage, before May 17,1509 ul purchasing elsewhere. Among bis Steck may be found every variety of Ready TRUST SALE Made Clothing to suit the Season. Fine Black and Cold) Dress Frocks, Super . SALE. Tralian Cloth and Sik Alpaca Coats, fing Summer Cashmere and Tweed Feoeks and B T VIRTUE of 4 Deed of Tarst executed to Sacks, Linen Duck Drill and Brown Linen Coats, Ex. Wiote and Faney Marseitler ie undiraigiad hy Miceesl) Brlwns for pur Coats, Spanish Linen Raglans, tine Black Doeskin Pants, faney Side Stripe anh poses therein inevtoned, we will sell at public aucion 5 e aq has . 5 . In the town of Salishbary on Waduesday, dhe tb of | HHErE Pants, SoS. Drape, Union Cashinerett 1 Its, plain and faney Sik and Satin i Vests, white Buff and fancy Marseilles, aud a tine assortment of Linen and Mar | seilles Bosom Shirts and Collars. Gentlemeim’s Furnishing Goods, OF EVERY STYLE AND QUALILY ; Yadkin River Plantation, | contaimoy 150 ACRES «ving ammediately en the no nod Danvedle, 44) iniles from: the former town, ou which there isa valu- Terry. known ae BROWN’'S PERRY, inain road from Suli-bary to Sah jbury. {a7 Let every person call and examine for himself, and he will not be dis l which vields ann diy from §600 10 $800. There is| appointed, j further indulgence cannot be given BLACK, | BLACK, | ENGLISILE BREAKFAST, ENGLISH BREAKFAST, ENGLISH BREAKFAST, Just received by WoT WYATT, Dragyist and May 34, 31 SELECT — BANGING S&RGSSR. PROFESSOR WILLEAMS Would respectfully announce te the citizens of Sal- of the above named accomplishment on Monday, Ladies, Misses and Masters, and at 8 o'clock, for Geni leinen. May be found at the Boyden House, from 11 to | o'e eck, on School days. Miy 31, 1859 1 FOR SALE. NUMBER one SULKY and BUGGY of the n very finest fiumh, and tor durability ansurpas- * ‘To persons wishing each ve s.a bargain many be had SPRAGUE BRO'S Salebury, May 31, 1859 lif Houses are Cleared of Vermin, And Gardens preserved fran the rovages of insects and worms, by Lyon's Magnetic Powders and Pills Farewell to aleep, when bed huge prey, Or rate and mire (confound them play Professor Lyon found » plantinthe interior of Asia, the powdered leaves of which ix certain death to gir- Apothecary, Salisbury, N.C. | | | | { iebury, that he will open a School for the instruction | Jun 6h, wt MURPHY'S WALL, at 3 o'clock, for Kent up ana Toll Road, and all persons are respects) Nivel or Varieties in Kngheh Life; Almance, The | collected offiof them | (a bargain by calling at this | 7 Tp Josephine Gallety : The Atlantic Souvenir; En. Office (es | ii e w bd R U I P, cravings from the Paintings of Modern Moaters ; u Women of Beanty; The Pet Animal; The Voolet; Y k a P V I B 5 Sh Albaine, &e., &e. Pur pale nt CAS l ( )\ ) yy RR Ss - JAS. 44. ENNISS' Roox Stone den insects, ants, roache-, hugs, fleas, ticke, moths, &e, garden of plants, and rid a house of all there annoy - ing peste. mankind and domestic aniinals A email amount of this powder will preserve a It 10 free from poison und hariniess to It in more valuable in preserving crops than ganno in necking them grow Many worthless imitations are advertined. genuine issigned FE. Lyon. Tne only It ean be ordered through any merchrnt Powpenr kills all insects in a trice, But Prove are mixed for rats and mice. Sample Flaske, 25 cte. regular sizes, 50 ete and $1 | BARNES & PARK, New York. For sa'e at HENDERSON & ENNISS' and W. H. WYATT®S’ Drag Stores, Salixbury. ims? ulso, becweenu 20U sad SOU Aare of fine e River and Creek Bottom, | Sautspery, April 19, 1859. i] nvaluable Meadow. « fire rate Grege frame Dwelling aan DAVID WEIL. “HE COS, EV ON An wrrangement bas been made with Mr THos. E : Baowy, for accommodating the Horses, and other! Stock of persons steppoog here The good reputa- ton of that geutlemau’s Stable, is kuown to the public a I7 An OMNIBUS, froin this Hotel, will connect | | And will sell 25 per cent. Cheaper than can possibly he sold any where elaain Salis | House, si vated in-w fine gree and all necessary out cla ; ae % = beddings, ard a remarked!) healthy Jocanon. Also, | if NON9 | DISSOI [ “TION a tonse cod Latin tbe Gren of Salchury, near the | * ie NL kas 4 aNe public Squarr—o Bue etend for business —now orca: | | SEE tM ardaeh Leche en Cou tamtiiarana pied ty ab Rrow aud others 4 Large sal Mile solved by mataal consent. All those having Wy Neu Bivens \ cure all ple RNs clans agaist the Ferm will present them to Alix psi |) Auld 2 ed CATT Ulitao, Crane CehnAit) Murdoch, who is our authorized agent to close the kone 0 a Droiaroleud sigh) other serlicice mot buriness ; end those indebred to the firm will make me waned ss \ euttoh The Business wi'l be ed s Terms nade known on doy of ele. Any person Leth DS ee Rest edhe) | “al farther nuuce by Murdoch & Raeder } WE MURDOCH, WA EABDER, WW R DARBY April 16th, 1559 45 JAS. T. PETTEWAY, Commission Merchant, And Ageut for Dawson's Line of Steamers, WILMINGTON, N.C, wisbeng 10 eam@ime the land cau do so by o Ransom Jacobs applying P B.CHAMBERS, ' Trustees JOFLCHUAMBERS, § | May 6, 1859. | NOVICK —Al persons indebted to Michael | Breer wil please mike payne nt soon as possible, as OOK ST NEW BOOKS! NEW BOOKS!! UST received at J. UW. EN NISS’ BOOK STORE a large assortment of PBC, SFC, | Trustees. |@ Valuable and Interesting New Books, Pictures, Letter, Nute, and Foolscap Paper, Blank HENDERSON & ENNISS'. Bouks, Ke Among the new Books will be found The Confes- Molasses! Molasses! ! 1! 2 sions of a Schoolmaster, by Alcott; Major Jack . Downing’s Thirty Years Out of the United States x ie buat N.O. and W Seater cea low | senate: Evil wot from God, by John Young, LLD; eg leato by SPRAGUE BROS. | Edinhurgh; Spurgeon’s Gems; ‘The Saint and hie es = a Can, : z | Saviour, by Spargeon; Fred. Freeland, or the Chain CIGARS ! CIGARS! ! CIGARS!!! | o¢ Cireunstances; Roumania; The Border Land of 60,000 CIGARS at Wholesale or Retail at the {the Christian and Turk ; Opportunies for Industry Piel Office. M ASMITH, andthe safe Investment of Capital; Zachos’ New May 17. tf51 | American Speaker; The Carpenter's Assistant and : Rural Architect, by Win. Brown, Architect; Villas, | + | and Cottages, by Culvert Vaux, Architect; The May 6, 1859. (1ds50] FE lace Flat Duteh and large late Drumhead ge Seed foe wale nt Flour and other Produce Cotton Baring, Gaane, & Kerers ro —Johu Daw~ Witinington, No C2; OLG Vars ies, Bi mercial Bank; Dr. Thor tH Bank Cape Fear; E. P Aso orders for Groce nes we Molasses | Wright, Pres. Hall, Pres Apnl 26, 159 NOTICE. 343 SOMETHING to kill RATS, iN Something to kill MICE, Something to kil FLIES, Something to kit! BED BUGS For sale at HENDERSON & ENNISS’. er indalgenc noot be riven And al! persons having claims against said estate wall present them for payment. within the tine pre | Barnes’ Family Prayers; Partey’s Book of Animals, , 200 engravings) The Children's Pleasure Book ; {The Chite Pictorial Album; Grandfather's large | letter spelling, aud picture reading Book, ou a new plan. their recovery Hugh Miller's Works, sworn" OUR MOTTO — Quick Sales and Short Profits. TOMETHING to fatten HORSES, . Something to fatten CONS, Something to fatren HOGS, For sale nt HENDERSON & ENNISS' IEILIG, Adin’r 6w47 My Schools and Schoolmasters ; Foot-printe of the | Creator; The Testimony of the Rocks; The Life A Certain Cure for Syphilis. VandUtimeston taghiMiller Penrow S reliable medicine, warranted a cer- tato cure. For sule at | HENDERSON & ENNISS' | what Will He Do With It, by Bulwer; Woman's | Thoughts About Women, by the Author of John 7 14 a AEN NOTICE. | Mahfax ; Dear Experience, by Ruffin; Jane Eyge ; The Salisbury aod Tavdorsyile Plank Road is sill everin thia part of the Siate Centie-tablea, Sofas, Tete-a-Teter, Vallette Shirley. by Currier Bell; Luthan, by JF atoand Winger Smith; Davenport Dunn. by Charles Bever; My 1 Wash stand, &e Rocking Chaire, Cane dren's Chairs, Hat-stan every thing in our line fully asked te pay their fol, ora fine of $5 will be | t cheap ne can be binght in Mhe State JF. FOARD, Agent , WSL Lover's Straragem; Emelie Carton. Romance of the | Harem, a Confession of a pretty Woman; The | Rival Beauties; The Wife's Trials bv Miss Pardoe N tio». —310 REWARD. | Ldretdasd Len blab Dow's Patent Sermons; The Wild Western Scenes; s Slick ; The Ark Doctor; The Grey PUNAWAY, from the subscriber, onthe 4th inet, vare s Q fi Care Dire d Tl (etiay UV iny boy STOKES. Said boy had on, when he Mare; The Comie Wandering Jew, Whom to Marcy : Major Jones’ Courtship and his Sketches of left a prirof homespun pants and shirt, He ielight colored, slender, grins when ep sken to, and a has scar Travels. on his left Lig: toe \ REYNOLD’S NOVELS L will ive the above reward for him delivered to! : me near Rowan Mills, Rowan Co. NC. or confined Mary Glentworth; Ellen Perey ; The Opera Dance ; so TP get him ‘ WP. GRAHAM. | Pepe Joan; The Young Dachese; The Empress May 17, 1859 eal Eugenes Boudorr; Cooonhurg House; Ada Aron- del, or the Secret Corrider BAKE RS COCOA Books for Odd-Fellows. MOST delicious beverage for the sick and convalescent, The Odd-Fellown’ Manaaly The Odd. Fellows’ Tranquilizing to we k nerves received by WH Text: Book ; The Odd- Fellows’ Offering ATT, Druggi-t a Apothecary, Salisbury, NC Elim May 17, 1859 be had Call at the Furnitare Store of JOUNSON & WILHELM Salisbury, April 26th, 1959, Ly an 25 BARRELS OF casions. LASSES just) received ow by SPRAGUE BROS Salisbury,Dee 13, 1858 ay 50,000 Brick For Sale. Jost ged Bick, can For sale at Mar 15 HENDERSON & ENNIS*' 1f42 HARPERS' Sahsbnry, NC Watchmaker & Ieveller, CONCORD, N.C. TTR eubeeriber hae opened a Watch, Clock and Jowetry Store In the (rea vf Concord, and by Dusinesa hop ote merit a liberal patronage Clocks, Watohes and vil kia teal Tine Pleces, repaired inthe most enrefal manner, and warrinte! August a1, 1888 (Wty) Theory of Vocal Music, SEVEN KASY LESSONS April 19, 1859 ioe A enpply of the above nreful Musical Work, handsomely printed and for sale at I A ND PLASTER. For seals by SPRAGUE BROS. Draving. ape: undersigned is fally prepmred todo all kind of DRAYING, from or to the Depot, or any where elae in town, at any hoor of the day op night, as cireamatances may require Ordera de lvered to them or left at their Stable in the East on Charges mode SNIDER & RIG 347 ENNESS: Roon Sroar regularty for sale at zu areful attention ty SICKLES’ TRIAL, Complete, JH. ENNISS’ Book Stone Kerosine Oil. | TK, genvinne KEROSINE OIL for svle at HENDERSON & ENNISS WoW RUPP Ward, will receive prompt aites { raye | NN: For vale at THIS OFFICE e Qiet, 1BSA 1130 Solicits Coosigaments, Naval Stores. Cotton, Corn, ' q,and Dr F. J. Um, » Pres Com- Brinch Branch Bank | States N C5 POS. Latterloh, Req, Fayettevitle, NC S Administrator on the Estate of Joho H Miller, decd, Thereby give notice to all persons whe are indebted to eid estate, to mike immediate set- Ladies Manual of Fancy Work, by Mra. Pullans; | tirment promp'ly paying what may be due, as long- scribed by law, of this novice will be plead i bar of | In Boyden's Granite Row, Oppomte the Rowan House NOV ELS. | ae public are invited to call und examine our splendid etoek of Furniture—the best and fines Tt consists of Baresus China Preeses Wardrobes, Bedsteads af every kind, Parlor Chars Chairs, Chile . i ana - : Administration Business, Hl oof whieh we will sell at in fac Also, a good assorunent of Wood Coffins kept on bund, and furnished on xe rensonable terms as can We have a» fine wew Hearse for funeral oc New Crop New Orleans Mo- and for sale Beautiful Gift Books. “THOSE wanuog thay Fit or Sinty Thousand MONTHLY and WEEKLY. THn iIGREAT ENGLISH REMEDY. SIR JAMES CLARKE’S CELEBRATED FEMALE PILLS. bad PROTECTED BY ROYAL. j 4, Bo, Prepared froma prescription of sur J Clarke, MD. Phage | mctan Brtruordiniry wo the Quees. This invaluable med cine i> uifailing io the cure of af! these Paiutul and daugervds diseases Ly which the female constite- Han is mulject. It moderates «il cxcess and removes all obetruss Siess, und u speedy cure way br rehed on. Wo Marrica Ladics itis peculiarly suited. [twill iu a short time, bring o the = y ty period with regularity ) debtie LETTERS PATENT. price One Dy bears the Goverament Stamp interfeite tion. hy funates dering the FIRST ney, dathey aresurelo bring time they ure aufe coc These Palin ahold nt | THREE MOW TCHS of Progr on Mincarrtuge, bul utany othe fo all cases uf Nervous ant spinal AGcctioos, Pain im the Back aod Limbs, Fatigue on slight exertion, Palpitation of the rt, Mysteries agd Whites 1) ese Pits will effect a cure whem el ther ineans have Iniled , and although a powerful remedy, det contain iron, calviwe), autiimony, of anything hurtfal te Y onstitution Ul directions in the pamphlet around each package, which @ iii be carcfally press ved wule Agent fur the Uaicd states an! Canada, JOB MOSES, Kochester, N.Y. NB 61.00 and 6 postage stamps enclosed to any authorised A oot, Wil insure a Dottie, gain OO pills, by re ure mail sold ‘in Salisbury, by Henderwa & Fonins, WH. Wyatt, and all respectable Druggists 4 BAKER'S COCOA. | MOST delicious Levernge for the sick aud convalescent, Trauquiltaing to weak nerves, Just received by W. H | WYATT, Druggist & Apothecary, Salisbury, N.C. (1mao | ARGE LOV of TEA end COFFEE SUGARS. j Ba Just received, McNEELY & YOUNG. Mar 22 143 ~ Valuable Factory | Mill Property for Sale!! HE subscriber desiring to give his attention more | exclusive (oother bus ves, offers forsale his valaa- ble Factory and Wil Property, known as Mercoch’s Sash and Blid Factory, on West Hill, wear this | place. ‘This cstublishme nt comprises a very extensive and valuable sssortmentof Machinery. begioning with one SU horse power Eugiae, one & horse jortabte do., ove large Woodworth’s Planer, 1nd one other large doy one Spoke Lithe, with county night, Sush and Bhod Machiwery, Gears’ Machine, with coanty right ; Seroll Saw. several Circular Saws, Boring and Mar- emg Machines, Turning Lathe, two Grist Mille, | Seg hae ‘This properry will be sold altogether or in parcels j to wut purchasers; but preference will be given to | any one willtake the whole asil stands, and coaltinue the bus: ness There i a large amount of Machinery not here j damned ‘Those who want any thing im this line, are advined to call noon, as Lain desirous to close it vat with a liule delay as possible, and will give a bar- gan WM. MURDOCH. Salsbury, May 2d, 185 149 ‘ Lan tl ’ ; 1 Fp BAKER'S COCOA. MOST delicious beverage for the sick and convalescent, ED Tranquilizing to weale nerves WYATT, Druggiat & Api BAKER’S COCOA, MOST delicious beverage for the? sick and convalescent. LA Tranquilising to weng nerves, Just received by WH WYATT, Druggist & Apothecary, Salisbury, N.C (imao GAS LIGHT! — PATENT Non-Explosive Self-Generating CAS LAMP!! INTHE pubic are now favored with the BEST, SAFEST, and most ECONOMICAL LIGHT ever produced, equal if not superior, to the best Coal (sas It is adapted for Churches, Hotels, Stores, Reading Rooms, Pnvate Dwellings, Manafactores, Stenuiboats, Raroad Care, &e., gc. Ttonly requires ) a thal te prove its seperionty over every other purta- ble Light now in-use. For sale by HENDERSON & ENNISS, \ Sahebury, Way 3. 159. 1149 ~ . mo ae Q SEIELITS POWDERS. MOBT useful Medicine in Billious and other disoases inci- | dental to warn cimates, Prepared by W. M. WYATT, | Druggist & Apothecary, Salisbury, N.C (2m49 | | | Just reerived by W. H. Cary, Salisbury, No {lnad Linseed, Sperm and Tanner's Oil, HENDERSON & ENNISS’ 142 For sale at Mar. 15. Clothing, Clothing. | Now its the time to procure the most CLOTHING Market. desirable in \ the | WV Fore wet received another large lot of Cloth- ing of the most FASHION ABLE STYLES Gentlemem wishing handsome Clothing #bould never buy before examuing cur steck, as we keep the ines! cho ce Goods ever brought to this market and at ihe lowest prices. BROWN, COFFIN & MOCK. May 10h. 1859 1150 SEIDLITS POWDERS. MOST useful Medicine in Bill'ous and other diseases inci- deatal to warm climates. Prepared by W. Ho WYATT, Druggist & Apothecary, Salisbury, N.C. [2m49 SEIDLITS POWDERS. MOST useful Medicine in Billious and other diseases tnci- dental to warm climates. Prepared by W. H. WYATT, Diugzist & ApoMecary, Salisbury, N.C {2m49 ~ BAKER'S COCOA. A MOST delicous bevernge for the sick and convalescent, FA Trangni taing to wenk nerves Just received by W. IL. WYATT, Draggist & Apothecary, Salisbary, N.C. {148 | Heckers Farina. EMARKABLY wholesome and nutritions. Just received by W ou. WYATT, Deuggist & Apotheoary, Salishury, N. Carolina (mas m— Bigs JAVA, MARACAIBO, LAGUIRA and (6) RIO COFFER. 75 bbls N. O. and Cuba Molasses. 100 bbls. Refined and Brown Sugars 20 tons Verovian and California Guano. 100 bb's best Land Plaster. 100 bbls. Hyd Cement. ® Salmon, Mackerel, Shad, Trout, Matete, &e, &e . for sale by FISHER & FOARD. | Newbern, N C.. May 10, 1859 4150 LEATHER. A very snpenor lot of Unper Leather and Calf Shine for sale by BEARD & BROTHER May ‘th, 1839 1150 Sahebory Those indebted to the Estate of Caleb A. Heilg, dec'd, are hereby notified to come forward and make pavment; and those having claune against suid Es- tate, are also notified to present them to me withia the tine limited by law, otherwise this notice will be plead in bur of their recovery P.N. HEILIG, Adm'r. Sts May 7th, ° Western N. Carolina Rail R. Freight M ERCHANTS and others are herehy notified that all a FREIGHT deatined for the West, will he sent forward im-nediately op its arrival at Balisbury, and all goody shipped te North Carolina ports will be seaied up and forwarded to their destination without breaking balk the terminus of each Road. JAMES C. TURNER, Eng & Supt, 89-00 1R59. February 22,1859 x! wish to purchase 20 good and young Negroes Fellows and will pay the bigh-at CASH prices for them 1 want them suitable for working my Lexas plante- and desire to bay as svon as Tecan. T would ay girle and boy= from ten to twenty years old, and want twoor three families if likely H. L. ROBARDS. fag ton Salebury, Muy 4th, 1858 LAW PARTNERSHIP, A. Tl. & R.A. CALDWELL, OFFICE, the one formerly occupied by Dr. Nesbit, on Water Street, SALISBURY, N. C. March 1, 1859 *,° Banner please copy TAN BARK WANTED. pie subscriber is desirnns of pnrehasing a larre quantity of TAN BARK [TT Persone wishing to engrge will do well by making immediate applica- tion upon the subscriber wc SI NON TON ' £40 March 15, 1859 isd | j | ie ee el s e s ‘COUNTRY MERCHANTS. Waw, o=par, AND EXPEDITIOUS ROUTE FREIGHT FOR THE INTERIOR OF Bit CAROLINA. \ ERCHANTS and others about purchasing their 4 fea and Winter supplies, ure Teguested to no. uce that by the completibn of the North Bustern Rail Road, from Charleston 8. 0. to Chesuw, the ad. vaillage of a CHEAP and @xpedivivus route from the Seaboard isopened tothem. ° All Freight consigned to the eare of the Agent of the North Eastora Rail Road will be furwurded free of Commission. No charge for storage will be made at Cheraw. All goods will be taken cure of iu the Compauy's Ware honye nti called for. Schedate of charges formtra te. portation of Freight will be found at the Post Ofties 38.35. SOLOMONS, Kngineer & Superinieudent. ult August 10, 1858. AND Se A BL’ Ee 1( HOGSHEADS New Orleans end Wet Ladia Saygars 80 Bags Rio and Java Coffee 20 Hhds Museuvado aud New Or- feans Molasses. 65 Birrels Crushed aud Coffee Sugar. WOU Backs Salt. SPRAGUE BRO'S. Slsbury, Dee. 13, 1858 Fl) STEVENSON & BOWEN, (LATE STEVENSON, DOWEN & NEOMITH,) Wholesale Dealers in DRY GOODS. Have Associated with them DANIEL M. ZIMMERMAN, f-rmerly of Linconxtoy, N.C., and Removed to the {. gm Store No. 53 North 3rd St. below Arch, where } increased Stock will be kept, and inducemeats of- ¥od equal to any House in the trade. 1859 Pumavecema, Jan. 25, pd6m035 . LAND G2-aDpRe 2p BE LBC. [ Salisbury, qmile from the WON. CG RL R Neoat haltis cleared; ths balance is exesleut wood (oat and bottom, On it are 2 GOOD MEADOWS, 1 welling Houses (one is an excelient one 2 good Woeros, and all other necessary buildiugs, Ti ean be iwided into 2 or 3 farms to suit the purchaser. Call JULIUS A NEELY. Bin ing r3x ofr for sale 650 ACRES of Land, & miles West eoren Feb. 15, 1859. MILITARY GOODS. 8 vords, Sashes, Belts, Epaulettes. Laces IND EVERY DESCRIPTION OF MILITARY GOODS, ACCORDING To THE Latest U. S. Army aad State Regulations JUYLER, HARTLEY & wis HAY, MVORTERS & MANUFACTURERS 19 MAIDEN LANE, VEW YORK. Lene July 13, 1858. DENTAL NOTICE, S& DR. BESSENT, | | REMOVED +o Tue DENTAL ROOMS on the corner formerly oecupied by Dr Bason, where he ty previrc ro ineeted with his pr Janet dito atieud alt operanons (f2k Carolina City, N. C.. July 26th, 1858 Tue Atlantic and North Carotins Roi) Road be ing ew completed to Béeauvwoat Uannur. L have deter- mined to locate at Carolina City, for the purpose of dung a FORWARDING AND GEVERAL COMMISSION BUSINESS, aad hope by promptiess aud «trict attention to merit your patronage and support. Beiug the Ageui of Murray's Line of First Class Packets, to thieand MOREHEAD CITY, every effort be made to mak this the cheapest and in ost ex pedi tions reate to New York discharged at my Wharf wil adjornms the Rail Road Wharf,) and ube reby save CARTAGE and LIGUT:. | ERAGE E® Partienlar attention will be given to all orders and to the sule and shipment of Prodgce WILLIAM B. GRANT All shipments of Produce to D, Corots Munnar. New York. will be forwarded (ree of Commission August 3d, loin. ole ’ A CARD. AVING associgted with myself Me Jouy ff [ Esias, revenify of Petersburg, Va, man of hong experience in the Drug business, and having moved into th large new brick balding on the corner of Main aud Water merensed farilities for copduciny she business, } trust we will be enabled to command the confidence und patronage of ny former cum omers aud (© pube he generally. Our motto will be to Miee salsxjaction Call and see us. a gentle Streeis, with our C. A. HENDERSON, San. 11, 1859 11393, Ce ® State of North Carolina. CABARRUS COUNTY Court of Pleas and Quarier Sessions, April Term 1859 J.J. Misenheimer aud J denhour, nheimer, Cox am! Cu, va Christina Ridenhour Original Attaciments levied on Land (T appearing tathe sitmiactioa of the Court, that the defendant, Chostins Rdonhone ie not an intab iramt of this State, Tt ix therefore ordered by the Court that put Carotina Water wan, orinted in Sulishiry, notifying her ty be ant inp ear before the Saxtiees ofoar Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, at the next eonrt to be held for the couviy of Cabirrus at the Court-house in Conord, on the 3! Moudiv in duty next, then and there to pleator raplevy she has, why the planted «evel not have jucgmnent paguinet hér, dod the laud levied apon by virtue of sad allachwents be eld io salty the ame. Witness, No Slongh. Clerk of our anid court ata fice, ia Concord, the Id Mond A.V. 9°59 and the 83 year of our Indeper NELSON SLOUGIE, ©. C40 Ow ix 10d show cange. if any in Spo, pr. ady. 85 5 State of North Carolina. Davi county. * Caurt of Pleas and Quarter Sessions Wayeh Term, 159) J. Gf, Kennedy. va. Abraham Contis Oniginal Attachment Levied on Land {T appearing 16 the natiafaction of ite Court. that the defendant, Abraham Conlin, ie nor aa iolalatint of this State: It is, the retire, ordered by the Court that publiestion be made for weeks in the Caroins Wetabman, printed iu Swlielery, thar the wand Abrn fen Conte be and apponr at the next Court of Me aad Qaariet Seenions. to he held for the Coumy ot Davie, at the Conrt Honse in Mickey Ye, oon seeond Monday in Jane next. nad whe he has, why the arid land shill not be emned for the satisfartion of the Plaintifie debt and eale ote cedt aecordingly. Witness, A.A. Harbin, Clerk of oar guid Conrt, nt OBce the Mnd Manday jm March. AB 1859 P A.A. HARBIN, Clerk. Pr. adv. $5.50. Bw? i” -Kerosine Oil. HE genninne KEROSIN BOLL for ani nt T . HENDERSON & ENNISS. | Coffee, Sugar, Molasses! Verse!» wili be loaded and | FAMLYGR OQ BRIES, [Seefs se wade ick, vs. Chriscug Ri- | ttion be mide for six weeks in the | NéW Wadds! New Oak SR | ee: subscriber takes pleasureimannouncing to his | YE STUFFS, PAINTS, TURPENTINE, friends, and the public generaliy, that he has | BSIN Chatk, Whiting, jtaken 0s tong established and well known Hotel, land Whe made every possilleprepdration toaccommo. RINALS, Syrenges, Breast Pumps, i ARDEN and Grasp Seeds, date the business, travelling and Virility portigns of S ALT-PETRE, Borax, Glue | | the publie, in the most satisfactory manner. SPRING STOCK, 2c: i" | i Hust opened,--consisting of \ 438 Xn B | . | and every comfurt is provided ip Ris ae ed DRY 60008! ROOM: » 9 { fix STABLES ure abuudanily supplied, and at- ' Sa Ware BUNNETS, tended by a careful ostlers and to wll departments : jthe proprietor gives lis poriona) attention Boots and Shoes \ comfortable OMNIBUS ruus regularly to the ~ — = |deooton Che arrival of the curs ) READY MADE CLOTHING, Wich these ofuree co please, i fiberal share of the CROCKERY & GROCERIES, | WM. ROWZEE, 1f-25 whieh we will sell at low prices for Cash or on short | tiem ded. J A. McCONNAUGHEY. | | Mareh 29, 1o5y. 44 : & Manufacturers Aitic'es, M AGNESEA, Mustard, Ginger, {’ NEMAS, Surgical Instruncats, ad URABLE tak, Blacking, SINGLASS, Gellatine, Extracts, * Finanry Q5ch, 185K. ‘\V ORKS, Bottles, Sponge, i WW" \ \ sy J NICO, Avnsiio, hose, Pink, C ) aa L S N UTMEGS, Mace, Cloves, VEGETABLE LITHONTRIPTIC | I MERY, Rotten Stone, Sund Paper, 4 S ALTS, Sulptur, Cream Tartar, Ls | on FRIEND OF THE HUMAN FAMILY. SUFFERING FROM 4 DISEASED KIDNEYS, a Stuncin the Bladder and Kidneys, Weal | W INDOW Glass, Putty, ELLOW Ochre, Lamp Black, TATCH MAKE ey ness of the Loins, be, Thirinvaluntle medicinecs for sale atthe Davis | CIDS, Alcohol, Fluid, Motel in Muehestile; wODr RO Campbell's. in Eres! jdell; atthe Drag Store in Charlotte; at Zeverly’s | Hotelin Sac, aud atthe Carolia Watehman Of T RAIN, Liureed and Lamp Oils, i COME AND SEE W.R. WILSON’ NEW SHOW C; ND the large, new supply of fe WATCHES, JEWRLRY, and a great variety of @littering Charme of new Styles and F wns, rome of them of the “AT- LANTIC CABL order Call ta — Louk round —and see the splendid array ‘of beautiful i} Clocks, Walkiag C:n2s, &c. | of varions kinds. | Now is the sime to bay eheap ° Waving bought! tiee. ta Satiebary The subsenber having catered into copartnershi; withJohn F. Cowan, origina! patentee,for the man ufactureand sale of the above Medicine, ispreparect« | furnish a supply by addressing him at Salisbury, N | C.orealling at bis residence, 19 iniles west phthe | [Nace E.D. AUSTIN 5 June 2l, 1855. T INCTURES, Barks, Quinine, Q ODA, Saleratus, Starch, Main Street, SALISBURY, N. ©. Jan. 4, looy CELEBRATED VEGETABLE CATTLE POWDER. 32 (samt R. HARRY MANUFACTURER & Ong, aN, | EY “are KINDS OF HOUS FURNITURE Y trom the manutaeticers, for earth onty irect : WIN -five per eent chenper thant snd Lowilb sell, tw such arocles ever have been weld it Deliobury, and feeut, even wb these jow | pe Proprietora Like pleasure i offering their EARLY OPPOSIT | iis Vegetable Cattle Powder, feeling contident thar CRAWITE ROW | 3URY, N.C }itis the article long needed by the Agricultural v« Phe ¢ 8 for cash, L will deduct 3 jx SE tates ; | Come end see the new sapply of SILVER TEA J musty we, Hoge, acd She epien sod TABLE SPOONS, and the best q 9 y of -——— — = — Mar pg | tery into the eneulation, produce an aliernutive | NEEDLES that ean be found on this side of the U. STATES M AT etleet thereby, paniiving the blood and ull ereretions | jAdaniie; ale SILVER PLAPED CAQTORS. e kK Sy Ws Vine Powder is recommended for horse. to be given| j Mit kinds of Watches, Clocks,J+welry &-.. prompt- - of Deiraper, stotberug, Coughs, Fe and warranted for To thisbrauch the proprietor gives Wee WISN tf1R Vy repaired, atthe lowest races th coteiale 1 vers, Foot-direases, Glanders. Furey. Gipesand Col. rn . Jaune oud Yellow Water, diseares of the kid- Vv. fowadered horses, We E OF SCHEDULE, | Wr tescce y derem of tablespoon‘ urtines a week mixed with waier when drakiug | twelve mouths his Gale attention Safisbary, Sept 22, P58. a ‘CHAN: Female Normal Schio , ; rae ee I F Salisbury to Asheville. Hie oreslessa Heh iocunsnendet Oemen Pa High Point, N.C, Rail Road, 1S BROW NR MINE OF SHOmME Lr pn fame mandir a he 15 MILES WLST OF GREENSBORO ( : weber z 4 © senger Couches is now runing im connect) st te, avin out al the pon Rev No MORAY, Pars ) with thet TELE object of this Losutucwn on te provide forthe CONES ta te a healthy remot the boa, witheli nent ANavistants. iar Nand ompe rin yield twee boo Sal Ving (heir appetite the amount of aiik Western North Carolina Rail Road, Dorr Wat once area ce pow thor heducation of Voung Locres. angus au . » . r a ’ : ue aD ties ae e‘teaving Bafisbury by Rai! Rosd at 3 o'clock AL Micl der weluever ts hoaric, Dtalould be geven Ir onal feature te qualfy waehooo them as ainiy ¢ ' to, for the av Ar Wot teaching bts next Seeman 0 Moadaye, Weanesiaye aac t ® reachiy | dores of a litle spoonful three tunes a weeb. and it th ‘ ; . : Mergiaii1a Saye PRU GINS TEEN lean iit Ror Treeline iveaeenwrci eiraes \will open on the dstof Pebrmary. in the New Brock ¥ Jays : Hi © Z Rae 4 mtany NEON pases PLEASANT GAR. | he wopure + fihe blood and secretions inay be Baikdinge recently parche sed the dude Pepned The bur DENS for Breakfast sev the BLEEK RIDGT n thy is situated ai ou b alge ve on trata a (want Honend day, wid oftuing ww Che pate a tine vewo if 4 Hodew Horn, Hoof disease. or rows i welletar So acentiatodace LOU bourdine Che ¢ mated | h CEC K OMOT INT UPN ovat WK re tir dry Cowes, t hur bee dees "Me. Mitcheli and ¢ men Vreuching Aeloviie 1) found bahiy bensticlal by giving the powder every puprts We shall have leccures andexperimentsin Natural!) Genes, whieh wail OW EIGHT ty VIN hide | duy, ur three umes a week Gience, ix, win exper cre Lnetrustor, Batre wat advance of may oiher note AF OnON (out enmaniinie || HOGS furmisbed Rooma, dre-phieces fied, Me 86 per month 5, Wil be spared to make thie the a wr ae LINt aN Ror Noumtieepowderinrecammended the are en English Branehe . Au ce sc tu : iy PREAD widit « fon ne ssawelled necks, alcers in the Innes und Aa OG eniealeaes mT Not graen te al willin every tustance refund thei ver andin fattening, and avey be veo by imiving h ed yn adtvat Stage Fare a pound ora halfela package in a barrel of swuil tor, eesand Pupile dwell toy (oS, TBA ON POULTRY the anme table CONOMIE | Pe Young Ladies of tanited means will he credited Morganton, N.C, Aur Vat, [stm thd The Cattle Powder, neoving ane Mevcions for what Salua CWas fist 6 comune eo dtced severe! farnera te {for Purtwuwutdibey rau teach aud pay tori. inent Mise PK Haswono, Teacherof Mone and French Wolter tweoor th bons guarantied to spe) jufornets JO N ESV LI K feed it to some laying tee, and found the effi ct anost as Qovarss, C * a a SE) wont em, bes des, making them REV. WI LANGDON, Prorutron Male and Female Academies. continue Heer Be can, | ohn ete Z Rew WW Van Barnes A) Mi Prine ps ae Bi made Wot cones | EN Y LJ. Caenry, A.B. Asspe-aie iy herp abe hein ae BOOK BINDING AGENCY, se 00 ioe Pte Pome boy themes Gis aicca | IN SALISBURY. FOLD, Wh * iby Woe W Y ATT HAVE the plenanee to inform the public. that I Board per session of 21 weeks, wih every thing for Drusy at. Sal abury, N. ( (f2 te a ide arrangements wih Me ai Ravxen ished excep! | vhts, LS Ee eC oresy e a "JOHN DOOLEY, thowe ordering throuzt hen AG work went ti me Lumen ese ay a Hat and Cap Manufacturer, through hie Vgeney, shail " AND WHOLTSALP De ALPR IN J and be executed with ex sctun ss eebeeh ete, Tbe twenty enghils sensi of thi se schools willapee | ; : a quality and style, and ou us | one Birding the West Wedvestay in January next Ter baghi Hats, ¢ aps, Lers, Trimmings, be, van be obtned tn guy part ol the country unt that foher all enter the first week or om pew HAVE now an hard a fier us poxwible I romplet» and name | thers romplrte and extensive am Blank Books, Ledgers, &c., Phe schools are conducted in targe bividings, avi “ie ioneen sociation adh ath of (At A mutable distance apart, atkerd nw parents an Vine adapied to the SIICIN Ge LRN 1s. oe which constant wddiious will be made cunug or for the use fini et’ er kone and daughters a thor edecanon ithe same village. We ratts, with mapa and globes. niko {the benefit of the pupils For Clerks of Courta, Reersters Merehs Ra or Manatictarinr ¢ mid- to order. pany every order, tunity to give art, have afine app A good library fe nts, ‘la Wo lustruedon shonld aceom DAVID CLEWELL Suv H | for the accommodation of etudente, at the (OORT per mond. and we hone [diane will wend usin one hander My expericnce and ficiities have enabled me. on offer the LARGEST host COMPLETE STOCK Ver beens fered in Virginia To wontd ask the particular wtiention of my eaMtons ere LOY stoek of ' STRAW Goons. which for variety and extent cannot be furparned JOUN DOOLEY, Maru street, Richmond, Va (fd2 | Feb. 29th, 1859 Wenow dave several Fire hoard: ty houses oper eatetenece He egiene of GOODS how pater {wow the that parent« and guar dand fifty for the het Iya and Galalogues wall be J. FL MOOSE, Reinet Ts now receiviog and pening at dexk 6 Comstn, « liter aid we lselocied Stock of FPAWILY GROCERIES, CONSISTING OF Cfo sre Hi | ALC. MALCOLM, vent | Nov. 10th. 155R | Jonesville, Yadkin Co, N. ¢ tf25 AEN MARBLEVAR, = Ixa9 MILO AS. ROSEMAN, M.D. WOULD respecttulls inform all tome that treuidebted to lim by secoant, that they Molace Tea CAPAr ould setthe by inte or cash. us further indalgence Molassr«, Teas, ae. titted be ten Tio his ab eetee on Pepper Spree. Mustard, PRACTICAL MARBLE COUTER Ge hese { { Starch, Pickle, Catenpa. | Riisina, Fige, Almonds IBSPECTEUCLLY informs the public. thar he ne } Candy. Vincgar, Powder, DU fine opened a No B—Dr Rosrwas e | Shat, tend, Gildea Syrup, \ wich ! Wore and 1 | Ge. de. Alea Tube ‘ | MARBLE YARD the vers libern) patroness shat he haa recormed {| Buckets, Brouma, Churns, Measures, Bed Cord. ' meierthe MMHeerin iti alenire t . _ theres by atret atention to hie profesaienul bua ; exclusively for PPO" WI teh GOAN yee relmiccitriiue lie) aanies WU Hiaeuil aeandeltteetns ce ! vatehy tor MONUMENTS fONES. TABLE TOPS, and a Marble IMPORT Rope, §&e allot which were doug! : fl gates <n. ae HAs Work in the (UPALIAN of | [State of North Carolina,” AMERICAN MARBLE, Having made arrangements by which he can pro | | cure the IMporTED tratiay MARBLE, | | cw, and willbe sold at short profits for Cash os More, whichis tO miles Sowh-west of Salisbury i ' Produce | Salisbury, Mar 29, 1859 cule Ol where heim permanently lecuted line, of either Lop Mureh 8, 1859 Jinpd Al DR. WISTARN BALSIW OF WILD CHERRY, BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS ' Take onty the Genuine l! thd DAY IF (COPA MENE Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, March Term, 1R59 It. Claske, va. Weire at Law of David Clarse, dee'd vuld be happy to have all desirons of dealing Dourer. | vtoeatf and see specvmege of Marble, hear ; prices, and jugde far themselves | Havin stredaced he can fill all orders tor Mowaments, &¢ sble rates. prices » al reamon- | AVERY thing which is realiy valuable and which costa the 4 inventor tine, money and reach, ie sabfect ta be base counterfeited, Thicreenphaticatty the cnaw with Wisten'a M940 OF Wity Crary, the invdu ible qualities and wellearn . ely atrd never fall Petition for Fepntarion of mbtch wen certiin, ante, © far Co Crore, Qn Wa, Cone, Hoenn ved mY Tt appearins to the eatisfiction of the Conrt, that | Wethew and Youce Click. (wo of de defendants! Petition and graod cluldren of the Wad 25 youre experience in the busines ive hia pore mal attoation to patting up nen nena specnlatora In. the upon the unwary a ved Dy Clarks, dea'd., sre not inhabits of tips fur of the true and Stue: Ftis, therefore, ordered by tlhe Court. that “2 Manet only iofieriog « Insting injury Publication be toads for & weeks i the Carotn ' ing te hate dcci« ion proper tin ution, which, in Watchman, tbat toe Kd Mathew andl Youer Me AL the nee Court of Plomse wad Quar he held for Cosine thoase in M im June metic and whom cause if a ‘« Greensborouch Mutual INSURANCE COMPANY, them. atoth Monday y they onan, why 4s to the Caanry of Davie, ly twenty wekeviile. on the erond Sc aecuies nie Snob deteers as ceived the praver of the Hover shal ast be granted or Seu has heen the espe wid seonomy of the of “Mitporn, Delaware, Oct 96, 1844 wigmeot pro confess will be ent red aguiust them, [Acer of this Company, that we fre tree trom debt 8. W. Fowrn & Co., tt Pease aend ine a supply of Wis Witness, AA. Hirhia, Clerk ofcnre tid ( mort, at have inde ne attesements, and bave now on Nand | fare Belec wil there is @ great demand ‘ ! pr tat r ws S008 | forts ‘ he, Ath Whoop office the 2nd Monday ia Maaeh YD dsad arge eagitl viz (a preditun notes & Ss ein tee peel ty ll VA TEAR BIN, Clerk. lcnah $43,345.89 making a total of €470,804.92. to pace ae tii vou aent mea lot eome time Pr adv bwi7 PB Ct ay lowes (hat iy weenie s we th efore bays ner. hat pa wf Che fit Nowieariiy) en es hee Te) Samak TaiK non en TRI-WEEKLY MAIL LINE. HAM OH het nen reat tal de artes CUS Reha cele eee ons CORRE 0s 8 ee a) ore eras portof the State. where the danger fro reis much HE ey vee any a ii id ENE i « By ™ ‘ u TURBOS HENDERSON & ENNISS and WIL wyatr Salighary N.C From Mocksville, N.C. to Nalisbury. \. ¢, nienee ye wean a Y ee u Mare i, 180, wwii CANON OF sotEOULR nee Wek teh (en Dried aera : JAMES HORA Lraree Miokevilleevery Mondavs, Wednesdayaand jor Newhom: EF Lith, Wadeshoreoeh; 8. G Ks Pa: \ Coin Tomesiowns WA Watohe waiopians, WATCH-MAKER AND JEWELER, Mrrirea at Sulisbory ero Nock, POM 'iohn 1 Shaver, Salistwre E WeGpe, Raleigh: H SALISBURY, N.C, Learea Suliabury every ‘Cu Phursdiuye and G Sprott, Pmonth: ROK Peony, Lamberton; The ' i \ Riturdays at ey 4a. Johnson, Yanceyville One door below R, & A. Wuphy's Stern, Arrices at Mocksvitte saine days Vgo'clock, P.M ‘ “REPS constantly on hand a large agsortment o VWrommuninntionson hisanesecannectad with thin Office, should be addrowerd ty ] PETER ATIASES enborough, N.C. Many 5, 1957 WATORES and JEWELRY of all kinds Chocks, Watches and Jewelry af evers deseription The Proprietor send Par sengers froth Mockaville in any winh (0 go. on tenmenable terms. ‘Try hin, all you to@go LO (Hie monet adae im thant direction E OFFICE at Salsbury at the M$apaion Hotel, We. Rowzet. Agent. | H.R ADKTIN, Paorssetn. | Moekeville, Dee &, 1R5R then. pladyow himantf tn 5 ’ es Secretary ty SEIDEITS POWDERS. MOET nsefn! fhe Ya Billions and other divensen tne! A Aental to waim Mimates” Pr pared he W. OM WYATT, rreeiat & Apotheeary, Sallshary, N.C, (2m40 dire etion they may repairedin the best manner and on the most reasona !bte terme February 19, 1858 ly38 MARRIAGE LICKNSES \FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE empound is Urefulin most all divea- | vine Baleam wn fo SPRING & SUMMER GOODS “head of Eve a ‘ybody !!! UWSEASE SUTENS TIONS, ‘call and sce our New Spring Stock of THE UNDERSIGNED RESPECTFULLY INVITE EVERY BODY TO, ONPAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, j They are rich and rave, and far rirpass any Stock in beauty, ; : : : ane We are selling off DRY GOODS tapldly, and eclipse all compe: |“ fed in Salisbury. [ tition. | Give vs a cach and we will convinee you that our Stock is tar SUPERIOR {ANY that bas before been offered tot lthe LOWEST water mark. that was ever offer- fe pubhe, aud that our prices ure down to MOT TO.---Polite attention to Customers, and Small Profits. NOTICE. | SPECTAL of STAPLE Covnrry Mereuwyers and the public generally will find in addition to our Stock | AND FANCY GOODS, a splendid Stock of | READY-MADE CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, fall sorts, sizes and prices, HATS, FLATS and BONNETS, WOOD WARE, BUCKETDS, BROOMS, BRUSHES, TWINE, ROPE, | Drugs, Paints, Oils and Dye-Ntufts. CROCKERY AND QUEENS WARE, jand the best stock of SUGAR, COPPER nd MOLASSES ever offered in Salisbury We beg leave to return oor most sincere ils ths, fast Ne pmo, und hope by WHC vliention ty business, | porehases Dou't fash ge € Mansion Hotel Savissuay, N.C, Mareh 22, [Rug forth vid tow Nberal patro prices, cuey gv best wed anus by our fuen will wall favor us with the ALL AT THE OLD ESTABLISHED STAND OS THE CORNER, opposite the MCONEELY & YOUNG. thd Bazaar of Fashion. Salisbury, April 19th, 1859. MAGNIFICENT FRENCIU DRY Goons FAVES GOODS were pa Wiseb dure ge the post week, and Ce ey NEW AND BEAUTIFUL Desig | eee Pic Style wad Quelity aie ENTIRELY UN- RIVALED-- WEAUTIFUL BAYADERE REGING TAREE TGS OMLENTAL, Hews fer baiies on w VERY ELRGANT Hho ath CHINTZ BAREGE (Nat vrs TWOFLOUNCED Ronbs SATIN STRIPE GREN CUENE POCREE IUEE Pook DE ¢ tr Vik ones VERY REA TIEVL RAY AUERE BARAGE TAO LOL NerD KEDINGOTE honk s ENTRA HICH BAYADERE AND BROCHE DOU nie JUVE MOUSLINE DE CHINE pe 12 COLORED PRINTED BAREGE ROBES, Doli JUVE HEAVY SPN PE attr PVERY RICH CHINE POULT DE SOL TWO FLOUNCRD SILK ores SUPEICOUALIEY VERY RICH PLAID TWO FLOUNCED SILK hor FINE AND BEAT PIEUL PAnis PRIN JNCONPTS PNTIA EE ACK HEAVY GROS OR REIND, ali bled, RICH COLORED PLAT GT ar ARMOETKE StL FINE QUALITY RICH BAY VOERE CHINE DECAL CHALLY Layla’ aptemdid quailty his!) colored mode and black Mouse Jine De Luine. TED ORGANDIES AND so Tupin's celebrated extra quality black Bombasines and De Luities avy Veloure Ottoman Black Rilk. for monrning, RSTOCK IS NOW VEY LARGE, RICH AND COMPLETE <0. | Me Ol Silke, Grenadines, Challies okt Keubroiderten +, Goode for Men und Boys! wear, prices, Musing. and Linens Hy all in want, of the » owing Mat they will find plete In every respect A. & W. MYERS NO4, GRANITE KULLDING tay April 19 J. dO. Noose, Cc isi Merch ommission Werchant, SAV OUST IR, ON, (C. VV TEE tive bit personal attention to the piarchnes of all kinds of Produce ments, for thor other markets Rerenever:—DOA Davie Cashier, B und Snel MH Jenkins, Salisbury, N. ¢ March 24, 1559 ty GS “ They are Cheap Enough, AlKo, to all consign BW Roberis, Cutt hm % & hm © 944 eye g GIVE ME TWO PAIR© NaI eee entrar me pele He w were maown prices named They are cheap enangh, gite me treo And cheap they were Boot ann Stoke Eawroriem last we ek | Shoes, they {he* hin and pair and best Stock Farmers if yon want Sh enll where yon will find the tigre you ever looked at REMEMBER J. H. ENNISS, No. 8, Graxtre Row BAKER'S COCOA. MORT delicious beverage for the sick and eonvalesesn! LE Tranquilizing 0 weak nerves, Just reeeived hy WH. WYATT, Druggist & Apothecary, Baliaber Co} {imao \LOOO fhe HEMIDCR RATHER at MeNEELY & YOUNG'S. Mar. 22 TC & B.G. WORTH, General Commission Merchants, Wilmington, IN. Cc. DEALS RS IN LIME, PLASTER WAIR, CEMENT, LAND PLASTER, ROBINSON'S MANIPULATED GUANO JAN willyot elie AERR FERTILIZER Macet ist, $F OLARNWS PHOSPHATIC Orders for any of the above Alled mission — Teams, CASI 3mp dao f ¢ t eaens, We have on hand a large = 3%} aad superior lot of ‘age ‘GAR, COFFEE, a J MOLASSES, SIC has RICK, BACON, PICKLES, LARD, PEPPER, GINGER, SPICE, CRACKERS, Vinegar, Soda Soup. Stareh, Mirly new and heantifal, me@inm Shot, J &e.. & wad, Caps, ec CALL AND SEB Us, KASINS, MUSTARD, SARDINES, No. 1 Mackerel, Pickled Salmon, Candter, Blacking, Indio, Powder, Snuff, Tobucen. Cig srs, Matches, We pay Cash or Groceries for Country Produce Fresh Butter and Fyvs, Plour and Vr them to uw do brow Salisbury, April Gi. isay ‘\ nice Bacon and Lard, Lood Pens, Beane, 1 fo, alway in reqnest Bring BEARD & BROTEIEER (fh Potatoes, Ontona, HATHAWAY & C0. Wilmington, N.C, to | WYER Cherry Pectoral. \ | | For he rapid cure of Coughs, Coles, | Hoursuers, Bonchitis, Whooping Cough, Asthoa and Consumption, is uoiversut. | lv known es the best remedy ever yet \ discovered for every variety of Pulmon- ary diseake. So wide is the field of ite usefulness and eo numervus the cases uf Ns cures, that alice every section of the country wbounds in persons publicly known, who have been restured from alarming and even desparate diseases of the lungepy iim ure. When once tried tis saperioniy over every other medic ine O° its kind is too appureut to escape observation, and where ith virtues are known, the public no Jonger hevitate whut antidote to employ for the distressing nud dangerous affections of tne pulmonary organs (Whichgere mcedent to our clinate. By its imetly use Many, way alinoet any attache of dineare vpou the Lungs or throat, are arrested and thus are saved many thotsunds every year fom a premature grave. No /femuly should be without it. and those wha do negleet to provide theinselves with a remedy which warde off this dangerous class ot diseases wil] have cause to deplore it when itis toe late. Proo's of the surprising efivary of the Cherry Pectoral need not be given to the American pecples—they have living proofs ia Bat those who wish to read the statements of those whose whole health every peaghborhoud ha» been re- lives have been saved by ite use, which the to faruieh gratis for every stored ond whos Jwill fod them inimy Americun Alana |syeuls below nuined have Price 25 ets per Box—5 Boxes for £100 Prepared by DR. J.C. AYER, Lowell, Mass, | and weld by Henderson & Enuiss, Salisburv. N.C Haviland, Stev & Co, Charleston, S.C. | M.A Na & Co, Norfolk, Va | AO. Bradley, Wilmington, N.C | N.F. Rives, Peroreburg, | Porcell, Ladd & Co, Richmond, Va., and all Drugyists Agr, 12, 1859 | SALISBURY ; | 246 EMALE SCHOOL. s/9 ue subscriber will open a Femace LAD Senwot. at the Lutheran Charch, Salisbury, N.C., ou the first Monday of March inst | TERMS OF TUITION AS FOLLOWS: Sreptise and Reapine, per 5S months, $6 00 Wiring and Atrumetic, “ #740 Ev Geamuse and Pain, $6.00 Cif sietiy gad Astrosisy : $10.00 | Mestefexra. by Mes SE Sinithdeal, §18.60 per Jmoutha Oiher wadies in the same proportion, All persons Wislieg tuciber iteration wall address shu NC. Boarding by Rev. JL. SMITHDEAL. pddysour CAL ITE Coffee J Caffe L! Ric suira, Java and Mocha, @ large lot ou hand and onthe way. For #ale low by Apr, 13-46 SPRAGUE BROS. NY GO0 Ths WEST TV DIA, aad ae. BROWN SUGARS. Also, Crushed nnd Clarified, bor site low by SPRAGUE BROS, Apr 12 46 NOTICE OTICE | os ae TANUE firm of Mule & Moose having chis day made at assignment of their Siock of Goods, Notes snd Accounts to me forthe benefit of the creditors of Wood. Aifis & Co, and Mile & Moose, ll persons indebted tu euher of the above concerns, oe Come forward and setile the firm muat be as Trostee are despee fully requested without delay ag the bucness of closed Be prompt and suave en Jacos Eo Mouse ts my authonzed ‘gent to settle up the netes and accounts {rel ihe rewurning etockoof Geods, The gocds will be clined neat low figures Phione Jebted to the above firm, by note ora count, are hereby povified to auke smnmediate fre ment, Wyoa very ehort tiie will he alhwea bee fore the clatuis wail be put out for collec jon by an tier JAS W.CLAK, ve Jan. 1d, 1-59, | VALUABLE LANDS Bae bpre Sp QOL ce ns ands lying on vd aod ButPtow Rowde, 124 niles near Correll» Mill Creek The ACRES! Mie pleer je wellim: proved —the Hu wious and Fences ure all NEW nnd 9 GOOD CONDETION : FRESH and 4 taine t and the open lands are producuve aa ase lands in this eer- ton "Phere isa ed WEA DOW on che tract, and 410 acre peor of DRAINED BOTTOM, There ace over QUG 4 eof Wood Land compnsing @ great deawlof waluaitle There CHARD of very tele frnit on the place, Piiober, wa YOUNG OR- which is ice tomils, churehee, aloo faversbly oe Xe sted mm refere schoolhouse JOSEPH BL McNEFLY 1136 Che Mndomitable ran ROB ARDE OF THE ROWAN HOUSE, alisbury, N.C, Jan i, Jie) Neontinues to keep this tong eastabliched and popu. I. Horrn. inthe text atyleg-having in bik employ ent asietante, whe are determined ne one shall So way dissatstied Mave not renied onb or Jeased SOT RON Ae COMFORT)” butain stil Proprietor, and invite the travelling public tocaliand partake of the many luvuries our experience and facititiesenable us to give cheny HSE aROnATDS Nov. 22, 145% 26a CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, &c., &e. | William H. Smith, | e VV oer respectfully inform his | ee old trends aud the pubhe, that | he continues to carry onthe | ’ oe Pal To me | CARRIAGE BUSINESS. at hisald Stand, in allits varied branches, and will eb plewerd to show his work to all who want w buy good, solid, darihle and handsome Venictes Calland Inapect his work and hoar prices, His Smith Shope are prepared to execute in the bert style and Manner of work for farmers of other purpnees | Country produce takenine change for work, when desired. Jan. 25, TR59, NAOTHER CHANG 6mo035 Ot dae ! SALISBURY | FEMALE SEMINARY, | Pas flauiishing Tnsttotion hers. vig isin charge of the following ‘Tea OO Hivds. 0 Choice, New Crop.) AD Wirgissos, Principal, Bp TPrerces ) Cardenas Molasses. 75 Barrels ehoter Vow Orleans Syrap. 80 Uhds. fair to choiee New Orleans Sogars. 200 Barrels Clarified Sngars. *€ 500 Bags Rio, Lazuira, West India & Java Coffee. 150 Barrels Mess and Prime Perk. 25 Uhas. Western Bacon.-—Stdes hontders, | 200 Bois. Veilow Planting Potatoes, BS Ae inter | | | | Mareh 14. 1859, Mar. 15 PN YEE ses SOAP for Bo cones, 3msipd Call and buy Q3tbe GOOD at EN DERSON & ENNISS tf4a {OQ BAGS PRIME RIO COFFEE 23 BAGS OL. GOVERN WENT JAVA 25 LAGUER AL Jr recived, McNBELY & YOUNG Mn+. 92 1143 fe Ihe. WHITE 1, D AND ZING 1.0 mn MeNEELY & YOUNG'S Mar, 22. ca EMARR ARTY whotees re ard Nutritiewe Jort secety “by WOH. Wy ATT Lrvegivt a Al Medety Pr bd.) Carolina [1m Mre NOOL Witxivsoy, Agsiatant in the Literary departinent »nd Maurie, Mr. Wa. He yvic, Instructor in Masie, Take plensore in saving that the present Session hie vessed their expectation. We ang thankfut for past favors nnd requeat a continuation 6f the same, rataddition, Ag there may be home who are Sectarian in their feelings ia regard to Sehools, [would exv pobblely what T have sud im private, I teach no fem. if you want that fanght you wust send tor the Preacher with ag The second Session will Comme nee on the 2st day of Feb, 1959, and continue tweny ‘ weeks “ertine of Tuition na heretofore Board in Comily of Principal and others ofthe high ent respectability. A.D. WILKINSON, Privciran. Feb. Ist, 1859. 1136 a TRIS and SWEET POTA TOES, for seed and table vier, for ante low by Apr. 12-46 SPRAGUE BROS. Heckers Farina. - FMARKANLY shoteesme and nutritions, Jnet weotived by Wo. WYATT, Droggiet & Apothecary, Ralishury, W Caroling dma PGs Ge i 5 ah RN R So e = + ci p h , Ao 4 J. J. BRUNER, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR = | 7 TERMS | R200 ule copy Five copics, $00 Teu copies $15.00 Clubs excerding ten i the sane proportion $1.50 cach. Payient a Ways in advances ADVERTISING RATE | queen _ A square ix the space ‘ tied by 16 lipes of 5 v jal renewal fe 64 . Ae hojaveuy g witboub abtitigt ctebarge 3 ‘ ramen tigen witsail F Pausle ie vertine regularly through: the yrat Who g Puree dollar ALISBURY, N. C.. MAY 3, 1 Sends NUMBER 49 lo, Deoated to Patitics, Mews, Agriculture, Jaternal Improvements, Commerce, the Arts and Sciences, Morality, and the Family Circle. A Gicasnic Titersen Extiariis: On the Tet of Marel, the first line of: lee tie telegranls in the ishind of Porto Rieo, Was inatenrated ar Arrive, under thed rection of Prot’ E Mors The auitteovat route, be sald, woud beast esting story wie j ated taken NEN COUIN SON ORGS ole Nw New York Vines relates ae neular and inter- age correspondeut of the yout dadv, who, he i states, Was cast awa ina shipwreek ona Ob tue town cave hin a publie Teiaanhist, . quod ; c | : desela slund in Lake Superior three he book at which there Was presenta large muti ‘ Taner os So ; years avo, and loas tut Just been rescued ‘ ee yy ver of civil, clerical aud ivilitary dignita- : The ae . : to Rivcine, Wisconsin. - yuo BE PAN No discount on Pes In replying to the toast in his ben , . 2: Mies rat 5 ao natrative has an aie of improbabdlite, bat Oh Vol Aste nn touueed toa wane tanl Hiatt u a ; i , wn ; a toav nevertheless be tine Phe voune ‘ auh x ' rt . 1 , | \ x rn wx s va tine ol telegraphic commiinication was lady isa Miss Roehardson, aged twenty: Dhol seca : ~ o pprojected by a powertul company. The two Her countenance, without beit , 6 Couct atl misecliancos KLAN KS tol} postiively tiandscne, Is pleas borin its eX 1 ae ¥ st Ag: ASE all tet thainher are well . ties Statting trom tha Muroseaen ¢ ESC th . : uo : 1 ut Coa ; breeds gel altho hen [saw der she Cape st Vir uy am Port > &@ sdb | . , Wits abr av ce rit TCH eS Cliath Wiebe: GUney Con te take Dey ee crime cable of 450 miles woud be run te : . ee ‘ ‘ 1 ' vite fashion waned cle is a eae Madetras thence to Palin, in the ¢ | ‘ a : : r > fans) I i] Laat | 1 AS NSE PE St Laow ts Hen. 2H aitles ¢ thence te ~ ‘ ese ‘ me _. Ww ( aye to towits i x ¢ AciUgel the Coast of ANtiiea, 760 en ' : ue : we ' ; i ; z ; Wat tor Pere tit sie was AHO celduetod asc Vecrisuy Byacty Wake Deteata, athe Cape de Verdes, S70 miles: l ; i ) = ry ae and titerivent yout lady ‘ee (henee to the taland of San Pedro, Woo , : at Deed j Wie fice iS iit Wiis ie. eanthedl 1 Mav iD 1 Trust, titles the lomoest sects of siderite ‘ < ) “i Isao the barque Marv, from Creve 1 bavity i Gable that weld be reqared on the S) tn ( 13 ) Sued i anne , hated to Green Bay, in order to Int A Wont Whole routes thence to | Sau Reque, : yb : Vovaw ‘ . WUT tiie tay Dartiet Nelwaet Nea CO Andinany other ferns fers feqientasprae, Banke Te Deane, PSO miles : . Pay POM iets if (ei Woastorn ‘ie SCOCE OnE a alt Tlaving arrived on the « f Aimer fea ‘ oa men wil t \ Ga a eubanersved Gable of MY tietes alone ‘ BAR ERS PREMIUM GHODULATE, Gescaceataairse ents KO Mein Sion Son: ts ' oe » Miss | uA W Baker a ( were Preceh Momeoete aie ty Domeraras the — , Witt beet shite, al \ and Varta Bret ie © theitate, Ure pared ane ; \! | Wn Aware SE ik 1 Fe, Fes Sa Wea I ee: oe ‘ Ir wou ' ‘ tere Cocos, Cu: wand Crack Creca st 1 : tose. Line We THe ; brated ar wat. uv ulory amd ' \ San dn wo fl ke } me A for tore thon thee teaethe ve r 1 . . atl Eee \ ! La r faciured fromi Coron of the din oe qaualiy, aod w . Nias IR canted supe tor te any « Vr . Lest yell city . ‘ ‘ ; : ' Tia he Dates ~ Ne le wad aren ‘ \ ba ht ' 4 ! ‘ iis + ‘ for Ver nud ¢ N p = it they ar ‘ Ss \ ! low « Hn ( . \ ‘ fe (erent inven evorrnory, (re oN Nov ( < N ‘ York: Win s teeant, P j fs nin Teun ae, ' ip \ (ol 1 sasha wil Balomore ; Renuett. Duah y & Oe Cae nat ut ’ ot 7 A u ‘ . crow. | by Grocers ze neril’s BTS COTS UTE tte toon a al J ts Any ect cure \ ; WOE RC R Raa ce rain : eye t \ \ A ! thouel 3th Dotelios M ' wana To resolved te ‘ ‘ Ie To peated NEW . oe ae Ww oa ’ i ( 1 d ! 4 ‘ se te 1 L Le 1 1 t Ww t el ‘ ‘ a noe ‘ 1 " 5 ‘ : W \ ern Try the New Groce ry Slore, raya tt tou. ated Jot We] Lxy | , “ : } . A) ner a We niadala Ivy FIRRT DOOR GROUP JONES HeRDWaARh STOLE i ed r met ; ; as vod roneeaed ; i ee a pa Gel Br ' « dial Us | ARPS CORITERMIE SS, vem Gaal cea eal | ca) ‘ Coma ted ome aelinine | Faraily wees ele) be reyabarts sian tn Gur in w We dense) witoin Cite ia! connie AE LOW RATES Cs G eon Us itvorsaes (hy: qe ul ! f Tere ft \ eatianvalic eal farenah at are 1 . a enor Pact on ve t Phe wand « vd tou amrall tora Credit busines ts . ' , : ci tases 4 ! | READ & BOTHER My SIR See ah - ; eran ; bo Aenl 6 pso9 td - u ‘ ty vow We t] tre } the a ; fia W Why < j \ | ey ; THE LIVER ; ' ' & _ 1 my ! t Wee Cat Cie at why Ay aes (t ( \ ite r NAL INVIGORATOR! Ws ; ; bs PREPARED EY DR Suse Le Ae Pate cucee te ate wos ahd ‘ : : . = = - t ‘ ( c Compounded entirely from GUMS, sinh on . ae a cure ey \ < Posen rea ae ee Bee ‘ Wy - i ‘ , pL oe ‘ FUE INES vow moses we ~ F COM atioet | Pic ‘ . : S Cis crn wate ¢ 1 Yen aay i = I Cue j ~ > 1 anan \ lites 4 14 ONE ss 1 Ww a in es . sou Istas | now a~ on as ae ae | ! [aitene feo ands alia wv Laver ( so lin o i ae AG VTi ~ Meade a . . ‘ lets te }. sure ton fast =! \ Vine i ip . a” ' fron oul } es Ss ore il = ah it Wier Cyabi tient ' t \ It { r net t t { BA plaine. w OP tN Mw bie tas | ri “™ ; | , | ' | i wi ied t a ary \ , ‘ * mm ho ' 2 4 | ! Pay! PE litd sive FS ire: 1 +] ) : ven | : a, ere The xe sare se thin ror ey et Ee rer fy : ' , ) ' [a tine) Sete Lal nico thew wr wee Wels cl yey tien Pea tar a ae RAINY ie AEM Aenea uni atone iiicens ave ween twooofs ever tl bowes of san en . male eo Nigire iho thin NeoTrace Thee Ss rusios and | ’ 1 \ Lad ros . \ t tf Wiel ean MO fiat ATTA trelinnes, a ' te rath ley mia ve Fey thvenean. ai eo Mee Uy spepsta oe reheat Fire da i OX ry uods, needies, pias i -= mili iene Me | i HAE A vl Chothe, . } , mm. PUltalene, zener rplibting itis hwy Hea? 1 ats Chotern, ) he we fer gel ttre oli sa forelildien five On the third \ eS ntbee en cee als sal AUS ah (eas it wait ihe Hh Teel oritatea el = fou Ptoosiateen die cose vely faras [¢ _ “Tour thousied: persens in Livery weertained t te be tr | shore ] | ind 14.000 1 Manchester ive in eellitts, yeas sandy !iarren Phalt none trom Ags In] stand 22000 pret Puss tHe tietit Who lake there were slinve ay) sermilys om v batons, tents, or ait wr Phere trees, whiels ereaw lareor and t as ' re have becu tonnd such occurrences asseven. won advanced (aay 18 faye the ~ - t thal (en pei sons in ene eat t waves threw upon the shore leadand : ae fe 1 t eondrt en vA Whore davs without a morsel of toad. bruised bodies of several of tlre tilors All who use If are giving their unanimous t AHS uft if ‘ testimony te vou. o-_. en WED hE RPP 1 ’ Tn dad Ba Mix Wa the » 5 tat R gorator, and ewallow bot! nh ine ihe Joi. Jeane? oan found a meta 1 ay THE LIVER INVIGORATOR TR A ROTENTIFI« working hes curious chanves and carries thier netsat UEC Wei \ Qosechootrer, thon strane puaces, the Virest elke. from the wire was inured to hardship [passed three long and lonely years. | hepta journal darine this Unhappy peri od, My and this was my only recreation Vitle, Ooks, ANG CVE My Were deft ain ey 1 Dutins t three vears | saw but seven vessels. They either did not sce or did not regard ay signals; any abcsh oon these cecasions was indesert batle. dhe thoughts of home and of the friends who were dow qournine oe as amotic the dead, would rush Upon ine with overpower foreg, and my misery } seurned At le too heavy forme to bear AG CENA SS frie upontie istaned meh sary tet mw 1 w Geyierits sat Latnan face toa We ¢ | bdertand each 1 tte y het is that T should pwith thems, Tow ir power, Lat I was w iC ut Clr teats welt thd ly iN Cle ae et ' i" refarncd th me te the 1 tem, wie JI Wok ds theft “Alran twentytive miles trot uy istanel Liev conduged me in two divs ] mmrnes toa Frene tradiue sf, Warerg for the first tire im thre ws TD found tivecit in the company ot PANO AT iCal T Wits recurved watt Wilid G ed) fi t Ik cone MS \ ere ; ait ; npr to Mit iW 1 ri Mors te tee ft ‘ \ ceaiat 1 ‘ that Mi Aatiwe farmed to ‘ tod fain 4 ny \ ol SSO IAS IPTIPT Wit MENG TON, Ne Aa 14 \ | tour 0% ay Al 7 t ( t ut ce Ea (hrange streets. Jie 4 ‘ post desirt 4 i > 1 NT TEES CEN A i ett 1 , 1 We ( I € Prsy t t 1 1 t aS. | t ‘ , tne Mel Cnt tS oUONNY Thee te TAYE eh tr 4 a t eee | Vea SCRE nits ot | Mauser Worta, by om the shi iteset b tie Dice thi > t ‘ a » thre 1 ber { Ke I > Pwo strc ma Ae Et toe tia thy be : ‘ Ww ‘ Mate ds \ t Het ists 4 arit | rt 1 4 in) \ Sib | erly yea) \ \ t Non \\ ¥ N ‘ i} Vet A Dot i \\ Sa | Orange stirs | e dare Ch Wale . CU Dr Wa { pal ~ i) \ t Ito re iN i = I’ 1 4 \ Wit \ ! 1 \ entertain levee ACNE At Hew is Stal Tsoon tot 4 ‘ ry It ( MN vid ay > ! ' \ , bee Ww i tial ' 5 Vig t Aa ae Way How 1 r het Most os t ) CO jyrt t tis atid ‘ n co ive on The only dwel tliat to ve COT OV EVHGCE WAS FE WG tes Modeoar, we tak, te the cnving lotse Was ovenpied iy M Neitee sani \ leyeetald,. wire wa rolevien ik \ \ \ i dit Mi t thd Was ml the West side ot Pell TL es Capt Poona, now loading with Ininber 4 t ean BSANFORD & ¢ Mente | (el destinead tar 1 vat, ote Tere cure t TW byort A Sona. Phil tam Hse Svinyin Asia Whe! une Poe Presbyterian Chiareh was a Cerne aniale pete \ \ fi the ernie, FE Wwas certain that ais el would arrive Fi plewosonuitdl eet, sumaleantenineall reece | i : s : iu 1 » wood plam Gurtdioe, and coutaimed ave Ver wanes opt + ( teh reseme: rie at when six weeks lad l . S Hance, Halt 3 ! ey) ! ‘ CAS ‘ ; ) fine orsan whieh cost x VOPAy hat aie eter tlie, missed) and Vue sail nor heard : Druggista, Sutil ule 'y \ ne ' nettonn pa ; . : : A hor le voice of any lan being, D bean te We have reeeived t followin esti WOHWY ATT, and HENDERSON & KN NISS, nee foie Way to the most piounant aon and iiate of the loss in deta Salmbury, N. ¢ Apr i. ty ib te aamerent 4 atscu VOU ate Wea ; Wiehe are in thas 4 tyoet Dosroatyarte fear ae enabled fl v to ae ro ww Rae Sait) Ag) ean! \ ; | nie th hl asoautaan Vcc bad . ee ay af a2 rhyoy 1 4 Nove anew t eomes aid put sn (ike MIRE) ' ee believe, fully isn Il. al 1 BOQ TN ana | ()[EN Hols Cay Yet t@ine. in condertyy, become: in a measur nt, ne eT Ws crtevttie. whi ue anne ain i > ‘ dba , 5 eal to inv tate ed fi \I | tz Sy) Fevolutyors, boas tate 5 Ae ealiey, e with M ‘ ic AA Telit ee ' the ated an fot \ ‘ w | To jwevisie t wer nee me oo —— Oat etnies ae THATS Ai) mie thant Laine cars, Thadalreeds I. Bann. s pa STLUhe Sowa Im raisetie sib at th “t ' - - j HOES, worn th ise ald ! (i aseniativis of His wad aul ‘ van tocook avy geet dew > Hiro ween with conlidenes goatantee | ; ; a : Customers, and Go theme tit nay faye ne wath t Bal bone ts Your wit eaedot el tal | Vina \ Kind patronare. Be & Sho urpassed by Fes bicelles Mie Sei vient \\ eo trauinont fot Ret i Cue ( | trothe United States in pomt of workin Ny | APACER UAT aca ilk reat vey ts irrels Mi I | <1 .500 dame | Hen Hennd neat and pleamant Kt. meal! i reper tials f t ] ( I \ ’ woherted nt AKAN MYERS Re? ae a Slhipepe thea yd on \ \ \ Toco \ \ iret role dama Niue td Geanite Ba : © trast thet the snc¢eess of trees Me < tie dope tfoot, One end sillnoet vary tar from Wh Vite is Se isbispye Mecsal 20) oo j iS oto enecura ton \ 1, the rawas fitted with a tarther loss to the tow v the burains web tor IV eX portation S Tu 1 Marken ve tl Ind fo omy \ t en e house MoS ‘ORDS > ‘ > ae ! , , DROSANFORIYS LIVER INVIGORUPOR ey ver omy it ind X I Poros in ( has ata le hawheean anaes elie ranersees _.. basalt , Tis igirietes ate (icnea , ; . he att Hey mean ap ini aN Vie Salli ao \s the winter \Pay TNT ral detutit Ma eooke. peronally Kiowa ty a) ' 7 1s, howe ww { uh ‘ t t wey © iit \ Cate I fa ! 1 j ! \V f op Mem to pr Clsinad wetheckunh ta iiwee ; ote eet lin ‘ \ ce . : at ; Ae \ ud Paks tcoypas My s Vii Craly the avalide fo do and will give on ) ' when all other remedion t 1 1 Beste neem ere 1 Was Ml Tcl ware tr 1 ower \ in) ( ( , ; ‘ \\ ne , r | ' sant a ew meu Howe obs rvithon uf recmed | tot { r | Th fest sity lon \ 1 in ‘ R Aa j j \ the menue of suatehing We victon from the gray | { Ss | oo : rreues Wien \ oO tened , W ‘ Hr x0 ’ Wreewisli all of oir teudara whi teed ies would e , ivaniane ¢ ' \ He pla i} purcas ‘ ' ve bottle for at will aurely og relief—- Tine Is oss vec (ray fea a ime WE DES OCU PESO et wand p tet rea | { wn an (havi tered ina tes sthiuur nter L suffered terre oly, bat mounts we Sat lity ly com Sald by WOH, WYATT, Salisbury Imth iige manner to ive through at, and the next se N ainaie. What Tu this manner ei] to try without using him as a guide, id snecrbely said, ‘ Now, would you Vance a step further, and you wall see” Ife looked her an the eve and saw plain fred and deft her in possession of her lit NUN CIDEN TOMI OF LION MeO SUPERSTIMIONS WAALEN ED RY HISTORY. A child grows up prond if suffered to, A correspondent of the Southern Chyis-, look into w mirror while less than a year t old, | Han Advocate relates the followin inter- , esting ine:dent in South Carolina Revo- Possibly —but the danver is much prea: | lutionary TDistory Phe heroine, Mors, ter ata more advanced ave. ‘ Trammell, dicd several years since, in Al The crowing ofa hen indicates approach Ine clisaster. Mrs. Trammell was old enouch to have his appears to be a warning against lar with many of the bloody H oratory, We subiiit the qaestion ‘i the close of 2 Lucy Stone. | aba: \ | your Ted events which occurred nea the Revolutionary wa, in the immediate neivaborhood of her home, which was Buttoniag a coat awry, or drawing on a stocking with the inside out, causes | near Kong's Mountain, in S. Carolina matters to go wrong during the day. ' Her hasband, Thomas Trammel, had on Of course—it goes wrong with the coat hestatingly identified bis fortanes with’ and the stocking. There’s nothing orac | these of the “Liberty Party,” and being ular in that. | a yood shot and of uotlinching courae, he Wasa terror tu all the friends of the To rock a cradle when empty is inju-| rious to the child. | Aine, as far is haine wi own, ie : es . King, a9 far ws ae Herne Wats SOE, Phe child is oftener injured by being | At the time of which we write, that \ rocked while in it. section of Country was overran by a band | ries, encamped in large numbers at Ile who proposes removing into a new Mountain under General Perga-|bouse must send in beforehand a Bev] au There was in this command a ne.) broom aud some bread. Tory, by the name of Jolin Towns, | The more he sends in the better in res-| who bibl don been the belzlbor aud pro. peet oof provisions and furniture. No fesscad friend of Tramimel At this time, deubt of that. | Powns was a sergeant, and constantly on When women are stutting beds the men! FE SSEON EST OTS CUED OSC TO CAMIUTIN etm td ayo eriuueanetire houses other men, horses, ke ke, Young Trammel Wine the feathers will come through the couud not tech inch afraid somehow of ticks, Pica vcurely he will not, There isasly meaning in that whiel GRE! DOM s he was inistaker we think we understand but dom t mean is | terwards tad oeeasion painfully co tell | been for some. time When a mouse gnaws a gown sume! of the way as best neout testortane may be i reliended OC elminil aieaniele lucene to ‘ a Ay nie CE Sted No—the misfortune bas already hap pened, Just before day tramp of ! the honse Ifa child less than a twelvemonth old | ROME House, the rising he foun wo oWas aroused by heavy yy. Which proved to be brought into a cellar, ie becomes fear ne ' and his | Train. fun zedoaud bound, and and, A dark cellir will frighten chiidren of Bostun Post. | to the yard for execution, Nost any ave. Fowns produced his authority, executed are | : ye ths 1 ae eee a enerat — re ee ‘ ‘ ie ‘ ' ‘| " Ne : - Levestement at Littl Rock. —The Litde} ee PrOTty yy offeres to free ay : “1 | . j ‘ Rock True Democrat of the 23.1 inst., re | minoait se would take the oath of allegi- . / . | tee te tae hing, and take up arms tering to the supposed murderof a young] test his own countrymen, This pro aman named Lester, at that place some | Vietianie withmerited seorny tine ago, by a man named C grove, med satin reply, You can carry me F SHAS 2 mind tothe Wh “s-arniy, but von can : | 4 ; The body of the victim was found in| the Arkansas river, last week, twelve or fifteen miles below, and brought here to to get hold of some ot Tram. be identitied. The body was a ghastly knowing that he owned sight. The head had been cut or crushed e ones which were hid out/in; there was a stab under the right ear; vor dake me flelit avainst my country- Alter some consultation they conclud very fit and they knew not how to tind them/ the throat was cut from ear to ear, and there were wounds in other parts of the So very anions were they to get them, body. From his watch, keys and dress, . rR . tes : ttothey proposed to release Prammel @& part of which was on the body, as well| comition taat he woud goand drive @ trom the features, it was recognized as | ‘i Jide: steer aval (Comal lhe ny but Lester, A great deal of excitement pre: | Wy eaironee (eiemcnnieler acim valled on Friday, when the body Was | {lavitice waited until all he of his) brought te town, and some deutonstra- | nd taking out! i pilasing ewervthing they could turn Cosgrove to hang him were made, but not! ‘ , carried into effect. tions of attacking the vanished, eating 1 Yuwie, account, abd feeling me little chagrin SUISSE | (From the Philadelphia Evening Bulletin.) _ BE HONEST WITH THE DEAD. BY REV. ED. C. JONES, A. M. Ol! break not thou that holy vow, Imposed by dying bed, False to the living if thou wilt, But honest with the dead. That wasted form, that sunken cheek, That hand that clasped thine own, That voice which feebly urged its wish, la weak and measared tone. One cherished purpose unfalfilled, One aim uneumpassed yet, i Oh, will you execute the trust, Nor e’er that trust forget 7” And thou low bending by that couch, Returning that caress, And sobbing out amid thy grief, “Yes! ob, my darling yes!” Picture afresh that parting scene, Recall the glazing eye, And let the pledge that chamber heard, Revive in memory. That pledge! and has the Iapse of time Etfuced it from thy heart? Woe to thee! should that vanished form To life and beauty start. Whet would thou say if that calm eye, Now set in death's eclipse, Should beam anew thy soul to haunt, ‘To pale thy quivering lips. Shrinking withia a narrow fold, Thou could’st not meet its gaze, Its pitying, but upbraidiog glance, Would scorch like tropic rays. Oh! keep that promise! haste to do What others might have done, Tt would have been consigned to few, ‘Tis binding on but one. Redeem thy promise! inward peace, Shall thus thy conscience wed, False to the living if thea wilt, But faithful to the dead! , A BIRTHDAY TRIBUTE. BY OLIVER W. HOLMES. We will not speak of years to-night ; For what have years to bring, But larger floods of lowe and light, Aud sweeter songs to sing? We will not drown in wordy praise, The kindly thoughts that rise ; If friend hip owns one tender phrase, He reads st in our eyes, We need not waste our sehoolboy art To gild this notch of time ; Forgive me if my wayward heart, Has throbbed in artless rhyme. Enoagh for him the silent grasp That kuits us hand in hand, And he the bracelet’s radiant clasp That locks our circling band. S.rength to his hours of manly toil! Peace Co his starlit dreams ! Who loves alike the furrowed soil, The masie-haunted streams! Sweet smiles to keep furever bright The sunshine on his lips, And faith, that sees the ring of light Round Nature's last eclipse. +2. - SHE CALLS ME FATHER. BY JAMES NACK, THE DEAF POET. She calls me “father !"—though my ear ‘That thrilling name shall never hear, Yet to my heart affiction brings ‘The sound in sweet imaginings ; I feel its gushing music roll The stream of rapture on my soul ; And when she starts to welcome me And when she totters to my kuee, And when she climbs it to embrace My bosom for a hiding place, Aud when she nesthog there reclines, Aud with her arms my neck entwines, Aud when ber lips of roses seek 1G 2 I odisspy ntinent, Serreat Tu press their sweetness on my cheek, Toon M Tramiel for some Aatidote for Rattlesnake Polson, == lhe | Or when upon my careful breast ' ! 7 8 Be i TL an aes \ ay ‘ “ ‘nal . ea eet Prev ithe ore groom is att vit 7) ; Mt) Medieal Journal says the fol! WIT 1S aun IL luifler to her cherab rest, sone, Se Pephel “Si ’ ave ‘ . : The heart to which I hold my dove St As Pee tare infallible remedy tor the poison of a rat fee tow ° Ma ready stepped me of all. DT have noth: S Swells with unutterable love ! womore for you, except your nephew Nesnake bite: Sta ENS ERI ELS US) aS a Su Sec at Pour grains Ce iodate of potash ; An Allegory.—The Paris correspon- natn ENS, yy TRCEVeET ETeaCs rity. had ta- Wo vralts of Corrosive sublanate ¢ | ’ S Ee eee Pwo grains of corrosive eS dent of the New York Jonrnal of Com- mney time before to | » frome sut Five drachins of bromine: 1 ; foll : 1 has a few clothes which I Mix together, and keep tie mixture in} merce relates the following allegory, ' . Weonride for him: yon can take them) a elass stopped vial, well secure iwhich is current in the French metropo- Bat they didi not suit tine lis eves rested upon aa table-spooufal of brandy, constitute 1) antity to be repeated, if ne | ssary according to the exicucies of the ne box which sat near the fire place dose | wl he satd, * What have you in that cE den drops of this mixture, dilated with | lis: “When Lonis Napoleon first entered ithe Tuileries as Emperor, he found there Pe aati llama een tee clocks, one of which, when it strack, x AUT Tine LN: va sud * Moscow,’ another *Schonbrun,’ aud no Your business \\ ws ithe third * Waterloo.’ Ever since Sebas- 2 i‘ a wey ee | ‘ five. Aeedd nf—A man named —— topol was taken, the first clock has ceased 1 contains str, said she, . Wa an industrious and worthy Hot Woshall look Gute that box’ and ; ‘ : ; pen of Newton county, Ga., was aceiden-r aoheavy irom poker she placet : : ’ Oeil : | | tally shot, on Saturday last, near Conyer’s a Letween Towns and the box, and ; 5 C re ; Station, on the Georgia Railroad, by some inted herseif tirinky, resolved to defend : : mys Little treasure Phe box contaimed a : ; i a Ele was driving its teain along the road, be in earnest. quilts Peounterpaties, the work of ) ) H l ; nearly two landred yards from where !t WH isF Powns advaneed and 2 : - 1 they were shooting, and some ten rew his sword to intimidate her, but r j below them—apparently out of all dan- jo maintained her position without mow - 5 Onsetke 1 side of the tree at which they were shioot- | ( ing, glanced and fell considerably before | itreached Mr. Wallace, striking him in! the breast, and producing a wound which proved tatal in a few hours. | ta tellow? She said, & Do you ad what her determination, was, and re see » treasure, Misisiras.—Low hard itis for a min | ister to please every member of his con Ree COCR CRTIGTE impossible we t With seme, his setinotis are too our; with Tus Wirt It is oe owell aman may astonishing to hive on a small in it citi: 'to strike week ! Bat just now ‘Schonbran’ ig inging furiously, while ‘Waterloo’ only, s yet, tinkles faintly in the distance. “There is many a true word spoken in who were prac Hicing with a rfle.— jest, and inany an allegory that proves to If ‘Schonbrun’ be always inging in the ears of the French Empe- feetiror, Austria had better keep her eyes pen on the Sardinian frontier, even while iteeseriieel oor It seems that the ball struck the) the Congress is talking peace at Aix la Pesenirer 1s Ss oO Jhapelle !” LOOK OUT FOR MAD DOGS. We are informed that a gentleman by jthe name of Butts, in the western part of ‘this county, was bitten by one of his own ozs, stpposed to be mad, about two The gentleman, we under- Ssince stand, is suffering great agony of mind, nd has eiven upin despair. We nnder- ) } ) others OOS Some thi i tres ) ne, Who has a handy and indostrious HES _ hort. aie ni ia , stundalse, thatseveral Dogs are supposed . prosves sy too “ffower Some k Seme men five and make a fap PPORys | ' vers, too “flowery met "Sto be affected with the Rabies on the 1 . wells te . Voor acts —dal \ . . r Ter appearinee on six or elit Git o> ite OD Ay aypsint 0 Poother sileot the river in Northampton than orhers dooon fifteen ore hougte all Important; others, fe he Connty We have heard of no one being x , . ty: f wa , . us. The rian doe Spart well, (2S Haney too lofty a fli. See riten over there <= Weldon Patriot. é lered unimpressive bv somes others it bas Waite ds wood for mothing She wali ; . , ‘ oye ; ior Va moun nk heisanuch teo solemn in the pulpit, ven upot ' stead for me ving : , . Fela ty ' Wile thd throws a gloom over religion instead SOT A man by the name of Da- an is liis te eltor t ad 4 a | ay , Pallowing ite heavenly radumee to be vid Davia, of Northampton county com- ia TLatiet bey Teer oswn sherry 1") . > . 2 test ene Galilei nous WEN an Las Satan desired tosiftSimonas mitted snicide on Wednesday night last. tat net Fea Ji Wheato se they sift the character and dite The deed was committed with a large } ) oof therm any “ pestol, the ball entering his nose and go- othe 1 so whirlpool : 7 . : . ie I iit every wor 1, @very wet , the stvie of tne ontat the top of his head. We have ; : att a live itesss Teale’ kote the set not heard the canse of this rash ae en aad Wppeara . Ay OP lis Nate stitie iste aint eaanie odes we supposed that it must have “ 1 u oO , a ‘ . npon, Tow irreproachable mast be the been accdental Weldon Patrot. eile ere restore i It al t for Pie of one whose actions tais iS yoann isn ’ Vo wWanman tie tak ¢ hie liusband Teeroscupie scrutiny fd fi One passenver by the Star of the West, flee t detotiat ESSN 4 Cornish miner, has one hundred and fifty pounds of gold dust, valned at §60- aT | 0 CON panies Riohnkhed \ gentleman O00. fl ow ' ' FC whet i t » oi ! Tal 4 \ ire dl ichoa \ ; ‘ ! 2, y \ VC Aver che world renowned Chemist. of 3 1 odhomtite sath ytrea : Snow stopping at ihe Burnet House Whit Wwainst trade, att ret ; 11s He has been makiag a tour ofthe Weat- mr woh bis scientific assuciates, to investic gn Ussudl ' Beet ton yomdoetions, of auch as he cay ° r : I urna eo \ ’ We onotiee he has been recerved ' va u 7 cad it widu oy Ch marked: diatiine by onr leading crirzens of the \ CONST Lik “y Pp caneltls ‘i ' ond ar {ty find they have shown a t | rad ' OS : » , stoneteot the min who haa perhaps done Tt PAE SRY n dant t ’ i ihe rehefothomanitiathan any other Ameri Ving with apple b ns seat an Daily Journal, Cincinnati, Ohvo. From the Siducy (Avatralia) Herald. | THE MASSACRE OF THEST. PAUL'S PAS- SENGERS—DORRIBLE CANNIBALISM, The Chinese passengers of the St. Paul, who was rescued by the steamer Styx, and arrived on Tuesday, bas furmshed us with the following xc- count of the massacre of the Chinese passengers | by the St Paul, wrecked at Rossel Island : | “The ship weut on shore during the night, | and when she struck, the passengers all rushed on deck, making a great outery, upou which the captain drove them all below again, When daylight broke, we landed by means of a boat on ao island, where we remained two days with- out any water, when some of us went on board the ship again to get somne, as also provisivts. The captain left in his boat with some of the crew, and we were not Cisturbed by Ue ualives for a month after he was gone; they then caine over from the main land, distant about three quarters of a mile and made an attack upon us Some of us bad double barreled carbines, bul we got frightened aud threw them away. “The on- ly white man left with us, afler the departure of Capt. Pennard, was a Greek, who, having arm ed himself with a cutlass, fought desperately, and killed a great many of the natives before lhe was overpowered. They then tuok all our clociing, d&ec., winch they partly destroyed. Any valua bles that they found such as sovereigus, rity, &e., they placed in a bay, which cach man car ried rouud bis neck. A watch particularly ex- cited their attention, as they were continually opening it to observe the reflection of their faces | in the glass. At night we were placed in the centre of a clear piece of ground, and fies ht in several places, the natives keepir wateh over us, and during the day they would select four or five Chinese, and after killing them, roast their flesh and eat it; what was put con- sumed beimyg deposited in their vets, “Their wnude of proceeding was as follows :— . : The victims being decided on, they were taken test ia their hands; and knowing them out, beaten «Il over (excepting the bead,) with aj to be as “true as steel,” we are decidedly kind of club, and then dispatched by “PPME | Gpeful of the ee fin tua = the stomach ypen. j hopeful of the result in that district. The body was then cut up| ‘ . jo small pivees and divided, the flugers, toes A gentleman, in the southern: portion CAROLINA WATCHMAN, SALISBURY. N.C. TUESDAY EVENING SAY 03, T8539 Whig Meeting in Rowan.—There will he aaueeting of the Whigs of Rowan, in the Courthouse today, (Puesday) atl clock, for the purpose of appotating delewates to the Distiict Convention to be held at Charlotte, on the 15th instant. v~s Tredcll County ant the Next Electian, —Much depends on the vote of Tredell the Whigs of that strong hold, will rally their County, in the next election. If a regular whole strength, Gen. Lracu’s election will be sure, beyond adoubt. Tnother words, the Whigs of Iredell almost hold the con and brains being eagerly sought after; the bones! were then collected ; and either burnt or thrown | away. I saw ten of im io this way. On obe occasion sume of the Clie | nese took a boat Lelunving to the ship, and went over to the mainland at night to get some was) ter, but never returned, so we thought they fied been killed. Every day they brought us cocoa: | buts or some wild routs to eat, wud appenred to be quite friendly with us, ‘Tins state of things continued anti Twas ken off the Island. When T left, there were on ly four Chinese and the Greek acve, all the rest having beeo killed, I saw these five the day the steamer came in sight, but when the natives saw the boats coming on shore they tuck them to the mountains. 1 was sick and lame, bu! they would not carry me, so that I watched iy opportunity and contrived to conceal myseli anvong the rocks unul the boat came on shore They wre very numerous, but do uot appear te have any chiefs among them. They tive on co | coanuts, of which there are large quantities, and a kind of yam, which they roast before eating, but beyond a few dogs, [ saw neither aninal- por fowl of any kivd.” : ++: ONE DAY'S RECORD OF CRIME IN THE CITY OF NEW YORK. A borrible murder was committed in Worth st. on Mouday myht, between 9 and 10 o'clock, on the sidewalk, and in| the presence of at least two witnesses 5 a] fellow passengers killed | man being mortally stabbed by a woman | leclaration that old line Whigs fieely ex: | supposed to Le his wife. | The “bloody Sixth Ward” was the scene) If it be meant, as against any other deme | of a horrible stabbing case, in which aj man was mortally wounded witha cheese| truth of the Banner's position, But ify) knife. | Two boys, named David Wardell anc | Barney Fitzpatrick, the former 11 ang the latter 12 years of aye, were in the | cellar of the house occupred by the father | of the former in the Ninth Ward, where they feil to quar reling about an orange — when Wardell stabbed Fitzpatrick in hic} left side, inflicting a serious wound. | A quarrel occurred at 49 Madison st. between Jolin and dlenry Jenkins, bret ers, in which the former drew a double barreled pistol, and discharged both char ges, severely wounding the Jatter in the hand and head. David S. Condit, an auctioneer doing | business at No. 59 Maiden Lane, was! found dead in his bedroom at Me-s’ [lo tel. He killed himself by opening an ar | tery under the knvejoiut aud bleeding te} death. \ Mary Kelly, a woman who resided at 236 West 16th street, while in a state of intoxication, left a lighted Jamp on the | floor of her room and svon atter she fel: | apon it. Ler clothes took fire, and sir was burned sw terribly that her recovery | is deemed imponsible. Jobu Gallaghar died suddenly in las} shavty in EFighth avenne, between S2u] and 83d street, last might. Lis disease |} was habitual drankenness. A well dressed man, subsequently as | certained to be Henry G. Sunth, of Gil bertaville, Orsezo county, New York, at | tempted to commit suicide on board of a] ferry boat. He took a penknife from tis | pocket, and with seme hasty ejaculation | thruet the blade desperately inte his own | throat, The biood flawed trom the wound, and he was about to repeat the blow when | awn Louse to partake of a dinner prepar- | a gentignan by lis side seized bis arm) ed for the occasion. aud wrested the kuife from his grasp. Another Good Sign.—We noticed yes terday the defeat of the so called Perso . | nal Liberty Bill before the Legislature of | New York, and we fave to-day the satis faction of chronicling the rejection ofa similar Dill in the Legislature of Massa chusetts; the effect of which bills was to prevent, by Jaw, the rendition of fugitive | slaves in either Commonwealth, under the constitution of the United States. The very large majority of the opaty | liean party in the Massachusetts Levista ture, makes this result the more notices ble and gratifying. We hope itie a tric indication of Letter times at the North “2 A Pix Swatrowen ny a Lapy.—A few evenings Aye, a yours lady in this city swallowed « pin, which rested in her throat and caused soomuel antoyance and pain that she could not eleep during | the whole of that mizlt. The nextinern ing she wae taken witli. fit , stranye to bay, the pun was dis lodged, and during the paroxysm passed th her nosey thas releving ber en tirely of the troublesome intruder. “> A beantiful form {e better thana bean tifal fawe; a beautiful bebasiour is bet- ter than a beautiful form; itgivesa high leaeure than etatates or pictures, I) finest of the fine arts. of sneezing, er ist ~uecessively prention, roduced a clever Dutch friend of his of that county, writing to.uson other busi- ness, April 23d, adds to his letter the fol- lowil g Postscript: “Every thing is right side up for Leach in this partof the County, aud DPthink he will have a larger pollin this section than Puryear ever did have. Weare organiz tug, and T think there is no doubt im the world but we will carry the District in August, by ahandsome majority. Harrah fur Leach!” ak Waig Meeting in: Lincolnton. —There wasa Whig mneeting at Lincolnton, last week, of which we have heard a favora ble account. The people manifested a jotrony desire to liear what was said, and wave close and thoughtfal attention to the words of the speakers. © There is anu em phatic determination on the part of the Whigs of that county to contest the next election with Mr. Craize, and they ac cordingly appeinted delegates to the Dis trict Convention, to be held at Charlotte, on the 18th instant. >: (ae The Banner reiterates the absurd press their preference for Mr. Cratce. crate in the district, we adinit the probable that old line Whigs in Salisbu the country aroand, preter Mr. Craige to ,orin their own old party flicnds—for instance, such men as Vicror C. Barringer, Gen. | Youno, of Charlotte, or Gutos, of Lineoln ronjorN. Boypen, of Salisbary, its declara tion becomes ridiculous, and is aot worth the paper itis printed on. vertheless, fit willinsist on it, we challen name the men, pete Odd Fellows Clbration.—N. State Lodye, No. 26, with a few invited breth- ren fiom other Lodyzes, eclebrated, in this place, the 40th anniversary of the Order The occas The ceremonice in America, on Tuesday last. sion was) interesting, were simple and anostentatious, and were heartily enjoyed by all the brethren pre- sent. Atl0o’clock, the procession form ed, and marching to the masie of our splended Band, through several of our principal streets, arrived at the Court house; where Mr. S.C. Hanns, of Ca barrus county, was introduced to the au His ad Iress Was short, bat very handsomely pre Hence as the Orator of the day. good effect as the building would admit of. —When pared, and delivered with as ile closed, the procession was re-formed, and all retarned to the Lodge room, After a recess of an hour, the proces sion again appeared upon the street, ac companied by a large number of invited wmests, and marched directly to the uw Lins, invoked the blessing of God on the Hounties spread before them. Then with rut farther ceremony, the company were | seate ds and in the most se ial, free, easy Nand deliberate manner, proceeded to “dis cuss” the fol aith Turtle Seap; B wing subjects: > B a eg Hed Rock Fish vith caper sauce; boiled Ham & Salad ; tiity twootherand different dishes were presented — too tedions to mention Col, Ronvrps and Lay, never did Mempelver more credit ian effort of tis kind; nor, we think, did they ever have 4 Company more capable of appreciating their yran lest achievement in the culina |rv alt. There were incidents enough, during two ours epent at that proaning be td, toen liven the scone. Tt would: be could present here, as they occ urred, on- wiloch came to our at y those of thea Towards the close, the Col. in who had had bis dinner, but i ¢ mph ment to the host, consented to taste the dessert near his plate, and instinctively lie seized Two long tables! nich, if we There waa a dish of eour krout ‘that first. In vain did the servants offer! ‘him Custard, Blane Mange, Jellies, Pud- ‘dings, Pies and Cakes. One invariable “no, thank ye,” sufficed for them all, whilst the krout in the dish grew small by de: | grees and beautifully less. We did not. see the ending, but we learn Jouw Biaw- Gi& finished on—krout. peso Old Rip Waking Up — We learn from our North Carolina exchanges that the gallant Whigs of North Carolina are tak- ing the tield and preparing for a vigerous contest in that State. The Old) Whig tire is spreading and sweeping in one grand conflagration over the whole land, consuming in its peogress the foul and commipt party in power. May snecess crown the efforts of the Old North Strate! National American, Note that, whigs of North Carolina, — The anxious eyes of old) Whigs every where, are looking out for an up-beaviog of their old against the corruptionists who now hold friends and companions power, only to abuse it and wrong the Country. shake offindifference,and march to the res- cue. How to Kilt Meadow Rushes.—Many of our fartners have meadows poluted with rush An experienced gentlemen, in all the various interests of the farm, au. thorises us to say that rushes may be very certainly destroyed by mowing hem This plan, followed for will ultimately destroy when in bloom. several years, them; and the farmer will have the plea- ‘sure of seeing them gradually disappear- ing until all are gone. Upon the authority of the same gentle- man, Sporils Turpentine is offered to the He has had repeated evidence of its etlicacy public for the cure of a snake bite. in his own family, and also the testimony of some of his neighbors to the same el- fect. The sufferer must drink a table spoonful of spur (ts lurypn nline; then bathe the bitten part with the same, until the pain ceases. Two or three hours, with this treatment, will effect a cure. oem MIP VIR: The Rowan Rirre Guarp, cheered by the stitting imusie of the Salisbury Band, were on parade, last Saturday; and it Was vratifving to see, trot the “turn ous,” that there is unabated interest taken Vin the maintainance of this company, | We liave been delegated by a lady on Pulte street, to make ber acknowledze- ments to this gallant corps, foe therm com, plimentary visit: and salute. EPopes it will be acceptable, mo othis forwe;—and that their prosperity, as a company, may only be limited by their valor, The Rowan Artillery were ont, in the afternoon of Saturday; and, as usnal, | . . inadd a fine appearance. They have re- cently elected Mr. Cuas. FL Pisurn their We whether or not he will accept the honor Captain. have not yet) learned thus conferred. ear Phrenological.— Mr. J.-M. New Orleans, has been Morr, of lecturing here for several eventnes on Phrenology.