HomeMy WebLinkAboutCarolina Watchman, 1856, July-December Ofov Preside en Ne Stuck. ee a We eS 7 for resident for Vice os “~ CONGRESSION ar. In the Senate, to-day, Mr. Clayton in- troduced # bill to promote peace in Kan-| onr pevein ‘ pes 4 an ad & hew census, the) duty te Gud and mat ali representation according} to population, and the repeal of certain | obnoxious laws One of th ed the boata, which sunk, rewning 72 uf the unfortunates, Liverpool dates of the Lith inst. Cotton was dull aud prices easier—sales | ing 1,500 ta exporters and speculators. | als: Canal flour 30 a 34; Ohio 35s 6d Mr. Fillmore came passenger in the Atlantic, “and was received with salutes The Asia arrived oxt on the 9h. The English public are without offivia! netice of Crampton’s dismissal, but re garded it as a tixed frct. Little excite ment, however, prevailed. The Loudon papers gays that asthe difficulty is a per smal one, thers exists no necessity to dis- wnias Dallas, A young man hal attempted to take the life of the Quee sof Spaia with a pis- tul, but was disarmed. Tae inandations in France had render ed 40,000 perple houscluss, and thrown crop was expected to be an average vue HEAVY STORM New Yorg, June 23 A heavy storm passed over this city last evening, capsizing many boats. A number of lives were lost, and building. bluwa down and strack by lightening t RECEPTION OF FILLMORE Naw Youn, June 23 tually signed their wanes to the resel Mr, Fillmore had an"enthusiastie recep |! trom af the St. Nicholas Guns were fired till day light. We find the following article ina Philadelphia North American. Them tion of a member's name would seer t Kive it credibility. And it is somewhat confirmed by the remark ufone o oar Cou.) « KTesemen, in the extract from bis Jerter published in the Observer of the 12:1: stant, that “The country le in avery crt ical condition, An imprudent act her weald open bustilitiesand civil war. TI latter is quite as apt to break out at Was ‘ ington as in Kansas.”— Fay. Vb APPREHENDED TROULLE AT WASHINGTON A A member of the National Ilouse of a Representatives writes from Washing! ' ton to the N.Y. Courier and En jairer a bong letter, that he and bia fellow nr pre oy, sentatives of the Nerth appre hend seri i), ous danger when the discussion comes open the ret lution to expel Brooks. He over saya: they Our friend —— said some ten days ar since to several of us who were discuss 7, prevent this ing this question, what 1 consider > ra. uy tional itself, that [ desire to have it pul lished as a justification of what we inay feel it ineumbent apon us to de. fF iniay safety say thie aca te Northern editors who know of what staff the North is mad and who do not believe that we are a emearda becanse we live north of Masur and Dixon's line. Our father's prove themselves men in the days of the Rev lution; and the South may yet learnt thefr sorrow, that there is a“ chiv alry at the North, even if its emblem be not a Llodgeon of a bowie knife; and its fruits roffanly assaults upon the weak and armed. You imagine all to be quiet here, but we knamo that we are sleeping on ay M cano, which is certain to be in a state of active eruption on the day we discuss t report and resolution expelling Diochs Of course this is now matter of couserss ] tion; and brave men are preparing for ers | the stroggle. A few days since Mr. Bren: tion + a lame yentioman, whois ye, dependent vpon erutches for his locome 4, pledge themselves tion, read toa Sonthern member, a frend, in the bestowal of the ton of Ir what he intended to say inthe the resolation of expulsion. The South- +), ern member listened courteonsly; and © when Mr. Brenton had finished, he said and to wit ‘Yoo must not ander any circumstances tie enemics o take that speech. You will not be pers common vuntry, mitted to make it; and itis my duty to q }, ed not to ALLOw any of you to pursue sich , pened a couree, Wr witn not rere” Mer. (aii Brenton revorted what was said to our friends and friends in this vicinity and the conse: jg to be established which wil "ence was that froin that moment eve TY the members of the Assoc an whe can make himself anderstood jars ar ‘letermined to’ speak fully, free Vy and in Gpoperation, and means are to be taken sof the to tring the subject before the Soathern Ir woke outrage, be the consequences Commercial Convention at What Wey may. December pain language jast what he thin Chis matter was under disenesion, when boing @ ppealed to, —— said that a gen Cral affray jn the Jlouse, if it should, pot write political letters during the ean °'U@y mast be looked upon and inet pre: vass, tiscly-as if it were on g battle field, und will pursue atike course Segh Devoted to Politics, News, Agriculture, Internal Improvements, Commerce, the Arts and Sciences, Morality, and the Family Civcle. VOL. XIII. SALISBURY, N..C., JULY 1, 1856. NUMBER ¥. g foes and that! Zhe Wilmington, Charlotte and Ruth Jord Rail Road. and the consequences of Senatoria will be read with profound adiniration. | of ns | 2 conrse of his rémarks he he bas ere eT ony In the course f n ] = yi - whoo pe é i i i iy jwith powerful effect the celebrated sen- | tween distant places was enbject to many ‘ aft . 1 pf heath Pelee edd ne timent of General Jackson, when he said) ebstractions and delay, Doctor L. a a OO Hotty hg rice pe ce lawn Asthorition. it st ” nee ath aah that it ought to be written in letters of] the stated preache <p . AN . 75 r tore at the Soutl, is the let- | fies y HO weans, } SHIP WRECK AND LOSS OF LIFE.|; written by hin in 1338, is a aboti- 80 persons think, a virtual killing of | Haursx, June 15. | tion committee of Buffalo, in whieh he the enterprise. It ouly amounts to this The ship Pallas, from Ourk for Quebee, | “XPT ees 5 phan adverse to slave : ;’| Was in vain that the Whivs " ; . : 3 ; : a, see eth picks deviger ade: paign of 1848, referred to Mr. Filluore’s Cent erly tm law to justity them ia iy . ° . “— 7 i ; a i ot a subsequent career in Congress to prove Pesce nding the restrictions and conditions rence. The territied passengers overload. a un the corporate subscription, efore they decline -rescinding That is the whole matter in a nut ustified the Lopes and expectations #21. What remains then to be done? Shall we quarrel] concerning the relative merits of the rival routes proposed, and lose the road entirely by dissentions - tong ourselves ¢ EC RPS ene ep quoted the communication of intelligence be- them with their own Physie—'| | 4 Let us cheek the © Wust potent of the argaments | rof the Gospel” in of Con-|the village of X——a, Ohio. The Doc- . Kress that “the slanderer is worse thas] tor was always in the hal the murderer.” gold over each door of each house it of improving ito the edification of his congregation, the Mr. Wilson attempted to reply to Mr.) passing events of the day. He was also Butler, and spent most of his time in quo-|remarkable for his bitter hostility to the sressions | followers ef Swedenborg, who he he Commissioners do tot think the ae- yin the cam. | "on of the late town mecting is a sutti- | ting and commenting apon exy U of Mr. Butler in several speeches made} denied the nec from 1852 down to the Breaenttime. His| ohject was to show-that Mr, Botler had! fabricated and been the transgressor, and that Mr. Sum ner’s speech was legitimately to reply to! by the these aggressions. Unturtanately fur Mr. Wilson, however, Mr. Suroner’s speech was a reply to speeches of Mr. Butler du ring the present session; and yet Mr! Sutter had shown that in ne speech at this session had he spoken to, or of, or about Mr. Sumer in any way. Mr. Wilson this fact was brought forward by Mr. Batler with crushing force, show ing conclusively speech was ma thought, and to gratify wounded price that he was no abolitionist. of 1833 was. still, used. : AT more became President, and hie eaurse | '!e™- LA} 36, oepmons mee! fully FOUR DAYS LATER FROM EUROPE |jof al Arrival of Steamer Atlantio wanding the respect and coutidence of Nuw Yorx, June 23. chet stefan doco-for Pr id : ap | Wow again a candidate for President, an The steamer Atlantic has arrived, with | forthwith the letter of 1838 is agzniu call There is not a man of the i . least intelligence, in the South or ary + * i . ° 6 i ° e -: since the America 14,000 bales, includ | where else, Lut knowa that his actions shows beyond controversy that Mr. Fil! Wheat had advanced 2u., and floar 6d. | nore has abandoned every Opinion ex- sessed in that letter hostile te Svathern a 37s, Corn advanced 1s. @ 1s, 6d. Corn {h f ; ‘i | rights aud institutions, ; pe Cuetec jist is so unfsir, that it is not eonteut With such knowledge, but still labors to Lpteras the ignorant that the Jeter of S33 is ir View ae of artiilesy: } eer a fair view of his s. But the friends of Mr. Fillmore have j ow an opportunity to retaliate. they are makiog the most « In 1519, during the of the Missouri question, Mr. Bueliar Was one of @ Committee of three person ina pubhe inecting at Lancaster, place of residenc e, luton > The leteer! He see 0 7 opp jand there Par ‘ 2 pene. PRAY WITHOUT CEASING. How can we pray without eeasing? is! Observer. scuting that planet as inhabited by wing- often asked. I remem ber reading a beau ed creatures, who a peared through the tiful answer to this question years ago, : ey pper Ata ministers’ meeting, this text was rought up fur discussion, and at Jength ve of their number was appointed to conservative national men, eotu- | telescope to have communication t iroug!i The story was so admirably getup that ninety-nine out of a hundred a aa Hf ae : believed it, to the great disparazement | ¥Tite on it for the next monthly meeting. A servant girl who overheard this, ex- laid ldoht claimed involuntarily, “A whole month to tell the meaning of that text! one of the easiest and best texts in the Or shall we proceed to give the Anthorities a full and an- doubted power to earry out the wishes of the people as clearly exhibited at the re- Cent town inceting ¢ begin anew, Jet vs do se, quires thirty days’ notice and then a vote of the people, let ns give the notice and It is a matter of very vreat Hoportince, and calls for rhe { he fullest caution, but at the samme time ithkewise calls fur as prompt action as egal construction will allow. We are for the Road. direct route from town if we can get it, }ed into use, of their parental catechetical teaching, and the Swedenbor asa refutation If it is necessary to s doctrine of the a Shortly after the Utatning the story Lad reachedN one of thy Doctor's rating elders waited Mer remark being overheard, one of yw for four years Nyon him and requested hima te preach SUM, ) OG understand it ‘ ct and he agreed te do se rkior lis teat J48th Peal and 3 “Praise him, sun and moon; The Utah Prod dittcult problems which Congress wil have shertly to solve will be the ad ion of Utah into the Union, with a peo One of the most , Sir, the twnore I have to ‘iin, all ye stars of | do, the more T can pray. Cif We Cannot get it, we are willing te : Hocourse was elaborately prepar Vield our personal preference and make ; ple do not think so. the best arrangement possible. And t! due botice yiven tethe ° 1 tunity, rus teucts have been per en my eyes in the mneruing, T pray that the eyes of my un be opened ; and wh 1 am drese io) pray that I may be cl Nn the perfoct ¢ Walker's Ferry route are ; WhO Seported a reas uiost earnestly requceting’ rep sentatives in ( the existence of » Detess “lo present Fitones of States which way ty 100,000 out of employment. The corn (liuseliueiibers of Cx niruss u dle the tire, L pray thatthe fire of divine thie vl twas (eve may wari thta ute as ' * posed a Missour anan’s agency iv abl fron P f isi, taittee wer 1 the wise and pru ind pablish Were wot fort at a) debate on rosaye to those at the rivdits guaranteed to tie So ‘ » intluence which a lnerative tk | You that WE have gravely determin always bestows to discriminate aA proslavery jour val Siping demagoyne shia ssent South toviting , with the loftrest efforts jilence, in ancient and but he aneceeded so far In repressing and rout aff the properties and courte: and or sies of Senatorial debate on the freedom of dobate, the privileges jlabour, a fine , Ry or, hi bligations not to abuse}and the loss of of a Senator, his obligations ne 4 jan His remarks just We presume that for medicing to ‘rem that he k. lal. recept many times tried with g freely exposed tothe air: ~The powder jis need in the ordinary. way as eggs are sing with a little watery and ia thus an excell . - » ages, besides’ capable of being used for Many years ago, before the invention | Zhere we live within the range of integ railroads and the telegraph, and when rity, and take no patt im that career o all cooking parposes in the sameway as p the fresh egg. The powder will keep any folly and deceit, the end of which is bir. (eusth of time without fear of deteriora. \terness and suffering. was first promptings of that false desire whieh {would lead ns to abandon the real, and | |for purpose of display, put on the tinsel | and borrowed ornaments — which lower the seclf-respéet of any among us. Let us hope at leasty that in this city ne borrowed bridal gifts may be displayed | alleged | with ostentatious pride—Newurk Ier- essity of an atonement. Some wagin New York ingeniously | circulated the moun story, based upon the recent discoveries made tropomer Herschel, and repre tion. a eee New Flour.The first Flour of: the wheat crop -vof 1856, rece}ved here, wag sent by Parsons Starris, Eaq.,of Mont, |yomery county. Tt passed inspection ae. |Family. Mr, -Harris’s brother» (Ne Ps sent the first here last year, That arriv- ed on the 18th June} this on the 19th. A féw Lbs. were offered in New York jon the same day, haying been ground | froin a lot of 50 bushels of Georgia new ; Wheat, which sold at $2 a bushel. — Fay. ae eames * Frightful Perit.—Whea the Harlem ‘railroad train of Saturday was passing over the Harlem bridge, and dashing on in free, fall, fiery way, three double whis- tles gave an alarm that startled every body. The brakemen, all fortunately"at their posts, immediately exerted all their power to Lreak up; and they succeeded just as the engine was about twenty. feet —itmiay be twenty-five feet—from au open draw-bridge, yawning for it, with tweuty feet of water. Meanwhile the firemen were seen leaping over the ten- der and aiming for the first car; but the enginecr heroically stuck to his post, and jthus saved the train and the lives of sll ‘connected with it. Fortunately there were but three cars, with no ba car, and the train being thus light the engineer was able to save bimself. He could not have seen the open draw till le gut well on the bridge, and he was de ceived, itis said, by the wrong signal be- ing patup. Thus were saved a handred and fifty human beings from another Norwalk calamity.—.V. FL Ze. iets trial took place recently at h tribnoal, Germany. A man some tut trees, of whica the yoverthe ground of a neigh- ked ap the ripe nuts that tree, and also broke seme r this the latter was prog- 1 tor theft and trespass, but acquit don the ground that le was eutitled to profit by the fruit growiog over hia prop- erty. Appeal was made from this is - on, and the ju lyment reversed by the stperior tribunal, becanse the principles ordain that all frait and branches belong wy the stem, and the stem whose ground it is planted, rd that the right of property of the lat- docs not cease with the extension over neighLors’ ground, no matter how far s extens ILe accused was ¢onse- ! ued oa ! oth coants, oo. — Th dloveiiy's Ointmentand Pille.—Won- derful Remedies for the Cure of Sealds 1 Burns. —Emelia Anderson of New- rt, Rhode Island, was accidentally se- erely scalded by some boiling water ! over her. The whole of the right ! eg in particular wasin a mest ate. Something in the he ent was ieoliad ables pose to pee! off almost to the bone, ni rendered her atterly anable to move, he was carried to bed, medical assistance called in, and her recovery despaired of ; 8 appened, thata friend whe paid visit that day, had just been cared of lf bad leg by Holloway’s Oint- Le recommended Ointment were accordinazly bronght and used, by con- tnuing them for two weeks, she was per- vctly well, and has written most grate- ily to Professor Holloway, for the care + Toten Harvest at Crncixeart T The Rochester Union, 2 Sle of the ri rea of the sarnet house ite Convention, instances We rof gentlemen being charged ' ' t ard—thongh even at that i not get single rooms. a ad it gross—and the linroundonumbera. One New England paid bs iosingle room for their ] Hard delegation paid And the Softs paid $804 ' nt alone! In one of the two latter were sever delegates slept.— t was probably the same t t nt was not already paid. gation ul corresponding bills re doubt whether any oth- St t so much as New York.” ( We are credibly inform- tx rofthe American party i fin this place, on Satur- sone one no donbt depauted se, with the assuranee that sitiJraw from the party the Nine in conventicle would nomi- tor Sheriff. Our American tirned his back with seorn and ‘ P upon the man who thas corrupt: C1 ivered to purchase him with g Our zret is, that he did not awl t screant to the earth. He the “kuock-down arga- ) vivice to Americans is, to nt in all sack ea Several purchases, by promise to pay, vere ot i ast) sutpmer by these Sag Niehts, but thew lave failed, we believe eve , to pay the purchased Ey Tiere is said to be honor even mnong thieves; but this virture is a etran- rty the Sag Nicht creed.—{ Ash Spect. PE aN ti Bio le en te an - = wo ames ae Prom the Lexington Ping. LOCOFU0O$S AND THE BANKS, In oar last.number, we gaye a shert chapteren® Demeeracy and the Banks. We then showed that in 1834 Charles Fisher, the Jeader of the Western Democ- vagy drew the bill aud advocated its pats t—chariering the prescut State Bank, ‘yd that Leas D. Ueury, another preat Democratic leader became a large stock wider tn said Bank > and of course, frei his ability pesionm und the an of his stock, ad and cxerted uence e uo the Wuanagetuent Wealso slowed that 1 Sanders, as the Dreanocratie cur for Governe tts ° chnow ledge leader of thi piate Arty, CMe ed aud carried « pvrerentathtek on Chie anme State Bonk State, whic great favorit ty, We als. fact that in lst: Jowing in the for Sndye Sannders- which had been uid ere Je Devupce my Lic bathe as doitte uy, ¢ awindling ehoys and ax iiann tox ups Pougues —alai tant | les basher, grow. ing, siek «4 i . t : esta —put forth ann uss tion deo ethingy Of resolutions, reiterating tle Clawrues of corrap Henry ust ti aha Loriny, tat Poort oPitdel rerty, ee t hh Against t! | thems, ad the flue motto “due PEOPLY. AG AINSI ~ 4 ke. We now des {iis that th of this aloe « e port of these af said Democratic leaders was, net tliat they hated tue ba desired to Lave them put dew: Cla i that eve tleey wonld toose tac dividends pre tits —iat bac: ; ' wounse, they disc owered Tie moans old ing into power, int Cas asia object WAR de ‘} » Cease tae warfare wich ¢t et MoWrlirhiner with ewuch reler st o the vees corporations MeN tae ee taterialiy a . yt 1 shown in one wthe DD fed in 1 f ointe Cdwstouee, war Qype tral bre | 4 TALL Pomuss icc wo in reinrl ty tot ke aud jn tomake as ing their promisest » Ty part of tire + 1 ean part ‘ ' I -Diacs Oad. Jones DM menced ; the a rotten seemed i swords to) e the oF a rnags to the v for and fiery ; ( ee utet vel kept ap to a ‘ : 1 they turne 4 the Standard’. fl FS ea PLE AGAINST ih BANKS Notas ner an lenr was siti 1 ter poms, . Gomme « 1 i - diel not: : ' fu ° with hard wor writ a At length th af < t attacks and bio: .\ Crm tnt rent ing could play at the same game, which he did by adininistering the the following rebuke; “We learn that-some of the young gen-| tlemen, members of the House of Com- thona, and who at least, profess te belong | to the Democratic party, lave undertak- | lina Standard, out of the party, iu their) erace on the Legislative floor, When ventlemen who have been a little over) Halfas low in the world, as the editor of! the Standard, tas been in the advocacy | of Demeeraic¢ principles, take sach steps, | Wir itshows the remarkable, prececity | of iuedern patriots, genius and se menu informed the Lease, that the Stand: | ard was tot their « in, any mere than! that ot the party. ve gentlemen une | write dawn in their meneranduta Looks | for turure reading as tollows—"" The Vor tad | Carolina Siandusil ts not the orqin of eo ee aa lu i fie ation. cone clusion weadvise these geutlemen whe) tiake promises to the people, on the ation the very possthle probabil iy others tay have opinions Ovliel come | In cconflct with their notions and pledves. Wo have heard itreported, though we de the campaign. Address Win. C. Doub, et veuch fur the absurdity, tat some | Raleigh, N.C. { have promised wu the stump, to take | the banks shell out plenty of niovey te the people. We hope ifany one bas} said this for the purpose of being elect | en to read the editor of the North Caro. | ==> ! TERMS OF THIS PAPER 200 C: FOR PRESI DENT, MILLARD FILLMORE, FOR VICE PRESIDENT, forth, We understand that the gentle! ANDREW JACKSUN DON ELSO FOR GOVERNOR, JOHN A. GILMER The American Stynal.-—This is the ti- stump. Shot te cout without their host,” | te of a new paper just started at Raleigh, tare. They lad better take inte cou: N,Q. which hids fair to render important service to Fillmore and Gilmer. copies a week for $1. in advanee, during From the Lexington Flag.—We copy into this) week's paper, several articles) prominently before the Conventions * iS - ye olinat If we were one of the anew ling how they regard the Cincinuati nom. suns, a considerable number of whom, however, ‘belonged to other political ongauizations, the tionbers of ene of which appeared tu be present lination, The Orangebarg Southron will not support jhim. Tt says: ! ; “ We canvot fight under Mr, Buchanan's ban- ner, because we want the ecidente of hes sound ness on slavery; Ahat queston wheel ex. ceeds all others ia impertaser 5 atid: ualess we have the proof of Mrs Breoanin'’s orthodoxy, we do assert that bind adcoewey of his clans for the office to whieh be asp tes, will amount Two to avital dynein of the hath of one fathers, and will result in the toaaguration et a new pol: lev in South Careline s at will baad us to the ear A federal power, and erect ilo supremacy the etronal party of our Shite, |The Newberry Mirror will not sopport him. The Mirror save “that Mr. Buchanan as the most + yecenable man of all the three brought most that the Actua aed daliae- es tbe original | the Lexington Flag towhich we ine ttble sapport givea by Southern friends to Mr. yartel oof Democracy. Its utter folly) Vite attention, vlaces it bevond the reach of commnent. scems to rise asthe political contest pro- Since (he forvgenng Was in type we have! gresses, and he pitches inte certain incon- sistent political picks with a zeal and | grace quite refreshing. i3 of Mr. Cad Jones of | read the rese Orvange, and which will be found in the! proceedings of Wednesday. Among oth- er points presented in this singular deca | tient, is one te putthe funds of the bank | ’ | into the bands of « mnpetent ugents, ap poiuted Two the Legislature. A more Jacohinieal enc Aiment upon'the rights of privat pots, or a more dexperate i | ae « 3 ce of the wit vrer occured ta any oi fna tle pretence af civil rights ieee. ya tic ies fect vrty en ets Constitution. le contd see how things 4 banaged da -We have a number \ ac lawvers in the Legislatare, wl fiesis f ‘ ‘lo tresh from Blackstone nd fresher st ro pelitieal science, as sve the attitade of leaders in the ranks f loot ties and waste the bnsines ! a vare in declanustion . femnlaieta create aie er ard ¢ HT] Another words vy nen » tea taken suely bight i re the Nerth = Cucrolina ha ‘ e < inced that it ‘ or ‘ Wis ter mazes ; Coniress 1 bepen t | Now this wet k was decidedly cowl, wid rather too severely laid on, expecial tV When We Constaer that Che@e@e yous eters, ties ft paelool wand vreen in je ab science, liad Leen first invited te ke them ateck on the banks, by the Lleaderss—those whe had grown ripe } ddschonce. and iad been stimu Land encourazed by the Standard's faasnseotds toe © The people st the danke.” Sot git Bray, Jones Wd McRae, and they were ne litrh i ‘ 1 TD othosat thre Id ‘ lerwe ! eo, amb were ts Me ' tnflicnce ty sustain the hate Now a raised ‘ ‘ nka, they ot . 4 elt ev i a hed at the ) He “ , & ! - « in ‘ ew. that thes « \ D4 er it \ ee tise t tank teyn ‘ k and oislead 1 re r at thee it es “s purty t k s that the Be ny ; pertnnity it J zie ‘ r lisa ‘ ¢ ‘ e banks I al Va e was quite gree - “ -~« t me f g ut r ‘ fimeoreder wtacd ‘ Piper see us cleete | Gs 1 On ne 7 | ( ; : = 1 4 ’ r : t --- a . : i} i ( < 4 ed as 4 Cail f Ss 6 4 he ea 4 a ena o W . a“ ecif 1 MI ‘ wed ‘ “ - t eee ine tre na? s nme . ae ‘ } \f { J | ‘ ‘ | fir Sia [eine Mr 2B ‘ t Career if / (yf a 1 rats & And ! ‘ . eran t ‘ ere Caprimce af a ‘ ' ‘ 4 r Brother Long's dander tinguished wader of the Mormon settle ment on Beaver Island, was assassinated on the 20th ult, by two men whe had formerly Leen Mormons, but liad desert. mever Is tore a ed from the connection, attempt to eseape, but Up as prisoners Whig Meeting in Whigs of Washi Washingt mn. —-Thie item, D.C. held a meet tunday the 2st alt, which was WHICH MAKES th A SUBJECT OF RI pure principles held and acred Open by the ancient fathers of t] teppllic. Long It is not dead, nor Ce The Rewan County Agr Rowan Mil sont Stadler and Sasder om Know Nothingiam Preachers of the Lely Guns Fur iyn Plelations Cratopton will produc there ia oO need ertenaion to Nlanery \ myrese; and whose aulee- juent career las been perfectly conmret consistent in lis course sut where is South Car Pierce was merely a omeck compliment, and stygests the propriety of the South uniting up ota Southern man tor President, whether with or without the chance for his election,” A STATE MAN FOR TILE SOUTH. On the 11th day of April, 1856, James Bue- hanan, of Denusviveua, the Southern rights Assaseina jon.—Jamer J S:rang, thedis- man, (1) whe received the unammons nomina Hon of the Cineuinath Cons cotive fur the Presi- dency spoke as follows: ~ Permit me bere, Mr. Chairman, for a mo- ment to speak upon a suljees to which | have verted Upon this four, and to which, Ttrust, Pinay ver mygain have ageasion toomdvert. Totem the subject of shaver. I save themselves RELIEVE IT TO KE A GREAT POLITICAL, AND A GREAT MORAL EVIL. TE THANK Gob MY LOT HAS BEEN CAST IN A STATE WHERE Il DOES NOT EXIs@r ¢ * © * I WAS BEES ACCURSE EN TAILED Chon US BY THAT NATION PROACH POOOUK INSTEPU TIONS, [Sev Ges Seatow’s Po vister oh DP batos mee 2PSO vel 2 part 2] Dice wtmrver ey vende was enmede om the Pome of Vieqaresentatives, chevet Vea after lis 4th. of Jiily ormticcn, i» x ve after dite fares Lat caster Naty Slavery mesolatmone! Wall > Od Back” put im the phew of @ ufeney” to this change, my le dues ou the change of Pe stenabiene Americas Organ a ALL SMOKE We « tee fisltes eopeeragray le fen the Salisbury Watch mre, tor Ubecmmer oof oor reader whe lave lawn lacking forward with Vorigghi’ made Pations to the open ob tle wre (1) Markrased * J utale ~Net'e aanos The Comeitee of arrange me ts ha oder @m-meratem, have agreed & the prqmerd Kail Ruud erte lv a’ te Ot Te will tee cme ret that the offie-ts, ce maungers of ites NOC. Kurume have been pro ving a oytand o ‘ Hove mevinne Crete imebe mourn at ne t ‘ tt trrake t ‘ bi? ied - ea repay 1 ’ "was ‘ i wre at Core 1- man ae t toad me ro re es | ral ‘ i : . " er " bes ies « foe on + ' - © i ' se at “8 - tewome ' = tek om . ’ Mihoof J no they eeowt nak fia fy They aye get X % “om te of a Ke +i Ju Alot « rest « Apeetend mt r ally, were 9 eting a ° glorious ; lee Feorevtly, \S wen beaak ing the « V | rete teee of <<te an! fewer " farts se LT rye tert thre bast t in : AN Nave achtinne de-nensl of a my bot paleo. a orth of July tripe a eee Shanchor Y We ave learned trom a private senrce that the yo ple of Crreenaleero”’ deelined v ’ Poop te vion because the -theers of the 2 Tiead refiecd t yrant tree neany “ Ieitt fs people ot G “ did riggtt oo. Franithe Nai | goneer Irrival of Mr. Fillmore at New York. w President t work arrived at New York Sunday of the at ' \tlar Live was re Alice i ’ city a t Mr Fircweonre ‘ f 04€ © temoh t x ne t e ; $ ite i ‘ ‘ 4 ‘ a ere t ' at aloe ‘ e ¢ em watked his { ee advwiinistra f tive (ys wn We ' 4 Hatin as reporte wNow J tpers Mra Ciratima x H flatter L New York. a ar nat s rom lies alae c Cirerwie ’ It « ‘ Ct et ar | hin tia 4 eu! ' - tlh ate ot from ony Fy “ty Ve art bee aiwive bem Anne rie ae arr | | wlewtia ory life is to be thus te Pty metty know Wail parte ot Baroy dow cannal addrewm the banetlest entigen of On W iw s bet well me yummnted with Mhe rep titation of New York. Loam gr oud te te om Naty the State ot New York, bat Doan prewd rst ty bean Aworienn eitigen [Veo ’ s ' ave tweet pilemaer! ter ellos PA fener erica to my emmitry Its not " Tiey have al eady nto bestury All Lenn eae in, str, thael WY WATE, thee Fd oy part med entirely Kpetecl line lev pecs uted by my fen-iwte 1 Lhe sualb rages of poople. [ttbery stall eee fit gant ' ' nid nee i me by eles "g ter that beh pom Homll Dean prone ee faithful and ten artia: mlinimstention of the baw of the comnton te every part of the coun trt [ Applause J Vite re bee theme either North on Seeath who bese North as againet the shomld give ther soffragem to me [| Mont et t had eent to Kansas and these facts,wore Sule thanks te the i York, which te me the to weleome rye back ngnins “LApplnuse, At the close of this speech Mr, Frus- Oveice ov vee N. GB: R, Cot I JJer sons in’ More was condueted to his bdtel, where, fly returuing his thanks! Gpyrugwes :--Your letter of 23th was hand Slavery: Ler sous at home, voting fora to bis tellow-citigens, he was permitted tel ed: ta ie yesterday evening, and though muely man for President who always has been retire. and is, opposed to the extension of slave: | iry! A few of the payers of South Caro- | jlina have taken a stand against Mr. Buc-| Jhanan, as will be seen above, and we | The Whig Meeting in this city on Saturday . ‘snbjoin the views of some of them, show. evering was attended by abuut six bundeed per we had been mocked, aud fear that we Honur | <lmeation . — a | : ata linedeitneid TUESDAY KVEBING, 2OLY 1, 1000, | 104 boon duluded int urdsi.ij, and dame |ger for purposes very far removed trom | a thos allied to patrictisin. Kansas, fighting for the establislinment of after again: bri From the Nativuul Iytelligeneer, June 23. WHIG MEETING. for the purpose of creating disorder aud dist ur- bance Ly interfering in the proceedings, This "purpose begun ty elisplay itself immediately alter the chuiew ofa Chairman, which fell upon W. When the appointment of a Seu- revey caine in order, persons fortnerly Whigs perhaps, Lut having wy right to participate in this meeting, obtrusively interfered, producing much voise and tumult, The Seeretary ebosen was Mi. Richard Burgess, We have laid before our readers the proeved- the Whig meeting, in another column, held in this city on Saturday evening last, the number of the Wings assembled on that oc Casivn was Hol sy great as we have formerly seen tothe prouder and palisier days of (he purty, at lent sufficed tu show that we still lve ina among us whe, iu the mutaiions of the time, have vot permitted theiselves to be swerved from their political stemdtastuess, and who still J hold iv undiminished regard those yreat princi- ples of pubhe policy which have been approved ho lens by the histury of the Whig party in the past than by that profonud conviction of their present wisdom and Leneticence whieh is enter- Uiined by ity individual member whe Have te tmaibed true to ther allegiances. Wnty of these principles we have an abiding They are the acre beundation of HR: pule bean government, wud when they die its dinso- Juttow de tet tar ofl We bebieve abser thaet they Wii aWevive the defection af frends ns they have be retatore survived the attacks of eneiuies, aul that the Whig parti, uw extents fren ite ate hut and Lereditany advera ce the acknowhety Went OF Ils patriolient, will yet mally to tts ate Ute e of lempary Worry porinne Vprhem, at Integrity uf any whe whee beans nec plinbed efine 1 Cutie qi new [itpames Or have acy cevuld hardly be esperted to sand Wew chetrimes of unpre d atihts tale Ube rocutneeetidations of the W my there beth othe ~ folioming excerpe fem “78 seetierme of the at if cr epare admitted te \ scene transprred ia the Black nel confirma the rotten expressed, that nof the country, and press and leaders tiny » peculiar fowd b thee “New York Mr Parstngsr avn Gevtiewes ov tHe Cox ulation of Hhawts and | have to say for then that And Lt knew they jlatforin that hes been aeopted here, and the Ueket that las been Jo wll [ocan to wet the Gernnen rain for the Repubhenn rim aml the AR Je lelico) Meeeee teeat bevtem [Ap Frernemt will get a very large Majonty * Unreaghout the eyuntey A majority of the German papers rout favor of him, [ap pl mse | nnd they all hope for the seccese of our vlorions cnndidates an Adeniomiration for the for success because the question wl issge ia one South, or for the South as of wast impurtanee tothe German citia-ne of ayanst the North, they are not the men who | thie great evuntry. We look pon the strag ule ae bet woen slave-labur and free Jalor, and a wtmatic my planse | For my own part, know tromph of free-labor ia of vital im wriance to only my evuntry, my whole country, and noth. | the Germans in the U ated States tng but my country [Great ay plause. Rat,| 1 think we shall triumph. fur Rrement.” What says the “ Standard” to this candid der ite brother of the quill, Mr, ScAnei: CTT? Re EN ae 47% ' si are ' i nny Atel ¢ Peesidenteamdd wentere ofthe ye pe ey der? ———- Onaga Ratiowenr, June 27th, 1856, engaged bE tuke thine to reply. . You enquire what reason prevents a eonhe tiow of this Road with the Charlotte aud South Carolina—and with the Wilmington and Web don “Hoads—as abv the | isnuing of through | tickets lo Raleigh and tw Wehlon. Singe, it ie very desirable these Kuads abd vurs should coti- neet to seoure a portion uf the thryuugh travel. T had supposed Ube reagons fur the adoption | wiladee debe of the present Mail train schedule were fully 00 | 1, welt,’ so far we the West je con . derstuud along the line,—as it seems otherwise, 1 had no existotice Bast of the’ ¥, 4 will make you a brief otstement in exjlanativn. | cow where: Bet It is generally kuuwa that up te a short time | gates. By ane of th since [Apel aie] vur Mad Train was ran i asia tne idananaaaie ra Clone conmection with the Chasiutte and Sv, Car | iad 1s" fridis De aod — Kasten. an Rail Road—leaving Charlotte unmeduitely 96 | cost af 89,40 if 10 added: the. freight tod Guldsbore* the arrival of their Tron at 6.18 1 M. daily :—] to Wibmingtan, From Charlotte! te it will be remembered this was war Schedule fora nen 20 aad adel phe, m . | Charleston to New is ‘ long lime before the cunpbetion of our construc cet coe ae hagas vse ot” 6 , + open tion, when we ran uur Trains both from and fo the dativet'n brachel of With dt-tai Ried oe The cost Charlotte Road, and that we continued to do su} ug tranaportation of a dashel of Wheer from Char while it was possible fur us tu make the counee [ww Now York via W itmuagion is thiny-Ove cents, fon, even at the incuuvenieace of nearly all] Why is this sot Aad if these estimates arectrue, @ wight runuing in Ue Fall and Winter, Our| i easy to shew that in these two most imporient ar. connection with the Witmington and W. R. RB. ticles of Wevtern growth, the policy of the “ “ 2 . been most suicidal wad d ive to the tat at Enat end was also perfect amd Close from and the merchaut and farmer. And is willbe seen from jf0; this was while bad a» stage fine in the | ihe subjoined b-ttere that this exleidal policy bas not middle of our Road, and we required 24 hours to | been confined to cuttou and wheat” alone, ‘To 1850, pass through from Charlotte tu Goldsboro’, Davidewn, Forsythe, Surry, "Davy and Rowan roun- After the completion of our Koad this time eg td — ame ears Fy toa w three huadred thuusaed busheleef wheat. Al, was at once reduced to sume 14 ati onl Gum || tidak; will dente thet the present year's cropof whest |equenily our tine of arrival at put onde was | wit more tha» double that of 1850, aud het these | changes} te 10 howe. ener. That is—we still aon will be able to syare for expertasion et beast Jleft Charlotte at 5.15 P.M. but reached Gulls |40,000 bashela Grind vids wheat. taitd feet, estine- buro’ to breakfest next morming in time to con | Mag five bushels of wheat w the barrel, (6 Takes six | tmshels) and we will have cighty thousand hesrete of flour for exportetion, Now, early all thie flour fads a Southern Market, and we will start it from Salis. bary to C) orlotte a. 30 conte « bushel—i« pays them ging North.— We abo run from the Wilming | g@4000 .. be road. But lel os eu suppure this ton Road, leaving Gobleboro’ at 2 A.M. coming | 400.009 bushels of wheat wterting fur Goldvbuny’ at South. At Charlotte however, it was diff-rent, 20 cent the bushel, and we have paid inte the tive- in [MUFY fF the road just eigh>y thuussnd dullgie, Bape- reuce has proved in all wheat growing coameries, thet mw greatly t- the iaterest af the farmer to cet bis departure when run through oor Rowd in 24) whee: rether them to mubemit to the trouble end eg: hours, if we run theouwch ia bs ‘ime we would | peas- uf having 0 grewnd into foer, Rickemad and te so mach carlos, |. hore ther train, Petersburg, Belumrwe andl New York, are the poiote j tw ch alloar wheat wii eventually go, prowated we are net tarced to grind it inte four, in whick @use ja lurge portee of st will go Somth, only poying Greight jon forty ml 6 of rund all myght, ae the Charlotte Train lef at 7h A.M These forte in regard to wheat are equally refere- Ihre the difflenity oecarred— we tak the | bie to mmat of oar other articles of pradwce. If the threousels pormenger= from the Charhdte Road on | (anspurtetna of produce from Selmbury to Cherktte, arrival at 515 3M. fre thoi Temn ty ours’ © dietarce of about boty mice, will pag, it bo eleas, Sy P thet the (rosportstem of the tome prodece hog aid deliver dl them tm Gudl-les’ ment mearmsmy j the whole ee of reed will pay io proportion ‘The : present pulley of the wed, thwveter, het Grivel « without any detestiow whuterer, We tok thy | large purtion of the prndoce Weet of the Yodhin Ri. theo poaeemyge re of the Wiliogtom Komal verte sa hera markers, the mad receiving freight morning tram from the North ame delieered only @r torts mites of trauspurtstoa Hee wot thee been satedd paitey ? I heve otaird thet the road commeete as with Charirston, Wilmington, Norfidh, Petersharg and ever all meght, waiting for Ube ber of departure! pened Mere we have Gee gathete and cis oF of that Kewl Wirat aoe to he the nimedy fo | emght Rad Red Campenies comtending for the rep tire eMBa-welty P We were runnis g from ub cory -f ont large eed aumenrcty metectng prodacte. Clanrltte Kemal all nag lt going Bet to present The Dewetors of the Ceptret Road que held « tom. mitleley) tojlbecag Wi jamertarrs Keema ten ter needing pmive. and apn thew decmun dependathe rcime whch all the Westers praduce ie totahe, ee feet with the morning Train of the Wilminz ” { Reanl, fur the North, instead of to supper, for the | jevewing tains so OOF eumucetion wae perbeet as that Rood, like oun’, ran but ome thaity Of conme if we conned with theirs four of yet Cha Wt: mond this ems the fect. Leasing Gol lore at 2 AL Mo we reached Charlotte to sup per, seed pormmensen ge me were obliged to Ne overt to the Neetherw Trav of the Wile imgton Kua! User at Claurbotte in the evenimy, wi lhowl ony detention whatewss —\ut here they hal to be K. a Woete we tes be eapeetest rete wll might = a io reach ve alimete merteta |i ip clear thee Frei Coorlelelare” mbes rng Weret, te deliver inca grrevy te the mirrret of the Censret Reed, proassetgees to the Charktt: Med at thet leva ~a! alt Westere pratuce shold iretel over the gpeat- rymrtve ia the morving after lavakfet! lin est temgh of Rood, thereby reviving the greatest porslintely afer « Ge (one teed Ue prt! to the Company To ercare the tremeportete-a jor wetatend ter the P's athe mt of the Charette Komd To lr oe © Ss eeegye braves the brace nrusil of rene oni kate fice (mes Bowthros cod e-rinin rumds comarcting euh the Con- = y tre! Ro The Charktte and Colombe Read wil tmuuhl Le meteessry etther that the Charhdte nagcee thee pedies greatly rahet thaw bwe the trans Reseed sbovkl pun freee mein thes vet WS CO ON pertatun of mo mach valeeble freight Te apeet the arrival, an| se carry prmmeng re thea zh wiihaut reductem, the Wilengtion. Neri, Peterburg end betemtiom, aa owe che] frome Line er ot failing in Rave” & Gaston Rat Rend Compames mest re- duce thew mites and ite incambent epee the Di- reevary of the Comtral Road os to adjunt ite freight 00 ‘eo ereuc (he (reaepert Gam of afl the Weeters pre- duce ove: the wheke bee of red from Cherkate to Ketewgh and te GU dd-bero” : 1) = arged by enme that the Directory of the Coe- reas to ack our fnente am! werghlawe of tral Read shld adyast te freight so aete throw the Charlotte lumad to run eith as on equal terms whee oh ue treneperied prudece mte ome of ear ere for owr mutual alvanlage—anml ac we rin over matt. —sey Wiemingtom. ond ts ecoamplich this eed, a lime of 223 miles ome wey in the might, they" Seemmmeting (arf shonld be Ind. Bat, geate- mm here jouw a nght te lay euch « disereninating ton, end © 1 ent oppomed te sound Beuthers Deme- ‘= erate dertroa ' Would ont be mach better ty parsee « dierent after anging thee matier opom the attention mre. and ony te the Diewetare af she veseue Eas- of the Preantemt of the Charhstte Reel, ehu wn.) ''" Cmpemes, emace ing onh you, vireetly or is @irertly. thet the Directors of the MLC. Central Red Rad «ull an edjomt th wr frwights ae fo tring a the rangement, fe some time, aml waiting eseral) Weereen praduce to Ralewh of to Geldebore’, after month= to hear bis com jason, on bee Of interned whieh whatever line of ned tede hemeet memset get it; hy hoe finally that hoe Deemed would not ermacn: that the imtereet of the farmer end the merchant is to a chamge of bie Mas’ Schedulea | aed pied al Yer “once that you have neo right to lay ane 6 eerie ing tort in fawe od VWiemingion, eopecial- Rew OMe, meat preeentin force me whieh ac € ere sf yoeto 9 ter met affect all Western North Cor- es -jarmg the gant to bemeft the pigmy; fer the, we woald le faad to change vur awd ase Charhotic in the morning, au as better » acrommeudate our way tray Without rferems to the matior of acemmme dation, | thomght it very cheat that we hal» vught ty ram over thew lve of 110 mires whe owe weg im the nicht, so me to arcure tt conmnertion buth ways Rs anwoue me mint ts offlcee olechucy we Manbates var @ay travel lat chee met ext che mW tleete rumen — my vuth | what are the intercete of Wikeringtom a9 compered ner are mew for Fat Charlotte, with thee of oll that portion of Nurth Corfing Went all might nig amd yong fthe Yadkin River Ketabieh your teriff and let — lie ( dine re lowert have the day fe mnt the the proper sree fir you to purene! It ie clear if the Directors UNE A OF of tho W honing yn end | Weldon | cad fa fucs to bslng Ts aes down thew tani ona level wi) thet on the Reeds “ Tre Dore gered on on vding to Nerf or Pet. rebo:,, that yuu. geatle- arth two reanone: Let, We have mt the ma men. have no righ! to ad Witrmegton. and thes ia- thre puweror can te rin teo daily Paes nye, mre tbe great Wee Why sheeld we of the West, Peeescn, WY catia PAY Us to ran twa) Pore terete are identified with the North Careli- trata if we had both mative power and care na Raed srcnfire oar imteteste, mw, to bad ap Wil- ngtm, when at th . oh giving ber o0- One pertict comme tion, Dam satiated, wold le morte palmate Laced cede ig ble energes to construct @ reed to cummect, hereelf entionty <affierent j with Caarsate, the completion of which mast greetly This To believe moa reply te tone enqiiry mat. mjur the N © Road? [em not one of thas whe emrcomred wn with the Charlotte Kwl With the 8° Ospueed to extend favors and rrceive injertes im retarn T hold that Wilmington has vo night, now to claim any thing from the Dirvetory of the N.C. Read. She certainly gave to the NC. Rowd « helping hand ia In reepent to Uhrongh tieketa—they are i sug@]! the hour of ite atmos need, but her own intereste on this Romd to Welton and Wilmington, and Premptrd the act. We. however, were gratified for iO paveicioel Sistine tn (ic | - the help, and were disposed to return more then af ww principal Stationa on thie Road from Weldon equientent. But Wikasagton has cot the curd of oya0- pathy thet boand us tgether—ehe is now using her Columbia, and from utunet eudearors tn eonctrect & road, the completion Columbia to prinerpal points melading Raleigh. f whet, must infliet an ogly wound to the N.C. The Wilmington Read oes not make a thronygh Road. She ia fa her own aggrandisement, injering Heket to or from Weldon berond Charlutte (one S* What right bee she to call upon ue for help? Let her then be plaerd side by side with Norfollt and Petersburg, oud let the longest pule tabe the per- TT It now remains for me to present for your coneid- uperate to cut off 50 wiles A our Road beluw ¢raten (wo questions of paramount importance The Raleigh : 20 untensonable n thing, Lamm sure, the fret is, will yoo permit the wagnner to beat you st imtelhigent Boards of the Charlotte, and of the the eame of freightage? The secund ie, will yoo be Raleich Read, woud note ee eee OA of the grodeve Gimnd Won of Chere vethed G4 Yadkin River, (ur rather eo much of it ae the wegoa- re 2OF COMMUNICATION 1 oF leaves yun) uver only forty miles uf sed? Wirnington Reed, me amid before, we do comnert chemely —1 fe ee theftemtion to Pacsengers go Wy OF coming and Wilmington They are issned on thee Rene frown principal pumta to Rond) and of course we could not make a through ticket te Weldon, by the Kaleig and Gaston Road only, from Columbia, whieh would cl from na Pleasure, and hope thin hnatily written explana Very respectfully, lion will be intelligitile to you, | A. M. HENDERSON. Very respeetfully, | — Your ubt. servant, Comconp, Jane 19th, 1856. . > | De. Henpenson:—At your request I will briefly Lthink I ¢ « CHAR, P. FISHED. | Mote my views in reference tothe reduction of ena nay | To * Many Stockholders” of Salisbury. on the N.C. R. Road. Tam, as you ape eparr, vance freights Lpret te ennd the costing « ore three 5 ork of conte ol well artes 4 fo ar will be | theme the &, wet Ol i J to ~~ wheat tom fre and @ hell 2 0 pre bee xh tes chore fins the ome Mowe Ger toe af be ° ently ony an! pre wet orem img im owe he frarteun howe th ood a with the ( vermee Mee wregdh with ¢ of epmed stem rive mp thes aoe beat me Whew Vim qrreated b rend od. 4 bole of wat 18) onthew, ber “4 yete br bene wht roe whey ide oe meet my thet I hee Seutty to the fr vat te avrer'f 1 o. 1 think bomneme of the wher pats on ow PS The *: = he aeat L HIiEwAN Just aa vy Bras leav hasterm Co vere conn fn ments, amd the of on (oe lier, ety les slature, Sioweedd loin tent repreme ene In « falou baeks, stall poo Attenript ty Peetvonal py ravoring | Whiely las Sure te ble x retard Nabe TTA oeomiog 'Y purpr odes “st naitte ‘hoe kind Mae for th ‘ween these 4 Ger the inf “ail have ji endly rel ™Mpen the Ment We & rend w W inden, B “Gov, Bi "mer im 4 etern vo “far it ian Yet mention any of hie « and he cant eS Es t e EE I T ci a sé af t e £ = ¥ So e an s Ue berger than eution balea. A wague may haul hey would Le Winsing to see-a tian whe aethe” bitter “and constant Opponen such warks, trying to convince our 1 many things but this would be too g ing. Su it geema that Mr. Bragg is htten ing to play the vame game that he Moet of theie weal (Wo Yours digo, on the question of in White, fram whevee i | ual depruvements—he has two faces + that they order wy sham vie Few tapes could not anderstund avy thing about sit Weald Cut methiny-/ seh @ trickster as this can again deve Thave also ty contend oguinst the L -har- the peuple of N. Carolina 4 exist without thet, and he who attempts | the 15th June, whieh te 1 hiv dife, 1 de- | when pro ex " " cut off fro the benefits of the toud, ow Z g ; i } e ‘ Une, Wineh Lerniineetes ite tile, de prin bt re sce vg Af ogee bed Nein a Thi? como W yer! by ot eit [site the publention of the enclosed certificate dstange fran this Pet ta Charlorte ig 12 miles! double dew Wye on Us vital Question, wi o ay . ieee acc: . : Proms hth eos dvix comes per bee: pirict (et la deulitigg 81th a arate ela from gentlemen who last saw Lim at the house, county ai office, the 5th Monday after the 41h Mun <0 oe Co epee pers mie we Surly aw uke to tue NECEssi Des a te poe need dry gree en. eho will put Geir foot Qpou any treacl cm devwe, and this erat +f fifty conte epee the bush bobhd wae cies emal stand oy . well ort Ae oe sephenee apn the cul.irarion O08 the | nd ete Ue -teert amt ds Marsh (4 North fie at Terms. ; » a . wv first-rate Minerel Sprix aud eepa ; 0 fo a+ wih be burned te abiaian ¢ iT . cad’ lee be P i other | Sepbee (dred 4 tinea. No 4, 100il Rerearcces | Cary ore tw be Pringe ; Pp —— | Per seasion of five menthe, 0 I thamh thet wheet mesced a” Ser eheaht on 1.,{ tttrutate , Ved te derak Me (hoa Das ae ei De Fore. tbe idy! yy GoW Bes Ca. bac set hcar ony lee! camer of drawer. Tits mow ine JUST ARRIVING! | French Language $0 at rete the bee temite « i C bn wtegepend — tlre Vali ase re ) FORCE ETO - o.. Babehury shing Condismn—ende: the perio \ py F A-', vet the bmord diserinunstes on fevow of that wt : - g - i or Bacrse ier ute ohn) (us t & Bru, Wihnug N ¢ pgp flaca Fras y a ° ae eee H KVING cold of our Gret extensive purchase of Latin and Greek, each, 10 @ 1) tvtee at ome tnt ills. on on etorage. Sh beetete cli! « eee ie wre Beorowas, : NUtte owe, (25 “ Ho WeRery & Ca, Pr Tnae demining . cise : — Sprag end Summer Goode in @ very shert time | Mome, hh wee of Piano, 2s o what tn apehe barrel. the trancnnrtatinn +f the Plecsd fame tt out Winl s 7 t be ae Nak be 64 1 h& bilan, easily ed Clic : afier they were to hand, we have einee leid ine ® cond OW Painting, 15 0 fre and e het buchote of wheot ever the peed at FF irae mdse eeuns as sheet . Ld - 1246 4 ‘i ene $e Mr Join Lous F i casthistoaire ja tk, Airy would do, EPPY, whnet wWarnving 81 wae velected eth Water colours and Ornamental Wax iced coe Se ee ee Por SUID Rett) Ue 1h nei aot Mr MM, ‘ ope . NB Pan elientiun giver < tule of | Will te atiead the abuse gale care, buaght at very reduced eash prices, and will be Wark, each, 19 00 '0 © churged G0 the tran- rietem of a barre! oof / Neepeeol rn tyes p ; ; + Ndaruas ati gita 30443 eee 6 wren & ie o WM G.JAWEs cold ow. Nu more dearable goods have been browg ht E.mbnadery 5% “ ne pocdgeruay See a Ane ' Prec alded afterear}. amit iV, Codie Dele lawseod. Dyn! of Jone 24.1 hops Jane iDh 1956 3w3 er Tha es nn or ene — 78 Ore omre | Cee Cp wets fernithed bx the pupite " : gels fide be ndi- rrieb C9 of fe tht om the Nah Cowles Ral Rid wae harlis: Nine , 2 ab m Jar ein Ta © sl Wels oh Aeris . wy F , , JROWN & COFFIN By order of the Ruard . cathy capetied ention te go Nerth fram Che ia . ; mer ‘ce . ( satcage p ® 4@.o v we. Inve et STA I k OF NOR I H ( A ROLINA, id oa dd Rew 8 Ba WILSON, Preset. asp pen ox thle ted Pica —— Sieh tice keg Walable 124 o! nes $i ius ~ ALEXANDER COTNTY Apr 29, 1856. hf May 28, 1456 10wi ° ) cone ap free a6 far wath os omer and rer ‘ i K , ’ . ; ~~. ovim ove te ame wm Now Yurk oi6 Cleslenan » j Wicnse ei rae -; —-- Court of Pleas and Quarter Seasons Spry : CHARLTON. AS Be ion ee a nan SPE) tt pemas ntsc eeed ee Dee THOWAS EF Wy, PITTMAN, WADE & 4 with the preterts f the erustry generit Great Litin dhe devin Cruage at the > > Neoe 449 | 4 . wil " : d + and aceuwnts #1 e Mtore ni Bev" te aWVe (S@ccessors te WILLS & PITTYRAR. (> verme Mewehend aad @ pr Gaeven hed aber LOS Arset a! It wel ‘ Buriepe Oo I2} stn, yf weg 4225 ‘ * ‘ ° Dremme that foot desperse call David Fingers EC Welle Oregely with the Cherhate Compene ghunt «few b- the urusual quantity of 1B of rain Cottoa Yoru cre tae ne Then aa sae < . eid Ed Original Attachment Levied oo Liod. Carriage, Buggy and Sulb y Builder, General Produce “f eosand atumg the Dep tet Chartort=, incieting th ! 2 \ aS 3s ; elles -m wae that du wnt feel di-rmed tc pey aan AS t att inierwmety Gre: ihe | Cll uring eo ster oT) eullow day or Ses8 a Bi te sod [ will cee if | eoa@ot ~ulicet them IT appear M8 to the entiefactvn be Court that the - 2 ae beet Ce Cour \Maad)ea sick | tiger leat o) Olies pcan nsedale ; ee Sr rail) canted netnise dfeudost BoC McLtland. 1s tt na tchcbrent gt ~ SALISBURY, N.C, pret What» hemnbng | a s Ap us eng SE la Pe ar nert } Court so the Bear Monat ia Ag. | thie Btace; It a therebwe sedeied b ihe t — ne if als ¢ ¢ shave bastuove, and inetees the x oete Vow qratd extoreity enquire can re will thege things _- Fociher 34435 1gpais | 8% HENRY a LEWLY —— be mode br wt weeks in the Carclome o carrying mtorr, baie cbse the pot iPelercburg, Wm. " " Peet ; ig 5 : Jane 24. 156 ; re ated et fekebory | TOP ‘ . . ie tag sears ce ; ; CS meee Boren The Buffalo Repu ste, origivallv west fate, Oth ra, ABD ay dase oe Soe ee oe eae Te s| LAKE PTT CMAN, ) te ote Beet wei evdiag mee fom \acwete te re - tr Macde, . 6 Tali-ve erp F ’ . ’ 5 fe aie me ated JAMES WADE. Prrtmam Leweg 0 mitow, tne 73 mente % tate — wher triage on pore ele Ui mdunen noand more recently a he 4495 Torpentine, Pgel igi 0 SALISBI Ky MALE Al ADEMY. oe Po Sohal . vice = Fi geahis Tr J CH\RLTON \ Mowreemen Co, Va, — ee the leorme of thie Mead w+ oes AM Aili-melioiiistration democratic peurna Fung Refind 54 Wheat #1 Oo = Sunday in Seprewmber, aed show cause f any he bus Libera! cash advances made epun all coumgnments ~ Widee $ Wiel 25.00 Rev. JOWN C, AVERITT, A. ML, Principal. z es Par a in hand wht Pome’, ow tat as Fem Concerned ase mer. | hue repudiated the nomination of Buch Or. h@> Wied-w Glace - : , ve why the card lend drald ma be re Alig Mey 20. 1834 SennSt ut, erway it mnt bee Chemriette | weatd thewe thet bir. | ' , Pat ae in eras 4 by E nes! sesen-a will opeson Mondat (4th of | ertefectm of the Planulle debt. ani sale ordered Ting ork SH! please accom - 2 a ard weord = required—ety tatereet in the embers of frrights ioe my novghhore | ‘AN. ‘ . er ii seis July nen eccording : (the ard ' tabe requieut-—oty ce pe . whe Nido 8 my own market, has the aeme Freighis + tend wat aE pa 10 12 $2.5 Aer eT Te Wriwee a < omen Cort ofoers “| omet at Ofine, | $eahty and price—e fireted. if W dows Lot give ees DISSOLL I ION, : 2 . D 1656 aed ie z Cate Hogpatios a Curses : codlaes thes on ve vat ’ tteh Brewches, e 50 8s h eee fi < hadsbende oie i : fe eee ek ee os Firm of Stoker and Kirk, bas teen dicslved wht + ie ow to Chririette ond then they ere wy plea na the me bs : ‘ fof oer hanger wach cock os Oo ; e : vet to avert aed is aatee: With off thew La he fied eh a wp a i. ae z A CARSON. Crk Trig; Oats, Bacon. Lard, Horses, Proveader Timber by mute at / rv wa. Tthiak when te Kewrre ore made we low ihe Se fons bolic ee eene VWARRIED See nee aA hee 3 Pr ade 06 50 LIVERY STABLE ene ee JAMES Kine. erry oe lr glean ear al aectiren ie of a Divine Ua thaecomnty on the 24th Rey FF Re. indents ni he shalged fey date af enn a ROWANFACTORY soo guisnoas ets wanennecee i ce OS Fay eye ae Te ey rek MRRAMY of Tiseadave Cutegr, 10! the ete the woome, "Nadedeetins Re cacnnten * wee mae" State of North Carolina. CALEB PHIFER Mice MARTHA HEART, of Riwan feopt te ceee rected sik pece a eats Nevers ne : nd ie aa, ae . . Jan- 24, bse Iept Tribete to whom Tribate is dee; if te the Vorth IREDELL COLNTY. ra wh hed tor ale ’ , ’ . . race hens siladed ta above wt te gie CARD DIET AG ER R S Pay it.---1f net, encourage Rome Man slactares. MoO‘ ksS\ LLLE Superior Court ing Term, 1836 higiem makes MED DAGUERREAN ARTIST , a Fotroa * Warcnwax.” Sarrene RY, Nat 8 | TINE cobsenbdere hare pe e ROWAN Fac ‘ { ‘ r Naney Prichard 6 Rateom P chard, Petition tug WEELIAM WIDTTAMSON Pasig. wanes TORY cated im Selmbur » oo esl pe 4 4 a ; Prom the Ler agten Plog Duar Su —W D permit me th ghyvem : eee. t 7 pees dedi VEO H BROWN, would inform tne etpene of | TMttOn: fad are making supenor ; a 7] 2 7) A - visa te - : (iy EET NRAhOCIATT a ) F BG re seen r- sian IT ppearing : (the Cort, that flee THE JANUS FACED GOVERNOR. celui to es HE shel as gy aes hy ee ar - bo TIRENESS eel hes a SHEETINGS & YARNS, sul. ot we Vnetitation will cammerer de * cite biog abernt on that the emmed p the @ Byecw ( tee on ther of . t as ersin f \ ; ees Lav encase, | WHICH thes nffer reme@nable terme We are dete w on Fubrwars. sus 1 reef low eery pen tem. fh is or. oe we expected. as sum as Cn Greelains Me Ineiraner Compa ea and wee well hrown ve there nine ae fONed tr prrture ean st mad oa ie NG Core : ‘ ore: te met Be mands te aie Srany leaves the West to canvass ‘ ‘ sia Wenria ‘ , tank : a ane Staten ‘ eli whe Salec rth hie es eo hkeen ren Ca 2 tre surreaice areke. few the bhasterm Coanties he beceines per ial ie alase, ‘ % come whew . vee gd Petore. mw ivr inp. MUN fas ert ate : noel LEAD cen Uy = SUESTt Stier orat Tore of uw 1 g of 1 Nl ~ vetlom! partbenlar t ’ «hk ‘ ~ wal os in Jn atew k ere ‘ ‘ d [ihe ‘ ¢ thet v af TredeR, at the noon the ealjyect + nterna myer t ‘ . . : ‘ 2 od | whl 3 a ( LON Trs r¢ geen ul Miwtce eh Monday after te and endvavera to prodjndice tee and gentlemanly Seoetars, Potor Adams, beg HIGH SCTIOOL : =e ieee ke hiant aeemee they - u ‘ igual aos cae bewle ofone Eastern fricnis against Mr. | inne arbauty aed kindues Leannet « = Mp riug Kam atthe Rowan Howse a GRIST MILLS HRMS ifs re Tae iting week mid Cont a , . t SC@UNNt of fis votes in tle get My ctor with my aloe k ‘ : are ale 76 ond ( e ’ aes fSmomhe #2 = ets rthe 4th Mendes ia lecislature, where ae a Western man he —— bet Thre ler OLIN, Ne ( : Sunday N\chool Book Sitaa proaapile so arenkis 6 " tt ck 210. as CL SUMMERS CPL “ oe (ieee ‘ ‘owed hinrself the true firin amd consis Weslnewtac. J ets ; 2s ve il pew of the mlea (Nw famon * al . S. . MORNIVG & WE sDER 0 0 opera ae Pore s 603 ' minh. dur Rao : Y Saliehar ane (Tih. iso . Le Lae . UC representative of a Western constiin Nehred will pen on Wedneade seule &) R f 1138 Dsuraper on) ts beorer’ Mutant brese he e we bnek best Mrs Lasoe RoOWARSH. Agent he Amer Sund wR ; , Buc She 2 : ; ; nerepncra ding avpre R menesn Sunday Gap yi , ) xX € Bo Per Te other words, Gow. Bugg has Ciunpenv 2 slinligcscial carcerine Asi fem eh iearher ailimer el Go Tendo Pete eh nn a1 Grecacmome', where STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. REFFELACES = ‘lou bagk, Hpen the never failing resort Re Asin We i Nege: \icgivins (skea charrecick keeps » cmd ouprty of the \ Ks n 5 < LE. arene . drhved to me as Ads ’ ‘ awry we to moad ' kre te ¢ e : J DAVI ce TY t . . i] ve reett Res \ i M : sal politicians and demagoygues, the wen * ' 2 ® ‘8 cowie b ate hound, every Corton 7) oO fy & » » t on op Deviitove ( “ ‘ ake ly vce D Kitpetriet, Atlernpt to tie Up sectional feeling. and | Company in the manne cy ' wlint rile * will un iN Ete LONE hin J uw Hon J WD a : (eda : ee re oan beet ie any Seve ieruens| =) 1 the amount $1000 wd Tabranet, §10,00 osch, Catinet Likes May Term. isin benweh: FOE Shoter, Beg. J F Hell, Fan, See. mi The credit uf the sale of tonal prejudices, and instead of en. {rey uf maura w, they pond Uh > 50 al Property of the mranel eetate hee expired, aed “Avoring to allay that sectional strife of insurance Snot cluming 1 nitety dave » 35 5 00 Gite John Banks, Adm'r, against Herre at law of Luns the rma wet ma bh miiled up Ale, of theme Wlech Nts ee Vong cansed our beloved oll | lowed by the term of the polis Such a course Berke, per dew ce) Doaltslag 7 ft fl a fa! | Recline ee ie cee State \- , t 3,4 Villave Lahewcies, 8? 00 each, Spett. UFR er P , en “mn “'v Ment, oF this notice will be ve to bleed ery d has & etition to se and, Need at every pore, and hae» op the part of Company not v calls Loth Phe crmt for beard and tavion raages from @45 ri lkeikeqen ava 33 A se be « retarded her prosperty, woe behe! i, eeroiitie meme eines n f tite axnthe: ‘Te sersins rite bayer nears ¢ Uibia ni aries. Rint EN thie eve. it appeanng tis the eatiefe ; ; JAMES G RAMSAY, Adw'r t . we thanks of Uae methere mt o9 . ae 1s 36 "table trectacle of our Govern ral Aniig Hille Geographics, Maye, Reward Cuert, that Sokanon Banke here whe pemite inp YHERE with « rrmdenee of Hagh * “2 tte confidence of ffs inemteers, apd deservedly ple vation, write te S Lander, Ot Binks: Ticket Ae Merergia, Nedrew. Uram, Rane Poa Amy. En Ru 3 oa ] Conatt new a : “sing the State, and for mere par seep rrn beru eee eRe Dries frat ce By urderntihe Riacd (ders addres -d. Agent of Amenean 8. Schowl 2a and Narcimea Hacks, a Tigbby\\Hliaicnd hive Ce Sufi a ee ie ee ) Purp mes, endeavouring to array the | the Company in a JC. TURNER. Choma | ttn, Bat Th, Greenest vagh, No( , will receive, Patery, and Sally Nutlen, and P termeriy, Pally |, sly NEGROES. three ikety mea. of «hem A : “tt avainet the Wear, and to destroy | puthe Tate 1, 1858 bw 5 revit witeAluin Banks, are met rmbabstante of thie Siete ftom. there euieea el . Mme kind ray ea ary: hick CHARLES Ro JONES dune 04, 1856 ‘ jfone, erdered by the Court, thet pnishenten be made z ats nd and amicable fevlings whie | tl ame tan as Galele weeksly ike Cacding Were one Shoemaker. FPVHE audscriber having meade James J Mohan COC for the Inet tew years exited be Williamsburg, Trade ll eo Cc. Cini end Heaner pices copy 9: Lipoaates said def-nde nis ty te and eppea> at the weet Court of Fone amall moa and one woman and on The shaw Marerby interesind in bye Stock of Merchandion, bap a “eon these portions of the State, and an June 23, 1856 ) 2 hele he comny ne t t fer the . fre Kw It onpre-sery Us cemsider cotton From Char bate ts Geldalveww’ le ie 68.40 t bale { from Civer. | A . 5 A { but 9 Chaplesne 0025. < Uothbapaation wn the PMI ON the read which he toed! is wih | 8 fanster Phrowgh Freight to Wilmington pr. Mail Train. yrer prudace 5.00% bales of cotton, We drevmed | Hii latered ter build Waen Robert W. further etate, that since ( Robes bien TE ooce, that this Ghiied wuald fod an oatiet vin Wi-) Dick desires to er te Witisten tor aatoase es \\ i moth, ad the reenlt hos proved thet we were in. Me setiedd Sain, we lave mover secu him intonen ed ~—m m ° . , (rane eve Wee eee ee ail ead, band Yel My Uk cdg wwe are tancemmed, the great North Canding Com fout Mr. Ciidwoli of Guilford tor th trot Rall Read toe fai wre. eed we defy them ta od vance fre =e © ot | : ns (Poteawed or Coutts tom Crmend te wap ee Far the Po gay and Western ea bavip bocoaeRty, || i Castine sepeen. one thenennd bales nf hag ——f feueion of salu cad cares thete wagune will howl beck ol) of my Feb fork of comin, } A! present rates of freight. enmesicshne and evck } acd mt wil cout the farmer (al Gly evnte tm ofl a bach : th M ver 4 whestin New York, het ices this svete of] BO Some slays siuce, me tlhe pomeegyt irae watt. te erriain Chet the prime af wheet mud) Rs tewhing up fr Mouton tes Jue Csreling Rend We tege ts vend half viet qnentiry | apidiy. to New York the ea-ang panty nt Ot Ont rreie | favde fee its detivery in Cbarhutte—of exw rm soe . . it will Be waguned Guo. toting a hee upon 1: FACTS FOR THE PEOPLE. road, A few men living in the acightetbood of Git. P sone Wil or Caudle Corel. eight mies trom Cone Thetrias Bragg, Who Gever pave a vote and sixteen fron Chathtie. con deliver « wegon heed | 11 we A epweci, oF pave of wheat in Concurd ap dxy—it wil take two aye | for te delivery in Carte te. yet the advance om the : Ls basket, whieh the Chérhate merelionts senate ut CUNVARe te denounce the Americas pay ever whet we cep gain, will pay hie wR by bea! hia Slade us bes wheat to that t—and «nec at Cheritte um «ree oath bound « bent ta the Cental Be jirateres, rides free | meter calhng om hime yo to the depot 1 f if at - ene flops at base Samrat en eaid read Waren Jobin A. Giliner! piece of Sem Bosden, who was alent, and this i | pad thew the twtier will be at ret ‘aves forth to detend tis fellow cit salts ‘ \ - act timer, be tides froe on the N. ¢ Le xisluture, he, Mr. Caldwe Lexington Faq desta, + ‘ influence of w hich, sach a stimu “7 "has been given to our commercial and toeal Intervet and which is eans POR TRE warcuman Ny ) Mr. Kditor :—The Republean Banner of N.C. to be known and honored y Miron the 24th instant, seems to he dreadfully exer in Alas, that one Demagogue, |"! - eee bs i i ) ‘ r communs on, ola ‘have it in hie power tedisturh these cieed om account of my former conn ° endly relations or in any manner ty) and deals outa profusion of slang and billings dan - hs < 4 . “pen the spirit of internal improve: | gate im an attempted reply. There are two old » és < he © quote from a letter written by sayings that apply with force, at least to one of \ ‘rend whe heard the discussion at the Ndaor, Berti = Gov G liner Yet mer any of } and he Bragg does all he can to injure editore ) “ yatled jades will wines,” and e, County on Jone 18th. renegade i< worse than ten Turks.” Our ‘ > shafte flew straight to the mark the East on-aceount of his *'*"* : “tern votes “far it vd Mr. Bragg has never | Banner is the effusion of the junior editor. Ie reir : Ww it for granted the article in the when in the assembly, Lor © take aban hh internal improvementa in jis » nice man, so freshly from “ frequenting gra vis epeectres down here in the East | ve} pits” and with the “horrid oaths” burning | caut be forded! 10 BAY ONE Word In| upon his lips, to talk about an “ irresponsible | forna! iinproveiventa,. for it! Sinerie for vears heen swell known iit the East Me that he is in favour of rail roads. Mr. writer, ner would we if he didnot bold the po-} rage ius the impudenge te doa great | Ation he does, as an editor, for we do not know | ing ex parte. as to Usem. i i . : " Plans, Profiles, end Specificatiune with estimates | i . i ‘ (emitha’, Carpenters’ and Shoe-Makers” Tools, lar. | shat he got an honoratte discharge from the Pio pede er nba gh bra peered he cn Seas be oran Lege office of the Engineer to which he invites the attention of hie custumera and mer's tianeial scheme, [nthe Weap| ¥¢ koow. > I Sr, Bragg waese dat! and stupid thathe) We do not eare what were the editor's op bat tow iuthe Est where he thinks it will not be popular, be seems to nnider- op tothe hub disunionist,” and we will prove it| ton, Ebaabeth Hetwn, Joseph Helv Sun seep dnadbiensoecoapecaon ater stand i¢ fully, Can it be possible that | : ; other toate fs ooo ola | ‘The Be dit: Coadidta here'en oh he as. N.C. tu be forever kept back from oe copt core, wheat and tur. is siout why ents. Ov | fy it mie ce fC for thy N. ©. art Bead, when ty yous forth os jstyemitinl these foul ¢ argon, te has to pay bs , 2 idea alee a sgt ily OE ae eS me ot) Hly—s0eh 9 ft moral easay ist? Whograats eet fr ti “Dn lar it | 0", Salyer WW gles’ Placebo for w wounded eun- |” Andrew O'Bryan, seu of Susan U'Bry an. Wn his pucker ? Petition to sell Land. Was liv not whilom a wide-mouthed “ Know aul Why this sudden change, if nut | be made, for six weeks, in the Curcliva Waichman, | Graduation, Masonry, aud Cross Ties forthe reumind-| Jats, Cups, and Bonnets Py | 7 i ange, | wher , wee the Gea Meth cok thas Wetec Monk ; EVER OFFERED IN WESTERN CAROLINA, Ins that he has bent the *preguant hinges of the foe yg te theme pi ip Sy awed ra Baal argo m cing at, int oxtead 1g West from Ba esate Clothing: | cousieting of Foreign and: Domestic Dry Guods, Hrd: .” : | knee, that thrift inight follow fawning.” Wel et the Coun House in Mocksville, ov the 5th Monday | Siaterville. euay MENG , " se {dou not know that. we ought to notice such | “fter the 4rb Monday iu Angust next, und plead, au the Iu Ejuity—Spring Term, 1856. ak ime | were’, Li Yi; Paints, Dyestuffs, ‘ reap Aa 5 the public—offering at low prices for ensli, of on time | WC? Linseed ond Sperm ( P |“ Kuom Nothing Order.” Whew did he with-| 4th Monday ia February, in the yeur of our Lord one | after the 4th July. me Pelee c.7 de ie | to punctual customers, at wholesale or retail. jis &e., dee. A large he oF : | e sn heer, CR. on i % ’ Sinise pt. | shen w Hever’ Ue was a third degree member, poet Ae ee ree Bae ia the COs 7 The Standard bo Roginer at Raleigh ; Reeord RAL, BB si ceierohel eae: Produce bought at the GROCERIES Py orm Mid | awd if he did not regularly withdraw he is inan L. BINGSIAM,C M.E. er, at Hillshoro’; Spectator and News at Ashevi'le 5| Bulisbury, Aprit 10, 1856. 46a | always ou fund”... Partieuler tiedition is eglled to) - fer. cami Waker i fi I ad | Price adv. B5 50. 6w5 Pattied, Greenvbore’ und Demoerar, at Charhare,| ere ee eeesiane La I our large and well ectected, stoek of 5 — a on i edie tal taser cal 2-4an. tnfortts the, refiae | —_— ——---~— -——— | willeopy anil the 15th July and furward their av- = { i oe : tued.d 3; a ‘ jeditor that we du not write frem the Mountains. | Aovnte to this office, | By { v ty this question, one for the West and one . : : } = | | { ¢ lor the: Bnet, s0 tlao in regird to Mr. Git We write from this district, and we write what | SA LE OF LA N )D we ) 4 CJ i + . : | VAVIE CUUNTY. it ’ is This Knocking! which will be sold at umpuraiteled low prices dn this — | it, | portunities “of knowing Mr. Warring’s views,” ise reiterate that be is “an open, avowed aid vira, Wiiham Heuwon, Phomas Hehon, Naney Hil ive ; > ©! Junior? when yeu “swore away your rights and Joined the Kuow Nothings,” how did yuu re- Williany cue! POT AND SEED STORE ; i : . Rowaw Hovse, June 231, 1856, | Caruliua W atchimuu, for ox weeks, fur the raid de- iti David C snd nth- ning W: . plpititey ae. ws i se S| Witt continue to think for therselyes,— | adsuG tel kiana appear at the next Court of Equi- Me epshvanglcpehig Lengel te tld Ue and | Tro agons, #51 PEAL ST. near Folton,New-Vork phage: 33 mi A - ¥ cheaper thon | Jur Stite must and will have rail roads 3) Mfr, Bruner—Deat Sirs In order to correct |'V, to be held fur the county of Duvie, at the Cour | died, sheen derah abuat two miles fron Guld-Hill, wdjan- | &c.. and in JOM JoXKS, PROPRIKTOR. ‘ we cam atkird to sell them. fattoerein the peigh. | Stele reguels are abselttely necessary to thy |” the report” that my unfortunate boy Sam | ti oe | tng the lands of Juha Lents, Devid poraentts Sere HOLS2-SROBILE, The subseriher being a practical Mechanic, and baying, beurtrd. oof the pa — were Uberal to their! iremperity of the West, her people cant! * was in liquor” at the time of the accident on demur to cus | ; Aas | Earnhert and uthers. This nad «be suid subject | I will eobecr the road. Yet these Heiner es petition, of the sume will be uferro, aud the cause set for hearing ex | purte, as to them. Witnevs, Lb. Biughem, Clerk and Mester for reid a . 1 day in February, in the year of oar Lord one thou a Lain stire be waa entirely sober, else [ alow sand exght hundred und fifiy-eiz, aud io the Sth Four aye | Bel have seffored him to Be wear the depot on! of Amenean lide pendence { .. BINGHAM, C c. furce to their palace te Charlotte. The | rows demagogue, whe wtlempts te trith j that day Price Acv. @5 50 ESN GRA Mis haa ¥ te, short dist Wont pay. ‘The York. with thei¢ vest interest. The suine t Very respectfully your ob't seps't ————_—_—_—__—_ vole Rum im ouly iwenty-fite. miles lung, ond it pays \ id hee My Gil te the ba er] ¥ reepectfully a ee rt, , Ser ae « great dew! butter than f fear the Central Road eyer| Alew adds, tha f. Galmer tn the bast) ~ ROBARDS. wil » Lhetlewe thei if we roald eeanpe ie smocere- | tear WICH great eutiusiagas and apd Lae, . ‘ es fully’ ob Oharhdte. Se euuld send ove hundred thon W ahsh tliat: lie be ianisaiite. cu; NPE ie — We dol teby certify, that ou the eve ving of cond bnahelaat Wheat frum this paiut citer the Nee wcortata § Hel ALAS = Nhe Ue nis Sunday ercning, on whieh LOT of foae or five acres of goed land. hi | \ 4 mile fran China Grove Depot. and nine miles haz Sa West of Satebury. Onn is a comforteble dwelling 1 Sam Brandon the property of Col TL. L. Rolaerds, that we saw Ke-house, stable, corn esib, spring, t i" wes pou nee. 1 be toten minutes before the accident ht so we ee pd Dal lant YOM 8! McKerise ’ Pthat he was entindy free frou the inflacnes Lame . Cimenid Gazette publieh vee non ire g of quer We kuew San we tesay board 5 4 Garette 9 Aone newth wud for ; : ward ac tes the office em atthe Rowan [baise. Our attention was ot im ark lantern, andl we farticulary called to Sain at the tune, ty ne KEUPH &® FUANNER, alter bis omotas had left for the . Ww . . - eangiedcie voeewes WILMINGTON, N.C wetted bin well, and beard him 1b COUveErA made an arrange with tne Railniad cor with their Maul Ticiostvene alerck 0 0 Bald tw Wa. | ted Vreviows to hie owner pret the boy we ummgion dir lerving Nafiebury oon ovday ond Bere Unaequainted w hin Dain waited un) Thureday 5 levee Witntogian. on Tuesday and Fri Gav Char mgent will ecewupiny the ere to reesive \, PerGetm aud debver Srergnt 4: all tre iniecimediair plelnone — Gret cor w eave Salishary wo VM nday 22d inst KEITH & FLANNER JHOs. TULL, M. b, Wimimgion, N.C, June 14, 1856 te) E HANSIER \ : STODDARD & CLARK, " THE MARKETS COMMISSION MERCHANTS, | Wynn the trek Sal py Cou. ly 1 150 Fremt 8t., New Yerk. ] T being enewested that in conseqnence of the Elec . i JAS K NISRET. >) 2 of me prevwus to ¥d instant, 1856, will pleane call and tomeoming on ‘Tharsday of the first week of the COMMISSION MER WANTS, |demar ty complainant's petites re will be JAS W LEWIS, ( Exeentere pets GEO. W BROWN term of he Supecme (onrt at Morganton, the gentle a ‘ taken pro confemmn, and enle ordercd seri ding)y June 7. 1836 fmol Sahebary, June Qd 1856. 4e2 menofthe ber and others cannot attend daring that E \ ‘GlON , € Witnees, Coswe'l Harbin, Cleik of oor end Cour - BA cad alee ahead ahead dias deleted WILMINGTON, N.C. at office, in Mocksville. the din Muadey in Mav, A _EWBERN Hee tobe given that nnder the dieretion confided in WAKE Isher! advances on eons gomenis of Foreign D. tx36 . 4 4 “ XS “= 7 ’ them be the Statute, they will no enter ayon the ek aad [hmestic praduee and wre expecting from 25th C HARRIN, Clerk t ] ] + | X ie 5 % amination of apyheanis for liernm, ar call ihe case Jane tn lo July, a cargo of By A A HARBIN, DC i ll lla nsiranee 0. For Spring & Sammer. for arparment anti Wunday of the peoind werk, the Printers foe $5 50 6w4 _ Hlth day Wf Augast W EST IN DIA FRUIT, &e., Jaci ieee JAMES R DODGE A ae Consisting ta part of atv ! ow: are now selling ar very low pricen. ORANGES, BANANAS, PLANTAINS, D ACENT receive apphcations from aay persna wishing | Our eck comprises HAPS. CAPS. ¢ OATS, Vapw 4 us N MAMM Pr LES . ineure property This company is mow in peceeesfa) FANT. , SHIRTS, COLLARS and CRAVATS LIMES, eM ONG LAN MCAEECES, y es . Land— | OPrratton, and its businces is fant inereasing. Persons URAWERS, SOCKS BOOTS ond SHOEB. and COCOA NUTS, PRESERVES, JELLIES, &e \ ee Harpe Hobie shins make TONNE i Dave peperiy insured Ie thie olice will ev-ry thar orien rien g required. of the moe : Varranie fes— make 4 ‘ 3 which’ will belmtd!onlernvalcai Aection io ike high- BAT essa aoe setren : ght aie z ae n_ firase eall on the eubscriber IDR Ms AY vert | styles, qauliiy ond pree TY Cal avd vee! 9 () The of Brecon. Hog round, emt bidder Jerat Real Eetate business in Minnrauta, luwo, and, Jane 10th, 1856. Geno Ont steele ia going off, and we are giving bargane te ae 2500 bs. Lard. Wilmington, Jnne 17, 1456. Qwest iW agke cia = sade \ pa ate r TF Our score ai the corner of the 1 00 eseqaap shee a vale by the subseri - | Tnformation of the country fnrnished when desired JOB PRINTING ension Hate . reat wane ane ECCLES . s | Blank Warrants for sale Here. July |, 1856 4 f ‘ Cow a * pllgrime ge ty Rome Ox lass| syst ca'start eacinet Wiliam mend, of tee IT appearing in thie case, to the setisfection of the p . : i i " is ing” , ‘ > | Court, that the bef vind defendants nt ine ROPOSALS will be received «t Statesville, tre- 6 APY thing us the: East-fuvorsfs Nothing” as be is now ap unscrupulous Anti- hupkdiacoe Aa ates “hte raged ‘pide det Counts, N.C., watil du.y the 15th, fur the wer or demus to complainant's petition, or the sume | Musoary, und especiully the Bridge across the Cutaw- will be taken pas biaer ssc A espamenad set for bear- | bs River, but aff of which ie particularly worthy of at- | | Lemuel G. Helion aguinet Wiley King and wife El- hub bin | Rae: Bay coke eee hg acces 240 Acres, that he has rewoved to the Shop lately ceupied by | © larger assortinent than has ever been offesed a ane pla ama shine oa se sage for thee Leg ichipnas Bila preagegs (rtmtoalig aw to be sold upon the petition of Jnxcub Overcash and jeil’a Planing Mills, where he is prepared lo execate alt | rik, wis bas foe sous of dames LVg ae | some town cd at chess ee rs ce Ce hese Proper position, aud that ex- [cover them. The Standard says they are bind-| kensus, whose vames ure unknown. of Ree] charged fifteen cents per|alted stand tu wiiicii ‘she is so juutly enti.) iy forever and bone can absulve from them ? Potition to sell Real Estate, though war i ited, by demagoyueian and seerionulian ¢ | UNION AMEKICAN, 7 : We hope not, indeed we know that she | Charette wltowed deliars per day wud ype Het, mad at she} ikea Paget ol oot N : RR Pre Heres [wilt tot, thew people have beyun a | __ EN this cure, it sppenting to the satisfaction of the 'S ; | Court, thut he defrudante are not tuhabitants of this 1G ‘FacTo ~ nl | Sete Ie wrdered, tha publiention be mrude a the 112 ACRES, Mill Spindles, Wood Platners, Plows,| riovcH MANUFACTORY, MACHINE. DE. RANKIN & MARTIN, (eee 4th Monday in August ner d d. nnewer and ss ini eS * Sow ip GAIA Sg a tg og Mil ’ 2 ar i“ AND SUMMER | » S99B6 | FOR 1856. T the aig, weit known MICHAEL BROWN of Jenkins, Roberis & Co., one of the largest t hg now reeeiving end <pening | Monk Splendid, Aesentmenty 90-bit cho pg od Somer Gets ona | SPRING AND SUMMER ‘Staple & Fanoy Dry Goods,| QBWSBS = ‘SPRING ENGINEERS OFFICE, W. 8. ¢. RB. &., Salisbury, June 17, 1856. { Fin | ware, Catlery, Boots and Shuce; Molevkiny Panaina * | On the iret 15 miles of this work there is important China, Delph, and Glass! and Straw Hota, Bonnets—Buckets, Rope, Carriage. . Ware ; Trimmings, Springs and + xels, gg Gti, ys ad Gluse Sad. , Sole Leather, be Rive | Hardware & Cutlery, Groceries, &e., 0, Biooting Birwder, Noite, Inte Bech, eountry. . {7 All the above goods have beso selected With fh the greatest care. and we most respeetfully invite all, those buying goods thie season to call.aud exatnine.our © j stuck os we feel mo hesitancy ia saying thatwe have...» Y¥ arder of the Court of Equity for Re wan Coun- | pqy 1E frrted . B ty, b will offer the fulowing valuable land fur I HE undersigned bege | sale at public auctiun, e to return his thanks to these who fuvored him with @ call during the fest year, and he respectfully informs the Messrs, George & Whisnant, adjpnning Mr. J. Rud-) season in this place, and that we are determined te © < j sell, and will make it to the adrentage of buyers Pie work ia bis live, as cheap and good as cen be dune iv | give patie ena pete al before pri ky bi Has, | Salisbury, March 31, 1856. 44g larg joining the lands of George Baruhurdi, Adam Cas- Turni € pe § Sepair ry pea others. Ty be suld va the premises, the 24th Bg, ulti s Serews, Re pa i is ty of Saly vert Boilers and Engines, | Wational Agricultural erme—six months Credii, bond and security. of all descriptions ; making and. repairing Warehouse, cnupare work with suy one fus Deainers, wear, many yeuts’ «Xpetienee in the minufettuse of Wl kinde” « the widuw's dower. Bale tu be taade au the pre- | and despatch ; [uierferring shes, $1.25; common do. | of AgnicentoRaL lnriamewcs opd Mace many, would, mises, the 31st day of July next. 8! 5 cont steel toes uF eter! plain, $2. respectfully call the attcation of Merchaits and Pleb- “y Terms—six mouths ctedit, buud and security. | OF Dhave also erected an Air Furnapee for melting | ters to his lerge and most complete assortment of ae L BLACKMER,C.M E | Brees, which anewers finely. The puble exo get| above Gouds. which he offers for sale at lower prices O June 17, 1856.—Pr. ady.§6 25 —Tw3 | Brass and C..imposirion Costing» by calling at the above | than any other House in the trade. > —— lestablichinent aud fartehing patterns. Aleo Brass GUANO, BONE DUST, SUPER-PHORFTIATE OF LiME, PAAFTER { l W rd ' | melied over at » reduced price, with neaiuers and de- | en al Ny] ¢ a . spnich AND OTHER FRATUTER ES. : Mareh 3}, 1256. Him.” | __ } I Otd Copper and Brass waated, | womemsiogtey ; a FRANAWAY trom the subscriber. om the 29 da | SJ. TERRY. | Oarpetings, Rugs, Droggets, Ze” > | Bel May lest, a free aegre waned HENRY VA) Charkate, May 5, 1°86. 4¥:6m nal : * LENTINE. alias Henry Lowar Sos | \ E eeuld call attention to our stack of the ahete | vected at the last Term of Rowan Sapernor Coart of | wy wary t rg y | articles, which is large and varied, just tective 2 * (i ed. Call at No. 3, Granite Row - | aniedemeani, whipped and edi for the payment of é NE W GOODS GD |e ; ‘ costs for the term of IB memtie Said Valentine or + 4 Fe | BROWN & COFFIN. Lama x, is a'nont 23 yeure of age. five feet three and p VEW ( ‘OODS!! S Saisbary, Mareh 25, 1856. aut half inches high, of gingerbread eddor, linge nose, hd ’ Se: OY War eon Hy aud by trade» > « . . AST RRS Bi ames Puserrani eel ‘tie wrcred J. V. & T. SYMONS & CO, SQUIRE, ZIMMERMAN & ALLEN, * ralighamalhoy » = 273 a cal ; RESPUCTFE LLY Wholesale Dealers in ass f wilt give the sb sc reward for his apprehension ‘> JUNCE to the citizens of Rowan and ad Mia ee a ag Commie, that they are eo seeing 6 DRY % county. or femined im any jal oe thar Fogt bine | eorge Fel aclected swck of . Aare agus Leoiecs eae Cosa) Boring & Summer Goods, | No. 143, Market Street, fee > coms tixe oF | Paancm Squine. PHILADELPHIA z — . . Stuple & Fin “y/ Dry froods “ {0 M. Zisenstax, of Lineolatoa, N.C. DR. M. WHITEHEAD, | ° Meudy Made Chiting : Grosce N Attan Btu Nuts and ¢ ups; | OFFICE of the mame bt with his resdence In hie abernce perms des og & see bum will leave Bon rele de Straw Govds Pe PR ESBYTERIAN a thew aaines un the Siaie Boots and Shana; dane 17, 156 : a Glass aiud Queensware ; | FEMALE COLLECE, LOT SALEs. Groceries & Dye Stuffs, STATESVILLE XN. @. rircere Coto snes See eer ie Wek tea sitiewi es evar secant Glee | ies second semsion oi this inatitation will apen ia CHARLES KLUTTS Jane 10, 1856 3 Apri 15, 1*56 40-1f the new bui'ding on the 4th day of August pext. ented Beption Tusinate. will be mid ai puble Aut tw To make sueble arrange meets, the Trestees ® number of valuable busiding have epared neither cost por pains, A Comumedowe w_eap Box ANOTHER and haodesae buidmg, furniture and aparatus ell be . - ready in due tune; and our worthy aud cmMeemed inrge, well arrauged and are the FRESH | Preadent will have @ suber of weil qualified Asslet- mut deprable baalsties bur busiding 1: end enund the sS T oO Cc K ante Our terms are lower than any other similar tm. Fittege, The ered seesun of the above named ty zi stitatwoe with winch we are sequainted. Siteion will cranmence on the dey « move MeRimvord The United Bayt Lastitate ie surr } or Mewstine seanry w the nies temas” NPFing & Summer Goods } Board aud tusuen to be paid in edvence | : eae buwness wil oY hereatles be conducted under the ae name George Wo Rrown & Co. All personsinde bted te goof superiog qnelity and week. bury. for the abuve Company, and 1 prepared to Manchip. which we UST RECEIVED 0 mew and ful § Re JUNIWs MENDENHALL, "[wtertmergtes capmeucg seu ne eD rnct he efapiae renee Addrews, R J. MENDENHALL, . - 4 Menneapolis Veatly *aeouled at toss Office Sabebury. Ma . IF RAUM & CO tm. 4. ———o a AGRICULTURAL. WORK FOR THE MONTH—(GULY>) THE PLANTATION. Cotton. —W ork this crop steadily, to en- courage the development and retention of forms and bolls. Shallow, surfuce cul- ture, with light sweeps, followed by the hoe, will be found the best method for the accomplishment of this object. Do not allow the grass or weeds to get a fout- bold either in the row or middles—ws asteady and relentless warfare upon them , after which they during u not give you mach trouble. In many sections, this impor Where is it Corn tant crop is already laid by not, however, it will be well to give ita | prevented constant sr Tia c by the spr Llades across the rows. Allow no wee to appear lu your cora field —both caun sh on the game ground. De not use the plow our corn after the first two work reaks and tears up the young jogs. v gootiets, and does far more injury than good. At the last working, sow Cow Peas broadcast, aud cover with a sweep, ealtivat Plant, aleo, J’ Kina, ia every second or third hill, and ror harrow whee well ep, thin, to one plant ina hil, and work ca Cow Peas si now be sown bread- cast for Lay, at the rate of a Gustel or ox pecks to the acre. Scaler over thy sur ver wilh @ turuing ir ground deeply, a weil up, thin to on two strong p alts ima bill, give these a sprinkling of Pias ter or Gypsum 'a smail handful to ea bili} when the dew is on; hwosen t the age” inal! respects. teen poutinecu jeal planters follewing sul> ate . m ma .t Corn fntd Break ap, very deeply @ piece of mel lane with a broad shos plow lay it off in board of ra . tiiwiec a.ong the urn pretty cose, peat after | of 10 of 15 cays mor tt en ire mi. ses ws the ruuter, and Dna fay with tle shoves pivw,r ! Gowns tn tur 2 { *, tweenthe diiils. OU {laud ecd worked in this wart Iw from 3 excellent jodJe as can be pull the commun way, an! at une fatber sunris t es nitist E fu spread it aya and then turued and s the ved till « a as le j ' ‘ repeated thi | third day, which will generallybe sufl-| cient, if the weather is favorable. It may | then be permanently stacked or packed away under cover; and if, while packing, the different layers are sprinkled with salt, at the rate of say 8 quarts to an ordinary two-horse wagon load, it will be more highly relished by stock, aud all danger of heating obviated. Many per- sons make a great mystery of curing drill or broadcast cora-todder; but we have always fouu 1 this simple method sure and effectual. Cutting up corn tv the field, and using the stalk and leaf for éhe winter feeding also ef stock, bas many advantages, howe will speak of more in detail hereafter. Sweet Potato carefully, throwing up some fresh mellow *« must now be worked earth to the ridges, and destroying all weeds. Make your last) planting of “draws ;” and if the weather is very dry, before planting dip the root ina thin bat- ter—plant just at night-fall—and manage as heretofore directed. As soon as pus- sible, prepare a rich, moist piece of land, and plant out an abundance of cut vines tu produce neat year’s seed. most Turnéps.—This is & important for the planter and farmer, though croy not yet appreciated as such. A distin- lied Engl coull better affurd to Therefore, plant largely ; it is indispensable as a sli statesman has said that Jose its navy than its turnip erop. winter forage. We will hereafter describe the best and most profitable way of feed ing them. Sow in rows, at such distance 3 as tv allow the turnips to be worked with “Buoys Lin} roved Horse Loe,” have this excellent implement. if you Make arrangements to sow often and largely, neing early, as it is sometimes ex- Make low deeply and often, and Make treinely dthcult to get a stand. pulverize as fincly as possible. ve sts ug about the 20th of this " and it that should fail, try again lays until the last of Septem ] ur perseverance will be crown Css Guano, superphosphate hen Leones; or a comnpust of r well-rotted stable manare 1} Lones and ashes, are ea rs for the Turnip crop. The manure may be applied in ut on plentifully broadcast, iW. The Ruta Baga, strap leaf”), rly £ “Nine Aberdeen, Norftk 3 vood varieties—the two first, the Grill, or | ng the best for field cul Na fined for stock, we believe th Iluta Miye re Couceded to stand for ctacet Dreining and Ditehing nN Ps est 4 ’ antation is often allowed to run wast ess and wild, present , stayiant puddles of water, rank "4 ‘ russes, We | ig es, a fu yaharber a ta for snakes Ie ‘ a vf ve Sad rt a ; eolatice,” wu rh ec ara tively field: work a god , we these offensive . N at rt cu vated h xlactive char cter Deg a deep under drains 4 1 Arr off sur) wate « af oD | trees es and nl noxious w { 1 ’ ‘ d yr } Corn: ¢ r “ ans t ‘ as G fay fe * : ¢ t a ‘ st, v ‘ A e trees i a] ' ‘ a et , res ‘ a cing a “ tls } White ¢ ‘THE KITCHEN GARDEN. The. earlier spring , vegetables, pane now nearly all gone, little can be done advantage. It will be well, however, to clear off or turn under all weeds and the remains of early vegetables, and manure liberally, by way of preparation for full] steuggle, aud hitherto manifested to us, their de- crops. Crlery seed may be sown, but the bed must be shaded from the direct rays of the sun. Sow, also, Ruta Baga and other Zurn/ps, as directed under the pre- vious head; Zéme or * Batter Beans ;” the Green Glazed Cubbage ; purple Eyg Plants, Ludishes, Cubbayes, Leliuce, To- matocs, &., for late crops. In the latter partof this month, transplant Cubbages for fall und winter Take off limbs of your Zomoto vines, shorten the top and use. set them out as cuttings, and shade them with a little brush wood ; they will seen come to bearit and yield fruit until frost, ur 1g, Dig or plow your garden over thor- oughly, and repeat the preparatory ope ratious of the spring. young trees, shrubs, vines and vegetables, using the liquid manure heretofore re commended, alternately with pure soft water. Prepare the ground for Séraw berry Beds during this and the next y 3 month. failing stream, if possible—plow deep, turning mould and ashes, and leave the surface We will return to the under a good thick coat of leaf ine and mellow. Strawberry Bed, giving more special di ons, in future nuinbers, Zraasplant Cabbages, Caulitlowers, Celery, Toma toes, &c. Plant Melon seed pickles—also, Swoeé Corn for late red for inane ingeears. Plant out slips or vines of the Sweet Potato without delay, and plant, also, Suap Beans, fora successional crop If you malch them heavily as secu as planted you will find uo dithculty in get | Mulch and water Select new ground near an un-) PLATFORM.OF THE*AMERICAN PAR ADOPTED. AT. THE SESSION OF THE NATIONAL COUNCIL, Fev. 21st, 1656, Ast.’ An rumble acknowledgement to the Su- preme Beiog, for His protecting eare vouchsafed to our fathers in their successful Revolutionary scendants, in the preservation of the liberties, the independence, and the uvion of these States, 2d, The perpetuation of the Federal Union, as the palladiuin of our civil and religivus Hber- ties, aud the ouly sure bulwark of Americau lo- dependence, Bd. Americuns must rule America, and to this end native-born citizens should be selected for all| Suite, Federal, and wauicipal offices or govern: | ment employment, in preference to all others: hevertheless, 4ib. Persous bora of American parents resid- ing temporarily abroad, should be entitled to all | the rights of native born citizens 5 but | Bib. No person ed fur political | station, (whether yo birth,) who | sauce or obligation of el | ould be se vative or for recognises any all description to any toreiza pringe, petentate or power, or Who reluss tu recognise the Federal and Siate Qoostitutions (each within: its sphere) | as maramuuut to all vider laws, as rules of politi- cal accon, 6ih. The wr, nance of the reserved rights of the several States, apd the cultivation of harmony aud fraterual | good will, between the citizens of the several Suites, and to this cud, wen-imerfereuce by Con- ing solely to | | | : : | ualiicd recozuition and maintes| gress with the questivns apperta each State with the ad’ s of any other State. The of the right of the na | | ; | the bedividaal Siaes, aud non-inlerventivna | 7th reco sitios w[tive-born and naturalized citizens of the United | Slates, permanently residog in any Territory theres!) to frame their coostitutivn and lews, and to regolate theie domestic and svciadl atkares in! their own mode, subject’ valy to the provisions | of the Federal Constivution, with the privilege of} idinission iuto the Cimon whenever they have | the requisite population for one Representative | P, veided always, (hat oone but) sof the Uoited States, uu- | Z me who ae CH ler the Coustiucou and jaws theevof, and who have resid vee dn any such Terntory, vuslit ipace ia the tormation of the con sully in tue enactuncut of laws for said Soh. Av eufurcemeut of the prineiple that oo rilory ought to admit others than ting them to grow, enuzens of the a — nght of suf, ee frase, or of holding political office. an yp . Ya) > < g THE FRUIT ORCHARD A change lu the laws of naturalization en, mtlereorineitrosta:} mlaitac moakiog a continued residence of twenty-one wy ever the spring frosts have hit years, ol all amt, hereinttnfure procided for, an it the frait, there will be strong tendency spensable requ site fur cnizenship hereafter, aud Xuriance jo the grow of wood. ¢ soll paupers, and) persous convicted of ld telchioekculbync »laudiog upon our shures; bat poi . t ce ow vested mhts of forengoers Nj ME ENG: Ys SOs OM 10cb. Opposition tuany umion between Church v order to produce stronger anda ~ rence with reliyious faith, more Vigorous bearing wood for next year Sotsbip aud no test vabbs for of i Pree and thorough iavestizahon tate Destroy all injurious insects, and note ; aye S : / é : i yaod al allersed abuses of public funetivos c yt es qualities abd pecu ‘ ' nomy in public expenditures, liar the ditferent new varieties of 12 } Dontenance and coforcement of No syle orcare should be spared 41 [445 nally enacted, until sand laws ; ; ' id ‘ ia ' dled. or shall be declared gull aod ‘4 ancl wt 1g a vod t Judieral authority best] ! ( 1 Gather 1 Oppr 1 to the recklas and unwise Peaches dist irkets as 8 14 vy of t rescut adimutstrauiog do the geo ¥ elie clus! ; Party ¥: J inagewent of our national affairs, and : ! , ep vy as shown im remousing “ Amen pa vw At t Are cane (by ~ nation) and cooservatives io as t ca 1 1 vosivt ul Ul } pr 1 sth ‘ placing ers ap er ultra acve , as show ny THE FLOWER GARDEN v tu the ste and an insolent and PI} Rk GARDI wa wavady towards the weaker powers ; hee if 1 now beSbudded as au re of og sectional agitation, by Ta early Lu/ha, as directed inoue! sais Mis Compromise, as sbuwn ; a Vyraging tu uanatarabze | forenners the right ! Pyhaut oticre to Bower: oy Kansas and Ncbraska; as shown moan heimea, Ch ithe Kansas and N 4 propagated by layers. Duh hago “s “ t Iptions A : x i .. sf 8 ‘ ’ parupents t : - oe, a raving mer 4 > ( Bore y Now cairke” @ fe . (rather a 1 ‘ ‘ . j x ’ a } . ‘ tle 1 \ iH ane! prveples bercinbe vii. That . ( all hin ’ 1 " ile . 1 iP oah t } Jie a P - t t wus for f s a ’ t party ‘ ie ihou a, te ‘ f ] (s law a ' ve Us Wa Via Panama ' ¢ ; SALISBURY, N. € i J ie a 4p arge of the ahve ‘ 1 ' t ’ m the publ t gw ! “ nf nore ( ‘ roa ef 7 & Ifo premrere that bie " ACCOMMODATIONS Beivas- Walker hasty Stste | Perens stopping M wiile, amore formidable enemy e's . erm time for the are q NEN eee Tire 7 valand depee Cre Attemtiee and obbeg | « eand f Py B GRANT i 4 Ada\SAa Ma YEW BOOKS ; Poo Wan 2VNRM y V ine } Nt RECRIVED Nother of Baey mackerel ees oe , az Best \ and fou ‘ 8 Prerne: Hf ! ~ Volenwea t t ! A " ! T I . : I ‘ \ JW RNNISS. Bek i | 1] arr . Tilk WILMINGTON PERALD ae | ‘ & $2 per eer wester re, ne a poud » \ I BURR. Jr i I vif ‘ < a ara WeCVELEG ys HISTORY OF ENGLAND. ' VEY —The T Fou V vu ie ft 1 . \ ra * ; Su BSN t ( . ir. 4 ; < Dyspepsia Cured. 1)‘ I TCERS CECENRATED RET . tt eat ( «& - a t S Pare l) ‘ i ker r MILES, MOOSE & CO ( I] h t s May 12 1637 I : : ia : Macherel! Mackerel !! \ Mackerel in bbts. half bble qoarter ‘ j . Noa just received and for MILLS, MOOSE & Co Ml aif i)... Valuable Land for Sale! ) \ ; | NUD, oH privately, all my lands in the i i co ( { few q Honting eile! athena “ ent eloice Hanting Creek bottom oA . ; , 1 " se Lam redit from one to five years on crop. farming toote f Central Rt Road. provid I. ! comm and five cor moot GEORGE WILSON Pwiln nee fora shite mngiesm ane Wort Fall ( Witsos ap Nor peer ce Moose & Co. . I EG leave to iaform their way friends and the public generally that they ate now receiving and opening in the Brick House formerly voeupied by Kennedy & Milla their stuck of STAPLE AND FANCY Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, together with all articles usually kept in a Dry Goods Store. They are also receiving the largest and best selected stock of Groceries ever offered iv this market all of which they are determined to sell at prices that cannot fail to please. P.S. THE HIGHEST MARKET PRICES paid at alltimes for Floir, Wheat, Cora, Cotton, aud all kinds of country produce v January 9th, 1956. sie LET us REASON ‘TOGETHER HOLLOWAY’S PILLS. WHY ARE WE SICK. It has been the lot of the haman race to be weighed town by dise MOLLOWAY’S PILLS are 5, ai We NERVOUS, the ta toa a r ever suw for the removal of di THESE PILLS PURIFY THE BLOOD. These famous Pills are expressly combined to operate on the stomach, the liver, the & bowels, correcting auy ing the bivod, the very ie all ite forms DYSPEPSIA & LIVER COMPLAINTS. Nearly half the human race have taken these Pitls vf the \ cases of 4 generally organs, however much deranged, means have failed. range autaiu of life, aad thus curing dy case 31) ACRES OF LAND Commision Merehans » Purify: | Rail Reed » Many of the most despotic Governments have opened their | Curt Houses to the introduction of these Pills, that they may beowme the medicine of the masses. Learned Onileges admit that this medicine is the best remedy ever Known for persvos of delicate health, or where the system has been impaired, as its | avigurating properties never fail to afford relief FEMALE COMPLAINTS. x one young or , should be without this celebrated medi cine tcorrects « r ates the moethly courses at all reenis, actiog in many ¢ safest meticine that ca or any complaiat © acharm Be given to ¢ Libs alse the best aad hikdren of all ages, aed Holloway's Pills are the best Remedy known | THe SUBSCRIBER has the pleasure wo an- nm the worl. for the following Diseases aseqacully oo family should be without 14 Asthma Diarrhas Indigestion Stone and Grave | Bowel fiseases Dropey Infleense Secondary Symp Cougns Dewility ln@ammation — toane Cobie Veer & \eae Veaeral Affec- lnward Weaknes Chest Diseases F ~ oo4 Liver Complaint Comtiveness ’ . Wiemeof a Lown'ss of spirit Dyspepsia Meadaches hinds Pies ©,9 Bold atth Manu rhea of P +, 80 Mal dee Lane. New stine ' * . ‘ respects ble Drags ch the Caned Btates, ond th . at £5 coats, 646 coats, aed@l each There is scons o taviug by labiog the largersises NAD are afsed to cach bus JAMES HOR AH, WATCH-MAKER AND JEWELER, SALISBURY, N.C Ouec door belew HM. 4 4. 4 K every disorder phys Store, EEPS consteo ty oa hand a large aesurtme nt of WATCHES JUWEIRY. hinds Cheeks, Watches Jewelry of every description re paired be bert wauner aod ve the most reamme ble terme Pebrasry 19, 1858 }\ 38 To Farmers. 4 pe subscribers reepeetfulty invite the atientaw rue re bere. to thew large and ele gant ech ot Staple aod banrs Crade Their seeurt . te eticnmve and of great vare { style and uality 4 at N J, (ereote Row BROWN & COFFIN Sal.ehury, Ware rt ‘ae ows 7 5 —— NEW Bx JOKS, J ST RECRIVED Rive ( Levene se t Ke (orwud Time a ( t UJ < a. by BR oe I hele he Auth ‘ ~ York Seorg be Dr Dire Neeomd. 2 / Abbott's J HH VMemeures SON Premte ENNIs8, Life of Nopeteon Hum sparte Bi xk artler bem 12, 36 37 5 G. A. MILLER, ¢ ATTORNEY CAT iA We > &. 8. €. pp nite the Davie Hote 1#36 SPRINGESUVMER Fl GOODS. & Wi are mre - ’ r wens! serply. embrac £2 great vanety of STAPLE @& FANCY Crawls, @ 2 te Ne nee of which Rave twee west at the keweet fy a which we are A d retad et preee ( . stick be )om purchase es . ar 4 The d en" MURTY, MchORIE & CO. Satlniry Anal le 1666 ) 1 & 2, Granite Row ( waif DIBBLE «+ BUNCE. Catvin H. Dibbtie, cof Wilmington, N. ( Late of Kinston, S Commission Werchants In Cotton, Flour, Grain, Naval Stores, AND Jonathan BR. Hance, « Southern Produce Generally. No. 180 Front Streoot, PUB SF FX Moz Ki. ve w Jo ww r ¥.¢ Hob. Myrewer, Beg Wag we Joon Db ow " bay kof Clarendon To the Ladies. TINIE, anbaeribers are now reeriving the finest and mont complete stock of Ladies’ DRESS Geade peng nese te “4 ae end i Ind St) yf ; ‘ fe GENERA HY should Southern men go North toboy ito ’ n ih Was. ploughs and myohinery when they con yet be Me eh bo,» ie ax good und more rubstuntial articles et homes"? 4 BMRA Rion. at Northern prices, thereby saving the price of trans : fy the are portation, ‘That the publie may not be deceived, aul | to bave many inquiries that I have tw anawer, I beret whh ep a list of prices of the principal articles) that f manufwerure Cireular Saw mills with 48. to 50 iuch saws, 24 feet currieges, 48 feet ways, all Complete, $375 10 $400 ; Cilendrival Siraw Catters, t2 inch box, B30 15 inch do, $40 ; Folding Harrows, $13 ; Cukivators, $5 to 86; Threshing Machines with 4 or 6 horse , . being power, $175 t« $200 ; a very superiorarticle. Ploughs . busingss inthe Wort, a from $5 to B10, vecording to size and workmansbip, tion, take thie method of info AN kinds of repairing of machinery done at short no- | frieuds and patrons that they tice, such us Engine work &e. Sendin eer aederp splendid stogh OF os. Bene! for threshing machines aod horse-powers early, as * x 7 ar ‘ only intend making them to order, pov wa ront-| REA bY MADE 4 , an Pi ed. My furnace is stillin successful operation aud eau be pet a bi Pte farnish ’ seinge of any dereription, and where the Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestitigs, and Gen. patterns are found at short notice. tlemen’s Furnishing Ge " ey , ol jable notes at Bank. Bee aka ea abrir’ H, THOMPSON. a general; all of whieh will be sald mést Davideon co. N.C. Fen. 8, 1 56. 636 low, Also, a splendid sock of HATS and Care Don't teke our word, bat call aud satiety » aa tomt style, JNO. A. WEIRMAN & PRI¢ Merchant Pour pat Aah onto boiertaada ss aol 8 te Tap yp \yourselves. QOJUST COMPLETED je" AND FOR SALE, : ( NE of those celebrated THRESHING MA-={ | Salishory, N.C. Sept. 1855, CHINES and HORSE POWERS. known as} So agay ba the Drury Mechive, of Baltimore; whieh will do ap) >” : much work wut foor horses ae any other mobbing! ' a made in the State will do with six or eight. Made of epee the best material pnd warranted for 12 minatha R J. H. THOMPSON, 493m | AND oe 0 | pr & Subscribers . 16 ™“ May 5, 1856. pS 2) Pay active attention to the asle of Flour and othe; hinds of Produce, avoiding wunecessery charges aod FOR SALE, N the waters of Third Creek, 14 miles weet o | Salisbury. At least one Depot ont Yentern | rbuderhtg Sn ee a: wal timevitably be located im a short dis-| a uae, ae ae erinan tance of the . | Apply to Juhu A Boyden of Salisbary, October 30,1655 | CUMMING & STYRON, | COMMISSION | AND} RG Forwarding Merchants, WILMINOTON, NG) % Particular attention peid te selling’ Plaer, Con Cotton, ead all hinds | : | Feb. 1856 ee ® RAGLE CITY, sete Ad . Aegean Byevia! atteotion paid te aid Buence ly world, to whe ™, Hhiod wink Ae the prosper a pac kel res green Grain, bape ry Be Stores ‘Goons. is making we progrereio the unprovement of Eagle Unity, destined, he believes, to become the gresirst mapelecterug city ia the country mg 8 dew Co li at thee ph He te now ereet- te be entled the Trey Mille,” end bopes to bare it tm full olne Romande, Req. Sallsbars, SN. by the latter to us mer 8 “yet i Qhothes 1. Wake On. 5 ¢ y er part of the sommer of 1856 ly will be 2 G.B Rewerk, we ewe of the best, (if ma the very best.) mills in the George W.Magweed, Req. Babiigh. C cuwniry. The mechiarry w os setected by himself sist Peemeer arreaton, 8 the latest aud rom { approved petterne were chewe fe will work Ihe o simoih ond seoady— aad be doubts not wi!) creel, ia ts preduets, the mnt beautiful echsevemenis of the renowned Eagle Mills, ender whowe shaciw it ie devehmnag us fart end de hghueg propertsos Eagte Mille hamg gained for 11 orl fa fame as fair asst ie wate epread, tmth forthe «scet ever waich VEGETABLE LITHONTRIPTIC FRIEND OF THE HUMAN PAMILY DISEASED KIDNEYS, Stone in he Bladder and Kidneys, Weak ness of the Loina, ie. Thisinvelastie medirwme ie for sale at the Deve Mote Morkevile, ot De. Ro Campbell's, ta Ire- pe atthe D Biore va Charkete ; ot Zep Hove Sem, eed tithe Carctins Watebmas Uf lemee of ite yerus. and the saperwrty uf ite cloth fob Troy Wilts . he world may ha» nes brealcas to nvell, end hence na hw @ wntest involving « fee nul leseinicresting io urelf, than \ mast be demrable lo every Seahern p The dreames, spece on coming events mgh bee bee b yond aepret of Let hom ob bu wim’ wrk is tower rp imhere,” the bw sod coming lorwe of preer tne, portray the are hence tag steeples meaiins of gramic bukhnge wt he cheerfal be aus . at her. in Selobery breesre of 0 delig . ( hong The sub ber heaving entered inte enpartmersh:y . A elms the wires are ewlvened wubachers Wh Sha F Comen, orginal patester, fat the mos fel busy threeg ihe wong of halle miline of op ° tore and sale of the amewe Medicine, be peepered io eo miagled wih ihe faranh a supply by addrreweg hi af Balehery, » ™ -rement rears elk + ‘ reathag athe reedeace, 10 miles west of ib lop 20 imme ner cagie ate E. D. AUSTIN wh pi e Jane 21. Ie ws fall view, amd by its cog LAND FOR SALE tere soy 4 \ 4 - 4:31 ) DALE. I I AVING determrned to sell off end more Roath 1 effet my Piemictmon for eile, bveng ae the waters of . toch, 16 mites weet of Relehary, a¢yemeg . . of Jobe 8. Carena, Joeud Boker, oad otbere * ne athe Western Eire nckun @aet be over : Pare Ht all eecemary beddings le gued r+ I will prese . aramimate tow. The tert roaions : oor bell of ehick is high Sree ARETE ANDREW stad te) om aed the balance ie well timbered. 2 Otmmmet ling terme slheg co Wm L. Sicele, con hate seme TR Seeeer WEEKLY ZLa™’ B= 5 eo > 5 \ EB eet wo here FIFTY NEGRO FELLOW® Of Four Horse Post Coaches, tw work om the Western Exteadue N.C. Red RIM Selsbery t Road, fo ehich liberal prices Fil be paid k Nowsen 0.6. &3 ¥. FOARD JOUN W. STEELE 420 Morganton, ve Siatcoville and @ Malebarron Monday, Wedneedey and Fr Ment: 1aee Adderte—R-wan Mile, N S: wh. A MW. and arnvee ot Worgant.s NEW oUt momraing te Neab(eot; and leaves Morganton en) oer om op ¢ . . Ae selin Waliewmry cn weniid i 9) A! e ig min deat umes a atatary on seat donee SPRING & SUMMER Save 1 ennbert oble oad « oe BROVS ie CR RROW SN. Cuntrortas ae 8 Malichery Jame 21,1855 4 Salisbary, Mareh 25, 1856. on her ber be new teeriving his stock of Spree smmer Guede, consisteag of © genera! seer Ladies Dress Goods 4 pl ment of Wanted Immediately, At the Silver Hill Mine, ANY QUANTITY OF - . . of alee every description Hie stock of NEEDLE WOOD AND COAL. WORKED EMBROIDERTES ts complete He SM LEAVENWORTH, Supt would teepectfully eek a0 ¢ tamination of hie stock by #! Silver TEM. Ort 55 otf wh wih to purchase Gendse of the me @est and |st-* — : styles Parteolar attention ip paid to proenning Fst N kK W BC ( yk able Connde, whether they have been imtrodeced it RECHIVN = thie sreteon before or not ” ‘ . etimeny of an es rc “ apod Nivice itr is wediat Mi Jiee bk ¢ MYER View Hirota be Li Vite among the Wirmmome. } m he Wile if a More hid Phe Howe Garner bh Mee Mare eis I Cane iereN ce Bh. SVE ty TCMISeN, Edun: LM aod Meaunee of Fanny Fer, Wide COMMISSION MERCHANT New Edrrene in Irish Amy Ju ne wed ENNIS, Baw chwe ther Charlotte, WM. C., WI tefl on Commixeton Cotton, Corn, Flour, Wheat, and all COUNTRY PmroDpwuocFt IN CHARLOTTE, CHARLESTON, AND NEW YoRK To Gentlemen. FIRE wuber re have now on hand the most com Plete aemrtment of CLAITHING ever before Con offered tothe pubic Call at Nu 3, dimen m a SS —— BROWN & COPRFIN z ae Salhiebuory, March 25, 1856 436 — et oremoans “ J.T Jenkins, Faq, Sal shury ; Geo. W. Willams & Co, Charleston; A Naat, Lesington ; Robert Suutter, Raq. New York DR. J. J. SUMMERELL, AStemoved to hee Office at bee readence, where Febromry 19, 1R56. Vy 'r38 hs will be happy receive professmnal of per D sent r. CHARLES T. POWE NOW) There ace mane met he : ‘ wee ticer| tet ns Pe Mansadale: Pe by | [ Arlee permancotts located in Salisbery, respert- fally tenders his profeemional services to the poh eurnestivy arr> a oth to eall and make setr! e by May Court, Ofiee —Cu Salisbary, A # Uriek Row. th, 1855. wheeh mveet t ral for a eolle E aia Bahebury, Jan _ nie a Greensborough — REMOVAL. MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY. WEIRWAN pile cost of Inwanines on the gut aalptan ie be! * amalteam, compared with » jowtéteck compe") Thieoompany being located in the Western part «! 'h* State, consequently wach the target portion of the risk are inthe West, very many of whieh areipthe country The Company isentiroly free from debs; have made nu tenpaenents, vod iatherefore confidesily recom’ ded to the pubtic Atthelast Aonadl Meeting thé following Office « yous A & PRICE have removed OF ther Clothing and Tailoring Eatabliahment from ppoeite Murphy. WeRone & Co, to the corner im- mediately oppomte Ro & A Murphy's Store Salisbury, Now. 13, 1KS5 : IF DR. S. REEVES they Have ever off-red to the pabln . whieh | ] AS loeated in Sulisbory, and offera ¢te elected for the ensuing yrar. eM (al al reall prisdigoi Tsay invita pei tces Sesh loh — hen profesmonal services inthe pab- JAMES SLOAN, President, to there flge emberddored, alk and te tee two doors below Benjamin Julians store 8. G. COFFIN, Vice President, A : WASTILELAS and to their latest styles of BONNET KIBRONS BMDROIDERIN:, &. No 3. Granite Raw BROWN & ¢ OFFIN March 25, 1556 43-¢ Salsbury, April 2, 1856 4M:1y CP. MENDENITALL, Attorney. PETER ADAMS, Bro'y and Tronsarer. PETER AIVAMB, Bee vy W. H.OU MM ING, Gent Agent: May (1853, >” 11909 SOB PRINTING ' Neatly veecuted at this Office } A d Ti York to th a sa eal ” of th mine tac ox] bey healt ralut and | cour cit, 1 of M Orar the from New ™ 2 a | caus Olar Led Mr ¢ tice t don | ject. tons rroce att Gnje fi tewa the | cvla greal ed as that | antw own ane) hy a»! that: Une unde woul to w. ever, las w en tl cle t! rat lie dome the ef ad ry “ Th Man ral ms in re Cran valy ple « en ome tem, treere pre {' srital borer why i ‘free i¢iply' ve interwat aS og nlma beon ex-' * © | Zeverly's phmas U1 artimerehp the mae piepercdio ehery, » vet of ihe DUSTIN ws Lk + see | at yp emng aad there pet be oer te gued ie 1 reateme high Seats wrod leoup oe | TEEIE 42uf FELLOWS N.C Res POARD Mile, NE YES NEEDLE plete He stock by #! t and lairet aring | seb imtrodeced IY ERS HANT 7” 4 all won y york puments W iihame y; Robert hy 'r38 WE ry, respert- to the poh a4 PANY. fan ie bul ® k compen y p partel ihe pat the rak* he country have made Feoomme ng Office « eurer b, Beo'ry that: Wari, Reetent Wyau-; awn, aditer of the Her- Sune ewih an ot 2] Sti tt sinawhiel he am MIEN, the latter out, ai Mbiengurwere deprived of thyir arms at Lexingtou. Theil sigpbt ides The candidatés for Governor addressed the people of Washington ou Moudas last. ~The Times says that Gov. Prazy is ne wniteh for Mr. Gilmer npon the stunip: he is irr} y disgruutled, and frequeut terrupts Mr. Giliner. Ily has los whieh makes bim look uzly and act badly at times, whileMr. Giiicr is cool, eatin, pleasant aud dzrecable. | The fact is, Mr, Bragz knows tiat he a perfeerly used up inan, and the pre kitow it too; and nah kndw that Guilt r noble and walented.son, is just the mute handle white kid gloves geutlemen, wiv about, defaming and, slandering tl eofhs vf the mil. Wilmington Herald. ARRIVAL OF THE ATLANTIC Four Days Later Srum Europe. The steamer Arlgntic arrived at New York on Suuday evening, Liverpool dates to the tlth 6f Jung—tous lays later than wetiensalvices A large space ia the saylioh demsrnale ia devoted tthe dieui- valet Me. Coampton. The Lendon Tine> of the Het eceus to indiemte thatthe dis misenl “of Mr, Dallas would not take Hace «5 a0 det of retaliation 2x-Pecsidemt Fillawre came passen by the Atlantic. le is i excellent healeh.- Ouhie arrival at New York salstes were fired from the Collus h and the bavery, and he was weriniy w¢ comed by Jiis political ficou, uit cit, The Ada arrived atl erpewed 7 ALM of Mondag, the Mh. Nvce of Mr Crawijttare divuriesn| was expected by the Adia, and a telegrapli' te ale fou the Washington e nidence New York T"p Te seeming ty conlirm net rea it, the disruissa!l was recive! as a tar aad cominegted upon aceordngly | enused bat little excitenunt, i bleord Oldgrymdun's statement in the Pheu L, wide, that ay te the vof ba tne Me Crampton bad nef recieved anys tice Bo quit, caused stil less. The lo don papers all have editecialson eu ject. laseee argusl tiaras Mr. Crm tom's C4s@ ip @ prretal oe, there dst neces ity to reud away Mr. Dallas, wl at the present meanent, ts f * Gn polar. he Time exbibite its asial t : tewanlg the United States, an k the letter of a “New Fnula culamns, the peg on which great dal of of whatcan en! ed as abuse The Daily New. w that agg essite America slounl cic t annexation of [india as a oails { OWN prupetiatios resting € ‘ an exceptional case, notte be und ; hy sitanger:. The News fart esa that is with the Northern Sta Union that Britain stientd « understanding. for the Nort would rather dissolve the to war whl Eng an! ever, thinka thal the dismissal of M las would serve no parpereene ptt en the auiinesits The Merniny ¢ cle thinks it “coward! ys” tomake a-ca rat of Mr Crampton, “as 1a lie servant, Gor having only too Catltob done his daty " The Moriuing E the American news t va 1 ¢f administering a rel uke ry mel ora of its pol treal pa The Lond ow Morning Star wioft Mane! ester men) las ana ‘a ty tal setting tenth the crite in ccapect & Central A 1 Veto M Crampten, the Sart he volve some fifty omsict, on ’ | ple of the same race, ban cuis gion in 'desperate and deadiy eonler te ay enge the ciyuity « ( ten, isteo great anal ! mement entertaine! pretty clear that, like the removal Ptho siall insects which iy tropreal ccima barrow ayder the and invita whole earrounding flesh, thie yenth mia expulsion from the United serve greatly to allay the which his presence his prods | There ia little yencral news by rival, It is reported that an attempt has be nade on the life of the Queen of Spam The innndations in France fearful damage. Latest by Tetegraph--from Leadon to Liverpeo!. laverpoot, Wed's June, 11, P.M. The Daily News publishes the follow ing statement in a leading artic’e, thong! withoat voucbing for its accuracy. It is confidently stated that Mr. Marev’s rej ly to Lord Clarendon will be in effect that the Cabinet at Washington regards the explanations and statements in his Lord ship's last despatch as sutlicient ty in duce them to withdraw their demand for Mr, Crampton’s recall, “The Amor ican Seeretary, however, will odd that his government are of opinion that afver What Ime passed, Mr Crampton's power skin, this } lave dou bysthe Indians, | 4}, ‘ G Theat has re- abe Be a fect of the Ist. July. Ms very seader ty of Soathsrs ers stp settle on claiuis " ‘party of @ight men | i Mr. Cramp- ‘this’ d patch out and. tender: bi ation. ~ | Neither the Times, Daily News, nor Post, contains’ any refercnes to Mr.. ia: and, asthe Jonr- | to the riimor avows | W Whieh it Be Oee Oboe Milled. It in Ce oe APR EP probally s news. : ial ab “fig it | ae paper. canard, > . ‘ “or SARK ETS. Tivexpoor, Jame h—Cotton is easier, | Stance bit not. quotubly lower. Bates-tor three | idayé aneanted to 14,000 bules. Sales! to speenlators 500. bales. Breadstuffs are somewhat higher and | transactions moderate. Wheat has ad- vanced 2d, White wheat M1} a lle. ; red do, 94 a 100, 44. Flonr has advanced | 6d. als. Corn has advanced 1s. a 186d. | | The wenther bas been favorable for agri- enleural purposes. Consols on short account 944 a 944; for money Df a 944. oo From the Lemisville Juarna! Heury Cluy and James Buchanan. We hope that what we are now abont to write, wilhemumand the attention of all henest and honorable men and espe- cially the old-line Whigs, the former sup- porters of Henry Clay and the present reverers of his memory. The boast las been made that the Whites will asa general role suppert Mr. Buchaua for the Presidency. All of oar old politicians have a vivil chrom of Che old-line We shall see. lea wte of this Presidente llouse o Lbeprre sentatives tn the early partof 1825 Mr. ¢ lay of the H-nee and fre cast bie vote and influence FeCl clevtion iy ev of by the Was Thea a tienibes infaver of John Quincy Adaus, who was elected ower Geaeral Jackson and Mer Craw bord. Mr. Clay was eubseqnently svlectiy | Mr. Aduims as his Secretary of Sf \t r } ned M ( Las “wa charged | his political chemtes wit vine Sold dite vote tee Mr. Achanas for he Secretarvetip, aud we all hicow thot Cais cruel ard moustreus charge, Uieoug a undantly refute every fora in whe refutation was . concervable i volvel, t aercat cxtemt, fue cuin of Mr. Clay's political fortune Bat for ate aye, he w afterwards have evn eles od Presi t of the U. States Alitemt acclamation I t nemy t ec Woe ch re Chiat Mr. Clay's vot Aus to NX Nila mt of apr eof . t ® ot Stuw es Jack Cie & yvuve t awueet Mri . ‘ a ' ry M ! ath 4 | te f ‘ . ab ie i * cules as ' ©s8 etm the G ‘ ' Int tr | ! t sNier taut view M ' t A Ni ( ' i | € Mr ( ” M a ‘ t (+ ' { ,our t “ ! t | boston t \ . ‘4 + | tle da ' ‘ anyveoa Mr. ¢ “ | eh ‘ Rrantoent \ ay A tf \"t t t a] eV late t IIe sa } Vr ¢ ’ Vv y Ae f ( \ / Cia t F Noa At; . ( ‘ ns “ M ay N s ut 2 ft t t l w i ’ iy ty M ' 6 (1 Ja ane cnt t ft} t rssequiret | Juckeon or | ra write ooutin stiaty ‘ te ver 1% veel the apy tel Stirs w 1 UP rd BO) mi t inaper 1 had prey Mg tod toafford a pretextite t stant moparty te assarl Mr. Cla isa traiter te his country, and there wits vot a dackson ne Vapaper Or at An sooth pol ian ju the nation that did not treat Mr. Bachanan’s letteras evid t r gratin, TErigne, and corr pu betwee Mr. Adams and Mr. Clay The spee tic clurge, us already stated, which was uleonuainat: Mr. Chiy, ane chich Mr. Boehanan was cited asa wit hess to prove, wns that Mr. C. had pro posed to make Gen Jackson Presiel neil he himself could be Secretary off State Phis charge, involving the mierence that ME. Cliy did) vote for Mr. Adams for the pramair ¢ of th ue retary ship, was the charge by means of which the party, that Me Bu Tanan then acted with and ever = eee afterwards greaest and best maw of lis age. now, fellow-conutrymen, we ask you to | markithe.final.develipment of facts. The real troth és, that instead ‘of Mr: Clay’s stiggesting to Mr, Baehanan daring the pendeney of the Presidential election in the Flouse of Representatives in 1825 that he and: his frends Would support General Jackson if fie Could have the Se- cretaryship of State under him, Mr. Bue- hanan himself actually sooght-Mr. Clay, and, in the presence of a third gentleman explicith p pacha to. him, that, in the event of his voting fur Gen. Jackson and the election of the latter, he would have the Secretaryship. Mr. Clay’s intimate personal friends oftea heard him make this statement in the after years of his life, and we, with half a dozen others, heard him say in the Presidential cam- paign of 1844 that he woald not be wil- ling to die without leaving it on record, And he did not die without leaving it ou record. ton published to Life of Henry Clay, in the preparationsof which be visited Ash- land and had free access to many of Mr. Clay's private papers. He dovoted a considerable portion ef bis book to the old bargain, intrigue, and corruption sto- ry, and Mr, Ciay wrete out one passage of it with his own hand. That passage was incorporated in the volume word tor word asit caine from the venerable states- Let the American people read it and ponder upon it. Here it is: that's pen, “some time in January, eighteen hundred and twenty five, and not bong before the eleeion A Dresident of the United Stites by the Eb us ot Reyer Hon then a member of the House and afterwards ma United States from Tunneylyruin, who had been a zealous mid in fluential soppo Jack~on weeutatives, the James Buchanan ny Years a Senator of the ter of General in the acted with, broké down the to Mr, Buchanan “gy Andring: the } ‘The reply wastnade with Mr. Buchanan’s}he has shown no inconsistency, { } the snbject, du- reat Presidential couflict of 1844, declaring, hawever, in his letter, that he, would fot, violate the pledge he had originally given!” “Bat Mr. Buchan- an replied, depréeating the spk and requiring dha taabtf nace of the pledge characteristic couning, and we give it be- low, entire. One -thight think, from the language of his letter, that he fiad no dis tinct recollection of fae eonveraation with |that could be afforded the manufactofies’| Naples. ‘Mr. Clay in Mr. Leteher’s room, in Janu- ition exeeedingly emphatic ary, 1825, and yet’ that’ very eonversa- had been, trom the very first and through all the ensuing years, a matter of the deepest anxiety and even agitation to Mr. Buchanan, who, as Mr. Clay has tes- tified under his own hand, had earnestly entreated that it might uot be given to SALISBURY, N.-C., JULY 8, 1856. dar rolonged applanse, followed by three earty cheers for “Millard Fillinove)” * if wineriermapiegl staat ¥ a” £9 Tue Ciscrsxatr Convention travelled out of the issue of the day to prononnce a gelf- righteous judginent of condemnation on all the old measures of the Whig party. As if their olijeet were solely to offer geatuitous insult, they bring up from their quiet. repose ie the past ia- sags which no human being is nt this time seek- | ing to revive, and stigmatize hem afresh avdan- NUMBER VI. te, NO lacted with a party opposed to a protec- \tive tariff. Le has been in favor ofa most extravagant system of internal im- ea 7 = | the tlave, Every little petty Kingdom | or Dukedom in Europe, demands your) Paseport,—but when [ stepped once niore | prvrenents by General Government, yet on the shores of my own naive land, 1 | he has now placed himself upon a plat- }form that condemns that policy. have yet heard of. flight of fancy, aud with commendable lcharity, he said that the best protection }was to reduce the wages of laborers to \ten cents a day, and we have not heard quarter of a dollar. Republican and Discipline. \THE GRAND RECEPTION OF MI. | FILLMORE. jthe world. Here is Mr. Buchanan’s letter} The N. Y. Express gives some six col- A few years ago Mr, Calvin Col- ; to Mr. Letcher. Mr. Buchanan to Mr. Letcher. Laxcastea, June 27, 1844. My Dean Sin: 1 this moment received your very kiud letter and hasten to give it an answer. U cannot perceive what geod purpose it would subserve Mr. Clay to publish the private and unreserved conversation to whieh you refer. | was then his ardent friend and adunrer; and ‘much of this ancicut feeling still survives, not- withstanding our political differences since. did him amle justice, but no more than justice, both in amy speech oo Chilion’s resolutions and in my letter in answer to Gen, Jackson. LT bave not inyself any very distinct recullec- ton of what transpired im your room twenty years ago, but doubtless [expressed a strony wish tu bisself, as Thad done a hundred tines tu others, that he might vote for Gen. Jackson ; and af he desired it, ne ec his Secretary Sate, Lad he voted for the General, iu case of hits election, | sluuld must certainly bave oxer cised any influcueer Loimight have ) f the er }umus of detail of the formal reception on Tuesday last. It co through the principal streets, with ban- ners, &c., addresses, speeches, introduc- tions, dinner, &c. lation, vast nuinbers of people frum the sisted of a Procession Besides the city popa- country, and the adjacent States, were present to participate in rendering the highest honor to the faithful patriot and accomplished statesman. Mr. Fillinere delivered several specches in reply toaddresses. To a Philadelphia Conmuittee he said,— “Youu have, sir, in your reniarks, seen fit to allude to my travels aud receptions In jurci Zn countries itis true that, trou ned head to the peasant, fb have received marked courtesy and attention 5 bat 1 do not atiribate tiisto any meritof my own, Lut to that power w lich elev preceding cany ass, and was supposed to enjoy his seCumny ish this result; and this Pehoukd have ted ime to the oltice of Chict Mayistrate nnbyandk | confidence, extled at the luting. of doe from the most disinterested, fnend!y, aod pa of gy greatand free Republic. But often, Mr. Clay he ety of Washingt, Mel Ciny us he mit ses feir, while L have received such kindness we at the tone iv the rou of lis only mess fits conversation of mine, whatever it May abroad, Last own that T have heard, at ite his intimate and contide ntint bave been, can never be brouytt home to Get willitlio tices painful sulicitude, of events nd the Ebon RPL d her ne ( + Jackson. 1 never had but one couversation with Kou the te alse monnecenlat [louse him on the subject of the thea pending election ; aud scenes which have been transpiring s ty whee Mr. luchainise euire be and that upon the street, aod Use where of it at home Not often, ak mnany parts ol Fun lie lathe ey spp ronch. verbatim et lilerutim, when comparatively fresh hurope, lhuse L been able to sce an Ame tg Preedential electon, and apeke ot cer UPEA MY Memory, was given to the pabhe ia TiCal pauper, but eatracts from them | tamty of the eh ction of hia brvorite, adding that tv better of August, 1827 The publication, Gave oven everywhere co; ted into foreign . : Eonplstecdeall isis vat then, of this private conversaion could serve no Jourtials, which showed that alarming the aautry bad ever lead Mr. Leteber ake d, OU purpose Unau to embarrass me avd force Uissensions aud turmoil existed in iny own w coukl be have one more distingushel thaa tie prety pently into the pending contest—welach country—such as excited in my mind the atiel Mr. Jefferson, in which were both Ma I desire tr meoed liveliest sulicitude, and which have given cad Collation ! Where would be be able tu \ re rtunly correct in your recollection. we the preatest pain. And when it is find « fy enuncnt ment Mr. Buchanan re. * You ne exphetily Chet vou det not fed) guown tat foreign monarchiste are . ' zy vat of the man fora at hberty to give the euavenatin alluded to! war, hing, w ith deep feelings of satisfac- - xt king at Mr. Clay. This and ual i nut do sa, ender any circumstance ion, every uew cutise of internal discord, Mr. JRINASIUU SEE UY chal eek ai Shel bead | ai hl donese LU i thd expecting therefrom a specdy disso aa ’ ee ated, nay have ever don a rnan of hen = \" an ae . . Mod and jt vu {this yreat and tree Republic, is . ; tty be woudeicd at, iat suciu eliould Le " . owe} . To » ¥ ow the age eX poet wy feels! . : ' t tr. Chav si Cal rary ] Sir. it was eC nt . 2 te t nowans regarded at the wine, We WAY see, 1 mingle th knw. Cit ly i ent a Fact, Cat, whe Cappesred, aa oall parts of har pe, many | 1 ell the Democratic ofyans t staribed hearts were beating with at Siuus solici . vit Mr. Buchanan waa tien no can tide for our welfare, and were trust ate for office, and on that account and believing, that a free people would , Gat alos, powerful is son than nt Vperseveriog to rale and gov Me ae WV - therwise haved Lnt we v ery themscives They trusted, and I Shae | Mir. 4 trom Mer. ¢ ae Hn ber tlhe eenea! manilested trusted them, thatt uy is far dis the Denioeratio papers. especialy tant when we shall be « to wi " ; Pennsylvania, We coy nt vss t as ¢ Li, ( . ] 7 x * p : a Maitre an 4 aS {rt ‘ . : : . ul an article fron pr r cis wa ' State “ ‘ arenes , : tan! inflacutial of them all, de paake. lot ue all ets 7 ’ ws several of thet id, that ry fas . vreat i; tlie : , ir Aa ee M i anan mnst res; lL ton witt four toreLetin fair ce ' ie ; ( t ce made ayn ch Anne rot . P : ; . pect ¢ F pensed iw t ’ spar delplia.” \nd we and hum. eds of Win to Mayor W aad replic ' e . vi t } ‘ ! yO M May Vis ected rf ; - , ie r ; t aver ten SU e | ~ cs that Mr Chav, far fr aig ‘ at | Quast re tFisiens . 7 q I r ‘ [lia have Pres luce’ el range ’ ' . tarveliy Si : i 4 nt “ sou t , ur len a ary tl femands aware that .s ' 1 wv tht , , hr. Roche What stron sheres of inv native & I lave not ha ? whates : t Mest man ow single moment to nyse Preparation 1 2 1 c an | sl ‘ wever ts t essary wien ye } te tis M | 7 W ary! f true exiubited the must ay th free one's } fo nea } t . ; . ee abo Hn haAInS a | t ; t de Uital Ld ; r | rope | G ‘ And wo owe ask th friends Of iust fess ] was not aware of the yreat Me Jenry (la we ask thie e Whig ‘ o this 1 now le ‘ kek noralile tare Se Ask the aula von it ‘ nt tliat G ] \ un people, wilia y think rs er ‘ i rel . ; , J <1 anan, and t ea e canalitut i , ‘ i cnrl him? Oh what aelia capes peace, and « . : ; Me ( t ‘ ) Bia wTAC AN “ta voour fathers M3 ‘ e € A | the An i ‘ wacy It has be Vv wine t Z Mw ; crate fin after Tas ing I Tease teepresonre antl orth | , ‘ \ . ‘ e Pre y vid ma cikrere Aye gers bs en ae acharg bargain and corr, pensable t 7 sitrinle malt av \ wy rile: Bic invand a inse Mr ‘ av lis) oe thane vy , tel inan oof hi vt at JUD Cex st prayersof Mr. I I the ¢ : I nq t Aas i real p serof lary ‘ i eae ; a a at ventionnan’s t wequiest wee and t ’ ge Mr. ( 3 \ va und tas : that he lind ou . uy clect bond naterial prosperit (rreat derstood that severs vs US, applause) W \ 8 \ t \ rs Mr. Clay has introeted to M VIAN Ciiet) Magistrate of this grea ' I ' that ita ylit | t looked w pleasur Ay i wer: fictacand that va Settit yladdinigy ws, ft rine ry ' v Mr Wien S can exist withont A \ ‘ woo Mr. Clay ‘ erwe Is and vet a government \ | at irl LSE ‘ te ly | r the re ! ts power a wou stand y it iets and Was Vellemently urged by lis We i mitted for and agains, the yous da s,isn | rane , 1" il friends to do sa as a matte fevers th popular and onpep Goveraments to be strona n rat lnstice not merely to dia awn ta vatoudary that aobeen before the conutry Thead- of the peo t his party, and that he was prevented: since ittained his majority When we ind as Ver as Ww nly! Mr R inmat’s entrenattes Gre prove cong usively that he was OP Pos / sreeve ’ corner Letcher, who was present at t te acertain measure, his) frends can as Ctions of a tors Ae ay, 125, ana eadily show that he was for it, and when peep vot here a ’ R : wah a nates I, was always of oy ve neict noby the record of adveca-. through th “road ex tot ie Mr. Clay onght toaunake the p ting acertain line of policy, our combat. Ut laws willy ite cation 1 neteld rose, bat) Mi. ant can atonce prodiac lagainst Itis the bewuty ofonr Americ Clave was long-suffering, aud carried: tis at Sucha record is convenrent for lim, ifleft tre Vo to Peprese t erosity fou at yatitisa regular puzzle to his oppe yple,—that we have, or mist "OM pr. Letcher, itseems, after the inter nents such Jaws founded upon such athes view oof Janunary, S825, relieved Mi It is clear that he was opp sed to the tons, —and that we can pass from one Buchanan's appre hensions by the as war of ISL2, still his frien Is are proving State to another, thongh all under ditfer surance that Ae wonld not publish the beyond a doubt that he wasin favor of ent Governments, without any of the facts of the interview without Mr. Buc-cit. He was a hit protective tariff nan | vexatious Pi rts, or yens dearmes, oF yAnan Ss Consent Dutsostrong and deep ‘at one time, and p ef Polk to be the any of tho. raints npon personal lib was Mr. Leteher’a conviction that thejsame, but somehow or other he gets ont erty which redice the subject) toa slay facta onght to be published that he wrote fof it noe by saying he has fora longtime jery as severe as that of the master over | thane ny God I There is one point however, upon which | more, with need n that we| companion as a Passport. In an extraordinary | cheers.) | as it was,/that he ever said they onght to have a|—and could pet™but draw. the contrast, and | was afree man once to longer of any such (Tremendous | ' “Your beantifal bay, Mr. Mayor, has | oftentimes been compared to the bay of J have seew something of both. ; Italy, with her snuny and clondless skies, is a most beautifal country to look upon | to God she had a goverument like ours. | |[Applanse.] The bay of Naples,as I said, | is compared to your own beautiful bay, but there is this striking difference, | When I stepped on shore at Naples I was surronided by hundreds of beggars, | but when [ stepped on the shores of | Freenen, | great and prolonged cheering) | —not only earning their own livelihood, but—as contrasted with other laborers— | a livelihood of Jaxury. (Great cheering.) That point of differemee, Sir, ia most) agree.ble to an) Ainerman eye, and fet it and felt prond of at, and proader | than ever, not ont of yous bay, but of | the thrifty yopulat on that surround it. | Venice was oncea prouder city than | New York, but—amii1 intestine and for- eign wars, and under harsh gevernmesits —she has been erushed. The Constitur tion of the United Stats has brovght New York into yreatness, by eoucent ing here the commeree and exchanges of all coufederated States. To preserve that concentration, and that greatness, | there must be of aJl internat strife—there mast be peace and friead- ship for, and confidence ion, New York, frou all the parts of these coufederated States. But deprive your great and crowing city of them, and of the protec- Constitution vive: its trade and Commerce, and its fate woo !d be that af absence Venice, whose deserted streets aate cal [have bat so recet tly survey ed. England has now the contrel the commerce of the world, throu, hh Loo don, Ler great commercial city {now plhesy tiatere many years are now withi m the sound of my voice will, under the pre tection of the Constitation, see tiat New York will be to the world what) Lou den is (Applause ) Mr. James Brooks introduced — the Whig General Coumittee ofthe C tly and County of New York, said Co | e the Mr Fille, ‘© present to yoo n ¥ asaoe jates ofthe Wil z venture to pre elapse, those who have henor, General Cousuittee of the city of lvew York We are Whigs—old line Wh igs f 1840544048, and “52. Ae long as ILen ry Clav lived » followed his flag avid his fortunes, and in many a hard faagt t campairn, we shared w lim both vie tory and d t. Veterans there are here, sir, whe tovk the Hero of Pippecanoe , ind fields of Nori Bend! » Washington, and here are d toe Legmug, that in 1848 ¢ ed yon dG ral Taylor to the Wiiite louse and that failed in 1S, l ause t was treason in our ranks > Jou bome,—as an Her Atnpaiyner with us, ffery har da, ! ion of our hb sard, sir, old veterans eur hearts, at have ne ren beaten am vlad te sce them one and all vores Be ply s ¢ gratnlation with a 1 satisfa ave ayreeally ¢ led arl-f it attles > prtase l, a 1 it ' the faces tne of the ma through which has atified me f these whe associated with mein vuntry. Ap ] " I now bel my, sir, t mon ¢ irty, whi has yvro party also, eo portion of atow ha it leo govern of all coneerned. (Ap 1 it be my lot again to lential chair, [ trust not only to have t support of old line Woiigs.—the whigs of 1840, 44, "48, and *92,—bat the support also of the old Con | nis of the servative ¢ iy Was yn ardent efforts ment for the wood plause. | Ss vecupy the Le Democratic alast anly to look upon! bat would | office, to plunge the land into pesos oo. one | nical than now, per es) wita the express — CAN party, a t gerous and destructive. But, still they + 1 wost smploringly to Old Line hi igs 5 with them in eleeting their candidates and es- tablishing theirplatform. Do they expect Whigs to stultify themselves, by voting for men with men, who make a merit of having: 4 and spit upon measures that were dear to * land Webster and all abe fathers and leadem of % J the Whig party! Besides, what reason have Whigs for thinking that the Democratic party | | or poliey are better than they weré, when they _ stood arrayed against each other in an’ antago- nism little Jess than bloody ? -The fusion could ‘ only be possible on the ground that the Démo- > cratic party has been ch Me din ail ite essential 7 characteristics; that. it in. of tatious ; that it had ceased to magnify map power; that it had repented of its teoden- e vy to make political a mere for the spoils; that it was about to reliewe the | country from an oligarchy of office holders. — Alas! we look in vain for sach indications: of the approaching millennium. “The Demtogratie 9) party was never more servile, Never more tyran> Its tide is the most curions misvomer of modera times. More thoroughly ~ 7 absolute than when Jackson dismissed Cabpets, 5 detied Congress, and dictated the» policy’ ofthe «. yoverumeut; more en; for office than wheo Amos Kendall, in 1840, seat his lithographed ©) prowises of patrouage through the countey,"the Deuweratic party of the present has all the fwults = of the Democratic party of the past without » ibe of its pele gay Fe Virginian. PIERRE SOULE AND BUCHANAN, The necessity of an American Party in the United States was never so well demonstrated as in the personal influence and power that thiv alroit Frenchman has had spon the Democratic Party, and the public men connected with it. The Ostend Conference was a Soule Confer- ence. Thy Freochman drew jnto it Mr. Buch- anan and Masoo, both Amerienn born citizens, 7 and made them both the supple instrwnents of 7 a Foreign Potiey,— which even the Piwree ad- ministration was obliged to repudiate and dis~ grace. Mr. Bochauan is hence tomibitted: to all the doings ot the Soule Ostend Conferenee— jand responsible for all its principles and results. The same Mr. Soule, brought home in dis- grace from Madrid, because of duels and otber | personal troubles there wih the Spanish Gov- erpment, went up the Minwinsi pe, the other day, tea Cinemnati, and wrote, and forced io upon the Demucratic Matform, the foreign policy and resolutions embodied ia that platform. The foreign part of the Cincinnati Platform qyeaus war, Allcbuster war,—aggression wpun 7 and invasion of our neighbors. It is in the oy rit with which Mr, Soule condacted his negptia- gions io Madrid. If carried ovt aad obeyed by Mr. Buchanan , President —it is certain to in- «dive we ja contests . ‘th every En a power San has ictercate in th, “lf of Mexicw, via, Luglaad, Fraece aad Spain. ied Me, sarksacas Coe Sebo bn, ont 1 bends bimself pon that Soule platform : “Ihave been placed (save he form of which | most heartily pbs psa can speak for me. Vesing the re presentatire of he great Democratic party, and not James Buchanan, 7 must sqnare my conduct according orm of that party, and iusest no bew T take one from it.” Jam:« Buchaaan thus ceases Lo exiat, and the Soule Civcinnati Fillibaster Iatforra is the man a } the to the pla plank u we are invited to make President of theee Csi A Frenchman thes agnia beeumes the master of the Demoeratie Party, and of the camlndate for the Presidency of the U. States, That we weed an American Party and an Ainenesn cand»late is obvious fi rom sf such facts ted Stales f as these, if frum po other. Americana, if bf to | never have made the ' scnpali Tlatform,—fer thie os 5” pulicy wpon the domestic pol # something altogether new, even the Deufocracy.—V. 7. Be elves, woe artat the ¢ Creia ! Peraifer Kunsas.—(; ed at Washington on Saturday, having een sent for by the President. Ile had erview with the President on Mon- Orders have been issned, and he Snith ordered to eneral Persiter Smith arriv- an iu day ] ceed as ear ly as possible to Kan- harge of the United States is orders are imperative. is clothed lown all insurree- Will pr t gas, tot ike c¢ forces the { he I ° ’ In fac’, says th Organ, my what quarter it may.— This v has been dee:ned advisable het! Nansas mbroglia oat gress, and give peace trv. General Smith a rd 13 considered st. flicers of the ariny the DPreaide ney. letter accepting Presidency, says m slide” if his and adds :—*I P mination as a compliment any fer e Amerean owe mnetion sentiments, Americans American understand American par- Fillmore on such occupy, that I may at anv time thereafter to tance. those undiasa itv I ulhere to their r, Ghat at the lon Mr as IT now t >: P. Maxccm.-—We notice tthis able and sturdy old service in hia State, re meeting in Orange pr ed and made a speech, ik, e tuovement of the Ameri- stated though an “ Old Union Whig.” he with them heart and sonl inthe e ting contest, State and National dors was <o Mrs !—All of ratie blood in ered to repair n, and have it “let oat.”"— This order is imperat ATTENTION BocnaNxan you who have “any Dem hereby YOUr Teing,” are to the suri os LETTER OF THE HON. KENNETITRA NER, DECLINING THE NOMINATION POR THE Vier PRESIDENCY har NOC, June 20, 1830 Gentle —() peachiog tl lace, |b tind Awauis n t H tea "New York, June | ‘ i lik hy a v \ purty i ey Pa t ¢ 4 } ~ with 1 S, eo) ’ As very i pe ' der . Southern Delegates, as to who should obtain a} eoner condition of the countey Is alarming. trimoph, in fitang in the “slavery” plank of the ] vtforan For myself, T wanted ov such plank nat. Lused every effort in my power to pre vent riion. American party hed to ® ldo se tut Ts ins We mn SOrTOW, tion of slavery was ex eid ends of our organs traneous to the on, Secondly —becaus I saw plainly that when the walk that plank,” it Fivst—-beentise the AAS cm the very inierent nature of theo it Lace . ssloh, only as avast t utivcet ous hearted Awerteats of ev- voshaate of nion, ou other and mivor ques tediviced ana Iistracted by scctioualor Pid not wish to see the Amerean vous boot slavery qaitation, ats ‘ ‘ asthe and Anerican \ ‘ e down w platform t t s Savy Tobe seetion, and pro: Vomamets Ardeven if LU had wished it [knew very oy that with the materials of \ Yo party Was composed, ' ‘ oe sticcessfally plave at re ' any, that Ptheu warned v South . wpeven if dev could su nol: t strongest proslavery plat vt a vet ifthercby disrapter hens ‘ “ \ ] the tes { would w nine ata \ Tigers 5 ‘fh tl use at ras te ba } \ ' Win most \ ; State Cou s—t ' st ' ‘ show who wa wrous \ . ‘ aN Me act | re ’ \ \ ‘ f ae “ } Abt fre ‘ ; : 1 nV 1 w ny in| ‘al from himself the fact, that the preeeat} ‘ As both | THE © ends of the Union, the “slavery “question” ts king. telateus American All other questions pale iu iusignifiennce } before it, da pablic estimation, | nil the dedicate questions iavolved in our foreign | all important questions of internal pol- hae | ley —all, for the time, seem to be ignored by the popoler mind ‘the phantom of discord, exer- eiscd by the repeal ofthe Missouri Compromise, isstalking throtyh the land, frighten frou their propuety, haw a lenc ! ine! which, like that of Abel, is wraaid te Toiwen for rete mil cor sons which are of the { We are it most re wy Une tut test realizing unwise ane [ts vuthors sowed the wind, and « CPV as te | have ever believed 1 we Wallen, woreap ing the of the consommation of ula at what the wrath of Achilles didi te Greece whirlwind crying this me prove ' 3 Tn the dissensions which men ten countiy—ip the scenes of vio commotion which prevail in Congress blood which is flowing in’ Kansas, and from the yt re shocks strength AsUre, sad conse unfortunate repeal ofthe Missouri Compromise suffering From l to this the direful < oof woes Unnumber 1 mritileceaentta é ewotth stion t tee tosay, that uh Sot x toto blaine it Yh . r Tt was tendered tothe bat yoin power, to ef } tydsyat s andaan Sve ws. And when our cout vis w 8 threes of convulson, the pola compilers, wh q ind control this sume \ ] veowith the qu 1 of Mis Wri Compromise repeal asa counter in the ravine, Wie stuke ds nothing ol he toitscal They are still trying to cheat the >| t tn ms telling «e South, it hea 1 ea of ery beyond ne ; 30—aud telling the North it does awa the guaranty, Chat slave ry may goas tar Noh villenable them he S here ' vt ’ va ' ' s ' ASV rywal hi no pea feraw f ’ VeTV Beet tah J goinan, f the Bay oft \ wery ett ‘ “ t LY } \ As \ Iw X s that tin reafler Lo luterpo: nion, 1s, by AS A Th Unul ~ And af vic Vals and that it rvs it arr wns Of pe Gilmer aud Bragg. It being St. John’s day, the: Musoni¢! Viwmt the Rul egioane gp = ANDIDATES. FOR’ QOVER: NOR IN P Gerexyuiy, Pree Co. Jane 93, Mr. Garis :—F had tlie: pleasnre, yes terday, ofthearing the discussion between the two gubergatorial candidates, Messrs. 66 S Tie aust * Ming 1000 numbe 1 for their’ pheaonee, | pliment, and took ret ve “lon add os § | shouts of thé nadieuce, Gov. Bragg'then rose, look fraternity had a large celeb; ations agd:| evidently in a bad bumor. their procession presented a very lnpos- ring aud interesting spectacle, ae they | marched. throuch the several streets with their emblems and regal.a, accompanied by a fine band of music. of the Masonic celebration, and. the no-| ticé that the would to mneet. also be caused a very large concourse of peop! Very many rounding counties wet tothe citizens of Putt county, made au unusually Masons finished their | seated themsclyves in ti stati, where we al ) chogatent an it bests Ove up mn the ove 7 5 kee Lowe, of gentleman fully oOMas his precepts mast b \ onde taticn on this oc on. After ie oration | puede un ee A 7 tein ‘ tel was over, the fiatermty LHD ooeb dy of his appointiuents, and std le wou Dountiful dian wa diait thal some of thea tured) out t oceasion. teed appointiients, and it) was uofortnt Messrs, Gilmer anc | Gen. Pothat he made theary spoke for some ly invited to do so, tovk ain time of the Kansas and Nebraska question, and ty Dinner ronll Were AuNIOUSs | refersed to Mro Badger and Jno. Kerr ns proof cauclidates, and at Che tog veal) that the democratic party was right, The ender vasembled under the same sl \ Ms | vored to exerts a projudice ayainnt Mr. Galinet Iw oecnpied by the Masons , ko Mr. in the Rast by pactaring the dangers of a Con Coiitpce sd ia | ‘ the v Cron Votitbon, &e. Brag Vd ther presen Wis uv 1} bv the Mr. Goshner, in bis reply was Kee ban plaudites of t uds. Mr. Gili avid hapy wd lis defence of bis Western people com eed ss by says that thes bev oagainst tt nuation of Gov. Bragg wos traly rn Nowiht vtesbould | Paquent. The amid there did not hive ony wher \ ie donates (amore high minded and conservative poo) has, ina | had detiv- {than in Western North Cagshaa ; n suelo a lah state of agricul: been ja Convention with the Fast mids “ seed att ain Him: of that Convention w {shew +N niet eastern Cour highly conservative ts people 1 te. HH ! } posed. He ry see sand that) ther vith Meo Bader ta opte | t tt wn the Kone stint Puch was bis wlwor re. Your ty ah apprceuit Mr Lisa £n mtale i Wee ' tid bie parity es aman, that it wesw , 1 ts teal ust when he 4 ad from low, be n \ ‘ . ‘ \ seen ‘ ” satis N! ! . “ ‘ 1 ‘ Mr ( “ ’ . r i s \ 4 ‘ ‘ Ly { Dtwk ” t li a AThA flu ra | «t s for sens . . foie to | ‘ Merit. ‘1 ‘ beard ! | as . ‘ Che ree \ ’ ler 1 ' at ~ n ward « ! : ous ble and r " . View, ces ‘ , ‘ 4 It ay | 4 i { t ‘ aoa nt Very A - \ » Ar \| \! ; Mr: J Sloa hi \ « r ‘ Ee lle / TT, t ( M \ ' <-. 77 ‘ ‘ | { } : t iH —D hey \t ir e ' 3 ( i valier ( bE Co Carne hone Pb I) Hargrave, PB Paki V2 le J Ly. I (; HK Mebane sod dia | I" 1) | t ‘ Jit Len ‘ / candidates nrc ousscinble., After sh (ereetud ia front ates " Sn! \ here on from all there, and, added for the 35% The occasion Governor, sume dar, eond Gan the sur) yy my thes the O " ve old ie of the wits dhscours od fortun Aa PY nat rerples, prerpos anil Masoury, by the Rev Halitax. stained ais | lun rep The We \ ton of Piciee bin ooed tu be able to show thein, before he to . that such was not the fact. mounted his old pony free sullrag fellow until all present seemed to become imipa tient, when he dismounted and strad Hed another vie which appeared to lave inore speed, — Saru II got out his lithe books aud tried bis hand at the tohtas how he got tho tint Weal r hiseompetitor, & then, titrn- esp who Wete ‘hear the speeghos, ing quite feeble, and He said he had oot! | come thére ta praise the Country, nor the Ladies, nor the Masons, but he had eome to make a po- litieal speech, to talk. polities to the people, and if they would give him their attention, he would | endeavor to answer the most extraordinary speech | that had just been made by his competitor. He | said his competitor had anade an unfair spec ch, | and that he had imputed the present alarming vuntry to the manner in whch acbninistered the Government rode the ready wokss t ie barge anked them aid them a very pretty com- is seat amid “the deafeving| Meth | ery bly from them, aad seemed dispos. [to of Vorgiuia, in his denunciation of th ie Governor ocenpied over an hour ts of Sam,as he called him, bat never for said his practices were so Ved, that Hirst tide saidhany ing about his principles; ¥ Sheet ALISBURY “FWESDAY EVEN TERMS OF THIS PAPER coer an ULE 8, en ae FOR PRESIDENT, MILLARD -FILLMORE, oF NEW YORK. FOR VICE-PRESIDENT, ANDREW JACKSON. DONE OF TENNEASER, o- FOR GOVERNOR, JOHN A, GILMER OF GUILFORD, Wet . Ov 856. . 1 es $2.00 CASH. a 4 PR ka Bae are eS ivy THE SPEAKING ON SATURDAY. We had the pleasure of hearing the candidates in this county ou Saturday We have a fall double team in the Inst. ticld, and they all had something to say. | we Kw We were late arriving on the gronnd and | heard bot afew words of Dr. Ramsay's | pspeccl it having fallen to his lot to lead N preel: i nerons frien eo discussion. + Ww ( el ROW Dr. R's ability and au us will soon be ! generally ap-/ Ix tha te himself, I, L. Rosmarps lemonstrated uner not less gratifying to his oa- declared him-eclf a candidate on this ce Dr. Rameay several da vs that 1 casion for a seat ia the Senate, against It had been rumored for the C wonld be a candidate, and there was a vood deal of to know what the Cel. ow fe Was wa Whe ‘ mit fail { t t ut 4 \l ' Mf pectir ) ' ’ Lana = anite us they did ord ¢ , und sure en @ had! edent~ t 1 s bath ti-hnuow N had accepte 1 the het us hat the up ited a gran! veli we have uf 4 we interest felt by his old: political Associates is ireedetnd ir always been a whiz whig, anal that cue can Le as« ore rey | fal: mito Ral AT We nor reser ! w Jefived hope } party, and tated a | i} alisome lative procce dings great deal the: | Phere. are (ricka in ele | Kas been seeking offi ave learned seinething ab | We aditive My Doll to.atb Dale Ware b LSON, | and if possible to beat Walton in’ bent, looks and’ graceful. gestures: if, nothing | elves er : Taw Five Garton Lawes ag To our pyre we found all the candidates talking aboaty atid! opposin the five gallon law dn Sdtisbury: _ all agree in opposing ugh @ law) and Col, Robards promised, if elegted, to nee’ his influence to Lave at wepealadt ‘Anthony | Bencini, we learned from one, 6fthe can. didates, is entitled to the credit of hav. ing this question brought inte the contest, Of course it proceeds from didintered and patrintig motives! Mr Bengint isagreat liberty man where liquor fein the ques- tion. His conscienté. would wot. allow him to rest satisfied with sucha restraint on his oppressed fellow citizens of Salis. Lory, and so he has carried bis out of town to the people of the country. And what is more, he Was’ actually sne- eveded in fi ightening some of tle eandi- dates, inte the opinion that oar five gal- lon law is menatrous! The Col, wethiak, is the most frightened of any of them, for he protised fo age his influence to have itrepealed! Beneind will go tye Robards sure, aud if there is any body standing behind Beneini, he will go for hit too. In the meantime, we trust intellig nt gen emer in the country will také-o@easion teexplain to the uninformed the natare of corporations aud cexporate sights. The Charter of our town gives the citizens of this place the priviledge of passing a allon law if'a majority desires it. Y majority of our eitizens are opposed to le retail traffic iw liqner, and have the t to exercise exclusite control ever kt is not an. iuiringment of vite of others, amdtherefore it tea nwith whieh the people of the But some the candidates will endeavor . te pur- infringement troubled abeat it, he snl ypeet. the t try have ne Juat concern, ~nade them that it ts Anothiony rnd we sappose he is backed by all the I liquor dealers in aud about Sallebary Ifthe | qaur power ie in the field, and if ' power shall carry ont itewish- the eonniy shall ec a War | os Of the liqner tinny be established nnder ite and M aay) ee At i sof ruined homes, beg unpeverished neigh. ger back ene and Compa an Beneiwi is and others will refennation ANLINESS tdenl ep! Ci \ that arceer rable death s attri!ated te the decensed » the iminos cte vieipity of litch, whese olore have been H who have approached “ er eet i, Fay Obnerver she pet iY “ ut \ fone death in this vicinity, t is net improbable was Filth, be fe cheat of a mil-sammer lar canee > and that Ph te had jerte ete produce disease and wataral Or town is | we hope the the Board of Com | Le strictly enforeed. asures of xwts, Eac., has ' a new and interesting awatha Legends,” art, L. L. D., and ot Ll ouse of Lippinent «& contains many 8 theomght, and ma f ngs ideal and rea Scnemcmartr, epent many vearé among the various Indian v oflicial enpacity, and waser Ite eather much valaable informa net enty to their history of the secret spring® their love and f' hopes and feara, strange motives ot a this strange bran f vy; and hae given in the konany new leyenda, stories, &e., de withe Indians themselves, i!!us th f these things—showing wlat } ’ \ } ey beleve, wish, expect, Worship, e ta Mioyrzine.——We have received the ist Nov of the Sed vel of M. Emerson & Co., New erived much ple asure York | isc perisal If each succeeding this, and the proprietor y they shall, it is one of the best works Each number contains It is furnished at 82 rer equate inthe country hnnds od pages ent -- Prohyterian Female College,—See ve advertisement of this Instution in anoth- It will be observed a change has heen nade in the time of opening the College er colnin ome Cet Biackwoon's MAGazing for Jane into land, and it is @ capital namber. oo « Dividind —The Merehant’s Bank of Choraw lias dee lared a dividend of #6 per share for the last 6 months. e a hurry childre wotib-th warned e t nena t i rt If an Filmer ry patr maght: lowing om leis coventry Let ow tented, were « chow! ted; | eed wih a A oe are Une them wathin of adi sent o71 tent hope ‘ prolon have } for sel follow sibility The the ea broug ritory, Cessar Wie fy which With € tonly alin public Sir, the w Must ques allow traine Salis nitry. ly ste- leandi.- @ gal- ink, is m, for have bards nding too, it gen- Catsion pature The 4 of ng a ires it. need! to ve the | ever ent of it hea of the { some pur- nent vat i all the febary and if wish- iy shall liquor der its s will aa, Legg neigir- bak Snape icinity, Ile was ith, atimer vd tt jase and he to@n pe the f Com d. ]-+ fras resting ronde. : 1: net & many nd ma nd rea eye nt Ve have vol. of ‘o,, New pleasare ceeding yprietore t works contains led at $3 See new n anoth- h change opening ‘or Jane nber. Bank of f 26 per Soy al eA Tas £1 tween the Nor which South, ingin bloddebed and ust “to” friendship a E enjoyn went, "The gou- lowe ennght the Aish (in geeat’ abinnd: | CT and kindled. fires on the beach ; whe dressed them, and served Ta eae the noble oak, was boar) tifully ion. with side dishes bronglit | from: the gespective larders of those: in attendauoes, and the. feast commenced. | It lasted @ Joiig tithe; tor no body was in a harry and business was forgot. Tike children at Gieir play, time flew unnoted, votil- the receding. shadows of the grove warned them that the’ ev« Hing was at hand, Happy coinpany ! May they live to spend many such diay. Map py neigh bortood L where. jealuusies, heart basa. ings and bickerings euter vot, or if they ever enter are thos landsomely entombed. co Mr. FILLMORES FEELING TOWARDS FOREIGNERS. During Mr. Fillmore’s late triumphal progress from New York to his bome in Buffalo he was compelled to: address iminevse assemblages of the people at several points along the line of th foule—amiong others, at Newburg, on the Mud eon, where be weed the follawing language et cerning pertons of forvign birth who bave sought the shelter of our institutions We tk what. Ami crican— what Fon igner, of hobest purj Gres, can chjeci to in these senti meat: “D have oo howtility to foreigners: | have wi bh nested their ble condition in the ol and Ged forbid that I -! ould add to Uscir cabering by refusing them ae asylan in ct t wenldthrow the peice Pile open, and ins 4 oppressed of every land to partake of th rf - ings of our laws aud country; E would only ex clude from this emigration the panpor avd th Jeoun Gtitn Tt wabld give free Wwieratwn to eteed ; but while | did thik, 1 oe 1 for t Gaon as well ns cure, declare Ut Am u slipald pale Awencas Vhey should tase ol bewotit of equal laws —ber ni! re . tot nor kaowlalg. of Oar ineriialions slaty them f6 govern Amorien The flour wer attempt tea establish a free govetuiment in ft cope te demenetrative of Une fet. Bot « vinte ta Leming, which frovil » t hoadtifulle showered of) Amatlene te stand by otis. aid to resolve, Uso wets whee, Aime A dere.” Mr. Fillmore at Albuny—-\ Speech. READ (T—LEAD IT WW any reader bass gts oa Fillmore entert sins ry petri woa'd bk ty > “ mmagietrate of the Ht beeomes os Noble lowing speech by \ 1} at A om leis way throw, ‘ ty Ih ar country @ill throd res é - Let ewory patyint take bite stam! bes ere wt the ground | wan, and peace sted ty the UL sie ate) pe y Mr. Mayor and | * nm y whebemimg chem an atm eeheome shore sprech. Here ara: iv , ore ain menced my polities) ca i Gra cow oo be gpwbatis ar ° (at at that time ft wes. r rations of my feast that | etch a welcgeme ws ¢ tive State, Vou beve bee picaed, #1 to femet mersiccs and my j rule should be again called 1 hee pace Magitrate of the nator (1 = OH plement to speak of sai I deprives 4 . (Ubewers.) that the goeasive ef! jtfy me ' eens Beaks oF eat iS we ‘ne he a, the Most exei- tig of all ginal imi fay. But this is nor all, sir, We see a politics! parte, presenting Candidates for the Presidency ps View: Presioloncy, pelyeted for the first time fru the fee Slates alone, with the avowed pur- poise of eloctiog these eandi: lates by the sufirages lof one part of the Union only, ty tule! over the whole CO) State’. “Cyn it be possible that those who ave -engayiod “in such a measure, can inst approved mode, | have sortoualy rofle seted upon the consequences road’ Geneath® the shel <p whic bh thast ine vHally follow, iu case of Rieck ns? ie ( Clivers) « Would: be be required to follow [rote prescribed by thade who elected hi win making bis appointments? If a man |ovmth id Mason's aud Dixon's line be not worthy Ho be Presidvut or View Presidint, woul) it be proper to select oue from the sain quarter, iam one of tris Cabinet Couneit, or to reproseut the Wig uativn iu a foreign country? Or, aided, to col feet the revenue, or administer the laws of the United States? If wot, what new rule is the Presiient to adopt in selecting men for office These are serious, bat fraction! questions aud we order ty appregiaio thew fully, i is only nn nsity to turn the Gables upon ours: tyes, Suy pom that the Syath, havin Za toajrity of th elvetoral votes, should deelare that they would have only slavehulders Peni t amd Vie President; avd should cleet such by their ex clusive sulliages to rule over us at the Nort! Do you think we would sulanitto it? No, not for amoment. (Applause) Aud do you b Weve that your Southern brethren are boas sen sitive on this subject than you are, orf jen ous of their nyhtl (Tremendous cheering ) [f you do. det une tell vou that you are mistike n Nod wrefure, you uitist see thatuf this » jon to whe wt leo 5 ‘ © j hom z Abitideeten [Chere] You all know 1} 4 whew Twas calied to Peatement ehech os: Atel, the cvaniry from ome end of Ul the exentiog salject of « thet Lit it my dots tenal prejudice and bovk | : whole nation. [Aj plaus ls te weetoume lomy cher. regerd party cf pee But m doing this, sir. | ‘ was done hy many aller at mye. tader Providener, in ha ea. (App > apes wt, big! » { I Congress belungrng |» parties of the coun whe spurned the (cheers.) wed re! 18 AOpport of the m! 108. [tr a . perce tw an ayitaied and (Chewrn) By the Lleeings of | ! dence, out effutte were crowned w com (cheers) ; and wh Lief J ebnir, the whole nat tentel, and our rele were « elow! ted etted whh a tuptare of our A sevk to trace the en we the facts, atid it ix f them. Of the thing to say on wn rot be moat am mt har bet Upon the | where are ee now Ala l at home with civil war ant f Som to fF A clininistes n | [ ean appreeiate the ditt A administering this y Pent exeeutive wad |< <u Mention and} honest arte, tne asst hope Gud will forgive t present mas tod prolonged applaiee.) Bat if ther have brought these calamities upon ou for selfich of ambitious oljecta, is you folorwe engena, to huld thom toa s t sibility, (Cheers) The agitation whieh disturbed the Country in 1850, was unavar lull I brought apon ua by the neqnisition of 1 "ory, for the gorerument Cessary lo provide territorial wlmimistration. But Mt te fat you to say whether th present agitation, f Which distracts the country and threstons us with evil war, has not been reck tonly produced by the ado alin personal advancement rat mh rthanin Public good (Cheers.) Sir, you bave beoa Pleased to say that 1 have the wnion of these States at heart Tits, sir Must true, for if there be thegrer to «sly and wan 1 Any one object B wan ly tio mane tt ate ' af winch it waeite gary of R neneure toy tl party succeeds, it beads toes ital y ‘othe d striae oof thas beautiful fibre or ait ' orefa hers, cemented by their blood, and queathed to us asa pot sub ritane Pte you, reg t hat bepeak wareuly Usie suly et, fur Lf feel that we are i cr | vn deter Ito in ke aw chan br t | will wash my hands of the macquences what ever they may be ; rena | you that we a tremboy upow the Lek of a vole a'en y thot u thando 1 bie nation Eoanghit by welt wor deive bop and thereby win votes tt VA Cone nL ty Le ope thing to 4 North, aud a tyrk Ww the Suuth. | » | 1 su ® 7 poobest “ va) ‘ ie te 1 art the © i I " i ‘ boa { N ( 4 8 1 a eae — } ! ' ‘on M \ \ M M 1 1\ - A | t t i ‘ G . se State of North Carolina. PAVIE COUNTS May, \ DLs C HARRIS. A TEARDIN Wy ¢ Iso MEY AND Mousses 1 ity Circus, | SOUTHERN TOUR. Grandest intial OF THE AGE! Al Good Old-Kashioned Circus such as uscd to NO HO MBG NO INDI ANS, NO ANIMALS! Travel Thirty Years ago WN C. MANATLAN, Sul Proprict Mr. John Shay, Equestrian Dircetor. Wm. C. Middleton, Trea urcr, WILL EXHIBIT AT July V4 “ 15. i Ralhehury 17 & 18 «© TF Admission Fit an 8 se children ie erven 44 reute. Dros apen at bund 6. Performance tu com: Mence wi 2 und 7 JIMMY REYNOLDS The ORATOR t the Ring on the Lea iL Tarticise Feats of Ex Strength aud El z Only one Hae ie a ion HO shintug inore brightly, rng wore Beau lian Venoe MLLE FRANCK vic. The Floral Equeat oie ‘ice Elfin Pow u * ’ rrucefu whe ” M me Show t J ‘ he me wid the line dct terent Q nef el tH of Dvant A hye Z M ! \ t | 1 No EUREKA . w FAT EQUESTRIANS WwW * i ek MR. W. J SMITH, MR. J. SHOWLES JIMMEY REY? Me ive ooo et, i} \\ PRESBYTERIAN COLLEGE EHALE j will BS82COoOwn vial D i IN OTICEe. LUBE FOR SLE. Nt! “iy A ie : Ml ait CAROL! NA ToR Road Contractors! Tne AND SUMMER DAVIE COUNTY. | - . GLYPH In Equity—Spring Term, 1858. | FOR 1866. Nanev Coonatser against William Howard, of free | age, aad Stephen O'Bryan, Nathan 0’ Bryon und MICHAEL BROWN yh ire po inte | Audrew O'Bryan, children of Sasan O Bryan stock of Spring and Sunymer Goods, cov sisting of— ENGINEERS OFFICE, W.N. CG. Be, 2 Petety mA ’ Petition to setl Land. Salisuury, June 17, 18560 | § IT appearing in this ease, to the satinfa< Hobe ree vis Court, that the befor amin d defendants are net in : e i forthe Staple & Panoy Dry Goods, tailor ibip Mlakecs Ek intardared qhetipublies ili ‘ i theremaind-— Ffiete, CU 1B : be tuade, for six weeks, in the Carving Watchman . See Cawiag OL Lane BOUNCES for the said defendants to be and appear at the neat Weet feom Shoex and Bovts Court of Equity, to be held for the county of Davie Lee ady Made Clotha ge tthe Court dlouse in Mocksville, on the Sih Monday * . ! , after the 4ih Monday iv Aagast nexi. gud p wn ane dh sihiehed| China, Delph, ai i Glues ewer or deniur to complaiuanl’s petition, or siiie he ot ac Wure - ad the cause wei tor hear yy , Hardware & Cutlery, Greeeries, &e., ” \ P ? . Bingham, Clock and Master ii # MY Gril He ¥ towhich he invites the attention of his customers and " » at office, the Sih M 1 1S atcerthe dud WA i the public—otfering at low pnees for cash, or on Cane tth Monday in Bebeuars, it the year ofour t me ( | Sa to punctual customers, at wholesale or retail thoussed eight hundred and filty-ris, wud i ecuih rr Thes \ N. B. All kinds of Country Produce bought at the yeur of Americun ludependence areal ; . highest market price &. BINGHAM. C MoE Poe) Ur ' Charlotte, | Dalisbary, April 10, 1456. 4Ctf Price ady 50 bwo wiffcopy ua wii { their ae- iG 1 4 ENCOU } ALE OF LAND. | \ DAVIE orvest bouN dads \ ) This eae ; ney 7 1856 re ne pms Dp anit nie ques ried begellenve te einen ‘ie ilail 1 at Wiley hi wife t cee lund fur to those who favored bie with @ cull during be rt Nanew el Cpu lust ye and he respectfully inforaie the public My omeyl { , Varese =) arcs ed to the Shop late ee dt aed em Willian De Bictiaes 240) Acres & Whisnant, adjoining J. Ruds. Wal {Jems Wich tile state t ' Cush and wit fillk. where hein prepared to execute ult ta J V Wetson ot A fis, Buoect eben tl 1) el Over. | Work ia his ine, as cheap and goud as can be done iw W ees and the children of Blinabett ie » Chureh, | te State, G v has two vetts of children living in Ar 1 eee . , soe kaiieue, whose hinwiewure unkown eo an say Turning, Cutting Serews, Repziring Petition to sell Real Pstate. aide Boilers and Engines, IN wearer etnies ernietentnrol ths ss . apie wy of ull descriptions; making and repairing ‘ t % t 6 t ° La 5 yg , ( He ACK. Will Spindles, Wood Plainers, Plows. rl aw if und ot i - Ironing Wagons, \ 4 ire we 1 H Mt iM / George sec SyaSie Ow: hertned Ga tho A ' 2 ort { Uf will ony * ny cme Ger will be i snd deepatet fereiug oh a . . en & feel p ; : nity : \ ! ( M ME rf lar] A f r ; ' f ! Br Con ( ; : re c i ' Brave mn Rol , Fen Poll everd! LJ J ( an w d R° \ " S.J. PERRY Li KY \ A ' PD © Ss ‘ M Ise ( FOR SALE a@ewra ; aN ti W GOODS! A) ’ > x eo . GOODS Sf hk ee GR Ne Pe : J-V.& SYMONS & CO, t \ \ ‘ i \ NNOUN cs f RK 1 ' erected pteck . Orr Nie \ > See REEL XN PLASNNI Spring & Summer Goods, NM lela, 1 IODATTENMMA irs CC HI! HM, b | LA} 1\ U lit) iNolUN VOUT ANW A ee / iy oy Why \D. / / i i ( h } * , { ( Groccrics & Dye Stuffs, 2 Peres. ate : ANOTHER gem RCA te ee TOCK SS, Heese se spring & Nummer Goods mo pps ; LAST CALL," ine \ THOWUAS b. BROW. sé a I Hs a de ae i me —s | Y MALE 1 \ ROWANFACTORY. | v\ DAB AGUERREAN ARTIST. .” , at MOCKSVILEA INGS & YARNS, School Books. OLEN | SC TLOOTL Nee Phtavd OI NEW G22 8 Wutial dasdras | 4 x WENDENIALL, LAND AGENT. Wi \ ‘WENRELY, MOCK 6 ARE. NOW RECEIVING BA x: the old; well know Establishment of Jenkins, Koberts & Co; one of. the largest and Most Splendid Arsortmonts of SPRING AND SUMMER GBMLYRS ) IN WESTERN CAROLINA, rand Domestic Dry Goods, Mard- * and Shocs, Moleskin, Panama nets—Buckets, Rope, Carriage and Axels, W widow Giass, Qneeus Saddlery, Sole Leather, Bolting vder, Nuils, Trou & Steel, Black~ smiths’, Carpent and Shoe-Mekers’ ‘ Ponda, ‘Tan- ners’, Linseed perm Oi), Paints, Dyestufts, Cact- ings, &c., &e A large stock of GROCERIES always on hand Particular ettention is called to our farce and well selceted stoek of READY MADE CLOTHING, whieh will be sold eountiry at unparalleled low prices in this bove goods have been selected with th re, aud we inest respectfully invite tall those this season to call and examine our stock um y cl no besitoncy in soying that we hare n tent than has «ver Leen offered at one sr s and that we are determined to s ir: it tot dy ‘ge of bnyers to fore purchasing. 44tf National Agricuitural Warehouso, MANUFACTORY, MACTHINE PLOUGH DE- PU'T AND BEED STORE, 251 PHRAL ST. pear Fultce, New-York v tx, i "RIR-TOR, Phe subs fa practic hanie, and hasing ny yours’ « ice tn the munatveture of all kinda Aanices {on rd Mac ixmay, woald expectfally ¢ utenti Merchants aud Plen- ters to bie lutge and mort con, tof the le ussortm t lywer prices Potime, PRAgveR 41:3. Carpeting ue Ae Rugs, Drageets, &e. " to oor stuck of the ebuw- wert rc Cewe ge and waned, e Row “BROWN & COFFIN. Se 3 NQUINE, 2 Ae \LLEN, tesale Dealers ket Street, PILILADELPHIA Mt : I N ° \ . 43:69 & COALLTON. cor: s 234 PITTMAN Geucral praouee WTAQTS NT LUHHISSION MERCHANTS il 1OUIU) HED yY Bie Be 1 (Wits & . ' « f ‘ Va DISSNOE VION, j tt ‘ t immedved [Es hiRK Sta North Carolina. i t i “ ! he IT OMX Cier. \ \ pip Se: Na See ‘ati apt A dn aan : “| halance we have above stated to: wre, ) “led to the difference between phere of Atuericans and the appetite of wll the |, : : i % has . he Oh know- workL ides. " OS 4 fe & One-morning inthe year 1849, a young the partcalaly ese oe ‘ , , we vate vouchsafed Heasent girlobtained an interview with : ¢. them. \ ~ aphutbe Bi rte te hithees-in “their sucueesful Revoludoon i pr et ee tr ni MM Lal oe and estinatestheir ayare- | 5, ed, 0 re with, | striigyle, aud Wisherts tnaitusted to aa, thelr des) deliciows Odurs. © Yet *padtsed we wot acendavta, in the preservation Uf die Wberties, the andthe “ ‘vate Value in hundreds of millions ;/but " ‘ ner that was at orice modest and firm, she | }) eer ; ‘ : erties, t ‘ ee Nog = »She! the amount of this our nations stuple lung, for Frauk’s keeu eyes had digdo¥er- | indepepdener, dnd thé wnbw 6 thedil Staten. ha slaviesy we Non 1 tae . u articles a reba! 7 iN the price of trang. my nor be deveived, aug fe Bnewer, here. ye eee ene greet which we seud abroad is overshadowed | od guynethiag to-hiut mond charming than | “gd. Toe perpetuatio’ of the Red bat Union; nesses, she had come to him in the hope | by the ouat of the cigars which we poison jail the flowers knowi it botany—he: be- | as the Sethe a ot our civil apd religions. liber |. : } Pe: Lreathe aud rain health: In the poe held a womans: She stood some distance | ties, aod the. only sury bulwark wf oy Lt ST ibs f it font a eg CE eee eanernt tn have named, corn Worth’ 1,3 OTT) trot ns, on the sidewalk, liek back to- | dependence. » 4%, eee | . ‘ ree, ton primp the principal ble abe ny be Eee jon Sa hin left our ports, and cigars valued at 83,-| wards us, and seemed to be waking in| 34. ‘Americans must rule America, and to this | Ay: cf ge! : +} : AnOU : ahofugrun : SMhiches aN ee dale | H235 wore brought rare a servant girs "Er greta | milter eiaws sold eval oral ene aad eats tad Eten aaron OSES ETA ond 0 Setar 2 } oy ic sulting | * ; ; Ne | Store. aloe, | leet “wi °, $37 A | The herds of cattle, aud the resulting | ty ghe playéd witli her fan! What a glo: | Sete, Foderal, and mmuticipal offices oF govert: | i eicd stock of Groberiek svar oMetbdte (hie mara | y r MAY : utils 8) gt tate paar in el cama gr hanbeien any Me barrels of beef, peuple never tire of talk | rivus figure! A narrow patent leather | mot employ went, in. preference: to all uthers? | ai.al whieh sey_are determined to nell a ppeed inal f Se $13; Cohivay Tis “hildhood x uslourd Abbe! ce of. | They see in themva large part of Delt (bright as) Frank's shoes, of eaine | nevertheless, ; ‘ 2 | gpianiot fail to ploare, . 1d Wet Sabee/tbe ro bebe AR oF with 4 or G hone é bypc MOOT: SPOUSLOUIS 4 + ih é Ath, Persons born of: Aimoricam patents reside | og 8) UR UIGHEST: MARKET PRICES| B business inthe es Pee: périorurticle. Plough, ; ‘the material with which We claim we can | nee Spe vat y “ ad ; < ney YS J learned to read and. write, aud then [} jimaterial,) encircled ber waist, sixteen: ing temporarily abroad, should Be entitled to all | paid prulttimes for Flo ir, Whent, Ovru, Corto, and) tiene, take this metbod of Talo mingy Vein, ho BN m B51 " eee aod workuomdip : BOM: * d , of thine: dove #t thon is. : : {fill the maw of all civilized. mankind.— | 00 aid t : , : served my apprenticeship to a mantua- ounces did the rest of the business, and | ar @ ' Large ' | all kinds of couitey prodoop friends apd patrons Diet, they. it PP p , \tho rights of uutive-burs citizens > but... ps tbe Bt 8 sia ee wid paid eke po ‘ , Sy ut mane : | iM nin your order Powers early, we | CAM work warrant. daluloperstion andean Our merchants who arein that dine watel | 4 ARI mae \ eo hér Vonnet, 60 fashionable déstingwe—s0 | 514," No persou should be selected for politieal ; makér. | ain now constantly employed ele beta ae ane " t ting E “ . in working with my needle, aud earn | (ue foreign pregnant is! celintinln very far back—sucl: nice equilibrinn tO | station, (whether of untive orforeign bitth,) who | PT } i BS READY MADE : | guage their prices by signals eu | sustain it there ala Ravel! - ieriles way: alles iMfttots Of j ; Ak rer y allegiance or obligation Of any ‘ y Cloths, Cassimeres, ¥: about three pence a day; but this does Soi : oe. eee | ; P y% the other side of the water, But of beef.) “she must be beantital,” said I, “She | description to any foreigo prince, puentate or | Thich oad (lemen’s Furnuistilngehecds - / -| Petrerig wee fo not do, and so 1 wish tu bécome a gover-| |. rer Mike wa , ‘ ness. : i ] peer, hides, and cay aera rw ttl must be one of the Misses-———. I think | power, or who refuses to recognise the Federal | FOR A MARVELLOUS AGE! ° «My poor child, to read and write is! or other countries only $2,214,554 ip the} know her,” whispered Frank, We ad-| and Siate Constitutious (cach Within its sphere) | ea ARIS i a general; all of whieh wil be" Wold mons #locking 60IG (PLETE) last commercial year, and during hat! vanced nearer and nearer, Frank leading! as paramount to all other hiws, as rales of politi- | nd ‘ of jSows Also, a splendid stuck of WATS aid CAPS } Ae we, y j atest ot yte. Don't twke ourword, bab eal oud wating) something, it is true; but this does uot! |: ; } i ; t ! = time we bought braudy to the amwunt of engerly, uutil we wore alongside; she | cal action. | yourselves, evough., .You must know how to spell;) s- 3 re ns . ie . j | Blt. Xo ; : per? $,941,408.— Chicago Tribune. turued her face towards na, Heavens| 6th, The unqualified recognition ani Tainte: | JNO. AO WEIRMAN & PRICE ee “sean acetal tonsil tin dt oe a whata nigger! Black did you say ¢ Yes, | panes of the reserved rights of the several States, | \ Mescheit, Pailots.: q rules of arithmetic, all thoroughly, and | Not all Desolate. ‘black, cual black, sir! . Black as —I will Legal ar green grtiew Sia | | Salisbury, N.C. Seprs4*55, ~ 1£46. , : oaatéa MA. 3 : aes ae pe ‘ not be faiie— kL REE ,g) guud will, between the eitisens he several | 4 im Lr Lak ae cle eactns dy RS. ku you must also have syme idea of compo 1 Arcos will grow upon grave-stones ; the - deck rela get ie ponies Ties Feared, and to thie ed, on-tnturberenes by Ooh: a jh FeaNDBawoN. ie ae mevonns, | ne werd bles Of Boltimore ; which aaah “ ¥ a o 3) D . *pertad oo —* L | sich wes y other awe lyress with the questions appertaining solvly to} 1 cs ANDERSON & REYNOLDS, in pig i |S ihe Hae sition.” . ere : : r : P ivy will cling to the mouldering pile; the | w , oe tisek & re face (1 ee > “ 1 think, Monsieur Abbe, that I oot Uieis ion ra fe ike Hed al ee “ ames pepe Pile eal ie the iudividaal States, and wou-intervention: by | 7 Er he 18 ei, pass an examination in these things tole- jand God be praised, something green, to accomplist it) 6 stil 7 a mt = On | each State with the affairs of any other State, i OL LOWAY S$ OINTMENT.' CROCERS, +. (Sak. THOMPSON. rably well ;-for when my day’s work WAS) something fair to the sight, and grateful to iy spits ) sotightly that Lum con-) teh, The recoguitiun uf the right of the ne | pee | « AND | Muy 5, 1856, ; 493m over, I bave always devoted part of the) in jeart, will yet twine around and grow - ent she could not have not winked At tive-born aud naturalized citizens of the United | The Grand External Remedy, 1 { a i heey night to studying the books which I con- | iy erie geains and cracks of the dcea: us. She fanned herself, and a pull of! states, permanently residing im any Territory | my the aid of x mierodcope, wo see willlons of Hite opening Commission Merchants ‘ 1 tived to buy oat of my savings. Oj), jan ore Aen heart 2 dese! wind reached our olfuctories; we bot | thereof, to frame their constitution and laws, th | Se OTS OL Oe tT ee tcany cone arlene NO. 10, ROANOKE SQUARE, ’ ; “ { the best materigl und w Sundays, too, I could read. Lhave come rushed to an adjacent drug-store where to regulate their dumestic and suvial affuire in | pare _Dieanees of thie Ki divorders of the L ‘ , on purpose to beg that you will be se 2 Prank fainted, and while the good Apoth- | their own mode, subject ouly to the provisions | 1s Sse’ aie tt ite oeeee. ce benny A coer Oneee TIDUZ LH ieline Ye ¥ ; ‘ _ good ag to examine me, and tell me wheth- A Curtosity ecary was louking for an “ounce of civet | of the Federal Constitution, with the privilege of | knows that satt passes tresty toroaigh bows or ment of aus thick Pay active attention to the ante of Flour end uther : On SAL Uy a eth , urtosity. mg me ‘ hers, Thisbesling Matineut far more readily penetrates through Kinds of Prad , 1 ’ 4 er Lay hope to obtain the diplowa of : : _ to sweeten his imagingtion with,” I made adlinission into the Union whenever they have } any bone of Deshy en Mrtay Cote orig te tema tee: | tine it Eremves, proving, geneeseulty APN Ra Fe N_ the wutereof Third CreeB, 14 miler wert the first degree ” | We saw recently, with a great deal of an analysis of the component parts of the the reqnisite population for one Representative | grees juward complaiuts, that caunot be reached by other Tendering prompt relarus wal i Sulisbary, At leamene Depoton the Werters : j Cong Provided always, e but a | Rait ef i i mt d in Congress rovided always, Urat mane but | Erysipeias, Salt Rheem and Scordatie Nemers. 4D. CUMMING, 6 w. eran Rab Baod cnet a tate be leeated ig @ short du. wonder, at the store of Mr. Cannon, a odor which had reached ua. Result; “The first degree! but von do not Patel 1 those who are citizeus wf the United States, uu iti , | \: le of bottles. eae ry whie 5 P ate 20. tallow ce 20 = me ov are ¢ States, -| know what it is, ury poor child 5 it wonlt) couple of bottles, each of which won! i] ; ate wn y , tallow candle 80, billey ‘os bel Caasdnudiow and awe thereat and: whe coal pe hogs eed as of CUMMING & STYRON, Apply te Joba. A Boyden 0€ Salisbury, be impossible, ‘The exatnination is very hold over a quart, and in’ une of which Bout Ov. Ee have « Gred feaidence ia any euch Tervieury, | Me eee ot Bas Seren, ieorvs. : p| Qatober 30,1553. ai" Hs 1123 diftied, yOu inner know arithinetic per-| was a say-mill in operation, Both mille’ pg ppauke | He peste aight to participate in the formation of the eva | ete Sane cay parts of cus Geena: rhding ths toto Uae | COMMISSION | ere pant NEPA 69 : fectly, also something of geometry and) yore moved by a crank in the neck of os ee aaa a decks and WIN stitation, or in the enwctincat of laws for said |* nos va Bes eopceee | AND j cosmography ; you trust understand nia eet - 4 . make oath that the besatiful Misses— rritury or Stat tar Forwardin Merch ts j vic, both singing and playing on an in. evel: buttle. The bottles av peck ee wear precisely sac beunete Orhello 8h. An caforcement of the principle that no Sore Logs. Sore Breasts, Woonds aud Cicers. & an ’ { PS ta! goog ion of Mr. A. H. Parking did not clamor inore about Chat handker- Suite or ‘Territory ought tu adoit others chav f the most scientific surgeons now rely solely on the WILMINGTON, N.C. | <i. pa étruinent. It is not tkely you have learn Ate in 1 08 tty vt Particular attention pwid to elling Flor, Corn chict and youts than he dues about thal citiaens of the United States tu the mgbt of aul ed the piano or the har hy ham, who iain the employ of Mr. Can f “J baye nyt; but, Monsiens VAbbe, non. Mr. Parkinghaus saye the machi- bonnet and the same interesting quad, frege, or of holding pulvel vice r re) Cotton, aud all kinds produce. } Pit ' ¥ . 7 > + 4 “ e - arge «= i686 does the Igw say positively the piaso or nery was built with their covering thirty ruped Oth. A chanze in the laws of natorabization 1 thd moe secd wedbee the Mavscton at 4s Few. Iras ly39 { +4 L y t ner) 5 } ook er ; o of th the harp f five vears age. by a person who was then as Th + making a con 2 He residenoe : yee Hy -onte o! Sen, te thr ©~-ret nove " wre uy PETER W. HINTON, Nol the law says sitmply thut if ds a res) lent of New Yotk, bat now deceas me Cr eo) ial he GACré years, ot ail mua, here veture: Prey ar, WH SU" | oree of Be core’ stn : . - > . ; * | cats el el peg wage eee : Thee Bey eon. -cruwn of tl tcl girded the brow sable nayitinite (uF citizenship bcreatter, and COMMISSION MERCHANT, necesadty to know enough of music to, ed. Ile did it on a wager of S5000, aa, : } ‘ dead oa | ieee Lee ry oh ‘ ' r 8 Fl } rat 4 Stk oe. wefeutia ¢ leled «sl paar teen be abié (» play on an instrument. Those) which he won in Jess than-three years, A Chirast, ) y Cathohe weiters ty Sse ’ te, and fF yr uae : we mt otter shonter diiroening comptatnts on be rte TOWN YKYPOINT, A} we 7. ] mentivned are most usually learned at the time allowed for the ork. ft has ave eeu wath mauch veweration 1°06 | wil : cae ie Ales: 1 ints ' nee tected, gal bp cahcrwice [oSivetog the prinind durertiue orve SE ee | | \G | li ( tL : - : : alae F ae et fereus det VE wt vyglite ners. 2 ¥ 1, } . schools, that is the reason 1 named thei; been suggested that the glass must have * Jui ual, and afierwards at Constan VUE. i iiacnitiw tn aee eal ei eee Chara ay peat tit J 4 ° Wut I think that perhaps they wight be been blown over ae FETE PY baie pat AE OAL tok | alate Tv J 61h teen wih guns Fath, Both the O ; ; a: y attention paid te Sulling ne aueee EM how the plenpetecge > ” v " : . } de, hu Hele tt grate Huth, ’ / ade ' 5, wane to the weld, to ’ satisfied with the guita. also said it wasine ‘ile with ancl: kite ile Dildwin LL. gave st Ge dt Lewa) Ape a ; Pilla a / b. Tobacco, Fivar, Grain, Cotton, Naval Stores cli Rad ebkien, G< theie en ore. * Well, Mousicur, as the law docs not of bottles Chev ace titled full of machin aa Loach France, at a tiae when the cap i" Fr investigation int , aad Pooal hs = area baeyil and Forwarding + making Heady peogi: ein UiepeereneMt of Eg) name any particular justrament, 1 nwiers, which was iced and pinned, and t ‘l fhiscwn cuipire was ne longer cou y and cll alien ye ersene ner ine .- : Oo ov ss. iy, destined, he ure te Ae greats 1 eatisficd, fur 1 pave tanght myself to play ot le atroug. The neck usr place of seenrity against the 2, and a etree apo udu “asco Been latn neren FO pba palapedet Sac Ponape sd 7 he sors i ) ery lee ‘ ; ; ‘ . ? a pias wre ze new oe plies, ed the on one instrument. cach bottle is filled with a plug, whieh i. Se Saracen Tie sacred treasure was 12 The imamtenavce and enforem ot of Pushy es + bcatherd t * Ley Mille.” ond Gap ® te tepeit tm Flt ope rains “And what is that!” kevead close tathe aeek Lhe tuvatery of S85 hhy nv men, by Way af Venice, ‘ pratitate wail sual laws "i a <6 © hl ‘ : eg S © by the lercer pint of the snmaper of F856, Ih will “ —— 7 7 aa took f, retiring le We . : re Tra ns 4, with bis naother, ball be repealed, uf shall be declared pall aad . thenrge W Mv eved Raq. Rakigh, 3. ¢ ome of the best, Gf nea the owery best.) mulls ww ihe ve He ft eb a oe 1 ie SUE Aare SE ae . : be . 1 nt . ; he ee Hivos ich vereadites r Rt eae A es elie , ~ ons ov. ty Wen W Pinemer, tq, Barteniom, St cowniry. ‘The machiorsy wes erlnesedy hiner |(. os ver pocket a~— yseols piwstys betwee peti ane e neck i ' r] e the Intewt ond ened! approts d Puticrns Werte che rer At this sight the Abbe burst intoa peal the bottle ty yet uwt hiv us ale wert Deus The pious kiage and Vat Opa wr bbw» snd on win. : ‘ ‘| ) \ Iverlly wiGleg Wrerrraien> Supe ant reds of langhter. She coloured deepls ‘Aut e atl is as at ths v em mice wi Robert, barefeted and aren | ; Tuieve 1m Clow gen | ents : yi) oe kD ntidd he Gomis ont @ ill emeel, im ip preamete, the moe imag, i zy, no doubt, t it if a ithe g tl Vw be ed ‘ hee meu ad carried i otal wa " eo stvetsal atiares, ated nog s : of \BI 5 | \ i \T hewutifal anger h ly the tendwned Korte Miu magini ig, Me ‘ . ed 4 nm ty € Fe ur . ae : > 2 cage - 3 ir ; ar F 4 J Bevery owt i at 5 » wr{* sauder heme chadew ft ie detclopang te [> ‘ lieve in ber wasical po & she ra Lrathoset : . hE a eu It wa ah: | ne ; . et ap ore eo meee : heat, bh OLILNY, Kit rit lighting propertge, Regle Mille bore gen ; the instrument ty ber lips and the Lobe Na ey Ee Melt tea “4 ? fsa af Pe JAMLS HORALL a ee : ; = alamo 1» fait adit inwidewprond, bel for the exer stood ainazed \ y i ha ve wie king load leo | | i « z FRIES OF THE UCMAN FAMILY of rte jarue. and che sapetturty of re ch ah te ’ nena ; _ uny dia We ecepy the foll f ee } sti aitraiste of ry e,4 Our iw tre ling a be fe) * tie Troy Mile slowe phremtcne to tere The excellent priest, who had limes : : u ‘1 1 : FOOSE mcr pel, called the Ho tes wt ¥ roe oat WATCH MAKER £RO JEWELER, ate ore eee the world trey hav von’ Ger @ eumtest ine = , 1 gtrom tuc & ' ley ’ ' ‘ « A tor ’ Ve : been one of the people, judged nm sttly ad . 4 eg rny Crea; Nile Kenta lowe ws winkiy ower: SALISGUKY,N OC, DISEI.LED AIDNEYS, on t eprchatrndn Seorryahe cal mupt be ders ' t of} - ' ry) ° > ‘ » . ay aorvey ) th De that & peasant, why had tach wit \\ ave ivate better fe Waca 5 ce: = io as shoe re peuing « al agitation, by (Owe deer below R.A &. Murphys tere, Sion inthe Blaldrrand Kidneys, Weak The dre 25! agin ceo ely nm erening ete not only tw play, but to play ey weil, he ta, baat | tu, dated the 12th inar i af ue ‘ J Hedi h Ns ther f Mine ' . wu k te 5 - ge wom mernt weseiafit lorry eel. step in bere, ond ¢ fe <> kon & uld pot Le an ordinary pe He wteed deta ntally the recent as UHure Powell, cs raped wud 4 gr ' naterslael for re the rig bay wire hinds Sree mes ee rae he b.whdary off present time, ¥ = od her nye. She was twent ( ttre . , know t l vl ‘ Kenwces ated NS: leacks eliow ts ce : ° very eae 7 pays te Kagte Clty mlew yeart hence fet ben atea ec aes Beee ie es , Sy kaon content of Pilon gran of catine, m Ren aS buts te gperd cote er MR SL Mee tak tot on dh cal eae iL examine Oy ee | statter eve » ated ‘ ' \ o awl ble irime - ¢ a) “te ing sivoples fedgting fewer ae The replics of the younz peasent were irl M nivel Lead ae f ed list Saturday at New port i mes ‘ ' Pe bre * ui mane atthe Careiwe Watcha of @ bavidee ‘ vine wow int ) fall bs é » - 4 f - o 7 be seer “@ . astonishing ; avd he wondered, butins Iw t bis ¢ j a litt wey mined y Kh rds I 6 aloe ‘ j ‘ 2 re val . arin { iets : . iy a . the Cheerfal beama ct e+ al » the lenee, at the knowledge which this } were si Letre t en d ’ coe £ ‘ . hegre ing te inter To Farmers. meer ae ated a aalistalty ee tne be, etar the . t my tut ea of etme: the sireese ere cihvennd with a et cvamry dressioaker had vbtained Ly | the e ‘ when ala t fowewriwe of DP s the s« = ’ : 4) PY. , . anes pve Mi datue. we wre paged {fat tees Ghreeg: the eong uf balfa m bien f+ own ed effor ‘ if J \ wd begs of all agen a ioe a : ‘ i“ ol Guines s mungicd whh the reat af beens and cascade o: F . gante a ' Caccude apie ‘ . dene, | * weet af | inte «You may,” | said par ; t 1 H . ~ hk t a biase ‘ re het ‘ ; ere Sa : ; sat bo» AUBTIS . confidence present youreeis { tr ‘ | sn yo G . A ’ ; . . Ae ; 2 ‘ ‘ J “3s comnmiss;cd of cxanupere, LT owoil asrany t t tet t ' “ ! ‘ t \ ' FEIN 3 . ) that you elal) not Le required to play KA 2 A i fore t ty mers ‘ | \ \ ) ‘{) \ \ 3 I ’ ' 4 Thie flageviet, ou which you perivnn » i A ‘ Hes t x rt \ LW P , BS aes j t \ 4 ’ I é ‘ ()¢ »] ~~ Ade weeerm Raitrrod feevize them, ingether = well, would excite bargite vad 4 ' t . ¢ ‘ ~ but ' Tia . ‘ . ‘ 4 \ ° ae sons of rabeer things. the 7 dfveis of the ¢ ciem, Which! st be asuided o Sart ' f ta i ‘ f , j yet te F ° ane Ae. a} Au! ° t d ewer 5 dee foneme » hime Lhown, ane the Beer de -ot e Young bet went before tle l t iF : : ' o werent og 1C-eF Frese hil te bith, nied Wakes the ioe . he you « ‘ w 4 eel te : . : ' : : ; ' ‘ . Ratebury, « ers uf Peper ing fa! Cattle, «died beowte cominissiouers, and ali were minal os i vohe / hea 4 : - robes she oent T px A Med ' iy ead Baker, andvat ‘ wlhete: theses at gree fe gee the variety of re and j Lo hsare at wa Lived “ r ose pte “{ : : ' oe t the ! i \ } ‘ é ihe portraying Phill of ledge which she had acqy i ‘ t th vit The net, . : } y ee . : : ; es ned re nt @ ghun) te y Spee s \ bog 2 Tae a tte . ASN J ° on jlat . m . ° , ‘ ‘ i ,? be reeha d be vend 4.@m, wagh. - t anc and } red on daring ‘ t t ; / Shy] - mom j : : treet et" DR press oa to ike Ban! Conpammneth-n eceived ‘ t : aie . - : gsoltal. lseceived : eee : ‘ \ : : \ AGA Staal : : aed ANOWBW BAGG Vey she now (VD He t te oh ' ’ t . s es Feb Wh, 1°55 * j ; " . ee es ° fi ° “ L. se b aes i HANSIO\ _— eee f it WV A ‘ > 1 . | ciatent Mn O° G. A. MILLER Be ee = . en _ A. MILLER, ‘ | | L ; : SALISI ATTORNE peat ARE ‘ x eat Py e Ieee PTORNEY AT DAW. a. oo we Pik Z r j SF ; MOCH*VIEDE ALO, . \\ es, RO EE NAAN on * \ aes PS ' x tinmem NO Re Of Four Herve Post Coache:. ory ; z ' | : ' a ' SDS! afisk » Morg ® Curiosities of Watci ) j f . 8 , e,he Wo premiers DE a |: Lh baty to Morgantoa, ris oe e tet be i . = \ 1 ‘ * ; a ACCOMMODATIONS A ‘ * NEW fewves S bars on Mendes, Weds . t Water cristaan vious te a stent . * . : rD«eu ' hk. A. ML. awd arviers ul ' M j Dies The La f « ! , gts : Pecans stop NEW } e ene ac rh eres ars! morning tn brroblbe e@) under condition w Ps may ale © saaniein ives x He € A YT ICA TD hfe: and tence tice of r uta Rent @ tts aN pre cent " Cire A 0 and ob 1})]) \ ‘ 1 ’ 413 GO ODI WER - snud arrites iw tyjebery « er buys of t Baile é niadre ra ; : . es : vou ; . 1 ' \ Is) y ai GRBdSs, make thie ane of the matt cotfittable » pounds each of m, Ca at f \ : i = < - pevatic « Ml ‘ i : i> fa siage roods in the Stste . : \ att | t ta j t2-¢. 9: . Cc, & BROWN aud soap, ut ing ime atiares . ae } GOODS of Salisbury, March 23, 1856. RAivihory, Jane WW, 1835. bs aney io a { {ior 2 « meme eg the te Sears Cs iaan QENN BOOKS El cS venient | | pester in the ret Way as ry . . : 7M : : toaa'e, comaes a frneral nen Wanted Smmediatcly. the = j,anl ais alle ‘ : a : Mat ® LosT RIVERO | 4 4-Tari Pvt s 11 : 1 ' a e : at ‘ ; a F , \ . 7 sometiines amounting ¢ ‘ We : Sade h eit = Well it wa \ : ny. Pros ; a‘ . ilich Ladics Dress Goods At ac Prado Hi}l Mine, and a hall yoratil ; te ‘ A Mee eile Sea ae ee . nitehletl er ‘ Hoe etock of NEEDLI . a iacolge else os the transjarent air w r ‘ ; ; : “ne hes I : ean : Lhe ie SAL F.MBLOTDERIEN te eanpirte I Woo) AND COAL im ordinary alroit e ra . iy find . I ( fined ; : EE ON ncy ey ack el tebe et wtf VENWORTH s Jit i Then h ce : ' maiing ot mared te Sileee LEU. Ont 2. RSS. water dill icons wert o ee wrt vf at ndchd ee | WHE NE EES ater Eres n renin NEW BOOKS. i \ wi ] > wets U fy = ; ’ ril VILMINGTON PERALD the lit : oie we ’ ; te ta | : ; a ‘ EO MVE JUST RECEIVER Tesi Of aplasur of VP ae f 1 ' Ae: y five p i , tlial i : oe hed ve peo 4, t «t } / i h. Nae Bt Tost son, > Hrane ¢ ¥ is Golrdined w J t r purRR COMMISSION MERCUANT “t ’ opal fa bata J \ 1 . i «I , bined in the properts Mr i Charlotte, NW. c., j : ‘ ' ' " Wer lht Mrs £ ANT) S revo - . it. ENNISS t the earthy ing H } ' TeOAUL VN TOR OF ENGLAND, Cotton, Corn, Floar, Wheat, and all R Otan a cha i ; : t r ' { { t \ 2 \ co : seabeieag baineiusliode ; Vow Bard aris V oun 7 | ae sete . Ue ‘© RopAR?® CUNTRY rnoDUuCE To Gentlemen. ' He ' tf : \ ' Sil ENNIS, Dake : } ARLESTON, AND NEW FORK FENILE enleerib-rs have now on hend CC tertis, ast : F ; * \ SALASBRURY j Liberal Advances made on Consigauments plete resales pa C water Aha OTE { cat : os “ T } : ‘ . ; : ne + seaaeai ofred to the pabie. Call Rie ’ cifming wide icinicnen: ; i an Dyspo2psia Cured. let mete sath De rer CEE many million to t ‘ . ficel un ' ' th If 1) ‘ ISTERTERS CELEBRATED BIT _ as ' mer Spy: Gen. W.Wikume Rilinbury, Mareh 25, '36, ; ’ : ‘ ; hay I ‘ ( Wepapea and hat & Cha vu { ‘ fo ear ‘ firs wn, Robert ! ie Geer DiBBuD we RUNCE. : ' oe \ re ane ee ee seis Nay New “DR, J. J. SUMMERELL. A . \ } ! “ ; Bis im FDR os Jonathan f. tnaners TI 26 | | AS removed to his Office at hie reed ett ‘ V ‘ Bet Rian be) 3 an ais, ‘ t ' \ ' ’ hi Yr Er he will be happy to reeeive profess ‘ Sitks, Brandy, and Cigars ) wt yo upped’ ' (' ilgatie * Dr. CHARLES T.POWEB sinsteaietrom histred . ‘ ney oA ie \ oF ; ‘ anaata ; his tala Totlioce wholinvenahaeat ; 7 , with an ag iin Hacherel! Mackerel !! OFNHLINS On | if rehauts ] [ tine errmaneatty located im Salisbury, respeet- No B. There are muy pers niaticticnl ret ath vA <4 \ f ’ ' j hive vu ! hhle helf bhle quart I e . fally tenders his 7 alieerviccs ecer nme it a : LT wond : | ' n Cotto lot a at Riae r " to the pul and hav en for several \ shel Gaver : i a Nell , / Par bor \ Scclul peuivae cad} tton, Flo nr, Grain, Naval Stores, aa : nn'e Mk Row eurnestly urge all such to call and mak ; : Fi ; een \ ty. 2th, | , whieh most be don : Pe hall bok year foi unica M open <7 mit VW Pace tt vie COMMITEE, MN M ' MILLS, MOOSE & ¢ Southern Proance Generally . Lh ait A he me NF may Con at beg enerh careaulanint Sue, i cence Mfinigeate la : KA ; u 7 No. 100 Pront Stroct, Groensborough mailers daa weete aA 5 AF. Sy x fousziss : : BU as may dou irs oa tot s von ‘ ~ — MJTUAL INSUR Wi tt Ae ; et t foot #} NO RAs SE COMPE RE Ww i idee te 7 Aut it r ® \ ear Valuable Land for Sale ) ’ qf etof Taaneiiee on the unten bplar ‘WY. ROVAL. world, and af e¢ bnaines4 id ter, ? nee v titf a Won W ’ N ¢ amatlemn, cm roe pene ness . : diet : , F ; eet pees ed naan. (r CooaaN if ay “hod a WELT oril pvatelc all my laude in the sn aia ite Phisres RUC AT Rare Dh w jtAt e company ps A. WEIRMAN & PRICE hater m that way wy litre WwoRNYY] ( , , ‘ F rt pall ( n. Adve . i ] ( Se fille We an ne Wie ‘ t ter itbe, Ne anpreny derng located a the Western partofthe @F heir Clothing and Tailoring Eatahiis! ™ the silke—jicee ding . pite al , remed tried, File Bolt Sic PE REMAP IE, (HES ge eee iu ' hates conaeuentty mach the larger porting of the rink ¢ Murphy, MoRorie & Co ‘ dot net bott and iments ¢ 1 mtd not vet v thing te ea tte" : ( j : ae \ v woot choree Lanting Creek bottom 9 asi ts a iM The ( ie stevery many of which wre ta the eouarry ‘ te Ro & A. Marphy's Stor man vfactured f “ ale and ' ts ed i all « : os Tue Hm ina Aya in OC ec niece ‘i pag a eee He coe om sie To the Ladies. aie sit its ondi# (herelore contidently recommen. the ment of rep uns, and ¢ t o fleet Tre woonte > Jame all ' life . t a ‘ . t + ‘ a = . , 1 the pubiie i) OS ; - ! Fillmore and 1D ayy va ‘ hk sithacrihere are new Fresiving the fines thedimt ennai : yy Oy if wives and dang itera, | xe valne, About f mie ines the ago, he commenced Don " a @ith alen ell allof my stock, crap. firming toote most complete etock of Ladies’ DRESS pov wine Pineal os ee e folktwing Ole. DR. Ss. R i KN i eight Nn ic of dotlara, all the flour that nsing Il ‘ e Ontinent and Pills , cron; 18 var vthe ¢ tral Re My mad pr vid. they have vr d fo the public, whiel they will JAMES SLOAN paces : AS Jownted in Salisbury fiers we send al Vet anch ie the fact whiell have cance} an improved appear Soe en Rae Sere ‘ | ' acl! a lot of corn and five tell at a sm i They invite partientar attention &. G. COFE President. hie profesional services ; he ae : : | : } IA ‘ ULE uy i) ys ” f hereea, whether F peli the fa not to their fin mbtoidersd, silk and aoe MAN TILGAS Ferd ahd 1N Vice Tresident he!) Ofte tun deuse behav (Renjanin Inthe vear ending Jane 80th, 1855, we ance in rhe continned them aome Tivered a Masouie addrcetin Favetteville GEORGE WILSON and ty there Inte sof BONNET RIBRONS Ser MENDEN TALL, Attorney April 2, 1856 Sher xported $14.75 | Vesta Pim 1 leg -saound, tothe aston on the Yin nit. whieh ds highty com [vill alas pre aliberal price ft a whate (singlesm = EMDROIDERIBS, &e. No 9. Granite Row : PTER ADAMS, See'y und Treasorer i i yy eas r ntof all « ( ' meaoeaten! | Be ATEDS | os aL) until nes, Fall G. Witeon.an BROWN & COPFIN - PRTER ADAMS, Sec'r ~ ? iW Ay : | i oe! t t w hiitn mend iI forald Aprih 22, mde shat Salistuiry, Woreh 25, 1558 fae W. HE. COMMING, Gent ie Bunter’ JOR PRINTING V * > | My 40, 6852, 90v9 Merthe seecented’ of teis O J.J, MBUNER Eatery © Charlotte, July 5, 18356, Mr. E-litor:—A friend bas jost hand! ed me the Carolina Wadedmen, poll shed | in Salsbury, of the Ist instant, containing, communication trom Chas. BL Fisher, hqey President of the N.C. Rail Road Company, in regard to the passenger | schedules and through tiekets of the N.! co Rail Road and the Charlotte aud 8. C, | Rail Road, As this letter purports to, review the official intercourse of the twe! corporations wud the action of the Board | of Directors uf the C. & S.C. Rail Road, and reflects upon their proceedines, it necessarily calls for some sta ement that the public may rightly understand the matter. While Tdo not admit the propriety of discussing the policy of the CG. & S.C. Rail Road Company through the public journals, nor any aceountaubility on its! wart to Sinany stockholders of the N.C vad in Salisbury,” yet as these matters have Seen publicly diseussed by the President ot the N.C. Rail Road to his! pext door aeig:. bors, pustice requires that IT should review souie portions of his lot ers. Ile tells them “that up toa shert time since, (21st of April) our mail train was run in close eyunection with the C.&k 8. C. Rail Road. > Our convection with the Wiluington & W, R. Road at the East end was also perfect” Now the N.C. R. Road eonstrnetion was completed in January last, and ler trains ran through du that month, and up te April 2lat, as stated, the N.C. Re Read was ranning in porte connection at Charlotte and Goldsbore’. Whi was thi- not continued by the N.C. Road? ‘This schedule gave no devention to through passengers. What read) broke off this connection Tie N.C. RR. Road changed its schedule, as is admitted, ‘The © S.C. R. Road bas not materially chanced her passenger schedale in tur and since the empletion of the No © Road, only 15 minutes. Why then stould Mr. Fisher complain that the C.& 5, ¢ Road obstructs through-travel, when the N.C. Road did make a close connection with the CL & S.C. Read tto and trem,’ also at, Geldsbor’, abandouw it¢ This schedule he states was run “for a lony tine before the completion of © tract "antl after the co npletion thi8 time was redsced to L4 hours. This only enabled the NOC Road to meke connect easily, ! & vours its and they net hepts Vie lent N.C. 1. Read tore ing East and West, Goldsboro, and | His Tre whi were f the nthe wiht, Now, did wrong, it does dent of the N. ¢ wroug liv t Ii ad ite wits fe yeoM armmival of the ¢ Loy PeDeEP enters, veved the pass Row. Gok ‘ k, and m& W Ihe ‘nec tr ur 4 meaty return (rain r the | And reuching ¢ iw. 14 ed he ak Nowta ntu sme traVeler ¢ Haber, ¢ Chait sthes Ly l lt ar tiny) lanky ps over tinaking bot less t The C. & 8. ( to make perfect « C. Road at Co in perfect connect that rvad—nut tu any detent: is landed at Chariott at Columbia is of tiuch t» the Charlotte Road ton with tie N.C. Road, tre thro igh trave thia the C. & S. ( Road about the &100 to every #1, the t for throagh ticke's s (y at orn ne lamba a -u tdaboru. I think it was la-t, when Mr. I them frous Crolds irs To av rid t sand sulted the Directora, DP inne poomerd tot l | t Mr wit roads uld pay over elit te pray better would lave a through and foes » roads ever f through " 1 hop collect thatthe Pres anion or any other ever | toat the Charlotte train she Hpon thre | arn. ‘ to bef toe ever , rtne evening Tnever anderatood iin mak 1 propositions either eis broken off the ceo tainly Directors and therefore they declined rod the President to have tion LT ecould have f could had never even submitted it could ave tas stated i Punders ted this | ye Y Anawere Surely ve heen sUrteows seen uniformly ¢ Jelayed 4 ral months” Vas to promote he a Pour Roads, VOL. AnL ee ee i ee | as SALISBURY, N. C., JULY 15, 1856. NUMBER VII. tnisunderstood hive or he is entirely mis: jlu support of the great mensarce which restored taken in relation to this subje relw Was) peace to an agitated and distracted country.— clected President of the Charlotte & 8. | (Cheer) By the blessings of Divine Provi- CORR: Company on the 7th of Pebrua- | donee, our efforts were crowned with signal sne ry last, was much engaged for afortnight oes (cheers); aud when Lleft the Presidential or more on the Road—conld hot have! chait, thy whole nation was prosperous and cun- seen him before the 20th or thie ast of February, and could not nave de yed an-! swering proposition for several months” when tis latest changeef eched- ule weat inte operation 2 Let than | two meuths alter my first rg, Syn hus view. Tt being bis” wail train must have determined open it a weaker more | before the 21st tv have obtained the of the Post’ Olice Departinent—as the mail was thereby delayed 12 hours. It is weedless forime to say of Mr. Fish. | er. with whom iny intercourse has always been so agreeable, Ciat he is a gentleman of unquestioned integrity, and [L eannot concer ve low this tn sunderstanuding could It would sec that we Taportanta proposition, subsmitted even tn the harrassing and varied duties of his or with Ruther than have broken oll, have acceded to the arrangecucut be now . teal Have oriented, ry tay position, Would have met prompt consideration had tie counection 1 should Suva was proposed, althousen iti ght have deranged the well known and es of the Charlotte Road in its correspondence with every al ternate tram oon the S.C. 2 1 Surely the President of the N.C. Road wre eo with the Wiliasan Sud ciere is ne detention te passer AGL ys G mace tablished comnections ts tis With aave hors ated $0 tiinules aud 5d , and N.¢ titties Beernad coun WM. JOLNSTON “> Vr. Fillmore at Albamy---1 Noble Speech. READ I0—th vale be Magistrate asarit ny to one tw Administration when Lwas called tu the executis reaveinent which overwhelmed th unfor COUnLTY ’ of the b wie romp one etd conntry tot the exciting sulyect of slavery that T tei® otial prejucre nation ony duty to ris wid tmok to tl (Applause | ood J peeyuchees, and whole Waa cy to overcome lomg cherish ; rd party clans, (Great and prolong d than JT did better ng this sir ho more was done by many abler aud men than myself LT washy oo menns the sole rostrument under Providence, tn harmunizing the-e ditheu tes, (Applause.) There were ay that tine noble, led both Houses ot rto both of the great politico! independent “etl nit ingen belonging ports of the eguatry,— Whigs and Democrats tm whosparved the character of selfish party bend (cheers) and rallied arvund my \diniuistration, Wothing to say. cuted, and yur relations with all forcign nations were of the most amicable kind (cheers) The jcloud that hung upon the horizon was dissipa Threat. | would throw the gates wide open, and invite the jened at home with civil war, and from abroad oppressed of every land to partake of the bles | ted; but where are we now! Alas! the shelter of our institutions. no | yi = 1 jwhole People,—that we have, or must We ask what Ametican—what Foreigner, of have, sueh laws foanded upon such affee- honest) purposes, can object to in these senti- went: “T have no-bostility to foreigners; have with essed their deplorable condition in the old coun try, and God forbid that Lo should add to their- suffering by refusing them an asylum in this, 1 wich a rupture of our peaceful relations. I shall ings of our laws and country; | would only ex- not werk to trace the causes of the change, These | clude ftom this emigration thé pauper aud the are the facts, and it is fur you to ponder npon |eriminal, © 1 would give free toleration to every them. OF the present Administration I have 1 can approciate the difficulties of adininistering this wovernment, and if the pre sent exccutive wad bis supporters have with good Mitentiow and honest bearts, made a mistake, tie God will forgive them ays | do (loud and onged applause.) e brought these ca! But if there be those who ta amities upon our country for selfish or anibitous objects, itis your duty, fellow-citizens, to bold them to a strict respon sibility. (Cheers.) The agitation whieh disturbed the peace of the country in 1850, was unavoidable. Tt was b roghe Upon us by the acquisition of new ter nitery, for the governinent of whieh it was ne Lut Hos for you to say whether the prosent agilation wor. has pot bee rocklessly and wan seary lo provide territorial administration which distracts the country threatens us with cial tonly produced by the ade phen of a measure to ablin personal advavpeemeut rather than vw aoy pulse geod. (Cheer) Sir, you have been | “1 to say that | have the unten of Chen ales a Hem true O ther other ey ot i» carer to 0 Le warty, prosperity and . reat ! grea vf any party men An ekasperated fev South, on t THe mt Itieg in Llvodehed and S, fesu any array We seta sr enously reflected h noust inevitably follow, + teahiog hee sth of Mae vemtel Da ' ene rel mw envat se pence Of bys ne s tend to the cestew » a lems iinportar the reer spleador of mualitary arias wiven to order, and the « cominand. But, for myselt, b prize Woof athection with buck to mts which reo spountaneuus Use ave welcomed ane my the pay dilinern:)) (I herct jrlatime: ) FILLMORES FEELING TOWARDS FOREIGNERS Mr During Mr. Fillmore's late trimphal progress from New York to bis home on Dutfalo he Hed to at several pointe along the line of the Was comy address immense assemblages of the p ruute—among others, at Newbary, on the Tnd son, where he used the following language con cerning persous of foreign birth who have sought |systern, erded; but while I-did this, 1 would, for their | Fankes as well as ours, declare that Americans should rule America, They should have the benefit of equal lawsa,—but neither their eduen tion vor knowledge of our them to govern America alte Tope Ly viaue the blessings which bountifully showered upon us, it becomes every American to stand by the Constitution of this country, and to resolve, that independent of all fi America.” institutions qualify The failure of every tpt ty establish a free government in Eu demonstrative of this fact. But if we Providence has su reign influewce, Atericans shall aud will rule THE GRAND RECEPTION OF FILLMORE. Y. Express gives soime six col MR The N unins of detail of the formal reception on Fuesday last. It consisted of a Procession through the pring ipal streets, with ban hers, &c., addresses, speeches, introd ine Besides the city popu | the le tions, dinner, &e lation, vast numbers of people from country, and the adjacent States, were present to participate in rendering the nyhest boner to the tathtul tanud patie accomplished statestnan Mr. Fillmore delivered several speectes in reply to addresses Poa Philadelptia Committee be said, “You have, sir, retnarks, ht to allude to my in your travels abel rece It in true woed bead to ul | ived u foreign countrivcs tleat, w ocr © peasalt, marked ¢ but [PE do net atin mv own, but to that a wer wl othee of Chief fa greatand free le} ablic rece irtesy wood altent tof cleva ite thisto any tuer gistrute ted me tu the ag len, » I bave rece dices is Ll nmiust own at the moat painful solicit tax: | tile uch rome beard, which Nut have | been able uper, but eH Eve aud scenes aye ” at home ope, ealracts ry where coy w lite . « Jturn { ir forefathers, and unity in veour ¢ sliien j fo Mayor W Mr. Mayon al we vonrimateriatl as te Vir tie see ne than tree. Tlenee the Co left ns is note t fer a yreat pe prosperity re ever, law and und di but bond of our material prosperity Vpoprtatase ) When you, sir, Chief Mayistrate of this wked with pleasure on your UPTON, aa (Crreat became the wteocity. I attempts at liberty can exist without obedience to the lawa, depends for trne upholding the laws, for ne poevernment that und yetuaay Ite power alone Upon standing armies, or nd ov strony, the gona Caries, 18 Wo prow Groverniments to strom in the hearts and heads of the peo long as we Wernnent he trust be ple that are governed, and aa of affections of all) our not here alone, but everywhere, the broad of the the laws will them It is the beanty of oar ifleft freely to taintain such fornis founded people, thireniepliont government, Npom the extent Union, vindicate Aineriean represent the selves tions,—and that we can pass from one State to another, though all under differ- ent Governinents, withont any of the vexations Passports, or gens de "armes, or any of those restraints upon personal lib- erty which reduce the subject toa slav- ery as severe as that of the master over the tlave, Every little petty Kingdom or Dukedom in Enrope, deinands your | Passport,—bLut when [ stepped once more on the shores of my own native land, I conld net but draw the contrast, and thank my God I was a free man once inere, with need no longer of any sneh companion as a Passport. (Tremendous cheers.) “Your beautiful bay, Mr. Mayor, has oftentiines been compared to the bay of Naples. I have seen something of beth. Italy, with her sunny and cloudless skies, is a most beautiful country to look upon —and alas! only to look upon! but would to God she had a government like ours. {[Applause.] The bay of Naples,as Tsaid, Is compared to your own beautiful bay, but there is this striking difference, When I stepped on shore at Naples 1! was surrounded by hundreds of begy but when [stepped the Freemen, [great and prolonged « heering —not obly earning their own livelihood, but—as contrasted with other laborers— a livelihood of luxary. That point of to an are, on 6 es of (Great cheering.) Sir, moet and | it, and prouder bat of surround it Venice was ider than New York, but itestine and f eign ware, and under harsh difference, is Atnerican felt it aud felt prond of than ever, not on the thrifty agree. ble eve, vof your bav, popalaton that wrest once a city poverhincnits The Con States has | she bas been crushed titu of the United York int ug bere the commerce yrought vas, by concentrat aud exc! States To pores hat re x Lani all) coufederated t hat Concentration, a there tiust be oa { » for from all the parts of these States. But city of them, elr there tiust be peace sl and confidence eral of the protec traacle would be t deprive your yrowin and 4 tion the ¢ its and at of onstitution yives commerce, and its fate Ve hice canals I have ed. England the commerce , Whose deserted — stres and but seo recently survey how Pe och eld, throughs has f thie lu her great cc A mninerctal city venture to pr nprlie that ere ina art how ow ew under t mmatitation, see t this Wiig net nal l » When sacl ! atnong thre tie party, and that men mye l in harmony tovether ra noble spirit Was sacrifieed to pasion, on preyu dice, or to any ambition that may have stood in its way : “ When in ISas, partly ly the the people, and partly by that act vidence, that took fi ect, mourning va ase th siddent « and shrouded tl t Bo happened th ut] was with , and left the Government, As it seemed to ont pledyes to administer ne the Nothing was best interests of all demanded prevented me performing uy duty tomy country and to all parts of that country, -North as wellasSonth., Thus not only the Whigs, who elected ine, rallied around ine,—but the Democratic party also, certainly that portion of it j which was conservative, and which responded to my ardent efforts to administer the govern- ment for the good of all concerned. (Ap- plause.) Should it be my lot again to eceupy the Presidential chair, I trust not only to have the support of old line Whigs,—the whigs of 1840, ’44, ’48, and °52,—but the sapport also of the old Con- servative elements of the Democratic varty. They together carried my admin- istration through the trying scenes of 1850, and to them, in comnon with you, was | indebted for the order, peace, con- tentment and prosperity I was thus, un- der providence, enabled to give to our jeomimon country. But I have said more than I had intended, sir. I only wished to thank you, and those old Whigs whom | I see around ine, for thus extending to me their confidence and respect. (Loud and prolonged applause, followed by three hearty cheers fur Millard Fillmore.)” > From the Presbyterian. FLORIDA AND TITE INDIANS. Manrree, Fla., Jane 9th, 1856. Messrs. Eprrors—An article in the Presbyterian of May 17th, on the anthor- ity of the Washington Star, wo doubt in- tended as wholesome intelligence, is, nev ertheless, very far from being such. Ad twit, for the moment, that there are twelve hundred efficient troops in Florida to op- erate ayainst one handred Indian warri- ore. What have been the operations of the two, ‘The Indians beyan a little before In tive months they had kill ed some thirty whites ( perhaps were, and “a goud|y share of these from amony these sae twelve handred efficient troops. A word, alsw, as to the raj dity of their op At one time they are in the land, anon at the Miami, then at Char | Christmas crations tte’s Harbour on the opposite coast, a little later near Manitee, about the sare ttle a Arnold, carry tine giving t hundred strong a i] yaitet Colo vel off seven three and { M indred e the twelve hundred troops ! Whatt corm cuplives, iules, Vari plan titers e force h Mean have ac They destroved and shows ny ' mm 8 further nort wl w hiat have compliohed taker deserted camps » a littl anid afew But of a single Indian has ever been hurt by them, ii have not yet heard of it Die they gu make their mark Indians wherever ILnodreds ot famihes have left their homes, and some 4 them all their effects. Some have gone to other States, and some are pent in without the eomforta of life, and many with a scanty supply of the bare forta, necessaries of life Wasliinirt And now if people in moor elsewhere, feel disposed sent this region aa standing ret hall 1 already, I can onty ro ply l sport to y be repr in ver aid the of need * This may ru, but ered, weak-landed settlers rout ald, contending against lanyhe to hundred men facts to sone Fi RIGUPETH NATIONAL NIVERSARY vearet OER AN is day sin Amencan Col eir allegiance i became a of nator ildren of , when met ty 6 Ol hationa, and they arrive at tte reCcOMINg of ob govern , they havea * But comman riy ty Mien coutracts that beerve the lawa gwhich rmunity of which ehe has thre law is nterpret } uper p! AW ial ' es This eror Just rat “tt sayet naive terntery, wealth, or tne bausitble reson Put es, Dut to suyyest some measure to serve and perpetnate them All list ry must be lost npen ns if we do not see the danger and perils to na tions growing ont of the abuse of power Some thirty years ago (thine net partion larly recollected) the writer of this article, then AW visit t the gallery of the Tlouse of Representa John R r addressing the House npon the Ilis tirst vords which canght our eara were these: © Look at him, Mr. Speaker! Napo leon the First, Ennperor of France, King of Ttaly, Proteétorate of the Confedration of the Rhine, Mediator of the Swiss Con federation, &e. Look at him, sir, with the seeptre of Spain in one hand and the mines of Mexico and Perv in the other Look at him, sir, at Moseow, in the Pal on » Washington, enferes tives, when he found the the perils of the abuse of power. Randolph on lace of the Kremlin, seated upon the throne ‘ihadsp gent trod hi 0) ly i \and pad ger Anger inne te di- ion, and ‘slowly said: Mr. look at: him, sir, dying \the rats in St. Helena! Power, sirt - jens sir!” | The downfall of the. modern should be a solemn admonition ‘to all |those who considér that the interest, the ‘honor, the safety, and welfare of our coun- jtry depend solely upon the extent of our , territory, . | The Wesnan Empire, under the reignof | Trajan, when Rome was in the zenith of |her glory, did not contain more than jmillions of square miles. The territory jof the United States, according to our la- test maps, now exceed that of the Roman Empere when Romie was called the mis- jtrese of the world. If we persevere in our present course of annexation of for- jcign territory the fate of Rome must in- ‘evitably be our fate. This lust of domin- jion must assuredly bring about our dis- ruption and disunion. | God in bis providence says to nations, be well as 1 individuals, “ Thus far shalt thou go and no farther, under the penal- |ty of the Divine wrath.” Therefore, to jsecure the continuance of the Divine fa- vor, we must conquer our lust for domin- ion ; subdue onr, boundless ambition; act with justice and good faith in our inter- course with foreign nations; follow the precepts and example of Wasutnoton, | whose name is but another name for wis- jdom, and we may then justly ex that our country will become @ brilliant star |in the political firmament, and continge to shine brighter aud brighter until end- | less day. Frrasiacons. | Tuscalum, near Wilmitgton, Del. eae | POPERY IN NORTH WALES. | A correspondent communicates some painful details with regard to the spread of Popery in North Wales. A Romish | College near St. Asaph was built a few A priest actually acquired the Welsh language from the late Vicar of Llanaso, and was thus enabled te get At Wrexhain, where there are two priests, a inass-house is being built at a cost of $100,000. Six priests lately walked in procession, heaged by the pare udo Bishop of Shrewsbury, to con- secrate the foundation. We fear there is too much reason fur the inference that Trac n our own Chareh has much » with this spread of Popery. Dv. Pusey’s brother-in-law, a Tractarian, lives near Wrexham, and the party is la- nentably stroug, if not dominant, in the We trust some means will be found to strengthen the Protestant cause. Church of Bagland L’aper, years ago. at the population. farnianismn to ce dhocese DRATIFOF A MISER-—A MES CASE. \NCHOLY », there arrived in Western ¢ the ex- id lady who yave ber name as Mrs. Catharine Alberty re sl She ‘and was bent by age ad been passed over the mn Sahebury, free of ¢ as rarrival here, rented 3 all back room from a tenant of Mr. Jolin Kane's. She had no visible means of providing herself with the com- Monest necessaries of life and had not, she said, a penny in the world The i the neighbors was soon attracted to Ler and she became at once | sympathy and rapidly Was pratuitousl attend- iniarily ; baton ed her ¢ 1 ur Weeks av yy the ar i) treme of destitution, an ¢ h was 7O \eare Was inteerably cla and want s wil road, varge, anoact of charit ar allfention @ Feeipirent oft their however, searching among ug arrangements f money and to a con- in an Iu two or three filthy bun- was foand, in gold and silver, the amnongyst ber papers, shares of stock in the road-—letters relative to in Kentneky, and a mass perty beth curions and vale- vall sign-board was also found ‘Mrs. Catharine lian Doctress.” She appears, added the mystery of furtane { sat from her eto follow either. neighbors that n France, which it two years of raised at Lexing- had been {thatin thie n robbed &2.400. Their last state- eriff of that her f the major \ letter, alse of as iis, no clue sor friends, yet all ar- ds of gen- mo opr »perly at- e rage, mak tf, a J ae larye sun rope perty siderable amount were discovered ld barre lies On noof 82 aban, thon nscriptior her profess “« eat ning ) } ite moved with, advant HFCs of the midst. of deny- rher sus most neans about society, . want twhoat was nee its in awful picture, ur ‘cts of avrice, rial. igh Stundard. “> GAA Flute A flute made of gold is ‘tion in London. The gold was Australia, the alloy being Australian copper, and mana. Ton the instrument, for ] e finder of the precious metal. The qaality of gold is 183 carats, and the weight of the flute 144 ounces, the valae being estimated at about 8650. The in- strament, of which the workmanship ie exquisite, is constructed on the principle of Garte'’s improy “at on Beehun; it may be made to prodace a fine, full, and rich quality of tone, not belonging to the ght from factured as state the fort metal, but the result of the principle gh construction, = > LATER FROM CALIFORNIA. The Revelation at San Francisco. EXECUTION OF CORA AND CASEY. AFPAIRE IN BAN FRANCISCO—FUNERAL OF JAMES KING OF WILLIAM On the 2d of June the opponents of tha Vigi lance Committee held a tases meetug int Plaza, first warning the friends of the Conmaiittes by a printed placard, not to enter the ring the meeting, The effectof this was the real strength of the law and ot About 2000 were present. No viol red, though much coufusion. — Resolu passed calling upou Uie poople t lance Commatice. Judge Terrey, of (he Supreme ¢ writs of habeas corpus demauci in the bands of the Committee, bat writs wer resinted On the 3d of June, th flaring the country fer party eo prisoners Governor issued) los proclamation, d Wastale of Insurreeben, avd authorizing he Major Getera of the Secoud PMvisiou of the St Milina, t raise av army to preserve law and order dus action did not alarin the Committee, as they have 5000 men fully armed and dy for iastamt action, betag (hor equipped res lily organiz and im comstant drili for (wo weeks under con petent officers, Men wor from all parts of the State, ar mand, and it is confidently beheved Ghat thy ernor’s effurts will amouut to vel! The voluateer wpilitary compaaics in San Fran Monet wd MUNnTOas cl at theircom fron «isco and Sacramenuty, have disbanded, we order to avoid being called out by the Gacerner. Lt is reported, however, that 1.200 men have enrolled themselves under the Government au thorities. No collision is anticipated At 12 o'clock, on the 23d ult, the body at James Kinz, of Williams woe borne dence of the afflicted family, attended by the Morsonic fratermity aud Che muaening feuds, t the Unitanan Chureh. Not mor part of the vast assemblage were able Inission. At the conclusion of the church sen Most Imposing procession, we have over w sed in Cabforma was formed followed the remains to Lone Mountata ¢ When the last the corner of Stockton and ¢ tt the tes thau one let Ness of the pre. t ston | sOTnIN streets, front had reached the comer of Dupont an Bush. a distance of about ome miles AQ lirg portive of the processive moved four abrens! at ta close order. Its extent would hia u ble but for the exciting scenes yoiny sewl va the city. All abong the tne of arch, tt streets presented a perfect living } who had gathered to sce | iie temsive cortege. The ceremioutes at the ava were those usually perfor via Mason © der, of which the Wa fulplocnt-= hewured member EVEC ION OF > While the ist tukems of respect w paid to the memory of Mr kK a diferent proceeding was the tuct f the V wnlan ct maiuel to post). © cue { Jus watel Friday. bat « reir of . ae d the cur lew mle t ” Fescue Ube primuuen would lon tr mu trom, at tleomght the rooms v gatved ited Ww con whe « Cork « whieh enibra ~oaseting of al HM) ( k se beld pices The s latfurms, was cut upon the roof of the build yy aud the doomed men were both launched tuty eternity, and suspended between the heaven and the earth, feet, and expired apparently without any strag glug, save a few motions of the lower himbs.— Duning this sulemo and awful ceremony a per feet were observed by the Vast throw hes " stillness and silence wo Who Were spectators to the scone euards aud many of the citizens who were ,uucutcicd their beads dwing tie exccu The bodies Neiutes pats were nilowed to lang wo o'clock, of 55 tuutes in all, wl .) vucand Giken into the “ ( and atterwards lind Lover the conioner After a dengthy consultation, (he jury came to A delemmiuated to tnd that dhe wscdy daus PY. Casey 1 Charles Cura, came to their deat V bau, Ty) ed by tbody ot 8 er reviews to the execution Belle Cora was sent of the spieitual adviser of Co tthe request { tay and Chey were turmaliy warned by the priest Phis vest of his spiritual adviser ) ety tatutes: before the execation, weal tae sulution until this rloraied The natant, aud looked angrily at foie « Hetiee « ceneuy lad been pe woman rmaittee. She « : m, bat fir sented on recening a writtea reqttest from lin Wits Te ibs to the to. Ny con to du so Cora, the widow of frecelved a communication in which she was charged to muke preparations to vacate the Ii was rnmored that Bel! Cora, lind A Committee of Ciuzens,” Charles srened © hour bow occupies by the Ist of “AS Vigilance Comanittce are making Preparations te cultipel ber to break up der establishment aud eave the city. The work of death being ended, iined tuct who had acted as re body of dards on the oc ion were all drawn up in Sacramento Davis street 1 were review line on “udiey from tu Sansome doable t a! obey the r officers Thie vex! if af (he Caluiwl one oh Wie lille. plkcew above (oat : “array dex riled, ane ae th aeal aaiies) at Carolina Watchman. the Colonel's tible. What progress the lady Phey were dropped about six made in studyiag French is not known; bat, during the interviews with her teacher, there grew upin her breast: sentiments and feelings incunsistent with ber relations to Col, Pryor.— How long this state of things existed, we are not doformed; but the result: was, that) Mrs. Pryor and M. Fremont fled: from the city: tu Nerfulk, and there, for a time, lived together— he tis understood, pursuing the vocation of uy cliowas supposed to tawve been his ooginal trade, They did) not, however, reside ! nu Norfolk, but went to the South—where holsterer, w ‘ chdate for the Presideney was bora — pos sthly Savanah, though some report say Chath W. moartiod, Certain itis that vld Col, Pryor was Wever orced trom tis) wife, who thus left him mere forlorn than he was when she omarricad him. The question arises, could there have been Without a divoree ? tis proper te add that Col Pryor, after brooding over the bad) treatment le desertion of his wife, assuaged his 4 legitimate inarniage sormetine sulfered in th ref Gy inanyving anuther young woman, who as hardly tu add, without issuc Phe abduction of bis first wife by the French man, who showed not the slightest regard) for DeCOnsary Nis prior clans, Was a sore subject to the old Colonel These inenents in the life of the pro Jemitor of the free-soil candidate for the Presi deneyv, show that he was at least a disciple of if nut of Free-Soil. — THE MENDACITY OF THE FANATICAL PRESS. That Millard Fillmore must be put down, if Free Love, possible, is the universal feeling and determina- Gon of the most rabid portion of the fanatics. Po effect this end the Freemont presses seruph They are constantly perverting, distorting and misre P vot to resort to any means however foul resenting every thing that be save. His honest, Manly, Woble avowals excite their most. intense SALISBURY. N. U. TUESDAY EVENING, JULY 15, 1856. TERMS OF THIS PAPER 82.00 CASH FOR PRESIDENT, MILLARD FILLMORE, OF NEW YORK, FOR VICE PRESIDENT, wot say whether the porties were ever ANDREW JACKSON DONELSON, Ming 81 and €2 votes, which was,—we will not OF TENNESSER, oy FOR GOVERNOR, JOHN A. GILMER OF GUILFORD. rempdued with him autil bis death—he dying, MR. FILLMOE'S ALBANY SPEECIE ot ascertaining that will, we woul supe Tas called down him the enven omed shatts of the Black Bepublicans of the North, hatred and pers upon who jiant him with cruel ition, All their press- es teem with vile perversions of his lan giage, and falsehoods of the Llackest hue are industriously promulgated amongst infest: the” dark and filthy lanes of the cities, and the The bold and open avowals of Mr. Fillmore, and his the ignarant scum who credulous of the country. stern, uovielding declarations for tie tell like a shell al, abolition crew at the pularity, Whele country, bomb amidst the - North. ‘They they know if elected Prestdent, he will fear lisp and [subject to the attention of the people. have done, slink away to their beds of in-| The Diregtarsof thie We believe there is not qne man in ten, |fumy, and rot, unhonored, and unsung.) on Toeaday last; aud ow: the an. [in Rowan County, who is not opposed to | If the hopes of the country rest apon none | nual meeting of the stodklollere was ley ’ ce ° | . " < “f ‘this unneccessury restriction, During) better, then is she hopelessly lost. | There were several cars from the west on ‘ull the newspaper fuss about anes and twos, . aan coe Ja,| Wednesday evening, Mled with in the Spring, we did not meet with asin. — Vorth C. cb C. & S. Caro. Rail Roads, ld d ; and the 1 the Spring, me ite the fret ch 80d passengers; a attendance gle individual who was willing to exclude —It will be seen by reference to the firs | oof ‘ ; 5 : : ? of stockholders from all quartets was them from the currency of the State. page of this paper, that Mr. Johnston, ren ’ With the present seareity of coin, itis ps re ~e South © ny, | Showin a p interest in the work, : ; 4 » President of the Charlotte & South Car a toled Impossible to get along without them. If © sia lied Mr. Fisher's The lout. Calvin Graves and the people need them, who dare say they Jina R. R. has replied to Mr. i Philemon Hawkins and Chas, "Philips shall not have thei. communication published two wee 548% | Esquires, acted as Secretaries. All in regard to the connections, It is appa) Directors, both of the State and stock ol Kereat!—We go fora repeal of rent, we think, that Mr. Fisher and Mr.\ qo.. wera} the seuseless law of the last Legislature, prolub Jol i have not understood each other ders, were in attendanes. Robt. P. Dick, Jo muston rave ne ood Rare Esq., appeared as the States representa. say smuggled through that bedy,— bat passed | 08 this subject, and that it is probably jive, without the knowledge of an overwheluwing wa: owing to this fuct a failure to ran in eon: | Tl 5 of Mr, A jority of the members, We have not a doubt However! ] Lh a x i Fisher, the Presi. that the law is in conflict: with the opinions of |. ; ' ble difti |dent of the R vmpany, ie a full, able, four fifths, if net of uine-tenths, of the people, as this may be, we ee. he Insuperadle CM: | and must awtisfactory document. It shows is execution will be a very great ingonvenience culty in the way of an arrangement se- | that the Read has been excellently man. to all whe have business to transact. We hope, enring eonnections, and hope, since the therefore, atthe puble will be exy pd, plain: Pale has been thus far veblicly discus | aged during the past year, and that its ly and emphatically. And as one of the modes se 8 be A 1 a prospocts in the futnre are most cheering. thay | Sets OS MOR y UCL C CeO: w iwus accompees || The total receipts of the Road, from qll : ous ing a good result. jsonrees, fur tue year ending 30th June counties be respectfully called upon to deelare | 30, . Whether they are in favor of the ne peal of the Wikeiknaliltler\mercan’naliri kell eure op | 1358) amonnt to 8 301 26; the total law. [tis more importent than the reader may oslo me eta bathed ei it | EXpense of operating the Road daring the mal } Fi ? of success Because they have filled many)” Gelteans : ar ae ens of members may be offices, amd are now bouml to Fill- More, | time amounts to $108,209 29—leaving a vsce eal, fo ig Lc m © prrties ; at few wire-workers decide for the caucus; So they are— bound to bim by ouths; aud he balance of $122,091 97. and the leaders of this crusade against sinall is bound by oaths to his council, not to the peo The cost of the Read, in round num. notes will be sure to be ou hand at Raleigh dur ple. Bovod ! yes, if K. N's consider oaths bind | bers, is four inillions of dollars—the esti- ing the session, exerting themseives against re- img. they are all bound,— Raleigh Standurd. | ated additional amount required to pay peal » they are—bound to him by vatha,” indebtedness, complete and equip it, mak. {and by oaths they are bound to their ing the whole capital invested €8,350,000, country] Sand he is bound by oatha te his! «fr may be safely stated,” says Mr, Fish. oo council, not to the people.” [ATL parties | op. « wad } i “BUCK, BRECK, AND BRAGG. CNUs" . " ‘Wes CATT parties cr, “that no Road in this country of equal being subordinate to the Constitution and Jength [223 miles) and character of cun- Fy nd tl rt.| struction, has ever been bailt and put to “Bound, yes, HR. N's consider oaths work for eo small an amount of first ever.” Democrat The President looks forward with great Rerear! on has thus long existed. nec the candidates for the Legisbsture in the -- caucuses: decide for Let that be the watchword. Page tleeclle Observer, Repeal! Repeal! Is the watchword, we Lelieve, ot the sold line whig” Gah ited: the oaths which bind them te its supy candidate forthe Senate, Phe Col. isan amalgimee binding, they are all bound.” i We of art and mov r , tor of polit } reeds. as i = .k a . . A ra * . ee ce Mie scorn and stir up in i unhappy busoms Cs manage to bring all their schemes of agi rot poli ioe creeds, as he isattempting ic Ko N's de not consider oaths binding: ! contidence to constantly augmenting re st Nos ¢ te i t i to be ol polities ) izanes Tall the 5 ah f 7 7 . 5 Poicrel Giemenrdr ea w 1 : . ! wy i. : ” Te ae tation and disunton tean end They fear political partizans, Wiaillthe ine or if they de, the y fail to observe them ceipts. Raleigh Standard. eee i f wine Mal Mi ty aU the spirits of e pit hate : eredicnts ¢ In Joreppeos “4 oounnne orb ‘yo vet: i I ee 7 ree ey the lightof beaven, They are waging aguust his manly boldness, and they hate his ine B'S" This proposed compound imix Perhaps they get absolution from the -- - bten “ be rooms, and enter > ae! a id harman Wa res at once be | 7 he nee eee mena (Nite warfare in which all the weapons, revolt: Corruptible virtue, seeing in these char” Jharmonize ina result at once beauti high priestof the Standard. Demecra MIt. FILLMORE IN MISSOURI 5 es! ! leg - ' } a . A y Fry Oh FE eur mati er ; Rate Us eat UY, sly used acteristics, as well as having learned ') and snecesstul ty his hopes t Dan tic Ko N's by scores have broken their If the political divisions in Missouri 7 . see We lhave seen the eloquent words adilreseed by . as ah rvrous experiment ! | . 5 ve politic. ah st ) POTIOMCHE | Cis hota $ a «natiis ort ‘ ’ . . ™ 4 . ch ae powiee Tie cmon tet Anes re eee’ ’Y from past experience, that his hand is 8°08 ¢ i? i It is notin the ma oaths, if desertion of the candidates ot continue as they now stand, Fillmore is : a few days ago, : ture of political a veles to blend. as : ict P j aie les : idiyads Casey t hie benhs it verted by Freemont journals into "Sedition tgaiust every mau whose hand is against . eon Saul ; tee tu blend, aa in the American party isa violation of them rl certain of getting thet Staee— ie : ie at . - - f 1 Treason.” in order to counteract his re Coustitution and the lawe ol Ue cee | f wateror oil colors, dexterious They are bound, nevertheless, by the Each wing of the Locofeeo party has a a oe | sand nitslead the popular mind. Another (oo) Iv managed upon the pallet of the painter. “cohesive power of mblic plunder,” ~eperate electoral ticket, beth are in t gia ll rela reat j i conotry | I | ’ t f Beaches LR he A ; nals iM eve esitat o de Si . > t ? ) ave , we " » . ~ hier ases atag the rowhor ee ee en Itislast EDENOTLETIOARaTTCRITAT No, ne. Politicians of different lhaes and Lonnd to cach other by hopes of the al BS e28ise rchanan ut as the Ameri Ne ; hw at uu] at stimiate a frend of the Constitution lat ! leasire, ‘ nee r aay : . cans are united, they will no doubt poll u Lith a's J ‘ olors vin, if Consistent, their indivic act . . ‘ F : : k whet te Makes a patmove declaration, bas Virtuous men oof all sections, it more : Soars eae Mag ury dollar tnere votes than either the Benton or . ; a nt , Pand dis t shades, 5 Jae ’ oo nti ; hk < Sieve the rosie ts mee Lupen his Albany speech, only to tras expec ially of the South and West, and of “ MBCUS, Sth them as anti Benton factions, and thas seeure the ; i nee a ‘ olesale Sa athon hy oe a lipattica. ure ned wieninone ee un will You may, sometimes, by ex Canyht —Ow the afternoon of the 4th State to Fillmore, ‘ ‘ duty to hold up to the South , i . aie eon dngas ; + 5 ‘ : shar method by elich Black Repul to the saperi latnis of Mr. Filly for : ary outward: pressure, bring out) July, instant, Mr. RL W. Minis threw TN Bal w con ton ro etren end) cay 1¢ Baltimore ¢ -o:—" bOYANRER SULLIVAN h sparage, to defeatand to crush the Presidential chare Diere ja no lack * : Ue whet ANT Tinselton a bed in 2p counting row of ibe tipper says _ " Mr t if tripe E white ere ' have it, on tigh antherity, that @ meem- re) I rohis open and fearless mamten: ot gin Sth locadiadiiniient } ot REE SEIS Ss ULMS Mesemme Ve Symone a Conend f¢ coal Viet rhe | ; rey Pen « With thie view we insert ee ey ‘ . Re) hit iit ’ ver en resé from iryinia, whe has . - x ’ ; ears Irani lew Nake Tl Government on » id and equitable prin tas : geass Hropypred Co sleep Ile had in hie pre ke always acted with the old Demoeratic . .. 6 ntarning srecteriahie com pies. Nie 3 ick evidence ot ue Phe Col when he laid down, a wallet containing party, has stated thas fen days since be RY ‘ ‘ . Wecerete I cheat Allany, which bes his superior qtalitications forthe eminent Oe" f ns 4 about R800, When he awoke this pock bad te he stiheg dioica: ooeslve ‘ < t corr sucl ul a t ! ‘. that State, but . t = " " o trust, nor ds the lack of proof ot ; S ecase of J et ook and conteuts were gone Sus x , spied Eoahes od Latanes Peibd d eaterely kK * \ i ie As at We bepe thatour ren | sat Tie ; 6 confident of hia success. The work gos : ta Sp eeepc a prare HIS sincere and ling devotion t eat feeaee A Er 1 fell upen a young man of this Gravely om” His be “ h “ trom the speech itself every American int ~t No uan, s ake ' ( county, named Dltshonser, and he was» - ' ) t ¥, tle t red Nita | \ oc k . Initane Gen Waslingtor as ever retire ‘ : UTI EN searched, bat uo discovery was made Gen. Memnean Ifunt, a geatheman “ wait » vain for eome explanstx f 1 ; ‘é ; t t . “ . San oy a ie : sqlite ty Ex eee ae . Pe spree erence 4 nalipantiaiied! scLieccks [lainey cheat nlentitied with the Texas mile! i 7 ( ie ; \ iis tata anil wilciiialii struygyle for iinlepemlence, died in Ten- ~ e * his. nan, os e the awther of * ° ’ ’ ' t Chatham, wil liad breetn dba a A - * * > mat | P \\ ve the © ; ’ heasee on the 26th ult b J na r ‘ Wiha (e niwo, he hee repeatedty COUNIFY, ¢ eh w \ , ky t s place for tes or three month, — " . e t ¢ eve {the ch uce of te th } t di Ts | ane, the A a ¢ : vent of t is Be for the wie 1 5 plave - waspresentatthis search, and took an * Deaucratee Keoaomy.” — be vt remembered aor . « ‘ , “tb t ’ «€ 1 * ‘ S a rae ee » office \ 1 1 Prose and sa a - til Coyother, as tore | | t worthy of mention that tho present Demuratc administration hes k wer L a ( @ proclama tro we M } : f the teh of fur spe ¢ = fh tlixee lve aan aa sequent spent durmy every year of te etistemew, mur | ‘ v} bed . wih ch ant ‘ at ee nae money ina time of peace than ever was etpend " k,w vue * should actesl \ how, ; j be Ure yruilty person Nethi ae : é i \ x lm a time of « am! that we are tared ciunal votes and shuld ele . , h sa feed Sreet, wan O8 Be ee ae Pea eee e ¢ vioandw < ayers x ‘ wieilie forinerethana week, and tacnty om annually fr the support of of . > eh oa! ie out for a mment; and Can be remove \ the everciee of : ae : MCS BAN! Ne Milie teocmn to think hie hee. wae Mv buble-rs . was 8 . . . a otyle Were , , ; : i { a aie wet . “ 4 t pl vn . cha Ses ~ oes ul. Seorme ritug last week, yonny ! Ps * lire rn e . 4 "Ud re head of “be = 5", { Noe : Ovations eit pcr ner anes Ite as | ' ‘ : r A ue WT itviisay was coun witli a large anne. 0H Under the head of pas news, ad annuetahable avowal tha them ; 4 lis ‘ \ ts rey freon th Lisleist lewiate: M Ae a Neve Cone ies alone . i" t { \ t a . x - ey, ane tas apending it freely hak A atly ‘ R 6" “wget of ( ‘ ; nee J , mre the fh ins » follow ing ; Sy iy ° " hie or the ane ae « i t : ae ‘ Dray tis wast k ey fi eaten t. the f wing \ tay peasy eta ic 1 Wilt ches \ x lsae efere. le paul off Nile of Stecha —last week males of . tfor a pr ek 4 tow B ar Ty t shares 1 Mining € mn pa ra | \ fior ' t ‘ tom f Gi ; a verenne give al thier / | f eo cM rte, at Ne hernitouiitierachecine ie at the fol bd ua w hf . \ { eos - f aie Aine Nees + + ta cent pers are, k \ care ent ani \ ‘ i bulready ted yam he wa the onginal value of a share being five t < z =p s gentle ‘ 4 2 ‘ ert mat A-lileor ia) are At the samme time some few . te satd Mr F Clay! Wo ‘ ‘ seoarres confessed bis guilt, and Land warnite were sold: thee fur 80 . = nthche F F ee acres soldat sixty-five dollar, and Ww STA : al parts preorating tee : Le CO Tek s oe ne Hone where tye BUtes twenty five dellare was oLtsined States ak s ee \\, I () atte Ne K rib Ay - oe candsdates by evf ue : ‘ ‘ ' 5) mare ; { t tt ‘ prarty * ¢ o4 sti ‘ TH AVE TRAFFIC . ( - er wh 0 f z ° a heave er rwasty rf ; - nite , Ps -* radiate ita) T New York Joarnal of Commerce s winch most vrtabl ve i t ‘ ue as lv ‘ I He was brony ive t fifteen slavers have sailed from . J % f fm ] ‘ ; : ack to thie place, and lelgedd a ‘ withoe the last twelve months, i . ~ £ ewrhanl ] x \ i ‘ \noexa aastiad berore lie Ul . ‘ ree vie Hore leat pip obespan M . . WS cae be th euch andectties ve Villainy proe- i . - 1 “ ‘ s ‘ % | ( we e-tiorlay A ¢ . pre ecribe ee wh uN , : Ithat while Marshal de Angelis * . S Pre ia : ‘ : Us woccnuped aboot the seizure of the : aim iw ; . ‘ ss at ;! ‘ at ext ( t oh (whose officers were on trial tur . + ( “uj ; R Ae eae a Zoning inthe slave trade,) advantage re aie i u , sor ? : sas taken by another veasel of the same . xg ‘ A } 1 ah . ether ae Let Hosa : . : aracter te glide duwn the riverand ew ‘ ‘ J Ca htveow ‘ Sate eiliait ; ica ules dite ‘ utara ” ‘ np It is well known that within einty o nime appr x \ chance ia Ther sto Bock” Breck and Bragg” aye an old vessel was bonght for 1,500, i : ’ f ’ n es . ‘ 5 ' ( Robards, gave naa pase refiite Land altered toe topaail schoumer, . pi it se usta . ‘e ‘ ‘ } ir 4 8 pene on that dav, sty ded with bogweed and whalebone, and ole aspen sien t tie simply ab-urd that a oan Detteit Rnow Nealine oe d fora Enropean port, in ex amare : é Me nm A : = of acaptain who was convicted at Phil- y as rin iv: we nota “oontiter ‘ - \ GILMEL KR. Fe are nota “¢ Wlelplia, a short tine since, of being en ri I 161) Fie ; t t m= a Fi \ F we ’ ; \ Pretend ty be a ge waged in slave trading; yet there were a . ] of ‘ M kat the nnondene ok . N goopimind that) reg Cirenmistances which would justify the ee Py Sta (; ’ \ 7a - shen : ; © party by subses este of a warrant for her detention < * \ ; ' ' flicers ertained no doubts fi \ z « 4 D4 ‘ | - el ooathe are es bal eens w t wing M ( r I ) I ae as er reat character and 2 ; aA =~ ‘ ire ‘ ensalbie t «4 x A toeinber: and ; ; a (aaver Dicer , : ! A © . he impunity with : “ ra ae . . etra swey a7) Nis, we cant be wig transactions are carned on ; wiry ‘ é f ; n . ne (lava I ea miterfet. [fhe had eaid we were ina red from the fact, that, de a “ we ‘ 4 ' tor + i t . J ! - M ig artinenta of vaseniting “Row Nothing,” meaning Zthelast year there have been but . eX alne t (iieet pers ines ‘ . it juiroved the | oi five proeeentions for any breach of the \ ! ih . pe . ! : and it nent all act Pee \ : j | laws relating thie matter, and of this 5° _ ‘ t a Se tase ~ ! M r f ] f tl wie : number the government succeeded in einvcrita . i precuring one conviction, vig; the cap- ‘i ‘ stera wlhroec iste Bat what sogvested to the Col, the idea Cait f the Julia Morgan \ - i, d ‘ ( ' t ‘ : : ‘ pivisit fe EE Le) EMimiEn acre Reelin N t bong . Mr. Crawford, HL. B. M. t enrt rile aeevinplial Consol General in Coba, ealled the atteo : s reveals the secret motiona of the gentle \ ne. ‘ “ I Iria Waele & La : ; e ee tote oof Ar. Crampton, at Washington, to f Vhig AG es Pea all the fact that slavers were fitted ont in . 1 i ayes “ ' . | Col comes ontas an thi city, ane asking his interference to . t ( \ / thoy Isheawlhig?) Tehas prevent the sailing of a vessel that was | ‘ Mr. I \ home si taa| iiiieci(ltn vite chanan, ‘lernearly inreadinesa. In the inetance “ HeMnvss justice Brockosrideeant Renew! ey now, (eel te, Don dose Egea left Havana r Mr | ! [)sert and wete for a aa : ‘for New York, (as Mr. Crawford ae \ were they cover whist Not at all “ 3 j Mow ' ‘ , e seris,) in order to purchase, throngh @ ' f } : _. \ \ ataortofin whig, ia it then, that ean cer house, a pilot oat or fore-and i ‘ tw t « fa } 7 : SM NED NAD PROMI ) ; ' : v suchatichet¢ Tahe agenutne whig? aft seh r~oner, capable of cade J ove ‘ i et ie i tril { sert ere ‘ ‘ ri ' t 1 ) & a] ‘ ‘ uke: : un Every body will laugh atthe idea. Ie 500 slaves, from Africa to Cuaba—the ves- « Si len 1 ; t re te that tef Clay S ountirf it oan hase cComterieitondie rel to beprovided with water, &e., and \ hoe ch eranta ; , * r ( f ie 1 t I RAR SS A eli anf ae ean have no currency among wh ee prepared, to sail from New To , lave t ong NZ—NOT Foe he | . \ “ut ' ilne: teen c There ar whe lend ay eh io . orher destination, where the slaves were i : ¥ ’ ; | lay e lens < perfectly idle for him to jn iy ating Mr. Crawford remarked in _ ay t vt t r § 4 | 1 " $ . f 2 ee mk praite Mr. Fillmore. The deception is connection with bis despatch; “Alinost - Bank 4 ( eof « who Wa * aan . 1 } | rn a ‘ " as vshallow, entirely. Tt is part and par- all the slave expeditions for some time . 4 r ; Z “ e : al a cel of one general and partic lar connter past have been fitted out in the United P, ; nat ; lonin claring tha : 7 \ tt ra of theymablioap: gis aud coiiteesle States chiefly at New York, where there : | and entitles the Col. tothe distinetion 4 p athe ‘ S ne anid Perit ata areel son 4 Tire Thane Gina tonne re Lhe tiist be some cstablishment, ship or out unterfeits : nae ' ; ‘ \ ftie laws and thats resu | geton the het pours, and self ici ting carpenter's or builder's yard, spec- nda k et remarks : ren lie i. . ee Waren nant at - tally undertaking auch bnsiness for the : a P ? 1 a sisten e elim in . ineees A ‘ UAE IG uf ; seradenrt : ‘ : f ; " Sared by Hoops. —& young lady of Charles. slavers Most of the vessels fitted oat ' } ar ‘ We tet | ‘ dial ‘ eeeNti Mente rae sonly so manyof evideneesof ne a 7° Mot ae rite ate fort bhiged to nt f () F ves : : ohrus pwn, Masa. while er maing Warren Bridge on in the United States for the slave trade i Wie g ( ; : PSE SOLANUTIIS All such ean only be re Phursday evening Gl theowsh the draw ir sail from New York, but a considera- wit ‘ he ues \ , , ; Ma) Ff emgh the dra reon ; ; Lf : perates eee uly ‘ membered for their political toryiam, and. esowcnen 4 ble proposition of them sail from other Fre ' : F k oth t three euch com : que nee mach haste, and would have § ° A ed Cae | elie 8 yen IsiNeas ¢ nity nthe roral unfitness for any high) trost } ports. The vessela ordinarily select ney ia in eves fave ween th x + Teen downed but for the effleney of hoop-akirts ¢ Pe meee | \ re Cnbofiientate tact ; (nranid «eanrvothetate at late antl enw ls , r are of medium size, costing no more thaa I 4 vats and owl Nopreventing ber free uy 1, ; i ° : ae | g mmeinking while a boat wae 5.000 te £7000, bought with the expec- . ieee COO XS FASS TSG tation thot the will be destroyed when & them slaves realize at an. 8170, ted. Mull were ©) lanee C of the « parties Hinvis. was gre given lu faith an counties upon wh vaed oo mea we when oll ageinet | este their ject was suppused graces de ton, and the mind owas pre ered, was cates ba argument etal obser wel be fre whee fool | by am oat colowhs tor sod just p have evel vee te s ewitiog th mre to be vdge, roasery « oon of | cad trewel * comming snd ae to mye thet « way of Ne éee the ons crved from theme a nat perhe “* romte te © boslt ot | wl come, be +cht tm te Tos the eng he directors 4 directed ~ weated | where elea, he pert ® Pepe or. and th Rowd favth rely met be In cometas oon 8 perp thown tw be "nee the me Ven, for | ching « wate throug! ‘refusal to @ “\infied with "*Y Goal the ‘Nthe tende ‘© will fog "ht be I T have paid net 9 Corr Yours revi wil June, total the ving a num. © esti. to pay » mak. ish. equal cun- put to cust.” great ny te nerce from athe, pree- elie the | te tage me | ew saty 500, er, and rand *hiil- y on erv the thon abts + with d on da hut the this in leap- theit eargo is secured and finally di charged, “Traders: culeulate that Wf but one Vessel ont of four proves successfn they can well afford to ingur all the Joss. es involved, and assume all the risks, | Negroes are obtained on the Afriea coast at from $10 tu 840 yor head, an from. 6300 to $800 is readi ly obtained fi them when landed; so that a cargo of 500 slaves, costing $15,000, or $30 per hea: realizes to the ventnresome trader, if suld at an. aterage of 8400 per head, at least On Wed $170,000 or $180,000, expenses deduct. |, oust — ted ’ ee - Mulligan and [ughes, two desperadoes who were expelled from San Francisco by the Vi of the committee in New York on Tues. Th parties arrived there.a day vr two since in the | bat did wot shoot. | Wood told him he had doue what he came mounted his horse aud Hinvis, For the Watchman. Newrex, Catwwwba Co, N ’ July 9b, teos6. 4g Dear Sir: 1 have no desire to Prepare a commu. jou for insertive in the Watel who wish their owa aad County well, in cousequene of the opposition to lwcating by Newton. entirety in the dusk in reference to the a hemes pre J eoting agniast our wwe end county ull a few day before the meeting of the boord; and tadeed heur nothing bet floaing rumors (ill the very morning « the meeting, when they first leerned thet theie rus was gravely contemplated. Tc these rumors they he gives inthe eredit breaws: they hud conf fewee tu th faith and integrity of the sivekhulders fromm all the counties ; and thet they would comply with the cern: upon which the company was organized, aud tecug viaed ae the part of the counsel uf Si sie OUR NR En NN dk i with reference to the proceedings uf the lute board uf Directors of the Western N.C, Rail Road, bu: I wish asa Private cor. respondent to give you sone iniell gence in regard te HLaywood is an eccentric man, the feelings of the swwckhuiders of this Comnty and uil secluded himself for For you And bow i, " “ee aE katana acd bas d micas iloM ICIDE. a: | 1, VAs assaulted and ingtantty killed by M See we! M } lied on propert sladvertised it Y morning Haywood wer \to Smith’s house, ealled him out, strnc him with @ stick across the fence, an jthen, getting over the fence into the yard, [stubbed and ent him with his knife, kil ; ing bin instantly, | Stith’s brother hae “beri with a yur e Jearn ito do, and then jrode away. | On Wednesday morning, as soon as in- _ [formation of the homicide Was reccived | INHE SECOND SESSION here, Mr. Deputy Sheriff Norwood (Mr. | Sheriff High being absent) proceede with a posse to arrest Hay wood—but h could not be found. He will noe doul | frm near this place. Suiith, the constable, was an easy, it under such Circumstances, « well be supposed, a very general feelin Of indiynation, We trust that the " : : Madame Showles, ihe Engtiat Lady delineator d@ brought to trial— Wa. Standard. , ; a the Beenes of the Tuurnament and Chival | rep. 3) Virtue of two several essignmenis in Trust from : ert dl ee 2 = Wilicwen nckelwe will cot tct public anetion on Tent the Queen of ‘Love and Beauty,’ usin the dave House in ‘ Frauk Graiiece, ex. Piathianter Gi: Neral | Tuesdy, the 26ih day of Auguet ural, at the nec, | of Lvaubue, und Ashby de Ie Louche “under Gen. [arrison, ¢ Fremont * lamented that he had not time to finis the rest of his opponeuts. must We suppose their feelings to base been outraged when sll of « sudden they sow ageinet them! end what comtributed sti! pore toes exte their feelings was the manner fu which thie pro ject Was suepceted to be brought about suppored thet by order of the President the chief cn acer designedly wade « report unfavorable ic New wa, aod thar their ieflarmce wes exerted Prejudice the minds uf Dueciors wgaiast thie place. The cums pretest ender which this oppuminn « ered, was the goud of tate, thai of being the cates ha the imiereets of the Biste A very plane ble argument iadeed thie of Sisic petretisa to & seperti ciel obeore af (ts, bw which 1 rust, in duc ume, wel be frowued dwn by 8 beberel bedy of stem bhuddere whe fool themearivee bund by thew © irmn pledge as by em wath sed mot ty be influrnced by euch serrow coleuhsiors of dullare sad couts whee ea wore trberel aad suse pulley wrght gem milliws tv the Stare W het have such euteuletums ty ds wish the edema pledges given te cturkindders of Catsebe eoanis Bat od fog thet th would ret even 8 cur wether =the acme. more to bring the nad ta Ne wn thew te tehe it he redge, bere awn cuwid thee venant be pest sath reacery of Neri Corutina by the MOreeee in ihe va “el peperty. and th Brest quaminy of frogh sad trevel whack sowkd be brwrhi upon o comming ty Newton but @hich so bes f Swath ; end wm arly ail the wealth ' Moath af the eomemplaied ty A ote © 95 008 of ub he need by vihere we weenty bee J, 28 mey mm vlhare eubee rt tteng “4 to Comme te of Newten, 1 seh wn the pucy wm CBr Gerla wf (he Binte ws budd up om or md © pert id the iste, dy we thee, and ore we men of the 8 od ae any pari and bet ba oer Lbere v the charter meter eek! have been eecerd me “re ut rommurere «sheasied vet. 4 . « ore thet more of these rreercce « be needed ine © th reed gets is Morgan very = he mhe ha @terr@t Wee et the be» wn of hee State oo da by exme | coe he oh wey ther New ov ree te eepenrence oh nm ib fen Git ens they aught bey oer Newium & wraeend dullare ond Leaie the ame boty or & od cany frum ber oe mogh New tun end the cunmiy sere 4 whe mtr te 0 0 remer hee gums ebriadd thet Ne @icm - - mher thea an ar bee ua the r ce, amd (mat contd "tC ~ merch amar to come then to beep the fer. 4 mey be prper te mabe wwe steiements te by war od ee qrtmen Ties roany w coirete deerive thee umerquernted wih the con ’ “ 0° eer leme fromm the pow ud Givergrare -a © Lang ot ndge weahd teed th wegh worse diffi whine the e=me ww Newwe; fh there ere ment weep bite sad deep talleye lo eoremater hee te» heep the mige which bear se Newton das Seah of 2 doreet (S* Gg tage erereery to make pearly of quite ea farae « mom bere = ¥ ae fer Neogth which « beep om the rmige w by town ted ae to the @at the man wh made the sarves m= ve chet engl: gut te cm aay mere in ome by th wy of Newton, though mune sih.werre perhaps @ve the peaprtioe on secownt of the (+ siment he re crved from the chiet engrecer Bot these sequainied with the com thar « "at perhepe 50,000 4 Hers mare if the we fer we eed wet more fh 10 the copnns beet most be adem: ted she he eutimatos of the etref engumeer are b ch They *"* partiontarty oo in reference te “rage the sued by here All the addins nal ret mos im the greding fer if i be me ferber mm. and beeping ep cen be ne more so made his fepert on the upper newts wth *Y, amd besides who bmevwe bet greet nbeterles ms “ enerantered by mucks which @ offen wn a og wr ridges, we hope, thereiae, thet peesuns wil n Sew thele minds to he much owsyed by s repert wih And who duce mt know that securd be pest which be w «nt The engines 8 survey t to the high -svimates if the eng tert, a reiiteed - "€ 8 © muse favorable point on the comral me * Salshery, end taking @ ~wre dirret and far ra “* reate to Muegantom then the Present survey mgh burl ot @ onet of half 9 million lems then wha " comt, bet whe arguce for thet reason thet the road "cht to take wack «» foate, or ever thought th. “ss the engineers basinces tu report cach arte Whe “e dreetore hed slreedy tuceted NX, Fim ae a man 4 directed the vurvey to be made here end weaied here, it wee aneatled fet te reper were len, aad it was en under BEUTP a! hot he part uf the President to “ tepert. Al Catewha aeke, is to have "and the pl rdges cerned om which were made toud farth, and this she is determined te have ot rewet the very fest. Bat it ie said u be injured by the roads proong 2h or 3 miles ‘orth, bat we oaly ask, would Salisbury alle "at thie Gejesen abuve the place from Siatrsy iin (erimman ! would she subse ribe B100.N00 to cm “town throat, and why should Newsom suffer 1 Y m4 beeanse she is lene able to hear it (pe require him te make Newton would Ine elosion allow me io state thet Ihave never “*0 8 permte a0 evil ae the citizens of this place are thown \ be im such « ferment as these have been "16 the meeting of the board, and TE now assert what Ven, for I apenk advinedly that to toneh News: n nf ching « tender cord, and one that may son vy; brate through the length and breadth of this Stare. and * ofusal te atiafy her jomt cleime (and she will pot be "\\alied with @nything hort of what was pledyed *Y seal the fate ef the Western Extension, and send the trade West of the Catawba to the South, and '* will feel the She ‘ Wee 80 sorely ne Selishury ‘0 be feet to oppse Newton. Thave said thus mach that you may exert your in * 10 Correct mattore at head quarters y Ure Met sinrerely, thie demonstration for «was THE MARKETS, ee esti iat insies iti on auuiininmmingvn apes dh | We learn that on Wednesda morning | — I, last, Mr. John. P. Smith, residing some} A SOPPLY of the crop of 1°55, ombraciug atiny | seven or eight miles gouth of this place, | Aifred Haywood, living aliout three iniles | July 15th, 1856. 