— Lecturers, on this secence, were as plenty as Jay birds, a few years ago, and they bored the public so awtuily as to beget a asortof general contempt for the race We have been pleased te find in Mr Morr, an honorable exception, [lis lee- tures and portrait: gallery are both inter: esting and instructive, and his gentle: manly deportment entitle him to the respect and coutidence of the public. STEAMBOAT E Mewruis, Tess, April 26 The steamer St. Nicholas has exploded. The Forty two per CPLOSION, boat and cargo is a total loss. sons killed and inissing, thostly those connec ted with the boat. oo ARRIVAL OF SENOIG MATA: Wasuixcros, April 26, Senor Mata, the new Mexican Minister, repe resenting the Juarez or Liberal party, returned here this moran. Ele wall be presented to the President on Thursday. see ODD FELLOWS CELEURATION | S 5 | New York, April 26. } The Odd Fellows’ Celebration to day was a boilliant and imposing affair, The oration was dehvered by Robert Bo Boylston, Esq, of South Carolina, and was well recerved by a lange audi The day was pleasant, and everythings passed off satisfactorily. ence. were filled. At a signal by the Chief | Marshal, B. 2. Moore, Exq, all took po sition, whilst the Chaplain, Rev. J. A. | President Juarez a Pure [Indian —I\t is afactof-iyniticance that Benito Juarez, the man recognized by our National Gov ernment as President of Mexico, ina pure Indian. Never until now, since Monte: zuma, basa pure Indian been the roler of Mexico, The Vera Cruz ¢ entof the New Orleans Proe Delta says: The blood of Benito Jnarez has ran in a pore and unmixed stream: trom his an cestors, whe were the masters of Mexico Nota drop of negro or Spanish blood courses through rrespond long before the Aztec race. his veins. Tue negro has again found his level, and will avai serve a superior race The proud and hanghty Castihan is uo longer master ete The Washington States says the pre tended sale of the Union, now clr Constitution, ia a mere joy eht of the thunble rigger by which the anpracticed cye of the public is Imposed Upon Mercury save of the The neat Democrane Presidential Convention, Charleston “inluss itis linnted exclusively to dele gates from the South, i will be no con vention of the democratio party Teale igh he gist ie At Queen Vietoria’s last levee, Sena- tor Cliogman of North Carolina, was pre sented by Mr. Dailas cine, are begianing to decide as to the merits of that the Indians were in. The Capt. Let us be among the first, to) yor tue watcuman. [100 head of them, and killing 6 bell-nags, and THE DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION. | Me. Epros: As mankind are veginning to hanging the bells on the trees. An express was We have been credibly informed that sent to Capt. Williams as soon as they knew the Democratic Convention, which met at once at Winston on Tuesday to nominate Mr. anti F Se i } re nd to construct & the different systems of Medicine aod inquire took 22 men and pushed to head thei at a point Seales for Congress, and M ons it the exigencies of the i 7 : ; : ; : : platform to suit t gel : into the nature of the articles with which they where he supposed they would cross the Colorado tinveale nahniotivery remiayrates ty Ghee T seud you the following mver, but when he got there, they had crossed sroceedings. They could net agree upon iu Et bei sy matter to follow their trail a platforin, Mr. Caitle advocating the use on without delay to the ex: claims of Judge Douglass for the con- the Brazos, when they were com: ‘sideration of the meeting, whereas Mr. (Lheard Boyd was in faver of endorsing the ad- ininistration of James Boehanan; and therefore, we learn, the Convention lett outene of the main planks of the struc tire, Which, however, will be supplied in ? rst f. ty hee cre March Ist they burst forth on Cherokee creeks iiig publis ved proceedings, Ho oles exercise their reason upon the subject of Medi- are daily dragged, extract; Why not use Poisons’ Why is a little the Cay opiuin or calomel objectionable, when we are Ueme head o' every day eating spurred rye, spoiled wheat and |» Hed to retro for wantof provisions. other poisons in our food ?—If, with all the care some say that, as for the Captain, be could live we can prudently exercise, we are coustantly on adeer-leg and au Tudian tral for a whole exposed to disease aud the causes of disease, in Week ) our food, in the exposures necessary to the call- ings of lite, io perfortning human duties to sick 30 ules below this place, commencing at the judging from the quantity of paper thous friends, ete., it is so neuch the greater reason why mouth of the creck aud sweeping every thing ished by a certain individual on the vc we should not wilfully and deliberately add to before them; pursuit resulted as common, Ou easton, If Nenlth ie of so little value that we the Sth they stule 20 and killed 3 horses, on} -4 committee en oy Jeneth appointed, whieh retired, atter an absence of one hoar and a halt, Resolutions was ut our risks. and can afford to mulophy the dangers against our Wallace creek, 15 tiles from this piace, Last Thursday W. PL Danean and Wo Tall, ‘ . i } , ; . Wears diye Very minel the pahience of the bose, nightshade, iadine, lenbane, ete.; but if (a boy) were out cow hunting and found two Convention, tiually reported a resolation : complinnentiry te Mr. Scales, (notwith They were apparently platting something which standing Mr. Seales does not support all lives then it will do to use opium, calomel, hele- health is priceless. aud if we are already surround Tudians sitting near a thieket with two bourses ed by intlucnces against which we have to exer: they supposed to be a tanat, They tanto Fort the measures of Buchanan's aduiuistra cise our every ingeouity in order to keep free Duneau, but found only two rangers at camp, ton 4) We learn there were only two delegates present from the wood old Wins © mnt of Davidsen, ong of whem dissented trou the proceedings of the Convention! There is isuel te cneourage our Wise That night the Endians stole Thead of ¢jaids to renewed and united efforts te lomex, ‘The day fullowing, a> icy were geile erry cut the glorons ; Now’s the time!— Suloim from disease, then jt is a duly not tu tamper with things which Jehovah has stumped with the but these with Capt. Duneau went out, bat the fudians had left. “They followed their tail and brand of the destroyer. To use such things, is to defy the teachings of just at wight they saw one inaking for a cedar break, They tried to cut bine off, but without suceess. nature and rush into the arms of death; and who will say that the deliberate viglation of the laws of life by using poisons is one whit ditter principles of the Maher violation by the use of deadly weapons! 1 ent, in the eyes of our thau a similar down, making for their home, some 40 anles on Whig party. their way, two cow honters, Campbell and bitten, Press. the é es Seventeen Year Locust.—In Jiegar’s “Life of North American Losects.” recent ly published, is a sketch of the history lanl habits of Uris species of locust, in pwhich the assertion that they made their bat our heroes proved victorious, though com Appearance only once in seventeen years, latter cause ourright death, the rash act sul saw them at a distance apd knew them to be) us to the eterntd) punishment due to the vieiation Indians, ‘They yallopped on and before the Lu | diane were aware of it, they were night up with of a bigh mora law; ifthe former, simply wader mine the cunsttubon, they bring their just tes them. A fight ensued, which lasted some 20 oF ward in those rheumatisms, dyspepsias, palsies, 30 minutes, each party striving to yet the horses; idioteies which are the Heaven-directed sequen ces of such a tuthless vielation of the ploysical paratively without arms, having only 6 shots), pronounced erroneous, 4s well as that| A down east Poet thus immortalizes the beantifal river Connecticut :—“Roll on, loved Connecticut, long Last thou ran, viving shad to South Iadly and freedom to man.” The Philadelphia American proposes to cure the evils of extra sessions and hurried legislative bodies, both State and national, by paying members an annual salary, and enforcing the presence, at all tines, of a Quoruin, Anger vegins with folly, and cnds with re- pentance, * Vf wise men play the fool, they do it with vengeance, Prosperity. gathers sinies while adversity scatters Chen, aaa WOOD, EDDY &C0'8 Single Number Lotteries !! (CHARTERED BY THE STATE OF GRORKGIA.) Capital Prize $50,000!! TICKETS ONLY TEN DOLLARS. NOVICE 10 Tt BU BTC As the inermbers of our tira have, by way of pur- J become the owner of the grants chartered by Kentocky, Missourt, and part ol those mm Georgia, under the management of Messrs Gregory & Maury, of Wiimuogion, Delaware, we have deeted it expedient to change the pame of our tion, on und after Janaary Ist, 1559, to that of WOOD, EDDY & CO, who willhereafter have the Inanagementot the Sparta Academy Lottery, sod as above named we have eudeavored to condact the Stetes of Deleware, the ofners To all traurartion woth titegnity wud promptness, and we cur bases Con assure the puble that the patrousge heretofore b stowed oo usis well deserving of being transferred Very respeetfully, S. SWAN & CO. Augusta, Georgia, Dee. 15, 153. ty our succussor® laws, No poson cau be curative, no matter how given, by whom given or under what cu cutnstances taken. We do pot find, in any de partinent: of pature’s realm, that Ouiniscience When Lh all things, He formed them te act in obedience to tixed rules, and in po tind that these.ruls have been altered, suspended: or allows variations in [his laws, made Instance doo we combinations. but J caused to enter into new may not be understood They by ain, hovali has not varicd them a jot or utde, even thore which affect le eve or the nerves of the smatlest Tusect ever seer doder the microse Nod not only have thes: rules been thus permanently es tablished in regard to every animate being, vege table structure and inorganie Uitss In cheatlon, but every material thing on earth bears a fived these rel relation tooevey other Ching at wives are a part of nature's plan Tn keeping with these faets we find man subject to the sate hows, and established inaccurdauce with tived onsy avd as God never alters even the stiatest of His plans, ibis notte be presuined that Tle will al jow the wishes of wan to contravene them at pleasure. Among the fixed relatives of mden fl Uniees to the hum frame, we fla some fave been made incompatible with tts welfare, while others actin hanvony with ats laws. “Po put the former in the flame, is to subject the fran to Tutvences it was never mrade tu bear; aud a Is hable to be imparred, even if tt as not destroy ed, by such infractions of the Divine edict 3. IUis true that the buman fibne has been en dowed with wonderful powers of elasticity, by wlich itis enabled to ward off many injurious lofluenees and keep ils parts tovether throu sears of hardship, exposure aud physical vow tions, This vital elasticity should be a cause ot shoul the most contrite thanktu'ness and be hesitate long who would deliberately pat inte lin system any material that is by nature dispos- ed todmpair the barinony of bis frame and vio late the laws of bis being. Ttnmay mot kill bin it may not leave any serious ctheets behind | but it has injured many, aud would kill the strong estif taken in any considerable quantity, Ts telations to the frame having been clearly define ed, itis a bold piece of physical blasphemy to attempt opposition to God's enactnents aud to subject the body te tnore thats than at already has ty undergo, This is why we oppose of potsous Given wi latue doses ur subui, to the strong or the weak, by the Te armed. or Lise hmorant, they are vieittons of law—a pliysica law itis true, but none the less binding for that As the learned are more accountable than the unlearned for their misdeeds, on account of thei vreater iitellyence, the pliysician who wil trample duwn bis conscience by giving ager that he knuws will cause disease, deliberately opposes the very rules which be, above ali men, kiows are essential to lite, disregards the health and safety ofeliis patients and sets himself wi as womedier in the laws of God. Who will show why they should be uscd? Wace: April 27th, 1859 FOR THE WATCHMAN, Saw Sana, Texas, March 17, 1859, Drar Cousin: * * * * * * * * About the 20th of December last, Third Lieut Wiilams, had a tight with asiall party of thieving Pndians, McMillen, under command of Cuget consisting of Cen io number, 16 head of horses from Mr. Dosson They had stolen The with 7 oinen overtook and fought Uhem in a ron Lieut., ning fight; recapturing the animals except a fow that they rode off, being the best of the lot; and killing two Indians on the yrouid, These were supposed to be the chief and his wife, from the nature of Ins garb, which was nged off to order, having on his butfale skin with the horns on, thus presenting a@ very flerce appearance He was equepped in all his fighting arms, shiekd, bow and arrows, the latter being 42 an namber, conta ued on has quiver when he was killed, Within the shield was found the sealp Miss Jagkson, trimmed to please ther Caste, of your reswed, beaded and The old squaw had on Mes. Jackson's dress; and this was a di reet proof that they were the murderers of the Jackson fam alluded to in my last letter Phe pursuers sustained no loss, except vouny Dosson’s horse fn the commencement of the fit. te lad dismounted to tire, and the horse ran directly among the Tndiana, who lost no time in securiog the noble animal About the middle of Indians made rather asunounding stake among Capt January, the Willams’ company, (though these were scatter The Indians push of the ed around in four divistons) ed 50 miles into the intenor country aweeping the horses as they went, taking over with them and no amunition to retoad. They | lowed ther, tually got the horses started, and keeping up a continued tire, while the Indians When ten turned sent numbers of arrows but one shot vemaited to our men, | and wave them Uhat, which catsed one to stop and dea himself ap, aid then the other ceased: tahtine that the Tn Campbell sail be actually thought ths sbol LOO arrows at em, vet none Was i ) wounded, bat they received some arrows in thei clothing, aud ther doz was wound J Phis skirmish was not without mterest to me For the first thing TP knew about it was, to see Mi. Campbell dnving the re captured horses in tomy youd. “TParkey.” says he, “do you know ime 2 (potting dircethy tomy horse, «tite howas one of the stolen ones) Yes,” says 2, vf do know bin and where did vou get dim 2" Nid then be commenced avd toid me how chev hed tnataged! the athear. Tins sort of ews may be interesting tu: sone readers, but | would to God that ury part in at thay soon Cease, for not only property bat Tite as Te lu Pale Pinto county some tine ago, a ficht occurred between sone ax Taner Seccml wl gous, Tatian doss— 6k awl 7 woundot Ose eseqped and reached the Nuenev, where dhe tony favotacde to the: Padians, custo exotentent, Mig Netehbors, (uent WP the resegye ) te pourtan faving all irrestes| and put aT | * ” * * - * * * *” These are only inperfeet sketches of our Tn ' fan troubles. We most look out for more of them Your cousin, By, Ts UOIRES HAN) FOR THE WATCHMAN Re vat anmht to he inirodueed vite the man of the NC. Rail Road he Depots ought to be competed to notity persgns —Iat ‘The Agente he arival of goods, and speenfy what hindol goods with the arons ftremht., for whieh they PUrpoRe duutbs have pooted blinks, which would yreadh bene n he labor 2nd Phey ought to be uppelied te specify the wimount caarged upon each aruicle by the Sot Ro roads on sard arte and the amount of frenht due other {es separately, and the amount of Ocean freaghts, of any, under a ditinet head, for whieh purpose they should alto use printed blauhe Vhey should al compelled to wenth loading, and ie the ay weahtofeach lord with the bilot n ted. Phey sheuld be compelled to mention th the reception of all merchandise aud the fis arrival at soe porut of destiaation The Lonisvitle Pournal says that “Three: , vided Cerberts is a more appropriate crest for Democracy, than double faced Janus. Tn oits Pennsytvania State Con vention itadsecated adequate evconura ce: mentand discriminating protector of the industrial interests of the States Ta its Pennessee State Convention it asserted that ca facet for resent alone is the tne the poliey oft And Wash ineton States, Which is the organ of the country. Southern States Rights Democracy, says: ‘Tt there be any one measure of public policy upon whieh the party has planted itself ore distinetly and obatipately than another, itis the very proposition of free Trade? Yius the Northern head growls for Protection, the Western head barks fora Revenne Tariff, and the Southera head brays loudly at both and howls fur Ireu Trade. Great country, this!” DATE ROSE RIO =COnE EE SAD VY ASCING. Niw York, April 22.—The U. States steamer Falton of the Paragaary expedi tion, arrived at this pert to day with dates from Rie de Janeiro tothe 10th of March Coffee was advancing and the market had The total and was only ten thousand bays, been cleared of all prone lots stock onli number for several the smallest years. Supetiors are qiigted Nem Aa, oy ON), General Twigs has ordered ont aeayv for aint the Texas. Major Van Dorn is charged w th the duty of seouring the country to the Western line of tha State The foree numbers abont one thousand Tie settlers on the frontier @om alry force ACTIVE service Indians in men plan bitterly of new outrages from the savages, The arrangements nade by tho Government forthe removal of the reserve Todians bevend the linits of the State are said to be at the point of consaannation in Africa, it is said, is length, The river Niver, than 3,000 more miles in and thronghont its entire conrae it would be navigable by our Mississippi steamboats Tt ia nowhere lesa than halfia mile wide Its principle tributaries ara navigable 1,500 miles. WOOD, EDDY & CO., MANAGERS, they are destructive te vegetation, “The : re ’ writer states that be bas observed then} Successors to S. Swan & Co, vearly for twenty-seven successive Veurs The full : Kooy & ¢ re] tery each ol May, Ps5, at titsuste, wing Scheme will be drawn by Woop, » Mansyers of the Sparta Academy Lat. Phe same is trie of other insects, partien Number Lotteries for larly the rose bogs. Dome Vears we publie, under over doaded with them, and again in : : : Wan dhenn. hee of Comminsioners others there are scarce: ity, Yet (here bcc OP) Wass Sivnndios. icy UCeEY are instances where the jocusta have been (he iP UD. Satuoliy, May 14, 1859. observed ia the same place only after an ie HO [we satay, May 2) 2 R59: interval of several years, perhaps seven (tyes 28 Dias id May 28, 1809. ON THE PLVY OF SINGLE NUMBERS, wh Oond TICK ETS Five Thousand Four Hundred und Eighty-Five PRIZES! VEVRLY OVE PRIZE TO EVERY MANE TICKETS Magnificent ‘cheme! TO BE DIKAWN teen, While during this interval they have other localities. | are, however, secu yearly in With regard to the ne very destruc tive ta vesefation, the writer asserts that heen abundant in They place or another, very one tion that these insects ure they are harness ae 1 AOHES ATU TRIAD IS AYES The publication of Sickles’ trial, even 1 Pracut ts j Venere 1,300 to the most revolting detains, wall lay aut 4 tae 1 ae inore Work forthe Devil than he can poss | ‘ Hen stbly despose of for ientiis te comet 1 . 1u0 Have the daily newspapers that have NIMAGSASTRUSUTY THe been catering dn this wavy ry depraved yu Reine Sia LF " ee TASES Teh taste daly taken iute constderation ther : [eaves eh fearful respons tality of nederiuiinitis the 4 . ” 4 800 moral sense of Camunmuiities, by insidious ‘ Het ° ASP ae os ba approaches, especrdly among the young 20 0 at 100,008 Aud unsuspecting! Fro wenhd weer not, 5,365 Prise: among to $320.000 Wenechester Bap. Wi ca Te ers $10, Hanes 85, Qromrens 925 oso orl fenite 1) strane.” Wherclay, “that Sir Psaae Newton shentd ever have indulved ino clownish freaks 7 ke : rie he asked a friend the Tr A Creular ahowins the plin of the Lotteries will be sent to any vue dearous of recetviag tt Usrtiteatee of Packages wail be old atthe fuiluwind rates Cie Cerarnr td Gere | = . c Yam bie tte reek ! ahs? What de MeO RIN u weeds Uf Package of ty Whole Tickets ee “Wii, when he way dividing the rays ‘ ne Hiatt ae of Ludit, to be sure for wasn't that cut a Wea) oe as ting up stiitivs ¢ HV ORDERING TICKETS OB CERTIFICATES, -- Enclose the mouey tour address for the ordered, on rece p Pure tasers of whieh they wilh be forwarded ah have Uckelsendmg in nnate Drawn Nombere aod 2 ‘onuritnin for DOAN Ts me,” said a pious lady, by fist maad Stor Wats a VUTy Spa w rfl’ prreac any figure they mory de Pie Dawe of wee will be the short thine te iniastered the of ‘ F : : sent co porelianere ciiieciotely after the di owing God among us, he kicked three pulps te J Porchasers will please write ther sienatares pieces and banged the inards out of tive poor, aed give their Post Office, County and State B bles.” Pe itentealer the 5 Pegonedinscn ont pote able cu full wichout @edoction >: J AL prize of LOD and under, pard vmine diate + : : iy after the drawing—aaher peiers wf ihe veual time een eu 1 tails x A law recentiy passed in Mai tals hoa dese lishes the anna salary of the menoers SOHTTE TEU) a SOLIS TI Sd ees Those who prefer vot sending inoney by mail, ean THE ADAMS EXPRESS COMAANY, of the Lewsslitare at S150. «They ean sit as botg ats Uiey | leare for that princely sith. whereby money for Pickeis. in sums of Ten Dollars, aud upwards, can be sent ue é a" TO N 7 PENSE MARRIED: {T OUR RISK AND EXPENSE, Mr, Sew:, WMOM HAYNES, formerly of No ¢ : HOR Me loed amrurinain ear Na a ERNVENT post OFFICE STAMPED EN- ty Mire ANN ASD BUDDY VELOPE, of the Express Company cannot receive hem All commmmedtions atc dy Address Orders for Tickets or Certificates to Woon, BY & EO, By a5f or, WOOD, EDDY & CO, (., May 3, 1859. (yey \AYCOXETBS, TeNUD ers TCD WEEKLY BY Pr Adeted BROTHERS b r 2 Brel contide val THE MARKETS. Cerin - Nngusta, Georgia. Salisbury, NV, ea — are drawn from the u CORRECTED SPRAGUE the numbers that wheel, with the ameunt of the poze that ereb one is emtitled to, will be publebed otter every drowing, om Applendried, 304 125 Lead Bar, FLO the following papers: —Augueta Geo) Constitution Biron, Wa dl White, 10 12 at New Orleans Delta, Mobile Register, Charleston Beoxwax, 204 25 Molasses Cuba, 3745 (Standard, Nashville Gazette. Atlanta lutellurencer, Reet Boas ak NEO 65 New York Weekly Day Book, Savannah Morning fel Ida Te fuseovady 45450 News, Richmond Dispatch and Paulding (Mies TSS IUL et vat 9948 Clanon, and Little Rock (Ark) ‘Troe Democrat and Vatlow, 15.1 20 W450 New York Herald mine, wha 30 ENS ee Cotfee Rio, auld anners, 50a | r ‘J 3 ee ees Valuable Factery Cotton, Wa ld sc Sweet 90 a 1 00 e Couon Yarn, J00n 115 Rage perth Day AND Corn, Ta xO Salt persack, T70al to : Meal, ia ana sheeting Bre, y wid! Mill Property for Sale !! Chickensper doz 1.00 a 19 Sagar Bro all HE subscriber desiring to give hie attention more Wares per doz Ra tl Wald exclusive tecther bos uers, offers forsale his value - ge fosticd: © Clarified, Feathers perib, 30 1140 1240 ble Factory and Mid Property, known ax Murdoch's Fiour per bb) 5.25 «650 Tallow, Wa l2 Sash and Bled Buetory, on Weat Hill, wear thie Sack, 2408 240 Wheat White, 954 105 place. ‘This esiablishment comprise a very extensive fron Bar) ja a Red, #0290 | and vuluable wesortinentol Machinery. beginning with Lard, 10a 12 Wool, 25 030 (one 50 hore power Bu neh horse portable do., \ PORK 7 a 7k (one barge Woodworth's Pliner, and ene other large do, one Spoke Lathe. with eounty right, Sash and | Blind Machtoery. Geure’ Machine, with Goanty right; | Seroll Saw, several Cireular Sawe, Boring ond Mor- | netng Machines, Turmug Lathe, two Grist Mills, WE) MEN ce ie The property willbe sold altogether of in parcels FAYETTEVILLE MARKET, April 14, BACON, persb COFFEE, perib. Ae the, Si. Ddroinge, FLOUR Ku to Kun purchasers; but preference will be given to any one willtake the whole us it stands, and continue ; the bos ness per barre) — amount of Machinery not here who want any thing tn thie tine, are There ie a Na Tho advised to call soon, oe Pan dertirous to close it out named 530 «4 AU with ww little delay as pormble. ond will give a bare Cte Uoman ts ou) erin WM. MURDOCH WAIL Sling LU RT SNuliebury, May 2d, 1R59 1149 Come, 100 a0 . Wheat, 095 » 000 4 ‘ ‘ X Oats, 6h a GAS LIGHT t! Peas, Bau 00 Rye, 0 a 1 00 PATENT LARD, per tb, 12 8 13 7 4 : es ciRiTi te nee acl Non- Explosive Self Generating Peach Brandy, 10 a 1 00 Ale din ew wom CAS LAMP!! NU. Whiskey, 7 i ee BF BP PINITE yublic are now (aeered with the BEST, fecuhrd do au n 45 SAFEST. ond mot ECONOMICAL LIGHT NAILS, cot. per keg ay AG , ever produced, cqaalif rot superior, te the beat Coal TRON parnln Gas Tt adapted for Churehes, Hotele, Stores, ea alehe yar 0 Reading Roone wate Dwellings, Manufnactories, Sweedea, common bar 6h a 00 Stenmbomta, Railroad Cars, dee. fe. Tonly requires Do wade : Fhe 0) Stal to prove ie puperionty over every other porte. Si aniy pea 1g ble Hightown mee Ror els by TORY tosrelly ne HENDERSON & ENNISS, HILDE, per tb Sntiabury, May 3. 1639 1149 Dory, Ral0 9 (ieee 6 a oo | Affention! Rowan, Artillery! ! SALT | Liverpool persack 1508 00 YOU are hereby commanded to ss 60 e 00 BR oattend » Drill at he Public Square on Wednesdny evening, ot 4 Qh a 30 o'clock. Aleo, meet ot the Armory on Saturday, at 45 a 50 2h o'clock, PM, for ARTILLERY MUSTER, in SUGAR, perth Summer Uniform — Ponetual attendance required Tc aidieenenede ka 00 By order of Liewienant Commanding, 19 ALEX. MURDOCH, O. 8, «May 3rd, 1859 StCrouk Porto, & N Orleans, Ila | ' —— itis p anooth! Bact of Gre Bole v el — p 1 aay cries Ss. chet arded ugin I be om the one is ng, tution rleston renrer, Jorning (Mies at and nomere ‘valua- rdoch's ar thie tensive ag with ble do, r lange sh and y right; d Mor- Mills, parcels ven to ontinue ot here ne, are it out ing BEST, LIGHT par Coal Stores, NCLOTIOR, requires PF: porta. NISS, 1f49 " nded to Square wt 44 ed - Se a c r e s t | ' CABARKUS COUNTY. Court of Pleas and Quarter Seasions, April Term 1859 Jol Shimpock vs. Polly Ridenbour. Origival Attachment Levied va Land. Tt appearing to the satinfaction of the court that the defendant Polly Ridechour im vot an inbabitwnt ofthis sate, [Et ie therefore ordered by the Court thet publication be made for eix Weeks in the Caroe how Watehuan pointed to Salisbury, notifying her to be and wppear before the Justices of our Court of Pleas und Quarter Sessions, at the vext court to be held for the county of Cabarrus, »t the court house in Concord, on the 3d Monday in July neat, thea and SIR JAMES CLARKE’S CELEBRATED FEMALE PILLS. Thy Prepared from a prescription of Sir J. Clarke, M.D., Phy- tokun Batraordinury lo the Queen, This jnvaluable wedelne ls unfailing in the cure of al! those painful and dungerou- disewses to which the female constitu ition is subject. lb moderates all excess and removes all ubstruc tions, and w speedy cure tay be relicd on. To Marrica Inacics bring on the LETTERS PATENT. PROTECTED BY ROYAL Atte peculiarly suited It will, iu a short tine, ‘monthly period with regularity. Kach bottle, price One Dollar, by the Government Stamp of Great Britain, prevent count ¥ hoe why the plarutth shall wot have Judgment against her. wud the land lewed upon by virtue of said At tachivent be wuld to satisfy the rane Witness, No Slough, clark of our maid court at of- ord, the td Monday in April, A.D 1bo9, and the 03d year of Todependener NELSON SLOUGH, CoC] © bwa7 a . oa T eve Pilla should nol bet Maes mudes during tie FIRST TURBE MON TUS of Pregnancy, an tacy ure oe rel bitny on Miscarriage, but utuny other bane they are MUs- In sllcases of Nervous and Sp ual AW Pain io the Back and Limbs, Putigue ou slight exertion, Heurt, Hysterles and Whites, there Pilly witl eflect a oe all other means have tailed; aud 4'U fire in Co proady, 85 50 DISSOLUTION. HWE firm of Mardoch, Darby & Co in this day dissolved by mutual courent, All those clans against the Fiem will preseut them to Alex Murdoch, who tse our authonzed agent the busiuern ; aud thore indebted to the firwe will moke igh a powerful te or anything buccal to do not contain iron, calowel, antimony, the constitution Full direetiuna in the pamphlet aroand each packages which should be carefully prese Bole Agent fur the United States and Canada, Job MOsE Ktochester, N Y- having N. B.—$1.00 and 6 postage stamps enc Agent, will insure « bottle, containing 59 p Bold in Ballabury, by Henderson d& bunt, all respectable Druggists. More to be Admired than the — RICHEST DIADEM EVER WORN sy KINGS ov EMPERORS, ills, by re wra U tu close WoL Wyatt, 4y pavineut to hun ‘The Burnes wit be carried on au further notice by Murdoch & Rueder WE MURDOCH, WE RABDER, WY. R DARBY. April 19th, 1859 4 JAS. T PETTEWAY, _ _ Commission Merchant, | What? Why a Beautiful Head of Hair. | Because it is the ornament (od Mimaelf procided for all our wage. Meader, although the rome may bloow ever su brightly 1 | the glowiag cheek yspurkling the teeth be | thow of pearts, its Coveriug, of the hair be snerled and »! WILMINGTON, N. G., Solicits Consignments, Naval Store ew Cotton, Co: Flour and other Produce. Alew orders for Groce ne Cotton Bagging. Goan, de, &e led, Aurel and doy or worse still if eprit: there to plead or replevy, and show cuuse, if any she I Goldsboro’, peudayes who tise 4 We atinost anil speed of ils Uratus, through huls oud ove their long lengths aud enorious Heights the gaping world stand aud tock and deliihy : Great Institution, Poop such wlan Hore come u ‘cuure We have | in some of lie in conmtde nig theme « ! and ioral power, fwiach heaved out the and filed up th other men whose died: | ite to ans thing beyond Aud Agent for Dawron's Line of Steamers, | fectly couteut bo be accounted Like the | tution above Sere wilhe, (ey Ga ted Chet at os thie 4 feat 1 fem, an a diwyer, a pred Institution ue SVERY BODY SAYS SO, and s it must be Jates ine and cistunce, by the as tlity \ teed tes “were int ray tae werld’n rus vey OL et bot pul tavoun and ¥ thems bu sty sx teed for hurees now, Inte operadon the great fore and made the beh w We inight tastance (ter Por our yeeat mlage 5 GREAT ene ReNEOL State of North Carolina. | THE RAILROAD thunder Cle ip—with wonder along rthe plaios aud valleys, drawing ure woul to ery out, preat awa poll y that euch ond a merchant or a ve this distingurehing ise Limes, Was, per thon rmee the brow but because bern eehpred.— Well not be- sin their appheation who tise to meen, We bait drat ete at sone on we even the Giyeut baatstalion ake fori atauce Ex, Gov Moriieyp, whore mentel etre nyth yo trom Charlotte t ry. with all ie ape others, many othe tt wosuffice there are will notabow them to ae I, we Great Insti are Gentlemen, let us rearon together on thie subject l1LOtriGIN,: Kied with gray, uature Wil lose inece thaw half ler chur e : | Deaf, Woot's Hair Iteaturative, if used two or three Revens tro —Jobu Dawa rq and Dro FSH cant be bent in selling CLOTHING kk, will restore aud permaneotly CoMi euUnanuriaey Woilmingong Ns © 00 (ao banseleyy Bag, Pres Cor Viste and Neck Ph Hats, Caps. B Read the following. ind ju tee The wiiter of the fiat Drawers, cannet be eyeriied ta € nel bs the volelyruted Pius d 1, Toudie Da. Woun Dr ‘Thor, Ho Wright, Pres Branel Bank Cape Fear; E. P Hall, Pees Branch Bank State, NC VES. Lutterluh, Eng, Fayesteville, NE mercial Bauk 5 yg New Yo k, April 19, 155s Dear Sir :—Permit me to express to you the obligations T! gyal 26, 1°59 38 am under for the eutire restoration of my hate te ite ortgiual | Uaited States it war colur, about the time of my arrival 10 the rupily becoming gray, Vul upon the apy estorative™ it mon recovered tts ort oof your "sentr thus. 1 consider ur Restorative aaa very wonderfy [svention, quite eficativur y ns well as agreeable. NOTICE. ar sir, yours teuly, Ss THALBERG , Fare indebted to raid entate, Cement. promptly paving what may be due, us long: | LEE decd. Ehereby give “Drych a'r Gwyliedydet Welsh Newspaper Uilice Paar. 0. J. Wooo — Dear Sir —Sen > P received a bottle of your Muir Rest wife, who concluded to try thon hee hai time that It would 4 sy Nair 1s Nasau st, April 12,1 er indulyeuce cannot be giveu tut native veg ture the ¢ >| cher recovery te | ae ving abd Chickeming the TaN ww all per Ayer HWRILIG tative bwi7 Adin’. | MOTTO Quick Sales and Short Profits. | In Bayden a Granite Row Opposite the Rowan House ve pate OUR te weal witehors ‘ Puor. 0 J Woon —Wit! Hair Kestorative, as being t saw whieh wer arta Bruce ay » call and the exoinebe our tert and tines dru and unpleasant sling, ov & perspire freely Pror Woun off and turuing Keay tie sisteof Bareaue About two yeare ago my hair euswence China Presses Psi la tint Parlor Chatre st Le Chane, Chil that never far y lect A few apy 1 a ets E ly, Me began ty GL up, grow vat, and carne Gee ide We feb Salisbury Colut, Wealth, abd appraratve, wud L chrerta ' we wall sell a Yel use ty all he po sean be feaeht i the State , Sle Co ie U lean tenth ccrenauircu ue Weal (Cantins (en MM . : Vetebs atioleet oan teanobleble: or ‘ ) vine weohad. We have a fine new Hearse for funeral oe Byars urd > . oo ious Catlat the Furnitare Stor of Rie ete yer Gut wie anpisi itt JOHNSON & WILEEELM Faweedecn aud cetasia fur $4 . Mi U. J. WUUD & CO, Prapucters, 466 Broatwuy, New Vurk Sabebary, April 260n, Poot. hyd their urmque @ aod 1a Market sr st boas M & ted ule ‘Aud suld by all gol Dru, cist and Faney Goal ee B ARRETI ‘sy =? a. VIN GIULG, OF New Crop New Orleans We- ASSES unt tow by ( BAKER LB Tranguihan gg owed WYATT, Druggict a Apt SI [BES (COX. ‘OCOA. ko and con Just rere ive ey! received and for sale SPRAGUE BROS eis esate! Qu Ba irbury, Dee 1 el delicious bevernge fort koa deonvalescent. | Brown Coffin & Mock PR Tranquitaing to weak per Jus ae ins 1 ’ WYATT, Drugaiot & Apothecary, salisbury, St | [ave the largest astortment « fori Servattn FEN pp icy . ‘ Weartu the market. Just recenved a lot of Georgia Pigs Es g BAKERS COCOA. Conan Stapes most desrable aud beat Ganda to be MOST delicious beverage for the ok and convalescent found ef Tranquiliiug & reves Jus sived by WW Apr 19 447 WYATT, Druges & Ay ty Sansbury, \: & liedy | SA Tee (Anny CRGE LOT of TEA and COFFEE SUGARS BAKER'S COCON, Le revived, MONE RLY & YOUNG MOST delicious be ve thes and convaleacen Mor 22 as as J Lin WYATT, D ak MS rye Salisbury oN ot . . Do you want Ready-Wade Clothing, BVKRIER Sao OLA, BOOTS. SHOES and HATS = C dla! MoNEEDY ine eee ‘ L YOUNGS, who have gust received a very : Je AM lenin cee uutsess IE a eee Geetvurot, winch they are selling al low pees \ WYATT, Diuggist a Apothecary, Salisbury, Nt mig Wig ee} tab Heckers Fari eckers Farina. 7 RUpp e EMARKABLY wholesome and nat tinue Justor ved by W Carchua HWY ATE, Draggiet & Vjthocary, Sal Heckers Farina. EWARKARBLY wholesome and nutritious Just received ‘Watchmaker & Seweller, by WOH, WYATT, Drugist d Apotherary, Salistury, Qervlina Imsy SF/IDLITS POWDERS | bolas iat mi e TIVE canecriber has dia Watch, C1 ' MOST useful Medi ine in Bil uc and other disevere ine: Stare in the towna A inith aarnizelmatee) Ibectaredicby We 1 UAL in sucss, Bil Druggist & Apothecary, Salisbury, NO (inay Chick W Geatrenaleedit ithe August 3i,1 isty Wow Ree Eeckers Farina. | FEMARKABLY wholesome and outitieus R by WoW WYACT, Draggist & Apothecary Saitcbury, S BANFRODS LIVER INVIGORATOP, COMPOUNDED wxcruceny prom GUMS PCRIFURS FUER BLOOD Juct reecivet Car {imty 4 SPLING MEDICINE, . | AR AMILY MEDICINE, Heckers Farina. A GOOD MEDICINE, CURES LIVER COMPE ATS it EMARKARLY whol-some aod nu'ritions Just received ct ON Ht COMRLAIST, by WoW, WYATT, Druggist & Apethecary, Salisbury, CURES SICK HEADACHE, | Carolina. {im4d CURES DYSPEPSIA, ' = CURES COSTIVENPRSS CURES CHRONIC DIARRITEA Heckers Farina. EMARKARLY sholetome and narrt’ by Wo, WYATT, Diuggist aN Larotina. SEIELITS POWDERS. | CURFS PILTOUS ATTACKS Nustireceivcl en FREMALR COMPLAINTS, cary, Salisbury, CU ESI SOIGU: ; ; | [nay Soe uderrtiaanont inoin Bor colionn Tas | LAND PLASTER. Pe Ee Stay A tty Sn SPRAGUE BROS. Druggist & Apothecary, Salisbary, Not {ouay { a | SEIDLITS POWDERS. | BAKER'S COCOA. MOST delicious bewernge for the sick and convalescent, sitle by MOST Useful Med.e ne in BiMoud and ether diseases inet | dental tow ae Bee ye WE ig to weak nerves Just received by Wo It Druggist & Apothe , Malisbary, N. € {uinad \ WYATT, Dingyist & Apothecary, Salisbary, NOC (im4s | Heckers Farina. | EMARKARLY wholesome and nutritiogs Juet received by Wout, WYATT, Druggist & Apothecary, Salisbury, N {tm4s SEIDLITS POWDERS. | SEIDLITS POWDERS MOST useful’Medicine in Billions and oth er lise dental to warm climates. Prepared by W. I Druggist & Apothceary, Salisbury, N.C WYATT, | | {2nay | Caroline SEIDLITS POWDERS. | MOST useful Medicine in Billions and other diseases ine) dental to warty clinytes pared be WoW WYATT A MOST useful Medicine in Bilious and other diseases inci Dinggint & Apothecary, Salisbury, N {2nt9 1D dentat te warm climates. Preymred by Wo MH, WYATT, Do uygi-t & Apothecary, Salish NG (umdy Linseed, Sperm and Tanner's Oii, HENDERSON & ENNISS’ a2 LYOMS MAGNETIC POWDER & PILLS: For the Destruction of all kinds of Garden Ineccta, Inte, Bed Bugs, Rouches, Ticka, Mothe, famocnd! SUeny ¢ What greater trouble, in an hour of ense, For sale at Mar. 15 ~ Call at Brown, Coffin & Mocks Blegont Clothing in the market, Vieas, and see the most going off ut unpar alleled prices April 19. Than gnawing raw bed-bage and fleas, | Gardene ean be preserved and houses rid of these Tt war dacovered by Mr B Lyon, a French Asia peste Theory of Vocal Music, IN SEVEN FASY )Cheanetin ond has been by al Nass | patronized Easter oe nnne and college Referene > supply of the above neeful Miucal Work, nies ULSI ei Let Sie cunge ca! % aN ePrints qanniedi ena gence an be inide wherever tre article has been tried. It ie ‘aS HTS OELICE, | free from porson, and hoamlere te mankind and do- jee Qiat, THOR tro mestic 50,000 Brick For Sale. i aes wanting to buy Fifty or Sixty Thousand this tta7 tormmale | Many worthless cmitations are ad verted. Be osure it beara the oame of Eo Lyon Remember "Din Lyon's Powder killa ines While Lyon's Pills Sample Flaske, 25 cte regular eizer, 50 eta and $1 BARNES & PARK, New York, HENDERSON & ENNISS' and WY ATES Drag Stores 1m46 HR. aD aw He stain a tries, good Back, can get a bargain by calling at Office YEAST POWDERS 42 orate and mice mine For ev'e at woul For sale at Salisbury Mar. 15 ARGE late Fiat Dateh and large late Drumhead Gest Ue eam Tn Sahabory. on the th anst. a» LEATITER abbuge Seed tir eale f! os pe POCKED BOOK, ned with a string, conterning 43 HENDERSON & ENNISS ANI cr fce arroeih, Clete (eve Gaines ota a 00 given by J J Phompeon, abont the Qath of Woarch Molasses! Molaases! 2 Molasaca! !! PTA large lot of NO. and Weet India Tinh ban ea vitarmning bwoore and anovher of $9.50 given hs For eale low “bint the 221 of dune, 15H, alo Phe finder of the money will be liberally re Apr. 12-46 by SPRAGUE BROS Rents warded TP forwarn all persona ag cnet toring forthe BLANK WARRANTS above named notes WA LINEBBRY, . . York College, for sale at this O,/ ce. Apr 19, 3147 Alexander Co, N.C | sell their like fe HOPPLIN's C1 region c \* niiiniaeanpem dip prwtoatiebinn dl Somega Us make wninediate sete | VE 1, man, t His Coats, and Pants teand Shoe vo onetthe shirts yew Wttte ¢ OTHING STOKE ha becowe to be, tu this whole unuy A Great and Indispensible Institution. | taaklwhereculeil | pari. nts frow bes Aprit 2oik, 1 his ste ee es e Spring and Summer ou i PION vy at and you will see gentlemen wearing nl COAT, of VEST y aud ie ch purel ses The Ube dabern ub entithes 1 ae G27 COMNER OF THLE MAN OF RVBRRTT'S. PAVILLION SCIENCE © vii. Biuabeucing Fun, THE whole SPACIOUS Admission med by their parr Apnl 25 Su Vac, Wusie, Comrie Bec Frolic, Rurceaud Aurbles 2 s comprising 4 stu wleare, wW tan th var bay, Th, Wonder ona phanot tis awa oo by astare, abd sean seat ain inte reader un eviabn ' wietest f Fepugnance (H Witherind any mance. The bert ot accompany theay Fitty Cente; lon ser'Tiacuus melange eabibnt at th 10 2 andl 7 oct many ys abd tor performace for MUD speclators ris tiatntained el gible seats are reserved for the 1 Man, 7 clock, 1 Linck the prope | he bas fit PAVILLION, 100 fect. p nided wit ut v Loot vue preaciples feel peroun of the fades and those wh nos or guardians, balf price LEWIS, cfyent 2wd WYATT Ss IT IS HANDSOME. ITISCROWDLED. IT IS FILLED WITH DICINES i) OILS [yoru Srare of N. Caron EVERY MAN, WOMAN aud CHILD KNOW Se A New As Ce Pray ANI Goop as Prrerorwen Every Dav! Re presestep, BY AEE In Every IL asi Sib Pant 7 ttt ' Siw AUD WESSHHO NS TEARIETE EN WEEDS Physienn’s orders acc opted atall lion of the might. Salisbury, N.C. per: os earth trom the deep ctcate” taney and bely ¥ i _ down ty the CLOTHING STORE New Clothing ! Good Clothing !! Cheap Clothing!!! ecules, CHAR BEOSSWAED, Leater of the Garniotian Yromsers perfor Phe most Children, when accompa: 6 Drue & Wedicine Ntore. {the Christian and ‘TE IT 1S TRE CHEAPEST STORE 1 Seats provided onty forthe LADIES and | Doors Open from > A. Mot P.M ts Tin 4s State of North Carolina. CAB URRUS COUN TY Courtof Pleas and Quarter Sessiins, April Term 1859 J.J. Miseuhener wud Jo Badwiek, ve. Christina Rie Mireuhemne Original denhour, r, Cox and Co, ve Attachments levied on Laud Chrsina Ridenhour LU appeanng te the satiatactoer of the Coort. that the defensant, Cheistina denbour i not an taheb fiwiitanl wiimestaesy beets Uh ordered ly the Coun that publicotion be inide forex weeks i the Carchoa Watehuan, ented im Safsbary., notity tng her to be and appear before the Justeerefour Court of Pleug and Quarter Sessions, at the next court tobe held for the the Court-hoa eoumy <e in Concord, en the Sd Monday duty nest, then and there to plead ar re vv and show ecuse. if any phe has, who the plowtil’s shih not have pocgavent against her, and the dteveed apen by virtue of sad ativelane Satefy the sane Witness, NoSloo Clerk of ours urt at of fier, mn Concord, the dd M 1 eae) deo) and the MA vear ol one Indepencenes proudy $5 SOMES) Nie iat tant pita fiw ds DE ROSSET, BROWY & CO. WILMINGTON, N.C. BROWN, DE ROSSET & CO. NEW YORK Commission Merchants. Agente nt Wilt IP Sole pulated Gann phosphate o Linge Vr Land Plaste The Fashionable Store of Apr. 19 rters and W f Lame fpore P red Grreatest Drees Crooide RROWN Wihhitelock ow I are for Reese's Ma Cole Sap anand other Guan (Nu ' re wale er va Vinpd t7 nducements overeat COFFIN & WOCK 447 in Wh Olesale ' Boots, Shoes, ae lain Street and TOE Phitade No. © Anno Ee Bosion Vf, Boots, Shoes, Ifa aud € tihey dy WS fe hoe 4 Lave Dayo, tl DUK VBILt Ty, Vive Cssand ; Loti aud { 16 Nhuve by wo ty Lo Pt br the (:, DUC Beles ONL fel, woe. yy MSL pe Fi ba ted with gre q ' 2 . as YOU we ts, ( AND GENTLEMEN'S pip | | 1 OOF ye Retail Dealep in ire e 8 te heir ra | rece) THEOL Stuck H ing direct from the Japs, Clothing. i 3 | | Good .News for | Everybody !! INE Mr DAVID WELL, has just opened a CLOTHING, in the house formerly occupt ind respect! iv invites the public to call, murehastug elsewhere Maule Ital Cloth amd Sok Aipaca (OG e Sacks, Linen Duck Dedi and Brown Linen Coats, Spuumisht Linen Raulans, tine Black 7 riveue: [etites eel! » Union ¢ Vests, white Butfand finey Marseilles, seilles Bosom Shirts and Collars. Pine fies Crntleeice tis Sit Vir Himeret anit Among bis Steck may be ed iu Salisbury. i fition. ant CRAND OPENING — OF NEW SPRING & SUMMER GOODS! Ahead of Everybody ! 1! SPAPLE A They are rich and rare, We are S \WMENSE NVVERSTIONS | THE UNDERSIGNED RESPECTRULLY INVITE EVERY BODY TO | : vane Jeall and see our New Spring Stock of ) PANCY DRY GOODS, and far surpass any Stock in beauty, that was ever offer- selling off DRY GOODS rapidly, and eclipse all compe- Give ts A CALL and we will convince vou that our Btock és far SUPERIOR te ANY that has before been offered to the the LOWEST water inark. public, and that owr prices are down to MOTTO.---Polite attention to Customers, and Small Profits. SPECIAL NOTICE. Country Mercuants and the pablie generally will find in addition to our Stock of STAPLE AND FANCY GOODS, a splendid Stoek of READY-MADE CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, lof all sorts, sizes and prices, ITATS, FLATS and BONNETS, Drugs, Paints, Oils and Dye-Stuffs. WOOD WARE, BUCKETS, We beg leave to return onr most sincere thanks, for the | lust Neasou, and hope by strict attention to business, and | purchares. WAY | | | LARGE STOCK of READY-MADE ed by James EL. Texniss us a Book Store, sit will be to their advantage, before found every variety of Ready- Black and Cold mtner Cashmere and Tweed Frocka and Winte and Fancy Marseilles Joshin Pants, faney Side Stripe Cash-/ t Pants, poate and faney Silk and Satin | Coats, Tex La tine assortinent of Linen and Mar-| Due SUBSCRIBERS RESPECTEULLY 2 Gentlemens Furnishing Cr00ds, (iP JES EHOY SION IDE Anil wll sl 25 per cont Choaper than ea verso call and exa hary. xi” Let every | appointed, Satispery, April 19, 1859. AWN DEO UAE wxibly be sold any where el in Salia- and he will not be dis- nope nine tor liimeself, J. ib. ENNISS’ eats ref BOOK STORE. NEW BOOKS! NEW BOOKS?! J! ST reerivedatJ.H.ENNISS BOOK STORE eF s large aeeortinent of Valuable and Interesting New Books, tter, Note, and Fociscap Paper, Blank Books, &e Among the new Books witl be found The Confes- Sehoolinaster, by Aleott; Major Jack Fherty Years Out of the United Stater Evil wot from Ged, by John Young. LED: Ediibargh; Spargeon’s Gems he Sanit and lie Fred. Freeland, or the Chan Roumania; Phe Border Land of ark : Opportunies for Tneesiry sudthe safe Tuveatment uf Capial, Zaehes’ New Mmerean Speakers ‘Vhe Carpenter's Assistant and Rural Architect, by Win. Brown, Architect: Villas, Saviour, by Spurgeon: of Cirenins tances + and Cottages, by Calvert Voix, Aretite Ladies Manual of Fancy Work, ty Mra, Pailans: Barnes’ Fanaly Praveen: Parley’s Book of Annuals, 200 engravings) The Childicn’s Pleasure Book , Phe Chitd’s Pretomal Atbam : Grandfather's larse letter spelang, and picture readaig Book, on a new plan Hugh Miller's Works ugh Miller's Works. My Sechoots and Schoolmascers + Foot-printe of the Creator, The Testunouy of the Rocks; The Lite and ‘Tunes of Hugh Witter + , . , NOW ELS. What Will He Doe With Th by Bulwer; Woman's Thonghts Aboot Women, by the Author of Joho Matias: Dae Exp rene by Raffin: Jane Byres Vadette Shides. by Cunier Bolly Path Gay ae |) saith; Davecput Daun by Charles beserc My Navel or Warten tie Mie tele halt Almaner, ‘Phe Lover's Straagens: Ein Cadon, Ronin ce of the Haran, a Coutesson of a pretty: Woman, Vhe Rival Beauties; The Wite's Vriats by Miss Pardoe BOOKS OF HUMOR. The Wild Western Scener; Sam slick: The Arkansas Doctors The Grey Bay Mare: ‘The Comic Jew; Whom to Marry; Major Jones’ Courtship and his Sketches of "Travels, REYNOLD’S NOVELS. Bilen Perey Dow's Patent Sermons; Wandering Mary Glentworth : Phe Opera Dance : Pope Joan: The Young Duchess: The Empress Kagemen Boudoir: Coannhurg House; Ada Acun del, or the Secret Corader Books for Odd-Fellows. The Odd- Fellows’ Manual; The Odd. Fellows Text Book ; The Odd- Fellows’ Offering Beautiful Gift Books. Josephine Gallety + Atlantic Souvenirs Fn rravings from the eof Modern Master Woman of Beauty ; t Aummal; Phe Violet. Albume, &e.. We Vor eile wt JAS. H. ENNISS' Rook Srenrt Salisbury, N- Draying. ie] polis: fully undersigned is Ex prepared HE kind. ot z DRAYING, from or to the Depetoor any where else in town, at any heur ot the diy wr night, As ereumatances may © quire Orders de hiv | them orlefiat their Stable in the Bast Ward, will receive prompt a‘tenuion Charges mods rate SNIDER & RIGGS April 19, 159 bn d7 Ladics Shoes of erery descrip vat RROWN, COPEIN & MOCKS, eal! Ap selling at vofite iv 4 BLANK DEEDS FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE THREE VALUABLE SLAVES | I ) al x FOR SALE. BY VIRTUE of an order of the County Court of Rowan at February Term, Peo, Towill sell nt the Court House in Salisbury on ‘Tuesday the 3d day of May next. TURKE VALUABLE N KGROES be- tothe ehudeen of Jac Hughey, interest from date | HWUGHEY. \ Commissioner State of North Carolina 9 DAVIE COUNTY Cours of Pivas and Quarter Herm ou. Heire at Law of Davil Clarke, dee'd ong Terms, sax months credit, ROBERT W Mar 14, 42 Sessions, March DL Olarke. ve Pettun for Dower Tt sppearing to the satisfieetion of the Court, that Marthew and Yonce Clark, two of the defeudants mentioned in the petition and grand children of the not inhabitants of this gud 0. Clirke, deed, mre State: Ttas. therefore, ordered by the Court, that Pubhention be made for 6 weeks in’ the Carolina Watchman, that the sad Mathew and Youce be and next Court of Please and Quarier Ses- sous te be held for the Connty of Davie, at the Court Heuse tn Mocksville, on the second Monday tnd show cause. if any they can, why ball not be granted or Jodient pro confesse willbe entered agamnst them Wine VA. Harbin, Clerk of oar suid Court, at office the 2ud Monday in March. A.D, 1859 | A. A HARBIN, Clerk. 6w47 apoear at the ta dune nex the prayer Pr andy. $5.50 State of North Carolina, DAVIE COUNTY Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, March Term, 1°59 JU. Kennedy, vs. Abraham Conlin Original Attachment Levied on Land. PT appearug to the satisfaction of the Court, that the dete Abraham Conhn, is not an mhabitant It is, therefore, ordered by the Court, that publietion be made for 6 weeks im the Carolina ndavnt of thes State Watchman, panted im Salisbary, that the 6 ud Abra- ham Contin be and appear at the next Court of Pleas sid Quarter Sessions, to be held for the County of Davie, at the Court House in Meeksville, on the second Monday in June nest, and show cause if any why the aad land shall not he condemned for the xatsfaction of the Plaintffs debt aud sale ordered he has, accordingly Witness, AOA. Harbin, Clerk of our avid Court, at Office the 2ud Monday in Mareh, A.D. 1859 A.A HARBIN, Clerk. Pr adv, $5.50. 6wA7 w= a@ Db EH @ => Hte \\ Administrators of the estate of John Ro Staf- ‘ rd. deed House ia Conecrt, 19th day af Apritnext, the 1 LIKELY NEGROES, } Won about 30 yea we will eell atthe Conet vie ok fallowing property (o wit Cabarrus Ce on Tuesday the sold, | Boy about 10 vears old. 1G Hout Gand | Boy about 4. ‘Terms made Known on the day of wale JAC, LUDWICK, SNHIMER, Mar J (S50 Administrators Positively the LAST CALL! "eo have a large number of ansettied Accounts, which must be closed by the Pia! of May, and amountot Notes, which if aot at vino a large tended toby that time willbe placed m the hands of an otlieer for colleetion BROWN & COFFIN, April 19 BwA7 “ea GD BE @ -Bce Ll, who ate indebted tome will please call and ‘ erttle their aAccountear nates “They can ret Heitor we tt Bag. who occupies aioffice with me. Othce mi Cowan * Rnek Row fr POWwWE Sint | Salebur March s. Ps50 | Carpets, Carpets, Rugs, +, & eo, the largest assortment in the marketat the Rstablishment of BROWN i COFFIN & MOCK im 4147 MARRIAGE L TCENSES ROR SAL Ap c W Dress Frocka, Super (2 e v e 7 DAVID WEIL. DRY GOODS, Mat- oat whe AT THIS OFFICE (Ma. 2 Don't fulto CALL AT THE OLD ESTABLISHE Manstwoa Hotel Sarissuay, N.C, March 22, 1859. NEW GOODS, r Se pe No. 4, Building, SUAILISIBIC IN, S.C, Granite announce to their fiends aud the puble ger rally. that their arrangements for the SPRING = PRADE are than hitherto hat they ure now prepared to extitit one of the more extensive and argest and most attractive Stocks of eet teers ORO Luk W Vases ces pesmi’ q yt Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, ete., that they have ever had the pleasure to offer. To == an examination of which they are cordially invited We have bestowed much ume and laber to ge! up a first-rate Stock and feel savrfird that no hous in the State can off era better selected Stock Our Stock is very large and embraces such an awortment a8 will enable any pereon fo buy of w with the beat advantage to themacires, all the Gooes they may need in our line. Tnall things we shal try to consult the interest of our customers We think it useless to enumerate but will state § we have succeeded in obtaining The Choicest and most Disirvable Styh mported, and we are fully warranted in saying th: t ho ove who wishea to bay will leave enue keagon with every thing that RICH J 7 Orders are respectfully solicved which shal We have eccured the services of Mr. J. P. Gow wy, lung and BROOMS, CROCKERY AND QUEEN 1 the best stock of SUGAR, COFFEE and M¢ )LASSES ever offered in Salisbary. our Store nusupptied AND DESIRABLE at all tines have our prompt and personal attention. BRUSILES, TWINE, ROPE, ; WARE, lheral patronage bestowed on us by our friende low prices, they will sll favor us with thet D STAND ON THE CORNER, opposite the MCNEELY & YOUNG. 143 NEW GOODS. MARCH 2st, 1859. Our Stock will be replenished througout ex\ensively known in this section. A. & W. MYERS. ‘a @> O BE BDe It will be seen by the above that [am now in the Tonse of Messrs trends, pledgiag to them all the advantages which are promised in the above order, shell at all times receive my solicit the patronage of my Their wauis either 1 person or by advertisement. attention. Marcu 22d, 159 A. & W. Myers. “I respectfully careful and prompt J. P. GOWAN. 13 EEE Bazaar of Fashion, Salisbury, April 19th, 1859. MAGNIFICENT FRENCH DRY GOODS : 4 pied GOODE were purchased during the past week, and are ENTIRELY NEW AND Gaeta iets in Design and in Price, Style and Quality, arc ENTIRELY UN- | RIVALED-- BEAUTIFUL BA DERE REGINA TAFFETAS ORIENTAL, | ties suminer wenr BROCADE CHINTZ BAREGE ANGLAIS D ROBES ADINE DOUBIEJUPE POIL DE CHE VRE ROBES VERY BEAUTIFUL BAYADERE BARAGE TWO-FLOUNCED REDINGOTE ROBES EXTRA RICH FADEKE AND BROCHE DOUBLE JUPE MOUSLINE DE CHINE DO 19 COLORED PRINTED BARE HEAVY SATIN PLAID VERY RICH CHINE POULT DE SOL TWO-FLOUNCED SILK ROKES SUPER QU ROBES, DOUBLE JUPE, TY VERY RICH PLAID TWO-FLOUNCED SILK ORE: FINE AND BEAUTIFUL PARIS PRINTED ORGANDIES AND JACONETS EXTRA BLACK HEAVY GROS DE RHIND, all boiled, RICH COLORED PLATD GL PAKMUKE SILKS FINE QUALITY RICH BAYADEKE CHINE DUCAL CHALLY Lapin's splendid quality high cetored mode apd black Mouse line De Laive. ALSO, Lupin's celebrated extra quality black Bombazines and De vines Heavy Velours Ottoman Black Silk, for mourning OUR STUCK [8 NOW VERY LARGE, RICH AND COMPLETE Choice new Dress Silks, ¢ Jaconeta, Organdics, I Travelling Drese Goods, eatirely new and devutifal, medinm priced Dress Goods, Damasks, G tds for Meo and Boys) wear Sheetings, Shirtings, Combnes, Musting, and Linens [OT A Callie reapecttatty eetivited by allan want, of the above articles before pureba stig pwitig that they will find our Stock complete in every respect A. & W. MYERS NO 4. GRANITE BUILDING, ory J. 1k. Moose, Commission Merchant. SANG HON, iis (0, W IL, give hie persual attention to the purclinae of all kinds of Pridace Alu, tr all ¢ Once for thie or other markets DA Davis, Cashier, B and Joel He Jenkins, Salsbury, No Mareh 2s, Pso9 re » » & » & " SR) OS) SSE AL Ss) * They are Cheap Enough, GIVE ME TWO) PAIR” ele H wrethe language of a highly om apectah e and responsible tarmer of Rowan at JUL Eyyte April 19 vasa B Roberts » SI Root axp Swok Ewroan «last werk Te wanted Shoes, they were shown hin and prieea name! nid he ct They are cheap nome, gine me fro parr And chenp they were. Farmers if you want Shoes you will find the Dergeat aad best Stock REMEMBER J. UW. ENNISS, No. 8. Graxtre Row you ever looked at HEMLOCK LEATHER at McNEELY & YOUNG'S 1143 1O00"™ SYRUP, ; nae] T. Cc. & B.G. WORTH, General Commission Merchants, wilmington, N. C. DEALERS IN LIME, PLASTER, HAIR, CEMENT, LAND PLASTER, ROBINSON'S MANIPULATED GUANO. JAS KERR & CLARKS PHOSPHATIC FERTILIZER. Orders for any of the above filled without charge of commission—Terms, CASH Mareb Ist, 1859 3mp'd40 We have on hand a large and superior lot of SUGAR, COFFEE, MOLASSES, EA, RICE, BACON, LARD, PEPPER, GINGER, SPICE, PICKLES, CRACKERS, RASINS, MUSTARD, SARD i. Vinegar, Soda, No. 1 Mackerel, Pickled Salmon, Soup, Starch, Candles, Biacking, Indigo, Powder, Shot. Lead. Caps, Snaff, Tobacco, Cig srs, Matohes, &e. ke CALL AND SEE US. We pay Cash or Groceries for Country Prodace trea Rutier and Eggs, mee Bacon and Lard, good Teal, Potatoes, Peas, Beans, Omons, ve, &e, always in request. Bring BEARD & BROTHER Apnl 6, 1859 1145 HATHAWAY & C0, Wilmington, N.C. = woe r . DOO Hivds. 2 Choice, New Crop, =p SBep Mterces 4) Cardenas Molasses. 75 Barrels choice New Orleans Syrup. SO ituds. fiir to chotee New Orleams Sugars. 200 Barrels Clarified Sugars. 500 Bags Kio. Lacaira, West India & Java Coffee. 150 Barreis Wess aud Prime Perk. 25 Hits. Western Baecon,---Sides and Shealders. 200 Bois. Veilow Planting Potatoes. March 14, 185% Smsipd Pav FAMENITES SO) Mie 2c Call and buy 25!ba. GOOD nite, at HENDERSON & ENNISS’ Mar 15 14d 100 BAGS PRIME RIO COFFEE, 15 BAGS OLD GOVERNMENT JAVA Dey 2 LAGUIRA, Joat recerved, McNEELY & YOUNG Mar 22 1749 L300) PUTER Mar 22 EMPORIUM 5 WOOD, EDDY & CO.'S CARD. in gle Number Lotteries! Ins es es cin i (CHARTERED BY THE HTATE OF GEORGIA | NOPICE 1OTHE PUBLIC i tebe i ae aN a Hay Wa . eee , ( x PES DEUS ON i | a ete Ee r wth = 7 . Wi WISTS WHsy> WP WILD GE. DEWVALE { A ty Tat : Tahe out tle F JOU VSERFEITS'! \ | ES \ 0 Nh in syne Sk BOLE Nit ' , sad 4 : M Wa | You 1 ‘ MIMD ’ fi. tsacas n Sa 748 AN Yew and beve ‘ f | WMA a wou bNow Ty ON GEES Bi yt 1 tN MBE ' ‘ } We Panag be teande dad La ityeb iy PREAIS ! Ke? PATE UR Est EB Nr TICKETS ‘ iN at WBE os es tat SO Suleratus, Starch, i MARCIE &5, 1859. | Teen Nelie me! DRY GOODS. Ae ee 1 : ae eee 1 NS AYE ON Hy IE a HOOT, us - . ; i | PACHS VU AY IN Apia | oe ee ae ee ee ae ey ee < VY . hoe ‘ ie wiela LMIMI RM AN W r ! N¢ sea ! ’ a ss oe 40 Ww } YY ) { 1 : ou DANTEL \M Z| I 4 5 pte deol ge BRO \, ((! | I\ Ni Wi k. fare Hb \ ft : WM ENS es LEI VES OP SGT N UNEP OL TChEN CELEBRATED VEGETABLE ccammectu ee os u ae Rec iec ail Nore . = A wm ; COME AND SER oe ({ y\\ \\ sete and USE UEEE ER ' 4 Ranks i) ‘ Vor ATs hes im Gy; Hy ews es 0) ee : i . - en ag A Le Tetieg . oO BRAGRT OR of anu ‘ . ' W. R.W ESO) NS WRG RLY | AAIL | hte eae MILE LI THONTREL rt ‘ ; ‘ . S i oni WS 2) iP ea a el 1 ! EXCELLENCE OF QUALITY NEW haa . 3 bh. rho rs ee Lsureine hits Neretct Piet @ alae eG. si} AXDH From Muchsville \. 0. to Salishuery, V0, l ; a ' 4 a Pe the ot : ee eae ots wh Herald” DiTASED AIDAEYS 1; 17 Dear eo Bors. A Leaves M M oe 5 rf ee Me imtoo, ate ee ze 4 f : : . ’ ! We jane he : ao Clocks Walkine Canes, &e. , Yo gu ee ee : 1 IPOALMOST EVE RADE : . mS , ee t es ‘ \t i , . : ! ne i pee) At oe Pe Noches bp! “ s _ ' ; i RANTS 7. woe NOTICI en 4 : i] \ t . PENI MI ey > 4 by > : Pak , 1 Los ; ! - ; an at a} ce ¢ ar \ WY isu fx NOD ; ee = ; BCIDBR SS BRGle ye oN , | Te & OUpy 5, OE Be Cin BENG Fou ile Nonaalsonoo! . . HATS & CAPS Pee Cele ee ; i I oe fo ‘ uy . Tit SDAMS EyDITe9 $ COMALN y = ak So, tay Haan aa) . YS COOD MEADOW ‘, : : LE ad OTS) ee ce ra ee oe > BONNETS | hag : ! RERUN ele yp A : . ve ee . een OG i Ns sy Py oe ee MUILEPARY GOODS, i AAS oN WAL [ils ee mee cee i 1 ok ’ es a 8 pe Pee i eee ‘ , la Vii ot , fer READY MADE CLOTHI NG ; . 7 ea Re RCS De ahs oe ed Gre eae | Goons petet ete ae x ’ valk py (al 8 ( i ee ' \ ( i . wy ! ; DRE SS GOODS. ee ae v4 CHANGE OF SCHEDULT, (a0 . OG Re He PHA a. “ Ge he ' hij FANCY. SILKS, fi sb bary to Asheville, en era a‘ aon Rich Flowseed wl Robes, . in BaD a oe ( a HAD - De SS TO SY Sane MOUSELIN De \ "i a i } : 4 are ss Weston Sorth Gar or Psa . JOHN DOOLEY, a me AATL ROAD NITICS oo. aor toes POCKET oS f Utes i luce F ( : x N ' ITO Tay aaa PLE yess / pe, ¢ POCKET KNIVES BOOK BINDING AGENCY, COUNTRY MERCHANTS. aa eee a ; 4 4 oie So pers eT OM IN UTES AY UROY NEY, CrrIEAR, ie A ee! Se? PINTS. 4 : ; 1 ' ‘ 1A ! Vo) ; He He & he : be Nites ' 5 veer ‘ CEN. 2 : ‘ ery ‘ LO TE IES FO) Ty red i mol TENS Ca CAVED ES, woe oo EXPE DITIOY, RO Hof ROBARDS. Hoe eee 4 NEN & Ec , a ry ‘ \ a. 4 LINEN & SITTON SHSETI¥3, Ee? PINS) Want dons, \ ; . 2 ROWAN HOUSE [AW at nes : Sta . Ow ae ‘ eU rh = AHOLD Vs Sum fs an quan : —_ > a : as , ‘| ( ey} Nalisburu NOOO , ty a ns : ' a ~= Ma ret a 7 / ‘ ae * ! Under ofany customs f GROCERIES. Blanix Sooke, Ledgers, &c., a r ve ee : i : srrnaw ao ; thor # arateectiaa Card. Cee ae ey ii 6 JONESVILLE | . Si bord ao: - bets : : j Pe tele) ‘ ! vi ie i Fashionable BP. C.F. rowE os = anauee : i . Wolke aed oats loademiey, ea Nisin ene en 7 e | 2 ee) ‘ 1 so ¥ Iyr \ Tara ay ¢ . " ING BONNE we gs . oe . FP ilo sise yy. b, j Ne Sa WOW Gaede! New Goods! 7 | 3 ee } : Pye : I ; vattunn, Meg flor ai at MN eee Vly Nc ry Ha a & , . a ; booae tar her cidulee nee } rae ; | a CVE BUGGIES, re f a ae Western North Carolina Rail Road, iy a WE WERE LSI Bes &c., &c. ‘ : etalon, AUS ition s De \ | Ve Vy ET Ir Reiman sie Ce ne ee Bt Oe een i ! fe nel 2, el Maratha tia lie ee z= SUMMER WEA but or SPRING AND i ee i os 8) Vt, BESSENT, pene aM Bene ae eee : ‘ joo ¥ fe : saan . an | le eae seen eel Co ARRING b "BUSINESS a : _ iE Fale i \ ' We A a a _ b eed ES Bans: Mur Hopd dd = eae SPRING STOCK, I: eh aoe Miata aries aa F eee aus Servic atte Ven One Oe Pan DOK omuenedhsuenserhtoe ox Say ae a Q ' 4 ( \) ALE. STi epee STAPLE & FANCY ORY GOODS! Careting GV WO aes : OT ce een, an i el. ‘ g? WW ATs . ‘S107 i July 20th. 1834, ee ieee ente { Positire Sale Without Reserve. of hea Mi ee A po \ \ E r Si aay Catal, e i ( rk ! may ( 4 ON THE TH DANY OF MAY NEXT, rar ~ oN \ 1 ; ' coos iat ah urchoea ON Boots and Shoes, et a MOTIEDR CINGE' See one eun la eee : we pre to pe ch fe AY READY MADE Chori] NG) bodiniepive Wn GENERAL COMPSON . oy tye ee nt oe : : - : ' CTO RY & HSTIRHERS SALISBURY SIM aa ene an ne a Net of “ - ~ pies ES ‘ Bhve hy J OOS, a) S. CORN Cee or. | GROCERIES, fuerat's Lief Fits se Packet ay iV HRB | } AR . 1 ESSENCES ere, 4 Nirlowe tee gat tae ‘ SELVES * SSUES F a icre a uey eu EST. ! Pprepert voor that per. , Mision © Tacs _ , , treowy : ' : ' IT. ¢ . \| Mae (}], I We ON Wa gissiey Acrabiinet ay. fllee: fvevree ae ee i : : dy l VM iu ERIE I? he 4 EO Sst Gas i Satin, A ce : al, IP nT Os fe ; . f i : \) ! ee i . i _ WIGTIA Ghyn4 ile Bey AR D aX ‘ rw ay even al epechoner, d f / / ' See \ make ak ae Ma a \ ee \ est ra a ; : . ; Sire ! ! Sa ec! : nt ua Attics ata Goats : ! a TEA 7 _ i eM eti B ! GLO OR JOHNSTON Navisriay, Ap =e SUH UnRea a ues. Liv ee Nap WIENS ; | i Peer) 6ws YE AST Pc WV Der QUE CLS SIE, BROWN, I Yih & kh. 4 ALDWELI AMER RICAN feonearet ‘ a hy JAMES HOR AT Wea | Wilweee COWUSAY WERGH IM. RP oP ay 7 - : WATCH-MAKER AND JEWELER, Mas _ Mi. i I, 1 1 ' ; { S JP ONSET ; us SALISBURY N 4 | SC , NAS ey \ ' 1 j ae a) ey ! YW } raul One door below R.A 4, Dope Store, ca WtN DI penis ON WS " ber ik ap ( \ ! resins / Apr 19-46 ! mien , | > a ae Linseed. Sperm and Tanner's Oi), : BILAN tats fear eer BLANK DEEDS For wake atthin Mar 1 12 (he SI UA MINES ig PB OR Nine fireensborough Hutual COMPANY, INSURANCE Dic Di ns fet \N BARK WANTED. TO ALL | | Interested in Building I AYER’S SALISBURY tenor W Kerosine Oil. TIIST eS WE POR MIGOARES He ¢ | 4 pet KEROSINE OF ¢ at fir reed and table upe Bo HENDERSON & EXNISS ne 1244 rice BROS ( Cherry Pectoral. Drs. M | WHITEHEAD &J A CALDWELL. Iy AS. The Subscribers call attention to thar Deets rapucarerc{.G “been Wi {Is Uh arsuess, Bonehiir, W ’ ' z HIS on al i oe GG ae : Hee) iv Nascan ceva these wane | ) PESO ES PALIN Pat RREN TINE, , a CESUIGN scienierae HeRtnceecOquN Ace discover CEL EAS ar ree Eee SUE Sa, Sania ye Hed S Weihua, ary 1 ase. So wide is the touts IR ESEN Chalk, Whiting, oT ! ReaGue hea el nen RAW NHS us fulness and se numerous ihe eascnot EN o bem tanon ine Ce On ; ty cures, that almost every seeton of TORINALS, Syrenges, Breast Pumps, z SASS THN Os DOGS wall sronne A U ) Syrenges, ¢ my 1 cou 1 wbouids th petsete pubiiely ’ : aren ] i he} in this ¢ we WN ec Y jo hinve been teptared tron ( 1 ARDEN and Gouse Seeds, tot xt i woh al I { oi dt h a YS ALT-PE URE, Borax, Glue DPPC rows a ‘ \ Me Ss ) < a cry I ee r ' F revit i ay 0 hu win Th Sai vn Powe t ; Re Nici iernorseeh here lewy 1 James M4 EO Wo Osburn, 1 DP) Mbp ‘ a . <t ( iD Wiles ( : fl hex Mir : ; i . Vl AGNESCA, Wétard, Ginger, ; i ay He Si oe i to : a ! " YE At n u Caelen | WL dS ~ ; Ie NEMESS, Surgical Tustrinments, , “I r q i i 1 k are atrested 1 4 os y Po Vee | ; Ce : ie _ : Pee tnon : J) CRAM EE tok, Mhacuns, ' \ \ ; without st ‘ sp WE pea ! ve be ' ‘ . a ue with this : RIND eRe & (an : Wmv aes ' : ' | SENGDLASS, Gollutine, Batracts, ¢ r : ; tt tidisca 1 eatin be MEE He AIDES, Siu ia 3 BED ST i uae Poyet die emrprisine (hs Re Sponge, iby, Sot < las by Mone i A. iow (ieClnee le Hie ys rey te | ‘ ; rayys hie i it : fae arn SHG, Avan +, Pink, SE ; ; } i . ay ra ‘ aD lhe Avian ee thas j \ | Coffer, Sugar, Molasses iu \ Huet ee ee ee <4 Bt FANS y Pme aeee y adit bateinies se Whose Whole i ul IN : i , avy 1B - ered and Whew liver Wave boeu saved b ou . S . i , i Sand Pape Te Th EL Be a Naser Stee tile wi cccttty Xt \ eA TE oe | HOSES Set wioans SALISBURY. oe * : WK AEDS. Sulphur, Conan Tartar, () we 1 eS yu ayer i atenyern tonling 1 r Boye 5B nee Hee ‘ i ' an [oe chine Gein \ De a Net | v \ wd vt : es Ore a i ‘ / ; 1 t a} ron & Baaniss, S ry NG "AN DOW Glass. Putts t ul ~ aks =~ ti 2 ns ; ND We SINS ii Sooty, : : : i Volt rs fl ( re it i Na \ ELLOW Qehre, Lang Black, : . SFY Peters! Va CIOS. Alediel Hurd AILS, Pitot tall a ty Reval, Vas mod ot A EMS: Ato, Pha STEVENSON & BOWE ENE 0 CPO RMN, Louseed and Lamp Oite, it Dp INCTURES, Barks, Quine, tmenta WATCHES 4 1 JEWELRY ofall ko he W i} ’ Teeter: fe Pebroary 14, De5s lyae sianvdts ; Mf ' hinds, Jor Sala at thie O five a« - Dl si t a m M a c w m u e ~ a n e el i e é ———— J.J. BRUNER, EDITOR AND PROPRIELTO TERMS Single eopy, Five copies, Tea copies, Clubs excer ADVERTISING RATES. A square is the spea occupied by 18 lines o | “o p Brevier type. Occasioual renewa Ap without additivnalcharge | uopaasuy p granted to those who ad- suopsesul ) vertise regularly through the year. suopaasa One B three dollars for an: > suojjiosuy p Bouncing candidates lor . otice. | sucusesuy @ Court Orders charged 25 per ceut higher than the above rates. Orders Gy Ol OO O L SO E CO E C2 CO D suopesu] B® for divorce of husband te e soyye aos sasu] Youd and wife, $10 each, G8 Persons sending in advertisements are re- quested to stute the num- ber of insertivas required ; and if it is wished they thoald occupy the least space possible, write upon the back the word cluse Otherwise they will be put up in the usual style wad charged accordingly sn o p a e d o d am e s oy y Uy ] sy w o M e e A p T Je s s e syiuW & “sMUOK ® “SUN 6 No discount these rates, BEANKS, The following Court and miscellaneous BLANKS ave kept on band for sale, at this otfice. Can be sent by mail to any part of the country, at sinall expense. jssuon BE Civil Warrants, Com. to take Depo. C. & 8. C. Casas & Bonds, Apprentice Indentures, Writs. C. & 5. Court, Letters Testamentary, Execations, ( AOC: Letters of Administration, Subpanas, C. & B.C. Bpecial Letters do., Witness Tickets, C.& 8. C Marriage Licenses, Juror Tiekets. Do Certiticates, Prosecution Boads, C Kail Binds, civil cw Ball Bonds, crim, “ Attachment Writs, Delivery Bonds, Administration, do. Bastarday, 4 Notes of Hand, Appeal “ Notes to Bank, @ Ad many other forms of less frequent uspraie. ted to order on short notice TS. BAKER’S PREMIUM CHOCOLATE. W. Baker & Co's American, French, Homaopati and Vanilla Premium Chorolate, Prepared Coee Parte, Cocoa Sticks, Suluble, Homa:pathie and Die tetic Cocoa, Cocva Shelis and Cracked Cocoa, Cele brated as nulriuive, salutary and delicious beverages. for more than three-fourths of a century, are mana factured from Cocoa of the finest quality, and war- ranted superior to avy other Cocoa Preparations made in the United States. As nourishment for chil- dren invalids and persons in health, and as substituces for Tee and Coffee in Nervous and Dyspsptc cases 8.C. Various Equity Blanks, Do Indictments, Land Deeds, Deeds in Trust, Bheriff Deeds, Equity do. Blanks they are mvaluable, and are recommended by the inost eminent Physiciins O77 For sale by their Agents, D.C) Wurray, New York; Wm. 8. Graut, Philadelphia; TOV. Brandize, Baltunore ; Kennett. Dudley & Co, Cincinuan, and by Grocers generally WALTER BAKER & CO, Dorchester, Mass A Great In | Ades BODY SAYS SO, and so it must be 4 Tt almost anuihilates ume and distance, by the speed of its trains, which, as they thunder along through hills and over t plains and valleys, drawing ther long lengths aod enormous freights, the gaping world stand and Jook—they can't help—with wonder and delight; and then itis they are woul to ery out, Great Institution. People used to say that such and such aman ‘uaa fteam”’ If he were vre @ polr- tern, as a lawyer, a er, a merehant or a tradesman, he was sure to reesive fppellation. prear thre distinguishing A god team, ia those Uines, was, per- haps, inure the pride of men, the Tron not be cause we have less need for horses now. but bee han since Horse come upon the world’s great stage ; in some of their uses they have been eclipsed.— Well, In considering these comparixous in their applicaiion to men, we hold that there are seme w who res far above even the Great Institution, Take for iu stance Ex. Gov. Morenean, whose mental strength and moral power, put inte operation the great forces which heaved out the earth from the deep ‘tcuts” and filled up the ravine and valleys from Charlotte to Goldsboro’, and mad- the high way. with all ite ap- pendages. We might instance others, many others, who rise above them; but let i suffice other men whose modesty will not al ow pire to any thing beyond = For oursel!, feetly content to be accounted like the tufron. Gentlemen, let us reawon together on FLOF ELI can't be beat in selling CLOTHIN Vesta and Neck-Ties, Hats, Caps, B there are them to ve we are Great Insti- per- thie snbyect IN|; | and Pants; sand Shoes: Shirt Drawers, cannot be excelled ir ty, neither can any well their Hke for an litte money aa he. The fact te HOFFLIN’S CLOTHING STORE has become to be, to this whule region of country, A Great and Indispensible Institution. i one Took where you will, and you will see gentlemen wearing garments from hia Btore Does a gentleman want a fine and good COAT, or VEST, or HAT, and feel he has need to make the best ase of his m He goes to Horriin’s, of course. Homrniy's: Stock every thing of every quality His Spring and Summer supply, juat received, surpasses all former purchases, and Ie the NE PLUS ULTRA in the Clothing line. The fancy and tasty man; the man who prefers the solid and durable; the laboring man in search of tough, strong and comfortable garinents—all can be suited at HOPFLIN'S, He has the Goods, down to the prices, which distinguish hie Store, and entitle it tobe regarded as the Store, the AT INSTITUTION. in thatlin a at HOFFLIN’S, Witt vou, at the E@~ CORNER OF THE MAN SION HOTEL April 25th, 1859 S tian NEW PAMILY GROCERY STORE?! Try the New Grocery Store, FIRST DOOR ABOVE JONES’ HARDWARE #TORE. NRESH GROCERIES, every kind required for! Family use, shell be regularly supphed to our customers AT LOW RATES, for Cann. can only be sold for Cah or Barter. ‘The profits are too small for a Credit business. Give ve a cull BEARD & BROTHER. | to | Groceries April 6, 1859. State of North Carolina. CABARRUS COUNTY. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, April Term 1859 Jolin Shimpock vs. Polly Ridenhour Original Attachment Levied on Land. Tt appenring to the entisfaction of the court that | the defendant Polly Ridewhour i# not an inhabitany of this State, Tt ie therefore ordered by the Coury that publication be made for six Weeks in the Caro lina Watehinan printed iu Salisbory, notifying her t be and appear before the Justices of oor Court o Pleas and Quarter Seasions, at the next court to be held for the connty of Cabarroa, at the court honee in Concord, on the 3d Monday in July next, then and there to plead or feplety, and show cause, if any she has why the plaintiff shail not have judgment againet her, and the land levied upon by virtue of anid At- tachment be sold to eatisfy the same Witness, N. Slough, elerk of our said court at of- fice in Concord, the 3d Monday in April, A.D 1859, and the 83d year of Independence | NELSON SLOUGH, ©. ©. C. 6wi7 pr.ady. $5 50 Professional Card. C. Ts POWE may be found at fo Cowan's Brick Row, when mot ah enton Profewmional business. 847), Nov, 1808. VOL. XVIT. Devoted to Politics, Mews, Agriculture, Internal Improvements, Commerce, the Arts and Sciences, Morality, and the Family Circle. : @® \ \ rf y ten, in the same oes | } $1.50 each. Payment always in advance. | SALISBURY, : NUMBER 2 N. C., JUNE 7%, 1 More to be Admired than the RICHEST DIADEM EVER WORN w KINGS ok EMPERORS What? Why a Beautifal Head of Hair. Recwuse it is the ornament God Mimself provided far all ou Kender, although the ever so spurkling the teeth be eo bead in bereft of its covering, or the har ‘be snarled and shriveled, Aarwh and dry, or worse still, iCeprin kled with gray, mature will tose more than balf | Prof, Woodlla Hale Restorative, } week, will restore aud permanently secure to all such an orna | ment Read the following, and judge, t4 the celebrated Pianist, Thalberg * Da. Woon; New York, April 19, 1556. | Dear Sir raptly becoming « Restorative’ it» your Restorative a a> Well as agreeable, | Lamm, dear sir, yours traly 8. THALBERG. y, but upon the application uf your * recovered ite original hoe “Drych a'r Gwyliedydet,” Welsh Newspaper Office, 13 Nassau st., April 12, 1858 Puor. O J, Woop —Drar Sie Son {ago Lreceived a bottle of your Hur R who concluded to try iten her h tive and wave it my wife Wide thinking at the aclark } TP atrongty r ww, at the wane time beautifying and thickentog ommend the ebove Restorative to ftherr haar CHARLES CARDEW Matt suns in want of such a chang New Yoru, July 25, 157 thay blooty ever so brightly in The writer uf the first —Permit me to express © you the ebligutions 1 x 5 or the entire destoration of my Naie to it original in the South.” pout the time of my arrival in the United States it was | 1 consider @ very wouder{uliuvention, quite eficatious month or six weeks ! charios— tnarkable chanye of position, so if used two or three tiwes a We give below a capital article, from Opposition to the compromise measnres. curtailment of which is the professed ob- the Dallas (Ala) “ Gazette,” upon the oft-disenssed theme of “Southern Rights.” The “Gazette” was formerly one of the most zealona of the “Fire Eaters,” and is published in a locality where the most zealous Southern Sectionalism once most brightly flamed. Mobile “Advertiser,” In the language of the we “hail this re- trankly ackuowledyved by the Gazette, as a cheer- Ing eign of the progress and develope- tient of sound, conservative sentiments Let no reader fail to pe ruse the article: From the Dallas Gazette, of May 13. SOUTHERN RIGILS. We are not going to trouble our rea- ders, as they may suppose from the head ing, Witla long dissertation on the wrongs of the South, for the belef is penetrating | fore complained of have been imaginary, or at least, the South lias uot, as yed, aut | Geen a. Cea estan cu Ee See TORT OY SONS TERNS BAY (Ne ARgievaben Hair Re-torative, ae} iibet eMlcacious curtis Lever ict tiCyalivel Cleatiin ate Wie North, ne saw. See using your Hair Restoralt y hair and whiskers : 3 Which were nlmost white have giadwally grown dark, and f thatler What abticipations We maVv aye ruddent (hata few more apphestions will restote x ‘i eects ; Ne tceWeleaC Mien DE TUIUrG INISCIIGl us tliorencet ol Mion Uipleasaot slehing ainong porous wh +s already passe: » Suit Gite Hate ies stires already pranse 1 The South weory hin ws voarcusv ae hates ianiee Ter HOTEAILCE, 1¢ im tere, Gat we de id) “ peer é tae Ayow that nie will, and as we are in alk Keene Koy hartiom doubt on that poimt, we fall back on the tiiup. crow 1 nee , A health wtd appeatines, and [cheerfatly recamment ie scriptural anjabetion, suthicrent for the ae - reales day isthe evil tuereot.” Weare, however ° ML. May 119° A , ’ The k ee (Aeizes. vie large, me. ABSUPe Of One tito, that the tnore noise as eae CeCe ie Ye the South tmanes-—the more fucl she mere in prey van the « statis for two de r throws on the flame kindled by Seward, Mutts + holds a quart, 40 per cent. more tu proportict ; ; He ae Hale, Suroner, and others, the more like OJ OUD & CO, Prop ictora, Ha Broadway, New York r 5 ~ 4p Liar eee ae nae 2 WWoshe is to suffer hereafter, Tins is our Att told by all goed Draggiat sand Fancy Goods Dealer __ THE LIVER INVIGORATOR! Compoundrd ei salk fren cums, PN SES im two purp: TC pares Ps et the fer pracuce of more (ian iwenty whe ewith lO counteract the henine j ree: dyis at last found any person tron ‘wet wih Liver Com- Pladrt, in mys tee focus and, what ts prevented, \y canoual use of the Liver luvigorator. Chante male aecedicie chev Cholte, «ile ace cue tor Cholera ol Cholera. throw out of the Vig sickest joe renioves al) sal vesthe LI V E R IN VI G O R A T O R . tine dime often repeated ix Morbas, anda preventive Prvy 1 or speedier remedy im Lae mere few bottlen cures Dropey, dy exciting the NE F O R D ’ S We take plenanre 1 prevent ‘ev f pe. Tt opernes ve Wo testify to ite All who use testimony Mix giving their ynanimous vor. the meuth with the Invi- or, a aw yw both together. THE LIVER INVIGORATOR IS A SCIENTIFIC MEDICAL DISCOVERY, and ie daily rhing ev Imoat tuo great to believe. dome qiring benept and seidom mot Jo care any kind of Liwer Complaint, from the worst Jaundie of Dysp-paa io a common Headache, all of which are the reenit of x een: ver. PRICE OVE DOLLAR PEK BOTTLE SANFORD & Co. Proprietors 345 Broadway, New York Wholesale Agents: Ranwrs & Park. NewYork TW hin Dyort & Sons, Philadel Portland ; Cleveland ; Rt Lovie S 8 Hance, Balumore, And Sold alro by MoS Kerk & 60, Boston retailed vy all Druggists HENDESON & KANNISS, Apr. 12, 1859. = Na aD’ EEG“ ce LL who are indebted to me will please call and ‘ settle their accounts or notes. They Salebury, N.C ! 1y 46 can me tle with me or with BOR) Moore, aq. who oecupies Office in Cowan's Bick Row CT. POWE,. Sud DE ROSSET, BROWA & CO, ee WILMINGTON, N.C. BROWN, DE ROSSET & CO. NEW YORK. Commission Merchants. an office with me Salisbury, March 8, 1659 ‘the Cited opp tony, predicated Upon perse Hab experence and the past History of the tity. We admit that we have thon eit tifefeativ, unt Hat {about a year since tfter and unprejadiced review of the va rions taeasures that have agitated the Nortaoand the South for tue dast ten years and th tet they have had upon hith weliann vp the Crim, Voth) tar aud tadinest the South, have pred reed aw Coun priete reVouuon Gh otk sentitnents, tot becatse any dove for the South bias in Creasedd Wilh Years, atid we believe it would be to Ler interest to chanye ler policy entirely, and iustead of threaten ine secession or revolution or demand v that Congress should protect: slavery In the territories, or should hot—or «a tch Repu the South role over or tes ving that Doulas shall be beaten if be stue nominee of the Charleston Conven tie reswearing to any otter feos" tie HeUSNTE— We Modusteagd of all this, she Would ce thatit was beneath ler wity to disttiss the plesbon of slavery tereatter with the Novtuert people it out inembers to Congress would be si ention Catt question stead of mahi “Bitnitin speeches to tempty benches,” Just ter tae purpose of scattering them yostituents for their own ations ther ¢ a Heation— ft avitation should aitaeth er cease at the South, it wonld die out at the North entirely, and such menas Wat JSomner, Clase and: others, deprived of ther p an obscurity so protoand, “that the hand otieal capital, would: sink fare of restrrection Would never reach them. Some people tuay say that, in taking this position, We are inconsistent, but we lanunage of the old adage, We will also say to saeh, thataf any wall lay aside all tueir prejudices and study the Wil rept estihah ciny Jona © voi th be Consistent.” Whole question cally its history all we believe they will avree with us. Orn it thev will boner us bv reading oar fu ture articles on the subjeet we | not stop with this) they will, we doubt net, do ons the justice to admit that we are inflienced by what we believe to be vood reasons. Our readers have perhaps all read the old wolf story, to refresh thei memories we will copy it: “A certain shepherd's boy kept his sheep Upon a cominon and in Bport and wanton nesa would often ery out, the wolf, the By this means, he several tines drew tho husbandmen in an adjoining tield from their work ; who, finding them selves deluded, resolved for the future to take no notice of his alarm. Soon after, wolf came indeed. The boy cried out in earnest; but no heed being given to his cries, the sheep were devoured by wolf. LP Sole Agents at Wilmington for Reese's Mani- the wolf.” pulnted Guano, and W. Whitelock & Co.'s Super- phosphate of Lime If Importersof pare Peruvian and other Guanos. Land Plaster, & 1? Particular attention given to the sale of Naval Stores, Cotton and other Produce April 19, 1859 9mpd 47 IIow often have the Southern writers and talkers cried “wolf! wolf!" ins the last twelve years? We will try and enumerate thea: Ist. In 1846 of 747, when Wilmot of. fered his famous proviso. Each political Drs. M. WHITEHEAD & J.A.CALDWELL, party at the South tried to out-Ilerod the I AVE associated themaelves in the practice of Medicin and offer their Profeeatonal aerviceate the public. Thos who wih it,can have the services of both, iu any case, without extra charge BP Ottice SPRING BONNETS, SPRING MANTLES. SPRING SHAWL Just received at Mar. 22 1143 the same occupied at preseriiy Tr Waitenean MCNEELY & YOUNG'SS * other in passing secession, or revolution: ary resolutions, which fell to the ground, Phe masses terribly alarmed at the ery of wolf!" bat no wolf came. 9d. In the winter of 1849 both parties again ont Heroded the other in-resolving to hold a Southern) Conven- tion; when Mississippi yreeted Virginia -Georgia yreeted Alabama, and South were 30, when Western North Carolina Rail Road, Carolina remained modestly in the back PASSENG at 4.45, PM, or immediately, after the arrival of the North © mail Train from the Bast RETURNING will leave Statesville at 6.15, AM Salisbury in time for the mail train going Kaat The Passenger Train will leave Statesville ever Pe a! nd Salisbury on Monday at 4 AM, # the necessity of ranning on Sunday A Car for light Express Freight runs with thie Train JAMES C. TURNER, Eng'r. & Fupt 2-1 February 22, 1850 Heckers Farina. EMARKABLY wholesome and nutritious, Javt received R by W. H. WYAPT, Draggist & Apothecary, perp N 1 rolina. BLANK WARRANTS For eale at this Ofpce. ER TRAEN will leave Salisbury for for Statesville and the West, daily, (Sundays excepted.) sand reach Saturday at ae to obviate ground, determined to follow her South- It was then that Foote, Cle Hilliard, Toombs, and other, shonted Justily, “wolf! wolf!” but wolfcame. For reasons best known to themselves, they turned on their own banthing, the Nashville Convention, and crushed it. The people were then ready to meet the wolf, but these men, like the shepherd's boy in the fable, turned to ern sisters. mens, ho them and said it was all a joke, for there French possession of Italy was to give to ing them against the crime. was no wolf. 3d. In 1851, when the qnestion of se- | cession was presented to the people, in | 7 | Fiom the American Messenger j The cry of “wolf” was then raised in good ject for which he uow makes war upon | THE LOST STUDENT. ’ ‘ ri ‘ 5 ws : | earnest, bot as the peopie did not feel any he . . a About six months ago I was in a wes | practical injury from the effects of the laving contributed so muchas she basso towi which is the seat of a universi-| compromise, they decided positively that done in times past to the overthrow of hers 7 i, some four hnndred students, and| there was no wolf, and so very decidedly, native rulers and the subjection of laly y : \ that those who had raised the ery (with a to foreign domination, France would few exceptions) sought shelter in a re-or- certainly seein to owe to her at least a versity bell began to ring an alarm, Pre: ganization of the old parties. work of deliverance. Tu judge, however, 0411) jessenvers started in every direc | aK $ Sd i i 8s is { 3 ast i ! 2 i ate : ti - a } ea : 4th. In the Kansas question, in all its: from the past, but little ultimate bennett i ty avonse the students who were lodg- | contains several thousand inhabitants.— | Between midnight and daylight the ani phases, the cry of “wolf” has been rais-/ to the cause of Italian independence is to ed, but more recently by those who have be expected from that quarter. heretofore tuken pleasure in denouncing ae traitors those who have advocated the rights of the South as paramount to those of the Union, . 4 private faimlics. ‘Thousands of people were waked out of sleep. The} “- rapping at doors was loug und earnest. — | AUSTRIAN BARBARITES. Pas cry was tender and™starting. Eve: ry one was usked to Jend his aid. at ‘ ; The depredations committed by Aus: jenath TL asked, What is the matter. 1 We have shown the ery of wolf, has tria in Piedmont are now (says the Puy) cas Godt, “A student is dost” ‘That word been raised so often that the people pay explained, They are razziag executed, Jost sunk into my heart. Lasked, What| ho attention to it, and we fear they have jot tor the immediate wants of the army, ‘de ein EN and received fur a reply | SCOW TBD indifferent, that, if any realand Gut in order to fill the storehouses of Lom (ih) a a worthy student of college, who lad practical danger should arise hereafter Dardy, Every day long tiles of wagous heen hese omin i nlotielaver wal (which we are disposed to duubt) We may laden with hay, vegetables, grain and pro- | hecome delinas. had availed Faiealt ot sont “wolf! wolf!" in vain. visions of all kinds, are seen passing by | the opportunity afforded by the tempora: The tauth Is, When the Soathern peo- Novara and Vigevano for the left bank py absence of lis nurse, and had fled, no! look aronnd them and see that they of the Ticino. The Austrians literally one knew where. lis was indeed start sl (Sy their land and negroes—that strip the Piedmontese provinces and car-|iye, sy mypathized with all who were heaven has sinilled propitiously tpon and py off their booty to a place of safety. jn Parad ai iinine 1 (exe oxcege@ LA lessed them—that the generous soil lias This manner of making war is that of the ‘time ‘ vielded a heavy harvest and: that their ancient barbarians, or rather itis that of |fjand produce bas commanded for tem year, an army without money. The Austrians | fave lng in | le I vreatly desired that he mizht be Had T seen any way that Dinight found tian, | would have risen and hi rand more rege/ar prices than They cannot pay for what they take. If they watked the etreets. Dut L was a stran fe nd before, can any sane man be were to plunder in Lombardy they would oor, and knew uot where to go MQ : ) \ w i vere yo. . hheve rev Wl tisk the blessings Chey ens ran the risk ofan insurrection of the pe 1 ole Bee te lie the hous a . ames : it cee” fy Puey therefore po Into Piedinont ofuiy dost, announcits: that the lost t ad sures that tay lead to civil war, because and make a clean sweep of everything of cothusiasts of dermageozues tell them to tuey ean tind. Joy, for tie purpose of erreouragtn tied | fe large Tien many went to ween found ina uttinished building They do this with arnyor near his lodyings. vacdon their armour and fight against: and a cruelty which lave created meine sie p and slept soundiy. anticipated evils or in taver of a sto eholy and profound sensation in Europe.) ‘Liig little narrative siiows low much fabstractions so contradictory and in Tue official balletins of the Sardin.an) jjore ceneral is the concern for men’s bo- practicable, that at woud puzzle the’ sovernmeut have already published to des tian for their souls. That) same slirewdest metaphysician of the age te Europe some of the excesses. Here are} nicht within half a mle of the sick sto ceSpHOS Chet more details not authentic, (dent there were hundreds of lost routs, — ] catering Novara, General Gvalai Yet after the usual eve ving preach hy, ho ERENUTOINVNSLON SUR ef Ai Jeranded ey supply of LUOQ00 Tae Que seemed to wo after them. Salvation ae 6 an ae tions of bread, 80,000 rations of neat, jy the vreatest obiect ever souwblt to Une ve present state o n 5 : ¢ SO,000 rations of rice, BO,Q0U of By on ; Leach elas nail alanis Europe recalls to remem orance the causes : nae eult, LU), vied oaearth, Yet the world adinit ? E : IN) of tobacco, Z2500 of cates, Lou wat tiearderontoe subjeet. Ttis as of the present: poutear aivision ob Tass i ‘A a ase ‘ je FY oe] Dae tH sie ie yen, eur ge tats of hay, and 2.400 brentes of wine. inci as it will do to aiow us to preach ait he tines 0 > settiens VEr t the t t I Twhet Luese enorinods supplies Were to be Cole isin season? ON idmitery would by sinee the tines vob Wis, at rel . Bek ae ' ! ‘ ) Mindued qauitng five dave. They were al-jinany oe deemed out of order. ‘These the flood of invas ured from the i ; Ae are vate ! . : i ' her outol proportion to tae number wari hh ted poidents were not ase Peninsuiar auder Ciesar into Gaul, and eer et ra tae wee were ee ‘ ; : : Fi \ , } PD [ea BULL EC St ere. earctal about distarbins others hie thence aong the Lounme—the rulers oo ; (i ns i i (he destinies al Fenuccawhehcrcnuniniene 6 8 pone Oude i Tt y jadged that it was better thatany rR ; = Tttuere was any delav in complying wit mimber of healthy pe eeshould lave as successors Of beome, or ip them owt |, nk i rrott, ae necghbors, have cxereised, a Mie denis tie towh Was te be dibed ther alnmbers broken tuan that poor one, ' i i | i five tines the value of the provisions be i fe entn attempted to exercise, control over the j a“ , ; : | + quired, We 1h Gerauhe OL We pay ien’ Os huey asso judged that the sooner le the Italian States. J fol athe of : 4 tue Phe expeditions of Pepin and Charge : ne the town was to be given ty to ! was found the better, and that in lis ease All horses had also to be given ride aber on era aa iia logce « magneinto Italy, and the revival of the ' & delay was da nis, . ee ee ex c | ‘ posure mitt prove tatal, t : a Ronan hinpire, resulbed, netun the ag! y, Ween; : ; Peal ¢ Horire might prove fata d the " Peemivennceade. Vseare. ais Hp ten tne ‘ ercelll requisitions were made OF hooimate was vet alive hey could - 4h Ren hemasern i Oe iirotnt > the same kind and on the same scale, Che ot wait til morning. ‘They unust seek wclainu to interference and control in th ree ame ee , ; 4 (inte of [ahs Shady ake jeans destinations of the suppl es beinwalso the yan, now But respecting salvation C5 | ; ‘ Fosame, On the 6thoof the month al tue qany say, A day or year beuce will do through the hands of various Creeman | j | annie a : ail, VW SN 2 ee leather in the town 3 demain, AG) as yy, i y Inst they rE Lel ‘ faomiies, fioally settled and remaimed: in ee Weits weed Aud so at last they perish, or the blo f Nuastria CST CE OCIS Et yoot shits detorhers persn without a tinely effort the Louse of Nustria. a Rete \ See (enrileen: ene a fay era, cand retonty this, butacoutric ty save them, Alb engaged in the work even linndee ears a ae oa ; lage ; Ciarles VIEL ted a aeay Prenel, expe PESO ODN Marea) Wits MN OScn UY ie eeircl | the lost student. Ob that to dralvoef which the object mA the town, The sapphes of provistous ai} Christians woud come ts the work of oe oe ae pee Aes ae) | HT eCuUnciice e conquest of Naples Nuit MTS et to De Wt COULSON Savile so0ulis All continued the searc : 1 y : ana to tdatest news all the provisions 16 ui} the lost was found ‘Thatis the w Capatie of resisting the overpowers | ) ann ire) BaD : . 