4 south-east uf this place, It appears that: | Mr. Sinith, who was a conetal ey lad lev- | of Mr. Haywood, and! PREPARATORY garded by the ‘toes pid Meee | MILITARY SCHOOL. . We learn that there lance Committee of that city, nssuiled « member | ©Fe Some fourteen ents on Smith's body. that Hay- utfempt to escape from the country.— and lias! . ve is | ceived. maby years on his | offensive person, and an excellent officer. have dowbsless, heard, by this time that there was an The killing x effort made Ww Weate frum 2104 miles abuve thin Pleee snch a man, has occasioned, as might o@ what 1s termed Long eriers ridge. Our peuple were per » petrator of the deed may be arrested and has declared for Ne is the tan who ent off 8,600 heads, officially, in thirty days, and me 4 t ae ¥ Be ——— CHOILE TURNIP SEED. | Crescent City ON ITS SOUTHERN TOUR, . - he mie approved beret ws reevivedat | | BILL & SILL’ Drug Store, r. Salisbury, N.C. Qw7 ‘ YORKVILLE, 8S. ©. | aT aa tase dy FACULTY: AS0 MVeyW aw HBORSuS ee PROCESSION OF THE AGE! NO HUMBUG, NO INDIANS, NO ANIMALS! { e M. JENKINS. (Senior in Organi- fmation, Regulation and Discipline.) | I Profe saa of Mathematica aud Na-| A (% od OU. Fushioned Cireus, such as used Puixcirars. tural Philosophy. Travel Thirt Years ago | 4. COWARD). (Senior in Business . meat A fal , | matters) Professor of Belles WWM. C, MANAHAN, Sole Proprietor. — Letters and French. Mr, John Shay, Equestrian Director, C. 4. SEABROOK, Professor of Ancient Languages Wm. C. Middleton, Treasurer, i chiiieetimeinmaiiainn Le a ee “ > Aare an SPRING AND SUMMER | ROOD FOR 1856. MICHAEL BROWN a a | Naucv Coonatser ageinat William Howard, of free ge, and Stephew O'Bryaa, Nathan O’ Bryon und Andrew O'Bryan, children of Susan O'Bryan. Pettion to sefi Land. I | Court, thet the before num-d defendanis are not in- j Staple & Fanoy jbabitaute of this State: It is ordered, thut publication be made, for six weeks, in the Carolina Watchman, {for the auid defendants to be and “ppear at the next a Court of Equity, to be held fur the county of Davie, ; #t the Court House in Mocksville, on the 5th Monday | ufter the 4h Munday ia Auguat | iy r ; ®wer or demur to i { are; | will be takeu Pre eon iooso, aud Uhe Cause set for bear. | Hardware & Cutlery Groceries, &c., to | ing ex purie, ae to thea. ‘ | Witness, L. Bingham, Clerk and Mester in Equity for said coantys at office, the Sih Monday after the ith Monday in Februsry, in the year of our Lord one | thousand eight huodred and fity-rix, and in the 80th . ; year of American Ludependence. | highest market price. Hats, Cups, and Bonnets ; the public—offering at how prices for cash, or on tia to punctual custumers, at wholesale or retail. 5 aow ceeeiving and ope ning | his large and well-assorted Dry Goods, to which he invites the attention of his custumers and | N.B. All kinds of Country Produce bought at the | { | | ENGINEERS OFFICE, W. N.C. B. wai | | Salisbary, Jume 19, 1956, { | PDROPOSALS will be received at Statesville, Tre- | K delt County, N.C., antil Ja.y the 15th, for the | Graduation, Masonry, and Cross t | er of the first Secti, | Ou the first 15 mites of this work there is important Masonry, and especially the Bridge acrow the Cataw- | ba River, but all of which is particularly worthy of at- tention Plans, Profiles, and Sp with eatin of the work may be seen at the office of the after the 4th July. JAMES C. TURN F Chief Eogiweer, W. N.&. R. R, 0 The Standard and Register at Raleigh ; {er, «¢ Hillsboro’; Spectator and News at | Patriot, Greensboro’ vad Demoerat, at Charlotte, will cupy until the 15th July and forward their ae- e ot d atant ww English Branches. a s L. BINGHAM, C.M.E. | Salisbury, April 16, 1856. 46:1f v» a. TubaPeok Be eee be WILL EXHIBIT AT | Price adv. @5 50. 6w5 \-———~— _————-—- are | 8. P. BOYD, Bursar. Charlotte = SPs || N COURAGE | counts to this Concent |———— of this Cutitution will Gold Hilt NORTH CAROLINA | ) be opened in the vew Garson Boildiogeou the Lot Salisbury | 4 { d ‘of September. Muckeville DAVIE COUNTY. | e| TERMS OF SECOND SESSION, it For Sehoot Expenses, i. ¢., ‘Tuition, Books, d&e, Bowed, Laghts, Fuel and Warhing. #30" — payable $40 ov eotiunee, ond $40 on Let of November No one wader 12 or over 18 years of age will be re- reute. Doors open at 1 and 6. menee a, 2 ead 7. JIMMY REYNOLDS, The ORATOR of the Ring on the Lead, Tumeuse Feats of E egauce! Only The services of a Physician having been engaged, there will be te extra ch arge for medicul attendance ‘ Until the 15th of Anguet letters will be directed to Charleston, S.C. 4 * At the mite of $200 per annum. July 15h, 1556 TRUST SALE! one star iu the Firmament shiniy Heing from the Sea M'LLE FRANCK VIC, The Floral E quesirienue, who introduces her troupe Elfin P. x } Univerwal admiration, so novel Performance as to surprise all behokders ! Mad'lle Franck Vie. changing f traduction of the Miniature Streds og, will execute the aronithine dence of wud Locke, vix miles Bast vf Salisbury, the flowing valvable property, to wit: 396 ACRES 1, Weasean Pet Hore, bland ling an the Ener side of the Yadkin River, — EUREKA. elegantly plea sud eveu fear of tb oo thee tract there is about 75 acresel ricer bottom the meat of which is cleared aud in good condition for cul Uvelen Aleo two-thirds of the bridge across the Yadkia riy cr known oe Leche's bridge And sh. ty a beaniiful and innocent girt OT Aduission Fity Cents, children aod servants 25 Petformance to com- qvestrinniam. Birengih and El- more brightly, appe "neg more Beautiful than “Venus | —e amall as to he wonders in Mature, oy | Court, thatihe her gentle in- syuicnee by performing the wild, uurely aud Berce w that careful training can Cause the fiery Steed of the desert ty become tubusiserve and ube dient L This Knocking! In Equity—Spring Term, 1856. pue undersigned bege leave to returo hie thank Lemuel G. Helon agaimet Wiley King und wife El- | to these who favored him with a call durtag th } vira, Wilham Helou, Thomas Helon, Nauney He} | tase | | Witliom D. Erchiaw, | Mesera. George & Whisnent, adjoining Mr. J. Radi sill’s Pla vf Indiana.) Joseph Hetson of Arkansas, Enoch | work in rq Wiiliuins and wife, and the ehildren of Elizabeth | the state. ee Turning, Cutting Screws, Repairing konsas, Whose names are unknown. Petition to sell Real Estate. Boilers and Engines, of a}) deseriptions ; making aod repairing of} IN this case, it appearing to the satisfaction uf {hi Mill Spindles, Wood Plainers, Plows defendants are not inhabitants of this It ts ordered, that publication be made in ihe | Carolina Watehman, for siz weeks, for the said de- of | fendants to be and appear at the next Court of Equi- tv, to be held for the county of Davie, at the Court &e Mocksviile, on the Sth Mouday after the < q th Monday in August next, and plead, anewer or HOLSS-SHROBiIvE, demar to complaineut’s peuition, of the seme wil! bef will compare work with any one for neatness, wear and deapateh ; Lute cferring shoes, $1.25; $1; cast steel toes ur steel plates, $2 in| State: * taken pro cenfessu, and the cause set for hearing ex Ne parte, as to them Witness, L. Bangham, Clerk upd Master for said county at office, the Sth Mondey after the 4th Mup day in February, in the year of our Lord one thie sand eight handred and fifty-six, and ia the &Oth yra of Ametican ludepeude vee com:nen du. | Brass, which answers finely establishment and furnishing putterns. BINCHAM, CME 6w5 Price Acv. &5 50 Us Old Copper and Brass wanted ng Mills, where he ia propared to execute all is live, aa cheap and goed as can be dove iu, others, being the plautation upoa which Daniel Ovet- 17 I have also erected an Air Furnance for melting | The publie cou get! Brose aad Composirion Castings by eating at the above | — “SALE OF LAND. B* order of the Court of Equity for Rewan Conp- a ty, | will offer the foliowing valuable land for © } Year, and he respectfully informs the public | ##le #t public auction, Helton, Lorena | that he has removed to the Shop lately vecupied by | 240 Acres, to be sold upon the petition of Jacob Overedak and | cash lived und died, situated near the a Church, adjoining the lands of George Barnhardi, Adam Cas- ea and others. To be suld on the premises, the 24th | duy of July next. Terms—six months eredit, boad aad security. | 112 ACRES, | F : | To be sold upon the petition of David Canup and oth- ers, being page ou which Asa Miller lived and died, situated ebout two miles from Gold-Hil, | ing the lends of Juha Lenis, Devid Earohart, Earvhernt und others. This laad wii be tuld subject | ty the widow's dower. Sale io be mads on the pre- | mises, the 3ist day of Jaly next. Terms—six months eredit, bond and security. lL. BLACK MER, C. E. June 17, 1856.—Pr. adv. $6 25.—7w3 a me B melted uver at a reduced price, wih ee ager a Ten Dellars Reward ' =i z ‘wopy. | PDANAWAY @mes the subscriber, on the 29th day en Co Ales emdher small trert of land Ising in the evaty GREAT EQUESTRIANS. ; BF TERRY. Cr ny tare cree eer: ft, te Seb hog Sileahury, VN. ¢ : July 15 of Davideon, on the waters of the Yak a River, cou Whe has not beard of the ar: appliched, Mr O Charkaie, May 5, 1R56 49:6m LE TINE, ahas Henry Lomax Said boy wascon- Apples (decd Miaed, Nod. 10qsy “ME (WY serve, andun which there 1s ay cacelley Dale. the renowned graceful Rider aud One Handred s — - vieted at the last Term of ore —— a du Green, De | 2 Th . y “emervet Mun? Hes great achievements Bake bias aA y ‘ ‘ tusdemeanor, whipped and sold fur the ymeont bio ane Cae : oe STEAM SAW MILL, the favorite uv’ the Ring LAVT of four or five acres of goad land, half « u N ! eo cons for the term uf 18 moutha. Said Velemtine or ol NTOMbeo { tently ereeed and in good repeie MR. W. Js «BR mile fran Chine Grwe Dept, and nine mules . a (aman, m about 23 years of age, five feet three and & Sra 7 Hist AA lee nda Phra a ae - W. J. SMITH, Wcet of Sahebury. Ou it ie arombortable dwelling NEW GOODS!! half iaches high, of gingerbread culor, lurge nase, xe Wreugh 19hGin acct hed ka Wiuesike lV cue Ceaces ves A Six Horse Rider uf euch renuwn that eompannm howe, h hea, swoke-house, stable, corm-enb, spring thick lips, bow-legged, stout bailt, and by tede ae Hine wk, : “9 te re ae OR a Raa od eae, ae sae ° . fo ane de seerpinn are lly faethe ww Justice Wo the epring-huuse aud gardeu. ‘The hu wunder grad fence J V & 4h SY MONS & CO Brek-meson, Plasterer and Painter. Ha wee raved , 30. 33 i Wieser eapnee Micheae! Brown Wiles Biv : ; greet ore £ ter snship and ea © power he For farther imforme:no. apply to MS MeKenue | * : ok 4 V0 “9 in Aweon county, and may be lurking ebvet Wades “ inteears at ct Serve, Alms emaher traci ling MY rHmCtO— be te aly led the Demua Hunter of the — Juue 24, 1nS6 Domed RESPECTFULLY i eek ead A Re merle : weed. Hegel a 8125 im the euumty of Davide, adpan tbe jeude of Mi) Mountains CF Coweurd Garetic publieh one month eod fur NNOUNCE to the citizens if Rowan and ad I will give the above reward for his *pprehension bd . ward sceount to this uffice and delivery to me a Moant Pleasant, Cobasves Tanwere’ gel WW als dred Keer, ond where comiaca og MR. J. SHOWLES « R petaing Couniies, that they are gow receiving « auty, of fewufined ia any jail en chat I get him Castings PB, 4443 Potaura, Inch, 50 @1 Theil crewce ie ike on , 1 targe and welll selected stuck of os hoor aa du Walable 19p 615 do. Meee, (35 8) v0 100 ACRES. Thr Hereal : of th ia—the wonder ofthe sie K EITH & FI TAS N ER. 8 Hf RSs Good acne L. Mun poet is me at Mout Pleasant, s he etrong man « ve Mountuiw Cave—in « . # Trin. mm will be promptly attended to Ova =o p10 Kage _ a Ala: 3 negrw waves, 4 head of harece mules, 3 foaled agdity and stremmh, and enpere wild here P 4 a er Goo 8, CHARLES KLUTTs. Catt sry tad fe oa ee wa. v es 82 ie Qo ntte ed wageme end We here wagon, | meweiip, will induce mse r. aud ereate many CoNsis rine oF Jane 10, 1856 rr? eeeeys We so bucke! 5.00 vg yet oe. orrveve and her ie ee Jhred 24 enawus surpr ” eral dbstiveys « y . y = ae: Sitar 2 Mina tee la a Shandon Supt ae Faucy Dry Coote DR. M. WHITEHEAD Bariape, 00.4124 Shot, P bag e225 |, slal eueanie Ge iB 2 gone MASTER CHARLES SHAY, WILMINGTON, N.C. Ready Made Clothing ; es 4 d ° Catton Yoru, GO cod Z re as Ser ge & { Tat C 7 . ‘ , , ry dese iiptum. &e. » Juggler —in a beet uf delaeone, meg ea ‘ als and Capa ; OFFICE on the seme it with bis residence. In Core . 15 Clover, y bush Stiait r, mosthe eicbeeak mire tr . ‘lull Ga wdep iia ibe’ preaticricr cot h Freight te Wilmington pr. Mail Train Bonnets & Straw Goole hie absence persune desiring tu ove him will leave Vice peck . Oe ee M BOER we deceive beate—wul a1 use, miorest and astruct ) E have made an arrang-meni with the Railruac Boots aad Ghee herr aumes on the Slate ; 2 JAs WI an € dd 00 well uvenice Company vs ran a freght cor with their Mes ae 7 Q. , Jane 17, 1656 3 - > waters - (48 dnme acenawiare ; - = = , > . Trains, twice a week, fron Sahebury to Wil , v- BH a 35 C rushed 15 July 15th. 1856 be? THE VENDEAN ! ROTHERS. y A > , Th > ’ Khar, pbk, Qt eS Clan. d, Gat OS reste ee eee Mieday lend Groceries & Dye Stuffs, STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, (a es re 4 haiaoeras f Suepenene, Conginge, Postar. Mhureday ; leave Wilmington, on ‘Tureday ond Fr j 4 Bar 4405 Terpeatine, Peel tal. PITTM N, WADE & CHARLTON, Mg. hy the twultereulran Arimts ‘The Kreatest tray O40 Our agent will meeampany the evr to receive which they offer cheap for cash of on hort credit ALEXANDER COTNTY Kung Refia'd Sh Wheat ~ aten Successors to WILLS A PITT AY cree weyeited. wit be performed by the wigmalinven. ond deliver frevght at ell the intermediate statnons — Call and examine, ao we are dc termined to cell Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, Spring w re ; Wes ie ’ tere Mr Chee: Morvan ved J Wiainycs a Pde The Gret car will leave Sahebury on Monday 23d inst Apel i5, 1656 16.8 % . oO ‘ Wikdow Glee General Produce hiety feet high Mr Muerte will perks mosne ag KEITH & FLANNEK Term, 1886. Sete peda -” Khearhaeeh li lh at t ae, Sry RGiirerke hin'Gae Wilmington, NC , June 14, 1856 te] <4 : Fart 194 14 “7 10 5 ; , : : David Finger 0. BE. C. MeLetiand, Lead. bar dar ion 19 $2.50 ft A ‘i : re ~ - : z ANOTHER Original Attachment Levied os Lead. Leod. Dry White, 100th stl ot tl esos STODDARD & CLARK 2 ; ba JIMMEY REYNOLDS ‘ . a ' FRESH IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court thet the Ue we De re Firse “Fue ( OMMISSION MERCH ANTS ST oO C K defendant EC. MeLelland, ie not en iwhabitent of DIED BLAKE PITTMAN ' P na The Chen of the North. the South, the Ene and oA UE Dae als au. 0, thie State, Iw therefore urdered by the Const thet yANES Wane | Sate al aia! a a = . a fret lf ng’ of fun, the beet - 160 F atts Now werk. ov publication he made for wx weeks in the Carctiva At hre own remdence near Meihiny ( a the C UCuketsis . - . Weve foe arty Leagh— he Priace af \ ’ ‘ » Waichimen, printed at Ralsbury, thet the seid ec. Po Ge tage Ce ee Movruomear tin, Van cmrniayn the Wt oS - Spring & Summer Goods sciio res ee es ES JOHN HOUPE, wa the Sath yor uf he age lateral cash advances ma ~u 8 MER OS hs eee — en inva och pr rionnance Rereaewces — Quericr Soseuns to be held for the Coumy of Alea- ' @ drab ed Wr Ewpe Metheny Church wo ogeie a ae ; “ ; oe zee . hands wih the Mesars Gen. W. Biowe & Cn, Kelehery JUST ARRIVING: ender, ot the Court Howse in Taylareville os the in ‘ ment the bes of om A bel me! verwe *y 20. 56 ed Cre dncaiod, 7 . ot. High Cammag & Stirun, Wiluimgioa, N. ( fonday ia Se nber, and show cause if any he hes m-mbrre. ce wel as wirthen bhicrn Pur mews e 2 Law ¢ Blanding we "i, MeRer, ‘ , s rm [ BLING wold of oe psa brea purchase of why the send tend shold ma be condemned fee thd % f : a 7 Swikcea ; f Prag end Summer Govds in @ very short tune mtocibn'uflike Plasud ro me . Laise “a é sAGEiKe aes a : 2 as! eniee cermee a Os on th aUG ¢ det, aad enle ordered “rat eyersee State of North Carolina, “"i'2."". -.. whens pers yy ater a 4 sigs eh wamccrag on ne nen , * he . ws ‘ Here She he rite hate ry oe — py th ae , « ai y, tote. A Carma. Clerk 4 car mid Court ot Offes, ‘ a ’ IREVELL CaLyTy. erne any ree them: Aven 2 . "& : a =r Be en en aad we bee Gale *y in Juoe, A. D. 1856, and ia the ag theo Mice fe ‘ = = Ae hears wrable goude hate been bre agh« 4th y ie ade pendence é pap SR pe alerm. | ati. W. VALELZE Jane 24 saps ee mark-i (he preeeal year, eume—we are sure, con ; . \ CARSON, Cry he ok ca Na t erd y & om | . Teretn “ 4 cn f Pp ~ ov ard fur leo 6w3 Pr { ; duce the many favor nt ~~ . bw adv. 96 50 . wal lest < . Lie ond Farres, which will chee with fua aad apr BROWN & COFFIN, - op oe vl eyel. but ka-oing na No 3, Granite Row Te f ney 856 e ata rT mole ( mie CREAT ATERACTION OF THE SEASON @ Apri 29, 185 seal ROWAN FACTORY. a - ame « ° He = be . 2 x Mv Prenck Vie. e a the opbembd acts. she > —— o . e + {Com time . ie we pnctom with the 5 Veh arta cores D Brown & Lomi THOMAS K BROW j Tribete to whom Tribate is dee; if te the Berth . cS aves - thom ew 2 z 2 e maar bcs “ will Dod thes nece end accomats af the Stor Rare SIO : aaa ss ( ae on (see —< vecks Ak he : orgies coport Brows & VoMie Thase that fori deprerd ia oe Ai se ¥) de AN+ Pay t--—If met, encourage Home Mansfactares. Oringh cw saan AON . - I New Orleans Dabble Broce end Str ne * wit Bod ine there. ready and wiihng ® : opyse sabserbers have pat the ROWAN FAC. were Perhage ihere wee : - the Repermt Cart be the { V = ; mimy eplemded and papular aie (Md w them Theor thet drm focldhoneee Carriage, Buggy and Sulky Builder, TURY located ia Sakebary) im secerasfel ope- p hem ash ¢ - Ae on be bien ot sepenved manors talene, and | will eve if | caamt vuile ben n retcom, and ate making superior ‘ " . ogee neg eree ; , cord lew J TR Sea / . SALISBI , N: C. A a See eee are ane sem antae NEST tt ASTER conte mee ss | GEE sunray, 9.0, SERRE SHEETINGS & YARNS, ee ° ee Sy hr agh thee the muh M thou . 5 4. 1856 ‘ 64 = pas wrt We lo manctecterieg cot, WhITh they nffer oe eeereeee waren: We oe A ite rae sundae aca. ; vy fe is manefertaring very cutve ; ond tr eotm — bbws ~ ot CL sSUMWERS On RESBYT RIAN ‘ View te MMe ber pe mms Casi to the best made im the .? ‘ . fe ° “ hree shaans ars ahs Five ody @. 5 rea P B p> a Ble i ofr Tre satiefection to all whe 1 the pabie = vobuped toca be bored thes og FEWALE COLLEGE. DAGUERREAN ARTIST. Se Sea Wn a in eek norea eet to tn onde ae ; . eis eal coco @ Werks we shoil b= prepared to Worreas Feiler toe Gh caer ae INO TICE. Se ene sae — ne hort heavy Gunde COTTON BATTS Cee eo STATESVILLE, N.C. ( [FO BROWN, woud item tne enon 1 ta Lavery Oentie Kept on hand and forenle. ‘The ata oy PIR, peebai LE perm ne ve eet ex W Ksiecs Arrant seit ets r"ng Peet. wi pense accom GRIST MILLS ont rermy, which ee . ion betes . SECOND NOTICE. A wires he ese ig AISP SITs: are alien reeulion sf Corts Wi ae prota Ae ack ek _ 1 on : h wil be alt ‘ tithe door hee ae Promptly as puserbie ei SIedeie hic oy NV aires abung them to matare thew © dots Be ae . pike as MORNING & WEADER. : cones the +eale mat me bo { 4 of thew Leadon! Sceee Shh Paar ub ation ned lan i teinante! ‘ok oe Reteen» Eker redber tre Bbebert. Jeme Lith, 166 3 WANTED, having rloime ogsieet Me iebronet nll diysedrts te >, LIVERY STABLE NA. ah Ue ; wees of thre Inetitminm here d-termined | ‘ s ‘ ; nex ee Dre we f 2 cae A grand > - ‘ . 4 at. , Wow Ot 4. UR TPT Pie, LOCAL age Lech dik fer the «pe mng r College amu the : STATE OF NORTH ¢ AROLINA, ° , » vers, ¢ tent Steen « how eb oh wither y JAMES G RAMSAY. Gdns ith day of Septerber nest. hy Rw @ Rowen Hiwe sores es : we DAVIE COUNTY 100,000 bushels of good... a . i ! ns i “ a ; h h . ; red for the reee pina of pnpule ‘ WHEAT. } “ Dry Goumla, Grocertos, Rall. ch La howe wil ow brewer than can he burg * market im Western Nurth Cerdins Come with wane BROWN STILL @10 Chadete, NOC. Jaly loth 1856 Sepi OFFICE OF ¢C @28 CR €. C8 ’ Jane 23. 1856 4 TARIFF OF THROUGH FREIGHT BETWEEN hharlston & Charlott Charlston & Charlotte. CLASS ARTICLES RATE Fire Clene Messurement, pere ft 16 Hingahe ade M desees 7 @ Rarrele 200 Fick 2 00 Half Borete 12 Fione FL Secke 2D the uid 100 Ibe 40 Rait #0 Blackemiths Bellows ) 2 30 all mrew ‘ Backete, per doren ww Corn por bushel 16 Wheat 16 tafe per 100 the fo Candles mo bn) Cheese 70 Mn and afiler the let of July. the whove rates of Freight will he charged apon all tne thr wgh articles Ailothers will be charged at the pr T22, SUMNER General Superintendent enumerated. cent Loca! Rates, Swi July 1S:h, 1856 AM anxious to close my present Mereaniile buei- ners, and sell on very reemonable terme my en tire Stock of Gide. The stuck is as good and complete at ie to he found in moat of one villages ; Uf a ante ie made twill rent my etore-hoase aud fix tates tothe porchaser Phe location ia one of the moat advantageous in this im nroving village RORIE Iai T-IEL™M Ntatesvitie, No ¢ BASSSVWV06 EEE EES For Sprieg & Semmer. ned ample tion. that ¢ eerviccs UST RECKIVED . axes : Siek . pe of eachers will be orcared 1s . Me coon able ( hong cur e . ~ 1 =m made for the eom ship. which w enone ery = pr ¢ mag indowe e P Its Owe eek . es HATS (VPS NUS Veer ¢ r me me ae th the begoaning PANY SHIRTS ELAS end CRAV ATS r thew Celle ge repect. to en DKAWERS, stm AS ROWITS and SHOES. aie : * trons of ¢ behest grade anc beet est-b ery other « COChaning:s qitike iee bed ry pwns near Sinte the heatem te favor * . 8.4 . we 8r andoe bir to health, being im an elevated region, and with (nr aterh we pang Af and we nee giving hargnine a few hours f{ the mountaime, white from the every porrheser J Our ¢ sve : er of the Were wNtry, it ww eRatly acer serble mreans of the Mirena tl ( ot Rav Road. and a thweekly lime of stages HOF RCN’ bv) f Hf cepaart! it thee 20% <a. baa . pac’ in advance De ceery: Mer 5 71556 cen Tres. Ou. the {five months, ee fnllowe Peart and Tuten inthe Eng Department Q60,00 ALE, 3 t Langoage 5.00 Ln and Greek. each Ot ‘ te of Rreon Hog roe Mane.» he use of Pian 22.50 POO y() 2500 ‘bs. Lard Ce sand towels furnished by the pupits { OOG Bt en, bor ale by the eubscr Deindcnar ike pies . bere at Coonty I S BO WILSON. Preet ECCLES &4 GRY Roa f Trustece July 1, 1556 5 Jnly 8 IR5R —Ide 6 Carpetings, Rags, Drageets, &e, Wienseyensnts LUMBER FOR SALE. st rece NN & OFFIN Saliebory, March 25, 1856 Bf OTRWE, suberriher ie desirous of may ng his Mille and I hee 151.000 ae 200 fect of gut LUMBER State of North Carolina, whew. prmipnily Weathertoartn, Pienring ond DAVIE COUNTY touch Hank. which he will sell very low for cash Al =. 9 fine bot of Maple, Birch, Ash and Poplar Plank Conrt of Pleas and Quarter Sessions Moy and x anthuy sawed expreasly for Carriage and Cab Term, 1838 vet Makers purposea Any perenne wieht ag te bay RemactEnn ony of the above named Lamber would do well to ad ne . (Ongnal Attr nt levied Of Urea me at Ralebury hrowgh the Prat Office = House and Lot JOHN BEARD Rehimend Nat \ Franktineville, July 8, 1256.—3m-8 T appearing to the satiefaciinn of the Comrt. that the defendant, Richmond Nail. not an inhabe State Ute, therefore, ordered by ihe for x weeks in the ted in the town of Sale d Nail be and appear at e and Qnarter Seasions, to be tant of thie that Carcdion Watchman Court Public at.on be nde NOTICE. T being suggested that in conseqnence of the Elee f the first week of the term «fhe Supreme Coart at VW weenton, the gente. bury, that the aaid Richm: the next Coart of Pr held for the ¢ at the Court House, in Moekavile, on the 4th Monday in Angast shew canee,if any he has, why the arid Howse and Lot should be condemned for the eats fuctwon of the week withont iaconventones, their Honore direet ne- Plaintiff's debt, and wale ordered ace div gty Uce tobe even that andet the diseration confided in Witneas, Caswell Harbin, Clerk of oar and ( ourt, them by the Statute, minty of Davie, on coming on Thareday next, and menof the ber and others cannot attend dering that hev will not eater apon the ex at office. the 4th Monday in May. A.D, 1636 and amination of appheanta for heense, or eall the cases in the ROth year of uo dependence for argument until Monday of the eecond week. the © HARBIN, Clerk Ttth day of August By AN WARRING D6 JAMES RR DODGE. Clerk Printers fer @5 5 hw t July 1, 1256 awd Sanday School Books. MOCKSVILLE swe ste MALE ACADEMY, J Ro MARSH, Agent of ihe ¢ © Se heod U om ne located at (sreeasheor where need. 2 ged omppty of th | HE nett esmon + Ineritation willeamm>nee Siento t's probhse %. sememe which are kund, every Wigaeu a 20h Febrees slike Te @ nec erveory for Libranes, via fend ts mow ina erry Mariah e tendinm. sad $6 100. vd Labrarves, $10.00 wech. Cotenet fibre coher rider will wee him wine endesyers keep ice ry @? W and sustain the repuraten which hee he ae Perea 5 00 Quesion pive Young = pare. , Beeches, per dew rs =s he ( veorn . . of r€ errs whieh 3, 24 vel Village Libraries, 82 00 each, Spe ry may des ma Beekeeper det TEPVNX Ale: a large qua ’ Bible D anes. Bb : cal Anviqnivice, Bible Geographres, Maps, Reward P mary Dep eeesion m <= $26 Reeks, Tickets, &e Hegher Engtish Bra . 12.06 (ders addreeed. Aven Amenecan S&S School Cleance 15.60 Vem Bos 71. Gree nebor gh N « INO B URETTER ‘B POM PL a tention Bob 1 856 7" fib hit. : REFERENCES Mernid and Banner please + PY Vor 4 tomes end Fecaity of the Univernty. R DD. Preside Davide ‘ ee 4 ‘ by We Mi vahos tl J Derk. ¢ a HIGIE SCHOOL FE ee he dy aa e AT OLIN, N.C. “ODT AY § Ce r New Instinre VOTH | . w ve Wd od “ 4-6 PF spacious mew dock bmlding. Wr Laspen acher at this plane, and Laie Profeeme in CPYHERE will be « the la 4 Hagh Rand Macon College, Virginia, takes charge of | Ro Holt, deceased. in Ir def sr Beth he echoed, ” Mewre WoO Recor and & any Charch.on the let day of Xt. sx oF H Canteen llemen anced no Alaitering own eight hhely NEGROES, three bhely amen of «hom Mendateons frova as. Students attending thie ehied one isa good will have every advantage fir a thonagh and high legree of mental catirvetion The neighborhund te Shoemaker. weornl. and far removed from scenes of disepation and Fonr amall hove aad one w man and girl, The above temptations to vice Regmmes will be add on a credit af mine monthe w th The c for board and teem ranges from B45 te mterest from date 850 per seaman of tive months. Tha Tr1T10N Pees JAS. K.NISRET, ) Exvecutors @TICTLY IN ADVANCE JAS W. LEWIS, 4 For farther informatim, write to S Lander, Olin, June 7, 1856 mod Ni By order ot the Board J.C. TURNER, Chm'n 6w 5 SQUIRE, ZIMMERMAN & ALLEN, Wholesale Dealers ta DRY GOODS, Joly 1, 1856 NEWBERN PTR E andersigned has been appointed ageme at Sahe bary, for the above Company, and ie prepared to receive applications from any person wrehing ta ineare property. This company i® now in eua eration, and its busines ia fast increasing No. 143, Market Street, wihing to hace property insured in this office will Rie plemee call on the subsenber JD RAMSAY PHILADELPHIA Jane ioike ise bend Fawscr Sarine O M Ziwernwas Groner N Aries NEC f Tanedtoton 42-4 m Blank Warrants for sale Here. ( tor Pleaaa ? Quarter “Wwastone, Ve 7 1856 J Banks. Ad +4) Herre at law of Lacy T - Pe tition to sell Land. IN «cae appearing to the satmfeeton of the . Se ode sere Banks’ heirs, whe reside in ‘ ‘ Hiram. Raneom. Polly, Amy, BB. tae Narrrewa Banks, a Tabby Williams’ heire, Pr. and Maily Nol and Polly, formerty Pally Banks.» ‘ antes is State: Tt is, there- ‘ ] Coa peblrcation be made fat weeks Carclina Watchmen,” for the ae . te and appea> at the next Coert of Pina i Quarter Sesmons, io be held for the county f. a ( H ose in Murke«ville, am the 4th Monday im Amguet nowt, and plead, anewer and . ant'e © the same will be phen - . nifered sceurdingly “ we. Caswell Harn, Clerk of one seid Count at oF 1 Meeks tinh Moaday in May, & 1) Iss © HARBIN, Clerk BoA A HARBIN, DC r sfiee &5 6w4 R- JUNIUS MENDENBALL, LAND ACENT. ater Government Land— Wii aa Pay Taxeo—makea AVeORE Me He Jornt) accoun and transact a tel Reni Eetate busines in Minnesots, jowo, and Wineon sin Taforing i atry farmeshed whea desired. A ddtas RK J. MENDENHALL, lys Mennenpotis. National Agricultural Warehouse, PLOUGH MANUFACTORY, MACHINE DE- POT AND SEED STORE 251 PRAL ST. wear Feitea,Sen-lork JOHN JONES, PROPRIETOR. The subsoriber being a practical Mechanic, aad Many years’ experience in the mer utecture of aie, of Agaricty reas Lwrcemenre and Micumeet, would reapectfully call the attentmon of Merchants and Plan- tere to hve large and most complete assortment of the above Goods, which bh than anv other House fFors for sale at lower prices in the trade SU TER-PHOSPHATE OF Lime, PLasTRR TPR FeRT GUANO, BOVE DoRT aXe 1=56 Livres. March 21 44:.3m JOB PRINTING Ni uly reecuted at tite Office YA UAERO TT eee F Manures in the following lan- ia reply to @ correspondent :— of liquid manuring is not that of besmearing over the growing plants with: a) mixtare abeut as thick as the paititer’s oif'and lead. It is rather that ‘of watering with a nearly transparent fluid, ‘The first falling rain after a long ry spell, especially if it be near a city, where smoke, soot, and various gases have arisen and mingled with the falling water, gives the best possible idea of . manuring. Indeed, it is liquid mghating in its perfection; and any liquid manaring which does not pretty elosely resemble it is wrong, and does Wot deserve the name. The substances dissolved must be diluted in large quan- titieg of water, or the object—that of forcing plants with food convenient for them—if not gained. We want that the water should carry the food down to the roots of the plants ; bat thig it will not do, unless applied in great quantities. — Liquid manuring is next door neighbor | to irrigation—is almost the same thing. | Either implies a homeopathic dose of eome fertilizer in a plentiful allowance of) water ; and the great weight of the ferti- lizer thus dilated, will be an insuperable! Vbstacle to this mode of application, till | some way shall be devised for applying | it, for a less number of mills per ton thas | it now costs cents. But if your corres-| January, 1855, he was arrested when walk-| mon delivered by Rev. Dudley A. Tyng. pondent will put on his rubber over-coat | and sow his guano, say 250 pounds to the jst as north east rain is commen-|ligious matters differently from the pre- | mon on Kansas affairs, and a large andi- cing, he will, by the aid of Providence, | cepts of the Ltoman Catholic Church.” — | ence gathered in consequence. True to give it as mach as 150 gallons of water to every 5 pounds of guano. This would be a very respectable liquid manuring.—! ‘The harder and longer the rain, if his md be porous and not too steep, the 3 and if he would apply his soot énd orine as top-dressings, in the same way, I seo not why it would not be good practice. Ifthe application were made rather late, after the grass had started pretty well, there would be less loss of ammonia; and possibly it might pay to make it at different times, with an inter val often days or a fortnight between.» THE CROPS. Prom information recvived at the Ag- ricultural Department at Washington, from various sources, it is deducted that | crops in all sections of the country will afford more than an average yield. It is calculated that the wheat crop will be @omewhere between 70,000,000 and 80,- 000,000 bushels. A larger amount than usual was sown last fall, in view of a Prospective demand from Eurvpe. The change in affairs there will, uf course, have its eflect here, and a large quantity Of produce must remain for our market. The infurmation furnished to the Depart ment is from disinterested soarces, and ean be relied opon pi the.crops in all parts of the country, du ring the season. The infurination is ex peetéd to come through officers of differ ent agricultural societies, and will Le ex tremely useful and important both for prodacers and consawers, fur sellers as It is proposed as asthe plans can Le completed, to ish a monthly bulletin of the state of well as boyers. - The Mow to Protect G.omeing Corn Granite Larmer vice as to how to make the seed corn cote up—how to make the plants grow to keep the hens frum scratching ap th seed—bow to prevent the crows from pul! ing op the plant. Lear what the Farmes e: res some capital a how “The most eure way to have the see) ‘come up,’ and d and prepare the groand well eved, clean as it came froin the cob never fails with me; all variations thie Aave failed under different stances. * To prevent the seed from being de strayed by the hena.—The pig, with a full stomach, will never root around, the hen, with a full crop, will not seratel the ground. Therefore, when my hens are disposed to ecratch, I eall them to the barn, and give themas much cory aa they will eat, for which they always sing to ine amerry tune, and lay a whole hat full of egya. key To prevent crows from J ulling corn +I scatter corn in the field which they feed npon and leave the seed. ' If f have too mach company by my lib erality, I soak the corn in strychnine and hot water, Last spring, after scattering half a bashel of corn suaked in this way, I pieked ap forty-two dead crows, and how maay wore went off feeling ‘kind o” sick Jam not able to state. “ Wire and grub worms are more difti calt enstomers to deal with—for any pois- on. used for their destruction is always absorbed by the soit, which is a sure pro- teetion to them. [have never found a sure remedy for these pests; and can only se- cure my seed by pjanting enough for their wante and wine too, and if they get more than their share, J plant new hills a few inches froin the old omes thus de stroyed, and ‘thin out’ at second live- ing.” o well, is first to manare plant youl Thi« from cirenig brordeast, > Fifty Thousand dollara Gone—A most egregious blunder occurred fast week in the United States Treasury De-| ee by which about $50,000 has yeen wrongfully paid out, wot soon to re- torn. The error oceurred ip paying off the Texas debt. | Church, the Sacramegt of Penance, the ‘ Soha eigh fi na which # higher eulogy could not have been pronoun @ sought no concealinent, tried no timid compromise, but avowed his conversion, and became well known as a most zealous Protestant. Iu the presence of all persons, and even in places of pudlic resort, he did not shrink frown balng seen with the Bible in his hands, and various good books which he had read silently for his own editication, or audibly for that of others, caring not rest let bt y| his mother Very apt y termed a Very gra- a diana and | to our fathers in their sucvessful Revolutionary struggle, and hitherto ma de- scendants, in the res indepop the Wnion | h Hana i a e ra sure*bulwark of and the energy dual blight. er inquiry into the his- tury of the case, it come out that he had been a very robast and: plethoric: dliild | |; , n In- up to’his third year, wheu his grandino- ‘pace Shay cat. ther, @ very aged 5 him to ‘Americans must rule America, and to this sleep with her: that he soon afterwards lost his "a louks ; and that he cottin- ued to the decline progressively, ever since, notwithstanding medical treatment. I directed him to slee pe from the aged parent, and eaucitile gentle tonics, change of air, et. The smeovery was ra taut it is not in children only, that debility is produced by this mode of ab- end nalive-byrn citizens should be selecied for all State, Federal, and snuni¢ipal offices or govern- ment amplyyment; ip preféréned ty all others: nevertheless, 4th. Persons born of American parents rosid+ ing tenporasily abrvad, should be entitled to all the rights of uative-born citizews; but Sth. No person should be seldcted for political station, (whether of ustite ve fureign birth,) who recoguises any ullegiauee or obligation of any jdescniption to any foreigo primes, potentiate or to inquire whether his authors were dis | *tractin, vital power. Young females wor, or who refuses to recognise the Federal tinguished with a place in the * Index| ™arried to ver old men suffer in BBE snd State Constitutions (vaeh within its sphere) Expurgatory.” Not content with reading | lar her, a h seldom, to ed great’ ,, paramount to all other laws, as rales uf politi- Protestant books, he entered into conver- sationgand discussions with any one who chose to:hear him, manifesting a fervour of spirit, a depth of conviction, and a re- ligions zeal which wrought powerfully upow theib.. It was alleged a his per- secutors,. That at the various times in which he hyd occasion to combat and to diseredit (to thescandal of others) Roman Catholic betief, he more especially assail- ed the non-sn bstantiality of the word, the virginity of Mary, the infulibility of the Pope, a8 head of the Roman Catholic necessity of expatiating punishments in this world and the next, and the authori- ty of the Church, in its precepts regard- ing the celibacy of the clergy, vigils, fast- iuys, and the like.” ‘or thia, on the morning of the 4th of ing oat of the town of San Piero in Bag: no, and “ found in possession of a Bible, and of certain little books treating of re- | Familiar as he must have been with the| tale of many a persecuted brother, and) having before him the horrors of a dun- xeon, he did not waver for an instant.— | “ Far from denying that be has followed for some time the Protestant or Evangeli- cal religion, he has made, on the contrary, | a soleimn profession of the saine, and pur- sists in justifying his own belief, but de- vies having attempted to make proselytes, or having, in the presence of others, spon- tancoasly read books or made declara- tions adverse to the religion of the State, maintaining that he had been occasioual- ly led to do so by the requests of others, or throng some other cause.” For the crime of heresy, therefure—a crime provided for by the 137th Article of the Tusean Criminal Code taken into custody, sent to Florence, sul mitted to a formal inquisition, and is ty this time, we presume, convicted aud sen tenced to suffer the appointed penalty in the city prison. wn lies there as an offender against the religion of the State ; for the State of Tuseany, like many other Continental States, has made amends to itself for the loss of an ecclesiastical tri banal of the holy office, by incorporating the laws of that institution inty its own code. TRIAL AXD AOQITTAL OF RUOOERI. Florence, June 4, 1856.—Your readers will, I am sure, be extremely gratified to learu that the trial of Raggen bas resalt- ed in his triamphal acquittal. It occu pied all yesterday and Mouday, and, thanks to the courrageous eluqaence of his coansel, M. Salvagnoli, has done more than any previous trial for religions opin wns to enlighten the public ow the yreat qnestion of lilerty of cvnscrence and in- dividual conviction. I have termed this acquittal triumph ant [It would not deserve thas title had there been any anworthy compromises of principle, any attempt to escape by mere quirks and quibbles, any thing in short, bat the open sasertion of the great prieciples of religions liberty I eet re rerve for my next letter a detailed acevant | of yesterday's proceedings. At present, | have ouly time te state that the great lawyer who condacted the defence, sus he was tained with an eloquence worthy oo Brougham or Berryer, the right of every luscan salject to embrace Protestant sins the further right of expressing defending bis Protestant belef; the civil f right of Leing anmelested in eo doing ; aud the sincerity of Rugygeri's iDetives, and the panty and propnety of his con duct in the exercise of these rights tence of the court, Raggeri Bat who can re turn tohim his health and strength was ted away daring an imprisonment of ma memthe? What sentence can cancel the sufferings which were legibly real in look, and revealed in his tot By the sen is restored to liberty ny his haggard tering step ! TRANSFERENCE OF VITALITY Let parents read and ponder upon the fthey would save the | of f v wing “ ei ttle nee Parents and aged persons although atter exhibit a remarkable foud ld tto permit young persons te sane apartment with tranusfer- thr ness for sleeping with children se alvene be careful rey emaciated or the aged, for the ence of vitality from fhe youny to the old, 18 nota nursery tale, but a serions and too often a fatal fact Y Childres contact with the aged, however vigorous before «neh a disposition waa made of them, become wan and sickly, and con tract diseases which properly belong to persons in advanced life, and if the con tact is continued, die from pure vital ex hanstion. Their fresh and positive mag: netism is thas absorbed by negative or non magnetic persona, to the benefit of the latter and the injary of the former, The life of the aged may be prolong- ed by these neans—at the expense of the existence of the young. Many of the children who die in this city are thas pre maturely cut off. Varents should know jthis important fact, and at once correct the evil, if unhappily it exists in theif} families. Says Dr. James Oopeland : mn tie me who are habitually placed in. “ A not ancommon canse of depressed {ence of the earth,” - vital power is the young sleeping with the aged. The fact, however explained,| has Jong been remarked, and ia well, H junder these remarks, and finally a prom- ¢, ante ng and ” ‘of strong black tea, aud tits describes its an extent; and instances bave cowe to | ca) action. a knowledge where they have suspect- | 6th. The unqualified resognitive aud mainte- the cause of this debilitated state.— | nance of the reserved rights of the several States, These “facts are often well known to the | avd the cultivativo of barmouy aud fraternal aged themselves, who consider indul-| zvod will, between the citizens of the several gence favorable to longevity, and thereby | States, and to this end, nouinterforeuee by Con- iLustrate the selfishnes which in some | gress with the questions appertaining solely to persons increases with their vears. the individual States, and hon- intervention by Every medical practitioner is well a- each Suite with ihe atlsirs of any uther State, ware of the faet, and parents are gener-| 7th, The recoguition of the right of the na- ally advieed not to allow their infants to) "veo aud naturale! citizens of the United . , | States, permaventiy residug i any Territory peg with aged persons.— Waverly Mag- thereof, to frawe their voustiiucun avd laws, and tne, to regulate their dumestic and sucial affairs in their own mode, subject only to the provisions +0 Excitement in a Church. ROUT TAR: ! . Western Extension = 4 ILE, Subscribers being desirous of extending their business in the West, as well us ull other diree- — take this hed of informing their rieade and potronethat they are now receiving @ splendid stwek of READY MADE CLOTHING, Cloths, Cassimeres, Vextings, and Gen- tlemen’s Furnishing Goeds a general; all of which will be sold most shocking low. Also, a splendid sock of HATS and CAPS, atest style, Don’t take our word, bat cull ond satinfy yourselves. JNO. A. WEIRMAN & PRICE, Merchant Toailare. Salisbary, N.C. Sept. 1855. a. % ANDERSON. ANDERSON & REYNOLDS, CROCERS, AND Commission Merchauts, NO, 10, ROANOKE SQUARE, TIQUROP Duels, WW. Pay setive attention to the ante of Flour aad other ‘ Fi f admission into the Union whenever the ve The daily papers say quite & SCENE OF | the requisite popul ition for vve Representative excitement cecurred in the Episcopal |in Congress. Provided always, that none but Church of the Epiphany, Philadelphia, | those who are citizens of the Uuited States, un ; : A _ | der the Coustiiutiva and laws thereof, and who on Benday night, 20th uk., during « ser have # fixed residence in avy such Territory, jought to participate in the formation of the con The reverend gentleman had previously | stitution, or in the eusctinent of laws for said announced that he would preach a ser- Territory or State. | 8th. An eufurcement of the principle that no |Strte ur Territory ought to admit others than | citiacus of the Uaited States to the nght of suf the announcement, Kansas was the sub- | fraze, or of bokding political office. ject of his discoarse, and ia the coarse of Oth. A change to the laws of naturalization, F eee : i making a continued residence of twenty-one his remarks, we are informed that the years, of all wut hercinbehere provided fur, an in speaker was severe not only in his repro- dlispenaable Feyuimite bur ciigcumbay hereafter, and bation of slavery, but on the conduct of excluding all pauper, and persuns convicted of those who wished to introduce it into “™"™ from landing upon our shores; but po in- Kansas. Ile denounced ihe Federal Guv “Te tenee with the vested rights f fureiguers ernment in very strong terms. Seme por 10th, Uppusitivn toany enevn btwusn Church (th 7 > iy aud State; po interferenoe with religious faith, thon of the congregation sat very uneasily worship, aml ao test oaths for office. Tith. Free and thorough ivestiganon into inent and well-known mwermber of the any and all alleged abuses of puble function charch (Dr. Cuspar Morris) felt called rea, wad a sinict economy in public expenditures upon to interrapt the ariuister. Heapoke 12th. The maintenance and enfurcement of of the sermon as objectionable io point of all laws constitutionally enacted, until said laws matter and in point of fact—that it was shall be repealed, or shall be declared wull aud a desecration of the pulpit and of the sac void by competent jadwial authority. red culling of the clergy to introdace, 13th. Opposition to the reckless and anwise such subjects, aud to treat them inastyle policy of the present administration in the gro suited uuly to political and partisan har- cf! managemeut of our national altsire, amd angues. This rebuke seemed rather tu more especially as shown iw removieg “ Amer astonish and disconcert the clergyman. “™* (by designativa) and cuncervatives ie lle paused till the speaker had finished Phi te trom oes, nad pace foniguere ee : : altraists in their places, as shuwe im a truckhoy bis remarks, then looked apon his written = kipped over several pom sulmerviency to the stroager, and an insolent and sermon, skippec aeve ve ae f “ces, cowardly bravado towards tb cake were and niched hie discourse. Tue gentle Y nisi dere epee Lenti as shown in reopening sectiunal azitation, by man who administered the rebake has) ine pepe! of the Misavuri ( ompromr: ; a shows the repatation of having manamitted a@ in granting to unnaturaliaed for ugiers the right naruber of slaves, that woald have been of suffrage in Kaneas and Nebraska: as shown worth to him in money had he chosen in ite veciliating course on the Kansas ead N to hoid them, at least twenty thousand , braska question ; as shown in the corruptions dellars. The serinom has created qaite a which pervade some of the departments of Ls a disturbance in the chureh. gurerament ; as shows in dipgraciug Metiturheae of the Federal Constitution, with the hie, ai y navel officers throagh prejudice of caprice : and --- 7 : miehoven in the blunlonay manana om ot of Toad Poison.—The Dantazic Journal re- yur foreign relations lates asad circumstance which has just Léth. Dherefure, to remedy enitins in, and occurred in that place. A young cavel al prevent the disastrous osneeq weners cer was present with hie betrothed at a salting | large party given in the country near Olly ta, when perceiving a frog, he teok it ap stated and altetupted to frighten the ladies with 15th it. After a time be threw the frog on the ‘ben to smend their several cumstitut nem, a groand and then happewed [6 touch his ™ & aterimt the eeveral d-greva, aoe wa neee * face with bis band, A trifling pimple pledge “ — tantead of wither ubligaiiuns fr whieh he had on his face instantly com lea Ag mnie menced ewelling, and the mst violent F a : ' : tte) pres yrhee ow agony speedily forced him to return tw Dantue. Lvery effort was made to atop the inflammation, bat all operations fail ed, and the unfertanate officer expired after twu days’ intense pain tater re Aw reretrom, we euakd bald ay ean party” epee the primer bes That each State Council shall have au om trates Une prt y and fi~ eeeton uf ail po ar platform MANSION £2 LOTEL, SALISBURY, N. C. The American Rupture and the Ro- The Dabdlin Weekly Tewryraph, I a paper of great circulation, has an ap peal on Saturday to the Roman Catholies Parla toe each dares ot led : me Ags { America oa the subject of the ruptare ACCOMMODATIONS of friendly relations between the Wash ington Government and oar own, They %s!l* ces! to an: are advised to withhold all sapport from the Yankees in the event of war. are told that they are treated as aliens, *'' and their religion with contempt, by the * fiilibusters in the Senate, as well as those who style themselves “Know Nothings” | and their sym)atnigers. In faet, the gt, : Ae man Catholics are informed pablicly that JUST Re ety ya ray by oc edeslaaas of Beey they have nuthing like the liberty in the pNpsetiese oi aa eke 7A daa pape vanes States they could enjoy in Ireland, or any Herghts, by Caled : Glenwrend of the Parish other portion of her Majesty's dominions. Bry, The Aae Majji Bebe in Turkey, Persia fs s } Teresine, « romance by George Laad The Weekly Telegraph ve a joarnal devo- 3H. ENNISS, Rouksetler ted tv the Church of Rome. | THE WILMINGTON HERALD Atala & pablahed daily aad weekly 21 @4 aad G2 per. p annem inadvence. Lt teoffered tothe terchante ton, baving, in common with many Of lbia | wf Nehebery nad other western towns, 00 & good ad neighbours, suffered much frown the rav- | rertaog modem. Terms moderate ages of rooks (which have a peentiar rel ee 7m ae i ist for wheat just sown, as well as for Feb. 26, 1856 purchased a large quantity of Now , . noe aboat five or ax weeks since MeC Al LEY he HISTORY OF ENGLAND. Having dissolved it, he steeped several JUST RECEIVED —The Third aad Foarth Vol 4 ’ ames of MeCaaley’s History of England bushels of late «pring wheat therein, and 37 3.1. ENNISS, Bookseller then sowed it in one of lis fields, which Dyspepsia Cured. in a few days inmay be said to have been HOSTETTERS CRLEBRATED RIT- perfectly blackened with the dead bodies R of the poor “caw-cawa,” several Lushels D TERA, for the core of Dyspepsia and Chills de Fever, &a& For sale by of thes i been collected. f them having been collected MILtn, ooen a co (17) Mackerel! Mackerel !! YHE eabecriber bi ving taken charge of the ob Ketableshenent, begeleere to ieferm the inthe State. Perame stopping ot hie Hever, always hore menlein tame fur the arr Attewtive and ably. They ing ervents alwaysinaticndance. Call and pee me Ww. B GRANT eal and depariere of the Care shebary, May 24 WEN BOOKS, 1855 A Field Soncn with Poan.—A weal vung farmer, ina parish near Credi I strveh -- Salisbary, May 12. Lifecta of Tea om the System.—Dr Hammond drank daily thirty two ounces bbls. and kits, of all Now jawt received ead fur wale bow effects :—*The mental faculties were ren dered much more active, the pulse was increased in freqnency, aud there was a| strony desire for bodily exereise, which it was impossible to repress, All night | theae phenomena were increased in in tensity, and there was great indisposition to sleep, which generally lasted five or six hours after drinking the tea.” ~-- MILLS, MOOSE & Co May 12, 1856. ave Valuable Land for Sale! WILL sell privately, all my laude in the County of Davie, lying on Hanting Creek, and containing 800 acres. w thle” viet indote dent, ve Tam determined 1 etibgiee & credit from on# to five years on purchase moncy 1 will alan aelt all of my stock, crap, firming toot= and grain; 18 shares inthe Central Rail Road. provie- ed | cot my land 1 wil colt a bot of corn and five | head of hursee, whether I eeft the land ar net. GEORGE WILSON T et alan pry a libel prier for a white (single) m sas meno zes, entil meat Pall. G. Witacw.an Aprid 22, 1866, 4ectf land, to sell Scientific.—" What is the canse of thea ju» potato rot?’ ‘ “Iris attributed to the. pot4a-ry influ- “TLow sas thts degertpined” & “Dy eonbnlting @ gredt natty eommon- taters{” lorge bt of Mackerel in bhie. half bie. quarter To theme | unt Cred Petiom | kinds of Produce, evaiding annecessery charges and | readering prompt returue. f | = } 4. » CUMMING. C. W. eTYaon. CUMMING & STYRON, rar 50 Tach poms, 24 “nels, bas, eleuat furnish of any de oe ase fraud at 5 desi ‘erme cush, of hegotinble nates w| 4 ~ dell: THOMPSON, Davideon eo, Not. Fem. 5.1 56, 636 w<=JUST COMPLETED AND FOR pene, NE of those celebrated RESHING MA- CHINES and HORSE POW ERS. known us the best material end warranted for 12 months. J. 1. THOMPSON, Moy 5, 1856, 375 ORES OF LAND FOR SALE, N the waters of Third Creek, 14 miles west o Salisbury, At beast one Depot oa the Werner. | Apply to Juhe A Boyden of Salisbury, October 30, 1855. COMMISSION | AND Forwarding Merchants, | WILMINGTON, N. C. | Perticular atication peid to selling Floor, Core | Cotton, and all hinds prudece. | Feb, 1656. PETER W. HINTON, ly39 | COMMISSION MERCHANT, | TOWN POINT, Werfeum, ‘ya. Special sttention peid te Kelling Tobacco, Flour, Grain, Cotton, Naval Stores &c. Also, to Receiving and Forwarding aoons. REPER To UL. Robards, Enq Saliebery N Chartes L. Hinton, Beg , Wake Co. 8. 1. @ B Rowkeet, Peq, Raleigh, XC oor ge Wo vot. Hog , Mabeigh, N.C We W Plammer, Req, Warrenton, XC COWAN'S VEGETABLE LIHONTRIPTIC FRIEND OF TUE HUMAN FAMILY eurrraree freon DISEASED AIDNEYS, Stonein the Bladder and Kidneys, Weak nena of the Loina, de. ly'ria Thieiavsiuotte medicine ve for enle at the Davie Wedel in Werkevdle; of Dr, Ro Campbeti's, ra Ire- dell, st the Drag Sore ia Charhste : ot Zeverty's Hesel va Seem; and atthe Carohee W iehmee Uf. flee, in Katebery The suberribes bar with Jobe F + « efectere ead cale of the abew ne entered inte moparinership wen. onginel patewier, ft the man we Medeevme, is prepared t« N of the AUSTIN us LAND FOR SALE. I I AVING det: ruined te 1 fier my plantation ba sale Foarth Creek, 16 miles were the lands of Jha B Cs mo The dept on The place has on a per, Alw one ged m» whe! 150 were, ne hel of which wine high Mate of cahivetum, aad the balance 1s well timbered Thee wething © pent bergen, mest call amw. es | forumh a supply by addresemg hem ot Selehery, C., of eathag 01 hue reeuienee, lace, Jone 21,1655 10 mire weet xD coll Mf and mere Rewth, tog em the weters of 4 Salsbery. edpamng o> Boker, amd others Ves » Evtensee mus be wear beoklonge tm quand re The tract comtecwe 1 ceil on © aistimg terme Perens Win L. Steele, ewe here esetet sace im viewing the bens JOUN W. STEELE March Tith, 1856 42uf W E wish to bere FIFTY NEGRO FELLOWS te work on the Wenern Eateoson N.C. Rail Read, for whch liberal preee will he pant OG & 3 ¥. FOARD Addrese— Rowen Mills NO NEW SPRING & SUMMER ABVVVS Salixbary, March 25, 1856. ys subecnier ie mew rreciving hw stock of Spring & Semmert (weds, conmating of @ goutra! aasort- ment of Ladies Dress Goods of almost every description. Hae stock of NEEDLE WORKED EMBROIDERIES w complete. He would reapeetfally ask an craminativn «f his stock by all who wish to purchase (ionds of the newest and latest styles. Particular attention is pid to procuring Fash touable Goenis, whether they have been introduced inte this seetsum before of aut March 14. 1856 FE. MYERS, 4a te. SVR MtUTcmisen, COMMISSION MERCHANT Charlotte, N. C., 1D sett om Comm ieetom Cotton, Corn, Flour, Wheat, and all COUNTRY YFwRODVUCT IN CHARLOTTE, CHARLESTON, AND NEW TORK Liberal Advances made on Consignments Ue Tors noeee@e JH Jenkins, Feq., Sabebury ; Geo. W. Withame & Ca, Charleston; A Hoot, Lexington; Robert Seater, Kaq., New York February 19, 1856 Vy "rR Dr. CHARLE3 T. POWE ] I aving perma fally tenders hie profemional serviersto the pub- Office —Cowen's Brick Row Solebaty. Ang. 27#h, 1655, _ wis Greensborough MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY. ‘I { small sam, compared with a joint stock company This rompany being located in the Weatern partofihe State, consequently much the larger portion of the rinks jopporite Murphy. McRorie & Co, are inthe West, very many of which rein the country no Asseamnents, and 1s therefore confideatly recommen ded to the public, Attheiast Annaal Meeting the fullowing Ofice,.) wereelected fur the ensning year. JAMES SLOAN, President 8. G. COFFIN, View Preside m C. P. MENDENHALA. Attorney. PETER ADAMS, Ree'y and Trensarer PETER ADAMS, See'ry W. 1. CUMMING, Gen"! Agetit May 10, 1853, | | 1009 ‘STEADY’ PROGRESS atly located in Sallsbery, respect- YEE costof Lnsurance on the matualplon ie bat & The Company iseutirely free fran debt; have made | (ON —_ a anit atin i) AG] I CITY Pre bAULI U ’ ‘TUE SUBSCRIBER bas the pirusure to an uence to the wor ym be sends greeting | alikiad wishes for their proeperiiy and peace, that he! 2 makiog sicady progress in the improvement of Bagte i he bebever, to becume the greatest monulectering city in the evwntry. He ie sow orert- catined, (og © Bow cotton will wt thin place, to be exiled the | Cucyenras ss Tomei Ce yy ‘home | iy Ler Complains * Trey Mulls,” end hopes to have it in fall wperatios | Dyspepsia Headaches biota . is by the latter port of the susomer of 1656. bt will b one of the best, (:f net the very beet.) mille in the coantry. The machinery weseclecied by himerif, und the letest end most epptoved peticrns were chosen — fe will work he @ lever watch —emmaih vad steady— ond be dvabte met ill exert, ia ite pruaducts, the mam | besatrfel achievements of the renowned Eagle Mille ander whose shedew it is developing iis fair end de hyghtiag proportions, Kagie Mills beng gained for 1 ec a farme a fair anit i@ wide epread, bth for the excet- lenre of ite yarns, and the superionty of ins eloth fab nee Troy Wille alone threatens to nivel it, and hears the world may bak oi not lowe ini- testing ta iteelf, then it must be desirabic to every Suaherm paired | The dreamer, speeglating om coming events might well step im bere, ond casting forward bie hen ) « pom the beaodary of prevent ee, pasieey the erpret a Eagle Cury afew years hence 21 him sheteh it We wes city of benatifel proportions wih its tower tag steeples menting heaveowards : close ranged biock+ of granite bukbege with glittering metal tums, refiret the cheerful beams of « verne! ene: the ievigereting beevare of @ delghiful chavate, str the leaves of hung peweof clos: the streets are enlivened with » cheer fal heey theoeg: the cong of helf a millon of epindice 9 mingted with the rear of booms ond eoeredes: Fagte oenement fers eheve all thong ended. baking down ge City Book i+ ix @ oll energetin fen @ Contest tuvedemg « resnh ‘ Crhes prin the careof the Nerth », tegether eith thee ber things. the pradvete ef the City the deefe rug © histhe ie been, ond the evand is echoed sad te echoed from bill te hill, eed webeothe drowsy pow ere of reporing fat entitle, whieh bre roonding vellevs the arene gre we '—gr cod ia beyond the portraying shill of the pregphet We had bet » gfeepee—bot whet a view! And Niobe reatard beyoud dat Ea mgh, eaungh '— 1 ell prese oe to ts fine! consemmsthn ANDREW BAGGARLY Bev TR] Seeaetest WEEKLY BLE’! Bo Of Four Horse Post Coaches, ba Salishery to Morganton, via Statesville and New: Leaev aleebary om Monday. Wetdnesdey and Fri dey at To'eterk. A. M.. and errives at Morgeaten | Peat morning ty breakfest; and learee Morganton on same dayeand arrives in Nafishary om west deve to breakfast. No pains of expense will be speared to make thie owe of the moet comfor able aad expediiiwus etege roads im the Saige €. 8. BROWN, Contrecter. Salichory, Jane 21, 1855 ws Wanted Impuediatety, At the Silver Hill Mine, ANY QUANTITY OF WOOD AND COAL. WM. LEAVENWORTH, Sapt ver Hl. Oet 1. 1bSS. oe NEW BOOKS. JUST RECEIVED. The Testimony of an er coped Newire from the Sisterbwod of St Juneph, by Mise Bankley : Bemate Life emong the Mermons, by the Wife of a Mormon Rider; The Home Garner by Mere. Mary GG. Clerk» The Lemp Lighter ennde of & ti Feb %h, 155 8 a New Edition ; Life and Beauties of Panny Fern; Wide) wide world, mad Queechy, New Edireme in cme wedi: Trish Amy J ou ENNIss 37 Bench ce tler To Gentlemen TELE enbeeribers have now on hand the most com- plete assortment of CLOTHING ever before offered to the pubic. Cail at No. 3, Granite Rew BROWN & COFFIN 25, 1856 4306 DR. J. J.SUMMERELL, | ] | AS removed to hie Office at his remdence, where he to receive professional of per- sonal calls from hie frends | , I | Salisbury, March will be haps NB. There are many persons inde bted to me by | account and have been for several veers. 1 wanid cormestiy arge all such to call and make setilement, | which mast be done by May Court, else 1 shall book out for a euilecto: r 29, 1856, REMOVAL. OWN A. WEIRMAN & PRICE have removed their Clothing and Tailering Batablishment from Sahebury, Jan (95 J to the corner inn- Pmediately opposite BR. &@ A. Murphy's Store Salisbery, Now. 13, 1855 Qa0f DR. S. REEVES | ] yas looated in Salisbory, and offers } bie professional services to the pub- | Nie. Office to doors below Benjamin Juliane store | April 2, 1856. 48:1y JOB PRINTING Neatly recouted at tis Office | | selected stock of Groeeries ever offered in thi alt of which they are Parent full to plone, » contr bee) sr for Flo ux, Whest, Corn, Corton, ond inom? 9th, we ‘| LET ts REASON TOGETIER a . ene fo the religh of Ye toe TIEN oP Professur These famous Pills are expressly combined to operate on u, stomach, the liver, the Rei) Rend mani smevitebly be lvested ia a short dic | wel, correcting any tance of thie vract. ‘os oie pe Very fountain of life, aud thus curing disease Nearty half t proved ia all | equsl to them in cases of disorders of the liver, dyspepsia, asd | stomach complaints generally. They soon give a henithy tone | bo these orgams, however much deranged, and whee ali ober means have failed. | Neo femate, young or oll, should be without this celebrate! medi ctme rods, acting in many casce like acharm. [his alse the best sod | Of amy Complaint; comseqacetiy a0 tmilp should be withes Asthens Boweidiseases Drop-y Coughs C riche | dew Lene, New Tw hte Draggiets ond Mates, and the civilised world, in boxes, at Scents, 62h conn, ent! cork ore axed te coe repeired in the bert nieuner and ou the most rr sees ble terms. gan quelity | reeviving’ to sell ot pr *y TUE HIGHEST MARKET ¥.3. PRICks ca g PO M S aS E A Be ee Pe Tf HOLLOWAY’S PILLS, WHY ARE WE SICK. We, the lungs, the shin, ang “ ttn their fvetions, peri DYSPEPSIA & LIVER COMPLAINTS. he haman race have taken these Pills. 11 barbers parte of the world, that uothing ba» been found ENERAL DEBILITY. ILL HEALTH FEMALE COMPLAINTS. Lt corrects and regulates the Poureer at all pe medicior that can be given to Childrem of all oges. and Holloway's Pills are the best Remedy knows tn the world for the follrwing Diseases : Dierrbes fone 804 Crave "y*) ep ludigestion D blity Fever & Ague ab Affee- Tr@ard Weiinry 5° Sold at the M tactories of Professor M. .ame 41, 66 Mar 244 Mrand, Loudon, by oll respecte + of Medicine chreughout the Cen There isa conchlorable saving by taking the berger sions 5B. Dirwetio ne gai Lemece of paticute im every diserder bes JAMES HORAL, WATCH-MAKER AND JEWELER, SALISBURY, N.C. @ue deor belew MH. & A. Nurphy's Store) ” BEEPS constantly on head large essortment of WATCHES sud JEWELRY of ofl kinds Cheks, Watehes and Jewelry of every dese: ytine Februsry 19, 1456. by 3s To Farmers. f bs HE. subscribers reepert(u a Parmere and others. to ow lenge and cw tock of Marple and Fancy Geode Thew seme ment @ eticosive and of great vartety of style and Caf at No 3, Grapae Row BROWN & coms Sakebary, March 25, 1056. “ NEW BOOkS. J ust RECRIVED Rowe Clerk, by Faney Fore Levees Field Bok of the American Revelen Gee Time a Coming. by T) 8 Anbar, Wo Fire Sramen. by Beatrice Reyuedde; The Hidden Poh. ov the Aather of “ Alene ° Seenes in the Life of « Neo Verk Bergeon, by Dr. Dison; Preseott’s Philip Beevnd, 2 ee f] Meurars SS. Preateee ; Abbott's | J. H. ENNIS Life of Nepoleon Bowsparte Bed othe! Feb 12. 56 % tovite the attenine omes ; é 2 GA. ATTORNEY AT LAW, ~ ~ MOCKSVILLE, §. C. T&F Otic immediately opposite the Davie Hate! bh April @, 1856. SPRING:SUMMER Fl GOODS. < j TR are now reviving cur menskeappty . ember ing @ gical variety of STAPLE @ FANCY Goods, well adapted to the Beason—all of which bere been boaght at the lowest figures, and which wr or determined to offer at wwortmssce and retell at prert that eraet give satisfaction ° ver stock before you porches we are determined to sell MURPHY, McRORIE & ©O Salicbory, April 1. 1856. Noa 1 & 2, Granite 4erf now. { DiBBLD alvin i. Dibble, Late of Wilmington, N. © & BUNCE. Jonathan PF. ree Bote af Kinston, Sf Commission Merchants In Cotton, Flour, Grain, Naval Stores axy” Southern reduce Generally No. 180 Front Street STUBS Vagus. REVERENCES — Hon. Wm. A. Gewham, Hifetore’ SC Hon. John M. Morchead, Greensboro. N. ( fb. Myrorer, Req, Payetteritie, NC John D. Williams, Beq , Prest. Bank of Charente” M. Sterensen, Raq., Cashr. Bank of Wilming To the Ladies. HE. anbecribers are now receiving the finest “ moat complete atock of Ladies’ DRESS (% they have ever offere | to the public, which t ea sell at a emall profit. They invite particntar atic" = to their fine embroidered, ailk und lace MAN TIELA® and to their latest styles af BONNET REBRONS her will EMDROIDERIES, &e. No. 3, Granite Row BROWN & COFFI Saliebary, March 25, 1856 43if Biank Warrants for sale Here. gled with trait “hy of willows at th Sycamores Lig and partigulii!] they can snck Marsh water ig es theur nels ba! 3 if it be ne patie ; or Uf it be well filte The wetlow bait ters of ovr -viveréy and many lone ¢ ing parallels alfr fotilas of Wihd Mt with here ander navi sated then} But since thi@es th irascs, and lashing wa unsurpassed gins, have Use years mores se the dreary apeot ataweked, banks. » Ty hed Sle Let ne commemorate a little baink sconé ly the Kanwwha. side, Which: delitited me in the days of Wi ‘uth. Lithehigh banks of rivera, Oud here anid thery, scnicireulur deptegstons, forine:t in’ aoa loug past by °Traih’ Waters seastiing out = the upper part-of the: bank, These lialt’ bt AY 4 basins ure someriies ten or twelve rods in diameter, wudbefiftcen or twenty. fudr deep. In one ofthe sige yrew a cluster of yonunhy sycamores+ehot eet young, but sect +e pay years than ie “fy leh. sone ets fey bole They wereso « mas aiid so crowded that their blénd@rigtisay sterte tad apin: dled ap @ixty or More fect withodt @ tins, ind “were petfecily straight aged 4 pendtentar. * tie looked’ as if” thetr branchy heads nééded mutaat shpport, te keep then erect>- @i a perfeet catty. they stowd still, but every breath of air analy then wave in cohgert, "A ‘strong wind bent them fur tawakdg the gtuund ; sal when the pressure Cojsed, they. cosy agai. Now there is buf a -renmsiagt af. this beautiful «\ loan brother, Pheir shen- der, graceful stems were ef iaired as tit materials (0 beikd«whtt Pethaj.s ” stable! They with wave wd trore in thy scrame? brooge! The anniatche Myerute ot Cie grove: was" sterifi@e|—for what? To M@¥@ an * alartzhey Wollar” i oben Inge raul fora Hureestabtc! ‘Aimer rea TRO" ity Thy reader say. Tig PPCAniora ts Knivan to become bed low wit Ae, and. then be eularye ita ai ancter nege The hase, snauctiogs te feu o: twelve fvet, Fi'y or axy years aye, one ofthe Largestelae vol steesbitear Ure monte of Elk omabeé: Kanawha bank. i had a vataral dewreway an the side, and looked ~osnag within that por faatily veeu- j cd ot for seme aime as a dwelling. Ma- ) & poor family fh those days, and in se dave alg, was leas counfortably ved; for bath top and sides were rain poof and wired-proof, and a fre just be the doorway served for both emokery warm{’ wiidn Warnith was needed Diere is a Wear story eomneete! with a low sycamore, sthstantially as f ows: A new settler. op the frontier, going. roach the weoda, eye three vr four Hlos, it might bé, fren his hows, saw ruta leigelt eTé@nere etunip a nner fear’ tracks, pointing Let ta and | the stamp, and some of them qirite Léoking ap, he fiand traces of rs clawe rw the side of the stump, aid the apromts, dome of thétn Jarge, which crew plemtifally about the sides from the rrnd ap te the top, ten or twelve feet als Old sycaniores Often dio at the top and break off, "ns this one had done, eaving hear the reet a live shell whieh puts forth young branctes, like the hear trequented stamp befroe na. The stiiny was large enough t6 be Willew, and Ly veans of the goumg branches ovshd be climbed with ease by man as well as hear. Tw ace why the bear climbed the stamp. he went ap.and found a hottow about tw feet in diameter, and nine oF teri fect degp. Lowking in, fe spied at the bet tom 6 pair of bear's cubs that inowed and whimpered she» they saw the opening acewe Sarkened, it pp rensint their dam returned from t. daily bunt for provisions. Now tlits new settler froin the east was not an exporiehced bear linnter; aod, he beate Wad teen afuretime gitite a curiosity to him, he had greatly desired waning to hia new residence, to fin) aja of cabs, that he inight rear them fr the amasemett uf himself and family here they were, unprotected hy dam, aud only ten feet at most down tree, whiel he éontd casii cmd by propping himself with fect anda against the rougl: sides. 8) wit, eo dene: intwo minutes le was ' t | a t shy that it was Cause thf A lot th con hollow ‘e, , and was handling and dandling a‘ ”“ ibs, and rejoicing in bis prize Pat stop! theught he, all of a andden low om | to get these cate ont with me 7 hoald have thought of that before. tle felbowa were not bigger than lrowsnever he erry ‘Nd find them a great inenm- tan effvetaal hindranuce: te vard passage. locking ratnd at the woodeu tthe den-—Stop ! ex ained wn dito get oat of thiaheld myself? nigiit he ask himself the question, observed bow the hollow tree d near the button, so as te give foothold by whieh be might raise f to the narrow, perpendicular ine three or four feetup, He had the sharp claws tor the strong the old bear, by which he might self np til he eould get fuot- intyhe « in hie y laying the enbs aside, Le tried, | often, he tried every way, he hall hie might, but in vain—not Nyy pullin, pushing or spring work himaelf wearer to the Licry effort terminated with this ‘he vroaud. By) standing on tip- could streteh forth his hands with- 'y inches of the top; and with a could reach within three inch- t was the otinost, and it was | lhe tha url tandd W did y iw nut bring a pole — i Hains (oleee Hid he deprecate the d , Of being publicly fog; span oo felt hoe feu | or hi sieve] Mute ak d ‘a ar’ m himeh th lind react i f bre : gvod book t bee whelps owas. the inf Paige ave ferocity. And here he was, nu- larined, bia space four, feet in diameter, | wilting’ “his inevitable duom. [t woah] fcome'when the “Hedr game. “Tt would tenn with shaver bueno less iufiltthle 1 Toe how econld-either friend or stranger ever discover his-sitaation in be jebe stionld ha desave's bellow in the air or beneath the grotind; and-ten to one if the passer by j didnot sun with bis hair on psf and re- pent that the fyrvst way hatnted by-evil spirits. Tue he sat and. thought : aud once in 4 while renewed in vain bis deysperate of | farts 06 OFercome those few juches which fie lackeds to eet bis fingers over the rim jf the speunmre stamp. At last rhe sin | suf attd he saw tle wight atheriug her sha- pews ower the narrow circle of the lwav- esta visible al head. Just then we heard a scrambllug onteide of i! batunp, aod a tiement afterwards, while ove hig {Qisheurt struck the kwell of bie doom, he’ }aaw the bole above enddeuty darkened by the bear's body geri leseeued. | ~ Alshisetitica} moment be remomberes! te have heard tat bears always descend 4 tee ora hele tail foremost, and frou What he could seé of the this one, he inferted that (order of ber proceeding. fle had crouc! ed apon the yrowudt now imapired with a jamdduy thoug bt, he *praug to kis feet, and } rem chad ng up Me the shark, be felt the bong tthiek hair of the bear's rump, and seiced bheeh Tut it with « death Kriype, before she had taken her f repaws fromthe nus of the stuinp. Ihav ng had no sig! t mMive Visitor in her domicile, “we ¥ tuto pesition to morcwents of soch Was Uc rsuspiefonofhi ah ly ¢ at Was | Dears ore of cenree surprised and ala. suchdest asnanl? apon her rear parvcularly senmtivety attacks an that hehe feelf upwarde with all pos pred ptitude,and was yet in aud alarmed to feel any st attuched touher ramp, re yoiring the whe bear power tu ance, Butshe saga power by a viekent effort she deow —the man helping wat n@ bre could th | nculess part. Sle therefore drew her ble cnerzy and SUT ering us wey vere mme the resiat- and tip thee tren over ' bear, ite fen ae meat pet fothokl—un he coil row hisarm over the rim ofthe stamp hott bath bear and mau siiunltaneuusts ’ cives over tot Oultaide | ivy thee Th tather duky tw lege prevented a very distmmetveow. ‘Pire leur was puzzled: the wan was half glad, half afraid. Then sithows taking leave, tley cach on his own sale of the descetded bienge, ated parted by uiutual consent, —t , drowaly aetopished and the man woodro ly uw relieved Another tree of the Kanawha low grands, deserves particnlar ft if the honey locust, (Gleditehiay poyn larly go called beeanse it bears a large pod evntaining a palpof lboney-like aweet ness. What is most this tree, be its armatare of thor. They are a wets meity; they i thorus in the work fre, think, the On the reany ches, a set of tomler «pikes first appear mntil they are notice femarkalle aAlpt suel thorns ! rian Frese gruw and larden y three or fune mmetievs long, and prick like melles, The next year, rk grow longer and young epikes slit the Then e. rear ¢! arponnd: thorn bec eormmpou del forth other spikes, and these, + while the orivinal spike continues to grow awd branel bike the reat, till thie tres thers beco:nes a thort tree, from six te hit inelies high, with branches on every til prrimps forty p tufs sfand o ith and eve Ty poim dtaws blood wherever it the skit. Now conceive the body and principal Lranches of the tree so thickly set with these thorns, that a fingereould no where be safely inserted among them, and you will readily suppose that vo animal, not even the grey aqnirrel, net even the lithe \blaeck anake would dare attempt to climb Alioney-locust tree, Ttis then creditable, that'a inan of flesh and blood should, in his sober senses, have undertaken to per form that desperate feat? Yot so dida nao iv Sie Kanawha Salt works, as the writer can solemnly aver. [t happened in this wise. About thirty years ago, a poor regue at the Salt works, was caught, one sammer levening, in the act of stealing a bundle jof hoop poles. Tne owner of the poles resolved to have him punished fur the theft. Ootonel Ruffaer, a — and ‘es terror to evil doers, lived nedr. On their way fo life honse, they met this adl- these « sides. ery screciing ie € HOR Mere The secondary spikes pul ers ayn, ei side, that have beanchesonevery side, touches , } jneti » rive 4 Jones at all verate, hic sat down te! mintateator of jnstice on the river bank, ain't : : J) | where @ Lonluy-loetet trée was standing in) ani Eliphalet Brown, of W——, and this | dreas, and gaiter boots. iW ae robbed of} what 1 hate. 2ersOnMt in al steps, if Uy aceident the twnr hee eiinc: | “ tee tentaah aaa 1 was. Se vs Ue hig Jas. r and, magistrate. felt » Ly f leat But die law esate pes) | Far offenee, ting HY Was sual, “So satel the am, ° ve ney heen syoeed asa vnc said the se |“ Pohace it dene before people tl You to mnay do what {please withi me here sby i Will do whatever pray doy"t tet other people have it bap forme, that'T was ow j Fines Just tell we what Vey yon! i to enat ‘ipyied for éteal- tu do and TH dot eight or pine inehes must 1 elite” he Krasped that diab with Loth hands, he sould not he Chipped. & Tkmow I shall ‘he tatdly siuck with thorns,” said he: “tmnt then it is so dlegraceful to be whip p pee.” Not being able to climb by hngeing the tree, weeurding to the nenal amanner,! he felt for a place where he could clasp! his bands behind it ahwut the lieigehit of! his heml, Having by earcful twanipals | tien effected this, he eet tirst the one fest abd then the other against the body of the tree, abuuliwo teet abore the ground aud eo, half bent, like a walking eater pillar, he attempted to take a biggher held | with his lauds. Loosing the ene hand { id belding fast with the other, be beyan foel fot a vaeanc ¥ among the thorns “Ouch! ouch! confoand the thorns, how sharp they aro? With many sueh ejae alations, he persevered till le yt a new lorki about wa foot higher, but at the sane tine port ‘pan dozen theen ts were hits flesh Ife was now within @ foot fthe limb, but whesever le made are ion t and the A) that witha ery . fer reeize it, the thorn alrowe wa below, prererd hina e of pate he had te ree jeestura in wtiet | Atter Lang ort the only ' coul bear Ine ter writtig a om agony, let groaud as if he had Leen “ Wire l ng and ' boo dun rater ‘e gi ated Invopped to thy el eert When he was euficiently reeovered te he said witha yroan: “I shall te take the w bippeng after all, Lut It you I atu bleeding in twenty ey bu foornas t Z bt reving pie 4penuk, ier what, places em p therns n Ver try tee climle a hin eecutor, be 8 aA rigistrate and pr tice to be satisfied, tld him te geo. and Ile fa ath wi a afterward > had el steal ner macere Was ‘ . t ] ubed ae tine Cire MR BROWN'S MISHAPS KE) phatbet B V five, « hereab M wn wasa bachelor of 1 at; one of Cerne rn te jase through the ive this peenliarity, there Mr. Br A other Drowns who and die in sas t gtlod stinguinls wi fro the are Hitebitiucde mh, grow ap this world It chanced that Brown liad « Viel a town some tlty matters of business, ceason to Milles Uistant of It was his first visit propused stopping for a day, in order to wive hinnsell wu op portunity to look about. Walkir as } wl te the juace, and he ' ! ' , ; p leurely akong the reet, d € w all at once accosted by ach of five, yran up to him exclaiming: ‘Father. | want you te buy ine some seible that Le, a it title? yp » Was addreseed by th ald not beligve a!” u epoaking to, iny dear? the little girl, you, father,’ said the little me, surprised x ‘Really,’ thonglt Mr. FI ‘this is eml i | AUER Bhool y ‘WI The clakd laughed heartily, evidently thinking ita zood joke. ‘What a funny father you are,’ slre said 5 ‘bnt you are go- ing to bay ine some candy? ‘Yes, yea, | will bay you a pound, if you won't call me father any more,” said Mr. 1. nervously, The little girl clapped her hands with delight. The promise was all she re- ) membered, Mr. Brown proceeded to a confection ary store, and actually bonght a pound of candy, whieh be placed in the hands of the hutle girl. In coming ont of the store they en- countered tue child’s mother. *O, nother,’ said the little girl, jnst ree hoW much candy father has bought me.’ ‘You shouldn't have bought ber so ;Mmuch at atime, Mr. Jones,’ said the lady, ‘Tam afraid she wrll make herself sick. — But how did you bappen to get home so ‘qniek? I did not expect you till night. | ‘Jones—I—magam,’ said the embar- rassed Mr. Brown, ‘it’s alla mistake; | It isn’t my name, I tphalet Brown, Tite iti ur fathering A ar,’ he said aloe vour name f ourselves, or T}tabie lady, Jou telk me todo, but Tijveture, fron what you-have eaidy that iy | Joues, this is infamous ! - from the fainting fitinty w sito “your head? Yon tow | ‘your ‘name, pitts Your intention i ex and thie : ti’s embar- " by wife,” hiadabys T Hever Pvc Oh oy word asa yentleman, infeyd. to jh Mrs. ‘ i not tnarried, I'd like ” . ‘T have ne doubt yon are a most respec: sald Mr. Brown, tand I tee. our paumneia Jouvsy but mine is Brown, aditu, and always wad? ‘Melinda,’ said her ameiher, anddenly taking the eliild by the atm dud feadi> 4b "You hear that, Mr, Janes, de yen t— ov hear what that {nnecent chi id says, *You did, did you? © Brited vour own child not to call you father! O, Mr Do you jnrend tu desert aie, sir, and leave ine to the culd charities of the world? and is this your fire step 7 ; Mrs. Jones was 0 overcome that, with- ont any warning, she fell back apon the sidewalk ina fainting fit. lostuntly a number of persons ran te her aesistunce, ‘ls yuar wife subject to fainting ia this way? asked the first comes of Brawn ‘hdon't know. She isn’t wwe wile. don't know anything about her,’ “Why, it’s Mrs. Jones, ain't ict’ "Yes, but I'm nut Mr. Jones.’ ‘Sir, anid the first syeaker, sternly, ‘this is no time to fest. [trust that you are wet the canse ofthe excitement which mimt have oeeasioned your wite’s fainting fit, You had better cdl a cowel: and ear ry her low ‘ Poor B | tides,’ t possible that Kihow ia it, © Jires own was dumfoonded aylit Le, Jones Pua Mr Perlaps in really Jones, « ‘whether i without ind base gene crazy, ip cone juence of el T fancy that AY h&ine te Drown, And yet LT don’t think Dm Jones. In spite of wll, [will insist that my name is Dreewn.’ ‘Well, sir, what are yea waiting for? It is weeessnry that your wife sleald be ved af ace Will you orders aqr ayy f , Crown saw that x noe pre tract the hy a denial Ile, ciefwe, withomt contesting the puint, wil ren t diceussion us ae red a hackney coach te the apet. Mr. Brown accordingly lent au arin te Mrs. Jones, who had some! ed, and was about to close the « eer. ‘What, are you not 2 ‘Why, no; why should if "Your wife should not ge alone laa hardly recovered,” Lrown gave a de spairiug af rocuver leor @pon ng yonreclf? ; obe yla ce at the crowd arvand him, and deew ny it nse less to make opposition where a many soemed thoroughly convinced that he wus Mr. Jones, followed the lady in. ‘Where shall L drive € said the w ‘I—I~I don't know,” said Mr ‘Where wonld you wish to be carried 7 ‘lume, of course,” marmured Mrs up Jrown Jones, ‘Where is that f asked the driver ‘ide not know,’ said Mr. Brown. ‘No, 19 I sand the gentle man already introdnced, glaucing ¢ strect, g u termptnonsly at Brows “WAH you help me Mr. Jone said the lady, ‘1 am net fully recovered ht your cru ‘Are you quite sure that IT am Mr. Jones T asked Mr. Brown with anxiety ‘Of conrac,’ said Mra. Jones . ‘Then,’ said he resignedly, ‘I suppore | am. Bus if you will believe me, 1 was firinly convinced this morning that my name wae Brown, and to tell the tenth, I haven't any recollection of this house.’ ’ ” on elty drove me.’ t Brown helped Mra. Jones into the par lor; Lut, good heavens! conceive the as tonishiment of all, when aman was dis covered seated inan armchair, who was the very fuc emile of Mr. Brown, inform, features, aud every other respect! ‘Gracious!’ ejaculated the lady which —which is my husband 7” An explanation waa given, the mystery cleared np, and Mer. Brown's pardon songht for the embarrasaing aL og It was freely accorded by Mr. Brown, whe was qnite delighted to think that after all he was not Mr. Junes, with a wife and child to boot, Mr. Brown has not since visited the place where this ney A ot Errors’ hap- pened. Te is afraid of losing vis iden- tity. -0os Snooks says the prettiest sewing iha- chine be ever saw was about seventeen years old, with short sleeves, low neck LY. 285-48 In_this tale Sones with ex- ed x \ EQUESTRIAN STATUE OF WASTL: “IBGTONS 3 eS Tiits filie brongg statngs by one, of: the’ jbeat sculptors. of the United been lately setup in New | Zines thus describes, it ; | The statue, as te hav laeate Ul. RE Bica, of Bri hho Atis Hin every way worthy of ‘the Highest nil- ‘imitation. — Washington is represented” ‘horseback, with his rifbtairm outer inthe work 4 { idle, wit left hand, -_ TION. P. 8. BROOKS, MA Ne ia, earthed me oe AOE Apentleman: froin: 4 pa or y | Sa sg * seovery in thet joey | serves thenttebtion “of the) earion parigh matters. Prof Prindal, of » AV aah ington, to whoa.» portion of the: relie hase been presented, will doubtl Ina ewxdud give to the work ry, ndria, verics me vened by Dr, ey, {melea- ris galipuco}—~ & Soesel. of Black and Co “a nd Ph Utica plause became $0. deateoing that the die could nbt- proeded. » « After:itvabiat <2 Washington Irving} in his -becotifut Affection for the Dead, sayes 2s ' ” The Washington correspondent of the grey poltery whiek: would probably hold | : “Go tw.the eo of baridd Yous) aiid Philadelpiia Hublic Lelger writes? “Mr. Brovks’ deportwent in the Mod today, whilst the ‘reselution proposit lis CXpuision waa Yeing dikedssed, was worthy ufecrumendition. When heruse to obtain a disavowal of au inupntation whieh bad Geen cast pow hin in tle do- bate, he did it in such a calin, temperate and Jiguificd manuer, as to draw at once fro the mewber who used the expres sion a promypt disavowal of the offensive construction of Lis langage.” A Goad Beamyple.—The clergymen of Rich moud have weved an appeal to (he ultras of all seottons of the comairy, ia which they one mo- detation aad frlmaratee, Their eramdo is worthy of tating inttated by the eferzy in vere le ¢ le igjn comouan with eee ee « howge of Cisstetinar'y Thee adids ™ cartiestiy part of the Lruil o te vied cow will vy earths dev wl to Inetease the ‘Lit us oe Tied CHetewt anel per itart are nlvwealy decd « a i Lot as give po coante j Dance to lawless violence, ehether ii lower Ligh Places. Let us geek by evety practicable moti: a] to strengthen and brighten the boml of fra ternal awien, whith dhou!d etm brace 4 Ur bevored ‘Rates ntl Territories. And above all, let Christians fertently pray to te Vather of Light for Lip bhewsing ve our rulers — that n tery cilert he ¥ tiny be wise, fire, concili eg and pa tient for oar peaplesthat they may be praccable, ;proeperous and haype. “We are ea! telitel iy to te! lenemen ation, the Covbes of Prtetenc whet Ne ase nd retormaton of 1 fey these emethect a s, far mere read day vver our beloved than by fhetre diamwedion. we avert the gers Shich are mycmbng laud Aml now au entreat joa, by every eon 1} by the mem the Lowel which par bw the ilhestrions deeds of m1 Yorktowu——tey the b “tary of teillons, Leimg and wnleown, {mn a ty wy chased ewe Iibert nen Sumber TL ] ast t the whee wclfare depends om the hy prosperity, so greatly increment yuvernment, Wo follow th vr prac ie ptrtervaten of oar Union — and ey ecially our re! " neder ont «t celh-at nak things e hich f, ’ aud Coastitution ida ph That U press the eur At atinods) here should Lvcesure of th e ice of the earth and on al! parts of oar bodies with a weight of fif teen pounds to the square inch, ts at firat aes A perplexing fact 4 ted by tl bat itis fully ilostra fas and al live analag 03 pres- sure of water The tr who descends below the sarfac on all sides oy the snperineuinbent weight of water, and instead of being in fered et conmnoded by thia, is rende The particles of the air are of morc Lnoyant, extreme tenuity and almost perfect wobil ity, and therefore offer no resistance to On these and the great pressnre of the Atmosphere remain bodies moving among them, aecounta, the weizht of tho air For a long tinny after the discovery of the pressure of the atinosphere, the world remained in igno. ed ao long concealed rance of ite chemical and mechanical con- | stitution. Rutherford discovered hydro- gen one of ita compounds, in 1772; and two years after, Priestly and Strnel, in- dependent of each other, discovered oxy- gen. Happy Temper.—Dr. Ungh, Bishop of Worcester, bad a weather glass slieh jeost thirty guineas; his servant was or- dered to bring ft intuhis reem to show it to some company, Whe, in banding it to his lordship, let it fall and broke it in pieces, The good old anam desired they would not be aneasy at the accident. i“T think,” aaid We, “it isa Incky omen; we have hada long dry season, now [ |hope we shall have rain, for [ do not ro- jmentber ever to lave seen the glass 90 low before.” | of the sea, is pressed je quart, in which were forty-nine white vbiong pieces of bawe or ivury, about the “C usttal size fora visiting card, aud highly »'Us. consciepee fotevery 'S | polished, one aide Voiug Ulank and the, Pak y ey tty’ patsy ae marced. Console thrse a le, yet fatile attiiiute of 1 (fevetee ornalnentod with cigrated heads, airow®s, tats, anna, birds, &c, numbé ig [rw Ope to seven respectively. Mr. Jamve Fossett, of Alexandria, whe wus with Lewis aod Clark'sexpoditivn to; the Recky Mounting ad why was then ,koown asa celebrated hunter, and in- dian tighter, says that he saw bones ofa j siniae deseription at the falleof the Yel- ‘tow Bone river, a noted camping place }for Indians; that they used theat in gam. ing, somewhat as in the woderu gaine of bluff; that when the red man was dealt the highest hand, seven peven, (which was ul rare occaretee,) ha would Jeap frnn Jie seat and ejacalate the words, Lak ka koo-ler, which has becn since an- xlicised by vor westeru brethren inte Larryecooler, which signifies the highest hand at carda, tantamnetwnt to three white aceé at brag. ‘he wreophagus and ite contents are now if the powession of A- G. Newton, Esq.,of Alexandria, with the exce) tion of the last named relic of an etent gaming, which Las been presented ty Professor Prindal, af Washington city The extenur of this tomb (ih whieh its vccuparit, probably sume great Babaslre ra sand ytare,) is thu< described by Jadge N., a celebrated an- tiytiary ; “The insertion preaguts. four pata of divieions and Las ne appearance of being « record or epitafl as tight te supposed, but is evidently iateaded to recurd seme impurtant event, probably a canbat. The first counnenciug ‘on the left is an Tndiay arimned with bows aud arrowe aud may represent a body of aru el Tvedians. The second appears to be all lieroglyphics, amd proliably ite définition involves the greater part if the svcret, thorgh it deuvtiess refers mord particu larly to the first part. The third division is evidently a vessel with bow, stern, rad- der, cable and anchor; the triangle on the starboard qnarter, [ Welieve, Favtes n hieroglyphic langnage figlting, or a Ia, has slept kk tha» place to fight from, a fort or battery ;/ there are several dowble and single trian- gles in the second part. In the fonrth livision we see two hamaa figures, evi- lently differi:g from that ia the first, withont bows aud atrowa, they appear to repreecnt the party connected with the verte]. On the sides opposite are the tigures of the Buffalo, Etk and Mastadon.” Warrenton F1 1g. T ENEW YORK IRON FLOAT. ING BATTERY. A large iron floating battery has been hnilding in New York for some years past. This iron vessel, se mysterionsly locked and hid) frown pullic view, has already been fourteen years nnder Way, and of course cousiderable progress has heen made in her construction, aud. she could be finished, if nec vessary, in otre vear, She is four linndred feet Jong, and thirty or forty feet ia bracdth. She fs built entirely of weonght iron plites, and cach plate seven inches in thickvess; these are attached to hee iron frame work. She will have eight steam engines, and | is to be propelled by two screw paddles, one on each side of stern post. Eh smooth water she will ron, it is “expected, from jtwenty tu twenty-tive miles per: hour; and as she is intended solely for harbor defences, she will have. smooth ‘water to {rau in at all: times. She can, by her jdouble propnision power, by reversing one of het screws, tnen fh hér aw axis, jor in the apace of fonr latidred feet. She jig te bemounted with twenty guns, of (the heaviest calibreand. longest range. The dock where this wouderfal flogting 'battery is now lying is very mysterions- lly guarded. Ow ing to the extreme length lof the vekcl totks lute been excavated, jand on€ of the streets of Tloboken has | been tunveled to adinit éneé end of the meditate. There settle the ua- (this sig and.take warning by his thine Whav, , ing sorrow for the aud ward be inore faithful and: aff in the dischargo of thy duties:.to thediy- ing. 7 ) Hoda Prete in Tondon.—The follae- ling is from the Lowidoa weekly ‘ pér edited by Douglas Jergold < a “Next week) we trust these wit be printed om ao engine peauetteais erican brain, forged. by A. and eef up here on Engtish enil by A tear hands—most ntble specimens. al of. our American brethern on the oth- er side of the. wave. Nowy whatusesd we care for the red tapo when we bind hoth sides.of the Atlantie together with the tapes of tle steaw prext,? Shooting Afray in Elentot, My G-> The Norfulk Herald learns thate fencon- tre touk place-in Edeoton, two or ths days. ago, between Me. Coltop, Editor of the Edenton Banger, and Me Badham, a lawyer of Pasquotank cogats: The * pute Srtifalted from a reply made f Colton to-at anonyrens consth in 6ne of the nows: rs of that ecotion, m, who + o.de n ; which capsed Mr. to have becn tle she retraction of tevera im yh io Mr. Oolton’s article, to which he (MF. Byjtook exception. “Mr, Colton replied that he - was ignorant of the authorship wpa ticle to. which he had replied,and ed making any reaction; w Mr. Dada commenced an attack Mr. Colton, ‘and in the scuffle a Mscharged by whith Mr Badhasy said to have been severely wounded. upon was was The Hiyhest Mountain Me, | imam replica to Dr. Mitchell's “abdnut the diicovéry of the highest of the Black Menstatrrin Wester Fhe Qarolina (also the highest in the Un States, Enst of the Rocky .Mountai ly denying thatthe Dr, allades.te the saine peak that he visited, The isthat wé shall hate a pretty w, cussion of the claina to ie" creat covering the highest “peak,” betwen these gentlemen, both of whom appear to regard the henor. of the disco very as Ff more conseqnence than any one else ) dogs. —Fayetletitle Observer. ; Cost of the War in Earope.—The ,New York Journal of Gomtierée” eom- ments wpon tho cost ofthe war, to the allies, $4000,000,000 -to Enghawd) gad mich wore to Franee, tosay néthing of ‘Torkey and Sardinia. Tneludiang” the Russian expenditure, the cost is te be fwo thousand infftion dollars. 7 Lfolloway's Medicines.—We axe in the habit generally of noticing the thoveend land one medicines of the day i we a really metitotionsly one fe beforé public, we think’ it dhe te the | that the fact shoul! Ire made known, We have need Holloway’s Pills and Ointment ) iP eases.cf humours, beoises, and with beneficial effects, and there ate. ons res Within our knowledge of ext [ry cures-perforned in” diseases of long istancding. Prof. Holloway’s Ointment jt Pills are ainong the few pr , tious whieh perform ae the Gures for | Which tyey are recomninended. We are satisfied me for purifying the blood, reg- holatiug the stomach, and curing liver and Oilifons compli etter remedy can RB , lhe found I) “ Howard, B. B. Roberts, T. T, Maxwell ‘and Lake Blackmer, D. A. Davis being Intendant,) be offered a resol oF EW Tork. tion to petition the legislature so to — amend the town charter as to author- WOR VICE PRESIDENT. . ise this veritable five gallon law. The ANDREW JACKSON DONELSON, jccotation passed unanimously, and it oF TerWensre, | wes sent forward to the legislatare, then in session. Our county was then repre- sented by Chas. F. Fisher, Esq., in the Senate; A. H. Caldwell, Esq.. and Mr. }Chaa A. Roso, in the Commons. The was advocated by both Mr. Fish- , KOR PRESIDENT. MILLARD FILLMORE, JOHN A. GILMER "OF GUILPORD | eel AMERICAN ELUCTORAL TICKET. VOR THE STATE AT LitcE efforts it parsed the Legislatare. The peo- ple of our town afterwards ratified it by LB CARMICHAEL. of Witten : ° 20uN RON. «fC a vote of almost three to one; and no aan longer ago than last January, it was sus- oes VEE stevencrs tained against the whole power of the li- 2 Caen, Some quor party, which had been mustered _~ tied F Mesum, and drilled for weeks preceeding the elec- --~ Sen T Lerace. | em =e © A 2. Bremen, : ~ £1 Lesoe, et RE the fire gailon law in Salisbury. It is the cecal result of a spontaneos effurt on the part SAP” We bave received « copy of the of oar citigeus, without respect to politi- Portieth Awwas! Report of the Ameri. oo! party, disgraced and injured as the Fa - 3 Society” fur the year 1856. 11 Town had been by the grog shop system, dngttiogs all the important operations uf to relieve as of the evil. Know Noth- for the year just ended, to ingism, Whiggery and Democracy, never ther with a list of the suriliary Soce- entered into the question, as is abandant- ot @nd Guelr clboors, and of the if di- ly apparent on cramining more minate- tom and wombers of the Soccty. ty iote the sabjcct, and taking account —— oe of those who proposed, supported, and * Fanatics.” -~Will the Bowmer do the carried it through. It was a general ef- oter'te ame the ~ fonatice in the last fort, eparmatie perhaps, to cleanse the * who are chargeable with town of a dlot-—to remove @ nuisance— me pamage of the Salisbury five gal'on 1. wipe ont a disgrace. hoe ste Mr. Banwer, U vou These fects are fresh in the memory We feel it to be the daty of our posi- eepiienoenth ligne jof the people; and if the Banaer had any GAO The tat Banaer, deliberate! y per respect for the majority of our town citi- rates & wamlber of falechomis to which sens, and was lees influceced by that we Ghali refer, Th waye—~ As the Watch | clamorous eres who are the active, in- eae Mi the organ of the Kaow Nothing terested euppor'ers of the liquor alomin ety t thie cowety, we may clearly im ation, it wonld have known them. The ety 0 Rdege beee geueraily seppored all fricnds of this important and efficient re- « Gee, that the Five Gallon Law + a8 striction comprise the large body of respec- tbe eenlly @ Koow Nothing measare. table members of the commeanity—mer- ere we have 6 candid abminion of tig! chants, wechanics, and professional men. act then, that it is ome of the principles Mostof them are old citizens, owning pro teat party te prescribe the rights and perty in the town_and raising families here. evlages df freemen, even in the moet Whilst it is petorivasly tree, that with Gnd wimer elles file” a few exceptions, the great body of these Bow it ie etteriy (alee that the Wateh eho oppose the law, are anproductive to th a the” wngan oh the Kore Nothing! the cuomunit: arty.” It ie the editor's organ He worse wome tt her the prowsigation of bis oem 7,. repeal qrestion was forced npon em, Ged grams its use to otivors accord: ne candidates by Beneini, aman whose < mobs thinks proper. He controls it eccepation for years past, has been, and. chow report to any party. Ue abowe ve: in. tat of doggery keeper. The Ban- rem paaten: be fer what is wid in ite col ser, cvantenaaced by the leaders of the amt; therefore it is a fale inference denccratic party, have seized npon it for 2 Gecanes be opposes the liquor trafic, political purposes, and bids fair to ont Keow Mething party x chargeable Pencini, Bewcini himself, in the boldness ad the passage of the fre gallo low im of its cvern It rings the charge of “udi- wedmary. Te ime palpable faleebood that oa. Law,” only fr the parpose of arous- +7 Werks of cure was an “sdminion of ing the Lad passions of the bad, and to + Geet then, that it is ome of the princi get epa ferer fur Col. Robards, who on” he. a shove ont torth Evers 7 ives alan been a regular dealer in liquor, som bere taken by the Banser is false. amd feels the inconvenience of the five The Benner yorum delights! in em gallum reatrictiv Shall those whe have opment of the terms * odias Fire gal epened this game succeed in their object { o» low.” Je tulle ws that “0 large sow; ill goud cit:zene countenance this attack cv ad the citizens of the town is highly epon moral refi.rm, by voting for those veesed agsinst this law aod clamorows <j, are seeking their pecuniary interest rite peped” Tt gave oct a word slvet iy its repeal! 1{ so, more's the pity, and at tther large wemver «bo are dec led deeper the shame. te fever of it. They are sobedy and where, ie the Banner's estimation. 1+ Aad the enon o parvy pulitoce quite treet we "ef Beocini, Daniel Shaver. — oe tedtvetes! whe bar eptniees hw ows wall Packer, &c., oct ali f whom nt aes cet ais ee Oe « haga to be clasmrons bor the repeal = TO 8 eras the met tecomes 0 coe the teow, Hewell Parker publicisy de acess tor eny piace in the gift of the pragie, it ia the wel em Thavedag loa, that be felt like 9! SON Eo 6" LA men tae promee img the thowete of come of the d—_ 4 ——— th pre et ant: Bowe Nothing candutaie @ thee Bematertet Deeurnet te « erate the Stat- Kee Nethingsn Ile ie raging moat furious ~. and im many cases - Be far we pert) bers are cow draws be mey be wmd to errapy ted ade ot is corer ted harm gooerel ged By ene: g iegruetative wiedeern and +1 . the Baumer might have said, against te me party—ter be reese om inch State and Peder fovam thee Geet. re feeed to parteenpete om the écliber ed Bow om fever: f momtaimeng the fights of evers Bat let @s, now, fur the sake of trutl ow taod Me wend siweie bus bee ie foe of out Ue cane goore. ipod we Wi wee for obtateng 4 1s thet echo mee by wher’ * propte of the State may be bee 60 8 oat ene tes nfle- + cad wear fae the repeal of the the town amd the a! of that lax fol proad to bev- pepater and iafier mtrai member re of that bent Decent, ember men ine e. a © fee gallon law. They are all dea! oj procs are exeeeding'y enlarged ond Eberel He + i Hiquor, and it conflicts with thei: 22 Sow of the Kenewe N-treshs Act, sdrursied 4 ghta, amd of coarse they clamor, aud the eteume of the Wing (omrentam. held bere im the sprng anner helps them to do se of 105), entess 4 was apecially rrongnised end endure Btete end opprerd t cefercmg crvl and relagieus de d the credit of Salisbor;, heck ot the thektore egmest the myht 4 sequiriag chiaeashep & eta in the case. We shal! make nv state- Raqes! Suffrage. end be fewor of gettong it by the log ahotrre meade, kee wimg 4 te be Ube cheepest sod most Ie the Great place. it ie not true that the manner at the coming seme He ae Internal e gallon law was a Know Nothing fepretemest mon. end will gre bus med to every enseré The Banner is jeuding itee!{, teed. and cor vas: tedden 1 searers developed He . @ eggrerd tn fens ram im ell ve varwes forme, and erefere, (igoorantis, it mas be,, oaee eo feller ac it is anworths, wise it adeome Five (oto Law wheb wes fewied oper Ue a, ° « 7» pag vod aahed That charge ond odsucstes the re ete logue At gevers) elections preceeding tin eter of thew ngs «water ah ra ~age ef tine law, the weost vutrageous . ahlesbe of Gat retail boense erstem wae wit. regard to ee mee ung to anmemoee here Sie cur ever 5 randutete © amder dt as ommmeme {the red ts e sp padled by the excesses of the Jeo. Prneare Bub great peremal wflor pee he wr . te tedeem and pretcc| the best interests df the Beate wind by the wamber of fights and dit sug the mumedinte o-ciem that he wil reprearnt W wowld be gind. if pemtie in ere him unsemmads / ber 4 te ereupy & pmmtin ances of the peace wheel sprung in diately Frow the liquor traffic as car 1 og by the retail shops, » wherh he we pre oon ¥ quslitied hich at that whose 1 tical Can the reader gness } e eocupicd Comepicuons pesitione in portrait thie is? Is it Boehanan’s, or turn, Weremember ona particular Brayy'st No, the gentleman appears to sion, he apparent sndden!y aroused (ea candidate for the Senate, and of ed for either of We have om ; for it is agreed! mand indignation, (f we inay use the: course it is not n, of gentlemen who, hitherto, bad them W lose rw Wet ithe concern on the euliject.. itted the name on purpose frie hety ber, (we hope to be pardoned that a pictore that requ ue of his name here, for we re- he written under .t. or led bie conduct at the tine as highly one «-worthy,)* Charles F. Fisher, Haq. acqaaintances of the is it, then! res the name ty over it, isa bad person 16) reseited a wotatde case. He was shocked Ly on the canyass, will at once reeognise if. ~~ scenes, and went from criend to We reniew our question, then whose end, Bhd told them this thing would political portrait is this? Snrely sume t do, and diat beneeforth bis face was body w ill be able to tell. Does any ove against these miserable doggeries. He in Kowan County elaiw it asa trae like- de these remarks tous, or words to the ness of himecif? If so, pray let. lrfin c import; and he also ased them to speak out and say, tf v4 mine 5 for We were rejoiced at it, for we doubt not there will be general joy among ere sare his infl be felt in the natives on finding they have onr we vere renee weuld } “ imic F eather wan in their midst who has ‘opinions of Hat if it ien good likenesa, ali the ' oS ae the from consisted of John I. Shaver, C. 8. | bis “exceedingly enlarged and liberal! and will réceive it. ee ‘Brown, Wm. Murphy, J. M. Horah, J. H.| views” to see young men forming hab- ‘itsof drink, that destroy their usefulness jand tead them to squander the h t not say 01 adh -that tba i6 00 wsiche whe er | se er napatite NORTH-CAROLINA RAILROAD.” ° “earnings of worthy parents; that he looks with a pitying eye on the confirmed drunkard and loses no opportunity to! lead him back to a life of soberness, in- ‘dustry and virtnre. | self interest,” is a peculiar trait, and we ‘conjecture he is often found setting at | defiance at once the favor and the preju- | dices of the people, and boldly carrying ‘out his schewes of “liberality.” —Weonce ler and Mr. Caldwell, and through their knew a man to sectre to himself the priv-) Road ; and he called upon those who had char- ilege of retailing liquor in Salisbury, by | voting on his own application, his vot \deeiding the question against the express- ‘ed wishes of his fellow citizens. A man | of“ exceeding enlarged and liberal views” |—uninflwenced by “selfish interest,” like |the original of this highly wrought and { ! t |finished portrait, could not possibly per- Thiie, thea, is, in bricf, the history of Petrate such adeed! No, he stoops not one vindication of the President and of the maa from his exalted position except to raise ‘to his own level, the degraded and the oppressed. He stoops not but to shower blessings on those below him.—But ‘enough! enongh! The Repuddican Ban- ner identifies the picture by saying-—“ We have snch a man in the person of Col. IH. |L. Robards.” The Banner is a knowing coneern, and we thank it for the informa- tion, as well as for the picture ; for it cer- anconsciously blessed with the possession ‘of so great a political jewe!. COL. ROBARDS. ‘tion to oppose the election of Col. I. L. Robards to represent this Senatorial Dis- jtrict in the next Legislature, and we have a variety reasons ing se. We entertain towards him, per- sonalis, no ill will, for he las never given us oecasion to; and we trust so to conduct oar course as not ouly not to do lim in- justice, but to avuid giving offence. W shall, nevertheless, speak plainly on those subjects of a public character, which form the ground work of our opposition. of = goud We oppose him first, because he has reversed his whole political history —de- serted his old politica! friends and asso- | ciates—and done so at a time, when of all others, there never wasa period when conservatism and political integrity was more needed. Because be has thrown himself into the embraces of the enemy— has turned political traitor—and is now Eghting in the army of a party totally re- gardiess of the public welfare, as instan ced in all the troubles, fears and excite- ments of the present day. Look at Kan sas, look at Washington Territory, look at Ltah and at California, and estimate. if yoa can, the dangers which hare Leset the Country under this pasillanimous administration. Out of the last fr office sprang the repeal of the Missouri Com promise and the now repudiated Kansas bill to win the Presidential prize, and the democrats, North and Seuth, aided him in it. One of ite evil fruits is the pre sent bloody struggle in Kansas Letween the North and the Soath—slavery and famaticism—a etraggle to end when and how no n.ortal man can foresee. Martial law reigns in Wash.ngton Territory, and the Jadye of the Supreme Court of the U_S. and his officers are dragged from their deska, and the Court broken op.— Who believes sach a thing could have It was acard played by Douglas, happened ander the administration of “Old [Liekory,” or under that of the mild, Lat firm, Millard Fillmore ?— An anlawfal unauthorised Governor rales in Utab, the seat of abuminations—-lias ruled there for three years; and the Pierce adminis tration has tulerated it antil now nothing short of forcible intervention can bring that people under obedience to the laws of the Country lance Committee” has taken the law into Lynch ver the authority of Government In California, a“ Vigi its anhallowed hands, and Capt rides « A. Robards has deserted rough shed. ( the faith of his copservative fathers I with the party wlose corrup eakness and fears have brouglit the Country all these startling evils lentified himself with the 3rag7 is leader, in North Caro party lina. aman whose whole history affords en one single act worthy a place on the record of noble deeds—with Cling nan, a bald political gambler, wl vehifts ila only as he finds he inay secure est chances of self-promotion with Jolin Kerr, who is now on a (paid 7) nis sion to the west, to prove his vratitude tuo Giimer for important services in the Grail ford district when he was a candidate for Goversor, and in spite, because Gilmer woold net follow him in his shameful political treachery. These are some of the most iinportant the Cul But there ia one other to which we will ad ‘ng why we opposc Ile yet claims to be a whig!— liow can he stand up vert what a disgrace! Lefure the intelligent people of this Coan- ty, whether whig or democratic, and at teunpt to palin apon them snch a cheat ? What an insult to the honest de: of the district! They know he bas de- serted his former principles and old friends, and dare he presame then, to ask their adoption of the false pretence crates His disregard of ders, D. L. Swain, R. P. Dick, Ji R. MolLean, tainly is “refreshing” to find ourselves so for do, The at ne ig 2 Road a - in: Yetopt of it, we a Friday last, after au interesting wo . ay Sa ay The attendence, being mainly from the. latter apiatons West, was 3 and animated di ‘ | place, in whieh Messrs. Fisher, J. M. | Paul €. Cameron, John W. Thomas, Gen. Saun™ ‘ and others, icipated. {The old Directors were re-elected on the first | ballot, to wit, Charles F, Fisher, Gen, Saunders, | Gen Alexander McRae, and Francis Fries, * | During the meeting Mr. Fisher, the President of the Road, referred to charges whicli had j been made in relation to the tof the taking}. Rorvlg Minetdade-.s+ 23 01)->0 = But we thiok this fetter is ovly another evl- dence of the alarm of the democracy. Thyy feel their need of the services of all their big guns, and of Judge Saunders in particular, They drag him off the bench to serve the party, | The letter was sent to be read at a Coaventiow in Maryland, but it was written for the benefit of ges to prefer, to bring them forward then and there, and not to do so in newspapers, over anon- mous signatures, Mr. John W. Thomas, of j Lone responded, — but, before the di i | closed, and with the prompt, full and satisfactory ‘replies and explanations of Mr. Fistier, he uo doubt wished that he had remainedsilent, The | vote that was afterwards cast for Mr. Fisher for | Director—he having received within @ fraction of all the votes=and the manner in which the old Board was sustained, furnished a triumph- extly introdaced by the Standard, which as- sumes all the diame of its pablicativa here. Mark it, the Banner, and all the locofuco shects Bourish, will say—hear what Judge Savyours | says to you! OS Burglaries.—Joiln T. West's residence, near Raleigh, was entered on the night | agement of the Road, and was regarded on all hands a just rebuke bw those, who, from pany | feelieg or personal disappointment, have of late of the 15th inst, and money stolen to the | thie — ak ~_— _~ ‘fred amount of $221. A few week's before, Mr. Gilmer in his speech in Macon county, and | his smoke house was entered, and provis- they were at once takes up and continued, by| ions to the value of $80 carried off. .W. his organs in the Western part of the \_ , A a ay Soe we sarah Spree Tate of da W. Holden’s residence was eutered San stockholders will have its proper effect in the |@8Y Bight, 13th, and a watch stolen.— quarters referred to; and that no further attempt | Gov. Manly’s house was also entered, a will be made to introduee party spirit ate the ' month or so ago, and a watch stulen. affairs and operations of this great work. { The best fveling appeared to prevail among all the stockholders towards the close of*their | session ; and they separated in mutual good hu /the American party held on the old bat- | mor, cheered by the progress of the Road during | » in Gui “the past year, and full of confidence as to its fu- reg in Guilford, on the Let day of ture progress and prosperity. a | The full proceedings will, we learn, be printed | 4% The American, Electoral Ticket at an early day in pamphlet form, and a copy | j, ciy ae: ‘. oe al Relish Baadard. belay en at the head of our editorial col “ Let justic. be done, if heaven should fall.” The Standard implicates Mr. Gil- | : g ’ . mer in the various charges made or in. hall | eames om Beets me sinnated against the management of the , Road. This is unjast; The Standard | , should specify its accusations against Mr. Gilmer in this connection, and not, by a dash of the pen, make him responsible for the errors or imprudence of others.— | Sreixixc rm: Bisace Feao.—The Wy- Mr. Gilmer is not the man to make @ andot Ohio Pioncer, strikes the flag of charge which he cannot sustain; nor is Fremont and hoists the Fillmore banver. he tacking in a proper appreciation of Ohio is rapidly whecting into line. fair dealing and justice to others. If he Mowe [kaurixa ix Lovistays.—The attacked the management of the Road,! Fraoklin Banner and the Thibodeaax we warrant he had some just ground of Minerva, both Democratic papers, have = 2 abandoned Bachanan and come out for attack ; and sacts, (not the naked _Mtate- Fillmore and Donelson. The ball is roll- ments of the Standard or the action of ing on, and the Sag Nichta are getting the Board,) are the available arguinents out of the way as fast as their legs can aguinst lis positions. The action of the carry them. toard may have been on subjeets for -—- _ - Nigas of the Times. Bat one German paper out of the six in Cincinnati, support Bechanan, aud but one vut of three in Baltimore. Ax Ovo Lise Wo ox tur Stump. Mr. F. H. Pierpout, of Fairmeant, Vir- inia, recently madea epeech against Buchanan. Mr. Pierpout is one of the most eloquent speakers in Western V ir- ginia, and has always Leen counected with the Whig party. eign to those alluded to by Mr. Gilmer, and yet his name has been connected with them by the Standard. Such injas- tiee and wrong is reprehensible in a high degree, and will receive the scorn of all fair minded mea. There are thirty-three papers in Penn svivania with the names of Fillmore and Donelson at their head, and the Phila delphia Inquirer and about tl rty other Old Line Whig papers are als active in the support of Piltuore. bat have nat placed lis name at the head of their ed- iterial colanm. Fatal Mistake—Wm. M. Keily, in Virginia, shot his wife, throagh mistake onthe night of the 14th inst. He saw sone one at the door entering his house, as he snpposed, fur some felonious pur- pese ; and under the excitement of the; The Fillmore mew hold a Convention at Indianapolis, Indiana, on the 16th iust. for the purpose of forming a Fillmore klectoral ticket moment, seized his loaded gun, which he kept near his bed, and fired at the person To his horror, he found it was his wife.— The ball en- tered above the hip, and ranged through She died on the following She was shatting the door. CONGRESSION AL. » body - vasth snk W asmsorox, July 14. Satarday. : The Ilogse today voted upon the reso lution to expell Mr. Brooks. The rote stood—ryeas 121, nays 95. There not be- ing two-thirds, the motion was lost, but Mr. Brooks resigned his seat, pending a resolution to pase a vote of censure upon is condoct and that of Messrs. Edinund- son and Keitt. Selling a Free Negro into Slavery.— We learn from the Asiboro’ Bulletin, that Lewis Parks, and his brother William, of Randolph County, recently sold to Win Marcl:, of Davie county, a free negro, and received for Lim avout 8950. March discovered the fraud, and parsaed the NEW TELEGRAPH LINE. men, and arrested them in Now \uea Jair 14 Randolph ; and on their failing to pay back the mc : ; : € 2 Pay © Z The Submarine Cable has been snecess ry “ he “> i jai . » a ney, had them eo:mritted to jail on a fully laid from Cape Breton to New civil warrant. They afterwards raise] Foundland, and the line is expected to the money and were discharged. They work froin St. Johns to New York by Let are liable ‘o a criminal prosecution, and September the Lewis Parks is a baptist preacher. penalty is death Later from Niearagua--- Walker elected Pressdent. The steamer Orizaba, from San Joan, arrived at New York on the I4th. Walk er had been clected President by a large majority. Rivas, late President, had fled from Leon to Chinandega, where he took an opposing attitnde to the Walker party. The latter was receiving strong reinforceinente, numbering some 1,800 men, inclading two artillery companies with five field pieces oe Buren Pat tnat in your pipes Southern democrats,and smoke Van has come a Martin ontin favor of Buchanan. it, Strange as it nay appear, you and Martin have once more come together! He had both Lands in the Cincinnati, pie, and has made it op to his notion, you may besare. Yes, gentlemen democrats, you are again “sold to the datch”—as snre as you are living men, Buchanan is ad Martin's Richmond Whig says The Western N.C. R. R. and Catawba. On Taesday last, an attempt waa made, on the floor of the Board of Direetors of the W NO CAROR. nvolsving an anaceotntable breach of faith man—his “overseer,” as the and yon are the subjects tu Le whipped into the service of this arch traitor of Southern confidence and Southern interests, in the Tuwn of Newton to enact a -- ecene, Sadge Saunders —The democracy frighten. and a serious, if not fatal, injury to one of the ed. —The Standard of the 19th instant, contains greatest enterprises of the State of North Caro lina A res and favored apparently by a majority of the a long letter over the signature of R. M. Saus pres. in which he advoeates the claims of Bachan luton was introdaced, and advocated The Judge has hashed up old, stale dishes, acrved an, and underrates those of Mr. Fillmore. Board, involving in its provisions and designs, a up time and time again by the loeofueo press, removal of the Jocation of the rol from its pre- addit.g thereto his peeuliar rim in the place of sent site, at Newton. to an imoyinary \ine ron- ning three or four miles farther North, and what a holding fast” of the stipalated sub- scriptions of Catawba ! onions, and expects the people to gulp down the nauseous preparation as they would a fancy dish | is worse, “ fixed up by the head cook of some of our Frenchy hotels. He is mistaken for onee. There is no taking the stench off of spoilt meat, ae is It is well known to all concerned, that owing to their peculiar location and circumstances, the well known in all thie region; mor can the’ people of Catawba, with a very few exeeptiona, Judge purge Mr. Buchanan of his foul political qaite naturally, did not feel themselves jomified stains. He can't cleanse him of the crime of in taking stock, without such a guaranty, from slandering Mr. Clay, nor of advocating rates of the individual friends and supporters of the en- labor ruinous to the poor man. Wonder if the terpriac, as would, in good faith, place the loca the party in. North ‘Carolina, It is very mod-| pledged in the State, will publish this letter, and with a| {39° There will be a Mass Meeting of| $2" There was a severe storm of rain, regiun, all the have been made to. contre | tere upon the points fixed. by the charter wnd the Board. No line bas Leen run missing Newton, and within its Incorporated limits, the location stakes have been wet, by the Engineers, Whe ther the ground around Newton has been safli- ciently examined, is a questiva which may here- | ses be Seniased.” Up to the fate developments, in the directi save the departure from Buflaloe | Shoals, nothing occurred to mar the confidence | of the people of Catawba, or todamp their api- | rits and all the powers of thvir ability and influ- jemee were directed towards the wellfare of the road. They rejoiced in a yulitude of willing | hands and baoyant hearts, anxiously waiting to | begin and carry furward the work to a speedy |* and favorable completivn. The measure of their jearthly joy seemed to be full—they beyan to arise ‘feel at home—their plans of life were fast being | have already passed out improved, enlarged, and multiplied, natil on | Tuesday last, they were, sniutentivaally, wofoud: | . ‘ly hope, made to driuk the wormwood and the | gall, and now the bitter, blesting, withering ef! rant to feets are seen aud fult, far and wide, throughout | leaving? the length and breadth of Catawba, and wliich [4 felare |if not counteracted, must so0a exert » sad refus | '2S influence on the enterprise itself. ‘ Ove reason urged for the remows’ of the by) eation from New tun, was based upon the report |‘ A the Chit Engineer, that it would cost wp!” wards of one hundred and sisty thousand dol! lars (168,000, if we did not misunderstand.) | om the / route prop Now it, © has, from the start, Leen conceded oe all POM aos Praag that it would cost some more to build the fond | dy by Newton than it woul, ow a more direct fine) am amicable adj from Statesville to Morganton, but the peuple here ~annet c im the preseut estimates, WO) 1 ae ul the whole ground shall have been thoroughly | situation, howe examined aud surveyed, and indiepotalle esti- | gery peculiar. wn tes made of the comparative coms of the Jif- ed to my any Newton, invulved ba the pasange that the present hgh estintates should, in the yt bed, aw’ toi Ge end, prove to be curreet, it would not fullow, 8 | of the coarse they hare a matter of coarme, ujvn the prieciples of lose of the county generally havetee deep an and gain, that the present bucation shook! be | et in their Town to connive at, mark Nad removed. Nut at all The profits of works of pay their hard earnings, ta ant whet the hind are pot so much derived from their Feeling deny mA cheapoess of comsiructivn, as from their sources demande that they showtd de®. Jolie 6 aml resources of ‘usmess, aml the werght and they contend for, The egret he extent of Uveir patronage ; and it mast be plain taken, and here they will taut © . to every one aor uainted with the aature and and give proof thas the went, : acter is as honest as tt be and wae fire wm any of the timber, ot stone, ot Tron Vent the fret section of this road niwst pase, that the ‘may he seketed for the Wester North avenues of its trale and patronage must, in the mm Rail Real. We cannot close @ithoet notie- very nature of ti A pled, in proporbun to its southern inchmation, Nor ie this all: no county along the whole lime possesece langer sowrees and resources of trade than Ca 1 H E TE iH z ferent ruates proposed. But eves adntit.ing, locality of the renon of country throagh which ba and of Catawba oo. July 4th, 1854. _ | Lae ba, and a satinfsctory joeation and conduct of a radi gai.” mg the road will undoubtedly cause the geeeral | THE LOUISIANA DELEGATION. current f the trale and infleence of the whole| There is a great outcry raised just mow, by county to flow io upon it; but if the provisions the Demcorsts, againat the Ameriesn party, uf the resolution, of shich we complain, shoold conse » few Onthelics from the State of Lovisi-: finally be carricd out, the coutrary effect would #4 were admitied inte the Contestion that no be the necessary result. For after all, the peo ‘ minated Fillmore avd Donaklson as the stand. ple of Catawba are not smgular; they eunld do ard bearers of the Americad party in the ») proa- jut as any other high minded people, in similar Ching dational ronflict, In order to show the circametances would ; for human natere is every people how wtterly fatile are the fears and de where essentisily the same. nati of the De speak better things for them than a sceoud Erie "Propose to give a few extracts from the lending war; they would not condesernd to stoop no | Roman Catholic organ in the Uni~d Staten — low; but they would do that, which woukd be a We must premise, however, that there are Seo ten-fold greater draw beck epon the reed,— parties or divisions ih the Church of Rome, One “treat t with a terrible letting alone,” by di- i called Ultramontane, the other, Gallitan— recting their (rade, and influence, aml pablic The Ultramontane is the Italian or uevly Roman enterpria away from it, which thew proximity branch—the Gailican is the French or liberal to Sowthern markets, and Southern enterprises division. The Pope Feengnines the Ultramon- wouk! camly enable them to do! And stil] more, tane ™ the true Rowman Catholic Church, = hile judging from present indications, we think, we be considers the Galliean as spurious and searce- are safe in saying, that seventy five thousand ly to be tolerated. He has » good person lor dollars of the sulseriptions in Catawba ll ne- his hatred of the Gallicane—they deny bis se- vet be realized by ihe Company, except by the | premacy —for while they réecoguise Wis authori- strong arm of the law, and the resalt of such a ty im apiritual maters, they deny it ip tempore! process, wvald, in any event, be uaprofitalle.— | and civil affairs. The Cltrantontanes bim Now, all this ‘vould, ia a short time, orer-bal sapreme alike im tewmporals aod spiritual, Bot ance all the gain, that could possibly be realiz- here are the extracte: Drownson in hie reviews ed by the rernovnl of the locativn, to an almost for 1854, afer announcirg bis belief in Ultre- incalculable amonnt. montaniam, and remarking that the doctrines of It has further been argued, that jastiee to the Papal supremacy were “prescribed” for his gv If this be so, the dance in cowlncting his Review, sayet people of Catawba have nothing to say, so fares) = “We found a ¢ general dispusition among the mere matter of location is coneerved. If) the Catholic lay to pate religion from pol- we know them, and we think we do, they would ities, to emancipate polities from the Cloristian not have a singly dime to promote their exela- law, to rote God out of the State, and. to set up sive interests, at the expense of the State; bat | tho people against the Almighty. Was this tn at the same time, they are equally averse to pro- | these revolutionary times to be pasaed over jo moting the exelusive interests of the State, at silence, and no effurt made to arrest the tide of their own personal expense and lose, at least, so political atheism! What was then our plain far as matters of thie kind are concerned. In duty 1 Was it not to arrest the supremacy of short, they believe, that, if justice to the State | God, the jurisdiction of the spiritual power, to demands the taking away of the road from New- expose the fatal error of Gallicaniem and as far ton, it also demands a refunding of the Money | as we could exhibit the real ition of the Pa- which they have paid, and a relinguishment of! pacy in the Catholi tam 1 86 we hate felt, their sulmeriptions, They ask no more. The | and eeite have dune” road, or no payment ia their motto, and to it) - , . relation they will no doult, adhere to the end, regardless | — aye carci: ped a | of the two powers (j. e., temporal and spiritual, —- : jor Uliramoutane and Gailiean) to each other, ut if the road is to be located upon the prin- | importance ciple, that jastice to the State requires the Ne a . ra — Some) " eal be | sent time, and even in our own country. tion of the cheapest ronte for its construetion ir Catholic C without regard tu other circumstances of practi- | have crept even late the pte cability, then the proposed new route, north of not a few gross errors in regard to it, which are | Newton will mend the matter but little, and | no lese dangerous to civil fibetty rnd social or- at beast, as far south as Newton. State requires the removal. r e a s ke s Pa ae By FE E pa n , é a? e . than admit é Se Se eT ade a. ee ae Some hat be oi “ ) KEITH & FLA\NER. Ta) afele) . WILMINGTON, N. ©. Taroogh Freight to Wilmington pe. Mail Train. E have made yn at with the Railroad 'y © ton a ear with their {en Somaya tn STATE OF NORTH CAR : sist es Bin nt DAVIE vice a een i oe .* hypo Court of Pleas and ‘Quarter Seasions, ped pate yey the intershedi * May, Term, 1856. The Gret car will leave Sali "j4ohu Bauks, Ada’, oghinet Heise at lew of Lacy % N.C, ] We «fa ie og nga Be Dre? Renal Stn, P, 15th of Auguat leviers will be di ad wise a “1 AS * At the rate of $200 per ennuus. July 1th, 1856. 4 LL eens indebted to J. D. Beown ms re A sid rie uotes and secounts at wo Sofia. that feel disposed to eait | fore, + Peady vod willing to at- hes he CE, teud tw them, Those that dispemed to 'Y.| suid defenda PRESBYTERIAN FEMALE COLLEGE. ean bet it Were and E will sce if f eannot collect STATESVILLE, N. C. ; antetnmen the same will taken pro confess, and sole SECOND NOTtom. Whnees, Sewell Maun, poop A J ITH « view of enabling them io’ nature their D. tase |" Mocksnille, the 4th Mobdey ia May, A. ©. HARBIN, Clerk. Plans fully, a» Well a8 to have their sessions tee Taman, cuscide with toes By A. A. HARBIN, D.C. Printers foe $5 50, Gws the Trustees of this Lath NIUS MENDENHALL, LAND ACENT. 2, oy de t Scheme RVCRY OTHER TICKET SURE to DRAW. A PRIZE. 90,000 NUMBERS.—15,100 PRIZES 1! 1 Prize of ; DF Prine uf this Tontisotiow will a Buildingson the Lt | PRERMs OF SECOND SESSION. "For Reboot é» Tuition, Books, &e , TT T St HE 4, 1856. Fe a informs removed to the Shop lately “Mesers. & Mr. paill’s p piri eatara at fi t et a c e a s e e s -f e c e t t Fe e vu e Le e 35,190 Prizes emounting to the Court, The 15 the “C ber whi 3 ¥ i a g tf nd entitied to £4, in an equal quantity of odd and | ts will be certain of drawing wearly | AY the same, with chances of vbtoing vth- PF Remember that overy able ia fall withous deduction. Frankfinevitic, July 8, 1856 —~Janb. ete tig th a Snow Creek Academy. Ps sche sitaated im Iredell county N.C.) gp ay Prizes of $1,000 aud under immedi » paid immediate. wee very moral, intelligent, ead healthy neigh: lly uftoethe 4: —othe: Daptend, 06 gush oo ce nny Wenn smn rite a yy ‘ins i * Prizes 41 the usual time linn, All com, jeans < {The nent eresinn will open on Mouwdey the @iet of! powbers pr yreg peed | July end comtiage 20 weeks. | after the drawing. it makes no war on the Cathor TUITION PER SESSION; | Whole % tthak while it in, nt wit Primary Biudies, . e 65 00 | B. MARSH, Agent of the American Sundsy “ . fotos an sy axa %t Greensboro’, where Consiently keeps ou hand, a geod supply of the Fm | Buciety’s Public stior s, among which are fuaad, every be reception of pupils, | thing necessury fur Win: Pidag Bo rege ine PN * Genet $10,00 cach, Cabinet Libra- niey, who have ty, $2 50 12, 75 vol. Ld wre SELECT and enter 75 ; rare he 5 0 “ Question ries, $3 00 each, Spet- { end suceess, that Tickets $5—Halves $2 i -t---Quarters 1 4-4, | now drawing r Poze Tickets cashed ed in uiher Tickets &f * full corpen | poor ob rhs OT renew 8 other whets , and © | Orders fur Tickets can be addressed either to S SWAN &CO., Atlaota, Ga. Locate -Laad Warrants—Pay Taxes—make ea Sori nd ireusect a Gen. det, 75 eral Real Estate business in Miuseaota, lowe, and [ antity of Bible Dict Wi i Charlotiec, May 5, 1856. atonal ee NEW GOODS! NEW GooDs71 ne J. V. & T. SYMONS & CO,” | Bh tie so entt sade ‘Randolph Msenn ( the schind, aesinted ) i. Caren ~t-50 @ 1.75. TDR Esirs, ¢06.—Foenity 850. | fine, $1 Th —Geowsd Alun, 425,' 7. ! iA duty 22 New North Carolina Form Book. ’ | ae Sheri, Cometables, Magivirsica and Das- pers mem, for mele at JH. Kewien’ BOOKSTORE . and Lj ring cou. | PBF the order Meudetoms Siadents attending thie schol) | will have every advantage (1 « thorvagh and Doghe degree of mental cahivetion. The netghberbnod is | moral, und far removed from scenes of dissipation and ations to vice. 7 evst for busrd and tuition ranges from $45 to} LIVERY ST ABLE session of five mouths Tye torres reuse . eee Bther - | STICTLE IN aDrasoe. drat hevseg od secaae neta es Wish a a) eer orerey 8. Lander, Olia, 6. es For farther informativn, write to ale ees rm 2. C. TURNER, Chua, MOCKSVILLE | rey) N.C. By order ot the Buard : Jaty 1,1 | Apeil 15, 1666, souk zuweewaneatian MALE ACADEMY, of David he wun st ac Vo ' DRY GOODS, [UE ect! cession of this Iostitation wilt commence 00 Wednesday the 20th of Pebraary. ivst., The condi iL ‘ teing (Wo acres, and on which there isan excelie ot No, 143, Market Street, SALE OFTAND. | subscriber will ose his atmume ¢ ore to keep it pore weir iwo : j ‘ F Fi r STEAM SAW MILL. = ee Save they may desire, TERMS ; beg : tag [4 eeres.—Ale another treet tying in the comnty ua Cul. tirteun, JNO. BL GRETTER, 4 Bob. 15, 1856, . dred Kerr, ond others containing : | borough ; F. . » J.P. Beit, Bag, Salie- #7 10 additvon to any saber Prine etch mey by | Berry vad hermes, 1 Corriege ond herare, 20 head! | YOR bprerorealn, ont prvere will be poidia CABIL | 4, - ra We have 2 large stock « July 8, 1836. tee. TRUST SALE! Borie erate pe: pratt ober Tuesday, the 26th day of A dence of said Locke, sit mile - 12 00 Joly 8, inS6 Bw | SM. SAU FORD. id dena i " » Agent of American 8. School} wich to hive wume Bor 10 Wanda to work on a j able ta health, being in au elovated region, end with. | PP attention, Vara. a a , [Authorized by the Siate oS Alabama. Carriage, Buggy Sulky Builder, Juty Sal } [ Costmd » aud @ (ri-weckly line of stages | : 7 ———— { and bi fre ‘ AY gn { HIGH SCHOOL . at J. 4. ENNISS’ BOOKS TOKE. B i CLASS F, NEW SERIES isctex ti = DF Latin aod Greek, each : | PVM Beet tok ia the World, for aale ot) 11 Ey. § Music, with the use of Puno 22,30 Cortona pues | 8. BO. WILBON, Pres't HAVANA PLAN!! Large supply of moet heautiful Walt Peper. Ai-| ‘ats and Cape ; en on Straw Goode; — and Shoes; - . - 6 00 aad the p Sion Z with, eocuorage the friends Bible Gengruphies, Maps, Reward | Information of the country furnished when desired wid. A or 8. SWAN, Moutgomery, Ala, and beat evted. | bed of att ‘of “ ory Uaivn, Box 71, Greensborough, N.C, will receive! —- 7. f Romanian any W. MURPHY. . | io 8 few hours vide of the mountains, while from the | 2% 24, 1836. 4 =a Sadoan SOUTHERN MILITARY ACADEMY Kababury - | AT Sepennay Rowland & Bewthers, Jy ira, 1936 | OLIN, N.C crear IN, ole BOOKSTORE | Te be drawn in the City of Montgomery, Ale, ia pad.| Ceudles and towels furnished by the pupil. July 22. é Board of Trustees. SAMUEL SWAN, Manager. &» Fie Screens and Window Shades for sale by | Higher Englieh . xf Latin, Geeck, Mathematics, - nee Wiherty, yet it is ever vigitant wud ac. | Hands w. sc 4 Tickets, &e. RJ. MENDENHALL, : Brick anted, | es : ta ohne a a eS , t ALABAMA LOTTERY! | sion sad wih | | er we ‘af “ re | kawer eiuatry, it ia easily acecssible by means of the | Meruld and Banner please copy 3 or § times. ( TH MAS E. BROWN. ey ICUS 26 mien : PROMPOLE MARKET. | A tage ormermees tees tents Nose bane an Soe | a . fe) T T = R Y Vacant: 0 the Eng. Department ery on the above husiness, andlinvites the pub- BSOON—Hoee, 13.6 16 Nag rund, 13 @ 14 Arnold's Writing Fluid. 7 elmo | "MAE neat seston be, om THURSDAY, Sagas: 13th, 1556, ca the By ond: 1 of the Board, Wall Paper, &c., hs trae PRIZES AMOUNTING TO $204,000 ge Glass and Queensware 3 V. itt he distripated stourding to the fllowing MAGNIFICENT SCHEME!!! MNT MBERS=15185 PRIZES!) cd ogo Rao te din Pree of mont of which is cleared and in good condition fur eu). Vivation, } Abo two-thirds of the bridge across the Yadkin riv- et (known os Locke's bridge.) Ale» another small (rect of lend lying ip the county July 02 Sale of the Factory and ether Property ; BELONGING To THe ISLAND FORD i « MANUFACTURING COMPANY! a 1 ¥ virme of a deed of trast made by the Istand Ford Mas utectaring Company, 1 shalt sei ~~ for ep that ~, 4 is ad he ” THE MARKETS. Sslicbury, ¥. 0, July 29. Aophes, (driady 34 * Misea. Bot. 10ait +. Ufeeu, io r peperty belonging te emaprey, ineinding the Factory and Machinery The peremal property «ill be odd ome credu uf vs Seomthe, the real estate wa 3, 6, 9 aad i2 teen be, par chasers giving bead and epprived secoritivs The bavkdings ere comparniively sew end comme Geer There ere ia the Fectary about $100 spredies 9 hanmt, aad of meeeresry machinery, olf te bee ot Ger. Oe the premiers ore» terre wad Cott mes od Sture Uwnve, four exertion bowers fer Op? Tet pms and candry other balkdings ‘There is ged dem and crortiont eater power. tn shor afl the ode autoges arerteory le ple snd weere totton to adventoge 1 ett aBed fall opgerveniiy te a0y ome who Wich it, to eenmine the property behae the vale ALFRED PIKE Preaktinevitie r July 14 §~is STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, WILKES COUNTY Ja Rgwity— September Term, 1856 Vietding Comte ve. lease Prov and others ORDERED by the Coart thet pubtiention he mode ae te Wer, Conble ie the Candine Watchmen bor wt Werks, to opprer, peed ce demur, che yodgment wit be eutered agaimet bien 4AMER CALLOWAY, ¢ | : New Discovery ! Ambrotype Likenesses. MBE tates improvement im ihe heaviifal art of 1 lark MY load, That oe White. 100190 beng peetores on ghee t MARRIED: The beoary and deretsiits tor femed | eed the Ambeotype at the bead uf sit the fine srte a Mr. soeaee we ae MARY | ad is comeidered une of ihe greatest diseuverics of the \ Gonghter of Mt. Wickuet Heitg. DIED : Jdly 34, JEMIMA BOPHIA, wn. and Jemima K. Correll, in the '. 6h, JOSEPH AVGUSTIS George A. and Ann Eagle. in the 34 ~~ of bie age, ss sit Motkerifie, om the (2h inn, T NBON, son of Jemen Mand Sarah R 5 yours, & months and 2 days phone : 1 G2 epprosimeting lew be) * to 940,006 prince are $4,000 13 oe ~~ 15.00 | 3" . + wre 1A) > primes emuceding to 8206 moms The 15.000 Praes of 85 ove determined by the sure ber whieh draws the $49,000 Prite—if that Aumber Te be | aud to wustsin the reputation which it hes enjoyed. Young men will be © emer sey chess in the University or ia any of ver Colleges whic | ‘ M. Zoemeaway, of Liaculaton, N.C., i ‘ prerntly erected end in good fepair. Geonet N Atccy 43-bea { ‘ « aure Alw cuother sovall tract of lead isiag in Rowan = |p D. : ° = : esttahing > —— rimary wpariment per sevsion of S months, ‘ : “e county peer the fork af the Yadkin feed ned contain W ANT ED, Higher English Beaaches, $8.00 ‘ ing ! 4 aap | Of Rowan adpining Micheel Brows, Wile, Brown and Classies, © ase ss Itegoe here conten og 60 ecre,— Alen stether iract lying 8 ta the comnty af Davidena, adjuiuing the lende of Mil. 100 000 bushels f | te 7 0 good REFERENCES, 100 ACRES. a | President and Faevity of the Daiwornity ; Rev. rhnatd be 20 odd wember, then every odd nenbes | WHEAT | Drary Tees. D. D., President «f Davideon ( ; froave will be entitled in BY; ifaneven| Alm? aeetee slaves, 4 head of barees, 2 mules, 3 bd Hoa. Jove M Morehead, Hon. John M Dick, Greens. set even mambet Cekei will be ens.) lotge med wages end gear, 2 two hore wagon, | The freight on Wheat hes heen » ly rej = cattle, 40 bred of mgs 1 ort Binekeminhs inde, cor ge nae 7 Gey ee) enaaere in baying do rqeat quantity uf add and | pemtere tone, a quee ey of Com ons Brown, 2 guns, — : whee tone rates, Shite cunhive | ry: a sumber tirke's oill be certain af dramag nearly | Farming tale of every destription. dee., & We nee en prers than can be puid cee where woe -be:! the cust of the come, wh cheocee of ctain.| Terme 6 tembe ood otk Inerteet from date of “ wg cuber Prisca wale M. BOGER, AN these tickets ending with 0. 2 4:6 é are exes JA3 E. KERR, wit these ewdeng with 9, are cad Trveteve 17 Remember that every Prise to drawn, ead pe) 6w7 hte on fall withont érdection 17” All Prives of 81.000 end ander, ped semnmediate 'y sflet the drewing—wother Prives at the of thirty days All commaviontions vi rieity enatdemial The drvwn Benders cil be fare atdéed atte: the drating Whole Tickets, 810 Prive Tickets cashed of renewed in other Tickets a euher five Orders for Tickets com be addreseed ta BR SWAN &@€CO Ailents, Ge or S. SWAN, Mowtgomery, Ale 4w8 Pry Goods, Groceries, Salt, he., which we will li ower than can be boaght in any market im Westers North Carcian Come with soar! wageae BROWN, STITT & co. daly I Sch, 1856 Sep? July 15th, 1856 Clover, Poask @ttare io feceive applications insure property. This company Ow ia ewecessful Persons Cherlorte, NLC PITTMAN, WADE @& GHARLTON, "C267 150 init co.) mea pat Ta apa (Smerensers te WILLS & PUTT AsS,) Jome 25, 1856. { Property ineured in thie allies wilt | dreneral Produce raniFF OF THROUGH FR EIGHT Popa eb ee ied Raa VOMMISSION MERCHANTS Charleston & Charlotte, NORTH CAROLINA, — BLAKE PITTMAN, AUTICLER RATE DAVIE COUNTY. T. J. CHARLTON pramtinees pore. A In Equity— Spring Term, 1856. vlemee i cash advances cee 00 | Nanev Coomarser egzinst Willem Howsrd, of free te head 00; ate. rad Stephen U'Bryen, Nathew O'Bryan ond | **4 May 20, 1856. Audrew U'Uryen, chikicon of Sasun U'Bryan WOrTKkCE pices ~ = bed $0) IT appearing in thie caer, } 7 Jone 10, 1856. Ce LL pernoma, in any way, indebted ta me ve Ad 80 | Coart, that the before sam eh fe Seek ote SE » hissyunrssst tee ese) DRM. WHITEHEAD deceased, are hereby notitied t6 come rw urd and all sere s } make immediate payment. The credit of the sale of Backers. per dueen spprer at the next | the property of the personal estate hae expired, and Cory y ; : ‘ the estate mast now be setrled ep Alen, all theme having claime against the estate, are agein notified med scaae soap ans Monday as to pre t th f ont, h be (0 | ewer of demar ta complainant's Petition, or the same presen erm Ket payment, of thie notice will 70 | sill be taken pro confess, aud the cours cot fr ee | — plead ia bar of thei reeowery ek ad Ke i z SPP sareeeeee ns On ond afier the Im of July, the above rates of fey yt wee Ck ed Meier ig Sear STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, JAMES G. RAMSAY, Puc, 1856 reight will be charged apon all the through articies , cremerated. All others will be charged st the ~ ae San ie Pek the Sth Mooday afer the ALEXANDER COTNTY. th Mec x i; of « . , 7 pnday im February, in the your of onr Lowd ove Court of Pleat Quarter Se ‘ Spring Jane 17 t sem Local Rates, T. 3. SUMNER. %)\ SVAVAG thoes od eight hundred and ffy-sin, and in thee 80th . » | ee) Term, 1856. G. i Superintend. | a apart year of American Independence For Gprieg & Summer. David Finger v. EC McLetland, Jats t5ch. 1856 5e7 lL. BINGRAWOCM rE —to foster and encoarege all the Undastria arte—to Jost MECHIVED 0 mo ond be fol Se 5 LCR . antifel Rtioek of Original Attachment Levied os Land. INOW. ewe oi IT appesring to the stiefaction of the Court that the awoken @ new epint in Agriculiare, aad to afford re. “ede stde Chahiag of eeperine ealty eed work . heble anewere to the Formers inquiriers that will and law prices AM eusiwes to hess my present Mercantile baw thie State: i ie DAVIE COUNTY. must wenn be made os to wha: is the beet path to sue. nens, ond will sell on very teemenable teruvs my en publiestion be In Eguity- Spring Term, 1836. ooeel ome to perchasers immedately Vv. Eg. -6e $24) ad “ae Hal cen 45 ~ Qvertera,2 ) bate of the firm of Wiss & trrmay Late of \ Mowreomenr Co, Va wede upon sil commge me ate CLASS First Clem Hegebeeds July 22, 1856 Barret PROSPECTUS Lincolnton Dispatch. As the eventy of Linenia will at an early day be ) om the enjery ment of Rail Road facilities commecting her otnems with the rest of mankind. ii is manifest to oft that a Peblic Juarmal eroatd be retshinhed in her midet, ai rding a mediem of Com manicstion tw her cuimens st home, aad conveying to, and from them whatever may be desirable and interesting tu be known The wederngmed therefore propewe pabliching in the town of Livectaton, a weekly newspaper ander the ti fe of the Lixcotstos Deepa tou This paper wilk be devoted ic im periing information “every hind. Ste chief cim will be i pronete the BaRpEE cw i | § - Bce coarse of Iaternal Improvement im the largest sense ¥ virtne of @ Deed of Trust to me rrecuied by B Dr. Williem L. MeRee, decd, during his life time, [ shail,om Munday of the Coaniy (x fever Burke County, being the [Mh Aaguet meat, ot the dee of the Coan Heese im Morguaron, expose & Pablie Sale to the highest bidder, AV ALUABLE LOT IN THE TOWN OF MORGANTON. | Hwee, fronting an Wain > al of theve pietures has pla- saan Half Bareete Secks Salt — ‘The subecriter heving stedied this method of taking § Refhows, + Whrneeees 0} Philadelphia ander the most dist: ‘gueh od artet of thar plece, offers bis servicers im ('\. cope ety. ta the citiaens of thin place Chiltres of amy age then ie 2 few seconds Popile inet meted in the ari Lades and Gentlemen » oe specimens Black «mishs, Lo ted to eall and ex0am- GABRIFL UTLEY, OF Chapet it, NOC Jaly 2. S—tf. Adm’r iz) Vea large weierment of Gand Go'd Pons, and menship, which we ore mw selling at very A onthe aon Por sale Oot sock comprises HATS, CAPS, ( ONRTS, Veer, KSTORE. tant subjects ee the surest @ “y of estald shing trath Thie Journal will gaiher fram every ant, end pre. sent weekly 2 sonde nerd statement of ihe news of ev «hedged os » plemsent and DRAW BRS, SOCKS, BOOTS nnd SHOES, and The stuck is as good and complete a9 is 10 he teand every other article of Chahing requited. of the mom ia mont af our villages varied styles, queBty omd price, I7- Call end cee! If 0 eale iw made I will rent my store-house and fix cone LL 8 propeed to chet direuseime on all bnpor. PANT... SHERTS, COLLARS and CRAVATS «tite Stock of Gnote Watchman, pri McLettand west Coart of Pleas and for the Commy of Alea ery Rind, 0 ae to be ech ne DISUNION AND CIVIL WAR, Pestilence, Patent Medicine, aq FAMINE, &e., &e, re vile *¥ Sy len that should be guarded | . wt BAKER & OWEN beg leave to in- paied the patie Generally ond private individants por. nye Aint theg wre ready, willing and sbie to pre es them One &: Jenn of the ebuve (Lighteiag) | Pe'ting up to their buitd! their Patent Imdsied Lehining Chudidstens, tay e pawen done ot | Addreme Orde ry Py 1 c Jety v2, thee. > | years, end properiy will double in value i, for ante by the wubseri- LES & GRAY ms VW scat ach cation Soeur ctech tthe shen * TRS Beata et neem WN & COFFIN. “elnbary, Maw $8, Fw soar square west af the Cari and College streets, where Dr McR-e rend ied, oon taining fear of more seres, on whirh there wa very FINE BRICK PWELLING Hots £ nearly completed, with tour farge roome below stairs aod foor whowe, with a wide Perstege shove and betow, end erat about three thousand dullure. Adpining she tein building there in a five one-story Brick Building, With two room and «9 plazts in front, with all Geseary out honees aad scabies in guod repair the ne imme diately on the corner of Main sireet, is 2 fine ane- story Rriek Bailding, rongh cast, and covered with tim, with @ large and convenient Store Room, well fitted ap, and two other suitable rooms attach A yard sastefaity decorated with evergre flowers, and a fine garden ed ene and Lis sitwarion being ceniral and eoavenient, any per- ton desirous of parchasing a benutiful, healthy, and desirable residence, would do welt & attend | The Wemern Rai! Road will be here in hese th Shu he sale ae three pold thes upportunity to secure « saimmer or » permanen! ree. dence, unsurpassed by this or any other town in North Corotinn, be loot, there is ve probability of acquiring, within the corporate limits of the town,» residence a desirable. Terms cash E. J, ERWIN, Trosiee ALSO, At the same time end ploce, as of W. L. MeRee, I will sell eleven Likely Ne | Terms of this sate nade kuowa a¢ that time Exeentor of grees. — E. 3. ERWIN, Brecetor Jaly 22, 1856 4wh Blank Warrants for sale Here. useful companwn to every family which it may chance to greet t, vet and will be onty a seeondary matt they will receive much stieninin ws ther deserve ae Echtora, reared in the Old Whig Sehorl of Clay and Webater, and believing in the couservative principles of the American Party, they shall editorally advocate their own prinriples, yet they will net refuse to others 4 different politics « place for Promulguimng their sen- tments 10 is believed that a paper conde ed as thin ie pro posed to be, will be well appreciated. and supported by an active, indusirinne and Inquiring comment: These propoxats are issued with the view of ascer- taining what support we may expect Hf not enongh ie received, to jasity owe embarking im the enterprise, then this propeetas closer our bebars. Should we how ever receive the encouragement wo expect, then the Lincotxton Disrarcu, will be issued at the earhest W hilet polities day practicnite OUR TERMS of eabecription in $2.06 per annum in advance ; 82.50 if payment be delayed ax monthe, and 93.00 if not paid antil the expiration of the year Sobecription money not required wntil the first nam- her has been ismued and received. Address, Fink & Krimminger, Lineotaton, N.C G. A. FINK R. KRIMMINGER July 1856 3wa The Great lroa Wheel Examined. AND ITS FALSE SPOKES FXTRACTED, by W. G. Brownlow, For sale at J. H. Rnnies’ BOOKSTORE July 22 al Our stock is going off, and we are giving barges to tures tothe purchaser every purcheser, €7 Our sore at the cornet of the Meastun Hotel. UL FL BAUM & CO, Selisbery. May 5, 1856. 49:3mo0 State of North Carolina, DAVIE COUNTY Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions —May Term, 1856 Samuel Froat va. Richmond Nail \ T appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that the defendant, Richmond Nail, is not an inhabi tant of this State: It is, therefore, ordered by the Coart, that publication be made for nix weeks in the “Carolina Watchman,” printed in the town of Satie. bury, that the said Richmond Nail be and appear at the next Court of Piers and Quarter Sessions, to be held for the County of Davie, at the Court House, in Mocksville, on the 4th Monday in August next, and shew cause, if any he has, why the said House and Lot shoald be condemned for the satisfaction of the plaintiff's debt, and sale ordered serordingly. Witness, Caswell Harbin, Clerk of oar said Court, at office, the 4th Monday in May, A. D., 1856, and f Original Attachment levied on Howse and Lot . ia the 80h year of our Independence C. HARBIN, Clerk By A.A. HARBIN, D.C Printers fee $5 50.—6w:6. JOB PRINTING | Neatly svecuted at tiie Office The lineation is ome of the mast advantageoas in this Um sroving village T. WU. MeRORIF. Statesvitle, N.C, July 10, 1856 307 State of North Carolina. IREDELL COUNTY. Superior Court, Spring Term, 1836 Naney Pritchard +. Ransom Pritebard, Petition fur Divoree UT appearing tothe satiafection of the Court, that the defendant in this cnee beiny absent so that the veal pricess of Low cannot he served upon him, Th is of- dered by the Court that adve-tisemnent be made inthe Carolina Watchman for six successive weeks, for the defendant to appear and answer xt the next Term of the Superior Court for the Coanty of Iredell, at the Court Hovee in Statesville, on the aitth Monday afer the 4th Monday in Augast vext, o¢ judgment pro con- fesse will be imken against him Witness, C. L. Sommers, Clerk of owr mid Coort at office, the sixth Monday after the 4th Monday in Febraary, (856. C.L. SUMMERS, Crk Price ady. 83 50 6w3 CHOICE TURNIP SEED. \ SUPPLY of the erp of 1853, embracing many £Lof the most approved varieties, just received at ILL & SIL Drop Store, Salisbary, N.C July 15th, 1258 2w7 Lemuel G Hehen @yeinst Wier King and wife Ei- vire, Wilheam Helton, Thomas flehon. Newey He} ton. Ebaebeth Helton, Joseph Helos, Lorena E:chioen, Berry Etchinen, William D Erebiaus, (children of Neney and Jome Brchioue. of the Scare of Indiana.) Joseph Hetem of Arkansas, Eauch Wilhams aed wife, sed the children of Elineberb Griffin, who has two setis of Children living i Ar. kansas, whoee names are ank nown. Petition to seli Real Estate. IN thie cane, it appearing tw the satufection of the Court, thatthe defendants are aot imbebitants of this Store: | ie ordered, (hat publication be made in the Carvlina Watehman, form: weeks, for the said de | fendants to be and appear ai the next Court of Equi- tv. 0 be held fur the county of Davie, at the Co ort House in Mocksvilie, on the Sth Monday afier the 4th Monday in Auguat next, aod plead, anewer or demur wo complainant's petition, or the seme will be taken pro cunfemo, and the cause eet for hearing ex parte, a8 to them. Witness, L. Bingham, Clerk and Master for said county at office, the Sth Monday afer the 4h Mon- duy in February, ia the year of oar Lord one shoe sand ght hendred and fifty-six, aud im the 80th yea of American ladependeve > L. BINGHAM, C.M E 6e5 re - = ] y® most ET Ties TERS, for the eure of Dy-pepsia and Chills & Fever, de. For enle b Price Adv. @5 50. Mies, MOOSE & CO Salisbary, Mey 19 1637 { CELEBRATED BIT- Taylorevilie om the tet vw cause if any he hae be condemned fe the debt, and sule ordered Witness, A. Caron, Clerk of our seid Conrt at Office, the Ist Meudey im Jeme, 4. D. 1856, and in the Sth year of oar ‘ndepende nae A. CARSON, Cre. Pr. adv. 86 50 ROWANFACTORY. Tribete te whom Tridete ts due; ite the Nerth Pay t-—1f net, age Rome Nanath HE subscribers have pat the ROWAN Fac. TORY (located in Salisbury) in saccevafal ope. rehon, and are making superior SHEETINGS & YARNS, whieh they affer on reasonable terme. We are deter. mined t» produce goods equal to the best made in the State ead apare no effort to E'Ve satisfuction to all who may favor as with their patronage lo a few weeks we shail be prepared to fill orders fog Shirt-ings and heavy Goods. COTTON BATTs kept om hand ead forsale. The GRIST MILLS ete also in operation ond Corn will be freund for toll | ®* promptly a8 possible MORNING & MEADER Jane T7th, 1<56 3 Gw3 S Pebars AMEE wy ! AT—READ Ir. Many bie aigering dowbt thet Mr. | Fillmore entertains those seutimdnta whieb eve- “RY patriot would like to seo anigpating the hin | he “magistrate of the repulic, Vet! him rekd the fol- | lowing specch by Millard Fillmore, at Albany, | 0 his way through that city, The" heart of the ? will throl responsive to such seutiments, patridevtake his stand beside Mr. Kir more ow the ground here taken by that gentle- Man, and peace and prosperity will soon be re- bon ota the Union: “Me, Mayor and Fellow-Citizens : This OVer- whdiming demonstration of congratulation and welcome almost deprives me of the a of yew Here aeariv thirty years ago 1 com itieat career. In this botkding | one eaw a legistative body in scssion, (c! wer) but at that time iH uever ‘eutered mtu the asy my heart that] should ever receive @ welcome as this, in the capital of my Ba- eae. (Lbeors.) 6 ¥on have been pleased, sir to allude to my former services andmy prokmble coarse if 3 We agnia called to the Positi m of Obief of the nation. (App!aure, ” It is Bot it to spenk of one’s self, yet trust, yc sgabiapert jostefy we wn briefly alla ing to one or two events connected with my Vast istration, {Cheers.] You all know that whe I was abled fo the executive chair by a be geavement which. overwhelived the vatien with pee aed coubtry was Ataigmayately agatated end of ule eduntty to the other upon the exciting sulgect ofsinvery. twas thon, =r, that Ife wimy duty tor above every sec Woust projurtice and fouk to rhe welfare of the wineries FApplaue] [was compelled to overcome bons chertshed. prejudices, and «is gegard pariy'daibs, [Great and prolong md ap But j@: doing this_six, FGA no more than wae dove by many abler and (etter men than A was by no means the sole iustrument, wader Providence, iv harmonizi: » difticul tics. (Applass<.) Theré were ai time noble, nt, high soaled men, in both Llouses ut belusiging to beth of the great politica! Shicooaner, 0 hiex and Democrats ; who spurned the character of selfish party lpaders, (Ghieers,) and rallied around my Administration ia support of the great measures which restored Joan agitated and distracted country.— Cheers.) By" the blessings ef Divine Lrvyir , our efiprts were crot vod with Binal sue Jz and when IT left the Presidential) the whole nation was prosperous and con- apd our relations wilh all Gycign » She trcst adicalle Lind (cheeos.) T eed that bong vpow tho horiggn was dissin _ but Where-are we pow! Alas! Threat Home wi.b cwil war, and. from abrows a tuptare of our peacefy! relations. 1 shalt the causce. af the chauge. These = wand iris (OF you to )Ander upon them. Of the present Aatwsinist ration. 1 hav to sty. Lean apprecinte the diffteultics plea erconnt at! abe pre @xveutive and bis sopporters bacewith: quod fetersiee god Bonest bears, mde a iaiciate, | Rape God will forgive them as | do {lewd and e} Bin if Gere be those who these.calamities vpen our covetry mbabtiow di jun. it in your duis to bold thew go a sirict respye Tho agitanes,.« loch disturbed the peace «f the couutsy im 1850, was onareidaile, Lt we browght ts by the eqgisition pf new td: ya? Y geerng: I which: it ar a Ae terriferal administration. Bot ini Ge fo sty Sbether the preeeut ugiiativn, nxt the quantry and threateus u' wth dvil war, ba v ee ee was taaly prodaced by the gdoptwo ue qacasure ¢ eid in personal ech'enceniem rather (fan in any peliie good. § {(beers) Bie, have been [beweert to say that 1 hax the « Of thexe States at fea: This, air, ic feoms, tre, Fol if there be one o! pret dearer te me than any other, it is Uc unity, prosperity aud a thin great Kepubhe; aed 1 conte ty, sir, that J Ge t igig dong. | ay tothing of aay pattibuber stction, Muth tees of the eevernl camdicbies Ledge the people. T pre same, Dey, sre*all bonoratle mew. Hat. «ir what.de we ete An compere) frling b teechithe North an? Sot), oo the most ting OF all topics, resulting wa blowlukewl and o miluars array. Bat this ie-wot ali, cies We we @ poles! party. Premnung Candi! atet fr the Uremideney and Vice Preaniency, wlectod for dhe frat 1 fram the free States slane. #5 the giomgs | pee of cigefing | theme cam! whahed poreg: ‘ag . Foe jak lve U =m : Chole U. Staten Cam relat twat tive ne tho are coger ia euch 8 wmcmure, om bate serenely nfected yun the emejorncs Shick cea foevitatly forlew, in cae ff ou Chelny Would be te required to f . wale preectived by these shy elected hiw iu apaBing Lis aprwwusenis! Li a ome iweg athcd Mavens aed Vrs n's bine be fot worth te be Prendemt of View I’r-cid-at, « et grape be wiert one from ¢ same Quark t, ome Ainge Values > Aamo, OF 0 tepreend Ue native se 2 fcige evwnwyd tt, undeed, to cot beet the-reventey or mine ater the hews Af the Usited Mat! If Ot, What pew rule } Postdert to, ahvyt in <ieeeeg men Cor off ese Bre agrives, hart pore je athens, a én order te appreciate them fa 1 omeary to SGre te teh po oom )a = iy pow ‘hat Hee Bott i, bare a hap aetard vite, shouki Aqctere that they © here esis davehotdhre for Prenitent , President : and sho Ley thet os daare suffrages to tule 1 t Ni Dy fou thiuk we. would elm co i XN... 0 bor a memtest. «6A; ~ \ ' eevee hat yous Soetert taethrew are |e attire ot tile wubyet thon vue om A ther nhl Fees i you J 4 And, therefore, 5 al party » . Lewd traction uf ¢ ” forelathers, cer ' 1 ‘he wtb: @ to us } i tell g¢ » Frcuds, that Dep ak waren! on thie actypeet, fur ft nt we a am determmed to mak. a wilt wash my | ever Ley ni mn 11 we ae troahiug upon t . . able at any ve t the natiom. Lamgtt be wm ie Pp ! . J ‘ of ‘ au ues ] wi bbe wm ( vas appltgerg Fea my coms coce 6 ell ot ask wil the d ra’ Be titre wot one se or Rome hid Wwe . eiah Lo blant the Bre i weutry sium lu the languay larmetet ¢ Clay D \ieed tat er Lert uae ved resed (Eathbusiasied wie probom | elerre) It seers to mn ~ that those enya bm this see Payitaton : mite the aw tences of ot | aks ms utde de ol ‘ u inarby a» war throu it hems tha eon { semee bull a vusi tle for the natu 8 ywences a vod must nat Uhusoow a 16 ather. eM pe Mow-ttize na, 1 hind fag ail What w Tess a vere rent) Tt has been dint rein wy travels in Europe, tu-wituess Once or twice the reception of royalty, ia all tbeopomp gud | whole E splendor cf ruilitary array, where the avesic was jhave, such. liws founded apon ‘fugh gente order, and the “chests at the word of/tions,-and that we ean pass; from one! conimand, But, for myself, I prize the honest State to another, though all under differ: spoutadeous throb of affection with which you | ‘ent Governments, gwithout any of the! have welgumed me back 40 my native State, | | Vexutions Passports, or gens dearmes, or above all the pageants which roalty cau display. | jany of those restraints upon personal hb-! preme Being, for His protecting care vouchsufed | ‘) erty which reduce the subject go a slav- ory, a6 severe as that of the master over! Every little petty Kingdow or Daoist in Europe, deinands your Passport,—but when £ stepped once mare pon-the ehorus of my own native 2 land, 1 (Cheers) There with w beart overflowing | wih grateful emo ona, I return you a thouss und thanks, aud bid you adieu, (Prolong sed ap planse.) - —— Mr. FILLMORE'S FEELING TOWARDS bOREIGNERS. During Mr. Fillmere’s late triumphal progress , from New York to his home in. Ballalo be was compelled to address immense assemblages of | tbe people at several points along the line of the roule—aimony voters, at Newburg, on the Led- son, where lie used the following language con- cerning persons of foreign birth who have sought the shelter of our jusututions. honest purpuses, can object to in these senti- ment? “LT have no hostility to foreigners; T have with essed their deplorable condition in the old coun try, and Gud forbid that T should add to their sufferngs by refusing them an asylum in this, woald throw the gvtes wide open, and invite the | oppressed of every land to partake of the bless. | ings of our laws aud country; | would only ex te from this on t erimiual, L would give free toleration to every erecd; but while I did this, 1 would, for their sakes as well'as ours, declare that Americans should rut€"Qmerica. They should have the tof equal !nws,—but neither their educa ver knowl. of one institutions Qualify them to govern America, The failtire of every attempt to establ ben Liish a free goveroment in Eu rope is demynstrative of this fact. But if we slave the blessings which Providence has so bountifully showerd epon us, it becomes every American to stand by the Constitution of tins coumry, andte peels, that independent of all ryiggu hifladne:, Arcricams shall aud will rule Aeriga.” THE GRAND RECEP TION OF MR FILLMORE. The N. Y. Express gives some six col umns of detail Tucsday last. through the principal streets, with ban- wers, &e., acldresses, epeeehes, introdnc tious, dimer, &c. Besides the city popu lation, Vast numbers of people from the It consisted of a Procession country, aud the adjacent States, were presend.to participate Ip rendering the higheat-Loner to the tauishfal. patrivt aud iccomplished statesman. Mr. Fillmore cclivered several speeche in reply to addreseds. | Tye Philadelphia Conauitteg be suid, — “You buve, sir, ip your, remarks, teers! tay h ¢ General and Coin ty of Now York, said: fit f allede to iy Travels and receptions us forgign couutrive. tis trae that, from the crowmed head ta the peasant, b have teceived rumrked artery and atteitivn ; bel Jo wet ucribate thisto any metiiof my own, but to that power whieh elura ted tue te the ottice of Chief Mazzi strute Ire} ublig Ie tke A ta ev reeerved such Kinde abreud, | wast own Chet | bave heard, with the ones! paisa! subicitads, ofevoute|, id scenes woubhave been trans; Ff it bume. Not often, in many parte of Larupe, have | Leoe mble towee an Ane rean paper, but eatracts fran them | ia ¥e 6eeu every where copied ite fer etgn jyeervale, wince showed that ala x dwsendions ann! Qe! existed in m sexcited te aay mid i ¢, and @ hitch bee . 1s me the gr est pala. Ambo wlien it i VM Bust tore weGarciiiet are tert, @Fery now canewot ustermal di-cord a4 eqaectu. therefrom @ speedy ised tien of tris oreat and freé Repu, Rho be wotdeccd at, Chat euch eiculd be my feelings! bat, Mir, vt wae some comaclation te see, nay, areal consubation te krow, Un m atl parte of Larepe, many lveetul hearis were beating with angmas solic teade fir our welfare, mel were trustine wa Leheving, thats feve perple “ btinee in poreevering tu rable aid py ctu thetuseives, They trusted, and | . that the day ia far de tant whem we shall ve called upon to wit l bess $0 CAlainiteus an event as gelhera trusied will ecurd, « iil war, iv these Dtates — Por Goris sake, cet as all reanember tha yur poese t tree Mm end preatneces t Zz of r forefathers, aud of their ’ wd and unity ia your owu eity of Pu dpeleia. fo Maror Wood's address he rej “Mr. M ra > — Tints nnetpected ar cord ‘ the vreat cou . eff us f leea ! ' ” ative soil, J en had re mi toeniypecth ie aration ‘ A ’ \ | me for f | raat confers | wasnt aware ofthe a‘ ’ i me } arity eve A hace beer Pa 1 and ! f ! concord, and ne aliers ft me as ct ta turou Lo see i a.) ft us, a ym sl, as te rm : | a jt ties ‘ ( tui; Pati “ e, i i ts t bi=prectsstle bo ot cor luate | prosperity Crreat Ap pease, ) Wie You, sr, eCainie the j Ctnef Magistrat f this great ity] tr attempts at aol ting ase, for Mo oy ' Ty exl-t without ce to the laws, to voverpament Ciat depends fis Tailed aries, oF rien good government je ra ‘utara cer eke laws: wi ‘setres, Ir is thie ‘systeim,—if left freely. to Jeuple,—that we lave, or ahust, ry.on this subj ached : utyofour tneries an} God Iwas a ee. » with need no longer cont xnfon asa Passport. “Yu vur beautiful. bay, oftentines een compared to the bay of | T have seen something of buth.! Italy, with her sunny and cloudless skies, jis a most beautifal country ta look upon: We ask what American—what Foreigner, of } {—and alas! only to look upon! but go to God she had a government \{Applause.] The ‘bay A fad, tis compared to your own Mr. Mayer, has {When I stepped on shore “at Naples | was surrounded by hundreds of beyzgars, jbut when | stepped on the- shores of 'Fréemen, [great and prolonged cheer} —unot only earning their own livelihos nd, but—as contrasted with other laborers — a livelihood of luxury. (Great cheering.); That lane of difterence, Sir, is most ion the pauper and the | felt ft und felt proud of than ever, not only of your jthe thrifty population that surround it. i pronder city than , but—amid intestine eign wars, and under harsh g elias been crushed. United States it, and peal tny here the comme coufederated States. that concentration, and 2 und ¢ xchanyes ol ile —there must_be from ail the parts of these of the formal reception on’ St xtuwiag city vf them, and of the protec- j gives its trade and Crmmmeree, ud its cabals {have but the comuerce of th ¢ worl J throng dun, her great commercial city. rt lat ere nany years | {i be to the world what te ton ty associates of le Wily pare #4," r W ae eels and her 1G octal; Tayter tot ADUPTED AT THE.SESSION: OF THE NATIONAL COUNCIL, Fen, 228: asda Ist. Au bumble ackuowledgenient.tu the Sa- | to our fathers in their successfal eeneental struggle, aud hitherto manifested to us, their de- scendants, in the preservation of Uae lrbertics, Up. adependence, and the urion of these States, as the palladium of our civil aud religious liber: | | ties, and the uly sure bulwark ef Amenean lu- dependence, Ba. Americans cust rale America, and to this end native-born cilizeus slvuld besolected forall State, Federal, and wunietpal otiiees or govern: | ment employment, iu preferenee to all others | nevertheless, 4th. Persons born of American parents resid | ing temporarily abroad, should beeutithed to all the hae of native-buru citizens ; but Sth, Na porson should be selueted for political ! station, (wheth: rof uauve or fore ign birth,) who i recoguites aby all. yianee or obligation of any > deseription to any foreign prince, pyetentate or power, or who rluscs to recognige the Federal and State Constitutions (each within its sphere) as paramount to all other kaws, as cules of politi cal action, 6th. The unqualitied reeognition and mainte-| nance of the reserved rights uf the several Slates, and the cultivation of Larmgay and fraterual good will, betwee the citzens of the several Siates, and to this eud, wvo-interk-reney by Con- gress with the questions appertaining solely Ww the individual States, and wun-iuterventivn by each State with the atfairs of any other State 7th. The recoguition of the right of the na tive-born and “naturalized citizens of the United Blutes, pertiagenty resnhug in any Torritory _, thereuf, frame their constiuuen and laws, and to regulate their domestic and social affairg iu Uncit own mode, subject only to the provisions ff thes Federal Constitution, with the privilege of wliminsivu into the Uniem whenever they have the requisite population for one Representative im Congress. Provided always, that vone bat 2! those who are citizens of the United States, un- der the Constitution and jaws Ubcresf, and whe 1 reideuce ja any such Territory, ought ly participate ia the formation of the con have a fin sUlubem, or im thee enacimenut of laws for sabhl Ferritery of State Sih. Av cofereoment uf the prociple that no State ve Terntery ought to ado others than cuizens of the United States to the right of sut frage, or of bokliog political office. 9h. A change 10 ihe laws of peturulization, wmakiog a coaunucd residepce of Lwenty-one years, of all wot bereiubetors provided for, an in dl heed le sable nm yataite for Cuiteaship berenfler, apd etela log al paupow, and peruds cosricted of crime, frown feeding upon owe sloces, Lut poi theacues with the vested rights of foreigners Leu, Oppusitien aud State; po tht tuany amen between Chine! reoce with fr sinstts faith, woworship. and po lost vaths bur « Tlth. Free and thospagh invesugation int Pall loge) abuses of pabhe functiva " Nes, 0 Hel ecosemy Ip pabhe expem btares, ~ mathiense: and enfyroement of al! laws amettational!y enactel, until sand lews 6 what ber repeal leclared mull and vend by com «tf wl amtioent ¢. Ike » the roek! os and nwise F ft ww Fs ' lathe nivel uo 8 \ ae ) eu - ron jlacins rhena * nina bi az vt gern at tatolont a \ beret “ weak . “ wean ine ge ng? . Ver; f the M Compromise; as showy ny way tee pralie d tye-ggmere the ry A saflien: in Kuudes oh NebraMll{ Go sinrwn . ati » the Kamaes aod N a whtes - am ft Chee Geer eye tierce thik pe evade - f the cermrtrmewute of the et “ is o4 ,] . { . ' ht r Vr 4a ‘ { . ete ine ff owns f ated \ warty” ap t preetiptes lec repn lature wid Pisat eve’: § anc i? shall have a air new Uiew serer @&tslhuttiom, « ee b> alasliols iw ral clegroes, aud tustitute a f bower Lad otter oldig tiows for w nliy ared » - a ont. the perry 16 \ fre yoo dncusnm of all po wert hes anced in yur platform HOTEL, SALISBURY, N. C. fet ener riber bowie tuhem charge of he akne Ue alee Ree Ba rdere, Praedtere. & We premiers that hw ACCOMMODATIONS . "= . o State Pormnns «topping : benim : . sla pater wa fe err = ‘ v § GRANT . “ | * ’ thor nf Bu Min eof ' ‘ ‘ mn , ma, ok nee pes. bry 1 be Phemess , Lampton Weishre. by ¢ Sis k ; (eo wed of the Pans My. The A* re 0 1f pBab- Ferkey i 37, , “TiN ENNIS Bea Til oll Usa, WERALD I" eekly at @FR 2 per ’ h eof pedtuthe + erchante ” ESD Aneine eager « Aree vr BURR. Jr } ‘ ae ai Mackerel! Waekerel!! \ Maan re Pite halt: belo eaarter hice, of all Now ai te 4 {f MILLS, MOOSE & Ce a7 Valuable Land for Sale! | Reet eae lands ia the of Davi ! m Hunting na ntaimng 800 wcres. Te thewe choice Hunung Creek bottom weomente, as Tam deterimaed a credit from one to five years on M che ¥ I w8 "of my stock, crop, fiemiag torte uJ VW stores in ihe C-ntral Rail Road, provide tf 1 wil etl a bot of corn and five es. whether I ell the In d wr met GE I wills vera clan man ome M3197 vr ext Fall G. Witses Nprd 22, 1*56 406 fate vand me ‘oun . we, for thuse Ta. Secor os au = ct... (Loudant pra ep ly planse, . followed by threes So 10a reers fur Mullard Filliyore” diffe! PLAT vORM OF THE AMERICAN PARTY | i oie Western ‘Fixtensfon! H E-Subseribers tahag ot desirous dt ekseddihy their ‘ss be 864 businoxsin she West, as well as all otheedireds power, 8175. te B2U0 5 a very sipe tuke this mevhod of inferwming their pomerons rods wad patrons that dhey are wow Teeaiving a 24. ‘Phe perpetuation of the Federal Union, | spleadid stock of READY MADE CLOTHING, Cloths, Cassimeres, Vesting, and Gen-— ilrmen's Furnishing Goods ja ge eral; all of which willbe sold most sheeking array arilendd stock of ITATS and CAPS, | Don’t vrke our word, bal cull and satisfy “INO? a. WEIRMAN & PRICE, Mi ANDERSON & REYNOLDS, GROCERS, Commission Werchants, NO, 10, ROANOKE SQUARE, IWR Oe Pay active ¢tiention to the sale of Ulour aad other | kinds of Produce, avuiding unnegessary. charges and rendering prompt returns. COMMISSION Forwarding Merchants, WILMINGTON, N.C, Partioular attention paid to selling Flour, , and ub kinds produce. PETER W. HINTON, COMMISSION MERCH ANT, | TOWN FOINT, Werfois. Wa. Tobacco, Plour, Grain, Cotton, Nave! Stores &c. Also, to Receiving and Forwarding ao = > ss. Roche de, Kay. Setiabary Nt COWANS VEGETABLE LILWONTRIPTIC FRIEND OF TUE UOUMAN FAMILY bis E END AIDNENS, i AND POR SAL r ee RIN be Salixbury, awe 3, 1836. Ladies Dress Goods . Ile stork of NEEDLE tRKOID ERIES « & npiete , COM VISSION Charlotte, MERCHANT Cotton. Corn, Flour, Wheat, and all So ek Ee caer dasa ances made on Consiguments aialeormeODanBs Dr CHARLE3T.POWE ‘ving permaneatly located ia +: lebary, respert- Greensborough _MITUAL INSURANCE COMPANY. on the wetuelpleniebat » n (he Western part of th har ger peertiome f the rinks | of @hieh are inthe coum ry fore confidewtly recommen eleeted forthe eneumg year VETER ADAMS, Sre'y and Treasurer PETER ADAMS, Sec'ry WIT. CUMMING, Goal Agent Wace cplo aw ery whew ay capo ad yoore #ubslantial lee ut ne , thereby saving the price of trater ‘That public may aot be deceive ny inqhizies hub Dhave te duewery hove! . dint OC grinee of the peinedy ubietes, efare Circular Saw niitle with “a8 to 50 ine i, ie Keabvere omy AE Teel Owayny Qt Coniplete,. G37) te $300; Cilevdrient piraw. Cusides, VL ineh bus, SIO)! LEA lulu, 40; Folding Narrows, €13 ; Comment bis vhing Machines with 4 or 6 boope |” riorarti¢le Phitghe brea to $10, wccording oraize and workmanship, Ali Kinds of repairing of muabinerydenent Bhert Ue tiew, such as E me wear k & eg, Send ip. your anle (fur thireshing ufehines aud horee- etirty foaly. ime Abu kang them ty oider. iste Warrants od. > Fnvee iv stillia sueerssfaloperation and cao farvish eaitings of any deveription, and where the = patterus are found at yhurt, potices + “ems eurh, ur negutiable notes wt, Banks 4, HM. Og ost to, N, €5 Je: Se) Ust C COMPLETED AND POR SALF. NE of ‘those colebrat “TURESHING. gq 4 wn oe Day he CHINES and UVRSE POW ERS. know ‘the Deary Michine, of Bollimore ; whieh 0 duos lngeh Work With Gur horses as ahy other a hime. miade in the Biate will de with pix or echt, Mude-of) the best matetiul ond Nopraniee for 12 cmon | We gy lap May 5, 1854. 375 ACRES OF LAND = FOR SALE, OY the waters of Th¥d Crock, 14 miles west a Solisbury, At lepet dhe Depot cu the Werten. Keil Rond mcs: iuevitubly be heawd in w slivit di, f tance of this irect Apply to Jobo A Dovden uf Salisbury, October 30, 1955. m3 “STRADY PROGRESS : BAGLE CITY, ‘PME SURSCLIBEK tas the Pewente wi wh | aoeuer te ihe ali kind wichee Get thei pr-eperiy vod pe ie making Heady progrerecn the lap t cme s that be | of Keg + dewined, be betietes, te brooms the ph fectariig city iwthe country. Ue is Rew eewrt sew Cot ow nell ot Chee pinot, be Be dalled the ** Peoy Mille, and t pee to hate it it fall opereie by the latter peti of the somwmeref 16 I will eee of thé beet, Of meat the gery beet.) mille le the | T recleeed , reo To tweok & ‘ + Bolelr— seth and steady aud ral aes atte tear lL imals piedeets, ibe mon he eather ts mente ot wgle Me arder «heey shiecduw t «ml de ghting pogerthas FE dluw orld al cme as bert oe it we tpteet forth fu he + te veru od be copereuttef ueehut Gb I pire Trew Ue = aiewe too ni tal iM, wend hemes the werk! masy bam cmt fee toot ip tedpeog a ree lew rete tretong in bretl, thew & trast be deed ate to every Pam bern pei ret 1 rove 6 ; : owing evento mish ° ’ b . 2 fore ad toe & @ bey j w th bg 4 . ' tien WUeece ~ o whe ec - wen of \ th ¢ og weetal reat vf tee ties . wee the keener stene tere aes ‘ . oor Re leew e of trang . e-tee cued woh o cheeg » ' Cov Ceeb - ’ peleey bev tee al? energetic @ te ep oe meet palais wets the Qaeep od the New a, together eit —— ‘ " wete «ofthe Cres the » hee — + ome eo egine @ newt ~ oh owe aihe Ww, bev gree <b t wher meh ew! Asda te Mts tet be f sagh* H press ANDREW BAGGARLY Fed? Bef oo Bs or veer Hers Post Coaches, vps M Mei » Mw gautan, vio Sewter6P le ond New L-aves Sausbery oo Mewes, Werleeeduy and Fii- fay ot Jwebot A WL. ona 1m a elas age wal moornreg tod ‘ eco W teteaud e. we? ’ sifoee. “Nv pune nee will he gota moke phere ane of the me wiateble and ¢cpedviipes stage toads mthe ® (. 8 BROWN, C. Hetohary, Jere 9). 1055 Wanted Immediately, At the Silver Hill Mine, ANY QUANTITY oF WOOD AND COAL. WM LEAVEN WORTTH, Som Sileer HH. Ort t. 1855 ioe NEW BOOKS. JUST RECLIVED cp N we tne * Mire Wars ts Chock ; Trish Amy 3 To Gentlemen. d) pods auheet bre lave te @ on hand the mret tom picte weeertment of CLOTHING ever be hore fleres tu the pobic. Call at No. 3, Granite Rove BROWN & COFFIN Saliabeur M hh 25, 1856. 45-tf DR. J. J. SUMMERELL, DRS cele Se a bee nee, where w Ibe happy ls rererve profesmenal oF per. somal calle from * free de NR ‘Clore are mteny per recownt and hive heen for 6 nde bed to ste! 1 b mske ovtite E hy May Court, else I shat? hoe corned ly wege at W te call an which mas mt for we Meetor Makebnry, Jan 29, 1856 ua REMOVAL, nd Tailcjing Extabliahmert trom = MeRorie & Cur, to the euewer iin. mediate! opiewite R. d& A. Murphy's Store Malisbory. Nev. 13, 1855 9301 DR. S. REEVES ] AS located in Salisbury, and fers | lies Offier two donee below Benjamin gave More. April 2. 1456 Aly JOR PRINTING Neutly raocuted at tia Office WoLLowAT's -6 the brand ny when pono, nt ro whin, jac Tienes ww) Stet srailar het roaring sole mdioebray ted oy bute Papert Both the Ointgaeet aul, Titty Pate, ond The cies Jedwesidy te enew, ae — iy . . James DOR AM WATOH-MAKER AnD: SALISHURYSS, CO one ever betew @.4@ Ay statdelceen, teamed mlerre 2 vans weet err « A are ofhee! te cmd bee : er y « be eeawer Obed og the mest gramme - hy of To > Plimaars UP wihenvibere reppe er tylig iy @ Venere ad ehh 1 vtnphadag Pomgitianiaa: Thew neous. Pe s ha g si t i e s on gre ty abet oh ing shoe orm ies NEW Sg Je: T RECKIVED Woah, hy F *. Field Wowk ba the Sneeriaet © 8 hipewtnd. by TBA “« rv De atriee Regerdde, Bler =“; s wr Dy Wises; Preeeyatie Dheie the Suni Ht. ENNise, od Nepicom Deespatio, Bw derter. . MILLER, - ATTORNEY “AT LAW, MOCKSTILED, &. ©, i ediad hvtietiate'y appaaee the Barta SI RING SUMMER ie GOODS... & greet Wome ty ia TTarie “ ‘Yancy dopted to the Seaect——efl ef whet here t core, and whieh we ere Gero weeks, Le nd retell at ptiees t stoth before you purchase s¢ NURCHY, McRORIE_& CO. : > . “ Re i gE S z a F E DIBBLD & nuNom Colvin wm. Piwpse, i ‘ommission E} "$ F 52 4 9 4 Fe —— =< = gf iar iaaies met Hye She stuck of Ladies’ hie professicned a tyiece to the pab- "they brave a at ne. vel at a small ae een to theie fine ph | HwbRoTDERit is, ie. ZF S Z T 7 9 F 8 i variably made a practi tn a as ‘ ¢ tos] ‘sidency woul ; . ae tsp yantent sl CN irough his sermon.‘ " 5 we A ded ony ry " od |ticed so long, ae awh le 4 wiatter of course, an ong, save diving, Wetiiod?18 Yano it he-at length notified brotlier P. vat dai ‘ whet as the ily. needed ut P. aid at that honr his hii a at it; - Brooks, ‘and the resol was, yeas eal mishka “on Tegel nes at 121, nays 95... The em annonneed| wavs took a roundabout coui ich 8 course, which, that the resolution was not adopted, two- by..some. mysterious means, always thirds being requiced to” pase, the resolu-| trougit hith in close prosiunity with the which “ho would 4 0, sie, anny Fi hens or to be abe orest tae 4 1) Pe ‘resident car. dhyi 0 derfal , OX pressed t fear of his life, and-stat-| is cousidered that tens ed that the’ above révulations Foot -8 be rs have Seen convéyt cessary for his safety. i | facilities, ’ is extraordi The order sent to Col. Natziner was} calin’ the feelin not obeyed until it was-submitted to Gen. thander storms, while in Walker who immediately ordered the Am- steamers, or rajlroad~ ee ee nto smapl Seconds No ean loot il by ight or tle * Aad at snch, of all present ox pro- ey was ad sas On thé resolution for the expulsion SY AE ba te of Mr. . ane WILD OAT IN THE FIELD, We notice in the last Salisbury Wateh- that Cal, HL. Lr Reobeete ude foot dondunced himself a candidate for the ie | otate Senate, on the: lucufoeo ticket, ju rpporition to Dr, Ramsey, American. fw, Col, : nog Ag line whi is Bragy, and t other sinsihes of the “Black hole,” Con i, who, like-the Col erica commander in soy 4 with the mandates of the Minister of War, ning has : known iq an jrou’ ¢ and farther, to withdraw with his whole{iron buildifg—this fact; with ithose- ste: de f force from that city. ted “in the néxt ling paragraph, a village tavern, At the time Gen. Walker gave the}should effectually. dispel ‘tite too preva- b s above eocnmnen, he was in’ Nagarvte, at! lent belicf that metals are dangerons, \the head of 250 troops, marching .on to| from an ities. Ravasc for object in leaving church: was. to | Loon ; after giving the order, he stopped | lightping—metals uet lightying, bat obtain 4 “dram,” ‘and he determined to | at Managua wntil the rifle battallion “un-| the attractive power probably dues’ fot stoprhis leaving and Ciotoabing the con- | der Col, Natzmer arrived, when. he left | extend aver a great audtint of surfacé. ion in fatare, if such a thing Were for Granada, accompanied by the Ran-| J'hird, Vessels furnished with light}, ning conductors have never suffered in- jury from lightning, if the conductors! ble. The next Sabbath, brother P. left his seat at the usual tine, avd started for the the exception of Don Fermin Ferrer, are} wera up and the continuity uninterrupted | door, when Parson B. exclaimed ; now in pt ; bat the Commander wil}! to the water ; nor has death by lightnin: rae * Brother". 2? ‘have no. farther conmunication with! ever been. knowu ‘on-board of a -vessel! — “The effectowas ma P. on ‘being thus addressed, stopped )them, , They are known to bave made! thas farnished. ; fol, exciting and | short, and gazed towards the pulpit. | Propositions.to the enemies of the coun-} Fourth, We have never knawn of but |tieldé and workshops and* “Brother P..” continged the parson, |try, itiviting them to invade Nicaragua, | one death by lightning in «building fur- | railway ; with them cathe qo “there is no need of your leaying church aud General Walker intends to leave |nished with metalic conductors reated for! babies and without, ‘childrea-in at this time ; ag 1 passed the tavern this!them with tielr new friends. the protection, and that oceatred in. the }ble, and swarming like aut moruing, I made arrangements with the! ‘The above is a snecinct account of one | suminer of 1855, at. Little’ Prairie; Wisetaut hill is 1, all agay |landlord “to keep -your. toddy. hot till ‘of the strangest revolutions on record,|consie, In relativa to this death we have | wouder aud t. Ever; chureh was ont.” : ; |and-we Jeave the world (o draw _its own had considerable cor. ce with | mate was on the. qe rete. The surprise ‘and mortification of the! concinsious as to the motives that proba-| the person who put ap the conductor. _ [danced the: Masts ‘ ! ; ned. | bly controfled the President in conduct, |~ Iron wire, costing than ‘one cent} pi tw Mortin 4nd there will be no telling what success! Mr. Brooks, of South Carolina, was mule-| ~ We can only aceount for it on the ground | per fot, and less tharrone ‘shed | will attond his efforts in the catiwase.—| ted by the Original Court for this coun-, JJere’are a few stanzas of fear, both from the external enemies of| dred feet, in one single pieee, i wultnaginable Take advice for this one time, Colonel. | ty,.on the day before yesterday, fur his hci seder Pace (the State and from the fact of at ap |ly large fur a li itning condattor. Any | énuffed *the im j | But we dave. bot yet dune with the | seauit on Senator Sumner, was to epee" | proaching election. It ig well known|inechanie of ordiuary capacity can put/ their pendant tails. ftideed! “Ife is pledged to | "y the penalty in which Gen, Sam I ous-| Sree Szee oro senten, {that whenever an election has taken place np arod. Glass insulators, with screw eral git behiod "Twas. yee Wa “the legislature, if}tom was maleted by our -Diatrict Court, | Rar byes we totaly jin the Republic, the defeated candidate fastening, ean be had of some of the hard’! we not have b there’s the rab, if elected!) to) many years ago, for his assaalt on Hon. | ‘Their niles exer new. | dither fled or was sommarily executed.| ware and glassware stores in New York, | the bending woods, chagih ‘nee bis influence and have the Sve gal-/ Mr. Stansbury, of Obie, whom he attack- | It is probable his Excellency re:member- }ton law” which i# in foree in the town ofjod for words spoken in debate. beating | ed this failing of the State, and knowing | Salisbury, repealed! So we sam. ap, lim severely with & cane, it will te re-| {that aneleetion. was about to transpire in } the Colonel m thas: Backanan, ™enbered.—[{ Washington Fre ning Star. ithe country, he accordingly concluded | “Oar register of thirteen years states the | the fofty ‘Birnany wood" cane to follow the example of hia predecessors | deaths by lightning at seven hundred‘and) Dunsiaue.’” jand save himself by flight. It is also! fifty persons ; the wounded we have not! known that while the Costa Ricans were! counted ; there are donbtless many han-| in Rivas, " timid men 2 ego the re-| dreds. { {sult, Senor Rivas attempted to make his| Persons struck down by lightnin FF n Black eyen are bright, | peace with President Mora, by sabuit-| should be freely drenched with old on en * eee wre p-pntpacley a og itsien, {ting propositions to that gentleman, ter, and if necessary the drenching should} Raho y. : | After the — of the President from | be cantinued for hoars. | Ro one yet present to reply to bs Biack tyes are gianting Leon, the people of that city became an-| We have no pecuniary interest direet, | felt no disposition to hear him; but Bleck apte-are ewe, j easy at the epeech of Senor Salizar, and/or indirect, in farnishing or patting "fr report we have heard of his Speech Wher cabeve dancing. anxiously inquired of the Fathers of the} lightning eondactors ; oar only object ia} other places be trae, he is do And. is thle senenillie we sppced-s Church if there was any trath in the) making this notice is to give information. and oar Ppe \statement that the Aincricans intended| We have printed a sheet giving diree- re ont the | to destroy the religion of the land. The/ tions for patting up condnétors, that will) k | Vieur of Leon, a good aud faithfal immediately after a) yoté was taken, fe iderable ind co rjaatiger| jat consi yin |tion of the assault and partly in reply to _ {the personal attacks inade on him by |weinbers, and hy thepeople of the North, ‘ conclading with the announcement ofthe fact that be had resi lid “seat as’ a menber of the. 34th Coigress, stating tint 19 anticipation of the” resnlt, he had | \two weeks previously forwarded his res- ft; igstion to the. Governor of Sonth Ogro-| “J ina. mete) Tie Colombia Times says that Govern- he ee ty Adains will itomediately causé. writs | fur an election.to be issued, and Col. ‘se G ional “District wilt re- | lim by a unanimona vote. Wilmington Merald. We tae Cie s , oe eapyote ma en Be 2 on dong tone: FEN Gower ge eh eR. aN me gry gers, |. President Rivas aud his cabinet, with a ug Jag move princi- jer pardon ua for suggesting to | tratillbg pedund Sea. "yee rahe ot ‘elipg around on bis eer tne - WUryin one of Lis Sold line whi 5 The Fine.—The fine (amount) in which | Speco wr i, Onee mare “check | Cob wounds tact ig Southere tam! Tat it is so—it And for about twelve shillings per dozen.—.| phic strains, had walked ado Persons who want ornamental .rods, can/ ded hills aud wade obe Brown eyes are merry, rh. substitate copper wire of the same size. | liope, even as, to the terfor of Mae Brown eyes are mild, Brown ¢ yee are beasts ful As « foic child. Beowa eyper are dersling W hee tee orbe bull ; Gevwn eyes spenk eohumes Deep from the eval —_« An M. D. io the Nashville Journal of Medicine thas feelingly and truthfully | | enumerates some of the | a ed Hon. John Kerr. [Swerve or a Docror’s Lax— Bot black eyer ate witching, with | interthé could " of | ep mah, | be sent tu any persou free, who} instantly denied the calamny, aud order-| may desire a copy. +E. Mexias. | weak and wa from darting to carry commends of teat the 1 y have the | and gires Kap to Ven Berenivm, for planter! ‘Thm is its tenn. “| portunity to for your stomachs in particular? And j father than taste it yourselves will you vet “throw it to the dogs?” turdiaa Balletin. 1. RIVE GALLON LAW LN SALISBURY. The * Watchman” ars: “To our astonish ment we fownd all the camfidates talking about, and opposing the fire gallon taw ia Salisbary,” “ They all q soch a lew, and Col. Kasharde promised, if elected, to use his influ eter to bare it repealed ™ agree ih oppeusin This is unwelcome news to the friends of He- manity and Temperance everywhere, e*pecrally coming from the vld and hitherto patriotic coun- ty of Kawan, who ough: to be « protecting Mo- thee to the fellen race of man, by patting her face against te horrid sin of intemperance and horrid crimes, sufferings and death | It is to be devoutly hoped that Gol, Rubeards, wi) not get elected, and so will not lave the op- * use his infiwenee,” in any matter > for or against the welfare of the community.— am Southern men, you are called Who, with @ manly aod boo and patriotic. heart in his bosom, can hes Hate What to dé Vati Voren is, and bas ever ever Been, Your worst sod bitterest enemy. Fil tore 6, end haw 'dtwuys ten, your best and tru ot Wied. Which wilt foa take? For, be nx witeal) the election of Wochanan will be: pera lent to the restoration of Martin Van Buren’ p fullows the day-—as cr we five, the cnoning avd South. tating Magician of the the directing. all-animaring spirit of the jon. As for ourselves, we eay let Van rule the destinies of this great Ke have selected for bim, in obeJi to his desires'and bis wishes, In a word, ty be ruled ditcetly by a master, in- indirectly an overseer, If elected, Will be nothing more nor less than an Overseer of V de: Karen, and will be pre do al) nianher of dirty Abolition wo of hia patron, Tint, you may Upon it, 1@ Hominated in the bond, and is the price which the Buchananites pay fur Van Buren’ Choote . ye, thet, this day, whom foe will setee—Consttitationalism and l vionisty and Cowservatism and Southern Rightiam, in the of Millard Fillmore, or Seetionaligns and Abolitioniam and Destructive- ‘stn, in. the perron-of James Buchanan, roled and cantrofed by Matti Viau Buren! OL! what an outery there was from all the of the Southern Detnoeracy, at Setward'« (Genera) Scott, who was » seg by education, by sympathy, anc precious ‘ties! = [t was with them os “Holy Writ,” that the war- | trated and iHuybrigttt. service— Sach a man ts unworthy to be entrusted with aby measure affecting (he welfare of the people —certatals not to legistrate laws for them eith What! preparea way to make a larg ot number of drunkards in the ’ \shboro’ Pulletin, “+: “ RADICALISM RUN MAD.” Under this caption the Staunton Vea dicator—a staunch Democratic organ— mournfully says: “It must -be painfal to every State Rights Democrat to read the proceedings of Congress, by which the vetoes of President Pierce, of their inter- nal improvement bilis, have been over ruled by @ constitntional majority, Es- such principles cvnsman) pecially is the reflection @ sonree of re-! gret. when soch men as Caas, Douglas, | and Slidell, array themael ren agains the whole policy of the Demoeracy upon this question!” We snbjoin the vote in the |Senate, on the bill for removing obstrac {tions at the mouth of the Mississippi, and italivize the Democrats voting in tavor of 106 ¢ Yeas— Messrs, Allen, Bayard, Bell, of New Hampshire, Bell, of Tennessee, Hen- jamin, Bright, Brown, Car, Co\lamer, Crittenden, Dodge, Douglas, Durkee, Fessenden, Foot, Foster, Geyer, J/ale, James, Johnaon, Jones, of Towa, Pearce, Pugh, Sebastain, Seward, Slidell, Stuart, Thompson, of Ky., Trumbull, Wade, aud Weller—31. Nays.—-Messrs. Biggs, Broadhead, | Butler, Olay, Evans, Fitzpatrick, iTanter, Mason, Reid, Toombs, Toacey, and Yu- | lee—12. | . There it is. it is unjustifiable negligence. | not t “ " Out of 81° votes for the|ience withont, and the great unfinished tary of War, and Don Francisco Baca, moe ee bill, 19 of them a the votes of Demo-| audience room ] make a drying room to! Minister of Pablic Credit, al} fled to Chin- If hie horee is fat, it is because he bas nothing to do; if he is lean, it is becanse he isn't taken caro of. If he drives fast, it is to make people think eomebody is very sick; if he drives slow, he has no interest iv the welfare of his patients. If he dresses neat, he is proud ; if-he dees not, he ig wanting in self-respect. If he works on the land, he is fit for nothing bat a farmer; if he don't work, it is becaase he is too lazy to be anything. If he talks mach, “ we don't want a doc- tor fo tell everything he knows ;” if he <4 pe Soh . oon vice that at this time is desolating the hand with — t talk, “we tike fo see a doctor social It he says anything about polities, be had better Jet it alone ; if he don’t say any thing about it, “we like to see a man show his colora.” If he visits his patients eve- ry day, it is to ran op a bill; if he don't, If he says ee about religion, he is a hypo- crite if he den't he is an infidel. If he uses any popular remedies of the day, it 18 ty cater to the whime and prejadice of the people to fill hive pock« ts; Hf he don’t use them, it is from profess nal selfiel, ness. If he isin the habit of having « oun sel often, it is becanse he knows nothing ; if he objects to having it, on the ground that Le understands his own business, he is afraid of exposing ignorance to his su periors. Ife gets pay for one-half hie services, he has the. reputation of being a great manager. The visitor to Washington at the pre- sent day wonld searcely credit the de- scription of the Federal Capital as Mrs. John Adams found it in 1801 ed is her description of Sabjoin Tur Earty Presinent’s Manxstox— “Tlere and there, she writes, is a small cottage, withont a glass window, inter- apersed among the forests, through whieh you travel for miles without seeing a hn- man being. The honse is upon a grand and snperb scale requiring about thirty servants to attend and keep the apart ments in order. I could content myself anywhere for three months ; but tho’ snr- rounded by forests, can yon believe that | wood cannot be had, because people can- not be found to cut and cart it? The ‘house is made habitable, but there is not a ae apartment farnished. We have ¢ least fence, yard, or other conven- { Little stampy noses, it is said, indicate |@4 8!) the priests to declare on Sunday | weakness of mind or imperfect moral de- velopment. Short, thick noses, indicate a strong sensual disposition. A tamed ap nose, with wide, open | nostrils, is a certain sign of empty, pom- pous vanity and belongs fo men moet | traly called “ paffed up,” who lack that jeharity which vaanteth not itself. Large nostrils generally pass as an in- | dieation of strength, pride and courage, us small show fear and weakness. | A — strongly marked nose is rare in the fairer sex, and when found is a | sare sign of masentling temper, undue de- | velopwent of the less refined sensations eee From Nicaragua. El Nicaragnens, a paper doubtless nn der the control of Walker, gives the fol- lowing aceoart of the breaking up of the Walker Rivas government: On Wednesday, the 141), day of Jnue, Gen. Walker left Leon, after a most af. fecting parting with his Excellency at the barrier. At this time Leon was guarded by native soldiers. The Awericans inter- ferred with nothing, that the city might feel perfectly safe under the guar lanship of troops drawn from its own vicinity The day after Gen. Walker left Col. Es cobar, commander of the native garrison, informed Col. Bruno Natzmer that the native force was not sufficient to keep guard, and requested a detail of Ameri cans. Compliance was signified, and an American soldier stationed at the en- trance of the Principal or government house. Senor Salizer, Minister of War, thereupon mounted his horse and rode down to the barriers bare-headed, where he informed the rabble, in an official har angue, that the Americans had seized the Principal, and were about to murder the President and his Cabinet. In his speech he also took occasion tu advise the people that the Americans were going to barn down the churches and destroy the religion of the country. A great excite ment was the result, during whieh the President and his advisers took flight for Chinandega. The Americans, in the ineantine were innocent in knowledge of what was proceeding; and although they knew there wasa hubbub abort some g 5 that the report was intrne. The people again became reconciled, and the revul sion is strongly against President Rivas and Lis advisers. Brooklyn Lf. wylda, Sune 9, 1356. —_- — THE DEVILS MARKS. About ten days ago (says & contempo- jtary) a woman, the wifé ofa laboring Gen. Walker, immediately after the; an resident in the parish of Rasharkin, departare of Rivas, proclaimed Don Fer-/ got, by some unknown instrumentality, | min Perrer; the former Minister of the|4& Variety of singular marks apon her face Hacienda, President of the the Repnistic, | ¥tich some of her neighbors are strongly | j until an election conld be had. The cleo-; persuaded were placed there by the dev- | tion took place on the 14th, and it is said) (| hienself! It appears that, in defiance} that whole districts went to the polls for of her hashand’s injunctions, the infatoa- | Walker, with only a few opposing votes, | ted woman persisted in keeping a favor-| and those chiefly among the American] ite black bottle, to which she made more residents who preferred Ferrer, and not] secret visits than accorded with the pre-| among the natives, who look upon the | setvation of her health and characte | American adventurer asa detiverer frum | Seen after one of these visits, about. the jthe oppression onder which they have latter end of May last, she foand it expe’) f — them no’ good, will shoulder” and will lay aa —— ee P* Ixvorrast Puokt Mitrod. ee news frora Mexico te the 2dy andy. Cruz to the Sth inst. The cree declaring that the be permitted to centralize their own i m out “ngs ns a wedge,” before he is awate Of if ge ~~ os a] Jenffered. Itis already known to oar readers that Walker was declared elect- ed, Improved Motive Power.—X% company in New York is trying to bring into use, as an improved tnotive power, the bi-sol phide of carbon, recently tried, if fairly made and report ed, ing of seventy percent. The engin started twenty pounds in the boiler, carrying one weight npoo the break, at 60 revolutions a min- ute, this being ail the engine could carry and keep ap the steam to 26 pounds. Foar inere weights were added, and the bi sulph. carbon applied to the Loiler, and driven at 60 revolutions per minnte for one hour. When the bi sulph. carbon was turned off, the engine decreased in speed and the weights were removed but one, as when first started with 20 pounds steam in the boiler. This experiment was to show that no heat was extracted from the boiler more than was added to it during the application of the bi sulph. carbon. The heat given out to the same quantity of condensing water, was ho groater when carrying the five weights than when running with one weight and with steam. During those experiments the fire under the boiler was nut touched. The discovery is applicable to steam ves. sels most advantayeot in propelling which, it is chimed, a saving ot coal would result of two-thirds, thus affording more freight room, «ec. and some experiments indicate a sav was under thing, they very naturally thonght it was | some public day among the people, when they had a right to be excited, Jon Patricio Rivas, President of the ' Republic, Don Sebastian Salinas, Secre- tary of State, Don Maximo Jerez, Secre- A man in Troy made a skirt for a la- dy lately, which used xp one handred and twenty-eight feet of rope. So says \the N. York Mirror. > Why did General Morris ask the Wood- It is a beautiful spot, | andoga, leaving Don Fermin Forrer, the}man to spare that tree? Beeaase he trate country " . Years patrioti vrata, 1 these 19 Detnocrate a)! stand | hang up clothes in. na ie : Moses not vod om apoe fig Dromed platform, which de- leapable of every improvement, and the} only trae anddoyal Domoerat connected | thought he was a good feller. | dient to go to bed for an hour or two, and | she retired accordingly abent five o'clock jin the afternoon, ant in broad daylight, | 20 person, as she alleges, being in the house at the time except herself. On ‘awakening from her stupefieation, she was horrified to find that her forehead, nose, and cheeks were regularly tatooed with the most fantastic of all imaginary marks, in black, red, and blae ; and that she had got broad flame-coloured streaks, In imitation of a moustache, extending from the centre of her upper lip to the lobe of each ear!—in fact, no merry an- drew ever presented an appearance so truly ridicnlons Her terror knew no bonnds when, after washing with soap, scrubbing with sand, and msing every possible effort to remove these signals of disgrace, they retained their position in spite of all her efforts, and their traces are still manifestly vieible ap till the pre- sent day! Perhaps her anfortunate linus band—particalarly if he knows anything of the science of chemistry—could give some rational account of the apparent inystery ; bat the victim herself, and eve- ry other old woman of the neighborhood, is quite persuaded that the devil had something to do with the affair. Since the date of this extraordinary event, a greater nrmber of black bottles have been deliberately smashed in the parish of Rasharkin than in any similar period of thin the eimory of “the oldest “me U later Daper. time inhabitant.” Holloway's Pills, the best Remedy in the Union for Female Complaints, —These Pills are | particularly recommended to the citizens of the Union for their extraordinary efficacy in fernale complaints ; and they are alike valuable either to the danghter verging into womanhood, or the mother at the tara of life. Te has been proved beyond al) contradiction, that those celebrated | Pitts will cure all disorders to which females are | peeuliarly subject, and enable them to pass their | Ertl petted of life, withont exposing. them- | selves to those dangers they too often incur by other treatment. { od in the city bf Mexico of ted int mA exico on | last month, 'generally well and numerous congrata ed in on President Comonfort,in }this important step. The next jthe programme, relative to the ¢ is understood, will be the ex the Jesnits. The Congress had an important bill, guaranteeing R of conscience, aside frou political. inte ference. The Spanish diftieatties» been ail amicably arranged, and te Span- ish Minister was officially received on the 26th ult. The ports were all “open fer emigrants, and general comparative quiet ness reigned, >. Hot Snbject for the Season.——The lowing advertisement, signed : fol- tne pas- tor, appeared in a Worcester (Mass) pas per last week : Notice.—By particular request, there will bea meeting atthe Wesleyan Charch in Leicester, on Pleasant at 5 o'clock, P. M. Sanday Jaly 13th, 'Sab- ject—Hell Fire and Politics, “> Punch has a pictorial representation of “Life at an American Hotel,’ Iw the picture @ guest is representedas holding arevolyer to the head of his opposite neighbor, with the imperiens Conae * Pass the mustard! Tus Vorr ox Exvecoine Broom athe. vote in the Llouse of Lopresentatives ou the qnestion of expelling Mr, Brooks for the assanlt on Mr. Sumner was divided a3 fullows; For the expalsion 11D free State men afd 2 slave State menlor 6 Democrats ahd 115 opposition, mst the crys 13 free i nen, or 63 Democrats an opposition. Me. Hoffman, of Maryland, fs one of the two.slave State men who voted in favor of expelling Mr. Brooks. ’ SS a Vi ee ot call pit aur we te oe ew. » hi Watchma |Tfe shall perform a solemn dirge over the! na Th. crushed liberties of the people, and wind | » sane in apple ‘np the melancholy strain with the than: | « » SALISBURY. N. C. ‘der and:lighting scream—“Our fore fath- ~ ers fought for liberty,” and now their /gons can’t come to town and. buy a little, eae \n refreshment,” without taking five gal-' Jons at a time !—Let Rameey take that position and he is a dead coon. If he takes the opposite ; if he opposes the law, he is a crippled nag. tor his Temperance friends will hate him and will leave him to he Gabial Caco paddle his ven canoe. So in any case, the! OR VICE PRESIOEST, trap isa good one, and we'll spring it upon ANDREW JACKSON DONELSON, ‘tin. OF TENYESSEE This, friends of Dr. Ramsay, is as near ; ‘the true character and arrangement of (the trap set for lim, as it is possible to | ‘arrive at it, with the best lights before; us. It is due to vou, to ourself and to the opposition to say, however, that it is a) simple conjecture of ours, based upon the circumstances which attend the case.— } Our own mind is strongly impressed with , the belief that it is truc, as here set forth, | and we are not a/ux. in this opinion, You all know the result of the game, up to this time, as worked out upon the Kenseth Rayner, H.W. Guion, V. C. Barringer, a. Stump, and through the columns of the ; J. Dargen, Gen. J. M. Leach, and other able and dir- Banner. Judge ye well, and decide tinguished epeakers are expected to de present and honestly upon the merits and demerits of wine he people the parties. ' These why ltarve aright to feel concern- ed about the repeal of this law, look upon this agitation as a miseruble humbug.— True, they are very certain that Col. hope there will be a general rally to bear them. Robards, if elected, would do all in Acs! Aa the time is short, we beg their friends will power to accomplish its repeal ; but there eid in circulating the news of their appointments. | are few friends of the measure who be a TUESDAY EVENING, JULY 20, 1856. TERMS OF THIS PAPER $2.00 CASH. ne FOR PRESIDENT, MILLARD FILLMORE, FOR GOVERNOR, JOHN A. GILMER OF GUILFORD. Fillmore Mass Weeting IN SALISBURY! On Moagday, ith of Augast! We hawe been requested to give notice that there will be » Fillmore Mass Meeting ia Sulisbury on Mon- @uy, 4th dey of Auges next, Henry W. Miller. Messrs. Guaer and Brace will address the people at the following times and places, We At Mocksville, July 29. lieve he conld conimand safficient influ. x Mower mi ca oof ence in the Legislature, against such re- « aay ye: | presentations as it is in their power to Taylorsville, Aug. 1. ; * Lenoir, Aug. 2. make to that body, a3 would enable him “ Bvone, Ang. 4. {to carry out his selfish purpose. No, no. - y . eee xs 4 Wilkesbory Acg. 5. The majority of our citizens look upon © Jefferson, Avy. 7. oe ae! i this liquor war with contempt, knowing = “> — 1 as they do, that it was snatched up, not because i és becanse, by crying out odivus ! omiors!! ODIOUS!!! it was expected to make Robards and GILMER MEN, TO THE POLLS! Amemicaxs asp Wutos, of the West, Bast and Center: The day of election is drawing near, a day that mast decide the question between Mr. Gilmer and bis op- ponent, Mr. Bragg. Mr. Gilwer lus borne aloft the flag of his party through- out the State, with a firm hand, gallantly defending it whenever assailed. Lis la bors as a causasser wii] soon close. Ile ill retire from the field ere you are cal- le@ into action unless, foorsooth, you have @icendy buckled on the armor, and have entered the contest. What we have to rae : : A ; Nation aay; is, let no Gilmer man fad to reach vu all the subjects uf State and National the polls end give in his vote, Mt is lon- @etly believed that if the Whigs and Bimericans are troe to themselves and the prisciples they profess, and to Mr. Gil meer as their candidate, he will be most triamphant'v elected. None bat pattigans will vote for Mr cause there is nothing in In veal generous feeling. Me. Gilmer’s whole record affords evi dence of a man of enlarge views and |ib eral sentiments. Lis county, old Guil- feed, will roll up ber thousands for Lim op the day of election. odivus , Unt the other democratic candidates popular The citizens of our corporation under- stand their rizits in the premises, and in duc time will add still another proof of their appreciation of them. HOUCK AND TREXLER. Fellow citizens of Rowan, these gentle- men have passed before you through the canvass. You have seen and heard them They have cxplained to voa their views policy attention They have discharged this duty with a pow engaging your manly candor which proved to you their worth as wen, and their fitness to fill the stations they lave been induced to ask gone to tye hands. Thev have now at your hands. hey have n Fg strict : . their hoines to enjoy the calm repose there be fonnd. Their part of the It now remains for you to decide apon their Bragg, be alone to 1 to arouse a . , ' work is finished On the contrary, cause—for you to act. If voa like them and their cause, then by all means be at the polls on the day of election, and d» allin your power } toensure their trinmphant election. We He is popular at believe their clect . : : A nis sure, provided home—\.is neigh burs lore itn and are 2 If I =) : a generous zeal intl behalf is now dis glad to honor him. What better sign of * liad aes , , _ ala: il plared So toe, do we believe in regard his generous nature, bis abiity and fit pess than this? They who best, like him most by which to judge a mar Then rally, Wiende, and strike for Gilmer > and while *e NYO Ee M8 the pulls, send your bral rien to the ' Legislature. fearlessly refe We to the patriotism and discriminating j sip ie to Dr. Ramsay What detterr went of the people, beleving, that in a much of personal and pablic interest, they will inake np aright rverhct -o- Prem the North Carelsea Standerd DR. RAMSA) » » & & & & B® BW It would be a work of smpererozatio: bes (iba Ws Ma i I a Sere Preef of the SECTIONALISN and of the fur as to indulge a strain of praise to : mikae . FRETSOIL tendeactes of Laow-Seothingi-m te warde this gentleman. Ile is nl psoinipiraerale the poil—one of as—well known al! over We hate her stat. l that Mr ¢eliner the county and adjacent cow:ties, and fa oii in the Weet mltocated an vorably known. every inch aman in two! He deserves tuch):—w! the ieeue of the contest nos close, (aad we hare not « 4 Cees.) he wil! nev ortheles< earry + the entisfaction of inavirg fa ttf Nv ae : quitted himee!! asa standara vearcr cans 7 F aS iene It woald be aniusing, if it were: : gesting, tw see what tricks iis ene as rae hy Jobe 1 have resorted to for the I feating bis election In the they set a trap for . five gallon law The) k . ery we that his raising, edacation, halite of Sane lone Par ireyy Re A thonght, and the daily basiness of lis hie ty { Spey Par mIN\ at Ee favored the eonjeeture that shi? fa Bi weqrias Of the so mem f h tmto it, What « that tra; ] ‘ ee hE ts na a, managers f the dew «ra’ ya pila vc coer ‘ ned it about thus Weil send A ‘ a Beneini out to the neat muster ¢ pues if tion Rameay ! eelf on the Salebury ¢ gx We think be v come it. [Die general charactor fors 1 Mr seen of inerrae tar fle has proved |innse!! aves. ard eyes ally om alterate mn of the th bin rprse of de 1 first 1 c ‘ firat pla oe mimard tu tie anlernslimieoreinss alikew ; morality faror the a knows very well that Mr d Is was ite Messrs. Fisher tarinesnt a at ar.d tout . Seer knows that Mr |:- . a \ has wore at! ] (both among wihicrs Me i’. any other man tine S ai 1) He will be afraid to porch ag at (lene sect ~ < ' e + gentlen:< n ; against the people of Town, Th tine ley N fe be will eome out in 7 f the five gallo oe and = thei i “ & law; and if hie durex. te clive the these nos rouse on him- eall him —Cor, Rowanirey cod this ; é shall go forth against ! the power ar e . Sa Ap of Capt. Whiskey, Lt. Bruty, Scrat. aithomt thee neempte het Rum and Corporal Beumr. Well rend him eut) anned He whall sh ee go forth and raise a terrible storm Jae a ; \ . a a ae a, ! , ate fhe é . ’ i "es tit fs} game the child ela be born, ard weil Comment or NO TISCIURUCUCCRAAT vant witia by eeet 4 aiifeemla mip ty ac ree of further to im . ater wu to the teeth properts Is there an whe peoperdy onl roperty th) las own _cised as they are by that. print—t When} tween Buchanan aud Fremout, read the follow- ror. 2h a RE, RINE EEE RM amd safety, who can go to the tog ao rs We answer. Any and every man in the State who.has a vote, can, with’ perfect safety, “go to the polls and voto for John A, Gilmer.” We, appeal to ‘ men of intelligenge of all political parties; orks att seer wo ea to mark well, the attempt of the Stand-|sinner, and entirely different from those obscure nee! Why dont tlie edit ard'to make capital ont of the hégrajmen, whom the Democracy of late years have poate Britain or ‘Austria; where he question. in North Carolina. Jt”is gt-{@vlighted te bonor, and could mould into any . ; desirable form, ‘The contest, we believe, is fuat | NOY the blessings of the “best form of | tempting to create” the impression that narrowing itself down to Fillmore and Fremont. ! government that human wisdom has yet | Mr. Gilmer holds freesoil notions, and) Read the following that he is unfriendly to the slave. inter-| SIGNS OF THE TIMES. ‘the system in this country in the paren est of the State. Mark the words, itali-; 71. hose who i ly talk about the contest be- of Seward, a new William the Congne- Te ain par Al can be ea re oe “= are three attacks on the slaveholding inter-|iug signs, which appear iu the New York Ex- | ests to cease?” When, let us ask, did} Press: } 13 1 New World if ue ey re 49| Vote taken on board the steamer New World: . Rag, za Mr. Gilmer ever make an attack on it?) ; bons Nuw Yor be Allaky, on | the editor of this paper is very: inconsis Never. The Asheville Spectator say8— | the ghia: {tent—* constant only to change,” “and “ He is opposed, as every trae Carolinian | Fillmore, 97 \thereupen indulges a straiu of general, should be, to taxing the land of the poor | Fremont, 23° | black-balling towards us. If it be so, it) man in the West, and allow the negroes; Buchanan, 12 js reasonable to suppose that others know | of the rich man in the East to go uutax-, At a manufactory in Madison street, New |jt as well as Timothy 7. ; 80 that Zimo- ed, as is, comparatively, now the case.” | York, | \ thy is not entitled to the credit of a dis- Is this an attack on the slavery interests! | |covery. Will he allow ourself and the No choice, 1 Is the subject of taxing land and negroes} Ou board the Chief Justice Robinson, at Os-| public to see and cxamine Aim? Come! of such a character thet the bare mention | ¥¢R> on the 14th, jout Timothy, do. It is the -assissin who of it ia prohibited? If there is manifest; Famer M1 stabs in the dark; the wolf that prowls : Sia ; | Fremont. lat nigh d the sheep fuld; and tl inequality in our taxing system as re-! Gerritt Smith, 2 jat bight aronnd the sheep ; and the, Ou board the same boat ona subsequent/owl that robs the heuroost, You may} gards these things, is it held to be evi-| ‘not be an assassin; nor a human wolf; dence strong as holy writ that the man | '"P: who hints at that inequality shows un-| | friendly feelings towards either interest ! | Buebanan, 47 unless you show yourself in fact, the, Sarely not, and to charge him with such Fremont, 9 | world’s in doubt, and we compelled to unfriendliness only betrays a disposition! Ou board the steamer New World on the 3d think you not half so brave as certain Fillmore, 96 Smith, 10 on the part of him who makes it, to stir | Filmer 37 ‘other particular friends of ours—the dog- up prejudices; a disposition to irritate the Ficmoat 21 gery keepers. They are men of some public mind—excite feeling, and give the | Buchanan, 4 force; but what you are, the d—! alone | whole matter an utterly false color. Such} On the New York and Erie train on the 4th, may know best.— Timothy T!—Is he a a course is not sustained by facts, nor by | Fillmore, 45 Know Nothing ¢raitor, with the violated a . ss 5 Buchanan, 28 ‘ | just apprehensions, even, Its apology is | Riewaat ' 29 oaths of the party burnt deep and black only to be found in the desperate extrem- No choice, 15 into his worthless hide, the stench of the At Trapp & Co.'s Barrel Factory, N. Y. on half rotted toper his living breath? Is the Sth, { ‘he an easy, good-fur-nothing fish, that ity of a partizan who attaches more im- portance to political triumph than to - : Fillmore, 23 4 ; truth and good fellowship between sec-, Fumost 3 gulps down whole, every thing put into tions of the State now at peace. \ Buchanan, 4 his aquatic countenance? Ile may be We appeal to candid, honest men of At a Factory at Carmanssille, any thing @ vivid fancy may conjure all parties for their sincere verdict in the aleati te up from depths profound, or purliens case. It is a shame that such false expe- " ene 7 horrid. emoat, ooo = dients should enure to the benefit of a : B : ae . party resorting to them; aud we do not be From the Lowiseille Journal MR. FILLMORE'S DEMOCRATIC ADML 5 by , KERS THE FREMONT MOVEMEET IN KEN TUCKY,. We published yesterday the Fremont elector al ticket im this State. We did net think the Freesoil men in Keutoeky would bave the hard) hood to put fortis an electoral ticket, bat the leaders of the party, Cassius M. Clay, John G Fee, and their associates, are bold men who have long seemed to delight in defying the resent ment of tue people of Keatucky. The Freesoi! movement has been inaugerated bere, and by whom! Let our readers everywhere in the Southern States mark the fact that it has been begun here as in Missoun erelasively or mainly by Democrats Wecould fill © I our columns with evidences of this cheer lieve the people have reached such a The Hon. John Ko Ward, of Georgia, Presi- dent of the Cracinnati: Democratic Couvention which nominated Mr. Buchanan, was Mayor f Savannah in 1854, ehen Mr, Fillasore vimted that city, shortly after the close of his admits Ss public reception was given the Fa- Ward, at the bead ofa Aldermen, addressed him a puint of political imiuorality as te sanc- ton a game so totally unworthy of patri- otic men. “-. THE FILLMORE SUN IS RISING! THE BUCHANAN'S STAR IS SETTING ! There is nothing in the world more cer- tain than that the people of the United trauon President, and Mayor Board of Democrat as follows: Mr. Fillmore > With nul form the duty aigned ine of welouming you to the city of Savannah. Whuist the mark your administration of the guverinent are of oy receat date to be discuwed witivut goed pleasure [ per events winch States are fixing their eves and hearts apon the Patriot, Firemors, as their choice for the Presidency. t is a notunous fact thatthe only Abolitiwa ahi, reagan a ee paper a Kentucky, the Newport News, as rabui ap Abolition sheet as exmts anyehere ia the whole country, bas alwa#fs been “a Democratic paper f be husbed to rest, we must all remember that those high and sulemo trusts were bot assomed ing fact, if it were necessary. A gencrons by youn the sunshine of our prosperity 1 and Lold enthnsiasin is spring up in his : was ata dark and eventful penod ia the history ; rT } It zealously advocated the election of of our govern. it, “when the brave began t Aer . See ; } Zz : x favor all over the co antry. The honesty Clarke, the Democratic candidate for G3: ernor, ‘ fear tl pourr of man, and the pens to doult of the peop'e will rise above the scheining last year, and has always tatterly opposed the the favor of God.” Dark and fearful were the of politicians, and will votethe welfare of American party because it foresaw that the cloods that buag of owr borgon, viulent the rat agitate] our lan! to reck not bow wo American party would present if possible the consummation of the ob cts of the A bulitionssts It 1s a notorious fact that Cassius Mo (lar and Juha (. Fee, and the whole mass of their & owers ia thie State, ted for Clarke, cratic candidate for (rovervor last year lt » a notorious fact that all of the elector wpon the Fremont electoral Ucket, so far as ther auteerdents are ° } } factions | t emer the Nation, rather than bow tothe dic action and men seemed ily raged the storm, so that tates of party Read the fullew ing GEORGIA FOR FILLMORE. The Angnsta Clronicie remarke: “Ev ervthing tends to convince us that Fill will carry Georgia bv a sweeping majority, if Lis frends but do their duty The enthnsiasn his nance is sides: would be wm te fury a upturped the lastituteous of the South the Drom Ik was your but te urenet t matlerugs away foun the cromde of flaticrers to With vour robes of rat storm and bel cense, and to do that you must tur : trea) | he office yours lf more lunety path of duty known here, have heretofore S been Democrats and voted for the Demoeratn candulates in the last State George guarantee of succvas, bat we have oticr [). Bink-ly, of Logan, one of the Fremont clce * { ; tors for Ube State at laryr, polarity. Men : ' - elector for the thard drtnet in 1848 as with a panoply of tee, you wrapped with which from ali the prejudices of carler years, and from welcomed on al alonc a election. ail the temptations which then surrounded you “Unterrifid by threats, anawed br clamor, was the Democratic s Neth of ft his incr you hek! on your stewly cuarse,” preserved the sing p< a | : | w vave stood aleef from the political \ ; Constitution of your euwatry, gave peace to the organizationss of the day, are coming for we hai : eed be Mate at large dl land we love and repuse to the imetitutnee ward on alles les to record their confi. they could for Clark whieh we cherish, iNustrating to the work! that The vote of the (German population of Kea “peace had its victones po renowned than dence for him I young who are ca tucky m= estimated at 10.000 The vote has ware” ger to enter the arena, take pride in be bith t to the IT pests ee e . j . , pitherto Leen given to tbe i emocratie PATS. | laid peice place and power and patronage. that coming the supporters of one whose name bat early the whole of it will Bow go tothe ih. affctions of agratefal people shoul! follow is. a sound of welcome totheireara. The say port of thie Fremont teket In 1854 the ils paneer a oh asa goes i aaa ea re xaly of men who recognise in Mr. Free German Rejalilicans of thie State bell a i sa your retirement \e the eonstitated suthornties of the city of Savant vore the great exponent of American convention ia Loar, and ahopted ao ultra ah, we welcome vou with sentiment, and who remember with grat. ant: slavery plat hori They have stnee contin her hmite——as the representatives of the poy le itade the patrioti<mn and sound statesman wed to act with the Democratic party oly be | ge welrome poe ty oer hospitalitwe—en 0 jor ship he revealed on every oceasicn da- @ae they bad no opportunity to vote for Free tice of her eitianms, we welcume tow to var ing his Presidency, are happy in wel. ° candidates, but vow they will in a body 4, aad our hearts be e the Stes! , > ' ti ing « hany new recruitato hie stan. '*4* Democracy and sustain the Freescil Such an endorement, breathing truth in eve red The personal unpopularity of his thet, Tt in evident to every well informed | |. einml he. chcrukl (aevest the pen ond ssn : ° sat t hole strength of f . : Democratic rical, his cald Northern die ™™* thet the « ireegt (this Fremont me the lira of every Democratic traducer of, cee , party io Kentucky. « be derived exclusively 4 ibs lat puesit ane in f eervin nr } he . } A ne NZ, HNMANIV Fo the Demucratic ranks, and that this Fre« a Me Fille . A r e al cat shiel natarally ‘ lay fullowing. Mr more was 4 ain Ln ses vatnral sotl movement @ill plac Mr Mechananio am 4 t z th t trenethen Mer. Fillmore in the Sontt woth an aqua etcursem, dunng ve - al Bib ; ’ mith ty of pot much less than 25,900 votes ¢ Ae eu a | ' at en trinera'r j rites of which the same clonnent eulogret of bret es © patriot and statcaman, atid thes Seate : 4 fered the follow ing sentiment in ckster, what warm Thos every day mikes more apparent t ee | . \ Ae Or One Distinquahed Gwest Lasse carted ' 5) eitate n making a truth the declaration that the great mass of j Tirosidence to be the rater of a nation, he eof the gn population in this country mw str } f yantsiavery, Woe lave repeatedly warne SAE vetlel (ioe hacen AED alt a. Commedore Steckion Withdraws ba south ofthis et Wehave called upom Suuth. Ty this toast three cheers were pryamed ly Solomon Coben, b the pemett | bemeunrai i erm men to protect ther oan inteseste by anling | it Them a favor of Mr. Fillmore. the eotattihncet Of the abey sercmminied imanc of Marennal AV. py from the American Organ, of bv the Amenean party. thos preventing the ae 26th, the follow ng gratifying and crease Of this soerce of Nholiven strengtt Rich ee the hie State Jonrnal 7 i The present position of political parties has quoting F Albany apeech to A AER OM ‘ A Be emer the justice ar Propriety of the prone prove treason on the Black Repullican y “| redeinption now dawn plea of the Amenean party in regard to an et party, while Creeley, Bennet, and other wy the country tenaton of the naturalizanon laws and haa ‘wooly heade,” nae the same doenment monstrats se licqenlewatueens uf thee | bermucra “ to prowe our candidate to be a disanion I Now Lae fceatertiay cons (es (tithe [ercent content| he chief it Veriv. “the way of the tranayres S kteos ‘ rawing hie name Oa eee iy fe Se ites cos he anvase. in favor of vote hae i } the Democracy ar 1 The Freeman's Jonrnai, Bishop Hngive’s the rank kr I ye wortiny ryan, ares that On lope at ( ' Z t Catholicise Aine ’ jhe remark 7 - 7 ae eadeupere Ue no ‘ with the Presidential on an avant ba The Bachan ” : : | uy anites beg their beats The peopie of c United States may , Fremont 1 thev are ali yo upon it that, should) Fremont or z n priney ga great mass of Buchanan be elected, the Romish power ‘ th Patiet ghersa m Take the Int Al raat Cutie natran ] M ed, a lamono Cathohe and Foreign vote from the de a te Cs ey Ah POSE LLOD Bene ' ' ] beney moeraey atu! Old Buek ia dead eock in 7 1 pene ee mst ; the pit. Van Buren can't save him Fiatol Avetdent A dreadful accident ; ] Pt ui oS Wilton Chi cccurred on Wednesday evening inst, . Murine The Whigs of Maine have,as He plank road. a short Hatance below cedearn from the Bath Tribune, never 74! hy whyeh one gentleman Jost: his bas ie : Ie HOR dishanded. and have not only appointed Hite, and 8 number of others were ser | 17 hiesare a Fillinore Whig electoral ticket, but ly injured - 7 : 2 beery gare thatewerms Lave in nomination « Whig candidate for As the Mesers. Clemmons’ High Point => rare emings the mest jovial Grovernor, the Pon, Ge rye F. Patton Mail Coach was descending the grade | veuaticriuied tidings ite wonld ecenretlercfore tliat tercienc beyond the bride, Ine avily Jaden with ; \ ; tr American organization in’ Maine, and Passencere, the tire of one of the wheels r and our country, t Mr. Fillmore stands in that State as the "4" hus it dees war, Moen 0g the he promleat victories that ever Pe@tlar Whig candidate for President of COCs pe as od all the the nited States Amer Organ passengers—twenty six in pumber. tied rerwan lent Mr. Urqnhardt, of Southampton, Va., = iescrths (eypcieesy crepes rail eects eee , ; was so badly injured that he expired ina eee ena ail ie eer Mr Fillmore A FREMONT MONARCIIST. few hours. A sonof Mr. Brown, of Fay- nthe estimation of the people, if possible; but The Boston Journal, a leading Repulr- etteville, is not expected to rocover bot tring able ty lay ther fingers on any vulner: Jican organ in New England, contains the The other fee hh a including a nam able poantin the public hfe of thes great states. 6 yy ; ‘. ber of ladies and children, though all inan, whose past cebminttration hae the appro g paragraph: more or leas hurt, are not considered in val of all national ines they soy. “there te ue Western Sentinel “We are decidedly of gpinion that danger. se detlageee sen 4 he pretty girls tliere ay how? “We know they are for Mr. Fillmore and Gilmer, trae Ameori- eu patriote, and for the Unéon—to.a man f— Patriot. -- From the Charlotte Whig. Orvice oF tae N. C. BR, R. Comraxt, \ Salisbury, July 14, 1886. Mr, Editor; \ fivd wh your. paper of the 8h | instant, a communication from the President of the C. & & CR. Road which, both in its tone | and substanee caused me sume surprise, and re | replying, as no one less desires such eomtrover- | ‘nor even a biped of nocturnal deeds ; but. sies, | How does the matter stand newt statements are leard op the line of this road stockholders, touching matters pertaining to the interests of the road, These stock ad dives to me officially certain enquiries, as they bad a right to do, 1 replied to them, as it was my duty to reply. The letter, therefore, was | wot, as Mr. Julnston says, “to review the official} intercourse of the two corporations and the ac- tion of the C. & S.C. R. ,” and least of all was | it intended “tu reflect upon their proceeding,” for there has been nothing either to “review,” or to “refleet upon,” except the simple point of whether they choose to rum their passenger train | duwa from usin the etening, [tease that me! sense of the proper courtesy and reapect due to) the Board and the President of a neighboring road would forbul its vielation by an attempt to censure of “reflect” npon them ie any manner, either by private representations to others than theinselves, or by public statements. My letter | was only a plain ewer to questions propound- ed, which the gentlemen thought proper lo pob- Vieb for general information in respect to mat-| ters which somchow Lad come to be niauader stowl, to the prejudice of this foal. P urust be alloned to Jicatuw, alo, anv intentiun un mv } part to “decues the poles of the C és. OK K. Company Uhrough the public joornals,” since the affsies of this corporation are quite as much as lemme to be troubled with; and po reawun hae there should be a rever- eal of tle generally received adage, that ‘tie al- j ret occurnd tu me why wave Lest for each one “to mind bes own busi I positively deelare, then, that | pever ; vod never s!all qnestion the rmght of our fiends and nei zhbors tot gulete their own pol wy as they prlerme-— ne r will lbe fyand at any time, at home or on their row, complaining have «4, of censurmg what they may think proper te do im their own mation. If they ehouse to run with ua, we shall Le fi ver meta! adeperdeutiv, 4 very ghed rest, Wither deene to we there OWN fur pn the « 1 J thefe » an vp nn pre valing 1 leheve, ther o@n pretty generally that pouple Lave arght io manag nee as they pleas I stated very ylar my tter uhy the chanze of achedul- ea hie road last April, and | repeat now, what wee stated yo the that T made to Mr. Julneton, as plainly as [knew how, propems!s to run from we letter ale, on the arrival Uf car tran in the evening, a we ran from them on thew arnval mw the evening I cerLanly understand bom to de line thee of the groun! that hrs storkhoklers po more than he Keerd woul! agree to ac! make their dueu trip to Columbia a might ron T heard with carprse the statement of Mr Jubmston that be had never aaderstoud me ty have so pre Lean of gret at the misunderstawmling on lve pert ] ange which wowkl \ et press my re mentioned at ib « Board of Unreetors od thoes opposed and ela] remd wlial had andertu «| Mr tom to dechue, after hee taking some time tu delilearate. | ender otoud hive tb anzing hie schedule uf trail train, but tu ony that he eoukl try to ar range eo me lo cathy 4 pemem ager car with hue \ frevght tran, and to wnat eght on a shew sew! Lusa bh that in ing opimon rough hae, aud vot being according to my proposals, | was nt eilling to continge onr muht train for such a This wae my pee thre wenkl met che as pert fat comnection whetion af the matier Mr. Jobmeton refeia to omy statement, that thete 8 ne detemtiot [6 passengers genmg oF t Goldeboru’, and eave it ie a mretake he fresrraly amid, however, that om our ole schelule “all adpaming reads bal good comme froma.” de thee coke) ae honda ae ck sereed poms sengere at Crokdebon, fe the morning Northern train f the Wok WR O — ew, for the even ng Northern tran of eame romd— then, we touk hem from the early morning trarr from North 1 1 ANE she el at Charktte in the evening ake them from the very eam ta uly we gf ewrly beemk feat sbtine 1A caving at 2 beck A Mand still deliver at Cha Ate fe eri pper “So o@f CuMMertion fo the the W.& WI a very elose—from quite close enony The wh matter resol ‘ ve that Mr Jolineton re very lestrvens A lasing clome nnert ow on road. so as to make a throagh wen are certainty lesirous of the eam He proposes, ae] wader stand it Com Bwe bie portal echedule of day nrina both wwe upand down, amd that we run from him oon the ewer leaving Charlotte atleay So oeluck. and rombing Goldabore’ next mee that «, posany wr entire lime at night, grog Bovt and leaving Qoldsbore tdoide kim the « wet Charkotie neat z tine t n tel s train that n ¢r re jmme at nuht gang Weet [lel ve weenn } Yconsent to make our mrad a weg lene th weewe | eae rif y th tire enmring ae 1 oval at, ane a ery eerioue ach ' runomg mek even for thre connection, | wever vatantle and desirable Hine other alternative Me, Jubinetun has pro peaed to as—to run a double dnily service; bay fhe is inchned to snch an expeement, and is prepared to take ty we, Do belt are not, for SmMentioned in ms firet letter W, have not the motive power | present, and avould doubtful of ite cod s } acs AAA) cy if we had T hope it wall not be conmidered that ] am, in heoring our friends of the ¢ Directory, or comylaining of the ver teflecting upen them, or Aisemesing their polwy. PT disclaim all this, and unication, as my former ane, ta intended for the ele POrporce A vinden Injust censore and mistaken ad somehow gone abroad, V ery Pespecifully yours, CHAS F. FISIIER. this statement ere ASERR r course repeat that thia comn ting this road from Impressions that | Sone nokoown port has perpetrated the ful- oemy— How happy Franklin Pierce mest be— Since he's trasen ovr me well : Pin he can leave Af war, und reo In peace and Cove oan dwell ” ard quires some notice, xs 1 eaniot be silent under | rrr bo bes a iniscunstruction. I regret the veeessity of my | wi was chartered, apd any : ; Col, Hargrove was against by | Ht not « most for : UL at home ig particalar time, ifstend ; | yourselves.— Lezinylon Flag. ng at *: day as the irua try Perth ofa ie 3 Z , Oe Fe ovnts 4 1. Tuomas pploa lect, also, that the road apd said that if he had been im the: vote against your inwrest ! The € rad a» candidate. el ny ft fet hae sta rete Thee of pis fiero iit © bushel, and. decide for 8 CONGRESS. Tn the Senate, on Monday, & Peselation inquiring if commands yh given to any military officers in Kansas to dis perse unarmed meetings of cage or prevent assemblages of the people of that territory, Was ied. : a Senate awended the. Fortification All by reducing the amount of appropri- ation to $1,800,000, and the bill = A resolution to adjunre on the 1ith of Angust was debated and passed, Several bill for the improvement of ndgthern rivers and harbors were also passed. On Toesday, Mr, Butler introduced a hill to reyulate the enmpensation of: mem- bers of Congress, Ie preposes to give to each member a salary of €8,000 for each rogalar session instead of the resent per dimen ; and for exter semhoie Se per diem, and 20 cents per ale for trav- el cach way. In the Honse of Representatives ba] Monday, the Nebraska eontestedelection case was taken pp aud considered, The committee reported that Mr. Bennett was elected instead of Mr. Chapman. Far- ther action was pustponed. A bill waa reported to-establish an wni- furin role of natoralization, A resulution Gixing a dag of adj ment wae discussed. Mr. Dunn ed, that noless Congress, before adjoarn- ing, passed a Lill tu secure personal safe- ty in Kitiea@d, ape noappropriation shold be made, he woald net vote for Bechenan ot, Fremont, but would vote fur Fillmore, ashe was the ovly man who gate pro mine of restoring peace to the distracted country, On Tresday, the Llomse pasecd the Ren. ate’s resvlution with an amendment fixing upon the 15th of Augnet for the close of the present session. The vote stood ayes 23, nays 51. The Lonse then resumed the Nebruska contested election case. _- Noocs Sextmasm.— The following eomcled- ing sentences of the Address of the Whig Co tral Committee of Maemcbunetis are worthy of al) homer : “To the true Whigs of Maewcheectts the Commitice cannut bat tel it © foe them to repeat that there can be neither see! nor safety @uce)4 in a stemdiest adherance to the noblest inetit wtions the world hae ever keowe ; and which, f once dh atruyed, een be replaced only br, firet, anareby, and then, tpraamy. In each times, therefure, std mm all times, the plarn- ert rensen lietates only what an enlightened pe- inutiem prompts ms to aver, that the Great grent Whig promciple mast be ts wavgaise promenT to THe Usrox axe Coxertrettox of ru Coes- TRY rn -- The Mammoth Care.- Wonderful Discovery —The Lonisville Juurnal eaye that Robt. Bishop, the guide and three visiters whilst rambling in the Mammoth Cave discovered af entirely anknown paseage of some two miles in length. By this important discovery the cave already the largest in the woeld, ie found to ex- tend eleven miles instead of nine miles, as has hitherto been snppowed. This sage was found by the party to b to chanibers far surpassing all those former- ly known, both in extent and magnifi cence. It is supposed that thie disenr- ery will lead to others of etill greater im- portanes of LATER FROM RUROPE. ARRIVAL OF THE PERSIA. Niw Yorn, July 23.—The steamer Persia, with dates from Liverpool to the 12th instant, arrived here at 7 o'clock this Morning The bricssen arrived ont, and lof agaia nthe (nt Politiea! affairs quiet. Riet la Iretand.+ A serious ontbreak had taken S insiy among the militia in Tipperary, Ie and, on the 6th owing to the alleged bad faith of the Dritish Government in eteoneres them and taking away thei¢ arms an clothing. A thonaand troops of the line were tel- egraphed for, who quelled the riot after killing three and wounding a dozen, All was quiet at Jast accounts. American AGairs. No reference had been made to Amer- ican affairs in Parliament, except some qnestions about the boundaries o' Balize. ‘The tone of the press on the Central American question ts more mild, oe FF Non. Francis Granger of New York is out for Fillmore. Ile anys, “If all who prefer Mr. Fillmore to cither of the other two candi: dates, tote for him, his election is sure.” ic t at t i He rE e f r e t TH I Be t i s former- agnifi disenr- later im- steamer l te the jock this pf again n place Ireland, ad faith pid ms an ere tel- fot after zen, lo Amer- a some Balize. Central York is ho prefer 0 candi- 22 8 - ? in Iredell coamy N.C, to @ very morul, intelligent, and heathy neigh- borhued, us much eo as ny ia Westen Norih Caro- ‘The next sersion will open on Munday the 2lrt of July und cuninne 20 weeks t e R e ® B S u s b3 ee a‘ “ Crashed, so; * Charged, ede, “8 Talie« Irae, | de. ry } | TUITION PER SESSION: p . Pty - - . 8 Latin, Grevk, Mathematics, > - July 8. 1656. tty «= 5. M. SHUFORD, 1 Wish te hive dome Bor 10 Mande ie work one W. MURPHY. a—ef. ae Large sse-rimess of Prsge Furie Maric for rahe ot 3.4 EXNIss’ BOOKSTORE. Arnold's Writing Fluid. nase BUOKSTORE. LJ Wall Paper, &c., iT ae fe Mee or y ee e te ee c t ? == at evthes office. Orders for Tickets oun be eddrersed either to } } Large ‘sapply of meet bewutifal W all Paper. Al-; tr Fie Nereous mod Wincaw Shades for sale by J. U1. EN NOESR, Bosksetice July 22 4 New North Carolina Form Book. SOR Bhrride, Conmative, Megisireics sad Best were men, tet eale 0s J. LU. Knorne’ BOOK STORE Jdy 22 8 Sale of the Factory and other Property Con fe thinglawe, be the 27th int. Josery, infant son Jumes snd Ehesbeth Marph;, aged shout ome yr. In thin comuty, on the 96th inet Jeune Beows, woo of Mire. Ane Bowmen, aged chow 18 years 1a thie county, om the DPtb inet Me. James Auer. orena, aged ale 50 yours ceuiateninemmemnmeen Office of the W. N.C. R. RB. €e., 2 Statesville, July 25, 1856. { J OTICE ip hereby given tent the arose moving 4) of the Pachnelders will be held te Bictenville, tne. G8 on, ty the Diba! Awcda eat. All tewnelere of stock meme tee Ghed te thie flew be lgre the Rh of An gues, tent « convent fet cany be © the merteng — Nose bet » Steshholder cxn * pte & FF. stMoNTON, See'y & Trea'r Standard and et, Raleigh, Spectator smd News, Ashov@le, Sey coed the Heh of Aarant Aad herwerd Uneit stecmms i thee oflner > Por Rent. FINE BRICK STORE HOUEE, peo moriee shened ont deme to W chmen Proavmg te ® MURPHY oe BE QUICK! BE QUICK?! STILL. BETTER AND BETTER: I AM putting up Baggies oud Reckeways wich ion ¥ tivee groan led ar kawwn, and Fe eet fection sad em - ie Pomard te the porchaner. I num shi at dee exes etd | wand, buewe oe the Mowry Shap. ve the Reitraed, seat the Poetury. tn exchings tor Buggies | wii take Wirat, cork, berm, de. at the highest marke: ! Prites, MY werk shale gud eed Garabie, (ol end etemine werk ond bee prevs, and I hvow pow ton pleseed with || 1 retarn my sincere theshs be the pablie for their very lheral pairaage thet they have bestowed ve me bert tinker JOUN L WRIGHT Joly 29. 9—4 VALUABLE LAND For Sale! HE UNDERSIGNED offers for sale the volun Ue TRACT OF LAND tying on the Beatin Find Road, five miles West of Salisbary, conta ord 346 ACRES, A on gond quality ev com be found anvwhere im the Rete. There ie aloo about 50 or 60 \eres uf BOTTOM LAY, which tunnet be surpaseed, well dtehad and drained Te are on the mines all the nrocemry iaibdi ngs and in feet ing Ww in gered repair Persone wi to eee the land can be actomme- duted toy calling on Mr. Jobn BR. Knot, who retides on the plantation. . To persons wishing to purchaser sach a valnable rae of Land, euch an oppertanity ie rarely present e FOR SALE, 20.000 tin. of Broom, hat raed 2500 \bs. Lard Bashels of Corn, for enle by the subseri 1.000 bers at Coenty Line ECCLES & GRAY Joly 1, 1856. ns Carpetings, Rags, Droggets, de. W: Would gall witention 10 oor stock of the abov- Mtticles, which ia large and varied, just receiv- “Coll at No. 4, Granite Row BROWN & COFFIN Malisbary, March 95, 1856. adr Gold Pens, VERY large assortment of Gond Gold Pens, and Gold Pen Pointe, without the Ouse. For sale “wn Eanies’ Jaly 99 J aig @. BOOKSTORE BELONGING TO THE ISLAND FORD MANUFACTURING COMPANY! V virrae of « deed of trust mada by the Ishend I Ford Minateeraring Company.) shall sel! a: serting. at eed Peetory, om the tia dey of Aaguet went, ofl the tal sad petancat property belonging to seid Company, ienledieg the Factory end Mechroery The perevee! property will he add on 0 credit of wis temthe, the reel eetaie on 3, 6.9 aad 12 months, par- cheaere giving bead ead approved seeuritirs be. £* ore cvappersively sew aed comme Goan The re im the Factory shoat 1100 spradice FO hems, cod off orcemsery machinery, off in ine of dur. On the premises ore large aad well em-trers 4 Bore Howe, foot cxcefient hoates for operations. wed euadty wthes bertings. There ic « goed dem sod eueetion: water power, la chert off the advantages neecmaty fo spin sad wrere tothe to adventage 1 wid eBerd felt opprianny te any ane whe may wie’ properiy before the oule ALFRED PIKE Prenktiwer ithe July 14 h&—ts STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, WILKES COUNTY Term, end sabers » © ehamine the Ta Bauitg — September 1856. Fielding Comte ve leowe Prov ORDERED by vee Coart thet pobbeation be made as te Ws. Crntde the Car @ecks, to appar. pleed of desmer, cw Be entered age net heme JAMES CALLOWAY, ¢ New Discovery ! Ambrotype Likenesses. Daelodanien opr ne Watchmen fe or ypedgment © .E Joly 17 be be beaetifel art of ta ed the A nl ead omde ed one “rr The ruhertity Bherweenen wt [heed od artiet of the: pie ety. wo the Chadron of eny ace t Poprie imstiuered Ladies and (ieationsen ere inven call and e ue oprtitnr na GABRIEL UTLAY Uf Chapel H 2 ewe the of taking vat offers bee wervices im tha tthe omer ged cops titans Salisbary, Joly 22 VALUABLE TOWN LOT Eapae @= BB BL Bce RB virtoe of @ Deed of Trnst t Dr Witham Lo MeRere, 4 treme, f chail, on Minds Rarke Coanss ter of the Coar-H TEantan, cuprme t or A VALUABLE MORGANTON fomting Pattie a LUT IN menurelwee nanet THE TOWN ©) me Oe oy vee i, eon <i Ser iP ae acre. on ews y FINE BRICK DWELLING THOUS? sarge neem bel nad be ke wearily Complete h fear t w etarre clerve, with a wide p ge above and foot tend coat about three thousand du maim baiding there isn with ten roome and coamery vat houses and stables dainty an the « of Main wory Boek Burding, rongh-cast, and covered & Inrge Store Room woer ms fine one tm, with a g ited up. and two othe A yard tasiefaily dee flowers, and a fine garden Ite situation being central an f parchaming a hewatilal, well to attend the l eonvement any per son desirous desirable remdene The Western Rail Road willbe here in foe than three veate, and property will double in value. Should thie pporianity to secure a summer or 8 permanent resi dence, nnsurpaseed by thie or any other town in North Carolina, be lost. there is no probability of acquiring, within the corporate limita of the towa,& readence so desirable oe, world do wale Terms cneh E.J ERWIN, Trastee ALSO, Ai the same time snd place. an I of W. 1. MeRee, I will sell rleren Likely Negroes r of thie sate made kaowan at that tine aaa FE. J. ERWIN, Eeccutor 4we Erecotor of July 22, 1856 sg: Blank Warrants for sale Here. wm Man - healthy, aed eve S&S. BWAN & CO. Adana, Ga. or 3. BWAN, Montgomery, Als. ALABAMA LOTTERY! [Authorized by the State of Alubamea,} SOUTHERN MILITARY ACADEMY LOTTERY! CLASS F, NEW SERIES Te be drawn in the 4 ity of Montgomery, Als. in pob- Le, on TUURSOAY, Augus: 13th, 1656, on the HAVANA PLAN!! SAMCEL SWAN, Manager. PRIZES AMOUNTING To $204.000 Vi df be distributed according w the folkriag MAGNIFICENT SCHEME! ! 30,000 NUMBERS~15,185 PRIZES ! 1 Prise of $40,000 ' ad 5154000 10 1 7 veo 1 3.000 1 2.000 , : : 1 ooo ‘ 1,080 10 15 p0e °PProsime Ln POO prise are G4ene ~— vane Boanl, Lights, Fuel and Porcharers in buying ah equel quantity of old and tickets will be vertnin of drawing weurly with chances of vbiaing oth- overy Prise is drawn, and pry: #19,000 | ¥ . opened in the vew Garrison Buildiogson the bet of September. y : Des TERMS OF SECOND SESSION. For School Expenses, i. ¢3 Tuition, Books, de. Woshiog, §30°—payubie $10 on eatrunce, aud $40 on 1et of jovember, ple sme auder 12 of over 16 years of age will be re~ bo The services of a Physician having be there wil be on exten change for medical ulteneeer Uviil the 15th of August letters will be direeted to tharlesion, 8, C. ae fate of 6200 annem. July 15th, 1856, ai PRESBYTERIAN FEMALE COLLEGE. STATESVILLE, N, ¢. SHBOOND NOTICE. ITH « view of enabling Plage fully, as well as to ave their seomonn and vacations to coimeide with those uf Davideon College, the Trusteve of this Institution have determined to defer the opening of their College nail the 15th day of September neat, | wheo they will he prepated fur the reeeption of pupils. They take pleasure ip #nnoueciag to the public, and especially to the friends of the College, who have | wa d eo great interest in ite estallishme of a full corpar of will be | Gime, and every posible provision made for the com- j fort of the young ladies eutrusted tothein eure. I is their purpose now. as it has been froas the beginning, | Books, ‘ekots, ko | to reader their College }lar institutions of the lished reputation i@ our State. jable to health, being in au elevated region, aad with. jin @ fow hours side of the mountains, while from the {lower country, it is easily secessible by means of the | Central Rail Road, and a tri-weekly line of stages | from Salisbury. 26 miles. | Board aad Tuition vo be paid in advance. | Terms, for the session of five months, as follows: Board sed Tuithon in the | Tuition aloe i breach Lauguage | Latin and Greek, each Maurie. with the ane of Piano. aot ea Cuatles aad towels faraished by the pupil. By order of the Board, S. BO. WILSON, Pres’ Board of Trantor. inferior in no respect, to simi- highest Eng. Department 960,00 : 1590 5.00 10g Juty 8, 183 6. TRUST SALE! | / S ey i, ‘ B* Fitiae ol wo several assignments ia Trast from Witham Locke, we qill sell 0 public auction ow | Tecedoy, the 26th day of Aegast next, at the resi- | deace of said Locke, six milage East of Ralisbary, the Glowing valuable property, to wit: 396 ACRES of lend lying on the East side of the Yadbin River,— [0m thie tract there is shout 75 actes of riser bottom the most of which is cleared and in good condition for cul- ~ tde-6. "Tit SPCOND 5E8SION oF this nninttion wit them to mature their Joue Se esd ne *Pely Wo Me: MeKousie: | U2 yp 4 ATS ag aud Summer Gouds in a hey were to hand, we fiave since supply, which ‘y now arr » bought at very 2 ie oes i ¢ been brought market tld bor fae Present ¥u.ar, none—we ate sure, can BROWN & COFFIN, No 3, Granite Row. _ abut WILMINGTON, NC.’ Through Freight to Wilmington pr, Mail Fa ee, aa See ee W STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, DAVIE COUNTY. of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, May Term, 1856. + (Sohn Bunks, Adm'r, ‘against Heirs ai law of Luey Thompson. Petition to. selt Land. KEIT aa Monday 232 inet. 4 FLANNER. tie F4, i 3 Pateey, Poll Benks, . 4 ate: It is, there- publication be made “ Carolina Watebman,” for the *ud appear al the neat Court of ta be held for the eounty vase in» Mocksville, on the in August next, and plead, anewer aud complainant's petition, oF the sane will be taken pre confess, and sale otdered acoordingly. Withers, Coswe!} Harbin, Clerk of ovr said Coart at office, in Mucksville, the 4th Monday in May, A, D. 1656. ©. HARBIN, Clerk. By A. A. HARBIN, D.C, » Ready sod willing to at- ~"Phose that de aut feet disposed to pay, caw fet it wlone, and E will see if I cannot collect them sccording to taw. Our vext Cyomty Court ix the first Monday in An- gest, HENRY 4. LEMLY. Jane 24, 1856. { i } ' H } aud suéeees, that their wew und handsome, edifice in Books, per dos. Whole Tickets $5—Balves $2 I-t-~-Quarters Babe om drawing rapidly 10 completion, that the services | 3, 24 vol. Village Librurien, #3 00 each, Spell. “a, by 4 Pine Tivkels cashed or renewed in other Tickets dae | ' / and best ested. | Union, Box 7, Greenrburough, N. ©, will reesive! ‘The location is favor. | Prompt ettent | ' 22,50! i the sputims pew brick bariding temptations by | 808 per session of tite mowbs. The Tiron pres} | PYIOTLG WN Avi xo. |4, 200, vot. Libraries, $10.00 oach, Cabinet tom Be] 2 RB. MARSH, Agent of the American Sooday | he ° cot) jody ensiet al Greensboro’, where} e cons ant on hand, a good supply of the Suniety'e puldlention among which are foaad, every | thing weeerwory fur Libraries, viz : Printers fee $5 50. 6w4 LAND ACENT. Stik >< PV IEE SELECT and enter Government Land— ie 8 50 * Question Locate Land Warraste—Pay on Joint and ing Books per duc. 75 | eral Real Estate busivers in Minvesote, Alm, @ lerge quantity of Bible Dietiouariex, Bibli- Wisconsin. cal Bitke G phies, Maps, Reward) LuGrmaution of the country furnished when desired & J. MENDENGHALL, Menueapolie Address, Orders mddeessed, Aen of American 8. fehout | fy4 THOMAS E. BROWN. Carriage, Buggy and Sulky Builder, June 24, 1856. 4 Herald and Banner please copy 3 ur 4 tunes. HIGH SCHOOL r , ‘ _ OLIN, N.C, Sewteeny ig ‘IME ‘ ‘ eer sapertor vehicles sad feels confident be cae give eat): I " & dered pomecg pests poten 2 a rer allwho want « Gretrete srticte. Me cam out ap work at iow Seheasl, “per . 3+) prices, it it he desired, but woeld slways recommend the better Mr. 8. Lannea, | quaitics as cheapest in the jong reo. Me wwald aOvise those farawrhy teacher et thie place, and tute Profemut ia | The w’sh to procare any thing iw his line tecall at bisestablion. Raudulph Macon Culloge, Virginia, takes change of | St dolore they parchase elsewhere the sulned, awvisted by Messrs. W.H. Licey and LL} = hops im the rear of his Livery Mable. H.Canves. These gentlemen need no flattering com- | Set with 2 denen srdering wor’, will please aecow- the order articte Meudutons frma as. Siudene attending this @hod pot hard resis sabe y WW Rave every ndvontege Kr « thorough aud high | fection they will not be to herp % . x With the advantages of the R- ftrond at Wis door, he wtittak degree uf mented cultivetion The veighborhood a| eeeesz Lint af trade in exchanen tog @erbere os amoral, aad fac comes ed from reenrs of diampe oa and | Whea!, Flour Oats, Recon, Lard, Morses, Proveeds timber, Mis vied he, we LIVERY STABLE ‘The cost for board and twition reuges from B45 to { ‘* Keptup os urea); and these whe wish ¢ithertotuy or foseD & Lander, Oia, | Ratrate horses of mutes are lev ited toca, / MOCKSVILLE nr OOF carrying of the shove beni: and iovites the pab- | BB these call and examine bis ork ite Fer farther information, write to nC By order ot the Board 5.C. TURNER, Chm’'n | Joly 1, 1656. 6ws ‘SQUIRE, ZIMMERMAN & alten MALE ACADEMY, Also two-thirds of the bridge across the Yadkin riv- et (heows os Locke's bridge. Also another small (rset of innd iving tm the couaty | of Davideow, on the waters of the Yeokin River, com } Gaming (we ecres, and on which there is en excellent STEAM SAW MILL. reccatly erected and in goad repair. Als stether small tract of tend fying ian Rowan | county wear the fork of the Vedkia fed road contain- tag 14 eeres,— Also another tract hying ia the cuenty | we of Rowan odywatng Michael Brown, Wile; Brown and } ae Cad 1S priees armcesting to trim The 15400 Prinee of $8 ure determined by the wae ber whieh drowe the 848.000 Prine —it thet eenher sheaid be on dd wumber, then every odd nember eket in tie Scheme I be entitled 64 ; if an even ven worker tieket wil be ens to any wher Pree whch may be Perchesers io bayiag on eqes! quantity of odd sod erre comher Hekeis will be certain of Greeting pearly w@e-bet the cust of the same, with chavers of vin p- ng other Prars All these uckets codeag with 0.9 4. ¢ —wll thnme cochng wrth 1. 3 7. 9, wre od 5) Rewmensher that every Prize ie drawn able 1p fall wehwet dedectom, C7 AG Prare of 61.000 ond onder po ¥ efter the Orewing—other Prises ot of therty aye All commenications st rietly ronficlentinl Thedrewn oambere rill be forwarded w purchasers wamedicty M4. are cere and pay mame the sews! ad afte: the drawing Tecketa, $10~ Hadews,45—@ Prize Trehets Whee irters,2 cashed of renewed ia aches Ticketas a can he wckireneed to ® SWAN 20, Atlanie (ea 1 8 SWAN, Moetgomery, Ale tw* Hy 22. 1AS6 PROSPECTUS Lincolnton Dispatch. Ae the eomnty of Lancein will ot an eariy « of Resi Raed fariities he rest of menk J em haa Pats wid be estat afirchag a mediem of communes at ewne, aad © aad from be desrable and ir t > O mp yy mee tere with Joarnal & (tens nvering t hem whatever vernal Improver new epint in Age be Farme es Pp o¢ ani enlyre'e hee Thes Jowrnal wall nde nad ma gether sent werkly ac er a asthey dee the Md Wh g Scho rent poites a place n the enterprise, Shion we how- hen the will be issued at the earheat OUR TERMS of subscription im #200 per annom in advance ; &250 if pay mer dae monthe and 93.09 if not pard wntil the exprranen of the year. Subscription money oot reqnired antl the first eum ber has peen ismued ond received. Address, Fink & Krommingrr, Liveolawon, N.C i (Gs A. FINK R. KRIMMINGER 3wk t he delay Jaly 1856. The Great Iron Wheel Examined, AND ITS FALSE SPOKES eed t by : yenlow, Fer eal J. H. Faanias’ W. G. Brownlow ‘or wale at BOO RETOR®: July 22 ~ Our stock othe ry contayning 60 acres. — Alan sguther in the county of Devidenn, dpm mang the dred Kerr, and others coat mang 100 ACRES. Aleo 3 negroe slaves, head of harses, 9 males, 3 lerge mad waguas sad geer, | tee hore wegen, } Baggy evd harness, } Carriage and heroes, 2 head cate, 40 head of boge 1 eet Bleckseniths tunis, car pemers tude. 2 quantity of Cory aad Bacon, 2 gene, Farming twits of every dese ription. Be. &e Terme 6 munihe credit with imterest frum date of tale M. BOGER JAS E. KERR Tr watrre Gwe? tract lying leads of MA. July i Sth, 1856. PITTMAN, WADE & CHARLTON. (Successors to WILLS & PITTMAN, General Produce COMMISSION MERCHANTS iPslereawbwmerg, “Fn. BLAKE PITTWAN (Wise JAMES WADE Preruss. Late of T J. CHARLTON \ Mowroomaay Co. Ve Liberal cash advances made apon si comm gnme ate hand May 20, 1556 Imed) IWOTKOE. LL persons. in any way, indebted in me as Ad Minwtrater of the ex ate of Moses D Kilpatnek caerd. are hereby notified to come frward end The cred the wale of personal ertaie hes ««pired, and Al=, aff thoee clorme against the estate, are egain notified em for payment, of ce will be ) bate of the firm nemedisie pay nrent © property of the (are mast new be settled up thee pot bar t reeerery JAMES G IASG BUSY synyne For Spring & Summer. UST RECEIVED a new and beawifal Sinck of CF Sexsonable Chtthing of seperior quality aud work RAMSAY, Adm'r if manship, whech we are rp er very low prices Our tock eomprides HATS, CAPS. COATS, Veera PANT SHIRTS, COLLARS and CRAVATS SOCKS. BOUTS and SHOFS, and atticle of Clothing required. of the varied styles, quality and poee. J Call and tee * selfing et ving hargamns te the « guing off, and we every perchaser. [Our sore at the corper of Manswna Hot HW. FL RAUM & Ca May 5, 1556 49:30) : State of North Carolina DAVIE COUNTY Pleas and & Term Rob (Ongina ve Richmond Nai) L appearing to the satisfaction of the Coart, tha the defendant, Richmond Nail, is not an inhale tant of this State: ft is, therefore, ordered by the Cort, that podlicatcon be made for six weeks in the “Carolina Watchman,” printed in the town of Sale- bury, that the said Richmond Nai) be and appear at the next Court of Pleas and Quarter Seanions, to be held fur the Coanty of Davie, at the Court House, in Mocksville, on the 4th Monday in Aagust next, and shew cause, if any he han, why the said House and Lat shonld be condemned for the satiefaction of the plaintiff's debt, and sale ordered accordingly Witneas, Caswell Harbin, Clerk of our eaid Court, at office, the 4th Monday in May, A. D., 1856, and in the 80th year of ont Independence C. HARBIN, Clerk By A. A. HARBIN, DC Printers fee 85 50.—6w-6. Marriage License for Sale at this Office. Salebary rrter Sessions — Moy Conrt of Ramswet F revet Attachment: levied Honee and Lox } 4 bole neat seanton of this Lastitation will commence { on Wednesday the 20th of Febraary, inst. The | sthont is now in 8 very foerishing coudition, and the a | Subscriber will ese his wimest © Fors to k ue No. 143, Market Street, and to sustein the reputation whieh it bas sascsonen PHILADELPHI4 | (eyed. Young men will be Prepared to enter any } Chase ia the University o.a any of our Colleges which they may desire ‘ Faascee Seuser. D. M Zines was, of Lincdatos, N.C., Garonne N Aciex WANTED, 2a C2. tr tPim, 100,000 bushels of good) "°°" sirassen WHEAT. President and Facelty of the University; Rev | Drary Lacy, DD, Preeidest of Devideon College ; Hon Joho Mo Morehead, Hoa. Joka M. Dick. Greeas- NOR winch the highem prices will he paid in CASH The freight on Wheat has heen very greatly re | boroagh; F. B Shober, Esq, JF Bell, Bey, Salis- deced fren Charlotte to Charleston, which roubles | bars as te poy ingher preee than can be pasd cleewhere NEWBERN We have 0 large stock uf i = - \Mutual Insurance (Co. whieh we will coll lower then can be bewzht in any market m Western Nomh Carchaa Come with yor warore BROWN, STITT «& ©O Chartwts, July bith Sep? om TERMS : | Primary Department per session of 5 months, | Higher Eaglieh Braoches, Claasies, $8.00 i INO. B. GRETTER, A B. 138 Dry Goods, Groceriea, Sull, hx bury. for the ebowe Company, and ic prepered to rheette applicstions from sey person whhing to ineure property ope ration wishing to pi-ase call on the eutecriber Jane 10th, 1856 TH sadersigne d has been appointed agent at Salie- Sy a | INA This company ie now in enceresfal ad its business is feet iwereaning Persons ve property menured ip thie office will J.D RAMBAY ned NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY Ia Eynity Nanev Comme OFFICE OF C_& & CR Jane 25 TARIFF OF THROUGH FREIGHT BETWEEN Charleston & Charlotte. ARTICLES S Measurement RCO.) 1#56 CLASS Freee Clase Hogeh-ade Barrels Spring Term, 1856 ter agernet Wiliam Howard, of free 1 Stepheu O'Bryan, Netheae 0° Bryan and w U' Bryon, children of Sesan O'Brran Volssers I Barr le neers Petition to sell Land. IT appearing 19 this case, to the sutisfeciion of the Court, that the before umm-d defeadanis are net in habitants of thee State: Ji is ordered, that Pebheation be made, for sit weeks, im the Corina Watchman for the anid d-femdunts to be end apprer st the nest Court of Equity at the Coert Hower after the 4h Monday 70 ewer or demar to counpt will be takew pro ¢ Secks Salt Black emith: Rethows, } all mace ‘ Beck>ts. per darn Com Wheot Coffer Candies od plead. an or the seme Cheese . 7 the be charged apen ali the thr thers will be charged » T J SUMNER General Saperiatendont Om and afer Frewghi = enamerated Al Im of Juty, the above rat gh er Ss me card comniy, at ¢ the Sth Monda nthe Veet of our hk end Waster sem Lowa! Rares fifty -» Jaly VSeh. 1856 NWOTrCcE. AM anticgs L. RING AM, « NORTH CAROLINA. DAVIE COUNTY to eloee my present Merrantile bom Mm very reasonable terms my en tm proving +1 TOW. M-RORIE { Nix July 1A, 18568 Ie n é ot of North Carolina, sy on IREDELL CONYTY. kaarns, a t, Spring Tern Petition ta scl! Real Estate. States State dren of Etaabeth wittren bving om Ar sare unknown Com, Ransom Pritchard Div hard + made mm the he saul de the newt Coart of Eqni of Davie, at the Cosrt Sth Monday after the and piead, answer or f the same will be Cause set for heanng ex hat the defendant in thie cree Matthey aane process of Lew cannot be ron him, Tt ser dered by the Coart that advertiseme Carotina Watchman for ax successive t be made inthe coks, for the defendant tr appear and answer at the next Term of the Supenor Court for the Coanty of Iredell, at the ia August nec lermant's Petition Court Hover in Statesville, on the eitth Monday afer the 4th Monday im Anguat nex!, or judgment pro con fearo wi\| be taken xgainet him Witness, ©. L. Summers, Clerk of our eaid ( t one f e 4 ond pee OF snk Monty chr oN Nees mei ok Febronary, wece , eh 6w3 of Ameriean Ladepende nee Prive adv 85 5 w 1 Price Adv &5 50 CHOICE Tl RNIP SEED. Dyspepsia Cured, SUPPLY of the crop of 1855, embracing many D° HOSTETTERS CELERRATED &IP- Ae most approved varieties, just received at TERS, for the care of Dyspepsia and Chilis & SILL & SILLS “Drag Store, Fever, &e Sahebury, N. ¢ Iai erk and Master for sand lav afer the 4th . art at ; ee Ot day in Febrnary, in the tear af oer Lord one thou. BINGHAM, C WE 6e5 For saie by MILLS, MOOSE & CO 237 Juty bath, 1856 Sahebury, Way 12 Hive told off our frat ‘apleult © purchase of R. JUNIUS MENDENHALL, lowe, and. ! yoor orders te Boker & Owen, Sabsbury, j ay * Po r Go v e r n o r , . JO H N : A. GI L Fo r e GI L M E R , JO H N A, GI L M Fo r Go v e r n o r , . Fo r Go v e r n o r , JO H N A’ GI L M E R Fo r { i ; | i i { { Fo r Go v e r m a r , Ro r Go v t r u s e ; Fo r Go v e r n o r , : JO H N A. GI L M E R . JO H N A. GI L M E R . JO H N A. GI L M E R . JO H N Fo r Go v e r n o r , . JO H N A { i Fo r Go v e r n o r , Fo r Go v e r n o r , Fo r Go v e r n o r , JO H N A. GI L M E R Fo r Go v JO H N A. GI L M E R { For Governor, JOHN A. GILMER. \ For Governor, JOHN A. GILMER. For Governor, | JOHN A. GILMER. ‘ For Governor, JOHN A. GILMER. | SALE OF LAND, iy Yale Cae of Bair Rear Comme ty, | will offer the valaabte land fur sale at public section, Ged, shested aver the adjining the lauds of George Batwhards, per and others, To bescld on be premises, the Mth duy of July cont Terme—-ax months credit, bond end erewrity. 112 ACRES, To be anid apon the petition of David Caeup and uth- ere, brung the lewd on which Aca Milles bred and hed, stented shout to miles from Goid- Mill, edpan- rag the lends of Joho Lente, Devid Earehert, Gow Earoher and others. Thisiand will be subd to the widow's dower. Sale to be made on the pre: mars, the bim day of Jaly next Terme—sia months credit, howd and secapity. L. BLACK MER, ©. Pi Ls Jane 17, 1956.—Pr. ade. 96 95 —iw3 Ten Dollars Reward! } AN AWAY frum the subseriber, on the 29th dey of May lent, = free wegro mamed HENRY VA- LEN TINE, ahas Heary Lomas. Said bey was con vieted at the Inst Term of Rowen Seperer Court of misdemeanor, whipped and sid fur the payment of costs for the term of 18 months Said Velentiog ut Lome. i* about 23 years of age, five feet three end a half imehes high. of gingerbread dor, large nee, thiek lips. bow-legged, stout beili, sud by trade a Brick -mason, Plasterer sad Painter, He wan raned m Anson cooniy, and may be lerking about Wades bor-egh and Albemarte 1 will gre the above reward for his apprehe nem and dehwery to me at Moan Plessent, Cobsrres county, ot t contined ia any jail ao that I get him Letiere addressed to me at Muant Pirasani, wl be promptly attended to CHARLES KLUTTS “2? ROWANFACTORY. Tribate te whom Tribate is due; If te the Ravth Pay it----1f aot, age Heme Mannle f ils wubseribers hate pet the ROWAN FAC. TORY (weated im Saliebery) in seccessfel ape- ratom, aed are making superior SHEETINGS & YARNS, which they offer on revsonable terme. We are deter. mined to prrduce gous equal to the best made in the State aod spare no eit to give satisfaction to all who may favor as with their patronage Tn a few weeks we shall be prepered to 80 orders for Short-imgs and heavy Goode COTTON BATTS kept om bend and forsale. The GRIST MILLS poperatian and Cary will be grownd fur iol as prompily a= possible MORNING & MEADER Sabsbeory, June livh, 1836. Dy agen Sane 16, 1956 are ale Thunder & Lightoing! DISUNION AND CI¥}. WAR, Pestilence, Patent Medicine FAMINE, &e., &c., 2 Nels evils and calamities that should be gearded 4 squint. B\KER & OWEN beg leave to ia- form the pabiic generally and private individuals par- ticalarly, thet they are ready, willing «ad able to pro- tect them from one at least of the above (Lightning) by putting ap to their buildings, their Patent Isolated Lightaing Gondactofe, at Prices lower than it hae ee. et been done at in this part of the country Address N ¢ July Wy 156 S ~f hel ae ae ei et ed READAT PT. = hayes.” “0 Te SRR tondor lias a. Ningering’doubt that Mr. Fi en! those sentiments which eve- iar \ to seo’ guimatiig the chief to of the republic, let hitm rend the fol! lowing speech by Millard Filluor, at” Albany ik my travels in Kurops, to wi Basing tay ie cont hisjmay through that city. "The heart of the country will throb tesponsive to such sentiments. Let every patriot take his stand beside Mr Fill- | given to. order, and the. cheers at the word of moro @n: grouad ‘command, But, for myself, 1 prize ¢ ap the here tajean by Saat dente | spontaneous throb of aflection with: which you}ent Governments, {have welcomed pe back to my native State, | vexations Passports, or gens de“abméa, or | |above all the pageants which roalty can display.) any of those restraints upon personal tib- | preme Being, | (Cheers). 'Dherefore, with a heart overflowing | erty which reduce the subject to's slav-' to our futhers in their sudoessful Revolutionhry man, $14 peace And prosperity will soon be re- storedsto the Union: owe, 4 _ “sical ip re topic. (Chee jee y Tn atl the pomp and the reception of re oes he oelaee ‘ay, splendor of military Mr. Mayor and Fellow-Citizens: This over-| with grapeful emotions, L return (ne ® thousand whelming demonstration of co preg and wel almost’ deprives ni¢ of the power of speech, .HTere nearly. thirty years ago T vom- | meueéémy politient ‘career, “In this building 1 | first dW a legislative body in session, ehcers,) | but ab-that time it never entered into the aspi- rationgof my. beart that I should ever:receive | such @Welcome as this, in the capital of my pa- | tive Sigle. ._ (Cheers.) | compelled to address immense asseriblages o You haye been pleased, sir to allude to my! formex services and my probable course if 1) should be again called to the position of Chie M te of the nation. (Ap lause.) It is) ass owl to spéak of oné’s self, yet T trast, | that th®'occasiou will justify we in briefly wllud- ing t6 One or two events contiected witli My lust Administration. .[Cheers.}. You all know that! whengtas called'te the exeentive chair bya be- reavement which overwhelmed the nation with grief, Uke country was unfortunately agitated trom one end of: the country to the other upon the efffting subject of slavery.” It was then, sir, that Wet it myadluty to rise above every sec tionabgecjudice and look tobe welfareof the whole fation. [Applause.] I was contpelled to ovesoome long cherished prejudices, and dis rega rty claims. [Great and prolonged ap plause? ; Buf*in doing this, sir, I did no méfe than was done by many abler and Letter men thau myse E-was by Ro means tie sole insirtiment, udder Providence, in harmonizing those diffieu!- ties. (Applause.J” There wero at that tinte poble, independeut, highsouled momin both Hheuses ot Congress belonging to both of the great/political partucd Ofthe eountry,— Whigs and Democrats 5 whospurned the eharacter of selfish party teadlers, (cheers,) aad ralfied around my Administration, in support of the great measures which rest: red peace fe an agitated and distracted coagtry.— (Cheerag By the blessings of Divine l’revi Jo our efforts were crowned! with signal suc ang ~ cg and when | aft the Dreskheotial chajt, the whole fation was presperous am! con ented, and our ® with all foreign nations were of the wos amicable kind (cheers) ons th cloud tbat beng upoe the henzon was divin ted; et where are we nowt Alas! Threat ened at home with civil war, and frow abroad with meupture of our pescefal relations, I shai not eek to tface the enuses of the change. These are Uag facts, and it is for yon te ponder apou them, “Of the present Administration T hav. nothing to say. I can appreciate the difficulties of ademvistering this government, avd if the pr sent executive and bis supporter have with goo! jatenfion and hegest hearts, made a mistake, | hope God will Gagive them m I Jo (und and longed applaaese.) But if there be those who os brougta these ¢ dlamities Upoo our CouRWY for stifish or ambitious objects, tis your daty feliow-citiacas, to bold them to a oirict mepon sibility, (Cheers) Therguation which distaybed the peace of the @odntey in 1850, was usaveiiatle. |e woe brought upon us by the soqurition of new ter ritory, for the governnient of wh * adinins nt cossary lo pevyide territona! it w fue you to say whether tue j rset agitation which distracts the ¢ ry oink with eovil war, has not Leeu rechiewsly and wa ly prydaced by the adoj tun { a measure iP pertoosl aly aneemest rathet than im apy ve goud. (Cheers) Sir, you have been plewed to say that I has the umian of there States wt heart, This, sir, owe Ihe most true, for if Usere be 5 hearer to me thae any other, 4 w the unity, prospenty and giory of thm great Republic; and | confers frankly, sir, that I fear it sin denger. 1 say nothing of any paruecalar secuom, much lene audidates before the people 1 pr honorable men Hat, +1 the seweral seme they are all what do we we! An exasperated fechng bs tweee the North aod Sveth, on the mest erect ting of all tupics, resalling : nd or ganiged wilitary array [bet Usie ia pot all, sir. We see a politen party, presenting cand Jatea for the | and Vice Dreakdencs, acleeted fr th from the free States alooe, ert tls pose of electin, these ca ye part of the Union whole LU. state tan te | who ar n 8 ‘ have servos J uf which mut vitally f (Cheer) Would he be rule pees rind be « naking bes spronmts t i ith of Mason's aad |x00's line Le out worth uv be Preghdent or Vico Vresid-nt, would it be roper te sleet of from t af jarter pry one of hin Calanet (Us wl fe) am determined to make a clean | at t J tell you, r this subject, fe that we are in danger. | wil) wash my hands of the coms ever they may be; (reading upon the brink of and T tell you that w ay no, that aldeatany inoment to burst forth ar rwl ’ the nation. Panight by seft words held Jusive bopes and thereby wins car nt to be one thing to the another to the “er if T ginity of « vas (lur ’ ous applanse.) kur my cons yut ote Syuth Ish uld be of ancl ask wth the drama por I. Some hidden thander red with juonneortal wrath To blest the wr vere nol some secre teh who owes his Ts, bee c Tn the age ry¥—“{ hed rather ber maptry'* reve f 4] t 0 ¢ laments glit thar lang: yam le President knthusiastic and prolongd ebeers ) t that those engay 6 ine Impossibl ntemplated the awful consequences of success. If it breaks acunder the bonds of our Union, and spreads and civil war thromgh the land, what is ctional agitation can have anarelit t jexe than moral treason? Law and cominon ase hold 9 man responsible for the natural con- neew of lie acta a ' t not those whose thanks, and bid you adieu, -rvolonged | ap- planse.) oo . Mr, FILLMORE’S FEELING TOWARDS | FOREIGNERS. | During Mr, Fillmore’s late triumphal progress | thank my God Iwas a free man once} from:New York to his home jn Buffalo he was the people at several points along the line of the f! ronte—among others, at Newborg, on the Tiud-! son, where he used the following language con- cerning the shelter of our institutions, We ask what American—what Foreigner, of houest purposes, can object to. in these senti- nents ®T have no hostility to foreigners; T have with nessed their deplorable condition iv the okl coun- trv, and God forbid that U should add to their- suffering hy refusing dhem an asylam in this. J would throw tho yates wide open, and invite the oppressed of every land to partake of the bless ings of our laws and country; [ would only ex- clude from this emigration the pauper aud the criminal. I would give free toleration to exery creed ; butiwhile 1 did: this, F would, foe (herr sakes as well as ours, Geclaré that Aniericans should rule America, They should have the benefit of equal laws,—but neither their educa tion nor knowledy: of our. institutions qualify them to govern A:nerica, The failare of every attempt to establish a free government in Ba Demonsteatite of this fact. But if we slave the blessings which Providence bouatifully showered ape us, if becomes crery Arperieay to staad by the Cumstilation of this conntry, aud to resolve, that independent of tl forvizu intfluener, Ausoricans shall and ill rul< Aimer.” rope 3s has so THE GRAND RECEPTION OF MR FILLMORE. Tho N. Y¥. Exprees gives some six cv! amne of detail of the formal reception on Tuesday last. It consisted of a Procession through the principal streets, with ban Bs , aclresses, speeches, introd Lesides the city popu lation, vast numbers of people from the and present to participate in rendering the ner, & trons, dinner, &e. country, tho adjacent States, were highest bonor to the faithful patrivt and accom! shed stuyutegman. delivered several speed hes To a Ph adely va mae | Comittee he bak, “yoda have ry im you retarks, ti to ullude te wy travels and recep t foreign eomntrice, Et ietene that, from wned head to the peasant, Pt received marked courtesy aod astentien | but [de net attmiinate thisto any meritot my own, batl power AtICTL ¢ va ted me to the eof Chief Ma, ‘ of a greatand free Repablic Is nt, sir, while Lave received such kindness abroad, | mast own Urat Po have heard with the mest pacful sulicitade, of cveuts and scenes wiich have been tranepinin at home Not often, in many paris of Laurope, have L boon able to sce an Ame nean paper, but extracts from them I have seen ever ere Copit f iuto foreggn urnals, w » shuwed that alaru lissensions and turmoil existed in iny ulr ! my ivelie-t solicit and wh have giver me the 2 t ya And when it ah t at t nN ! yar * , —_ feclings of 2 i , * ternal dis ‘ ¥} x refr 8 f tlie ated fr Joay w at. that e " " 1 ta rt “ P t and belie ata | vering tor t They te I tua ‘y fa alit ‘ " ‘ ae « 4s ve Mf fin i ‘ t ' if ig t soil, TI x ir ‘ r rece aif A t ! Pe 4 « fre & Th iin 4 “ ends. Until Pdett home for karope, | t confess | was not aware of the yreat 1 e s tliat ul en ' nd Pe much ft tate uly ] t t ' Ll | Ve beer lel er Phiberty, and ' ' I tin throws I ot : | | rd des t we lef 4 a sa t fer fooourad \ | i Tobe a wt peo] J w ! cat CVCK, ib pers ' e Il Constitution ear bathe left ns is notenly above y" equest for law and | erty, and ain and barnionyv, but ag the pidispe 1 Pofour material prosper (5 py latre When vou, str une the Chief Mazistrate of this ( if looked with pleasure on your attempts at upholding the laws, for no true liberty can exist without obedience to the lawa, and yot a government that depends for its power alone upon standing armies, or the yena Carmes, iano wood pove nent It bas been“my forlune duving™ the” honest| State to.another, though elves, It is the beauty of o sxstem,—it loft freely “to re whole People,—that- we have, or, have; ‘suély laws fonaded upon such tionss—and that we can, hont Jan ery as severe as that of. the. master over }or Dukedoia in -Enrope, demands your ; | Passport, —but when I stepped once more | fon the shores of my own native tand, I jconld not but: draw the » contrast, and ‘more, with need no longer «of any ‘sueh | ¢ companion asa Passport. (Tremendous | ond native-born citi cheers.) j “Your beautiful bay, Mr. Mayor, hag’ oftentimes been compared to the bay of) | Naples... [ have seen something of both. | persons of foreign birth who have sought ! [tq ly, with her sunny and cloudless skies, ing ig 4 most beautiful country to look upon, |—and alas! only to look upon! but would} to God she had a government like onrs. |{ Applanse.| The bay of Naples,as Isaid, , Is compared to your own . beautiful bay, jbut there is this striking difference, When I stepped on shore at Naples J was dercobhlod by hundreds of beggars, | bunt when F stepped on the shores of Freemen, [great and prolonged eheerin,) —not obly earning their own livelihood, | That point of difference, Sir, is most) agree.ble toan American eye, and | tation, tler Of Bxitiye of pew ds Fe ik or ~Nere a shies - PLATFORM OF THEA “ADOPTED ATy THE _ NATION AL COUNCHE, 1636; Ist, An humble acknowledgement ¥0 the Su- for ITs protecting date vouchesifed tragglo; and hitherto matifested to’ ns, their de the slave, Every little petty Kingdom Bais, ahs the preservation of the Nborties; the ndependende, and the union of these States.) 2d. The» perpetuation of the Federal Union,| sple as the Patiediane of 4 our civil and religious liber- ties, and the only sure bulwark of American In- dependence, 5 3d. Americans must rule America, and to this hould be selected for all State, Federal, and municipal yore yk thet pa ment employment, iu prefefence te a . nevertheless, " 4th... Persons born of American parents resid- temporarily abroad, should be eutitled to all the rightsyof native borw eitizeus; but 5th, No person should be selected for political description topany foweign prince, potentate or power, or who refuses to recognise the Federal and State Coustitutivas (each within its sphere) as paramount to ull other laws, as rules of politi- cal action, Sth: The unqualified recoguition aud mainte nance of the reserved rights of the several States, and the cultivation of harmooy and fraternal gress with the questions sppertaining solely to the individunl States, and noa-iotervention by felt it and felt prond of / it, and pronder! cach State with the affairs of any other State. than ever, not only of your. bay, bat of the thrifty population that surround it. Venice was ‘once a prouder city than New York, but Span lytedtiric and for- eign wars, and under harsh governments —she has been crashed. The Constitu- tion of the United States has brought New York into greatness, by coneeutrat- Lhd lee the commerce and exclianges of all confedorated States. To preserve that coneentration, and that. greatness, ‘ist be absenee of all internal there unist be peace avd triend- r, and contin in, New York, from all the parts of these confelerated ip f ice States. [ut deprive your great and growing city of them, and of the protee- ion the Constitution yives its trade and jumerce, and its fate would be that of Venice, deserted streets and cavals [have but so recently survey- ed. England now the control of whose pr, hiss the counaerce of the world, through Lon- don, her great commercial city I now vontnre to prophesy that ere many years are now within the und of my voice will, under the pro tion of the Constitution, see that New York will be tothe world what) Londen clapse, those whe >. (Applanse ) Me. James Drooks interodaced the Whig General Committee of the City and Coauty ot New York, said: . ‘I luwve t hunor, Mr.-Fillmore, to } tho veouwey associates of the Whig Crcueral Con tee of t ty of Ne York. Wa Wiis 1 line Whigs CaN b 4a ES, and (O2. As long as dlen y Clay 1, we followed bis flag and a fe ,aviio many a hard faughet any . we shared wild bing both vie ty aud defeat. Vcterans there are here, air, whe took the Lero of Pippecan ” from the lawns and tields of North Bend 7th. Phe recoguition of the right of the na- tive-Botn and naturalized Gitizens of the United States, permanently residing in any Territory ‘ thereof, to frame their constitotion aud lawa, and to regulate their dumestic and social affairs in their own mode, subject only to the provisions | of the Federal ConsOurtion, with the privilege of admission iuto the Uniow whenever they have the requixite population for one Kepresentative in Congress. Provided always, that none but those who are cittzerts of the United States, an ler the Constitutiva and laws Uiereof, and who live @ fived residence io aay sach Territory, ought to participate in the formatiun of the con wor in the enactment of laws for said Territory of State 8th Sute ot Territory ousht to admit others than citizens of the United States to the night of suf frage, or of holding political office. Ou). A chaoge in the Jaws of naturalization, making a contiowed residence of twenty-oow year, of all pot hereinbefore provided for, an in dispensable teyuisite for citizenship hereafter, and excluding al! paupers, and persons convicted of crime, from laadeg wpot our shores; but go im terference with the vested rights of foreigners. 10th, Opposition to any uujon between Charch aud State; vo interference with religious faith, f worship, and no tet oaths fur office. lith, Free aad Ghorough investigation into any and al) alleged abuses of public functions nes, and @ strict economy in public expwodit ures 12th. The maintenance and enforcement of all laws coustitutionally enacted, uutil said laws shall be rep 1, or shall be declared pull and vould by competemt ) } authority Lick. Opps . reckless aud enw ise whey of U nant atrn nthe gen Tr @eot of our natious! affurs, aru! te ly eniu mmovng @ Aimer tes (hy desurnation) amd neervatives in procple, froin otfee, and plac.ng foreigner and a.traste in ther places; as ebown io a trucking subsers iency to the stronger, aud an insolent and cowanlly bravado towards the weaker powers ; A hOWNn in re-opening sectional agitation, by n triumph to W ashington, and here are u f Missonri Compr praise ; as shown e heads of the Legrona, that in 1548 ag we uanatershaeed — the right of suffrace in Kanes and Nebraska; as shown carned you and General Taylor to the on the Kanaas and Ne- Winte Lovuse, and that failed in 1sd4,/(0 1% Yachting comme a t! ae : = raphe yraska question ; as shown 1 the corruptions e atise tha € Mas trons in ou wich pervade some of the departments of the ‘ ane to wefcome you home,——as an roverminent > as shown if diegracing meritorions ! wNnpayner willl Os, of, a { , ¢ and ‘ t ef 2 . ae ffer you our hands, cur hearts, and, en in the Wandering msmanagement of vation of our heads r foe relations Il t wiacd, sir, old vet Léth. There r lw ex g evile ' ate ) | t b A r us sulting therefe I aw re An j-arty * ‘ ate = | * ale a te shall ha 2 } ol ‘: ! ral constitutroms, » : ate term grees, an) imetitate a : tem ¢ obligations fur } a ’ ) the poarts vr ‘lon the ov ' - Pe al prie mobraced t up platform ail, 1 it 4 gra ed '} fa ft w . t aaeocrtt ne yur rtl l \ al Phone TP now ny, Rit, ! pear 4 Nh hat grow 1 hice : I that ditt ; 4 sale ' gitsk erge uf the aby ‘ } g ° see fie ‘ ‘ \ tt « r r f th A Boar s.r * &r Wey ore ‘ ‘ | ( bho and 5 ' ACCOMMODATIONS ft t e Mate, Permian ps e ’ A - o ‘ ‘ \ party | BOORANT ‘ hive LW wS. ww fr that ¢ ~’ ead ° « ‘& & gor ' JUST RECRINED Tatty. by the Agthor of Bo W Pa . * ' Wien Pheer Tit a : Rarlesques, by John Phavas : 4 e Ueght Caleb Mistback ; Glenwood of th gether, when anch as @ hw; Phe 4d cof Mayi Rabein To tieed paassio rprepne and Rasea: Teremao, a romance by George ,erto any ambition that may have 7 JUN. ENNUSH, Bankaetier rhihits Wa y ’ ah 1 ‘ \ ; THE WILMINGTON HERALD 8 pat {daily and weekly at @G and @2 per the poople 4 of Pro | pes ee aes : ; ‘ a LU leoffered tothe roerchants vidence, t from ns the then Pre- of Sahehury aud western towne, ne @ pied ad sident eleet, ar rouded the countey in) vertewng medians Terns ined erate MonEning, it ened that Pwas wit! fT SURR Ie 1 1 I 2, Dm oF Vie t ped Ww ft to acdininister Criivg ‘ eemed to me the a ae Macherel! Mackerel !! ; etl y fe Hee \ arge tetof Macherel in bhle hill bhle qnarter I my duty UV A hide and bilevel Nos) just trecited wad Gr ( rv annie ¢ NIL’. Kule hie ‘ \ rotonly MILLS, MOOsK & Co the Whitty ! laronnd Mery 12 : ane un bu ' Democratic party den, cortaiuly tit portion of it whieh wae Waluable Land for Sale! conservative, and whi lh respon led tomy WIT Cac secrche ah inna I a ntetforts to administer the govern Cae : Als ve Hy es zd county vie, lying on Hunting ment fort vot of all concerned. (Ap Creek, and containing 500 A To thome nee.) Shonld it be my lot ayain to ipy the Presidential chair, I trust not ‘ the support of old tine Wiss. the whigs of 1340, 44, 48, and )2,--bnt the support also of the old Con of the ily to have servative elements Deinocratic h {to who want choice Hunting Creek bottam and, Lotter great inducementa, ae Tam determined sell. 1 will give a credit fron one to five yeure on the purchase money T will alan sell afl of my stork, crop. farming tools nd grain; 15 shares im the Central Rad Read, provid- d fecllmy land. 1 will sell a lot of corn and five ead of horses, whether I sell the lane party. They together carried my admin- GEORGE WILSON istration through the trying scenes of | will also pay a liberal price fora white (single) man Trey : . wees Zi aae manager, antil neat Fall G. Wises. 1 ,and to them, in common with you, April 22, 1¥36 sar ' = ' An enfureement of the principle that no Peers San WA. heneny, Bena & Co. nany friends and the Youre Wow receiving and formerly occupied by Y Dry & recy ¢ ®t and ce pouerie# Over offered in this marke, o-well at prices that iT MARKET pric hoary vedas Corn, Cale ¥. . 3 Tit ww pp ' hi Li REMEDY, vas farnis oe ; rt nOtiee. OUSs ! _ tlemen urls a ee perme usb Be wegotla te age | general; all of Ww Will be sold snost shocking |. SENG le | Also, stock of HATS wid CAPS, |, ideo o0,, * | atest style, Don't take our word, bat call and satiafy | ——~% — | youreeives. y ‘ . | JNO. A. WEIRMAN & PRICE, » } Merchant Tailors. ingest } Sulisbory, N.C. Sept, 1855. be, ¥. ANDERSON, = Se GROCERS, AND ‘Commission Merchants, ‘WO. 10, ROANOKE SQUARE, SIOURU Duels, Kae . { P ' ‘i z pion I but—as contrasted with other laborers—| good will, between the. gitigeny of the: several PR Bee beh wy amt Ral darmeny e we a livelihood of luxury, (Great cheering.) States, and to this eud, non-interference by Con: | rendering prompt returns. | 4. D, CUMMING, e. WwW. wrveon, CUMMING & STYRON, COMMISSION | Forwarding Merchants, | Particular attention poid to selfing Cotton, and all hinds produce. Feb, 1856 WILMINGTON, N.C. Moar, Com lvae PETER W. HINTON, COMMISSION MERCHANT, | TOWN YLPOTtN trovTewuh, Tt, Vn. Special aticathw paid to Belting Tobacco, Flour, Grain, Cotton, Naval Stores &c, Also, to Receivi aoo =. Charice L, Hinton, Mon and Forwarding .. Ruberds, qy..Salichery, XN. & , Wake Co NC 2.6 B Renters, Hag, Maleigh, SN. ¢ George W Maywumt. Vag, Mabeigh, N. tyre We W. Planmer, Rag » Warrenton. X ¢ COWAN'S VEGETABLE LITHONTRIPTIC FRIEND OF TUL HUMAN FAMILY, ourteaixe rooms DISEASED KIDNEYS, nessof the I on, al Thie ns ° nee ne D " Mockseile at Dr KC oupbeii's 1 if? et D x § (> ai Zeveriy's thet. Se , anda Ce a Wo stebeman Of : wee Selshery The eaherriber having entered » eopari nershep wih J he B Cowen. origma ee. foe the man of the etre Wedecriae faramh a sepply by 0 esti ulacture aod tale Sreemng him ot g tt bee residence, 10 mile ge D (ler my placteiom be sale, ining om Foerth (reek 16 mites erst The de pa on the Wee he Bladder and Kidni yn, LAND FOR SA f Ratwbery the lends of Juhu S Carnm, Jecuh Baker ra Extensie most be 9 Weak f prepared te Selebary, N * west of this AUSTIN us LE. ] I AVING determined to sell off aod more Booth Me the wetere of adpamiog The place has ow it all neeceavery buildings in wt Al~ eged meadow The true shont 3.0 seres, one half of which is ima cativeteen, amd tt ' sece & we * g ¢ “ i. 8 are Jv W STEELS March Dith, is 2 Ww PIR TN Nba PELIOW be werk " ' mit aL Road far whe . ave Jt POARD M. ‘ ‘ A ddrews aan Witie, NC NEW SPRING & SUMMER BLYVS. Salisbury, Mareh 25, | yu Ls ‘ 856. Ladies Dress Goods - Hoe WORKED EWBROLOERIES v6 Bh. wwe COMMISSION Charlotte, N. Cotton, Corn, Flour, Wheat, (NEEDUEF t WW Mt Tcitise., MERCHANT c., and all COUNTRY PRODUCE TN CHARLOTTE. CHVRLESTON AND NEW YORK Liberal Advances made on Consignments 2 oP eo J OW Jenkin & (Co, Saq., Salisbury ; Gee ew York FF braary 19, 1856 Dr. CHARLES T. P ] [cues permssently loratedin Salis a W. Wilhame rn; A Hant, Letington; Robert OWE bary. respeet- rye fally tenders his professional services to the pub. Office —Cowan'e Brick Row Salisbury. Ang h, INSS ia Greensborough MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY. 4 pu costof Insurance on the mntnalplaniebut » amnalleam, cumpured w wnt stock compuny This company being located in the Western part of the State, con ' larcer portion of the risks are inthe West. very nny of which areinthe coantry The Company is entirely free from debt ; Noarwaaments, and is therefore confiden ded to the public have made tly recosnmen- We DF REYNONDS. uth) ste’ ANDERSON & REYNOLDS, NE of theme celebrated ‘CHIN Es und HORSE kuown the Drary Mochine, of Batting hich will do as touch work with tyr hores #8 any .othermarbine nude in the State will du wiht wix or eight. Mad of the best materivt and watranted for 12 snontha. rs J... THOMPSON. WwW 'MOLLOWAY’S OINTMENT. whew Tabbed iC ~ | Rall Rood wast snevitubly be focated in u short dic | | a1) Muy 5, 1856. 49:3 ie Se orth ott ete ee ee The Grand Exterual Remedy. \j By the nid of gmicroscope, e 466 MIN ions Of N01) perio outhe sarlace of oue Medien, Throngh. there 1... \.cimess * “y 2, on thd skin, be 61 part. of the Kiducy’s, & sour ae ¢ and Colds, areby Jt¢ heane ¢ficetuall OR SALE, N the waternof Third Creek, 14 miles west o | sa ». At feast one Depot on the Wester | tance of thieuact. No remedy P has ever done se math Tor the cure of diseases ye " Apply toJuho A Boyden of Salisbury, ' October 30,1855. | SaaDAar ocr: Pernt Genk. mneg’ pemtadi ee {he | See, qua tans +123 se PE a Z > ae iy a aah way The a ten ng over many parts of t , Wiel | ate, dispensing thin inatimens. ptvicuy rade fo ite ayy! | and haw thus been the wegne of Perle, Compilers uumie | heaith ar ! | Some of the mort scientific Surgeons wow rely Ase of thie woanterful Ointment, whem having to wort caste ol sores, noutuls, ubcers, giandelar tumwors.- Pryfeteor Metlew sy has, Wy Command of up thee Of the East, | : | wehia of this intent, be be Baad Mater the direct, or ne Mediew! Ftaf, in warrt cares of u any wotinds. dt wilt cur ulcer, glanduls> «welling, stiltucks ob unirection «! even of 20 youre 'pramding, Piles and Wistulas. These and other simiing disteerting ally eared if the Ointment ke well ri te arer | fev tal, std By otherwiee fulldw ing’ thee Pited digtevien a: 04 exch put = wom see I { ry 1 { A 1 yu s0 8 J A Pes SCURCBIBER bas the pleasure t on noonce to the world, ty whom be seades greeting | alikind wishes fw their prsperiy od peste, that he) is making sendy peegtees in thé tmprovenient uf Eagle | = ae Both the Ointsasent und Plea should | waned in the fe onring eases. City, dewtined, he bebever, we beewme the greatest | Muntons Lambar Mare Leys Bectied tiants manufecturing Ciuy in the country. He in nuw erect-| Rares ‘ Mepeuria) Erep- Sore Herwaire Bie Joi. ing ew cotton oil! et thie place, to be called the | Cymblotes ome on b oes Uends er | "Trey Mitte!” and hopes to have i in (el operation | Pistuias Bheemalian oben af alitinds Wounds 1 co by the latter part of the eumbier of 1656. ki will be) Gow Bolt Khewm, — Rpteiare Rinds | one of the beat, (if uot the very beet,) wills in the} Shia Diseases Heats | aud hedowkts not wil esect, in iis products, the most Atthelast Annaal Meeting the following Office.« were elected forthe eneving year JAMES SLOAN, President S. G. COFFIN, Viee President Cc. P. MENDENHALL, Attorney PETER ADAMS, Sec’y and Treweurer PETER ADA W.H. CUMMING, Gen'l Agent Moy 10, 1853, MS, Sec'ry (3009 country, The machinery wasseleeted by hisnself, and | 96? Sct ak the Madttactorles Of Profeesar Moiiow ay « the biirst and most approved patterns were Chosei— | os Lane, New Sat, paras s ime London, by a0 respects MY we * has _—_ Druga tots mhers of Medielee throm the United 1) will work he = lever watch—maqeth end steady Mater, end the civilised ors, im baseryal eee oss crete each. beaatiful achietements of the renowned Eagle Milis,; “Bi tare wi esnadersite euring by taking (he jarper duder whore shaduw ih is devehping li and de) 0, Witection=tor the gatlanee of patiewts iw v< fightog preportiona Eagle Mills loug geiurd for it- | are e@iard te cack box, e Ifa fameas (nig apit is w.deepread, both forthe excel. | JAMES HOR A H, nec iajemrend | WATCH-MAKER ARD JEWELER fice Troy Mille stone threatens to nvel 4, aad hepor SALISBURY, N.C, — the world way book oot fur a contest intid rings feeult not tee tat rressing ro iteetf, then ic mart be desirable to every Sveihem ate might (One deer below NH. A A. Murphy's Stere, 1, ope ng oo coping ¢ re bere, ede asting Gorward hie hea beyow K EEPS constantly on ha large peer { preernt tine, portray the aspect o WATCHES aed SEWER of of hinds @. o te Let bien eletch it Cheke, Watehes Jie very de v of besatful peeperuers wih us lowers! repsired in the beet + r o the must rean-ve fee s mroting heave owend= | chee moged blacks | ble terme. of gtentec bwldoge with gitteriog nrctal rons, refret Relewery 19, I> Je ly ae the cheerful beanre of av wun: the bowggereting breezes of a deloghtiul ef etry the teav f ke ae ane divened witha ahene: To Farmers. the song of helfa mithen of epodies ME, pubecribers respectfully invnie the » the reer of home end cesrades: Kagle tree ahewe aff things ele, bearing o# ae top On tmimense cagle. wings extended, locking down of Parmere and others, to thew large « gant stock of Staple and Feary (onde “The weet @ @Rtesewe end of great variety of ot with pleaswre on all below. Bagh City Bawh i te | gusity. Cali at No. 3, Granite Row fall verw, ond by ite liherel pdicy invites all euergete BROWN & COFFIN baence men to ite cammragement. Color prin- Ralishury, March 25, 1856. ; 43 ted wp goede: the & f the North. : weetern Railrowd reerive them, tagether with thoe. N EW rer eoude of other things. the predwets of the City : the “ Me 13¢ i aN = dewle ning whiste te bh owe, end the seand recchoed sod J a echoed free bill we bil\. eed wakeathe drowsy pew- @F UST RECEIVED Rose Clark. by F Fire rh brewer in the neh ser- Lessing's Field Book of the sof reper fi > - repesrng fat cottte. wh American Rev eve the acenecrwe'—grewe’—and the | Gnd Time a Coming. by To 8 Anhar. Wr bin cod m beyond the purtreving shill of the prophet. | Seneon, by Beatrice Reynolds: The [Hidden Pt We bad but = ghreysr—bet chat » view! Aad it ie! the Aath-t of “ Alone ;* Seenes in the Life) Nee be rrabaed b& t dob Enongh, envegh!— York Surgeoe, by Dr Dineen; Prescoti's Ph be le press ts fasle commaten Seeund, 2 vtowrs; f] ANDREW BAGGARLY Memmare SS Premier; Abbutt's) JH ENNIS? r ~ am Lite uf Neputean Bonnpa Book r . 3 TR] Setaset WEEKLY aL.3 = ac Of Four Horse Post Coaches, © Vargantor 2 G.A. MILLER, < ANTEORNEY AT LAW: \e MOCKSVITER, Vc. CP Mee fem-iiatety opposite the Davie Botet 29 sachets SPRINGESUMMER “A GOODS. < \ vee Stateevith and April & Leaves Sahebary on Morday Twvelweh. A. M. and to break (net Wedneedey and Fri- Morganton and leaves Morganton on * in Seliebury on neat daye to expense will he apared te comfortable and expedite > Ime arnves at Wanted Immediately, At the Silver Hill Mine, TE are now seeciving car pene! supply mh ing @ great variety of STAPLE & PANG) WY QUANTITY OF Goode, well adapted to the Seseun—ehl of « he : : been bought at the lowest figores, and wt . WOOD AND ( OAL. determined to offer at «molrerLe aud re WM LENVENWORTH. Supt, > ee eee : j Call eaniune mr tuck beture 5 ‘ sms e are determined to eet! NEW BOOkS. MURPHY, Merorn JURT RECEIVED, The Testimony ofan ee: lbrry. Apm 1, Thee Vie DB heme e emong the Mormons, by wor » Mow tr; The Home Garner by Mrs G Chere Lomp Leghter, a New Edition; bdte and Reantes of Fenny Fern: Wide wrle w nd Querchy, New Editions ia ane vol. ; Irith Aan JH. ENNISS 47 Rock se Her To Gentlemen. rue evbeeribers hav on hand the most com- of CLOTHING ever before plete mamort ment offered to the publie. Call at Na 3, Granite Row BROWN & COFFIN Saliebury, March 25, 1856 4346 DR. J.J.SUMMERELL, 4.4 7 l AS removed to lve Office at hie remdence, where . Sent Ge he will be happy in reeeive professional or per- COlvin B. Dt e Jonathan B. Run: sonal calle from hie frie ods Late of Wilmington, N.C Late of Kins \ N.B. There are many persone indehted to me by ¢ i q ‘ij hi { i ncongut id bape been faarecral eens feo COMMISSION Herehants earnestly urge nil euch to enll and make settlement, ‘ which inasi be done hy May Conrt, else T shall hock | 22 Cotton, Flour, Grain, Naval Stores, nt for a collector AXD Sahebury, J 9, 1856 195 Seuthern Produce Generally No. 180 Front Strect, TURP Iris. REMOVAL. | OUN SN J WEIRMAN & PRICE have removed REFERENCES OF their Clothing and Tailoring Eatubliehment from Hea. Wm. A. Graham, Hillebore’, \ ¢ opposite Murphy. MeRorie & Co, to the corner im. Hoe ee hes mediately opposite Ro & A. Murphy's Store Ra HWilleuen : Salisbury, Now. 13, 1855 Qf M. Stevenson, Beq., Cue mw , TRS To ies. DR. S. REEVES , the Ladie _ HE subectibors are now receiving th ] pa located ja Salisbary, and offers met complete stock of Ladies’ DRESS Cont" He prof ational services to the pab- they have ever off red to the pubhe. whit ic. Office two doors & April 2, 1856. JOB PRINTING Neatly wwecuted at this Office below Bonjamin Juliane store ell at @ small profit They invite p 4ely : , to their fine embroidered, #iik and Iner MAN TELL SY - and to their latest atylecof BONNET RIBBONS EMDROIDERIES, &e) No 3. Granite Rew BROWN & COPEIN ey, | Salisbury, March 23, = - z e . u ad + tb SS, SR Fillmere's Prospects, _ The Bugaiver, affects to vonsider tie as only indulging im a tthe humor, in meng oe the prescut contest is between aad Fre- wout. Lf our neighbor really entertains such # potion concerning us, we leave to protest that it is entirely mistaken. We sim ly assert a proposition which we conseienti ly - believe to be true, and which we believe to be stisvepti- ble of perfect de i No candid man, who has free access to the organs of public opin- iun in both sections of the Cuivn, will deuy that the re-action in favor of Filhaore, which” oyin- anenced on his reture from EB has widen: ed and strengthened with a rapidity duparral- {eled ever since, until, iv nearly all the an North and South, the cuthusiasm in his behalf is unquestioned and anquestionable, It ja there- fore, a matter of absolute certainty that Mr, Fill- asere’s prospects are better at this present mo- ment than that of either ef his competitors. In- ved, there can be 20 dgubt in the mind of any impartial and reasor man that the contest, with all its grave and momentous j is es- issues, sentially and emphatically between Fremont and | Villmore—the whinings and ravings of the Rich- ynond Enquirer and its allies to the coutrary notwithstanding, pio, The evidences are jndisputable and overwhel- ming, that, in the Puchanan is not im tage at all, The Demo- rats there are desérting “him by. thousands.— The refractory and etl “portion of the party in that State have already called a Con- vention, the object of which is to eohcentrat: their entire ‘the “woully” hors.” candidate of tir ek ep Sikaee nees while this movement is in progress among the Aboli livnized wing of the Demucracy, what is the state of feeling a the national and conser- valve Democrats of New York ? Why, seeing that there is no earthly chance for Buchanan obtaining the electoral vote of that State, the are Leginuing to appreciate the necessity, which rests upon all well-wishers to the Constitution and the Union, of so disposing of their suttirages as W prevent the vote a the State being given to Fremont. We consequently find an address ty the Democratic electors uf the State of New York, from one of their own number, urging them, by every considerntivn of patriotism, to cast their votes for Mittano Fuiwone! We culo the address, and invoke fur it the ear.- «st attention of those who still entertain the ab- sur! and now exploded idea that Buchanan is really im the cuwtest in the Northern States : To) THE DEMOCRATIC ELECTORS OF TUE STATE OF NEW YORK. Tu the Editors of the N. Y Express : “Hear me for my cause and be silent that ye may hear.” | speak to you as one whe ever since be bad a vote Las invariably cast it for the whole Ieimocratic Ticket. 1 speak to you as one who loves the Union of these States above | considerations, thes glorious Empi brace of Black Republicaniam and Visanionisw. Io you ask how is this to be dune! Bear with ww then while I relate a little of My experience, | bave jast returued from a tour through Con tral and Western New York. 1 have fuund the jarty to whieh you and I ate attached, must (reac herously betrayed by thoxe who have hith ranked as its leadern, fu Central New ork these leaders have almost in a budy yon over ty Seward’s protege, Cul. Fremont. The same is true of portions uf the extreme west.— The masses have fullowed these traitors and the result 4, the Democratic Party is well wigh aw nibilated. Not I perceive that we have a duty w perform to our country which overrides all party lines The election of Fremont, | should comsiter as one of the greatest calunities that uht possibly befall the uative. Low can w< bat prevent it, is the very natural inquiry! | anaot, Save the State of New York, and thus tirow the election of President into the House ! Lemocratic party are so unwise as tu no te a Dechanan Electoral Ticket, one impor lanl step is taken, the direct result of which is, ) alumt ineare the State fur Fremont. | have confidence im the honest Democratic mass- | teheve they lowe the Union, and mean t shall be perpetual. I believe they love far iowre than their party, and I hope sed trust that Ueey will adopt the only possille way rushing out” its foes, and that is by voting more and Donelson. A | democratic atmy elbow, engyests that if we ache ure iw may bead to the clertion of BF. & he people. Well | grant there ia a pus { that, for the Tribune adinits that Mr has an clement of prmitive —— to 100,000 votes, but what then ! Ve = Mr. Fillmore to be trac to the Union of all party I appeal to you to nave erty mine a ” cu States That consideratiun aloes is enough to recon « me to the bare poselalty of his election. — lbut | have mo sort of far as to thal Let us send this cleetion imto the Ilouse, and James Hechanan ia the nest President, of, if not, Juba C. Vewekeonridye re Fellow Dyn crate facts as they ar will you, in view of the daily leang browght to your no tree, consent, by your vutes, to and indirectly in the elevation w the I'reantency of all isme— Joho ©. Fremont! Upon you rests the respon- ty SANFORD HARRISON There is a glowing appeal from a lbemocrat lenoecrats to anve the Empire State from the foul embrace of iack Repabheanien by voting fw Miilard Fillmore. The writer has just re- J from an extensive tour through the cen and Wester portion of the State, and the tosalt of his observation is, that the loaders of (he Themocraey, va all that region, have “treach rvasly butrayed” their party, and are guing it a rush free-soil and Fremont. And not y the leaders, but be tells us that the “m « ale of the party “have followed these trai and that, as a veneer, “the Demo- ¢ party ia well-nigh annihilated.” He jast meclades, therefore, that Bachanan is out of ‘he question, and that it would be madness and ‘ treason in the extrem>, tor the conserva portion of the New York Democracy, being few ja number, lo appoint a Duchanan elec- ticket, lence, he appeals to them, as em of the Union, to rise superior to all party muevlerations, trample voder fuot all pwty ties, ‘nd nobly perfortm their doty Ww the country, in 18 pe crisis, by casting their votes for lard Fillmore. We have nv doula :iat this «al, based upon con-iderations of so impor: and pressing a mature, will meet with a y and general response from the patriotic were of Inickinsof® aad Bronson; and that Iards of New Yurk, found extendin, “rows support, sure ai ly om ‘ tn . alinost to a man, will f Which, indeed, is ther unly refuge ‘he corruptions of their own party The Fillmore and Fremont, ast thetr saffrages for the former, lx the language of Mr. [urrison's appeal, *y know him “wo be true to the Union of these to Fillrwore a cordial uty points them to Sleing between t= evident that Mr. Fillmore’s pros “ta are daily imprwing, while Buchanan's are Re This is not only the case in “ Vork, but in ald the States, North and “ath From Pennsylvania the intelligence in Fillmore is of the most cheering and "g import. In that State, the (rerman alinust to a man, are enthusiastical- og Fremout, thereby rendering old ‘nes hopeless and desperate beyond This fret being perfectly patent, the vos of all other parties opposed to Fre- 6 compelled to unite upon Fillmore, ‘a prevent the Keystone State from "to the hands of the Diack Republicans, ithe North Western States, The Jechning. CaDpeet 1 "anv mns aommaabyripaibe State of New York, | State from the em- | VOL, XIII. German lation there are all siding with | Fremont.” It will be remembered that the Ger- man vote in the North has hergtofure been giv- (en iv a body to the Democratic eandidate. But | now it will be east for Fremont, and thus leave | the Demoeracy in a hopeless minorig alike in jall the North-Western es and in Pennsylva- j Where, then, is the faintest chance of | Buchanan pea | a single State Nerth of Ma- jsun's and Dixou's line? We maintain that he {has wot the shadow of a chance of regeiving the | steetural vote of @ soli one, Under these iv in ow Mal oleic bis tr circumstance, his. i {a matwer-of form, We w to withdraw him, because we are aware of their | infatuation and their obstinney ; but we do tell | them that the ides of November will make them wish they bad, Buchanan being out of the question, where's the use of Southern Democrats throwing away their votes upon him, and thereby cuntri ting materially to the success of Fremont. We know | the leaders of the party will adhere to his for jtunes to the bitter end. But say honest and uncorrupted masses, who have no selfish parpo- ses to subserve, and whose hearts beat ouly for the welfare, the safety, and the glory of the evantry! We would fain invoke them to sun- der their party ties for awhile, and rally with us | to the support of Fillmore, upoe the ground that he in « safe and patriotic man, and can be eleet- ed. Tu vote for Buchanan is to vote for a can- | dalate whe is virtually not in the field. Where's the wislom or the patrivtism of such a policy on par’ of Virginians and Scuathervers in the pre- sent alarming condition of the country! We | put this question to them in all candor, and beg them to ponder it de liberately, and then deter- mine, as all patrivts should, to sustain him for the Pr who has been tried, and found faithful and true to the Cunstitution and the Univa.— Rich, Whig, > Bachanan in New York. We have elsewhere endeavored to show that Buchanan stands no earthly chance in New York. Since writing that article, our eye has fallen wpoa the fullowing paragraph in the Alba- ny Se in, whieh de ates beyond ques- tiun the acearacy of the view we have taken in regard to bie chances im that State. It says: BUCHANAN GONE DOWN! There is nothing more certain than that Bue hanan has nut the shadow of a prospect m New York. His ease is hopeless in this State. Ils tory dors not furnish an instance where a candi- date has gone down so suddenly as Huchanan A mooth ago he was formidable; to-day he is out of the question. There is no human power that can save Lim—and we have no idea that any other power will Le exerted in his favor. | | A SIGN, We barn from the Georgia papers that at the Fillmore ratification meeting held io Atlanta, Gorgas, ow the Ist inet, Col. John L. Harris, a promincat Ltemoecrat, male a stirring and able speech in sapport of Fillmore and lovelson '— The “ratting” from obd Beck has commenced in earve-t in Loth sections of the Unive. The peo ple everywhere begiw to feel that Fillmore is just the man for the times, and they are deter mimed to make him President in spite of both factions of the Democrats and trartcrous Diack Republicans. [oll o# the ball | A Freesoiler im Kamsas—-W hat he says of the Territery. The Lawrence Courier, a Fremont Journal has the fullowing Kansas better from 5. 1k Ibarnes, a Massachusetts free suiler, who, fur a wonder writes of something besides Sharp~'s rifles and bloodshed “Lawrence is pot destroyed The free State Hotel, the Herald of Freedom office, and Gov ernor Kebinson's bowse are all the buildings that have been destroyed. It is rumoured here that the Llerald is to be re-established, and that (ren l'umeroy is coming with men to build wp Use hotet. “1 was not in the company that went down to Topeka, but | reckon if the imcaders shuwki ome up here | should fight like a bull dog. — We are nut suffering from these difficulties y ct We have plenty to do and the money in our hamde when the work is done. Ilere m= a prime chance fa all mechanics, Help of all hinds is very searce—wages very high. Steady employ ment can be had with good pay by almost any Send them along. I wish you could find two young fellows that would come out here and gu iuto stock raising and farming. There «a man between here and Fort Kiley that has 75 cows. Ile is raising all the calves, and setle butter at the fort for fifty cents per pound, and milk for forty cents per gallon. “The land will not be surveyed until next fal) of in the spring. | think we shall have plenty uf time to earn the vay for our lands before they come iuto market, and if possible to secure one section at least. There are no speculators here yet. One would have a poor show here when the land office is opened. If one should show his head «1 'h- See trying to wrest the settlers’ land from them, I am thinking he would bx shot like a dog. claim be = ordered off, and if be docs not go off he is put off. “The fields look finely now; silk; beans large enough to shell; peas too hard to eat. If you could see ‘our fields of corn now [ believe it would make you wish you were the owner of ove. You never saw things grow as they do here. We can almost see them grow “[ wish Jou could send out a few good girls that are not afraid to jump into bard work for big pay. We oaght to have one or two in the hotel, and as soon as I get through a job at log ying [ intend to go on to my claim to live, and [ want some one to keep house for us, for when we keep bachelor’s hall it takes about half of one's time to work around the house, and we shall be obliged to live so if some of our smart gitls do not come to our relief. Send them along. Homes for the million if they will only come and oceupy. Let them come and satisfy them- 'wlves. There is an opportunity to make mon- ey here if one has a mind to work—mind that. You will not have to work any harder here than insurrections, one When a man jumps another's corn is in the in New England, and you will get better pay, | and get it when you lave done the work. Come jalong, come along. Don't forget to send along the girls.” A Loxo Lease.—An exchange remembers a bill in a shop window, a few years age, oie ran precisely as follows: “These premises lto he let on a lease—one handred and fifteen | feot in length.” aeoin A San Francisco Bal We last week had an opportunity of ex- /amining a San Francisco ballot-box, made jexactly after an original, as now in the j hands of the Vigilance Committee. - The | material is cedar, and the size in the clear, about twelve inches by six, and six deep. The external a ee presents nothing ,remarkable to the eye of a hasty obger- Devoted to Politics, Mews, Agriculture, Internal Improvements, Commerce, the Arts and Sciences, Morality, and the Samily Circle. important than there.” — Buaton o————s0e No Enthusiast. Rowland Hill’s manner, and the of his voice, were almost overwhe Once, at Wotton, he was completely car- ried away by his feelings, and raising | himself to his full stature, he exclaimed, wer Ping. PRECEPT AND EXAMPLE: “GIVE THE PAROLE.” A langhable illustration of practice fol- lowing theory, and precept carried im- mediately into example, occurred a few | nights since ih one of the royal dockyards. | The Superintendent—a mild, but zealous disciplinarian, who is admitted to be tho- The Courrier des Etats Unis publishes in its Paris correspondence an extract ‘from a letter written by @ staff officer of \the French army, dated May 6. The let- ter shows the cordial relations which are jestablished between the two armies, and |deecribes a dinner given by the Russians (ver. It has a lock and key, and in many respects resembles _ the oi ballot | boxes usetl in the elsetions of Philadel- rhia. But the mysteries of this box, when fully explained, make it capable of pro- ducing extraordinary results. In the first |place, when locked, and the key placed “Because I an in earngst,men call me an enthusiast ; but Iam not; mine are words jof truth and soberness. Whew I first came jinto this part of the country I was walk-| jing on yonder hill; I saw a gravel pit | in and bury three human beitys jalive, I lifted up my voice for help so in the re lla ged g sr tary person, lond that | was leeord in the town below, je ma opened with perfect ease, by | a¢ the distance of a mile; help came and pressing apon the sides. In the second | rescued two of the sufferers. No one place, it has a false bottom, capable of | called me an @.thusiast then ; and when concealing a large number of tickets, 98/1 geo eternal destraction ready to fall \Sject. at sr retype. sable the Fe |upon poor sinners, and about to entomb | ot. aree decepti ; counscted with it, and oll deal ar a them, irrecoverably in eternal woe, and |sentinel, on his way to his official resi- |ted to go to the table. The dining-room roughly acqnainted with the most insig-|to the French officers. We copy the ac- nificant details of his noble and gallant ;count of some of the arrangements of the profession, from the duties of the energet- dinner: ie boatswain to those ofthe dignifiedecom- | ,, food invi- mander-in-chief—was briskly ing a| “As coon as we arrived we were in dence, when he turned upon the stafwart | was arranged in the meadow, under a —— of the royal establishment, and tent, and, as the weather was magnificent, emanded the reason why he did not it was inuch more agreeable than it would challenge him. In vain the sentry de- | aa is ea clared that he knew him to be the Super- | "“#¥° 9°¢ J - / . intendent; he was emphatically told his} “To provoke an appetite they begin, duty was to challenge every one who ap- | in this country, before sitting down at the proached him, and, warming with excite-| table, by oing ment, the gallant Superintendent exclaim. |room to drink brandy and gin, and voll a fen frandulent purposes. In the ease of Ca. jcall aloud on them to escape, shall I be say, who some months since was elected | to an office, it was not known on the day | of election that he was a candidate at all. But his friends placed a suitable number | of tickets in one of these fraudulent box- | es, and thus when the polls were closed, | he was, much to the astonishment of the uninitiated, reported as the successful candidate. This game has been going on jfor years. Hence the retarn of so many individaals of no character to lucrative | and responsible offices. The people were at first perplexed, because they did not! understand the matter ; and when at last |a discovery of these iniquitous frauds was | was made, the indignation became so in- | tense, that the Committee of Vigilance was called u to nize, and paur- sned the a oa is aready "esse The box alluded to is now on its way to Washington, having been confided, for that parpose, to ron, ior of a gentleman ‘of Ph .ladelphia. Its accuracy, as com- |pared with the original, is vonched for by six members of the Committee of Vigilance. The object is to show it to the officers of the National Government, in order that they may understand and appreciate the villany that has so long been practiced at elections in Callifornia. It was manufactured by Mr. E. L. Fell of San Francisco.— /’ennaylvania [nqui- tee Ealing and Drinking. An English gentleman of some note, on visiting New England a few years ago, remarked upon the propensity of the | Americans for good living. Ile said that the greatest difficulty which he had expe- rienced since his arrival in this country, | was how to resist the teinptations to eat of the great varieties of nel food which surrounded him on every side. And this close observer of human natare was right the Americans, asa people, are exceed- ingly fond of good eating and drinking Indeed, this is their chief and most ap called an enthusiast now! No, sinner, I am not an enthusiast in so doing ; I call ed, “Cha ge Challenge me, sir.” “ Well, then,” said the sturdy pupil, low- on thee aloud to fly for se to the hope set before thee in the gospel.” we Curious Facts. Serpents are said to obey the voice of their masters; the trum r-bird America follows its owner like a spaniel ; and the jacana acts as a guard to poultry, rving them in the felds all the day rom birds of prey, and escorting them home regularly at night. In the Shet- land Isle there is a gull which defends the flock from les ; it is therefore re- garded as a privileged bird. The cha-| mois, bounding among the snowy moun- tains of the Cancasus, are indebted for their safety, in no small degree, to a pecu- liar species of a pheasant. This bird acts as their sentinel ; for as soon as it gets sight of a man it whistles, upon hearing which, the chamois; knowing the hanter to be not far (istant, sets off with the greatest speed, and secks the highest of the mountains. The artifices which partridges and plovers employ to delade their enemies from the nest of their young, may be referred to as a case in point, as well as the adroit contrivance of the hind for the preservation of her young ; for when she hears the sound of dogs, she puts herself in the way of the hanters, and starts in a direction to draw them away from her fawns. of the effect of grief upon animals aro al- so no less remarkable. The writer alrea- dy cited says :—“I knew a dog that died for the loss of its master, and a ballfineh that abstained from singing ten entire months on accoant of the abeence of ite mistresa. On her retarn it immedi ately resumed its song.” Lord Kaimes relates an instance of a canary, which, while singing to ite mate hatching ber eggs in a cage, fell dead ; the female quit- led her nest, and finding him dead, re jected all food, and died by his side New York Ree proved mode of testifying joy on any ex traordiny occasion. If a distinguished man, a soldier or a statesman, is sa ppos ed ty have deserved some mark of distin guished honour, he is invited to a public I dinner, and is feasted to his heart's con tent amid the cheers of his assembled and enthusiastic frienda, who regard every appropriated mouthful of the choice vi Street Education. The city misssionary visited an anhap xy young man in jail, waiting his trial for a state prison crime. “ Sir,” said the prisoner, tears running down bie cheeks, “Thad a good home eJucation ; it was my street education that rained me. | ands, or swallow of sparkling champagne, yeed to slip out of the house and go off asa further extinction the debt of with boys in the street. In the street I gratitude which they owe him for his ser- | jearned to lounge ; in the street I learn | Vices ed to swear; in the street I learned to And in private life, if a gentleman in- gmoke ; in the street I learned to gamble; vites a few friends to assemble at his inthe street | learned to piifer. , sir, instead of providing an intellectu- jt isin the street the devil lurks to work the al entertainment, sach as woald do honour rnin of the young.” Is this sol Beware to human natare, he caters mercly to then, boys of a street edacation, and stay gratify the sensaal appetites. Not only at home. And let parents see to it, that his most important, bat his only care is home training is pleasant and strong, and to provide for the occasion a great varie- | sound pac to pple with and con ty of expensive delicacies to tickle the quer the bad and dangerous inflaences of palate thos laying temptations in the way of bis - guests to eat and drink far more than na Power of the Haman Bye. ture craves, the greater is his own grati fication of his guesta, who land him with George Pitt, afterwards Lord Rivers, out measure for his excellent taste and ‘declared that he could tame the most fa anbounded hospitality. rious animal by looking at it steadily.— In like manner. if a lady givesa party, Lord Spencer said, “ Well, there is @ inas- the first question she asks herself is, what tiff in the court-yard here, which is the entertainment she shall provide. She ac-' terror of the neighborhood ; will you try cordingly sets her wits to work to devise your powers on him!” Titt agreed to a variety of refreehments, which shall be do 80, and the company descenoed into abundant and genteel ; and her pride and | the court yard. A servant held the mas- gratification are in direct proportion to tiff by achain. Pitt knelt down at a the variety and excellence of the means short distance from the animal, and star- prodnced to gratify the unnatural longing ed him sternly in the face. They all of an epicure. And the guests, for days shuddered. At a signal given, the mas-| afterwards, in canvassing the character tiff was let loose, and rushed furiously of the entertainment, instead of speaking towards Pitt, then suddenly checked his of any intellectual pleasnre which they pace, seemed confounded, and, leaping derived from the party, dwell with mach over Pitt's head, ran away, and was not gusto on the variet of cakes, ices, com- seen fur many hours after. During one fits, syllabubs, fruit, wines, &e., which of my visits to Italy, while I was walk were produced and demolished on the oc- ing @ little before my carriage, on _the casion. road not far from Vicenza, | perceived Eating and drinking, therefore, to our two huge dogs bonnding towards me. I shame be it said, seem to be an impor- recollected what Pitt had done, and trem- taut part of the business of onr lives,and bling from head to foot, I yet had resolu- a foreigner may bo forgiven for snppos- | tion enough to stand uite still and eye ing that we conceive the ne plus ultra of them with a fixed look. They gradually human happiness to consist in a well-fur- | rclaxed their speed from a gallop to a trot, nished table. —Z’ortfudeo. came up to me, stopped for a moment, 5 land then went back again.— Jogers’ Ta- jble Talk. house, and the mure successful he is in street sociciy Secret of Success at the Bar. I asked Sir James Scarlett what was ithe secret of his pre-eminent success as an advocate. He replied that he took care | to prese home the one principal point of | with ; he could hit upon nothing until they met the case, withont paying much regard tO | several cows, when the swain said, with much the others. He also said, that he knew |.implicity of manner. “Now isn't it strange the secret of being short. “I find,” said what a motherly appearance a cow has!” To he, “that when I exceed half an hour, I| which the lady replied, “I do not think it strange am always doing mischief to my client: | at all, sir, that acow should have a motherly lif I drive into the heads of the jury im- | appearance to a calf.” The beau was silent du- | portant matter, I drive out matter more |ring the rest of the walk. A Dampgr.—A youhg man volunteered his | services to see a young lady home from a party. On the way he ‘eigihed his brain for sofne in- teresting topic of conversation to amuse her ltrust will never be known again ering his musket, and bringing it to the charge, “I do challenge you; give the parole, sir,” and the hasty Superintend- jent having, in the course of his practical jinstruetions, allowed the parole to slip jhis memory, was forthwith made a pris- joner, and driven into the sentry-box. So situated, the worthy preceptor was soon |allowed another opportunity of estimat- jing the effects of histeaching. A police- ‘man passing demanded why the sentry jhad imprisoned the gentleman. “ You | foolish fellow,” said he, “why, it is the | Superintendent ;” bat the only reply from |the sentry was the vociferous demand, {“Give the parole.” The policeman, deeming his uniform to be a sufficient authority for passing the sentry, had also forgotten to learn the parole, and he, too, was ordered into the sentry-box, from |whiech be and his Mletingslaned fellow- prisoner were only reseved when the sen- try was relieved from his post. United Service Gazette. - of Mr. Webster. | Aneedoie Mr. Webster was fond of a joke, bat | only of a harmless one, and a benevolent lone. Ile had in Northfield, acroes the river from his Franklin farm, a small piece of sandy, barren land, with a Instances onse npon it, in which a very destitute | family had been living some time with- Dat gtd Suge | rent. Upon one of his visits tot place, the good woman ex- pressed her anxiety about being able to remain. She expected to be turned out, and did not know where to She hop- ed Mr. Webster would not be hard with her. Ile beard her through, and told her with great gravity, that he knew it was a hard case for her; he wished to consider her, and did not mean to be an- kind; but he had a great many to pro vide for. At the same time patting his hand into his pocket, he took out a five dollar bill, and handed it to her, saying he was sorry he could not do better by her, but ifshe thonght she could afford toetay on the place another year for that, he should be very glad, and rode off. > African Legic. An old farmer——one who feared nei ther God nor man—had hired a devout negro; and to get some Sunday work out of him would always plan a case of “ne- ceasity” on Saturday, and on Sanday morning would put this case to the man’s conscience. One morning Sambo prov ed refractory. “Ile wonld work no more on Sunday The master argued with him that it was a case of “ necessity” — that the Scriptures allowed a man to get ont of a pit on a Sabbath day a veast a had fallen in. “Yes, massa,” rejoined |the black, “but not if he spent Satar day in digg'ng for de werry purpose.” : --- A Day of Horrors.—Thursday, July 17th, 1456, will long be retinembered for the occurence of three most terrible ca lamities. On that day some sixty per sons were crushed or roasted to death on the North Pennsylvania Railroad, while more thana hundred were maimed or badly barned ; twenty-seven persons per ished on Lake Erie, by the burning of the steamer Northern Indiana, and seventeen on Lake Ontario by the burning of the Tinto. Three such calamities in one day have never been before known, and we It was a fatal day, and will long be reincinbered with sorrow. . > A Sad Picture.—The American ship War Hawk arrived at Ilavana on the 13th inst. from Swatoa and St. Helena, having a cargo of 568 Asiatics, nnder the usual fictitious contracts for eight years’ service. The vessel was putin quaran- tine for twenty-fonr hours, and commenc- ed discharging her cargo on the 15th inst. 610 subjects were put on board the ves- sel; 42 killed themselves by jumping overboard, or with poison, always secre ted about their persons; one or two died | of disease usual on board of crowded ves- sel. This trade is only tho slave trade under another name, and the attempts now making to put an end to it arise from & proper spirit of benevolence and human- ity. IIngh Corrigan, convicted in > West- | moreland county (Pa.) for the murder of | his wife, for which he was under the sen- tence of death, committed suicide on Sat- urday in hiscellin the jail at Titts- burg. jin the fingers, sardines, cheese, heap of things seasoned with pepper and | vinegar, which were enough to take away jall desire of eating, inasmach as it was all drank from one little glass, and every body used the same fork or the same | spoon, aud swallowed the sardines whole |at one mouthful, without bread or stop- ing to take out the bones. These pre- iminaries over, we were seated at a well 'farnished table. I had the place of hon- or between Gen. Wrangel and another General. The table was covered with | bottles of wine, bat not a drop of water. All this wine came from our merchants at | Kamiech. | “The first dish served was g Russian ie, a hot pie, com of neat arp goed 9 riee, ee aes «ther | condiments. It was inet 8 geod. After) thie came soup iv cups; the soup was sea- soned with cinnamon. Then came hot hams, pieces of roast beef of forty pounds | weight, kc. Three quarters of an hour between each dish and toast; jokes and | drinking to fill up the intervals. Sweet) dishes in French fashion, puddings with | white vanilla sauce, su oranges came | at last, and gave us lope of the repast | coming to an end. <A grave error this! | | Oar m ho were taken away, and we were served with roast turkey and salids. We had to do viol to our st : age penalty of being considered impolite, oedaies our n Shee and salads, as if we! had Leen starved, and to complete our | satisfaction the salads was dressed ==) sugar and vin : | Owe Grant 0 the health of the Empe- ror Napoleon first, then to that of the! Emperor of Russia, then to Marshal Pel- | issier, then to Gen. Wrangel, and then to the living, and then to the dead, for! |the space of five hours without leaving | jour seats. We left the table at six o'clock. “We had ten leagnes to ride on our return; so, after having smoked some cigars, we resamed our horses an: reach- ed home at ten in the evening. Our hor ses had not dined as well as we had; they had not given them a grain of bar- ley.” The Rassian camp where this feast took place was situated in a beantifal | spot in the midst of the Koralian de- file | “> A Manand Tram Attacked by Bees. The Nebraska City News of Jaly Sth says:—Mr. 8. Llooper, residing near Meck issack'’s Grove, foe while driving his team pass the house of Eli Slasher, | last Tuesday, was attacked by bees. They | made the attack apparently in three dis- | tinet strings about the size of a man's! arm, first attacking the horses. Mr. Hoop-| er still held to the team antil Messrs. | Gilmore and Slasher came to his assist- ance. (ne horse, in endeavouring to ex-| tricate himself, broke a blood vessel and! died shortly after; the other is severely | injured. They next attacked Mr. Iloop- | er and those who came to his assistance | Everything was done that could be to ex- tricate the unfortunate man, but not un-| til Mr. Hooper and Mr. Sinsher were so| severely injured that but little hopes of their recovery is entertained. The sym-| toms and sufferings of the unfortanate | men resemble those of hydrophobia. | | | > LIEUT. WM. BEARD. In the order Ruffian (formerly the Weat- port Times) we find the following notice, the chief portion of which has been already publish ed “More Rites Taxex.—A_ day or two since | the steamer Arabia passed Kansas city, on her} upward trip; at Kansas city a number of South- | erners took passage for Leavenworth city. Du-| ring the trip a young and spirited South Caro-| linian, Lieut. Wm. Beard, thoaght that all was! not right on board, and” putting his wits to| work, he soon learned from a ‘cute chap,’ that | there were not only Abolitionists but Sharpe's Rifles on board. Lieut. B. kept a watchful eye| on the ‘Council Bluff? ngers, and as soon as the boat landed at Leavenworth, the Vigil- | ance Committee relieved said pamengers of twenty two Sharpe's Rifles, together with some | side arma, powder, lead and shot ! | Creat praise is due Lieut. Beard for his ener-| ZY, perseverance and ingenuity, for, had it not been for him, the rifles would, in all probability, | have passed unnoticed, as they were carefully concealed.” | FOR KANSAS, | Maj. Wilkes left here this morning on his re-| jturn from Chester, where he was very successful | in stirring up an interest for Kansaa, and liberal contributions were made. He will be at Ilunt's Hotel oa Monday evening next, 4th August, on | his way to Kansas, when he will be pleased to meet emigrants and receive contributions. Carolinian, antagonistical to our laws, of our Constitution, we as ve recreant to our duties to jonger continuance of the evil. © be a matter, to all persons living Lakes that this nest of exterminated; and we would ocgasion to caution the citizens consiu against many of them w fled within her precincts.” : i A Pe Fe e ways—we must all Ad “Yes observed Franklin, “we must all together, or most assuredly we shall all se- parately.” to a corner of the dining- |. contain a quantity of butter by this time, it isn't for the want of churning.” " a“ A German writer says: “The United States can burst more steam boii chew more tobaceo than any five nations on the globe. ———————— For Governor, JOHN A. GILMER. For Governor, JOHN A. GILMER. For Governor, JOHN A. GILMER. For Governor, JOHN A. GILMER. For Governor, JOHN A. GILMER. For Governor, JOHN A. GILMER. For Governor, JOHN A. GILMER. For Governor, JOHN A. GILMER. For Governor, JOHN A. GILMER. For Governor, JOHN A. GILMER. For Gov ernor, JOHN A. GILMER. For Governor, JOHN A. GILMER. For Governor, JOHN A. GILMER. For Governor, JOHN A. GILMER. For Governor, JOHN A. GILMER. For Governor, JOHN A. GILMER. For Governor, JOHN A. GILMER. Fi w Gov ernor, JOHN A. GILMER. For Governor, JOHN A. GILMER. For Governor, JOHN A. GILMER. For Governor, JOHN A. GILMER. For Governor, JOHN A. GILMER. For Governor, JOHN A. GILMER. For Governor, JOHN A. GILMER. For Governor, JOHN A. GILMER. For Governor, JOHN A. GILMER. For Governor, JOHN A. GILMER. f “ yw i Earolina ‘Watchman. SALISBURY. N. C. + ---— “MUESDAY EVENING, AUGUST 5, 1856.' —a—= ===> =< TERMS OF THIS PAPER #200 CASH. FOR PRESIDENT, MILLARD FILLMORE, FOR VICE PRESIDENT, i ANDREW JACKSON DONELSON, OF TENNESSEE. FOR GOVERNOR, JOHN A. GILMER OF GUILFORD. age. Finally, I swear an implicable hatred to It would be impossible to find the formula o an oath more terrible than this. The “ Sanfe- desti,” thus embodied, are the Sbirri of the Pa- pal police, and in their eyes jealous husbands or unfortunate creditors become infamous liberals from the moment that they are paid for putting | such persons out of the way. It is not surpris- ing that, in order to resist this secret force, the bewildered liberals should claim the right to use the same arms, The existence of this society is one of the causes of those frequent political as- sassination which disgrace this unhappy coun- try. — Beening Dost. oo It suits the purposes of those habitual- ly prone to weaknesses to attribute to oth- ers excesses or deficiencies—their own glaring faults goading thei to such re- sorts to relieve their over-burdened, self- accusing minds. And itis not uncommon | which they themselves are most guilty, AMERICAN ELECTORAL TICKET. FOR THE STATE AT LARGE. L. B CARMICHAEL, of Wilkes, JOHN W. CAMERON, of Cumberiand. FOR THE DISTRICTS. ist District, Lewrs Tuomreox, ts E. J. Waanes, 3%¢ O. P. Means, ! 4th ** Jas. T. Liriiesons, bth * A. J. Srepmax, Gh “ J. M. Laacu, Tih A.J. Dancas, Sth J.D. Hraas ~ -- FATAL ACCIDENT. Mr. David Upright, of this county, while running his wagon out of his barn caught the wheel on the door which fell, crushing him to the ground and so injur-| ing him that he only survived forty six hours. Lle breathed jis Jast on Saturday morning the 12th of July. Aged 63 years. : as Ba Col. Robards, it is understood, has not resigned his office of Clerk of the Superior Court, and it is important that he should know, that to be a member of the Senate of North Carolina, he must be qualified on the day of the election. Ilis subsequent resignation can't qualify him to hold a seat in that body. The voters, on the day of election, ought to be, and it is believed will Le apprised that such isthe Constitation. Ile is per suing a strange course, for he cannot hav two strings to his bow, indeed it proper that he should. sin oes A HORRID OATII Much, very mach bas been said, and in our opihion pot without reason, against the oath feature of the American party as practised in the begining of its exist ance. It is however possible that there existed in our large cities some show of jastification for such extreme measure | as that of administering the most sulemn oaths to those who then presented them eelves as candidates for admission into the ranks of that party we ere, distant from those scenes, aad an informed as all must be who are not res idents of those cities, we cannot well ap preciate the circumstances under which they arted, and should, at least, manifest an ing airing frame of mina rather than unqaalified Bat situated as a disp sition to condemn, in terms, a practice however revolting to open, independent men It was thi tare of the American party whic! from its membership many of the best men inthe country, whose sense priety and caution, resented the binding themselves Ly foliow its fortunes and obey its dictates, the motive being short of a revolat s fea barred fy o of pr idea of solemn cathe t provoked Ly encroachments of the grav est possibie import These were our views, freely expressed two vears ago, mor have they undergone any chanze Nevertheless, we conceive that the pla dietates of reasou an!) duty are not less imperative than cathe, and that one may not, for areason insafficient, pursue a line of conduct diametrical opposed tw those dictates. Those therefore «! eath featare of the America dove away with) a ground for op} it, their reason and jr dgmnent approving its principles and conscience t »> make tle party now Oming £ € while dic tating their mos egregiously if are in the line of dut Bat we are stray r It was intention to say this fthe old oaths of tha Amencan party wien menced t! as they were, a ie capable of greater coormities of the eame hind—not forthe achiesiment ofa good purpose. but to eruslit 8 s ipport, Ggeciere thie se Ve they s prose they v i@ article \s fiona we find dawning of the free + tufimen. [Rt ea and ponder the f oR ask ir eelves whether or not + an 4 sar does wot deserve to « et with rem@eole tion; and whether an ont arty even, opposing ther eneroa ente, are not worthy of our } port. ASECLEI The follow iuy in a of the oath wine each member must t < mil ise the bruther “le presence of the powerful God th Father, the Son # Wad ya eee a momacelate Virgin M 1 (Ueestint evurt ar of thee er ta -" let my mght hand aud my ¢ 4 t'. tao shes of banger in the moat horrible ' an ] prey the al ' ‘ eterpal tortures of the eeperated ' t f the vhe Apostle Aes .4 aI J now cur peal: HP 1 chee met wer . fulfil ite as and helj aiy Ueetiene » ‘ sora bem t fer ered cause whici ] ewenr t 1 hese emir lo spare t rndividunl of the infamoms sect bern!~ what ever be bis birth. bis parentage, bie jos ' take mo paty on Ube tears af rofants on of the agrecd, brut to mbie be last drop of the mal of the infamous |icral wlatover be ther seg or and in the prosecution of them wonderous diligent, so that, if possible, they may es- {cape suspicion. We had a striking in- \stance here of this sort in the case of a ‘young man some weeks back. | present will never forget with what de- \termined zeal he proseented the search Those against Lfultshouser—forcing his boxes and tearing open his bundles. Who then dreamed that Ae was the rogue, and was ‘only playing a deep game to divert sus- |picion from himself. And yet, see! Truth jis might and will prevail. The young rascal rana yiddy race for a few short |days, but truth, often slow, at last over- took him,fand he was humbled in a man- ner we hope no friend of ours will ever be. It was the old trick of the rogue cry- ing stop theif—so old, that the only won- 'der is that any should be deceived Ly it, | or that it should, in this day still prove available. We have been led into this train of re- flection by the perusal of the following article from the last Republican Banner : THE WATCHMAN. “This dowustreet concern exploded its low, black-guard slang at the Banner last week— having devoted nearly its entire space at us, which maguanimous act has made us believe that the Benner is of consequence in exposing some of the demagoguical clectioneering schemes of that sheet, pafled up, as it is, with “over weening vanity.” To say the least of it, the Watchmen bas exlibited an ill-tempered, ma hgnant nature which was disclosed in nearly ev- ery time of the last ieue, low persona! He has resorted to kes which, i was expected, be would avoid “ Lay on Macdoff And demoed be he whe firet eries, huld! enough ""’ The Wotchinan sets out by asserting that the Benner has perpetrated a number of ~ false houds ;" this is a fuul’s argument, which appears to be the only self-comsulutery grounds of de fence it assumes.” Here it is again—“ stop thief!”—or more appropriately, pot calling kettle black. We used no“ Llack guard slang,” we did not devote the tweptieth part of our of paper to that print; we deny the impatation of using “demagogical elec- tioneering schemes ;” we deny even the “vanity” and ill-teuper we are accused of. We called no body Jou bat we did charge fulschood upon the Banner ; and what is more important, by its own s1- lence on the points referred to, it admits the gu at Now to make a charge is easy: prov ing it is another thing. The Bauncr made charges, and when they were pronounced falar, it abandoned them, thereby plain ly admitting that they deserved to be thus branded. IJere they are: “ As the Watchman is the organ of the Know Nothing party im Uns county, we may clearly afer, as it las Leen generally supposed all the £ time, that the Five Gallon Law was and 1 real | hat would bear that construction, If| ai the enemi¢s of our Catholic and Roman! we did, let the Banner show its other-| | faith, the only true religion.” ‘The falsehood goes home to roost, and /we are sure it negds no better In immediate connection |above, the Banner goes on to say “In the issue before the last, we believe, that paper says that Mr. Bencini, backed by Col. Ro | Whether Mr, Benciui bards, raised the issue. questioned Dr, Ramsay, or not, we are not pre- pared to say for we do not know. But we ask jhim to prove, as he has charged, that Col. Ko- bards urged Mr. B. to raise the issue, or stand convicted of a mendacious slander.” This is also wrong. We have bard, raised the issue.” No, never; and of course we shall not be at the trouble of proving any thing of the sort; nor do! ,we stand in the slightest danger of being to see men arraigning others on charges of “ convicted of a mendacious slander.” The above is itself'a slander against us, nothing more nor less. It is another false- hood gone home to roost. But we think we can relieve the Ban- ‘ner in this part of its labors, by quoting the words we used, a vague idea of which is floating about in the heads of the edit- ‘ors. Here they are: “The repeal question was forced upon the candidates by Beucini, a man whose occupation for yea’s past, has been, and yet is, that of dog- gery keeper. The Lunner, couutenanced by the leaders of the democratic party, have seized upon it for political purposes, and bids fair to out Bencini, Bencini himself, in the boldness of its course. It rings the charge of “ odious law,” only for the purpose of arousing the bad pas- sions of the bad, and to get up a furor fer Col. Robards, who has also been a regular dealer in liquor, and feels the inconvenience of the five gallon restriction.”"— Watchman, July 22. The boot’s on ’tother leg. It was the Banner itself, implicated in the charge to which it alluded. It has got itself so mixed up with Bencini and liquor, that it don’t know We dare it to the denial of having used this And we can prove *tother from which. question for “ political purposes.” if it hecessary that it has Leen “ countenanced” by at becomes least a portion of those who are regarded here as “leaders of the democratic par- ty.” Bat in the same article whieh we are reviewing, and in iinmediate connection with the foregoing, the Banner asks this qnestion : “Why hold Col. Robards responsible foe the excitement concermog the law! Dr. Ramsay, it matters not by whom he was questioneJ, star ted the msue tint and ou bim let the responsi bility rest.” We hold him responsible for his own words and acts, and not for “this excite ment.” Col. Robards has been cunaist ent in his opposition to this law from the beginning. Ife has not only been “ dead set” against any restriction on the liquor traffic in Salisbury, bat he has ever been an active, interested promoter of that trade. Ile even went so far, at one tune, as to vote himself a reeommendation to the Coart, which, in effeet, was voting oo his own application for a license to re tail he can to break down reforin moveinents A inan who can do this, will do all on thie question i red his own interest to that of his fellow In this case he prefer citizens. He is thercfore just snch an one as we cannot think worthy of our confi dence and trust as a member of the Le Ife he known wishes o gisiatur » attend totheir | e usiness trampled ander foot t the people of Salisbury on the occasion alluded to. We have no guarantee he wonld not do so in the Legislature if he were elected tv a seat in that body But it Dr “started the issae first, and on him let s here said that Ramaay ya koow Nothing measure Here we havea the reapons ty rest.” This is qneer candid »)lmiamon of the fact then, that it sone of Justahoreiwe were toldiy the Sanne the pre jdes of that party to proscnbe the nghts And A BR es Deh aad prvieges of freemen, even in the most un ies BNCRNEE DENCIN QUes V1?r. tain myeortant and <¢ affairs of life.” say, or not, we are t prepared to say, 1 | for we do not know.” Tlow then, does ITere, as the reader will perceive was : : : t know that Dr. Ramaay was the first to un attempt to use the five gallon ques ¢ . start this issne, the two facts being tion agiuind Americars. It aj peared in oe . inseperably connected Our peighbors the Banner of the 16th Jaly, when, ap to that time. not one word had been said by as that conld by any reasonable con ietior netifvt ] ry e struction J v s languag We plied asf «4%, in our issue of the 22d “Now mutt e that the Watrhman « the an A the Know Nothing party.” It the dior's organ Tle uses it fur the pro gabon of be own views, and grants ite: use thers sccoriing as he thinks proper. tle ose it respect to any party. He re<pot for what is ard on ite col amms, Cher fore it is a faler yoferenece that be same be nos } * Niathing party is et " ze w Sale J a papa <a ata fork . r tak y ha s fale Wiia c he ‘ a ] e ur t the ute f on remarks rool t ‘ i k aj wy ¢ racte rovehking To aut « t ru lof meet ng « A Havjuy tias contradicted the state nents of at proot, we tnimediately pro | ft) f oO i“ a ‘ that so far r if Kh wiN yw measure oa Pa 1 non effort by fs r rithiut diatine ti cle ann Town of ores ‘ ] t par f ¢ art “ or offeetia aed the ¢ { / ‘ +f rw * Ft re WW ' " f r t st be whary ox ' y pwn Cul J ' \ nid dat ' ‘ ] a berate fa I, ar " ar wht , t wou prone We nade no each charge We lad ins ‘ vot eat the titve thie was writter are fuddled Bat, saya the Banner again: “Whe charge, as sou have dor n very re prehensible personalities, that Col. Robards fa { the law while Iw. Ramsay hae taken extreme anti They are both regards this question. se to anpport one agd oppose the other, it prohittuen groande.” n the same platform as Nevertheless, if we s eafficient that we hare satis factory reasons for it. Dr. Rameay's po tical principles and antecedents have something to. du with our choice * There are other points in the Banner's ve would notice, if the ay for the powder, but it is t1 davarhiee ast production a ] it ’ @ woud smal We sliall the refore let it pass; t urt cither to us orto Dr Itainsay, and the democratic party is wel t ey 1 it can do thein coe Mi PeCHWANAN AND WR. LENTON ] Washington Union having asserted that Vr Htent eas opposed to Mr. Buchanan and at hie yee cupport was designed : nie f the latter in Mies st s Democrat. Deaton's organ, reples by publishing an art which the following tement is male In this connection we take oceasion to aay “ we sh e said otherwime, that we a Iw ast two days, fromthe } g t thority, the a» ' { i} Wa leeply mortified and reof the Washington Un | J remonstrated against ar such art nar er t a [ieral Col Ber to dom for evertions in hie | n Misaecues ara | reyret at the hostiuty to liam “1 by a portion of the Demeanrratic par ‘ i never participated.” Ta rt, good people of Davidson ints. wie lave heard Mr. Iarygrave’s rege diction epeeches rainst Tom Ben Tis proves that Denton and Bue har ar as saine in sentiment as two peas f the same yx | and - the| never said that “ Bencini, backed by Col. Ro- ‘TIMOTHY THISTLE. ‘ If it'be' the object of this writer in the | 1 Wise the steel enters into its own bosom.) Banner, to break the force of auy thing given to the public throngh the columns} of this paper, we have to offer him our | thanks for his ewreme cfforts in that di-} | rection. We have sometimes heard men ‘ say—“ that’s too much of a good thing ;” | —and we believe it is admitted by every | body that “too mach of a thing is worse than not enongh.” So that it is general-| ly settled iu the minds of nen that an ex-| treme is such an evil as often to disap-| point its aim. A man tells you a story | and swears to it, and swearsand tells it. again, adding something new each time, | anoath. Insuch cases “ affirmation breeds man’s word, befure thought good, soon | becomes worthless. It is just so with Timothy Thistle ; voth in regard to our) 0? the other. In view of this important | “ political inconsistencies” and tothe pub- | lic virtues and claims of the indomitable | Col. Robards, whose tail Timothy has | undertaken to shake. He has gone so far} beyond reason, common sense and decen- cy, as to exclude belief. | In regard to his attack upon us, we have to say, we are ready and willing to| ‘meet him, (if he will come out in his pro- | per name,) after the election, and do now | pledge ourself to convict him of at least | |a dozen black ones. We have not taken | | the trouble to count them over, but judge |we may safely say a dozen. It may be we can “corner him” in twice that num- | ber. If he has a stomach for the work, | therefore, he will please show himself. | In regard to Col. Robards’ course as |compared with our own, allow us to) say, we have never pretended to be a} | Whig without being able to show our! works to prove our sincerity. We have: never claimed to be a Whig and then vo- ted against the men and measures of that | party. We have never shed crocodile | tears over Milliard Fillmore, acknowledg- ‘ing him to be a great and good man, and then given our strength to his opponent, personating principles and feelings the very opposite to those entertained by Fillmore. We have never professed admi- ration and affection for Henry Clay, and then falsified it all by voting for his trada- cer and his antipode in politics. We have never changed our political relations at all, for the sake of office, or gain. We never sought office or profit from our po- litical associates and become luke-warm, | and at last deserted them, because it did not suit them to grant the request. We have always held ourself above the party with whieh we have had the pleasure to act, and not a dependent on it—a hanger on—a fellow to be coaxed and flattered, in order to be kept straight. We have never oMraged the rights of the commu- nity to attain a personal object. In fine, we have never leagued with political ad versaries, accepted their promises or as- *surancea, condition on a total change of political principles and associates, and then charged fA-m of deserting us. Of couse, then, we have never attempted to deceive our political associates by attend ing their meetings, taking part in their proceedinga, and then sought to mislead and deceive the confiding and unwary among them. So mach for Timotlry's comparison. Those who chose to do 80, may extend the parallel according to their liking. AN “OLD LINE WHIG" DFEMO- CRAT. ¢ The peopl Davidson was county conruleed afew days ago, by the appear ance in their midst, of an old line whig democrat! in the person of our fried Win presented himself as a candidate for the Legislature. Robards of Rowan, a great adinirer of Mr. Fillmore, and was asnpporter of Henry Clay, and Harem, who in that political fir He is aa Col ! the principles annunciated by that emi-! And like the Col. again, he had an intolerable itching He time, thaaght to bea sound American, nent and pore Statesman. to go to the Legislatare was, fora and madam rumor charges him = of join ng the party. the nomination lle was known to approve of Mr. Fillmore, and was jealous, for atime, for Mr. Gilmer Sat then he wanted a seat in the Legislature, jnst like: Col. Robards, and went before the people to ask their support. for it ¢ gentle reader, do you suppose v as 7 What, his success? The people listened to him the first day, with some degree of com claimed to be placeny, for he then only an “old line whig”—he had not yet told also a democrat int on the next day, he gave himself out as an them he was “old line whig” going for Bachanan and Bragg, and then his fellow citizens open- ed their eyes. They looked at him with amazement. They wonld scarcely be tieve their cars and eyes, nevertheless it was true But they have one General Levu over there who is also a candidate. He fas tened> himeelf on the political hide of the hybride and soon redneed him io a sort of transparent medium. Ile held him updangling in the air before the people,natl they all saw right throngh hin fr all pointa, (just like tamsay hasheld upthe Col.) and itis said they d, while | squirmed, twisted, wriggled and begged tobe let off. Vint’ Leacu only took a leeper hold and gave so as to show him off ina new aspect, roare the victim of their mirth him a new twist, nt victims own Thus polit- | finally, (to nse+ the words.) he tore the hide off. syinpathy, his physical system gave way, | and he was compelled to retire to the se- cluded shades and restoring rills of Heal- ing Springs, where, as we i, his on- ly exercise consists in “bush. whacking” North Carolina Standard, which he has suddenly adopted as his political text book, His neighbors smile on his per- formances, just as the people of Rowan in search of that solacedenied him by his fellow citizens. - — Fremont a Catholic. Beyond all question, the contest in the Presidency, is narrowing down to two of a doubt,” are told by the poet ; and the |the candidates; and these two are Mil- | lard Fillmore, on the one side, and Fre- mont, the free soil sectional candidate, fact, it becomes a matter of momentous importance to know something about Fre- moot, and we therefore copy from the | New York Express the following record, | showing that Fremont is a Catholic—a fact which would have never been ques- tioned, had he not been brought out as a candidate for the suffrages of a protestant | people : | IS FREMONT A CATHOLIC !—LOOK AT} THE RECORD. | Facts, proofs positive, cireumstantial evidence, | are ugly things for those who come in contact | with them: They cannot be ignored nor set | aside by senseless invective, or by venomous vituperation, The peculiar and con- science keepers of the sectionalist candidate for the Presidency, driven to desperation in their endeavors to create the impression that Colonel Fremont is not, and never waa, a Roman Cath- | olic, are now abandoning everything in the way of rational investigation, and courteous contro versy, and betaking theinselves to a line of ar- gument more in keeping with their natural in- stinets—that of personal calumny, and the logic of the fish warket. Thus oar amiable brother of the Tribune is telling us in the sweet accents of his mother tongue, that we are “villains” and the like,— but we beg leave to assure him, that we neither intend to lose our temper, nor to imitate his un- clearness of speech or his chaste, classic, and characteristic diction. While he, and such as he, are using their epithets, we have other work to do. Important principles are to be maintain ed, vital issues are at stake— and life is too short to be frittered away on men whose only aim is to evade, not to eliminate the truth, Our ad vice to the Tribune and the Fremont Brother hood at large, nevertheless, is—try and explain away the following record, to the satisfaction of the Amencan people, or be willing to coufess yourselves beaten in a bad cause THE MODEL PROTESTANT. Ist 2T MWe (Fremont) receives his education, in Charleston, under the late Bishop England of the Roman Catholie Church (Teatifed to by the E.litor of the Savannah Republican, and other reapectable authoritics ) 2p. Bw MWe sends his child, of adopted child. two be educated in the Romana Catholic College of Georgetoen, D. ¢ (Attested by the editue of th, Philadelphia Daily News, and we believe never even ck nted by Fremoat’s friends.) 3o. BG ihe is married by Father Van Horseigh, a Roman Catholic Priest (Admitted, as a fact beyond controversy or dispute —as basing his Homanem oa «a solemn sacrament of the Romuh Charch.) 4rn BT MWe goesto a Roman Catholic Charch in Washington, cromes himself with «>called holy water at the Joor, and makes the sign of the croma, when he gues into his pew (The testimony of Alderman Fulmer affirmed on oath, if Fremont denies. Sn 2g We declares, at a dinner table at Drown's Tlotel, in Washington, hie fall belief in the Roman Catholic doctrine of Transulstantiation (Sabatantiated by the same authority Aft favit ready, when called for by Premuot) Orn 27 MWe devlares to Cul. R——, of Minar, late Collector of the L'ort of Monterey, eho to be slept with him eyght months, under the same blanket, that ifany one doubted be was a Roman Catholic he un willing to prove it [Nibetanuated by the editor of the Troy Whig Affidavit ready, if called for by Fre mont . . Tr BF Me is, or was, not only a Roman Catho lie hirmeelf, but made Lieut late So perinte ndent of InJian Affairs, to turn one al [Sulstantinted by the same authority xe the above Affidavit ready, if called for by Fre mont | Siu RF Nie erecta a crom, in imitation of the ear her Jesuit Koman Catholic adventurers, of the Rocky Mountains. See hia Narrative of the Rocky Mountain Exploring Expedition, Cong Jocument 166, page 71] [Fremont himeelf! Orn ts ami ant book, and was eo much of a Roman Cath liscourages the reading of a Protest ole among hia frienda, that surprise ie ex pressed that his religion shoald be a mouted potnt at all [The editor of the Day Rook ia the with proofs, doultlesa, if called for J-V ¥ Erpress Precert va Paacrice.—There sen point in the following dialogue which we take from the Cyulambia (Gay Eoaquirer We heard a conversation the other day le tween one of our citizens and a gentleman from one of the neighboring counties in| Alabama to thie effect In answer toan in juiry as to the state of poli tica in his section, the Alabamian said that hie neighbors were “pretty much divided and did not know what to do”—that they all feared Fre mont would be elected, and if so, the would be dissolved —and that to avert auch a ca lamity, some wanted the South to unite on Boch anan, and someon Fillmore, and many did not know what to drm . Citizen Union Are there any men in your neighbor hood who wanted to dissolve the Union four or five years ago! Alabamian plenty of them. Citizen,— Are they tie men who want the peo ple to unite on Buchanan now in order to save the Union Alabamian O yes Yes, the very same! The Alabamian then pronoanced in favor of | , yf : fil Jare alike in forin ical skinned, according to the laws of Fillmore. | | True.—Our South Carolina neighbors | strong disunfon men. They go now for | Buchanan. The North Carolina Stand ard leant that way, and it is. new going fur Buchanan, all to save the Union. If they were really sincere, there Fillmore wonld be their firat choice, for he plants himself on the-Constitution and equal rights to all the States, as guarrauted by | the National Charter. ,do at the Col., who is expected soon to | ‘retire to thei cellar of the Rowan House, | THE MASS MEETING IN GUIL- ¥ORD. | The American Mass meeting at the iold battle ground in Guilford, was we llearn, areal type of the rousing whig | wecetings of 1840, The peaple are moy- each rehearsa! being duly recorded with | great political race ut this time, for the) ing, and there are positive indications of } lone cf those great up heavings of the masses to purify the political atmos- phere. Fillmore’s name, and the mem- ory of his deeds, are engraved deep upon |the hearts of his fellow citizens, and they |have determined to record their testimo- |ny in hig favor, assured that like a true man he will keep faith, and do his duty. A great galla day in Salisbury. The new Military Company, but lately organ- ised in this place, and numbering sume forty able bodied men. Styling them- selves the “Splatterdock Furseliers”, in- tend parading fur the bevcfit of themselves and the cominunity at large on Saturday the 16th of this mouth, We expect to see everybody and their whole family in town on that day. It doubtless will prove itself a rich affair. = - — A. J. Dargan, Esq., was expected here this week, bat owing to his being a can- didate for the Legislature in his county, it was entirely out of his power to attend. We understand he is dving yeorman’s ser- vice in other sections of the District, in the canse of the American Party, May success attend his efforts. - “—- Ca” The Mass Meeting in Rowan, on yesterday, was to some extent a failure, the notice being entirely too short to en- sure a large attendance. The great ball of the new Courthouse, was, however, completely filled. The Hon. N. Borpen and II. C. Jones, Esq. addressed the peo- ple, and much enthusiasin prevailed. The meeting assembled again at night, and was addressed by Mr. Brevard, Mr. Kerr, Mr. Barringer. Good among, Whigs and Americans, and we feeling prevails anticipate a favorable result in the elee tion on Thursday next oe The Hon terday morning B. Creaiwe arrived here ves ooo It is hardly necessary that we should warn the American's to be on their guard against all manner of ineans resorted to by the democratic party to secur an ad vantage in the election on Tharsday next | Look out for tricke. The Ilon. B. Craton, we sce, has leR his post in Washington and is hers He left his seat in Congress to attend the Cincinnati ¢ wnvention, aod it is reasonable tu sappose his business in North Carclina at this particular time, is Let Americans, send him back to Washing to work for party as, Whigs and ton with a flee in lis ear Another Signa —The cause in the Mountains The * Western Fayle,” published at tutherfurdtem, hitherto, a Democratic journal, has renounced its former heresy This { the progress and hoisted the American Lanner is a favorable indication « of the cause in the West, and betokens a good report from that section on the 7th of August Roll on the ball! The Editor says: Henceforth, the Eagle is an American Journal. Our reasons for abandoning de meeracy, and associating ourselves with the Ainerican party, are as follows: 1. There is no arcrecy now to deter one from that party—no oaths binding one’s conscience if he joins it 2. Ite pnblished platform is ench an ex position of principles as we believe to be correct and safe for owr common union 3. Ite nominee for the Presidency has shown himeelf faithful to southern as we!l as northern interests—a conservative man 4. The Democratic Platform is not the platforin we can enbscribe to in fall 5. Buchanan has too many colors tu be true fo any one, and he was imposed upon the sonth by the north, the sonth voting for Pierce until, asa last resort, they took Bochanan, - there by selling owt the Sonthern Democracy Here are some of our reasons; and enceforth we act with this party asd advocate its pr ples, which are conser vative and sound. Now that we believe ylit, we will Soe thy we are inthe r defend our belief, at our maat head the proud vaines of Fintmork, and Gitmmr, and remember your duty.” Vorchead cent great billmore aud Donelson meeting in Letter from Bar Que At the re New York, the following letter from Ex Gov Morenean, of this State, was read CGrrexerono,’ June 27th © & & Teannot permit mrself to doubt that North Carolina will give Mr considerable majorly Fillmore a Ils administration gave entire satisfaction to this State. Ale as proven He has been weighed in the balanee and found not wanting. Ile bas no Demveratic, no Fede- ral blood to let out of his veins. He needs no platform, made by Cincinnati Conventions, to stand upon. [le stands, and proudly stands, on his own platform, based upon his own adminie- tration; an administration that quelled fanati- cm, soothed discord, and seemed to spread | peace and tranquility over the land. With such an administration North Carolina will be again satisfied, and | hope the nation will be blessed with it,” At the conclusion of the reading of the letter, lua the Committee of the whole on the State | of the Union to the: Arty” Appropi | ae Bias oo a | Mc. Harbois's amemdusent was tonal, “That Congress hereby di ’ the code of alleged laws | claiming to have been passed b riturial Legislature of Kavsas, and ¢ | proving of the manner in whieh the alleged laws have been enforced: by authorities uf the Territory, " 2 clare that notil said alleged Jawe shall be confirmed by the Senate and the House of Representatives as having been.enact. ed in accordance with the organic law, by the people of Kansas, no part of the inilitary forces of the United States shall be employed in their enforcement, shall es citizen of Kansas be in act as posse cometatus hes act. ing oa marenet or sheriff Territo ry ya awe are regarded sod void, : This amendment was rejected—Yeag 88, Nays 89. The House then concurred in Mr, Sher. man’s amend ment * Provided that no part of the military foree of the United States shall be emplored to aid in. the enforce. ment of the alleged Jaws of the Leyisla. ture. Assembly of Kansas convened at Shawnee Mission, until shal) jdeclare whether the laws are valid or not jand passed by a Legishatare chosen in leontormity with the present organic law. } And Gaul Ouagua shall so act, it shall ibe the daty of the President to ase the j military furee of the United Biates to pre- serve the peace, suppress itisarreetion, re - pel invasion, and protect the persons and wroperty of citizens therein} afid on the Lilway of Missouri, and elsewhere, ‘against unlawfol seizure and search, and that the President disarm the present inilitia, reeall all the United States amns, and prevent armed men from going into the territory and disturb the ic peace or enforce real or pretended laws.” The vote stood yeas 01, nays 86. FILLMORE GAINING EVERY DAY, The New York Commercial in showing bow Mr. Fillmore’s prospects are brightening more and wore every day —ta ali sectivas of the cous- try. Every week allowed for reflection, (it says) is twa to bis strength, The bast tee or three weeks have demonstrated this, It ie ap- ; North and South and Eat tnd West. Mr. Fillmore is gaining open sup- porters in all directions, and the Demooratic and Republican cantilatcs are being the popular fe sur and sympaths, of neoomity. an A paren! every where The Steam Whistle.—The mid-day trautfrom Worcester to Providence, ye terday, was accompanied by the masie of Goddard's Steam Calliope Whistle, and created a great sensation along the line of the road and at Providenee.—The machine was eight or ten feet in length and was carried op a separate car, and an extra engine being furnished to sap- ply it with steam. —It worked admirably, and played several popular airs toe great crowd of listeners in Providence, leaving town to the tane of * Pop gues the wea ee! — Traneecr yt Good —We havea goed ome on the llon. John Kerr, whom the héeos hare ro lately found to be the most gifted of Carolina's sone. As he passed throagh Ratherferdton the other day, on his Wes tern Crusade against American princi- ples, the Town bell was tolled for him as he entered the place, and contiaaed telling as long as he was in hearing. Wonder how he fancies his i jon among the “ hardy moanta:neers, Concord ((aaelle, > Catly Bird. —lev. John E. Edwards, of Rielinond, Virginia, aow in Geneva, Switzerland, visited a jeweler in the city, and says: “Ile set ont onthe connter a bor, mounted with massive gold, on the top of which there was a large enamelled to- lip, apparently just borsting into foll bloom. le tonched a little spring, and rightin the heart of it there eprang up a sweet little bird, of golden plumage, which be _epdag fluter its tiny wings, and sing as I have thought nothing but a real bird of flesh and bunes could do;.eo cheer fal, 00 bird like—opening its little beak at every note, and really singing a bird- song, each as is sometimes | singing out in the dewy copse atearly morn. The iy of this bird was one thousand dol ere f? *“*- - MAdloway's Ointment and ['illa, an astonishing Remedy few Erysipelas —Mr Il. Torner, of Dover Maine, was afflicted with Erysipelas, large pe blotehes came on his face awd neck, and all parts of his body, and despite of the many rem- eslies he tried he was not benefited, At length, he had recourse to Lotloway's Ointment and Pills, and made up his inind to persevere witli these remedics, which hedid. The result was, that in a few weeks, ho was perfeetly cnred, avd his gencral health wonderfally improved. This case created quite a sensation |" Maine. Commodore Robert F. Stockton has written a letter withdrawing from the contest forthe Presideney. His assoc! ate on the ticket, log. Kuxnern Ravxa®, withdrew some time ago. This slightly narrows the contest, one ticket being e" tirely ont of the field, Messrs. Fillmore, | Fremont, Buchanan, and Gerritt Smith jare the only men now regularly before the people as candidates for the I residen- ey. For Rent. FINE BRICK STORE HOUSE, two stones : Watchmen Printing three hearty cheers were given fur North Caro- | | ert next duor to ry | July 29, murruy ow edtoan theese ii t i pi e t y wf to op virabiy, a great leaving iwards, jeneva, he city, a bor, the top Ned tu- nto fall g, and ups umage, gs, and ta real » cheer le beak a bird- singing m. The nd dol Jotehes | parts ny remn- “ih, At loway's mp his nedies, at ina od, and proved. tion in lon hae om the associ: LAY NUR, slightly ying en- linore, Smith before esiden- yo stores | Printing pPuy he, of the ‘hon vee (nt vast returns in case of active and onergetic agents eangesdyetery to coustiiute otion uf bis interests in all eigen Pere ee ei ur are eta the parent establishinent in yrs ch aelescquan to trace out the whereabouts f the guanterfei it le believed that they eS maces ons 6f this nature are atrocious. Théy imperl life, by substituting for « geuuine curative that js either ineflvetive or positively aux. a bunk bil is morely w cheat but to conaterfeit a great medicine is w nb Hiek not oaly of their money but of the chance fe ys 4 stew that the boundless success of Pro- te ‘a rémedicé in this country bas arvus- pi 2g pnt ct the eupidity uf that clase uf SS ~_ ng = sn methane Yo ious. the | of © Lacon” says Sets oaten teak to Vietse," Sik eis Ve the euttn - torfel: a ers ES choees aad scwus which villiany pays to skill, selemoc and | ( ¢ willaiay hoe in thie cage heen Le thas there is every probabili- out to the offeader. We would that the trade, waracd by the detective of of ead mbbery, should exercise the wtmvet vigilance ageins: the bho impusitions hereafter —Bostm 1 meer. . MARRIED: Ta this connty, om the 28th alt., by C. L. Partee, Eeq., Me, OSBORN E SHERRILL and Mies MAR- GARET J. A. ROSE mt Cabarrus Ca.. thls county, 3, the 30th July. bv duho K tira. hom, ~~. a RUBEAL C. KENNELLY aod Mae MAKY W. BARR. DIED: le county, on the 30th Juty, Mr. DANIEL cu + aged bout 42 years Ld SHE wadertigaed ofrs at private sale, a most es cofeat Pinatativa, lying three sud a half miles, West of Balisbary, on the Sherrill’s Ford road. and helf'a mile frum the Salisbury and Ms breast Read. way See lame of Mee. Marphy, W ke aad vibern This tract 344 1-2 Acres, e baege perten of whieh wo well tumbered; matador @ wader & high state of eulrivetmn treet fe 6 superior Meadow, containing shoat 40 weres ; as thie lind ie lying = weer Galiebary 2 haud-ane profit can be made 1 ae the meadow alowe. There = meee hoger « mest cacelient baru, ether Goaventence attached there t > The superia locality of this farm will mobo its rafe tevestmernt to the purchaser Terme will be mande Cull vd the subseriber 2( Une planta them of, adddrees by letter at Salsbury, N ( ANN DROWN Judy 22, 1856 Honse & Lot & Plantation FOR SA LE. © cabecriter oi offer at poblic wale wt the Cour Heese ia the own of Matcerilte, Outaher eet! t being Monday of Seperior ( vur', treet of lead cootaining 26d 1-2 ACRES, oe the waters of Poorth Crock, two mites North of Statecrile, There is between 30 end 40 scree of BOTTOM LAND, 2 pert of which wa goed MEADOW cud went land eufhcient oad courenient & herp ep ihe Kiteheo. Bere and Stables sod « bew kh dry howe | @ry Creit in, en orchard of applic, On the on the pre ealevery fences, « trom. Ae wishing to are the premmre belore the | day of cate wil call oo (he rubseribes Terme well be | beberel cad mode heows on dey 1 wt wel privately ® very — 5 Acres. wel improved, with « aew Deters dwelling sod por ee ead ecteesery ou! bulidings ecw and goad shen yard and garden pei od! Those tadebted to me ae Acdiemiminirater Moore's estate wlll make poy ait dels Jus W sTOCK TON 6e10 cotable kt m wwe Aeg. Int, 1°56. DISSOLUTION. The Firm of Marphy, Me Revie dc Ca, has thee dey engpived by lewieiom. The burmese of the firm wil be eotiled at the wld stead by either of the parnacre All persue indetied to os will plewse call tnd make settlement os the berrnces mo-t be chsed without de ley. “aha MeRorie having withdrawn from the frm, ten dere bie gretefal ach ove ledgrments for the very bb eral patr nage bestowed om ‘he firm. JAMES MURTHY, JOUN MeRORTE, 3.8 MeCUBBINS 18356. 10 Salisbery, Aeg |, THE besiness hereafter will be conducted ender the fem and syle of Marphy & Co ot Id stand where they will herp constantly on bend ther wena! large supply of GOODS, adapted to the wants of the coantry. Thegkful for the very liberal pet Stowed on as heretofore, we hope by clome aticn to besiness and fair dealing to merit 2 continns er WM. MURPHY, JAS MURPHY J. 8 MeCURBINS, THOS. J FOSTER ne he ol Batiebory, Ang. 1, 1856 FOR SALE. A Valuable Plantation ON THE YADKIN RIVER. THE subseriber having 9 desire to remove, not hav red eofficront force = = hie valuable planiaiion on HOT PARRY TRACT Offers it for ente. There are few tr the country which @ myrine nore ads vntages ate about 1000 ACRES ‘9 it, one half wood land and the remainder ander cul bration. There ie a large portion of it River Bottom, which yields well. There ‘son it » first wo story bret: 1p ® euperh new barn, stables, and all ths t out-hoases, afi in good conditior The EEC ee ee 'fernished with 9 goed flat, and pays very handsome 'y for the attention it requires He will ular sell to the pureheser of the plantation.» fall supply of corn, fud- » hay, ofte, wheat for scoding and for famivy ase, aoe cows, hogs, Ko. together with hie mock of farm- Any person wi iwhing to purchnee, will do well to cal and ona the lands, hear prices, de. fur he will fA toy legge ) if »pplication be made early, RL THICK nal ry fl Aug. 6, 1456 awd Ther “PARM FOR SALE. the re-| 1 wm the 6h of | . cherry and peach |* | Fumily, 9.25 SALT —Liverpaol, fine, $175.—Grownd Alum, 1.25 DRIED APPLES—Nominal—15. to PEACHES—42 00 j HAY—Cargo, 70 @ 75. | LIME—814 1k | BRESWAX—24 ct ' OATS—33 @ 35. | woe @ %. ‘REMARKS. Flour comes in elywiy and sel'e readily. Provisions firw at var quotatious, Naval stores slightly improv- j ed. Spits. Torpentine 38, Wheat selis readily 150 to 1.02 for prime Red & White. Sugur and mulueres continue very G8 THE MARKETS. Salisbury, re C1, August 5th. ~ will be <> ay &D tw o following “3 Brilliant Schemes. EVERY. OTHER TICKET SURE TO DRAW A PRIZE. 30,000 NUMBERS—15,185 PRIZES 11 1 Prize of 40,000 is 000 1 Prize of 10,000 is 10,000 1 Prize of 10,000 is 10,000 1 Pa of 5,000 is 5,000 1 Prize of 2,009 is 2,000 1 Prize of 1,000 is 1,000 1 Prize of 1,600 is 1,000 10 Prizes of 200 ure 2,000 100 Prizes of 100 are 10,000 4 Prines of xine th $40,000 4 lcs fi ayprentating to tnneo brie oie see ‘ of TS approximating to 10,000 prise are 900 4 Reisen of 60 ting to 5,000 prine are 240 4 Prizes of 50 approximating to 2,000 prize are 200 4 Prizes'of 40 approximating to 1000 prise are 160 anny se meenening to wee are 100 ‘* opproximating 15,000 Prines of Bare om “Ioo,poe 15,185 Prizes amounting to $204,090 The 15,000 Prizes of Stare determined by the num- ber whieh draws the $20,000 Prizce—if that namber should be an odd uumber, then every odd number tick- et in the Scheme will be entiled to £4; if an eyen number, then every evea ticket in the Scheme will be entitled to $4, in addition tv any other Prize which the ticket may draw. Purchasers in buying an eqasl quantity of odd and even number tickets will be certain of drawing weurly | half the cort uf the same, with chances of vbtaing oth- er Prizes. 7 Remember that every Prize is drawn, and pay- able iv full without deductivn. Apples, (dried) 50, “* Mixed, No.1. 10ui1 dv. Greeu, $1.00 | “ Do.Pure. 110124 ; 10 u 12) ‘Molasses, Cuba, 60 Reeswax, 22. “ N. Orleans, 15 Beef, 5@6E Nails, Gaby Butter, 124@!5 do. Wrought, 124 @ 15 Candies, Tullow, 25 do, Horse Shoe 25 dy, Adamant, 33437) Oats, 30@33 do. rm, 45250 Oils,——~ Coffee, 13416 | Linseed, Peal a $1 do, Java, 16418 Tyywere’ Le 00 a 75 ont BP, 4@5 ‘Potatoes, Irish, 50 81 do. Malable 125 @ 15 do. ees 75 $1 be Cottoa, 9 10 Rage Pb Cotton Bagging,-— Salt ‘ ‘2 nck.) 82.602 ors “ Guany, 20200 do @busbel, $1.00 “-Dandee, 15200 Sheetings, Brown,4-4 9 ‘* Burlaps, 000 a, Pbog $2.25 Cotton Yara, Corn, tint i“ C ieee Pheeh 1 otlels do. Meal, Flaxse. Chickens Pdoz., Preys @ 1} Sager, Brown, if « 134 Eqgs P dex, BalG + Loaf, Feathers, 30035 “* Crushed, Hs | Flour, Pd>bl, $405 Clarified, O15 Iron, Suede, 6 Tallow, 12 do. Bar, 4}05 Turpentine, Pgul8781-0 Eng. Refin'd 54 Wheat, ellis } 4 Moles, 5 Wool, 50 2 00 | Orel 6 @7 Window Glass, } box, Le all 610 $225 | | foe" ber, 7408 104 19 $2.50 Lead. Dry White, 100124 | STATE BONDS FOR SALE. APPLY to JENKINS& ROBERTS, Aeg.5 Selisbery, N.C, | UST received at the old wand 8000 Ibs. Shot, As 7 sorted. 1500 Ibs. Bar Lead, 30 Kegs Powder | suited fut shooting or blasting ine MURPHY & CO Aaguet bot, 1°56 no Encourage Home Industry! BE QUICK! BE QUICK!! STILT. BETTER AND BETTER! AM pasing up Baggies cud Reckawayr wih om provements. My work has vlwaye given greet svirefarthm whete ever it hae be @ ined of haown, and f am determined that t shall give ee fielecuen sad om phe reward to the porcheser, [ mem will at the come old tand, kaewu oe the Mowry Shap, oo the Rerlirond, acer the Factory. be carheage - Buggies | owt eke wheat, awe, beewn, &e., 1 market My werk wall be pond cramine my work and hear prere caa't help being pleased with 1: I retera my siweere Unewks to the probe for ther very bheral petromagr thet have bestuwed un me heretahere JOHN LO WRIGHT July 29 ou VALUABLE LAND For Nale! HE UNDERSIGNED offers fur eale the relae- bie TRACT OF LAND lyemg cn the Beatues Furd Road, five aules West of Sakebury, coniamag 346 ACRES, mywhere m the 4 4 ae gard quality seocen be fund « There « slew sheet 50 or 60 A ReTTON LAND, which comm be corpessed, weil ditched and drained Sate There ore oa the prensiece all the meceesary budding? eed im fect everything @ @ geed reper Permme wishing tn ere the land can be eecanaw dated by calling on Mr. Juba Ro Kawa, who remdes on the phentation To pere-ns wishing to parchase gach a valusble Treet of Land, ench an epportanity rerely prrer nt DANIEL Woop July 29, 1856 o—«. FOR SALE, . 20.000 $500 ite tet 1.000 wae (Cos, Grete by the eabren FeCLeEs &GRAY ENCOURAGE & alee andermgned begs leave | to theme whe favored bin wih a call dering the sad he reepect the publi as removed to the She ee tely osenpres by orge de Whiensat g Mille, where & shoe, as cheap and px Joly I retare bee thanks folly ime ov he State Turning, Cutting Serews, Repairing Boilers and Engines. making aed repating of all desernptwns ; Mill Spindles, Wood Plainers, Plows, Ironing Wagons, &e MOBS BS208E O22N6, and ia I. on wear and : new east steel tore of ster! platre, #2 1) Lhave aleoereeted an Ait Furnance for melung Brae. which soswer fi The public car ' { Cmmpoe non Castings by cat atthe aleve 4 far rne Ale ver al a reduced price, & 1 Old Copper and B ows d AND SUMMER GLYPH SPRING FOR 1856. MICHAEL BROWN S now receiving and opening hie large and well-amserted stock of Spring and Summer Goods, conmeting of Staple & Fanoy Dry Goods, Hate, Cupe, and Bonnets ; Nhova and Boots; Ready Made Clothing ; China, 1 Iph, and Glass Ware ; Hardware & Cutlery, Groceries, &c., to which he invitee the attention of his customers and the public —offering at low priece for cagh, of on time te panetnal customers, at wholesale or retail NOB. All kinde of Country Produce bought at the highest market price Saheabury, April 10, 1856 46:1f JOB PRINTING | Neatly ed at bis Office — | aed | kheow you Th be drawn inthe City of Montgomery, 7 All Prizes of $1,009 and under, paid immediate- | ly after the drawiug—other Prizes at the usual time of thiny daye. All commaniecations sirictly confidential. The drawn nombers will be furwarded to purchasers immediately after the drawing. Ke f Primary. Siadies, eae Higher Buglish 9 Se - 80 ats, Geocke Mathematics, - 12 50 July By 1 6—5w ha SHUFORD. State of North Carolina DAVIE COUNTY. Court of Pleas end Quarter Iocslead—BMey Term, 1856. § 1 Frost ee ve. Ricbmoud Nuit. Hanae. aed hat, b igh to the satisfaction ofthe Coart, tha the defendant, Richmond Nail, is vet an inhabi- tant of this State: It is, therefore, ordered by the Coart, that blicaton be made for six weeks in the OQeieton! ee bs Mocksville, on pre C3 shew cause, if any he Lot shou! plaintiff's debt, and sale abe raat ng in the 80th year of our Independence. ‘ ts HARBIN, Clerk. By A. A. HARBIN, DC. Printers fee 85 50.—6wi6. : ~~ PROSPECTUS ~ OFTHE ° Lincolnton mn Dispatch. | | “he S&¥ iR ‘ ji reasonable terms. are apa pat ag enya eer rep he te is EPR Gialr polteaige few Vedkselon att ba prepared to Oil orders fer and heavy age COTTON BATTS kept on and frmule. The GRIST MILLS a also in Operation aud Corn will be ground for toll levied on | a» promptly us Witness, Caswell Harbin, Clerk of our said Court, at office, the 4th Monday in May, A. D., 1856, and As the county of Liveoin sesin wil aban onity day be MORNING & MEADER. hohe Jone 17th, 1856. - FORSALE. LOT of four or five aeres of good land, half « mile fran China Grove Depot, and nine miles pre-and among ead gerden. The lot sander quod fence. For farther information, apply to M. 8. MeKeuzie. June 24, 1856. Juwnd {7 Concord Gazette publish one mouth sud for- ward uceount te this office. KEITH & FLANNER, — COMMISSION MERCHANTS == : WILMINGTON, N. C. Through Freight to Wilmington pr. Heil Train. Weerrasr' ap arrangement with the pr Company to ran a freight cor with their Meil Trains, twice a week, from Salisbury to Wil- mington direct ; leaving Salisbury on Monday and ia the enjoyment of Rail Read facilities og | citizens with the rest of mankind, it is manifest to all, affording « her | ‘Thared that @ Public Leeman yaa be established oAapooaghes mx at hume, and coaveying to, and from them whatever ees baud ee ce rere tows of Linoul a weekly le uf the Lixcouwron Dusraren. ‘This paper will be devoted to imparting | of every kind. Ite chief aim will be tc promote the | Whole Tickets $5—Walves $2 1-2---Quarters 1 1-4. Prize Tickets cashed or renewed in other Tickets at either offiee. GREAT INDCCEMEATS TO CLUBS. 8 one-half of the Tickets are guaranteed to draw lea’ we will reli Certificates of Packages of 10 Tickets | judd and even numbers,) at the fdiywing rates— All that the 10 Tiekets drawa over the emonat | £ teed to the porch Certificate of Pechages of 10 Whole ‘Prekete, 60 10 Halt : 30 10 Quarter “ 5 Address orders for Tick«ts, or Certificates of Puck- ages of Tickets, either to S SWAN & CO, Atlanta, Ga or 8. SWAN, Montgomery, Ale ALABAMA LOTTERY! [- luthorized by the State of Alabama. } SOUTHERN MILITARY ACADEMY LOTTERY! CLASS F, NEW SERIES Ala , in pub- he, on THURSDAY, Amzust 13th, 1856, on the HAVANA PLAN!! SAMUEL SWAN, Manager PRIZES AMOUNTING TO | $204.000 | Vi it be dustrrbated sceording to the flowing MAGNIFICENT SCHEME! ! 30,000 NUMBERS~i3,135 PRIZES : 1 Prive of $40,000 $49,900 i] 15,000 ie 15.000 1 7,000 « one | 3.000 « 3.000 1 2,000 ve 2.000 i 1.000 1s 1600 1 1,000 1 1.000 1o 200 2.000 100 100 1s 10,000 ‘ O28 aprrotimeting to $64 nan are Game ‘ - on ‘ i~ o ‘ t .-~ - ‘ - - _—_ ™ ‘ ° ° ioe 16 ‘ = . low leo “- » . = -— ‘ore = » te tres we 15.000 Priues of $8 ere determined by the nom bee's draws the $49,000 Prise—if thet number ‘ b- an add namber, then every odi namber ve Moheme will be entithed to 68 nernbet ca every even rember ticket « led io & oo toany other P ove wh érae Purchasers ve bey img an eqeal quantity even namber urbets will be cerime of draw oust of the me, with chances ng other Pans All these jichets eadung with 0, 2, 4,6. 4. ae even al! with 1.3.5, 7.9, are odd 1 fhe member that every Prize we drawn, aod pay ble va fall wiheont dedection 4 ($1,000 and onder, paid mmmediate y afterthe drawmg—other Prizes ai the usual time of thirty dave AR commu meations at ncily confidential The drawn sumbers be forwarded to porchasers mmediatety afte. the drawing Whole Trckete, 1 Halves, %5— Quarters, 24 Prac Tickete eas rrenewed ber Techets am t off Urdere £ T he's ca be odilee weed ta M SWAN & (0), Atlente, Ga or S SWAN, Moatgumnery, Ale July 22, 1°56 New Discovery ! Ambrotype Likenesses. i ks latest improvement in the beautifel art of ta hing preetarce on gine The beaoty and doratehty of these pretarce has ple eed the A he head of methed of king henesere a ret chat negeorsh anton vies At capa- Cheld eof f °. he Ly and Corn r y 1 xam- Re epecimena GABRIKL UPLBY, Of Chapel hn, N. ¢ Sahshary, Jaty £2 a—il Office of the W. N.C. R. RB. Co., ) Statesville, July 25, 1856. 4 that the TOTICE ia hersby g vnnal meeting N (the Stockholders will be held in Stateewife, Tre ’ th hof Anew new AM tranefers of suk ve filed in thie office be fore the Sth of Augnet that ect hat may b> reported to the meeting. — None bat a Stockh u be 8 proey RF SIMONTON, Sec'y & Trena’r Standard and Register, Raleigh. Spectator and News, Ashecitie, will copy ontil th of Angnst and forward their accounts to thie office z) Carpetings, Rugs, Druggets, &e. Ww: e would call attention te our stock of the abor ticles, which is large and vaned, just tecervs ed. Call at No. 3, Granite Row BROWN & COFFIN Salisbury, March 25, 1856 43:0f told Pens, VERY large assortment of Good f Gold Pen Points, without foe at J. WL. Enniss’ be SOKA TORE July 22 d Pens, and | ercetient water power For sale | evure of Luternal Linpruvement in the largest sense | —to foster und encourage all (he Lodustrial arts—to| awaken a new spirit in Agriculture, tnd to afford re- | huble anawere to the Farmers’ inquiriers that will and mast sven be made as to what is the best gor to suc- eoee: 11 is propused to clicit discussions on all impor: ant subjects as the surest way of establishiug (ruth. Thie Juurnal will gather from every polut, and pre- ‘oa | : leave Wilmington, on Taceday and Fri- aay. Oar agent will scoompany the cer to reecive and deliver freight a1 al! the intermediate stations — The first car will jeave Sa! oa Monday 234 inst. KEITH & FLANNER. Wilmington, N. C., Jane 14, 1856, es PRESBYTERIAN FEMALE COLLEGE. STATESVILLE, N. €. SECOND 1 oTrcs. ine a view of canhiing them to matare theie | plans fully. as well as to have theiz sesnbous and | sont weekly a condensed statement uf the news evs vacations to coincide with those of Davidson Cullege,| ery kind, sv a8 to be scknowledged us a pleasant and | the Trustees of this lostit ution have determined to | useful companion to every family whieh it may chance W bist polines will be only a seeundary matter, vet | they will receive such attention as they deserve, and as Editors, renred in the Old Whig School of Clay end Webster, and beheving in the coaservative principles of the American Party, they shall edhorially advueste | their own principles, yet they wil not refuse to vihe of differen: pdiucs a place for promulgating ther eeu- tment. Ii ie befiewed thai a paper conduc ed as this i pro- posed to be, will be well appreciated. and ruppuried by an active, indestrioes and inqu:rieg commen y These proposals are issued with the view of aseer- sining what sapport we amy expect. ts received, to justify our emberking is the enterpri-e, then this propectas closes our labors. Should we how - ever receive the evcouragement we expret, then the | Lawcoawres Disratou, will be meerd at the earhest day pracucaide. OUR TERMS of subscription is @2.00 per sanem in advance ; $2.50 if payment be delayed ax months, | aoe $3.00 if wot paid enti the expiration of the year | ion money vot required until the Gret nam- | Subscript ber has been issued and receiwed Address, Fink & Krimminger, Lincolowa, N.C. G. A. FINK R. KRIMMINGER July rose 308 The Great lron Wheel Examined. AND ITs FALSE SPOKES eRre ACU eS: by W. G. Brownlow. For sale ot J. H Ene BOOKSTORT: Jely 22 Wall Paper, &c., Large supply of most beaatifal Wall Paper. Al- wo Fue Screens and Window Shades for sale by J. H. ENNISS, Bookeselier A July 22 8 New North Carelina Ferm Book. aide She riffs, Constables, Magistrates and Basi- nese men, for sate ot J. HH. Bontes BOOKSTORE. Jely 22 8 Sale of the Factory and other Property BELONGING TO THE ISLAND FORD MANUFACTURING COMPANY! B* virrne of @ deed of trust made by the Isiend Ford Mavafectaring Company, 1 shail cel! at sectwn, at sad Fectory,on the 2is dey of Anges eert, all the real and personal property belonging to said Compe oy. snetuding the Faotery sed Machimery The per= will be mld on a credit of nix maths, the res! estate on 3, 6,9 and | 2 moarhs, per- chasers giving bond and approved ercariiice The baridings are comparatively pew 2nd commo- dias, There are in the Factory abvot || 00 spindles. 20 looms, end afl necessary machinery, sll in fine or der On the premises ere s large end wel! enastruct- ed Store Loose, fear exeelient hues for operations, and sundry otner buildiage. There 2 guod dem and In short all the edvamiages eeceesery to opin end weave cotton to adreniage 1 will afford fell opportanity te aay o peny wish i, to examine the pre before the pale, ALFRED PIKE, Prevk)nevitte July 14 B—te VALUABLE TOWN LOT ] Teition shone ° 15,90) French Language 5,00 | | Latio and Greek, each 10,00 | Masic. with the use of Pigno 2,0) | | of land lying defer the upeving of their College antil the { 15th duy of September nezt, | when they will be prepared for the receptive of pupils | ‘They take pleasure in announcing to the public, and | especially to the friends of the College, who have | | manifested ww great interest in its establishment we | ond success, that their mew and handsome edifice is new drawing rapidly to completion, that the corvices | « full corpee of efficient teachers will be secured io | | Sane, and every posmble proven made fer the ecom- fort of the youug ladies ¢ neted to their eure. It is their purpose now, as if has been from the be ginniag, | te reader their College inferiat m no reepect, to eimi- lished reputeeou iv war State. The beatinn is faver- able to health, being in an elevated region, and with- in a few hours cide of the mountains, while from the | lower ¢ mntry, it is easily accesmble by means of the | | Central Rail Road, and a tn-weekly hme of mages | te | frown Salebary. 26 miles. Boerd and Tuition to be paid in advance Terms, 64 the seemon of five months, as follows: Buart sad Tution iu the Eng Depa ment §60,00, Candies and towels furnished by the popils. By order of the Board, &. B. OU. WILSON, Pres't Buard of Trustees. July 8, 1856.— tde6. TRUST SALE B* virtee of (wo several sesignuments in Trest from William Locke, we will e'l ot public section ve Tuesday, the 26th day of August next, a1 the ree- | dence of sand Locké, six miles post of Balsbury, the | fidbowing velucble property, to w 396 AC RES om the East side of the Yedkin River,— um this treet there m@ eboet 75 acres ef river bottom the test of which is cleared and ia gued eundition for eul- tivation Also two-thirds of the bridge serose the Yadkin riv- er (known as Locke's bridge. Also enother small tract of land |ying im the county of Davidson, oa the waters of the Yahin River, cow- teiniag (wo acres, andon which there is an excetient STEAM SAW MILL. end in guod repair Also all treet of lned Iyieg in Rowen county mearthe fork of the Yadkin had road ing 14 acres Ale» another treet lying in the coenty ef Rowan edpawing Michac! Breen, Wiley Brown nnd others eumtarning 60 ecree,— Also anether treet lying recently erccied amuther ia the county of Davida, adpaning the lands of Mil | dred Kerr, aad others cuntammg Alen 3 negroe staves, 4 head of horses, 2 mates, BaP EQ ow S BE ECe ]3’ virtee of a Deed of Trast lo me executed by Dr Wiliam L. MeRee, ume, | shail, on Monday of the Ce Barke Coumy, being the vanity Coert e8'4.. dering bes life for 18th August orrt, at the dee of the Coan-Hoase is Mérgunton, expose to Pablic Sale to the highest LOT IN THE TOWN OF IRGANTON, sqeare west of the Court-Huder, fronting of Mois and College streets, where Dr MeRre resided, coo terning four of more acres, o8 which there is a very FINE BRICK DWELLING HOUSE nav ee nearly completed, with four large ruume below stairs and four above, with a wrde passage above and below and erst about three thoasand duller — Adpenmng the boilding there wa fine one-story Brick Buiding roome and a piazza ia front. wih all the ne cessary out houses and stables in gud repair diately on the corner of Main sireet, story Rrek Building. rough and covered with in, with a large and convenient Store Room, fitted ap, and two other surtable rmouns attached A yard flowers, and afine garden Its mimaiwn being central and convenient, ony per aon desirous of parchasing a beautiful, healthy, and demratle residence, would do well to attend the male main eh twee lame - ie a fine one cast, well tastefully decorated with evergreens and The Western Rail Road will be here in bese than three vears, agd property will duuble invalae. Should thie opportanity to <ecure a enmmer or a permanent rem- dence, unsurpaseed by this or any other town in Nerth Carolina, be leet, there is ne probability of acquiring, within the corporate hmits of the town,a readence ev desirable. Terms cash FE. J. ERWIN, Trastee ALSO, At the enme time and place, as Execator of of W.L. WeRee, Twill sell eleven Likely Negroes — Terms of this sale made known at that time E. J. ERWIN, Executor July 22, 1856 4wk STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, WILKES COUNTY. In Equity —September Term, 1856. Fielding Conabe ve Isaac Proit, and others ORDERED by the Court that pablieation be made as to Wm. Crable in the Carotina Watchman fur sx weeks, to appear, plead or demur, else judgment nha be entered againet hin. JAMES CALLOWAY, July 17, 1856. C.M.E t—6w large rad wagons and gear, | two horse wom Baggy snl harness, | Carriage ond harnesn, 20 bred esttle, 40 head of hage 1 ect Biackamithe tade, car- penters tords. a quantity of Corn and Beacon, 2 — Farming tls of every description, &e., de Terme 6 meomths credit with interest from date a onle M BOGER, JAS E KERR, Tr watere 607 July 15th, 18546 PITTMAN, WADE & CHARLTON. (Successors te WILLS & PITTMAN, General Produce COMMISSION MERCHANTS iPeterahmurg, FR. BLAKE PITTMAN, JAMES WADE, Prrtmas. Late a T. 3. CHARLTON \ Mowreoment Co, Va Liberal cash advances made upon all consignments mm hand May 20, 1856. NOTICE. indebted to 3moS! wee ae Ad minretrator of the emety of Moses DP Kelpatnek. hereby metined to LE. perenne. in env wey decensed, are come forward and make iamediate payment The eralhtof the sale of the property of the perennal estate hee cxpired, and the est " ww be ertiled ap Abe all thease having claims agaiust the cetate, are again potified lo present them for payment, of thie notice will be plead in bar of their rerore ry JAMES G. RAMSAY, Adm'e Jane 17. 1256. usa BSPoNnye For Spring & Sammer. UST RECEIVED a new and beautiful Stock of | Reasonable Clithing of aeperior qmality and work- manship, which we are new selfing ar very bow prees Our sock comprers HATS, CAPS, COATS. Viacers PANT. , SHIRTS, COLLARS and CRAVATS ; DRAWERS, SOCKS, BOOTS and SHOES, and of Clothing required, of the moat Call and tee! every other article « varied styles, quality and pee. Oar stock ie going off, and we are giving bargains to every purchaser, S77 Mension Hotel Our sore at the corper of the Il. F 5. 156. At M & OF). Salixbary. May 49 3meo Music. Large assortment of Piano Forte Wasie for sale A at JW. ENNISS’ BOOKS TORE Arnold’s Writing Fluid. HE Best Ir nk in the World, for snle at J. H Ea- BOOKSTORE | Ales, a large quantity of Bible Dictionaries, Ribti- | 650 per session of tive months. ) late of the firm of Write & Sapememe3 from roe $12 per scssion of Contingencies Bourd can be ed at $7.00 mouth. EPH A. ‘dae ewe ape get Co fess! 15th, 1856. STEAM ENGINE AND SAW MILL” FOR SALE. | Tes ondersigned offers for sule, hie well known Engine ond Saw Mill. This mochinery hus been thoroughly tried, and has performed in «# very superior | manner and tu his entire satiefetivn. The eugiue isan 18 Horse Power. The whole establishment can be easily psn up at any place. Persons wishing to parchase, — to call and examine it, as I have dutoreieed | +) LUMBER: PORSAL'. Di sein‘. fet pn Mills and has 150,000 of 200,000 feet of guod — Sunday School Bookx B. MARSH, Agent of the American Sunday © School Usivn is located at Greeashur.’, where he constantly keeps on heed, a good supply of the Society's publication s, among — are Wand, every thing accessory fur Libraries, viz 4, 100, vol. Libraries, $10,00 me Maret bene ry, e2 50 2, 75 val. « Question Books, per dos. 3,% vol. Village Libraries, $3 00 each, Spell- ig Books per doz. 5 00 “ 75 eal Auth , Bille Geog | Bowks, Tiekets, ke. Orders addressed, Agent of American 8. Schovl Union, Bux 71, Greensburvagh, N. C., will reeeive prompt attention. Jane 94, 1856. 4 oli ? Maps, Reward | Georgia, Andrew. Hiram. VINE ait ons fiat exianion Spring ond Summer Goods in a ve afterthey were to hand, we tiave supely which is now arriving, 4 » bought ot very reduced eaxh No more desirable goods Apeil 29, 1856. ‘STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, DAVIE COUNTY. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, May Ferm, 1856. “i | John Bauks, Adm’r., againet Ueirs ut low of Lacey ‘Thompeou. Petition to sell J ipsa IN this ease, it app ish of the Coert, that Solomon Beka. wi who in Ransom, pen Fos P pte a Nareivou Banks, and ‘Talty W heirs, , and Safly Notles, and Pully, formerly Polly Banks, ere not inbubitants of this Binge: It im, there- fine, exdered by the Court, that publication for six weeks in the “Carolma Watehman, A anid def ndauts to 1.¢ end appear wt the wext Pleas and Qurrier Sessions, 6 be held as cmey of Davie, at the Court House ia Mocksville, onthe 4th Mondey in August néxt, and ine deur Wo complainant's pin. Ars taken pro confess, and sule Wituers, Ceswell Hurhia, taoh 2 of pester at office, in Muckeville, the 4th Muaduy in Mey, A. D. 1656. : ©. HARBIN By A. A. HARBIN, D. De. Printers fee ss 50. “R JUNIUS MENDENDALE,” LAND ACENT. Vy ILL SELECT and cater Government Land— Locate Land Warrante-—Pay Taxes investments on Joint Irensect @ eral Real Exste basiness in Minncegts, lowe, apd Wircousin. Informatinn of the coaytry fatnivhed when. Addre=s, R. J. oo fy4 THOMAS E. “BROWN, Carciage, Buggy and Sulky Builder, Lerald and Banner please copy 3 ur 4 times. HIGH SCHOOL | OLININ=C: | eupertor vebicies, und feels sondern te eng give SBE ones, cs OE r. now cxrrying on the ab Vie vo call and examine bis work. Tarts epetocterig rong a firstrate articte. ean pet ap ph be desired, but would always recommend qaalties ae cheapest in the bapa rte. The wee 4 bbe wert seasion of thie school (New Lastitute | Schowl) will «pen on Wednesday, the 23d wf July, | im the epaciows new brick building. Mr. ¥. Linen | | fermeriy teacher at this place, and late Professer in | Randelph Macun College, Virginia, takes charge of qae’ the echoed, assisted by Meare. W. 1H. Lite eed L | If mt enungh | | lar institutions of the highest grade and best esteb- H.Cantae. These gentlemen need pe flaiiering eun- | mendations fru ur. Stadents attending this sehuel | will have every advaniage (Kr a thonagh and high | of meatal cultiveiem. The nerghburhwad is moral. end fer removed from reeves of dissipative and | ations to vier cust for beard and tiie ranges from $45 "| Tee rerrios rees | STICTLY Is ADVANCE Fea further informatha, write to & Louder, Otia, | B.C, By order oj the Board. J.C. TURNER, Chm'a. 6w5S Jaly 1, 166. SQUIRE, ZIMMERMAN & ALLEN, Wholesale Dealers tn - DRY GOODS, No. 143, Market Street, | PHILADELPHIA| | | vesace Serme D. M. Zine Groace N Aties of Linculatoa, N.C, 43:6 | Classics, WANTED, | | Uso OU OUR. eotP TRL, 100,000 bushels of good WHEAT. NOR which the highest prices will be paid in CASH 4 The freight on Wheat hee been very greatly re- deced from Chertorte to Charkeston, which enubles as to pay higher pees than can be paid cleewhery. | We have a large stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, Salt, cbe., which we will ell lower than con be hoaght in any market m Western Nocth Candina. Come with your wegoon BROWN, STITT & CO Chartate, N.C , Joly LSth. 1856. Sep? OFFICE OF C &8C.R.RCO,) | Jane 25, 1856 4 , TARIFF OF THROUGH FREIGHT BETWEEN | Lo 4 ment before they piss fe sabera GP His shop be in the rear of bis gato T™ Persone st a pany the order with « deseription te y and price—end when deliv " hese nan irene faction they will not be required to With the efvanteger of the Ralvoed hte door, he willtake almost any kind of trade in excha: for work—such we Corn, Wheat, Flear, Oats, Bacon, Bard, , Proveader Tim ft, ae. he phe its LIVERY STABLE le bept ap ee aenet: and these whe wish eitherte wag or togee Actrate horses or mules, are invited to call. » i MOCKSVILLE MALE ACADEMY. (Te next session of thie this Intnitetion wilcommence on Wednesday the 20th of February, hunt, The | setet is now in « very floorishing . aud the | subscriber will use his utmost endeavags to beep tte and to sustain the repaistion which kes hesutiues enjoyed. Young men will be prepared ww enier sey class in the University or a any of ver Colleges which they may desire TERMS : Primary Department per seeriva of Smomhs, 68.00 Higher Eagh-h Braaches, 12,90 15.00 JNO. B. GRETTER, A. B. Beb. 15, 1856. wae REFERENCES, President and Facalty of the Daiversty; Rev, Drary Lacy. DD, President of Davidron © Han Jobo MU. Morehead, Hon. John M. Dick, boreagh ; F. E. Shuber, Esq, J. F. Bett, Eeq., Selie- bery NEWBERN ‘Mutual Insurance Co. TE ande rmgned has been appointed agent at Salie- bury, for the shove Company, and is prepared to reecive applications from any person wishing te insure property. This company i# sow in successfet | operation, and ite bomness is fast increasing. Persone | wishing to have property insured in thie affine will | please call on the subscriber J.D. emo Midepat htcoands 10th, 136 NORTH CAROLINA, DAVIE COUNTY. 1 Charleston & Charlette. ie gee ae CLASS. ARTICLES. RATE Ficet Clare Measurement, per ¢ ft 16 Heoqratye ache Moetasees 7 oo} Barrels “ 200 “ Pink 2 00; Half Barris = 42 Sad Foor 70 Seche 200 the * 100 Tes. +” | Salt “0 Biechousishe, Bellows. } | all dace b) a Beckets. per dren » Cora per basbe| 16 Wheat 6 Coffee per 100 tha Cy Candies 70 Cheese “om 70 Om and afer the lat of July, the above ratce of | Freight will be charged apon ail the through aructes, enemersied. All others will be charged at the pre- sent Local Rates, T. J SUMNER Generel Superintendent Jaty VSeh. 1856. 507 Ten Dollars Reward! > ANAWAY frown the subseriber, on the 2h day & of Way a free wegro name i HENRY VA LENTINE. » Henry Lom vieted at the leet Tern of Rowan Supenor Coert of misdemeanor, whipped and sold for the payment of costs fe the term uf 18 monthe Said Valentine ot Loma, ie about 23 ycars of age, five feet three end « half inches high, of gingerbread enlor, large me, theek bpe. bow-legged, siomt built, and by trade « Brck-meson, Plasterer and Painter. He wae rated m Anson county, and may be lurking abvwr Wades. | horagh and Albemarle | 1 will give the above reward fur hie apprehension and delvery te me ot Monn Pleasan!. Cabarrus county, or if confined in any jal me that Tog t hem agein. Letters addreserd to Mont Pieasaat, will be promptly attended te CHAR Seid bey was con- me al LES KLUTTS Jane 10, 1856 we Thunder & Lightning’ DISUNION AND CIVIL WAR, Pestilence, Patent Medicine FAMINE, &e, &, RE evile and catamitics that should be guarded i. against. BAKER & OWEN beg leave to in- form the pabhe generally sed private individuals psr- treularly, that they are ready, wiliag and able to pro- tect them from one at least of the ebowe (Lightning by patting op-to their boildings, their Patent ladated Lightning Conductors, at prices lower than it has ev- er been done at in thie part of the country. Address | yoar orden te Baker & Owen, Saltsbary, N.C, Jaty M1856. Rif | | Nanev Coonatrer egeinet William Howard, of free | age. aed Stephen O'Bryes, Nethas O'fryee wad Andrew U' try ae, chibdeca af Sass U' Breen. | Petition te sell Land. IT appeeting im this case, to the satisfaction of the Cort, tbat the before nam-d defendants are aot in- be made, for ta weeks, in the Carclina Watchman, for the said defendants to be and appear et the erat | Court of Equity, to be hoki har the conanty of Davie. at the Coori louse in Mocksville, om the Sth Moedey after the 4th Monday ia Aagest nent, and plead, bo- ewer or demar to complai 1'® petition, or the same will be ta pro confesso, and the cause ert for beer- ing et parte, as to them. Wiiwess, L. Biagham, Clerk aud Master iv Equity for said county, at affice, the Sth Monday fier the 4th Monday in Febreary, ia the year of our Lord ove thoesa nd eight handred and fifty-six, and in the 80th year of Amerieen b L. BINGHAM, Cc. Doak B _ Price adv. 85 50. NORTH CAROLINA DAVTE COUNTY. Ia Eyjuity—Spring Term, 1856. Lemaec! G. Uechion egemet Wiley King and wife El- vire, Wilham Hekoa, Thomas fehon, Naney H-i- ten tigabeth Helton, Joseph Hehee, Lorenae mm. Berry Etchison, William D. Erchison, (ehiMtren of Nancy and Jesse Etchison, of the State of lediena,) Joseph Hetson of Arkansas, Roch Witbams ond wife, and the children of Elmabeth Griffin, whe has twe seus of chikiren living in Ar- khaneas, whose names are unknown. Petition to sell Real Estate. IN thie ever. it eppenring to the setufaction of the Coort, that he defendants are aot inhabitents of this Brate: ft i+ ord > teat pablieation be made im the Carvhna Watchman, for six weekt for the snid de- fendanis to be and appear at the next Court of Rqni- tw. held for the county of Davie, at the Court House in Mocksville, om the Seb Monday after the vh Monduy ia Aagust next, and plead, amewer or demur to compleimant’s petition, of the samegill be taken pro confess, and the ewuse set fur hearing ex parte, @@ to them Wineess, 1. Bingham, Clerk and Master for said cownty at office, the Sth Monday after the 4th Mun- day in February, im the year of ow Lord them, sand ezht hundred and Afty-six ie tne BOph yea of Amencan Independende. L. BING@AM, C.M. EB. » P sat Price Acy. 83 50 Dyspepsia Cured. D" HOSTETTERS CELEBRATED RBIT- TERS, for the cure of Dyspepsia und Chills & Fever, &e. For sale by MILLS MOOBE @ CO Mav? ih i Saliebury ‘ Seo Pilin Albany---A Noble | sts tend to the destruction of the’ rroment, ener . be , aia baa pad tan pe aprcis bo j fram And jet ‘the |aet ; ~ a Sptowb. ~ _}me algo odd, thas whem, this Union is xlissolved, | ple that are governed, and as long a3 we) de a \-s READ IT—READ 11. it will not be di into two republics ortwo/ maintain such forms corereran.| . . | mowerchiea, bat broken ioto fragments, each et | feared dpon the ir| than wi pe Aaeeegiteny irs ater dad be hay Conk —not here alone, but every where, |to thank you, and those old Whigs whom entertains those achtiments which oye:| Bus, | have perhapeaaid all that - — Ngee Res : an asl *. : a {th out the broad extent the | I see aro for thug extending to m 5 eet Pn fg ae seeing the hid | £8 ee ears i nevid Uni laws. will. vindicate, them-| their confidence and respect. (Loud and magistrate of the republic, jet him read the fol-’ P = Padi rey a pany std sensing (Sel¥éae- It is the beauty Of our AimePican preanges applause, followed by three lowing apecch by Millard Fillmore, at Albany, w travels in Europe, to witpess ones or twice, System, —if left freely to represent the| hearty cheers for Millard Fillmore.) on bia way through that city. “Thy heart of the ie reception of royalty, in all the potnp and | Whole People,—that we have, or must — rs country wil! throb responsive to such sentiments. | splendor of military array, where the music was Have, such laws fuanded upon such affec- Lot every patriot take his stand beside Mr. Fill- given to grder, and the cheers at the word of tions,—and that we can pass fron one more on the ground here taken by that gentle command, Dut, for myself, I prize the honest State to another, though all under differ- | : ill “be re. Spontaneous throb of affection with which you ent Governments, without any of the : mon, and peace end pronpenty, will 00m be re ee ceinad ane “Gack to my native State, vexatious Passports, or gens dearmes, or| Ist. An humble acknowledgement to the Su- stored to the Union ; above all the pageants which roalty cau display.! any of those restraints upon personal lib-| preme Being, for His pr ing care hsafed Siwey and Filew Cite? ‘Theres Srineglue! Pi essarrtea “ be heart Cees SGy which reduce the subject toa slav-/ to our fathers in their successful Revolutionary Me atprol ‘iat paanel eta i aN, Ney cae aia (Pesoepel vp: ery as severe us that of the master over | struggle, and hitherto manifested to us, their de- iis ahaa depeives Baa | the power uf eine) be you adiee. see *P the tlave. Every little petty Kingdom | ,cendauts, in the preservation of the liberties, the Here nearly thirty years ago 1 com- or Dukedom in Europe, demands z08r| ndependence, aud the union of these States. sir. I onl ADOPTED AT THE SESSION OF THE Pe 5 Renee eae | Passport,—but when I stepped once.more | : . ay menced my political career, In this building | Mr. FILLMORE FEELING TOWARDS |. = ‘eo a : ren I stepy nye = | 2d The perpetuation of the Federal Union, Gist saw a legislative body in session, (chcers,) OR RICE’ . am the shores of iny own native land, ; |a8 the palladium of our civil and religious liber- teat. at that time it pever entercd into the aspi- FOREIGNERS, could not but draw the contrast, and is ties, and the only sure bulwark of American Iu- | dependence, ; 3d. Americans must rule America, and to this rations of my beart that 1 should wer receive J)uring Mr. Fillmore's late triumphal progress | thank my God I was a tree man once euch « welcume as this, iw the capital uf my 03- fron New York to his home in Buffalo he was! More, with need no longer of any such live State. (Cheers.) You have been pleased, sir to allyde to my : : : t an pate oe ae we ‘probable course if | ‘he people at several points along theline of the should be again called to the positiun uf Chief route—among others, at Newburg, o@ the Hud: | oftentimes been compared to the bay of | nevertheless, ’ wot the _— amet = ria where -hy used the Sanita ae Naples. I have seen pomeiuing of both. 4th. Persons born of Saiye — oer not plessapt to speak of yne's self, yet rust, cerning persons of foreign birth who have sought | Italy, with her sunny and cloudless skies, | ing temporarily abroad, shou entitled to al that the oecasiyn will justify me i ei a the shelter of uur institutions. is a most beautiful country to look upon | the rights of native-born citizens; but on eee on aie hace thee We ask what American—what Foreigner, of —and alas! only to look upou! but would| 5th. No person rere aaa aurssogr oh ear Adaiaistration. [‘*heers.] me Sec pur can object to im these senti-| God she had a government like ours. peer (whether of native or foreign birth,) who Lonmasdicabe arviery aciooderuen am eperm An Applause.] The bay of Naples,as I said, | Tecoguises aay allegiance or obligation of any ae ee ee if is pared to no pi ‘rantiful bay, | deseription to any forsige prines, potentate or — : 5 : ri 4 : 5 gril, the country was upfortumately agitated) 61 pave ho hostility to foreigners; I have with | jaye AY sa thle striking atff rence, | Powers oF who refuses to recognise the Federal from ope end of the country Lo hg other Upyn pss their Bai denies Na AC pana wine he pa oi ect seer jjaed State Constitutions (each within its ppeere) the exciting sulject of slavery, 1 was then, sit, ry and God forbid that | should add to their- 7 | a8 paramount to all other Jaws, as rules of politi- Ubat I felt it my duty to rise above every seo "4 y Was surrounded by hundreds of beggars, | ffering by refusing them ylutn in thi cal action, tioun! prejudice and look w the welfare of the ana ade ee ieee pr panier y bese but when I stepped on the shores of) sth. The lifed recognition and maint whole _ Applause.} I was compelled oppressed of every land to partake of the bless- Freemen, [great aud prolonged cheering) | nance of the reasrved rights of the several States, | cheers.) | State, Federal, and municipal offices or govern- “Your beautiful bay, Mr. Mayor, has! ment employment, in preference to all others : and dis- to pre) ings of our laws and country; I would only ex. —bot only earning their own livelihood, | and the cultivation of harmony and fraternal regard party clanns, [Great and prolonged ap 15. from this emigration the pauper and the; but—as contrasted with other laborers—| good will, between the citizens of the several pine criminal. 1 would give free toleration to every | livelihood of luxury. (Great cheering.)! States, and to this end, non-interference by Con- bing this, sir, I did oo more than oy. Lut while I did this, I would, for their| That point of difference, Sir, is most| gress with the questions appertaining solely to é sakes as well as ours, declare that Americans|agreeuble to an American eye, and || the individual States, and non-intervention by myeell, | was by 20 means the sulv instramemss 151d rule America. They shoukl have the felt it aud felt.prond of it, and prouder , cach State with the affairs of any other State. ; f j benedit of equal laws,—but neither their educa- than-ever, not only of your bay, but of) ith. The recoguition of the right of the na- ties (4) ) There were ai that time noble (1) 4 nur knowkedge of our institutions qualify | the thrifty population that sarround jt. | tive-born aud naturalized citizens of the United independent, high souled men, in both Houses of 114, 6 govern America, The failure of every Venice was once a prouder city than | States, permanently residing in any Territory Congress belonging to both of the great politica! attempt to establish a free government in Eu- New York, but—amid intestine and for. Hereof, to frame their constitution and laws, and partes of the country, — Whigs and Democrats ; rope is demoustrative of this fact. But if wel Gj ah “ J tee) sh. cae to regulate their domestic and social affairs in whoeperned the character of selfish party hak, \inuy tho Liesings which Providence hee 00) 8) vee ey nO uae ae aber their own mode, subject only to the provisions and tallied around my Admivistration, , Lountifally abuecrel upon us, it becomes ¢very | eh aa been crushed. The Constitu- of the Federal Constitution, with the privilege of in support of the great measures which restored | 4 moriean to stand by the Constitation of this 0? oor United States has brought) admission into the Union whenever they have peace to ap agitated and distracted coumry.— | country, aud to resolve, that independent of all NCW ork into greatness, by concentrat-| the requisite population for one Representative (Cheem.) By the blessings uf Divine Previ foreign influence, Americans shall and will rule 98 here the commerce and exchanges of | in Congress. Provided always, that nove but dence, om ¢ were crowned with signal 90C: | America.” all confederated States. To preserve | those whe are eitizens of the United States, un- cod (Cheers); and when | |cft the |'residential that coneentration, and that greatness, | der the Constitution and laws thereof, and who chaiz, the whole nation was prosperous and cua Sa as — ’ : » there must be absence of all internal) have a fixed residence in avy such Territory, ented, 20d var relations with ail {reign nations TILE GRAND RECEPTION OF MR. strife—there must Le peace and friend-|ovght to participate in the furmativa of the cou brocarleShge most — (« teers.) The! FILLMORE. ship for, and confidence in, New hed | meen ia the enactment of laws for said ctoud hung vpoo toes Cae clesipe . > : : 7 from all the parts of these confederated | Territory or State. ted; but where are we vow! Alas! Threat. The N. 1. Express gives some six col ioral Date a ee your abate and| 8th. An enfurcement of the principle that no ened at home with civil war, and frum abroad yimns of detail of the formal reception on crowing city of 3 Seal aad of ic. protec- | Sate or Territory ought to adit others than with a rupture of our peaceful relativns. | shall Tuesday last. It consisted of a Procession tion the Constitation vacces its trade and | “zen* of the Caited States ty the night of suf not sock to trace the causes of the change. These 3 - ben. rsa ane frage, or of holding political office. through the principal streets, with ban-! commerce, and its fate would be that of are the facts, and it is fos you to ponder upon 5 I F ‘ - ’ Oth. A change iw the laws of naturalization, them. Of the Adwinistration I hase ners, &e., addresses, speeches, introduc. Venice, whose deserted strects and making © continued residence of twenty-one wothing to say. I can appreciate the difficulties tions, dinner, kc. Besides the city popn- oe ek e but so recently a ot years, of all not hereinbefore provided for, an in- of edmiuistering this government, and if the pro- | | tiun, vast numbers of people from the Cd. England has now the control o JinpensaLle requisite fur citizenship hereafter, and scat executive and his supporters have with goo) “MUU the commerce of the world, throagh Lon- excluding all paupers, and persons convicted of iutention and hearts, made a mistake, |! country, and the adjacent States, were! don her great commercial city. 1 now crime, frum lauding upon our shores; but no in- hope God will forgive them m | do (loud and present to purticipate in rendering the) venture to prophesy that ere wiany years terference with the vested rights of foreigners. prolonged applause.) But if there be thuse who highest honor to the faithful patriot and | elapse, those who are now within the 10th. Opposition to any union between Church have brought these calamities upon our country liglied\ statesenan sound of my voice will, under the pro- and State; no interference with religious faith, for selfish of ambitiogs objects, it is your duty, echiocoral 2 eae = . hes tection of the Constitution, see that New vr worship, and no test oaths for office. fellow-citizens, to huld spew do a sirict reapun- Mr. Fillinore delivered several speeches York will be tothe world what London! 1 1tth. Free and thorough investigation into sibility. (Cheers) in reply toaddreeses. To a Philadelphia 5. (Applanee.) ‘any and all alleged abuses of public functiona- The agitation which distprbed the peace of : M arrecuron ries, and a strict ecopomy in public expenditures, the country in 1850, was auevordable. | was " a Wi sas 1 rouks eri Cit 12th. The maintenance and enforcement of broaght upon us by the acquisition of wew ter, “You have, sir, in your remarks, scen, é Auladte . vinmittee 0 pve YT Al inwh coast tational’ enacted, until said laws ritory, fot the government of which it was ne fit to allude to my travels and receptions 81 ge! ved . Le York, a + shall be repealed, of shall be declared oull and te ibe territorial adsninistration. Bet, in foreign countsies. It is tone oe | from have the honor, Mr the Wi © void by competent judicial authority. it is Gor you to tay whether the present agitation, | the crowned licad to the peasant, | have present to you iny associates of the Whig p38 oO »position to the reckless and unwise, whieh distracts the country and threatens @8) roceived marked courtesy and aftention ; General Corumittee of the city of New policy of present administration in the gen with evil war, has not been recklessly and wan- bot | do not attribute this to any merit of York. W Handi \ nine -old line Whigs eral management of our national affairs, aod leely produced by the adupuion of » memure to ny own, but to that power which cleva- of 1840,°44,"48, and ‘52. As long as Hen- more especially as shown in removing “ Ameri aid advancement rather than Y 9°) ted me to the ottice of Chief Magistrate | ry lay lived, we followed lis flag and cans” (by designation) and cumervatives in pete good. (Cheers) of a greatand free Repablic. But often, lis fortanes, and in many a hard faaght’ principle, from office, and placing foreigners and Six, you have been pleased to say that | have while | have received sach kindness campaign, we.shared with him both vie- | ultrasts in their places ; as shown in a truckling the suse of these States at beart. The, sir, is eel I mest own that 1 bare heard, tory and defeat. Veterans there are here, subserviency to the stronger,and an insolent and mnent wae, for if (bore be one object: dearer with tie most painful solicitade, of events *i", who took the [lero of Pippecanoe cowardly bravado towards the weaker powers ; me than apy oth<y, it = the unity, prospertiy and Py aes witch have been transpiring from the lawns and fields of North Bend ™ shown in re-opemng sectional agitation, by glory of ths great Republic, and | confess q n triumph to Washington, and here are ‘he repoal of the Mussvuri Compromise; as shown frankly, sir, that | fear it join danger. Tsay at hoine. Not ofteu, in umay parts of! ‘umpl ashingtol nd | ret gremtug Ur bensleakcel (ecgeia Us nek : » | the heads of the Legions, that in 1848 nothing | » leas ot Earepe, hare | been able to see an Aine! ie hea 5 ” pr pas -~ . ¢ the ser bord. Gee eee ike | re ie rn il pape _ bat extracts from them | carmed you and General Taylor to the A suffrage in Kanens sud Nebraska ; a shown ‘ei me iis thal ‘€ « L. » vi ‘ A Committee he said,— introdaced the ¢ White Ilouse nd that failed in isa4, '"'* vaciiating cvuree oe the Kanes aed Ne sume they gre- afi homoralle men. Mut, ar. hare seen every where copied into foreign i doen eae ete rasta questiva ; a sluwn in the eorreptions what do we ge! An ecxasperate! feel le- journals, which showed that alarming W pecause th ¥ treason In OGr ranks. oi pervade sowe of the departments of the tween the North and Sveth, vn the most ici dissensions and tarmoil existed in my own, ‘VC Come to wel e you home,—as an guverument ; as shown in diegracing metitorioes ; f : tung of all tojact, resulueg in blvodsbed amd of country —eucl: as excited in ay mind the | Old soldier,—an old campaigner with O38, jiayal officers Ukrroagh prejudice of eaprice ; an:! gummed milters aetay. ; | liveliest eolicitude, and which have given t » off q JOG Ol hands, vur hearts, ANd as shown i the biundeneg mamanagement of Piet thes is not all sir, We we a jxfiticn me the greatest pain. And when it is the lumble approbation of our hea Is. our foreign relations party, presenting egmdidates Lor the Vreleoy st nown that foreign monarchists an Here is the old ynard, sir, old veterans Lath. Therefore. t» remedy existing evils, and that have never fiyhit for BOry ice In a@ fair Jlere there are, sir, just as re ady and Vice Presidency, selected fur the first time frum the free Sistes slowe, with the avowed per pose of electing these candidates by the saffrages of ome of the | wiem onlr, ty rule ower the whole U. Stakes (Can it Lee prunes lake thet thecme who are engage) mm such a measure, cap feel ; bare serjvasly reflected wpon the consquenees ly foelinzs m ' ! ey whoch mest mevitally follow, in case of sucer= ' But, Sir, it was some consolation to ve tlis congratulation with a (Cheer) Would be be required to fullow the e, nay, a real consolation to know, that mixtare of pride and satisfaction. You rule preseriled by these abo ek-cted him in in all parts of Earope, many hepeful have agreeably reminded me of the ina making los appormtments! If a man living hearts were Leating with apxious selie- | "y hard-fought battles: through which south of Mann's amd Lizon's line be wot worthy tude for our welfare, and were trusting! we have passed, and it las gratified me ty be President or View I’reudent, would tt Le) and belies ing. that a free people would to look rownd upon the faces of those who peuper tw ackect ome from the same quartet, &® comtinge in persevering to rule and gov have been 80 often associated with me in me A be Calanet Council, or wo represent te (Ap nauee im a bain eountry Thoagh T now belony, sir, beet the revener, or administer the United States | been beaten prevent the diaastruus eomejuences otherwise re th deep feelings of satisfac- ae Pome € sulting therefrom, we would build ap the “ Ame Gon, every new cause of internal discord, and expecting therefrom a speedy disse lution of this great and free tepublic, is it tu be wondered at, that such should Lx M, nean party” apon the stated lath. That each “tate Council shall have ae thonry to amend their several constitutions, so as to abolish the several degrees, and institate a pledge of honor, instead of other obligations fur fellow slip and adinmson into the party. 16th. A free and open discussion of all po Iteal principles embraced im our platform. MANSION 4 HOTEL, SALISBURY, N. C. I aim sure you will Le glad to see them one and all.” Fillinore's Reply as ever, and principles bercinbefore I rece They trusted, and IT struzyles for the common country pause. ) em thermeelves trusted with them, that the day is far dis On, mideed, to ent aweof the the American party, which has grown Vf met, what new rule is the general out of the tant when we shall be called apon to wit ness « calamit an event as exigencics of the times, yet Vreedent to adopt in sek cting men fur ffic« ea : . * in Geese Stat there is not, I hope and teust, that differ- mage discord, of civ war, in these ates pe Pe These are sertous, but practical qucsuions, at Me ‘ ) ' Bs l « tl Let | ILE eoberriber beving tihen charge of the aber + 1B order tu appreciate these fai!y se ee kor God's sake, let us all reinember that ence of semtument Letween us whicl: Vetabtichment, bere leave to inform the pubitee wt ty . en a ee 2 and greatness is the should alicnate old friends. (Applanse You have spoken, sir, of the defeat of ITenry Olay, in 1844, and you have allu- ded to the causes of that defeat in our ir present freed«o cenernity, thet the Hower = now open for the rere pucn Af Boarders, Travelers, &e He promises that hes ACCOMMODATIONS cammery 10 ture the tathes upon yore |scs Sop pase that the Sogth having a majority wkectoral votes, should declare that they would cord and anity have waly siasebolders for I'resilent aod Vice el i fothe ft of our forefathers, and of thetr enn yourown city of Phila thallbe equal to amy inthe State ale ys : . 7 Perame sinpping Vreswemt : sed should teach Ly their ex To Mayor Wood's address he repliod: awn State There, ge ntleinen, Was the i hie Huw always have mealein time for the arr (leatwe suffrages to rele over ws at the Nort! “Mr. Maver: -This anexpected and *0"" 1 inflicted that began the destruc: , velaed dopartare of the Cars. Attentive and obhg Jee you thivk we woold submit wt? No, met ft a moment (Applause) And do heve that your Suuthern bathren are los sch ve om Une salipet than you ar chan jen ous of their rights! (Tremendous cheenng ) Vf yow do, kt me tll yeu that you are mostak tion offic Whig party There was the ig ervents alwaysin attendance Bs my: at ‘ a trial w, canker worm that yuawed it to the lreart, Salebury, May 24, 1855 and subseqnently carried it to the grave. Phese are painful reminiscenes, all,—and THE WILMINGTON HERALD let them pass. | foresaw from that time Call and give me B GRANT coral welcotue tu the great commercial emporium of the United States leaves me withent langnage to express the effusions fimy heart. Lhad hoped to have ar ny ideas, bat not only yon, sir, pou lx ) the ont 2 , 8 published 4 And, therefuee, yi f mitall within theeound of my voice, are ates utidenee was gone bere in this | Acasa fees ee raphe et ae lnge Se nd, thereigee, you aud sor tigst if Uns seed nt fat tines iny landing om te State amene the members of the Whiy - ae ie hector all bred en azel sb = parts evemedé it lenis ine sitaldy to the J iware rind am ‘ \ ait q nis mae Molsbery and other western towne, as « good ad ad eS arate ; . y oa ol eee at avs ative suil. Dhave net had batty, and that men could no longer act Tirtin telecom MT ore tiende nie va off (lie be eGifts faelertc ry at - o ; : LD harmony together, when such a noble AED T BURR. J forefathers, cement l r } t Paingic memnent to myself j reparation f Pr eens me ‘ mad bee ae P - ‘ spint was saern ! to passi« or preyt ». 36, 1656 it qucath.f to us asa priceless inberitane Revers t necessary, — when one } ee rine La aye “e eye } sd ad s Gtce, or te any ambitiot at tn: ave T cell you, my frremis. chat | speak warmly on tay thus fice eé tind before one’s y am 1 that may have Mackerel! Maekerel !! “When in IS4s, partly by the vote of \ large bet of Maekeret in bbte , ae A bhte and kite, of all Now jast reesived and for rtly by that aet of Pro selon in material pros from na the then [re Leen indebted te stdent elect, and shrouded the country in friends. Unt! | lett home for Earope, I inmat confess Pow t ston ts way Late sulgeet, for | Gel thet we are ti danger | [in its way am Juterwined ty mak» a clean irra ff nd will wash my hamds of the commequctcs, what covet they may be. and | tell reo trembing apow the brvk of a vobeano, that m fi ( bbls. quarte: as not aware of the great half bbls. quarter hat bad been made ininy the peoplesa Vidence, that t Taprevements that weare swig hand, how mine MILLS, MOOSE & Co perty even, we Inve May 12, 1456 a7 alse at any woment ty lair forth and uverwbeho ii constitutional liberty, and noble prin. Mourning, it se happened that T was with the mation 1 mig ft words twold owt d ples of ponee. at | concord, and union out pledges, and was left to administer Valuable Land for Sale! ; Le Ss jas i lusive Lege and thereby) win votes leat Tt ind barniouwy our fathers left ws asthe the Government,—as it seemed to me the cap coureut ty be une Loy to the North, and ee Wits een ernie niites ne tereste of all demanded Nothing | fa ech privately: allen lande in the ys alec! | denpane mie railien . r , county of Davie, I enuther to the able I sive i aeet . to preserve | conserve these prigciples Prove fon \" rforming iny duty tomy : ss i So. Heating fb could be guilty of suet evasion (Lumult } : aes prusci] ! 4 Creek. and containing 800 acres, To those RTS cee bar would ati! 2UE lessons they have left mntey and to all parts of that country, who want ehuice Hanting Creek bette ; k re J : a : poetisctlihe te rit itertal, as te ra} North aswellas South. Thas not only tnd. Peter great indacementa, as 1 am determined mek WIL tbe Jramati pant 1 i bates Silat E ' e oot ift'wive nee ane to five vr ' Irosperity Lobe a great people. Daow Co Whigs, whe cleeted me,rallied around (oat Ewell giv recs. trope oan. to Arey cars an ot he hate) ual) Giews aaeree |’ e come | 1 LS [ts ee the purchase money Sask SaBlen Hiedet cod wish Ging ak sve unere than ever, a people t Mme—bat the Democratic party alsa,— 1 will ala sell all of my stock, crop. farming tools To bdest the wretch whe owes te lore free. Hence the Constitution our F mainiy that portion of it which was and grain: In shares inthe Central Rad Road, provid- To te comates «rare 7 left sis ntonly above all price, asa neervative, and which responded tomy ee Loved Ube. ; rai cad ; de a cum and five : ! ’ ons eas : - head of horses, whether [eel the land of net ba the language of the lamented. immer! bequest fur law and lbeety, and avin arient efforts to administer the yovern GEORGE WILSON and harmony, bat as the indispensible sucnt f bond of our material prosperity Great plause Clee — "9 bead rethor be mylit thar Twill alee pay aliteral price fora white single man Should at be my lot again to 2 manages, antil next Pall G. Witsos a April 22, 1e56 he President” ( Latbusiastic and prolong cheers ) r the vood of all concerned. ( Ap- | sat It seems to me impamuble that thoac engage #PLause.) When you, sir, became the vocupy the Presideutial chair, [trust not im thin aeviiunal Malin caw lieve snartesvrnlee icf Mazistrate of this great city, [oly ty lave the support of old line To Farmers. iinclan fal tonserweuren!el euccees | (ii icll mhed with pleasure on your attempts at Whigs. the whigs of 1840, “44, 48, and TINUE. enthecribe re respectfully invite the attention of Formers and others, to their large and ele ant stork of Rtaple and Faney Goode Their assert rat is extensive and of great variety of style and a-utnder the bunds f eee Union, and spreads Upholding the laws, for no troe liberty 92. but the sapport also of the old Con if ! i ] - . ' 4 . a . near) aod civil war thevugh the land, whats Cal exist without obedience to the laws, seryative elements of the Democratic Law and common and veta government that depends for parte Phey together carried mny admin 1 heme thao moral treason | tear ; \ . > cnanos mahty, Callat No.3, G } erse bold aman responsible for the natura con its power alone Hpon standing armies, or )tstration t rene ithe trying seenes of a" alla 3; ne ew UARKIN © jwenoes of bis a ind must not liom of as Tan he ood government, | ESO and to them, in commen with YOU" Salvelury, March 25, be o6 reg | PLATFORM QF THE AMERICAN Party | NATIONAL COUNCIL, Fen. 21st. 1656. | | . 4 > : 4 .! hee | compelled to address immense assemblages of /COMpanion as a Passport. (Tremendous ond nusive-born citizens should be selected for all EG mater lahiten thelr many’ Gisiee ead the publie generutty that te new receiving & in tke Brick Hane: Gamedy nodigied by dy & Mills their stock of STAPLE AND FANCY Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, | together with all articles usually kept in a Dry Goods Store. They are also receiving the largest aud best selected stock of Groceries ever offered iv this market all of Which they are determined to sell at prices that | cannot fail to please, . v.8. THE HIGHEST MARKET PRICES | paid at alltimes for Floar, Wheat, Curn, Cotton, and | all kinds of country produce | Jawuary 9th, 1856. 37g ' LET ts REASON TOGETHER | HOLLOWAY’S PILLS. WHY ARE WE SICK, Tt has been the lot of the human race to be. weighed down by disease and suflering. HOLLOW AY'S PILLS are specially »- | dupted to the relief of the WEAK, the NERVOUS, the - CATE, and the INFIRM, of all climes, ages, sexes, and constite- tions.’ Professor Holloway personally superintends the mawu- | facture of his medicines in the United States, aud offers them to a free and enlightened as the best remedy the world ever saw for the removal of 5 THESE PILLS PURIFY THE BLOOD. These famous Pills are expressiy combined to ite on the pared the liver, the kidmeys, the lungs, the skin, and the bowels, any im thetr if ng the blood, the very fuuntain of life, and thus curing disease b all its forms. | DYSPEPSIA & LIVER COMPLAINTS. \ Nearly half the human race have taken these Pills. It hasbeen | proved jo alt parts of the workl, that nothing has been found | equal to them in cases of «lisorders of the liver, dyspepsia, aud stomach complaints geucrally. They soon a bealthy tone | te these organs, however much deranged, aud when all uther | means have failed, GENERAL DEBILITY. ILL HEALTH. Many of the most despotic Governments have opened their Custom Houses to the introduction of these Pills, that they may become the medicine of the masses. Learned Colleges admit that this medicine is the best remedy ever haows for persons uf deticn alth, or where the tystem has been impaired, as its | mvigue ating properties never fail to affurd relief. FEMALE COMPLAINTS. No female, young or atl, shout be without this cebebrated medi cine. It corrects and regulates the monthly courses at all pe riods, acting in many cases like acharm. Mis also the best and mafert medicine thet can be given to Children of all ages, and | or any complaint ; comsequently no family should be withowt it Holloway's Pilts are the best Remedy known in the world for the following Diseases Asthma Diarrhea ledigestion§ Btape and Gravel Bowel diseases Infiwenas Secondary Symp Coughs laftsmmetion toms wtdin . gue Veneral Afee- (io vard Weetnes, best Diseases Pemale Com tions Liver Commphatnts, liveness plaiats Worms of all Lown'es of spirita, eotepeia Meadeches Rims Piles. 4° Bold af the Manalacturtes of Profemer He 41ae at, 80 Mal” dea Lane, New York, sud 144 Atreml, London, by afl respecte the Druggists pad Deale> of Medicine het the United . aad the civilized orld, ie boxes eeuts, Of )y comes CO There is a considerable saving by tabi NB. Direetions for the gabispce of patients in cvery disorder are afined to cach box ‘ JAMES HORAH, WATCH-MAKER AND JEWELER, SALISBURY, N.C, (Onc door below BH. A A. Hurphy’s Store, ng the larpersines ] ” EEPS constantly ou hand a lerge assortment ui NO WATCHES aed JEWELRY of 2! kinds Chocks, Watches and Jewetry of every desorption, reparred im the best manner end on (he nwet reasuna bbe terms February 19, 1856 ly3e8 YZ $ G. A. MILLER, 6 ATTORNEY AT LAW, MOCKSVILER WC. ~ 8 fice imementintety opposite the Davie Hotet BA NEW Coops: NEW GOODS !! J.V.& T. SYMONS & CO. NNOUNCE . stege line Rowan and ad 2X prog Connves, that they are mow receiving a large and well selected stock of Spring & Summer Goods, severe oF Finey Dry Coola: Rely Made Clothing ; Thite and Capa A Biumncta b& Strive Cooda ¢ Boota and Shove: Glass and QYucennrare Groceries & Dye Stuffs, whieh they offer cheap ta cash of on shart credit Call and examine, as we are determined to ofl Apel 15, 1856 Stetf Stipde of SPRINGESUMMER G00D8. < W Fo are now creciving omr usial aapply, embrace ing great vanety of STAPLE & FANCY Conds, well adapted to the Sew been bought at the an y ollof which have bowent ad which we are determined to offer at wrhotreste and retad at prees that meant give wfnet nn Call and examine war stock before yon purchase ae we are deteronned to sell MURPHY, MCRORIE & CO. Salisbury, Apnt 1, 1656 ‘ Non. 1 & 2, Gronne Raw. § aif DIBbuLE «© BUNCE. Calvin BR. Dibble, Jo Late of Wilmington, N. ¢ 1 anf. Rance, { Kineton, NC Commission Merchants In Cotton, Flour, Grain, Naval Stores, AND Southern Produce Generally. Wo. 180 Front Street, Iwi sey iF puRis. REPEMENC HS — WoL Myrover John D Williams, Req, Pret Henk « ndon M Btevencon, Keg Cash Bank of Wilmington (a7 Marriage License for Sale at this Office, iv} (Late of Worth & Biliott, i ville, N.C») a GENERAL COMMISSION : AND *5% t Orders for Mrehandize, and consignments of Flour and other Produce, for salesor shipment, thankfully received and prompily attended to. E May 1855. unt ABOUT THE Western Extension! business in the West, as well us «ll other direc- tions, take this method of informing their numerous friends and patrous that they are now receiving @ spleadid stock of » READY MADE CLOTHING, Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestings, and Gen- tlemen’s Furnishing Goods a general; all of which will be sold must shoeliag low. Also, a splendid stock of HATS and CAPS, atest style, Don't take our word, but call aud satisfy yourselves, JNO. A. WEIRMAN & PRICE, Merchant Tailors. Salisbury, N.C. Sept. 1855. (r16 u. ¥. ANUERBON, W. D. REYNONDS. CROCERS, AND Commission Merchants, | NO. 10, ROANOKE SQUARE, | WOUNU Duis, WA. | Pay active attention to the sale of Flour end other | hinds of Produce, svoiding unnecessary charges aud rendering prompt retarus. wal | 4. DB CUMMING. C. W. #rYROR, Tremendous Excitement |« "THE Subsoribers being desirous of extending their! $5 tu ANDERSON & REYNOLDS, 2) 8. 5. om ress rahe | power \ | from | All winds of tice, such as work de. for thveshing sibohines ad , ouly intend moking luerder, All ed. My furnace We sillin successful: farnivh i i Davideon 00, N. C., Fev. 5, 186. _ fate 2st Conran wees he es ING MA CHINES and HORSE BRS. known the Drury Mechine, of Baltimore ; whieh Me prea. = 375 ACRES OF LAND FOR SALE, - tanee of this tract. Apply to Juhe A Boyden of Selisbery, | CUMMING & STYRON, COMMISSION AND | Forwarding Merchants, WILMINGTON, N. €. Perticatar stientlon peid to seiling Flour, Cor! Cor and all kinds produce. Feb, 1856. PETER W. HINTON, i} ly39 COMMISSION MERCHANT, TOWN YFPOINT, trweorvTouinm, Wn. Special attention pald te Selling Tobaceo, Flour, Grain, Cotton, Naval Stores orwarding &c. Also, to Recei and F ao pe, fo =. ‘rkn TO ML. Babards, fq Malicbary, ¥. Charter L. Hintom, Bq, Wete Oo. XC. 4. G1 Routect, Hq. Kaleigh, XC feorge W Haywood Ley. Kakeigh, NC We. W. Pemmer, Enq, Werrenton, XC COWAN'S VEGETABLE LITHONTRIPTIC FRIEND OF THE HUMAN FAMILY SUrrERiNeG reom > Ty » DISEASED KIDNEYS, St.ne inthe Bladder and Kidneys, Weak neaa f the Lona, he. Thisinvalaeide medicine is for enle at the Davie Hetet, io Moeheville, ot Dr Ko Campbett’s dell; atthe Drag Store im ¢ te, ot Leverty's Hotet in Balem ; ped atthe Caru Watchman ( fee, on Balisbery The subsernber having catered into cupart aership with Joke Fo Cowen, « al patentee, fur the man efecto od sale of (he sive Mediine, prepared to fernwh » sappiy by addressing hem ot Mefebery, N C.F catheg at bee reendeoce, 10 miles weet of this lace ED. AUSTIN Jame 21. 1855 us LAND FOR SALE. l I AVING determined & 1 ‘yet? tm bre. coll ff and mower Remth. offer my pleaision ha cele, I\img om the weters of Foarth Creet, 16 mthes west of Balsbury Co eed the lends «4 Juha M Carem, Jeeus Naher. and there The dept on the Weetern Evite noms mest be peor The place hasom it all meee per Ate abet 350 we bovkdinge tm quad re of The treet reefers ve oe hall of which wim 0 high Mate enhivethn, ahd the balance = well tewbered Thee wishing a g Ol! cet om err amumabeting terms od barge, most call mum. ee | Perm ne calneg om We I. Meele, con heave samet ance im reewieg ihe bande JOUN W. STEELE Mareh Pith, 1856 42uf We winh | e FIFTY NEGRO FELLOWS te . Weaern Fatension N.C. Rell Road, for which liberal priors will he pad OG &€3 F FOARD Address —Rowan Male, NC NEW SPRING & SUMMER AVWYYS. Salixbury, March 25, 1856. ats saberniber ie mow reeciving hie stork of Spring & Semmes (rounds commeting of a general asewt- _ Vadion Dress Goods of alewat every deseription. Wis stark of NEEDILE WURKED EMBROTDERIES 1 complete. He | woald reepecifally ash ane rarminatinn :( hie tock by aff who wish to parchase (sade of the pewest and latest styles Partrewine atte nian o paid to proraring Fash emable Conde, whether they have been intnataced into thee seetam before of ma Maren 14. 1956 E. MV€@nTs., 4340 BR. V¥R MtTCHISON, COMMISSION MERCHANT Charlotte, N. C., IM oft on Commission Cotton, Corn, Flour, Wheat, and all CSCOUNTRHRY PRODUCE IN CHARLATTE CHARLESTON, AND SEW YORK Liberal Advances made on Consignments ULeo tl ere now ea JW Jemhkine, Fay. Nalishary : Geo W. Witheme fe Co, Charleston; Ao tam, Le sragton; Robert Meutter, Kan, New York Febraary 19, 1856 Vy'ra@ Dr. CHARLES T.POWE ] {icveapermsscatty locatedin Salishary, respeet- folly tonders hie profesional services to the pub- Office —Cowan's Brick Row Salisbury, Ang 27th, 1855 Greensborough MUTUAL INSUSANCE COMPANY. aie FE costot Ineurenee on the mutonlplaniebat » smalieam. eunpared with a joint stock Compan y Thir company being located in the Western Pertofthe State, comsequenily mach the Iatger portion of the risks are inthe West. very many of whieh are inthe country The Company isentirely free from debt ; have made Noavsemaments. and is tlerefure confidently recommen. ded tothe public Althelnst Annan! Meeting the following OMice.e! wereecleeted forthe ensuing yeer JAMES SLOAN, President 8.6) COFFIN, View President COP. MENDENES ALL, Attorney PETER ADAM S,See'y and Treasurer PETER ADAMB, Sce'ry WAIL CUMMING Gun iAwent Mey 10, D5 ° wis 41009 October 30, 1855. STEADY PROGRESSION 7 — el WAGLE CITY . TPUE SUBSCRIBER bas the plensare to a0 hounce to the world, to whom be sends althind wishes for thei preperily and proce, te making steady progress iw the improvement of Bagte Cuy, demined, he belieers, to the greetrn manofect ering city in the cometry © aww erect. r img & new cotton mill at this place, to be enlled the besatiful echievemernts of the renowned ander whore shaduw it is developing ite fair ond de. bghting preportions Eagle Mille jong guimed fer it- olla fame ae Coir ar it ie wide apreed, lath for the eneet- lewee of tt yarns, ead the cupermetty of ite chath fab ree ‘Troy Mille lowe Uccciens ty rival it, ond hemes the world may howk out fore contest iandving = rere not love intererting ta lirrl, them lt meet be desirable te every Boethers petred The dreamer, opreulating om coming events might well etep imhere, emt raming frwerd bie bee be the bewndiery of prem nt time, portray the “~ Fagle City « few + hence We ore s city of besatifel propertions with its tower tag rtecples puieting heeveew ards: chews ranged bik s Of greorte benkhoge with glittering metal route, refeet the cheerfal beams of « verunl sum: the imvigersimg breetes of « detighitel climate, sur the leeves of bag ruwd of cle the strrete ore culivencd with & cheer fal busy themeg the song of halls auillioe of spindies te magied wah the ror of boateandensendrs: Rogie mo oomes meee abere afl things cler, heerpg on us top 20 Unmewse eugh. wings exteeded, lewhing dos +h pleasure om ofl betew Eagle Cuy Boab » « foll view, aod by tte thereat policy mevites afl egergete ve mre to clam te cocweregement. Collen pre- bere red cmt thetr beled wp guude the cate of the Nerth- weetcrn Reread reerive thim, together with thee come of usher things, the products df the City: the dente mrwg = htathe ie bbw, and the o-end we echerd wad fe-eelewd from hill te hill, ead webrs the drowey pew- cre of ropemng fal euttle, which browse in the rieh per. tomndiog valleys the scene em we '—grews!—end the cod = beyond the portraying shill of the peegihet We bad tut » ghepee—bet whete view! Audit shite be teetard beyond datt Eauegh, eavagh '— 1 eid! preee we ts hes! coocemmethan ANDREW BAGGARLY rf Feb Oh. 1855 TR| Seer WEEKLY Of Four Horse Poxt Coaches, i ROM Ralmbery to Morganton, vie Statesville and Newton. Leaves Ratichery on Venda. Weduesday ond Fri- doy st Twelork. AM. and errves at Morgnetoo feat morning (o brewk fest; and leaves now sume daysand arrives im Aelivbury om nent Gaye te breskinet No pains of expense will be spered to rake thie ome of the mat oto abbe aad cipeditwes etege romds im the Bigir C & BROWN, Coptrector Saleehery. Jume 21, 1*55 wa Wanted Immediately, At the Silver Hill Mine, ANY QUANTITY OF WOOD AND COAL. WM LEAVEN WORTH, Sept Ssleee Hill, Oct 1. 1855. tant To the Ladies. TLE. subscribers are now receiving the finest snd mort complete stock of Ladies’ DREMS Goode they have ever alfred to the public, whieh they will orl at a ema profit. They invite partiontar attentive to their fine embroidered, silk and nee MAN TILLAS: and to thei latest etilesof BONNET RIBGONS, EMDROLDERIES, &e No 3, Granite Rew BROWN & CORFE Solinbary, Merch 25, 1a66. 0 To Gentlemen. ras sulmoribe re have now en hand the moet com Plete amertinent of CLAVTHING ever before fered to the public Call at Ne 3, Granite Row BROWN & COPFIN Salisbury, March 25, 1836. 4aat DR. J. J. SUMMERELL, l AS removed to his Offhew at his regidande, where he will be happy 0 receive profeedenal ot per: sonal entle from hie frie = ds Nf. There are many persons indebted to me by accoant and have been for several years. 1 we earnestly urge allsuch to call pad make setilemen'. which mast be done by May Coug, else 1 shall look out for a collector Ralisbary, Jan. 29, 1856. REMOVAL. your A. WEIRMAN & PRICE have removed OF their Clothing and Tailoring Betabliahment from opposite Murphy. MeRorie & Co, to the gorner im- mediately opposite R. & A. Murphy's Store. Salisbury, Now. 13, 1855 250 35 DR. 8S. REEVES I AS loented in Salisbery, and offers his professionsl services to the peb- alians store. aly re. Office two doors below Benjamin J April 2, 1H56 Sinks Warrants for sale Here. s ¥ = > Ge e e t wh y s eo e e c e PE L ES ac e b s i a s t e r UE Sa g i g t t z= Ft e E CE L T Z T S S E E R R TS se e e e as i es s e n se s ee t . ~~ _ a ~— — ° Sh -F E E S P RE S Eb ET ES EE Es ES re t $3 7 8 re e 8} f£ g e s e z se t e d e t y s §n Sr e e f= FS F 5 oS ty Pe, eville and ond Fri. orgaet.« anton oe | days pared to peditmes rector 4 ine, qrateergenq uggs! bh maserme wr { «| 0+ A WEFE®” DEVOTION. ~ ins ae te morig e e e be Pity recvepallglinmet ia. wes Sing) alt elyt.c 0; ». WeDgted to Politics, Hews, Kosi ult be noise «Poms daly a, vooy ad beseeqas eae ae Bisow ried wit Ee Tk x re twa A 0 Lae ae baie, 00" Wah | Stui} whad Ue poy sf 4 7 o/ mn 7 coat hey , e. roar’ <i, by ti of yp sonccttott ted hesntines worl + ELS O80 SHAT Ce 7 4, wt <i tosis ‘ , , ; ee ? ERR we ode a a Coes 2 Ve EB he we : stati, eee mee yo via trenoere Yiited ty 1 ghett we peace Wh 4 Aiesi opens! fA Mw : VO Men TET: eit . ber 4) XI $4 exe: 9 i - djynrned, | vinire f BE CEN Rae os aber EXTER FROM MM, FILLMORE, | - The fellowing-is-acopy of a letter froin | are to Mr. Oak, ‘of Phifadel.| ' Berrsto, N. ¥,, Joly 4, 1755. | x i, 3 hongr ~ t nate of 19 0th. soe th ne pra A octertan iyoey ca er | and f if to her hasband Whioul She continued to apareiy saying ‘ele ebuld hold on to him, arid if the pre- server could not edetin them botlr, she le the one to let go-and heave liin to himeelf , : fire “ae getting, hotter and hotier. bs thick with human furiwes Iife; ‘she tore her Lonnet v her head, aud hand fhe ‘oie “sho loved better (dK tire dari ue éap. As per Boas of fronr the , Mr: Fowler | hiewife in procuring a good hvld | wiped the sater fron his inouth and eyes, | and encouraged him toretain his dope of | being ontet. He continued to struggle with the waves. Lalf an hear elapsed there were no signs of ‘assistance stréngth was rapidly failing; his wife Observiny it, tried to checr him. He safel he cook! not atand it auy Jonger, it scem ed asthoagh he must give up. At that moment she heard a steamer evining rap Abrengh the water. She says.” My hnshand, a few moments wore and we are safe. Don't you bear a beat com oY” “Ile said lie did, abd immediately ived tnadé All the efforts in his pow- “ert ant far himeelf and heroic wife antl Miwiessippi came up and 400k hem, with scores of others oo ler commodens der ks. . Shawer Baths ja Lunatic Asy)ums. ” OF Mondaf, ab Bow street; Mr. Charies Banyo, resident sargeon in the County Lanatic Asylem, at Wandsworth. appear ed befure Mr Ilenry. Rpon a sutinuns, to answer the charge of having unlawfn! ly killed astivrwaia Daste® Dilley, aged p Brera iomate of tat establis!: meat, The proceedings were txken by the Geom missioners of Lanagy. Mr. Clark ton appeared fir the defendant. Mr. [bod kim wane counsel for prosecation. There appears to be a ¢y stem in the establish ment of hav ing tecourse.to a coll shower hath, — @ patieut became eseita “ably on the morning af the 4h of i 1 as Ey enta to put him into tiie shower bath Leliey Lece. paniabed in a similar uway. abonta week befure. Un secing Mr Snape with the.key ip his baad, proceed dng towards the bath door, Dolley struck him & yiclent blew on the head and tried «, Me was followed, and bronght beck to the bathrwom by furee. Me. Snape desirod the atiendants t» strip him. They did so. Dolley tten went into the bath. The cold water wes tarned fpon bim. twenty - ming and within. fifteen or siitceh minutes after hé was taken ont te died. The bath wat er constructed a8 to fornt a closed box. There was no ap @rhtare for rir or fight, and the door was secured by a bar outside: Whenever a paticnt was plated within that box, he wae -wttarty once i Ty ifiwess or death came pon bis, te attendants cat tide w repmin ignorant of jt while )- doar or o i waa, how- or; Matted that tie keeper opened the Nddor weveral times! Hy @ ecaleniation which find Beer Wade, It had been aster gained that thewater descended iv a con 7 pail streatn, in the proportion of twen llotie per ininate, wpon the head of fent barred witiim that box. né orifices throagh whiel the water Yar were wnnsaally large, and, assoming THE Vath to be eoadoacted in the ordinary Way of the morning in question, there tst'have been earls 800 gallons of cold water poured down upon the head of the deceased during the twenty ciglit minates he wag coutined in the box The qnestion arose why was the patient —an jd Mian, 65 years of age-—saliject to this ity of treatme he peate mt? Ht eeained to be -ah8 ; pyéten by follow tp'the bath y admitifaterinyy to thie Tnattes certain dosed of tartar emetic, which werd Kept close to the Bath, so as to be readily ae- ecessible to the attendants without theit shawing.td go to-Me. Snape for thew. ~eoeifolowing outithe d of Mer. Snape, the attendant gaye Dees “All eK- tra.q direetly be gy him ont of the n bath. ihe the nifortunate patient was Geis detad Hutt doawedt theytton dant alnPried Wy weudden ‘elrange in his appearance-—the pale, agonized bwok, thé ittente shivering of the bedy, t will P i} ane OR Pe ¢ F - a "Tatty" sate Sibat ways Weaibn ane seoounpansing it, made | ‘ esti rer-for Mrs. | fou ong of. the Sout 3 ich supported Fi ane her dashapd ; Reinga opera he Hor of Dg ibpary tively abut put val bette? phovily eaying * wasn). = and t with efal . emotios | oe Se life was worth for tas Vaice ih vot eecald o ity fet ho lle was kept there | the } with the | thelate lament- | usy Clay, FT agcept thigtoken of your frieudship | ifs costly and elegant workmanship, bat! chiefly for the: motives whicl: ptompted the donation, and the reminiscences a-! wakened by the association, I shall _nev- ér fowk upon this cane without Lelng re- tuinded «ff Ashlayd, and its late noble possessor. Thongh dead, be still hives, aud his voice, speaking from Jia conse- t stand by the YVagemahd maintaim the Condilution. _ Ile was wy friend, dnd J shall be most happy if juy conduct shall prove that 1 | ple amongtheniare auxions tu have books. telling her that be is off for New, kina of Ui the Cogni : t to- of liquor, and the ine brandy. ,.“ Educatiog is mech talked of, bat vote and wants a Lit, ripe rattiao ete., ete., 1s prodaced.” , = vs was worthy of his goufidence. With revewed thanks, Lam, truly, MILLARD FILLMORE. ——- — Torteixe’ Shell. What is called the tortuise shell ig not, as is generally mapped, the bony cox ering or shicld of the tasile, but only the scales which cover it. noae gro thrir- tecn in uumber; elgbt of them flat and five a lite carved. Of the flat oves four are Jarge, being sometimes a foot long , aml seven inches broad, semi transpar- ent, elegantly variegated, with white, rej, yellow, and dark brown clouds, which are fully brought oat when the sbell, is pre- pe and polished. The laminae, as I save daid, constitute the esterval coating of the solid or bony part of the shell, and | a large.turtle affiouds about eight pounds of thesn, Ure plates varying from au ejghth | to 9 quarter of an inch in thickness, fishers do not kill the turtle; did they do wf, they would ina few years exterminate | them. When aturtle is canglt, they fasten bim, ad cover his back with dry leares or grass,to which they set fire The heat causes the plates to separate at their jvints; a large knife is then careful- ly inserted horizontally beneath them, and de laminac lifted from the back, care being taken not to injure the shell by tuo mucb heat, nor to furce it vf antil the beat has fully prepared it for separation Mans tartles die under this cruel opera tion, but instances are numeryus in which they lave been caught a secon! time, ) mA the outer coating reproduced ; bat, in these eases, instead of thirteen preces, itise single piece. SLREIKD ReResTs. E.xtewsive forests, covering talleres and, hitteides, are overtutwed, and the upront- ed trees fern a gigantic barrier, whiél prevents the flowing offof tlic waters. An external ve marsh is formed, partictlarly well adapted for tie growth of variots; kites of wosees, As they perish they are anceéeded by others, and so for genera | tione, if Qneeasing life and faber, until, in (he cderae of time, the bottom, tinder the infinenee of decay and the presanre from: tthewe, becomes turf. Far below ties hard coal; the apper part is fight and spongy. At variogs depths, but some times as mmch as twenty feet below the surface, an abundance of bagwood is found consisting mostly of oak, hard ahd Linck as ebony, of of the ricl, choeolate-colour- bed wood of tire yew. Such ancient for- ‘ests évery néw and then rise in awe-in spiring reyes f from their ve, The €ldle ty of Tlamborg, its harbour and the broad tracta of land around it, rest npon a siken forest which is now bur-| ried at an immense depth below the sar- face. It contains mostly limes and oaks, bat mast also have abounded with hazel woods, for thousands of hazel nuts are brought to light by every excavation, not | exactly made for nate. The city of New Orjeana, it has been recently discovered, ie built npen the most magnificent found ation on which a city over rose. lt was the boast of Venice that her marble pal aces rested in the waters of the Adriatic on piles of costly wood, which now serve nett, a representative from that State, we to pay the debts of her degenerate sons ; bat our Venice has sot lesa than three tiers of gigantic trees beneath it. They ‘all etand upetgit, one tpon another, with Ptheir rooteepread ont as they grew; an: the groat Sir Gharles Lyell expresses lis ,belief tbat itunnet have taken ai least jelighteen Janodred years to fill. up the ‘ dy 6) a evel ¥ith the bottom of the swamp be- fore tlio upper Bonld grow upon it De Were’ Leaves fiom the Book of Nature. A lady wis walking on Broadway a sort time agd, when a gentlemen’s coat the 'batton eanght in the fringe of her shawl. erouoliing of the limbs, and the loss of Semo motrents clapecd before the par- . He was hastily renioved to a ties were separated. Reforp Mr. Snape could atrive | ead. Ah inqnest w' :' Mr Shape stat bed, b the wot tipon tie exniftifation had “tken | n page; AMG fiat death Was canstd by “dis held the gentleman, i that, was industrionaly trying to get loose. “Lame to you madain,” said humoredly, while he “The attachinent is ynutual, sir,” was ithe equally good humorddly reply. o ttmelities ete ted gh Midis lteter eli A ens eee oy DARKNESS: VISIBLE, wre |P ince one tier had to rot away to) te ets a? Deerhev at ehyeet oath shorter Loa a3 ~ j t ¢¢ Agriculture; 3a we oa u 0 Pa yi hand, 4 - aa 3 tte = = = ‘nett Gite few tlt ppiiége’ oede hed 0 W =. SSATASBURY, perwatel ys Pott als dail é‘ .. We, find in the correspondent of the New York Herald, the following; ple cannot read, avd care-very little gbont rere ane here,- — seven ped their children ‘Jegrning, to read; "while and pbalf, and whea of . these ani- others say. they wish fo have them learn, jarsipenpeherstineel: «spr tenr like bat haveno schools, "One matt-told me a lange balloon inverted; The daily. oc hé had ‘a plenty of B6dks ;” but T found fenpation of the fair ereatore beging with “A colporténr th Virginia writes,“ I have begn,in thesnountains where colpor- that all be had,.was two, spelling books. | Jresging in elaborate meshing: attire Gnd | business, He i Tend Spring, ‘ten, some One woman saidthat she had sio- Bible, outa but a inember of Congress had given her | shag takes twoyor ; ore that jrould’ : tr or Gare ears has. a aylp tent-vftice Report, was ignorant of |Jikg Broakfgst-—then. dressegfor,.m, drive. the: contents ofthe Bible and Testaitient, | 4 for the drive.she amanti-prandial ahd none oft herfanily eould read: "She receiv two, . Theo Has a member of a chiirch, but dig pot | comes the coke dagine for, dinner, oe that she must be-boro again...’ | for which, she appears like, Villikins in Many would not accept of books Or | 1,0 song. in * galliant array,” with all tracts, of let their childreu either bity OF bgopts of diamonds and things., Dinner is take a Look or tract ¢ a grant, ner 9°) at three, and fills up twe hours. Next they let them attend Sebbath-sehools— | remnes the riding, and in the evening the cg are opposed to vey lige cause;"anl | fair flowers of creation danee to the ma- | all missionary work; find some are sp) . agabondise “| mach opposed to the distribution of Looks ieee inpanlp pete the | and tracts, that Econld scarcely get-per- Suck is te daily life of theSaratoga Lelie. ‘ted Euro itigsion to pass the night with then ‘At- |She gets ap a.gnod may fijrations, aud | fot much Bebind,bat mach in’ advance \ though they say that the Bible is as fpliel' | sho tikes it. | Look-at that splendid, crea- ‘of the’ Atnerican trader, in their adulter- erated grave, calls upon hia countrymen! go. ii, a ele say | ations.” painy uray ought to read, 1 wasedtogished | ture jn piuk—she has, ble than of other bobligy *The#outig’ peo- witha thin youth in the eomer, Le is teacher ¢annot Le had who wilt take fore he leaves. She tries to look sorry, small schools; and scattered over the’ ut is really thinking whetber.he could “mountaing and Lills as the people are, give her a brown stone front in a goud | the augur reecnntly brought o many ebildren must go without instrue-| street and ten thousand a year. tion. oo } 2Tie daily life of the snob at the springs “In an old coaling, some distance from ig gbhout the same as that of the belle, if the main soad, I went to see five families. pe ig a ladies’:snob, He is her cavalier Only two of them had a Bible, and only serviente, and revolves around Ler hoops. one of the whole nambBer could read.— []¢ ig tréated as she treats her lap dog, They never had any schools. I gaye the and is thrown a smile with the same air ehildren some Tract Primers, and the ome that Fidele receives a chiekin bone. But who conld read said be would try and |i, the style among some. spols . fo call teach the others. Not ome of them pro-. «these women a bore you know.” These feased religion, nor did they hear # er last named snobs play biNtards, sinoke Senco ere come of the children gywful segnrs, drive horses which are had never heard a sermon. | boaght, ard the bayers sold at the same —_ time, and otherwise spend their time in ee ee ne Ca bean aa those healthy and. invigorating sports erat : whieh make the Amierican snob so vala- eecing alarge hog on exhibition, wes saighty etruck with it. able a meriber of society. The badics’ “| swear,” said he, “that's a great endb fs preferable to the horse and Li- hog. 1 awear I never saw a finer looking Jiard snob. one in my life. 1 swear what short legs he's got. I swear.” oe Lok here, my friend” enid a little dry looking individaal, trotting ap, “you Fale / » ve leans shop-koeper. “Why, he isn’t a- ey prices prey tike to know why fraid an going to ron away, ie bef” Sclaw lool ys said the hard swearer with an ominous the darker elowly mod mache sas rea look. gein to run away himself, and darefore he “ Recause” said the Jittle man, “swear attain ise?” ing is agin the taw, and T shall have to MADR SO MEK. 8 sae coor commit you.” “ z “ Are youn justice of the peace!” in Tlottoway's Pilla,% certain Remedy quired the ewenrer. (for al! Liver and Stomach Comptnints.— “ Yes, sir,” was the reply The dainghter of Mk Farlow, of Maiden © Well, | swear,” said the rr fane one, Late, New York, was for fliree years fn 1 atm store ombtomiahed! 9b thatthan Ig most deplorable state of bealtlr, cansetl was about the hog!” by her liver and stomach being out of or- der. The mother tried a variety of rem edies, but unfortanately the child wes wot benefited by the same, on the conira- ry, she gra y became worse, Seren weeks ago, she commenced to use Lollo- -_ “ Massa saps you mmst saruu de bill to day, ofl, ueayo toa Now Or _ Benjamin Franklin, et om Brgl ich Dinner.— “hen, atter the Declaration of | Independence, Fianklin was minister from the’ United States to Fratied, fie was Pig " ; poli binant b , way's Pills in accordgnce with the print- invite! t dine with a French nebleman’ . 5 directions, they bate completely cur- in company withthe British Anibastador 44 jor after every other reinedy heat tail After dinner they were taking a glass of ; A " wine, and it waa proposed that cach should ae wd al ore an. ctal givo a sentiment of toast. The English- a inan led fle way, and gave: The Baltimore Comnty Adrotate is “George the Third—like the mnn‘fn his printed on paper tiade exelusively of meridian glory, he is the adwiration of southern cane or reed, the kind wuiver- the world !” sally used for fishing reds. kt waésman- The Frenchinan followed pext and afsetured for an experiment by Mr. Hen- avo— nd Loewe, @ his mill,aear White Lal, on “The Qneen of France: Tike the moon the Northern Central railroad, in Dalti- in Wer bright pativ through the lWeavens, mere county. she enlightens and infla@nees the eartli.” Both now ‘tarned to Franklin, confi- dent that he was thrown far into back- ground; bat Franklin with great compos- are took up his glass, and gave— ’ George Washington: Like ma of old, he canmnands the san and the moon to stand still, and they obey him.” Rev. Dr, Spmixe, who has presided over Beekman street charch for forty six years; Rev. Dr. Kxox, of the Dollegiate Charch, jed his present position for forty years ; Fey. Dr. Skaarer is third in respect to time; and Rev. Dr. Manrsecrovs, of Bleecker street charch, fourth. -_ Shilfully Eeceuted.—We saw at TToods, yesterday, a very beantiful specimen of American manafacture in the way of an embossed and very richly mmol silver tankard; apresentto the fon. Preston &. Brooks froin snndry’ citfzens of Tala- hatehie county, Mississippi. Col. Ben- Misjudged Motives.—An old man in Maraville, France, amassed a large for- tune. by laboriows indnstry and severe abstinence and prisations. Ile was re- rded as a miser; and ag it was thought that he hoarded his money; for mean and avaricions motives, the people would fol- low him with hootings and_execrations. After lis death, it was found that he had directed the whole of his. property to be laid ont in building an aqueduct for the purpose of supplying the poor of the city ears : with water, which could only be purchas- Rare Present.— A \etter from Rome to ed at a great price, and that he had elreer- a Brussels paper says: Among thé pres- fully la rored the whole of his life to pro- lente teken “by Cardinal Patrizei to the cure for them this great blessing. ‘imperial family of France; there is one that deserves especial attention, It isa large emerald, but is formed of two parts hear, is soon to present itto Mr. B. on their behalf. We do rot know that we ever saw inore exquisite workmanship of its kind any whefe tran ‘that bestowed on the taukard in question Washington Sturr. A Railroad to the Holy Uity.—A rail straw from the manger of Bethlehem. | sanction of the Turkish and Beitiah gov- The Prince coal ee to ese erntnents; the material Sf the line ee around his neck. 2 ath pal nas Deen Ralakfava to Sebastopol will probably be blessed by Pope Pins 1X transferred for flrat purpose. +>: - ii ee ~ Punch says that the “cloak of religion” | Arabia is in a state of f8utrection, re- jis to-be known by the fire nap it has dur- | fasing any Johger to recognize the tute jing sermon hme. of the 8 | N: Ox AUGUST 12, b a¥of weds '- ° TON ABLES AT SARATOGA. | ne dierinoal; coming Dat aie and ocr dma; in two fear ou il be er the of the castomer, and ree.” Their concerts are held at night, more as to his wines, the high- eg eo the whiskey jug is hand. erthé.price'to satisfy ‘him as to quality. arou J: |The most partes (ewe piel made| . They were driven from A at Pde _ exhangted }te find more of them Westitute of the Bi- three waltzing men, and.is, now Aidien | Soak i tow wart } The oldest Pastor ia New York ie the (Dutch Teformed,) is nexf, having ocen- | 1856." * BORER YOO BO “Mr. in. President of the New| “We have to. add nother cantiow to York Sta’ lereesoranes, ‘Society, in his| that given on Saturday, relative to the ope ! capitol in Albay, | rations of Black Repnblicanism among Gvelk manly op the sow proves “wet | eas eirvile The “ball is open- ave ) "Ne Perfection": es y * Le y With nn Keub wooks:?-be said, “it had” with Peddlers-and. Gypsiee—how. it)" Naaman ‘was ‘a tnighty “iim, Dut he eanpechelo that. @ person | will progress remaine'te be seen.) The! wa q leper, “Every man this yomerbat TA pete dag bl “yma ered nor prserermdope ame sr sent and ereditable Lreapes (ore * aha blemishesand diminishes ‘him—some al come tomy whose conécie ment, in a 2 fi “ ‘0 th are ” camphene; and, arsenic; store the bead destroyed by the water. cate aoe nd tape or, i ot er Sieisot ‘the most ow character, r four That all kinds of 3 | and» other isions for themselyes.— costing only 93 |r fortabe of eely that the ent jedges foul vender for ; and thule was sold at $4:the gallon, costing only e ¥ E $ S & cents. tated so use of, and the narhesof the most celebra- They are 00 pean dealers, be it knows, ares ists Look out for them cam near Lynchburg. We know not wl they | ° capie honest! By their four ‘horses, but le quotes. an pasertigomens from a feel cago a oe oa Tibbs" cats ¥ is “now pre- | stolen from mk. Ls fartiah the inge for every P.S.—We would like to know how they got the four horses. _ _ A FRIEND. ees Preserving Fruit.—The new custom of put- In an Artesian well iu New Orleans | (ing up fresh fruit in bermetiesly sealed cans, from a | bas-b a great busi I is extending \depth of five hundred aud eigthty feet, | over the country, in cities, towns and country |s@nd thickly interpersed with fibers of |It is so simple that every housekeeper ( wood, fraginents of bark sbells, &e. It! wife,) cav dot fur him or herse! f. But, ae usual, as thought wonderfully not very long poaPasaig te trionds are preparing to ge lune dhs wore to find shells aud vegatable remains, fe ler cas pyraprdorsn, - proved ata depth of sixty feet, Lut in th.s case |''* Ut ! : vehi 4 : At Yonkers, on the Hudsoa river, @ short dis- at ¥ ps — eco pth of six hundred | tanee above New York, two persons are now put- reader ation cet |ting up a building 220 fect long and 5 stories In the Artesian well which is now be- | high, exclusively for the maqufacture of cans and | y FTfig prosecuted on the public square, at ay bee pony po! ere pac ba * dress about n H | men, ve acres °} ‘iret \alais place, seashells aré brought ap from |dvetion wiih the cbesiest freita. To facilitate gee iret, we put on adepth of 960 feet. F : we are = “a the receipt and delivery of a caval bes Livingston Ala., Messenger. rf ma 2 he tanks of Vhi rivet tothe 8 After that we dress - TILE COST OF SPIRITUALISM. . . re will be abdut 690,000. Thete ie “also, 4 |. The editor of the New York Pathfinder, |« large factory for picklée of varios Winds. At)™ regulat course of dim y |formerty a spiritualiat, saye;—“ We know | Vioalbaveo, near Rockland, Me, is another for hag 4 jade of jape individual in this city who has spent | fish, employing sbout 70 hands. [S- * Lip wards 6f twenty-five thousand dar | — goer seems to es that apr gee in promulgating spiritaalism within the |oaght to to put ap o@r owe fruits, A Borrowed Countenance.—& ra two ae ee orovably will spend pickles, and fish. ; long as we are content | officer, his twenty-five thousand more before he dis- | c gereigy analetggm vbryginny ang Minister of War, > , by ‘orth, : . oe ‘ne vellegen he i regan it to this new drain likewise. danger of dying with h | a ‘ li Fayetteville Observer. A for tory, so that boats caq sail Gireetly into the, , “ building, to load or dlerharge. The cant of the | ati *6; alien foe. che and structo it ee ques id Cause and Fffect.—The distinguished | agon’t trust to.that; this s | } | + | } } DRIVEN TO BUICIDE BY A WRONGFUL CHARGE OF. THEFT. land venerable Professor Silliman, in a); 'speech, when referring to his excellent . z ' * hee On Sanday eve 1 , gi ’ On me vy evening last, a rons girl health and gpirits ore Oh age of 76, eaid me it for a long fine pass f jumped frow one of the piers in the city | that gt 30, being 4 and feeble, he | a ee of Racine, and was drowned. She had} determinedly cut stimulants, and| _4n Jrishthan’sTdeaef Ameries. 0 been ficcused of stealing money from her | has used none since ; he always ste plain | of the bestdefinitions of am Irishman’s euployers, which impelled her to this act Sutritious food, and drank nothing but! idea of America that we eveg ; of violence. After her death the money Lye —— he avdided — nae eve-| tained in the following extract was found in the Lonse where she had} s b ing . the ‘The Fairy Circle,” a talvof fige and water, and felt no less Reet: 5 is had ry — we et leer of endurance than when be was a am’s Irish oes ; ate pr mate arn the names of the partics.— Afieo.- young man, and fo sbatement of intel-| “Wiyere 4i4 Wacey come. froin, O4- ukee Wreconsin July 22d jectual power. ney f” inqu 2” vee 2) Re qoar mon Executor —The agents) BACHELORS, TAKE WARNING! reas that cent us.the first pitaty. ‘Long ! to it, for beth, éay_I.’ : lof tie estate of John MeDonongh of N.| The celebrated Dr. Caspar, of Berlin,! «What sort Place that,’T'woa Orleans, who left a large property, be-| estimates the mortality armong bachelors, | ger 7” ba w r > queathing the principal part to the cities | between the ages of the mortality among) erriky, i They of Baltimore and New Orleans, and to! bachelors, between the ages of ghirty : eben. te ee ae = the American Colonization Society and | forty five, at twenty-seven par cent ; | ni : tobd other charities, state that the property | while the mortality among marrie@ men | on’ i we hardly dint : Its decreased throngh litigations and de- | between the same is only ei } there's fred wade boli teriorations fally one half of its value at per cent. As life advanees the > , might dhround Ireland the death of the testator. It was then mes even more éstriking. Wheeleg mateen Sse cx valaed at $6,000,000, and now only at forty one bachelors‘attain the of 44, sight of scakie: ’ phy $2,270,000. Not one dollar of charity | there are seventy eight esimaiv get 8| yor might stick v4 ems ienaens, has yct been received from the estate, and | difference of nearly two to one in favor thei apd sea ost never table ouly =y at every point and in every way has his of the latter. At the age of 60 there arele a . ‘ast will been frustrated and thwarted. | forty-eight married men to swenty-twe| tone Retbendimee + oh eg Bogie bachelors; at 70 eleven bachelors to-twen-| « ‘trifle He , R ; . |e of money I'd go there an’ seek. : . _,|ty-seven married men; and at 80 nine fori» there,’ Tle would it work Here?—It ie said married men to three bachelor No re. Or 9 to be acuston among tribes in Siberia,| peeholor, it is said, ever lived to be a/ \ that:when @ woman is married, she must jyundred herself pre the wedding dinner, to| 7 en | editors never werevery famous for.ap im which all the relatives of both parties are} 74, Roman Catholic Church in Prue | timtate knowledge of Ameriean invited. If the dishes are well ‘cooked, 9 The statistics recently put forth phy. Thus, aj real of the peetsutioas her credit as a good housewife is estab- lished; bat if otherwise, she is disgraced in that capacity for ever. show the continued sapremacy of Pro-| ness of the “Illustraved” even gives tes testantism in Prnssia, and the failure of of “Baton Roage, Nebraska? “A the Charch of Rome to extend het sway. | '#rge steamer is img the stream, - aa 'The popalation of the latter is searcely and on the bank of the river is yaa» Ra John Bunyan’s Flute.—The flute with more than one third of the Oourt of Cabi- | ic and turreted State-house of Low wirich Joha Banyan begniled the tedi- net, the master of —— is the only = onsness of his captive hours ig now in the Roman Catholic. In the active depart. ; > Bs possession of Me. Jlowels, tailor, Gains ments of the Stare no Roman Catbolie ia} icchetote eat ng paren Conway, vorough. In appearance it does not look to be found. The Protestant schools, as whe bes bese tadl anlike the leg gi stool, ont of which, it well as Protestant charches, are aided by bi palpit fntd’a political 7 to, fat. is said, Banyan, while in prison, nrann- the State, while the pater reget are ine Bank A factured it. “When the turnkey, attract. left to their own resources. ris ie deent- | jed by the sound of music, elec his cell |ed anfair by the Roman Qstholic party, from go been age faulty el = row |to ascertain, if possible, the cause of the _- ————_—-+ ' good example, and one oy melody, the finto was replaced in the 7. turm of the Great Comet.—The as-|nestly hope may be ten td stool, and by thig means the source of the tronomer, M. Babimet, member of the ted. music was not perceived. Academy of Sciences, aud M. Bomme of ine & Middleburg, Holland, have been making some in vestigations in respect to the return of the great comet which ap; inthe, The late Lord Gardestone, hi [ ears 104, 392, 682, 975, 1264, and 1536, Yaletadinarian, took the paina to ingu it ‘for those persons who’had aétually The result gives the arrival of this rare visitor in August 1858, with an uncer- | td marvellons cures, and fownd that more tainty of two years, more or less. than two-thieds of the nanber died very . shortly ae they had been Su Robert Walpole, Lords Boling’ e and “ Indeed, my Lord, it followed Tard Winnington were killed | Upon.” —The Louisville (Ky) Courier st : —-. says, that the wife of a well known dray- 4 hopeful ane One of the Northern ag Pie calls Mr.|man in Covington, diced one day last came age Ore. De ie pretiee Coen, Babhdna a dough fave, Who wouldex- week. The next day, the bereaved inan When Peggy's arms herdog imprison, peed eich an-old Back to havo a doe married a new wife, and took her with 1 often wished my lot wan his’; a fina, Jonr, The Mount of Olives.—This sacred spot near Jerusalem has been purehased by the widow of a wealthy Jewish bank- er fn Prussia, who intends to beautify the face anid ittprove the whole neighbor: oa at her ownexpense, She has plant- ed the whole area with a grove of olive trees, thue restoring it the original state ifrom which it derives ita name. ee > ~— | ’ How oft would I stand | mn to tle dead wife's funeral ! \ Ast ext a pat from poh = - ne nc ne ~ et REED AND JTEED. ‘date “Cineinnatl Pletform,” Yt was hard . . ily worth while in My, Pratt to make a We give insertion to the following ©X-! formal declaration of what every body! tract from the Milledgeville (Ga.) Lecor-| knew before. Nine months ago he stood der—s paper which is doing yeoman's|in the same relation to the ocratic service in the good cause at the South.— | party in ping ay sy ae P ient | teu at period to put the ioe ease wees: & Set Beth ey weston | Te ia loading rian badthay quietly to entiety ying d unprejadiced mind that |.oi4 him in language not to be misunder- | Fillmore is entitled to Southern support stood, that their nursery day were over. @pon the very grounds of exception and On two separate oceasiona, subsequently, denanciation which are taken by the Abo-|he Las sought in person and by the aid! lition and Free Soil presses, conspicuous /of a corporal’s guard, to induce the party aad ig -, With which he once acted to forewear amongst which is the Albany Evening their ancient prnciples and follow where Journal, He is fiercely abused by them |ia ‘ied. Not a ian to his| all for his truly national sentiments and cgi], And now, afters —_ “ nine servieocs, . mouths, he comes forth an acknowledged | iad ain) beg new ag ete nha pismo though stony Sere Whigs | lightened man at the South can hesitate... Ww, Whigs.” There is boldness in| to choose between him and Bach ,, this ption of an hermaphroditic | who isa man of words, whilst Fillmore character which at least evinces nerve. | i ts But Senator Pratt, whatever he may de- | women tv = ail ic clare himself, ey no power to open have # Northern President let us beve the portals of Marylad to the Democratic ! himeelf fair leaguer. | = - ae scien ‘i zee was atime when he stood high | and full trial faithfal to the country and in ihe estimation of the people of this! true to the Constitution. Mr. Fillmore State, but that time has passed away, and | ts exactly this man, and the South is for-|20W there are among the true Whigs! taeate in having it in her power to con-, “none so poor as to do him reverence.” | wivate by her vetes te his election : A Besoxess Rexezvovs.—The French | Facts por tux Camrasox.—From the have a strange way of transacting busi-' Albany Evening Journai—edited by ness, and then Thurlow. Weed, the most villainous abo- themselves i fongeal matters of deep litienist in the United States—we aie noment- Witnegs the following anec-| following i paragrap ote: ris will roger een DS ania ae} A beautiful lady received a note from bitterness Mr. Fillmore is pursued by the her lawyer, solieiting an hour's inter-| leaders of the Black Rapshticnn 'y.— ‘iew on inatters of the utmost impor- | Wins G asus ts Ga ood ote Oe tance. . | Absiitionists hate with a perfect hatred) “An hoor!” exclaimed she. “ Why, it is that true patrit and tried statesman, the man speaks as ifone’s hours were at q@bom the Soutbern anti-American Dem- | ove’s own disposal. I cannot give up my ocracy, equally with the traitorous Free- | siesta, or | shall look pale and faded this aoilers, are trying to prostrate and des- evening, neither ean I give up the ball, troy. Alleding to Mr. Fillmore’s Albany , of eourse not. Thave it!” _ ; the noble and patriotic esenti-, Ina short time the solicitor received ments of which have found a hearty res-'an invitation t. the Coontess de ponee in the heart of every friend of his ball. Never liaving scen the lady, the in all sections of the Union, gentleman was perplexed, bat a note Warp in his Journal eays : on his fair clieut set all right by ex-, ’ endorsement of nullifica- plaining that she bad caused it to be sent { a ge {Sa again the very gaieties “SALISBURY, N. €. Carolina TERMS OF THIS PAPER ¢2.00 CASH. “FOR PRESIDENT, MILLARD FILLMORE, = OF XNEW YORK. YOR VICE PRESIDENT, ANDREW JACKSON DONELSON, OF TENNESSEE. _ FOR GOVERNOR, JOHN A. GILMER OF GUILFORD. AMERICAN ELECTORAL TICKET. FOR THE STATE AT LARGE. L. B. CARMICHAEL, of Wilkes, JOHN W. CAMERON, of Cumberland. FOR THB DISTRICTS. Ist District, Lewm Tuomrsox, Q4 . E. J. Wanaey, a4 O. P. Meanes, 4th Jas. T. . Sth“ A. J. le th J. M. . Th “ A. J. Danoax, Sth “ J.D. Hymas. American’s Victorious in Rowan. It will be seen by the subjoined of. derful labor to remove excrescences that | 4 cial returns, that ‘the Americans and | Whigs carried the day in Rowan. All things considered, it is a glorious triumph. The opposition strained every musele to its utmoat capacity, and exhausted every expedient. It was all unavailing, and Rowan now stnnds forth in the pride and majesty of a county judging parties by the principles they respeetively hold, un- swayed by mean prejudice, and uninflu- tien in that speech would, we thougit, to him, that he might there consalt with enced by demagognism. She has elected have been received in silence, from at, her oa her affaira. The lawyer went and least a jon of that supports contrived the business by fragments be- him, it seems ; : epeech is to be made the doctrine of his rupted by lady's admirers. ne doctrine of his'tween the waltzcs, and frequentty inter- While he party. Mr. Fillunore is to be recognized yen of John C. Calhoun.— Whet that deceased statesman, proached, Mr. Fillmore, is to . ey Se reve ot the United States dare decide coutrary to the wishes minority, the minority (with Mr. Filimore at their head} are wo “REFUSE TO SUBMIT,” and will proceed to carry our PRACTICAL NULLIFICATION! “The South with all its boldness, has not, since the days of John C. Calhoun, ventured apon even the annunciation of eech black treason. It remained for a Northera doughface to utter such a sen timent.” Again, it says of the Fillmore paty : Ii the ma- that avow cach « treasvnable| All parties adbere to! of the majority to govern, and the pape tres city to eam Bat the | Fi y they ‘won't sab- A in 8 minority, bat will secede, salted. And so far from calling such re sistance by its right name, Treason, they that it is a thing to be conciliated ielded to. Their candidate himself ime the ‘new di .’ from the por- 1 is followers do not venture to say bim mp 6 Give them cre In the same number of Weed's paper we find the following paragraphs one after another : REMEMBER! That Fillmore, in no, of the scores of speeches which he made since lis retarn frown Europe, uttered one word in rebuke of the Burder Reffians, or in favor of freedom and Freesoil ' >. ANOTHER POLITICAL TURN COAT. The Democratic press are great gice at the enlistinent of Seastor Prati, of Mary land, in the Buck-aneer service. This gentleman was elected by the Whig par- ty to the seat which he holds, and = hi« epostacy. we are very confident, will meet ite reward in due season. Ia the teantime the Democracy may use him to their heart's content. [His desertion of the party to which he owes all hie bon ors, is not unex pocted—fur he has been long ence enepected of an intention to throw thie very summerset. We are glad that he has done so, for we had rather have fh apen enemy to deal with than a pre- fended friend. Pratt, Toombs, Dx nja mio and Tixon, are pow all ranged un der the Lack-ancer them owe their senatorial distinetion to the party which is in direet opposition to Bachanan —whiose confidence eo ead'y m aplac ed ty will survive the lows, and, in fact. w.!! be @rongthened instead of weakened by the defection of these Senatous. We have read Mr. Pratt's letter, and it is jost and miy such a letter as suited the occasion —« miserable and abortive effort to jus- tify a gross and inexcosable abandon- ment of the best of causes for the sake of serving in the worst. The following extract from an article in the Baltimore 4 merican commeuting upon Pratt's letter will show pretty magh in what estimation tle ter ia held by the Whigs of Maryland and what is likely to be the effect of this precious document : banner, and all of has beer Sat that noble par wr Seaaron Puarrs Litre Senator Pratt, with a coolness which hae all ihe ceted legal facts in his memoranda Look sho dotted down the names of ber part- ners for the next dance, and thus between business and pleasure she passed a de- lightful evening. “ Bat ] wust sce rou again, said le eon clading. “ Llow soon?” asked the lady. + “Say next Thursday! Mad. de— ‘s sviree. Very well, you shall lave a card.” * Another ball!” exclaimed he “What! murwaring thatin addition to giving vou an interview, [ give you the opportunity of enjoying delightful ma sic, and an excellent supper! Oh, you unreasonable man! Janaghed the werry beanty.——“If you have business with me you will have -to,submit, and never fear, 1 have balls to last till the middle of April!” and she glided off, but kept her word, and those grave affairs were settled in the very midst of the whirl of Parisian society. --- Compulsory Prepayment of Postage on Transient Printed Matter. We are pleased| t see that the Senate has passed a bill providing for the com prlsory prepayment of all tansient print- ed matter. This, we have no doubt, is a measure necessary to protect the Post Ottice Departinent against abuse, espec- tially as we are assured that enormons quantities of private business circulars are pat into the mails unpaid, on which scarcely any postage ia collected. The Senate bil] docs not propose any se of the existing law with to pabli catiuna sent to regular subscribers: but only to make the prepay ment of the rates compalsory, which the existing law pre- scribes for transient printed matter when prepaid. In other words, it proposes io effect simply to strike ont of the present law the doable or enpaid rates on transi ent matter. Of course there can be no difficulty in distiuguishing transient from regular printe] matter, as the law will coutinue in furce which reqaires publishers to note on the wrappers “the number ef papers f, whieh are encised for subsernbers aud the number fir priuters,” or to furnish the postmaster quarterly, “a certified statewent of the vamber of papers sentin the mail chargeable with postage.” But, as above remarked, aboat the only transient wafter not uw prepaid, consist of private cireulare. Transient —— pers, magazines, books, d&c., we ander staud, are nuw generally prepaid J ul. Tatedl ize neer Health and Long Li fe.—Socrates used to say that it was pleasant to grow old with good bealth and a good friend ; and he might have reason ; a man may be enntent to live while be is no trouble to himself or his friends ; Lut after that, it is hard tf he be not contentto die. | knew and esteeined a person abroad, wie ased ty» say, a man most be a mean wretch who desired to live after three- seore years old. Dut eo much, I d is certain, Cuatin dite, asin wine, he that wil drink it void must not draw it tothe droys. Wi ippens, one cutn fort of age way be, that whereas younzer men are usnally in pam whenever they are not in pleasure, old nen find asort of pleasure wien they are out of pain; and as young men often lose or impair their present enjoyments by craving after what is to come, by vain hopes of fruitless fears, so old inen relieve the wants of| their age by pleasing reflections apon what is t. Therefore, men in the health and vigor of their age shoald en- deavor to fill their lives with reading, with travel, with the best conversation, and the worthiest actions, either in pub he of private stations ; that they may have something agreeable left to feed on when they are old, by pleasing remen runces Nir Wt Temple oro Tise Waasiter On thorsday evening last we lad a light shower, which Yro nalities of a refrigerator, so far as the tised for a while to be sufficient tu re Old Line Whigs of Maryland are con corned, has undertaken a work of super hours its eff: himeelf acon. ble, and the eondition of crops is now erogation, in announcin vert to the Picree Douglas policy and at supporter for the Presideney of candi | 4 vive the droapi ng eropa, but in twenty. cls were searcely percejsti ruly deplorable. Everything is scorched Marion Nar and dy ty water have one American Senator and one Comimo- ner. But for the splitting of tickets, she might easily have elected her whole re- presentation. Gilmer carries the county by a majority of 20 votes. S“2rerKncZe Sts es en ~ 3l| Itt 23 25 = } a | 7 a Se ei | Z z | 3 e. | a = | — S| sseeessa:- + ‘aepp < = - x © 2) esStsseE% (| *B3uagy ° 1 os - _—<F 2 es = ae Z e}/oworseSS VY ‘Aoomoy at | S 4 = Fag el eueresSeco * “Speeqoy = |= =e aa S'siseeesé yaoy! 5 ' | sesse8% ‘apraay | et @2!'cava-ege et s | ee eves “own, e eaene- 3s om i 3\sssecedl we Caves Kictrs Eaq., re-elected Sheriff, wub- out opposi toa 7. IREDELL. Sharpe and (Gather, Ameneana, are elected in the Commons, Parks, im the Senate. Trout man, re-elected Shenff, ALEXANDER Mclatesh, Amer. elected in the Commons — T'arks, in tbe Senate. Smith, elected Sheriff. CABARRUS Dr. E. R Gibson, elected im the Senate by this and Stanly cownty. White, in the Commons Plenket, re-elected Sheriff, STANLY Waddell, elected io Ure (“ormmons. Marshall, Sbenf —orer Lowder DAVIDSON Julbo \V. Thomas, Amer. elected ia the Sen ate— Leach and Mabry in the Common, and Hamnpton re-elected Sheriff. MEL KLENEU RG Mrers, in the Snate— William MW Matthews and Wa. F. [hvidsom, im the Com muons — al Wm RK demecrat* CATAWBA In the Comnome, Rowe. democrat, = elected over Sherrill (do) by a majority of 135 votes (ur correspondent writes as follows: * Out sulers would bare it that these two candidates in Texas, for members of the Legislature ran upow the question of location at Newton or ujon the ruige above Newton ; but you can tell Both came out the avowed them it « not an {reads A Newton.” = +o: BG We are suffering « fearful drouwth. It Prevails over this and the adjoining counties, as also w other jarte of the coantry. Our corn p has been cut off more thee half. There are thousands of acres in this county that will not yiedd a lusbel per acre. The small streams of All the nvilis except the steam power and river mitla, have nearly ceased ty run my since stopped ruuning. Flour and meal are searce > and in view of the boat of the com crop, the price of provisions of all kinds is raprdly ad All seem impressed with the belief that we are to have a very hard year—a searcity aa! high priecs, The wheat and cata, and the first cutting of gram, were magnificent crops ; but distant markets have drained us, and are att) drawing off, immense quantities of wheat. If Uris process is contineed much longer, we vaneing doubt not many will be sorry for it befure an- | other harvest comes in The Richmond Whig says:—A general alarm from the mountaine to the seaboard is felt for the corn crop. The rains bare beem partial and the chinch bag universal, seashore for numbers. Many corn fietds are entirely destroyed by them alrealy, and others can only be saved by timely and copious rains. linited in quantity, and Ike the sand of the Cape F car Inprocement,—The bill for the further improvement of our bar and harbor, ax it pass | the Senate, appropri- ‘ates R206. 000 for that purpose. v3 a TUESDAY EVENING, AUGUST 12, 1856. eee ee ea ae a enema pee cena ra mee emer aa ° SNA TRS RESULT. VOTE OF NORTH CAROLINA, eater Ang. i. 1556. | It aunt bo-evkbent to xerp one sho pullecis ” The returns of the elertion, so far, indi- é MS - the Whig? . on the eublesh ena pay rds cate that the State has gone for the dem- ~ 186d ARO | To the Kiditor of | ‘ouen, ny apa oe SAE ceracy, This result was expected, by oor) Will you permit me to reply throngh son k Classical Schgol ofte very | bie most persons, and the contrary would) couNTIES, | 4 Ld 4.6htC ‘columns to the question pick ’ rey 2s apd tte 7 have proved a great surprise to them. 7 g frequently asked me, “whother I mtend | we hy. Beste rae tho writer knows, We were more sanguine. But we are § F to support Mr, Fillmore for the Presiden- bebitante, thas hee aly a6 lant 4 now convineed that the masses of the peo}. ______!|_ © A © O -loyy . ical School and many of them 9 ple have been touched by the) Aietndee, ass tek tou gop, Lanawer decided in the aflreative’ ty saisury hw enor Gam ether tome discussions canvass just closed,—- | Anson, : 255 902 |In the first place, it shall not be said of io North Carolina? Do the inbabltaste have not yet realized the trae condition | Ashe, os at me that, from inere rename git education less than those of other of the country, or conceived of the mag. | Burke, 3 751474 404 | Jeader, I deserted my in the fleld’ jagest ‘Do those who have sq nitude of the fees involved in the Pres- | pisden, peed ig when the fide of battle pressed oe suppose that it will bo for theit own i idential election to take place this Fall. | Bertie, 410 490 against it: In the next'I am pleased to | fur the moral and Intellectual |Wehad almost forgotten that men are | Beaufort, 672-001 ___|say that Mr. Fillmoge’e lettor of accep: |sons to send them frum home |not apt to renounce at once the notions — 435416 ™4).39) tance, and his noble and manly course | preparatory sludies + Have the 9 tittle ‘abarrus, 425 624 426 665! . A * he | public spirit or town-pride m= le , | thay have bieid, oc Urenk, of endden, tho Gucwta: 790 810 968-148) Sittee hiv returu to thie United States, have | schools i vihor slkaib inih bow | prejudices which have controlled them | Craven, 638 509 009} Obviated my objections to him as a can- a and have for any considerable time, especially in oo i es myj.600 = 000! didate, So ae eee Da. they ne know <—e wan, = . . \ ja contest like that through which we | Columbus, 512 oo maj.276 ~ om Aside from party considerations, it ae Shove cane aati 1. va, i have just past, wherein local influences | Camden, 125 461 000 — 000 | Pears to me, that a choice between the ais j ‘and personal preferences all tend to sus- | Carteret, 300 403000000 caudidates now before the people cannot a iam ve motives. Wilohi . - hag aie - pursuing a esas Lod \Gaswell” 1007 ss0 ose peal Z : aged a oie dee tone and inuence those persona, in Salisbury, have | But the time and occasion is approaching | Chatham, 1017 1137 0000 = @0009| © BOH-HO¥VIng cilizens. J FEIMONT, A’ rie to educate, to ohdeavor to have & first rate ‘when these things will loose their force, peoachiea! mee Oe oe te ee in the hands of Weitar® | Ciuasieal Sehovl in the town, TtwOuldl dost les, : | Currituck, 544 (168 000 090 aod arch-demagoznes, it is uselessin this) oy.) oo: ana vasa Ne wines = pages more 'Cleavelaml, «978 -886-——OYO-—_ Od | ntitude, or among the true friends of the bens: vai pat dieses a condiders- extensive thorough view N€ PO | Davidsou, 679 1292 823-1199 Vuion anywhere, to aay one word. Paty = pants fg importance litical affairs of the country, and will Davie, 364 610 000 000 | How vectable soever the antece- |'t is far frum being the mont weighty considers |make up decisions in the light of new | Duplin, 1061 2250000 (000 | dents of Mr. Buchanan may be; it is tien. They could then have their some ander | truthe, based upon reason and strong con- be, 1404155 0000 000 euongh that he hus earrendered his per- their own supervision during thelr preparatory | vietions of duty. Then we shall witness |Feeekine vat oes sr 3ae| cone! Lege to the requirements ‘course. This cortainly ought to be # tery im- F See be of a plattorm odious in sowe of ite fea-| pyrtant cousiderativa with parents, yet from ~ — on Soe ngtety: tna a ioe ae ors ooo | tures to every just idea of American Re- aah porsued by many it would Coals, |governing the masses and the sublime \Gui " plo pgs apd 203; | PUblicauism, aud so doubtful in its mean-| 4, wot so consider It, There ate exhibition of a great nation in its won- | Gecema: 838 351 maj.100 000) "EO" vital points as to admit of the | vino canuel bp do pol teahertalekénn a | u 422351 000 = 090 Hest opposite construction in. different: ©. Gulp macy or ead the bod liti laureaad yi 50 sections ut the Union—a plasform so dex-;'8bt lessons at home and yet they seem to annoy anger ly politic y + 8 000 000 pias Then, ‘Millard Fillmore, prominent by Uslifes, 584 551 maj.115 000, teruusly constructed that it will boht with Hunk that they will study more diligently if i , of hi hievs Hertford, 287° 306000 n00' equal convenicnee the Southern States’ they will send them tom home and place them virtue of his past ac ievements, 86.0 MO | Hyde, 303-397 000 000 | rights Democrat’; Van Buren, who has under thecare of strangem This te # grea tional ruler, and as a tried prtriot, will Hemderson, 243° «687 000 000) nothing to take Lack of his abolition minake’ and one in> which very fearfal come- be recognised as the hope of the country Iredell, 39251256 8511349 speeches and writings in 1848, and Mar- quences are involved. The boy who will vot more than any other man living. Weve aoe 233 000 000! tin, Vai Buren, whose antagonism to piudy under the parente eye will very seldom do verily believe that heis now, many thou- wes 936 ii ben Msi iat abil ay apres for COU a, when from weer. The perevts imay be ip- : - | , ven ve 4 P) Ocala a pee sands of votes stronger in North Caroli-| Lenoir, B94 274499263 al rpeunsi vin the muljuet wf "Sqr ige 4800 10 believe that their as who were Ml ot wa than any other man; and that his | Liveota, Ae - 000 000 Savereigyty” free from ubjection, Tic pu: Mo Are stunignt frum banue, bat “i io diatom ¢ strength is increasing daily, is beyond Mastin, aoe a pong ae sition sao whiel he las thas placed lity that keds enchantment.to the view.” A good dispute. We would therefore bid his’ ycDowell, 217 674 ~=©p00 ~— 009 SE proclaims biut a mere party leader, Cheated School would, peeunlarily, latelleete- \friends cheer up: be not dismay by the | Moore, 603 752 000 ooo Uhtit to be President of the Gution in the ally and mornily, promote the prosperity of gloom of the present. The darkest hvur | Montgomery, 45 74t = 800 000 gp yep rehene nh Mr. Fit Salmbury. Should nut Abese comsiderstions in- 4 . acu, 220 390 000 ou ~ 1 the coutrary, in Mr. Pilluwore every go. , whe 7 is always just before day. Hope on and | \\ ckleuburg 1083632024 pond anprejihiced mind mnet recognize a Ree a al comes Cae labor, and soon the glowing rays of light | Nash, 1115-93 (000080) Stutesinan “without fear and without re |” ne oemneeee 2 Nigh dee bad shall exelode the shades of our present| New Hanover, 1109 424 maj930 000 proach,” who, while he aceopts and en. *bbeh « preparstory schoo Gants political darkness. Northamytvn, 641 9490 Paa 251 000 dures the cardinal principles of the party ww Saliaburyt Why has wut puch» shook been Onslow, 5060 288 e00 000 which nominated Vim, yet retains bis ertablixbed -before this time! Many. teachers nr Orange, 963 1080 1119 1045 persunal independence, and dares to think have tried tw buil! up such a school fe Salletie- KENTUCKY ELECTION sae 331 408 000 000 ‘gud speak for vimself with a freedom aud ry, but they have'Vbus far tailed. What has Loc wviiie, Ang. 9. eS pg = pod 000) antiness which has compelled the 40- wees the cause! ft could aot have been, in er- In 36 counties of Kentucky, the Lemocratic | Person, wo! at ed pod pe TET esr pha ery fnetance, the incompeteury of the instruct- spy Sosee ys 6:8 (018 on Teen these geuthemece, the nice (7 St anne these whe bows made the w- y v j 7 el j “i le ‘ oy leas 3¢ on 4 x #e 4 ted ceric ° . Larice ST Tak ere fea, 1630 10 0000) ina a hn teat tonal Shas hee ne th rel qa jomy. ° Rutherford, 621 1019 000 on ME hemestly befiewe, with Mr. Gran. ied wordly aod totellectantty. Why wor oo Randolph, 403 1373 663 b ang Bet. of New York, that if ev ery man ip Vey apt eocvurnged | Echo amewers why! If IOWA BLECTION Richasond, 113) 708 0v0 ooe the United Starcs whe prefers Millard parents wh to have good schoul in the town Deacece, Aug. @ | Sampeon, 860 599 987 504 Filluore for President should vote for they mast patrobize (be schoul, co-operate with a | Sarry, 797 4s 000 000 him, bis election would be certain. Why the wacker keeping order aed mest aot per- ly hg ned eo pers bag oo-giar’ ere Stokes, 636 437 000 000 should they not dev sof [aw aware that mit thew ne ry Aitadipian for every pd od ” | —_ a Be Le noo Peseae » 95 Bia 165 787 a wnost Jesuitical argument bas been em- causal IT bore arc ait & te leave enhead ber NEW YORK MARKET. , Tyre 100-275 000 000 ployed ip the South, and so far with not zi | 1 7 mae Union, 1290 472 000 000g little seeming success; in fact, the cock, cane, these abo do oct wiih t0 ctudy | Catan is toy —Sahe af 4900 tale Pleur| Worcs, ad. ‘tes ‘ete. Jey Dumtweratie newspapers nad stamp are: hi om due cove t harwebeal. Ths nem y —Se 4 : tors appear to regard it as their most ef. »ebject is one of great importancs, be hop- — $1.50, White 61.65. Corn 64 a —— i peed ne pod fective appeal fur the support of Mr. ed that these who have sope to edeeate will se- oe |Wayee” 143.908 1382 $74 Bechanam. They deny that Mr. Fillunore' rivenly eomshler tbe ekjeet and mae cash co- St. Loci, Mo, Aug 7. | Wilkes, 325 1261 000 000 reer far pa — ono gre ertions a shall secure 8 clamienl school of the In six counties in Missouri, Ewing, the Amer. | Y edkia, 650 768 866330 888 ere to go over highest grade in Salicbary. It will requive » ; a : Youery, 639 349 «= 000s wg. MAN AS the only nicans of Jefeating a Ite), Ie Ore eoenccn TCM the Ineoreen| ——- —__ ___. sectional candidate. Without pansing to | S70 wwtrt, Prererng sit 2 oGen candidate, has a majority of 1,000. | 48705 46620 00000 09090 cvlnment that weakness of spirit but it will nebly compensate for such an “oe. 46720 which wonld desert loog cherished pria- PHILON ATBER. ciples, a good cause and an une Xception- oo Distresdng Accounts frem Texas. A better received by a gentleman in this city : from his beother, daicd Hunteville, Tessas July LEGISLATURE 22d, gives the follow ing dist ressiag acooent of the The Kaleigh Standard reports that the demo drouth in that seetion of the State : erats have guned one member in Wake, ome in oh the Alamance, three in Orange, one ia Granville, (wu Bragg’s maj. 2085 “On m this country are Ce ee For waarent) Sant, pot a '° Halves, two iw Chatham, ome in Columbus, drop of rare has falien within tea miles of this and oor in Greene; and the Kaow Nuthings place. Cort crops have fniled entirely, Cut beve gained coe member im Bronewict and ove ton « vearly Lr. Ta planter wear here, in \akin. Clear I caer ; who expected tw bave rained 10,000 beshele of Senay ie re corn, told me to-day, that he should have to bey his bread for the easwinzg year. Le has cut down whule sores of corn merely hr the tops and fodder. There are a number of planter This gentieman follows the lead f Gor — Ase gap ironing Lang — - ae Pratt, in the Intelligencer of this morning img to a grent extent. It ix the topic in every, 7 & letter to the Hon. Mr. Franklin, of collection of men, and a geners! consternation Maryland. prevails throeghemt the cuuniry.” - Mr. Pearce has arrived at the conelo sion that the contest lies between Fremont Ei nctioss.