4 ; oe ent Biamaalin wale eli will be exhansted, and the town souls, Keep trying Pray on 1 t ~ tothe oti Poros, ated tine Sed EAT ee . e Haiovable firmness of the Swiss tifantey, ape! Ui ee re , ; P of findiog the lost student: wis af? wea (hweles Ibedl mesiun diodly tm At Veuwher: ihaly supply wasdemand mit greater and parer is the joy of ; . hie eee cae eds to continue for five dave, consisting | - Fl Te Ge ccie rra his urn. xo Nmye ol Sake Glitek ! i aving a oval, dt will last tor ever, inh : | eo {SOOO rations of bread. SOO of mieat, Wis Pp \ 5 of terror ¢ he approwel oof : = . we ae "" AE ae ee pee i DU 000 of wine, SU 000 of tobacea, JO L00 the Freneh. His son and successor re ef rice, 7000 of lay and oats 1 Topor tired eee Swiss troops easily completed the con quest of the Kingdom Bat this pedition and ats results awakened Jealousy of Austria and) Spain leacne Was soon formed, with these two Ie ut its head, in all fralian States joined, for driving out the i | to nw convent, Twenty thousand Breadstuts, — Speculation alone, thinks ey t ya 8 BL Mr Lferra: Nuova, a mere village, a re a cotemporary, is augmenting the price of quisition Was unede tor O00 rations. &C breadstutls mo our principal marts of trade, Custelmouva, also a stnall village, tor oo } | | ae a | ys oand a wod thas ¢ ting the sale ot every barre ee O00 rations, and at Qieweio, another vil a / jy oof flour and oe¢ bushel of corn and taal very hiel ; lave, tor OU oxen, 100 quintas of hay, , De) SUL) the wheat, even Where these articles should The of the with but pods yet too uneerton to furnish dation of a searc:ty.as the 1,000 rations of bread during five days. Poe demands made at) Lomelline duration | The exact fizares still cannot be stated as no regular and t are be cheapest. war rench—the first rudiment of those al ‘ : nore extortionate, awhees Was for thatntarnins a ba ance of ra il minal ind soldiers are allowed to commit excesses of all Kinga. tants are respected no tuore than their Great Britain and some oth. property, and the municipal anthorines Butope promise extremely well, A long the barbarity. tine dust chipse before there will be any Ou the stnatlest pretext the Austrian of market for exportation there, The gene ficers have recourse to corporal punish- ral of the crops are en At Scoppianna, the syndic, the conraging. Wheat will be fair and cornu viewayndic and one of the members of will be very heavy. The rise in bread the municipal council were arrested and stuffs is therefore wholly unwarrantable, carried off as hosteyes. The syndics of and cannot be maintained. Mortara and Meda have met with the! suine treatment. | qj 3 r = eo end SEVIS CHEE ‘ : Cropa in the West. —The Chicego Tri Deeds of this kind committed ina coun: | : : aie bone, of the zoth inst., says: & We pre- try where the enemy encounters no resis- : . ‘ . Y : sent this morning a large number of let- tance, are too eloquent to need comment. | . “yy : yo - 5 F ters from different portions of the West, Civilized Europe will pass the judgement . / ; giving a most cheering account of the )which it deserves on this mode of carry- : . . prospects of the growing crop, A glance ing on war. fat the map will show those who are not acquainted with the geography of the Terrible Tragedy—Murderand Lynch West, that they refer to a wide extent of ZLaw.—dJames Roper, a planter, who bad country, all lying north of the latimde ot ed Alabama to Texas Oar advices from Southern but a total renunciation of all those pre murdered, on the 2d instant, near Grand Illinois are equally e conraging. Ina tensions on Italy which, during the thirty. Cane, Texas, by hisslave, whoafterwards week or two the harvest will lave fully aiX yoars preceding, had cost the French burnt his master’s body. A letter says: commenced there, and so much blood and treasure. | The negro said Indians had killed hin, announce thatthe crop ts safely gathered. Naples and the Milanese, thns passed | but the evidence of the stage driver was over, through French intervention, him, and the whole foreign domination, remained a part of Ou Saturday, April 20th, the negro was the Spanish dominion till the commence borued alive on the spot where he had nent of the war of the Spanish succes: killed lis back sion, (another result of Freneh intrigue, amined, and no indication appeared of and ambition,) when they were detached his ever having been whipped Mr. Ko from Spain and made a part of the per was a new comer, an I the negro lad of the Tfouse of Austria. left a wity in Alabama. The rest ot Mr Naples, as a resnit of the war of 1773, Roper’s family wished to return to Ada in which France took an active part, re bama, but Mr. Roper was opposed to it, oo. ; mere ' . bridle on that most unraly member, the verted again to Spanish rulers, bat the but promised the negro to parchase his)’ Parintavd) finan Milanese remained permanently attached wife next year, if money conld bay her, I EEE AE to Austria, whose foothold upon Italy as he had to return an 1 colleet some dates from that aeqaisition Inoney; but this the negro thought was The Washington correspondent of the For the eastern portion of her present too long to waits and he thought if his Olio State Journal save that a Republi doininion in Italy, Austria is also indebt- master was ontot the way, the restof the can having proposed to Crittenden that ed to French interference. The first ine family would go back to Alabama at the Repnblicans should make him their vasion of Italy by Bonaparte cost Austria once. He did not believe they were can jidate, he replied: “T could not carry the Milanese, but gave to her, by way of yoing to burn him, even after the tire was a single Southern State as your candidate exchange, a large portion ofthe Venetian kindled. IIe made a speech to some ind how many could you carry North territories; while the final result of the negroes assembled on the occasion, warn with me for your candidate? The party He did not would sink me in a slave State, and I Austria her present dominion there, to stroggle until he was involved with the should sink the party in the free States. ‘create for her that very inflaence of which |flames. In his boot was found $95, | No, sir, it is not your policy to take up a |the French Emperor complains, and the | which he had taken from hie master. {Southern slavoholder.” and an FAMAY (GK basis ascendancy on the part of any one State, power, preventing too great requisition bas been made, Oticers , of tue speculation that reeent dispatches } which afterwards became and still con be F Tae persons of the imbabi have shown to rife, Tne crops in tinges the ruling idea of Earopean poli ro portions of tics. | Tne French, the last foreign inva ders whoin Ttaly bad seen for along time, obnoxious to the Ttalians as the Austrians now are, an: uless than two years from their entry into Italy they were driven out of it. Phe attempt apon Naples was revived in 1o02 by Lous N1i, with whom Ferdi nand of Spain now co-operated. Naples was again easily conquered; but the two Kings immediately for the possession of it, and the straggle resulted | In its annexation, not to France, but to Spain-—in consequence of which it be- came a part of the empire of Charles Vi Just before this second clutch of Na ples, Louis NTT. had seized the Duchy of | Milan, but the result of the first war b@- tween Francis I. and Charles V. was not only the loss of that province, which soon after passed into the hands of Charles V., migri are treated with ntinost very speedily became as Indieations ment. ose quarreled from was St. Louis. we hope soon to to against he owned Verdict of Slander. In the suit: for slander tried in) our Sapertor Court: this week the jury returne | a verdict for the plainnth, dos, Perry, of 500. The snyt was brought against defendant Malachi Beli for words used by the wife of ayainst the wife of the plaintii, Suaeh exemplary damages, lis master. Was OX slanderots the defendant, dominions we trust, will induce ladies to place a ymiue j said, die atan ca BY CLABA AUGUSTA The world is too mach with us! We labor for its gain, Forgetful that a mount of gold Would never ease a pain! And not Golconda’? diamonds, Fresh from the midnight mine, Could win one ray of heavenly peace Down from the source divine ! The world is too much with as! Our cry from birth is ‘Wealth !” We hurry on, regardless Ot happiness or health, ‘To pile up gloated treasures, Lucrease our stocks and lands, Forgetful that beyyar man, Holds out bis bony Lauds! The world is too much with us! Friendship we scorn and slight ; No time for sentimental trust— On, onward in the fight ! We woo the coquette, Furtuae, With e’er unsated thirst— Push by our fellow mortals ‘To grasp the bubble first! Ab! all this life is not too long ‘To labor and enjoy ! For little play eud all hard work Made Jacwy # dull boy Then Jet us +; our tol with smiles, Our lives with cheerful days, Aud through the whale lift up our hearts Iu our Creator's praise ! The Life of « Printer.—Printers, it is yage. This is doubt- less caused by the noxious effluvia rising trom the types, want of exercise, constant employment and the late hours to which their work is prolonged. There is no other class of human beings whose privi- liges are s0 few, whose labor is 80 con- tinuous, whose wages are so inadequate, as printers. Ifa typo be a iman of fami- ly, he is debarred the privileges of enjoy- ing their society at all tines, because his iours of labor are almost endless, and hia moments of leisure so few that they mast be spent to recruit his exhausted ener- wes, and prepare hin for a renewal of his Poor fellow! he knows nothing of 8o- clatlity, and is sat out from the work ct in a prison ¢ Truly he isin the world, but knows not it. Toil, toil, toil, by night and day, is his fate, until premature old age ends his ex- hor the advancement of science, and virtue, the chords of his heart are severed one by one, and when lis tite is run, aud time isto hin no more, lie woes down to lis grave uncared for and unknown, thongl lis existence has been sacrificed for the benefit of his race. When mechanics ery out oy oand demand certain asa Cony morality we hear Oppresst wuts for labor and for rest, we cannot but reileet upon this situation of our cralt: low every moment of their lives is rua bare subsis- uncomplainingly they de- Vote taetisclves to the good of that sane public, who wear them a3 a loose garment convenient and doffed woe po ionger uecded,. Printers are un.versally poor men, and Vie tirst is—they rare- forced into service toe tence > how to be downed wien for [Wo reasons. ly ever receive a file compensation for ther services 3 and the second is, that in- ured to continued sulf HARES privation and t oil, Cher purse strings are ever untied at bidding of charity, the hard-earned are freely distributed for the re- Hef of their t Tins it is that and if a suitable await them after death, dimes” SOW ICU they live pour, die poor, reward does not sad indeed must be the beginning, the ex- stence, and tue end of poor “typos.” uw Perk Printer. Throwgh Frei jhtsx.—A meeting of Rathroad Prestdeots, Messrs. Ashe, Fisher, Pearson and Whitford, was held at Ra- he ljth. For the purpose of fachutating the transportation of freight over the different roads ip this State, the {slowing plan was agreed upon: lergh oon That trom the tst dav of June, when- ther road of the three connecting 1s! , may deliver at that point of loaded cars, the road re- ceiving shall send them forward with the best despatch on their next departure—to destination —and shall deliver the same back after being discharged, on the next return time of a round trip, loaded if pos- good order as when received. — All such cars slall be sealed at the loading pout at Groldshero’, before delivery, by theroad consignimg anda manifestshall be made out through to destination from ping point. No road can refuse ly ro receive any car, 80 loaded, having a clear manifest, an- less such car is in bad order, when it may Fach car must have a sepa- rate taanifest, and must be entirely loaded for one point of delivery. Whenever a throuzh train shall be delivered, the road consigning may send a conductor with the same to destination. ever el at Grol any number sible, otherwise empty, in as and condition or sealed, and be refused. MR. ASHE. We had the pleasure of seeing this gentleman last week, and although he had determined not to accept the nomination tendered to him by the Whig Convention yet, after consnitation with friends at Con- cord he has consented to leave the mat- ter open until his return from the North, where he will be gone some ten days, when he will determine as to his future Our own opinion is, that Mr. Ashe will, at the urgent request, not on- ly friends at home, but abroad, accept the nomination, We shall keep his name at our mast head, until we hear his deter- sinination.—Charlotte Whig. course “2: “My dear,” said an affectionate wife, cwhat shall woe have for dinner to-day r ‘One of yoursmiles,” replied the husband, who did not often ding at home; “I can dine on that every day.” Sut T can't” replied the wife. “Then take this,” and he pave her a kiss, and went about his business an excellent steak, what did yon pay forit 2? sand he, “Why what you gave me this morning, to be sure,” rephed the wife “Yon did!” ex- claimed he, “then you shall have the money the next time you go.” ONS ais Bank of North Carolina.—$234,100 have been subscribed at Charlotte to the capital stock of this Bank. That's a notch or two ahead of any other place in the State, we believe. — Charlotte Dem. From the \ Weekiy News { \ DR. IVES ON MONASTIC IN. STITUTION. | In this atilitarian age it is a little re- markable to find a pereon of intelligence | and libetal education undertaking tie ad-, voeaty of au institution which has only | Rlourigbed ia the dark periods of the. world’s history, or In couutries bat little advanced in civilisation, It is, however, bat justice to Dr. Ives to say that in lis lecture at Concert Hall, oun Wednesday evening, he said all. that could well be sald in favor of sach an institation ; but his arguments in its favor are based a the idea that men and women cau é . ayia truly pious when shat ap within (" AROLINA WATC HMAN. the walls of cunvents, a couclasion which ~~ a a neither reason nor the facts of history will warrant. It seems strange, too, that while asserting that persons thus secluded aim to operate upon the ontside world, by rt ministering to the physical and spiritual wants of the peuple, it should appear ue- | | SALISBURY. N.C. DAY EVENING, JUNE 7, 1859 {t appears from the last Buaner, that Funny.—The Winston Sentinel is play- to its head that Leacu has threatened to, “whip” or “shoot” the editor; and that Domestic Wines.—The rapid progress | so nen i nn From the Petersburg Bepress. {ng its emall artillery against Leacu most! which the ving enltare'is makiag in this’ PRESIDENT BUCHANAN AT WEL. | much auxioty was manifested to see the President | amusingly ; and bas actually taken it in-, Country, 18 one of the best guarantees against the serions evils of inteaperance, | |aud this progress cannot fail, ere long, to, give cheap wines, American champaigne ASTIC RECEPTION. A gentieman who was present informs a number of Leach’s friends have offered | is gradually obtaining the reputation of us shat the reception of President Buch- their services to go to Winston and mal | being the purest effurvescing wine in the anan, and Hon. Jacob Thompson, Secre- | pany the Wilmington Light Infantry, who were one of those victories which are only leas him into silence ; or to use the Sentinel’s World, and if, as Mr. Longworth says, we tary of the Interior, at Weldon, on yester- ( upon the editor grows warm, and like a great god of war, plants himself aad hurls defiance at——tis imaginary assailants! Can't some dark culvert boy tie a bunch of fire crackers to lis coat tail and touch them off f He has good legs, and we think he would use them, - .. CF It is somewhat remarkable that the Iredell Blues, nambering sbout 50 in rank and file, does mot contain a single “Democrat.”—fredell Express, And yet this Company laid down their prejudices, and its tnembers quitted their anguage, “cud us lo pieces.” And there. | Have five thousand varieties of ative day, was of the most flattering wud en- g : : grapes—all of them free from the odium, thusiastic character. )or grape disease, which is spreading over 4 large uumber of persons from the every corner of Europe—it will be seen surrounding country, who had come in that the West has in reserve an enormons to see the Chiet Mawistrate, added to the field of productiveuess to fall back On, a8 resident citizens, who had turned out em population becomes dense, and profitable masse, nade up a very large crowd, tur investment for capital is required. so small a place. : | There is an absurd idea prevalent that, 4 special train, which left Raleigh ‘wine can not be profitably raised in this) Monday afternoon, arrived during the country ; that labor is too dear, and Euro night. This train contained the Cumuaiit- pean opposition great. On the contrary, tee of the Trustees of the University of jwine ratsing is at this instant the most North Carolina, the Mayor and Connnit- | protitable branch of agriculture in Amer- tee of the City of Raleigh, the Oak City | lea. It will pay from one to three hun- Guards, the Hon. John W. Ellis, Gover- dred dollars au acre, yielding a higher por of the Staté, Ex-Governor Brags, the DON—LARGE CROWD—ENTHU- \the morning exercises, the President was vonduc- | ot ee ~—— From the National Intelligencer. . THE VIRGINIA ELECTION. Althongh the returns of the election lted beneath the shade of “the poplar” in the held in Virginia on the 26th instant are ‘eampus, where many ladies and gentlemen paid not yet complete, quite enough is known their respects (o him. Before retiring to Gov. to indicate that the Democracy, if not de- Swain’s for dinner, he reviewed that gallant com- | feated, have escaped that catastrophe by The crowd at Chapel Hill was very great, and ‘and take himgby the band. On Thorsday, after drawa up beture bim in the campus. than a total rout. To the candidates of the Among the degrees conferred by the Univer: Opposite parties in the State a few votes, sity at the late commencement was thatof LL.D. gore or less, may indeed be of consider- upon Mr. Buchaban and Bishop Ovey, of Tennes- able personal importance, as determining beens = who shall be the Lonored incumbente of The} resident and Mr. Thompson were ®t atticial positions at atuke, but the great companied trom Washington by Col. McGraw, a Place SE arene tl ot Penneulvaning Coll Wiliveleronihie rata inna results of the campaign remain ee 1e others. ‘The President and Mr. Thompson have less signiticant a the presence us scales (expressed themselves as highly grated at the once 80) Nhequal, but now brought, it cordial and heartlelt reception extended tu them, would seem, to almost a wavering blance. f the material victory still remains in the hands of the Deuocracy, it must be admitted that their opponents have achiew- ed all the moral advantages of a decisive triumph, and have left to the conqnerors ouly the poor consolation of Pyrrhas, 'when, after the onset of the Roman le HIGHLY IMPOTANT NEWS. BATTLE FOUGHT. DEFEAT OF AUSTRIANS. cessary, while not engayed in this, their proper work, that they should live apart from the rest of mankind. Monachisu js not a peculiarity of the Church of tome ; and if there be any merit in it, it must be shared with the Heathen sects of earlier times, from whoin it was borrow ed by the Priests of Rome. The great arguments which have so ofteu been ury- elin favor of monastic seclusion are, that their treatment of the people was less se- Vere than that of the barbarous nobles. The merit of this good work depends upon the supposition that bat for the in- stitution of inenastic orders, no congerva- lve nor Civilizing institutions would have existed ; but that the world, under the teachings of the Christian Church, would have retrograded to utter barbarism.— The rapid progress of the world in civili- zation since the reformation is a sutticient we slaudered the editor when we intimat- business, and went to Raleigh to pay ed, that by reason of his rather recent Honors to Mr. Buchanan, as the Chief citizenship in the South, he was unfit to Executive of the country! Thar looks ture Southeen people in their duty in Very like blind partizans, now don’t it! We predict this: that men whose high- lee relation to our “peculiar institution.” — [t ‘ . . . + ter } 3 } | . tures out, according to the editor's his. toved patriotism is thins signified, may eave 4 . always be counted in when there is a con- tory of himself, (vot vet concluded, we ’ ; i Aan oye ; acl i t . test involving the success or defeat of their [Bes eRPy to say.) that Us dd lay De political principles. All honor to the (the South, -and was the father of two Blues! Mostly the song of that indomita- vclildren in the South, befure he became Ule race, known in Revolutionary times {a citizen of Pennsylvania, whence he|as “Scotch-lrish” Presbyterians, they : a ; 4 » Hares ad? 1! ot {came to North Carolina, we believe, some | possess the tire of the old flints, and will | always make themselves felt. Hurra tor the Blues!—not one of them a Democrat! THE VIRGINIA ELECTION, of which Las Leen promised to the public. | The eyes of the whole country have | ‘dozen years ago. Our neighbor very pro- | | perly attaches great importance to this part of his history, a more extended account| It appears then, that the “education andj been turned in the direction of Virginia , than any other planting. profit on capital, skill and labor invested, The wines which can be most easily | raised are, like those of Germany, light and very innocuous. We often hear it said that there is no drunkenness in France, but drunkenness is even rare among the wine-driuking Germans of the Rhine. Liebig, the greatest ehemist, de- clares that these people, far from betug | injured by their wine, owe to it the health | ‘for which they are a0 famous, there being ‘no place in the world where there is so little demand for apothecaries’ wares.— But the reader will recollect that these wines are very different from those of jother nations, being no more intoxicating | to those familiar with them than common | claret. When attention is more general ly devoted to wine culture, we siial! pro- jbably see wine as cheap lere as cider, Salisbury Brass Band, and several invi- ted guests, The Wilmington Light large and spirited volunteer Company, ac | companied by the Fayetteville Cornet | se J J ‘ | AvGeusra, June 4. gions, be exclaimed, “ Another such vie- tory, and I am undone.”. Entering upon the recent canvass with all the prestige of that invinerbility which belongs to those who have never lust a bale, and flushed Baud, anda goodly number of the citi- | with the remembrance of a recent suecess beyond gens of Wilmington, and many of the fair! The steamship City of Washington, | ait precedent, the Democracy. of Virginia bave daughters of Carolina from varioas parts! from Liverpool, whence she sailed on the) seen their wnajority of twenty nine thousand in of the State, en route for Chapel Hijl, afternoon 25th May, bas reached Cape | the last Presidential election dwindle down to a were also present. Race and turnished tie following highiy jfew hundreds, if it has not entirely disappeared. The arrival of the train) from Ports- Important fews, It is not for as as present to comment on al) the tnouth, with the distingdish visiters, was) Advices had been received on the eve causes which have conspired to bring about this anticipated with impatience, but time of the departure of the steamer, that a remarkable revolution, so promising to the pat- vieaed off pleasantly, About 15 minutes battle had been fought between the al- | Tens of a sound cai) copes rate Supostion ue to eleven the whistle was heard in the | lies and Austrians, at Montebella, which te ELAN 1) eee but_we may at least . ne distance, and preparations were made tor| resulted in tie defeat and rout of the Jat. Prove” the present occasion so fur as to say that : i on oi itthe Whig party is “dead,” as our Democratic jter w 2,00 xo g party aie P jter with a loss of 2,000 men. The Allies friends have been so contidently and persistently asserting, it would none the less seem that there AUSTRIAN LOSS 2,000 MEN. Infantry, al 7 | | 700 ALLIES MISSING. Its reception, The military companies were drawn lost 700. up in line fronting Happer’s Hotel, on) The Austring commenced the CULASCU orn wary cry respectable body of citizens in Vie- either side of the track, and the train, inent with 15,000 men. zinia who for some reason prefer an “Old Line The prisoners taken by the Allies had Whig” toa modern Democrat, Asthe Whigs, answer to such assuinptions. |training” to which we alluded, if coutined Trath does not shun the light ; but | to the period of our neighbor's residence those love darkness whose deeds are evil. | jn Penns plvanis, was since he became : ; ate : | J The celibacy of the Romish priesthood, and the seclusion of Monks and Nuns, are manifestly intended to avoid the scru- | : ; il : tiny which the people would exercise up- |CUMstances, though we readily admit on on their religious teachers, if they min- jis statement, that he may not lave syim- gled freely with them in the ordinary af. | pathised with the people with whom he : ’ : : | ane fairs of lite. No Pies would long be a! cast his lot, and may not have imbibed sant if he Wheto husband and the fath ;the sentiments which indicate a line of er ofa family. Dr. [ves spoke in forci-/ | b a ad fi ble terms of the mighty influence of the; @#erence between Southern and free intercessions of holy men, and instanced | State men. In other words, that he was the ease of Moses, whose hands were held} a burning Southern star, brightly vleain- ‘ anes s | a giitly s up in supplication, and then the children | ing in the cooler shades of a Northern of Israel prevailed over the sons of Ama IStat lek, and that of Sodom, when “ten righ: | teoas men” would have saved the city | statements ; and to us it seems matter of from destruction ; aud he expressed the | regret that we lost, in a region where it belief that wars. pestilences, and other|is so much needed, a light to enlighten afttictions bad often been averted by the i the benighted men who wage war against supplications of “the people of God.” It} ine Sauth. 3 very strance, however, that it did not! ee ‘i - ; jmuch to stay the fanaticisin which seeks occur to the learned gentleman that at the | ce . . present time, the intercessions of hun-)'0 assail ourriyhts; and there his leetares dreds of millions of “the f: availing to protect “Heaven's Vicegerent! But fis vain to waste time in reyerets? » ¢. ree . ‘ . he upon Earth,” from the rage of his mis-! yyy veighbor is at home—in the South verned people, and that a few thousand ‘rench bayonets are found to be much potent. : oe The assertion tat the great inventions | preserving the rights of the South; and and discoveries in science, of modern is, ww far, the most zealous preacher in times, have come trom the cloister, and! favor of negro slavery of any we know, especially an allusion to the invention of} the telescupe, accompanied by a burst of | hiuk. ow in his lite. T applause from his autience, do not speak | UUUK, Own a negro in his lite. _ that, to- moch for the accuracy of Dr. I’s informa. | be-sare, ought not to deprive him of harp- tion, nor the intelligence of his bearers ing on this subject: he is a man of fall If the Romish Chureh had committed NO) age, the conductorofa pubtic press which its Xeat ion of Gr ile F . sin but its persecution ot ralileo, for that jis held of right to be free, and be is there- 5 2 alone it deserves the execration of man-} the “father of two children.” We see no great olijection to the period or the cir- e. We say we admit this on his ay say } There, be might have done fn!” are un-| would have rescued those who need them. and finds here, dv every vie who vpposes | democracy, a fit subject for bis lectures on though he does wot, and never did, we | for somé weeks past, watching the contest _in that State, between the democracy and ‘the Opposition. At no time, within oar j recollection, has there been such univer- (sal and deep interest felt in a political contest In any one State,—indicating, as | we believe, a popular sentiment in regard to the dominant party, just now about as- suming form and proportions which are destined to exercise great influence and power in the political affairs of the conn- ctry. The people are becoming sick of a party so prolitic of fair promises and so deceptive in their performance. Arro- gance and pride of power deserve rebuke, and the people will administer that. re- bake to democracy. | The result of the election has not yet been fully ascertained, bat we know that veteher carries the State by a greatly re- duced mojority —not excveding 4,000— 80 great, tn fact, as to deprive democracy of all the vlory of the contest and to amount alinost to a defeat. Read the following on the result of this election: Fron the Petersburg Intelligencer. OUTSIDE OPINIONS. There is not in the whole country a person who rejoices more enthusiastically at the defeat of Democracy at any time, than Brownlow, of the Knoxville Whig. Hear what he says of our recent election, and we would call particular attention to jhis remarks about the votes of the North | Westen and Western counties : | For several days we have all been in suspense here, as to the result of the con- test in Virginia, and on our part, we have iss ied several slips, in accordance with the Cispatches received, exulting, as we ,and strychuine whiskey and fighting trom the engine and the coaches. Jrandy ata discount. Excessive use ol) The President was welcomed by Gov. ardent spirits is a great cause of national Elis, ina short speech, tu which he res- suffering ; anything which will do aWay ponded in very touching and eloquent with it, or modity tt, can hardly fail to terms for fifteen minutes, be regarded as a Dlessing.—/’etersbury Saying that he was vetting tired of the Lupress. cares and troubles of ottice; that he had now reached a period in life, which rendered the repose and comforts of home desira- ble, and that at the end of his present . : ; four years’ service, he should repair to by their intelliyeuce, industry and Pecu- the shades of Wheatland, and there pre ITave we no enterprising man in Ro wan, who will turn his attention to this subject? Webhave several in mind, who. niary ability, we believe might take hold Jare for that suminons which sooner or of this kind of work and inake it pay.— later awaits every member of the Nouan funily. tle was loadty cheered at the There is money in it, beyond doubt; be- . , close of his retmarka, sides, foreign wines and liquors now se PuGaveabiacce Ulenmennentarwar ? Ud Gov, rau > ry tk . heavily drugyed, it is time our people should reject them altogether, and make, and felicitous speech, welcomed to North Carolina soil, the Hou. Jacob Thompson. Secretary of the Interior, Mer. Thomp- sun responded in happy terms, when the party retired, amid tue shouts of the crowd and the performance of national o<-- fairs from the bands present. After rid- ding themselves of the dust, and adjnst ing their neck tes, « large party partook _ Of refreshments, completely filling the spacinus ding saluou of the Weldon gentlemen, within the past week, from: [[otel, different portions of.the district, and the! A little after 12 o'clock, the train mov- unanimous word is, the district shall be ed off for Laleigh, Where it was expected to arrive yesterday afternoon at 6 The train stopped at Franklinton from 4 until oP. M., where an excellent dinner was king distance all the time, and deals his) served up for the excursionists. tor themselves, a pure and less hurtful ar ticle If inen will ase such bevrages, for like sake let them be as harmless as pos sible. | Leach and Scalvs.—The contest between these gentlemen in the 6th district is wax ing warm. We have seen a number of redeemed. Leach is an over-inateh for Mr. Scales, and holds him at good. stri The President and escort remained at that Mr. Scales ia kept very uncomtorta- Raleigh last evening, and will proceed to the University this morning, Jeaving the depot at quarter before mine. At Ra- leigh Jast evening, the President took dell is all awake, and her young men all lodgings at the Yarborough House, and blows so rapidly and aims them so well, ble. Iredell, Davidson aud Davie, are arousing themselves fur the contest. Ire- ved visiters untit a late hour, came up with the national colors flying | Ife closed by | and ina brief buat remarkaoly apposite | reached Marseilles. (When alive, fought no more bravely, and never | More successtully than they are seen to do in LIVERPOOL MARKETS. | their present posthumous stute, the result of the Livegvoor, May 25.—P. M, | recent contest in Virginia deserves perhaps to be , ‘ : cited as a inost reinarkable illustration of the -Cotton.— The sales during the past three. ulinee jase ius s/rOngiin ileutl CM Ocrtcnnat days amount to 18,000 tales—ararket dail | toast itis that opposition to the Democracy does and holders were offering freely, although |), seem ty have died with the alleged demise of they were not disposed to presse eales.— jt. ancient foe. Prices were, however, somewhat easier, The Righiond Enquirer of yesterday, in its but we have po change to note in the digest of the election returns, expresses (he con- Quotations. fideut assurance that Mr. Leteher’s election is Breadstuffs were dull and the market) placed beyond a doubt, but declares “a heavy somewhat languid. Democratic loss ax compared with the results of Provisions.-—Vhe provision market was Previous elections.” Our contemporary forbears steady. “ty inquire Into oF explain the uluinate causes of ' Consols were quoted at 918 a 92. tls els which it thiuks “so much to be ed yretted for ity probable uational influence. ARRIVAL OF THE a Correspondence of the Missours Democrat y >) > ‘ 7 “SO BE ECRBR EC. BAe Starvation on the Plains — Brothers Eat- on et at spe ae ee ing Brothers. LHUREE DAYS LATER NEWS. Dexvrn Cry, May 9, 1859. Saturday evening last, 7th inst, the first . and long looked tor mail and passenger The steamship America arrived here stave ofthe Leavenworth and Pike’s Peak last night with chaes trout Liverpool to State Company arrived here the 2Istult, being three days later news : Hacirax, N.S. June 241, It was ont twenty days from Leaven- . Her news was expressed to Sackville, worth, but now that the Way stations are 3, IN consequence of the refusu of formed, and bridges made, it is thought the Nova Scotia Company to telegraph it furteen or fifteen days will suftice tu in Mine. . . take the trip The news from the seat of war is un- We have had sickening rumors for a changed. f week past of horrible suffering from freez- No battle has yet taken place. ing, starvation and robbery of emigrants The Austrians have removed their head by way of the Smoky Hill route. Sever- quarters to Carkaseo, and have also with- | aj intiliyent gentlemen whe bave arrived drawn from Vercel, which is occupied by by that route, told ime they themselves the Allies. An action is looked fur eve were gu | ion the way, over sand hills, ry motnent. and without any roads at all, that they The Anstrian ports are blockaded by were reduced almost to starvation, lived the French squadron which has taken uta ten to fouteen days upon prickly pears kind. The Reverend lecturer eaid nothing of| holding Whigs as Biack Republicans and the evils and immoralitics which must Lecessarily result from the monastic life. The imprisoning of women under the care of Lacirelor priests, is certainly not calen lated to improve tue morals of either sex, aod it requires a considerable stretch of credulity to believe that such arrange ments are made fur devotional purposes An enlightened and cultivated popula: sentiment is the best mora! censor, and those who siun such censorship do it be cause their conduct will nut stand th toncli-stone. Civilization, science and morals, have advanced rapidly in countries which bave not been controlled nor influenced by the Church of Rome, since the beginning of the Reformation, and a comparison of the condition of Protestant countries at this day, with those which have continued wedded to their enperstitions, is a suffi- cient refutation of all that can be urged in favor of Romish institutions Bhat in the Pack.—We wonder if the following Paixhan shot, from the * Notes from the Vlyinouth Pulpit,” by fenry Ward Beecher, hits anybody in all this region round avout? We hope not. Mr. Beecher said : “There is sitting before me in this con- gregation now two hundred men, who stuff their Sundays full of what they call religion, and goout on Mondays to catch their brother Ly the throat, saying, ‘Pay me that thou owwest; it’s Monday now, add you needn't think that Lecause we sat crying togetiver yesterday, over our | Savior’s sufferings and love, that [am going to let you off from that debt, if it ruin you to pay it now.” ‘ Four principal points are inuicated in ror Napolean’s proclamation tw the Freneh people, which contain in fact what he profcsses to be his whule policy, and are, therefore, worthy of being reco!- lected by those who watch the progress of the question i, lispute. Tue Einperor declares :—1. That Italy ongiittu be eman- cipated from foreign oppression. 2. That France will not second any revolation wy designs. 3. That she does not intend to make conquests: and 4. That the avihori- ty of the ope ig to be maintained, These are the political tenents on which Lonis Napoleon enters this war, and nyon which he demands the sapport of the French people and the good opivion of the rest of Europe, —- ewe Restitution—The Montgomery, Ala- bema, Advertiser of Saturday says; Coinp- troller Green informed us yesterday morning that he had just received throayl race! Kev. J. M. Mitchell, Reetor pg t Epise pal Charch of this , the sam of tio thousand five hun- | ‘dollars (82,550) in cash, a simply that it be- State of Alabama, jfore clearly entitled to denounce slave- WECTS) varranted in doing, at the prospect . ot electing Goggin Governor, and deteat- ing so many Buchanan candidates tor Congress, 5 “Tt waa expecting too much to expect a6 a several thing in tie South, those who (a Whig Governor could be elected in that ; Abolitionists, and to read them ont of the} i} jsectety of true Southern men! Indeed, | Suchanan’s maj. over Fillmore, jvawl the loudest against Abolitionists, State es 0 Black Republicans, ve, have the feast 1M 1896, was 295060 Tr EE eS CAs | too mnuch to claim that such tremendous : ; odds contd be overcome in a single con- and ‘Hisynsting ranting, makes up the sum test, though thonsands were hopetal of | personal interest in elavery. Their noisy jand substance of their entire interest, and success, Against even this odds, beth in {serves, in their estitnation, to supply any and out of Virginia. But onr party met Mementaranichadentty the enemy, and they are virtnally ours! Such a revolution has never been witness- i ed in any State inthe Union! Itiserush- | 3ut we said last week, and we Sav it ingly overwhelming, in its ruinous effects | again, that all this noise about Black "pon the corrupt and profligate party | Republicanisin is the worst sort of hy poe. | headed by James Buchanan! The etfect ; : will tell inall other States where elections racy and fiumbagvery. [tis used for ; : i : : _ , are to come off against Democracy. Tea) Corie coniticeto be heard trom are in always resorted to before elections, forthe North West, and in the Kanawha j the purpose of alarming the fears of slave Valley, and it Letcher is elected at all, it | will be by a snail majority, and that ma- jority composed alone of Abolition votes! | : : ; : Tue party with which Letcher acts, has jelection of all their Presidential candi-| always profited by the Abolition vote. jdates; and they are trying it now to in-| Martin Van Buren, the political Judas, \ fluence the Aagust elections. But the the Northern wan with Southern princes dhrean is broken: they have cried “wolf! ples, a8 a Democrat, cheated the country ie , and then laid the corner stone of Black wolf!” go often, when there was no wolf, 3 ' : ae | tepublicanism. Jolin Letcher is of that that the people have ceased to regard it. school—he advocaied emancipation in |In that they may have wrought mischief Virginia, and the formation of a new free jindeed. But we teil them there isa party , State, to be constituted out of Western jin the South who will hereafter turo a Virginia, the North West, and the Kana- | deaf ear to their senseless ranting—a party wales a, If elected at all, ee i i who will not suffer themnselves to be hum- Hous Me oe penale: Rovere Uae |" : ; Slavery men, have elected him ou account bagged by false pleas and pleadings, as of these infainons principles of his. in the last Presidential contest; but will “But enough is known that the Oppo- /spurn those whuse highest ambition isthe sition triumph is a vlorions one! Wise , was elected by a majority of 9,921, and |one year thereafter Buchanan was elected 2: in Virginia, by a majority of 29,396! EXAMINATION OF CAP. ANDREWS Now we have annihilated this last tre- | ‘mendoua majority, and defeated five { SCHOOL, | Buchanan ntminees for Congress, electing | 3v invitation we enjoyed the pleasure Waigs and Democrats who denounced fof attending the Examination of the class. Bachanan’s administration, and were sup- jes receiving instraction at the Military ported by the Opposition! This is a ' Academy of Cp. Andrews in this place, ore withering rebuke than even the de- Tnesday of last week. Tie Cadeta seem. feat of Letcher, if he should be beaten, ed remarkably proficient in the searching “In the I3th, Abingdon District, Mar- Examination tht they were subjected to, tin defeats Floyd, the regular Democratic their instruction appearing well ground. nominee, and Gogyin gains 4000 in that ed and thorough District. What a revolution! Paulus The exercises were closed in the after. Powell is beaten in Goggin’s district. noon with Deciamations by several of the JIadge Caskie is beaten in the Richtnond students, some of whom displayed con- District by Dejarnette. siderable powers of eloquence, “And Alexander Soteler as good a On Puursday evening a very able and W hig as ever lived, has defeated the no appropriate Addrese wasdelivered before (rious Charles James Faulkner, of the {defi leticy in the ¢ them with the institution. | party purposes and nothing more. | : | owners and to influence their votes. The: 'detiucratic party profited by it in the Spoils. | | | } i | the Cadets and a large audience, in the Sth District. Presbyterian eharch, by Dr. Janus G. The reenlt is donbtfal in Letcher’s Dis- | Ramsay, of Ruwan,—Zredell. Express. trict, the Oth, and it is certain that Gog 4 gin has gained 1490, even in that District. ‘ lll The moral of all this is, that Democracy address. and intended to notice it; but can nos see the hand writing on the wall { we heard and saw so many yood things Asa party, they started up Salt River at Statesville, at the time of onr late visit, !aet Thursday, from Virginia, and on the thatit estaped onr attention. The Cadets, 1at Thureday in August, they will eae : ed by an army of Democrats in Tennes- next morning after the address, marched | geg and Kentacky, as large as the one: to Dr. Ramsay's lodgings, and fired aj John beheld in the Revelations, so large, talate, complimentary to him. that no man can number it!” We ‘iad the pleasare of hearing tia in a blaze with the spirit of their fathers, rece as seen inthe days when the clarion voice of Clay, suinmoped them to the onset. +2. Tae” We trust Chat our contemporary | of the Salisbury Baarner will inform him.) self on subjects about which he under- takes to pive advice. We might say to the Banner and Walehman of Salisbury, “close up the breach, friends; stand shoal- der to shoulders and let Nave have it right and left trom both batteries ;” but we are better informed as to their antagonism, and therefore will insult: neither by any, such ofticiousness or foolish advice. \ haleigh Standard. | If the “Banner” is a kinder “foolish” concern, dow’t the Fayetteville Carlin: | tan belong to the same family ¢ Dectixes.—Thoinas S. Ashe, Esq., has! had the good sense to decline the nomina- | tion recently tendered him by the WK. N. convention at Charlotte.— Ral, Standard. We would like to know on what au- thority the Standard makes the above Ve think Mr. Asnue has announcement, the “good sense” to write his own declina- tion, and to choose a friendly journal as a medium for communicating with his! friends. Mr. Ashe has not yet answered | whether lie will or will not accept the) Nomination, | | ~ 2 Tu Spors.—The administration is dividing | |to the Winston Sentinel a portion of the spoils | of office, for its partizan services, in the shape of an advertisement fur “Materials for the Navy.” It is hardly probable that the Secretary in that) department expects Stokes county to furnish | white-vak timber, white-ash vars, and white-oak | staves and heading, to a Navy Yard in Maine Much Jess conld he expect of it spikes and nails; lead, zine and tin; hardware, paints, ois, leath- er, brushes, pitch, tar, rosin and firereood /* Neither will Stokes furnish these articles fur the Navy Yards at Charlestown, Mass ; Brooklyn, N.Y.; Philadelphia, Penn. ; District Colambia ; Gosport, Virginia, or any other piace—for the, best of all reasons: The products she has, can't be got there, in competition with the adjacent country to said Navy Yards; and nearly all the other articles called for, she bas herself to buy. o> = One of the best daily newspapers we recieve, is the Bulletin, from Charlo:te. It is got up in ' good style, and is well edited. | o> } Distincursien Visrrora.—The Hon. Gro. | E. Banoer, spent several days in this place, last week. He is emploved as counsel in an impor- tant will case, (Solomon Hall’s,) set for trial in our Court. Said case came up last week, but was laid over on account of the absence of a witness. The Hon, Joux A. Grier, is also ia attend- | ance on our Superior Court, and is looking well, | as astial. | | | will proceed to the residence of the Elon. | ny mmerchantinen, ; and sach few wild onions and other edi- India Tantia Popee bas been tried and bles as they conld pick up, and also that The President will leave Chapel Hill on Friday morning next, and reach Ra-, hung. leigh at 10 o’clock, A. M. they helped bary several persons who died from staréation. The agent of the stage company brought us in word that he picked up a starving man some fifty Thence he == LIVERPOOL MARKETS. Weldon N. Edwards, in| Warrén county | , on a visit to that gentleman. Livenrooty May 21, 1859. miles from here (or an Arrapbad Indian The people of Weldon, we hear, were Corton. —Sales of the week 3,800 bales brought bin in to the staye line.) who much pleased with the plain and unaf The market ata decline of lad), and had come acrosa from Simoky Hill route, fected manner of the President, who seizi| still more for inferior qualities. (which his company had started on, and ed one and all by the band indisccim - Breavetcres.— All qualities slightly tried to follows) that when found he wae nately, giving it a gentle squeeze, and declined. im A Most wretched condition, and redac- smiling blandly into every countenance —Stealv. ed to a skeleton from starvation, His that met his waze. Moxty.—Consols tor money closed at name is Blue, and he is from Whiteside Wha 91g; Money market easier. conmsy, Wlinvis. There were three bro- eee thers of them—first, one died, and the NEW YORK MARKET. two remaining ate from his body, after . : they had Leen rendered senseless from President at Raleigh, we copy from the Stand N w York, June Ist, P. M. emaciation, The seeond brother died, ard of the 4th instant. Wealso Cotton quiet, sales of 700 bales. Flour and was nearly eaten up by the survivor, j ocent that at was really an imposioy has advenced 5 a 10 eta. per bbl; South The stave went out and buried the re- affair, and one which reflected honor on all con. ern 7.50 a 7.75 per bbl Wheat has an mains of the second or youngest of the advancing tendency ; Western white 1.90 brothers, but could not find the remains per bushel. Corn buovant; white 92 4 of the first, who died, 93 cts. per bushet, Spirits Turpentine A man named Gibbs was the Jeader of of the citizens of Raleigh; and in reply to Mr. firm, at 49 a 5U cts. per. yal. Rosin stea- ie starved company, Gibbs got in, near- Barringer’s remarks, which were every way ap dy. Rice tirm., |ly starved, anil shpposes the rest, some propriate and iv good taste, the President deliv- : een NUN) BN) all, perished, Tue survivor was op : - leftat one of the mail stations, and the Another Turnado—Sicteen Persons (Yeport is confirmed by the stage passen- Aillidand Many Injured. !vers. Others report. larye numbers of less than five thousand persons were in the as Citcaco, May 28. | graves on the route, and that many oxen aaa a whom eevee a more rae The Jacksonville (IIL) correspondent ae ahaa cen pe property a gradfed by the manner of the President and the , : . destroyed and abandoned ot 2 WAV. Ratareer i pre he uttered. 1 the Syuoaneld Register, ene vee Seen any far lost Dad ey of a The following military companies met the terrific tornado occurred twelve miles train of sixteen oxen President at the depot and escorted bim to his sete of Hen oy eae i: a ed : ae i gh House: Oak City Of the whirlwind is describec . . oo Cards Cap, Thompaons Wilmington Light a. ing anything ofthe kind ever witnessed,| President Buchanun Unwilling to be a fantry, Captain Hall, Cabarrus Guards, Captain except in the W est Indies, Sixteen per- | Candidute for Re-Election. Slough, Rowan Artillery, Lieut. Myers, Hornet's sous are reported killed, and many others | Wasnixotox, May 31. Nest Rifles, Lieut. Williauns, Iredell Blues, Capt. seriously injured. Lonses, barns, &c.,| President Buchanan recently, in atlad Simonton—Rowan Rifles, Capt. Robards, New-| were torn to atoms. The names of the. LEY Soy A) i bern Light Infantry, Capt. Jordan, Elm City killed are not yet ascertained, jing ue the charge that hie miei to North : 8 : ine i i © J Carolina was with a view to a nomination Guards, Capt. Lewis, Orange Guards, Capt. Jones, | f : R and the Hillsboro’ Cadets, Col. Tew. \ . P 2 . or a second tern, said that nothing was Altogether the scene was the most impressive! Covroxs —On reference to notice in, further from his intention than this; and ever witnessed in Raleizh; and we think it pro: another column, it will be seen that the he would avail himself of the first oppor- bable that nu former military display in the State | Lolders of Conpons due on the Last daly, ‘tunity publicly to disabnse the minds of has equalled the one on this oceasion. lensning, by the Charlotte & 8S. C. Rail! those whe suspected him of a design to Oo Tuesday night the President and Mr road Company, may have them cashed on again become a candidate for the Presi- Thompson were called on and greeted by hnn- application to the ayent at Charlotte De-, dency. dreds of persons; andl on Wednesday morning | pot, 1 each? they departed for Chapel Hill, amid. the roar of | This speaks well for the condition of| Every man has a Paradise around hire artillery, the sounds of martial music, and the the Company, showing as it does, that ite! aatil he sine; and the angel of an accus- enthusiastic dae of the ak Phe Waivers: Hinncas aro tien lic ily State, and that ing conscience drives him froin his Eden, nity was reached a out one o'clock, P.M. where 1,4 toad ja doing a profitable business,’ Aud even then there are holy hours, when the President and Mr. Thompson were welcomed under the skillful management of its chief | rll glee 1 . ’ by Gov. Swain. Remaining Wednesday and A ws > Pray? Ne ange! sleeps, and man comea back, Thursday, the President aris friends returned uiticers.— Charlotte Bulletin. and with the innocent eyes ofa child looks to Raleigh on Friday morning, where he will re- se into his paradise again into the broad gates and rural solitudes of nature.— main until this morning, when he will depart for Washington. He will stop with Hon, Weldon Longfellow. N. Edwards, near Ridgway, on Saturday, and rolong bis stay with hin until Monday morn- in : i : . ° 1 ie tearing fies) > on Waiihiron by on Tharaday last, to the gatisfaction of all, Zea Seed.—Intelligence has been re- Tuesaday evening the 7th instant. concerned. [tis u handsome and anbstan- ceived at tho Agricultaral Burean of the We have just retarned froin Chapel Hill, and tial piece of work—Mr. J. fF. Gallaher, I atent Ottice, avnouncing the shipment have no time to-day to give an extended aketch builder. The whole cost of the bridge is of nine cases of tea seed from Hon of the reception of the President or the exercises about $10,000. This work completed, Kong. It is expected that this seed will at the University, In our paper of Wednesday the track Jaying on the other side of the arrive towards the latter part of this next our readers may expect » full sketch, with! river will go on rapidly. jtnonth, The Burean will then have notices of many incidents which we are compell- | jenough seed to produce 100,000 tea ed to omit to day. We may add, however, that * rae plants, ihelanpusiladirces delivered Dehire tle two So Soine men are very entertaining for a! cieties on Wednesday by Duncan K. McRae, first interview, but after that they ure ex- The trotting match, in harness, over Eaq.. is spoken of on all hands as n brilliant and haneted, and ran out; on a second meet-|the Fashion course, N. Y., Tuesday, mile impressive specimen of eloquence. We did not |ing we shall find them very flat and mono- | heate, best 3 in 5, was won by Florence reach Chapel Hill in time to enjoy the pleasure | toneous like hand-organs, wo have heard Temple,beating Ethan Ellen three etraight of hearing Mr, MoRae, all their tunes. —- Bolton, heats, Time 9,965. Provistos RECEPTION OF THE PRESIDENT AT RALEIGH The suljoined account of the reception of the arn from one who was } cerned : The President was welcomed to the capital of the State by the Hon. DM. Barnogeron belalf cred a speech which was characterized by eleva ted thougbt, ardent patriotism, and stroug devo tion to the Constituuiou and the Unton. Not oo Lire River Briver.—The Fayette- ville Cheerver states that the Western Rail Road over Little River was tested wy 4 —- = — HOW IT WAS DONE The election of John Letcher to the gubernatorial chair of Virginia was of: fected by the vote of North Western Vir- ginia—a region of country jammed in be- tween Pennsylvania and Ohio, and a sec- tion of tbe State in which elaves are a scarce ag hen’s teeth—in which, in truth, they cannot be held at all. The desta: ble Ruffner pamphlet, which rendered Letcher so odious in other portions of Virginia, was rolled as a sweet morsel under the tongues of the Democracy of North Western Virginia. And yet the election of Letcher to the highest otlice of the largest and oldest slaveholding State in the Union, will be greeted wath shouts of triumph by the Sauce e champions of the institution of slavery, and the rights of the South !! Yea. we Bee shall be surprised if the Raleigh Stan- dard, doesn’t crow over the Leteher’s election with a forty cock power,“ Woe unto you Democratic scribes oe phar sees, hypucrites.’— tal. Levy ister. | killed and five hanes the Indian about twenty several ed p Reserve, tention of attaching the Much exeit ement Thirty-three stars mint tional banner frou and atter July next” Texans niles below the Brazos on with the avowed in Koserve Indians atled in were prey Among IpeE Forty Fades Killed and Thirty-sic Taken Prisoners.—A letter received at St. Louis from Fort Belknap, of the 22d Inst., bays that an express had just arriv- ed there from Camp Radzimniski, brin ing a report to the effect that Major V Horn had @ desperate tight with the Nor thern Camanches on the Fork of the Ar- kansas river, May 16th. were killed and 36 taken prisoners. the United States troops two soldiers were wounded, the latter are Lieut. Leeand Capt. Smith, A letter also says that between tour and ene ye 4 Forty Indians Of v i ad that re- thi oo (GF In the Tennessee gubernatorial cauvass, Col. Netherland, the opposition candidate, recently gave uquictus to lis) Whereas, and slavery ayitation (says the Baltiaiore Clipper,) by stating, what everybody knows to be the fact, that all the abolition candidate. 8 for the Presidency have been taken from the ranks of the Democratic party. Van Buren, Fremont, Birney, all oii the Geand Lod sprung from the Democracy. Such stock 47 Architect of never was begotten by the Opposition. | be i re Masoury bas lost a ei Hon, Jacos Tuomrsosx.—A corespondent of the Charleston Murcury says: “About twenty-seven years ayo, Mr. Thomp-} Resolved, er aud trend, MOCKSY Hace or Mocwsvitie Lovee, No. 134 ttre, June 2d, 18 It hay pleased Almighty God, i competitor! 8 doletul whjne about neyroes the wise dispensation uf his providence, to take |, Anson to depustt in the silent tomb tlhe Honeros, Ze Whose Universe whose thot Thereto adorn the na the at in from amongst us on earth, out Seemed Iroth- | 1 remains it has bee our inelancholy duty this diy and bas called bin Master is the That in the Death of Bro, Hoduson, thous frtend. the ty a hind and benevolent citizen, jatge a worthy man, That as a token of « Conn and society al ar respect for RELIEF IN TEN MINUTES. BRYAN S Pulmionie Wafers! Tuk Ouiginal Memon PsTaBerenep iy ~ MOUYTALN HOTEL. 7. and frat article of the hind erer éntroduced wndder Ue Perwont all other Pulimonse can be known by A WAFER name of “ Warkns,” di fein writer trite rany uther counters The Genues Wafers ure vou the name BRYAN being stumped on vu Morganton, N. C. BRYAN'S PULMONIC 0 \ FERS = Relieve Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, Hoarseness. te well known LLOUSE has been re-opened for BRY ANS PULMONIC. \W\PERS the eourodulion + “ v bli F Desai centuid, hoot the traveling eee 1C Relieve Asthma, Bronehitis, Didlealt Breathing. has been, and will nur to be a tirst Clase Hotel WHLARS FOLMOMIE IG Oue very great advat iL ponsenses, Cver other, i 2 eeuies / re ae ee ; ‘ubowered in shade trees, Belleve Spitting of Blood, Pains fa the Chest. Phe prome fades fwieh there are three, are wo BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS rotomey enjoy them at Relleve Encipieat Consumption, Lung Diseases. REYAN'S PULMONIC Kelieve Irritation of the Uvala and Tonsils. BRYAN S PULMONIC \\ \PERS the above Complatats in Ten Minutes. PULMONIC \ \FERS Are a Blessing to all Classes aud Constitations. its aquutoabl situation VPERS tuess, and ais eleva pecot Uhe tiest) Mountain Irable stapping place 1a Morganton, « ; nae region, "The Proprie Relleve ERY ANS matort el Lon a an BRYAN'S PULMONIC \\ FERS yon tee desta not Are adapted for Vocalists and Pubdlie Speakers. 1 an Country the BRY ANS PULMONIC WAURERS far-farnec lux” dre in a simple form and pleasant to the taste. About the first of July next estern North BEYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS Cgrolina Baal Road wari ty Newton ond \gt only relieve, bat effect rapid and lastiog Cures, PUreo ieee Ra ay ae US HRY AN'S PULMONIC WV PERS ee ee ee oe Been ay ite ein Are warrantied to give satisfaction lo every one. PCOMEOIML ABLE tae a ss) [¥en posecliers 0: Morgautan, der No ORAMILY SHOULD BE WIT roA BON oF from Charlotte to \l er on wall find rea Mryun’s Pale mic Wafers, f transport ation—the te being a day line IN nk MuesE of Slayers fiom Ct Diveolatow. and at Bane No TRAVEERR SHOULD BE WITHOUT A SUPPLY OF cdloten BOS. Jol of the Ho mic Wafers, tel, wel i] Drivers provid Sos POC # pune us No PeRSON Wilt owhet TO GME POR we 4 Mryans § nic Wafers, they aiay wast TWENEY PIV CENTS x1 JOB MOSES ste Proprietor, Rochester, NOY ordatiton, Sold in Salisbury hy HENDEM: oN & EN MIss, apd all Drug #8 Witt wth gress, Newb Muy 9 100 press, and Ys! nix Weehs gauton, No ¢ Nes LANDS FOR SALE, 3% 1h e ‘Good News for Everybody 1 BRON, COFFIY & MOCK, WHOLESALE 400 RETAIL INF Jes VAY } CLOTHING STORE! po w Clothing ! Good Clothing !! Cheap Clothing!!! Nielia\ey CID te leeeliats coed) i ILAVIRGHS, STO Ga IR SU AE io CLOPVUING, tn the house torn V oeen ples | by Janis TH. bsiss as a Book Stcre and re tally es tin tocall, as it. be to tucvin advantage, puuretin clerwaere Au ! Stockh may t vot Realy Mirde ¢ haeto =3t the S ) Pine dstac ka, Siac Tratian ¢ Hoantcd * Ady Conits: Tee sn Erochs V Du Dillan d Prope Linen Coats, MSE ay Ray t Diack Doesnt Stripe Cust SS yA ines I ( nerett P and Satin fe PGE eae fariey M iisciies, id at toe i and Mat enmtlenmreir’s Purnishine Goods, CHP TN IR SIN IG ASTD Gah MG voy) d he (he 4 / cay wh Let ¢ Wat) Gi M P RCHANTS, Staple and. Fancy DRY GOODS, best selecuon of a a yt bse on Nal es And will bury appeorute wand he will tot be dis DAVID WEIL iid eXatane for persau ct Sariepeny, April 19. 1859, | : { wn | ke rah Mae si Be Nu nber Late 'S ‘ DISSOLU TION. UR SET an ae U6 ingle Number Lo UTES |!) qrite: tino: used, Doe ae Coo ts on vem! |e en ea) BODEN HOUSE iytel Prize SoU000 ee ) TORTIE (ORS Iboe 30) DOLLARS. [te further nouce by Murdoch & Raedor son graduatéd from Chapel Hill Uuiver @ ithe memory of cur dee. Brother, we will wear VALUABLE track of THREE RUNDRED NOUN. 1 YSrS x Fy Nav tae s ali b N.C eine ae tnan, with nothing beyond an up | the usual bade of mourning for thirty days, and and POR'EY ACRES. five mules art of Sabie WONG ETL VSON WOOD, EDDY & €0., MAN AGERS, WM Rh DARBY alisbury, C 0 right character, an evergetio will, aud tis uative that we will clothe our Loe bo omnouruiey for bury onthe Rriigh’s Perry Road. neat Union Chase) ‘ ; April 16th. 1559 i= HAS sunert OH hax jst Leen opened for the 2 : a ow Ue Z 2 : , in ) “Ce 6 ability, with which to make bis way in the world (ree months . bevel AAA USE} Pie UNC U sree Ei) sera be ate au i Ne Successors to NS. Swan d Co, «ER eave 7 a : ; Voie complete in —with few friends, vo influence, and vo mouey.) Resofond, That this Preamble and resolutions COMETS ry ul Rie L His UE G ; ral dott | Paya Aiened one HIT eed) UM ba dL, Wo IPI WAY : ue . a ‘ ru ; i piss He left his State fur Mississippi carly atter uradu- | be ee eee AES Res ava ENT Bee eae : Pa ee ee ieee vee of it, 4 , as ad upon the minutes of our we and: daws ane na popalous ind diet HIVATINEN Watts Bopy & Co, Manager the Sparca \eademy Lot sa Stesng Place ating, where he made a large fortune and a bigh hor a copy be forwarded to each oof the papers the couven: na dt MV \ tery, teeaeh of ther Number Lottenes tor} Commission Merchant, PANT, and the reputation as a lawyer and politician, aud now, iy Sine with a reqaest to posh, Pers ‘ ter diy 4 ' Iresn the WES Sis, 1830, at Augusia, Geo. in publie, under) Aud Agent for Dawson's Line of Steamers, | Koons for the Bret time, returns to bis .flma Mater, | A.A. HALBIN, WOM. pro ten subserit Bur kers (iit, Cate ‘ IMPERIAL Teen verte’ nee of Coriuissionere | NVUISVELN Gs Wl Nomen ‘ : SAUD S SCHERER | w ji 830 ; one of the most honored members of the Cab J. M.JOLINSON, Seeretaen ray GEG Cee Dern IMI" | ’ i : : = : Rae | Sabine ¢ e Na Pee Cl iy et ; Pies bet of our great government, and among the AYA TRE Sis, / : a : : EERE TESA EEA AG \ 1 aon ae lhuvearirereiicel touhut prominent met of tle eyuntry. We ITE Ts Concord Female College, a: > re he = | } nee | ee i Hottheentite business. The “=. } v fy s Ay ra 1 ie Aah 4 ae > ’ palronage and : rm YC BL ACI IN THE PLAN SINGLE NUMBERS : eee Uesiina UU b ay Death of Dr. Boyd.—We yegretto leary hat) yy predetheousuty. on the 26h by A. B FE SUNTESVILLE, N. TL A UNE Ne ae De oT! HoOWoreaut, Pres Besiei 1% : uit He us tien willetac Dr. J.D. Boyd, tormerly of this place, but tuna Gaiden, Bay, Me J MLES to Men EMALINE PEEP Poltenn of tis Dorit “ vane ne EAs | Pala 2 ar ee Bevo Ura: Woes ey ce Snes few mouths past a ciuzen of Auauta, Ga, d roRCUM Nea edn (tie Gan cat uty ; nue 2 | LIM Bich AKFEAST Five Thousand Four Hundred and Pighty-Pive | > Sa Lu Hep, Daye tevite, NC in ‘ ertanuog: th in the latter city a few days since. Dir. Boyd ea8 Iredell Exprese copy de ESIGARISIHE Jiitlan ati With PRIZES ‘ | ah ‘ an \ : , woh Mr ‘Tuos. E was here only two or three weeks since, and bn Dasidron « ye 1Gth May by JK. Perry- Board. «x Gibertren uses A Ae oo are care : rie ‘ re . , re Bros fiend fc) Worcester) other luokiig unusually Well He was aclever man, 4! Ls gen Nr | I it SA OWES Rowan, aud . RNG wed af " ee SNE OEY EER NRE \¢ ) | | ( ee As 2 Hanes Ph reputae- micro ciiloamd inocu, Iilbrcvcn PAS ch ECE Sime ee s i) a UT Ue Magnificent Scheme! Ea HNO H alae nrc eer TONT (let ine : _ pee mihe Sth Jane. by HL. Robards ( gn 109 Apothecary, Salsbury, No ' certain is life !— Abbeville News. fa, MOSES BROWN G Mre JANE 6) DYER ' hs atl OID TEES dese Mere wees ; Ua Pee ONE EROS s Hat nnect “qs . ‘ o 2b. LL . re » iii faa pp Ulars add rege Wael: ain ' > : are sanderin nalke: uuinedsace ne 1 LY We Oe EACH SATURDAY IN TUNE , : ns ee CAT ME rae FALL LIER Bete Peasy Weeds kas ae ea a L. Le BOY UEN > OL lia cue —The preme : . A ov i rh es ; iby Sb 18 ENG The Oberlin Sluve Rescuers —The Suprem Dene, Soyer's Sultana's Sauce. °"" £ : 4 aati Court of Utno, at Colunsbus, on Monday liv DD HIE DS coe Re fal tee rane ann ‘ pee eee Beauty , | g t place im the ered an opiuion in the habeas corpus case ot Die most delieiwos Siu ough but recently vu- ‘ stl tae vt we l p b pectully soheite hie Bustinell! and Langtree, arrested for rescuing |W the county, on the 10th of Wy, Mise SARAH WE Tp) ye : P rath CE SUL ie LE es : ; pela orth Wall bx! pi bart try ids cqiitates tiowrl afford hin -anie Vue ey ‘i _ great favente wih epicutes. aad is ts maha @ TOlrereE ety s slaves at Oberlin. The court remanded the pr ah t nee tt Aa ee eae \O ( | Lt I NO 20) a ancien een ee oO Gale e SUU SINE TLDS TELE “ PON UELLIG r H ‘ i > aN . soners ty the custody of the United States Ma Seite (Nees, BULA EARL nOR Rich OO SISS? DE Riad rains wie Deed e steal SONY rt BUS ae 00) SULA SSUES Ee ed \ « 1: ’ . it 7 shal. Justices Swan, Peck and Scott) sustained koew her : ale Tex sine : { Londor e ib a ul | ; . | tle tue zi | ts << ay CRKOOSE & VOWEL 4 \ resyy ’ Nata ity ol the fugitive slave law, and ! ub Spr RSON A ENE ' : i ‘ Quick Sales aL Short Profits. se ee = Slee Suhel dissente an ‘ . 4 ! u LB slic Lene O » Rowan Hause ) ae 5 a . ine A 5 ' t “ “ ‘ 4 JB Dieter Utara executed tc Mloncgtecoe ted Woten rg, Dtite of North Carolina, Ane tion House ! wes 3 : aa iat examen ES Y the water the Msteat Rome por y0D REASON. - os irshiallo t 2 ’ Wauibee turers . & a he \ tpublhe uuetion tucky declares his prelaence forthe Hon, dates Davie County. IV SALISBURY. N.C. hat it iar. add iy SERS Pris $320.000 0 7 g rae Le Cie \ th Wes Sty oe Guthrie forthe Presideney, formats reasons, bat 1 Bs uone ever dis Wile Teacnt< # itauwe® runt ‘ Ss 1 ie edu ‘ popery i . “ ; LN bey) Eosubeerih fra ‘ re Muctionerr mainly because he is neh and honest, aud Po wie Ronin eriaverery Biren ie IG GY ie ae Sadhia liver r Pi: intation, neither steal the people's money bimself, nor al | Y Torner, Adar Geo, Willson, s Win ¢ fe pale ntis « oe can tel Heian Te er ee eT a ye i ay r f Vinson Cloure, low others to do it under bin. Wilinens i ia. — ideuttoiry Monsieur ‘ Chairs, Hi ‘ WV stands, We oi tact itary PM minediately on the « Cn JOK Boake he ne qualified ax iny et, iehiere ye lian sae ae ‘ willie soul at ‘ : 1 See ied UN oe Cups Pt thaiti vo ue ~ a Danesh ~eye . y : PING ‘ : words cons terable dw » h con ni t “t froma tive on vdich there isa u- Filibuster Gen. Walker was in) New daa, on Ree to a A eo eles tan Wine fessieen ( wie of Packag Whole T t \ (Gone Cena Pour on ve York at the last accounts ee RA : : ani ATA MI minh vice U d reasonable terine ae ca pa en ‘ . JOOK BERNE. fucteneer d \ Te “) ; f BROWN’S ed ere fas gs : 4 cor nation of flavors and essences worthy t j We t w ilearse for fumeral’¢ AB ike} — ru Pen, ioe eee yy. ul the deliea a SWtanaye nusofa Suser, <m_ easpnis Cartat the Purmtase Store of which y minasdly freon s SMW) There is MOV CTH ON TIE MIRUIRKTOTE, Mheay ice ' : ‘ul eu eat ee Se OT ie ears Ng Ped : | HOD SEs os MTEL wo ee tA Reported Weekly by ee ith f Sparta Academy Lottery, i aa River a reek patton ROWLAND & BROTHERS ee ee ee eae eT | Era) Fave did ne Farmers Een’ Bhats 22 arses soit tases 0 ted 8 oe Gane CLASS No. 359, BAKERS COCOA, re eee enree For the Watchman, MAY 31, 1=59 eC ; etek Ane ee Ge wane Se : ar. ro ? Sn ~ | Mos as at ; Wise er Hae ore cespary ou BACON—Weatern Shoulders 9 69k 1. Bing Clerk and Master of sau | eee : : Nee ae Mh ia cae fe van d as sisi caiees mae A mnt \ ee fl Also, .! % iat ¢ 0 1th Monday cyanate Tinea? ana tiie Oa the Three Number Plan. | . Hips nce Te Cau aad Wiba at n Bebra AP) URS9, wud in the te be ton : \ ‘ Hie 8 Sa man Sekt a ; ae ] ARGE LOP ot TEA and COFFEE SUGARS, 2 te i ellie Oa LARD—N .¢ eS Noob, bble and keys, a l34 sath yearof Mimerican | Ice : ok ] ney ae i a ee : NUMBERS is POMPE TAN SV TRAUB THO ES TD ees me McNEELY & YOUNG ‘ : , p He a ee —— . Na Bp (Drea LEN Gr te Vig GC NT Ss Ace (Paice GARDNER Nearly One Prize to Every Two Tickets! ! } Mar 22 ray) : ee eal 5 : egro Mg LOUR—Family, $5) 08 bw pr n) : ee Pde eN ror RUN I Pasunatreet, Yew York: BRA oe : | My | { ! sone valuable Bara, fe 000 ‘ Cou ee RAND PRIZL OF $36,000) SeELELITS POWDERS ee : se Aeon eae : TNO AS HOOT ratios NO " ae RTF [ecue nd Apothecar ead Aner || Cees oe = , ; CORN —White and Mixed, aud ] A N D May 31st. 1 Til Salisbury, N BN Pte ae i ‘ a i 5 ee A 7 ‘ . ‘ ue hy W i . : Ree : ; ST) Histoleey erage st , , ri 0) 1 " cis y 1 sO: y naan rai ay ecaDECO Ge BBB May 3 1sa4 301 - f Sea a . 4 ae pia wk ~ uisbury, Not a a g —Whiie, als § = « a a 2 Pipes ot 5000 $v) zs ot 30 : : Red, 1404 150 SELECT | , eS PR ae COTTON, 1W " M4 nie ; ar = A ane a HOM. AS EZ BR OW N, ae a = ata SHS ‘y a : Glorng, Clothing: 13 Muliustces . Rail SATIS Bate 3 ae oRIZES oO ee ABE Sealey Jeg) « PEAS—Binck Exe, now re Pe cites: DANSING SaRS reece ae ae as LIQ v im fe Phe Giane tr perewnre the most | May fe 195 Red and Black, old sie ee PR rsatne Darah oS ; ene ( RIAGE MA IN ESTAR . ; an : NOTICE Ail persons bred to Michael FLAXSEED, i ret Hh Sle Ch SiS OE Ls SEG: PROFESSOR WILLIAMS TISHMBNT, neat ine (vers Stalies Wane Tehetx 810 Mares Sic Quarters 2) 50 destint ( LOTHING in Maran Canal mae cr BEESWAX, Wali anon trl) auuove take Lene i wat te IS Cer a work ma is branches, te ORT N CCE R CERTIFICATE { the Mier? tartle leer ares He AR Gl DRIED APPLES per bus. of 2* Ibe 280 ACRES eoore satinfaenon of those who ts WO RDERING TICKETS OR CERT ol PBC SACHE ee ice ~ f isbury, that he ow mora Seheel for Che iustenetion ) “1 5 ry] ce (ereceivedcannll ue PEACHES 40 °° us shop since his connect « Enelose the money to our address for th Vieket \\ a Uy | el (eae FISH —Meckerel No 1, Viaie WOrgrn in dial) of oti On ce enedl ale ve onomed a fineie on Shoe! feo Gant enue . COMRINOES, sata. an qonunot « ane fara Pera ve wah SUT vn Mig @. P5094 ‘Trustees No 2, rh betronn. 10 neres of Meat aw all in cultivation. Janet MURPHY S HALL. at doo 5 HUROUCHES PIE TONS ROCKAWAYN. Sea bocce Gaia Hien Soe © 4 lvindsame ( eshontd nev TAVE _R O Hhd H vd bead eo fou Burton tand Wee) Nt ce ind) Macierse wadiat > i nlariey BUGGIES. SULATLES, &e vu va re tion Fen tan Huy be a cur au we teh Us | VG t y ote Drunihead W.O. Pipe, tnbered. there won tine p sa good new dwel- fos iG i peveue : ee ava Rite all epnccon eau © ; er brows arket at a “Hh toy House, Barn, and a wary out burdings, eat) ienthildcaund wuntissted: Seat nee GNU iv : a) tl <ON & ENNISS’ ‘ , R its Tatlousetin ligeer : as ee pel Lae s BROWN, COLPTEN & MOCK «Bb. Bough # 2ka 00 with Gon Hoa {Cor M Dy Water power. 4 May be found ve Boyden House, from TP tot beeriberemples Soitabl and honor We ene Be es ; im) : ; 56 ‘ ised, and convenient RONEN Cen Linse ible men to execute ar supe riate he various parts te te ix nu fick aie ee bee Salsbury. May (Och, Pko9. 150 Whltece? Wilkes lh? Wetasrn) 22 FAYETTEVILLE MARKET MAY 31. cote 6 ee <ELDLITS POWDERS. Aeron pa? 6. On Wattle, eminiew BACON, per ib inn may tow such placer ee Haoean atta he call TanIe) te a . Sara Seer » Bi eth ital by SPRAGUE BROS COFFEE, perlb. yourorder ina very short time, oy thang required, ty. ater the drawimg—other przes at the usual tae ‘ P a n Myr, TEE AS Cis : ee oe . a ae ’ atter the drawing—othiot przey tun suisbury, CUOMIES 0 CHRAS 2 (HEU RS 2 0 Rio. 1240 134 | A.M GOODS AN wany style desired rty dive it : i ; : Laguira, W3g a 4 | June 7, 159 NOTICE LOG RES PN | ee 1 V rs “Pow DERS 60,000 CIGARS at Wholesate or Recul at the St. Domingo, 2a V0 Tare Henne AL NUMBER one SELBY and BUGGY of thy Brow ns Those who preier ot weadiny te vtey by mami can | Post O1is MA SMITH FLOUR, per barree— EDGEWORTH v finest thash, and tor dirabibty ausurpas OF Oe ea yee ee & Hecaee | Mas ie tf Family, 740 07 50 1 ‘To persons wishing sae! esa bargain may S kept up as her It ie grati Dingpist & vy, Sule Mie ND dnay . - Superfine, 2 len gen eo RAY, RP OO UPR ARY. had {PRAGUE BROS Peay. ee fy eps be een THE ADAMS EXPRESS COMAANY, WO METHENG RAT 4 6 90 e700 atest SAS OS iietney, Way 1, 1859 ie sy eo ae Mabitilexpermnedt. wherehy jones fOr insums of Ten Dollars. ; , Soe te hi WU Le begun. at first. aga dcabtabexpenmen ‘) 2 6635 4675 | Greensboro,’ N. C ; 3) ne ree 8 has proved to the p and upwards, can be sent us ae ai Ky i ate , vu. Chiesa 2 C4res Chrese || a : CRT eee Somethieg ty ke BED BUGS Lain and a complete sieress APoOUR RISK AND ENPESSE, | . ee a. ie se ‘ 1i5 a1 20 TIVE toneteenth annual aesain of chia Taatitunor BOXES CHBRESE ERT AE A aT Serer rite cuiery ites (a) lh ane MUET “i rey Fee ecient For silo a De ae nt encanta Sean 100" BRAS EES lk = plied Thegaorey cud orderinust be enclosed in a 6G ON wyatt Wee AN met! TAS TOOL EVEN Got atta 6) DIG aN Ann tO) eedsn) CAL) SCUC TE: Adicmantine Candles Cast: prices paid for Carriage In eR eM e PRNUENE POST OFFICE STAMTED EN. : Something t 1500) Sete Oinuinenie EL CLGMMCine steal 1 der And the subser ber i alwive achill eetee arple ; Bare eee CaN MRI Acted | H k F Comedine ec OCS: Rye, 160 ab 10 jf and ore ‘buildings are so 5 Pobacce ine tere HA TEOMA E BROWN me Be SME REE ena ane | eckers arina. Ferenc ok EN DERSON & ES S188! LARD. per Ib, 12a st ranged as eof a home with ry Baeon May Bist. 1849 trl All communications strictly confidential I EMARKABLY wholesome and nutrit ved . SPIRITS, per gallon— the advantages of a SCHOOL Tnatrncrors of the esha ins F i ‘ al fee oe ie re He atea one wai hentenlte BO. wo wrarr, Diuggist & Ap « Ta Puen Sh pe AES Peach Brandy, 00 a 100 ‘highest qualifications are employed im each of the De SPRAGUE BRO'S Houses are Cleared of Vermin, AUG vee i u Carolina Im A ertin Cre for Sypheles. Apple do. new 70 9 0 G0 partments | Salsbury, Dee. 13. Teas “) Air Garde nalirasscecilirhinpthencivarcero(emsecta SHORTS cage Rae: 7 lage JAVA, MARACAIBO LAGUIRA and BRURROWS - medicine, warranted a cer N.C. Whisk 47 aD The " UNM Paces ta i ge or, OOD, EF & CC ity RIO COFFEE ia ae Te Gc Rye ao. aa 63 i 70 TERMS : EL BROWN, and worms, by Lyou's Magnetic Powders and Pills or, WOOD, EDDY & CO, Wilmington, Del 75 ble N. ©. and Caba Molu | “uu HENDERSON SENNISS Rectified do. 40 a 45 | Biard, including washing, lights, and fuel per MICHA Farewell to sleep. when bed- bugs pres, C7 A list of the numbere that are drawn from the | 100 bbls, Refined and Brown Sagars | NAILS, cat, per keg 440805 | cession of five months, R600 Or rats and mice confound them play wheel, with the amount of the prize that each one is{ 20 tens Peruvian and California Guano | h Titik IRON, per lb— Tait ihe reculaccl 20.00 -() ()\ : 1 We Birehedatt 1 1 100 bbs best Land Plaster ‘ = Ae N, ution in the regular classes, eevee ACrauti ii he interiorof Asia, entitied to, will be published after every drawing. in ae held aa = eae eRe English, 4a o | ee aire cnrtetr ail neetenary teronnar Professor Be : nf una S ating uw a : Sn et ba ie npetsee uur Gecnicanatiintcn { 100 bbls. nd Cement . — ; I The saleby as Vaviorsvile Plank Road is mu Sweedes, common bar, 6ha 00 gnen contr betray Ie ” fered leaves of which is ceria death (ogar- oi po hite Register. Nushville Gazette, New York | Salon, Mackerel, Shad. Trout, Mullets, dc, kept up aon a Poll Raat, and ail persons are respect= Do. | wide, Ee aa a web | s. (LISBE RY. N. C HA (uses anit wolclie. ange, Aras GeUecmndiha Week Gay Tone Kiel (epsich Canloug | St Orme i FISHER & FOARD. |, fully asked to pay thar taicora tine of $3 will be « forw edo Yeation te ~ : = a | z . nee). Vaeu fF collec tar ss J POEOARD » woe e P is : A oS Cera ie TARD § SDPIMEUNG: PROMPT PERSONAL ATTENTION GIV. Ge, A sonal! amount ot dns powder will preserve a | Wiss.) Clarion, and) New York Herald | Newborn, N.C, May 10, 1°59 4150 oe tein {v ROALD, ae eet ie | Oranene EN tothe porehase of all kinds of PRODUCE garden of plants, and nda honse of all these annoy- mun . F LEA Hi ER Dry, 8a 10 00 | Sune th, 1837 9w2p'd See Se tobe sold in this market or tig yeaa Uta free frum pocton aud harmlesy to Administration Business. 4Ks. sae Notioe.—310 REWARD. Green, ac | See haan tay mankind and domestic animals. Teas more valvablé Those indebted to the Extate of Caleb AL \\enae cami leant ome (eave ane Ga . x SALT— | ; 6 35 ‘ oo eee oe darnmiammenalruethuminrse adtedieare Nerelwnanned tacom: (irward)andiai koe a Ne eee etre dae PUY OW AN camitharubeartars onthe {hissy Lismore newa an | SILINBURY, June 6th, 1859 Ce ate ete tee al Shine for sale by BEARDS BROTHER PE SORES Sh ten ladon when be Alum, per bushel, 68 0 IG RPKRATREDLCTION in SPRING Heckers Farina. : i ; int f ; o ‘, citneonay, coer lottied to present them to me wha : eae eft a parrot homespun pants aod shit. He is light MOLASSES, per galion— . RD UMU ESS) RIVE Rae an be ordered ChrOuRT the Gime tinted by law, otherwise tis notice will be fer, grins When sp keno Co, and a has scar Cat : Qxh a 30 {VD SUMMER GOODS. PUARKARLY wholesome oa revived oy merchant fead in bar of their recovers B A K R kK I S mn his deft bug Zeus Re ; Sas R HE WIL WYATT, Drigelt & Apothivary, Salisbury, Ni! {Pe TN AT : ee El) at = ; ; 5 New Orleans, 45 a 0 FING eel 5 Sriiisate Ceoanre, (aman an 1 Daven icllecnlicnisi Ritricn. PON EUG At Iw Le above reward tor him delivered to GUGAR, per Ib— I y ie desea dla our ta 1 es See riraractrer ae ies 39 ae ae Wanuuy Whls. fe rl Re conhned ‘ = \ er Goods before making our fall pa at Prrua are nixed tor rats and mice u Bee Nee Loaf and crushed Isa 00 ene eT att ' H 8 : New sodor Wo? GRAHAM : Chern, wecwilliscll all (ode on haarl at greatly: te= eckers arina. ee oe ; ; New Cot ew Orleans Wo- aa HiGrok Porc, AN Orleans. its 12 Sample Plaska, 25 ete izes, 0 cle and 31 Wepr i p> a Max Gin dina) tlol eR LOL O Tene duced prices Aw . a ' Ks. " BQ Ee tates in Inst 1 BARNES A PARK, New York W Th Ms AAU By ke ee a USL TIS y) "ed Walia) PSY 1 ete ‘ US: My WOW WYATT, Droggix Apotheenry, Salisbury, N dias e Meat ne le a h 5 THE MARKETS. rep y 7 pe JIE IDE py Cane el i Forsvle at HENDERSON & ENNIS©" and au ENT eats on \ SPRAGUE BROS B VIE Re S COCOA, _ EVERY TIEN G Vs i AND Woo WYATTS: Dre Stores, Sanlury. 152 i eee ; i 20 Mest iene ae Paxnd cconvalesennt™ 8 “ E oy Ae / aD stint without breaking halk WR pine or wk ) ‘ van by GrBoiren, AP. @,, dine @ ISal JEMIMEYES, SIHEIE, JOMIEM:, SE/OLITS POWDERS. LAW. PARTVERSHIP AMES ¢ = ; . ORE ER ETE Cee nee NG tima ; , Seas fran br ue REST “1 ast an 4 VEN ERSHEE, Feben vey 22, 1858 59.000 Brie! . Por Sale. CORRECTED WEEKLY BY AWC NV NIM ae A na Uuroy chats me eet eM i yan He & ROA. CALDWELL, PUSH sonra to tes oes an any Ther - ' prothe ry, Salisbury ( . . ry . t b x at : SPRAGUE BROTHERS sive Stock Applesdried, 50.8 125 Lead Bar, HK 19 WROES, Bacon, Nell White, 10a 12 hes, Jacone Beeswax, 20225 Molasses Caba, 37.945 ed prices ef, 5a 6 OG N= Of G5rerG) tler, 15218 “ Muscovade At) SANDLES— Naile (Cat) ab a 15.220 Oate, = An 50 | Ree RIES of every Desc Admanzine, 24030 oll. SLINSEED AUR RR ALIVS Ce Coffee Rio, 1Qgn 14 Tanners, 50095 ERS Java, 17 0 225 puree frieh, 1.00 9 1.25 n Cotton, Wall ‘Sweet 75a 100 » Cotton Yarn, = 105 9 110 Rags per Ib 24 VE eubserit Corn, 99 1 100 Salt persack, 1.600175 ferrite “Meal. 00 1 100 Sheeting Bro 9 210 | Tanne hel Chickensper dor 1.06. 14 Sngar Bro Rall diapenenbly necessary, Eggs per doz Rall Cros TONGS TS Ahan Feathers perth. 30.445 Clarified, Flour per bb) 6.25 » 6.60 Tallow, Wa 12 liabilities Su 1 Red, Ws 10 a 19 Wool, Q5 PORK 7 a 7h Lard, of neh June 4th, ts, Lawns, Shallies and |) EMBROIDERIES SILK Berege Robes, Times, Grn duced prices, 9 * NOTICE come forward without fu be jby a Legal Gentleman R59 ~ hia departure, tends removin July next, and 9 that those wh J vadines, Organ thersolicitation, 12 between thieand the middle of June ane eett A diaregard of this reasonable requisition, and SILK ROBES, ines atre Q mn are Sell Nw AS | are indebted to Very Re«p: etfally, y BR due MY from Saliehary he has habilitres iis therefore, in le up their a a | Sach, 3000 3.35 Wheat White, 125 a 140, yi) Er taL subject the party to be called opon Tron ( Bar) a a OFFICE, the Heckers Se a SALISLI TY | RMARK ARTY wholes hy Wout WYATT. SEIDLITS POWDERS. ene form upied by Dr Neat Water soreet, NEC ndonu ed & Apotl Gail \ March |, *,° Banner please ¢ TAN BARK W ANTE D. thal Dmigele Q wot = I ple subscriber ie des purchas ‘ i ty ware v > see ET quantiy of TAN BARK § 7 Persons wrt ha to engage will id ywell hy in gimme diate ay TOD po » subsenber tron upon the aubsen Mar. 15 BLAVW WARRANTS fad LAND PLASTER. HAPPOLDT Qw2 | For sale by SPRAGUE BROS For vale atthis OF ce = ] Yievs aS (4 ae has La Wotot yplien y PAV DOOR. Tn forranlenat ENNISS . mivd BY Book Srore ’ : ba : See CESUUE undersigned in) ¢ ‘ Ute Tone P j eS) TN | See rt ! ner, a ' s1 wish to purchase 20 : a vod and young Negr sand will pay on EH - ne re ie ‘sit ret iE TYEAST POWDERS ay ae ee ee ee a ast VEN PERSON & ENNISS ONG ats 3 a jreantc wa , fam eit h . M or CL SA J vn . rn HWARPERS' Watchmaker & Irweller, CONCORD, N.C. rae MONTHLY and WEEKLY, Lee REM NEON on fred inthe ia pa March 15, 1859 1f42 we nak todo all hi . . vorae \ A WoW RUPP [ites a te seers a sc) ST PRAVI NG. from or 4 SICKLEN TRIAL, and dry Ehdes Apply te Linseed, Sperm and Tanner's Oil, “2 Wypgganmes Porto rey where els Theory of Vocal Music BEARD & BROTHER } eu HENDERSON & ENNISS town at any hour of the day Complete, ae Aree ; un May 9th, 1R59 tr 50 NALS NUNS ah or might. a cirenmatances vrequire. Orders de SEVEN BMASY LESSUNS them or ENNISS’ Book Srore lvered to supply of the above naeful Musical Wark, frat their Stable in the Fast For aale at ju r 4 i Ward, will receive prompt attention Charges mod a Se te ndeomely printec ne for cE: SNIDER & RlGue _ MARRIAGE LICENSES ESL Tone SErICR April 19, 1889 amt? | FOR SALE AT TIIS OFFICE Dee iat, 50 Tal) \ HE sybscrit ee ina o his | friends, and the publie ae that (¢ has Makes this long esteblished aud wel ; and has made every possille preparation to accommo- BOOK STORE. ° R I : CK eee ee Serica wa NEW BOOKS! NEW BOOKS!! SP vse N& 8 TOt TABLE, i oy . and every comfort is provided in his Er eecrel sh) EN Nae; BOOK STORE STAPLE & FANCY ORY 6000S / exer) ROOMS. Valuable and Interesting New Books, 7 HATS 9, Pictures, Letter, Note, and Foolscap Paper, Blank B ONNE uy S, Beoks, &. Among the new Books will be found The Confis- B Sh sions of a Schoolmaster, by Alcott; Major Jack oots and oes, ey f ae @) T vp With these efforts to please, @ liberal share of the READY MA Di C LO THING, pablie Sere ‘eins heniivcaltestisd CROCKERY & WM. ROWZEE owning’s Thirty Years Out of the United States Cc R Oo Cc E R | E S ; January 25th, HRSR 35 enate ; Evil not from God, by John Young, LLD; which we will sell at low prices for Cash or ow short (| ( yW AN’ N J “dinbargh ; Spurgeon’s Gems; The Saiut and bis aviour, by Spurgeon ; Fred. Freeland, or the Chaiu line J J & JA. McCONNAUGHEY. | erie tee " VEGETABLE LITUONTRIPTIC oR {Circumstances ; Roumania; Tho Border Land of re Christian and Turk ; Opportunities for Industry cud the safe Investment of Capital; Zachos’ New \merican Speaker; The Carpenter's Ascistant and aural Arehiteet, by Wm. Brown, Architect; Villas, FRIEND OF THE HUMAN FAMILY. BUFFEKING FROM DISEASED KIDNEYS, Stoncinthe Bladde ness of the Loins, he. Hie SUABLES are abundantly supplied, aud at- teuded by a careful ostler the proprietor gives his personal attention A comfortable OMNIBUS runs regularly ¢o the depot on the arrival of the cars. cud Cottages, by Calvert Vaux, Architect; The Gadies Manual of Fancy Work, by Mrs. Pallaues Barnes’ Family Prayers; Parley’ 3 Book of Annuals, 200 engravings ;) The. Children’s Pleasure Book ‘Vhe Child’s Pictorial Album ; Grandfather's tary: vlter spelling, and picture readiag Book, ou a ue. plan. Hugh Miller's Works. Is and Schoolmastere; Fout-printe of the * The ‘Testimouy of the Rocks; ‘The Lite aud Times of Hagh Miller. Y ain el 1 NOV ELS. What Will He Do With It, by Bulwer; Woman's Thoughts About Women, by the Author of John Halitax ; Dear Experience, by Ruffin; Jane E Vier 1." if . ve Vallette Shirley, by Currier Bell; Luthan, by J. F ne W t LSO N Smith; Davenport Daun, by Charles Lever; My N 3 MG I | W C A Ik Novel, or Varieties in English Life; Almance, The 4 SILO Na) vi Fover’s Stratagem ; Emelie Caron, Roman ifarem, a Confession of a pretty Woman; The Rival Beauties; The Wife's Vrials by Miss Pardoe: BOOKS OF HUMOR. Dow's Patent Sermens; ‘The Wild Western Scenes ; aus Sam Slick ; The Arkensas Doctor: The Grey Bay WUsea cat ny eae) Mare; ‘The Comie Wandering Jew; Whom to) L ANH order, Marry; Major Jones’ Courtship aud hie Sketches of Cailin—Look round—and see the splendid array Travels. of beautiful REYNOLD’S NOVELS. Vilocks, Walking Canes, ho. Mary Glentworth ; Ellen Perey: The Opera p of various kinds Pope Joan; The Young Duchess: The Now ts the une te bay ches Kugenies Boudoir; Cooonburg House; Ada del, or the Secret Corrider. UNLESS (Ug C cheaper than Books for Odd-Fellows. os tharicles ever have dice eld ta Sausbury, and wh, bowill deduct 3 per cent, even aliaes: ow The Odd-Fellows’ Manaal; The Odd-Fellows’ Ttrs Weak rand Widneys, | Thisinvalusble medicineis for sale atthe Davie | Hotel.in Mocksville; ut Dr. Ro Campbell's. in Dre jdell; atthe Drag Store in Charlotte; at Zeverly ‘ | Hotelin Salem; j fice, in Salisbury ) : COME 4\D SEE [SSI orale baring ceeleied ato sopetinart | with John F. Cowan, original patentee,for the mao jafactureaud sale oftheabove Medicine, ispreparedto [aut supply by addressing him at Salisbury, N worealling at his residence, 10 miles west ofthir th ace Peas TEN June 21,1855 tf5 ND the large, new supply of JAX WATCHES, JEWELRY, and @ great variety of Glittering Charms of vew Styles and Fash- | \ | | | { | iN K NOS OF MOUSE Having henaht reashon'y, bean, teetly from the macttertorer snd DP owill xe! ‘Text-Book ; The Odd-Fellows’ Offering Come and see the new eapoiy of SILVER TEA é . 7 ivi SPOONS, and the best 4 vo Beautiful Gift Books. i DINIDES tht com Go ondham (hn out wit die Estey ER PLATED CASTORS AW kisdsof Watches, Clocks. Jewelry &e., prompt U. STATES MAIL, Josephine Gallery ; The Atlantic Souvenirs En- ravings from the Paintings of Mocern Masters: Aimiecnberd ay eat rites, atid treanted for Woman of Beauty; ‘The Pet Animal; The Vislet: jet inuthe. Tothebcarn theo aea a Albume, &c., &c. For sale at eesiner ci War Ray i SON JAS. H. ENNISS' Book Store Salisbury i | Saliebury. Sept. 24. 1H5s Gas CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. Valuable actors roma’ Nome ponoch Salisbury to Asheville. ! ) Rail Road, AND ‘ C S BROWNS LINE OF S HORSE LEP AS 1s MILES WEST OF GREENSBORO eo meuger Coacites ss now runwing in conmectia Mill ErOp ty 18 pen He Kat inten. GH Sane HE subscriber dew:ring ts mere + : ine sta provide torth Avoster a at c arolina Rail Road, exclusive touother bus ness, ors ale his Vaitia bein reer fai i Ne Factory and Wil Proper wx Murteeh's ai ; : eu Sahstrs tie Rat releek NOM Sash and Bhod Factory, on Wes: UT mete tins ha : : i uM Vedi ad rs a ene ace. ‘This establishnient eciny is ry extemsiv : ek ee Morg wins kusie days ws and valuable amsortimentot Wariine. 4 wth op ’ ~ ONL any Hetention pas edn INTGAR me 50 horse power Busine, nine i Aurti ; 3 : DENS or Is ne BLUE Buna one large Woodworth ie ee - ae iene io veal gt i fi ws do, one Spoke Lathe, ach « rethi. sash Ne aude Thiidediy Cece lnc! Pucks BLACK MOUNTAIN Blind Machinery. Gears Wachiies wot! ' : A bas Tr Maes mo Costa reacung An t Sera Saw, several Cireniar Saws, Berg and More iy tp eye lomsneme and evnerimentein Natura Deimerswnneh wait LEI HEE GEN lent neing Machines, ‘Turning Lathe, two Gist Mills, < he ae ROS Aco ee relay advanes of any olher reate Na es pense orpa We., &e. bpp will be wor t 8 TAGE LINRIN This property will be sold orin parcels 4 sand if sauetacton fo suit purchasers ; but p inelayer efund th 1 be given te retund ther stands, at tny one willtake the whole asi idcontinue yyy he ‘f he business eae CAS ROVENS Conteactor, | There ina large amount of Wachinery not here tamed. Those who want a hing vo this hie. are iene ranc car MitcantinteN aCe eiea late as tld | advised to call soon, os fam trous to ¢ iL oout iain Re crH ~ ~ vith as litle delay as possitle, and will give a bare AR dee AY ° fain. WM. MEK DOCH yee JONESVILLE Salisbury, Way 2d, 1959 way REVaWe ts LANGDON | Paopareron Male and Female A\cademies, GAS LIGHT!! ues es BoP) thee AY fe Si Gens, 4 WM Proneupa PATENT FAMILY CRORES I. Leucbeaen Non-Explosire Self-Generating Mise PK Hawaose. Tracherof Muse and Freel GAS L Ww JF. MOOSE Boao! jereran) sieapet wanka, with evens chine fi AMP !! v Dished execne “ FS Low reeeiving Tinton varies from 6 to &lo Vu FINIUE public o REST, : : Mase on Pisne . geo! ,and most ECONOMICAL LIGHT ch and F ever produced, equal if not superior, to the t ' ; Tt ts adapted for Churches, ing Rooms, Private Diellies, steamboats, Railroad Care. de., der 1 trial lo prove ils supe now favored with th ny requires every other ports ble hight now in use or C s iB r ; s "1 lines: ane HENDERSON & ENNISS, vu ph ( : Aton pare Ve Salisbury, May 3, 1=59 49 ian Mone , ren : : ities Vo be CAlMinaR ed nit afine ap | Carolina City, N. € K | Figs, Avmonies ta feraniel eA ea are ine) (ean Powder, ' t July 26th, 1858, US Pa don Re ‘ wnars op '! re Mo at the low or ‘Cue Atlantic and North Carolina Rail Road beings | Se he ! He / oi ti ‘ Pe eee now completed to Bearrort Hannon. | have deter. 