—This is the week for elec and Bachenan, and of the two he prefers tions in five of the States—in Kentacky, the latter. for several jadieial and county officers; Ile volunteers a defence of Mr. Buch in lowa, for menibers ef Congress and of anan for big condact towards Mr. Clay — the Legislature ; Missoari, fur Governor, but is too weak to require a neties. That members of Congress, and of the Legis | subject has been treated in so masterly a lature; Arkansas, for Guvernor, mem- manner by the Lonisville J ‘ Journal, ae eur bers of Congress, and of the Legislature ; readers are aware, that no friend of Mr On the 7th, the eleetion will be beld in hes vestared a defence. It North Carolina for Governor and mem. | 48 reserved for Mr. Pearce, an old-line bers of the Legislatare. Elections are i , Whig, to take ap the cndgels in defence be held in the following States previous! of Mr. Bochanan, and he bas done it so ,to the presidential election: In Ver. ineffectually, that Mr Bochanan will not mont, September 2; in California on the poy A A thank him for his services. 4th ; in Maine on the 8th of Septem- ber ; in Floida on the 6th of October; and But, Mr. Pearce, after all, it appears in Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, and South '8 not quite decided as 4 his future po Carolina, on the 14th of October. The re- !itieal course. He remarks: sults in nearly all of theee States will be considered as foreshadowing the resalts m the presider tial election. Rachanan ‘* For my part, I shall not abjure my political creed, and, having in view but the one object which I have stated, | shall bold inyself ready to take any other Canada, we sce, is getting tired of be Course which may be necessary to effect ing a rendezvous for ranaway slaves.— that object. Should the hepes of Mr The Quebec Mercury is ont in an article, Fillmore’s triewds be realized ; slowld it enjoining the Canadian Parliament to 2ppear that he is more likely to carry the pass a law, by which the runaways in great body of the patriotie, but quiet Canada may be returned back to the Uni- | people, who general!y come to the rescne ted States. Pseudo philanthropy is shock. '" ‘ines of public peril; that he is, in ed at the idea of owning slave labor, and , Short, the best able to subdue this storm yet is loath to suffer the personal incon. of sectional passion and ) ‘agen I shall venience of having fugitive slaves as '¢ yah to see him again filling the chair of State. _.- We infer from this paragraph that Mr. A New Cext.—Every body will be glad to Pearce is one of those timid politicians learn that a'new cent is to be coined. The old) Who prefer to fulluw rather than to lead ; copper heal, which has so long represented the @0d that his political course hereafter stnallest fractional division of our decimal mon- Will depend upon the strength rather than ey In use, is too cumbrous and large for the litt e'the principles of the party to which he value it represents, and the substitution for it of shall give iu his adherence A new coin, readily distinguishable from all oth ers in circulation, will be considered by all a great improvement. It is therefore proposed by the CaxerinG OUT OF THE LITTLE EXD OF THE Director of the Mint, that the new cent shall be nonw.—The Sentinel says, the currency “law vighty-three parts copper and twelve varts nick- has not and will not be executed.” We know el. This will moke the cole of s ke reddiah Of one Cane as stated last week, where a man was . ne ; fined $5, and costs $21, for offending against the color. It ia to weigh 13 Grains, lene then half currreney law. Wh u's the use of wasting time the present cent, which is 168 grains. and money in making such jaws, if they will not Phil be enforced.— Prople's Prevs : neighbors or dependants ! American Organ. > Suan. & Tae aE —_ al candidate, when the shadow of doubt perchance rests on its success, [ reply to the specious reasoning, first by a denial of the premise. 1 believe it far easier to beat Fremont with Mr. Fillasore than Mr Duechanan, and the evidences of this fact are becoming wore ®)parent to my wind ex ery day at adduuitting the previse, fur the sake uf argument, and | reject altogether the conclusion. — If we are ever tw meet the sectional esur mation, Tsay let us do thao. For one, will not avoid the maue by abondoning my pnveiples and seeking shelter with my puliteal enemies. Sach was not the example wt Ly oar revolutiwnary fure- fathers. They did not meanly sueewmb tu ige ble fears, adjvern the great ques tious of their day for the decisiua uf poe terity, and leave us their battles tu fiytet Shall we, then, shirk our daty, aud per chase a hollow peace, a temporary imme nity, with disgrace! Newet! If sectional asurpation wid the wantem ty rauny of wombers is to over-nde var Cum stitutions righia, and to furce cvbnoxeus measures upoo as, l@ wa inect the iseuc now. 1 trust in God, that apon this puint how, if for ne other, every gvd Whig, atmbevery hunest painet whe prefers Millard Fillmore for President wil deetn it a sacred daty tu vote fur hin. Owe word wore. | ask erery honest frend uf Mr. Fillmore, who thinks there is amy furee ia the argument alluded to, before he aocepis its cuncluwiun, to leat it Ly tbe ordimary rule of logie j Ash these kind Drmuerstic friends, if you enn d-monstrate, between the time aod November, as clearly as they now show the contrary, that Mr. Fillmure's chances are best; that Fremont can be more defeated with bio thaw Mr. Buchanan, whether they will rarnestly and in guod futh abandon their candidate and take op ours, Let (he anawer prove their sim centy JOUN Wo BRYCE with vur sorely WOLVES IN SNEEP'S CLOTHING. The oppome nts of (he American party have re cenily adopted a new A number of men in different parts of the country, who are bit- ter and uncompron. sing opponents of the Ameri can party,are seeking {0 daparage the prospects of Mr. Fillmore aml to frighten timid and vacilla- ting men from his support by falsely representin, that they would prefer Mr. Fillmorefor President if there were any chance of his election, but that, since there is nut, they have determined to vote for Mr. Buchanan. This is altogether a Sag-Nicht | tricks. These men are wolves in sheep's clothing. | dorige .” In thia deceptive guise they approach the friends | of Mr. Fillmore and thus seek to dampen their | ardor and to lessen their hope of success, We! warn our friends to beware of such trickster. — | | This is the newest device of Sag-Nichtism to ar- rest if porsible the increasing popular enthusiasm in favor of Fillinore and Donelson that glows in the hearts of millons of our countrymen. We aay egainthat Fillmore's prospects of success are far better than thosc of any other candidate fur | the Presideney, awl the South will be compelled | , allowed and paid too often the case with T’rizes bet From Nicaragua. Private advices from Ni a indi- cate a state of affairs somewhat different from the complexion given to them b: Eb Nica , from whieh we have all copted. danger of the Gaatamalan invasion {¢ far more eminent than we were led to believe, and the discontented Serviles of Nicaragua are stronger and more resulate than ted. — W alk- er’s best friends in New Orleans, and those most fally advised in regard to Cen- tral America effairs, are quite argent in private that he should ve immediate aid im men and money. They think that a cessation of arrivals now would be ex- ceedingly disastrous ; that it would per- sumle | Democratic (who are now Walker's firm ea } that he will not be further ai fron this , and give special eneouragement to t Ser bes. — Vew Orleans Courter of July ty. “Barking up the Wrong Tree.” The Buchananites of York county, Pennsylvania, are assailing Mr. Filmore because the(talphin claim (they aay) wae allowed ander lus administration. As to the merits of that claim we pass no opi ion, bat if there Le any responsibility grewing out of ite allow it is not chargeable to Mr,-«Fill for it was isndar Yon ad- ministration, and before Mr. be- come President! It may not be oat of to add, that i the place to add, that it was oe ge soe advice of Attorney G Johnaton, who is (we learn) in favor of Mr. Bochanan for the Presideney! Woo- der if the Bachananites wont now swear that it was a most righteousclaim! They understand well, from practice, how to lay aside one opinion and adupt another, or, they have not learned the art of whieh “Old Buck” is master.—American Or gan. New York. The friends of Fillmore im this State continoe to be in the highest epirite and have not a doubt of its vote being iu favor of their candidate. The Hards are dissatisfled with their State ticket, sed never had much faney for Old Buck, and are coming over in crowds fur Fillmore, , A Lucay Nowrn Canotsssa® }—The Capital | Prige of €20,000, in the Fort Gaines Academy Lottery, Clase 17, drawn in Adanta, Ge, 0°- der the management of Samuel Swan & Co. was sold to one of, North Carolinia’s Sons om * Whole Ticket. He rosides ia Shelby, Cleaveland County. , While we would have preferred that the Prise had been drawn in our own State, still it gives us plensnre to congratulate n Sister State of such good furtune for one of ber citizens. There is na humbug as regards this sale, as is ne sold in oth- 10 choose between Fremont and Fillmore which lee Lotteries, fur we can vouch for the truth ole Louisville Journal. | | {she will have fur President Atlanta Republican and Discipline. Fe EE P E S P E R E L ES E Ge d ee t t pi z t l mile; ama toe hy about half a mile from the Bulisbury and Tayloreville and couage, and un to embarrass eee aciecty chare-ouke Stes, Mathew Locke aad whom Maines touk to save bervelf, «Sibe awru » mile, and be | comtune ome A got ema, 344 1-2 Acres, ed in time. Ile took: ber iato 1d pa fhe ptahs aomeerd li pe i shied ln Niuean ee true J nee bey, de ibe ihe rps Meadow, on by amare : b=. Sen hme nd png on | he meaduw aline, ‘There iu, also on the promines « ~~ F two little boys ‘saw p maw, mthér cunvenicnge atteched thee. At Taro, raver, i" - “Khe miperia loexkty of Urls fariur will make a safe wt to the v. Terms witl be made | panei Call on the subscriber - the planta. a ty information, the rw wens Brresteth, | tien uty addrees by Wetter ut Sylsbury | ANN DOWN. not) a some supposed that he had cuncpived'y July 22, 1856 v~i0 er, nnd lint sho“ hat % palsed in papi Dom. oy Yor Povirentllresy. promt ar S-eeenn FOR SALE * es TEE subscriber will iffer at public sale at the Caan Hense de the jown of Btuteoville, on the 6th of or ghee & vlan aca _s * frows the | (ret! Of land coataini sea se: ROKR ACRES water to Idess, io the belief that it: ratadlng a the waters of Fourth Creek, two iniles North of d, Agent of Ameri 8. School | Unive, Box 71, Greensborough, N. C., will reovive ; | Prompt attention, Jung 24, 1856. 4 4 nf dweling house a most exctilent-barn, wad every | Fasxcis Squipe. +Gronce N Ape | | ‘House & Lot & Plantation’ 100,000 bushels of good | Board ea ee * Model 5 EPH A. "heLitay. Statesville, N. Cu July 15th, 1856. _Meraid and d Banner please copy 3 ar 4 timer, SQUIRE, ZIMMERMAN & ALLEN, Wholesale Dealers ta - DRY GOODS, tale Gh ain coed a No. 143, Market’Street, |, they were to hand, we bave since leid in a seegnd . PHILADELPUIA pg pap d capensis At was selected with - suld low. Ia parser yar weg Pesaran 43.6en tee nak Che prey nb yous, Moue—we are sure, cam BROWN & COFFIN, No. 3, Grauite Row. 48f Haye sold ei? one Gret extensive purchase gf, DM the ay fins of Lineauton, N.C. Qa Want, PED Mls slovlt nae weg ; STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, DAVIE COUNTY. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, WHEAT. OR which the et prices wil be puidin CASHEL Alay Term, 1856." ’ { The freight of Wheut has been very greatly re-| Joho Banks, Adm'r. ayninst Mcire ot iw ef hans duced trom Chartotieto Charleston, whieh duables ‘Thugnpeou. . a8 be higher prices tha: be ‘bere. Pie . pms 4 ——oo Petition to sell Land. Dry Goods, Groceries, Salt, he., which we will ell lower-thap cen be bought iu any market iy Western North Carding. Ueane with your IN Chis ense, it Appearing to the satinfaetion of the | mingion Court, that Soloman Boske ‘heirs, who reside ia Geurgia, Sndrow; Hiram, Ransom, Polly, Aury, Bii- za sod Nateisee. Bunks, and lon, Gama heira, | sud ried wih ot ot ™ 18 stn aad i ri war a Tivisresaereteay ) in . ihe mat won wil open om Monday the tet of and contipne 20 TUITION PER SESSION: , Primary. Sindies, : - 6% pe me fe «apn agen pyrg yin fa) ryt Maibemation, _/ 12 $8 Bas td sa at ie ain uly By 1856. Baby” J. MSHOPORD. my ow bk — = wae hs pe pared i ender Carolina ond BATTS; al ‘ : - |Sopc ca heed tod beter Te vis DAVIE COUNTY. .. GRIST: MILLS | Caeel in cu re rag erm, 1836. . are also in and Core wilt be for ttt | i ‘ s - Cres sweet Samuel Frost Atisobaiont levied an: 7 wap Hog MORKING & wEsDER j Richasnnd Noi §. = .' Matowined ban. ast ; x = "3 35% } tiv the satisfucdon of ibe Court, the | SUERE0 PODRAW A. i > 4 ty io not an iohabi-| 90,000 65 - * | tant Of this State: he ig,” iv ordered by the) rpicy ig) fa ior. ‘Court, thet ho inode for six weeks in thé |= p.piloe ce: jon * Caralian Watcha,” ip the town of Salie- 1 Prise of é 19,000 > UA of ot ema fod aba bury, thet the said be asd appear at + Pose of 5.000 io ‘ Gewve. Urpot, avd nitie miles’ the next Cort of Plede sud Quarter Sessions, to be Prise of ~ re = 73 ie ttle se Se Hands Me Sas ean <a tee & - I> » joe! » oF west, ty ¥ csdeganieso cad Cohie: pa wandevpeatwe, pow canenx if, ang he wg the ssid House aad | 15 panes Mp 5 ee For further Information, apply io M. 8, MeKenaie: | Sot be condoned tyr infection uf he | 106 Priace af 100-are apne June 24, 1856. - Land plaiheilf'a dott, aid sabe wevurdirgly, ee is ae ! - 1 Conennt Gasette publish ome mvatts gud fer-| Wewe. Caewell Hasbin, of aur mid Count,| 3 2rees pA near | “eis rae | ward wecwamt wth office. = |e office, Use Mth Mouday in Muy. A. D., 1656, and «nanos * epnsimetng dhven bene ate oe =. icles aiabedg 70" i ry z $e Se “ KEIT A & Fl AXNER. | By A A! YRBIN, DC. i Rie ot 2 4 art . COMMISSION MERCHANTS sosaaisesosin’s ~ ve iar nee ae j ponarencesaeaemel Ass ager Masa a : on ‘ ~ PROSPECTUS - ‘Tie 15,000 Prieesuf $4 are dviermined by theamnt - WILMINGTON, N. te prighstrot) OF THE prety drawe on Dane Conaiey, Phrongh Freight-io Wilmicgion pr. ot trale' Li : by Mags gO tn a gee — wit ie tient’ Lincolnton Dispatch. cae ny ren tbr Weer rereasigiye. rege s regeinperr gpliraa Mail | wie’ pap toner aey ¥ 4 scantile Secesk Tenciey mlmey 2 iike cat an the county of Liweate will’ ot oa vedly te "Percherente te on cust qeantiapetaihania hoe Neuve Walegun 20 Torstay and Fri. Fit | in tus eabeyimec! of Wad Rend faeaahoe Ad 1 . ~~ Our mt will seomapeny the edt (6 retcive | tithnens with the mst of mankind, i ia mauiieet to raf Oye ah the imlermediate atin — | toe g Pets Jrsrast et bo eeceeand tate parenis ly their com to ently if PGR) ies © them woguns. BROWN, STITT 4 CO. | Paseey, ond Sally, Nolen pad | The fret ear w leave Salisbury vn Vunidey 23d oe a < 7 Rompunber tliat every Prize is drawn, and pay* ’ one the denon gway. Ini presence of these facts Uv [ Meateorithey Tivere is bet ween 30 pad 40 acres uf | Chadutte, N. @., July 15th, 1836. Sp Bauks, are not iohshitants jae ih it ie. a7 et | Keith & PLANNER. | sae advocate fur the prisoner idmisted that he ought, BOTTOM LAND cara ie piers | fore, evdered by Ghe Court, that publigation b> made _ Wamiorig, N.C: Jame 149856. aot ©) be acquitted :3a m non an ac, lu Ve: jaryd - 7 sshiv iD, OFFICE OF C: &uce, R. ox fer six weeks in the Casolion AVatchman,” for the | aS si Se a ee + FM wot clared him guilty wader existing Cireumelances, : ie of ws i 4 good MEADOW aud woud lend | Jame 25,1 as oe to 1'gind appear at the meat Coart of) PRESBYTERIAN , wulhcwat aud codtveuieut wo kt wp the feoces, rane warter Seieinns, to be heid Grr the quamy - é A anh tae healt " b P lom do and the evart sentenced him to bard Wwbor for) Kicken. Harn sid Stables ead a beirk dry rasta wv! ‘TARIFF OF THRODGH FREIGAT wrt. at the Court bimuse ia Mucksrilie, on the pubes wit be prvitgk: +» om Sed ‘a ag be farweyiied te porchanere hee fe life, } és fruit ia, a wdbard of apple, cherry sud eee, | Sieoer oes | in osar ve pest, aad plead, anewer and ine co Ute diet =e De be Smee WAG tho dre : . r ak : Li, rere praitatea sas Lo complainaut’e pAgition, or the pane will be | i er etree ah the Lademnal arene Whale Tichite $5—Malves $2 1-t—r Quarlert 14-4, , “ | aw ret wirhing iw the mines toate nl 1 par ma pro confesen, sod Ordered 8ST IL N.¢ — furor erred ‘ “want La eg Pi ~The Dove, der | acl Screw ae tic ako ioeave Charleston & Charlotte. Wien, Corral rans Ge of oe Con | sats haa Feredrabeyre teeny me med bp od i -he ecgape e aes Ba tug her trip down Aentucky river Fast ubesn! vad made known dn dey of nate #1 office, in Mocksville, the 4th Mondey in Muy, ‘| | BD Fe oTrroz. ‘ A good week, whey near Marion, Gasaaky. was! bet wll privately a vesy desiralie lot ia wou!” CLASS ARTICLES. RATE | | D. 1856 sanom s2c0 baad janes ce tne the ety Sebo entaearee- a nr eee oie teeta. inv by clouds of flivs, whieh literally oovtening Brut View Chase Measuremeut, pete. % 16| By K. ACA spotty tld ge ¥. D. iN TITH a view of coutling thom to Mature their tang: sabjecis px the susest way of icath. ecebebmemen aan ta drew rity of covered the boat all over, They are the 5 Acres. — oo 3 00| Printers foo $5 50.” = : Gs : racaticy ie id Gant d tedhen Gee cof cae oe eee oe eres iF nad even Sumcbeen,)ot she kdpeing maser ous in- species knbwn as the lake fly, with thei: | |, “ Fish | — af this 8 ; Fp fo ae erp pearegrclarreraearart wri { All thar the 10 Tickets drawe over the " eH kaprored, with @ new 2 story dwelling and = ‘ uetitution have dtermined W ery tind, a us to be echyowledged us a plenrant and | = 0 unite sous wings yee inch im length. | sn nad neo-smnry 00s buihage new and ont: spect Hit Borrcte 1 4 R- JUNIUS MENDE HALL, | Sos tes coats st areas name a urelul companion to every family whieh it may chanet eee © SCS: : 1 aed / ny greg te pe ae oe revel poorly ETS in; “ mene * LAND AC T. PR gees he bee cone meee "Wet polis will be onby » wrenadary sation, 0" y+ aaa i ss arecter Prarie: hed t bo Moore's cotate will make pay ment without deley ée Aili owe bed The org! Pe to the pabiid, ond will reevive such ationtion as they deserve, aed Adddenm andere for Tickets, of Corutieates of Peak sh eee they swept 10 the JUS W STOCKTON | ge ite Ben 89 ULL ILL SELECT and coter 1 Lend— | eqeeial apap ge Tach eee pares toe fe roared iu the Old Whig Sebunl of Clsy end |, wrFickews, either to - guard and then shyreled overboard. Aad tes, 18056, : «10 | ail hes, mo 2 58) Locgie Land Warraate—Pay Tuses—wmake sssifesied wo great imterrst in ite cotabideencas | Peete. ond r say pdoalicm = aa: WAN & Ma heme) ge racbors - DISSOLUTION ae pus hece 50 a — ow Joist — oad meen Somes nod et menren, Gs their new ohegrenggrdins noth | ¥ care pulablglnn, pat thay OO ext tohasw Goeiliees SWAN, Moatgouwery, ORFOLK . MARKET e Core pew banter} iw 2 mow dreting reqitiy to - Oat POT VICES | of different poliuos « place tur promubgating ibeir een. | at has _ oe eee Wheat “ ” 6 aoveas. of 2 tall corpses of efficient tevchers will be secured a ALABAMA yi Wee . a n Later of the ex furnished when de demrote. fe ov. Reperved dy. Rowland & Brothers, August tte, 1836.) M* Firm of Marpry, Medlowie & Co. her shin day Colles per 180 toe wo atlon of the J OMENDANAL “Sadan real patent poswible proviehur — for the Ti be Ei i believed chat a paper condnc od we thin is pro | spend by hgaitathon, Thee bepinese of the firm @ fil Camties 70 ica M furt uf Ure young tadics entrusted tw theiv core to be, will be well appreciered, and supported souTuemn Authorized oniae Fornen E o petruct- BACON—theme, 15 @ 16 Mag roved, 14 be wijled at the dd oraind by either oP the pariness Cheese ea! Te ? _ Ged) emacepmlie. their purpuse now, a6 it bas heey fmm yhe beginning, PY". (2 0% SU ee ee joquiriug eomapansty. he at- LARD—No t & 2.14 @ 15 Alt peresus yulebied pt» we wil please eat end make) On and afier the Ist of Sty, the shove rates of tw reader thew College iuferiur in no teepect, 10 Mi “Poy penssais are ntecd with ihe view Of esene- 1 COTTON—10 @ 104 settiewecmt ae the burinem uwet be chmed withwut de-| Freight will be chargrd pow ail the through srticles THOMAS: Kk BROWN. ie tnmtitucivms of the highest ord and best estwh- aiving erha! support. we may'eapret. Uf ar émamgh qual- CORN —Wised, @—White, © 64—Y-5 @ Ley chomersiod. All uthers will be charged a1 the pre 4 lished reputation in ous tate The location is favor), ewceived, to jastify oar embarking in the p exprier,1 , were WiMTE BEANS ce Jedon Me Revie having withdrawn frum the firm, ten! sent Lacal Rates, T. 3. SUMNER able te beeith, bring ia an elevated region, and with~ ye ie coe cheeses lebure. hrald we hue tir rLOe ~ tnd “poate 175 gon Sete bie wreie fal arkuowledgements for Uke very bh General Seperintendent Carriage, Buggy and Bulky Builder, in a fw hware vide of the woentaiqes, while frum the Oo) ove the cocodregnars! we espeet, thre the , —Kstre, ¢ 50 —P only, 925 pain gage be uwidin the firm. July 15 b. 1856 be7 | bywer ¢ vaviry, it is easily acceetiite by means of the) 1 Vo eres Droravcu, will be iced of the cortiest ’ 5 5. —Grmod Alum, 12 JAWES MURPTY Central Rall Rosd; and a wi.weekly lime of stages * . EAR, is JOHN MeRORIE, [ Ten Dollars Rew rd! v SALISBURY, N. C., | Gn Caliabury 26 wire se rg uk wicias call on Sion HAY—Carg. 70 @ 75 2 MCUBBIN« a B edrcarrying 00 the shove basiness, and invites thapad- — ve Tiers “e er pass ie eee game in edvance ; $7.50 if payment be delayed ax manthe. | 7, heteg =F | ot per- Lim Salisbury, Aug 1, #56 ne We 10 enil and ¢ xamsinebis work He \s maeutactoring very scratch hon afb er bogs ‘| and G3.00 Hf mt paid wutid the — of the year. ptm rete 4 oreo << ANAWAY tren th wwhishen,an@ toate. as eae Boand and Taitiwa in the Eng Department 866,00 Sebecriptivm suse y ot required enti! the Gast pest- rivial Fil \asdaces Groen Nee eel bo euedernd ends ] me < wubeeriber, on the 29th day | Sapecter ‘want a fevtente ertista, Vis com put ep Seah ot ee | Tuite alene : 15,00 Fink on . of May buet, « free negro named MENRY VA- | peices, tf it be desired, bat Suste stvege conmmmons Shoketies 7 | ber Gat bees imnued sad reeciond, Adiioven, é iAvAMaT PLAN oo! bur TR33 @ 36. the firm end atte of Merplig & Co ot the id ctund Freach Languoge 5,00) x 7 N.C WHISKEY —e@s @ &. | LENTINE, sha Henry Lomax. Seid buy waseon- | qualities 2s cheapest in the long rum, lle would advise those | Krimeiager, Lincolawe study - where thes wll hep castan tly on heud thew eouel victed at the last Term of Rows Court of | "* Viste procere any thing in hisline to enll at hisestablish- | — npr . bepod G. A. PINK _— --———_=+—- : REMARKS barge eupyly of GOODS, adapted jo the wan's of the | nisdemen ype | . use of Piano ’ ING sw The - cary Tend fur the very Sereeens be | pap srs Bia er peppered barter ta Ge Ss droste Of) GI™ Wis chop is be the rear af his Livery Drable | Candles and towels furnished by the pupils Joly 1856. 2 cine Hor SAMUEL AN, Maoager A; Reosipts of fear continue light end sales are made | awed on us heretofore, we hope by chine sitentva 33 slemtine f| Gay Pereens ot 2 distance work, will please aecom- By order of the Board, ope et ae te ——-—_+---_— ie hop- o1 quetetins. New Gaseeed @ qaning to sed colic), bocucce cad far deoliun 10 mort vous Lewnas, lv abowt 23 years of age, bre eet thes a the order with » deseription of the article & B. O. WILSON, Pres't will se ve adity. remela the some Core cad bas : ae bs wM. MURPHY, 7 <a inches high, of gingerbresd culor, large sone, p callpe pe Se arae 0 comanetramnt- Buard of Trustees. The Great Iron Wheel Examined. PRIZES AMOUNTING TO Wheet are wanted and meas quichly. Newel Biores JAS MURPHY. oe tow togeed, sinus belt, end by wade 0 Wn the eaveamperel toe badivend ot bits Gear, be wemnabe Suby 8, 1856. — tden6. * woh ox- dul Ow chy romninn very heathy sever more wy, | J & McCURBING, i Aces ce ager ply ler re ae Sooo Sere ae ees pte fo eactptee ter oer cart w O=re, | “a its a ef the #1 thie enseun, havy recently bac fae reine, afer 2 7006.3 VOSTER. | Cc ak cas soa Sicae Nolmecs 2 ~~~ puma ince acre cee ea came r = a Wi be distrinted sesveding to the bong sore aed of very bot aud dry weather Rabi Aug. 1, 1856. me =| eet | Pee | earateeed jim 0 | abery, Avg |, | 1 will geve the shove rewerd for bie apprehensive | oT. ! Jey 2 at be se M and delivery ww me at Mowat Pleaseet, Coberres| LIVERY ABL E { | =) Sea Ra MAGNIFICENT SCHEME! d > = | eumaty. < te kept . ’ thee wt > an THE MARKETS. FOR S Al E pears ly chro sbeltp flag Nome tt lord * Sa ee — [DB %otiteeet re rere mien a Trost om) Wall Paper, &, 30,000 NUMBERS~15185 PRIZES” P — BS witite ty attended Witiam Locke, we will ee!l at public sections ou . r Le Sdisbury, N. C., August 12 5. - ected CHARLES KUTTS Toenduy, the 26th day of Aagam mext, at the rem- Large axpply of most beautiful Wap Paper Ab) | Prine of 18.000 = ‘ Selish reens and Window Shades tren! 1 15,000 Apples (dried 30 Mined, No 1, 108) Valuable Plantation — oh Ppmaad a rrp angi cofies Te the} EN m Wise Bereeee oo ERMien Bees” | 2° 1000S 7 ad) ited, No 1 en valuable property, to wit } _ : én Urera, 'oo 6 De Pure. [ha ay M A [ 1 AC ADE MY. 20¢e ‘ + Jaly 2 8 its 3000 & 1 om 100124 Mote Cob @ Thi 39 AC RES _— rs -» - " Mas SS Sov rae oan aver. Thunder & Lightning’ MAT, sete OS ACRES aes _| New tot Cardin oes Bak | PR ferent on a et | cull ient Meroe te value aeietion ov Ux E ecrt crssive of thin lustitatton wit! | em tid tue theve aboot 75 seresaf r bottom thee | bh , | a m by ra poficsa oat 12) a ey ca of eee apr oo coe Momees oe ION AND CIVIL WAR, aa W cdacabay the 20th of Frbrusry. pag sed most of which ss alcased and in ead eeadhina' ter ca | Rerectimpaeegy te Ra ROT are es ond smi “ =e asp bad co 4 school ie now in 6 very Goorshing conduw ond the | tivetim : = Bs weal 3320374 Date 30w 33 i AS PE RR TR ACT ae Patent Medicine: subscriber gill ene his atanet eedrevors io kee it ev | Also two-thirds of the bridge ectoes the VedBioriv-) jus. gy rams . 3 fe on Gee valan ars ae Brice FAMINE, &e., &e., | und —s the repatation whieh it has heretofore ef (hoown os Locke's brulge ) | ‘oad ; ; i *- 8S twee s Tocusee’ J ch aba yy Ok tu oe rte ate fe thee part of aoe jeapyed. Young men will be preymred io emerany! Als smother rmall rect of land lying iw the commty +: @ - 7 aed Bi et namie Sept SESS RA ITS ee geet cor Sree ee earache do Re atacse Meleatthe Festery endothe Property) 3: FF BB ED. . : ‘ are © tous . wre re OCtes. & whie re ean orertient ° ” os r and steble 695913 dn Meret, i391 00 “She ( . Sra fam ‘he public generally aod privete nbuale par. | ie TERMS: }tee - . | BELONGING TO THE ISLAND FORD e e & * = | ° B 7a. Cate, 9 10 Rage PB. 3 1000 ACRES ealerly, that they any ready, wilhog aud able to gm STEAM SAW MILL. MANUFACTURING ComPANY! (°“@™="° °™ C thom Bagging, -— Halt P week.) GRD ITS on ic ame ball wend land ond the remainder gader egt iret theen from one at least of the abuve (Lightuing) Primary Department per er-sion of Smo ihs, 9.00 | acted 13.10B prices amoweting bs 4 h ond * Genes, 000 de Prashe!, 81.08 iv.ton. There we large partion of it by porter ap to their baddings, their Parest tadered Higher English Brasches, 49.00 | teccetly ereeird ved tn Lateael oles ¥ Firtme of a deed of frost mde by the Idnad| “The 15,000 Prines of $8 sredetermibed hy the » Con- * Pender, 15008 “heepings, Brown, 4-4 td Ligh meng Condectors, at priees lower then u hes ov. Classics, 18@9, Alm an oh ki Se mabtitedieces I Ford Meaufactaring C ™ | oult a: | ber which draws the $40,000 Prine—df that qaasker ent in _* Barings, 000 12) shot, P beg e225 River Bottom, ot been dome ot im thie part of the country JNO. B GRETTER, A.B. | Deemly bo’ ihe Che Vaden het nad a | Martnm, as said Factory, om the Piet day of Angus | shoud be on odd nemwher, then oid nembeor sdiate Cotton. Yara, BO tod, — whieh \icide wei, Thete won it 0 first-rate iwo str, Teer re to Boher & Owen, Selishery, N ¢ Bob. 15, 1856. 108 ly Bae MRS ery ge ree in he cranes | eat, all the reat and poresnal property Iionging to | ichat im the Scheme wit be eushied to 6 pa even, Care, $5080 | Clower, hash #10? Joly @2, 1556 ¢ Rowan odpomny Brown, Wilet Broww sod : 24 & thet — papel cena og) brick being. « eaperh wow har, stables, aud all oh + REFERENCES, hans earasuane = Ales canary irect ying | ae Cog eee oe aren ee | someon, Sam coed one Gunes Aiea ae —— ° er ore, ® medi ? al eroperty will credit | ad bon other Pre whieh be @n- Pidon, 614 @ 1h@egar, Brows, ibang OM oF mt ee VALUABLE LAND Presidemt ond Focolty of the University; Rey. '" (be trenty nf 1): on edpaaing the nade uf Wit. | oOe Perum Bowery, SM oe Saad bb eon par drown heed af d ton P . Re ~ Lent, 's | one bP a2 5a Ww Drary Lacy, DD, President of Davideon College! Gred Kort, ond «ite + ~aveining chasers giving bord and +pproved eoourith Paret Lad aa equal qoentity of cd eed ol r 30.35 Crushed, 15 is baretched with « gud Mat, and page very bandeome | fan Joho M Morehead, Hon. Jabe M Dick. Greene. 100 ACRES. The burldings are crmperntively sew nid Commo-| even gumber Uichets will be certain of deating aantly = Fear, Poel, Gia FS) Clarified, 0015 ty for the enentom rt requires He will wier onli to the For Sale' beroagh | PE Shober, Eoy, J.P. Beil, Fen, Selle. | ae, There ate so the Dastany chest 1500. ene-bail the cost of the mume, with chance of vbtnin- will Leon, Be ede 6 Pattow, 124 perehesrr of the plametum, « Call enpply of curn, fad- ‘ . bary Ale 3 ee_rie staves, 4 head af brrens; 9 mpics, 3) 90 hawme, bed oll on or: | ing other Printe. aye 1 &. Pg ra a os ati net Laney der, hay — nage for onnding entits are on. > lergr cond wagems oud grer, | too hore wagem, 1 i der Cn the premises ete « large be cme | AR these tickets ending with 0, 9, 4, 6.4. are eae ° og. Ree 3 wt, ree, Ore rd togredrer wrth bes stoek of ! yr - eed ke Pe a . on coltiem hueses al heme endong as q " ot Medes, 8 Wes, 5A 0 08 si ° TINWE UNDERSIGNED offers far wale the rules NEWBERN om ei a ee pebvourbapruidpart oes Meaceplpets romper pA Teter fee find ~edindyetenae i ed July * Oveat, 6A? Window (ieee, | Wwe eng to parcheee, will dy well to call bau TRACT vee psbebed iying on the Beetties atua R ( pemiere tends. a pectsads ee Cor and Been, 2 r= exoctiont water power. In short all the advasug iste withoet dede Lad Lard, 1% 11 = 10 #295 pe tande, hear prices, de. fr he elt! urd Read, fire miles Weet of Nelisbary, con(atming A | ] Insura te 0. Farming iouls of everr deorripma. &e, ae aroresaty to spip cod weete cotton to advéntage [7 All Prices of $1 000 and wader, pid " Leed, bar, Thee 10% 19 #2 50 bergen if applicaume he made early . Terme 6 months credit tuh interest from date of! 1 will afer full appurtenity tw any one = may y aierthe drawiog—other Prives st the eeval z= Lead, Dry White, 10 01% RL HICKS — . : ” 04. Ors . Mag. 5, "56 3wid 346 ACRES, UWE andersigned has been appointed agent ai Salie- ee hare. ccna =———— re UyRED Pint PIKE, agro nora facet sak fae qaud quality ee can be fownd anywhere mm the bury, fur the shove Company, and is prepared to Trnetere. oe | Bamnhece will be gmmerery | Tae ince monty, MARRIED: SPRING AND SUMMER State. There m alev about 50 of GO Acres of receive applications from any prrenn wishing to Jaly } 5th, 1856. 6e2 Jely 14. | after the drawing. ehellk : ‘ ‘ 5 she Our “ morres Lan teeure property. This company is now in irncinesas : . J en Ie this county Jaty Diet. by Rev 8 Buthrok. We QV 28 a operation, and ite basiness ie Mest inereas iE | Whole Tickets, $10—Haives, ts ~Gasrera2h. JERRWIAN BASINGER end Mice MARUARET, which camnet be surpassed. well duchad and drained wishing to bi moured ja th acon ‘As to grea —abaalg =o aon pee mes a ee ine PITTMAN, WADE & CHARLTON. VALUABLE TOWN LOT Fit Tisha sab ot reared inher Piat thie comety on the Sth by Rev. & Rethronk POR 1036 and 19 feet everything is in gred repair Jame 10th, 1856 Conn Gunaed Pn Produce Thane iee mm ochunke « * OHM W. FISHER end Mre CHRISTINA = Perenue wishing to eee the land can be secommo ~ —— — ——-—— — -—— - vbity ha iter ~~ A ELE. & SWAN & CO. Atheatn. Gu. ARTMAN. - dated by calling on Mr. Juba R. Knot, who resides on Cured. | ie not MICHAEL BROWN preprtesdora or & SWAN, . Ale. ¢ wee a 8 mow receiving and cpening _ To perme wishing to purchase such s rabuabic JR HOSTETTERS CELEBRATED RIT- BB or wien tense tere. a co a) nicbiemc besa c ad- CABINET SHOP hin large and well-emmoried Tract of Land, sack rte WOOD . pia Starts Dysprpeie snd Chit & | tne, U shall on Monday of the pd 5 & stock of 3 ind Summer Goods, consisting of — > Sn: nu ee UPeter = rhe Coonty, being the 18th Pia Bape New oa THE mabworiber be opens de CABINET SHOP Staple &. Pancy Dry Goods, ee suas oo peer: oe on taser a z ! mde b “ BLAKE PITTMAN, ) late of the firm of Wiss & | Peblie Sale to the bidder, A VALUaMLeE) the residence af Mr. id Weta, fre miles Weet , N “= JAMES WADE, Prevuse. Late of |LOT IN THE TO N OF MORGAN TOR, » the Hata, ( nd Bonnets ; 17 | of hasted immediaiely on the Linonis a, pe, e Onn ’ T. J. CHARLTON \ Mowrcoweny Co, Va. | square wen of the Coart-Hease, @unting on Mate rerdy rad, and takes thie method of suliching public notice Shors and Boots ; For Rent. Liberal eash advances made jolie on ree Shown x upon all consignments and College streets, where Dr MeRee resided, con i ie @e ror of ew: . DB poco ed ag Ly . — de: dy Made ¢ lothing pond OURAG FINE BRICK STORE HOUSE, two stores ® band ; ; taining foar or more seres, oo whieb there isa very hing p = bea. estgerwty areas heaatifal art af ta W on- are \e 5 med wl Ch cen Dank Gad (lame, : igh, siteated mext duor to Watchmen Printing M89 28, 1856. Sraodt FINE BRICK DWELLING HOUSE. The and derabitity af there bes sino held hitmeelf in reedinews ty work to order om as / “ - t : 2 | br gar peetasesten gin angaidl thing he ble Kae, Repairing and wew dreming dune Ware: [HE cotreieed bege tnava to tare bio shesks One. Aer) A ptohd tah nearly completed, with fonr large resme below ataire 1G ae So bend of ob the Sen Sip, Ling el peel ance Hardware & Cutlery, Groeeries, Ac. Ww thame who ferored ew with = ell during abe) 7817 INO TICE. and four wbove, with « wide pemage above snd below, ce Coen eet ee yw to To order to meet the wants of the sortoteding coun 78 . ul * lwet year, sad he respoetfelty ~——e the ope ‘ ~ =a and cast sbowt three thoasand ufiars. Adjuning tbe “TT sobecriber having studied thie reethad of takiag other, try, he hee pow on hand and will cominwe tm rrplen- mw which he mfites thr attention of hw enstomert and that be hue removed t the Shop latety eceuped by | Omi) TOIVE AWN Olw LL. perenns.in any way, indebted tw me ne Ad. main buitdiag there «0 Bed car-ctory Brick | fikemmmes a Philedeiphta ender the , pe « “ 88 circemeta ners require, © gerd memertine nt ef thy publie—affering at low prices for cath, oe um tame) Messrs. George & Whisnant, s@pening Mr. J. Red STEAM ENGINE AND SAW MILL 4 mnietrator of the esate of Moees D. Kilpatrick, enh two rooms and a preaze in front, wah all the ve- od arpit of that pi eve bie mnt Gactage> hich COVPUNS, ready made, which he wisl finish off and to panctaal customers, of whoicsale or retail iis Preaing Mille, whete he ls prepared tm execute all eased. are hereby nutitied to come forward and ces!) 26: bw-es and stables in gud imme reas) corviens im thatenge- y qued repo « the of thie Or cupply at very short satire. He belicers hes shop im NB All kinds of Country Produce bonght at the work in his hve, as cheap and goud as ewe be dome in FOR SAI E yeh immediate payment. ‘The credit of the sale of diately on the curnet of Maia street, a 0 Gwe one |. = eae 8 4 te parvewler, at least, will prove a pubhe comyen- highest market price the idve D the property of the personal estate hae expired, and mory Brick Budde, roegh-cast, as@ covered oan Pesan ae — —— p few scneds. % te ie dover wie et wor = Laliebary. April 856 Gat . eatate mast new be sett ot im, we large Stere Room, _— A eke we red heats et ie OS oo De Laorosh ial tel Ubon : , Turning, Catting Serews, Repairing ~ MER nedieinied offre fe cae, be welt known rath peti se Cae eer eae ani co. AD yp spre pvircagatinysts ony foe eRe Oomtinten eovtoseat tn ho fone re LE sch ah PDOANNS EP ' meine and Sew Mill in machinery hes been | |, ot te be ca ar thc cee oe ! we ; . peblie patronage WLI ASt WA renin STAT E JONDS FO R SALE. Botlers and Engines, thorvaghly tried, and has performed ins very superior UP) te har nf ther ecuwers SOF a Vand | Cernetany. comeremme won Crorecrens aad Chapet Bim, N.C. ative Meg. 11, 1856 “ Awl} APPLY to JENKINS& iphetraelig Wf of deceriptions ; moking and rfpsicing ; manner and to his entire satisfaction. The engine is an JAMES G. RAMBAY, Adm'r mee akuative bes closed and convenie st, any per- 7» duty 28. sti . Aug 5 0 Salisbery, N.C, ae : y : 7. i beakth ~ appre —_ “Balisbury Planing Mil, UH revived ott td and 9000 te Reet, MITT Spindles, Wood Plainers, Plows, 18 Horse Power. cee Reni mate wont Sale need oe in| Oillee of the W. KCB. BO. e. esters n ie t { ©) sorted. 1500 ths. Bar Lend, 00 Kegs Powder Statesville, July 25, 1846. et, and 7 ws Ironing Wagons, The whole evtablichmeat can be easily moved and set | %95 AAR [Joa end Pp ot Sas oan Should this | nd are SASH PACTORY AND LUMBER “*“*“*~*"" "8 sogpay aco. fe. nf (I PW pemenkrap yy eorgrenientory pce kons pire GP meer dP poeta Sarvs atte metic | quest to ci etanuwe i, as we determined YARD. ig boa pea an ide MORSR-SMOBUING, ~~ usT ancMy ED so spraiier pune Op aN wt © Candin, bo SS ee ae ad Angee = Ex ome dustry! P A , Seaconable Chothing of sup-rior gunli with corpurate fienite town, © residence su | stuck avast be filed in thinoffee before Japital tau and Deters yd gchar arti H In . np bee Fou antag hoon i 0 anman oe pe Seen oe tatoce oilman & bets kor pice |e Term cash £1 ERWIN, T | thet = current let way be te I , aad are to farnish first courage ® | eben! 5 TS, CAPB, COATS, Vere. R. vester. (None bet . Stockhokbe: can < dew ay lamber dressed. ongue s a sy 15 enet steel tore oF eter! pintes, $2. stugk comprises HA 7 pnt Bo 9 Kev) TB ve ond a ; Sue = pe th BE CONE! 7 (vere chagieohe ge res ~ oo ggg PANT SHIRTS, COLLARS and CRAVATS ; ALSO, ed feck ; STILL BETTER AND BETTER! porygpcenannag a <a RS, . BOOTS end SHOES, and) 4, che some time and pleer, oo Recester af! Neg lsveal a, ftom Bape Frames, Binds end wood movidings AM petting op ® pnd Rocheways with imr- ° aes aati toe C at ol care NL HE subscriber is desirous of moving his Mitte and | sho ipl ae Artiets of Chahing reqeired. of the most |g WL. MeRee, I will sell eleern Likely Negrecs—| Gtaddned ond Register, Raleigfiy & Co., in wend ev lon, oad Mackonihing on | provements. My work hes shways given Ewe) ccinbiichmest cod forvichieg gatterus Als Brow. hao LOO, or Sntee Bet wed en ee fee) Lh ee Or | Sons of it vale ads Uaoern at Foy: Mog News, Asheville, wil! copy anti the 28th: af ry e ied of knw’ nd | ot eatherboarding, Flooring jar stock is going and we are giving bargame to hy tds frer-core wehines from Bat- piu estaiebea psig dary ersbapate a rea cod oa pasar tinh nena acd tabla inal inch Plank, whieh he will sell very low for cash. Al- ever: webaser. O) Oar score at the ournet ef the a Re. Reenter —So See eoemems te Oe 8 fanotes and wheel hk a2 suitable for 18m determined that it shall give sntisfact spateh y pe July 22, 1856 owe) ohela veland (mii. oo ple reward 16 the purehsser. I an still at the same old 4) Ond Copper and Brass wanted. so. 0 fine tot of Maple, Birch, Ach ned Poplar Plank, Mansion Hate! > - ~ Rags, Dreggets, ge, and others are respectfully re. Mend. hovwan ue the Mowry Shop, on the Railroad, &. J. PERRY and — sawed — y for sa ap - H. F. BAUM & CO, : : : ke. “ ov 1 will aac 5s t orm ay perenne to buy : » 5, 18 493m » Prise Werled 0 call and examine maf tee wrk. Oe hector, ors ic ra Chartotre, May 5, 1956, 49-60 ces iof ths chars named! aces woall Go Oellts ch] omens ae oe = STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, W: “ehh ego aed. egonared bobo RDOCH & CAJRNS Caf and . dress me at Salisbury, through the Post Offiee. WILKES COUNTY Jen mente~ gives 12,1 Cemaig Preee My work shalt be good and — y JOHN BEARD DBMusic. In Eq her Ti ,ed Call at No. 3, Granite on ain G aru! 9g trxamine my work and hedr priecs, and now yoo 7) S ae z 73 : Large aes-rimeni of Piane Forte Maric for rule n wily — Septem erm, 1856. pace «& corey. ee mo mo, and om soud neh yo this “— dd oe he a egy oct here! ge fewstes 9 assay ton aaa = J, 1. EXN{8S' BOOKSTORE. Fielding Combe va. Tease Pruit, and others. Salisbary, March 95, 1856. ln : breath eect] arate! the y : Nt ahy : ORDERED by the Court that peblieation be made 1, an is W ANTED [MMED: LATELY, on fosn tizans. Pt Hr) Reve bererred co on Sen SIOHT 100) oa DR. M. WHITEHEAD. Arnold's Writing Fluid, ci, %2 rath inthe, Carton Watchman fra Geld Pens, " oth- taki ahd t, indastrioas habits, ‘and capable wf July 29 o—t. Rents Ora .. by the eubeosi-| OFFICE on the some lot with his residence In hegzaradar psc at = or demer, cise judgment wu A VERY large assortment of Good Gald Pens, and p of it. Awe 2% pod ororantyo 0 Capel Fernecr. 1 mA y bere at Coanty Line hie absence persone desiring \o see hin wil! !nve HE Best Ink in the World, for sale at I. H Ko- - JAMES CALLOWAY, OC WR | Gold Pen Points, without the Case. For sale . Dende, + the t at Eagle Foundry, Tyre, RCCLAR &@ GRAY | theer pames on the Slate. pie’ ROOKSTORE er “ * ee at J.H. Enniss’ ROOKSTORE wie ct ene Blank Warrants for sal Tere. Fale 1. 1256 , tf 5 | Jane 17, 1X56 19 | ety 29 8 Joly 17, 1858 thw July 2 8 J THOMPSON swrtieriere ae prea wok) like.to we animating the chief Jett fead the fo!- ind hay tbany, way that of the Uliroly responsi Se ee abe S Geetesaw 4 legistative body Ot at that Ome WH vever Ba inte: tee of my’ héar€ that | should Gee Hgetve ba welcoupe ap Uhie, in the caplet oid aa- ay services and-wy «probable coume vt ! ssn again (alléd fo ie position of Chief Sollee dhig ochees, at Newbury; on the Hod- |aftentines Leen eonpared. to. the Lay of nevertheless, Mogivrste of the Amid, hr is son, where he used the following. language con. | Naples: . Fhave seen something of both. | 4th. Persans born of Amerieanpattetits redid- wut pleasant 40 + one | pebedy trust, _ corulfiy’ perks of foreigu birth who have sought | Italy wither: Suuny apd dtc eds akies* | ing ranegrp abroad, should -be entitled to all Godiision wilt jastity te ip Seng P POG tise syclter of our institutions | jae pc eT conepey mite ithezel grative-borm wa pe ‘I 14 _—— ea two events conpested w “We ask what American—what Forcigner, of | aie t aul y te pin job te upon! tine rsou should f fot [Cheers]. Xemalt kaow Ment ape < ge tevthews ssn eid] ee (wlietber of — birth,) who encoutinechairiyarbe- honest | epesds, can dbjtch ‘pple } clay. rote said, | recognises avy al a ax sobengg dasras.. eee ce *thigetie, t == ne indte tian | vel FF OF uke pose all the war with the other, But, fellow-cltinens, 1 bave perhaps said all that | was necessary on, this su and I turo with | pleasure to a less important, but more-agreeable | t tu Cher) ge poring payed systein,——if left: freely yeh represent the) hearty obsers. for Millard. Fitworey ‘hemuegsbe of ne in al) the-pomp avd whole Peo cag ed Wwe have, or yust ¥ -bponsuch affec:, PLATFORM OF THE AMERICAN PARTY splendor of noilitary areay, gy _gnmtenagn Sig we ih te ‘ae pageants, which ‘wa ogy display. Pherefore, with rating with gratefdl ‘emotions, I return you 1 cn aap igs adjens dh eit eer = are { + ) aePicLoRes FEELING TOW ARDS be ; an ay bat tl the epntrdst; aya | ea. Fillmore’s ate iciaptiol peugreds “thank in Baflalo hw was | more, we | Seovjpgtl | jo. address’ itiynenitg Asspniblages Of | ee FORE un ; from Bhew" ¥ ork to his home to the Leopder nt severat points alotg the jine of the | re hal go pa gory asylum in this. a pa Be wha Pye Dlegt: | sete to Gn won i See ee | caogd , bat While WEA chet Sb | Rotetie af ayant laws—but neither Ges. (Applau.) pare were tcl wore a. ener Or Byote led ge of our Te ef bo gykern Amgrica. “The Fiery. tien Te, SATE on > WG Alas jt I Pisa nih phall of tie change. en ve 3 ke, and Bat if shere be ai > yo ee pen dar pvagir y jase montette oat n- tl be at beart a@ the Republic ; J Rg, bag, is im danger. of any pasbicular section, mack lepof bolore the poeple they arerall horitorable men oho «2 ate! the S ata f pres, Tut, ser, Ae erneperated fexhog bx and Septh, vn Ge migst erc- porns 0 bhvedahed and of pee eve wertowe! © eieeert pom the RD, “enti fee ably iter, fh Aber) Sol kalaeil oad rule prescribed by those who ebeeted ra a i Ce al Af-wrwad Weis, south of Memon's aad heT BM VeAdeat Vibe Ts pooper lo select one from thé same. quartet, 8 conigmowin persevering to cule an ema Ws Cabinet, Ctundth, of a reprnettibe orn themeacl ccs hatin tow forte conmtey TOF, tnd-ed wm col TRY erenen tliat. foreign Wve @ottiiy ‘cade for our wteld if & god , 3 at ing, that a free people qruald aerate Uni sel the muse was have, such ent Ai e vexations any.o ne ag gtr one w patted re a 1¢ subject ery” fi pa ‘edn iad at there is- this ‘striking difference | be and God ‘bid th: should add to pete pace ty pees of age bat pet wepbed then a9 ager: only earn ; - es | SE with other’ re | fk Baw oh nent (Great cheering.) | That point of Americans | } agreéal) Awol — F path They. should have. the | felt it a theie-eduen- | Stee, ey er; eign | | tien of the United. States «has ans 1 New York into greatuess, ‘by concen here. alone, but e hroughout the “broad > extent: us soph cee “ltd byt can ere appla' ADOPTED AT THE SESSION OF THE N from -one mit we sae gh ats adler ifr. of the! . a MD EG leave to inform salt aheg friends and ‘the now rece with at iclediaisuatly kept ig’ & of the peoren over | “A our Ig: panP Rng : magickal UT | dependence, aul ibe sminne ieee 1 @d. The perpetuation of the Fede: -L ast he petted of eae ‘T'was’ 'y free * ofan’ or | ties, ang. the only sure bu vie deed Pn paonger oany. siic h | sh Ae saucer ed chodanigabtcinia Passport, CTremenslous | ona witieé-born citizens shontd Botekieted for alf | State, Federal, and anunieipal” ‘Offiees or Povera- Mason HAS! ment emplayineut, in preference to wil others ; he * ha 1 cheGrs. be § sl beautiful po poem gy to any power, or who refused to npn sd the Federal er ‘State Cohstitations (éaclr within ‘its sphere) fan paramount to all otiier laws, as rules of politi- | 4 ro! action.) ar. f 1 ty bis . a Sth, The ungated i sy se rig hits Pape euns | eee and) frateroal \Bestte'oa ad Te We int Re i ce C ‘pid to t |, Aot-inte ry Com: appertaining Ty to compared to your own beautiful ba eae asa rt a ae differedce, Sin, ie midst | gress with the quéstagns to. an “Amer! @ ‘and J) the iedivideal States, apd wom felt prow pronuler aah 8 = witli the atiyirs.of any Tyas! i ber he rhsitty, ‘Store. They are also receiving the vd selected stock of fechas sng] rete ntos ull of whigh'Pey drodeterminted-to voll Te bli der Bikes BF pl soy times for Alagny Winest, Aer naires.” |e Winagt Aiora, C ution, und Janu Tu LET vy REASON TOGRTHEN ast t\ \ meaty nor.dw Aid eros. WHY ARE WE SICK * re. It hae eew the lot of me cami ae uae —— I es eben Bee facture té a free and eat! ones, Serer ever saw fotthe “THESE PILLS PoniFY THE BLOOD. ‘Theed timous Pills ate ‘to operate’ bn tite stomach, the lifer, the iheys, af Tungs, the and the iy deen age mens parify- ag the very fountain of life, aud thus curig disease DBP ERSIA & sacle COMPLAINTS. Nearty hatf the human raeatece tahan these Pills, Jt harbeen Venice wag gnce 8 gity than] : *'New York, pre int estine and smentsl cageiene: thelr se Se sud posta) eilaled bn sued yunle ob a +¥ b he, 2 mods, shBject’ only to the provisions | een crusiied. we ita. | tof she ¥ederas Paenatitation, with the privilage of {she ing here the commerce, agd exchanyes iti inc all coifederated« States: Te. - -presersa | thusel era aloe ier en t | — . ae that coneentrationy and that . hear te tlre 0 ER Frc “ee iS there must be. absence..oLall internad| hare THE GR XP RECEPTION OF MR strife—tlere inast-he peace ard Frient® | o ate participate in £ ae FILEMOREY slitp for, dW eonfidente in,” New York, Gt 1d. Bho “bhaghineyt of th: tor Sire KT Express givce.some six col- frou all the parts of Uiese confederate Tom or tons or State a je a iH Ge OF AeraiPOF the fornrt reception on | ee ay x wad of ie sone State or Territory ought to ri others hart Tuesday jast. it isted of a |’r On Han the Condtitntion gives its tradé and citizens Of die’ Unitéd States to the right UP suf- thrdtigh the principal streets” wth ban- were, &e., addresses, speeches, intrednc-, tons, Timer, Kc. Besides the city popu- > pein, ‘vast numbers of peapte from tie eouutry, and the’ adjacent States, were ee nt to_parti¢ipate in feadering the ledyghest honer.to thefuithfal pattivt and y, aggounp Tt shed statesman, A Mr. batimore delivered several speeches- ‘in reply tomrestes. To a —- peace of Cofiisitteedicenid, — Tt was) “Yon have, sir, in yonr remarks, seen fit Perimratir trees ee ri t is true that, from i ec and oh, 1 Saye bat | do aot attribate this to any merit « f, my ow 4 to that Wentte h eleva ted ep cite se geod dat o and free Repablic. ny hee any bane Sis get a RT haxe Hepa such, tae Geet tree, ford them be one obgect dearet to Geethan any other) it ® the enitys, prosperity tod am) | eudhess | pay peer mast-own that I have heard, with the most painful svlicittade, of events an eee ch bave been trangparing at home OTH fen, th Many a A of | Biftape, tare | beet atie'fosve an Aine Tiga geaper, but extracts from them I ave seen every whery copied into foreign juornats, which shower reanid turnotapisted in Iny own coumry—rauc ls mente | in pay ried the itud ch have given y = eee wks | fe dell it is eonarchiats are ware) with , ae a of antisfac- ee 3 pride wy Senam rl disor, end expenting therefrom a speedy disso- Mn flefirot this great aml free Tiepwhtic, is | ‘HO Ve eintfered at, Uiat such should be -elinge! ;peuseBat, Bir, it was some consolation to! me, POR TTY, a real conestation to know, that al paris of Earope, many. hopeful | hearts were beating with anxious selici- | welfare, and were trusting) | gov- They trusted, and I ttysted Whh « that the day e fat dis em, cune. Ye abe aa ret beet the revenue, or administer WO ted of Me ant when we shall be called upon to wit Abuined epee 1 / Hf mat, what see dle is the Paggisie. -b9'nprasing wea ber tor! serous, bus practical « —— im onder tomppeeciate fleem tally At eonle + mt apdad ted comcive Sop OSE eset free ema! MARIAN, Taringa grag, othe BE of oar forefathers, that they woukd 7 vites, show deciare = tlavebolders i wt dor ah nn aad Vie eteve On Lins soigert thamyou. are, or hm jam Gerd ein tights! (Tremestote qherting: )— ck fod Art fyjeiaken. see that if this sorting Al parts smceenda, it beads inevitably to the l- eagtios Af thie beam thre Feared by oar tercienton. cemented By User tind And be 06, '.t Suh uf vor. Te: e, you Mad queathed to ys a 4 pitches ipberitancr. 3 tell you, M) freeads, that | speak warnaby « bbe stabi, fur A feel that we arese domger, ate-dbetiiibed ty take a civan breast of tt » — wit thntde of es may be steps sie =i mats Shy PRIA out le dapine bapes nud (her cey om sete tein beve: pe near hit ten te the North. of WIE MOD Ear) hy cobscichee Wu a osk matrtie tM jot -- Peet Ame Ge: some secret os - Pomeindden theatdt cduagainns wre jo hee hee ret ch whe owt tes ghomturs- ee left eeia wotonty above all price, as a e) * rented. ja inortal Weqirest for law and liberty. and union, &tdert efforts to administer the grovert- Need Bdrene ahethes b a onenditnon. AND Cc wa ARENT be Wa alte Wat. wo oand harmon ut as the indispensible might fer t! 19 ad of all concerned. (Ap 1 ii aisepor whiberat prec fot « white /moate: mas | ates 19@ obras nt wereot ( bene brea tet i cred prresl cerned athe one.) \yded UE iit material présperity, (Cireat plause) Shonld jt be mry bot again-ty sad magegnes nastoose Val ©, Witeos. S77 wap . yasiioke tat Uh : applause.) Whew vou, or, became tir oceupy the Pre pov lential eliair, I trust not “peaches — conrad 1 seems ¥ 2 . A ’ a x . . ; je o soa pepie ona emesnenii rial lage Chief Mayistrate of this great eity. I at t ee ie pig ao Ny aon el To Farmers. wil. 1 Sale om ol . : tee voked th pleasur att t t tiga he seine of - ’ es Neher Wa a «aa the lawfa! consequences of succes: If tt breaks eee eee ee oe eee ee itcaiy oR—_tut tte snppow alee of te olt Cort HE. subscribers reapectfally invite the attention, ei ait ae | geeniler the bends of ong Upion, ant «preads upbolding the laws, for no true liberty ore us PI ; the D Of # anew and ro thebelereq sy@ ele Jobn D. Wiiinwis, Req , Pr eae oh af Clarenaan aeareht 8 war throngh the Iand, what is Can exet wit hont obedience to the laws, ryaliveeleineyts pf, the Venog Hie nt etobh of Hib ple ps 34 wEcontee TI Theit dort ta. Bee Mews Cnabe Bont of ing. (ou $0 lem than moral treason! Law and comp and vet a yorernment that depends for parte The p@gevietenrsidd tiny 11N-| ment in extenmve and of great variety of style and) — btmd ad! GY _ aete fol | a orman reencmsitde forthe nate! eon is puwer gle Upon standing armies, or ‘stration flreus gh the trying scengs pf jraity © pal ha eel = | warriane Teense for Sale’ at‘ th ! the pun LF . ne good yowermusesit 1850, nud tw heim, fn common with y@, | Naliatace. March: 2. 185 a OBicr, = if . thom w their ex feet os over-us at the Jn be orth—, Srey Salers bretbeen bap * Gulper yruss, B yal an +: tN yOu that we are ha ip Bout ns east ed witous, ae event a general etd Civil sear, vin these Stgtes. — Foréhal'§ babe, ket us = réentetebber that is apes pal andanity in your own city of Phiha- 2“ ™ “ re Po Mayor: Wood + adress he replied: Mr; Maron :—This unexpeeted and eorfial @eicown fo sll ne commercial yon of the Enrited States leay es me L bad hoped to lave ar i uy. beart. wae-thas free one’s inind Wefore one's 1 fe lg. Improvements tha iad been made in my own tatid, tivw much in material pros- peritg exer, —we lave been indebted t eure ra liberty,-and noble priv: un Maes. been wy aim through: life have left ms, as indie to our material, as to our mora To be a great people, I now “ag wiere than ever, a penple most. be free aud leseous they pensalele ITOKPErity |’ that alacuring | P. of their cop- out laugnage to cxpress the effusions ¥ Until Fleft lhotne for Enrope, J wast cuitess I was not aware of the great ring awd concord, and union a apart dy? fathers left os as ther sae bi awlemaerve these principles Hence the Comat ati yy ODF Fathers frage, or of bolling political office. commeree, and ite fate would be that of oh ‘A. change te the laws of natersiention, Venice, whose deserted stréets' and Brkt cafiats Thave bat so recently. survey ay | Se 2 Le 2 a it ed. England has now the enotrol of) Sue ta a ee r prisite fyr pov arene hereafter, aad tre eousmerce of the world, throagh Lon- dbn, ber great commercial cite. “| now ventire fo prophesy that ere wany years elapse, those who are now within the sound of my voice will, under ‘the pro tection of the Constitation, see that New York will be to the world what Louda: fe. (Appdause.) Mr. James Drooks introdoced the, Whig General Commitice of the City) and Constty of New Y ork, said: t hate thé honor, Mr present to you try associates it the mn) prepetss afd peftons eotrtiethl of | cree nly landing upou oar shores; dumretin- | terlefende with the vested rights of forblyuert. 70th. Opposition to any wuivn bet weet C atl and State; bo Interference with religions Taith, or worship, and no test oaths for office. Lith. Voss and thorough investigation inte | any and all alleged abetes of Bhatt toe fuuctigga- ries, apd a strict economy in puble expenditures, 12th. ‘Phe maintenance und at) 4wS Woantiatisadlly enacted, watt said ye shall be repealed, or stiglt be deetared myil and werd by computent Judigtal wudigrity. tol. « ithow fa" the roth tees amd pwd, Fillmore, to! Whig y ibe 4 ral y bed B rh of ieee ty pf bd « pohey of the present adruimstration ia the gpm AP e:> 2 28) eral managetres of purl gqGengl firs, and of eid ,-maaetl 3 AS Padile Pn. mare es cially as shown in remeving ~ Amen a Clas iret we, fullowed hie flag qty! “cass” désignalion) abd somtercatives im is Lortunes, and in many a bard ae A principle, ‘oa. her, and placing furengners and campaign, we shared with him both wie- altrasts im gher pees; ag Cheae ims trockliog tory puere. defeat. Veterars there dre here, sutserviedty tthe sfrongér, and an insolent ry who took the Jlero of Pippeeande! cofadl teperdo totande the tchka from the lawns and Geida of North Bend , ps {she re Ph reopening ¢ectionsl, ¢ “hay to trig mph to Washiugton, and rogie are the repeal » Missouri Compromine, as showo the heads of the Legions, that jn 1848 # graatiog to onnataralard foreigeers the shgn carned ydu and “Ueneral Tayfor to the Ww bite tlowse,—and that failed in 15st, becanse tlrere was tréasen mm oar ranke We come t0,weleonre you homée,—aé an old scldicr,—an eld campaigner with ua, ‘ Sete prejocdice or enpriee w offer you car hands, our hearts, and 4, len Une = J pe eperbaloes se eto the bunble ap probarian of oy heads eur foreign selons, Here ia the oh] guard, sir, old veterans, path. Therefore Warvhave never been beaten in a fair) prevent the ares fight. ete there are, sir, just as C@a]y safing therefrom, we woold build up the ~ Am for ecrvice as ever, and [ ain sase.you rican party ~ will be glad to see them one and all.” “d Mr. Fdlmore's Reply “| receietthte em, ghafatation with a }miatare of pride aru ‘eatisfaction. Yor have agreeably reminded me of the ma ny Lard-fonght, battles throngh whicli we linve passed, and it las gratified ime to look round wpon the faees of those wlio hate been do ofteu associated with me ip sir, Hradka question ; hay 788 Consed uctices otherwhne ré upon the slate 1 5tin.-That erch State Council shall have au several instem) admiasion into the party. fs to abbtish Y.- M fédge of bhonor ¢ ship an! 16th litical priffeipes edibedeed in odr pretiorm stro gules for the onminon conntry (Ap MANSION HOTEL, plaose.) Though I now belong, sir, to { iy the American party, whieh las grown ont of the exigencies of the times, yet SALISBURY, NEC. there 16 nak niyo and tonsty ah a6 Oe enes of -sendigvent .veGveen..us, ashicl ded to, the Famee of that defegt in our , own Stafe, There, gentlemen, was the magtieg yD ome er wound inflicted tiel beska the destruc: | vatand depart tion of the Whir party. re Was tlic ing servants alway canker worm that guawed it tothe heart, * Par cen Wis baatis aired ee carried it to the grave. onetery aL ee infat reminiscence, si, 6" THe WILMINGTON. BEKALD I foresaw from that time s bere sepnisin time for the arr (the Care. # in attendance W. B GRANT Ti vee are pa let them pass rapge nt my ideas, Lat not only you, sir. ‘ies tila 1 P ‘ at oun ‘ hn at she j d ! bas al] within the soaud of my suice, are |." Ge ae Pe ton an this I pats aily and weekly a1 $6 aud G2 per State ‘alrong fhe me Whig annem inndrence. [1 eul-red nthe thetebeete aware that sinee my landing on the : elias ari lies tA Silisbar¥ aud other western tawne, a 9 good. a¢ shores of my native -doil, E have net trad PEC: Ae fae en com Te DODECT BCT aca menam ‘Terme moderate adits moment to myself. Preparation harin-my together, when ench » vobl A row. T. BORK, Jr «haere, + fut necessary,—_when one “Tt! it was sacrificed to marion, or prejn Fee ee ais a dice, or to any atnLition that may have stood in its way, Mackerel! Mackerel !! “Whe en in 3848, partly bye the voice of the people, and partly by that act of Pro- videnee, that towk fro ne the then Dre WILLS, MOOSE. & Ce , sident eleet, and shrotided the country in; May dy tafe, (| i ft menruing, it su Lappened that L was with ges, aid was Aefytg roe & sovernment—aa it @eméd to best interes of albfemanded. pretented me performing tf 3" fords | country aud to all parts of Saat comutry,- , —Ne rth as wellas South. Thus uot-on the Whigs, who eleeted me, rallied acme me,—bet the Dowdcral party “ula,- no reresees | lovee! certainly that portion of it whieh was emectvative, aml whieh respondedto my sale low, er} of Davie, lying ES Salt eal Fa die RA Yet Vietires tbe Contrat Ralt Roady edel gel my handy al_pares ot a at been found it saa gegen tev sotto siege mais oaemp.et ey hehe , means ais: of sulfeage io Kanes and Nebraska; ® sho@n in te -vaciliating course of the Kaunar ab Ne | as shown fp the Bortajsttone | 7 he pervade some of the deparignents of the rergment | as shown in digractag’ merttionou 7 and to remedy existing o ik, aml prin uples hereinuk: fore thotiry te dma their syvers! ‘chhstitofions, fo wy el and instivate a ther obligations fur } fre aad open deseusign of all po 14 gles éditie ribet having taken charge of the shove Staple ct Fancy Pro Kets blishmen', beg: leave to talbem the peble = a. should eens, old frrende. (Applanse ) oe ceies that the Howse te now open for the reception vu hate tpoken, sit, 6f te “defeat of of Buarde@yDepyettyy. deme ck Chat hee Meary Clay, in 184, and yon hdvé ple ACCOMMOD! (| shafibe eqns! to any In the State. Persone stoppieg Te and olaleg- Call and give me large jot of Mackerel im bbls, half hile. qus der bbls. and kits, of all Nos. just recerwed and fur " Waluable- Lend: for-sale! WITA, cot privatély, Of my lends in the on Hheming A Wil nlnd selb-alt Of my stank, ey rete Mf ‘Con ve GENERAL DEBLLITY. ILL HEALTH. bragreseer inte the seq gerard they have | Samy of (ha west Boone 3 hn Set Rese Mla of the mapere) pred et ae eo eh, or where the sete: has ture ever Known fer persons of ieyprat sed, rene phopertics never tnih te afford relict. me ite ane “Western Extension! ’ pe: sundtdidvblog Sthnhan b bitin “AROUT. THE ing their inthe a he ea ‘- Cditegy tehaenston ines Malendia {taah of me mets ie om rcouteg 8 READY: eer ING, | ih ii od: + ae «al ern Tenens For ng. 60 ae "Ferme [ all of whi ihe eotd aes sibs {ane 4 ee “mite. Sanpd tack uf WATS die CAPS... atest of rte. ps an a tke ourword, ‘bot eat wed warty | } pos i INP. A WEIRMAN arhrer, Merehgut Teilore. ¢ “we oa 4 ple at tw. shee aiaie . Sylistiory, N.€. Sept. 1855. - A renteona pen rebucne. Ps 5 cum. CUMMING & STYBON, Sataecttae aie sun aa w A ro ie orrgoy. ot quit ¢ WILMINGTON, 9.0. Particular attention paid to setling. Blogs, Comm Cotton, and all mera > Feb, 1856. PETER W. HINTON, COMMISSION MERCHANT, | | { | | ly39 FEMAL® COMPLAINTS. Some. young or obi, imal be without this pclebrated medi corrects and regulates the teathly — ot off pe acting is many cases \ite acorn Biee! nee, lnedlicihe that cam be given to € known | oF any complaint ; conerquentiy ng family shoul | Holloway's Pills ave the best Remedy +. in the word fur the following Disease \ . Marche Fndigestion Stone abd fers} er... Deopey lafecnae Setopdary Bye: | | Vong > Debility Intixmmetion tome vile Fever RAcag Vegeral Affme- lnward Weakness. beet Diseases Female Com thea Liver Geen pater - ptaioes Worms of alk Lawe'ehof apiece = Upadechss Binds Pies Beuden, by all respecta bout the Damed com vice at £3 cone, CE MGeqnts, Db RE Oe © peg eed byrtening hotenperdes vw are eGiued | eh bos : JAMES HORAH, WATCH-MAKER AND JEWELER, SALIBBURY, (oar Geer below HB, & A. aaa tere, Professor Meta t a? FM et | ~_ eb gai dance of patient eth « vedy dlegthier | ie Tow, FO int. Ae — Wa. nal KET TT ise” &o. Als6, to Recel! kind wishes " SPN Sirs tee fe 7 ee City, dapat te te Drown the green j bina, Se a To amgeMotonng ety Tn the eyqpary. He itmomerey mgs! oy, agg tom peer tally place, to walled Une | no pretence |: my Mille,” ond hopes tq Mowe. it im fall epeention eel maby sat, ¢ ty rn ptt i omer Yh wit yn © Rew arremtos BC owe uf the bewt, (if nef the ¥ tallies be ‘The machmrry a> od bg hemeel! wad ena wi ryt the leteet end sonst pat 1. wal work like etewer qusch—comieti tad tendy— ood he duels ont will eneetoie He pieieeen the men ' hesatitelechvevemesis of the regemtned, Bagh Mu. ahdh, whose thaduw 4 ie devehuping ftp Geir and a hghueg prpertana Kage Milletong guier@ for a rete Gomme as (air an ptoe wade rpreed, Math; Get themne) lence of Me yarns, aad the cupeiveering of Hd ohath: tt rea Troy Mills alone ee te rifel it, end bene the world may hook ont Gr 8 Gihteet invedring « reeen wm enacerag ail tom a tee dros! veey Soothorn pe eas. The daremes, epeodinting on quting -<trents wigs COWAN'S VEGETA BLE LITUONTRIPTHC oo“ FRIEND OF THE MUMAN FAMILY eerrekive freoe | DISEASED KIDNEYS, Stonc in the Dladder aud ep Weak we ERPS roostasily oot em assortment o neatnd the Loins, che } -_ ry and J of all kinds is Ayre, : dartep andr, enheneuag hertend bw ewe Las and dewriry Of every deecripGon, | 14 Ib yi enn ae ye sgh ered gd se thee tna tainty <4 Steet tame. peretems thee sepe et = 1 manner and oa the wet teseoea- ; venphett's, (9 18>) Kagte Cayo few youre heewe. Lat bi sheteh « repaired in ft We Lerma, Tobe f, Laps, ry38 @. A. Sn Y ATTORNEY AT LAW, stan? ene. =o hy pti = the Dake M sé so 3me8 ' al” 6, 558. f CCAS Ui AY NEWAOODS! < NEW GOODS?! RESPECTFULLY NNOUNGE tothe Geirete of Rowen and ad «5 poaning Cotatics, Mat the ¥ ate now reeervy large aad well aciected sieek of Spring & Summer Goods, CoxerreTixe oF otds ; Ready Maile Clothing ; dale cad Capa ; Bonnets & Stree Goodey Boots ahd Shae ; (lass and Queensware ; Groceries & Dye Stuffs, ‘ wb» fF cosh or on Tehd hen’ We greide Sooo Sa Apa widoon ae ne as pad J.V.& T. SYMONS & CO. “ SPRING:SUMMER "Saat Cotton, Coen, and all £O0DS. od COUNTRY PRODVOR “Hy Met GIPb deity a the Drug Mere in Chertetie : at Levert Wau del covqase eh . the nef \a Ke om , eed acihe Corehan Wares ob =e belle begadbooh ampccenshents * 3 pepe mp at | “1 of grewte buildings with Pittering metal toute, ret-- | ee P the cheerfal Smee meytteatbed [the lerigerener | E. ercenes of a dehghifel eimmase, sur the leetes of bor Peed io nap of clgus the streets rohve wih 2 chew Feceteeahermstlem mad a ve N fet Yoeemy chiro Nuc 'ake of hol 5 of opeantirs arr i | = a pe oriN 10 op mengied with sen feet of home ond cuecedes: Bagh {ores st rare shove aff things ctor, beoring on «+ ys po Paper lige gy om win ge em ieeded. be bmg Goon cm Regie Cry Denko ® bin ~~. raed by regione oe oo tes all cortge® i A \ |) ( ms SALE bun ores mre to clown ite rncwer Coliee pew © tone rfl out thet bated ap gente » egateotinonay tard | I ernere Reiood reeves the@, together orb te AVING da. ne rps pa ned mate Benth, e4> of other things, the produese of the Gety +1 vole? emt plat dinen Tt wale, tyjag ue the threes pf | Seleqeg whurtie i hhows, and the wend wocetend ont voenne rock, 16 wiles weet of Sufiebary, edpeuing “-eohqed from bill to bil. ned srebrs the degery pee the node of Joba & Carsen, Jerud Reber. 0d athere | ete of repomag fet cutile, which brweee in the oon The de pet oo ibe Westerns Exteotinn avadt be wear telleys. the enrar gm taped i> The plare boven hit dubeacay tatttbogs in q<und ve. | tO! © brywod shy post se aa dh par. Ai~w ope gual momd-w. The Unet ronteue We had bet « gherpen—bet wher 4 odae hoa! 15D aeres, ong bail of ohirh bw 9 SO Scare a be renfinnd de yopd dah, ; eperct ore EN BAGGARLY Jane a. 10s of caliente, and thé balance to weil timbered Carrow & ‘pn ibe These whips Gee Gerrehe, Weer eel cum. oe I ei cof on afommedeting terme Ppt och, US. Pettins Caliing oo Win Le Sreeie, con Ware Silet- bor ance In viewing the lnats sous W STRELt March Mth, Gm ~ ant KE wich te bre FLETY NBG ROPRLIAWS to werk on the Wemern. Reicanen N. O. Rail fut which liberal prices w di he pad, O.G. & 3. ¥. POARD = Addrese—Rrwen Male, N. 0! Fe’ ae PRING & SUMMER AVSde 6. A 25/57 ae a & Sameper Goods, connisting of § g@peral asport- te oe ~~ * an+% Seer. WERK! =a wee Of Four Merse Post Coaches, ROM Aelicbory lo Morganton, vis ialepyite «nd Py New: ? Leaves Selicbery on Montes Wedaceday ond Fy day 1 7 of clwek. A. M., rrives ot Margene pert merning te S aekiced’ Tae leaves eee same days ond arrives in Kalcher? wn nett days! Break fast thw pelee Groerpen et Ge epered | make this one of the mont aad eapedre* stage runds in the Same Salvbory. Jone 31, Yast a Wanted March 14. 1966 meat of Ladies Dress Goods s | At of alenest every deserigtion. Ulie zp nee heh asaa WORKED BMBROIDERIES ie He | J | SORE teepeetfaly sak en ernoritetion by af “weep whe wish to purcheer fonder of the wewest and tatem =~ . O , wept MITT: appa Bt WR IB at tal * 7 inte (his section before oF pdt. e © a KE. MYERS. “Te rae Apts hie fare ahem EB. SYR MUTCHISON, Fa Reve ever « rept whieh, they = ‘COMMISSION MERCHANT tcl a oll eure pics MARTI Cnericttss ~~. oO, cx: ln Ae OD ie faxser 2 ig vROWN « sorrs 4 {8 CHARLOTTE, CHARLERTOR, AND NEW YORK To Gentlemen. E are gow. -eeciving onrugnal upp) cmbeae-, Lbberal Advances made om Comsignmente | 7 ANGE enhowibres nae on tinnd the mori ore Wi itu A TALE & TNNGY “i rdepnaredegeg: 2 oma Garde, well ndagted tg the Meandngralhet which have Re Tart neens "offered to the public. Call ot No By Rew. been bought at! hak Stovig ate; Geach wes determined to aller at wroinease and retail al preee ret horamie BROWN & COFFINS sous DW Jenkine, Boy, Salichery : Geo. W. Witheme i _Satinteary 5 March 25, 1856, ry! & Ob, Citttledoas A Mant, Lexington ; Robert dapcmed Give aatiefaction tater, Bap, New York Cal tod exeming Gr seek be (0 het ¥ ! we are determfed to sell rrnsn Aas ted < se be nad, Bed 2°. A i ¢ ‘ MCAT OMe RORIBR & CO. rORARLES T.POWE pap Saliebory, Apr 11 P86 saat “eA Seen Row 5 ia mh DIBBIuD & mee. Calvin B. iainet inet. Fiabanesr. a. vet Rete E 17 pee Merchaats 1 will sell” stef. corn wodtine Je Cotton, Flour, Grain, NavabStores, RE RRALROT NET *” N. B. Thereare re faaty, fo inde bted to me >* | | kar APC AeDty located In Satisbery. Fespert-_ Pally tcoders his prafessionalasty ieee tothe pub- ‘4 rie 7 Hdlarges © pal sceount and brave poole yeore, J would ¥ are oe'e \satenaty atye at manb te enilnd oT. ? 4a poe to Jryrert fon 2 Glivetori Mahe bury ben. belgesel heh ae 4 Vata eed a on jo aL wlibiremes bern Nae te mee i of * oar on HER stm, Con Ghited WHIT & joltTehaek sion iw Tenn beting tibared in'the Wrerern pert mane he sana ee, snd Teslaring famablickmer resales % opt uch the ferper of the ate Whe Whatever nim ny nf con dppaite : Co, tothe ogee “The Custrpady is entirely tree Cran debt; howd wah | hee Sa TERT wen nity, wing 4 therefore confidently rectunttvets. | sted Yotine Prablic AttWe [tet Atinunl Meeting tie following ome.) - Ward elbtred for ihe ensuing y eer. TAMES 8LOAR, Presiden. : G. COPFIN. View President. P, MENDEN HALL, Attorney. Perk R ADAMS, See'y and Treagmrer, PETER ADAMB, Sec'ry Gew'| ace 6 seinnaiedh i_EEE~- ‘eraale Hie " ‘ WoL CUMMING Moy 9) bee, ik | hifi Warkani: fomAwottt EL H f ie e e at ec h t Se s 23 : bu b oP F R G L E FE E L A gr E te a S Ta i bt e l shatlows, edinit of oad clos de cop wat bend of to heme © iGhcount pnt reed thar whe thas low and tras pe Kip vee 4 Te. wa > Shs teaver ( fin v - —/ - r cyt hd ork we ref bet. , f §.- ra ROVE te A int ge ‘ 7 v + p y a a RO RT ont ogn SPST RPL Tee” 0% 7 ae i Ss a eee eee ae = sn : Ture bane etiam, b SCA ae or eek Te Ps iti ee ) r ie a eT ee a - ‘. s D ih aS Py Tee | PBs ABA nt EFT Ftd, -: Deoateh to Politics, Weis, Ngeiitture, Iitecial Iikjedseituts, Comiee, he ets wih. Betences, Morality, axd the Sawily Cire. ’ « ’ ate ‘ cae , ‘ meiner “ * ‘ iden oeil 7 $ me oa : 4 Os Br) Biets nae oe t pe debt sa , Ay esiaty 4 . «., Maaanaaes basin i nese edit a ae peg ey eaygae ea a gehec wpesce es chix peste gee to: Fe EtS SET p ) Rares ’ VOR. XTIE | SALISBURY, Ny €., AUGUST 19, 4856. NUMBER XII) fight Keradvinablo, witlh x view to obtaining w}obtained, an estimate of the probable eo Vale Doon dereey tipi Shiites the Balen (<2 See gelisie's Geeneibes. | - | Mactan sac (5 ana ; . aH i A ‘gees 5 E ‘ } i ; z ELOR. ngame once Mere. - r, y) ps grenter depth for navigation in stages of the piv- Lenghesyere pany be gee ya sat fe pagponcaoy ‘i aaee of = pea bsecad 4k ‘Double’ ‘ dead Burli e : z x ; took 1,400 ana ] duller, dahigoiingn 1s acne ceiguneety than its ordinary low water the Company to agt understandingly and decid- prey ee ng FS 7" bon ‘ 38 We noticed the Dayton speech of this} 15,500 boost of all 1 a tee ° jedly in their subsequent aetio lative to the | It*belongs to the people-to ht to}..' a wey “dead fish.’ ds ‘one. of lis Boston editors trade. dling Orleans was’ A vt wid be, whee Ader! ins Fecels pot “A dew hy he cond cuetion of the lapaecuent, Pinas: “lbe the jadgment on \:such Br dg pie — eau aesig lcalls him 7 few days peg He fecls nch and Middti plands 6 81-60)" am: . ‘BS . Di at sach levels, that ray, ret-said hing reapecti . A ‘ * seasible fellow i. a a ne tinned P , Spoa 70 information ube | ihe. descent from owe te another shall be the and Sngth a the free ook acai gro < the’ Homenide * oo Wadley he $5.28) af 2, bed, ‘ | malignity towards South Carolina at hav- Sictiel’ Plane he a & Mere rrqvtinbiens sane that it is intended the water surfacé shall! the shiiees or chanels in the river, or the proba-|a compound of the isms whieh have arrayed one| — pen salboath |ing been disgraced by - Col. Brooks, that 1s., and the lower grades from ds. 84% hotes, however, have not beep ob- | tie, nid T would make them peeminant and se- | blé cost of the ynprovement, | section of the Union againstanother, As mem- So have Behe wits pony Satht Gad dajayiag,— ‘he poured ont hig wrath fariously upon her} 6d, per 70 4bs." Corn was 6d; lower” I shall postpone, no longer, the handin i ; , = » ’ € hcure avainst deepening, for the effect of the dee Th ‘ : : . sf With a soul a9 adapted to mingle * rover " lta 8 ie cep |e The contemplated improv. t is desig : good ’ }. . cs A. sed firi Me, hie baw be ga Wo opr ar DOW tering, of any one, would be to lower the water \ chlo, if not ane at ae for a3 aaah Aes Negra g uty, Veet in No wonder the neighbors are saying Hed his ravings. “‘Spalatro’s Vision was be- ge Shae etdorn ob a IO on _ ove toyen an { ° ipa at it, and thas to ingrease the descent in |aecomarodation of the valley of the ‘Yadkin, | miahewres that are fatal fo the publi .’Tis singular you should be single ! fore his eyes and ever will be. Pes he viees: frot e one recone of the deli ‘ Ay surlnwe above, * [And the section of cyuntry “immediately adja- | contribatieg by all the légal imeans ih oar. pow: | In & { Thefollowing arc choice extracts from | javoravle. : 7 gwen dy : i would have # ‘sufficient number of those ‘eeu, er to the restoration of those old-fasb! ‘déo- Ban’) on you hayon't git Hae - his PEPE ~Consols for snoney closed at 00 fen, nnd conetibainntaces 6, tha ng dams, to do away with the uceessity of| dike dimensions, character and capacity of the |trines which umde-tis'to long & happyjand pros ‘That business demands your csloutil | ! : ; ag Gay ‘The Be - P ee 1 Sele aud 40 Walescot 4 = extensive and long parle! walls improvement should therefore be fixed and de- | perous people, Under the “influence: of suck ‘There's not the least reason nor rhyme | * Why, tig ‘Sontharaete >t ‘aise any a ee ult. Q Sees | r he sorvey is at this time actually in ites ytlong the channels, a4 would other-| termined on, with reference to the duty it will | doctrines we shall hear no more of squatter so- | To the wisest excuse you can meniiou. ‘army chést that would supply any réspec- that bite hoped ~— the i and is moaking in accordance mer 4 ta- | be li » Weeresury.” In plaves these latter would | have to perform, and should be no greater and i or mob tribunals, bot alay bope'to see| Don't tell me about ‘other fish,’— itable number of troops for six” Athericaw difficulty, wonld'be: impemsed with wltogather. loxpensive thin that duty requirés. Congress performing again, its constitutional du- | Shaw boty te done wes ' \their largest property had | it was | satisfactorily the bombardment proposed ini ass asd ‘The desvent in the water surface from one! If it were designed to form partof and con- ty as the gonrdian of the rights of the South as | eg aud wish ue aay aan irunning propeity. Soppose they were | G°%s® eens eques! a {wing dain to another I should aim to reduce to | neet with long lines gfsimilar improvements be- ; well as the North in the settlement of our pub-| acts satnch momma ine lenga, ed in a war; bow much money ee ty s , 704 vray So three fect per mile, and (he tween distant seetions of the country, an id lic lands, and in the admission of the inhabitants | , 3 — peg they raise for its snpport in the . dh Again. 4 15 mS Caper flow occurring at any rapids, inprov- | provement of a much moré expensive character of the Territories to the sovereign rights of States, | | market rt » world on this = pt stock? A Infullable Recipe.—At-this season, sobs North Carolina {ed in thie muoner, I shold endeavor so to dis- nnd larger dimensions would C jastifiable than | with or without slavery, as they may determine | Don’t listen to querulous stories ~ } Aad H a thei Lahey th rf ili f when dysentery becomes very prevatent, vin aul tend dione of, that it should be divided |eaw be thought of regarding it, merely ava lo: |for themselves hea forming a State consutu-| BY desperate demon minted men that Breckenridge threatened os the following means ‘of curimy'the ‘suiise - * ‘ e of very small falls, oecurting di-| eal improvement, ‘tion. { Who sneer at connubial glories, : oa B I i i : , Ps the & we ome on weg peas toe Pog and in the immediate nvighborhood of} Ihave been governed by the views just ex- “ Bot it is not perhaps proper for me to eer Because they've known couples niimnated. —- With—where were they tocome froin and | Which are within the soe. oF é a Uh and the distanee froin the| fon Fhe, ' ; pressed, in my advice relative to the general plan | into discussion ofthe causes which bave.con- | | Sach people, if they had their pleasure, | what kind of ato hag they! Thay had son. at almost any hour, will be hr . a to’ Flutes’ wilt; 77 Hes, | mnie he rapids ov the section of the river | of improvement that should be adopted on the. stituted us, with. -wferefice te our antecedent as! Be silly bargains are made, , Generals and Colonels enougli—forevery| 4 Take one table spoonful of common q fact. Tha Seng woah = are = speaking (betwen the foot | scetions ofthe Yadkin, which Ihave examin-| Whigs or Democrats, a-pew party, [refer fo, Would deem it 2 rational measare {man in.the South was one or other—bat} 4 end wis Jt grithioun Gabbe j ster lbchncs’ will = 99} an Nar setae ‘ = thy head uf the rapids cd. ; | them only in connection with ihe patriotic de- | To lay axembargo on trade ! snppose they should collect their men— of water either hot or cold (oul — i feat. siak atk .) bave ir are greata fall to) And as coat will enter as an element into the | claration of principles made by the Convention | c the sand-hillers aud clay-ea'ers of South schon Gc0k’ hte die ref ’ ‘wg improved ip the manner qbove | Comparisons to be made when deciding upon th Macon, in order that y bo : a Carolina and try to get them in line—for | -- appears, that the average fill per deer)! P é & upon the | at Macpa, in (apt you may see bow eom y di | fame, fread | ; the dj © thi heref ar ct emer! dor their position ts such in reference to | capacity that should be given to. the improre- plete is my coueurrence with them, and how ee ae One maE mirearry, many of ther did’nt know what astraight etc 9 eet ee _ 1 ; her inpide ard deep. weter below that they | ment and in fixing opon the dimensions that its great is my appreciation of the honor you bave ‘The best way of sending one's name ly hive their fall extended (where suf. | locks aud sluicey or ehanels shall have, | would | confecred Upon ine by an association of iny name To posterity, Ch a i, eo! line was, what would eg | avgil—those ted or Uires miles pasting there shoals.) tickutiy ur stupid men, (made stupid by the system | eacions in curing dysentery. If the fall ach. be nauseated a wine . wheal to it) by transferring » (suggest, that the deci 1 Ht these | wi i i jk Ming . suffice. the @ : ty require it) by tra bg a |suggest, ¢ decisions in regard to all t with that of Mr. Fillmore in the noble effort to of slavery, anst the men’ of the North? : we Sule oie Pew part or [we of Ito deep wetter, when the es | matters should be postponed until the results of check the excesses of party spirit, aud effect a, ed ere on ba becheaubey ven a Mel eon fict it cade rie every hour will wdlice Tole tattle ap fer: heli | eal eG ciing atch tramber would-be tery the survey of the river are obtained or of each reformation as important as that of 1798 and r aaitat = raped ite that Poy the battle 7 quantity should be @ teaspoonfal of salt denct hatter etede | § women pti sit ghana At atl such rapnds, and improvement by sections of it as may first be taken in hand, a» 1800, 1 once did great injustice to this emi- Sey mie be = The Se atl ould sr manufact and one of vinegar’ in a tea cup fullof ead che babel ls wath at areas - a of kek and dams, Wonld be Ke prefera | Usat decieium cam then be made with a fall un. nent patriot and statesman by holding bim re- o> < Seonatel atm, en's Je ist :. rte = ne rf pepe : me Wh water. . ‘ s ehh tind eve staat be : ‘lerstaoding of the effect that the capacity anc sponsible for what I considered an attempt to 5. = an = ere " began b ree ") oi. ‘ alin. yw redgralint ~Orveey Alter the fiver, eo a section of it has been | dimensions determined vpon and adojted, will merge the Whig party of the North joto a see To procrésti nation be de af,— os ‘ on atl Bp sttaens sci sap agape protect Vie eet, por ug bly ekuinimed aud the deseent from peint Nave upon the cost of the improvement, tioual opposition to ibe rights of the South ; but (A homily seat from above ,) wore io South Carolina, they bought ; A sweet young lady, of the and } : all putts, as pe post ion, am uowilling with my pre’ent information, whe i : : , x ‘ ale * at BBA he None lCandige KEiccltace ile at all points, and the ja 1 willing with my [ formation, when J saw him rise superior to such local pre The scoundre!’s pot only ‘the thief in Connecticut sy npathetic age of ten, on retnrni pale teal ahicher of cum is’ conc uuat verets aml dey ttm of all ite shoals nnd and inmdvance of the coinpletion of. the survey judices, and prefer the interests of the whole Of tine,” bet of beauty and love ! (A voice in the crowd cried out “they cburch the other day, threw ary pe Nitrate nla 2 ame we have teen nccurately acertamed.itean which [advise and that is now in progress, to country to that of the section in which he hap ie pyr can’t make anything but canes.” guidly npon a sofa, and jn a serious tone Caen Atoeg ills, aig gemsfe Fasgehe . . Uapsdel nd a bef, at which of the submit any estimate of the probable cost of im- pened to be born 1 made all amends in my pow- A prize that is truly worth wiunirg,— The speaker replied to this. that they | exclaimed : A £ beak le Seer fest, ob in a fem pfencyettae. ot mast 2 = ny — ments a Provir A ut y section of the Yadkin examiged by er to offer, and declared publicly, lung before | Celibacy, Charles, ie a sin, could not make even canes, for gutta per- “ Really, mamma, I must decline at- i ia Mess akklen dl adi ci t mm " mm of one me. Bot [ will repeat what [stated to you in knew of the existence of the American party, And sadly prolific of sinning ! cha was invented by a Yankee in Con tending chareh with you in fate: >= poe aren foor By dow Get sha add halve oi ae n oe ae tome we ed ; 4 we, that If ef conf fent the survey will show that he ought to be called again by the united 6 ;necticat, and the canes were mauufac-| less we can obtain a different pew place ped, eneaged ae LL Merah = wi ae ~ y ee f view the “that the improvement may be +0 planned and voice of the people to the chair of the Chicf ws rer tured there now. (Lanugliter and cheers.) | that we at present oceupy.” tH ee ee eee TT rte ery cyte, Sr Ne alee at ab aA G Tanke IRI TL acral ort Medd SA tee Magisiracy pee fee) De Tew Guvting geod Wye, The South could not baikl a fortor, & Why ” A , i aye aw be erect Uo amd are now sae od at A cuRL Mo ar th ub I etfull And disunies all fantastic alerms,— 1 ‘ ] ‘x sof cd the astonished 2» thie-eeetiow where the bali dues not excced alot wus hee wins Onan ; : de ae ‘ ’ : ot greater ‘ 7 am very respect ba s, IW bs een f 4 ’ even a house willout first seducing some rent, - : thete Geet; and tt can be distvitated asd nel ou | 4 ve dla at Ubewe . ‘ yusinens fur whose accommodation it Your ubedient servant, uta you've a girl im your eye Navalsre auoclacis dowa thave aad he = 5 ‘ " > CWC MiOvKer 3} ore Gay Led t 8 in ry ‘emporary cua ef, atl os designed wall justify A.J. DONELSON “Tis your duty to have in yoar arms } x nitchtneh #° 4) Becanse, replied the incipient co Ta tive wd chewes ted by w ee Sean area aie é : . PA * ss S J * p Me i i Pel iitucaca hea kaak Cte ew ee merely wing dims Liespectiully soi mitted, De HL. V.M. Miller, Tresident of the Con Some tia little maiden of twesity, Pebnds ae an a Te oak sed coma | Gnaties * there io.0 pomsee. Je, plese lad ur ehdueel, Lut upon a plan sune int | a, A ol sham the CHSULES B. FISK, reuten A beautiful, azare-eyed elf, pet make'a veel, “to walk the wales ing pew who stares. ah, me Upp > sara . ar is | bine Pedene bat tw bite Bnyincer _ . With virtues aad graces in plenty, jlike a thing of life,” and more than all, | and Ido assare you, my dearest hes pry idilia bd de 1 “oe . ; . . And no fuiling bat loving yourself! they couldn't make the Yankee sailors! a, that I never gave him. the faocand wing dav I mou d emggest whether arrang t “One of the Grandest Eventain Ilisto to the (Cl ed al b freembling 6 im svine repreta, aid pot be made wih tt = ree HON. A. J. DONELSON ea ae Eek I 7 The, ie me erly Meath Cassis encouragement. i a . y ~ wade « ye rm) owners | bitch th whe * 5 ¢ Ps ' af nat, Ht diet pais with te wef ,. i peciat ees rip fe i Dr. Holmes, the quaintest and most Don't seareh for ‘an angel’ a minute, Divkd - sgh sol irap teria bi Dar yin - OO ‘ : Lore gentle € o : : Pi " j . e : pa PAE ASO Pye oi creme ys ot parla) oe ot em ee eee _ —— mirth provoking of American poets, re-| — achorega- Lea tnd ed ra pale on anybody who came within a thousand) 4 Smart Girl—A ‘fellow wap PMP shea deri bowl, blige’ meget be miter g ( American State Convention of Georgia, | ¢,.-: t The ‘deuce, efter all, would be in it, jon aay y Dheearied vd = mene hi pinpied Waedkws cases ov = : ’ a rimaleragi er : y * ferring to the alarming éffect producéd Wilk v eains vas eas alt } miles of them, (langhter) wete made by | ‘MG ais way & short time age, oe Satomi Gee dS ng nfil | me ice wo the office of Vice By one of his poems upon an unsophistl, Wage ‘the Yankees. \some narrow passage, when he J ‘ 18 * w . to bead . t ted States wan conliresee ¢ 3 , e . y i « my GnAited, “That tui ma, in J i toh wGrmed, eated reader, in bursting his buttons off. Ta thie world are rather uncommos ! These were the men who were threa- I re! ro ie ‘thé And allow we, dear Charles, to suggest, tening to walk up to 30 deg. 30 with their said he, hat do you call ” Ber We ’ " ts} , ' | peccheght avi g eecund hae » dito De. TV. ML Miller, the Presi.) , A : te closes the puthetic narrative by saying reqpinge that there showhi be bat jtile fall sm ti a eh ae aie sar , ; 2 ms 9 larger and mere conatat : - , “ é ever for exe tmibe or tw below the fort of |e sapgly of water, and ander @ greater heal than MRC Ul Uist Convention, the following patriotic You'll be Uctter esatcnt with « waucka (coffins on their backs—-a very needfn) Bahnem's passage, lied in Paptds, wits cbenstpel sbeomis a tliat ¢ thovieee lcceiarecuilenwn hee e ntter, wh we cypy from the Rume ((5a.) Com “ Mecne thea bve werer dared to wr e precaution, (llere the s yeaker gave a Ah ! then,” contin the puppy, The plan of tony fusing the river bed or chat : As funny a0 | cpa , , ing F fe eoftr m: lik - » } | « 1 bed BP as i” pa Se : eae ; fom ett ec epee’ ) . ee very amusing account of their coffin ex. Sm Mike aam—stop y an pei bere rewogriemied. ami the gotral prim) the ¢ at t . } oneal pata ams eee | ercise.) “And 1,” rejoined the girt as she i , a n hating “ a a] > 2 7 a rT »} r or . ) = s pha slat slrvdld comtrel the arrangeusent of oe fey safety Loial alte Brue Genre, duly 17th, 1-38 We give onr delightfal hnmorist great Fer cbdemng 2 eomjagel mete,— . * . * * * * pushed past him, am like the angél— . al me pthe wal bw cont 1] 4 etme wien applied to diflereut locntites, #)! haa am Sir Your letter of the 12 honetant. mfrming credit for his furbéarance ; bat what shal! It agrees with all climates and seamos, : ; stopped b Mad ; eat ‘ tint whditenal tonnage that & ¢ : . ae . Fremont had pbaced the flag of our pPe y an ass. mew be briefly apisine) nad wtaicd - we of ing t nation by t Amencan party of SO MYO! a Statesnan, white eckclothed And gives you a ‘double estate ' ne t } ¥ a | Heretofore, the aticmpt iw) cove Ras = nile. w ; ey a ta e t View Press grave, decurous Md stately, wlio at the To car's parepte ‘tis (gratefully) dur acetal ‘apres id patel sa aid . an, e too --— GO of rovers by steams of cites we! seams! irom, ata Ald min 6 argey .- jaa Oe yucatan bbls iat ta cieatireedaniaahag need halfeol Bt on oe erage cea yaa tie A debtor says: “My creditors are ait hae, Ter mages came, Leen awe cesedal, «med mania eee , ‘ : with s adopt ‘against Dr. Holmes, aud attempts to do “Twould hare been, sir, for me end fur you, salfeohigh as was ye destined to go. He Rrrngenten. My ; i , = ly, ao A think, for the remswn that tie efhirt has |g s ea the sasve that which the fatter has avowedly re If ours had forguticn the nag ' was aman you coald not bay, ner sell, & sas } weil Sohecaig hey invariably mre ca ! maven iss Lica - i ty , y ‘an geserally beew 20 eroreune the whole fe 2 } ries - Foor thie a +1 leg frained from, in the benevolent efforts t 9 nor scare. He had a back-bone runcing ®PPly t a 7 after | have thy nave ae a tern Tak ‘ thre foot it : : i ’ ‘ eee both alnhid » dowr Ti money always say to e wipe OS amy point, emtorely at that pos 1 Anombe, weed to the rapes at Hulnes'e mit to prewrt lgments. preserve the victims of anconscienable Then there's the eounumy—clear, all the way down. There was a tonch of thie ie very okine! ; pay P| the fall hes in any case Lewn somewhat lene: ks Maca tha c 2 In jtimy the n rie teilote fron extracedianry char ASS By pocticul <iggkc see Old Hiekery in lim; aad when he was ty provoking! Why-didn’t 4 ne ema cat * ts : aloft 7 3 haryves . wh, 5 ¢ ; od, by. derpening the chawuel at tive hem! ul the throw miles im kewh. eee cena St ihe uldagutiog ememed, shra 1 yichinl te the wae of battuns. The Save of ¥ heatlan Tee ne aategaae i earey President (as he surely would be) let come yesterday, and I could have rapid, it has Leen at the cipeme of the nariyn = Pe a re enhes of the Natiooal American party which has succeed in accomplighin ants ‘Rin Se ae een, Sonth Carolina nullify if shedare! There You in fullf But no! they never . ary Lat wae sever j ai © hing in prose, J o ew, ore . ; 2 a8 ta places above, where strallows have Love The an of passing Usume « obra ’ erlione prey ay '@ nomination f« “™ what our Doston aon was relo : ntt Aad as to the jrye—by diviewn would then be use for Southern hy mp, They seem to take a perverse in setde vill ehallower, by the lower of | . ma cartel oar la wie. The principles avowed by the (wn ( inn vera in rhyme oo They're nearly quadrupled, “tse send for we didn't mean to let any body dis. Sfriving always too fate. F's ‘m wale ovet them, and without any atic; ( | t bie eae ca ait < ‘ are substantially the aame They are The ilards and Mofis of \ Vor line Themgh | eever cbaid erelikete solve this Unian, but mean to sul.) ogate the raseals do it on purpose.” remove the few obstruction to the matigatue adootal A ‘ be privctpbes Caught to us by the Fathers of the Leds ohhh el hind Ralf rk have all inen to Freedom saci hes past o work dome on the un Reine i gibtally es } graciously notified Mr. Bua an that Quite plain in the item of bread ‘ . > - thus ereate:|. fiumbet canal may b: mmo availa the cou maa : = ot hew e eveceed pa Upem fives noproved in thie manner, we sirection of the new improrement ‘ aka onicy (frontit olive wad Co nulel neninee! hey have succeeded ia effecting a fra 10 a Dadcrninatea the longer 1k w 064, for instance, Wim if at one print there Wa. | arn aleo in "eal . aia . acarults of all furs, whether coming to ua ternal anivv, and Mr. Buebanan responds Remember, 1 do not pretend A 4. 7 - Cok 4 cays Sir T: F. Bezton, “the pel > . place tm 7 re bat if n like s . Sugar yi erba . ennt g - a Yapid, in which wae » fall of cay five feet,amd. manne be feed that the rapite at flute om a foreagn land of springing up ie our midst 19 return, over the telegrap! the Bow There's anything ‘perfect’ about it 9 } : A corres} Padi Uc tidee cas ae a beteeen at eegther a mile er two behrw, one im which im t sear te ae ip wed Oe ae feciwursie and traitore ery bovs would be mach more likely to Bui this I'll aver to the end, dent of the New Orleans Delta, writing men—be * s tf f bi pte he pase ran md t « . 5 arn - 1 : tween ‘ qe daceet wns only any une fu'—thel carb | 1 \ { Goorin lave duwlalies some call it ‘Cover the left bot. fact, Mr Life's tery umperfect without it! frem Matanza:, Cuba, says: fal tle ar ae et ar e aia t a - rer ‘St é . : : . u, the greaf anc ’ —id en- Was ‘taken in lad, ey arately and withoot re Awd withirewantio ikecimasorrmen( att < he support which gave tothe Bachanan has responded over the tek Tis net that there's ‘poetry’ im it.— ie See ; : a s ss ied lusigaiacan en feFeRSS to the oiler, wod that a daice was made ,,, ay ees ' Compromise measmes of 1850 20 a final set- orap hat the . ; ore : As, dowbticas, there may be to thone There wil a very large deficiency TZ, Invincible determination, @ pa river bteeen Kockfurd and the be { lean graph that thts coahtion between the : 2 at Whe former wid thé full descent there met Uement of the elavery queation. .\ strong ef is “ Eodowed with a in the sngar crop now* manufactured io Once fixed apon and then death of , re met shoals, 1 would remark that oo accoant of rts eth 4 | strong ef Tarde and Softs is “one of the vrandeat SOUS eS SA 8 Geaves te win: By ; y . Tt Wives P withyel five het, and without ang attempt to qrentee (fall ter milan be Lanes fort, both in the Nusth and the South, wasmade erents in hissory! I" We once thought Bat 1 warrant you excelleat prose ! this Island. Some say the deficieney TY: \ 7 sg Aa do anything that t & part of ate fall 10 th . md be abide : eA Ly comiel Congress face ite nlepanral Use 3 : as ee ae Il amount to 60,00. ngar can be done in the world; : = - : = 5 — amaiher _ . hargee prtnoh ef i baniol the isnt sneer cates nie ane retrace ya iltacePrincokGareentantie lee rar altar if ts - - 000 tone of engar, but eS - — tal shoal of shallow » he eo b ‘ , s ' we that me rt, n those measures A 5 ‘ 10 ope suc eme 3 5 c nities, low, y pallow omtervecdiat re meetion twlaw these shouts will reymire t ' I . *** non balls out of his hair with a comb nioe Then, Charles be perenaded iP wed — wera pe eee a baler he i” “1 i Ppose ms PLS tween the two,—or if lemmemed Ly transferring 9 eflectal by z 4 Sock : an infamous surremier of Staterights. In that , 1 ; lu greatly exaggerated one, though there Will make a two-legged creature a man ee of it we some point abore, that i « ia f Nome) ad Leeatt lad Uber a) oak ais I leheved that the ok] doctrines of De hundred feet long, the teeth whereof Fur « cranble fellow ihe yeu, joubtless « ie nsi i ral)l vd fi withoat it.” : pertoa » Cans as ful mares can alone ahve what portion may be : ed ectrinae ht ccaclt were great elephant’s tusks pate hesencrenteg pile Lotte miligeaah Ata sale as . - i x = ’ ‘ sks, and Ter It's high tame to think Of a bed, Congenese jot entd?, ek Wrencksred without any et Aol. enh I ait be relied apon io arrest the dee baba tec fA I ape Mac asta : pa se aol 2 * siete ‘id cy cansed by the anfavorable weather, crsres fromt - < at t } alid, r fe o; Nis —— - tempt to; remove the eww vlatrectiom to the The mocennily must be mf parent, for having an & “Sia ns which marked ty i pg ; 1. jost at the counmencement of crop, and P . navigation there creed. rae eis : £ the disemssions of the dav. but the influences Which was brought to him in a plate se Be have done with your doubt and delaying, TA least ia Gave distcictn Guat ot pee TTollacay's Ointment and Pilla, cer- Ufale « of the rive y 7 ar © P dis — anz And with regard to wing dams, we finds that (.¢ ches : th ase war : lich contrrolied President Pierce sattafel me YER times larger in circumfcrence than With a eval so adapted to mangle. rg Spe RTS ty ; me ve tain Cure for Wounds and Uleertg—Tho- little oF mo attention has heretfure Leen given ment. but aleo bef ies nae for [ht Une party bad lost ite vitality as a natona the great tun of Heidleberg, vas an ex Ss Sieyeenel Les. Nesmheeve oe, 57706 troy ed 5 ‘fi Se tee eo | ase Th umpson, of Batavia, New York, vu SA ais kee 4 KE Pye ee : : : : ed by fire ’ ud to rember sgcare agains. deepening, the eoulract: ghat improvement mre pr s eand that Irse was ' liscrj les traordinary young man, bat while he ex Ts magular you should br angle Se was afflicted all over his body with row ed chanuele left opposite to them, fi many FR eMagrinaty Ue ! ce ded upon ane of Maehington, Jefferson, and Jackson, but elled in ‘practical things, the sage of ADDITIONS: STANZ.e ++. bing ulcers, his life at last became Me canes, it, ie tre, the bed of the river is of a ima ic. be EES nia ae BS, kK WM A Hew Ofganization the a ran Wheatland is far superior to him in mag 12 THE ARMY. a barden to him, as he was a misery to opt terial Chat je proof agrinet sach deepening Lat vs ; ; ‘ ae! ' 4 the maxims of the pure days of the niloquence. He characterizes a reanion of eTkin very core opemert U're rea Wasnixerox, Angnst 10.—The bill in. himself, and en annoyance to his friends. oat. some i = . nape > J oi : : | it and so bepping off tt excren ; sete nl ‘ ia yaar : sents ’ 5 a dd. ' , 4 . . as) ‘ ah ram od te that ov. wt the rmer Foie nus OF paving mnvMn hae carlin petty politic same as‘ one of grandest things On choosing a conjngal mate, trodnced by Mr. Faulkner yesicrday in ! the hope of obtaining relief to bis ent ; — the = wt weasiwed by the wim in the emt Sergi Ses eae eit Zt ursystcm ex in history,’ deserving tobe classed, dondt (nsec inc cad eo aa kee the House of Representatives, for the bet- fen gs, he consulted several physici = ams, pred > wv ch ~— oppeit Han flops Topeak HAE aes ‘ ¢ roversy - less, with Marathon and Thermopylae, Far anus in bis dschde cotnts ter organization of the aziny, increases #"d surgeons, bat bis case ato gap m4 « more than was clearred, and the . t A ‘ , : the ¢ (ir r with the passage theR . trent . 7? ¥ a leeprems q : Huma roel ie wi ssage of fabicon, the dis RB b } f perate that it was considered hopeless. Gqod* vents thuse dams from producing one of the ef ' nent men South, as w us the at yet, ket me eay in your eor the pay of every commissioned officer t e _ g one of the ¢ r examined and all the plans pe very of America, and the Declaration I f I - } : } 1 At this stage he had Holle- Ihieh, they *7" feeta for which they may hgve been constrocied mie : Y ai fivsstng that Di. mo : ; . at speak from experience, I vow twenty dollars a month, and fixes the ra. +4 ts stage he had recourse te fase via. that of maintaming the water at ‘ heghee Ley aera i : a se ks yowast mest organi7 for sccunng he. hs ipaeioe pee Wy oe ae giao an That oft at the end of the year, tion at thirty cents. The lowest rank is T8¥ 8 Ointment and Pills,and by perse- a we fe mee work 10 t08 varnd, but ot won rt Fe i = boldly divested himself of his individ: The 1 ' $, somehov ' f A } vering h these re di Neiipsed setae eye ee ae eae eer ha tear na, boldly este nse In pamber increases, somehow MoU iotcanicclellvirauk coluuiamilanenio ring with these remedies for ten w Ay delet Now apon pe sien of Pil ‘ re ae op bd ntak i ULE le basct esol hcleahsanel | at A rattle men tow trad ndealamniat. lity and announced himself as the Cin 13 ument he was completely cured, and Basco. me OTN patted igs soon uf i . ESL woe lity tiles “| 1 tw me fur not acting with them when they are no. cinnati platform, men regarted this dar at wena ice Dee the best of health. ‘ ‘ bere “ ouded, o tins Lowe aneSy be eee basa er as ald jnst mention to ome *" aga af beasing, tha. whole of tle fee feet desornt. in ! ; Soa . wh bl . cdiiance with these» pose these ing avowal of having become transub Bre caine in ahs naeau cane ~ 1. the case alwve suppoted, to be overcoins emt eats a ae Tiecy chested Vold dyekeon stantiated by the act of a potitical con Thai inedies sad Poe Judge Mol tnd the Nansre Pris oo a _ ly at the Upper rapide, transfer a part ur parts ! hese ae t 5 party wl t vention, as something wonderful > bnt ‘Will lenal ein deen calice onera.-—We lind the following tathe Cle, : iG m vs sell the timbers of an il- Sp ecer be fore wf it to the lower rapid banditsieus seein: arly as porn ’ . ein . < . ught back to for force of imagination it falls far short is ora pom yu dcciaed is eds veland Leailer. a rabid {reesoil joarnal- hostrious fathers toansion fer canes and irapite Row shallows, intermediat: letweeu th: two, ass ee ’ Ht ul Ee s. but when the proof became rof that magnificent lyperpole which de Fre taking the conjugal wwe, ‘ ; . A sonff-b xes, isn't it likely he would be ¢ COFFIN odomit of it apd further, as mimediatety aber a eas ie Se ne a Let bus oe; OF Lise party: bad pase ¢ clares the patehing up of a quarrel be Remember the item of bread =e OREVE ACE 2 UU En NE 8 ad S sell his bones for battons and iy tied o6d dlowe to the bead of seine repels th als ae ; partic a He i ab vnebs of the free-soil and nulifier, they assuil me tween two Democratic factions, as “one For chridren, ne well 20 fot ppaunr fheers are ont f right and jos knifehandles *— Lourevile Journal. Jeep water, L wouki if such wash: case at ae te , ‘ . uate er iy ann . ; : I : f the grandest events in history!” tree We are a teased to learn dames b. ¢ lay, a nerate son of @ Hs wet the larger rapids. and it wos desiroabee shealilet meal a leit (ete ' “ : shail MEL iat LL WV Demo Tt ig extraordinary how grossly nen have eee that on ae : lee McLean granted aoble sire, is understood to be the person - : : bene vo anda half fee he above 1 rly was e soun - - ye . : A i « fi r PeOrgeE lHhuded t pat 9 Keoug ati} more its fall, and it could be done ice tripe laid enenise kia oncalicl Jee | ‘ Satan rund Chay the SY ig 0" been deceived in their previons estiinates — Seerctary Marcy has prepared his re v ak is Me George alluded to ei ge . i . rattle o ‘ o " ve] sties, there was reason to e y . - * 5 5 a rw, ed rof tl alk f > ’ " ’ anes Voterfering with the improvements 1 Rilclnalteialinw matin j = ‘ Nach ae - _ of grandeur and meanness. Henceforth, ply to the proposition of the Allies, for Br ’ Ilera f Pree oo ta wef i at the shoals and ripids above, (hut not lh however, by searching for definitions in the abol A ete ee Teenie: dom, in Kansas, n 1 prison there for . ebied id vihdsivfes) deepen the channel at its head, »1 ' I Aaly plitform would not ¢ : Seam He AVOLMON OT PHvateering, ANC BOO noth —‘Neing avainst.. -l2g 2 Wonor.—“A Frenchman at a sory | eee thas loos th I _ " Sake \ aes ‘ ‘ ail To maarran from thie AL re - ON a ay the political dictionary of the sage of ted it the Cabinet. The paper is spoken ie 1 en ; : Recital Salil large diner party got into a violent die- ono pe stitface of the chee water above tt Ae et ee a ae ve . s he nite States yt within the prov Tesh Chia 1 » yy we aL and transfer a part of the fall Pee shoal or Sutre of the cost of the dame at there respeetive will s« ledvuied Uy anv candid man thats W0e atland, they may lear if they will of as exhibiting much statesman like abil He eo ae ae: | pt wil a gentleman, who, sitting at t r at the head of that deep water inilla, and of the expense of maintaining them the politemns who have given a dangerous di to define things very differently. Inthis ity, and will probably be laid before Con ‘ a : \i Wire pees =o Pore tel table was epee vee ape deep) we 5 z = a aw i ’ n ere J l \ re tA 5 for seed as The distribution of the fall, at the mapida, and they would bear, provided good and substantial rection ty the heresies of these two schools are Dew lexicography, parts of which have gress.— : pasate pd ad nsult: | oF who said Suni I fall, « yvda, ‘ p A } 7 woners to revel? for earings ed. 0 §8 Se angle of parts of it! to other points, may readi- One8 are erected, and of such height ae woul! not ouly acting with the imatern Democracy, already been given to the world orally, — Its conclusions have long since been . : a) 2 oil were near yon, [would gives bamee the =~ . ly be effeeted by incans of wing dams projerly render available to them atall times a larger butare realy shaping ats pobley and dispensing they will find that the “ grand event” of made known to the readers of this corres " 4 se ee ears—so you may con der the blow as : z : ‘ z , : es i < ar ' 3 Bibee retine™’ loom teal, tent would clone ap the whole width of Sepply of water and under a greater head than Ils patronage W ashington resigning his commission, pondence. While declining to accede to ©" viven.” ‘And IY said the other were I aye the fiver below the level wt which it is desired they now have Phen, tuo, it was a constant reproach to me, has its parallel in recent tinea, in the the overture according to the terns of near you, should draw my ew eo and thé Goren the Wate? surface shall stand in its ordinary low 3d. To ascertain the prices at present paid on as > Ns Ue ctg ie > th Uk f State nghis agreement of opposing sections of the N. the Treaty of Paris, the Administration Esterpnist mS ¥ Six vears run veu througl the body- 80 oa ma sr Sout water ahage of navigation, except the space left the river fur auch thnber a ule Arg used ic oausli Ute: caus A ot 4 : Tdid not de- York democracy to divide equitably the is prepared to accede to an arrangement gentleman with a eapital of $1,500 consider yourself as dead.” a 3 - ; = Aisi of chaunel. (A level, evens little Constructing the dams and jocks, an| whe ther daa) : te ie o ly “ Be : se “ ’ anticipated spoils of office. That this al- by which, if the Powers of Enrope shall jougit a farm in Norfolk county ; , EVES igher tii I have named, for these wing dame Aangeme “ = 7 not s mad | ’ th mill ‘ Past none nie - : ” ow i so is * one of the grandest events in his- agree, not to seize or molest private prop- 000. In four vcars he paid foetus farn - — wher thers directly interests vhaving fact. stare jn the face tha vs modern , coy - ee i ° se . i ‘ ! : Ce 3 1e ft ; , : ; ary ‘bal ote = the printed report upon the enry f ee : keen Hee eh at these p the mueracy has made a nomination for the T’resi sory ant aay the leader ct ieee: tac cnt on the High Seas, or to use ek with hired help, and boaght 81,300 worth ‘An honest dame, standing beside the bury, S Lied ho information reepecting the fall of the timber that would be needed fur the constrac deaey which enils forth a voice of applanse and tions, wl aiming at i ( — al agyran' ve ssels of war in capturing the inerchant of land besides. He has recently sold corpse of her deceased husband, bewail- ° ver Polat to point, and at the different mpide, it ee see : snoeibation (rom eMn. Van Boren es lod aa rns disement, lave unconsciously performed vessels of an enemy, the United States ont at 820,000, and his property is now !7¥ in piteons t 3 his untimely - Yet bbuhee : . tion of these dame and locks My} A : 5 ; proj J 5 yi the aggregute fall as well as distance from i : 1 ee Py eviiloanlin tavoreld ackago (anil this ts when! aa ack Ol 80 heroic a nature as toim- willrelinquish the right of arming pri- ggtimated at x Vorfolk Arqug, wrecobserved, “Its a pity he's dead, for het ty he fe Bean slo When the aurvey shall have been made and ee ee : at a : n folk Arg pity b wot of Bean shoals, and from thenee a ; , « Mortalize their name.~ Lal, Pat vatecrs his teeth are as good as ever they were.” Tae ead was but vesterdar ( wee Were threatened ‘0 Hobwes” Mat thea vat abi re a — —— an a l Fur mercauic ax Mm DUM Gear lina If there are any with whom the, love of country should be a paramount) fedling, we of the United States are cer-| that We have a govern- of our own, and that governmentis responsive té the wishes and feeli = every ion thereof. tors of +a is good in representative go- vernment of all | garyrene ages. me the patriots o stregsiod ; every thang achieved by them whatever sacrifice-every vindicated right of humanity—every principle cou- eecrated to freedom by suffering and blood—every noble idea of magnanimous heroic, self-devoted patriotisu.—a!l are’ oars and tend to make up the grand ag- of oar precious heritage. we canrot thus be the heritors of the benefits and experience of the friends of freedom in al ayes, without assuming also, as the representatives of the human race, claiming in the name of man the right and duty of self-government, res- ities whioh extend far beyond the of our own immediate concerns. The cause of all mankind, a holy and a webdle charge, is entrusted to our keeping. Yn assuming to govern ourselves we as enume the position that the power of trnth and upon the understanding and, the heart, voluntarily admitted, is ade- quate te sustain political and social insti- tations, and to maintain the human inind da aconstantly progressive state of im- t. If this be not the truc idea of self-governinent, if it be not a practi-, cal idea, embodied and phe ile | daily im. our national experience, then are we of ell men the most wretched in being thrown loose to the unbridled sway of sel- fish and conflicting passions capable of overthrowing truths and of stifling the commotions of conscience. Great privil- eges always carry with them great dan- gers, and liberty may as easily be con- verted into a curse, as itis capable of con- ferring inestimable blessings—that it may ja prinpante into the freedom of the worst the most violent propensities of a de- human will is @ possibility which has and mast continue to be a part of the well-stadied lesson of tree gov ernment. These are all verieties if not platitudes thet have been again and again called to recollection. Bat they are of a that cannot be too oft repeated or two stadiously conned. An eminent jor ist, now nambered among the departed |. enberangs republic, stated these con i most impressively in a charg delivered in the course of his official du ties, The passages we quote froin one of Judge Story’s Secon to a grand jury were never more rt than at this time, or more worthy the consi:leration of reflecting men : “ We are the latest, and, if unsnecess- fal, dly shall de the last with whom the of republican government will ever be tried. If unsuccessful, we shall , be as the migtty nations of the past which have made same attempt before ns only a lesson to al! future ages of the fol ly fa quae of the idea of self-govern ment by a great peopic. I do not speak words pe ord aps of fear when i" tell that there are thousands of hearts and intellects most deeply interested, and re garding With carnest watclfulness every movement, every change in onr country Te see what is to be the result of Ameri cap republicanism, acimg on its own in tesests and on the interests of the work! Can it be maintained or nog! that is the qeestion of which they are anxiously seeking and waitinganh ansuer. 7 friends of our inustifotions arc looking with alternate hope and g yet trasting—believing, but 5 ; vinecd ; anxieus that the result of our ef forts should be the permanent establish ment of the freedom and happinces of mean; butthey have percieved that on ane side or other of this most desirable comeammation are the despotism of Use many or the despotism of onc, cach cqnal ly-destractive and to be dreade! “In conclusion, gentlemen, per te say, if your Courts, auder your nobis Constitution, have thas protected ir ts; if that instrument, and! ats which have been framed aiuder lave endeavored to provide arcwmedy, fores ery wrong which can be fa!l yon; be you on the elitary deep, with only the heaw ens above you an) the waters bene ath. or om the solid land, beyond the jurtsdictiot and protection of State laws ifthe guar dian power oA the United States has Leen aroand you, wat ur sup port, protection ar d snecor: if this be « what is your duty on the other hand! is it not to reserve this Leantiful f yours uncurrayted, as your influence and labors can do it, to the latest time? Car ry with you im your hearts, gentlemn to the gravel, the principle that nert U the duty which you owe ty bod, there us none higher and more sacred than that which you ot to you country ng ever for system o os Letter from the fen of Hears Cut The New York Eapress has Le ed by a friend with the porasal of letters received by hin 1 Thomas I Clas, Es , as of t : \ land, and from extracts “Joly, 155+ yor my gratet thanks f tion ton make in it of er. Ila! lived, Tan ‘ woald now f the At 4 probally coutrolling, nye denee, ite action * Reliewinyg i t t Nationa and Conservative party of t rv | ehal] adhere t) it so long a reserve ite integrity.” “ August, 1456 Jat enaed to learn from you that Mr. res are ¢0 bright in New Jor “In regard to the I’ rc in Kentacky we entertain no fear } tueky will le, a national and ¢ : ry in November, s!i« r ke section: jen and vindicate lier ow teeritn Christ.a Monday: Por-iaus Nac Ti day: the Greeks, Tueeday; the Assy: Wednesday; the Egyptiane, Thursday; t) Turke. Friday; and the Jews, Saturd | + Watchman: The Fantastics.-A very largo con * | course of people honored the funtastice ee ee we thei? presence on Satarday last. ‘It SALISBURY, N, C. was truly'a day, to be remembered, as the! aN itriumph of grotesque fancies and ‘divert | ing whimsics. It were perfectly vain to | attempt a description of the Splatterdocks. They must be seen to be appreciated. TUESDAY EVENING, AUGUST 19, 1836, TERMS OF THIS PAPER @2.00 CASH.” ‘or two touching the camp inaid of this chivilrous company; She was right in | the eye of the Acop fashions. The efforts \of our fashionable belles in that line grow FOR PRESIDENT, MILLARD FILLMORE, OF NEW YORK. FOR VICE PRESIDENT, ANDREW JACKSON DONELSON, | Forty yards of dry goods were scarcely OF TENNESSEE, enongh to fit those hoops. And then who can lift a skirt and show apretty embroid- 'ered petty coat, and an aakde with more jnon-chalant grace than did’she! And again, who can surpass her ip the grace- ful flourish of the stick-brush, loaded with AMERICAN ELECTORAL TICKET. FOR THE STATE AT LARGE. L. B. CARMICHAEL, of Wilkes, JOHN W. CAMERON, of Cumberland. FOR THE DISTRICTS. Ast District, Lewis Thompson, Mm E. J. Warren, 3q O. P. Meares, further !~Ugh-ee !—Incomparable, char- ming /ady/ You have popularized Aoops and diyts and sung, and what more we 4th Jas ‘T. Larrexsoux, lee ot to Pas Any avanana® cannot tell. Gh « J. M. Leacu, nar! jth A.J. D. . ‘ , =) ° on . D. aaTeE Arjangement of the Fall Curcuits.— \The Judges of the Superior Court will \ ride the Fall Circui Nowe: The Sumthern Literary Mamenger, for ride the Fall Circuit as follows: August, is before us. This work is pub- oe Jadge Smee luished by McFartane, Fergusson & Cov., Feil, “ Baaueore Richwond, Va., John R. Thompson, edi- Hillsborongh, “ Person. tor—price, $3 per annum in advance. It Wilmington, “ Dick. is highly meritorious, and is deservedly | Salisbury, “ Caldwell. very popular. “The dead of the Cabi- Mountain, “Ellis. net,” by Ex-President Jonn Ty ier, is a very interesting and ably drawn sketch in this number. (2 There will be, as there have been, a g reat efforts made by the democratic par- are ty to impress the minds of the people “ The Quarterly Law Journal.”—We with the idea that Mr. Fillmore cant be are indebted to the publishers for the Ju- elected, and the recent elections in Ken- ly No. of this valuable work.» It is the tucky will be used as evidence. We first of the kind ever attempted in the! therefore copy from the ablest Journal in South, we believe. It ig got up in very that State, the fullowing statement of’ handsome style, and is highly valued by facts. the Profession to whose interests it is de-{ (From the Louisville Joarnal of Tharsday.) voted. ; KENTUCKY ELECTION. .. . _- . A very curious anomaly has present- Pain.—Sinee our last issue, we have ed itself in the last loeal election through- had refreshing. showers of rain. They out Kentucky. In very few instances have will be af great service to late plantings the Demoerats ran one of their namber in any county where the majority was against them, but agreat many independ- eot American and Whig candidates have been in the fieldin all the American ta” The Yellow Fever has made its strongholds. The Democrats have al There ready conimenced claiming the foremost candidates, whether Whig orAmerican, and it is very well that they should have of corn; but they were entirely too late for much the larger portion of the crop. >: appearance in Charleston, S&S C. have, as vet, been Lat few cases oo. s ree ; . es _ (aecrumb of comfort, as in November there ‘Thine do you account for it We will not dea yrease-spot leftof them Lave been frequently asked by friends The Ainerican Order bas been charged of Mr. Girurr, * how do you account for with introducing party politics into the his overwhelming defeat r Judicial election. The recent election shows this to be false. In several of the is ina word—igneran ies A ; : 28 ui balan : | judicial districts, in which there is beyond Ignorance of the principles and aims of Youbt a larve American majority, the the American party, and prejudice against’ Argerican oe declined to nominate what they do not anderstand. I is ea vw judicial offices, and the Americans have cast their votes in the election without reference whatever Onr answer and prejudice. candidates sier to sneer at and oppose a thing, than ° any to search it out and defend it. No man , / ith the “ Anow Nothings” be { has Leen the coume of the fore be has learned the principles of the! Ameriean party, the Democrats have in rarties. Vlilet such party. Many have not vet foand ont, var tbly veted in solid) columns for one these, cither becanse of their indifference abe ee number. This has been . ; 4 - nest evident in the contest between Dw to every thing of the hind, or their preja re : } : 7: vall and Marshall. Tlie Americans had die . ; t rme » ) Ty ice Again re name, the former secre sno nomines the ueld. The Democrats cy, ke. This whole class was joined to to a tnan have voted for Dacall, and the the demacracy in the late election, and!) Amerncan, having no nomination to bind ’ ~ ! t > Gov. Bragg was re-elected by a large ma a by 10 part v ted for Du * rae \ : i | ntu of ov , jority The Governor, 1 iongheut th : ' ' e of a Ld : Ale : ; considerations, ‘ CANVASS, Muireascu self to the pane ‘ ghoat t 1 ‘ agho bedis ms and projadices of the people. They ae strict whic were his harp of a thousand strings, and | we M 1,6 pron ity ' ; 1 ve played apo rite of just men * av VU ‘ ted, aml a / ae as ta ete woadenne. 10 pat to suainc are consoled with I 4 1 : ypad { ; : ; claiin this as a great falling off from t the reflec nm, that = Mr ‘ We can assure our, reuh « to ¢ h a * P } 1 arth wall reer again { ; ve the ia not the - Vt cau™ 4 ba it : « ‘ (2 Ye vw Fever is at Staten Island, tire stre ur ci N.Y. and fears are entertained that it sidenng y test, have vid may reach the city, only a few miles dis. ' v ween the candidates, and a . tt aands have not voted at al , 1 ‘rt aes I alge Kincheloe’s distnet a me 77 ’ , merica arty aan tc Lhe rats are to havea grand Ve ths aid aoe? A Naf nN ‘ nt ca ate azainst him why talliBecation at V2 sh, to morre dto |, e ; in joilifica ‘I Raleigh, tomorrow andto \.) ave there 2,600 majority, the Amer orrow tiglit They are victori.ns and ns woald not make a nominafion It mast hol They are going to make was nota party vote Judge Kinchel«« glad the “inner man.” by a barbecue is @ Whig and a snpporter of Mr. Fill - ore vubtl will al atiantalncla 4 things to cheer ner Dou Democrats Ss al ees s» claiin a verv large ga n that district, We lope they will not forget to send por age seas 7 I ° 5 “ asthe race bids fair to b ry cloae; but te mat Lretiren.e : ? : ‘i aa tions to absent br ren, especially toall y presume they will entirely overlook the young couverts to democracy There euch instances as Marion connty, where are sone few in this region well desers- the | dependent eandidate for sher ff, ans, has beaten hominee in the beat Morcheal ing of their kindest remembrance. It ia, * ipported by the Aineric the regnlar Democratic ratherearly for obtaining large epecimens, 1 J ge % county in which Clark but we would sagzest that even a small -4, , ; ‘ sweet potato froin the democratic board Judge rr waa not nominated by the . | prove pecaliarly grate fal to those American party, but ran as an indepen j { s class, the ardor of whose zcal has ent candidate against the regular nomi ft eee sds : chilled by any recent didappoint nee se Demoera lis distriet went 1 , ; 1 r Clark last vear and it was to be pre ntor defeat. We think this part of the sie rane een bee | sat would be beaten, if ast , . tterded to if en. | . : il 1 nen ave done, that party shoald aniforimn ] reatcemed friend Frcuk J. sustain their nomit cho ie Lilessed with a pretty good share Int Mas strict our ponents Wo fecli moachinelinedt asecla d the foremost oftwo Wh . ficse t > } rn towar 1 ; se Ps : ae : t res'r | irc t 1 1 Tle liad su 5 In Ham ec a ft lng otuers, Ww nisht oly ty tw hi « were candidates for cle tto any enc uvi ns discrimination. and we oubtlesa find the antics Surciv, 4 Frank. | will not fail to re. Claiming coil candidate I: = Jadge Cr. s district, the ner n member t particularly attractive ca F ay A ‘ x ; a de i party held a convention and declined to as towan an Javidaon whose ; im peowan and RV IC : br nemminate a eandida for judge, Grood ant, theugh unsnecessful etroggles i wo becaine an inede lent candidate for vehalf of Democracy, in the late canvass ‘ t ( apt HHiwesa a U wa 1 tracted a CVCR, nt won f vw vite ! endent candidate, yA r rthat he wonld be defeated, he with Thicy certain need the pr lich ES t : lrew ar ftt eo > clear to Croce nist yrat ltnt anid it pr grateful enn If Ca Hawes had continued a c ‘ t ahacnt, ¢ A r ale \ oh hla Ainember f oN an OF wes Wel bas “ “ I) pr nz his | - ; j ' { t i jetit ca da t ‘ Df ‘ “ “i ‘ f : 4 \ a nu } . j my ti ave bee ret) ance of ft wn cheer the if rors us ery fow counties in the State 4 ‘ erate will dinplas s W ver this ween there have been Asien W 1 Wwe One oF re large gains forthe American party. There Fae \re the Wake potatoes rp " r Nig candidates in t a $ ; H it Jomoerats Tiat there shall ay thie the peossnim anda 1 } ' n the part fonr rranctlies : j i } I te fhemnp that thia ’ } ) r 4 and jet 1e EFALY Gieetio vy tbe relative strength “ the ! t \ wid that however Bat we cannot forbear making a remark ¢ /tame and contemptible in the comparison. | Sctoch snnff—rab more earnestly, or squirt | great a No » . the Demderat may claim and chuckle! Proapect of Cheap Plc ee Tere cad in No he f Coney the } old tity of wheat ga’ am ' give an overwhelming thajority for Fillmore and-Donelson. . os -—— ’ LATEST BY TELEGRAPH ‘Three Days Later from Europe. ARRIVAL OF THE STEAMER CANADA. Harmsx, August 12. | The steamer Canada bas arrived, with | Liverpool dates of 2d. . + iy 16°Cin- t wa than vest as fully ten. pér cent. has been y pre quality of the new wheat is excellont,— The grain is full and bright and perfectly dry and sound ; and, from a careful ox- \am)nation of the advices which ft has re- \ceived, it feels justified in giving tho fol- lowing figures as the qnantity of wheat gathered in each State this year : , Cotton had advanced 1-16d on the low- Fair Orleans 7d.; middling 6 5-16d.; Fair| upland 4 middling 6 3-16d. Stock | 778,000 bales, including -644,000 bales, American. The market closed firm. Brecdstuffs had largely declined.—- Flour had declined 1s. 2d. on good quali- | ties, and 8s. a ds. on inferior. Wheat 6d. | lower—pricog irregular. | Consols closed at 854. { An earthquake had occurred at Molu- ‘aeas destroying 2,000 lives In Spain the indications are that the Royalists have sueceeded. Saragossa must goon surrender. The Spanish Min- ister at Paris resigned on heariug of the, coup de etat, but the Queen refused to, accept this resignation. | It is not true that the King of Belgium will abdicate. Advices from Stockholm say there is | jmuch excitement among diplomatists on | account of reclamation’ Lacing been made | by Norway upon Russia for encroach- | ments on Norwegain territory. From Italy it is said that the Anstri- ans were preparing to cross the Po in four places, : | ad CONGRESSIONAL. Wasiinctox, Aug. 11. The Senate tabled the Lonse bill to re- | organize Kansag by a vote of 35 to 13.—} The provisos to the executive and legis- | lative bills were also struck out. | In the House, the bill to rednee the the tirst Monday of December. The President having vetoed the bill for the improvement of the Des Monies Rapids, the House passed it over the veto. tie army bill having been returned from the Senate with the Sherman provi- so stricken out, another proviso was adopted against the em yloyment of the military to enforce the laws of Kansas, - Stl CONSULAR APPOINTMENTS. W asuinoron, Angnst 11. Amos I}. Gorwin, of Ohio, has been ap- »ointed Consul to Panama, vice Col. Ward, Texas, removed; also, Clements, of the District of Columbia, has been ap- pointed Consnl to Pernambaco, in place of William Lilly, removed. Serions char ges have beon proved against both Con sule. tee Election by the House. We hope every reader of this paper will pernse the proceedings of Congress on Monday, the 4th inst., ticularly the passage Cobb, of Georgia, and Cullen, of Dela- and note par between Mesera. t will be seen that Mr. Cullea pledyes tor Mr. Fillmore to the lection come before the , therefore, no possible chance for Frennont to get sixteen votes, the uumber necessary to elect him, an less the Northern Democracy prove trai tors to the @onstitntion and the country himself to vote last, should the House. Ther And this is what the Demoeracy of the Senth have all eared. Llence their stant pfatinz about the danger of th election going tt! House In future, reforc, whenever you hear any Buchanan wan whining, and lainenting the danger of the election go the Honse, for fear of the saccess { Fremont, tell Lim that it can ished |y Deinocratic treason, a which every man ing to only be accomp : well-informed anows Avguatia (Gra.) Sentinel The following extract from the lebate in the Ifouse of Representatives referred to by the Sen 8 an on the 4th inst., tinel Mr. Callen read an extract from the Savannah Republican, pnrporting to give a sketch of the remarks of Mr. Cobb, of (reorgia, delivered in this State reeently, n which Mr Cullen’s name was inciden lly introdaced. M>. Callen wished to know whether Mr. Cobb used the | ynaye quoted lan Mr. Cobb exjla‘r had taken was that it vue to throw the election of President in to the House, which would resale in the of Fremont. The Repnblicans now have thirteen States. Ifa Republi can shall be elected in the place of Mr Allen, and one in Mr. Tarnbull’s district, Illinois wonkd be added; andif Mr. Elall, whose seatis contested, be rousted, and be elected in his stead, Io secured for Fremnnont. Fif s certain, his election would ton Mr. Cullen, el, —the Position he would be danger oe a Repub an wa wrote be teen States thr he depend the repre cntative for Delaware. Ile was unwil ngto trast it there, considering Mr Callen’s rc in the election of Speak r. Was it not Mr. Callen’s fixed opin nthatl will not under any circum stances, vote for Mr. Ibuchanan/ Mr. Calicn replied that Mr. Cobb had no ground tor saying what would be his Ile came here asa National American, and against the votes ofevery Democrat in Delaware, ilf a dozen personal friends Waa it « xpected that he should snpport course in such a contingency. € xceptin r the Democratic party, ant vote for his enemies?! He ferventiv trusted that the ole my wonld not be breught into the HTonse, bot ifit should, he would vote for Mr. } pore firat and Jast Not for Buchanan. nor Fremont. And he waa itisticd that Mr. Fillmore would recieve a yjority of the States. Mr. Cobi,. said, in his appeal to his econstitaents, he did not mistake concern ge Mr. Caiien’s position, which was one fdanyer to the South and favorable to Mr. Collen repeated that it was his ity toy for Mr. Fillmore to the last, and if Gs vonld permit the election to eomme toth do duty er grades. Sales of the week 69,000 bales. | Maine | States. dla 460,000 New Hampshire 230,000 Vermont 640,000 Massachueetts 46,000 Connecticut 60, New York 16,200,000 New Jersey 1,800,000 Penusylvavia , 1,800,000 Delaware 700,000 Maryland 5,100,000 Virginia 12,500, North Caroliva 4,200,000 South Carolina 2,100,000 Georgia 1,750,000 Alabama 1,200,000 Mississippi 500,000 4 Y 150,000 Arkansas + 300,000 Tennessee 3,200,000 Kentucky > 5,750,000 iswouri 5,600,200 Liinois 14,600,000 Indiana Ww Ohio 16,800,000 Michigan 5,200,000 Wisconsin 8,250,000 Towa 4, 100/000 California 1,600,000 ‘Total 142,336,000 In the British Islands at last accounts the weather was favorable and the crops looked well. In France there is some fear of a crop, but any deficiency will be large- ly or A ied from the countries’ bordering on the Mediterranean, and perhaps in some measure from Russia. In Rossia \the crops are reported as promising well. | redefl, | This prospect ot cheap bread is a joyous! Jackson, one for the toiling millions, a eee Baltimore Market. Bartruors, Angust 11.—The flour mar- duties upon imports, was postponed until | | ot was rather heavy this morning under the advices from Europe, and prices have given way. Uoward street bronght 87, closed with more sellers than buycrs at ‘this price ; City Mills sold at $6.75, a do- cline of 25 cts. per barrel. Rye floar ‘nominal at &3 624. Corn Meal, city $3 75, country &2.50 a 83. Wheat, white, good to prime 81.45 @ $1.50, choice R155; red, fair to good RL.35 a &140; 'priine to chioce 81.435 a R148. Corn, ‘white 60 a 64 cents; yellow 62 a 63 Oats 36 437 cents. Rye, Pennsylvavia 73 ats cents. Provisions are quict; Baltimore ness beef $16.50; mess pork $20.50; bacon, shoulders ‘104, sides II}a 12; ha:ns lla 14 cents. Whiskey Joa — vet. Vew York Market New Youk, August 11.-—Cotten sales of 400 bales. Flour iscasier ; of 10,000 barrels ; good State 85.40; su perfine Ohio 86.40 ; standard Southern &7.75. Wheat is ansettled ; sales of 60.100 bushels; Western white &1.62 a 81.65 Corn has declined ; sales of 100,000 bush els; Southern mixed 56 a 614 cents Pork is lower ; sales of 250 barrels ; mess R19 87} Leef is quiet; aales of 200 bbls; repacked mess $10.75 a 811 Lard is steady . sales of 200 bbls. at 12] Whiskey is dull; sales of 300 barre! Ohio $7 eents. Coffee is jniet ; sales of MW bags; Lio 109 a ll cents tirin; saleé of 500 bhde; Orleans 8} 1%} cents. Spirits tarpeatiee has alvar sales of 250 bbe. at 44 cts DD ulvanced ; sales of 3,000 bbls. at delivered. Rice is dull; sales ces at 4a 4} cents Freights arc -: eeluers sales cents Sugar is S165, OU ties frine Weare very much amused by thee of the Democracy —“ Elect Bachana Fremont will the next President.” [+t ns look at this fora moment. Seppoe Black Republicans elect : Hiinois and Lowa in place of ing that the members Messrs. Allen and Hall, and carry enong! Northern ‘ the Honse—what wold be the ¢ Mr. Howell Cobb thinks that it would depend apon Mr. Cullen of Del- et, Mr. Cullen has his intention to support Fillmore. There States to throw the vote into onee- qnenes ! aware declared fore, if the eleetion does come into the Hlonse, Mr. Callen will vote for Fillmore, Even if the casting vote depends npon Mr. Cal the National American eandidate len, he will vote for Fillmore, thas kill This is Mr. ¢ } ing off Fremont rb scal- colation, and we take it ap only to expose the fallacy of the Democratic calcula tions. low long, ol! Demoeritoa wilt hon play upon a harp of a thonsand Wilmington Ierald Proveeners, Ang. 10 Fleming S. Easley better known as Dean Easley.” recently of Richmond, was shot about 8 o'clock, this evening, in frontof the Eataw Tonse, by a tnan named Dick Wilson The ball entered the breast near the Jeft nipple, nfficting a probable fatal wound tis thonght he will die. bess A Strange I'reah We are informed that on Sanday last, a in the vard of Mr After passing do pine tree } Sing, was strack by light t ning vn a part of the tree, the electric fluid left it passing off in varions directions, killing some hogs in ane, and a horee in another portion « ttl yard Darlington hh Sonah Oul don Tha DPittsbugh Ex press dishea up the following paragraph from a paper pablished in L707: “On a passage to Jamaica, with troops va little boy who wa fifer, sit on the gunwalea, by a sudden roll of ting the ship fell overboard, and was directly swallowed by ashark. A hook was bait ed with a piece of beef thrown over the ster a hicli was seized by the shark and he was presently hanled on board, on opening the shark, the boy was fonnd snugly seat | playing a tune on his fife.” The eau ee, ae stalge ¢ it the} ° “VOTE OF NORTH CAROLINA. Se > "1808-8 Alamance, | Alexdnder, 235 441 46600 411 Anson, 255 902 320 Ashe, 550, - 67} 734 | Burkes.) 333....291 505 | Buncombe, 302° 775 =: 183m | Bladen, 626 4260 608 | Bertie, . 410> 400°" 460 | Beaufort, 572 «901° 530 | Brunswick, 435 416 404 | Cabarrus, 425 62 426 | Catawba, 739 «310 = 968 | Craven, 638 599 784 | Cumberland, 1473 904 maj.625 , Chowan, 283-245 201 | Columbus, 512-304 489 | Cainden, 125 461 107 Carteret, 399 403 000° 000 |Cheruker, 427-684 000 000 Caswell, 1007 920112023 | Chatham, 1017-1187 1166 =: 1062) Caldwell, 219 620 «438 = 425) Currituck, 544-188 = 000 -—-800| Cleaveland, 978 336) 3100 138 Davidson, 679 1202 8231199 | Davie, 364 610 000 Duplin, 1061-285. 3128 Edgecombe, 1404 1851563 Forsythe, 897. 802 1080 branklia, 713) 330 744 | Gaston, 808 138 000 Graaville, 1073, 095 1225 ! Guilford, 528 1618 = B71 | Greene, 358 35 432 Sates, 422 331 += mg0_—sé00| | Lay wood, 345 350 537 2a4 | Halifax, 584 ©6551 736 58S Hertford, 237-306 835 398 | Hyde, 303° 397 000 000 Henderson, 243° 687 2im 800 | 392 «1256 354 1840} 366 255 000 000 | Jones, 230 22 261 180) Jolnston, 936 «6744 =§=©1036 817 Lenoir, 304 274 499 263 Lincola, 573-206 ou 222! Madisen, 428 0 «311 317m 000 Martin, 696 8=—209 706 340 McDowell, 217 674 536 395 Moore, 605 752 733 677 Montgomery, 145 741 2u1 725 Macon, 22 300 000 0v0 Mecklenburg, 1023 652 10u4 623 Nash, 1115 95 1107 93 New Llanover, 1100 424 1522 570 Northampton, Oil = 490 695 428 Onslow, 596 238 Til 108 Orange, 963 1 0N0 4119 1045 Pasquotank, 331 496 000 000 Perquimons, 3430-838 330 502 925 708 000 Sim Person, 601 331 678 384 Robeson, i382 «679 773 669 Rockitygban, 10360 3tO0s168 439 Rowan, 932 «9976 B85 905 Ratherfor!, 62t 1019 }O70 7a8l Randolph, 403 1378 366 1281 Richmond, 113 308 246 556 Samyaon, 860 5¥9 990 497 Surry, 797 464 siz 579 Stokes, 636 re ri rit) 408 Su 95 sia 166 797 I ! lug 2is lze 000 Ur 7290 472 835 273 Wak lo4l 1i7o 14603 1ize Warren, ey 168 819 lol Wa $43 388 261 377 Wa 157 428 000 lite Wayne lies 304 1332 2ue Wilkes B25 1261 609 1264 Yadkin 659 Tos 633 88S \ 639 319 510 320 45705 466270 ©0000 00000 46720 Iragg's ny. 2093 oo: The beflew Fever te Chartevten. The Board of Health of Charlestoa re port one death frou Yellow Fever in the Marine Hospital and one in the city for the 24 boar ending 10, . M., Monday evening—an ocrease in the number of cases. There ie no evidence yet, the Mercury says, that the disease is epidem- ine - Fremont is already m akir z "yp his cab- net.—George Law 1s tv be Secretary of the Navy,—Seward Secretary of State, Giddings, of Ohio, Secretary of the Treas | ated Rennett, of the [ferald, minis ter to the Court of St. James. ary, Isteresting from ‘Viearecea. New Onreaxa, Ang. 12.—The steamer Danicl Webster has arrived with Cali fornia dates to the 21st alt., same as by, the Ariel The news fram Central America is scanty. It was reported that Ruvas holds Leon against Walker with six handred Inen A fleet of seven British ships, moant- ing IS1 guns, wasin the harbor of San Juan, nuder the command of Admiral berakine he correspondent of the True Delta states that Rivas and his party, and Gan- temalians to the namber of three thousand were fortifying Leon, It was expected that President Walker wonld soon march to the attack with an effective farce of one thousand Atmericans n yood spirits Intelligent Ainericans from Costa Ri ca state that that coantry will again i vade Nicaragua. Gen. Mora had put down the revolation against him, lat was to resign. fhe British serew steamer Panama was wrecked near Cape Tamor. The crew was saved; but the was a total loaa. « vessel LARGE SENATE VOTE Tn 1840, James T. Morehead was a can late for the Senate in this county, with- it opposition, and received 928 votes. In 1846, John A. Gilliner received Guu Senate votes, also without opposition In 1856, Ralph Gorrell received 900 Senate votes, withont opposition. These large votes show the general con- fidence placed in these several gentlemen, by the Senate voters of Guilford County. Greesborough Patriot, The marriage of Prinee Frederick William of Prusia with the Prineess Roy- ai of England, itis now stated, will take place on the first of September, 1857. Qacen Victoria and Prinee Albert are expected to visit Berlin in the latter part of the coming September to participate sie ld fearlesal House he should fearlessly ed between two rite and nneoncernedly in the marriage ceremonies of Princess Ivmise and the Princes Regent of Baden. Jey 29, 1856, CHANGE. OF SCHRDULE FOR TRAIN. On and after MONDAY, the sthday af Augua, 1856, py tals iit WEST. © are Galdebur, ab eerasee se ebiteoneni ‘ Seen Ra aoe “ Hilisbore,’ .. ‘ - Leave Charlatte at,... Arrive et Concord at. A prema “ l i Sa re sqenvenets tees EAB? THEODORE & GARNETT, Eng’ & Beperinténdent. Angus, 8 1856, t i OFFICE OF N. C. RAIL ROAD, Saismever, Anguet 18th, 1056. NORTH CAROLINA RAIL ROAD. AND Wilmington & Weldon Rail Read. NOTICE ie giten lo Merchants and Shippers that alt ponds, merchandise, &e., shipped in New Yeok or | elsewhere, for points on either of the Rell named, will be received at the new Wharf and Ware. house of W. & W. Rail Road at Wituingten, after the let day of Feptember, . FREE OF CHARGE, fw Wharfage, Storage ot Dreyage, and by the ap rangement for threngh treine few ie operation, thee, greode will be directed without detention or teapaliy meet, with deepatch, wsless prevented entrmaede nary contingencies, as far Woes my ot Te om the Uerd day after leaving Wikmingten. felt Administrator's Not ice. Mfepiont fara te the estate of JONATHAX ARMFIELD, deed, « «he sale. or etherwiee, Sr hide mae & ein ward and m she payment, a¢ the affeire of the estate comet be clored ep «And these bewing Glens egeinet A oetate will please take sotioe to preeret thew Gr at, coourding to lew, or they will be haered aut T EB GROWN, Adu’ leetom. Ang 19, 1656 THE MARKETS. Subishery, N. ©. Apples fared) a ** Minee, Mat, ett dn Green, o'00) 6 De. Pome. ihe it Racon, ida lt Metesses, Cabs, bed Beoswar 22 6 N Orteass, cd Beef, 5@6 Nails, 6s fatter, Tipe 15) do Weenght, rye! Candies, Tallow, do Adamant, 330374 Oots, Med do. Sperm, 45258 Olle,—— Coffee, Kio. 13016 «Linseed, P gel of! do. Java, 16218 Taneers’ Y gal G0 075 Castings VB. 4@5 Potstors, Inch, 58 6! do. Maieble 124915 do Sweet, 73 91 Cotten, 10 11 Rags PS, 3 Cotton Bagging, —— Balt} vack,) @2.600 975 “ Ganeq. 2020 do Ybheshel, 9148 Dende, 15000 Sheetings, Brown, 4-4 9 Bertaps, 000 12] Shot, p beg Couee Varn, 90 heed, —— Cora, 45050 Clover, Dhask. §1feI? do. Meal, 45a Ld Chickens pdot, $11 @ lpaager, Brown, Ihe 12) Egg? P dn, OS er re “u Feathers 30275 « Crashed, u Flour, Pb, @5 0 “ , Cats lroe, Suede, Tellow, én. Ber, 4405 Tarpentine, Lad “ Bag Refn'd 54 Wheat, onus Males, Weel, Me - Oval, 6@7 Window Glass, P bet. Lard, 100 11 ox 10 eos Lead, ber, That lo 19 se Lead. Dry White, 10 01% NORFOLK MARKET. Reported by Rewlaed & Brothers, Aagust 14h, 1856. BACON —theme, 13. @ 15 Hog round, 13 @ 14 LARD—No 1 & 2, 146 @ 15 COTTON —1® @ 19) CORN — Mixed, 82— White, @ 64—Veliow, 6 WHITE BEANS—1.50 @ 1.75. FLOUR—Saper. 7.00.— Extra, 825—Pemiy, 94° SALT —Liverpost, fine, $175 —Growad Alam, 1.25 DRIED APPLES—Nominet—TS “ — PEACH E842 00 WAY —Cargo, 70 @ 75 LIME—414 to @14 REESW AX—% eta OATS—33 @ 35 WHISKEY —% @ oR REMARKA. Not moch doing im provisions Breadetalle depress by late news from Engtnnd and are bower, @beot bw fallen off 10 to 150 per testvel. Phaer te hewer om re- coupta of com are very light. Flaxseed and saves oe both wanted oo. Columbia Retail Prices Carrest. Conarctro Wer 1TAMAS, per BACON, Shoulders, per th Sides, per h COFFEE, Cuba, per Lagaayre, per th Rio, per ® Java, per th CORN, per bushel, FLOUR, Canal, per bbi oo Coantry, per bbl jor de ein LARD, per t 14015 MEAL. per bashel 00 0 85 MOLASSES, Now Orleans, per gat 65070 Mascovedo, per gal 255 Cuba, per gal 500 55 OATS, per based | 50055 PEAS, per bushel 0. be RICE, per bunhet aces SALT, per sack 1620 SUGAR. Loaf and Crashed, per th = Porti Rico, per % Mascovado, per th New Orleana, per th TALLOW, per th WILE AT, pyr bushel qualiny to (reve pine of Mash, @ o veroge 0 wood of i The ande| ‘more, and first clase Carpenter Wested te “B44 1-2-Acres, lange porties of which is well timbored ; the re- mainder is under a high state of Ma pete On this (fact ie a superiors. te Meadox w, containing sbont 40 aerea ; se this Jand is dying 20 ‘hear Salipbury a handsome profit ean be made from the meadow en There is, alad- on the premises a gvod dwelling house a uost excellent baru, aud every other Convenience attached theret» The superior locality of this furm will make ita eafe t the Terms will be made a2 hae ‘13th, Mrs. ELIZABETH, BYown, ii tio 46th year of her 7 pmgnion with th was ip ies a — the | Pickers angen husbend, five ohjl- \; circle of relutives and frléuds to > sanetertaiiie Call on the eubseriber at the planta- tlon or, address ty, letter gt Salisbury, N.C. ANN BROWN. ‘. sad 22, 1856. i180 Hous? & Lot& Plantation FOR SALE. delay hereby nutiied wo IIE subscriber will offer at public sale at the Court ’ athens within the time Tes in the town of Btolebeitic, on the Gh of a Shiv notice will be pled October next, it being Moudsy of Superior Court, « » 2 trutt of land containing WM. R. FRALEY, Adm'r. BD ee anumees| BOLD ACRES : AND REPAIRING, | SubtTteL Eh cette ie Nera Se Oe AND. nifficient aud eomvedient fo keep up the fevees, a Kitchen. Baro and Stables and a brick dry house tu } kya Seng who dry fruit in, au otchard of apple, cherry avd pesch | <3 eae | P ? (whether nom of at rome fu. | ireen. 5 me their address ee Any person © ivhing to vee the premises before the can awe cirealars forw vetted Wo sliem. jdlay of male wall call ow the pubseriber. ‘Terms will be | rae meotheud of doing bax nc, poral < il re al ond made knuwn on day of sale " pameetifioe> Bu will Perecive, thas in view of the fatui| | wii sell privately a very desirable lot in town | AD, ten made by parchaserr in the selection “bums about 186. of aad the imation Cequently prac 5 Acres. well iaproved, with a aew 2 etary dwelling and por- | ww and uceomery om buildings new and gud, a large | yard snd gordon pailed on. Phose indebted to me as Adminustrator of Dr. J. M.} Moure's estate will make payment witht delay J08. Wo STOCKTON wow ts of the merits of | meurt prove bagh!) | of the 9 at coger } Meludevar, &e., fur- | = . B. The same places vitied mguierly twice o 7 Taping, aad Repairing ip all ite bragches, os Ang. let, 1856, 6a10 couted ln be Gueteepucnsl manner. Orders may be . : OAD. ay od eH ga Reg OE 2 sso @) ws. : Di LUTION. | The Firm of Marphy, MeRorie & Co, has this day ote thet esyared by limustiom. The buriners of the firm will ¥. » be settled ot the old sreod by either of the partners patens a weg emer pe re mate meee is Al perme indebied to we will plesse cull and make Fens wight Ce ed eed awl | eritlement aa the berivede mest be cheted without de- afer the Vices? present their cisime duly surheuticsted, within otfire MerRorie having withdeawn from the firm, ten fessor} encased Sow wt Shin Gutive Ot Se: plaed i. bicishdl cok wowidaccnensa’ her the very KG theis tecuvery HM. BREESK, Ader etal pairenage bestowed un the firm. the @- oe are JAMES MURPHY ney tod Ag. 12th, 1856. deta JOUN MeRORIF J 8 MeCUBBING LAND. WARRANT LOST nee _ aoe betes ' i ed under wnsatas public are hereby warned not to Urade & dayle of Murphy & Co ot th- dd stand ot WABRANT Na 9969, for Eight) | ehere thes we keep constan'iy oa hand thor esa sores, which was issued to Nancy James, widow large supply GOUDA apte ite the wee uf the Cornett James, (eho wees private in Capi. Juba Prosts | oe y hank ‘eal £ a! potromage be ‘THAX Company of MN Corolinn Militia in the wer of 1812) | sow ot et ' yu he Sed Warrant brorme dete tie th April 1F56, and 1, bummere « scanty one ter segeed by J. Misot, Commissioner, ae the sume has WM we KPHY, ? emtate boon test vad eppticativn will be made to the Commis JAS MURPHY } aguinet events of Pensions for a daplewte of mid Warrant J % MeCUBBINS, orem tor NANCY J\ WES THOS. J FOSTER yee Aug. 19ch, 1806. 6w:12 Mal abo A ! ne Executers’ Notice. E cabsorbers haw the Wil of the late Give sotice to all FOR SALE. Valuable Plantation qualited as Eeccuters’ of manee L. Cowan, hereby ween indebted to the eetete to . ett come forwerd amd je payment. or their ctewns w ill tet coer othem | en or off oo pad. ah elit ~, adlevyrdiltonpamena niprlbapie 0. TUE YADKIN RIV ER. ™% goede moe THE, wubecriher a desire t ve ' 6s J. 1. JENKINS, ) t sGicwet awe son B.B. ROBERTS, | F sdisia. bens Pry C.F FISHER y J. W. HALL J mon ae a Tchy PERRI TR iC r * - ~ Offers it for onto. There are few treete io this part of “en Office of the W. N.C. R. R. Ce..? ihe @mniry which cumprise more advantages. There are athe ne Statesville, July 25,1856. » 0°" 1000 ACRES 4 TOTICE be hereby given thet the enngal meeting “ Me 915 8 GP Btnck hedders will be held in Biateer ai. ove Ps wood teod » vd be r = det ander ca Led 68 Ge. on the Dh of Acres oxi AN tre |" ore arge yp oof 4 +495 tach mast be Bled in thie nfliee before the Hh of Nagwet River Bottom an that @ correct het may be reporied to the meeting — ; ae Nene bet & Stockholder can bes preny whch tields weil There won it a Gret-rate two eins Site? R F.SIMONTON, beh boilding, a euperb new hare, stebice, end all uh oO Bee'y & Trees's | Pf oat tuners » greed condi» ‘The 4 = sey Sranderd ond Register, Ralrigh. Speciation and | or ott St rT News, Aghevitie, will expy enti! the Sih of Amguet, | ferniched with » good flat, aad peys very hardanme eels and ferwerd thrit secownts to (hie Mex F) y for the atiewteum Ht requires He will aler sel! to the of --_——_— poret h? plentatien, a | eupply of eore, fed. fer, hay, nate, wheat Tar seeding and for fauhy ose Carpetings, Rugs, Druggets, &e. horese, cows, huge, de together with bes stack of farm ‘© Weald call sitention to or stock of the abow- | PE '* will do well to call ke. fr he will Any porena wishing to purchase V Ortictos, which is large and varied, just feeriy- od =Cali ot No 3, Uranite Row and etamine the laude, hear prees, BROWN & COFFIN Cortanly giv pargain of eppheainn be made earty Salichery, March 25, 1456 uf Hecke’ Fe ; . RL Hick E Dav tee oa, Aug. 5. 1*56 Iwid Geld Pens, eps Dh et : SP ‘ VERY large eeeoriment of 4 God P . I RING AND § Sl Mh {ko R b, 1888. LR Geld Pen Poinia, withowt the ¢ Vie eale & = J. Kegief BOOKSTORE. au Jaty 22 . map aa FOR 1856 “ CABINET SHOP. en ms THRE eubseriber hae opened eo CABINET SHOP » ——— (ge eeeiving and opening y, 900 the residemee of Mr. David Watson, fre miles Weet me lees and well-essorted m, 1.25 of , Siteeted immediately um the Lincotn stock of Spring and Sammer Gands, consisting of— road, and takes thie method of soliciting public woticer and patronsge. He intends to keep on hand aemall Staple & Fanoy Dry Goods, somwument of ready made FURNITURE; and wil!) 7707, (ope and B ates bald himeelf in readiness to work to order on any iy 4 ’ P Bice - Ching We Wie line, Repairing and new dressing dun wa and Boots , = chert motos. hecady Made Clothing: fa order to meet the wanteof the enrroanding con China| honal (lees try, be bes now on hand and will continue in replen I toh it a8 cipeumetances require. 9 —. aevortment +f ; OG COFFINS, rendy made, which h veh of ont Fardware & Cutlery, Groceries, &c., eupply at very short neice WH ie ahp C depress thie particulier, Ot bevet, will preve ablie rane. which he invites the att f his enstomere and soot ber sense ; end an he ledmer mined in ocr work ntren ¢ <ffering at how prers fer caah, or on time “noble Prices, he hopes to receive a liberal! portion of sal customers, at whed: m reted ) any o9° public patronage AN hinde of ( I att wd WILLIAM WATSON arket price, Aag. 11, 1856 twit mry, April 10, 1856 4 . : : ) Salisbury Planing Mill, “!\TE BONDS FORSALE, APPLY to IFNKINS& ROBERTS Aug 5 no Salisbury, NC, ss SASH FACTORY AND LU MBER. Ted Of weet . " Y ARD. UST pee eiwed ot the old etand 2000 The. Shot, he. avted, 5 be, B. a 30 Kegs Powd fig ON WEST HILL, SALISBURY, N. C. Se oe ee ie a he ja id ‘Tes andersigned Wave now in operation the nbove MURPHY & CO ja l4 Mit and Factory, end wre prepared to farnish first Anguat let, 1856 (flo a 18 qmality lomber dressed, or will Pen, T. vogue and ! ry (move pinnk fornished by otheres and muke wit hi nde ach Dears, Proves, Blinds ved west meanings ECOUrage Home Industry! 9 (various sizes and Patierna Serul! sawing, Narhieg BE QUICK! BE QUICK?! 7 '* wood of iron, and general Blacksmithing Satish meee, “erEItt . The undersigned have firs! rate workinen from Bal. STILE BETTER AND BETTER! . \more, and can guarantees (heir work ageuituble for AM patung np Boggies and Roekaways with im- . fire clase houses, provements. My work has alwaye given great a Carpenters, buiklers und others are reapeetfally re- antisfaction where ever it has been tried or known, and Wested to Call and examine epecimens of the work MU iLike We & CAIRNS 1 am determined that it shall give satisfaction and am- reward to the purchaser, Tam acill at the same old ple Salisbory, Ang. 12, 1856 fime12 | stand, known aa the Mowry Shop, on the Railroad, TP Lexington Ping and Greensies’ Patriot copy 3 near the Factory. Inexchange for Buggies Twill “ombe, and send account to this office. inks wheat, corn, bacon, &e., at the highest: market - prices, My work shall be good and darable, Call and W ANTED IMMEDIATELY, ah Iron meeld. ¢ter my work and hear prees. and I knew you er t I return my since re for thetr very liberal patronage 1 on me heretofore IOWN E. WRIGHT can't hy cing pleased with it thanks t e public that they have besto Of sober, industrious habits, aire charge and conductivg a Cupalo Furnace ie Apply to the tmbeoriber at Eagle Foundry, Tyro, ¥ \ ine County, VC jel nnd capable of w JW THOMPSON Tul 29 |p ination Prizes, secedidg to the Scheme. Tobe ny | in de Cay of Montgonry Eriday, September 12th, 1856, on HAVANA: PLAN ! Y SAMUEL SW AN, Minster: PRIZES AMOUNTING TO 200.000 DOLLARS, Will be distribated uecording to the filowiag MAGNIFICENT er ! 30,000 TICKETS ONL 1 Pree of \ $50,000 is " ¢iagho 1 "25, is 25,000 1 “ 15 is 15,000 | eerie! 10,000 in 10,000 bix™ 6,000 in 6,000 ; “ 5,000 is 5.000 a 3,000 is 9,000 3 Prides 1,000 are 3,000 10 500 are 5,000 ied 400 ure 32,000 100 200 are 20,000 APPROXIMATING PRIZES. oe at amy *pproximating to Opeane prize are $1,600 “ 1,200 44“ oa « “ 4“ 4 © 115 ° od ee ~ ie cre ibe bd boon - 4 og “ 3000 hag 4 160 ” amor’ «49 qs“ ” ” 100 88g er re or o- Me “ “ «4 eS: 2: wm ss ide wo 99 “ wee Sob 1,000 prizes amounting to ‘ PLAN OF THE LOTTERY. The Nuniders from 1 to 30,000, corresponding with those Numbers'on the Tiekets printed on ont slips of paper, are encircled with small tin tubes, and jaced in une wheel. The first 200 Prizes, simiterly printed and encircled, Ye ced in another wheel. | drawa fron, | tiene a rom: the wheel of Numbers, are at the same Prize is drawn from the cther wheel. The | somber aud Prise drawn out are opened and exhibited | | te the audience, and registered by the the Prine being placed sguintt the nuinber drewa— | = operation is repeated unill all the Prizes are drawn out APPROXIMATION PRIZES,—The two preced- | | ing end the two succeeding Nembers to those drawing , thee first 200 Prizes will be eutitied to the 800 Approx The Ms d that their I excel oN ethers, offer to the puldié the abuve which, for the brilliancy of igs C. epuals, and and the chances of obtaining Prizes, bas never been equaled. LP Remember that every Prise ie drawn, and pay- athe ii fall with at deduction 7 AU Prizes of $1,000 and ander, paid. immediate- ly after the drawing—oiher Prizes at the uéual time of thirty daye All cummmuneatious strictly confidential. The drawn numbers will be forwarded to purchasers immediately afte: the drawing. Whole Tickets, @10— I1ulees, 85 — Quarters, 24 Prise Tickets cashed or renewed ia other Tickets a cuher uffice Orders fur tickets should be cent in early Orders fur Tiekets ean be addreased to S SWAN & CO, Adanta, Ga or 3. SWAN, Musigomery, Ale t) July 22, 1*56 GEORGIA LOTTERY. { Authorized by the State of Georgia.} FORT GAINES ACADEMY LOTTERY ! CLASS 18 To be drown in the City of Atianta, Georgia, in pub fe, on Thareday, August 24, 1856, oa the HAVANA PLAN! SAM'L , Managers. PRIZES AMOUNTING TO '$204,00 oO: will be distributed according to the following Brilliant Schemes. EVERY OTHER TICKET SURE TO DRAW 4 PRIZE. SWAN & CO 30, 000 NUMBERS—15,185 PRIZES |' 40,000 is #40.000 10,000 in 10,000 10,000 is 10,000 5.000 ww 5.008 2.000 i 2.000 1.000 1.060 1 Prise of 1,000 1000 10 Prace of 200 are 2,000 100 Privet of 100 are 10,000 4 Prices of $29 approximating to $40,009 prise are GO 4 Price " approximating to 1,400 prise are gn 4 Pris of orpresimeating te 19.08) prise are See 4 Prins of 6° approximating te 5.008 prise are 340 4Pr ‘ ting to 2.480 prise ave Sno ‘ 1 prise are 160 ‘ are loo 4 are S00 “~ 129,08 15.153 Prines amonnting to #24 p0 The | ber »,000 Prizes of $4 are determined by the aun whieh draws the $99,000 Prize—i the should be an odd sumber, then every odd namber tick - rt im the Sch will be entitled to $4; if an even rmber, then every even tleket in the Scheme will be emtitled to 81, 10 addition to any other Prize which the ket may draw Parchasers in baying am equal quantity of odd and even amber tickets will be certain of drawing nearly half the cost of Une same, with chances of obtamg oth Prines 17 Remember that every Prize is drawn, able in fall wthoat deduction AN! Preves of $1,000 and under, paid immediate- after the drawing—other Prizes at the usual time of therty days All commeameations strictly confidential The drawn he forwarded 1 y and pry ) purchasers immediate drawing Tickets cashed of renewed in other Tiekets GREAT INDUCEHENTS TO CLIBS. Ae one-half of the Tickets are guaranteed to draw | ee !| Certificates of Packages of 10 Tickets numbers.) at the flowing rates— t the 10 Tiekets drawn over the amount ® erues to the purchaser Certificate of Packages of 10 Whole Tickets, 260 10 Half 70 10 Quarter 15 me orders for Tickets, or Certificates of Pack age whets, either to S SWAN & CO, Atlanta, Ga or S. SWAN, Montgomery, Ala New Discovery! Ambrotype Likenesses. EXILE latest improvement in the beautiful art of ta- l king pretures on glage The beauty and dorability of (hese pictares has pla- edthe Ambrotype at the head of all the fine arts and is considered one of the greatest discoveries of the age” The subscriber havimg studied thie method of taking lkénesses at Philadelphia auder the most distinguish - ed artixt of that place, offers his services im that capa city, to the citizens of this place Children of any age taken in a few seconds Pople instructed in the art Ladies and Gentlemen are invited to eall and exam ne specimens. GABRIEL UTLEY, Of Chapel Hill, N. ¢ Salivhory, July 22 R—«f. JOB PRINTING Neatly cncoutal al aia Ofc - Alain pub wheels aro then revolved, and a namber | wer, | belf inches high, of gingerbread color, lérge nose, 4 * Herald and Haanar blouse eomy $ vr 4.\imea, SQUIRE, ZIMMERMAN & ALLEN, Wholesale Dealers tu ‘DRY GOODS, No. 148, Market Street, \ PHILADELPHIA errr Sauer, 2 D,.M. ne eee Spanetyion, N.C., A WANTED, Toe GURU trun, 100,000 bushels of good WHEAT. OR which the highest prices will be paid in CASEL {The freight on Wheat hasbeen very daced from Charlotte to Charleston, wh us to pay higher prices than can be paid eleewh We have « large stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, Salt, &e., _ which we will sell lower than can be honght in any a in Western North Carolina. Come with your BROWN, STITT & CO. . 43:61 ‘ 1% fra mente amoing wo nv OLIN a Rial idiyek BR WE AC “TORY |. BE 46 oy 6 ¢) bik ears eae Bien pra bad semn ror Seremies are also in operation and Cova it. be groumtl for toll a as ad @ MADER. Sulisbory, Jane 17th; 7858. FORSALE. four or five. seiren of good Jand, half a e Hic O19 per chest of neement. Bonis sae be bed ot $7.00 per inont Jett A. McLEAN. yey Spring & Summer Goods. ISP ARRIVING: Himes ‘off our Giret extengive purchase of Pilasda ina ory oh short time LOT £ afore to. hand, we haye since laid ia a second | LA me China e. Depot nine miles supply, which i, vow arriving. °It was selected with | ee fon ory. fore: om oat oe pearo, bodght at tedueced cash prices, and will be faced kitchen, ‘snrcoe deep, asd caafpertasotag sold low. desirable goods aye been brought | spring-house und ga rden, © The lotis under good fence. to this market the paoseys year, none—We aro sure, can) Fug further indimnation, apply to M. 8. Rekeusie be sold for lees, June 24, 1856, ImoS BROWN & COFFIN, 1" Concord Gazette publish one month and for- No. 3, Granite Row. ward accoant to this offive. April 29, 1856. 480f peeharSARERNY ASC Rich, —— | KEITH & FLANNER. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, tiefact I as c } = PRESBYTERIAN FEMALE COLLEGE. STATESV VILLE, N.C. SRCOND Ww nNoTICE. + Wy irs a view of enabling them 4o mature theig plans fully, as well as to have their sessious aad DAVIE COUNTY. Court of Pleas and Quarter Scasions, WILMINGTON, N. C. May Term, 1856. i Joba Banks, Adm’r., against Heirs at law of Lucy Through Preight to Wilmington sti Mail Train. Thompson. W E have made un a - oe reo} Cc to car Petition to sell Land. ‘Treiee, pice epee a» eb IN this case, it app to the of the | pai direet ; leaviug Salisbury ov Monday « Court, that Solomon Banks’ heirs, who reside in| Teoratey 5 leave —— i aa ge oto Georgia, Andrew. Hi » Rankom, . aay agent wel sccompa: panty a aoa Wanlees Beater tad Tete ve ey orl and deliver freight at all the intermediate stations — Patsey, and Saily Nolien, and Polly, formerly Polly Te first car will leave Salisbury an Monday 234 inst. nks, are not inhabitants of this State: It is, there- | KEITH & FLANNER. fore, etdered by the Court, that firblieation b be made | Wilmington, N. C., Juoe 14, 1856. ce for six weeksia the “Carolina Watehman,” for the al suid defeuda nts to Jc and appear at the next Coart of | Pleas end Quarter Sessions, to bé held for the county of Davie, at the Court Hoasé in Mockeville, on td 4th Mouday id Angust™ next, and plead, steal owe desaur to complainant's petition, or the same will taken pro confersn, and sale ordered aecordingly . Witners, Coswe!! Harbin, Clerk of our said C on at office, in Mocksville, the 4th Monday in Moy, D. 1656. C. HARBIN, Clerk. By A. A. UARBIN, P c sa] WW 50 | ‘evestments on Joint account—end traasect a Gen- 16| eral Real Estate business in Miunesota, lowo, and 16 | Wisconsia. | "*Charlte, N. Cc ve July 15th, 1856. Sep7 OFFICE OF C. & S.C. R. R. co., Jane 25, 1856. TARIFF OF THROUGH FREIGHT BETWEEN Charleston & Charlotte. CLASS. ARTICLES. RATE Piest Class Mevsurement, per ¢. ft. 6 Hogstreads Molasses 7 00 Barrels “ 2 00 “ Fish 2 00 Half Barrels « 1 25 = Ploer 70 Sacks “ 200 the 80) - “ 100 the. bd Salt | Blacksmidw, Bellows, } all mace 9 Backes. per daca Cora per bushe! Wheat “ “ Coffee per 100 ibs. 6u | Candles be 70) Cheese eae ee fe On and afier the 1st of July, the above rates or! Freight will be charged upon all the through articles enumerated. All others will be charged - He pre- seat Local Rates, T. J. SUMNER. General Deperiatecdent Joty 15:h, 1856. Sw7 Ten Dollars Reward! ' we SALISBURY, N. C., eee Rain. LENTIN last, a free negro named HENRY VA- , ahas Henry Lomax. Said boy wascon- misdemeanor, whipped aad suid for wore ae Aarts of | costs for the term of 18 months. Said lentine or| Lomax, is aboot 23 years of age, five feet three and «| thick lips, bow-legged, stout beilt, aud by trade a Back -mason, Plasterer end Painter He was raised | in Anson county, and may be lerking aboat boruagh and Albemarie I will give the above reward fur his apprehension | and delivery to me at Mount Pleasen:, Cabarres| coupty, of f confined ia any jail eo thai eguo. Letters addreesed to me at Mount Pleasant, will be promptly attended te» CHARLES KLUTTS Jase 10, 1856 te | Thunder & Lightning! M. ALE ACADEMY DISUNION AND CIVIL WAR, Pestilence, Patent Medicin FAMINE, &., &e., evils and calamities that should be guarded BAKER & OWEN beg \cave to ia- furm the puble genersily end private indi+ deals par RE d against tcalarly, that they are ready, willing and shle to pro. | teet them frum ove at least of the ebove (Light ning? by putting ep to their buildings, their Patent leulated I actors, at prices lower thas ev m thie part of the eouniry Address sher & Oweo, Salisbory. N ( af VALUABLE LAND For Sale! HE UNDERSIGNED offers for exic the vaina ble TRACT OF LAND tying ca the Beatties Ford Road, five miles West of Salisbury 346 ACRES, of as good quality as can be found anywhere in ihe State. There m also about 50 of 60 Acres of BOTTOM LAND, which cannot be surpassed, weil ditehad and drained. There are on the premises all the necessary building~ and in feet everything is in good repair Persons wishing to see the land can be accommo dated by calling on Mr. Joba R. Kaox, who remdes on the plantation Cont aning To perems wishing to purchase such a valuable Traet of Land, seach an opportunity ie rerely present ed DANIEL WOOD Jaly 29, 1856 ou COURAGE Ce tect | Pu andersigned begs leave to retarn hie thanks to those who favored him with a call during the I and he respectfally informe the publ that he has removed to the Shop vear, lately aeenpied hy Mesers. Gseorge & Whisnant, adjoning Mr. J. Rad ale Pla Mille, where he is prepared to execate al work in his fine, as cheap and good as can be done in the State Turning, Cutting Screws, Repairing Boilers and Engines, of all descriptions ; making and repairing Mill Spindles, Wood Plainers, Plows, Ironing Wagons, &c.. and in ELOBSR-SHROBIN GE, I will compare work with any one for neatness, wear, and deapaich ; Lnterferring shoes, $1.25; common do Bl; cast ateel toes or ster! plates, £2 Lim Thave alan erected an Air Furnance for meltin Braes, which answers finely The public can ss Brase and Composition Castings by calling at the above establishment and farnishing patterns. Also Brass melted over at a reduced price, with neatness and de- spatch 1° Old Copper and Brase wanted 8. J. PERRY. Charlotie, May 5, 1256 49-6m Jods Sled 2), OOO 2500 lbs. Lard. 1 OO () Bastels of Gorn, for eate at 1 by the subseri vanty Lan ECCLES & GRAY July 7 vi | | } 70} | ANAWAY from the out subscriber, on the 29th day | "Per vieted at the last Term of Rowan Superior Court of | whe vtsh to procere any thing in his line te callat hisestabtish | Pany the order with » dencription of the article required—styte, 1 get bie | Supt ng oe asa | sad to sustain { | enjored | Fewer, Printers fee $5 50. R. JUNIUS MENDENHALL, LAND ACENT. ILL SELECT and eater Government Lanc— Locate fand Warracts—Pay Taxes—make vacutions to coincide with those of Davideon College, the ‘Trustees of this Lustitution have determined to defer the opeuimg of their College antil the 15th day of oo te mber nert, when they will be prepered fur the teceptioa of papils. They take pleasure in sencancing to the public, and especially to the (neods uf the College, who have manifested so great interest ia its reared and success, that their sew and handsome now drawing rapidly to completion, thet the pecans of a fall corpse ef efficient teachers will be secured in time, and every possible provisiots made fur the com- fort of the young ladies eatrupted to their care. It is their parpos? pow. ag it Tas been from the begianing, to reader their College inferior in no respect, to simi- lar institutions of the bighest grede and best estab. * lished repatetioe in wur State. ‘The location is faver- able to hoalih, being in an elevated region, and with- in a few hours vide of the monatains, while from t lower country, it is casily gecessible by meaus of the Central Rail Rood, and a tri-weekly lime of stages from Selisbury. 26 miles. Board aod-‘Taitwa to be Paid im advance 5 een commenters Terms, for the session of five months, as fullows: etnetina te Board and Tuition in the Eng se trae ery Tafermation of the coantry farnished when desired Address, R. J. MENDENUALL, ly4 (apd Menarapetic. THOMAS EK. BROW Carriage, Buggy and Sulky Builder, Tying on the shove bust amine bis @ork who want a 6 put ep work at low | Tuition alone 2 5,00) en, if I be desired, but woukl always recommend the beter | Fi ook angus ca che e r rv) bs cuace anities as cheapest in the long rum. Me would advise those Lcd ned Graal) cask 10/00 ment before they purchase claewhere Masic, with the use of Piano 22,50 EM™ Hie shop is in the rear of his Livery Stable Candies and towels furnished by the pupils EWT™ Persons at a distance ordering work, will please accom By order of the Board, 8, B. O. WILSON, Pres't Board of Trustees. July 8, 1856.— tde6. TRUST SALE YY virtue of two several senignmente in Trast from | ) Witham Locke, we will ee'l at public avction ov | Tuesday, the 26th day of Aagest next, a1 the resi- dence of cad Locke, sit miles East of Salisbury, the following velaable property, to wit 396 ACRES of lond tying on the East aide of the Yadkin River, — quality and price—and when delivered, if 1 dees Wot give salis forwten they will met be requ: | LIVERY STABLE and these whe wish eithe ee are invited t bay ortevell MOCKSVILLE Sety 2, 106 fs MIE ett sceasion of thes Institation willeommence | an this tract there is abowt 75 acres of river bottom the on Wednesday the 2h of Febraary. Inst, The must of which is cleared and in goud condition fur cul- Feghened fe now 10 8 very floarshing emadiiion, and the tivation subseriber will ose his amon endeavors to keep it so Aleo two-thirds of the bridge across the Yadkia riv he repmtation which it has beretofore er (known a Locke's bridge.) You b zg men qill be prepare enter any Also rmother small tract of land lying in the county class in the Univernty or a any of our Colleges which of Darideon, on the waters of the Yakie River, cue- they may desire teinmg (wo acres, aad on which there ls an ercellent IMS . + + r in STEAM SAW MILL. Priesary Department per erovice of he, 92 0¢ Higher Englisch Branches, 12.00 recently ereeted and in good repair Claasics, 15.00 Alen anuther small tract of land lying ia Rowns JNO. B GRETTER,.A B county near the fork of the Yedkie furd road contain- Beb. 15,1856 1139 «| 4 acres,— Alen another tract bying ip the county of Rowan adpuning Michael Browa, Wiley Brown and REPERERCES thers containing 60 scres,—Abp another traci lying President end Facolit the University: Rev of Davidsum, tdjsining the lands of Mu- Drary Lacs. D D, Prasd Yay ( r err, and others cuntaming Hen Joho Wo Morehead, veh, € s bornagh ; FE Shober, Fag. J. F. Bell, Faq, Salis 100 ACRES. bury Alm, 3 negroe slaves, 4 bead of horses, 2 moles, 3 { large road wagons ond gear, | two horse wagon, | Baggy end harness, | Carriage and hereee, 20 head cattle, 40 head of bogs | set Blackemiths tools, car. penters tools, a qoeniity of Corn and Bacon, 2 gons, arent ing tools of every deseription, @e., &e NEW BERN Mutual Insurance (o. Terms 6 months cred with interest from date of - a M. BOGER, [TNE undersigned hae been appointed agent at Sahe | JAS EB. KERR, bury, forthe above Company, and is prepared to Trustece. freeive apphcations from any person wishing to tmeure Nata tty This company is now » aad ite business ie fast incre asin: >» have property imeured ve thie a: ow «oe call on the subscriber J.D RAMSAY Jane 10th, 1°56 Gm2 | Jaiy 15th, 1856. 6w7 a Levee — " PITTMAN, WADE & CHARLTON. Suecessers to WILLS & PITTMAN,) General Produce COMMISSION MERCHANTS Pete r2Sf2bmuras Ime PITTMAN spepsia Cured HOSTETTERS ( ELEBRATED BIT TERS, for the care of Dyspepsia and Chills & &e. For sale by MILLS D* MOOSE & CO Salisbury, May 12 18° BLAKE ) inte of the firm of Wits & JAMES WADE, Pirtmax. Late of F T J CHARLTON \ Mowreomray Co, Va or Rent. \iheral enh ‘edvaiess bude span ul pestigeeronte FINE BRICK STORE HOUSE, two stories '® hand : PAR high, stated pext dare to Watchmen Prrting “ay 20, 156 Iraos | office. Apply to R MURPHY Jaly 29 of NOTICE. A STEAM ENGINE AND SAW MILL FOR SALE. y way. indebted to me ae Ad censte of ( Moses D. Kitpatnek » ve me forward and - f CEUNMUR ‘endermencd cltr te vs = t pir undersigned offers for sale, hie w having! clolens’ee te, are again notibed Engine and Saw Mill) This machinery has Seeeeni a6 ay x thes pouce will be thorvaghly tried, and has performed in a very sapere (0 Pirme’! (oem manner and to his entre satisfaction. sa 7 J . WES G. RAWSAY, Adw'r Jan Is wy 18 Horse Power. The whole establishment can be easily moved and set BUSS SVs Aft °T RECEIVED a new and bea conable op atany place. Persone wishing to parchase, are re quested to call and examine it, as 1 have determined Fer Sprieg & Sammer, to sell 1 Stock of thing of otis! quality and work - whic mane Le now selfing ar very bow prices rr tock mpneca HATS. CAPS, COATS. Vewre VW. e PANt SHIRTS ILLARS and CRAVATS ; DRAWERS, SOCKS, BOOTS and SHOES, and HE subecriber is demrous of moving hie Mille and every other artiele of Clothing required. of the mest has 150,000 or 200,000 feet of good LUMBER vanced et : e. Ly Call and see on hand, priverpaily Weatherboarding, Ploonng and Our stock get and we are giving bargains to inch Plank, which he will sell very low for cash Al- every purchase 6 Our store at the oormer of the ep. a fine lot of Maple, Birch, Ash and Poplar Plank, VWansion Il and Scanthig sawed expressly for Carriage and Cab. IH. F. BAUM &€ CO inet Mak Any persons wishing to bay Salishare. Mav 821956 49-3mo0 any of the 1 Lamber would do well to ad dress me at Salisbury, through the Post Office JOHN BEARD aera Franklinsville. July 8, 1256.—3m:6 \ Large assortine f Piano Forte Music for sale 4 nt J UU. ENNISS' BOOK? TORE r mh . OFFICE on the same lot with his residence. In rno 8 rl & UL his absence persons desiting Aa ie the World, for sale at HO En BOOKSTORE their names S| June 17 to see him will leave 4 pag Rest Tink ir f ifn July ‘COMMISSION MERCHANTS ~” re sory Boek Badding, aflurding a medium of communication at home, and conveying to, and from the ad i intesesting to be ki | te of the ery cap vs Disraton. This paper wil d dw | at eoury ied. Lis chief aim ates wah couse of Internal Improvement ia the | —4e foster und encdurage alf the | awaken « new spirit in Agricultere, | hable anewers to the Farmers’ inqnitiens | mast soon be made as > whiat is the Beat coss. It is proposed to elicit discussions on tagt subjects as the surcet way of This Journal will gather from every scat weekly a condensed statethent of | ery kind, so es to be ecknowledged as | asefal companion to every family which i { to greet. { V bitet polities will be only @ secondary matter, they will receive such atiention as | ae Editors, reared inshe Otd W Webster, and believing ia the | of the American Party, they shall | their ow principles, yet they will nat fase of differe a polies a place for pronalgating thelr sem | timer ts. a) i ii t 11 is believed that a paper comdac.ed as thle paws posed to be, will be weil ed. nud supported by au active, indgstrivus and inquiriag commenity. These propussls are issued with the view of eseer- + aiming what sepport we may-expect. If net seoagh ts received, to justify our opens ens he | thea this propectas elusteour labors, ever feceive the eveotragement we heim then the Lixcoixtey Dietatou, will be isemed at the earliest day practicable. OUR TERMS of subscriptian js $2.00 per enmam in advence ; §2.50 if payment be delayed ox sinathe, lot @AOR ices paid cen On casein to sae Sabscripiiop money vot required antil the whas been imened ond received. Address, at & rimminger, Lincolatwa, N.C. A. FINK. R XXIMMINGER, be x July 1856. The Great fron Wheel Examined. . AND ITS FALSE SPOKES EXTRACTED, ty { | | W. G. Brownlow, Por sale at J. he we July 22 Wall Paper, &c., Large supply of most beautiful Wall Paper. Al- wo Fwe Screens and Window Shades for enle by J. M. ean Docksetter A July 22 New North Carolina Form Book. | ste: Sheriff, Constables, Magisttates and Busi- ! ners mee, for cule at J. H. Enwies’ BOOKSTORE. Joly M2 8 Sale of the Faetery and other Property BELONGING TO THE ISLAND FORD MANUFACTURING COMPANY! | | Y virtue of a deed of trast made by-the Intend Ford Manefactering Company, I coh me auction, at said Fectory, on the Zia dey of Augen wext, ofl the real sed pertoneal property we said Company, ideluding the Factory aad M: The persons! property will bp edd on a credit six menths, the ree! estate on 3, 6,9 and 12 encathe, pas. chasers giving boad and epprowed securities. The baridings sre comparatively new ond expen dioet. There are in the Factory aboot 1108: 20 looms, and all necomary machinery, all im on der. On the premises ere ® large ead well coastruct- ed Store House, for Ui homers for epereti and susdry otner buildings. There is a doom amd excellent water prover. La short all the sdvagtages necessary to spin sad wea¥e cotton to adventage I will afford full opportanity to any one who imey wish it, { examéime the property before the sale. ALFRED PIKE, Frauklinevilie. Sw VALUABLE TOWN LOT E-aP Et op SA EU EC Bs tirtoe of a Deed of Trust to me executed by Wiltiam L. MoRee, dee'd, during bis life tune, I shail, on Monday of the County Coert for Barke County, being the 18th Aagust sext, at ~ door of the Court-Hease ia Murgsaten, expese Peblic Sale to the highest bidder, A VALUABLE LOT IN THE TOWN OF MORGANTON, one square west of the Court-House, on Mate and College streets, where Dr. MoRee resided, eue- tarmag fuer or more acres, on whieh there in a very FINE BRICK DWELLING HOUSE nearly completed. with four large rooms below stairs four above, w ba wide passage above and below, Jely 14 vet about three (housand dollars, the nein bailding (here isa fine one-story : with two rooms and a piezza jn front, with all the ne ce@@ry out houses and stables io guod repels. leame- of Main street, is a Gene one. roegh-ceast, and covered with wah a large and convenient Store Reem, well Gitted up, — two other suxable rooms attached, A yar ty decorated with evergreems and eeae fue garden Its shantion being central and convenient, ony per- "son demrous of parchasing a beantiful, healthy, and desirable residence, would do well to attend the sale, The Western Rai! Road will be here in fess thas thres years, sod property will dowble in vate. Sheoald thie opportunity to seeure a summer of ® permanent resi- dence, unsurpassed by this or any other town ia North Carolina, be lost, there is no probabilit of aequiring, within the corporate limits of the town if residence mw demrable. Terme cash aicly on the corner fe E. J. ERWIN, Trastee. ALSO, At the same time and place, as Executor of {W.L. MecRee, lw Il elewen Likely Negroes — Terms of this sale made known at that time. E. J. ERWIN, Excenten. July 22, 1856 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, WILKES COUNTY In Equity— September Term, 1856. Fielding Combs vs. Isaac Pruit, and others. ORDERED by the Court that publication be made as to Wm. Crable in the Carotna Watchman for six weeks, to appear, plead of demar, else jodgment wiil } pe entered against hin JAMES CALLOWAY, CWE o—tw —— i enn ee . ‘Wr, Fillmore at Mbany---1 Noble e ta ¥, , Speech. READ IT—READ IT. Wang reader has a lingering doubt that Mr Fillmore entertgins those sentiments which eve- sy patriot would like to see animating the chief of the republic, let him read the fo! I ing speech by Millard Fillmore, at Albany, ong Way through that city, The heart of the country will throb responsive to such sentiments. Let dvery patriot take his stand besids Mr. Fill more ou the ground here taken by that geote- @an, and peace and prosperity will atored to the Union: svon be re Mr. Mayor and Fellow-Citizeos: This ever Whelming demonstration of congratulation and weloome almost deprives me of the power uf Heve weariv thirty years ago 1 com- menotd my political career. In this buriding Gem saw a legisiauce body in session, (ci but at that time it never entered into Lhe as rations of my beart that | should ever tocoive such a welcome as this, in Ue capital of my na Gye State. (Cheers) You have been pleased, sir to allude to my former services aud niv should be again called to the position of Chict Magistrate of the vation. (Applaus-) It > not pleasant to speak of one’s sift lt that the occasion wil! justify me in bretly ing lo one oF tHo events cobnected Administrat.or Cucers.) when I was cabled to the erceuts: ais diy reavemeat which overwhelmed the Witou w grief, the country was unturtunatcly as from one end of the country tu tn ! | the qaciting salyent of It was then,» that I felt Howey Jaty tonal prejediee and look to the woitar whule nation, | Ap} probable course t avery. to rise above every se 1 was coaipedla te overcome juny Clietis prejudiwes, aid diy regard y claim, [speak and pr uged ay wi Bet ia doing this. sir, IP did no more thar was done by Many avief abd & r nen t u wmepeel, 1 was) vo incars sole wader Providence, in hart 2h ues. ( Applaus indepeadcnt bore sua tuet t. Congress baiougag & |x i the gs pasties of Use vu whosperved ibe clruractes (cheevs,) and rallied « Lhete @ere af at 1 ddcdtoc tte tish party leaders fg support of the great measures w — peace Ww an agitated and dptrac Lveay (Cheem) By the bless of D Vr dence, our efforts were * coms {cheers}; » : chair, the whole nxdon was prosper wd « eated, and our relations witha ren wat were of the most amicalie kir =) Ltn deed tha: hung upon the borzyn was dmeipa wet: But where are we a’ Alns I @eed at home wil « } with @ reptare 01 our peacetu, relations, 1s wot esek to trace the causs y qe the facts. and it's for you to { er them, Of te wothing to say Te~ \ ] ad t Va 4 I can appreciate the dif of administering thes gov ernment, ar er sent executive aod Lies sv rt istention an) honest ' r font hope God wil! forse he » | ged applacs i) trought these calamities for selfich or am! 28 felipe citizens, to hold them to a “T wibility. (Cheer) The agitation which ditarbed tie {me the cowatry io 1h ou, was unavonia It was leoaght apon us by the acyum@ticn y mttory, for the gover ( eux wast comary Ww prov mle berriomal alm us stray Lb it ws for Tou to say whether the present a which detracts the country am! tlrestens with ovd war, has m4 beer recilesely am] « toaly product iy t 2 ad @ persona peti geek (heen Ser, vou have | on | beaw o the emson of these Siaics weet true, for uf tbere b& mae Uaam ass offer, fom ed them great ty. wr, tat | pothmmg of ont ‘ the @everal caus same t ‘ a « what do we tween | . ting of gastze) wm ‘ane Ket the » » parts. pre aed Vace I 'r-« frome the free ~ = paee of etect df ome par whole 3 who have serous whe * (Cheers rele press making cowth of Maw te be Peed pp t oe watnwn 6 seentrt, le lee re U ested Stet DP remdee * These ar » oder mf cewary | ialenell at elertoral ve hewe only » Dresdemt : an chaarve waftrages | 1% soa u for a mom ve on ne of ( If you 4 ean cousecnt . a motheet fd eowld be ous applairme Li ask woth! 1 ar i] av 1 (Ko tbusias Bat, fetlow-ditizens, 1 have perhaps said all that was necessary on tbis subject, and I turn with pleasure to a less important, but more agreeable It has beew my fugtune during my travels in Europe, to witbess once ur twice the reception of royalty, i all the pomp aud splendor of military array, where the inusic was given to order, apd tue cheers at the word ot topic, (Chee vs.) command. have welcomed me above all the pageants hich roalty can display. with a heart overflowing is, T return you a thousand {Prolonged (Cheers.) with grateful emoti thanks, aud bid you adieu. planse.) Mr, FILLMOLE i Theretore, Dunag Mr. kil from New Y¢ compelied (om he people at sev uts along tt t t — MMi wou son, Where te ' Pp - ter We ask wail ynest) PUPpuses, can vlyect CO tn men v to foretyner cond ue i suu a wide of ppt land to partake tyes of cur laws 1 conutry: | claude from this ¢ ation the ntuinal. lw ! vive free tol but while I did thas, 2 wou kes as W as OUTS, ' \ a They fequal laws,—bet neither der edu Bor huew y ur institu mito govern America, 1 a free hor ve of this fact } os which Prov sfully showered @pon ua, it becomes ever Areric 1 by the Constit rhoa re vv ? eneans shall au Xa ‘ THE ¢ « & al Mr Cou i ‘ . 1 ‘ cle uf 1 \r Tuesday rough the principal streets, with RAND RECEPTION OF tast a ne | acts tend fo the destruction of the be equally responsible ! me also add, that when it “s Dore’s lace itua FLLLMORE. Y. Express It consisted of a Process re 4 t ’ Besides tic ere uf ire vijacent Stafes, speeches awe.) And But, for uiyself, L prize the honest spentancous throb of aflecton with whieh fou back to my native State, °S FEELING TOW ALDS RLLGNIERS, Betla MUNUCUSE ASseru k ot Une would only « 1 declare that Americans should hav ony The failure wowerninet ! ene ion of this », that independent of al gives sume six col tuilof the formal rece; Governments to be ‘strong, " s Laaaai adapeamn anteanralewenapiennaa > “ must “Ge! was I indebted for the order, peace, con- strong in the hearts and heads of the peo- | tepty ie 2 nion is dissolved, | ple that are governed, and as long as wo | dee peee “to it will vot be divided into two republics or two maintain snch forms ‘of government} common country, But I have said more | monarchies, but broken into fragments, each at |fonnded upon the ‘ war with the other. : affections of all our | than:t had intended, sir. give to bur Touly wished, people,—not here alone, but every where, to thauk you, and thoseold. Whigs-whout throughout Untien,—the laws will selves. Itis the beauty of our Afnerican | prolongéd” applause ” P 3 PI ’ the “broad extent ” of the | J see aronnd-me, for thus extending to me vindicate them! their corifidence and respect. stem, —if left freely! to represent the hearty. cheers for Millard Fillwore.)” whale Pe ple. —that we have, or iitst have, such laws founded upen such atfee ' nud Crab we can from one thous, pats State to anether, titigt al ter differ- ent CGoverhiveuto, Wikoour any oof t vexatings Passports, or gens cb aeuees, 0! any of those restraints upon personal Rh pre erty which reduce tho subject toa Sla® to our fathers in ery as severe as that of the master over yay PLATFORM OF THE AMERICAN PARTY ADOPTED AT THE SESSION OF THE NATIONAL COUNCIL, Fae, 216t, 1656, Ist. Vb humble acknowledgement to the Su- seing, for Lis protecting eare vouchsafed, their successful Revolutionary vale, and hitherto manifested tous, their de { | | (Loud and). : ee followed by” three Bs Teaye to iform (hei? many “fends and the! yeemnenays senees mat rer yee ana sehen 2 Ww. MILLA. * aia Ww *,> —_—" | Mills, Moote & Co. public geacrally that they ute now receiving and nig in thé Brick; Llouge formerly oéeapied by Kennedy & Mille thelr ptock of STAPLIEEAND FANCY | Dry Goods; Bootsand Shoes, together with all articles asnally Kept in a Dry Goods Store. ‘They ure also receiving the largest and besi | b pelveted stock of Groneries eyer affered sathis market allof whieh they are determined 'to sell at prices that cannot fail to please PS. THE th fF MARKED PRICES ; 1 Te tk 2 wer Wilke a t Ae . \ the ive. f ery | peny Kingdom <cendauts in the preservatton of the liberties, the ; . ; or Dugedem in) Rorope, demands your ! : paid wt alltimes for Plo ar, Wheat, Corn, Couon, and p ; : he wien of these Stut ft eowry produce Usop ot ah Be | cpp 4 t ® et - ' , att ives Alinta ASRS - » © perpr HO Lie Pedecnt | at aif | ! ’ wit iv ! . 5 t L 4 Th Vi } iy . ‘ i BL 4b Ud ‘ ne fe mer ‘ buts EL i purl. ya baci wstould be seleeted forall FOR 4 MARVELLOUS AGE! : " = yal offices or govern Tr May nt ice to all oth u ' nevortl ys fth, Perwe Aimencan pa 1 ss} by temporary abroad, shomad be en tithed Co low i? eo rivhes of tizeus » Lu Not would btu, No pers ve selected for political “ 1 station. (whether of native of foreign birth,) who \} ‘ v : 1 \. vatises auy ullegianes oF abligation of any ) t 1 ; fal bay, tleerpuon to any foreiga prin potentate or t ree } power, or who refuses lo recognise t Tederal ind State Constitutions (each within its sphere) ) l \ Pe Aran paterd 2 . As paramount to all other laws, as rules of poli The Grand External Remedy * cal action. By Whe aid of a mictos: pe, We see millinns of Httle opening i ‘ eh 2 , 2 : on the warface of our b Thy hese this Ointment t 5th. The ur jwalified recognition and mainte ‘ the si any organ or inward it 5 = sine bance of the reserved rights of the several States, | He i eiitd at vey iy rs : ere any ave peasy ig tein own ie 1004s and the cultivation of haunony and fraternal . a M-rtually ¢ Every hou rt , ) aes } * th atol > rasted with other labore: good will, beiween the citizens of the several > : sts a hiveliboodorlaxury. (Great cheering.) States, and to this end, non-interference Ly Con- y par h coring Vhrat p difference, Sir, is must » qnesGons appertaining solely to meas ' ‘ ATE et yan American eye, and I 1 States, and von-intervenlion by Erysipelas, Sat Rheam and Seorbatle Hamers. felt it and felt proud of it, and prouder ¢ ‘ 1, che atfates of any other State Mo remedy hat ever done ea much for (he cure of gieeases than ever, not ef your bav, bat of 7th, The reeoguition of the myht of the ua. the Sein te yemat fly po no that surround it, naturalized citizens of the United Ve Was oncea prouder city than Stles, | ehenUly Pew in any ‘Territory jig to ite application New York, buat mid intestine and for thervof, to fran eir constitution and laws, and ae g (Gutless wuubers te : } taal to regulate Usecir domestic and sogial athucs jo eign Wars, abd under harsh governments .° ’ * y . 5 he has been crushed The Constitu their own mode, subject only to the provisions Sore Leg-, Sore Breasts, Woands and Llects. —s as been crushed. 2 stitu- ; \ \ a ay : tiancot 4 { ted Stat ae bmntiilit of the Feders| Coustituten, with the privilege of arqinnel nae brpnsttaalieHd reach w vety sole “ ut ue hh t estates as ro rl . f this « erfal eter vi : ; 2 win » the Uaion whenever they bave Syne : New York into greatness, by concentrat ae ing here the commerce and exchany States. Yo that greg of all inter lerated Dtration, and must be abs nee strife—there must be peace and frien DB p for, aud confidence York from all the parts of these co lerated Mates. ut deprive your at and growing city them, and protec Cons \ sits trade a (rite r¢ and vad tha \ ce wt ¢ * auals I i\ t pw « yo osurves ed. England 1 1 he control ot t I t ‘ r Lon rT preat ¢ A v { now pe any veal t me ‘ M I . 4 New Y | \ M Ja \s 4 dy 4 b \ \“ Wty \ 44.4 \ 1 s J ‘ Ld / « \ \ 1 ' » { 4 ® we n ‘ a 16 Applaa \ } * t «feat C\a “th. u rhea . st = i wa t W | t ’ ‘ A F 4 4 = ‘ 1 | ny , site population for one Represeatatiy Provided always, that none but » are entizens of the United States, u 1 jaws tl wf, and who Tesidchee bp a such Terrtery " t in the fe e tine . Terr yors Wh. Ne t St ail rht We ad (i 4 States to t ty ivi A : i v \ t J ad akg a j wetly iN c fore | Jed for, a {om pe fset ) renizenship hereafier, ar Sclucting pao 4 pene coms toted r ’ fr 4 } (w) , t ‘ loth. Ops 1 y np between Chur 4s t terk vo rebleqious Cath 1 I ani! ' : ' “ j ‘ ay 1 <i roctbent of . n * ™ ! A ! \ hi ’ HOTEH, Wen: WISIN 4 SALISBURY, (Roe Tr + & Ife ACCOMMODATIONS THE WILMINGTON I meee HERALD Valuable Land for Sale! Tea |! F "f To Farmers. r the direction te. It wall cure any mn ' anding Pties and Fistelas. 1 tressing as P srow & pot Bea. Chit ’ » pp eine ‘ / / vn f r y L Giande ® ’ a. i i ‘ ’ ‘ Y w ‘ JAMES HORA, WATCH-MAKER AND JEWELER, Que deer below M ‘ EEPS iN Wittms Creke Wa lurphy’s Stor fri ey G ee bm TO > G. A. MILLER, \CHION TY AY LAW 7 Ss <, RoOBARY SALISBURY fi \EW GO0DN! JOVo& IOSYMONS & CO] \ yooh NGd ef R Spring & Summer Goods, Stuffs, Groceries & Dye SPRIVGeSTAMER Bi GOODS. <= W' Tarte a FANCY DiBBLL ww Calvin tt. Dibtte ' BuUNCB. WH. Memes Commission Werchants In Cotton, Flour, Grain, Naval Stores Sout re Predtutce Generally No. 180 Front Street, jim oe oF host Marriave Lioense for Sale at this OVe¢ | splendid stvck « : ee " ee ee WP.ELLIOTT, | Bot (Lateot Worth & Elliott, Fayetteville, N-C).) | ; “GENERAL COMMISSION . | PORWARDING MEROUINT, == Orders for Mrehandize, and consignments of Flour! HY should and other Produce, for sules or shipment, thankfully their ploughs aad m: received aud peampuly ationded to. an good and May 1885. (fl at Norherit prices, thereby sav _ | portation hat tite publie i psi rE. Whe ten ; to aye many ingtiiries that LT hage te f r emendous Exe tteni¢e nt with Cer et of Ths of ibe prigeina Sane that Dmanafuelure, ‘np 1 png : ' AROUT THE 1 pode ob Saw mille wit 48 6 50} - 2 ‘i _ feotourriages, 48 feet Way's, alt Western Extenshom: pic ciich ‘Sew ecuens ten ee a 15 inch dn $40 5 “Folding Hareows, 8185 Cully, pe E Subsenibers being desitous of extending their pote ie pm pct a | 6 business in the West, as wellas all other diree- irom $5 to B10, nocorping 1 Bike and ‘ A}l kinds of repairing of machinery dane at lice, such os Eugine woyk be. tiena, take this method of iuforming their numerous now: receiving # ond patrons thal they RADY MADE CLOTHING, ety iste wet Cloths, Caxsimeres, Vestings, 22d Gene furnish custin ope ’ patterns w € ilemen's Furnishing Good» 1y Terms cach, or uegotiuble poten at Bank. reeneral: all of whic be wok wt shockiag * 3. Pe abian Gah ied Wir TIN RENTS CML hss ecteeatligkos Dube. «1!. > ay LE ttest@ dort “ . tnefy ¥ ca JUS'T COMPLETED - Seo a a ae + san er oe ine ON kes tal eaeeaeee he DrorysMochine, of Buftimosg jw Will do us woch work @ith four homes ag nop other FP. ANDERSON we» made in the State well db with #e or eight the best piateriul and werranted for 12 ‘ - at ANDERSON & REYNOLDS, CROCERS, 1 Taeereor AND May 5, 1856 Commission Merchants, 375) ACRES OF LAND NO. 10, ROANOKE SQUARE, TURP Dueling “dre > > ‘ » Pay active ationtion to the sale of Flane and ether I: ( MR S A LE, 1g uunecessary tharges and ( x the watereot Third Crack, 16 nara ul Salebery. At teow © Depat o Koil Rowd oraet yoeritably be loentedia® eben dé. tance of this tract Apply to Jubo A Buy dep of Selishury, Uctoder 30,1855. BVO) De. kinds of Pre rendénag prony CUMMING & STYRON, COMMISSION AND | Forwarding Merchants, WILMINGTON, N C STBADY PROCRBSON atieption pad to ectlag Flour, Cory Fev. IsSé 1,39 PETER W. HINTON, COMMISSION MERCHANT, TOVWN POINT, a tryourTeun, “Ya Ss : . arms ry HK FUBRCRIBER bos the re Ae Tobacco, Flour, Grain, Cotton, Naval Stores | m we he world, to white fae: of ahd &c. Also, to Receiving and Forwarding —*! bind i-he* for thew: poepers y and proce, thet be aoons. *mohog rods progrerein the uuprowegvent of Eagic ( he hebeves, to betume the greetrn nour Te te +g omy inthe comntry © © Bow ereet wt erite,? dtebery XN mit at his pleer, to be culled the . r ‘ i d bepre to heave «im fall opersion xan ve y how bh | the eommer of 16. ‘ eo very beet.) smilie in the «ry woe metected by himeetl, oad COWANS SSS rttmeth end stredy — stows ae predmets, the mon newned Eagle Min ce vehpemg es Caer and de © Mil> ewe pated ha e *€ ; F ; , eMC . cod, tah fap theears t - 1 v Divi bet WIDNEDS, . ; ‘ , Let bap sheted « V - web We tower ; P wwe ranged blerks og Geetal tes, ret the sevigore:er . ‘ ee . ome «0d coors ' ith fom - henge eter, beerte ip mene ce + crteeded, tote . ' Kegte Crs : ) ' . he » o ee Hee of epergem | \ ' | cement Cotere pre ‘ i i i ' rect the North 14 t | ehe . Avda ° Pewech, eaowg? I. eremesion : . \NDREW BAGGARLY j ' pe . ' I . ’ AJ db POART |-' M tee Steteeville on . mia ‘ Aa - Re ‘ Ne New NE raves > be’ ' W ednesday ond Fr ort ot Mergentre Pa ee Ty os) wre A +4! mies f ) ’ } ft) ° entre Mergeet § = af IY & DUI aH 4 ecto cat be be spared GVOYVS» ee ed oe Salisbury, March 25, 1856. F ; hp talehtbal Sooalieets 6a onthe a Pps” 2 : Wanted Immediately, Ladies Dress Goods At the Silver Hill Mine, ANY QUANTITY OF . ° eetoch NPERDLFE WORKED RMBROLDEKIES m= complete He WOOD AND COAL. eros ita oh ee ealec WM LEAVENWORTH, Sept as oil walice bs pesado paicakos Peake ION ee ste 19a etn aii To the Ladies. } 1 hia MYt TT! pulinaythe te! bee! mow trectotng she faret ond Peet core . leaders Daksa (onde public, which they o@ es at Nr te perticelar at'r eres rik and or MANTILLAS sof BONNET RIBBONS ' sve fet TC Htses, COMMISSION MERCTIANT Charlotte; Ww Cc. EVMDRO DEF i" Py k No 3. Granite Rew Cotton, Corn, Flour, Wheat, end all “ now i a> gad SCOUNTRY PRODYMDUVUCE SCH ' vais DNPW YORK To Gentlemen. T t P w on hand the moet com ; “- ( LAYTHING ever before Liberal Advances made on Consigumin’s lz oS s » Den toe r ( Na 2. Granite Rew Ju ‘ wow RROWN @& COFFINS ass . a il I ™ i 43af e I New Vurt 7 DR. J. J. SUMMERELL, Dr.CHARLEST. POWE II eit ahr profesional et pr’ | [acess rmanently locatedin Sallsbary. respert. fally ay de Lied to me by ay sf tne verni years. § waeld A ’ ' ge ali ene and make setleme', . h wt be eby M ourt, elee 1 shall lov’ Greensborough Aer Pe Nalabury, Jae 19,1856 35 MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY. ice REMOVAL. rie tet et Bath tad dal pas 4 WEIRMAN & PRICE have remore4 veo Oe OD ther Cloghing and Tailoring Eatabliohment (or ann Sy ein poosite Marfhy, Meone & Cu, to the earner '* 7 hic Raval aoa. ntely oppomie Ro & A. Murphy's Store ei ; Mini iceL, Salisbury, Now. 13, 155 Q5af 1 of ‘ Le Pal 7 tl DR. Ss. REEVES IAME ; a oy ] | AS lo d in Saliebary, and offer Or hay e prafiies services to the peb rater WE MICAT A Om wo doors ow Denjamin Jalians sore RoAPayws Be reise 4 ) 6 ae ly PUTER N.S r ry WoW Or MM ENG ¢ AM JOB LEIN TING f y tl tie Office Ps ot ee t <3 - ? tw } <2 Be ei e h s ta k : mm ? thingy credit tional) tariff, es, reville an yond Fr pent to t Gets to epered | te me by 1 wold tihemen’, shal! look 35 y removed ment (ror orner '* af | 7ES und offer the peb ine store ely oes) geeer oe + he acrpiab.coe mph y jy RRND er latte hott five: ne i ae wep endl % T yest tee kPa ie 0, Had ben 88 Pa ¢ A ea Re Seiad . “ee bedl Arena Tyee rear im « : skyedlies Wey : - i; > » 40 we em ah Os a eed me py aA yinNehalahas?: Se 20 yt ra ayant veer thy . Aaanll ap maces LAPS: b fT a . vale st, fi ver to, ret 5 ag r government of” ally roche duties to .us, wo Fe we. shall’ be content that it tional ~ Enge pu : ic pared yon.ju any Ai ¥: P Br ein, te ae Khe! 1 a Si vA a maawe fare! vege nhs + new Government last . its time. bat when eS et rithou ‘ ; 7 one that France will show as haf or « sivg : . mation as ourselves to ebeck th ees ent: fter his deat. contd es liberat reaction, | It is quite : i tod aw Aa has ben Into evident that Spain has net yet settled bas € has : e there lias downon her ultimate form of goyern- sper vga oF de’ mont. It is. our duty, ‘aud that of all her |wolk wighers, ta await the result, and-not to fotee upon .ber those institutions that ”| we nay, believe ta.be the most salotary te ORHOWwn case. ’ Ff ry oy ee) “A correépondént of the Louisville Jour- nnready, and andeci-}nal writing frimr Leaveiwortl, Tad. un- rigg perpetmally to the, det date, July S0Pb, bags: . ; affairs by the Soni co WS Binee the Hrmation of a Fillmore elee- his es lh tea O01 > brogial ticket in this State the canvass has “to fal) From it Dy @ want of openedin this portion of it-—like an ove- torr wud va acd ter, shell—aliogether on.one side. Bueb- of Spain hateronly more} ang ian’t anywhere. | verified tlie profousd reasark state of things bere that | found at Mt.! Greek historian. SThatio} Y crnon. Evaimvilic, Rockport, Cannel: | ‘ jimfetior men for she mpst pest} ron and indeed all along the Souther succeed,” for the superivr men, deapining portion of dhe Slate—the National Aimer-} their La ar Gnd trtisting to theit}igns and. Old Line Whigs are for Mil- own and mental anperiority, 0/1054 Fillmore tora tite ieee | Hot attowmipt-to-yain by action that Which ...r>ywhere—and will rolt up a majority | 10 A eA theirs siege hig whdly anparallelied in the his- counsel, while the * tory of political revolutions and triumphs. | sigur of their own defects; 5 val cee ly BW adtion hr pepeere} prewee Buchanan is losing ground every 7 ,At infeligent and candid men with whom | “| have conversed admit that in mos: of| find the samé} off their ga gre the aybte Fe | 4, Bron so lite it i FI lie Northern States the race is almost ‘ the Fevilitionaty govarmment of 85h — | wily between Fillsore and Fremont. | of Dis awn rectitude, harboriag , Buchanan b no indirect or unfaie desicne egainst aye are deserting Buc sy scores and enlisting under. the banner of Se AP apenas plant geese] h y sa ve ome to whoin he had forgiven every od the fact, that in order to ebeck the stans- | of injury, and whom he had with | pede, they are beginning to : Bree-| every imagiduble favor, Eapastero treated ...;) c.ctrines themselves. For instance | with ex the warning which hee@®n- | 5 ),0/° candidate for Congress in ‘thie dis | tinvally received of the falsetwed-of the): riot, Hon. W, LL. English declares that} Queen and her Ministers, ond remained | the Liewoaratic party 46 unecompromising- | in heediess secority till the Bunters ded ||, to slavery. aud that be does'nt | wound their toils fropad theic prey. | bebeve there isa Democrat ia the State} Not til! erortniis if Prepared,, till’ wig is in favor of Kansas being a slave! the last man the last Were State, Le snakes the declaration to ob- | copeentrated< ateond the - devoted “Ci tain tho vutus of the Germans and Free} ty of Mattrid did the treachorons dang’ ~ soifers in his party. 1 have heard prom. } ter of Ferdifvand and ter wily @d inent Democrats in other places in this inary dtedefates MWrow OM the Wisk. siace and in Illinois, openly assert that getting ap a frivolome quarra, find Btehanan himeelf is opposed to the intro an excuse to bring On a ministerial crisis, Guetion of slav ery info Kansas or any oth. | digmies E ro,and place the office of | or free Territory First Minister-in tire hande.af the res 1» Hilspois, Col. Bissel, the Black Re- | lute and merciless O'Donnell. Then came poblican candidate for Governor, is con the éatastrophe. National (Gaard and| sidered a better Democrat than Richard | pedple of Madrid flew to arms. Troops! gon the late democratic candidate for anf ota were into the elty | speaker of the, Hoase of Representatives, there ensved for thany honrs a fierce} and fn Indiania such men ag Genera! Between the — of she lime) MiMory, Dun Mace, Dr. Ellis, Thomas the National G . Nofsinger, Jawes Riches, M This State Sinith, Dr of things could not last. - Tire National! ©. Garrer, Laciin Barber, and a host of Ga deverte], ae — sas, bY Weir! others who were formerly “ big-yans” in and overpo by the ow }the Democratic party are now blazing digeiptine and arms-of their ts away for Fremont and free negroes gave up the contest.and sabmitted to bel Whilst in Rockport afew days since, I, disarmed. A few of the mare determin: jearned that the Bachanan elector in this ed, under the guidancé of Pacheta, the district, who resides there, had just tak ball fighter, fought to extremity, and Pe | on the stuoip for Fremont and Dayton. | vighed stew. b mer a or thd bayo Bar why cite Imatancos! The fact is dai-| nets e ttle merey seems 10) ty becoming more and more palpable that | have been or given on vither side, | ie self 8 “national pol se par: | «ios the killed are estiudted at not lest! ty” is the verigst of humbage—that it is than a thousand. Feeble idsurrection4, | ine thing in the South, another in the of a similar character in different parte of) North, and anything-in any plage for the the country have been easily anpprested, | op ils If your Southern readers doubt and thé Queen and O'Donnell may mow) iris, let thom go intoany Northern State, be we, bare oes walei a inet | snd hear a few Democratic apeectics constitutional y im Spain. oye je destined to last es do net be-} lieve. That it must last for sowie time) we do not in the least pfetend to donbt. w+ set apart to canvass the city of Hand. The coustitationalistetave been enrprise dd O°. New York. M. Taviland, Ame and overpowered by 9 sadden and deeply | £8") H. ©. Miller, Bux ranan; W Mri laid treason, and the perfidiom danghter Fremont, were selected *.. canvass the of Ferdinand VIT. has employed against city. The resuts was gratifying to all ex them those arte whieh her fatlrer sa well | cert the Iey-ablieans, who are 2 fal- | knew how to employ in order to concili- | len, and declare we will find a di erent ate those whom he meant to destroy. Es. tesnit in November néxt: Fillmore, 532; partero himself seeuia to bein the power | Buchanan, 262; Fremont, 185 of the congusrors, and there iv his ab-| We copy the above from the New York sede a0 man of anfficient aweig!:t to raise | bala “Hodson is the residence of Hon on his behalf an effective coonter move Killian Miller, member of Co grea, who ment. was elected by the Americans, nt who So ends then, the turbulent drama of! votes with the Republicans 1854, not withont great reproach to the! capacity and activity of the liberal party. | Two years have been wastéd in constitu: | : a tion making, and have utterly failed to ; Sr. Loum, Any. 1! bring forth those reforins to which every A Westport paper of the 13th says that friénd to constitptional government also on Monday night 200 Freesoilere attack mado default in two cases in which better, ed the town of Franklin, containing only things might Lave been expected. The |twenty pro-élavery men, Ten persons creditors of Spain remaio under-coustitn-| were killed, and the post office inobbed tional,.as ander absolnte monarchy, dis-, am! burnt. The assailants also earried gracefully defrauded, and a prohibitive off a cantion belonging to the town tariff, the ruin ef her reverie and the Avother report says seventeen SF reesoil ve of het industry, remains whtouched fers were killed and woanded. The Gos In ite original barbarism. Lf the censti-;erniment troops occupied the place next tational elec has fallen, fossigs [Aer nations have little reason to regret tlie! pre ar da 7a a Lele are eee Fatat Ertpemic.— A letter in the Rich constitationa vernment, ie | i snante. V continant, with the peek of Sardinia, mond Dispatch, from Green Connty, Va., has been overthrown; but our regrets! says: “For the past two weeks our conn- ought not to urge ns to interfere, in any ty had been visited with a malignant ep respett, with the private affairs of a A8-'fdemic, which the doctors call typhoid tion in whieh nothing appears to be per aay Tt has prover fatal in a great nany eel a eee cases—some thirty or forty have died € have ontlived the days when ;C8°s- ope F ; this country, in absurd imitation of the! with it. It is still raging, though sup | ) Ar Important Vote.—Satarday last FROM KANSAS i . . { L Freel republic, and without the excuse | posed to be on the decrease.” forms “of « ay} ie ° aes ae Pr? ti | is used ee WA ae ate) Pica ee ee “Aiiough efforts were made in Eng land sdine Pears ago to introduce plough- ing by steani~power, thé art is yet quite in ite tifuisey. “At the lite agricultural the Iyal Agricultaial So- ciety pf England, at Chehustord, experi- ments.were: made which edmmanded: a rel deal of, attention of three entirely: rent anodes of-accomplishing the de- ut COM bsirable object of. ing to the labours Were of r ponte hiee teyeed iteolficharcoal, brimstone, phosp ' raped bs ! : , Ore ae ey are ny, 9 areres the'report of the exhibition given in the London -Zimes of July-16. Y. ye The first was by Mr. Boydéll, by means of an improvement oi the steam plough, whieh he.exhibited last year. ‘It, is ‘an ehgiue worked by two ‘six and a half inch cylinders, with: a eénmnion portable wp bore boligr, and a fly-wheel, moupt- on four carriage wheels: The wheels. are with the “ endless railway,” en- abling them to traverse over however rogged; to climbacelivitits, and to drag bebind them an immense weight without loging their bite of the nd. The engine neually works with sixty bones "Popa per square ineh, and can ed up to twelve-horse.power. Its weizht, with water and every igite articles, for duty, is wine tong; but, new: it can ascend inclines, back, turn in a small area, and ig steered by @ pole, ehain, and wheel like these of a steamboat, with the qreatant nigety. “The inventor consid- ere Lis Qngine enfficieutly powerful to draw say ten ploughs io light land, atsix inches copth, witk per hour. Ft has dea some imple- metts of very Leavy draught daring the trials, and was uot unable to pall forward Coleman's ploaghiag maghine. tempt with the dynameter attached to Biddell’s cultivator, theingtrument broke | assame all formé and colours; some are] avd, wheo we take isto necoust (be signag-couree | kite AY, jut forty hundred weight, the draught of liquids, some gaseous, others solid. The the caltivator ag ased being mach great- er still. In sloaghing hill-sides, the en- ine té Peat te gv up bill empty, and, in work downwards, #0 as to ‘perforin ve- ry steep work-indeed. One of the prin- | cipal advantages of this locomotive for catture is, that no horses whatever are ueeded-to help It, inasmuch as it travels of itself fronr place to place, taking coal and water, and costing nothing beyond the wages of two men, in addition to those with the implewents ;"the wear and tear end interest of first cost, about $2750. Mr. Smith, of Woolston, Bockingham- #hire, works his implements by means of *® common seven-horse portable engine and a étationary windlass, fixed at one corner of a fi A couple three-quar- ter ineli wire areled from the two drams on the windlass iu opposite direc- tions round four anchored pulleys, and meet at the implement, thus ing all roaud the feld—two anchors tolng feed and two shifted from time to time along each headland as the ploaghing proceeds The anchors are like lange four-toothed rakes, and it irés & man at each end of the Work wo bie holes and shift them 5° SALISBU sorface | sour fritit becomes sweet it proves almost ’ Hoh ot mete tgs :. ‘le pe Ve 4 380 > ==es a Sours Or Aeids. Pan A 7 eae ‘ ‘ < » The sourness of juice of 4 Jemon atid the wl of ane are’'so well" known that the Mere. hiention of. then is sufficient to ‘convey a know! chick Qnalities of Sours or aci natural state. that two or three pages" tingtheni. Every fruiteontains av acid; nearly all the metals are capable of form- ing acids: “Wien voal, wood, paper, Fags, 16’ an atid in-our ‘window glass, and jn many of the most costly precious stones, |The air we ¥réathe contains an‘acid, "We jcreate an acid in-the lungs by theact of |breathing. By a very slight: jqngar can be Converted ints enitid acid, which is strong poison. Sugar, by. et- | other change, is converted into vinegar, | These two illustrations show that a swbef can be converted {nto a soar; but when to demonstration that a sour eau become RY, NG; AUGUST 26, 1856, who had suffered from this extraordi nary Merino } Vile --aencemmen tl foals “gible Valin so : ars “ 7 i ¥ Diaiiénd Potyd.:: : * cenlgs We have been well aware that’ this country morrép was: very rich in aoa and i ‘precious stones, but we “note & Enke Saperior diamond ; yet We'were one yesterday ti sure three-fourths of am-ineb least ove-fourth of av inch in isa regolar. fornied octagon, and who whe t pronounee fF damon, but of what 6 if 1d be $ ’ a 4 te 5 eh less’ thap two” thousand ° de ney ; oe was found by the wife of Mr. Alfred Alauiiman, | +) “sight - while walking ob the shore of the lake, -The Spit away Be di K ’ ort 's look waved washed it on: receding, Yeh. it ot. | ; my hoy ! 5 i bad eH rs oe bee es sin, When ite hright }lirty d aety; wakes” your hdalth eas attracted het attention gad she pleked | Nodermine yoursireagth ; reer spel it up, Mr. Hauffinan i's poor labouring aman, \neisteddy your hand; sta) % and should 2 prove to be as valuable as it ix sup- lect ; n your life, Do alt these posed, it will Ge handsome windfull (we might things, if you dhooses butnpver éay that) say walerfall) for him. This ix » great tour you no, advice from me to the con- A sweet acid, The most powerful acid is that derived | from burning sulphor—it is, galled pul-| pharic acid, aud is one of the. most- im- | sgrene pA manufacture. ts | “is so great that « teaspoonfn! is suffi- | ‘ejent to make a pailtul of water quite | sour. Jealtpetre, is of the next importance in the | arts; it is 60 ¢orogive that it has Tong! hwen disthigttished by the same of agua fortis, that is, strong water—strong sire penough, for w pedals of iron, lead or sil-| a speed of two miles ‘er, dissolves in it like sugar placed in }, Of the abs abv parts of the lang Tine, which a5 © Pi the tag nal capone, ;water, From the numberof acids whieh | jwe find ig natore, and tlie-teudency of} many artificial substances to bycume Sour, | In at, \it is evident that acids and sonrs are es clap, showing that a flash of lighteing will fre |oue of the jsential to our life and wel! being. . Acids! acids of fruit, when separated froin the grosser particles that accompany them, rare very beautiful and crystalizable sub- |staneos. By the ingenuity of the chem-| ist, the sour or anripe apples, grapes, ta | waritids, lemons, &c., may be crystalized {into beaatiful snow white bodies, which, |however, when tomched by the tongue, at lonce indicate their origin by their @a-| | votr,— Septimus Picese. | - -~2,0-—-——- from vy foul : 'Wistery of the Metine Sheep Mati, Lo. ies ages, Jnardorad leer and geoeel sepe naw the Oireular Raj In connection with the history of the | saitignticn of tii compound disotder, but be oa- } jty became worse iosldad Of better, although be!’ 4 to Fever, the Merino Sheep speculation {alo coassled several dectom Fishing that | ‘SA0ble for him to refuse tohelp her fi Silk Worm Mania, and the Rohan Pota is well worthy to be recalled, because of its stupendous character, excelling every other eas » probably, except the Tu- lip. Mania of Holland. There has always been enough men in the United States to lay hold of any novelty aod wake money ‘out of it, whether beneficial or otherwise | to the eommanity. Bat present any thing before the public, which looks like a great benefit, and the furor becgines intense for speculation. Soch was the case with the forward. Mr. Smith use cultitators of) Lerine Sheep, first imtrodaced into thie a peculiar kied, taking about three feet breadth at a time; and be has an in- genious and quiek made of tarning them at the end of Uie furrow. He is able to searcify or bantk-ploagh on an average four acres per day 6f twelve hoore. The expenses, inclading the Jabour of six men coul, fetching water, wear and teag (36 cents per acre,) ard interest of capital, amount to 82 per acre Mr. Fowler has contrived a different arrangewent. A portable double cylin- der engine, worked at high pressure, and driving a capstan by a short endless chain ie stationed half-way duwn one side of the field. From the two hor.zontal drnins of the capstan two wire ro are led diag- onally across the field Tirest to the two ends of the work, these passing around a couple of anchored pulleys and meeting at the implement. The anchorages de serve notice; they consist simply f low trocks or sinall wagens laden with earth and with short cuttin: Sises for wheeis, which out ¢c3n into the land. and, while presevting great resistance to sideland pressure in the direction of the plough ing, can be easily pulled forward along the headland when required For common ploughing an implement having eight plooghs fixed upon it, four in work at once, and the others pornted In an Opposite direction for performing the return trip. For trench ploughing, ten or foarteen inches deep, another implement is nosed, taking two furrows’ width and two deep, being, in fact, a modification of Cotgreave’s sub- soil and trench plough for horse pow er. The ploughing is one w ay work, but lands or stretches can be readily plough ed by simply tarning the implement end tor end for each halfland, and by shifting the anchorages accordingly well done, and the treuching implement was drawn with great steadiness in ground through which ten horses were required to pull it The amount of ploughing on land where three horses are commonly yoked ina lough capable of being done by a ten- iorse engine is about eight acres per day of fen hours; and the expense of working inclading four men. and a boy, fetchin water and coal, shifting the engine oa tackle to the field, wear and tear, and in- terest of first cost (which is &2475, inclnd- ing the engine), is. apparently not more thau $1.25 to $1.60 per acre. Trench- ing costs abont doublethis sam. Slould farther experiments and calculations prove this estimate to be correct, there can no looger be a donbt that “an eco- nomical snbstitute” has at last been per- goantry in 1515. In the sammer of that year a half-dozen sheep from Andalusia, in Spain, were imported into inysterious character. It was said that their fleeces were of the finest texture, and that the introdaction of the breed in to this country would enable our woollen manafactories, then in their infancy, to produce broadcloths thet wonld compete (successfully with the finest European fa brica. Our farmers Decame excited. Hen ry Clay was consulted, and he immedi ately gave the opinion that these pe | were exactly what was required to enric beth our agri¢ultarists an our mannfac turers. The mania spread itself rapidly ’ The six sheep at Boston sold for fifty dol-! lars each ; théy cost, in Spain, about one dolar. This marvellouypront fanned the flame of sneen!aiion, and it was not long bofwre a fleet set sail from our shores in pursuit of the golden fleeces of Andalu sia. In Deeember, 1816, there were one thousand Merino Sheep in the (. States, which were valaed at twelve hundred dollars the head. In 1817 the importa tion and the valne increased. In the summer of that year select ewes were sold in New England at fifteen landred | lollars, and bucks at two thousand! By the close of 1817 the specalation in New England began to decline on acconnt of the excessive importation ; bat it increas ed rapidly in the Western and South western States, and partienlarly in Ken taeky, in consequence of Mr Clay's opin ions. It is narrated that in August, 1817 Samael Long, a contractoy living near Ashland, paid eight thonsand dollars for a merino bak and ewe; and he bcliev ed that he had secured a fortane by the purchase! Some of the oldest inhabi tants may remember Samnel Trotter, who resided at that time in Lexington, repat ed the wealthiest an in Keatncky, and the controlling manager of the U. States | Bank. Ile owned a merino buck and ewe which Long was anxiousto buy. Trotter offered to give Long the merinoes if he would build for him acertain house. The offer was accepted. At an expense of ‘about fifteen thousand dollars, Long built jand finished a four story brick honse, jabout fifty feet by seventy, and delivered it to Trotter for the two merino sheep! jIn six months from that time the valne of the merinos had fallen to twenty dol lars. Long kept them until they had fall en to the valne of other sheep, when he killed them, made a feast of the costly mutton, summoned his friends, and, like the ruined Venetian, thanked God that {le was not worth a dacat! He died soon Nitrie acid, obtained from nitre or | Boston. —|} p P : They were linmedtately invested with q{*bot at twice from the same~ plae-. but ured. | FONG, wit and dignity belonged to hi he | tae ey oere: leew try—we shall expect to hear of the diseovery of trary. Fhose are_trifli prog ype @ gold mine nexi—and why wot }-for we have of rear tuaking a filth-mal out of your all te other minerals.-Loake Superior Juurnal. mouth, munehiug F pro ¢constitutien. into oes | that ropy soup, an nizing it out wher- Velocity of Lightning. lever you go {Life thiastrated. : ean 4 : poeeih a Sound tracels tu the «ir with a veloen¥ of on ' Stel — ly one bugdred aud thistoem feet in a second, + Valgar Romancing at but Jightuing at tue sic of cee buudeed abd We find the following aceount of the dinety-five thousand mice in the saare periad of | uly ” i, Rime The time iv which @ flash of ligbtoing | Wet “bit oF romance,” at Saratoga, thie reaches us frow the different puiuts of ita course, | eason, in the, Saratega Post of the 23d mag. queniiy. be dered aus; ult. , but Uie tame which the expliweran cceapies will | . pasct be very appregiable, and will vary <idvthe dus Among the first. arrivals thie ed wit Saks telutigd os tes esc Cees ee ea imak in hor thd tnilir arg capable of aud the mused. obel t & -;investing the man with. “He pat ap at hye ud the duration of the ubeader dat dieu icin aah ae: ded all the respect and attention that nt character would entitle him is foreign aire called attention to fron the visitors, and when approach- quently traverse a 5) of nine or ten tiles ; which ordinarily fpllows, its altersate . apprdach }to. and recession wl account for the eel jn qdestion. Such would be the effbet prodieed | ed his modest but cold dignity repulsed upon an observer standing at the’end of « them politely —ea: them to conclude file of soldiers, who were todischarge their mos-| that he was some pa Swan who Kets at the anime moment. fe would not bese) would not be distarbed “ripe. abe a single report, but a succession of reports, which common-place roaches. The - ladies would produce a0 irregular rolling sound. were the Srat.to Sind oot his nobility. Ee- Soe jery politeness was showh him, and his Holtowdy's Pilla. Astonishing cure of aj root was t with bouquets by fair Billious complaint. Mr, Pstrck M’Keonan, of hands . ‘Yet the lidn was coy and Colugrbas, Obio, suffered for upwards of three | cold asever, until one evening whilé wan- Dados be met ies lovely arrd wealthy Miss——y-from jou, d liter, and nervous dlity, he tried various remedies for By. accideng the lady had lost her bracelet in the path, sad it would be the medical faculty could not eure him, be had|!* ~ They éought in Vain foethe b | recourse to Llletiay's Pilis, by continuing wieb | until it was too dark to longer look, and j this remedy fora few weeks, he entirely regaia- — they sat 0a the—seats jed his health, and ever sivee then be has tiot}in thegrove. The. forgeting her lips, bad the shgitest re‘urn of his complaint, with aweet inventions of her own, —---*— — }gested her suspicions of his noble bietb— | whieh were modestly increased by lis Oo Friday last a runaway negro camp was reply that he “thado no such pretensions Grevrered of af © island,” in Big Swamp, sitw-| __ st Jeast. in that” t I country Were every j ated between Bladen aad Robeson con nties. On} nan may become a noble.” The ques- Saterday morning a camtpany of iwcize or Af P jtewa staried out to huot them, and after start ] Ron: 00 far at omer he was concerned, ing them trom theit carhp, one of the pegrese! was perfectly satisfactory. At this tiare fired at Mr. David C. Lewis, wounding bim,) ¥€ ecoudescended to look favorably upon | jfrom the effecis of which be died on Spaday | eT beanty, and could not bel:eve her of | } morning On Friday @ man oamed Taylor was COMMON descent, ber modesty, intelli The mogroes ba) cteare! a place order had cows, &e, 1 tb The swamp is abuat £ All of whiel we are bound to! bone art-ated (coniess wae trae. He accompanied her lalnvet, to the betel, and from thenée ale came to for a gartm, | er samy er imbs wile, an | MM peaet rable, —Jowrmal be envied by every marketable dang)iter, \ ++: and slaadered by every specalating moth- SPITTING: jer. For a week they were always scefi together—and «ho olin ea few days | ' : . has walked beneath the splendid pines on | constitutiow, spattered in a nasty brown, -. i gravy over the sidewalk. A politician ceacoa aay hag and has not met pane might say that he was “elaborating a! hey were in lovo—deep undying love. constitutional solational solution.” Fie | The good old father sey! attachment, 18 dissol ving his constifution, at any rate. 2d wes act surprised when the pretty I awoke early one Morning, wwrefresh.}ou™ informed hrm her hand wae asked | ed tai Ga anal in marriage, and she craved his consent, ~eoti Philadelphia and Pilts That consent was given; bat not, howewv- ‘barg. No worwder tlt my sleep was pot | O? votil the old gent had thought fail very sweet. The atmoaphen of the little | Ave mipetes spon the, propriety of inquir- | Chirt’ And there goes some of his fuckot,” sone Toste om Jeabin was fairly thick with pntrified ani. | 88 himself into the pecuniary condition | mal malter aniatalet son. 1) (Of the saitor. “Bat what nse,” said the | goon seek, [saci me eye danghter, “of inquiring —is he not a fogs, raw antaimnal air, and cvlds: eo’ rd—and how insulting it would be to out I jumped apon the ca a S; even suggest that monev was any consid a the Craven for gwing away your daughter.” “eonstitational solvent.” Te whole ; he ts sod t Pri oat i thought the ficor waslalicai with tobacco epit ‘ a = bot slept that night sar-| That’ wasn very reralaticacl meatinces. inded w th visions of splendid castles, And, Mr. Carly Lair—cAért/ again; gay parties, liveried servants, and exelo- oe - A £ Maer | rreal aa 3ut hat w S another imstalrnent of our strength squirt eee eae But what was their sar ed out through your front teeth into the Prise the next pidintodan when omiling getter. Mr. Corly Hair, [tell you that roa sp ee ees ud joy on the first meeting are not a bit better than that nnutterably after (th Renn Bilas a disturbed by, filthy cabin floor, Into what a foul, reek. | BE of the BAA inert of a stage line ran ing, noisome cavern, are you transform. | 2'88 out of Albany, accosting the “lord ing the mouth that God gave you asa for a day” with “I say. Bill, yoa lousy passage for cleanly food and sweet breath ! jekenk, why the d--! did you leave the| : road when we were short of hands, and | went both feet into a y A spit mannufact wy > & mere tobacco spit factory Why, man, vow might as well cpl Pale, vexitl oe tre aaye Fe) establish a guano depot in voor honse re seal MUN vide cg «caro Chirt! ‘Tbere it goes! What a pity sth Co greek Urb eel inhi ead pee oe that you couldn't be wade to earry a Witt & faint shrick she fell back into the arms of her father—and tall walking on] the west side of Broadway towards the| depot might have been seen on Saturday in sealing ‘aol. about the time the southern train was leaving mug, and keep the liqnor that you brew long enough to see what your day’s work is. Yon spit, say once in fifteen minntes! call it fity timesaday. Abont a dessert {spoonful each time. Twenty tablespoon- fulls. A tumbler fall. That is a very moderate c palais Three hundred A Lecture from Gen. Andrew Jackson and sixty-tive half pints in a year : than twenty gallons of that nanseous Promised.—A gentleman who was pres brown soup -and just so much with-,ent ata mecting of the Spiritualist of drawn from healthy masele, close brain- Lowell, last Sabbath says that a corpn- fibre, elastic bones, and clear complex- lent man, who seemed to bave charge, | “> more ion gave ont an appointment as follows: * Everybody dues it!” What if they “Next Sabbath morning, at the usual do? I know it. I remember looking! hour of divine worship, Gen. Andrew down from my fifth story office upon! Jackson will lecture through the mediam Broadway, in the emptiness and quiet of |of Brother Pierce.” He added further— a Sabbath afternoon, but immediately |“‘that Wednesday afternoon, attwo o'- after its whole enormous length from clock, the ladies would assemble to de Grace Church to Trinity, and eipecially corate the hall for the reception of Gen fected for the long venerated horse plough. | after of a broken heart , as did many oth- | near the Park, in my vicinity, had been | Andrew Jackson's Spirit. ' —— too — CONQUERING BY KINDNESS.” “What-can | dof said L - “You must yoko them.” ‘That Ivhave-not time to do now,” said L. ‘1 do-tot see but that they mastrun” ing. My children: went: out bef them terribly mangled and deaf, throwa rae pe oe “New; ‘all k itt an poniab him! a to deck the shoenaker’s boreke remain a long time. At 7 Sas them all out, and picked up corn which they had tora down,-and fed them with it Inthe road ; by this time tlie shoe maker came ap in great haste them. ‘Have you sven anything of my hogs, sites, il find them) ‘Yes, sir, yoo will eating some corn which they tore down in. my field.’ ‘ ‘In your field P ‘ Fes, sir, “ love corn, you, know, hap wove inte e omar = *O, not mach,’ said L went to look, and estimated the age to be equal to bushel and a half of corn. *O, 00,’ said T, it can’t be.’ id the { ‘Yes, said and I will pay you every cent of the ne shoem: blashed and went home. the next winter, when we came to settle, the shoemaker determined to pay me for No, eaid L, ‘I gba! take nothing. ‘No,’ said I, ‘Is After some talk, we pod; bat ina few days I met him on road, and we fell into conversation in the most friend- ly manner. But when I ¢tarted om he seemed loth to move, and paused. For a moment, both of us were silent. At last he said ‘I have something laboring on my mind.’ yh: what isit? ‘Those geese. I killed three of your , and I shall never rest until how how I feel; I am very sorry.” And the tears came into his e ‘O, well,’ said I, never mind ; I enp- pose my geese were pre ¢ I never took anything of im for bat when my cattle b: into hie after thie he seemed glad, becanse he could show how patient he could be. ‘Now,’ said I to my children, ‘conquer yourselves, and yon can conquer with kindness, where you can conquer in no other way.’ Who will Wheel the’ Apples?—tIt ia said that Maj. Poore’s wager has been taken, somes a ae if Fillmore dees not receive more votes than Fremont in Mae sachusetts, he, Poore, will wheel @ bar- rel of apples on a wheelbarrow from New- baryport to Boston, or, if Fillmore re- cieves the most, the taker of the bet shall convey the apples in the same way froin Boston to Newbury port. ta There are always wheels within | wheels, and the motives of human action *are manifold and curious. It is well to look below the surface to find out the real moving cause of a uran's intention, other- wise you may set that down to a noble, disinterested, patriotic intent, which pro- ceods from a low, miserable, personal feeling. You may find that your patriot who saerifices ha sere the political ptinciples he has cherished for years, and adopts those he has heretofore deemed unsound and anworthy, is actuated by a different wotive than the public gives hin eredit for; and is really not the dis- interested, pure patriot be would make you believe. Especially is this true in polities, and whenever you find a politi- cian, one who has scer much service, of a sudden changing his course, and taking the direction opposite to that he has al- ways pursued, and at the same time as- signing very plausible and seemingly ex- cellent reasous for doing so, yon may, nie times out of ten, find the motive for the change, not a pure impulse of patrio- usm, bat ina keen apprecistion of self. Just now, a few distinguished patriots are gaining notoriety for themselves, in the » papers, by deserting the cause of Mr. Fillmore and rallying to the “« of Mr. Bachanan, and they are all setuated in this course, if we may be ieve their professions, by the very best and porest intentions. They do it Sto save the country.” Well, that is a noble rbject. The country is worth saving, and w wee distinguished politicians are thns seen throwing aside party ties and uniting on @ eommon pisthea, aud that platform the Natiers good, persons who are ont of the secret are apt, in a giew of enthasiasm, peeasine Weta We noble and lisinterested'” But older birds are not caught with chaff. They understand all this clap-trap and bumbag perfectly.— They kuow that the rating motive of po- ticians is—self—self-advanecement and neohing @se. They understand that when a prominent pablic man makes 4 more on the political cheas-board, he docs 0 to help the coupicy indirectly, of conrse, ') and-himself directly. They snow that the Honorable John Smith lies «not stn died the game for nothing, Uvat ie well considers every move, acts With spe cial reference to the advancement of the country (himsel€) An old potitician isa bady withoat a soal—a trinking, tm- rough}y selfish machine, which goes on to its _parpose without one generous eax> tion, bat moved by the epMngs of a cult machinery whose motive power te— pf What do such men care for principle or consistency! They arc governed entire- by by personal consicerations. They move trom policy. It has been annotnced with aw great fearteh of trumpets that the Mons J. M Ctayton, Reverdy Johneon, Ja A Pearce, Rafas Choate, Jas. C. Joives. and TG. Pratt, a former opponents of the Pemoetauc party, will now save the country by tersakmg Mr. Puli vore and «.timg for Mr. Buchanan! Tin reasous assigued for their abandoament «| mer pripeiples is, that Mr. Filiore “can met be elected ;” that the contes: tween Lachanan and Fremont, am) that they prefer the jurivet to the latter We de not mean at ths time to endea vor to show how foolish ts the iden that Ms. Fillmore cannot be elected. in for mer occasions we have attempted this, whether supeess ‘a | iy of no remains to be seer kt is sufficient to know that there are Usousande and tens of thonsands in the qumiry, whose oppertanibes tor com img lo a qutrect eomeinusion as regarus tie reaplis are yest as good as Messrs (jay tom & Co., and whe hare come to a di rectly appesite conelusion te their's iat, we take it, that these gentlemen are actuated in their present course of lost ity to Mr. Fithore by stronger motives than the one sn rgeeted ’ foot Is be Mevera. Clas and Jolinecr pao hum from peremal conscderatn I happeved t! when Gren. Tay! « they were mbers of bis Cabernet. that as csaal in such casea, they tendercd t.eir Teeignaiions to the new Pre Mr. Filleneee, and be liad the temerit vrefer other connsellors to then n - ight they have mt yet { ct pears, They preferred Gren. Seutt tu M riiimere m ls Rafas Choate and Sena Jennessre were alev strong Scat e latter erpoualy ad ferent personage Ile ie an able a lett avi. rere r} cn ue fina a lex} if his deser »of Mri nore Ww. &é and st a.t fi Vy] hisar . A Ca “ vet we mene * and a We ‘ a 4 ] a a " a " , a ‘ a ‘ V8 W 11 -2- brightéal Larthquehe im the Wolsccas. The J ' rs ‘ we wierupties far act ‘ = fg t ‘ RY) wowater an 4, 4 ral miles ¢ y . coca (ng - a ke of t ‘ fot tenpe ‘ » a naands of trees torn wy cur uwav, was followed. about an ur late vy peale of thander w! k ‘ ind and deafened the ear \ mn idl atitielaiclaahen) tl 1 the nv a mre fel Inmoned viare of ke * ver f f t ! Sa a : saat aa aa . rounding copntry below, producing confidently look for a result as glorio darkness that, only noe 8 rq = ar as it shall be hopeful to the best interests tarily broken by the ightning, of the country,’ . was so intense thet could not dle ile cern objeets close at band, and whieh completed their confusion and despair.—| © 2 Ang Large stones were hurled through the air, National Intelligencer a description of » crushing whatever they fell upon. Hou- new variety of the sugar cane designated ses and erops, which had not been des-' as above. The sap yields from 15. to 20 try . te at oe a ong rar per cent. of uncrystalizable sap, trom neath the ashes and stones, ane e he cop ae ‘ _ streaws, stopped by these barriers, form- whieh an excellent Leverage is made. ed lakes, which breuking over their banks | It is superior to every thing yet tried as a soon proved new source of destruction. food plant for stock ; the seeds are fit for This lasted some hours. About midnight human food, and forstock; the top makes the age. elements sank to rest; but om gy excellent broom, and the crushed cane the following day, about noon, they re- from which the juice has been expressed, sumed their work of destruction, with re- d Te will Ay : newed violence. In the meantime, the Makes good paper. It will grow in any fall of ashes continued without intermis- part of the country. sion, and was so thick on this day that the rays of the sun could not penetrate ; os SOD < _ through it, and an appalling darkness ARE THE PEOPLE DEAD prevailed. Scarcely recovered in sone, Dead to all sense of gratitude to their degree from their fright, the inhabitants forefathers, under the kind providence of of this desolate part of Sangir acta am cate God, for the inestimable boons of civil disturbed by an erapiion on Ene? ane religious liberty and a Republican March, which destroyed many fields and |" dead a great number of trees on the Tabukan |form of goternment? Arc they dead to side. Sinee then the voleano has remained |the dangers which threaten to overthrow quiet. these, and to ingtitute in their stead the The loss of life has been great. It is reign of anarchy and bloodshed ? estimated ag ftullows, in the undermen tioned distriets: Tarana, men women and t i an en:ldren, 722; Kandhar, men, women and problem of mane capacity to govern children, 45; "Tabukan, men, women and himself? Are they dead a8 touching children, 2,089; total 2,806. The great-| their own and the fate of their families ec namber met their death in the gardens. {and generations following! Tlow pro- They fled in ali direetions, bat were over- taken and swallowed up by the fatal fire}. : paar Some @ied ts pHi vlna ith in |trieveable ruin! How callous hearted the trees, bat were either earried away , they have grown, and how indifferent to with them or killed by the scorching ,the smoking blood bow flowing from the heat. hearts of their brothers—shed by a broth- a ee ers and. The ring of the murderous Earolina Watchman. rifle and the repeating revolver is echoed SALISBOCRY, N. as ee = “2 in Kansas from hill to bill, but moves | pot the sensibility of the American peo- ple. months, and tC. . d d Civil war has reigned their for continues to desolate that TUESDAY EVENING, AUGUST 26, 1856. virgin soil—a civil strife resulting from along nurtared hatred between sections TERMS OF THIS PAPER g200 CASH of ear country, growing ont of the negro question. Every mail brings sad tidings FOR PRESIDENT, MILLARD FILLMORE, oF xXEW of its progress, and every day it) contin- adds fuel the puts it more and more beyond the con- And these ues only to flame, and YORK. FOR VICE PRESIDENT, ANDREW JACKSON DONELSON, Ov TENNESS BE. trolling power of the government. vet, with what indifference are things treated! No one seems to care are hastily The incidents of cach battle read, and alwost instantly fergotten, aud AMERICAN ELECTORAL TICKET FOR THE STATE AT LARGE L BC AR MICTIAEL, of Wates. JOLIN W CAMERON, of Cumbesiend men go about their business as if every thing was mght—every thing secure! llas it ever entered iuto their minds that the Country that overthrow may have already isin danger its total FOR THE DISTREN Ts commenc Set Dwnct, Laws Taemureos, ed? That all we prize as dear is in emi 2d EJ Wasens, td O P. Mesem bent jeopardy!— our homes, our privileges beg Jee T. larrissons and even our lives! Dy whoto and when, pt hy AJ Breowss A fan shall that strife Le terminated £ Who can vib ! hole oni sl n¢ involve the whole ike 3 Beinn eA t all not conntry! Ah! there is danger in the Teas Colonization of Kansas.—The winds, and a wise, vigilant people woukl There is a storiu arising in the we hear the det Pp Ite know it West thunder, and th« atnre has appropriated fifty : thonsaad dollars for colonizing Kansas tones) oe Territory, with the expressed porpose of dark portentous cloud Free States coloniza. '8 heaving up above the horizon. We en The sum of $12,000 ia coanteracting the joy here a deceitful) calm: soon that storm ™ IMNnovements arnt a 1 a} propriated to erery com pany of sixty may oret Open me in all its fary, new, daly organized by the election of a 204 then—ali! then what Needless alarin is more foolish but Captain, &e This sum is to be placed yet moch less fatal than a false securi It is the duty eveon these Kan«as troubbes, and, as far as n the hands of the Captain elected by fel 5 of the he havin first exccuted : each com pany, peopie to have an a ond forthe faithfal disharsement of , it n their power to doen, to arrest then ve money for the benefit of the compe ‘ ery inte ear rat = Pe sie the neni - lndcascitiic comnanceaboalilanhce We believe ran at stake in the pen . cee - vg Presidential cleetion, We believe wards reject as their Captain, le is 6 — : cettonl ret las thew dial f the nght sert of a man for the cris » by uined as th sl 4 anes chosen, he may end this strife, and res a tore qniet How mach, then, is depend Wiushrngten fon Ki 1 ing on the wisdom and virtne of the peo ’ (69 ERT 7 £z editor Sentinel publishes a pie’ Let them nanire by what) means ird iin +t Nationa! Jutelligencer an astrife was bronght upon the country g the ecoutingance of that pa. aml by whose bad polier Let thetn eart estiy ¢ sider t aracter= oat nalifi — ati {the ecaminiates now fore the St v Cie ler : i ad decide Viet a 4 ~ ec thas ~ the seives and for posterits t Whiome 1 I fas heavry re) bande thev will entenet the fortnnes j passa: t Na a har, k eff. » thie pla a . CONCERT I c 1 eM ist Clarch was . k! t set fir bat fertur Sue Mr RKemmerer’s notice for acor cas d i ’ me ¢ arrest cert, this evening Ie will doubtless . af a lef rt sew 1 teresting as well as a novel n I ng J we TON & ¢ Mr hee erte have been - i a t etohas ef f rec 2A « Ker {het pres wherever he Las ree ae gol inmarde and rend. yiven thea ey far as this pastiffes it “ nbera escent Slade © «| aaenrred a g a a er ar wn at k : $ uv ve gratifs r da uf 4 } * eo: i J fi ‘ 7 # ravage / / , ' i A a a F « | | owl eevee ‘ o ‘ ar a * ve ae4 ri 8 4 Mr A to or er ~~ ar as! ed the atire~” | vee Nant ' ball wh if Gs | Ia the Calalina Tvre. a = 1 2 a . 1 ’ a at / ’ a 1 r U “ - } ei} ae : € tinest ap ‘ \ , al eu a 4 ton r ’ ra T a : Ther 1 ne ral ge me ' i ~ * . . Pereira Iowan who has her «(Me a 4 tua yela than we a = ‘ ‘ from t t f / ) - ' e W f e North States r I mn WAA i 4 t A i ‘ read c ) “ 4 ‘| per linstee | Vira | v} is at ar ther ‘ “ “ = t Sta + Pa As \ neand ¢ 1 / aniety aeent ‘ " | ' , kee ; at A d be good for e2.000 aon Vw more » A t } “ will vote for I r / u The ! at It se ‘ tain that ifa 4 myiK ' mers } Mr! should be ; : A pare House on Friday last, Dianne es nr au liaecies ves then *o.000 annnally, cute off all aur ak ca for inembera < wi : ; juestion Stand #PI i] r ks for members, edoilealivet neation for absence ee dane and 1 l ( ation absence us! | ADJOURN ENT SESSION OF CONG | session of the’present Congress terminat- bo Chinese Sugar Cane.—We find in the| ed at noon on Monday. A great deal ot/), 4 | business was. dispatched on Monday, but. ‘the Bill making appropriations for the | Army, about ¢12,000,000, withoat whieh | repi the Army cannot be kept tegether, fail- ed, in consequenee of @ disagreement by the Senate to the following proviso at | port of which appropriations are made by this act shall be employed in gid of the enforcement of any enactment of the _ body claiming to be the Territorial Leg- islature of Kansas until such enactments shall have been affirmed and approved by Congress; but this proviso shall not be so construed as to prevent the Presi- dent from employing an adequate tmilita- ry force; but it dail os his duty to em i ploy such force to prevent the invasicn , of said Territory by armed bands of non- residenta, or any ower Sly of non-resl- Are | dents, acting or claiming to act as a posse | they dead tothe solution of the great! comitatus of any officer in said Territory | jy in the enforcement of any such effact- ;ment, and to protect the persons and |property therein, and upon the national | highways leading to said Territory, from | ners who left St. Louis two weeks ago for! Bu (he Preadent of the United States if America, w | \K 3, Ww attacked between Kansas} |foundly they sleep on the verge of irre-| it shall be his further duty to take off-| city and Paco, by Picco vu. : 4 \all unlawful searches and seizures; and leient measures to compel the return of and withhold all arms of the United States distributed in or to said Territory jin pursuance of any law of the United / States authorizing the distribution of arms ,to the States and Territories.” F ; ; | | The Senate rejected this as imposing! ipproper restrictions on the constitutien- | |al powers of the President, as command- er-in-chief of the army. The disagrec- /ment was referred tu several committees of Couference, but they were unable to reconcile the difficulty. Finally, the Honse in effect receded from its proviso, by a vote of 103 to 98; and whilst the Clerk was calling the vote on a motion to extend the session-for 2 hours, (as the Senate had voted) in order that a forinal notion to recede might be submitted and adopted, the hour fixed fur adjournment arrived, the speaker declared the House adjourned, and the Bill was lost. There was abundant time for the Honse to re- cede, and for the passage of the bill as amended, as the majority evidently de sired at the close, buat the Repoblicans talked their object. against time and accomplished oe. bhoM KANSAS ever oF «& Nogtm Carounxtas Cut of the Ht. Lavin Repablican Westport, July 26, 1856 24th met, a Mr travethng in the On the Wilson, anc ahter, « having kev o 1 , Lecompton am) were passing thr: reuce, bad altereation with aman by of Chapman, a cititen of that place, about the hire of a bugyy, and while in the act of stepping va the stage, wagetruck by (bapman with a heavy club, whieh filed him to the ground ‘ physean was called in, who made hight of the wound, said be wouk! recover, and r ed the it horn im the stace lid oe rical at the balf an hour after lis ar Harrie Hons His great dintress, far from am) among srangers, but with plenty of in the place amiable daughter m homme friends the Odd Fellows, one gene ed the banal Vy started from this place that night to Mr) Wilson was bares] bey and t ra. atteter! \ par Sr segs ‘car of more them, fled frosr manner possible, ! Prom the Daily South Caroliaain. | LATER FROM KANSAS. Sr. Lovis, August 19. Accounts received in men voder bis coumruand, bas entered To- | peka. | Later accounts say that Brown's com- |pany have attacked and barnt Georgia Colovy. Six. persons are reported as shaving been killed, and Col. Tread way’s ;Collipahy were taken eer It is also reparted that the Freesoilers | their wnen killed, and that three bundred were woonded during the conflict. It is also said that a party of Souther: desperate fight ensued, iw iy killed on both sides, when the Seu | treated. ebners Per oe t FROM WASLINGTON. Wasuixoros, August <1. Both Uouges met t-day, and a qu being present, a messaze was recei «| froin the Presideut, relative to the Army ! Appropriation bill. It sets forth the evils resulting in a refusal to vote supplies ; awong which he argued that as a cons quence, a complete cessation of all artus operations, which would resnit in a prac tieal disbandonment, ‘us mviting @»- saults by hordes of savages froai the We- tern plains and Rocky Mougtuns te spread devastation along the frouticr amoanting to over 3,000 miles and deliver Up @ sparse population over tract of country to rapine and marie The Senate suspeuded the rules, mak ing six days neeessary befiwe bilbe can be reported on and taken up. In the House, Mr, Campbell, of Obio, reported the former Army Bill, wittr the Kansas proviso, and it was passed by a vote of 93 to 85. The Benate will act upon the bill tomorrow ret that ova IMPORTANT FRO ALBANY New Youn, Augnst 21 The Hudson River rap dly, aud proaced a tremendous freshet, carrying off thirty-six oases last mght The ran ceased this inurniag, but great damage has already Leen sustained in the loss of crops and bridges Tie reads are also much ing ired Tue ris ree r ree seven feet : r} since lust night IHGULY IMPORTANT FROM KAN SAS. St. Locm, Ang. 21 We have later advices from Kaneas Cot. Treadwell's settioment was attacked oy 400 Freesoilers, Treadwell sent to the United States troaps for and, tot they refoeed assistance Om the 14th, Que fFreesvilers attacked 12 proelavery men a fort near Ossawotume, when Gof the former were killed and woanded On the 16th, Leeompton was attacked by Sou arrest Charmae. They succeeded, and he = now at Tecompton im the hands of the anthoritien, Of Lane's men, and the United States who, no doubt, will take guod care of ham troops, who had charge of Roberteun and y - Pee Brown, surrendered without stroking « Ve are grieved to learn that the anfurtanate ile lolrwnslee 1 th he , : ported that the pro gratleman whose death « announced above was slavery men intended to destrey La« Mr treorge Wokeon. Dave Comoty, Me Wo pence on the 20tl A private de dL ft ome im lis pony wth he states that (sov. Siannon and the Un ! ghter some ait works since for the purpame tes drag ene laml eCaconied Lex king a Weatern tour an he anime ton, pweootbel wspcbeom letectlw tee ok a bwatien fin fetury naubece, dengumg Phy the k reeaorlers mS a THE KANSAS CONFLi has saideniy overtaken him, in the vigor of hfe an] a straage jan.) far from kindred ap . Contwmr oS C.,) Any sherpa hee last long sleep T ft advices fron St. Lewes Repub Ba» wer e lot r t that the company fem ne grants whe left this city two weeks ay . for Kansas, were afttaked between Kan MORE SIGNS eas city Missouri and Leeanpron, Ilere are & few inore signa, Kansas Territory, by bands of fr ‘ ‘at rand fr Slack reueblican pa. “Uet: and that a deaperate oo flict ee sh oe pepe ican Ee ened, reaalting in mach loss on beth aides pers, h serve to show how the tide is Tc Southerners were overpowered a receding from old Buck. The stnking compelled to withdrs sf it je the Demveracy —tlhic te 9" —wi.c arc going over t ede 5 omental “ DESTRUCTIVE FRESHEL Wie have even a Private lotter from 6 New Yors., Anyu-t 22 reratraster im W iac ain wit aavs iT The freahet the Tod. I +; cause isn ngon rapadly cansed enornoae |rnme i Joona te? wee Wis The } aman men are very Yonkere and Ponghkeepeie is ea arce, and in got 4 a Dachana at RYIM iim ) oss the leader of the CONGRESSIONAL, ’ { les ‘ Len a pale i a Waamsotus, Ang. 22 gouge The Senate passed the Army bili witl The Grerman repulblicansof the Twen. ont the Ilouse amendment th Warl) \. ) ) bad a great gathering The Honee restored the proviso by two Mouda at the corner of mayor.ty, and passed the bill ae amend highth Av and Thirty fourth Street. ed bv four majorit A motion to re Stirring spec s were mnade in (rerinan, neider was tabled by one majonty © mee AS HNAaANItHOMsa ated The Senate adjourned be fore voting on ei ast t eb pert f Fremont and the Iillasamended. The billisandoube free edlc killed by the adherence of the Hoose We ha tter from Towanda Brad » the pre isu f 1} cou Pe vania, which «tates Arr t ; ” yu SV oan EE Secures peri ut Ree nae ised tain Inchanay NEW COMPENSATION BILI will hard ve 2.000 Wasuixarosx, Aug. 19 . The P 1 phia Ledyer says: “The The members of Congress received Repu ohean ' e taking the lead the pay ander the new bill providing ' Jiiey all say so now: and for their compensation, namely: three vat eve they ow keep the thousand dollare, commenc ng from the ead 4th of March, 156. and at that rate for ABOLITION EXCITEMENT IV MOBILE. Gere ay Toor tie leat onered pened ap to today The inembers who have been Moen, Ang. Is Huntirily aleent during the last ses There aleen agreatexciternenthere sion, certified upon honor aa to the a to-day, w iad its origin in the saleof, monat of time thos lost, for whieh a pro Abolition books by a stationary firm in raf: deduction waa made from their sal this cit The name of the firm in qnes- aries t ~ Stockland &_ Co, the individua Although the Senate inserted in the members beng Win. Strickland aud bk. Post Office appropriation bill ®800,000 Upset J ‘ charge against them for an overland semi-weekly mail to San was the selling of booka that were regard. Francisco, from some point on the Miss ed as of an rcondiary character. inas Issippl river, it was finally stricken ont much an the y favored the freedom of the by the action of the eommittee of eon slay ference Kansas state that Gen. Lane; with. the) short by the long dro oe - |: The Rain and the ay og ing t. “Other sce- tions, however, we are gladto see, use heen inore favered. Kilgefe.td fifinmes. owe Extra Session ef Cengiere—Piaciamation by the President. W ssuinotox, Aug. 18.