2 Be eee ee a lnw AEG TGR GR ea mined to lucate at Carolina City, for the purpose ot De OPA SUR) A = n : doing a wal beseol Issa ict : For tarther partiontire adireea the Principal at FORWARDING AND GENERAL COMMISSION Hien Wire dik SED need | Jonexvile, Nadkin(o., N.C. and Catalogues will be BUSINESS, | Se Rant and hope by promptness and your patronage and support Morray’s Line of First Class Parkets, to this and MOREH EAD CITy Teen MAIL aN vena sven MEN) MARBLEVARD. known Hotel, | (date the business, travelling and visiting portions of sand to all departments “4 SPECIAL aud atthe Carolina Watehman Of. | ~ QGRAND OPENING OF NEW ves SPRING & SUMMER GOODS = OS et elhead of Everybody !!! VYAEASE MVYYASTVASNS, THE UNDERSIGNED RESP ee ABOU ILIEE cull and sce our New Spring Stock of STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS | | They are rich and rare, and far surpass any Stock in beauty, that was ever offer- led in Salisbury. We are selling off DRY GOODS rapidly, and eclipse all compe: tition. Give vs a cate and we will convince you that our Steck is far SUPERIOR to | d ANY that has before been offered to the public, and that our prices are down to ithe LOWEST water mark. MOTTO.---Polite attention to Customers, and Small Profits. NOTICE. | Counrry Mercuants and the public generally will find in addition to our Stock of STAPLE AND FANCY GOODS, a splendid Stock of READY-MADE CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, FLATS and BONNETS, | . . | Drugs, Paints, Oils and Dye-Ntuffs. / WOOD WARE, BUCKETS, BROOMS, URUSIIES, TWINE, LOPE. CROCKERY AND QUEENS WARE, and the best stock of SUGAR, COFFEE nd MOLASSES ever offered in Salisbary eave to retarn oor most sincere thanks, for the liberal! patronage bert wedgon us by moto business, and low prices, they wil sull faver us with thet INVITES EV EI f ad) sorts, sizes and prices, LLATS, | | eur friends ru, and hope by set attents purchases tfrtlteo CALL AT THE OLD ESTABLISHED STAND ON THE CORNER, o:peete uve wees MONEELY & YOUNG. Shoe = Bor : a aa Wn tak ats = he ini a revise Mats, Caps an - eB FURS on a7) "Fi ty ee azaar Of Fashion, Salisbury, April 19th, 1859. MAGNIFICEN S FRENCH DRY GOODS T. C1 & B.G. WORTH, B General Commission Merchants, Wilmington, N. Cc. DEALERA IN FVLESE GOOD were pach ced ducing the past week, and LIME, PLASTER, I ENTIRELY NeW ANO Bea pe ee EAT RC OLE N i Po Quetty, ar = i : TE RIVALED-- Ub) UND RES UTETG. Hs utah WAV ADEE REGING TAFFETAS ORIENTAL ROBINSON'S MANIPULATED GUANO tan wen JAS KERR § CLARK'S PHOSPHATIC. YER oe ANT ter \bb CHINTZ BAREGL ANGLAIS | FERTILIZER ORPOUNCED forks Orders for any of the abowe biled arises Nb DOURDFR JUPE POUL DE CUE be made tomake this the eh From Mocksville, V0, to snare . easy as 1 ie ib Dee eee tee ae VERY HAT! HAV AVDERE BARAGE TWO FLOUSCED | arch Tmt, Us, tap ¢ FrAis ious route to New York. V — RED : : 1 ' EXTRA It POAND ROCHE DOUBLE JUDE Renee atmy Wharf (ao. ” al Rev CHANGE OF SCHEDULE I] | AT | | | MOUSTIS mans Wharf,) and thereby save CARPAGE and LIGHT: 7200.4 \tonsavitleneory Mundava, Wednesdaya and . C. MALCOLS ‘ “Pitan wy WO ALT) UDO) 0 TERE! a citi ME tree etirs umes. ientens aan fee Ces ver 4 sd supenio of VW sy tip CUM ; , (Bedbxes 100 HU atte, | PRACTICAL MARBLE CUTTER, | reese] Iperion fot SoA Te Hel areca stagnant ane EF Particular attention will be given to allordess, y.., fc Uys at Ti oclueks AM Fe PECREE IN Rane Tie Ge nen SUGAR. COFFEE, hace and to the sule and shipment of Produce Lesies Saisbury every Tuenc Tharsdoys and) PQ iy Va informe the public, that he TEAS SUPRROQUVLITY VERY ICH PLAID TWO FLOUNCED SILK WILLIAM B. GRANT Suturdavent &hvelock, A.W.” ieee cieingi | aan MOLASS ES 9 FINE AND BEATTIVUL PARIS PRINTED ORGANDIES AND Arrives at Mocksville same daysat l4o'clock, P.M MARBLE YARD All shipments of Produce to D. Cotpes Mirnay. | ve wD ill he fo. e pe 0 <sn The prietor «7 edges hi nif (ane ‘as New Y rk. will be forwarded free of Commission The Proprietor, aleo, pledges himself to send Pas. | pposite the Mansion Totel, where he ie prepared to Angust 3d, 1N58 tf lo sengers from Mocksville in any direction they may fe f fl all orders with diapateh, for MONUMENTS. | 5 | Pry hin, all you! ut AD STONES, TABLE TOPS, and all kinds ot | A CARD. js aie cats Le AUD RAINE AC ILCGU a Urrin Tuition Martial linemeGtie heme MPO RTE STAGE OF FICE at Salsbury at the Mansion i Cr Ane [ AVING associated with myself Mr. Jous Ho tocel, Wa. Rowzer Agent AMERICAN MARBLE. ~ |} wish to go. on reasonable terms, Ewstss, recently of Petersburg, Va., a ger H R. AUSTIN, Proprietor. man of long expertence in the Drag business, and Mocksville, Dac. x, 1noe. having moved into th. large new brick balding on <a the corner of Main and Water Streets, with oar) neural tan an Mace cosmo" STEVENSON & BOWEN, trust we will be enabled ta coinmaind the confidence | | able rates and patronage of iny former ens: viners aud ihe pab-) PP holesale Dealers in | He would be happy to have all desirous of dealing, hie generally. Our inotto will be fo gire Biren we, toeall and see speermene of Marble, hear Call and see us DR Y GOODS. pre ma ingde for themselves vad 25 yrare experience in the basineas, | he can fill all orders for Monuments, &e., at reason: (LATE STEVENSON, BOWEN & NESMITH,) CA. HENDERSON Jan. 11, 1859 Tas) Unve Ausociated with them Une will yi State of North Carolina. | DANIEL M. ZIMMERMAN, |"Suneos. tse Gur CABARRUS COUNTY formeriy of Lixcorxtos, N.C, and Removed to the Coart of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, farce Stora No OS North 3rd St. below Arch, where Aji! Term 1959 47,4 eis) eit ba ke J.J. Misenheimer aud J. Ladwick, ys. Christina Rie feced oynalte lie Purevneceina, Jan. 25, 1359 MILTPARY his personal atteation to putting up mon- ond iidaeemenia o “ohn pdémors INSURANCE COM PANY, Minenheimer, Cox and Co. va. ¢ tia Renhour wed on Lind GOODS, ete as been the care and economy of the offi- Original Attachments lev tis Company. hat we are free from debt IT appearing tothe satieuetion of the Coat, that ; r mate Nave made no vcsesements, and have now on hand Cveldafeudant: Chiestion ied fee mieuo 1. Swords, Sasher, Belts, Epaulettes. Laces large maja ins an preminm notes #187.059 02 5 in itantef thie State, [tis the efore onde the WV EVER Dus 1PTION OF MILITARY cual IBN <9 na a otetal of RATOD04 92. to Court that publication be mide for six w mh ; 5 eetan Kyes taay aecrne : we therefore have Carolina Watchinan, priated 11 Sahienary, not COOVS., vo hemtadon i xaying athe puble, that there i no her to beandapp arb fore the Justices otour Ce tant SAVES ro TH safer Company the Southern country. The most of Pleas and Quarter Sesmons, at t next court teh Us : WES AEE RITE ofthe Riskein this Company being in the Weetern Reldl(or the county Ve Cnuscrivat ine Cole bine Tateet US Army and Reculationa Miecahtlic Ginieuwhecre (he dancer rosutiaimucl n Concord, on the Jl Mondiy in Jolv nest. chen SCATYLER HARTLEY & GRAHAM, | sad there to plead or replevy, and show cigs. finns H anes en DIRECTORS: she has, why (he plaintiff's shall not have jn MPOR TERS YY MANUEFACTIO REIS Jamea Sloan, J. A. Mebane, C.P. Mendenhall, D »gainm her, and tie land levied upon by virtue of 19 WAEDEN LANE, py said attachinents be sold io satisfy the same MAI FOIA fon: in Wo J. MeConnel, John L. Cole, Jed Jnmes M. Garrett, BOW. Oghurn, Do P Witnees, No Slongh, Clerk of onr maid court ato a 5 yp eres id MeRKnight, Greensborough; Alex. Mil fine, in Concord, the 3d Monday in Apri Nip) ) July 13, 165 TYP A ion Nan en > ELF. Lilly, Wadeshorough: 8. G and the 83 year of onr Independenc Coffin, Jamestown; W. A. Wright, Wilmington: NELSON SLOUGH, ¢ Pol esinver isalebin TeantcCee) Raleigh ae pr. adv. $5 50 Bw 4s yi ‘|* ( Sprnill, Plymanth: R. E. Troy, Lumberton: Tho 0 JahoacVance veils BAKER’S COCOA, All commnnieationson business connected with thin MOST delicious beverage for the sick and convalescent - Office, should be addressed to. ca AQT) T q : ¥y HIN PETE ) 8,a y pre omeneree we week nerves, Just reseived by W Ii DR . BESSEN ; PETER AT AMS ecretary WYATT, Druggt Apothecary, Salisbury, N.C ({Im4o enhorough, N.C., May 5, 1857 tfll AS REMOVED ro tar DENTAL ROOMS BAKER'S COCOA, Al Kerosine Oil. on the corner formerly occupied by Dr. Bason, where he ia prepared to attend al! erations | Lad ie bad Widad temitcant cae rt t | podcte - HE genoinne KRROSINE OIL for ante at Me ekcare & ui HENDERSON & ENNISS ected with his profession, WYATT, ist & Apothecary, Salisbary, N.C, Times Jan. 1, 1859. 1798 | Having made arrangements by which he ean pro- ! Soup, Starch, Candles, cure the IMPORTED ITALIAN MARALR, atredaced prices | Shot, Lead, Caps, Snuff, To Greensborough Mutual’ ty \ JNCONETS . EXTRA BLACK HEAVY GROS DE RHIND, all boiled, RIC i BACON, RICH COLORPD PLATD GLACE VRMIC RE. STERS CARD, PEPPER, FINE QUALITY RICHEY ADERE CHINE DECAL CHALLY GINGER, SPICE, bpin lored mode and black Mouae SYRUP, PICKLES tendid quality high ne De Laine « RACKERS, ALSO, RASINS, Lupin’s celebrated extra quality black Bombasines and De MUSTARD, ase Me ean Ottoman Black Silk, fer mournin: SARDINES, otk stock ts NOW VERY Vinegar, Soda, No. 1 Mackerel, Pickled Salmo: Blac king, Indigo, Powder, | ceo, Cigars, Matches, US. We pay Cash or Groceries for € ountry Produce Fresh Butter and Egge, nice Bacon and Lard, good ; Flour and Meal, . Chaiites ieriew ely new and beyntifal, medinm priced Drese Goods, Dam ick, Goude for Men and Boys’ wear «. Musing, and Linens ited by wll in want, of the ing. knowing that they will find mplete i every respect A. & W. MYERS NO 4, GRANITE BUILDING A Choice new Drese Silke, Gre Jaconeta, Organdies, L | ke. &c. CALL AND S$ our Stock on) Potatoes, Peas, Beans, Onions, Iried Fruit, &e, &e, alwave in request. Bring April 19 1147 | them to uw BEARD & BROTHER Salisbury. April 6, 1859 1115 IO Ni oc Ie, HATHAWAY & CQ Comutsston, Merete Wilmington, N.C. | \ WIV eaive Na nermnalattencanta chennai | : A . | 5O0 Hivds. 2 Choice, New Crop, Bey Tierces ) Cardenas Molasses. as ne one Vone erate Baliberis) Barrels choice New Orleans Syrup. Murr 0 aun SO Hhds. fair to cholee New Orleans Sagars. | 200 Barrels Clarified Sagars. 4 ms » es ' * 2 3 y g : mR 50% Bags Rio, Lagaira, West India & Java Coffee. 5 ay “ They are Cheap Epoch: 150 Barrels Mess and Prime Pork. GIVE ME TWO PAIR” 25 MWhds. Western Bacon,---Sides and Shoulders. 200 Bois. Yellow Planting Potatoes. | Mareh 14, 1859, 3mepd SUCH wasthe language of a highly respectable e farmer of Raw | inn AND Snore Eatroaiem: last) ow ofall Wiodaot Produce. Alwo, to ali conaygn ments, for this or other markets os | | VO FAMILIE S—Call and boy 25lbe. GOOD SOAP for 25 cents, at HENDERSON & ENNISS' Marl 1112 | Shoes, they were x ere MU nid he oUTiNea areca pen niiohe oir anen el rine inaind: 1(() BAGS PRIME RIO COFFEE. y ap enough. gire me tro pair | And cheap they w . Jeall where von will find the bergeat and best Stock 25 BAGS OLD GOVERNMENT JAVA deh : , Foi end che : 25 LAGUIRA. Jnat received, | you ever looked at. REMEMBER MoNEELY & YOUNG J. H. ENNISS, Mur, 22 143 No. 38, Graxrre Row the. WHITE LEAD AND ZING | 4.500% and respon nid TW Ewras® ek. He wanted shown hin and priese named Farmers if you want Shoes, McNEELY & YOUNG'S. ¥ ee A) man v5 Mar. 92 (43 TRISH and SWEET POTATOES, A | for need and table nae, for sale low by | Heckers Farina. A pr 12-46 SPRAGUE BROS | BMARK ALY. wholesome and nnifiticnn. Just recelr I. ()( 0 ‘be adh ves UEATHER eu ed hy WH, WYATTDraggist A Apothecary talletnrs, McNEELY & YOUNG'S | Carolina [1m Mar 22 14a BODY TO R. sh, RICH AND COMPLETE. , wn on ne TO - AYER’S | Cherry Pect oral. | For the rapid cure of of Cenene Colds, H » Be g Cough, Asthma and Suibieede is waive rsal- , ly known us the best remedy ever yet) iD YE STUFFS, PAINTS, TURPENTINE, discovered for every variety of Pulmon- | ary diseuse. So wide is the field of its usefulucss and so numerous the cases of its eres, that almost every section of U RINALS, S5yrenges, Breast Pumps, the country abounds in persous publicly known, who have been restored frow 1 ARDEN and Grass Seeds, elarming aud even desparate diseases of the Imigs by its ure. When once tried its sapeniouiy over every other medicine O° its kind is too apparent to escape observation, aud where itn virtues are known, the public no longer hewitate what anGdote to employ for the distressing rerous affecuous of the pulmonary organs By its timely use ae nae many, ay aimnont avy otiacke of dieare upon the Jaq) NEMAS, Sargicul {nstruments Lungs or throat, are acrested and thus are saved many - a ctietlexetvivee (cath a yren@GcelgravasyNe! |) )URAGLE Inca Biscking, fimily should be wthout it, and those who do neglect ; ves with woremedy which wards i ESIN Chalk, Whiting, S ALT-PETRE, Borax, Glue Manufacturers Artictes, AGNESLA, Mustard, Ginger, and da which are incedent to our climate to provide then SINGLASS, Gellatine, Extracts, off this dangerous class of diseases will have cause to deplore it when ibis toe late. Proofs of the surprising efficacy of the Cherry Pectoral need uct be given to the American people.—they have living proofs in| every uewhborhuod. But those who wish to read the statements of those Whose whole health has been re sored aud whos lives have been saved by ils use VY ORKS, Bottles, Sponge, NDIGO, Annatto, Rose, Pink, * UTMEGS, Mace, Cloves, ” 4 r Se : p> will find them in my Aimericen Almanac which ihe JQ) MERY, Rotten Stone, Saud Paper, agents below uained have to farnieh gratis for every 4 S ALTS, Sulphur, Cream Tartar, Ly —5 Boxes for $1.00 : AYER, Lowell, Mass, it Price 25 ets per Box Prepared by DRO J.C and suld by Heudersou & Enuiss, Salisbury. N.C Haviiand, stevenson & Co, Charleston, S.C M.A. Santon & Co. Norfolk, Va. AO, Bradley, Wilmington, N.C NOK. Rives, Petersburg, Va Porcell, Ladd & Co, Richmond, Drugvists Apr. 12, 1s39 2m46 Coffee! Coffee 1! | Rio, Laguira, Java and Mocha, a large lot ou hand q ODA, Saleratus, Starch, N Jandon the was For wale low by Apr, 13-46 SPRAGUE BROS WEST TN DIAC UCN. OC W IN DOW Glass, Putty, Y ELLOW Ochre, Lamp Black, j CIDS, Alcohol, Fluid, Gi ent} all A Ds, Alcobol, Flui T RAIN, Linteed and Lamp Oils, | (inghn 2 T INCTURES, Barks, Quinine, | 2 . Main Street, INAUE VOTE DG, AN, 0h 10,000 Zhe. BROWN SUGARS) Also, Gruched) aid Clurihedyi men ae cod £32 eee pias as CELEBRATED VEGETABLE — NOTICE, and Accounts Mis & Moose having this dav made of them Sock of Goods, Notre! » Trustee tur the benefit of the CATTLE POWDER. ‘aie = eredite MST Millis & Co, and Mile & Moore, all persous ind dtoenher of the above concerns, are fe fall terted ‘oO Come " ard atid pe a A aS Lali : i a oe H Bue HE Proprietors take pleasure in offering their ved (ee deg po tias nnEE: Os Vegetabie Cattle Powder, feeiiog confident that if on EM core ee ' te Mt the article | eded by the Agneultural com- % pa aa eae eR GDUNLO COIS Mein Miclin Cortona idl aurefal iinmencnledicee up the nates unite, aod sell the remaining ses incident to Horses Cows, Hoge, aud Sheep, en- tering into the circulation, producing an alternative Vhise indebted to the above firin, by note or ac- etlect thereby, purifving the blood and all secretions. ‘ Vhe Powder is re ruded for horses to be given in complainte of I iper. Slobbermng. Coughs. Fe- vers. Foot-diveases, ( ders, Farey. Gripes and Co}- PRY SH ie, Jaundice wid’ Yellow Watery diseasesiof ihe kids ur\. foundered horses, &e Stock of Grooeds The goode will be closed out at jow figures count, are her nwifled to make immediate pay- ment anculy a veehort tte will be allowed be- be putoot tor coll officer JAS; W.CLAKK, * Javel le 33 VALUABLE LANDS E-@ DE op BHU. JHE subse rwishes to well his lands | the Bea Bord and Butfiloa Roads, fore the clamus v netre Times be given in denes of tablespoonful thee or urtimes a week mixed with water when drinking COMES The powder is highly recommended for cowa, Pu- Sand bringing them to a healthy iter of the body, in- rifying their blew ry out all the ir creasing (herr strergth wand vproveng their appetite, West of > EA a tah Mi Creek The ng them vield twice the amount of milk, sein a es a wi Peuren wre FON yy gy poor congitiou A fariner, that onee ures this pow- 1 fy 4 C roWil never be withont it. Tt sheald be given in PODECONOTITON sind the vopen Wate ure ae tga uf) three tunee a week. und in PRESH and sat Sete n ves wala lideetty Wel ec ooe cern immuceiiean oi liinill (he dixep sca et ineetrcts ; rhe WE A PROW cn che tract. ane i npure state of ine bleed and secretlous may be a1 ive ! ! PRAINED BOTTOM There phirely dhvercout ° eee ait Wood Toad comprist: aire n diseases of Hollow Horn, Hoof disease, or cows ealofvaln ber. Phere ee YOUNG OR that give bloody milk. or for dry cows. it has been CUARD CETUS ies | swtich is fund highly beneficlal by giving the powder every v favor sty duu reference ty mutts, churches Lor three Gines a week * tei A LB JOSEPH B. MeN EDLY HOES: Wane oan aaa Ute For hogs the powder is recommended to be given x awelled necks, ulcers on the Jungs. and liver, and in fattening, and may be given by mixing ( uN R RI AM : ES, RI [GG I [ES a pound ora halt ofa Packets in g barre! of swill. POULTRY. &o,, &o. a lel fi I ee = ve Cottle Powder, proving so efficacions for what William H. ae twas firet r commended induced several farmers to feed it to ser ising hens, and found the effect most XT. ve - AVS OULD respectfully inform hie! wonderful ; ening them; bes des, making them Id trends wna ‘ite public, that ear rthan urualin laying eggs. We can, line continues to carry on the therefore recomiunend it. te feed to chickens, C - R RI AG 5) BU SIN ESS, geese, turkeys and for all bir of the feathered OE trhe. where tis desired to keep an a healthy con- ee bey Ray eel moe mpd 1 given mixed with Indian meal and e Fi Sliiw line Acer han two t times a week ‘ ; FOLD, Wh id Retail, by W.H. WYATT, hy oi, : Drurgmet ees No . (tf25 1 ren ’ ve ele JOHN DOOLEY, for work, when Hat and Cap Manufacturer, AND WHOLESALE DEALER IN Tate, Caps, Furs, Trimmings, ec. I! HAVE now on Dad a soriment oy f ese in my line adapted to the SPRING TRADF. o which constant additions will be made during the hs a bme85 NAOTHER CHANGE !! SALISBURY FEMALE SEMINARY. YHIS Hourishing Tnscuten ain charge of the & My experience Nvies have ensbled me on this eecasion, to offer the LARG N. F) Waneseracn (Piet wav. the most COMPLETE Vrs NOON rwexsoy, Amsiatant in the Literary de 1 rnd Music, Mr Wow Hewnig, bostr Telly wibaeti Wy woog Teachers. viz Ty und in every TOCK of GOODS hat haw ever been offered in Virgina, 1 wont k the parocular attention of my custom- ers to iny stock of STRAW Goons. which for variety und extent cannot be surpacsed. JOHN DOOLEY, vetorin Wusie, vst rthat the present Session We are thankful sha contiotation of the same, seed their expecta geeatcdditien, \sthere may be seme who Main street, Richmond, Va. wre Sechie an ie ther fee rin regard to Schools Mar. 15, 1859 tf42 Pwonti ses pabhety wot Thave wad in private, 1 teach foniitvon that tanght you must send f) uuePamtna Dn ccmamseentmc lineaments MILOA.J.ROSEM AN, M. D, om the t day of Feb, 1849, aud continue twenty H . WOULD respectfally intorm all thoes that ' f Moria ieee ; are indebted to hiniby account, that they Tuition ne heretafore shonld settle by nore or cash. as further indulgence Bowed fanily of Voncipal and othersofthe high- | osinor be given. In hie abeuce on professional ser- est respectability ‘3 i ) ‘ Fee vices his Father is authorized as ugent to make set- \D. WILKINSON, He kai Le Priveirar N. B—Dr. Rosewonr Eelailittreteog 1136 RAIL ROAD NOTICE [baie by stret attention to his professional business at his old stand Roseman’s TO | Store, whichis 10 milan South-west of Salisbury, where he is permanently located. setfully retarns hie sincere d the pubhe generally, for that he hus received, and thanks to lus neiwhbors the very bberal patronage j to continue the sume COUNTRY MERCHANTS, © ver! =. 1». 3mpdal NEW, CHHAP, | DR. WISTAR'S BALSAM OP WILD CHERRY, ANID) ! BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS'! An a oD Al Dal eo bag AB Ad EXPEDITIOUS ROUTE “OR Take enty the G imel!l! FREIGHT FOR THE INTERIOR OF NORTH. Ee thing which is really valuable aud which costs the ‘ inventor time, ones and research, is sabject to be base. CAROLINA ly counterfeited. This is emphatically the case with Wise Sek ; | Barsam or Witp einvalanble qual ( AP ERCHANTS snd otherenbont porchaning their | earepuuatiotsy SHERI, Imeimvaton hs alitiegand wellegras * Fall and Winter sapplies, are requested to no-, ing care for Oorans, Couns, Ho nsrsess, Rroxcnitis, Waooria tice that by the completion of the North Eastern SaaS eld Quixsy * AxTHMA, Deru iseN Hades or A % : ™ Wroat, Lenas, and Cuest, as weil ae that dire disease, ail ond Mri ihasles coups CEs Chetuers (isos ONU METH NenaveINiicet ann aliel aeeniace rete va Wee ofa CHEAP and expediiious route from the lives and health of the community to palm apon the anwary a ey ard in opened to them malserabie, srorihiees and deleterious imitation of the true and only Genuine Bulan © p care : thus notonly inflicting a lasting injury I Frew a eons urd to the care of the Age nt Of upon the sick, but ren ig themselves, scoring tae dete the North Kasrern Rail Road will be forwarded free | ions in the Courts, ti ‘ ninal prosecution, which, J agninst them ft the (fenudne Balaam has present proprietors for nearly twenty have osed it needs no encomiums. Such letters a the foNowing, from a mearchant, are daily re- of Comanession | No charge for storage willbe made at Cheraw. All goods will bet care of ta the Company's Ware- honae antileated tor Schedule of charges for trans twill be found at the Post Office N.S SOLOMON Engineer & Superintendent. Anveust 10, 1545 (fll ty of the counterfeit. Coffce. Sugar, WMolass Shai JACOB Y. FOULK." REMEMRER THEREFORE, ALL WHO SERK ARALTH, that the AND only Gexrixe hae the Written Stanatcre or OR, BOP es Se ia a arrell ua thie PRINTED name of the PRoPRIeToRS, ais TAKE NO OTHER; it er Ne GUTRIDR RAPER 1( ) HOGSHEADS New Orleans. ined For sale by and West India Sugars HENDERSON & ENNISS and W. H. WYATT, Salisbury, N.C. ~) Bags Rio and Java Coffer Mares Oe: 1) Hhds. Muscovade and New Or leane Wil issew 65 Barrels Crushed and Coffee Sugar 1000 Sacka Na}! portation of Fr “MILFORD, Delaware, Oct., 26, 1858 £8 W Fawr & Co, Roston—Please send me a supply of Wis Deine ut and there is a great demand It cures Congha, Antima, Whoop 1 Coneumption, without fail. There has never egennine here ‘until You sent me a lot some time lhw4t JAMES HORAH WATCH-MAKER AND JEWELER, SALISBURY, N.C., One door below R. & A. Muphy’s Store, kK ” EEPS constantly on hand a large assortment o B AK K RS COCOA. WATCHES and JEWELRY of all kinds. A’ ORT delicions beverage for the sok and conealescent,| Clocka, Watches and Jewelry of every description Tranquitising (0 weak merves. Just reeeived by WH. repairedin the best manner and on the most yeasona YATT, Druggist & Apothecary, Salisbury, N.C SEIDLITS POWDERS. | MOST useful Medicine in Billions and other diseases inci | dental to warm climates. Prepared bs Wo H. WYATT SPRAGUE BRO'S Slisbury, Dec 13, 1858 99 {Im49 ble terme. Pobraary 19, 1858 ly38 MARRIAGE LICENSES — |FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE Drnggist & Apothecary. Satihury, N.C. [2ms9 -_ - ~ = SS J.J. BRUNER, EDITOR AND PROPRIET TERMS fe) Single copy, Five copies, Ten copies, D Clubs exceeding ten, in the same proportion $1.5u each. Payment always in advance. ADVERTISING RATES. er ed ory ‘A square is the occupied by 16 lives o Cato ¢ yy Devoted to Politics, Uews, Agriculture, Jateraal Inprovements, Comuerce, the Arts and Scieaces, Morality, and the Family Circle. on | beggar.” This came up in my mind frequently. “Lhe rattlesnake and alligator are ve- ry common in this part of the couutry.— \The alliyator closely resembles the croco- }dile, but does not attain the size of the jtatter. ‘The crocodile of the Nile is some- times seen twenty tive feet io length — |The alligator seldom grows beyond fifteen jteet. [t differs fron: the crocodile pringi- pally mi not having seales on ita tail, has a broader and more depressed upper jaw, and rather longer lexus. XU MBER 3: | Some of the rattle snakes are of an en- = a ee ofmous size—seven and eight fect long, and five or six incies in diameter. They — area horrible creature, cansing death by itheir bite in a few leurs. Our French Captain wished to porchase some rattle: snakes for uw gZoolosical collection in On this becoming known, the vroes from the rice-ticlds in the neigh- Fiance. Saene 4 (ur ae Oa ‘ Seaseze | Brevier type. V Ol } 1] Ss. j i gS Ossasional renewa | Ee 0 f Roe without additional charge oe Suo}jaasul & Sheed = _ granted to thuse who ad- ‘ S44 ese wopsasuy Zo ve use regularly through 3s- ~ slieyenr: j 333 Suteel By paree dollars for an- Eee aid f xan suo}uasuy p Bouncing candidates for == office. J 33 ysuscqiout @ Court Orders charged - Hen = 25 per ceut higher than . , Wel ; ae wonavsuy g the avove rates, Orders! J@re to be Admired than the | From the Wilmington Herald. cs ! 3 . for@alyorc enc! Ree RICHEST BIADEM 1 When in Bosten last fall, in looking 23 Sec OSU UIC Na UaG over the Collection at one of the book s cia earl | PEM Persons sending ; Soe F ‘... in advertisements are te EVER stalls on Washington street, iy attentions ae _pteated ty state the bun , ’ was diawn tea very elegantly beund Ss SOON BE pecalinsertionsrequinl. YG 22 Vy = ae , »Jop , a a a : st ) Voy VGs onk S66) and if itis wished they . KINGS ow EMPEROL bok, much jn contimst in that respect <s shoaid occupy the least pee ah 1 \ fe, Get AN, es syyuc spac possiba, write upon : . with al re Looks around iy tikuiy cE We Dae we wortclse Whatt Why a Beautifal Head of Hair. ee ey ace dann EY . Oth rwise they will be fi Mitr latiionrnunene Cla dimer nmrugel (rnin cae Mp, abe BOT over 9 putyees, he ey SHUN GB putup in the usual style rig Reider, alth uxt the rose uisy even pal yin toe be a superb work in mechanical execu ihe want c veeged wocuediog!y | the glowing chee’, tie eye De ever xu sparkling tf de Sie F ) BEST Fe 2 uo gy FAT No discouot on tee ul purl titi tondis bat Paty Cveniugy or the bear TON, well printed in Breseh, on the best Sa233553 5 these rates. Bernard and shriveled lorewt aud dey, or worse sci il sprine yf paper, aud having at niinberofelewant -- bled with groy, Qeture Wil tose more than half her eh: tis — 4 - Lal x Prof Weenie Hate Rescurative, if Used two or three tunes Copper plate Chora vliygs, Vhe tithe is Gir Week, Wil restore Gul pertiiamentiy secure teal such ai uenae Want. Read thet x. nd july ta the celebrated Hanbt, Puuloery BEARKS. The writes of the first Liranstate ity TRAVELS IN MANY Laps, Dy All Mousse, a native of Moondere, im ee | Da. Wen New York, Apri! 19, 1558 : i i The following Court and miscellaneous BLAN Ks Teo OOEE EEN AEC OREO EATEN the Murpire of Moroces, first prinic dan are kept on hand fo sale, at this office, Cun be am unter (He tine (HOA aId fats sin) Arabic, and rendered auto French, by M. : tru at eal}: colors sbuut thet iy BEn ee Lire aie Liman) AC ples gent by mail to any part of the country, at small) [te time t i ae a cay it - VGA Wace Wonicy Ted, expense Mester aie Waban Fecovered tay sual hae, 1 caper Vie price arked forthe book Baal Com. to take Depo. C. & 8.0, | Yi Bestorative asa very wonderin daventivn, quite eff atieus Civil Warrants, Cosas & binds, Apprentice Lndentures, Bi eeuble. lars was so still Compared with the or / > ’ ‘ Taw, dear sir, yours @uly : Writs, © & 3. Court, Letters Testimentary, 5 : ; Tous atv mvidie lesion THY ie Wecuthons: ©. & AC Letters of A lministration, S PHALBERG dinary prtees of ec fh hooks, that | ‘ Babpanas, Co 3 C Spechal Letters te., | ivan cnGeiedyires induced te question the vender a regard Vitiess Cickets, C.&@ 8.C Marriage Licenses, | S . , os ‘ : yee rite om Do Cretitientes, | Welsh Newspaper Oifice, 13 Nassau st, ApS de at. dde replied Vuat de tad sately Proecntion Bonds, C.&8.C. Various Equity Blanks, | Prov 0 J Woon — Der omiidynaix, Seke Tht (ati nce alenene lity tt i Bul Boasts, civil cs Do Intictmen: avo Lrecelved te okey i Mg Buii Bon ts, erim Land Deeds, weladed bo Ts Attichment Wrrs, Deeds in Trust, Ine that owcutd restore th ! a] : | aan aieiver C requiriiis That there every square L do net—1T have no right then to say Delivery Bonds, Sheriff Deeds, | her ws atlas my we irhoe Hf, be Was Content, pud hen t TOL Peterlee) he be wade to vield tocthat anothers service is unacceptable he AN ninistration, do. Vaaity do t vouned two ale ff NEN wed Droverdt ce ar th tome (out Taecel q f ; ( | Bistarday, oS Notesof tind, rk brown, at the same tr m0 , ™ : TS Wtiust Capeccity douful pro- cise not efered in the same diauner that Kopsal; “ Notes toe Bank, hear 1s Bee yr thaardoe until haterv, whet Curbing Over its 1 iF Triad Clie . Ha ee EL if depen . t And -miay other forms of lees frequent usprulg, Blanks suns to want ofeuch a chang Se anerenniy i ei een ne ica ecemmenes nese i ; aneis. J prep Let de a f deportinent i Cael te ak OS WI . , Raia eae ‘ , ing Wh fron, hotses of worship, of witever Bort, are, Now Youn. duly fo, 187 yt t { , a ! ! -_ ’ Dang O J Woon —With eanf 1 y ASA Ty “ ajouk ative town lowewer, ebooxtous to just eriticuim, Prov OJ J : eee emt es ce) Mivnine at ne (je WHS j : . BAKER’ ee Mi ‘ ‘ one Gein teas (areca MGI Wuprapritiiesmd iis crit) wore pre: é w y ' ae . ; a , j EES) ie * wee ‘i ee ae ae 2 : to have beer Mv sented te any eve anon portions of the “ ‘ F ' wy (esc) : Ment eon att ad Ibal oboe a ie F Were rather tecgieus on racions of Wiliiington, to f ' bh,» mo as: pte) te: taarn pitas f : i ee J | a t bos | ‘ yformed ima Che creat wiefolmiy beart, Tonayomien ‘ thts clacter, as . 4 1 /, . } bout eager h " , Ui ‘ eihe ameval of tion, coming an date, amd in a rtishainag W. Bakers Co's American, French, Homeaspatine Anan eget ' Fee i Goeth thant ‘ ie Hn ey any and Vaatla Pren um Chocolate, Prepared Cocoa, s Rendest orn enced ian Kost re : 1 snerts af Eater pe danner—staring around, as though to Pate. Corot Sticks, Sotuble, Homarpathie wid Dies * Da ciry ast A few rpg tention: fagten-ainy tate firm | YOU CLS . hive me an count tie namber of persons present, of ‘ r is and ( WiCueduy Celees Wo Ht lee WU hath mate SSeS hai ft sees that the anthor never visited : iS i \ A : CODE COS ea CSN oa Vth and apps sand Tcheertusy vit lea of Gis extended ¢ as te to edainineg Closely the auresses of every brated as wadroige, sclutery ane delicious beverages JD HO ORR pve Ca a aa SROs concrete Tees fe , Deo Mae a 4 3 Maree. Combectiug t Ww the pden ol ste Wid ratevsery bitte for more thin chree-foarths ofa century, are iehae Chie age ay MT TG all Moonlit ( od) wee 4 a 4 fac-ured from Cocoa of the finest! quality, and war The Kostoratioe is put up in bottles of Msizee vig. large, mi jee * i i tow « i ay | 7 shocsutied ina, as ¢t Smomietines til ranted superior to avy other Cocoa Preporacons ie . : ay NI peli soars Pyare tol Cirtet t rn i : PI ROL Oe ONncOllent erie: ae Wour standin, made in the Cited States. Aw nourshiment forehil- | { ; ny Fees hiv travel, tur Soa aera - ; © } . Geet cern ou t oper t Meer Zit j ost. poled dren inval d« and persons te heolih, wad ax eabstitules bore arye holds + qu 4) perc her prop Analy tenet moles Gt (trcirencun seek ha “| : r ie for Ter aut Cote in Nervous and Dyspeptic eames, in) ot ate e : ic j nF “> peas \ Te Hoof parts oa ty peices, Uistend Kueelis . OOD & CO, Prop ke aa] ised fer senrtie 1 CH ped \ \ ; they are invaluable, and wre recom: nuded by the ee LO Pane ie din Avene tex Wilinaneton reve Ai reat “e meat ermnent Physics ne ; . Aid suid by all goat Dea dite Be stitch at Ves , UGE TS Ba a okey ee ie tay vad ute bate io TP For wale by cher Agents. DOC Murray, New Mg ; Bae el ie Yorks Win %. tesan'. Pitadelpliag DOV Bruntige Sb nse wow Hes yoy \ j Balumore ; Kennett: Dudley & Co, Cincivnatt, aud THE LIVER \ : = ‘ ‘ eery fio ny N {y we as ite the aistes 1 by Grocers gener: | i 1 y 1 y ! toy Est > bs witty FE ey iV ee tee ; N ‘ tle itest powral wv uy, the ladies frequently WALTER BAKER & CO. | 5 thent twenty dhavs, in Oto wr, of tlie { 1 ‘ Riskra Scituate, Lihoce dl cH 3m45 Dorchester, Mass = enon nies ae Peale ol vet \ Le j tei ‘ ae —— : _ - | SAE AEA) EE “ aoe t = ee ‘ clings, been amen p ee W ~ rhievend tt ealise | dead wisted tothiik THE RAILROAD Compenuded eutirely from GUMS, autier Kept iis pretties am De rds a a oct tn ail bie our gtat dave telbet fae Amneneans in every peurbed 4 @ ONY Ue THE REE RG ATIVE AND TIER ME renin Ai c fi took : 3 erm ble oe 4 ‘ ar e t t = abnow ” ef . A : ‘: . % ! fie is ail 1b. Ff 4 t ’ ‘ ide} Mie Cy Ae al pent be Fh SD { Cie Ccatise Meet panes eter ee aE a EERE pommeal question ats of t Wieeetniv iis Saab 0 ‘ ia ‘ i eee ete i , sie Genad te b ve thet it sh OR =e <j eer use dniy Ave umes, te my thn thor, wit f t . ae Uke: IE M100 a Ae feted trai the wubest tulien of Midei) Wer HON fosters Cleetrawiloltavatinat tans , fm] ted jae te fae s abe cee t ’ ! f ne ae ue : Bee: ie i Hig) au We ay tecotd or tad. tion, bid (Cheat vesstiers aie resus, ie Plows places, Tiere = qaaliv batanes between dtheaist an Se eriaus ohecnye (er dls wis T ioe Vere 1 the Koran whrele contains ~ ' i i o Vaasttetatesta, as db tetice ta tac Work ; | , 7 ‘ A t F the Aaa) oye . ‘ . ray hae Ceentts Tae vt ‘ voed Tdhothuction Ou tain port, i beads a ee releis Us bo, ales catracts from, botia f baiting : ’ <p ety fotind Gar why le thors a1 st A G t I tit ti a] fn oe ae wolipgs ot Moses and trom the Reora ‘ dee Mie finns nie “Wien thon at in the Holy temple re a : towreted spy ¢ ho ‘ ! hier por 1 i , . a AS U on OR , oo LW SG CaN IDEN AES IE Ike Hately Moats to edlown before diain deek not Gebtiy around on thy fellas at bans te re “ ed ahoupscrvauee of the saaenter celts ' wis Weeerien aap . edlsat j DVERY BODY SAYS SO, and #0 11 must be & vestor, , a a reverence aint aiterat TOT RSYNC, Aen OiSOEH an Gea) its Citys prenen din kee j oo ; “2 Li almost auetbla es jane and cistunce. by the ree a nate 0 ( : H Sethe SIN Cs he ate hi ndentaof crasity and decorum. Atal knows thy fpeed of its trame, whict, os they thunder alo g wv att enw Ax thie ba Totev Uooti.ct erate ten U aiccar Ley ine ee through he is ved over the plains ang valleys, drawing Lal Ce LSC rGlyn cles uin ns 1 tetera eUcuet i : Ita ! ninend ite consideration to throng lengths vod euermoue freight, the gopieg ee 1 Hee (elie «thoi eating swims ils a Cin SON ee word stand and jeokK—Obry cant be lpawith woodes ou and, wonas k Day v iss i Satie ~ , nithyetes ; and deliehs : and thenatas they are Wont loery oul, =| : eal UREA IE) Bar | ve [eaters cat yas Sou ¢ Heetom wath this satieet of Great dnetitution, People raed to say that each ane rok f fie 4 . ee mach i tee Vieee ne i owl W ae . eye Terre mau ‘ea team” Ti he were peat cea p lie 0 Jose Manes beluve e ces Night- yes ov ourer rr m i soch a May “'t ” H ates ne C « ] teat late 7, rere ; ; , nis \' i he ty Prntoreeiient ficisn. ws a lawyer, a preaccer, a Inerchant or a A hstacs Heme ena) aut ceenyietic clcwels “TD Ree tts ies Yelm QrRres Gn 7 ; tradewaiou, he wes sare to reecive Chis sting deht « “ oe Come 3 Ven ens. 3 u - Y ' Gala r {a t \ Sulitidt Oran siaresent thant appetiaion. A good team, in those tines, was MU ooh leas eee aS EG Su OSIM SROM) UNIG eis clinerre Dees AL Nae ro iis lomivsetecinceniont haps, more the pride of men. than sin Tron Sle Headache, - . Lee }B, SESE etary Vowine role i of Sone “te Sarde lathe enol Hore © ine upon tie wend’s peo mo Co pre ee ae Cd Wei aes A cinemeeur tise enc wine KR. fe diene he ee eee Canse We hive loss need fos horses wow. bat bee vier nee " bal Jee 4 v : = ! t " ! tere Vy pert os ara | SpE he us al . era eondaces, ated otliye Pre ts ut , t Inet in some ofthert ums they have been ect peed. —We i'l, : Parry ! ‘ wotlt ne Tiiaive [should su ae ia 0 font quai fies Ha fit syeedl Gave an Vecrea in couridenng these comparisoun to their appheation i L Cee ea = ie rT Lie Pothe autior of the, Abe onl X pba Wikis lp JY Pine throngh the str toinen, we fold shat there are some men who ries “Jaundice en. enal sal s ey ee (Ey een Le Aree : ‘ a re bs ie eesabrites | ' PRE REIA 7 1 rowel . Dor ttacks. ii Ue sales bo |f reanber t farabove even the Great Lastitutian. Take for in 7_ are nett ‘i i : 1 H ‘ ul ecu Varied ¢ ud ! . tt 1 A iy 1 Halles! vee y note tts ol tars frouk, 4 Rae \ , : stance Ex Gov Mowenesp, whose mental streoet! MD ed igen y He pus bee? Ce ut cd Te IVER os leees 1 ver it LUG t ye ator Rt epit (> Tey io aac Chronte Diar ; ee . : ie | 1 : nd inorsl power, pal ints opera jou the great force: S ar Jean hon vonnin ot edieation rand refinement, De ore ee slavery itialwtterasreet Cian Mosaic laws, anil Caristiaus wen L witicl Reayed UN Uhecaryny Ole aa Coals Gia & Nas ACOUSTIC WUT AN Ure Ne OS Ot ne The subpretsot (babe test niiniee ts Validity, but ohen t to resard ito and filed up the ravine and valleys from Charlotie to w tee lie eticnne mitaeth GOR Here 4 J pitas ‘ 1 My tel Gail t ley Goldsborw’, and mad» the tigh wey, with all ite op i ae ae ie : : : i Ivy sore very t i Jowell practice 5 pay, by excring thi Gag ye \ a tle pe \ ; pendages. We might iumiauce ethers, many others ld iad NEA TRIE EASINESS Orcutt Phiev dress ow Chrous for = Jowas suxteus to lave ay iasinit of ‘ . is Sele Ne SQ omendieg ts mehiore ae io Aientect wre trates woby one A | who rise above them; bur let i suffice there are prevenvetrKever and qgf Agne, Chitt, Fever, Wily gern bib Te are Cis h ls. WP ORM Te vnenitei te, AW) TMF cdkey Al winnen leas the warckiogs af Deumecsie muslin aus other men whose modesty will aot alow them la ne atall Revers on HUMe FO tous Cype. toe wee cima fecha Ge var V lovable oF ‘ \ ‘ a : pire tony thing beyond For onrerl', we are pers gyihesimnts sul tlwusads (gy sce willing tw teatlly toe ; H ; tirn iessed, dn bros eiks. and qa Amerca, but the brief time allowed Ss woniiarlal citi the Brenet Lana nnd also. that there ; A . : : a ‘ fertly evutent ty be accounted like the Great Inste- All who ase it are giving thelr unanimous : ae es ERT : WE) a other Costly tratercids, witli showy powe forony stay Chere atforded a very limited Nation! testimony tn Hts favor. athe further disadvantage of the pene ee Sais. tk a We eee Ce ie ee eee ; Mix Water In the mouth with the Invi- ry on ther | ‘ } : iti Gentlemen, let us reavon together on this tubject goer oe aindd awwatlow buh tagether. nowen Viton Take Aarne Toston nae INI ier apace oy aise (hers UH Ces wit all Perl Cort ay eine apices ut = ai 3 na THS VE ORATOR ohy spe Tepetine te . Vas \ : r ‘ n HOFFLIN. Pe A era heen en vy bepy therefore te give a claus ia Hie alieumarhermmetiionay hy Tie operulione nt tin Demontutie jased di : . working cures, almost ton g:va! " soatpe ty Ute ideas of the wath er, thete strylas cartiaus to dae im osne ery. The quadrenmal election of the can't be beat in selling CLOTHING, His Conte, and Ponte, wawie teem the feat dome qed (ena et a‘ : : ; V sta and Neck-Ties, Hate. Cip:, Boots and Shoes; Shirts and sre Dottie Im rear teary \ JOHN PLENNAN pertlaites, a dite civenm-finee Was 4 © (el Marsistiate of the Reson btn wats meas Le eee oe peated Naas OE Tee eainen of Diseased Liver, We deft the harbor of Rio on the first ted te me A substantial oon the at hand when Lo owas in Wolisineten DR ere eN AE has beck wail bE. ‘ peice OF DOLLAK FRE BOTT ae: ¢ « Uda UU ASIA A et ie BANFORD & C0 Peoprietors 348 Isrondwny, New York Jay otSoprenibers tae weather wis pleas: owner of a bir Mnamber of shaves, went Pere were Gwo candidates for that ltgeh egion of country, - ; ; * : : ( | A Great and Indispensible Institution. 4 Barina eens Nee priinaa wetoand the winds favering, antl we got ante the tiarket one day au deqaired the station, bothiniivary men—General Scott ; Trekwhere yeuwillc and you. will eee (gentlemen eer rg ee ee een ae ceva mothe dantnde cf Cape St, fC apes; thenes ofa parol fowls, dtowastoo exo and Gone Piares. Guneral Seott was g Ons D Baek Cineiinat) Gayton & Hammer, Cleveland j Y } arments from his Store aR A Davie Chiengo; 0d Woop & to st Louie; ta the tttide of the Cone le mo iy een) | noreewavaye a thi@erert ter ceh thr ne ricer 7 Iiel OS cen penitiem sn wart ane and gow! COAT, or VEST, or Gaear tl Kevssn, Hinskurgh 58 Wance, Haines, And e fannie of the Cy; ve Verde isl he taous it, aid te decdned day Cleaveref the Anpericin army whieh nA and feel he has Gest key wat te ty «money? fetatield Uy wi) Druggiets. Seid alo ty t ~ We tba sutression of cous, one ot qa A wait tane thereatier one of dis epee | Mex eo and uv aduairatien Panes ta Howriista, sf conres, Hoveci’a Merck comncices F ann ‘ ; : every thing of every qitality Wie Apring ond Simmer rupy: ¥. Ugo oe oer oka x widen Cauacd so titel te snils, alaves Gane in, sw the chickens, and of tic Sas exetted by the praise of hits wet Teenive Daewra alt Cremer qucchces, aad ie the pe 22, bso 16 . ; : 5 : : We PLUS TAN eal sored i ees artis Aur de that toe Captain was mich tchned: foseht them for bis own tibbe ab tie | Cb oastecdy catduet af tant wae wile Elise min; the man who p efers the soil and durable, the bibs ing . , , toopat dota ene at the ishinds for rep aps y Svinte hintal Ae erey (on coi {5 3 Aion to be expressed by distingnist al inineen chof tong’, strong and comfoctehle garmente— ill AS CWA arolin: mileiann i | ; j é : : v ean be sulted nt HOFFLIN'S, He his the Goods, down to Ute Western yout ait y Rail Ro v Ho Dita the bri, tine all the Premed cons phe rah ite purchases ii toe stores, bry cadiitary teen ot Tearope, Ot General ce steh diatinyniel his Store, wre! entitle the regarded * “ ive Solistiney jl i \ a. ci Bee ae eee Ty UNSTITC AWG tee Cant for Btrteavite aod the Weel, itty. ( Aewenceperdd vetrcuthamarine, tad day boate seteotsaths tae and sedis de the tiarser, Waking Eb Pierce L bad never betore heard, altho an ¥ ; : APE DS Thay rival fie North 1 \ ie ! , f ROM nOtrL ne aE OU Aiea ba mt ' ; mn the Boat “and wy aig, he conelided to seep an lis tie streets wah a ston ehadadat aie, chat) be loo Was a great tan of the country, Ap “859. 148 RETC wen wale ave eee ue Vand rearh course, and it turned out welbenoogh that ting with each ofherat tie coors and wine as was said by lis supporters. The ex g Bnlistrary in tion nisi te ine : ; Puig ] The Pacseng y Train wiih love Mtsteswille every Saturday at He adic, for after passinu latitude LS dows of Che houses, tue stiallac negro citement among the people was intense, NEW TPM cand Sattabaes on Mamlay ot 4 AM, au ae to obviate | ; ; ; E the novelty of ranning an Sunday North, and laying our course more tethe children playing: with the white boys and. tar yreater than any lever saw ata Par- | J A Cer fariiglt Exurcacb ciiU Cons abn Westward, for the Southern part of the girls of there own aye, and the general liatuentary election in Enyland, that) be q JAMES C. TURNER, bog's & Supt. | i ; ; x rua) HUN mee J : x } Y Pehriary.22, 1959 Bett United States, the Southwestwardly winds expression on their faces of freedom: frome) iy analagonus to a Presidential election i d dee ill be Ate : \ K ites \ ie jprevailiog at that season of the year, drove the corroding cares of Hte—one would io the Unined States, although of course T: he N G s, | Professional Card. jus forward te our destination ino grand: hardiy imagine them to be in a state of the stake is yreater in the latter case than ry the ew Grocery Store, | Seca style. Ou the fortieth day out, we made bondage. “They are employed as domes: in the tormer, There seemed to beacivil ss . | . y ay he fannd s Rete oe oe ‘ J : i ; FIRST DOOR APOVE JONES’ HARDWARE STORE. I Bote 18 EP Papen eae mda fre dow coast of Carolina, about twenty te servants, in varios mechaniesl arts.) wae raging, but L heard of no bloodshed RESH GROCERIES, every kind required for emtan Perfect ul baie Late TSE) laniles south of the river on winch Wil asdaborers in lading and unlading vessels, every might large masses of men and Family oxe, shell be regularly sapphed to our om PPD , Vitneton ta sitiated, ‘Lhis was ity first and ofc umeriiien | ie kes rere thing throneh the : nitrrow way, they : ‘ ”) ete 5 ‘ . ‘ 5 st oatne therwise, sellin frail and canes In boys Were Marc thoy thromzh the town an Wve enstomers AT LOW RATES. for Caan. Groceyen JAS. T. PETTEWAY, ! 0 Win cononty be sold for Cah or Barter, ‘The profits are bvew of the territory of the Great role the streets, de. ‘This is in the town In long processions, with Grats beating, too amull for a Credit burineoe, Give una cull Commission Merchant, fe—the Land of “Wasuisqiex. Lo had the country parts they are employed in hovis blowing, colors, banners, and tore SARD SO PHER. BEARD & BROTHER 1 Bee) rot ten 5 of tthe | SVC MENC TON ONT Gey Dorweon's Line Sreamers, April 6, 1859. three dedbars, and if he could wet four tes been i various other parts of the worl l lin Europe, Asia, and Afriea, (the quarter Rarin lJ was informed that eearcely any of the burdens are light: Law and its adininis- fortresses on the Atlantic seaboard were tration: the manners and morals of the manned with soldiers, the very small are people. States iny of the United States, about tifteen Was teo short to adimitofiny forming w elt- thousand men only, being scattered along matared opinions on these poluts as ape the Westeru frontiers, aud onthe Pacitic, plicable te the country and its loliabitants, chiefly as a protection to the inhabitants The brief remarks [shall make ot avaiust the Dadians, or aboriginues of the subjects must therefore bet country, who have mostly retreated West) reflections whieh might be mine ward, and ate occasionally troublesome possibly changed entirely, by louver tine, to the white settlers, The next dav, our and an eolaryged ephere for observation. brig was taken in tow by a Steametiyy, “Before ny visit to the Cuited States and carried up to Wilwingten, abeut of North America, [liad enjoved } thirty miles from the mai® bar of the rive opportunities of witnessing the services of “‘Lobserved the vesetation along the Christian Churches, ofthe Gieck, Armen hanks of the viver, which are generally ian, Reman, and English rituals, and in My stay in the United 1 these choas crude | vtneditied, PPOs CAPs low, to be taost laxariant in growth, es eland and the dissenting Churches of 3 Switzerland. Tn all buildings set apart bankeentand diteh pecially about theembar cs ofthe ricetiells, difering in this rector the worship of God (Atah) 1 have -peet trom the mee-fields of tie Bast In- reverend feelings, however nmiuch DT imay dies, Whieh are kept as clear of all pass differ from the devotees in their views of and wees Jens, of iis var I the difference 7 her value of he Lad it suppose one the quatities and attributes of the Holy the Father, and » Lindostan and) kKuews the Weaknesses and errors of all; reason 5 greatly Que. The is our common labors and home service. jUghts flaming, and the personsin the pro “One thing that stenck me with peen- | cessions screamug and yelling at the top w y g | ' ' yaa ; ’ Bahene Cousgnueute, Naval Sue Couto. Carn, UF Whitey bwasdiorn) and South Anwren, liar toree, waa the abevive of Sadiers, (ol tie eoice Ltully expected that dead ry SOP ) 7p Micites Consiga sien. ‘ 1 the 01 j DE ROSSET. BROW N & C0, Flour sod other Produce Also orders for Groceries, T had been a wanderer for twenty polleemen, monks, friars and yu ata, Cassy and bl ody COiALR won lel tke piace WILMINOTON,N.O, (in Barr ( ae vey pera, Yeatsy whinest from early manhood; but iembers of privileged religions orders.) when He opposing companions came neat r AY ge 4! evens ro — Jehu Dawson, Beq,and Dr ' : : BROW N, DE ROsSET & ( (0), Wilmingt a N ae O1G ieee way Pree Cony TE Be: Happens d rat [had not before been and bexvars. At feast, Psaw none whose each other, bat there was nothin, of the NEW YORK, (merci! Bank: Dr Phoe HE Wroht, Pre Beneh in any | weol North Anersen. The tir dress indienated ther belonging to those hind, and L concluded the Americans : Bank Cape Fer, BE. P Hall, Pree Booch Book yjow, if teat be confessed, disappormtet classes, hor was Loacessted by a single were a pood natured and forhearing peo Commission Merchants. 00.600 Sincere bay, Payeite ville, SG ES EIT Oa ee ar | Mikes ty 6 i Reet ae Tyrone nd) Bett ya 17 Sole Agenss a) Wilmington for Reese's Mani- April 26, 1559 Bin 48 Wie. had expected fo eee a more hilly begear. vad been so used to seer ple th erwards read in the papers tha pulated Guano, and W Whitelock & Cu.’ Super- country, with a larger proportion ander thes people in awarmnsa in most other: General Pierce was the successful cand! phoephate bf Lime. I Importers of pure Peravian and other Guanos, Land Plasier, 4c OF Parcentur attention given to the ule of Naval Stores, Cottun and other Produce. April 19, 1859. Drs. M. WHITEHEAD &J.A.CALDWELL, AVE associated themaeives in the practice of Medicine and offer their Professional services to the public, Those who wich it, can have the services of both, in any case, without attra charge < 3 Susy ‘Office—the eame occup ied at present) Dr Wa rewecp PLN WEILIG, Adin'r 6w47 SPRING BONNETS, | eee ees ae SPRING MANTLES, | SEIDLITS POWDERS SPRING SITAWE || A Minn setearm thm. Propeted' yy WM McNEELY & YOUNG'SS Draggist & Apothecary, Salisbary, N. 0 443. | GE LICENSES | T THIS OFFICE Gengruct spotvecary. Salibiry, VO NOTICE. A deed, Pherebs give netics are indebted toy sid eatate, to mike innvediate ge 9inpd47 er indulgence cannot be given ascribed by law, or this notice will be plend in there recovery bar April 26, 1859 (249 SEIDLITS POWDERS. Just received at Mar. 22. EN S Administrator on the Estate of John H Miller, to oll porteos whi t tlement, pomp ly paving what may be due, as long And al! persons having clacms against aid estate, will present them for payment. witha the tine pre YaTT WORT useful Medicine jn Billious and other diseases inct- by W. H, WYATT. [9mao cultivation g cOdst Were TMiterestiiye ta mie, | ® however becanse move me mnbel roof the palm trees along sou debouching tte the oeean, looked ike in African and Asiatic rivers hours, a near the mouth, of the entrance, though not garrisoned by troops, knowledge as inet. und this excited some surprise, as L had the following subjects: heretotore been only in parts of the world | the where, onder every form of government, or Ps all the forts at the mouths of rivers, as;pers: Government, in its operations on) Judges. elsewhere, were bristling with cannon. | }On making some epquiry on the sabject, The general features of the cit . ther The tall pines reminded lation, that the contrast made a deep and exert parts of the African coasts bat the rivers comsderable streama in comparison with prosperons and Nappy people, whose sub ri In afew stance was not devoured by those anpro we potssed the main barofthe Cape ductive Classes. urcriver, and anchored ata small town There is a Fort at the have always tried ies LE bad visited, so disproportioned in date, and that the whole country had sud “ numbers to the balance of the popu dently come down from astate of frenzied to the mtinost The ystery beyond iy compre vient n qn at “altogetier favorable rrpression dpon me. whole was a ning trom particulars to generals, I hension. concluded that the Amerionns must be at one of the ligher courts were open ot 4 ta rot justice, except ing at this tine, so f waa debar view the adimiunistratiot sinall Way, Que of toe seatmen belong Ting to the French brig had contracted a as much trifl ng debt at astore in the town. On po sibly ceuld on lily relusiag to pay, the store keeper tried Rely on, whether to compel the Captain to pay by legal M thomed in, proc coding. The cause Was tried before “Wherever T have travelled, to obtain 1 Jewish, Chiristian, Both parties had their bakshis, the people, for it makes but little differ-|or lawyers present to do the talking. The j ence to the mase what the form is, 80 the|store keeper's lawy agan, ita ministers and worship-)a Cadi, or one of the lowest grade of borhood brought in many of the reptiles forsale, They lad tuem secared frou tis way 5 they would grasp the animal tiglthy round the neck, and allow ot to wind itself around the arm, up te tie shoulder. As this suake forme selfinto a coil, and inakes @ spring to ite, it was harmless when tixed in the manner described. Lhe negroes woald detach them trom their arias by iminers- iny tu cold water, when tie suakes would instantly unwind themselves. Tuey were then taken up with a uet aud put inte Wite Cages. “A large part of the animal food nsed in Wilmington, is the Desh of the awine, either frest, salted, or simoked. Of thie anitual’s les itis well known that saa- saves (Les Saticisse) are generally made. Our cook was inthe habit of baying thea Sindh was OF Sard wniouue, only meduently, Dt Git inst I refused to eat had to! Chem from religious scruples. 1 was as- sured wtter a while by the Captain that they made them of beet in’ Wiliuington, and Upon this assuriaice I partook, and liked them very mined, over the matter as (Chis clients life were depending on tie issne. self upto a farcor of excitement, which was of i Claiming in the lottiest style, and swing ing lis aris and deg whout to the great damave L thought of the joints. After he bad vot through, the other Jawver 108 na piece of paper, the parport of winen was, that all persons were forbidden to vive’credit to any ot the erew of the briy, as the Captain would not pay their debts This pieee of paper it appeacved had been patup at pablic places i? the town, and, by law, this preceedit Captain and: vessel from responsi biity When this was read, the Judyve immedi ately decided in faver of the Captara, He worked hin © hoiige Terns ti it deast an hours duration, de ns ' in and very quictly read to the Jadve w discharged the and the storekeeper not only lost tis debt, about ten French trancs, bat he pay all the costs, some forty franes more, The strangers whoin probably he w the store keeper awn Captain being a foreigner, among ould new er brogs are aban- American, surrounded by trends, [look sae the ae places about the town, ed upon the promptdecision of te dace arse and Tat. Phe cook oF the brig ‘ ih would go out offen and catel them, and Vine tie a grad: titbpres see again, abe ly astast Ys OWE Cte OV OE as he served them up forus doa highly saveu commendable, g ' ry Tiiey were ready delicious Tiarines siotbof Arertoan adlba stati ob pits. s . Hl deecliy Minty hw Colahne tie estrus tse: tak.) brit cs 5 Ct) mind a cir Horke (ictal dudes tne Nuvericany lu 2 uetiice cannected) swith) tigi of cari ies, Cera i ‘ fle am ayia () W000 TOKE In the siateenti century, i lies, fon vere catetly oo tt meat W viata, tiilonedn a Cenclinstetl irose atieyiiec te Lheolo, saw of tho- bl wht i eas quienes Get idies of Amenea ot the East as to whether or not frog irve ott ver at ¢ ledies of 2 Tic: Bude diner wie tere, for te tericis an 7 Fe prohibited tu Le eaten by the Mosa- teva tate sat ishfares of travel He WEA S a ; between the North aud South States, “Tt was mainly on the interpretation to Alyce Haney. RHE E el ak be piven to a passaye in the t sed book of We ) any jas i ‘ t daily. I fer as Ty ie est Moses, being ove of the dietary laws, a Coat ieentcl , co Wheeh rayst Diese may ye eat, of every flying Metta ire CRC AIS Vie way goer npon all Your, we Mich have lowes above t telr feet, co leap withal wpon tie ear Jt was contend: Liose mouscd the neyative side@ ny Wie es ca tou qoestion, tuat abi tie conditions of res fis daw were not futiilel in the ease of peer, that they t waoas moaecd (ov dios. nasmnco as the creature a donot vee, thot ise t ‘ (| ! i : a tthe charterer of toe women as of the & duev of the other sive cued that { : ano pen TEUNG S Was ef ne sort of consequence, as the HR, ’ ‘ ( vourse <3 0 Worn EA Oy Ken 8 OE Ea ns Were aliswered | tat the , der “ ier (oe Taine Koon) Hhibar went upon uf teary, aid bers above " tina teat pu s tliat aire put ts tort an tc 1 creep uid leap. Th renting baton p Og tent tell Who bate Gves, atid Will tine wy ie Wits bendy SWAG Herce, Atter a cdl tee oy Geen . Wiiooe, then atese aroan Jearaed as well Cot ye Avion Alta tale aeae iy Vivant) PS Uae ryy who avered that : Is Observations satistied dirt at Trows geneous pecple, Live dost of tae \Papicayies irom satisticd Lita that the frogs an haters, whiell tor centuries liave had chewed t uly tor te ot ul secu them the same Whine tesef featare, and torin ie Ug ro ptws, and bem cloven transmitted trot gwenerition to wonera at ut oe eaten tr aecerdanea thom, ow rat aMeNtares nootier Vanetier provision of tie Mose law, pe iles Trius the wells tored Gieek Ger wie th oe Caren ai ts Cat acre « fen t iN TIEN EC elas clowen tiooted and thar enews the eud— vere ano Wein =) ! s,Said they lad iP osent te mone the Gye ve i ow the end, and trom Hun wenn tet Lacitus [ny Cat a‘ ee eM % thea Ce Wats used for vali age Ce 4 Omani tw 8 Phy dgews, Monamincuwes, and Clit _ ice ta eee t a at ane , i ie ONS “J fel pleasnre in yr that tn all foe tas deen termed bw bon UL Aue Trea, eof Wile vid rat ” stiash Wetton, t Was ft “ : e outmost Wel ld ta ae Jus Perstia 4 Mast “GX i Ix ma ee ‘ oe ea presses! \ y these t G opine tiny mV apparel ex- as youre: f cited cipiasity, Peonktoveriear remarks Ficut « foes lpon it as TP walked the streets. I was The hadies of Wilininezton have aifa taken Fora Turk, wou i aim bo more & Itemid east Minions, | Lott ys aire Unies Coa M ngotian Tartar Aunes ap 7 fw ee Tike areived for my i lerartire jor ny oxen country, I was 4 - wl oof it iis bee tiuinping over cinvule (Hi He Pt Pe CRE LON twenty: Vets, i 4 i" a “Lihat decked tip to Heaven from the i tari Diiiest pre aksot the Hvmalivas and the nest hind at Andes=ate with the Calinues on the ,oatl sorta of Vit ob Tartans, ated with the egre ' He Hore and) UCD Te eolrcus “aT Tae Nicer—dallied sloulders antiicenthy protected from the SOON Oe) ER) ay Hoe RY de of Cash- cold. Toe raiddy hue of tae cociplexton, Here, AT ae NS : tle Py ot les Gy OlSGE ene CA line ye] ath! Scot CALIUESCUNES vo Pat 8 epera knelt at women, is Wantina, as is alse then fall ee pase. ae me of Mecea, and saton plysical developement, Liev lack too i ue See Samay fe “ ! Henig the the divnityof aienef the Sparish temates oe pain BT ears yet where- of the better class. They renind me more 3 Pmisht be, MN would every af fonmees lave Helio Se Ae WY SU ett rily aeeay and settle over jea, the descend aits of the Ladisi there, WAXES SSID Se GG 10) f a which T was than oof any other people They slow ae mt on i a. SIAL ATE as the aye prematurely, as do the others preter ee i) newdane, The vines red to, Very few retaining yvouthtal fresh nee oc PR he SS of any father’s ness and vivacity after Weanie. T think Muss twine also around tay heart, and them deficient in what fas been called the blowin of the fowers is ever fresh in mv remembrance, ininor morals, the small courtesies of life 5 tanding on the quay of Wilmington one day, Watching the preparations mak- ing tor the vessel te get to sea, and being ina somewhat sad mood, TL exclaimed in Arabic, *O my as receiving. little attentions from gentle men, say a chair, a ylass of water, a fan, a book, Tiey are not enough r without due acknowledineat,— egardfal of the comfort and convenience of the ment pablic, clatming more than their rischits Atlah, when shalt bo again dear What Was ay surprise fa bear same one say, n a own see mative Pind. To specity one instance of this, uf two or alse, in Arabic, butin a different aecert three happen to be walking together ina , is trom my away Athelis wood will keep side by side, On tarn- ibe - ine ronmd, there stood arme, 8 r instead of falling inthe rear of each oth. Ws! | rod ear me, siniling, w veneriale looktiy ty » Cone ley id ob] ve the ment wey tay mrect fo ae . ae men, with Che cous plexion and features of the Mahometans of the intertor of Atetca, LT entered into with tain, and founel that uv facta native bere sonot Atri- step into the putters, of brace tuemselves up Viey custouror habit which seemed very cui syd twatnst the lonses. have one COnVersatlon ous tome; itis thatet putting one he it ' ead that he was one of of the paragol in they months when con the Poulah tribe, EHS ANAT He Ca 5 Rive Gta cop cay CUP Tanke Teerien parts of the G unibnats . Serine Tetieg, aleotainotlinjnaytolaive he bad been well tamght ono the heran it xprea tout Cie patos ol Ve Mala 2U" other Aralie literatnre, and was @ hnieaanet corer nwo wool (rein mesunel] TAN her himself among fis own people. tube, or reed, ten or twelve inches doug, Wien abont 30 years old he was eaptur- contaimog an exhihewing powder, ¢ raliaye| Cae) Wl et bya nechboring tribe, carried makry, which Wey casionally put te es coust, and soid ton slave-denler, their mouths, and iibale a portion of it3 Atter a while be was taken tothe United 1 fancied there was something of taat States, and had been aslave in Wiliming- sortcontained ino the poavasols, and for COU NE On AT SV CAT ar Ile had be- that reason it was that the ladies so fre CMe a Christian, was perfectly content qaently had thom ther mouths ee sii MEN had one a! the kindest “Wilnin 2foOnW WW a pee ot consider ils! ne VORA STE CR. tik rored omy when he chose, trade, ierietirernial Sirtl GReCUEY ate ob 1 was patiently waiting to be ealled yreater part of the men were busily en away te taat world where he hoped to waged in the variens oecapations inci: | reet the kindred from whom he had been \ se doug separated in this. T grasped tim young men who ’#rmly by the hand, and the electric me to kip cleo which binds together fellow coun- time, [ snppose, were lounging at the cor. [hymen wien they meet in distant lands, ners of the streets and at places of public vibrated throagh my frame. We parted, |resort for drinking. The Arabs have a to see each other never again on thisside tlental to commercial towps Lobserved, however, a good many had no visible emplovinent, and er made as munch ado proverb, that “an idle man is worse than | of eternity.” 4 Bomaris Desorigtion of « Cat Fight | From the North Carolina Argus The following poom, from the San Fran. THE STEPS OF POLITICAL DECa- ciseo Golden Era, is not only Homeric in| style, but complete in itself, for it ends witty total ahuthilation of the combat. ‘ante; Ga 4 pine wood ghed, in an alley dork, where scattered (mooubeamnes shitting through a row of tottering chimtreys and anawning torn and drooping, fell, strode back and forth with tiff and tease drawn mosele aud pecwliar tread, a cat. dis name was Norval; on yonder belgibering shed his father caughi the vats that caine in squads from streets be DENCE, We find in the National Intebligencer, May 21, ap.article under thig caption, introduging’ ah analysis of ‘the political |philueophysof Chief Justice Parsons. Thie crninept jurist was a leading mein- ber of the Gopaervitive party ot Massa- chusetts, avd as such, (continges the Za- telliyencer.) rendered a most distinguish ed service towards the adoption of the ‘Constitution ef the United States when | that instrament was salmuitted for ratifi- cation to the people of Maseechusetts. His political oplaias were strongly con- necessary {6 their salvation; fon, say IN) the biographer : i (CAROLINA Sai Cemn “There ie but downward possibility. N.C. | Government aot lagiaiaion men ogee un-| San SALI hed ole ¢ - ‘der the prevailing control of self-seeking, of po- beasvoh — litieal corruption, aud of mere coral shel TUESDAY EVENING, JUNE 14, 1839. great practical mistakes, which will press hea- | oe ene \Vily on the gemeral prosperity. Then it may! ore 4 ' be that the os majority on whom power is ex- i Dred Scott decision violated and disre- ercised will no longer submit to the few who nse | garded—North Carolina cheated and imposed upodt. \it-to their detriment. And then wih come the} great question, and it will be indeed the ques- | Ke iallecnessie toh Can 0 ee ‘admitted @s a new State into the Union with- tion of life or death.” | out the requisite pupulation to entitle her to one WATCHMAN. The great questian Aae come, and it is, indeed, a question 6f lite and death.— .| We take the following from the Chapel. ken out afresh in assaults on Mr. Gilmer, The Fayetteville Carolinian THE MARKET HOUSE. , A few days since, iy ies om the | Hi reapo Pay: ille| charging him with unsoandness on the | suggestion that a suitable place be erect- ieee ate dent of! she a lal glory Our democratic cotem- | ed to be nsed as a Market House, with- , val i hig out snpposing at the moment thet we had | {he Examination and the Report.—Judge! poraries are strangely ineonaistent on thie é : ; Tl struck a cord which would prodaee mach ' Bate, us Chairman of the Board of Examiners | subject, in some respects, at least. Fey | espe ione) Twitlite(we ware iuiethl he lan the part of the Trustees, read a report of theit! are entirely consistent in their aim tO geveral of the most infneutial and weal- observations during the seven days they speat in) make party capital out of it; but show \ thy citizens of Charlatte, have been plens- listening to the examinations in the various de: | iitleroene regent fir the inatitatiow it-[ed to utter in our presence, words of ap- rove | proval and encouragement. jpartments of the University. The Board re ae i 5 i x + viniich go to . : gretted that ane a caen the eal ear self, or to those fue GO CAND fe Je ol These gentlemen arge that necessity NOUCO oterateClPrete yam ag ; their hypocracy in reference to it, Y | demands a step in this direction, aad that want to beat Mr. Gilmer and elect adem it ig the daty of authorities to provide for securing the benctits of an education, Chat they recitation coum; and they recomipemded that) ocrat in his place 5 and to that end, they: the accommodation of their constituency, |THE UNIVERSITY —ITS PROSPECTS, &C. seemed to have slighted the instructions of the Does not the Government of the party. in representative, and with # provision in her con- greater strianess xbould be exercised fy examin: accuse him of unsoundness on this ques- levery corperator, a suitable pliee for the yerd Dupont, in search of fuud aud strange adveuture, Gi war he courted; and his twisted tal, and spine pheaving in fantastic curve, and claws distended, and ears @it- iy pressed ayguinet a head thrown back defttuntly, told uf impending sirfie. With eves agleam, and screeching Diasts of war, and steps as silent as the falling dew, yeang Norval crept along the >plutered edge, and yazed a moment through the darkness duwn with a tail away triqmpbantly, Then, wih an imprecation and a grow! power press heavily on the general pros- stitution, permitting unnaturalized foreigners to jog students for adimission into the University, | reception aod sale of such articles as are servative, while key were rationally lib- eral; and be seems, like the sagacions tacu with whem be cooperated, to have had a remarkable insignt into the natoral development of po mlar institutions, when nor always seppored on the right hand and on the deft by popular intelligence and pablie virtue, Poreseeing, trom the ‘course of histery, thatthe great Republic of the West would be little likely to es: cape the dangers iicident to every forip of goverument, but not) despairing, for 'thig reason, of its recovery trom the lapses of political declension, he was led, aceord- veri iW the vast majority on | vote for embers, to the most numerous branch /perity nd will the jority on. whom power is exercised longer submit’ of her General Assembly, and consequently, en- to the few who uee it to their detriment ¢ titled to vote for members of Congress aud Elee- | We trast and believe not. But let U8 SCE tore for President. what there is further prophetic. When (will this decline in the political condition | of the country be arrested ? | The principles settled in the Dred Scott case, are deemed important to the Southern States. And no one thing, in that case, is more clearly set- “The decline in the politien! condition of the country will be arrested whea personal interest | and prosperity are touched and perhaps stricken Hed. than that the States Lave no right, uader the Constitution, to permit (of 80 provide as to per this interest require us to dof aud after awhile vote for members of Congress, or Electors fur \ the next question will ovcur, ‘what docs our duty President and Vice-President. i Ta that celebra- require us? and when duty is strengthened by \down ; fur then will come the inquiry ‘what docs mit) unnaturalized foreigners, in Uheir States, tu | —pethaps an oath in direct vengeance iny to the theory of his views, as explain- iuterest it has miictlome Seces tuna! pets! ted case, the Supreme Court of the U. States, hiesed—he etarted back, and crooked in ed by his biographer, to augnr the SUC: | “The first answer made fe this inquiry of in- lnaly Like a detter 8. or rather like a U ycesaive steps of the civil declipe Which | terest is, look after the politics of the country ¢, inverted, stood iu fierce expectancy, night be expected to await the coantey | look after thein as you look after your: ships, "Twas well, With eye balls glaring (in tie progeede ft that degeneracy he be-| your banks, your mills, your business; for tt is and cure aslaut, aud open mouth in which ‘heved to le inevitable trom natural cans- | ot as mach practical importance to you as any two rows of fangs steed forth in sharp and !es, Dut atthe! sane tin he elerished a | or all of these’ And when duty asks also, the dread conformity slop up-a post frum out! strong and abiding taith in the recupera- | answer is, “begin at the beginning ; teach your says as follows, to wil: “The Constitution has conferred on Congress the right to establish an uniform rule of uatur- alization, aud tlys right is evideutly eredasive, and has always been held by this Cuurt to be 0. Couseqnently, no State, since the adoption of the Constitution, can, by nataralizing an alien, the dark below a head appeared. ltive power of chat spirit of free discussion, children the true principles of politics and bow invest bun with the mghts and privileges secur i 7 (. - . . . i 8 a stiz Ss a -. » Ky ory iG A dreadful tocsin of imfernal strife] which, combined with the dictatesfof in-| te keep a government free and prosperous; and ed toa citizen of a State under the Federal Go young Norval uttered, then with a face uublanched and -sigastache standing straight before his nose, and tail flung wildly to the passing breeze, stepped back in cantious invitation to the foe. Approaching each other, and with pre- paratwous dire, each cut surveyed the van- faye of the teld. Around they walked with taiis uplitted, and backs high in air, while frou their mouths, in aceents hiss | ing with consuming rage, dropped brie! bat awiol sentences of hate. Thrice aronnd the roof they went in eively each eye upon the foe intently bent; then sideways moving, as if went with eats, gave one longdrawn, terrific, eav- age vaw, and buckled in. The fur few. A mist of hair bung o'er the battle field. High "hove the din of pas-ing wagons rose the dreadful tumuls of the struggling cats. So gleaned their eyes in frenzy, that, to me, who saw the conflict from a window near, noaght else See page 11, of the pampllet de- + su . exhibit to them verninen:.” lterest, would suftice, he hoped, to arrest | mpres upon them the duty and exhibit to ther | land turn the duwuward -| the exainple of vivid interest and constant watel: | cision. movement of | public affuire. : “Tt is true, every person, and every class and [ou and careful discrimination as tu the men | 4 rae . to be placed in power; and teaching all this ts a | Hedin ee ate haha ane | thing which stands in positive rank and practical description of persuus, who were, at the time of [teas 5 oe importance before Latin and Greek, or the cal- | opinions of one who lived among and war | culus, whether jntegral or differential, or even jintimately associated with the great men, | book-keeping by single or double entry, howev to whom, under God, we owe all that we | er good in their places all these may be.” venjoy of civil and veligivus liberty, But, | Again— the adojdion of the Constitution, recog@gzed as citizens in the several States, became also cit- zens of tis new political body 5 but none other ; - it was formed by (hem and for theme aud ther “Then it may be hoped that the progress of posteritr, bat for no one else, And the person things will be upward instead of downward. — al righty and privileges puarantiod to eitizens of Then it may be hoped, with the advancing in telligence of the community, their und thore oaly, Who were then imetibers of the ses jof their political duties will grow clearer; nud eral State comimnmaties, or who should atter | with Approving morality of the community their wards, by birth muht or otherwise become mein reads |“ Tshould say that his principles and bis opin: | ions would lead tu the belef that there would be [regular stages tu the decline aud deeay of var ae : this new sover loty, Were lotended to embrace Slaldiog tual system of Gowertinent, and then ja its re- Hsoration, Atthe begraning the chief men ot | ; bers, according ty the provistaus of the Const ithe country were placed, by the choice ot the | plete and habitual : wud it Noe ey be ley tation, and the principles on which t was found: peuple, in the highest offices, and took them as | that, in that Liteon ty (est gto will find MOS ed Tt was the uuiot of these, who were at the A tiimtter of evuree. He lived by rey the day | ttiens which she may till with her hte, without Gime members of distinct and separate political when such men were ublized tu contend wr pro: | SA*tng Upon them fetters finding her Own PUTLY Communities mts one poliacal bunily, whose Minenee, avd put furth thet fais ; aud to} tainted and diseased by their corruptions. [regard this as one sign that the people of the Jeouutry bad already begun to live upon the cap j etal, both of political wesdom aud politesl im i (teyrity, whented from ther tathers. Inthe next! find in the London Ifustrated Times the not before poses, and placed tim in every oth discharge of these duties will grow) inore com power, for certan specified purposes, was to ex tend over the whole territury of the United And it gave to each eigen rights and States, A Curious Visitation oy Insects. —We privileges outside of bis State, which he did! tien although there are no facts in the and that there should be greater difficulty iu) ‘ane tl marie, des ' parsing from one cliss to another. The hope | C888 MEO AR accuse 2 ywhich may add te the comfort of man. was also expressed that parents aud guardians wanted to carry the election in Virginia, But, losing sight of these fgets alto- would be tess indulyent in granting pocket mo-/and to that end, wot one ever raised al vether, we do think that there has been ney tu those they seat to the Cniversity, anc i enice against Letcher, who, a few Vears | manifested in times past, too wuch indif- stricter in demandiag economy in personal ex aie . Orsunren fi Pa veuses, for they see att sulle that the age, Was an out-and-out abolitionists. The, dure leat) tite ula tbat by the Lael | : ; de Je and their municipal authorities, Al- , anny Oe meecates til speaks of Mr. Gilmer as |? ; students who wet most anxious to decorate the’ Boston Atlus peaks : M Au Taree (oan aie village thronghout outer man were not the most sulicitous as tothe ong of the “conservative men” of the : | AS hash the United States has a market place, adormment of the inher mun, (South, and forehwith, North Carolina) where all kinds of country produce, meats, We think it time the Trustees were ta-! qunucratic editors catcli up the moderates yame, &e, are exposed for sale; but, king this matter in hand. Chapel IL language of that paper, aud ery out tothe slice the removal of the old Court House, is a State Institution, yet it has come te the place from whence the Declaration pass (if reports are tree.) that a man of) Of 1775 was promulged, the people have tndlerate means, cannot send hig son: gone back and placed themselves inthe Oder 4 g uf ‘ e “ "4 , i" ! om Da position occupied by the early settlers of forms us of the election of a Virginia Ab ‘the country, and strack out fron the list jolitionists to the ottice of chief magistrate | ot accommodations a tarket place. | ‘The other point alluded to in’ this ex-) Gr the O1d Detuition. We were not pre Allow na, City fathers,” with great S i 5 rel 5 “Diy | Fespee rote veneration So far from) pared for such CHEERING NEWS.”, respect and profound vene ratio 1, to Le ee ie wl >" peal to your honorable body, in behalf | ‘ ; Awd yet our democratic ex itura Nee tire citizens of Coarlotre, to take this mat- scholarship sob est alls a: cobalt publish this—they don’t see it—they ter under consideration, and as far as you and colleves in the State, we tind there is) want see it; neither will they let their) may be able, provide for the wants, the Ve general impression that it is greatly) readers see it, Aud thus it is, always :/ actual necessities of your people, and we Howermgit, Atleast we have heard some) they keep up a continual howl about the} will ever pray, &e.—Charlotte Daily ah ay ey | leds of its best friends express this fear; aml) Whigs joining the Black | Bulletin. Now it so happens that the above ap- regarded necessities to sustain life, or voters of the Siate, be on your goard a yuinst J.A. Gilmer! The Boston Libera tor, of May 80th says: * The telegraph in- there at all, without the risk of being broke hy Hits tract is more serious. still, the University elevating the grade of Republicans, and yet they greedily cominit Virginia te the idea contained in’ the abeve extract shows that the Trustees themselves are at the lands of the abelitioniat Letcher, and plies to Salisbury as exactly as to Char- list waking up to the same conclusion. | cit quiet whilst the abolitionists of the!) tome, We have no market house—no ' i xs eid : | Bat they are right; let them! go alead. North make the welkio ring with rej ne Fal . . . ~ ; |place®in town where we may go at any Let the Faculty cease to admit boys, whey iais over the triumph of an abolitionists ' have been rejected or dismissed elsewhere. iy the Old Dominion! [time and expect to find provisions for the or who go to college merely for the natue | table on sale. We did once have a place of it, Let them cease te retain thei} when they fail te study. This course nay fora short tine, lose them seamething Inthe way nounibers, but it will an the card of N.M. Martin, Brother & Co., in cated 5 but in the course of reforms, our - o7e _ ) North Cirdina Business [louse in) 8 SESS yoodMhouse it was, too, built for Viryinia.—We invite aticntion to the the express purpose, and well enough lo- end be more rejced in the advantages this paper, with the remark that they are! Town authorities tore it down, and have secured to the course of trae learning, RUNG ly Curchiiines inorality, college discipline, and the ulri verity of this noble and beloved Inotitution. They advertixe A : | : , They ; never supplied the superior accommoda- here as a means of waking Eq aintance | tate pore ; tions or desideratam then promsied to us, with our trating folks, and with a view => . z of extending their business. They are Ag a tux payer and citizen, we have long SUPERIOR COURT. Comm ssion Merchants, agents between! fell disposed to protest against this fwith- er was plain bat fiery stars that moved in ie vr is unet eccentric. Au heur they etraguled in tempestn- ons might, then faint and iainter grew the equal of war, until all sound was linshed Then went [forth with lauthorn, and the field surveyed. What saw It | [ut getbag idwineh title amen employed. | cent come anew period, Ou tie one hand, would have power, to deacend lu the sume ie lof insects to a churei at Colchester : | “Did you observe in the papers a curi strong and bigh men would be driven by des-|ons paragraph ingorming tie public that jyust trom the Geld of politics; and on the other} ciureh in Colchester iad been shut up| 'the people would beeome unwilling to look up| because it swarms with insects / | i would be necessary for great mei whi following account of a singular visitation State Upon a perfect equality: with its own citizens as fo rights of person, and rights of pro: perty it made bum a eitzen of the Curted States.” See paye 12. Whilst he Oregon bil was before the House of Representatives, Mr. Marshall, of Keotucky, Six claws—one ear—of teeth, perhaps a handful; and save for nonght else ex cept a colitary tail, That tail was Nor val’s—by a ring L knew it. The ear was —but we'll let the matter pass. ‘The tai 0 will du without the ear, lw their own creatures. Mediocrity: would yam When L saw this paragraph, [ thonght, offered aw amendment, in substance and cffect, | possession of nearly all power Any the free ure of! ig could not be trac, buton inquiry, [tind declaring that Oregon should not be a: sister ul the ingans of management lvteseven so; and a very strange pieno- ; [low true is thist Strong and high! menon itis. The eluren in question is }men are driven by disgust from the field| St Peter's, the principal chureh in the ' the Comtitution, and to the principles so fof polities, and the people ave unwilling town. jto look up to their own creatures, Me | State, until she nade her Cou-titution coufurm plainly detimed, declared and set forth in the It has lately been entirely refitted in-| Dred Scott cise, and we are mortitied and pari An Elopement at Loutsville— The | aoe oe erika em a nearly | side, and kearealy had a ut ao ed to find, that of the delegation of North Car: i : wll power Oy the tree uecet all the means) returned when the plague fell upon them. ; Ages ty Saas @ip B. tlegrvum is Badly Beaten and Loves | - ar NeC ‘ play en uy olina, Messrs, Craige, Branch, Seales, Shaw, his bride. : is A young gentleman of this city poet aclerk, glthough his name is with noone letter of it, has been gambol ine this spring in the pasture of love witl adair young nites of sweet sixteen. Ti other words, they met and her affection: were bien, but her daddy regarded the lover with supreme disgust. On Tues-' day, as per arrangement, the little Jady was wiseing from the paternal roof, and! it is said, found a place of refuge in the | dwell ng of the father of her betrothed At all events, on Wednesday, accompa tied ty tends, they detr there together. | perpetuation, by absorbing into its ratks those | anl crossing the river, (requesting the ferryman not te tarry.) they arrived at) \ Sans | Tie Louisville Courier has the fulluw-| orestzbt of this statesman and sage of | told, as small as dust—uumbered by my-: ywhe| jot management. But read further, and|The wretched creatures which have com loeheld the fulfilment of the prophetic} mirte j rOuie srilege ure AncG| ” ito prophetic! initted this atrocious sacrilege are, I 00) een. ail consequently, meted hemiredrccet Ruffin and Winslow, voted agatust this amend i G case. ther dave! riads and myriads—and are ge lively that] There may be seme danger, when time shal! famigation by sulphur does not kill them, | mh Ae nor will they die ina bottle hermetrical.) UNWise because it violated the Dred Seutt de- Whence they come is at pre cision, and the principles of the U.S. The vote of these gentleman was not only ‘coufiroy and cousylidate the elements of evil, that lube dustituvons and anthorties of the country | ly sealed. jwill, tor all practical purposes, fall inte the bands | sent a mystery. atan oligarchy ws absolute as was that of the| Wood, bat that is hardiy probable. Orcle state Constitution, coming into the Union, by Ad Repubiig of Venice; bat it will be an oli) ers aver that they creep from oan old winch the foreigners are invited by milhons inte garchy resting only on tfrigae, or the worst| vault, which was broken into accidental 1 orm of goveraiment standing vn the basest/ ly whilst the church was under repair. Hundation, It will be compused of profession-| For a time the congregation hoped that jud politicians, This oligarchy, lke that of Veo the plague would be stayed, and neld on, vee, Will be somewhat tidden, but none the) Lat they were isappointed, and at last aed thereby soon be able to have the whole yov- tess powerfol; and the chict magistrate limselt | Some say from the new ton itself, but it was a vote for a provision ina the public lands, by bemy allowed ty vote on a mere declaratiun of intention, for members to Congress and for President—make new States, they were obliged to evacuate and shat ermnentio their own hands, even so far as to np the church. Just tancy—for T wall. amend the Federal Coustitution, tu the rain of the {not ventare to describe in detail the ef lald States, and especially the Southern Surtes, Fir te Doge of Prestdent, wail be but rts papper Like that, too, it will have the power of se/f- levtivinrenhiiceiitar \e works | OANTA nian aloes fect of such a visitation upon 1200 people | These gentlemen profess to love North Carolina, | 4 t : : | lugoself skuful im qntigue and in the power of 88 they gradually became conscious of it ogi) the Southern Scites, and yet they say by a a? . | The two weeks ten of the Saperior che producers and the Consumers and res lessness on the part of our city fathers, as Court for thie county, closedata late hoor! tailors of products. Tt is their business we did at the time regard the demolition : ° \ 8 on last Saturday night. His Honor, Judge to sell tobacco, flour, wheat, corn, &e., of the old inarket honse as a sert of van- Bainey, looked wnuch futivued, anddoubt ae Re ihey i ene ae SAILEY, looked wiuch fatigued, and der &e, Hat may be sent te thear in Peters | iain aginst he pre What louse keeper but feels the need Mr. Chileon, it is true, is doing much to supply the de- erty of the town, less was so, atter su long and arduous a bar and Ricumond, and render an ae term. fount to those sending it, deductiiy a : ne — i 7 use’ 5 CeO Be Of ay pablic market place! There were three cases before this Court small per cent. for their services, and the: in which there seemed to be more than cost and charges. One ot the firm, here : i op - ticioncy, by going around with his meat- ordinary interest felt: The Will case of on a visit, assures us he can make better oy is wagon, calling at private honses j and if Solomon Hall, decd; a slander suit, from peturns on wheat sent to them than cau he could know the wants of every family Davie, against Win. B. March; and the te obtained by shipping to New York. trial of the Will of Mrs. Elizabeth Cow. [y this be go, our business men should auvin which case De J. Wo Tall was tind it out, and will; and this may be caveator, aml J. H. Jenkins, defendant. onevery day in the week, be might come wnch nearer supplying the lack of which we complain. Bat this he cannot know, the beginning of a change in the roate) M The trial of Solomon Hall's Wall was for iweb of the produce of this part of ; laid over, and, we Ldfieve, afterwards re- the State. oreover, families are hot sure when his wagon will call, ner can be apprised of So, te make the best Jofit, itis a mere tuake sift, a substitute ae The Old Homesxtead.—There is food) tor an arrangement incomparable snperi- a verdict of 8300 damages, granted. Deo tor reflection in the following extract fron | ap. Wer fondant appealed. The Willot Mes. Cow. sa letter to the North Carolina Poater ~ an, was established. The Caveatur ap- trom GD. Harmon, of Milliken’s Bend, 0 Lammeeioirn, co there auscthaniby Gihprg diberae | LCR) Goo pubhe convenience and inter- are thensands of men, aud ever more otsest, and the public health 5 and our town j what he will bring. moved to Tredell county. The slander = ota suittrom Davie, wentagainst Mareh, auc might to havea Market Lense, under Town regulations, having all due pealed, Ort these cases, the last, was, to this community, the one of greatest interest.) f , aa Mes. Chan ai ES ERO eis (nits wards the deserted homesteads ww whieh | duty 16 Citizens is not whole comprehend- Thomas L. Cowan. They tived here tif Have eal e erg pete | hay Ue: ty or sixty vears, and left a large proper ty. The ablest counsel was employed on ' oe (iyi giles, ty defence of the Wilf— 7 Sprit ot binyration treminmded me ot th Cee eee eee Hees oe Metra, 0 cee tren ae whet Elefe the obd hills of Notth | UNLUCKY WIGHT IS HE! and Wilson of Charlotte, | Aciinet it, Carolina, my ald frends, the ol hard, the} A Locufocu coutemporary of a neighboring Mem, Gr, 2 (Rode, din SY Oalucare oid home upon the till, the eool springs of wal | women, Whe look back with longing to anthorities shoud begin te learn that their ed in the granting of orders fur the repair “Towas pleased with the remarks ia voor! of the streets. Npniiber eurrent volte, under the ted ry = town—one who frequently petitions the Whigs the port of Charleston, Indiana, where they were made “bene of one bene an: of one flesh.” thorn. Fcombination, and possessed of the proper aude |—everv son! in the piace, from the par- is i i ‘ . ter, the old church, my father’s crave, and start ctheir votes that they are willing for one hundred and Elon, N. Boyden. Speeches were : So far, delightfully poomant—but never a rose without a, Feity. and disposed to adapt office seeking ax a SON tothe Sunday GO WrLNie clothed ina bade, he will be silenty admitted into this oh sort of Nesens shirt @ And vet there is zarchy. There he will take tank according to) a toneh of the Indicrous about it too,.— ‘ins power aud success in wielding the resources) What would Hogarth have made of such made hy [towas the first tune onrcitizens ever had the pleasure of hearing the distingnished ee | Sadvor Slanys thousand anuatural zed foreigners to settle an Wilson, Badger, and Gilmer, territories, and ina Presidential eleenon, count avainst ove hundred thousand native born anil edoon my journey tor the “wew purchase in Georg.” “TL have ted the States of Georgian, Alabama, Mississippt and Leowistana, cultivated the tills, ‘to help bis party outuf the tyght place which it ‘fads iteelfin at present—stated not long since cthat the Whigs would vote in August next as [he and his coadjators now ask them to vote. Ua their journey homeward they were met by a brother and other friends of the Jady’s who, weare told, attacked the bridal party, and in the melee weapons were discharzed. ball through his hat, and if he had worn a munotache there would have been, by the passage of a bullet a furrow in it which was vot there before. A nice sa lute for a bridegroom, truly, and a nar Tow, yet fortunate escape. But wor He was dragged from his buggy and cart, inte the read, and the big brother seated | himself by the bride, and drove away with ler to parts unkuown. The young gentleman, who is nota clerk, althougl his name is within one letter of it, bas re- eof corruption, [ters bread to huvest industry, only the Gaser sort juf people will accept: sulsistence from office: jand then nearly all political and official power) jwill be inthe hatds of (hose who stad low vu The Uridegroom received a! intellectual rank, with hitle pretence to any in moral character. There will always be ex jceptous ; fur we eannot imagine a pencd when | (ty tian that is bonest and no man that is able} ean hold high office in this country, Bat they { 5 : hwaill be only exceptions; and: after awhile they wil be rare.” sent condition of our country under the ‘dominion of the dominant party —the oli- jyarehy resting only on intrigue, or the Pworst forma of goverament standing on Tithe country prospers and of) a scene ¢ What a faithful delineation of the pre-! He bas given nsa laaghing ase naturalized eiizens in North Carolina, We lsemsbly, but an itching assetmbly be never: would be delivered from such advocates of ad Va ” s Fates . dreamed of, ‘hering strictly to the Constitution of the Union, ‘the rights of the South, aud the Dred Seutt de | . — : 4 Modeyn War.—A writer in Black- cision, If it is justifiable and safe to break this ' ‘ingher talent than that of crust, and stil lower) wood'’s Mayazine says: “A battle now decision in one important particular, (hen others with a hundred thousand determined sole) When it suits their convenience, will follow: the idiera on each side would be the most exemple and break itin other important partic: frightful batchery within ashort space ot MEME ‘time ever beheld. { i Par é hest troops will not support the sight of iicumoritc obutlie! Further, it is deemed vitally important to the old States, and especially to all the Slave States, : 4 that no more new States shall be aduntied until jmore than a certain proportion of their oumere” ALSO TA SOARS UE itis aseertaned by « census that they have suf Inumber put hors de combat. There are geod arinies that continue an engagement ; : : Until a quarter of their men are killed and (the present rates of Representation being in round ficient population for at leagt one representative, Mr. Badser make a law speech. Aime Ue river andy and the swamps, and after an her of ladies were present to hear hin, Oxperience of sixteen Vears. iy opinion is, that | This statement was contradicted by a Whig We never witnessed mere breathless atoof {had my tine to travel aver ayain, knowing | journal, and proof demand: d to sustain it. The tention te oa speaker, which, as we take what bdo now, f should be at home. in my na | name of no Whig who destyned voung with the it, isa hicher complinent than words can ove State, improving the old red dntla, hill side | Locotocos edd be given atthe time. The Lo- pay. Mr. Badyer was suffering severely ditch them, horizontal plow thei subsoil them.) co Editor was ina quandary, but he was upon from an old affection, for a considerable comport them, prune the old erebard. tix up the! the alert, and afew days ago be proved his portion of the times but if it was a disa okt barn, clean out the old spring house, enjoy | statement“ with a vengeance.” And how, rea- bility te the full performance of his duty, the society of old Orved friends, visit the old moss.) der, do you suppose he succeeded ino dom so? u Mesara, Covered church, go to camp-emeetings, and do By producing an extract from a letter of James right. |. Clay, of Kentucky, “the unworthy son of “Tat Tam here, in one mile of the “ Father! « worthy sire,” avowing his determination ty yo of Waters,” and he is pouring forth an angry pwith the sanderers and revilers of his ducensed food upon the counter, destroying cotton, com [father But, unfortunately: for the sagacious a ‘ ‘i andstock, But who knows, dinesighted mor | Keitor in question, the fact that young Clay de- Killed. —Wirtiame Feurz was found qate that we are, but what at is all for the best ft] signs voting the Loco teket he renfier dues not dead on the N.C. Railroad, three or four This flood may drive seme of us ante the hills} prove that ae singh old tine Whig. will do so: where we will be compelled to improve the soil) James B. Clay isan eut-and out Locofvco mem- the pubhe were not aware of It. Wilson and Gilmer also made admirable rches, folly sustaining their high rep- Htation as able counsellors, j spr miles East of this place, on Tuesday morn turned, bor, up te lastevening knows nut | the basest foundation. Look at it, reader, the present Democratic party, falsely se where tu find his wife. | wounded beture either side gives way. numbers ninety-three thousand.) Men, whore ing last. He Jett a dogyery, near the |They may be called tamous armies, in- | ally regard the interests of the old) States, and place, about sun down, on Mouday even- and do something fur posterity. Who knows t” ber of Congress J nd for aught we know to the | coutrary has never cast any other than Locufuco . | We commend the above to some of our votes, The Great French Gun.—A short de scription of the new Napoleon gan, man- nfactured at Vincennes, distributed to the called, which claims to be the Govern- tment! Does it net stand apon the basest fogndation—curruption ? le it not com- posed of professional politicians ? and is not the chief mayistrate, James Buchan At Inkerinann, if 1 remember well, near- ly or quite one-half of the English troops engaged were slain or disabled, and still the fight was maintained. But it is a deed, when they stand more than that. especially of the Southern States, have been ‘ i ing, and that was the last seen of him un-. friends in this county, who seem 80 anx- |sirenaling pig thie ae on the adnvie- (til Tuesday morning, bis mangled remains jong to change their location. We have s re! a A j sion of new States, that it shoul ascertained jwere found on the Railroad track. His | by law, by a regalur census, that they have the ' aria, and one leg, were severed from his | : : : | population for at least one member, before they v Bs near nine-tenfhs of all who have left their Our venerable contemporary is unlucky. On- ly n few weeks ago be had Mr. Vance voting in Congress with the Black Republicans, upon no doubt that if the true sentiments of} a measure that had been disposed of before that gentleman beearne a member of the House of Freneh army, and which is now perhaps | 4, its mere puppet t It claims to be per- mowing down the Austrians, may prove Interesting : * A 12 pounder (new model) will, with one half the number of shots of the old picevs of 24, produce the same effect; and the new pattern 12 ponnder produces at TV metres, and requires no more thar one-sixth of the charge. The projectiles tetrate jute w block of stone of the pardest cement to au extent of 80 centi metre-(31 inche-)ind an enormous breach is made by the explosion. The advantage of the 4-pounder is st more remarkable. It requires but 500 grammes of powder to throw a bell a distance of one kilome-|! trical lengue. The precision is aneh thar at the distance of 3,100 metres, (3.358 yards, nearly two miles,) it strikes a sin gle man on horseback, and at that dis tanee would destroy a body of cavalry or infantry. All the piewes constructed on the new eyetem are loaded at the muzzle, | the londing at the breach being given ap, | jpetual, too—winel, God forbid !—and it jis quietly absorbing into its ranks such, land such only, as are fittest for its work. Who compose this obligarchy 1 Those lwhe make polities and office seeking a jtrade ; and those persons whom neither jhabit sor inclination incline to the pur ‘suits of honest industry, take rank accord: jing to their power and success in’ wield- jing the resources of corruption? So sure is this of the party now called Demoera- lia, that their own members, disgusted at ithe wanten extravagance and corruption lof that party, have been constrained to sronounes the Governinent the most cor- midttive English soldier is distinguished | shall be adinitted with their two Senators, hav- above all others for that particular kind | ing in the Senate as muc h weight as New York of courage, for the extraordinary tenacity | or North Caroima. aud nerve which prevents his knowing; This had not been done ir the case of Oregon. when he is beaten, and renders him 60 No census had been taken. The population, in dangerous a foe. Probably modern im- provements in weapons and ammunition iwill net cause much yreater loss of lite a battle thau formerly, but the work will be done in a quarter of the tine, and fact, not half enough. Gen. Lane himself, only insisted that he thought they had nearly enough, and calculated that they would soon have enough. And yet, such being the facts, Messrs. Craige, treat. adinission of another free State, before it was awertained that it bad the requiste population. Tome or tHe Casars.—A correspondent of We are glad to see that, at ienst, Messrs, Scales | the Baltimore American, writing froin Rome,’ and Shaw voted with Mr. Gilmer and Vancaron case to which few parallels are to be found, | | body, and his brains were scattered around the beaten party will suffer more in re- Ruffin, Branch and Winslow, voted for the! : i Representatives! The Greensborough Patriot native State, were known they would ac- called his attention to the mis statement at the b yi ae cord with the above. Butlike Mr. Har-|time, but, we believe, he never corrected it! We fell asleep on ae y and was ; ea by inan, when once gone, it is too late to re- | (rust that repairing such litte wrongs is not out ¢ Sclock re train. 5 () ' 5 ‘of fi i (the 94 o'cloc Xpress train OP BUCS encatlicir stepa—or that ciranrelancealne hin line of business What will be the next grand blunder of our A ‘ | Glondering sage f Our advice is to those, well to do in; Hope he will be more successful in proving this world, be contented —improve your | Wimeelf a sprig of Southern growth and the “married futher of two children” before his so- journ in the * Old Keystone,” tian he has been in establishing the foregoing truthless state- ments of his own,.—Jredell Kepress. | for some thirty feet. Tt is supposed he | ther immortal to his account, ee 2 , a her i us c render it impracticable for them to do so. | #), The wayyzon employed to carry the cof- Pee is 3 5 EL tin to receive the remains of Fuliz, also ‘carried, as we are informed, at the same ; : land —plow deeper, and Wountitul crops | ‘time, the gallon, half gallon and quart : . will crown yuur efforts. Try it! cups required to complete the furniture! - of the new shop at which Fultz drank his_ = last liquor. Edlucational.—We invite attention to But we think there is something yet the advertisements, in this paper, of Edge: so Camels on an Alabama Plantation.— The Selina (Ala.) Sentinel, 20th instant, commpnicates the following discovery + rupt ander the sun. Plow trae is it that “L[immediately beyond the tomb of Seipios we 1 eras rie Sa he Yl al! politica! power ts map in the hands of lentered the deep vault recently discovered, con- , these who stand low on intellectual rank, | taining the urna and ashes of persons attached | with little pretense to any biguer talent ‘to the family of the Caesars. The largest one than that of craft. and still lower in! contains 612 stone urns, and the smaller one 512, MORAL CHARACTER! each filed with ashes and charred bones, The Tuese extracts are taken from a me- walla are of stone, with pigeon holes in which the ineir of the distingaished patriot, publish. larns are set, and over each is an inscription on ed by hie son, and we cannot rid gure) white marble set in the stone. The chambers ii ; : x Jacking. The mangled effigy of poor Fultz worth Female Seminary, and Concord this question, so vital and important to North! onght to be fixed up over the door of that Bemnale College. It will be seen, by shop asasign, and if his ghost could be these notices, when the exercises will be jallowed to howl around it night and day, resumed in these Institutions, besides oti- the infernal work done there would have. er information is given, of interest tu those ite proper accompaniments. Carolina, So did the members, nearly, if not all, from South Carolina, Alabaina and Missis- sippi, and a few other Sogthern Democrats. Now, here isa great question—ove of enormous | : | baving daughters to educate. we would like to hear Messrs, Craige, Branch, | But will ny the chilling unearthly pes shrieks and wailings of that stricken moth- Importance to the Suuth, apparent to all, and oo Ruffin and Winslow, explain how, on this ques- says: “The camels purchased by Mr. Wool- sey from Capt. Machado, last week, seem jto answer fuany useful purposes. The other day one of the animals, with rider, | brought twelve bushels of shelled corn to {town to mill. ; alone, will answer the purposes of a wa- | | So one camel, in atilling We thany experiments have shown it to be inemvenient and even dangerous, eo muh as to counterbylance the advanta gee Scientific wen pffinn that these in j r have raised the art of destrac- ' artillery to all bat perfection. Mer gs come ooptala in soaient + in -Conseq ber paekand le on years. selves of the impression, that Tle who guides the destinies of nations and of in- dividuals has brought about the publica tion of this memvir, so long after the death of the honored utterer of these sentiments, ata time when the people of thig country could not fail to appreciate and apply them, that their eyes might be opened to py ober cri our gctaal "he ‘are about thirty feet deep, with stone steps and tion, they differed so widely from their colleagues, an iron banister to descend them, wll as perfect a8 Mf sere, Scales, Shay, Gilmer and Vance. This when last veed, 2000 years ago. is @ most important question to the South. ; _ Soe | ee TTigh Price for a Vote.—Money was! Headed Oabbage.—Mr. Jas. Axprews jSspent with a lavish prodigality at the re- | left at our office, last Wednesday, a fine cent election in Great Britain. The Eng- large “ Early York.” lish papers, in reporting the election of a member of Pastiement 69 one vote over; And Mr. W. R. Watson, sent ns a a dad Shayeiow of ee hvane his opponent, say that that single yote /eotton stalk, « foot high, with “squares” cont $700. ve formed. The Eoletic.—Mr. Everett's Portrait.) gow and two mules, and will travebl-over The Eclectic Mayazine for June has jnet the ground ee times as quick as the F : , t 1 . ments of his body, laying them one by ates pen a pais ae mull | beh ad in Ua eee ae one, with a trembling hand,—will not Cnet? preture o ue Jun. Edward Kve- | surpose admirably, being dogile and ea- they haunt the ears and souls of those Pett "* he appeared in the Academy, of] sily managed. - | who deal ont there, death, temporal and Music, New York, Car the evening of leternal! Will not her ery be heard in March 4th, 1859. It is perfeot—better,| There are no less than 4,600 lodges of Heaven! She prayed for 9 curse on the decidedly, than the Jarger engraved por- | Free Masons in the United States, nearly trade, and on that shop! Will she be| traits of the distinguished orator, althongh | all of which are agid to be in an ungunal- heard! We hope #0. some of thes are excellent, \y flourishing condition, ‘er, who hong over the mangled corpse of her eon, and gathered together the frag- ——— oe - @- Bb 1 of v yo eset ious de- hot 60: 1em- » the fuco On- ting eon that a of triot ) the We bout aut, — th LATEST NEWS, The latest foreign news represents an advance on the price of Cotton of 1-16th to dtd. for the better grades, Provis- | ions steady. The Supreme Court of Texas have ad- vised an appeal, iu the case of the State vs the Suuthern Pacitie Rail Road, fur | forfeiture of charter. The steamer Juha Lawton, exploded near Savannah, on the 9th inst, killing 8 persons, and mortally wounding others. One hundred and twenty-three counties Officially heard from, gives Letcher 5,256 Wnajerity. Lr. J. C. Ives, has been appointed G.- vernuent Enyinecr te saperintend the structure of the Washington Monument. The flood in the Mississippi has been | destructive at St. Paul, St. Anthony and Minneapolis, property to the value of sev eral hundred been swept away. one fuot of the great rise of 1850. thoupand dollars having The reports from Pike's peak are vari-, ous: ers, hands inaking from $15 to 820 per day. The Indians are menacing travel- lers on the different routes. frei some parts, no gold; The democratic ticket officers of Washington, D. C., were elect ed, at the late electivn in that city, é (2s Lexom, N. C., June 6, 1859. J.J. Bauser, Ese : P. 8.--I found when IT commenced writing that Thad bad pen, ink aud paper, and conchae | ed to winte you al sume length su as to bother you to cipher it vut. Bat if Enuias’ book concern was as near oi as iviste you, TP would seribble you sor Saffice it te sayoon thd about Vanee and Coleman. this point, that from the pubbe demonstiations of Caldwell, on Vanee will be elected again by au increased inajonity, that is if Caldwell be Giken asa citerian, ‘The Democ- racieJou't brag much on their candidate, Vance fu and about the Cour-lhouse Tuesday, of unr Supeior Court, is too mony tor Colman on the stump, and mucher still in wcowd. Some ot the ol! aon side Democrats will vole tor they swear bu Clunyjman, but the masses are Coletnan, because tou well pleased with Vance to go apanst iim, Tom Chogman tort the Deuocacy here bast suminer, by interfering in our Commoner elec: tion, Large white frost tiers Sunday morving, June [have rot space toe apian, Sth, ny perceptab € darnage. Youys le -- A Fishy Present — thirteen fect in lengthy, on beard the trai on route for Raleigh, asa pre sideut on tis We whe it was that sent, exactly, peetiully, A large sawfisi:, ‘Tuesday sattethe ire didi’t) leare only thatae arrival. was from some of his tricuds down about | Beautort. This present may be considered emble- have oieant tbe Matic, and uicy “was dreamed of in plilos sy Now, North Carcinna De very eareastic in ther presents. It will be remembered thar past as Hon. DOS Rel was permitted to reie ten tie © &. Sena e by them, tait none Nota Ca rolinians—and we believe ao me uber et Congress frei hes partel toe State ha! a hand an that—eoilected together and purchased and present to the retiring Sesaor a Walking S And here, jurt upon the heels of certain di Hochats are now enssions among aid alevat Danve ravey, Virginia eluction, Ge. somee ot ol] Baek’ s friends present hin a wena! A fishy 4 present to a fishy trent Nit that tos, Just after they dave teen acing Wien Woether the Sex most unmercifully | cerdingly doubtful and goody Den verats, we read of recently, lave iy in this Siederal” weare nid: viserl. Tne manner in which Ord been samed off bry vi RV PATE thovemunt, lis fend Toms of recently, as well as the suony thy get, but adds te the peculiar appropriateness | | of the present. Nor does the pith of the matter stop here. For as the huge fish soon besins to putrity, being utterly mags of foul corrupted matyer,” it becomes @ yreat nuisance, and for the public good must be Dorig! where it will not offend public decency more! low truly severe are these complincntiiry trivivds of the) President! Nothing ts leftetthe Daan bat the caw!) We hope Old Back preserve this in pie of this N Carclina friend of lis. —American Ad: | vocale. will “NOT WORMY.” The Raleigh Register is responsible for the annexed paragraph. Can the Regis ter inform us whether the President took a dose. “The following is told of the President daring his recent visit to this State: Ou the voad from Chapel Hill te Darhan’s, the carriage containing the President lll Gov, Ellis stopped at a well to enable the President to gela drink of water. Ellis, seeing a young friend of his) standing by the well, enquired of Mr. | Buchanan if it would be as well to have a little something inthe water. The Pre cident thought that it would not be aunisa, The Governor enquired of his friend if he had “anything along (1 The friend hap- pened to have “a little? which he hand: ed to the Governor in a bottle neatly done op in paper and accompanied with acup. The cup was handed to the Pre- sident. Gov. Ellis had by this tine un- el a the bottle, and on handing it te the President, there was displayed on it a handsome table bearing the words “Os- born’s Syrup!” upon seeing which Mr, Buchanan exclaimed ; Why, Governor, Tm not wormy /” “> = A Stream of Scotch Ivish.—There is , 8 Stream of Seotch-Trish beginning in * Pennsylvania, running through Western irginia, and the two Carolinas down in- to Teites. Wherever you strike this streatn gh will find virtne, intelligence, | end man = things that are fair and love- ly, and report Ors ETE men. reabyterian Her The river is within! frompothe ae i) for innnicipal sawoatil all, was) last. en we than] Back hae! worthless, rT Gwe.) in Tennessee. —Tetters from Tennessee state that new wheat will be! jready fur market in many parts of that, |State by the Let of June, and that the; jcrop gives indications of the greatest a- | bundance. e | foe P ! the U to deliver t in Statesvi A Nut for ne to Crack.—A case of the following kind came up recently in tou of Mer rich treat morning of (Pennsylvania; A Bomarried C D's sister A B then married C! D's dauyiiter—she died. CD's wife died 5 COD marned EF and died. AB then wnarried C D's widow, and had children) by each w ite. What relationship exits | —his wife died. For this June la. between all the children of A Be | Seleet Classical SehooL will open @ School in Morganton, N. ©. on the Bd ot Aaguat, 1059. ‘The number ol boys will be | Wunted. JAMES KR McAULAY. | 1 REFERENCKS: | D. Lacy, D. D., Dav dsow Cobege, NC. KOH More ncn, DoD, Conage Home, NOC (without exception ) fect with ¢ Moj DOM Hill, Charote Mibtury Lueticute (TISHTS supe b New Hot thas cooed (ie repotation s ‘ : ey | here, Leneles the ee) ue Coweh, there will be Hoo. Bo Crae, Suliebary, a. ©. ; of beug a FIRVE LD vss HOUSE, ad secon COMFOR. ABLE and COMMODLOUS veut la I Sune 14 LUM Wluietion sih we wintenide cool talent way pianinnecan | Or : thewnany favorable notices ly the Pressor iit State. oy. Han Canitiete Sure | IEA, ,And will 67) 25 per ent, Cheaper A LL PERSONS indebted to me for Medical Ser und the very tinera! patronare seceived Heeontind 8) ay fret Ween ah | KA do j Ae ficlitiea unite iaimrta lon =eciire litne re eiitall , \ iF EN ehieray Hany Gal UNG previous te Let December) whore uc- open never haru it herw closed and om geste HN Le Sia moet Hat Ree gd, aan oe rE burn. § Let users & 1a counta are net aetiied by August Court eat. will, tly npon the repuccon ol the Hoowe bere sdetotied cotat iu Bos. Johieen, Bog, (le propretoref the Ho: | YOUNG IYSON eyeienane utter that Hine, find them iu the hands of an officer, Ebce arrngen ents nade to b kept sunpled r Oellien gd [ee fee oe De OLN SRN Imean whit Lary larly wih Beesh Vish fron Nerfutk oad Newber: ee earn Ae Ware mayer een YOUNG HYSON | oe off red at | | M. WHIT Lie AD June 14. 1859 13 “Office Ww. N.C. R. Road, ay, June 13:h, Cthis I run te Save 1059 Mondays, COACIIT. pany pont | | 1 June dd AUT the Ave singe aud S.lieb Summer Arrangement. | \( N und after Wednesday the 15.h inet, of ears willleave Suimbary dacs (Suaday's ex: wn train | ————— Office W. N.C. R. Road, SALISBURY, June 13th, 1859. of Amencan Ded: pendence B45 AM. of the lec ure vide, Pare se 4th of July! Hon. A. W. Miller’s Lecture, T the instiuce of the ciizens of Iredell County, | on H.W. Mace ° : nt Hiutex. has kindly consented Morganton, N. C. Prepared Hom premn pon of oT lane aD Pape bis lectufe ou the * rtventh Century, ra sician Brtraordiniiry to the Queen leon the 4 otJuly.theweat Anuiveciry ee THEne UchiamGnciieiauntelline lilt y s inv sluable mel cine ts me in Went allithase Sand for the wceommoda: oe well known HOUSE bis been re-opened for pyinfulant dangerous diseases to which the feu comatite. y that the accomodation of the traveling puble, bt Gomis ub cot Lemoterates all excess cid seu Revell obstrads Milier and ali who may wish Go enjey wcrain et eare will fave Salisbury the 4th, at 7.40, returuing to Salsbury after the d arnive at tip only one fare will be ehurce d SAMIES (C2 VC INE IGS Kagineer § SN THE WALTON IIE. ee Morganton, N. C. very delicucy usually found at {CLASS HOTELS CLS Brown & Co’s Stage Office, J. M. HAPPOLDT. | donee ‘Ther FOUR HORE C( the head of the WOON ©) Rad R Wedoestay=. cid Padave. aud to {ys Phords sands tndays 1 Sund HACKS vady (CRS BION IN. Proruittor ote) ug Stendard and svar tof Favettey le; rver Pata, Gre eight ess, Newborn: y Suncor: tes. Scatesville, FIRST), utany bour an hy Balloon. Chartote ; Herat aE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY. ‘Good New SIR JAMES CLARKESN for Ever ybody . i! | * CELEBRATED FEMALE PILLS. yt ETTERS! | PROTECTED 4) | PATENT. tiuns, ud 4 speedy cure may be Felted ou To Married Ihacics wil, jo @ eles tine, br atiret cle Hotel Very great udvaulage i pork neem. over other hak been, and will coutimue to b Que hous 6. in its beiy almost embowered ti ehude trees. of whieh there are three, that @ person may enjoy them at ou the New Clothing ! Goo Mr. DAVID) WEIL, bas just it ds pecuuary suited It monthly wih regalunty Bac price One Dujlar, bears the Gover 1, Wy prevent counterfet! elivery nig on the ‘The prinevades, thoroughly shadec are Bo sucht Stamp of Great INF Hi WAY CLOTHING STORE! d Clothing! Cheap Clothing!!! Neiiee NRG STOC hen READY SADE o} any houeot the day Tu fact, ils aduncable situacou Supt wi li cegard ty coulnces wid Qui iene, und (a eleva. These 14 BAe OED ESE) ee UT AS TCO WULUNCrentn tie lira dite ny nce? ed by dass Ho boysxiss asa Book Store, ted ib sition, Commanding one of the tire t Mount in TUREF WON FHS of Breg aueys ts Pe tecete being and respeettal.y invites the prodie ta call, as (wile Pe tat irl vaya Hefore t 1 he cehabe stope w ace ap Eh tars ne i ‘ ; * : teudere oa ior t L at He wn bois Pan in the Gee te ehewoere, Auimotne bis Stock mim be four YOMaT YO CT ec ae tt root De rope r Hoof the ' . ’ % . % ics add to ts pics " wot te Vade Clothing te smit the Season, Fine Diack amd ( © Dress) Proeks, Super tomer and reerive é wert vceey Tratian Cloth and Sik Ac poe Couts, flee Simmer Castine wnd Pweedl broeks and enjoyed ‘ wet Sache Tinen Dueck Dire age domme lamiei Cries bic \\" nod Fanev Marseifles Hire ables are aremded by une of the bestotf not? Malla trecti ja the pamphtet around each pickage, whic ¢y ‘ A ; Fj Seni i 3 Rindicceen bear lime leeinither suai orn Counltey tlie uld be ey cfully pres rs Conte Bpauis [one baie. five leek 1) ital auto voSaie Stripe Cash- Sea Pil s : Bole Agent t pe Cited states and Cans 1 » It ; ra] (ie uaa Suliae BN A ee ee ates Pies Ss DS TI ny Castimesit Ponts, plain and tavcy Silk and Satin . About " iG : ase neat. the W ee! Miah NER sinnConratiesstrmientl Vests, white Buti and faces Magseries, and a tine assertincet of Linen and Mar- vrolina Boal Road wilt be completed to Newton ane ron fe hecuine le ee ecilee Racist wana wan pertou Hien will tind ready acerss by " by Heuderson & Busi, WoL We thareute, Vier Sebsbary and Statesville to Newton, espe notable Erugs ats. pale cue. ad egal fae YOUNG IYSON. Sacispery, \rit 19) boi. Dron. for Vansportution to any part to which | Gentlemens Murnishime Croods, EVERY STYLE ANN TD DH AVENE ‘iy he olny where else in Salis tod he will not be dis th etn CAN ye rset fur lire DAVID WEIL. Laud examine is TEA, | they may wirh to yo Morganton, N.C, dune Det, i659 3m?! yA ee ne TRA, Tee ie i aie Ire ni At, Single Number Lotteries a Astievile News. publish rod jorward bills co che proprietor at Mor guntou, N.C LANDS FOR SALE, VALUABLE ¢ PPT Ly, See | - # werk tor | | (CHARTERED BY Tots # TATE OF | IMPEREAL, ! IMPERIAL. | = | | BLACK, TICKETS ONLY TEN DOL BLACK, BLACK, ENGLISH BREAKFAST, ENGLISH E\KFASE, IRENA AST, and FORTY VCKES, five miles amt of Salis id. Wales bury on the Brngh?s F ty Roads iess Vine vid tract ik Bs loeated. that Uoree fini combortably setuated wibeut mech adds Ib ! l WOOD, EDDY & CO.’S Capital Prize $50, 00"! WOOD, EDDY & CO., MANAGERS, Successors to 8. Swan & Co. BROWS. COPFIV & MOCK, HoLery it 2 AND RETAIL LEV ISe ceed, at dodo PL Mio oe soon afer the arrival of the hivenicnt al a ean - faite Ine ENGLIS [Noch Carsten Mad Train, eacr ig pamengers and TT Serces Gol nn iETAebees ube teorepermte eocatte ade. ; The fallawing Schone will be deawn by Woop, Jthe U.S. Maul Site Minos Suvi 8 ol HIS 6) 0 (DDE a anes ee tint SoA Dioee areata sy OY, AN Ween, (Buaggged ad) Guia 62 Clos WI gadtes ee ba ina 9 Ceentoniy (Le he diel be couforiahly wndeauny dine ti lorce: ant \ Mas ae. Tr cest ditreeudnen | Out sie Svhsbury, N.C. | other Srage Number Latteriee tor Cosehes that will poceed directs Weersrd wth DXOR Wheat Pir shor Hnhun-Colire, Ses cells ve A Thene Omuecise et May 31, 3tl | ay Ausiea, Geos in puble, aude reat derpueh Ketarniag. the Pra will base the On ain ae (eeaani Ct ee | = 7 {ihe superintendence of Commissioners atowha beaver ut Sevelork, AM. after the araval beat Belt “ ; i 31 ie (Sees 20 [iene 1 1 Set) ™ tug 1 ead farsa eto te deacher in May 3tih, 1559 ' S$ y] S ] J S 1 2 a woo dit 4 ifthe ewer Cnarhen “not 0 eh Saab! at ity ters He atte up deo | Soyer’s Sultana’s Sauce, | oon si paws sey dine is > ha bitin roak ast aud connect with t ‘ leaiiere nos . ; Ps ; | ) ar eu eiEcont pe el ne ae Get Concord Female College, |) ctiecineetrtinieas Cen valthongh but receutiy ine | oD 5? ; ae Bai g Valen Cant yet requies ne ody the ree | ceil : tes 26 > ave dune 24, a5 Onthe tankeot th (PCE RGUSNCIDCTITRLS slip cat eleut aoe. Garapncrrmor cau recall ey - SNES POS jtraduced into this country. Wa already made ites It i (Ue (honm an ins nocinils eoeen mmdrianin Rene) animate anion ea Aes ect, AUT ATESVILLE. } . | reat favorie woh epicurer, and is tant supermeding, ON THE PLAN OF S1NG loenteruun the iniverding pabiie Oachenn . THE Baliteamotciinenliciione wiliconaevcd | eer Smutes Der lolote alee swAlaiy live vou Th ORETS i : re 7 one pirce without jot Toate to tec woth good Ww GL J by the celebr J SOYER forthe Reform Cia” vothiv rede passengers gong West will leave cure wi'lluct ans tanner for ts re eduesday ihe 6th of July mex:, wud continue Qi, © Dd ote Cee urates ® Pe ile tas ah « Sits in Iecceniren Gen MEM OLED aides ae annual: es i apeugeewceks Fe Cots a enn tate bu she weneantt GWG Thousand Four Hundred and Eighty-Pive ewe. weve auing at the) «1 deave Acheeille gaia wir ued he Geet toe aged Gee house of CROUSE & BLACKWELL. teomthe org > Y Le! fie de OM GAN RE GL oe nes We GR anu tidtucreananme. | : a a Ne a me) oes, its ean (OUI We UNO anc P RIZE pe | morn ng. end bemdes berg comior ably accommoda- foNay OTE re : S 2 Code fire wwioduerd sito England by SOY ER! NEIBLY OVE PRIZE Pd EVERY ‘INE TICKETS : As RIC ES TINCT CHurxe, mbes return fron Crane d pomme saan Senin | ted they Wi have an opportuniy of witnesnag 4 ee iD Ube m d pommessen a piqi cary reat variety ofibe beautiful wid pcture-que 2 neh mec poetic “SNE HNgar peedtarmsnieeliaionn hie mulitacnnrers Mi ar aiice! we me! | \ : F ena : ‘ 24 has Ay FRorerrcuinacconnnires simply ask foritaccal, setistied that at anuse add te TO BR DAW | M Ie R ({ ui ahs N | Ds The Train will run aceo.ding to the following 3 zi an Ie wIR ERs larirenballaiintiiius one eV 1 = i “ { i Senin : LM Soe pines none evr deen! BACH SATURDAY IN JUNE OTe a ern eal talherfunectentet . ‘ 1 Prize of . ASB ep Rae ee A uo Tht Cre aie ; ; e Sreenile Nic malic ‘ OPINIONS OF THE PRESS Te 2 aa 5 Staple and Fancy ae KCoecaplees: U Ue s 4 wal ie 1 We rerommend uurcorrespondent totry Monsenr! ! $ - Stavcaville, Gitueba Rivers © i ae ( V0) CL R EV) P na Pt [revere new Sanee, rotted the sSulana’s Sauce.’ i i i ‘ RETURNING ye iM 1 J ie 2 eae [Ute flavors exercent, an tit attirds covstderable aid 1 ' ; anMivE aT i es ye see ot saw ond? eck ner! = The Bonet we wTtON Hee, TAB oe bn, uM Bi ee roe i oe B ae : ENVISS' Derehes enec te Warranted tv eure Di | the SalGena’s Sauer ia ssvory, mquant, ane spley ; 4 Prizes Of #4) Apne Kimatiast bu Price ave $2 (Gh ' o f es M1 one 5) i APs (Gales oo Seaucers Belis manuactur d te orderacebort ap bea and suaarer eoniils nis, ar tee pas | happy cemoumtion of flivors and essences worthy oe : p ‘ I ct we y . ly ‘ eR Caro 1 male by HENDERSON A ENNIS 4th letasienfa Stina, vhe geciaaula Soye ‘ eS JAMES © TURNER, Conducting Hose of al sizes. Gir wacer or stein eS P| eee Nea aes ee ae Callen Reseda yet fe 8 ais | Bug. & Supersmtendent Pressures weet from the Ma turers 4 *. ll “5 [eee LEER SS TET Se AUT at : ae Saerden ee Natl, y 1192 | June 14 3 Aime, Pack of ail derenipron, at 35 ® per ji Tt tion OUS S Ga 1 oof all the piquant resonrees of ‘ eh ! THE _ #68 Relegh Standard and Rig eer, and Newbera povud JOB BOONE, | Tarkey ane P(e Seis (san ee oe as ane Bind torte, NC y V v i 7 | ea regress. copy Lamon hb. aad sea bolle to this office Juve 14-33 Cradutte, N.¢ IN SALISBURY. N.C. | Awa tiiiaror of the appetite this sauce stends | $4 QS Pritesamountog 1 $320.000 _BOYDEN HOUSE, é fone) Mace inosl viamabulecnitrictis Bishe Flesh or | IIE sub-eriber havin been a ee ) is Ley . PLEASE NOTICE. N. M. MARTIN, BRD. & CO., Pe oe MERE Saati Oc Gate |) Wimenpereen nace, Monmerts : .° Be FE heten grven forthe purch ime of property at eae ot B st ite, [et : ays | ¢ i d ant able in full rwere ont de Peer ares ek EER CMAN TS, 5k tennsgemasme sem itr| sue tarutaite Cuca eta tig ten nineties 3,3. BKUNEM, Adm’r No. 129, Sycamore Street. a ee ia ac aula: BIN, Ia Ru tauintceey New Wiki DRAY (cs Uitte af Misesces willie sashes (aveiaecstz: Salisbury, N. C. ‘ 5, bes9 ji ec (uee Tun , ay TS! ie ‘ vy, pen en ys My . ~ June 15. 1n9 FTE AE MRSTR (A AVN Je (2 TROUT: nse oe fot Certificate of Packuge of) Wh te Tickets, ' TITS super House has post been opened for the { - . i - Persons sending ue Good Sold by W H WYATT, Diogzist and Apothecary leat. ; (ie Tat fe i ie NORFOLA MARKET. " ne ler peers meena | Sabaitisse 31 a . ee: meek | Meperted Weebly by NM. MARTIN, SOW & CO., Apa et | Wav Stat. 1b59 3t1 oe 2 Le irae w fee eee COMMS MERCHANTS, THOMAS FE. BROW ieny Tt ' Sabu 4 ' COMMISSION MERCHANTS \ \ | eee KE. BROWN, a As d ib, NIM AND bilNN | For the Watchman, JUNK 12, 1559 Me araers Re ad This! . Narain gobs Proostetor of the large 5 arta 31 eny ottery, WEELL-PINISHE GG, BACON —We-tern Shoulders 9% HRA UE AIOE 1, AY AN & ani lesearice MAKING ESTAB al MON STYLE. Vie Porters sre du Nudes, hoo ifn nee ] Monew ready te peee a tu Bo rwiichth | LISUME fee ice Seable CLASS No. 359, Ws fe . OL TANN ATE Se * nopore athotye vue sare | g - , - ~ NC and Va. tog round Maan ew Hl : | il : es : oS ap f a“ I were || rongen the work weatlitebroneses.tothe Draws on Wedacsdan, June 20th, 1S50 VARD-N.Uoaud Va No i, bbw and kepe Ue 19h eis Neon te re Toy ciwasr ye natiaf ect of those whe have usually patron : i “Pimenis, mana nt Teter e WK esieo is | NS Meineign Bekein be p 1 v Anstat| i . [ae ~ Ne Te | 1s. i ted SVU] Fo iy alpine inp connectan wilh the bai 6s On the Three Number Plaa. monet FLOUR —Famity, KE SL au VE Sara isd Te vetighis Cien rule cat AP icons Inn areeaic We fa) 2) vis antly aanatacranag CARRIAGES ae Tart Mercy Rees aS roi wart wee fy Paes Rada Protwre. Cede far go's peunp Ghled ry Sd eae oer le tRoCCHES PHETONS ChOCKAWAYS, ii NUMBERS—12 DRAWN BALLOTS Jets ves tis enn a tie preeeOEE ' Supertine, $70 000 Rereresce —D. A Davis, C.F. Fisher, Esy ; Wren fr rave handy’ Negroes | R0GGIES, SULKIES. &e oat venous gendes of Nearly One Prize to kvery Two Tiekets!! J oble Nine tewive state hi test whieh CORN—White and Mixed, 1 93 Apne (Woe) 13 or the b SELHeR) a mie Hane \aimab, and diferent patierns ‘These are pat apo ") ) Gin WP ye hiss s Vitrue Way ol ascertaming the Velo Ge a O Cie SGD 0. A. HOLT he very best mueiaila. and warrented to give sate 1 GRAN D PRIZE OF S36.000. fines cr ice tas | WHEAT—Whie. Weta GD LSE TOTE EI OKEL t P D s) ! tnt Fourtion. ‘Phe cthsenber employe sklital and boner 4 } z19 170! Ay PORTS Nb arraee soles dewith Mr Ties E | Red, Haha 150 ? | Wh diem Oiac ctor canrmancai) minim) Gy ae oye He pee i Riowy, ee 2 ie Wen ete COTTON, enna Rowan Artillery. SELECT fail he work. ee that heena fdearles ly reeunmend 2 Prizes 10,000 7 BEA) sas },Q00 Stock “ Vive teinitas PEAS —Black Eos, new ° Teerant \ Noree ‘ ny xy Caand examine tas Vehicres, and if be should 2 Pigs at Boot | t (eee uy t r 1 Sia = koow to the Revani pice eid \ oa mriyeniiet Gy ap Vere Call J rave none on tend te plesse you. he will bud te & ke. te 1 FLANSEEI aru! Your usual place oe os lie wat a | \ An OMNTRUS ' 1 witl SAEED MectCOMAbie aval: QMiicannad velnkee : Jvoneorder. qin very abort tne, any thing required, | 27.814 PRIZES AMOUNTING TO #5 15.190 ut Dy aUicvel awulcon ect SAX Wy Wai an > te ‘ace PROP GSS UE CTUL EV rs | weny atyle desired mith Wetec o nt He) ES he b ny ae i Gh eine (eh \ boooch: before the Com. {| Woullrespeetuty announces t the citzensof sal | Brown’ Livery Stable | WivlaeTicheve s10la fia semen gor iate L. L. BOYDEN. g : J besides the Beet ‘thee » \ ! ae FUSIP = Wvckerel Noo! Bary vt tsbury. hat he wilopen a se cel forthe qastenetie . vyla . The «st ro havin nted a z Par Capone nace hereby ordered to sua the ° wen ee Ee , : Civ Eb R (a) we 2, Fempeciive ie ads h rdcred to runmon their) yy hy. apeve mimed aceanpshmert on Monda ie kept ep as heretofore Leis grat | UES i a TSU USES Lead ae bod | 1 7 . ie, ler eh at Vado jJuns 6 nat WERPHYS HALL at 3 veloc, 1 MY Bee aWhE Di eae Bae W.O. Vipe, ‘ g | : : fiaisayeay In tae hosptip | 13 ALEX MUGDOCH, OS. | bates, Misses aud Masters. aid at 8: o'clock, f lars begun. at first. ae a donbtlulexseriment, orderea, an rece poet whieh they wit be dorwurges “ & C , v 1 1 | Su ane Aen re Caicturn has proved 10 the public w great deme. {by first ma Vase tasers ec Coe At : me ¢ , i oe sie vee Muand ce anplete saecess. Uravelers.and others, | any figure ties a . ono ibs A N I) I May be found at the Boyd: a House, from 11 tot) iy always have their wuuts, in the bine, well sup-| “The cen "Nan rod Przes will be DISS( YL “te FC YN, | . Vooek, on School days. tied . went to purchasers cite rhe { ae aras ‘ a parehase rs came hea © PA ETTEVILLE MARKET JUNE 12. Sa DEQ S& BH. mc. Moy 31, 1859 Cash priews paid Ce Lumber and Proven- | Li Purchasers w eee wo SSH mira he ate hie a ae = er And che subsecnber 1 siwave ceady te eel or} plan. and ive Cher Post Offes Couaty 4 : ech, Darby d& Co. te thie day BACON, perib WW a 134 tI 5 THO » Ww | 2 t STO | tons All those hav fabs: 4 (Ta epieentio ! ", ‘ yay good Eases OWAS B BROWN, | Pit Remeniber chat every t srawo ; Wibod ONAN Eset ; I toon Tone Nein © ! a ant th 7 FO! x S Al E. May 3ist 1839 ul able in full wi eduers me sth Firm v vt them to Alor | my 14a 13 ee ae — : 1 Al priaee Pmide eer ern nonitii erat eee i re ihe | Laguire, 13g4 14 Roce te tu beets Nae fee getear Back | re . Yr i eel ‘ te ie et one coat ne ee | Sh. Domingo; yo 14) Church.) CONT MINING NUMBER one SULKY and RUGGY of th Houses are Cleared of Vermin, stertie vr ee runes ELMAN 0 ae fe parca ge ELOU ty Ree wetiel as - _. 280 ee Tee Gali cunt gar a iistatse And Gardens preserved from the ravages of inaecte NOTICE TO CORRESPONDENTS ' e by Mur Baghe ; CHUN 40 6 7 50 et area Sen bargan my | ng worms, by Lyon's Magnetic Powders and Pils, | Those who prefer not gema ec ineeey by neal, on : RDO TE. Dupertine, Gi te Sp Mivwt P20 ciel, of while 0 is pe vr SPRAGUE BRO'S ws i‘ ce Se teat | ure ig WME BIER i ae bye OU corn bottom, Heres of Meadow ali ealtvatien Saliebury, May 31, 1859 if UA SAAS a UE MT a | WM (RAN Ree 6 bo a 6 7a the Gund ted const sof np ned bottom baud we! AT i rats and a e confornd then play. | TdE ADAMS EXPRESS COMAARY, | An h ? « a ‘ Ni fe bushel— Pirate re goon the | ts Lew vwe vy WA L BROWN, Professor Lyon found a plantinthe mteriorof Asia, Whereby money tor Pekerm. 1 suus ot Pea Docars, , vt ‘ 7 5 « ae ers ¥ W 8 1 ‘ { , | Con a 15 4 1 D0 i 3 ‘ a if now : 4 : ' reoonmt bu dings 0 1 Es - the powdered leaves of which i certain death to gure | and upwards, cin be sent os k ' | Ne vn ov ae By ee ee COMMISSION \|I RC \\ } ee ae tee, ecie AGP GTR FAAS ASD) PRIRESSIP, Quic MES ec iniesiiont Profits. ate, 4 SU a 66 red hard 4 “ u hood, and convene ut | i . o ¥ u : ” alec pavite the hot Poeet Ash hy) oGusctedmend! Ol ob ML fe | ETE Ek Onn ef ee A minal amount of ine powder will preserve a | ae Peart altars hess i Cin Gree el Oopasite the Koran IT use Rve, Pia tae Those wishin good vin and desicihle residence. | NALISBURY, N.C. Mee niannisennd denthuuwenntea lithe wo) Phe me ey end order mit be encloses OOM (Care ayes nine our : i Ri NG (OF | ‘ plants, and rid a house of all these annoy: ERY WENT POST are LARD. per lb, 12a ls will do well to co iia ich places are of _ 2 OST OFFEU SI AMPE DEN . t and tines Rie i aes a 13 ws , Ine soon as few such places are pre Pr OPRRSON AL VPPENTION. GIV {rug pesia. Utne free from porson and harmless to) VELOPE.” of tie Express Company cannot reenive ; a4 ho parelirs Peach Brandy, 004100 | A. M. GOODMAN (ole pnreliace co Kine PRODUCE nankind and domestic annals. [tis more valuable) hem ea, Bolas, 1] 1 Presses | Ami cle how aici | Smee A aa Ne] nd Geatl enssennente to be sold in thie market o | 1 Preserving crope than gaan io making them grow | All communicntions strictly confidential is 1s Sopid. Rarive Chatss N.C. Whiskey, 478 50 a we die vitra nao \Sireecaniikrrainieamiprroctucmrml Tnoantked| eRe Omit UCh oon caliber Hee ae d Winsar Chiter, Chit, Rye oy foe ie EDGEWORTH ba teE ate LCM Pennine eeiehed E Ur ovmelicen|beordered thro WOOD, EDDY & CO. A Garee J m Wasb-stiits, we. in fae § aig 3. Lye gh : é » Angusta, Georgia ‘i ae i t Ratu ncdidce 400 45 = a \ | or, WOOD, EDDY & CO, Astania, Georg RA) Gece SU CIE Es y erehont. , ye hs ’ BEE COTA sien wean be tenet Lie Ste NAILS, cut, per keg 4-05 RRRALR SUMIRART. SEIDLITS POWDERS, (77 tewcee kite id nsectein at GF WOODEDDY © CO) Wignguate | | ee" bata BaD : | {RON, pedo i owen kills ull insects in a trice, x eon tonal masertinen t nd t paar | English, : 4a 0 | G b N.C ® MORT wpefal Medicine [a BbHoan and ather diseases inci Bat Preis are mixed for rats and mice. ie Riek yi ate anes i uae fue from the , He fa ‘i EUS Ie Oe Eee: s on can 4 PR dent te weirm climates. Prepared by WoW. WYATT, | O - = wheel, with the amonot of the prize that each one ys | be had e have win { “ toneral vee Byeader, cosmos bat, oe i ; reensboro,’ N. C. | Druggict & Aywthecary, Sulishury, SoC [amis | Sample Flasks, 25 cte regular eigen, 50 cte.and $1 | entitled to, will be published siter every Abe miei. Osnenar 0 ai WOOL, per Ib . IR a 19 me EP nnateeD nanaaeh adel af Hr Unetlenliog re . = , - \ BARNES & PARK, New York te (oa papers: —Aucosta (Geo Conaitation | , fOHNSON AW It. HELM commence on the 3rd al ust, PR3! \ A le imevilh Sal r Arai er een (PAW penile io ah iverson t ao i State of North Carolin: v| Forante at HENDERSON & ENNIS! und alist, Mobile Regiater Nu ville Gazette. New York | Salisbury, Apri rn, Har | HIDES Ib | The course of study is thorongh aod systemare, \ | Weekly Dav Book, Rehmend Dispatch Paulding ‘ AR od heal Ba 10 09 tmbraring everthing necemerry to competes relid | ace W. HWY ATES’ Drag Stores, Sakbury. 1520 | Mies.) Clarion, and New vers Hiapstl | J ARGE LOT of TEA wud COFFEE Sl GARS eds #10 00 anid ornamental education, Tie bal binga are 90 avio County. | | Ra dust recesed, 9 WeNERLY & YOUNG. Pea a 00 ranged acto combine the com‘orie of a home with | IN LOUITY LAW PARTNERSHIP, le ; N. Carali R iT R. Freizh Mar 22 1143 SALT— (Re aienee emia SCIIOOIE Slisimaninianalthe! N EQ 3 | WVoxtern arolina Ra reight | | Pe eitaera Pol aates 1 a . ah highest qualiticauons are employed mesch of the Des) Wo Turner, Adm'r Geo. Willedtn, dec., vs. Wm C | A, H. & R. A. CALDW ELL. | y EEG euay Ni NAD e ee: Si : LP ie t ns (Pp ow DE Rs. J , i \ % a | MOLASSES, per galion— Pultinente. Willson et al, \ OFFICE, the one farmeriy occupied by Dr. Nesbit, |" eat ty on ite ar ive ert A MOST seul Mec P laihariiisnaeeallne! TEP Lg | = | Gi Wialee Siteat a to North Cirolina porte ) w A dt ( a Ye AAI Ale a TERMS : ; IN this ease, it appear to the satisfaction of the | a H Wien IEEE ee | destinagpa eicnon nee feed Drdscist & -Apatlivents:, Siaishu y™ a ee BUCS a ae 3 Pocrdtincladinaiensiieaianierent Uiclpae Court, that Hoary Wallon. one of the defend cnt, is SALISBURY, N.C. | Beheuary 22, 1809 BAR perth nga ata reasion of tive monihs, gso.n " Hat uaatsat ok this State: Eoie ordersd, that | March 1, 1859 140 ee cone f . . mel awe 2 pubhewtion be made lor six Weeks. in the Care! AGHOT inti kb Ooo ha) Mmlianun(iars ccrgbienitise PUI inant deen) (Ree Geom enol) oe Sabo hear | I wish to purchase 60 Now ie the Cinie te procure the most oer Catale rasa containing all necessary information ret next Courtof Equiy, to he hold forthe Coanty of) 7p + r an 5 hie LP TUING ’ . rena peering the course of Tasiraction, Peruis, de, will be) Davey atthe Court dbase ot Moekectie, on the 4th PAN BARK WANTED. | good and young Negrven Fellowaand will pay rextrod CLOTHING in T HE M A RK I S. forwarded on nat cer ‘D STER ii Ixa. Monday in August nex), cod plead answer or demury pee suthaanber is desing of parchas ng a large 4 no st ( ai pr a forth: * ’ AVE ue | ( econ Sehiloor the mame wil be taken pre muty of TAN BARK Pen wiahine want Shem sage y cwucking iy 1 exas piscts oe | Salisbury, WV. C., June 14, 1859. | | 2) ja40 x a Se iin eal aiioiprinthe fice ee, ales bay gris und bev < loin ten lo twenty reane 6 weagetihe moss T ASHTON ABLE STYLES June 7th, ’ t Ip'd ’ tae wet = ¥ ‘ y sbhreonle eve CORRECTED WKEKLY BY wep Wirneas, GL. Bingham, Clerk and Master of said H.C. STMONTON, [8nd WHEE LWO OE Cite ton tiem eke es lee i. eee \ ; aegis ui 2 SALISBURY. Jaane 6th, $859 ne surtof Equity. at Office, the 4th Monday afierthe March 15. 1N59 14a Sat i [hob RORARDS Sens S ; : ve ker nn SPRAGUE BROTHERS SAL . Jane , 1599. Gch WolditaiiRenruiny, Ae uD eltes0) wud in the alahure, Mae 4 8 ere Most abe ee Goeas ever bi ie market and < 4 . Sone . - ae ee Aye a | \ a atthe lowest 7 Saree re rie ure ee 10. a GREATREDUCTION in spay Gees “ HINGHAM, CME |_Ulaseed, Sperm and Tanner's Oil, I) 3 WOW N. COFFIN & MOCK ieee Pe Cherian Gace AND SUMMER GOODS. Gw pr adv $5.59 Pe a HENDERSON & ARSE HERA AY UU t 1 ie Be 5 eS ar 15 tf ae “ ae. FON of coat ee prae JZEING desire o¢ cedaring our Stock of Spring | (NOTICE. jad | ; AN [HE onderniaued 257 BA R R ELS CANDLES — Nea, 54 Ass cod Sommer Goode betore moking oar fll par f : eg | Cheese ! Cheese! ! Cheese! ff ~ ey ING ae y iy. Taluw, 15.0 20 'Oate 20 uso Cheers we willie lel Goods ui ha idint greatly ren f VILE subeeriber intends removing fin Saliebory BOXES CHEESE a ie ear way Ae ll Reine 24.430 OIL LINSEED ered pees A ae " aa cls ~ abont the lac daly nowt, and ashe has lobilities LOt 100 haves snoked Herring ee nae i Aa ase New ¢ a New Orleans Mo- | Coffee Rio, 12pm td Tanners, 50095 a PTW SL MEY § 4s mee Hu vu ua Eee reste ao Adamantine Candler or night, ag cremneiiices nay require Orders de a) |. NSS US just received and for sale | Juve, Vim QQp [Porarers treh, 1006S Ber er THT VG IS NEW AND disneueabiinecersiny is those wha ate ind bred to 100 daeen Hnwuie Syorad ia thew Grich hr Bible cn the net vw hy Cotton, Well | « Sweet 752100 © Sée wr ‘ fi 74 es : vo A in (fn ar} withent furth oe rerta non, 100 boxes acaorted Tobacco. Ward, will receive prompt aitention Chargea mode SPRAGUE BRO'S Cotton Yarn, 1059 110 Rage per tb 4 PIElO RN SELLE Leola Peper ibiea nite nny ig Aiea ute 10 Caaks Weetern Bacon jrate NIDER & RIGGS Salabury.Dee 13, 1858 Qu Webi vem, A deregerd of shi 1 Corn, 99 » 100;3ah per euck, 160 01.75 ven of é i sregire ve Teueinnis raul Riv alenis April 19. 185 Bees Meal. 00» 100/Sheetng B 9010 r \ ERS from thie day, offer) Will Necessrrily subject the party to he called upon | SPRAGUE “s j : at Neg peed LUE . A . & \V eu ther elegent and 7 bya Legal Gentleman Very Reepecifally. Ss y AGU EBT 50,000 Brick For Sale. Chickenaper dor 1.000 1 Sugar Bro Ball ° £ y Saliabury, Deo. 19, 1858 29 L — Baye per doz. Rall | « Croshed, 12018 sive Stock of rich SILK and SILK ROBES, BE - JM HAPPOLDT AND PLASTER. I HOSE, wauting to buy Fifty or Sixty Thousand [Paatheraperth, MaS8 1 Clarified, 119 019 | BBGES, Berege Robra. I eenes, Grenadier, Orgal Janeth 259 aR | HIDE S. For sale by SPRAGUE BROS. | og @”" Brick, can get vargain by calting @¢ thie | Floor per hb) 6.25 » 6 50'Tetlow, 10.019 des, Juconets, Luw ne, Shatliewand Delanes at reduc- E M B ROI DE RI ES on ’ - z Office oT wow od prices. A n T > Sack, 2.00.» 3.95|Wheat White, 125.9 14000 P 7 = 4 = HE highest market iprieavela in CASH for green SEIOLITS POWDERS Jron ( Bar) 5a +s Red, 115 a 125; BLANK WARRANTS ({) MBROIDERIES of every Deecription are Sell- and dry Hides. Apply to e wy Lard, 10 a 12 |Wool, 25 030 | reps ' aoa LY eg at greatly reduced prices, at A. d& W MY-| BEARD & BROTHER. MOBT useful Medicine in Bilows and other diesaaea ject. | PORK 70% For eale at thia Office. 2 May 9th, 1859 50 H Prepared ty WOW. WYATT, | For sale at HENDERSON @& Coat sae \ Baitahory, XC ~~ Mar 15 GROCERS AND COU MISSTON Athos of Lege Won tog bustttess ” isa most de lerius zest the paroueg Remember that evcorn P “The Sultuna’s Sauce Scireme os ee 9 BOOK STORE. NEW BOOKS! NEW BOOKS!! UST received at J.H. ENN a large assortinent of Valuable and loteresting New Books, Pictures, Letter, Note, and Foolscup Paper, Blank Books, &e Among the new Books will be found The Confes- sions of a Schoolmaster, by Aleotc; Major Jack Downing’s Thirty Years Out of the United States Senate ; Evil wot from God, by Joha Young, LLY; Ediuborgh; Spurgeon’s Gems; ‘Poe Saint and bia Saviour, by Spurgeon; Fred. Freeland, or the Chain of Circutastunces: Roumania; ‘The Border Land of the Christian and ‘Park ; Opportunicies for Industry and the safe Tuvestusent of Capital; Zachos’ New American Speaker; Vhe Carpenter's pent and Rural Architect, by Win. Brown, Architect; Villas, and Cottages, by Calvert Vanx, anor Phe Ladies Manual of Fancy Work, by Mre Taine Barnes’ Family Pray Parley’s Book of Animals, (200 engravings ;) Vhe Children’s Pleasure Book ; The Child's Pictowal Album; Grandtather's large letter spelling, aud picture reading plan. Hugh Miller's Works. . My Schoo's and Schoolmasters ; Creator; The ‘Testimony of the aud ‘Times of Hough Willer. NOV ELS. What Will He Do With 1@y Bulwer; w u Book, ou a new Poot-prints of the The Life Loe mS 5 Woman's Thonghts About Women, by the Author of Johuy Hatfax ; Dear Experience, by Ruthin; Jane Eyre ; | Vallette Shinley. by Carrier Bell; Luilian, by J. F Smith; Davenport Daun. by Charles Lever 5 Novel, or Varieties in English Life; Almance, The | Lover's Stratayem; Emelie Carlou. Romance of the Harem, a C jon of a pretty Woman; The Rival Beauties; The Wife’ Vrinle by Miss Pardue BOOKS OF HUMOR. | Dow's Paten! Sermons; The Wiia Western Scenes | 8am Slick ; The Ackunsun Doctor; ‘The Grey Bay Mare; ‘The Comic Wandering Jew; Whom tb Marry iMuiwen utes Coariiime tal itekskeretien a1 Travels. aah bed afl NOVELS. Elen Percy My Mary Glens The Opera Dance : Secks, Walking Cane New Goeds YNew Goods? W? WOULD RE PE ‘TFCLLY INVITE THE ALTENTION UF TLE PUBLIC TO OUR PRING STOCK, Just epened,~consisting of NISS'BOOK STILE §STAP/E @ FANCY DRY 60008 ! aud every comf 2 HATS, BUNWNETS, Boots and Shoes, READY MAD CLO ee CROCKERY 8 GROCERI ES, ich we will sel! at ¥ Joa 4 < Tey sees for Cas) or on short "McCONN AUGHILY 4t ie M rch 29, COME A\D SEE R. WILSON’S Ww. NEW SITOW CASE, : ND the large, new supply of WATCHES, JEWELRY, variety of Glittering and a preat Charms of new Styles and tour, of them of the “A'T- CABLE” ore yNTIC Call in—Look round —and see the splendid array , &. | MANSION ci HOTEL, | SALISBURY. ey HF subscriber pian stent a announcing tu his friends, und the public generally, that he has! jtaken this long esiubished und well known Hotel, | and has made every possible prep ration ly accomune- | \date the basinens, travelling aud viriling portions cu the public, m the most satistietory manger, Particular attention is paid to his TABLE, ortis provided in his ROOMS, | His STABLES are abundantly supplied, and at- und to all department tended by w careful ostler; the proprietor gives bis personal attention { A confortable OMNIBUS runs regalarly to the depeton the ancval of the cars With these ellirie to please.» liberal share of the vublic patrounge is « vulidently suherted. WM. ROWZE January 2ith, VSS. a T N? \ ! COWANS VEGETABLE LITHONTRIPTIC FRIEND OF THE HJ’MAN FAMILY. SUFFERING FROM | DISEASED AIDNEYS, | Stoneinthe Blalder and Ridneys, Weal | ness of the Lucnrs, We. | | 'Thisinvulusble medicines tor sale atthe Davi | Mthotetan Mockevilles ut Deo Re Campbell's on tree] ut Leverly” | Carolina Watchin OF im) atthe Dray Store in Charlette ; Hote in Swen, aud atthe \ eoin Salisbury | The subsernber baving entered iit oarinerstia en Joho FB. Cowan. vriginal patentee the wan | lafacture and sale of theabuve Medicine. irprepurects | Furninh a supply by addressing lin at Saliebury, N | calling at lis residence, 1) miles west ofthe | lave 2D STS | iia 148 { Dent iss i (€ di f OUSE < RE: sat P pe Jown; Wolpe Qushece th ielBuanree mete hey chean [Haring Eugenirs Boudoir; Conenburg House; Ada Arun eee ut (ne del, ur the Neeret Cor ider tae Wee Books for Odd-Fellows, duntcier ie ‘ The Odd-Fellows’ Manual; The Odd-Fellows’ ; none Text-Bwk ; ‘the Odd-Feliows’ Offering Come and see the new enpply of SILVER TEA - 3 wd TABLE SPOONS, aod best quuhtv oy Beautiful Gift Books. ((Vbhepesiiitean te bo tion ths ede of the | ; as SILVER PLA PED CAS FORS Josephine Gallety : The Atlintic Seuvenir; En EW Mice Cliekade wale eee uni gravings from the Points Modern Naat: re rhe : id | | Won of Beanty wal; The Vilet Ane ene Sarin Albuins, &c., Ke. For sale te . Wok “ fLson | JAS. Ho ENNISS Book Srorr Sept. 28, 1555 he a ' . z | ee —_Sahabury, N.C. | , CHANGE OF SCHEDULE, | N - | #F le N 1 School yRom | e a ¢ yge emaliec Ormal scnooil, | aluable Factory | | , | Mich Polat, N.C, Rail Road, ee 09 ITs SUED TESTP Om (ees (0 A eee lit Mill Property Oe pate! (ey SM. AV. Paine ieate iar esitcent estes | se | HE enbserit er des tern ar Tt waee : i ene Me nec oy ee tee cen Western North Carolina Rail Read. TN Jester erst Nive tee ol Ne anne Mee ote wing Salebery by Ra j ck A.M | S ‘ A ren on ! ee Mond ve, 9 oh ‘ plare ates erve ' e ; \ \ ie Morgat Sopp ‘ and vilualle oss of Maen ining iy : Wat need PMN NGA: one BU horse power By > f o JENS / HITE Kila one la twort’s P i : ‘ ’ (his tui Stieie (eu Gh ae : ! LEA AA UN Blind Mach (eure Woe WM a ¢ Serill swe s ( Har Sawe t Non Donen i ia) PUN he Heing Machines, “luraing Lathe, two t Waren ees ' I be ee , ‘ S orp ce. xe al ‘ f \ . tet ‘ Sesh dist ‘This property « her or in pace ee ' | reson Give 4 fale oe 1 to snit: pure ey “ fevenicy : ‘ foarg ane | otgrven to all T wil very refund bie any one wi n 1» 6, i aie Te | stage Fare | crue % ies tee sileame arene | Case OAV N here i< a faree amount of Me ! Alas fig : | named ‘Those who wos , t mG 1 aie Fae Te eee - Cuntiactor | Sees ae E : ee Morganton, NC. Aug Mat. toon ia with as htile delay as possille {ow o hor . , Pemsitne, antied to such Fu nation \ . grin Wit. MUL DOCIE G rn i \ JONe SVILLE Sele ee ee a ee eee laleandeticmtceyer tiie: GAS LUGiVE!! PAL“ENT Non-E.rplosire Nelf-Generating CAS LAMP!! WYRE pubie are now ¢ wohihe RES SAFEST, and mot ECONOMIC AL LEGH ever producec, rr ey canh Gas. [tis a eee al Reading Ri enoriee Steambouts, f V requires a trial to prove » rpert fe ight now in use f 6 ) ( HENDERSON & ENNISS Weft) tao Salisbury, May 3. Carolina Chiy. sy. @., | July 251k, 1558. Tue Atlantic ane North Ca now eonpl dtu Brescronr fa u mined tu lucaie at Carolina City, for ce purjose doing a FORWARDING AND GEYERAL COMMISSION BUSIVESS, and hope by promnptiess aud at your patronage and support Morray's Line of First Class Parhcts, to this 1nd NOSE MEAD CEY, overs ethirt wil FAMILY — GROCRETES \fOOSE, CHE bh POCERES CONSISTING OF ‘ Hi folassee, Srna, € LP wl, : pe, Crteupa, « Almonds ( ' 1 lin ( M e, Rel Cord rohit exelnsivedy te : Lorber prouas Cashes rewiy ’ i TRI- WEEKLY MAIL LINE, LiORSE, HACKS, raw a WO be made to mike this the cuenpest and + _| From Worksviliz, 8. C., to Salisbury, N.C. tious route to New Yor ke Vossen w , nd - discharged at ry Wharf (ap enone «Rad Reve ‘ RUE DOLE ene tte ne thereby save CARP AGG aud LIGh Te BUNT euae “ tog Wel eda L? Particular attention will be ¢ te nl! orders Bs ‘ 1 ; >M and to the sule and shipment o ‘ Irrives mt Si isp i te SAY kT Ate cay | Leaves Sausiur Paoadeya. ‘Thursdays aud WILLIASL & GRANT Sn koa Allatinments of Produce to D. Convex Merry ve daywatllyove'ock, PM New Yok. will be forwarded (ree of Couinission y pietiee Rane aswen Pox August 3d, Isom urdu Pun wOY Cireetion tev tas _ as ane term. Pry hea, all you A CARD. J AVING assy Enviss. re min of tour exp having moved inte th the corner of Mati and Increased fariliiies fin trust we will be and patronage of my former ¢ lie generally. Our motto wy! de to Call and see vs. tated w Va.,a raluye, ne ia the Doug buen and | ange new brick baiding on | — Water | ieing the and nsromerse and the pab Streets, with one eond business, 1) enabled ta cont the cunhiance rive aatiefaction CA HENDERSON, 1859 M3 Jan. 11, Watchmaker & Seweiler, Mockay Ile STEVENSON & BOWEN, | ‘formerly of 1 INCOLN FON RUpp . BY i are Store No Jan mereased Soe’ [tered equal te any dive Pritangerana, monntatns in that direetion at Salsbury at the Mansion fuent AUST. IN, Proprietor. ra itll We Rowzer 1 Wee. #, TE STRYVENSON, COWEN & NESMITH,) Ww hale. Gc Dealers in DRY GOODS. fave ited with them rng | DANIEL M. ZIMMERMAN, Jin 2 pda’ ee GOO WS. CONCORD, N.C. Swords, 3ash>;, Enantettes. Laces TE sabecriber haw a Watch, Clee ant Jowetry AVD EVERY his VCR MILITARY ie ie ECTS | Pisces, ding ; y] ees Latent U.S. Arm Sture Resulationa. Theory of Vocal Music, beenree WARTLUY & GRUEM, IN SEVEN EASY LESSONS [PORTERS & M TACT eS th haudeomely pr supply of THIS OF 1 1c E Dee 21st, 1658. 1f30 TRpa BAKER'S COCOA. MOST Aelicinns beverage for the sick nnd convalescent, Traoquilizing to Wexk nurves. Jast reorived by ¥ WYATT, Druggist & Apothecary, Saliehary, N.C BAKER'S COCOA, 5 at Lprasoclssblnhhag beverage for the sick and sentence ing to wonk nerves, Just received by W. Te, Drage 8 A Apetigcary, Sotihney, NB. ttn July 13, 18 “, Dh ' FEB DR. BESSENT, HT 19 WARDEN LANE, Vie Ne) OTe lypd7 NTL, NOTICE, —— 4 $5 = — AS REMOVED ro rue DENTAL ROOMS on the cofnerYarmerly occupied hy Dr. Bison, whete he le Prepared fo attend af! operations | BLANK WARRANTS ” Por sale at this Office, ~ Jen. 1, 1859, d with bie p 1198 | | Rev WL VaAN PArovoAD it eprl | Meat le (Oia eg: ted 1} \ fn jee AD. Lorrxiper, Teacher is Fe Deper | ment | Miss PORK Hawvovn, Peacherof Mowe ard Freeel | | Hoard per exec Pyare ul | ee eel arden | ve [tt j ‘ neurone | tarce ba linge, ae fied \ | WV} i fancn Rate one Wy | J he ber elite pep | | We now Nave sey it rar heordieg henses pe | the weeuniin dition of stadente, at the { {oowin hi aed fifty ry | norona eat’ een the Diceinnt a | 6 \ io Ne atte e neues Wil be | J Sev. 10th, 1652 tf 25 YEW WARBLEY ARI | I. C. MALCOLM, PRACTICAL MARE WESREG (1 Cubs an DQ has one cet a MARBLE YARD Vision Harel LE CUTTER, + that t | pposite the where hee prepar | Piao fer UK Sis anus dapiteh, TAG? MWONU ME Nite | COPS, and all kinds oj ese DIRECTORS: § VMebine, PN Tendenhnll n Jnines Sloan, J POWee WS. Wel A Cherry Pectoral. Sad & a Ahead of Everybody !!! OF NEW | | . | | veopsagies mally Whooping Cough, | Asthie an@Consuniption, is aniverwl- | ary disease. So wide is the field of ite usefulucss and 0 numercus the cases uf itv cores, that almese every section of alarming and even desparate dixewses of the lunys by he ure. Wheo once ined ite supe rion. y Over every wiher medicine hesitate what antidete to employ foe the distressing wud dangerous affictiops of (oe pulmonary organs which are incedent to our Climate By ite tanely ure « \ RING XK. SUMMER | ns! ly kaown os the best remedy ever vet sie) the country «bounds in persens pablicly 07 ite kind is too apparent to escape observation, aud tnany, nay wlinest any allucke of disente upon the discovered fur every variety of Pulmou- | known, who have been restored fos { where its vitues are known, the public no longer Lange orchroat, are airesied and hus are saved many YA 35 NVVaRE \NONS, i ie en meelves wilh a remedy which wards -rous Class of discuses wil have ciuse to to provide th nn his dance feplere yo when tis Coe late Proo sot the surpri-ing AEN SDE: SIGNED R hePEC TEULLY INVITE EVERY ‘BODY WO) ay aaydlthe Chery Recurslaerdiin be piven (6 call and see our New Spring Stock of the American peeplo—they have living proofs ia | Wevur nicl sliiurranis HUI Hiicecwhiwleheg ect tie e whele healib has been re dob Alinance rtateinents of those whee ured and whos liver have been vive His une, STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS will hed them iy my Atmentcan which th They are rich and rare, and far surpass any @tock in beauty, that was ever offer- ls beiow Damned have ed in Salisbury. We are selling off DRY GOODS rapidly, and celipse all compe tition, one Price 25 ets per Box—5 Boxes for $1.00 Give vs a cate and we will convinee vou that our Steck is far SUPERIOR to Sine DRTC SANE tise a VANY that bas before been offered to the pubdc, and that our prices are duwn to) Henderson & Enuiss, Salisbury. N.C Hl LOWEST water mark. Haviland, Stevenson & Co, Charleston, S.C. | Mo A. Santos & Co. Norfolk, Va MOTTO.---Polite atte ion to Citorers, and Small Prc Gis. . 0 a ue oy a NaC ives, Petersburg, Va S P IE C I ‘A L IN (@) T | C Ik. H ee te & Co., Roehmond, Va, and cil 1 Ape 12,1809 Qm46 Merenanrs and the publie generally will find in addition to our Stock AND FANCY GOODS, a splendid Stock of Covnrry of SYAPLE Cuffee! Caffe ll Cutfie 1! READY-MADE CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, (RUSS ey i or se fall surts, sizes and prices, WATS, FLATS and BONNETS, | Apr. 13-48 SPRAGUE BROS 10,000 the. WEST INDIA, | BROWN SUGARS. Alsou, Crushed For esle low by SPRAGUE Apr 12 and WV Paints. Oils and Dye-Ntuffs. BUCKETS, SITIOS, IT Nhe Drazs, Bits: WOOD WARE, BROOMS, ROPE, an CROCKERY AND QUEENS WARK, | NOTICE nd the best stock of SUGAQ. COP oe MOINS escevrer olf cculersi ie en | or cee : er Die / SIDE fier of Mile & Moone having this day made em fareiia e hae tor thy bopotro cate tear wed mua b r tien SOMES EA Oey le . i et AN aha Tea Ia ee di AY Y with 1 snd Neca t we Trustee torihe bees titel the er TUL OLD EATARLISIC YY STAND ON THE CORLER, cee te « ee i Mi ie Ba ae or . r pee ful vested come forward and se CNEELY & YOUNG js oe uci o dere we tbs Gan waren Saniser ny, NC. Maret, 29, 1659 cloned Be pron Cand 6 ve cost Jrcus Bo Moos as my authorized agent to settle up the uetes a reoounta, and nell che renaruing kot Goods The gosds will be closed out atiow hires by note or ae pay owed be to the above firm, sotied toomake Phroe indebt are here med ate ay xhowt tine w t euly a the clams be put out fur yan fiver JAS W CLARK, Trostee Jan 11, 1859 133 VALUABLE LANDS ee Wishes towel his fonds fern ihe oh is tol we, 1g nies ‘ Sale ear toany Creek. PL BFiay | cantare ACTRIES sees well un pee " reonnd Fy NEW 1 GOOD CONDEPION 5 ind the op Pree Pane toswe as asa lands mm this re "Direre is UME ADO och et. and Vine neg 1 RAINED BOT row, flere Ud, ‘ Ww wd Teor d con r yong ul Mie WE fruition the 4 é rinhis.ehurtcher valteble Loober HARD of ve se eel yee, which os els, Mat Sieigs el. Caps & ne top ce b ay, ed in reference “% Cloth; ing a Shoes, Ip ae (3 ) | “Ips: MLS uF JOSEPI Bo MCNEELY. eee 2a, teeeyatl wb CARRIAGES, BUGGIES &o., &c. Gr, Die R, one il AM V William H. Smit», oe A ai U IS ih 3 i BWV CULO ceepeettatty ntirm he . A old treads ea th pubbe, that CARRIAGE BU SINES i. vi i r His . h : " a : } as ae Vohong work, when TGV 2a ea) Gm035 | NAOTHER CHANGES! | SALISBURY | FEMALE SEMINARY, : tion isin charge of the a fe eistins n ! follow ng De Ts NZ ~ SPN T se We oe on hand a large om W J.1c. NLOOSc, 4.1) Wicniseow, Prreiniat, FY acid supe var det « . i. fie NeW “Siemrscux, Awsetuntmeie: Literw ‘pees SUGAR, COFFEE, Commission Merchant, ecw aa van “eee da Mr Wat. Hesnic, netorin Musie, SVs ile we fe eS MOLA SES, ; Suter vinsare nen 1 acunie ihe preven tesarecn SYRUP. TEA, \\ ne bs pe sbaren the qnechawel qreemigseed thane ope tauany | We dre ihankinl RICE, BACON, ‘ ke “ 1 Die Vise, te all conso or past fevers ard request acontinoanen of the same, | LARD, PEPPER, HHeetiiss lee (Ueacoren Neeru kelts thacreat adding Ve there may be same whe PICKLES, GINGER, SPICE, ieee . De OAviorcliera BEB, Lobenten Wee=ecinnanna thele tactics ii regard to School CRACKERS add ! Sith sbEy TON rei pabtely wid Phave sud in private. T ASINS, Ni hots ’ fot rach oo fem ifven went that Grooht veu inet seud TEN ptuciberion | bd Seasion will comme nce SARDINES. §& % % % % ™&% & B® fb jon tie Bist day of F 1, and continue twenty ; : cay en he Su tg el ec lice , Vinegar, Seda. Noo} Waeker-l. Pekled saa a ee See Dap Stacia Crain, (B nedec, ania Dav 7 | a SEA EL Ue Eee ce ny i. ue “The yare ( heap Enough, Ros doa foamy of Py ured and othersofthe high ates MH ASU stile WS, Oe may ‘ : ESTEE, vos pay GLY DEE SIN OMI eacc AD. WILKINSON, c ‘ epee fi Cash or Groceries for Country Produce Geet ween tence of an forts Fah Gee Soni i ch Ist, 12 136 resh Butrer ani Bags, mee Bae Be Scere Viebe des tsa = lour wud Meai, Petitoes, Ve U OURES Oe ate Ls alas gC ae yTTAD fed Frat ey wee ake a myiey Bag Snes tes were sews na wp es me) BATT ROAT) NOTICE mnie BEARD & bsOTn KR Sat Ih CRE Cie te Aa tre te INO fe Salehary, ApolG@ 1 ay Sue apa ee ae ule TO Pwhese vou wrt tin tb the | tad Dest Stock | COUNTRY MERCHANTS. iui evei ikea, REMENAER, Vorkintha Marie fie, of cither IMPOIEEL | HATHAWAY i rie J. RNNISS | NEW, CrErEmaP LETALIAS \ Jo dl ENNISS, 5 AMERICAN MARBLE | on . Witmington, N.C. — | ENXPEDITIOUS ROUTE Having mnade arringements by which he ean pre hed rc] aN nan TRAST and SWEET POTA TOES, | FOR eure th HeronvED Irises aenaus, ot ediced prices 300 ds. LITTERS NINETY ti ont rdiboursas thareatte Moy tte | FREIGHT FOR THE INTERIOR OF NORTH [pee te all orders fur umenis, KE, at reason | 35 T lerces 4 Cardenas Molasses. Ry Pa SPRAGUE BROS | CAROLINA Ile would be happy to haee all desirons of dentin: | TS Bavels chatee New Orleans Syrap, ibs. HE wie wh I iNT ul ER ut ERGIUAN ESniadeatlence ban tnieshaeine tired this tine, to eal nd see specu neue of Marble, hea | aH Hee op cpeice Mey Urteans Sagars. ( My UNEELY & YOU NG \ Fall and Winter eupplies, ure requ hee ee ree. nod for thenpgelyes Ub Luka) aR Ea Ag Pe . ray ute ree th , re Connple tion nN caste ara e : eae uG f ’ au a 2 nin the business | 200 Bags Blo. Lagatra, West India & Java Coffee, : * i a * i " Wet ; uy ees e aa pans ‘4 ving Lh year eer en ie bsinan . Te ee Teer RETRAIN ; ; ; ood. from Charleston a vw, the ay Weel ae hea persralatheation top utiog upton | me pure RV eLeERL Bice Stdes and Shoalders, A (Cota OO Tie ts : Aen ne ie Beata e nis. &e : i ‘i an a GRE <4 tas ay Beer . Serboard is apen d vem Share ec oR fit | 200 Ee abil Potatoes. twied IBS R aN ; a warranted a cer Abretetius Tei edicohaeanrenicn hewn cen tnt! | ? : : : ae SOERSON & ENN SS [RY North Eastero Rad Road will be forwarded free | i may i 0 ‘ 4 : { nsborouoh Mutual yo FAMILLE S—C ti and bay 2o)bs. GOOD e No charge for storrce willbe made at Cheraw. All SOAP for 25 cents, + N ee “> gooda will be tale treolin the Compa ‘War are We 5 NS A RRS Notis3,—-3LO REWARD. » : HEURES MER INSURANCE COMPANY, : HENDERSON & ENNISS O6e) By, D houwe sti be te Schedule of eharges fortene ee | Mar. 15 ty PUN CY, Vthe wedseriber, onthe doh inet pertntion of Pre eit will be fond at the vst Ofer TC TIeaiene le ae ee eae | BAGSPRATE RIOFrCOME Ele (Tai ies SRO, Sie Yon when h SS. SOLOMONS, Sat seas ci dea i ee oy 100 Gere ed retrirby Tara “i Hinata leet Vngineer & Superintendent - ' 25 BAG? OLD GOVERN WENT JAVA yee reiis when sp -kento, and ahaws Auerast 10, PSa5 fl have iade dea gessmente ond have noweon hore cme A oe : i ' larve capo! viz tno orem notes $497 OS008 on phe aul ca LY WGN e fue ; , ' 1 1 Y 7 4 ” as . ae Pear ; NERDY & \ \G wi yove reward for hum dehvered to iy ene BURIAS = Sone a tntal wf AVIA 1 ata 9g a Gee eee ioc) een Cong eC, Sugar, Molasses , be ' \ hh reas zs ‘ . : oan ie ea ee ae mre) ae) LT] ~~ PRTC HLbe Enver whieiherdemeni ii fires mua BAKE ’ SEOOCOAs () HOGSHEADS New Orleans HARPERS eerie MONTHLY and “WEEELY, | A oitsint wots Maar ind West Tndia Sogare X) Bags Rio aud Java Coffer 20) Hhas. Mincovado and New Or me a Ss ast a Ap otheonr r Tit noei, deh regularly for eale at JON. ENNISS' leana Mislsanes ray arate Garett, EN | i Boon Srong CIGARS © CIGARS! CIGARS Tt! ; 65 Birrels Crushed and Coffee Sugar pea Diy divakiieuercens(( | 1000 Sacke Sul! Ce a tel 1 Ean ae ; = ESCO C TCA T Sim) Wihcleauloltor Relient ihe sent el CoKEeR ORES ' ' | 1T°L" HERE A pl EPrantyarer M A.SMITH. & s ‘UE BRO'S Cit Ween] SICKLES TRIAL, ["30% NTH. Stabary, Deo. 19,1838 0 cle alhoarah } | pUCarnil Plemnnihle RU EoCray Gum lec ennil| Complete, | COWETHING to kill RATS, Johnson. Yanceyville | on business connected with thir | Office, shouldbe addreserd to PETER ADAMS, Secretary enborough, N.€., May 6, 1857. tfll | Kerosine Oil. HE e KEROSINE OIL for sale at T — HENDERSON é& ENNISS Heommunications BAKER'S COCOA. Pareanicat J. 11 ENNISS’ Boon Stone & Somethin: to kill MICK, see ate - Somethiog to kil PLEES N( G T( BR | Something to kill BED RUGS ORT: steliclon be serene for the sick and convalescent, by ASS ; . ; ranqnitizing (9 weak W vt NO'l 4 | For ante ut HENDERSON & ENNISS', | WYATt, Drogsiet b Arsinecary, Ballsbury, NC [mds The Salisbory and Taylorsville Plank Road is i'l kept up asa Toll Road, and all persone wre respects VOMETHING to fatten HORSES, SEIDLITS POWDERS. | fully asked to pay theit toll, or a fine of $5 will be Something to fatten COWS, | E ‘ collected of of them, J. F. FOARD, Agent. Something to fatten HOGS, | A Pevediieattealatat tial Fo tae ee eet May 17, 1859 1131 For sale at HENDERSON & ENNIA&8’ it & Apothecary, Salisbury, N.C, (2ma9 For the rapid eure of Coughe, Colds, | | tu firiich gratis for every | | nnd Clanited , | BC@DHa Ge BH UC<ve D YE STUFFS, PAINTS, TURPENTINE, R ESIN Chalk, Whiting, rV T RINALS, Syrenges, Breast Pumps. (4 ARDEN snd Gren Seeds, A W ALT-PETRE, Borax, Glue , Manufacturers Artictes, AGNES(A, Mumurd, Ginger, NEMAS, Sargival tus 5 roments, ULABLE fuk, Blaching, | SINGLASS, Gellative, Extracts, VY ORKS, Bottles, Sponge. NDIGO, Auvatio, Rose, Pink, T UPWEGS. Mace, Clos ifs 4 ‘ ALUTS, Sulphur, Cream ‘Tartar, > S MERY, Rotten Sione, Sand Paper, A T PY vow Glas, Potts, " ELLOW Ochre, Lamp Black, CIDS, Aleolol, Flad, T RAIN, Linteed and Lamp Oils, T INCTURKES, Barks, Quinine, S ODA, | Main Street, ALIS Gile Yama: By) Salerutus, Starch, Gr tf 32 Jau.4 ‘| CELEBRATED VEGETABLE CATTLE Feel: | | | SEB Proprictore take peorore on cfienng their Newetobie © ctl ih ero te tine eonfid: nt that Jitas the arbele fone reeded Dy the Agneusurel. ome TCR Y Vie Conpeurd os usetul ii mest all direa- sex inedent to Ho ses. Cows, Hoye, aid Steep, en- terng inte Che crew aion, producing au allemative ft. 1 eby ay ny the blood and all secretions. Vhe ” wderix recommended tor horses te be given wee uepienin ef Din Inper. Sletberng, Coughs, Fe- Jvers, Toot € eaves. Ginders Farey. Gupes and Cel wy daurdice Yrlow Water, diceases of the kid- lev. foundered berses, &e Ttmay be given in de res of tablespoonful thee or curtimes @ week mixed with water when drinking GOMES ite powder inh gh’y recun nended fur cows, Pu- ing ther blood aca bringing them to aw bealthy tt out althe tered ibe becy. im. vibe strength anti proveog their appetite, k them yield twice the cmeount of milk. sPin we o A former. chat once ures thie pow. \ Ver be withea it Tt ehould be given in t riablespoonful three times a week acd im ‘ he ume tat, wih the d se arcing frem he wey statecotihe bled and secretions muy be ner Wen out Tuc ‘ Jew Horn, Hoof csease.oreows that geve bo erfor ery cows it has been eurd highly fs nefielal by yoving the powder every day. or fleece tines a weed HOGS, For hogs the powder is recommended to he given nubs awelled neck» n the lunge and and mui be given by mixing ave toa barrel of swill. | JEOEVE IEE IE, The Cattle Pr ne » nlee rs liver, andan favenmg pound ora halfot pve 4 weer, proving 80+ fiercious for what twas first ro ocomane fed incuced we veral fe ere to feeditto some faving hens. aed found the «fleet mest fiitening them; bee des. makirg them than usualin waving clita jens We can, recommend it, to he Pte chickeps, thd for all kinds of the feathered Lisdewed to ks pun» hevlthy cons wen mixed with Indien meal and tines = week and Reta by W HWY ATT. Seleburv, NOC 125 JOHN DOOLEY, Hat and Cap Manufacturer, AND WHOLD SATE DR OLER IN Tate, Caps, Fura, Triinmings be. HAVE complet hand » und extensive as [ now on | sorment ofewervehing ia my | line adapted to the SURUNGS DR AD Ice e which constant udditious will be mode curing the eo mn My experience and fecliies have envbled me on to offer the LARGEST COON PL es Hered i his occasion, ond in every STOCK of GOODS het has ever b Virgima. T would ask the particular attention of my custom- ers tomy stock of STRAW Goons. which for variety und extent c+ not be surpassed. JOUN DOOLEY, Main street, Richmond, Va. tf42 | DR. WEXTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY. wey. the most Mar. 15, 1859. BEWARE OF © SOUNTERFEITS"! Geypinel!l! dwhich costa the Take only th EN th ne which eres! nehedeineey Mo rner ares ICRP) Wnoor a INey, As Tarucraze hd Chest as well CONSUMPTION, love Hivea ind hem th of a mry te We apan Af Cunprineipld epecalatore iu the he unwary a © tne and exert them ny which, in ne Balsam has Auch letiers as the fo Nowing, frow a meareha ceived “Mitporp, Delaware, Oct., 26, 1958. Doston—Pr ; sm newrly SW Fowir & Co tr for ats tin doing wondera sit ¢ ‘ tng «on gh anil Conmimption, without tail b ny ofthe g Dut pler ty « Yours, traly, REMEMBER, THEREFORE. art wir only CINK Has the There has never Mine here until you sent mea lot aome time siner eit MW the counterf JACOBY. FOULK.” FRR MWeALTH, that the root. ee PTS, Tors, SET Mee Naren 8 the PRINTRD Hot Teas pothe OF ESIDE WRAPPER: ro Teal ORR. TARE NO 0} (ER. it w midney Wasted and health jeopard- aed For sate by HFNDEGSON & ENNISS an! WoL WYATT, Salisbury, N.C. | March 9, bsg 15w4l | JAMES HOR AL WATCH-MAKER AND JEWELER, SALISBURY IN. Ch One door below BR, & A. Muphy's Store, ] 7 BEEPS constantly on hand a large ussoriment o NOWATCIES and SEWEERY of all kinds Clocks, Watches and Jeweiry of every dese tiption repuredin the best munner and ou the most yeasona ble terms February 19, LEATHER. A very anperior lot of Uopar Teather and Calf Sking for sale by BEARD & BROTHER May ‘th, 1859 150 Heckers Farina. T FMARRABLY wholesome and nut! rdvhy W. Oaroting 185K. 1ya8 ve Just retety H. WYATTDruggist & Apothecary, Srlivhery, [im49 ARGE late Flat Dutch and large late Drumheed ACabbage Seed fir anie at (43 HENDERSON & ENNISS’. Molasses! Molasses!! Molasses! ! 3 A large lot of N.O. and Weet India. For enle low Apr. 12-46 by SPRAGUE 8ROS Sn oa peor Se none tenreennen nse os “BL > Supre: y a i, % TL eRUNER ay eg ee ‘ tel ale “eg ugilive lave 7 , >ROP Ril" € EDITOR AND PI oe & Law. a TERMS , The Cincinnati Times furnishes the Suge cy, pe | aide Sees all ute Five cones \ p PRINCI pal fentares © the decision render- fee ling ten, in the same Been ne FN paler eget lp alr atl Mubs exceeding ten, ae 2 ry ia, i . yO ; Ae ag Vasiueih always in advance. eG aie eens ie een ee we omere that Wale te | | . : | . jcners.” Judge Swan, the Times says, de- ADVERTISING RATES: | @ livered a very learned written opinion, in | == =—* = - which be maintained the constitutionality nee eee A square is the spca | of the fugitive slavelaw. Judge Peck, also, oce upied by 16 lines 0 _ one = ‘ Vv ba \ = x - vy yr in writing, expressed the ini 5 . ; } 5 ~( “p g; pressed the same opinion 5 \ a eee eae \ QO}... XV ] I. SALISBU RY s N. C. JUNE 21, 859. N U MBER al held by the Chief Justice. Judge Seott | ec . | \ ‘ Rav Wee. Gin laaiisnatee | ; orally endorsed the opinion of Judge aS222 = granted to those who ad: | - : Swan and Judge Peck, with an auder- SeRsuss Vortive regularly (rough | oe he Fp ohana eed [fale eee eet: | ses S : 5 5 : : : 5 iis Views in a written document. The HEEgEeremmene ews, Internal 3 Com: Arts and Sciences, Sanity € ee : gEESEES TE MONS! gycge dvlars for an: evoted to Politics, Wews, Agriculture, Internal Iuprovenents, Commerce, the Arts and Sciences, Morality, and the Famil itcle. inajerity of the Court held: gees ce donee ral ’ _ NS : y , ¢ De y = fra ane Beywge nouncing candidates “| {. Wat the prices Gheacicis ae 5353) 3 recat onietn eerraes|| . : Section 2, of the Constitution of the U.S., sme | j . “no person held to servie labori moon i 25 per ceat higher than ‘ 1 a ees, : . s 2 sypnte 7 : } oO service or labor in one ESE dese sone @ ihe nbuve rates. aA, More to be Admired than the | THE ITALIAN WAR. Autocrat of the party, be claims to ier From the Charlotte Democrat | A HAPPY MAN. State under the laws thereof escaping in- 3 & for divorce uf husband | RICHEST DIADEM | We Ard) to dhe Siem ath Deaellth ihe or cathedra ; but the other faction pata «© PROFESSOR” PHILLIPS. \ A zealous divine who had prayed carn- to another shall, in consequence oft ‘any gBLeeSa Sv Cay) = COO AS IES: | ? j : ‘ : Northern interpretation upon that dec: yw ice in the] vreensboro’ Pate estly that God would teach Lim the per- law or regulation therein, be discharged = = gasay Woe \follawiuyg account of the Campaign in It- » e notice in the last Greensboro’ Pat ) i : ( , be discharge Bree ae G7 Reco cent EVER ° inne, and denounce the Buchanan men ioe a communication from Dr. E. i. fect way of truth, waa directed to go toa from such service or labor, but shall be Sreaz ceo, Moa ee | WORN KI die , ; faly, as reported by the steamer, Coy of as heretics. As the President is the foun Andrews of thie place, in reply to anoth certain place, where he would tind an in- delivered up on claim of the party to ae uw) ber of insertions required ; | ( : AS 5 bbe Pe , . aan GetIMLE NUTT GR re CCE lee & ’ ’ : , a : = Pana “ ere ty IRNey KINGS 8 EMPERORS yy ushington : oe Du raat Wine ed rents er cummutication recently publisied in inn When iy came : the does he} whom such ne or labor may be due,” Sloe ue ae arena | ma 4 ae : ; 5 CU St ae oF nae ary LOWork WIth, Feat tai -p. fuund aman in ordinary attire, to whom) guaranty to the owner of an escaped slave 22 TN criti coee| woevt Why a Beautiful Head of Hair, | Vhe first bartle isathist fought between ynd his faction are working itat the bigh om yer Ges Ve re ak : ca : it ihe wished a good morning. * I never the right of reclamation Sa herwise Uh Hobe | Because it is n Pall ow he Frenely ¢ » Austrig aly. o in oe ee < he fessor of Geology Mineralogy, call- S : A Cle ton, : ae nena COE Gt ees wee UH ou uh : French und the Au i a in Ttaly. est pressure to crush out their poorly pro- ab ihinell © rte Joukina Philli ees an liad a bad inorning,” replied the man. HI. Yhat a citizen who, knowingly and Lag and charged accordingly | the glowing cheek, Ue eye be ever ~ sy the steamship City of aslitetony vided opponents, A thousand uewspa- 1? ; “9 De) Row ge va very sinvulars E wish you may intentionally, interferes wi a ' (AT No discount on | (huse of pourta, if the heats bereft of its cavern we lave telegraphic news from Cape \ . j Pa extennively puffed. dt seems that tis hat is very singular; Init YOU May entionally, interferes with, for the pur- é WER Ee rales, | be snarled and shriveled, hearse and dry, or Woine LN cal Pe persyinyriadsof ottice holdgrs, and legions |, [erurceserualmerocen palming himself off ulways be se fortunate.” “was never pose of rescue, or rescues from the owner Race, that an the Zlst of May the first J otwo or Prof, Wouls Hnie i ear of ansiyus expectants, forma force which having been sent out by a company ip ‘anfortanate,” said he. “I hope you will jan escaped slave, is guilty of a violation . ; SONG cone Sor p week, will restore and poruanentiy secure Mall wom. struggle took place, and was won by Nal any independent movement, uosupported ; h | . nn: a te : 4 saa ; cae i » \ 2 3 tase) "Heal the ttiomings ond awie Phe wrcer ofthe BE Hole LLL, wt Montebello, where fii wee loenituen RCE RCI GND nate citi Loudon as a Reporter upon the condition always be as happy, said the divine. 1 of the Constitution of the United States, } ~ J | bt the cobebrre unit, Diallery yt A 0 i y ie with gray, at 5 pe ss A e . ay ” } “ yhe or » acts of 179° Be Da. Wooo New York, April 19, 1858. Freneh auoder Napoleon I. de ted the tend with. ‘This tyranny of patronage is and value of the mining districts of this oa Wear Lek oman He en \ edie ae A ates and ee com The following Conrt ant miscellaneous BLANKS Dear Ser Frit me to express te you the obligati Austrians fifty mine years age, just after che odious feature of the Loco hoes ye section; but unfortunately for him, (for-) Bl, sak By vat y i se fugitive siave laws, aru are kept on hand) tursale,at) this Give: Can Ub |ismuniten ter the caitire” recisiide of tiny Rate te tte ork explain yourself a little’? © That I will aneconstitutional or not. tunately for those owning mining pro- See rt re ERE TET ae crv an Wala Uniiedaraleulb wane Le had crossed the Alps; and, what ts ati mete Wena } } : Mae : : A A ; gout by mail to any pait of the country, ab sivall SD eT athe HIME RL “cmpitlenat courts aah ee f He ONaole pulnention: [mules every one Clejani perty,) le fell into the hands of Dr. An- jcheerfully do,” said he. © 1 eaid that I, VIL. That the question in this case i+, Re cree Restorative it avon recivered (te veiginadl hve, 1 ransih orthy of remark, neituer of the Napole- timself to the party, with the expectation 4 ; ver bad a bad morning; for every not whether the fugitive ac ae f ENDS OSE: yids Kevtarntive new very wonderful invention, quite cticativus O18 Was at the battle, bat in its vicinity : a drews, who put the Mineralogical and ever De Ruse) ee y ether the fugitive act of Iso Is Civil Warrants, Com, to take Depo. C BLM Pee nee ine : a “ x : i oe » of gaining any favor from it, a blind, Gonitiet Pntalee of! Ole reverend worning, even if Lam pinched wjth lun- constitutional in respect to th: Casas & Bonds, Apprentice Ludeaturea, dear sir, yo w vata battle was wou by the French ‘ ave. Ww are no t=) a ’ . . f : 4 ; wt Bee art payee reteas an ote Tam, dear sir, youre truley een i : ‘ Qn ’ : Mar ie who darc : tuttera thought Vrofessor G. Jenking Phillips to a severer ‘yer, I praise God. If it raing, or snows, ment and powers of commisgiosers, Fxecutions, ©. & 8. C. Letters of Administration, ; , on the 2l-t ultimo there can be no deubt, antes » be sure the is party mueters | . sear Hen ea pe r Sib eaneh Ce Aes! G Specie tress tii “Drych a'r Gwyliedy Jet (Oe Tie DGIntl Clio brenche © Hedin il One Bree ee eye eect eet timaneit lias experienced, perhaps, jor hails, whether the weather is serene or allowance of a writ of habeas cor) Witness Tickets, C.& 8.C Marriage Licenses, Weloh Newspaper Office, 13 Nassau st, April 12, 195% t 2% will sanction it. een nes o tr : ays | tempestuous, 1 atn still tbanktul tu God, mode of reclamation &., bat wheter Juror Tickets Do. — Certificates, and Austrian accounts agree. We have While this erinding despotism ernshes since einerying froin some back root On | ‘ 5 - ’ i Prsccution Bonds, C.&8.C, Vartous Rqulty Planks, Paor 0. 3, Wow — Date si worth or six weeks TO clereriee teen ule this grinding de i 8 | Proud way and theretore I never have a joyless morn- gress has any power to pass any Bail Bonds, civil cases Do Imbictments, nuo [received a buttte of your Male Ave anteeve tims NOL Vel Tecelved ie Uctalls o ie battle, out the smallest spark of independence in! oo . . A j i j and ire) we “ve * Si Bail Bonds, crim.“ Land Deeds, Pleyel eueatuiiey im but the French represent the Austrian aie niin } . t bers of tl ey ora Lhe communication of Dr. Andrews (!08- It Lam eo iL oe cir-| whatever, however just and proper in its Attachwent Writs, Deeds in Trust, time that it would re cole A ' f eM the miuds of menmbers o us party, the f j ° bp 1CeB, 2 despisec stl yraise) provisions, fc a re i vara Delivers Baas’ eas Deel a Fineeai RheOdl Cimus, OREM area of dhs Adhnmemamemenil Aecunl shows that, after using the most simple cumstances, and des} 5 Pp } sions, for the reclamation of claves, Administration, do. towak qo! i filo cr FHIN ; on Orga te AUnInistha a at elementary tests, Professor Phillipe prov- | God. You wish that I might always be) or to protect the owner of an escaped slave i i vy ’ whee race, @ te Ops eV PMOLeOn & VES . 2 , 7 ar at y . ¥ ees TL ‘ Nee iHane bei : place, anc o rps ; tyro 7 5 deride those why oppose and rebuke their it NenOrUMctOckntn linnhatiianiwlioltoaiunacer but 1 cannot be unfortunate, from interference when duly asserting bis te ous tof such » change of tacir r on 1X OF Seve ane = \ 1 ay yon 2 mae Ara ACs ye . A . 5 a zi Or kod ony incr (acmnc( less treduenCaseraice: Blakes) ceo nent maa Fee ese eT TESTCATTOEY® yoixor seven thousand wen, wit @ qniquities, because they are neba concen ds te by Nate nothing more than a | becanse nothing betalls me butaccording conetiiutional rights of reclamation. ted to order on short notice. y regiment of Sardinian cavalry, at the trated homogeneous mass, as with minis : te UAH SRP . Horned : ML. dieatameninn “ave winer, For instance, he could te the will of God; I believe thathis will TY. That Congress, froin the earliest B AKER’ _ . _ on ta cadet « ad : qi | = wat recazuize a specimen of Mexican |!8 always good, In whatever he dees, or period of Government, has, by legislative é eno Jepe . inds t have : 4 é or _ A she 5 sri 4 ets . F é Ss the tag reer rer nia ren of dependent: min w rot have een Tin—could not tell a Fluor Spar permits to be done. You wished me al penalties, vindicated the constitutional t tealore lie , vs nto“ cire . ’ , wre . . . ; ¥ ’ . my . = Vs e Guiten iu , Heaeorel falobo quany oof whem were officers. The po a . ie “ ae ad See as troman Aiethyet—didn't kuow Vitreons Male Weg 8) p he Pcuniiot be uniap) ys right of the owner of slaves agaiuet an- [aru and unpleasant itehtug, 9 co aug | NE Be pele nr esennilidamaril site : sohue, atthe tistiyation of party ¢ opper trom Galena—and, to cap the because my will is always resigned to Wie lawful interference. bane 0 J Woon With confidence du Drecsument y a sting Tine stating that the Austrians lost peat fron 1.500 to 2,000 tien, besides 200 pri leaders; and that as intelliyenge increases : j Sen he Te an i will of God.” V. That suc -giglati see eee iyenrene nye J uiiat off lean til aaecdl ek Mintewiiary Neen Gatien GRY dooce timate Gril climax, couldn't tell the composition of |W" OC eee ae - Y at such legis! ation was adopted W. Baker. Co's American, French, Homanpatine Hingotray : Lewes fast beeen tw mid, aul bad trbed 9 fy . re tee MU the see (PLEATS Gramte, one of the vartli’s toundation But what if God should thrst you jn 1798 by the second Congress elected and Vanilia Prennom Chorolate, Prepared Cocos, | tardies ty tea fet Ve itr Li 1 Restate - : bhatns ane t be arsiiiatits, ab © regard to political questions, will enlarze rote down to hell(?) “Lhave two arts, faith under the Constitution, composed of many Pa-te, Cocoa Sticks, Soluble, Hoimapathie aud Dre Sree bade sani avi ee ECG CCne aU) CIS Sway! fy, Foire Titres ve! Cale tantaye bic . ‘ 5 nee , . “ At 6 io is \ x . , . tetie Cocoa, Cocua Shells and Cracked Cocoa, Coles | coi fee ES SGA TMT Aha eStenne ne It appears that General Stadion Aus 1 mi [ uo name s ee) Lie object of Prof. G. Jenkins Phillips, and love, with whic i L wontd hola on te of the members of the Convention who Be eee ee fears ne F : : hike sc ea a a = ¢ bigotry of qoorant mien, Wie think it Git Gi Nouks Phillips, is to obtain fous my God and Saviour, and netlet him go? framed the Constitution, has, from that ce i ernil jen WL, May , 1857 NODS Ce EARS BL a ostrone a shameful thing to abandon ther party . ee : ld rather be | vot been in active : for more than three-fourths of a century, are inauu: | 2 ; = serrepits. tduapces cifveyelbved Mi haersenlboanmeeceed)rostieoll ig : 1S Se Ue PRG itor. reporting mining property to the Lon- and T would rather be in hell with God day to this, been in active operation, and faciared from Cocoa of the farsi quality, and war Atif de pura x Foe, altack¢ US VIUMERKS pest Mar oven wheo they canuot approve its mea is) ig 2 : Hleav ¢ | Pye7dien vy | fe ‘ ie : er : ) apy nea rket and offering such property {tan in Teaven w itheut him. lie div has been acquiesced in by all departments ranted superior to any other Cocoa Preparavone ie ede shal Baraguay GUbidiers, and was repulse sures nor sanetion its morals Weak! WE VNC CYL COVARIATES property j , ey anew ¢ . & : faade inthe United States. As nourishment for cfil-| het ae i ed by Greneral Forey’s division atter a gained ! iol ‘ | : forsale. Lt will, therefore, very readily | IU astonished at the man’s abeowers., of the Government, pational and State 5 dren iuvalids and persons in health. and ax ynbstitutes A I Biles AR Bia SiH ONIENICe RYO Cn inci aes, TK UNG CU ea OES ees ’ appear how persons may be imposed up jasked him whence he cane. Leame and the legislative power of Congress on for Tex and Cotfee in Nervous and Dyspeptic cases EU ee . : : of derision; and inany of those whe have . 02. WOOD & CO, Proprietors, M4 Broadwiy. New York ou by paying to bave their property put trom Ged.” be replied. W here did You this subject las been recognized by the they are invaluable, and are recommended by the | sna tig Morket Sst Lou ties earned the ferbts of Mor redlo. rown up, calling tens ‘lves Lemocrats. fe ey ih | SURRY beers Ry Aa ; : a : ee i . hitatraincnubhysiiue Aeid bat by al goo Druypise aad Pawey Goes Berle. sit chil not fauiretty the seteeatong Avslti> would i 4 beck ive n : s oe Sin market, and never afterwards hearing 0G God ¢ Where [ lett vy ee Creneral Assembly of the State of Oliv in ) ¥ : ERS ‘ ; En ould as soon Chink upostal zing fre ; - sre) Ave “ ‘ atutess yi the supre ee Loe caiel sy Gaal acnias UC ee woall ina, The Austrian account omtigates the rege y ‘ i 4 an im 4 +H ne en of fees or Professor. This is the reason Where ye at ee . . Un Ta WD by the gered Court of York; Win : »Philiads pba T raadige . ieee o = hie cliyvion as of leaving the PUGUV oe the pure in art. o bat are you the United States, anc »S ' Baltimore ; Ke Dudley & Co. Cineinad, ane THE LIVER oie tiny Glaoe Chan Cheon Salome Toanennaiie Gane ane mame aad Coe os him. les iP cae 8 Whee . Be - e ; : a a a by “ Bee by Grocers generals | y 1 mY ' usted lonward by a forced marci a Pe udt t inne 1 ntl Si rh But, nD SU UNE OY fetomunce otis oe len a il “| a de ee pie J ee i i . ‘ 2 ce ‘ al isc , oO oi | ie Orie . vt xe oe id t UG ‘¢ tot ’ y] 1 | ¥ | is 2 er WALTER BAKER & CO. \ | N \ I G 0 R A | if) R e onmeaterinig bedy of troops towards Liy : many ae tren pale WOE) Londou Professor, he has been guilty of} dom : Itis within iny own boson. Pennsylvania. Indiana, Ilinois,Calitornia, 3m45 Dorchescer, Mass . ; ial [h : a8 and herein Consiste the strengta of the ae ‘have learned to rule my appetites wid by passions; and that is better than to rule euit, a Supreme Court of Ohio on the cir d indeed by the Supreme Courts any kingdom in the world.” © Hlow were ot every State in the Uniou where the pe making soft oder statements Concerning _ _ i PREPARED KY DR SANFORD, lis and Monte o, but utter a lot tight’ cing irae : fs A nie - {| Compounded entirely from GU) ; elfstyled * Democracy” Tt ts a unit, THE RAILROAD jeini ii iner picator santo: sn aha ee \ sel ae hee ' , yperty NM ie i heve geen, and with a sapenor French foree, retrented Qecaase dts ame adbera are not alloired to property that he had never yehomd th DICINES now Poun perfect order knew nothug about; and obtamung free thank. The Opposition is divided, becaune | 5 Windle these operations are goa for) ; peta Ruilroad tickets under false pretences. Yo" brought inte this happy condition juestion lias been made, and has never iuaw eu ' ine al those who Compose itd there fats Noy seeret prayer. >} ritual tnediation, been dented by the Supreme Court of any ward on the extreme right, we learn that Toe communication closes with a qu Sree ain ie The journals of the Adoinistration con: ; : ‘ othing below State ; : Ws rate fu Feline especie fie HE cil ike SURO: HAIRS Oe GURS ayy : : i : a a : my hon trom Addison, aptly applicd te this and unton with G vd 2 eerie W oState—the Courts of Wisconsin, notwith- f he e . - Inuaiy eneer at the position, ye , Oe : ne lorcns atisfy desires. RE ECSATETY HCAS veo TA ; eet One | wall arenuthen end yeath ws "North west, under Chialdini, one of the : i bogus Professor by a gentieman trom N Gol could satisty uty Ate : standing Ue popular impression, wot fori We Laces calse of the variety of opitvots whic ‘1 ») found lim, aud io tim | have peace and ing an exception, | human bo« tl | York, who made lis acquaintance on the ee rust. VI. The right to resene escaped slaves = from their owners being deuied to all citi- ie New: zeus of the United States by the Constitn- {; vol viar saders « Sefer y a Ktalian revolutionary leaders of [54 y exists wong them, and wiach prevents had forced a passage over the Sesia, neat Cars: a cordial ution amotiyst thems and yet ; denbind r % = caddie ne ae Thy beard and hend are of a afferent dye, ope we Lis re markable that the Wot ineoNEE pos sy hy feet and roguish in (bine eye ; Monti tinea iCheckltcun== ols Classes of persons have been united With all these ( vn the Deamonrratee party, where they are Shuuid’ad thou be hovest, thou'rt a deviush cheat.” the Austrian frontier, and put the Luster ans to flicht: while stil furtiier West and hae made « : Veneto i 8 North, at the very foot of the Alps, ou many deragemens w& |. 