—The Cabinet their attack on Franklin had seven of; held a meeting this farertoyn, and decid: ped on the following proclamation callin jan extra session of Congress to farnis supplies for the army. A PROOLAMATION. Whereas, whilst hostilities exist with the various Indian tribes on the remote Heres of the Cuited States, and whjles te other Tempe a the peace 1 @@- riously threatened, ( © has adffyarit WILONE oie Ce ae oe set vt tes for tle A vA depriving hey Nee of tt nn) voredat ‘ Gd SeMULITY, arek aly ONE he sion has angen for the ween elgg of the two Houses of Congress, | do terete pby this tdy Proetaypation. convene ead | Hees te meet at the Capitei, in the eity of Washogron, om Tnnreday, the 2let slay of August rnetant, hereby requiring the respective Sevaturs and Repro sous + then and there te assemble, [con mid determine er guel mma. ~ as w etate dt the Upeau ihas <c y art Jee tescumeene wheres Dobe hes mel of tie U : uate oaths n ary hana Dione at the coty Vig [sth dav of Nugnst 4 “wr yReowrd 1856, ame toe fur epecdenee ‘ United Srates the SIs Is FRANKLIN DIE ROE By order, WoL. Mareyv, Soc. of Bate “>. The Berti Svamton Com pensation of Congressmen. Washington, Ang. 18—The issuing of the President's Proclamation calling an extra session of Congress, has detained many of the meinbersof both houses who were about to depart for their homes. Under the new compensation act the roem bers of Camgress receive 82,200 more than under the old rates Wise and discreet members of the De moeratic, Repablican and American par tres, particularly the acknowledged lead ers of both Iquses, express their deter mination to resist any attempt to go into any legislation at the extra session save the Army bill of other great messares The members are exhansted frow their excessive labors (f) and are panfally ana Shove to return te their Leomes oo. Ty DUE PRIENIS OF EDC ATION INN CAROLINA Via prelimceary meetes of delegates from Vanwes ( wuntees, heb! in Goldetweu’ bo May hues, owas resoliid to hub) a State (onvestiun, of North Caretina io and the undersigned were ap [Petal a Commute of Preparation with tse wer to deternfime the time and place of bohb- wowed Conver the fremde of bducntewe in the eamog PF ai! on aml od ehetiog persons to sulgects designated. hat Sscesm ay hae beep \ that 4 2 tog of . ’ “ao n te at A ihe . * rad b - . Lal e 1 bh wh gates of the Cost nine, and mien half the epual fare @ul te et arged to seetto re om the bal Roade of the “tate 1 reettiers te be the ment respert * ' ‘ evee bebd om Neth (ar dene ard it pred that mang frretedle «of alee mall parte of the State will csme ane an] comme neem seb wom ay ch other and te bet gi as d arm anil oe tem id of h owen ' portant field A ber. f mht ' fiadly the depots of ‘lve enti t wel ste . “ oh ? t 1 gar ay oi Wishing orien 4 2 ‘ r " give carly @ DAN Dare of Salelary. alo @ repert thetr mares tes tbe wnmittes of the Toen appennt: 1 er to the { the viewers [tie to hope T th at roary will mod ge with thee ee pewt Pfevent any one from o Colbkegee, Teachers 19 (leasten School OWfiete of the system. and all frends of the great caase fA Eslucation. and all frends of North Carolina are cordially invited to attend as delegates CH. WILey. Sup't. Com. School for N ( DP. AL DAVIS, of Rowan Co, E,W. OGBORS, of Gailford Co WM K. LANK, WM. ROBINSON, of Wayne Co E. GRAVES, of Warren Co Commeltee ao Preparations, “2 FILLMORES ACCEPTANCE an. | (anon Corgmon MR We take great pleasure (says the Chroniele and Sentinel.) ve pubbebing the following | tter of Mr Fillmore, aceopting the nomination of the Amenean party of freorgua, As of all other ccasions he stands forth hke a true patriot and honest man, and bee past adrmmistration is the highest pledge he can give of his fanthful hess Wo the constitution and laws, if be be again rotrusted with power. This is open and manly, ot hie ntiediow! ty St hnp thé honor'te i of your tet Ce Sa * ovo of (he @th’sad dcuhindel ag ‘others itr adhered ew jm the sup. ‘vicina, und tiny best efdenvore lthe overnquent as to restore MOUY to the voudesing sections, aed-oydotnin a Vilion hetwevn the States, hip. “to. . (that protection ped Me 145 Bal aptecd. If my friends betieve that T hinve aul. cent imjelligence jo know their constituional Papen erie wonay tegen Seewe LJ {une if 1 tack eithe?, no'pledge could , | deticiewey. or justify them io giving me.theie’ . jseypors. : | T'neeppt the pominntion so Lorie. doves cleved with a grateful appreviatiba of the Toon me by the Comyentiva, and beg leate.to ocala, oxyins you any thanks for the kind manner Losf 0 whet you have been pleased to command Jur result of ‘heir deliberations. main four friend wad fllow citigen, MILLARD FILLMORE 2 ae ; FUR THe WATCHMAS, Moxceviite, Aug 20th, 1856, Darke tedge, X¢. 53, 1 @. 0.8, Wh-cvas ov have just Keon with Sbhdhiner- bp sew cf the sad and sudden demise of our Bro. Sides, Genk Wises, once cin uaetanees pechtiar. aid ly cDstie-eumg mt! afifietive to Ide family snd Bie, trem, Therefarg. cor mt Kewteed, That we deeply and ‘singeweby de- YLOUR, On phe he amesperted aed distressing esemt, thine ‘Coent cat hjun@ tet!) niet fe pk lee LARD 4 tulmegared 6 joris this budge of pardilibee, WEAL. per SO ae MOLASSES elved, Vow «nent heartily euoniabe aul Se fume WIth Lie hereawed aad ettickem absll- on A ny eho wre deprived thes seddew of is Kind rea Spork aml afb-ctionate father, @hile still mowsping the RICK, per be feet hme of a onether SALT. Kealerd, Tattle cordial thaaksof this Lodge are due amd aire hereby froviy tendered to the brethren uf the Heteon Lodge No. 63, of Mis- New @ pvert, for tbete hied and benevolent attentions TAAOW, » shown ty.our devomed bruther and big allie - WHBAT, pry trl deaghtes, ——_—__ ved, That ms some slight token of our nse of our lems, the members of this Lodge wear Ube usual badge of mogruing on their left arm At hie poate for Unisty daya ) — For the W sichmee LINES ON RECEIVING A BOUQUET Whe sat me this ewert benqnuer ? Whe cat d and wreath d these Gower ter me! These jaamines sweet —these runes gry, Some lady facr has erat te me, Near te my heart these flowers TW ley, And beee them ws ered vem . | wontd that they wight as'er drewy, Bat ever coon as rech 0s com Ab pes, | heoe aome et white head, Hes phock' 4 ther Cader (roam Gre bongh ; O @omkt that gre! mgh sever breed, Nor segue dim ber chradions brow Cottor Grow, BO THE MARKETS Suliabary, WV. C., Anguet 260 aL Appes (Grad @ ' Mjawe, Nod. 100)! én Geeey S190 De Pere, ilbeity Bacon Aelh Metesers, ( abe Co Beeewas, 2 ~ DN Onte ame, rr Beef, 5 a@t Neds, @s Better, 1Tye 15 dn Wrowght, 1946 ( aadtes, Tellew, 25 de Morse Shee 25 to Adamant %3a374 Onis, %@23 te rm, 454 Oe — Cobre, ; pare Laneeed, P pei o BI oe Jorn, 180 1P = Tenners’ Peni os. 16 Castings WD, 445 Potators. lash, 58 OT do Mainble 194215 de Sweet, 35 91 OO Cote 10 11 Rage PB. 3 Coun Bogging.- — Salt Poark, G2 6m 15 Geaay, 7. é Phaser, ghee Drumdee . 15008 Bhertings, Brown, 4-4 9 Bariape, OO a Eh thot, Y beg 25 tottoe Vern, 9 heed, — Com 4500 Cwrer, Pherh @)lel? & Mest, tba Plarseed, oe: 0 Chaehe os 2.014 @ 1h Seger, Brown, iba 1% Reg Yl on, OG Lael, “ Peathers 36.35 ‘* Crashed, ss Pear, @ Set meg “ OWerllhed, OotS Trem, Ba ede, Tale, Las) 4 Ber 4405 Tarpentine, Peel *ie!e Eng Refund 54 Wheat, girs Wevee, 5 Wael, ee Oval, 6@7 Window Glass, P bor lard me 1) » 10 ea05 Lead, bear Tqae re 19 e240 Lead. Dry Whur. 1600s NORFOLK MARKET. Rep ried by Reowined & Brothers, A agust Sith. 1454. BACON —Hame. 13 @ 16 Hag round, 08 @ 14 LARD—Ne 1 42. 14 @ 15 COTTON—10 @ wy CORN —Mined, 65— White, © 66—Velirw, 64 WHITE BEAX S150 @ 175 FLOU R—Saper 100 —Brue, * 09 family, & 00 SALT —Liverpent, fine, $175 —rvend Alem, 194 DRIED APPL ES—N.mipol—*s PRACHES—49 va WAY —Carge, 70 @ 75 (LAM E—@1) w 014 BEPSW AX — 24 ete OATS-233 @ WHISKEY — 26 @ 2 RVVNAWAT f REMARKS. ta Reempia of predece contions light, the sales ofeors ] are for consamption aad menling being ton high for aoe " sh pment, the stock of flowr is small, bat the late reine rated , or will mon enlarge it Lanmber in good derand. Fiat “emghe Preset 1 seed are wanted. Our city ie perfectly healthy, never orehesed af the more w, all think we shall have on early and heary “NC, to ae cH fall bawinees. ot ae > The abun req WILMINGTON MARKET —Aagost 20, 1856. Prem deliveria, BACON, N C., hog roand, 1904 eae CORN, 65 = 70 ; tate a | COFFEE, Rio, Ma 1% ny | niorawemt “ Laagvira, 1320 Py pada COTTON, 00 2 00 tanly Co FEATHERS, 40 Nea FLOUR, Payettevite, 875 0 950 & 26th, 56 MOLASSES, Cabs, 70 ’ . “ NO 00 2 00 FOR SA RICE, 4 0 00 Calde SALT, Alom 2 00 Osaka, Pat " fhmek 120 » 1.95 i oe SUGAR, NO 00 2 0 £. 26th, 1 * P. Rieo, 10 0 105 WHISKEY, 00 45 JC WHEAT. 1.25 « 135 FLAXS ERD, 1.40 0 150 Vertly fe ci f Se i s g Er e s CL E | 4 0 4 0 0 a ad J ee v r o c o e c s S - ss PP E S E E E S R E S FE E R S E E © Ph e ig e gi s § #60 « Of T0074 A 6 Sv 4.0 60. - Hi The ip a Soepaneal d bt thie om wilt make hate } “Mad LIN aS ane ‘tavestment to the purchaser. erma will be inede 20 » THEVELY, HOVNTY —IN EQUITY } accomodating. Call om the subscriber at the planta- e a pl 0.10 Petition to Selk Land. 1 wou or, address by letter at neranerd & aye cae i RC tar? eth J. W. Broghton and wife Margaret, Mary 1. Moore | July 22, 1866. wf—10 res | ond J. A, Hugging 0s. Jobo J. Bagge. { wen TP appearing 6 my satisfaction that the defendant fen 1'Finges is tot ne Inhabit of te mee | OUSE & Lot & Plantation . 43 8 50 4 is ordered that publication he urade io the Cernlia 48 2 GB. Wachnn, for tbe apace af six weeks, =| hy os ‘ oaid Jétin J, Haggive to appear at the next Term of a ada 10 a 1 6 | the Gourt of Bquity to be held for the County of Ire. 145 1 0@ —_ wt the Court fouse in Statesville, an the 6th HE subseriber will offer at mis sale at the C ourt | J Mendyy nfter the 4th Mencay im Aagest wext, thea | I Flouse in the towa of Statesville, on the 6th of | TO & 08 4 ond therp to plead, anawer or demur t the plaintiff's | Oeiuber next, it being Mouday of Superior Court, a 58 a OD J petition, wambiniye Sago judgiwént pra confess wilt be! trnet of land containing | 45 0 48 | egtered ime b Goedo at offer, ia Statesville. 1! ie [Bthdey of Augusi, | 259 |- ) ACRES, 13 » 00 A UD, 1856 - Wa af W.Y CALUWELL, C. M. E. / Be 94} Pro adv. 65 50-0113 ow the waters of Fourth Creek, two miles North of | ids i | Satewvile. There is between 30 and 40 seres uf " | r ck) NORTH CAROLINA, "Bor tow LAND, Reacts pat nowaN cousry Ee percep glee eteel diuttigine weuge In Equity—Fall Term, A. D. 1856. i apeligoar o-feorl pe. ad a r 3 y in, an orcha: y peac! naw bs 13-2 36 | The Trustecs of. Davidson College, ageinet Joseph trees BACOS. Dhceddore, ® fe aur F Chambers, Dulphia A. Davis, and Pukney Any perem wishing to see the premiges before (he | aid ib cist (sanders, Earootur of the jan Will end Ae ~te | day uf sale will call on the subscriber. Terme will be OPPES. S 3 ua wea 4 Maxecii Chambers, Thamas Bregg, Pre- | liberal aod made kadwn on day of mile « . per M3a ride it Of the Rowed of Trastecs of-the University of | I will sell privately « very desirable lot in town ge a 1} doit North Consdius, 3 8. Bechetos, Attorney Generel | ~erteimng abet Bin, per Rats of the Mate of North Coreling, Rufus Campbell oie Java, por Te me " sed where, erat of hia fo Maxwell Chamber, de- 5 Acres. b Ng teeny rahe | VLA Casal, per ber | well wiproved, wit) a new 2 story dwell and per tos vow 7 500 900 oe saiicfection of the » 5. mccain Ut Whang coat Gace Coantry, per dd 60027 90 | Cert, that Refuse Campbell, Cyres C W, Nee yard and garden pailed in. LARD, por & 14a 15 | OH Omen, John Orica, Abase Cowan, Adiei Cow- |” ‘those indebted 1o me 5s Admiaistreter of Dr. J. M WEAL, per tushe! 50 245 | 90 end others, whose pames eve unk nowe to the oum- Moore's cutstc will make payment without delay. MOLASSES, New Orteans, per ge! 650 WD | Piainwnte nent of bin w Maxwell Ohembers, dreene JOR W STOCKTON re 50 SS | 0@, reattbe bevind the lenite of thie Beate: Li re there- Awe. Lat, 1856. Gwe Cale, ger 50455 | bore ordered, that publication be made fos vin weeks oa Tyre eae a: |e; eae see! §=DISSOLUTION, Pea eshel 707% | em ng ( em aon jemi ROOK, for beohed 300» 409! ante & be sed appear at the wert Torm of the Cugrt SALT, sack 375 0 9 GO| te be held he the eomnty of Rowan at the Cunrt-huese | The Piew of Murphy, McRorie & Ca, has this doy SUGAR, Los and C mpbed, per B 14a 45 | @ Belisbery op Une 12th Mouday afiet the 41h Mon eared by fimitenon. ber iness of the firm will Rie, pr & , n day a Angast, AD. 1856, (hea and there to plead be eeitled ot the old stand by ether of the partners ado, per ® 1} | amewer or demer te P pis Bal of pa All persuns indebted to as will pleese call and make New Oriewus, per hh el — defeah of their appearance pigment will be ort coment os the business mast be closed withant de TALLOW, a Wal +® pee Conirery aa Ww them, the emae evi fur hear- toy WHBAT, por bedbet 195 fille. 4 png aed be beerd o1 parice as to them Joba Me Rone having withdrawn from the firm, lea Wrtaces. £. Blarbater, Clert and Master in Equity dees bie rrateful sckhnowledgemeeis for the very lib —SS > for Rumen Coaniy @ifice,in Sebebpry, Augen crsl pain page bestowed ap the firm. DIED Bid, 1N96 JAMES MURPHY, At bie reaidence, im this eomnty, after é short ill com, My. AMER ALEXANDER, « the Sch your of be age ——, m. Sa bis samahte ond «ther erceliewt qualitees, tnth | 4 heed apd heen. Living for emer yours = cubeiet ° of the Epice pet (Cherch. he ded m the Se onpualial of Wis’ cpess oe tas acs rmeied wR the bape hat be bee been i+ onde reed to « bright [Cos Ai Wittag Springs ie Cateebs Coenty on Sab ve 17ib e., Mere. Carnsame Woes, wile ~ Thema Wand of thee comnty Het Weces wae comtwed ame 1 or tertve days ootnGenet, erent and thre» ¢ (n= cweg Ghee bed Gren 6 etek ie Pree | becet Gt many frame, ond bed aderoed ber p> oon by & Gueretens Gua dsb Cemctnnaeen ws cvrtees? duties, aud biessing? of the goepri Nhe fon eqgnnated Curing ber arincw. ber ead from the feme of death, snd ber suchenmmom to the well ( ood ft Gheeattd be bie pideewre te ool hey omny See hebleft « bashend. ne qaly an. sed qemerens ooh + (etntiene te teement thew mere bereeweneet bet * mo ree as eee whe tere ee Rope Bhe wee we her td veut, hed grecrally eapeyed gaat health, oat her Fh atmen eromed and copes of onde « the cobeery ietete of We fer weeny yours Bor © borane mde @ them woth. and ther eh © mere mprewing enaanple af the geceriainty of Me ~ Beant « tepeetl of te-mercow, for them keww cet mt wha: SRAVe COTCZRI aT The COURT Hol sh, 1N thie (Terndey frm ¢ , Segue ten KEW VERUR® large claw 7 wactnrmnt) dreserd °" ere eo GRAND MUSH AL ENTERTAIN. VENT. The oe am me mapeg TS peces Mee tle nee Mr Ko owt ong sewet! pope or balled Coneert Commence et B lelerk — Ticbete Bi ernre Aang Oth, 18546. lipdt? Adniaistrators’ Sale. AT the late residemee of NM. Griffin. decd mor ihany Ohareh, Iredell Coanty, oe the Mih Sep ber meat, | will bel te the hoghest bidder, 3 Miraty Negroes, a man, girl, and boy, 7 page Ba horees, onttle, hoga, a guan- tly of Corn, Wheat, & T: oo, 1 wagon, | bw Straw Outter, pO wh Ba Tooda, con, Flour, Farm lousthold and Kitehen y earn aby wovrroxsx.. ‘CL persue indetted to the estateof NM. Griffin, "7 w Av: Yous, 1056. $10 REWARD. R ee stheoriber on the 19th August EGBERT, “ a bright Mutario, with one eye out eaneed by "1g toh ; he ie @ brick mann and plasterer; md a ™ abpet 30 youre of age, show 6 feet igh and “ithe ehowt 145 oF 170 pemnde Said negro wae wehased of the Rew. AD. Montgumery, of Leasing N.C., te 1849, Seid negro seppored to be lark tm ibe neigh boehnd of Lexington, or in the Jersey “Wlement, it Davidson County bane regard of ton dollars will be puid te any f delivering said negro to me at Cenire, Sianty only NO. for bie confinement in auf safe jail ders State w Leda get hem information es to bis where abnntie will be thank p | Temved. Address the subscriber at Nu ° Stanly Co, N.C TURNER, Adm te 4 \ DC HARRIS "t 26h, 5856. beat FOR SADE, Rrrcmtets te tie Plantation. They ough to be sowed in ‘tober ap early in November Sog. 26th, 1856, JOB PRINTING Veutly seecuted af this Office a3 10 2 soe 0M | os STATE OF Machines were ii exhit.ition at ee Feyintovile ‘the lands of Wy. Baio iy L864 nd “ab, bn cunpetithe ates in Sa W. 344 1-2 Acres, ‘@ large portion of which js well timbered; the ro- mainder is water a high state of cultivation, Un this tratt bs a mperior _ aver metioe, sud Sue Mid Irons, aqui ye Nag Mills, Wod-enrding Ma- Cappers, jos thie + That ete we a ty nedcon yard ull kinds of cast- ge at wre | thee du the nates, , eTatrony. DIXON & CO Snow Camp. Atamenue, N.C, | Wit umet = Piysapt eflentiou. Aug. 26, Ta Meadow, cotituming woout 40 acres; as thid lund is lying so {tear So jsbury @ handseme profit cau be made from | + the invadow alone. ne dwe in onee @ thest ExceMent barn, ang every NOBTH CAROLINA {ie mpety Deseret Sinospa lS L. BLACK MER, C ME. JOHN MeRURIE, Jumps Wo Ovburae, } Sebetors J. 8. MeCUBBINE Jarph I. Wicsee ae Satebery, Avg 1, 1856 uo L) a A. Gereham, \ Complainants —_— Mode O50 te 13 THE bamaers beresfter will be conducted wader the firm aad style of Merphy @ Co at the old saad where they will keep constantly on baad thew veusl large capply of GOODS, adapted to the wants of the qveatry hemkfal for the very liberal patronage be- stewed on us heretofore, we hape by close attention to bertnese aud fair deahag io mert « gontiqns nce WM MORPHY. JAS. MURPHY. 1 & MeCUBBINS, THOS. J. POSTER we _ Salisbury Planing Mill, SASH FACTORY AND nae YARD. OW WEST HILL, SALISBURY, B.C. V4 bes nde raged have now in apeention the whore | ead Factory, and ore prepared to ferwich bent Po ¥ lemter éreesed. of elt Plane, Tongue ond Aipeere ptonk fernmhed by others, cad make all hinds of Beck, Dears, Hramese, Biade sad wont moekdongs | of catmee warceed Paticren Bend! eawing, ‘eroung (he oo von and wie Riart emt heag Rebebory. Aug 1. MAS6 FOR SALE. T.-s ~ 4 6 fet rite eerbinee Re ESL" Valuable Plantation fr-: - ome Coop ern baie oa ehey are remecttay re On THE YADKIN RIVER. yee eat! ped 1 o- prcemee of the eark MOR DO Ma CALS Rig ps pean. Pol ragly ahaa por her Rice era waar 2 fiew ok NBs Aa tp on bearng F ag nad tyreenebe py aura tiegheaearae HICKS PERRY TRACT VV ANTED IMMEDIATELY, «- '-~ ~04 was babes. and ean (Mire t Gr eate. There are few traets in thes jn tabiag Ponta end auvitos & Caper Ference the camry which Gunprise more edvaniagre There Noply tthe eaheember at Eaghe Poandes, Tym. one stewt Derren C wee etl want 1000 ACRES 2 (. ome half weed bend ead the remainder under 34 THOVPSON NoRTa CAROLINA RAL ROAD. uvevew There is @ large portion of « Irv 29, 1856 River Bottom, CUNNGE OF SH EDULE FOR MAIL TRAIN etch \icids well There wont 0 Arat-raiete beech bethteg. « sapere sew horn, stables, and all oth creat hoeers, ofl in gned condities. The BSc ER Ee SH eed flat. and peys very hewdaome- On end after MONDAY 1856 WEST 0 farm the sth day af August or th . t requiers ihe will cle: sell tm the 200A puree At wiatem © full eopply of urn, fed ‘on Aor, bay. uate, whet for eveding an! ha famery use, 710 bmerers, cows, hogs, dee ingethet with hes stock of farm B4 reg tome rie Any person wishing ti purchase, will do well to ra! 10.28 and examine the lands, hear prices, he. fur he will 29 cortamnly gives barguia if application be made earty iat Hecke’ Perry R.L HICKS $7 Davideon Co,, Aug. 5, 1656. aw if 4 ’ *4y y ‘TT . SPRING AND SUMMER Leave 530P M Arnive 533 iM 933 FOR 1856 104 ae MICTIARL BROWN 111 A.M 2400 ‘ 8 now receiving and ope ning 455 bie large and well esewted 745 stock of Spring and Sumner Gunde, conmsting of Conn cing bub ways with the Cherintic and Rowth Staple & Fanoy Dry Goods, Tlate, ( upa, and Bonnetea ; Shore and Boots ; Ready Made ( lothing : | “hina. 1 Iph, and Glass Wer ; Hardware & Cutlery, Groceries, &c., « to which he mites the attention of hie customers and the pablre —fimring at lew prices fer cash, or « to penctaal customers, at wholeanle or retail VR AN kinds of Country Produce bought at the ‘e. bighest market price Malebary, Aprit 10, 1856 Candwe Ret Read Wivttam Rett Road THEODORE & GARNETT E.og't & Seperatendest Ie end with the Wilmington and Angust, # 1836 ~ OFFICE OF N.¢ Ratoworany RAIL ROAD, Augnet 1®th, 1656 om time 4606 STATE BONDS FOR SALE. APPLY JENKINS& RORERTS Aug 5 Salisbary, NORTH CAROLINA RAIL ROAD. i AND Wilminzicn & Weldon Rail Road NOTICE ie given to Merchanis ond Shippers that all pode, merchandwr, &c , shipped in New York or @ clewwhe te. for porate on cither of the Red Reade nin ¢ named, will he georived at the new Wharf and Ware house of W. de W. Rail Road at Wilmington, after the lat day of eptember, FREE OF CHARGE, ot Wharfage, Storage or Drayage, and by the ar- ange me nt for through trains now in operation, three goods will be directed without detention or tranship ment, with deepatch, antess prevented by ¢xtracrdi- nary contingencies, as for Weet a C state on ove I My work hes nl@ave given greet third dey after leaving Wilmington enimfaction where ever it has been ined or known, and Lam determined that rt shall give sateafection ond am- Administrator's Notice ple rewards the porchacer. Lm sill atthe same old stand koowt) re fhe Mowry Shop. on the Railroud THOSE twdebted to the estate of JONATHAN nearthe Facory bnexechange for Baggies [will ARMFIBLD, dood, by purchane of property at he Paty N ¢ UST reeeived at the old stand 9000 Ibs. Shot, Ae- sorted. 1500 Ibs. Bar Lead. 30 Kegs Powder saited fur shooting of bineting MURPHY & CO. Anguet Ist, 1956. ne Encourage Home Industry! RE-OCICK! BE OCIA)! STILE BETTER AND BETTER! AM parting of Baggies and Rockawaye with im provements. st. corn, bacon, &e., at the highest market take whe gnle. ar otherwise, are hereby utified to come for‘ prices My work ehall be good and durable. Call and | ward and make payment. as the affairs of the eatate examine my work and hear prices, and T know you | And these having claims against cxn ( help being pleased with tT retarn my sincere moet be closed up. anid ootate will please inke notice to present them for payment, according to law, or they will be barred col- lection J. BE. BROWN, Adwm'r Aug. 19, RGR 17.19 thenke to the puble for their very liberal patronage | that they have bestowed on me heretofore i JOUN Lo WRIGHT Juty 29 9-1 ‘Phere is, also on thy premises a: te be Manas ate iy of {of Momgrme Ala, in pub- tie, on‘, 856, on the HAVANA PLAN!! SAMUEL SWAN, Monager. | PRIZES AMOUNTING ‘To | 200.000 DOLLARS, \ Wilt be distrivated yecording to the following MAGNIFICENT SCHEME! ! 30.000 TICKETS ONLY !! 1 Prize of $50,000 is $50,900 1 25,000 is 25,000 1 ‘ 15,000 i» 15,000 1 10.000 ie 10,960 } : 6,000 is 6,000 Eee 5.000 ip 5.000 [als 3,000 iv 3,100 3 Prizes 1,000 are 3,000 10 « 500 wre 5,000 @ « 400 are 32,000 ‘ou 200 ure 000 i APPROXIMATING PRIZES. 4“ of $400 approximativg to $4), prize are $1,600 4 ¢ jyO “ Bm 1 gue} Cia 20 a Ls ywo 1,000 | a 1% Be 10,000 me Te o* bo “ $ on “ . a4 “ ow | $$ te 4 soho ato as 80 “ 1000 4 gpg a6 % “ lop gto 4 be = lwo bed wo “ oo 4% 16M eve Po “ ww 9,600 “™ *“ te bt wo * Bye 1n00 prizes ambunting te erm. oo { = PLAN OF THE LOTTERY. The Numbers from 1 to 30,000, corre ppovding with | those Numbers oa the Tickets printed on separate | slips of paper, are enciccled with smull tie tubes, | pieced in one wheel. The firet 200 Prizes, similarly printed and encircled, ‘are placed in another wheel 1 wheels are then revolved, aud a number is | Pes from the wheel of Numbers, are at the same time a Prize is drewa from the ether wheel. The | vember and Prize drawn out are opened sodexhibited | to the andiende, and registered by the Commissioner, | the Prine bring placed sguinst the sumbet drawn — This operation is repeated anisi all the Prizes are drawn out APPROXIMATION PRIZES,—The two ing e6d the two succeeding Nambere to those wing the first 200 Prizes will be enfitied to the BOO Approx- nation Prines, accordidg to the Boheme L/The Managers. determiged that theit Lotteries shall exert ell others, offer to the public the above sebeme, whieh, for the britiancy, of ius Capnala, and and the chances of obtsining Prizes, has never been equaled 17 Remember that overy Prise is deawn, and pay able in fall withwt deduction LF All Prizes of $1 000 and vader, pail emmediate- ly efier the drawiag—other Prizes ai the aswal tune of thirty days All comungnicationsstricity confidential. The drawn nambers will be forwarded to purchasers im mediately after the drawing Whole Tickets, €10— Halves. 5 Prise Tickets cashed or renewed in het Tickets a: euher office Onders for tickets shoeld be sent in carly Orders for Trekots can be eddie aed to S SWAN &CO., Atapta, Ga or 8S. SWAN, Mosigumery, Als July 22, 1856 ® GEORGIA LOTTERY. 1 [ Authorized by the Stat of Georgia.| FORT GAINES ACADEMY LOTTERY! LA&S 18 Teo be drown in the City of Atlanta, as 9 pab We, og Tharsday, August 2%. 1866, oo the HAVANA PLAN! SAML SWAN & CO, Manasceors PRIZES AMOUNTING TO $204,000: will be dit nbered according to Oe follow og Brilliant Schemes. EVER) OTUER TICKET SURE TO DRAW | Pay? 30,000 NUMBERS—15,185 PRIZES !' ~(Juarters, 2) ' 40 900 ie $4" 000 1 1000@ +» 10.600 ' 19h @ 7. ’ 5.000 « + Oan ' 2.000 is 2.000 1 1000 is 1 fox 1 1,008 ie 1.008 10 200 ore 2,000 oo 100 are 16.000 4 Priaee of 0298 approximating @ Prince of 109 approximating 4 Priscs of = 5) appronionn ting - 4 Prise of 4° approsionsting - 4 Prince of «5 approximating to vine 4 Prise: of 4% approximating J - 4 Prines of 5 appronimeting | cepa © Briers of 98 approvimating te B80 prie are Rew ieee Prise. Sere Tee 19.1% Prises amounting to P2400 The 15,000 Prizes of 84 are determined by the sem. ber whieh draws the 820,000 Prize—if thet namber tworkd be ap odd mumber, then every add number tick et in the Seheme will be entitted tw $4 aneven amber. then etery even ticket im the Scheme will be cated to 84, 1a addnwn io any other Prine which the schet may draw Parchaeers m buying an equal qeantity of odd and even namber fekers will be certain af drawing nearly hall the cost of the came, with chaners of obi ang oth 1 Pries 17 Remember that every Prize ie drawn. and psy able all withowt dedertina 1) All Prizes of 1.000 and under. pad immedsnte- ly fler the drawmg—othe * at the mewal (me of thirty dave All commanicatione strictly confidential, The draw nambere wil) be furwarded to purchasere immediate) after the drawing Whole Tickets $10— Prize Tickets cashed or renewed at ether office GREAT INDOUCEMENTS TO CLI BS. Ae one-haif of the Tickets are guaranteed tr dras #5 we will sell Certificates of Packages of 10 Tickets ‘odd and efen numbers.) at the futlow All that the 10 Tiekets draw qoarantced accrurs to the porch Halves $5---Quarters @ 1-2. o other Tickets g rates ver the amnant Certifieate of Packages Whote Tickers, 260 10 Hatt *) 10 Qearter Address orde ta for Tickste, of Certificates of Pack agee of Tickets, either in S. SWAN &€ CO. Atlanta, Ga or S. SWAN, Montgomery, Ala New Discovery ! Ambrotype Likenesses. FTHE Iatest ion The beauty and dorability of these pictares hae pla ced the Ambrotype at the head of all the fin evement in the beaatifal art of ia arts and is conerdered one of the greatest discoveries of the age The enbeenber having stadied thie method eking likenenses at Philadelpbia ander the most dreimgish of that place, offers hie sefvi¢es in tha! capa he citizens of thi< place oof any age tuken in a few seconds. Pupils mati meted in the art Ladies and Gentlemen are myited t land exam GABRIEL UTLEY, OF Chapel Hin, No ¢ July 22 R—16 ine sproumens Raliebary, | Marriage License for Sale at this Office. removed j by e & Whinane, ego odjvining J, Rudy Lille, where he isprepared to execate ull ae, ab eheap bud good gs ewn be darie in Turning, Cutting Serews, Repairing | .. Boilers and Engives, of all descriptions ; making ‘and repairing Mill Spindies, Wood Plainers, Plows, | oning Wagons, | Mutant Ir fh cedles te eg &e., and ia . | sh who want a Grotrine ontione bad ROLSLCMOLIT Ge | prices, sipindr becca yore would alway ) Qealties ae cheapest |, T will compare arid de spelen yn ppanbrtenad ae | eeaseat Of aresace ep work with way one weal, | mensbefore they rierring choes, gizs fearon do. we orang epepray smerr re PAE, melted over jie roadie pries. wrth aera spaich. TF Old Copper ard rare wo “LLY ERY STABLE S : | ik Ri (svete sc bores * of mules, are invited to alt. ! duty 9, ths Mow KSVELLE M ALE ACADEMY. MAE 4 svqsion' of tale tet iT on Wednerday the 20ch tah am Chatltie, May 5, | FOR SALE, | 20. OOO Bs the. of oo Ra ine { ray ry ca Com, for wale by the subseri- bers at Copaty Line ate = ing inet elles Sacatai | t Bi: plates, #2 PAE Pereons wt o Hatanes or ‘Work, wit) phan tare Li av Air Furnanoe fp netting | POny the otter witht a te rw oe qi RB at ‘ x qualityand price—and when stipe ye Oe ruse, wiyel ann ‘ nO fagtiod they will not be Brees and Conrpos aealy With the sévan: wf tw alread oad, rbd establishment a leo Brnaw , oH b Ogg Fd aay tees? gieh, wh) 2 Sane ets, eranaer Vea, Timber, Phyowgh is kept up asasual; and thase who wish efthyrte bey or tosell |° rebate w wis ROMP aaAt tines North Pay M-—If not, encourage Mome Maustattares, ORNING MEADER. enki inns * er. WILMINGTON, ¥, ©... K & Wilmingipa, N, C., June. 4, 1866..~ | 7 i Tn | ; ECCLES & GRAY. | asatio pat ta 8 tos GORE and the daly | 1558 f: 5 | subseriber will use his utmost eodeavore to keep it ve Fen | ~ ra Re pa and to sustain the repgtation which it hae heretofore Wall Paper, &, |stats Ponda corse | + class iw the University oria any o Large f beautiful Wall P. Al. | they may desire. A ny We ee aN haf oy Bhedes te tin by TERMS: SDUS ED > wareraums. J. HL BN 18, Buokselter Primary D. Ment seasion of 5 months, ay | July 22 - _— ew aghas Reba, . fae) Woe Foy nal et Petspeceedh ’ » Classios, 15.00 | vacations of Davideun € lege | Sew North lopehna Gore beak i _ INO. B. GRETTER, A. B. . | the Trust baive } TOR Sheriffs, Constables, Magistrates’ aod Busi- Bob. 15, 1856 3s aS edad oo wut the — wen, for vale at JOM. Bnning’ { {REPERENCES, Lith day of September neat, Jely 2 aon erone President aud Faevky of the Upiversity ; Ges.) sire ieee sata pealinn Oy Ge ine erst 4 y peary Lacy. ® D P leont of Desttone. ;| Seer, Sale stsenve memati . sod. ‘ N \ mal gis oe ~ beret eg | mnalfeted reat interest. in” of | STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, = Ender, Doge. ¥ Bal Be Sel od ecrathat te ore nan FILKES COUNTY. eecte now te comple tan, werviees fqu ity — Sep of a fal corpas of ¢ teochers will be pia Bivity— September Term, 1850. | STAM ENGINE AND SAW MILL. ie and evar) Poe provi fade the ieldigg Combs va. [sane Pruit, and others. | the young Indies entrosted te their ORDERED by the Court that publication be made | A ae [retipacat age ingen ome beng as to Wan. Crable in the Carolina Watchman for six weeks, to appéar, plead or demar, else judgment will be eatered againet him. JAMES CALLOWAY, C.M. E &_6a The Great iron Wheel Examined. AND ITS FALSE SPOKES EXTRACTED, by | G. Brownlue, For sale at J. H. €nvin’ | The whole establishment can be easily moved and set | BOOKSTOFP" | up at any pleee. Perecns wishing te hase, are te. | July 22 | to call sad examise it, as 1 we determined | ee A MBER FeRSILE. = July 17, 1856. | i8 Horse =e FINE BRICK STORE HOUSE. two £ high, seated vext door to Watchmen Pros whee Apply w R MUR July 20 oa pte sabscriber ws desirous of moviag : | sity pe ft of ged LUM Sa DR. M. WHITEHEAD. Hee City sid yy Reco OFFICE on the same lot with hie residence Te att, poked sawed expreasly for Cartage and Cub- hie absence permons they games on the Slate 1556 3 peesbee: riag to see bim will leaved inet Mukers purposes, Any permas wishing to buy Jane 17 tress me ot Salisbury, through the Post Offer | JOHN BEARD Frankinevillé, July 8, 1856 —Im6. sq IRE. ZIMMERMAN & ae fies ws Whetesale Dealers tn DRY GOODS, | amy of the above named Lamber would do well to ad. bed erpeaseahie te | able to health, being ia em in a fow hours vide of the Saty 8, 1856.— ded e epnercts STOC K ‘Spring & Summer Goods JUST ARRIVING: 7 ety sold off our first extensive purehase of Spring nd Sumer Goods in a very shot timie Hier to baad, we heve ince laid ina Groaned | er. which @ new arriving, =k pe hygee ay | { | care, bought a1 very redeced cash aang we aa 4 . 44, Market Street, rates No more desirable goods ape sho = Ss el eal 26 PUILLADELPHIA es Cayetano none —we aresare, con barelih | Paascee Xerian, ‘ MR FRNUEY. Abe D M. Zimmeamas, of Lincolnton, N.C. } BROWN bel Pata Suse Ave Ie 2 Geonoe N Alten April %, 1856 wat NOTICE. Ten Dollars Reward! yar > ANAWAY finer the cebarvlleg on the G00 dey Sc Reveh V+ Wai teat. 0 fee negro pemed HENRY VA INF shee Henev Lomas Seid hog was eon plesse pr ~ent ibe Tecm of Rewnu Sapeder Coan of the te pramerite rae shipped and wdd for the paymeet of wt bar of there ¢ jee for the lerm af IX + Beid Valente or H BREE-E. Avw's | | cman, 10 aban £3 years. awe. Give fort there oud 0 Nag. 12th, 1+ 4w id holf teehee high, of gingrrivesd ander, lerge mer LAND WARRANT LOST :.2==Sii h aod Albemarle rpeoue . eby warned not io trade for 1 wil! gree the abew reward for tis PPro be ern | LIND Ww (RRANT No 28932, fer Bigh aad delivery to mp st Mowat Pleesast, Ceberres aeree winch was meeed to Neaney James. wid wid) comnty. of if emfined in ony jell oo that 1 grt hie Ca 'Je who ware prreatein Capt Johe Frets egein. Letrere addremed to me at Muoent Pleassai. (ompen rtm in the wer Sand Warrant beans the 4th April 1656. and jI™M Commameoet, as the exme hee nd appheatwn will be aede to the Commas emoerr ot Penserns for A imi? will be promptly attended to CHARLES KLUTTS Jane 10, 1656 w? a dupheate of sand Warrant NANCY JAMES NEWBERN Executors’ Notice. oe fs ‘T= sabeenbore having quahfied mgred bh been lnet 5 TIVE enderviqned hes bees « appointed agrnt st Sate bary. fr the shore Company, and is Prepared to recerte applcatiogs from any pereen wwhing to Ve notion Lo all permms indebted to the estate to | OMe Preperty. This company is now in succrasfal cume forward aod make payment. of their clanne will OPPTStion, and ste business is fast increasing. Persons be put inte @ legal eoorse of cullecton : and for afi| Thing to bave property inswerd im thie office will c demande against the same lo present them for | Please @nll om the subscriber Jane 1h, 1956. « Evceutors'’ « the Wet vwan, hereby f the late Thomas L. ( J.D. maeginar J 1 JENKINS, BR ROBERTS. | \ieseranere Thunder & Lightuing! ( F PISHER, DISUNION AND CIVIL WAR, J. W. WALL rn. 1856. Office of the W. N.C. R.R.Co.,)? Pestilence, Patent Medicine, Statesville, July 25, 1856. 4 FAMINE, dre, be, Noss w hereby given that the annasl meeting | Nie vila and calamities thet shogkd be gearded of the Stock holders witl be held ia Statesville, Ire agcint. BAKER & OWEN beg leave to ia defl er. cm the Wthof Anges neat Ail transfers of! Gorm the publi generally and private individuals oe stuck most be filed in this office he fore the Sth of Anguet, (ievlariy, that they are ready. will ng sad able to pen ct let may be reported to tect them fran ome a1 Weast of the abuve .Loghteing! 2 a Sicekk der can be a privy by puting ap to their burtdings, their Patent leulaied R. F_ SIMONTON, Lag htomg Condoctora, ot prrece lower than it hes ce 6w i? that a corr None ba he meeting — Sec'y & Treacr er been deme atm this part ofthe ewuntry. Address Standard and Regutcr, Raleich. Speeiator eed opioah & Owen. Seiebary, N c News, Ashecitle, with enpy antlthe 2th of Augmat es nas i and forward their acceants te this office ’ VALUABLE LAND CABINET SHOP ‘ale! : For Sale! THE eubecriber hae opened a ¢ ABINET STIOPT » o reader ‘ ovid VS mt mase fre mele , aie sabory AN NL Least tad Ce hele “PTE CQDERS ICV KD ery far ane the vale bed ; panobs om abhi be TRACT OF LAND lying on the By attive ret mie Ferd Riad. fire wiles Weet of Sehsbary . oon taemimg ama! 346 ACRES, rhe fund anywhere on the ar GP Acres of HOTTON LAT, ch cant SUrpeeeed. wr beer abe ovat 1 ditchad and dramed sal! the neeremary busddings, COFFIN supply at rer hort pot es ; ae thie parnen lenerow ve e the Inod can be eccummo- r Jobe Ro Knox, who remdes on ; rea : rame wishing i poerhase mach a valeable ‘ an Tract of Land, such an opportunity i rarety prege nt ed DANIEL Woop July 29. 1856 9 Hy) sa - Dyspepsia Cured. I y” HO-TEPVERS CELEBRATED BIT thts ore of Dispepma and Chitts & Foccank Sa wv MILLS. MOOSE @ CO Sales May 12 37 Gold Pens, so8 F VERY Juss soni’ afte tod rome na _-APDOM'S Writing Fluid. Gold Pen Pourta, withont the Case For sale CIVHE Best Ink in the World, for cate at) HO Ein. avd ff Boies BOOKSTORE mise BOOKSTORE, Jaty 0 8 July h x TRUST SALE! B* virter of (wh several eediguments ie Trest from Witliem Locke, we will eal rape aging nay oe Tereday, the 26th day of dence of mid Locke, a¢ tmilew fdlowing valuable property, ta wit: 396 ACRES of nnd lying om the Est wile of the Yadkin River: — on this (raet there ie aboot 15 seres of riner datteurtiie mont of which i cleared and in good condition fet eul- tivation Also two-thirds of the bridge veress the Vailas sie et (known as Locke's bridge.) Also enether ermal! tract of land of Darideoe, ov the waters of the tmunng (we sores, and on whith there ison Gucelient STEAM SAW MILL recently erceted and in good repeir, others conta 60 neres,—Aleo wnother tract ‘Cr tu tho guanty of Duvidem, saljoining the lands of Mil- dred Kerr, and others contaimag 100 ACRES. Alm 3 iene bypter ros ple Beery farge ved wagons ped géer, } ween, | Reggy smd barnes, | Carfinge and harnce, 90 head ad cattle, 40 bead of hage oy it penters tends, = quenitrof Core and 2 oom, & Jaty 15th, 1856. ? NWO TICE. LL persons. in ony way, indebted to me as Ad 4 miniefraior af the emate of Mosee D. Kilpateich . depeased, ate hereby setitied to come forward and make omedivie peyment. The credit of the sale of the property of the persoenl estate has expired, acd Ure estate mast now be setiied we Abn, of thaw havwug clsims against the estaie, ore agen notified 10 present them fot payment. or thie totice Will be plead wm ber uf thew reeerery JAMES G 1836 SASTALAR A For Spring & Summer. pall RECEIVED 2 new and beaatifol Sek of Seasoneatte Chothin: superior quality and work mansinp. witch we ste now selling #F very low Our stock comprsee HATS, CAPS, COATS, Peeve, PANTS, SHIRTS, COLLARS and CRAVATS ; DRAWERS, SOCKS. BOOTS end SHOES, and every other ariel of Chahing required, of the most varied styles, qooiny snd price Jy Call end see! Owr stock ie gong off. and we are hargeene to every purchaser jo Our store wc ths carat of the Mensioa Hotel IL. F. BAUM & Oo, +*3mo RAMSAY, Adm 3 Jane 17. Salisbury. May 5, 1536. STATESVILLE FEMALE SCHOOL. \ BS. MeLEAN together With Scsax McLean wil continue to teach the Female School in thie place, and commence oa Monday the 28th of thie inet, in @ new building on the South Street, neatly fitted op end well ventiinted and comfortable Triton ae formerly. from 8&6 to five months, secording |) Conungencies 50. Board ean be had at &7 812 per session of advancement i per rn h JOSEPH AY WeLEAN Statesville, Wo 1 ho Isce ' We. Fillmore at Atbany--A Noble | Speech. ‘be equally responsible t {A ee oa mn cs acts tend to the destruction of the vernmeot | Governments to ‘be. strou » must be! was Li if ‘And: let | strong inthe hearts and heads of the peo- | tentment. arid pros ine also add, that when this Union, is, dissolved, | ple that are governed, and as long as we | READ IT--READ IT. | it will not be divided into two republics or two! maintain, such forms of government, | If any reader has a lingering doubt that Mr.| war with the-other, monarchies, but broken ipto fragments, each #¢| founded upon the -affections of all our | pedple,—not here alone, but every where, | Fillmore ins those which eve- | But, fellow-citizens, I bave perhaps said all that | throughout the broad extent of the ry patriot wod!d like to see animating the obief magistrate of the republic, let him read the fol- lowing speech by Millard Filmore, at Albany, on bis way through that city, ‘The beart of the cougtry will throb responsive to such sentiments Lot, every patriot take his staud beside Mr. Fill- more ou the ground here taken by that geutle- mah, and peace aud prosperity will soon be re- : ‘oh was necessary on this subject, and 1 turn with | Union —-the laws will vindicate thein-| pleasure to a less important, but more agreeable eat , Gir the beauty at our aerisia topic. (Cheers.) It has been my fortune during 8C!¥e8- if ® the beanty oroul L my travels in Europe, to witness once or twice M ROU a left freely to represent the, the reception of royalty, in all the pomp and whole People,—that we have, or must splendor of military srray, where the music was | have, such laws founded upon such atfec- given to order, and the cheers at the word of tions,—and that we can pass from one ‘command. But, for myself, | prize the honest State to another, though all under differ- | spontaneous throb of affection with which you/ent Governments, without any of the have welcomed mer back to my native State, vexatious Passports, or gens dearmes, or stored to the Union : ' above all the pageants which roalty cao display./ any of those restraints upon personal lib- Mr. Magor and Feltlow-Citizens : This over whelming demoustration of congratulation and weleome almost deprives une of the power of speech. Here nearly thirty vears ago I com- meuced my political career, In this building 1 first saw a legislative body tu session, (cheers) but at that time it never entered into the asp! rations of my beart that I should ever recetve such a welcome as this, in the capital of iny na tive State. (Cheers.) You bave been pleased, sir to allude to my former services and my probable course if | abould be again called to the position of Chief Magistrate = gr nation. (Applause.) It ts not pleasant to speak of vne's sell, yet 1 irust,, that the oceasion will justify me io brivily allud dng to ove or two events conpected with my Jus Administration, [Cheer] You all hoow that when I was called to the executive chair by a le reavement which overebelmed the ngbun with rief, the couatry was unfortunately agitated rom one end'of the country to the other upon the extiuag sul;ject of slavery. It was then, ur that I felt in my daty to rise above every sec tional prejadice and look to the welfare of the whole nation. [Applause.} I was compelied to overcome long cherished prejudices, aud dir regard y clams. {reat and prolonged a: Bat io doing this, sir, I did no more thas was dome by many abler and better wen than myself 1 was by no sorans the sule \usirumen', eader Providence, in harmosizing those diffieu tes. ( Applause.) There were ai that time noble idependeni, high soulcd men, in both Hoases ot Congress belonging to both of the great political parues of theeouvtry,— W bigs aad Leinocrats ; whosparsed the character of selfish party Jeaders, (cheers, and rallied around my Admiuistrativn, in support of the great measares which restored peace to an agitated and distracted cuvntry — (Cheers) By the blessings of Livine Pros dence, our effurts were crowned with signal suc com (cheers); smd when I left the Presidentia! chais, the whole ustion was rous and cub ented, and oar relations with ali foreign natwns were of the most amicable kind (cheers) The cleed that beng upon the borwon was dissipa eed: but where are we now! Alas’ Threat ened at home with civi) war, apd from abroau with a rupture of our peaceful relations | si-all pot eeek to trace the causes of the change. [hese are the facts, end it is for you to ponder npon them, Of the present A dmimstration I hare wothing say. | can appreciate the diflicultics of edmusistenng this government, and if the pr: sent executive sod bu sapporters bare wilh 5 «>! intention and bomest hearts, made a mista | bope Ged will forgrve them wm I iy (hued and proiuege! appiause ) Bat of there be bose # have beyughi thew calammle Spun osr cousiry for selfish or a objects, it is voor duty fellow-citigens, 10 bow them to a sinct fespuo ability, (been) The agtiative which distarbed the peace the quuntry io 1550, was ynavowable. Li was beonght wpop us by the acqeisition of wew ler itory, for the government of wlich it was me cemary to provide territorial admmovetraty¢ Bur it » for fou to wy ebetber ibe present aguaue which distracts the cyuntry apd threatens «+ with civil war, bras not been recklesiy aod wa toaly produced by the adoption of « memure t : ard ip petsonal adv aacement rather (Lap in any | public gud. (Cheers) Ser, you have bree picases! to say that the wume of these States at bear! Thee. wr. smost trac, for M Ubere be ome ohyect dearer & me than any other. to Lhe voll, prosperiy ® fory of the great Lepoble, sed | a rankiy, sis, that | fear i is ja danger. | += nothing f amy particular section, mob the several can! dates Lefore (he p= - sume they are all benorelie mt { what do we wer! An cxaspers 1 twee the North and Suuth, of ung f si) woptes, resalung ie bnx gee & art arra, ; Bet ths @ pot aliewe We sex party, presente g condslates fer ine | wed View l’reanten< 5, selectes fur ibe first tm from the free Sates sivome, eth the a owed 1 (Cheers) Therefore, with a beart overflowing erty which reduce the subject toa slav- with grateful emotions, I return you a thousand | ory as severe as that of the master over thanks, and bid you adieu. (Prulonged ap the slave. Every little petty Kingdom plause.) lor Dukedom in Europe, demands your ie ee _ | Passport,—but when [ stepped once more Mr. FILLMORE’S FEELING TOWARDS — | on the shores of my own native land, 1 FOREIGNERS. ‘could not but draw the contrast, and Daring Mr. Fillmore's late triumphal progress thank my God Twas a tree man once from New York to bis home in Butfalo he was! tere, with need no longer of any such compelled to address immense assemblages a asa Passport. (Tremendous . | cheers. the people at several pe ants aloug the it of the GY oar beautiful Gav. Mr. Mayor, lias route—among others, at Newbury, on << Hud oftentiines been compared folthe. bayot son, Where he used the following language com) Naples, [have seen something of both. cerning persons of foreign Lirth who have sought’ Italy, with her sunny aud cloudless skies the shelter of our institations. ‘is a most beautiful country to look upea We ask what American—what Foreigner, of, —and alas! only to look upon! but would to God she had a government like ours. '(Applause.] The bay of Naples,as Isaid, ‘is compared to your own beautiful bay, mad Lave Bo hostility tu foreigners; Thavewith' but there is this striking difference, nessed their deplorable condition in the old coun- Wien I stepped ain sharel at Naples I tev. and Giod forbid that L should add to their suffering by refusing them an asylum in this, 1 would throw the gates wide open, and invite the oppressed of every land to partake of the bless- Lodet purpgses, cab abject to in these senti- rv ot was surrounded by hundreds of beggars, ‘but when I stepped on the shores of Freemen, [great and prolonged cheering pot only earning their own livelihood, ings of our laws and country; 1 would only ex , frou this emigration the pauper and the but—as contrasted with other laborers — enmual. | would give free toleration to every | & livelihood of luxury. (Great cheering.) erved; but while I did this, 1 would, for their (That point of difference, Sir, is most sakes as well as ours, declare that Americans greeable toan American eye, and | should rule America. They should have the felt it and felt proud of rt, and prouder ehetit of equal laws,— but neither their educa: than ever, not only of your bay, but of tiow nor kuowledge of our institutions qualify the thrifty population that surronnd it. ‘them ty yovern Amenca. The failure of every Venice was once a prouder city than attempt to establish a free government in Eu-) Yow York, but-—amid intestine and fur rupe is demonstrative of this fact. But if wel cin wars, and under harsh governments \iaue the “Vieasings which Providence has s. Le) she has been crushed. The Constitu ; fon of the od States he aul Amencan to stwd by the Coastitanon of tes . ; ey United 5 tates has brouzsht country, aud te resolve, that independent of al! ew Tork into greatness, by concentrat Mi here the commerce and exchanges of ) foreign iuflococe, Agrencans shall aud will ruk : © all confederated States. To preserve America : that coneentration, and that greatness, THE GRAND RECEPTION OF MR there must be abscuce of all internal strife—there must be peace and friend- FILLMORE. ship for, and confidence in, New York, froin all the parts of these confederated States. Dut deprive your great and growing city of them, a xl of the protec tion the Constitution gives its trade and through the principal streets, w th ban- ie . and its fate would be that of ce, whose deserted streets and bounnfully showered wpom us, tt becomes every The N. Y. Express gives some ex cv amns of detail of the forma) rece phon Tuesday last. It consiste d of a Processior addresses, speeches, intr: dne- Ve tions, dinner, &e. Besides the city popa canals I have but so recently survey- jatiun, vast numbers of people from the and has now the control of the comiperce of the world, through Lon ountrr, and the sijacent Staten, w c , and the avdlja were don, her great ¢ aria an raat res t ©) enderinw the ; A pre net ) part pate in rene vw the ver: re to prophesy that ere many pe iighest boner to the faiths il patriot and elapse, ciceclelol aremnow wlin. (he accow) lished statesman sound of iny voice will, ander the pro mn, see that New rld what) Loadon Mr. Fillinare delivered several speecies n reply toaddresses, Toa Philadelphia jo Applause Comuiittee he said,— Mr. James Brooka introduced the ave, eir, i@ your fetmaras, seen paiode lo iy travel quod rece ptivps true that, from i foreign countries. It } ‘ } read to the peasant, Pave Hr eceivod warked courtes: nou atleatio . . t I dou not ettrifmte this to any mertt pe W bntto that \ower which ele Pisteeds ar au, 4 ‘ “oi ave bw witiel ot sinful * tes sod seenes which have been transpinng at Horne Not ofte In ma pir? s s pose of electing (he caminiaics by ouflr ates , ; ‘ : did a rai : rvice ; ni | A cme pans of sh oult, ty ral er lie whole L Sistes (an 1 who are cugaged on sech 8 mcau ‘ have seftomsiy refewted wren the wes whick must ectital., follow mw caw (Ceeern) Wosll Ler r rile peescrdedd fev theme wh ' meting bw eppenniments! Moa 2 eouth of Mason's aod [20's oe be md wor to be President of Vice iressdent. coats nu le proper te elect one from the same «jaarter. a ove of be (atnaet Canc, oF to 6 ~ - pation m 8 tor) 7 ntre © Ode ect ee Teveher, OF BOTRIwiT toe 12s | wtied “airs {’caral what lace (fae i Drestdemt to adv; . Pa Thene are serivas, bul pract<o) qnesvum. « 1 order to appreciate them fally, 1» ovir He oensary to tary the tables wpon core | res ; prme (lat the Soath, haviog s mayor f electoral vote, Bhoald declare {hat ‘. have valy siaseboders fur I'rs ]'remedeus . 204 ~~ . chumve wlrages to rae ¢ aarthe N Lio vow think we 8 J sum for a mument ( Appiauee And do rou lb thet gour Sewthern brethren ar e — a ef thew + igt T petretebvros F f vou da, et 1 t roe tbat voe are mistake Aad, therefor toast aww that tes A al party so t a ‘ ant when we siiall Le cables pon to wit. $ \ usa ath ea Calanit in esent as cenera unoof the exnrer aeoft tier discord. or sar the For G Ve wake tos all remcmber that e! + nt betwee 4 ir preseot freedina and greatness is the * wd alicnate i triende Lppla se, ete ier a lave a le a del tot an-cs of that defeat in our ( | t ’ , 4 Wit | deseription to any foreign prince, potentate or | H 0 L L 0 w A '§ 0 N T M E N T. CROC ERS, " best material und <areate bd Finns, sb the pense, "eon- , : was thus, un- der providence, to give to our common country, tT aave said more than Lhad intended; sir. I only wished |. to thank’ you, and those old Whigs whom I see around me, for thus extending to me their confidence and zeepect, (Loud and bted for yrolonged applause, followed by three B* Jeave taliform their many friends and the, 2: tie iearty cheers fur Millard Fitlmore.)” publi¢ generally that they are now receiving and, Ovdera for Mrchandize, od cous bens RY should ” ramen Ko North to | speeing in the Brick House formerly occupied by | end othér Produce, fur snies or shipment, thankfully W elf ploughi* and Cehttth te bey ennedy & Mills their stock of | received and. promptly aieydegl bo. , par > M rag re _ . > : _ vod aud PLATFORM OF THE AMERICAN PARTY , dea, Fee nla : ADOPTED AT THE SESSION OF THE STAPLE AND FANCY I, ona a Hy {pantner ephemera NATIONAL COUNCIL, Fen, 21st. 1656. Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Tremendous Excitement \, Inggiltida that Thave to aneterd here. diet NS bad prices of the principal article, Ast. An humble acknowledgement to the Su-| together with albarticles weuully kept iv @ Dry Goods ABOU? TUE ; Ciroular Sue vatite oi 48 to 60 inch faws, 24 eT anes enrotacti < x Store. ‘They ure ulso receiving the largest and best : preme Being, for Lis protecting care vouchsafed panacetclyes Coon eee soe accede eat Western Extension! ol seraee $8 Sgt etyts ell Bi. to our fathers in their successful Revolutionary | ull of which they are determined to sell at prices that} , 15 ineh do, $40; Folding Harrows, $13; 5 struggle, and hitherto manifested to us, their de i Failte plane rpue Subscribers heipg desirone of extending thet 86 00.86; Threshing Machisios witha é tg | scendants. i » preservatt f liberties, the} "5. THE HIGHEST MARKET PRICES ol West IP ‘dther direa- | PAM’, 75 to 9200 ; a very rior conda ts 1p the ES Chee ithe jbertics S paid at alltioes for Floir, Wheat, Corn, Cottou, and iain Wenn Vaidhtosned of hah ety as dh sebe ts from 65 to $10, vocording to size and ndependenve, and the union of these States. all kinds of coumtey produce friends and patrone uirat they afe now feceiving ® All kinds of repairing of har agy! be / at chor ol 2d. The perpetuation of the Federal Union,| January 9th, 1856. 37f: | splendid stuck o Lice, euch ap Engine work &e. | “af as the palladium of our civil and religious liber- t for threshing machines and hurse-powe: f ties, and the only sure bulwark of American \o- A MARVELLOUS REMEDY, RE A DY MA DE CLOTH ING. jonly iow mang ne Allen dependence. / Cloths. Cassimeres, Vesting», and Gen- |furbish casings of an deveription, nd where 7 Bu, Americans must rule America, and to this ot 5 | patterns ase found pt short botice. . end native-born citizens should be selected for all FOR A MARVELLOUS AGE! tlemen's Furnishing Goods . | 1 Teans cash, of oon te ot Rank, State. Federal, an ‘ipal off vern- . ja general; allof which willbe sold most shocking | 1 . ‘8. THOMPRON. sen ae : en at ey all Biker: }low. Also, qaplendid stock of HATS wad OAPS, | Devideon ca.N, €., Fev, 5, 156. 6rm36 dont ot : patest style. Daa ttoke ourwerd, luteall and sausfy > TO Walp: —— nevertheless, feerea\ye a= iN M | E RD | INO A WEIRWON & PRICE JU t CO P T 4th. Persons born of American parents resid- ing temporarily abroad, should be entitled to all i Mer haut Tatler, | wR Paap yee : the rights of native-born citizens , but { Saleshury, NOC. Sept TBS 516 Oakes sod HORNE row tte ee Ma. 5th. No person should be selected for political] |g. F. ANDERSON, wp. Reysonve. | the Drury Mochine, of Baltinor station, (whether of native or foreign birth,) who | 3 wea aS | ANDERSON & REYNOLDS, por hare spe sees — - _— aged " . recognises any allegiance or obligation of any fC = May 5, 1856. 3am, power, or who refuses to recognise the Federal | and State Constitutions (each within its rot | aia A as ' . = } me as paramount ty all other laws, as rules of poliu The Grand Exterual Remedy. ¢: i io | ‘ cal action. , By the ald of a microscope, we see wilttons of Nettle opening OmmM SS n q ere an | om the surface of our bodies. Through these thie Ointment | 8tb. The unqualified recognition and mainte: | when rubbed on the sku icin any ] 4 | when don skin, 6 cartied 60 any Orgam o ed | WO. 10. RB KE ARE nance of the reserved rights of the several States, | Part Diseases of the Kidney’s, disurdere of the Liver : pages -— tos of the heart, ‘Inflamation of the Lange, Asthun | DIOmurcdiuis, Wo. FOR ‘ 4 E E p 4 S pf I thiek Pay active atieption w the sale of Floor and ather | We Ug . and the cultivation of harmony and frateraal | « ally cured. Ever good will, between the citizens of the several : pcre Wille iad | é 7 Ute ime wt hi magh Prod on "7 ec ‘ Th) . States, and to this end, non-interference by Con y part of the tlving body, curing the most d shoe f Produce, gvoiding uunecessury cherges aed | N the waters of Third Creek, 14 mrites west, gress with the questions appertaining solely 101! ward complaints, that canmu} be reached by ut es ing prompt reterus. ad) Salisbury. At least ene Depot on the Wester, g ase es Y 10 | means Malt Road mas: wevitably be toeul hort dy the individual States, and non-intervention by} Bpysipetas, Salt Rheam and Seorbutle Humers. | 4. D. COMMING, ©. W. erTAeN aaiee mr ‘hs spe y mied in 0 Ih ae each State with the affairs of any other State. | No remedy has ever done #0 mach fer the cure of diseases | CUMMING & STY RON Apply to Jutm A Boyden of Salisbury; Ttb. The recognition of the right of the na. | the Buin ‘whatever form they may assume, as this Cintment d ‘ a%y Oiobes 30, 1855 1993 No tase of Salt Kheum, Seurvy tive-bBorn and naturalized citizens of the United | etas, can long withstand its . SS Greate tan tale COMMISSION ‘ . States, permanently residing in any Territory [ates over tenny pare of Os the principal Respite: | ; 3 * , Y | ale, diepeoeing this Ulatment, giving a #10 ite application’ | AND thoreof, to frame their constitution apd laws, and | and has thus been the means 1 restoring counties Gumbers to} . ° to regulate tlwie doroestic aad social affairs in |*eeh® | Forwarding Merchants, | l Sore Leg», Sore Breasts, Wounds aud Cleers. AT ‘ WILMINGTON, N. C. their own mode, subject only to the provisions | of the Federal Constitution, with the privilege of | Some of the most ecieatific sargvons now rely solely og ree 4. having to cope with the Pattioujer attectron pad ty selling Flows, Corn res, Poumds, ulcers, glandular ewellings, aed Coron, and all hinds produce ° ase of this rful Vintine nt adwission into tbe Union whenever they bave | worst case sears the requisite population for one Kepresentative | twmors Professor Molloway hes, by commend of the AMied } Governments, fispatebed to the houpjtale of the East, large ship Feb, 1966. 1y34 in Congress. Provided always, that none but | meats of this Oiotment, to be used under the direction of the thine why ar ize of the Usitl Sake we | wove eve ot een Tt ol Core ny PETER W. HINTON, der the Constituuion and laws thereof, and who | eves of 20 scary’ standing COMMISSION , ’ ' = bave a fiaed residence in anv such Terntory, | Pites aad Fistelas. 1) LISSLO: M ER¢ i AN 1 be Ie ought to participate in the formation of the con | | These sad. nilar distressing compisiats can be eficte TOWN POINT, =r; me —_ abbr or in the enactment of laws for said frrerdbotycti ae a Hara SS rend SJeoeurTolm, “Fn. | i} j ' N 1 r y etritory or State | each pos | ) } 5 F ! y Be 44g ) Sth, An eufurcement of the principle that no Special ettention paid to Srtfing rr f , : ; : HE SUBSCRIBER ber ih ; State or 1 rr re onght tw admit andl than | Both the Outiaent and L'lla should be Pobaeco, Flour, Grain, Cotten, Naval Stores | nownee to the world, | pes Map - [acl Frye weal Stalae to tbo mht of se! . ; &c. Also, to BR: aF alikind wintes (ur tbe = | Jan the LAPTG , ecelving an orwarding theu preaperiy ond poate, that he frage, or of | g political offic . wel an folluwrs g canes @aoons. to making Hendy pre-gress ia Ube improv repent of Engle dth. A ¢ sin the laws of naturalization, | pares” Clty, destined, be believes, ip become the gregirn wed resnlence of (weaty-one : xrEtER Toe manufersering ray we the country ihe i newerret HL Rotarde, faq Aalebery, N. « 10g anew cion wdl stthis pine, to be calles th Mf ajl mot hereinbefore provided for, an in Chartes L. Winton, Req, Wake Co SC Frey Mills.” ond hopes to have Hm fall epee. JG B Rewtact, Eoq Rabrigh, SC by the farter part of the summer of IESE. Th wil » seorge W Massoud. Kay ,Entvigh. § Ct ue the beet, if poy the very bent.) aslille om the liapensable re juisite for cit zeoship hereafter, and excludany ail pauper, and pemens conyicted of Vy v1? We W Pies , Req, Warrenton, NC rune, fr oding upon our shores, bat nein y , cvaniry, The machorry was celvcied by bimsel!, and Lerfere ne the sic CFEC Brotaner ats '{ \ sa! the teteet aad mest approved palicres Bete cheers reine ; ; : v1 shasta } ‘XN “10 wall eeth phe. ‘ever wateh— sme sad seedy — 1 pysibon to any woivn between Church iP. ‘ wd he debts pot oll pacel, te us preduete, the woe um! State Dterferepce witb religous fa 6% consiter able oa obing = A “ ful echereoments the ereown E y « . | ' | 4 « Eagie Ms or worst and est oaths fur office nestor the guidance « tieordar Valet wboe ! WoNthal Ll : there shodem Gene hgnng ite fei: end ce Tih on iees| (hoccck ie teadinelon Tle cach ben ghhog prperthme Kagte Mille long gewed for g a Came ae fair wert le wade opread . any and all alleged abusea of putlie functions JAMES HORA FRIEND OF TH HUMAN FAMILY nantes gaging apa salen aba ME, . ame t of Pe eho fob nes, and a strict economy in put c expeaditures eCereRINe feom reece ‘Tereee Wim ehene Dreere ne th Hee TL, Bed bene Pi sc puede ruagaifeoser maentgg ee WATCH-MAKER AND JEWELER, | DIVEASED AIDNEY», ee ee wt bees vateresting ru Heel, than it aaes be devuele ‘ avs tationally enact! ant saul awe ~ | * . , - hall be repealed, or shall be declared uull auc cpvatieetead: lla Semern | Bladder and Kudn y* Me = coetvi cone lpowes saci : = SS @me door briow BR. A 4. Murphy's Steere. r The dreamer specalijing ow coming eveels ang: y ry coa/petent judicial aathonty. ~ BEPR concocasty aC Wee cage as neasof the Laine, & ae® ote here, wad cywing fofterd hie “fae a ih ( miton to the reckless and ane ise WATCHES sod JEWELRY uh kinds Theiavsiuetie me Sele fad sulc at the fer ¢ tender) of preerat me, portrey the sapeei ny of the praent admmuidration inthe gen | Cheks, Watches and Jewels it Muchoviile, at Dr. R Campholia, we lee Verte Uv afew years brace Let hm sbeted anagement of our natuoual affairs, 9 waived i (he ben ma cise seen tll, ot tee Drug Srape im Chedtorte 4! Leerty's We ore eo ety of beso: tel propertinns Wik (Le tower ara eaprna : : aaa ae : ree aud Biihe ( asohee Weichmae (1. 08 Corples prone og breveewntde close reaged bi<i> Ry ae cae a fener ee 78 wf rewite tunings Hh glittering aretal toute, eet ‘ BS wticn) and conservatives s | the cheerful beame of e verhel ome the imtigers: ro and placing fur va 5) - ’ brewers of odetighi fel chmate, one the jaetes of beg . ou aces, as shown in a tracking 5 fowe of cle’ the atreete ore enivened @ib 8 chert Ae oonccperprein G. A MILLER, © | pice oer pete mem wersak towards the weaker po wr “ " % aunag'-d o her of be eed cgeredrs bag Pllpseyidageto aise growl na ATTORNEY AT LAW, » chr, benno ied a, emma MOCK IVINEE N. &. : beara eta Ppromine as 2 wah ple arere om ell bet = Kagte City Boot wo ve ete : foreteners (be right fol crew. amd by ite bbere! pokey tewitee of cerngr ir ayer im Kansas and Nebraska: as show siaere ts cloves (er ceemeregeeeert OS . Na es : iv aN ays \ ‘és bd ' os hee ewte of the Nort? ) ] ’ NA as abd . Me 7 them ogeiher oh ih in the corrupt he preaturte of the f ren f partments of the ¢ 8 wg © haste 1¢ Ota mand the need a churd nt racing meritor ' A aS _ chee om bef io b d wokes the dower pe . capr . ' Bay a ers 4 fom meer ip the nck mpi . ° & q veliovs he ore grows !—and : o he amd the pe g veel oft ug : “ ad @ glimpse. tewme’ . ° ; - 1 . be pratated bey Eenagh, emo 2 . . ah “rme tw oes ot ie Geet enemy etios ‘ Rea ead hcrgarataccen lasts tes) ANDREW BAGGARIY ° . 3° ' ° “ 1 i eawesee ; ’ . JOHN WoT ' : \ , i vs TR) Sesser WREKL! ; : wy of : : j tea , waoce bie NEW GOODS! ry. Ww wich in ere PIP TY NEGRO PRLLOW s Lew’ Bc : i oe : : ae er Wester, Fatrcema N.¢ Re orF u : ee ee. ee Sse 2 oo See { Four Horse Post Coache>, F Ou & IF POARD . “ cij ater J in our platfurtn v or Ad I: HOW Aeicbory to Morganton, vim Sieteoeills ; ; ore vous —Rneon Wille. % | N J.V.& TU SYMONS & CO. Lewves N sures Nehebery oa Meede;, Wednocday cad Pe j EW sy at To eheee, A od arrige P * , \ SNOUNCH (Ree ¢ f ° rTnrn r] c U ! 1! T) aN ore eg to bre aries ard das ald, yop WANSIO\ hs oath “SFRING & SUMMER Oe ae ' Af zo and well erlecied stort GWYVYS » . pees of etpenee well he opared | 5 make sone of the moe! comfort able aed ¢ dunes SALISBURY, X.€ Spring & Summer Goods, : | einer roads inthe Sia'e or Let fey aks Ex a Salisbary, March 25, 1556. 2 Sa F re ata tiee a TE set . oiweer eer 2 *% Wa ouhe cong taken charge of the abrve S f. 7 Deut FASTER. cutee rete a U peeereren ie Seis nna cnet une e ee eady Made Cl. thi Be Sncee) (oes ser oto prerethee Wanted Immediately, Boarders, Fravel-m. ur We proamece that hve ifs hi . ° ee Ladies Dress Goods At the Silver Hill Mine, ACCOMMODATION Bun ee yeolones prusuise Hemak GEKA ANY QUANTIFY OF a ; S fgerrce tr } - pei eme Wok BM BROLDEKID» coanptete He WOOD AND COAL. : we. alwarve he . me for are « gp | wkd 5 epeetfally ant ry ation of hese eter . = adie : y , Shes aves WM LEAVENWORTH, Se + Attentive and ablig ie ie me weet and lairs “ ' 8% s lola hate Ua a) eo ee ek Groceries & Dye Stuffs, .... | pn m peed tn pravering Foch EIT AE oa 19 a vo B GRANT b Gor rhea eee Wipe wre ramte, wheiter ihe ate beem iminadeced May 0s (av sad <tbeves ud © ace 6: \ermieed sw the bertem before nt mea To the Ladies. a . ; es 1856 inv b MYERS Te cuterribere ofe now tree THE WILMINGTON HERALD . rah ony elle roll et * ° NEW F. NVE MO TOM ESON, they have ever fi red to the pubbe. whieh ¥ I orivance, Muenterediatte merctente SDD TV G's! vy) COMMISSION MERCHANT 6 ee A meat Tia ne a goed ad. | \ I ‘ |. CSharictto, NW. oO thd te their betest stytee of BONNET RIBRON® a Verras madecate “ ‘ 4 \ ! 4 PMDRO DERIES ‘ rT BURR. Jr ; Mii lediee! ores aah aC WIN Jr Bl ooDSs ae Cotton, Corn, Plour, Wheat, and all cee meee ae COUNTRY PROD opiates t . La ee UCB Mackerel! Mackerel !! a te CW RIOTTR CHARLESTON, (NO SEW TORR To Gentiemen. \ Macheret ia tate half bila naarios VW mA eaeal ices ON Oy he se A “ P1%e emi At omece made en Consigum: nis 4, eubecnby re bare meow on hand the mretc™ his kitar( ell Mal jester (a Au : i pve v nestriment of CLATHENG ever bel? . - n bonght at 2 m ake fie lore ip ees flered ty the public. Call es Mo. 8, Granite Rew 7 WILLS, WOOSE & , : wisi beard Qu . Fen. Neliebney : (rp. W. Willeus BROWN & COFFIN zi sf i : " ree aCe tec ee Salebery. Mach 25. 1856 4 ati, eriestum § Hf Veringion , Robe sen ao} ‘ t : : overs ioe * Se ore bey, New V rr To Farmers. we are determined te 0¢ Adal , Vy 1B DR. J. J. SUMMERELL, Hh din re reenact: t ' MEPPu Wed AS removed to hee OM h eo. where PHY ; ; noved to hee Office at hia residen reese lc eau Gato Dr. CHARLEST. POWE = PA eric ON eae “ 7 4 Fancy Goo The an Nic lad Gr “ie ‘ sour l [ ttterpermeveriis ieratedin Satistery rvepert. Veatle from his fends f } t ih . alty t- + bees pees alacevicws ic the pub N AR There are many persons indebted to me > \ Seats his one Cowan's Brick Row accent ard heave buen fr several yeors. 1 ore Lo. ee BRO VN & COFFIN DIBSLEB & BUNC ez. ebury Ang 27th, IMSS wis earnestly arge allsech io Call and make setiiem’” : 6 430 Calvin B. Dibbte, Jonathan B. Bunce. Greensborough ide Diesel tah May Court, else 1 shall lot ate of Iminigtom, N. ( Sate et Kinston Nt ott for a cotlerte ¢ 1 5 \ ) ( > kh A ne d a (' i ‘i Sahebary, Jan 29,1855 735 Snow Creek Academy. Commission Merchants MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY. ai anmncaintien UV. co uenrance on the matqnlpten be but » REMOVAL [ = ae retell cert . In Cotton, Flour, Grain, Naval Stores, =, .°"" ae y cumpared with a jomt ataek compan y : ‘ a yee hind we mseh so as any in Western North ( : s cated in the Westerepart of the J HN A WEIRMAN & PRICE have rem oil vaaee Seuthern Prodace Genermily pe ae iets inch the largee portomeftherake C2 the Clothing and Tailoreng Batablishment(to" 1 vein will open um Monday the Jit of 2? 280 Front Streot, Thee, rinny of whieh areipthe geen, opprate Murphy. MecRorie & Cu, to the corner '® Wuiee Nites a“ SYUErSF, F DL bie . rave m debt; Rave mace Mediately opprane R. & A Murphy's Store Rser@nents, andis ref . alisbur ‘ e555 : PULTION PER SESSION rrr od tthe pablie therefore evmfidemtly recommen. Salebury, Now. 13. | sat FRENG bs 1 r ‘ ( Woe W s é ‘ aot M g the wing | "yl ay " i} i rica Hor Soha miMor ae . x behets ee foe the ve yre ASN DR. Ss. REEV ES 1 Or Ma tice 12 50 ; Ny ait Sadi ctes Bora. 2 JAMES Sf0r4 p ) : Mer x 5w JM SHE RORD “a , faik cee ae ' Be COREING View f ! ] ‘a piaeD ce nel er pe Music. v | Ph TER Anon ALI., Attorney 6 Ope the doors below Heajamia Jaliane sore ' : arriage License for 8 ; OE Stev end Vresseces Silt BUI, lt ! ‘ ane Forte wie or Nale i . \ 4 b iu } Mr for ene | ut this ; PETER ADAMS, See'rs JOB PRINTING HW ENNISS ROOK TORE Office WoW CUMMING. ¢ 4 8, See : SLR. NG . \ 10,1 ~ Bent 19009 Voutly -ceented at tis Office at st a TB GE i ar g i f y b r i t 2 Fy * EP P L I F L R R E T E Mi e : B HE H ee Ee la x ! = SE E O Ff r i r he, PSON. a. 4 { e removed ment (ror! corner if $.1f ») V Es and offer o the par jane ature wely ice ho eae IM.) OF, it HE ts, TO) ~NCORSSION TY FILLMORE. ; ‘We fivd fi three of oar sasha the | i y rs, which have tenia me ieee a & f + iis ote ‘ s f- ry . Bical ass 7 . Es ~~ Pevated to Potitirs;: b ege RGRGD Son a, Mow ap 14 a “2 BY Oe priatély on the attention at hot bedetted and debanched idolaters of the Abolition dagon, who are leshing themselvés itd fanatics! convulsions: - Frou this grticte We Oxttilet'a passage of sone interest and value From such a sputee : of _*‘Sothing-is mare casily demonstrated thay thatthe North has-a gtedter gmter- et in the eontinudnce of Soveey fn the gen ante cian ree All the bur- jou, and ovi very full 3s shies South. The North meldity divides f the produetsiof the tabdr, washes its bands of all the sinfulness of it, and proteetéd from all its evils and inconveniences. — ys dof cotton raised in the Sowth tds tothe wealth of the North. . Boston of wevtal and physical labor, will deny | i i Gat efogeh Unde shigiicd frote i them as’a voice of waruing from the home a New GOrlvahe thin the latter city; she makes it-in the-freight of cotton abroad hott hor ships, in the enpply of raw mate- siab for her, nanwfactories, and in the ar- icles -rognitest by dhe planter to produce t Whiehare fabri by Nofthero par- tisans, ” — “No wontler the: North prospers so nidch wore than the South. the kwovtine gf slavery and nooe of its evils. -Sbhe-tgkes the Seuth fur her-sup- North wil then have to support those whose eobeut hagso,Jonz burdened and. weakened the South, § improvements, Sueji yeure ago, before the. present fadilitios of hp would have been a great blow \to thid place 7 but now, with the wonder- oy inerenséd wealth and population jand traveling facilities, there is rogm for }Lorh and for more, The White Sulphar has heel kept on the stareation principle, and people who were not inclined . to jtatve have stayed away, But with Iib- eral arrangements wud aecothmodations, where will be there, inv less, than five | years, fen Urousand people at atime. No jone who has ever tried the waters, either {there or here, will dispute their influence {upon health, and’no one, whose mitidand | body have been juded by eleven months the refreshing effect.of a few weeks’ rest, ofa glimpse of the thonsand-lined world whieh at such a’pldce, of 4 collision with follies. For one, I regret to think that the time is not far distant when age land to ug of the Sonth,and that we way She hasall learned to esteem here as friends—per- | sonal friends aud friends of the South. | I %e much to confirm my opivien that We belivve Prevent it, and who are tired, as he said, that the abglition of sluvery wonld be a of a constitution that required the return greater evil tothe canatry, vision uf the evil, the North woald cowme it for the laggpst shape.” but in the di. |4f fugitives, will not long be united with the South. Whether the coming Presi-, {dential election will bring about the end, at Sprope SSALISBOR a movement, tan’ [ho more wiect with many whom \ have | iL Yrv a ‘ vem pies yo i © all Thos. A.“ Linton, ‘was tees sevond Tate er ee ¢ hes Bae + vt THE PATH TO SHAME—A LETTER FROM A FATHER TO Tf RING SON. Our readers, says the cago Tribune of the /2d inst, have already found the circumstances jof the arrest. of Frederick Bigg and. his young | accomplice, James Harold, for robbing the Chi- cago Jost-office, andthe trial and egnviction of | Bigg, detailed im 'the-colujons of our paper.— | Soon after Hatold’s arrest the follgwing letter | was sent to him by his father, ° It is beautifully written and betrays the full depth of the shame aud despair into which the amily. have been | plunged by the errors ca nak darling sou. [We hope that, should it me@t the eye of any of both equally well ventilated and lighted. Teould oy discover any ee ant rainage.o' premises that could effect the one rate vd more than the other; but I observed that the room ene by the hédlthy workers was wholly white- washed, and the room. occupied by the melancholy workers. was coloured with yellow-ochre. 1 had the yellow ochre all washed off, and the walls aud. ceilings whitewashed. The. w. pever after felt more cheerful and After making this discovery I ex piy_ observation te a number of sunal and found, without exception, that the ogcupiers of the white rooms were much more health ‘tfiose now upon the brink of crime, it will be to { eles they have left, and serve to recall them to a sense of the terrible consequences to loved | its intellect, and even of a laugh ‘at its ,ones of the erie they raay have determined to! always commit, Scarce a year ago young Harold left | ‘a home as bappy and pleasant as kindly, affee- will be @ fofeign and probably hostile jtionate hearts and undyivg Wve and faith in respectfully drop a hint to the authorities ' Heaven could make it. Upon the very verge of matihood, unstained and unspotted he left it, to win for himself an honorable name in our city. To-day he filles fclon's cell, with long years of | }were Letter that he had died ia his infancy, ere | shame had been written upon his brow, for then | those parents might, as they stood by bis litde grave, have gazed through the mist of their team up to that “better Jand.” Now the only etbet FE “e ape sea od gaan oe - I cannot say; but it will be one of the vision beyond that bitter, biiading ust, is the, ee oat N 20. | Anather Chiage for Fillmore.- Theor leading to it. The oars ee! walls avd iron gratings of a evnvict's rs rbd Lakerée tn the Field —We \rave | Att niinsber of the Micli-! ron, at Ann ¢ Came-ihleny.—Come along. don't be | ekeored. Crowd here, Américans, | take roonr for the W yandot Pioneer and , county Banner, two Oo h papers which heave run up te Fill wiore and ager flag, ahd ure pow Knotking at our doors Crowd ap !— Crowd op! ; A Cees FILLMORE IN NEW YORK. * The entimsiasm now pertading the trtude of the 1) of New York, in be- half of Mr. Fillewore far exceed@ That = prevailed there im 1545, when the je was carried by Taylor and Fillmore by an immense majority. In that elec tion, it will be remembered, three tickets were run, as ie the case at —_— Cass and Van Maren divided the vppostion véte pretty equally between them ; Vau Buren beating Case slightly. At the next election there is every rea 400 to believe that — will lead his ponent, Fremont, at least Sa voter nad Bachanan frou 30,000 t& 60,000 votes.— American Organ. THE LOCO MASS MEETING The great Loco jabilee over the result of the eeicus in this State, that waabor | alded with such a flourish of trumpets, | game off ov Wednesday jadt, and it was indeed « great failure. Loco politicians aad wireworkers had exulingly prociaim- ed that there would beas many personspre- | sentas Gov. Bragg had majority in the State; and measaring the ewthusiagn of the le by their own fluted notions, pooled that it would be one of the affairs that ever transpired in section of the State. The day came, and with a most lame and impotent conclusion” to such bragging. What wh their firing of the cannon from the State arsenal avd the bo drawn out magic from Bootes inimitable Mraes Band, they did sueceed in attracting a small crowd towards the Baptist Grove. Three lan dred aud fifty would be more than a fall estimate for the namber assembled, and there seemed & be but little enthasasm except the speaker's stand Gor. med the ball with one of bis tieally unfair speeches. Mr. Elector-at-Large, §. P. Lill followed, bd was in torn followed by Thomas Loring, of Wilmington, Theo came Mr d from Vieghia, who was succeed- we learn, by dinver. After dinner, we anderstand the smaller fry were pat mp to amuse the auditory. At night, a torch light procession, bead ed by some ten or fifteen most miserable éaticatures of (transparencies, was at tempted, which wad about as much of a success as the tremendous Mass Meeting Taking out the negroes and little boys, thére could not have been at the outside, sore than seventy-five in al. They marched down to see the Governor, who entertained then with @ few anecdotes, when they ded to the honses of Messrs. Bledsoe, Cantwell, Llolden, and Lewis, at each of which some peculiar: Loco oratory was exhibited, with | single exception of Mr. Braneli’s. ‘ake it all in all, as our Northern co- temporaries would say, it was a complete “ »” The burden, as we learn, of most of | the speeches, was that Mr, Fillmore stands no chance and that Mr. Bachanan was born an immaculate Democrat, and no- thing but his election can save the coun- try. ‘Oat upon you, ye hypocrites !— Ral. ‘ What éa to Become of the Whites? —Such ts the qnestion which the Cincin- nati Daily Enquirer urges very appro Trenton State Gazette, one ‘of the must influential papers of Now Jersey, and banter a warm advocate of Fremont, | jy hae elianged ands, and rons up the Fill | : . : es Ne me ee are fog Mr. Eduand Morte hus sotd | pees. Should Buchanart be elected, the ef- | out, and Mr. @. W. Tablas lias Lecome editor and proprietor, - sentially # sectional one. jwont be elected, how can the Union en- | dare! ment, in which no southern man wil! take fect will scarcely be less injarious. There | wilt be plenty of Northern yen, itis true, |woady to take all the offices they can get. | | But the election will have been effected Ovtond Benton on Fremont. —The tul-'almost exclusively by Southern votes, lowing letter is published in the New York papers : W asstyoron Crrv, April, 15, 1856 Sim: Your reqaest for material to be nsed in writing eanemoir of Col. Fremont Las been reevived. I sappose it is with a view fo be nosed in the election with whieb his name seems tou be connected, aid asl aw entirely opposed to that movement, | eau do noting to promote hia any way. Respeetfully yours, TUOMAS LL. BENTON. From phe Pagettevsile Observes Letier from the Senior Editor. Saratoga, Ang. 19, 1856 A death in the house! What a terri ble coutrast between gaiety, frivolity, and fashion, and death! Ifow little iw pression, comparatively, the grim mes senger makes upon the hundreds with whom he has come almost into coutact! A Spanish lady, whose husband is repa ted to ve worth millions, terminated four years of sufleriug by comsuinption yester day, avd she bad scarcely Lreathed ler last Leture @ subseription paper for “a bop” waa circulated throagh the bouse The effurt was entirely ensuccessful, bow ever,—not half a duzen names were on tered. locdeed it is probaule that the ori ginators of the idea were not aware of the death ; for among 700 people scatter ed through so extensive an establieliment, even death mag make his appearance without attractiug the notice of some As soon as it was known, a very decent respect was shown, generally, to the feel ings of the smrvivors. The usual after noon performance by the band was omit ted, and the dance in the evennng was superceded by a meeting to express cou dolence and w offer assistance—the sar vivityg heshand being distingwished in Llavana for Lis many acts of kindness to Aimericans there. With all this, howev er, it eeems terrible to die in such a place and in the midst of sach a scene. To-day, things will go on as usual. The music, and the dance, and the gay langh, and the brilliant dress, will obliterate all inemory of the sad event, the like of which inast happen to all iv tutn { never saw any thing like the crowd which was in the village, and especially at this hanse, Union Hall, on Sunday.— Y esterday, nearly 100 left the house, and from 500 to SU0 left the village. They are scarcely missed, for many have come to fill their places. There are said to be 10,000 strangers here. Probably every second honse in the place is a hotel or boarding or lodging house, and they are crowded. A number of new and hand- some buildings have been erected since I was here last year, and the village is ev- idently highly prosperous. A few months ago one of the proprietors of Union Hall sold his half interest in the house for 350,000, Ie has retired, for the present, with a fortune of €100,000, made at this house, in which he commenced life as Porter.and his wife as clamber-maid.— No frequenter of the house for past ten or fifteen years but will be glad to know so much of the good fortune of Seymour Ainsworth, the polite and cheerful porter who brushed his boots, made his fires, and tote his baggage, aud afterwards the efficient and liberal landlord, quite as mnoch at home in this occupation as in the other, knowing how to keep a first rate house, and keeping sucha one. Le is missed in the house uow. I onderstand that a company has bought the Greenbrier White Salphur Springs, in V ieginia, at $700,000, and that they intend to expend $090,000 more mn rand the free soil feeling of the North will comeqaently be excited to the highest pitch. 1 have information here of the mast re- liable and specific nature, whieh satisfies the tat the vote of this great State is moro likely to be east for Fillmore ‘than (for either of his competitara, The sys tem of organization of pdrtics here it po coinplete, the arrangements so perfect for enroiling every voter and ascertaining hie preference before an election, that politi cians can speak with mach more confi dence than with us, of results. And from a leading kijlmore man of New York city I bave learned many particalar facts as to towns and counties, with which be is pe rfect fainjtiar, which have brought ny mind to the above conclusion, con trary to previous impressions. 1 will aot give the particulars as related to me, bat will content myself with saying that they have convinced me. The only things which militate against this conclasivn are, the defection of so many “prominent Whigs in other States, on the groand that they think Mr. Fillmore caunot be elected, and the fact that (he South ap pears to have come to the same concln sion, and is therefore inclined to throw ita votes, perhape in nearly solid phalanx, for Buchanan. Tam more than cver sat isfied that this is bad policy. I am met here on all hands by the remark, that while the Fillmore men here are manfully battling for him, he oaght not be desert ed hy the South, to whose constitntional rights he proved hitmeelf a fast friend Should New York and New Jersey vote for Lim, as is confidently believed,—and even Massachusetts is hopeful, —and Del aware, Maryland, Georgia, Louisiana, and Kentucky, do likewise,--and North Carolina, Tennessee, and Missouri onght to join them be great ly relieved of its sectional aspect, and the of Mr. Fi election be the election will chance linore’s good I will not attempt? Carolina will vote in predicth w North November. Bat] ain alt gether eatisficd that Fillinore will * recieve thonsands of votes, thé p< ype can be satisfied that be stands a chanee, of election, will not be given to him ifit be believed, as it gen erally was when T left home, that there is no hope. It isto counteract this be lief that I have written the above, which [ honestly believe to be the tre view of things here and in the eountry. [know that Mr. Fillmore has a strong bold on the confidence and even the affection o the people of North Carolina, even fthe more considerate and intelligent portion of the demoerats; and I think that Mr Buchanau’s only claim is that of party I believe, therefore, that many democrats would be glad to. vote for Mr. Fillinore, if they conld see that he coald probably be elected, and that his election, and even their votea for him if not elected, would help to put down this unhappy sectianal good hte) which contest. I therefore beg that the friends of Me Fillmore in North Carolina will stand tirin; that they will vote for him, whether he can carry the State or not. Every vote given for him at the South will tell gratefully upon public feeling here, as every vote withheld from him, of those who have been his. friends, will one the ardor of the true friends of the South here And so we are to have an Extra Ses sion of this Congress! TTeaven preserve the country! To have two regular sions of such a body is bad enough, and an Extra Session is too bad. The Obser- ver will uo donbt have the particulars before this will reach Fayetteville. There ‘fore T veed not write them. 8e8 bonte. We ask every young man to read this better, Jv will be a Northern govern-| iar pis Detions, for good may be formed! swew, and that he may be fully iatpressed with | the far-reaching comsequences of the wicked acts ‘be may be tempted to commit : , N.Y. June 28, 1856. My Tran James :+ The painful news of your imprisonment was received yesterday, and ut bas titled the minds of your mother-and myself with profouad grief, that you, who have had oppor: | tumties that but few could possem, even to the selection io life of any bovorvble station, provid- | ed rou woald th yourself for it, with @ bome to be welcomed to, with every conbfort to be desir. | ed, should, af the entrance tg maclhood, have! | dingraced four family: ‘Where you bave coped } the example from is to me a mystery. For years | have L been the recipient of staations of boauor and ust, holdiug many of the prominent sia tluns in our country, and with frieods of the bighest character throaghowt the State. Now review the picture and realities roo have sub- sijuted. Lt appears to us a dream. What could induce you thus to offend the laws of your country? Not want! [id T not tell you when you eft home, that if rou con-. neete! yoursel{ reapectably I would cons)gn you goods, and have 1 not Trequently asked you if by aoy means I coukl belp you aloog | Look, my erring von, af the word: [ wrote on the first pare of the Bible] presented ron on leaving home, Alas! bow trve the sentiments they expres. You received jatroductions to res chants, to one of the Chi » clergymen, (the Rev. W. A. Swall wood.) with what entreat ves dix] your mother and myself urze you to con nett yoursel! with a chureh and Sunday school We have voor first letter 3 make for y an honorable name peetable iner qhat read { promising t and asad 1 respectable persons. a can it be possible thet even at that period you were asso- cated with this man Bigg! As | «rite, I reflect wheat a home hare you lost, and where are you! Is a gaol, and for stealing! The first two of yoor fami, of which [ have any record, who for hundreds of years have berne a family escatcheon wi! f What can I do for yout) Yoor mother, almost heart bro’ en, cannet be lef, and what could | do were lta come to Chieago ! From Captain Connett’s letter R seems that the proof against you is possitive. The laws of your country mast be vindicated ; 1 see no way but to let jastic take its course. But ia your extremity «hat can I recommend better than that ‘oa shoukd te! the whole truth, and cast yours: of the conrt before which yoa will be tned Bat one consolation is lef, and that is repentance and prayer to (rad ciate w cul a slaiu f om the merry We had been anticipating a sarprise for you n the shape of a number of presente, articles of clothing. ahd on vour arrival at age, vett April a sam of mony; bat our fond hopes are all van isbed, and until I recetve advices from you or Capt. Coonett, we know not how we can help you. The first Monday in July is set down for your tnal. Whata day it will be for your pa Would to God, my son James, you had ched in your infancy, unspotted from the world’ Your mother sends her love; yea, we both do for we have hope that this painfal and afffictic: circumstance, your first step im ¢rime your Inst, TTntil that is atoned for what w you and we have to saffer! I remain your af flicted and distressed, rents ! will be Favace EFFECT OF COLOURS UPON HEALTH. From sevcral years observation in rooms of varions sizes, used as manufac toring rooma, and ocenpied by females for twelve hours per day, I fonnd that the workers who occupied those rooms which had large windows with large panes of glass in tho fonrsides of the toom, so that thé sun's ray’s penetrated through the room during the whole day, were much more healthy than the workers who oc cnpied rooms lighted from one side only, or rooms lighted through very small panes f glass observed another very sing nlar fact, viz: that the workers who o enpied one room were very cheerful and heaithy, while the occupiers of another similar room, who were employed on the game kind of work, were all inciined to melancholy, and complained of pains in jthe forehead and eyes, and were often ill jand unable to work, Upon cxamining ithe roves in question, | found they were than the occupiers of the yellow or by coloured rooms; aud I suceéeded in in- ducing the,oecupiers of the yellow rooms to anangs the colour for whitewash. 1! ound @ sperespomding improve- ment in the health and spirits of the oc- cupiers. From these observations I would ller, and thrust him from the ay sive to public. morals, : telah are not, suitable for pu 9 0} ugh som hundreds of pena ed in the court room Pang mp. - festing extreme interest in’ the proceed- ings.. The aecuser, Mr.. Lipscomb, 'testi- fie! ante, pate es Lipton was tie’ thet a fact of which he w: ¥ he was williig to wake bi, x ) the'truth of hig adsertion. “Three amily Chee. Asatte ee eS NUMBER XIV thréa gh a pe- early manhood table physicians, however, were it riod of life ai many gratifica- }ed ty’ the defence, and thrée. by the fen tions... Having gone avyear or ~~ monwealth, .who. all made statemepts sixty, he arrives at @ eritical period in| wiijch entirely disproved the charge, and the road of existence} the river of death) Mr. Linton was. ‘equitved.—Jeiatesama flows before he remains at a! Whig. ; mie stand still, Bat athwart this river is a) ~ sla eek lacatin EF laell viaduct, called “The u of Life,” which, al D ED PERSONS, & if crossed in safety, to the valley of 7°" ar dlasag “old-age,” round which the river winds, ‘ nent ons of Lon- and then flows beyond without a boat: or |Gooyim given to”the world’ the Te- canseway to effect its . Thebridge of a serids of investigations on“As- is, however, consiFneted of fragile mate-|PhyYkid, or the sus ’ re- rials, and it depends wpoif hiow it ié trod-|® immersion in water; den whether j “of break. Gout, |§ im the highest oud apoplexy, and other characters are | Others found io the vicinity to waylay the crayel- I oes ; but}? let him gird up his Joins, and provide himself with a ho ual, ord @ may trudge on safely wit t composure. To quit siseapbor, “The Tare of Lite? ts a turn either into a prolonged walk, or into the the grave. The system and powers hay- ing reached their utmost expansion, now of schools, asylums, and hospitals, to es- chew. yellow, buff, or any thing approach- | ing to yellow,as the. grand colour of the | interior of their buildings. The following are some of the things} ‘that time is not far distant. A people /eoofinement with other felons before bim. Inthe not generally appreciated about @ house. | who have made up their minds, as 1 | very outset of the crime he has blasted his own | 1. the ¢ beard ove express it yesterday, that there {fair prospeet in life and brought down sorrow | water supply. .2. The benefit of good) shall never be a new slave State adulitted |and shame upon kind avd doating parevts. It into the Union, who have the power to} benetit of thorongh drainage and , heating and ventilation, 3. The benefits of proper colour.—Cor. of the Builder. -- - WOMAN'S POWER. * Nor steel nor fire iteeli hath power, Like wompe in her Gunquenag hyar + Be (bow bet fair—mankind sdore thee! Bmilo—and « world is week before these |” The poet has disclosed the whole se- cret of woman's ——- power. Bair! in ber virtne,~ smiling m her goodness, | she wields an influence which matled war- | rior never could. Ler strength is in her) graces, her weapon is Jove; and her pow- cr resistless when Uiese are combined with modest merits, aud dictated by con- ecivas duty. In influence woman is much sapetior to man as affection is superior to intellect Man represents the understanding of the universe, and woman the will; man tbe, mind, woman the soul; mathe reason, woman the heart. The power of observ: ation and reflection are cold, useless ap- | pendages to the human being, unless warmed {nto cxercise and attached to, wood objects D Bins feelings and senti ments of the affeetrous mind. How lit- tle, im the world, do we think, judge, and know, in comparison with what we feel! Man may do mighty things in the intel lectual advancement of the world, Lut * What | mest prise im woman Is ber affvetwns, not her smtefect ! The intellect = Gaur, bot the affections Are iufime apd canouit be exbaasted” Matiny Among the Irish Democracy. of New York, a Sag Nicht paper, says: The Irish Ame mean, If an honest, hard working Irishiman ie shot down in cold blood { re ferrifig to Herbert's sliooting Keating) by one of those foul things vornited forth from the iam of ram holes and the stufting and if the foul thing isto arty tho rofi of ba 1CS | be upheld by the democrat we hare alw ays Leen on thateide, we can go with them no longer. Strongly, em phatically, earnestly and met sincere ly do we recommend Messra. Bochanan and Breckenridge, and their friends and sup pertera, to repndiate the scoundrel in the moet oninistakeable form, or we shall be obliged, in the exercise of a selemn duty, to advise those who believe in as cither not to vote at all in the apy roaching Pre sidential election, or to east their votes for the enemy An open for may prove a curse Bat « preveaded fread = were “ Doast Beef and Ten Dollaraa Day?” The soon to be settled in cry of the Fremonters is “roast beef and ten dollars a lay * Colonel John Charles Fremont has charged the United States, in one of his accounts for expenditures whilst commanding in California, with fourteen pounds of beef per day for each man in his ariny! Tlis charge, in the matter of beef, we understand will soon be fortheoming from the books of the Treasury Department. Only think of it —one man to eat fourteen pounds of beef in one day! If John Charles gets to be President, won't the soldiers of Lis Mar iposa ariny have a glorious time. The old Whig war cry ot ‘ten dollars a day anid roast beef will be thrown in the shade fut, then, it is said that Jolin Charles charged the government with the beef and drew the money, without giving his men more than a ration or three- fourths of a poand per day! keeping the thirteen and a qnarter pounds for his own use from each man! What a ygornandi- zer he mast be It he had two hundred men ander his cominand, he must have had fer lis own vaand six hundrel and. titty day! That's a go business transaction, and is proof that Jolin Charles is fit to be President Washington Nhitinel. battle use two th pounds of beet per THE TURN OF LIFE. Letween the vears of forty and sixtv,a man who has properly regnlated himself may be considered as in the pritne of lite Hlis matured strength of constitation ren ders hin almost impervions to the attacks of disease.and experience has sriven & yund iness to his judgment. Llis mind is reao- lute, firm, and equal ; all his functions are in the highest order ; he assames the mas- tery over bnsiness ; builds up a compe {tence on the foundation he has formed im | may force it beyotid its Stren ‘ing money. Te sace away my son! begin either to close like flowers at sun- set, or break down at o One inj idi- cious stimulant, a single fatal excitement, h; whilst a careful supply of props. the with-|4 drawal of ail that tends to force a plant, | thks will sustain it in beauty ahd in vigour} until night has entirely set ip.— The Sci-| ence 9 ife bya Physician, a er. THE DIFFERENCE, I have heard of two brothers, whose! father died, leaving them five bundred dol- lars apiece. “I will take this movey and make myself a rich man,” said Tenry,!" : the sin brother. “I will take thia|@ then tarned clowty ° see side, money aud make myself a man,” | then returned:as slowly to its first” said «es the elder. enry, whio}tion upon the breast and face. aides. § knew the maltiplication table duly, aban-|%0%, Whose ellect:ie'to canes 's consldare- doned all — of gaing to schoet, and began by peddling in a small way, over - i p | the eonnery. He was shrewd, an quick ——. meena bytes 0 | ‘to learn whetever he gave his attentian | eae ro safe De to; and he gave all his attention to mak-| hing, - Halt, i LSet In one year | exceed the beauty of this tifey giving “(if his five hundred dollars had become ON saan ncar st > thousand. Iw five years it had grown to —Balnment Acuyteds: te <ul twenty thousand ; and at the-age of fis | . Na aie ER . ve he was worth a million. \ The Sun Fléwer.—Thosd who make.» George remetnbered the injunction, | pecialty-of _poultry—and" are exe- “With thy gettings get naderstanding.”| ry year more and more who He spent twothirds of hig money in go- particular attention to ing to school, and acquifihg a taste er wer seeds, which are aaid.to be by. wold knowledge. He thea spent§ the! the most nutritive and i reinainder of his patrimony in purchas- | as by far the chea ing a few acrés of land in the ape ronal Every farmer re ag fact, hood of a thriving city. After a lapse of! of the plants growing on hig : thirty-five years the two brothet® met.—| an article from which to obtain oilyaith- It was at George's liouse.’ A bright; vig- | op for painting or burning in lampe,,amd orous, alert roun, was George, = ap-l eee food for fowls, it ig. altogether. meer ward of fifty-five years “old ger partaking of the nature of aminsal though several years TE tne was Very Teod, te a certhia extent-and su i infirm. He had kept in the counting- consequently, a moat i roouv long after the doctor liad warned! especially while the fowls are : him to Der business, and now he found | which renders it mecessary to “farmish himeelf stricken in health beyond repair.! thes with animal fuod, to But this was not Che worst. ~ He was out rto secure & profit. ! - ~o-. —~ of bis element when not making money.) George took Lim into the library and | Tomators Sor Stock.—It is needless to showed him a fine collection of books.— | Say any thing respecting tomatoes, asian Poor Heary had never cultivated a taste, article of hackee MEd, Sire fhiak thay for reading. Ie looked upon the books wil! yet bé aged. extensively as food for with no more interest than be would have! stock, The pt siiagl of soled pibteraabet looked on so many bricks. George took furnished by thie plant is not ‘ wind. When Geor, inted ont to lim’ very small surface of ground, we « beautiful elim, he only eried, *Pshaw "| Feagon to'doabt the profitableness George took hiin into his greep-house, and | utatoes. as food for cows, talked with enthusiasm of gome flowers, | friend writes that last season boiled.« which seemed to give the farmer grcat| hushel a day, with a little meal snd eqme pleasure. Ilenry shru his shoulders,! green pumpking and sq and fed and pawned, saying, “Ab, I don’t care for! ive cows upon the mixture. result these things.” George asked hin if he) was a large iricrease of milk, sad @ pe- was fond of paintings and engravings.— culiarly rich flavor and color of the bat- “No, no! don't trouble yourself,” said ter. A friend at oar elbow says he Tika Henry, “I can’t tell one danb from anoth- fed tomatoes, both cooked and raw, @ his er.” “Well, you shall hear my daughter | cows, aod with the happiest results. Edith play on the piano; she is no ordi- a? nary performer, I assure you.” “ Now, cae J don + beaher: don't, if you love me,” said another Reorwit ve ri - Henry, beseechingly ; “I never could } ote - settee at Ithaca, endure mnsic.” “But what can I do to, Widely cirenlated, has hanled down the amuse you! Will youtakearide?” “I Fremont flag, and is doing good tervico am afraid of a horse, But if you will for the best man—Millard Fillmore. drive ine carefully down to your village | bank, I will stop and have a eliat with the president.” Poor Ilenry'! Money was uppermost in his mind. To it he sacrificed every other good thing. When afew days af terwards Ire parted from his farmer brother, be laid his hand on his, and eaid, “George, you can just support yonrself on the interest of your money, and I have got enough to bay up the whole of your town, bank and all—and fet yoar life has deen a snecesa, and mine a dead failure '” Sad bat true words Worth and Wealth ail * hiut into his garden, but Lenry began to, it is not inconsiderable ; and ~ into ecougl, and said be was affaid of the east; aceount the great bulk’ oo a xis —- cos The wild rice which is so abundant io the swamps of Minnesota, has been intro-~ doccJ into Connecticut, and the crop Inat year is said to have been excellent. ——-2-Se- A Fast Horse.—The Mitwaakie Wiséonsin tells of a horse that recently died in Oregon, IN Ile was yery ugly, and would not be harnessed except with saddle, and coukd make extrage- dynary time. He could pass over 112 miles-in 12 hours, Ls asnal time from Oregon to Rock- ford, 25 miles, was (wo hoors. The doctor tgho owned him, and who alone could ride him, hay been heard to say that during six years past be bas ridden bim upwards of 20,000 miles, sad that daring all this time he has never khown him to stamble so as to arrest the rider's attea- Ile was savage, because he was formerty a wild horse on the plains af Arkansas. SPEAR EASY, FATHER. Charles ran to bis father, who was ba sily employed in a vexations piece of work, and without thinking of the pres- sare of his father’s mind, asked him what he was doing. The father more thought- lessly, with a loud ve had a tone of passiot “No matter; go Charles recoiled from the excited parent, and, with faltering ac cents, said, “Speak easy, father ;~ aud left his father with a tear in his eye. tron. ‘e, which I The French doctors have diseoveredte- cently, by various experiments institated by them, that iee is safer and better to Ilow often is this rebuke needed in the" ™ surgical operations than ebloro- rcirel vt «form. By the application of pounded jee domestic circle, where, euipiatically, “: J a ; eee , and common salt to the diseased soft answer turneth away wrath, but grie : ; vos words stir up anger!” thus causing nnmbness and insensibliity, Not unfrequcatly are parents mortified a saree ct peace : ceded bad removing and sorrowful because passionate words 0 rnignallg saa erable orne, emg ea and deeds are displayed by children, and el i rice ane the ial ioe _ F even in muturer life, bring them to the blood. lice enn thus be sa otitu = disgrace of the public criminal, when the place beagles oaan in surgical ae this development of depravity was only Home ts will be o hie fame roa reid aed the fruit of seeds sown in young hearts Ly patients from the risks involved in the jew icug wordsl? nse of the jatter S . — “Speak easy, father,” and mother also, _— and children to; for your tones of voice Vain glory Llugsom but never bears et n The Way it Works. “| The New York cc dent of the | National /néedligencer, writing under date | of the 18th, thus refers toa subject of deep interrest to the oountry; capital possessed by the 104,707 aliens who have arrived since that period amounted to €5,308,- the remainder far the free States and Terri- tories,” In this brief paragraph there is food for much grave reflection atthe South. In a little less than twelve months 105,- 707 aliens have arrived at a single North- ern oa of whom only 3,256 were bound for the Slave States, whilst 102,451 go to ewell anti-slavery ranks in the Free States and Territories! Here isa for- eign popriation sufficient for a new State with its Representative and two Senators in — and here is the procesa Ly which Soath is annually aa rapidly losing her federa! strength. This, in tact, is the true secretof her declive in the National Counci!s which the Census for the last thirty years has visited upon her in the representative apportionment: And yet bleeding as she is at every Te un- der the nt system of Naturalization, the Soath hugs it to her bosom with a fondness that is absolutely idiotie. Dem- eecracy enturoncd in her affections, tells her that the annual influx of aliens, the mass of whom are utterly ignorant of our institatiens and thoroughly hostile to that “peculiar” one which is incorporated with her very existence, tells her, we say, that this is a great political blessing for which she should sacrifice every day! Democ- facy says, “ suffer them to come and for- bed thea not, for” (they might add) their wotes give strength and sustenance to our This isthe whole trath of Demo- eratic zeal ia behalf of foreigners, com- — manot shell. Inall history we wever read of such gross infatua- tion of a as this we are speaking of im the people of the Slave States. They have “proof es strong as holy writ” of the fact that —— has given a giant ligest, appreciative foreigner who comes te our shores there ase a hundred of the opposite character who vote at our elec seme without any reference whatever to the imterests of 1 ase may be. We would ask the South em Democracy to explain why and how it ip that since 1830 Free States have 0.s000 after their ization a3 Terri- tories? What has increased so ly the aumber of ves in Ohiv, Indiana, ané Whi @on that Minnesota and Nebraska are go ing @ rapidty ahead! These are ques tins which the South ought serious!y to examine, for in their solution her welfare ie @veply involved —Jo the light of the severe lessons which experience has in this connection, the coarse of the b io resisting the parpese of the Aweriean party, which is, to reform the abuece of nataralization in order to arrest the miechiefs of unrestricted Immigra tion and thereby rescue oer institutions from the perils which encompass them and to revive, if possible, throughoat the o@entry that Nathowal American spirit whieh can slowe preserve our ps mest from destruction We say A mer foan apirit, by which we mean a spirit of Gevotion and boyalty to the constitotion and laws of the Union, springing in the bosom of every citizen, whether native ot adopted, from a dee appreciation, of the blessings of rational Liberty, peculi arly the enjoyment of this hitherto favor ed land. vere =biessings, it is no less the interest of the foreign than the native born amongst os to gnard and secure 2 i every iuflwence, come in what or from what source it may, which tends to juvpardize them We allude here to those immigrants who core over hese for Use perpose of realizing the bless ings of which we speak. and whoare con tent to acyeire the rights and privileges of eitiaeus!iy in the way prescribed by flaw. Bret ut ica lamentable truth, that & Cast proportion of them lave of late years been men of a different stamp ufen who lave no sooner landed apor our shore tian they have, in viwlation «f law, exerersed the elective franchise and been thus largely and criminally instru mental in sulmerving the mur poses demageages and factiumists Jt is certain that they have contribated iinmensely t the wth of Abelitienism, that worst ake ms political pestilence that have aj peare:] in the evuntry since ite in dependent existence commenced — which wd 2 ite ravages can Le checked in tin Ly some powerful movement of Us peo jae will sink the Union into a grave from whiel there wi!) be ne resarreetion. And then what ei! be the condition of the honest, la« alading portion of oor adopt ed citizens! Along with the native born they will Le stripped of the the freest poverniment ander the sun and plunged into the horrors of disunion, rev olution and anarchy. Is this a picture which thy can contemplate with compos ure? Ani ret thousands of them unite with the Dermocrac y atthe Suath in re- vilngthe American party whose aun to ward off Ly a salutary referm existing abuses the terribic catastrophe which threatens to extinguish our glorious it et tutions. We will here notice a favorite Lat sense- ewe argument, if argument it can be call ed, by which, the Demweracy have eougtit to seduce the South from the coarse which her interests and her welfare urge her to in the present crisis. that the evi! of Foreign sin jeriously affect her, because the Tumi grants (except comparatively a very fuw, do mot settle within Ler borders. The bulk of them settle in the free States, and therefore we should make ne complaint So far from this being an argument t» fe blessings of They say does notin justify the Soe@th in opposing the Aimer can Party. ite in reality the very str ng est argatment for her sustamning it There can bene queation that the rapidity wot From being in a Reva » pe ca os ees a onan ‘ | which the lation of the Free States, the ree ng meagreness of its increase in the Slave States, has been aleading cause| \of the decline of tk. latter in numerical strength iu both houses of Congress. she has sank | into a minority in those halls; a minority | which every. succeeding census will, it things eoutinne to go on as they are now going, become smaller and smaller. And new we ask, what else, but the Foreign ~ element has mainly produced this disas- | trous change as itis toherf What else) brought lowa and Wisconsin and Michi-| gan into the Union so soon after their or- ganization into Territories! What else is speeding on the admission of Minnes- ota, Oregon and Nebraskat What else, has made additions to the anti-slavery party in Congress which have given it in| one branch of it, lias the pewer to stop the | wheels of the Goverument, as it is dar- ingly threatening to dot What else has, multiplied the representation ‘n the same | body from Ohio, Indiana and Illinois! | Aud yet we are told by the Democracy that the South does not suffer frem For- eignisin because Immigrants do not setltle here, except in numbers so small as to be searcely felt! Does she not suffer from Abolitiontan and Breesviligm? Are not her dearest domestic interests—her dear- | est Constitational rights—at this time in- the most imiuest perl from Black Repub- | licanism, whi¢h has been raised to its pres- | ent formidable strength mostly by the, tretnendous immigration of the last twen- ty-tive years! To our mind nothing ap-' pears clearer than that the South is in-/ debted for ber federal inferiority princi- | pally fo the setthement of immigrants in the Free States, and if this be so how can she continue to persist in her opposition to a policy which aigss at a eorrection of the evil which has operated and is stil! operating so injuriously against her! We could say a great deal more upon this, pregnant subject, bet our article is long enough. In conelasion we recommend to Seuthern consideration the text which we’ have choses fur these comiments—a text! which in few words and §gares em bodies the most valuable instruction aad conveys | the most salatary warnings. Let her throw off the shackles ia which Dewoc- racy has bound her. Let her no longer be deluded by the glozing appeals of a’ marty which in order to conciliate the ‘ree-soilers of the North throw over-. board a President, whose administration they freely endursed, only becanse he sigued the bill repealing fhe Missouri Compromise! Lg>herdiseriminate care- fully between ber professed and real friends beyon! Masun’s and Dixon's line, betweea the Van Burens and the Ever etts—he spoils men and the patriots, the domogonges and fle patriots. Let her compare the claimeof Bachanan with! those of F.llmere—the platform proinises of the one, which are but empty words, with the offiicial ects of the other in the Presidential chair, which are worth more than all the platforms that coald be ereet- ed. If she will do this she will not hesi- tate long in preferring Mniavo Fusmore to Jas. Daskasan: and voting according- erly. Really, we do not see bow the pu- ritamical, straight laced, and suber-mind- ed people of the North can swallow Fre- mout as 8 Presidential candidate. It strikes us that they have been egregioas ly imposed upon. Ie prubably combines in bis vwn persen as any eleiwents of uppesition to their lung cherished ideas as any man in the country. In the first place they say he is a South erner. Thatts @ great ebjeetou in the eyea Ha party whose fanatical intent, bes whatseever wame disguised, ie for the po Itieal agyrandise:nent of the North at the expense of the ruin or degradation of the South. Your full blown Abotitivoist, or your Black Republiean now-a-days, is ton mech accustumed to regard the Seuth as a commanity of “berder ryffians,” intent va extending the arca of slavery without regard tu treaty stipalations or pledged farth. It strikes us as strange, theu, that these “shrekers of freedum™ should pass by the uumbers of respectable Abulition iste in their ranks Nurth, and come down South in their searc for an ultra, fanati cal candidate But, in addition, as they say. to his be ing a Southeru man, Fremont, while it Cougress, le represented the Senate of the United States for tween ty-ome duys,) iucarial ly acted and voted with the Suuth on all questions that came that bewty Ife California in up in went direct y and party which yp @8 ACa This makes the mat s Rumination ef wnore strange . there " any ber circuinstance which renders the matter Stranger stil Tiey tay he is a Lotnan Catholic. Now. a Papiet, iu the estimation of thuse rigid f the old Puritans, is a being of a hatefal preaence. Yer, the proots of Freuton Roman Catholicism are daily augmenting in the Northern pa against that senti:nent has there v « kel beta for th. Preaidenév. ter of | ' Lu Inlate formal descendants pers fe was married by a Roman Cathohe Prcate is the son of a Romar Cathe! plan@ad the crs, the syinbul fopapal power, on Che mountaina on tis exploratQuns in Caltforuia—-goesto igh Mass geners ly when le goes to chorcl at all, and is, on the whole, a pretty fair ratsice Pap st Sat, omee again, \ bole mattcr cont whele ma mt} ancl to envelop the letely in must, he i he sentiment of the North is united against tlny practice ; ite regard ea duellist. 1 cd asa rel f a barbarous age; and ne terins are sufficiently strong to express the mtter condemnation of it by the peo ple. Ther difference of oj the subject there All classes and men con oppose it Y et, Fremont is a lover, as it were. of tl code duello. Te pursued Col, Mason of the U. 8. army, and he sought a fiht with Senator Foote. He 8 a quarrelsowne, forward, fighting per son, ready at a inotuent to go ont on th field, if blood whould follow Here. mystery. The Black Republicans are opposed to the Senth, yet a strictly northern party as it is, it has taken up a Suathern man tor its candidate. It is opposed to Papacy, yet truns a Papist It abbors dae! ing, bat nominates a diucllist Ilow can al! then, we see a this be accounted for, ex cept on the supposition that the party has been most egregiously lambuyged and sold” bv a few leaders; unless, indeed, they are ronuning limon the strength of vices the Rocky Mountains, whic are, in bref, eating grassboppers wannattege steer casa cd went miles In a dayt ‘wmington Herald, ON WHAT WE RELY. We are frequently asked the question, “on what do you rely for the contident hope you manifest of Mr. Fillmore’s suc- cess We might urge many reasons fur the confidence we have of Mr. Fillmore’s | snecess; but there is one great, and, as we believe, controlling influence, or con- sideration, operating to secure Mr. Fill- more’s success, in parts and sections | of the Union. We refer to that univer- | sal conviction everywhere manifested, | that the two other political organizations | are whally sectional in their character ; that the suécess of either would tend to| continue so to distract the country as to) endanger the existence of the Union, and | that the election of Mr. Fillmore, who is| known to be a National nan, would save | the country from such catastrophe. It is| this universal sentiment that gives ns confidence that the people, in spite of the arts of demagogues, and tricks of rigid i | politicians, North ard South, will rally | unitedly in sapport of Mr, Fillmore, and | elect him as the man in whom they can | repose the utmost cuonfidenee. | In all parts of the country, in every) section of the Union, in the North and} South, a growing feeling of Nationality | is exhibited itself. Every where there is, growing ap, stronger and firmer, a com-| mon bond among Patriots, and hence we | daily hear of those who are willing to; sink party considerations—look above | and beyond all such advantages, and in| the spirit of true patriotism, join hands! with their brethren in common. effort to save the country. It is gratifying in the, bighest degree to observe the indications | that are apparent on all hands of a dispo- sition among so large a share of the Ame- | rican people to unite in defence of true, American Nationality against the disun-) iofists and the enemies of our Institu-| tions in both the North and South. Pandering to Foreign and Sectional passions, is odions to all patriotic minded people, and has disgusted thousands of the honest yeomanry, and induced them to leave their party, and to unite ander a brave and patriotic leader—-the man in whom the country contides for his expe- rience, honesty and true Statesmanship. Thus a mighty army is being formed, and | is moving forward ayainst the enemies of | the Republic. It has eunqaered befure, amd it will do so again. [tis eqaal to the | contest. It knows its numbers and pesi-! tion, and laughs at the feigned evntidence | of its foes. Ouward—right onward—is| the ery of this army of patriots, who are moving forward for Mucagp Fircwoms Dollar News. Vo Demoeratic Enthusiasm.—lit re quires no sage to discover that the De-, moeracy, take them in the aggregate, can- nut be aruused to anything approximating toastate of enthasiasm in favor of the! nowinee of the Cincinnati Convention. — There is as great a lack of confidence as there is of enthysiasm ; aad the contic- tion is fixed and settled that they made a great mistake in nominating him. The North in a body is opposed to him, for they say he is cottoning to the South for their votes, and they know by experience what stuff a Northern man with Soath- ern principles is made of. The Sonth cannot trust him, for they fear the wily politician who seeks the favor of two zm tagonistic sections. The politweal Janos, is net to Le relied apon as true or faithful asany one. Ile will need but the oppor tanity to cheat his mew allies, with as lit He remorse or ecruple as he played false to Ins own section. This is substantiatly the plea pat forth by hoth Northern and Svathern Demucrata, irrespeetively. Then again, Bochanan is unfavorably situated ; for he te depr ved of the active and powerful sapport of a legion of effi cieut subsigiiaries—the sxarms of office seckers. The sbseuce of these ansiliaries will be severely felt in the coming cou test. From the sery natare of things, M;. Bachanan's patronage, if eleeted, will be small. No new iseoes are made ; the present nominee endorses, without any qualification, the Administration of President Pierce, and stands square and flat-flouted Opou the Democratic platform He is then bound Ly implied contract, and by every comsideration of obligation ahd decency, to support the present in imbents of office, who are laboring in contributing from ther sal secure his clection. He will have few offices to give in ex f which he stands most desperately in need Vv. O. Bulletin his cause and aries to ore hore chafive for votes, = Vew Mode of Saring Bacon.— About a couple of years ayo we were entertain ed at the house of a friend with a dinner of eggs and bacov. We complimented our host sapenor quality of his bacon, and were curiuns to inquire the way to lhe success in the preparation of a dainty article that te better fitted for the palate of an « pi ire than for the stomach ofa dyspeptic informed that that portion of our meal was cooked eight months before. I pon asking for an ex planation, he stated that it was lis prac tice to slice and try his bacon immediate yon ita being cared, and then pack it in itsown fat. When occassion came for using it, the slices slightly refried have all the fresliness and flavor of new bacon just prepared. By this preeaution our friend always sneceededin“in saving his ba- “fresh and sweet, throngh the hottest of the weather.—.V. £. Farmer. m the of diet, thoayh one To our surprise we were New Material for Laper -The peo ple’s rags are so far from meeting the demand of the paper-makers now-a-days, that experiments are making upon all sorts of material tosapply the defleiency. The Planet bronglit down from Lake Sa- perior a thonsand pounds of moss for Dr. Terby. of Detroit, who has been snaking experiments upon itia the manufacture of paper. The Doctor says that moss a ae a beautiful white paper without any preparation of the raw material for the common paper mills. In all respects itis eqnal to linen rags, and can be found in unlimited quantities on Isle Royale and several other localities in the vicinity ata ve ry sinall comparative cost Clearcdand Plaindealer "SALISBURY. hy _— The Whige of ‘Meina—Like. Whigs —_ Rennes Oven! <ner Casal TUESDAY EVENING, SEPT. 2d. 1856. TERMS OF THIS PAPER $2.00 CASH. = = they promige to & good. acequat of thiemeelves on.the day of election. . The Bath Tribune says: a ; “The Whigs iv the Presidential-con- SS ees ‘FOR PRESIDENT, MILLARD FILLMORE, FOR VICE PRESIDENT, ANDREW JACKSON DONELSON, chances have brigh meeuncenaniieamm as. they now:-can. weigh the indoones | which’ they may exert, nay more—whieh AMERICAN ELECTORAL TICKET. |they wild exert in the contest.” FOR. THE STATE AT LARGE. pee L. B. CARMICHAEL, of Wilkes, JOHN W, CAMERON, of Cumberland. FOR THE DISTRICTS. Ist District, Lewm Tuomrson, As Mr, Fi | The Old Dominion for Fillmore.— |The Lonisville Journal states that: Vir- |ginia, for a long-time doubtful, has now br i Gi 4 heey | nal then proceeds to review the condition 4th + Jas. T. Lrrrigsonx, { i i herein . pre Ae Hiartbinns joe parties, » Virginia, and —- by 6th “J. M. Leaca, jrepeating—“The Old Dominion is no lth “ A. J. Danaan, 8th“ J. D. Hyman, (2 The, Féitor being unexpectedly | absent, probably detained by high wa-| Buchanan in New York.—The News, ter, will account for not having the usual eos Buchanan organ, is doleful over the quantity of editorial in the Watchman! prospect in that city. We qaote: this week. | “Every man is waiting patiently the - tide of events, each asking the a what . : . lis going on. We can anower—nothing is Old Line Whig Meeting. | fy he Everything and pabiady — still and cool as the snow-capped Alps, evidently waiting for an avalanche. Is there to be nv action ¢ certain for Fillmore.” oe Sauasaury, Sept. let, 1836. The Old Line Whigs in this Congres-, sional District, are requested to meet at sickening and most discouraging. Where every whore, lee, the. gallant. Whigs of] We nationality af Mr; Fillinare, pablieb- ; Maine. na gulp Sais Pill I tun, announcing that a caucus of Awweri-|; \ i ‘ A i wi \ ! heey Peleg pep loghirwes corn at cat the folowing remarks + anore’s | ‘{tion would wound the seli-respect of no | ous Union will eoon | become certain for Fillmore.” The Jour:!tiona) advantage, and are opposed “to! tiring from the Presidency, | ete Nh oe bugil : ie a i Charleston News, which, 4 tow} jet dare deolared ite preference hee Mr, Buchanan, thongh it sleo end hic despatch from Washipg- cau members had resolved to continue théir support of Mr, Fillmore, as the only way to give peace, harmony and peru neney to the Union, and accompanied it 4 | Americans-have Lut expressed the sense) same eunfidept aseu le to| Millard Fillinore jleok tw the bottom of our national dill) the ‘erféis, and arou | otties, Tt is already beginning ty bp re-! euneentrate their strength, truly national man, North or South.— | ingtow was consérvative > [Thosk whoare cunteut with the equal of bis patriotic tenebing sti} lingers rule of the country, alul do not covet sec- | yur gars. His Favew replete jeectional dumibation, whether North or’ conservative wiedum. I¢ teaches trnth | South, will be satistied wich the election ! that most speak, forcibly, cow vineingly, of Fillmore. The Abolitievists aud Fre: | ty generations yet in shupe’s | > jmonters who seek sectional domination ‘ mn o Neve can . ur longer dyubtfal. It may be set down a8 reulige.fally that Mr. Fillmore is the tro- ped improve npon nag he “ | ly national candidate, aust they make-war ig spivits who. signed the D updu hiw accordingly. They consider Independence-were ;@0ahto ‘him the culy obstacle to the election ef! were they who shed their blood in oar: | Fremunt, aud they rejvice in every Dew- | aiemorable struggle fur i lt jocratic Buchanan victory at the Suuthas wae a anity of one, an MAVES eo ir) seney cent gain wo their cause. They | vigtion of hight’ o Serarite ‘to | kuow that every snocyss of ¥ ip.4 | pose wrong, and femtlossly, hovest! teal. jtrianph of national sevtinent, ead! tain wan’ priinitive dignity. loa Op- [strengthens sectional sentiment at the | pressive udurpations, that phe 2) them North, and gives hoart and courage to all -teiumphagtly through those trying times. |national neu there. ‘Phey depend upon ' The pure, instructive, conservative iufiy. sectional sentiment for sugges; they re’! ence of such men, we rejpiee to. believe ‘joice ia Buchanan trivmpb as a sectional has been, and will be, tranatnitted to suc- Sach action, dr want of all action, ieSttiumph, aad as betpag to feed the sec- coading geierayiota, avd enongh of it jtional feeling of their own ayction, Their, preserved to~have-a sew power in all. their usual places of assembling in the is our State Comasittce, aud what is it) hearty dgsire is then to remove Mr. Bill time,all exigoneien “Ami es several counties, and to elect delegates tu sboat—our county aud town committees, the Whig National Convention, to con-| at are they doing ! : pe tou vene in Baltimore on the 17th of this! Where are ear own city organisation | |N : early all equally dead. If there is no month, It is suggested that each county | 4a to give any direction, in the uame of clect a delegate to said Convention, and Heaven, let the people take bold of ft.” that sneh number of delegates as may be thus selected and attend jeintly repre-| Disunionists.—The New Orleans Cre- sent the District. The same course is ode, it alluding to the madness of section: recommended to the other Congressivnal | a} agitation, pertinently remarks : Districts in the State, and that the dele- gates who may meet at Baltimore, select | y,, in the laud, who have ve halluwed twe of their number to represent the | yemories of the past, vo anticipations of State at large as Senatorial delegates. It the glorious power destined in the future will be necessary to act with prompness, | exercise a healthful influence upun the as the time is short. The Old Line Whigs | \een eye vld werld, cacting down f Rowan, favorable to the electiva of | wun and ‘caching mankind the bess sabi hn Dd hoahhs Ls }ings of freedom. There is, however, nu Fillmore, are requested to meet in Satis- | question but the nase of the people of bury on Saturday next, to elect their del- | these States are in favor of Union. Up- egate. on the absfract qeestion, stript of the en- tanglements of ve pulitics, there would nur nut be a vute suflicieut to protect Disun- Public Documents. Our thanks are sonists from contempt, abt North or South. The duty of patriotism is now to cast aside @li party ties, and rally opon Mr > > “ox : Ww Fillmore, as the only man who can hope eR L OEE AS COMNEOMUE. * coed in a araggle for the Uniua. The New [Haven Journal wmye that no [{ the Boath will but cast its vote forhim, less than two bandred Demoecrpta, here- the spirit of sectionatise is laid forever. tofore Buchanan men, have subseribed The agitativa which has disturbed the to the new Fillore paper to be started Peace of the evantry, and at regular pe su Hlastford!-/ cad it wo farckor asl rods arieeu to the point of dauyer, will , 3 i mated have an ead. that the Democratic party in Wuterbury in that State are about to declare in favor of Fillwore! Thus moves on the glorioes cause. The contest in nearly all the Nor- thern States is rapidly narrowing down to Fillmore and Fremont. Buchanan will soon be out uf the question entirely. With these facts staring them in the face, why should the Buchanan Demoerats of ah aie ~ . the South still continue to play into the Minister from England.— A Wash hands of Fremont aad the Black Repab- i"sto" e0Prespondent of the New York licans? Don't they see that every vote llerald says ; at the South given to Buchangp_ ie 80 “| learn thie morning, from no official “=. A new generation secins to have sprang >. dae to Hon. D. 8, Ret, for copies of im- portant public documents. North Carolina Elections.—The Stan- dard publishes retarna, tavet oflicial, from every coenty in the State. Gov. Brayy's majority is 12,504. The namber of vutes polled ia aboat 102,000. about 96,000 Two years age h contrit d to the of F ures, however, but yet fron a reliable aan ’ a | and ly well informed quarter, Usat _ Movwdes hae received the appoint ment of Minister to the United States, in place of Crampton, dismissed. His Lord ship, rumot asserts, is a tried and fast friead to this country, as well as being an {able and experienced diplomatic.” —-- GONG RESS. In the Senate, on Wednesday, Mr. SIGNS OF THE TIMES. Fillmore’s Proapects Suuth.—The Loa- isville Journal speake with entire confi- denee of the Fillmore prospects in Ken- tocky, and says that his friends are at this moment stronger by many thonsands | than they were last year. = - " 2 A letter from Knoxville, Tennessee, Wetler’s bill, repealing curtain Kansas nes laws, was laid upon the table by yeas says that the indications now are, that | 9s Nays 1}. Mr. Cass presented letters that State will be given to Fillmore by # from General Sinith, obtained at the War large inajority lis prospects daily Departivent, which state that the Kansas brighten reports guing the rounds of the newspa The St. Lania Intelligencer, one of the Bide viv’ grose fabrications, and that the ablest and most reliable journals of Mis pe oe ee roe hare ae lege ob cchnd Aat oe joer thing to interfere with the citizens of that termtory exeept to goard the prisoners “Fillmore will carry Kentacky in No charged with teéason. Senator Hanter vember. Nowhere wes his Adminiatra- introduced a motion that the Senate in tion supported with a heartier cordiality, sist opon its amendment to the Army and nowhere 1 he himself regarded with bill, and ask of the House the appoint more enthusiastic admiration than in that ‘pent of a committee of conference. This State. He is a compromise man, and attempt to re-open the way to negotia- the people of Kentucky are a compro. ton and perhaps compromise, gave rise mise people, and the two are drawn to to an animated debate, and was finally each other by the affinity of principles adopted—yeas 33, nays 6—and Messrs. which both espouse. Breckenridge was Hunter, Crittenden and Bigler appointed nominated on the Democratic ticket along ® Committee upon the part of the Senate. with Buchanan for the purpose of giving In the Honse, varions attempts to in ty that ticket a semblance of respectabil troduce bills and resolutions were made, ity atthe Sonth, and in the hope that the bat objections were raised. Mr. Wil sour, Save: nushrootm repntation of the Vice Presi-:!iams offered a reavlution for the adjourn dential candidate would insure the votes ment of Congress on Tharsday next at 3 of Kentucky, Tennessee, and other o'clock in the afternoon, and it was adopt staunch old Whig States, at the Suwth, el—ayes 110, nves 76. Mr. Wheeler of for the Loco Focos. Bat the gaine will fered a resolution instructing the commit- not succeel, Fillmore is regarded in tee on Ways and Means to report the those States as the embodiment of those Army Dill le pruposed, being essentially conservative and national principle which the same, with the omission of the Kan- made up the web and woof of Wiaery, sag proviso, as the former one; and he Ilis administration is remembered with a Moved the previous question. The vote livelier regard wid interest in Kentacky, stood—ayes 94, noes 93. The Speaker Tennessee, and Lonisiana, than in any voted no, making a tie—so the resolution otber States of the Union; and the stilt was lost. A inessage was received from living and active force of the policy he the Senate further insisting on its disa- then puraned, and the measures he then greement to the ariny bill, and asking sanctioned,will, beyond a doubt, influence @ committee of conference. On motion the people, of those States to vote for him of Mr. Campbell, the House farther in in November.” sisted on its bill, and appointed a com- The saine paper, allading to Tennessee, ™'ttee of conference. Saya: “> “The Ameriean party in that State is Waiting. —When a popnlar comedian, united to a man, and all are enthusiastic famous for acting Sir Francia Oripe, and sanguine aato the resalt. The whole (off as well an on the stage,) was asked, | strength of the Old Whigs, also is in’ in conseqnence of ayun of very ill lack, his favor. Some of the first men in the to wait a little for his salary—whieh was State are on the Stamp in behalf of Fill- £50 a week !—he cooly took a chair, and more——anch men as Haskell, Henry, (ren replied: “Certainly; [1/ wait till it's try, Fooney -able and popular stump paid.” . wore from the canvass, and to bring on) periments, and wild, specalativesehemey a desperate war of the two sections of | of thomghtives aubition—then all ee the cemptry upen the repeal uf the Mis fils, there i¢ a consolation int -belowing souri Compromise, aud all the influmato- | that what our venerated ancestors tanght, iry topics of the Kansas question. The’ proving guod, still retaius a-plaee tn’ ine- Southern men who evvet disanion as a’ mory, and way be cubated im the hear good; the Northeru meu who entertain | of need. Their matives Were. pure, sho the same evutiment, with both, with “ ble, and ends achieved eunamant there- fect cousisteney, make war upon Mr. with. Let their descendapts emulate theit Fillinore. And there are those who, gov- exanyle.— Dollar. Weebl News. . erned by the sarface A things, thougt i ees . . well affected to the Unign, desire tbe | . _ z withdrawal of defeat of Mr. Fillmore a: Inauguration of the Franklin Statue. the Suoth——uot seeing that tbe defeat of /—The programme fur the inaagnestion of Mr. Fillmore is the triamph of Fremont Greenongh'’s great statue of — —ut least all Fremont’s friends think so| Frank}in has beeo arranged. It take —~and it would be discreet fur his ene place on Wednesday, the 17th of Septem- wnies fe suppose thal bis friends know ee > ao en es a help them bet Which is the auniversary of the set- i ing K and farmish them with the Mement of Boston, and alsa the anniver- poy bag Dee it. ’ sary of the adepfien of the Cogstitation * We belwve that the friends of the {of the U nited States. The statue isto be bahyat and equal rable, North and Syvath um in frome — Tall, 18 Behwo! will take counsel frow the wishes of the) “'e™ = ® processiun, in common enony, and not gratify their de whieh associations, soctetios and trades aire by playing their game for them.— af invited to join. Addressee will be Fillmore and the coautry, North and tuade b ? Len, Robert Cc. Winthrop, by South, will take up this ery, and write F. W. Lineoln, jr., faq. President of the victory wpon the Lanners that bear it Maseachapetts Charitable Mechawics As- “The sober second thought of the peo- sociation, and by his Honor Mayor Rice. le” will discover thet, in the election of The prayer «ll be offered +A 1 r. Fillmore, lies the reeouciliation of Blaggen, D. D., awarding Ola the North and Soath ; that his past ca Chaureh, where ranklin wae baptieed. reer and his present national position, 4° original ode, written for the ooeasion furnish yroand apon which both seetions by Jaines T. Fields, Eeq.. will be sang by can mect in amity and with perfeet self- 3 pupele of the public school, Culonel reapect , ang that the pledge of hes pre * ewell A Thompson je the Chief Mar- vivws ada:nistration in a crisis of intense *all of the procesnon.— Boston Courier. sectiwal division, guarantee to the South aa well the North yastice and an impar- tial rude. They remember that the cloee ‘ Of lie administration foaud the Seuth Pf ar eg ed fli bray Sore etromger at the North, and the Nort from Missseri, would enter Tcdeas eo the stronger at the Soath, migra e — 224. Four hendeed of Lane's teen were for years. Vationel men, whether Whiga ve . A K or Democrala, were, everywhere, retinal crear: yey Rech gy cue in pacer. or advanced lo power at the ce troops going ty the relief of Leeunp pene A mecr0al agictore. The good ia, genius A the Constitution reigned every Gen. Richardson, with a ba hody of where triumphant, and the coontry re 4),. ternturial militia, had pth to the posed in peace. This was the proper fruit’ \ .e4}, Western part of the territory to cut of Mr. Fiilmore's national semiment and , off Lane's retreat. Col. Titas was at Law: national connevls. The people begin to renee suffering bad: y rare hie wounds, tealize—and they will every day more! and was not expected to live. Shoeking realize that in the trinmnh of Mr. Fill. excesses had been committed on free State mote the country will triamph—their settlers near Leavenworth, cafety be advance, their quiet secured, Gov. Price, win had bece ia the die and that in him conservative sentiment, torbed districts, bad hurried heune with rational, moderate, sober counsels will ip, expectations of find a calm, courageous, consistent apd} from th . aathonzi tried advocate, and they will stand by nder wae fe parol in pa tary Seo he Fillmore and the eventry.' vonld take the feld in person Five hundred men were ander armain o, THE (Sts OF THE TIMES. | Leximgton, Miesonri. General Sarith de- ' chines Interference with thé Missourians - The timeenre, indeed, out of the joint. | 4. long operations It is a fact that it woold be aseless e af a fect to disbelieve, that we have fallen on evil times, and that dangers of the most . fearful charaeter are now surronnding as Prom the Beane. as a Natiop, on all aides. The sober, 22 We have weeded bom Mr. Howck the thoughtful, ennservative coarse paraned sulyaned letter for pebheation. lt explains it by our forefathers, in all matters affect ing the potife itteresta, ie no longer em . sebeary ae entirely discarded. «joa To the Editors of the Banner : iata nny abound everywhere, Wise, dis ‘antiswex:—le your lag same | pee estate crett, odeate, conciliatory conrisela are WEPK 0 which my anime ie not weed, bet whieh scoffed and snecred at; and the seduct. | presume has to me, and which » ive snares of new fangled dogmas, of the calculated to misled -the aml od Fd wildest and most fanatical character, are °° ™ ® their estimation, - ayd seized npon with avidity, and allow- wig aire ntiag, Mya ono oh pga wi ed to estray and bewilder the people , s incumbennce Prone to embrace every now i a large — oe pang jou will do sbibiyes of our people have ran wild bead: ine the justice to publ thie eand, My motto jong into the labyrinthian Projects of i, ~ Let justine be done if the Heavens shoud miagnided ambition, until a net-work of fi" Kespeetfully, de., emmbarrassments and difficulties has been W,. A. HOUCK. woven that seriously threaten to disrup tnre the Union. Abolitionian, with its thonaand other mongrel iamea, end ProSlarcryiam, with | its kindred movements, #!i based on fa- naticism, have been rrojected, agitated, and fostered, nntil at lant impractical ex tremeiets, have succeeded in forming a direct iaane between the North and Soath and threaten to be snfficiently formida ble, in nambers, sucetaafully to contend with the sober power and judgment of the one tnen of the country, who will keep step to no other music than that of the inien, Is it not then high eee by Hon. J. W. ine, and each time for the sober ininded, reflecting and Bs cteloone are vieting the-rniat venera: conservative people of this country, who te“ bene away 9 portion of the regard the Union as of inestimable value, , od the to aronse to the danger, which the sane ; culo'te radicalien,, imported from Enrope | The Bill—The army appropriation will now threatens our free institutions ? *| braces an segregate cf some eleven — 4 Serely, when men's mind become thne Svltars of appropriations, abeos cight milan estranged, and the warring elements of | wbich are to be expended in = liaman passion are let loose, without rnd- ae States, and three millions in ae der, compass or ballast, and evils leading, sree anevada possibly to bloodshed, or dissolation of our social quem pit aro ringront rb eh eo compnet, are likely to enene, it is time dl teat ) leg tard and laborer af enery the conservative power should step forth | govermnent nescanl, armory, dc. most be dis. & nediator, snbdne the Storm, avert im charged, as well ae every offiest and man it the -- LATE AND IMPORTANT FROm Kanne. against Lane's forces. - ee! ( _—. Full of the Famous * Charter Ook.” H awrvomn, Coy., Ang. 22. The “Charter Onk” fell this morning, at a quarter before one o'clock, with a tremendous erash, and but six feet of the stamp now remaine. Thies factions tree was far past its prime when the charter was concealed in it on the 9th of May, 1659, and was probably au old trée when Phe po discovered the New World. t stood upon the old Wyilis estate, no* he , i - nal : i? Tp u Fr r t “f i s t 55 ed ia nent | deserves wi salablishing Con do | iles from holder. M on the very ouly relax woman is} ed for his + by the wa: Pretey Wsth when Shyk the Pretty | Dot liquida: bee oming r £'¥e @ reee Said she, be husband ar our rene; | Poor but th Ain’, that 9 The jPerty glut 1 LP bs wi kisai Se e e i e k s “E p s FE aS Es s TE E S E # =F Lo t s Fo e > a ee s Fa tr e r t s t ab sp h e «, FROM ame eh I Pe > oy Se. Loum, Aug, 24. efciteniont at ‘Boouville, Missouri, and five thou dollars. wove immediutely raleed to send men into the Territory. A high state of excitement prevails jp the border counties of Miésouri, unit metiof discretion and property are voluntoeris to go to Kansas order ist : BACON 15 : erst. » The reports of Lleody OOOO a Rie = isa 14 THIRTY THOUSAND TICKETS | conflicts are hourly expected... - | ra ‘ 14g 15 he Br. Locus, Avg: 26. fghphyine bedaed 15,185 PRIZES! ‘ : Saar aus |: Veit t6 Gout 12a, 1 Prize A letter from Lawrence, of the 17th, | ee Oe aidtten wis | thee by oie be p+ says that d fight ceensrednedr Lecomptun , ypsrenee- + | 8 Peto of 10,009 16 10,000 on, the 16th, 4 which Col. Tits and his)” Pasity 700 ss H Prine of 2.000 : 200 r 7 of Ay srerw taken peitper Te frmor| son ABH] es tie tke was Ladly ‘wounded, Freesvilers had sere 600 2000 | 10 Priaes of 200 are 2,000 ten wien we The dragoons pre- eo is pha Acta bo 100 are 10,000 vented the capttire of Lecomptou. Gov. | Wheat 1 | sree ‘i crooning 1 "ine pie ni Sliannon went to Lawrence to demand | 2 ; 4 Pelsce of, 60 appeokingsing to 5,00) priae age 240 ty { cus ‘ 70 «i mn eo sx thé ‘release of the ‘prisoners; aud after a| Rye ©0.| Litymrnet’ co amerumnanet 2 $A DCse ort Se conference it was agreed that au en. any * tad Pines Se apprettpstion ‘or “swpris ont toe of prisoner should take place, LARD— “joe ee f place, and all armed sam be broken eas | MOLASSES— | 15,185 Princes amoutting to $204,90 re sone ps aaa a P- i i » | Whole Tickets $10—aives $5--.Quarters 2 1-2. dae oe mea ef = “ fice | _ PLAN oF THE LoTrERY. Oth ecounpton hot} Liverpool per. sack 150 «160 | Thee are 30,000 Tickets nentbered fi 1 Leen taken or attackerbby Lane ; that ad thy eats 125 » 0 00 pote plas are 15,185 "Pritge emounting (0 Free State men had fortified therngel ves Poo, Brandy 80 « 00 | Toe awing (okes place in public ander the super. : } “ mle © of Iwo ewe “eu nest Legompton incase retreat should) rte Whiskey ep ped |_ ‘The Nesbore foem | to 30:005, atepeadieg with serie wo od 4 A call had been publish. SUGAR— thére Nawbers on the Tickets, printed on separate ed, signed y inflnential citizens, fur n| leaf 13 a 60 lips of paver, are encircled with small tin tubes, and to cunsider the affairs of Kansas.) Crvshe4 12; 0185 | inged fo one wheel. 4 ®t. Cads 12 = 12 ‘The first 117 Prizes, similarty printed and encireted, On Mai 400 volusiteers from Jack: | Porto Rico 104 It | are placed ia apather wheel. Pre wheels are then | oom gematy, ri, went iuto Kansas, pNP E Onewe 10 P5 i [soenet, ond . Bamber ie drown fen the dines ‘large forces were being raised else. | 7‘! _ os sad spkihioed pl nfs ar nba nape unsere where: Robinson nnd Brown were still YOO'- ets frskcrveaed oe ony aig aryl tid ms im custody... Gen. Smith had ordered 4]! soe - eamber drawn. This operation ia repeated until all tis disposable forces to be ready fur ser- vice, Satie - Fremont é Bisth Place, A question has been raisged’.as to the whereabouts of Col. Fremont’s birth-place. The Bos- ton Daily Bee, one of the Fremont organs, | im its issue of April 22, 1856, bas the ful- “Frewont.—OCol J.C. Fremont was born in France, January, 1813. His fath-' or Was an emigrant frow France, and his mother a native of Virginia.” Thig was in April, when the ee was supporting Mr. Fillinore. Since tliat date having for thé consideration of 87,000, as reported aud believed, gone over to Fre mont, maintains that le is a native of the United States. The Boe isa fair epecimen of the Fremont V’rees. Many of the conductors of this press will eat their own words a¢ the editor of the Bee hasdooe, for mach less than 87,000 VERY INDIGNANT Several of the Philadeiphim papers are oat i Weteante cumments ye the pruscrytiva by Bou thern merchants of « Quaker fren uf Abulition etn * Freedom of conavience,” * selling guxd- eed wot primcigtes,” amd ali that sort eof \irtecus +-tencintivn waited to Une voemiye, are extilal od very ghaburately. The cape is a very plain one—if Af two Grime one cuneider ws fens sed pirates aod Use ten veelating ihe laws of Ged aad wan; and t< ethapenteems os as men wad brethren, of coorm we will preter to deni with (he latter The ages of the times are ormmous of troalte head, cod ee may am sell be gia te conte phate the cmd — Seat Carcliman ~ —-_ The Seaat-—We have no idea, from what we can bearn, that the Seoste will comsmemt, evther rime | Aher business oF to tefninate the aes _ Che House shall agree ‘0 provide for themary, mt beretulute, without massting that the Execetive and Senate shall an) in abolition laing Kenens as 2 condition precedent to their eomsedt to the enactment of the usta! arros sup ply bill, it may. therefore, be thmt the called semston will lest until the first Monday in Deo contber west. The fact that aeither ad:litional mileage nor pay.can be drawn fur their wer ices dering ite exmternee may change a few in the Howes aad thas sulve the dilemma. The sam- nese CARP operate in ihe Bewate, where not withstanding the fewer mamber composing the body, the majority on this bill ie four thames as barge as im the Ifmuee. Ow the whole 20 8 fair way to bave Congres upon as, literally =% wothiag until Leeember next. nud the ar my dixchatgrd im the means bil Washing tom Star -- FINE PRACIES We are indetted to Mr. 8. Wo Westbrook of Guilford comaty, for a basket of as fine Peaches mn it hae Geew eer fortune to tnate for a long (me, These peaches are of a superior quality and finely flavored. Mr. Westbruvk has also a quantity of uther fruit fer sale cheap, to which we wouk! call the sttention of our readers as a favorable oppurtunity is now offered them of vb tering a supply of as fine fruit me were ever bri & to owr market. — Wil, Herald We had the sore of walking over the grounds of Mr. Weatbrook a short sime ago, and can estify to Unngs we hare seen and to eted Apples, peaches, pears, aprivula, mectarioc pie of every hue in gloriows profusion abound Ve noticed am immense quantity of fruit pack ed in ment baskets tor distant markets. Mr. W deserves well of his country for hia success in salablishing the best nursery in the State Salisbury Banner _ > Con do their own Kissing—Not a thousand Miles from this village tives a very exacting land halder. Me makes his tenauta “come to time” on the very day the rent comes doe, and wil! only relax hie stern decrees when « handsume woman is in question. Not long since, he eall lived rent of a very worthy mechanic, whe, ”y the way, f in the pomsession of a ver pretiy Wsthe xn husband was not at Peta when Shylock enlled, and he was enchanted with ‘tho pretty little wife of the tenant, Sho could Dot liquidate the amount duc; but the landlord ‘rooming really enamored, told her he w £'¥@ @ reeeipt in full for just one kiss. “Sir, said she, boiling with indignation, “ myself and husband are very poor; perhaps we cannot pay our rent; but I tell you, sir, we're are nut so Ae res that we can do our own kissing ["— 44 tbat « glorious consolation for poor falks | The hardened creditor may teke all their pro iPertygbut he can't deprive them of the privi Re gi kissing. — Almira Morette. ‘The news from’ Kansas croatod great ee d reinain till peace and | 1¢ ity “tag ee oh. th 900. ad 6002350 WEAL, on foses per T . yom ft | oe od sane} C see Bm ! 80 9 55 ATS, per 50-a 55 per duyhel We 75 RICE, per bushel 3900400 4, per suck 116 a 200 BUGAK, Lowl and Crnebed, per 1405 ’ i ee Wall _ . Marcow Lata me . Orleaus, per dh LAL Dw, ‘per sia 108 123 WHEAT, per bushel 125 nvne off. ew te | PAVETPEVILLE MARKET—Angust 28. ‘To be drawn inthe City: of Avianta, Grorgin, in pub- fa, om Saturday, ber 27, 1856, on the HAVANA PLAN! ne _ ate pamde 95 ware 88. Halves and Quarter Tickets in proportion, with pe nar pe —— papier Prizes, which ares handred per cent: bet the th other oben in pireanttig eo SAM'L SWAN & CO. Managers. PRIZES AMOUNTING TO. S204,000: will be disttibaied according to the following Brilliant. Sohemes. ww" $44 L2 Acres, a ion of which ci» Well timbered; the re- pla oh ap pndoe'b: igh state. Of a1ltlration. On tsia tect ve severing Meadow, coutainiig about 40 seres ; 4 ae eed fe lying ‘#0 near a ttaudsome eoe he meade Spe the meadow alone. "There is, also on the premises a Loreto Bee a most exellent barn, and every oibet erterrnc pre : ‘The sapetior locality of this farm will make it asafe i te Pp . Terms will be made accomodaiieg. Calton the subscriber at the planta- tiun ‘or, address by letter wt Salisbury, N.C. °° "ANN BROWN. th—10 * July 22, 1856. ee SES a Se phate SG ta eden House & Lot & Plantation FOR SALE. TPHE subscriber will offer at public sale ui the Court “House in the town of Statesville, on the 6th of October next, it being Mondayof Superior Cuurt, a tragi of land containing 25912 ACRES, TILE MARKETS. Salisbury, XY. C., September, 2. Apples (dred) +0 * Misea. No.1. 10uii du Gree, S100 * Du Pure. Jia ing Baccus, t2014 |Mulesses, Cubs, w | Becowas, ¥20 OY ON Orteaus, 15 Bees, 5@6 Nails, 6a 6 Better, 124@ is do. Wrought, 124 @ 15 Candles, Tallow, 25 do. Morse Shoe 2s du Adamant, 330374 Oats, 30@ 33 45050 Vile,— 13al6 Linseed, P gala Gl do. Save, 16018 Tanmers’ p/ gal OO a 75 Casunge PR, 445 Potatoes, Irish, 50 @! da. Melable 124@15 do Sweet, 75 @1 00 Cotten, 10 (1 Rags Ph, 3 Cottnn Beggeeg.- — Balt Peck, $2.00. 275 * Gunny, 29200 do Yhushe!, $1.00 Dunder, 15000 Sheetings, Brown, 4-4 9 Buriape, 00.0124 Shot, P bog gues Cottea Yara, 90 Need, \ Cora, 00065 | Clover, bush Filel? dm. Meal, 00065 Plasseed, i eo Commons Pauw, 014 14 Seger, Brown, 11012) Cees P due, HelG Leet, 5 Veathers, 30.35 Creched, 15 Flour, p Std, og Claried, Oa lS Iron, Ba ede, Tallow, 1% Pe 4405 Terpentine, Pgul i810 “ Bag Refin'd y Wheat, eiis “Medes, Wel, o® | Oval, CAT Window Glace, 2 bes, Lard ieetl ot 10 e295 Lead, bar, Teak 10 12 e250 Lead. Dry White, 10 018s MARRIED: fa Olin, on the 23th of Angee, by Rew W Neebai, Me H A. MOWBRAY ead Mee MARY 8 atlt The Battenote Daly and Weekly Sun please copy DIED: In thie eomnty, Angus: Td, Mre, SUSANNA, wile of Wr. Hewry Kieue. om the ai th year of ber age Ie thes coomty Acgest fib, MARY LUNDY. fant daeghier < Moses aad Eve Treaier, in the Od year of her age la thie eventy. Aegan Tb, CALEB HH csfam won of Menry 1. cad Magdateoe Browr, in ibe 2d year of hte age fa Newton, Cateba Ca, oo the ITth ot, Mies MARTHA HARDIE, duaghter of the late Jube H Hardee, Eng. of Sghsbery Thee an trtemete poung ledy hed heen called o raf fer many covers family bereevements, ned gref he se ramker. preyed apom her aprits end beoaght -o * (ram of mervons (meses which hameued ber to 20 cody grave Bes from ber eberiet end prey er tal hfe, we behewe thai she wee tot Hear 0. aed that she ecw ie the enjoyment of that peace whee the work! cas oetther gore nor iahé sway Wey thet merrrifel Ged whe tempers the wind to the shorn lamb” capper and comfort her wrdewed auaher and ster. end gremt them oll weeded biese sage, both temporal end epiriveel Cos NOTICE, To the Stockholders of the W. N.C. R. Road Company. N ineteiment of 20 per cent. om the stock sub seribed bes been called for by the Reard of Ih rectors, payeldle to the Treeserer, im “.ateerille, on be tad dey of October ment Rg ¢ SIMONTON, Ree'ry apd Treasurer Swit Rept. let, 1856 Concord Male Academy THE nen scesinn of thie Inatitetion will commerce on Wedoceday, the bet of October @uder the core of EW. FAUCETTE, ee Precipsi Tottion (in advance) per aeson. Claesies, #25 00 Engler, 410 and 15 0 Contingencies, 100 Board va the best of private thamlies (rom GF to BY per month Rag Wb, 1956. Administrators’ Sale. AT the Inte residence of N. M. Griffin, dec'd near Bethany Charch, Iredell County, on the 1h Sep tervber ment, FE will cell te the highest bidder, 2 bhely Young Negroes, a man, girl, and boy, 7 mules, 4 horses, cattle, hogs, a quan- tity of Corn, Wheat, & Tobe co, 1 wagon, 1 b Cutter, Lumber, con, Flour, Farmi Tlouschold and Hitchen worxres. ALL personas indebted to the estate of N. M. Griffin, deceased, are requested to make payment; and all there having claims against said estate, are hereby notified to present them within the time prescribed by haw, of thie notice will he plead in bar of their recov- ery W. TURNER, Adm'r Aug. 20th, 1456 de FOR S \] Winter Oate. by Wm Mar-| LL ET, phy & Co, raised om Judge Caldwell’s plantation. The) ought to be sowed in October or early in November Aug. 26th, 1856 Arnold's Writing Fluid. FIVHE Beat Tok in the World, for sale at J H Ev BOOKSTORE dwpd 4 gy, Straw Ba. Toola, ‘urniture, cbc, 3e:13 Jaly 22 a the Prizes are drawn out. APPROMIMATING PRIZES ‘The two preceding and the two euceecding Num- bers w those drawing the first 117 Price will be ea- the Scheme The 15,000 Prizes of 88 are determined by the vum- ber which draws the $4,000 Pritze—if thet nonsber shuaid be aa odd pamber, thea every odd number Lick - et ia the Scheme will be entitied to OS ¢ if an even samber, thea every even Ucket in the Schewe will be curled to $0, sa edduiwn io any vthes Prize which may be drawn. AD) these tickets ending wish 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, are even +—all these ending wah 1, 2.5, 7, 9, are add. LF Remember that every Prize is drawn, and pay- thie in fall withoet deduction 7” All Prizes of 81 000 and ander, ped unmedute- ty efter the drawvog—other Prizes 21 tbe esual une of tbirry du ya AN cummonications stretiy confidential The drawa pembers will be forwarded \o parchasers iasmedsately efter the drawing Prine Biekets cashed of renewed in other Tickets at either office CREAT INDUCEMENTS TO CLO BS. As ane-heil of the Tickets are guaramerd tn drew HF we will ll Conificaies of Packages of 10 Tickets (add and even wombers,) at the fullowing retes— All that the 10 Tickets drawe over the amoent Ceerenioed scerucs io the perchaser. Contificate of Packages of 10 Whole Tickets, 10 Ha . 10 Quarter ~ 1s Address orders fur Tickets, ot Cenifieates of Pack - ogee of Tickets, either io S&S SWAN & CO., Atlaata, Ga or 8. SWAN, Montgomery, Ale CAPITAL PRIZE $50.000. ” ALABAMA LOTTERY! [Authorized by the State of Alabama. | SOUTHERN MILITARY ACADEMY LOTTERY! CLASS 6, Tu be drawn ia the City of Montgomery, Ala, in pob he, on Fridey, September | 2th, 1856, om the HAVANA PLAN!! SAMUEL SWAN, Manager PRIZES AMOUNTING TO 200,000 DOLLARS. Wil be distrrmated according to the following MAGNIFICENT SCHEME! ! 30,000 TICKETS ONLY !! 1 Prive of 050.000 = 050,000 1 25.000 ie 25.000 1 15,000 ws 15,000 ! 10,000 is 10,000 1 . 6,000 6.000 1 5.000. 5.008} 1 3.000 is 3.00 3 Praes 1,000 are 3.000 10 “ 508 are 5.000 m « 400 are 32,000 100 0C 200 are 20,000 APPROXIMATING PRIZES. 4 of $488 approximating to $54,080 prise ars §1.400 ‘ 2 _ > nom 1a ‘ me Mew lene ‘ 173 16.900 Te ‘ se 6.000 o~ ‘ a io al ‘ we 8.000 ww ‘ “ lene 2 ‘ Te \ oe pues ‘ Se 1.08 ~ rey ” see 1n0 220 » “~ 9.6m “ rs pon ve) 10 prises amounting #20800 PLAN OF THE LOTTERY. The Nambers from 1 to 30,000, corresponding with theese Nembers on the Tickets printed on erparate shpe of peper, are encircled with email tin tubes, and pluced in une wheel. The first 200 Prizes, similarly printed and encircled, are placed in another wheel The wheels are then revolved, and a number is drawn from the wheel of Nambers, are at the same tune a Prize in drawn from the other wheel. The number and Prize drawn out are opened and exhibited audience, and regratered by the Comm to the mer, the Priae being placed againat the number drawn — Thee operation is repeated anil all the Prizes are drawn owt APPROXIMATION PRIZES,—The two preeed- ing and the two succeeding Nombers to thoae drawing the firet 200 Prizes will be entitled to the 800 Approx: imation Prizes, sccordidg to the Scheme TT The Managers, determined that their Lotteries shall excel ell others, offer to the public the above scheme, which, for the brilliancy of ne Capicale, and and the chances of obtaining Prizes, bas never been equated TF Remember that every Prize is drawn, and pay- able in full without deduction 17 All Prizes of 81,000 and under, paid immediate- ly afler the drawing—other Prizes at the useal time of thirty dave All communications strietly confidential. The drawn numbers will be forwarded to purchasers immediately afte: the drawing Whole Tickets, #10— Hulres, &5— Quarters, 24. Prize Tickets cashed or renewed in other Tickets at either office Orders for tickets ehoald be rent in early Orders for Tickets enn be addressed to S&S SWAN &CO, Atlanta, Ga or S. SWAN, Montgomery, Ale July 22, 1856 i] { ‘day of sale will calt on the subscriber. on the waters of Fourth Creek ptwo miles: Morth of Statesville. There is between 30 and 40 acres uf BOTTOM LAND, | @ part of whieh is a good MEADOW ‘aind wood land | sufficient und cowvenient. toyheep ap the fences, « | Kitehen. Barn aud Stables pnd a brick dry house to dry frait ia, au urébard uf bpple, therry and’ peach trees. Terms will be fibe;al apd made khowa on day of sple. I wilt sell privately <n very @ysirable lot in town 5 Acres. well unproved, with a yew 2 story dwelling and por- sien and neeesury ut buildings new and good, a large yard and garden pailed in. 10! ~outuiaing abvut Those indebted to me ae Administrator of Dr. J.M Moare's estate will make paywent withvat delay. JO8. W. STOCKTON. Aug. lat, 1856. 6wi0 DISSOLUTION. | The Firm of Marphy, MeRorie & Co, has this day ‘expired by limitation. The buswees of the firm will be aetthed at the old steed by either of the partners. | All persous indebted to us will please cull end make riche Me Rorie having withdra wi from the firm, ten- ders his grateful acknowledgements for the very lib- eral pain nege bestowed un the firm. JAMEs MURPHY, JOHN MeRURIE, 3.8. McCUBBINS Salisbury, Aug 1, 1856. no THE businces hereafter will be conducied under the firm aad ayle of Marphy & Co. at the old stand where they will keep constantly on baud their uses! large supply of GOODS, adeptel to the wants of the evuestiry to business aud fair dealing Lo merit u continuance. WM. MURPHY, JAS. MORPHY, J. 8. MeCUBBINS, THOS. J. FOSTER ne as oe BSaliebery, Aug. 1, 1856. FOR SALE. Valuable Plantation ON THE YADKIN. RIVER. TUE subscriber having © desire to remove, not hav- ing force to work hie Valeable plaatatin on the Yadkin, knows as the HICKS PERRY TRACT, Offers it for ante. There are few tracis in thie part of the coantry which comprise more edvamtages, = There “*" 1000 ACRES in it, ome half wood land and the remainder ender cul vate. There ea large portion of it River Bottom, which yields well, There won ft a first-rate two story brick beilding, 2 seperd new bare, stables, and aff och ¢t oat-hoeses, afl in good condiuge. The BE BC ER Be @ farmehed with « good flat, aed pays very handaome- by for the atiewtien 4 requires. Je wil! aler sell in the porcheerr of the plantewon, 8 fell eapply of corn, fod det, hay, ate, wheat for ereding Ond fr famuy oe, horses, cows, bogs, He together With he stock of farm sag tools. Any perme withing to purchase, will do well to call and examine the lands, heer prices. Ae fur he will certainly gives bergeia if application be mode earty Hicks’ Ferry, RL HICKS Davideon Co,, Aag. 5, 1856. 3wid SPRING AND SUMMER BWOVS FOR 1256 MICHAEL BROWN S now reeviving aed opening bis large and well-aseorted stock of Spring and Summer Geode, conmstiog of— Staple & Fancy Dry Goods, Hata, Cups, and Bonnets ; Shoca and Boots he ady Made € lothing a China, Delph, and G/uas War ; Hardware & Catlery, Groceries, &e., to which he invites the attention of hie costomers and the pablic—offering at low prites for cash, or on time to panctual customers, at wholesale oF retail. N. B. All kinds of Country Produce bought at the highest market price Salisbury, April 10, 1856. 4616 NTATE BONDS FOR SALE. APPLY to JENKINS& ROBERTS, Aug. 5 0 Salisbory, N C UST received at the old stand 2000 Ths. Shot, As- eF sorted. 1500 Ibe. Bar Lead, 3@ Kegs Powder saited for shooting of blasting MURPHY & CO August Ist, 1856 no Encourage Home Industry! BE QUICK! BE QUICK!! STILL BETTER AND BETTER! AM patting up Baggies and Rockaways with im provements. My work has always given great satisfaction where ever it has been tried or known, and 1 am determined that it shall give satisfection and am- ple reward to the purchaser. I am still at the same old stand, known as the Mowry Shop, on the Railroad, near the Factory. Inexehange for Buggies I wit! take wheat, corn, bacon, &e., at the highest: market prices. My work shail be good and durable. Call and examine my work and hear pnees, and I know you can't help being pleased with it. I retern my sincere thanks to the public for their very liberal patronage thet they have bestowed on me heretofore JOHN L. WRIGHT July 29 9—t. DR. M. WHITEHEAD. OFFICE op the same lot with hie remdence. In hie absence persons desiring to see him will leave therr names on the Slate Jane 17, 1856 113 JOB PRINTING Veatiy crecuted at tie Office Any pera wishing to age the premises ‘before the | ; . a RE so well knowy, that deseription is unnecesna. » Ber the ten or fifleen years their eupe- tierity over other Machines lias been fully tested by he of the most intelligent and enterpri For. mers of the Stute, and their may be ry frum. the fect that we have sever been ab’e to supply the steadily increasing demand, But having recent- (ly refitted our shop, aud increased our working force, we trust in future jo be able to keep pace with the orders that @ disoriminating public ay favor us with, These Machines were.on exhit.ition at the State hts JAMES ©. RAMSAY, Adu’ Juoe 17, 1856, BA on . ROWANFAGTORY. | Tin, (sting Secor, Repairing Tribute te whem Trikate fs due ; if te the North Pay lt----If mot, encourage Home Mangfactares. Pa d ‘tof, > Ls ° + OF alt deserig Mill Spindles, Fair in 1854 and “55, in competitive with Machi manufactured id this State, as well aw a namber from other States, and wok e DIPLOMA and the HIGH- EST PREMIUM, over all others. We elo menu- fecture, at short netics, Grist ond Sew Mill Irons, Factory Gear, Cirewar Saw Mills, Wool-enrding Ma- chines, Straw and Statk Cutters, the thing thet farmers need this. diy seagon; an kinds uf cast- ings in common use in the country. Lestera d to STAFFORD, DIXON & CO. Snow Camp. Alamanse, N.C. Witt meet with prowpt attention. Aug. 26, 1856, 3umpdi3 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. IREDELL COUNTY—IN EQUITY. Petition to Sell Land. J. W. Swekton aud wife M » Mary 1. Moore and J. A. Haggins ve. Juno J. Hoggins. IT ing to my satisfactiog that the defend Joba J Megeies. is not-an inhabitant of this State: It is ordered that publication be made in the Caroline Watchman, for the space of six weeks, notifying the said Joba J. Huggins to appear at the next Term of the Court of Equity ta be heid fur the Coaaty of Ire- deli, at the Coast House ia Statesville,on the 6th Monduy sfier the 4th Mouday in August nest, then and there to plead, enswer or dewar to the plaiutiff’s petition, otherwise that judgmept pro coufess will be | | entered agains him. | | Given at office; in Statesvitle, thig 18th day of August, | A D, 1856, Pr. adv. §5.50—6w;13 NORTH CAROLINA ROWAN COUNTY. | In Equity—Fall Term, A. D. 1356. | | The Trustees of Duvidson College, against Joseph { Chambers, Exeeutors of the last Will and Testa-| meat of Maswel| Chambers, Thomas Bragg, Pre-| | aident of the Bourd of Trustees of the University of | North Carofina, J. B. Beebetor, Attorney Genera! | of the State of North Carolina, Rufus Campbetl! pony the order with a description of avd others, next of kin to Maxwell Chambers, de- | J™ty m4 price—and when deltvered, if it does porgive satis ceused. } most any kind of trade im exchange for | settioment as the business mast be cluted without de- | * Th . Bacen, f titled t the 68 Approximation Prizes, scourdg to IN thie ease it appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that Rafus Compbetl, Cyrus Campbell, Nes-| bit Or en, Juba Urien, Aeron Y. Cowan, Adtsi Cow- an and others, whore names are enknows to the enm- | plainunts, next of kin to Maxwell Chambers, deceas- \ ed, remde beyond the limite of thie State: Li is there- | fore ordered, that publication be made for six weeks | in the Carulina Weictiman tnd Raleigh Samat the above named non-resident defead- ants to be and appear al the west Term of the Court | to be heid for the county of Rowae at the Coart-buuse | ‘im Salisbery on the 13th Monday after the 4th Mon- | duy in Aagust, A.D. 1856, thea aad there to plead | ah | HE subscribers “have put the. ROWAN FAC. PT aay (located in Selebary) in uccessful ope- \ W. P. CALDWELL, €.M. E. ‘THOMAS E.. BROWN. | Eas SALISBURY, N. C., es d superior vehicles, and feels con | allwhe want « Gretrate article, He can pet ep work at low ¥. Chambers, Duiphin A. Davis, aad Pinkney B. | prices, if it be desired, but would ale, ~ | ment before they purchage € ration, and are making SHEETINGS& YARNS, | poess.smouzee, which they offer on réasonable terms. Weare deter-| ¢- iat : mined to produce goods equal to the best wade ji will compare work with any one for weer, Stat und opts it ation ll whe] gy ect any ern, gen O35; sommes de vor us with © . y aa 0 hw wechawdan A to fill grders for: UY" Unere alo erected be’ Air Furonsce Shirt-ings end heavy Guods., TTON BATTS kept om hand aud forsale. ‘The GRIST MILLS are also in operation and Cork’ will be ground for toll a promptly as povsible. ; MORNING & MBADER. Salisbury, Juve 17th, -1836,, w a or “R: JUNIUS MENDENHALL, LAND ACENT. [og O1d Copper and Brass wanted. f 8. J. PERRY. Charlotie, Mey 5, 1856. 496m, ———— = Wall Paper, &c, A fab ; J. H. EN JILL SELECT and enter Gov. ' Wea teed Wateweotey Pecormans| 297 investments leint acecunt— frameact a Gen- ° crt We! Eaate besieom’ id Mitntarts, lowe and| New North Carolina Form Book. iscvasin. ' wer Sherifh netables. Busi Information of the coguiry faraished when desired ro mee. oem ad Fg ood Address, RJ. MENDENAALL, | . es KSTORE, jy4 (apd) Menseapolis. July D9. 8 ~The Great Iron Wheel Examined. wid? ITs vitae wtonts EXTRACTED, by 2 ’. G. Brownlow. sale at J. H. Fania’ Carriage, Buggy and Sulky Builder, vm! BOOKSTOPR!: July 22 r now carrying on the above business, andin ites the pab tie wo cat! andexamine bis work. Me tqmsha lecturing fery he cam give FINE BRICK STORE HOUSE, two series high, stwated vest dor to Watchmen the butter | office MU: joalsice 26 cheapest in the long rua,” Me weebl efv les these Jat a” he a! 2. ¥e, who wish td procure any thing in biviime to call at hisestablish- sent Moe bal TW™ Mis shop is in the rear of his Livery Stable re \— } G™ Persons et « distance ordering work , wi)! please recom. | eo rem SPE J) * ASVSE, MIE sobseriber, having obtained fetiers of adminie- tation en the estate of Tomes Kincaid, decenged, ms August Term 1856, would notify at dere weet: Cate, Dense, heed | persoms indebted to wid exiatn, omen eo we 7 > | make peymeat without defay. all hav LIVERY STABLE | ing, chchue quia od sutele Goo Kosai aRaginereG le kept ap asavua!; and those who wish eltherte bey ertosen | Present the come duly anthentiowted withie tetime Gstrate horses or males, arc imvited to call. ip bed by lew, oth (he pevece will be plead _Saty 18, abe, | tm bur of theft recovery. WM. R. FRALBY, Adm’. articie Ap soearsitias thew they will mot Se required to With the sdvantages of the Rai at bis door, he willtake work—gheh as Corn, . Horses, Provender Timber, os STEAM ENGINE AND 8AW MILL |= 3-10 FOR SALE. HE d «ffers for sale, hie well knows | anewer or derar to complainants Bul of | and in default of their appearance jadgmem will be j img and be beard ex partee as to them. Witness, L. Blackmer, Clerk and Master in Equity for Rowen County at office, in Salisbury, Aagust 224, 1656 L BLACKMER, C.M E. James W. Osborne, { Suticitare Joseyb MH. Wicerm, foot Witham A. Graham, § Complainants. | | Pr.ndv. $3 40 6w:13 Salisbury Planing Mill, | | | SASH FACTORY AND_LUMBER | YARD. . ON WEST HILL. SALISBURY, W. C. 4 De andersigoed have now in operative the above | Mil aad Factory, ond are to farvish first | quality lamber dressed, or will ne, Tungee and Growve pinak furnished by others; and make ail kinds of Sash, Doors, Frames, Blinds sad wood mouldings | of various waesand Petierns Scrofl sawing, turning ia wood of iron, and general Blacksmithing ‘The enderngned have first-rate workmen from Bal- thmore, end cae guarantee their work as susiable for Gre clase hovers. Carpenters, builders and others are reepeetfully re quested to call and examune specimens of the work MURDOCH & CAIRNS Ralsbery, Aug 12, 1856. Genex 12 LT Lesngion Flag and Greensboro’ Patriot copy 3 moaths, and send accueat to tne office W ANTED IMMEDIATELY, »» bron mouid- er of sober, sadestrwas habs, and capable of taking charge end conducting a Capelo Fernace | Apply tv the sabserber at Eagie Foundry, Tyro, Davideon Cowoty, N.C 4eil NORTH CAROLINA RAIL ROAD. Jeiv 29, 1856. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE FOR MAIL TRAIN Om and after MONDAY, the 4th day of August, JH THOMPSON 1856. WEST Leave (suldelmen, at 200A M Arrive at Rateigh. at 400 Hitiebore,” 7.10 Graham 45 Gree nsbom. 10.12 Jamestown, 10.52 Lessagton, 12.22 Salsbery, 121 Coneed 317 Charlotte, 4.30 EAST | Leave Chartotte at 530P M Arrive at Concord at 533 “ Salebery, 754 Lexington, 933 Jamestown, 1104 Greensboro 1139 Graham, t11Aa.M Hifleboro’, 240 Raleigh, 455 Goldsboro’ . 745 Connecwng beth ways with the Charlotte and Soath Carotina Rail Road, and wih the Wilmmagton aad Weldon Rail Rued. THEODORE 8 GARNETT, Eug's & Saperimendent Aagust, 8 1856 uf —_— OFFICE OF N.C. RATL ROAD, Sanesevay, August kth, 1856 NORTH CAROLINA RAIL ROAD. AND Wilmington & Weldon Rail Road. NOTICE ie given to Merchants and Shippers that all gooas, merchandise, &e., shipped in New York or cleewhere, for pointe on either of the Rail Roads above named, will be received at the pew Wharf and Ware- house of W. & W. Rail Road at Wilmington, after the | Ist day of September, FREE OF CHARGE, or Wharfage, Storage or Drayage, and by the ar angeme nt for throagh trains now in eperation, three guods will be directed without detention or tranship- ment, with despatch, unless prevented by extraord- s far West as Charlotte, on the iw nary contingencies. third day after le Administrator's Notice. THOSE indebted to the estate of JONATHAN ARMFIELD, dee'd, by parchane of property at his sale, or otherwise, are hereby notified to come for- ward and make payment, as the affairs of the estate muet be closed up. And those having claims against said estate will please take notice to present them for ayment, scoording to law, or they will be barred col- t T FE. BROWN, Adw'r trig g Wilmington jection Aug 19, 1656 18 Horse Power. The whole establishment can be easily moved and set | up st any place. Persons wishing to parchnse. wud are fe-) ee qaesied w call and examive it, as 1 bave determined i| | . gE are Pasko ware T Ne teres, which was issued io Neacy James, widow at 5 epally tach Plank, which be will sell very low for cash. Al-| ated o>. « fine tt of Maple, Burch, Ash sad Poplor Plan, | Sonor et Pease foc 2 depioes af weld Waneae and Scantling sewed «xpreesty for Carriage and Cab- | inet Makers parposes. Amy persons wishing to buy | Aag any of the above named Lambert would do well to ad- | = dress me at Salisbury, through the Post Office | JOUN BEARD. Frankfineville, July 6, 1956 —Iercé. | SQUIRE, ZIMMERMAN & ALLEN,|" Whelesale Dealers te DRY GOODS, No. 143, Market Street, HE subsenbers beving qualified os Excouters’ o the Will of ‘hal base! tekes L. Cowan, hereby Bive sotiee to afl mdebdted to | came Sarwaed ond eons prgemuats'cs daly Ghaaee Can be put into «legal course of collection; end for all having demands egainet the same to-present them for som. | lnquidat ! J. 1 JENKINS, ) PHILADELPHIA CF risen. | Bavcstere Pasvcm Serrer JW. HALL . D. M. Zimuneawas, of anton, N.C, Lines ae Ang. 19th, 1856. Coil 4h Geoece N Arsen Ten Dollars Reward! CABINET SHOP. Se eo mace THE eebecriber hes ¢ CABINET SHOP ANAWAY frum the subscriber, on the 2%:h day —-> > . bed I of May last, a free negro named HENRY VA. ‘B® residence of Mr. David Watson, fine mile West LEN TINE, ahes Henry Lawes. Seid bey waccen, S + Atanted immediatcty om the Ligeute the lant Term of Rewan Sepenor Coan of road, and takes thie method of ehciuag poure vieted at 4 pat He intends to & tamdemeanot, whipped and eid for the payment of | “* Petromage om 4 . men costs fur the term of 18 months Seid Valentine or | “moriment of ready made FURN RE; apd wil Loma, is about 23 jars of age, five feet there and a sleo hold himself im readiness to work to onder om any bal inches high, of gingerbread cuter, lurge nose, | (MOE in hie me, Repainag and new dressing dese thick fips. trw-legeed, stowt built, wed by trade o|* stotoermens Brich-emenun, Plesicrer cod Paimer. He wes raised ; cewe meet the waateof the eu rroa nding see. . Ansoo — and may be berking aboat Wades | U7? rs polactine nig ee = orvagh and A mare modi . areori ment I will give the ebov: reward fur hie epprebensive COFFINS, ready made, which he will Gaich off ead and delivery to me at Moot Pleasant, Caberres rea y ot ery paginas Me believes bis shap, in county, or if ennfiwed ia aay jell on thar I get h eas ced coke ese hed tle-z04 & public cotiven- again. Letiers addressed to me a Moont Pleasant, lh e he wo deer mined to offer werk at rea- will be promptly attended te. | come’ prices, he hepes to receive a Nbera! portion of CHARLES KLUTTS. | Poble patronage ua June 10, 1856 WILLIAM WATSON 4whl agi hl cry Carpetings, Rags, Draggets, ke. Wutual Insurance Co. AV would call attention te our stock of the shor. articles, which i* large and varied, just receiy= jed. Cat at No 3, Grannte Row HE anderngned has been appointed ageni ai Sale BROWN & COFFIN. bury. for the aheve Company, aad = prepared to Saliebary, March 25, 1856. ade receive apphcatwme from any person wishing to —_—_— iasure property This company i= now a successfal Geld Pens, operatean, and its business m fast Increasing Pereons VERY lerge saortment of Good Gaid Peas, and Aug. 11, 1856. wishing to bave property imsured im thie office will please call om the subscnber J D. RAMSAY ¢ Guid Pen Ports, without the Case. Por cole Jane 10th, 1856. Gem at JH. Enns BOOKSTORE. 3 — | Jaly 22 8 Thunder & Lightaing’- DISUNION AND CIVIL WAR, ss STATESVILLE Pestilence, Patent Medicine, FEMALE SCHOOL. FAMINE, &e., de, \ RBS. Meh EAS together with Sopax Mel.esn of : ple evils and calamiters that should be guarded ~' A contiogs to teach the Fomale Seboo! in this place, ‘ against. BAKER & OWEN beg leave to a, and commence oa Monday the 28th of this inet, in @ form the pable generally sud private individmals per. we building on the Seuth Street, neatly fitted ap, and leularty, that they are ready, willing and able to pro. Tell ventilated and comfortable Leet them from one ai least of the above (Lightning Tuition as formeriy. from §6 to §12 per session of by putting op to their boildings, their Patent leutated Sve Months, according to advancement. Laghtaing Condactors, at pnees lower than it has ev-| Contingencies 50. er be en done atin this part of the qoantry. Addrem Board can be had a1 $7.00 per month. your orders to Raker & Owen, Salisbary, N.C. JOSEPH A. McLEAN July 22, 1856 a—ue Statesville, N.C, Juty 15th, 1856. we VALUABLE LAND For Sale! a HE UNDERSIGNED offers for aale the valua- ble TRACT OF LAN! tying om the Beatties Ford Road, five miles West of Salisbury, containing 346 ACRES, “tT he subscriber having stedied thie method of taking of ae good quality ascan be found anywhere in the kenesses at Philadephia ander the most distingwish. State. There ie also about 50 of 60 Acres of od artist of that place, offers his services in that eapa- City, to the citizens of this place. ROTTOM LAND, * Children of any age taken in a few seconds. which cannot be surpassed, well ditchad and drained. Pupils inst: acted in the art There are on the premises all the neeessary buildings, Ladies and Gentlemen are invited to call and exem- and im fact everything is im good repair. ine specimens. GABRIEL UTLEY, Persons wishing to see the land can be aceommo- Of Chapel Min, N.C. dated by cathag on Mr. John R. Knox, who resides on a—+ the plantation New Discovery! Ambrotype Likenesses. 4 Pade latest improvement in the beatiful art of ta- hing preteres on gtase The beamty and durability of these pi has pla ced the Ambrotype at the head of all the flee arte, and is considered one of the greatest discoveries of the Saliebary, July 22 To persons wishing to purchase sach a valuable areon Traet of Land, such an opportunity ie rarely present. Marriage License for Sale at this ed DANIEL Woop July 99, 1836. Wu Office. — = MA . oe wew. 0, you. cpaietiber OM Jisamy, ox boys. Avid Jimmy of Lancasthur shute! ‘Whe wanted to pay a wages per day, Ties cunts (0 the laboring poor! Well, Jimmy, my boys, ie put on the track, As the Keystone's “ fayarite son ;” Dat will ten cents « day, buy him fodder, you sy, fy a race so Inborious to rus? Q, dea's ou remember, Old Jimmy, my boys, When be talk'd about © taking « drap” Of something Wke poison right oxt of his arw— Tho’ ’ twes neither « ‘smash’ or a ‘schaapp'— Ever since that time, it is said, my boys, fe has wheave been able “to take,’ As umch of dee aastare, as vile as it is, As bie maser, the Locas, cvald make ' Aud dent you remember, too well, my boys Let it cling wo his name for aye— Wow he charged with corruption, oer gubypt chie!, Oar own, our immortal Curr! And he asks of you wow, by the love yop bear Por the faane of oor noble dead, ‘That you grant him the civic crown to weal, Which he tore from that Painot’s bead. And don’t you remember st Ostend, my boys! How Soule, aud Mason, and he, ‘Tried to get us embrod'd with half of abe wead, And dll fa some isles in the sea For Old Junmy’s a fighting man, they gy, Since he ‘should’ d hip arqsket’ brght, Aad tramped dows to Baltimore so brave, Long after the enemy's fight” Bet don't you remember oor Fuisoats, my boys! His name is oer Nation's pride— His bear; for his country beats steady and true, And bis bend can ber destinies yurde ' ‘Then ap sed away, and by might aad by day, Reet not till the battle is o'er ; ‘TM the victory’s won, for rue Nation's Sow— For the good, and the great Fiiiwonr Philadcipiss, Aug. 14, O56. = A BOMANCE OF CRINOLINE. While we are upon the sabject of cri- poline, it may be as well to tell you the adventure which is forming the chief amnsement of the Court at bis moment, and whick bay a day or two ago at St. Cloed. The Duchess de P., one of the most crinolined of all the ladies about the Empress, being in the fullest feather fer the diminer to which she bad Leen in- vited by ber imperial mistress, was led a manger by the little Coont de M., a man of great renown, bat of ve- The Duchess of a tall F e E fe accused of exaggerating to most incon venient proportious, The doors at St. @lowd are not of the sa:ne mighty dimen- gions as those at the Tuilernes ; and al- though the two battans were thrown wide it was with some dismay the |ittle beheld the work before bim, when be the width of the door with that of the crinoline of the lady on his arm! Just ai the awful moment of the , however, the lady unconscious! y her fan—the Count, fi tful of bis perilous position, confined between roll sata, har ing no other fear before Bis eyes bot that of sxeming to be defi- Gent jo gallantry and good manners, im- _erenaag iy at pick it up. At that Moment, the Duchess was actually pass- through the door—in order to accom- thie difficult feat, she was jast in the act of giving that peculiar swing to the left which the disproportion of the dress of the present day with our domestic qtonomy renders necessary, when, to the ett@r dismay and consternation of the whole assembiv. the lithe Count was minged, and the Duchess remaioed strug with ee unseen obstacle which prevented her advancing The ogre crinoline had swallowed up the knight even more effectually than in the Gsiry days of old, for no trace of lis former existence was visibie. The com pany following io paire was stopped, asa meatier of course—those who had before bad already reached their ecats at the table, and turned ia wonder to be hold the stsange seen which was enacting “gt the door, where the tall, majestic, and usustally dignified Duchess > P. was capering and caracoling with a scared eed terrified countenance, amd the rest of the company pressing forward to be beld what was the matter. The confu Gonand dismay were at their height when the little man crept out on his lrands and knees from beneath the moantain of eri noline and flounces in which be had beew enveloped, ail flashed and discomfitted bat little disposed to smile, although the tittering of the company soon broke into ahearty laogh, when the E:npress, ona ble to restrain her mirth, gave the signa! Of 4 genuine out!urst of merriinent, wuie! enlivened the whole repast, and render ed in on of the gayest wl h bad taken place since the departure of the Emperor Of course this adventure has given m« to epigrams and qguolibeta without end. tad the poor |ittie count has Leeoine Let ter known witinn the lax week in the annals of the court than liyt good and honest service which he las passed at the Tuieries. The dochess. mean while, lowers tyore majestically than ever over her fellow The incidersa has nots whit diminishe f her cr Boline, whici BTW, wore proary.ons every day, comple extng ee the ridievte which ihe adveniuie little Coane de Mo would otherwise have hegped upon her.— Parca Corres. of the Covert Cournal gnc on e three years the inectence oes Cold.—¥or every mile that we leav: the face of the earth th. fa tein ptrat cre five degrees. At forty-five unless distance from the glote we vet Sehold the atn phere, a: ntcr, etrietly speaking the regione ul spece, wucee tempera be 225 degrees Leliw z and Lere reigne ina! ite pows Some doa of intense cold n ay e formed Ly Atal. that the greatest cold observed int! > cr tie circle is frown 4 to Ou degrees ty low sero; and here mary are prodaced. In tl tory the greatest cold dace is about iegrees bn Atthistemperct: “s H surpnsing effects Nenical labora at we can pro w oper @ solid substance Ihe snow lee it produces t ‘ effect on the ekin asa red het cider: ot blisters finger hke a burn. Quicksiiver or iner cury freezes 40 degrees below zer that ba, 72 degrees below the t wture at which the water freezes. 1 {ier 1 metals, cary may then be treated as other hammered into elects or made int spoons , wonld, however melt in water as Waris as ice such Rpooris certaitethiat-every liquid and gas we-are acqaaiuted with id e'solid if ex poded to the cold ofthe 8 of space. ‘The gas we light our streets.with wopld become wax ; pure spirit, which we have never yet solidi block of transparent crystal; hydrogen | gas would become quite solid, and re-| semble metal; we should be able to turn) ‘batter in a lathe like a piece of ivory 3) andthe tragrant odor of the flowers would | have to be hot before they would yield | perfume. ishing effects of cold.— Septimus Diesse. —- | Shoes.—Among the new things of the! age is the manufacture of shoes by ce- | menting together the pieces of leather of| iwhich they are composed. | thus wade without a peg or astiteh, which} it is said will never rip and cannot be; {torn- apart in the seems, because the| jleather will tear first. A large company | \has been started for this manufacture at) | Ballard Vale, their process being to ce: | jment the shoes on the common wooden | ‘tasts and then dry them in ovens.—| Sut we understand an improved process | {has been invented, by which a pair of} |shoes can be completed in five minates. 'The pieces are cemented on a hollow me-| italic last, into w hich steam is introduced | by turning a cock, and its heat sets the cement almost instantaneously. THE CNINESE SUGAR CANE. | The Curnese Scoar-Cane has come to} {be the ordinary name for the “Sorgho} | Sucre,” a most valuable plant of the su- ' yar-cane order, and therefore allied to the | | maize or Indian-corn, but more nearly to! the broom-corn. Its cultivation has coim- menced amongst us, and there is now in Washington more than an acre of it grow-| jing Inxdriantly and promising a yield of} considerably upwards of a huadred bash- els of seed, besides many tons of stems and foliage, rich with saccharine flaid and | solid food material for horses, neat cattle, and swine. Not only here, bat in vari-| ous and widely distant part of the Union has trial been made of it, and with uni- |formly gratifying results. "We have rcad a letter from a farmer in Illinois who has tested its character, and reports of it in most favorable manner. Out of a gallon ‘of the liquid sap in the stem, which he expressed by the primitive contrivance of a rolling-pin, he obtained by boiling a quart of molasses, with very little impar- nty and of approved taste. The usual yroportivos of sugar to sap lie between bfteon and twenty per cent., the crystall izable sugar increasing with the deercase of the latitude. Besides this proportion! of sugar there is an amount of perhaps five to eight per cent, of uncrystalliza ble sap, from which a very agreeable beverage can be made, and alcohol dis- tilled inure cheapty than by any other method. This sap, strange to say, if eet with the oxide of tin, will dye silk ofa beautifal pivk. As a food-plant for stock of all kinds it seems to overtop all that we possess, fur- nishing in fuir soils twenty-five tons per acre of excellent fodder, every bit of which is greedily eaten by animals. The seed, too, Ly which the p is propaga ted—ian thie unlike and rior to the 'sagarcane of Loaisiana, which is raised by cattings—are fit fer human food: at tall events, when gronnd and made up in to cakes, after the manner of linseed cake, they sapply a good material for fattening stock. brush or top, from which these seed are taken, is not without its service, for the plant is a species of Lroom-corn, and thetefore its tops, when deprived of seed, answers we'l wheréwith to manu facture brooms. When the sap, top, seeds and heaves are taken, leaving only the crusbed its 1 { ill hag and ceonomic value: paper can by manafactared from LS This valuable addition to our veyeta ble product nsis onyinally a native of China, but has been seduluwsly cultivat ed fur severa! vears iu Soatheastern Caff raria, whence into France and Algena, in which last country it comes to great perfection. It would be bard to calculate rts It constitutes every fara on which it is grown its own sogar camp, orchard, winery, and granary, as well as a stock-farm and dairy; indeed, the “Serghou” may be deemed a sort of vegetable sheep, every part and coustitu ent of which is valuable. stem, f passed value. The suljjuined, from the Richmond Die patch, has a local application bere : Smart Boys.—I\n all times before the birch trees disappeared under the and of progreseive civilization, it was castom ary, as wehave been imfurmed, for parents to keep watch over the wnanners f their children until twe latter reached the aye of twenty-one at least Indeed we lave @ pot yet ind:stinct remem brance of having becn raised onder the ts existence upyp sume of var having had itn pressed reyiinen, and of paternally setietive mein bers. Now a-days, however, it is quite corm won for pareras t- t without knowing S ces wh are, 0 ate fact conce Lut eoine O1 suciet y It js irue of all or ramen meer ere Ta i, READ IT=READ IT, If any reader has a lingering dopbt-that Mr. fied, would appear like a | Killwore entertaing those sentiments whieh eye- ry patriot would-like to see animating the chief magistrate of the republic, let lim read the fol- lowing speech by Millard Fillmore, at Albany, |on bis way through that city. The heart of the 1), country will throb responsive to such sentiments. These are a few of the aston-| Let every patriot take his stand beside Mr. Fill-' given to order, and the cheers at the word of more on the ground here taken by that gentle- man, and peace and prosperity will sgon be re- stored to the Union : Mr. Mayor and Fellow-Citizens: This over- A shoe is|whelming demoustration of congratulation and! thanks, and bid you adieu, (Prolonged ap- welcome almost deprives me of the power of speech, Tlere nearly thirty years ago 1 com- menced my political eareer. In this buildiug | first saw a legislative body in session, (cheers,) but at that time it never entered into the aspi- rations of my heart that 1 should ever receive such @ welcome as this, in the capital of my na-— tive State. (Cheers.) You have been pleased, sir to allude to my former services and my probable course if sbould be again called to the position of Chief Magistrate of the nation. (Applause.) It 1s not pleasant to speak of one’s self, yet I trust, that the gecasion will justify me in briefly allud- ing to one or two events connected with my last Adwinistration. » [Cheers.] You all know that when | was called to the executive chair by a be- reavement which overwhelmed the nation with grief, the country was unfortunately agitated from one end of the country to the other upon the exciting subject of slavery. It was then, sir, that | felt it my duty to rise above overy sec- tional prejudice and lovk to the welfare of the whole nation. [Applause.] | was compelled | to overcome long cherished prejudices, and dis- regard party claims, {Great aod prolonged ap- plause. Sut in doing this, sir, I did no more than | was dove by many abler and better men than myself. 1 was by no means the sole instrument, under Providence, in barmonizing those ditticul- ties. (Applause.) There were at that time noble independeut, high souled mea, in both Houses ot Congress belonging to both of the great political partics of the country,— Whigs and Democrats ; whospurned the character of seltish party leaders, (cheers,) and rallied around my Administration, in support of the great measures which restored peace to an agitated and distracted country.— (Cheers) By the Liessings of Divine DProvi dence, our etfurts were crowned with signal suc- cess (cheers); and whee I left the residential chair, the whole nation was prosperous aod cun- ented, and our relations with all foreign mations were of the most amicable kind (cheers) Fhe cloud that hung upoo the borizon was dissipa ted; but where are we now! Alas! Threat ened at home with civil war, aud from abroad with a rupture of our peaceful relations, | shall not seek to trace the causcs of the change. These are the facts, and it is for you to ponder upon them. Of the present Administration 1 have vothing to say. | can appreciate the difficulties of adimiuistenng Uns government, and if the pre sent executive aud his supporters have with wood \atentioa and bunest bearts, made a mistake, | hope trod will forgwe them as 1 -lo (lewd aod prolouged applause.) but if there be those who have brought these calamities upon our couBtry for selfish of ambiQous objects, Its your duty, fellow -citizens, to build them Ww a sinct respon sibility. (A The agitation which disturbed the peace of the country in 1850, was unavoidable. It was brought apoe us by the acquisition of new ter ritory, for the governinent of whieh it was ne cemary to provide terntonal administrauon, But It ts for you to sav Whether the present agitation, and heers.) which distracts the country threatens us with qth war, has pot been recklessly aod wan tonly prodaced by the ado} aid io personal advancement rather than ip any pubhe good. (Cheon) Shr, you have been pleased to say that 1 have { a measure wo GoD the guson of these Staten at beast. The, sir,» Most true, for f there be object. dearer to be thap any othcr, it is the , prospenty and glory of » great Republic, and I ‘ frankly, sir, that If danger. | say pothing of any particular section, moch lew the several candidates before the people. I pre sume they are all honorable wen. bat, «ir what do we see! An exasperated feeling tx tween the N » and South, on the must ere ung of a pica, resu n bivodshed auc of ganized military array But the ie net all, ic. We see a politica party, presenting candujates for the Pressdency aod Viorel reaxtenct, eject ur the first time from the free States alone. the avowed pur pose of elects y the saffrayes A ome part of the | mn énir, to role over whole l Staten (an be possible that thow who are engaged in such & measure, car bave sernvusly reflected upon Ube coneeyvesces M succes whicb must inevitably follow, 19 came « Cheer.) Would be be required t rule prescnbed by those who elect m making bw appointments | If a man hong south uf Mason's aad [haon's hoe be nut worthy ty be President of Vice President, would it le proper to select from the same aarter, as f lim Cabynet Coun yw” to he rain in a foreygn country | Or, im ve revenue, of adminwter the | U pitted sates! If pot, what new rule rs the ymen for office Hresvtent to adopt m sek These are serous, ractical questions and in order to appreciate them fully, it is only ne cessary to turn the taules upor ursei ves Sup pose thas the Suuth, having a majonty of th: rhectoral votes, st Jeclare that they w den for President and Vice and should ave only slave ] resident eleet such by thei ex er us at the North No, not Nad do you ts brethren are lusive saffr ages to ly sow thiok we w fa momeat hat yowr Suuthern eubnant to it? ( Applaus leas sen b this sulyect Chao 5 Tremendous cheenng )— a are, oF lena jeal vou that yoo are mistaken f the youth of our city ceem determdénend! And. therefore 1 must eee that if this section that af tuerr parents Cont know where arty 80 . 4 tably bh t ey are tue nety rs pail Accor ' { s tesugiful fabme reared by ir ingly at alate hour of tie night these forefathers ib r blood, and te pershib or «© rebecd and sta {. yueathed ss ata pr nheritaner euu ars in the Lorns aud other dis It my! at | speak warmls ,] +! t ' e | feel thas 2 r ' ] rdant « je, adnouvishing them tha Le eee a ACS J Ne bove are abuut, and giving the voed ty make a clean breast of it I my hinds of 1} nse eee w reflect through the neglect of my } sited bey : mar t ' tell you that re ‘ ven Jove of amusetnent, Des and | 5 i gis ; t Z <n the ter fas 4 that 1 ane) prope ria ils place, iy takin 4 ad . : a any Motet burst forth and overwhelm Wich seis at defiance decency 1 s : / In by » “ j td abd propre rnd ontterly dieregarde the } , Jac! bg pes and ther won it I nes lie mfort of families. ar le one t rio tl North. and -o- a ~ 1 sf myself ¢ .) ¢ ; y aan i An alarming accident ocenrred at aN F (Mamie i] ” « fimcience Wutil al Goud { races, England. 4 rhe vh : ; ; a , ak with ratnatic puct— a i ( Jase Ut ted from thet ack 7 Ie there t corse and 4 @ steep bala, whet pear, . Yr “ dient wilh immortal wrath lost his balance and rolled down among 1 t : ara his greatnene the other borses. five or six of w! 1 ry «ruse ver lin J a jockeys wer morthy I f amented. in rta erely inyrre J, and the horses attack ity r ar. be Veen eacl . ee t r teetha it kr 1 A pr ebeers.) Chevy Chase bal to be shot J me ty me impossible that thone engaged ya eC a! agitation can have contemplated Ayo: Sire Cingirhrel : Sila ee pee ‘a . ue A ; ant na If it breake Payee af, « “rs A fs of our Union, and spreads f butter, @1K ay war through the land, what i « & t righ A i Ir in a = ‘ walt Law and common low pans, and Ur & wtise A inan responsible for Ube natural con moderate t peequencrs of Uia ats, and must not those whose jit piebeieh Ur me it whet ivided into. two_ republics or, t broken into fragments, pet war with the other. ae But, féllow-citizens, I have perhaps said allthat was necessary’on this subject, and I tura with, pleasure to'a less important, but more agreeable topic. (Cheers.) It has been my fortune during my travels in Europe, to Witness once or _ reception of royalty, in all the pomp ao: splendor of military array, where the niusic was | command. Bat, for wyself, | prize the honest spontaneous throb of affection with which you have welcdmed me back to my native State, | above all the pageants which roalty can display. |(Cheers) ‘Therefore, with a heart overflowing | with grateful emotions, I return you a thousand plause.) } = PLATFORM OF THE AMERICAN PARTY ADOPTED AT THE SESSION OF TIE! | NATIONAL COUNCIL, Fes. 24st. 1656. —-- a | Ist. Am humble acknowledgement to the Su- preme Being, for His protecting care vouchsafed to our fathers in their successful Revolutionary struggle, and hitherto manifested to us, their de- | scendants,in the preservation of the liberties, the ndependence, aud the union of these States, 2d. The perpetuation of the Federal Union, as the palladium of our civil and religious liber- | ties, and the only sure bulwark of American lo- dependence. ; . 3d. Americans must rule America, and to this ‘ond native-born citizens should be selected for all | State, Federal, and municipal offices or govern- ment employment, in preference to all others : nevertheless, | 4th. Persons born of American parents resid |ing temporarily abroad, should be entitled to all) Through Freight to Wilmington pr. Mail Traia. | | W E have made ap arrangemeat with the Railrund | ‘the rights of native-born citizens ; but | | 5th. No person should be seleeted for political | station, (whether of native or foreiga birth,) who recoguises any allegianee or obligation of avy description to any foreign prince, poteotate or | power, or who refuses to recogaise the Federal and State Constitutions (each within its sphere) as paramuunt to all other Jaws, as rules of politi- | cal action. | Sth. The unqualified recognition and mainte- | nance of the reserved rights of the several States, and the culuvativn of harmoay and fraternal | good will, between the citizens of the several States, and to this end, now-interference by Con gress with the questions appertaining solely to} the igdividual States, avd non-interventivn by each State with the affairs of any other State. 7th. The recognition of the right of the aa tiveborn and natorahized citizens of the United States, perwapently residing in auy Terntory thereof, to frame their constitution aud laws, and wo regulate their dotnestic aod social affairs in their own mode, sabject only to the provmions of the Federal Constitution, with the privilege of admission into the Union whenever they bave the requisite population for one Representative | in Congress. Prowuded always, (hat none but those who are citizens of the United Stustes, un der the Constitupon and laws thereof, and who have a fixed residence iv any such Territory, ought to participate in the formation of the coo stiteGios, or ia the enactment of laws for said Territory or State, 8th. An enfurcement of the principle that no! State or Territory owght to admit others than citizens of the United States to the nght of suf frage, or of holding political office oh, A ch 1@-the laws of vaturalization making a costiqued residepce of twenty-one years, of all not hereinbefore provided for, aa in dispensable requisite for ciyzeostap bereafter, aod ing all paupers, and persoes conviete! of crime, from land ng apon oar shores; butt terference with the vested rights of foreigners 14th. Opposition to any woton between Charc! and State; po interference with religiogs faith and no test ombs for office. Lith. Pree and thorough investigatior any amd alb alleged abuses of pablic feoeiuna nes, and a stnct ecomomy in public expesttures 12th. The ma ‘ avs const © worship tenance and enfor enacted, until * vnall 1, of shall be declared vull av ~ repeal voul by competent judieral authonty 13th. Opposition to the reekless and wow ise pohey of the present admraisteation im the mal affairs, and Amen etal management of our nat more especially as shown io removieg “ ne (by de: gration) and conservatives im e, from other. aad placsag formgners an: u!trasste jn their as shown ig a trickliag subserviency to the stronger, and an insvlentand cowardly bravad. towards the weaker powers , @ shown 19 re*pening sectiowal agitation, by the repeal of the Misagan Comprontine | as shown granting to naturahaed fore A suffrage im Kansas and Nebraska, as shown in its vaeciflating course on the Kansas aod Ne braska question as shown in the corruptions b pervade some of the departments of the gners the right government , as sbown in disgractng meritunvas naval officers through prejadice of emprice , an } ass f »wo im the Livadenog mamahagement « reve relations. 14th. Therefre. to remely existing evils, and prevent the disastrous consequences otherwise re enlning would trusld up the “ Ame mean party” upon the prineiples hereinbefore stated Lath. That eacl thomry to amend therefrom, we State Council shall have as bewr several cumaututions, so ule a as to aboleh the wveral degrees, and ip pledge of homor, instead fellow ship aod adnvimsion into the party 16tt tical prinerples embraced in our platform f other obligations for A free and open ducusston of a Mlloway's Pilla may be taken with perfect safety by both sexes, aud all ages, their effect being mild yet positive; therr searching properties render thein invala able for the extermination of every dis nlarly liver and stomach com case, part plaints ; jus disorders, and indiges tor Asa purifier of the system, they are onequalled, and their virtues in cases f Geter nation of blood to the head, and astiimat iplainte, cannot be too high y commented on, in short, by a perser verance with these admirable Pilla, there mut a a few ¢ plaints which can resist FRESH the stir irdinary inflaence. STOCK A or Npring & Summer Goods JUST APRIVING! ] (Aeise ~ Spr nd afier ANOTHER A off Sommer (rged vor firet extensve purchase of ty hand, we ha na eecond supply sow arriving are, beng ery reduced cash prices “ re demralde ganda have been hronght hee market the present yonr, none we are eure, can be rhe ae BROWN & COFFIN o 3, Granite Row April 29, 156 seo Arnold’s Writing Fluid. — 4 ple Reet Inkoin the World, for ante at] Wo Fy nies BOOKSTORE July 22 ‘ -~“PRESBYTERTAN™ donate ' “a ee a we ‘ jens 4 St fe ort sph , a8 well as to have their sessions and ‘ a great variet : J Goods, fh Lapa to tl Hopes of SD es ‘ht at the Jowest res, pirwan so ry ier at vostmaad and retail at prices vacations ty with those of Davidson College, the ‘Prastees of thie Listitation haverde ined to defer the opening of their C @, until the » T5th day of when they will be prepared for the reception of pupils, ‘They take pleasure in annouricing \othe public, aad especially to the friends of the . i d so great ij in iw lish aud success, that their new .and handeome edifice is now drawing rapidly to completion, that: the services of a full carpes of efficient teachers will be secured in time, and every possible provisiou made for the com~- fort of the Joung ladies entrusted to their care; 1 ie their purpose how, aa it thas been from the beginning, to render their College inferior in no respect, to simi- lar institutions of the highest gede and best estab- lished reputation in our State. e locativa he'd able te health, beifig ja au elevated region, and with- in a few.hours .ide of the mountains, while from the jower country, it is e o n by means of the Central Rail’ Road, TF: gree fs line’ of stages from Salisbuny,.26 miles, : Board and Tuition to be paid in advance. Terrns, for the sessivg of five nionths, a¢ follows: Board and Tuition in the Euy. Department §60,00 “Tuition alone. F “ Dai iher cea AO, French Language... 5,00 Latin and Greek, eac wegen sas 10,00 Music, with the yse of Piano . 22,50 Candles and towels furnished by the popils: By order of the Board, 8. BO. WILSON, Preset Board of Trustees. Jaly 8, 1856.—tde:6. KEITH & FLANNER, COMMISSION MERCHANTS WILMINGTON, N. C: Company to cup a freight car with their Mail Trains, twice a week, from Salisbery to Wil- mington direct; leaving Salisbury on Moudsy and Thursday ; leave Wilnnogton, on Tuesday apd Pri- aay. Our agent will accompany the cer jo receive and deliver freight at all the intermediate stations — The first ear will leave Salisbury on Monday 23d inst KEITll & FLANNER Wilmington, N.C , Jane 14, 1856. ite | Mackerel! Mackerel !! large lot of Mackerel in bbls. half bbls. quarter | LA. bbls. and kits, of ali Nos. just received and for sale low MILLS, MOOSE & Co. May 12, 1856 au To Parmers. HE eubecribers respectfully ave the attetiima of Farmers and others, to thew large and ele gant stock of Staple and Faucy Gada Thew aseort meat ™ ettenave and of great vanety of style and quality. Cau at No 8, Granite Row BROWN & COFFIN Rehebery, March 25, 1856 asf Busic. Large assuriment of Pinae Forte Masse fur sale J. HK. ENNISS’ BOOKS TOKE. MANSION $532 HOTEL, SALISBURY, N. C. pes subscriber having taken charge of the above Establishment, begs leave to ial generally, thet the louse # wow. of Boarders, Travelets, &< ACCOMMODATIONS shelibe equal to any inthe State tt hee Howse, rm the pubbe pee for the recepume He promises that hes Persons stoppag ye hare mealeia (ime fur the =r f the Cars Aen ag servants alwaysia atiendaace atral Salebary valand depart ive and obhg Call and give me W.B GRANT May 24, 1855 THE WILMINGTON HERALD ] 5 peblehed deity and weekly at SF ed to the ancam advawer li we Berchaots ( Satabery aad oth- wns, a0 0 goad ad Te rave moder ste T BURR.J- : JAMES HORA, / WATCH-MAKER AND JEWELER, SALISBL AY, N.C, (One deer briew BH. & A. Marphy's Store. k EEPS const cutly oo be ts NN WATERES cod JEWELRY of 5 kinds Chreke, Watehes wad Jewriry of errry desrripting, reperred im the bert maaner and oe meet roan ¢ \orme February 19, 1854 ly38 - > G.A MILLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, 2 MOcKkSVILER, YC. TF ice immediataty opposite the Davie Hotel ‘ April 8, 1856. To the Ladies. TIX UE enbecribers are now reeciving the finest and most comple | they have ever offered to the petlic, whieh they will peli at somal prAt They invite perticalar ott niwe to thew fine embroedered, atk and iace MANTILLAS and to their Intest etylee of BONNET RIBRONS EMDR) DERIES, &e Noo 3. Granite Row BROWN & COFFIN Rabehory, Wareh 25, 16 5¢ 430 To Gentlemen. CIFV1 F, caberrBivve beve now om head the meet onan plete aseortempemt of CLAITTHING: ever before fered to the public. Call at No 3, Granne Row BROWN & COFFIN Ralebury, Mareh 25, 1856 43.f DR. J. J. SUMMERELL, ] AS removed to hee Office at his residence. where he will be happy to receive professional tonal calle from hie fre de of per N Bo There are many persons indebted tn me by arreent and hee been for eeveral years 1] woad carneotly arge all sech to voll and muke sitiomen which mont be dene by Way (oert. cine | chell lonk eb he a ratlerta s Jaw 29, 1856 Salebeory fas REMOVAL. [ons A WEIRMAN & PRICE have removed OV their Clothing and Tarloring Evtablishmentfeory & Co mediately opposite Rode A. Murphy's Store Salisbury, Nov. 13, 1855 251 DR. S. REEVES 2 halla ec. Office two doors be April 2, 1556 to the eormer in apposite Murphy, MeRorie Salebury, and offer ervices tothe pub w Benjamin Johane store 4ecly Dyspepsia Cured. | I ee HOSTETTERS CELEBRATED BIT FERS, for the cure of Dyepepma and Chills & Fever, ae For anle by MILLS, MOOSE & CO | May 12 197 Saliebury 6 stork of Laces’ DRESS Comn's that must give satlafaction. Ost eed oxamine our stock before you purghytise a8 we are determined to sell, : “os% MURPHY; MeRORIE & CO. Salj » April 1, L856. - g. 2H 1 fa 2, Granite Row. Saati prBBis «s BUNCSR, le ' hw Opry meet [Fea In Cotton, Flour, Grain, Baval Stores, BSeuthers Produce Generally. Wo. 180 Front Street, SyURIF Lute nevewe: ob Hfon. Win. A. Graham, Hilsbore’, N.C. ~] N. 0. | L. My rover, Esy., Fayetteville, N.C, D. Williams, Req , Prost. Bank of Chire! a, enson, Esq., Cushr. Bank of STEADY PROGRESSION jon, . (ater t Ea HAGLE CITY NU v4 . TE ME SUBSCKIBER has (he pleasure to a0 powace to the world, to whom be seadp greeting alikind wishes for the preperiiy and peace, that he | to making sicody progress in thesmprovement of Eagle | | City, destined, he believes, Ww Lecome the greatret | manafecturing city in the country. He is ovw erect- & new cation myl! wt this place, to be called the | Tray Mills,” sad hyper to bave i in Goll operetive | by Ohe latter part of the summer of 1856. le will be| ane of the beat, (if not the very best.) mille ig the cveniry. The machinery worsclocied by hivuself, and the latest and most epproved palerns were Chaen— Te well work the a lever waich—smooth aod steady aod he doubts pot will exes |. su ils products, the ange | beaatliful achievemenis oi ihe renowned Eagle Mills, | ender whuse shadyw i 1 develuprng sis fair ahd de. bgbtung proportions Eag selfa fame as frit ast 6 wide spread, both forthe eacel- | lenee of its yarns, and the supe muriy of ne chith fab rice Troy Mille alone threatens to meal nt, and hence the world may bok out fora contest invelving « resel! not less interesting tu iteel{, than 1 ment be demreble | to every Sowthern patent The decame:, speevisting on Geming eveuts might well top ww here, and camimg forward he hea beyow | the boundary «f present ime, portray the aapeet o. Eagle Cuy afew years hence. Lr him sheteh nw We eve 2 city of bénatiful propurimes with ts tower ing Merples poo tiog heaven wards. chose renged blocks of qrevite burkdinge with gintering metal ron, reflect | the eheerful beams of & veruel can. the ievigereting | breezes of a delrghifel ch © leaves of long ' rw of clams: the merete ore culive ned with « cheer ' top 20 Iiemens eagle. wings extended, kxuhing dows Bagi (uy Bank is | fel wrew, aad by its liberel policy mvitee all energetre ] | with pleasure ve ol! betow benaers men to clasm 1s eReue regeme Coteepria- | tereret! emt ther baled pp gorda; the « of the Newth- | wemero Railroad receive them, together @hth thee | sande of other thangs, the prodects of the City: the deale nog whistle @ blown, and the mand wrehued and | fe-cehoed from bill to bill, and wakes the drowey pow ort of repuemg fai catile, which browse ia the neh gar ele\ve the serene gr we crews! ead ihe d the portreyieg eb! «ff the pre pee—bel wheia tee A eve ods omy cod We he t boteg all te be reeled beyund de = och, eaoegh T will press ve to us Amel comsem mat ive ANDREW RAGCARLY Feb 9 1055. jel TR Seer WEEK | os Oy SS Dy Of Four Horse Pest Coaches, how Belebery to Mergeeton, vie State seville ee) Newton 4 Leaves Sellebery on Venda: Wedacedey aod Fr day at? wh. A M., and crrves at Morganton Beat morning tv breakfast, and leaves Virgarion of ame days and artives Selebury om neat dae te break fort meke the one No peive or e he epared | roads in the Sist- C. 8 BROWN, Coatssctor Ralebe Jane 21,1855 a wage Wanted Immediately, At the Silver Hill Mine, ANY QUANTITY OF WOOD AND COAL. | WM LEAVENWORTH. Sep | Silver HM, Oat 1. 1865 of , LET vs REASON TOGETHER HOLLOWAY'S PILLS. } WHY ARE WE SICK. | bot of the hamtan race tn be weighed down by epeciatty « ihe OE! ondtive ' ¥ revnplly sqpe he mewe tecture of Bie medic eee te the Ualted at ere them © ofree and The Geet remedy the world ” ever cae forthe remernl of dees THESE PILLS PURIFY THE BLOOD. These famoas Pils are eepressiy combined to operate on the the Bidawys, the fumes, the atin, and the ng the bhond, the ve » afl its forms DYSPEPSIA & LIVER COMPLAINTS 1, dyepeysia, sed vee healthy tone end ehen afl other means have fatied (GENERAL DEBILITY. ILL HEALTH. | Many of the most deapotic Governments by pen er * have opened their Custom Heese rd relief } FEMALE COMPLAINTS, Nofemale young or otd, should he without thie cotebrated me fb rime Ihe Holloway's Pills are the best Remedy known tm the world for the following Diseases yrthme Diarrhea Indigestion one and Bowel diseases Dropey 1 tenesay ware Coughs Demiiicy Inflammation tome daa aver & Ague Veneral Affee. Inward Weakness, Com ‘ and@! each CP There isa comsiderabiceny ng by taking the largersines NR Direetions!.. the ' ruidance of patie eve: are affixed to each box eye Soweter Dr. CHARLES T. POWE I [acieavers Bently locatedin Salisbary, reapect- folly ¢ 19 professional eorviees b- Ofer ~ Co ‘es Brick Row Ve Salebury, Aug 27th, 1655 4 GSUMMR Commission Merchants jen. | a gonoral; eftof whileb “witha” gle Mille hung germed for it. | miable aad expede wee "| This company being located in the Western pr | W. IT. CUMMING, Gen’! Agent. ded io. , . May 1859." OES, “ aang sa Seka Tremendous Bxeitemen; * hy A AABOUT THE” - - Western Extensio A eet pera tte pr tions, take this wiethod_af Restore, tlemen’s Furnishing Goeds low. Aleuya splendid mek of HATS and Cap. pp ilo Don't take our word, bat oqll and satiety F Laie gm: attention ta theeale of Flom end oth., " eee, avoiding mupeceswery charges . .. | rendering protups rejerhe, . fh Gai iets ete en & STYRON. a Se Forw WILMINGTON, W. ©. Particuler etien@ph paid to wthog Ploer, Core Cotwa, and all hinds produce. Fem, 1856, - . : 1y39 COWAN'S VEGETABLE LITHQNTRIPTIC FRIEND OF Tue nude FAMIL\. oCrTRaIne® reom DISEASED KIDNEYS, Ston« in the Bladder and Kidneys, Weuk ness of the Loins, be. Thisinvelasbdle medicine js for eele at the Dare Hotel, ia Moeke¥ille ; at De, BR. Castipbell’s, in 1). del! ; at the Drag Sure in Chestutler bt Zegerty siobeias Ui The subscriber heaving gatered iste onpart with Joha F Cowen. ongibal patemter, for papa efectare ead eale of the shove Medicine, lo die foram @ copply by addressing hit at ah C . of enlling at bee remdenee, 10 miles west of ho lace EB. D. AUSTIN Jeane 21,1855 LAND FOR SALE. I | AVING detormacd to vel Mf amd more Boo | fie; ay plantation fr eat, twinge dee wenere Foorth Creek, 16 andes @ost of Balmbwry. adpoe oe the lends of Jubn § Carmum, Joow’ Baker, aad whe The de pet on the Wedteta Butencon mast be o-+ The p'sce be 4 oll mecomary baskdings te goed parr. Abooge goed meadow. The treft com..+ show! 250 peres, ome hall af, whinteiete « bigh Six. 4 coluretoe, and the balamer be well timbered Thee wichwg 0 gend bargem, mast cxf wwe. as | TiN eof oe secommedating lerma Perens calling on Wim TP. Steele, coe bere sone eace ie viewing the lends ry 2 comm CUM JOHN W. STEELP March Ili, 1436 2 7) enue 4 8 tows + © Reames ‘ ECEW EOE BE OE AND NEW GOODS. Mills, Moose & Co. B= leave to lnform their many friemde and ‘ public geecrally thet they ate now reeeiring > me im the Brick House formerly ggengeé >) cunedy & Mille thetr stock of STAPLE AND FANT? Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, lagether with eff articles Genslly Rept ia 's bry Cod Store. They are aise teestvung the jergret sed bee | ovkeeted stock af Groweries ever o@ered sm thiamack of of whiek they are determined Lo sell ot prices (be cannot fell th please PS THE HIGHEST MARKET PRICK ped of of times for Pb. ir, Wheat, Core, Cotten, sed alt kinds of comntry produce Janeary Sth, 1656. NEW SPRING & SUMMEL QVYBd. Salisbury, March 25, 1856. ai E eubaeriber 6 enw reectving hie stack of ®prooc & Samemrer Goods, consisting of » geacrsl e” ment of Ladies Dress Goods of alent every deseription. Mieeteck of NEEDLE WORKED EMBROIDERIES is ceunpite would reepectfally ach an examine tion of his stock FY a who'wish to porchase Goods of the meweet ard inter wyles. Particular attention is paid to proemring Fr? tomate Geode, whether they hate been intredee! inte this er etion before of not kK. MYERS 434¢ Ee. NYR MUTCMESOS, COMMISSION MERCHANT Charlotte, M. C., PIT tet on Comminton Cotton, Corn, Flour, Wheat, and al! COUNTRY rPRODYUCF IN CHARGOTTE, CHARLESTON, AND NEW TORK Liberal Advances made on Consign” ReTereneas®@e JW Senhine, Feq., Salisbary ; Geo, W. Willem & Co, Chatleston ; A. Hunt, Lexington; Kobe’ Sowtter, Eeq., New York Februery 19, 1856 Greensborough MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANT. [pee evctet leeevtnee on the tifuteal plan ie be! small «um, compared with # joipt stock © ‘ nal ° Vy'rt® State, consequently much the larger portion of the rate art inthe West, very many of whieh arein the coer’ The Company is entirely free from debt ; have” 4 a ite, ROAmenmnente, and 1s therefore confidently recom" ded to the publie Atthelas Annan] Meeticg the follo wereelerted forthe efianitig year JAMES SLOAN, President &. G. COFFIN, Vice President Cc. P. MEN DENHALL, Attorney. PETER ADAMS,Sec'y and Trearere” PETER ADAMS, Sec" 143009 wing Office’ hi: 16, 183 hess as g Geo. the nor vention (repere testat | ease | casting | rr “'? tional : ed, be 1 cane wrure ‘ PE R UR E ! AP E ER E S AR T S ee e f Ph i ti g e l e 7 s FE . bS E E E F E R E E R I E S is IPTIC MIL\. ,, Weal the Dar . Pa, bn Ine ' . obman Ui pariversh » the mon Mien mM eet of the USTIS 6 LE. ore Roo } wetery |. Odpnmeg wad wihers wet be ove ie gow I fomiews bigh Sen. wred jmooe. an | NEEDUF pete We mech bye! Land incest ring Fae introdecr! YERS 4ANT 5 nd all wCcE y yor® ramen" Withame y; Rober 4 partol (bh? of he risk? caer : sense lovards Mt es , . sag Pt Fo ta 9 et Sit ti eed) ae fade Gad = age eee Ae pardapiionalietennd meme a MALES Sim SO AN S| A RON RN OAR SSRN TOS Se OR OR RC Nr nomen ee = oe cn “Fhe pan lak lear ot rae aay rare er Ue lew Sheet prt tenn fe ecg 8h pdr eters wate eat ‘VOL. XII. cae anes = Eee > A ae er TEACHING CHILDREN LYMNS. Some: one, in urging upon parents the duty} a : of teaching their children spiriyal songs and ; “gies Bite sre petals wet Is there any "hymns, very appropriately remarks, that.“ there. rwhy should Mr. Fillmore? “Did aot Col. , =| 0 be pp in the assertions of pa- jis a chord in every human soul which is touched = wa. I, Polk State elestor;auy to SY RK. Coa,county pers that resort to sueh hypocritical and unfair | by poetry ;” hence the magical power of ballads, , ship.” -eledbs for Davidson ‘county, Tenn, in'the pres- | means Lo carry out their ends, We think not, | national songs, and religious hymns, Listen to | Be Gororpor Joingon aud others, “tbatthey |*od you will no doubt agree with us. | the snatches of popular ditties whigh you hear | must from. thé word go, Abylitionisns on | Mr. Fillmore is a National man, and the South in the streets from passers-by, after you have | Mr, Fillmore, if be were -the soundest wan in| ¢*0 place the utmost reliance in his integrity. — | gone to bed, and you will own that mvtre and | ‘uhe worlds and Gov. Julinson then replied, Yes! Her rights will be secure in hie hands. He will | music have avenues to human souls, and, couse: | | administer the government as a National Presi-| ‘and make it your main point /” : quently, that they should be largely employed | The Exquirer and opber kindred prints lave dent, know fo North, no South, no East, no. jp religion, 'P is, reason to believe: that ver- | follow 3 fig Usis.od- | West, but his country, his mbole country, one | siged truth fas peculiar force upon the common (9 publish: |4%1 indivisible. | mind, as it is certain that it affords aid to the ‘ votes of Mr. | We might retort upon the Enquirer, and show taemory. Luther and the other réformers felt Fillmore in-the futile attempt to fix this charge | that its candidate, Mr. Buchanan, is not only not | this, and hence arose the wonderfully rich ool- wpoo kim. | sound upon the slavery question, but that be is| lection of hymas in the German language, to To show the bypocticy of the Enquirer, we | in league with men who are moving heaven and | which there is, perhaps, nothing comparable on qiola the following from its paper of Saturday carth against it. Such men, for instance, as the earth. ‘To this stock Luther himself contributed lant, tw the year of our Lord, eigiteos buadsed | Garrisons, the Philips, the Pillsburys, the Van much, Ie was aided by Hans Sachs, the poet- aud Ghhy-4is. ; Burens, the Cambrelengs—the three first notorious 3 ad ths thls a wanted hat | abolitionists, and the three last arrant freesoilers. | Gerhardt, the greatest hymo-writer in Germany, ts ded by # great portion of But, “the game is wot worth the candle”—as we | if not of the world. Wherever there are pious man tie oe, en coustitu - heady phages Eaquirer, which we think, we have succeeded in jon of the repeal of the Mis! suing — Wilmington Herald. p= j earn Jine, indigates Iris anti-Soutb- | ae eat! ctl ern egutimenta, and, but fur Lis inanifest weak-| . bess as a candidate, he would receive a much far- THE SPIRIT OF THE ROMAN CATHOLIC vole from the freeroll oppoocmts of Mr. CHURCH. Geo. T. Davis of Massachusetts, Las dechned The heart sickening details of ferucious acts the vomipation of the Fillmore Amencan Coo | exhibited i the sanals of Romanism, are quite wéotion of that State for the office of Auiorney Was in ; Geeeral—tiot beewase Mr. Fillinure dees not rep- ee ne igh Bis _ miud that the resent bis (D's) anti-slavery sentunents, but | bee wathun io Lhe sialcent toeotury wasa work eliuse be withes to nifike bis vou Sctive by hymna books; and from frequent ase, they gen- - owe heart. It is an error to coafine children to the fitness. Why should we not fill onr children's tuiads with the choicest evangelical hy ans in the language! ‘These they will remember after we are dead and gone. They should not merely be : learned vae and thee left for others, but repeated of extreme necessity. Some of these details are 5 b again and again, and sung over, in order to fix casting it for Fremont, the ouly formndable op- revolting in the extreme, and make the soul ; , @ Me Bachanes. Here 4 what Mr , slaadsler ja view of the awful depravity from _ ne eet) ene pass soe ee ore oayst | which such deeds could spring. We canvot Lut "s econ ke old words, a Me Lng personal regard Aud texpect for | hin ie ball of siesthion, tsp 69 Clean the old tune, come back ‘o us with indescriba- tn Teal aed grinoe oath Woke <x V1, aguieet the Ereperor Losis of Bavaria :| ody be would be fikely to bring around Lim, Bot) “May God strike him with imbecility and | ne rae ay grog that the prattical’ madness ; may heaven overwhelm with him lection x “Depetery wt thwaders ; may the anger of God, with that of ¢. 16 ite situation of things, T would o St. Peter and Sc. Paul, fall upon Lim in thin’ the Fisk of casting an jnefi-ctive causing her boy to learn some sacred song, say to herself, “ l’erhaps, years hence, my son will remember the saving truth of this bymn, as hav- ing beea taught by bis mother.” German Reformed Messenger. 4 world and the next; may the whole aniverse re = oo REMARKABLE MINISTERS.” Tn Dr. Holland's History of the towns in West ern Massachusetts, we find mention made of se veral remarkable ministries We give below a brief account of three that are worthy of special mentiva. The Nev. Solomon Williams, a mative of Fast Hartford, and a graduate of Yale College in 1770, was settled at Northampton, June 5th. 1778, and dred Nowenrber th, 1834. at the age of eighty-two, having been pastor of the charch for fifty-sx years, It is a singular fact, aod one which is doubtless without a parallel, that the great grandfather, the gran:ifatber, the father, volt against hun; may the earth swallow him up alive, may bis name pereh from the carlint geworativa, and may bis memory disappear ; we the Wnctitation of slavery | SY all the elements be adverse to him: and rato free at the point of the Layo. nay his chifdren, delivered into the hands of lis rod ? evemics, be crushed before the eyes of their fath views are likly to bring me toa differ, 6.” go emt conclusion as to a Presiduntial candidate, . If the Koman Catholic relgoa never chan that qonlemplate! our Cuarention, aod , x: itelf te oe for | BP Se must suppow it capable of siunilar exbi eet renpecially dechoing the bovor tenders!) liiens of wrath vow. bo we. But we have etill further and stronger evi | The wetoriogs Tom Gorwin who. wm! 7. Daniel Webster's Opinion of Mr. Fillmore “I wish to aay, with empbasix, that since my connectiva with bin in the leading affain of the the " teat he wae an Abolition gor eroment of the U aited States, | have p- Sad Lea] gr sare through the coluum us concurred a)th bom in all lus great and icading Crcinnati wohvan : Wesa cal Sty Use Corwin to | measures £8 8 8 AM these praciples say, that wer notice of his relation to te pretent | 47° ™y principles ; and if he 1# wrong mm them Presidentia! cyetest is mot aecurave. Mr, Cor / am ond always sholl be “win will vote the Fillmore ticket, if it shall tx run with » law ret of sucorss in io, Mr Fillmore bying the man be prefers Hat if Ux Fillitore fidket is not likely to carry (hic, then he will vote for Fremont oud Jiayton , that he doce not sgmputhize with the Republican party in many of their pineyses, bat lo some of the the ‘cofection of ainoanced by Uren he exnnot It appears that many years ago, the BP Ne velieves all that is de- | clerk of ome of the gourts in this section of the sivable sod ee may be scoompliahed by the State had aude frequent unsuccessful efforis to election of Mr wares aml, tint he in Ln recover Use ameoent of certain fee bills whieh bh wanted, to @iact pusiive to b the : ‘ ‘ eh Svath, and restor. " \reaqullty (athe bell againet a slippery citizem residing in a neigh omutrt. we j boring coenty. Whenever the bills were pre- ; sented, there was sure to be some obstacle tut be payment of the amount due; fully hus half cestury sermon ! two hundred years! Rev. Dr. Stephen West, a native of Tolland, Connecticut, a graduate of Yale College in 1735, was first liceused to preach in 1758, and first performed duty as chaplain in hort Washing Jaterpolating on Oath.— We were considera ly amused yesterday, at the recital of an ance dete Mastrative of the difficulties which are ton, in the town of Adama, Massachusetts. Jo sometimes encnentered in 1759 he was settied at Stockbndge, and until 1775 preached to both Whites aed lodians—to the former in the forenoon, and the latter in the claim, ? afternvon. Lr. West continned his minisiry te 1819, when be died in the erghty-foarth year of bis aye, being regelariy in Stock bridge unt)! the mintstry sixty-one years Rev. Thomas Allen was ordained as the first Mr. Al leo was 4 native of Nort hampton and a gradu ate of [larvard in 1762 Bow, what did this same paper say of Mr Fillqsote ie 9652, eben he was no longer con sidered \a ie way! liid it call bn an aboli tidtie tben, of endeavor to prove bint one ’ Ro for hom it, it extolled his administration, anJ eed that * he has wads an infinitely better Pres dent for the South, than (ron, Taylor did or and thus, from minster in Viitefeld, ia April, 1765 tiene to time the settlement was deferred, until our clerk began to believe that lris debtor should Tle was eminent for be ranked among those unprine:pled knaves who his sen! 19 the cause of his country previous to infest all communities aed dingrace humanity by the Revolution. He was chaplain to the Amer- dishoneatly refusing to pay their just halnhties, ican army under Washington at White Itains, An opportunity was however, soon afforded him in 1776, again the summer of 1777 at Trconde woukd have Jone.” When itis recollected that of bringing the delinquent “to taw.” Tt hap. reya, and aga at Beanington, to which place Ge, Taylor wre a large slavebulder, residing io pene! that the fellow was sommonved as a wit be marched with a company cornposed partly of the Soath, while Mr. Fillwore is a Northerner, ness in a certain case, and the usual oath had to bis PittsGekl parishioners : From hie lips Rent sarrounded by men adeerse to slavery, this 1 be administer to lim by our frend, the clerk, up the fervent prayer, in the presence of the manrk of the Enqairer strongly shows that Mr anne Hal achewuily /sseae Ameream army ax’ (Ma micentag fe eelive, Fillmore ise mman that the South bas no reason that you will tell the truth, aud else pay me and from his gun went forth many a murderous 46 Mer on the score of abolitionixm those fre belle you owe, before you beare tows fast during (he bettie Hie) Ucocken Joees Bot we can cal! attention to the fllowinget Gy help vou Grad” stood by his side in the action, to whom the tract from the Riehmand Enquirer of Septenber There was po getting over thie, and benz parson said, * You load, and [ will Gre Mr 18, 1853, in contrast with the one given alorr. faily circumvented by the wily clerk, the coun. \ilen remained connected with lis original par © Gen. Taylor died at the very crisis of affaite” tryman loct no time afier the Senantet Filenary (tho 1810 ehen le died ak The country felt relieved from am avfal A70"4. i. cost it proceeding to his office and forking tera ministry of forty five years. In addition whew Mr, Biltmore took the reigns of gavrn yy) to his publistkd sermons, Mr. Nilen left 2700 ment, threw aside Gen. Taylor's advisers. form et inks eRe aes ed a teller cabynet, and gave his conscrente to other beepers than) Seward.” The policy of A California paper tells the following of T vet has been able to deeipher government was immediately changed.” : ne - ~~ The Compromise measurerquickly passed, an! Derby, “Juba Phen” the bum CAURaL MUM “(ne evening at the theatre, Pharoi observed front thought he knew ; he requested the person sit the whole country was relieved from its pornful anziety” “lever sineo that el the Southern Whigs Lmevehteome more ani mote devoted to Mr. ¥ inane” «He became their chowen leader — Poe and partientar candidate for the 4 * # Whilt the north, deserting bim, another who suits their aa or better and ahd him eo down Mr, Fillmore, be he neared te brave Uei¢ indiguation.” Ks te olf history.” It ia truth Hd fastly ou the play and affecting unconsciousness “Cen, Taylor wae bora in Virginia, he was of the whole affair, be left the man with the cane reared in the south, waca large slave holder, itosetile with the other for the disturbance, who Me, Fiflmore had twas oJucatad in New being wholly without an excuse, there was, of VOrkey ind was proved 40 hold. doetrines exceed- course, a lodierous and en:barrasing scene— -du- f t & : the vexthanite pop ier yale a ring all of which Phoenix was profoundly inter “TOS nl, Ietening to the voice of ndwiees into | ested in the play. At last the man with the whind sovls Seward hail breathed the poisos of | cane asked, rather indignantly, ‘Didu't you tell aman sitting three seats in whom he The Anickerborker for April, in review of Willis's new work on Charch Masic, has this ting next to him ‘to punch the other individual forcible paragraph, quoted from Mr. Willis’s with his eane.” The polite stranger did so, and Per the disturbed person turning bis head a little, he Jiseovered his mistake——that he was not the per Fixing his attention stead “ Hearing a choir sing is not worship. Read ing the bymn through in 4 merely intellectnal attention tothe thought ts not worship. a feeling is often the result of architectural or ar- tistic causes. A person, for instance, has enter ed aeathedral. Tle is awed by the grandeur and solemn hush of the plice. He yields to an irresistible feeling of solemnity, and afterwards son he took him for. goes away, and feels, perhaps, as though he had worshipped. Not so. He has merely indulged in what might be called architectural awe.— such a feeling is 4 legitimate effect of elevated art. Lut this is not worship. The place and the supreme object of worship lie higher than po wrecking this nation Phang ingen aw iS pared hes, mae on ae ok F ‘mere arc hitectare, or music, or sculpture, or aliaunion, £9" while chaamog “Yes, inting istically enjoyed, bear the sonl. For, thee inting, artistically enjoy } Hol of its ~eltaatyr ds disregarded “the “*And what did you want?’ | A ike enjoyment of art, as in the enjoyment of “ wanted to see whether you would punch natural scenery, we are recipients ; the mind, | therefore, is in a passive state. Whereas, in wor- ship, the mind is in an active state. We must ; | vise throngh natare to nature's God ; and, if saw A man should never be ashamed to OWN ored art, unless the soul be impelled forward one he has been in the wrong, whieh is but step further, to definite religious action, it is not For no passive state, whispers of early prejudice, and helped by the mighty engife of executive influence, to quiet jim at not.’ ” the country, aud to eave all portions froin injus- tice and “a | 0 of Mr. Pillmore’s adiin- “Wi do not approv ieeratit We all Vp , but we are free to say that be fap made anidtinitely bettor President for saying in other words that he is wiser t0-| jn a condition of worship. the South, dian Hen, Tuyhor did or wop]J have | day than he was yesterday. Pop : | no cunditivn of imere feeling, can iuvolve this, — | Worship involves an act. . Feeling erally koow great numbers of these hymos by | every gentle means to induce the gentleman to | and soo —Mr. Williams himself—each preached | The pastorates of the | four clergymen of this family extended beyond | Such | Bruty Wotis, News, greater, Suterant Stprements, Camere, the ets oad tS RS Se ee 7 may, and should aceompany this act, but cannot constitate it, And in sacred song we must not ouly, asa mere act of intellection, attain to the thought of words, Lut we must utter that thought upward to God, before we caw be said rightly to wor- °° —— 967 - SAGACITY OF A DOG. The following from the. Trinity (California) | Times, is certainly a most remarkable instance | of canine sagneity. | Willian Dredge lives about five miles from town, at the base of the mountains which tower {north of us. A short time after midnight, on the | morning Wednesday last, be was aroused from | his sluwbers by the mourn{ulhowl of a dog. No menace on his part could rid him of the presence | of the strange intruder, The dog continued to | walk around the cabin, still repeating his disinat | moaning avd howling, occasionally making ef- | forts to effect an entrance through the closed ical shoemaker. In a later period came Paul |doorway. Surprised and somewhat alarmed at | this singular demonstration, Mr, Dredge at last | hastily dressed himself, and unbolted the door, | jentally with Fremopt, in| intended ouly to show up the hypocricy of the’ Germans, you find them with their beloved | when a large mastiff rushed within, The dog at once caught bold of bis pants, and employed accompany him outside. Dredge’s first impress- | learning of children's hymns, because when they | jon was that the animal was mad, and yet so! become older these will Lave lost ayach of their | peculiar and earnest were the dumb entreaties, | that he finally yielded avd proceeded without | the cabin. A joyful yell was the result, and the | delighted brute, now capering and wagying Lis tail Lefore bim, and pow returning and gently seizing Lima by the band and pants, induced ! Dredze to follow Lim. The course was up the precipitous sides of the | mountain, and soon they were forcing their way through a snow-drift that bad settled in one of ble tenderness. Let the pious mother, when | its numerous abrasures, Here comes the won- |der. Upon the snow lay the body of a woman, | who bad evidently perished from cold and ex- | ‘haustion. Her limbs were already stiffened in | | the embraces of death, But what was the sar- | prise of Mr. Dredge to see that faithful dog fer ‘ret out, from a bundle of clothing that lay by | the side of the woman, a young child about two ‘years of age, still warm and liting. Mr. Dredge immediately conveyed the ebild to hie cabin, and, arousing some of the ncigh- | | bors, proceeded again to the mountain to secure | | from ihe attack of wild beasts the person of the anfortusate woman. Her body was buried the | {neat day. The chiki and dog have been adopt-! ed by thie good Samaritan. But as yet be has | | been unable to obtain any light as to the name | of the woman, or how she happened to stray on | the dismal mountain side at soch an ugfortunate | boar. The child is doing well, and is truly a handsome boy. SWEAT OF THE BLOW mean when we talk about happiness! Is free ‘dom from toil a part of it! Is heart ease the main part of it! Then away with it if that is } what you mean, for 10 such thing as that is at- | taimable on this earth ; and if it were, it would defeat man's highest attainments in every thing. This is not the place for us to be crowned ; this ia the place to fight the battle of eternity. Tears | are often sweeter than smiles—mech more than the loud laugh. Self-demial that blesses others, i boundless lnxury by the side of any self indul gence. Is the heart made pure, of generous, or intrepid, of tender, by keeping tnals and sorrowe far from it! Is the grand intelligence in which we shall slune for evermore nourished and ex- | panded in this world, as we saunter undisturbed ‘through all earthly enjoyments | | Let not the sweat dry upon the brow ; let not thy brains forget their mighty toil; let not thy heart settle down either into security of indiffer What happiness is attainable here below must come with these great necessities, command ed of God, and that infioite mercy. What comes not so comes misnamed, and ovly to make our Surely no.— ener. lot more hopeless. — Pres. Critic MARY AND HER DRAWER, OR, KOTHING MADE BY GETTING ANGRY. The church bells were sending forth their mer ry chimes, and hundreds of children were wend ing their way to the Subbath school. Mary was late that morning, and ran very quickly to her lrawer, in which were pe her gloves, hymn book, catechism, &c., open at once, but in so doing she got it crooked, and endeavored to jerk it and it woakl move neither way. Heing in a great hurry, she began at once :o fret and blame the drawer for not coming out. She soon became uite angry, ber cheek flushed, her eyes sparkled, and with a violent effort she | pulled the drawer out, emptied its contents on the floor, tore ber dress, disfigured ber hymo- book, and almost ruined the drawer itself. Her father was patiently waiting in the hall for his little daughter when the accident occur. ' red, and asked ber what was the matter. Her instant reply was, “ Nothing, father; you go and I will overtake you presently.” Little Mary did not overtake her father, and he looked in vain for her at the Sabbath-school. Her dress was so badly torn that she could not go to the Sabbath-school, and with tears flowing down hér cheeks, she sat down and thought soberly over her conduct. She duubtiess felt very sorry for her anger, and the unnecessary damage she had done. | No one, when the family retarned from church | said a word to her, but left her to her own re- | queer customers at times, A fellow not long hius ‘hung the knob in my dress, and tore it so badly SAGs IS ag SP SALISBURY, N.C., SEPTEMBER 9, 1856. ry_.was absent from Sunday-school this morning?” “No,-wy child,”-be replied. “I was ina great barry, and attempted to pull my drawer out ve- ty quickly, and got it fastened so tightly that it would move neither one way or the other. I tried and tried, but it would not move. I then got angry with the drawer, pulled it-very hard, and not-only strewed its contents over the floor, bat Her father told her he. willingly forgave her, that she also‘must ask God's forgiveness, for she had committed asin in giving way to her an- ger. He also told her to remember that noth- ing was ever made by getting angry. If the | ever tried to de any thing, and could nbdt do it =| once, she must not get angry, but be patient and calm. I bope this little thing taught Mary an | important Jesson, and may it teach you the same, | dear little reader. Nothing was ever made by | that I could pot come to the preleaee9 getting angry, but something always lost. | COURAGE AND COWARDICE. John Allday and Joseph Freeth had a quar- rel when they were at schcol together; and ! some of their more wicked playmiates tried bard to get up a battle between them. Alklay was | ready enough to pull off Lis jacket, and to set to! at once, but Freeth would not fight. Somehow or otber their teacher heard of the affair, 80 he tok Allday to task. “ Tell me Jobo,” said he,“ why you want to fight with Freeth.” | “ Because, sir,” replied Allday, the boys will call me a coward if I refuse.” “O! OF” said the teacher, “and so you bad { rather do wrong than be called a coward : Joh |° [am ashamed of you.” | The teacher next questioved Freeth. “ Jo | ” said be, “what reason have you for not fighting with Allday !” “I have many reasons, sir,” replied Joseph. | “Then let me have them all,” said the teach- er, “that I may judge what they are worth.” | “Io the first place, sir,” replied Freeth, “ if 1) were to figbt Allday,[ should burt bim—Iknow | I should, and I do not want to burt him.” “ Very good,” said the teacher. | way by which his parent would have to ‘ Stients, Mocatity, andthe Sanity Citcte NUMBER XV cavaties: but he must needs look again, for the fellow was confident: there were several. The Doetor again told him be could find none, and be went away. A week or so after they met each other, aod he was asked about these teeth. ‘Oh |" said the fellow, ‘whats-his name over bere filled them for me—he-found four holes—pretty lange ones, too, I knéw they were there.’ ‘Ah,’ replied the Doctor, ‘I very carefully and didetiot gee any.’ *Well,’ said he, ‘he didn’t fod "en till after he'd drilled @: ws f THE DRUNEARD'S WIFE. The grey morning was already dawn- ing when the miserable wretch turned into a dirty alley, and entering a low, ru- inous door grouped thromgh a narrow en- try and paused at the entrance of a room within. That degraded being had once been a wealthy man, respected by his neighbors and surrounded by his friends. | But alas! the social glasa had first lured him to indulgence, and then to inebriety, until he was now a common drunkard. oe aif Bel Ihave mu be tmily, Emily, you are not oh !—speak ria forgive von taal at husband,” and k ng b the Hedeidie he chafed her white, thin , watering! it with his hot tears as he sobbed ‘her’ name. expe Their efforts’ at length, ree tored her, and the Pree redhat , on reviving was Ler husban waoyind her side and. calling her “Emily ?” It was the first time he had done so the yeaa 2 It stirred old memories in her heart,'and’. called back the shadowy visions of years long gone past. She was back in of youthful days, before ruin had b her once noble husband and wher | was joyons and bright as her own hap bosom. Woe, shame, poverty, even his brutal language was 0 she only thought of him as the lover, ther youth. Oh! that momentof delight? ae wally a her arms r nec! sol there prea “Can you forgtve me, P —— been a brute, a vitian—oli! ean y: f give me? I have sinned as never mari” sinned before, and such an as you. Obl! God, annibiliateme formy™ nilt.” ra on Charles! said the dying woman in # crea te chante ike in eiiapererd throu cham i wi a ontbaaied spirit—“I forgive you, and may God forgive you, too ;—but oh t de: | not embitter this fast moment by suchas: \impions wish.” : ¢ man only sobbed In reply, but his frame shook with the tempest Of agony’ Tbe noise of his footsteps lad beep heard within, for the creaking door was timidly opened, and a pale emaciated boy, about vine years old, stepped out on the landing, and asked in mingled anxie- ty and dread— “Is that you father !” “ Yes, wet to the skin—curse it,” said the man “why ain’t you abed and asleep, you brat?” The little fellow shrunk back at this coarse salutation, but still thoagh shak- ing with fear he did not quit his station beiore the door. “ What are you standin, there, gap- ing for!” said the wretcl—‘“It's bad enough to hear a sick wife grumbling alll day, without having you <ept up at mght !within kim. “s |. © Charles,” at last continued the | woman, “I have long wished-for this mo- |ment, that I might say something to'you 'aboat our little Henry.” oa “God forgive me for my wronge to Lim too!” murmured the repentant inane © | “Ihave much to say and I have but; little time to-say it im; I feel that I shall; inever see another sun.” -A violent fit of; | conghing interrapted her. aos sets | “Oh! no, you mnst not rep ta | her husband, as he sapported | frame, you'll live to save your a 2 {hosband. Ob, you will.” a tin te fred into her eyes, but she* She laid ber warm: to chime in the morning,—get to bad, | eee —— yes eA you imp, do you hear?” | he : sat — rele soy owe § The Rive ellow did not answer; fear|*¥e prayed for this e leven in the darkest moment, have seemed to have deprived him of AR ; bat still holding on to the door-latch, wi | jan imploring look, he stood right in the | doubted it would come; for I*haverfeler that within me which that as: | all had deserted you, and I “In the next place, sir, if I did ot hart him,| enter the room. ee iy tere “ java panty er Sel wuald belcwe la bert me” | “ Ain't you gving to mind ¢” said the a eine oS ca inebionts “ No doubt of it,” said the teacher. | man with an vath, breaking into a fury. | ay ean — asia be thi “ Aud then, sir, | would rather be called a “Very good again,” said the teacher. “ Aod lastly, sir, to fight with one another is Bot only against the rules of the school, but also|as the man made an effort to snatch the| coward than todo that which I koow to MOT td bone ta your Bod “Give me the lamp and go to bed, or I'll “Oh! father, don’t talk so Joud,” said the little fellow bursting into tears ; ve wake mother ; she’s been worse all day, and basn’t had any sleep till now ;” avd against the commands of our Saviour, who has | candle, the boy, losing all personal fears told us to love and forgive one snother. The |i® anxiety fur his mother, stood firmly text last Sunday morning was,‘ Let all bitter- mess, 20d wrath, aod anger, and clamoar, and [evil speaking be pat away from you, with all! ont the inebriate, angrily ; ‘this ex | malice : and be kind one to another, tender-beart- | leaving you to wait on yonr mother ti ed, forgiving ove another, even as God for We talk about happiness, In short, what do Christ's sake hath forgiven you."” Eph.iv. 31,32. jwe talk about! Do we not know what we, The teacher commended Joseph Freeth for | that you ma raising his hand he the prudent answers be bad given, and hoped be would be able always to act up to his principles “Io my opioion,” said he, “you have shown more courage in declining to fight, than you would bave done in fighting with Allday, even had you won the victory. About a week afier that quarre! which Lad taken place, the cottage of poor old Margery Jenkins, by some accident or other, took fire. Margery made her escape, and ber daughter was absent from home, bot an infant grand-daughter was siceping ina little cot upstairs, while the flames were rising to the stairs. At this time there were present several of the school-boys ; and one of them boldly dashed through the fre aod smoke, made bis way up the narrow stair case, dropped the child through the window ia- to the arms of a man who stood ready to receive it, and then made his own escape to the ground. Lut who was the boy who thus showed bis bravery, and saved the life of a child! Was it the brave Allday, who was so forward to fight! No, it was Jeseph Freeth—he who by mawy had been called a coward. This kind and daring set of bis bad raised him in the minds of all,and no one any longer brought bis courage in question The following day some of the school-boys went to bathe in the river, and Allday aud Freeth were among them. AllJay, who could not swim soon got out of bis depth, and woukl no doubt have been drowned, bad not Freeth, who was a good swimmer, plunged headlong from the bank to his rescue. drowning companion, he dragged him to the land. If the affair of the fire had shown the calm courage of Joseph Freeth, this of the water went still further to convince the minds of his play mates. room, all the boys received him with uprased hands, “Let the conduct of Joseph Freeth,” said the teacher, when a short time after speak ing to the boys,“ be an example to you, so that | you may be able to distinguish between idle boasting and true courage. Joseph Freeth bas proved himself worthy, by going through fire and through water for the benefit of others. Remember that he who dases do what is night, though it “draws down upon him an ill name, truly courageous ; while he who is afraid to pur- | sue an upright course, lest those around should mock him, must be in his heart a coward.” | | across the drunkard’s path and said, “you | mosn’t you musn’t, go in.” | “ What does that brat mean!” broke {you learn to be as obstinate as a mule, will you disobey me ?—take that, and é struck the little sickly being to the floor, kicked aside his body, and then strode into the dilapidated room. it was a truly fitting place for the home jof such a vagabond as he. | were low, covered with smoke, and seam jed with a hundred cracks. The chimuey | piece had once been white, bat was now lof the .._¢ ish him. Oh! remember that he is pater - and tender—it is the thing for bal toe 8 greasy lead color of the age. The, ’s will be done! Iam weak—<l feeb I am failing fast—Henry, give me your’ id a | The little boy silently placed it timbers} ¥}| she kissed it, and then laying it within ber | husband’s, continued : “~ | “Here is our ehild—onrt only born—_ {when I am gone he will have- none to: ‘take care of him but you, eager you love" | your own blood, and as you valees pro mise to a d ing wife keep, Piasped ee |should care to live’ ——¢she paused, and’ struggled to subdne her feelings, “will | you promise me, Charles 1” allied “I will, as there is a Maker overme, lr | will,” sobbed the man ; and the frail*bed against which be teaned shook with tris: | emotion. islets The walls! “And you, Henry, obey your fathers ‘and be a good boy 528 you love your | mother—you will [” . ‘ } “Obl yes!” sobbed the litte fellow; flinging himself wild! upon his mother’s r, whet as “but mother, dear mother; ! ceiling bad lost most of the plaster, and the ae ewes \rain soaking through, dripped with a noel I do without you t—oht—dem'® monetonons tick upon the fivor. A few < x {broken chairs,a cracked looking glass, jand a three legged table,on which was a rimless cup, were in different parts of the Bat the most striking spectacle Ona rickety bed lay the wife of his Losoin, the once beaatiful Emily Languerre, who, , room. was directly before the gambler jthrough poverty, shame and sickness, bad still clang wotnan, tl jshake, vor shame, nor misery subdue. | Friend after friend deserted that ruined man ; indignity after indignity had been heaped upon him, and deservedly ; | by year he had fallen lower and lower ia the sink of infamy; and still throngh every mishap that sainted woman, had clong to him; for he was the father of her boy, and the husband of her youth It was a bard task fer her to perforin ; but it was her duty, gud when ali the world deserted him she elung to him! She had borne mueh, byt alas! nature could endure no more. Health had fled Seizing bold of the arm of his|from her cheeks, and ler eyes were dim and sunken. She was in the last stage of consamption, but it was not that that was killing her-—«hc wus dying of a broken heart ! The noise made by her husband, awoke her from her tronbled sleep, she half along her cheek, and a wild, fitful light shooting into her sunken eyes. There was a faint shadowy smile lighting |np her face, but it was cold as moonlight bis mother’s face, and knew not wi upon snow The sigh might have moved, a felon’s bosom but what can penetrate the seared and hardened heart of druuk- enness?! The man besides was in a pas- sion. “ Blast it, woman,” said the wretch, as he reeled into the room, “is this the way is You receive me after being ont allday in , the rain to get somnezhing for your brat? Come, don’ go whining, I say,” but as his wife nttered a taint cry at his brutal- ity, he reeled a step or two forward, and put his hand up to his forebead, stared to the lover of her youth. Oh! iy constancy the world cannot ; year - | see { “This is too hard,” marmared the dy ing wotman, drawing her child to | her, “Father, give me strength to endure® ie i For a few moments all was still; nothing broke the silence but the the father and the boy, and the» dowy» death-like tick of the rain —< through upon the floor. The was the firsttomove. He seemed instinetive- ‘ly to feel that giving way to his grief pained his mother, | gently di ing himself from her, he basbed-bis cobs, and leaning on the bed, gazed anxionely tin her face. Her eyes were closed, but her lips moved as if in prayer. ) “Henry, where are you!” asked the ¢ dying mother. } The Loy answered in his low mournful voice. “Henry, Henry,” she said in an wader _| tone, and then after a second added, poor babe, he does not hear me.” The little fellow looked up amazed.— | He knew not yct how the senses - ally failthe dying; he was perp! : \the tears coursed down his cheeks, and his throat choaked so that he could ‘Het speak. Bathe placed his hand ia lite mother’s and pressed it. “Come nearer, my son—nearer—thé |started up in bed, the hectic fire stream. candle wants enuffing—there, lay your On the return of Joseph Freeth to the school | Hs face down by mine; Heary, love, I has the wind blown oat the light ?” The bewildered boy gazed wildly inte to Ile only pressed her hand again. “Oh! God,” marmured the dying wo- man, her voice grew fainter ; ay is death,” Charles—Heury —Jesus—re—” The child felt a quick, elcetric shiver in the hand he elas and looki saw that lis mother had fallen back »on the pillow. He knew it all at onee. Ile gave one shriek and fell senseless across her body. That shriek aronsed the drankard.— Starting up from his knees he wild- say One of the Dentiste.—The Albany Koicker-| wildly around, and then gazing almost ly on the corpse. He coald not énditre booker says : “Dentists, as well as apothecaries, meet with | —whats the matter?” His poor wife lay like a corpse before , but a low voice from the other side flections. When her father bad taken off his since called on lr. Brockway, the distinguished | of the bed answered, and its tones quiy hat and seated himself, she modestly approach- dentist, and wanted to bave some cavities in his lering as they spoke. ed him, threw her arms around bis neck, and | teeth filled up. The Doctor examined his tecth | “Oh, mother’s déad'!" It was the voice | vacantly upon her, continued, “but—why the look of that still sainted faee. “He covered his face with his hands and Burst into ap agony of tears. Long years have passed since then, and that man is once more a useful member fsociety. Butoh! the fearfal price at | said, “ Father, do you know why your little Ma- | carefully, and told him that he did not seo anv fof his son who had stolen in and was now‘ whieh his reformation was purchased. | ) y) ) not, eo ihe : tc a — PH Bene ate mt, 5 flown gs tt tip ? es) oe wich i iti — - . = — CHANGES FOR FIGLMORE. Prom » lan election! Is it not wrong, then, thus meut to the retiremcat aud privacy of private | votes take place between Buchanan’ and Fre-| Practical Hfeet in. Barope-—Wevsea by a . P From the New Vork Bening E. oe ‘ ers Nay, ae te pe i ies with- life, aud when he-was without a prospect or even ; mont, Mr, Cullen wilt be exactly in the position ge letter in the-Richmosd Whig,of the Oth inswimt,| “Ti,g Washingtos © stated tint APE, TO OUR SOUTHERN READERS. out any regard to fildmore’s chances, * wish for renomination or restoration to tlre | ewpied by one of: Mr, Unagard off date London, Ang. 16; tliat.the stocks of the within-the past few dayay, fe Reymbliean, mi vai 4 nd AWEREGANE OF THE SOUTH—wios OF THE FOUTH 4/1 nyt every man to do right, knowing | Presidency, that his ¢ wegen bad pr le Delaware, in the ‘On raed ume ag ' . soils protacd of Meteor, Pennsy! vein, the Bloom ville, 6 fue thoy Enea gry Nott tate to the od wil inn te, Pa an epee ag iy tg Mahon eee a aml Ne Fo Marsa papey Nc | ace clo rn , hed ‘ ; ‘ A How be ith” c ‘ ik enb thrateuing aspect of politiont ‘affaicn Ta ereey, whoke names we ha: Bchaves i; roccedings is af hat ‘ a : “ Killnore has no chance,”—and the riyht? ! iN of the black and colaged population art -| citing gontroversy and perhaps saved his coum-leouptry, in Relation to the shive { qvestlans—| haid—the Templar ‘and. Buchanan cry, South,—and, believing /¢isacrime, wo, to make this election sec: ' ree ? Af) See aaees ; vck ar ‘ y bee 16. off! will eend: these two cries, many honest, patriotic (/omal, geogruphicul as the Premont and slavehdidinng States tole 2 wookery amdavheet,|iay fem verelgilen awd blecdshed, bp) | b ) , Ithlay Now ork the Chionicle, \ 4 men, are du ped. —Now, if the fact were Buchanan men are makeng it, Millard gud that slavery waa the dest condition of the ically voting for Jefferson, the dewocratic oandi- bal Pandey ie osdugetleatartenstat Winchester, Ilinuie—the Dror ite (IIL) | goss te ime ‘ as otated, ftadis no reason why men /idlinere alone roucecs Ue canvass from African race in this country, Lest both for the date. Mr-Cullen may perbaps follow this no-/ setter ns med awUBK'D rire erald—the Senora, Cab.) Heratdethe | t ity Hee Ar ehould do wrong, or fail to do right, this danger of sectoonadity. Fremont’s black race and the white race, and that the Un-! ble precedent and example, and ultimately cast ;Setions ju “America? And the writer of the an Diego, ( ‘al.) Herald, (late organ of sed eh lo wy bot the fact cannot be so, unless made so. x/ength ix all Vorth. Buc Aanan’s prac- ion could ouly be perpetuated by a faithful ob- “the vote of his State for Mr. Bechanan. Me. ‘letter alluded to says—“ It is quite a common jthe Deuocratic party)—the Oorrier, St. i the be phate & aa —by men's being made the dupes offalse Crud strengti is all South, 2auore servunce of ig comstitutioual rights of the South, Cullen’s-position gilfers, hgwever, in an iny *- }determination hére, of the most considerate and | Martinsville; Lopisiana-—the Sing eta \@ eken au eet ORT TONG6ES “Mh cries. al dix the conservatism of the and by now-interforenes with slavery, on tha} tant particular from that of Mr, Bayard. Wher! iperal men,” to declare, “I will have nothing in (N. Y.) Chrowicle—the = Brownsville, passed in the ‘pi ‘4 ‘ SSE rey 72 A etn: he part of the weneral vovernnient; and his convie: the struggle teok place between Jeffersoii and : ad bd y ‘pal » oth va pineian winph over the blac egncerh‘will This canvass presents many unusua le Pillinore alone has te | 8 S ; 1¢ struggle took | the Slave States.” (Tenn:,) Journal, and many othe presses, ‘shun Bear ee ieatec i cali cds opts of the couscprdtine Wovs were greatly streugheued by his southern Burr, for the presideutial batun, there was no jo : lave duken duwn other fags wid botstad the country from the disgracesi segue he re fr Aen Rae a vty or th. Cnion. Mt iva (Wh Which Lronght him in contact with and nude | constitutional provision incase of the failure ef| This isa umaer of vital concern to every the flay of Filljnere and Donelson ! |iu whieh.at was: placed, wore thoug)it mn ue veal ae mie i nes aph ome. the Mma eve wiluess of the working of our domes: the House of Representatives to wake a chuice ;/stave owner in the South ; and they must be ex a spats tvovernrment to go.as u . a ‘mont, a Souluern tre reuimph Or : x : A 5 i - : . fe P ‘ bf , ‘ e men 6 positions. feu . : Of or me Phe South US institution, Impressed with these opinions, jt was easus omisgus in such an event; there- | ecediagly dull of comprehension i they fail to THE UNION FILLMORE CELEBRATION | those who éontribiuted towards ft and wi } ' atihtv to Mr. Buchs tre S 5 4 re We ve beca ins} ye roe . extwith no hostitity: to Mr. Buchanan, the une fore, at that era, there w mtd have t ADIN" Diseover the fatal consequences to which it points, excep tonable democratic nominee for the Presi- | terregnam, at feast until dhe meeting of the mext born man, is sone itupas an anise: } h ern candidate; hanan, a N th Bremant. ON THE OLHO RIVER. |steadily aod wnftinghin ty gs: Sy the or to realize the dangerous character of the con- | Cixcrewats, Aug. 27.—Phe Ohio, kentneky, | South thromgh “all the. 8 were caase it is certain to pup sectional wien 2% feads and fights. If Buchanan is clected gua. The hdsto there is nothing settled,—because, in evs real combatant he ary Northern State, there w rer TO 4 sera, The majorities agains! him, wher t: y asa geographer and Fremont vote is combine! ard of him yet born man, is bro as the une N Vow, the Express snot a Journal hat gency 1 deem it but faie and just to) Me. Fills, Congress, and perhaps a revolution or civil war. | rf Penis j ern candidate, is,a candidate to prophestes, of 7 Bite, Has Deals Ler nore that his worthern friends and supporters ee 7 again ae has becn since test now brewing in this country, The signs of and ludiaua grand Fillmore rnd Dunebun | cleat ss y iNiame, hay and carry out the Pierce policy in ! J nals often do Dh right reith should have the fullest opportunity to present to! cured, in consequence of the iow and panic the times are alarming beyond all question.— Council gre in session aD the Ohio river and wey] oF ler, ot ro Pill- and in the annexation of Cuba, &c., di trite results, h rite our rut! the people of the South bis chtims to southern to which the country was exposed, at that crisis, The vexed qnéstion of slavery hangs like a por- lecves to-day selecting this jytvce na the union more men, from New York, Not ® tin. The issue these two men present isa fa andou } lie. py Te nery- te have NO Pre-| support; and IT ask the use of your widely circus in our polit eal history, by the existing provision | lentous cloudtaf dai knees oror eae Ay river of the West. ‘There ave 50,000 people} gle — friend of Fillmore voted Nay tal ene to the peace and prosperity of the / trons ta make, ham have aright to lated journal for that purposc, ayd confidently for the accession of the Vice-Tresident to the bean gahoringtincs br jaan. Gad ooly beows bow lere, and more ave coming, A wire is on the passage of the, Bilt withont the Union, because it is sectional, and be: say tle eameues, On th. partof the Fille expect that it will not only not be withbeld, but) presidential chair, and Mr. Cullen may therefore 5 7) = om) : stretched across the river, and ou it is suspend- Provigo—nor did one of them vote with : "Party in tie Novth, has scarcely beo| ou the coutrary, that it will hoerfully yichl fect himselfat liberty, without any impeachment when it shall break upon us, or the extent of its ed a tlig, with the word * Union,” encompassed the Blacks on any ballot daring te long af stars, A stoner, having ga beard six-| contest between the Senate an} Flouse. more, expressly to defeat an election by the is Dearly possible to avert it. We are strongly fe? ladies, is abut starting frem che Obio shore,’ The following are tha Yeas ‘and Nays : Ss representing the Northern States, and another! by whieh the struggle was t from the Kentucky shore having on board fifteen or, poy of Fillmore, in the Presidential chair would do‘}adies representing: the eed neni n artes The| here Were 20 votes vot given— ‘some 3 | members being absent—others paired off, jand several vacancies from death. nt, Fillaore *y! od; as at once due to the m: f x patriot states- | of bis patriotism, to cuvtinue voting for Mr, Fill- |devastation when it shall come, We believe it! by tot yet known! man aud the freedom of the press. Ss } Bat it seems to be common, if not a general | louse, and make Mr. Breckeuridge the Const- atthos have pot | Opinion jn the South, that Mr. Fillmore cannot tefionel President of the Union. _, Aas, itoenian a Sol-| be elected, under any circumstances, rb In the mean time, what ver may be the fina : : . ee . \ : me ie jthe people, or by the House of Repres result, as a grateful sun of the South, [ go for more for the country in’ settling this question boats are beled fast, vid proeced up the river 1 ce heard of him of the opinionhat the mild aad wise influence nts ‘ s Er ~ ee spk majoritics « Wl pot Le vanquish or as to his priuciy The first go in failure of viar elee y 1 ree nd his friends | tt » other } yin th | under the Cajon flag. ‘The artitlery is roaring pies a f popular election. This I -' Mr. linure, and recommend to his frieads than any other haman agency in the world.— | 3 RS mg The follow! is th Dachanan attempts to carry out Tie Northern peopts are not long! iaded js an err L hare not the slightest | ti } Sout , fons icasly . Meee jits thundering welcone | 1¢ following is the vote om the Arm a 2 t £ suac is 3 yr ave » slightes sughout the South, boldly and fearlessly to ‘ : hare iu ring we ue, bites : i ud when daped they soon eman-| cons etror e not the sightest | throughout the South ully andi te ¥ This opinion is based upon the well known char S | Bill without the proviso : ¥ tnselves Mean the dupery. The ore time viven us, the re we increase ee nat to be sul the contrarr, wiil be incre ewagnified and | ebro die ued any more than the our strength. In the New ngland States South Pachanan must either betray the we have uot as yet fairly approached the Sentbern policy that elects hin. or , -certainly nut beyond the State three candidates that ca “| doubt that Mr. Fillmore is the only one of the possibly be elected by the people, and his chanee with the House of Representatives is at least as good as that of Mr. Buchanar Fremont cannot be elected by the! people. The whole number of elcetoral votes is unfurl Lis banner, and inseribe on it’ the inspir- ing motto and battle cry of ~ Fillmore and Fi- delity to the Constituiva !” | good man, as well upon the evidences of bis fit- | acter of Me. Fillmore as a sagacious, wise, acd ann ville (Tenn.) Banoer, Hon. Allen A. Hall, spbhenre he jeditor, speaks thus: ; er administration. Te staads before the Amer- In one thirty years’ editorial experience, ‘ean people more than eitber of the other candi.’ we can with truth say we never knew the ness afforded by the eminent success of his furm- | chanan Sinking Fust.—The Nashe} Buchanan Sinking Fust.—The Nash | mennett ‘; | Branch, B + Campbell of tucky ; Carlile, Caskie, Clingrnan, Cobb of Geor- YEAS— Messes, Aikew, Akers, Barkadale, Roesch; Besta Bell, gia, Cobb of Alabama, Cox, Craige; { Callen, Davidson, Davis of Maryland; Denver, Eusin, al li stieut,— but as we come before; 296, and 149 votes therefore are necessaay to a Cc li 1 4 : lye . ; , oe ees i n sacig Pi ie = e ean) = enallie Rremonclclon Lieclccrlee Cala taitihtnen ulare: aro wa Jate nian. dates as a strictly Vudéconal man; whilst, we think, leucte rs and orsans offany party in as hor: | Dowell, Edmundson, Elliot, Etheri North as Pierce's ‘ MCAVE TAU Y Uae ths . Sa aan ND) Hi ; on it is undeniably true that Mr, Buchanan is sus- | tible a fix as are the leaders and) organs) Paalkner, Fi > Das der this agitation, S se The whole Fremont sia is)! 3 States except Cacfornia, amount to 172 , . ; " wulkner, Florence, Fuller of Maine; . ghauc, ; i: ie ae ‘ 4 Hand Fremont nial «ares i New Yurk and a ICREPDF y , tained by his friends ow account of supposed of the Democratic party in Tennessee at (ireenwood, Hall of lowa; Harris of Miaois. caneot prosper or daily coming out and daily emancipating | * “ue oat SAZTISB CY. NC. : thigtoresant writt so er tan , a thicir po: irony it. Wien te people areli cpus t ed in the clectoral colleges sectional predilections or leanings, Buthowever US present writ Stnkiny, fast sink- [Larrison, Haveo, Hickman, Hofftnan, Houston, peace, and their pol trom at. ' the people are), ‘ Pica ent Nee ark lates é ' ; ing, under the unbearable weight of Mr. | Jewstt, Jones of Tennesace, Jones of Pennays thrive best in peace— : e stump, the frauds of the > Nae Voreant this may be, there is yet, nevcrtheloss, mon Buchanan, T) they squat, squirm, ‘nia, Keitt, Kelly, Kenneet, Kidwell Lake, ted nies | ) sh betiees rns WT New Fre ARG . ; : grountl of ho n@ elevaind ¢ ; 7 : Dee De) tad At a | 2 hay aoe dealt well, is the natoral 2!~! clement will soon vanish before ae oto ot ViGuaehel woul TUESDAY EVENING, SEPT, oth, 1856. | srountl of hope in the elevated character, frm? wii le, and twist, unl cate at straws, fer, Lumpkin, ACK. Marshall of IMiools Mux. ht is very easy for us f {imore men in iree : ; . ; Vis cube emanine at = | ness and ability of Mallard Fillmore, in his good i) a Scantion.” well, MeMullon, McQueen, Miller of Indiana, the North te maa Shia au mV He. oe a a : = me petals co vot so a w only o h ron sit TERMS OF THIS PAPER §200 CASI vame at hoine and his great fame abroad. Teo | Mitleah, Oliver of Missouri, Orr, Packer, Peek, ne think, iz ~ ry Northern State, agains ni cially , 1¢ Sou ies . . AN to vive humm the req ms} the people of the South whose only hope is in Mr. Breekioridie, t Detnneratic nominec ' helps, ell et nel} abr yy mate sechanan. be have tultlo a ’ nt of noeracy by the Ger-' 7} ble uf the « ‘ t = adeninislration cond é for the’ I mre pal poutestt al vers, fin, Rost, Sandige, Sav Rew : fe : : A er ce ee an am ation conducted on feir and «trickly | for vee Dre bey e Unites utes, ts ‘ . cz, ie, aed, Diolitson. ead diccd: the Electora! tieket mans aiid to sense exten: by tlie Irish. — |Stara, contained in the article f FOR PRESIDENT, Ucaaiitiaal isco mat Gee pecclws, or in other words Shorter, Smith uf Tenhemee, Seaish of Vieginta, ia, 5 : h ? , ynstituuona rine) , eulire ve fre see . i : ‘ —and the thing is done. Peansylvaniu, 1 rieans do nageourt foreign votes, w your readers to make MILLARD FILLMORE mine atts o 8 noontenstth ans Uka! ist enor Olio awd tadiana. Lie ads Sait of Abeba, Sweet, Sipphens, Stewart s : - 5 4 aha ahs 49 tional questions and prejyd le } ' +, ‘ » . even, Bachanan’s own State, “2h iaceept then gratefnlly egiven t th ves, Tasiiet it ist epee me ons Hat fF dada botnet oral barca lamer T Po | frictds in Cucunati on Mon |S#oupe, Talbott, Taylor, Tyaog, 0 is ried inst Bacbanan by 3 ric Atwerican principate. The Democracy bable that Fremont will tos ; . ms —_ ed by cunsiderations of the most vital interest. day o fre siindir purpeme in ty Vaal, We atker, Warner, Welb, Wheeler, Whit- ty. t we fight this battle nC the N swever, exists on, nay, | 5 May ss * FOR VICE PRESIDANT, The people of the South, already largely indebt- deans l eopition tty Cle CAMS tm ie Wa Willans, Winstow, Wight of Nissisaipyi, Aenea sai re tatommian cote. Take 4 Mic! no and there an 7 yy hae) rh re Sci TAAeiit Gila a “ se lesettil teed Weight of Tenn, aed Zollicoffer— 101. a Geccks Frei ‘ bea . Bi on ; te w ae New Jers ‘ end Meane also. M ANDREW JAC KSON DON ELSON, l to ae ob nr : tof a wanly and ee saeri- ‘8 NOt e rst AY Sle Gan os ce 1 ‘ person, and pache ly 1 Wows no where : : P feing devotion to their cause under the Nation ° sN oN 8 ACME, Tonght, Alison, jarbour, polides! position, we caunot, an! wiilaet North grag acca a Ue ores ealinlaicebeshing al Charter, ome it t0 him unt of simple gratijade GEN. LESLIE COOMBS, OF KENTUCKY. = ghana —— Benson, Billi cosusens inal may give liiacven ties tow! a 7 5 . h: z tam Some of the }) . ie . | hort, Bingham, Bia, baw, Brenton, ferent ‘ ahh ae ; s nD $ vous of Ua to sustain liu against all opposition, be having le Democratic papers, recent) garae Cambeth of I . apparent strength—imereiy to cnsare a Geripan vote ‘ b vetes of New York, at AMERICAN ELECTORAL TICKET committed no act to shake the lence ly announeed that this old vet he és a ; srs hbbesase Cashpbeli of or aid im hive = : Lac t me “ it aeons yom ! att ha the econfiklence his |! € a Id Veteran iu (he Obig, Chaflee, Clarke of Connectieut, Clawnon, bo preg a ms sac enone is bh ‘ : mas us u Spits D New York, he carries the FOR THE sTATE AT LARGE (mentonous conduct of Government was so well Whig cause had come ont for Buchanan, | Culfsr, Comins, Conde, id, Cunpback, Dam. Northern States, as the Success of Luis portion EAR AE Ltt) usytvania. But the probability L. B CARMICHAEL, of Wilkes maicul ate ad ednl “ he} Tho | ( rell, Ltavrs of Masaoch usepts, Dean, Dewitt, Dick, NATIONAL er of the Pierce policy, which even the cy shows how e reliance the South Fijhuore will carry either Maryland of Delaware, | pointing Sete: calculated to,and dil inspire, in the hearts of The Lexington Observer denied it, but Ace Ae AED hee Seath disowned in throwing Pierce over, can really place on the Northern Demo-/or tuth, and bas a strong ebance for Louisiana ak didnt of Comores jail men of all parties. the Democratic papers still resterated the propio rt A _ G Moway Giddings, Gilbert, and m taking up Buchanan, and itis,cratic party. In the first sectional onset nor is hits case eulirely Gesperate with Kentucky, | FOR THE DISTRICTS | — — assertion. Well, the fullowing letter from Granger, Grow, Tartan, Hollow Morton «f Messrs. i, very cas to defeat him. In our own the Foreign I tocracy of the Democrat y } ct Deattict, Lows Tpoursnn, * Porter's Spirit” —We have been favored Gon (% vmbe to the Lesington Observer, New Yer®, ewan, Mustntes ) ; inted 1 : " Orver . , Senate of New York bais pot even a prac. ic party enlists in a sectional warfare Dd y the editor with a copy of the first Nu. of Wm. o) ees i K Knight, Knoeltua, K mittee to o tical candidate, as yei—ouly a ca: te against the South The“ Red” German nd tie loss of cither 3d Tl r. . fe J i n be while it does not state who is Avy prefer. mgt ae r etat —s ~ the af, yei—onl) nlidai gainst the South. v 8 and Une as ‘orter's new Sporting Journal rose who | Pee ’ lor, Mace, . Jurty, me Morrill, on } \ bint is oo ; Sat 4th nee fo ett lL . : im theory. The battle here, is rv Le Republieans are in Mr. Bucha ey Aap catia wish to Oxmmni neil! lay call mihi CBice bits f E resident, dt least siows me ibet Mott, Murry, Norton, Otiver of N. York, Parker, interview... tween Fillmore and Fremon!, we South, and are t Ae of 6h“ IM Lea Mr. Dachanan is not the ehvice of the Maton, Menpington, Pets, Pi i Per report show that k s0 dai f Fill Wi boiding State, wit J ne New } Linchie, Koblens, I ; we think so Uy, by dirceung ne Ilinore hat <o ed PaaS ith A Dames mae Ce \ _ SLAC f New York avec, Kitch ie, lane, Keuberts, he ali our fire upon Freemont, aud ignoring Sonthern men, th : ce his loss hth J.D. Hyams ron BEAT ai Sd from Ls ntucky re biu, Sage, Supp, Seott, Shermap, Siinasoms, Spia- if the even the existence of Dechanan.— lence, Lac . >to keep up its alli . were Mr, ae a cently Vatered the house of a yentleinan New Vous, Jaly 10, 1956. ner, Mouton, Stranghan, T. Thor be if Bachanan is to rece:ve Norther votes, auce with sn a Northern Democracy?!) | . mate . 2 pinay heal THE OLD LINE WHIGS in Ludiana, during his absence, and vie [eon Sth :—From rery rlinbhy inf emative, Tharstun, Todd, Traften, Wade, Wakeman, War there” fe te onty by the division of the oppoci Certainty uot; but,on the contrary is it oo ee Nol Seale Of Rowan are reqnested to meet atthe ated bis wife. He went thence to another contest im this State will be between Fre | bridge, Waldran, Washburne, of Winsomia, does sduty to ally itee!t with the con- , 2 ‘ ~) 1 ye ¢ hertsia,—it is of u (ranguiar oc . ' , 1 dea. hd Giaiever Eades) cic a ts . a niy the trangular con ; miumt and Frpe Negras om one snbe, aml Ful. Weshlerne of Uhaes, Washberne of Maine, Uemen, that onech ee 1 » Sa! inl P rida \ » » anil ye lo si » line ‘ J that yives Mr. Buchanan the Court house in Salisbury, ou I mday next, honse and attempted the same thing rein \ heroes The Ilacd Wemeernte eit} Wed, \Woudrel sed Weed h—96. wins, will disclose bim to be the minors- ritinellss conseryatisia® 0} ; Mor North — giichteat chance of carrying his own State, Penn. at 2 o'clock, P. M. against a Mrs. Jackson. He wae arrest: hk ‘p the latter, tin Sulte the former 7 is head ty. ; _ _ |that great American party which Mil- syirania—and withont the key stone of the fed lye ec Nee el ake Le took | Fa ak eae ee ANOTHER DEMOCRATIC EXPERIWENT jastice in What, then, ia the poiicy of the South?) lard Fillmore heads, and which he illus- eral sestan bim, be woald moat assured: | : 5 Seo Beat Cay UM ne: pete von aa x rf Las 1 I Be pat eco UPON PUBLIC CREDULITY sion of arts To cram down vpon the North Buchan trated in lis administration of the Grov-' ly be elected to stay at home, Om the other hand, BG The Nations! lotelligewcer having been out of the haude of the Sheriff, and tied ii ‘ ae : srea eel Fe NA AL Sisase of the | Doanenaite a ans pew éodeume all American . je ah } Sas . a 5 Viewturre « - = an? To dect Buchanan by ithe Svwthers., ernment when resident tm vow almemt reduced to acertainiy, that Mr urged by sume of us ohl subeenber to“ deéne! im toatree, and the jadies referred to . 7 5 tmz to break the foree of Soe. Punmece’> ten & op self that tera woth any such Vorthern votes as aecuden! Fillmore is po Northern man, with! Filinore will carry the thirty five vutes of his its pomtion “ w regard to the Presulential elec yer. cajled ont to sce hin. They iden The Frankfurt (Ky) Corminon wealth, | sler support oe the seer. of the Comprgniae measure prevented, eo guoce ham, and thus lo reform erial Southern principles, nor own State, New York, the evcht votes of Mary tig pow pending, has come out in an article of Tikal iim7ea the eediy pessoa Hos I oee 0 repultisling this letter, sage: © Now, 4 1080 magtiee é re : sine Corea ais ter they unay ; : - : ‘ pos ified b . Préun, ab one!,, . pre erpe— to the de ene sali ak to the Northern fanatics for furtier ayi- * th Northern prinetples and and the three votes of Ltelaware, with some about (wo columan intimating that is wii saad ila 4 « , } ‘ ‘I this letter is teat sagnihicant, not mere lY finer Well taking the ripeacchanen te he pas the actual set ’ tation? What yarn the South by this Wional eonservative 2ane boog!: perliape a sicader one, of car fay Seas Pa cole cis f them beng furnished wilt an O81 oy account of ite statements, bat on ac tr the eke uf agreement, (as 4 le eet tree We fect) val, ; = , ori Pee alex s ¢ > Its prsitva is 7) ‘ d tetron! What to her inet. of Waal iM y Kentucky, North Carohna, Lowmmna and . sword, proeceded to cnt, slash and stab count of the peenliar position the writer “Wt Pibaore stands opue ait mare elevated ie ri aad e s (iF v1. OF One oF gre As to New 2eutral \ P \ se @fr wt transect —he be was 0 W =t bee of tutrone—eehal to her prlic mem or joule e iu reat « Vork i, te ; Le. im anti her judignation was appeased as leretotore held in the present cou saga ew ot Gat. Game 5 ~ esate his : - . 4 ml ¢ € rs fiw ev wn An t nr , bd 4 d tabereate—to wry nithing of the peril | eN as 19 milaleale th ne od Malad Ri edt oe fe (mm the Tth ; Jains Buches, | [ler brothers and husband then took itn est bd Coombs mW hee saly knows, chat im efiiving tee signatace to the Compromme of terntorial. la "neon / la no otcm in the do not of tothe S es peat iiiald ios Md deeds tie ei Sih tain \ : isan ol ne Whig hen he left We 15M. be diwcarded perty cuoeide wont ; } the L L a te not preten . ae x © Ihe as nom ines the Amonean order, wh - neneeeh at (orwensbery. J's. in sap in hand; they shot him in varioms parts , Ye ec pe } eft Ken the plan pcnmrnird sald very Maa ures niche / protest Aowth that Duchanan v0 4 bruer ni t ernanan, bn We ee ; ; s - ; ; t : ‘ ecke age, he was(as we ar Ae ¢ the Union lies Filien - Saree and true to all parte of t oat : cn are Pueren’s tom, in whieh be took Of the body, unt finally, to pot him ont nformed,) under the impr that Mr peailany Urewlet barang cnet real hese oa : wore, and yt vf va ne to nil rts ~ ‘ a 40.) UNCeF bite came t fine on rom preetmte i knew | fedt th he ol alicfvine and pacif sporty icy sansa eee “x speak aa Mr F ro after the / finisery, one of them pata Lall through) Buchanan's snee (ar aniclec ofr Nels ay a, wae ee opoa the eivi mand fel that the lecteon «ij vi salial ‘ e are floches! + asin aml tne a8 2 ' \ ae Anan c nen or an clection was peopl: ew @ realty poywg him the bighest of cum- rcpreseutatior wore will pauify the whole country anil Union Tle was President r nmler to bie ctandand > he is the nor sda Po A. WR EE Picy completed their ernelty better than Wr. I nerves, aul while he ao G fas pemmpligtee acper Doln aged Es ] t t 1 ; = A . ; ‘ Sere i # Sp eee sae wrech for thee queer mrt of aden rf a H restore harmony a9 va lait), hy x Statee and 16 free Sta toot ‘ © of the 1 ortee United Ameneans— the Te erce'e the om { Preans.Woma war wne of Ly aca ping lum, and then threw him im) PP ferred Mr. biiliwore Wits consider var oppeerets Rat Oe ro ged yor apraksane : disputes upon a just and j trvcder (ntgea, WL State 1 1 all 1-6", ! Vimemcan par * 1 hae tamed oe" ey . te mrerieas Serres Cdic ine whet tito we hor Lach of 1950 wee amt a de mmeretic ofl —Pot. feb. i. ; : Sreut over the Readet thin ° 1 ' ageing which ne round plrimt can and mace a vad content. Elect ite okl organization, and hav ueror merged itelf ONK TNPRESUDICLD CELIZEN OF_ASY ee ee ee Se Wel furtl H of the came from cvither ection. It is net the ims once t ence more ts 18 oF janed the knuw 1 ' vel PARTY IN THE UNITED STATES, WHO! Zhe Storm —The storm of the Ist and 2) of iment. Wat ese Views asl tye pre $% + have lurther ovidenses . srinmps of either ection that a just and returned ty ° ee 1 : : fee et tae Tae teecs ievRS CES. Sept. was genora wing prevuled toa t pees mereorD los siind, he poes to New trath of the Allegation that Wendell 4 fx, ; 1 ine nN fareesh ‘ hath. ; 4 : ; [4G \ a ) » , Wietie Amerionn can drere—lrit. reith st mit ci will te ce } fs TE RALSCUTT WOULD MAKE AS GOOD AND ¢f OF ise extent, both North amd Sow Great Pork. an rere he is soo convineed’ Philips aud Parker Pilebery, the Abo- . . a Sahres PL é ’ wf. h ay wel ‘ A ‘ " : a — sustece pa amu ety, 0 pacifier ed i . ’ satisfy ser etter a ene ae -- FA — NT AS MR FILLMORE’! damage was dune to beniges, dame, mini, and 'd reirabl — abon, . Uiat litionista, sapport Bockanan. The fel- Bet ~ ore haa no ch wu ng cc treine ' 1 j kN: fefve evrsene, of 0! os at reer 1m om thre tent t rrent Eavpire Mate é » herr ¥. ff oteen ’ rr ace ¥ r Te ’ ' € v chlectlornal votes, ta ’ ahaa i ~ le Oc ‘ lack x ’ ha rife ateone, te thew ¢ the heghest ceri; wa atid ty A t ver } ) ry 1 » ” ol ‘ paises a ‘ mre, to te re a , j } k i hice srt eammenitlve Y ork ( trier and Evqnirer, would seem longus what 5 | te this frat there ie . : ; - Die : * rit i Mees ibe a \ ' r I (ater Fillrore and Fremont: that ' settle the question : divoree from ivemont # electaom The things as atiar r F Iw : een ule viele lee 190 wee dcop river Navigaiion Company have sastanel “ Buchanan has ne chance” in that Stale; be he National #ra «tates that Parker The Colone : matically sempurs tle He startet t te anak ‘ ‘ ther ng elas hethiier Reece ae Gram rs, of a species of bo herabbe Jom the destrachon of seine of; atid tuatesen the Deuverats are giving PUlebary and Wendell Phils Abali- - : tem Southern States dead again! er ; Vat that pre tue votes of New Vora, that be would be elec. Costa ia cart to be commiting dreadful havoc in, thir -la nid the wasling away of timbers hi up and dividing thewselves between | Goniste of the Carrigan scluol, lave de- Vetere! I and in the witteen Northern Sta real tities war of w — te . Pepe. (hrougn electoral culleges the crope on the apper Mieusaipm river, Whol ose the offer cundulate the Hardaor Na Clared their preference for James Buch - Why dear V fi ; ¢ lier [done rat wish tase } at le woud carry abort all of ther.. « nes ‘ f and hav 0 od without obFAiNiNg felde of comm ate quick! destroyed by them. York Lnatrict Chromele,” we the ttle of a HOnal Democrats, gaingover ly Fillinore, SRA, Meging thet they ail hace hepes \ afer! along | / Pennayleanm— which it us nat portend r te of the non alavel g States. The coe how paper yest started at Vorkeille, 8.0 by BNE Me Salts, of Freese! Democrats, for of disunivn, and that the election of Buch- her lower go k owen, that he has a rhamre if carry:ag eas Soe ‘ (Me bilis br the people. is then a ; ; ; Vremont anan iiay effect that objeet. The Anti- ; , , , g teoRGDLM OND ETS Tress ee rey pe , | The Citizens of Wilwanhi, Wisconsin Twomwer J. Bocues, Faq. Me. Eeciie wan goad w) ; ; : wrecae bhow f agaimet th. friende of Killen t t . vas by swaty rh anan of Freerr Y ' nm ’ nie ‘lm Bisa t : +. Slavery hirgle, of Obie, an Abolition p= “] ” ; ch ; Pe oe qeedn te ee unt Jim first nui ber im lecndedly ant ai ; ' ‘ ; opi Dispel th yey ne oe re citr Es , uk nye me asnres to Lrong onta Fill. 2 The snecess of the Deinocratic party, Per. te ale» urging the claiins of Bachan- len like ee beteroen rion aad ‘ : electoral trek ot that State basal Eres pthe “ re fiemea, ewrll tre an guage Sth are f Rie en nde : oe : ‘ 5 -o ere she ei mai fe , _ der to make | = eal coms et, 4 aie vi ; ; Bante os Met gun me - ; ‘ ar vears exernption from The National Ala is an alslition or- ached. as oo hetir-cn | - ; F RA ; eat Auaearae Fae V t eit { uf slavery ‘0 4 1 - . . cece ks Fvrau xt a Nai S casting f lays since, w Wweasar C. ail h poaseeed of rit on | Pohideps, i ary A Co, It doubtless Norfolly very Now. ahha! sight hes ce ’ . i eins ee re 1G f a fint, f 1 14 feet av la Hey lat the howan II . ; : A ” (eave the «peaks the trith when it alleges that ng last. eag Pidlenore haa ne chan komt P Nee Ae Meare . uN < Ma 1 Thie we t not have ‘ . t jer sda number . ‘ Is \ i 3 _ ONCE nee theee m support Puochanan. Hace we not. ’ ra a te ce tr a Venere Rh ’ irl el sal pounds +P he gratfication and | ; , Iso Maar Van Buren vas the We ‘omit the ease to the Journal, terres carted the Nia h r Pp k the « | New I ana. M ana Wborhex n ¢ ' J sin tle anil now ¢ & le ®t. Lake's C 4 Jo he Laon ponye!.s ; ae ; ‘ Bie Sanne © 7 ; ; oF } ’ v call upon 16 te do jostioe to Mr. Rev We. Porter, 1 : / { ( : Ct ' were el wre. “ltowes it to itself to do eo ELIZABETH } Tae he nah oe ‘ r * ae r ROUT CWS : : ' g : ad Sued Saneenvir a ch Sian Tara Con The W Vier x h State! Wie hen "2s ' ' ' : t road ¢ eS , et at A Fe boop en ee ie ; al (i 1 ree NW, mangton Herald by as. a? an 4 ticket bo oN t ' ie) : : : SG e Lint oet He lenny : ei eo is : i ' : , ania « Sand u v j ' ; . ‘ : 5 y to Wise MD Gen. Teglor vaaris v connection from that point with the Soath Toerate of Talledegza county have iso gress to bac a leivanoll eri: Latest Intelligence. \~" of Henry Bas re he ren Aldns / eg . Hae : a an. a road cither at Greeneille ne Honneed their intention to abandon the teal Mr. Sentinel, that FROM KANSAS Ie Iredel cown - eras nett Flonase) t / ! fs ; lest AES Oidha ia r a TInat cer eetaiedi vente nihilatr (earn tae ‘. 7 4 phon Proms, Me arpneadtawar: thia Ste? Aboot j $ koa I 4 ~hury jNatter eovercign cand ead vot louder than wer Sr. Loum, Sept. 4. Mee ISABELL/ ; _— saa? 1 } - ; . lines boul Lee Fuilinere and Donelson ae the mest reliae cra \ trat 1 fhe Kaneas dates to the 99th alt.. atate that of the late David { tine ) ; . 2 " ranvass a. °° pee ct : ‘ " Sahel ld ade hes { pled Mart The Goldslaca> Taba e candidates, and alse t Mest avail vhasever Lads s in alavery Lo nen, under Atchison, were prepart- —_— make! Were cree auch 0! emmat peri ta @ partied.a ave ble against Fremont, uitation, anil vw , tore disposed | 7 rattack Lanrence ou the Let Septem heard of bez a are ry slastardiy attempt onthe part of Wm, T AS Pn Giverny vor. The free State force there amounts Ta sees ce : ) : ‘ : Ber ae haa ester : . a ad Leas bie _ : ee FOINISE to 1 SU0 or 2,000 men KILPATRICK, the labor and + A r } ‘ nil berate ‘ chon the p al dront to perpetrate the murder of Mr Tobin ae A letter from Baton Rouge, of a do" wt ‘ Sr. | < ers your of hig nge . @. r out, os luy ar / “a ; ' : : A ne ‘ on. the editor of 1 sat paper Drorteh disebarged late date, saya: & The friends of Mr. Fil add we sier cre ees! The deceased i for Millard Fillmor? MW ih r ; . npportera of Buchansn and, it ; nae ; ? 7 ’ VP ; A battle was fonglit at Osaawattomie, with «very shor ‘ ao weld, wo the rh ‘i y , ret q1}preet imcinlecne the ciliate ee rom a double barrelled gan at inore in Louisiana have no duubt of being ‘ Wa w AT Gen. Walker pablishes on the Sort (we haa; te three we @ party 90 well, m0 th gh ; i ne , ; % ‘ 1, between three hundred pro- asthe Ameriwan part, ta tn (he ' 1 j uv u ‘ rtocbese and noeletrn berae made | Totineon, w within titeen of twenty parees, able to carry the State in favor of that wi fate wander of his official organ (EI slavery troopa under Capt Reid, and raph cored , . : : me t teh newt. the Woonding hin dreadfully, but, as it ie supe . Nicaragnense) two ree ; : , , on : shore we New York, aimuchigaiars : , : lene : . - f wl "tenly national aan. Our inte Higence teen tree. ee lten With- about the same number of Freesoilers, rue pervidenee 5 ii ee « ‘ f'pewide i ea mde Mh crinieta Facet ec lae fanmnitlelcto x a erequatur ited to o . , s . . oie) ; for Rae bee y. Ul ha comin Ie from Misaieijil anit Alabama iw indeed Manning cs es dee "4 ee vomnas unde r Drown, which lasted one hour. rirted rae gre tain erdorn?§ II th. | S nt for : jaloand the matter will hereafter undergo a jw ay ae, Manel ’ , g ci onsul of Great Brit- The Froesoilers were ronted, with @ loss meat. we. : : . . , \ ; hl Me ; hoermiy suchanan's squatter sover. amin carasua; the other deel PP — se the ba ” 4 ’ } Dreatization, Tle inl heruliecoin 1 ; 1 eclaring a of twenty kj : . ios fre yofer I /, TEASING USAT UE AE NLL oa 7 . as a aa wnty doetrine is driving from him nam) bls kade of all the ports of Central aie It is te 10 aren a Sead i § 4 y". ; ' rote inake chosen of uy PES YES ot mctinst Purtel, or f+) 1 \ rica on the waters of the Pacifte porte ! rat Brown and bis gre the price in th ond 1 met serial if the twanner wwii, hea fe ae (ote oe veer iietiw olive | 1 te ene and At were killed. Five proslavery men were | BAM ’ t ation f ' J 1 w Cae 5 : intie oceans t ae ‘ 7 Men, hor ‘ f ) dp FF 7 Nace Fi ee Bon elie ¥ abet 7 been for years the stay of their party 7 ‘i i ecan Te 1 the exce ption of the wonnde d ” I 0) for ne rc . ; . . 4 Attach . iter-oceame transit route vin San , Yel : weere im politics, / ‘ ' rae are ' . ntiysy liteehinet ' ee .-- TAL i. a in Jan (iov. Geary lad arrived at Ossawat- Witrni Jj beenane geognayheca! 5! f / ti -iawe ry f os “1 ! wrgely de groerat . wm Juan del Snr. The tomie, and would sroceed immediately ne veto ee ea , Ne e . Pgh eRe io Tue Cannel rie FitMDE eee ce tn Latiresting Qacetion, —Whother the an Teason assigned for the blockade is that K I ~< ’ y I { € irceStats t ( : angas. Fillsnare over Ruchiwnan? 0 vom rstit bh a Wimation mest devon respondent of the Baltimore American (tts smoked ts the question whieh ie now occu Mor ‘ ote oe San Salvador, Instructions have been transmitted to | fa tf mot wri not thuste of / ‘ {Mr ! umnan’s avow writes from Philadelolia: “Lhe Fillinore UY'"S all the learned minds of France and Gers. OGFAS, ain osta luica are now allied Gov Geary c ith } onal Manisa a : ‘ an . in eae? te rites from Philadelphia: I " Fillinore ale int hoatilities ayainat the exiatine Uewer- cary, of Kansas, and Gen. Sm BROW: hbame f. ; a ee 1 4 F : strength is evidently on the increase in, ™"% ame pipes have been fuond among nent of the Republic of Ni i pi een ee ww we from the + feos ' nl ; : other antiquition, 1 al erate ’ ' : caAragon, i j i but wh. o Bach forbes , i zly pred! ea thiscity, and ward incetings aro being ; un cs at Eales ales be The public will be euriona to cow bow ral on une sh ata a CRORRAG e ; h in ‘ ‘i es - A lowoeben Vpamphleta npe 1 anes 1 ean : advances PP Ca are, Pennie Pa te an 1 Is the entire vote ¢ I) weld nichtly [was rather Rurprised yes : i T with pamphlet Ipon the qnestion wheth. this blockade 4 tobe enforced. The whole} G ary h - od to Vat ' rem en of a re presentaunt the PT terday to learn from one of the niinecant erthe Romans, the Celta, the ©. trogaths, Ac, Unval force of the Cove ronment of Nica ott ft nal f oo alen been inetrnet ish j ™ re aa fees Coriteeiea ches declare lula ; (ew (nar eead ee pote aot whee TMU We eee, a enroll the militia in Kansas, and furn plathorn ech _wnsle 5 : ‘ : : p Lita Mr Filmore to the fact.” Free | M@st respecte lof our Quaker citizens, P eas : A oe arn, consists of Gen. Sinith auch aid ne te required to pnt ’ J Pai repesitreeel (ats Py : A , Was the weed teed beswdles hampsaoer “om, ONE mranada, ‘le > Cor ene . a os ribs ay Nod th ’ n ‘ tie / ' mitt pet fifteen States and Bach ‘that he did not know a single member of ietremaiepeatet ki y rs t seome endef Cunt Face Me Jer Hie , ra down insurrection. Gen. Smith has been Loren / f i ny - . A : et ' 4 . ‘ laling ~atiy qualitie erp AON. She ag “ “ , {l- ‘ / } / J ; / . es and Mr. Callen holding the that society who would vote for Fremont ! t fi f ' rial sa San Juan del Sur n tl oth if Be ee cone ere ioe ool Ty ogee a , r “ ; ' ' a suri of t stone, wa one time De ; 4 Woe P ar i H £ G ‘ poe ‘ ne r ae mith , ULIUInE Fale Gn aientutliavivenrall citieintanieninale tie ; va fin ne, was one time the «mall and it is aaid to be the Hees sf 1 of duly, itia, and if that is not sofiicient, to draw _ The 1 j wn, he ‘ fron enlue Mf tl, prewent joeticon boy Filtinet ‘i 5 . perl view of society. Ti modern times hemp has be: g, attest : Irst armed vessel on the Governors of Kentucky and Illi- i. in an evitive ’ 5 f ' nore © neces ve that the same . x ) « Niecars : ra . js : . th a ; I " Mr Vir ES s u aa tl ss HINO "cornea favorite rernedy for come of the larger\ nent. ‘Pie ia the pare ait Sena Govern Nois, who have been furnished with req of Oetaher | _ SEES SE EUR EAs, Jnavy Heneement Of its uisitions from the President for two rey: S liabtey 8. pt teil fcofuntey tie - if tne PE S T S ER T 66 tS RS L SS R SE S P FS C S S ES “ FR E S E TE SF I PS S T TP S Le Bl SP P rr PR P C ET S BI C “— — TE R P S SE C O ET T > ri Ta h i s Hee mai sees ce fan tnelson a organtog, with a similar offence— es ef tho who has, we learn, aleo been arrested. : che apap int COnsgquinees of the i dehdoens >: FROM KANSAS \ NORFOLK MARKET. Weported by Rowined & Brothers, Sept. Gib. 1856. DAGON —tlams, 19. @ 16. Hog round, 00 @ 14. LARD—No. 1TH, 14 @ 1. COTTON—16 @ 104 iP Pare! even e, trecry tide re nd ww thee so te Oia proportian, with chatievs of rath nots larger mig hig st which dre a hundred per cout. better for the purebaser than any | other buttery in, exidtence. ‘ SAME BWAN « CO, ise” PRIZES AMOUNTING TO SBS204,000: will be distributed neoording to the following Brilliant Schemes. THIRTY. THOUSAND TICKETS ! 15,185 PRIZES! ete CORS—-Mixad, 62—White, 65.—Yellow, 65. 1 Prize of 40,000 40, of Citcaeo, Aog. 30, | Wavre BEANS—1.50 @ 1.15. 1 Prize of 10-000 's ery We haye the “following intelligenge | FLOUR—Saper. 1.00.—Eatra, 8.00 —Family, ©1751" : Prise of 10,005 16 10,000 f dated the toghesit SALT—Liverpool, fine, §115.—G rund Alum, 125) | poe of ryote nyod Miaserinne fre. collect. | DRIED APPLES—Nomina!—é5. 1 Prize of 1,000 is 1.060 as ‘Kuk City, Hitis “ PEACHES.—-¢2 00 ab At of Wes is 1a | 4 * way—c 70 @ 75 rites wu are e pF — wilt marély on: the 30th in| ue “Site sh ” 100 Pritea of 100 are 10,000 di along both sides of | 4 Prizes of $200 approximating to $40,000 prize are 800 to tarteund the free | BEEWAX—21 cu OATS —37 @ 40. peri aay Sons sl ad WILISKEY—26 @ 28. = ope —-—— 4 Prinses of 190 approximating to 10,900 vale are tw int ar 4 Prins of TD approximating to 1 Say 4 Prines of 60 approximating to 00 fries are 2 4 Prizes of 50 approximating to ¥how Prine are 200 4 Prizes of ho approximating to 1,000 prise are 160 4 Primes of | protest emigrants on their way ae wo the Territory, and that they mast rely | Siliabury, N, C., opoo the eivil authorities. Such are the» © (dred) to 100) prige are . 40 Piece ot 90 ‘200 iF FAYETTEVILLE MARKET. —Seploaber.4._ | 15,000 Prins of ‘Sure’ ad pian is | BACON— Ba 18,189 Prises amuanlingts “pR04,00 with the te execpt at the risk of ra : & 14 | Whole Tickets $10—ilalves $5---Quarters 2 1-2. o , pri ve at Law $e: Domingo 00 « 00 ache AN OF THE LOTTERY. ; “| COTTON— re are 30,000 Tickets numbered from 1 to! rence, She eft diane sien ed a gov- Pair te Goud Wa 90,000. ‘There are 15,185 Prizes amounting to e esort to obtain supplics, bat | resting at 5 Hes | Merks draw ng takes place in putdic ander th a _ doa ec img e 4 t the super. they were réfyadd, An attempt was tobe | ¥LonR— | intendence of Ayes avcara Commissioners ’ wade to obtain supplies ander a gnard of} Family 70) 2 0.00 | The Numbers from tte 34,000, corresponding with fh ree Saperfine € 50 3 000 | those Numbers on the Tiokets, printed Om Heparin the freg State fo Piue 600 2 OO) | Hips of paper, ate encireted With ewall Civ tubex, and Sr. Loca, September 1. | Scrmtehed 5 50 a 0.00 | placed sn one wheel. a a GRAIN ] ‘The figs 127 Prizes, eygilar)y pripted and encircled, Kaneas dates to the 27th Angnst tate!) Corn £0 « 83 | an pleced in emuthee white! wheels are thea Wheat 410 a 1.20 | revolved, and a Nuwibés je drawn fren the ot! that thie acting —— wh Love ra Ga 40 2 | wheel. ‘The number pad Prise drawh cat are opeved on the 26th, issued « proclamation de-) 2!" 5 a 70 | and eatituied @ the dudienes, and registered by the claring the Territory ta be in a state of} Rye 60 2 90 | Conimimioners, the Prize being placed agaipst the insurrection, and calling on the law-abid. | bes py Ww 2 00 i. drawn. This operation is repeated antil all ing citizens ap legal authorities to pro- |) Cin" ed faa aeeal ee ralachey | serve peace and protect pereyns and pro-| WoL sses { APPROXSMATING PRIZES perty, Cyha 45 0 46 | Th \we preteding and the twe pacceeding Nom- bers io thute drawing the fire, 117 Prizes well be cn Ne Aetewne < mo iz Pros Lane has parties stationed at ait} aK $0 8 MR A iued the 68 Approgimation Prizes, according to err age tty in Jowa, to reevive supplies |* a rocepaat goa cock 1 50 2 100 {ie Rebeann, oak i 15.000 Mrzesof $5 are determined by ihe ne it obliged to flee. isPiRtTa ~ 15 0 O00 or which dretre the @80,000 Price that wourtes 4 2 haa 80 2 0 | chovid be an wid nember, then every odd wamber (ick NATIONAL KANSAS COMMITTEE.) (ooo "7 Ga 2 Gy | im the Kehprve will he entitied ta $3; if pa even { we Whey nce | number. then every eved olde the Sekeoabe will be Wasnixotoxn, Angust 30. SUGAR- nay ty, ia eddigen w any other Prise winch | =e ewe or a iam As Amy, and Sheuaer, ap-! ptahor ee tea] AM char tickets ending with @, 2, 4, 6, 4, ore oven pein ? ansas Comm-| go nas iste a —alt those ending with 1, 2.5, 7, 9, are odd. with tho President S.cis Rise Hoge it |. FT Remember that every Price is drawn, end p»y- nines te = ~ pad o's 41 | eb lu fall withows dadwesine on affairs insts fad an! | 8 © ne 1h a g2 |, 07 AM Prizes of 81,000 and wader, peid ismmediete- interviow., with him to-day, T! wou. 17 @ Bes |17 afer the drawing—atber Prines ot the weve! \ume copeet that the President justified bis! Seth bene a chstets ceahdvctial. The a : . arth Bee ® | om re y wtie eo crewn expressing his belief that} aib-re will he Kurwerded ty parchasers immediate if the had been more anxious) WILMINGTON MARKET —Xept uber 4, 1056 TA posindy i Ta er for meagan gory tort agar: >| | BACON. W, ¢. ng mend, os ‘Ap Pre Tickets cashed or vevewed ia ether Tickets there have been no trou ® j not betievc, ace ctine to these ,c¢ or eg. rp st . GREAT INDECEMENTS TO (LOBS. ‘that the of thingsin K. & j ea, 13s ty | Asone-bet of the Tieketa are guaramieed to craw Lemen, tate nge anne Corton, 4s 102 | gn we will bel! Corihestee of Packages of 10 Ticker is welt as prevents the dispensation of) reaTn eR, 40 4 4) | odd and even numbers.) af the following raice— jastice in courts; says that the FLOUK, Fayette vibe, 7100 0 750 | AB the: the 10 Tickets drown over the amount ‘ : MOLAASER, C aba, Mean! aa lonal right of qeereateed nerrucs to the purchaser sion of arts is & constitut ¢ Ge Nw 00 2 08 | Ceribcaiec of Packages of 10 Whole Tickets, “ all American citizens, and pledges lim. aick, 3a 4h 10 Meaty self that jerasion of the Territory shall be SALT, Am, ie ie } 10 Quarter prevented, come from whatsoever quar aU GAR x ‘0, ry ! oo Biper een gnighre idm ba ataccaraadic! Packs ter they may ; declare seinphatically that 0 he, 1p 1h 8 BWAN & CO. Athenee, Ga the actual settlers ehall have a fair elwe wuss Y cag « | or 3. SWAN, Montgomery, Ale be WEA 23 0 135 | oa it shail require sage le FLA‘enap, ‘ues 18s I iz mpaag be nevare E a | CAPITAL PRIZE ™) oo « > ° gure | » - arog laws, and be has no power TIE MARKETS. $30 000. a { September, 9. ‘ Minea, Ne 4 ADagii} t yey Urere, < Do. Pare, ie rcpreseutations of ane monet ce. i ata Wlere tek. my . Bees@as, 22 ON Orte ams, _ Col. Jian Lenin Tight [lace.—Cal.\ wei” 5@6 News - boas | ana, the wife deserting Free State hero, | Macier, Whe 15 du Wroeght, ies was zope Ta @ speoch in Lowa, afew Jays‘ - ie y Vaiew, Pos oo Horse Steve a : ago, and duhounedd the Karteas Logis!« \ rin rr Priel biog be 3 ure ae btgun. Caffe, Wn 19016 | Linowed, P gol 061 “Culonel,” eaid @ man in the erowd,| do Java, 6 ete —— ¥ gs! 00075 | | Casunge YB, 4G 5 = Potatoes, Lok, 2 2 “let mé@ ask you a qnrestion I” |) avi Mataicldsi ao ik ran’ Boeri Ts 6 “Goon!” said Lane. Cottey 10 11 Rage PR, “Well, Colonel, if that Levsishatnre was) vttug Barring -—— sch: P -nek gues. 995 | bogus, what made you apily to it fora ana) 20.00 = = Pberbe!, 91 00 Pie : Aeaas vous wile? ¢ Dundee 15.200 Seeewege, Brows. 44 9 | \woree ° Bet Oa) 2h Smet, 2 2.25 The aren | cared rua Yar ar arves fh n | Cera C0063 |) Clover, P bush pier tn Meat 00065 Flanseed, 4 00 Yeturel Watery Regightnl cut. | Cyr o- Pb *, 915 @11'Reger, eee: Ma, “Why dear W illiain,” said Clara, as she Ezy Pee, aot Lnef, is : eathe @ 5 Crashed, ' |. afed along whore at Atlantic city with presen Rre ee 8 ey ar her lover go ke yind, “why does the sea | Imam, Horde, $ Tallow, 14 Lrecse thow f” do. Rar, 4925 Turpentine, Pgolh7e1@ | bed i Wh o0si H * Keg Refia'd 54 Wheat, eis | opi ~ i baile om rosing biel rks } boty FAN ‘angaage Ike 8 llovyer, © that it is in of Oval, 6 MT Window Glens, }! hen der to make the Sand fly! ent 19a 13 x 10 £2.95 - oe foetiiber Thee 1012 #250 : ; , wad White, 10 at Thomas F. Gibbs, a printer, died im ‘ Dre ' ane N orfolly very suddenly on Mouday even ng last. STOP THE SCOUNDREL. MARRIED: $10 REWARD. le 4. Lake's Charch, Seliebary on. th- 2 ot, by THOWAS EATAN, @ mative of Stanly ( Rev We. Packer, Mr. EAE KIKG MYERS, and Were and wotl batcty reedent im the were of Af ELIZABETH K. LILLINGTON nearic, being at Gould Hill on Friday Inet, represer Near Mi. Pleasant (C abarras ( nthe Yrd inet tre andta Mr Conrad Casper, thea s Joh aienelb Ree 3D. Sheek, Mr RIC HWMOND M SWITH, that he demred ta teake hve wife to Albemarle, and «Manly to Wie CATHARINE R.. yomagen dangh. would return | £; therrepoa ier ‘ ‘ot of Henry Bangle, oli for the Umoo aad Filmore hin a err blaaen face ' the geen! or dhe le Iredell coanty, om the 3d ast by the Rev Sie |, wales nied green—er phon Fromis. Me. FOUN S Ko TROUTMAN. to) 04 Th hae wv been henrd Me ISABELLA IRENM WeCRAERY ; daughter (yee reas believe that they hepe ebecunded wish of the late David MeCreery the bovrexin se to pat the puble he sord ‘ agrinet trading + few th wor and to @ecure he arreet DIED: cankicaew antes epee Th Rowse Ca onthe USth oh JJ MeK NIGHT do serbed prope "we EST it BARTMAN KILPATRICK, ma of David Kiipotrich, in the Lith : year of hip ge Sep % The deceased was cot down inthe bien of youth with «very short warning. All was bright before han; fm these weeks he anticipated commencing his ndlegiate Qowtee at Devideos College, but God hod wdeved otherwise, aud took him henes in hin myste ‘wus providence. May He who offticte grant to the sMlicted rmas grace to buppurt them in their sore be rratement, Ni ee . Peeters serie to the Treasurer, in Statesviile. on 1556. $ NOTICE, To the Stockholders of the W. N. (. R. . Salt! Salt '] the 2nd day of October ae RI MONTON MOO spaces netted Kad Tandlh fC mle ; Sec'ry and Trensurer "Te LL HATHAWAY, & 0 weal p58 Swit Ww Imington N.C. Sept Sth 1856. Qw 1 ; DEROSSET & BROWN, (Concord Male Academy WILMINGTON, N.C. | I TIER next session of thie Tnetitation will commerce BROWN & DEROSSET, NEW YORK, on Wednendny, the let of October next, under the care of FE. W. FAUCETTE, as Principal | Toition (in advance) per session . CEYRRAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 923.00 wn! sdvances n rl + | Chaasier, 2.9 | sheren atts English, #10 and 15.00 Contingencies, 100 | Board in the best of private farlies from @& to $9 per month Company. — | Ang. 2eth, 1856 dwpd 14 LATTERDOCK FUSELIERS, will pa- | ‘FOR SA LE. seh On acd on otek ‘4 in an onitine new and different unifurm, on the '\h of Octaher (Saturday) next. | Caldwotl’s plantation. They owght to be sowed in Ortoher or carty in Novcmber TIE Aug Oh, 1856 Winter Oats, by Wm. Mor- COMPANY. | S ilabotry § pl Md 1°56 ST i] ALABAMA LOTTERY ! [| Awthorreed by the State of Alabama. | SOUTHERN MILITARY ACADEMY | LOTTERY! CLANS 6, * eerie meme: Ab . ie pot he. om Pinday, September 12th, 1856, on the HAVANA PLAN! SAMUEL PRIZES AMOUNTING TO 200.000 DOLLARS. Wilt be dist ribated sceurding to the following MAGNIFICENT SCIILEME! ! 30,000 TICKETS ONLY !! SWAN, Manager 1 Pr £50) 000 £50.No0 1 roe 000 1 13,CTO 15,000 19.000 is 10.000 1 6.070 we 6.00 KO 19 5 008 1 ar 1 art +2 Om APPROXIMATING PRIZES 8108 appre ato eam a 200 @ ; sn - ‘ Sima vo ‘ He pes ‘ oo ro PEAN OF THE LOTTERY. 1 N mt tu r . f ee Nambe mm the Tickete printed on separate = of are encircled with small tin tebne, and wed " Phe 200 Prizes, similarly printed and encircled, e placed in astother wheel The wheels are then revolved, end a number ie rawn from the wheel of Nombers, are at the same ne 8 Prize ia drawa from the other wheel The vumber and Prize drawn ont are opened and exhibited pee, and regatered by the Commi: 1 placed against the d now repeated antil all the Praca a wh out phe ASD EIU PRIZES, — The two prered mg and the two aueceeding Numbers to thane drawing the tire 200 Primes will be e J io the 800 Approx. imation Prizes, sccordidg to the Scheme termined that their Leottencs shall cxeet cli others, « the pubbe the scheme, whieh, for the brilliency of ite Capirals, and and the chances of obtaimrng Prizes, has never been 1. The Monagers. de abo v« equaled 1 7 Remember that every Prize is drawn, and pay- able in foll without dedectron OF AN Prites of 81,000 and onder, paid immediate | ty aftertha drawing—other Prizes at the aeaal time of thirty dave All communications strictly confidential The drawn numbers will be forwarded to purchasers immediately afte: the drawing Whole Tickets, $10 Prive Tieketa cashed or renewed in other Tickets at enhee office | Orders for tickets should be rent in eary | Orders fur Trekets can be addressed to 8 SWAN &CO.,, Atlanta, Go or 8 SWAN, Moatromery. Un | 1 ’ hr & | Halves, $5 — Quarters, 2} a part of which is g good MEADOW and wood laud = WoOOR, ALL persons indebted to the estate of N. M. Griff, deceased, ure requested to inake payment; and all thore having claims against suid estate, are hereby notified to present them within the time preseribed hy ade or this uvtice will be plead in bar of their reeov- ery. W. TURNER, Adu’, Aug. 20tb, 1958. Bu: Arnold’s Writing Fluid. FTNILE Best Ink in the World, for sale at JI. Eu} niss’ BOOKSTORE. July 2 House & Lot & Plantation — FOR SALE. Apt E subscriber will offer at_pabli¢ sale at the Court House iu the town of Statesville, on the Gut of October next, it being Monday of Superior Coart, a tract of land containing 2691-2 ACRES, on the waters of Fourth Creek, two mes North of Statesville. There is between 30 and 40 acres of BOTTOM LAND, sufficient aad convenieyt to keep up the fenees, a | Kitehen, Barn and Stables and a brick dry house to j dry fruit in, an orchard of apple, cherry and peach { treee. Any person wishing to see the prcmisen before the day of sale will call ou the Gabeahe Terme will be liberal and made Known on day of sale | ta sell privately a very desirable lot in town vital nung ubout 5 Acres. ENC COURAGE} This Knooking! , AND Treen begs lenve to retuen hie tharke | ERS. ye teen , oar, wi ’ mes has removed to the Shop lately veeupicd by well tases: that description iv unnerensa- | Messrs, Ant re & Whisnant, adjoining Mr. J. Rudi- "For the-past tén or filtcen pears their supe- ji’ ‘2 Planing } iis, wherw he is prepared to egecuie ali omy over other Muchines has hepa fully tested by | work ia bis line, as cheap and goed as cap be done in ofthe most imclligont and ente rpri sug Par- the State. “lala ote State, ond their popnturity may be known | | from the feet that we have Space been pod to supply | Turning, Cattiag Serews, | the peadily ineressing demand, But haviug seceut- ly refitted our shop, me iucreueed our working force, | Boilers and Engines We trust jn future w be ble to keep pace with the | ‘ orders that « diserinivating public diss one us with, | * of all dvestiptiuse; weblog sed repsising ‘These Machines were un exhitiGon at the State Mill Spindles, Wood Plainers, Plows, Fair io 1854 and ‘55, in euimpeguioc with Machines | manufuctured iv this State, as well as a uumber from | Ironing Wagons, other States, aud wok a DIPLOMA and the HIGH- dl PST PREMIUM, over all ethers, We also mauu- | Se. ond le fugtare, at short netice, Grist end Saw Mill Trons, | 2% - {Peay Gear, Civeular Saw Mills, Wool-carding Ma- | MORSE-SMOLLNE, | chings, Struw and Stalk Cutters, jasi the thing that | { wilLeompare work with any owe for neatness, wear, {farmers need this dry weuton; and all kinds uf cast | 80d despaich ; Luterferring shoes, $1.25; common do. | ings ia common uso iu the country. | 15 east steel Loes ur stcel plates, $2, Letters uddresred to 7" I have also erected an Air Furnanee for melting STAFFORD, DIXON & CO. | Brass, which answers finely. The publie ean get Snow Camp. Alamanse, N.C. | Brass and Composirion C astings by calling at the above Will mece with prompt attention. j establishment aud furnishing patterns, Also Brass Aug. 26, 1836. melted over at a reduced price, with nealness and de- Bumorpd 13 | patch. | “opper ani ; STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA | £7 Corrs Bram wont, IREDELL COUNT¥—IN EQUITY. | Charlie, May 5, 1866. , 40m , Petition to Sell Land. a: : = J. W. Stopkton and wife Margaret, Mary HH. Moore and J. A. Huggins os. Juba J. Huggins. | IT sppyeciag to my satisfaction that tho defendaut | Joh J. Hoggine, is not an iuhubitant of thie State: 1c is ordered that pelfication be made ia the Carolita | Watehman, fur the space of six wedks; notifving the | ig Jolm J. Huggins to eppear at the next ‘Term of |.--~~ the Court of Equity to be held for the County of Ire- deli, at the Court House in Statceville, 08 the Gth New } North Carolina Form: Book. Monday sfter the 4th Monday ia Auguet next, then | | Pete Sheriffs, Coustables, Magistrates and Busi- and there to plead, answer or demur to the meinbe| ness men, for sale at J. H. Ennies’ petition, otherwise that jadgment pro confess will be | BOOKSTORE. bntered againg him. } 8 Given at office, in Slatesville, this 18th day of August, A.D, 1856. | Wall Paper, &e, Large supply of most beautiful Wall Paper. Al- 90 Fire Sereens and Window Shades for sale by J. H. ENNEBS, Bocksetter. _ Sey 2 a July 22. The Great Iron Wheel Examined. — W. P. CALDWELL, C.M. E. AND ITS FALSE ~ POKES EXTRACPED, by W. G. Brownlow. Fog sale at J. HL. Ennins’ Pr. adv. $5.50—6w:13 BOOKSTOPE sieeaceieiineen IWOTTCE. | the property of the personal estaic has ex aud |the estate must now be settled up. Also, all | beving claims against the estate, ave again notified to present them for payment, or thie notice will be aren ia bur of theit reeuvery. JAMES %. RAMSAY, ca June 17, 1856. Ew ROWAN FACTORY. ise to whom Tribute Is due; ifte the North | Pay it----9f mot, encourage Home Manufactures. HIE subscribers have putthe ROWAN FAC. | TORY (located in Salisbury) in specessfal ope- | ration, add are making superior | SHEETINGS & YARNS, | which they after on reasonable terms. © We are. déter- mibed to produce goods eqaal to the best made im the | State and spure no effort to give satisfaction to all whe | may favor u» wit their patron In a few weeks we shail be prepared to Gill orders for Shirc-ings and heavy Goods COTTON BATTS kept ou hand and forsale. The GRIST MILLS are also in operation and Corn-will be ground for tf as promptly as possible. MORNING * peer 0 Satisbury, June J 7th, 1836, —B. JUNWS MENDENBALL, LAND ACENT. \ sf _ SBLECT and enter Government Land Locate Laad WWarrants—Pay Taxes—meoke investments on Joint gccount—and transect a Gea- eral Real, Estate business in Minnesota, lowo, and Wisconsin. aformatinn of the country furnished when desived Addters, R. J. MENDENHALL, ly4 (4p) THOMAS FE. BROWN, Carriage, Buggy and Sulky Builder, NORTH CAROLINA, =» es | well improved, with a new 2 story dwelling and por. } viva and Decessary oat buildings new and goud, a large | yaed aad gurden pailed io. Those indebted to me as Adimiuistrator af Dr. J.M.| Moore's estate will make paymeut withvat deloy JOS. W. STOCKTON Gwld DISSOLUTION. | Tes Pinn of Marphy, “Me Rosie & Ce, hes thie day | xpited by limitation. The business of the firm will | be settled ot the Old stand by either of the partners t tee ed Aug Ist, 1856, to us will please call and make | as (he business must be clused without de Juha MeRorie having withdrawn from the firm, ten- ders bus grateful acknowledgements fur the very lb- | eral pair nage bestowed on the firm. JAMES MURPHY, JOHN McRORTE, J. 8. McCUBBINS | 1856. wo Saliebary, Aog. 1, TUITE basiness hereafter will be conducted ander, the firm and myle of Murphy & Co. at the old stand where they will keep constantly on hand their yenal large supply of GOODS, adapted to the wants of the country. Thaukfal for the very libers! petromaze be- | terwed on as heretofore, we hope by chume ——-| bo banners aud fair dealing to ment a cumugmance | WM. MURPHY, JAS. MURPHY JS. MeCUBBINS, | THOS. J. FOSTER } no Sabsbory, Aug. 1, 15546. FOR SALE. Valuable Plantation | ON THE YADKIN RIVER. THE subscriber having a deare to remove. nol hav- ing rafficient force to work hie valenble plantation on | be Yadkin, huown as the HICKS PERRY TRACT, Offers it for ante There ave few tseete tn this et of be cowniry which camprise more advantages There re abe 1000 ACRES ome half wen! land and the remainder under col There isa large portion of it River Bottom, b \iekde well. There @on it a Grat-ratc two ck bedding, a superb new barn, stables, and oet-hewses, li in good condition. The oe et et ee @ farnehed with » quot flat, aad pays very handeome (reqeices, He will ate setl wo the | ty fer 0, 8 fall eapply of crn, fad- | + eweding and fer famiiy ase gether with hie mock Uvaton | tors | af oth. | | | he atte porehaerr «f the are ter. hay hesreme, cows hore. z toute f farm Any peraon ising to parchesr, will do well tore ¢ Fee ive unde, hear press, he b+ he wil cortmnly give a bargam if application. te mde earty Hecke’ Ferry RL HICKS Davedena Co,, Ang. 5, 1556 Jw SPRING AND SUMMER BVWYVS FOR 1856 MICHAEL BROWN he mow reeciving and opening hes large and wril-asmrted ck of Spring and Summer Goods, consist omg « Staple & Fanoy Dry Goods, Thata C aps. md Bonneta ; A 7 2. ‘ Kendy Made to which he vites th wn of hee customers and the pub othe ring at low pmees for cash, er on time to peact(ual enstomers, at wheleente on retail NB f Comntry Pradeer bought a high-st market pr Sahabury, April 10, 1856 46:6 STATE BONDS FOR SALE. Aug. 5 ne Salisbery, N.C, UST reeeived at the otd stand 2000 Ves. Shot, As- sorted. 1500 lbs. Bar Lead, 80 Kegs Powder suited fur shooting of blasting MURPHY & CO no Encourage Home Industry! BE QUICHK! BE QUICH!! STILL BETTER AND BETTER! AM patting up Buggies and Rockaways with im- provements. My work has always given great satisfaction where ever it has been tried or 4 Lam determined that it shall give satisfaction and am- | es) mowers to the porchaser. Tam still at the same old vd. kn Mowry Shop, on the Railroad, near the Fa. tory. Inexchange for Baggies | will take wheat, corn, bacon, &e., at the highest market | My work shall be good and durable, Call and! my work and hear prices, and T know you August lat, 1556 nae the prices examine can't help being pleased with tL retarmn my sinerre thanks to the poubhe for ther very heral patronage that they have bestowed on me heretofore JOHN Lo WRIGHT July 29 9—¢. DR. M. WHITEHEAD. OFFICE on the seme lot with his remdence. In {hia absence persons desinag tu sec him will leave ther names on the State June 17, 1836 ify | command: mg the above named non- scabies defead- jin Salisbury on the 13th Monday efter the 4th Mon- {day in Aagost, A.D. 1856, thea and there to srl | answer | of varoue sizes and Patterns | COANGE OF 8 HEDULE FOR MAIL TRAIN /NORTH CAROLINA RAIL ROAD. 2 Jaly 22 ROWAN COUNTY. | For Rent. | In Equity—Fali Term, A. D. 1356. A FINE BRICK STORE HOUSE, two stories | 7 | The Trustees af Davidson College, against Joseph) SR high, wimated next door io Watehinen Priva F. Chambers, Dulphin A. Davin, and Pinkney B.| “lice. Apply tw R. MURPHY Chaumbe rs, Executors of the last Wail and Testa-| July 29 Se ment of Maxwei! Chambers, ‘Th sident of the Bourd of Tras: ¢ North Carolina, J. B. Bachelor, Attorney Generel | 3 oat A % X\ uf the State of North Carolina, Rufus Campbeil W = * AS and others, next of kin to Maawell Chambers, de- Tes sabseriber, having « uune Bragg, Pre - he University of coused. IN this cave it appearing to the satixfociion of the perecus indebted to Cuart thet Rufus Campbell, Cyroe Campbell, Nes sf : ere cane ve ony aaa bic Ucen, Johu Urien, Aarun Y. Cowan, Adlai Cow- /7?* dis ceed diag auteur tepatl an aad vibe, whore names are unkuowe tothe com SOTETS ——— rep eopaa dpegeleth rey Ld mages same duly autheaticated within the tinge} pPlamentes, next of kin ts Maxwell Chambers, deceas- ed reade beyond the Namits of thie State: Mt is there- | Prescribed by law, ctherwese this notice will be ne ta bar of thew recovery WM. 2 FRALEY, Adm'r 3w:t2 NOTICE. LL persnes indebted to the estate of Hagh F | } Mek sign, dee'é, will please come fuwerd acd] stile sceording to law. Aad all creditors will | fue ordered, that publication be made for wx weeks | ia the Carcling Watehman and Raleigh Register, Aag. 13, 1856. | ants lobe and appear at the next Torm of the C ourt | to be held for the county of Rowan at the Court- horane | or demur to complainants Bull of complaint, and in defanlt of thew appearance jndginent will be taken pro coufesso as to (hem, tbe cause set for bear- S now carrying on the ab ors beakaae, and invites the pot lle te casi and examine his work. He te. Fi lene if it be derived, bat woupe 1 alwaye recommend thebattet as Cheapest lo the long ran. Bea advise these procure any thing in bis line to eallaetipestabilaie. b<fore they purchase elsewhere. 9" Hisshep Is in the rear of his Livery Stable. FO Lersons at Lapee ordering Work, will please seceme pany the ord dee with a description fie #0 Core, }» Provwender , Timber, LIVERY sranee set those who wish eftherte bug oreneat ot mules, are invited te call, be Kept ap 8s uses! Ostratec Jay 8, ot ‘STEAM ENGINE AND SAW MILL FOR SALE. TTTIIP. dodersigned offers = ile, bie well known Engine and Saw Mill. ‘This mechivery hae teen thorpaghty iried, aed has peste din a very please present their etsimus daly bent 4, sng mud be beard ex partee as to them the time peeseribed by hie souce will be plead | Witneas, 1. Ulsekmer, Clerk and Master in Equity few, of for Rowen Cyauty at office, in Salisbury, Augua ‘ber uf ther roowery Prd, 1656. IL B REESE, Adm'r. | 4:12 L. BLACKMER, C.M.E | AM 12th, 1656 James W. Onboene, Rolteuors Juecyh LL. Wilson, fur Witham A Greta, ) Complainants LAND W Pr.ade. §5 40 6w:13 we pope are her warned wot to trade for the Salisbury Planing Mill, |'['sfo inti Soe ee, SASH FACTORY AND LUMBER | Corwitdas. (cic ests pets in Cop lobe Pret pany of N. Carolina Militia in the wer of 1612) y ARD. | nen Warrant bearing ute the 4th April 1856, and} $3 sigued by J. Minot, Commissioner, as the same hes ON WEST HILL, SALISBURY, N.C. | been lost and application will be made te the Commis. | suaer of Peasivas for a dupheate of eaid Warrant. NANCY JAMES | HE andernrned have now in operation the above Mell aad Factory, and are prepered to furnish firs | {qaality tember deessed, of will Plane, Tongue and 6a? | Grane plank farnmtved by others ; and make ali hinds ’ : ra of Bash, Deore, Frames, Blieds end wood mookiugs | Jcwelpes Exeeutors’ Notice. a wood of iron, and geese) Bischamiuag | The aaderngoed have first-rate workmen from Bai. | [PYHE cwheonbers heruig qualified as Executor’ o twnere, and ena guatanice ther work as saiable for the Wit of the laie Thomee L. Cowan pated fret class houses @'ve wotice to all persons indebted to the « Carpeote iders and come forward and make payment. of their Ganns oa yucsted to call anc be pat ix legal course of cullectiion ; and for all baring demands egainet (he same to proveat thein for Nag. 19th, 1966. where are reapectfalty re enamine epecimens of the work MURDOCH & CAIRNS Sabsbury, Aug. 12, 1556 Grex.) 2 beeps robes aoe Ti Lexington Plig and Greeasbore’ Patriut copy 3| 7. 0 SENKING, months, aud send accoant to this offer . ; ROBERTS, | Raaceters : . P J W HALL. ] } NORTH CAROLINA RML ROAD. Aug. 19th, 1456 wi? Jriv 29, 1856. Carpetings, Rags, Druggets, &c. ne \ DAY. the 5 . MW: ¢ would call aileron toenr stock of the abov-} On and afi VONL aye 4th day of August i ctar lagi mechs tteeleed area asia 1856, Ce at Na 3,6 Row = KROWN & COFFIN WEST Salsbary, Mare nok * 43af Leave troldebore. af 20 AM Arner at Role 1 Gold Pens, H Meter ) Gakse ae A VERY large ace of ae Gold Pens, and es Har f (ehdi Pag’ Pasathe-(or'a bom ss Cocos Put wale ‘Sstneumse 1082 jacJ Uf Ene BOOKSTORE Lesingion, 1922 Jaly 22 8 Salisbury, 12 - Concord 217 ‘ Mra ’ \ Chertotte 420 STA | ESV ILLE exek FEMALE SCHOOI “EMALE SCHOOL. Leave Char ‘POM 4 ‘ 4 u : meppeatitel be ; RS. MeLFAY er with Sceas Meloas o 1 AVE montione totes Femate Sehood in thie plar tes ~ : i , ace on Maeadry the 28th of thie inet, ine aasies ; » qm the South Street, meatly fitted mp, and 5 Be ; well ventilated end viable ™ AT ET ohsan laa | feasts | Wrox 06 te €12 per session of 1 five months, aceoning to advancement | ‘ cee neies i ae r - @ Boar an b t $7 96 per month ae pabiaii atic JOSEPH A MeLEAN Weld . $ Statesville, N C., Jaly Lath, 1°36 ™ THEODORE § GARNETT Eng't & Superatende at N Di ! Nagon, 8 105 1a ew viscovery. opneroryc rutrown, | Ambrotype Likegesses. Ratisacay, August Isth, 1536 | 4 Diol test improvement in t} ofall art of te- hing prctares on gine The heaety and derabelity beac pictures has pla- ed the Ambrotyvpe at the hea and is cousde red 0 neg * ’ age The anbecnber having siedied this meth af taking kenesses at Philadelphia ander the monet distiagersh artist of that place, offers ins services im that capa Np ety v the citizens of the place ANE Children of any age taken im a few entonda Wilmingion & Weldon Rail Road. Ppile (est reiea ico ers ree pee NOTICE is given to Merchants and Shippers that opre ire na & re { aH : N : all pede, merchandiee, Ke., shepped in New York Ne cokers oe a F clee where, for pointeon either of the Rail Reads above auved, will he received at th ew Wharf rd Ware Roo eat er usp let il FARM FOR SALE. st day of September, wy hg OF CHARGE 4 ple peas 1 offers at private sale, a moet ee Vent Pia steam, fying three and a balt miles or Wharfage. Sto t Urnyage. and by the ar Weet of Sahshury, un the Shemil's Ford ruad, and angeme nt for thre trains pow tn operation, these ahout half a ante from the Sabebury and Tayhoreville jeads will be directed without detention of tramship- | Plank Read, adydanig the landa of Mra Marphy, W ment, with despatch, onieas prevented by extraerdi- § Manav, Mathew Locke and others ‘This treet wary contingencies, aa far Weet as Charlotte, om the... tame therd day after leaving Wilmington 4? » i? , 3 { | 1-2 Ac ‘Tes Administrator's Notice. . a) which Wi wl tmsieds ee ran ta high state Pela eee On this THOSE indebted to ne estate of JONATHAN |, * ARMFIELD, dee'd, by chase of property at his ck bt eRe ae bens Gh Meadow, ward and make payment, as th - ? , riwet be closed up. And thee containing about 40 acres ; as thes land ie lying so 1 estate will please take notice to present them for Meat Sabsbury a handenme profit can be made frm Lemeal bats é the meaduw alone. ‘There is, also on the premises a payment, according to law they will be barred cot : lection. T E. BROWN, Adoa'r goed dwellmg hover a most excellent barn, and every Ace. 19, 1986 iS nvemence attached theret> "s his ~ The supenor loeality of this farm will make it a enfe investment to the purchaser Terms will be made > = APs accomodating Cali on the snbseriber at the planta JOB PRINTING tion or, addrems by hotter at Sahebury. Nu ¢ : : | ANN BROWN Voth, recuded at bites Office rae aot a within | ™ | andl Scantling owe , and rn faet everything is aad to hw entire satisfaction. The eogiae an 18 Horse Pawer. fia as Prsoagay sounnten Po amily moved and set Persons wishing to tangs or hat peeeoey i pare ead examine it, as I 4 soll. Twn POR au 11E. subscriber is rout of mowing his Mille has 150,000 or pretest Lae hae om band, principally Wreterteartiag, Fieaing tock Plank, which he will cell very low pores mo, @ fue bot of Maple, Birch, Ash and l expressly for C met Makers purpeers, Any peieme any of the shove named Lamber would de drecs me ai Saimbary, throagh the aA ay JONNY BEARD. Fraublineville, July 6, 1856—3exné. “SQUIRE, ZIMMERMAN & ALLEN, ts No. 8, Market Street, PHILADELPHIA Paescm Suen, D M. Ziwmsamas, of Lincolntes, N.C, Geonce N Au en. Ten Dollars Reward! ] ANAWAY fram (he subseriber, on ce oy of May last, Plea omega | eexpmte nog LENTINE, alas Ueory Lomas. rieted at the Inst Term of Rowan ef misdemeanor, whipped aed sold for the me a cores for Ure term of IS monthe Seid Veleutine ot Luna, is ab at 23 ) ears of age, five feet three aad @ half inches high, of gingetbreed andor, bew-lerged, stowt beilt, aed by Brick mason, Plasterer end A Soman te was we Awsoa const, and may be lurking sbyet Wate bur ogh and rp eee I wif giwe the above reweed for bis and delrwery to me m Moot Pleasant, G county, «¢ f confined io ang ja oo themt J gat Moant thiek lips, gain. Letiers oddreased ta me at will be promptly attended to. CHARLES KLUTTS. June ik ue? NEW BERN Mataal Insurance Ce. T= andersg has been i cpeansed egret ot Sale vary for the above receive applications from any peraen wishing te neere property Thie company » peration, and J D RAMSAY. honed Thunder & Lightning! DISUNION AND CIVIL WAR, Pestilence, Patent Medicine FAMINE, de, &e, Ged and calameiies that should be eguea BAKER & OWEN leave tole fem ihe aces re generally and private j par- ready. willing and able to at least of the above ‘Larbate) their bavdings, their Patent leokwed sadectors, at prices lower than it has ee r been dome atin thee part of the country. ~erorders to Bekor d& Owen, Salisbury, N.C, Joly 2), Unde L cites ng ( VALUABLE LAND. For Sale! FFNVILE UNDERSIGNED offers for sale the valee- te TRACT OF LAND tying on the Beatties Ford Read, five miles West of Salisbury, contaming 346 ACRES, fas ged quality seem be found anywhere ia the State There 1s sleo about 50 or 60 Acree of BOTTOM LAND, well ditehad and drained. all the neceomry Building», » good repair. the land can be aecomme- which cannot be surpassed There are on the prenris Persons wishing date by cafling on M> John R. Knox, who resides en the plintation To perma wish ng to purchase each @ valeahle Tra wf Lay ppPortum erarecly preaent 1 DANTEE Woop —_— Thoaghts of Deajh, ey MYRTs May. In this world of sin and sighing, Ja thie world of pein and dying, Where she purest joys are flecting, And the brightest hopes are cheating ; ‘Where the flowers we fondly eherwu All tow svon must fade and perish ; ¥ Bome ou every geutle breese, ‘ Bighing through the waving trees, We amy hea a mournful strain, Like o plaintive, sweet refrain. Supg by the angele band— fe the far-off “Spirit Land.” While the scalding tear drops tow, Bid us look from earth, above Ta thet betier home of lowe, Where in those immortal bowers Blossom never-fading flowers, Where the white-robed angels _dwe li, Agd the mournful word ‘farewell’ Newer thrills the aching breast, + Where the weary are al rest.” Je those reais of endless day +* Every tear is wiped away.” Aad When earthly ties are riven, Pall we fondly dream of heaven ; So impationt while we wait “Dhe opemug of the “pearly gate,” Ever hoping, when at last Ali life's weary days are past, We shall ‘meet, to part po more,” With the loved ones “gone before.” We shall amg that new, giad song, Never lesened by mortal tongue, When we join the angel-band Ja the bright, the better land Vet, while thvs we're foodty dreaming, While the light of py is beaming, Ob ! how oft the dark death-wing Will o'er the heart its shadow fling; Casting op our path the gloom Of the dark and dreary tomb; And we whisper with a mgh, + Bis a fearful thing to die!” [New York Observer POETRY AND MATRIMONY. Ata marriage in one of the intenor towns of Dlinvis, a few days since, the folowing formula was adopted by the official Clergy man : Ae thos before the Lord you Stand, United in both heart and hand, From this biessed moment, beth to share, Mateal love and matual care, Whea fortune smiles and when 1 frowns, Whew mekocss wastes or healih abounds And sulemn piedge that metual love, Wich efter @ithfuluess shall prove, Ta all thos cares that may nee, From sacred matrmonie! tes ; And now, a8 | have been invited, Prawousce you lawfnlly aniied le-mnetrimenia! bonds for hfe, A besbend, jegally, aod wife, Batthis form does not begin to compare we solemn nities cabosl prgrin war- ceremony, pronounced a few years ago in Red River eounty, Texas. The parties had run off one wet, stormy night and’ reached the magistrate’s about 12 o'@lock, made known their wants at the dogr.of the cabin, and pressingly demand ed that he sheuld get up SE fe them in Londg of mayimony. Thejustice had that day beeu to a “shoofing match,” and had returned ira condition not very fa ltry. The mischief is done by the gentle-| Mr, Fillmore, at a) —— m oa OT ae TRE Ny ee {man of leisure, who professedly takes ‘ | game in his parlor for amusement or who 'whiles away an hour at au evening par READ 7 “READ TT. \ty in the senseless, time-murdering prac} }f any reader as a Vingering doubt that my | tice of gaming. How many a noble youth | Fillmore entertains those sentiments whieh eve 3 i 3c a sh : i |has been led off into this practice by = |ry patriot would like to. 6eeauimating tie chief imen and hopelessly ruined in this way. | magistrate of the republic, let him read the fyl- | lowing speech by Millard Fillmore, at Albanyy} Is there no help for itt What can be ‘done to arrest the spreading evil? It is a crying sin upon our noble old common- 08 his way Unrough that city. The beart of the jter and name of a christian people. man, aud peace and prosperity will soon be re- The time was when these things were tied to the Union: done in a corner. When men who even; ‘indulged in it for past time, got behind a villages, towns and cities, billiard saloons, speech. Here nearly thirty years ago I com- {ten-pin alleys, card-tables, ete., are UN- | menced my political career, “Io this building 1] blushingly paraded. The boy not out of first saw a legislative body in session, (cheers,) ‘his ‘teens, young men and old with coats but at that time it never entered into the aspi- | ‘off and sleeves rolled up, engage in this, rations of my heart that I should ever receive ‘soul-destroying work. It has almost be- | such a welcome as this, in the capital of uy na- ;come genteel to gamble. The youth, be- | hve State, (Cheers.) ginning in childhood to throw the dice— to learn the names and value of the pack, Jor-to pass hours absorbed in the game of ; back-gammon, or cards, with a nice young jtady, starts upon the road to ole and ‘that the occasion will justify me in briefly allud- }s00n he is found to be Lp eect lished ing to one or two events connected with my last black-leg And yet guardiansof the pub- Administration. [Cheers.] You all know that {lic peace wink at it—the strong arm of when I was called to the executive chair by a be- former services and my probable course if , Magistrate of the nation. (Applause.) It is not pleasant to speak of one’s self, yet I trust, law has become powerless, because tod’ peavement which overwhelmed the nation with joften the makers and executors of the grief, the country was unfortunately agitated ‘law are the guilty partners in the crime. from one end of the country to the other upon | The result is, our most promising young | the exciting subject of slavery. It was then, sir, inen, sous of professional men, of mer- that | felt 1 my duty to rise above every sec- chants, mechanies, yea of farmers too are! tional prejudice and look to the welfare of the being drawn into the whirlpool. What) bole uation, [Applause] 1 was compelled is to be the end of this? Why, idleness, | overcome long cherished prejudices, and die poverty, intemperance, libertinism, an "3° party claims. [Great and prolonged ap- early death-bed, and hell at last. What Pe a oS more thas ‘must be done, we ask? The pulpit and | | os ” ; \ ee aie : Hi betine smeu ‘ise the press, the conservators of public opin st seers enacts , ion must speak out upon the subject under Providence, in harmonizing those difficul- Mothers and fathers must be oo the alert’ q... ( \pplause.) There were ai that time noble the be ‘ys are out. udepenudent, bigh souled men, in both Houses ot ess belonying to both of the great political of the country, — Whigs and Democrats ; whospurued the character of selfish party leaders, (cheers.) and ralhed arvund my Admiuistrativn, x in support of the great measures which restured somew lat mcinorable as having been the joxce to aa agitated and distracted country.— VY. C. Christain Adcocate. Cy par A Singular Coincidence.—We visit ed, afew days since, a spot rendered ; Scene of a duel between two Kentucky's (Cheers.) By the Uessings of Divine Provi chivatrous sons. The position of the du-, deuce, our etiurts were crowned with signal sve elist, about-eight paces, was marked by two trees, one of which bears the initials « of one of the parties entire name, cut in- ent «ir, the whole nation was prosperous and cea to the bark; the other bears only the in-, were of the most amicable kind (cheers) The itial of the last name of the party. The ¢ ud that bung upon the bonzoo baton diwsipa tree under which the party stood who tds but where are we pow! Alas! Threat was killed is dead, having as we are cred- libly informed, gradually decayed from the time. The other tree singularly typ- ical of the sorviving party, who is now an inmate of the lanatic asylum, standing leafless. Strange thonghts crowded in our) jptention and honest bearts, made a mistake, | minds as we stood and gazed on these hope Gud will forgive them as 1 slo (loud and unfortunate witnesses to unfortanate: prolonged applause.) But if there be those who deed .—-Grorgetown D. ('., Journal. have brought these calamities wpon our country fur selfish of ambitious objects, bs your duty, : vorable-to the steady performance of his; Peter Funk Worsted.—Peter Funk is a Bele citimeme, ta) etd isan las street reepue magisteral functions.— Bat owing to the of the case, he - ri Me bd | threw open the eS. ters, 0 «4. |recemtly occurred which we will relate. A coun the truant pair beneath its! : nitory, for the government of which it was pe- silj—the rain pouring in torrents—and 2 in holy wedlock, by the fol- lowin g ceremuny : Bedifacy AM Window m siormry weather, } 1 ‘The WSs and woman loge ther— 1 NeW by Ghe God thai made the thunder. Led ie mhap dire pot you arender— So GW, 6S Iyame, ludulge po strife, Vou age segally pined a aint ond wife >: ip said that Tom Moore, one night while stopping at ab inn in Scotland, was continually trofibled by the landiady with the requégt flit he should write her ey t Accordingly, at night, he gave th: low mg * feoud Sasan Bicke, 10 Rugs! ome, Artited af Yost at Weaven’s gaie— aad stopped, promising to fivish in the mornimg> The govd lady was in trans ph @ this instription, and treated Mr- hl tt l e oe ES tl . oopeit thevery possible attention —In| the morvimg }e was about leaving, wheu thededy reminded him he had not finish- and iinmediately added ~ Bet Pever met ber wih © clob Aad baw) 4 be; tech wo Betr-bud It ie said that Mr. Moore's horses were undér motion jnet ashe finisled the last line. oo GAMING AND GAMBLERS a tp Where industry and thrift prevail, | gaffitng has | few patrons, and gam blersare scarce. An bones: ator ] dilig nt att nt TUS. Ness, are Ges against templathon ty ev lia *Tdienens. ns the old scheu! looks a fo say, the parentof vice levery man of rvation endorr« &© sent. ment | lt wee with cxtren rthat we have been recently forced to the conelusior q ’ that gawhiiuy is on the increase m ¢ ‘ State Weaith and fortune have ev a m n nN r } are neratio te 4 honest industry and cnuterprise, and we 4 fear Use rien neration will reap the i. bitter Cun» juer snally fellow } Our men of leisure an’ means are increas jag. and idsepess or tic lack of employ ment, wil! lew! men to seck somet iungt en their attention. (snally a resort te had to sources of am isernent, general ly vicious and degrading. business par suits they deem unfit for their position, and the patlis of literature or benevolence, although they lead tonch pastures of pleasure and felicity, present no induce o1 de epitaph. “That is ,” said le,! sibility. (Cheers) shrewd ovan, and generally carri¢s bis point; The agitatun which distarted the peace of Het be sometimes gets womted. A casehas the country im 1850, was unavoidable. [t was } brouskt apoa us by the acquisition of wew ter bryman named King wus io the city on business, and though appearmg somewhat “ green” was.) ; Gotham. He had heard of Peter, and resolved with civil war, has not Leen recklessly am] wan to see him. He seeordingty went into a moc | auction store, where a nun ber of men were ex samising watches, with the apparent intention lid in persona advancement raiber than in any puldie good (Cheers) Sir, you } ed between these geutry, amd the sale soa com menced. \ handeome and valuable gold watch ° frankly, sir, that | fear st win danger. | say was Sferad, an] King, being a good joige of the zs article, bid t im at 62 He immediatety put it the several candniates before the peuple. 1 pre nto his pocket and turned to leave The auc. sume they are all honorable men Kat, sir, what do we see! An exasperated feehng be tioneer asked lim to have the watch done up m_? rat re 7 tween the North and Suuth, vn the most exci No,” rephed King, “I will carry it io my puck , ; 1s ; ? ung of all topics, resulting io Llvodebed aad or et it will be wh” You hal better bave it done | nen ized amilitary array up,” pereisted the auctronecr ; “you can then put }sut ches ws wot all, sir We see a pohneal it into your trenk and earry it home without Party, presenUug candxlates fur the L'resuency danger of losing 4. “I never lose. aavthing.” and Vice Presidency, selected f first Une s >" frum the free States alone, wit vowed pur replied King poo of electing there candidat Vey thes tome several lal gathers] around of ome part of the | oom onlt, to rule over the ham, some adi ining bim to hare it and wt { tbe pomeible that thos mi nz « t them kuok at it } who ar a& mensure ar Seed all offers, aed started for the door. I'eter Date ™ Vd armas atic . win must inevitably folios. in case of evccess / saw be bad git lold uf the wrong costomer,anl (Cicer) Would be be reyatred to follow the | pesolved to effect by force what be ald not by! rule prescribed bw these abo elected him ir ! deceptior A man «prang tefore King. an}wa. inaking be apporatments If a man fv beret tn cies Spr oliiks Uner A tveraresel of Mason's and Dixon's live be not worthy dowely aroumd) Lim : be President of Vice T’resident, would it be Ae feet ena etna eaters pr tee tu select one from the same jnarter, as ® one «Cabinet Council, of represent tlhe hem that it #2. well joa ania retold nates a forcign antry ) Or, indeed, to J r » ar tt revenue fr at eter the iawse of er thavif le ature pacd ts sliut Uurted states It not, what pew rule ist See, bert Peete Ther ht to adorn siecting men for office 1 are ser pra al questions, and pustong away the men arovad him with a pair Ae ‘ ' a . apy ate al'y, st ie only ne f stout arma, he exclaimed The first man 4a tables upon ourselves. who dares today his hambcon me willie ahitS pane that ~ having a majonty of They all stood back, and King walked cut with fal stes sbeuld’ declare, thet they s ewes pints ¢ my 5 Tey ave only siaveloiders for I'reswent and V : : l'res a o by the wrer than he forem ert a sive suffrages at the Nort meet Vew York [ojer I» ut ko we woo \ 2 oe rar \ aus And de a le A Geel Old Age.— We learn from a vrve that your Southern lren are has wet reliable enuree that there resides in Jol oh ela ele Dat A phir ial es sonville, Williamsbury district, a lady by bed ee Gu rea ‘ nit ee ¥ 3 you that you are mistakes the nam f Singleton, who is 136 years of And, theref must see that if this sect ge. Sheisa native of (seorgetown die 4! batty sa coeds. it leads inevitably to th trict, was a grown young lady at the tirne pu ucla ol) Uiis) beaubtelfabne | reared Uy " : £ J 4 J forefathers, cemented by their blood, and t« of Draddock's defeat, and can recount queathed to us asa priceless nberitaner many incidents of the revolutionary war 1 tell you, my friends, that I speak warmly on She has been perfectly blind for thirty this subyert, for [ feel that we are in danger. | ain deterrained ty inake a clean breast of it. | melt } at } A) are ean a a eC hous ane f 2 an-walk alont the hr ord) sash my bands of the consequences, what eaieicliie rchmouleand merle y Yard with no other assistance than a walk ' yotay le, and T tell you that we are youth, Poor young men who have ev. 'hg stich Marion (S.C) Star eling upon the bruk of a o ano, that ia - ? ble atany moment ty burst forth and ove he ery inducement to labor and enterprise re a ANY i “ af y bur ar 8 rwhelin anxions to cultivate soci tercours: 1s Dov and a Bear.—A man in this el mughit by soft words bud out de : ve bupes and thereby win Votes, but I never with what they have sapr yperly learne| wiom stuck coments of homes, hae a nos ; , 1 ] ) ar Tee be one thing to the North, and w coteiler aligher class, are drawn off wy of preventing comstaldes from levying on anotherty the Sueth. I should deapise myself eit and ecnenlphesc by u " ifiu © and gulphed. s property At one etde of bis door ia chair fl ald Le guilty of such evasion. (Lumultu ] erliapm, Che rca, ott Cause BN IN Ca fieren Lal! dog. eith rope ebougl to enable (pplause.) Fue my conscerenee would still eny community , lece well-clad mito cuaril lst the entree At the olla ask with the dramatic poet respectable gambler Iie very respect re I et seinich be ry e there not some mecrel curse alulity makes lim the more dangerous Some hdden thunder ced with immortal wrath J ' det ween becanse the more influeutia Many a o™ rg Betws i Des tas wreich whe owes hie g se ' “oy : ‘ t I weeulry's ' i mother’s heart bas been made tu Hect atceri\ranee OMAR Ort eulry's rai aod many a father’s grey hairediave leer fat con \e wl ty bs cost after walming a I wuage of tt amented, immortal brought In sorrow tu the prave, by t ' with attachinent (lay | had rather be night than be President.” winthbig., seductive influence of such a [ Cheeago De mor hrthusiastve and prolongd eheers.) au. up the unsuspecting, confidir owe A oe Lhe ent a its ; ae Ta It coms to me impossible that those engaged youth Jrecont, wel. bred young men { Vor! Ling. -It iw stated that the < ; : : i ‘ ] x a me ; ,; ya se tl agitation can have contemplated could never be drawn off into those mie Wife of on ‘ hd Es Cele at he lawfal consequences of success, > [fit breaks erable | cus of hell, called yambling plystcans of Paris wears a ring made A prudent onde of one Umon, and spreads { saloons worthless, degraded men wh n that was extracted from the blood anor aril war through the land, what is mack ler and files from them, taken from her husband daring some dia ig hes than moral treason? Law and common w tical ps | s been wecumulated ef ease with which be was affected, This. sen haw respuasble for the nataral con five le ' r father’s indus. isa ioe for Ylood equ ' J uitst not those whom A. | gets » Union is dissolved, ided {nto two, republics or two ken into fragments, eagh mt But, fellow-eitizens, I have perhaps said al was necessaryvon this subject, pleasure to less important, but, more agreeable It bas been my fortune during tmy travels in Europe, to witness once or twice , : 3 | the reception of royalty, in all the pomp and wealth,—-a blur upon her well earned ‘couutry will throb responsive to such sentiusents, | splendor of aillitary array, where the music was {reputation for honesty and industry,—a_ Let every patriot take his stand beside Mr. Fill-| given lo gp blot, foul and debasing, upon the charac-' more of the grouvd here taken by that gentle- | command. my spontaneous throb of affect! have welcomed me back to my native State, above all the pageants which roalty can display. Mr. Ma 4 Fel - Therefore, with a beart overflowing | ; : Mr. yor and Fellow-Citizens: This over-| with grateful emotions, | return : ; iscreen, to shield them from the public whelming demonstration of congratulation aed ikscke and bid you adieu. (Prolonged ap |THE Subscribers being desirous of oxtenging theit | fort of the young ladies eatruate ‘yaze. Low is it nowt In most of our’ yelcome almost deprives me of the power ti lauae) ) pie with the other. avd | turn, with i receives and promptly attended to: , and the cheers at the word of t, for myself, I prize the ‘honest jon with whivh you PLATFORM OF THE AMERICAN PARTY ADOPTED AT THE SESSION OF THE le k ouniry, it is easily by méane of he, NATIONAL COUNCIL, Feo. 21st, 1656.| Cloths, Casvimeres, Vestings, and Come rn Than’ Reed, and 0 td-wonkly Ua of vingys| Ist: “Aw humble acknowledgement to the Su-| me Being, fur Llis protecting care vouchsafed lee ‘to our fathers in their successful Revolutionary | test style. Don’t take owrword, but call and satisfy | ‘Tuition alone...... struggle, and hitherto manifested to us, their de- scendants,in the preservation of the liberties, the udependence, and the union of these States. | rpetuation of the Federal Union, |@. ¥. ANDEasON, W. D. REYNONDS. ium of our civil and religious liber- ties, and the only sure bulwark of American In- | You have been pleased, sir to allude to my | pre should be again called to the position of Chicf | yourselves. 3a. Americans must rule America, and to this end native-born citizens should be selected for all State, Federal, and municipal offices or guvern- | | ment employment, in preference to all others: 4th. Persons born of American parents resid- ing temporarily abroad, should be entitled to all} the rights of native-born citizens ; but station, (whether of native or foreiga birth,) who! recognises any allegiance or obligation of any! deseription tu any foreign prince, potentate or power, or who refuses to reeugnise the Federal and State Constitutions (each within its sphere) as paramouut to all other laws, as rules of politi- | myself. L was by vo means the sole instrument, Sth. The unqualifie uance of the reserved rights of the several States, and the cultivation of harmony and fraternal good will, between the citizens of the several States, and to this end, non-interference by Con gress with the questions appertaiaing solely to the individual States, and no-intervention by cach State with the affairs of any other Suate. 7th. The reeeguition of the right of the na tive-Dorn and naturalized citizens of the United States, permanently residing in any Territory thereof, to frame their coustitution and laws, and to regulate Uncir domestic and social affairs in) eqveenume recs ; my oe eS ee §6=— SA BU, | mabey, March 23, 1 ee ere og ae eae cess (cheers); and whee [left the Presidential 1, and our relanons with all foreign nations ‘ened at home with civil war, aod from abroad with a rupture of our peaceful relations. | stall not seck to trace the causes of the change. These are Ube facts, and it is for you to ponder apoo them. Uf the present Administration | have : araan uothing to say. 1 can appreciate the difficulties as it does with its lower branches full of ¢, admunistering this goverement, and if the pre- life and verdure, while its top is dead and | went executive and bis supporters have with ood of the Federal Constitution, with the privilege of | jadinission into the Union whenever they have the requisite population for one Kepresentative in Congress. Prorded always, that noe but those who are citizens of the U sited States, un- der the Constitution and laws thereof, and who jhave a fixed residence io any sueh Territory, ought to participate in the formation of the con stitution, or in the evactiment of laws for said Territory or State. 8th. Ao enforcement of the principle that no State or Territory ought to adnnt otbers thau cruzens of the United States to the nht of suf. frage, or of holding political uftice A chaoge tn the laws of wataralization, reskience of twenty-one year, of al) not hereinbefore provided for, an in- reyuisite fur citizenship hereafter, and excluding alf paupers, and persons convicted of crioe, fram landeg upon our shores, but po sa- terferened with the vested riytts of foreigners 10th. Oppes:voe to aey unwe between Charch ; bo interference with refigwous faith, or worship, and no test oaths for office Pree am! thorough investigation into pel abuses of public functivns nes. aod @ @rict economy in pablie expendit arcs 1 The mauotenance and enforcement © all laws constitauveaily enacted, uetsl sand laws shall be repented. of sball be declared nul! and vord by competent jadicial authority. position to the reckless an] unwise present administration in the gro eral management of our national affairs, and more especially as shows ia removing “ Amen cans” (by designalioe) and conservatives in priveiple, from ufice, and placing foreigners an: ultrassts in their places; gs shown iv a trackhay subsersiency lo the stronger,aad aa imsotent and cowanily bravady towards the weaker powers ; making a conunved cessary to provide territonal admiantration, Bat : mw vou to say whether the preseat agitation, wot altogether apecquainted with the ways of which distracts the country and threatens us , Woly produced by the adopuoe of m measare to rave been ; lease! to say that 1 have bay ing. the wuiuw of these States at beart. Thos, se, Whea King entered, wre looks were exchang- ‘most true, for f there be one object dearer to me thas any other, it ws the unity, prosperity and ory of this great Republbe; and | coufess poUling of any particular secuon, much less of pening sectional agitation, by the repeal of the Missouri ( “om promise ; as shown n granting to unnaturalized foreigners the + 4 saffrage in Kansas and Nebraska; as shown l~partments of the legractng meritornous igh preyucheer or caprice | and undenog nmmanagement of to remely exmting evils, and {rows comseq gences otherw ise re- prncoples herein before tnbraced in our platfhorn » ourselves after that —On Sunday night the nver rose Jun Monday morning waa twenty Touring the day, or rather 2 o'clock.) we learn that the water ts still mein. (Augusta Constitutional at ANOTHER STOCK Npring & Summer Goods JUST ARRIVING! AVING eld off our first extensive purchase of Spneg and Sammer (roode in a very short time afterthey were to hand, we have mnce had in a second It was welected with care. temght at very redaced cash prices, and will be o more demeable gouds have beep brought © present year, aone—we are sure, can BROWN & COPPIN, No. 3, Uranite Row Orderi for Mrohinidive, bod conn nevis of Flour vaedtions bh , Hhase of and other Product, La owe ont ,thasikfully | a3 Tee Peony va ke May 1855. tr ‘15th day of September newt, mo FSET TTT | whew they will be prepared for the rece & take plé in tot Tremendous Excitement |r ab riven in soe age, who. hate ; ABOU? ‘THE | manifested oo. gre te hw + > |Sedenecegn Gite tnale ante and handsome Western Extension! wv. terie niay curicn aes time, and every possible provision business in the West, as wellas all other ditec- their purpose now, as tions, take this method of infoeming their to render their Colloge iuferior in no respect, to friends and patronsthat they are now iving ‘a |tar & 3 of the highest gr and ‘boat eatab- | splendid stock of ‘ [abe reputation in our State, ‘The lvostion ie favor- READY, MADE. CLOTHING, (om sro sees ine eneigues hae tom Ue | |iw a few hours side of she inpuat while from (he h ), from , 26 miles Uemen’s Furnishing Goods igen hee re eral; all of whieh will be sold most shockiag | ‘Terms, for the session of five months, as fullowa: | Also, a splendid stock of HATS and CAPS, | Board and Tuition in the Eng. Department re | French Language ace ss JNO. A. WEIRMAN & PRICE, —_| Latin and Greck, each............ Merchant Tailors. | Music, with the use of Piano.... 0.00.0... Salisbery, N.C, Sept. 1855. 1116 | Candles aud towels furnished by the pupils, By order of the Board, | S. B.O. WELSON, Prew't mS | ANDERSON & REYNOLDS, 2, 4:e-ue 9 ™“t™™ | GROCERS, | KEITH & FLANNER, | AND Commission Merchants, (OMISSION MERCHANTS: NO. 10, ROANOKE SQUARE, WILMINGTON, N. C. | SIQOURUF Duel, “ao Pay active attention to the sale of Flour aad other | Through Freight to Wilmington ut Mail Traia.| | P are kinds of Produce, avoiding unnecessary charges and E have made an arrangement with the Ruilawd 5 * 5th. No person should be selected for political | rendering prompt returns. fal Company to run u freight cor with their Moa! PUE SUBSCRIBER hoe the plewsere to 5. Traius, twice a week, from Salsbary to Wil- | wouter to thé world, 6 «hep be frog . te 5. CUMMING. C. W. eTTRON. | selena direct; leaving Salsbury on Maenday and | a ee Laren es their uray site TT | Thursday ; leave Wilnungion, on ‘Tuesday and Fri. |e making steady progress in Uys iinpiagpnerntal tng CUMMING & STYRON, aaj. Gar agent will cconmms te ) the cer to receive, City, drstinad, be belig yee, to bmocgme she Doran j aud deliver freight at all the COMMISSION ur termediate stations — Matufreluring city To bt eongtry, Me new ereei. The first car will loave Salsbury oo Monday 2%¢ ines. | Mi 8 NeW colton mill ot thee pilieey to BS called the KELTH & FLANNER. |W rey Mille,” east bopee to hawe pin Cll opersinan Wilminguw, N C , Jone Ls, 1n36. ie] j by he leer part of the vymmer 7656, wu & AND | 4 recognition and mainte’ Forwarding Merchants, | ce Te Se ae | Were Chutes — Mackerel! Mackerel !! b cgls ~poadbs pena npn Particular attention paid to selling Floer, Cora! lenge bi uf Mackerc! iu bbls. balf bhis. qoarter setts perlap anger yhn § ip ne Cotiwn, and alt hinds produce. eee end bits, of oll Nis just reecived aud fur peowtifel ecbievomeuts of the reawe’ Feb., 1856 ly39 | coach MILLS, MOOSK & Ce. ‘ ander wise shadow it iv der 1 Ye] May 12, 1836 97M jes Ere yee Restnd ( OWA N S : {crits famne on Ker aba io wheat Aa So dhaean! | bemee of tte yearns, ead the sapetianty of a 4 | To Farmers Pe ligeloth fab . palette Seat ‘ > 7 ‘ the allea ¥ & VEGETABLE LITHONTRIPTIC | pear mteciers rayertaty ums be atten, the wal wy Ai ome « Sint - WILMINGTON, N. C. Farmers and where, io thea large aud e' {pepecst | lg ant stock uf Staple and Faury Gade Their aesart- | © Fusthoce . . FRIEND OF THE HUMAN FAMILY. seat le extensive sod uf great variety of otyte and) The drvanéy, Gpetplating es mowing emits mith quality. Onil at No 3, Graewe Row | well ptrp in burr, and © for word bia bee bey oe BROWN & COPFIN, || the boundary PO prévenciine, putt We we « chy af beputiinl propertnet WhR fp owes. Stone in the Bladder and Kidneys, Weak | Bfusic. ing sterple, ponting heaveawards : Poenetiny ness of the Loine, be. Lasge asevriment of Pian Forte W fut wale | bed * —- — ad A a = 4 in ENNtss BOOKS TUSE. he of Sveepel apa Thiesinvaleable medicine is for wale at the Davie Jaampbell”s Motel, in Mocksville; at De. B.C » im lee-| lms: the Mireie ore dell; stihe Drag Store m Charlotte; | were of c at Zeverty’s i ' | fart bawy throng , the ebug of Welt «% mpc penplaPewedla aod atthe Caruliva Watchman OF- MANSION SER HOTEL, | ie mingled th the roar <a tape odpeqeleieas The subseriber having catered inte caparinership | ! Sn ot 2 with Joho F, Cowan. origina! patewtes, for the won| SALISBURY, N. C. ous plane Fine afactare and tule of the Shure Medicine, yroreced = | fermieh » supply by addressing him at Be! wy, No7 suber ‘ f ohave C., of calling st bie residence, 10 miles w st of thin, a s . seit ~~ J = ; ‘ meat, begs leave to ii the pebhe Ls &. D AUSTIN + thet (he Howse + now open for thereenpton ane 21, 1855 ws of Boardets, Travelers, &e He prvemines that hie LAND FOR SALE laces Settee J) ; ‘ tee 1 always hare meratein tame Ror the Hart earyen tae the ait of the é yhgne. ] Aaeine Scrakasd ee a ead mace Caath, val end departure of the Care Atiewtiwe and oblig- we, py, one *. 4+ hein rw ! . od sae ‘ ' | offer my plactatwn for sale, lying oo ihe waters of mad brace al Be lao oo all and gre m®e! an ww be realised Yaorth (eseh, 16 wales won of Salisbury, dpecieg, | Gratmey, Mey 24. 1653 0 RT | Cott promrents ne Oa ° the lands of Joba & Carsoe, Jecob Baker, wad others : } ANDREW BAGOARLY The depot on the Western Extenaion mes be near Vuh ory, Deas. > lb sao The place bas on it all neteomary building? in god re THE WILMINGTON H ERALD ! parr, Alen qne gand meadow The trect coutans ‘ ly 01 @4 and G2 pee) ered vihe werchs ats stun! 350 acres, one half of which wre @ high Semse BS pabbehed deviy sad we of coltevate, aad the beleace @ well Uabered. aphem ip advance Ih These withing « guod bergen, mast ca ND aed Babsbery aod other weetefh towns, as 2 goed od. | will roll on accommedetiog re. vertmag medeas, Treme moderate o> os Persons calbng on Wan. L. Steele, can h Address T BURR, Je ener im viewing the lands. ere camels Feb. 26, 1856 Zien | Of Four Horse Post Coaches, JOHN W STEELE A ROM saliebery te Merg> ton, the Btarrevitie ao Mareh Tlih, 1856 aa JAMES HORAH, Newtoo Leaves Balobory on Mogdey, Wedwerdey ond Fr ~ me + 8, moore, + & Resoen WATCH-MAKER AND JEWELER, dey 21 To'cheet, A ML, end efrives at Morpeto fen! morwing (o breakfer, aed lepers Mergestos se some days cod arrives te poe eett Gye & } t SALISBURY, S.C. ft (Due deer below BH. & A. Murphy's Store terubtnss, No mas @ enpense will be apered aND +a Sars coastantly on heed s large sesurim nt of mathe thie one of the ead drone wid ppt WATCHES ced JEWELBY of 08 hinds stage roads ip (re Bate Clarks, Watches sod Jewelry of every deseripima, C. 6, BROWN, Comnce repaired in the bert masnner and gu the mest reqpona- Bahebory Jone 9). HSA ats bbe lorme ry Mile, Mase & Oe | hoe ee vo | Wed I EL; leave to inform their mony friends end the At the Silver Hill public genernily that they ate Bow teceiviag and e | A} QUANTITY OF AES 8 @ a MOLER, "Q| woop AND COAL. ATTORNEY AT LAW, ' WM LEAVENWORTES, for Kennedy & Wille thesr stock of MOCKSVILER, Ww. ©. Silver HN. Oct 1. 1#S5 tee: STAPLEAND FANTY | Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Be" "258 | MARVELLOUS REMED FOR A MARVELLOUS AGB! < Store They are ale receiving the largest sad best —— selected stock of Growertes ever offered in this merke: sli of whieh they are deteranned to sell at prees that To the Ladies. cannot fad to please é HE subecribe re are now receiving the finest and PS THE HIGHEST MARKET PRI PS meet complete stuck of Ladi-e URESN Goods pard at alltimes for Flu sr, Wheat, Corn, Cotton, and they bave ever offered to the public, which they will all kieds of comniry prudace eel at 2 ermal profs They urvite partrcalar athe mien Janwary 9th, 156 370¢ to the fine cobrndered, alt aad lace MAN TILIA and to ther Inteet atylee of BONNET RIGRONS, NEW EWDRO DERIES, &e No 3, Geemte Kew BROWN & COPFIN ; ~ SPRING & SUMMER ste. ween as te m0 SS TS AVWVYS ee ee cee) Seereveen! Salisbury, March 25, 1556. Fine ahem Bt aan eee. Sort © pable Call at No 4, Cormete Rew TREE cubseriher 9 vow receiving his stuck of Spring BROWN & COFFIN Salishbnry Wareh 25, 156 4306 The Grand Kuterest Remed;. rostepe, @r tow milltene of Welle oper et hedion Tiremg® thawe thir (terest ship, le carried to any organ oo mre « Kidwey'e, disorders of tier Livet, eemetinn of the Lange, Acthe & Summer (rands, consmung of a general amet “Ladies Dress Goods | DR. J. J. SUMMERELL, AS removed to bes Office at hie reedence. where bre wit he happy to receive profeasonal ur per sonal enfle from hre fre. ds of almost every dearriptem He stock of NEEDLE ] WORKED EMBROTDERTES se complete He woald reaper fully ask anc rarminaton who wish W) purchase (> stork by afl ork A ON. B. There are many pereuns inde Med tn me by aceoant and have bern furecveral yeore 1 womid EFistpetes, Sell Rheem sad Searbette Bewert. «cunng Fesh rthey have been ininduced Cermestly arge all co@ ty, call and make setilomen Re mt —— sips eo by May Court, elee I shalflonk youn o™ = ier ap cevane. oo Chile (eettew KE. MYERS eee cegerne werenty ae parctegteh 434 absbary. Jan 29,1856 as ne, visttteg the priecipel bor ewrnt, wiving ediviee a te ite applic" Fr. SYR MUTCHISeN, rant of resberingewuntes sumber COMMISSION MERCHANT Chariotte, N. Cc, @1T ce on Commission Cotton, Corn, Flour, Wheat, and all | COUNTRY PNnNopvvucwmD IN CHARLOTTE, CHARLESTON, AND NEW YORK worst cases of eres, weubds, wicete, . tumors. Profesor Holloway has, by ciastand of th Governments, dapmtched to Ube ot the Rane, bares ments « + Oirume mt, te be water Medien the fn the worst cases of meupder fh will cote og ~ ewolling, stilton or coptraction of the jel standing Piles and Fistetas. These and other shnitar distretvizig enanplaints ean be crt BMly cured If the (in trdewt be welt rubbed in over the per! & fected, and by otherwise following the printed direction #7" oath pot Liberal Advances made on Consiguments Ss aie U2 ae Pe Pw ae @ JW Jenkins, Keg, Sabebury ; Geo. W. Willhame & Co, Charleston; A. Mant, Lexington ; Rubert Soutter, Keg, New York Ries aera Febroary 19, 1856 Vy'138 _ b Greensborough REMOVAL. Both the Ointment amd Pitls shonld M youn A. WEIRMAN & PRICE have removed | used in the fullorning cases. U T UAL INSURANCE COMPANY eF their Clothing and Tailoring Betabliahment frory r Get * | opposite Murphy, Meflorie & C. ; ena ye THE tt ’ ve & Co. to the corner ity Barns 1 i mt Joint I i costof Invurance on the mutanlplan isbut =) mediately oppomte R & A Murphy ‘eStore Chapped Nends thate aa 4 Heads Uleers _B emalleam, compared witha jot stock company Salisbury, Nov. 13, 1855 : 2540 Chilbleine Pies io Yorn This company being located im the Western part of the | _ . Pietuine Ls me ae Son or dtyinds de of State, cunsequently mach the larger portion of the risks “ SE ore Dlgoas any ad =“ are inthe West, very many of which areinthe Couniry D R. Ss R E EVES *,° Bold aptee mabe ia atten? Ladled . . . den Lane, The Company isentirely free fre t; have made, rab pprenpinatp nd is thertfore confidently recommen- ] I AX located in Sabsbury, and offer bi Prugsiets and Dialers of Medicine thr @ a oe Auaasl Menieaiite cone on | er: , i hie professional services to the pub ceise nee eal rs artery Sexes; at BH cents, ‘oNowin ce . e two dk be Res diye: Fngreeieniioe 5 eee below Bonjama etete stare | Chore | 4 ogmetterntneddevnig by taking the armen” . | wR. van stor the gublance Of Patients in every JAMES BIDAN, President atten th cach bow ee muetee., | i cman ine 2.208 PETER ADAMS, Sec’) and Treasurer TD) Qeterrens Cetemraten wer! Dr. CHARLES T. POWE Muy 10, 185 119009 WILLS, al Fd cd. j - how Cn ve Wrirk Row. wi : | Saliebury, Ang \ | Satisbary, May 19 ANDI | lt iw aad his | themse!v. young w And | ments, « RECA he thinks This «1 aw abore and if be dowk’t / How | Ever; nals ani Let it b ocratic to be th. vors the with p foes of . The | citizens Saturda a Scand! there a: Chicayr perate ception for Free with the before cominet complet the 6 thasiast made a: A W' We wv from a | house i: prised 1 house hi parchas a house ing; wl Bpon th the next he rece head of was not ern pap ties bet but wou properly were hi: him on ¢ Jerstand purchase ier go ‘ork an pressing immedi word thi for he houses r Son and opinion merchan goods at stop at have be man’s ir him to t So Th electors serve. | vote for other, bi him tos ‘ont He a : v E . 4 . deteburiilans will remember that na fow vente | ‘ nae _ on ay = Sa a ~ ? — ade 3 Miers and Proprictor. | peeiees eetkey ee eee ee ee steel | “4 Prop the Aubuen’ Amprican, August 26. | , , ‘ } Arohblshap Hughes ad Mr. Browason for » Focman ter Merajs she proof from Brewasou's Bon. oy “ # ovts “ a a6 thee Le ea Sera | wh ame dine 1 bwedbukew aon age; Oreste AV Brownson, now the 4 great guy ' of Use Catholic chareli in this country, und edi- | for of Revacoredited Quarterly Review, ws a | Beiverealist clergyman: ih this city! Well, he | fna-gotover that, and having thorongily: boxed fherthbologidal compass, has’ At list ‘apparently | d6wWh in the “bosdim of Noman Cathofi- eism, © Ho wields a powerful pen, but publicly , me that he docs not permit a page of | hia Review to go to press that touches om Ca, oe - Cot first submitting it to the su- | VOL, X ITl. Pervision and critidisin’ of the highest diguitaries | { os b -ve # 4 #4 4 #4t 2 es, 3 t tscssre SALISBURY, N. C., SEPTEMBER 16, 1856. Lr as ena nt ee LRN Rly AB — \| to produce scented soapa is to edd the odoriferious ingredients ¢old, This is done by shaving bar soap in beak, «| slices, pounding them in a mortar witha | <o7 small quantity of cold soft water i | ng the perfumes, and triturati well with the pestle. When well tells the soap is taken out and pressed into any, desired form of cakes in moulds, and then set to dry in a cool place. di - oe --- When is a Hap?Rich Enough. When a lad, an old gentleman took thé trouble to teach me some little know |of the world. With this view I remem- ber he one day asked me, “When is a ;man rich enough?” . I replied, “When he NUMBER XV ate | has a thousand pounds.” He said, “No,” | | of the Catholic church in this couptey. | ? ee Ae Afow days ago, a young man who isa son of, To The People of the United States. Brownson, wade a visitto an unclo.of his who! Fei tow-Cirwexs:-There are cireuwstances vesides in Onondagn county—not far frum tis) which cull for the appeal we make to your most éity. This sou was educated in Italy and Ger- | earnest attention, ‘The times. appear to us start- many, and is a bigoted Catholic, Lis uncle is ling and critical, There ere aspepts in the pend- ov : ing contest for the Presidency, which are very ® Protestant in: religion, and an old fashioned | yvusuul anl important. We cannot sherefore, Democrnt ia polities, A conversation sprung forbear freely to communicate same of our ap- ‘wp ‘ini relation to politieal matters. It was of) prekensions, before we separate here, aad to call this Character, as related to us by the uncle bim- py aaedigh nde higea-tog ae “ ‘in the free any eel, srg ease we bene in 007 possession, - ee Sailsterincat a hoped over the who will substantiate the cutire statement, if it . : : Two of the politicgas parties in the country fedenied, under onth. We call atteution tu it: live pitched « Presidential battle Upon scotion- “Said the unde to Henry Vrownon, “who Jo 2! issues, aud of sq fearful a character as to stir her x0d Aarchbishop Miyhes ge for for the doy rat f the Ainericay, people " | Thou, io sceming conflict, it eannot, be dis- “OA he replied, “for Col. Fremont /” guised, that those parties baxe in sych sort co- “Why f asked his uncle. opera d as lo press upon (he country oneexcit- “BECAUSE HE IS A CATIIOLIC 2 repticd its issue after another, unul, by diut of eontin- ued exasperation, they bave weary suceceded ip Young Brownson. be y ; The nephew then dsked bis uncle who hei MT) ix. Wy bosule columus, one half of the meant to vote fur for President ? He answered Cuion against the other. They appear mutually 1 was an old-fashioned Demoernt, and ama '? have employed all the energies of party pow et.” er to engender sectional distrust, prejudice, and “Why don't you vote for Freuiont?” asked Cnt oen, nd now, for the first time in the Brownson. . history of the government, we find a truly form- “'Reesuse I cannot and will not vote fora To. Mbeble party, fully organized, and using every man Catholic.” effortin Ur power to combine the now-slave “Why tot? A Roman Catholic is jist as | ling agenst the stay ebe ding States of the eed a man for Vresideut as any other man” 1 Me a str eyle forthe Executive power of said Brownson. the Coufederney. Tn that organization are in cluded men who are supposed to be conserva and natioual, but who are believed to be led, Filscunce pon, tole ovenicbts The old gentleman stated his objection to this ond referted to Catholic petseeations and cruel in ties in past ages, when Protestants were barued Yo at the stake, him) their eyes dug oat, there heads Se ler mornents, they cannot but chopped off, and were subjected to all manner of from, as they would from pestilence and tortures, simply beeawae they were Protestints tariaine, Brownson replied —* THAT WAS RIGHT F aan TREY SHOULD BE SERVED SO Now: ¢d by lewlors who There is that corn fleld of yours, half dried up“ . keptinp an active, with the drought: (4 should be weed to burn Werle heretics |Protestants) in’! Heretics should he * burned alive —showld hare their honds chapped W Seately sucered, in the present distracted py state of the prblic mind, in eb cting a sectional ee Prsilent. on a alone ie tt Prosident. ony ported ak vt pou sine hobdiay Its nanagement bas Leen essentially coetrull under all circumstances, Lave unceasio warfare upon the inst ms of the tehel bag Sales Sbould such a party an The old gentleman was shocke! aud turned vores of tn away. Dresently, his wif, Mates, we have too mach rea peg reec bee toe . ! " wht eho had bean! thie cop UN bo apprehend that Chere might iastanty vernation, came tutu the rou, aud taking a seat “) PMs Ilys bee a movement of revistange, the cons quences 6 which po human wisdom by the side of her népbew, sai! Hleary, wou ) ; cn foresee and po | r of his country of frend wouk!’nt burn your Aunt, would yuu, cause she was a protestant 7 @ YES” he nphed, “YOU SHOULD Bp at evnny juet by S of popalar government anywhere could far, in re, madly to de plore t P BURNED IF YOU WERE A HERETI We do out believe they can su we, tut we ANDI WOULD HELP To bodr ts may be really “treading upue riuk It be scarcely necessary to add, that tLe unc. Yee, that ie Halle, at any moment, to burst aed his family were utterly shocked, ard f witli awd overwhelm the nation themselves jusulied in their oan dw n Prut the hey party = pot ne respon young man soun took his books aad departed! a ¢ (bere ya Ma “ “1 {te auccene : the onle dane rita the st ie ofthe (ink And these are the men, hold ag such wt vy danger ’ a rn ment in ite preset form The Demoertie party ments, who advogate the election of Fremont BBC AUSE ber a CATHOLIC, and BECAU SI Las cagerly aml rashly seumd ujou tease mo he thinks as THEY do’ '! ey : s oak 7, Rd ww et 7 m x the thua er - ‘ ’ v atlare be p of , This statement was made to us auletantiall) ne 8 ¥ RAS OMT es @ above misud, ia the prams of witare fo neken the Nurth ant entrate North and if denied, cun be substantiated b od Dea Kia) 4 abel Andante Pile; When thetr reine UTES APE romtaterd hey taunt on ber he South, as“ sulenee +: ks sowiats roworee th suleiiemsoniste, ae the BOW DOES THE SOUTIT LUKE IT! Aisduicets tanet nauonal mea ioihe N rth Every day we sec in Northern jonr- 4° dough faces worse than dough faces - ; Tie y ba are struggled Ww ne nale annontceinents like the following : ay e al we - ay . wierd | Let it be reinembered that it i eT ao Father of bis Country so emphatea oeratic party— the same party that clainuis warn) us against, based upon questions um spitthe Lavo asuoder, aod to be the truest friend of the South that fa. ‘batlely tod ; hey bate scomingly dune this for the petty pur vors the imuiygration and the investinent Ree tl camitine ai taninaearyl arte Giana] with political power of these foreygu pi. tus ; vat last, ae think. wad foes of our institution and riczlts arviwe the « se of such a party for the pres . t t triumph would probably , The Norwe gian, Swedish, and Dat ? ; fant eek Hr Ae A Citizens of Chicagy wet in that city on | elise be alinaclmiant tae tec Saturday last, for the purpose ot | Fe . Por i aii a Scandinavian Fremont Cla One © Act beneath © t orronnicit there are bout eight lu dred vot ruins \\ k Chicago, all industrious, fruya ‘ j . hb has ecumo eke \ perate wen, and all with one single ex « © eal ty requires t ning mr a ception avowing there intention tos ate me tes show oom lh for Freedom and Fremont) Tiev ca pe cute when Lational, oonservative met with their wives and dangliters, and long res mu ‘ true to ther w befure the boar when proceedings were Count x y fr x up h f . f a” ot ee commenced, the floor of the Tball was : : / d a ring Cpa occupied by these Irene ‘ \ ae ; = a5 f ' amt f Mayistrat. w hos the North. The tneeting was a niost , yas , \ , uh thasiastic one. Stirring spe ; ' Sy ne A Ae made and resolutions were a yet ere . ; 2 ack . ; oe. Srl Canny ya every trust_-el thing ’ 1 > ' op ot ont tak { he! r La 4 A WORD TO SOUTITERN MER ruin . RNs An mint, AUR tine when ile lieweene «ire le CIEYNIS: the anery tempest of 1949-50. co enc We were shown a letter on yesterday still t ator =) faithfully and “4 ' from a Philadelphia Corresjondent of a giliantv s afety wiles ( State, as “ . ap a ng prey th house in this place, a part of which sur ae Sey Say at prised os very much. [tis this: dhe re , hoase here had ordere! materials to lve We pont y to oar r arful cancer ot . (ef ; ' Sen parchased for them Sy their agent, froin ; abit En now ‘ ng 5 I se R a house with whom they liad been trad >) val tie nae snd lnemn ing; which was executed as supposed, lous appr hensions expressed for the fate of the Spon the usual terms, 4 or 6 months. On one or the other of those part a, me the uncer r to ‘ he neent Un movements ofthe Germans or Tish omeillat the next day, to the surprise of the ag en them We warn vou that the fate of he received a message stating that the eeenneninentemarceooel Levennall head of the firin had * concluded that it) pendent uy the anetable mocementa of the rhit 1 «, freah fro @ mo hres of was not desirable to receive any South ghty mos ptr the monar ! i” ) ba ' Ue ht ar Non are a ern paper owing to the political ditticn Deo a eee enna. ence : thes between the North and the Sonth, perutation euch ae hae shown itelf utterly inen but would sell for cash.” “Whe agent very pable of eastammog popular governmer ‘ in the DT Wiss Soimmense ie now the influx that properly returned in reply, that “if these _ eames Se) eit a ig ¥ CAN SeCa;rcert\ we rey 1 << “ ’ « were his feelings he would not buy from 4) o.,, lantalehialieiearie jeanlascoiwarn (wants him on any terins whatever.” Wealsoun are age. Whereand in what, is this to end? derstand that anuther merchant who had \farqun Fiorwone alone, of the candidates for purchased from another firm in Philadel qe [tresidency, haa refused to court thie gigan iar goods in hia line, on going to New te and growin lement of power. While he fork and seeing a card from them ex- hasno hostility to foreigners, he frankly warns pressing similar feelings to the above, he hic conntrymen that itis safer for American Immediately sat down and wrote them born citizens te rule the destinies Ameien th lenloraliie cond ; word that they necd not pack lis goods Tiving witnessed M ley ia ha Md be | ¢ nf er a he « ’ “ m for he would not receive then, The row tt lar : ts w v : lee Take r ane easing the houses referred to above are 1). Scull & 4!) they «a e 2 of seizing the reine of govern Now our. single privil : ment, and ware all passengers. the dangers we have briefly glanced at, and to Son and Morris L. Hallowell. opinion has always been, that if our merchants had declined purchasing their goods at Philadelphia and New York and stop at Baltimore, abolitionism wonld have been nipped in the bud. Affect a’ yy, patriot statesman who has always fearles man’s interest and yon will soon bring ontapoken his sentiments him to terms,— Charlot. VW hiy. rturning the car of State, in which Wo hesecch vou to see shun them, before it is too late forever! We urge you to unite with us in support of y who has ever made the constitution hie guiding star—who bas risen oo. — from an apprentice boy to the Presideney —who U , ,o,T » when President, frowned upon disorzanizers and No They (70 !--Two of the Democratic: gajticals, North and South, and, with the aid of electors of Mississippi have refused to conservative Whigs and Democrats, bravely re serve. Canse—one of them is LOINT tO> stored pence (ba distracted countey—who has vote for the American nominees, and the catanid: “If there be these either North or other, business engayements won't allow ntl who desire an administration for the him to Stump it, ‘ sth woacnst the Soutl for the South a |against the North, they’ nre not the men who!’ - GAME IN KANSAS TERRITORY. ae le give their suffrages to me.” ‘rom the moment Mr. Fillmore was Grst se- ‘ ; , 4 lected in nomination, every effott | las hae re- | eontly published in the “ Oble Farmer" sorted to to induee «the country to believe, first, Fonr Ritey, K. T, July 31. that he would mot agcept the nomination ; se-! I have not the convenience for 4 condly, that he had ng ‘strength at the North, ter. | The following is extragted from a letter re- Come out in this prohibitory-Inw manner.” 1! ished let. My desk is a walnut log, in the edge of a hear, and a heart to feel, and bowels to yearn and sayé—well. Some hav@mtoted into costly hous-. little more than he has, and that is never! —s — - “Ewo thousand {” Le said, “No.” “Ten i _ thousand ?” “No.” “A Jiundred thou WOMEN 7 Ve sand?” whieh I thought would settle the 0 Bx Ww asuixgiras QE Invinc, business ; but he still continued to say Ph etm ola ysl as unr’ Sate cad gre dod yon maint gave It yd cote 1 eon tunately, you won't,” And where is the man iu y+ Thave seen young.@md beavtiful women, not a, bat berged ore oe the country who has eycs to see, and ears to the pride of gay circhesyanarsied as the work) | Me. ee ee | go on with your teetotal hes, only don't and could bot Barry @ single Nosthern State,' skirt of timber, on one of the main tributaries of sympathise with moral wretchedness, that intst ‘es arid their friends haveitll come and looked at | !f he sequires one thousand, he wishes to even his own; thirdly, thay he bad uo strength! the Kansas river. Ata short distance is my ‘at the South, and could not carry a single dwelling, consising of two breadths ‘of cotton Southern State ; fourthly, that he was so South- cloth, inclined at right angles over a hackberry ern in his feclings and” views, that the North ridge pole, and my couch is this fertile flowery ought not to support him and wonkiArot ; and, | valley, with ao Indian campfre at my feet, and fifthly, that he was an Abolitionist, aud covid | the stars for my study—though none of these not aud owght net to be'supported by the South. things make me feel disquiet and Ivacsome, for }4 @ Christian, and can’ J see tie mouth of hell In regard to the against Mr. Fillmore here one is amidst some of the finest tepresco- which related to his views and opinions of pub- | tations of nature, <! fie policy, Lis friends bare Zones i best to per-| The Birds of Kansas.—The birds are thrilling mit them to be-refuted, as they have been inost jand singing around me, and some of them are amply and triumphantly, by the record of his j getting up a variety of sounds that seem little model administration ; by bis own buld, frank, like music. The black-bird, the robin, the lark, and manly speeches, which the people have ev-| the nightingale, a species of the oriole, are etywhere read with admiration and delight, and among those 1 venture to name. The bawk, by his own pure, unsullied reputation and spot-| duck, prairie hen, grouse, sand hill crane, wild Jess character. Of these the people themselves goose, and turkey are rather abundant. bad the means of forming an accurat? judgment, | Quadrupeds,—Our quadruped game consists and to that judgment both he and his friends of mts and mice, gophers, the fox, the squirrel, Lave been at all times, and are now, ready to the badger, prairie dog, prairie wolf, veyotia, bow with respectful submission- -they ask uo deer, antelope, elk, and buffalo, We Lave con appeal to any other tribunal. siderable sport with the wolves, They are rath- But the arts and falschoods which have becn | er familiar towards us; still they show us a de- resorted to by the two sectignal parties of the cided amount of respect. A few days since, we country to weaken Mr, Fillmore, by inducing took a bunting stroll, and routed fifteen ante the belief that be was without strength elsewhere | lopes, killing one, and taking one prisouer. than im the plnew where the filselood was told,! Fi#h.—Fish abound very plenvfully in all the the people lave pot been so well able to under- | rivers and tributaries in tbe Termory. A party sland. They have beard these assertions gen-| of usa few days ago, went to ‘he Repablicon erally with surprise and incredulity, though the Fork, and with our wagon shed, caugh* a cat frequeney of their repetition, the confident tone fish that weighed forty-one poands, with other tn which they Lave been made to appear, and, | sizes ranging down. The cat-frh is a very fine above all, the perfect concurrence of Republi- eating tish. The other varicties are quite no cans aad Detmocrats iu these misrepresentations, merous. and the readiness with which the one sastained Buffalo Hunt.—There is a Jerty of as going the other's fabrication, have made some iinpres a buffalo beating in a fow daya, starting from sion upon the public wind, or at least upon the Fort Riley, aud fullowiag up the Saline Fork. — minds of such as consalt their fear rather than A party yf owt neighbor claimmats have just re rely wpop the ruodness of their enuse turned from a week's bant, with the meat of ove Upon the eve of our adjourument, these and | buffalo, aud \wo live buffdo calves, Whey give similar assertions are again renewed, with a view such great accounts of thew, that those of us bo doubt of sowing the seeds of alienation and ; who stayed at home to guard our wagons and jistrast between our friends in different sections croj's have become sowew hat excited in our ra of te Uoiom, and these wicked and false state-, pil arrangments for another hant. meuls are sent to the, couatry by railroad, | The Soil— Agricultural resources, de.—The telegraph, aud by missionaries and emissaries, soil of this Territory is a rich vegetable loam, with a zeal and apparent coufidenes worthier of strongly impregnated with limestone. The ge a better cause, and the amertion 1s now added ological formation of the country is very simple Usat Mr. Fillmore will be now withdrawn It iw very hikely there is some coal in this Terri Ju addressing you now, we wish definitely to tory ; there may be considerable. The timber (hes: uutrue roports, and correc: as and prairie are proportioned, in my judgement, far as we can the falee Impression to which they to about one acre of timber to three bandred! have given rise, and thus to strip our enemies of acres of prairie. There is water in great portions their mort favorite and nearly only remaining of the Terntory, and a coomderable deticien y means of warfare. ia others. The country we well adapted to tle None of these charges and insinuations are raising of horses, cattle, sheep, aad hags; to the tree, We speak to all sections of our common culture of hemp, corn, polatoca, and the grape. country in saying so. The friends of our candi A geutleman of consilerable agricultural ¢ xpe lates, both North and South, are standiag firm. nence told me he thought the pr pal products y by their colors and by their men, and will do of the country were destined to commence wit! so until the contest ia decided in November “W-" wool and wine. They wil! voquestion They do so both from eboice and from duty, — ably, -be leadiag productions, bat no theory car They choose it, because their men stand on the make this any less than a great cattle country nly truly natiwaal platform, as broad as the en as THE LICENSE SYSTEM wl Goan Is an ab ominable monopoly, a vile an ment on the other, and holding each soverrign U-detmvcratic featare, benctitung the few and ther duty requires and oppressing the many Patrick that these geographical, these sectional parties, O'Brien takes ont license in the town. both Republiean and Democratic, x called, shall bayes a barrel of fish-berry whiskey, and be dnven from the fiekl Whoever aids cither, enjoys the exclusive privilege of sell ards one section of a common couutry azainst |ijs liquid damnation, destructive to body and soul, for five cents a swallow, and i the course of a few years makes more hard cash, by his low employment, than an honest man can make ina life tine by a tire Umon, and etactly co-extensive with the onstitubon, recognizing the rights of the States on the one hand, and of the within its proper epbers another We can say to our friends in all sections. that rom henceforth watl the electon in November ey should work ia good heart an.) spirits, that stones of lukewarmncss aod abandonment of owr ; OK \ ’ decent and useful occupation. Men of andnlates must be based upon something ia k 1 the future different from the past, to be true ; nigh iy is it that the license sys hat North and South the friends of our cand. tem exists! On what principle of jus Jates are true as well-tem per do ster! and are Wee, OF Nght, or liberty Is it based | Is it notin open violateon as the cantase progresses, The hearts of true right, and all liberty @ What working with more heart, zea! and confidence nt justice, ail right lias val men, North and South, beat in anmicon any man, in a country like ours, to par with cach other, and there hands are being rig- chase a monopoly for amakiny af Ovous'y apphed to a commun labor, and fora by means that ruin morals, wast thre common result, and there ts not the |-ast rea. gubstanc e,and destroy the } sen iu any ection, for distrust of friends in any intellectaal man?! We cont ther 4 not the enemy reap any fs from very absurd licenec system isan ackn ! ] us mn | ry orsued vt « elt | NaidloUn Ff ¥ pursued | 0 Ve aay edgment that the trade is al! wre j to tat [pears lo fr this peur of I el atend ” ' penot mast be kept ander a restraint. If it is be rvat that if all abo int for . ; u i} fe Gor Presidiontahall’< m, & bartfal business, itis a nnisance, and must be put down; if it is a useful busi w be triumphantly elected A Wedo ys vtend to diet, govern, of nessa, all restraint should be removee, and rol the movement in favor of the Amencan every man allowed toengaye inthis vers cause. Thatis a matter solely in the bands of Aonorahle, uaeful, dignified, manly al t he people at larg It ie theire: they origina. Christian employment! Tow do you ted i We believe our candidates, however. ate like that?! Tlow would yon like to see ntinilely stronger amongst the peolethan anong twenty or thirty grog shops every vil pulitcians, wbo happen at this time to be laye and town, two or three ery crass power, or struggling to acquire it Let their roads? Wo Int you think “hell bad fre mele be goud cheer Let them do their broken loose” for once in suber earric duty, and they will be astonished at their great: Por ourselves, we say down witli the li cense systern—and then down with the infernal liquor trattic, by the license system ! strength at the polls. Let each man go to work and confide tn his friends cleewhere, aml the we ow bolstered up tory re eure’ No cunningly devised stories ik indace them for one moment to think of nz skies between the candidates of those We copy from “the Sonth Kentuckian,” dangerous setcional organizations which are mF of Ang. 23. the foregni g pungent and strugyling to concentrate the North against the ; i rtbe South against the North Ther P inted remarks on the licensed Hi jor should, and will, both be everthrown. Theeonn- traftic. The saine law exists in this State try requires repose and demands safety. The and is subject to the same objections hneds of OR An ’ “oO are the * oe 7 a f Fitwors and: Doxstoy as We also in North Carolina are witnesses frends of the Ustos They have the power to , ; elect them, and thas strengthen the bonds of to the fact that the liquor dealers lead that friendship and) contidence between the worse than unprofitable lives, and yet North and the South which in other davs added grow independent by the harm they in such power and glory to the Republi : . flict upon society. They follow ao bus Let us pl Ive ourselves each to the other that : ; ' Y, MAN Witt po nm putY to our candidates which every car lid aman admits is au id our cause, and you may rely upon it the eyil—a grieveous nuisance, protected I SH SC GL es Ad ES a "Jaw though it bes and vet the good peo Npwss ot, and restored to tl ret and conti . , , _ dence which blessed itat the close of Me, Fill. ple of the State patiently bow their ne more’s administration and submit to the galling yoke. Let all Wa Wo Varn, Wo oRoSwiin, such read the following : Hi wrurey Marsiaty, WoL. Usperwoon, LET US ALONE AND MIND YOUR OWN SaGULaAvRs A. K. Marsirari, sSUSTNESS kK. Zovuicorrer, Thomas Livers W D Fos. I In reply to this exhortation of liquor dealers, Hlesxny inter Davis, S. Epwarvs, 4 OF. Moonr, WIL Syeen, Dr. Burns, of England, says: Hisny Mo Furcer, Sawn Fo Swore, T cannot let the trafie alon T have nev JOR. Rrcacn, EoD. Cenres, sold, bought, given, tasted, or recommended, or T. Scort Harrison, Crarces Reapy, sanctioned it in one form or another. And yet W. A. Lawes, Geo. Evers, Jr, sir, this traffic won't let me alone. It attacks J. Morrison Hanes, N. G. Foster, my pocket. Who pays the increased taxation JdxooS. Carine, Jas. J. Lispcry, of drunkenness?) The sober and the virtuous H.W. Tlorewan, R.C. Puryear, | And it isa shame that the whole eommunity Tnowss K. Warteey, Jxo 1. Canrnece, should be taxed for one class. I know some persons have said, “why don't you let our trafic * We don't interfere with yous you may Jacon Broow, ls M. Cox, Woasnixcros, August 18, 1806 alone not be distarbed beyond utterance every day at ‘have two thousand, then five, then twen- the calamities produced by the strowg drink |” i 2 ty, then fifty ; from that his riches would trafic? It moves me in crery power of my for happiness, and they : gore away and com. | amonnt to one hundred thongand, and so ‘mind. It distresses every eppotivy of my soul, initted them to their sagny cheerfully and ‘on till he fad grasped the whole world, Am Ta man, and can Esco the manhood of my without fear. It 1 to be sanguine after which he would Jook about him, : fellow-creaturcs annihilated out of (hem? Aimy, the young ; i eo tag ciel away like Alexander, ee wens, posted ; : am: iniguo Ldeee unobserved | 888. any a proof have (PRAT wich drunken siting tLe. et otery pRaoniesl separ, weak ale oayecheadun old . gentleman's, remarke.since he sade man ip the community my her? is not Z 5 pls th t to ' duokard my brother! ‘Tat degraded wife of attire, and with her smilling free and her goft | have piper yl an erty © po | his is my sister ; those orphans bave a claim up- eyes making me in their pride of life weave a a on my sympathies; and I do not deserve the waking dream of future happiness, and persuade | ment, full satisfaction te the mind of man, ican anly be found in in, ec hay gl eye yal sal pany myself Uat it will be ue I think how they | with alt hie infinite parfertiowa pes and grieved, and pained, and martyred by this will sit upon the luxurious sofa as the twilight ly the Creator, and not the creature, that traflic. Therefore, though I am a teetotaller, , falls, and build gay bopes, and murmur in low | can satisfy. land have no connection with the drinking hab- ‘tones the vot forbidden tenderness ; aed how | 2 eos = its of the country, T suffer in body, pocket, miv:!, thrittingly the allowed kiss, and the besutifal The Teeth. and conscience, and all the powers of iny soul, . P ; \ z onde ents of wedJed life, will make even their . sas tene cern te von el es eo? evs The enamel of the teeth is one of the by this evil and destructive thing. most curious substances in the human or- } gavisin. It is a vitriform compound, suf- T picture to myself that! ficiently hard to strike fire with steel > its young creature who Uusheseven now at Lis bee ' surfuee is smooth and lished, and it avid thie ds lad, tusp ‘pueplelonteact tie Hating caress, listening eagerly for his footsteps forme a tiricker layer in the crown ef the sea lettuce, with a large worvus lichens, % Me Bight steals on, and wishing that be ey nee = ey saps a oe \and many braced: hollow alsrac, fullof would evme ; and when be enters at last, and Come of Pipi are cen —— J ’ or neck. Its erystalline fibres, as seen through a miscroscope, are transverse to the perpendicular surface of the teeth, and seem to protrude from the ivory be- neath in innumerable filiform points, giv- jing to the more translucent pol et cares, and making lim forget even bimself io which they thus | enetrate and pervade, a ber young aud unshadowed beauty. I go for-' beantiful velvety appearance. It oop the thicket seeins impenetrable; then ward for years and see her luxuriant bair put so- posed, ee the enama] hasaei PA again leaving large openings between berly away from her brow, and ber girlish pel pearl tee rary ipa enging mong wold and wold, where smaller plants ces resigned into dignity, and loveliness chasten- Pree te, bd form a beautiful pfuk turf. There athon- ed with the gentle meekness of materual affee-' prea Hpaioapralispaadi shige are de- sand hues and finges shine and glitter in ‘tion. stracture of the interiur osseous portion of each changing light. In the indulyence cye, and shows her the same fervent love and the tooth, with which it commanicates by of their loxarions growth, the ind eon delicate attentions which first won her; and ber pressure or transferred motion. sending long stretched arms, crowned fall of howor and untroubled years, are remem their furniture and theigispléndid arrangements parting joyous, and how gladly come back from the crowd and emp<y mirth of the gay, to each other's quiet company The Bottom of the Sea. | Besides the countless varieties of the tfuens, the bottom of the sea is overgrown ‘Vife and motion in their rosy little blac with an affection as undying as bis pulse, folds ders, thickly set with ever-neving tiny ber to bis bosom, [can feel the tide that goes arins, flowing through the heart and gaze with him oa These plants form submarine forests, the graceful form as she moves about for the growing one into avother, in apparently lawless order : here interlacing their bran- ches, there forming bowers and long aven- ves; at one time thriving abundantly, till kind offices of affection, soothing all bis unqui Mer husband looks on her with a proad A Canyon of New Coxsteccriox.—- with was pluines, up to the blessed bered when they die Yesterday afternoon (says the St. Louie light of heaven, they form pale green ‘+ Democrat of the 15th instant) a small = : © . scayroves, where there is ro ineon Natural Curiosities of the South. company assembled at the arsenal to wit- or star; or rise up Nearer tu the surface, hess the trial of a gannon constructed up- to be transcendently rich and gorgeous It is very snrprising, says a late writer, 0" & hew principle, and invented by our in brightest green, gold, and purple. And that two of the yreatest natural curiosities fellow-citizen, Mr. Dimiek, gunsmith.— throagh this dream-like sceve, playing in jn the world are in the United States, and | Lue trial commenced about two o'clock, all the coloars of the rainbow, and deep scarcely known to the best informed of ** the northeast corner of the arsenal under the hollow, briny ocean, there sal our geocrapliers and naturalists: the one WS!l, the gun being directed to the head and chase each other merrily gayly-pain- j, ok ei a ae fall in Franklin, I[aber. |f the sand bar o posite, a distance of ted mollusces, and bright shining fishes. gam county, Georgia, the other, a sta. "PwWards of a half inile. Of ten shots Snails of every shape creep slowly along pendous precipice in Pendleton district, oa after we arrived on the ground five . gres-haired seals South Carolina. They are both faintly of them struck the target, which was hang with their enormous tusks on larze, mentioned in the laté edition of Moore's ;®>out seven feet square. This was eou- tall trees. There isthe gigantic Dugor but not asthey merit. The sidered excellent shooting at thet die the stems, while hit the siren of the ancients, the side long T. lis much higher than the Ni- tance. The balls are octagonal a the shark with lis leaden cyes,the thick-hair- g.cara The column of water is propelled base and about four inches in diameter, ed sea leopard, and the sluggish tur Leautifully over a perpendicular rock, elongated some ten inches, and pointed tle and when tl stream is full, it passes similar to the Minnie rifle ballet. The Look how these strange, ill nl) inanaeitiiont (beinwicbroken All the 84@4res in the bore are so formed as to forma, which ever keep their dreamless Srismaticletfcct scan at Niagara falls project the ball with extraordinary force, sleep far down inthe gloomy short of the spray of Tuecoa. The table C#Us!Ng ito rotate in its flight It fs i 4 themselves ft time to tine? nountain in Pendleton district is an aw- Posed that greater acc uracy can beo they drixe each other fein PAS ful precipice of nine handred fee. Many tained in the working of this gan than tures ‘ ser " cu in storiuss, le within five, seven, or ten that of any other now in use. The - persons resid cal miles of this vrand spectacle who never 8&8 on the gr und familiar with artille- through t siigry Spray Per ul the curiosity to visit it It is now "Y Were highly pleased with the perform- xriime peacefully in the awbe sited by ns travellers, and s ance hk ( t ir ean @ Geep bed, when tinea ly y of science ce | a honer¥ shark nes aviv, silent oO ie Catawlha, in) Botetourt cont ty, Ancient Magnifying Glass, 7 I that grove; its giasev eves shine \ ginia, there is said to be aspring that \ lage lee I , i P \ ; asa has m diecove shost-like with a vellow sheen, and seek elbeand flows with the tides of the ocean i range f {chow apie ith rai ] > fir me rel ' 'ze of a crown piece. w a their pres Phe sen z first becomes [tis gitnated at the head of A ravine, F vilwihicli lead ia with acon ¢ ! or | ’ ’ 4 , ich co < 2 Aware s dreaded enemy, and k* which is flanked by two paralled ridge J nL eee OR8 to suppose Ht to five AE rot ’ ; (enna be a maguifving lens. Now, it has been ‘ ce a ‘terminating in a mountain of considers : | natant iia wl P ah AA oda : Npiaablban : \ sail that the ancients were not aware of \ ‘ rlefelevatior A hanter ofthe neighbor ‘ é ears . 1 | Pedestal i | AVeet Cited Il tnis power, and the invention is given to ra r mos its shie wd bas t] nour o s discovery e } e None ees Sains a i . een ' - Lia (ralheo by some, toa Dutchman, in 1691 eA Ee SS He ceep re Tad killed a deer on the spot, and was) 0, oe 4 , olen, hen et i : , Pac by others, while a compound mieroseo t ( i procees » shinit, whenthe spring, .” ; ctraule are yh eo eal I is attributed to one Fontana, in the seven- Lal iba | ecb etn oe bd which ia moment ha cen INVist teenth eentney ey with at : if : ; fal little ¢ t 3 o : sowly dewnwara, the playful bitte Mat blo. eam } ny forth a torrent at his Ai low. did the © k ‘4 Rooms J lisappearint bran ofthe mareeyv® very foot Not knowing what = shonld ork dh fi ids aii ht h nans t t 1 1 t ¥ ’ , 4 nse ne gems w e His, lobsters hide ander the thick, cluine next take place he left his game, and fled Are nS 5 neh " umaa ] eye able te ; withor suy-shapen roots, and the young walrus! with all epeed to the nearest settler. In tance of a ? "Th sie one it rf =A Ta ot ¢ rinas 4 crs e - alone tarns beld!y around, and faces the tie course of a few hours or, perhaps, a ANCO Ot A g)aeet ss 18 one pee “Na t ) } . . nael | Nes rupal collection, or exe p ntru with his sharp pointed teeth. day. they ve d back, found the spring pe Hehe lection Sor lige le- | : P ge o 3 impos Phe shark recksto gaim lis anpmtected dre, but, before their departure, saw it © : sp ad HE bene lL make f late - +} ae ‘i 5 ’ out, uniess by applying s ag i side. The battle corm ss; both seek again flow and ebb, until it was no long bee 8 mnagnifyin thant rar f ' : , ih, Power. The ylass in qnestion was foan 7 er seer Since that time, its regular ebbs pe " tivente raracas Os 5 with a stone ready cut and polished for © Clase whee and flows have been witnessed by hun 5 i sans jet dae . : engraving thereon, which stone is now J - ce Ireds eu y Chromi \ . te his adv side AS ante also to be seen in the Museum at Naples . the bleeding wal Funey Soaps. —Those small eakes of oe a ibaa: Sete ME Mh rah perfamed soaps need for the toilet can Lowe Veoked J)/eaaca.—The low wecked y pain an 1 blood, he fastens himself easily be mannufactared by dissolving poo M thelladicearelrmnde the th 1. : 3 dresses adies are ( em among the branches, and sven falls an aemimon bar soap of any kind, and adding a he e matiecke Fl eariain fallner easy prey to the shark, whe greedily de ients, and colonring mat smaid jokes by certain fellows of the perfurne do ingre ; ' } yours Wim ters, if the latter are desired. The bar baser sort, wh Yimighlt be in better basi- ves soap isnt npinto thin slices, placed ness. In our opinion itis with ladies a P| inailananie ¢ } : ° " with a sir al vo of water ina pan priv re thev micht be Words and Thoaghts, ane ala ae bisredec, Pnvilee they might be allowed te im 7 vera tire, and is stirred antil it is redinc at their discretion; the wits who We hey leave tosnbmit forthe edifi toa paste e perfu are ther 7 } ean y ¢ 10 ¢ ue iy pa 1 tee mes are then wid ridicnle them had better look ag Monn et wat Aebacy fee mi edlite tattered 4 th s no te ; : V of all whose vocation it ist a 23 7A Ye snap run home. If they do not like the ladies, let Frotha { nto a flat frame or dish, and set in aecool , } eat be write for the public benefit, the following '" : = ‘ them look the other way. There was s plac Int urse of three days it is tv inthe EF Aw ; Se ivenacenecfomeaial Unainiicnnine : greac party in the Fifth Avenne just be- Ng | z fit to be cutint and stamped with Teste oh ek Ary Feadtandang {lar ; : fore last Lent, and the ladies in the mat ec An tedundaney ¢ ne een anentalie or name. Ines , A ; ; be , tee vena ’ mee pte fac, (8h Of dress were extremely low-minded, re is ! \ reflec tallis ents for condncting ~manufs Ww 1 saley ’ } gthe ma ; aC’ go dow were some of them Uisposed to go Verbiayge may indicate observation, but ture of these s SURE * PeMvem= that Jones said to Snocke not thinking. He whothinks much say but ed in’ as steam ba hy aly ibe Inees and “Did von ever see the like?” ; MATATIIE J nploeved for condueting “s . i tle in propert t atheughta, [Ie @Ppara JAS MIR) ‘ . No.” save Snooks, * T never did: at i . t n ¢ with fia tv and economy ane ‘I : ” ats i i NG . w y \ , ; . - 7 Past BINCE was wea ved . ‘tin Noy Phis is perfumed with This was outrageons; but presently the iz ideas the most sticit ar ] ; <? fa) . . ' s ¢ riz ideas intl CX] ee ‘ yof almonds added raseala met the belle of the evening, a nan He tries t 1 : ' t ' : wenty-eight pounds snendid creature, and Jones exclaimed: hought as possibleinto a few words. On of dissolved bar s The heat shoukl “Whata t beauty!” ; ‘ it ) Res yt aK GeAeeth es the contrary, the man who talks everlast . W as po Well, 1 ch J says Snooks, “you vly and promisenonsly, seems to Brown Windsor Soup.—This soap has have the advantage of ime a] thought a have an exhaustless magazine of sound, adistingnished repatation, and sells at galaxy iucluded a constellation of beaa- crowds so many words into his thoughts retail for twenty-five cents per pound. It ties.” and very fre- is made by adding alfa pound each of Some time avo otto caraway, cloves, that he always obscures, “So it does,” savs Jones, “don't you jnently conceals them thyme, cassia, and’ see the milky way.” it was said by Cottar— An era is fast lavender to one hundred and sixty-eight On they passed, and soon encountered approaching, when no writer will be read) pounds of dissulved bar soap. Its brown a magnificent woman with sach frank de- by the majority, save and except those colour is produced by roasted sugar—car velopments as to leave no room for doubt who can effect that for bales of manu. amel. as to the quality of her charma, script, that the hydrostatic screw per Perfamed soaps of endless variety can “There,” says Jones. “is the finest forms for bales of cotton, by condensing be produced, according to the perfames woman in the reom.” that matter into a period that b fore a employed to give then their pecoliar “Bact.” says Snooks, “She utstrips all cupied a page.” Jour. Some 1e fragrance, however, the rest.” _— _ ca wer MY wee NEW YORK CORRESPONDENCE. | STOP THAT FALSEHOOD. | Lgce by Southern papers, that the Iemocrat- he Party all over the South and West, have again tarned out to “save rie usios,” which they al turnately nearly destroy, and then try to save, every four years’ and have been exceedingly wusy (n cireulating and publishing everywhere that “ Fillmore cannot carry a single Northern Btate, and to put down Abolitonism and save the Country, the whole South, and particularly the Whigs mest come m and support Jas. Bue hanan,” that splended, consistent aud Patriotic Statestann, the tried friend uf Whig pringipdes end the immortal Clay, and ith ther sinuy tongues and hypocritical cant, it secws they have in Wany instances sedgecd igh their rauks, hon ont, patriotic Whigs, and Union Joving and abid ing men; how any man with his reaseu about him, and the chauces to ivform himself, with the soul of a Whig or drop of American blood in bis veins, wit allow himself to be thus duped, decteved and led away into the” cnemetes camp. to be laughed at afterwards for his credulity, ts more than | cay cunceiye—support the man, the party, who bave beea “without a shadow of (uening” the uncompromising enemies, trad ucers and revilea, of the Whig party; who bave on all wanamops when iu their power, turned thetn rein place aad power, regardless of went oF jvatifcations, for the last) thirty years; support phe party tbat has tarned out of house aud houre warty every avowed /’rutestant American, irom Veins to California, who bas been at their mer «+ of in their employment for the last two vears: support the nomiwee who has bound himself to ~v and do likewise, seach credulity, such stupid tv in fall growu men is amanng The Lepubh- eae party here have been pursuing the same tu.aree precisely, only that they say “ A'//snore caneot get a sagie Southern State,” and thus’ tease two rewiulers of the Whig and Aimerican petwes, are trying to bolster up their own Lotter ng forvanes, lo stiffen theu owa back boncs, and jowment te the world asbow of decency aud num mre by barefaced slander, amd premeditated trisebood ; for every mau amongst them kovws these assertions, to be every man South kaows Fillinore will yet mm higent groundless, ta ise ~vuilbern Mates, a cory man of sense North, knows he will get Northern States, and vice ver sa, vet their constant cry 1s “1 would like to vote tor bullmore, but there ts cot the shadow of a chapee for him, the election is between Fe iaont and Buchanas,” and thus they keep up this bush whacking cry to draw off the tinvid and ansus pecting from a mau am] party which they fear more, infiaiiely more than all the oil rm, and mere than they fear their master, the Mr bitimore’s bold epon the affections of the Aimer vcan people. Mr. Fillmore’ uncompronusing in togrity and persons! redependence, as exl Lite! ia bis speeches since bis vomumavion, as shown theoagh bis whole hfe, strikes terriliy upon thew cortupt aed tottering francs, and causes tben to tremble in th ir shoes. as men sudden! y smuit ten with the plague. Take from the Dewocrat ie pasty im the North, ts saltpetre, its caunon, its whiskey and its office-bolders, and at their greatest demonstrations here, there woald not Le « corporals geard, and their calls would fal! ap om the public car like the treacheroes «)sculttions of a sworn enemy, only to be anlreeded aml des Take fromg be Kepubhcan party its hired aod enprrocipled minions, its boazht ap and an prieripie! presses, its Maraposa and ~ hatee Fuad” Gould, and the festered plrenzy porary bet distracted sectioaal bigotry. au! their mertings woul! Le farther apart than angels ir its to senners = Now | profess to have visited a the sarger gathenags bebd of all the partes. | have seca thew banner, listened to [herr musx and thew orator, witocesed their explosions, heard theer bexzas and read thei reports and muss consciepuously say that for numbers, for raapectactity. for order, fur talents and fur a ipe ewthusmem speaking frum the heart gh the cuuntenance of the man, none ar: comparable to the Amerrcan Meet.n ys, whether ul a tem im the wards, in large halle of the broad parks Now J will speak of the great “tate of New Yorn, with it | am fam /lia have Leen polit tealby aed actively coger alitics fur three years. and your readers mately om omy staloments The Ac an party 1854 poll ed 122,000 votes without the ard per; m 135 ibe stale and etectung every base shovwt + da vingl pa enh bet two of three. thes sacit rolled ap nearly 150,000 vot fier bat ve that thes eer what can thev pot « { ,and now aay that they are infe ¥ stromger now tha they Barve ever been io all porta [a Ulet gee aed, betier dueipleed and wm sthustast and with Filamue for I'resident and lbruvks for Gererpor po ober party can quiminte & ” etand behase them) Lesmies thew patie siren: they sow have the whole Whog party. the An Tene ral a 4 ate ped \terncam rela artes, with tear aid am Heinen! Cutan) aiwy. they ar “ate by oe @ certs & work) star Mt we a fact court mere be be Der ‘ Repubesos, | menos © cmel mon © chare Lew mk whimente aw) a Nie desany there i mot a A. ae 6 . ~ erery wo weeks from anv t Leen Lect and } et van a ihal @ , Beda fn ~ . oe the fur wy cure . ‘re z aprcel faver to t * op_woenis. |) b-zates © an at [ult.enere fe oe ale t \ Na me complexion of polities for years in your State, or at the late elections resolve to place at the head | of the nation, your nation, a man worthy of the position, known to beso byexperienae, or resolve to sutter a defeat igdefenge of a pare and upright | man, and in batteliag for rights bequethed you by your illustrious Bires, and honored ‘compan- ions: bucklén the armor, hold mass meetings, | draft the best talent of the state, send it to the evtremes, circulate documents, lend your time aud give your money, and “never say die.” and a certain, a signal, a noble triumph awaits you; the North is looking intensely to the South to stand by Fillmore; [mean the National North ; wil you desert, will you deceive her? AMERICAN. THE SOUTIL IN| DANGER. If there has been a single cry oftener repeated by Locotocoisin than any other, it is the one that heads this artiele. If there is au appliance that is oftener re- sorted to by that arty tu carry out its ends than any other, it is the one here alluded to. Jf Democracy” has any special end in view, the South is in dan- ger, and in the accomplishinent ef this end only, cam she hope tor salvation.— It Democracy” has any purpose to ac- complisb, the South is in danger, and it is ouly in the aécomplishinent of this pur- pose, that the Way of eseape is opened to ver. Ifa member of Congress is to be elected, the South is in terrible peril, un- less a Locofoeo member is returned. If a Governor is to be elected, the same danger inevitably accrues. ln short, on} all uceasions, and.im avy event, which is to determine whether certain offices are to be held by Locofoces or their oppo- neuts, the safety of the South can only be secured by giving the spoils to Locofoco- isu. No matter how large or how small, how important or bow significant, the rule is of universal application, — It is al-| ways a fit—hke the Jew’s coat—big enough for the largest ian, or small enongh for the smallest boy. When a President is to be elected, the South is ut-, terly ruined, and tetotally smashed, and | ied forever, if the Locofoco nominee ‘ Again, when the election fai mnwealth’s Attorney and Commissioner of the Revenne was to cone off, the Sonth was not only again in dan- ger, but civil and religivus liberty wae throughout the world and for and the South and civil and liberty, ther, had not Providence inter posed (fur so said the Argus) and taken this sinall loaf and this stnall fish from the “ poor pitiful Know Nothings,” and given it to ravenons and ineatiate Locofo would have gone to the comm Look back, candid reader, to the ap- peals Demoogacy has made pending every ; election from the time of Andrew Jack aon. Can you eall to mind any election, for any office, froin the Presidency down to the measuring of wood and potatoes, pending which, the same danger was wot urged and the sane panacea recotn mend ed. Going back as far as 1536, we find Locofveoisin terribly exercised lest: abo lition should triamph in the person of Ilarrison, a son of Verginaa, over that imuaeculate pro-slavery wan, Mur Van Buren! In 1840, we find the saine terror revived, lest abolition shoald then triumph in the person of the native In 1544, Locofoevisin was (ren tim Virginian! Ayain in agony, lest abolition shoald tri i ~ « wioph in the person « ( Mr. Clay, &nother aun of the South and of Virginsa, In 1548, ‘he same horrible phantom appear ed in the person of Gen. Taylor, another pom of the Niith luo Virginia, and the rener of ahundred daca! In 1d S2, it again appeared in the person of General Seutt, sti tnother mun of the Nuuth and Vinge { alnl mow t ones again appears persona of Mr. Fill irg declares to au Creddings we, whom Mr. Mas~« a! torn st be a worca Oot « A man mast be an ar rimaines that any party omree jit ald, by any titel nan to any of refit, w Washetan nn g The thing is as We lave La« st wor ~ a rr y riled Ca l’re tial « ns How esca ep pent! Wha Kast A ~ prtterta ever clveant ar , ] ihe \ ] ® N "ras hern ' Whi ng ‘ be an a t € s from > ly Lh ] ~ e dat, We Sasoner 4 at ' w | < firt } ro. wou , “ t . I t Navy, ar a> z ] Is} twa ¢ YW 5 f a sl ‘ wcec plea Ai 4 i lepresend entire ralid , ie { s and re i ave gt ‘ ( Cuss 4 Mou ' is creat, azaitis “> 4 s as aya A | ke Bice me 1D) rac papers how : r » burl ap nef ore i) ex ae } we r 5 ver 1 N ID . ‘} A XN wha by x, i ' as Jour A. lx ‘ “aad ( ans eel tM te \ t ay y fia nh excite \ V at ir at e. area t ina, Ww 4 : \ en t \) mom ore and , d at away Wiyrera ii \ AGI an) Doar i) J ( Patrick \ who will pretend to uraintain by fatr and conclusive argument, that the cuckoo cry, | with which this article is headed, has not ‘been from first to last—an unmitigated humbug.— Norfolk American. | -- From the New Orleans Bulletin, August 26. | THE CONTRAST. | The present administration came into power amid profound peace, ‘The sectional storm had died away. — Its fury had been breasted by a pi- lot whose skill and firmness were equal to the, emergency. He called all hands upon the deck of the ship of State, and, delivering his diree- tions to those whom he could implicitly trust, he himself stood at the helin’ to see that the no- ble craft was steered aright, and that his subor- dinates did their duty: that everything should be placed in complete order, all sails taken in, and thus be prepared to ride out the temptest ia safety. The raging billows at length subsid- ed. The dark night was succeeded Ly a morn that, breaking beautifully and peacefully upon the horizon, showed the breakers and concented rocks which had been shunned by consummate tact and wisdom. The heavy rolling of the sea, and the hoarse mutterings of distant thauder were respou led to by the echoing shouts of all on board. furled under a clear sky, and with a fine breeze, she came into harbor, saluted by the glad, ea- Avd thea, with all sails aguin an- | thusiastic burrabs of assembled thousamls. But to drop the metephor. AlJ admit that Mr. Fill- more’s advent to power was ata Ume of great Ile was comparatively unknown, at least beyond the limits of his own | State. He bad uo prestige to rely upon; po party to back him. Gen. Taylor's devease was saddea aud unexpected. and general excitement. There was not a mo- ment for sober reflection. The Cabinet refused to remain in office ualess assured that the members would be retained.— ! Phis—and it was charscteristic of the man— Mr. Fillmore refused to pledge himself te. He would not trammel himself. He would act freely.— Meantime the emergency was pressing. Creat interests were at stake. The peace of the coua- try was tireatened. There was an intense ex etement throughout Texas. Meetings had been held, at which the most unyielding resolutions were adopted to resist the laws of the United States in New Metico by force. The political cautdron was Loiling as though all the imps of darkness had coatnbuted to the mature. Prompt ly, yet calmly, the thea uotned, uakeowo man, upon whom Lrovidence had so suddenly devolv red the execution of the law and the upholding of the Constitution, adopted bis measures. Heed less of denunciatiun, with both ears, as it were, closed, but with a single eye to kis dety as im- posed by his oath, be and his Cabinet pursued tbe straight path with which the Constitution bad marked out for them as with a sunbeam, turning nether to the mght nor to the left to please this of tat party, to secure the eo-opern ven of thos or that elique. Immechately thrvagh the length and breadth of the land was the ef feet felt. A master's band was recognized. An Lespect aed admirativa took the place of coklpess and opposiuon. Cordially was restored, and the | oprmon of Millard Fillmore and lus Cabinet, set vppustive Coagress was aston shed ing as they did as a unit, had more weight with the Scaate and House of Kepresentatives, pro- fexaedty opposed to them in politics, than the opinion of their successors has ever had with both Houses at coe Une overwhelmingly in ther fas or Th ed to the satisla ¢ » diffeulues with Texas were soon arranz That I'an received ile wm of all partes jora’s Lex, the slay ery agitation was sulminting, there g. fires to feed apoa. T of at bast tthe foe Ube juret us sections country saw the efbet of all these measures and the support u A bes paurtic Ca came up to a palntic }'reaideut tit and of these Hiustnous is orpwamber whe ate with them in the sGilesarn Heace with do Beery branch of g indas try flourmbed , am! the smal! synads of profes ronal mtechief makers who live upum the ere A thew dupes. wete io actual danger of c compelled to adopt some respectable cal olAain bread, « rent wre the A materia uu Ore jit nee oft th pro penty ap! barrvey f the cumatry, which they oul) use in thee pecuhar jee lt was a spec tackle of mural subliinyy rarely ett neseed (duet A danger avd abtagowiman had come safety and ari And (has the admnetrat A Millard b vor me to a clus ated the plaudits of . am) alannng tndions irrespective of par It was a bolhant, and cheese close: a at amd) Umea toure © nlid Uber ‘ ‘ wom tine a4 ry and pomp of mbatthead huste retaruing from victomuas fells r . ve blood of brethren It was tle / an Veace bath her victe ¥ met g retired, aeking nm erewarl than thee wt a) ike uw . en beremst and t wide epee ad pro» enty Levers where prevailed | wo bappy " { the coantry the prsent [pemocra ahniustration came into ire a wpon such at Ax popular favor as » | tietore Leen witnemed when a senuce had been att sivece the days cf Ve gion kt cme into power, tuo, by the tea fd the Unmen men of the country, ur at axt by a wnultituce of them —the same men b ont of Fillmore, Clas \ the war against Surely, under sach n With prevalence of profonnd t avery issues settled with the ‘ | resources and industry m pro ye of viguroms amd suc ssfu developn was fitth: for the ineoring admiaixtrat » secure the continuance of all Useme great weatiotial blemsitrcs wtite kerp mght on whiel ha on this indeated. It would erin aa though even a blind man, withou? any eyew at allo might have felt les way along. What voweson dd he popalar President du? Thi rrmt tt party—t [nvm party —thiat ehoperted him? Did he and the partion “ a ho with lite ration, and with mmonthe for reflection, he called around lun, vA 4 arya \la t prments e ot t intry answer No elnino wor tywhere struck slow the ailiminieteatwan Llev were pasadl by c kre no North and Dosen - is mid t J oserpent 1 ais cod was well nigh drawing ast gasp, aon reared lie repulsive head as again beard ( > Zoatapenod of almost unexam rei aud prospenty, the Dernocratie Ad trat W four vears has brought the eountry ‘ ‘ Lin ites listers acon wil tiie the weseest and beast inen io it with alantalarm. Onthe Western border : war a lent rages, engendunng ‘ t AE ‘ passions which emi ware never fal to d oF The lund fires of alia al * al! coneuin sa oat was never ao ‘ Ky tine in the as A purely gee “ , od ar leudorsed the platform. and his message, $$$ threatens to the of the cotin- try in all. of and yniversal civil is, all this, has been broyght What, we ask, may be ex> in four years more, sh powerf If, starting un, the most fav auspices, the country has been brought Tony of destruction in one Presidential tefm, what would be its condition | abopt in four of the regim it be continued’ i” | at the end of the term, commencing at the pre- | : sent stand-point! Dare any body contemplate | ” Now the administration of | the consequences t Mr. Buchanan, should be be entrusted with the reigns of power, we suppose will be adunitted by all his friends, would be a continuance of that of Presideut Pieree. The Cincinnati Convention emphatically en- Wo | ‘The telegraph brings sad news to the South- F dorsed the present Adininistration, without any | ANDREW JACKSON DONELSON, veri Democracy from Maine. The election in (ey liv qualification whatever, and Mr. Buchanan has: If he be honest and’ consistent, his adminstration metaé be a contin- vance of Mr. Pierce's. We ask the conservative Union men of these United States to-day if they | are willing to see the term of the present Ad- | ministration prolonged four years lunger? Would it be safe? Could the Union endure the strain? We put the question to those who have an in- | terest in the soil, who are the owners of proper- | ty, to those whose prosperity depends upon that of industrial pursuits, who have families to be affected by the condition of the country, for + weal or woe, We put it especially to the plant: | ers and farmers of the Southern States, to say | whether their interests can prosper unless peace be speedily restored! Is it not likely that un-* Jess the agitations are speedily terminated, they will assume ptoportions and involve consequeu- ces destructive of the best interests, moral and material, of the country! Aud is there any man | now before the péople for the Presidency whose election would sy surely accontplish the desired result as that of Millard Fillmore ? From the Raleigh Register. fav It is wonderful—the changes that arise in the bvuleversements of politics.— A few years ago, the Whig and Demo- cratic parties were arrayed against each other on the system of banking. The former struggled manfally to sustain our banks—and the latter as vigorously ex- erted their energies to suppress and des- troy them, and to bring back the coun- try to the continental exploded hard mo- ney system. Now all parties agree in the practice of the good old Whig doc- trine. There wa: a similar antagonism on the subject of Internal Improvements by the Geueral Governunent—the Whigs advo- cating and the Democrats opposing them. The action of the late Democratic Con- gress, in the ace of Presidential vetoes, lias obliterated all distinctions on this question. Tue hostility to these works was carried to improvements within the States, by their own governinents. It was particularly soin North Carolina. — If there is any distinction now im the race between the parties in our State, it is that the Democrats have outstripped the Whigs—-aad have to be held in check by them. They seem inclined to pneh the good work a little too far, beyond the resvarces which the old State cao readily command. And the bit Las takeu place of the spur. Democracy prances about like a young colt, aud the staid vld Whigs have to earl the wild thing with a stutf brideon, to keep ber froin running | away. Those whose memory can reach back a quarter of a century and upwards, will have a vivid recollection of the ridicule cast on Quincy Adams, for having re- commended the erection of national ob servatories. Tiley were jeeringly called his “ Light houses in the skies” And mach was the “vld wan eluguent” taunt ed with his unlucky expression abow t nyt ‘ heing palsied by the will vf constit ents , The subject was laughed oat of Congress and derision was heaped on the man daring his whole ad ministration. liis was om Now the national observatory is jnstly the pride of the nation, and mak among the scientific estallisliments of the age. We have lately read with much inter- est an oration delivered at Albany by Mr. Everett on the inanguration of the Dudley Astronomical Obvserratory, in which the orator cloqnently portrays the of these establisiiments, of whieh: there are now in the country asoune fifteen 1825 trees are no longer called “Licht beases in bat all par thes share in the pride of the mational re the one at Washing arge of the celebrated Maury and his able corps or twenty They the ekies ; now: acquired ‘ noler the « _- COMING TO IT We clip the following from one of or exehanpes : Dp Mork ats ON Ieiour Trace. —The Ainerican Det ats Ponghhee} re orgauigug an association op the basis f America for Armericans, but an adler cence to the party candidates They are greatly dissatisfie!] with certain appoint ments of Ineh Catholics in their town Why not join the Amerecan party at mncel It appears froin this that the Demo crats are ecapousing the doctrines of the American party sooner than was expect ' ed. We have they would, in less thanten years, be the seen the prediction that nest obstre » advocates of onr princi plea, to be found in the whole | country | bat really we did not expeet them to be Look ont who read this article will live to see the vin to change ao early many day, when Democrats will claim to have heen always in favor of, and indeed to doctrines of the have originated, the Ainerican party, whieh they now traduce ANd ACHOUnC As GOOD IDEA So many of the shouldered the rifle Boston clergy lave andl girded on the itical that ther in danger of straying into evil sword of 4 warfare, flocks ar The seentir press have in conse jnence stepped inte the vacant field of Christianity, and now try theie hand at ny serminona, merely to keep the paths pre mM flocks from wandering away, seduced by the bad cxample of their shepherd The Voston Traveller, on Satarday week, preached a sermon on the Season, which was as cloquent as it was suggestive The fact proves, that how ever poor a politi cian a preacher makes, when he converts his pulpit inte a political fornin, an edi- tor of an independent press may become an excellent preacher without being edu cated to the ministry. We do not know will be benefitted by the Phil Ledger, bat the puble | there TERMS OF THIS PAPER $2.00 CASH, e cons oes FOR PRESIDENT, ; | single Northern electoral vote, that this great Js strength ia) in one portion of the Union, and not in all ; and | ‘not in all; and what is this bat sectional organ-| MILLARD FILLMORE, , *%! OF NEW YORK. FOR VICE PRESIDENT, OF TENNESSEE, AMERICAN ELECTORAL TICKET. FOR THE STATE AT LARGE. L. B, CARMICHAEL, of Wilkes, JOHN W. CAMERON, of Cumberland. FOR TUE DISTRICTS. ist District, Lewm Tuomreon, a K. J. Wanans, ost O.P. Mesara, | 4th Jan T. Lervriaioax, Sth“ A.J. Srenwan, th J. M. Leace, ith “ A. J. Danaas, sth 4D. Hyman. Attention Patriots. There will be a meeting of the friends of Fu.twore and Dowxtsox, at Murphy’s Hall on Thursday evening next, for the | purpose of forming a Fillmore and Dou- elson club. Americans, Whigs and Demoerats, fa- vorable to the election of Millard Fill- more, are requested to attend. oo Read !—yes, read the articles in this paper copied from the Yew Orleans Bul- letin, and from the Norfolk Amecioan. They are strikingly true in every word and sentence, a8 every man will admit. And when you have read these, then read the article headed “Stop that falsehood ,” and last, but not least, read the address on the first page to the people of the United States. Death by Lightning.—Mrs. Augeline Watson, relict of the late William Wat- son, was killed by lightening, at her res- idence in this place, on Thorsday night last. She had arisea from ber bed da- ring the prevalence of a storm which passed over town between one and two o'clock, and was in the act of lighting a candle, as we learn, when the flaid de- scended the chimney, and struck her on the head, shoalders and Ureast, Lilling her instantly. - Portraits of Presidential Candidates We have received from the Brother Aictine Jonathan Office, New York, a Sheet of gout = Six finely engraved [’vtraits, viz: Bac- hanan and Breckinridge—Fremont and Dayton—and Fillmore and Donelson Send a 3 cent postage stamp to B. IL. Day, 45 Leekinan street, New York, and you will get the whole six of the these Portraits free of postage. Cheap cnongh ! “>: THE COMING ELECTION. For the first time in the history of oar Governments we are ontheeve ofan elec tion on which our very existence as a cou federacy dependa Lcretofore oar elee tions have involved merely questions of policy, whieh, in themselves, were com paratively anitnportant—certainly never such as tu endanger our existence. Lut now the strugyle is at hand which all look forward to with the invst intense interest The Democratic and Black Republican organizations distinctly draw the line whether we are to be one people or not They make an issue that is plain and un equivocal. With the exception of a few forlorn Know Nothinga, every party, ev ery faction have weryed into these. They all feel and know thatthe eqaality of the North and the South, under the Federal Constitution, is dependant on the resalt Dy it we are to have | nion and pace, or disunion, possibly revolution and blood Hecause we have patiently Lorne with insalt and injury, time after time, it is not to be the same always. The Sout! ia now united onthat point, that we must have equality ta the Union or out of it that our riglts are not to be interferred with will take means to redress Columbia Sonth Carolinian shed rwe them If Frewont should be elected it will in deed show the strength of abolitionism Lat not so, in the event BDachanan wins the contest. The slavery agitation will receive a powerfal impetns in the one but as it The fanatics of the North will attempt to ride over the Seath rongh shod if Fre mont sneceeda; but if Bachanan triainphs, case, remain is in the other will on/y continne to foment diseord and mischief. On the other hand if Fillmore beats them both, as we hope and believe he will, it will prove that there isa Na tional party in the coantry which is able to command the peace and enforce the constitutional rights of all sections. It will shows conservatisin North and South which will at once quiet the fears of the people, and vive stability to all the inter Why don't f this preat country the South consider this! cee THE MAINE ELECTION The result of the late Maine election ia worthy of note. The Wilmington Her ald writes thus: WHAT HAS BROOME OF THEM? Maine has always been a Democratec State. She voted for Pierce, and was eet down as good for Buchanan. But, at the clection beld this week, the Republicans swept it by a heavy ma 16.000 jouty — probably Now, what has be come of our friends, the National Demoernts of some free State Maine, who gave the State to Pierce and were to give it to Buchanan! They have gone over by the thoasand) to the Republicans, Hamlin, Rep, gets 53,218 votes, and Welle, Dom. 32-, 97%. Hamlin gets, therefore, over 20,000 more votes than Wells, and yet four years ago th State was larg Dh unoerate Mfow do vey | And the Richmond Whig givos the fol. | lowing on the same subject : | that State came off on Monday, and the result is “w complete and overwhelming Black Republican triumph, ‘Thus another decided stronghold of the Demveracy in the North has iguominivusly eapitatated to the Fremont pyrty! This makes | two, in the course of the last few wecks, which have deseeted Buchanan, which have trampled the hitherto invincible Demeeratic organization under foot, aud gune over, horse, foot, und dra- goons, to Greeleyism, Sumperiom nnd Albolition- tem, What an illustration is this uf the nation- ality, fidelity aud patriotism of our noble and | | uneongueruble allies! When the hosts of the’ Northern Democracy are thus basely surrender: | ‘ing on every hatid, pct Ww bundreds, but by! | thousands and tens of thousands, were ts tbe| ‘bousted hope of the South in their willingness | {and in thet power to preserve the Cynstitution | and to protect the rights and boner of the South ? We cousider that the result of the eledtion in Naine pats a complete extinguisher updn Bue hanao’s ch for the Presidency, and shows | ,that the South tan place no reliquee upon thie | ' Northern Democracy for the slightest protection ‘to her i and her institut New Lamp- | shire first, lowa next, and now Maine—all three having been heretofore strong, deciled, over | whelming Democratic States-—-have become} thoroughly and irretrievably Bluck Repudlican ized, and will assuredly cast their electoral votes for Fremoat in November. MORE PROOF FOR THE SOUTIL OF FILLMOLKE'’S SOUUNDNESs. Whilst the Buch‘sacer presses at the South are strenuously at work in the at- tempt to shake the claim which Fillmore , has upon her, by representing him as a» abolitianist, the Black Repablicans at the North are maliguantly assailing him as an ultra pro-slavery man. We see daily in the New York Courier, Tribune, Bos ton Telegraph, aud other tanatical sheets, the moet pointed articles of this stamp, we do nut know that we could better fill @ space iu our ealunins oceasivually than with extracts frou them, The following we clip from the Tribane of the Seth of August and we invite the reader's partic ular attention tu it. We eommend it to the especial notice, aleo, of the Editor of the Charlotte Demoerat and to those who may have seon lis difficult labors in at tewpting to prove that Mr. Fillmore ie uusafe for the South. Tlow are the con- opinions of the Northern and Lern preas tu be reconciled. it ean not be dupe. Lut the people have not forgotten that Mr. Fillmore once filled the Presidential chair to the satisfaction of the the business of the consu whole country ; and conducted Nation with sneh mate skill as to win the admiration of the services then; and we cannot world. They were grateful for his Lut believe that they willtrustinin again, Tlisman ly avowal of his prit approval of all Natic iples challenges the Nal then The Buffalo Commercial Advertiser, the special organ of Mr. Fillinore,is opposed to the idea of giving aidtothe Free State set tlersof Kansas. Gov tion to send thit! er emis ants Che igh to wetect the Territory from Border tuflan invasion, and defen! the homes Reeder's proposi of the inhabitauts from such outrages as that jut perpetrated upon the peaceful occnpants of the Quaker Mission, 1@ bret denounce by Mr. Pillsoore’s next friend, thos Daffalo newspaper, No doubt this expresses Mr. Fillmeore'’s sent jnat as they were expressed by the Know Nothing State Convention at Syracuse on Wedpesday last. That ¢ the pablic is well aware repeatedly refined to terly anvention, as olutely and cenanre the bludgeon asa Leyislative a to condemn the murders, r ndictinents for treason in this confirins tl in series and Ka aase All fact, which was plain thea ves the enslarement r. Fillimere’s of Kan Nominated by aSlave dnving Con vention, and remaining in the field asa candidat« of divi ding the North and electing Buchanan, to every cye before, policy inv sas volely with the hope his sympatives and these of Ine suppor tere naturally belong on the side of the Border Koffiane, This is now establish ed beyond the possibility of denial. No man who dees not sincerely wish that and the Free State settlers of Kansas conquered and driven out, can cast his vote foe Fill more Slavery should be extended THE FREMONT GAME The Black Republicans, not satisfied with their efforts to take Kansas and Ne braska, and subject that territory to the Colt's Re volvers, seein determined to fightour in reign of Sharpe's Rifles and stitutions within the very citadel of their existence. For this purpose they are sending incendiaries and emisarics South, in the guise of sash window shade ped lara, in the shape of /rishmen—two of whom were discovered in Cheraw con sorting w ith nheyroes, publicly eXpressing opinions dangerous to the peace of socie ty. Whereupon, a public meeting* was called and attended by the most reapec table citizens of Cheraw., Testimony was taken, and the two incendiaries, Jas. Caldwell, alias Cornel, alias Dempsey and John Malone, Irishmen, were Rely rogated. The result of the matter was these two Irishmen were put in custody of a committee, to be hy them sent to 1 They passed through Wilmington, om route for the North, on yesterday, where they can more safely give vent to their feelings concerning an Institation which they can neither appre- clate nor understand Wiliwington Herald. ing 50.or 100 ladies, and 6.40 100 Abie i, ‘There werea number none of much furce—the eravk orators who wate expected having gope over to a great. Rahway, Nd. mn gy whe al ey Hetty. eare of the : ‘in Bultimare, aiid said: bout along the str atteytion of a nigger: white man don't: kwow where he's ‘gwing to yet his dinneg ; "eur only to. knew sehen he’s gwing to yet lies Thc peer that negro is very curtain to get dhe Te oy question with him-is une of tine, 1 could but wonder at the inrmense to which political parties go here, aah ofthese Clube rats large rooms, (and renteare enormons bere;) they are splendidly lighted with janomer- able gas burners, which also cout heavily; and there is a free reading rovm connected with easel always open and free to body. Then there are posted all over the ct ge basi meelings are advertised. in the papers, These are all expenses visije to any ong; bes which I befieve they have free bar rooms, 40, We kuow nothing ip our country of the expense of an one yeutheman say in private part ‘E Meu's ideas become coutracted by always staying at home. , Passing down town this morning? [ fund « | part of Broadway Larriended against acd all of oneside of the street protected, pedestrians by a long chain, and a dong police- mew to guard t. The eause of all this was, that the south end of the great Broadway Theatre is expected to fall at any moment, and possibly the fryut, or the whole building, tumble An old building by its side ken tole removed, for the purpose of putting ap « better; in digg down to make two stories gail aca t the fKiendatious of the Theatre have beew under- minded. There were 500 to 1000 perons stand ing on the vutede of the chain, awaiting the fal! which may not take place during the dag. The process of demolition of old houses sad patting ep ecw, is guing on im pil parts of the city. They do pot hesitate to pall down a home that cost twenty or thirty thousand dellam, to put up one costing fifty or a bundred thousand. There are hundreds of marble Leildiogs, hundreds more of perhaps not less ex; e brown stone buildings, five and six stories high, pat ep for stores, generally on the cross strects, which were bat bith known a few yenrs age. Thea, a building of either hind wm 9 curicety here. Esery thing is on the same seale of pro gress —dresing, living, and all things else. in one branch of basiness it is to see the progress. I allude to the book trace. Nothing shows more pleasantly than this, for it indicates the spread of education, a rapid and almust wni- tersal extension of intelligence. Prom the Pagetteriile Obeoroer HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. New Yous, Spe 3, 1856. My last two days have beee devoted to the consummation of arrangemests for pablishing the Rev. Dr. Hawks's History of North Corotea. I have made a contract for stercotypeng te bret volume, a emall edition of which | bope will be printed im the course of the next three mooths The advantage of Meret y ping, ae most of my readers Jowltlese kmow, in, that smecesive edi bons of any work may be published, from time to time, in large of mall quantities, without the blvy and heasy expense of setting the type anee lke thee of 1 Hawks, which will have a heavy cirewlation, an! be a stamdardof History. (the only complete oo-,) stereotyping m ateclutely necessary, so as to le able to All the demand from year to year Onher wine, when a first editen « ethausted, it ranglet le Iifficult to indace any ome to mae a second up ma market already generally sapplied, Wb steredy pe plates, editions of 500 of 5000 may be msved from year to year with equal facilis fot cach edition, Ina work My jlan ts, to publish a small eclition, and with Lat asa sample, to employ agents ia every inty in the State to obtain sabscriber, so a» be wanted to The first volume ia writ » hoow how many thousand «il supply the demand ten, [1 will exnbrace the period between the first end of the velume make ooly and | have selected pew and handsome type, and superfine heavy paper for it so as to have it iseued ia a style worthy of the State and of the dietingusxhed author. As ge to North Carol This about 259 pages, Aro. na and the 16th tury will tm expected to enter into the houses of almost every intelligent man io the State, the price oll looking to large sales rather than to * large pree, for remanerativa. Should the +o ame make 250 pages, as | suppose from an et Le low — amination of the materials, the price will be #1, lwand in handsome cloth, $1.25 in sheep and #1.50 in half calf. Of the size of sotseque volumes T cannot judge, as it will be controlled by the amount of materials for different epochs Kut I suppose that the whole work within 1500 of 2000 page and that the price of subseq aent volames will be on sulbjecta will be embraces regulated by the size, say at the same rate of two-fifths of a cent per page for the cloth bowed copies Ir, Hawks has collected a large amonot of materiale, both in print and im mapuseript '® our own State and abroad. The books from which he gets the authentic accoants of the est ly voyages from England to North Carolina, #r° very old and rare, printed in black letter, with curious spelling, dec.—Lle found these in Lon- don, and for a single volume of them paid $75 Ilis heart is in the work, and so he bas spared neither time, money, nor labor, to collect mate rials for ililustrating the history of bis beloved State, of which he may truly say— “Where'er I roam, whatever realms to ree: My heart, wotravel'd, fondly turne to thee I wish that every one in North Carolina, who has oll letters or docurhents bearing upo® the history of the State, or any of its distinguished men of the olden time, would see the advantage of placing such materials in the bands of Ir Hawks, by whom they will be thankfully ‘ cieved, judiciously used, and carefully preserve and returned, Fremont ele ed in Virgie formed in ' tainly be go Democrats. turned out , the Fremon Democrata ! South, bear Whig lie. graph, as wi Democratic “ We res; ga, that as uon for the winter, whe for the prot shoald not 1 he visit Nor toral duties, inside of the goose.” By rood and fa Fie eolleagu they were a good dandis latere, Ob amies ; bat your brothe though you sen for F electoral ti Democratic tare! Lun, Stop the himself Thor ance is abou baile with | thirds India thick lips an color rather on the perso teen years o Kentueky a lady was on dered and h reward of tv for the arres his safe deli 2 The Western par the name of nan by the on Monday learned the ther than th drinking at | of Alamance Ingold drew 'n the abdon In a short ti: ted to prison The devil possoible, hy Sx ery sin be Woud keep PA G S SS E SS SS P SS K SI T I E S ST SE P ES T O SB R SS SS E SS P TC ES - “B F G F a & EL S SR E Ts AT r c s o e r e s k e s t F a = 7e daineunin an a ing er the Bhs" ba the last Banner, sign- pte Tete ag a specimen of his necnraey, thon it is not gitin the respect of the pub- lier wlDoew slid not “know that the ‘Bine Ridge, Morganton? What then nealalige earrying the road through that ridge andas far as to Morganton? And again, apon whatfacts docs lie base the assertion. that the Road could be completed “to the points aimed at” for y aoablig $000,000" Jess than ‘the Engineer's eeti- the reute located? One who porxouch, Yarmth, should Hot a certain .amount of solf-evi- or facts in figures, are indis- ‘f6 eustaining his fanciful gyra-| tior | yoo WILL NEVER CEASE! ‘ ‘would have believed that a Fre-| mofit ticket could ever have been gotten | up in pid Virginiat Yet, nevertheless, | such appears to be the fact, peader't Lgl ly, “ wonders will never ecase.” Rend the fullowing- which we copy from the | Kithniond Whig of yesterday : Beh scart IN VIRGINIA. avd Dayton electoral tick-| res: fio oes formed for this State. The | lowing is the list, complete, save two the State at large : ney 1—Charles W. Newton, of Taylor. @—Aadrew 8. Hulden, of Iarrinun. 3—Jotme 8. Barnes, of Marion. 4K, W. Spasbor, of Mosongalia. 5—Job Crabiree, of Lee 6—Alsolom olf “Tay lor. 7—Win. Lauts, of Monongalia. 8—James T. Melver, of Sevtt. 9 —Isanc Karsons, of Hampohire. 10—James B. Kee, of Dendheton. 11—Jd Of Kennett 12—Hiram , of Scott. 13—& T. , Of j’restun. | S» Andrew 8. Holden, of Harrison, is | 2 elector for the Norfolk District. Bed ain Andy pays as a visit; we will present him with the handsowest coat made from the inside of the pine and the Saute ol Va antes thet a ov ue laid eyes ov. 80, come along, Andy. The Whig says: “We take the fure going paragraph from the Norfolk Argus — decided and thorvughgoing Demo cratic paper, and ® warw supporter of LBuebanan. We presume it speaks by the ecard—especially when we cousider that every one of the above Fremont elec tore were Democratic membera of the last Legislature. And what is more, they constitate that “Black List of Thirteen’ who voted against the bill providing for the protection of the slave property of the State! We always knew that if a Fremont clectoral ticket should be ed in Virginia, it would most certainly Le form formed in Virginia, it would most cer tainly be gotten up by, and composed of, Democrata. Aud eure enough it has turned out jast as we anticipated. AM the Fremont electora in Virginia are Democrata! VN oters of Virginiaand the South, bear Uris fact in mind. This is no W hig lie. graph, as we have already stated, from a Democratic paper, the Norfolk trum “ We respectfully @uggest to the 1, gua, that as it had pe word of condeinna tuuon fer the “Immortal Thirteen” last wintes, when they voted against the bill fer the protection of slave property, it shoald not now threaten “Audy a he visit Norfolk in discharye of his elec We extract the above para shonld toral daties, with “a coat made from the inside of the pine and the onteside of the goose.” By no means good and faithful Democrat, and so ar a colleagues on the Fremont ticket, and they were all Democratic good standing, of the last \ teginia Legis latare, Ob no, don’t you treat “ Andy” amiss; bat receive and welcome lim as your brother, for | “Andy” is a metmbera, on your brother he is, al though you may now wish to disown him lluxza Fremont in Virginia, and his electoral ticket, Siapeel thirteen Democratic members of the ok Legisla tare! Long may they wave!” Wilmington Herald Stop the Murderer ——-A man calling himself Thomas Jefferson who in appear- ance ig about 5 feet 7 inches high, stout baitt with long strait hair, and is two thirds Indian and one third negro with thick lips and a scar on his face, and his color rather dark, committed a rape np- on the person of a young lady about thir teen years of age, in McCracken county, Kentueky a few days since, as the young Jady was on her way to school, and mur dered and hid the body in the bushes. A tibet of two thonsand dollars is offered for the arrest of this dastardly wretel and his eafy delivery at Padneah, Kentucky > 39" There was a inan taken np in the Western part of this county last week, by the name of Ingold, accused of killing a ian by the name of Steel, in Alamance, on Monday the Ist inst. We have not learned the particalars of the affair, far- ther than that Ingold and Steel were both drinking at a grop shop i in the south part of Alamance county; had a quarrel, when ngold drew a knife and stabbed Stecle 'n the abdomen, from which death ensued in a short time. Ingold has been commit ted to prison to await his trial. Greens. Patriot. eee The devil will suffer us, nay, if it were Possoible, he would help us to put away shat f sin but one, if he gonld be sare we Woud keep that one, ‘lowing: | WHISKEY | wmistakew, except that I did shoot ‘trim, (he: going armed with # revolver for me) fur the purpose of chas- tising and not killing him, for publishing yruse libels on mo—and there are not half » dozen meno iu Weyes | County who believe l either desired or attempted to | hilt, him, 1 haye not been committed to, jail nor been in-danger of, being committed, and the public scuti- * Hinent here instead of buing against me, is decidedly the other way. You will du ime the justice to pub- | igh thie in the next No. of your paper, and the kind- | nese to copy ftom the Standard.an articlo which will | appear next Week, overmy signature, giving the par- SAE Te hie [wire ey ree | handred per cent. better RiP the purchaser than avy THE MARKETS. ee ateask amass — SAM’L SWAN & CO, eg Salisbury, S ¢., September, 16. . 7 sea ete lah at ab PRIZES AMOUNTING TO | Apples, (died) Miaed, No.1, 10us)! tiewlare of the i A du. Green, a -Pure, lla ‘ours, Xo. acon, eld IM i 4 € , WM.T. DORTCH. | Becswas, * se / + ene ” BZzO-A,O Ooo: oe A Good Joke.—A dabbler in litera-| Candice,'Taamow, ** a8 | $e Hesetonnd t 38 r i do. i a: ' July 22. ture aud the fine arts, who prided himeclf me Ps ae a ute: 30@33 THIRTY THOUSAND TICKETS ! piebe on his langwaye, cam . upon a youngster a} |, free aie | Appt oS . - tew days since wing upon the bank ofa ‘Torn, lec ti. Tena ay ngs 38 15,185 PRIZES! DISSOLUTION. river, angling fur gudgeous and thus ad- Castings 4@5 Potuwes, Irish, 50 81 ; oa <P ve ' 1 Prize of 40,000 is $40,000 |The Firm of Murphy, “MeRotie & Co., haw this day ins sie 124@15 do. Sweet, 75 $1 OO 1 Pri s “ Adol ifee, art tl t d | c tion 10 11 |Rags } bb, 3 rize of 40,000 ‘s 10,000 | expired | limitation. ‘The buriness uf the firm will | son not en eavoring | ( lou Baggieg -— Salt (P wack,) @2.50u 975 | 1 Prize of 10,00) w 10,000 | be settled ut the old stand ‘by either of the partocrs. to entice the fin tribe to engulph tute | © cf) tener <r 30208] do P bushel, 3 00 ! Prive of 5,600 is 5,000 | All peas indebied to as will please cull and make their denticulated mouths a barbed houk,| “ Dundee, 15000 Sheetings, Brown, 4-4 9 | ; Areal pf ae i | gees ne the bariness must be elused without de- “ 9 i ( ; upon whose pointi is affixed a day allure-| One yon peer ree’ P bag $2.25 Al Prize of 8 is 1,000; John MeRorie having withdrawa from the firm, sen- ment?” a Yarn, iseed © Prizes of 200 are 2,000 ; dors his grateful ackoowledgeménis for the hb- | Cora, 00x65 | Clover, Bush Giteld sas beast 106-0 10,000 | I nate cacy’ beclowed ler Ge keo un amn e “ | re era) pain bage owed un the firm. No,” said the bey "lm etal lc son, Moat wih tlsage, Bro 8 fer 4 Prises of $200 approximating tw aoe organ! JAMES MURPHY, Paez, . ’ 2 rises 08 approxime tin, | 4 | Bage P den, wat, 15 © Prince of as prichermntrahd fog Wises pore on bond ne neha She Wasn't Ovs—"Ohy, I met such al r pooh al soeah “ aarp 16 { Prtoce of 60 appronimating to £660 priee are 260 piu Ale 1 ese ne beautiful girl in the street to-day,” said a| Flour, Bool, 85 2 6 Le Clarified, 14015 4 Primseaf 0 cpprosimating lo }epentn ot ib, baci SN ate gentleman tua lady friend to whom he, big 4 rede, a i ‘atlow, 124 Ppt treandihed doaticoion nag se are tre lao THE business hereafter will be conducted ander | ' 45 Turpentine, Pgals741-0 ,;, Lote + ' the firm and style of M & © he old stand was doing the agreeable, not many even- |“ Eng. Refa'd 5) Wheat, pLtis | lee Frise of Gare toe paola ar id wry: sued prbepineen ings sincy; “she was dressed in deep] “ Moles, 5 Wool, 50 a 00 | 15,185 Prizes amounting to “9204,00 | [eg hee Oy GOUjm, pease bipe sienna apres wourning 5 i thiuk I have mever seen alee uy Oval, isn Waar tases # poe Whole Tickets $10—Halves $5--. Quarters 2 1-¢, | country. Thankful for the very liberal patronage be- ewecter face.” “Whoovuld ithave besuk”|io0i' wr, 7408! ris ge | PLANOFTHELOTTERY. |S TSOSU SG eUier we aer ortemnen said his listener, sinoothing down her! ia Dry White, 100124 | There are 30,000 Tickets numbered from 1 to WM. MURPHY, bem bazine dress and glancing at the crape | poten eal are 15,185 Prizes simowating JAS. MURPHY, A 14,000. J. 8. MeCUBBINS, \fubls tu see if they were properly adjust- MARRIED: ‘The drawing takes place in public under the super. ‘THOS. J. FOSTER. |ed ; “pretty, you, eay 1 whe could it have | test / was not gut /” eee COOL SHOOTING. Under this heading, the Crockett, (Tex as) L’rinter, of the 20th inst., has the ful Two men named Rigsby and Robbins, ata whiskey stand, in the northeastern vortion of Grimes county, got to quarrel ing; both had rifles; Riysby up with bis and shot Mobbins, who fell mortally wounled; Lat as Rigsby turned off curs- my him, Babbin took aim as he lav dy ing ou the ground, and shot Rigsby jthrough the beart.—Both died alimes* immediately revenged even in death. -- Walking on the Water.— An immense crowd was assembled on Tuesday after- noon on the bridges and quays of the Scing to witness the novements of a well diesed man who was walking on the river between the Point da Carousal and the lock ef the Mint, apparently with the greatest case. [le ar each foot in a small triangular box securely fastened | with straps round his legs, and in his hands he carried a long balancing pole, similar to those ased by rope dancers, ex ‘cept that at each end was attached a large bladder. When getting off his balance | he dipped the end of the pole, and the resistance cansed by the bladder touci: ing the water restored him to his equili drum. —Galignante Mesanger. Alo; ement.— A young lady of 17 of 14 year of age, recently eluped from Atleota, with marned man, the father of fuer chikiren, who left Vis wife and took with hun he effpriag. The wife came Ww Savannah in search of her ebildren apd yesterday found three of them, guia, at the institution of the Seters of Merey, where they had been placed to board by their father, Thx ther child, a bow, » wo doalt eith him, bat no clue has as yet been had of hie whereabouts — We prefer & ress the names of the parties fermation reaches as Efforts are its mother, which -Sarannah Re antl further in making to return the boy to we hoje imay prove sucerasful prublecan 20th Beautiful Extract.-The velvet moss yrows on sterile rocks; the instleto floar shes on the naked branches; the ivy clings to the mouldering ruins, the pine and cedar remain fresh and fadeless ami! the mediation of the receding yvear—and, Heaven be pra sed, something green and beantiful te sec, and grateful to the soul will, inthe darkest hour of fate, etill twing ts tendrills around the crumbling altars and broken arches of the desolate tem pk f the human heart FAVETTEVILLE WARKET —September 11 Beef, 5@6 Nails, Ga Hy 4 will be distribuied according to the follvwing Brilliant Schemes. intendence of two sworn Commismoners. The Numbers from 1 to 30,000, corresponding ideal thore Nambérs on the Tickets, printed ou separaie slips of paver, are encircled with small tin tubes, and | placed in one wheel The first 117 Prizes, similarly prioted and eneireled, In this compty, om the 41b instant, by Rev. Sam’l. | Mothecsk: Mr, GEORGE W. MISENHEIMER wud Miss SUSANNA, daughter of the late Day walt Ketner. Ta Cabarrus coanty, on the 10th instant. by Rev cent Ruthreb, Mr. JOHN EDDLEMAN aud are placed io unother wheel. The wheels are then Muse MARY ( , daughter of Mr. Goorge Culp revolved, and a Namber is drawn from the other wheel. The number and Prize drawh out are opened < and exhibited tu the sudience, and regisiered by the DIED: Commissioners, the Prize being placed against jhe ber d Th ln New Oricemy on ihe $80 uk Mr CATHA] elpaclcacceae, eee RINE HUDE relies of the late James Hate, furmer- ly of this place, iu the 70th year of her age le thee Towa, va the 14th imetamt, Mr. WOOLWORTH, aged about 53 years. APPEOXIMATING PRIZES The (wo preceding and the two succeeding Nom bers to those drawing the first 117 Prizes will be ca- tuled w the 66 Approsmmauen Praes, according to the Schem- The 15.000 Prizes of $8 are determined by (he nam- ber whieh draws the $40,000 Prize—if that number should be an udd wamber, then every odd vamber tick - Set in the Scheme will be entitled w $8; if aa even wamber, them every evea ticket in the Scheme will be entitled to $8, in addition to any other Prize which mey be drawn. All those tickets ending with 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, are even —all (hose ending with 1, 2, 5, 7, 9, are odd. Lr Remember that every Prize is drawn, and pay- able iu full withoat deduction 17 All Prizes of $1,000 and under, paid immediate - ly after the drawiog—other Prizes a1 the usaa!l ume of thirty days. All commumeations strictly confidential. The drawn pombere will be forwarded to parchamers immediately after the drawing Prize Tickets enshed or renewed in uther Tickets at ether office AARON R. P. BESSENT, Dentist, (GLAS Se Sees ot shee n House, where he will asure in attending to al! catls in hie pro- femmscmn. wishing to have thew \ceth operated apon will call sove, as hie stay will be shurt im Salis bury (Sept. 16, 1816) 16 T 4 Al 17)’ NOTICE Jt 75a We KY WILL pay the highest market price, in Rinte Bowds of cash, for Five Thoosand Bushels Wheat, end 12 of 15 likety negro boss, from 15 to 21 years old J. H. JENKINS Babebery, Sept. 16, 1856. re6 TrIJENKING & ROBERTS have, and will con tinue to keep State Bunds on hand fur sale. SAS GREAT INDECEMENTS TO CLUBS. W ANTED As one-helf of the Tickets are guaranteed to draw 5000 Bushels Wheat 220028222 udd and even numbers) at the fdlowing rates— AND All that the 10 Tickets drawa over the amount 1000 BARRELS FLOUR. gvareniced accrucs to the purchaser 960 £ Paka subserniber wishes to purchase Lhe above quan Certificate of Packages of 10 Whee Tickets, uty of Wheat aad Floar, for whieh he will pay 10 Halt the highest market pree in cash 10 Quarter“ 1s Address orders for Tickets, of Cerubeates of Pack MICHAEL BROWN 16, 1856 wié ages of Tickets, ether to SR SWAN &@CO, Ailante, Ge A New Excitement AND OUTBREAK ! or 4 SWAN, Montgomery, Ala STOL THE SCOUNDREL. $10 REWARD. Rahsbery, Sept THOWAS LATAN,@ native of Stanly Coonty — sed until lately reedent im the werimiy of Albe HEE. eaberriber having purchesed the Khop. Far. marie, beng at Gold Hil on Friday test, represemed mere, Me of Meare Weirman & Pree, wunid ‘9 me aad io Mr. Conrad Casper, then at thal place, auneence to the frends of that firm. his own frends, (hat he desired to take bis wife to Albemarte, and would retarn the same evening; thetropoo, | loaned him a sorrel horse, very lerge blazed fore, in tolera ble good order; agd Mr. Casper lwaned hm a baggs tron enles aud perch, body painted green— ence when ecard Thomes Leten and wife ba mM been heard « 1 have reason to believe that they ve ebecunded auh the horse and baggy. and this ts to prt the pubbe on their gaaed agaiast Latan and against trading enher fr the horse or buggy ; and to secere bie arrest ond confivement (ot to eeeure the recovery of the above described property. | will give tem dullars the old patrons of bes fether end to the peble, thai he 9 pow tecerving from the Northern eres a large, heod-ome, and varied satoriment of READY MADE CLOTHING, Chobe, C eeremeres neabing gends ep to order Vestings, and Gentlemen's far which will be enld very low, of made im the best style of the Art. He wil heep im his eraploy a rhlfal Cotter, and can therefore warrant ged fie, He experence m the boeness WEsT it HARTMAN past ifes han in caving thet his stuck canet be sar Sep: 3d. 1*56 * paseed in quelty . and the styles are all late aed very handmwme Hew sock of Ready Medes. ccmprines Hata, Cops, Boers, Cfters, Vous, Wesdeewhoe, NOTICE, Coats, Pawts,—and every thing required. Call and To the Stockholders of the W. N.C. R. Road Company. of 20 per rent ped has ber Orders for work promptly filled JAMES BEARD Merchant Tatler 16 VALUABLE LANDS work end fis inetalmen! om th called fow by the Ruard Rahebar Sep: 16, 18556 Ace %, payable tc 3 he Treasurer, im Stateeville the Ind day of Octover next FOR SALE. e Neey wd be Sec'ry and Treasurer WE undersgerd offers for esle a velusble trac Gere 25* oS of land eg vesr the Besties’ Ford Road shout 12 miles West of Salisbur). contaimng near Concord Male Academy) BACON loa COFFEE Re det 250 Acres, mr ais Z bapteite _ 00. oo mare oriees This plantation will nehly reward the THE ment arrsion of thie Inatitwtion will commes.ce COTTON e taborer There are aloo about 25 Acres of excetient Wednesday. the let of October ortl. ender the Feb wn Gand 128 batom land suw aadera ingh state of cultivate core nt EW FAUCCETTE, as Priacpal Ordinary to middie Opn 10) SM oe ther peremmre) there arr vateabie: lmiichncs To in advance per sesmap FEATHERS s 35 a 40 PeTmre wishing to parchase said farm will du well io #25.00 FLot x . - : call mon and see the subscriber English , #10 and 15 00 Family 700 2 0.00 ; JB OMeNEBLY Cusuagens 1 00 Supe rfive 650 2 000 Sept 16, 1856 4tp 16 Biard lathe beat of private families fran §& to $9 Fine 600 2 0 00 per month . Reratehed 550 2 000 IMPORTANT Aag. 28th, 1856 dw pd: 4 GRAIN et 90 » 00 7 Corn Tee Bridge Builders. FOR SALE, Sern 2M pel rae dy phy de Ca, raised on Jadge ate Pras 65 0 70 VHE andereigned onbent bode for bariding a bridge Coliwel'e pla tation. They ought to be mowed in October or early in November Rye 0 2 90 rerum the Soath Yada River, 9 mites North of pec IU DES Dry 10 2 00 Rebebery, on the mam med w Muckeeiie, by Nog. 26th, 1R56 313 Creen 4 a 5) wav of Poerd’s Ferry Bide will be taken forthe ma Lait foi aan uweadinnt spurt or jinn we me DE ROSSET & BROWN, MOLASSES ‘ oe eurt A qnarty om Saw om eS pnbses A) WILMINGTON, N ¢ Cee ssa 4 de most come to hand en or wre areday the Noa Orleans 4A 0 2D 9th Urteher next. an which day all bedders are re BROWN & DE ROSSET, SALT j ae an quested to be present at the — © poarn NEW YORK. Liverpeed per sac’ lon — SEED— Peaseed 12> 2000 E. W. TATUW CEVERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS. SPIRITS September 16, 1556 4wif Usnal advances made on Coumgaments. Peach Brandy 1 0 = , ~ egies cue: f North Carolin wT whabsy ii State of No arolina, SUGAR on ROWAN COUNTY . Laval Ida f . ; C Cros d wa lay Cont of Pleas and Quarter Nasions, ompany. Rt Crane 12m 124 7 7. Ar . : Porto Rieo WOdn Ul Anguat Torm, 1856 The SPLATTERDOCK FUSELTERS, will pa New Orleans 1M a tl Joho Mo Coffia, Ex’r of John Richards, dec'd., ve rade in an entire new and different amform, on the TALLOW tha l2 James Richards, Wim, Richards, Moses L. Holmes, Llth of October Sotarday next WOOL 17 a dR Rhea Holmes, George Richards and Thomas Kich THE COWPANY soe arde Salmbury Sept. Ind 1256 VORFOLK MARWET. Petition to sell Land. IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Coart that y ° ’ Reported by Rowland & Brothers, Sept. 13th. 1856. (3 6.r ye Richards and Thomas Richarda, two of the under 4 A) n he. BACON—Hame, 13 @ 16. LARD—No. 1 & 2, 14 @ 15 COTTON —10 @ 104 CORN— Mixed, 60 @ 61 —White, 62 WHITE BEANS—1 50 f@ 175 FLAOUR—Super. 7.25.—Fxtra, 8.25 SALT —Liverpool, fine, @1.12.—Gronnd Alum, DRIED APPLES—Nominal— 1.00 PEACH ES—@yy WAY —Cargo, 70 @ 75 LIMP #1) to #14 REESWAX—24 ete OATS —37 @ 40 Hog round, 00 @ 14 Yellow, 63 Family, &75 120 1% @ oN the fimite of n, ordered by the wiante in thes om thia State: It is therefore, © DISUNION AND CIVIL WAR, Court, that advertisement be made for mx weeks anc — consively in the Carolina Watchman, a public news P til P t t M di paper, pabhiabed in the town of Salisbary, notifying es ence, a en e cine, the ead defendants of the filiog of thie petition, and FAMINE, &c., &e that nnlese they appear at the next Court of Pleas fae . and Quarter Neamons, to be held for the county of RE evile and calamities that should he guarded Rowan, at the Court House 1a Sahsbary, on the first Monday in November next, and answer the petition, the eame will be taken pro confesso and heard ex aguinet. BAKER & OWEN beg leave to in- form the public generally and private individuals par- ticalarly, that they are ready, willing and able to pro- f the Lightning by putting op to their buildings, their Patent Taotated Lightning C: at prees lower than it haa ev er been done atin thie part of the co Addrosa Raker &@ Owen, Sahabury, N. ¢ vt R wf parte as to them one at least o above Witness, James E. Kerr, Clerk atoMce, the Ist Monday in August, in the Ist year of our Independence JAMES F tect them from of oar said Court A.D. 18356, and yndactors, antry KERR, Clerk Trace adv & 50 ~eaebae MARKET —Sevieuber 12, 6. | BACH Mf ner , a6 "COFFEE, Rio, : ad genes nit Botbuny Teed Coney, i the 1 Sep- | Ta ae ne | lember will soll tothe ie. 5 Bat ae Ret SP 1 Feing era man gi and to Pejsiiovill, 1186 4 4 horses, cattle 8; Cuba, Biow 404 45 : . j lity of Gorn, Wet Fo = , 00.6 00 To be Ninoon inithe Did of a, Geaegin, in pob- co, Lwagon, L b ah Sagmne ekur, Alum 34044 | Heron Aistpedaye Rirptenpbee Als, WEE, ew the Cutter, Lumler, Ba- | Seat “el 110 9 1.20 | HAVANA PLAN } - con, Flour, Farming Tools, 00 9 00 ‘ hold ¥ ee, 4 wo daa) o& Peschecwrnti biyingnuewid somber andes. end pisves peaiern 10: 38 w 42 /evenmumber whole ed to draw | HEAT, 198 0 136 ta Halves m= gad oar ‘Hekeitin popsruen, wis A CP" CO I. FLAXSEED, 1.40 a 1.50 |chavevs of tecpot Picea hie r@ «ALT, persone indebted to the estate of N. M. Griffin, deceused, are requested to muke payment; end all thore having claims against suid esiate, are hereby notified to Present them withiu the ime prescribed by ee or this notice will be plead in har of their recov- het W. TURNER, Aen. | “ae 20th, 10856. _ Arnold's Writing Fluid. d fgg E Best Luk in the World, for sate ot J. WH. Ea | BOOKSTORE. Salisbury, Aug. 1, SPRING AND SUMMER BLYBS FOR 1856. MICHAEL BROWN 8 now recewing and opening hie large aud well-assorted stock of Spring and Summer Guods, cousisting of— Staple & Fanoy Dry Goods, Hats, Cups, and Bonnets ; Shoes and Boots ; Kteady Made Clothing ; China, Delph, and Glass Ware , Hardware & Catlery, Groceries, &c., to which he invites the attention of his castumers and the public—offe ring at low prices for cash, or on time to punctual customers, at wholesale or retail N. B. AN kinds of Country Produce bongtit at the highest market price Salisbury, April 10, 1556. 1856. le 464f STATE BONDS FOR SALE. APPLY to JENKINS& ROBERTS, Aog. 5 a) Salisbury, N.C, UST reerived at the old stand 2000 Ibs. Shot, As- sorted. 1500 Ibs. Bar Lead, 30 Kegs Powder suited for shooting or blasting MURPHY & CO August 19, 1856 ino *; Encourage Home Industry! * BE QUICK! BE QUICK?! STILE BETTER AND BETTER! op Baggs and Rock ate My work has al ° given great ever it has bern ined of known, and 1 am determmed thai it shall grve eaticfaetion and am- ple reward to the parchaser | am still at the same old stand, known as the Mowry Shop, om the Ra:lpoed, near the Factory lnexchange for Buggies I will take wheat. corn. bacon. &e. at the highest market My work shall be goed and durable ( ad examine my work and hear pnees. and | knew roe ean pleased with thanks to the ¢ with im saimfaction where press. heip beinz I return my sacere pabhe for ther very hberal patronage that they have beatowed un me here tifure JOHN tL. WRIGHT July 29 9—cf DR. M. OFFICE on the as bos absence WHITEHEAD. reside me Te g to see han wifl leave ther aames on the Shete Jane 17, 1n56 Ten Dollars Reward! ' DANAWAY fran the euberriber, on the Mh dav LU of Wey last. a free negm wemed HENRY VA LEN TINE. abas Henry tamer ’ datth em Term of Seid hoy waecon Re ~ n Supener Coart oi ademeancor w er ie wes ramed Bock-mason, PY f Wades » Anam comnts arking aby Me apprehension Cabarrose thar To get hem Mowot Pleasant, rire at CHARLES KLUTTS Jane 10, 1856 2 NEWBERN Mutual Insurance (Co. ie underngned has been appointed agent at Salis bory, for the abe ¢ Company, aod prepared to receive 18 from any perann wishing tr apphieat Insure property Thie company @ pow in successful operation, and its bumneces ia fast increasing Peraone wishing to have property insured im this officer will please call on the subsenber J.D. RAWSAY Jane 19th. 1856 Grmed VALUABLE LAND For Sale! TINT UNDERSTION ED offers for ale the valon TRACT OF LAND Iying on the Beatties Road, five miles West of Sahebory, contaming 346 ACRES, fas goed quality as chn be found anvuwhere ia the State. There te alan about 30 of 60 Veres of ROTTOM LAND, whieh cannot be surpassed. well ditchad and dramed. ee all the nece Ther and + barking, in goad repair Pereone wishing to eee the land can be arcommo dated by calling on Mr. John R. Knox, who reades on the plantatien To pereens wishing te purchase such a valwubl Tract of Land, euch an opportnnity te rarely preaent ed DANTEL WoopD July 29, 1856 yw Salt! Salt!! SACKS Liverpool salt daily expected NOOO for sale by J@ J LOHATIAWAY, -& CO. Wilmington N.C. Sept: Sth 1856 2w JOB PRINTING Neel reented at C78 O fice | petition, otherwise that judgment pro coofess will be =x | STAFFORD, DEXON & cos M HORSE. os AND” [HE aden be | taet ear, and he respectfully. eae in Seerinns| heise gS Wien nn Se ae "s Pi ills; where be is prepared to | wiority over other Machines tue heea fally tested by haudreds of the niost intelligent and ente -pri su; a aiers of the State, and their popularity may be from the fact that we have hever been able to pte the steadily increasing demapd. Boyt having rerent- {ly refitted our shop, and ineteused ouf working force, we (rust io fiture w be uble to Keep pace with the orders that 4 discriminating public may favor ns with. These Machines were on exhid.tion at the State Fair iv 1854 und 55, in competition with ‘Machines mauufeetored in this Stute, o# well as a number from | other States, end tovk a DIPLOMA end’ the HIGH. EST PREMIUM, over 9f others, We sko mane. | Ga. 'c08 fa facture, at short uolice, Grist and Saw Mill Trons, j Factory Gear, Circular Sew Mill, Wool-cerding Ma- Lwin ROBSE-SMORERS, chives, Straw and Staik Cutters, the shing that, + “'!! Compare w with any one Reatnesa, wear, furuiers need this dry season ; sod pe kinds of cast- 8” d despatch ; Luserferring a common do. ings in common use in the coantry. 191; com steel toes or steel plates, $2. Letters addressed to TF | have also erected an Air Furpance for melting STAFFORD, DIXON & CO. Brass, which answers finely. ‘Fhe public cam get Snow Camp. Alamanac, N.C. Brass and ( vimposirion Castings by calling at the above Will meet with prompt attention. lestablixhinent and farnishing patterns. Also Brave Aug. 26, 1856. melted over at a reduced price, with weatness and de- STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. | al Old Copper and Brass wanted. $8. J. PERRY. IREDELL COUNTY—IN EQUITY. 49:6m Petition to Sell Land. Stoekton and wife Margaret, Mary H. Moore | aad J. A. Huggins vs. Joha J. Huggins. IT appearing to my satisfaction that the defend Jvho J. Hoggins, is vot an inhabitant of this State ; It is ordered (hat publication be made ia the Carolina | Watchman, for the space of rix weeks, notifying the | said Jou J. Huggios to appear at the next Term of | | the Court of Equity to be held fur the County of Ire- | dell, at the Court House in Statesville, on the 6b | Monday ufter the 4th Monday in Auguet next, then | aud there to plead, answer or dewur to the plaintiff's Taraing; Cutting Screws, Repairing Boilers and Engines, of ull deseriptionsy making and repairing Mill Spindles, Wood Plainers, Plows, Ironing Wagons, Iine:pd 13 Charloue, May 5, 18562 Wall Paper, &c., Large supply of most beautiful Wall Paper. Al- w Fire Screens and Window Shades for sale by 5. ttt Buckseller. J. W. July 22 New North ‘Carolina Form Book. (ho Sheriff, Constables, Magistrates and Busi- ness men, for mle at J. H. Eoniss’ BOOKSTORE. Juby 22. 8 The Great tron Wheel Examined. AND ITS FALSE SPOKES EXTRACTED, by W. G. Brownlow. For sale at J. H. Enniss’ BOOKSTORE For Rent. entered againg him. Given et office,ia Statesville, this 18th day of Avgasi,' A. D, 1856. W. P. CALDWELL, ¢ Pr. adv. $5.50—6w:13 NORTH CAROLINA, ME. July 22 IN thie case it appearing to the satisfaction of the Coan that Refes Campbell, Cyrus Campbell, Nes- bu Or ea, Joba Urien, Asron Y. Cowan, Adiai Cow- an and others, whore names are unknown to the com piuinants, next of kin t) Maxwell Chambers, deceas- ed, remde bevond the limite of this Biase: It 1s there- fore ordered, that publication be made fur six weeks ww the Caruliaa Watchman end Raleigh Register, commanding thé above wamed non-rendent defend- ants to be and appear et the next Term of the Court perenne a - to be held fur the county of Rowan at the Court-buase Kxeeutors’ Notiee. in Salisbury oa the 13th Mondey after the 4ih Moo- | day in Aaguet, A. D 1556, thea and there to plead answer of demer to plainants Bill of plaiot,| (PWIE sub = having qeelified a» Excoutors’ o and in defaah of their appearance judgment will be the Will of the late Thomas L. Cowan, hereby taken pro confem as to them, the cause set for bear- give notice to all persons indebted to the estate ta ing and be heard et partce os to them come forward and make pay ment, or their clams wif Witness. L. Dieckiner, Clerk and Master in Eqaity | be pat into = legal course of collection; and fer oll ROWAN COUNTY. { 7s , . ny FINE BRICK STORE HOUSE, two stories In Byuity—Fall Term, A. BD. 1856. | high, sitaaied neat door dia a Printing The Trustees of Davidson College, ageinat Joseph office. Apply to MURPHY. F. Chambers, Dilphin A. Davis, and Pinkney B July 29. Par Chambers, Execaiors of the last Will and Testa- nis ment of Maszwei! Chambers, Thomas Bragg, Pre~, sident of the Boerd of Trustees of the University of Nerth Carolina, J. B. Bachelor, Attorney General of the State of North Carctina, Rafus Campbell ad aod others, next uf kin to Maxwell Chambers, de- |) [THE public are hereby not to trade for the ceased. 1 LAND WARRANT No. 28.952, for Bighy acres, which was issued to | eaap onaatelbow at Cornet! James, (who waee private in Capt. John Frome Compeay of N. Carolina Militia im the wer of 1612.) Sad Warrant bearing date the 4th April 1856, end sgned by J. Mioet, Commissioner, as the seme bes beeu kt and spplicution will be made to the Comatie- sweer ut Peasigus for a duplicate of said Warrant. NANCY JAMES. 6wil2 Aag 19b, [866 for Rowen County at office, in Satisbary, Augast | baving demands eguinst the same to preseat them fer 2d, 1656. hequrdation L. BLACKMER, C.M. E J WW. JENKINS, Janes W Osborne, Solicitors BB. ROBERTS, Tear Hi Wien, | Bee CP FISHER, | [ 2seestere. Witham A. Graham, ) Complainants JW. HALL Pr.adv, $5 40 6w.13 Aug. 19th, 1656. é~:12 Carpetings, Rugs, Dreggets, ke. ¢ would call attention to our stock of the shov- articles, which is large sad varied, just reeeig~ Call at No 3, Granite Row BROWN @ © oo Saliebory, March 25, 1456. Gold Pens, Salisbury Planing Mill, SASH FACTORY AND LUMBER |W YARD. ON WEST HILL. SALISBURY, W. C. Tu undersigned have now im uperatiwa the above Mill and Factory, aud are prepared to faroish fire quality lomber dressed, or will Plane, Tungoe and VERY large aseoriment of Goot Go'd Pews, and Groove plank farnmhed by others; sod make all hinds | / (old Pen Pots, without the Case. For eale of Sash, Doors, Frames, Binde and wood movidings a J Hl Eeniss’ BOOKSTORE. af varwus maceaud Petierne Serull sawing, turning July 22 ta wood of iron, and genera! Blacksmithing The andersigned have first-rate workmen from Bal timore, and can firet chasse howses guarantee thet work as suiiable for STATESVILLE FEMALE SCHOOL. RS. MeLEAY together with Sceas MeLean wil comlinae tw leach the Female Scheol in this place, aad commence oa Monday the 28th of this inet. in @ new duildiag on the South Street, neatly fitted op, and well ventilated aad comfor able. Totton as formeriy. from 86 to §12 per session of Carpenters, builders and others are respectfully re quested to call and exarmne spenmens of the work Mt Aheate® H & CAIRNS 6am | 2 treensborn’ Patnut copy 3 \ ent to this office Administrator's Notice. months, and send ac THOSE indebted to the estate of JONATHAN ave momhs, according to advancement ARMFIELD, dee d. by purchase of property at he _[Cantingenewe 50. axle, of sahorwise, arr brreby autified ta Board can be had at $7 00 per month. ward and mak¢ neat. ae the ft JOSEPH A. MeLEAN Statceritle, N. ( . Joly 1Sth, 1856. Ct) claims agwnet sand eotaic w please take wotiee to present them for -_—— Co EE BROWN. ham New Discovery ! Ambrot NESSES. THOMAS E. BROWN. eee ike fig? latest improvement in the beaatiful art of ta Carriage, Buggy and Sulky Builder, king pretares on glass I". beawiy and derabelity of these pictareebhes pla ced ihe Ambrotype at the head of all the Gime ae, and is cons:dered one of the greatest diseoserias of the age The sobscrber having stodied thie methed of taking [": . SEETINe ¢ eee kcnesees a\ Philadelphia ander the most @atinguish- aioe y {that place, offers his services ip that capes he e:t:zens of this place anv age taken in a few seconds Papile insty acted im the art Ladies and (senilemen are invited to eall and eam. GABRIEL UTLEY, OF Chapet Mia, N.C Salebory. Jaly 22. a—« FARM FOR SALE. _ . tyimg three and a half miles m the Shernils Ford read, and ae ment before they pur ‘w# Pereons at a distance sahop isin th 1 of his Mivery Stable ne epeermens + ordering Wark. i!) please aceom + With a dewctption of the article reqaived—etrle yaality and price ft does Wot give set's pany the orte ¥ " a8 Hie LIVERY STABLE pd ep se remal and those citherto bey ortese® about half a mule fran che Sahehury and Taylneseiile jar 1s 7 we Prank Road, sdjuning the lands of Mra Warphy, W Mathew s ees: AW MILL“ Locke and other This treet STEAM ENGINE AND S 344 1-2 Acres FOR SALE. a large pertien of whch om well tumbered: the re- ra high state of ealtivation. Ow this sctiw almipemic Meadow, camtacing abot 49 acres: ne thes land is by - aear Saletery a handeume profit can be mhde me There i, also on the premiare a ser a most exeetient bare, and every d therets thrs farm will make it a enfe marchaser Trrme will be made submerber at the plante- ter at Sahsbary, No ¢ ANN BROWN. Lae a Thewhile os chm enetenfplacs ot an be cesilg moved aad « wiehing !9 perches. are re T have 4 quested to call and ex we oot erent reel according Call on the i wi FURSULE oe ee ROWANFACTORY. 1K) or ied lett f good Lt on hand, principally Weatherboarding, Poocng re Tribate to whom Tri inch Plauk, wineh b Leen es y bow fe Al T bate ts due Ifte the Nerth a. a fine of Maple. Biren. Ash and P. Pay it----1f mot, euconrage Home Manelactares. and Neanthing eawed expreasly for Carrm 4 pe mohecrtersiiKevel bere ROWAN PRG: met Makers purpeses. TORY. besied Sakesa > copies : any of the above named ‘coesful pe ration, and are making supenor dress me at Sahebury ve JOUN BEARD duns. SHEETINGS & YARNS, which they offer an reasonable terme. mined te produce * State Frankhaeville, July x. 155 We are deter. — equal to the best made im the SQUIRE, ZIMMERMAN & ALLEN «eee cal he beat made the Wholesale Dealers ta nage Th a few ie ke a bh prepared fn fill orders for DRY GOODS Nhirtings and heary Goods COTTON BATTS kept om hand and forsale. The No. 143, Market Street, ania MILLS PHILADELPHIA 1 Corn will be ground for toll may vare alan in Feasei Seriap D MW Ziwwremes. of Pinesinton, NOC (eromer NO Apres qn Aa promptly as pow hte MORNING & MEADFR® Sal chure, Dts aie ee % sant He'd like to know if bart Bay oy tetany me me # a Or make-a pelt we ¢ 1 naihenlbis vot ae 9 A COUNTRY HOME! Oh! give me a home in the country wide, wa (Anda gene by; the farmer's wood fireside, Where a fire burns bright, * Gin A feosty night, Whepe the jest, the song, and the laugh arp free— Ob! the farmer's home-is the haype fpr ma. "DR: give me a home in the country wide, When the earth comes out asa blushing bride, With her buds and flowers, . Bathe bright spring hops, Mer bridal song ringing from fresh leaved trees, And melody floats on the perfumed breeze. In summery seat in a shady nook, ye And close by the side of a covling brook, Where the violet grows, } Or the pale swamp rose, Faivting and pick, ‘neath theeun’s scorehing beam Dips her fair petals in the coulling stream. Oh! give me a» house in the country wide, Tu the golden days of the farmer's pride, Whea his barus are filled, From the fields he's tilled, And he feés that his yearly task le done, Smiling at winter, he beckous him oa. 4*THE OLD LOVE.” We find the Gllowing about the vewspapers. It has more than the average merit of such fugiive poems: fA mother ; she was thin and old; She stooped, aud trod with tottering feet ; ‘The hair was grey (hat oyce was guid, ‘The volee was harsh thal ance was sweet, Her hands were withered, and ber eyes Robbed of the gislish light of joy. Were dim, I felt « sad surprise ‘That L had loved ber whea « boy. Bat yet a something in her air. Restored me to the vanished ume, My heart grew young—and seemed to wear The brightest of my youthful prime, } took her withered hand (a mine— Its toweh reeafied » ghost of joy— I kissed it with s reverent sigh, For I had loved her when @ boy “> ‘We clip the following rare advertisement bom the.” Aegusta Chronicle: ” 3 saw her when che tear drop Stood glitteuing on her cheek, fer head was bowed in egony Bo great she could sot speck Ob, why those starts and wrihiags | le it anguish of the mind, Whoes venom sting leaves madness’ Can'‘st thoa no confort find’ . Yet while the apell was on ber, 1 fat myerlf a sinner Relief came when she naswered me— ‘IT ase bebed beens for dmacr!” Why thé dickens had'ot she taken “ BLISS DYSPEPTIC REMEDY Take warning a ‘ou who are subject to the like almeat— thw ese will cure ali disposition to such attack» The testimony of one of the most prominent mer fu Savannah will shortly be given attesting its virtues as a remedy io this particular, Laving been subject to sich attacks for years For sale by CLARK, WELLS & SIEAES Augusia. Temper. Too many have no idea of the ebjec influenee o tion of their temper to the religion, and yet what is changed if the Lf aw isvat tful, temper is pot! malicious, rese' morose, after | it, what ia le converted frum o Jd. A. Sanies 8 as passionate sollen, moody, o s conversation as be tutions of the By dedi re fon’ a ogee. the Mon- | treal ithess, in mig ng dn the dew, jtax,says that. thousands, of the. French. (Canadians will eutigrate to the: United | States, now that the crop which -has form. | jed their scanty food is be rednced by. \tha:tithe of the Ts itide of emigration had taken place pre- vious te this act, atid the Rev, Mr. Peir- | lault, on the fete day of St. John the.Bap- | tist, stated, in his sermon gt the - Parish | Ohurch, that, no less than 2,000 French | ' Canadians had Jeft-the city in the month | jot May, to emigrate to the United States. { | Too Good.to be Lost-+We endorse the |following.from Maclin’sadvice to his son; we pnt it again in cirentation‘as too ood \to be lost: “{ have often told you,” he jeays, Mat every man must be the mak- er or marrer of his own fortune, I repeat; ‘the doctrine. He who depends upon his | incessant, industry and integrity, depends | upon patrons of the noblest and most ex- alted kinds'these are the creatures of for- ‘tune and fame, the foundation of famil- ies, and can never disappoint nor desert jyou, They control all human dealings, 'and even vicissitudes or any unfortunate | tendency toa contrary natare. You have \genius, you have learning, you have in- dustry at times, but you want porsever- ‘ance; without it you can do - nothing. I bid you bear this motto in mind—Per- ” severe, Bit by a Rattlesnake.—The Wakulla was Lit some days since by a rattlesnake. {Le applicd the white of an egg and some saltte the wound, and drank freely of apirituous liquor, and the next day was jable to attend to his business. Lolloway's Pills and Ointment. ~Ex- traordinary Cure of a Bad leg, corntnani- cated to Professor Holloway by E. Mar chant Esq., of the Guszette affice, Kdgar town, Mass.—Mr. Daniel Nortoo, Edgartown, had a sore on his leg, which de fed all ordinary remedies, and instead of nnproving hia he only Lecame worse At last, he had Oiatinent and Pills, a few applications of the Ointment to his leg, effected a wou derfnl et for the better ; » awoke and apgry appearance y very shorttime he was cumple $1, and he is able aa) ange sly cured nite gout 4 w citizens, to hold them to a alriet respom iyl sialy years 4 - ; ® <4 wit v (Cheers }) of ave! atouisl : rue 1] » , ay This a f eugacnt w The agitauon which disturbed the peace of cure woumds and ulcers cerca of twenty 9, country in 1850, wan onavoidable. fh was uding The Richmond Whiz proposed recent y tattle Virginia Whigs and the I dew cerata onite, form a Union tieket of civh _ Democrats and sevea W caus, to Le supported by all parties jr ro ee Ft th a f igesand Amer ma, w . { Virginia siall be ¢ he gete tts rn electoral votes thar Mr. Fillmore, or for Fillmore, if he t @ werrtly aan, clergy. A Brent gtareal t the Univa: (Fla.) Times learns that Mr. David Ken- | nedy, a worthy citizen of that county, | of recourse to Holloway’s tc inet ea and ina oretanding an: eement that the fifteen electoral votes iH ast for Buchanan, i! gets Is md heart of thé on his way t . ve a tartinene more ereaorrrey air beng salethpy Yeti jentlo and peade an prosperity will seon be. w-, p avd i. wes chegre: nt- the. word of ed ne tive above all the pageants can. display. given. to. order, and = Vet, for Mr. Mayor and Fellow-Citizens; Thia over.) whelming demonstration of congratulation and welcome almost deprives me of the power uf spevoh. Here nearly thirty years ago I com- menged: hig pelisidal “earder. 10, this building | | frat” Raw ategisiative body ih session, (elveers,) ut wt that-time. it never entered inta the aapi- | ratidad of: my heart that 1 should ever recéive such a welcome aa thia, in the capital of my na- tive Sig (hegre) | You ate” beep pissed) sir © jallade tomy | former services and my probable course i jshould be again called’ to the position of Chief | Magistrate of the nation. ser ) Wis hot pléasant ta speak of one’s self, yet T trust, that the cecasion will justify me in briefly allud- ling to one of two eveuts connected with uny last Administration. ~{Cheers.} You all know that when I was called to the executive chair by a be- reavetuent. which overwhelmed the nation with grief, (he county was unfortunately agitated from one end of the country to the other upon the exciting subject of slavery, It was then, sir, that 1 felt it my duty to rise above every sec Uioual prejudice and Wyok fo the welfare of the whole vation, [Applause] 1 was lled to overcome long cherished prejudices, dis- regard party claims, (rent and prolouged ap plagse. Bat in doing thia, sir, 1 did no more than was done by many abler and better men than myself, I was by no means the sole instrument, | under Providence, in — those difticul- ties. (Applause.) There were at that time noble independent, high souled men, ia both Houses ot Congress belonging to both of the great politien! partics of the country, — Whigs and Democrats ; who spurwed the character of sellish party leaders, (cheers,) and rallied around my A migistration, in support of the great measures which restored peace Wan agitated and distracted couptry.— (Cheers) By the blessings of Divine Provi- dence, our efforts were crowned with signal suc- cess (cheers); and when I left the Presidential chair, the whole nation was prosperous aud con- ented, aod our reiations with all foreign uations were of the most amicable kiad (cheera} The cloud that hag epoe the borizon was dissipa ted; but where are we now! Aias! Threat ened at home with civil war, and from abroad with a rupture of our peaceful relations. 1 shall arg the facts, and itis for you to ponder upon therm. Of the present Administration 1 have L crn appreciate the difficulties nothing to say. of adminbstering this government, aod if the pre sent executive aud bis supporters have with goo! tention and honest hearts, made a sustake, | them w Ll to (load and Hut if there be those who have Lroaght these calaroiUes upon our coaptry God will forgive wged applause ) ye for selfish of amlsGons otjeots, it your duty brongbt upoa us by the acquisition of mew ler ritery, for the gorerninent of which it was ne eeaary lo | le lerr at t wWhieb distracts the countty sud with civit war. bas not been recklessly and wan oly prodead by the adoption of a mensare & tm for 5 yaay whether the present agitation ’ must true, for if there be one cbyect dearet t me than any other, te the unity, prosperity an eer | sdetidants, inthe piihervation of the Jibertigs, the Not week ty Urnce Use causes of the change. These, wial adminwtration, But threatens us Julia personel advancement ratoer than ™m say Fs (Cheers Sic, yon have been 1 aoe to say that | have une of these Siatce at heart. Thin, ov, w (Cheers) ‘Therefore, with a heart overflowi with emotions, J retarw you a thousand |, thauks, and bid you adieu, (Prolonged ap- plaugge” Sie bE. GAT - - ewer $ r oe | PLATFORM OF-THE-AMERICANPARTY ADOPTED AT THE SESSION OF THE} NATIONAL Bou cit Fen: ise, 1050, Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestings,and Cen- Ist. An humble acknowledgement to the Su- promp Being, for His prokecting edretodcheafed to our fathers jn, their successful Revolutionary ‘struggle, and hitherto manifested to us, their de- ndependenee, and the union of these States, 2d. The étuation of the Federal Union, |*: as the palladivm of our civil abd religions, liber- ties, aud the ouly sure bulwark of Americas Ie- | dependence. * {~ Sd. Americuns muat rule America, and to this fend native-born citizens should be selected for all | Srate, Federal, aud munigipal. offices-or govern | ment employment, in preferenes to all others: nevertheless, born of American parents resid- la be ile d to all | \ 4th. Persons ly abroad, sli | ing temp ) tbe rights of native-born citizens ; but | binds of pps 4 uspiding anaccessary charges oud rendering prom ‘orne. | \- | 5th. No person shoulil be selected for political | station, (whether of native or bate who recognises any allegiance ot obligation of any | deseription to any iga prince, tate or | power, or who refuses to recoguise the Federal }and State Constitutions (each within its sphere) as paramount to-all other laws, as rules of politi- cal action. | tb, The ung 1S and maint nance of the reserved rights of the several States, and the cultivation of harmony and fraternal good will, between the citizens of the several j Comme, and all kinds produce. LA bhis and kits, of afl Noe. jost reevived end fer |. Suabhsbe ate Bagh ha | States, eapiedigse eud, non-interference by Con-) Feb, 1856. 1y39 ion bow MILLS, MOOSE a Co. | Snder whgne,shs isin. ewahaping iss fair wed oe gress wi appertaining solely to) May 12, 1856 37 fighting Koen Millejong gained fr wv. sede : 3 fair anypt in mpread, beth for the exce'. the individual States, and aon-tutervention by | each State with the affairs of any other State. 7th, The reeoguition of the right of the ua tive-dorn and naturalized citizens of the United | States, permanently residing in avy Territory | thereof, to frame their constitution and laws, and | to regulate their domestic and socin! affairs in| their own mode, subject oaly to the provisions | of the Federal Constitation, with the privii of \ndenission into the Union whenever they have the requisite population for one Rep tative | in Congress. Provided always, that those whe are citizens of the Upited States, uv- der the Constitution and jaws thereof, and who have a flied residence in any such Territory, ought to participate im the formation of the com stitution, or in the enactment of laws for said Territory or State. 6th. An enforcement of the principle that no , State ot Territory ought to admit others than citizens of the United States to the right of euf- frage, or of bolding polities! office. Oth. A change in the laws of paturalization, making a conunued residence of twenty-one years, of all not heremmbefore provided for, an in- diapermable requisite for citizenship hereafter, and excluding all paupers, and persons cotvieted of erime, from landing upon our shores ; but no in terference with the vested rights of foreigners 10th. Opposition to any union between Uburch and State; bo interference with religious faith, or #orhip, and no test oaths for office 11th. Free and thorough investigation into any aad all alleged abgses of public functions nea, and a strict economy in public expenditures 12th. The masntepance and enforcement of all laws constitationally enacted, until said laws > ‘once “or twice | did other Produce, for salve or fay 1855. * apelin T PAES brerib hota, tale thie methud of informing their namerous friende and patrons that they are now receiving o opie: general; all of whiek will tab. Alm, a tt AND Stone in the Bladder and Kidneys, Weak e 1 none but! Thisinvalasdie medicine is for mie at the Davie A “a Hotel, in Mocksville; at Dr, BR. Campbell's, 10 | dell; Hotel ia Salem ; and at the Cerotioe Watchman OF. hee, a Bajisbery ’ with John F. Cowan, original patentee, for the man- afecture aad sale of the above M farnish s supply by addreseimg him at Salwbery, face. LAND FOR SALE. a. 1 offer my phe | Foarth Creek, 16 miles eon of the lands of Jobe 8. Carson, Jecod Baker, and wthers The place has on it all necesrury beildings ip good re- | par show! 350 weres, one half of which ie ie 0 high State of ealtrration, and the balance is well timbered ance in viewing the lands. y Mosbaniins, remen ABOUT THE «esas Western Extension ! di . er being desi af ext their business in the West, av wellas all other diree- nom ae ib ie purpose reader thelr College in in an elevate of the-mpunt: edi etek of : READY MADE CLOTHING, .- tlemen's Furnishing Goods be sold most shock, Mock of HATS aad CAPS, Don’t take our word, but call and satisfy " JNO. Ap WEIRMAN & PRICE, Mereha at Teilore. Selisbury, N.C. Sept. 1855. 1116 vy. anpEason, we ; . Ww. D, REY NONDS, N & REYNOLDS, July 8, 1856.— tdes6, Puy active attention to the sale of caine a 4. 2. CUMMING - am avenatt CUMMING & STYRON, COMMISSION AND Wilmington, N, C., Forwarding Merchants, | canal WILMINGTON, N. C. Particular attention paid to selling Flour, Corn | COWAN'S VEGETABLE LITHONTRIPTIC FRIEND OF THE HUMAN FAMILY surreaixe raom DISEASED KIDNEYS, quality. Relishury, March 25, 1856, ness of the Loins, bc. | arge aseuriment of Piane F 5. Hh. ER NISS’ MANSION £20 SALISBORY, e- Lewerly's tthe Drag Siare ia Charivtic ; The subrersber having entered into coparinerst) odierne, is prepared ty N *.,0f calling at bie remdenee, 10 wiles weet of toe] &. D. AUSTIN us Ket ablishmenmt, begs be « June 21,1855 of Boarders, Travelers, &e to any lathe State equal -——, AVING determined ty sell off and more Roath. ing eorveuts alway sin atiendance totem for sale, lying om the weiers of ¢ iriel + edjpewing| Galisbory, Mey 24, 1855 The depot on the Western Extension mast be near Als one good meadow. The tract contains anown tn advance. Those wisteng & good bergern, mast onl soup. as | wit edi ae ting Grime tomar drresstge Persons cating on Wim L. Siecle, h Gdires, gon Wm ° can here asst Feb. 96, 18368 to their care. Pipe goed d ains, ~ KEITH & FLANNER COMMISSION MERCHAN WILMINGTON, NYC.” Through Freight to Wilmington. pr. Mait Train. Pharsday ; leage Wilntingtunyou Tuesday ead Fri- ag wold pe and deliver freight at all the igtermediate stathmac | treoshaaypg su jechr a oh mil wt this lp Jane 14, 1856. Mackerel! Mackerel !! barge hut of Mackeret iv bbl half bbls. quarter To Farmers. IVE, subscribers respectfully invite the attontina | ‘he world mey look Sint fap e quatest javeeng » trout of Farmers and others, to thelr large gaat stock of Staple and FaneyGoots Their ment i# extranve and of greet veriety of style Cali ot No. 3, Greane Row BROW BLusic. SHE sabscriber having taken che to geweraily, that the Hoore is now open for the reception | Western Railrosd receive them, te He prommees that bw sundew! ather things, the products of the Cuy ACCOMMODATIONS alwwye here mealeia tiure for the erri- | velead departere of the Gare. Atiewtivre ead ablig- w, THE WILMINGTON HERALD | 8 published daily and weekly at $6 and G2 per Lt toatl, red to the merchants of Gubsbery sod other esters towns, os «© gued od- Terms moderate AS hat % 2 ee sal aval ak Bay twa) A ms eaves! YOU Pufehane y SI * Bt Wi: sear \Sveocaed ws Anis beginning, _ in Cotton, Flour, :Grain, Naval Story, ey wil r “Predue of the } © of stages) 900,00 iy oo rec x 0. bs. “Pg SBGRUR ae A rece nae of Cuarentan S00; .., M,Mengnern, Meno feeer- Barb, of Mpringiee, ing _— destuned, & FLANNER. |**Tmy "abd -bupes to it in Gol Operainn Te] | by she t partial the sommer of 1656. 1 wip Simin | ane of thie + Of not the + best,) mals in the the letest oud mow " terme were chor.— 1t will work likes lever watch— smooth and mead) selfa fame as lenes of its yarns; Gallthe veperionity of its cloth fas jries Troy Mille slone threatens torre! i, and heve and ele. 204 lors interesting 1a iteeliythen it mart be deren ameort- | 10 every Southera patriot. and «= The dreamer, speculating om cating events mgr well step in here, wud casting terwurd hie Wee bey N & COFFIN, | the boundary of present time, purteay the spre: o net Eagte City « few years hence, Lat hino reich « We see » city of beantiful proportions wih Hs Lower ing steeples pointing heavenwards : close ranged blocks Music for rale | of graeite beildings with glittering metal soot, ref the cheerfal beama of a vernal eam: the iavgoring | breezes of « ful climate, stir the leaves of kay | rows of elms Streets ere enlivened with © chen ful busy throng: the song of half s anion of suede te mingted with the roar of home and cascedre : bags monament rises above pl! things elec, bearing ow whe BOUKS TORE. HOTEL, N.C. | tp on immense eagle. wings extended. baking dw, with pleasure on all below. Eagle City Best an | full view, and by its liberal polioy invites all emerges eof the above Dastecte men woclaimits cqcoeragement. ( shee pre the pubbe | tere roll ont their baled up guods ; the ¢ the Nerw with thee ) deafening whistle is blown, and the sound s echoed as te-echoed from bill to bill, aed wakes the drowsy pe ore of peporng fai eatile, which browse in the nchow rounding valleys: the scene grows '—grows '—and ite ond Ws theyond the portreying shill of the preptn We hed bet « glimpee——bat whet a vwew! Aadue sil to be restined beyond duu. Fnemgh, eavegs - Persons stopping Call and give me B GRANT 1 will press on to its fins! consemmation { ANDREW BAGGARLY | Feb. 9th, 1855. » Th Seeeet WERK E_EM, Bc Of Four Horse Post Coaches, rT BURR, J: aif ‘ \ ' re th f Mr I uc) nan ‘ ¢ oft ‘ > ‘ . . Ration of ( a correspondent = ty gory great Republic, and IT confess JOUN W STERLP Saad ROM Salivbery to Morganton, ws Sis:++ { \ A } : ‘i - bib The pr uv was declived trankiy, oft, thet 1 (rar it in danger. | ony shail be repealed, or shall be deviered mull aed March 11th, 1456 43 JAMBS HORAN, * Newton ts on green ed ahahaha bharacr, in the evarse of . t \ é of the /’raiurie Farmer, in the evarse scl beng Cl ang nertoular emcicaiieneab: lee’ of voul by competent jadicial authority ; j WATCH-MAKER AND J Leaves Salisbary on Monday, Wedecodas end Fo i an article on the necessity of ruta eee +) tee eevern! enmidates before the people. | pre 13th. Opposition to the recklves and unwise © + wns d 8 mouen +8 ReApYS List day at To’cloek, A. M., and arrives 21 Morgrewe 4 - avas ame save the nn com) a . . hey of the present administration in the ! a >> SALISBURY c Sext morning te break feet: and teares Morgenteem : as follow “ tinmal an tae ‘nak a nen ume they are honorable men. Het, aie, POY P .° a * DOr te ; . _ Py - . S comipeas ane pincer me sr Larimer gee what lone # : \r . was] an \ feeling te ora! management of our national affairs, aud | ~ —s "4 —- eat eect emetatedLattC chemn dared ae t sour bey Man a dae on ce cession of yrain croypae lasa vt ™ redoin as ngian! so are Mead MS itt bcieme tind aceite | vere ‘ AND > ee eakfast, No peine or expenge will be spereé + : ats : By ey ae tarn an honest penay tween the North and aaa espocually a shown in removing “ Amert- BEEPS coortantly oa hand « large semortewnt Of | make thie one of the most comfortable and ¢1prdine make the land fon!, to overrm we A } ee ig “bellaadeo: == {by designation) and comserrstives in WATCHES cod JEWELED of of hinds. stage roads in the Stair with weeds—the fu rs greatest curse, |") * Bes 10M , a sl ha ° 7 principle, from office, and placing foreigners and es roa ao and Jewelry of every description, C. 8. BROWN, Cantrrcrer : * sad “ . “i > n ea ane ars af if ; prired in the bert maaner and on the wt fe = and they not only drain froin the fertility 7” p A eine y - i d iit them pet al ww, We we a pon Come 3 the W seseal we shown in o trechhag _ ar ieee - = met femme Balisbery. Juve 21, 1653 (4 ri} t fre ntly . git Sin ahaa rect see ‘ subsersiency to the stronger, 2 insolent and ebruary 19. 185 nial = pol agit 2 eas eat ie S faleflmiica Tale oe acheerousret whi yreentiog eondedates Lis we Hvemome ee aco Mills, Moose & Co. Fetrns ‘ 1y38 Wanted Immediately, gra » ‘ ixoriance bes reandeves, s lected for the first Umme age ey I EG leave to \aform their many friends and th : i proper rota! f ropping—e growin, the free Mates ne with the avowed par i shown van peg erctional ag a by puble generally thet they ute mow receiving sae é S$ At the Silver Hill Mine, of green crops and grain, in aiterna ] , The Inbatee by the cufiregwe' | '* "PEM : he — : sro inc = ote rm the Bret Hove formerly cccapied by G. A. MILLER ANY QUANTITY OF : ; . rranting lo uneataraliard foreigners Ube right Meamed, & Mille their etmek of “ y Q Fi vyears—ie net oniy the best « pa atl +. te rtale + thee ’ rn re i 2 ui * : sete NY M a Kenan sod Nebraska; 2 shows, @SR VDT | ATTORNEY AT LAW WOOD AND COAI farming, but the snrest wav te br ‘ ; “ Cosas | nreibie that those z TAF LE AID FAN rt 4 NEL. ae F / o : Leigh i . niga such! a tgeneare, gan nits Tactilating coume on the Kansas and Ne 9 XY MOCKSYILER, N.C. WM. LEAVENWORTH, So te Ba SiS ee phd fe a“ 1 hate tet 1 anon the cone = ce Praeka question; a shown in the corruptions B d Sh FF ORs temectiawty opposite the Devic Hotet iver FM. Oet 1. 1055 ed ae epider eerie es ool sium the omer TCA Nrvade ome af te depertaeee at be DEY G00d8, Boots and Shoes, mi 2 LET ts REASON TOGETHER Very Juaportunt.