4 ? ol one orga: Por he drew fystem suffers in consequence having commed to de ww \ A Gre AVERY BODY SAY S507 wid isi ai must be | M4 dh almost aniuibilaces time and distance. by the okens ofa Koave Cont [England Farmer, speaking ou the sub- Gen; Congress having prouibited it and \ lentorced the prolibition by penalties; the Supreme Court of the Cnited States and Courts of the free States having recoguiz: the very extreme of the allied tines, Gra ject says: Any person whose attention has been called to the subject, and who still per- sists in the use of alight check rein, ought leadcra of men willing to lt their xipe) ware 5 5 | rivera do ther thinking for them, Wivatl et jast found. an eon trow Pe RG PEER E ribaldi had entered the town of Gravello The English on Barnum.—Vristolians have received an Apostle of Humbug, and park him well for bis impo fener. a nae the Predmontese side of the Lake p wreater absurdity could be found in po a Mayeiere, which separates Wdmone Vocal organizations, than a anion af lew: | ed and acquiesced in such legislative : speed of ite trains, which, aw they thunder along) ; Ae 1 gis e pro through hills aud over the plains and valleys, drawing tA Tat ool ; ; . : hibition aud punishment, if > due faicause voce ad inedee= frou Lombardy, with 6.000 men, Intend ! EE TOU c Wo the question ' aut rt ' Irofessitag to suppe a vave his ow Mi acitnilar position : their Long lengths and enormous freight, the gapin CoM are S ders ofa party professing to opport De lpi ian wie babtises lies, excises feand to have bis own head in asst ! | is not tus put beyopd the reach of the Billons attacks «> coed and, what tug Coo adware 1M the Austrian doting t q t i ‘. v Sua ue 3 that hieh he las ecrucily subpected roan’ one s word stand wad look —they can't help—with wouder | reve : the occasional use of the ie ; mocratic principles, with the Jesus and) ot toasts of eniming—who insults como? RNS XATDIRERRE is ME hee } private personal views of judges, and if | ie AES. INA) th rea ely lee anKo Rater: P f : d watats 1 Inw— tn sults cn ve ; Sane sonal Vi udves, and delyhi; and then itis they are Wont te ery ou in ee 1 In or to kindle the flame of trevor iijeste of the Romie Chori? Tt ina il ce the horse. If I were the Grand Sultan, cay 1 yssess judicial discretion or pow Great tastitutvon. People weed to sy that such an sida Ga ete Thome aie tron iaetive eM itzer iti we pinon sense Whilst he trades npou curiost é ; Wiis ncuitlens cone Possess JUUICLE vue power erirng N ee se a i: Winer of two extremes ; and yet the De \ . : Ceciy THAnewlio COFMeNts Ws NUTSe WIC en ace locan tlelmntianteorthermnd such a mau ‘us @ (eam Ip heswereitteat ae poli reining, prevena NIGM(e) Gy rt revolwtinnaty Mmvelients ane : tv—who thnves by ingennity without 4 i Eee he authority of (heir indi- c ary aye a ce > hould hold his arms at right ' ; ticied, es a lawyers MPleech ety ge Ine renelt oe right, longens the bowels \ mecratic party for years past, owes MS) Ceaites and audacity without shame check rein, should hy : 2 vidnal opinions, this unbroken current of a iS reanive TaL niente. oA. Uwenens. ceported in Lombardy, and no doubt the A . cle t] ody, for an hour at a é tradesman. he wae sure lo receive (his distinvniehing | eal Crick J ne power iu thes couutey to the tithaence of | luis aanidles ea? oa Hit, cee angles with lis b vndyv, f roan uri lecisions and this acquiescence of the appeliation. A gue! amin these tines, wae, pet Kael apron felsw Swiss strongly syinpathise with the revo: the priests of this intolerant and despotic. | 4 im} vee tar, five, once in twenty-tour lives, as iene arte anon ei ; ' eu. t rince the Tre : eee Sa Lees . omest 8 sillities.-— OARS ‘saneer / ; ttes os the hion, abd chanve 2 set- haps, more (he pride of wnen, than eines the Trov - aoe Ittonists against their ancientenemy the tot aceti Pb) Jeg Mone vomesty as sillin Who assnimes a 2erin | ye tinaed the use of the cheek rei, 4) ae : Ls re set- Hom came upen the world’s grat Kray sue he | d le Wabon a ptt cary Mane of Moagyelanes Game aa oa) oss sete a of Tascality to exist dno every tae 1 ' a cinrenie am he (aan ' nrerpretation of the Constitution of canes Me nave note a aa ol v4 i re care for Cholera “ Ata sre ( 2 cast, anon clementof folly to attach pe eS : e tue [ ed States, then there is no limit POUR ate Seca UR ‘ttle ‘ IEE OM Urey Ga) WASB is De | ‘ team horses. by means of this pernielomts yo pestraint upon Judves making, at in considertag these compirsons io there applicator one lant MiLfrUnt cranneel THE EARLIER TE PAST toevery human watid—w hose oe spel cou OWE nly moody Sea pote ined restyalt | _ wes making, a to nen, we bold that there are seme men who res 1 | - ec haika = ade dhiiaeee mont any time, and under any circumstance From this news it would seem that the 1 sists in the philosophy of domo an | my m : Sf COREA USE, 1 5 aff, endeavoring to expenc strength, needs |) , far above even the Great Institution. Take for in | (ine dose taken a aliort \ : : : Salant seed Tu youth the affections are most ardent. avoiding being done” —whose protits endeavoring to expen | his stre nab, their own individual opinions the arbitra- stance Ex. Gov, Mongiman, whore mental strengt! | enn inthe appetite and makes Ausrians are now nearly driven back [pis jecuuarly the season of love. ‘The ey the free, natural use of bis head and neck. Our dose often repented and moral power, put inte aperacion the great forces Thera in ite worst forms which heaved out the earth from the deep “cute” | and filed up the raving and valleys from Charlotte te | ry imerpreters of the Constitution, VII. Whatever ditherences of opinion nay bow existin the public mind as to overt! are increased by the profession of his Treing inte ther own territory, whither the Freneh would be sure to tol ~ The cramping position now enforced is young are capable of the strongest: and tion alike severe and injurious to horses, and inost self-sacriticing affection. The strong tricks, and whose dectrives are ther selves only new tricks, to augment his F ‘ AN F O R D ’ S . . 7 Wee ‘ i - low them, , 3k ease till s i Goldsbore’, and mads che hich wv. geth all ios op Dropay, by exciting the ‘ re ' , estappeals of Christianity are made too weatits—this being las been amon us— imoany business, should beeased off t the power of Congress to punish rescuers pendages, We might instance others, many allem | eT Noes ting this meds General Gvulai had removed his head the atfections The only word which Rind 7 a - nature is at free play. is provided in the acts of 1748 and 1850, : ake ploasere in this medicine hey : ; ee “ae eee 3 as provide he ac t 85 who rive above them; bar let ic suffier there ure preventive ror Fe e Chin. Fe quarters back to Grarlasen, almost on the ran, Ae a pe bas publicly extibited tim elf like one of } 4 ols td ANC 00, other men whose modesty will net alow them to ae a Type. 1 ope a? fieentioe of femmilncdne ond AD suis up the whole of piety is deve. There: ig own uiousters las made his body, is! see no seh vital blow is given either to con- 7 . . willug to testify tw iw very ontier ¢ somrbardy, ane t : t AS oe . pire to any thing beyond — For oursel we ure per 1 Va . jee : : fore, youth is the best sgasen for com) oul, his hardened conscience, and his ie Strongest Man in the Worl 1. ~The Bog. stitutional 1 s or State sovereignty by feetly content to be wecounied like the Great fnsti- ALL who use 1€ are giving their unanimous straight line between Alessandria and rere Rae eS J : ip 3 : . ‘ 2 thie MOLIUnE tinaincel mencing a life of t , ( } tution | setampeny 1m tte re: Milan. [tis quite evident that the Aas i eae na once noutnions life the various commodities|ton Atlas bas the following concerning \ onaress, thas enacting a law tu punist | aa Mix W In the mouth with the Invie 1/9: : : ( » hope . rich t. | : : : ch evilati fine C ; Pile Gentlemen, let as reason together on this eubject gorator, and See etebcakiteaceher ine it tans are gradualiy retreating to their noyouth the deopes are most bright. in a market where every purchaser must one Dr. George B. Winship, of thateity sa violation of the Constitution of the S : Phen the tuture is adorned! with the st . : ' we Ha | ty cay . : ive ]) State ‘ Smt P this C } T T (@) ir I >) I 1 NY eh THBSLIVERT IN VIGOR ATOR any [rtrongherds. The Austrian Gener ul as ean aati ae ee i . ie rthe most’ Gea tool to be swindled, ora regue am Dr. W. bas tor several years give mb h ates, a8 to de mand of this Court th Ey m 4 Z : n y brilliant attractions, and Christianity pre | jitious to excel in the art of swindling. attention to the subject of physical edu- ganization of resistance, ii, after working cures, almoat ton great_to believe It cures aa if by if desperate, Hal vordered) the Sandiniane : : ree For nearly pineteen centuries the Sermon cation, He is twenty-five years of age, Tian six years of acquiescence by jto give up their aris on pai of being can't he heat in selling CLOTHING. Hie Coats, and Ponts sents the most gorgeous scenes in glow AN S ~ rek-Tiee; Hats, Caps, Boota and Sh canine din quality, neithe iy et tales wie! the result of a Diwcased Liver. lahis ne Paowee to the imaginations, to 1M oy the Mount las been the law of tie five feet seven inches in height, and partinents of He National and State ¢: eel) their Vike for ao Sittle money ac he he Ga «. then pase ou & BOTTLE pana . duc A lite oO LEE r Ne nee art etn . . i, Paces ' pe ermments 1 » rerofC ne HOFFLIN’S CLOTHING STORE hae become to be, to this whole SANFORD Liu piseroasuiss rec wey. New York. | Meantime, Prince Napolean was with Fuith i ce i i We) world’s commercial and social morality ¢ weighs one hundred and ais : ~ LaDREOILES TU Ke PKG Get region of country, | Wholesale Agents: with is most confiding in youth. The) jy our day a new prophet has sprang up, pounds. He graduated at Cambridge tive vide tor the pmushinent of rescners ¢ ‘a force at Leghorn, im Tuscany. It was jrumored that st Eoglisi men-of war had entered the Adriatic, but as they are neu: Mtral, the news does net seem to be of much A Great and indispensible faatitution. young are trosting, ready to believe. Re- lyon demands Iinplicit fuith ; Youth most naturally and casily gives it, and is there fore the best season for commencing a| life of piety. The mind is most docile in youth. As! who tells us that to cheatis no iouger a years ago. He can raise a barrel ot flour caped slaves, that power is to be disch wickedness; that to lie is no longer acon- from the floor on to his shoulder; can ed, and all laws which may be passed \ y demned expedient ; that to gull the pub raise himself with either little finger, till CeO on this Buuicct trom bencetorih he is the beginning and end of all wis: hia chin is balf a foot above it; can raise ate to be persistently resisted and wulii- garments froin his Store. é ga gentieman wanta Ane and good COAT, or VEST. or se H Keveen, Pittsburgh 8 8 Ha HAT, aml few! be has need to make the best use of hin inouey ” retailed by al] Draggiste. iro by He goes to Horrin’s, of course. Horriix's Stock comprises BERN DE (OO) & KNNIoS, Salixbory, NOC i Hiportance, oven if trie. every thitg ofer Wis Spring and Summer sayply, ao ae , just received, -urpasees ull former purchases, and ia the Apr 12, 1859. by 16 \ 4 Look where you will, and you will see gentlemen wearing | | Austrian hosts. ),000 feet of lumber, He now [ c 0,000 matches daily, making andience should have been confined to could lift only 800. use of 500 feet of lumber. Tle uses 5 the ungodly speculators and undetected —_ ——__——- pounds of phosphorous daily, which is thieves of our neighborhood. If a Red- about the amonnt found in the bones of a path should stand ap to expound bis int- single horse, Tle has thns used up the quities, how many of our readers would skeletons of about 2,300 horses—a host of yo and pay a shilling to hear him ¢ Ita “matched” teams. No wonder that a harlot should come forward to recount It is the season of obedience. The un questioning obedience which God de inandy is most eastiy rendered in early life. The energies of youth are most active. Young bands for labor! Years deaden , Some years ago in the New Hampshire Legislature, a new member, some whit noted for * pumping thunder, made a speech. Tt waa upon a bill for taxing : , sex. bewan by s COMSe LFV ALOT : ie Seam the man eNoiiceters Mesalid and durntiey the lane . lvor of the French is the great and impor! ics advance, men become more and honorable than a poor houvest mao , that pat up adamb bell of 141 pos ir m 1 by the conservators of the public ef tore a eitcnaathes 7 SUSU ance s} recone ore ane 4 ‘ ae ae ane Fes A alls ve reace. mabe colre bet HOWPLAN Site hae de 6 Professional Card. Jtant fact, aud that against odds, which y a successful gambler is one Of nature's (rue ercises daily with two dumb bells weigh | € : | 8 the Store, thy GREAT INSTITUTION, in that line Catt. | . — | , 8 wit you, at the (~ CORNER OF @UE MAN R. ©. T. POWE may be found at . : oh) es a Ad ° yictory story over : ly >riOry. ' yore » hands 926 pounds dead weight, with... \ Repeal e April 5th, 1559 tf4n ae Professional bnsiness Bd2),Nov 1Sn8 jthem from victory to victory over the gud this is most easily given in frelrouan lying, perjary and fraud are the legin the hands ii ft ea Zz says that Wire, (susie, of Shel Monta flew sine — 4 ¢ l4 >i" la ae Pal , yr J ) JAS. T. PETTEWAY, | | 2 WILMINGTON, N.C, | The Administration journals throngh , 2 y | Cotton Bagying, Gaano, &e., &e | ; dhinye y ee FIR@T DOOR AROVE JONES’ HARDWARE stone. Seana mncelldiy) [irictany, anon We 2 Pin, the sin of kicking out of the party traces, K ; . . . . = “ . dyin 4 fs fied, the work of revolution should -not be i be ai oo sheet PiOkOry ; at ‘etible robber is more 200 pounds with either litve fingers can Le Be VE PLUS ULTRA in the Clothing line. The fancy and tnaty | By this arrival the first victory in fa dom; that an nudete , I can be enive lat HOPFLIN'S. He hag the Gove : 7 tore tenacious of thei Wh Views. 1 2 Share me eyi se prices, which distinguish his Store, und entitle it tobe regar shows that the Gauls have not degenern- ean , Oni ne ' ‘ ; nh ‘nobility; that a mammon worship is the Ing 100 pounds each, which he ee ral - oes ° ols. 4 ; 0 othe teac - . "i . ve his q -@¢ t . — ee ar wOPrLts Be eee sninibeec ai eaeeniocan ted since the time the elder Napoleon ted ing of the inspiration eicceunry to piety ‘true devotion and that hypocrisy, deceit, alternately above his head; can lift with) yyy, Making.—The Utica Herald ; rick Row, x Pnspird F : Mehdi ie mrouniuet. Vicloinmia youth jmate acts of worship. Many of our re-)out the aid of straps or belts of ae cae ner county, has made during the last NEW | inre dnviertenn Glen setter a PT ATT: jspectable and pions fellow-citizens went Topham, the strongest man of England. ciohteen vears 6,455,000,000 of matches, : . 0 2 i » e fk - ea e : . : . a pels 5 4H ft ‘ 1 i 7 | | Commission Merchant, PARTY SLAVERY la he alice should se ise aright?) 2 882 and hear this fonl-brained apostate could raise only 800 pounds in the same ging 14: Al ; ' | Te . nn ons ee an\al Lo ; ee ee of humanity. We are sorry for it. His, way: and the celebrated Belgian giant 1) apes 9, { v| bleae Aud Agent for Dawson's Line of Steamers, | Youth is most submedssive to authority. . ‘ : . r 3 sith ‘oO tthe country are busily engaged at this y ‘ u | Solicits Conmgnments, Naval Sto Corton, Corn, ou J yay F Try the New Grocery Store, | Flour and other Prodace. Ateo orders for Groceries, ine In representing the heinousness of pRest GROCERIES, every kind required for! Witmington, N.C.9 O. G. Parseley, Bag. Pres Com- ‘and refusing implicit obedience to the de- Family ase, shell be regularly supplied to our! mercial Bank; Dr Thor, Ho Wright, Pree Brinch crees of the rulers of the party. To ven- customers AT LOW RATES. for Casi. Groeenes Bank Cape Feary Bo P Hall, Pree Beech Bank’ tore to have an opinion different from 5 , 7 f horse starts at “the fizz which follows the can only be sold for Cash or Barter, ‘The profits are |g ps : Payettevile, NOC . the energies. Religion requires the ex 7 bank dividends, in which he attempted State, N.C; ToS. Latterloh, Beg. Faye ttevile, ae ee fed Ps ] areal 7 st : yank divi ; ” taprenrelll tors} Creait ban ices ey Cie US area | pil 26, 1F59 fois | Mr. Buchanan os heresy of the deepest: ortion of all oar energies to resist evil and her adventures, and to describe the arti to be. very pathetic in favor of widows Primitive sc rateh, BEARD & BROTHER. | ldye, andevery obstinate beretic is threat By Be : cles of paint, powder and pads—looka, mud I) April6, 1859 45 i ay) ap , ag . : ned tl vii | (yah tal hoger These are most active and most vil nd attire by which she had suc who owned bank stock : - -— . SKIDLITS I OWDERS. ened with condign punishment, Whe oasily diverted in youth. jsuniles, # } ! : “Yes, Mr. Speaker, he exclaimed with ‘i ihe op - ‘ . ses nit i eilcrealconen nats) OL Iel hand, those who put thete souls and poe judd, af) ‘iy fo ee Gated ceeded inentrapping her foolish vietims \ e8, Mrs} ; a faa Haw a Lady qot a Ring.—In New QO ‘i MOST useful Medicine in Dillons and other disenses ine i sjpudgmen youth is bes md to 4G 2 . Gt : “Nergy. ° weit ‘int nm fee fis Re ect arian , on DE ROSSET, BROWN & CO,, iA seal trearm climates, Prepared by W. Hf WYATT, consciences inty the keeping of the grand) yy), nee <i ‘ ; fs Ero , “Ty sr how many of the ladies of Bristol ana '™ pia eae t ‘ ane i ) ie York, lately, a lady on alighting from an tr cary, Ballabur : (amg 5 ypreciate the cla Wplety. ue: ‘ : . rw 0 ' » deat to nibus, made the na viseed WILMINGTON, N.C Driggist & Apothecary, Salisbury, N. ( [2un49 Ponti, and work gently in harness, are me a ran ; 1¢ : net ‘ J: K: real Clifton would be found to give her rye mene 10 ee te ' us bi . : i omnibus, made the unpleasant discovery - ica A ° . : y ent ¢ npenitent age is prepucioud, ane i - , ; : . a leries of her orphan clildren, would trp that her sg Ka Fe . wane BROWN DE ROSSET & CO Clothing, Clothing. | treated most benevolently, and promises piinded. and wat ved l ¢ a ’ , ence? Yet, we maintain that, in all es a . sn \ ret he ean aundnintall tual Her Purse WAS TMSS8ite 5 bat asecond . . : of rewards and honors are bouotifully > we BS ae sential respects, the advocate of hombay the widow,’ but before he could conclnded’ search resalted in bringing to light, a dia- NEWYORK. — Vow is the time to procure the most , . , Tbiay Three t | | fia fisies ) One who has long indulged and loved an 1 apologi ts of quackery is just ‘ec the sentence he we interrupted by 8 ond ting worth 8500, which had slipped igsi a ee wiven, o be shod aud confiding dupe : ; . on AIM ols ACKe a ’ : at ty: ‘ th Rod, wh t Commission Merchants. desirable CLOTHING in at wire working party leaders is ae oe A a tan ee: ian eee shametal, as dangerous, and as disgusting langh. Aston’shed, ont undaunte dy he trom the tinger of the thief while he was 17 Sole Agenis at Wilmington for Reese's Mani ; | » J Bre’® ted mind form a correct Judyinent of Che sey Nira nite ee Syrepy exclaimed with peotoun 1 feelings : ertormine the delicate operation of steal- palated Gaano, and W. Whitelock & Co.« Super the Murket. merit of a member of the Democratic Pilioreray Onn Ethiopian aie character as either of these. Sure ly Cech Te aaah anes deel \ at ( eop on of stea phosphate of Lime \ TFB have just received another large fot of Cloth: nacty 5 to dare to oppose any of their be e Nee et Lin tet” Ul Oy Bociety 18 bad enough, without the ad of, y , a BUD) : the purge, bays s Aes : A ! : = |e + ote . nes ¢ 43 a sandeo fed Uodakdatril pure Pernvinn and other Gunnos. ae as iret F oll ss s iN ae bests isto be guilty of unpardonable sin. a \ an : ‘4 Baa : a } he ur , this unnatural stimulus—this preposter- ae : canes . toy i sh 6 a Land Plaster, &e sentlemen wishing handsome Clothing should never , oe me ye who have been accustomed to at rely ane a = sav if it 1a not worse than stripping wt es r . 20 . CrAZY ne : ic Sanction Bristol Adv. A I i , : P OF Particular attention given to the aule of Naval buy before examining our stock, ae We agp Whi MY Re) GS Ce guts ae Ol Democ-erazy yi] fearn to do well. cusps Deen et jon this tax, and you drive the widow Arteaan W A gentleman writing Stores, Cotton and other Produce most choice Goods ever brought to this market and) meet in grand council, they nosually enon- 2 Maa on . F Peary ) Kv. says: : Aprit 19, 1859 oma at the lowest prices iate a code of principles whi h every See | to her last shift? Shouts of langhter tram Lonisville, Why. says: 9, 1859. ‘ 7 ek c 5 Pode ¢ rinciples which every | BROWN, COFFIN & MOCK We believe in aclean kitchen, @ neat jure petritied him in his place, and hi “Ainong those places of interest that T - 7 . srof the p lieve . yr Fi Oe ay ye : . Drs. M.WHITEHEAD &J.A.CALDWELL, = Salisbury, May 10h, 1859 1150 ne ee a ‘i see i bound i: bral ne Al A oe gee yatta N Me wife in it, a spinning piano, a clean cup- spoke no more during the seseion, have visited is the artesian well, which is and ewear by. iese principles are al- vigaile Centre, of Manchester, (N. 1h.) = . Pas AVE ansociated the res in th tice of Medict o~ *) y . i ey ‘ : lear cunactence, dut r 2.000 feet deep, and throws up 2 ad seer ikeir Bote to Lectsicen ve iketpablles Thies 2), AN R R ELS ways worded as carefully as the predic- committed suicide on Tuesday afternoon board, and a clear conscience B i fo 7 renhanened i 0 in il et Vere paerce epas ey ltieae have the services of both, in any case, without OF tions of a Delphic oracle, so that they last by swallowing stryclinine. It ap all that, we do not believe in a wite be “My lad,” said a traveller toa Nere et in height. rom the taste and emell of the water, I should jndge that in boring they had tapped the inain sower of his Satanic Majesty's do minions.” may be interpreted to suit the prejudices pears that just previous to swallowing ing a drudge, for which there is no occa hoy whom he met, clothed in pants and J at : f ull sections, and be ‘ SCasIONns 4 ; sled wi Ty Dy ! t »emall jacket, bat without a very necessa SPRING BONNETS, GARBES just received and for ale of a i al . nd to all occasions the drug she had qnarrel d with her hus- gion, a8 everything vas its proper time an in et, In it : ve I SPRING MANTLES ow by which may arise. As this time, there band, and when the poison commenced and place, political economy studied more | ry article of apparel, “my dad where SPRING SII AWI SPRAGUE RBRO’S, {are two factions of the sham-Democratic its deadly work, made frantic appeals to by the sex, and folly and fashion totally |your shirt?’ : , ay A 29 EF Ofice—the same occupied at preeeril) Dr Wairenm ap es | s New Crop New Orleans Mo- Jost received at = McNEELY & YOUNG'SS Salisbury,Dec. 13, 1858 party, each claiming to be the supporter be saved. Physicians were sent for, but! ignored. i 2 Mammy’s washing it ——- Mar. 22. 443. | 50.000 Brick For Sale. of the Cincinnati platform. Mr. Buch-!too late. Mer convulsive screams and : ie Have you no other! . tae There is to be Gas in Fayetteville, — y aan gives the squatter sovereignty doc-|writhings are described as being most The parent who would train up achild| ‘ No other?” exclaimed the archin in! Messrs. Waterhouse & Bowes have the MARRIAGE LICENS | io weanling edd Aidt o arety Thousend trine of that programme, a Southern in-| terrible, and her pleadings for life, of the|in the way he should go, must go the way |surpriee, “ would you wanta boy to have | contract for erecting the Works, and are FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE ome Meron’ fsa BI Tool S yo terpretation, and as he assumes to be the| most heart-rending character. |he woald train op his child in. a thousand shirts?” \to furnish Gas at &6 per Abourand From the Iredell Express. were exti by the revolntion. - It A CAVIL Wuueeow ae TAYLORSVILLE. | wen under , Charles If. and James was'a Convention of the slaveholders of The candidates for Congress in the 6th | District, Messrs. Leach and Scales, met, in Taylorsville on Taesday of last week. {cession of William III. the debt was this, certain of our cotemporaries at the AJarge throng of people was present to, h Sem. Senet Leach led off in an} el@juent and effective address, replete | with logical argument and biting sarcasm, | upén the administration of James Buch-| anan and the corruptions of Locofoco politicians in general, in which he impli- cated Mr. Scales, for the usual support which be had given the President, as we!! wr several of his votes in Congress, whieh votes, Gen. Leach showed, were al- ways against the interests of Vurth Cure dina. The corruptions of the President and his party, were proved by documen tary evidence put forth by authority of Congress, and by declarations made by several prominent Democrats and Demo- cratic newspapers, as Soule, Toombs, Gar- nett, Wise, Foote, Davis, the Richmond Enquirer, Washington States, and other Democratic sheets in the South, not ena- merating several papers published at the North by Democratic editors. General Leach appealed to no Whig authority to prove thése charges, but used the testi- mony of Democrats themselves to fix guilt upon the party in power. We have never known a speaker to exercise a grea- ter influence over the minds of his hear- ers, Or win more approbation by an array of facts pressed upon their minds by his zeal and eloquence. He was listened to by the large assembly with profound at- tention, lost to those who heard him, most of whom were of the honest, hard-working De- mocracy of Alexander, who had left their crops at a busy season of the year to go and hear the truth proclaimed, as it was never better told. Mr. Scales followed with the usual speech against Know-Nothingism, Abo- litionism, the old United States Bank, the the Bankrupt Law of 1850, and perhaps other obsolete matters, most of them be- ing dead and buried twenty years ago & more, and having not the least bearing upon, or pertinency to, the issues involv- ed in this canvass. What, for instance, has Know-Nothingism to do with Mr. Bachanan’s spendthrift administration ¢ What bas abolitionisin (except that the President be an abolitionist) to do with Mr. Bachanan’s squandering the public moneys apon favorities and politicians { What has the old United States Dank (which has been defunct so long that it has no place in the recollection of some men) to do with Mr. Duchauan’s Pacitic Railroad, which would tax the people indred’s of millions to build, and theu be «no practical utiity? What has any cf tu se defunct issues of a by-gone age tu vo with the thirty million project to buy Caba, when two handred millions! What! woald not make the purchase ? have all of these to do with the Mexican Protectorate {The power to declare war against nations with whom we are at peace? The veto of the agricnitural bill? The old soldiers’ pension bill?—not to men tion a maltitade of other astounding mea sures{ Above all, what have these de- funet issues, which Mr. Seales makes the burden of his song upon every stump, to do with Mr. Buchanan’s expenditure of nigh one hundred millions of dollars per year to carry on the Government, when tifty millions economically applied would be amply sufficient, as asserted by several of the best iuformed Democrats in the country? In all this it was evident that Mr. Scales, with all bis shrewdness, failed to make a single point for himself in the discussion ; fur the measures of the ad- Ministration were as indefensible, and the people knew it, as were lis own votes in Congress. Mr. Scales said that, although Donglas is not his first cluice, yet he should vote for him ifhe be the nominee of the Charles- ton Convention! or he would support the nominee of that convention, whvever he might be. This is what we woald term selling one’s self to the Evil One a little in advance ; for how can Mr. Scales con- jecture who the convention will nominate —perhaps James Buchanan, whose ai- ministration even Mr. Scales, in some of its parts, now pretends to condemn, when he sees it is unpopular with the people. In summing up the effect of the debate upon the minds of the audience at the conclusion, there could be no mistaking favorable impression made by Gen. Leach, not sv much by his eloquence, (he being out of voice from a severe cold,) but by the subject matter of his address and the vital traths which he proclaimed, that held spell-bound the attention of his hear- | era. Gen. Leach is doing his whole duty in the canvass for the triumph of correct He is fighting their ir omical administration of bic nal Government, whether they be Whigs or I iwoerats. Reform iu the Government should be- gio by sending good and true men to Con- gress—ien who wil! not barter principle for spoils—who will not sell a country’s birth-right for a plate of Treasary pap. | The people can retorm their rulers if they will; but they can do it only through the ballot box. Their country, their families, and their lionor demand this of them. | Cast off the shackles of party and stand by your country! Unite with the Oppo- sition, be you Whig or Democrat, and all will be well. “WHAT ARE CONSOLS. This yuestion may be worth answering | at present, when every one is looking with interest to the commercial status of Great Britain. A rise or fall in *Coneols” is in- variably taken as a sign of commercial prosperity or adversity, yet few have a very definite idea of what is meant by, *Consols.” We find in the Boston Herald the following explanation of the term : *It is not expected that everybody should know what Consols are, or if they do, that they should constantly bear in mind what an important element they are jo the affairs of Great Britain. We pro-| pose to make a single explanation as to! their importance, by remarking that a) permaneut fall of one per cent, involves & lose t holders of, in round numbers, i anillions of dollars. a” national debt of England began | With the relingnishment of the old ens- | i gz from isl asp Alea sub- wing therefor to meet pub- tie Oharles I. borrowed | ly from his patizans; but all his de ‘ 1 not a sentence seemed to be| I. that the foundation of a debt were laid-in England. rmanent n the ac-| £664,268. Daring his reign, however, | the system ef expdit wasexpanded throagh- out Europe.- 94 large partof the annual expenditure of the government was de-| \frayed by bortowing mouey and pledging the State to pay anoual interest upon it. At William’s death the debt was £15,- 730,439. From his time to the present the process of borrowing has been con- tinued in all exigencies, sach as war, the large payment cn account of Negro Eman- cipation, &e. In periods of peace und when the rate of interest has been low, the government has redeemed small por- ; tions of the debt, or has lowered the an- nual charge by reducing, with the cou- sent of the holders, the rate of mterest. “The debt then, consists of several spe- cies of loans or fuuds, with different de- nominations, which have been, in pro- cess of time, variously mixed and min- gled, such as Consoles, ¢. ¢., several ditfer- ent luans consolidated in one stock, 3 per cents, &c. The public debt continued to increase, until gf the accession of George I, in 1714, it was £54,145,353. Some two millions was paid off during this reign, but during that of his successor it | Was greatly inereased—so that in 1763 it | had reached the sum of £138,865,430. | | During the peage troin 1763 to 1775, ten ‘millions were paidy bat at the conclusion ‘of the American nevolution it was £249,- 351,628. | In the peace which ensured from | | 1784 to 1793, ten and ahalf millions were paid. Then‘eame the great moral and! political revolution of Europe, in the course of which England sided with des- potism. She fomented quarrels, caused coalition after cvalition to be formed, spent more freely to uphold every absolutist, | subsidized every despot, and was the per- sistent enemy of the people. During this jinsane career she contracted an increase | We have said that, properly speaking, the Democrati¢e party exists only at the South. Ithas expired at the North. To South, raise a cavil, They » look at Pennsylvania ahd Connecticut and Rhode Island, in the late elections ; did not the democratic party gallantly battle with the Black Republicans? and, although beaten, are they not Democrats and mem- bers of the Democratic party ? We answer: Jirst—they are not Dem- ocrats, in the proper meaning of the term, | importing principles. With scarcely any | exceptions they are protective tariff men. | During the last Congress their represen- tatives co-operated with the black Repub- | licans to obtain increased protection to} Northern manofacturers, by modifications of the tariff; and during the last Fall! elections, their candidates openly pro-! claim themselves in favor of the same policy. Now, has the Democratic party | any principle in the great vital matter of taxation? If it las, then those only are Democrats who support its principles. —| We contend that taxes laid for revenne only, is the principle of the Democratic party. If any protection to any branch of industry follows, well and good. But) in laying the duties by the tariff, revenue is the only constitutional consideration. which can govern the imposition, This} is not the creed of these misnamed Det-| ocrats. importations from foreign nations, in or- | ‘der that the Northern inavufacture should | be substituted in their stead, in the con- sumption of the people. Democrats alore are reliable alone to sup- CAROLINA WATCHMAN, Maryland met at Baltimore, on the ninth of June, for the purpose of devising a nan AG to P sod hed it the Many of the ablest men of the State were in attendance. They made the necessary arrangements to send up a strong memo- their wishes; and with the prevailing public opinion, that itis absolutely neces- sary to take the subject in hand, there is little doubt but laws will be passed to accomplish the objects sought by the Convention. TUESDAY EVENING, JUNE 21, 1859. Ee * Ansonian,” a writer in the Wades- borough Argus, says politics caused the suspen- siou (and probable termination) of the exercisgs of Carolina Female College. Partyism, or poli- ics, Lave destroyed many wise and good iusti- tutions. Partyisin is now working on the vitals of the State University, and like au exhilirating poison, its effects ve mae visible, —+ytome We find in the Npw York Day Book, of June Their primary object is the ex-) 11th, a letter purporting to have been written clusion of revenue, by a prohibition of | by some one in the Guilford Congressional dis- trict, who represents himself as an out-spoken | preacher of abc itionism; and says, that although The Southern |*°"° of bis friends were alarmed for his safety, he had no fear, and no reason to fear, that he : oo | Tull Oats.—We bave some tall oats—full | tive feet—and well headed. They are the pro- duct of Mr. M. Richwine’s farm. We have some Tall Wheat, also—six feet high. | This was ‘brought in by Mr. S. R. Harrison. I: is a fine specitnen. ‘There are twenty-six stocks from oue jryot, and a well filled head on each. These geutlemeno, formerly co-partners in merchandising, but both uow out of it, have met on a vew field of operations. If there is a con- test between them, it is one that pays. They lee wise Whose works praise them, | Speaking of Oats and Wheat, we are remind- led that harvest is at hand. The reapers are in (the Wheat, and we bear from all neighborhoods the most favorable accounts. Froin these we port the principles of the Detnodratic| would be molested ; but that in defiance of men | are led to believe the crop is far above an aver- 2 Convention of Slaveholders,—There |“ eral Assembly. plan to rid the State of free negroes and | « ipation of slaves.\‘* and the silly people of the seventh Con- rial to the next Legislature to carry out | I am the editor of the| earlier opinions, and will be encouraged by bis “ Wastern Senvinet : I, wp here near the jelection to resume them at the appropriate sea- “ mountains of North Carolina, get my |*on. His Democratic Free Soil brethren at the ‘share of the Esowry Murioms by adver- | North hail his victory with unalloyed pleasure. “ tising for lumber, &c., to be delivered! While the “ Liberator” and the “Post” in Philadelphia, New York and Boston, |thug rejoice, the North Corolina Demo- cratic papers hail Mr. Letcher’s victory “ gressional district in North Carolina asa triumph of their party, anda victory “have nominated some one unknowae to for Southern Rights, and a so doing em- i: us.” © ‘phatically prove the hollow-beartednesa Mr. Ashe is from the humble but re- | of their professed championship of the \spectable walks of life. He has the e8-| Sonth. jteein and affections of the people of whom| With a large and dominant party to jhe ig one, and with whom he is in all! choose a candidate from, the Democracy things identified in feeling, sentiment and of Virginia selected one whose election is sympathy. And we venture for him the claimed by the Free Soilers and Aboli- opinion that should fortune ever smile on | tionists of this country as a triumph, and bim to the extent that she hason Mr. Al-' over whose election the Abolitionists and | Our neighbor of the Banner, employed | 4" anti-slavery Governor, that slaver: the same form of speech in referring to the nomination of Mr. Ask, and so the jas to the Sencdned editor, This is what the Abolitionists here and in Europe will say. But they will not be content with talking. The result in | Virginia will add fuel to the fire of Abo- lition zeal in this country and in Europe. | Renewed and tremendous efforts in fe : jlalf of the Abolition cause will be made, | Sag" “Tar River” won a match race,!and if the institution of slavery is impe- over the Long Island course, on the 17th, rilled more than ever it was before, and if, in consequence, the Union of the States is more endangered than ever it was be- fore, upon the State Rights and proslave- ry Democracy will rest the responsibility for the condition of things. —Jeal. Peg. | (2?~ There is a decline in the price of ‘breadstuffs, North, as reported by tele- graph. Flour, $7v.10 a $7.40, per bbl. - —- — Purse, $5,000 aside. From the Hillsborough Recorder. INTEGRITY OF PRINCIPLE. “ Men change, but principles are eter- nal,” is an axiom oft repeated by our party. and devils he would persevere in bis work. He! age one. The grain is round and: beavy, and Again: Is there no principle in the! alludes to several persons, and calls the uame of | the straw clean and bright. The Oats crop is yr dedeliar sab lid alan a taxes | Jouw A. Gitaxk, who, he says, has a copy of) not so fair, but another rain may bring it up. a y 0 y the Federa Government? Are internal improve-| Helfer’s “ Crids’—intending to be understood} We had that rain on Suuday night. ments a legitimate object of expenditure?” abel adliay Mer geatratien ameceg his, Teendly We maintain that they are not. Five, re elpers i work of a ism. == . i helpers in the work of abolitionism tf Tire English press, some of them, : : reagal jot debt exceeding six hundred millions | })emocratic Presidents have vetoed bills! jsterling, so that at the close of the war, | for internal improvements passed by Con- jand when the English and Irish Excheq-| press. Do not the Northern representa: }uers were consolidated, the totai funded The Day Beok intimates a doubt as to the : : é : are denouncing Kossuth, who, they say, is genuineness ofthis letter, which appeared, orig: | : : : : i rather tardy in taking advantage of the inally, in the sosfon (abolition) Tract Journal, | . : . : . |war with Austria, to strike a Llow for the wordy politicians ; and we suppose there is truth in it, for we have seen it illastra- ted pretty forcibly in not a few instances which have come under our observation. We do not intepu writing an essay on this subject at present, but merely lance ata | inatter which lies on its outskirts. The principles involved in the follow- ing resolution, adopted by the recent De- mocratic Convention at Gralam, have From the Raleigh Register. To defeat the Democrats, the Register, seeing the impossibility of accomplishing its object in any other way, is trying to “move Heaven and earth” to commit the government of the United Suites to the vile hands of the Black Republi- cans,— Salisbury Banner. | The above gem is from the Salisbury | Banner, a paper which is rejoicing with exceeding great Joy” over the election ,and unfunded debt, in 1517, was £340,- | 350,941, and the annual charge upon it was £52,U15,041. | “From that time to 1854, there was a} continual reduction of debt. On the Ist of April 1554, it was £760,644,249. But; then came the Crimean war, aud after- wards the war of India. Immediately following these came the necessity for increased expenses in placing the Navy and Army in preparation for a general | European war. The Crimean and Indian wars lave ivcreased the debt more than! all the reductions which were made du- jring furty years, and to-day it cannot be, {less than £35U,000,000. ‘This vast sum redaced to dollars, is four thonsand two hundred millions, most | of which is consols, bearing interest at, |three per cent. The ordinary price of, the three per cents is 95, becanse people | jinvesting at such a low rate will not pay par when money is worth a higher per, centage. The last news is that consols had fallen to 89 and 90. This fall is equal to two years interest on four thousand jmillion dollars. If holders were obliged | jto sell now, the aggregate loss would be $240,000,000. As it is, only those who tives of the Democratic party support ineasures of ivternal improvements in Congress¢ If they do, then they are not | Democrats. Again: Is not the decision in the Dred Scott case not only the law of the land, but the creed of the Democratic party, and is not Congress bound to enforce its principles? Yet does not the whole Nor- thern wing of the Democratic party open- ly proclaim that they will not enforce its mrinciples? According to the decision of the Dred Scott case, Congress is bound to protect slavery in vur territories, like any other property. But these Demo- crats declare that this would be slavery extension, which they will not do. Now, in these cases, one of two things is true, with respect to Northern Demo- crats. They are either no Democrats, or they are traitors to the Democratic party. It they are no Democrats, then there is no Democratic party at the North; and if they ure traitors, they ought to be cast out of it—and then there is no Democra- tic party of the North. In either alter- native, are we not right in maintaining | that the Democratic party exists ovly at at the South ? Will not our contemporaries of the without a sigmture; and says, “if ts not alto yether improbcble that tt was manufactured for effect.” For “effect” in what direction? To promote the abolition cause, we suppose is meant by the Day Book. And yet the Day Book is a demo- cratic paper, and knows, very well, that Mr. Gitmek is an old conservative Whiz, and candi date for Congress, aud is a piercing thorn in the | side of demowacy in North Carolina, the Day Bove lave two objects in’ view, in re- publishing this anonymous letter, to wit: to show the South what was being done (/) in the j Guilford distret to abolitionise the people; and | ulso, to stigmntise Mr. Gitwer and defeat bin, if possible. We honestly believe that the inaio object of that etter, was to affect: Mr. Gitmer’s | election. It is a tissue of lies, from beginoing to end, and could have been intended for po other purpose, unless it be from the pen of that vilest of createres, //e/rer, who, still bent on making money employs this mode to keep his | lying book, the * Crisis,” before the public. —- ~ FEducationa! Convention.—The State Educational Convention met at New- Did not} independence of Hungary. They inti- | mate that he'would rather stay in Eng- land, and deliver impertinent lectures ex- plaining the part that the English should ‘take in the great European wars than put himself in the dust and dangers of the conflict. Attempted Robhery.—We learn from the Wilmington papers, that a bold at- (tempt was made, in that city, a few mghts hago, by two villains, to rob astore. They effected an entrance, and carried out a /number of articles of more or less value. Pe » | Bat they were discovered, and were fi- lnally arrested—brought down out of a barn loft, where, being hard pressed, they sought to conceal themselves. They tired ‘several shots at persons attempting to dis- lodge them from their place of conceal jtnent, one shot passing throngh the hand jof a seaman who volunteered to enter the loft. - Payine ork tur Minnpsora at Boston. been repeated trom year to year, and Yf@ man to the Goveruorship of the larg- formed a prominent feature in the Dem- | © slaveholdiug State iu the Union, who ocratic platform for twenty or thirty years, eleven years ago, and when at inatare and we suppose, therefore, are to be con *8®) endorsed and circulated the opinion sidered as fixed and “eternal,” at least so, {hat slavery was a curse—a political yel- (ion res GIO. EMIS? 13 ConeenaLeL: low fever and black vomit, and who owes vlution is worded as follows: his ene te sae ate Ported Vue the puis Inductee te) eee ee Ny ia | western Virginia. Such being the fact, cotmipen property of all the States, should bel eae oly OEtRAd niURtiattherchar etd by the general yoverpment, and their pro | es . j aaa xe ceeds strictly apphed to meet and defray the AEAINSE Us Coles CA Pee bers good common charge and expenditure of the govern perace from the Salisbury Banner. tocnt, and we are oppused to their distribution | among the several States, as well as any policy| © North Carolina Bonds.—The Public Treasu- by which one State is favored at the expeuse of rer, says the Fayetteville Observer, advertises another, or by which the lands are squandered | fur sale $200,000 of N. ©. Bonds, under the act Ou pet corporations or particular States. ‘providing for the payment of the State's imme- Under this declaration of principle in ‘Hate labilities, These Bonds are issued io regard to the disposition of the public S¥l% of $1000, 8500, 8200, or 8100, as purcha- lands, men have been elected and sent to|* jay desire; the larger sume for thirty Congress, supposed to be pledied Aniteeny ee smaller for ten years. Bids received forin their action to the spirit’ of the res- CCRC) Ws USER olution. ~_— But when these Democratic members| The grand jury of Wasbington has found a are assembled at Washington, what prin- | true bill against Mr. Seaman, ex-superintendent jciple prevails? Are the public ladds of public printing, for malfeasance in office. | held as the “common property of all the | States,” and “their proceeds strictly ap-, SUPPOSED SLAVER. | plied to meet and defray the common The res |have money engagements, and must sell press vow understand us, and insert this |out to meet them will be losers. Alrea- | explanation !—especially the New Or- —The crew of the frigate Minnesota,! charge and expenditare of the Govern- Sit Benes dE Nee bern, on the 14th instant. The attend-| os nbering abont 600, were paid off last| Ment ¢” Ig no ‘one State favored at the} An arrival here reports that the bark Orion dy we hear of the failure of forty stock brokers of this class, and others will ful- low unless cousols improve.” MARYLAND SLAVEHOLDERS CONVEN- TION—REMOVALOF FREE NEGROES. Bartrmwore, June 9. The Slavebolders Convention met this morning. Iton. J. A. Pearce, submitted a majori- ty report from the committee. The reso- lutions concluding as follows: Resolved, That the Convention, con-! siders any measures for the general re-| inoval of free blacks from the State ot| Maryland i:mpolitic, inexpedient, and un-| called for by any public exigency which could justify it. Resolved, That the free negro popula- (tion should be well and throaghly con-| ‘trolled by ethcient laws, to the end that! it may be orderly, iudustrivus and pro-! ductive. | , Resolved, That for the purpose of di-| minishing, as far a8 possible the evils, ; which proceed froin the excessive and in- leans Bee.— Charleston Courier. oe ; : : |Swain, were there. We notice, in the! oe . i proceedings, the names of a considerable * 2 IE ‘, .is | . r aa ! THE POPE COMING. juumber of Western yentlemen. The, It has been svrmised, both in Europe! opening address was delivered by Rev. and the United States, that the Pope Baxter Clegg, of Olin. 55) Several other in- might be so embarrassed, if not endan- teresting addresses were delivered, during | gered, among his friends in Italy, that he the setting of the Convention, aad an might be constrained to make our coun- essay, by Mrs. Delia W. Jones, was read. | try his place of refuge. This we regard | The press was represented by Ww. W. ag an unlikely event, as he is little better, Holden, M.S. Sherwood, C. C. Cole, Mr. | than a etate prisoner. Ue loves Austria,) Yates, Mr. Lowring and Mr. Dunn. | and would willingly entrust his sacred} Immediately after the adjournment of person to his obedient servant, the empe-|the Convention, those visitors and del-, ror of that despotically governed country;|egates who desired it, were accommo- but the French emperor has the power! Gated with a train to visit Morehead and | to retain him where he is, or to dictate | Carolina Cities, Beaufort and Fort Ma-) the place to which he shall go. The ru- |con, on the shores of the Atlantic. Many | mor of an American visit has given rise | availed themselves of this opportunity, to ew esprit, which is! look, for the first time, on the heaving, | from a German paper, the Afdis, publish-| restless billows of old ocean—as impres- | to the following 7 ed in Milwaukie, Wisconsin. The humour sive a tight to those who bave never seen is rather broad, but it embodies the les-| it, as the towering mountains are to those creasing free negro class, policy of the) gon that if the Pope comes, it must be in’ who, for the first time, gaze upon the jance was large. Gov. Ellis, und Ex-Gov. | Friday, says the Boston Daily Advertiser, | rupees of another ?¢” the amount required being over $165,000, in sums varying from $200 tu $500. The gates were closed, and none bat those connected with the yard were allowed to enter until the men were paid off. crowd outside the walls was large. The streets were flanked with hacks and boarding house runners. Several philan- thropic individuals were inside the yard, land as the sailors entered, imparted wise counsel and encouraying words to save them from the pitfalls which surround thern. The crew as a whole are a noble set of fellows. number, lost the use of his right hand in practising with the guns, and his ship- mates contributed $475 to his relief. An- other pamed George Cummingham, now at the Chelsea Iospital, under treatment for an ulcerated ley, was presented witb a purse of $200 from the firemen’s gang. The foregoing atfurds a glimpse of the | eagerness manifested by city commnuni- tics, especially in the north, to get hold of persons who have money to spend. ieee . | € 1 ir S Pp rT 1 * Sailors have always been the easy vic-{li¢ domain to the new States, in direct The ! John Boles, one of their) Are none of the ‘lan@® “ squandered on pet corporations or particular States {” Tife answer can be found on the jour- nals of Congress. pear, that for more than a quarter of a century the interests of the old States have been continually sacrificed to satisfy the requirements of the new—that by every Congress that has assembled du ring that period, hundreds and thousands of acres of the public lands have been given as dovations to the new States—to rear their public edifices, to establish school-houses, endow colleges, to build brom them it will ap: | | bound to Conyou river, has been seized on sna- picion of being connected with the slave trade. | Captain Hanna died from grief, caused by the seizure of his vessel. | - ome 4th JULY CELEBRATION, CONCORD, N.C. | At a meeting of the citizens of Cabarrus, held in Concord, on the evening of the 4th of June, | : |inst., it was resolved to commemorate in an ay- | propriate manner, the ensuing Anniversary of To that end, the fol- | lowing persons were appointed a Committee of | American Independence. ‘railroads, to construct canals, to sustain Arangements, with full forms in the premises :— | asyluins, &e., ke. The effect of all this) John McDonald, Rufus Barringer, Dr. Jobo L. distinctly appears when we cast onr eyes! Henderson, Jeske I. Hodgens, J. L. Bundy, jover the tnap of the country. We see | Dr. James L. Gilmer, N.G. White, A. A. Smith- [railroads projecting in all directions, and) yogi TJs) connecting all important points, emigrants | hia Commilteeiow. beg leave tolenaodnoe flocking iu, and cities springing up as if! : ° their Report, as follows : ‘by magic ; and all in consequence of im-| RUFUS BARRINGER, Chm'n. President of the Day, Con. DANIEL COLEMAN, Vice Presidents, uno, and E.R. Harris. |provements which cost the people no | money. | Now these men, who go to Congress jand vote these large donations of the pab- State declared during the year 1831,) 4 private capacity.—LAil. Presbyterian. giant forms of the everlasting hills. should be reaffirmed, aud such amend- jments be made to that act as will give it jactive force and certain operation, and as , will either prohil)it emancipation altogeth- jer or compel the prompt removal from |the State, of those emancipated ; and that \the legislature should be asked to review | and amend the laws relating to free ne-| Mitwavkre, May 7, 1859. eR cay Canna To Pius Hequire, in Rome—With deep! New Filibustering Expedition—The emotion I Lave read in the papers that you are}. ~ ee y pe aa about to move, for the reason that the times are New York Zribune gives account of a) becoming daily worse and worse in the States| new filibustering expecition, which that} of the Church, and the Italians no longer have paper says is organizing under the name| any affection for you. A few days since, infor- | tims of city sharpers, who watch the ar- rival of every vessel for no other purpose than to play the agreeable to the “tars” until they have drained them of their wages. Our Southern country folks would look on snch a scene as this at Boston, with incredible surprise. They like to opposition to the letter and spirit of the resolution which we have quoted, when they return home are: greeted by their arty as just as good Democrats as ever. f PRINCIPLES never change, how can we account for this discrepancy in the action of the Democratic party? Is it because the ‘eternal principle” in this case con- | sista only in an uncompromising hostility | . Col. Joun Surxvocn, 3. Daxter Boorr, . E. B. Burns, 4. Dr. J. F. Guumgr. Wittiam M, Coceman— Orator, V. C. Barrincer—Reader of National De- claration, Wun: 8. Warrts—Reader of Mecklenburg Declaration, Rurus Barrincer— Chief Marshal, [< ) | ae 2 5 - ” mation was received here to the effect that you, of the “ Knights of the Golden Circle, we ICES, and to emancipation, 80 far Ge LO aft probably come to America, where the | jremedy all detects of a system which | ios are also bad, and many people have no| |time and experience have disclosed. employment. Though you will probably land | | Resolved, That a committee of be! in New York, I would recommend you by no ‘appointed to submit the views of the con-} means to stop there, but to come immediately vention ‘and to ask appropriate legisla- to the West. But don’t let yourself be swin-| tion by the General Assembly. dled in the ticket offices, but buy a genuine tick- | F. W. Jacobs of Worchester county, | et, and come by the way of Buffalo and Detroit | preseyted the views of a portion of the to Milwaukie. [I mean it well, and offer you a ‘minority, it being a written address go-, situation with me. J have had for several years \ing over the whole ground, detailing the | good lager-beer business, but am in need, how- grievances of the slave holders of Mary- ever, of a bar-keer of distinction. You can have |make money, it is true; but then toto Mr. Clay’s proposition to place all the| Maj. RUS. Young, Col. J. C. Barnhardt, Col. ‘stand waiting, outside of a wall, watch- | States upon an equality in relation to the | Geo. A. Propst, H.C. Howie, L. G. Heilig, J. ling for a chance to ‘come down” upon benefits resulting from the proceeds of |B. Atwell— Assistant Marshals. It is to consist of two le- gions, one in the United States, and one at Baltimore. in Cuba; each legion to consist of ten |the public lands? Such certainly appears |a fellow man with tempting offers of this | thing and that, presuming upon his ignor- ant simplicity, or upon their artfulness of address, &c., is alittle too low for the mor- al sense or pride of our people. ‘ Jack” could be paid off here, without any such tay” A writer in the last Raleigh Re-| ont-side pressure, and could go his way thousand men and their officers. The enlisted men will pursue their usual oc- cupations until November. It is probably a hoax. /- soe : to be the case on reviewing the history of the land question. | FREE SOILERS AND ABOLITION- ISTS JUBILANT. Aawe expected, the Free Soilers and Abolitionists of the North exult most tri- Dr. L. 8. Bingham, V. C. ‘Barringer, Dr. F. M. Henderson— Committee on Toasts, The Dinner will be served by Maj. R. W. Foard, at the Grove near the Lutheran Church. Invited Guests, Rowan Artillery, llornet's Nest Riflemen, Rowan Rifle Guard, jand, and. the ,ernicions influences of tree | begroes on the population generally. It) jadvoeates prohibition of emancipation, | |and the passage of laws for the gradual extinction of tree negroism. It alludes to | the tendency Of the Nurtliern and West- ern States to legislate against free hegroes, and the interference of the Methodist! Episcopal Church North in the inatter. | [tis very severe on the New York Chiris- | \tian Advocate, touching its strictures on | the Conventiun held at Cambridge, Mary- | laud, and for attempting to threaten with an ecclesiastical cowhide, the Methodists of Maryland if they countenanced the present movement. The mover of the minority report, a Methodist hiurself, re- pudiated in strong language any attempt at ecclesiastical interference with the do- , mestic institutions of the State. | employment from me as bar-keeper. 1 promise you twelve dollars per month, beer and cigars free, and every two weeks a free Sunday. Tele- graph me as svon as you arrive in New York. Your Most Obedient Servant, BartioLomaus ScuLuckrick. Beer House Keeper, (Forenoon Free Lunch.) Hydrophohia.— Auother rabid dog was fortunately slain yesterday, in this city. This is the third mad dog we have had occasion to refer to, all in a few days. Persons should not forget that every ninth year hydrophobia exists among dogs as gister, brings to light a few notable facts. He has been absent from the State for a number of years, and returning to Ita- leigh, rejoices to see the whig fires still burning, and laments over what he con- siders the degration of democracy, to wit : lthe organ of the party, the Standard, is edited by two renegade whigs; the Post- | Office is in the hands of renegade whigs ; ‘one of the U. S. Senators and the Senator | see in our mind’s eye a mock and bypo- such cheering news. His majority may be small, | from Wake, are renegade whigs,; the Sheriff and his deputy are renegade K. in peace, without being dogged for his money. . oe MEAN SPIRIT. The editor of the Western Sentine/, in speaking of Mr. Ashe, calls him “a Tho- {mas 8. Ashe”’—" one Thomas 8S. Ashe.” | This gives a true clue to the soul and a jritof Mr. Alspangh. He speaks of Mr. | Ashe as one never heard of before. We ‘critical mildness, whilst he was conceiv- jing this low, mean introdoctiop to his ‘readers of a gentleman well known Iredell Blues, Cabarrus Guard, Soldiers of the War of 1812, in Cabarrus, The Reverend Clergy of Cabarrus, The Presidents of N.C. d& W. N.C. R. Roads, The Corps Editorial of Charlotte and Saliv- nmphantly over the election of John Letcher to the Executive chair of the largest slaveholding State of the Union. Listen to two of the most prominent of the anti-slavery journals : From the Boston Liberator, May 30, '59. bury. Abolition Victory in the South.—The tele-| By a Reaolution of the Citizens, all places of graph informs us of the election of a Virgiuia | business will be closed, and all business suspend- Abolitionist to the office of chief magistrate of ed in the Town, from the hour of 1 1, 4. M. to the Old Dominion, We were not prepared for|3, 2. M. on that day. . LY Contributions to defray expenses will be left [but we have abundant cause to rejoice that) at ihe Store of J. II. Hodgens & Bro. where | slaveocracy is. on the wane in Virginia, and that lp 6 - Tickets to the I) a so large a portion of her people is imbued CHS ieaecaie aaa aes eon outs eeyy ee the invited guests, who will be furnished by : snes Kothings; the Clerk of the Federal Court Wye an epidemic, and this is the regular re- B85 +/thronghout the State; one, who, in the \ the principles of the early, and best, and purest | Marshal and bis Assistants, tarn of that period. In case any of our readers should be so unfortunate as to be remedy : and the Clerks of the Snperior and Coun-) Senate, has served the people of the State ‘ty Courts, are renegade whigs—and all) with marked ability ; who, by study, in- says this writer, that the democrats had of = good mind, hes justly acquired « vai | The very instant yon are bitten by a! Aer ng deat ery pt ee ty Rpaes anes : ~ | ligatare by means of the stick above the | tas Convention then adjourned, sine | wound ae tiglitly! aa youlean bear it and/ no men competent to fill these public) offices. 2 - - |high position in a learned profession, | and who is loved and respected by the | generons of all parties who know him. | If Mr. Alspaugh had supposed that any statesmen. The Governor elect lives among the | oe | Scotch Irish, in the heart of the State, and was | AT NIGHT ; . the ardent advocate, a few years ago, of the ab-| There will be a display of Pyrotechnics, a Bal- \bitten by a rabid dog, we will subjoin a this in a democratic county, only proves, dustry, and the laudable improvement of olition of slavery in Western Virginia. , loon Ascension, dc, de. dc. under the direc- From the New York Evening Post, (Democrauc ‘08 of Monsieur Growxr. Free Soil.) May 30, 1859. | The Chief Marshal will, in due time, issue a It fills us with joy to report the election of a I fogiamme of the Order of the Day. Democratic Free Soiler to the importang office Concord, June 16th, 1859. oe | Wisdom allows nothing to be good that | will not be so forever ; no inan to be hap- | | witbout any delay, cut out the parte bit-| ten, taking along with them a portion of | portions of the 6th Congressional district, | ortance to Mr. Ashe, unless ve signified the surrounding flesh. Then canterize | Leach is making the Scales fly off his an-\"''* contempt for him, he coulc : it is re- the wound or have spirite of turpentine | : spectfully sabmitted, have left his name freely poured over it. Supperation will| tagonist, and the people are opening their ou of his paper. He could have called what is within himself; no man to|soon follow from the consequent inflam- | °Y°* "pon the corrmptions of the demo-| him Thomas 8. Ashe, or Tom Ashe; or bes he that needs no other happiness | be at or powerfal, that is not master of himeelf. sipated.— Petersburg Int.. jg. cratic party, by whom their confidence he might have said, “J haye heen both mation, and all dreaded consequences dis- Ee becs Garay el, “Spelling and Reading Olerk of the Gen- (a™ We hare cheering accounts from notice from his pighness might add im- | | of Governor of Virginia. It justifies the policy | we have sustained, of refusing to join the Aboli- | ionists in invading the institutions of the South- jern States. With no agency of ours, the black wave is receding to the South, Mr. Letcher was an advocate of emancipation in Western Virginia some 10 or 12 years ago, and though driven by apparent policy to palter to Eastern Virginia, it is well known that he cherishes bis = Sensible Advioe.—It is said that when Sir G. Marray attempted to excuse him- self from taking office under the Dake of Wellington, on account of his inexperi- ence in public speaking, “ Poh, poh!” said the duke, “ do as ie ; Say what you think, and don’t quote Latin.” mB Pr e y a! oa -a -— — ON nb on Ds- le. he eri- h {” you we ‘ 3 5 po Me oe BE rs Ma Call at ROWAN COUNTY William Mardoch vs William R. Darby, ATTACHMENT. conceals biunself so that the ordinary process of law cannot be served on hin: Lt is, therefore, nnd adjadyed that publication be made in the Caro of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, at the next Court & William Murdoch, the the sume Wives ss, Jamex Bo Kerr, Clerk att sur said Court, at office, the first Mouday in May. A. D., the 83d yearuf our Tie nden JAMES E 50-6wd HARPERS’ MONTHLY and WEEKLY, J.H. ENNISS’ Book Srone SICKLES’ TRIAL, Complete, J.H. ENNISS’ Book Stone Office W. N.C. R. Road, Sanissury, June 13th, 1859. KERR, Clerk cana ae! a re ee, | COG eA by Te COTS Oi of op ney lO oF ty ME aU Stive pitoy e. For sale at Summer Arrangement. ( N und after Wednesday the (5th inst. a train of cars will leave Salisbury daily (Sunday's ex- cepted North Carolina Mail Train, carrying passengers and | the U.S. Mailtothe Catawba River, where it will | Coaches that will proceed directly Westward with a Great Storm in the led Sea.— Ae terrl: ble storm of thunder, lightning, and rain burst upon Aden on the night of the suth of April. It lasted in its full strength for three hours, and did yreat damage. Be- tween 20 and 30 persons were drowned in places where it was thought the water could never reach. One hundred and eighty seven stone houses were laid in ruins, nearly all the citizens destroyed, and great portions of the swept into the valleys. roads were We publish as a great curly the following chat acteristic letter, received by our fiend Dr. J.C. Aver of Lowell, Mass. from the Rebel Cinef,” or usurp ing Emperor of China, in acknowledginent for quants ties of his Cuemay Pecrorat and Cardanric the Doctor sent him Ritts, Sa present To Dr. Avena, in America— The great curing Barbarianof the outaide country Your present of sweet curing seeds Pulls, and fragrant caring drops, Pectoral of the Cherry smell, has been brought t) Huyweu-Teene— the might Bin- peror (Kwangwo) of the ternble siout Mong dynasty, by the grace of heaven revived atter an interval of agee—Prince of peace (Ta-ping- wang of China, the central flowery land. He directed lis powerful Man darines to give them to the sick according io what the Interpreters read from your printed papers (dier- trons.) Be profoundly happy, O wise Barbarian! for 1, Yang-eeu-Teing, say it. Your curing seeds and sweet cunng drops were yiven tothe sick in his Ar my of the Wioged-Sword, and have made them weil Be profoundly happy while you live for thls is known to the Mighty Emperag of China, who approves your skill, and permits you to send more of your canng medicimes for his fierce armies of inyriads of inen They may be given to Chiang Lin, Chief Manda rin of the Red Button at Shanghai, who will repay you with Tea or silk or Gold The high Mandarins of China, have heard of your great kaowledge, surpassing all oiher Foreigurrs, even aspinnug to equal the keen wisdom of our own healing teachers, who make remedies that cure in- etantly. We are glad to know you bow iu trembling terrur before var Mighty Emperor Written by YANG-SEL Minister-in chief of the restored Imperial nasty, destined by the heaveuly wi-d in China (Translated by the American Consulate, at Hong Kong, China, 3d May, 1555.) June2l-lind PStng, Ming Dy- mi to rule ID ICSE IDS Tn Rowan Co, on the 13th June NANCY R BECCA. infant daughter of J x AN M MeN: aged about 2 months This is the toart ld these afflicted parents have followed to the grave. The mother is now an inmate of the Lonatiw Asylum at Raleigh. The stricken Father is left with one little daugnter to comfort him, in his sad and desolate home “Tt is the Lord—should [ distrust, Or contradict his will, Who cannot do but what is just, And must be nyhteous still. V Com. *N_C. Presbyterian please copy NEW GROCERY DRY GOODS STORE! Notice to Close Cash Buyers. HE subscriber has just opened, in the Building on Main Street, (formerly occupied by W. J. Mills & Co.) with an entire NEW and EXTENSIVE STOCK of GROCERIES, HARDWARE, DRY GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES, TRUNKS, WOOD WARE, NOTIONS, &c., &e., to which he invites the attention of the public generally. His Stock consists of every article usually kept ina GENERAL STORE. Having purchased largely, he is determined to sell at PRICES which will command attention in the CHEAPEST MARKETS. His business will be conducted strictly on the CAST or READY Pay syateM, by which no bad debts are made, and can, therefore, afford to sell lower than the lowest. A Call is earnestly solicited before purchasing elsewherd at FRANKFORD'S. 27 No trouble to shew Goods All kinds of Country Produce bought. or taken in Exchange for Goods at CASH PRICES. Salisbury, June 2imt, 1459. tts State of North Carolina, ROWAN COUNTY Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, May Term, 1R59 Jacob C. Barnhardt, vs Tilman Austin ATTACHMENT. IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that the defeudant, Tilman Austin, has left the State or conceals himeeif 0 that the ordinary process of the law cannot be served on him: [t is therefore ordered and adjudged that publication be made in the (aroli- na Watchman for six successive weeks, notifying him to be and appear before the Justices of our Court, | of Pleas and Quarter Seasions, ut the next Court to be held for the Covnty of Rowan, at the Court House in Belisbury on the first Monday in Auguat next, | then and there to plead or replevy, otherwine judg ment will be taken by default againet him and the house and fot Jevied upon by virtue of this attachment told to satisfy the same Witness, James E. Kerr, Clerk of our said Court at office, the Ist Monday in May, A. D. 1859, and im the 83d year of our Independence. JAMES F. KERR, Clerk Pr's foe $5.50-6w4 MARRIAGE LICENSES FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICK great Cespatch Returning, the Train will leave the Catawba River at 5 o'clock, AM, after the arrival of the Western Coaches, and reach Salisbury Books for the People. ray tama | time to breakfast and connect with the INQUIRE WITHIN vor anynias. you want TO) NC) Mooi Frain gone Fant 500 Facts forth: People. WMlus-| cathe tankn of the | trated, Ling , 446 large pages, price &L 00] HHuquire Within’ is oue of the mos valuable and | Pr presetites to the kyow jor, Over 3 the Catawba River, the hompitable Mr Lewin in hin recently ereete {inausiou ik prepared te entertii the traveled public Amer (ie vousand Pacis extraoidinary Voluines ev chin Gale poesciipers pune Weal wil lage cau puble, and embodies wearily fou Salisbury i ihe ev and reach Asheville the next tu toost of winch any person hy Gis) UAW | shige, tk oy ora a INeW Wil leave, MGIC ton, aid, and eniertatoment Trguee Watton” lin ihe mierning aud arrive at Salisbury the next sold at the low price of one dollar, aed velit coataim: aoruing. and besides beng comfortably accommoda 436 pages of closely printed matter, aud is bandsomely | ied they will have an opportunity withiensiug # tid strongly bound PCis a Doctor, a Gardener 9) great variety of the beantiful aud picturesque ster, Dancing Master, an Vetistya Naturale | yi ay ‘ : od elen, wa Clo eLuwyer,asa ae, ne ‘Train w run acceding to the following Schedule a Chemut, « Cosmetienn Brewer, au uotaot, an Arehitect, @ or Writer,’ a PEAS AKLIV A AT. Hoyle” and a Universal Guide t kinds of Useful Py a EM Third Croek : nek 1 ri and Fancy Employment, Arausen ot aud Money iG ale Ae mnaking Besides all (his cuformats and we have RETURNING hot su idea of a bundre rirlofit—at ni to give he eo many valuable and usets! receipes, that Lea Catawha River "AM Statesville aaa) a Th 1 Creek % Creek, 6 Salisbury ry PANS: Bosc) FEN) Bs [te Eng. §& Superintendent us *." Raleigh Standard and Reg ster, and Newbern Progress, copy | raonth, and send bills to this office N. M. MARTIN, BRO. & CO. GROCERS AND COWMINSION ene MERCHANTS, cians Own Book.” No. 129, Sycamore Street. xilt mide stamp, pagent "| PETERSBU IiG, VA. ARRIVE AT anion of them requires aerenty-tire columus tat an enon of Nne type for the Index Por wale a JOU. ENNISS. Book Store. | THE SOCTABLE ; Home Amuarimente or, One Thousind and One| yuyu y Containing Acting Proverbs, Dramatic Ch crades, Acting Charades, or Drawing- Musical Barlesjues, ‘Tableaux Nivants, Parlor Games, Games of Acton, Forteits, Seence in Sport, aud Parlor Magic, room Pantomunes, and a choice | ou of cunous Mental and Mechanical Puz- Illustrated with nearly $00 engravings and diagrams, the whole being a fund of never-end | By the author of **The Magi- Nearly 400 p cloth, | i cal ales, Ke 4, 120 For sale at JH. ENNISS Book Store TIIE LAWS OF LOVE. GCralluntry I2Qino. Paper, AP cuenisen eee) 20 N. M. MARTIN, SON & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, UMOND, VA. M MARTIN, or | RO. TANNAHILL, pet, - > price 25 Contaimmag coneme roles for the conduct ofa court: | shop through tts entire progress, ane nema of love, 1 dispositions of wo- | tor love, and an Epswlary Code RIC For sale at. 3 H. ENNISS® Book Store. | GAMBLERS TRICKS WITH POSED ANTP EXPLAINED. By JH Garks, Reformed Gambler Paper, - - price ‘This work contacis one hundred treks with carc explained, and shows the numerous cheats w Gainbiers practice upon their unwary dupes. ‘T y the characte rean Hob. PLUMMER, No M. MARTIN, N CARDS EX RA. MAKTIN, w Ko MARTIN, 5 ; emo. J Strict personal attention given to the sale of 1 Orders for goods promptly filled. fy prodace Fisher, Es June 14, 1859 ly3 ‘ | For sale at | | EDGEWORTI J. H. ENNISS' Book Store THE MAGICTIAN'’S OWN BOOK. A complete RRUALR SRUTMARYT, Guide to the Art of Conjariug. being a Hand- Book Greensboro ’ N Cc ’ . . ; of Parlor Mugic, and containing several hundred amusing Magreal, Magnetical, Electrical, avd ‘THE nineteenth annual session of this Institatior Chemical Experiments, Astonishing ‘Trausinuts- wyifconiuenew on the 3rd of Augunt, 1859 tions, Wonderful Sieight of Hand and Card Trucks. py iMeananwelnlacntei matics Cunous and Perplexing Pazzles. Quaint and Enter MTN WENECRAA YC Cite complete, sulid taining ‘Preks and Questions in Nambers, Secret and ornamental education M Wriung Explained, Sievhts and Sabdeties ta Leger demain, &e., together with all the most noted ‘Tricks of Modern Performers, Dlustrated with over S00 wood engravings, Iu, cloth, gilt side and bank stamp, 400 pages, - - - = price l 00 . Phe etcte J. HL. ENNISS" Book Store TERMS: THE HARP OF A THOUSAND STRINGS.— | Board, including washing, lights, and fuel per By far the most amusing book of the age has just been insued by Messrs. Dick & Fitzgeratp, New York, and christianed “The Harp of a Thousand Stringe” Ttsie a compi ation of the beet hamerous Ets rp: trated by modern wit, jesterorcome alist Pheimin CRP ERENCE D. A. Davie, ¢ uniaitiated will stare when they here see how ensily they can be swindled by dealog, cutting, and shuf- fing curds, eCourse of study is embracing + The buildings are so ar- ranged as to combine the comforta of a home with the advantages of a SCHOOL. Instructora of the highest qualificauous are employed in each of the De- | partments. session of five months, &60.00 Tuition in the regular classes, . Poon Catalogues containing all nec. ary information ree- pecting the course of Tastraction, Terms, & , will be Son leciprenie sonar, forwarded on ce tion ts on _. oe Were RICHARD STERLING, Pisinciear. Ywp'd sloriese wentu are given in full, and various ‘serine: stripe, brimful of whiskey and tun, help to ada ork | giving eclat to the Che remaining stores! June 7th, 157 and sketches are well selected, and complete a budg- OR MC SALISBURY, June 6th, 1859. | JM ENNIS. GREA TREDUCTION in SPRING, | pee AND SUMMER WOODS. volume. et of really g I desirious of reducing our Stock of Spring and Summer Goods before making our fall pur- duced prices A. & W.MYERS 2 No. 4, Granite Building BEVERY THING WISIN EW VAWVD TETEIKCTES. ITHE SE, TONITE. Ne Os We Vie ae, TPS SOR OA CHISTUR fandich ROHR: REGES, Berege Robes. Tissues, Granadines, Organ- SALISBURY, N. C., dies, Juconets, Lawns, Shatlies and De Ta reduc ed prices One Door Below McNeely § Young's Stine | ees a large assortment of WATCHES, Kc LOCKS, JEWELRY, FINE CUTLERY, Select Classical School. &e, which he sells very cheap. I will open a School in Morganton, N. Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, &e., repaired at short 3d of August, 1559. notice on reas: eae terms. ) limited. June 23d, fd | nico Geen 1D. Lacy. DD. Davidenn Cullege, NC Ntate of North Ca Poa rie ee Ret i Charlotte Military lanai! ROWAN COUNTY Hon. Craige, Saliabury, N. C . : | June 14 1013 | Court of Pleagand Quarter Seseions, May Term, 1859 William Murdoch ea. William R. Darby, LL PERSONS indebted to me for Medical Ser- ATTACHMENT | 2M vices, (previous to Ist) December IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that counte are not settled by August Court next, will, | William R. Darby, the defendant, has abeconded or after that time, find them in the hands of an officer conceala himeelf ao chat the ordinary process of law! (without exception.) J mean what I aay | cannot be served on him. It is, therefore, ordered M. WHITEHEAD | and adjudged that publication be made in the Caro-| dune 14, 1859. ¢ 3 lina Watchman for six successive weeks notifying) — him to be and appear before the Justices of our Court PLEASE NOTICE. of Pleas and Quarter Seasions, at the next Court to be | held for County of Rowan, at the Court House in apie notes given for the purchase of property at | Salisbury ow the first Monday in Angust next, then the xale of Bo Junias, June Sth, 1S58, are now and there to plead or replevy or otherwise judgment due, and payment is required, without delay will be rendered for William Murdoch, the plaintiff, J, J. BRUNER, Adm'r and the property levied on by virtue of thie attach- June 15, 1859 ment sold to saufy the same. a MICHAL BROWN, SSF Sococ(OMMISMOY MERCHANT, t office, the first Monday in May, A. 1, 1859, and SALISBURY, N. C. in the 83d year of our Independence JAMES E. KERR, Clerk PROMPT PERSONAL ATTENTION GIV- EN tothe purchase of all kinds of PRODUCE C., on the ‘The number of boys will be JAMES KR. McAULAY whoee ac Pr adv. 550-604 Cheese! Cheese! ! BOXES CHEESE 1 ay 100 boxes smoked Herring ‘ Adamantine Candles 100 dozen Brooms 100 boxer assorted Tobacco 10 Casks Western Bacon For sale by | Chereace li! 75 shipped to other Ports Febroary 7, 1859 (f37 SEIDLITS POWDERS. MOST useful Medicine in Riliows and other diseases inci | dental to warm climates, Prepared by Wo oH. WYATT SPRAGUE BRO'S Bs bal | Druggist & Apothecary, Salisbury, N C [om48 Sahebury, Dec. 13, 1858 State of North Carolina, THE WALTON HOIST “SEED wavuras Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, May Term, 1859 IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that William R. Darby, the defendant, bas absconded or ere vps superb New Hotel has gained the reputation | Lina Watchman for six succesive weeks notifying !to fone in the State hun to be and appear betore the Justices ofour Court | the many favorable notices by the Vreavot the State, be held in the County of Rowan, at the Court House | open (never having been clesed,) aud ‘te guests inay in Salisbury va the first Mouday in August next, then | rely upon the reputation of the House being sustained aud there io plead or replovy otherwise judgment |! have arrangements made to be kept supplied regu. willbe rendered by defau't against hun iu favor of | fly with Feesh Fish from Norfolk aud Newbern, 1 planoff, and the property levied on by virtue of this attachment sold to ae 1259, and in 14 8 thin House at 4.450 P.M, or soon after the arrival of the | be met by comfortable and commodious 4 florea Post ! chases, we will sell all Goods on hand at greatly re- | YERS from this day, nf) W. Turner, And to all conan mens to be sold in thie market or| ‘| Pulmonic Wafers! Lea Date Mepicia® KataBLignkD IN 1587, und fret urthole | of the kind ever introduced wnder the nu | i * PULmosic Wares,” in this or any other cowntry ; Wafere ure cuunterfeita, The Genuine cin be known by (other Purdie Morganton, N. C. tie nume WKY AN being shamped on each WAFEK BKYAN’S PL MONIC WAFEKS Relieve Coughs, ned wi Throat, Hoarseness. BKYAN SS PULMONIC WAFERS Relieve Asthma, Bronchitis, DiMealt seaies | BRKYAN’S PULMONIC WAFERS Kelleve Spitting of Blood, Palos in the Chest. URYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS Kelleve luciplent Cousumption, Lung Dtseases. KRYAN'’S” PULMONIC WAFERS Relieve Irritation of the Uvala and Teas!i,, KRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS Relleve the above Complatots in Ten Minutes. PRY AN'R PULMONIC WAFEK Are a Blessing to all Classes and Constitutions, BEYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS Are adapted for Vocalists and Pablic Speakers. BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS Are in a simple form and pleasant to the taste. BRKY ANS PULMONIC WAFERS Not only relleve, bat effect rapid and lasting Cures, BRYAN’S PULMONIC WAFEKS Are warranted to give satisfaction to ever) one. of being a FIRST CLASS HOUSE, aud recoud Ae an evidence of it, Preterto {and the very liberal patronage teceived. It continues |fuct with every delicacy usually found at FIRST CLASS HOTELS | C.S. Brown & Cos Stage Office, Their FOUR HORSE COACH ES ruu to the head of the Wo NC. Rail Rood on | Mondays, Weduewdaya, and Fridava, and to Ashe ville, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sx EXTRA COACHES and HACKS ready at any hour and tor any port BROWN, Proraieton | June 14, 1659 us | © 4° Observer, Favetteville; Standard and Spirit of Fthe Age, Raleigh; Bulletin, Charlotte; Herald, Wile Vimington; Progress, Newbern ; Greenborw’, | aud Selisbury Banner, copy eight times | | | | | irdaye Patriot, cos E NO FAMILY SHOULD Bk WITHOUT A bo \ oF Bry ‘s Pulmonic Waters, NO TRAVELER SHOULD BE WITHOUT 4 Si PrLy OF Bryun’s Pulmonic Waters, IN MIB PUCK KT NO PERSON WILL EVER OWKJECT To GIVE FOR Bryan's Pulmonic Waters, TWENTY-FIVE CENTS SALISBURY, June 13th, 1859 4th of July! Ton. H.W. Miller's Lecture, T the instance of the citizens of Iredell County, ) 20 the Hon H.W. Mircea, bas kindly cousented to deliver his lecture on the ¢ ae | Office W. N.C. R. Road, | JOB MOSES, Sole Proprietor, Rochester, N.Y Sold in Salisbury by HENDERSON & ENNISS, aud all Drug wists th Ceutury Fightes May 9, 1559, lym tu Statesville on the 4th ofJuly. the next Anniversary of Amenean Lidependene vow ot Mr. Miller aud all who may wish to enjoy that | T HOM. AS kK. BROWN rich treat, a train of cars will leave Salmbury on the i again sole Proprietor of the ae morning of the 4th, at 7.30, arrive at Statesville, | [eteaice MAKING ESTAB- 5 A.M, returning to Sulisbury after the delivery | LISHMENT, near tus Livery Stable ; of ie lecture and is carrying on the work in all ity branches, to the For this trip only one fare will be charged entire satisfaction of those who have usually patron- | JAMES C. TURNER, ized his shop since his connection with the busin e, aod for the accominoda. | |Good News for Everybody . sy INF Hes NAP CLOTHING STORE! | | New Clothing ! Good Clothing !! Cheap Clothing!!! | Mr. DAVID WEIL, has just opened a LARGE STOCK of READY-MADE : | CLOTHING, in the house formerly occupied by dastis [. Exaiss as a BookStore, | and respectfully invites the public to call, as it wail be to their advantage, before [eee yelsewhere. Aton tis Stockh may be found every variety of Ready- | Made ¢ athing to suit the Seuser Black and Cold Dress Frocks, Super |Ttalian Cloth and Silk Alpaca Cots, ting Sumner Caslinere !Tweed Frocks and lisvinelts Linen inven Drill and Brown Linen Coata, bey. WH | Fancy Marseilles Coats, Spanish Linen Raglan. fine Thack Doeskin Pants, de Stripe Cash- linere Pants, SS. Drape, Union Cashimerett Pants, plain at Itaney Silk and Satin Vests, white Buffand fancy Marseilles, and a thug assortiuent ot Linen and Mar- osom Shirts and Collars. 'seilles B | Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, OF EVERY STYLE AND QUALITY ; And will «ell 25 per cent. Cheaper thin can possibly In wold any where elsein Sali 8 Let every person call aud examine for himself, and he will not be dis joury. [et appointed. | DAVID WEIL. | ‘ BROW, CORFIV & MOCK, Wilh sabre AND RETAIL |_ WOOD, EDDY & C0.'S Single Number. Lotteries !! Capital Prize $50,000!! TICKETS ONLY TEN DOLLARS. WOOD, EDDY & C0., MANAGERS, Successors to S. Swan & Co. The fullowing Scheme wall be drawn by Woon, Engines’ & Supt. | He is constantly mauufactaring CARRIAG June 14, 313 | BAROUCHES, PHETONS, ROCKAWAYS, - 1 | BU GGIES, SULKIES, §c., of various grades of q finimh, and different patierns. ‘These are put up of Auction House) ieiiitrimtcnn Bere are mt ap -—> . ae . ? lfaction. ‘Phe subseriber employs skilful and Tame | I Vv NA LISBI Rk ) ’ N. (4 A able men to execute or kuperintend the various parte ‘ ; ofall his work, so that he can fearlessly recommend HE subsenber haying bv the County Court appomted Auct 1 Cull and examine his Velneles, and if he show a ‘ i Las have none on hand to please you, he will bald te the patronage of thome Waring business dove ma that ire usa gG Wing busit PiN@l Jour order, io a very short Uae, any thing required, Tos Detasetnpancanidba al mnie swan ccs Eee nne) he auvhorised: tied: ed a _ 6) O-. 4 P oe a ee sie Livery Stable. JO RK BURKE . Persons sendivg ur Goode un cv can S kept up as heretofore | Ttis grat have reference May 31at, 1RoY necersary Farmers Read Thi am now ready toreceive Pan-Bark, for which the LE ing to him that this establishment, k¢ ‘ gun, at first, as a doubttal experine at s proved to the public a yreat demice 1 ry aaa muplete aucerss. Travelers, and others can always have their wants, in thos line, “i sup Carh prices paid for Carriage Lather and Proven uh cash priee i ” ve rhs are BL MEREM cael eter will be poids | My works 80 dee, And the sulmenber 1s always rendy te aell or Reve ‘ buy good Horses PHOMAS BE BROWN to be found. Bark can be pealed agama August at Mav diet, trod) ul the frst dark of he Moon dam aoxious to get a urge quanity 1 also want to hire three tir for sie Houses are Cleared of Vermin, | And Gardens preserved from the ravages of imsects trate hands (Negroes balance of the year or longer JNO. A. HOLT May 3iet, 1859. Int BELTS, BELTS, BELT YOR Wheat Threshers, Fans, Corton Gins, Saw Mills, and Machinery of every desenption ‘The best Belting now to use, and farsupenor to leather in Tt will not stretch, or draw on one! garden of plants, and rid a house of all these wunoy | and worms, by Lyon's Magnetic Powders aud Pils Farewell to sleep, when bed-buge prey, | | Or rats and mice (confound) them play Professor Lyon found a plautiuthe itenorof Asia, ‘ | | the powdered leaves of which is certain death to gar den insects, ants, roaches, bugs, fleas, ticks, moths &e, A small amount of this powder will preserve a Inany respects side us leather, ‘The sun will uot affect it, ram or! ing pests. tts free from poison and harmless to Walter cannot iujnre ity it requires no oy the rats mankind and domestic animals. It is more valuable will notcut it; veur negroes will not steal i for strings or shoe soles: you ean get ens length fou wish allin } orthlesn t ons are ady one piece without joints, and Lanvsatieied with good) Many worthless unitations are a them grow The only in preserving crops than guano in making care willlast auy farmer for tweuty yeurs ! genuine issigned BE. Lyon. Ttean be ordered through Orders aceompamed with the cish will receive any merchant. \ prompt attention, and the freight paid to any point Uses ke aes | oo the Railroad or siage line yen (avin TAPE Cees i tla | ut Pitts are mixed fo sand mic CASH PRICES | Sineh (24 ete per ft Sample Flasks, 25 cta. regular sizes, 50) ctx and 81 | + ie © BARNES & PARK, New York. | b3 “. “ a > = , > =) | i For sale at HLENDERSON & ENNISS’ and} : FE Ff W. H. WYATTS’ Drug Stores, Sa.xbury Im52_ | 6 oo q+ “ sf 7 | i : ¥ a ‘ MOL TAN HOTEL, 2 ie eed : ct a a a A 9 | 120 “4 ply mo ine at JT Seamless Belts manufactur d to orderats he rl botice iF Conducting Hose of a sizes, for pressures, leo, Packing of all description, at 45 cents, per | pond J.B. BOONE, Morganton, N. C. June 14—3m3 Charlotte, N. ¢ - SELECT | ape well known HOUSE has been re-opened for SARtina cueeany ee has been, and will continue to be a first class Hotel | One very great advantage it possesses, over other | PROFESSOR WILLIAMS | Would respectfully announce to the citizens of Sal- water or steam} ordered direct from the Manufacturers. | | houses, is its being almost embowered in shade trees | The promenades, (of which there are three, are so. thoroughly shadec that a person may enjoy them at | any hour of the day. In fact; its admirable situation vit ard to coolness and quietness, and its eleva- Oiiiieealsveluemed tnectmnplishinenteoniMacday umes as wn 4 i ted position, commanding one of the finest Mountain June 6th, at MURPHY'S HALL, at 3 cvclock, for) views, renders it the most desirable stopming place in Ladies, Misses and Masters, and at & o'clock, for) Morganton, or inthe Mountian region ) isbury, that he will open a School for the instruction The Proprie Genileman tor has added and will continue to add to its Confort May be found at the Boyden House, o'clock, on School days. May 31, 1059 ‘and convemence And he hopes to ment and receive from toy continianee of the patronage he lurmally enjoyed His etables are attended by one of the best. uf not the very b Hostler ma the Southern Country —the ilar” fur-famed About the first of Jaly next, the Western North Carolina Rail Road will be completed to Newton, and | persons going to Morganton will find ready access by) u | this route, via Salisbury and Statesville to Newton, | where, hesides the regular Stage Coach, there will he | a COMFORTABLE and COMMODIOUS VEHI- CLE to convey passengers on to Morganton. Per- sens going from Charlotte to Morganton will find rea- dy faciliies of transportation—there being a daily line | of Stages from Charlotte to Lincolnton, and at Lin- colnton BOS. Johnson, Esq., the proprietorof the Ho- tel, will provide good Horses, Carnages, and Drivers for public use, NUMBER one SULKY and BUGGY of the J very finest finish, and for durability unsurpas- sed. To persons wishing soch vehicles, a bargain inay be had. SPRAGUE BRO'’S Salisbury, May 31, 1859. Lee | State of North Carolina, Davie County. Morganton, for transportation to any part. to which they may wish to go. | HAPPOLDT. | | | and equal facilities will be offered at LOUIT > EQUITY. 