— Closing af orth hollow : ( NV be reusired to follow the EUveTmIret; ma chown in diegracing meritoriom: together wuh aft sriivtes veselly tept te s Dry Gants “April #, 1856 = _ ‘ coueetade OGE ee Rede Re Z Ww am thaton Sond wy ther be known a tu teeetibest | a lected lum in “*"* officers throagh prejudice or caprce ; and More, They are ale reeciving the largest and hes , éé3ens. re erty i i ) preset bs those wm elootes t Re ae the | el dees : selected stack af Gromenes ever offered in thee marte Sharan le Shee Teese ry t=" be Gower of nm @aprenutmente! 1 a man fivweg Sen ne — rig mismanagement A ie isch they are detcrmined lo coll ot priese (hat To the Ladies. by a lr f ; i itearers . “ u anal 1 ef be not wort! sath aceibet! ys ce cannot fad (o please ; . Lath, Therefore, to remely existing ev ila, and TF, aubecribers are now reer tres y ¢ ¢ * , t b of |’rew t \ be wt o le ‘ c . » : S : e © reeciving the fileest and rie) of en Pood Ad Ate hs ~ ai - : ; . ss % are prevent the disastrous somsequences otherwise re ay = atlas fol tcdaadl: al Anke P PRICES most complete stock of Ladies’ DRESS Geudls afalaya be deposit A) ar aul ” yur se same quarter, as ae . . . umes - ar, peat, Corn, (stton, and, they here ever aff red to the blic : tor a chs v ute - " a z _ Z oA tans : a te cee delta repranrut the ou g herfrom we * oak | ap the Ame- | ail kinds of coantry produce sap! cect bao Lets aap Sorta they will 5 MEG, 16 FC . COA ITCH A : chet rean party Bpon the principles berembebure Janwary 9th, 1834 aie i Lamebegagarslnn. pankectactons character fru at alin etl my aitrac ne ne ryt OW, indeed, to ent | i te their fine cmbrondered, wih and ince MANTILLAS or Pie , . ve r adwinetiy tha lees of tie “NS . and to their tate at ( BONNET RIBBONS has resiste<| 1 ato cut throng .. eee een ee een eee in the. 13th. That each State Council shall bave au NEW EMDRO DERIF 3. Cenmite Row by the steam ts eit r above or le ‘ if * thoser to amend thee severs! conatitat 011%) TT) 7 a Ta’ BROWN & COFFIN or renew nie 4 duton Pinata aati hy nme ee eons 8B RING SUMMER, enter. woos. it. Red river is also faliing very ray ’ ; . ee ge amt ice ecsinna and) te abolish the sevetal degrees, and imatitute a Ped + M Pe a Sehebury, Warch 25, 1856 shal 0 Ces * Be eater ; , pledge of honor, instead of other obhgations fur 9 ILLS. : Fo ee any ecg ne fiche of bane, sured ir obs ®: To Gentlemen. HOLLOWAY'S P e pe wiretenlal. will onant tis meat turn the taldes npon onredven. Sey 16 h Ge j J rf » ibe pa all FTN HE enhecribers hare pow on hend the mast com. { WHY ARE WE SICK F SP re a Pe t the South, having a mapority of the rt oes Bed lee Caen = Pe plete assortment of CLOTHING ever before | . , 5 A Row \ a) “ cata in elort ; : t nL anil ohn ment a i ar HO they woe fitical principles egabraced in our platform, Salisbary, Mareb 25, 1856. offered te the publie Call ot Noa 3, Granite Row 11 hee beem the lotof the hauag race tn be erirhei tect iH eer ' { A, to the revolna =o : z rey - . arte: wed ee fering HOLLOW AT'S PILLS - mMeasires, Loeaenre// ae f nia . ‘ ha y atavebotders for Lresident and Vice ] HE ewherriber ie new receiving his etark of Spring y , BROWN & COFFIN Gapted te the relief of the WEAK, the NERV (Us ine DO If he gives ehort measures in wieat re JAAS 218 Miu i and should t bh by their ex a Gonds, esvatting of « general enor Bofebrety Mi orch25, 1026 ent CATE, and the INFIRM. of ail climes, ages ores sn cones 1 ' ' 1G show ert nea Urete ¢ mem of - tions Professor Holloway personally sep= a the wl 1 a range } ‘ sive sattrages to rule over 8 ANOTHER facture of bis medicines im the United Sts oon Oe Ladi Dr Goods R. MM owed ot vowrdy the © : Or ta ehiekev, ther ec fag rouge t 4 f lawle esroca t lhe vou Ligh we wutld eabutk PREAH | es ess DR. J. J. 8U! [ERELL, oe er tals ecighned veaptn, af San Se é Hrs hie ; elt Calgereroancciahle renttoniat es ash Real dey ey tC Ap of alewat every desestghida. Wee thek of SEEDLE I $ yond 10 bie Office at hve evsidence. where opi? athe gives a bad tithe to land Ire vu (.\pyptadee ) you ‘ ore he will be bh in . HE 000. Pi foape ind fal , ‘ the other dav, whn rreiica in the lower here that rour Munthern brethren ave lens or STOCK robe alas RIES tire eater Oe Arar pa pee nigel ernbortah profemonal ot per THESE PILLS PURIFY THE BL . . ; Hor ‘i ‘ i er | would respe On © sammmation « sto all x rn eoryte oo of And if he cleata whenever he ean, h { ( ! anded his keva, sitit wthis solgect than yoo are, or less ) al whe wish to hase Gonds of the newest and tates NR. There are ma ons inde bted te me by Ley Vue ove om 7 commtucd = Rees : 8 2 4 pre stomech, the liter, the kidneys, the be . . fe inden. it» Pie Cee casarcicea Le ce and carried off a ous serie ta? (Tremendons cleermg }— Np ng & Nummer Goods styles, Partieutar attention ia paid to prearing Fash. *Cooert® od have been cral years | weald bowels, correcting any derangement In te os port) scoundr 1 ‘ , juantity « f provisions There were so:nce Hl you de, bet me tell you that you are muataken s tomable (ooda, whether they have been introdeced br y abe re ® st e call and make vetiioment, ng eg Vieen, he ver fommanee os Sess thes coring Gorm . an , 4 > inte thit seeteun before of wot mart be done by May Court, else 1 aball bowk ts tie ie or thirty of themand all arm Ate, Uberefore, you must see that if thie sertion- JUST ARRIVING! . —_ mikes aie wre ‘ Il ve beun committing tar arty anceees ta eats inevitably to the de FE. MYERS. Fackce Raich aati nee . DYSPEPSIA & LIVER COMPLAL F a . a a z ; F , AVING edd off oar Geet extensive parchese of iat (135 Nearly half the haman race hare taken thes P 1t hes bere ’ ’ ' this bean tie reared by oar ont y towed A Viw Way to g 1 Shasteind A ot igiene. Soomuch for la is i ‘ ‘ ; ' 4 Spring and Sammet (-oeds in a very short time E. SVE MU TOCBMISON Lester oa Lape ied Lor bistire Wat berber be Deana wt me : - > 1 ‘ : = ‘ ' ed by their blood, and be Rerthey woes ta: head iar have dees taid - a » , qe em in eases of disorders of the 4 pape) : young ¢ y sen bet af era, ancl foreign wid : ; ® t aid inaeecond 5 Prenat onde aoe roast at «peels Tustice in Detroit, charged witli lare a anne rs Beep mathed ta us a a priceless inheritance. supply, which now arriving 11 was cetected wth COMMISSION MERCHANT pusprensah inns andy netdees Ao AoA fens | AG SN . i : “ { hat Lapeak warmly on Care, bought at very reduced cash prices, and will be “ meane hove felled of $94 from a ring man in that ¢ pepnla How Jong will one peaple Chel that ae mein danger, [| %'4 low. No mute desirable goods hare been bromeht Chaeariotte, N. O., ALTA Sr toons ics oe ns Cy egies be bone ail om Feelin women singe, | Acari eerie | OM nanntwnane GENERAL DEBILITY. ILL HEALTH the wnoney, ani stated t circumeatanees VC. Tima ; ) be sold for tem ton, Corn, our, eat, and al Many of the wast denpotie Governments hare “prec Oe, : Atle " Jaof the consequences, what 7 “OF FIN that they Visors , rep me 1 BROWN & COFFIN oOo Curtom Houses to the Introduction of there Pills (hal Otay that had inf cod. he el eranaiie Sine Pate: pani mal eee Cone Nos Ghciae OUNTRHRY PFPROYMVUCT become the seadteitie of the masses. Learned (oiler he itl , A Aer ' ! I 1a) Diult- 1 ‘ . ’ IN CHARLOTTR, CHARLESTON, AND NEW YORK that this medicin= je the best remedy ever kno* crime e 8 l yphalnn ‘ jue ren « brink of a valeana, that ia fi Apr 29, 1856 #10 iS \nooms AA ; detionte health, or whete the ayetem has been limps sometime ‘ lagreed t irry | Re st bree J 2a Fremont r ible at any moment to buret forth and overwhelm Abermt Advanees made on Consignments nyigorating properties never fil to afford retiet that for ennie ved with } t yoeniat when t J mgt by soft words hold ont de Wo rTxCcCEe ‘ FEMALE COMPLAINTS. é a mae x 2 : ry Li» Tl erenes®o : the eame as J} that he the tlire was atits highest. This isthe io sand thereby win votes, but [never Lt ay J. 1 Jenkins, Fieg., Belrebury ; Ben. W. Withame or abd, seat be witeee Oe eee left her. Soe ft 1 in, however I Fremont paper tn the State of New ca wnt tu be one thing to the North, and \ 41. perems.in any way, indebted to me me Ad & Co, Charleston ; A. Mant, Lexingt Rods eed asdoperate a unaciel A pe beat and - ’ "4 th, : " on; » La gion; Robert ny cases Vike acharm : a or | ~ ening tie elit praracreu eles hi lint eater il xboulid « ie aut? minietrator of the estate of Mores D. Kilpatrick ‘<a , Ben., New Yo s Stine hancin be witea we Coilacen (ek CO . and, upon | + einetant te per York rs zone dowen within the leat the mils, Calbuald deayion miyeell| {cova eet Geeky seamed w come howe ead| Sartre ap ce York i pl genarenlope lace ie pret fom hia promise, stole tha ineney and tea days, besides one tiat has turned toe if Lcould be guilty of sue evamon, (Tumulta | mate immediate payment. The efedit of the sale of _— a REMOVAL ‘a P best Remedy knoe deposited i: in the eas , t'; | eee rese are the signa that troly applause) For my conscience wookd still the property of the personal eatate has expired, and Greensborough ° Holloway's Pills are the best Rew _ ; ; | ' te tl 7 f P sek with the elrminatic poet -= the estale mnet now be settled ap. Alm, all thove OUN A WEIRMAN & PRICE in the world sor the following 1):s¢4 * ing he woukl inary wet it indicate the popular drift in the State and I bh PRICE have removed i - I oa ; : ; tad ; ; } having claime against the estate, are again notified | MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY eF their Clothing and Tailoring EKetablishment (rors | yathme Diarrhea Indigestion pevee sod Oe 4 pack. he proved right in her theory, country 1 re not <ome secret carte lo present them for payment, or thie notice will be * ppposite Murphy, McRorie de Ca, to the corner Rerweldiseaces: Drapey Influenta hone for he manifested 1 willingness to com _——, one tuddea thander red with immortal wreath plead ja bur af thea teeave ry fd Bit eostof Insurance on the matualpteni#bat a jedmtely opposite R. & A. Mur ‘ ‘eStore Sm (oat cexnay tt see aaee: Ie : rith her terms. They were to be : Has 'u bloat the wrrich whe owns hie greeinese JAMBR G. RAMBAY, Adm’r, | A ematleum, compared with a jointstock company | Salisbury, Nor. 19, 1833 Veo aprnnyy weliatay emacy o Py wih of Very t \ soang gentleman who wae ‘Toh country’s ru Jane 17, 1856 a Thiscompany being located in the Western partofthe meet ate laine Worms of all 1 : ? : ¢ ‘ 5; : 7 eness inte orms married Tne vesterday), the money ai jontly arguing in favor of Fremont’s elect ett f the lamented vi _ | State, conseqnently much the larger portion of the risks |““opeta Neadaches kins r $ remaining i Ure hinds of juaticn until the rs re to by a bnxom young mia,» LO LSN ROMA RSs a Ua bal AMA adh ok INLET 7 7 are inthe West, very many of which areinthe doantry 7 *) a0 gan si as Mamenenee + Hot - ' ec retein ia perfornied : tec Fremont’s sucee wharenpon (°F Thad rather be right than be President R: JUNLUS MENDENHALL, | The Company isentirely free from debt; have made D R. S. R EEVES den La ¢ Med pat out ihe Ua bse iid pith siols dig sled ade 1! Ry vil ahes socenm ss ble D: inte and Dealers of edi ronghoe eee That virl strould have her method of the gentleman proposed to bet a kiss that his (! a ! gu chests.) LAND ACENT peg gaa coil amma hehatteta ] | AS lnented in Salisbary, and offer Quates. sd the civilierd qwortd, ta beaee, of 99. ente, ON Fe ‘ : a) : ic his pr . i 491 each i hosband making patented immediately. candidate sould win, upon these terme: SIF [t sceins to me impansible that those engaged e atthe lact Annaal Moctiag the following Offices @. Office two daure irongeeidealinges — Lats fps ns In'acwackasrabla saying by aking ihe lthC ; ao I ’ sen, you are tokiee i f och on this ecetional agitation can have contemplated wit SELECT andenter Government Land— wert elected for the ensuing vear April 2, 1856. sire as wi seh OR. Dire mefor the gnidance of patients ry divert s “—— at selected Lan to kiss you.” We ahoull thelawfnl consequences of sttceens. If it breaks Locate Jand Warrante—Pay Taxes—make | JAMES SLOAN, President are aMixed b box : hieg of Orange County ¢ 1 , . , CHP : ery bra Pye ak ’ - \ investments on Joint accoant—and trensact a Gen- | 8. G. COFFIN, Vice President Dysp ) | The Whigs of Orange unty intens inind gambting a little onrselves after that asunder the | ae neous Union, and spreader Real Katate business in Minnesota, lowo, and | Cc, P. MENDENHALL, Attorney epsia Cared. _ Dr HARLES yk POWE : holding a meeting on Pneeday next. for piion. Borlon Post, narehy and evil war through he land, what is wisconsin PETER ADAMS, Sec'y and Treasurer ] R. HOSTETTERS CELEBRATED BIT- .C . reyes the appointment of «i ‘egntes to the Gen ; ' aa than moral treason |) Law and common Information of the eanntry farnished when desired PETER ADAMS, See'ry. |p TERS, for the cure of Dyspepsia and Chills & rena anbenapenel located in Saltshery Ape i eral Convention of the Whigs ofthe Uni Vi nse in it—Fillmore will epeil tat bet sense hold a man respunstble for the natural eon Addrows, R. J. MENDENHALL, HW. CUMMING, Gen'l Agent t+ | Fever, &e. For sale b { fully tenders his profession" servicer lt , 5 a = ) Claacnele: Ant , oe ee ty4 (ppd Menneapolie. . : , . " | ILLS, MOOSE & co. | Office -Cowan’s Brick Row , Raistne ab Balt econ the [th ult. 's ; Crat kis wn vid must nat those whose | Li , poll Muy 10, 185 (9009 { Salisbury, May 19 a = Asai Reta uf é ae > The Reiser 06 beantteter. grt re ea a ee Corceggpodonce af phe The Charl and deat’ to Font hat ernotny of the eX PRAY tae rg Eee va 447 FRBAMSY SA ugeanadt ork 3 Hong: toni bdsund wit ere " r dade Stsef egy’ if . : A tha ines . «?¥ oe 8 F Be Se ae EE eS, VOL. XIE. + ree oe PET SRS sete ‘ 4 je Re eT =e FREI . “sy a “gt AM" Se ma Y Se NUMBER XV si Sr * Bete: xe eee SS i Se oS Se oe ee es SALISBURY, N. C., SEPTEMBER 23, 1856. go oe pet nt et oe mot = wists | ting wnit.you have wrote pou are weledine to} though the” blude- was broken, Fetal pe lalight gogn iu tbe sane 4 \te cut wa radderand amaat,. These he J slightly grazi ’ ee ae ‘to the little boat, and taking a possi and “good philosophy in the old jinterferred and: lh gt eee . lenpply of cogoa-nuts with hiv, startedtime enstom uf having a buffoon or music | oe Sua Rubbers! Bere !! Here (1! ‘for A np Banta by the san by {at the dinner table.” | FRemen dusble. C. Now toke this warning, and. don'ttxke qootl, p@uy and the « ight. He was pro- ‘ A on his secu he sagh 3| Valvers, spponred i #t dip yf sondl, Kor it ip ryin to all mbo use ee am a you Jose churl, you wngeatefa) ‘Crvavux's hepa, font ee thet you are ! sere was ” > fait in prodatied: pon « fe-| small part of fle vine the root, say from one@thitd't oné-fourth of ite : p the aT ya Bot be carriat 1° ie R.aae folinge ls sequirod. to, gothor.-vital from the air. One of therngat spccenafal cultiwators in our aequaintance made it a rale to Jet. no vine extent. beyond four foot. Sampo Hip gosta A mrescgn Agr tent et wasa — 7 5 ‘what tales’ a at eer 4s thé policeman who attended him to Al- bany last sammer, liad shown him all the lattention hé ‘would have éhown au “nn- protected fentale.” COST OF ROYALTY. From a recently published stafement tas to the “expenses of the English Royal jhonsehojd, it appears that npon her acces. | Wena r Too, Much Land.—Theevitivation of a large amount of lend, as the process is performed by anany. agricaltoriste, is s it ts it terion ae of : Raps or aR thay Pharlotte Tat 5 scenery .abt ‘ a Colundia js broken aie Ne, “Per. - quiring deep eute and caaiuatehonts sty al tor the road bed. « Fig vation of itl and dale.ie. quite agreeable tod aye, | and the. very.neat eultivation whit is presented on this “Tine: pumtked 9 -elainn-t9 |. respect for the titifty or, whe knows his interest in cateful cultivation. Phe long drought of early samuier: has cut short-the crepsin this’ section, pen ym «| Lout Chester and above, there will be a) better yield than was expected. area After a pleasent ride over this well repair cdr p read, (which | === uN ssuniilsivss dieideienaians aad has prised connecetion only once in segen | { they willy aga ‘nat ‘i. @ | months,) anda fine dinver, in quality and fen fn. Granpre. 4 ee tee Fat yariety, at the sablstantial Carrel Hoase Haioly. danger of this;.and we, say, that at Chesterville, the company with which “the Democratic. fd ‘the Wh we happened to be assueiated. reached who ek in ua , Ae —_— is regely Sis: T¥s bewati-|eidal Taine om { ful views in the nejghborly of the Ca- | friends to the 1. ane ‘ ety yea etd wacky tawba wight here be descunted apen, nt oc ee ee ipl po the dows, Tbe iret ad ‘ot The London Times. \his effeminate’ appea titge and uppurtunity dy wot allow it at (this thing. We the-we-| thie vast) stulf. many dub’ know it and pa pe yap ly firmed in gonrt,| It may not be geuerally knowp, mayen PY ficuntion Sean are" : chavics aud gle lange that | ay ape Lill by it beforu they know it, yaw mas {for on OF the fative Sfhelale connected jeuntempurary, that the leader, of the UM fo At Oharlotte, commences the North our country te in eager and theou soy Pit Just ribo Matte ig pS hued Be, (therwwith, told the rnagiteae that his! Zimes ie telegraphed every’ morning to |#' Carolina Central Raileond, one cf the best thing to save it iaty vate for Millard Fijky Mh line cee Rent Ey Brey, | wide, awho bad Jately rete fron Moul- |all the principal towns of England ;' thes | and safest roads in the Union, built in the! more. ‘Tr ie adnvitted’ that! ff Buchanan i! Mas..fos Lane pes sill evs pearty | insind meytioned tohim thatthe wife | writtea out in large setters. aud affixed to | short space of four years, and extending | were to get alt the Bouthery States he)! th Is eed gine mpdliow ese PIMP OF 11,0 Lereca wlons our Robingon Crusoe |a-balletin vourd, avd is.placed in the over the distance of twehundred and could not be. elected without Nurthers} ie! And perhaps aot bbe at the dame time td iad pared ag the head of the Moulmein public Exchange. At Ghigo, Liver. twony Saree ile 7 a: | Notes, aud ty le ume | whether he eas) a wigs» bring water ts cook your! crow, liad lately come out in very costly | pool, , and other towns of.less eto “road “witch “tans more (ect & single N Th State, mot even his} , hyde haves hustiind if not you| garments, and. that ber daughters were | cominercial importance, trowGs of iinet: smootlily ‘or is more” cox ble to thetown, then WHE if the conséqdence if Mr. |Yow need wot, Gipeet none, if you “don't quit |ulso- very richly dressed, that it was |chants and others may. be seen early ‘in passengers, although the average epeed is Pit}itiors be dropped, why, TI ceriai | ring veel Ladies:or 1 peed pot bay ladies. | jy known.that the man had-made |the day reading this article! Asitthus, twenty miles per liour, including aop- | eleetiva of John C, Fremont aie & pevd- for | don't oymsidler Ubat diy lady will rub snuft,| MALY & Very snocessfybexpedition (9 one jin effect,dogs the thinkin the mass gee. This road is under the careful fable dissolution of this Union. Theo the! ise catind herelf « lady. Mut if yous Of the Proparis Islands, avd had brought /of the middle classes of Great Britain, its Pty judicions management of Theodure Bare course for every friend of thig Un-4 iil take det ye vee, | 3°" back a rich boatload of cucoa-nuté. Rub- } ipflaenee with must be very great. | 8. Garnett, who is well known as a forin-!ion is to cast his vote for Millard Fill-|"™ toy advion, you will all quit rubing OF j16on Crusoe has beet seut to Moulmein | It is difficult, in fact, to pmderetand its | er citizen of Columbia, and who has long ‘more, the ‘mas who has been tried and |g suf L-might ony, for some do vat it. Ts) to identify the murderers, whom he knows ,extent and power, which no class, we, been coauected with our Southera roads. found capable for every ye Wi {really a shore for any young wouter to rub) by name as well-as by appearance. Con-| presune, not even the goveroment ; We are pleased to learn that the business : KC ig. {and not ouly a dame at a disgrace to herself) ceive their horror aud amnzeneut when |iteelt, faila to.acknowledge. bal Pea age ie Beyond Ee | ER }and nut only just fo her but all who sel ber|they aro confrouted with the man they oe = a a ge by ry ton, and that it i in a x . | ve tony . ide \dotu Walter, aud inherited is son, | ss highly prosperous state. Four additivn- A LOVE AFFAIR IN DANGER. aa ome . nes an es ee gad Por gh tier ah rier ne ae at bee of Parti 3 It ie val. Son to the tn the aie. e's the | . ul locomotives have Leen ordered and are | —_— ‘nit iuad aaron thd inch - bog | ow whether the man's story turns out aed at $3,750,000, Ite principal editur , pleature fl tie J age? Ane sa on) waste of labour and of Gertility, imsporer- capecied in wfow weeks to aupnly Hie — rating he ce iat ba pny P00, His arvuioassealy ad Je hav am anon nlary of 6,00 ond ugh 06hf Faiament, etl weary Bg Gout lo ath tl, Bampd gee ea of aaa (liga, ts fie ae ip nately given.—Jadia paper. Paris dorrespondent $10,000, Its adver) $50,000 more than was*allowed her ;judgment, we ‘think, wil) demopetmte demand for wore power of transportativn. Sir Arrapgemeuts have Seen made for thro’ tisespeate, it is cetimated, yield i¢ 83,000- | freight cars from Vetersburg and Wil- minztou to Cliatlotte, which present great facilities to the merchants. Iu the economy of the road, there are three paasseuger engines on each half of the road from Llaw [hivesy each of which rans one liundred and ten miles and back, and then lies over for two days for inspec | tion, and is repafréd and kept in order Ly the runuing engineer, whe is ja every ease a thorvogh-bred machiniet. This gives security to the public and safety to the engine, aud is the proper policy of the administration. Notwithstduding this comparatively shert distance being run in a trip of the lucomutive, each of them runs during the year nearly 27,000 miles The whet crop in Yhis part of North Carolina is a very. fie ene—the largest ever made, and tbe quality of the grain the finest, much of ic wake sixty five pounds per Loshel. Alrvady lave 75,-: 000 busliels Leen carried to Wilmingtuv for shipment to the North, meeting a ready sale at Salisbnry at $110. A ruil- road to @ producing cowntry soon sncrear es production, and the fature crops from a region so admirably adapted to whicat will be inach greater with Uve demaud. On Saturday night, as the train ap proached Maysville, the lantern exbibi ted a man lying longitudinally over sev- oral of the cross ties—bat he was not dis covered unti! the cow-catcher was wear him, “tuo late to stop. As soon as the train passed over his beds, the brakes were pat down and the engine reversed. Upon going back, an [vishiuan was foand ouly p att drunk, and so completely so as te secute Lim safety in Consequence of his Inability tothore—a bolt of the cow catcher having Just grazed }:is ri dat: but doing no injuty te hiin. The slightest ef fort tu move on bis part woald have caus ed him to Lae bis life. At S A. M., we reached the very hand sowe city of Raleigh, where we give you this herried sketch, while breakfast i+ in preparation. At 7 A.M, the car leases ve the Gadon road for Weldon, and wit! it. pour correspondent. going North by this route, there isa gating of twenty-nine iniles over the com Guldabers’ Chongh at present the Puush ticket is not arranged, and it cvsts a litfle more. An arrangement is, low ever, in progress, aud wit, in a few days, eqvalizing tho fare froin Au gusta, Gourgia, by the two rontes. re is nu comparison as to the com- fort of this line with that by Wilmington and the pleasureable enjoyment of beau tifal scenery, with no danger of a bre ak down and detention from high waters, give a decided preference to it. The ar rangements fur persons going Soutl are not 60 satielattory as fer thove going Nort: as the connection with the Raleig! reute is only with the train that leaves Weldon in the evening. The cornection, hower er, in the morning is made at Goldsboro’ with the Charlotte train, and the same time ia occupied in reaching Charlotte, to take the train to Colnunbia The Raleigh and Gaston train to Wel- don passes throngh a very country, and no ene who tikes that line wid, regret it. Atthe Welden hotel a very excellent table is kept, and it seems fo have the fun of the passengers, At Weldon, a divergenee takes place to Portanoar, vy the Sealard aud Roan oke Railroad, where you strike the Bay route, or to Peteraburg, by the Richmond and Washington train. No one who once enjoys the delightful tip up the bay ina fine steamer, with a first-rate table and a it's reat, will ever resiya it for the tediam and discomfort of a wight in a railroad ear by the other line. lfteresting ene ¢ oor WHAT IS THE PROPER COURSE! The Kbuehanan men are using every cf fort ty seduce over to their side every person they can, under the impression that Mr. Fillmore stands 10 chanee, wliile they are unwilling to aid us. te there not danger in this! We think there is. We learn from gentlemen lately returned from the North that if Mr. Fillmore was ont of the way Mr. Buehanan woald not be heard of ju the Presidential contest ayainst Fremont. The danger then is this: The friends of Mr. Fillmore at the North, expecting the people of the South stand np firmly for him, as be hae prov- ed hiunself a friend as much to tire Sonth asto ihe North, and seeing that the South citing him, it is reasouable to eap I received your leiter a few minutes ago da ted 21 of March [can hardly realize that it was from you thyagh the haed wright resembled yours very wuel 1 was very much surprised afier perusing the conteuts Ln the drat place | wish to inform you if the letter was from you that } du not consider the repurt you menfiun ed any honor (o me whatever yOu sdrcly must think that I think you swpertur to any ome elec youre very wach mistubew [hase nevet heord the report never told it and wore than that ! dont bel.eve 14 has ever been reported lo two or threw weeks after you left and before you left the report was out (lint we were going touarry but yuu yourself was the first owe | ever heard say anything about i¢ you went hoine one Saturdny eveniog when you came back yuu fold me sou heard it in your ow me‘ghborhood sod this that you have written is the frat | have beard of it since | dont pretewd ty any you hace aot heurd (As! report probuble you haze the persom that wrote on told you atuat it eather made it of beard it from some one that did meke it you al- # sed you bad wor my heart 1 beg your par don wy Acart is still in my possranon and when 1 come to the conclusion to give my heart away T will try and give it away to some one that is! worthy uf having it at lemst to one that hae ofa! belity erough about them to take race of t to owe that will mot repreveh any ove with « report enti they osrertain whether it te oF not that is ome tinng I will not Lave to give am secount for at the Judgement day for rey ruaching any one with amy thing that they are entirely iano cent of ture you eit | wok you to be a orn tlemaa (hat wee a gentleman am) liked your compas eery wl) but 1 did not think Weenuse | lked your company aud {reeled you as a (mend that we were going to marry we calied each oth er f ana and [ tryed to treed you as. Cousin lefore you kft | fuwod there was a coolares erreting some way but for what cause I did wot haow and f cared leas | thougin if yuu had heard anything wrong of anything thet 7 hed eed that you did not fike that f yuu could not face me and tell what it was that it wos that it was nothing no way | did not frowble myer/f abyat that is something { dont do is to ask into thet peoples affairs this is the second time | oh duut make yourself vneary ai ali aboat me for | have tecetved orders frum you since you assure you | seidom think of you you say | have been a great trowble to sand women could Wave been I can’t thiak in rou more than fen thow what was I have never talked duout gow never mquired alout you and have mover bust a mo montis stady alent youu since you I+f( some Lave beev Very imgurntice 1 wenteng tv know my opamon vf you no ope bas ever hear) my opm rim yet when I feel hke spending my opinion alwut any ove | first apewd it to thew faces and then to their back the letter pretivas to this laat yuu advised me to marry vf 1 could get a hance thank youl am not living single for chance $ have chances plenty and want of a chances that are chances [ can marry when | gel ready | dowt know why my marrying tow bire pow ty uch fF dunt koow that you have alout marryiny T will + the same you say you always expect to gain the any «rite le adriss me marry when T please and [expect you lo « good will of the ladies Fam a afraid you will not accomplish that end Yrom the beginning you have made. James Atwater you are not a stranger to the Miss you wrote to you know her not to be a talker von know her not to be one that talks and tells things she knows is not so she bas not changed suy she is the same girl now she was then she tends to her own affairs and wither all others to do the same the Miss would like to ask a favor of you as you ast a fow ff her she is very anxious to hear who the author of that dreatful report is the one that told it she thinks to be a great enemy of hers she did not know that she had such an enemy living some one has meddled themselves a good deal any way about her you may think the Miss has wrote some things in this letter very unbecoming but just reveree the matter and think if some one tad written to you and sed that you had sed things thal were not so would you not write ax I have wrilten you signed yourtelf ker everlasting friend after you had pronounced her to tell, things that were nol so exause her for not doing the same thing ater you bave accused her of telling a falsehood she eannot say she ie your fread —if your consclends jaxtifyes pou in wh. twelf mwoth. Yes its looks must dreadfull bad for any young girh to rub with » big scrub bevons, for a brush, ts husks more like gving to house severing (len brush the teeth, one word to parats They should not aufler Ue eginidres to rub while they bave theme uoder there care bet they duu't pay much attention to, for | Lave swea some luthe infants, | might all most say Mut more then tao year uli a rubing. bear tiles wm yuur miud all who Rule that nasty stuff, , wieb dose been chewed, by dara, then mate tater null after wards, and this fow is enoug! to wake a dug puke, lo take and rub wich done lawn mate to use ehee, Mr, Kilitor of the Watehman you may pul feolr Unie uy your paper, if you plense and think bs a w dv seo aud correct all that is rong spelled. Sept 19i:h— 56 Your ob— -- A BURMESE ROBINSON CRLSOE Rangoon, June 2,—A Barman arriv led here a few days ago, having been pick ted up by a Chinese junk at sea, in a smal! boat Ly himself, about ninety miles east of Tavoy. The man's history of bimeelf jag strange one. He was one of the six weu who proceeded, about seven months 9, (1 a Loat from Tavoy to one of the Preparis lslands, named Bondar. Theis object was tooblala « cargo of cocoa-1uts {is an on and acknowledged rule among the Burmese tribes that in habit the western coasts of Tenaaserim, that the first party arriving atany of these islands have the sole right aed Utle to the cocoa-nuta of the season. A day or two after the Tavuy meo had reached the ilee of Bondar, a party of the Moulmien wen arrived at the same place fur the sawe purpose, and were of coarse somewhat annoyed to find the Tavuy men had arniv ed before them They asked to be allowed to halves io the nuts, bat the Tavoy men iasisted oa their right tothe whole, and told the Moolimren men they night get the cocoa note from the ne xtiboring sinall island of Wa. The Movlaien men went and re turned the same day, saying there were vo nats worth having, aud said they would remain on the islaod of Bandur, and would take what were left by the Tavoy nen. This was accordingly set tied between them. ii seems that nate could only be obtained in fine weather, or fruin suime reason or another, they did nottrs to getany when it rained, but fished for sea slugs instead, a fiah highly prized ly the Chinese, and fetching a geod price where there are Chinamen One rainy day, as the Tavoy men were fishing, three being on the sea shore, and three in the water, the Monlmeio meno made an attack on them with muskets and daws. The three Lavoy meu on shore were killed, and the three in the water, of whoa the narrator was voe, bey tired at, ewam out to sea Iwo of these, after hours, sank, and the third and only sur vivor being @ very good swinmer, float ed on his back, and while so, stated he went to sleep and awoke in the middle of the night, tinding that the tide was drift jug lim inte the Island again. He re yained the shore before it was ight, and finding, as he stambled along the shore, a hollow trunk of a tree standing upr git with a bole in the top, he got into it, and that tree actually was his place of con cealinent for six mouths. {le could eee thro’a chink ia the tree when the Moal mein men abroad, and managed to get cocowuute when he knew they were not about. The kernel was his food, and the water or mitk his drink, At last he found his encmies had gone, and in ventaring abroad and going round the island be perceived that they had taken both boate with them. We declares that gue night be dreamt that in a certain part of the island there was lying a small boat, and on proceeding the vext morning to the spot he found it. This seems like romance, but the mau gave his evidence iv a calin manver to the magistrate here, Dr. Mar tin, and had told the same story exactly to the captain of the Chinese yank, as soon as he ecanie to himself after being taken on board, for ke wae at firet too ay- itated to say any thing. ~To eontinne the strange narrative, our Robinaon Crusoe remembered that one of his eomrades hed brokea the biade of bie knife in epen- ing ® cocoa-nnt, and had thrown it down in « particalar apot, He found the knife on the ground among the awiinming some } | ' HENRY’S WISH. , “T wish I was afraid of one thing,” said | Honry, as he wae standing by the win- duw in his mether’s rvoo “What is that epe thing!” she inquir ol. “LT wish f was afraid to do wrong,” be answered, “I aw afraid to do wrong,” said his Jit tle brother Charles, who was standing by his side. « Why are you afraid I” asked his moth- er. | “Tam afraid you will find it out,” he replied, “Are you never afraid of Wat!” inqair ed Mrs. Howard of Lleury “ Sometines | am; bat generally, when I have douwe wrong, | made up iny mflud ty tell you abous it.” “That is always right, my child. ‘Ile that confesses and forsaketh his sias,’ the Bible tells as, ‘shall find merey.” “{ generally tell yon too,” said Charlies. “1 hope you alwaye will; fur if you tell me whea you lave done wrong, you will be mach less liable to do so again.” Mrs. Hloward remem Lered that Charles often eame to her, and, in # wiueper, or low tone of voice, told her of some mpro- | riety, almost always closing with the re- mark, “1 thoaght | bad better jell you.” She always enoow 1 this contidence, for she knew it would do much to keep her dear boys frow impure infiaences, and ber mest earnest desire for ber cli! dren was, that they might be pare in heart, feanug nothing so much as sin Childrea may snecoed in hiding their sins from the knowledge of their parents, bet they cannot hide them from eye of God, yor from their own consciences They ehould be afraid of 4:1, Locause they know it is wrong, and if unrepented, wil! ruin their soola Dear ehiidren, are yoo alraid to sie! | } > Hew te Eat Wisely. Dre. Hall, in hie Jowrea?, gives the fol cuantiess to eral thousand emnall je ts, requiring gall lowing advice: "Never sit down toa talde with an anxious or disturbed mind ; wetter a hun dred fold intermit that meal, for there will then be that mach more food jn the world for hangrier stomachs thas gears; and, besides, eating ander such emeam stance can only, aud will always, prolong anda egravate the condit 2 Nev er sit down toa meal after any intense mental effort, for physical and mental wWyory are iMNevitable, and no man has a right to deliberately injure Lody, mind, or estate. 3. Never go toa full table durng bod ly exhanastion — ’ as being worn ont, tired te death, used up, over, and the like. The wisest thing yon can do under sueh e:renmetan- ces, 16, to take a eracker and a cap of warm tea, etther black or green, a no more. In ten minatea you will feel a degree of refreshment and liveliness whieh will be pleasantly cial deal to you; not of the transient kind which a giase ot liqnor, lot permanent; for the tea gives present stinnlos and a little strength, and before it subsides, nutri meat begins to be drawn from the sugar, and cream, and bread, thas allowing the body gradually, and by aafe degrees, to regain ite usual vigonr, Thon, in a cou ple of honrs, yoa may take a full meat, provided it does not bring it later than two hours before snndown ; if later, then take nothing for that day in addition to the eracker and tea, and the next day you will fee) a fresliness and vigour not recently known, No reader will require to he advised a second time, who will make a trial as above, while it is a fact of no unusaal observation, among intelligent physicians, that eating heartily, and under bodily ex haastion, 18 not anfrequently the cause of alarming and paiatal times of eudden death. m oof things designated by some done the highest part 270 feet water from artesian wella 57d feet deep, ‘ and throw it to the top of these towers, /* the incnine bestowed apon Prince Al- | tains. whea the four there are tén lesser voe hundred feet high, these works all in full } lary, The spectator sees Lefore lim a group basins, arranged above cae): buildiog crowning the samunmit ; was committe Carolina, last, in Camden, 8. €., Review, an altercation occured between | It appears that the nan, whose name we W. F. Crvovren, Esq., Clerk of the Court |learned wae Steward, was beastly intoxi-| of Camden, anda Mr. Joux Love, at Dux: | cated and had fellen doen in the middle tap’s Store, which illness, and some: | wound inflicted upon the Satter named by neer saw the man just as the train rea These things be- | the former. It appears, by what wehave ed him, and was therefore, unable to stop ing 80, let every family make it a point learned, that Mr. L. had made remarks re- | the train until it had to assemble around the family board | flecting upon Mr. ©. 000 a year, one tirm alone paying 8150, OO0U @ year. The Twinkling of ihe Stars. According to M. ° Arago, astronoiners Patio lution. These changes are alirost It is amerted that the name of bate by the Arabians to the iBes the star of a thousand . Arago also geverts that the COLOSSAL FOUNTAINS. The fountains of the Crystal Palace at Sydenham, Eugland, are amung the great cat wonders of the world. Two luge foun taine throw vast feta of water to a beight %o all persons without legal heirs, who} Two towers are erected on ‘ay die witestate in any part of her em-| Af 280 feet of the grounds, each high; powerful engines take whence it descends and feeds the foun The total weight of each tower, & by Parhament at $1 50,000 yearly, and J tains ary playing, ie over bree thousand tons the two funtaina, , that throw jets as well as alinost sinaller fountaiaa, in addition tcnples, cascades, &c., and sev 120,000 , wa) } Besides culeaaa) one wate Ueol water per inminate ty @typly Ten miles of iron pipes are re juired to conduct the water that feeds The sigit, when they are is said tu be magnificent of that rise Palace and each f these basins secin alive with jets flash ny iu the suustine, and crossing and re un terraces other, the Cry stal crossing each other, while cascades diver sify the merne, and the two evioseal foun tains shout wa dizzy height Murder A very atrocions marder } on Satnrday night last. The vane of the mardered man was John Tim Timeon refased, and guns & one of the party shot him two honra. No clue It is suapected by some AN UNFORTUNATE AFFAIR. We learn that on Wednesday afternoon after the General resulted in a serious The latter charged predecessor, William IV. At the same time the allowance of the Queen’s moth- er was increased from $110,000 to $150,- 1000. Although the people grumbled at this extravagance, few wembers of Par- ‘liament dared lift their toiges against it. anid ethers have failed to arrive at a sat-'{n the House of Lords, Lord Brougham isfactory explanation of the twinkling of} boldly o stars on aceouut of their fuilage to exaet deflirition of the teruw scinti Me affirms then, that, in so far as naked | eye observers of the heavens are concern-; per anum to the Queen, with $50,008 per | ed, scintillution, or twinkling, consists in very rapid fluctuations in the brightness, provided for the particalar application of | gladdeneth the heart; bat # great of the stars. always accompanied by v artiations of co- ity’s oar and certain secondary effects, whi -b | jes are the imntediate consequences of every | penses of the household—that is, what/its owner, and an evil in the sight increase or diminution of brightness ; goch as considerable alterations In the drinking”—$362,000, 4. Royal bonnty, apparent magnitade of the stars, and in alins, and special services, $16,000‘ 5. the length of the diverging rays, which! Pensions to the extent of $6000; 6. Un- appear to issac in different direction from | appropriated moneys, $40,200, Although their centres. It has been remarked from |i, was stipo 8 very early age that the phenomenon of should surrender, for her lifetime the her- \twiykling is accompanied by » change of editary revenges which her immediate coloar. Barakeach, star Sirius, conluars. planets twinkle the grant as excessive. 'All who spoke against the measure were ronadly abused. The statute which granted §2,000,000 aoutn additional for “home secret service” the money as follows: 4. For the — ivy purse, €300,000; 2. For ealar- & her household, $056,000; 3. Ex- "addy would call “the best eating and in the act that the Queen ' ecessors had been possessed of, yet, ‘except the duties on beer, ale and aider, there was no relinquishment of any of these hereditary revenues, and she now \deaws from the civil list of L[reland and Scotland, the Doehy of Lancaster, @c., the modest sam of $418,000, io addition ‘to the sam 81,425,000 voted ber by Par liament, making so annoal income of §3,. 340,000' Bes thia, the Queen is heir pite Another necessary expense for keeping up the “honvar and dignity” of the crown, bert, the Queen's hashand. This was fix her Majesty has heaped lucrative ap pulotments upon hin, which nearly double the amoant, And where ia the further sum of $550,000 for certain dokes, dnchesses, &. The Queen also has the free use of va rious palaces, which are kept in ea at the pablie expense. The cust is by no means small, the appropriation for 1856 for palaces, parks, gardens, de, being $1,245,465. Add this tw the actaal come of the Queen and Prince Albert, and they will be fuund to recieve as mach as $4,988,465, simply fur pe : sie and domestic ppc all and hoard- ings. Whenever the Queen travels by land, the tolls at the tormpike are remit ted, and the Admiralty keep a steam yacht, and provide ber table whea she takes an excaraion ppen the water Paste that will keep for a Year.—Dis solve ia water (wo square inches of glue and an equal quanwty of alum. Mix and boil with flour, as asaal, and when nearly lin Cherokee connty, North cold stir in two teaspoonful of cloves or! lavender, the whole to make a pint of te. Keep it in a well-covered vesse! son, a civilized Indian, and itis said a To prevent paste from getting mouldy, man of good standing and respectability . He was inurdered in his own house. The the size of a filbert toa pint of paste Ashville Spectator statos that a couple f men went to Timson's house and demand ed to be admitted finally, as ther would not leave, he went to the door and opened it with his hand, when throng! the arm and breast; from which he died in about has set been obtained as to who perpe trated the decd. L learn, that the tnurderers were Indians from Arkansas, who came te wreak their | vengence on account of some old grudye they bore against the deceased boil with it apiece of sugar of lead about A beautifal superstition prevails among the Seneca tribe of Indians. When an Indian maiden dies, the inprison a young bird nntil it’ first begins to try its powers of song, and then joading it with kisses and caresses, they loose its bonds over the grave, ia the belief that it will not fold ite wings aor close its eyes until it lins flown to the epirit land aud delivered its »recious «burden to the lored and fost. tis not anfrequent to sed twenty or thir- ty birds let loose ever one grave. -- Wonderful Aavape.— We wore inform- to d ed by the Oondnetor of the Express train on Monday, that the entire train ran over a man the night befure near Jamestown. of the road between the sills. The oe ch- eritirely over him. They ex to find his body with kindly feelings, with a cheerful hn-!the former with the guilt, whiclt caused horribly mangled bat they found him mour, and @ courteous spirit: and let | lange that member of it be sent from the table | upott regarded objectionable, where- r. Curyacean drew a revolver and soarcely awaked, with only a smal) eut on the head. Iteo happened thatthe cow in disgrace who presumes to mar the jshot Mr. Love, the ball taking effect iu jeateher-on this engine was made some ought-to-be blest re-anion, by sullen si- the thigh, | tone, |street, and Mr, Love's brother being pres- | To this eireamstance alone, he is indebt- making to return the boy to nkful| ent, proenred a loaded gun, which was at|ed for his wonderful escape. lence, ar. trapatient look, or angr jor complaining tongue. Fat int Mr. ©. then retired to the grass, and | gladness, or away with you to the kiteh- jhand, afd discharged the contents at Mr. | | , | two or three inches bigher, than is asual. Greenaborovgh Times. | that large crops per werd, as 2. genetal jrule, are the most profitabi¢, and“expéri- jrment will verify it. Tt should te thediic lof the farther'to sustait” the richness” of his land, and this ean be done Only by reduciog the breadth dider the plough, roportionately to his.capacity {oF apply - [Fag auch fertilizing aaiartah as re ‘torn the elements taken thére-from by the crop. “A little farm . well tilled,” | breadth | manner, of acres cultivated in a slovenly is a blight apon the intergete of of all | mep. pe ome owe LAW YESS OUTWEPTED. | Not far from the city of Mon jin the State of Alabama, on one of } running from that city, lives a jelly landiord by the name of Ford, In fair weather or foul, in hardtimes of soft, | Ford would havé hia joke. I¢ was bitter, stormy aight, or rather morning, abpust bow ecag tn jore day break, he wawairote is slamber by loud shoating jand knocks.st his door. He. tueped et, bet sorely against bis will, and demand ed what was the matter. It was as dgek | as tar, aed as he could see no one lie teed out— “Whe ace you there f” “Ber der and Yancey amd Ehurore, frou Montgowery,” was the answer, “on our way to Tuscaloosa to attend cosrtt. ° are benighted, and want tostay all night.” “Very sorry I can’t a you ee » geudemen. Do anything & oblige wa, bet that's iopossible.” The lawyers, for they were threeef the smartest lawyers in the State, and all dy to drop down with fatigne, held « urief consnitation, and then, as they could do ve better, and were foo tired to g° aocther step, they asked— “Well, can’t you stabie our horses, aod givens chaire and @ good fire till mora- in Con, yes, can do that gentlemen.” Onc learned and legal friends were ston \ drying their wet clothes by a bright fire, as they composed themsejves to pass the few remaining hours in their chairs, dor- ing and nodding, and nodding, and now ‘and then swearing a word or two of fm- patience as they waited till daylight did ay : | The longest night has a morning, and at last the sun came aloug, and then in due tine s good breakfast wade its ap- pearance ; but to the eurpriec of the law- yers, who thonght the house was crowu- ed with gnesta, none bat theruselres eat , down to parttake. “Why Ford, I theught yonr house was eo full you could’nt give us Leds last night?” said Barder “I did'nt? say a0,” Ford replied. “You dil'uth What in the name of thander, then, did you say !” “You asked me to let you stay here ali pight, and I said that it would be imposei- ble, forthe night was near two-thirds gone when you came. If yon only wanted beds, why on earth did'nt yon say se?” The Lawyers had to give itnp. Three of them 6n oneside, aud the landlopd alone had beat them all. ; j > Arrectiox.—“James, do you leve your sigter [” “Yes, sir.” “Well, show me how yon love her,” The boy stood still, not knowing what ‘ | oO, “James, how do I express my love for | your mother !” “Ob! you give her seme bank bills, | bat I ain't get any.” ee - - Hlopement—A young \ady of 17 or 18 Fears of age, reeemtiy eloped from Atlanta, with a married man, the father of four chikiren, who de his wife and took with him bis offspring. The wife eame to Savannah im search of her children, and yesterday found three of them, girls, at the institution of the Sisters of Mercy, where had been placed to board by their father, The other child, a boy, is no doubt with him, but no ele has as yet been had of his whereabouta,— We prefer to suppress the names of the parties antil further information reaches us. Efforts are its mother, which i we hope May prove successful. —Sarannah Re publican 20th NVEN- | endorsing the ndiyfaation of Andrew 3. | Dorielson, Some little eonfysion ensued, and the question being” there were several | voices in the affirmative, but a perfect: shout of nods. “The result was received | with ppplanse. F | 1G NATIONAL CO TION, Bavrwors, Sept. 18. The Convention met this morning, and | vassed resolutions to the effect that the} /higs would establish no new _platfora ; Rae A , heya present fMleafilered watal a ee the serclatas was sere fagain déuvand as many of the mem- of the country and charge it to the culpa. | 18 gare spre dtl te ble neglect at Si Administration. They bas ape Be vounasgad ts ged; ies i assert that geographical divisions will The reso Avon ware aga readin 8 srove fatal to the Union, whieh is now in loud tone by Mr. Thomas, oneot the sec Huminent danger. They took avith ajarin eG We Uckacof NevthicCaruli upon the present sectional parties, and be-| Bak ane tl INORG BIULE MS tl gael hea moved to strike out the resolution en . Pe \ 4 ea ose Ul Si FOR VICE PRESIDENT, lieved that the snceess of either will only dsgiey tle. luilivnce oy Wilco di » ‘ me. Lhe only remedy ANDREW JACKSON DONELSON, Pegniene ele evil a ie election of ar eci race eibcncrdimeetcdite OF TEXNESSEK. a President pledged to neither section, ho ak gs MORASS WG) EES and they therefore ratify the Nomination sentra of Fillmore and Danelson. They also MPS Dae Eattitnteniiniealianlalecniint provide for the appointmeut ef a Nation- stricted Geter deleeaneni thar Stato sal Executive Counmittee, and the effective ypc ot fatal sundae ph iat) alates nee (ile party iTise (Convene (2 oe) they would not permit a fire brand Se ica etre nial tin to be cast into this convention, {Ap ks facone ratification weeting was plrust.] Le wave W Npatts Clay ‘ Wiss then held in Monument Square, which end Inwed ty dig in thy Whig party — was gulten ap on a very costly scale and fhe motion to strike oat the resolution ; 4 { Applause. } : waa therefore withdrawn, was warked by great uthusiaeun, The questiun being pat on the adop- tion of the resulutivus they were adopted Wil Carolina Watchman. ”” SALISBURY. WN. v. ee TURSDAY RVENLNG, SEPT. 23rd, 1856. Cree TERMS OF THIS PAPER $2.00 CASH. Prem . FOR PRESIDENT, MILLARD FILLMORE, again, and the reading eour AMERICAN ELECTORAL TICKET. FOR THE STATE AT LARGE. LB CARMICHAEL, of Wilkes, JOUN W. CAMERON, of Cunbertaud. FOR THE DISTRICTS, A. J. @repuax, {A MORE EXTEXDED REPORT.) es t e e r e J. M. Lescn, _ = me aa vag) MAAN MOUsLY, re Dapaes. SEOOND DAY'S PROCEEDINGS. The result: was received by the dele- | . D. Hyman. — ivan gates und spectators with uproarious ap- | Patriotie Resolutions adopted— Fillmore plause and cheers for several minutes. | and _Denelson Endorsed—G reat Ex-, ‘Shree cheers were proposed and given | thusiasm [ for Millard Fillwore. ! The convention re-assembled pursuant! Three nore were given for North Car-| % - : : to adjournment, the Hon. Edward Bates, iua—and three more for the Whig Con-| Tiistrict, to give uoties that he and Mr. Preadean inthe ohiaics , veution. \ ‘Warring, the Democratic Elector, wil The lial, as on Wedu -, contained | The President announced the resolu- | address the people of Salisbury this cve-'a large mumber of persons interested in tious as unanimously adopted. (Ap-| ting, at candle light, ip the Cuurt-house. the proceedings, a considerable number plaase.} — { Po, inne th goer win rs mated note > than on the preceds Fe ie ie - +0 s TaF™ Bishop Dans, of Soath Carofina, The eb is caaesttes had enlarged tion to notify the gentlemen named of! God willing, will preagh in the Episcopal 1),. platform for tre members, by extend: | their nomination. . | Chareb in Salisbury, on Sunday 28th inst. ing i: se as te embrace two additional! £x-Governor Morehead, of N.C, ad-| - rows uf settecs, thus accommodating two | dressed the convention. A ‘ JAS. W. OSBORNE axv D. M. BAR- : eaitie “opie rs anaes affording seats cupied the chair at the convention whieh | for all in attendance, RINGER. The President The last Banner publishes tetter froin egation band in to f 2 , ‘ the Hoa. D. M. nena and the last ay a, a with the postottice address ieee em ae vies the te . . >, Of each meinber. ency with it again. [ Applanse. Sandard the ~~ va ss ragecaaadd alls The committce on resolutions having ‘referred to the suctessful oh ee rama gonprpen gant raga entered the hall, © of Mr. Fillmore, and compared it with iag—ol it not in Gath, and publis 1) The Hon. Robert Yo Conrad, of Va. What he characterised the civil discord it met im the streets of Askelon !—that! chairinan, stated that the committee 0OW prevailing, Cuder his banner they these gentlemen have erept iuto the ene- had prepare! their whole report in the would new fight and be snecessfuh er mies camp—bave laid hold of the horns form of resolations, And he would add, {all with the national flag for their wind- ; ; ‘ - , that at no time was there amy diversity of (Ng sheet. The Whig party was not dead. of the democratic altar! Alas! alas! opinion among the coummittee, bat that |t still lived ; and afthongli they hag! stood how have these notables fallen! Once their report was unanimous. [ Applause. aside for a tine and tet others have their the atimiress and followers of the great Mr. Conrad then read the resolutions, *¥ay, be felt that the timo had come eage of Acheland, whe went down to his which are as follows: when tuany would be foand failing into “honored ve the victim of the viiest; ae . the Whix ranks, aiding in saving the om wet| Resuleed, That the Whigs of the U. State. Cuion. The political vecan has bees rosa 3 hap heagait je petit pa rail appears rate — cg eb lashed inte a tempest, and now tleir old root i new tarned sed which "°° ee ae ee eegneeals the form of the noble bat ean- their unabterable attachment to the National Un opperents are excluining, “ Help me, : Cassius, or Tsink !” James Buchanan is . | ion ; and a fixed determination te do all in their sae dered dead—they are paying homaye to! power Lo preserve them for themselves, and their ris ote i pea edhe candldate for - bets greaiest wrong-doer, and weald even posterity. They have mo new prin piles to au hripessteniade'nd Hd and 4. ¢ Fremont +8 @Rry Wee I Re Os er ae distinguished for lie eyuustrian perfurm walse him to that cast of dicinction from : t “ metre ee eS ig tel uok Hit fie ahs otc tis leaded the A 2 | artemt ty broadly rest — where their fathers reat Bbeve—he Is bel Ie cor the office, which falsehood excin: greatest |.) upon the Constitution of the U mited States, The comsecution had selected a koown statesman of fhe age. Alas’ alas!—not} wishing no safer guide, wo higher law. and tried man—-ne capable of tilling the fur the country, for these gentlemen can! Readerd, That ee regard with the deepest Presrdeney with hei neither eave por ruin it,—bat for the ca | terest anc anmty the present disarfered con eredit to price and weakness of AR ‘dition of our national atfaire—a portion of the What, new, becomes of the glowing country ae . pul — sk a ial of ' our populatoe embitttered by Mataal recrianos eloquence of Mr. Osborne's whig speech-! uvos; and we distinctly irace these calamities es delivered against the Hon. B. Craige,!t the culpable neglect of duty by the present fh al every damp ia ts C aational aduneautration. . * a? po I ca of th soe ie Keadeed, That the (rovernment of the Uni sional district! The masic ose well- tej States was formed by the conjunctiva im p> ing straine--eweet and eval stirring !— litical amity «/ wide-+; ead geographical rections, have scarcely ceased to echo amidst the ee d.fhrneg, not = ve climate and pro ig ° ucts, in suced amd dummestie imetituuons valleys of the Yakin and Catawba 7 Do and that any caw which shall permaneutiy ar Jou not hear them, Mr. Usborne | What ray these wc teeal bostiliy aad organ eanotions do thew stir in a soul eo nicely ised partic: founded only om geezrapbocal di get to concords of sweet soands! De as. tom. nwt nt @ fetal too cue sured that others aleo hare ears— <liscr:in - > ~— Public Speaking this Evening. We have begn requested by Mr. A. J. Dargin, the American Elector for this “-. vor to linsetf and If he be elected Preeideut, be will be an Aimeiicaa Pre sident, and that is all we want The speaker, for one, would never consent that one foot of this Union should ever be considered otber than as “ my own— muy native land.” [Applause.) No mat ter what wight be dune by Hotspars of the Sout no matter if ihe pulpits of the North shoud send forth Sharpe's rifles and powder —thie Union never could be Dissolve thia Union! No, Applause Let oor conn istated from one end to the other, aud the sound of the mighty voice be heard exclaiming——“ Liberty and Un tuc country. fisme] ved hever trv be dev Os 1k Pp or ‘ nev) Unasaee of the Nets mal U mon. Resolerd. Tha the Whigs of the Unital ion, now and forever,” and it would be inating eare—and many of them—espe | Mates deviar as a fondtamental articl of poliveal saved —Hle ridicoled the idea that ancl iaily thove whe hare not snepected yon | Sith. an slmnlate meermaity Wr avoiding cwograjh a thing as t!« lation of the Union —deill start with amazement «hen thes teal partes, The dancer 20 clearly dimceroed by yyy could take i The great Dern - ‘the Farata oy is Coustat, bas now becom oii party | Sere IPR ienion hear thet you have tarned democrat. jarfally apparent im the agitatiun :ow cvorule ae ae ee alten Ge ae . . ‘ 7 me Cited Mech tv Gesiruac We imagine we see our ok! leader anx. im the nation. amd mast be arrested at ower with rid re Let Serial nd the on, bth ge before rand t! ieasly tip-toeing and sarvey the dry pas *° stetrlll chiens! Gara! Soreeenrertinge) Ginad cas pay rey Pyeg eee er danger, they ia . Fl j Uanwe from di-ra-mberment, and the mame of ORY OP 4 ert ett Sate Gs 8) tare — has ey ed, = ear America frum lemng bhited out from ibe farm!) ar > airs to the i) xe ~ Preah lated " Rew bopes end excsted by the of cviliged nations ren aid save nas! pplanse novelty of his postion, ie im high expec Resal oni Thain) eho revere the Constitution Hlou. Dieu Ketehum, of New York, . the | the par 5 wd othe convention that hia State tamey that all itis old whig adenirors wil] 94 ‘he | ar mast leuk wath akan at the par Aesur . 7 fol : “6 d ee gees im the tl ww the paverat Dresidewital ea would cast her electoral vote for Millard iamamediatel y jos him, and he shall en paige —u ams only te reprrmat sitter Fillmore. Warvat applause jey asceace moel like that which enswex Northern Statsand the Aber appestens manly to Jdobn S. Sanderson, of Pal, anid ao far when the beck sheep of a flock las leo)» the jamine ana pryatces of the Suuthern ay 1 «ry!vania ta concerned, lic conld ed a fence. Are the whig pemde of this “**" thet the surccen of either isrfeenell mba yosay forthe Whiss and Americans of . i Tope . ; add feetito the fame wheeh sow threatens to , rat State. ae (ren Miller once said, “We'll Fegpon sv silly as to verify AN CX POCA | apap our ienrat interests in @ common ruin im” Neel iy aes a : 2 . x : feed Mr Osborne and Mr pe eres pS a a i mehanah Couhkd Not wet the clec then! No im 6 : toral vote of the State © appealing is ty say pert a candudate pled Darringer will lak and hope in vain GC innd C cawrevihae Sete daly to wether 4 the gregrayhical eeetions : now ar A Mr. B. has been reauiing out of the whig rayed| ts poliiical 'cetuqanten’ bet hallo Ina) Bae sace for Ihnere an 1 J ds vrneed aror fur eemetime Knowing ubes @ay tala jus ain! equal reyarl We conyratula’ J dve SS. Nicholas, of “hentneky he has hed a longing eve for neiyiboring trie mele ot th sow that ewch » canininte 2Y ed his bebef that hie State would tn fields fur several rears exrts m Milian) by one where she has ever been in every contes and having lost Rewdeed, That, «nhent mleqqung oe relrres 4 Hiroto ticeeamts sight of bim for many days amt, Were Bo, tie pecufier shirtiines of the party which hae Nathaniel Wolf, of Kentucky, tonched garprised to hear his voice from the vales already wlerte-| Mo + rear) tte ee for that State —she could not prove reere of democracy. Le ie now juined by Mr. berk te him ae a well ind aed fanthifel frend of aut to Millard Fillmore Bonatth Kary Clingman’ ands fow (Als ee ee. ene anes Win. © Fowler, of Masa, remarked A z * fer hin windom aw! firmpces —for his potter and thst Massachusettes liad voted for Mr ke np a brag flock for they ¢ Let fs re ; ; , : ers, they ma P rahe ' Y moderation ia or foreign relations—forhiseainy Fi lianre fur Vice President. had pay demoeraes. Billy, A the Standard, saorts sei pact temperament ey well becoming the arid jie adininistration, and ought. it y , . i a Mites . ane giit, over them to the utmost of Lie ability, bom! «/ 8 great mation — few his det ate ne cy anpport him now nN Nn | : i (vest! atoe m ie tree spirit —be if I ww iat f Ma / weliilat » reat y ‘ ¢ arren, of Masa, believed thre ney are all ia g Kice, jast wow, an in exceuting the laws, but, beyond all an ‘ i ; M 2 = fall of over-weening pride. But suppose tiletes, am pommeniig th tanecem lent incr rev elit vet pe for Massachusetts Fillmore should be elected ‘ —milliows of of being a rqwesentatiye of mencher of the tw Se A ; 1 ewtnepal paces tow strugshed fur peelitieal su Ir JWT npeon. of Drelawase, was freemen fee! ia their hearts that he ouylit 1 } EH aat$ Gall Cer ail resjanuled heat there coulil: tis to be and that he must be '—what wi! Red od RT Metin se premen tee oneeee tine enuicu atamt lceiote. andl he beeome of these discontented wanderers! |iical afl we are mot called upon todmcuss flta rized to say that if the election f ir ent slanie OMd Backs groans would thes wither, the subenbont> qnestio rs of the atminuateat il gute the Hooase of not affording even a littl cry stabbic; set Naas = ny mee es x j : veel (LE Anand ded a cn uA sculalive i his £. id ) Use guverntiet It mete ugh to know that Comyicas veorld o for {1 Fillusore and his ereign recrurts ented perish, oF wares mus and that the Cimon nin per Vpplanss lelaware waaa cial “lila dye with the rot! -Batthe Country cual and pro w eoetectiow that the meteraben doa birt tnicit be for hor vet to save be eaved—_rescned from the hands of see. A Me billeaere tn sulevey will formet oi Con, and be ent tled te mero hon ° A . . wo bunt if wut Une ouis meame of restoring peace. ne than any State represented here to. ieeal sgitaturs and plunderrrs, 8 Orme gaged, That e- oordially apytove Uw bem: 2" o ee eee mation wost devoutly to Le wished for mation of hinitew d. | hetuoe Cor the beck? ; . ; ees Lee eres Ieee hath ee wathenal rater ate, Mr. Dennis of Maryland, addressed oe panting kim aen tral, commer We 7 ; Filean Chewing Tibores.— marcha merch patria, fotlfelly devuted to the Cons the convention in la a moof Mr. Fill 1 fore dieted N Jand would roll ore, Meer Log 8 Morphy, have bard on one ate | ¥ ' ! 1 A ‘ talde a plug of bared 6b wing Tobaceo, name) Mere Taat a -pemia ayy. Atm ' f : us on Wikies thine : ‘ al cartol every i\ es above Itc a linen artiche and mo mmmtabe ie ve - * ne a ges 1 Sannroit —eemember that, ou cvusemers of the weed LU epee here doa ye} aut kxv-G N i A] (Ohio, wa oe natiowa unpurtavee A preserving ated called for. and {they lad very bittl THE CHERAW AFFAIR wating Usew party orgamaaem —ihat a hope for Oirie Vir had many wigs " q Nu Wig Uy i of « frou enc es re te ye We observe in the New York Ierail | 2 : s Jos a yee ain . vet, however t State Ihe ab the Starts al ted Uy the president Ae ' Fai teociticaanl ae of the 1sth an ex parte statewent by Jas : : diesels Hats a iN position and eliar beet ‘ ‘ uiar et vets Ser tid gee ’ ' ' ¢ Colwell who, together with Jolin Ma i : chim hte ete rh and Kansas Nebraska puis . pn ' m A Ure ' ‘ lone, was ct jelicd by the Vigilan e ( Ret act iad added weir strength They mittee a slur? titme acy from Cheraw. as © hat lese pecilalicne paldinbesd did t x tto carry the State fer our readers will reo lect, underthe char aes he ihe C aeatiog CLD eto give buna very re ' eetuliien cat of being A bolitiesnut« ; | ty the people of Che Un ted States “ares f n Tamas Soper The writer cennylr ine bitterly of thre , ioe re ans rmnas, of Marvland, “ oatrage,” as he terins it, and save that Mr bk. Vo Machette, of Pa moved te yave notices of aincetny of the Exceutive by ithe has been deprived ofall lis prop lay the resciations on the table and print ommiltee at tie (tv flotel last even erty and Jeft in New York city anentire them They came bere asold tine Whigs ing. for the purpose of consultation, stranyer to adopt a set of Whig resolutions -to A. DP Sanderson, of kherida, was called Vhe Ilera as net seen it fit to make re alticn rfaith -and he didnot think for. [le wail Florida had been a whiy ' I) x Corel HAIR t was the 1 place tu err ed Ueir Api / i | —Delegates from twenty-five States had He said he oe} who had arrived in the city last evening vested that each del- he asked the President if he had that) be a source of gratification, amid the de- e secretaries a list of gavel; if be had, he challenged him to! fections to Whig faith, to find go many |“"; party aa of the oldy crate were: W, Helm, for Mé. Fillmore iu November, and that the American party was never 5 ter organized than at the present tly ank ¢ and they would givein Louisiana ot least Mr, Pillmor pereanal. 3000 majority for Fillmore. . {in that Btate posseased, by ne.ouldr ate’ Mr. J. W. Warren, of Magsachpsetts, wan, - From New ‘Y¥. we have the offered a resolution returning thanks to’ strongest representation of Me. Fiflmore's Judge Bates for the able manuer in whieh pou pate. From what we have alread he discharged the duties.of Presi d ‘ . weuld seem, wordonbt. The Resolution -was adopted,” of the deletes President Mr. Bates, before putting the ‘briny ent.a better knowledge of the polit. ; question taadjourn, spoke some thine, and ical condition of the country and afford when he closed, three cheers were giveu the strangest encouragement to those who | and the Convention at ten minutes past, are laboring to write te Whig vote of the 3 o'clock adjourned. jcountty @pon the uicdel President, - wee i “a { owe From the Richmand Whig. THEY GIVEIT UP. We rejoice to be able. to announce to! the Washington Organ. Theinilieations | vention is not only largely attended, but; beaten vverwhelmingly inthe State of is one of the ablest political bodies: that) Pennaytrania. Ie really ‘has hut they ever assembled in this country. Many | ghost of a chance there; nor are his prow | of the most eminent and distinguished | pects ip any other Nurthern. State a whit’ statesmen of the land are in attendance. | more bright: | “A promincnt Pennsylvania Demo- | reached Baltimore on Tuesday.evening. | Crt now in this a a ty yesterday | ‘The only States not represented Are Cali- |} cvaversation with @ Rleed of Millan! : i ; re ; Fillmore, that Pennsylvania woald go) fornia, Wisconsin, Iowa, Michigan, Ark- against Buchanan, and that he had no, ansas and Texas; it is still likely, howev- —— whatever of an-election to the | er, that delegations will be present from) Presidency. Sach, also, he stated was; some of these. From the Bultimore Ave. he opinion of an iutiniate friend of Mv. | evican of yeatenday, we extrget the fullow-) Buchanan 3 and an associate with him in : 4 \the cabinet of Mr. Polk. { mg paragraph fa relation to this noble! «Our own advices from Pennsylvania | and glorious gathering of the Old Line | are of the same tenor. A tleman of Whigs of the Union: | this city, reeently petined Bea a tour, “Among the distinguished delegates | through Pennsylvavin, reports the excite- }ment there againat the Democratic party are many who were the pride and glory |** altogether unprecedented, and assures nominated Millard Fillmore before, and|of the old Whig party, and it cannot but; "* that the anti-Demoeratic uajority at the October election will be not less than 0 t promineut statesmen frown the North and!“ With sach facts-before them how ean our readers that the Whig National Con- ave anuristakeable that Bacbanan will Waly He, the South, the East and the West, whe have deterivined to stand by their honor- ed colors, under all the vicissitudes of par- ty strife and sectional fanaticism. rey have eame to Baltitnore as Whigs, un- changed and anchangeable, to proclain’ to the coantry in the dying words of Webster— “1 smu Live.” ‘ —that the Whig party has still a being, and althongl for a time taking no part in the conservative men of the Soath longer hesitate ip uniting as one mau in snyppert of Mr. Filhnore, They may rely upon it, that if Mr. Fillinore be not elected, Nz. Fremont will be.” PRECEPT VS PRACTICE. T®@ Columbns, (Ga.) Enquirer, gives a conversation which occured between a citizen of Georgia and an Alsatian. party organizations, is prepared to present The point we would eal attentiun to, ie a united front in opposition to all whe de the boportaut fact, that the wen whe are not “keep step to the music of the Union,” | "°* pleading so earnestly for the Whigs and to convince those who have doubted and = Arncricans to unite with them to its political integrity and strehgth tbat it elect Duchanan, to satethe Union, were, still retains ite former anion of national sentiment, aud las a sulficiehey of na- merical strength in all sections of the Unien to ensare the saccess of the caudi- date of its cloice. Among the more prominent gentlemen whe had recorded their names last even ing were the following: Hon. Francis Granger, of N.Y. Jadge Edward Dates, of Missouri. Gov. Wm. A. Graham, of N.C. Hon. Jas. EB. Blythe, of Indiana. Jude Throckmorton, of Kentucky Ges. Wm C. Lane, of Missoari. Ion. J. 8. [lopkina, of Indiana. Gov. John M. Morehead, of N.C. Hon. John Shankle, ef Indiana Col. Thornton Grimsley, of Missouri. Jlov. A. Tiroekmorton, of Kentacky Hon. J. W. Jones, of Georgia. George Lunt. of Massachusetts. Grow, Washington Hent, of New York Hon. HL. 8. MeFaddon, of Obio. Ilon. Jahn Bell, of Tennessee. Hon. Win. ©. Rives, of Virginia. Several delegates arrived ia the city which twenty-five States that will be represent ed in the Convention viz: last evening, frou Obie, makcs M avre, Verwont, Maryland, (lia, Virginia, Kentuckr, Massachusctt-. N. Carotion, Tenneseve Kihode Leland, S. Carvlina, Indiana, Comnecticut, (reorgia, THinoia, New York. Alalama, Miseouri, New Jerser. N. Haoapshire Mherida, Pennaylvania, Delaware, Lowsiana, Phiis leaves only California, Wisconsin, Texas, Lowa. Michigan and Arkaneas withont representation We hace no pes tive information from these States, bat think it probable that some of them will Le represeuted iu the Convention PROSPECTS OF MR. FILLMORE. The following extract from the Baltimore \inerican of \csterday will show what is thongbtof Fiinore’s pro-pects by the delegates of the Whig National Conven t n “Tur Peri rt.—The delegates tot! National Convention, now inthe eitr, speak in the most enconraging terms of of Mr Thie-ers he has no that the eon ELE the prosp cts Filimore that chanec, test ia a sectional one and Fremont, and that they must be per mitted te fight it oot aninterrnpted by any attempt of the moderate men of the country te settle the contest upon the mid dle ground of concession and compromise, has net couded their faith in the possibil ity of arreatin n Dachanan yg the fratricidal agitation by the defeat of both the parties to it. Fron the Northern delegates we indeed hear in the most confident terins the declaration that upou the exertions of Mr. Filimore's friends depends the defeat of Mr. Fremont; 7 that Maine, lowa and Vermont are but faint samples of the overwhelming rever. sion of sentiment in that section of the country against the Democratic party and its nominees, and that onless Mr. Filimore is henrtilvy endorsed ard snpported ov the South, and encouragement thos given to is fricuds at the North and Wost, Fre le mont will, bevond all donbt, be the next President. Buchanan they say cannot eairy any one of the free States, that he into the North what bremont is to the pouth, and thatescry effort to narrow the contest down toa sectional contest ia an effort in favor of the triumph of Black Liepubleanisin » The spirit manifested by the delegates from the Sonth and Southwest ie most checring. Unless the delegates from Ken- tucky are entirely infatuated, knowing little of the political feeling of the people there or of the ehanees of the cantest, the bat a few years ago, striving with might and inain te destroy it, Hf these meu have so saddenly changed, and beemne so anxious new for the perpetuity of the Union, why dy net they propese to unite on Filhwore? No body dombta, that with cus in the Presidential Chair, the Union would be safe. And further, it is now pretty certain that the South, by a anited vote ean clect Fillmore, while the same course will not cloet Bachanan. Lat to the dialogue : In answer to am inquiry as to the state of politics in his section, the Alabamian sard that his neighbors were “mach di- vided and did net knew what to do”— that they all feared that Fremont would be elected, and if eo, the Union wankd be disse] ved—and that, te avert such a ca lamity, some wanted the Soath to unite 0 Bochanan, and some oa Mr. Filknore, and maty did vot know what to de. Citizen—-Are there any men in your Neighberheod who wanted to dissolve the nion four or five years ag! Alabamian—O yea, plenty of them. Citizeeo— Are they the men who want the people to anite on Bachanan now in order to save the Union? Alabamian— Yes, the very same The Alabamian then ‘proneuneed” in favor of be Lanore. FILLMORE IN CONNECTICUT The New [Taven Journal saye that neo less than two lundred Demecrate, here tofure Buchanan wen, have sulserihed to the new F limore paper to be started in Hartford; and it is further intimated that the Democratic party in Waterbury in that State are abont to declare iinfavor of Filmore. Thas moves on the glerion- eanse. The contest in nearly Northern States is rapully down to Fillmore and | : all the narrowiny Baeh ntof the question en With these facts staring them in the faee, w hy shonld the Bachanan Dem ierats of the South still continue to play into the hands of Fremont and the Black Repnblicans? Don't the y see that eve ry vote at the South given to Dachanan remont. anan will soon be « tirelr 1980 much contributed to the enccesas of Fremont? <=. Ca” We advise onr readers to ent ont the following table for convenient refer- ence: Electoral Votes of the Several States. Maine, 8 ; Delaware, New Iampehire 5 | Maryland, s Vermont, 5 | Virginia, 15 Masaaclinsettes, 13 | N. Carolina, lv Rhode Island, 4S. Carolina, bs Connecticnt, 6 | Gourgia, 10 New York, 35°) Florida, 3 Now Jersey, 7! Alabama, 9 Pennsylvania, 27 | Mississippi, 7 Ohio, 22! Louisiana, 6 Indiana, 13' Texas, 4 linwis 11 | Tennessee, le Michigan, 6 | Kentucky, 12 Wisconsin, nt Miseonri, 9 lowa, 4 | Arkanens, 4 California, 4 | | Tutal Slave Bintes Total Free Sinton, 176 | Grand Total, Neeessary to a chuice, 296 149 A terrrible riot occurred on Friday in Baltiniore, between the Fillmore fishing club and a party of men at the Seven- teeth Ward Denceeniis Headquarters. — Two men were shot dead and some twen- ty others wonmled, several it is believed fatally. The fight lasted only «few min utes, but the firing was heavy and se- vere. Neither of the men killed was en- gaged in the fight, and most of those expectation that Kuchanan will carry (iat woanded were residents in the ticinity, | duty by State on many occasions. The American State isthe veriest gasconade. They claim attracted to the apot by the disturbance. | fever to-day in thie eit . RTHERN FACE. a Let it ‘be. ti voted against, hin jn the of Slavery, years, and we any flan to re duce the titat word or net To preve base | SUE Bi Whyertiprlogs oppo sition, » Heewas born aml educated, and Masi ait sone ce i : tothe e! bed venedw favored the extension of Sia. very. s In noticing the above extraet, the Au- gusta Chroniele tnd Sentinel comments on it in the following just wud appropri-' ate manner: “ Readers, Spatliern men, whut think | you of the a) rance of such articles tn the alllatat cohen: (leaded) of Mr. Bughanan’s organ! It is therefore en- the 17 bang, A yi Re Pnkelligenecr notes, as facts to so sk is apg Sol png Who nica eg PR Rwy 2 } r t. beg ying a | Jemottanss Oleibdy 27 15s a others, Lsbuate’ ‘ Livingston,'s THE FRANKLIN STATUR, - The Boston papers speak of the exten. tive ions in progross in that eity far the tion of the Btatue 2 plat- « . remeinbeéred, “that it was the North that, ageomodate from xt éfght thon. ‘nominated Mr. Buchanain”—that he re- \sand persons: A inayhilicont iMlamjno. ceived on the first bullet one hundred and )vion ig to be gives in the evening in froot nine voles frow the bree Stateg—that the} ‘Southenf States, with bat two or tiree of the City Hall. “Tie Masonic exceptions, voted against biny ia a body ap te the last ballet, when they yrelded te the foree of pallic opinion. Another faet to Ve remensbercd, exelatins bre or gan, is, that be lias been m pablic life over thirty years atid U challenges the preduction of the first wort! of act, te prove that Mr. Buchanan is fo favor of slavery. Ayguin it should be renwuber- ed, saya his heme organ, that he vas bern and educated and has always lived im a Free State, and bis puddes liye qeves the Wie to the charge that be ever favored the extension of slavery ! Thos, reader, yon have My. Backsaran’s Northern free, as presented ry his home . argan, What think vias the ™ facts,” whieb the bone orga desire you ture member! Do these eorresperl with the representations inale ly the friende of Buchaupn at the Soath £ Compare them, and see whether they are ma the reverse of the statements made by lle Southern friends. If a0, tlien, one wing or the uther of hig frien:ls must certainly be atiouppt ing to practice a frand upon the people hy false representathme—which of the wings, the Nurthern er Southern, telle the truth! Dberela no difficulty in answer mg this question. bis Northern friends tell the aruth. His whole potitical histo ry “yswes the lee” Wo tee charges made by hie Southern friends—that ever he was or is in favor of the extension of slavery Will not such facts ujem the eyes of Southern men to the fraud which is beimg practiced epen them by the political bea dere and tricksters whe control the Dew ocratic Sqnatier Suvereign party of the South THE FOREIGN ELEMENT. The Gennans of New York and riein ity lately bell a ase meyting in the Ta!- We copy a few of the inserijtien on the ban ernacie, aud endorsed Fremusnt. were displared at the meeting : “NO TEMPERANCE! *NO NATURALIZATION LAWS! “NO SLAVERY ! “FREMONT AND LAGBR BEER! “PAIKRK, Tur Reerorrx ov Reasox !” fe“ JONIDC. FREMONT, 3 * The Son of an Emigrant, “Tle is the surest Protector uf the Foreigner.” These are seme of the men that the locoerat ie speakers an! presses have de- noduced the Amveriean party for appos ing. These are eapital specimens of the good evtizene that yearly pear into eur We pity the Atnencan whe can be found in ench Cr patsy It is high time that * Ameri hd role when foreign ere look for protection from the son of a Foreigner! countey froin foreagn lands! cana sh Ainerica,” -- MONUMENT TO MR MADISON The Richmond the fact ment to inark the resting-place of the il- D spatch, alluding to that hitherto there was no monn lnatrions Madison, expresses its yratilica the establish Davies, of Richmond, trom upon seeing at tnent of Mr. J. W a beantifal plan for an apprepriate mone ment to be placed over the grave of James Marlison, which Mr. ting at the expense of some fileral and D. ia execu patriotic gentlemen of thatety and State An unktiown lady called upon Mr, D. to contribute fifty dollars to the object. The Dispateh says: “Thisis a gratifying evidence of the in tercat felt in a imatk of respect to the inemory of Maslieon, whiclt otght to have been paid ly the State itself, especially as Madison was not inelnded ia the group of the Washington statne. The reason for not including Mr. Madison in that group, as is well known, was simply that the design embraced only the men of the Revolationary era.” coe DEPARTURE OF TITE PERSIA. New York, September 17. The steamship Persia left this Port to- day for Liverpool, withovera million and a half in specie. YELLOW FEVER. Caartesron, Sept. 18. Thero were eight deaths from yellow . panic Frater. wity are to e¢cupy a prominent part in the ceremonies ty render “homage to the merupry of their Hlogeriontetyrother, Frank. lin.” No. newspapers are to be’ issned om the affernoen of that day her the morning of the 13th: The granite Vleck far the hase of the sfutue, weighing frow ten te clévens tum, bs ready to be Isid — It ts hewn Quinéy granite, aliout five feet equure Ly three feet in thickness, aud on the side designed to frewt School strect bears the following inseriptiyn : *“Bexsamex Feaxktit> pomw ne Bosrox Linn day. 1706. Diep ox Peg agcets Ten Arua,<1790.” On the reverse silo ia a short inserip- tion io Latin, whieh eould not be deci- phere? on aceoant of the Laxing of the stune covering seme of the letters On the easterly side uf the stune is the fullowing ; “Dict atation ew Ayrwesy Ixveres- paxcr, Jrav 4m, 1776." Oo the westerly she the stone bears the fullowing : porns “Tnx Treaty og Prack asp Dyperes rexer, 4n Serfxuncn, 17863." Dy the Nerth Atlentie.—From the en Culebra to the bottom of the Atlantic, at the doepest place reached by the plummet in the Nurth t lantic, the 1 ares ina verticn! - he nine miles. deepest of the} Atlantic is tp saat het ween the Beruadas an} the Grand Bunks. The waters of the Galf of Mesico are held in a lasin aboot a mile in the deepest part, There is.at 1 Ga Ah of the sea, Letween Cape Lace, in Newfoundland, and Cape Clear, in Tretia, a temarks Lhe oily. which is already kuown as the teleprapLic plateau. The great circle die tance bet ween Uede two chore fines is }.- G00 wiles, ard the sea atong this rowte is probably newhere more than 10,000 feet deep, FROM KANSAB. Sr. Locis, Sept. 15 Cow. Geary, nt bie inangaral addres, dated Leewmptm, Sept, rs as ly the the continuance of strife interference of citizens of the State, Ho proinises josioe, irre ive of y. peter ree pres ing sap sd larg Fe Legislature till they are = The imved a proctenation discharging the volauteer militia aad evmunanding erm- ed Lands to disperse orn ait the t Dudy So, Carolinian, - We are informe? from the Refl Real Office bere, that Mr. Garnett Eagineer aml Snperintendest of thy N.C. RR had offerered to him the position of Chief Engineer of the Pensaevia and Georgia Rail Road; bas accepted, and resigns his office on thie Road. We learn that the change 1 induced by greatly increase! salary Put the Watehouma. Al « enlled commamesthe of Mackevile Ledge. No 114, held mt thew Leaige nann, im Muchgr®- Thereday evemng Beptensber invh, A. Dy 1608, A L. SG The Ghowing preanitte cod remdotwee Were anemimenels sdeupied, to wit Whereas, 1 has pleased Almighty Ged, in the de pensation of hie Previkenes, &) femere from sang oar auch estewmed brofver PM Caswene Heaee. whose morte! remeine it bee been, thie dey, 087 moet auehdy daty to deposi in the tomb, and to enll from wor umdat s torthy Menon to sit in the Graad Ledge wbeve, whoee Master is the Great Archinect of the Universe. Therefore, be it Realved, That in the duet b of tinther Herbie Maeomry how lost one of ite brightest aud most worth? members; this Commapity owe of ive meet asefal v4 etempl ory ehtrgeot, moral Pirtee ape uf ite Cal e& cient adyooetes, oad his bereaved sone hind eof of ferteninte father. Resolved, Tost fp this paintal bereavement, *° have « tithing evidenvs of war trailuem. and the Corimaty ofeut cxistnade, a6 weil aap suleme ade nition, 10 live Upto eur obligations ge men ond Me- sone, om that when ong menenette comes we me) be ready to meet Mt, Reeived, Ther we do ment deeply sympethise with the son and relations of wat degrused brother, |" their effictions no we Reewlord, That, in token of war respect for | i mory of the deeensed, we will wear the peanl badg? of munereing, foe thirty duye Rentoch That we will clothe the Ledge in mont?” jing for three months, aad eynmporate @ aw Record beak, to the manmey of eur depart Longe Resolved. That » copy of theae resulationt * bets hand writing of var Sevrotary, be fewrwatded to bereaved son of the deceased. seat Resolved, That « copy of there be ‘ to engh of Salsbury papere with a oe pte BR BAILE 1 OR. Heerre, See i oondy wer are, wad the a ecm tj Fi s Hl th i if Mi “i t t t l i e At e l d i t e i ! P y $ Fe fi v i s t £ attendant o ee ee ee psnineeienn sind xth oni ghee se spit vais fa | : THRESHERS, For the a ten wisn ere yo ae te n be tone i iw} piers other. M uly ti ee i] iP aett fers 4 jalte State. ¢ 2 yi ap Se t hundreds af the most lige and atry cap paar = tarycazrre < ae _ seaehece me eo feruing, Cartteng Serewi, Repotring | 7S ho sor nel oc tate bene bec cab Soom. sive Yiclots in proportion. with |. Rollers and Englues, vy ietieed ai cigar ps : peg how, | apteskneia =eeeer et emees ee Sarees = Sakon Koh he a! Se Si ee rae ae andred par chil: Better for ibe parehdser Uide any |?” of alldesetiptivas ; migking aud repairing we We felarew be able ta bee ae or no a ae te ee Bay he be ber L ety An taietenom , pe orders thet 4 diveriminating public Sey favor us ” boities ia Watranted ~ eure, a pore! aq ys eed the les ete all lute par YY - : J , os - MAL Spindles, Wood Plainers, Plows,’ eee” Meohiben heptane at er oh i pagent oie neal Bas ape} a oy SAM L SW AN « CO,, Munagers. | Ir bade sbonnalipond Yay by apo al © poe corre hae tg thrée beittler wall cure the. ware, hind of, thar Cop Cops, Bhirts, 4" Vents, Handuevenietes4 oning Wagons, . serene yeenital paar vig = tp oO gre other Btates, and touk'a DIPLOMA and the PRES AMOUNTING TO oo ath VBE FERGIE hae Ae eS Se e r . ee e and vepwugeh, and: "Phopler on the lute. fh eg: Putts, —aid thin: at fechas for the fast ten nnn tho al Tus tee, buttles will cleur the syetem af. Oude ae tien Yates BOX SB SRBOBUWIS. fe Grint Irene, “4 ; “ a dire warriuted ty cure the wurst edtera for work ——s ‘B20 4 a id vant eat ee me : { sbuwsch, ; EAR). Bhp BOBO Fi snes Fucwry Gear, Vlrevier Gow Mile, W he boithes une warranted 1 cute tbe wea pie s PAD Re Re: > A be: dintriinsed wecording w the following feud detetch crraup deen G58 someaes oa! emanipapeliir€ tiyeniotekoggest gis 3 at. bs Pe ee Fa. Mist) Moreh 22, 1080, ft Be) dirlas. vey riSetichory, Brit 16, 1808. 5 be we | ; Bly cxat wtrel toys or eteal platen, §2 fasracre arcd ibis dry seenan; and all, Windia Neate isle: Hawi the anges | {ue le low bustles are warfanjed Us “‘bedner : agpararingna B it bur * pameunen he Daal the effocha enloull or wome tej itt Uw eyes: oe os wg VALUA p r 9 Fah See Lettered bei peat ; he P oe : - Te iF te . oe te case mel i corwg sosac mg etdies WE BLE LANDS, > ware tose sesers) Berra Say SU Catagories ATTHVORD, DixoN & C0, ae eee one ser Se son petein taclie ee dele moieg ofthe,» -FOR ‘SALE. i. \ > { 4 oud T pon ‘Alen Brae Camp. Alamanse, B. ©. mt - ees relleved- ane, only sp Megs are Warceyred tm eure ers up % | 15,185 H RIZES ! maine over ut « red d prices with neat and ds.) rice se a prompt attention. woeld recanme: to ling wow rs. mets oe — “ { eg lender ~ eink! diseuae, pie tee wale will care: scaly ete ytion pf he shiv. pene Bebe gn ole fee nie wg ble rset 1 Prite of 40,000 ie $49.000 | pret Old Copper and Bross wagted. j ° = an werdign Ke we nH, HINSA we to theee butthes are warn Lod, : sR flood tr! rane * | z a ye tes Yl enwe of ving srr, crested a nre tn wemt_ soap 12 len Wank nd: Saab. comming aber}. 1 Prine wf Wat v6 O00! Chayh 8. J. PERRY, (STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. en, iamrmet (ae ccemicgenatae oO Sears t fe Se eee mag | fon o Sul Lands : . . vy q ' de a ped workers th ceo | Pi ig bw four buies are wWagranted to eure the eal ‘ere ir Wee, This plantation “wiih richly reword the : Wik 1 DOM in LOG | Arnold's Writing Fluid, Petition fo Land. aitenided wir eunsiderdble f-ver- |" Biv Chet aro. niw nde RF Rerce wf ewecileont | 49 pres 1,600 ia : J. W. Sturkfon-and wife Monppcet Mary 1, Meare * beta” right buileagrid, eure the worst eases of jet we, 4 high ‘mate. of eutivation— “0 P of ~ ‘A! “09 ape 4 and: Bert Ink ie the World for ete ot J. A Ew sud EA. flaggi " ued ate. ae Ree oes vend pbia eagle 200 Prizes of i. uO ere shoes BOOKSTORE ; aggins ve. Juke J. Baggins, aha A hii beri icdeeteh Iuity tt he te Pins ere ee I ee: wit deci i alasa << tae eproeacber @ finite noun daty Lame Py { LP appearing to my setisfuction that the defendwut » te, aad ape sfect care ts wartauted when the above call youu wud sev the mibscriber. bree ‘% peat mniive “4 jean sotee 7S ee Susp res Rate raion ; wade Sat : a MeN s Brit af 35 oy wating to 30s are are! is ordeted that tien be im the Carciina | | trades, 1 pel oer « thonrasd Wot of sin | Sept. 16, da * ‘f 4 Wet of 10 Srrnimang te thea fries are S| Dis SOLUTION. | Sieeaees Hacgite phat the “4 | ininy of Bow nw the effect af it in eve. ~~ erate spproximating to 1900 prize are 160 | - 2 Avg sn # m- have ry ease. So eure us water willext 4 Prises of 25 npproximativg to 1,400 prize are 100 | the Court of Exuity to be held far the . bare | iapak Orc, a pore Th d fit at 9h caprattnnda - |The Firm of Marphy, “MeRorie & Co., has this de y, Coaaty : TUboOeeIEK an cate eg! ica etan a 5 a er & Lightning! "=< 20° * °°" SS omen atts ria te gnc (Sy the many ps settled at the old stand by ei of the ve . nou wl Hac There abe ye things sbous Uist hat ap: DISUNION AND CIV IG WAL, mensional Gs | AN porconsindctned ttn wil fonts eal aed rake | prixser anche’ thet fopoowe pe, ota SAT at. . Kept'far S Sale af” JIE wae fe het foes in ap 'p tile ihe Whole Tickets $10--Balves $i---Quartess # 1-2, |setUement us the burineas wast be choved without de- | entered agsinat Te is 9s qdite plevtityl, aod yet ite oe PLAN bs ily. tatesvitie, this 18th Aeguat, the 4 Nano Watchmen,” Rf. \has geves been known wwtit Td hs es Patent poy pip ii gine | . oxy nn — ue lw . }aeonnd, that it shuuld eure all Kyat) ie . ! noe, Medicine, we -- are 30,000 Tiekets wombered. from 1 us| acs nie grated pore, te wish oan eT A Ce ret ha 1! Ay ox Aotviar 1s-Shemmals of you ture cof pee sae site aie bee of Une eudiben figp and FAMIN Bindea, Seip +» hos a ore 15,185 Prines amounting tu eral pate nage besiwed un ‘he firm, | Pr. adv. ese tes saan —— : k ted hung geartiah liver cnnptrintg pacn in the vide out popolarty of the Secovery, F wilh state shut in RE evitéand cttumitiew hat shot t ches parts | _ . j and tote. dit heads ‘April, 1X33, I padded i, und auld shoes six butubre per Id We pounded |», The. deowiug sokos place ia public dnder the euper- ( ‘ |~ PEIS 5 mat wy 15, 4 | dheesen thet prep oar p ierivatght vy and other doy in April, 1851, 1 mid over gong dootea’ * Pet against. BAKER, @ OWEN. beg thede to fu. intendenct of wu mvory Comminnoners. ™e | cas mene ree pri 15, 1852. * ye howe tried baited native /6 be g Mecupels er- Ma. ; 0 inham you thet our . | cure, wud yout yoyncians have proayassed opnarag por day of u. ookale cen Dp cl es par. The Namberfrem | to 30,000, correspooding with | Salisbury, Ag. 1, 156. ‘wo N i tee, Bartha, Si eee oe et hualih. for the iget ; sy hep eh booger. \ Pisce me who'rr ay Droge ste oho have been in | wet thea fern 4 y aay the a floshinag eds «nrg ble th bopben bet prog cocoa | T | ; - 4 "ms naee trom tide asst + Ore ri with smell t! id 5 be rreafter wit D | be Ppae te, fecha epee adds Feccamom paket oot pit end prs anges he Lei cape sfatens one ator sey mye ye ah iw natn wn aes? Morphy a Com the dad ay ea pa .. mane ‘ a pede ned gre 0 we bering bem Phere lew amiverel praims of i} frome all quarters. Ingato S jon, a¢ prices lower then inher ev-) The fiat TV Prizes, similacly printed and encircled, where they will ke:'p coustanthy ow hand th mon| Ln Equity—Fatl T, 856, vk. for seu_yeate her heahh was evat pon. aco Mer we 4 are deappwinied f- eee ne. Wer In wi) caves prnetice | elwave kept il stricdy fur h dane ot ie Uris porvad the eamnity. . Addrors | ure placed in vogther wheel. ‘The wheels are then large suppl & GOODS, ad b wrgres pense dahil das na , : red ae eee onr™ out Bbc hadthe Physician says 5 pcaates Ke canes Pamlie Tie more—but since ts intrudaxtioa x a general feos "feiy by vow Owen, Sulinborys N.C. ‘revolved, und a Number is drawn foun the ae re Berea Tha fal fur i OS es pm ~ |'The ‘Trastees of Davideos Cellege, ageinet the came ~ a able physiciens, but hér health be- © C@ectus! in se the above neued paddies meds a Me nt wud wende rfol viriaes have beew fund ~ +4 — , nar ——, ey Bisse ol ohalleag Koy coal RANCH ue herciubwe, we hope fy cle ey Dderenag hasten phe wore remedy was cecd By aeing 5 the devigwat © iy it thet 1 ever eumpeeted So maser cd jo the nagience, aud registered by the tv ba and fair dealing to moos L e Ghembers. Excontors pf the-tans YH mck mettle, her” nw J ons md bor eral mca AE Nas . Amol) So vera! canta uf cprigpiic fies diseigg which iwite New Nerth Carolina Ferm Book. Coumumiasioners, the Prine bring ptueed agnjost ih. i Ww M. MURPHY, ° weet f Muswell Chambore, Sheen armen: \ ri ‘ * alwe\e eonebdered sveurpble, have bees ensed ‘by ¥¢ YOR Sheritie, C, hie, Maginentes <ni bes number drawm ‘This: aperation is repeated autit al! JAS. MORPHY, | rident of the Board uf ‘Trustess af the University of mo Betz awe tit witr, MANA few kite “Ovi camer it wiboaans eaital KY nore men, her mle ot J. H. Eowias a dara ang 1 & MeOUTRB iat Ue Steto af” North CarsBass Beebe — Ma. 5. F. Cowas—Dear Bit: |b hoow Mie Wer, pithphsapbe terse Ain eraledy—Abere ate bal few B@OK STORE APPROMIMATING PRIZES. THOS. | FOSTER ealeeabactnad dean a cain Saad pet £. LAW, _— ai ro T AT | Oh s S| iQ) pt } 1 i paeemet? a eed aged Jay es bd wars two preevding end the two succeeding dens ene Sain, ace pong — wis / on od Bhi saadl git 5 ean mee 4 pr ~ , - — -——< re to ewe drawing the fret 117 Poace will be « — “ woqtieneé wt ye vagus diseases of the = =6The itled to the G prasianartion J locker a on Camphet, Me ou mines S panes oor sver yg mos efe pe Ts RE A re, BO py Leet, Mok, Wendecder, Myvpcpsne Avthinn, Feerr Great tron Wheel Examined, i's! 4 the & Arprommevon Pres, seouriug pS SPRING AND SUMMER olN the cums it sryweriog to So ativan ot the rect cine. Bui, to wy water oe coke bee cg ee ee eeren ane oe eS a eee ook Re ‘The 15.000 Prince of 88 are determined by tle aumn- eo ee ee ee <pinay setrwe by sour Uteansces = 1 ewald mee. ot, tNt ESTABLISUMENT ww th plore, desevery bas dome mure gud th artis ao Roe oe Wve ole ata eee sclivcy: glatearedterad Westnet al carter as S$ pate pesip, ont of wn to Mocwell ny =~ rox et iv anees sanfin w tikes end corait BY emo in the oo or rome of B.A. Dates bnikcny, Sereilt ieowe aa maf omenton tet pereay BOS ETOP Lae haben! ail beesthd Loge, oa wep aviende bd the “ ees A 3 qnand your valuakle Medicine (o all shnilerly efilietod “OPO” core of Mary eRane & Ca, and Ne ebange af det eve aitolag sam tad tama ep bore nto : foe. Lge oe weep ara ard w} ining the Tua bqeed Wi ap -nepl ice on wegen 6 of ne por wooseeery ot the best yoo waruber, tee ev @ eveu ticket in jhe b lian ge FOR 1656 fore ordered, that pa! be ak - Voge ond Py DOE OI RRO AEA, Fe REET, oar sont aps 9 FEMS rersy pre ~ For Rent. cotttied 99H, in wddiwn twany other Prise which | ju the Coren) © eee os anes, we, URES AS Mee poi dcr aidean over (as||soure’ Sian pineal A Ps a Fig enero nenerany ct be ned ppt nthe : ib hs fabGulhe snd enaniondy<ci~ C higher NE BRICK BT ' ‘ Ohee Lickers endiug with 0, 2. 4, 6. 8, yee rags at the peat Lee he inser Towe, fou 9 ean, 17, Yaa eet yo Tn tn gre reel ke A TOE nature ae ties BR ce Rae Cas Gg or Roan fll Sa : = . , . { es Sire cae ewble te « athena, take ae cme P Rewreuser thet © ig ve draw is ay - _ , meon-eoeriee (0m 7 ce the 2008 a 2,9, Goose, ov eee rane FASHIONS ee a Jely ‘va . we BORPUY. ste im fall witteart bet every Frere deve, and pes ctoch of Spring ond Sumener nods, eouseting wt | dey in Reger, AD. 1896, tre on there We conde ane r Lithentri neki, th trhar, _atwore fredy 1. enppls cucteme rein - y athe ona CF Af! Pager of L000 and nwier, ee ivamegiate. | & an Dry Goods, Nnoorp tfbePler agerlled Nero ears med saat nf Poe Feet Lanes oS he "Tae temp Gonads, DONALD) A BNNE nies Sooner Bat Sn Se eget ape nd Be tahoe po conto be ieryity. Sbure ” u = t Ceet thane b hage weed the tomedy in a wanted eonre — CON PRtoe No. 123 Wageee Btewet, Reutbury, Maseuchesetts of thimy deve Hats, Cops, and Bonnets ; osha > contoare as to (Same, the anaes GOT af aie 4 < peani om of. tee Kantarys, Creve ad Be ae Bobabary, Rent 19. 1456 ijt Price $1.00 Alt come@pnica\ions ttrietly coufd-otial. The drawe Shoes aud Boote ; Be heaed ob gustaa te to eam - W helvente Agents, Mow Vort City 0.8! or nye oo) be Garwerded w parchssers imeuedatel, ¢ / bars M Wa L, Mockaer, Clock ond Motes Ip e ity -O¥! Chekuer, athe 5 Ly Realy Made Clothing for ¢ ; FTE puttic are hereby werard unt to (rade fof the Arve ing white LES vr Brivan Cuauty vt vile, te Cilichery, pied Fed ee totecd ww tonreed lo wakes Soksts China, Delph, and Glaas| 924, 1°56 L. BLACKMER, C.. B -acslndasey Tayi Ban toa om . phon ~| Bewtey Ktreri, C MM. Ring, 192 B. . atts ad qe: ye em \ i} k & Mk BD. Needs, 109 Fates eres oer ems prinnesgeotly ~~ orp at eagles rec Se ee se acres, which wee to Naney wide cy {St enter atfies Ww are; Je wo ee men ERI HO Cornet! Jaqpes, (who was private ia Capt.Juba Fruste GREAT INDUCEMEATS TO CLUBS. Hardware & Cutlery, Groceries, &e : Jom W Wome ke a] = | . the potirate for whom | here : “ ve a ae hheyoer, Painwarg, AB. Myre, Af N. Caculina M - Seatewsee = Wholesale & Retail Sst Geshe. Seta ae ee ACMI AY > ni is = @ il cannes ee charke Mental Behiabcll ds Pou, Und Warveat Wortog dete the ith Apeil 1856, and. 68 we will oe C ‘eiheeiaa of Pokapes wet the to which the invites the attention of his castumers and ore A. Gratam, § Compt im : : = = Fone Soon Bikes Mogi ata & Bow rst plogrrs ome eee eer « Wekets the publie—aflvring ot low prices for cash, or on time rade be 40 Destin = 7 » Neer ee H ae ite e heoow but and eppliestvn will be made te the (omais- All tha: the 10 Tickets pidpciagec rate = Se premet net <tc omees a w teermens (Ore caee ury «= Gerceed tate of La wisn) orgews. Ai Beiad by all respectable Druggists ia the Uni dunet of Penswus for a duplicate of said Warrant qoaranteed accrues to the parcbaser _ i. een ee ee Salish Ph ace cure, aad particularly i= cance of chegie ted Mates aw) Bitah Provinces NANCY JAMES Certiicete of Packages of 10 Whale Tickets, $60 ba, testi cnet plete? RE wee seersssng thee ergs ted weit aetna Bat toh a SB ABE © Dre Bare, 8 LN.c, See: tore, 1866 6w:12 10 Hait sot 30 ry, April 10, 1856 464f A ieee ‘ | SASH FACTORY AND LUMBER 1 beteve 4 will prove « epeenin. ed >) ~*~ mn poets Nt ike MD - hs vs cod Wiewe coups Consteting n A I | SA e of Bape aad Bewey Dry ¢ te desortal eamert- . ah “oO > . “ T ees orders for Tieh« ta, or Certbentes of Pact. \ , " Y Ti \ YARD vr s INFORD S IN\ IGORATOR. Ex eutors 3 I otice. ages of Teekets che po : At ‘ A EBON Ds FOR wi L :.| oN WEST BULL SALISBURY. Zz a ¢ an CO, Atteate, Ge APPLY to JENKINS& BORERTS, yet ‘Theke be snerviity that | om eoqnamntiod with Comes + i Viaptamnigets, cad Rove boon 6a orveces, “Ot Gonks, Herinecs, Meesia De Lanes, Siks, FOR ALL PLEPOSES OF A STINCLATING LIVER ais nm aad have checrved ite beacbeigl Few. tree seek Armcatepssitnee ae. BYBICIVE TINE sabeonbers having qualified »¢ Exreulors’ o or So SWAN, Momtgomery, Ala Aug 5 ne 3 Ne, cntenons came ie wy wm mtb indies ved Casiery THERE. has long emeted demend f the Will uf the late Thowes L. Cowan, hereby smamendes > Saat od bave-now im apersion the shove rth besos reed msny of the potirpis my thes gs wilery a ee ee rly rem rve retire to all pereume indebted the ¢ a 4 z a wy. and are » oaths Som ven they have cord it for such complnmes. het to bed g_. * ant rather Boley! kes eeu paw Sy pejeemeioes e teal, “Fie come forward ond make payment. or ther claus «ill STOP THb S¢ OUNDREI wri weeerecs whe od end 9000 Ms et Boe rid ps » Toages aad a eGected n compet < cone with theese thas far.mumd others wy ilar ' Panta cendeptrta oid ax \ thet demand; sad be pul into singe! cores of erillertin ; and fur all ahs e) sorted. 1500 lbs. Bar Lead, 30 Kegs Powder ¢ abet by whew » pod make oli Kinds any ih goes them gredt rriiel, mere chan any other wohete cad Room 0 © tral of its virioes has chown hue amiver heviug demands agerent the esame to prerewt them for S10 REWARD seited fur shovtng or blasting of Sask, Otte ramet, Blinds Gud wood mouklings ia qaatician Whe they ever tried Whereena, | have 1r Node aad trisne, sally hes seconplished |he garpeee desigwed. Armoog Squsdatiou- ' a ? ° MURPUY & CO. jaf vartome mareeead Patterns Serdl sowing, termng vest on bediatine ke eaying thet | bebewe it tobe the bon Cneortce, Palate. Ove, &« re Cnnpiaimes Which have been speedily cored by the J WJENKINS THOMAS LATAN, 2 ative of Simmly Comaiy,, Aaguet bot, 1n56 10 ta wood of mus, 20d generat Blacksnm thing. , aro te don, ont shurgatally Serene Caseinge Dromore. mere pe aes igtsamear iets ortemers Laver Complasat B.B ROBERTS, | aed wit haicly et he verwaity of Albe | The endersigued have first-rate workmen from Bab aa, ar) ‘with these det read ug, cad beh- Raid chiar GhEci) Ocarns pales of @rada a be Raendlic) U8 ee ee ther chaensen, among them Coe rinmer, > Esteuters made, bring ot G WM Hal a Froduy toot, repreneated tenere, and con guerumee ther work as suitable tor od, otte lnsarehle waledics. JAMES T BUNK. MD tee overkot Dobe wren, Head che, Pasnia the ste end Lenn: 1.WoMALL we me end tn My Conrad Casper, then at that place Encourage Home Industry! firm qlens hawees. Pe . Po of of whe, or wedi wepraifel) ieveie pr re-e- 8 s been Fo ver aud Ager. Jnendwe, | whgeae, Auz 19h. issé ans that be dpared his wite tu Albeaaete. apd = : © Corpesters, builders aad others are reqpeetilly re the Odere Co, Fows, April 94, 1846 portons 04 freds the & sun tase «an be Appeute. Lestkersaces and Veritas. ‘ . woot retere tn erwin: pon, t honed BE QUICK! BE QUICK?! quested lv call and caamine specimens of the work. i aiebery, et U3 1666 way bebty ——» eh chage eared by a din-need sciwa f . an és wee, very farge hiaaep fuer, im Ldere sT > . . a MURDOCH 4 CAIRNE, Jie Be pomp ype? ag tlie uagpreyans ee sates The torepecsies © eoatbeneted SEN ome carpetings, Rugs, Dragzets, Ae. ere peat larerlbye ee nel BETTER AND BETTER! etabers Aor. 12, 1856 bemce 22 thaghe yen ov. ref ork @ hover. und @hen thsi oe ; sae perch, beady pristed greee—e nee & be AM pation <2 d ” a om Fh a reenshere’ si}, ths th fava tte Oth Se ees rape ry 1 seed Mapa a AS pahereoes W ¢ wonld call attention te dur stock of the aber. raid Themnas Latina end wife has vot bren Said ot ” p emis oes Oeneer wh ime! be. poops bolhoast a _ Patriot copy 3 “tr en ech epi gsipre ganniny ho ahntdhtel late res « taredy articics, which ia large and vaned, just reeeiv- | hate reason te) beiewe teat they have sbarwoded with: = Pee aes Cn a kee at} —z fevt aoe attended bey tome of the mort Aa ! \ F cect toil a ee Cali at No 3, Greate Row : he hurse aad baggy. end thee is te put the public on {thet it shall gove vetiefact a» aioe } or} > ae wething mere then (reaper) eed 9 . @ by 10 emnt ned wee | " Aran Meas BROWN & COFFIN thee guard agwnet baten and » (reding etther prrctaser. | asm still at the samme wa ministrator's Notice. ee) WITT Pimeton thes 1 coupe bo ve TWO bendred end Aty prime lerp- Rocks. 2 EN Lekten we ae Sebebery. Warch 25. 1854. sa eo: baggy ; and to e-cure b sinnd, tmowe cathe We = d~prredan tet ' weh pour EL heve mt “RP, Ord for nel ae how oot» ire ep _ (mier). Hae te secure the meenvery of war the Fee ry cc. nee Coon letras = THOSE indebted to the estate of JONATRAN o eyinptcene of the Berens. No dows ibet es ua ME ' deecribed property, B will gee tom decbars PRN TE x exes | wil) ARMFIELD RPHY keld P. ‘ », A, at the haghee LD, dec'd, ty purchase of property at Bie emgeede of the Wamen fomily th Rep 23, 1856 ® eas, w : marked at ore now lebotieg 2 . Sawai? Est «HARTMAN perces Wy werk oval he ad é sale. or stherwee, are hereby potified enene : ender thie dierane, end drewdeng the operation of the + VERY or nepwrimerat of Gear! Ciel) Pras, os Rep Jd. I mas uu cerminé wy werk ond beer ga aT rf ne eee ward ead make payment, ce the affeire Pp ms hne a halle, Weald repaice to beer of « hermires and prrine: ' ’ ; , 0 = CA baad Pon Preate, witheet the Cie Fie cals cant help berag pleverd with tT reser mow Fo8 | muuat be che d up Aad those having ehéime <2, i ~—q x I SMALE arm my eneere wing pin vos ates heen pubtety . sheet ashes wes & we von weet) lake yA! WG Vi a N Benen BOOKSTORE NOTICE at wo tut thaw very Seer! peiemnage | Ot tut wil please tnkhe sation to preseat them he ay yeor » ely 22 P , t the ve b e A hat pepmreut, sccurding to law, or they wil be barred oot the etlidden, Reapretinly yours, JUN H RAIN Ex ACADEMY. ne “ we . ar JOUN L WR tection. T. E. BROWN, He Petewery 13, 1006 THE C3 reamre of hte saetiiean a wl . ’ Eaves | cay ummqear ; - To the Stockholders ef the W.N.€.R. Jois 29 ans shh Aug. 19, 1436 ‘a verwery % " * be tas pee oe ° ~ ' e q Le reew f id i . ny. Pa OEE er ge iets VON Ld tae pent. tor alo orem, Terma tee: STA TES\ IL LE Road Company. \ — * fade thet | agdeese yom. and oll thet way be alfleted Tine se “—"~ P-rparert om! add by Sowdiord dy C-.. 18% Fran £20 : \ i TE] } THON AS EK. BROW The Sth whet be bequenity called Greve { ouliered «8 ni eatiybadas acl , ervety ea. & ew Vuk Price 31.00 per hott ont. ming k k M AL iD SC HOOL. A male so m per cea en the tock ewh Dk. I. \W HI 4 [KE AD. A) Bs 5) erecteting pote fram a shneet crery fer that I hed ckapenaien poutia gyn =f piano ae tibeaen 10 deere Aim) wid by Mell & Sel, Droggrte, Sheba E ° om eos be " ahs {fue by the Beard 4 WP FICE on the come bet with bre tease F c the to tebe. fe thee ordinary excrete. or tek 8 thogh pe * ' ry N Se eee the Treasurer, 1a Sirteoviit. om tis ah pirates : arriage, Buggy and Sulky Builder, ‘ opt 20cm, 1456 wit S MELE the Sud day of Oc iouee meat us aherace prrese desiring tw sec bim wifi leare . rm aap ain pr : gis poles ” es: RS. WELEAN together with Srons WeLran wil 2 raat inte “n : rafts anv rd ogee pe ear . . \ a licas Gy seek ie ¥ omieik ioe piaereey RC SIWONTON ean the Slate Lod yy there heger. bo my bast enfier g State of North Carolina and commence on Meoday the Qrih of this inet, in a Rer'ry and Trresaret SALISBURY, B. Os, : EN aesta ceo ywsceei-s Plantation For Sale fens eceen Tot certs lo lrgcneleolteal Geeua i il = Ten Doll R ! a cerceneeen eens , R ‘ \ well ventilated and comfor ab! r ya the os bawe been ip my grere long before thie tune, . . . Ton te ams agp’ A ars awarilt sinaniercgptadon ager SS al —— meee frequent. and getting mure © ter: TTNIUT, cwtervche rs Ere be cole hw vatueble plans top [eas and Quartir Sasiuna patiatr as formerty. from 8610 #12 ay | fools contdent he can give ‘ e - Ae tmea 84 gers ' aoe h ime eens ¥ ’ ve months, accarimg to advanceme 0 all who want a Orstrete ew toptemtes, 1843, roo pore mee pe ed vo fee a eee decd ah orale ater _ oncord Male Neademy poser urn rma on te anaes eT ee, ee tree eer snadicins, wah dircetions bere to we it i temk the tehwry The te a le natifully mtie Busid RD of Way lent : mahipe epest in the neg ¥ Be evel advtes que be Geected, sad in neo than twenty deys Twos PC Pty ood Wie OF chescd ead debe M.C:dha, Us'e of Jitn Richsrde, dred. v0 acdeos beihed ot) OY Pey.r , LEN TINE. ahas Meare Lewes, §. HENRY VA, one wich topracare amy thing oe ee oe ee rR Pedbanty clear of off cymicme of my drecesr, and up TWiT conics! Viger ocertputbe at geval inners RO eran Nee ee I ise eeae Cm JOSEP A CLEAN THE went secre ef thie Inmitetion wil commence | virted atthe lent Term of ay pom bay weecee re they parchaseeivewhere hief to thie sane, | om hoppy Ww etate ty you, | bave ma id coalg i geaAs neeot tke. wut é ics Wokecs Cruces Ra Sarde cae Coie ; svilie oly 1Sth, 183 rm an Wedaeatay, the let of October ug al, ender the lt owen Saperor Court of , + of his Lavery Stable hie Seats Gees eacish ef take of bay Wiad. ot iy’ td Sia pdrlirans Wa Reae he ee ced nie seb « Koch . et kW PACCETTE. © al whipped and add for the payment of iecing eort 5 pang nememy- rgia ees : ¥ ae eee ee oe ah nk 4 Best ; 1 : ! Taran in advance) per sean mof 1S mothe Sad Valemtine of tone ription of the article My dear or, my cas wee one thet ought to h Yerwer, atabiee, Ke A weil of 1 ep sia oe i ean Land ew Discovery ‘ Cleesies $25.00 kag dienes ed clot tht lend econ teed le ae maa af ecm carte . my “ ta have mat ene * alf os he f = . nr, at - ) bis cupederehic weight, 08 4 wes of mot bese than thirty and an orchard of gery cheonte fravia There are ab r) : cn eM and 15 "0 theek ie Nana bn lbh ~ x ‘ ee rag ae ania ot bas Goer, be Copa the Saal , and I here been atiende ag OT Serre Of eredow taal in the treet; ead the ered. ; \ b t y ik mntinge ner 100 i areas f wat butt, ond by trade a » crehange for wort—such so Corn, ree canting, ead there bcs uireded by 09 Ge ai eters guaniny oes ne ee A endanns - Ambrotype (Oe eee ee ee ona Race, Uae, Booms rovenser Pete, } mmedeal egal was in peeeenion of, and hi . 8 8° 2 Anson couni), and may be | ‘ - metic Viet eee oa. | Catine the hey tothe pmnce frther (MA LU ernest ma Bean wacko sees “J pr mmmh ae ee LIVERY ST ; finaly he told me that the disease wos twenrable as directwme be required. call at the Watchman (fice Comat. thai advortinement be mode thems weeks onc I 11 E latest improvement in the beaaiifel art of ta Aug Inch, 1*54 dw pad i aia igor like (cbaes rewerditale , . ‘ A BLE permenency. 1 think, ol, to de the trtuman family & WM ROWZEE sively ia the Carshae Watchman, @ public news Rie pmteres Or ers ee ee the abr reward far bie appr Newent te tert ep ts seme! sed chase ote wish emborte bay ov Soeu® Kept Fd, 1456 Ate sabiiched wuithe town nf Malubery. meifying The beauty and dorateity of thene pietares has pla . oant Plemeant, Caberres pe: rare tourer: or mates. are [mrited te omit Fg cl compen Yee Cught to make your remedy ped Ta of ate! Big aN paltams ned (CTLs AUS Ot thot a al ha'las ‘oie. F OR N AL, E Winter Oata. by Wan, Mor. CAMS: oF Combined im any yest om that LT get bum duty £2, 18 a ss po soya oe with the grove Serer eRe ari ds ’ : pe a dia ‘asacudsced oes el the groatcet Gonevories of the ‘ Fel phizd Ux rmssed se dodge again. Letters addreseed to me at Moaat Pleasant ——— ios ~ a scopes by ye wot me re September 234 1856 nd Quarter Seeowne A Acids Ree ies (caente ot eee Caldwe'l« pla They onzht to be sowed im will be promptly atieaded to ; ; STEAM ENGINE ANDS AW MILL o. mm, bet sow I would eee eared sks i ‘ Rowan, at the Court Homer ra Sabet the first The sabeenber having studied thie methed of taking OF ankles rarly in November Jane 10, 1*5 LAE SSE ue . a : eh ae — regent rap Hin tay the Bt geuece n Pptsite mow eae NE 2 8 wi es 0 ping @ mach | wen = on ft Ys Crave ae Kee P ; md artist of that place, offere his serv Wat « F R SALE. ° >} » . he taken pew een d heard e v services int apa- . = a ena Ta ce NTNEN. YP eae eer ae i them Co ee "" DEROSSET & BROWN NEW BERN . GWALTIEY. TALL © WINTER GOODS. ei ach TOTP [dels ten sess : : te cet men yo seve Co, Teun Ab « ] j T Nols Aree Rae ne Se a ee ‘ wees WILMENG TON, NC Yutual Insurance (‘eo Bones ced Saw ANG = a — ihe Rivicent oleae k ae on arn mvited to call a sav W « , heer vagtiy tre!, and has performed ie a very caperer “ Thien to certify that my wite suffered with Preiap ’ JAMES E. KERR ne epecimens. GABRIEL UTLEY BRO N& DE ROSSET, \ * me ac! te his entire savefaction ‘The ad en, ons Ciel 5 Fare mie feciving nt ows Sembee » KERR, Clerk eugice wan e Hes bot Riheg Coes Ge Wee For some $2 \ ics grrat pe (tof Cagle il tic 0 Proce ate 83 50 Of Chapeb Hilt, N NEW YORK TTVIVE nnderagned has bern aprunted oc ts Ay mel mmol wae very in health, strength and c M Saliebary, July 22 nif VERBAL COWWISSION SERCHAN hare kik Eom Groceries, Ready Made Ceihin ‘ : ays nYy foe, the ater) C ienpatiy. aed se prepared | orse ewer. fre apirte, She used two botiles of your Lathontrptic CIODS, Prazs, J e > pe ’ 1 rece ' f and her health ie now rratared—entirel f it Hats and Caps, Boots aad Shoes, R. P. BESNENT, Dentist, “ : con: Commen sents mel ates an) Ceres) etme ad mtveely free Iher Ww n alepicd io the pramn, al h . FA M AL : : any re now in ever sneful Th chine ate loathenme senestions in such area She hae bren 0 H odepicd le ine rar st al bl ileal hatin AN be foand at the Rowan Tlowee, where he will R FOR S E. . <b ae ms feet in ang Perens vo a wns ¥ place - i snl be, seeey mevee soe wee | the tively free of her former courplain( for more then | tengint af the lowest CASIT pricea. nel which we ar (; Satpred yp esayrotiantoss aot casa Dee Tt ta determened tw offer at wholresle ond reinil at prices cerined pushin af " [PHI sndereirw 4 offers at private sale, a moet ox | habe le ee RS peat oc dW) coll sed cranes «, 20 f hove duteenine@ —— that sill give setafaction Call amine ver gaan ial ae ; cellent Plantation, lying three and a hatf rules RL HaRD perme | JD RAMSAY ak hekive arch ve wee te orl! yw be eur 1 1 West af Safiabary, on the Sherrile Pard road. an a] asada! This ie to certify that my wife hae been entirety re. Oar gents rp. ifned cheaper, thun iivey cam boughs MY Sept 16, 191 ts host alg OIE than ihe Ka pa hey ene Company. 1 heved of a very @ arte und Gangree sbi affectngy ctorahere in the market . ve 4 Plank Road, adjoining lande of Mra Morphy, W cam VALUABLE LAND Pe Ml RPI \( ) | { |: S. Maeay, Mathew Taeke and others, This tract The SPLATTERDOCK FUSELIBRS, will p a ’ Raliein Sept. 1856 Amt6 ‘de contams ride im an entire new and dfferent anform, on the K ] ITV eubeenbe drowex - ’ erin 28 of moving bis Mille end el By We heer on hand x email atoek of Hardware 344 1-2 Acres, MO ee ee re ee CM eX \ or Na e. bas 150.000 ne 200,000 feet of good weeee » which we are verte chmng vat. and wil off-r WILL pay the higheet market prier, in State Pie 7 a . — » band. princwpally Weatherboarding, Fleuring amd deno- anv thing on hand in that line, at coat and tranep eee occ Fine Thcasared: Wankeis Wiens © Merke portion of mbicblite: wea reds the ree Mahehury S:pt lind 108 FIVE CXDERSIGN ED offer inch Plank, which he wail sell very low for cust Alb Me- bed oahye et Uation expenses R&A” nd L2or 13 tikely negro boys, from 15 10 20 yearr mainder is ander a high sinte of cultivation. On thee OTR poh fore fir wale the valias ao. a fue into! Maple, Birch, Aeh and Poplar Plank, msy eM. PARKS mT I JENKINS. tract ea superior ble TRACT OF LAND Iyrag on the Beatties and S-anshag sawed expressly for Corrie ; . —_— Mt, ae las ! A re M 1 Salt! Salt !! Ford Read, fire mies West of Saleber gic eat Wakere ean pre folie. rag dys Vorkeille, Jon Sal sbur pt. 16, 1858 6 » , 4 skeTe porposes " : cn = an eee my Se he Gor IMPORTA r J JENKINS & ROBBER ES have, and will con- - ee o* - ee ( ()( ‘ SV ks Lacerpaus salt daily etperied 346 ACRES, phe pa ety : , : : oa oo te . r with « ‘of thortion very threarening, and .) : : ane ta keep State Bonde on hand for eybe mtaining aboat 40 sere ; an thie land we lying ™ ¢ wale o— met . » ors near Salisbe handsome prof be wade from - JOHN BEAR was attended by « good Midwife, for two or three dave 1 oO Bridge Builde rs. W ANTED near Salibnry 2 handmvme . as eatike ™ AS are “3 be i rs Esl we KY) £60 f xe mm : quality necan be fiomnd anywhere ia the Frankhosvite, Jnly x, 1256—Saw6. EARD. Al : f > ] 36 . s hece ie wlan aleout . ro A sof good dwelling house a most excellent barn, and every . ap gy . ny ~ mor TOM LAND, SQUIRE, ZIMMERMAN & ALLEN, withowt any relief; T then employed a respectable yng? Physician several days, and then another, albwithowt [TYE wndersigned solicit bids for baikling a bridge , . other cen vewwane attached theret ond 5000 Bashels Wheat te cre ric ce term wn mks so Wall Paper, &c, ee Ce eee oy iuceas cag a whieh eannot he ITPraae < we ditehad and draine ¢ A ath ony eon ruil was thonght by all thet she mene the South Yedkin River, 9 miles North o {ont ret er nd used (Cowan's me diting four Nalisbary, of the main toed to Morkavitte, by 0 the i e aher oF five days it commenced bel apaan, bey sediment way of Foard's Perty. Bide will be taken for the ma tis ealealety te? be “parchaser il treed ter allt Large supply of most benatifal Wall Paper. 4 steam the pr all th ewary buildings like nl AND accomodating. Call on the subscriber at the planta A g r ! nidng Ye! day ee oe oe fe efftrel siniy and wnet work separately or juntly ws ms . ’ , tion or, address by letter at Salsbury, a! “ eo Fire Screens and Window Stade for sv'e by 7m Cees wy Bin cued re paw , the sirlelimagchae was mixed with a blondy corruption, and best mit. A quarry and Sew-mill are at hand = Al 1000 BR. AR RE LSJ 6 FL OUR. ‘ aN Brow y JH. ENSISS, Bookeeler Pereone wishing tome the land ean be accomm: » the sediment for several days more, when she bide mom come to halsd on of hefore Thursday the July 22, 1256 “10 July 22 R fated by. calling un Mr. Juba RRs whe reedes.un 2 , pewt heetth, od’ Wnoly OS very fast end wo new in god Sth Ori ares néxt, on which dey all bidders are 1 7. subscriber wishes to purchase the above quan- = ; : ihe phe atalcow No. 143, Market St . bine h e * to @ fer perind of preg: quested '0 be prevent at the Perry. ney of Wheat and Floer, for which We will pay Oa ass , Ta porecee wish Sarclhneelt rerk alued: v Hirer in better health then she ever uid befote, -n- J.C. FOARD, the highest mirket price im cash ; JOB PRINTING Marriage License for Sale at URIS ‘Tret of Land, cach an oppertanity glare ha Ree eeere PHILADELPHIA oe Baa of sick stomach, thet mont trinible sume FW TATUM ; MICHAEL BROWN Neatly -reonted at thie Office Office a VANTEL WOOD DM. Zawwramis. of Lincolnton, No anton pergnancy. [ wowk! advies all women, Septembir 1B 1°36 quit Ralehury. Vept FB. 1856 . 16 eally crecuted at bure fice i Joly 99, 1838 Seu is we 5 ses en YYW BLANDER IND THE QUAKER, AN TPO) AMUSING STORY. Thefe lived Tn a certatn neigh borho« rd, Mor far distant from here, @ roysteriuy er dy bully pamwed diamy Blayder. Jin wag taoue” ina fight—a hind of pugilstlc Sapotean. Many and bloody were tle affairs be had iu his life-time, and be invariably came off first best. He net onty considered linnse Itinvaloerable, Hut all the fighting characters in the sv YOuodimyg cowulry cuncs ded it was hu use BSgbiung Jim, as be was considered ty be ® patent threshing unchine, that could not be improved upon In Jiu's meighborhood had settled quite a vninber of Quakers. From some gasuse or other, Jim lated the “s had bel Ties,” as be called thea, with emire heart; be often declared that to w haprone of these iheffensive jeopte would be the crown jng glory of lus life. For years Jim waited for a pretext One of Jisy's chyins overheard a voung Quaker speak in disparagnys terns Bins. The report svou came to Jim's ea@re, mota litte magnuitced Jim made desperate iireats what he Awng going ty do with Nathan, the follewer of ]’eun,on sight Gestde bic rious Lbrul iuns he mea ieee vi ind cot tte inflict on iu this cactete fatynase yt Goth Lis eyes, al J : Nat eat and very properly hept out of lis way, hoping that time would mol lity his anger lr seemed, fiowever that this mugh desired result did pot take place, One dav Nathan was cut riding, and . sing tir ugh a long tane, when ubont midway, he espicd Jim eutering the ther Kethan wight have turned and but bis fysh rebelled at retreating \ siny way peaceably,” gaid the Quaker, "ar LT ove the betty, sense of the man will not allow him to molest me or permit icin * deo violence to my person Nathan's ealeulations as to the Tile qealitics of ed to be disappointed. “O, ob 7 theaght the bu eqgnized Natuan. “{ bave him Now IN make mince-meat of Jyd Twill salt him and pickle hind too: * Wilt thou please dismount from ths fore?” said Jim. scizins the brid! t Nathan’s horse, and mimicking hi “py heart yearneth above ull ¢ give thee the bL @man received “Friend James,” replied Nathan, “thou meet pot t me, gu wy way ia peace. Thy better Jdudement Will surely tell thee that thou cannot pos sibly be benefitted by persoually iwjunig me.” ryest inal gyest ina F 4 but ict mwie “(det down in a m Situ: “get down, ) acanting, | chief making Ly pocn: Vit down if vou don’t disincunt “P fend James, L remonet thy proceeding and a Qitst tiv bas replied Nathan me stucerib Gat doen,” persisted Jim: © dow sou, l want you! { want me rg } re) gunoutofvouy ft fi eave time | am throagh wit eou ive v« a Ac. F tak by tie Jus, Jou Wier pase tur man. wil teach ye n a tu.cralue lonest theu here forces And |. ale &aw collar t).< Nathan > « posite s The (luaker, at : PY prupertous than his persecalur, was @OER BLU Dive g By snakes : al c venir z t enough a Lreaduriu b sab rahexpels’ 2 I were bere ve Sie! iw oh Jim, pe knock «7 i ‘ Sen ler Ware us Pie 2 fist, tna a orga i be etry i) Ar in@ (9 * aW @ losec eome fessor! ' fe of: UpoF mjtre ’ “ Cloner feree lke 4 , wast Neha lespeorate he wa + ‘changed 1 Wovideses ws Meaal Wao. Friend Je not repent attacking me!” se thee, and T trust! when { aud done with thee, thou wilt be a ues, dost thee | \ “Noy” said Jim, withan guth; “letane , AY ‘profane the name of ¢ check thy respiration fo Nathan, as good ag his word, clutched sh o Jim by the throat. Jim's face gor ran through his frane. dently auderguing a process of strangu- lation. Lecame aud I'l] show yeu,” a *T will! not It thee up, thou itmpinus | wretch |” replied Nathan, ee *Darest thou | Maker? 1 will & moment.” He compressed bis >—a gurgling sound could be beard distorted—a tre- ile was evi- The Quaker relaxed his hold, but not until the ehoaking process had sufticient- ly, as he thought, taujed the perverse spirit of J It touk sowie moments for Jim to inhale iy. eufficicut air to address the Quaker. “} knock under,” said Jim; ‘envagh, let me ap.” “Nay, thon hast not half enoagh,” re- plied Nathan. protaned the name of thy Maker ; dost thou repent of thp wickedness ¢” “No, banged if 1 dot” growled Jim. “Thou perverse mau,” replied the Qua- “Thoy art shane gm 2 a process ot ujoral purification, and thon Lest cill 1 am done with thee. will couspress Ciy windpipe again, unless thoa tive his grip. ed Nathan joy -e-8!" “Yes, Lam sorry. “13 thy sorrow Godly sorrow? inquir- T had 3 Jim, in a wive mean answer in the affirma- say quick, art thou sor shrieke Jim rather demurred giving an affir- g & mative answer t , is tle squeeze adinonislh ny better vi nestion, buta gen- , him that he a8 ad | 7 . . “\e," replied Jim, “my sorrow is a Godly sorrow.” ‘ y sorrow leadeth to repent- cd Nathan; “ we are progres- Thou said but just now that «AG sing finely 1 was @ canting, lying, cowardly, mis chiet-making hypocrite. me in asse ed ny pers assoc! tions 1” “Yes,” replied Jit “Tam not Nat “Thou hast the peace of fits vetyhbor wind thy hand has been raised againet thua art a very wan i prow sad wou ve thy « Vea rt lulse Ing weuceful life me with thee yet,” said been a drst brawler that in future thou wilt that thou wilt Thdu wroaged hese things, and Riander Dost thou recall these ; now let me ] irber of ood, ime vul Wile ras thyself.” answered “all but the Quakers.” “Thoa must make no exception,” re- uve answer.” Ap a ‘t say yes to that; I will die “Twill 4 strug ies OD | low ens ad his inatch vicld, Janes; ued Jim, hesitatingly, e! N.than: “I insist upon an affirina between the I insist on 1, and he grasped Juin by “J will choke thee into sub thoa inust answer aftirmative- vy. Say after ine, } promise to love ny tT as Uy 6 t,4 tf, including the Qua ‘cunsary to provide lerntonal adainistrativa. But k we promis that, I'll be cursed if Jot? replied Jim Twill cheek thy respiration if thon . Wilt t old tf? ‘Na, 1 I'}] be blasted if I du? nau 1 a wu e Tee bad give jn; I will chokc hee ayain if e does not. Bee, ny grip ens” r nathan ' And Nat! pres: Lis gnp, and L again went Jim's fu weame disturted, then and ided froia their ts } ’ uns Natha pressed lus grip nati Jin 4 t y po and relaxed lie Jim whe w in recovering his senses ; diel Lecrved Nathan for iner a: a 3 Bab t vase LID When tl s ce the promise ] rect of ei vlease the n Jiu) saw sas powerless, and t the aker en) > > felt it att Qoak was ute H i s ~ t s at > 1 4 r “ e re re) ' oh ruat \es Z Quakers,” replied I at arise. then, friend Jimy. Lteust the lesson thoa Last learned trowil re peacea ! t . } a ” er ia aered Natha } r Jim Waa ¢ rely hambled, he Gaid wit! laa ; {iv r c } y N irren t st ' I after f a tr phs, and : at and emigrated ¢ tur } 5 strat 13 ‘) ‘ wa ' s atta os // / inom > The S44, sana with ‘ rs, the pare Ald s, and did a aiieviat ‘ t t A sister of Mr. Ba r fabad () pent apg Pi atat she « | * wit r eriliad ee get his Nar tried Hollowa , ' } A 1 4 “ 4 Va ' enue ® 4 porders ately uy tafamily b 4 his firsten kp b if any eee es Go at with whi ee tp the world, tow artesing man, aml peace and prosperity will suow by re ee ed me buck te Gs Brae" ag divttud ost ey phd prisperity and peace, thot, be stored to the Uuivn : ¢ iam nt of Eugie Mr. Mayor and Fellow-Citigens; This over- | with grateful emotions, | retarn you s thousand | whelming demonstration of congratulation and) thanks,-and bid you adieu, (Prolonged ap-| welconte almost deprives me vf the power of *planse.) llere nearly thirty years age | com- apecoh, wenced my political career. tivmst saw a legislative budy in session, (ehcers,) Uyt at Chal Uwe i mever entered Ito the aspi- rations of my heart that T should ever receive such 9 welsyme aa this, Te the capital of iny oa (Cligers.) You have been pleased, sir to allude to my | preme Being, for His protecting care touchspled Thou hast | former services and my probable course if confess, |should be aguin called ty the position of Chief } Mayistrate uf the nation. | wot pleasaut to speak of one's self, yet I trust, that the uceasion will justify me in briefly allud- ndependence, aod the union of these States. iug to une or two events cunnected with my last ker, “inyst I u-o compulsory means f Wa asinistration {Cheens.] You all know that whep I was called to the executive ehair by a be- reavement which overwhelmed the natuu with ‘grief, (he country was uufortuvately agitated ) , trom one end of the cougtry to the other upoo 2 tone, as the Quaker tightened | the exciting subject of slavery. It was then, sir, 4 ‘that L felt it my duty to rise above every sec ional prejudice aud louk to the welfare of the {whole nation, [Applause.] to overcome long ecberished prejudices, aud dis- ry claims, [Great aad prolgaged ap- live Bulle, rganu plause. But in doing this, sir, 1 did oo more than | was done by many abler and better men than, myself. Pifiers a ifbans—A. Nabi ‘RRAD-fRBAD' ff.’ reader has a lingering doubt that My, Fillmore entertains those sentiments which eye- ry patriot would Like te gre animating the chie Magistrate of the republic, Jet him.pead the fal- lowing speech by Millard Billutore, st Albany, ou his way through chat city, “Fhe heart of the couutry will tity responsive to aueli sentiments, splen Let every patriot Lake bis stand beside Mc. Fill- | given te order, aad. the moore on the ground here taken by that geade- 1 was by no tneans the sole instrumemt, | cri S fang, aro i under Providence, ia harmonizing those diffical- ties. (Applause.) There were at that Ume noble independeat, Ligh souled mea, ia both Houses ot Congress beluoing tu both of the great political wd, Bat, form © SUBSCKIBER byp tho pleanirp Ip a0 ‘ spotitaneous wreb of tte j apres EAGLE CITY. TM. war | : w Steady progress) above all the pageants whiph roulty cao display. City. detrined, e Ghee, 2 (Cheers.) Therefure, with « heart overflowing | mavulwcturing city ih ihe Country. He id now erect WE 8 Hew cotton mill at (hie pe to be culled the Mey Mills,” aad hipes to bave iin full } ey the lauier part of rhe gmmmer of 1856. Tr witl be oneof the best, (if not the very Ddest,) mille in the je the greatest oo * du thie baikling |, sTFORM OF THE AMERICAN PARPY, the latest and mos! approved patterns Were obvee n.— it work tike « lever witch —snooid wud steady a a . beautiful achiev: 48 of the renowued Eagle Mills, NATIONAL COUNCIL, Fas. 21st, 1486.) wader whose onan ie be devengiog ite i de. - pas, Milid jung gai r it-| let. An bunible écbhowedgiment to the Su- [Wie af Peetectves. Reese Mn ee risihe excel leute of ite yarns, and the supériority of itseloth fob ries. ‘Troy Mills alone threatens to rival it, aad heuer warld may took out fore contest luvelving « result oouniry. ‘The machinery was selected by plmeell, and | lar ADOPTED AT THE SESSION OF TERE | and be doubis not will exeet, i Uerprodueta,the adet | | + rte pally ** ry — -— Melee - manifested po great” i . atid success, Uhet theic uew aud ’ ly to completion,” staabrs wit ns testi a s ir cores lip their now, suit hes been fom the tw vender their Culiege interior in ne respect, ° institutions of the ginde und beet Roed free Sobeety . to our fathers in their successful Revolutiogary |, not less interesting iu itrelf, than ic mitt be desirable struggle, and hitherto manifested to us, their de- | ms Fy a . Ay | to ever 4 trivt. scendants, in the presefyation of the liberties, the |'° 07%, ne chon pe Ning ok Samlag crvaad bight } well step in here, and casting furwardhis ken beyou’ | (Applause.) It is %i . the bowndary of present (ime, purt the a 4 2d. The perpetuation of the Federal Union, Eagle Cry > ig — jortieg Ia him cheteh ies} ay the pal a of our civil and religious liber- | We see 6 city of besutiful proportions with ils tower: | ing steeples pointing hevvenwerds ; close ranged blocks | dependence. \ of granite buildings with glittering wetaliyefs, rere, 3a, Americans must rule Amevica, and to this rosa — sy a tee ma Rog itdeinas rating end autive-born citizens should be selected for all, paws of oe a e pblarpane- 1a dy ahha skices| State, Federal, aud municipal offices or govern: ful busy theag: the evag of balf a qillun uf spindies | tment um iey ment, iu pretercaar ty all gthups ;.i* wingted with the rear of home audeourcadrs : Kagie | , \ pevertlicless, ‘monument rises above all thiugs elec, bearing on tnd was compelled : . ., | top ao findibnse eagle. wings extended, lowking duwn pel 4th. Persons born of American parents resid: | with pleasure at oA eet Tite Beak le ie ing temporarily abroad, should be entitled to all | full view, and by its liberal policy iovites all energetic | the rights of fathve-bora Ghizens; but | business men to claimits eacoaragemept. Calicc prin. | 5th. No person should be selected for political | t*™ roll oat their baled up guods ; theearsof the Nurth- | station, (whether of native or foreign birth,) who | Sy ae Liege orga | or abligativa of aby | deufenivg whistle is blown, and the sound isechued and | » poteatate or | re-echued from hill to hill, and wakes thedryuwsy pow - | power, oF who refuses w recognise the Federal | ¢rs of reposing fat cattle, which browse in the rich sar- and State Constitutions (each Within its sphere) toanding valleys: the scene grews '—-grows! —and the end is beyvad the portraying skill of the prophet &s paramount to alt other laws, as rules of polits- | We had but @ glimpse —but what a view! Audit ties, and the only sure bulwark of Aaicricaa In- | recogvises any Pi : ; ; ea tg «Cal agtion. all to be realized beyond duabt. Eoiugh, envagh }—- Peas - nee apa A neitg pap rme; ath. The unqualified geition and mainte- | I will press on to its fina! consdmmation ' who spurned the character Gf SeHinh Party TeaGers, 1 ance of the reserved rights of the several States, ANDREW BAGGARLY “ers n Med a y i train, j ree erie lied aryuod my Adtwimtratwd. 04 the cultivativa of harinony and fraternal support of the y lu an ag By the blessings of [ivine Provi th pe we (Cheers.) ess (cheer oliair, the wirole native was prosperous and eva evted, and our relations with all foreign vations fit re of the cloud that hang upoo the bongoe was dissipa ted , them. seut executive aod bes suppurters have with good ss : ae emcee 7% 3 have @ fixed residence ia any such Territory, luteutiva and lonest hearts, made a nistake, | : : hope prulonged applagse.) ase brought these calamities epom oar cuwatry for selfizh of ambiuvas oljecta, it is your daty, Ms but where are ened at home with civil war, and from abroad with a rupture of our peaceful glvtions { shall not seck ty trace the causes of the change. These are the (acts, aud it» for you to ponder upon Of the present Administration I have nothing to say. of adininistering Uris government, aod if the pre nal will forgive lu iligzens, » buld them to trict pon: v" pelt alice be at OH Noein iy citizens of the Ueited States to the right of suf- a y. (Ubeers.) The agitauon whick distarbed the peace of the cosatry in 1550, was umavonluble. brought upon us by the acquisition of vew ter ntory, fur the government of which it was ne wm for soul which ists with civil war, has pot Leen recht a Feb. 9th, 1855. Saul vat ineasures which restored aod Es ted and distracted country. — good will, between the citizens of the several States, and to this end, non-interference Ly Con gress with the questions appertaining solely to TRI Rez WEEKLY the individual States, and noo-intervention by each State wh the affairs of any other State . agua BO Of Four Horse Pest Coackes, th. The recoguition of the nght of the na Uve-bemn aud taturalized citizens of the United Mates, permanently residing in any Terntory I thereof, to frame their constitution aud laws, and to reyulate Ubeie dumestic and social affairs yo their uwn wnode, sulyect only to the provietwos of the Federal Coostitution, wit the privilege ot mlmminsion into the Union whenever ther have gake tine one of the mast comfortable aad cxpedi lous the requisite popalativa for one Represcatative | stage romds in the Stair in Cougress, Provided alevys, that pone but ‘ 3. BROW N , Comirector those who ae citinnns of the Caited States, av-| Setebory, Jone 8!. 1645 ue der the Coustitutiog and laws thereof, and who Wanted | rm ely At the Silver Hill Mine, ANY QUANTITY OF WOOD AND COAL. WM. LEAVENWORTH, Sep: Silver Mill, Oct 1, 1855, Jone Dr. CHARLES T. POWE I evieg permascat!y located in Salisbery , respect- fothy tenders his professimal! servieesiv ihe peb- OGee—Cowen's Breck Row Belsbery, Aag. Mth, 1855. { MARVELLOUS REMEDY, YOR A MARVELLOUS AGE! rts were crowned with -iyual suc and whev Eleft the Presudential The ROM Selebury to Morganton, cm Stateruile ae Neowin. Leetes Salsber) op Monday, Wednesday ved ¥ day at7 st amicable kind (cheers) Alas’ Threat we now! o'duck, A. M., aed arrives at Morganton ng to breakfast; and leaves Morgentos ou c* im Selebery on west deve io aine of expense will he spered te 1 can uppreciate the difficulties ought to participate jm the fyrmetion of the cua stitutioa, or iv tye eonctment of laws for sad Terti#tory or State 8th. Ae enforcement uf the prineiple that eo State of Territory ought to admit others than ther as | du (load and But if there be those who frage, or of holding pubitical office. Sth. A change iv the laws of naturalization, making a comtiawed residence of twenty-one years, of all not herembefore provided for, an in dispensable reyuisite fur citizeoship hereafter, and exclading all paapers, and persuns conyicted of crime terfer 10h It was ihe say whetle s the country rthe present agiabon, rom landag upoo our shures , but po io ce with the vemted nygbte uf foregeers. Opposition to any aowe belweea Chun | threatena as ssly and wan and of a measure to by th au ai { o and State; wo interference with religous faith, BM AGS eweel raloer (Lab if ay > ; : yw worstip, aed no test oaths for uffice “ t Free } thorough inv vation into eins een il io eaviiliat Lihays Vith Tee a rough gaiion int any and all alleged abuses of poble functwos ries, aod a strict eounomy io puble expen! tures. 12th. The maintenance and enforcement of a!| laws comstatabucatly enacted, until seid laws States af heart. This, beta Le ofe of pct rospenty and ther. it 1 the unity, 5 | omy. Latia aud Grech, each... 5. Masic, with the mere of Pine ...... rey Vecke Candies abd.ivwels farginbed by the pupilae z By order of the rae iv * 8. BO, WILSON, Press - Board of Trustee July 8. 18.36, tderd. sowed ga Corton, ded ie- Ver. IRS, 2 ones vi KEITH & FULANNER, CMS MERI, sun Through Freight to Wilmiggtes pr. Mall Teale. | os Toots E have made an arrangement with the Railruad Cuntpeny to mon freight esr wih their Meil DIEASED KIDNEYS, ‘Trains, twice s week, from Salivary to Wil- | Grp_ yj, Bladiler and Kidneys miagtoe direct; leaving Salisbury o@ Mowday aud inthe ling ’ Weak Thursday 7 leave Wilmington, on Tucstday and Fri- | ¢ nese of the Loina, be. Our ‘agent will scoummpony the eer to receive! Thisinvaluable meiiicing is for sale at the Devic end deliver freight ai all the intermediate starind®— | tutel, in Mockieeile | et Dro R. Cemipbell’s, ia |). ‘Thre first car will leave Salisbury oe erewyry lost. | det; atthe Drag Sore le Oliarotles at Zevesty's KEITH & PLANNER. | ture! in Salem ; ed at tke Carling Wetehmes 6. FRUESD. OF rae HOMAY YAM. Wamingion, N.C, June 54, 1566. ey ) hee, lw Balisbery. om -———— The subscriber hav entered into eoparisersh Mackerel! Mackerei !! | wud Joba P, Cownn. ol patouted, at the was Varge but of Mucheret in bbls. half bbls. quarter | efacture and wale of the abuve era bhaees FA this and kite, uf all Nos. just reecived and tr | feruish 0 dupply by eddroming hint a etideuce, 10 sale low ‘Con cutiiwg pt tos ¢ West of the MILLS, MOOSE & Ce. | leee. "RK D. AUSTIN. May 12. 1856. ane ) Jewe 21, 1855. To Farmers. HE subscribers respectielly invite (Be sttentne of Farmers and others, io thew lates and ele - Staple and Faery Gunde They anport et variety of etyle bad Row LAND FOR SALE. I Lavine selermined sa soli olf’ spd spore Bom) Pooets Cork, UF alts wes of Rlegon-oteers Sahohery, Mereh $5, 1656 ane the lnads of Juba & Corson, Joye Beher.endcthers | The deput vo the Westers Eatension ane be ace: Bfusioc. ‘The piece been i} af} secemery beildings ie gued te Large esauriment of Pane Forte Mavic ta rule pei! Also coe goed mentow. The tinct eumteme A a JU. ENNids’ BOOKSTORE abont 330 seres, ene ball of which = in o high Bits MANSION oh, WTR, garage pray aloe apart a ‘These wishing » paid hergeia, mest coll euce, se | SALISBURY, N. C. Merch 11th, 1836. wil cell on ecommnetiedty: terme, pe sabeerber having taken charge of the above | + omen cing Perens calling on Wm. L. Steele, cam howe aenie- Establishes, begs leave to teferm the pabhe 8 woe +. ee ance in viewing the lends JOMUN W. STEELE. 4a oe ae Tey oe oe of Boardees, Traveters, ec. the promiseribat bie | AND - ACCOMMODATIONS Mulls, Moose & Ca. hallbe equal macy in ihe State. Perens stopping | BO weve totetere Weir mewy Griceds ped th st hee thewer. sleeve hove speaiete Wane fer the wrri- veland depenare vl the Cam. Atioutiee and obhg- publlegenersity (Wet tle 9 ef hom y eeetvlng wad te the Beek Mowe formerly cooupted by ag eer vanie alway sinutiondasee Callend Gite me | coved, & Mille thet: ork of w. B GRANT if STAPLE AND FANCY Sahebery, May 34, 1855 THE WILMINGTON TERALD | ful cesotigeey daily sad weebly at QF and G2 per.! spnem in 0 1) wollered tv the taerekeete / ° verlmog om Terme muderate Raise T BURR. J lagether with all arvcles evantty bept ee Bry Gants Fen 2 dine | Meore Thep ore vies remetring tire teegest aed Bro eetecied stem 4 rues tice eter ullered mite warte: all of whieh they are deteranacd to soll as prteve thet JAMES HORAH, of creat Republic; avd 1 cunfen : STP at be repeated, ur shal] Le declared pal! ao eaves fai to ploese. { te . win dauger. | say . repes 4 j User tak Cfo wim dng, Ty To Ot esa et 8/2 WATCH-MAKER AND JEWELER, “rs rue miowerr waneer ruices uf a siar section, much lene of ¢ a or aes is ee, Lich. Oppustica to the reckless and uaese —s o ¢ SALISBURY, N. ¢ Ley das ira acdige! Pe ir, Wheat, Corn, Cotton, and several cuntid ates before the pes re } : ; ‘ fe datas’ yobnes pee ES castle sen. Nel or wy of the present adinia stration m the geo H OL La Ww A Y "$s 0 1M TMENT @ue door below B.A A. Marphy’s Mere, janwary Hh, 1656 dtu what do we see! Ne exmaperated feeling be STN TONNE ment of our national affairs, aod o © OL BERS ~wctenity on head «| serene nt of wee North and Suath, un the most exc YT? eopeetily as shown iw remoring “ Amen Thee Grand External Remed;. WATCHER cod JEWELAT of oli Linde, NEw era arial _ - os a7 “ Uyodehed aad us: 20" " (by designauun) and cynservatives woo Cbwke, Wetrhes snd Jewelry of every deconptue, | ay mg of all topic sulung shed (vy Ms ath tn ee es Renae 3 . ou i bay a i ie eect wat) ate ST a Te te vee manner oat ce te et eae SPRING & SUMMER Het than te ncteall wir, We ere a political Utrssts ip their places; ae showe ia atrockhog 50 | Same Rubee Caen dary ¥-touery 19, 1656 iy Paso ee SOR es We, (eC stacrviemey to the stronger, and aa insolent and . SHB sf y P Tet ee = el ee the 6 a Ge owaniiy Uravade towards the wenker powers ; 7 - ¢ fe al etnies alee @ verd per. ™ hve if reopening ox tuna! agitation, by G A MILLER ~ i Salisbare, March 25, 1854. we uf cleetin? thao on a lw suffrag *reiwnl of the cases perl etter wm shows ee eee ~ pore a eee > es ° F. eubecctbe: 2 now receering hie etonh of Mpeng ‘ { eae nuag lw wanatoralard foreigners the ¢ ATTORNEY AT LA We & Sesemer Gods, coommung of @ general eet s = a e Irae im Kaveas and Nebraska; as shown Erydpeles, Salt Rheem and Scorbdetlc Remers. x MOCKSVILEE. N.C meet of one oa - - cure " gad ee : ied iw puch a) ai . + vaciilating « e Kapeas and N ae web ter the Cure af 6 $9 vee \enmntnntrty opyastee the Devic Rates Ladies Dress Goods : etre cl gens of ite uepariercis of kate =< 2 of when ener om, _ Hie steckof KREDLE wiaies DLL Galea \inieand of ocean |e bieh jacrede * lepart bra clas bows cosine rere IG: WORKED EMBROIDERED = complete, Be <d . m, wehown in dhegracmg & sored por perneptgitiy Cedars \ _ would respectfully seh a0 exeminetnw uf his stock by af tye “A nee throash peejadue or capnee; and tan To the I tedinbee lad pxmrpecttctrers ad the seweet and eter “ a n a |» © ’ mY Yh 7 7 dies. as abing bis mypsy tteente IC a man keieg “chose in the lnuadering mamanageneat Lf Sere Legs, Sore Breasts, Woands aod Cleers. : nd ators Gao wee aed Nove theo sdetiaes . ‘Gn am! Thaen’s line te put worthy wet freee relations fie subscribers are sow recerring the fmeet and inte this seetom before of Get he Ire vce Prada. @ ale 1 \herefor remely existing evils, aod eet comptete stick of lade’ DR Den Cenete Eg wrens. naw le veld one fom the weme Guarwr, wm prevent the dssastryos conseq uenees otherwise re they have ever ered he poblie, whinw they wil saut ibe ( ( . se saltiny therefrom, we would build up the “ Ame- | Government, tiepatete 7 profit “They invite perteaiar atieerioe vie F alanet Crrune wy ‘s ee arty” wpoe t hripciples bereipbelure w77tt7_thle Oletment. » t norvade red. alt and lace MAN TILL 4® ef. SR we Tere, ‘ Py zn comntry | On md-ed. to cot sat wot I ren eres Te Medien! Mel tn the o ere any and thew latest etykeeof BONNETS RIBBONS * . ‘ o planter the laws sd tke Se aes he joints, EMDRO DERIES, de Na 9. Granite Row COMMISSION MERCHANT \¢ z ‘ Doth bat each, Mate Coanci shall bave au RROWN , . Ba . : abso easels Mole al cane men rt wveral ne a Plies aad Fistetes. Saheburs. March 95, 18% “* ee ee a resident to adoja in selectiag men for Abee! ° veral conatitutions, a a i apiatine _. ‘ wOR set 0b Commenterton I sericea Lat practiral qucstuna and Pee Suniel (he srccral degrees, sed) inetitutele eagiterte Peery To Gentlemen Cotton, Corn, Fleur, Wheat, and all . eee ela ee cal we. Velie of honor, instead of other obligavions for bereine fulbewing tbe prieted aire FETIP, exterrdere hare we on head ihe mutes COUNMPRY PRODUCE eens uy tere tea taldce aralen new ioe . an 1 adinissron into the party r pie comment CIAITHING ever betas 18 CHARLOTTE, CRAGLaNTON, AND WEY TORE i lancet las Se rmainetr of ih 161 A free as) open discussion of all po rey andl [Pilla should by Meted re ihe pub Call at Ma 3. Cranes Rew Sf@beral Advamees made on Consignments sh teclare that they would Mteal poecples embraced re our platforn , BROWN & COFFIN : \ aol and \oce ad the fidlmeing cnaca Sehebory, Mareh 25, 1856 431f MRelereneeseee 4 JH Jeotsas, Keg. Satohary (Gow W. Wiheme = t y ther en fe-Ned Gisnds ete wes robe cet ae gee No ANOTHER me DR. J.J. GUMMERRELL, & 5: coves f Bee eocgees Bom cere tt Ni, ot FRESH Tenereal Reres | An rem = to hee Office at how rode where Febranry ie 1456. tyme 4 ab ] ‘ . : e will be happ receive prufesmonal of per = 1 rom " ° . ae STOCK west tice be “ Groeuibercegh or ’ here ar y inde ted tr me by , : as pn : at fhe Wenatart ies . CONTI 0 tne gs Gummer Coeds cc: EDEN LEIA Sot MUTUAL INSURANCE COMP ANT. » z ble Pre -giste as -alere ot M wet earnestly arge e chte and make eetilemen skens * P = . ~ aie nae anh worhd, im bones, st Bot which mast he dome by May Cowrt, etve } shall bank 4 piabs gan (eaten on get wp A ogee oat e aces a ia: a< st tle Alert emalleam, reenpeted with « padpt stock Com 2 JUST ARRIVIN UH rere ion hic waving by tat ‘ me ro ‘ ; nee at This company being loteted is the Western pert ofthe eu SB Dir ster (he gui tance of paticntein ’ ' f the fake VING edd ted crton y . z La State, consequently mech the hetger hom of 1 f 3 fabric rea by ' ] | 7 . . ‘a rll “i are as 4 are a@aea =e eas NEW are inthe Weet, very nieny of wlen bbe tn the Cones) ra ' ert ocean he orc hoc rekere ore 2 . The Compony isentirels (roe from Hebi; hove mede 4 as ay “s rita eupply. which is now arriving Dyspepsia Cured. N ) ( L> Ny hy nosesccerment®, and is therefore confidently recommen - I ny frends, that | speak warmly on care. tuaght 9 very redaced cash prices, and will be I )" HOSTETTERS CELEBRATED RIT. b it ) ia J J ded im Ue pubtrc eae au fie | fee at we are in danger, | ead tow No more desirable goods hare been broaght TERS, foe tb of Dyspepas and Chills & - 4 Atthetam Aqows| Meeting the fullowing : er een (rcaet ot I hie mark-t present year, mame —we aresure, can Fever, ee For asle b werrclected fon the eneping yrer nhc cose Motors be @Add for leon MILLS, MOOSE @ CO JAMES ALOAN, President * A nsequctcem, what BROWN & COFFIN, Mahebury, May 12 in? a 4. G COFFIN, View President. avie and | tell you that we are No. 3, Granite Row TEs C.? MENDENGALL, Actorney. wl nthe brivk of a voleans, that is | April 29, 1858 4% V pore Ocul rey ing O67 eeuel sarely . cmbree PETER ADAMS, Sre'y and Treasures ing a great variety of STAPLE & FANCY ‘i thle at any toument ty burst forth and overwhelm @ Benda, well adapted Mh the Seamnn—all of whichhave| 4 y Cary PETER ADAMS, Beo'ry nat Dmight by soft words bold out de Iw € > x" «€ > pO —— been temght at the lowest figures, and which we are +, Grq't Agent : «and ther by win votes, but I never x © Tribate te whem Tribate te duc; If te the Neeth determined tu fer at wroresste and retell at prince, "7 ‘0. 185 ehh at pune thing to the Nurth, and LL. perenes, ia any way, indebted tn me co Ad-| Pay it--~if pet, cvcverage Some Meastecteres, ‘0! MM ive maliefaction | er = “ed thes I chould deaptes tnyee!( mint rator of the emate of Moses D. Kilpatrick . Call and exatnine our stock before you purchase as , vould dese ay bee aa pr i ep ae ae LOOT ar 4 tt Pcamaibapte have patthe ROWAN FAC. we are determined to eel ier cach evasion. (Turnulte iatdase pee nie yi : TORY ‘cated 1a Salsbury) ia saccemlal ope- , Smit eOnMintice woul! et ade nedinie payment. The erediiof the saleof oe aad are muhing muy = ies MURPIY, McRORIE & CO. ¥ * he propery of the personal emate hes expired, and Sates Baliet April 1, 1986 i al ” the eatare must pew be settled ap. Alen, all those PL tel Ait led ; ' . te iat in wariea SHEETINGS & YARNS, New 1&2. Granite Row. ( *#tf some we “ 0 prement them for payment. or thie notice will be which they off 4 , ruth 4 ¥ offer an reammable terme We are deter DriwBs \ « ea hug ne eC) COG, eae ; mined to produce goods equal to the beet made in the ih @we BUNCH. 1 . F er AMES G. RAMSAY, Adm’ Simte and apore ne effort tn give antiafection to all whe ane Jak 9 may favor as wilt ther patronage | : amented immorta In a few weeks we aball be prepared to fill orders for re nghtthar ut TNE ? " Shirt-imge and he Goode COTTON BATTS rater be right than Pre R. JUNIUS MENDENBALL, Shrtireyset teary Gone eee lla n Cotton, Flour, Grain, Naval Stores, me impossible that (hose engaged LAND ACENT. GRIST MILLS vy) DR | REEVES ; ne eens i . Seuthern Preduce Generally. . Ain fi Ae ata ilmted TACT. ELECT end anter. Goverement Land— are alan in Operation aad Corn will be ground for toll Wo. 180 te ; x neni) ta eee NA oenciete pel deseo 4 as promiply an porte _ 180 Front Street, | AS located in Batisbary, ond offer - ; niceoma it breake Locate Land Warrants—Pay Tares—moke MORNING & MEADER szuErsy (FP QoURLE. his professions! services vo the pob a» je of our Vnion, and spreads inveatmente an Jat acenant—and traaseet a Gen gai dary, June 17th, 19b6 in tt o. two doare below Benjarnin Jolians store atiar a wart } an]. what i a Real Paiate busness in Minnesota, lows, and REPERENOKS Apeil 2, 156. 4arty 1 (reas Law and common mingled , . ; Mom. Wan, A, Graham, Hiljsbore’, §.e 1 - - ~ . cGicmalem-of tha onantry (arniched whendasived Marriage Licés ‘or Sale abs ion Joba M Moreheed, ¢ : ; pore In an reaponsible for the natural con iM Adieen R J. MENDENHALL, 8 se for Sale at this, Wit Nierrta tcite ee JOB PRINTING vel agate ove whos 1y6 jpd Menreapohe Office. Toho DO Wiliams Req Prost Rank of Clarendon Vently seasuted a6 lake Office | fe Mtereerm Ken Cathe Mant af Witmington ated Pe ek wd ) PANY. lanie bets | Company pert of the of the take he Guen!') heve made recommen. ng Offers n - : : aes ee as = Se yeeer ee Oo tne meet Ce ane ee pases we ~ ee att ee ad se nehadiaa ditional te darian ee ee a nabi > A SOUTLL CAROLIA ADVOCATE FOR FILLMORE. ’ The Charleston Jews, whieh.» few days ago declared its pref fur Buch- anan, though it endorsed the nationality of Fillnidre, publishes a telegraphic des- | patch from the city of Washington, an-| pouncing that a caucus of Awerican-mew- | pers ind resolved to exert their every ability to secure the election of Mr, Fill- more, as the ouly means of giving harmo- ny, peace, and permanency tathe Union, and accompanied it with the following re- marks: | “In thie determination the Southern | Americans have but expressed the seuse | fall those who. will ra the trouble to | 5 to the bottom of our national diftcnl- ties. It is akon beginying to be real- ized that Mr, Fillmore is” the only true} wational candidate in the field, His elec- | tidn would wound the self-respect of no| national man North or South. Those swho are content with the equal rnic of the couniry, and do not covet sectiynal | agivantage, and are opposed to sectional | dominion, whether North or South, will | be satistied with the election of Mr. Fill-| more, The <Abolitionists and Fremunt- ers who seek sectional domination real-' ize fully that Mr. Fillmore is the truly na- tional candidate, avd they inake war upon him accordiu, * They con to the election’ of Fremont, arid they re-, dice fh every Democratic f ry at the South as so much clear gain to their canse, They kouw that every success of Fillmore ise triawwph of nation al sentiment, and gives heart and cour-! neat | VOL. XIII. in Devoted to Politics, ews, Agriculture, Internal Improvements, Commerce, the Aris aud Sciences, Morality, aud the Family Cirle. ‘misrepresent the opinions. and SALISBURY, N. C., SEPTEMBER 30, 1856. LA Ga ae | { | | ‘ other districts. NUMBER XVIII orm the depradation to Which a candidate for the Vice Presidency has thus been sub- jected ly his party. From the Wilmington Herald. Mr. Bizecsinainas, the Democratic can didate for Vice-President, has been, as our readers are well aware, lately ona pilgrimage, making political speeches for Back aud Breck. This, as we have before had occasion to remark, is in execrable taste, and shows the direful straits to which the Leeofoco party is reduced.— ° ] A ao Doe bins the only obstacle ;Apart fey. tiis, however, Mr. Breckin- | ridge, in ecrtain localities—certain free- far tion sentiment, makes use of language hot proper to be nade io one occupying the fact that Mr. Breckloridge, the Demo-| to civilization and social improvement to cratic candidate for Vice President, only | be found amongst Mobamimedanisin.— | a few days sinee, in & freesoil communi- | ., |oun ty, declared that “ he was cannected with, Suis their tenets open no political organization which desired | ito extend slavery,” thus pandering to the! freesoil sentiment, and ranning directly . > . | in the tecth of the Riehmond Enquirer, They hope, under the new Iatti-lumay- to get back their perce: and ex- y- { os - | EMPLOYMENT OF TIME. Tdleness is a fault we all condema in the young, and too often indulge in with- and Wilmington Journal, who are in fa-! oat remorse ourselves. There is a busy | vor of slavery extension as essential to! the stability and the just ascendaney of the South! | | | | Facts to be Remembered.—\t is n fact} that the notorions Col. Lane, who is the jaud was one of those “ forty-four sound, , national Democrats” who voted for the y a Democratic weumber of Congress, | to all ‘nati men. They depend. bis position, and directly in the tecth of | Kansas bill. This “ sound national De-| upon seetional sentiment for success ; Uiey rejoice in every Buchanan triumph as u sectional triamph, and as helping to feed the sectinal feeling of their ywa section Their hearty desire is thea to rewove Mr Fillmore frou: the canvases, and to bring on 8 desperate war of the two sections of the country uponthe repeal of the Missou ei Compromise and all the intlammuatore topics of the Kansas question. The Sout! ern men who covet disunion asa gool, the Northern men who entertain the same eentimeut, will both, with perfect consis- tency, make war upon Mr. Pillinore. And there are those who, guverned by thesar face of things, whe, though well affected tothe Unjon, desire (he withdrawal or defeat of Mr. Filluwre at the South—o rt seeing that the defeat of Mr. Fillmore is > the triamph of Mr. Fromont—at least all Fremont's frieuds think 6o—and it woald be decreet for his ereusies to suppose that his friends know their own gnine, and not to help them in playing it, and faruis! them with the curds to muke it. “We Lelieve that the fricnds of the country and of equal rule, North and South, will take counsel from the wishes of the common ene my, amd wot gratify their desire by playing their game for them. Filluore and the coantry ia the war ory they just!y dread We think the country, North and South, willtake up this ery, and write victory upon the ban were that bear it. The sober second theaght of the people will diseower that fm the election of Mr. Fillmore lies the re eonciliativn of the North aud Soyth, that hie past carcer amd present nationa! p< tion @rnish grougd nyon which bot! tions Can meet in ainsty and with perfect eolfrespect, and that the pledge of |is pretious administration ia a crisis of 11 tense scctional division, guarantces to th South as well asthe North jastice and an impartial rule “They remember that the close of his adyninistration foand the Sufth stroager at the North, and the North stronger at the Seath, than it had been for National men, whether Whigs or Demo crats, were every wher { in pow @, or adeanced m power, eX pense of sectional agitators. Thx of the Constitation reigned every where trivmphant, and the country repased i: . This waa the proper fedit of Mr. ancete’s national sentiment and natin al counsel. The people begin to realiz and they will every realize, that in the triampl of Mr. Fill more the coantry will tnamph —therr eabety be advanced, their quiet secured, end tat in him conservative rational, incerate, seber counse!«, will years. retainet the gel genius day more and m sontiment, find a cahn, cvnrageous, consistent and tried advocate, and they wril sta \ Fillmore and the un'ry ~o- LOCO FOCOISM GASPING BOR BREATH BRECK ENKDOR ON THR STEMI Major lireckinrdge, the Loco Focn car AMMate for the Vice Presid yy dias etart ed upon a personal canvass and opered it by aspecch at Cincinnat other of the Ist inst I ice he weut te I ana, Michigan, and Virose, where ay pomtinonts were alread y made for him Now he is in our city \ a. for tlie firet tine in Musto upon the Pres 4 ting out ppon a stutap epeaking tour, a a dteperaté resott te retricge the de-per te fortanes of his parts The eansc of allt Lonissille Journa/ hist wa 16 Btal ! wnofthia A lightly re spect city, just retnened from Washington. in formas us that he was told by some of ta deading Democrats in Wastington that they had abandoned all liope of success ja New York and even in Pounsyivania, and had no expectation of ln ng able te camy weingle Northern State, u/s ./ 4° Breckinridge, their cundidale for the View [reside ney, wddx ladiina or Illinois by making atump epotches throughout theac States Accordingly we find Mr. Breckinridge, accepting invitations to address imass meetings in Indiana and MMlinois. What amclancholy spectacle. A party redn of to the pitch of degradation and des pair! It is woparalleled in the annals o onr political history! A enndidate for the Vice lrosidency, the second highest of tice m the gift of a great nation, compe |! ed to take the stamp as the Jast resort io the death-strngzle of his party! This last resort will be unavailing. This simple fact of itaelf will be sufficient to make honest people every where forget the per auasive cloqnence and ingenions argn ments of the Sag Nicht candidate for the Vice Presidenoy in their deep disgust for { orthadex Democratic doctrine, suel as we fiud enynciated in the Democratic or gaus. Tippecanoe, Indiana, he made use of the For instanee, the other day at following Junguage, We quote from the Richmond Lugairer ¢ “To whatever extent lie might be au Southern States sunced it-untrue.” lt had that it was the design of the South to De aggressive upon the North to ase the Federal powers of the govern ment to propagate slavery.) “ //¢ wal connected with wo political organization which desired lo eatend slavery ; nor w4s he conwected with one that Op OM 1 th ree Leg | Te aeion of the carce of th thorized to speak for the } ie pron been chard new communitica upon thia and all other do me xtac qsewtiona.” We ask the readers attention to Uns remark, for, tine at which and when it was uttered, Mr. Brechin oa speech uo Indiana: considering the place an) it ia full of significance ridge w na and Ineiar sury to th the lownfioce Heket, and ia freesoil besides Ifad Mr he na, or are me ancora Lreckinridge been speaking tucky, or Virginia, or North Ca rald t made asec of the language he did to the Why ! Because Suuthern orthodox Democratic sentiment Leen against bin, and he Georgia, le w ever hav abolitionists of Indiana Weuld lave therefore would not Agee dared to ex press “if hthts manner (tl required! We place the Ric! woud haquere, the organ of the \ ingit ta Deweciacy, on the stand Ilcar what Un hagas er hale “Our riew ofthe poliev ofthis measa edavery e\temsion) as of epery Mle determined hy the paramennt and « trolling ration of Nouthern in cata, [tis because we regard the acg sition of Cuba aa crascntial to the atabilat of the ayat of slavery, atl to th sta eendancy of the Seath, that we consent te foregs one babitnal repagnance to | heal change, and toadvocate a mncasurt of anch vast, in some respects, ancertain Certyme) tenecs ® e u anual rein th. pavtive fedarcry aan cler tof} soul amted, and thie can only be done by the annexation o aa a nem! « fa great Sonthern coufederacy, ssarery Manghil bie to ifs chcuies tat, hear the Richmond Angurreragair “The Democrats of thé South in the present convase cannet rely on the d yrounds of defence and excuse for slave ry , kK -) ~» t™ f ‘ tr wien. ores, ET TO) EXTEND TI INTO REGIONS WITERE IT Is UN RNOWN. Mac niress cay KY ket N The kb Nsdtit bOoNA ARAN bbs ' eraveky, for auch relia & prog 1 Cle alias ny al slavery iaw viel ef ’ ’ i a ely Hlear r " dat A 4 N rn > Wr} “ Northern Democrats veed not go tins far Dusky ime NUT whew To BXTRND) STAVE gy, BUT ONLY AGREE TO TTS EX TENSION, AS A MATTER OF RIGHT ON OUR PART. They may prefer ther wns al svatemnt ira. Vt ia best that 1 Our friends are conserva ves at home--and conservatives of t wG “er eof ret f mnar Lig f | vf Stat nlof Feder tititione. Put ow they aN yer fer t rown il evste they w ave te adinit this Inv ! rs ula RUGITPTL AN IMATE, and sanctioned alike by the oy ne and ranages of mankind, anp 1 AN ION A ! EXPRESS INJU NO TT OF TURE ] cannot: consistently tain that slavery is mineral, entior per fane, and vet ¢ t mit t Atensiol eo We v that we nfter hed trothes Lb t 1! time 1 ’ \ arrived \ eT, thre nfferan can no longer be postpent J Tit TREE ISSR SHOULD STAND OUP SO BOLD HAT No ONB MAY MISTAKE PY ANDCALMEY Wie A } tamenad Now, which is right, the Thc hnquerer, the leading Democratic pape in Virginia, which advocates boldly slave ry extension, of Mr Loco candidate for Vice President, who, Breekinridge, the mocrat” is now traversing the entire Nor- thern States “shrieking for freedom,” inaking inflamatory speeches, and collect- ing money and raising men for bleeding kK Misas ” It is a fact that the reeently elected Governor of Maine is a Democratic Sen- ator of the United States, and has been | always a Deuwerat. It is a fact that three-fourths of the leaders of the Black Republican party , are of the Dunoeratic school of polite cians Itisa fact that Freanont himeelf—the Black Republican candidate for the Pre ridency — has always been a Democrat of rst water, and was clected as such, and by Democrats, to the U.S. Senate. It ie a fact-—the blackest fuct of all— that the firet Black Republican ever sent to ( the South ia a Deano erat, aid was clected by Democratic votes mipress from We allnde to FL P. Blair, Jr., of Missou r Leich il Whiy. a THE MOLE CRICKET A correspondent of a Philadelplia tnayvazine has tne wines No insect of the cricket hind is so ex traordinary in ite appearance and habits as the achela g ylotal pa, commonly known as the mole cricket. The colour ia of a dirsky brown, and at the extremi tv of the tail there are two hairy appen- ‘Lhe body consists of eight scaly he thorax is covered with a ! k shield. Bat a moss ar of this insect, from whieh it reeeived its name, is the term of ts fore-fect, which spread ont precise!y like those of the mole, are strong, we bed, and hairy, and terminate in separate ( This curious insect is mach lar yer Fure pe than in this country, ar and annoving p banks of canals, noch more tronblesome It often andermines the and deat scxtensive fields and vegeta le gardens, by devouring the of the }! ts ineing the »wither and It zenerally rons bs ward and is said te burrow faster even than the mole tecil. Gardencrs specially detest tia insect, vight it will run al a furrow, robbing it of ita en tir stents; for 1g can escape it if can wit lirect cnee pene tra aleve, beneat seldom vento day Crene and t [hese insects prefer st meadows, and the banks of rivers 1 small streams They excavate ber. ath the urface a chamber about the size of a sina F egg, carefully sinoothed and ed, where are deposited a handred rimore eggs of a dnaky vellow eolonr Tie egygsa atched in aveut a mont ‘ * | g the parertin every ny “ Z a ra g Fh sft { a light rR " They are very careful of their eygea and the passajre lea g tothe cell where they are depos rections, beside apa t star There ix acer f. ten att | aft v vemy, Dut the beetle f 1 be dius insect n m wl ere a ve w f but tw } 1 en any whe they at have ‘i ' One wa ‘ red) bY An ’ Hlartford, ( necticn s preserved mn our ow cahinet { ento m x Al spre nena; tl ther was also taken in Hartford by Mr Henry a Good win, by whom itis still preserved The last mentioned is a remarkably fine sp cimen, and was captared during a severe shower, which brought i ont: from its place of retreat, as these insects are t markably fond of moist i eu vi Ulimeost as we no Water a tof it o-. MOUAMMEDAN FREEMASONS f Mohammedan Freema firined, whose tenden Tho exietence aons in Turkey ia ev, signe, and other modes of recognition are identical with those of inasons in the sotntries Kur pe These DBeltasechi eo | Dorvisbes, as they are ¢ led in Turkish, were, however, looked upon by the Porte sect, and asa non recey YI religions in freesoil Indiana, opposes slavery ex asa non recognized relig ? the property belonging to the order was te vu ; : re : ' therefore confiscated, in consequence of Wo ask the people of the south, w which they have continue d ever since to are called upon to support Buchanan and act with great caution, and hold their Breckinridge as the peenliar champions Jodges ins secret. The religion of the of Sonthern Rights and honor to noties i presents the | greatest approach Belitasel ' gainst using cheap cloth for Grain Dba idleness, which sometimes blinds us to its nature—we seem, ‘te ourselves and) others, to be occupted,*But what is the: resalt of it all ¢ time,” whether it be in “unprofitable! sinall talk, or in constant idle reading, or 3uchanan vie- svil Jocalities—in order to propitiate as|leader of the freesoil and abolition co-|sauntering over some useless piece of as in his power the dominant abvli- horts in Kansas, is a Demoerat, was \ate-| work,” issurcly not “redeeming the time;” and yet how many days and hours are thus unprofitably wasted, and neither ourselves nor others benefitted! All women who have much leisure are liable to this fault; and besides its own sinful ness—for surely waste of time is a sin— it encourages a weak, unonergetic frame of mind, and is apt to produce cither apa thetic content in trifling occupation, or a restless desire of excitement and amuse nent, to help on the weary time these tri fles cannot kill. Those who have their ‘own disposal, with perhaps no definite daty to oceupy them, should guard rego- Intely against waste of time, make du ties for yourselves; fix hors for your different occupations , do with your might whatsoever your hand tindethtodo; and earefully, conscientionsly ascertain which of your employments is not worth all this care; have a wotive, a reason for alt vou do, and Irequently examine rourse] ves as to whut you are doing; and surely you will find tine too precious to be either ejnandered, or frittered, or idled away Littl Things. see —_ GRAIN BAGS. Onr Shippers of Grain are warned a exchange a large mount of grain has been seriously daway ed in transportation to a Southern market by the use of cheap bags. Consignces wil! not receive grain pat in their bays as “yood order and condition.” Dear in mind the best article is always the cheapest in the end. In this connection we wonl-| remark that an article of cloth is now manufactnred by oor townsman J. McDonald Esq., which is better adapted to the parpoee of trang por- ting grain, than anything we have here as we notice in au tofore seen of the kind. We do not say this in order to “Y uff the Concord Fac tory, Lut Lecanse we take pride in seeing urown town going abead of her ne bors in every enterprise. Con 1 (race lle = FROM TWAVAN A New Orvtans, Sept. 16 Advices received at this IIa cana, epeak of a difficulty the Mexican Government and tish Minister, which resalted ir de manding hic passport. The steamer Tar cting naval forces at Ilavana Mexico, to back uj (an was ¢ to procs the Ib tish dewand WHIG NATIONAL CONVENTION FIRST DA The Natioual Whig Convention ass led at Baltimore, Maryland, in the Ha f the Maryland Institnte, at 12 lock n Wednesday, the 17th Wm. uiey, heq , of Marviar arose and sail | en requested by t Maryland 1 to ca ( 2 tion to or romMINAL X-Crove Washit ft New York, as t porary ehairinan. (Cheer The ju 1 be ry tak t was 4 1 upanim isly in the affi aay Mr. Ilunt was then escorted] to t stand, and, when quict had been rest ed, addressed] the Convent as follows Grentlemen: I receive this expresston of your kindn and conticle with en de which it wonld be dif langnaye to etpresa In retur t ve mys re ana wledyments Wi ave nbled, gentlemen, at a most critica interesting fournat al pre. gress. For the first time in our history we behold two formida ple parties organ ized on sectional and geographical ditfer ences, contending in tierce and hostile ar ray for the possession of the Executive power of this Government We have a sembled, in the name of the Constitut and the Union, appl Au ral t the patnoftism, the rease 8 judgine nt of the American people to se] arate these violent and reckless hat ants; y above all, | upon the Wh ys of the Union to it peace Loud s; and We propase pose and « mimand the chevts Sixty years ago George Washingt the Father of his ( ountry, (cheers) as a last and most precious legacy which he could bequeath to his « warn ed the American peop! ymen, against thet ation of parties founded upon geograplhn cal distinctions. This morning, as [ gaz ed upon the form of that venerable an illustrious nan which stands at the head of the most glorions monument that has yet been reared to his memory, [loud ap plause 5} as I contemplated those serene and majestic features, methonght T saw a shade of sad and melancholy st Iness over his brow. In another moment it appeared to mo that he frowned indig- | nantly upon the attempt which is now making to alienate one portion of our country from the rest, and toenfecble the sacred ties which link together the vari-, ous parts. [Applausce. | Will the Aimerican people listen to the warning of Washington? Will they be animated by the spirit of patriotism and devotion to country which seeks to blend and harmonize those interests which con- stitute us one nation ‘and one people — Will they set their faces against the forms of sectional and geographical parties, or ; What Hannah Moore | will they yield to the suggestions of ras- (ing questions—-a cau calls “a quiet and dull frittering away of | sion, of ‘violence, and of local prejudice ¢ responsible for the That is the appeal that is to be made.— | We have assembled on this occasion to do our part towards rescuing our native, land and its free institutions from the dangers that surround it. JApplause. | Let us proclaim that there shall be no ye- ographical parties perinitted to seize the Government of our country, and to rend the Union which has bound ns together so long and made usa happy, prosperous, and united people. [Applause.] Itis a singular pe most beautiful coincidence. | gentlemen, that on this very day, the 17th of September, 1776, the farewell address of Washington was issued to the Ameri can people. (Loud applause ] dt bears date September 17th, sixty years ago, and serves to show that nothing less than the whole expense of the American conti nent which belougs to us could contine his patrivuc thoughts and aspirations. Instead of dating it at any locality, it is dated * United States,” | clicers,| showing to the whole country that art Its great in terests, its precious hopes, its future des tiny and glory were identitied with his last thoaylts and aspirations It has been eaid and proclaimed from the press, and perhaps from the palpit, that the Whig party is disbanded and gone, thatits career is closed. Attempts have Leen made to fourm new parties and new combinations growing out of those uufertanate differences to which | have alluded. Inthe North many of our peo- ple have becu excited to an -unfertupate degree by the oceurrences of the dast fev tnonthe Politicians and de ed npon the susceptibility of the popular mind and wrought apon the feclings of the people until too many look apon this confederated Union with extreme indif the unfortunste gues have sciz ference ; and ever since repeal of the Missouri comprounise there has beep a tendency mong too many, men of both sections of and disposition a the Union to tako extreme, imprac ticable, and reprehensible grounds of op position—one section against the other, to see which shall obtain the mastery ir the great strugyle for power and ascend ancy lor me, get n, I have resisted, I shall resist as long aa life lasts, every at teinpt to divide this Union into confliet ing sectious, Cheers.| Let us labor , with fidelity and zeal, to bring the people back to a just view of the ) obligations, to stand mp it forbid the with patriotist r national their might reckless FG an: schemes of disumion agitators in both sec tions of the Union. Let as persuade ther ver of persoatio t! rivony, which we are | uninpaired, and give t esore wit yrutany dim r fringeinent A pplanee Crentlenre I deny the WI ty is ( It st ex sta eer ttered, to be sure v desert f Vits ranksand abande spre es bat there is st an pat sand, extending ove t th and breadth of this. | ” \ c ve forward and serve ‘ y noder that ¢ sand t red a Ap plans | ‘ thatt the Powers of the eart vided servative pring pl na te transact s a tor the N rthor the Seuth.t and All ive cerns of this wide-spread conntry. These wt theefforts lit Var Jects, great, worthy all patriots and statesmen, at mea degree of pleasure which T cannot exvpress to se sO INANV inte gent oar tizens assemolit ere on this PAErTotie ( from all the Sta occasion South, ft: both sides of Sedey Sern g and car vm Knowing ! from one or thy COLLIE 7 ther mac thers, it ed all bi representing © peo ple,determit oO nove together to pre our institutions. It gives me joy to witness snch a spectacle, such a reun yn of old Whigs, still faithful to the Con stitution and the Umion Applause | But Tam detaining you tov long, ¢ serve en ean ~ tleinen. It is tinie for us to proceed to the business of this Convention. An im- yortant Presidential contest is before na. ‘iree organizations oecupy the field: one representing extreme Northern views, urging the people of sigfcen States there to combine together and take possession of the Government of the United States. | God forbid that we should soil our hands | by any connexion with a party based up-| on such sectional - issaesand purposes. {Applanse.} On the other hand, we sec a party representing what thay be consic- ered the extreme South@a view of pend- which ig mainly of our aftuirs at this time, and which has| thrown the whole country into discord and violence. 1 take it for granted that none ofus are | prepared to identify ourselves with a par-! ty which rests upon an extreme counter | roposition, npon the principles of array-| jing one section of the Union against) another. What, then, is to be done! It is fur yon to decide, in the names of the Whigs of the United States, whether we shall select another candidate whose an tecedents are both patriotic and national, | who would adninister the Government for the equal minon good of all sections, or whether we shall take the field as a] party, nominating’ a Whig candidate for, the nd Vice Pres dency. I will not undertake to indicate what poli cy should be persued. It deserves your serious thouzht and coosideration. It is a great qnestion for you to decide. My idea is, and | will make free to say here—for this is a | ’resider land of tree speech, and [ am accustomed to speak iny opinion with perfect franknes that our trae policy at this time is to organize the Whig party, all that remains stil] wr less—for powerful in numbers and position —to net o turn the scale of this election and of a man true to tie Constitution and the Uniou. {Applause Let us form o fit, whether wore secure the choice irsel ves Into a nauional guard to watch Vigilantly, to labor au ! strive to defend the Constitution of our conntry Applause Let us proclaiin, in the language once employed by ana tlowal m, ** tla national guard knows how to die, but it knows not how to surrender.” [Cheers I thank you again, gentlemen of the Convention, for the kindness which you have extended towards me, and assure you of my hearty and zealous co-opera tion with you in all measures which may seem calculated to strengthen the found-+ ation of our institntionsand bring ns near er together, to brighten the golden links of the chain that binds us t all the efforts necessary to trample down and discourage all attempts to array one portion of the American people the other I have n yuard on another occas ~gether—in against v the honor to ann this Convention that it isin order wt proeeed to the Luasiness of this assembly and to take the neceasary eteps foray cr anent rundzation of the body: and it will giver pleasare fo receiv 4 } ig) at MALy be sabmitted for that prs It has been suggested to me a ! ias itt his possession a ¢ ewell Address of Washingt save alluded, dated Lith S a worthy of your considerat vot be An MApprepriate inane r proceedings to have read s of that precions gros} rf that portion of itin reter ence to stile s taphical fa 8 Cries of “read, HIimnaw Ke of New Ye real t interesting portions of the Farew Address of Washington, ns low dear Aman} t yu tv A ir «a oro As 3 ay t iF te uct pains w t AK a tifices employed Teak y « ‘ } 1 A vz t . iter Lexter t A C ant ‘ au t w vertiv ands sly ‘ 3 fi 7 that vous re rives 1 inense v \ r Tt) ' vour ¢ a t i \ - weris A ‘ vi, a i ATTA \ tominy bs think a fot as of alla \ sal ! } < t Zz preserva w ! soa ‘ ‘ ’ \ uf ‘ aa = A ig t t aS) \ \ 1 i th P riteant: t cache : w how k < r va + parts For this s 4 ead fs pua \ ‘ ~ ( 3 r ¢ 4 1 VM € \ at , wa vw t ent iff , I un America whi 1 ws tu i ey r nationa CAPAacits t st AlWaVS ONAL tiie ast pr t ot patr isin dnore than any appetiat derived trom local discriminations. W shght shades of difference, vou have t saine religion, manners, habits, and yp» ical principles You have ina comn Canse fomylit ands tr umpt ed tovet Phe in depe wee and hiberty vou pos ——— — efforts of common D, os seas are.tho, work.of joint. mon dangers, eal igs, and successes. tah “Jn contemplating the éauses’ which may disturb our Union, it’oceeras's matter of serious concern that ‘an should have been farnished for izing parties by geographical disertaine, tion, Northern and Southern, Atlantic aad Western, wheyce designing men may’@n- deavor to excite a belief that-therg isa real difference of local interests and One of the expedients of party to influence within particular districts You cannot selves too much apne the jealousies heart-burnings which spring from, ' misrepresentations. They tendto alien to each other those who to. bound together by Traternal aftpations” “T have already intimated to you: the danger of parties in the State, ‘with: ps ticular reference to the-founding steam on geographical discrimination. Lethe now take a more. comprehensive vitw, and warn yon in the most solemn mimti- ner asainst the banefal effects of the epi. it of party gencrally.” Mr. Thomas, of Virginia, was then nominated as temporary Seeretary~to keep a record of the meeting, and the tullowing committee was appointed to ze- port permanent officers for the Conven- tion: sinly| TLon, James D. Green, of , serdered condition | sorts; Rush, Faller, Connell. Fravcis Grangor, New York ; G. MeChesney, New Jersey ; David | Brown, Pennsylvania ; John Jomes, aware ; Hon. John G. Chapman, (4 land; James ©. Bruce, Virginia; If. Bryan, North Carolina; James W- Jones, Georgia; L. B. Hansford bama ; Thomas: Mount, Miseissippi 7 BM. R Jannings, Louisiana; Wm. Y. . Ohio; John S. Mce¥arland, Ken : Edward Coopér, Tennessee ; Hon. James E. Blythe, Iudiana; D. A. Brow Wi- nois; Thornton Gritsley, Pitan god P. Sanderson, Florida; J. M. Graham, Arkansas. The coinmittee, having retired to per- form the duties assigned thew, aftet s brief interval returned and sabmittedthe fullowing report: * For Presid: nt.—Hon. Edward Bates, of Missouri. Fur Vice Prexidents.—J oa. Paxtos, of Pennsylvania; Lather VY. Bell, of Maasa- chnsetts; Dr. Janes W. Thomeoa,.of Delaware; Clarles P. Krevaley ofe@Qen- pecticut; James A. Hamilten, of Mew York ; Charles Stratton, of New Jersey ; Ezekiel F. Chambers, of — land; Wyndham fbegpres call ly Gov. Wm. A. Graham, of North na; Elbert A. Holt, ewe $ 3 Foute, of Mississippi; Dr. George ° Campbell, of Louisiana oer ig Trimble, of Ohio; Henry I. neaa, Keytucky ; Joun Shanklin, of Indians ; Walter Coleman, of Tennessee ; Pi a: Matheny, of Hlinois; Gov. Wm C. Lane, of Missoari; Juhn Finney, of Florida ; k. A. Holbrook, of Arkansas; G. T. Der- tie, of Georgia. ov For Secretariee.—Laz. Anderson,’ of Ohio; Janes M. Townsend, of Copneéti- cat; Ion. Thos. Jones York, of ° W.°3.3 E. V. Machette, of Ps; E508, Kenedy, of La.; Jas. H. Charles, of Maz Cob gdon, of N. Y. These nominations were unanhnoa@ly confirmed, when Mr. Bates, amid maeh enthusiasm, was conducted to the elpir by a coinmittee appointed for that par | YY r ant pose, and uy assuming the duties of lis position addressed the Conventios, as follows Gentlemen of the Convention: This is 1 great day. [Applause.) I hope. it will not be belittled by my presence as your head npon this platform. You have heard it solemoply announced to you £hat tisthe anniversary of that glorious.Je- ch the Father of his Commtry ; and now, trusting in the el ce of God, L confidently be- eve itis the dey of the regeneration and ion and rejavenation of the ns old Whig party. [Loud ‘7? ne Gentlemen, we have been’ eal- Whigs. I am not etattly snre that it is the correct appeliatioa.— gacy wh ’ ns ali } For my own part they call me apalé 3 1 I will not call myself-a Gane, a lit, af stop, @ ‘s riod, whenever yoo propose to me to abandon the opinions of cit 1 to adopt the new- inventions of the present day. We are rcreut nation, but we are eB. vast nation. The worthy colleague of mine, , nored with a seat rm, has jnst completed # jeur- n the West im nine and there are mew in talk about severing in vlecding fragments sach a wm inv home forty honr 18 8 (rent en, we the Old l-dit Wiis, line Whigs, or f they may bé eo eall- ive Lad a privilege which falle to t few men. We have lived te F vitnaries, and to find that, strife of lite is past, nothiag: is e 2a ft load by our adveraaries t what is gnod Laughter and <e een the fashion With with w yon and I have been ling t iny years, after the r, and they thought we ir political graves, and 1 of the Constte- land dispersed so. that the citadel of oar liber- t to sider it safe to praige ws, 1 me us to praise our- Was Luile victory, but to re- ' re-inspirit oar- tiuht that lies be- \ ct not him who ior boast, but he that We are be- lves. Let me speak ti regard to the eoan- anid ot tines For these twenty- rave been benighted in e tical adversaries. They ii triumphant that, eeas- gto fear the known and ancieut ad- varred against each other, nal and tem wise conflicts. In the the bonds of party had rer weak, when the universal senti- peter recess had prevailed t the nation, new theories were nents tried, wild, taact t It t Victory t is¢ Yrs ‘ ub a w“ victory by the W ence fearful, and oppressive legislation plan- wed, and schemes for personal agyran- _Mimement sought to be carried out. They have set up the elemeuts of power and wealth and grandeur for the individual gnd not the nation: they have brought gil their influences into requisition, and have left us behind, Lave outstripped Us ea the railroad car outstrips the steed. What is our office here! 1 have said that the Whig party of the United States were the body d of the Constitution. [| Applause. |— wek or strong, whether in victory 0} Gofent, its glorious banner has stood uutaruinied when its great and glorious leaders Lave dey @teded to the comb, leaving behind a name that OM animate vor children and grand clublres | oft posterity la my consciene: 1 tahiere you have dome as mach good! serie country when in the winonty as is the ey: that yoo have stayed the dow? ward tone @F of things, have resivted the proclivity to des q@artion, have soanded the warning voir it theme of danger, inviting these # ho have been eh Qemsted with ihe (rurernment of the cuumiry Lo coll esder the origin of their power ty and w lem (hey mused teuat for support. Iris a matter deeply om bedded ia the philosophy of buman nature, 4p plicable to al! pariics of men, that when they and weak aad need protection they recor t apace because they 3 ' that lo vour manget t + UEC ERNE their success and defence. Bat when they come strong in power and bloated with wealth others gad desire to exercise coutrol over goo prtacipics are in the way of ambitive, and ar therefore cast aside. Bech » the hutery of car cowatry Wien ever there & a Presidestial election, ated mic are guxiows to retain power they possess, appeals are wande to ail the Pyaghear are covjured ap which do not exist; fatal comeeqzences arc predicted which cannot be expected to take }“ace. We are tokl, ae eeubseutly told in some portions of the Union, the uwion of these Sutes is in danger — Now, that is an old crv 1 bave beard very of that ube integrity and pativanlity of this eed giorwus Uuson was put ia jropan'y the strife of party , bat ] beliewed it not y fether fought at Yorktowr and perhays there #: pot a man here whose aDcestors, If not Dimmeeif——for | seo many old and gray beaded wee bere—did mot carry the mosket and face the egemy in the contest that tried men’s souls Bed 1 do not believe that the Giovernny @ould be worth: of the venersiion whech I was asa child to bear towards it if wet ataad al! the trials and assaults (o { headed from party sirife and comtentiom. WV! went be the permanency of that (rorerus whieh cannot resist the occamunal bu! tou Weak inde! mn would l« aad iW subversive of the fundas tal prs eipte of Whig doctrine, if that Groverniment a wpos that hagber law of the Demme qouep which looks only Ww the bWinporery ADU Geetusting will of men, to be brought forth wyon soree erm | do at that. 1 believe im the eterpity of the shor Uaioe of Sister | Applause } F believe tt Apbslieve that ins i the stron Govera went this day upon the face of Une g me stroe thas any depuimm o Burop- <¢ mon cvmelry apn the face ff the world Grey have ehected an Emperor, The power tha ected bim as cach can . weed. There » no more { y otables!s of tae, the Gandation, ghia fomm t @ Whig principles, than that man can res cleat aowler l thie rights aed daues writicn ma teen Thos depend not upon the fuctusting and tow) of men. They are wt like 1 -w eonry of Athews, that ore day coudemm us © Lene ret to tbe powmvoous bemiock, amd the wen dows im surrow be ture bis tomb a evects a marbic wonament | be wot the Government oar fathers fought & We ase mmemble) bere not to bie memory That dim-uss th geseral principles of government. | ku ) ae gow Wh of rou would not be her: We herve wederguee 3 Picring proces We har been weakened sod dinbant J broag).t back tthe secemity of obeying t njapet Waskington an) recurnez Ww firt + phe We are pour, weak, aed Le! wet, thank Gad, tbe broad fonds ) fa em are aul! ich we cur eneinns ba nly be ihe wo tear down be saperttracture Wee belld wp eo grat and sistely peiace. a more fertnble atwnie than ow Gabor bol Tt will ot be expected of om of taste ws oi a out of twoe jus wilug ‘ im tn elaborate’ speech Weare bt » Viet te what | come & | base ) ened mikes, ond woold bare come thr wpere te beng beck thy country & ¥ a a fothers iwtended * should te = | cam @eork, We have to rebaikl a yi has euthing lat te princples = eet for cftme wor boners. for thal» hepeices task wmder pret mt carcupetam +. © our party thrvwzbuet the cvsntry weak to bsi« a camiudsic of te orn = 6M eclet, fd we ine jo geri, » Gree candidates heat are we | Naps ae prey With howd Least the ra atect Dremu cm y call op ot " mot beesuee they are go~ A lowe ws, OA, it ee yual’y ert mabe promises Jf better bbe at becnone they ba ~ A good man can stati a T knoe deeds of Whigs wh for they could 0-4 mu the detence of ther cale It ze can do ed aed alas Le teekes paris, a» vous fur our fr we [Great Cleern If Use profiza’ © tern w uw wee 1 m Sith «4 Jebeers ) and f be fas bupeet!s regs be » as if he bad vt we, lpraum a dangerous cov oo f hem a brttle remnant Whig pa we can at |-ns! reorgan'& ~ “ de and beetarea & * eomm ities aeraige elie 8 Z apolog's lnoge a jar') wish hx euclosure & MEDet~ ‘ ) Qroagit ea! Ne of Mrsoun are > —they rise it {Laugier | wp in email! pachass ad b 4 s fe avd sp; Baur | tell you ov eee revrerened old yo . pect predener, + - mw lente when | see waiicned 4 ” young wer. fr Ohm of youtl day fort s oats. . Oe \ deol: a ‘ elie end grows 4 ter.) bu “ ait ser value as they Lake preeiums stot * of the haman cbeart what a Whig is; the way-faring man, though a fool, knows tha. We peed uot write oul a long string of reso] utons and call ita platform, passed by the impulse of the moment aud abat- another jimpujse comes over Us, {Applause.] We have the mea who, though dead, yet live. We have a written Constitution —a better platform and much easier interpreted because it bas no arttul ambiguities ina. (Ap- au occasional dark pptts- doved when It may have pretine.) but ut bas wo elcborate contrivance sage ib if, any Where in it Vien Jet us ge on in duve and peace aud har mouv, bound tun ther by the external pressure which we teel on ail sides around us, hooped in firinly as wales, and banded together in be compact brotherh: 1. Let us study no geogra piv, laughter) ask about ho t Hie, Wor prepeal the degonary ahd giwe Dew Weaninss words, Do none of hese things which Dem ovrats have doties Got in the elinple sponitof Ai erean Whiggery stand forth as Whics ever etuud ip the mvulal Liat is a thing that bas wrown hater weer bor beter, aod b the wisest Quan Who catiies vu privciples, leaving consequences ty Hin whe goverts causes. ( A} pisuse.) Gentermen, FE vill not trespass upon your time, Other business ie Sefore us, and, as [said, I cnme bere to work, ly barmouize to hive in peace, and 1 pray te God tet our lator may be such as iat when We are dune we sliall not be ashamed, and that the pul ho May see, as Commng trum Os, the eviiences that we have within us a beauty of order nid a struct of hacmoey and wisdom that flow from unty of minds. [Applause.} sate from each State, was then appointed to pugiit resolut aud ao address to the people f the Uuited ; iY. Conmal, $f Virginia: David A. Brown, Llinois, W. XN. Stroy, Mississippi; George Lunt, Florida; J. H. Gralam, Arkaasas; HH Armstrong, Alabama; Samucl B. Ruggles, N.Y. George W. Morde N. Carolina; J Randolph, New Jemey {Joba C. Clark, Deleware, Naseachusetts; J. 1’. Sanderson, W. Jones, Georgia; Judge J. S. Saffarens, Tennessee; Edward Buedell, Missouri, David Paul Browa, Peunsylvania, W.. Schley, Maryland; James M Townsend, Connec ticut; SS. N as, Kentucky; G. W. Helme, Lousiana. The Convention thee took a reeces until 5 0° luck. to swait the nm port uf the coummittee just EVENING SESSION pest saad that, whilet wanting for the report of the Comaiites and Resolution, be lu] mA koow avy thing more iu erder ina Whig meeting thav sume old flivaed Whig speech “«~ This remark leiog received wih much laugh rand applavee, creas were made fur Gor, tir } } ' watt Not Carolina, who arose aud address eJ the Comvcabun as follows: Nr 1 Jemt, | aww takew by surpmse by Ue eu st made apoa me At very great ineut bowhe to myself, I hase wade au cffort to kb tot this agvasiom, and wher fler mv ar H been “4 bw a place at your side, I ppueed ab weald be my duty 5 ndeavor le aaetsl you tu Prowert s vt omer rather nau to te any partiw th “ us of (hits asmeca bly I state this by way apolugy for net beamg latter abl bo yruuily (be apectalwus of thas gentlemen who have been for we uput ress ty de t * at ewmg eb AO fee me I w bem stud thatthe V ty of ¢ try wr dead! tras eet dated 1 lave been im the da f power! [Cheers If these be Lat its rem what reconera em res doce its = (mo : agm@n into a f \rfe, actio 2 «fulness? = Sir a jremlereate i a jatnvic party whet * ai b pow bas ever «1 ~ ere nary * . siarecialct jw . a power as 8 8 wale a J thos mt chivas ) ar feat * . whey ves sof -—* wer . t ear bes apd. t~ mreiave heer enhance to a deg eich . pe Noe Viicis + ator a . ae + B \ I . “ P « 4 t a { cm le \ may a pore c “ z 1 bttond m is comng on, ar a . * ¢ t-are s - tf “ ’ f Miia rose to thele feet, cheering and waving théir bats iy the air.) . That was the purpose for whieh we ‘came bere, Aad, as | have been led on alfittls to €peak of this matter, [ will illustrate iby an aneedote that occuts tu my mind now. Aveouple having gune before a justice of the peace be martied, and the question having beer put to the man whether he would take the woman to be his wedded wife, why, said he, “T came on purpose for that”? (Laughter and apphvuse.) Phat is the purpose for which we came here; and if we return without having aceomnplished Ut olgect, we shall have disappotuted the expecta tion of those who scout us bere, and perhaps it would be better for us petty return ats all. (Laughter aad applause.) . Sir, that is the vemination whieh the Whigs of this commtry with when Lam best acquainted expect this convention to bake ; andthe magter | beng rather precipitated—for when T arose I did not know that L should go so far—by what seems to be the spontaneous and unaninons ae- tow of every body around ine, T beg leave to say Unt, so for us that tudividual is concerned, T have had some opportunity of knowing what were his nodes of action in relation to public af. fairs and the principks tbat governed him when he was formerly in charge of this Government Aud I beg to say thata man more self possessed, More Just, vrore moderate, more disposed to do Justice to sections of Lhe Union, und at the same tine nore firm of purpose, I beheve docs hot hve in this nation, |Cheers and applause. Under all circumstances, in periods of great en barrassament, such as existed when the reins of power fell into his bands by au act of Lruvidence, Tine (dlomang eummittce, consisting of one del- | when it beeame necessary ta mect a crisis In our affairs such as rarely bas been equalled im our | higtory, surrounded by difficulties on all bands, he approached the task impelled Ly a sense of duty to all sections. He considered what it Leeame him to do, net with the rash hand of vi- olence to gratify ove section of the Union at the expense of the other, Lut as his duty as the Pre sideut of the United States. [Applanse.] These were the characteristics which were ex- hibited throughout his Administration. He did not aspire to distinguish it by great events, whieh might give bim faine at the expense of the coun try, but ever consulted what he believed to be the public mterest, always duiag what he con evived to be justice so far as regards our domes tic allairs, and in our forcign relations he endeav- ored to maintain the national bovor, and as far, as possible peaceful relatious with all the world aod, | besitate not to say—althoush it may seem to saver s omewhat of personal vanity, as I aad connexion with his Administration a great part of the time he had the centro! of the Gov n he left it be left the whole countew ino a condition sati-factory to all us of Ure United States, — ernment— that whe of the parties and alt ports And asl know of mture but by the mode of yadeing of the L hase to say that uf we pact ary Wo have euch another Adtnrostratvien wader country before. [ think the ountry will be satefled. [Cheer] of the South, identified v lirth, education, and ip tu say that from Lom as be gare the cuuntry men ' To inv h them terest, | have rest limits of the Soutb, wit as | ava here wo the far- Millard Fillmore did as ast ice And to my countrymen of the North froin the Canada fronuer to the Pacific ovcan, } bave to say that he did neo less than justice to then Applause.} Le did hes duty to all sections. lustead of standing apon any narrow aliorm which couk! not perhaps have guided bin ome nm or even one week of his A winistralior tuok mn | and the Cuneta tn a aus pas rl ace ee “ vercol. by them was “xy J, and by ’ ae by ed the success whe b attend s A wlrathen Vat Lam , 7 the entiea tuo long Cres of “4 ' 2 } I ruse mered be pa svowhedgung the comph meat ehiah was paul to mein a call anexpoet d me. and rot for the purpese of guing into a wendral d sion erther in relafunm to tbe preetiles of the Whig party, which [ trast need fo Thastratior re. or in relanen to the qaal f * «! T treat, will roeen ve Cunees Having sad n a oon 4 crs af b j N re . ni le i! vo rome “ be Mer 4 by “ ‘\ : st New York & ob st & ‘ } apon this co l . an le» 2 rs od r ‘ ) ay alter ue ° “ ! a f; uly ‘ e I * 4 me rel t h ‘ far @ . ” at New) . ard * | ea aa . ‘ s 4 a a” t mee “ , - wray { r Atria sd ps serva “ piwe ate bern a ate th . r f Ways sy “ pila beret * at ~ « r A war . . o ¢ \ Cnierice.. (land “ « . "i ‘ \ { | . \ a \ f 4 5 took = “ 1 Se Watthmar. the ewig miton of ie Goverment, ood! OT ary gL isch George Washington knew and felt this was a igh re ree ager a nce couvtry of lawe, avd the moment the laws were | SALISBURY. N. C. trarppled vpon, no matter how distasteful to any | | section of Univn, they must be executed, or | ” eemaecs uN son ta) ‘this Government must fall, Thus it was that) TUESDAY EVENING, SEPT, 23rd, $856. }whea rebeltioe first showed its bead in this Ug-| = aoe = r es Non, George Washington assembled, in thein-}" perms OF THIS PAPER $9.00 CASH. clement season of the year, a force more than r half as large as had been at one time the force of our revolutionary army, that he might show ! to the world the necessity of orushing rebellion | to laws in its very incipiency. Applause. I stand not here, iv the miserable, fulsome ov NEW YORK. language of the day, to ie any comparison be- | FOR VICE PRESIDENT, tween the candidate that I advocate and George | 7 Ve 7 Washington, | lave seeu, as connected with ANDREW JACKSON DON ELSON, another candidate, lately, a clergyman undertake | torun a parallel, He run it, as it struck me, | till he found that his candidate was always en- gaged iu rebellion and mutiny, while George | Washington stands alone, applause, and-he whi | undertakes to run a parallel between any living man apd George Washington knows little what) he owes to bis country or to the proud fame! that the reeurds of that country show, — Applause. | Let every Amer consider and confess that FOR PRESIDENT, MILLARD FILLMORE, OF TEN NEDSEE. AMERICAN ELECTORAL TICEET. FOR THE STATE AT LARGE, L. B. CARMICHAEL, of Wilkes, JOHN W. CAMERON, of Cumberland. FOR THE DISTRICTS. Ist District, Lewin Tuomrson, “none Lut binself can Le his parallel.” | a E. J. Wanney, Bat this mach will say: bad the disturb-; aq QO. P. Maaam, ances which now exist ip this country commence: | 4th Jas T. Leerizsoun, cd during the adininistration of Millard Fillmore Sth“ A. J. Steoman, le woukl bave crushed them at the outset.— | bale i Ath Eesow, Loud applause and cries of “ that is a fact.”— | tak “ a aeeiet: Without claiming avy thing for military repu- | tation, standing before the world asa civilian | only, be would bave shown an example to those | DARGAN axvd WARING. of military fame now in high office which would » Ele ‘ is Distri avai wide tiers Gly thar heads toagbier| ae Electors for this Pe eae and applause. What have you seen! I stop} addressed their fellow citizens of Salisbu- ‘not now to enter pon the question of whose | TY in the Court-house on Tuesday even- may be the excess of blame in this agitation ; I ing last. The attendance, eonsidering stop bot to ait the exagy . rnte, © , ‘ yeruted accounts On “| ihe shortness of the notice, was very good. therside ; Lonly say that civil war rages throu, h- out the land, the brother's hands are dipped in} The speakers wore in good spirits and ac- | brother’. blood, and that every return to the | quitted themselves with credit. Mr, Dar- department of your Government they remain a5! gan gustained his side of the discussion dumb as the bleeding victims of this inglorious | ° contest. Saeb would not have been the case un- | der the adiuinistration of Millard Fillmore. Am I asked further why my preference is for | = him! It i because the victory of either the) FI} LMORE axp DONELSON CLUB. other caudidates can do nothing lo quiet the . agitation of bis country. What is true ef com- | A Fillmore iuuities is Uue of pations, and, let either of the; been organized in this town—J. b. Baa, ie r — obtain temporary triamph iv jr., President, and Mr. Auxer Owens, Se this clectios, it is in my opinion but to keep the coutest opea with increased instead of subdued irritation. Canvass it by every thing around. | wk the mea of the South who know the feeling that now exists if they are to withdraw in case of the eleaion of Cok Fremont! | ask my Northern trethren from whem | differ on tins sulgeet are they to sit down quietly and submit! te what they may dishke im the adininistrauon of Mr. Beclapan, should be chance to be elected ty the enti: Southern ¥¢ jotued eth one or more Northern States! N Hat | hetiese 1a wy inmost heart that nothing but the ebection uf Millard Fillmore, or some man ehe could be placsd exactly in bis position, can ever with an ability equal to his well known reputation as a debater. >. end Donelson Club has eretary. ly every Thursday evening. The meetings are held regular- -o Nhool Journal.— We received the first namber of a journal edited by Mr. CH It is well got up, Common have bearing this title, Wiles and if duly appreciated by the pablic, is price 50 cts, neithes ! destined tu accomplish mach goud in pro- tmoting the saceess of the Common Schou! interests in our State. stup this war that is now raging upon var bur — ders Applause The Vutional Jat Uigenece, which lad, [ ought here perbaps to say, as freely as 1 ontil recently, niasittained a position of jare it at the North, that I nomination there made have stood wp to d neutrality in regard to the present Presi { cousider th as having been made entirely upou sectional ground, and nual contest, endorses the acta at no man can for a moment dispate it, There’ National Whig Convention, and goes | leen some numer pon the speec ale bas n « comment opon th ye bo ma Miccanp Frorscour The Intelligencer by Me. Fillmore at Albanr If he had not he | , made that spcech amd been awarled for mehing is one uf the leading payers om” tl wueld mot have been upca the stump, so it Ite dignified and trutiifal character, is ad T P- 9 called, tu defeod bim. { Ap-plause.] Sir, those srouod me well know that although my @mmions were very mitted by all partics ; and the distingutsl, {( @as Ing inteption, Jed, wot to but, whee | ed ability always display cd in its coluains, deur bare entered upon this campaign gives it a position in the minds of all fair saw sentiments so purely palenal aod f commg frou him sized painote men, infinitely aleve the party jvarnals uy on and misrepresent ed, IT anid to myalf, * Well, ff the we the and it i free Agi, count me and applaase | N of the coantry grme . [Langhter frends, bow - “2. ia matter, my The democrats have Leen for a wag time ard the kmorks tween now and next Novem: calling on the okd-line Whigs to come uj ‘ ( mw hfe Py Lle« an > ‘ } . walle Lag |) and help them against the American par Whint was th decir It wast pose ty; andt r presses have exhamated tle bw countr uid sudunt to an Admit whove vocabulary of jhome ved} Tases and che bacted ‘ ’ : — : st cntiemng worus to sec aiver Inper se a There leu) vr Line x ; 1, tar sult or | art ref be« rele ve ~iumte nm? No, neso tant result Nor hare eir cflorta beet but with a wer in Congress that can ent rely withont sucecss A few WI x on tte ¢ tratch of the ( rm At fa t ycartotl! c:nocratic toent, aind with wer \dem attve Galnicmd.y lo syren, and are now feciing rather a teular peeticn of the country, do sow suy : ne it coakd gu ve kw a moth sithost bmg furtable, we think, in the eubrace of th tlemked f Look at it A practeal point ot jade whom they a rceently stigmatised tee and Mr t « pot ngt ) , : we f M wa enght Ail ag g harlot, ote do with the gailt of ma { Lave to eg ™ rfernng ton as a Northern hay ra Sout mbne, aod shwid WY Cri hes 6ye)n® : . ye jcace wn two theee States and wellare [de atic editors have te ‘ Lies ’ Leaneared thes all cwee with praises, * ] v A ’ ° he 4 and riggee " ‘ ench a rato « \ oh 4 . Ai cog teas 1 ok ribbons and gilt l va the “ J * most entirely every old east of feature Dy and yjersenal klentity We « Sdently ' f a ‘ mi ketaa wd u e 1 : expect that at least one of these victime « ng. [Care of tro ro ¢ | 1 was shot to bas alled urwa to addran to the seductive arte of democracy w vr e comm i tLee #hc 1 the end, be worked p fora CroveMs ried ay one word lo Another w probal } et tat rf r party * ' v < \ 8 / = Ss pnate andl the balan ‘ i} at art has ever ex 4 ea MS Lo. = : r r ry vanety Bat then there isa best of old Whips =, olin rilieappoiniments wise hearte are in t git place, a ho whee anuld Whig, ; 1 Ww) "a och ts es ecctinnl. won jndgment and expenence te a thet dire bcm North and Souk themn to give 1} ter the af ck r | tae that wt has earned oo the mocracy for bel; They rer y partly ama b g* t t t | ] ) past wilh the prem ' \ sar ty Seogh s ; soir lice eeio! ut } A ’ ark cata sath knew oe that there were tase Nocti ne of grosa errors tr ] * herabed «ona al f g and tmal-adininistration in pal } A : t } « \ 1 haa it be ad wo Ptrust polls itee)f before th and te oo \ anee of some fe 1 sort in the erow4 at A the han Micy turn away with bate we occured, a wi t apeaker remarked Daltimore Convention was the embod wm b} 1 J did pot be ment of thie host, and did then and t r (0 Ube) Wye saghter) Calle: reneoscnt it tical I feel epreseen 8 “rut ‘ views r ree iws sore per 4 , aker to g ch , eet , z ~ : S They deelared for Fillrnore and the | “ Z ] ) and against t e sectional candidates, Buc * ® amy hanan and Fremont. For those men, and we s bualy of n here as A ; ; , , for that action, the democratic presses A stand s trikes 3 at. as had reserved their hottest tl Jer bolts f or rt t ly | pposing par f denuncia n, ane y we how bet enialia ehacly caatithear akan - . . © them loose The Wa + Vnion w inf tis t y of gallant ; r Se je foremost in ite efforts te pain over the rine that ! ail we r fnghten Whig strength, secing int action af v st etroy them from the late Convention an end to all ite la Millard I fwenty days : 1 sora in that direction liate apen ‘ , all = iY ni ’ ie teat ip 3 edits batter‘es, atid nines Lites fi : bia M 1 Of course the ditthe pop guns ofthe part ‘ | ul all over the connt " t flv att ‘ Baltimore Convention, and cvory attenipt ‘ , t Viton they WHL be inade to destroy the effect of their . ener patriotic and pratseworthy devotion te meek Coma the couttrs Bat tet the y le fead the wid ry Yea, ween } tt ( ae: re ~dingsof this onvention ] jar {on ) beat ProCcceving at vent calin \ . . ce = ny ly consikler the truths annur by Bade ' Willipware toni the distinguis ed gentlemen who deliver ‘“ at where ycan find Whig ed addresses there, and npon those, the \\ ‘ r ~ Resolotions adopt d, and the perilous ; tthe ban. Condition of the ¢ ry, brought on by (ilard b ] way thie democratic adin stration, make up whlhodoon thetr verdict lefine for themechves the rok ha Vine of duty, and boldly strike for the sal sta ' yin ours, [leu ap vation of the Union, peace at home, ami \ ty with the Nations of the world,and the ry lasting fame and glory of Aincrica as the lic affairs, they have come forth aud put! THEODORS #0 themselves upon the record- ‘inscribed | ot ie dae ‘their names on the rull of the country and | wher sew para entered on service as a National guard.) pear sic: Your letter of msignitiog 14 B We ask that they shall ke heard, and iff aud Supetintepdeut, handed to me Yeaterduy (3 recing re rate: «salt ia Oi or ny Pee ale j Presi MORK On: ar We give ap nearly our entire) Deat Sit: ‘The President’ of the Je. | Georgio Rall’ Road Coenpany: Ii aad epace this week, to the speeches, Gig ec geed we tha dale 0h 4 (eee : 1 ¢ ce Nad only free, representative government on jthe earth. ts : \ Jon venti Balti-} i : llivered in.the Whig Convention at | and I hyve accepted it-with or tnatnes br more. We commend thei to the carc-'gm to be at! by the ful attention of our readers. t ; ; ; ae ‘ S ibe seen what the old-line Whigs think Gg) Fagen ww sca — pvr ienred |the contest vow going on in this COUREFY: | eove to ral pages = prs = Having no candidate of their own, large: perintendentof your Toke take Mud ily in the infnority, with no hope of party | may be convenient to you, betweod thip : x i ; 1th of Octuber, Said ‘ithe : tiont ; aggrandizement, they are in a posi ion to soon sok woh bn etoncl cm decide in régard to the clits ofthe candi-! ciisur, Leball boat with 10 @ moet ae dates now before the couptry more PNTC- of the kindurse ond courtery lynifurway ab oo. ly in reference to the good of the Nation by yourself avd all with whom Ihave’ boon “engas i" io your Road. . Wend ‘ : | From the exporiewce of the an have a common interest in all that con-) 4) ome peel sacenteenee , eae men cerns the weal or woe of the land ; and | confident in expeouing the oplnivm, thet nt feeling that they had a duty to perform as | peny wilhhe able co pay ardividedd Of elf por cent for ouching ° sent condition of pub. |e year 1657-8, , touching ‘the present conditivy 1 ] sd sociale ng a It will here | sooner it ppract than any other party in oxistence. They a . ; f sol ress | ¥> mach regret, for she bes of yout valuable «: they speak forth the words of sole: se od die sce wane pansy | been so long cuspeeted. Tt in well kpowp te me how laborwas aud diffioult have been your duties inthis working uf @ new Road—duties thet you hae met Rowan Agricultural Fair.—The an- housed cvergy and efficiency te my eatign ast- tow! tar nou! Fair of the Rowan Agrieoltaral So- | “ath ciety willbe held at Rowan Mills, ont the! en pigs er : > rig: tinge” » 2d Thareday in October. - and truth, let all men consider how far it is safe or proper te oppose them, - on | your part, ard as the compensation is ro mach more justly remmmerative than hero, 1 have edvied Frost.—We have lad at least two) yea os afriend Ww accept it. [hin proper for me to . » sates . Pl a joy, that you agreed tu seeept the of Engi white frosts within the last week ; and oe and bee on 3 a # the weather, zenerally, indicates an early | quest, and dave not sought professional ere Fall. A severe killing froat, at this tiine, | elsewhere sinee. : would certainly prove disastrous to the) Ht wil —- as pharma! that thee ie a F a era: ;, | 00 man wie! whom you have been nssocinted onthe Tobaceo erop, which, however, is = [aiary ak sive as eae vated to quite a Jimited extent in this feces you, vad whe would sot folet me bd Sas immediate region of country, We 800 It) beat whee for your futare welinge. stated that a great deal of Tobacco in 1 am with high regard Western Virginia has Leen destroyed by Yous gel ia frost. Teecoose 8. Ganarere. Yorfolk and Peterohbary Railrvad.— The papers ef these cities are rejoicing that the directors of this road have made _- Query. -The New York Day Book asks if there is any truth in the tomer Beecher nsee the Krenmont song book la bis charch in place of bis own collection wirehase of iron, aud that an advantagerne pure nace i. of psalms and hymen! * the layiny of the track isto be commene ed forthwith. ft is expected that the WILMINGTON MARKET - Se ptember 47, ma whole roate will be completed by the first <<. }B8WoON, N C., reed, malt of October 1537 There will then be al cogs mn oo ailroa from Norfolk to Memphis, in COFFER, Bho, tha ¥ rai road line from Nor Memphis, in A “pon ates Tennessec. COTTON, ~ om 7 PEATHERS, ats ; FLOUOUK, Pevetterie, 1M aie Tunnelling the Blue Ridge Mountain, MOLrsst8, Cube, wie Dae Riehinend Dispateh ony tlie in an “, Nu oe : br Incense Work will soon be accomplished, salt, stem, ln -¢ rwvembe . ] : Berk 145 a 188 and by the ev November there will souaa. NO. 00 0 00 toe ** chany bag lit rugh the monntain, “ oP Rime, Wie dt [his will) eirorten the tise between the W MEE s ome WHEAT 123 o 135 ternuni of the Cortral luulroad at least: FLAXSEED, 140 2 150 one hour, aud allow Leavy freight trains ———— to pass WE ARE NOW READY | es our (rheude, with coe of the largest and meat compicte G@utks of FALL & WINTER Goons, ever ered m Salehury, « Demese Dry Goode; Buh ( ware and Caler). Queessware, Drage, Petts sed Dyce alfe of all hime; The Genoral Courention ofthe Protest ant I pise ypal ( harch of the United States at Philade!phia on the first of is to incet j October Vorth Cyedina Conl.—In the Jvarnal f Commeree, on Welnesday last, we find the folk ng notice of onr Dwep Rive ; ‘4 , «rive of oar Deep iver BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS, 7 Cape, Binck Kawih Tote Ine ned Recet of of Ritde, Cul Mines of Caathiin County Piasung sad Rite Powder, ond « very large stock of Cardina —The coal froin these nines hae Read Mad Clothing, recentiy cen tested « 1 yreat care in y e thia and it ie! te vield nearly | Me Nogre Wankets ond Ounebungs, striped ond Al ed which, bee ” . t oa ous than!» Ragga. Repe aad Tere ' S been eatelally ariv< ind, ot the kewest prices, cad oo ye etl r Anverican, 4, fered va the wat rramenMe terme heret if diacovered The test of fire MURPIY & CO. vielde 26 cubic feet of jena, where lisbary, Sept. 30, 1856 68 Mtherte SE STRAR COMTER PROM KANSAS UST Reevived and fer cate, TWean's New fre Sr. Lin ee, September 36 CF Reemge Cave Send > Heer neg ton per beter x avieee (rier Wencut'etihe tock ac eM CRP In f'co Sept 30, 1856 ois NOW IS THE TIME. that Gen. Geary, with a battalion of dra ad yume after Lane to arrest hin He liad probably gone int Nebrarka The Southerners were organizing for the Just recevecd and for vale, t hone Wasto take piace the THO pre hoary Negre Shere. arty af Oetalor 1}:0 beat Negr: Blankt es, 1 peeve womsiod Kererye, 0 (te Repo, NEW YOUN MAKRWET 3 Weice ST PLY & CO New Vor, Sept. 26 Sey? “° 613) The market ' FALL AND WINTER QWs, Sal feet RY, OC TOMER, 1654. gM 18356 has advanced } ' a nearly are ealown of 2m halen, at for niddling Orlenne, amd lege for fdraplan |) V3 ccute Flowr asl ge Rio 8640 0 8650. Wheat un changed — white §163, red $150. Mix cents do curn 66 COLUMBIA COTTON MARKET SEPT, 1#54 The cotton market wa esterday, at prices deci: 900 bales ee, wane to beterwt ble friemds, thet be nee reeriving cya) Migoa!| Pes 2 wires FANCY AND STAPLE DRY-G00DS, few days, bare tm store hie emeing count, whee’ yriee the BEST ASSORTMENT brisk and active edly in favor of wyera, were sold, at prices ranging from 104 a 114 cents ex tromes \ ! Some AFFAIRS IN WASHINGTON W asmixcton, S« jrte inber 22 No treaty lias been signesl with Eng ; ‘ ry soho gooaoend Ve apticies , onde \t and, bat certain points have been agreed ry to which rendera certain the conclision ied eee . fa treaty aftet the Earl of Clarendon USUAL STOCK, returns fran the Tigilands whlch hae hewn set ted with more than ordinary care. APT fo ent om forget t» Rem ine thw la@my ork before parchastam mie jie Deke’ = ee eee ag SLE Salesman Wanted. | nore, whe has been madieted for comp lie: ggreprp anserther te desirons of empinying a GOOD Malt? e trade The partner in 1 to attend bie store in Balixhary; ome of exper ™™ an reeetya cuplayment hy making immediate apriics tion aynese Consulin New a This Con.) [eters Set & te —ety No. 4, Grakite Buihfing VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE. YT" andersiqued has determined to sell a tatoebie Senor Figaniere, the Portugese Min ister, arrived fram New York tedav, and has returned. Tle asenre onr Govern vent that Portugal will sewerely ponieh ry infractie oar laws by her ayents He dias enspended the Conant at Balti tv in the Slay Msinoss of the t York bas also been sadicted sul is the Minister's eon RAILROAD ACCIDENT. We learn that the engine and tender of the train dne here yesterday morning ran off the track below Branch ille the firemen was killed Daly So. Caurolincan treet of land, Kuevwe as the Alexsadet ian, 'y ing on Wuherow’s creek, abet 11 mites hha and within one mite of the Westere @ One of of Satiebn ry dve'd., Dr. J. F. Fowrd and RB. M. Gillespie, conta ee eee Wanotice that doin. Carew ing 200 ACRES, : inated im the Charleston papers ag the [27.0 kee, There aren the premiers ofl Be Sr) i eomeary heildings, and every thing im god repair; successor in Congress to Gav. Aiken fronts, end aw excetient nendow i be made aconmmodall®t farn- orehard of ob Phe pric d terme Apply 1) E. Alexwader om the pinee, of 8B son, Saliebery ore Forty-two young men left Milwaakic on the WGth, as free Kansas State recruits for PLIZASETH ALEXANDER gw September, 20, 1656, my , aud Plank Ronde, aeyninkg the lends of T. b Coan i t t e ' t i mE 23 = § # BS S Su u 2. S5 8 , S8 y l es e Su n e Op 8 © G9 O0 6 SO ec i c e e se a k e ; s CoO. 6113 pon, whee’ 2, onfier 0 j. (owen, sontam ing all the repair, “8 eu dem erode ting R. Marr. ‘DER : 300 cet He H “Beall 10 uw 125 * yoRroLic MARKET. Wet; owlind & Brothers, Sept, 27th, 1856. BACON—Hame, 19 @ 16. Hey ro0nd, W).@ 13. Té 2,4 @45. N10 @ 105 « , 00 @ 6L—White, (2.—Yolluw, 63 B BEANS—1.50 @ 1.75. - 190. —Ex tra, $00 —Fumity, $9. ” BALTS&Liverpat, fide, @1.12—Groand Alaw, 1.20 DRIED APRLES—Nowinal—125. i PRBACHES— 393.95 @ 64. HAY—Cargo, $1 @ 61 10. wea K-24 cre tk er THE MARKETS. si Sulisbury, N. September, 39 an, (afind) "'§@ ® Mixed. No.1, 1011 €y Gab. “9p 15 “do. Wroogl)t, 124@ 14 25 » Hyrse Shoe t, MBadigVate, a 33 45250 Vils,—— i. 19016) Linseed, Pigel o8t &. bg Agate prem Vel we : c “4@5 Puteses, Irivh, + Lten 19y@ iS do. Bweet, 75 61 00 Cetiva, 10 11 Rogs p o, 3 Cotton Salt peach,’ @2.5_ 97 * Gases, - 20200 do Pbushel, §1.00 * Dundes, 13580 stheetings, Browa,+4 % “ Barings, «Dwi 2) Shot, # beg $2.25 4 9 Seed, — bash. $lie!? . § 00 ppd, 1G 1h Hager Brows, i} 0 1% Pex. “host, is gee 38 Crashed, 1s ee D Bag) “ Cried, 14015 leon, Ba ede, 6 Teton, 14 «~~ 44 45" a oe Paul P7810 ™ Kap Refu'd a fi ers @* Motes, a oe Oval, 6) Wigtow Clase, Yi bea, 12_ 19 -~ 10 92.25 Lead, hes, 14a8 io rd e250 White. Waits MARRIED : Ve Pred erauty, oe the I3—~i rer, by the Rew W a Oe UVUGM A HILL ec, Mae JANE) AB, athet trodett ——_— ‘Nelt! Salt!! 5 Sacks fine | srorped * +!) bo sale, by Mock Gaither, & Ca, BIB) per rack Cus Cqenete ate lL avlted to roll ced copply theese! een MOCK GAITHER 2 CO Sefichery, Sept 30, 1856-18 * Commissioner's Notice. ORR » (re re of the towe of » eet eo perem shell be perme: ted & ereet any budding oo ruther of ihe fom streets qwwhie ame sqaere of the mite of the od (owt eqns, cneept of brick of stowr, with sbete ue met ol wud, wad ia 04 other roapeeis ae orarty Bregrie! a prectiecht-, euder a pemiy of O10 By order uf the Based of Congnieeerre THOMAS MeNEELY.C BC Aap e56— Seba 56 Administrator's Nale. ‘T thebate reedenee of Actree B lhet- was, deo'd 4 Mecterle.) on the Tid and 2 ch Vetter wnat, Lei wll i we in VALU ABI.E NEGROFS, ere seversl relgatle YUUNG WEN TY, RPOVS oo4 GIRES Abn 1 oe the property of extd dr cwared, rer mid bewwre - Conmmting of Uowscheld sed Karh-o Fornitere B BAILEY, Adar 2. NOTICE. GA. pores iedetied to the -rtate of Andrew B Wadenan, dred, are re yorstod bo make tment ete payment, wad oH thoes bara cleus ogee ened emtate Gre evety menifed |). peewee! them wth fame prescribed by bee. of ‘tne neice will be plead of thant teow er’ B BAILEY, Adar Bape. 30. 1056.—4 18 Notice to Builders. & saderm ened invite propeale fa the ccmeime @ Battdiags 21 Derrtan Col-ge, th. nat —— B00, the beddenge fe be of breech oon ewe feendwiem, three etree high, & rd ath tm The contracts? to farnich of the ametcna's eel com the @ork. Plane ead oper fiewtewe will be et by the Crsirman. ot eny time after the bet 4 0. Tre cmitect will be chard st (hartatte @ the [0th dey of Decermd + Any member uf ihe emmmitire wl mmanies! pret Wi perenne desiring to contrast for the Baitdings DRURY LAC Y, ( harman D ( $e hom coma, N « . 7. Wise “Kikoe, Chester, 8.0 pee ~r Snconeaae aaa NEC Acct Bikes, | DA. Dave, ¢ Baliebery. NC © B Gere, > ae N Sege 30, 1456 —6r 14 VALUABLE PROPERTY crer, BO Sale: nar cohapter will expose to pablic mle. on Theredey the Yard of Ootobed ver', the taiee bie WRACT OF LAND tying on the Beatics Ford Rood five miles west of Salisbury, coms 346 ACRES, of an goad quality as can be found onywhere in the Mote. There is on the premises aboot maty acres of teformes ave on the sab red the VERY BEST BOTTOM, ©f cleared and in coltivation. Perens, wishing (io eee the lend, een be atrommodated by cating on Mr Thomas T. Locke, who resides an the adpaning plan leuon. 1 will ales sell at the same lime end place, 8 head of Huge. 500 bushels of Corn, Oats, Hay F e Tand will be madd for one half each, the re Meiederion ene and two years ciadh, with intereet trons date, Terme of the other property made known + bre of sale, DANIEL WooOR ~s TRG te: 1 8, NOTICE. PRIACATION will be made to the next Gener Sh Asmetibly of North Caroline, for an amendment of the charter af the town of Selishary, so 98 to vide that each Ward sholl elect iis own Commirmon- ore, and that the tax cofleeted in each Ward, shall he *tpended om the streets, or otherwise, of suid wagd ; and wlan providing that said shall take of fect frum and afer the Ist of January, 1°56 MANY CITIZENS Sept 30, 1656.- 6.18 fama Plated wishing to deve their Cyral + ae ‘, 125 hems af + Oil jo the market. | * Pe. Pure. Ihe 124 ro ren: deo. forma st the Rowan Hepes, take pleawure in nitonding to olf aoc 3 or : th ahd d “notice, i Y fon, ROBERT, hoving atwéonded. Y Jot hae forewarn all persons from butbotinir or employ Desi » WW, om, Jrodett Coy NaC. Sep * COD-LIVER RTE. | | Fe MayURacTditens of unig’ PURE MEDICINAL COr-LIVER em. yo, 109 Yonra ruinv PST awk, PUILADELPIIA. | J.C. BAKER & CO. | wtter many years of lubori-us expefience, they have eucewed. [Sites ® rts Sacrmed conc mt 30,000 TICKETS OREr . te perlveting, It is preppred, secording to the most approved precess, a frevh and Juey Mere of the Gadus morrhua (Codtish | jevted with exereme care, under thé gertoyal sapervisin of their ageut a6 New foandlaind, ; | Mes Sweetness, purity, an’ a freshness, wake it scarcety di) tastefaal its inode pf preparation wakes it thw thet. desirable braud «f » Hee Pemedial rines. | its rudcers & pe ime il ult the enployiacut of ® geo. | ujacwod powerful article, no advautage will result from asia pie trial, ba general it operates in & Ver geeniespion yank - quislag a bony perseveraies mm. ite catly Oechsloushy, or irregularly, bat pers. Mae 1 Age alg Weeds. ly, cat inulog Me Ks2 even After uppmrent reeurery. | The Physichau way rely, with full confidenee,ow the merits | of uur brand of Ol), Shile chased patient his a gurantee, th 2 fo maing it, be & Whing 4 medicive, the virtues oud efficacy ot) 2 Wipiets bay. Leet tented by eminent nm id uen. 20 Teds the wag effertual remedy fur Cursmmptign, Browohitts, | 54 Lethon, Code, 4 actions; | Mowtinns prntucing immediate ahd aie 14 when other | 75 | eensedios had burn usken’ with Wide of to afi 100 Ht enjoys the marked confidence of numerous eclentific end 125 tne'ica) whore sponta wus testimaginks endorse the supe ad regis med « y of cur Ull, gleing to the public an weurnnee, tet this truly vetuahle medline, when obtained freeh, and 1 J 1 1 1 1 able to retain (on (heir stomach, oF to experipnee these reme- | lal eGeete which are sure to Yeowlt after @ Mir tricl, have re peated te that bettied by ws. set wom wor ip yp ae fetrnce te any other, we append the Nose oF the Medteut Fucwlly A Voiiadetyhia, whe bi Or O81 thedr high eperet|, end be ve retetumendr: fr ¢ from odmiatare, je a sale aud relialehe ready for Use dis ‘4 enses Bamed. 4 + TESTI WONIALS | 4 Withvut paling the evrtibcoics of ages of porsens, whe, 4 fier having persumally tried wany b OM, without being ‘ 5 s ry (ae & gene wine, pore, ene Gest poliable und ofS ecioms weciewe. | 14000 prizes amounting lo | Whole Tickets, #10- Trem Suwmul Jacteon, MD, Progecror af the poaeetos Wf Medintmg dn the Lxiserssty of Prunaylgunia, & ri The Cat Lis ef sar prepared by you be os Mee io quality a8! nels for any | bere meet 8) Frew Thouwss 1) Mutter, M.D Peefeasor o° Surgery in re! have been pox determn Mediqus rthege, dx | el@wave be conducted in the most honurable maoser PLAN OF THE LOTTERY. 1 awe me Rewtintion lu eifling, Chet | buliewe the Cod Liver | Od pub eeby your homee, te be oe pure aud onchoas a0 the | oeteie cam Le Rome l Sire THOMAS D. MUTTER 0 .0u0 To Mears Jems C Bans & Or | "i _ | eemtions—gonk sg in all 1000 Prizes Pree dow py Leidy, MD Prvfvaser tf Amthowmy in the Uni The drewing whes pluce in public, onder the pu. etait of Ponaylounts, ac penntendence of two ewern Cosmnilrnoue:s Tt afie-te me plensute hove the oppurtunity of recommens Tre Ngasbers from 1 t) 30.000, corresponding with fg your Cod Liver Ul to the Medien! preteestes tee Nem'ers on ibs 1 hove seem scany soowphs -( it el yar store, gad fowl antic Ged thet 6 parrer afd more \Bcectops atitte capnet be vbtale od te the martet Voure, wt rrepeet, plated to une wheel surty LINDY. The first 360 Pras To Mewrs Jus C Bassa & Co eaighte Fae p ws w. Me Uns vem Willicpn [harrvee 0, Preteen tterks Mad iow tu the Rarepiecniue Mev nyt fe “¢ j draw fers Ne gives me plewrere # at! fen, for er years, meal i preeerited the Cad Linde 1 a your stare, breagse {have Humber and Pre every chemo aed Conte ow, ord me Mt bes been hued, the | 1y the sudirune, sud registe re { teat quant of the afte be Pasa be Very Keegrettuliy WM DaRRACH We Mesore das ( thine & This drawn Drea Wilkewm Bincdle, MD. & APPROUMA., 1) Qivve me picseute to state 6 nbrstating’) that | vegar q aud the he Get-dteee OH prepared a 4 & poe + gowate the feet 480 Pree ‘ - @orta.s ing all the ae - ‘ parte woh vale be . ve wly WP BRINCALE mises. 6 Eacher the monary cdered , on a . « WwW . y é wre § The test pareh i Pree lowis D Be tow MD Pref Retet to od i Prowse Cosme set (Rida, [eiatelabie (wilege a by afer | Mad mm, & Dem happy to okt my tention im there of your O-t Liver ‘ 1 ot. yo we vad preee?ited it tergety le my prection, f+ sc cetal fears past, sed alwape UR tee mat bn tehnd bene ' 1 &eteeve pour prepare! - meet the pervet amt boot Pos fmedt in mort coher office ives D Hakiow wu deo ry Ton oN) ot Keight The emtersignet Beer a pre re the (rat Liver Ou» te , Pater & art fet R rapertor July 2? ony oh TAMAS MV aRDLs fk ANIM? To Weere 3 Deter 4 Os wm te ‘ | WELLL pey the beghest market pree, om Tate r 2 be Pie T smed Hesheis W ‘ ond 12 bely peg bere, fram 1S Pi veer ota 3g” JENKINS Sehebers, Sept 16 156 an LCURNMINS & ROBERT 4 beer, amet wll com halgetegpa tame & herp Stare Bade on head br ot is AND Salichert : , 1000 BARRELS FLOUR t : Ne: eubertite + wishret. parehace the ob oar any thieg en tety of Wheat « t t ter whech he wr pay totam eenenert the heghes orerk . . MICHAEL BROWN Mebebary, Sept 16, 15 6 ¢ STOP TUE SCOUNDREL. $10 REW ARD. jee THOWARLATAN, « £ Sinnly ( 3 end wat ' - n the verre 4 Alt marte Friday lot, repree nied war » we @ rad Casper, then af thar pince, amy and weed work sepyr that he dewred to take hie wre te Albemarte. and best son wrald retarn the some cvemeg; tirerenpne. Thome d™ lade rust com hime sorte! horse. very large bhger te ged coder and Mr Camper intved him at run arice ond perch, bndy peintad grten—en-> wh card Thomas Laien nad wife hag net been heard PE. qaerte 1 beve resenn to betiere that (hey have ehecunded with September 16 to le Be E Ot eS) the herve aod buggy. end (he m pet the pebbe an threw guard ager! Latan mad against trading either fe the harse of baggy ; sod to seeupe hie arrest and confwement ; at ts ercure the recovery of the abuve d. served property, 1 will give ten doflare WEsTr iL MARTWAN Sep J, 1856 x NOTICE, To the Stockholders of the W. N.C. R. Road Company. rae N ineteiment of 20 per cent. on the etock enb called for by the Board of DD ribed hee bh coe pryable Treasurer, in Stateevitle, on Jedin the Ind day of October newt R © SIMONTON Kina Hole See'ry aad Trenenrer ards Sept bat, 1856 pwd Concerd Male Academy © on Wedneedag, the Tet of October ext. under the eg EW. PADCETTE, a8 Prime’ po! pupae Torcon (i advance) per seesina R 4c mw Clasace Kaghsh a1 and 09 Contingencies 100 Board in the beet of private frm lies from @&. to $9 per month Aug 24th, 156 DEROSSET & BROWN, °” twpd:l4 WILMINGTON, N. ¢ Priee BROWN & DEROSSET, New york, Marriage GEYER UL COMMIBSIOY MERCHANTS, Vernal advances made on Consigninents | by the ‘Buate of Abben. j MILIT. AnY ACADEMY ing him, or treding with him on my apeowst, aw I will wat be responsible fur dnyaf hs contracts, a GBELT K. i J dda RY PRIZES AMOUNTS 200.000 DOLLARS. to thie danims talieute pagient; white the wutforusity “i Will be distributed dcourding tu the fullowing | UNRIVALLED SCHEME !! 2 Prizes APPROXIMATING PRIZES. of ree approximating to ea, ee odd ated are He rong H aloes, 45 — Quarters, 2 Alabama and Georgia Latteries, as chan- Investment, priacut mduceinenis oes any "The exporience ihe pubic have had Lotteries, the large | aenewed of Pines add the prompines with whieh they 1. are the beat guarantees thet they wit! ! SAMUEL JACKSON, | Kerwin orte me To Meo, Juus C. Basan & Co lef the ‘ Tickets nambeted from There are 360 fal! Prare wud 620 Approai rhps of paper, are ewcurcied with small tm tubes, and prioted and pucireied, revelyed, and a pamber ie ( Nambers, are at the same od Privee will be me ut Parchaccre atl plewse entice ze 10 drav n, end pe Orders for tiebet Orders ta Tickets September 23d, 1556. “’ Bc ES NOTICE. FALL & WINTER GOODS. ( staple pals Faery ‘bn Wats ard Caps, Boot. Well atepied tn ; be loweet CAST pr termned te ¢ WANTED that wl 5000 Bashels Wheat ~ °° IMPORTANT To Bridge Builders. ram the > ath Yedk S-fiabery noe, tm tedere Oth Oetober nent State of North Carolina, ROWAN COUNTY Jame Richa how State z . ~ Coartahat THE next meesion of thie Tuatitutiog will commence oo in, and Quarter Seam License for Sale ‘To oubseriber twken (ie Retica to inform hie. friends and the public, that he bus opeded a Rew) Bobreedie ESTABLISHMENT iv this {ip the corner fooms of D. AS Duvie's a direet! | Pporite the store of Murphy, MeRorie janes the Tin Shop of Willwans Browns His tong {a gunreniée for the future. vented. “He-is in the reevipt of the FASHIONS andis, therefore, utwayé ready to sopply customers in. | the style of the * Latest Agony.” iF Call ahd nee , * awn in Ly af Wont a CN: e. JUN (. BAKER & 60., \ Wathe Frey, wes Manner Ao us me ‘SINGLE NUMBERS! SAMUEL SWAN, a Salisbury, Sept. 19, 1856. ly WEEN MOCK & GAUTHER | Wholesale & Retail ENCOURAGE! “A New Eiteliement ‘This Knocking! those aint fuvered him with « eall during the ctfully informe the vate that he has removéd to the Shop tately veenpied by | Mevers. George & Whisnant, adjuising Mr. J. Rudi- ead supcees ta the beck are, he thirds, “i's Ploning Millx, where he is prepured t6 execute all work jn his line, ws cheap und goog es can be done in HIS JOBS shall be fwithfulty and artistioully exe-. the State. Tarning, Catting Screws, Repatrin 5 | le Boilers and Engines, of ull deseriptions ; making and repairing Mill Spindles, Wood Pilainers, Plows, | Iro oning Wagons, ner yeur, and-he re Gogend | ‘keep in his employ a rlilful Cutter, and MOLSBag et OBLWIE, (5 will comyare work with any one for heathess, ye and despats b3 luterterring al MERCHANTS, 2 cme Bross and Cu. wsaposirion C. ‘arthngs by cunt atthe above | wil bare who erveted aw Air ¥ ure” aap fi Sching| The public can get RE now weeiving their iarge and welt sel d | establioh £ | stock of Fall gud Winter GOODS. (onsibting meted over i « reduced prier, with neutcere and de- | jof Staple nod Faney Dry Goods. A beawiful assurt- | ment uf | Ladies Cloaks, Merigoes, Mousta De Lawes, Sitks, | Embreideries, &e. Large Stock of Clothing, Wardwure aud Cullery, Bewte, Shoer, und Sule Leather, Hats, Cups and Bonnets, Blovkets and Kerseys, Trou, Naik wud Glurs, Groceries, Paints, U's; &e.; 2,000) . Corruge Trimings. 10,000 , Aad wlmom cvery deserip ion of geods to be found in 15,000 | this market. To all of which, we most respectfully invite perse ns | 1. ‘060 | | purchasing gonds this season. Saliebury, Sept. 23 1456. tf:17 TWO bandred and fifty prime large Socks, now iv | eral patr gage besiowed on the firm. 4 are Es MURPHY, Y store, upd forsale as low as at auy other place in se Sulitbory R. & A. MURPHY. Sept. 23, 1856, 3mo:l7 SALISBURY FEMALE | ACADEMY. THE exereives of this instiiation will open on the Let day of October next, for half a sessiva. proportion to former eharges. ‘The ewners of the property will make every effort | to provide fur the coulinuauce of the school without | | suspension JESSE RANKIN Sept. 20th, 1856. 2wiT Plantation For Sale. ITE subscriber offre for sale hig valesble plenta- tion Fdoeres) lyitgone anda half mi-s Sousb Ww A daliniary bus isa beautifully sewared tweet, pretty good lands, spout ove half cleared wud ) wader culivation. Li is suserpuble of great jmpnve- t, end coukd easily be made one of the meat de- wrable homes in the satrounding coaniry. lt hes on it now, @ very goud framed dw: ting, huchen, amuse bourse, stebies, &e—A well of most ecacelleud waier, aad an orchard of very choice fruiin ‘There are about laed com pres uantéy of five ber. Calton the subscriber at the premises or if further directions be required, call al ibe Watchman Offic WM. BOWZ Sept. 23d, 1456 lal7 GEORGIA LOTTERY. Authorized by the State of Georgia.) CLASS 19. Tu be drawn in the ( of Atleata, Georgia, in pab- be, om Setardey, September 27, 1£56, om the HAVANA PLAN ! ” Parchasers in one edd narmber and one eva amb ¢ Trhet are guarewiced to draw OX Malves and Qo Tick ets potion, eith ehepces of ota tthe larger Princes. which area hundred r er f the po - than any SAME SWAN & COL, Managers PRIZES AMOUNTING TO SBAazOA«A, oOo0°o: : will be distributed according to the (llowrng Brilliant Schemes. THIRT) THOUSAND TICKETS ! 15.185 PRIZES! Preae 40,000 2 $49. 600 V Prive 10.000 +» 10.000 1 Prose of 10,083 vs 19.000 Pra f a00 vs 5.00 1 Prae 2.000 2.000 1 Prove 1,000 ws lee 1 Pree if 5,000 loom » Prace of 240 are 2.000 100 Prace of 100 ere 10 008 4 Prise mg te 40,0 prine are ae + Pie to 14,000 pree are bao ‘ ’ te 2 > « 4 Price zt e are tte 4 Priare simating te fiw prise « ‘ te . “ ‘ gto are leer ef te " 5S Prises am-weting te or am PLAN OF THE LOTTERY. Whete Thekets $10—Balves €5--.Qwarter: ? There are 30.000 Tickets mambered from 1 + e ploce in pubfie s + the super. wore Commemmone re the Tirkets, printed om erparat with ee tubes, and we. mal y ated and encircled ver wheel. The wheris are ther inder is drawn from the other rar ze drawh oot are opened ec andence, and registered by the Commiemoners. the Prae being pieced againat the ewnber d-awn This operation is repeated antil al the Praes are draw APPROXIMATING PRIZES z he two succeeding Num he Schen The 15.000 Prizes of 23 are determined by the non ch he £10,000 Prir0e—af that wid be a be h y odd number et inthe Scheme w en to QR: if an even pombe? then every even ticket in Che Scheme will be entitled to &a,im) additvwoa to any other Prae winch may be drawn Ali those tickets ending with 0,2, 4,6, 2, areever all these " ee) », are odd ar Remer \ Prite is drawn, and pay ble te ‘ 4 DAN Prizes of $1.00 r, paid iminediat ya i sa veual (ine fth ! ential. Th awn 1 pa neetS telf¥ Ww s cashed rewed im other Tickets rt either office GREAT INDECEMENTS TO CLUBS. As one-half t 1 taare aranteed to draw C8 we will elit pat 10 Trekets uted nid q rates \ > ihe | Diekers draw over the amonnt Ceraficate of Packages of 10 Whole Tickets, #60 ° Hatt 30 10 Quarter 15 Address or afer Tickets, or Certificates of Pack s VAN & CO. Atlante, Ga or 3 SWAN, Montgomery, Ala \ iF i. Winter Oats, by Wm. Mar- FOR S .\ ds phy & Co, mised on Judge Caldwell's plantat y ought to be sowed in October or ea r N emnbe Ang. Woh, Psst $c:19 1 Old Copper and Brass wanted. | ane undersigned ‘uffore f fur wale a Charloite, May 5, 1856. | 96 Arnold's Writing Fluid. 7VHE Beet Tok in the World, fia sale ad. "W Eu !Whorer. There are ulto shout 25 Acres of execiient | buttow land aow ander » high state of cattivation— | there are valuable huildings | | Also, on the premises ) SeeGtUTION. |The Firw of Murphy, “MeRorie & Co, has this day | expized by limitation. The basiness of the firm wilt | meee at the old stand by either of the partners. | persons indebted to us will please cul) mates as the business inust be elused without de- eMLT SW, SW Jobo Me Romie having withdrawn fromm the firm, ten- J ri MeCUBBINS, THOS. J. FOSTER S now reeviving and opening Reeady Made Clothing : y A, and Glaaa' Te public are hereby warned not to trade for the Hardware & Cutlery, Groceries, &c., to which he invites the attention of his castomers and vilering at low pnees for cash, or on tupe FORT GAINES ACADEMY LOTTERY ! “go 2se2 =e All kinds of ¢ ountry Produce bought at the ‘wicker market price STATE BONDS FOR SALE. JENKINS & DORERTS ¢ 2000 bbs. Shot, As- | 1500 lbs. Bar Lead, Encourage Home Industry! BE QUICK! BE QUICK WHITEHEAD. Ten Dollars Reward! 30 Ow Ther . 1 ins x ee amon tin -” ] a ’ Pres om c* a free megre named HENRY VA of Rowan Saperor Court of re of age. five feet ree and a bor-agh and Albemarle T wit! give the above reward for he apprehension C HARLES KELUTTS NEWBERN Wutaal Insnrance wos frou any pereon w sheng | t ATTBNTION! p SPLATTERDOCK FUSELLERS, w. Salt! Salt!! Sh oe Wall Paper, &e, ENNISS Tieke Mer AND OUTBREAK ! ! TENHE subscriber Mostog pea weliverd fhe Shop, Far- | HE undertigned bege lene te retgen hie thanks ry nitare, dac.-uf Mews Weieman de & Price, would | sanciinee to the friends of that firm, hie own friends, | the old palma of his father pud to the public, that | ¢ from the Norther cities a eT iy Daadsoune afd Varied assortment of | | he in now ieee’ READY MADE CLOTHING, nishing goods, whieh will be sull very low, or made TFA or. FOOMDRY, ithe, Cassimeres,\Vestiags, and Gentlemen's far- |ffm the fect that we have never beea able SEXO STAFFORD, DIXON & 00'S PREMIUM HORSE. POWERS, bod THRESHERS, wr f- RE s0 well known, that dedeription ie uo; eceay ty. For uve past ten or filtern yeuret! - era over viher Muehines hat heen fully (cated by headreds of the most intelligent and news meré of the Strte, and thelr popularity may. the stendily ineréasing demand. But. sore up t» order in the best style of the Art. He wil ‘ty refitted our shop, und incredded 6tr warraut good file. His expericnee ins justifies him in saving that lis sivek cannat he sar- | nh therefape |W trust in futore to be adie to keep pace. bosigers Potders that 4 divcriminating poblie may Posts ¥ wn These M vebinew were on exhisttion at sho fae pursed in quality ; and the siyles ure all late wad very | Fair iy 165d and ’35, in competition with Machines handsune. Hie stork of Ready. Maudes, comptines | manufactured in this State, as well as a Hats, Cops, Shiste, Collars, Vests, Haudkerc hi¢fs, Coats, Puu's,—and every thing required. Call und O. ders fur work promptly filled JAMES BEARD. -Merchant Tailor. Salipbury, Sept. 16, 1856. Ge VALUABLE LANDS. FOR SALE. alnable tract Ford Road, of land, lying wear the Beuties | about 12 miles West of Sullebury, couteining near | 250 Acres, more orless. This plantation will fichly reward the | Persous wishing to purchase said farm will do well io eal eyow und sce tbe subseriber. J. B. MceNEELY. 4tpl6 Bey 46, 1856. is a tt ef tne em Thunder & Lightning! ; DISCNION AND CIVIL WAR, FAMINE, &c., &e., RE evils and calamities that shon!d be guarded <X% againn, BAKER & OWEN beg leave to in- | form the pablic generally end private individuals par- | tieularly, that they are ready, willing aud able to pro- | THE basiners hereafter will be conducted uuder | sect them from one at least of the abuve (Lightning) the firm and style of Murphy & Co. ot the old stadd+by putting up to their buildings, their Patent bx where they will keep constantly oo hand their usunt | | Lightning Conductors, at prices lower than it has ev- | ‘large supply of GOODS, adapted to the wanis .of tne | er been done at in this part of the country. Address ‘Thaukful for the very liberal Torme iv | sowed on us heretofore, we hope by to business and fair dealing to merit a Count ine a yoor orders to Baker & Owen, Salisbury, N.C, Jaty 22, 1#56. “‘s-| New North Carolina Form Book. DOR Sherif, Constables, Magivirates and Bausi- wees men, for sule a. J. H. Enuies’ BOOKSTORE. Jaly 22 8 AND SUMMER | The Great Iron Wheel Examined. AVYVS bide Ifs FALSE SPOKES RXTRACTED, by W. G. Beowotuw. For sale at J. HH. Fane’ BOOKSTOP!; For Rent. July office Apply to R. MURPHY Jaly 29 o—? LAND WARRANT LOST * LAND WARRANT No acres, which was issued to Na Cornet! James, (who war a private ie Capt. Juba Frosts Company of N. Carule Militia in the waref 1612) Said Warrant beanng dete the 4th April 1656, and signed by J. Minot, Comanasinact, os the same hes been lost and application will be made to the Commis sioner of Peaswas for a duplicate of said Warrent NANCY JAMES Aog. 19th, TR66 6e:12 Executors’ Netice. T= rubsenbers having quekied ee Errcetars’ o 2952, for Eeghty y James, widow of the Will of the late These L. Cowan, hereby Ore notice te perenas mdebted (0 the estate to ake paywrent. of thet cloune ell coutee af cullection ; and fur all sgzinct the same to prewe ni them for come forwar pat having hqerdat woes J W.JBNKINS, ) BB. ROBERTS, CF FISHER, |p Bzrcwtore JW OHALL Ang 19h, 165 6e:19 Carpetings, Rugs, Draggets, Ac. fiver great W ¢ woald call attention to ver stock of the abov artickes, whi ws large amd vested, just recery- ed Cab at Nu 3, Greate Rew BROWN & COFFIN Sa'mbery, March 23. 1856 434/ Gold Pens, vo -riment of Gud God Pens, and », withomt the Cuse. Fur eale BOOKSTORE . STATESVILLE FEMALE SCHOOL. \ BS. MeL RAS tor ther with Seeae Mel eae wil continae te » the Female Scheed in thie place, and commence on Mendy the S8th of this inst, im a €w bardding on the South Strret, meatly fitted mp, and well ventieied ead comforiable Conunagencies 50 Board can be had at $7.08 per month JOSEPH A McLEAN Statesville, N C , Jely 15th, 1856 1 New Discovery ! ‘ Ambroty pe Likenes 4tute latest umpreveme at in the beantifal art of ts hing peteree ¢ besaly and deramidy of ther peturee has pla ae ced the Ambrotupe at the head of 4f! the fine aru sod ended! the ponents be STEAM ENGINE AND SAW MILL The sabeenber having studied (hie method of taking kememses at Philadetpira wader the must ch< ed artiet of that place, offers hie services in tha thee plane \ age take aa few seroed« odin art , te Call and exam CARRTELT TLEY OF Capen No « ‘pa unde rs at te sabe celient ymg thre ap martes Wooet of Sa » - fie be ebont half a mle ° Sake . ! revue Plank Road. » ae au Na M Ss Maca M < 1 att 12 ves s+ a » vie Meadow Meadow, 4 tan 7 mont 4¢ ne . ae hie " « | img = the meadow alone Ti e ale oa the premere a goed dw 7 a most cireilent bern. and every ther corvenrenee attached therety r supe ner bocalt (thes farm wel make ita saf> ivesimett to t ” hoe made accemedating. — & yo muhecrber at (Ne planta thou or, addrea: b het rat “atehery, N ¢ ry ANN BROWN July 22, 1856 f 10 JOB PRINTING Voutly vcecuted al bois O fice ed | feperior rmeriv. from $6 to 812 per eramon of al) rb tive int accoming to adveweement ‘other States, aud took a DIPLOMA eo [BST PREMIUM, over ‘affother® Wo alee }fuctare, ut short petice, Grist atid Saw | PaetOry Gear, Carcolar Saw Milla, Waol-e: [eliiwes, Straw aad Suth Cutiors, just phe 1 farmers need tds dry season; and ull hey 5 on { ings in common uge iw the country. Letters addressed ta aah lll DIXON & Oe Snow Camp. Alamance, Ny Cr Wid meet wich prompt attention Aug. 26, 1856. 0d ‘STATE OF NORTA CAROLINA. IREDELL COUNTY—IN EQUITY: Prtition to Sell Land. J. W, Stwekion and wife Margaret, Mary I. Meore and J. A. Haoggins vg. Joho J. Hoggine. TT appearing to my satisfaction that the defendant John J. tlaggias, is not a0 inbabitent of this tutes It is ordered'that peblication be made ia the Cofoliaa Watchman, fur the space of six weeks, notifying the said Jolm J. Haggins to. appear at the next Ti of pike Cour af Kgerty tw be ht Ba sie ¥ [delt, at the Court one in Statesville, on Monday «fter the 4th Moo in August re (6 plead, answer 2 Hea nr to the ere rl otherwise ‘tat jadgment pro epofens Wilke jentered ageiuss him. Pestilence, Patent Medicine. Gi yer at offiee, in Statesville, this 18th day of August, . D, 1856. W. P, CALDWELL, C. MLE Pr. adv. $5.50—6w:13 NORTH CAROLINA ROWAN COUNTY. In Equity—Fall Term, A. D, 1856. The Trustees of Davidson College, egeinat Jeary F, Otambers, Dolphin A. Davis; co Chambers, Exeeutors of the last Wii sad went of Maxwell Chanbers, Thomas Breggy rideat of the Bourd of Trustees of the ancy af North Caroline, J. B. Buchetor, Anoe of the State of North Carolinas, ae and ethers, ncxi of ka to Maxwell Chambers, ecased. TN this ease a appeasiog co eecpae | Court that Rofus Campbell tas € ‘ba Or ee, John Orten, Aaron an and vibers, whee pames are guksown tothe Gom- | plaunents, meat of bin to Meawell Chamber, deegne jed, remde beyund the lumite of thie Seale ——4 | fure ordered, that public pain mT oa iu the Carotion Watehma: oo commendog the above seméd nen- | ants to be and appesr ut the beat Tore of the Const FINE BRICK STURE HOUSE, two stories | his large aud well-essorted | / hi ted w vin acres of weudow laud in the tract; aud the woud. | stock uf Spring end Summer Goads, consisting of— at, exvated neat deur to Weichuern Prines sig as & Panoy Dry Goods, _ Caps, and Bonneta ; tw be beid for the county of Rowan at the Comrt-hogee m Satisbory on the 13th Meadey after the 4th Mgs- "E dey in Angwet, AD. 1856, then and there te enswer or demur to compleiseuls Bil uf = in defaut of their appearaoce jadgment wil be hen pro confessy as to theas, the Cause det for heer- tay and be beord ox partes as to thom. Witerss, L. Btickmer, Clerk and Master ia Bquisy for Rowen County at office, in Salisbery, Angee 22d, 1856 L. BLACKMER, ©. M. BE James W. Opburne, } Setictiore Joseph H Wieon fur Wiliam A Grehaw, ) Complainagts Pradv. 84 40 6w td Salisbury Planing Mill, SASH FACTORY AND LUMBER YARD. ON WEST HILL. SALISBURY, B.C 4 Dele tadersigned hate now in operation the shore Mul and Feetwry, aud are prepored to ferultt Goat jqualuy lamber dressed, or wil Ulene, Tengee and Groove piank for nabed by others; sod make all hiads A Sach, Doers, Fromes, Bliuds sad wood ted Petierwa Seroll sowing, tarmung tron, and general Black sniching- The undersngned harp Girst-rete workinep (rem Bal smeore, aud cau guaracies ther work as suitable he fire clas® howers wtere, baitders end othecs are respectfelly > tall aad eusaune epecimonrof the work. MURDOCH & CAIRNS. Salabery, Aog 12, b8G6. Gro i? TT lexugwo Flag and Greeestmre’ Pytrict copy 3 tooaths, aod geod accoent to this offic#. qme ste Administrator's Notice. THOSE indebted to the estate of JONADHAN ARMETELD, deed, by purchase of property of Ge wale. or ctherwme, are hereby notified to eoune Ge~ ward and make payment, ae the affairs of the eatate most be choeed ap And those having claps agsinet sard eetatc will please take Bouce t present (hem fr payment, scouring te law, or they will be horrid cal- rete T E. BROWN, ad’. Aag. 19, 1836. wut THOMAS E. BROWN, Carriage, Buggy and Sulky Builder, Ir aed set Pg om the above bdsiness aediarites the pee dexamine bis work He i< wenn and feels comtitent he CW Pereoms at 2 tatawee evtering work. wil) please acoom cocription of the article requtred—etyte, quality cod price—and whee detimered, W it does uot give callie om they will ne to reguired te keep it ad eet of the Railroad at bis door, he wilitabe ot amy tind of a ® cxchtnre for work —carck os Corn, n dats, Bacom, Lard, Horses, Proveader Timber, LIVERY STABLE s Feprep asecan! and those whe wish cither te buy or tose® Astrnte horses or males .a ed to eal Juby 72. 