7 LM. Adm'r Geo. Willson, dec, ve. Win. ©.) Morganton, N.C, dune Ist, 1X59 3m2 Delta and Weekly Pro- Willson et at IN this case, it appearing to the satisfaction of the | 2ress, Newbern; Fayetieville Observer: Iredell! Ex- Court, that Henry Willson, one of the defendants, is| press, and Asheville News, publish once a week for | jnot an imbabitant of this State: [tis ordered, that | oC Weeks, and forward bills to the proprietor at Mor | pablication be made for six weeks, in the Carolina | gauten, N.C, | Watchman, for the said defendant to appear, at the | next Court of Cay to be held for the County of | LAN YDS I ‘ORS AL kK, Davie, at the Court-House in Moeksville, on the 4th | Monday in Auguat next, and plead answer or demur| VALUABUE trackiot THRUESIC NDRE W Hto complainant's bill, or the aame will be taken pro| /® and FORTY ACRES, five miles east of Sulie- confesso and the cause set for hearing ex parte, as to buryean the Bring! itu Said tract ts 89 | comfortably situated without) much *.* Wilmington Joutnal ; *s Ferry Road, near Union Chorch rated, that three families could be additional im provement. is well watered “contains valuable mea | Witness, L. Bingham, Clerk and Master of said Court of Eqmity, at Office, the 4th Monday afier the 4th Monday in February, A| DD. 1859, wud in the S4th year of American Independence L. BINGHAM, C.M E dows and in ® populons and thriving community, with the convemence of Schools and Churches Persons wishing to buy can see it, and address the at Bunkers Hill, Catawba, N. ¢ S. SCHERER Tw 6w2 pr adv 85,50 subscriber i L A N D May 30th, 1859 Conoord Female College, SaPEeQ &@= BH UECe STATESVILLE, N.C. THE Fall term of this Institution will commence | FVHE mubscriber wishes io sell his valuable Planta tion, lying 16 miles weet of Salisbury. on the wa- | terwof Back and Sille Creeks, (near Uack Creek Charch,) CONTAINING Board, exclusive of lights and towels, per Ses- weeks | £50.00 | 280 ACRES, | Triton in reguiar course 5 15,00 | Conungencies, . y | About 120 acreein cleared. of which 20 is good © mumeenriee ree corn bottem, LO acres of Meadow all in cultivation For circulars contaming full partienlars addreas, the wood Iand consists of up und bottom Innd well 1 Vi TPR CUED Mimborcduvhere mon (hencemnises |e pecdiinw wal leprae ing House, Barn, and all cessary ont baldings Siateavilla, NC, June 9d. 1R50. 1 with-GinElouensandi Gorn) Mill by! water nawet, : : : Al: good orchard, in a good neighborhood, and convenient | to Schools and Flour Mille Those wishing a good farm and desirnble residence, | will do well to come soon as few such places are of fered A. M. GOODMAN. | | June 7, 1859 tra | __ EMBROIDERIES. | fo MBROIDE RIES of every Description are Sell 4 ing at greatly reduced puces, at A & W MY | BRS 2 May 9th, 1859 NO CURE—NO PAY'! ENNISS’ Diarrhea apecific Warranted to care Di arrhen and summer complaints, or no pay For sale by HENDERSON & ENNISS HIDES. and dry Hides Apply to BEARD & BROTHER tf 50 {ERNMENT | Weekly Day Book, Wednesday the 6th of July next, and continue 21) T HE highest market price Rea ta COASBH for green Eopy & Co., Managers of the Sparta Academy Lot A Tv tery, ineach of ther Srogte Nutmber Lottenes for] i ah N, e & MOE Wioxk, INS, at Augusta, Geo, in public, under the superinte ssione rs ( Cet 24 Dew EH! ( ( ON THE PLAN OF SINGLE NUMBERS sone THOR BLS Five Thousand Four Wuudred and Lighty-Vive PRIZES! NEARLY OVE PRIZE TO EVERY MINE TICKETS | Magnificent Scheme! 5 TO BE DRAWN | \ E I AMOUE SATU TRIO IES ANP SIE, KELP 1 Prigeot $n oon Vines RCHANTS, coustaniy on hand the best selection of Staple and Fanoy | DRY, GO3DS, Roots aid APPROXIMATION PRIZES I ( ote to $50,000 Prize vs. Hats and Caps and haat Made uodin the State. We have a bot f Dre s+ Goods on hand which we will close oul very bes of $400 Appreeiuatin y 1.04 May a oer ne tse seased is edvancing. 4 4 4 A 8 AE 200), ee ie yo wo he 1,00 : THE ) 20 are 0 um = BOYDEN HOUSE, sm | Salisbury, NoO., May 20, 1859. t52 6 5.485 Prizes amounting to Waove Tickets $10, Harves ®5, Qcantems $24 Remember that every Prize ia the above S heme as pees diuten, and payable in full without deductian | Choith yes of Packages willbe aohl at Go: fatoming rat Salis sbury, N. C. whachts 4 rtifleate of Package of 12 Wh Tickets $- HEPES superb tou ist heen opened for the Ley Mee sccommodation of the publie Lt as complete in LSet er soarta vs. ali having referenee to the 10 Fighth LS who may jive House, or as a Stopping Place. soe eit ‘ The “Bel dug ix NEW AND ELEGANT, and the Sparta Academy Lottery, 1c bri ey ANG BOEG aes a te CLASS No. 359, ue vr St panes uM LE. The Parlors are It was designed as a first clase 1859 Hotel, in icts eoustroetion s avail themselves of it, sab and all the sub-arrange- have reference to that tia of the entire business The pleased to receive patronage, and relieves his cxpertence in the Hotel business willena- | Draws on Wednesday, June 29th, | On the Three Namber Plan. | 75 NUMBERS—12 DRAWN BALLOTS | Nearly One Prize to Every Two Tichets!! |! 1 GRAND PRIZE OF | ments, management, de, even tothe om niber wall be sfocton. He sobermts atest, which iy true way of ascertaming the hunny Corgtive SSG QUO, | nerits ines : rae a oes tas been nade with Mr Tos, E. 1 Prize of 219,170 gL IPY ACS ee SN irc uniodating the Horses, and other ) Prizes of 10.0001 20 Prizes of 1.000 Stach ot po « g here The good reputa- 2 Prizes of 8.000! | 130 Pri oft PES f that riman’s Stable, is known to the Ac, a ke, Ke vl - Ae OMNIRUES, from this Hotel, ¥A14 PRIZES AMOUNTING TO 4513.90") ty gv ainadcarsreguiaglys ee L. L. BOYDEN. Whole Tickets 810; Halves 85; Quarters $2 30 | | — = | ‘The subscriber having accepted @ place in the > "| . - De shove estiblishinent, most respectfully solicits his . IVORDERING TICKETS OR CERTIFICATES.) i iids wud acquaintances to call. It will afford him Moke a much pleasure to show them the hospitalities of tha forwarded | elegant Hous J.P. GOWAN. Enclose the money to our address for the 'T ordered, on receiplot whieh they will be by first mail, Purchasers can have tickets euding in | May 17, 1-59 tf any figure they may designate = The List of Drawn Numbers and Prizes will be | I ‘ 1 ) I Hf a bs IC yN sent to purchasers immediately wtter the drawing ) SS 4 U LNe Ji Porchasers will please write their signatures “nie x4) Salad, INtwty €& Coote ite dore plan, aud ye ve their Post: Office, County 17 Remember that every Price ts drawn and pay able in full wiihout deduction. J All prizes of 1.000 and under, jou ly atter the drawing and State dissolved by muta eo pt AML those having clagns against the Pom will present them to Alex Murdeeh ithornzed agent to close the an eth edto the firm will inake tito iin The Business will be carried on un- ‘il further nouce by Murdoch & Raeder WW. MURDOCH, WM. RAEDER, WM. R. DARBY. Apnl 16th, 1859 40 inne dinate -other prizes at the usual time of thirty days NOTICE TO CORRESPONDENTS rve who prefer not sending money T by mail, can THE ADAMS EXPRESS COMAANY, whereby money for Tickets, in sums of ‘Ten Dollars, and upwards, can be sent us AT OUR RISK AND EXPENSE, from any city or town where they have an office The money and order muet be enclosed in a “GON ale pubis are » call and exainine our POs OF ICE ss ANE Dy Shs: spleneid choot t +—the best and fines OUR MOTTO— Quick Sales and Short Profits. Th Borlew’s Granite Row, Opposite the Rowan House VELOPE,” or the Express Company cannot reeeive |e ceria this par Stat It consists of Bureaus them Centre-tatiles, Sotes. Pete a-Petes, China Preases All communications strietly eontidential Wardrobes, Bedsteads otevery kind, Parlor Chairs! ! Winsor Chairs, Chil » Wash-stands, & Address Orders for Tickets or Certificates to : City Ke WOOD, EDDY & CO, Anguata, Georgia | a ‘ roca s : £ lof whieh we will se of, WOOD, EDDY & CO, Atlanta, Georgia. | iia re nl eelllias or, WOOD, EDDY & CO., Wilmington, Del | HUE Wiel Caltvel kant I? A list of the numbera that are drawn from the + Ws reasonable terms as can wheel, with the amount of the prize that each one is) be had | We have a fine new Hearse for funeral oe- ‘entitled to, will be published after every drawing, in Casions Cathot the Purginre Store of | the following papers: —Augusts (Geo) Constitotion | SURES & WILHELM Salisbury, Apri 26th, 1 alist, Mobile Register, Nashyiie Gazette. New York Richmond Dispatch Paulding Miss.) Clarion, and New Yok Herald ly48 ARGH LOT ot PEA and COPFFER SUGARS. ZJiias chcnved, AEN : Western N. Carolina Rail R. Freight) ““" ** ERCHANT®S c > hereb title at nl ret . Ro r . MA ireiattt destined Sie eae saree SEIELITS POWDERS destined fon t twill be went forward > arrival at sal-bory and all to North Carolina ports will be = up and forwarded to their A‘. MosT usefal Mt \ ther disonses inet- destination without breaking bk othe terminusor ach Road tal te woven Ate y W. H. WYartt, JAMES C TURNER, Eng. & Supt Dricist ey ary, Salebur {2m49 February 22, 1559 Bor YEAST. POWDERS For sale at HENDERSON & ENNISS’ Mar 15 tf42 LAW PARTNERSHIP, good and young Negroes Fellows and will pay the highest CASH prices for them T want them suitable for working my Texaaplanta tions, and desire to buy as soon as Tecan PT would | alao buy girls and boys from ten to twenty years old, | | x! wish to purchase 20 ’ , Rid wanclenlrithree tamilineitlikels | A. H. & R. CALDWELL, Uc LE TOADS: 1 sre rsineia., atv icanodheaaermerliney [p, Noas | Salebury, May 4th, 1x38 ay maWater Seca , a SA Toisiel IY aeNeiG: Drayinge. Maran an tf40 ape undersigned ie fully) "et Bauer please copy cwenared to de all | ee ie : aan al ~DRAYING, from or us th | \eN BARK W AN ] ED. De ; SS where ols ne ale subscriber is desroos of parchasing a lenge tow any hour eds qaintty of PAN BARK. tf Persons wishing right, as cireumeatan ny feqnire. Or ' g wil do well by making immedia¢e applica vered to them or left at roStablel itn the Puatl (tieniin ica oubeeri hes ' Ward, will receive prompt aitention Charges mode : He a 5 i o. 8 rat SNIDER & RICHES 1 Mareh 15, 1R59 ea April 19, 1859 3m47 ‘ : ee ARGE late Flat Dutch and large late Dramhend Linseed, Sperm and Tanner's Oil, AC abbage Seed for sale at | For anle at HENDERSON & ENNISS’ 43 HENDERSON & ENNISS' | Marit) 14 Molassea! Molasse«! ! Molasses!!! A Narge tot of N O and Weet India For eale low | Apr. 12-46 by BPRAGUF ROO “RANTS lor eal oo A | 4 EAN AT, | — Patical. (Tees So Serer A “A YEAR IN HEAVEN. BY H. M. G. A year in Heaven! Ah yes, Tis just one year toyday, Since he from earthly pain and woe, Passed joyfully away. And eye long dim with grief aud care, Opeued on all the glories there. A year in Heaven! No eye Of mortal mau hath seen, Nor ear hath heard, nor heart conceived The biessedness of Heaven! Prepared for those who through bis grace, Behold their Savior lace to face A yearin Heaven! Ah, there No adverse wiud ean blow, Nor disaj poutment’s chilling blast Tis dark ing shadows throw, Nor anxious care distract the mind, For all earth's are lett beluad A yearin Heaven! A year To us of hope deferred, Waile many a hauuting memory, Our epiit’s pocis has stuirred. Aud wany a dream too bright to last, Beyured us wiule it flited past. But he whose los» we've mourned, Whose presence sadly a d, Wile slowly parsed the weary days, Has lived a year of bliss. 2 a prey to duubls and fears, “God las wiped all tears.’ \ yearin Heaven! O, God, tear this our earuest prayer, Whate'er betide us here on earth, Graut us adwiltance there, And way we meet (0 part ou more) Phe loved ones whu have gour befure [Christian Times. — oe TAKING OUT THE POISON, A bee, while lay sleeping young Dolly, Mistouk her red lips for the rose ; There honey to seek were no fully, No flower so sweet ever blows, ‘ It tick!+d. and wak d her; Het hand on the impudent bee, when clapping Tt stung her; and Dolly, caught napins, Came pouting and crying (o me Said she, ° What way I was puzzled to try, Take the sting out, T pray you!” And tnfling wager I'd lny you, You'd have been a» much puzzied as I I'd heard about sucking out poison — A sting 8 a p js vous dart — So I kissed her—the act was no wise one ; The sting found its way to my he Endurance of a Horse.—Some cruel experiments have ately been made at Pocus to test the oadurance of horses. i appears & horse on Water alone and twenty without eating or drinks ws if fed but unwaterc days i! vd and insufficiently watered. A horse e °° wthont water for three days, drank fo pounds in three It wa- 1, too, that a horse taken immediate n feed” and k ptin the will live entecn dias five ive days 5 Inihutes. ACTIVE eX ofthe sqa rdron school, complete in three hours; 1 ested its feed” sate time rere : ' ol was two-thirds digested + and i pr pe rectly quiet in the stable, its di n Was scarcely commenced in three hours. *Sally.” eaid a green youth, ina ven ratde white hat and wo pants, rong! veh his legs pr sted half ariout— Saliv, betere we wo lito this ere tstise tnto eee tue Enchanted PHorse, ] want 7 6 Well, Leabed, you see this an Yon somethin’, ia iti’—" W J ywine to cost a onnil quarter ece, and Teant afford t vtornettiin’. Now, et youu Wihial ere in ess Is t ollar a st vovow ll have te, darned ef Paou't pay nuibou't myself— Twili!” Sally mace non ceminithal reply, which Tehabod, rpreted to suit himoell, and he strode hyo steps ata tie, and vole on’t. paid the a Rich Man.—Vhe estate of Josep of Dougherty connty, Ga., was re vly appraised at over SYO0,000, Out e of them tine of appraisement—all healt, DOU tevroes not on ody and anid (the latter especially Inoinnch better condition than two- rds of the white freedom slirmekers at th. low birth, and Metellus eas the son of a licentions womau. Me Cieero was of ling said to Ci ‘Dire you tell your father’s name?” Creero replied — “Can your mother tell yours ?? cero— \ Luwyer, being sick, made aud testament, and gave all lis es ‘ety fools and madmen ?—Beinyg asked toe reason forse doing, le said 3 * ” {gain. In Mexico, every body is supposed te be an ex-President who wears a shirt, and keeps his hands washed. at to be President, whether he has a shirt o not. in the “ conseripts schooi” | his last ‘From such TP got it, and ty such I return it Ane in this country, every politician expects mec New Goods! New Goods! WE WOULD RESPEOTFULLY 1 TUE ATTENTION OF THE PU. BLIC. roo OUR ‘PRING STOCK, Just opened,-consistiug of STAPLE & FANCY DRY 6000S! HATS BUNNET s, Boots and Shoes, READY MADE CLOTHING, CROCKERY & GROCERIES, wich we will sell at‘low prices for Cash or on short 3.5.85. McCONNAUGHEY ume Murch 29, 1859. 44 COME ‘A\D SEE | W.R.WILSON’S NEW SILOW CASE, ND the large, new sapply of WATCHES, JEWELRY, and @ yreat variety of Glittering Charms of uew Styles and Fash- tous, sane of them of the *AT LANTIC CABLE” Call ia—Look round —aud see order the splendid array of beautiiul Clocks, Walking Canes, &c. of Various kinds: (ed Nowis the ume to boy cheap Having tly from the miacutaet aod Twill well, ; twenty-five per eeut ehe {such arocles ever have been sold for cash, FE will deduct o per erut, e rates Come and see the new s of SILVER TE ~ and "TABLE SPOONS ve best quiliry | NEEDLES that can be found on thins t the | Adanue SILVER PLATED CASTORS } All kinds of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry & , Iworepured, at the lowest rates, and warra twelve months, To thisbranch the proprit Ver hin sole attention WR WIE SON | Salixbury. Sept. 2X, 15% Wis FAMILY | GRUCRELES eNOS | ‘ oF Coffees, Sugare Molasses, ” | Pep Muetard, Prckiee, Cataupe puinicee ee Alinniuda wear, Pouder Shot ea Syrup, ge, § : Buckets, Broome Mea Bel Cor | Rope, fe. al bons eoumively t acne and wil | " Cush Produce Salisbury, Mar. 29, [x59 wd TRI-WEEKLY MAIL LINE. TWO HORSE HACKS, . to Salisbary, ¥. (. From Mocksville, \. ¢ CHANGE OF SOR DUT Lrares Mocksville Monday sdivea Fridays ot bioeivck, AM frriree ay Salimoury sare wat 4 kPoM Leares Salisbury every Porsdoya, Phurscoys an Saturdascatrd 1 coi frrires at Mocksvid © tune dase al igor ew, POM The Po opriet . Lise sengers tea M » wir t virene t Trsh ‘ ’ that wish tog vthe fi 1) STAGE OF FICE at Sabsbury at the Mauston Hotel, Ww Rowzer. te | HR | Mockav tle, Dee. +, I> AUSTIN, Paopareror was sick ! Carolina City, N. C.. July 26th, 1858. ane North Care K The Atlant « ina Raat! Re leew eiigpie(eduGr Brceroarslvcuon: 1) have (eines Veena saaaies pce ei ee i genmnne REROSINE O1L tor este at | FORWARDING AND GENERAL COMMISSION SDE RSS SSS BUSINESS, and hope by promptuess and stret attention to merit N ( y q | C i your patronage and support Being the Agent of SHAD Moose bave day made 4 Marray’s Line of First Class Packets, eon Ae en Daan ae Oy “ay to thiaand MORBHEAD CITY, every effort: will) creditors of WoOJo Mille & Co. and Mila & Moose be tnade tomake this the cheapest and most expedi tioas route to New York. Vs discharged at my Wharf Cadjoniny the Rail Rove Wharf,, and thereby save t AR TAGE and LIGHT ERAGE easels will be loaded ane LP Particular attention willbe given to all orders, and to the sale and shipment of Produce WILLIAM Bo GRANT lH ahipments of Produce to D. Corpen Murray New York. will be forwarded free of Commisson Augast $d, 1X58. tf 10 |. STEVENSON & BOWEN, | (LATE STEVENSON, BOWEN & NESMITH,) : Wholesale Dealers in Have Aasociated with them te forcashouly, beau, | ad being | DRY coobs. - MANGoN ‘ft HOTEL, SALISBURY. | py F subscriber rec oo apure in announcing tu his friends, and the public generally, that he has] Jtaken this tong established and well known Hotel, | lees hos made every possiblgpreparation to accommo }date the business, travelling and visiting portions of | | the public, in the inost satisbactory manner Particular attention is paid to bis TABLE, and every courfort is provided in his ROOMS. His SUABLES are xbundautly supplied, aud at and to all departments jtended by a careful ostler 5 ‘the proprietor gives bis pr roof altention | A comfortable OMNIBUS runs regularly to the |depot on the arrival of the cars With these efforts to please, a liberal share of the pattie patronage Heenan vet heats W Mt howae E Janunry 25th, THOR oe COWANS VEGETABLE LITHONTRIPTIC | | FRIEND OF THE HUMAN FAMILY | DISEASED KIDNEY I Stoncinthe Bladderand Kidneys, Loina, ke. This mediciners for sale at the Hotel Mockoville; at De KR defi; atthe Drug Store vn Hotelia salem; aud atthe ¢ tice, tu Salisbury The subseriber having entered toto cri a Weal ness of the Davi in dre nvaluable Campbell's at Zeverly’> Churlowe; | Carolina Watchman Ol: | ' withJohn F. Cowan, origina! patentee,for the ian afactureand sale ofthe above Medicine, ispreparedte | furnish a supply by addressing him at Salisbury, N.| |Corealling at his residence, 10: miles west of Chir Bo peAU as | | | | } | 5 lace June 21 Coamt_R, maRRISoN, Dm) ypracTuRER « S OF Houst URNITURE, EHOLD ) ) ! MAIN ST NEARLY or posit | MURPHY S CRANITE RO | | SALISHURY, N on EW WRBLAY ARD. POC ALYECULAL PRACTICAL MARBLE CUTTER, | SSPECTFUDLLY anturms the sobhe, that he | las Opened a | MARBLE YARD Mansion Hotei, where t * pared ALN yomire the w foNy HN ON Te es renee ad » Ma 1 oth iM | LEALINN of AMERICAN MARBLE, POUT bt | | { r 1 Wrox 1 sete | " alordern foe M 1 : ; lou Meiners ‘ ’ 1 Ma | | ’ hess | ) ou work ew his g 1 Ju sts ‘ ‘Greensborouzh Wutual NSO NG Ee OTRAS TECH hasbeen tt 4 \ flip = fttis Compan vat weiare tree from de fe ine acer sar ane t son ha . tit, vir , ma x 19 03 ERs ‘ ma 1 1 Ls the put Mier (er att | ' ‘ pa \ ~ tt Treiet DIRECTORS: J Stonn. i A, Webane. ¢ iat Wood. MeConnel, John ( Jed findeas eel ariee: Maris t aca iD r Weight. Greenmboroucn : Mex M BOP. Villy, Wantesterengthe: ‘ W. A Wr Wiiinetor ! Ferma witirwe Si. Mitre Rater u G 1 t Met ler Lasberion, Th J 1 Vane ‘5 1 At comune Isiness connected with tt "Once, should be add [PENA ETS AVN E AVA Bs hernughie Ne G.. Many ool Secretary rfl Kerosine Oil { dito ent ‘ eabave co 1d) pe ib iudebte rwurd and settle ay ne thir fine muat be * prompt and gave cost | Jacos BE. Moose as doy anthonzed agent to Kettle WLNMploAtmd veces, end «clethe caunrn | Stor kof Goods. The goods will be closed out atiow fienres | [trowe caitebtol te firm, by note or ac Jeount, are bereby ne tak min 4 pa nantly avery ehort tome will te a » claim will be fheer JAS W Jan. V1, 1859 Valuable Factory Mill Prperty fr ale !! ILE subsesther de putiont fur en CLARK, sring to give bis atter \ strange genina, in describing a lake ge g : ag GS Ui TT r s 7 exclusive teather barnese, offers forsale bis wana » Mennesota, says it isso clear that by DANIEL M. ZIMMERMAN, Hii Pav and Mill Proper. knavnias Mardiclin sny into it you can see them making formerly AAT ouxtox, N . pc Remiics ty the | Nash ut } Bind Factory, on West Hill ear this teal hi large Store No. $3 North ded St. below Arch where | lier his establishment comprigesa very extensive ain China. | rereased Stock will bo kept. and inducements of- | entof Machinery bewmmiug with fered equal to anv Hoasge in the trade mane, one hb do, “Tf your wife runs away, don’t vou ron Piteapenrma, Jan, 25, 1959 pd6mo3a ~P cer Etat tt i lg i frer her, for if you do, there will be two Pie. aes rt ) rly - 1 ‘ ols in the chase. MILITARY GOODS, ae iota pence as ' ing Lathe, two Gr W G AS I IGHT!! Swords, Sashes, Belts, Epaulettes, Laces) ; = a 4 DECOY nie , . NS prepert The sold altogether or parece|s = poate! oe AVI EVERVODSSORION ONGC MAN TUIT RRs UU i veateeeG: a uD euea PATENT : ODS anh iol eniitaku tire while aR icetandaienicoe meine 1 : Von-Explosire Self-Generating RcoRdinn tro) Tis rie Cevcuinarn ant Gee CAS L " Latest US Army and State Reanlationa : AM CHEYLE \ . Pa . SCHUYLER, HARTLEY ee Sy ceriaaate teats HE ooblie are now favored with the BEST 2 wi ‘ public \ : SSR NI , 2c 1. VERDOCH SV EUST, antiimuBCONU WIC ST UIGlin: Se ene Se MOOS CE AG ST Teta ay Cver prainerd, equal if not anperior, to the beat Conl 19 MAIDEN LAVE, Gea Win mdupted for Churches Storer NEW 2OsK, s Reading Rooma, Prvate Dwellines, oren,| July 13, 18 lypd7 RI Pp Pp Steamboate, Railroad Cure, ge, fe. Teonly requires t) A trial 1o prove it# enperionty aver every other porta m ble light now inane. For wale by 3 HENDERSON & E NBL DE Salisbury, May 3, 1459. Theory of Vocal Music, IN SEVEN KASY LESSONS sapply of the ahove necfal Musical Work, OR handsomely printed and for anle at THIS OFFICE r Qiet, 185R (no | FRR DR. BESSENT, on the corner formerly oecupied by Dr connected with his profession Jan 1, 1859 28 DENTAL NOTICE. Rason | le REMOVED ro twe DENTAL ROOMS where he ie prepared to attend all operations Watchmaker & Jeweller, CONCORD, N. €. her hae opened a Watch, Clock ar own of Concord, and hy to merit a liheral patronage yh anhec ein th nner, and warranted (Vets) A WoRTPr ee jed ins \tition. TEAGNDY) tion more ureful attention to hes and all kinds of Time Pieces, repaired inthe sash wees goon GRAND OPENING OF NEW SPRING & SUMMER GOODS! mops mentee + = neers non, ernment meme re TLS roe BOOK STORE. NEW BOOKS! NEW BOOKS!! & a< elhead of Everybody!!! YNRENSE NUETRRSVIONS, BODY TO ER (ODS, that was ever offer- ANBOD. SSNS, call and see our New “STAD LE AND FANCY DRY They are rich and rare, and far surpass any Stock in beauty, Salisbury. We are selling off DRY GOODS rapidly, and eclipse all compe UNDERSIGNED PEEL SUN Spring vy Stock of ce vou that our Stock is far SUPERIOL to public, and that our down to Give ts A cat and we will convi: that has before been offered to the the LOWEST water mark. MOUTLO.---Polite attention to Customers, and SmallProfits. SPECIAL NOTICE. Covnrry Mekewanrs and the public generally will aS in addition to our Stock oF STAVE AND FAACYT GOODS, idid Stock ¢ READY-MADE CLOTHING. ‘BOOTS ‘AND SHOES, f all sorts, sizes and prices, ILATS, PLATS and Be JN NETS, Paints, Oils and Dye-Ntuff BLUKE WRI SHUR, FEN AISIS, JRONPIE. WARE, prices are BROOMS, WARE, CROCKERY AND QUEENS fand the best stock of SUGAR, COPP ELE MOLASSES ever niferad silo rv: eave to retuen ovr most se wok rao noatrenace be atowed eum t Peter , and bepe Gy siret Uetition t buss > aval Wo opens Ww s faver tb with th ALL AT THE OLD ESTABLISILED STAND ON PEE CORNER, oops VOOD MUNEELY & YOUNG SS Sho, | = } es, Hats, C es a tm . Nain Sree, Vo 3, aps & Clothing T 3. Granite Rice ENG wi ee On S, Shoes, I ts (yc | Caps Wins ri Caieueys 5 PURI LH ‘ COU J. NOoore, i e have on hand a large oe Commission Merchant. “SUGAR, COPFER, FRESH) | TEAS) een SUS i, Sw _™m_J WO I, NSSIES Wy 1 ton wepureh SYRUP, 18, art Wind eanan RICE, BACON vient! nark | LARD, PEPPER i bap ‘ rH B Rob IPICKLES GINGER, SPICE, snd doer . nan URACKERS Ma ' batt WASTNS, MUSTARD, > % % % % % A Es SARDINES % ‘ % 4 * % “ a « ae \ ta, Noo] Mackerel, Pekled , 4 v ' a near, Six ob Macken ekled Sa as cg B hay Loita eas a They are Cheap Bnougch, Shot, Sess Sete nacns. Minion, 4 . Wee WO CAD ANU Site US ray Gh La SI OPA ee waeschel ad . ao tray y eotable | Cash or Groceries for Country Prodace SUC Ss a ee leeesnalitiemenit sts grt, mee Ba nnd Tard, good Boo h Molist week He wa [Flour anit Meal, Matitoess, Pe (ienecn, Goan Gin aca. Gant) (amen TVG TDred Prat, &e, &, alwove in reg ’ rp enone reome tira pair y them BEARD & oe were, Farmercilyou want Store Salstury, April 6, Pao Who you w vy othe stand best Stock . on ever looked at URE MEMBER VO FAWILIPS—Call and buy Q33he, GOOD ds i ES SISS, ; SOAP for vo cente, at No. 3, Grasire Row HENDERSON & ENNISS Mar 15 te TRENT ands NW YEIT POT NT OTe. ' 100 Beaks TPE GE, IRIE) CONE TE ED Mele evEcatiel iat aianeule low Ge 25 BAGS OLD GOVERN MENT JAVA ; De ret RTS wae 25 8 LAGUERA Just received yO)e oes Bees CTR MeNEELY & YOUNG ( (ye EN ee Mae ud) cer Mar, 2 14 ihe, WHITE LEAD AND ZEN / pe ae Sis {. 500" A Rai ae | @ vin Cure for Syphilis, Mian? it HARPE I PNNISS” Book Srort B' ROW S relable medicine, warranted a err > e HENDERSON & FNS iss regubely for eile at dk AU vthe subseriber, onthe 4th inet PENAWAY, Gor UST receivedat JAH ENNISS’ BOOK STORE |\Ju large assortment of | Valuable and Interesting New Books, | Pietures, Letter, Note, and Pouolscap Paper, Blauk | Bou ke, d } Among the new Books will be found The Confes (sions of a Sehoulmaster, by Aleot Mayor Jack | Downing’s Thirty Years Out of the United States Senate; Evil not from God, be Joha Youug, LLD ; | Edinburgh; Spargeon’= Gears ‘Phe Sait and bie \saviour, by Spurgeon, Fred. Freeland, or the (hava of Cireutnstances ; Roumamas Phe Border Land of ex for Tadustry Jihe Christian and Tuck ; Zachos’ New Jand the sate Tavestient of Capiral : | American Speakers The Carpenters Assistant and | Horal Architect, by Win. Brows, Villas, Jand Cottages, by Calvert: Vaux Phe | Ladiew Mi nonbtay Ganneay 1% rk, by Pullanns | Baroes™ Family Prayers; Pariey's Be 200 engravings Pie Children's: Pi \‘The Chita rial Atbua ter spelling, itl pieture readin - Hugh Miller's Works. of the Opportunt Architects Nichitect; Mis of Animate, astire Book thers ‘arye g Book, ou a new Foot-prints The Lite vy Yehools and Schoolmasters: \4 reator “The ‘Pestunony of the Vand ‘Vines of Hugh Miler . ra. ’ NOV IILs. Do With It, hy Bulwer; W Women, by the Author of Experience, by Ruflin: Jane wy Currier Bell; Lullian, by Jo iy Daten port Danny by Charles Lever] Wy i Vanetiew in English Lite; ere Strata Carlou Rocks; What Will He hooghts Abou (Paifax y Den tho Shurley Almance, Romance of the Wonma The Miss Pardoc 13 Emel fares, a € ssion oof a <The Wife's Vriate by BOOKS OF HUMOR. Dow's Pater sorinens: Pie Wild Western Scene Sam Slick; ‘TI Arie Doctor; ‘Phe Grey bn Mare; ‘The Cosme Wand Jew Ww Morry : Major J s Courtstip and tis Ske inert pretty Pravels REYNOLD’S NOVELS. Marv sien w Ben Perey s The Op ra Dance Pope Joris‘ \ An heww Pie Eunpres re Bot Conousurg House; Ada Aru del or the s Books isk ‘Odd- Fellows, The Odd F we Manuals The Odd-Feliows Text-Book yf Odd-Fellowe’ Otte rag | Beautiful ou Books. | deechihine Geo ctiga itp Sous I yraviags ' Poot f MI fern M r Woot Bea the I Asinal; The V Niburus, ke Aw Bor wale ENS EE ENNIss Book Stor NATE NS BIG SIE ANDS H-@DERe @e BHR. Deri wishes bord and sear Corel = VI ( ih I c ACE ACRES Pash rus Ne 1 re and Fences are aly NEW or eee o nH PREAH ductive ae sy fanes in thin > I wh MEADON 1 (it. a 210 PRUNE HOT TOM Vi ' {Wood lar da eer ‘ r Pher eh nn CHARD \ etre : Toe er rb ted it reference toni is, ehuce lies ARO ATAT) 168) Apleny) gle ba5 Earn 23 ume CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, &c., &o. William H. Smith, . Mo 1 ae he con the ( “ARRIAG Ip) ae SINESS, 1 Sand, in var branches “ w i . iret some 1 ( ka » Tie Nav th Shops x h wand ianne : pur pes ( F “ Achat ye for Work, wher | 1-49 Gieo85 NAOTHER CHANGE T! SALISBURY FEMALE SEMINARY, ee ishing Suton Heol ieste caer Gran rs Vie { D YE SLURS CRALN: TURPENTINE, R ESIN Chalk, Whiting, J RINALS, Syrenges, Breast Pumps. I( 1 ARDEN and Grass Seeds, S ALT-PETRE, ? Manufacturers Artic'es, Sorax, Glue | AGNES(A, Mustard, Ginger, 1 () NEMAS, Surgical Tustruments, | ) URABLE Ink, Blacking, SINGLASS, Gellatine, Extracts, ( VORKS, Bottles, Sponge, | NDIGO, Annatto, Rose, Pink, N TOR WEGS, slace, kK MERY, Rotten Stone, Sand Paper, 4 LAs, oS Olt (loves, r, Cream ‘Tartar, » A , W INDOW Glass, Putty, | Y BELLOW Ochre, Lamp Black, CIDS, Alcohol, Fluid, ed and Lamp Oils, T RAIN, 1. (FEN INCTURES, Barks, Quiuine, ~ ODA, Saleratus, Starch, » Main Street, SIVEISIBICIRIE, aye Jau. 4, roy (f 32 CELEBRATED VEGETABLE CATTLE POWDER. a Be mo | prietors take pier Powder. fe booffering their wnfident that aa Pr Vegeta ble Cattl Tiana tas the articie long heeded by the Vgreultural com hawoity Ihe und is urelu Inomt all direw Ben eu Cows, Hoye, and Sleepoen rusdnte the crealate sller native producing au the blood and ai ereby. purdviuy & Cretione weer commenced for horses to be given fle tmper. Slabberng., Coucks Fe vers, Poot-dimeanes. Glanders Farey. Gupes aid € Jaundice aud Yellow Water, diseares of the kid e\. founderea horses, de Tiormiay be given in deses of tablespoornful thee or Gines a week mixed DANE with water when droking ap) shooh!\ recommended foreaws. Pu nord 1 org them te a beat y state diving out ei the in pu WEG AB ay Th yth andun proving ther appetite, henge then ved tyoee the aineunt of milk. sein a r Nermer. chat onee uses thos pow. ver he withentat. Dtehould be given in Ls aia folthree tames a@ Week and op rite use olit, all the diseases arming oftche blood and secretions may be I Havew out | renot Elo tow Horn, Hoof disease ' aueaniles baa He eas = hoybiy rHelal by yiving the powder every Lyourihrer tines a week HUGS, » powder im recommended to be 1 necks, the lunge aud and may be given by miving in a barrel of ewill POTLIL ye The Cottle Powder wiven uleers in pound or @ ha A package proving so+ ffieseions for what was firel re ines ded induced several farmere to wet veg hens. and fonnd the efleet most meonetert g them: bee des. making them trone wer than usnalin laving egos, We enn, t mend it. to be feed to chickens, sesturke xs and for all kinds of the feathered wher ~desved to keep op a healthy con- Lomes be given mixed with Indian meal and | SOLD. Whiestesate 1 Reta hy HEWwyAdt f, Dene s 15 J OHN DOOLEY, Hat and Cap Manufacturer, AND WHOL PSALE DEALER IN Thats, Caps, Furs, Trimmings, I. HAVE now on a fee vy hand» mplet extensive as i serine th ties tone my | ne adapted to the SPRING RADE. es et stant addstions wall be made during the May and facies have eoxbled me on to offer the LARGEST, CONIA Fos TOC Kh doin every of GOODS A 1D Winawavaon. Prnerpal, Se Mrs NO) Winkessoy, Assistantoin the Literary 5 UTERO OD sare jnaetca imonnd: Wak e particular attention of my custom- Mr Wor Haste, Posrroctorin Musie. | : Fi ne oprenndl STRAW GoOoDps. pee ; MWe eet which for vanety and extent cannot be surpassed ‘ ; JOHN DOOLEY, We (s Main street, Richmond, Va ‘ re tf42 lw a | ~ . > Ta 4 ae DR. WISTAR'S BALSAW OF WILD CHERRY, : mene ta ates BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS'! | . Take only the Genuine!! Toone of Taition as tofore iatantimilvot he eandestheranc ec EL ESTA aEAECLIO Ue baiee trespeetability. \ ' semphat vothy case with Wistar's ADA WILKINSON, Bars Habis qualities and well earn, Pore Verepeutatiniont whichina acc rEe safe, aperdy and never fail- fy \ r od ‘ Ds. Thos es ess. Broscnrres, Wroormwe , Feb Ist, 1859 136 Qysy ASTI ENDL ORS Za, INFLAMMATION OF 1 CesT + well wa that dire aise Nave omdue Anprincipled xpecntatore in the RAIL ROAD NOTICE ralth of the communt unwary @ v w less and delete +t true and - ce y infliet ma tnstin, r lO # i ieEly aetna alatenzelne COUNTRY MERCHANTS. | oe Oy n¢ Baleam bas NEW, CEEAP, bh nearly twenty AND y ha ano encominoms s | as the following, fro “ma mearchant, are daily re- spr oa - > aD ive 1B; \l 1p; DIT 100 S Rot i 10) Cr atLepane Delaware, Oct., 26, 1858 FOR ; Please send me a supply of Wis FREIGHT FOR THE INTERIOR OF NORTH 74,7 See re Me wie CAROLINA, PS and others about pnrehasing thei as ce that by the eat oa inter supplies, are requested to ne onoof the Ne from Charleston 8 € complet th Easter to Cheraw, the ad Sit cures Coughs, Axthma, Whoop There has never nt mea lot some time {the genuine here until you «« Ince, hut plenty of the counterfeit Yours, truly, JACOBY, FOULK." REMEMMER, THPREPORF, oi) wie skek neQLTR, that the ¥ GESUINE hue the Warrrks Stes rl kk Tv well as the PRixtep name of the Proprietors, S&T YUTSEIDE WRAPPER: ’ vantage of a CHE AP and expeditious route from the | F ACO.) BOSTON, on the Oe RM Ronn TAKE NO OTHER, if were money wasted and health jeopard- r . ized Por aale hy {AN Preight consigned to the eareof the Agentof “Vicngnsay a ENS 7 aweate <0 ss : bury, N dis Siteh That (Raid callie incu ien, Cy CRUE SONC ANISSicir OT Keltsbary NO. of Comenessrer 1 Nacharpentaratnneeswiltiemudoint Charnw i Pane e en . JAMES HORAH goods willbe takes care ofin the Company's Ware house antibealied tor Schedole of charges for trans: portation of Prelit will be faund at the Rony bey SPORES Scud boy had on. when he ae OE eR FR Th uae a Ge aeons, Ue na en AT LOMONS, ' ; he Sagineer & Superiniende SICKLES' 7 RUG iy a AA ple SAT SULTS Te SIA GS Se Angnst 10, 15> “ " en " ont Inf ' 1 Complete. Te Wegner ee sci etoramtonmdalty Etre Pn erins frebince {Grwan Miie Romp Une N (care i€ toffee, Sugar, Molasse ‘oranien u Wine 1 ne WP GRAIL TOT CAT. | May 17, 1559 Wal AND NOTICE. == B&H’ Ee The Satishory and Taylorsville Plink Rend ( RSS TEE ARES 2 TETAS Abi heey UY (ye is New Orlean kept up asa Toll Road, and all persons ore 1 Gt hac al aerate Fo esce pH id Sk ally ke at pay ther tolloora fine of ko ow be ec teil MOA SMITH “O Rapa hig aid clnwec ite rillected off of (heni TP VOART Seeot) Feet Wal 1) Hide. Vuscovade and New Or May 17, 1859 ua . : Teann Mol iceen (OMETHING to kil RATS, Something to kt MICE, | Something to kil FLEES Jonn H Smoething to bil BED BUGS negentle. | Por sale at HENDERSON & ENNISS Drug bueinees, and | json THING to fatten HORSES, | ometling to fatten COWS, large k building on and Water Streets Something to fatten HOGS, HENDERSON & ENNISS’ A CARD. I AVING nesorated with inveelf Mr Fivsraa. recently of Petersburg, Va man of long experience in the having moved into thy new bri the of Main increased facilities for trust we will be enabled ty com rer with our eondacting the business, t | vd the confidence | — } and patronage of my former custou pab- |. lie generally. Our motto will be to give satiafuction | Call and see us. orsale at LAND PLASTER, For sale hy SPRAGUE BROS ra and the C. A. HENDERSON 1259 1793 Jan 11 65 Birrets ¢ 1O00 SackaS shed and Coffee Sugar SPRAGUE BROS Slisbury, Dee 13. Deas 29 m+ ' Coffee / | Cotte ntite. rp Ir 0, Laguin, diva and Mocha, a large lot on har For sale low by SPRAGUE 10,000 vhs. WEST INDIA, and N. ¢ | BROWN SUGARS. Also, Crushed and Clarifie For aale low by SPRAGUE BROS |} Apr. 12 af and on the way Apr, 13-46 BROS Post Office WATCH-MAKER AND JEWELER, SALISBURY, NoC One door below R. & A, Muphy’s Store, ] 7 BEEPS constantly on hand a large assortment o XO WATCHES and JEWELRY of all kinds Clocks, Watches and Jewelry of every description repanedin the best manner and on the most reasona ble terms rvrundy 19, PASR. LEATHER A very superior lot of Was Teather and Calf Skine forsale by BEARD & BROTHER May "th, 1859 1150 ly38 ARGE late Flat Dutch and large late Drumhead AU nhbage Seed for ante at 1f43 HENDERSON & ENNISS’. 8 Molasses ! Molasses! A large lot of N Apr. 12-46 Molasses |! ! O. and West India. For sale low , by SPRAGUE BROS. d,| BLANK WARRANTS For vale at this Office. ¥ J. J. BRUNER, EDITOR AND PROP RI 114 ¢ | = ~ = = | TERMS Bingle copy, $200 | Five copies, $3.00 Ten copies, $15.00 Clubs excveding ten, in the same proportion | $1.50 each. Payment always in advance. | | ADVERTISING RATES. — Carolin + A square is the s pea 7 | iS occupied by 16 lines o | p < | esi . i op a x YT) ») 1 if TY. » ) Lad ( | } c > -F sctre "VOL. XVIL ALISBURY, N. ©., JUNE 5 Occasional mney O se 4 Q So 4 SB Vv Ct) IN. es ¢ N 4 ZO; 1849. N “av oD) Pear su- s| \ 1 Trcaal adh adhadiesl rill without additionalcharge | | 2232% eee ese ena grated Wo those who ad- | | BEBE ASE SE saonsowur B | vertise regularly through | | BSEre2eEele js4aeul & weyeat: sth ; © Q . $ r { Lesstsiseln aaa Hews, A 3 3 € Arts and S fa dth € Seenppne. ee ee Devoted to Politics, Uews, Agriculture, aternal Improvements, Commerce, the Arts aud Sciences, srality, and the Family Circle. PSA SREASS vuopsesns gp aouncing candidates for + ¢ S y ¢ = mak . St office. FSpponn-, | | oe oseee: yourt Orders charged | 2. ERZESZY Roe | Court Fi . g= = | 25 per cent higher than j ‘ renee , re ; | FESTGE ee seanuoos 9 ieadove rates. Orters] More to be Admired than the | The Common Sense of it. —The people | THE POPE COMING. SINGING OF BIRDS. Origin of the Prairies. | g ay OS = for divorce of husband are tired of the rein of names, and have It has been surmised, bath in Burope The singing of most birds seems entire- Professor Wilber, State Civolugist, of destetdcclsneon(ecetecn "| RICHEST DIADEME | licusvel! wr hu'iiy sing suven jr Tt tas ven eure Tienincigafsastbrdenena mating] |Prateaar Wilby ato Geni of 5 KK 10807 WHA gg persons sending j : . hh i 6. ton cmt fhe leone Singet, War tlhe Pipe J | ’ ‘d bY [Ilinvis, has recently delivered a series o Sone Tpieavariiscsents are re: aD politics, as in moval, By their preity Wns Ore SLE is VO do Jassitude in muscle, or relaxation of) ‘iis Teen Wnt recariour ence Sees ees camo ©) ers ciineescrairan = shall ye know them.” Iv Virginia they night be so emberrassed, if not endan the parts of uetion. In certain SERCO Cea aE ae bia, \ eyceeo ssa Ieee Spyathed lauat WORN wy KINGS og EMPERORS. guve power to the Democracy. gered, among his triends in [taly, that he and weather, the nightingale sings all) We copy from the Gennessee Republic S32 - should oc oa 3 2 fo naty they . . F ; of 5 ate a Bepesces “aMuon @ space posalble, welte upon a Hoad of Hai ) Because they profe ssed honesty : they inight be constrained to Mrielommcniie CayanUlnioat@pantiat the night; and we the following abstract of histheory on the | a biberwise they, will, be What? Why a Beautiful Head of Hair, fave practiced corruption — co iG aligen at? caiven, This cw agannd WESC ee that the powers of eong! origin and formation of the prairics: \ ¥ .--eqygom 6 | put up in the weual style | Because it le the ornament (od Himeny provided (ur alt wut Because they professed economy > they hs oo = re Weaker, or that the notes become) > : Are Laccordingly, | race. Reader, although the ruse may bloom ever so Urightly 1 3 ! 4 B, ett i caker, F, Prof. Wilber adopts the theory that at and charged accordingly. | delsnehbdaseth : Jlave practise tulneses as an unbkely event, as he is little better ‘ . 9 BP M/ lehe glowing cheek, the eye be ever so aprrktiog the teeth be Have pric tised wastefulness— 3 , | alr ane unable, after all these hours | eS Ss . No discount vp | datoh abd untunable, after é eC | . ap iback I | : those of peutls, ifthe hewl is bereft of ite covering, or the hair Bee aiken reoaiten Gnu dheay ham a sient nee. eles Smet lone time—very far back In its bistory— | Ute be snarled nnd shriveled, harsh and dry, or worse still, if eprits Secause they professed fairness: they Chan a skate prisoner etoves Aust of practice, “The song thrush, in a mild, anny © nOuntry. fi a arian Gh ie kted with gray, nuture will lose more thao half her charine rerpetrated Pecointote | ha 1" , j soil \ , he ee lial j this vast country ormed a@ portio } : ary Prof. Wood's Mair Restorative, if used tw oe tree ives wid iL 4 | i Tar fieli and would willingly entrust his sacred: toist Apri, will commence Ais une @@) by ttom of the ocean—thut through the ee ertore and perina eto albeuch an ora ren 4 . rotense cule A 4 ; . a : eg clit : 4 BLANKS, ope ai we ai ide tant geomet es pore + iy Le Secultise They prote sed peculiar hdets person to his obedient servant, the empe- ly In the morning, pape uneeasingly eruptions caused by the internal heat, to- necist = =a} 4 \ pe expense, Civil Warrants, Casas & Bonds, Write. ©, & 8. Court, Fxecutions, C. & 8.0. 8 ibpanas, C. & 3. C. Witness Tickets, C. & 8.C. Juror Tickets youre Cy Upon Uh f your Veuar Soe ee eee eed (ia arlial: hues et onan 0) LATION UL OU: your Restorative asa very wouderful inveation, quite fica tious The people are Neeinuine to Jack y Com. to take Depo. C. & 8. C. Apprentice Indentures, Letters Testamentary, Letters of Administration, Special Letters do., Marriage License Do. _Certitients Deeds in Trust, Sheriff Deeds, Equity do Notes vf Hand, Notes to Bank, Attachment Writs, Delivery Bonds, Administration, do. Bastarday, oe ay other forms of less frequent uspruie, Blanks pode BAKER'S PREMIUM CHOCOLATE THE RAILROAD. A Great Institution !! {VERY BODY SAYs SO, and so it must “4 It almost anuihilates time and distance, by the speed of its trains, which, as they thunder along | through hills and over the plains and valleys, drawing their long lengths and enormous freight», the gaping | world stand and look—they can't help—with wouder | and delight; and then it is they are wont to ery Great Institution. People used to ray that such oF sach a man ‘38 a team.” [fhe were creat ae 4 poll- ticlan, as a lawyer, a preacher, a merchant or tradesman, he was sure to receive this distinguishing appellation. A good team, in those times, was, prr- haps, more the pride of men, than since the Tron Horse cume upon the world’s gieat stage ; not be- | canse we have less need for horses now, but becaure. | in some of their uses they have been eclipsed —Well, | in conmdering these comparisons in their apphoatian | to men, we hold that there are seme men who ries far above even the Great Institution. Take for in stance Ex. Gov. Moreneap, whose mentul strength and moral power, put into operation the great forces | which heaved out the earth from the deep ‘‘cuts” and filled up the ravine and vaileys from Charlotte to Goldsboro’, and madr the high-way, with all its ap- pendages. We might instance others, many others, who rise above them; but let it suffice there are other men whose modesty will not allow them to as- pire to any thing beyond. Fur ourself, we are per- fectly content ty be accounted like the Great Insti- tulron. Gentlemen, let us reason together on this subject 5 c is) Ny Y FIHOKF EF LIN, can't be beat in selling CLOTHING. His Coats, and Pante Vests and Neck-Ties, Hats, Caps, Boots and Bhoes, shirts aad Drawers, cannot be excelled in quality, neither can any ope ell their like for so little money ax he. The fact i then, HOFFLIN'S CLOTHING 8TORE has become to be, to this whole region of country, A Great and Indispensible Institution. Look where you will, and you will see gentlemen wearing garments from his Store, . Does a gentieman want a fine and good COAT, or VEST, or HAT, and feel he bas need to make the best use of his money” He goes to Horriix's, of course. Horriis's Rtock comprises: every thing of every quality. His Spring and Summer supply, jast received, suri all former purchases, and is the NE PLUS ULTRA in the Clothing line. The fancy and tasty | who prefers the solid and durable , the Inboring | f tough, strong and comfortable garments—all be H | ia the volelruted Litnest, Tivedbery ty to Virginia and ber peculiar institu: tiews and support Letcher, who would bave cut the State in twain frou his peculiar hate and aversion te that ve Woov New York, April 1), Isis they Permit me to express to you the obligations I ration of my hair t nthe t Ate original teed States 10 was Weil us agreeable. Tam, dear sir, yours truly through names to things—to bring pre = THAT BERG ‘ . fessions up tothe test of practice to per “Drych a'r Gwyliedydet, ae | ! : | i Welsh Newspaper Ofice, IF Nassau at, April 12. 1s ceive that the party screw in politics I= LD aa Cotte: VOUED Fae eerie Fane 0. J) Wein Deah Size <Sieae month orstx weeks | LOD the benetit, not of the people, but o Bail Bonds, civil cases 0 dictments, oO Dreceived » bottle of your Har Re 5 A nsf nen i ai AW Say ea tata era wh Peneliite ary ibe nee her bad the Pp HITIClans, As the torture of the ] i 1y that it would restore th: good, hotot relighen but of the inquisitors--te comprehend quisition wats for the ifler a few wee That partyistn, without patrcatrsm, is tent the livery of a slave, the bad se of an idiet or the device of a hnave. Hence, casting off the livery my JW moeresy — The large nanibers who fori ly pron Colienlyetl: \xeicui Restorative te all pe ete hair uneced aloud, and °° Vireinia ust watilated and entire.” Wore oo Tt alee itebang, so ce witpow a t SY J00 KILE W. Baker a Co's American, French, Homeopathic roomy daar ene na ny Hence, the thousands who, wrath quits and Vanilla Premmam Chocolate, Prepared Cocoa, | ‘ es SHat fin (ilimante (ATEN Ce nG Nand Ned Parte. Cocoa Sucks, Soluble, Hotnapattie aud eats Tae naletcest \ : =f a ed i teve Cocoa, Cocoa Shella and Cracked ¢ oc, Cele- | Gale yes Corin Sregarier Uae Hotes, Wd Ginse ved brated as uutritive, salutary and delciwur beverages, | See: ther drivers for more than three-fourths of a century, are mano | Henee, the other thousands whoa enn faciured from Cocoa of the finest quality, and war | etre me puepeuneniall tly up te aie wont. Ulece Ih ranird supenor to way ather Cocoa Preparaiions 1 ‘i a : made in the United States, As nounshiment fore we tostreaming dowi their pies trou te pacts dren invalids and persons in health, and ox substitutes Be Eine na ae for Tez und Cotfee in Nervous and Py speptie cares ee Henes, never yet Grawernor reacned thev are invaluable, and are recommended by the} 0 v tors, 444 Broadway, New York one é 7 F ‘ ; : must eminent Physicians and 114% Bios power aeatist a pep sentitn seed (For sale by their Agents, D.C Murray, New | And sont by all gout Deuggists and Fancy Gotds iow versally rewolted--as las betel Neo York ; Win. 8. Grau. Philadelphia ; TV. Brondige. tnatpority of Votes, mdecd, but aiintet >: K co gc “ie 5 4 | TE Baltimore » Kennert, Dudley & Co, Cimciuual, ane THE LIVER ev arate afeaiatain: ae by Grocers generally 1 : : WALTER BAKER & CO, I N V l Gi 0 R A T (0 R YQ fheads and tearts, Indeed we bebeve lin 3m45 Dorchester, Mass i . to be the Laketse MINORITY Goth knok PREPARED KY PR SANFORD, Compounded entirely from GUMS, | 8 ONK OF THE BEST PURGATIVE AND LIVER ME DICINES public, thet @cts ae & easier milder, and more effectual than auy othe: Tris not only a fothartr but © Lheer remedy sc tite morbid maite everelected to ofhce That's the tact of it it—that’s the whole of it thate the way of Rich, Whiy before the eel Some of the ultra bent on rivaling t Juitra Northern men, With that vis Veo Soot ty hens the hen ually 1 of mom Garkeartion treug and when ta Hern tnen are The Liver is one of the “ human body ; wen i torte ita functi | : is powers of the 67 mem ere Faiiy developed The « (says the Fayetteville Observer) the idea te alesam entirely dependent on the bealihy ac i ‘ : ‘Licer tor the proper perform {brought lorward two years apo of re- = domach jn at beak teebowele jopening the Slave trade affords them a rare oppurtunity, The Southern Conven wrtflers in consequence to do its duty gan, one of the proprietors practice of more than twenty canes hes made it bis study. ine ra, © find some remed: { . Leet {tien (se called) resolved in favor of that ) vdious proposition —odious to nine-tentis 7 Many derangements to » bie at last und, any person trow Jalnt, in any of its forms, fonvicuicn is certain ' ; of the Southern people theturelves and These Gums remove all the system. eupplying in thetr evuacorating the stomach urifying the bl bole machinery, remov to all others in all parts of the world, ‘ except the tew pirates, as the law tertus ing : them, Who make ieney outof the trath Ver Te, Me hero of that Couvention 5 and now cared, and, the gecesi nal what ts wwe uf tbe Spratt, of Cocutestan, wats the ficient to relieve the stomach rising and sourmng retiring, preven Night= | 4 Ope dove after eating and prevent the food Only one dose taken before ma: we see that under bus auspices an © African | Labor Supply Nero ation” has been formu ed, which with bobdits text urecting on iMobiie on the third Monday in Februars night, lonsens the bowels meal will ore Dy spe pata spoonfuls will always ielieve y one dose taken at and caree Coe dose taken after each (me done of two tea. sick Headache. (One bottle taken for male obstruction removes the a perfect eure Wedt, tak the piace of the Southern heolite, while | : P eter thelera | Couvention, we suppose, for that hum olera. ws brow ot of the | 1 Ut bas had its day and ran down te cine after a long sickness : Jaundice removes aii sal nothing, Mr. J. D2 Bo DeBow is Presi- from the shin time belore eating gives ef food digest well Chronte Diar- Sammer and {dent ot Mr Spratt hus avrecd to deliver the oration the new Association, and while web compiainis yield almost to the Aras dose at the tueeting, We see to name cot ‘One of two doses cures at tacks caused by Wormain | Children. there ia no surer safer, or speedier remedy in hected with the Society of anv person the world, as it nerer fasle Ba A few bottles Drapsy, by exciting the North or South Carelina; but adsorbents |these envayed in the trattic have their headquarters in the city of New York, 2 jwe believe. giving their unanimous | or. ! y cares living it We take pleasare in recom mending this medicine as @ Fever, preventive for Fever Ague, Chili cll Pecers aml & tous Type. It operates with certainty, aud thousands are willing Ww testify to ite wonderful virtues. All who ase It are testimony in tts fav: az Mix Water in the mouth with the Invi gerator, and swallow both together. THE LIVER INVIGORATOR 18 A BCIENTIFIC MEDICAL DISCOVERY, and te daily working cures, almost too great to believe. It cures as if by Seen the fret dose giving hencfit. and seldom more than “pe bottle is regnired w cure any kind of Liver Complaint, from the worst Jaundice or Dyep-paia 10 « common H ‘i all of which are the result of a Diseased Liver. PRICE ONE DOLLAR PER BOTTLE BANFORD & Co, Proprietors, 345 Kroadway, New York. Wholesale Agents: Since the above was in type we are Jylad tosee the following notice of a suc feerstul counter movement at Vick=burg, where the last Southern Convention was held, and where the above Society was [organized : | Anti Slare Trade Meeting in Vo | The citizens of Vicksburg held burg. 1 Banwes & Park, New York, TW. Dvort & flows, Philadel- > Ne MR Bone kite, Boson, HOH Hay bo. Portland; | tians WeetIN Ye OU the 2st inst., to express onn DD. Park, Cincinnati, Gayton & Hamm Cleveland ; the public sense revarding the course of the late Convention in that place in ret to the trade. Henry S Foote called the meeting to order, W | L. Sharky was President. Strong reso | Renal & Davis, Chicago; 0 Woop & o., St. Louis | once H Kevser, Pittsburgh, 8 8 Hance, Baltimore. And Fetailed by ail Draggisis. okt alre by ENDERSON & KNNIDS, Saliebory, N.C Apr. 12, 1859. Ly46 lerence slave HOFFUIN'S, He has the Goods, down to the distinguish bis Store, and entitle it tobe regarded he GREAT INSTITUTION. in that line, Catt WIL. roo, at the (77 CORNER OF THE MAN prices, whieh lutions were passed, The W hig says The speeches of Judge Sharkey, Wim. as the More, Professional Card. Le Ro. rong be found at C. Smedes, Esq., Col. T. 5. Martin, Rev. 43 Office, in Cowan's Brick Row, when not ab Apel! SNL! ue enton Professional business 42). Nov. TSBS Dr. Marshall, and others were rapturous ~~ ; ly applauded, which plainly showed that NEW | {the popular heart was with the conserva FAMILY GROCERY STORE | i Itive cause, in favor of maintaining the y} Joe JAS. T. PETTEWAY, Commission Merchant, Try the New Grocery Store, | FineT DOOR ABOVE JONES’ HARDWARE STORE. RESH GROCERIES, every kind required for} F customers AT LOW RATES. for Cann. Groceries ean only be sold for Cash ot Barter, The profite are two emall for a Credit business. Give usa coll REARD & BROTHER. W45 m B i] 6, 1859. DE ROSSET, BROWN & CO, WILMINCTON,N.C. BROWN, DE ROSSET & (0. NEW YORK. Commission Merchants. UF Bole Agente at Wilmington for Reese's Mani- palated Goano, and W. Whitelock & Co.'s Super- phosphate of Lime. UF Importers of pare Peruvian and other Guanos. Lond Plaster, ge. oO | Stores, Cotton and other Produce April 19, 1859 9mpas7 | gy Drs. M..WHITEHEAD &J.A.CALDWELL, AVE associated themeetves in the practice of Medicine | and offer their Professional services to the public. Those | ho wish it, can have the services of both, in any case, without extra charge. EAT OMce—the same oceup ied at prevent)) Dr Weirmnasd | bu SPRING BONNETS, SPRING MANTLES, SPRING SHAWL McNEELY & YOUNG'SS (43. ARGE LOT of TEA and COFFEE SUGARS. Just received McoNEELY & YOUNG, Mar. 22. , 143 Just received at ar. \ Floar and other Produce | Cotton Bagaing. Gunso, &e., Family use, shull be regularly supplied to our! Wilmington, | state, N.C; UoS. Lutterloh, Beq., Fayetteville, N.C ‘I \ OF Particalar attention given to the sale of Naval | (entlemen wishing handsome Clothing should never ge al the lowes prices. \ | fo engage will do well by making immediate applica- tion upon the wabscriber | laws of the land and respecting the rights fof humanity, as well as against the in- troduction of “Guinea nigyers™ to re duce the price of labor. Aud Agent for Dawson's Line of Steamers, WILWINGTON, No© Solicita Consignments, Naval Stores, Cotton, Corn, | Also orders for Groce ries, &e Faq. Joho Diwaen, | Rerens ro and Dr FS. Hill, North Carolina College.—We have re Noo; 0 ti, Parseley, Beg, Prea Com ( ercial Bunk; De ‘Vbos, TH. Wright, Pres Branch ceived a copy of the prospectus of this ank Cape Fear; E. Po Hall, Pres Branch Bank | institution, py intedatthe Watchman office, Salisbury. Brom it we learn that this lcollege is located in the village of Mount | Pleasant, lately incorporated, in Cabar rus county, North Carolina. It sprang originally ont of Western Carolina Male | Academy, which has been in successful operation for the last four years. The Clothing, Clothing. ldesiyn of this college is to promote the Now 18 the time to procure the most \interests of edacation, in connection with April 26, 1559. 3m48 50.000 Brick For Sale. YHOSE wanting to buy Fifty or Sixty Thonaand good Brick, can get a bargain by calling at this fice 47 ror of that despotically governed Country; sat che Prench emperor has the power to retain lum where he is, or to dictate the plice to which he shall go. The ru mor ofan American visit has given rise to the following jew Mespret, which is froma German paper, the Alas, publish- through the day, yet, at the close of eve, when le retires to rest, there js no obve- vus decay in his musical powers, or any sensible effort required to continue his harmony to the last. Birds of one species sing in general very like each other, with different. degrees of execution. Some countries may produce fiver songsters, bat without great variation in the notes. ‘yvether with the labor and activity of those inaster-masons, the coral insects, onr con- |tinent was raised to its present position ‘above the water. To prove this bold pro position, he refers to the many indicia of| salt water presence, the frequent occur: | jrence of shells which legitimately only | belong to animals of the sea—the evidence furnistied by the rocks, of the labors of the | edin Milwankie, Wiscausia, The hamour : ver. it ie remarkable é ne ‘ t id h fee THe em bodice the les = “ line anki salar i ves er aoe hip cey maatristiakau ss ” a devel 7 Pivwatl te ; 18 »g- | thi mack 4 Fevular dotes, Cad : i a Gay EA oan) a oe a ; ha ‘et ° man os if ' pe ‘ment; the frequent discovery of the re- Set en et i ee e NORGE! PUIG Co SASSY) 1 US hed | uztDs of monsters of the sea, deeply im) Vp Nae SAGES fue resbytervan, | Their voices may always be distinguished | bedded in our limestone system, the exis: | Mlapsaw tats, Mai Ey ERGO anid an a of the corps, ans tence npon our tem of huge boulders, . . ype performer will nore particularly at) ery Pa ora nye “Hee To Pings Require, in Rome—With deep es attention by a ee modulation es eee au ewe GbEnes ineton dbase read in the paper that you are ‘ ani ¥ t cere : drifted far away to the South- weet tn of tune; and should several stations of yy ged Woteastr: ee aided ‘ matt trove. bor Clee romtsot that the Gaines are tl bi 1 It vielt 1 the ra an at weaded ib mee raines of ce, ali t Toy} tne r : ’ sbulle NOP, : be coriti bay worse ated worse iu the States | Ae a i. nk i ir iy f ie 4d down at length apon the ocean's bed, Ww » probably w : ‘ t Crmeh, and the I ins ho loner have OU 1s TSU FLED SATS ‘ oe whenee they arose with our continent, opae vere 3 , t f tess : : ty cal tforvou, A few dha sinee, infor Snes iy Ge ve Re of notes; “Poe arguments, if not quite conclusive, ' ‘ atever is uttered sve rthee ne f Wallon Was te the ctheet that vou | Whatever is utterec ceming the ¢ oe ' are eminently suggestive, and should oper Croaiira 9 AD Aiea, where the | the Wloment, At yee eS TI hae Drcu® the eyes of thinking wen te the wondrous a veut Rec ut perfectly unlike any acediny utter : . eS ae Ie yu - ce i es ; ne ‘\ 7 ene hah with mysteries buried deep in the earth upon ne - Ee yowill probativ band | 4 >a nay ie lu ba : i y owhich we 60 farniliacly tread. wolork omtpend vou by nop eut noticing any repe ition of it. aPoli, es EEE ener acicee es eae ie A ateliauitolctacind ri anys ery Ole We oh? ie The existence ofour prairies 18 account: bee 4 : es ‘ a ense as the notes of Ute’ ce toe in this wise. The result of the tothe West a Jot vourself be swine bird are, yet they are pleasing from their Sirift systein” was to give to this part of Wed tn the teket offices, bat buvawennine tick: variety. Lhe voice of the black-bird is ee © : ; aes " Sona ; the couutry # soil of unparalleled fertility 5 toamdeome by the wavoot Buthdo and Detect iitinitely more inellow, but has much | i at ahi u freorcen: |hrec to Milwaukie Pinean at well, and otfer vou marioti Ci ’ oe and, arising from this, were the very large ‘ less variety, Compass, or execution and eituabou with me, TP have lad tor several vears je. ¢ - Al thtl : wrasses Which are peculiar to this Beil i. i ‘i Seas jhe c tInences Carols W ie INOTL : aceonl bager beer business, but at in need. how: | a ean. an a a S Me ane : ; - alone; luxuriant and undisturbed, they 4 r liv severing from hour to hour . : vor of a barkeer of distinction. You cau lave meal ee i ae EES AR le falt ° yrow to a great height, and fairly wove ‘ |e roany “N61 2 Jaltering . i a siete eames an eciconcn:, So nmaer tere ne “ aa a pelea il ic the surface of the earth with a thick, al-| ‘i . of Vo te we x “ Ti oh uy Nand twee dolire: per ule icae IN GEES ; we us ‘ML. MD SUES a aM 8) tiost impenetrable covering. In the au free, and every two weeks ative Sunday. Tele COE COIS TOMES aby) panei, MAL j an a tumn, when thiginass of combustible mat i utee onotony of ite vs and thouy : ’ ‘ wrapdione as Soon as Vou arose in New York i GDRs Ween ih a ES ae al 4 ae ter was dry, how easy for a shaft of light t : nt rere #& - her d Vor “TOL ve 3g as . Yoana Bini [ROORe ne eee Oe) ee i S ning to send a conflagration from one Hntueromars Ser cekRick the only bird [ know that seems to suffer 1 dary of the country tutheother. The Beer House Keeper, from the use of the organs of voice. Little spronting twice of sturdier Peet nenalel orehou uae do xertio ye (eee tus | rete cdrnti : He a £ \ (Forenoun Free Lunch.) fexerts i. as the fe a ce pias le : perish by the frequent occurrence of these jseemns to require, vet, by the middle or io any onece Reece eae ) ; SiVatt ddayaveon(eltaser cites ate ides NETeUIC? tires, and hence tie treeless appearance { Double Acting Fore Punp.~One of 7 — f fh ‘ the West. To aid the idea, itis claimed, } hoarse, an "CusUs mi oat urther es: 4), : the best and dost useful inventions of the: | u a a i ue Re is ue 7 BrUher C8 it the Indians, when they did arrive, , | BT ees au 4 . | S day isa Donble Acting Force Pump, the euy CIEE aeuGuts which is supposed to have been loug sub invention of Mr. danies M. Edney, 147) LONEDINESSOIN GREAT CITIES “sequent to the first period mentioned, Chambers street, ii Chis city, a patent for | It is with out packing, and without suction, is ex struction, and, Pett Pine eat be uses which has been appl ed for, ceed ingly situple in iis Geo BETH sue The, possenses i nents of a good pump, exther as w well, a citer, or dosti p's Jt isnot fiable to cet ontof onde and tas but one barrel and one piston, puny. r, beimg without @nide rods, slides, mo chains, ar pullers easy ean it be worked, wirlor boy of ten years old ie without the least troubie at or TO teet, and under 30 te that an ’ tana tthe working At the discharge pipe is a screw to winch a hose power Is scarecly percep! ble. pope can be attached, and water can te thrown toa herglit of from 40 to 60 tect It does not lose a drop of water, wud dias hoeXtra appliances trot one foot to one fondred Aomodel and be seenat the ofhce, L47 Chambers street, feet punipy car but those who would wothess itoain fall operation aud judge for thetnselves of its remarkable properties, should goto the BICtit ys fi OE. loth number of obliging attendants will take ist street, where a pleasure in showing and explaining its workings, and where the visitor can have ab Opper aUity of handling ana trying it at 20 and 25 feet. The prices range from x15 to gto, and drawings and full partie vlars can be had on application te the It ated stedal Wo re ks by fand, wind, wa £ TPIT CMN. proprietor ter Sete LAN Toone part of the world did T ever see such absolute midday darkness as occur: Not a ray pierced the dense shade, and the eye | ranved through the melancholy colon: | nades of tall black stems, aud along the | root of gloomy follage till it was lost in| the night of woods—midnight with the Australian sun at its meridian! We were perliaps the more struck with its pecn- lhiritv, because the reverse is the charac: ter of the Australian bash; for the foli- age of the guim-tree is so thin and so pen dulous, that when the san is overhead, one rides almost as though there were no trees. If there is such a thing ag a sin- umbral tree—a Veter Schlemil of the woods —it is the guin-tree. [t was a sin- gular and pretty sight to sec, as we did this day, during one or two momentary bursts of sunshine, large flocks of parrots | dart across our path, like a shower of rn bies, emeralds, and sapphires, clitteriny for an instant in the watery beam, and vanishing as quickly in the wloom of the | wilderness. —Zravela Abroad Al ECD SS) red in many spots of this forest. desirable CLOTHING in (other well established institutions through the Market: out the State. Though founded by the M ; i Evangelical Lutheran Church, it is vv ger no ecclesiastical restrictions, being alto ther catholic and free in all its arrange- ay before examining our stock, ae we keep the |inents and discipline; and hence com- ‘ost choice Goods ever brought to thie market and | 7 E have just received another sarge Int of Cloth- ing of the most FASHIONABLE STYLES mende itself to young men secking a tho lrough and tinished course of education ‘The collegiate year commences on the Nast Wednesday in September, and con- ltinnes for forty-two weeks without inter BROWN, COFFIN & MOCK Salisbury, May 10th, 1859. 150 TAN BARK WANTED. re subscriber is desirous of purchasing a large! ruption, except an examination in the | T > quantity of TAN BARK. (7 Persons wishing | 1 iddle of each seasion, and a literary con ‘test between the societies on the 22nd ot .¢c SIMONTON, |Febroary.—W. C. Argus. 114: March 15, 1859 BLANK WARRANTS For sale at this Office. (QF It is reported that a young lady in Washington county, Va., lately died from the excessive use of snuff. Aecident.—On Thursday afternoon last du ring the thunder storm, trees were struck in the the neighborhood of Charlotte and several per [sons narrowly escaped with their fives In one instanee two gentlemen upon a wagon ‘passing on the road, were stunned, whilst under atree which was struck, but they fortunately goon recovered . A negro boy, in another direction, with awa gon, sought shelter under a tree from the rain and had barely baited when i was struck, and the geering of his males were entirely removed Phe tree breaking aud falling across the wagon |threw the boy off, but without inflicting serious injury, The mules, strange to say, escaped and ecampered off. How the electricity stripped them of their harness witbout injuring the males ia A mystery , we cannot acoount for the singu lar freaks of electricity. — Charlotte Bulletin. regularly burned the prairie grasses, for the purpose of driving the game into more circumscribed quarters, 80 that it might fall an easier prey to their arrows, and to lessen the difficulty of traveling.— Life Jllustiated. ‘Yue vaster the crowd, the more solitary the individual, the more lonely the heart, aN) Bays a recent writer, S18 known in Londons itis the reali of the It is not There Isneosneh thing as decal opinion in’ the one, incognito and the aponyiweus, 4 place, but a region or a State. = : IEE patls mutual perset al kuowled ce FRIDAY. there istone; neighberbood, good repute, It ia strange enough, that Friday is re bad tame, there is none, No house knows garded in all countries as a peculiar day the peat door. How is a tman to show [y Enaland itis generally considered un What leis, When le is butayrainofsand Jucky ; many people wil) et commence watioot without relations tooo Without a place, (f Una, terse any undertaking on that day y and most without history, withoot garors believe that the vessel is sure to Crowds pour along the Ge wrecked that sails ona Friday. Tf a and although cach bias tier own qnarriage take place on that day, the old character weitten on High, they are one wives eliake their heads, and pres tall and all thas sie te ‘ kinds of misfortunes to the bride and Puts is true. though of course ina less bridegroom. Nay, they even pity all SANT COSTESY AGRE TSS especially children who are so unlucky as to be born young and untuended stranger. ona Briday. In Germany, on the con- Ali at ouee ve passes trom the midst ofa trary, Friday is considered a lucky day trendy ne where every one for weddings, commencing new uniderta knows anoatuer, where the eve of every kings, or other memorable events 5 and opeison his brother, aud where the sli; the reason of this superstition is deta est incnient of weal or woe affecting any be the ancient belief, that the witches of its members, isthe theme of iterested and sorcerers held their weekly meeting converse around each cottage hearth —to on this day; and of course, while they t In fact, in’ were amusing themselves with dancing, those vast wildernesses of streets, and and riding on broomsticks round the Janes, and noisome courts and alleys, of Plocksberg, they could lave no time to bwhich the lower parts of our preat cities work any evil. And by all sensible peo Tconsist, while the worst) vices of social ple Friday is regarded ‘no better and no lite are generated to: the utmost, society, worse than any other of the six. jin the true sease of the word, can scarcely . \ said to exist. There are few or no ties Hy drophohia.— Another rabid doy was bat Inntual knowledge, common interest, fortunately slain yesterday, ip this city. land friendly neighborhood, such as bind This is the third iad dog we have had the inhabitants of a country side or of a occasion to refer to, all in a few days Aistinetvettess streets 5 rinen ber te the ribortood an almost absolute solitude. | \ be . ———$—— From the Charlotte Bulletin. Bloody Battle Fought. 30,000 SLAUGHTERED. Avavera, June 18—6 P, M The steamship Anglo Savon, from Liverpool whence she sailed on the Mui inst, bringing four days later news, has tonchied at this port and fur inshed highly interesting accounts from the seat of war, Just before the departure of the steamer official notice had been received that a bloody battle had Austrians and French, near Milan, aud that une thousand soldiers had bees been fought between th: j slaughtered The result of the battle wall Le forwarded ag 800m as received SECOND DISPATCH \vousta, June 18 The report o battle near Milan states tat the loss of 25 Q00 in dalled and wounded, including captives, Phe loss of the French is put down at 12,000. The Austrians were forced to evacuate Milan and surrender the place to the Allies. Austrians were defearcd, aud sustained a The battle took place at the town of Magenta and the dispatches from Napoleon slate that the victory was a decisive one, 7,000 prisoners had been taken, and 12,000 were found disabled. Two of the standards of the Aue ree cannon were captured. ‘The loss of the Allics is estimated at 3,000, but the Jateat advices put down the number at between ten d 12,000. ‘The force of the coutending armies are estimated n army, and th an | as follows: Austrians, ..180,000 Allies, -130,000 The Bulletin from the Head Quarters of the Aus- trian Army differ somewhat from the French account, and cleim that the practical result was not altogether favorable to the Allies. The Austrians were commanded by Gen. Hersand the Allies uuder the immediate command of Empe- ror Napoleon. On the receipt of the News at Paris the city was briantly illuminated. Canrobert was mortally wounded and Exspenae wax killed. Five Marshalls (names not given,) were also wounded duriug the engagement. Gen! Me Mahon has received the utle of Marshall snd Duke Magenta aud d’Hillers have been super- ceded by Fo theron stall were Geo rey sof the Austrian army, and five of wounded Milan hax revolted, and declared in favor of the Sard.miat Th enter i Gener Government hipression prevails that as soon as the Allies Mi ora cessation of hostilities will be subastied in order ta tutraduce peace tnea- sures The Paris Bourse had risen and the demand wae sale +0, prof erpool Breadstuffs market was dul and dechuiuy LIST OF MEMBERS OF THE NORTH CA- ROLINA EDUCATIONAL SOCIETY, Present at the Fourth Annual Meeting, held tn Newbern on the 14th, 15th and 16th of June, YRSo, A number of persons having become members of the Socety while on the excursion to Beau- fort on Friday, we re-publish the entire list with the new members added : Rew, William Gerhard, James J Huggins, Wr C Mallory, 13 F Spivey, Rev. T M Jones, Rev CoH W Miss Ellen E Morphis, CC JOD) Campbell, Andrew Coniglaud, Rev. ot, AH Merritt, Miss MR Caldwell, J R lins, Rev, L Branson, S L Kerr, FC Elms, Mol) Johuston, H Norwood, Rev, J A McMan- nen, Rev J H Brent, Rev. FM Hubbard, J W Stnnu, Rev. J Nott, JG, Elliott, Thos. Marshall, Mis. Deha W Jones, Prof. Charles Philips, Rev. W BB Jones, Eli J Hines, O W Sutton, J H Bee- ton, CM Audrews, Miss RoC) Brooktield, Miss Mary E Clute, Lizzie Mayhew, Miss SA Iirent, Edward Carman, 1S) Richardson, J G Tull, J J White, © © Tew, Miss ME Elms, Miss Emma E Koss, Phos. M Anderson, L Lee, W OH Bryan, El) Snead. W HL Tolar, James F Landing, BB Carr, Mos S A Bryan, Mra. 8 A E Vincent, W K Lane, Rev, No MeWay, Miss CA McKay, ER Staniv, FH Ives, WF Alderman, It HH Graves, Mis. S Roseboro’, Miss Mary Armstrong, Miss L. Armtied, AL) Wilkinson, © W Smythe, Miss As ibs, LJ Merritt, Exam Lewis, MT Moye, ho Jones, JS Mallory, Dr. Jo A Guyon, Mrs. lop, Gayen, Fred Lane, DL Swain, J C Wash- Alfred M Ineton, ye, AJ Emerson, WP Old- hain, WG Simmons, (© Garris, Thomas M Piiter, John N Barnes, J C Kirkman, Thomas O Keliy, ROW Millard. J HI Mills, J B Cox, LB Knmnnnger, John DP Ross, © J Harris, WoW Lottin, JT Gilmer, ‘f G Lane, JL Jetton, A J Yorke, 81) Rankin, A HL Branson, M S Sher- wood, Mrs. MS Sherwood, Miss M A Thomas, Key WOH Doherty, HSB Clark, A Cobn, SE Askew, J Wileox, Miss Mary Holton, Rev. WL Van Eaton, | A Weston, K J Ballard, Miss JS Everitt, WoW Holden, J W Holden, J W Ellis, UF Lester, WS Lindsay, EC Townsend, Da- vil Barlow, MM Orr, WJ Yates, J W Graham, JH Swindell, JW Hamlet, TC Hooper, G Ww Powell, BOW. Alexander, J Wo Jenkins, Me- Jones, WA Brown, Nathan Ifatt, Mrs. S Stan- ley, JH Nornegay, S J Price, J M Patrick, JA Ferrell, EK Hines, CV Hines, A E Rhodes, 8 Bishop, WP Nicholson, SP Weir, G L Wilson, WOH Cunningyin, Mrs. L Branson, T Ro Mur- ray, BF White, Mrs. 8 J Ramssy, Miss E Gra- boon, J J dackson, Dr. FM Ross, Mrs. S Ross, Miss E Doherty, 2D Bevan, JW Bryan, CS McClure, WS King, Dr. FW Dickson, R Gul- lev, TE Davies, J TLE Cox, JC Eason, 8 1) Pool, small town together, and which inake a Persons should not forget that every ninth parish not a district merely, | BOL Perry, & B Heritage, J E Rheim, LR Ed- ynta living vear hydrophobia exists among dogs as : ; eit Boa organized society.—Vorth British e- an epitenig and this is the rail re nue : ee ee nae view. {turn of that period. In case any of our oa fe k Rrttaucnes, Ml 1 Hudeon fy © Allison, ‘readers should be so unfortunate as tobe yn MOA AAI M Wag Wa NE oO j bitten by a rabid dog, we will subjoin a firent, Mise Julia Mitchell, Miss Anna’ Mitchell, remedy S ; ) Miss S Mitchell, WoL Vestal, Mrs. JC Eason, Vv The very instant you are bitten by aE Harriss, Elfred Averitt, Jos. Burroughs, J P MEN WILO HAVE RISEN. One of the best editors the Westmin- ater Review could ever boast of, and one lof the most brilliant writers of the day,’ }was a cooper in Aberdeen. One of the editors of the London Daily Journal was a baker in Elgin; perhaps one of the best reporters of the London Zémen was a weaver in Edinburg ; the editor of the Witness was a& stone-mason. One of the ablest ministers in London was a black- smith in Dundee; avother was watehima- Iker in Banff. The late Dr. Milne, of China, was a herd-boy in Rhynie. The rincipal of the London Missionary So ciety’s College, at Hong Kong, was a sad: | dler in Huntley, and one of the best tnis-) jsionarics that ever went to India was al At Cambridge, General Washington ftatlor in Keith. The leading machinist’ had heard that the black soldiers hore jon the London and Birmingham Railway,! not to be depended npon for sentries. So jwith 83500 a year, waa a mechanic 1) one night, when the password was * Carn Glasgow; and perhaps the very richest ridge,” le went outside the camp, put iron-foander in England was a working on an overcoat, and then approached a man in Moray. Sir James Clark, the) coloured sentinel. ‘ Who goes there the queen's physician, was a druggist in cries the sentinel, “A fiend’) said Washi | Banth Joseph Hume was a sailor first, ington. “ Friend, advance unarmed and a laborer at the mortar and pestle ins give the countersign,” said the coloured Montrose ; McGregor, the member of man. Washington came up and said Parliament from Glasgow, was a poor Roxbury.” No sar!” was the re boy in Roashire; Wilson, tho member aponse. “© Medford,” said Washington for Wesbury, was ploughman in dads) * No sar,” returned the colonred acidier dington; and Anderson, the member from)“ Charleston,” said Washington, The cues @evarned be ae oe eich colonred man immediately exclaimed, © | of bis brow in the tima Thole. These tell ve, Massa Washin’to 5 an) men, however, spent their leisure hours here oe ey Dae nee in acquiring usetul knowledge. Ameri }ington said * Cambridgo,” he att |v ean public lite is full of such examples.) and the next day the coloured gentleman mad dog or any rabid animal, apply a ligature by means of a stick, above the wound as tightly as you can bear it, and without any delay, cut out the parts bit ten, taking alony with them a portion of the surrounding flesh. Then canterize the wound or have spirits of turpentine freeby poured over it. Sapperation will soon follow froin the consequent inflan mation, and all dreaded consequences dis sipated.-- Petersburg (nt. oo: GIVING THE WATCIEWORD. | + With resolution, economy of time, perse-| was relieved of all further necessity for posed to the annoyance. Cowan, Henry S Lee, Miss Bette Chadwick, Ed lward Dittman, J HW Horner, SL Venable, Mor- ton L. Venable, Db U Christie, L S Burbank, T 17 Whitaker, A N Lewis, J If Troy, Miss S D Barlow, Miss L Barlow, Miss S E Hazelton, Rev. SM Frost, J TP Rhodes, WD Cook, Mrs. FE Primrose, William Richardson, © A White, H W Jones, S W Scott, J R Roach, EM Nadal, A Forbes, Richard Short, JS Atkinson, Jos. Venable, EM Warren, J.J Mclotyre, Dr. 8 Mas- ters, Fred Roberts, Allen Whitman, TC Hoop- er, Miss Lewis, Mrs. RG Lewis, Misa Anna Pa- Htrck, Mra. J M Patrick, J W Thomas, J T Lane, $F Mason, John Ho Nelson, WT Faircloth, AT | Banks, Miss Marion Banks, Miss Bettie Ringold, Miss M Williford, Miss L. Willams, Miss P Tar- rington, Miss RK Richardson, Miss M Shallington, Miss S Turner, Miss A Bowers, Miss M Bowers, Miss P Battle, Mrs. FM Porter, Miss E T'hipps, Lieut. Stewart, US. NR EL Marsh, J W Bid- dia, Miss SG Lloward, Miss ME Grist, Miss K Carraway, Miss MB Norcott, Mrs. S 1 Carra- way. J i Howard, Miss Bettie Stevenson, Miss Mary Greene Torritte Ginat Storm.—The Louisville Journal says a territic storm of gnats pre- varled in that city on the night of the 6th inst. Places of amnsement were render- unbearable. They were showed on the hotel tables antil the chandiliers had to be pat out and lights placed at a dis tance. Streets, sanctams,; and in all pla- cea where lights were visible gnats pre vailed. Eyes, ears, and mouths, were ex Everybody verance, and an upright life, no young)attending to that particular branch of strained at a gnat, if they didn't swallow mau need despair of success. military duty. la camel. Bes se cee [From the London Times, May 23.) Anomber of people connected with the | shipping trade have-been much disturved by ite having beew pointed out that un- der ng circamstances could the general industry of the country be crippled, even fall the Powers of Ountinental Europe Were combined againstus. The shipping trade might be an eXception, and, rather than be forced to recognigs that possitiil ity, they wonld suppress discussion ou the subject. Under the doctrine that tree ships make free cargoes, we should be Sure at al! times that Awericai vessels will be ready to bring us cotton, corn, and every bate ia returi Gur tmauufactures over every part of the globe. Gur trade of £250,000, 000 sterling annual value would thus G9 ov with its usual profits, and those profits would enabie us to bold out apuitot all eveusies, und beat tiem thoroughly in the’ end. But the patriotism of some ship own- ers But cuch ay to permit them to tol- ud of produce, and tu drstri- t he thought of euch a service being * pes ‘fur us by the United States. arts und commerce should at they, should be sustained ‘ ‘oer than the Rale Britannia t ci} oded down to us trom the Gays of Goovge IIL. This is the inevita- bile ue Ahey Genounce as something horrible, the idea of our contemplating with satisfac: Ton, duat in case of need, the Americus could act as carriers for O55 and the ifer- eney, therefore, is, that in their opinion it would be beiter to perish than accept Buch an alternative. dt is, of conse, bor the spinners of Manchester, the cotton dealers of Liverpool, the irommasters of Glasyew and Birmin hain, the Clothiers of Leeds, of ull, iu short, whe ae inter ested in var exports und imports being kept free from Jamitation, te decide whe ther they will adept this view. If they would desire their mills and furnaces to Temaiu idde rather thau be used to manu facture youds that most be carried to thei: Mestination in American bottome, it will be optional for their to do so. The ony reawlt would be chat the Atmerican otiipen, instead of carrying out uur Bpun gouds, would carry out such of the spluners themselves as wight preter tu seek eu- Pluy ment across the Atlantic to dy ng o! starvation at home in testiineny of thei faith in the British thay, That sumy oi the shipowners woulu, im their uw Case, think nothing of a sacrifice to that extent, is shown by the fact that they refuse ev ery suggession that might mitigate thei lion. PrThe remark, that if the Americans liad @ large incrense of carrying trade thrown Opon thew they would want extra Sites, and would most likely seek them in cu: markets, svoner than ineut double outhas io building new ones, is passionately re jected as an insult added to njary. Bur it must be deubted if the feehogs of tie Test uf the Counmmuity are cquaily fervid While the Spowner would bet tis eri rot rather take a gucd price fur her aud Jet her pass to American ands, the trades of Leeds or Birnnngiam would, itis te be feared, seli cloth or slit even, altho, he migit have reason to nie pect might ultunately be convened inte um forin aed wimurition for an actaal ene my. Perhaps, however, the patiota i: Question will say their anger is wot direc ted dfainet the idea that the Aeticats shoud serve tsus carriers in case uf ne ed, bat to the supposition that such weed can ever arise. They sway deem the naval power of Brita to ve 80 universal that wherever ove of ber querchantmen might desire fo sail the government could 5 area quad Ton to act as Convoy, To that case it wit Bierst tomain for them to show that tor is will close their eyes to tue that the very fact of protec: vuted shows that danger is ted, and thatit would eou- ester to choose a neutras 2 Sec Coy take any course, and isin f tesvcr, We shall then have ig roaring their convictions, tual, even woe Lestile cruisers watching wt ati points, British Merchbantiven, walt tl be -evccted as the Cheapest, rust ex- peditivus, aud sutest that can be char tered. thes i a the Maj Professor Newman on the War.—The distingutshed professor of the Louden University, Francis W. Newman, has written a eevere letter to Lord Derby, depreeating his Austrian proclivities. Ii! the cuurse of it Le says : * These are net the days in which the erneade of 1794 avainst France is to be re- peated. In a bad cause, to tnakhe war aipet anited France, with whom Rus and America eyiupathise, with kug land divided, or rather with all Euglaud against the war except the cabinet, the evart (8), and it may be one or two Roth childs, would be simply frenzy. As distinguished histo: lately wrote tome: *4€ LE wished for a revolution, { should wish to eee a tory war against France. Among the many polities! erimes into whieh bad government bas betrayed Env fand, an interference now in betialf of Avgtria would hereafter rank the yereal est. It would cause a convuision winch would lay flat a youd tuany more institu tione than Mr. Bright threatens. ” “NORTUL COUNTIES.” Under this caption the Dispatch re marke: “The Wiluington Jvurnal an- wonneces the receipt of 38,000 bie. of Ba- eoh from Perguitoons eoonty, in this Brate. The counties of our State whricti Vie morth and east of Albemarle Sound and Roanoke River, produee market pro- (eee, in value, say corn, wheat, cotton, Matpentine, oats, potatoes, staves, shin- j » bacon, pork, lard, fish and if) theretian any other portion of the wiervering the same area. Alnwst Lob thie prodner finds a market at Nor-, sand ie put down as Viryinia | Peta trade, Norfolk and | neareely survive. Suf- » Richmond ‘and Balti-( & portion of it h.cuon from their statements.— | ARRIVAL OF THE | | née | | [ow Os te Sw Oe TWO DAYS LATER NEWS. THE AUSTRIANS DEFESTED, soe New York, June 2 2d. - stealnship Persia arrived here last night fom Eive:pool, with dates to the 11th inst, and news two duys later, A battle has been fought at Marignano, {a small town about JO mules SE from Mdan,) which lu ed tune hours. The Aust dians were deleated, and siffered a loss of-1,500 killed and wounded, and 1.- 200° prisoners, and 1 Their bead-qnuarters 1 + bodies of Au-tians were at Lodi, and the “veated beyond the Adda — is at Cromona, are advancing towards that point, Napoleon and Ewwunucl were in the thickes¢ of the fight. The fate of the day was decided by Gen. McMa lion disobeying orders and coming to fle rescue. The French Bullecu says that “five days afte: our departore from: Alessundria our army in three combats guined one battle—treed Piedmont fiom the Austrians, who suice the affair at Montebello have Jost 25,000 killed and wounded, aud 10,0y prisoners. x The defeat at Marignano produced an immense sensation in Gennany, It is reported chat the Prussian army is to be mobilized and will soon take partin the cuoutlict. It is said that Pfussia is negotiating fur the passage of {her troops through Germany. { | Garabuldi defeated another force at Bressia. Canrobert is not wounded as stated. The Alhes bave occupied Milan. | The Swiss Federal Government have ordered the Immediate fortiticanion of its trotiers, and ave stup- | ped the Austun transports fiom passing Uirough the Swiss waters The Duchess uf Paraia bas abdicated in favor of the King of Sardinia Tue detais of the batde of Magenta, came in slowly. They ace not tuch changed in complee tion from presigas accounts i The details of the batde is inteasely interesting and very lengthy. Telegraphic Details of the News by the Kungaroo and the Persia. New York, Juse 21.—The Kangaroo has arrived She beings Lauda dites to uoon of the 9th received Via Cok, woere she cudedon Lia sday. DETAILS OF THE BATTL). OF MAGENTA. | Fursber deta Is of the battle of Mageuta had bee jfecived at Londou by tefegiaph, A Vieuna despatch says sspong the wounded ja Ue batbe ot Ma laure Barou @asbie rn three Ges eta’s, threr stiff officers, aud two staf ot Minetog wudione Mujer hited A Turin despiten, dated Jung 7th. says: There Were one fan red and tweuty thousand Austrians in the battie, of whow IWenly thopsand were placed hors du combat, aud seven thousand were nade pris mouers 1 ‘The Freneh lost only 3.000 in killed and wounded Amoug the kilid Wer Geurrals Bepiau The Govecameut of the Kiig o. Sare Teady exiatd shed at Como acd serdisp, The officiart port of General Gy uiatof the baitle of M five | us much agar icera ave rent Clore ‘a Was al- Ula snye, the Auer ou fos: was tron heusoid, wud that of ihe evemy more than half, fora ADDRESS OF T!E MGMICIFALITY_OF MILAN TO THE KIXG Os SARDINIA. The Munie pality of Mian, in their address to Vieror Kaniainet del veved te the Prerence of th Binperer Nupeteow, say The Momcipaliy of Milan are proud in being able fo use the pree ots price ge of of their feslow-« ng the wocerpretr Hivens a hin gave crime willing 10 renew the eatt Detore the Tat gieul fact whieh has requ the ime ted eleven yeurs coro full dey lopiae ut Zener and heart<of the people. The annexation of Loasbards Gs Piedmontis the first step in the new way of public right which atten nationa to be free to dispose of their own destinies Phe herore sardiqian atisy aud our brave \Wies whe lusist upon Traly bemg free ne far ow the Aduatir wil con achieve the amegnnnin ous enleruiase. Meerive, Site, the honsce of Che town of Milan our hands, aod believe that our hearts belong enur ty You, Our ery is * the Kinz and Ealy forever.” A FRENCH BiP CAPTURED BY AN AUSTRIAN BTEGUEL. despvich from Trieste ways an Austoan war Btermer bh decaptured he Freneh ship Raoul trom © uba bound to Trieste LATER—PEATIT OF C\NROBERT REPORTED. » Later aeconnts eay it wae re ported that Marshal Canrobert had died of his wound received at Magenta General at. Sean d Angry, commanderef the penal Guard, ha» been nade Marshal of Frauce. Napoleon is roid to have heew im the midetot the Impenuf Guard daring the Sand whieh the v fortwo howe against the Austitice who, It appears were awaie of the inet The real forgo) the Austrians is esthnated at from 113,000 to 14 000 men A Turin despatch of Jnne 7th eave the first pri- vale fetter from the b: p field of Migenta hos are rived. ‘The linperint und Sardinian Guarda were agamet ibe Austrian inssses ‘The Guarda were at tucked and were anable to advance, but neverthe Sew finally resisted the eneny ‘The Zouwrves and (ruards lost and rp tend veand atlast Gon Met's ar sesuined On ofl-nsive muvement which Lible, 1 made heir pos | proved irr The enen yendeavored tu sarprise the right wing ofour army, but the movement of Generl Me Wa hon rendered the utiemp: imeffeetad. Se ihe effuri« of the enemy relaxed sumewhit for x moment and the conffier b gan again with renewed fury. Ganer- al Me Mahon was trinmphant and the bat l-. wa< won Tumin. Wednesday, June 4.—An official bulletin S that that part of upper Cowbardy whieh has heen freed from the Austouns has proclaimed Vietar Eminanael King, Vetuntee:s are rapidly ariiving to join General Gavibuldi’s corps whieh is Purswog tre exeary be yond Monza General Urbun'e army aftes a precipitate retreat | fromm Varese hax beew dispersed wih is sexttnred—— Many of bes suldiers have been taken Prisoners and dinarined. Beave. Jone 7.—There are stil) five hundred Aus- triang at Laven. | | A detsehinent of General Garihokti's corps his siiled slovg the shores of Luke Magyiore A warming the Anstrisn Custom Hoowe Gu rds, and every where | had carried off (he pi.the ireusure, NAPLES. bi Fracce has appeoted an Einhassador to Naples. The No apohiten Ministry bus been i cified An official detention of neatraliry hae been made and «levy of (wo thousand five hundred men for the hayy Was heen ordered The Daily News remarks that all eqvil respecting the batile of Magenta iseifenced by the fact that the Austrian army reireated Groin the field. wid that the capitol of Lonbardy ia inthe Imodeof the Alhew \ which indicates the eiear and meiked progresmof the alhed army. ‘They are wowin VM jan—Pava ie evar uated. Gen Urhin's corpse dipersed und Gan ha'di ie every where sueersafal, mud the main body of the Austrian aniny ix Salting bark. The Advertiser aecase~ the Fr impr presentation, because (iey cu Agrtrian battetins. The Times devotes asleuder to th» French Position io Healy, and hough @ Beem not regurd Napoleon there ax having civered himeelf with gory, saya thet | Nitherts he has made goud hie advance and worked C6! @ wendy baCccen Vienna, June &— The official Anatiun correspon denee contajns the fulluwing : “ After oar troope liad, wecording to orders. evac ated Milan, on Banduy, the public fir cionaries alen relinquished Uveir charge providing for the security of the teen whieh wat (ranctetted to the Municipai- ity: ‘Thel drawa to ch despatches of vr casiy wih the | Austrian fanctionaties have with. | erona, but it is probable they may resume The Times’ Paris correspondevt ways ‘wo most in- | il pereous had agreed 66 proposing an arrange - ment after thé Gret a battle, und if necessary bn, sinting upon its adaption hy the bethgerents, ; From the Wilmington Herstd. ! sane b j by Capuano Tt is aig hably tie, that ia the p | Black Repubheans te control the Presi- jMHential eeetion. ‘when edited by Willian Legyert, was the of their crganie strength, their posts and fanctions mt Mantua. jeffromtery, then, for the Courier to charge New Yorn, Jype 2\.—The steamer Persia has ar- rived from Liverpuol with dates to Sytardav the llth iust., twa @aye beter than the advices per Kanguron. Lauter seewunts Crom Italy suy the Anstrivus have wel With another reverae, having been dé.vew from Marignane, (a tawa of some 4,100 inhabitants, 11 nile ©. @f Milan) with che toss of 1,800 prisoners The Avsttiens were ulou retreating perose the river Adda. The British Ministry have becn defeated in the! House of Commons by a mujority of thicteen. Ie was | eapected they would resign ou the Hlth inst. | A British loop of-war bid been capsized ina tor. | nado on the Afrinan cous! and one bandred wud secon | lives were lost. ‘Phe Captain and tweuty-six of the crew were saved THE BATTLE OF MAGENTA. { The details of the biitle of Magenta were being! bat slowly ree ived ‘They do not change the com. plexion of the previous wcevunts, The losses have undoubtedly been severe on bath vides. ‘Whe Ana tran offer! aceount ouly seknowledge four to five (hourwnd killed and wonntled, but Say the enemy soe ree ee ee er Jost fully Lelfas mucis gain. es | a TD yy ’ 1 was reported. but vot eonfirmed, that General SALISBURY, N.C. Gyulai Wad been disvissed from the command of the = ——— Austrian army, and Gen. Hess appointed Command- TUESDAY EVENING, JUNE 28, 1859. er-ineChief. . MOVEVENTS OF THE BFLLIGER ENTS. CAROLINA WATCHMAN. The Ausisians have retreated heyoud the river CROSS MARE — Please look out for Adda. heir head qaartens were near Cremona at : . é Dict : the cross mack dt is given to remind The Austeians were driven from) Marignane by you of the cepirativn of your year, 1 or- General Baraguay d Hibers woo took twelve hun be pe Bue) der that you my renew your subser iplion, Ure) priseners Pavia war evae ited ag already stated Napoleon and che Kiwte of Sardinia entered Milan on the Mth wad still ceaained uere. They were en- = LOR CONGRESS, GEN. S. H. WALKUP. Rally! Whigs and Americans! WE WAVE A CANDIDATE, LET US ELECT HIM. We place at the head of our column, this week, f you desive to do go. thusiistiedty recived Phe tatest accounts say the Allies were advane ug froma Milaay aud Uiit Prussia showed signs of aiding Nutra. | GREAT BRITAIN The want of contidence ation in the House of Comnons was carried by w vote of 323 10 310, * Nosvhing was kuowu us tothe expected change in| the Ministry when Ure Persie sailed. i A ince ing Of the Atlante Lelegraph Company has , adopted the report alreudy published. uecepting the | Rovermment agreement nad fur rateng a new capital of six hundred thousand pounds. Vhe Red sen cuble broke and was lost GO miles) County, from Cape Sidero. this next Cong [the name of Ges. Savane TH. Warkxer, of Union a can lidate to represent this district in > He has consented to be a can- FRANCE. The Paris Rourse was vepressed, and the funds } ie wele lower, ‘Phe 3 per ceats. closed at Gif Tae, | OU3 personal Inew ls; Phe Bonk of Prane: had panied spree to the upon thetr ameunt of £4,000 000 sterhug during the mouth TUE LATEST. The Brivish Minitry did nat resign an Saturday The Hons of Commons had adjourned tht Brday © was reported that the Pruss au ariny would be web iz-d. and thar Prosein would Boat tidke prert in the cou flir Tt was said that she woe Cr the puss re of troops through Germany Phe Aussr HeeCOUnLS Were Geueral Carid Brescia. didate after the imost urgent solicitation of numer- and tas throwing himself es ofa genlous support, itis the duty of every Wiis to rally all his energies for the | We feet that the odds are greatly against us: the democratic party has beaten an | crowed over us so mach, and have made sneh an effectual use of the vegoulaungy spoils of ofBce to entrench ti niselves, that really nawere at Lodt, wed the «thes at fast We feel that the udds are aeainse us, Why, some (k; of the best Wlies in R ms aml Meck- often asked the « dds Aevie: wan, Ca bad beaten au Austrian force at eb Isleartened hearteming questions, © Wi] eof running THE BATTLE OF “ARIGNANO. ¥ 9 & candidate ? -of putting F Five hundred Zonaves were kill or wounded ay & Can e of putting up a Miricnesio. “Pie Aust eC 50C men. and had man to be | every way!) 20 tade pis wens, ehaitte lasted wine hours They know, democrane party The ariues wore prepacing for anothergeverzlen- | aegement Dae Prown arr Phe offi ial Aastrin correspondence of the 10th. and states thac the Nustrian ortay wos continuing ite ce. treat beyond the Adu that were at Cavaitigosty before Cremona A spevial desp ited to the Landon Times says that tre the BU the secoud Yow aswell a vorrap day will c they conf erly expec when the people, outraged an sulted by their arroe SUES IO arcata and cortapuon, will ans their majesty and fil them fron office inthe fury of their mig ten anoy Nad ite head: We say. the very persons who ash 6 Ces qnestions, quarters at Cadegro on the Adda are hopefu’iy expecting sucha day as that. And F tarns out thot Marshal Courobert was not wound . : ae ; i rdetall at Magenta Alt accounts of that battle Yet they seer to cuink that thar doy is far away in give the great glory he day io Gen ton fir indeed, for the aresene race to Me Maton. the fu re ect ettas bar He hed ne onder to he rd the reacatihe Yutte wid cushed on ead sived the army ws Vhe Pore Movitesr of th Wich contains the fol fe only crow the lowiig deri: , — \ Soll Whi, aud that Vhe coneerdion of our trasoe on the Po dee i a on Gi oll wing Wino have “came over to us” & wey ed the enemy with the belief that we untecded to Mug eA ius ABS 0028 BY Crome the river, Oh the wenniug of the dthone hone tlk of DM. Baruger, J. Wo Osborne and HEL, dred and tweaty-five thouswad Austrices were uw Rolicrts, amd a few orhers, and tetf na eol 4 tone ~ t ud le ; Ie ae Vive are lor Ci nig eb t thet wh Bviven of che beapetd biged to on (hat ous rope i ana ; ip Generals display. &uetes t M k on} g ed great energy. General Wap t was wounded. rave Ue ouly Guual party ind aid Downe arg We t. tie Cogiinders Of the Geenadi ra, were ko lee A billetin then dose Me Mahon, whe los by trade hore du combat and was wath operitionsef General but par 1 GE Aw WOO prisoners Phe The Five dave it “ aganst us as a yeaa ty tow fiend Mr. Wanker WMP ante i ad on their sce leur corps darmer ORCC STULESS (OT Eire PAO ISIE BONE Vie Moana torcotie bee ee hersi tien hae bh athena @ace ue the resatos rt ‘ alter our ppariure tran) Alcasendiia our want ld three combate, goined ene butles treed Prdient yo. a, \ Olesen 1h ro the Avesiiaes. why since Ure athe at Morse ( ‘i bello, have fost 29.000 seen in J oand Wounded HITE) ANG Winer’ is want to UOL000 primoners and PT ean an kaow, @ho lacks the vy where he The fearofine Austines at Wagenta is said to ' hive pooduerd an inmie = ston Genniny A 1 Ww iron oe Hiie (ais Syoe Ww wen Ts ey Cie Look at Tews Valea thos fiden d a iVevsaries ! tonarehe had ceploved They are ie tor iS thong: the Govern= bie Austrivis, whose fire , ra, 1 ‘ 4 excl (aay tre. add seem to ng, Wath os powerlal art ' MVE eo tas dis dvaategecur eround down with as Y opty on every one Me Mai dow tesehed the secue and st Whom meracy has entered ananatlion eevee oO bteak the Creeacded : ‘ ‘ : ( iti—lent you feel it! Wha et XG i Pwhan depet . : y seldous ug ne 5 by Gen Dar VOM te Crcep after t Ke a puppy. and for Vision which stood in re him. ed were ialhing by thonsande. ey inew me sluwly Phe shock water cahle ly with the foot that sna The dead and wound. 2,4 take vo Perhaps they wall ve taken in some others— hat the Aostrocos were Pawenty Yustran ga were Cikeo, and the Zoives had seven har ed or wou fed anda po <akert set ot fellows never lhe Mahotaed's rowed aud the wey woe Wey breathed, They are sy be General Usban is said to have off esent con Phe \u-traneevaenated Lavene. abandoning their (i prone to ask tlie Oiwerials of wor. tahoe shelter a vesseteia the Swike qiesnion-~" Whats the use 2” Visa sorry reat Waters t 4 tee vy ' { Ly Che King attended image atthe Cathedral of Min #0 iC1s dposuble tur any man to feel better waiter fanon the Mtb, when a Te Down was sung Subse. using it, Te ts Not, in the nature of the thing, pos- quently he ro hroneh the cry, when the enthusi sible to feo) wood with that question on thet asin of the peop wort senbvahle Suppose Gen. Taylor, at Beana Vista, after «are Phe King issued it proclamation to the Lombarde, Say og Uoetr ude pendence havi Qiinen fibcre durable would be eulogizes Nay oleo 4 {been secured, ar) veying the armed hoste of the Mexiean’s had said estibished. tHe ol ving to Whip that gres ar- d culls ov the Lombarde to svin se the men under his command, how- on the batile. field jer his command. how Loudon Post's Paris corre over tour thousund prisoners taken fom the ans th that Atri use? re Tlaliaos, who took che earhest opportonity to dive thainsefves up ‘They were alwaye placed in trout aud threatened by the Ciodsin the rear thes did uot fight well. Many offered to Jou the alles. over, they could then xe he was to trv it, had said—what's the Woso hay epondent saves Weil they said any sceh thug pened that neither he noi but they pitched into the Mexwans without adeutt: ated atter the battle was “out was Whe use. Sup- but have not been accepted vet . ‘ i pose Gea, Scorr’s men, at Cerro Goss, bad atour the wise covernment has dered the pnmedate | : es a 1 t ' ae Hd 2 foritiestion of ther Austria fro cuese Yack auliast Yowhat’s the ase?” Old fuss. Phroe teow har brew step pedin the Swies wasers and sur rond-red Uhe Eenperor of Anstiia has issued a proclamation to his sabjertein Pyrol aud Zoralberg, call ng them defend the wlich the sword was ever drawe, Sa-tran armed transne ts with weaeele in and-fey ce hike a trumpet and fave t the Me took the ¢ and dis men leaped opon ed Santa Anna's army, and se” in that! s there any to arnm oto righteous cause for fhe confides to them the task of defending theit fron ier against the enetny, who hax mide himwelf the arbiter of revolt against feguinare dominion estab ished by Goi.” The Duchess of Paria liad quited the Duchy. Jeaving the government to the municipality and re- heasing the Crops from their oath of wilegi nee to the Muniipelity, She had demprched a deputstion so the King of Sardinia, requesting him to accept the Government. A Hongsrian legion was organi ng at Tun. inmost What was the ase of the whigs in Virginia running 2 Gogsin? We was not elected, it is true: but yet the morale of that battle percbes pon the whig banners, and will serve a pood Purpose in the end. To couchide the matter, there isa. vast deal of fe deioeracy, and in voting for a man who represants the political principles which we pre use Opposit S87 or bit wise and courageous to besj- tate, when by a decisive anu vigorons wt we our candidate and break down the arro- gant power of a party which acknowledges no mo- Si ral restraint in opposition to its selfish and aggress- The Courier, on several recent CCCI ive schemes sione, lias asaerted that the Then, up friends and to work! \onericins contemplited a anion wath the) 47d reason, with ¢ BOIeU c to the deeds of the destrnctivea. Our candidate is warthy of our beat effort, Te is a figh-toned gentleman, and most popnlar wo ore we He leads, wud says to us, come on! —On! to the We have no tim» to ask © Whats the use vont after we have fonght a fool fizht ant won! the battle; and then the wae ot the thing will stick out tu our entite satisfaction. may elect Southern Talk, persuade and point them to {t is terribly alarmed at the spread of autirlavery principles, and save Martin Va Bareo was the can : Adsolitiouistes ty 1848, ane recetved SUL,673 votes, Where are those voters now! Many oof them are belding fat oft esident Buchanan, and nearly all of them are ia toll Ute with the Democratic party, The Aboli- tieniats of TS48, were all Democrats; the g the tori of the Demoerney ; nll the leading Re- beat it! It rablicans, euch as Governor Chase, Binir, sulted on the 21st instant Wilkon and Sommer, have alwavea been | ~ oe . Democrats; the bitter Repalican Tazxes.—We perceive that the Sheriff newspaper, the New York Evemny Post, , } hit he lifficnlt of has meer recanted its Democrues, and 2 80ent entering on the most difticalt o one of the jog npon him, the eallection of the Taxes. didate of tie ome Large Cucumber, We are indebted to Mrs. Davin Tow, of Iredell, for the larg: Tr is full 10 circumfer- Tete est cucumber of the season fret freesoil party apratice Troan inches long and 8 inches in ence, Can any one Was most important duties devoly- first paper in the Demoeratic ranka to oppose slavery, The old Whig and Ame rican parties resisted these infliugees with patriotic fidelity, and preserved their na- Cionality and conservatiam at the expense It is brazen Tle saya punctual settlements are req nir- | ed ; and that those who fuil to do so, will certainly have to pay cost. > -—— $2" Hon. H. W. Miller will deliver npon the Bonthern opponents of Demac- his * Lecture on the Eighteenth Centu-| racy any sympathy or affiliation with the ry,” in Statesville, on the approsching Repablicans.— Louisville Jorrnal, ‘4th of Jaly. THE LATEST NEWS. A special despatch to the Charleston Courier, dated Washington, Jane 24th jSaye, that the Cabinet bas been informed (on Mexican’ authority, wes ithe offer of 3000 Musoriean troops te aid ithe Liberal canse in Mexien, and the jrre- [position ia now being considered by our Government. i Christopher Robinson, the American candidate, has been elected to Congress from the Providence distriet, R. 1. | There was a violent hail storm at Als bany, N.Y. June 2tst. Considerable damage dune. | Extensive rains of a magnificent an- {cient city hate recently been discovered ‘in California. Rich and eurions works lofart huve been discovered amongst these ruins. Dongtas has written a letter stating that if the former creed of the democratic pur. ty should be adhered to, his friends may offer his mame in the Charleston Conven- ‘tien asa candidate for the Presidency ; = ‘bor if the ancient maxims of the party should be ignored, hy that Convention, and the new issne of reopening the slave trade interpolated, &e., be could uot ac cept the nomination. | The signs of the times all indicate that Donglas is to be the next democratic ean- The Standar /, wor. withstanding all the bard things it las didate for Congress, said about him, is paving the way to give hima a hearty support, Sed — Two Important Ditys.—TVirere aretwoim-! portant days happening close toyether, to wit frat ail fourth days of duly——the one, on which our merchants and busi- hess ep expect settlements 5 ane thaetie ; era celebration of the mito versary of the Aimerican Tn cpendence. Pay up, and and then frolic, is the word. Corn Tuxsele —Our better elass of fur Mers, (We jen Those wire take pleasure in farming, and make it profitable lave hot ouimely te Complain of as regards the corn crop, We suppose. We lave receis- cd trom one of these, Me. deta Poster, a Orn Tassel, patled fret a stalk fie one of hia Siells, Hf the corn enceued. wi Hy this Will bea lenttifad vear, Wheat and Outs are geod. 6e55 tok Fle WaArcit June Qf [49 Pavetioville Obeser- wb expressed a cfear that eleviettng the grade of s PS. is gre Weoog it” Ail that ex cellent Jou ) + tomy bat adas ‘ O.rs bad 5 more thorueyh ant Lot | far beecher now tha it ow wrsiago, | equ well sadsfied that Is mot th knew the Dniversiry ten years avo, How. notonly by what J have seen there what Phave seen ia alates since tha And Tat pursuaded that its Standard ots are rhow than then, scholar can see onl and think obits graduates within that ik , we Psav tus work shiat T desire to see i ersiny. aa 2 fie Wav ite 2 exceloat ja dearvoe Peas SAE E ohiaa No witaechmenr to any other Tussinton, Dae iene Way connected with any othe iD us TP kaos what with partyisin, on th e* haml ant a revard for wumerical Hoa the oth wl ny tow? th os teat 1 fsevery Une somfied hy a “Gee A GRADCATE. Fiom the Rabegh Reg-ter IN A QUANDARY, In the course of a pretty jong editorial We have s career editors in fixes and quar daries, ate syVe Bometines beer on them ourself, but we ean with positive truth assert that we have never seen a jourpal in a mere awkward fix and en barrassing quandary thaw the Raleigh Stundard is ta at present. [tis compell ed to support an Adiwninistration Whose Most Tipo tant and vita! Measures it Can- fotand dares net approve, Onthe most Hapettent treasare ever proposed te Cons xtess, to wity The Toirty Million Bill, is ins asdlniih as an oyster, wosle it Bp prartn for Congress a gentienii whose beast it Is that he was, and is, its especial tren and patron—who, dterderte give empha sis fotos supportof the bil Speaks ofitas hin e ag Poul Ou the President's pros posed Baokrnpt Liaw, to mehide State corporations, tae Stands is ales anes 5 and concerpniie his proposed Protectorate over Mexice, it is equally stlent, berg afvaid to condemn, ard equally afeatd te ipprowe, Phe Standard: tas, we aduiit, expressed its disapprobation of Spec Dunes anda Railroad to the Pacitic Here, then, the people will see that the ota of the Democratic party of North Carolina, is cither silently opposed te y Or open tats condemnation of, every vreat measure proposed by a Democratic Pre sident, wud yer, bas Che audacity ty pro. fuss xreat contidence in his Adusinistra Hon, and to tell its readers thar it will “form one of the br Igiitest pages of the country’s history.” If we have inisrepresented the Stan dard, it can putous right, and we well take the amende honorible. {fit is in, favor of the Tuirty Millon Bal, it can sAY BO. Law, to inelude State Corporations, if caus make Known the fact. Lf itis in tavor of a protectorate over Mexico, it ean easily feit its readers so, As foug aa it unain teins its obstinate silence Upon these suh- jects, so vital and itipertaut, we shall charge that itis opposed te every one of them, and is only restrained from expres- sing that opposition by mouves which are anything but patriotic, We cannot believe it possible that the Standard will continue to pursne the eX-| Iraordinary Course on whieh it weems bent. We cannot imagine that it will plav “ee. cond fiddle” to the “ Democratic Press” —the organ of its peculiar Friends, Mr. | Branch, and others who hight be named | —bat expect it to come ont and speak as, of yore, when it could not only claim but | absolately exercise the power tu “ kill and | make alive.” ee) OP dattort, repudiating the sectional ex- rede PD Campbell, Greenabore’, Reels S It itis in favor of a Baukrape! From the New York MONTEBELLO ANTER THE. BATTLE. Let the Southern ition forces,! 8 letter ta the Messenger gives the fol- ‘then, without farthe: take their | etoasel ae a @itd Gand lacteeen lowing description of Montebello on the dependent organ: | ization for 1860, 0 a moh palioal day after the battle ; ‘ “Within fifteen honrs after the batt guesee of the nigger worshippers of the Was aver, we entered Montebello, Noth and rhe nigger drivers ut the Buuth, iwere only an advanced guard of 40 light fwd they may build Op a party compe: Sardinian horse. The eity was almost « jteut te control the Presidential issue. If desert. The inhabitante, whe had fled jour black republican organs in this quar. the day before, on the apprach of the ter find any comfort in the Virginia vlece enemy's columne, were retnening timidly, tion, they find it in the defeat of Goggin. one by one watching and listening sharp- The reason ix obvious, They donot want, tv, to find out the eondition of their honses. a third Presidential party ia the field 5 Corpecs covered the approaches to the but in the narrow eseape of Leicher itis town, and filled the streete, these of the evident that there is reou enongh, and) Atetrinus in the proportion of 4 ta 1 of [that there are daterials enough in the the Alles, While M. Gaildran, my fel- South for a very powerful third party low-traveler, was sketebing for L’Iilue- in 1360, We know, too, that Wpen ana eration the scenes of the battle, according tonal constitutional platform evel a party (te the dereription of the Piedmoutese of- would carry wway the balance of power feer, { went into some of the henses: inthe Neath from the blaek republicans. | SEvery where | nw suldiers dead and ‘Such are the teachings of this Virginia SUM in the attitudes in which they had elecuion, and they will be followed up. been strack. Bolies strewn in poole of Dlood, turniture broken, walls grooved by . : . Dalle, doors and windows smashed, baye- TE re MEET (Duily) Delta. June 15. neta bent and twisted, muskets whieh ad EDUCATIONAL CONVENTION. ‘heen used as clubs; afl this made up one This body convened best evening inthe New laf those scenes which are never forgotton, strovt Presbyterian “Towent to the cemetery. It was liter- ally filled with Anstriana, ving among Ttison ground elevated epn- siderably above the road, and has a wall which vd with grated openings. Troinisht almost he called a« forticMution, Maes ; ‘oy. Alb the iotrepidity and inereditle dash of 4 te uppoinied four this mourning the Con neuen dio ; mrtirert tired) talice Venton re tissea bled at the designated place. { SERRE OTS Ee itees . ee © List of trembers calbal, and a number of per! decyeraly COLIN CHD oot litle van, seu received in meabersiy | “TD have seen the Austrian prisoners,— Election ot ¢ s beg next in order the! Many of them are Hungarian, and open- following were elected forthe ensuing tert: {Iv express their joy at being iv our hands, WW. Hohien, Rateigh, Presideut, They tefl, in bad fralian, incredible stories | Mr. Stnythe, Catawha, of their suffering since the cainpaign com. Jolin PL Ross, Mecklenburg, | menced, and of the sorty state of Gy ulai’a Hh. Norwood, Person, juriny mae DOS. Richardson, Wilson, | Lenoir, 4 | \ { wieh, where the opening by Rew. Mr, Clegy of Lre- Phe Gusinoss traisacted: wis little or mou address was delivere: dell. The yravers, Vie chareh wag crowded aliment to ave iffowrniy. There were a very Jarge nanber of ladies free sent, “Phere ate about 130 deletes in atien dance, together with, Perhaps. a hundred vistors Is pole | } Vice Presidents, eos The Match Between Thompsen and Morphy. — The mateh between Morphy nod Thompson, Ree NL Mi Kay. Harnett, J ts Cor, Sorty. £4) ahs “ pinwhiel My. Morphy gives hin teterna adverea- lectures | tY Whe odds of a kuvigght, ia nearly concluded. Six ile Junines have beem played. Ot there six games, Presbyterian Me, Thompson won the first two, and Me. Mor- JAM to chev, phy bis won four, As the omatel je fur five sate place at 8 ovlock Chis, unes onfy, Mr. Morply will tiwlonbtedly saun be clectaret the victor, This will make ita fixed fact thar Mr. Morphy can give the odds of s Koight ty any inan in Amenea, he following Appointments foe four tre The convention were then rn Prof Muthard. at New street Chareh, at Utd webu Gai : Sway as evening. VOf Mrs Tin WW, Jone fo. te rend nl sittin place, at 11g, A.M. tomorrow, by Rev JM Lecture of Prof No. Datgherty at 8 PM! owe ta7~ Tie Rowan Rirte Geanp and the Rowan CARTILLERY, have aecepted an invitation to join in {the Celebrason ofthe 4th Julytat Concord, and will fo oriow, The Convention then adjourned to ineet at 8 olor K this Hoon Uilte sera aii ieenlelnenteein tte dtorce. We doabt not the occasion will his tories, Auneriecteariirerwe f rent Whe be an iuterestiug one. DAW eS oesiwliee: eacny will Ina pruillgiy . we Merrow tngining She his a very intelligent ROWAN AWTILLERY. POU TRALEE Da nost pleasant adsdress The fitowing gentlemen were ot cted Offeers of Tlinteciiie iaeee ae represented Ly hs Compery on the Qth ne: Checdotte Pemoends Jo ut C pton—F. Wrers, Leger) MoS. Sherwin | Jet be ut—W&. VeN- ely, Grstclere’ Patiints CoC. Gale, Greenshors | 24% JA Braces ue, anes 8-1 Pool, Benatirt dural ‘Tha Lor] 35, 9, ARE Matduch, te, Gobdsbore” Titunes and W. Dans, Jr. Sargeon—De C.'T. Pawe, Koustun Ameneun Advocate Foe ge — RH saith, Od ny Ser cuut—t A R meae, oy 0 Focoxeci fr, Fron the Fayettecitie Observer { 34 “ Ww. der, MODESE REQUESTS, ne Se pai We thave been ied tu suy poss that Northe en news ‘poral—J WW. Candle, 24 irepecrs mod book prltisters Bonrish exec ding 34 “ Phew cee ineemeattty boasting of their iinnens:( 4h + . Tr asurep—J erenlaten, Yee Southern Editors miy well sewer Decretary--S. We James, doubt fther have atic mon V, for when thes of eae Porte pay fer ay advertin nent iis either in aw From the Chartolte Bulletin 10 al Bo letin. GOV. ELLIS AND THE MILITARY. trashy book ora PrOpOstiion by exeloenege Oe roe chav this wee We were favored with twos 1 wsitos of this bind Oloe otfiered te scan We are aware that some of our cotemporaries two dt fowe wool of abet Mb ee Tave bean eiisenssiy > qaestion—"Did Gov. Elis i i te Nee Jeropoment’ tor tis fe the Moltry to vet the President or Ree Be white PME si cere) note Toft. Ue inteat Kalschy oa bis veceit Visit.” It ap. ts Chat Serre few fog bas been manifested in the “is Witortupate, and is much to be Me OF TIS OWE preperation, abet lenath, fur the fullowhie iodest opens Our remark that the [ornets Nest Riflo-men had ; ; heen ins ted by Bis KE vovan Lihat they would Wie shall becrenthy allied ape j Pow be teemerie at Pak < hem cited ae proof that vecus ate evtonded notes, or the fo WW at - ea by the overnar, aid that H columns. Woe tetas Ve by se chotie yon wii vy in extending his notice, other ole he test taterest of vane peste ts) vou ! not having been invited WALL ther Dey sa ateler tae wrote tes extomed our mdver J Pieris haut a mitsunderstand- fin reference to this inatter, amd thas> ney has not, by the course Presved, sub- selfto the Gants that have appeared in Of the arneles which bave been poblistred, lo the Fayetteville Observer that Syet trots and more mumbkiy the more thes are sarred.” and tor that roman itis with ex- Yet lobtless there will be plone treme deieaey that we refer to the matter at all — ts of Southern papers to du what he aska. Ang But, as an act of jnanee to Gov Ellis, we think it is trashy Northern paper or tnagazine can be ad Dper iat we state the facts as far as we have inal erat Tretianidh At he oan able to diseover them, and thereby assist to remove, : oe f possible, atever of censure they . " Pos. Thx Morning we have a proposition to an : Sow lalever: cl censure Wes muy have been : “placed upon hin a B30 worth of advertising for $12, payable in] ihe Excellency heing apprised that Mr. Bnchan- Jewelry. so called. doubtless pibelibock, and Pos 4 an would viet Chapel Hill, regarded it not only an silly werth SQ cents, Oh! act of courtesy, but ins duty, to ravite bis fellow- euizens, both ccvit aud imibtary, to receive the Pre- sident at Raleigh, and pay to hun that attention and respeet Tis eminent position, as Commander-in- Chief. warranted fine to expect, This being the state of the case, Gov. Eltia wrote) eas patronage to every paper it the eometey, I ant we shal be happy tu exchanye regularly with you.” jer Sorin Now we cll that the perf We agree wit on of iinpudene A ; “Wate We woud not en hange with the Paper at all, On any tera, Minpudence | — Fayetteville Observer, ‘opu denee ! tae Das ing the recent canvass in Vir- “ida, ia speech at Charlottesvitie, the Hon. AL TL Tf. Stuart slowed that, tn cor caused to be written, a note addressed to severul crea’ of the atininistration of Mir. kil] officers, thronghout the State, with a request to ex- more being respousible forthe heavy ont. end ihe PS Ure ro tie tia lie (olin W. Ealis 4 not as Governor or Commander-in-Chief over the State. but simply as an individual,—withoat attach ity to the note the signiticant marks of authority, —would be glad to see them at Raleigh to take part lays on the pubtie buanidings, the Done racy tad departed from the plans ang specifications then given for the works Mr. Stuart said that a visit: te Washing tn doing honor to the President, recently puthinn in Possession of these The Cards of Tuvitation, intended to be extended to thet Miltary gencrally, was signed simply John } , W. Ellis, withont the tithe of off » Decanse, we vnp- the Taterionr, the aathorities were PAV ty pose, His Excelleney Is hot provided by the State for the one item of” Alain $2 ov pee with a fond for contingencies, and had he ordered foot, Which S@hact himself bad pargeiaesd ian be ee fas ve ee in-Chief, be . oy ayy bgt) aa terns mu rereby have subjected the State a ~ for at $ cgnts per Hono little inere OS necessary expense, one wk every ° doh ng fo favorites of $2 42 per toot.— Rul. MSG ph rays tostances, would withdut hesitation ais < discharge trom lis own purse, The Hornests Nest Kifemen were invited, and Hid attedd, bat they regarded the invitation as em- 58 anating from Jobo W hihs, as a distinguished gen- tleman, entirely distinct trom. his position as the Governor and Coie ander-in-Chief, We think that it with appear at the proper time that the Fayetteville vahtary were sitnilarly invi- tot venture to repeatit. The discontent ted, bat accilentally, (withont any desire what- and dheafFeetion of the people increase ni the card i pans bbe i extended . y y DY these in whose Charge ig we been Cote froin day today, and it hardly adearits of mitted, and that. the Gane ought not to adonbt that there will, sooner or Ler, have been censured for an occurrence over which be serious disturbances if, some Conces: | dobn W. Elhs,—apart from the office of Governor, sions are not made to them. Volunteers could exercise or aha beewise the card uf invi- have been raised in considerable nay tion bad passed out of his hand, : ieee : : | We hope and believe that our neigh t bers 0 Sarions parts of (lan cary, bat in. Odner-ver mistaken in TR OALE lips ed formation has reached me that almoat all ernor ignored the existence of the toilitarys in Fay- of then are vith rat’ A heunty of tif etteviite, toon florins ign great tewptation to men, We bave not been anthorized to make (his state- who are penu hess, and there are now ve. ment; wwe ventare our opinion bevaise the Bullet’ ry Many persona in ULungiry who are in The conn. wets | and that since he was Sveretary ot Disaffection in ungary.—Tire Vien- fa correspondent of the London Time NUYS: “The intelligence which renches me trom tLungary is so alarming that [ ean- was referred to as authority; but more vapecially that unpleasant predicament, Decanse we believe it is our duty, as far as le, to relieve Governor Ellis from a position he dues try is full of Rossian agents, Whe alitegt | not ocenpy, ony well calculated to do him great in- vpenly ply their trade. In Galicin it ig Justice, if not exp'ained. the nobles who Jisten to the blandish ments of Russia.” | Rats,.—It is said that rats are no lenty incer- }tain parts of ingle, that occasionally we Another Sign of Progress —The rail. %4 8 thousand a day are killed on a single farm. road is fullowed by yas, and gaahy anoth As Hy which, one of one exchanges remarks, that er improvement, winch the town author. 8b "int rate farmers Lon! make thore my from tes ura engaged in putting op this morn. | _ skinw than from their el crop, the whine ing, viz: providing signs at the CONES Kid Howes aa la demand (ie making. ladies of the streets with the names of the stfvets| w ‘I os : ho will go into the rat business hare in Fay- thereon. These have been long delayed, | eutevitie! I their skinn arene much in ec bat we are glad to see thom at Jast. it is very Gortuin’ & ‘vohsiderable Portion ; ® progressive age.— Fayetteville Obser-|\ demand im be supplied by an active ver, \@r heve,—- Fay, Observer. —-- re $o > r s s nn Phe Cniversity The SMisbury Watchman ty, instead of olewating the grade of schularship, in greatly lowering it, We think otherwise,— | An opportanity uf bearing a comparison of notes by « Student ten years azo with one of the pre: cunt time, ara Re that the course Of study is’ moré thorough aud the standard of proticieney far higher pow (han then, Still there are. avi always will be, many Collegians who will not labor to come up tu even alow standard. Yet, nl Avother Wind Full for Gotham.— (\ AROLIN, A CITY HOTEL.) bas heard the fear expressed that the Universi-| ~pas aetna py havea man in New York with four eyts {—two behind and two before. His) : i 7 waine is San}—not Saul of Tarsus; he'd! PARROTT a MEW BORN, be etratl potatoes in NewYork, because PROPRIETORS. he advised the return of the fugitive slave, Onvesinua—but Karel Saul, the fonr-eyed I mat. Tt is said, OF Way. Of n toucl-alf’ dijtonof eighiy-eighi fee baving hee added on Rail we suppose t! Saul is honest. Won. ford street. thas peese sting wa unporing trout imme: derful tor New enti eUsi Sank Gately in view of the ArLantic Ockan ed lo uearly aivate iis origival rive, wu od HOTEL HAS BEEN Phe veranda of this Hotel Gvhieh iw three atariex CP Nansssoccon ics THR W ALTON HOUSE. {th of July! ion. ff. W. Miller's Leetare, “ AUT ie ont uves of the ein ccre of Iredell County pe OLeetton; N. C. than HE W8) Mita tis kindiy consented tedelver tie lwture an the am Statenvele « th Century,” Ts HIS wyperb New Ut has grined the repatation \ rely i LASS HOUSE, wid seenid t Anuive ” of Ameneaa t ed fer the aeecnitodtia he Stat \e an evidene of it, Pr erts pate even of there may derive great advantave | Charlotte Democrat, wg) toe towards the Ocean two huudred wud | iifdinett ie ON) ny WEIECsenqay (hit Easy teuetutils eoly the Presa! the Biate. from the Colleve course, eighteen feet, afloraing w reeh treat, wire ve Sulebury ott its , beta’ ve received. Econ inues The expenses of the course are donltless, like Delightful Promenade, iy Ht eae EEE AMEE Till rai) Hoth 2 fi ne ~ r4ra M yoatoor the deiavey pon ihe rep ol the House berg aust ined a other expenses, more than formerly 5 but the From dhs siand-pomt the beholder can sean the oF SENTHE { ' : d kept supplied es Trustees ani Faculty de what they cau to reme- Vevan inthe south, Bogue Sound in the south-weet, Por ausan aeat ! mnt Pik aid Ne eben dy this complaint. — Fay. Observer. {the Harber A bhouil ats eloppag, Port Mieeu and JAMt ter ” tow ma jound ut FI} ST Taree Light Houses ti the souitt-cast, afficing ! aS t (He \Winsend HIE Vath es SS 2 > im ; i : me) BW) cauge of June Ta 3 "OSS fo nye ras . Se Calmucsy Under Provocation —Sovrates\in.« Oceracrntty CON Brown & Co's Slage Office, fng received a blow upon the head, olsen. d, (PUUE Copartnerstip he etofore existing under the ’ rie ‘ ‘ ; y ; Office WAN. ©) te Badd, ap (ives aioe FOUR WORSE COAG). ‘Phat it would be well if people knew when itl deme of A & Wo cTvers, will be dissolved on that is scarcely elxewhere to be met with 1 Yo 0 ; TES ian aie Hew N CORR the lat Duy of July nextoby mutaal comment Pe Dae sapemutend nee ot this Hotel wall be in the + ote N Oh Mts Sabie \ ae > Mt s. Wea mid Foidavs. wud to was Hecenmar fo putona hemlet” On another business hereafter willbe couducted by A Myers, Dauds ot Mr th Examen frmer'y ofthe Fayette ‘ Vuesd vst dS-cturdwe bd occasion, being attacked with opprobrious Lin wd the wane of the tim wil only he used in bquida. ¥ Ue Hotel, where Caste and shall se eantie uty quali COSCHLS une HACKS wendy at any hour und tor Guage, he calnly ob-erved toa “Phat tua dias ton. A. WY EMS, Hew rau tor make ug aif the gurets fecha@itthey were i” heen thnght to speak respectfully? Many chiice June 24. 1899 WM. MYERS. ay heat CC] Ss) BROWN, Gaus faiilealcuniteoneatlin tee) . Phe best servants the country could afford have 4 Piusruierne ‘ . s heathen, b KEN, 2 might Jewry from pealhen ore coarstyaqa a rerured , , ; ” Che, eth and see SUPE Rg Tae 14, 1859 3 Fiore earn : Es] ECA NQ] IC kK tee who stop with us will never be ata los for “Hope ge 262 server, Pasettey t's: Standard and <pir'tof Sad Occurrence. —By wv private Joiter "PELE Lentivens her totore eoucue ef ander ty Recreation and Entertainment, 7 hey ane Se ee fae toa friend we learn that on the T4eh ine rit ote a ae . Neo ast FU Han Oar steabent will make regulirtrips to Bewort, 0m the nod tlo ( > a lufter Wednesda Ne oateenet : Mr i s " u tie. Greeabure’, etant, w difficulty ocenrret ju yi tield ee q ne s ie e se “ “ MUD Ui alec che Furemaniirntn Gini ncrin EX GURRON: ud KOE canatactar ge Sn es es ats : : : tesee bie toring patrons aad the puble wencrally ai ay \DOF Mts per earsrienn FHOES uy er, ‘ Patt PLM er wa peacral Crh District, which ended fatally fone GPG) ibe OL STAND.NG dicate Haddae Vouk A ae eS Me ie wh ee ate nee Firat qu Net Cette al beaia ; vin ‘ ous 4 HOM \e ip BROW?) rte. fal for past favors. he hope fy axsiucusattention ts yoy ‘ the Vis Wan Wei Wine, Cline if a _ > ‘ Hayy, Inve baciners, io iect a continuance of the rame # : ae : , 7 Trans tor ul (he las tkens Morgan, the overseer « ile . iquere of Kinds be uted BN we and c 2 Morne Pan ‘ a Morg: n . rof Wil . ee CHOPEUITE Wal oie bade, Oo TN x, er beveeeic’ MAKING ESTAL tata Morgan, corrected a tes ut the Make y while the Sun Suines! Nii pean din Ube catecomonicin ponent ane (Postini terege lige se LI STM ENT. near his Livery 0 be narters, and he ranetfto the louse place _ “wl for these hewlihtul exer Naver mk, NOM attest nya ae Wetk to all its brnehep. tosh writ Tec wetet DY let A al Fe ws Rare 2 We xten Ci Ren aia crenihe Sahniee mie setlist ebtcal tio e whe base usually patos dritegten sent for Morgan te havea se SELLING OFF ; mee ren) files ip eh oo bh py n Eon ata tlement and diamisa him. Someddtientn : me ’ Wepopeis, mug ziver, and penodicu® pub na : & wth ae iets al ee : AT hehed Prat esue Ua i Fa : RENRE BR ta the settlement, aud Morgan . ; Wl find our BATHING HOUSES » (hoon ek iNecee ricci oe he pit TONS LOCKAW etruck Edrington, Boykin Lyles. wh \ Ie W y OR Kk ( ‘( ys T. me Peomlort cod a help te better bealtt Me ti thin cee eniths ete come uimcttam ys gecraal AT TOS a a Get enti iene was present, parted them. As Mocran | * 4 = Ge C re eve ty peapeet wenn give tener tumerlvestinne tere Mt | \ mou® be - . ete ie RET Hae, Nene cie na UO iimetauites a6 ; iD Awero end) \eerpeny uke Vaan iets (0 ond warranted to pve mat was leaving the house, Edrington she I IVN sutserter respectfully teonua his far ner ‘ nes ' nen iloutgutea ' Seer Sulishyiy an tbe seer anal reach Velo vite deme oben. (Phe dobseriter emaloye wel tal mtd bos him, the dow! taking ntifex) fy clive thay ee sau oa pee . i) a ana ae fe ) naewe f Fen Lo mea cnn NW pe wt ‘ puna rata ut he vancus p breast. [le died in the atternoon, So RANI TR TS ue (le ont cette ahve Chins Re Gath oui cal Reine: Oe cies a te au lid ann te aren 1 eons ' 9 en whale vtitic Lis Vetuetes aud dhe shoul ates Uanelbien, So. persene sour ta Beaulact weil ce well aieaeine . ave ‘ ' re va ' Seth Colon. ST ABLE & FANGY DRY GOODS! 0 ew (et they Wid hve aa vauersanat ne aiaveag » Mase tite nd hewne eae bard wernt variety af tie beautiul mud jretire<qae Sony Deal Te UNE My SERUUCL Lie WEN UVigi re quiret. wend style demtied nyveved. Wherever they wish te wo, the next day LIVERPOOL MARKETS. At New York Cost, lor Cash, Aira Ooi ttar at: CUE even ast Clits Leo ceed Cl The Poun will min urcoding to the follow - , ° Fearsreravuri hive TATA bee rn Bor wane Stack os 1 andl Want Ureable of a Hisauten ab oe merame the ware Sehedate B sv] . “ bl Mitpe mention (eyalle : Res rari hinnelielliemelmnlniemnientean NOC Ye “| 1 — —- ; = : oa ey) Tie Sik Remtir We malities declines LS lower qualities declined ee ae . Tried € * Cpt Cpe perelotiare Led q z ; " : i BUG. Call aud ree ute COR SALE BY PISHER & FOARD, Grover s | > valle \ Caraway ws at vin fo hun thet this e-tabli ha tuust, and it is difficult tu sell at ade lie of fal A. MYT ES ' Gg ' 5 i & ea x DB ‘ and Commission Mecccante, Newberu, NOC | it ING a ues begin, at ticet. ee dowht alex ceric: Fair Orleans. Rl Ue cee: es UAUTTES te iO) g0u0 the NC. Bacon, | re sunt at ii foie 2 bin raved cr the publie « eet den Middting Orleans G6 13-16d > 1 BO bbb NOY. Mese Pork, { Veber lt vee ea Fue Pe eat ti Whee wiecers. Priveleee. ando Fue Uplauds. f ) | “9 iD tons Peravian Grane, Thaboneck ae 4 > : Hora cys have Chest Wauls, i thw tue, w dle ena 7 a | JACOB HUIE'S LAND. 5 th Pu'cp ime Peta Gesne, oe } ett © atari 513-1 / a e Ud? I er ecatr bode Cal orma G 7 ae i han Cus nite Carnace Lonher aad Progen Stock at Liverpool 619.000 bales. Stock ot A-! oes e Tha iis Gets oo cath 100 bbl No. t Lend : neha ees t AS tie cB 4 a6 wlwiie rendviltu! sill merican at Liverpool 530,000 bales ce va Pa Sint a yw ivaee: was Cherian ‘ 100 do fy d. Cement, SE ean ; . bay get thas THOMAS E BROWN ens Cee SOU sacke Ge 4 ‘ g A ea ier sli Mec Stet des9 Flour dull, Richardson, Spence & Co's encular em, > BO Phe piaGitin ails the bn SEV cei igs GK. schema inn i conbitclentae atte a rel Say that quotations are nominal Bigland, Aviva , ‘ . ee eee ee, ’ D060 eur : Te 6 a ve i " & Co. says it has declined Gd ou the weet a“ t No. A, Geranite Hiuilding. ae ieee a WOO Grain : , \ A} ¢ 0 or \ Wo n " ) 7 Lon the ook iw weerecul. purcuderc pone bona “Alege ts . r ® ‘| x . F - 2 apr Ta hits NOP td Vaseov. Molaxxes: IY t; t f \ th ( ‘4 lj rt Wheat—Dall. Richar ton, Spence & Co's 6 ice ny Steek eke room formy praved euret he On nes , Ubieiieescith anne SALISBURY, N. Sh, Ses) ‘ . ot ° poretiases, fot tetera mn dt to cular, says it has dechued 2a 31 since Tues t Cr bbls Retined NO and WoL Sayare, Cori—Has &@ declining teadencey, atl a : a , , 4 i TONSA US UUN fe phat Aree cn St Ts STAI ti lexan det Hartman’s Land. io i gendavti oentnedeled| Daguyral( ene ee 2 cae Ney at Vinede a Sin j LADTE co ite © thay of da AL, Whe es aradhheiheai, SCENT k EEPS 4 ie SECIS Ae Ware His, Courtot Plesea d Qu ene y Bern [= oo ties have declined 6 a 8d for the Wee | tuixed bs) ofc} PUL wal be p stie iy os ( Der tas of Judy neat. Pow Her for ral < a 6 aes Tegan b Waray Ks. JEWELRY, FINE CUPLERY Walagor Mura c Willa Rob Bd a 6s Ga. {Auction (oe naneuce at half pos Goch ek, A.M 4 wt te ee ‘ do NC Grows and Roe Herang, Soe Oe Is Sery clap IPEACHMENT " ‘tere rioneiig to Uy ears eionder che tties \ ue natred a hor Provisions—Have a dechning tendeney Come oe Come Alt! Vy = Do Maoeckerel aed Salinon aa bbls, halfs, wey, We, repaired at short ip . i anuamder Gait Walton onlbe eens neice : hal fualhis (ah aanenuatiecieraie Dope Ue ves te De Biorvantd N. Svgar—Buoyaut, at an advance of Is Sune 28 09 MYERS ' east Vinee FE beast vet Pes PURE CU i Lita : Ms y oes & a C. un . me a toni R Bice oe a H ‘- ‘ Sods, Suyor, and Butier Crackers at Bakers Ju Bhs Daa ‘ Cqaeens Wins joe Steady. om mid othe ow yee wile A Si its Tur pentine— Dall, and prices lower qos = i RIEN\DLY NOTICE c Pie em Re ea 20 buh M i hale GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY. a “i alba a ante : : Me Lie a an a wh Wen te i ted at 41+. Gal, eae Lauip Lime . Siar rs eee \V - a hin sais Le WERK el bee Kas Conse tor tenes lomo By wt 089 ate ONLY CALbe Jessie MARLINS LAND, ane ite ira On Saturday, Coasus bo: Ue ‘ : oui eee dit a Vous ’ downer chere are threes are se Books for the People. CELEBRATED FEMALE PILLS. lose at YO% ‘ : Ee (hash eli 70) > veh das of Saty net at che prem nop Hote. due th Wea rian cotent| dj \ oy ane an ee a Peel ign ii ve lise : ee binde bedenci we athe est oROTE 5 . A TPP i , te ‘Ts & a een } Wee tin euctite date , ree INGIORID WPS can octet Ga ee co PRODI Fy LETTERS Hui ee orpeeoth aie OL leeey bee he I stead nieebl situa. i a Ch et wre eee aaa iedy weve hie © ae eae he. 7 Kvow for, Core 3.000 Kurta for the People. tines BY RON AL ; EATEN Ea earn) ea ee . a BENS et AMT SU EEC LE al Me He HIE 10 2 that tree ete nee > Un : i, ae . ie ‘ ; iy a tite . trated. ins. 346 ne eB, : a eae oo & iD est ‘ 1 ry ' 2 ve fluest Meant a To thie Town, ou the 22d inet the Rey Mr a u) i = ! ; ie aie ue . i ie i : : ne : cus the wee ‘ in Mon e reon ete Pra ° Ho wien, Ve. PETER HALSTON, a Vien foie : Wy Up. te wet t ven pos . ‘ rod eathoow extras any au E ' sree tthe Xian " - ‘ ha rh i ; \ . neat mnie ae i 1 ee tay ' 1 t ar ee] ea Te do eunb » tea on Ihe d Facts. : : i ’ ; i ; : See ALDWELL daghter of ton Dav Neue \ sein — utes ot wich any person byng wall Gnd sasriae- | : RMU nimeatie ns tee Meni oy uv Was VOD 0 ced Ve tiesecs Gi itett wut reese ‘ cs Jive Dey MYERS : : aed entert tHequere: Within as tous , toy be reed on, the S3d yeuroteur | EGG TSTI IE Me PCD a vec cal nieonmci Sihinn ty Ghee Dase ean, 2 : Bevianin Salian Plintation, : : : (Wie B TNAu ies ra 7 \ . J , ami: a clients and emccntinin: Wits TORIC ak Loy ane ot he bet net MrG WF HARPER to Mew BLLA A RAN yi.7 4 : ; neat : To PCs Tuadicsa Pr. ndy. $3.50-Gw4 au cu Fthe Southern Country th KIN Mdeuciceriolintum im itgaiemninen FOLTO ON ACADEMY. ( ) Noth stn « irthonse Lia ae ae i sudie Nal oe) pene wil in aw short time, bring on the ph : Bey ek 5 ' BT * : OPSHIS ENSEEEUTION wi ant Satcbiy. 1 ow strongiy bows «a Hurior, @ Garde & ees i , hots ay cree. tiie The r A th finoster, Dawei Master, an Artist, a Natural beh bent doe Dollar bears the Government Stamp pout the at dity next, the stern North . Ce ne eta ge eee Noe sa tel cE ke MARTIN, 20.60, ew ee eee | DIED: fier te far (ute) - ak ho ltaius 4 Cievianne Cents Gi Gendt. Gaution. eae cee UROCERS AND COUMINSTOY pers ais te Moreciten wil find ready aernes by i tog anu sera ber § inne A jetties ne Reale sf DS THS Dey PREG hee te ti Ss vob Scat sve to Newton, On the mo ning of the Qed ne! EANNY CALD. tases ea re Wadia . Ee ea Se Mae hh iin een ee ' Soi US piel Ahem eae $ Y 5 anda Universal Guu e to all kinds of Use fo . then wi 7 +L, infant daughter of Dr Mo Winuhead, oged d Gu Ghiibuwmain Rewrstmniits ua) Ce ta mi > AG) tn t 9 Leo sbelt. SEL anH Oa Me btots VE at : : % \ p nity Usement. vue K ne vert r atin the y 9 . . > j a ‘OF = ie th dom of ff tee ‘ ince aa N] Br eet making esa this infection and we have dear | ee thise Pits wal of a am ne oe zoos to Oe Ween Ue | soe e win dom « ve wehers 1 ( mes Brows wilintke ail my Pind sates tak : TWanrcsuanmbadina inedeahy manne OD \ meister Pict vane rt on will fiud rea- } mes tinue wt er Alin EMMAVCARL ' 45 ete “Dh, MOPRNEDT, 00 re ane Rey valuable and nsefal receipes. that eae : : ee he ba calf e ; (oh DR, conser ot Aver m ' ae dite aust Mal ae Henome ration of them requir s xerenty-teea columua 1 whic ae : A ne Ta Salisbury, on the mth ons, ISAAC AVERY, : Spies Jive tEaD) NN of tine type fur the Unter, Bor vale at .! NM MARTIN, rh «& co, ee aN fe Wea torofithe Ho tmon of do eeh Po and Mary AoC i omit ORs Suiars —— 1 HO EN NESS, Book St : ‘ t TY : pats ‘ audellavers ta‘ant wow of Jw) ana Mary Wotibetre, ages ic 5 . +o vp , e EN NESS, Book Store. = : the i} 2 months and toa. Ne owe NEW GROCERY XS ~ eauliitt MER Hi \\ [\ Gee eas ea i} Geen ct sue hecel heer houeetelacnel Fu'tom N.C. June 2-00 ou ‘ as THE SOCIABLE 5 or. One Thousand and One \ 1-8 ov antey “ 1 vin ARV E Dy Parser Cen te any parts ty whiel i as aft oe . 4 Todo orile, x . >, ree wal og Kt , . ymat i} i} are Ah | ee , 7 Home Amusemente Coutning Acting Proverbs, 4 : i a urn vine LICIMONIT: VA. cite ' ' ' Surth's ard: filed; White Lead. Oils, Paints, Varnivhes, : yrs Donate Chard: s, Acting (nardes, or Drawings 4) ae yet a Sw wee ; dis aM Hl Me EOGOT Could love have saved how hadst not died, H room Paut ann ss Must ti Burlesques, ‘Pableana d — | SOTASN ATU ie Se lhe thor 4am Our deur eweet chil; Brushes, de, Wisiytse Danie (sities ta 1 Acton, Fo ; ners eee Syat ' 9) hey ead) Wea ae ie ; Ocanit thrtwer the grave Wie a : ir hy Natuice to Close Cash Burers. ann Nae ATE ih Seyayiah (rer cape ne ! ' : fepaae Par , S ‘ ! i Cate, Tones Vhe grass reue wid 6) ail yearly wave, mee \ Hee ae , 7 zea Xe Tilas rated wih riv 300 engraving BASLE Setegh pai " a a ! \ bi \ on e Arnone hes Yet God forget our chid to save 1 —Cow Deon uaa . Sum eta Ratt and diageaios, the whole bent atund of neversen * 2 Reeenest iS Wise alee | Nu : AEE rus Boag Jpn Varin, WE s. TSS est NED CIM aU esti simnusnte | Geehaeiiranocthe alee PROPESSOR WELLEAMS : eeunae Shy) Ginba taects Cipal Mains cect Te URE NS ethan Dats? Wenth dtineecrn(eiae ain Ge eft Ui Jee Wi Sane — 7 7 . ap 2 . . AEA (Conia (eae SP Sas ‘ily eve © NEW und EXUENSIVE Cian 1b wk vaily 4 paves, bo i ould respee fully announce te the en zensof Sal- a | ? i a if f U ide saip . - - oe ( . eae . tycge REAM AT EON ee ee Por ele nt SUMAN ISS! Bethe Sebre | SBUYS tht he with op 8 Seva Gor the metrnetion ENGEWORTH BOYDEN HOUSE THE ANNUAL EXAMINATION, ofthe Pajile * aw Jeather s GROMTE ICL S Sees efelive ated inca tnt Stinen Maid re wa it 2 DY u of the Nalisbiry Fearale Sennnary, wel come off on Drop Buck. Sad baper, HARDWART THE Paws OF es o Seontpinte Soda et ie Gta CREM SUNT L. at a ict RIAN’, i § Ri mae vet we Fridvy tie Bt day of July, tx. tag Bak, Pau Boustes, DEY GOODS Gantry to. Paper, - > priee 25 7 WI iw ir, . Hae Avan QD Patrous aod F id are aivited ty attend Venetian Red, Vanish + BOOTS, SHOLS Comaineng icine roles for the condue Gitte. 2eBeb sss atic (Moree nnd a clocks fiir a . A.D. WILHKIN SON, Paeipal aponrh Brown, Sah Tee de TRUNKS, shy throughity entire progress, apheneme of fave, Genileman Gr rocnsbore, N. C. - July 28, te Sparieh Whi ig, Grain ng Combe, WOOD WARE, NOTIONS. Go de. rewineh te rien tor telane the Char setirs and diapoaitions of wo- May be fount atthe Boyd=o Eouse, team I to 1 | THE ometeenth annnal ee< tu i - Vendyke Brown, Gravng Beuste tavites Che attention of aliy. His ane He Teme cies for love, and an Kp stolary Code Artin SENTRA will county \ ‘ Salisbury, N. C. a Tae peceine “ Stock Constts af evers actiele ¢ epee For sale at J. ENNISS' Book Store. My wh 1 Phe course af stndy ie ti ah i) a Pere aces ‘< Nren Raut Arn tends ru wh I> oe . . . ; me Cio 4 EIN eee re hie neces i A iictiug wa UES sunerh House has jist been Opened for the FAYETTEVILLE MARKET JUNE 25. Wye ‘ Aystite (earthen Cras Nel fe STORE. GAMBLERS TRICKS WITH CARDS EX. Datta anise OUT neal chee lei cere oie. eanuiedutlti: iiemmarUnatclrapietemn BACON, per ib 12h a 195 Chinese Vent! tony Sabie : rn \ mckianimelin ca) POSED AND EXE LAINED By J.-H Gree I \ N I) Tigh de thcemnbiesthe came eal a (ane « thous rmeuts. ali having reference to the CUFFER, per tb © Marvrican ** Poty Ki ives PRICES whien will command attention in the pee See fae ee : Piles dy 2 Kl [the ailvintees or « SCHOO IT, Tascties sce Wheomay aval themselves of iy ay . . ° ‘Thos work contarus one hundred tricka with cards, atonict anu i . " rious. ar ae boy Pace. B 9 Ail ot dhe ubose arte Warrant te he of the Drpcloretn di iaetcniiee trict ie aened Dp r , rasa stopping Pace Teas i tec Fil ILE Cede Cae ea cca iene ee eee ee ST MAREBTS. iviiineds nd ehowe the nuorroos cheate whch CED D2 Ge WM Blom. Aire ane ~NEW AND ELEGAN‘R, and the 4 sisociniuges du "A: dow at HENDEL SON &® ENATeS Hie bosiness with he cond veted ee riedty on the CASTE Coumblers proctice upon their unwary dupes, The aan TERS: . Ms INISDED and urnished nf FLOUK, per barret— ones WW NO CRN) Cok? ASaEN. 1) Sonn Gendt) dhina naa HULUDo Catan stare when they here see how easily ee 7 Han acsiresiiaeiliiaealnahie Pianta SRS . : VLE. ‘he P rls are 4 Family, made, aod eon, theretore, wiPerd te seli lower thar Ae yee eee hy dealig, cutting, and shut. tren, wot {Sai-buryoon the aa. Board. ineloding washing, be Lfiaelper Mon, aie Wed Tr waed.s gned as a fir-t clase 1 y : : : Arliss Hiag carie, or sale at earday (Pep Pal oc Haran eave Nine Sal ae . aa Pi Have seco toe con sand aff the snb-ertonges Superfine, United Baptist Institute. eee eae Te Ree Spee ome Nate pe eter Bek Cul sty at is nan Oi ee ee ete ed WT. Beane SB da, alas ia 2 mies Coeven Sa an TIAA : \ : oo : v ' Devt ot the wore business Phe cee oe Ma WOR Garsiayy, Peaehers S FRANKFORD'S. tan MAG C18 x OWN NOOK A complete 280 ACRES, Cridensesunumr ally reid unten ‘ sds ree ive patronage. md & » per TITRE Lanne cnet F Gaide vo the Vetof Conpuig. berg a Hand- Book Weenies: the eon of Gnserasy Penis. Me pwd be WN Sokol eg . he Hotel Las ress willenas Corn. 2 Faoheh womind tre I Ne trouh ee ie d of Porlor Magne. and conte go several hundred About 120 aeres is ¢ whieh 20 je fond forwarded ou apoueation te be nt Ve Sotatoa Ne so eitee test. which Wheat, ne Pestoire wil commence Ail ruts ot Ponciry Us dy ba toon taken in amastog Magical, Mayneceat, EBleetreat, und corm botrom. (6 acres of yall cultivation KRCCUULAIRIO: Soe L Sere Voie Wiss te uy of ascertaining the Outs TC bein Uninet ; exilim ies ten CCASTE PRICES Chouteal Experments, Veconehig Uranamata. the wooed laad constata of bottom tand | . ee fihiyeco deo (een . Peas, Boor ing can be abt ai the fow nates of $700 Sahebaryy dace Dist, Dau wt teas, Wond tual Sleight of Hind and Card Tacks, ‘Timbered, there non the premises a good new dv Pitvetins ; A Ra aETen cs r > ASIP Saintes 2 : ‘ - « y j . ee baie Ai 1 wide with Mr Thos Uys, id & per month, sel og every thing every Crone and Perpl xing Puzzl > Quart and Bnter- ing House, Barn. and al neceswiry out. bartdi sine ith i ows ‘ rothe Horses, and other LARD, per tb, ae er Gam CUNEO erst euros the fallamiag eluare Crone sions in Numbers, Seeret with Gan Hous ro Mall hy water prwer a eae nilrercel | The gwil repntas SVIREES, per zallon-- Perma af Paition from St) to erived by on ICON, Wriing Explained, Shoyhts nud Subileues in Leger. good orchard. 1 Anew hborhood, and couvement ee ge 2 Were ae : eae MinipsesteUl ey h a Peach randy, Contuogent fee 81.00 . oo. fern aber deeb Tor ousurp. dearon. Me, together with he mest noted ‘Tncks and Floor Vl Ie . ‘ State of N or { h € al olina. ae A a Hakdieg (2 Laneao Wo OU 2 opie eee thee dese ae CARSON, Ss uy Binieror ef Chora in ackaowied fieattorquauti: of Modern Perforuers. Mlusteted with over 500 ‘Those wishing a good ari and desirable residence. To? MOM NIB US) pean ais Blotele willcontiect &, i] ©ys ~ tes of ie Crees Pecromet itd Catiartic Pines, IZinoy cloth. gilt side and hank wifdo weil to come syst ay few such places ure of- Davie County. oth die ulroudt oe reautarly y : 4 the Doctor sent liar asa p esent stamp, 400 p § 6 8 - = price 1 000 fered vo rey ‘ L. L. BOYDEN i 5 Vo Dr Aver, in \inesen— For sale at J. ff, ENNISS’ Book Store, | A NL, COLIONT AS. ENE ye __ egal mk ‘ gee ereal curing Bu baranof the autaiteconny. rie WARP OF A THOUSAND STRINGS.—| Jue 7. 1859 ure W. Turner, Adm'r Geo. Willen, deo, ts Win C' The subscriber having weeepted a place in the our presept ot aweet caray seeds (Palle: and j mye ew boshene at Engtish, Ae 0 YD Capital Tobacco, Grain, Crave ANd Fragen cng dope. Petra! cfohe Cheer amet, BY faethe mestaumusig hook of the age haw yast pene Hovde ond seguir taress hee Wt will afford hina Sweedes, common bar, 6yu 00 4) he been beateht ty Huseeu Tone =the musht Hm. Ye } eo issued by Mesers Dick & Firzceratp, New Stat { N th (‘: li 6 IN thinjenseeitanpeuriimiceche annecenenne rt: ; : is Do. wide, ign un Stock Farm for Sale. peor Kwanne Mint to eats) Cloetiortegh Mi (ap ae Thevtsnds Col Nor aro na, Court, that Henry Werte nn o { i re i. ! Al t of the us ds eleoant Pease > GOWAN, WOUL, per |b Wa 39 Stree Tis te a conipe ation of che beet hamurous : i ae eG qe re pecifully meleiw hia Lohe terrible sout Meir dy nase, into the Meresntve bneinees in OS the grace of hoavea revived atter an titerval af Net an iohabimtant of tie Ss RIE Pes ieey Turn that May 17.1539 et end TALLOW, per Ib wow ov | Fee eee eines in cect ePree af jwtee. Pacprigew anne af China the SEteaever pet: exten by modern wit jraterorcomic- ROWAN COUNTY, SHNFeri err Che us uaa ey ee ls em- HIDES, per Ib— ; an an . o “ ; v A eo awaralienk iiecn divep ATRIAL ane 8 NUime ntabet Pheiminortal Sat eve ood’s yarns Court of Pleas and Quarter Session May Term, 1=59. Watchin, te PHO fo ape, { gen- Ory 8a id 06 farnily te thot plse now offer forsale the voluable i ‘ fi len ; have ap wre given im full. and various “sermons,” of Western Wall M ‘ u F newtecauent PT Poettiet (ere ' tractof band on whieh Enow reside, contarming Wires to sive then £0 PO TROBE TIES RUA rae lotehinkewcurdle cil ang! TAU: ALT vee Witham R. Darby, : Von oe the Green, 6 a 00 fib: Qiaicia ehercscaneil nat wiorqpe natin) Mpa) hice trips, brimfalof whiskey and fan, help to add laugh | ITTACH MEN Wverecay (ieucul | Ate : ; ; il SALT— 620 ACRES Hane) Be pretoacd'y hoppes ise Barbaerin ! for SIVONE eelat to the volnins, “Phe remaining stories Os Civgaim an APE AT q tdi idhuell queen acon hi pool, per sack 150 a 00 1 = ‘ ' a, 1 [, Youngs fi Peng. wey ‘ \ oor coring seede ing 200 sketches are well selerted, anc consplete a budg- TT appest ONE eMislaoniuvof the Cort that qoenmutiiniea ial a to i; AePaTT |: SOR Wheat Paroshers, Bins, Cotton Ging, Saw aiverpool. per sack, at * allunder fence, autin a high erste of entivaton, & _ : : j eof rectly good thigs which can hardly be surpassed. | Wilham RODuroy, the defendant. hue abeeonded or Cilifanmearirde tlreceivene Felice Mi d " wehinery ot every desemption. The Alam, per bushel, 5 a Dl ith every bu lding neeesaary fo the comfort of a tweet Caring deap> were nett SURI honk ola (ic ealdca thi InKetGr ne conceals hiouiself ao that the ordiary pe i . : : . ea ou Hes my Weenie ‘ > { ) \ pO h i i is for sale at ¢ oreo TY process of LAW fig 1 " Wo tse Hoytor to leather in MOLASSES, per gulion— (Ro ar ike-cneltctogt unin ypat mye he Weagede Sw id trate Chest Wy SNNISS Pee : : ; : i i Cub Qfa 30 ‘| He prc andly tappy wit be von ti this ts kuowa Dei TEAS SEESSL cannet ROU US Ue UC Stan tanta | CUnarres, fi tien a ann) Winciw, ae san) Ud fe [is SGU ny Ts ChAT AN OC) Tulsa, = 3 Waser very pie and suniae j ' \ oe Salishory, NOC and agjadged that subheation be made im the Caro. Court af Parity, ac er reat ev leather "Phe ean will net affeot cy ria or a i Oreans, 45a 50 Agnelli ite jaar Oia iokonvePineut! us n Ape Tos i s wh eapproyes your Hing Waretiin tor ex auceessive weeks notfong qth M i Po Nh y : Near Gan st Ire regnives ne od; the rare GAR, per Ib— Swamp Timber One bn drea Ver growing © Be ae hint vdoerenar before the Jon HTL Ata er ee iii Gt : ‘i . is 1 whe und anoear betre the tieeselour Court ait “ Wetontat wroegroes will net stealit for atuinge : Ha 00 nd 22 s ae in a Ge Nee thes for bis Geree arnesef mvinete of inn ae v th year of Amenege | ro loner Es redkepapshewag fa) M rp) AU tT ces Suites i tying ho GG cacy on ane tear atin danke O ‘ta Col: or !] aro ina, Cs WD QINar Sbasonecat (henexc( ancct he 1 MINGHAM.C Wf or shoe sofas von ean get voy lene h vow wieh allie tCroik Ports, & N. Orleans, a 2 mey be bought ad possexsion given ut once ' q ve he held tor Commits vanvat the Cauet Ebonse ns WalvaliablerAPeiliani Wihenveysinek ate Wediemnamii anu! cin Ad Button at shangnai, whe will repey ROWAN COUNTY. Gw2 pradv Ks 59 eae MANUS ei 201 a Fonanwot -fied with guod oa Salsbury om the t Mondavi Amanat ne he 1ey : : roy a) + rariia Bye) sirumente, Ge. For farther porientirs call on the Yeu with Ten ; ik or Cold - , — ' ia ane aes Bae Sea eee Pan a wt g é ‘ ! ae y oa teevive THE MARKETS. subscriber near Sulisbury, No be hey Mand arins at Cana, have hed of your Courtaf Pleanand Quarter Scerions, May Term, 1asg Mil ein tel a ee re ral en d A Oe te JNO F TOAD great koowledye, eurpossing oll oocher Faregeiers, Jacob © Barnburdi. re Tilman Austin meh erty ievied on by virtue of this witarhe ! LK 1On UNC ° de Radioator e ie fle ; : . Jnne 28, 1859. Ind yon motored the deen wedom of ear own ATTACHMENT. ceriteaanne . . Salisbury, N. ©., June 28, 1859 pee Saceneae heesiia seestieen, wiv tnmke petioles bie) age: in 7 staf the Caune 1 SN Ge ler epee enaicnee IN SALISBURY. V0 CASH PRICES: Perens . 7 stantls Vecare glad to know you bow in trembliag appearing to the varistietion of the Court that — Pe iive ) - yeas ; . , i CORRECTED WEEKLY By NOTICE TO TRAVELLERS, ernie thio ours Weetase Glance the defontint, “Pilmviy Xnstin, has defi the State or AE ree sete noe M0, 1n59, and tifoen een herein Rarpeyeel Sass ch 12} ets per foot : > : 3 1 re ah ie “4 Conners h el fowo th ew oce of t UU seat Ba) akcase GAG BUSS ny ie . 1 4 to * “ SPRAGUE BROTHERS J AVING ermivacied inientey ii Mii team oon ie aby x SSE 5 (el a ae a solectums Lm t a patna ts pieces atthe i JAMES EO KERR, Clerk, ea : iS a ae t ey oe * Apples dried 50 a 125)Sead Bor, £1 Stateevilte te farter | lipnneaect te Det J uly nT ee eae OE j i ay Proady. 5 50-604 EE ES SED et too 2) “ ' a i" ; ie HORSE nasty. destined by the heaveniy wisdom to tale and adjndged that pablo sion be made in the Caroh iy: 2 Baeon, 1091 White, 10012 | 1@s9 COSTE ee ATETLT Pwo lt nel ACK Aiea na Watchman for six aucceasive weeks, notifying JOK. Berne havine dnlemy Agent, tie» y 27 or Becowar, uD =k Mi isence Gunes on ae AT CN (Oats Uno pes AC OU l msaliingeuiay we ancdated hy the American Consulate, at Hang him tobe and appear betore the Laxticesof our Court Select Classical School. by muathorsed te atte e Aneto i 4 32 re Reef, Sa 6 “ N.O 65 from Statesville via Taylorewilie and Ellen Dale eck 31 Miy, IRSA ek Mi Mermennd Qiiarier Seajinemeciheiest Goalie earn AHTUNT QCA, icaaaecd ~ 4 SA oo o Batter, WS 18] Mureovady 45m 50 Cholybeate Springs, to Lenoir rn back ees see be held forthe County of Rowan, at the Coart House ] SU Op Sten ene Mares) ara Ga vont he Ik BURKE. a 5 . CANDILES— Nails (Cat) Syn Leave Sintesville, Monday and tiiday 6am ,and, Price 25 ete per Box—5 Buxes for 81,00 In Nafishory on the firet: Monday in Anguat nex!, a 48 hee of hove will he a ‘ i : jl Oy og s 5 LM 1 « Tallow, 15.220 Oata, 40 50 arnye ay Lenoir seme daye 10) om Retna, Prepared by DRO J. ©. AYER, Lowell, Ware, 1) 2" 28 rk on b plead or replevy, otherwise judg- lm J Nu SR MeAULAY h fi ru ' ' ary 0 oo Adman:ive, Su SOUCILS LINSEED leave tanuir Tieednc and’ Seturliy. Galt andar. and sald by FE Satiat NC ment willbe taken by detealt againet hom and the Dey ERENCE May Pode 8 Be lie aiauefaciared to orderate oe 124 oy Me Conese ’ 509 95 Bad Staines Apo en ; Henderson & Enniss, Satiabury hone cad fot levied upon by virtue ofthiaattachment: 1) Pacy, DOD Wc dann College NOC “ ave, 17 » 22} |Potauper, Erieh, 1 nw 425 The tine will snoply a want thot haalong existed, : A sites, for weer or staymt Da IL Beret 75.4 1 a public convecanee weet frm WON COR A PeaS tee TWirce Nive © he caniem murenae a ea ee Mi) NC Farmers Read This!) ov Cotton, y DH Charotte Mibtary Enetitat : direst from the Manofartarers Coon Yarn, 105 2 110, Rags per Ib 2) Siateeville nn the direction of Wilkesboro’ m nt ciicesihaleaMundeviin Mev A cl ihs6 (end ne FASO ele tute : Mle Mock ni of ail description, at 5% nanie per Com, 99 n 10 Salt perenck, 2002200 firson via Tayloreville ahd Lenorr, and will ded i RCH. \\ lf in the 33d year of our Independence ey ge. . toe ] am now fendy tire Can-Rark, fre 3. BF. BOONE, * Meal, 00 » 100 Sheeting Bro. 9 210 the Tri-Weekly Steg? Line from Abngion Va, to JAMES EO KERR, Clerk. |” f Mighest cach price wl be paid, My win Vinen id Churkitte, N. G Chickensper doz. 1.00 a 14 Sugar Bro. Ball = Linestnion N.C. at Lenoir Pr'a fee $5.50-6w4 | mt the NO) Radrosd owhere | ‘ ais Ahh : é : ie a NJ ee ’ AL PERSONS indebted to me for Medical Ser. te fouad. Bark eso} ’ riettl per doz. Ball Crashed, 13.015 Strict personal attention will he given. and every “SAI ISBI ae N.C. I efor a ; ; aes i : eecapeel Ng B6.035 | Clarified, 114 @ 12 | effort made to give entire satisfaction to all who may “ ¥ « Vices, (previons to Let December) whore ac. the firet dark of the Moor Lam PLE ASE NOTICE. A , 5 5.30 0550 Tallow, 10 0 19 | patronisa thieline. PROMPT PERSONAL ATTENTION GIV. i q Countaore notactiied by August Court next, will, urge quantity . TTITE noteeg ven for the pare Seok, 2.75 0 3.00 Wheat White, 125 0 140 iP Office at Statesville at MeLean’s Hotel, at Lenoir ] EN to the purchase of all kinds of PRODUCE ‘ j after that time, find them in the hands of aa officer Palm want to hice three first pate hands Near we I ineledencniny: ig eran ue a saves hd OY jr (Bar) 115 a 195 at the Post Office. | And to all consignments to be sold in this market or Mon’ < ) (without exception li ede what T sav for the balunce of the vear or longer due, and pavinent ie reqnired. withont do olay sal Lad 2530 | ROBY H TEAGUE, Proprietor, | shipped to other Phris OR y - | MVM. WHITEHEAD INO A HOLT i ‘ Jane 20th, 1859 Imo5 bruary 7, 1850 unr OF all Kinds for Sale at this Office.| jouet4. 1959 is) May Yet, 1959 fe Taeer LS tase J.J. BRUNEA, Adm'r tt i : _ity, too,) to supply his wants for a year! woop, EDDY & co. ‘ Single Number Lotteri The Chinces Bagar Ome. —We Hon) t! wish the interest in the eulture of the Chineso Sugar Cane to subside— there is no huinbuggery about it, for it is a fact, beyond question that any farmer, with) Due rety little tronble and expense, ean TICKETS ONLY make enough of sweetening (of good qual-| —therefore we copy the followlng article} on the subject fromthe N. Y. Journal of} The fullowing Seheme will be drawn by Commerce :—Huy. Observer. Eopy & Co., Managers of the Sparta Acade Number ry es |! (CHARTBRBD BY THE STATE OF GEORUIA.) Capital Prize $50,000! ! TEN DOLLARS. WOOD, EDDY & (0., MANAGERS, Successors to S. Swan & Co. Woon, my Lat- Lottenes for ¥ 7 . SPAT ‘ tery, in each of their Single Sorgham Sugar.— Speculations and Jose, 1859, at Augusta, Geo. in pubhe, under theories as to the practicubility of produr , he superiutendence of Comminsione rs: Class 23 Draws Saturday, dan Ae lee) cing fuzar from the sorgham, or implive, (Migs Gn Tents. Sueudh@ dime 00, eet are fast piving place to unquestionable Class Draws Sa June PS. 1S54 facts. We have received from Hodges, ‘ a Wie Gatlin yee a ae , ‘ 8 j ON TUE PLAN OF SINGLE N BERS Free & Co., of Cincinnati, a small publi maa TOK EA . oo TECK EDS cation giving the results of recent expe: piye Thousand Four Hundred aud Eighty-five bitcents, and gn elabor: rentise oll sll: ' Joan elaborate treatise ou su PRIZES! NEABLY OVE PRIZE TO EVERY MINE 7 Magnificent: Scheme! TO BE DRAWN NST TE AON fn | gar making, together with a descriptive catalogue of apparatus employed Wiel: ist be of special service to the culliva tors of the sweet reed. It also embraces IN 1 Prizes of : EACH S a large correspondence with skillful agri- y peacor Colturists in different States, particularly of the Northwest, from which the reader may be enabled to form very intelligent conclusions. According 1 ! i ' 1 APPROXIMATION PRIZES to this authori- to Aupronnmating ¢ : hu ty, notwithstanding a very adverse sea- ith son, by which the develupment of the t nO . : I Gin cane was retarded from four to six weeks Law 400 i ; : : A BNA 100,000 In comparison with what might have “ — 304. yd Prises amounting te 320.000 been reasonably expected, thereby caus-,” SCR TEASE ‘ | ! Ww The SIO, Waves 3. Qcarre Mote Theme ‘ . ing a redundance of vevetable tibre at the | . | Remember that every Pri expense of saccharine juices, “ the results : ie | of the last year are flattering in the high * | Cert ficates of Packyges will be est degree.” Syrup of a beauty, flavor Package of fe Whole Tiekets and consistency, equal to the finest suyar- WW Malt st 1 Quarts house molasses (says the same aceouut) Ww Baghth has been nade toa considerable e Northern State, quantitics sutticient to yield a good profit \tent in nearly every and in CLASS No. 359, Dini on Wredn Sune 29th, at the lowest price commanded by mo lasses from Southern cane. And what sold atthe follows ICKETS WLS EF . | FREIGHT FOR THE 600 sein the above Scheme wx drawn, and payable in full without deduction Sprrta Academy Lottery, PSatt On the Three Number Plan. i3 more Batisfuctory, ager of various grades, ranging trom common te the tin- ORE tis) UA AULD est luaf, Wee pean prod Tce dj fim eucli qian Nearly One Prize to Fyery Two Tlekets!! tities cand nia dhen such a variety of cream | GRAND PRIZE OF S36.000, stances as to © prove conclusive OSS teen eaten i Pes uh e000 the manufacture of sugar in this latitude ae eve Waa | OU livesat 10002 is not only possible, but of easy accom Geet OD Psu | x 2 plishinent.” This is a long step in Ae ay : & Aw vance of our previous loformation upon 27 si4 PRIZES AMOUNTING TO &515,190 this topic; for the erystalizability of sor- gham syrup has been learnedly discuss: While Tikete 81s Malree 835 Q rirters $2 50 ed up toa recent period, with a larce amount of conflicting evidence. Mucti! | EXPEDITIOUS ng rates | | ANOTHER CHANGE!! | SALISBURY FEMALE SEMINARY. pe flourishing Insutution isin charge of the | tollowing ‘Teachers, viz: A.D. Witkinson, Principal, Mrs. NO. Witkinson, departinent aud Music, | Mr. Wa. Hexnic, Instructor in Music, MANSION #ER HOTEL, | | SALISBURY. Me subscriber take oar in announcing to his friends, and the public generally, that he has Assiwtuot in the Literary | taken (his long established und well known Hotel, ree has wade every posable preparation to accommio- date the business, travelling and viewing portions of | ‘Take pleasure in saying that the present Session ‘the pablic, in the most satwefuctory manner We are ‘has surpassed their gxpectation. with a great addiuion. Asthere may be some who are Sectanian tu ther feelings iu regard to Schools, 1 would say publicly what [ buve said in private, I teach uo dam. if you want that taught you wust send tor the Preacher. ‘The secoud Session will comune nee ou the 2ist day of Feb., 1X0, and continue tweuty- one weeks forms of Tuition as heretofore Board in family of Priuveipal aud others ofthe high- { [est respectability | AD DI WILKINSON, | Puiyeirst | Feb. Ist, 1449 1136 _ RAIL ROAD NOTICE TO COUNTRY MERCHANTS. NEw, CEEAP, AND ROL TE re INTERIOR OF CAROLINA F¢ NORTH} | Fall und Winter supplies, ure tice that by the completion of the North Eastern Rail Road, trom Charlestou S.C to Cheraw, the ad- fa CHEAP and expediious route from the dis opened to them All Freight consigned to the care of jthe North Basteru Rail Road will be | | No charge for storage willbe made at Cheraw. All 10. {house ootilfeatled for portation of Fi requeste rhe vantay Seahe the Agent of forwarded free of Commission {s will be taken care oftin the Company's Ware- Schedule of charges fortrans- eight will be found at the Post Office 5.58. SOULOMONS, Engineer & Supenntendent tft S LIGH ER! | PATENT | Von-Ecplosice Self-Generating _ GAS LAMP!! August 10, Phos 4 thankful | for past favors aud request a continuation of the same, | \ ERCHAN TS and others about purchasing their | | a ahr wre now favored wih the BEST | SAW fel Rect ndomest FCONOWMLCAL LIGHT ey 1 equal superior, tothe at Coal ts fros ipiee YW Ree Stree Red K «. Vr » Manutietories s Ihe ( I; eqnires AL hy prove tae nape ronity aver every other porta ble hgh uowinuse. | | HENDERSON & ENNISS Salisbury, tag FAMILY. GROCRBIES | J.P. MOOSE L erty ar eR Out che. embarrassment lias risen from attempts} BE aiftress for the Piekets| Pirie i oRRe r to obtain a cane erystal from immature ordered Piulnaey ewe tie tarw ard ied Seka large and ¢ Cali th toc, en Ge Ice ah is thetye DS ed Uiveiiicense an th SEE i ed Sinck of 5 : x any figure they uray ¢ | judgment, the unfavorable conclusions ot : mad AMI. \ ( ROCERIES, ten formed seem to lave been too bh; tsty ne vaulter ' | as iol s “owe their mitnatures CSU a OY The chemical chanszes which the plant va ven ONG Toman Ce Coffees, Suave, Ru undergoes during the later period of its , in Molasses, Tous, Cheeee, Li Remember thatevery Prceis drawn and pay ; growth, seem abactutely Cesenciul (OLBUC Mhlead fall winiouuadtedie nen Prpper. St Mustard, yp rr ft N rih Lar) a, ate cess. Talis at its maturity, the sorgham, | be Ali prizes ot 1,000 and under, pad sumedate ein Bias Wmnaia hike the Creole or Indian cane, is beliey- | |» tee ae CNR AU SOTO Roe LS LTTE VAG te Crate | ead: fchirty dave ed to contain no sugar which cannot be NOTICE CO CORRESPONDENTS | DCU Natt CMe reduced to crystals. Mr. Lovering, asu Those who prefer vot seadig moury by mail, cat ith be ip a) : un Vv yen ee Ariane Tek atale Baie rine ir garretiner, of Philadelphia, is considered Reve allutwhichiwern cha xclunively as having set the question at rest. ‘I THE ADAMS EXPRESS COMAANY, | he and will be sold at short Wie (ven a actosl yrelil per acre, accordinw to) lis} whereby money tor Tiekeisoivumne ol Ten Dolnre: a if ! { Salisbury, War 2, b=59 the process was 1,221.85 pounds of brown | aod upwards, can be went ow sugar and 74.39 vallons of molasses 3 anc DTI TRE RES KEAN DOE NINN he has no doubt, with more suitable Hyer eu SO YeCHY Oe ti ww liere hava h ase eae Onis: nna ins i eer | cd and ) The inesey and order must be enclosed in “GON paratus than lic TE MO OS. good Cul ee wes p POST OFFICE AAP AMIDP Sty feos tivation, tro 1,000 ta 1800 pouida oY SBIR” or Gee bxprers Compas vane. recy beet ot ee id from oS5 to Pog therm nl of y be olst Se i vas gallons MAY im tt ] Ais Oars tie eet without ES tikes Chor NUP EONS Gee), Seen! oe (near he Is aboTier venthe ‘ey SCOYON DY, TeUTIOAS ea meister ts t Vice 1 vit WOH RDI aw Cie, AN 1 Feasttaility of aevat lee Net of the nnnilierethict sine dilcaen turing s wham Pieen weet. wiht \ i ( 5 PT Cony Into sn : a nae Pees \ i : iding € ta ten, ti f M ei Se t; . \ 1 rm) € nna, amounted ta but ow v Dus kk Ds ih thirty-two cents per gallon, fora very su. Wiss Chasen, and New York Herald and which was readily dis xty cents, perior artic! yosed of ats } between twenty VES and thirty barrels | being sold at this pric Weston According to the authority from ‘lhc Nae q ' we quote, this molasses, ahen retined oe SU PSH _ JAM ‘ rh NE. + Was * superior to the choicest golden svi Fet Bese up made from Louisiana or Cuba molas ses.” The authors of the treatise before us express the belief that within less than owe and «for then yews ten years, sugar wilt be produced in j z ! table for weking my ' quantity sufficient for home consumption (3.0 ee j nm ae ne : aoe ta i Hi notre exonty iutnust of ther Mii lomay hay eoieundlleiee aniien ie tenia and perhaps some of the Northern States, tnd want two or citer fanelies flied This seama Se ca Teer ft ROBN This seems like a very sanguine anticipa- Sitios ies ql eee tion, bat the corroborative ot the statements here referre | to, character testimony in of a well fitted to cosmid | vole “fa Dareivine Woesterm N. Carolina Rail R. Freight purchase 20 virco Sa re will pay vas planta Twente tra old Rps ut contitence. is fully Sugarcane mav be eu't ted on al d all hind ot most any of our fight, chav sola, wher Es te th corn ordinarily erows, HW cary wu i any heal \ preparing the eround, EP re Oreste tiny react) Arica t ’ 4 Stab Past Ward, « fe prop aaesyene Charen ined Tain te Women assent Lie prone oat SNIDER & RIGGS their Loverk in the Austrian fray Spe set) fle The London Zein relates the following : When the second batallion was ahout t ’ | ISN YL U T I )N. leave for Leoben, the men insisted that _o iri of Mardueh, Dathy a \ the women, who had been engaged as ed beats) ! ur iia ext Butlers, nurses, &e., shonld be allowed to a uu To Onl Weces oe ten) a as travel in the same carriages with them, Viienierican: ie fod a ih an I imake but the officers strongly objected to the payuenttohan The B tered on un ni ftarther novee by Murdoch & Raeder WM WMV proposed arrangement, At last it was settled that the women should sit toveth RABDER er in one carriage which was the last in WM OR DARBY the train. re doors having been lock Apni 16th, 1x59 a) ed, and the usual screech engine, the train began to move, but with out the last carriage, which had been un hodked at the last moment by one of the persons appointed to superintend the de given by the SUL AVINESAS TUL IL IE, OS meer term of this Taetitation w Wed beor esday the 6th of July next, and cout : ( weeks partare of the volunteers. The women were very indignant at being left behind, Boar ole CC easly (y but the men proceeded on their journey py Perera in happy Iwnorance of their separation. ( Hye tes, from their ! lover. For eirealaiw coutauniny full pa f are ne ro ENV ee CETTE, oe 5 Aye RINCI The Pesolutiona of vs Phe Pay SGinoriiln oho sultan Ioan etteville Observer sive: These antique political propositions, to which the Dom LAW ocrats of Virginia have with the tenacity of “death toa dead nix 5 tive A. ll. & which were adopted by the OFFICE, the one formerly oreupied by Dr Democratic National Convention of 1852, ORM Cen Sine (not one in ten of the that SATASBU ION NaC Convention ever having read them.) March 1, 1859 reat [ pauls *,¢ Banner pl MICHAL BROWN, PARTNERSGIP, ¢ lung. solinenly thembers of actually been adopted by ag tee copy liean meeting at Cleveland, Oluol [tis said that there were Go00 ene atthe CALDWEL WURDOCH, Concord Female College, ninene ue 21 a50n0 15.00 boo i re VAT Ind L, Nesbit, 140 scan tential tacs COMMISSION MERCHANT, fou SALISBURY, N.C. ‘Tie same party in several of the North PROMPT PERSONAL ATTENTION crn States celebrated with high honors EN to the purchase of all kinds of PRO the late birth day of Thomas Jefferson ! * These be your gods, oli Israel !” other Porte shipped t February 7, GV DUCK And to all consignments to be sold in thie market or t{37 | TRI-WEEKLY MAIL LINE. TWO HORSE HACKS, | | | { From YWorksvilles, VC. to Salisbury, VC. | heirea Mack M a ethane | I ck AM freee as “ fayeut 4 oko POM / ~ | ye Chivas ~ 1} hae 1 ' Mork wal POM ine (P ‘ \ sh ta pe ream vohon Poven [in etd ia t 7 SPACE tt | tthe Ma Hotel, Wa Rowse Prorwin rom Carolina City. N.C. ISOS. Jtily 26th, an € How eon ro Hannon. I bs tel 4 a City rth of Jovi a FORWARDING AND GENERAL COMMISSION | BUSINESS, and hope by promptress and stuet attention te merit | i res your patronage and support Beary the Ag Murray's Line of First Class Pachets, to thieand MOREMEAD CIPY, make thes the cheapest and t | | | every rt wall Phe made to expedi troute to New York Vewsets wal ded and Jixcharaed at tay Wharf (adpanine the (ail Road Whart, aod thereby save CAR PAGE and LIGHT ole tol | de) Partentir attention willbe given to allorders, Jand tothe wale and shioment ot Produes | WILLEAM B GRANT | ae pmenteof Prodace to Do Conners Merraray. N willbe tonwarded free of Commisston | suey 1eaetta! tf 10 STEVENSON & BOWEN, Lark are LOWEN & NESMITI, Wholesale Dealers in DRY COODS. | fice Acoodior enn olin DANIEL ZIMMERMAN, winerty of Linconsresy, NOC), and Removed to the rye Store Noo SB North Srd St reed Stoek will be kept, House in the trade experi) VENSON, below Arch, where nn 1uere and iaducemenss of fered equal te an Prntanenons, Jat pbmods Theory of Vocal Music, Particular attention ie paid to his TT AIWLE, and every comfort is provided in his ROOMS. His STABLES are abundantly supplied, and at- tended by a careful oxtler; and to all departuvents lithe proprietor gives lus personal attenGon A comfortable OMNIBUS runs regularly to the Vdepot on the arrival of the cars. ) With these efforts to please, puble patronage is contidently solicited WAM ROWZEE January 25th tf-35 COWAN'S | | VEGETABLE LITHONTRIPTIC OR FRIEND OF THE HUMAN FAMILY. SUFFERING FROM DISEASED KIDNEYS, 'Stoncin the Bladderand Nidneys, Weak neas of the Loins, ke. Thisinvaluuble medicmermtor sale atthe Davie | Hotel,in Mocksville; a0 Dr Ro Campbells. 10 Tre. Charlotte; at Zeveriy’> arolina Watehman Ot Drag Store in aud atthe © dell; atthe | Hotelin Salers fice, in Salisbury Thesubscnber basing entered tite copartnership {withJobn F. Cowan, orginal patenteefor the ufactureand sale of heabove Medicine. ispreparects furnish a nupply by elit at Salisbury, N ee allingathis residence, 1 tides tla ji. IU) dane El elisa) man acldre ms est otthar VUSTTN ene \ TURE. that) \EW IRBLEY RD | | IH. C. MALCOLM, PRACTICAL MARBLE CUTTER, | p> RSPEC TRUELY informe the woh 4 MARBLE YARD a ae ‘ we WON | eRe eS [HEAT A TON Es MII ARIES ani aii gue ey rth Marvle | 1 IMPOR PE ju MEUOS on | AMERICAN MARBLE. te Ieoinie haus Ay 9) aioe Tee ae be happy te Nave all desirous of hes te : a Vass) ‘ ie nepsof Mar t PT SSRUn Ts Sour) ocuenson aon dhe aqme Greensborough Wutual | INSE RANG HCO ME WN Ye Se t aie " my fthe ot . ace cltrante er ' rene Nhe « . in “ Ast 1 af " ay O5ay CHAE AWG Shy ' Pe tease ! By r 1 1 Cog \ ~ { he ' ‘ 1 W ” he Sta “ dany Nea DIRECTORS: JaneeStoun, J oY Mebane, © oP Mende wt D fe Wave why Ah Shed gaa John 1, 4 Jed fants Mates SM Gernot Ee Wedttetir, O° © Johnsen, Atle Ont omnuat , 1 WHS, Seeman enborough, Noo. Mav 5, 1857 ttl NOTICE. Tee rinnaf Mails & Wow iy s Prostee for the t rel and Mile & M fothe abeawe « m forwoare t ofoth ficient i" 1 Low * Up the notes aid its. anid os ' Sieh (oe Tlie oeds will | Al nian figures Th ~e ndebt 1 i} , efi 1 1 r count, are here ly fied wat 1 ment, ameonly ay \ a) tterne ow le ' Mw Vfort the claiaim wid lie pat aut tan Heth ‘ officer Pas MeL AER 14 Asay SED aos) tlate | . ’ tory Valuable Factory | Mill Prperty fr Sale!! (ib mbreriinerlesiiny Uneaverliecaitent nite i] exclusive teother bus ies, ollers formate his walina ble Factory and Mill Property, known as Murdoch's Sash and Blind Factory, on West Hill, eae chia places “Eiiscsiulliahmentcuniiimim means wetnsive and valoable aesortmentot Machinery beuimnonig with ene SO hore power Bugis meh horse portable de, one large Woodworth's Pliner, and one other large do yone Spoke Bathe, with county nmght, Sash and Bhod Machmery, Geare’ Mach Seroll Saw ey woth county mabe: Rorng and Mor two Crrint Mills, r Saws Lathe, v several Circa tieing Machines, “Turmng | IN SEVEN ORAS Y bes 30S jke. We, | This property willbe sotl gether or ia parcels a3, 4 eupply of the above usefal Miercal Work, to mult purchasers: bat nreference wil be given ¢ SS OB hacdsoniely printed and for wate at any one willtake the whole asitatands, aad continue e PHIStOR TICE. ithe hisiners Tsim uo There ina large amoual of Machinery tet here Named "Phose who wont any theog on this dine, are Ci Siti ndvixed te call soon, ag Pam desirous to close it ont “i th am te ede a porami ble writ will \ soda Quick Sales and Short Profits. a OTe dithyecoyperedh a Tn Boyden’ a Granite Row, Opposite the Rowan Honee Savalness Stny Od, eid Mail ps puble are invited to eall and examine vars splendid stock of RPurniture —the beset and fines 1 Y > ee ee He wb. We. RUpp, entre-tables, Sofia, PET) Wardrobes, Bedsteadso Cha Re atom Wii Cha drou'e Chnies nada, Worst et in fae 3. ve 1 fow how will we i tint) tate entof Wood Colina kept ba ' Vo reus ferme ne can be had We have wt new Hearse for funeral oe 4 ‘ Call at the Fornmtare Store of JOUNSON & WILHELM Sostint April 1h, 159 ly tx HIDES. T TEE higheat market TaeoRH in CASH for green and dry Hides Apply to REARD & BROTHER May 9th, 1859 tf 50 f | Watchmaker & Ieweller, CONCORD, N.C. WVITF eubecriher hae Ta Watch, Clock and Dowrtry Stor !oand by careful attention te busin Neral patronage ndeoF Time Pieces, repaired in the 1 ted quiet! Vty) WoW RUPP T, FEATHER. A very superior lot of Upper Leather and Calf Skine for ante by BEARD & BROTHER | May th, 1859 150 a liberal share of the ID YE STUFFS, PAINTS, TURPENTINE, R ESIN Chalk, Whiting, [ J RINALS, Syrenges, Breast Pumps, Gy ARDEN and Grass Seeds, { 1 | | vALT-PETRE, Borax, Glue | k | | >» Manufacturers Articles, 1& AGNESTA, Mustard, ) NEMAS, Sargical Tustruments, |] ND | | | | | | 4 Al Y k RABLE SINGLASS, 1Go, TT ATEGS, TS, Sulphur, LLOw Ink, Gellatiue, YORK Bottles, Aunatto, Mace, Cloves, ip MERY, Rotten Stone, Sand Paper, W IN DOW Glass, Putty, . the ‘ CIDS, Ateohel, I ap RAIN, Linseed aud Lamp Os, T INCTURES, Q 0! » Jan | | TA; Salt 4, rod TH Propo Naveed ( Need Ci iB Phe Powe I ! I I" h \ “ i 5 li | I ( 1 I KAP Aw Ir ~ JOHN DOOLEY, Main SiLISE AY, | __GELEBRATED VEGETABLE CATTLE POWDER. GRAND OPENING OF NEW SPRING & SUMMER GOODS! Ginger, Ahead of Everybody !!! LS NENSE RVURASTLONS, Eatracts, ww Blachiug, Sponge, THE call and UNDERSIGNED RESPECPEULLS STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GO DS They are rich and rare, and far surpass any Stock in beauty, that was ever offer- ed iu Salisbury. We are selling off DRY GOODS rapidly, and eclipse all compe- tition, INV PRE hi) lO Dial Rose, Pink, ree CL Cream ‘Tartar, you that Steck is far SUPERIOR + ANY that has before been offered to the public, aud that our prices are down ns LOWEST water mark. MOTT O.---Polite attention to Customers, and Small Profits. SPECIAL NOPICE. Cotniis Mireranrs and the venerally will find in addition to our i OSI APILIE NES IDY AUN GLOGS, fe dee MADE CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, rs, = zes and prices, IEATS, FLATS and BONNEIS Druws, Paints, Oils and Dye Stuffs. WOOD INANE DEC ETS DIROOMS SIG STE See NEI TEs CROCKERY AND QUEENS WARE, fand the best stock of SUGAR, COPFPEEnd MOLASSES ever offered in Salisbury. } Givicus a cart and we will convince our Lamp Black, Stock al Barks pio Quinine, a splendid Stock of NE ti32 | | | 7 | | We bey trav return our ost sincere Chauks, for the libe towed onus by our friend ISL Stare eoby stet attention ty business, and low wW > favor us wath the purehaser Pon t ta CALL AT THE OLD ESTABLISHED STAND ON THE CORNER, opposite the Ma ull MENS TIES ee ay cue wa & YOUNG, oe vi ae sage ee sl Beer f ieee Good News for Everybody !! - GLOTHING STORE! | New Clothing ! Good Clothing !! Cheap Clothing!!! UE SIS Tee Mr. DAVID) WEED. bas just opened a LARGE SbOCh of EADY MADE ue Habe LOVUING. oo the house formerly occupied by dates EL. bastss as a Dook Store, ° moy bel abd respectis oy davites He pubbe to cad as it will be te them advantaze, before pur teins Vhere Atieaneg sass ! t x wollen. EP fitee w Nie Memiitetiie Suns eo ee \ Sachs. Linen Duck Drithand Beown HOGS Coats, Spats Linen Raylans, tine Black D eek n Pants, faney Side Stripe Cash Doe! mere ' >. Drape, Laon Cashbmerett Pants, platn and faney Silk and Satin ne io Vests, white ButPand taney Marseiiies, and a fine assortment of Linen and = Mar- er shes Boson stints and Collars Mig | : ; : a ees : CGontlemems Mvritishine Goods, : a Ce TA TIRY SISVIIE A SI SUITS i“ a eae fred ai/7 ie yet he Cheaper than oti poss. he weld any where seen Salis Pe ; o ad Say Let every person cail and exan f List and he will not be di DAVID WEIL. croft titel j mo ive anes J) +7 Ret eS EEN ay AN tis] 125 saan. We have on hand a large BROUN. COPFIY. C MOCh, 47 Yl and superior lot of | FRESH), we SAE Ts Hat and Cap Manufacturer, | “en “sumer | TEAS. | LS SUNS rine wernt *) MOLASSES, Mies, Ih ; ole Sa ‘ RICK, BACON, pos ‘ band LARD, PEPPER GINGER, SPICE, { PICKLES | CRACKERS, RASINS, wEIN G PAL, | MUSTARD, “ 1 ewuLbe Gade dune the SARDINES, * Vinegar, Soda 1 Mackerel, Pickled) Salmon, she recat 4 * Se Fouad aoe tT Soap. Star Candies, Blocking, Tudo, Powder, ii 4 AMAR inl) on ener Shot, Lead. Caps. South, Pobuces, Cysts, Mutches, Words the ties Couret PE STOCK of GOODS &e. &e CALL ANDO SER US. We pay Tort Inirmeevece Giocinatt Vorginna : Vs sho me Pat ay custom Cash or Groceries for Country Produce " cies STAC Goons. Fresi) Butter and 4 Saucon and Lard, good ee eine ; Sneed. 4 Fiowr and Meal, Potato s, Peas, Beaus, Omons, ; | Drod t cp Rigs hs ways doa request. Brug . I" HN Me BY, es then tous BEARD & BROTHER nT ate L ae Sahesbary, April 6. bso tho DR. WISTALS BALSAM Of WILD CHERRY. | 100 SM GieS IPTRIEMUB, RO) (CCE THIBIE,, ’ al > 4 BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS'! | DNC OO GON PRN ATEN CAN A e Take only the Genuine! | ap) 8 Te ial i‘ Raa ee NG KS ¥ , * Pere Chg 5 Mar. v2 43 y ‘ j ; pe eae : Wiston MERCHANTS, {5 ()() tm STE LE AND ZINC ‘ i | KEEP constantly on hand the best selection of al} MeNEELY & YOUNG'S, i il " Mar 22 3 icin ete ees Staple and ane jo" WERENT nT ” ae aee enn oe a | NOTICE. aD ( ' i kept Up asa T, | Road, and all persons are respects ae y Tain Saren, Cave and) Cane cnn Rea Made | fully asked to pay ther toll ora fine of £5 will be > ‘ brosech in cClorinnetal be fide tie state have a lot Cellected otf of them J.F. FOARD, Agent. ; a Per Tilisetcrccrde rani cdi tiieeis alitelomebrrneecmny atlaye gina i151 . ‘ TOE WILT GRIER LS TRC ice RecA AL es dna ate i ICED seats ale SHANI A eestny a 1059 m | J. Moose, su | , y Mitkoap, Deluware, 0 ie i ) 7 ’ eee ey VALUABLE LANDS | Commission Merchant. : Coo! Oa De Se BB Lec. SNITISIEIRW., N. ©, ee elt The Mia agte ine) CRNIUB mibeccttcr within tiernii tie lenis lone an WV TEE cive his persenat ate nti to the parchase i ' . the Beats Bord and Batt t Roads, 1 Jd ites ofall kinds ot Produ Nise, to all consign y TACO Y FOULK West of Sa ory, near Correll’s Mall Crook The. ments, for this « eri { only tat sh Pa esas vores ane Hee the Vinet conte 22 ACRES. “Phiaplaoe wwellne | Reeakeyce =I A Divi, Casheir, BB) Ruberte, pane a ML bt we, Peed ile Ui EMITS CHCU RN Ta nin RAN Ri andatoell tad milena siliaininyeney oC Wed x aa hos tis OUIIDE WIEAPRER: in GOOD CONTIUEMOUN 2 and the ane leita are Mareh 2s, Daa Guth TARE SUL ls Vowisted ond Health jeopart: FRESH ar productive am avy Inida in thie acc een eee ween tion Phere isa od MEADOW on the treet. and AR ei ee Me TT 8 Were pre of DRAINED BOTTOM, There) LAIST and SWEET POTATOES, ¢ nrelover AM) acres oe \VGod landeconprieing nm cron() |} armed anditahiecnae daraiie low hy ) Be denlofvaloable Panber ‘Phere ma YOUNG OR fy pol a SURAGUE BROS JAMES THOR ATI CUARD of very «sleet fruit ou the place, which js | ys HEMLOCK LEATHER at WATCH-MAKER AND JEWELER alo favorably looted in reference tomulls, ehurehes, A y( y McNEBLY © YOUNGS » | achool-houae, &« | Mar ve waa \ JOSEPH Bo MeN EELY SEUISTRP AEN SE Jan. 25, 1549 } EODERTN | One door below R.A A, Ki \ WAPEHEES he, Watel fl re patron inthe bes ble termes Febru MILITARY Swords, Sashes, {VI ites SCHUYLER, HARTLEY & GRAHUM, M10 Te (inthe 8 FOR apNU ERA EVERY Notice.—-3LO REWARD. DUN AWAY, from the subseriber, onthe tth inet, CARRIAGES. BUGGIES, pes ory fou &c., &o. a my bos ORES Sad boy had on, Wuphy's Store, rlinentoo JEWEDRYV of all hinds when he Jewelrs of exery doacripting eparrof homespan pants and ahirt He is hehe Were eae BIA A colored, slender, gring When spoken to, and a has « ee 0 William H. Smith, au Galen Iaaties psoas eens ite T will give the above reward for him delivered’ to tf WW a Me ie apeetfully me Cath a * me near Rowan Mills, Rowan Co. N. Co, orconfined , 5 ay. Md friends ine DUUICGrmth wee Teen > OCP GOODS, = pealionce hewarnantllr ae eon Wek WALA fold et fea Belts, Epanlettes, Laces’ (1 RRIAGE. Bl SINESS. GOODS teh wacentewenat DENTAL NOT ICE. \ 21 Ss DIS ' fron, good, salids dunhls if (onlin Inapect his we ne hear prices tlh. 0 : Sig ps and State Reonlatione are prepared to of work for farm veente in the best style and manner hac Se BESSENT, Sorother purposes Fe produce takenin exchange for work, when AS REMOVED to tre DENTAL ROOMS ‘ if Oe NEW SEP ee Rona Teno oe. (ean Gnd | | on the corner formerly oeenped by Dr. Rasow, 19 WAIDEN LAVE, where hei prepared to attend all operations VEW YORK F ’ connected with hie profession 3, 1N58 Ly pd7 x ey Wits ~ Jan 1, Isso tf29 MATNTAGE LICHENS F TATE NT THIS OFFICE Of all Kins for Sale at thi Osive. ey ANI DEEDS E ante made dren i tor Ti thy trowl GF a York Salty by G 345 alien Chear wold and di (reat such hen trade appel hips, tors: couse tu Bon in cou to ine farab sta ne and 14 wich and fi Golds pend wher other pire t feetly tutio Ge min; @ manin own be is the § at HO SION Apri PAl Os F, custo cino too 8 Ap Cc cr pulat phoap! Ly Land FOR