186 we FOR SALE. MIE. eoder-gned iffers for sale, bis well hmowe Lege and Saw Wl. This machinery bus berg » (ned. and has performed in a very sapertar ratire satisfaction. The engine Ben IS Horse Power. The whole extablichmeat can be easily moved end ett apatany place Pers sp lated oxaderen nator eres ell and examine it, as b have determiped =U WBER FOR SALE. if La « desiroas of moving his Wills and ae OM or tof goed LUMBER Weatherboarding, Pleoring and h he Wil ecll very low for cash. Al- “8 4 Mantle, Br Ash and Poptar Plank, d See ssaw deapressty (or Carriage and Cab- | co purma a A perams wishing to bey " tk b Lor worttld do well t@ ad. een > rough the Poet Offiee, JOHN BEARD. Frar } s) ‘ ho-f SQUIRE. ZIMMER WAN & ALLEN, Whelesate Dealers in DRY GOODS, ’ . Ma t Stre PHII DEL PHIA TR Ea ~Bley Fillmore at Albaay—A Noble Speech... mé at , thant Bind AY) nion see ved iin } it will nut be to republica or two aoe READ ff- READ It. movarchies, Fy Tato reginehts, egh at t{ any roader has « fingering doubt that Mr. | fulmore entertains thote sentiments which eve- | ty patriot would ikerysee animating the ch to of the republic, let. bit reqd the fo! lowing specch by: Millard Fillmore, at Albany, ‘on Wis way through that city. Tha heart ofthe) ouutry will throb responsive to such sentiments Lot every patriot take his stand beside Mr. Fin- jmore, gn the ground: here taken by that genYe- | | Haredto the Union : ~My, Mayor and Fellow-Citizens; This over-| helming demonsiration of covgratulation and welfome® almost deprives wo of the power of speech. lore nearly thirty years ago I com: emenged-my political career, In this building I fient saw a legislative body in session, (cheers, Lit ab that fime ft bever chtered into the aspi- rations of my heart that I should ever receive teh 3 welcome as this, in the capital uf ny na- tive State. (Chees.) ~¥éu have been pleased, sit to Wlude to my | fukmier ‘Rervices and ray probable course if 1! to our futhers in’ the atioald’ be agnia called to the position of Chicf Magistrate of the nation. (Applause. It is upt pleasant to speak of one’s seff, yet I trust, tat the octasion will justify me fa brictly allud- ing to one ot two-events connected with wy last Administration. [Cheers] You all know that when I was called to the executive chalk by a be cdavement which everwbetmed the nation with ief, the country Was unfortunately agitated one end of. the country to the other upon the exciting sabjcot of sidvery. It was then, sir, that 1 felt it my duty to rise above every see- tiopal prejudice aud look to the welfare of the whole aation, [Applause] I was compelled to overcome long cherished prejudices, and dis, fegard party elaias. [Great and prolouged ap- pause} Bat io doing this, sir, 1 did no more than was done by many abler and better men than myself; I was by no means the sole justrament, uader Providence, in harmonizing those itfleu! ties. {Applause.) There were as that time noble independent, high souled men, ia both Llouses ot x belonging te both of the great political of the country, — Whigs and Democrats ;! whospurned the character of se lfish party leaders, yeni and rallied around my Admiuietration, support of the great measures which restored to an agitated and distracted country Sheers.) By tho blessings of Divine Pros out efforts were crowned with signa! suc Gann (cheers); and when 1 }eft the President's hair, the whole nation was prosperous and con @uted, and our relations with all foreign nations were of the most siunicable kind (cleora} The doad-that hueg upoo the borizoa was thse ted; but -where are we now! Aine) Threat eatd: at home with civil war, and from abroad with & rupture of @r peaceful relativne 1 Pot sock bo trace the causes of jhe change Then are. the facts, and if is fue sou tu power upon them. vothing to say. Of the present Adiministration L tyne i 1 sets tend to tl be tt io | mas netereary on this sictfect, and TL. turn with having cele s 1. | pleasure to @ less important, but more agreeable gegen lapowtancous throb of aticction with man, Arid peace and prosperity wilt soon be re- ia welcomed me back to my tabove all the pageants which roulty can diaplay. with a heart overflowing investments on Joint agcount—and transact & Gen- I retura you a thousand |tyut Real Estate basiaers in Minnesots, lowo, au (Prolonged ap et I can appreciate the difficulties desteugtion of the government ¥ ( ernme d let): It has been my fortune during | P wituess guge or twice | jn all the pomp and} topic. (Cheers, my travels iv Europe, te the reception of royalty, spletidor of military arnty, where the music was giveu to onler, wud the cheers ab, the word of | command. Bat, for myself, 1 prize the honest | which you | native State, | (Cheers.) Therefore, with grateful emotions, thanks, aud bid you adicu, plause,) PLATFORM OF TILE AMERICAN PAL ADOPTED AT TUE SESSION OF TH NATIONAL COUNULL, Fem 23st, 1656 ITY | e ist. An humble acknowledgginent to the Su- preme Being, for Lis protecting eare vouchsafed | ir suecessful Revolutionary | 2 | jstrugglesand hitherto inanifested to us, thebnade- | | sceudants,in the presetvadion of the liberties, the | ndependenee, aud the union of these Suutés, | } 2d. The pe uae the eolind ties, and the-only sure bulwark of Americaa In- dependence, | 3a, Americans must rule America, and to this | end mative-born citizens should be selected for alt Suite, Federal, aud municipal offices or govero dent enpluyment, in preference to all otlters : | nevert 4th. Persous born of American parents resid ing temporarily abroad, should be entitled to all he rights of native-Loro ¢iticens ; bat 5th. No persow should be selected for politic: station, (whether of pative or foreign birth,) wh recognises any allegiance or obligation of any | description to any foreign prince, potentate or | power, or who refuses to recoguiee the Federal | and State Constitutions (each within its sphere) | as paramount to allother laws, as rules of politi cal action. Sth. The unqualified reengnition and mainte: | nance of the reser cd rights of the several States, apd the cultivation of harmony and fraternal good 9!!, between the citizens of the several States, and to this end, non-interference by Con gress wiih the questions appertaining solely lo Che individaal States, and non-ioterventica by jeach State with the affairs of any other Stat , ith right of the na tive Born and naturaliand citizens of the United Stats, permanently coaiding in any Territory thereuf, to frame their constitution and haws, and to regulate their domestic nod social affairs io their own mode, sulject only to the provisions vf t! ulimiaion into the Uniow whenever they have the reyuiaie popalation for one Representative ongress. Proetded alwuys, that none but | \ al | Oo } | The recoguition of the e Federal Constitution, with the privilege of ve 4 iV those whe are citizens of the United States, au This ix Co eet Raheny wih oo the. Sal mene S on mytous 90 mu ; - ’ . %, "he ife meen ened to attend her, ‘ ATH 2 view of ¢ sabling them to os fyr payment, or this notice will be} having heard of the good effects of iw i plane fully, as well a to have Abeie end’ In Gav of their recovery. Fey Mra, Snow's case, I procured 9 botibe of your medi- Orders for Mrchundize, and ig is of Flour ‘neaiian ta edagite with thove of Davidaon Cu! S JAMES G. RAMBAY, ddu'r cing-and gave it to-her in small portions, as becessity | x. = war ren Prodome, fut salon shipment ,thwabfylly | the ’F of thie Lativation hove det Cetage > Jaee.th 1086, \fa seemed to require. In a short time the’ threatening — . ee . srecivedand promptly aiiended tim deter the opening of their Collegs wnt thy 2 Bal a vest me ipo, bor nopotie ete Sts : TY May 1845, tf 16th day of Scplember neat, " health improve o rom ° u a A sel ~ : | * ‘ > : R: JUNIUS MEN DEN Ht A 1, puinfd ond sichoniag common in puch cases, EAGLE s ¢ «ae asansos. ~ ye Wf, B, REYRORDS. when they pind ay ape the receptios of ont the time of ber confinement, and used it then, 4 Nad & REYNOLDS | ee ee sca ot ea publi, LAND ACENT. and an rand quicker labor she never had. be fire pounce to the world, to. whom he sends a y eiiGeted so grest interest in He Tory hare ILL SELKET and enter Government band— Locate band Warrants—Pay Tazes—make | | incon sin. Liuformation of the couytry furnished when desired Address, R. J, MENDENGALL, cly4 (dp4) Menneapolis. “CER TIFACTES { ‘Of the Healing aud Restoring Virtues COWAN'S Vegetable Lithontriptic. Iredell Cowaty, N.C» Jan. 3, 153. | L.beteby certify tout I bave boon afflicted with | | } * tet Grayel for a ubeber of years, having beew confined to rpetuation of the Federal Union, the ®oase fur six months, two of which, | was eonfin. | nin of owt evil and religious Liber | od w bed. Skitful physicians failed to give any rellef. | I was adviaéd by Dr. Smith to try Cowan'e Vegets bie Lithoatriptic, the ase of which das nearty relieved me, avd I think, by persevering in ie use, will effect a evimplet® cure. ROBT. B. GRAY Rowan County, N. C. Jan. 5, 1853. | This te to certify, that I have used Cowan's Lithon- | Uriptie in two cases, with happy effect. One wee a/ bed case of suppressed Menstruation, ia a young lady | be, 21 years of age, in whieh the usual remedies had failed ; and by using one bettie, the mos reargct fe- hef was obtained. titis, of inflamation of the bladder, in the person of Mr George H. Upright. The Lithoatriptic gave bim great relief, and J believe had he persevered in iis ase, he would bave beeuw EwTMmeELy relieved 8. D. RANKIN, M.D. Arkanevs, Conway County, April 15, 1852 Ma. Cowan: I write to ioform you thot our daugh ter, Martha, has been enjoying goud health for the last year and ahatf In childived she enjoyed heath—a waed mind, and fine itnyen. Bat at en carty age her mew euticely suppressed, aod fur tem years mest wretehed. Mer mind gave way and w She had the attentiwn Of 1@o able physriaus, but her health be - wasueed By using 5 atron bece came worse, Vil your remedy Liles, her health @ as above stated, end her aved pearly restored. GC. WITT, ELIZABKTH WiTT Ma. 5. F. Cowan— Dear Sat know Mise Were having beén the phystian f the family @t @veral years, and the above meuinned was the arast hop: lowe gute of eupptr aed Mensirveivon I have ever wt nesned ; one, | sappueed, be you! the Cuntrul of all me- divine = Bul to my wtter ae sshrgeet eho hee ben catirely teheved by yourLsthooinpte. | could sare ow other cures Memiler to this, and Cheerfally reenm mend your yehuable Medicine (o all tunilarty afflieted la the treatment of the decease [how had mach ¢1- perivnce Yewre truly, Ho» ROZELL, M.D { and quick. Tbe other case was chrovie Cy »-| madieine ELUAH BND Midwife oud neighbors present, afficted with P: ontript tras be Tippah Co., Miss, March 22, 1850. Having suffered the most effect of calculi or stone in Mr. J. F. Cowan—Sir : exeraciating pain from (he bladdes, without re! Lithoatriptic, which haw entirely me, ing two bottles, 1 would cheerfully reeomme all suffering under this painful dise the groat Sovereign Remedy. Yorkville, May 13, 1850. This ie to certify that I was attheked with ii tion of the kidneys aod ureters in April, 1840, whieh attended with considerable fe ver. apectable physician of the reliof until | breezes Vegetable | rows of elins: da half of | ful busy throng: gave ure great pain, And was attended by 9 re neighborhood several days with little of no I was at length induced to try Cowan's Lithontriptic, and after using one boitle an the medicine 1 was clear of all pain and fever, continued to improve and gain strength until f able to attend to my bw continued ercmpt from the disease uatil the THEODERICK MINTON. Kept for Sale at “Carolina Watchman,” Office. THE GREATEST Medical Discovery of the Age. | DR. KENNEDY, of Ro of our common pasture we EVERY KIND OF HUMOR. ] } | the ! Froa the worst Scrofuls dowa to & common Pimple Feb, 9th, $855, He bas tried it in over 1100 cases, and never failed | Ile has escept im (wo Cases, both thaader humor.) | now im hie m over two handred certificates of FRESH a victor, aft within twenty mes of Duston T ‘ K Two bottles are warranted to cure @ nursing sore ! Ss oO © ; . meath Ove to three bottles will cure the worst hied of | Pimples on the fare. Two tw three byttles will elear the syetem of Biirs rrenied to cure the worst canker, Two bot in the moi . ach ‘Three to five buithes are werranted lo cure the woret | case of Evy speias. Owe to (wo bottles are warranted to cure all bemer efter they were to in the eves Two butles are warranted ears of blotches among the hair Foer to six bottles are warremed to cure corrupt techie nrark-t the preseat year, noue-—we are eure, fan end running wlerrs. One bottle will care ecaly eragtion of the shin oe Yorkville, Tenn., Jan. 22, 1849. Madison Co., Tenn, March %, 1849. This Seto certify theta black wowgan of mine was mecca es pons bag scr —. by the fatter part Of the summer ¢ time: ¢ wart almost useless to me e 0 | <a ver \hersalf,—and wfter using two btles of Cowan's Lith- paste flgyl oy she a= eh at tie, abe received her health and strength, and en in better health for the fast ten mouths than (whe had beew for cightecn months ious. = WESLEY HARRIB. | the lief from the most offivient | | medica] skill, 1 was induced to iry your My = nd it to asd, a6 being truly . HINES. stiness as a farmer; and have . hus discovered in one | We had bat a glimpse—bat what 9 view! a remedy that curce to eure running of the care, buaght «| very reduced cash prices, and will be alikind wishes fur thelr prosperity and peace, that he | consign the improvement of Eagle | ip making siendy City, destined, liever, to become the greatest He is now ereet- | manufactaring city in the Gouutry. Seaman le Ripe ss open td have it wm | og Anos of 1856. Tt will be | best,) mille ip the | 60 by himself, and | the latest and most approved patterns were chosen Lt will work like a lever watch—smnooth apd steady hi beaatiful achievements of the renowned Eagle andef whose shadow it is developing its fuir und de. | lighting proportions, “Eagle Mills long fi for ‘t-} scifa fame ad tris ae rt in wide spread, both forthe excel. | fence of ita Yara, und the syperiority uf ite cloth fab ) rice, Troy Mills alone threatens to rival it, and henes | | the world may-took ont for» contest iavolving 4 resalt { U8 | not leas interesting imiteelf, Chun it mart be desirable | to every Sombéra pairint. { The-dreamer, speculutiag on coming otents might | well step in here, and casing forwaed hie keu bayou | the boundary of preseni time, portray the arpeet o- Esgle City afew yeats hence. Let him shetch it: We see a city of beautiful proportions with its tower- ing sterptes pointing heaven wards: close ranged blocks | of granite buildings with glittering metal toofs, rebeet | the cheerful beams of « vernal ean: the lovigorating | of a delightful climate, stir the leaves of long | the streets are euliveued with a cheer- { the song of helfa milliva of and | is mingled with the rear of hows and cascades : agle | was | menament rises Above all things else, bearing On-te | top an immeuse eagle, wingr extended, taphing duwn | ot | with pleasure on all below. Eagle City Bank iv iv) full view, and by its liberal policy Invites all energeric besiness men to claim its eaeourngement. Celie prin- } ters roll out their baled up guods ; the carsof the North- western Railsbad receive the together with thea- sands of other things, the producis of the City : the} ] deafening whiathe ie blown, and the sound isechoed and | | re-echoed from hill to hill, and wakes the drowey pow- | ers of reposing fat cattle, which browse in the rieh sur- { roading valleys; the scene grows} end \e beyond { all be realized beyood doubi. Eaough, equug! '— | I will press on to its fine! conswnrmation. ANDREW BAGGARLY. Sef a ANOTHER BE el Spring & S Goods Spring & Summer JUST ARRIVING! 8 (Maer of one bret extensive purchest of fpnag ead Summer (sends is & very short time j hand, we have since laid in 6 e-eond I, wae ectected with } y, whieh te now arriving wild bow. No mute dedirable guods have heen browghs | Phe enld fur lesa BROWN & COFFIN, Neo 3, Oranite Row April 29, 1856 af Wanted Immediately, At the Silver Hill Mine, ANY QUANTITY OF WOOD AND COAL. of adminiglering this government, and ifthe pre der the Constiut and laws thereuf, and who ae aent executive and his sdpporters have with yoo? have a fixed nm © in anv sach Territory, ¢ 7 sone, Tree; Jee: Stuer nally isectaailai ee ne ee intention and honest hearts, made a cnrtake, T gaght ty participat furmation of the con | 5, ae owas, Req — Deer Se" On the 27th M4y, Pun to three buttles are warrauted ta care the God wilt forgive them as 1 dey (lon! and gtitution, ue In the e@actincat of laws for sax Naot pbadeeo hale Bsa Phd baa olaed rae qanat deeperaie ease of rhewm stom wed applanse.) but if there be those who Tergitory or State oy Me. T Wosckse aN Saath beliieaed Three to four niles are warranted to care the salt J t cree of J pomas Pleiche evicinty Miwre ave Wrougit these calamities upon our cvaniry Nn cat niet ol ib hat hat tame Lb eo ber off ee ment of the princsbe that no, that toe ave ased cinedy ma mumbet of carro “ste wie oul ik a ao for mAfich or ambitious obyrets, 1t r uty. State ur Territory ought to admit other thao (a dusenerd siate of the hidorye, Uretere and Btad eto itm sees nd Sma fetlow-eitizone, to hokd thea toa strict respon: | citiaens of the Luited States to the ngtt of sul ee ees de mee ct ° os bl th — " a bard ie cware ospreicne-d few (he beat ba ite greet Wtsiety, ba Peatoring (hwe OFEOrs yaad « pericct cure le warranted when the ehuv: Com and he doubie not will excel, ia ite products, gh | rendering prompt retarue. | Coston, and all hinds produce. | Stone in the Bladder and Kidneys, Weak | Horst, iu Moekaville; at Dr. R —grows!—end the | deli; the portraying shill of the prophet. | Hue! Aodit iv | fee, i | with Juho FP. Cowan. of foruish » supply by addressing him of Salisbury, N lof callug vi lie resdence, 10 miles west of this) suis ine lace if I I AVING detecmiy of cabivetion, and the will refi on ae: ance in viewing the laure STATESVILLE, N. ¢, BBCOWD Ts orto, GROCERS, NO, 10, ROANOKE SQUARE, sxy@prRuUrdpuem, FO. ation to the aale of Flour apd other | a Pay active atte avoiding pune Cessary sharers» nds of Prodyer, SERanair VER Centeal Rail Boo a tri-weekly line yf J. DB. CUMMING, c. w. ervson. | from Tork 26 sage Board und Tuitiunto be pail in advance. CUMMING & STYRON, COMMISSION ood wiecess, that their new and ha: j now dra oa AND , . | : i | timie, and every " - Merchants, jovi yocettiee rs oc ’ Y H now, as it from be pian to render thc ir College inferior ia no es fat, institutions of the bighest nd in @ teow hours side of the mountains, while from 4. 41 | ower eruntry, it is easily aceeesible by means of iy indsome comple tion, that the seat” ot teachers will be seens rf Provision made fur the cant wing rapidly to fall corper of ‘eltcie is peg d reputation in our Btute. The location is fang, to health, being ia an elevated region, and wi, AND Latin and ry F . B Ile hants, * Candies aud tuwels furnished by the pupils WILMINGTON, N, €. By order sae Rg ag Particular attention peid to selling Floor, Corn “ve ig ao le Frb., 2856. ty39 - COWAN'S VEGETABLE LITHONTRIPTIC | | | | | FRIEND OF TILE HUMAN FAMILY. surrkarne From DISEASED KIDNEYS, néss of the Loins, be. | Thisinvalasble medicine is for sule at the Davie Caupbeli’s, in Ire- atthe Drag ere in Charlotte; Malem ; aed at the Caroline Watchman UF. | Selisbery. The subseriber having entered inte enpartactship | wl patemte?, fur the man- | facture and sale of the nbive Medicine, is prepared to d AUSTIN. rs E. D. | ‘ { ny Jane 2t, 1855 JAND FOR SALE. | ' he lands of J.tu 8. Coren, Jr eub Beker, ond others The depot on the Westera Bxteusen mast be neer The place bee on ut all arce-sary buildings in gand re- pair saben 350 serve, one hall of which isin a high Stare The (raet cootawe Ateo one gad meeduw © well timbered most cel} soon. asf bala nee Tees wists prod barge nunsheling Lerune. Pete-ae collag on Wm. L. Sicele, camhave asst JOUN W. STEELE March Lith, 1*56 aif wis wae +k Noon 4 & BeapTe hh <8 OF % Uae cee St AND NEW GOODS. J uly 8, 1856.—tdes. KEITH & FLANNER, OMMISSION MERCKANTS ut Zeverly's | The Gret cor will leave Wilmington, N. C., June 14, 1856. A May 12, 1856. od ty cell off and more Roath. gant stuck of Bleple 1 offer my plantation Lor sar, lying on the waters of gent ie extensive and of gregh veriety of tyke ad Fourth Creek, 16 niles weet of Salwbury, adpewing | qualsty Ruisbary, March J, 1856. 1 geerrally, shat the Hamre it ao open for the ereagyre of Boarders, Travelers, &e WILMINGTON, N. C. Through Preight to Wilmington pr, Mail Tis, W mington direct; levying Bplivbury on Monday ang Thursday ; leave Wilasingiew,on Tnesday and Fb aay. oge a to reoeive | end deliver freight at sll the S1atiegs. E hove made an arrangement with the Bailnad Company to van @ freight car with the Mai Traips, twice a week, from Salisbery to Wi Dur ntwill a Sal oo Monday 32 ina. KEITLE & FLANNER cL) Mackerel! Mackerel !! large lot of Mackerel ig bbis. half bbls. quaret bhis. aud kits, of ot) Moa just reecived and for MELLS, MOOSE & Co alu To Parmers. HE sobscribers reapestfillly invite the attention of Permere end Sing it \arge wad ote - Vouey Their sang Call at No. 3, Granite Rew. BROWN & COFTIN ane Bfusic. Large aseurtinent of Plane Furte Maric fq oe J, 1. EXN[Ss" BOUKSTORE MANSION ER HOTEL SALISBURY, N. C. YU R subecriber having token charge of the thew Eatablichmeat, begs leave to inform the pole He promises (hai be ACCOMM OD ATIONS wiboelet Chee rae oe of he t Te. Neots e . suf Gy frage, or of hokling poltical office to a healthy eooditwe «I furiiner asoure ym thet lol ity oe taboo WM LEAVE e agitation which dtarbed peace of O:h. A change w the laws of naturalization, | heve procared from the patie nts for whee 1 have pre See adged over 'e (noma wd bottles ef es “ ae AVEN WORTH, Bop : the couniry im 1550, was unavoiial-o I. was! making a comteaed residence of tweaty-une! mr bed the remedy, suct specimens of the substances = y ee ePID aos oy ee Silver HN. Oet 1, 1855 raf a shellbe equal to any in the Siate. Persons stappeg . a4 5 _— mere he ; the venany of Bostom, | kaww the effect of & im eve | : ot bie Howse, always hare mealein time bor the om brought myon us by the acquisition of uew ter! years, uf all not berewbeture provided for, am in- | Se ee willesdiagesh irre Der OHARLES T. POWE Mills, Moose & Co. ‘ weland departure af the Cars. Ajtentive ned athe ' bow, ° < od meer « ‘ rior, for the goverament of which it was re Jinpensabbe rej ume fur cousenship hereafter, amd) ns ove otaeage ee rte them dy- gl tie core hemor I never odd a tndtle bet . eas vhsets ta \cheem taeie eanay ad the ime sereants always in atteadaare Call aod give me quesary to pros ide Lernignial adunimtratior Del accede all Z J nitoateinatad ? adaliee wrye, ered that edd sauther; afler a trel t always opecks fur avinr permanentiy locate éie Sallsbery. respert- B ‘ = endo @ a trial B. GRANT . r scludiuy all paapers and persons convi | of aud bdedder, toa ver nederable extent,and im oth: ie There ate two th atewt thes herb thet fell) tenders | oul public generally thal they ate now receiwumg & 5 i . 3 ie a Ge you to say whether the present agitation, crime, from laudag upon ovr shores: bat poin er cases of a durserd os ft the eneery angers, - J sty bal teeter coaehestate me ’ ry hes profemumaiservicesio the pel | peeing ja the Hrck Mowe formerly of db Sahebery, May 24, 1855 ie | “te are to me verprimng ; first thet grows ia our pas OBee Cowse’s Breck Row y eosaped 17 whieh distracts the ecosntry and (hreatens us cord ' P ‘ i. (6 a eGeeteg cure, and particolarty im cases of chtume ag £ s ee Kenned, & Mille thes: stork of “st veo with the ated ry A foreigners. ” teres, m qume places quite plem dul, ead yet ite valve Sakebery, Mag ith, eS wie > with civil war, has pot been recklessly and wa T Unk! | Onseasiaise lo na cueten belwees Church | Meri) mores = ee hee never bee havwe onl 1 ducwvered tin 1546 CTA DT ANT '§ \ ’ , ; Li) J NL HESS, MD oT part Tawih-PTiee | 4 f tealy prodaced by the adoption of a mensere 10 and State: bo interfercnce with refigious (ath ’ second, that it eheald care ell brads of heme LET ves REASON TOGETHER, didrg persvaal advancement rater than tm e®Y or worship. and no test oaths for office le order to go - wane khen of the sodden ree and 8B publabed daily nod weekly at $6 and 8? pv blic 1 (Cheers) bate pr Ino : ut ; Thin te teaceriefy that Lam acquannted with Cowan's great populanty of the derovery, | will state thet in es } oots ani ’ engem je advance. 11 eallered ta the Aad ool go fe : ; Lith. Free and thoroagh investigation imty Vegetable Lithantriprie, and bare been be ceveral April, 1833, 1} peat od it, and wid sbowt m2 bediles per { ré be ot a “ of Safiebery and other western towns, #9 8 goad Bir, you here been please! to any that Lhave any aad all allege) abuere of public functions , yx are post, sad have eterry dite beaches! -B-ew m day —em April, 1651, 1 odd + uae teamed battles ra se all acveles avunily heptine Dry Geode | vertinag median. Terme muderate the wnioe of these States b Tine, dr, 8) rea and a strict now m public etpendituree ex Veral casce uf calcahme coors in my own meghw- per day of it ree s a erga unadten | Mey argest and ben Address, T BURR. Jr Madat true, for if there be one t dearer th. T ‘ Sey hennd, and have beard many of the patermte say tet Kime of the wiu'easle Drogrets who have been % nek { Girurerics cvot offered ia thiomarbet! Feb. 96. 1866. ne z Th : ; > : ¥ 2h © Main noe asd enforcement of Vy tees ward it hw © cumalaiets. ten Gad is arceia’ oocia aad (hany veamelany Gt Gniking all of wheck they are deicrmmmed to sell ot prece that me than any other, it hy ne PMity, proepertty and awe . t " enacted, until said la@e . @eeted 0 cuss x RRO RL SES ete honmemtrs Dt Ran Es eal ai * cannot fad to ylease | JAMES HORAH, of thr greet Kepuble: and 1 cvaless I] be repealed, of sball be declared pall and ey hem great more them any thet ‘Pheee so a amiverval prawe of 1 frum all qearters . P.8. THE HIGHEST MARKET PRICES Dae ipo i fa) ee ee silage a ee a (iS THE MiCUrST MARKET PRICES WATCH MAKER AND JEWELER pothing of any parveular sectio ren i3u. i tha ml wm braiatine vn waying that f bebewe it te be the beet ere bat dace te ininaducting a@ a groerel farnly all hinds of cogniry prdece SALISRURY, N.C the aeveral camindates before the pow lye 5 of Serr et t meni Apter Row wn wer. Oe erfully recommend 4 gnedecine, great sad woods fol virtaee bave beea Qgped Samvary Dh, 165% 311f E Bn chi tint “ i vy o ' te aft afflicted with (yeer pase ‘ul, dit reemng. aad - get that | newer cuspreted (ome Aor below B. & A. Murphy Here seme they are ail honors het Diet ral ¢ é t of r national afore, and ore mcarebie malades JAWEN T DUNE, M D Sevesel couse <6 cquleptc Moe 4 a wee NEW * REPS coctentty hand ot mo P what do we we! Ano aaten| febnz ope y a shows ie remeving © Amen ye eomadered imeareble, have been cured by « HOLLOWAY'S PILLS. opiatinetg Potlonne wee haar t the North and Svet a tf Pree - Gb is. Te r 1846 . ADDI eo or, ' : and ah ween the North and Sueth, . , Scares reccaul ey c(ivaa | im woe Vo, Tena, April 04, 1836 Acca O. whsl @enerey 4 0 wal prate cB-cieal SPRING vk SUMMER Checks, Watches sad Jewelry of every deveripies, ting of all topics, resulting im bleeleliod f orineiple, fr aw »] ng furvigners and We Jues F Cowss—PDrer te Y . secg of that aeful maledy—shere are but few WHY ARE WE SICK. ae a re d im the beet the must fraser pat emilitors arra brake heave _ ; " Bek pan opm eter mee who have wen mae of it than | have sabi . d groin a ; 2 ee A rv z ve por abe - x ne ‘wees the tet of the haman rete to be weighed dren * . Piet thie is ot all, ir, We we in pp oo bear) be ' acrencer ae uient aad rush me wrth for th 1 hme cobra —~ ra Dropey - of them nerd BU Law AVS PTUAS ove epee HY ‘ = b) February 19, 1656. ys 1 lotow with this distr people cur 4 athe verkae dewnere of the | party, presenting camdilates for rhb =. aaris the wenker powers : ae low Kiet Uederhe, Diepepas, Asthene, F ca bw g ’ end Vice T'resjeocs, celecter! for font tt ‘ ' tonal agitation, by pi (oer ae and Ag ! athe * The nore he Nmae — Sali bary, Mareh 25, 1856. | Vip NS from the foe Syates about. wits te avons r i AS pennant wo Se EAS 2 eel par ry nervers h ve, &r. the — bie submeriber 2 pow corriving hee stock of Spring MILLER pose of electing thew eamdtedates |y euthr ores eaaiees lt es ie trem 1 Nace et Gurewery hae dene mere grant than any modes ° & Bemmact tiene, eunensting of » genera! eaport G. tee I .y : ra tive t , ee ’ “ ‘ beerw mont of A IRNEY AT LAW Free par et thet men ovits totale met Un af ef n arm and Nea m she en ara 8 THESE PILLS PURIFY THE BLOOD. Gaeks ATTORNEY AT LAW, s 05 \ ma . = oe mmonode of the > furrmly that are oe one N v cot the beet you y whole &. Sut Can & be pos * veo z r the Keausae and Ne- emder tins decrease. & . a satan oe - ve These facrons Mille ate capressly combined to aw Ladies Dress a MOCKSVILER, 8. C. who sro engaz | ia * a a: | trek < A tee ences wma kl wiculd te parcial ei ated ee Dien Nieitieest leks epental Conn rt C'S of almeet every description. Hie stack of NEBDLE TO Oe memetintety mepmeite tive Davie Newt hawe serio aj<on Che “156 : ay be orn eS 4 hetd vr re de oyrem fo . . curing dense WORKED EMBROLVERLES © canpicte Ne én n 2 repay ue is ; " a . ; xi so astedl be “Ohta nan five in ooght 10a terental Ao ‘all ite & would reepecttally ash an etammanton this stock by a) Aged *. In ‘ie “ Siete . er ios ih * . are, JUHN BM BAIN Es Om rrotmns coe be apploable to olf enmetitateme, tok DYSPEPSIA & LIVER COMPLAINTS who wish we purchase (ands of the weweet and lnteet | pre ad (Cheers.) eel equire! to P» gh prey panos eoficreet loaperste om the brwetet wore a day . : eyes Partieglar ottention i paid to proepting Penh eo by thane who cleeted h : . ear MANUFACTURED BY warty ball the . @ Pita 11 has hows ncahy Cio wEctact ey buen Wace envadeecé | To the Ladies. Weking be apyannt te If aw ote rex ? 3 “OWE ’ pith sag | tater thee eretenm before wt ment | 8 y 8 ; z ia ge of grout DONALD KENNEDY, They enon at agen: expand rm F swhecribers sre ane receiving the fare of south of Mason's an? Ditow's line be mot © 18 1 : qc ks ae , E MYER " € is kg rec \ ; a : ; er, No 190 Warren Rt-eet, Rothery, Massachessti« + mark deranged, ond when all ether ‘aaf vet reumpirir stick of Ladws’ DRESS Gao yy id r ; 4 r , ‘ saficred «t ‘ “ ' t Pree 91.00 they ¢ 4-° the pobhe, whieh they of proper fo select on from the sar arte, ME wuluny new tb» ” en = that I had Wheleeale Agente, New York ( C V Chehaere GENE L DEBILITY HLL HEALTH. &. SVE METCHISON, | well at all peofit, They ravile partiogiey sttesae one of bw (4 Coane © represent t pene ns a Gale : 1 Merciay Str COW Riog, 192 Brosdway A . COMMISSION MERCHANT te their fine ermbrndered. oh an@txee MANTILL mation ina foreagn Coantry ! Or. ind ef * A : he wonkd bedd moe free ay, O & W Reeds, 160 Folion Nerees Pianteadpiody : ici scan A ped to ther latret etyiceol BONNET RIBBOSS Test the rerenve, or adminwter oe { ra a ans aay) ober fe TW Dyott & Sena, Phitedetpiea ; S&S Hanee pecnme Charicotte, N. Cc. EMDRO DERLES, &e No 3. Granite Row Tieea Kian os : ve Raliimare: Geo HW Keyser, Patsbarg; AB Mare wf voll on Commicttom ' RROWN @ COFFIN Premdent “ adort in sebeetin > ci boob ore. tee, mee, oe) (Pe goes ‘hoe Bene sas pte eae ” verte 1 tabi to Cotton, Corn, Flour, Wheat, and all Rahebory, Mere 25, 1886 ort emt to ade eclecting men for . . . wre mireal; Huhne & Pew afl 10.6 ee gaa Sneed? Ca Eo ang more ae teh gnc hag Jammee Reed dr, Sh Wat, Le PEMALE COMPLAINTS COUNTRY PRODUCE To Gentlemen. , F, * Pron = IN CHaRLOTTR, CHaRL = ania io a hers (obvi m only s ee cr cae wine tree toner Diem Oe me by oll reapretabte Dreggists in the U N51 eh Oe ate eee cemass Coaret ior ea pa Liberal AG eee eee PIJVIE ewtecribere here vow on hand ihe monies wil by of! re epeetaly reg ». eee vreee © wet nathhy cour ~ pear & - eemary to torn the tables upon oarsetves S$ 1 \ and oper vo loee them tweety days Tess a acces as Bich Previbere xins OF pando, ortiog In many my Scare Aniscs che eretned vances mode on Conciguenente ;- plete asmotimest of ( caren oo me that t South. having an vit f ee miome of my Geass, aed ap es ‘ ‘ catest medicine thet can be given to Children of off ages, and offered to the public, Call at No (ereane » saa nes - f as y 4 8 aced ipeatecee se eel eats Fur anle at Sell & Bell'e Dreg More, Salabury,N (oe cay complaint, conerqatnily rileosaphadiy fein Mabry Water enees st Pe gnowN 4 corns electors! yten, short jectar 1 ey ’ 5 5 hare only siavehoiders for Hresnient and Vic ana any hind, of my old hoe . “AD ivd ’ Hotloveny's Pelle are the hert Remedy known J u. Jeok ne, Keg, Sahebary ; (en W. Wilhome Salbory, March 25, 1856. a3t faa : THE DEAD SEA rose SANFORD'S INVIGORATOR. airhe worl for theirod D & Co, Charenton) Hamt, Lexington; Robert | ~ President: and shonu!d elect such by their ex My dear wr. my cat wasone that ought to have iomng inecanes Buotter, Keg. New York R. J J SUMMERELL dhasive auGrages to rule over ve st the Nor Ty a hrealth nat ereceding ten eanederable wroght. oo wae of net lose than therty FOR ALL PIRPOSES OF A STIBTLATING LIVER | Piachoe leds ftome and Grave Februsry 3%, 1886 1y°138 D id " 1 t \ . j hes ; 4b have heen ended nant pasbeabaeh as Lage 4 ne Pocoenery Cram ee ais nit Do you think we @unld submit to . vile ie Inead Measecins houndiens 10 and t bates ues 07 =e J yes MEDICINE. ‘ ‘ ing ary Syrup Greensboro > ] — . nthe his Cee ot be spear nes for a monrnt ( \ppiagee ) Amd do roe tr Mf : ‘ Re oer sail TILER E hae long cxmted a dy mand for each «rem 4 : Pairk be aig Nios enh pre pe oceania ae |e : li F F “ king from north to : : s mt! ody het could be telied on aa afte wnt efieriont, This sonal calls from bie ote z = : a rece sts ; - hat the oe . - inewarabie aster medy has been prepared to mect that demand: and MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPA ie NB. There ace many peraons inde ed - schol mn this » an » ar eal and the er of) ea, ast ’ beh, mr. ta da the brmaa Camily & ' Ags +e te vortnes by — ho . a he erst of 1 new accoent and have been fer severe! peer ous of their + cheer, ae eee se : yer a a mf make yuer remedy pub, ae i nce has shown how - vr I Eo leer be Aged vrcinls waebeshael ee ak on cto gate s hesg ‘ ‘ . u Ue ; qc afile tod with the grat : ta men ith @ joint ote Pan y = Vf yoo do, a oth ae ap Gay. Bee canna ars pose . he ¢ are) eat has waceallicel hea Thie crmpany being hicated in the Western part of the which mast be done by May Court, cor | shel And, therefu: $ . witln tt es mee . , sre hk z ate * yume vate rey magne of the Invigeator we menian Laver Complarnt State, conseqacatly mach the larger portion of the rish+ ot thor acailecta c - al party soccer ls, it ne a (lite » the lh. give to its wa . 2th -) nisi ies Ye : a ate Ne ) . ; = whith is the re many other dieemece, among them -waskhecabic ta ding Uy tableg tex torgesstere 2°% mthe West, tery many of whack crete the Gnentry Ralebery, Jon Bo, 1°56. Te?) ; voto on ty te 1 sre. Bikonenecs. Headache, Painin the ade and Lins bd The Com tivety tree f b a: “4 struction of this teantifal falyne rear he ear inee tot nevan, Car awn 4. and fram my enf ring © mach | would pad RN Dirsetions for the gaktane atientsin every theorder o Company isentirety free from debt; have made Bisons Bevee, Feeer and Agar. Jaundice, Indigestion, are aflagd to each bot noasseamnenta, sad is therefore comfid NEW pment . ; = nd le . b» . | ! tet tid bh he be e . % '‘ . evi onfidently recommen forefathers. « ed by t ~ and mnie nce the ecuaation uf swith: vafes es cocye atl ahi aN the Bee Tangent and kn of Appetite, Iaetleconens and Irrita ded to the pablic a) ft iy Ett , Gueatbed to us a8 a pricviens nher ; : ; eae = Taatintlie test GhoaCa Teon nt all of whrehare cansed by a disemaed ection of Dyspepsia Cured. Atthe inet Anan! Mecting the following Office. . LN ) > \ 4 { tefl you, my friends that I speak wary ny Mitiy sy efranye a sea, i pnt ' t 7 the Laver, The low fia compounded with par W. HOSTETTERS € . wereclecied fot the eneumg vers ‘ H ot : 4 this subject for | feel that we are in danger, 7 the accounts of the extreme buoyancy felt Mewtar COR cents Mt wt jiand) where that dteecve | TE BTTE@S CRLEBRATED MT JAMES SLOAN, President ’ 7 This ie toeerts hal my wile eu red with Prdap. te rem wed nll (he rest ape eured, ae the cagse of them TERS, for the care of Dyspepsia and Chills & CES 8A . ® | & am determined tu make a clean breast of it } wickiv consinced Chat there i nee mene ak Por sane (2. ie taken away. A few dears of the Invigorator rare! y Fever, &e. Fur sle by & G. COFFIN, Vice President pus Uter, of falling ' mb. Fa - mth we dames ol egurat: ot ‘ : PP EUN, wil wash my bands of the consequences, wliat noin what Pheard. 1 jonthe she was very had in henle, etrength stimulate the Laver to a praper ection, pad WILLS, MOOSE & CO RSE Lolo ALL. Attor ioe ts Mm ever they may be, and I tell you that we ar J sat tes id, and ao «te gy eprrite She ward twn nities your Lithoatripuc by it tinved ase to remowe the dmense. It hae Salisbury, Way 12 37 oT RR : : cc'yand Treasurer — ; ates treading upon (he beck af a voteans, that 1 | \ Fite eam to kets aad her health we now reatared-—enuirely fre uf thee been taken with great in eneee of Chufie, Dyn ve eras 7 TRTRR ADAMS, Secty W FE. are pow reeaiving our neal ements ry bre Sle Neb pee ‘ leu a : | wither acuaatoneinesch caves, Nhe hasbeen en intery. Hemore, Serofula nara and Aw ihe ROWAN FA | LUV 3, deat Agem ing ® great periety of NEAPLE & t oe atany in en. Iinerzed, the fect startiyg Up Inte air vey hee tn t for more than 12 1Chae been foand a very effiearions remedy. An oe Y. May 10, 185 111 Or9 Goode, well adapted to the Neamin—all ot = MS the aration. J wig rorde held ont de atewery Vigerons stroke When floating, montha BENS WCE casional deve stimntatcs the stomach ta a hentthy ac. | —— Deen bomeht at the lowest figures, and whrch # lasive hopes and therel votes but Pmever aie the body rose above the surface, and hous and reatores the appetite and virer One deme Tribate to whom Trivate ts due; ifte the Nerth hed eralt te nffer at wroresate and retad a wan eranent to b> ing North will relieve the epprereve aneaavcapericnced (be . that must give satisfaction a Pte to the Sour [ shotld leaping my vith Aa] woone might have slept npon Tine ety certify that my wife has heen entirely re: eating aheurty dinner. awit excites the diqrative vor Pay It----1f mot, eaeowrage Home Manafactares, Cal afd trandee var stock before you parchaer * “e id t ; k 1 j ' ' After some thine (he atrate. beved of a very adplenemat end hangre-able affection ganete vigurous revion, For a debilitated atate of the TINUE enbecribers © patthe ROWAN FAC we are delermmed to sell {LJ could be guilty of such evasion, (Turn oe ee ie penantion in eam nicasire ike kan and Kidneya by the vee of a bottle and « aystem the Ineigutator hae no eqaal which oxperience TORY (heated in Saliebury) in eaccesaful ope MURPHY, McRORIE & ey ons Appianse ) bor my conasewnen Wo abe st \ | Nea recy half of Cowan'e V tabhe Teth ethather gen. proves, aa it restores the avetem and removes the vel ration, nad are making superior RPHY, Mehor aak with the dramatic port . Up peare ane on rey ung 1 peal benlth has be mach better since ahe weed the lownese fromthe oS on, which ie the result of a diseased Saliebury, April 1, 1856 ’ saat : ahore P ecareleasly dro Loiny feet to mmedieme, than it had been for five years pres «& SHEETINGS & YARNS Now 1 & 2, Granite Row. 4 I ’ £26 © [pe there not some eneret corve ’ t. wher ine f bladder liad = s:nall portven af the Medreine entepely reeves her vared and wid by Sandfn & Go. 188 F P cade ont, when lo! naif a bladder lia I an year ‘ : TOME which they offeron reasormble terme. W te’ ‘. on thander red with inven ath re re ' hole te which ahe ve aul ~w Yor pe : : @ are deter Bome hidden thaind with 5 is Fee attached te each heel, they flow ap ( kot the ¢ ke which she re aulyect Sf, New York Price @1,00 por bottle, enmta'ning mined tn prodace grads equal ta the heat made in the DIBSUuD w& BUNC®. Po blart the e@reich who owen hem greatness Yours, very rempect (nalts ROOT WPARKS 10 doses. Almo sold by Ball & Sill, Druggias, Sabeba. To hie enowiry's ren ( wards; the strnggle te recover mysell - ry NC : Biate and epare no effort to give autiafaction te all who Catrina RB. Dibble, gene =P. weer sentiny head caw the vile, bitte rand Vorhritie, Tenn, San, %, 144 , may fervor ae wit their prtronage Late of Wilmington, N. La inenems In the langn f lamented win! SORE INY Tes SN u i, L hereh rtify that my wile was taken last Octo ta a few weeks we shail be prepared to GB orders fir 4 ts ee lente ntl SO a Ta pater Fh etl ty A pay Aig hme ot on rs oo eye TON Ba ‘ommission Merchal (Rathusi«:! | ye vaarded iny head, now roahed into ty wae aticuded by agund Midwife, for two or three days fered long yrara with hver complaints, pain in the side | Rept on hand and foreate. “The = h pala PSiBusitstic an) 7 ®.) La : : d lone, bi oa, Headache, irritabed doth ie Pe Va ‘ ‘ 1 “ cyea, ears, | ose or One withant any rchef; T then rmployed a rempeetalle 80 : piles s ieritabdlity, and other RE I \ In ‘our, Grain, Nava Se ean vnccctumeengan Rant eat eae, and rte A (oF Oe crn cr tess and thn anata! Sete me pararns tow ptesed wera GRIST MILLS . 8. REEVES 2 Cots roe, ers ems rie UN PR rete fi s w;rrible inement the opty dony we J ida lash esl or Bes tiibie f f : alps : aloo “ In thie eeetional ayitation oan have contemplated OFT T ‘ ME 1 PO eae cg ged effret, and nv was thonghe by all that she dps one! - bes aa have pronounced incurable. are glen in operation and Corn will be ground fer toll I I AS Ilneated in Salishbary, and offer Seuthern Preduce Generally: te he | 7 f encces iit was wlictio#n «waa [ove ume et I nner di After ehe had natd Cowan's medicine four ° = 7 y ope rite as promptly as possible his profession u services to the pab No. 180 Frort gtroee the lawful conse tenees of success Y coned, Camning to tie surface, however, | ne fige days it commenced depomtng a thick sediment r. Sandford's Tavigarater wil make you well MORNING & MEADER Cc. Offee two doors bel Bowjemin Julians rtore syuarsy wwikiite maunider the | aa Roun. ANA E pts L ewatn to laud, making no further gt- Whe gravel ground ap, whreh conunnted for several riod Adal oes er aay al fined toute, pal Ralisbory, Jone 17th, 1856 uw April 2, 1856 ty archy and « arthrongh the land, what 10 : : days, and # was mixed with a blondy corruption, and Perhurmed oy the use of thie remedy, and none who lees Ne , AMO ee i \ ee na * tempt to. alk in deep water, which Tam sahdat re Piles AL fie seecral duse: nese! whan ahe nee tare disappoinied in its effects, A distinguished ¥ = ’ alleen ss icy ; for tl tural ine ed to beheve 28 almost on resi ble. | cgmmenced mending very fret and sm now in qnod Physician says in his practier he never found anything SOB PRINTING arriage License for Sale at this “es 3 ware Moreen Greensborn. 4 aenss ‘ ' r the natural con Kustern ed health, and likely to ge through her period of preg an effectoal in refieving the above named dinates as ; tk | WL. Mrrover, Req., Payettes | ' : Fh the Lnvigorator Imot7 | Neatly veccnted at tris Office Office LB opto MUlk Na ' ” | fa. Beerensen, Mag. Cache Rank eequer 5.3. seoves Baiter, am a oo 2st ee NATIONAL CONVENTHON: - at elem sha FE [voxgEe oKp.] - Th é erode ne account is contained ii ae ffon. Alexander Rives, of+. Virginia, -beivg |. Lb ic despatch, datedDayto: foudly called for by the Couvemtion;epuke ax’ and is as follows: “The greatest, ever assembled being held follows: Gentlemen; Alter the xgry clog ugnt ale nited ses that have been ayade it je with are |; eo Bn. deuce that I rise to respond to the call that has . aia dred and «ty been wade ypon ine aud upon wy State, and ih | herey and there are eighty )sons in the procession alone,.., The | western, portion of our, State jout en inasse. There are ib he 0 so duing allow my fo say that T feel that if 1! should fail to respond it would Tudieace a want! vf fealty to that Commouyealth which I hoaor and revere: Mp. President, permit me to say, es See Ae ihe tb ars 22 cams te Sate sa =s==—- ed, and speakers holdin 4 wie abt septic ¥y whem Uden raul ee . : : Sch boo of the ergo and Sieonton noble b <Pabuire yieesibetaahe 9 - = af / arch is one argest an ci seats vay er ecincotscinrain VOL, XETT, ALISBURY, N. C., OCTOBER 7, 1856, NUMBER XIX jercicd in the United Staten ‘Thames itol of that State ; ‘afd whut a’scene was present- jno doubt from this demonstration , |that this State will give her slectotal yofe. ed to them! It was a& scene caldulated tu arouse | a —- = or oe + - a eS Ge. Bock 7 * the anxious solicitude of every patriot and free- | had it in one power, the veil that conceads. from | felt myself bv every conviction of mr understand: { that electric spark which has passed so rapidly i was sent by the peoplu of North Carotina fo cast | thing susceptible of judicial proof, but it is the} PE PUCEEDED. 9 SE pe man who respects the Government amd the Taws. | us, by the dircetion of a merciful Providence, the! ing aud every emotion of my hearta Whig, and | through every portion of the country, wliich has! the vote ofthat State for Mind Fillmore. ‘Lo, | necvesary juference from all the eircumstancce | SUED et eae I al Civil war, Sir, Was raging tpou our borders, and | dire calamities Unt might enswe from sach an nothing cle. [Apiphiuse.] Whenever this coun-J brought so many right-thinking and right-feel-|day (le sid) fain the quly delegate who was) which surround it, It bas been well stated that WHERE THE * AJD HAS cate mob law prevailing in avother State of this € oD: | event; but, yet, if the reae ofthis eleetium shoutd (try has seemed to me to be tn danger, then, in- jing ineo bere. It is to this I Iduk far the safety | then present from that State. T was not then) when Alillard Fillmore left the Presidevcy he left | At a big Kansas meeting in’ Al on a federacy. Sir, what was the duty of the Whigs, be in favor of either of Uaese geudomen, betaine, stead of “onbackBing the armor Sraldesshine n of this country : and whatever clouds may gath-, permitted Lo Cast that Vote for MillarPFillimore, | the country iv peace and quiet, and now it is in- | Sane Gi 6 7 din, ” convened Under circumstances like these? Where | eoujure my fellow compatrivis who are here as. single ri¥et, T huve Weller (oh like rejoiei sta er, whatever dangers may threaten, [ will say and as wiy bodorable adh uistinguished cutleagye volved in fratricidul strife. ehort U (eee et Fg « relief” vould theytook for protection to the mterests! semble not to shut (heir eyes to the fact hat see every man, in the language of Gen. vlor, that I apprebend no combination of evil whitch (Gov. Graham) yesterday alluded to the fidelity Alter the wevession of President Pieroe the } were mpeg zt ; ay h : dearest to the heart of the Whig! {Cheem:|— ! the hout of danger will lave come. In thiseriss ta Whig and quarter over, (Laughther and , Will be able to withstand the upited power of of the sons of ! orth Carolia, comparing it with laws relating to Territories were written with fy peaple of Kansas ; Gerret Smit! Sit, had they any thing to expect of that purty is the Whiz party must come forward and throw applause.) . : intelligence and patriotism. [Applause and the fidelity of wortan, L will tale this opportu. change of language and expression. The Kan- | 3,000; Edward C, Delevan gave.$1,000, ; whith seuky to perpetuate its power iu bands its weight into the eonservative scale. This will) Katertaining these views, Mr. President, J, cheers | nity to relate a lithe wneedote which occurs to sas Nebraska Lil) was never called for by the (and others gave similarsums. The» a hed E, similarto the dynasty that now boldsit + Learehbe a great contest; and they must be ready and shall not need to say to this Couvention that |, On motion, the Convention then adjourned | me as illustrative of what | conceive to be the public voice in any quarter, by any assemblage | has been accounted. for by the comp rot What dfe the qealiicutions,-as w statesmau,) willing to devote (hemselves, their fortunes, ind! have very lithe sympathy woth the principles or “until Thursday morning at 10 o'clock, A. Mi fixeduess of purpose that should animate not ou- of the peuple, | appointed to dishurge it-as follows :— of James Buchanan ; the moment that be ae-ever theirfives in defence of thut sacred instru- the purposca, or the po! cy of snutherduarty valiigli ‘ lly the menibers of this Convention, bat the great Atcbisyn, of Missoari, was the real author of printers, (N. "Y. “Tribune, Tintes, aad cepted the nomination of the Civeinuati Cuaven:janent for which our fathers shed their bloud. Sir, is pow runs ing rampant dirough ALS conatry! | MECUND DAY, | Whig party. A lady, upon @ certain geeasion, the Kausas-Nebraska bill. He-went to Douglas | got $315. Paid clerk hire, $136y~ “se tiun he ceased to occupy his furmer positivn 5 amd beg pardow for trespassing so lung upon tu had a litte « it was well sgid, he had ceased tu ovoupy the} time of this Convention by these ynpremeditated | to every man who holds himsclfto be an Amer position te which he might have beca entitled }remorks. [Cries of “Go on "] There are abler ican citizen. T yieldno right or privilege to dis- frown his former services, and suak into « mere; imen here, who are much better known than |) cusé in a falr and kind spirit every question in puppet upon a party platiorm, to. be manages!) am, for 1 am but a young soldier in tbe cause. which, as American citizers, we all have acom- Ly pasty managers. Sir, where ase the Wluygs); I give way, therefore, and, in the name of the mon interest. Bat the ixsue may arise when of dus country who, either iu the North, the delegation from Virginia, | call npon my fricud, | the question Befure us shall be of a character to evade nove of the respousililics which belong The Convention mét pursuant to adjournment, Mr. Vearre, of Maryland, being fur, rose and spoke as follows : Mr, Presideut, I must return my thanks to the Convention for this very whexpeeted call upon! ine to speak. But, sir, to meet a-Coavention | like this, composed of go many Uld-line Whigs, uarrel ‘with her busband, such as and said, “Introduee this bill; you are strong at\an agent, $231; total committee aegemmbacs !tometimes wil occur ig the best regulated fami-| the North; this will give you the South, aud } 8683. Paid>-for the relief.of It. Boffam,, loudly called lies. He had been @ tailorin early life, but tad you will be Vresident.” Dyuglas refused. | ang fawily in Kansas, $25; to committee at (grown rich, and was very unwilling to have any Atchison again saw him and insisted. Douglas for “ relief” purposes, 400 ; total for tr atusion wade to bis ever having used the scis asked twenty four hours, and then seceded. Ihe $150. Paid for Sharpe'srifies; an sors in his lutibledecupations Welt, be had a. was a pure clectioneering trick, but it bans not}. ‘presage of armed emigrants. fto © Quarrel with his wife, and be ducked her in the Leen successful. The measures raised a perfect | Chiengo odmmittes for sivil war, $1,400;, 4 UrCh as ates! ten dollars, devoted to civil war; wttilé a<|ouly four hundred and twenty tive dollar South; the East, or the West, are the coustaut) Mr. Janney, from the county of Loudoun.” uverpower all othe 1 : 5 mill- pond, but she would persist in saying “scik- storuy at the North, and Douglas, like the fox : 4 7 ; y y \ power all others. It is impossible that the | peareseatiog ulmouat every State it Usi a, od yg ; : ; ne is Loaned to Gen. Schuyler, $250; to advocates of a segular goverament ee Pa ak | Mr. Jaxwtr, in response to the call, which |ComUmgeney should pot sometimes arise in the ne seems to any inind ae ao Big g =a) wore oe piri pai wr ie pa the ree ts = Robinson, “ Croverpor,” $500 ; makin ¥ as é =) ’ 5 J gow. 2, P . ook be pra e “a premacy of Ukedaws—where are they to lyok | jwiminwtention of the affairs of the nation whee, 1; is an evidence, sir, of the continuation of that |/° but she conunued oletivase, and when she, luss ahd the of the ‘total of three thousand, foe hundred { was loudly seconded by the audience, said: came to the surfece of the water she would re- of thew tails also, avd sdopt the aneas peat the offensive designation. So be beld her part of the Democratic platform, Judge Bs dowh if the water until it censed t6 bubble from! went into an elaborate and thorough exaniu nowd Ashe wot prepared to Low his bead iny shame fur the election of an imbceile Gospen- | meat, that peemils, week after week, the public | sts by the sile of this great absorbing principle uf kind of frateroal feetiog which always has bound, | love fur our common coantry, alluther ipsuce sink : Mr. President, I Bave two or three very sub and which L trust always will bied, this grom’ Cal reasons for not complying with the re heart t@ be lacerated by rumors of fratridicidal | quest of wy frivud, la the test place, the Com tnly compar ve iusigniGeanes, (applause) aod whenever such a ereis comes | aball be glad we steife upou our borders! Sir, had the noble pa ,nonwealil of Virgivia ban been leard through have stuud wih the Whigs of Massachus-tts ) Whig brotherhood in one cvaseer ited band to | het mouth, but, no fonger being able to spede, Gon of the subject of the Kangas troubles. fehe crossed her fingers tw imitate 2 notion of; gether. Mr. Presideut, the gallant Whigs of the city What makes the twen were devoted to relief ! Names are things, my friends, Tiving, breath- | orphans of Kansas, says the Albany Ag. The widows and triot of New York been at the belw of guverp jmy friend who has Jost takes Tis seat; and Lan side by side with the Whigs of the whole Union, gbhe seasors and represent the fact that Le was a ing, propagaliog things : us, called for bread aod they save thet ment, [great applause,} well bas it beeu said that sure [gia not assuming too much upon myself Lecause | know from pat Experience that ther of Baltimore, w whom by all bonor—althoagh tailor, [Great lagghier| ty thousand Germans iu St. Louis vote the Dem fatten! What a furce npon philanthro- ‘ a Marylander myself, I must be allowed to say ceratie whet! The name of Democracy. The ' * he would vot Laye remaiagd quietly under tae when Tasy that all of us can say “Amen” to) will not be fund upfaithful wo their trast. (Ap ; Now, wir, Laving said s0 much, and probably py: What a parody npon religion! C ) \ ’ , tle f ful ¢ ir tr Pi mee ils ’ Ps ' ) “i p) ) g shades of the Presidential palace while such) each and every werd that be has utter. And,‘ plows.) fe for a Pt net era r yr being the only foreigner that i a member of name of Deimgctaey has Leatey our party many Lead sceues were Leimg enacted, ly the eternal dis yin addition ty tat, have vo voice left to nd 4 Mr. President, Tvield to no person bere or Wh Loans au x ge a =H raat MOS him Gourention, | will say (hat | have wot been a tine. Liut the game Demoeracy now is only | — : ytuce of regular government and law. No, sir; dress saeh an aewunbhare as this What Lone: elsewhere in uty ov © for frerdom. | em some- eon ey cecal aay rp mT a sedueed by the imtiwajiwns that have been held a mock to coves hypocrisy and polit cal ne : LARGE FIREIN MACON GEORGIA, bd would Lave dropped tbe Tabiliments of the lad hae becw spent ia this great Whig cause uf] Uines indignant when [ bearanother party claim- nets t re Scquut froin awy quarter, Lut, remembering the With relative tu the existing troubles in Kan Accusta, Sept. 2 i] g 3 v nother party such a respoase as this would come up frotw thé jtuiuon that { acquired ia the land of the muun- | sna, he said they arose frow ‘lie aid socictics of -\CuUsta, Sept, 2d, citizen an l would bave been fudhd acting in at Use eomo tty ; rut, akhough that is gone and | bg ty ite It the exelasive name of the party of ‘ : { : differeut capacity at the head of the army of the Me wnet bow ad!iuss yuu, whatever else | saay | frecdom, as it every man in this country who w United States, aud using bis best exertions th! have bet shall be throwe oo frcely tur the sucess Cupabl. of appremalog it dow pol eujoy the North, frorn the South, from the East, aad from the West. | Applause. } The funeral hucil wi the Whig pouty of i taio atid the mist, | hare stood by the old Whig the North aud soular wovements frou the bagoer, aul [ hope to bve aud dic in the Whig South, which sont meu as emigrants who were on Monday. ' é pot emigtaple, but wen ecolisted apd paid oo the stores and houses on A large fire occured in Macon, Georgi The Washington Tall, ani Mulberry street, vindicate law and order. (Cheers) vf ibe entie. (Applause) Lig loess oe wow [treat app lave | 8 | beng Verty which the most bees! civil mglis | U gited States bh. — of SIA ik ] & ; Sir, is it not Gime that Whigs of this country! Me. Iresid ut, pres le glad jet Asie mu j<aluvuhe, With tie taedry and bedissaed C- mr “ie aad Wie + eneiesty ‘at! 2&e bong yea have | felt ne if Twas wot con the vow aide ur the viber to get cvotrol of the from the Bank of Middle Georgia te Sal- Pan ! ear In ) Lass that we alain > ‘ec ‘ should recollect the respunstthiies of the ‘posi’ meut w staed up by your side, theme Lugglit ooh aimee! wlwm syune mace Wow Cail by the missy ue La th om » 8 t tt wes Jeag nidete! am equal of many of thine by ebow | feemiany | Aad el the (oe crbieen “asl ty | Sears © AMEE sheen Hore eomeuened, ¥ ye \, \ wo wow cal by bln mieap Lorem ty Lolieve that In ober States ft was den : | 1! uva which Usey occupy belure the country T Tet! eto the faces of my W hig fricpde here a asce: plied mass wf libarty | aves beposilow wk. ; on 1 tho a vg wit ath west Vinkesoe (Ulrouba d; but unk God, the Whig‘ courage ef a Lev patridye the trouble sould The luss is heavy. ) ¢ : diy hh TL uave wo deepemi bc al feed. thou zt r ' 22 UR Vem? is Ma-+ ’ ‘ inte remem Lered, wir; that at the Mroidewtini tain for Bye ll whether thete be any ep culation ty ameniate, (Aqydauee.) Their odal is aa cai bealueake alept j/sad Gao see |S PEBLCH Of the Livioa had atsembled, and weves have camied. Aud there bas nut Leen a) . . bed « ’ - ‘ » “ = 1 ‘4 ~ P nominavots it TRS2 both the Whig party aod tin Uwir'eyen. LE ahould like te bave Leics Ciniie Phe true divinity we gentle sed coe pte pena cn, “O bere, ima Costeation of Whigs from all tine when Mr. Secretary Davis, with an order THE PANAMA OUTRAGE > ” 4 atk s ave Ps - the Detmuciatc party engrafted this eou-beasiulvation whether they ary really uou of flesh (inudest maiden, with the blush of pe jai rk ay o SF y ect “+ aarters of the Laton —beog a man of foreygn which might bare beea wntten on a piece uf x : g 3 5 ’ ee Ug a» altecst j a s \ : g servative principle wpym their platforms Ubat they and blood or merely thd ghosts of the dead and Sher Quack, giving Bam acd Uniier acos ‘ Ae ag " Whin ef 2 an if er bith, bat an Amencan rum « thank God paper oo bigger than my hand, might not hav New York, Sept. 22. bs 7 3 +s 4 ¢ Hag 2 mo timage (tu whom ! " 5 . 2 : . then erectettt thal’ bevecforth agiativa upon the Ured Whig patty: (Laughter) They look to! bat wondering vat at her own swect will ugh * ay he nee he \ fh rh th be “ ite apo | that I can stand here and feel that 1 am regard stopped all Use dificulues, There has Leea uo; Mr. Corwin, the Usited States COMIN ery : : ; 5 f 5 =<" all honor due uted the beacon lights , ' i ; j > - 5 Pe t of slavery shouks qrece ta Conrss and wwe nee very much-as the old WV bigs looked ic ‘furesty or open open wastes, champuned only eee che Conmapeaits ; a tele pa ef ae aman and brother, Sir, the patnuvesper forve om owe aide oF ibe Lereeal yeaa would! has sioner, reports that the goverument of of Congres (Krewed ergs ) Tha: 1860, 1840 1848. ned in 1852 br (he vierual bisur winch glories her brow, | ie os os Wane Aaé le ls eS of (he Tad faye again ansen, and ave prepar | reainted a regiment of Cuited States trovjs un New Granada is utterly unable to thalas'® wae all that the Svatl moked) aud it was what Rorpettiing has bem anid here to might aboot! ant be t fom devious wanderings by the jmbore' frum beyond the Mmcssipp: hare sees apd are! 2 Se fut: te betty ms belonlf of Whiz peta der the command of a simple nope tain law and order, and he recommend@s . y Mas ; fry t ; s oto , ; the North coal! not tefuse. “That was respond platigema Now, | want oer commniice to report | parity her own heart. ( Applause ) The free! tere One strong blast of their bugle here has pies, Aghtiug for be perpx ty vf the Uowa : Judge Lat they went vo . take some very oy inimediate and forcible ocen pation of! ed to aed adopted at am axiom ty Wil: panes. 0 pdathorm, unless tle vy can write out a far and dum which | love mourderly and decent, discreet, awakcoed the echoes through the mountains » aud the Consututiya under which we live ( Ap henpy remarks riative to aa im er af A the Isttimus from ocean to ocean. They agrecd that ttm J sturbiag question brad} truthfd and impartial histury of the administra.) swure Ula whulesuine reverence from others Jella, the bills and plaine aod See platise ] Mc Filmure. [tk was es oyimination with w :- 1) toon settled by ttre curmpronsees of 1950; that) tow of Millar! bullmore. [Apphease } That is tecasee of its wholesome ubsors ance uf the 388 apoeed es siands, as by magic, like the man o/ Hoe lisenl Paul Recon of Penacvivenmije 1 W bing ought ce \\ , be eat fied L ne . Tick - MW. and.—Tha they regurdad ae @ tnahty, and peace was re ji tbe platform | want. [do not want for m us of asentutes. [ie not the ofhpeng Khedenck Ubu, they whe pedi pilagineen alee Millard Diisuote wasn pure aud withoat! Fremont Ticket wa Mary! eo ‘ t , be freepeotee to calja, sf o bode ! t . ’ skaed te bk ceunltyy (tek Mr! Facasdvet, how | Coudslutc Gpos (hu Gecasion anv man oho Terie bait the ela! «fs 6 thaer epamtep panies — ~ ti { alia, spoke » “s proa lu the veer acerp ting the’ National Era, a free 6oi! paper pabl 7 > the ” ’ onsulues wy are . . > - Lae that peace been violated ! Let the insulied ever served the peuple of the Luited States na ler reneva, Whether ye armed for the cowfliet ; 19 their nicht bapds Uke Mr I'nerdeat y parponetomddress you Aiperican pomination he puroted with bueest! in Washington, states that an Elee aud indignant people vf this coantry auswer — a full tera of four year God fort at Fe ve whi of late has been waving ber Carry the shag of Gok Vanliiuer sci std briefly nad very gravely in regard bo Uh > eulgeet » bes forner Whig administration ticket for the State of Maryland has been ‘ He-apy primary meeting of the peuple, either should have such aman as serve! . j t ugh the umblent darkness Ty iy ihe! Osean igeiee: . . that Lsbal Mhiek proper t greet to the con Could more be exgwoted ia a canindate than the a preed upon by the Fremont meu in Bal- c ¢ ad ye ie v' 4 le 4 r; ’ sad ierthe Kerth, (b= Queth, the Eat, or the Weel.) un cae cca (ie Giant . Uist Ips dovimt tweak ralereot ey ye fe eR Se Sarde bar eedscatiun of thie Cusn entios Hrevity ve ashes) Whig party ever found in Nillard Fillmore timore, and will Le pablished in @ few ' | ey h ume " D “wg fat ’ edited “or sny datertance uf thy cumpromme |e: ¥.u nevetioa, | Laoghter | bape Cee ae “e - ' — “re *) 4 sip s beee pet only properly, bet portioally said, the | lt would be unreasonable to wk it. And now, er. | / ¢\e im Ube ae a a Mercena ive « E8301) lack Goo an ummnci cr. | \\ ere oe 1 want junds smb a inan ae served then, an uer tent, that man most be wilfuify | 4 Ue ane 2 ne J ene wel of wit, but ts particularly lwouming and gootiemen of the Convention, returving again my ' " . ' ° t oder the « hand « ve Ble beade w the distit . enor cunt-rr Chere-any primary meeting! Where was (ete served them with geal aad GJdetity to the Coast: Llind who has been unable to seein thes gos of the of the perty ned wage © Wa Of commotion appreypriate ve a speech upoo an vecatige uf this thanks for the distinguished honor ifoered FUORGIVI Ql ICKLY e ‘ “uber 4 ” vs unre = . any ibe: «went ou the part of the peojte lovking j 'wliwe, thet acknowledged me Nerth or South (me dangers which are now threatening the io ee « Uifereat sectives, Szhtiag eacle haractkr upye me, | an hee ly 3 A that ub a is oven toe Gistertance of the compromines of 18501! no Fa-t or Weat, but We wiole Uniw) for about sitateus of tine country, The Fathers thie oie under a Northern or a Southern banner When I enter d for the Sint time thie ball te! Ove stands a i Colantllads ites eee ‘Many a true heart, that would heave Sir, a vain Jo | wait for echo tu answer, Nu the petiod of iwo years and pime months [\p se mee well baw, lanl the feundations | Lave come for no pay: they mk, aad es arfachagy te batched oe Kaaknd Cy caul Grads ht oaks aie peed ree 1 © Be cao come back like a duve to the ark, after where gan il le earditiat , wpe suy such piauee.| I want that nan ela, when cs { (hese ciation in fear end teemblins, ane would rreene po reward They bave ("eed 7 ly be tetrarid us erdeved tuto ang bal man oa “INE MCT Hee first tranagression, hias been frightened ' r ; } ' I t Min mortals to « y Nowe ling , amd oir eae ne pet (oud ot hie band upon t hey Sealed cad Adlon Md Bo oa breeoat A patrote cilumms, with no heart bure yp oel ite ’ te ‘ a a : beyond recall by the angry look and me : 7 . ; . : < Cas ees oe ; ' Owe t at je | teamed attccems ; we tomy al lenst deserve : ineaminy aod za ' sermn at Pwiths Cenvepee mteeity 1 Ue veatetul ox hetwoen them. Northern men wets Suu hae sha . ee ; . nN A feos ocd (ptaa ai nace—the taunt, the savave charisy of as . a a peat iae aerate ry oe ae epee n wre Clete apeate Varta, Mutenclucsds 1 DMMMTM that hee tren farthfaily parforment — ve Feube »y alpu afinivinelgiaes J c ' rom 8, Ine : reth a fiem bend, and. wih th 1 of ' Bn wielge « 5; ; ths we to dmharge our daiy to Ue evumiry, mut Bnet < “ : ; . ve noble and gallant | ’ . ; . i ot od om ' gute «1s Geurgrya @ (bite sau therly love as Tay ; Te ae These are stron: words, and many @ ayyras ment. ba - ) ant hand shoot | ten bere se would tem Lira adanle ty | . Lediv gr gowith whabh leupesece m . , , ede ae 1 - reader may t k they d ttouch him ; vit nA mm sately inte port. and whew . ariv» a: \ , Tia Nos \\ F | A see THE LATE Willa CONVENTION ; nay thin wy d ttouch b ' whole ‘\ be fet be@ the countey peaceful wnd py oy < ‘ = sides z cau = : [ apreenr bef ard! necessary : » as € us ever erred in refusing Mug I 2 Suu tutber ie po ois "g . ' rreciveritiat ' 1 year: vee r P Sout 1 East co Wi \ “ ennt. aed [huge ue ° t ee Waal UT me to aay en wn to cajectsd wdebee| We porccive the pes Thy te forgive a penitent sinner. Perhaps not; Wag party has. r st 2 Contentiom tu bern. ‘ . t v bee Min cend' Jeferson gud Clay sed Weleter er «batt ef ihe cowntrt * ne d f our ¢ poranes « r A then again, perbaps vow have ard whe Luin tw ile be a Ae sanction that wiah | p y mequent ernst ae ” (man wat Stel testi wothing : o la ate .N ‘ t Ta ATC) i parent boar ehakd hee vey have ack for pw a acest < the wuanemeue enort ; fi! 214 a I tend lupus cerlencestors ly lidtebicersd re (Mllacd b ee vienna Pes an truly a a ( vent hon in nandment, incurred sason of aorile onium we lave se ecid to rejant yo us ' f \ ents on. she mw woldy ite uy aa aloae Vres J y {ts tes auee be re of Whive alleving that there waean ad y l=pleasure, and has been liv og for (lev Aad nic! Sit . I lepe be wil, be oman tal @ ned wollakoione te : chpiaseeic) cal Tic soathers Wiig feee.\at . friomd and eupgorer of that country. eed nattare in it ot inembers of the * Amer ne hours under yonr frown. Have you Thete is no seeprity ther is K Se Oar unani muus Beye [' hers and ap as she Lee ye storn C1 owt & ba ¢ of the North be Lee aothie appre bem mr iOg a ine yet, aw! 4 speak ol be Lael cau party, who, bowever sincerely pre baled the first signe of sorrow, eneoar emery words, whi paws for avon that ; lems | . = “ agitate will come from that quarter — both abt ole vial dues I mre Hy : fesemny Whig pr ples, were not design aged him to como back and confess his gives berth t z : ee Me Kives. of Virginin, begged the prviece Dd Nid aa latet lendlta dk exe rate mm thew views and beth right, because ~ - a p me P aise sot ss eu ter by bend tt aif he ¢ fault, while your own tears fell fast on forget gine, SRE ae epeah. A t a 5 Cha oF tbat the Aero ft cling per nd auntd nat property be ime: : a neneas (oly “Gi. Pred find in the 2 ealiing upow o «ietingwrshed State of the | ; . he ape ral einae) odor) nach ah, 31 ctor come on if they ney te aegeionl with tbe nave , nae s aM ies ; we lead. these siicnt witnesses of yous Mr. Peed nt. « PTB silted {Md Meats 3 a p . a supa may t Mr bitemute « owe caplaa now btm olaiy , ‘ cre t We have sated ina former f 1 willingness to forgive ! Or « fi t * " Ot ote . Ui a a . ba g lofty charmter of te man whom the Whogs : < Y strats “ mA ° nae» vated . ale, @ +. wom beeing avd ire , Sd > \ a bet umber of our paper that we had no ave you kept los rising sobs of contri: a with rgima, when they @were cotva han. ‘: ‘ . ° le got and tat ma j R will propo y aa thew aa re 1m < bean was of Covi! come ' gv — “ : a ne i formation om thes head bey | wiat wa that he: t be altogether broken @ the oad = m att at sreter wt ster ermatineg the great a A t ~ ‘ , * ‘ . , ager in 0 ome a: ’ la : " freating the gree > a will mvo be nigh Hi hore — ret } rc; al aiiwe Were ao wn, 'wfore he comes @ penitent at your anbopate , | { be what © the ver work of Rr nary Wor -a Nie at * . A erbic flag that @ fiim's at ber mast 1 4 } t t tT “ ‘ t . bud e vast maw cf 7 " ct ' b ! L ‘ : Karate ta part’ of ihw efor lsat ehat Bag = that eb ‘ vue ad | AA . io ci ; ; : reer : ' oo a ad . - ‘ ” aa ati ben ! Mr. Vere “ o met 2 < \ fividuale of the A fica Are vou a friend? And wher one whom ere apun this eceaion x “1s \ uw sda ‘ ” ‘ eal salary of States; no ir wot even a part of ty ( W ] } ‘ ” Stat - nied ae el and par era of nrenf t mn ’ ustec i¢ 0 lar ce mayor ty f tee States of tie Em ” - . . | ee st wuponh This ist « Lis the poratical flag, bowsted by . A i . * We ‘ 1 “ : ‘ 1 lave loved and trusted has grieved - . ae red wrt wiret ¢ ’ oe «hoe v6 € -¢ wt wt le f a een thie | am sutine ised tu any this: If we were sitting ortte [Applause | w ’ the story of this try that oper Northern Democratic politteane to redoc ne my f " re ioe AUS Lila 5 . . Mita LAL ind your: i as 8 CUp¥ebinum, Biblkoul apy Bund “ Mr. Geonok Li 1. of M essachiset!s, respond ad ’ side rabde nomena and with any South yan amalgamation with them, t em bb ovitien! u © therty States of thre hy lestimmeny 1 s | aw ou ov «lf w " it of and even hardert* tay r ‘ te ‘ e t P onan : basing berm made for President of ' | to the call as ws ants wor for my roisciwef Lave as rough-sbed over the covenants fairiy mat wus | bd . lg adel Desi = : ‘ Be hI et ey rheart againet him, lest S bias shall dis- Stat wheres equid ee lwk for a man who Mer . ne os an sailed her eat ty Am) yet, amelet the appre iiiety err venre ago beteween the North ani * és + s tuos, ard ited ovat bel Pat ( ! the wonkness of being anz- should aturinister Che Covernme nee ee, a ; ig : oe Sera ‘ one : ‘ io eee te. the ave ceterrpimed sooth, that they, the Northern Democracy, nay ™ . . cen Withese , eat 1 ¢ cre us to forgive and torget. Ob, it is like trod character men patriot and Statesman —sv ne 10 elpreas my ipa pipes gm eR £ eth tim a te fleat achbet stad by evel in the booty ottmped im the plunder of . (ie ) fer t The os ' an) reapectal! nt ‘to forgive is divine.” this ree rrante > , o- W hegs . } wm to ineure ms that we showkd base thal pow b | grantee! on ns nyo § ¢. and | feel @ we ines at ‘ Je are fee! Thee flag Mr. Fillmore will tear duw Nadas 2 elite f the Favettevitle Observe un Read story of the prodi san 5 ‘ 1 Where couk! Of thle delegntion nad of tie Whig party of f , : ‘ ar , ~ . Slit ; . fue which patrt bearts tearm , rol neat : n : Dore ana alroncer than hee fue vd io ite plane be will run wp the flag of uy 4 : ‘ 1 ante Wiig for thirty veare at weudrous epitomn f the gospe ; tha C 5 ' r tech “ a oh, Guwder mite reread rs re id 4 ' * a f . that peace and sccority better than by a I Tat cul thie cowmtry Las res sight « hich ce the » st 5 ‘ (xt I} ed dr in which the ij over tof i! entry. 2 nent avd entbarrasenrent at the beginning. has ine 2 f j Saggy acca, ae an ae iow regutarty in thetr onbite and ohed ther PAS Sas A in E 1 PL Us (eter esis lite ChE LS SI ORey: & ” wermment of the 2 : ; rts ym tha + uaate wor a frler ide t Amencan beast, frum the bio Grande t ' j nventia a writtea by the Saviour are seen, and all the ways e! tenat of regular government am) Cre (5M ainte wend, through ite eparg aed eertry. , { thal er A ve . meee > aml ved jester over a fay . {Cheers ) . ; ° ue 4 My ail A regular g PRL Oe \ pins { Lawrence, from the Atle to t a H iim at Ba re 1 paper of mercy towards the erring and the lok suprema. v of the baws, im the bagds f/ thal man * lelegation to meet the Whigs of the coun ar _ epee se A a » Where ws the tra us a Wnt ey ile PAL 2 ; ‘ei é . a il ’ sale th patriotic wines, a t ~ tant 2 fs ing ' heh whe ha up im pernious Uses and execu en cotmultaon. | Applause.) It gratifying « rt tubrr : hat first Ap Pe t thes @ would strike «6 ef gal ¢ wast ns Saas oa fA fly are painted as on canvass to the Kfe.— : a J as bo ricns | bed owese'fin such ao assembly of the repre: ' . altel es x mm ation’ Whe 5s te Aivide | M@Usfactory assurance Nat. Jat While he was a great way off, the fashep ted thuse laws that were regatales t | af ew | va “ ” rraven im letters of living legtrt, yust ve people of the Nomh! [Great telives —1 was alewt to say ofthe Whig party, eeruree the will of the wr v the eriterion cf ‘ er \\ therm inte separate parte! “Tomay here remark that it ia not SO Mero and had compassion, and ran wit ) 1 t aah, DU 8 ie yi<. sir, Tam fre coy that f 1 bet uf the representatives of the country, ¢ W P . a Ibe Almighty ili turn hes cannon agains | : He A : cj. and fell on his neek and kissed lum. The Z as a rereesentative from Virginen, to vmee mute to deliberate upon the cuin Nueces eiches cokes ha eure eer : Sopa ne Uraitury » ayrogue. 8 he Ne Paes ee varie tather ded not wait t/t hie son was at hia b t He make n election, aa my first chun for the ; : which realote ated fanateos ar w endeavor Mr Clary wn the henrte of 7 ‘ = . I party wasa ‘ roof the Convention, [ech ta the dost, before him, But while he igh office 1 should Wek to olber insu thew ver apprehensions might have reasona ; Ra nee ee eens, eee br et ae a! fiddles w tt r s burning. The ole : and itarae. a Con, ae Yet in the far distance, he saw hiue M } [Nenewerd and ent nen colertained —and they have been aes "ia ik tn ome nenghlonns ry 1 Mevica, at a Wiig family of devo a oba Pen ray coe om ulibes SU Can orpnr ots face GV Viothing but Whigs, So God the Savionr ew the setartiag oe Uren few nor small —for the pence and safety : : scnber u a le father Att) these Mates and eve thetn fee. Low a rape tee may a y a r; the first emotion of etemgpli t t f r : - t Wea a ae z : ’ f Y ’ egitimnate \ Wr Praident, P pray you what is the Wo untry a one am ready todiamiva them ong, aal thie cers . goer uns sania 1 Mr FP wa weil atte; sever th se twine and a pion ae ne a cl soreow, he t only enw, bat he p na ,, ¢ er and wood seree 1 ee . a - «a nembers o ' Hat the aves of the wlecl cventry ser sae oe t Wr pat htt ie on a etek lar and Webster wer tenchars, and they TT ral t y 1 ee pea that party thronehout the land.” there! And with what joy he haste-te vie dwtiagureed citizen of Yew York f 1 ud ; spirit of z wparty a nl rire has ' : : Wea at of the same » qe iy ° -™ ' selene prodigal sinners: not the right. Paryeosl | Pe cae salevseule ‘ " t nap manrur os. al les emptratica onl ae . emploved im wrute - ” ae t e ie " z book. amiiforyears we lis * ety ian tan| ma re - nL te s ieiran call ahd 6a that “tate whe fa mutual encourage mens. ylanee. Su bar é Lata an ' sy s they will, the 1 n Uhre \ INGS ' oe i. th Jai cum lnc] catraen fron rr ee eta hh Foye befen 1 sherme nt Jruking atthe same fountare Mr t ; ; ; . MONSTER MEETINGS Teta i haste to forgive. ong ws, bac “ a DO se ted) 2 x mp ose mer t s " al feurr pPrear t nd ’ aari¥ a : tha “ , a“ ju an s : Soleo a Wile S Lag att .) w * He tells us, and het t deorived any man, th Al . : Q ie det Ne eer Ge " Wena anit eecribe the path even of out enemy, let the ¢ atuhis 2 the adntintet ration the @ f ; me 1 +o . : a yer equa ‘ * R r a folmer Administration must Le the exponent ' , \ ' a atera of our k juess flow: he will eee j an oiler tform t partion ie debt ravens of ite public affair ‘ el pr tie Ww : tewe, YOTHIY. OA eNprin’ supern bean imgy in Ce fon te t rather re () ee ; : : , Tt “ ave ; he! Uncn eiecraal Leib wad Uoceestio'ece ; 4 the future That wns hig, comeervatrs rer proaper ty; abe is ei hs eee f : ss A A stoop to drink, and it will do bia good as (hat gaan yt ms tiation, Mer, Mrced ot bed y Loge és It is ' r ref « just, patrioue, and to it was accorded the united n i Ohio leads it a which yin | r ' us. the Constitu. sideratiaus, and every conviction of my under is \\ p ne of every far man is Ue eouste . Iw i fla va flax jet | iD amedicine. It is God-like to overec bie * mend a, Use Con 7 \\ ¢ Meeqnene f apple < a ani ' " od 4 ri nd sixty thousand m 9 x tiun of the Lnited Mates, [Appdause.p Sir ] stand ng fud all the ox e of my life ha { . ae us 4 oe f Fate are c oerl ps dc cae ee lesta hemes M 1} at AP cil tasnere ‘ 7 X sa evil with good; to protler forgiveness g : . weit Rael ean hlcane pees tha. 0 bE : pea zi ‘ : : : This the ff f t r etarene 4) nei! e reader may judge hefore re 8 f . hail from te Svuth, and iny beart throbe with only led me 4 entertain ia renaed conf 4 art le ¢ al Ghuvernment—anl God The great Whig party have sent us bere t } . : : ; Se 4) ; A y Judze hefore there are signs of ieee thas ‘ urea ‘) i 7 pri o ‘ her ¢ thre wows “an et “ i ’ t , “Ya rUver ir t r na ftir e Bor oO > every emoted U.at cau thn a Souther heart, the woth of ite great and leading princi; knows a4 enough to dis hooss a captain under Whours we will cruise wr 2 ~ sd mat mm oof t t al exazyerat ffer may stir th 0 the erring, but yet Ptell yuu, air, that from Bro eae NT liereer wen BF to haart ty Sharpe's the peat four years, We Lave chow 0 Wt tn the lant, protect it from every traitorous iy the statement when reminded that the and show him that the way of return is - izen in ite hig dA noblest senae { stand | ver ‘ f rsh with n fav on . Ieart. [loathe a Northern inan with Southern {oan citizen in its ghest and nobles mC TAD le es nrenne of ethibiiag hie repng before the sue gues down they os , stand D uC) aaa elndluutanioeratic tcate- af tlio Gtate of Ore 1 the joy f mninterrnpted love. pruciples, (Crest ebeenug. | Me President vue ‘ x tnhelaes, nitcnniesk the first pr Let as go home then--to the North and to tl pros ie a a, ; Such a spirit would shed a balm on the tring mea man from the eatreme North aw Fama Whos because Tam a natienn ‘ pa edcall ttutione, pet onig den es h, tu the East and tothe West: t inet bette of ha! year : TWAS OUTS onseliold where discord often reigne.— ot t P thor mar | 1 “ ‘4 ' ‘ { { ! ' r YY c tie iw set hin demi in my owe elerised duimict y aj sebaars e Late % ob re ; ‘ “ied is ' wer nnd alality of the le to vovera ther 1 the Miss ity Ww thase who dw : ht © : - lown x | Surely t ‘ e Democratic Parentsand children, hushandsand wives, Jet Lim strive to outvie te in Che praieen reine ai enti hlleesd he vem, lout pall ILLITE HAN! USAT Iunker and I \ pat LO ache , fo ‘ ' pulation of the St hesites 30,000 brothers and sisters, neighbors, friends, ran me eto the Wr t ' " ai atime.) ; ‘ South, and J way fe , ; the Am rican name, tot Le " use hes prepaniug the way tor the sabatitue Monmouth, Valley Forge, Yorktow hour Peatm apectators, contd not have been cengre- Cliristiana, the wh family of man, le \ his Leormeg | ‘ ty ee and the porprcek pial . - a Me bon of another form of goveruane ut refieod bhuraw, the Cowpens, and Kiog’s Mountain, at A delegate Lavmy exprenee ewish of ma ‘ate aneiae + Athy Th - would wel Appier and lctter for remem- e i ot been able te i re EB eee 5 an ; . vated ¢ on ne e c ) i a P AN that Lo wane at " ' soa ae Al gar ese aot ' wurred to dieturt, IY bo tyrants and aller!) boatiter tes ber New Orleans and Pryypecanor nd | Lay of the mem bers ty hear the opinien of the Prost 1 A Vor 7 I hering that he who is swift to forgive fy | t take pri a whateter has veeurre|! to distiy " bon ; imtle ands } ? tics ners shon ‘keep probability 8 : Ir aman who, in tl ts ease wih Ae Sci Seetello bncl os pertnd ariees, when this occurs tewain = le, and say t Jent of the Conveuuon upon afhars Kansas a ve : PI i : Y nore dike the Saviour than he who never of Molar) Fillinore —a seutiinent t thoae happy redations whielr = thre ste ountry, when this course Whigs, the eapiain os chosen, che vessel is ta nb view when giv ing pictures of assem neos ny writen i env of ng lieht on section of this country with cords of harmony to a rat talkit ot preaching becomes ‘ly, ber name ts theold Constitution; the Gag 44 8 SratiAr ty adjouru sine dre ject ha a , g i d ; vie is conversatgn, of talking ' 5 \ : cdm vs oo: wt iia the Leasens—a ma the anct er. I have semgat ral = az eee popular wear fast approaching «st A Ulay nnd Webster at the masthead yall jade. Mates aad: Lam im no condition phy ‘The Boston Journal thns notiees the : : es: he dution of that office, “shall know In abeg Usan for nme deadly waters alich v Te eae aes i are yal Wihictdioes ere uboard, you true hearted Whigs, sheouly wants sieally Huw to gointo adebate upon ary thing. |. ae : ! Stealing wt Te oS lhe Memphis Noe, uy Sou » Enet no Weat(? Ah. pooon sul mote Che somrars iA laribony At prov wa sl t he f military your ad to earry the rich legacy oye U feel deeply b ' ferred not n UXtravagances of Ure political press on Evening News relates that a negro tire- : ‘ a 3 Pi ‘ vatriot true citizens, sh J muensy [> e ! f : bs : ‘ ! 2 : ’ i iv x Mr. J'r ' 1 ction resatt either all War we, as pate s and rue ct W : ie hod perhare for ad us sately down to future age , bas leet called 1) to presente over Une the autyect man, empleved on the Somerville Branch t ¢ lertaiming: ¢ ews of hag pore : r - ' » frequent interr © . 1 Le A a Mr. Veuchanar ek , ae : rh alee , 5 nn Rae rer vent that n ‘ “ m 1 Mr. [a remarks were frequently 11 IPCC Comeention, mad TG It. if pomitle, a deepereme “Tn the early part of the campaign a Railroad, stole the lo tive, and taking | . ; i ment of ofr trot. Chyler and policy lwve taken porbayy ' ‘ y mn solicits Foal Avem tithe acini at by toe most enthusastic appla : tae [ have Ue h tofore tetiued ft t } | Ls d in poten or emit negroes, ran @& " ; a | ound (hae many guotlenmen— eho tiave been | : : meeting of ten thousand was considers Nea. eee ; t } I t way ere is be ee oe mae eri peers ft facet lao neti spationie he theomsht worthy of the suffrages of a natior Mr.oorad, from the Committee ion Resola trom pulue life, at Lhever Tto have been worth bragging about; bat now, if we Way Wihitte within one a ile of thateltyy tra suf antry ; act Were Quverned, T tru-t, by 4 fen (ronment , ea col pea hos called out, Tani asked for my opinian up: . z ; rae n ther lo® itanct-tonk te root ‘ f whom we mat ip fegard to whatever should be consistcmt with ce tl ; | ie eE eee ee 8 ee be vier the state of affuirs in me neigt Ru in Kan. Velieve the reports forwarded from dis they left it ar to the woods, 5 ‘ rf nnanle Ir 6, therefore, in the re-organizat Inch were publebed tn our paper of yesterda : x luce vt r short of rt ) “+. ' tixt (CNeore J thhuse Inet ples, : ’ a inc pees Liv link Veivraniiarcatls whieh s ] whe f of yeste y an The present ste'e of things has been an places, bol i BS wort rt fifty « r a _ > . A te not read thy the enne: : Whenw i tt isl iat any m8 Ligh y ie : Habe eet ee rai yet appear, 1? connexion with the proceedings thereon brought shout by the retion of the Democratic nd vndred thousand indicates life or activ The hog trade line opened, and = hogs : ‘ 1, whieh seemed to me to run coanterto the dea rejo ce in ite re mn pi i . tv ty q Tl late Repat oy SAC Ati Ate bd = ? jy ‘ lution of the I" tew, We comme tbe A evetein of froe vernment, ever con. ance ts the surest lostunony of the necesayyjos of Mr. Banks, of North Caroling, addressed the! ministration Phe poley has been to excite MY m n party Phe 4 e Re } Jol Bn were 4 ante don the L7th m Cincinnati at ee ee ee oe * nd wabaliieg then [have the tomes; and tise necammties havg struck ,Conssetor, remarking that four years ago |e; and keep aliy SAA It may not be a meeting nt Pitteburg called together it RF25 q 8550 per hundred. Q 4044 ‘ . 4 a nm \« 5 r e , ‘ Sa tir away in our proplictie ¢iston Wace eer ? ques Prom the American Orgen, Oct. 4th 1856 MB. BUCHANAN’S WITHDRAWAL The Courier des Etats Unis, a irench paper, published at New York, of strong Democratic proclivities, advocates the withdrawal of Mr. Buchanan, in favor of Mr. Fillmore, and proposes to substitute Me. Breckinridge for Major Donelson, as Viee President. It is in'eresting ta read ehat the late rampaut advocates of Mr. Deekanan now say in view of his inevi | table defeat, and we therefore copy for the enlightenment and gratification of our readers, a few extracts from the article referred to. The Ovurier says: “Al the first glance the ilea of such ance may appear iinpracticable, and we have all along 20 comidered if. But necessity has its tard iawa, to whach the essenual strength of parties consixis in Loowing bow to sul mit. We ere far from mivpting the flattenng illusious, ebieh on the hee of the Cincinnati Conven- tiea promised Mr. Buchanan an cary and jufal Whole pase g His partisans may sil! affeot com fidence worst that they will certaiuiv havea mnajpritg, but ia their heart they know perfectly what tara tbe cawpaign is taking.” Tan’t this interesting! Certainly it is, and it is truc that Mr, Buchanan's parti eans “know perfectly we!! what turn Ue campeign is taking!” They kuow le has not a shadow of a chance for success, and the more sensible and honest portion of them are ready to wit)draw hii, and adopt Mr. Fillmore, in order to defeat Fremont. Nor is it unfair on their part to a trude—an exchange, if you please, by substituting Mr. Breckinridge for Major Donelson, but it docs not fol- low that the American party will accept the offer. 1! we know anything of the purpose of the American party in pre- ecating candidates for the people's saf- frages, it was to let the people decide for or against thoee candidates. They were mot nominated to be withdrawn, and su ‘er as we know or belicve, neither of ebem will be withdrawn Whee Mr. Fillmore wrote his letter of acceptance, he asked not what were his chances of success. It was enongh fur him to know that the friends of the Union and the opponents of sectiowalism claimed his service. Ile freely gave them the benefit of his name at a time when the wiseacres of the stainp of Joves, Pearce, Pratt, Toombs, Jenkins, and oth- emt, regarded his nomination as ndica lows, and when the sham Dewwocrats flat- taved themselves that Fillmore could not earry asingle State! They huew noth ing, litterally nothing, of the progress of that American = reforination eweeping over the land. and sending po Mittical hacks to the turnb ot the ¢ apulets. Americanism —a hove of Ure Unwn—a horror of sectionalism——a fixe! pnrpose to preserve oar free institutions, uuderlies thie movement of the masses, which is berling thunderbolts of destruction at the resalts of this movement From the moment Millard was nominated, down to this present wn ting, we have never, foran instant, duabt ed his election. His election of bis de feat evolves the question of the capacity of the people for self gurermment—it de cides the question whether the peop: { the United States deserve to noble instit vtious If the pery le of this c mow to discard the advice and warv. ngs of George W ashington— f limg to hazard the perpetuity of the Uo jon, in a parely geograpincal contest for power— if they are determined eactiona! fight for the Presivencs. tsceins to as they have reached the that a free Republic be ao politics beg If tus think the promt ee tthend tlemt th to adojt the sentiser' of the pant, \ enid : Pee terme of gureremest & Tet whet © beet adm - - a an alh winch ils Fillwnore enjoy vur npiry are ready they are W a)-" @ nolos be their Ci Bson, we ole Comntew a | Bet to retarn from this The Conrier sare, agai liyrese z Ae ae decton requires an alerule ms dt wats, i bows at t ” ‘ \ Hoase, 2 cand late aot 149 «# them. le adwetng em tiat Mr locker emp count oyom the ures oe eUTaar A the Gowth, be wrest st!!! fed a ihe Now ze = The Rate of New Vork crvl member. but the State of New ork os ive hte be pord redem plom )emes) iv apia, © weing secure, offers bem greaicr chances . ean give bom at mont 7 vote, aed Goats beawe been in the rear of an alenute mayor's but Bet the caicule’ane © atirrtiwle ou a» euch other bes, are wre Coan oul (ul ae the result is surrender. | 8 inazards of a OE ake eas greater mow) exten the invest The fzuree ehh we g ave ender the suppoetten ¢ the ~ . Gere 0 wnamimue 140 at «F Ghetheer the m justified be that Kentucky amd Maryland ar Pilbemore ehric Loumana er rdeots eamhe ode For such mers @ te Bad com pensatinn serms corlaca at al mut y sppenrane:s It may oak Go Mr ane | te neceena the Nunh. an Fy momen! + bat be fowed “We may tan! state o/ face of ona even mend edfecbiun. ab miming ib ? bebore tie Ht rab gule eed ao f the more cut bit ‘ oe gee by divisiute 4 nyt flee There arv two j te out " Ube y wiel oe affirm. cosequentiy, Usat - a partis savelcrriann 4 mauers Ly a xg ' a tracte tw we 6 ran reade: » x! ree ives. Ged adminsion of tie | a) that“ t Siate of New York is test Faeyr without redem)' tain defeat ~ | ~ frambly ade te Wer Kentu: | Nau ‘ ] down for Mr tract, Tetmessee bionda a rt \ wiilet the pr sav feartivet ~ i ‘ aro ogu@lly sa font ‘ vale theatt hee we tet H ) Buchanan in the whole North should east nm ~ GRAND MABB "MEETING AND REE BARBACUE (ped P vention at Baltimore was nothi . 34 _. than a mere Know Nothing “1 Cotten Grove, Davidson County, on Sat’ sows that it is seriously alarmed ab the! urday 25th inst. effect which that Convention is having Welearn from the Lerinytoa Flag, that "pen the old Whig party and upon the ae : §: prospects of the Presidential candidates. the Whigs and Americans of Davidson Kind well it may be alarmed. The Whig will have a grand gathering of the people are too numereus to be despised. . Their ‘of that county at the above place and time. alliauce with the American party fur the Extensive preparations are being made, single Wes of electing a National oe . sel I the high- to the Presidency will turn the scale in| se etpuctatiod, ee several of the States, and may decide the | \ . election, ‘The action of theConvention is Can the admirers of Mr. Buchanan There is also to be a Mass mecting at serving to unite the scattered Whigs, and point to any thing coming from him that aon _ instead of being egulaet, him, is i i » 25 The to give contid to th and to the I J & 8 : — wey: Foie be volght have sllowed High Point on tho 24th and 25th. he to give con et M Filler Beles breathes as lJufty patriotism as this.— ‘one wp any fur his without at ail trespassing oF NEW VORA, comuittee of arrangement, &c., comprise aa cea re onti ie sates ea Swen There is nothing that ever came from him rudes of gentlemanly decorum, It will pags with your liv, L : a . FOR VICE PRESIDENT, citizens of Guilford, Randolph, Davidson Seilapaiuiliie Whig Convention inet, equal to the above. Being a wiry polith- | ie eccdane on _ wt oe See persona " put we cannot lavoriany such, ANDREW JACKSON DONELSON. jand Forvyth Counties, and a very large Jy jg not surprising, therefore, that the! cian he hag endeavored to be all things | Mc. Derteh jays wpach cases on wap naiagl or any other sort of a trade, even if it ‘jist of distinguished speakers have been | Journal and others of its party are anx- to all men, and bas been four and against | vutver for bin, but forgets ts infune you thet be, if —— siuvited to attend. jious to destroy the effect of the Conven- every important measnre that has been | wepess le twee; castles « verutver every diye We it. AMERICAN ELECTORAL TICKET. ~ ition. And how does it proceed to accom- brought forward in the country. And to! At all events be bad ove ip bis pucks! whigh'he pull EDUCATIONAL CONVENTION. lish that purpose? Jn the first place by | A od cut and exhibited ld hast gels But, finding rt that is cap the climax at his late aceeptance ee ee een It is jwportant that the citizens of our town ‘coin that wou’t pass current, it proceeds his nomination, he stated he was no lon- be would give me « chavee, i ‘should Lear in mind that the Educational or to argue that all the members of the Con- ger “James Buchanan,” but the “ Deino- He tele you be slut me for priblighing gross help "School Convention will commeuce its sessions iy Yention were Kaow Nothings because | cratic Platform.” Are the peopte of thie |%e baw bet forgets ty tell yon thet ‘Ger, Ubewe,. youre, this place on the 2Ist inst. We learn from they are in favor of the candidate of the counuy willing to vote hiriceok la man |00t be has roe and calumniatiog sources entitled to credit, that this Convention Know Nothings; and particularly that iss ie une on oppoient(thed “bun PG a . ~* rans en © Bapiy Frewreysy.—T and labored attempts of the Wil Joyrnal to convince itself ang i Ss TUE NOBLEST ROMAN. | We invite the attention of all pti Union tothe fullowing sen a{ pressed by Mr. wes in be sl fivered in Yew York, on his rope; cog |S nee all > arinton ORG by sinting an in Pennsylvania, an the 14th day of Jard Fillmore ill manifest “wisdom and October, wild dunn over every Svuthera, firmacss” in thig high position to which he Sate tu Fillmore } will be chosen, The opinion is well found.) The Courier des Etats Unis, is ag can: ed—i reals upon the facts of history,| | did, however, in its adunigsion, agit could | om . = well be, without guing fea fur and show-! Cc . arolina Watchman, ing that the American party have no SALISBURY, N. U. that the late Whig “If there be theseeli ss North or age You wore, it ty irpe drewa late ornur who desire an administration fog the Dortoh’ wes in jail, bet, North as against the South or the dourh iene Ppserst oh ok Tait Gene: as against the North, they are not the | yesif both arrogeot end , Swere'h'te 28 men who should give their euffrages to’ me. For af part, | know ogly wy cann- try, ny whole coantry ; and uothing but my country.” need of the strength which that press pro- poses to give us, by exchanging Donelson for Breckinridge ! Ilad that press been as opon and can-) TUESDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 7, 1856. did as the probable tacts would warrant, = it would have demonstrated that Fillmore ‘TERMS OF THIS PAPER $2.00 CASH aud Danelson would be clected, and that EDR PRESIDENT, MILLARD FILLMORE the trade which it proposes, would be a sacrifice of Major Donelson without the slightest advantage in retarn, We have a very high regard fur Mr. Breckinridge OF TENNESSEE. Inore sare. would make “certainly There is but une contingency in which Mesers. Fillinore and Donelson could be defeated, and that is, if the friends of Mr. —- FOR THE STATE AT LARGE. L. B- CARMICHAEL, of Wilkes, : : SNE WG . their votes for Mr. Fremout. JOHN W. CAMERON, of Cnmbertend. FOR THE DISTRICTS. lst Distnes, 2d ‘ We shall not certaluly do them the in- Lewm Tuemreox, justice to suppose that they meditate any Ry Wickes, Gov, Graham and Mr. Bryan are Know. euch purpose, on the contrary, 30 far us a Neg pole oe will Le largely attended, and that it ail com: Nothings because they ‘each made a the country some service,”—has Leen | be mede agsinast me, during the late cumpoigt in this we cau learn, they will readily cast their sik oe Abs eaecscin aa prise delegates from every portion of our State— | speech in tavor of Gilmer aud Fillmore! tried and found fulthful to the Constita- county, nor dues he scom to tee.r.mbet his carrying. vetes for Mr. Fillmore, if the October beh J. M. Leacn. from the mountains to the seaboard, and frem| during the past Sumner. — It is really ¢j ; ; North |ta bis pocket the Wilsua Seutinetaf daly the Sth amd : ae ey Daas Men : arene) a } . Y{tion and the Laws, knowing no North, | aise tp nie friends a Shot 3 elections shall demonstrate the fact (as! sib J.D. Hyman.” the Virginia to the South Carolina line. Iu surprising that the Journal is eo hard ray), South, no East, no West, bat nothing, z= we doubt pot they will) that Buchanan is in a hopeless minority in Peunsylvania. The Courier des Etats Unis concludes au appeal to the Democrats and Fillmore nen to enter into the arrangement it pro- poses by the following arguinents, viz: “But in the evnet of the fusion spoken of, mat ters change their faces. The collective force of the South 1s gained at once and certainly, and the united furces of the Ibemoeracy and Mr Fill more will not only carry Peansylvania, but New York and New Jersey, and perbaps even some of the New Enyland States; every place where the friends of Mr. Fremont now count upon a relative majority, they will be saddenty reduced to a minonts, and the triamph which Uney flat- ter themselves they can beve over ther two ad \ case these expections po arguincut to show that it is iinportant our 27 Mr. Joun WU. Grasscock, has been de- | citizeus be prepared for the oceasiun. These | putied to attend to our business matters in the delegates will be received as guests; aod as it, county of Iredell for a short season. He will | will be the pride of thuse who receive them to individual preferences. Whigs had no candidate. should be realized, it weeds as ty set up such a pretence as this. In the.late election in this State, the Some of thems but the country, and the whole coantry. One word inore. If yuu desire to see supported the democratic and some the our civil and religious privileges perpet- sa omer dace Laed it is conveniqnt 10 for~ get euch things under the cirrumstances bat justiog always devieesthe means of bringing them to light, Several persvas have called ut my ullice to ave thé Watechann containing Mr D.'s statement and nly | Arcerican candidate, according to their uted for the youd of posterity we say vote , they artonishment. Rome few here have, it agrees , According to spend the whole of this week in Statesville, and | render their brief sojourn as pleasant as possible, | +),¢ Journal, they were no longer Whigs we Lope those within reach having unsettled bus- we trust we shall be pardoved the dropping of there was nut ‘a Whig left in the State. iness with this office, will do the favor to call on bisa oe APPOINTMENTS. this bint. | Ubie businese—nearly wii in the way of euter- | Gilmer’s election : for it is w very) Know Nothings, thou tainwent and accommodations ; small service the gentlemen reuder iu prepariag The ladies have mueb to do with’ Gov, Graham and My. ryan advocated Therefore they were for Millard Fillinvure. Charlotte Whig. Route by the North Carolina Railroad ie tree, vestared to approve of the ect and express thelr regret tliet the heart had aot bees lacermted, bat I bave not heard of one that has nut denied eey— ing oo. ‘That My. D. hes friends here 1 will Gat pen ture to deny, and thet I have enemirs lp equally cer- h they theinsetves und Charlotte Ruilroad.— As persons re- | tain But, in my opinion, fow, very few here, oppeore ‘denied being so at the time and at all turning from the North are coustantly iu- of Me. D's comes, though be seems to thick @@brent- L. B. Carxaucuazt, Eleetor for the State a ball and showing the delegates where to Bud | at large upon the American Ticket, will t—ordering their homes to the stable, 20d 5") 04 to stand ncutral or to chovse between ing ag corrcet : ing commands for their attention, These visit- jthe candidates of the parties. A few of 7 them choose Buchanan, bat the great body of them preferred Fillmore. There- address the people at the following times and places : At Trap Hill, Withee Comaty, Toreday October 14, ors expect to talk, debate aud argue with gen- ‘themen in the Coaveation room ; but when they | times. So also the Whi, date for the Presidency : i brad no candi-; guiring as to the counections of these The tratu whieh leaves Richmond in tho morning reac!es Wellun to cooncet with the Wiluingtum and Weldon trai by. Ome thing I do know, and he may haow if be ney were oblig- roads, and at Welden, we give the fullow- | wishes, several of hie etd be re—theve whe: hove bithefic been bis mest Le ale — peealy deaveste the get. = 1 bare said eoongh Your readers will scarcely approve of an set perpeireted ender the clremmetan— versarics, will change inte inevitable defeat, from Me, Crva. Ache ceewy- Wedneoday 13. | reure from the rostrum to their lodgings, they fore, according tu the Juurval, they were at Wehion, at 12 M. Those who desire “* thet Mr. Durtch bimeelf anbide-—ae act equally the moment eben these latter act as one ete fee era will anticipate the enjoyment of more delicate 1° longer Ww higs, but democrats and to return by the North Carolina Central sboosivus to the eon of Ged and man Mr. Duorith “Tis denom ment is 00 much according to Mewth of E.k, ~ esacéey: ie society, and if there be mo ladies to step im at Know Nothings! Perbaps we cannot! Road, will fined it pleasant to take the Ka- para aarp peared to wry paper hed he mot ap- the desires as well as the com wot interests of the ~ Buon, Watauga coonty, Monday 20. thin particular Lime and place, the minds of gee Letter ilastrate the absurdity of this pre- leivh aed Gaston haloes: atv P. M, Kod me cohe did. and endeeverrd to dimeminate the Democrats and the Fillimoreites, not to be pur- Cove Creek, Teeeday a) tence than by citing the case of the Sen- and arrive at Ralvigh at 7 Y. M., where! of the Beatie! by weding them to Wath separates the two chased at the price of mutual sacrifices. out duult, the space which partics is yreat and difficult to overleap. If, bow ever, we truly kok al political matters, we fiad that the pupulation of the Uarted States is pure- ly and sitaply divided inty two campe—that of Ue Coaservatives, and that of the Revolutionists The lriter reengnise as their leader Col. Fre- wont; the rest of the nation is unite; 36 the oub er, under different names, but with a common dea, lt w thus idea which now fe wid to be @ jurtion of reatenny triampbant by a tem) ors ry mngucalon tt A tne secondary iuterests attach = We sbould pout, likewise, exaggerate the ab ~ Moath of Eth, Wilkes ca, Seterday ~ yt Reeds Meeting Howse, “ Monday ~ Taybereyille, Alerander co, Wednesday ** ~ Wilkerwon,, Wiltes cuanty, Meaday Now 3 a tag” We have received a eopy Frank Leslie's Juarnal of Fashions, &c. which is probably the most eomplete thing of the hind. The work is designed vespecially for the ase of fashionable la- snd for dress makers. lies, - +. “QIN Ss CORNER” Uemen will fit away, hike birds to their win ones at bome. ior Editor of this paper, who is named by But it s unmecesary we should | jy the Baltimore “ meeting.” 27. dows, and sctile down amidst the fair and loved) 1),.6 Journal as one of the Know Nothings There be extend these suggestions, for we are very sare! ing no Whiz candidates in this county ler tLan we. Coavestion will soon come oa, and that we have deties to perform im coupection with it -- COL. BARRINGEL’S LETTER There is one thing in Cul week. Itis this. He states that the parties. Gilmer for Governor of wf ladies understand all these little matters bet- aud State at the late August election, he Let it be borne in mied that the! was obliged cither nut to vote at all or to ali, select from the candidates of the other Ile preferred to vote for Mr. Aceording to the Journal that made hin a member of the Know Noth ny party Barringer’s: momeut he had Letter which we neglected to notice last dates of the oth and his | ture ; Lat at the same to select from the candi- Pr parties fur the Lezisla 1 respect for his distin they can enjoy a comfortable night, and) take the morviug train at 7 o’cloek fur Charlotte, arriving in the evening to eou- eect with the Columbia train, v hieh leaves at 8 P. M., arriving at Columbia, at 44 A. M. next worming, In onder to convect with the throagh line at Gulds- , boro, it is necessary tu arrive at Weidun by the eveumy train from Richmond, as the train on the North Carolina Central Laitroad leaves Goldebury at 2 A. M.— The route by Rateigh te much to be pre- ferred by families and invalids, as no night traveling is nvcessary, and the reads ren his triemds. May I request yoo and «ther editors whe publish | Me. Dertch's commenicntun to the Mandan, te pab- | tee my reply! Reopeeifally yours, &e., WM. ROBINSON. -e For the Watchmen. Naw Yous, Sept. 30th, 1656. Dear Sic) The enmenere-t0 of Mr. Orton cad Mr. Berrager, are remarkalte fw ently two things, they were sencreerary end ot the wrong tome, oe they were evidently made t> scours « Rating on the “ hig nde.” bat cine! toe theme you will had Samed Piet form the Antes man ie ote month Cream torday than negation and sacrifices wlich are incambent or We lad forgotten “CQ in @ corner,” principles of the American Party are) guished democratic townsman Mr. Shep | throagh a beaatifal country. the Detnorracy in case of fusion, They «ill abae ' hin lie ; " : <a with anti-Repubhican—bnt he barely makes herd induced him to vote for him, as the South Carelinian hes ever been soem Mer. Marcy well exad thie week, don, it fe Lue, thew priechal candidate, and “ ben lo! we discover he ie ater | : the assertion without deigning to give any inan iwost likely, in his opinion, to serve .e- that “ Democracy was going to the deci” “in Baw surrender the first place to the Allies which the a lance W hatin natur has possessed "8 poof to bear him out in the charge, and the county and the State with ability and henen will met get a single frre Mate | buow whet force of errcumstawors impose of ther Iut j ’ . : a be \ t y { View the Anccricon Miasag Chromete | ony. Peamsytvanie, the itth of October } a wt Quixotic genius? Didn't he say Murs: ve might content ourselves by abarede-| asefulnese. That made him, according * . we proach soch concessson would be harder ia appearance han io realny im power, Mr } have to carry out all his measaree eth the Senate, Ones Fillmore sou! coucurrence of the presided over by a ganton was Leyond the Blue Ridge! Ile calls the Wunder “a slight ambiguity: and adds—*“ which inadvertently crept nicl, but we desire to know why he did! to the Journal, a democrat! lizuten the people on the subject,'he could be Know Nothing and demo The trath is crat at one and the same time, may poz We zie the ingenuity of the Journal to ex not @. e and give theta the proof he could not prute lis positon. Bat how A New Pamp—Lindsey's Patent. Good pamps being objects of the first necessity to all mines, Railroads and bes pues! { urmere'—ter of thee to come. He weet tate the worst platform ever made, and out of it he wil ever come. with © whele shin The “Tritese” bere has gitee ap this Beate ead New Jerecy to Filmore! Two months age it pe Imocrat, and having a ltemocratic majority to « : mesle " idk ’ nl : ‘etal » . Papen oa ie dre ae ee “" nf int ar phrase logy Fiddle sticks know why he makes the charge, bat po plain. He was, in truth, neither the one Manofectar ng Eatablishinents, bet ee nied Proasunts anand 60,000! Be A , oa Ile said what we charged him with, as , ill denv ou ight to select: whom nor the ott ne she “ hp (ante Che ee their constructivu calle fur & my seine! Me. there fur support, fur he cowld sot Gnd it in the ti) ne w envy our right ver, nor was he “ on the fence, tienes heads Fremumt ie land cok! by the vote of thie Mate whieh Hous Thasl call bathe equbbrium clos. p-Bin ae) rds conld make it. “ Ambé| we will honor We hold thas 00 man, a position which he never yet occupied “on wo OL Le ' L. wil defer bew—end gre VE sl goasa 00000 : , } ce 0 “ ' oO tk ake ™ — ad mr ery nalte! wader copdttiome the west pract guity” indced '-—“ inadvertently crept in- native or foreign, who holde allegiacce i ; Truth lies Letween extremes Hewas ee gas sag, elgaerenll eels. mode nda ever all others The eathumarm bere for the Ameri Bis and se Not ovly sould the Demoe- 4, Cur phr logy “Crept” . more! any other foreign prince, potentate 6°. then, as pow and ever,a Whig Assuch “Pp as a pamps re ga coved eps nes uke vices sal aerrieae aad oe ame racy find theres an asered means of power and xd : wer, and who refuses tu recognize the L¢ Was sent Ly Whigs to the Baltimore the greatcet amount of water with the defect Viunere end Brash, ; H an awliguity than the langnage apolo } } ; Seer . : least capenditare of power, now-liability . © wil cay of totes progt, bui the ma would have, at the same ; 3 ederal or State Constitations as pare Cony cution As ench he attended the ; 1 ’ 7 them Let the Benth tebe cuurage, vote tur Fihmare seme a rues 4 wrest and Ermeot greed fur ; for it io bere a term of doubts Sspantitovallailier laws” shonid not be Convent. ; and he there inet none but to yet out (Sse and cheapness ia the es eoeeh ka nna prea Ez ‘ Lienet rations ob sas vet persaded over its ful import. since it is @ question yet to| permitted to hold office in this country. Whigs, whateser the Wilmington Jour sae net of one ne oe ee the fs Buchsoon ts throws ewey—ao Pierce man con be se en be settled whether or not ambiguities Phie certainly is vet anti repablicanisin nal may say to [Le contrary 0 3 aalit J : 5 j ~ Preece ot AMERICAN \ nce ’ . 1 rose « titles 8 t ine \ e We have Lula ef commentto make have legs tu creep any where If they if we know wiiat it meane. The Senior blites is tempted to relate, The! me vert: — bchoas sate ‘ an aive “- : / Joe . ° ae ’ 4 eetuent, » fpon ~ last extracts. Itietroe a8 & jave. they were creeping all over Q's Charlotte Wheg for the Journal's Lenetit, the particulars oy oii nay be found in anuther col rae >: i P 5? ! } vart. he was . ¢ ° P general propeeiton, lad down by the c-aniain at the time he wrute hie first We were nt in the Whig Convent of i naa ik L edo “ a an. 3 ( , tian, gives a gual general idea of the im Downe Vaciar, Sept. 25th, 1866. tin th li envenuen hen ng nar «my - Coaner, thattl« popalation fthe United enisth tothe Buaner ; and at the date gt Haltimore, alt ots fas eal i thie niir'oany Ser eS OE re vention The pump barrel ie borrizen- My Lhar Ser: As nt seems to be the foeheos i “ ‘ . ‘ , are, milinen Pre i hon te’ lint ' | ' . , 5 . taliy at the bets ed ‘ < Lene . rn States aredivided inte “Couscrvati@esand of bie last, were in a fall trot. We shall city immediately before and after its eit There was in the Convention a very : smash ws rev ive Wy ped fi wee ~ on “om seveng tte aaker iy “ ¢ . . ale te amv 4 , Ot Revulatiensets.” Lat st sa pot trne tuat yive up, at present; fue if he bas) Ung, and saw inany of these who were aged gentleman from Tennessee, who at pie clint a leiclil ie ; ; oe wre betters é:Gaing thric potion—en the 9 } Jorvalellt re ‘ : e. feperted in the papers as delegates, and tracted mach attention, as well by bis 7°" okey sition Gulend tuo erdential question, | fal it due, met only to my Ait 19 fh ader ob ali the Jatter, and spare from a proper manaycinen:: —/ " A . face. Luhend of the pamp te farmeb- . } 6 wire infurmed as that they were members venerable appearance as by his intel! former friemian, Lat to Ube interests of my country at the res ve nation has “a common of a See o Jevate : : MH , ; ~d with , ston, the vatward estremit 7 fi ng stock, to Jdelate useless , ' ed with » } y : [sng of the Contre that we know once peut face and gentlemanly though quiet © provwiled th friet to define my ponitnm ea There is a revolutionary spint in questions, it is more than we can boast. « belonged 1 e American party.” We demeancr. These combined, induced ser of ite ae ac = prose Verne! tesa - Notwithstanding | have heretofore been 6 | : ‘ ’ leew La . ‘up ves, xc slain Tinceratic party, of the ¢ Nevertheless, his fects and fignres, if be know, Inkewise, tust some from \ 1 eral of the most eminent newmbers to in A ‘ oe ae : wtact with the warm frend of Millard Fillmore, I have at length } meee Wheels Come ID h t pls news not ntain their hes aur. le threatens to produce them and our o@n Mate were fefeated car trodace themsec|ves to him, and to engage F 1.) ° coucieded, afte 4 Latiee rue ©} ' The fire-eaters { the ongit to be de finable He ngs, and if dates of that party We never belonged in conversation with him On the nrorn ‘ ne vy sae Se ~ _ ve Epping ” al wa sane ne a pe S A sl vocatea ita eneattcrn() r i Ail for tl - ‘ aw the organ) za! and have nomecans of ing after the aljoarnment he started fur wie ad CEE eb / pas ' " . ier ye . eae = adv« te 1 tte he pabhe gon Jle fo © . ‘ eo piston 1 > toget © taken . , : J = sph alia? A proving who lave Leen and who jiave home, and we foand him on the boat on j ' ‘ ) Cal Crone rho tie ocak, i bere ta this step for several see- a rev ' tae ot ean ey . 1 . i om ) © » . ; ‘ ¥ usbave them. They wild) no hurt, not been members of the “Order, it the Potomac. Here he was relating to a titced Hele “ wa CTI TS Yn ta the some, which I will proceed to state, 1 do not m, ae the ghcrcaw on we warrant, and therefore, withuat our we ventare to aftirm we can naine sever some acqanintances the proceedings of - 1 goes a f u intend to eysrocate by amerting “1 have mos a2 ith falas a alificatien —-let them rip, Q al delegates to the late * Whig” Couven- the Convention, when a inoastached in- ; ty bs ae ve See = Abra ante) changed my prowples” If Teaid 20 20 one rines as k ahicrer a tion, whe will not d-my that they “ever dividaal of perhaps 40 years, witha very Ne “r ay " ok cue 7. Ce would believe if, 00 | make » clean least of it Ps ed - * Lough the crank, ope cond o ich is ’ a bek edtu the Amenean party We r-dog countenance, rmidely imterra ted 4 . a i A tia That the whole power of the pet bias ; ; var’) ere pent Sale pag a Ne y hollow for that purpose. Motion ie giv and announce myself a lvmoera. Aad we : g have no deoabt that the assertion of the bim by rea arking that “ Fillaore could 1 \ \ iT ke 1 tt old be } [> a ui ditiem, negroworshiping press of the senior Editor of the Observer was made not get the vote of a single State.” en by turning oe ae ve ogee on for my reasons go Gor old Beek, beenase j } 1 ' 4 t ” top is large e . he oD . : ; : at miheenietates directed against Mr. apon what he cons lered reliable aathor My impression is otherwise, quietly { he larwe cnough tu receive the water wm im favor of Squatier swreigaty—beceme he ports t are ray finding Fillmore lecauee he approved the Fugi- ity. Bat it is a great mistake, as wohap: red arked the wld gentleman Te ay bur ou a im favor of Filitusteriom and (ube—because nil eorvcle ' ; | (183 1+) ) pen to know Warrenton Niwa “No, sir, he can't geta vote; and soar here ie but one opinion of (his PUMP, Ke is fur the Pacific ratirond—treause he is fos s te Blave law of 1550, and the whole ; ( ventiun was'a Krow Nothing effair from all who have seen it im operation, ¢ j leas saris re h Py r rest a force of the democratic press, South, is The News inust pardon us for dunlting nN a pone Lat Know N ifs 5 fo and that opinion is, that it is a decided ~ vn e ne Wt « woth : i + ’ & lirected against lem becanse they pre the corrcetness of its statementa, and for pore me , . B improveinent un all other pumps now in vel a - esac poenshanre a seven It is ‘ ( er states at Ihe ia net a safe man on this slavery calling apon it to “mane “ the delegates © You are mistaken, sir, Lama Whig use, for the purposes for whieh it te im -* all . fog _ ’ - ; Ae Virgir thts! Ud a oBeeob thd) AA ‘ tended. One great advantage which it ® cously 'e the Union, and, if we must have » Mr | ave t arr at atic Hlow is this inconsistency to to whom it alludes, in this State, Virgin- [ am nota Know Nothing, and there were o . ie , ; ‘ . ne possesses being, that there is, in point of freesoiler, se had better take ~ Back” than the 4 Fs re awit rn < { be reconciled? It cannot be; bat its so ia, or elsewhere, who have be onged to none but Whigs in it 7 ; R recon ; pe, v \ , : a Ww : “Tt ain't en, sir: yon are all Know fact, no limit as te the height to which ¢Wooly horse ;” and, finally, beeawse | wangem ¢ Senate, he ng @ Democrate inajor n may Le looked for in the love of t ; é “om an jrarty e |} oe oor Nothings.” , ‘4 - the water may be lifted; while the in- a and I think I wold be more apt to get ecemmary ‘ ere ; Weg te wile of. of. Selves o write to covery delegate eo nar z A y i Py ), , . pre vuthern democrats for the spoila of of . : - “Sir, (anid the old gentleman, rising crvased sages esate to igre oe it under Huchansn than Fillmore, [oping a : eracy in ate Nf Se Sand on the part of abolitionista, in ed, toascertain «lire v whether the owe up with great indig lian.) you! oblige feat grea sy vw (the barefeet ac th se will be antisfnctory to you and my € e President 6 ! a their erazy fanaticisin They repesens '* corrcet or not.— Vheerrer me to tell yon that yon are a lar.” tu the best furce pamps,) ie here searcely frends generally, | satecribe myself Nee ; . . ' ‘ : —v ‘ perceptible ; of course ite superiority to * y: _ 1 atform = Democra ethat ely ti. tw. party extremes it thie country cane That is harsh language, and you are \ , ull Y fs A hea tes aneeaetie (Mr a, : i : Pad icul el edaer\ The Philadelphia an old saree Pe ast ac ie the ordinary pumps in ase, is still more tel ah . , T cy cap very well abuse Mr. Fillmore, mat elacadd (\ / bef hal Ipliig faminaet Id to pat yon over re strongly marked TIMOTHY TURNCOAT spel . is ballets ‘ for $ re ine oo Ol Dp ’ h ae ‘ “ for hie position ison midway gre and. He “ ahi f i. = ty meme railing into the river where such a lying We can strongly reeotnmend the pump To Jowss Quinn, Bag Major TD) forthe country as a whole: they for ae oe hors ee 1 my igpasin 7 peek sconndrel deserves t year 7 * wall who want one cheap, durablG, cast - << \ . ‘ - a ouders port, Ater coanty, ennsy! pach Ph oT Sle . ly set ap and worked e party ancy ar } sectional anprema@ sania, on the 16th inst., which was pat ma Polis name ia Key, (aaitd) mone Ron and : " nate pogee sodr pert TO CONSUMITTIV ES AND) OTHERS. paragray a TY, Safety ja between these extre: I the pub , 4 2 CO . tache,) [am the son of the anthor ofthe (0 ‘ 1S veu” —_ ; : afety ese extr nes, ap in all the public place of the county eae Shancled 13 Riibelwir ‘All who have to raise the water to @ We bare receive! the following letter of tee. ‘ and theretore Mr. Fillmore ia the only After giving the names of the orators ¢ r Spangied banner, wich Wen height exceediag thirty feet, will find i irae ovlebrated ga? oF . aries ; . p i who were ty apeak, the appeal closes with known throaghout the country gh " X h xg thirty feet, wi nd it! timony to the curative virtacs of the al « et e n ‘ ei al ‘ ts ] * and | ws . 3! cr Y Us ste “ . . ; a angila nende © ue ; iis ath meee vain oe cA Ini marcia loacleanironbarcnnor particalarly aday ted te their wants. Cod Laver Oil, put up by John C, Baker & Oo., pe Tae nat teatives in the coon: (re women iu Ieege, type" Huchansn, piles JM EDNEY, Agent, 56 John St reps ; ; : ; a ( atives in the coon: py vinridye and Free Kansas.” What Whether yon are any body"e son x. = 5 rt EG, OF yay Ce VN OS which im eminently worthy the attevtion of (how Poe ; will the Seathern Democracy think of By this time a crow d had collected, 5 . who desire evidence in regara to that very pop” . . eco . their candidate, ! ) haa one rallying ery ve " ve ; | K A a van eal adily -2- ular remedy for palinonary diseases, Tae yam 4 * ou. a ranvartlie ey SS Vit athor fort - have been assisted, if necessary, t iving ° , . a 2 J Viitaa men forthe North and another for the South, O8Y non rage P silos Aierwan Machinery for Watch mak- of the wathor, and abo those plrysicians alluded J \ A mone eA ’ rT; . etom Sd A Wiv sf al suCuanan mn 3 ine Hitherto the J ‘ a rea | a [aateail At latin eevee lie areiatiatilve y i vert » the wate hmakers of this tu in thie fetter, may be had on application at r War Trance, Tennessee, were FROM KANSAS fest land | ; country have ouly furnisted the cases of nis offios, : ; . seeuagier ret landing place and we saw no more watches, the machinery being manafae- . a Line Jackson men, and that “they Crtacochepteuver 29 fthe “en of t thoe ofthe kt ’ 7 ie Cu t~ ; tie foals aaa linchanen ‘ eptember 26 aa The oe anthor of the Star tured by European artisans; but an estab Buenwrrvere, Ky, Apri i, 1856 pe r ‘ eed ” t e me en . . « a : 2 j'a ried manner 1 et . 2 . aud would inangur, cpilille the upon (1d Hickore | rivate advices from Kansas of the canes we do notanply the «Ad ger lishment lias lately been formed in Mas- Gentlemen 1 am a practising physician in thie . ; } UF Mekorys Doth atate that everything waa quiet Heman's harsh kat may i} a ele » sachnsetta where the manufactare of these piece and have had « large xperionee both personaly, . the Clay and Adams affair The y The border was closed against the free ‘ Gee if. i nr cheah “ - y Hat ie works lina been commeneed, with machin- and professionally, with yoar Cod Liver Ov: 1 Beve “ » park fy eyed that Buchanan wasa Blue State inen. Col, Tarney haa captared i f a : y pee AL ; ged ery of new and ingenons construction, by bres Pr ood by the beat physicians (and the ve Laight Federalint Abolitionist, and in the famous Jone Star flag of the Carolin ; “ é “ve t ) “ ; mei ofthe yviich the teeth ofthe wheels are accur-."Y e ceraltatore ton) in thie Riate, roalnegverrath ee sourua » ¢ isigerahior Tay me wr fe 4 Loaf | A ta favor of luw wayes and a Bankeupt law.” lans _.. : y werver ately ent and finished, at once, requiring 7 disessed man. In April of 1854 ' yrds 1 . no other tonches by the workmen. So true enddenily wich a slight hemorrhage from the lang? ‘ » : hae owe Prauring for Wareathe Norfitk Vorth Carolina Bunds.—We notice jg this work said to be made that the was it weusl health at the time, and engaged labor e Cant ttn Fillwore Slrawa, f The town of Argns states that Grov. Wise has franed sales in New York of a small lot at 954. watches may not ouly be made to keep ously in the practice uf my profession. From at rl antitive: N I’res fleryen, Hudsou ecanty, New Jersey, through the Adjutant General orders to eras correct time, bat, what has hitherto been \“"* A als eet Seen eee from be PEIRCE ' as been canvassed, « t the follow " the commandants throughout the State to YELLOW FEVER considered an impossibility may all be Leicmigp ip caataa eal wee comme palmativrs ’ amiivwa “) n Totley ing , " ; wel f : Trreet B thoroaghly organize the militia, that it Ciansirstos, Sept. 30 made to keep the same time. From this nem, and took re ry Te ase oe See may be qualitle “to render effective ser There were seven deaths from yvollow it woald appear that American watches lipcotlanpitet asap I have 2 pe ees Fillmore 186 vice whenever Virginia may call for it.” fever for the past twenty-f h st before | | dhe eum pyetase bnmarrhage from the lange an’ A | What’ < ' hoot . 1 { nea en a our alte - mu ries ong successfully compete, tn ven hhown eny man Ww hav, and live. While ten a line ‘ iT) hat«in e wind wew w the wor endin t 7r t! » pot j ‘ ‘ , pene ne ee, é g the 27th. there point of workmanship and ae time- keep: | mites frum home, and in the set of examining » Htile ‘ ‘ ryton wel ent) tome deaths cra, with the best Eatopean article. |ewts hange with any beds bent my ear te her © FE R S EL A S L E L ET F S CS L ST E SE I T . ea t 1 f Li c s h t o r e b e r e Aa Pr P ee s ar s | - . - '] . ° = — pa k pt h we Y Fs oe | 33 3 2- 4 et oh n = . q F r e e h s i t s SE : r i B i e b e t = f Fa t t ; pot ino enrringe and take ey Roe some | way snore sens Wut Titele hope. I deteruiined to try it nai | lived to give it.e thir Viel, I commenced. 1 weigh | pe 1 not walk Gifty steps It was diteour ing tomy for me Ww tal. I conghed awfully. | ised the beywra Oth I trted severe! manutscturrs saa 86 examination of their Couds belure purcharing where. Among their stock will be found « ran ged wn sortmeat of BANCT DRBSS GOODS. Jos 1 ee overddx feet high but sinader 1 es to mead: Eeould not at first dreee and Woslea Shawls; Freneh und Eaglish Priits; Hats ond hoes; Servants’ Wear; ithe OU. But aher ewhllo I came serves + Juha ‘READY MADE CLOTHING ; fon, Friduy, the 24th meta ©. Baker & Co's,” and found it wach tlie most pleas. | age Siock Carpeting ; Cloth, Cassimeres, and eat ond eflicncions of wny I had ever teken, Prom) | Veuhags, Trauks, V nlen inleare ig the Ni: they ere prepared to eoll a: neal low prices, and would respectfully red Meriaos; De Lanes andGin White Goode hase ; ahees wad Carpet Bags; Bieach- 196 pounds ia Beptember 1854, 1 hare gous up to|ed snd Bovwn Gyody of all hinds. 175 pounds in April 1856. J muppose I have token in | the uvighbuthood of five gallons of your Oft, wad eve- | large stuck of Dry Gonads of ail kinds, aud we are de- teary to the jam now engaged and have been fur the Inst tweiye | aounte la the prectios of any profession. 1 cunsider’ eo mach | I have weed.gour Oil in regp aegecoh wiry aaron the pooh mdoryod ape a boobage wg tena ety ain ond = Let the remember, that Mr. | sete in 1853,. while on his tour the Boathern and South-western | ve declared on the steps of the | State-baase door in Montyomery, Ala-| batna, that “ the aetata sory aligns | of his early education had Leen oblitera | ted by what he had evon in the Boath of | the happy condition of the slaves of the FE r fa ee THE STATE FAIR | The public will be gratified, as we have been, to learn that we are authorized by the committee of the State Agri-| Svciety to announce, that Prof.', Mitehell, of the University of North Car-; . poying Cusiowhers w give us their patrons alive, and’ able (0 ride all.day aud aticnd td business. we ee cas ab wach ea co oor ry eve of une of the firm. i tv our imention to keep constantly on hand a Rerpeetfully, BROWN & COFFIN. | P.8,—All orders shall have the prompt attention | October 7, 1856. 6wid TOWN LOTS: FOR SALE. ih ponnaces of 5 dcaies'cl the Oven of ity for Korwun Coapty, Lill sell, at the Court House in Sabsbery, ow the 4ih dey of November wrx, (being | Tuesday of Comutg Cuart,) 22 Acres of Land, ‘belonging tq the beirestlaw of Devid Thomas, de- | ga, on Beterday, ihe 15th day of November next, “| Salisbury, Sept. 1656. ecured , wwe of Salisbury, and will be add in lots "These tends lie within the boundaries of the | L. BLACK MER, C. Octuber 7, 1856—Pr adv. $2 50 $25 Reward. UN AWAY from tbe subseriber, living ix miles | north uf Saliahbury, on Thareday wight, Septem- M.E. 5wid ber 4th, a negro buy gamed DIMON. Paid bey ie ebyut 39 of 33 yeurs of age, black com- shout sit feet bigh, rather swt bail, and weighs sbeet J75 poends He m dow spuken, and) | was bedly clad when be left. | reward bur the dehvery of aid bey t» me, of his cun- Gecenent iw ony juil, wv that I ger bim agein 1 will give the above 3. &. TROTT. wis =e ». 1636 Attention Fuseliers ! line SPLATTER DOC KS are ordered to be upow the ineperuon growed, fully equ pped. ou Baier olina, will deliver the aunual address at | dey atwing the 111h instant, preeierly at © o'ehck the approaching State Fair. Owing to circametances beyond the control ttn! comimittes, oe anpunciation bas Leen dy | heen made, or more sati«fuctory ay the Buciety and the commenity. Dr. Mitch ell is universally known and vom ps North as a ripe sehular, and on almost all sat) co on yale acienee a m thie able wor vod will tal g him higher in the esti matton of trie fellew citizens, as evineing bis deep interest in their wulfare and the basinese of the Society Raleigh Standard - THE MARKETS. Salisbury, y.N. C., October, 7 7 (dt 4) 5@** Minea, Nol. 10851 Urees, + De Pere, iba idh Barus Pelt | Motecers, ( ube 4 Beoewes, bs] ~ N Orteans Bert, S@6 Natle. Ge bh Batrer, 194@ 15) de Wroaght, 1940 a (C apdies, Tallow, 25 de Moree Bh én Adamant, 390324 ¢)0t* sees to 4508 Ue, — Clee, . 13014 Lamewed, Peel «6! eo Jave, 16018 Tranmere’ pgs! OO 075 « PR. 465 Potasors, Inch 5 6! de Reladic 19615 do Boeri, 55 61 OF Cotton, 10 1 Rage PB, Cotton Begging .-— Salt Peack) G2 5-27 Genay, 90.0 do Pbesbel, 9) 08 ~ Peadee, 15200 Sheetings, Brown. 4-4 9 + Bariaps, 000124 Sit, of bog e225 Coon Vara, 90 e04,— Gers, 00.45 Clover, Poach gi ier? 4 Mew C065 = Plarseed. ei oo Catstioes Yate. 010 0b ene~r: Brows, ji a tt her ¥ +. Bet Lael, is Feathers, 20035 Cracked 18 Fwer, Po Bag Clarihed, l4e0t5 Erwn, Beede, 6 Taleo, 1% ée «Bar, 4405 Tarpeotns, Peal t tie ~ Eag Refn'd 4 Wheai, ores ~~ Mates, Waal, 30 2 00 ~ Ovel, 6A) Window (ita ber. hpi 1% 13 16 e225 leet, af ie? a4 Lond, — White. 1001%) MARRIED: le Ruwee county. on the Tod instar. by Rev B <. Neh, Mr CALEB KLUTTS, Sherif of Rowse, ae Mee MARY AL. OWEN, endow of the inte Peter Owes, ond deaghict of Cop: Joba Sheman fe Eredett eoanty, oo the B34 instant, at the bower of Mr MP. Biecte, by Rev B.S Kiriter. Ir TA HILAL.» Mise JANE £ HOLMAN, daaghter of the late Witeee Hotmen ln Withee county, on the 90th alt. by Rev He mene 1. Sarin, Mr. JW. PARDUE, we Moe FAN NY C., deughter of the Rev RW Wonton, DIED: Te the county, on the Sth of., MARTIN LI’ THER. com of the tate Jesee W. Walton, Enq, theGtd your of hie age. DENTAL ROOMS DR. W. F. BASON, (es true, (ot tee Balt. and Phil, Cotteges, 4 aN ape make haowa that he her MA, on the corner nett Bort PA Flas 4 ey! feneption of Ladies and Gentle ynee weeding Deutal servers; aad where he hopes al who'can conveniently cali, will find « greatly te Aheir adventage Salicbery, Ort. 3, 1856 wig NR. Communications by letter or otherwise will Pe attended to the first opportunity AND FRAGRANT TEAS. utd & SIL. Dreggicts, £e., Hv just opened s sapply of very chuice Tene Boa ca, the must approved varieties, of bth ” pg, wn haar been expressty pet ap fer their own retell sales; mostly enveloped in tin foil wrap » which efeousaly preserves their srongih end nce. —In §— a Leo 1 th. packages Saiiebery, Oot, 7, 1856. 1000 Ibs. Blue Stone. Qwid FOR BALE by SILL & SILL, Dragciets, & October 7. awit URE WHITE LEAD—Oite, Vareiches, cohors ba OW, and dry; stwaye on hand and at low prices, SILL & SILL, Druggicts, &- Det 7 Iwid | the aeesbers end mm |. By ender of the Company JEURY JEWSUARP. os Balbsbary, Oct. 7, 1656. It NOVEL SCHEME!! 7 CAPIT AL PRIZE Lhasa PRIZES—Lowest P: GRORGIA LOTTERY. [ Asthorizad by the State of Georgip.} the arts. FORT GAINES ACADEMY LOTTERY ! CLASS 2 To be drawn in the City of Atinnta, Georgian, in pod he, om Friday, October, 24, 1°56, om the plen of SINGLE NUMBERS !! OF Perchesers in buying 10 Whale Tickets eheo 8:3.:4, & 6. 3,.6,8'6.) cco | guereaterd « Prise of 940 -lleives sad Quarters mw yrqertion SAM'L SWAN & CO, Managers. 30,000 TICKETS—3,280 PRIZES | PRIZES AMOUNTING TO S204,000: wD be distributed sceording to the following Original Schemes. | Pree of 40.000 $4) 200 1 Pree of 12.600 16.000 1 Pree of 5.008 = 5.000 1 Prime of 2,000 « 2.000 1 Pree of 1.000 «= 1.000 1 Prise f 1,000 = 1 260 10 Preet of 209 are 2 p00 100 Priees of 100 are 1¢ 900 109 Prace of - 70 are | seo 4 Prises of GLB appresimeting 6 Prtsee of 159 agpresimer 6 Prime of 169 approsime 4 Prime of 1B apyeonimer © Prise of 80 epprowtons 2 Prince of 4B approximating ow Prime of = 8 are Ast Priace emcewting to Whete Tickets $10 —Malves $5— Quarters t 1 ft. PLAN OF THE LOTTERY. The Nembers from | to 30,000, correapending wth those N eanbers the Tickets. printed on eperaic thpe of paper, are encircled wih emall tin tabes, and poced im one wheel The fire 216 Prenee, eomidariy printed and enciveted ere placed sn smother wheel The wheels are ther revalved, and a Number te drawn from ithe other whert The sember and Prive drawn out are apened end crbibered te the sudience, and registered by the Commimmoners, the Prine being pleeed ageteet ihe wamber dawn. This operation a repeated eat al! the Prise ° @rawe oat APPROLIMNATING PRIZES The (wo preceding ead the two succeeding Nom bere to thowe drawig the first 16 Irinee @rll be co utled wo the 64 Approtimation Princes, eceurding to he Seheme 3,000 Prines of @49 will be determined by the bast figure of the Nember that draws the §4° ) Prive Fur example. if the Namber drawing the @40.000 Prine ende with No.1, then all the Tickets where the namber ends in | will be entitled to G40 If the Nenber cade with No % then eff the Tickets where the Namber ende ia 2 will be entitled to @40, and a onto 6 CREAT INDOCEMENTS TO CLIBS. Ad. by thie Scheme, ane Ticket in every 10 i« prerestced to draw Q40, we will cell Lertyicatcs of Packages of 10 Tickets (where the numbers end in | 2, 3, 4, 5, 67,8, 9,0,) a the following rates which @ the risk om them AM that the 10 Tickets draw gearenteed aceruce to the parcharer Contihieate of Packages of 10 Whole Tickets 960 10 Half »” 10 Quarter 18 11 will be pereeived, by thie plan, that for @60 the parchaerr has a Certifieante of 10 Tickets, when if he tare Tickets he would only get for that eum 6 Whites, thus by buying ( Atrificates he hae foor more chances fir the Priaes— Halves and Quarter Pamk ages in proportion 1V ORDERIVE CERTIFICATES OR PACKAGES Bneloee the money to eur addrres for the Tichets Mf which they will be forwarded over the amoent ordered, on recsipt « by first mail The list of drawn Norshers and Prizes will be erent to purchasers immediaiely afier the drawing OF Porehasere will please write (herr smuntares plein, and give their Post Office, Coonty and Mtate OT Remember thet every Prize ie drawn, and psy able in fall without dedection 17 AN) Privee of 81,000 and under, pard immedrate- ly efter the drawing—other Priace at the weual time of thirty deye, in full without dedaction All commamentions strietly edn fide nivel Prine Tickets onshed or renewed in viher Tickets at either office Address ordere for Tickets, or Certificates of Pack ages of Tickets, either to S SWAN & CO, Attanta, Ue or 8. SWAN, Moatgomery. Als Wall Paper, &c., Large sapply of most beaatifal Wall Paper. Al Ae Pire Sereens and Window Shades for sate by Ju Piel bast Ruckectter Juty 79 more or bess. Also, at Mount Pleasant, Cabarrus, County, on Wednesday, 121h of November wext, « LOT OF LAND, belonging to the bi irs of said de évaced, tying}, Coburrus couriy, Iuid aff and aflot- fs ‘aod Gloves; Bonnets und Ribbons; Cluaks | ted 10 Lewh Willian... mother uf the petitioners, in|” ‘utiles; Biack und Faney Silke; Alprchas the penition of the lands of Deviel Bort amang his| Laud, belonging to the heirs uf Andrew Melman, de- | [2 is au rxamination cf my stock ‘ ceuved, to wit: forget to tytug on Elisha's Creek. joining George Bain and othe ere: gud one other tract, called the Mill Tract, con- | toi whog Oue par two vised Here will be given, with inter- | CQODS, ert from date ¥ANCY AND STAP DRY-GOODS, | item oo bave in store his eqtize stock, which ‘BEST ASSORTMENT 538 Acres, rapes and heirs at law, joining the lands of Matthias Bust and | ne nas leuwure. I cmbruide vies ; | others, Contuining shout 36 Aeres. The ruid lauds will soon Waen x ad Caps; touts \\ be suid ow « cred-t of six anonthes, the perchasers giv |” 97 | ing bouds, with good security, on the day of su! Me deems it wunevessary to , Thave my Also, I will sell, at the Court House in Mockeville, | USUAL STOCK, the following Tracts of ' which hes been selected Sa pn aul befure @ the artictes ; suffice tt And olman every description of guuds to be found iv carr ft epee ond Foor Dry Goods. _ y gta the pow: J Unie Cteahe, Mertaces. Messe Be Lanes, Siks, Embreideries, de. Large Stock of Clothing, Hardware ond Cuile: Groceries, Paints, Vils, &e., Carriage Trimings. Te alt of which, we most respectfully imvile persone ng Conds this wrason. One tract, of pales : BE, YE 4 00 Acres. 4s, No. 4, Boobs Fisies 4 t known as the Jacob Booe treet, lying on the waters | September 23d, 1856, Creek, joining Wm E. Bove, Jas. Jordan | — - - another tract, eallid the George Bove | Tea eS ., Va (rect, cuntujning 224 Acres, FALL & WINTER GOODS. NEWBERN ‘Mutaal Insurance Co. Salisbury, Seyt. 23 1656. 1:17 | de rei dhas been aj ppoint d agent at Salie-| tery for the abyve Company, and is prepared to feeeive applications ions from any person wishing to ‘about 12 wiles West of Sulisbury, containing near Pitlerpetadincs ‘This company is nvw in succesaful | and ite busi je fusti Liana Ww! E are now receiving out neusl sapply, eubene- 10 Acres, om which there is & vaiuable Mill. | aan al Gon FB sn Fook 1 Well adapted to the seasun, all of which have been Thought at the lowest CASH prices. wad which we are {determined tv offer at wholesule and retail st prices in w exemine Steam Saw Mill for Sale. ia ee ae oases ea al ——=. | our goods as vheup, if not cheaper, than they can boogtn | HE Western Plank Road Company will sell, at cleewhere in this market. ie woetion, near wtoa, North Carui- | RK. & A. MURPHY. | 3mi6 | f nd good recurity requirhds L. BINGHAM,C. M. EB, Oct. 2, 1856.—Pr. adv. $5. Swld | goud upright Strom Raw- Mill, complete and io fire rete order, built by Storbuck & Co., Troy, New| York. It has been in wee sbout 15 or 16 munths in sawing lumber for the Phuk Rood. Terms will be! made hnuwa on the day of sale. CC. HENDERSON, President | of the W. P. Road Compony. Oct. 7, 1856. ww D 10” We huve on hand « smail stock of Hardware, which we ure desirous of closing out, and will wie any thing on heud ia that Ime, at evet Kot Wr Ee tation €x penser. Dearne faPoetir WANTED To Bridge Builders. | 5000 Bushels Wheat ['cicsacinTeties 1 . Rulisbarv.om the main road to Meckevi AND way of Fosrd’s Ferry. Bids will be iehen fur the ma- 1000 BARRELS FLOUR. eunry eed wood work erparately or julatly es — best suit. A quarry sad Saw-mill are ot head 4 Poe subscriber wishes to parchese the above quan- | bide must come wo heed on or befure Tharrduy mo tity of Wheat aud Flower, for which he will pey, 9h berger next, on which dey all bidders are re- the heghest merket price ia cash. quested io be present at the Ferry. MICHAEL BROWN. | J.C. FOARD, Ralsbery, Sept. 16, 1656. wie EB WwW. TATUM Soveceee 16, 1856. 46 DEROSSET & BROWN, WILMINGTON, N.C ( BROWN & DEROSSET, 9 NEW YORK, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Csupl advances made om Consignments NOTICE. price F . re Bowds of cosh, fir Five Thowmnd Bushels Wheet, | 't bllay sare. to the entisfasthn of the Cuort thet aed 19 oF 15 likely vegeo byya, frum 15 to 2 G and Thomes Richerds, two of the old J -NKI Papas ‘chatenia in thie couse, reside beyond the Baits of Salishery, Rept 16. 1856 a aie 16 thie Beate: It ie therefure, oo mothia, ordered by the Coort, that advertisement be made for ax weeks svc AF JENKINS & ROBERTS have, sud will cow. cossively in the Carolina Watchmen, a pabhe sews herp State Buade on head for sate paper, published in the town of Selsbury, ioe | = ’ ver recal dofendnate of the Gling of this potithan, cad Ssit! Salt!! thet eolers they epprar et (he aeat Court of Pleas ~ Racks fine Liverpud Sali for sale, by Meet. | DOO | State of North Carolina, ROWAN COUNTY. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, | August Term, 1856. ‘d, ve James Richards. Wan. Richards, Moses L. Humes, Eze Uvimes, George Richards and Thomas Kich- orde. Petition to sell Land. | + timer te ee Seasons, 10 be beld for the coenty of Gauher, & Co, ot 68.25 per cart Cae ai the Cuert Howse in Salisbury, o8 the first November acxt, cod enewer the petition, temers are ievited to cell sed supply themerivers MOCK, GAITHER & CO the sane will be (akon pro Cusfesso end heard ex Sahehary, Sept. 30, 1456 —Si.18. Commissioner's Notice. Witace, James EK Clerk of our maid Court ( RDERED by the Commimcionrcrs of the tows of A , AD. 1856, ead NOW READY at office, the let Mondsy im the Gis year of ow I Price adv. 95 50 Sebabery, that no pereva shell be perutird W E ARE N te erect any burchag of euher of the fromt streets, JAMES fa KERR, Clerk ewubra one aquere of the mite of the aid Coan | Pattee with one of the largest aad most Howse, eseept of brick or stoes, with date or metal complete socks of eorty bre-pred a wt de ue woes, KALL & WINTER the Board of ( ommeusoners TAOWAS MeNEFLY.C BC S$ 1436 GOoOOoDs,, - over oficved ia Salebury, consisting of Foreign snd Duesestie Dry Goods ; Silk pari, Hal bai Herd ware and Cailery, Queene rare, Drags, Paras sad Dye staffs @f aft hinds; Sept 30, 1836 Administrater’s Sale. T the bate remade nce of Andrew B Hulman, dee'd . weer Merteor He, um the T3rd aad 2ich Octo + BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS, next, | eel ot 17 Cage, Black Smich Tule, Irn and Stee! of all bin’s, VALUABLE, NEGROES, ge en MEN Ready-Made Clothing, 1 wilt Kerseys, Negro Blankets ord Oansburge, ot ped and ait emeong which are severe! valuable YOUNG eod WOMEN, BOYS acd GIRLS Alm ney a3 Ue prope “ nd eard breceer’ me . ‘d berote-! tn, Bagnag. Rupe co” Twiee. Alef which, bes om mmeing oortmid 0 sehen Ferutere, teen corrfally eriecte”. ot the howest ed wit we BR OBAILEY. Ade : phase aah be offered ou the Host reasonable terms MURPHY & CO 380, 1856. 6t1S Mex kovitle, Sept 30. 1656 NOTICE. cea xt NBW SAUSAGE CUTTER Sept LL. peraons :edebted to the entste of Ar Hatmes, d-<'d , are erecnet te mabe ete payment: and stl thee hermg ele caad eatate are hereby wrtied te prosowt eae . ae UST Reerierd and ter » Disea’s New Ive fhe time preerribed br lew, or this entere will be plead 07 Seemge Uatirr esd to owt 100 tom por bows MURPHY & CO 61s a ber of ther Sep 30. 1856 Notice to Builders. 4p; anderegned aviic propessie fw the erection of College Ravidings 21 Devidenn College, w cust fron 30 w €50 000 ihe beddenge to be of brick os bree stones hgh, covered wrth un The contractor to fermesh ol! the materiel and com plete the work Plans and epecifiestone will be ex be Cherrmen, et any time after the let The comtrect will be chamed at (hartetie day of Decembr Any member of the commitce will commenrst+ information on the sub poet to persons demnimg to contract for the Buridings DRURY LACY, Chaswman D ( A. R Davwweos, ) peewee B BAILEY, Adm'r 18 Sept. 30, NOW IS THE TIME. Just received and for sale, 2000 pra heary Negr Shoes, 1500 best Negro: Blawkies, BO pices aseoried Kereeys, BO Cotte Rope 3 Beice Bagging, seaort MU RP HY & CO 6t18 1856 rock fvandstawe Sept. 80, 1856. Salesman Wanted. JW. Onnoane, Charkate, N. ¢ JH Wrses \ Jows Kaos, Chester, & ( TUR cubecriber ts desirons of employing es GOOD SALEE min Cimeoron:< MAN to attend bis store in Balishbery ome of cxperience can receive employment by making immediate application ” Ralicbory. N ( & MYERS, Ca y Rettet wry, Sept, 1856 — 60-18 Ko. 4, Granite Building W ihmington, N = Rept 30, 1556 —6c-18 VALUABLE VALUABLE PROPERTY FARM FOR SALE. For Nale ! jee eudersigned has determined to refl a valuable treet of land, known ae the Alesander land, ly ing on Witherow's creek, abuat 11 miles W est TERHE cobseriber will expres to peblic enle, on of Sehebury and within one mile of the Wentern Rail Thereday the Wrd uf Optebder next, be valuable and Plank Reade, edjoiming the lende oa T L Cowan, TRACT OF LAND lying on the Beaties Ford Road, dec'd., Dr. J. F. Foard and R. M. Gillespie, containing five miles west of Salisbury, containing 200 ACR ES, more or less, There are on 346 ACRES, Srna Wile ceasary buildings. and every thing in good repair; an of ae gred quality eecan be found anywhere in the orehard af choice fruits, ond an excellent meadow There ie on the premises about mxly acres of = The price and terms wiil be made secommodating Rtate the Apply to E. Alexender on the place, or SR. Herr 44 y Rea fy ‘TT’ fon. Saliebory VERY BEST BO TOM, : ELIZABETH ALEXANDER elt cleared and in coltivetin. Perans, wishing \o see September, 30, 1456, 5018 the land. ean be accommodated by eatling an Mr The T Locke, whe res de< on thé adjoining plan n Lato, 1 will ales sell at the same time and plaer P. P. BESSENT, Dentist, 50 head of Hage. 500 bushels of Corn, Outs, Hay, C VAN tc Qed of the Howes Hone, where be =f hip Sika b, take pleasure in attending to all calle in his pro- cr fund will be odd for one half the re. pon, Thoad wishing to have their teeth operated mainder on one and two years credit, wnh interest oon will call mom, as hie stay will be short in Sale from dnte Terma of the other property made known nasgs opt. 30, 1856 ; an the day of sale DANIEL WOOD meats O° - NOTICE a . N TI E. M" won, ROBERT, having ebenonded, I hereby next Gener- fore warn all persoms from harboring or employ - PPLICATION will be made to the * al Amembly of North Carolina, for an amendment the charter of the town of Sefiebary, en s@ to pro vide that each Ward shall elect ita own Commimmon- ore and that the tax colleoted in each Ward, shall be expended on the streets, or otherwise, of faid ward ; and ale: providing that sxid amendment shell take of feet from and after the let of January 1857 MANY CITIZENS Get® | ing him, or treding with him on my secount, ae 1 wit nat be responsible for any of hie contracts. ROBERT K. HENRY Deep Wolk, Iredell Co, N.C., Sep. 30, 'S6—31:18 ‘Marriage License for Sale at this; Office. Sept WH, ISK ing a great vuriety of Staple and Fasey | wishing to bave propert insured renga bee Ds," Droge, Ssecerles, & eady Made pm D tg boven, eall on the caccied oD | Moko toie in the City of Montgome: ' Whole Tickets, $10— Holves,¢5 J. D. RAMSAY. Jyne : 1856. 6mo2 MAMMOTH SCHEME!! CAPITAL PRIZE $50.000. ALABAMA LOTTERY! | [Authorized by the State of Alabama.] | | SOUTHERN MILITARY ACADEMY | _ LOTTERY! CLASS Hf | igomery, Ala. iu peb- | riday, October 16th, 1856, om the Phan of SINGLE NUMBERS!’ SAMUEL SWAN, Manager. $0,000 TICKETS ONLY! PRIZES AMOUNTING TO 200.000 DOLLARS. Witt be distrivated according to the fullowmg UNRIVALLED SCHEME !! | 1 Prive of £30,000 is foo | i 20,000 is 20,000 | 1 20,000 is 20,000 i ue 16,000 « 10,000 | 1 - 10,000 10,000 | [adhe 5,000 is 5.000 | 2 Priace 2,500 are 3.000 | 2 C) 1008 are 2,000 | 20 500 are 10,000 50 300 ore 15,000 15 20 are 15,000 oo 100 are 10.000 125 © are 7,508 | " APPROXIMATING PRIZES. 4 © of $108 approximating to $50,008 prise ore O10, ‘ mo P wee ll ll oo me wee * le, no tS wee sl 8 ae ee) wae “ ™m qo ihe - ime * 4 ‘ co ° tio * - Of Py yr lee - oe) o- = “eo tw wo ® = - Sone | = to a) rv) 200.000 Quariers, 24° Cr The Alsber, and Geurgia Lotteries, as chan- woe for imver' ment, preecnt inducements over any bool neme. The experience the pubic have hed 1400 prizes amownting te of the wmenagement of these Laotternes, the lnege aerant of Praee auld the prompt ness wih which they heve beew pan, are the beat guarantors that they will siweye be condected in the must honorable maneer PLAN OF THE LOTTERY. There are 30,000 Tickets nambered from | to 30,000. There are 388 fo" Princes and 620 Approsi metione—mekbing :a all 1000 Prizee ‘The drewing tnhes pince in pubic, ander the se permicedence of Lwo eworu Com murmuerrs The Necabers from | to 30,000, correspondieg with he Nambers on the Tickers printed on coparate wih email ie lobes, and <upe of paper, are encireted placed 0 une wheel The first 380 Prites. cinderty prom ere placed in another wheel The wheets are then rev drawn (rom the wheel of Nambere tame a Prine a drawn from the viber ed aed encircled, the Prize bring pleced age act tbe This operation repeated ams! al! ihe Praes are drawn wt APPROXIMATION PRIZES,— The tow preeed tng and the two succeeding Nembers to theer dreeag the bret 280 Prizes will be eatnied to the R20 Appros maton Preaes, scoordedg to the Sebeme rember IN ORDERING TICKETS, Backer the movey to oor address br the Trehote ordered. on recespt of which they will be forwarded by Gret_ mest The list of Drawn Nombers and Pracs will be oe ot to parchesrrs unmedatety after th Tr Parchasers will please write thew mgosiares plein, and gree their Post Office, Canty and Simte 2 Remember that every Prize w drawn, aad pay- able ra fall eubow dedectum OF All Prites of €1.000 and nader, paid mnmedaic ly efier the drawing—other Prees at the usual time of therty dave AB commen tetious et netly confide numbers will be forwarded | afte: the drawing Prive Tickets cashed of renewed in ther Tickets ar euher affier Orders for tickets should be sent in carty Orders for Tickets can be addressed t S SWAN & CO. Atlanta, Ga or 8 SWAN, Moatgumery. Ale July 227, 1656 8 SALT, SALT, SALT. TWO hundred and ff'y prime lerge Secks, now mm . and for eale as bow as at any other place in Salisbery R & A MURPHY Rept. 23, 1856. Imai? SALISBURY FEMALE ACADEMY. THE exercises of this institution will open on the le day of October next, for half a seamon. Terme in propertion to former charges he owners of the property will make every efit drawing | The drown o purchasers iramcthately acne for the econtinaance of the schol withoet soepeneen JESSE RANKIN Sept. 2h, 1836 tw? Plantation For Sale. TTVHE subscriber offers for ale his valeable planta trou (84 acres W eat of Salisbury lying one and a half mi-e Soath Thie ies beantifolly sitnated treet, pretty good lands, aboat one Walf cleared and ender cultication. 1. is sasceptible of great improve ment, and id easly be made one of Lhe must de sivable homes in the surrounding country Tt has on it now, a very good framed dwethog, kitchen, smoke house, stables, Ke A well of most ercetlent water ad an orchard of very choree fruria eis acres of meadow land in the tract There are abon and the wood land comprises a quantity of fine timber Call on the subscnber at the preaviaes or if furiher direcinns be required, eailat the Watchman Office WM. ROWZEE Sept. Wd, 1856 iT JOB PRINTING Neatly .cccuted at this Office Cloths, Cogsimeres, Vestings, and Geuieaes's ter: | | Bishing goods, whieh will he suld very low, or made up to order in the best style of the Art. | keep in bis employ a rkitful Catter, and can therefore i werrant good fils. fron, Neils and Ginse, | justifies him in saying that his stock cannot be sur- Her Caps, Shirts, Coltats, Vests, Jendkerehlefe, nee. Orders for work promptly filled 'VALUABLE LANDS | more or bess. This plantation will richly reward the | tabaore r. | bottom land wow uoder a high state of evhivetion— | call evon and see the subseriber. ed. ond 2 mumber OOO , maunder dye ENCOURAGE A’ New: Excitement AND OUTBREAK ! B | wilt 4 This K: king! 10D | "Trace wf ed, bee Maxeovny, eovenne, 1950, HA NT 5 Simo cre having prcboted papier glte veld | PME undersigned bogs leave to stare hie shame, 7 om fo > Cate Wy haews Cr yang |enmans se eat em bie own heared 3 ty eee ore ee teed ; eas Le wddition yer re). rat Win —e en., Fd te ars : sore PLUGS of PALL ed RE we and well selected | reap thins pone mcng phen boy ly tdi M psgea ce } thas has removed the Shop ately t rge to Pork, ten. Garwoud und ethers, comali ‘of omy —nathagy Ey ory Consisting ‘h tenet of TE*) Menem. Geor & Witinant, otjeining bh “ _ = ‘ “ Pall rages sre {ee ne han as cep Cares ov ‘2 ee 8 \ Perel urning, Cutting Screws, Repairing Boilers and Engines, ‘ of alt descriptions ; making and repeiring Mill Spindles, Wood Plainers, Plows, Ironing Wagons, &c.. and in ROLSR-SMOBIVG, { will compare work with one for neatness, Weer, and despatch ; Luterferring $1.25 ; commen do. Bl; cus steel toes or steel plates, 2. 17” | hove alo erected an Air Furnance for melting Brass, which ubewers Gaely. The public com get Brass and C omposirion Castings by calling at the shows tablinh oud fi patterns. Also Brass sled ever at a reduced price, with neatness and de- “READY MADE CLOTHING, He wil His experience in the business ssed in quality ; aud the sty los are all late and very andswme. His stock of Ready-Mades, comprises Coats, Pants,—aud every thing required. Call aud | hha BEARD. hawt Tailor. 1016 _ Salisbury, Sept. 16, 1856. FOR SALE. HE nadersigned offers 6 for enle a valuable tract | of fand, lyiug near the Beaties’ Furd Rood, rs Ow Copest sad Press wanted. 8. J. Emest, Charlutie, May 5, 1856, 250 Acres, FAIR MT. FOUNDRY & wen Sxo,r. ~ STAFFORD, DEXON & CO’S: PREMIUM HORSE POWERS, AND ‘There are also aboyt 25 Acres pf excellent | | Also, on the premises there are valuable wloge Persons wishing to purchase suid farm will du well io) J. B. McNEBLY. | Sept. 16, 1856. oé | THRESHERS, ‘Thunder & Lightning’, Ay ESSE DISUNION AND CIVIL WAR, Pestilence, Patent Medicine, x ii"=- sro r-r ooh + the steadily increasiog demand. But fn FAMINE, &e., &e, yly refitted our shop, and inereared our we trust in fatare te be atte to keep pece with the RE evils aud culamitics that showld be guarded onders ibat a diverimiuating public may patty with. sa BAKER & OWEN beg leave to in-| These Machines were on exhinition at the State form the public geueraily end private individuals par- | Fair in 1854 and °55, in competition with Machines ticolarly, that they are ready, willing aud able te pro- | manufectured in this State, ae well as a pamber from teet them {ruin one at least of the ebuve (Lightning) | other Siaics, end tovk a DIPLOMA and the HIGH- | by paiting wp to their buildings, their Patent ladaied EST PREMIL M, over all others, We sho mene Lightning Condactors, at prices lower than it has ev- | factare, at short artice, Grist and Sew Mill Irene, jer been dome at in this part of the ssantry Jogrrcbons Pactory Gear, Ciresiar Saw Mills, Wool-carding Ma- your orders to Buker & Owen, Salisbury, chives, Sirew and Stalk ( atters, = the thing teat Jaly 22, 1e36. a! farmers need this dry season; and all kinds of eumt- Rac Nach Cortiea Form Beck, 0 ere Letters addressed | STAF FORD, DIXON & CO. oR Sheriff, Coustables, Magisirates and Busi- bd ners men, fut mule at J. H. Eavie’ Snow Camp. Alamanee, Wil meet with atten BOOKSTORE Ang. 26, 1366 cimeaieneeimc? par Jaly 22 $$ Ths Gatet icalWibeok Beveioek Salisbury Planing Mill, AND ITS FALSE SPOKES EXTRACTED, bs | | SASH FACTORY AND LUMBER W. G. Brownew. For sale at J. HM. Bane” YARD. BOOK Bias WEST HILL, GALISBURY, B.C - For Rent. MIE endersigoed have sow in operation the shove FINE BRICK STORE HOUSE, two dories Mi aod Factery, page iy eee eemgee high, stented pert door to Watchmen Printing | quality lember dressed, or wi ey and R MUBPHE. Groove plank furnished by others; and make all Kinds ot |X Banh, Doors, Frames, Blade sad weed seutiings | of varoes sacs and Patteres Scroll weving, Sa ' ja woud of iron, and genera! Blacksmithing, Gold Pens, ia ‘The anderngned have firs:-rave warbmnen toh Bale VERY large smeoriment of Good Guid Peas, and, timore, and can guaragiec thelr work co svitable tar Gold Pes Puts, without the Case. Fur sale | fret eftes houses at JH. Bases’ BOOKSTURE Carpenters, buidders aed others are respeetiolly om- Jely 22 8 qhested Ww call and examine specimens of the werk. MURDOCH & CAIRNS. Babsbery, Aug. 12, 1656. Gmect2 EF Lexingioe Fiag and Greensboro’ Patsios copy 8 months, end send account to this office. Ambrotype Likenesses. THOWAS BE. BROWN, 4 Probe latest improvement in the beeatifal art of te- bing protures on gias+ The bean y aed durability of these ele pe | ) eed the Avabrutype et the head uf af! the five arte, | = and is considered ove of he greatest diweuveries of tive wet SALISBURY, N. C., cr "The sabecriber having steadied this method of takiog | ing on the abor pee hmeweasee «| Philadelphia under the ueost distinguieh. | "hace sail ead panies bn ooh ie |; manotoanaytng ay swperter vohictes ald fects con@tent be oan give: - ed arta of thet place, of re hie services in that cope- city, to the citree? of ths place qualities a cheapest ts the long ree He wont abone See oho wtad to procere any thing fn his line to collet ment before they purchase cine Childrea of any age takes in a few seconds GR™ Wie shop ts te the renr of bis Livery Stabte Pop's int: meted in the ert Ladies and Gentlemen hfs aoe EAT™ Pervons at distance ordering work, wil! pleasenceete pany the order wiih a dearrtption of the article required—ctgte, quality aod price-aad when detivered.if 1) dees cotgive calle faction they will wot ee required to beep it With the e@vansages of the Railroad at bis deer, be wHEERO ter work—cnch f° -9 reer Jaly 22 fies. Apply wo July 2. New Discovery ! wiied to cell and e xam- RIEL UTLEY, Of Coepet Hat, N.C 6—«0. Seahebury, FARM FOR SALE. @ Dior undersigned offers at private eale, a most cr iy IV ER cellent Plantation, tying three end « balf miles oR West of Salisbary, on the Sbernifs Ford reed. 6nd, pep: ap acavaci, sud these whe wish cither to bey or toed shout halfa mse from the Salisbury sad Tayloreville terrete borers or wales are invited te enll Plank Rood, edjewing the lands of Mra Merphy, W duty 2, 1404 = 3 Macay, Mathew Locke and others This treet as : STEAM ENGINE AND SAW MILL 344 1-2 Acres, FOR SALE. of which we well tombered; the re- of calirvat rc On th a hagh sate of caltrvarron OF \h® cotter sadersigned offers fur aale, bis well hestie Engine and Sew Mil. This machinery bes theroagh!y wned ipep heal searcdorane ge manner and to be entire salisfeetion. The engine nae 18 Horse Power. other eon te The whole extablishmeat Ben be easily moved and ost The cape row locality of thes farm will make ie enfe op tt eny place Persons wishing to parchass, are fe- Terms =< = minde ote aod examine it, as | have determined July 72 almost any tind of trade in epchan, Wheat, Poer, Oats, Bacon, Lard, ac bc Nee Y STAB. E o large portion 2 ander tract = a sep mor Meadow, contasong abvat 40 neree {as this land w lying o near Mebebory a handeume profit cas be made from There ws, alan on the premmes goed dwelung hoese a must «rrcethe at bern, sed ¢ver) race attached theret> the meadow alone wmvestment to the chaser eccmadatnd n the onrber Call on riber 2 he thum or, addrees by letter at Sabsbary. N ¢ ANN BROW ‘. Juty 22, 1256. uF HE. eubecriber is desirous of moving hie Mile and 1 »? hoe )30.000 of 200,000 feet of gud LUMBER T Al |, TOR STI on hand, pracipally Weathertoardiag, Ploorig and boa : tach Plawk, whch he will ell very low for cach, Ai- =. 2 fee ba of Maple, Birch, Ash and Poplar Pinal, NH E subsenber tekes thie method to ieform bes T : and Scanthng sawed expressly for Carriage tad Cob- frends and the pable. that he hes opened a NEW a ‘ pa Loan teamed nivel ee Lepesty rere eager nae nna pias | Coll DE Leelenateh lt Leomenot rca. any of the abowe named Lamber would do well te dress me a1 Salisbury, throuch the Pugt Offtee. JOUN BEARD. July ®, 1°56 —Sen-6. @ the curner roome of I. A. Dave's bardiag, derect!s towe of Morphy, MeRore & (a, and hep of Withame Brown. the long come in the bamerss are, he thinks, fasere pposiie the « adpaning the ” euperncnce end Frank bnevitie SQUIRE, ZIMMERMAN & ALLEN, Wholesale Dealers tn DRY GOODS, @ garran miee for i HIS JOBS shall be fathfally and artustically exe He we in the receipt of the FASHIONS and is, therefore, always ready to supply cestomers in cated the style of the © Latest Agony OF Call and see brn Cc. N. PRICE a Rahebery. Sept 19, 1856 lyt? No. 143, Market Street, PHILADELPRYA Prascts Serer Arnold's Writing Phuid. D M. Ziwweamcs, of Lincotatee, N.C, 4 ads Beat Ink in (he World, for ente a. JH Ee Geoece N Atcey Ten Dollars Reward ! I AN AWAY from the subscriber, on the 28th day of May last, a free negro namei HENRY VA- LEN TINE, abas Heary Lomax Jely 22 8 STATE BONDS FOR SALE. APPLY to JENKINS& ROBERTS, Aag 5 ine Salsbery, N.C, Rad boy waeese- ted at the last Term of Rowan Seperior o—? Encourage Home Industry: - “ee tne tor oF 1 onthe Seed” Vat KE QUICK! BE QUICK about 22 years of age, five feet three and ® ae aches high. of giagerbread cular, laege aaa, STILL BETTER AND BETTER! thick bps, bow-lqged, seat bot, and by trade a - mck * Rirck mason, Plasterer and Painter He wee raised I AM paring ap Roggee and Rockawaye wah im a Ane commty, and may be lurking abvet Wades My w prove rh hes alwave givea gree! io ugh and Albemarie emtinfis vats Nap bees tered c Kaowe,amd 1 will give the above reward for his apprehension Tam determine Nee ss ik ees venues am and deivery to me at Moant Pleosent, Cabarres ple reward to the purchaser [asm euil atthe same ot cooary or if eoefieed in any jal on thet B near the Fraetory Inexchange for Buggies Fowl oi) pe prompt'y attended to tmke wheat, corm, beacon, de, at the hrghest marke CHARLES KLUTTS pr Mik oe val ced en ahs Call ane lane 18 1836 we cn omy ea und Lkeow yee 00) pan gee ey cee can't help being ple I return my @nece re that they have beatuwed on me heretofore JOHN Lo WRIGHT Joly 29 ou Company. The ae ATTERDOCK FUSRLIERS, rade in niire new end di ne onform, DR. M. WHITEHEAD. {OFFICE ow the same bot with his remdence Tn iith ot Rote Saterda\ ne bee absence peraons desiring to see him will leaves THE COMPARY. ther names on the Slate Salisbury Sept 2nd 1556. | TRS6 in | Jane 17 ge + Heep, malant: the false teagher Beccier | ental, ieaiobd rdations wt says, the mad who attempts to serve Prop the Presbyterian. PRESBYTERIAN STATISTICS The gunoa) returns from our Church, ms made up by the Stated Clerk of the — } : a General Assombly, which have now been! in seculiar matters from now until ele atensively published, present several tion, in eodeaworing to persuade my fel-; vot seek totrage the causes of the ve | low-citizens to vote in the right way, that! are the facts, and it is for you to ponder upon | adinission I shall not be able ty fill my desk rega-| them. OF the present Adv grateful to such ag) voting to say. Ti ‘ ia mv ‘eberical of adiniuistering this government, and if the Dre: | ; seulexccutive aud his supporters have wilh ved; det Inteatiod and honest beara made a cnistake, | have a hope God will torcive thea as T do (loud aad | ought to But if there be those Who | stitutionfor i have brought these calamities upoad our country Territory or State. Sth. An enfyrgement of the pring) foe peg pee So goed right of sa. |?°me of Beyripelas. » + City, desiined, he believes, Ja pecone the gre Poe agitaueu which disturbed the peage vf frage, or of holding political office. the country in 1850, was unavoidable. | were off the fyost’ amicable ened at home with civil war, and ff with @ rupture of our peaceful’ réladgitey’ I shall pecessarily be so wach en, of the Federal Constitution, ain the privi of interest. A comparisou with, into the Union whengues the ¢tatistics of tast year shows that whilst in some redpects there is ground for en larlv, and will feel cobragement, in others there is reason for, will eonsent to assist me Coupared with duties, istration 1 havel the T can appreciate the diffieatties jin C gress. " Provided always, r . r nong bu Se te ge Feith f a I am aware of the disappoint- itétion and laws patents _ ing year, we find thatthe num- inents that will arise among the three h +} Que te three dettide will euse the worst kind of BAGT i} CITY. ber of rae, Rw! Vresbyteries remains thousand persons who congregate here to! ts * a | Pimples wn the face. 4 D fy oy ° . We have 47 more candidates ear me, and | appreciate the delicacy of than atdhat Uwe 3 more licengiates, oy the pei luL of any who may curse niGfe winisters, 67 more churches, and assist mic. 2,351 more eorimanicants, been 25 mere licensures, J] umore ordina tions, 3o mon: dnetallations, 14 wore pas toral relations dissolved, S more chute! vé organized, and 16 inore ministers re- depowiuations Uian dering the preceding year; wlilst the city beeouting po ell as amount of money coutribated exceeds the Cus sancliagics, Cat sume of their migur Lers are getting into very worldly ways “One pew owner Tu dae Rev. Mr. [uley's charcl offers to bet his pew, ecligibly sit- vated, and valued at 8100, egainst a pew iu the Rev. Mr. Norton's church, ca the reaalt of the general elecdienin Novem- “Vie York Day Book. regret and hp yiliation. prolonged applause.) E10 for selfish or ambitions objects, itis your duty, that no it the mouth and stomach, {allkind wishes fur theis pruaperiiy und peace, Hfellow-ertizens, to hold teu to & strietrespoms And below is the ouly one erop of the great ocean of resultsy which this wickedly blind, and sccularly minded te Hs best te produce : The Altou (line ne of the effects 9th. A chaageado tipdaws of gateralization, | {Drought upou us by the acquisition vf uew tee making a éontinued residence of twenty-one ) Detnocrat states, as nitory, for the governinenut of whiel it was me years of all uot hersinbelore provided for, ab in-| ftwo churches in that, cessary to provide terrntornal administration.” But rolitical as well as religi- ibs for veu to say whether the present ayvtation which distragts "thé Sogdtrys and civil war, has not been reg louby produced oly theratioptio di in personal advancement rither (ut ta au! anc hie the eyes - ; ping w new cotion mill ut ibis ples, | ‘Two battles are warranted to cure ramming of the, + ‘Prey Mills,” and hopes i eure or bluiches among the husic. | by the latier part of the so " Foarto six botiles ure wurranted ty cure SOLeUpt one of Lhe best, (if Mul the. vary -bam,) grille Jn sins arene . . tnd running weer, : : jevuntry. The machinery woeselectéd by himself, and dispensa bl: reyuisite for citizeoship hereafter, aod | One bottle will care seuly eruption of the skin. | the bwtest and most approved patteras ‘were 4) bx PIRI ee, , excluding all paupers, and persons convicted of | Two to three bottles are warrauted cure tne worst | It will work tke w lever waich—smouth and memlys= Ttbfeatens us crime, from twnding upoa oar shores; but noin- | C#se of ragworm. i hlessly and wan: terference wih thé vested rightaef foreigners. | Two ty three bottles afe wafranted to cure the beuutifylach of the d Engle 1uth, Opposition tu any union between Chureb | 1 State | bo intepfgrence with peligious faith, | rheum. aud no test oaths for office. fee and thorougiy investigation igto all alleged wbhases of Sblie’ tunctloke. economy in public expenditures. i and enf sam in the report for 1855 by $230, (ue very cheering fact is the apparcutly vereasing permanency of the pastoral relation, there having been an excess ‘of ations over the number of pas teral relations dissulved, whilst the report ue last yearshows an excess of.oniy 7} ber: ve Dumber of com- on gpeatiiina!ion is 63 less than the number reported tast and those received ov certificate 120 Upon the whole, these 6 sures show that ther® Ras been general ‘héafth fulness “a ‘N@ Churches; but as regards the enjoy: went of spiritual Liessiugs and agyres- some on the kingdum of inl occasion for encouragement. } jon, particularly during rhe! early part of the ecclesiastical year, was freqaentty directed to the comparatively lew revivala, and thengh a more happy’ state of things afterwards ap are sll pot surprised to find that the ac- from the world fall below what has heretofore Leen reported. We trast that this circnmetance may make its ap » ttn pression on the hearts of both Misters and people, and that all May bestir themselvcs tu pray and labor that the next rctarns way present wore clieer Sir, you have been pleased to say that } have; {the wuion of dyere Siates at heart. This sir, is, any dad nivst true, for if there Le one object dearer to; rics, and a strict me than any other, it is the unity, prosperity and | {glory of this great Repubtie; and 1 confess | al Tews ¢onstitationally enacted, unt | frankly, sir, chat [fear it is iu danyer. U say shaft bE re nothing of any particular section, much less of void by coin the several candidates beferethe peuple » I pre- i psume they are att honorable ‘men. x what dows bab € wn, dis! ween the North and maunicants redei or shall be de¢lared pull aud lry case, So sure as water will extinguish Gre, sawre | the bouodary of preagys time, rev La ytedly Ashamed.—A y Miss ac- Eyuelly Asham A young Miss ac petent judicial authority. cepted the offer of a young man to yal-| lant her home, and afterwards fearing that jokes might be cracked at her ex- pense, should the fact become kn missed him abent half way home, enjoin: ing weereey-) “Dob't be afraid,” said hiey “of uy saying anything about it, for T’ feel as much ashamed of it as you do.” | party, piredeming chndidates for the Presitfedcy and V.ce-Presidency, selected fur the first time from Abe free States alone, with the avowed of electing these candidates by the s of the Union only, to rule oer Stays. Cum it be possible that th who are engaged wit t affairs, und | ‘rasta pps peeve qnite pleviitul, and yet its valpe | ihe cheerful res, Pr ® @ernal son: the javigerating \ 2 3 Seen Ny as shown iu removing “ Ameri- i ‘ a hala y designation) and conservatives iv) Lu order jw give some idea of the sudden rige ppd} fui busy thy ' mitt adies tas ot . Ee principle, ftom office, and playing foreigners and grees populanty of the dsoovery, | will state that idlis eiared OM cer ate eee asen afr VEGETABLE LEPRONTRIPTIC ultraists i@ their places; as shown im a truckling | April, 1553, 1 peddied it, and sold about six boillee pet | momument rises abuve ail things cle, bearing on us rr) Pe Soath, on the moat exci- more es dug of all topics, repalting 16 blyodslied and or- | cans” ganized military array. Bat yhig 8 not all, sic, We see a politigal subserviency to the stronger,aad au inseleat and cowardly bravado towards the weaker powers ; as shown im re-opening sectional agitation, by | the busipess twenty and thiriy years, say that hothing The Mobile Register recommends that the repeal of the M in the event of Fremont’s election, the Soatheru members of Congress, instead of going to Washington, should repair ‘thetr respective State Capitols, and take} counsel with the State Exeentives and | Legislatures as to what is best to be done. such a ‘Measare, Cat! in its bave seriously refl@ted qpon the cunsequences | braska which must inevitably folluw, incase of success! which pervade Would be le required to follow the guverament; rule prgeribed by thase who elected bim in! uaval officers ‘making his appuiptinents Us seus and Ditoy's ling be out tu be Presidenfor Vice President, would it te” proper to select one from the same yuarler, a8 prevent the disastrous consequences otherwise re- | jene uf lis Cabmet Council, or to fepresent the sult Jaaton in a foreigu country { Or, indeed, to col lect UN@ fyeguc, or aditibiger the daserpl ihe If pot, what new rule is the Presiden to adopt ia sekoting mefi for office! These are geqwus, but prectiest quesiuuns, and bo onter ty appreemte thetw folly, it is ealy ne ‘cosmary lw turn the Lables upow varselyes Suj- pose Unat the Sywth, barre: clectoral votes, shuald deehire thrat They fook! President and Viee » aod should elect such by their ex clasive sutfrages to rule over us at the No#th + DO you think we woul subnut to it! question ; w shown in the as shows in disgracing meritorions | through prejudice or caprice ; and | as shown fm the bluodering mismanagement our foreign relations. j ith, Therefore, to remedy existing evils, sud) A inan somewhere out West, being ia- dicted for stealing bacon, went to a law. yer and eld him his case. The lawyer, strange to sav, advised him to settle ; byt the man said no, he had a right to be tried ly a jury and a lawyer to defend The cage came up, and the wituess swote upto the Lub agaings ic mein was a clear case toall; cven fo the attor nev whe argned for the bacon stealer. — The jury went Sout,” and soon retarned with a verdict “not ¢g thrust hes thambs in lis vest pockets, and the Gaagrt dhowse whistling The next day his law per met lim, apd asked him how andgr heabene be got that case said the gelient, “1H thing was done but you need'nt say any- thing abodt it_elovenref the’jury had some We have received a copy of the Min wtesaf the New School Geueral Assein My caamining it, hav: that it containg the to the aggr c tables, bow ever, we have the itema, which cow School, are as fulluws : Yankee Doodle. Neve that your Swwtheru brethren are legs sep sitvwe on this culjeet than you are. or less je (Tremenduus cheenny )— Ef you do, let me te!! yuu that you are mistaken, j And, Gherefore, you must sce that! Ubis sectium al party succeeds, i | pon of tine benetitul fabric rearel by our foryla:lers, cemented by MANUPACTORERS OF THE PURE MEDICINAL COmEiIVER om. | Belo: Hogh Miller, Toros; Lyman & Brother, | NO. 1@0 YORTM THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA | ous of their nights? five, AMed oa Certifi cate, Totat @omm uni- of 22 fi td Holloway'a Ointinent and P ilka, «il . : DS cflering to Unc public their bread of Cum-Liven Om, have Cere Asthma and all greet pheaeere in worranting Ite exeefient quali: yet 5 Disorders of the after many year, of inboricas os pevieuve, thay have buttoned Hhenry Vincent, of Salym, Ala baina, was almost a marfyr to astfuna for nipeteen years, Whiel | ters to picees, and made hin a4 (inns Ww elon, se that he either enjoyed rest by Ile trie! many things forthe care of tins complains, but they Aboat tirce months e commenced taking Heolloway"s Pills, acd well rubianyg the Oustinent mn to the chest night and Imerning wir blood, aud be =pereved the Gedne marrhws (Codtinte), so | CR extra Care, UEMer the perssndl supervision of | thetr agent at N-wtowmitand. dee ewenteem, parity, and tasteful te the must delicate patinnt Ite mate of preparation makes i T tel) you, mg friends, slat [ speak warmly on | fev end healthy livers Wis subject, for TI feel thar am determimed ty inake a elean breast of it sf the consequences, e hat ‘or Uke Corora-lo bss Lecdme an established pooslar belief that the age of irees gan be determined by the “rings” of grams that verlic each other in their tetinks— Taio is cortauuly the means Ly which au Mefedible age is often surmised of some Hamous tree, a6d the question is not with out interest, as most men baye doubted the enormous age vf i this rate. Mr. Joshua Howard, in a tet fer to the Betroit Tn bane, thus comes tu oo | FOR ALL PURPOSES OF A STIMELATING LIVER “ be most Gestrahte bread of Qigiiter by day ‘The 40 q@rlny, sed defective manner of preparing ov od —t 4 - pou the bnok of a volcano, that i fi ee ae ie Coma er Oat Shake I comeaed eden ath and overwhelm T nigh ly soft worms held owt de thereby win votes, but | aever ume nt to be ome tiiag tu the North, and nindher tu the South did not Lenefit him Whe lee coccest depends mainly om the empieyment of @ gre etre aed pewertal ariicte mo advantage Ti rerult from o sp +n 8 very gredes! manner fe .tieet hae a guarentee, thet tb evek! be yats of wach e ason te ating be We tating © mmtinter. Se virters sod <ftany Fur my cunscence «veld stiff + Conem son, Borechuw 9 ett late oad eet: 9 Aham Sh Teenie or te baw t, CO omer © he wet A etimantah ree the wape here 7 need oMipacy of er ot. gs that tit pruty tates me 1s there @4 em secre! ee rse— » know latina, be bas wtaben away A few domes ul the lamigar sion rarely “Mfr. Efiter: Yn vonrc n parazrapbs of last secur you ime a | An [riehrnan wasn the very intellee hin raw eggs awd I had rather be night than be Preaidewt.” ing that a toad was ict vot ‘ oor ad Oe that betiled by ws Se4 meow EOP it oEatenre ly, ie pre ee ee ee ed heed tom @emted Ut ase poo i, samy caliag SiR y¥-seleu \eare C0 of, as the writer thinks nothing uscegal arvery extrord nar finding a toed @r a tree of hy) ‘ dimestane rock , MD Peepemar of Cee Inet ate of Bat aime 0 the mcermty of Pemmayioamin, ae The Cad Live? Ort prepared by pee ie ae Bae to quality os Mr. Fillmore af Mbamy—-4 Noble tree, are not of Free Thomas P. Mutie ng seas ®, ad ir se~ » ate, that [ befiew> the Ctr e be ee pare ped «Oates & tb THOMAS BD WUTTER. OP pet op 9 few howe Wy proved by Olly frome of Aestoumy 1% the f + “+> - Pd Wh, <4patern pga es hy However str ang Mme, tue anc |: A MD Prafeaner of Materta Medica ed Yor the rest ensia of tlw i lust carried te wo high a jitel $28 ju the bater ¢ wy ius dead oulul inv s that | here often, for four youre fatike awd lad yo a deo man bl we - me of the power A Gay ‘ew press, ul general s}) eof the Cnd Testa fay be had gmt and pore she old Jerusalem, vilftie, le the * ire we laid,” ut the k “e rier sete es and oer “ep lants.wu the pr Datars of Woman ami (MiA-en, Phidadd phba Collinge of Tam happy to add my testimony im favor of your Cad Liver ae mof the Federal Ur luly hepuiehre js ans r u ‘ fration of a generaal fact in aacred Pike me of the purest and best es, and ise owls sure Luiwark Niverican In ; To Mesers. Joms C Benen & (« {aeriea. amd to thie the Stapp oni et wat\y Chinistians prised af i Lad From Dre Themae Hl. Vardiey. ant WL. kh mught. ped bnve one im their pr setie for cartous burdan< Ke JUNI MENDENBALL, LAND ACENT. SELECT andentet Governmem Land Ip anne deviines » Font arcoat +e transact a Ger iaf, ow tay the siete at furnithed when dapife | MEY DENHALL, Wall Paper, y of pros, beautiful Wall Paper Al- recente tnd Windrw Rhades the tale by JU. ENNISS, Boskectior * lie made amen Wil! Voyee of | From the worgt Séfoluiy” down W'«* gothaon Pimple: arty * He has Cried itl over 1200 gues, end borer failed | © Me} be eaves, (both thunder ») He hae ae Wall nt his possession over (wo hundred cenificutes of virtue, all withig ry lee of Boston. Two bottles ange Dy F¢ -@ wursing sore ‘Two to thpeg bustles will clear the system of Bilés. | [INH UBSCRIBER hys the pleasure to an See Pads: ts Two-otiles sre warranted te core the wurst canker | ‘Three to five bottles are-warranted io.cure the worst | iv maki ig Hendy prog the One-to two buiules are warranted to cure all homer) manufyccusing city in ibe cywntey. Me ia pow ereets b, Pay inctiveapiontion to the aaldof | and be doubts not will excel, in itv pradwetsy the hese | 4 — ease of rh nder de ' ~ Three to four bottles are warranted Lo cure the salt roe pip a . 5 gees pan ba cht ee Conan ir Peupus ‘ Tt gins ene ‘ Five to eight botiles will cure the worst cases of poi FI eaten i tegpinan Bif g ole aN +. TOMI serofula, j rice Tevy Milla algne ihgogtens to rival it, hoi end A benefit is alway ¢xpetienced the firet bot- | the world may lovk ont for s contest invalting & result tle, aud a perfect cure is Wirrahted mm the above | nus less iute resting su iieelf, cham tanen deimbe| ~! quentity ie takea. , pte every Southern painot. ~ b PA eure | - Reader, I peddied over a thousand bottles of thigin} ‘The dreamer, speculating on cori orm might Forw. : i} saith laws | the vicinity of Boston. 1 know the effeci of it in gye- | well step in here, wud casing furward his hem beyon/ sg “s Wibattyo toy, will thie care bamor. 1 yever sold a bottle of it bul | Eagle City afew yéars henew. 4at it: eae hit Be ’ » ao ° | We sre a city of bewatiful proportives with its to Part i Rin «0 te niling Trem, fee: itect&, “There are two Chings.about this herb that apr | ing serples pointing hravenwarde: chee ranged blocks| mts wiper , Sa pas- fe natn bunts glutering metal roolay-eetrer| Yeo. 858. - “ “w« | hue Adver kAown until I discovered it ia 1846 breezes of a delightful climate, sur the leaves of e pee jacouud, that it should care all kinds of hamor. see of a delig! climate, ster t 20 of long whe aes rows of elms: the gitgeis are eulive ged wh ® cheer- day—sa Apeil, 1854, 1 suld over ume thousand buitles | iop an ummense eagle, toadetl, whivg dow | pardcr ete wu ccsontenr Reses | keels Cac Beak prs FRIEND OF THE BUMAN FAMILY. Some uf the wholesale Druggists who have been in } full view, and by ite liberal palicy invites all energetic ' sorremne prow o.° besigess eo to clam iteencuutagement, © prin | a 7 bad | iskuurt Compromise; as shown | in the annals of patent medicines was ever like it_— \ tere roll oat theie baled wp goods abs carsol ihe North - | DISEASED KIDNEYS, ns ahs the} in granting to unoaturalized foreigners the right | There i» » universal praise of i« (rom all quarters. western Railroad receive them, together wih thoo- | Stonein the Bladder and Weak ze in Katans aud Nebraska ; 1a any owe practice I aways kept it sinctly for hu- | sande of other things, the -pluduetwef the City: the * hei” yiale Nisigwlecurse’ ou ithe oad No | enn naee_ ines oe «gem formily | deafewing whistle is blows, and the mound seshued ond | neas of the Laing, te, fe = —— a hee = pa wee vl virtues have beeo fuand | 7 — — red andere pow- PRA. oad > we potion i aele. as vk » pected. ors of reposing fai cattle, w! browse in the rich set- tel, in evil ; ‘at Dv. On > some of the departments of the| Several esses of epileptic fia—a disease which was rounding volleys: the seeus grows '—grewe!—and the | del; ‘ Laat always considered iucuruble, have heen cured by ©, ond is beyoud the portreyiug shill of the prophet.) Hote few Velipe. ©, mhat » merey if k will prow effeeraal We had bat a gtinpee—but what ® view ! aan te} bee. im alf Cases of Iirat awful matedy—(Were are bat few | aif us be restigrd beyond @ abt Pawagh, enveghi—{ The 4 | ies wrfohemr te! " ark have. neti “ss I will press ote its fina) comsammatinn. { wuh Joba F. Cowan, original patentee, fut the ‘s papas 6 4 airtel “ane eatl ricer ANDREW BAUGGARLY. ] efsctare aad sale of the above Medicine, is prepared i. Liver, Siek Headache, Dyspepaa, Asthma, Fever, — Ped: 9th, 1855. _ der ripe maga S| me has rages th PES pAthel . . “— “iia aod Agee, Pain in the Side, Diseases of the Spinc,| x } i ad eee, we would ee yond heoae | and see aseiy be Giscases of the Kidneys. fagee Wanted Immediately, { Se 21,1835 &, 0, an ricag paddy” pon the : | drsou 1 q P ' an patty pou principles ivbefore ar has dune aure gad than any meheine ever’ At the Silver Hill Mine, er ee re LO s90 15th, That each Scate Council shall bave av- | Nv change of cet ever acerssary——eat the beet you, i aso Sa if AN D I ( MR SA , ' ’ . palpi oe lrgeren emted oe cunstitulions, 50 “Dicker ao ee + Adetts one txble opiouh Ww ood AN D COAL, J 4 \< + . as to : v per duy—Childrea over ten years desert epunfel— MM. LEAVEN Wo + Bape oi ke jrledge-oF boner, Fustend of Other oblightionsior Children (rom five to tight years, tea apenfel Aw Silver Hill, Oct b, 1655. LED (pr Secor pnety ny Srabasrsrths edhe ee felluw-sbip and adumession imto the party oo dredtiags canbe applicetiie vl! constitutes, (sh « De pad oo te ~ | Fgusthk Creek, 16 sveghomans tg ales y A free and open discussion of all pe oufictept T Uracr perbetennelrerta duy | Dr. CHARLES T. POWE the Jands of Joho & ime, Sorub finer ~ hucal principles embraced in our platform. Ac BD avieg» } topated |e sy . Fespe The depot op the Whatern Tile goon mest a DONALD KENNEDY, I fally tenders tie prAbasbuntseryiceble the pub- | The place his owt! 6 weedetiery Sate rgets-4 — - - EP Me. 1) Ww tars MM « ~—Cownn's Bret Ruw per. Aboote pd meadow, The ceact tested | CODAAVER Gir (OO ET | RN ae Heap aoe, tea Ree : Wholesale Agents, New York City,C V Chekner '" 7 of coltivetive and the bulewes ie well | r gy - | 81 Berelay Sirege; ©. HW. Keog, 192° Brosdway A | t Thine wichiwr © sled Latent. wiust wall Moll. 66 T JOHN G BAKER & (0.222222 | ; ce eo T.W. Dyutt & S00, Philvdeipnvs ; 8 8S. Hogs, Bera-ne ogl> Wn, Le Dee eien 096 haw @. meenate Balinese ; Geo HM Kevses, Pittshorg; AB. Mugre., FORA MARY, Ops, ags' ) Suge om Viewsng the lands JOR. “w ie 7 i . a <P it? Gt a Ee 8 ee weer bom \ Terome ; Jona Burke, Mon'rea! ; Brinkiohdl & Peo-! toa, Chicago ; James Reed, du; Juha Wiliam, Low | dua, CW At Revail by all reapretable Draggiets in the U ai ted States and Brvieh Prowaces For sale ot Sill & Bill's Drug Store, Sabebury, N ( SANFORD'S INVIGORATOR. ws mee, om +. oe } | a] 44 es we ree. AND le pat oy: /q- otf Se K NEW GO0OBS.:- ee. Ot MEDICINE. HOLLOWAY’ Mills, Moose & Cq, ” THERE has long exited 6 demand fr such & rem AY S OINTMENT. EG leave to ieform their many friende naalggnte ody cue oe -” redimslipet tsa! hoor The Grand External Remedy. I pebhe gewcrally thet they ate mow reeviving ea® 2 eticneve inal if ite viviees hes shown how wares. BY the si af micraneupe, we see milllans of hitthe « os eee ee ven i 4 on the sartare of cer bemtivs Threngh thews thin Orssmeat Menvedy & Mille theis teal of the parpose designed. Awwez cue pond sa the cate carried to amy organ o lawerd ve been apeedily cured by the Tents: meg kee onetges, ees mene See eriee STAPLE AND FANCY wherk be dl any « » amen theme dpeaserth Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, are, Biiceewens, Weederhe, Puinie the ddv vad L cae rbtclede he Bifoes Fever, Preer sad Ague, Jaaudice, ladigestina Langoer aod bee A Appetite. Lestiesenees and frrita. O° o"t (SP erd smpieiors togriher euh al arvctes eemaily hep ne Dry Goude Uility — 08 of @hich are canned by 0 derened ocimq ff &S Seore = They are ale + ad the Liver “The Lnvigurstor | @timpounded with par. Eryelpalas, Sah Ebewe and Seardetic Remote, tt! <E Le. 01 reference to the Liver, aud when Unal dimeene | > -panty bas ever deus on mach lor the cure of ameners | Ta! wheeh they fol tw ple 2 rom mred all ime fem ane Cored, as the evene of them Conant fod to please PS THE HIGHEST MARKET PRICES peed 0! allies tor Phe ot, Wiewt, Cure, Cuttee, tad of! hhade of conetry predere > {to scmaleate the Liver to a pre. « a. ond mligwed ase lo Te Dore the demmane been tekem Gah @reat sugeres in odes of Chelle, + Jewoery 9th. teOm. ‘2000 atery. Hewmare, Rerafale, Uleors, Be. and ka thee ne ee oe = . R a bee bees Gend @ very -fire-mas remedy As« . SO Mt Pees s, comons! due Gihnalstes the sinnech to @ bestihy ar Bome of the most selerarite teem aed restores the appenie and raw. One dime 8% of 1h) © mie ete! meme COMMISSION MERCHANT will rebeve (he apprresive seranness capenenced by haetrdigpesediottanean owe oe ena Chariottd MW. oO, sty sheers dumer, oe 4 eamtes the degeative .« Gorsteasa: * pareat «. Ppt OF eet Ge Coe ake 4 the Reet we nae kx mee ection BF .4 o de tlt ated mate of i moots -f this (hetmeet tah: esr 4 ender the Ghrertiie « Zz S -ctamn tos levigarshar’ bes’ to canal Rion’ c Epezioere popes Cotton, Corn, Four, Wheat, tnd al - sawing COUNTRY FrmRoYpvucm 2 it restores the system end removes the vel fran the shia, which «the result of 6 Gierased 18 GU ARLOTTR, Co ant CEPOR, AD SEB WORRY Liberal Advences muiic on Constgamente Pile: and Fivtotes, Prepared and aid by Sentterd & Co. 189 Frei Peeve sed other simdias Serres cmmatn inte cam be ors rise * san pPateestn a nity caved if the Getmaat be eel rules in ver the parts of New Yort Pree D pre bathe. eet: wimg wees cod by aibore in inthewing the prvnted trees ervaed Moelsraneees 0 ere Aten eoid by Me! & & Draggyss, Sel she. cach pot re JW Jeottins. Faq, Sabstert , G-. W Wines & Ca, Chariverom | A Mani, Leningion ; Robert Both the Ointment ud Pilla should by) Seeger) Req. Noe’ York vee Thvasands of you heave ouf Vetépesy 19 1 = ly 38 uh beer conpl wate, pale im the ode weed (a the follewina ; --4 —_" el * | onl nice, Ulncosgesn, headache, crack ity, nad ether od dtriebiaed rans Greensborough fiewases that all the remedees you have (ried failed iy Buneowe Seren Org ee Nees, eet anete & cure, aad yrs phydewne have prosowaced incarsbhe Cuapped Bede tee”? mere hacks | Tg Jone MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY Yoo nen? “effet By wages Cheatns Prime Treen’ ® Dr Sandfords !seigorater will mah- you wel) Pistatee Enewmetom 8 aah . Saenger Pet Guest fait Khewm Spe Naat se " 7 agen Great cures are daly reporied as having bree Shia Weemnes eshte om moperrd wih s pent tock compeny performed by the ese of tne Be). dy. and nape wh #49 Said at the Uawetectorion of Proteases This company beng here ted dn tire Weetere pari of the ose are dimappaated th eel cin = A Gathagaithed | ten Lane Soe Tort ttt 986 terent Lowden Bete. comerqecntiy mach the larger porthn of the rehe Phymemn says in bis practices he onver fuuad seytiveg “ oat Beltre af Befiewe heen ate bwthe Wet very mitry ol whieh ete ietite Gugdtr @ effectas! in relieving the abuve aamed diseases ge Mugt ens iMewtnilend eerlt, ia banca Tocente. 635 cents. Peed senginwy 0 aatWAly Chew Pound Bobs 7 theve tod the Davigrator lemme? FW Pert ie comehterable saving by Labing the largersignn PUCSOEMETSS, ome 6 Doretire: mide thy tecamtimes- dod to the pote WR Direction for the guidance of patients ia + ery lieerder JAMES HOR AH, eS ee Wnmnnnoee DAWES BEOAN, Protidens WATCH-MAKER AND JEWELER, Dyspepsia Cured. | SASF ANON. Prosdony. SALISBURY, N.C, 1): HOSTETTERS CELEBRATED OTT C..P, MES DEN MALL. Attorney. @ue door below M. & A. Nurpiey'e Steve, ; Ling ing ae { Dyop-peie and Chile & reTER igre Teseeerer ” EEPR comstaarty om hand § large seeriment of § °"°" baal aaatad MILLS MOORE & CO PREER ADAMS, Kee'ty ’ ne ae 2 { R . WATCWES nod JEW EDEY of 0!) hinds Sabebery, Way 12 a " dive. dosh. gees. oe Chaka, Watches and Jeweiry of every desenption, reparred in the beet manner end oo the mast reaema ae “= ROWANFACTORY. +bruary se Tribete to whom Tribate [s dnc; if te the North Pay Mt----1f net, eeoerage Meme Weasfecteres. | vr HE sobecrbers hewe pattie ROWAN FA‘ TORY Auested mo talsbery) mm sacersial ope totem, end ere making eapener SHEETINGS & YARNS, § which they afferon Peasonable terme We are deter April #, 1856 45.3me muned to pridace goods eqasi to the best made im the Btate and spare no eferi to give farina te al! whe G. A. MILLER, ¢ ~ ATTORNEY AT LAW, * ») MOCKSVILER, Vic. FT ine immer diately opposite the Davie Mote! 4 eas may fa wit Chere pet rome ge \7+-- “ — zs DR. J. J. SUMMERELL, 30 'er y tse tor port tern DR. Ss. REEVES I I AS removed to tre Office ot Ine rechdenee, where pu aay Oaparparpat ne a COTTON SATS . . 444 he will be happy to teevive profewiemal wr (ser , sonal calle from Wie (hewds, \ GRIST MILLS ' N 8. There are many perenne inde bied to me by : acroant and have been fer seve iy ates ail cach’ tatcall c as promptly as posmble which meet be dome by May ¢ MORNING @ MRMDER | Te igs, . =. nut bat a ondberte Bahiehary Jone 17th, 16 fe KEITH & FLANNER, tulinbary, Inn 291956 (35 { libary, Jan ua wamic. \ DIBsBLeB «e® BUNOCD. Nr Sais Per tt ae 2 cr Scien ew cete at JH ENNISS BROOKS TOKE, > , ’ Catvin BR. Dibbie, WIT MINCTO: Le Late of Wiimingwa,%.C. | oo, © ‘ 1 1 ¥ ul | Vail train. Commission Merchants \I\\SION SMR HOTEL, fevetuae tases ep Oe ee SALISBURY, N. © Wiceye coca eens ? CT Med ay and Seutherm Prednee Generalty. : 2 ‘ 5 a ee dag oud Fr No. 180 Front Streot, 6 Dichaclaat alles ng taken charge of the above any reeelw I AS toovted in Suliaeary, and offe bit prof-ssions| cerviess to the pad O fee two dore below Benyamim Jattens store are alan in operation and Corn will be groaad fur tefl Apr 2.1856 amy Our wgent will er@-ampees felcar to ° 12ers “x Timi. abl at begs leave to inform (ha piblie aud driver frerght 1: all tte inftrmethate- aanens — Fe ha Foose ie now open far thé rerepion The first car will leave Savabury on Monday 23d roet REP het SORE of Boarders, Travelers, &e, He prothisew thet hie . RECUR bAy HER Hon Wm. A Crabem, Hilieborn . Va abet Sn NO. Fade 10 bb wi Ra gee Me es ec ACCOMMODATIONS . fo. Wyroyer, bag Payet ve Yas a’ tre ‘ben ff Clarendon, shallhe equal in any inthe State Mackerel! Mackerel !! Jon D. WH seme rn Pre: : Perpene «topping hh Stevenson, Keg, Umeht (Wilmmmon. (Tl thie Hume, alwaye hare thenléin CAM for the arr doege bot of Markefel in bbls halt dude, qparte veland departure of tha Cars, Altertive and obtige ZR bhi and kite Now jaunt received and for JOB PRINTING ing servants a'wayainetiondsore. «all andgive me, gale low, ; = tin! W. B. GRAD | WILLS, tds eb Merl y sadonted at lia Office Mabebury, May 24, 1875 May 1, Vise, uty a.Je8 ‘The tre Arare locked Blessain Wat | The vi 1 ha the for! the mo tane. the spt the dus ric8 of frepidt that at Nothit behold been a alive | treadir denly comful under shrink and OF arvap gether wish | entha clade they mere ees ings enec hua to fp hin cout tife 4 i . ~ * “ng 4 . — yes ie _eee i ee guide and champion, in this perilous es for dominion, an old cautious timid, self-seeking, shaky politician from the in terior of Ponnsylvaniat A man whose moral courage our great wilitary hero mistrusted, and who, to say the least, oc capied a most equivocal position as an intimate 5; tor when the noble and generous Clay was polit.cally assassina ted! MW the time lias not come to fight sac tiomal hate with sectional late, then | @m apposed to Bachanan and Fremont, the brief result of that interview, he con- Prom the Fayetteville Obverger. sented to lead the hosts of freedom in this to that position. All this happened late in September, 1853, if we correc the entire accuracy of the above state- his politics. ment.” “There j c >» believ he Phere hes doubt, we believe, of me beaux and belles, have duly honored the substantial aceuracy of this statement. VOY. Lines invitation to the State Fair, let them not Finaily, gentlemen, Tam for Mr. Fill { forget het 1s al 6 90 Mt. rival leat because their feuds are opposed to hit bore, because he is the best man—so Year in ¢ umberland, and that our inde: whoin a!! nowledge to be the safest: confessed on nllside d becaus® in all fatigable friend the Secretary says the ’ , * and best man for the whole Union at this public and private ters, honesty is the coming one shad! be better than the bast. great crisis of its tate. reat gadcg, wud the only oue worthy of Heis not apt to fail in what he wnder- Tam for Mr more becuse we all hou oa and hh wmorable x en When they ae ; : : : * rue : ; poke bo , oo} takes. (There is only one thing in whieh pe hina te be lonest, capable aid ta Say tes virtue and patriotism are in a x ful by the Lest aud surest tests, which ean be apjried to mortals, while Mr. Bach e@nan already belies ev arguinent urs ed as to his tsi terestedness and self-de- nial, by refusing to leave the field, and thas insoret ection of the man whom weall know ts be the best hope of the coentry, Can auy pretend that in of fice, the highest office on ear! , with all its splendors and temptations a Me. Bochanan will deny binise!f mmore did, for the p ‘ ; ‘ mone fo eurrendcr coon do retuul. i dps on Presidency when that ans reader would, if male in Sacer ot Bl! miserable munorily, daereTure you ought to he has failed, and that probably because ‘hoose aunung the evil factions of the he never tried.) tines, ane of which must triumph, they, fore consider the invitation as applying appeal to men in whom they suppose the to the Cumberland County Fair also, and love of freedom and the love of right have come with whatever they have that is - ) » ruling . Zs TS . ( cease! to be ruling passions They *P ood or great, rich or rare, lovely or lux. real t finets, and tacitly °” é . by love of coun. afant, beautiful or beastly. Let Your ineaner it confess that they mea then © try, the desire of being on the side of its come to the Camberland Fair. rulers, whether they be just or unjust.— tall men were such, there woukd soon cease to be a United States of America, and there wonld never be another free country. Jf all men had been such, there never would Lave been a Therno FROM THR NORTH CAROLINA STANDARD. OH, COME TO THE FAIR! Oh, come wo the F sie, ‘ Whoever you are, i ee : Nud briag something with you, whatever it be ; more, al vnc alrditity te nvlal or Marathon—a Bunker Hill or Come Gases : p xu i o nd come all; our distracted \ ork-Towen, a Lconidas, or Hampden, or Your State makes the call, Can any one ( Wa If the country’s party re- From the worth and the south, from the west to the Wreasted the storm of 155 ly situated! / t 2 admit, to sacr lie good; and as f; the lives of men, when cuder severe. trials and temptations, are the only certain evider oes of their character, we have a perfect Fillmore’s with > a President, whose tore hope and } momen! hes I know that von, a: ae eé @ stand the more ma fully to its arms, and with all the mer tl ho. tue Hopes e weakest of these evil times, sea. ainy “yf then why should not this little band Bring your horses and kine, ies of the past, and s ; Your sheep and your swine, five future, beruing in its vur fowls of rare blood, aud your shanghais to boot ; aie And whatever you do, + a8 patriots in all aves to pledge “their lives Brieg your fast tretters tee, Le ie “"~\} | Tee crowded track’ chances t, dispute. and their sacred honor,” “ Camere . i, “untainted” by flight Being ov yoar leatherwork— to fall, if fall they mast, Aleu. your featherwork ; with t backs to the field, and their All curious Productions of ature and art: § toe. They shoald never gar- Coane, with your tap-eatry, renger their arins or their organization | Also, your map-estry, pretext, before or atter battle, Paintings must rare, for the eye and the heart. r and knowing if the wlits, the ts issue; Bring frau and bring wine, 4 Bring tbe ores frum the nune— nterests of all wf Ne w ork, . aa instaut’y Hest wen and of all their The wealth the earth yickls buth abuve and below ; » if we sapposed bim unwilliay pesterity will inevitably perish with it, Bring the peach, blushing meek, go make such an en? tet its rather tall, if fall we must, fighting Lake the nwe va the cheek Gentlemen, i: is & glorious reficct t aud bravely in its defence OF the fair vers who'll come, and met thead of a bese Bpwerber that all history will accord this Truly, — tion to Fillmore and his friends Mr. Bachanan pot only refus @8 to deny himself for the public good, bet is willing to countenance the idea that “a Washington like” administration again be to power, then j have seen — of his patriotisw and @uintereste! for the public good. Zhe man stands coufesse! 2 this one act ah is enoagh and more than en igh; for @e al know that ove word fri | mw would give aa “Washi: gton Uke” Pres Sent and save the Unio: As to Fremont, I need «a; anu persuaded Chat even am Brag your neediework, girts Right slong with your carts: agton, David IL Clark, Yeur besquee, ead your bumnets, your sieves, and Nine P E. #. Keen, John yuur capes; . Gilmer, berlin, Alleu Miteh And bnng, coruusty wrought, ell, L. M. Shumaker, A. S Buford, A And with mystery frangtt, IL M v~erman, Sam’! Berger. Wm LE wee httlhe carmests of varoes shapes Pannell, Wm. H Payne, G. B. Thorn tou, Committee. JOUN A. GILMELL Mesers. 1. Hf. Cau! Ad thowe * Let the matrons tuo come, Thoagh they seldom leave home ere With their coanterpance fine, aad their bed quilts so The Man of ti -A fricad oat 2 Wath wark of all kinds who was an eyo-witnese vo! the following W uch thew cartel band Gade acure in duang let them come to the Fair hel ode incident, Narrated it to as as an j!lustra- Se much ple nof genuine love forhumanity. The . Y «channes, well chilled, ’ r c g tor r t! ‘ “ d bel Goes efforts mae to de! u.! t rete SCO St eee BVO ULES Lt your Hall be w: il filled the North, Lis position, s Pee oa bectesd Utabatiwoald Uay@altract: Wabi al (nummer of wertl ia Soci order duaplay ed ation of the 5; ed alteution, or Lave made the oul ject of Tot the grands, tov, attest —_— & gevervus peuple, Gaterna! strife, will in the cad be un od and appreciated Thus: | am for Fillmore, Lecanse lic lias Thet yoo ve all dome your be ot; And the State wil he prod of the progtees yua've made a Newspaper pa. but tt ie su char pray iy acteristic of true nubleness that we pro loce it in the words of the narrator Ho! ye Farmers. aitend {u the year 1851, I chanced to be one Uf all clases the fnead L Comm ro tHe Fare.—The following campaign, if the people should call him pressing invitation to the State ¥air is| written by the Senior Editor of the Ral- called Mr. Bates’ statement. He gives cigh Standard, whose poetry, we are free wie Hie, peons ERS ES and vonoher fer! to acknowledge, is infinitely suporior to) TUESDAY EVENING, OCTOLER 14, 1836, After the men and matrons, and the ' Let our readers there eect Se aE : ey see one ac* be held the 2nd Thureday of Movember) THE UNION OF THE STATES. James Buchanan's ecord. arolina Watchman. t The National Intelligenser of Tuesday sharin eden: 5 Oe oe f HIS TIME-SERVING ING@ NSIST. ENCY, ; at the Mineral Springs near the Rowan a - = | Mills.. The-same classes of articles are last copitains avemarkably ableand care- | SALISBURY. N. v. to be exhitfed as heretofore.” “All arein-|fully writteneditorial on “The Bnion al ar vited to attend, re the States,” We would lay it before our | Ha ™ {BT The procecdings of Fillinore! readérs, but its great léigthiprecludes us Pes ee ee Union Springs ‘and Donelson meeting at Mocksville on from so doing. After referring, in terms ‘ilar miata i. on rat of the jthe 10th. It was resolved to hold a mass of commendation to the appropriate mag! Bad ex i - par examined “| meeting in that place on the 29th of Oc-'ner in which the delegates to the Whigl Dan emg hs "Wack ae and systemat. ‘tober, inst, and Committees were ap-, National Convention led off the series of rage eg , wee a aatoniohin, pointed to make the necessary arrange-| resolutions: adopted by them, with one| oe meh public man, and hig OF NEW YORK. ments. neea oe ug wae te ble FOR VICK PRESIDENT, (2 Dr. JG. Rausey will deliver a stitution of the United States, and their | Ablican ee a . ‘KS . Fi ch in Mur- unalterable attachment to the Natiopal rae ANDREW JACKSON EEN ee Ler aie ne pel Unions” the dita af the Intelligeucer | Judge Chilton opened the debate, and hile Ain oce Lp dae derivate f ahersion. disclaim any intention “to assume the after afew &ppriate Introd ——— jinstant. The citizens of town and coun- character or play the part of alarmists.” he said that he should diseuse the claian AMERICAN ELECTORAL TICKET. car and geotlemen—are invited | The Republic has alruady, in their opin- | of the two candidates for the P; iMoney FOR THE STATE AT LARGE. o ea - Sone . perldger Pafromszive o : se rytegieng under the following Leads, which he had L. B CARMICHAEL, of Wilkes, Bi 'empigetg Ul Reva ces, ' their apprehension unduly aroused by | ranged vamerically, and chronologieal. TERMS OF THIS PAPER 82.00 CASH. FOR PRESIDENT, — | MILLARD FILLMORE : : general ‘declaring their ‘reverence for the Con- | } | JOHN W. CAMERON, of Cumberland. pwal in, | 8h periodical threatenings, the auguries | ly, a8 specific objections to Mr. Buchan FOR THE DISTRICTS. eg ae — 0. rags og eas | more ee of croaking pa re mas ‘an. era’ Springs, near O. G. Foard’s, Rowan, | pointed in their hopes than the well- on —— tg ema on Saturday the 25th Oct. Dr. Ramsey | grounded feare of an intelligent patriot. ee was opposed. to tho | 3d 0. P. Mranaa, will speak at both these ineetings, and isin. } 2. He was a Federaliat. a foe will probably, be assisted by distinguias-| The pig Pa yt deealtra De-l & He wena Misssari Restrictionist in Gh JM Lisen od epeabere. mocracy is refe o and depreca 0 a819. | = AT Disa, jcalm, considerate, firm, bat respoctfal "4 In hig on the P Mi Scho J.D. Hrmas. ica Site |language. The venerable editors of the sion he sat that slavery w pore mie . = — Another Fantastié Parade took place | Intelligencer do not believe that Mr. ral and politieal evil a slves to tan boas | APPOINTMENTS. here on Saturday last. The streets were | Buchanan himself would either counten- try, and thanked God that he i rea rosy | full of people—-there was a great deal of | ance or tolerate sneh intemperate threats State wh re it did not exist. | L. B. Carsacuart, Elector for the State | noise of trampets, horns, déc.; some yell- ke the part of - oan ht pedo h Eis eohaa for the Tariffor 1898, that /at large upon the American Ticket, will | ing, whooping, and a good deal of cheer- te Bacie a beratlan fre oe , vile | bill of abominations, aud also: for the | address the people at the following times | ing. Two or three balloone were sent ap poh ieackes : ba J | ler igi of hag. . | At Trap Hit, Witkes County, Tuesday October 14 | small dog was attached to one of the bal- breathed amongst us-even in a whisper, Th ishing slavery in th strié Colam y muses toouuy? _ bf loons, we hear; but the fate of the up. | werd aught to be considered one of direful omen, ita, oe iciies + riday ~ 17 willing wranaut has not yet t report | 2x4 our children should be tamyht that it | 7. His low wages is vote » | « eos, Warnes er ane “ Cah tous. The whole concluded with a| “4% 1 code _ |gainst Mrs. Brown and Mr. Denoy show “ Cove Creek, “ "Tuesday a) oa Musical concert and fantastic speeches in | After comparing efforts to promote dis- | that he lacks sympathy for the poor. | 3 of Roeds Meeting House, “ Monday “9%. Murphy's Hall, Saturday night. Noth. jchildren’s story book, “who sawed off knowledge the independence of Texas, le — a Wie Acfosreanget fl a ing oceurred to mar the hilarity of the from the trank of the oak the very limb {although he said ou free from the } ‘and places : land a display of other fire-works. A “Disc x10x is a word which ought not to be 1829, to consider the ety of abob- | * Jefferson, my ee * Mouth of Eli, Witkes co, Saturday = Nnion to the act of the “wise” man iv the! 8, Voted against the resolntion to ac a coe Occasion ; and we remember no incident apon which the ladder was resting, and | Mexican yoke. _ NS F worthy of ver cial public concern. Press tumbled to the ground with the! 9. Voted for Morris’s amendment te | ar Mr. Jou N. Grascoce, Ly cer an * Saas : branch he had dissevered,” the Intelli- strike out of Mr. Calboun's resolutions thorised agent for the collection of claims} abi aaa | neer published a serivs of extracts from the words “ moral and religions,” 80 as to a edad —s - eading Democratic journals atthe South, allow the Northern fanatics to agitate the GETTING THEIR EVES OVEN, j advocating a dissulotion of the Confede- subject of slavery as a moral and reli- Fall and Winter, when those having un-| A gentleman passing along the street in N. racy, in the event of Fremont « elcetion, | gious question. sted bon i ard Yona esp nd aa ee’ ht TOSS a ath by embrace the opportunity to arrange the ee a a aiiga ges posers Hine, dated Philadelphia, June 1st, 178, | 11.° Voted for the admission of Texas same. — ae a oo Aare in which the following striking passage because it would tend to restrict and not wen by same place, foun 0 cccurs : |to enlarge the éra of slavery, and would We give op our colamas, this week, | by with a part < the same liter; but crying “Be this as it may, im every fore and delibe. ave the effect of mnaking free States oat almost entirely to extracts from other Tien ee ng al Hh me tng suevety, there must, from the mature of rf Maryland. Virginia, Kentucky and A , j tribution: ivate | ow ls v, says, FOR Hot sil me man, be opposite parties and wolent dissensons \eeeur!. journals = = 3 yey pri S| ove as a F « poppy! Yea, but they had! end diserds ; ond one of thee, for the mect| 12. Says that slavery should be abol- Ces wi ich we thisk Geel pgy pete not got their eyes open then! So webope that part, must prevail over other for a loager or ished in the District of Colambia, when- ote a) 4 some those = shorter ime. Perhaps this party divimons ta ever it ts ubvlished in Maryland and Vir- valne ar interest. The all absorbing sub- ~ ee Sk ot neceseary lo induce cach lo waich and relate to giniu. Buchanan or Fremont, t thei \ 5 ject of the day, ie the Presidential elce- rege pe per aia xe LR bs 7 the people the ere © the pal bg / 13. He holds that Congress has sover- % : : » ol % 2 : " erity of o of . i i tion; and the reader wil! not fail to find = ee pee aiay f ebrl £ fe a bed a eee oF se Sete j dade — : fon joa, mo a in this paper many impéMant facts and | Pr the Watchman sb red mail 14. Holds that the legislation of Con- set e eee —— epee it. The HOW THE CATHOLIC IRILSTS RAISE ee ee may be derived from the will of whoid country 18 at this mement in sas- Yommectrca!, we break the Union, will the cord the majority ‘: | ONE Mose ' pense, hanging upon the result of the wed a : ; 15. He is in favor of equatter sover- Bate electoain Penneylvania, whieh A priest im a certain place called his congre Bat we cannot do that justice to the eignty, as shown first, by his letter of ae- tak lace to-day. If it shall It un. 3%tiow together and told them that he must Intelligencer s article, ina bref and im ceptance; second, by the Kansas Nebras ane Ome ee: : heed have a better church to preach in; aed that Perfect summary, which ite merits so ka Lill; and third, by the construgtion He thes | Clly deserve, and we therefore close vur vot npon the bill by these who sapport present notice by extracting the elo nent on tribute to the value of the Cnion, and to; 16 flis antiState Rights vote im the doe this office. Ile will attend the Courts! of several of the adjoiving counties this| eral Government can ever exist stop there ir ta < eget. 5 a peee! . ey weed his a Weeds us dency 1 mos regardec residency may a Pet led , lo amess the men at a certain ameoont ; as settled so far as buchanan is concern: | ot ine corvant girls ab@ a LPS ; pite preservation a$ a national necussity.— case of Michigan, tee before saved the country ir Jaat euch of a party who were taking an gigping ¥-+--—--» 2 ne te pee en an | OL St in hie ROP Wea peal complaised that they were poor and could Edward Everett himself never wrote a i: 7 Cot aareerl Bach a ae Letommee, he bee bee w ted ty rae, in the saborbs of tle City ot asii- Boog the fruits f your ual, jof his party at this election will de re | not raise that amount. Ile told them not tobe finer passage, of breothed iuto set words ) a ae Sslake hea a iy ; a t to r 2 ye Ae Seen s iF ; . : ° ’ se ut be ie a p warm | he Wo mums the ighest be applied to human el $ ee on nears ones f the ¢ cmeta oe neb er - of the aus ceived as a sure sign of his defeat in No concerned aboat that ; for the money woek! sot a nobler sentiment of patriotien ca) anewer a questions, , . Ties, the @ taut rof one of unr party wa ovaned forme, to the Farmer's own Hall vember. It wil] prove beyond contro come cut of them, but owt of their employers “The Union, then » older than the formaine 15. Ile is in favor of Alien Suff Arre-wle y a female, with € smal 1 } ¢ A Uh 1787, ok he A F a A n seated near at Se come right along versy the fully of running him 5 a@ folly Aad then told them what course to pursue to Pasar t mapa ta 1487, ohler than | © asshown in the Kansas Nebraska bill. fren, 1 near pate of Confederation signe 778, olka th ' Shc seemed dee aud her There'll be mane and » 0g at best, for it i. well known he eannot be get it, The mes must combine together and Te nde a a ge Senge 19 Bechanan never was the choise of hearse al acehi be papers 0 ony the f ental Comgre 776, ehbe : d aera ppar we litte "* : . st - elected by the people, and will not be by raiee 10 thee wages so much per day, and the than the Conrentice of ies ne Colonies esteem st —— Hie TT Shot [een he Intech stnage ha.ge . I J : slomis : 3 55 . a wwle 1 Was - . the House of lepresentatives should the women so much meoeth ; and io 2 short! be! im 1765 to protest againet the ctamp at, (% fvor A these of Van Baren, Polk, P And car people m dab, ' Lee! ! { iss ; Sept Oase, Vieree, and was only taken up on \e Cislressin y ; : Wi be beppy to we you by mght and by day the election dev rive upon it ume they would draw out of their employers an than — ( aati of 1754, Ohler the 17th ballot. and after the failure to e Fists “8 rt —-_ enough more than their t wages to make ‘ne any of all of thone, bernow. in substance > , ; present wag nominate Pierce and Doaglas. whe cooper W hivrse Whet ete t will be (pr , ta , anderlyimg from the first the very exstence of a And im this Compectlon pert t er ested em, of nv I - ° » wall ewe SEE HOW THEY RA LLY. be what he required ; tras realty iy he ple POmeNAg & COM ron Orage, «peaking 2%» He has a donble face » one for Une call your attention te @ parazrn, ! ' - . e liere Hear the speceh. we the crowds, and the brithest S , =o! Protestants with the sum needful to bawild Irie the same tomzue, shannz in the same hopes, asd North aod the uther for the Seath ; = the Soul Tribune, with the eudorse ticy «. ane ‘ We would urge apon the Americans, cherch. Aad probally in every community where emcompasmed by the same dangers The | moe shown in the different interpretations gr- ment of the New York Times. the lead Descending fr the carnage, be aj ‘came obog thon—ean- 2 of Nort! Carvlina the importance of giv. | they are employed, wane device of thin kind wis an ber ham Of the Ange Amencan race and en to bie letter of acceptance by lig friends ing aud most respectable froes> pay proa 1 the woman and inquired the Lhe the two ee me ing publicity, as far as possible, to the carried imto efhect to Jraw momey out ther em - such worthy to le called a pamension forever eg Soath - ; at the Nort It books Place aod Hicaoee of lice kuroe! [ia plain aud a,j. S84 787 temble tad trevel Veit amply repay times and places of the namberous Mass Ployers. Low do yoo like thas to le tared by es louie oA ~ esyeeer! tag el tno a dee 8 politeal triekster ; all things trae, then i ears at we came atyle ehe? her story thus be % : > F stad : ; 4 r atts om me Ps x isos e a Be : : Lo the State gathers here, Meetings to be he ld throughout this bec. the mimons of Foragn Power | X jecige aml guerant-~ [he at ey inwch 0 past “ ?, wear having Fremos: pat up asthe [x Ta s Lefire, ber lineband hal ef Ri the has cece é g | ' ad Li j 1 I. He was once a Federalist and op- ooratic maatend of ite caso = S a Gea aton SS ee tion of the Stat« —< ver poliical life a Ube very cent aud owe of weed tothe warof J8S12: pow be wa @ word, the sis ps - oe eee r ° ee rete he ae one s i el atobence oor eativen! enitonee. panied rat and Fillibuster. — ; 40" ree ge - = : a + T ° pare ube (ane es ares ° z fighting eact ether, were beth acuine 6 <a ib seul for belies : ee at ese . wa = MASS MEETING at TAYLORSVILLE Proceedings of a meeting of the employers of woe occa ter Ly za sae & thea I. (nce he was in favor of @ United ’ ae a Re fy aud vere - “ne x i / v Wreveent bamdte open bie ndei ‘ get the esme man for standa-d bearer nt a es © pre Cowertume heart eterrimg cali n _ 7 vl eer the North Carotiaa Rail Road, held at Ilaw Kir Hunew fernnerc, the deer mh» risate States llank ; afterwards opposed to it ; > : ne ee here will be a Maas Meeting lield at Sean, : 5 From bes forefathers Fit weme commerrnios If]. Omee i ‘ariff man; and the Prees ilers & amarclh Fie eee ree Taviorg< il: Friday the 17th Man er Station, Oct. 6th, 1856 | deorplred — - : es == 7. ac ce = aed ably ; the party led by tle Van Direns « wl arrived, bet " Waesver pm ure petite) piesl oa al be es 1 On motion of T. [). Harrin, Kaq., the meeting ii User: hk euuoes hak Fock « now he is in favor of Pree ” th. re ’ Pe P sat’ ’ wake Wi o - son, the a whieh rendcres e , - a i, =. : SCs ee seals Nod bring emnethieg with yoo, whaire-r 4 be every body enine Paks cea are fund orgameed by calling W. L. Drunenbery to the Gisblisherenl of & Naiccal | ouno., IV. Ile was — to the are Ot to be calied om |: Caine oan came oll of the good things of this Tif il! find Chair, and appointing C.W_ Nradshaw, Secretary onl bie, by | dif mise sneasures of 1850; now they are Con restien shoat for Fr nt as t} A k & : Ls 5 UG Ne, will One , ynly practicalss, bat natura » and if the basia of his platform hope of the Bouth, instead of 6).06 - . : Viner State makes the eaf, there in readiness a sm: king, faming I. Whereepon, T. 1). Laer introduced the fol objects which made its formation a citi] Vile } I ' y Bank Le a 3 © e* , brom ihe natle wf the west Wu the ebcwres if the see Lecue. , lowing resolutions, which where anasimously. necessity, stil] sarvive in all their vigor, iu epee are for a Ban rupt Law, nie a eae ae 4 . 1 abd then vpposed a “We £ lie fac ; ’ : , - = ee aopted. why is it that the car is stunned and the whiel. we Lave known , F I J I, The er f black MASS MEETING AT LENOIR Whereas, we have hear! with mach regret, of heart pained in these latter days with VI. Ia favor of and opposed to the Im led in the following paragra ¢ ‘ . ; - Pees I nd waawold in Now The friends of FILLMORE and DON:| he resignation of Theodore S. Gareett, Faq oar threats of ita dissolution? Simply be migratioa of Foreigners. Det To e@ gving a Vik: fae The proceries ELSON wi! ‘la two days inceting in late Inghly esteemed Hagneer and Saperinteng. CANE. in apite of these influences and 2% He has been consistent in only two pyeecl, male there 2 4 st 14 r inart, and, at thie price Lenoir, N. ( n Thursday and Friday, mes these objecta, there are those who, in per things; in bie opposition te Sogthern niiema. ¢ Ca: fcer ; ¢ ‘ r pores received, for blackberries the 23d and 24th of this in nth. Rally suit of an idea! good, are will My, not om Institationa, and in persisting in living = Larnacast 7 . ee ° . HO Batt land, nore than the land gallant Americans of Caldwell! ° — That as a body, aad thle ly to relax their grasp on present polit! an old bachelor up to the present time. a See : z ° A - ; We desire to express our siveere vegret fur the ] bleasin Lut to renennce the her ~d : Hou. George C. Uates, of Cal fr : rt ko iteelf would fetch sf put up for sale -> : a , ~ alan re eee el oes 25. He proposed a corrupt bargain to Ps 4 . . . - lama, to the Koad and to ourselves, of one who hae of : = I course of 1s ppweci, ue ¢ ; ’ _.. MASS MEERTING IN MC INGANTON been s0 fathful and efficiemt an’ officer, ani or cork Eraggcas Pcie Mee oro (seneral Jackson. Miyetiagl pollucal slat t V M f An attempt of insnrrection bv the The fnends of FILLMORE will hold W@varymgly kind and eonsiderate in his inter J : ‘ ble tl , fal d a 24. Ile acted in a manner unworthy ¥ BS) was Cxpected Ui os ay as rss ¥ I ne 2 ah all 6 Indiepensalbic to the peaceful an ar oy vent! + h blished the in- f ee * : T = ; rroes in ( olorade county Texas. was frog & Mase Meeting in the Town of Morgan. | Cowes WAS oo mMonious Working of oar complex politi chia iy aa oe a ined ith On a, Maen ae, OE RAPE LeU anh : . . ESURL TA eee } { f ; ton, on Satarday. the 25th. So rolls the! Mesolred. That he will carry with han to be t he U "mation that Clay had bargai hf ‘ewe OT er ee ( Pale Se Path artis 1 [rated by the white citizens. The three ton, r » the 25th. & : ) cal system. The Union can be )reserv . ce z ; 3 x ze ¢ eS ; % oe " ee } a - eaders were hang without mach ceremo ball in old Norti: ( arolina! spt Soft tat bot wanes for hm succes and ed in ite beauty and symmetr bys by Adains for the Seeretaryship of State. — = ae : a : ¢ ‘ au e + ba ae Jored : ny ami all the Mescane ini he oni oes ie he y in lhe, and fur the happiness of hte tra Gliser venous the part of the val 25. Like Ven Baren and Casa he is “s main unt . a “ © as woma ted ‘ , eres 4 ae 7 ra ; ; : ’ nplog j : " > 5 ree sire oe : ; 4 . me inven oot. Their plane were weil laid THEGRANDEST MEETING OF ATLL! J ' and of the South, of the same mutnal jus Northern man with Soathern Principles, F d I gemou’ suald acc soothed . t : fe or er tare @ nd their mott “ [van Aa shad. Resclved, That asa testimonial of our sincere 1 »| ‘ 4 and should have the same fate in No Mr. Fisies post pon dhs departure as de acd us ent pratile, t a t er ms owas 4are nha shidow Is the one that comes off at High Point, regard and bigh consideration for bus many ex tice, nat on Jt COE OtNer 6 teeny nt vember neat sired. But when the tine for jis Jepar youngest flen asking if we were y seg all A Me people of Colorado have on the N.C. Kgil toad, on the 24th and cellenoes, we will offer for bia acceptance a Gold forbearance toward cach other's fanita, vermin . . ived, Cal. Frenne. alt r} « 1 eh ae . reen too lenient to their slaves. It is al- | a } , which characterized the early daya of the 25. [lis election wonld settle po prin- tate arrived, Cul a gh take 1 ge ; ; Zoth. atch, properly inscribed to indicate our per-; 5 / ‘ ioe ife: t ea trunks were packed, did tot . wat or ‘half how i ne frat * ls etter for slaves and masters too Every body will be there, and whoever : Republic, and pe rfected the work of the ciple, buat ao er pale strife; for er dered Lis baggage tu the vv. Pelitan of a poor little hovel, wt e woman (at a ngid patrol be enforced Wishes to see the rest of mankind had Aesleed, That a Cotmmitice of three be ap eet — in me He — and ther hie nort ple - regrasetalioyg pate — : i : ie ie antd be ob i Hotel | astead This wae in eopse,nen- ‘ me. if Jemmy waether 2-6 better go too. pointed by the Chairman to carry out these re yet foundation OF oar potlical edifice, the we if vilgee see wrt of the following facts (s.wernor f y © warty oot. one hers ccm care solutions—procure the watch and Present it in Comstitudion of the United States.” eupport him apon diametrically opposite aie a, hed just arrived in N. York ne “dar then ade . “Tt wonkl be better if yonng ladies a oar behalf to Mr. Carnett . soe grounds. As an honest ivan he ought to ety Adige ape ein of uasingan fur hie ea ie naked ch < s would encourage young men more on ac IN SALISBURY Reseed, That the Secretary he inetgmeted John Van Buren ~The Hon. John peomove the false iinpression of the one , br th y f la ear ve oasked the . , ‘ . ; interview w ith Gi { re Af mt, and the a “Pra Mirhy.” sails me of their good characters, than their The mammoth meeting enmes off on %Pd # copy of these resolutions, signed by the Van Buren ia at the W eat, doing good party or the other. oul of tl ai interview was an of: Ure epee ¢ Sea nd eithien A gol repatation isa TUESDAY the ech. we expect on tial Chairman and himself. to Mr. Garnett, and that | service in the caver Ile spoke at an iin 27. He is to carry ont the poliey of the Cd Pe aal byt ee Pid Ay 8 ieee ae . 2 | better eapital than a fine coat in almost occasion to do a work that will reflect * a honorees utes she i ed neti ict of ve Dem “ rey at Cla present Administration, winch has em behilf h, fp Dirty, k “ Wits ieiee . tan soany homed of except wooing a asting credit on the Americans of Row Se aee ee ar Ina Suwadard, Haleagh cago, Miinois. on Friday last. Minoie is brotled as in difticnity both at home and Po j a j ne. fasineaniion oat i the * Timea,” Greensboro”: the Salisbury Papers one of the safest Strate in the Union for 1 j i net Aas i ne Se ees oe es ge ie at RAINS a Kepatation is a capital, among sens. 4”, beakers in abundance will Ly Pre and * Floridian,” Tallahaeee, Flonda. Bachanan and Breckinridge. The Deo oe ; be ch vet am! Sou f mo mention f t LER ‘ t et SU 'F RENE. The Chairman proceeded immediately to , i 28. The Ostend manisfesto is obj if . + acaire . je @ who never rin crazy after the ) inecracy are alive anddaboring with real idea wden: y 1] int wa a ‘ { nal livia ( ‘ ad appoint Meware TOI) Varia, Jolin A Holt, and worthy of the ere Uobiect in wlichinn, able—ilit intends to encourage the men A init erty and wet Miltacdlop ; hy ; ne ark ol ea is A ii GRAND RALLY * 1 Griffis, ae a Committee ty carry out these re ane, Chgxerd, Sitanihl, ey that Caba shonld be taken whether or no, distinct robe ty ( . pile eA OD. a niaaaae sulations , 6s itie hut the robber's plea, “I aim at ry y + pat en ‘ hes n ence whether they FILLMORE AND DON ELSON? Om motion, the meeting adjourned We copy the above paragraph {rower than you, give me your puree.” If , aepura are CA Uy A worthless fellow or not a ho Sees WoL. PUSENBEKY, Chm'n the Washiugtou Star. he Oryan thus al ' ale » taken to save eubi A z “ a; , n Z bea MASS MEETING : ' & & inténds that Cuba should be ta ! if oes en young ladies lang out the sou ; = ier AND) eae CL W. Baapeinaw, Sec notices it: A l he | ( eelf aud } of the friends of Fillmore & Donelson ip ' onrselves, it ia Lut the law of self protec , , we ‘ a Ls ne at ‘ fstung for foola, nobody A home tavi line le a . ee rub regret to see a fied take the bait, Concord Cabarras county, on Tucaday en What a fures ia thi sham Democracy tion. Ele a \ Works Clintum Imdlewendent the Piet instant, be ing the week of the When the J'renideatial Eliction Oi of John ae Briren and hie father 29. Is in favor of Direet Taxes, as that ofl) , u County Court. Active and extensive \ With a f . | , Churchill C. Cambreleny and Jon Coch is the necessary result of Free Trade. the | ‘ ‘ preparation are Leing made for it. ae tee eee to the Beck: rane ulin A Dix and Thomas H. Ben 30. Is fora policy that will involve the es ned i PEA ONWARD - ; inghatn Democrat, “the election for Pre tohn, all of whom, with their associates, : ‘ ae 4 \ \ Ie] y Ll wy ' oo. \ ; fj : k cquntry in interminable war. ( ; Poe sident and Viee President of the United have stunk in the nostrils of the Seat 1, Weald) entail upon us a Pablie / al BONERS ONS 'LBLIC MATTERS Tr ” be T orn De imvcracy for years past— : . Woulkk f ; : ; wea PUBLIC MATTERS. States will” nof “be held on Thursday, ie ie 2 racy a ere ve t vn ee deli which twaaldatieseer hang about oe. \ : - a We have :eceived the foll wing re the 13th day of November next.” Sar one eed, etait that relent nah told os like a millatone ply f LOW ng aceounta ae too lat Theday Axed i z . an becaine the nominee of this shain De : ; roe dene } : ne ae pk the people “every oes ooe relices Woo late for insertion at, ue day Axed for the election of Elee inoeracy, /urned upas the leadeva of thes 32. The Democratic Platforin . in fa- Fre sides) f } eand Donel length in this issue, to wit: tors to clect a President and \ ice Presi party, they are atum ning the country in Yor of the Pacific Railroad, to build whieh this } Mr | Pre as been y ny to com pare The reported proccedings of a meeting dent of the United States, is the firet behalf of Buchanan | bie issome mean. Would cost millions and millions of mo : ; . ed Ar fy hcren ee 5 day afle Zz P sy santo " ; ; $a firs) tnow ee, Rowan Agricultaral Kociety pre- ~ oe th r ae Mimday in “No ing—eomething more than appears upon | ney. .. furtlin , ; : ‘ ' Pe ininary tw holding the annual Fair. Ty ile i et a thie Year upon the the surface, in the fuct that the nomina- 33. Ts not the inan for tho eriais. Ie y \\ : Mephantly av re Warrison | - ife PY fourths ¢ Ay Of the month the action of this meeting the Fair will] } Vireo nabopey yh Puta tion of Buchanan was @ “ vuncaaion to 40 yeara of public life he has impressed the Freesoll Democrats of the North.” Nis genius Npen no great measure, 6: 2 ae ne OO or t h oo ex . au ae es FE I C E S R A S T S s S o g R e w er e re e or e o cr cr e Tr th ALEX danght In reek, M RAC, a) c NSIST. tion Springs ,one of the € ¢xamined d systemat- astonishing . SaEEEEeemeeeR WHY CONS! ~ NOT SUPPORT BUCHANAN, One would think, frou the earnest man- ner in which the Democratic party app peal to the Whigs fur support, that the latter had been recipients of Democratic Row, | pane ja 2 ; RE their large and well selected Z HAS JUs1 RECEIVEP His SPLENDID hs is bated number of eligible Lots in suid City, | of Fall tnd Winter COODS. Coteaing GEORGIA LOTTER e STOCK: OF a tely on | of Btaple and Fancy Dry Goods. A benutiful assort. favors time out of mind, and beng Peageiterrar to repay est those manifold courtesies, they tn themselvas open to the charge, of in- | Now | gratitude by refusing to do so. has the party which thus entrea the Whigs to save it from witer discom- STEN? WILMUS GAN. YALL, STOCK F. H. BAUM, od a Ready Made fiture, ever done to entitle it to se, a, a) Sa kat at a; with any show of justice, the assistance | ; oe, &, & it requires? Has it ever, while in poe | whieh, for beauty, elegance, session of unlimited power ; evinced, by | Tghnems, otyte, workmanship, a single liberal act, a sentiment of regard | taste, maguificence, durability aud towards its political rivals? Iles it ev-| GHIEAPNESS, er gone into a contest with the Whigs i which it forebore to assail then with ev- ery epithet that could be found in a yo- cabulary replete with words expressive of contempt, and scorn, and mochery t—) mo gain Or, on the other hand, has it not traduced | gaa their leaders ; blackened the characters | ‘el | —ALSO— | An extensive variety of { & articles—t' tot indispensable, but yet ploasing of high minded, honorable Whigs; stig- | the eye, and not abevlutely without ytitity—as, matized their motives; charged sins of a grosser ment for having fastened upon falee accusation of engaging in a politi ve crime of cal involving the “ n and corruption!”® And who was the prime instraunent in bag eu i this malicious charge to bear against him him with the offer that he spurn od? James Buchanan. Who was it when earnestly oe reinstate io L . the facts within bi! narrating truthfully answered evasively, and F oad ames Bue know tered in a double sense !’ hanan. Who was it, when an ap made to Governor Letcher to pu couversation which took place in his pre- |" sence, refused to permit lim to remove the seal of secrecy from his lips? James Bechanan. A it that is now the candidate of the Demo- whieh enry Clay failed of attaining by reason of this stain of bargain and cur- raption resting upon hin! None other than James Bs thoy the very man who gave rise to this story of “ wain and corruption.” Let Conservatives of all parties reflect upon the following facts: Under the Whig administration of Mile ard Filmore the North and South worked harmoniously together to pat an end to the slavery agitation, aed shroack the co-operation of Clay and Casa, and Webster and Foote, and their respective the question was satisfactoril y justed, and when Presidevt Fillmore retired from oftice the Republie was ai Within ite own borders, and its re with foreign tates were court ous and friendly. Under the Deinoerat- fe administration of Franklin Picrge we have neither enjoyed peace at home or abroad. A « spirit of license has been engendered, both loeally aud nationally ; the slav. question, so ber metrically sealed by consent of the ablest statesman of the Union, has been re-open. | od ma subject of discussion in the polit: eal arena ; and born of this slavery ques tion, a great Northern party, owing ile} to Democracy, now threatens, vet only to rend its progenitor, but to tread | beneath its feet fo edera] Constitution. | Terrified, bat i itent, the Democracy eall upon the higs for relief—not for the purpose of restoring harmony between ; the States, by reaffirming the Missoor) Compromise ; or to correct past errors, by a more conservative rule iu future ; bat to sustain the acts of an aduiuistre tion which bas become the object of pop- | alar denunciation and contem pt, and to re-imaugurate the reign of misrule ander James Lechanan. No Whig, that ss a Whig, can ever find it in his conscience to lend Demoerac y a helping band under euch circumstances — /tult. J’atriot. “> THE STATE FAIR Dear in mind that the North Carolina | Btate Agricultural Society will hold its foarth Annaal Fair and Cattle Show in| Raleigh, on the 14th, 15th, 16th and 17th} days of October. n@ annnal address will be delivered) on Thursday the 16th, by Prof. Mitehell, | of ( hapel Hill. It will be seen, by the proceedings of the committee of citizens held on Monday last, that ample preparations are being made to receive and entertain visitors — X. C. Standard. -: THE MARKETS. Salsabury, VC, October, 14 yp care (dried) r*) ‘ Mixead, No.1. 10ai! Green, Do Pare. 11a1% Brean, 12014 Motesses, Cube, oo Necowas, 7 N Urteans, 5 Reet, S$@6 Nails, Ga Matier 12¢@ 15 do Wromght, 124 @ 15 Cqudles, Tallow 25 do. Horse Shee 25 & Adamam 330374 Oats, wen to rm, 45858 Vila,—_ Cofee, B 3ale Linseed, P gul a1 de. Save 16018 = Tanners’ p gal Oa 75 € neti B, 4@5 Potatoes, Irveh, 50 @) ris 94 @ 15 do Mweet, 75 1 60 Cotton, W iT Rags PR, 2 Cvtton Bagging, -— Sah p sack.) 89 Se 97 “ (emay, 20. 00 do Pbuehet, 91.00 * Dander, 1500 Sheetings, Brown, 4-4 9 “ Bariaps, 000124 Shot, pi bag 92.95 Coucn Vara, 90 Seed, —— Cora, 00065 Clover, Phash. $1101 do. Meal, 00x65 Flaxseed, $1 00 Chickens Pdor $14 @ 1) sngar, Brown, tie 1% Frege P den, Rall Loaf, 15 Feathers, 30045 Crushed, is Flour, P bbl, 506 Clarified, 1405 Tron, Swede, 6 'Tathew, 194 do. Bar, 4445 “Carpentine, Pgal A780 ‘Eng. Refin'd 5) Wheat, #1115 “Moles, Woel, 30.00 “ Oval, 6@7 Window Glass, box, Lard, 1%. 13 ay 10 $2.25 I nad, ber, ef 10 19 $2.50 Lead, Dry White, 10 019b MARRIED: Tn thie Commty, Ort Hh, by Rev NS Rothroek, Mr ALEXANDER LEIP to Mie ELIZABETH L, daughicr of Mr Peter Ketner In Cabarrns County, Oct. 9th, by Rew & Roth mk, Mr. PETER A. BOSTIAN to Mise BARRA RAC, daughter of Mr. Reuben Shive DIED: Tn thie Cammy, Oot. 94. Mee M ARTHA, wife of Me Dome ph Barringer. ia the et year uf ber oer Upon Henry Clay the guilt of sins venial, ond ind ; hang him in le* | tered effigy, and suffered him to sink to! Ws final rest without making a | atonc- A who, finally, we ask, is, “br oad nding Devgytets in this town and cleewhere ' Watches, Watch-Keys, Seals and Chains ; Pistole, Pen Kuives, Tooth- Picks aad Canes; Peus, Peveite, Buttons and Shoe -Strings ; Purses and Combs and mavy such things. Just call, if you please, and see what Pye got 1 wot, = very rare lot At Ggures much lower (han in many The adventarous merchants in this "bury With their mamoth stocks and superb stores, Ge suiting and bowing—polite | ob, very !— Bat if you of « bargain would muke sure, C7 Be eure to call on BAU M— the Mansion Hotel—who is « ver, -| Most reepecifully , »| Ovtuber 14, 156. | SALISBURY QO: { | | | may desige ot Chretesns y for those Presidential honors Terms——-Per Sexsion of 10 Months. Primary Engtish branches, #20 60 Higher do do and Mathemetics, 30 00 Closses aed Mathematics, - 0 Comtiogeut feud, . | 1 00 One-third Af the tuition will be (aoa 7 is Inet Mach, sad the romemscr at PREMIUM HORSE POWERS, AND | the chee of the season REFERENC Es Preadem and Faculty af the University ; Rev. Drary | Leey, VD. D, Preadent of Davidson Colere ; Now a M. Morehead, Hon John M thek, Greens beww"; Bev A Heber. thon Barwon ( reige Joho 1 Mhaver, Kay. A Hemderove, Bog. Jae B Kerr Eay, Sabebery JOUN B GRETTER, A B October 14. 1856 229 | Fair Notice. | \ 1 thoae indebted to Srmth & Holder either by © oF Aewnnt, must pay between wow and | Nevember Coert. as pres fUet 14, 1456 Porn | 7 . —— Notice. “Wat \TION wil be meade to the ver f rel Acarmbly fw authunty to appent « Spec Magitrate fr Rowen Coeaty Ale, for a charter fr @ Bank ie the town of Salisbury Get i, inde 20h Equity Sale of Land. B* virtue of @ deeretal arder of the Coun of Rquity. 1 wit expose to onic = the Town «( Matesvile, an Tecaday the 1h day af Newember arnt, being the weedey «of Nowember County Coert the Slowing Trert of lamd beiangung to the here of Morgaa N Grithth, d-coased —The Tract camtame « * 393 Acres, Lying on the South Yadkin River and Rocky Creck, Od-dmeng the neds of Win Basa, cad ethers, & mies Kast of Mistesviile Thre weet of land os very valeabie and in pred eos dnthn tbe coh Alt Y crme——one ead two years eredit, with mieresi frum date W PCALDWELIL C ME 2K P's fee, 05.00 Equity Sale of Land, AND TOWN LOTS IN STATESVILLE. RB. virtue of deeretal orders af the Coart of Equity, | will expose to sale im the Tien of STATESVILLE, on omdey the Jith day of November neat, being the Memday of November County Conrt, the fallow mq vebwohic real estat, behomging to the devises s of Abe ramder Huggins, deceased. va Lots No. 15, 16, 17 and 18, FRONTING ON MAIN STREFI lege ther compontn, Let 1% ee CO PUBLIC Oet 10, 1856 OP entire equare om amid rtrect NER LOT ON THE GREAT SQUARE, aed has on it a gad STORE HOUSE, now occupied by Stockton & Marriage The othe: lote are very destrabie for business houses or dwellings —ALsO— Lots No. 68, and half of Lot 62, in a more retired part of the Town—animproved —ALSO— A Tractof LAND lying pro miles South Oo Matesvill, , of fesr upland quality, containing | 27 ALRO A very clegant Lot Sor a remdence, near the Female ( ollege, and a emall ctrip of Innd in the rear of it, which will be auld ar peratety, belonging to the heireof De J M acres years credit, with interret CALDWELL, C.M_E. 2st Pr #7 50 ~ FOR CONSUMPTION, SCROFULA, &C. BAKER & CO's. Medicinal, Transparent, Cod Liver Oil, Highly cateemed by the Medical Fin ulty throughout the United States for ite purity, ewretnens and uniformity, immediate, and mpe rior efficacy A majority of the resident physicians of Philadel phia give thie OW the sanction of their high approval and as @ teat of their confidence. recommend it t their patents and preseribe it in theit practice Aes a remedy for Consamption, Bronchitis, Asthma Gout, Rheamatian, General De bility, and all Serofa ious Affections, it stands unrivalled, effecting a cure or alleviating soffermg whea other medianes have failed Manufaetared anly by JOHN C RAKER & CO No 100 North 3d street, Ph:ts4. lpia, and ented by the ah erme, ene and (wr Wiel Oct. 10, R56 INDUCEMENTS! : Popa BE SURPASSED IN THE STAT Beare DENTAL ROOMS. ery sirong, tv extra fine and durable | Gauss rr) bef my goods aud cell you uy prices ; | NB. 6 ; other phces | x | | | Pre-r-t-inerurl-ar-l- BAUM, the corner « James Buchauan. Who was it that ap- | / 7 your obedient serveat. ~ [ows retail sales; mostly eaveluped in tin foil wrap. Clothe, Cessimeres, Vestings, and Gentlemen's far- CLASSICAL SCHOOL. - inoue! THE andersigned has upeved « Classical Reboot 1000 Ibs. Blue Stone. i the town wf Saliebery, fur the purpose lish the young men for College, or any of the learned Profes- Pupie will be peepared to enter any class in | the University, of aey of ver Colleges, which they The schulasiic year will consist of one | soomnm of tea mosths, cose mewg on the let of Oc to July, with « vacation of one week of preparing wager induigence will mot be sen. — ————— = ne =. . LAND SAL VEL SCHEME!! MERCHANTS. MQ THAN ONE PRIZE TO EVERY TEN TICKETS! . THE CAROLINA crry 6QMPANY | PDROPOBE te sell to the bighest bidder, on Tues- dey the 25th day of November next, af Caruli- | now receivii GUARANTEED. @OOdS, SALISBURY, OCTOBER, 1456. i ye subserfher begs leave to inform his friends, that he pow receiving FRESE SUPPILLES of FALL and | WINTER at camoutN« erry, “MET MOCK & GIT CARETAL PuIZE sio.goo, ALY SO QNTER, Lands for Sale. gps TO A DECREE OF THE Count of Eywity of Davie County, at Fall Ti 686, | 1 will sell, at public sate, at tive Coart Meee Muekoville, on Friday Tract of Laud, belonging thetheirs of Jacob Wil- hams, dréeased, (forn ¢ y known os the Anderson ty | Foster land,) yieg on the Waters of Dutchman Creek, | adjuining the nde of Wiliam March, sen., Ebene- | er Garwood and others, containing FANCY AND STAPLE 538 Aeres, ' DRY-GOODS, y few days, have im store lds entire stecs, which the | BEST ASSORTMENT { 2 » BEAUFORT HARBOR, —_ ; mentel [Authorized by the State of Georgia} | ; | Ladies Cloaks, Merinoes. Mouslin De Lanes, Sitks, {It is hardly neecssury tu call the attention of the | Embroideries, &e. FORT GAINES ACADEMY LOTTERY public to the importance of this sale. ‘The pre d, Large Stock of Clothing, " {City iw at the terminus of the Rail Road from Colds. | Hardware and Cuilery, CLASS 20. boru’ via Newbern to Beaufort Harbor, which is the} Beéots, Shoes, and Leather, To be drawn in the City of Avanta, Georgia, in pub- | and will, in a rand termini of the Tuterual Tiiprovement system of| Hats, Cape and Bonnets, lie, on Fridsy, October, 24, 156, on the plen of | will comprise th Carolina, and whery & maguibeeat city mugt| Blonkets and Kérseys, > " 7 ‘rapidly grow up. Trou, Naily aud Glass, SINGLE NUMBER oe ‘ity Company only propose to sell a limited| Groceries, Points, Oils, &c., -The » number of Tats, to allow purtics who oak at unce to | Carriage Trimings. jbtain foothold an epportuuity to de so: abother will | Awd elmons every deseription of goods to be found in hot probably be given soon, as the Company has no { this market. desire w part with apy considerable amount of the} ‘To all of which, we most respectfully invite perscns property. | purchasing goods this season. ‘Fre liberal and will be made known at sale. | Salisbury, Sept. 23 1856. t. 14, 1856. 20: preportion. 17 ! NEWBERN | Mutual Insurance (Co. HE undersigned has been ppoiuted agent at Salis- bury, for the above Company, avd is prepared to receive applications from any person withing Thie i ful 30,000 TICKETS—,280 PRIZES ! PRIZES AMOUNTING TO £. ~~ DR. W. F. BASON, UbDumLr Pls, | be attended to the tira oppurtunity. AND OUTBREAK! 02 Purchasers in buying 10 Whote Tickets (when uambers end in |, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0,) are | say, Ihave my | guaranteed « Prize of $410— Halves aud Quarters inj SAM’L SWAN «& CO., Managers. : 1000 | hat will give satisfaction. he has ever had the pleasure of offering He deems it vaneeeésary to enumerate’ the articles. saffice USUAL STOCK, which has been selected with more than ordipary care. All ask is an sxamination ofmy stock before perchasing | forget wo call on E E. MYFRS, No. 4, Granite Building September 23d, 1856. i Se On Y Va 418. FALL & WINTER GOODS. | | more or less. Also, at Mount Pleasant, Caberrna | County, on Wednesday, 12th of November next, « LOT OF LAND, belouging to the heirs of said de ceased, lying in Cabarrus county, laid. off and altet- | ted to Leah Williams, mother of the Petitioners, the partition of the lands of Daniel Bost aimoug a | heirs wt law, jaining she lands of Matthias Bost eed 't others, contaming about 36 Acrés. The said landée will | be suld on a credst of six months, the parchasers g.v- jing bunds, with good secerity, on the day of sale. Also. [ will sell, at the Court Houseia 1 ow Briday, (he 24th inatant. the Atavieg ‘Tracts of By don’t | J aud, belonging to the heirs of Andrew | ceased, lo wis: One tract, of | known as the Jacub Booe tract, lying om the waters | of Elisha's Creek, joining Wm. E. Booe, Jas. jand others: anether tract, called the George Bove , tract, Containing 224 Acres, Call and examine wuc (of the Balt, and Phil, Colleges, 4c.,) | insure property. i pany is now.in 1 Prize of 40,000 is £40,000 _. ; ° > OULD re (fully make koown that he has operation, and its businoss is fast inc » Persons 1 Prizeof 12,000 ws 10,000 | 2 f : 2 \tytag on Flisha’s Creek, ’ Sain and oth- : W prepared Rooms, on the corer next Doct. | wishing tw have property insured in thie office will| 1 Prize of 5,000 is 5,000 | me bate Gaile ot tagie pov g' Bemagrah ese a“ S other ei add the a Bt = | Whitebead, for the recepion of Ladies and Geutlo- | please eail on the subscriber. J.D. RAMSAY. | 1 Prine or 2,000 is Togo |S0@DS, Drags, Groceries, Ready Made Clothing. | 50" 14 Acres, year lorandid slams ora [men needing Deutal services; aud where be hopes! June 10th, 1856. * Gnu2 1 Prize of 1,000 is 1,000 | o) Wats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, | pe = years wil given, with imter- | all whe ean couvenivatly call, will find it greatly w | — = ern ah gee en ee? 1 Prize of 1,000 is 1.000 | Welt edepted w the seamn, all of which have beet i num date ant et Oe fag Sorby 3, 1856 wig | A ew xei ment les Hier: br hey iced heen | bought wt the lowest CASH prices. aud which we are Vet. 2, 1856.—Pr. adv. @5. wid ae 5 . | ve ae determined ty offer ut wholessic and retail at prices | Commanicatious by letter or otherwise ™| 100 Prizes of 70 are 7 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. ; our guods as obesp, if aol cheaper, than they can booghi / “e panet haere 8 bryos LeSvey fay jes elsewhere in (bis market. R. & A. MURPHY. Salisbury, Sept. 1856. O° We have on band « email stock of Hardware 3mi6 | —— 4 Prises FRESH AND FRAGRANT (vite ssiscriter saving parchosed the Shop, Par. d Sree ot Son soprempains Sc ‘rpse tras are 0 | aiture, &c.,of Messre. Weirman & Price, would 4 Prises of 13 epproximating to 2.90) prise are 400 OSA ss. annoance to the frieads of that firm, his own friends, 5 Prizes of approximating to = 1000 prises are 400 | | the old patrons of his father and to. the public, that seen anf p- Apee girs to 980 prise are 1 = of | SILL & SILL, Druggtiets, &c., | he is now seeiving from the Northern cities a large, | | haedsome, and varied: nesortment of i I AVE just opened « supply of very choice Teas | | embracing the inmost approved varieties, of both | \D Black and Green. | F These Teas have been expressly pet ap for their | Whole Tickets $10—Halves $5---Quarters 2 1-2. PLAN OF THE LOTTERY. The Nambers from 1 to 30,000, corresponding with those Nombers ou the Tickets, priaied on separate dipe of paper, are encircled with small tin tubes, and iaone | pers, which effectual! serves their strength and | nishing gouds, which will be sold very low, or made | fragranee—Iy $—4 susllife packages. : up Ww order the beat style of the Art. He wil pieced Saiisbury, Oct, 7, 1856. | Keep in his employ a rkilful Cutten and cam therefore | The first 216 Prizes, similarly printed and encircled, woerrant gued fie. His experience in the bosiness |... Placed if another wheel. The wheels are then justifies him in saying that hie stock cannot be oaF- | revolved, and a Number is drawo from the other eeared ta quelity ; and pokey as ore all late and very | ous ot The uumber aud Prize drawn out are opened | Ht c He we, hel va ne | and exhibited to the audience, aad registered by the 1 ule Cope, Shins, Collars, Vers, andkerchicts, | Commiamovers, the Prize being placed against the Seat Paete—and every thing reqetved. Call and Scourge oe Operation is repeated util all . ed Orders for work promptly filled. | the Prizes are drawn out. | [PURE WHITE LEAD—Oils, Varnishes, colors! JAMES BEARD. | APPROXIMITIAG PRIZES tn Oul, aud dry; siways on hand end et aa Merchant Taile | ‘The two preceding and the two suoce: Salebary, Sept. 16, 1856. eding Nem- prices, by SILL & SILL, sti radi 1116 bers to those drawing the first 16 Prises will be cn- Oa 7 id — a = . 4. praegl tice 64 Approximation Prines, secording to FAIR MT. FOUNDRY & Macume Lhunder & Lightning’ | Fiadeepd Beco of rey will be ee by the last DISUNION AND CIVIL WAR, ree of the Nambor that draws the $40,000 Prize SELO,Y. - STAFFORD, DIXON & Co's | Pestilence, Patent Medicine, For cxaample, if the Namber drawing the $40,000 Prize ends with No 1, then all the Tickets where the FAMINE, ae, &e., | RE ovite and that should be sember ends ia | will be -atitied 10 #40. If the calamities | agen. BAKER & OWEN beg leave to ia-| form the public 2wid FOR SALF by SILL & SILL, Drageiwts, &e. October 7 Qwild | Number ends with No. 2, then ail the Tickets wher on w 6. THRESHERS, GREAT INDUCEMENTS TO CLUBS. sod private individuals par- ag aad able to pr guaranteed to draw 840, we will cel! Certificates of For the past Leu or fifleen years their supe. > rionty wver ether Machines has heen fully tested by pany them from one at least of the abuve (ning) | Packages of 10 Tickets (where the numbers oud in |, Lightaing C 1 prices lower than it has ev- | w the fish on them mere of the State, and their popetanty may be haown pe ded {rtm Ue foot that we have never been able to sepply or bean done atin thes part of the country - the Number cade ia 2 will be entitled to $40, aad m 4 RE m well beowe, thet 4 estptinn be cence \steutadly, das tty cart gecto As, by thie Scheme, one Ticket in every 10 ie akry ’ ecke a of anc intelligent end enterprising Far. | 07 Petting ap to their buildings, their Patent laduted 2, 3. 4, 5, 6,7, 8, 9,0,) ot the fuliowing races which All that the 10 Tickets draw over the smount year orders to Baker & Owen, Saksbary, N.C. geerantced accrurs to the perchaser the seadity increasing demand. Bat having recent. 1856. ae & - . y robtted ear chap, leareneed Gar ? ay July 28, 1856. tf Certificate of Packages of beg hefeva Tic te <8, vp we Wrest in future ww be able tu keep pace wih the New Nerth Cc <i . dota that « dnerien I arolina Form Book. | 10 Quarter 15 os lb inating public may fever as with . 11 will be pereeived, by thie plan, that for §60 the These Machiecs were ow exhitition at the Siaie ; purchaser has a Certificate of 10 Trekets, when if he buys Tickets he would ooly get fur thet eum 6 Whotea, thes by buying Certificaice he has four more | Datta Sherif, Constables, Magisiretes end Basi mess men, for sale at J. H. Ennis’ BOOKSTORE. 8 Fou im 1654 and "SS, ia Competitiog wih Mechors macufectored ia thie State. as well as a nember from other Siwtes, and tout a DIPLUMA end the HIGH. EAT PREMIUM, over alt cthers, We cho mene- —_—- Panere: at short mice. Gri and Saw Mil Troms, The Great iron Wheel Examined. | Paetory Gear, Cweuter See Mims, Woot-carding Ma. | | Chimes, Straw ead Stalk (otters, jst the thing that! AND ITS FALSE SPOKES EXTRACTED, by | farmers ueed thie dry season ; and all kinds of cast-| WG. Brownlow. For sale at J. HH. Ranies’ b tage in common ene iv the cowntry | BOOKSTOR"” Letters addressed to STAFFORD, DIXON & CO ' Snow Camp. Alamance, NC ( | Will meet with prompt attention. Jena pd 13 Aag. 26, 196 j STEAM ENGINE AND SAW MILL Joely 22 — Packages in proportion. | EX ORDERING CERTIFICATES on PAckices, Jey @ ‘The thet of drawn Narsbers ond Prises will be vent to purchasers immediniely afer the drawing {T Perehasers will please wie thew sqnaiures plae. and eve thei¢ Post OfBe-, County and State LT Remember that every Prize is drawn, and pry Printing able in fall wthowt deduction For Rent. FINE BRICK STORE HOUSE, two stones hugh, shauted seat door to Watchmen Apply to R MURPHY 1) All Prizes of $1,000 end onder, paid immediate Joly 2 —r ly after the drawing—ether Prises a! the weve! time | of thirty days, ie fall withunt dedection ' FOR SALE. told Pens, AR commeanieations sinethy confidential | Prrae Tickets cadhed of recewed in other Tickets iT todersigned uffere fur sale, hie well hnowe A VERY large ammortment of Good Geid Pens. and | 8 esther office Kage and Sew Mil The machinery has teen / Geid Pea Ponts, without the Case Address orders for Tickets, ot Certificates of Pack theraugh!y tried, aad has performed ins very cuperor ot J. BU. Kamas’ BOOKSTORE. ages of Tickets, ether to maser and to hw eaure mustretion. The engine wee, Jety @ ® BS. SWAN & CU). Atlanta, Ge | 18 Horse Power. | . ——v The whale establishmesi con be easily moved ead sot New Discovery Wall Paper, &e., Ambrotype Likenesses. 4 op steny piece Persone wmbung to perches, are re- Large supply of most beawtifa! W all Paper Al quested w call and examwe ues] have determined @ Fire Screeas and Window Shades for enle bt TTOHE bates npr King pretates on gine te sell J. H ENNISS, Bick sedier 8 ‘The beoe!y sed deratsiny of these peetarce bee ple - LUMBER POR SALE. 2225-7. aad is coumdered one of the grestest dicovernes of the FTN HE wubecriber is desirous of moving hie Mille ond age. hae 150.000 of 200,000 feet of gud LUMBER — The subscriber having steadied this method of tab ing fn < on hand. principally Weathertmarding, Flooring end likeseaes 0: Philadelphia ender the most diatvngursh STAPLE AN [ ) FANE Y toch Plank, wherh he will ell very low fr cash Al. ed artiat of that place, afferp hie services ia thai cops a. 0 fine kt of Maple, Birch. Ash and Poplar Plank, City, to the evtzene of thie place | DRY GOODS, 4 aad Scantling eawed ¢tpreanty for Carriage and ( ab- Children of say age taken in a few steonds ort Makers perpuerea Any perame wishing to bry| Puapile instrocted im the ert. Ladies and Gentlemen are invited to call and exam Salisbury, N.C., Ne. 3, Granite Building, ine specunces. GABRIEL UTLEY named Lamber wonld do well to ad Untumgh the Pat (fice Of Chepet Hut, N \ RE now receiving a large addition to theer stuck Frankbneville, Jaly %, +56 Salisbery, July 22 Bit | UUM erlneted with especial care in the Nurthern cites JOHN BEARD by ome of the firm. which they are Prepared to sel! at SQUIRE, ZIMMERMAN & ALLEN,’ FARM FOR SALE. 3m-6. , thew esual bow preees. and woald respectfetly adtier | 88 exemiestion of their Goods befure parchamng cise Whelesate Dealers in 4 Pal: undersigned offers at private sale, a most +1 cellent Plantation, lyimg three and » belf insies For sale im the b fal ert of ta- July 22 BROWN & COFFIN, WOLSMALE OND RETAI. DEALERS I~ (any of the shore drees me at Salabery | where. Among their stack will be found a large as- sortment of PANCT BRASS GOOLS. Weat of Saliabary, on the Sherrill's Ford read. and Hosiery and Glives; Bonnets and Ribbons: (webs sbowt halfe mile from the Salisbury and Taylorsvile nd’ Meutinas = wack a Pees eRAREE A oscwe Plank Road, adjnining the lands of Mra Murphy. W” ped ae pe and Merinan; De Lanes and (iinghame : (rapes ans Wooten Shawte; White Goods and Embrnadene d French and English Prints; Hats and ( ape, Bots and Shoes; Servants’ Wear ; READY MADE CLOTHING : Large Stock Carpeting; Cloths Casmmerrs, and Vestiags, Trenke, Vales and ¢ arpet Bags, Bleach ed and Brown Goods of al! kinds No. 143, Market Street, PHILADELPHIA 8. Macay, Mathew Locke and others This tract B44 1-2 Acres. ® large portion of which i@ well timbered mainder a under a high state of cultivation. trect ie a supener 43:6 Meadow, Ten Dollars Reward!) _* R AN AWAY frown the subeeriber, on the 29h day sear Seliebury a handsume © of May last. «free negm named HENRY VA. the meadow alone. There ia, ala on the preemers a LEN TINE, abas Henry Lomax. Said boy wascon-, ford dwelling howee « most ¢ xeileut barn, and every vetoed at the last Term of Rowan Saperwr Court of other convemence attached thereto. | misdemeanor, whipped and enld for the yment of The superior locality of this farm will meke ita enfe costs for the term of 18 monthea Said Valentine or investment to the purchaser. Trrms will be made Iwan, iw aboot 23 years of age, five feet three and s accomodating Call on the anheeriber at the planta- half inches high. of gingerbread coor, large noes, | tion of, adtiress by letter at Salisbary, N.C _ theek hpe, bow-legged, mont built, aod by trade a ANN BRrowN Breck -meaeon, Plasterer and Painter. He was raised f#—10 #7 Anson connty, and may be jerking abvet Wades. | tera fh and Albemarle 1 will mre the above reward for his apprehension and deivery te me at Mount Pleasant, Cabarres | cvanty. or if confined in any jnil oo that I get him | imo LALLOR SHOP! will be promptly attended to 4 Pile evbecriber takes thie method to inform hie CHARLES KLUTTS friaads and the public, that he hae opened a NEW | Jone 10. 1856 we TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT in the plane, 22 Acres of Land, in the corner rmeqme of DA. Davis's building, direetly belonging to the heireat-law of David Thomas. de Encourage Home Industry! P posite the store of Murphy, McRorie & Ca, and coaced. These lands lie within the BE QUICK! BE QUICK !! s, of Lineotaton, NC, the re On the It #2 oer imention to keep constantly on hand a large stock of Dry (suods of all hinds, and we are de termined te make it to the interest of cash and prompt paymg Castomers te give us their patronage ; aad we earnestly attic acall whea you rat cer town Respectfully . BROWN & COPFIN P. S —AN coders shail have the prompt attentive of ea of the firm. October 7, 1856. a0 thie land is tying = proGt can be made from 6019 TOWN LOTS FOR SALE. N permanes of a deerre of the Court of Faui y for Rowan Comaty, Twill sell, at the Cort Hover in Salebery, on the 4th day of November neal, (b ng Tuesday of County Coart,) July 22, 1956. boandanes of th adjaining the Tin Shep of Willams Brown. His Fong | town of Sahsbary, and will be mild experience and seccess in the business are, he thinks, | 1 in bote BLACK MERLE. MF ® quaranter for the future October 7, 1856 —Pr adv G2 50 Sw STILL BETTER AND BETTER! HIS JOBS shall be faithfally and artistically exe ted. He ie im the receipt of the ~ AM patting ap Rogers sn! Rockaware with in. SCE Me em the reeript of the $25 Reward. provements. My work has alwave given great FASHIONS s ayyeipreet tat eH mene Wed or bnew a: ane and i, therefore, always ready to anpply costomers in JQ USAW AY tron the euberrbe r. living a mae sc eard We ike Geeks Noa at the same old (he style of the * Leteet Agony” [7 Call and sce north wf Sahebary, om hraredey mgiit. Septem ee the Mawey Bk con ih Railroad, ita CON, PRICES 9 Pe ies encery be ey ' arthe Factory. In exchange ie Baggies I will Balisbary, § » 19, 1856 Kei mre dle) 2 x ie pes aes ae : eo : take wheat. cnen, bacon. Ar. at the highest market sas weighe nbont 175 poonda He ve alow emken preee My work shall be gad and durable, Call and Arnold's Writing Fluid. wasbedly clad whee heleAS Vwilrasak cznqine my work and hear prices, and | know yoe reward forthe debvery of snid hoy ti 1 h can (help heig pleased with it. 1 retarn my eincere HE. Best Ink in the World, for sale at JH En thanks (o the pubhe for ther very liberal patronage nine’ BOOKSTORE. firemertin any jail, mu that T ger De oecr ROI: hat they have bestowed on me heretofore Jely 22. Sept. 3, 136 fan JOHN L. WRIGHT _ July 29 9—«. 7) ) 19 AYSB A ! \ STATE BONDS FORSALE. ALT CULT CLT i 4 a A nr) aren > a a DR. M. WHITEHEAD. Aes ino ENEINS@ROSATS, OEE, UAUE, WSUE. OFFICE on the seme lot with hie residence. In : , TWO hundred and fifty prime lorge Narks, now in hie absemer persone demring to see him will “| JOR PRINTING [more -aces for sele as how arnt) ony ancralees ve : _ Sabebury ap ccretepe Age “ee a) Neatly seocuted at this Office | Rept. 23,155, Ymal) $294,00 | any thing ow hand im that line, at cost and tra chances fur the larger Prezes—Haives and Quarter x NEW SAUSAGE CUTTER tation tapenser R& AM sre <- ais ——— -_ _ State of North Carolina, ROWAN COUNTY | Court of Pleas and Quarter Se stuns, just Teri, 1856. John M. Coffia, Es'r. of Juha Richards, dee'd | James Recharis, Wm. Richards, Moses [. { ees, Eliza Uolmes, George Richards and Thomas Ruch. ' ards. | Petition to sell Land, IT arperee to the satsfaction of the Coart that George Richards aud Thomas Ric hards, two of the defendants im this cause, remde beyomd the limils of this State: It is therefore, on motion, ordered by the | Coart, that advertisement be made for ax weeks sec- cosmively inthe Carchae Watchmen, « puble sews- paper, published im the towa of Salisbury, marfying the saad defendauts of the Gling of this petitum, aud that aalete they appear ac the wert Court uf Pleas and Quarter Seeswas, to be held for the cwenty of ) Rowen, ai the Coart Howse ia Sahsbary, on the first Meoday io November nexi, aod anewer the plies, the save will be taken pru cuufesse and hesrd ex | parte as to them Witnews, James E Kerr, Clerk of our said Coon 81 office, ibe let Mondey m Aagan, A.D. 1866, and , ta the Slat year uf oat Lodepeudeuce JAMES £. KERR, Clerk Price adv @5 50 WE ARE NOW READY oe owe of the largest and most ‘ALL & WINTER Goons, ver offered mm Salsbury, consisting of Foreige and | Dumestie Dey Gouds ; Gith Goods, Groceries, Hard were and Catlery, Queensware, Drugs, Paints aod Enclose the money to our address for the Thess | Dye-<tulfs of all kinds ; Oy Betmed nS week Mery wil be trwerded/ BOOTS AND- SHOES, HATS, Caps, Black Smith Tools, Irma and Stee! of all kinds, Biasting and Rige Powder, and a very large stock of Ready-Made Clothing, Kereeys, Negro Blawkets and Osnaborgs, wriped ead pu, Baggmg, Rope and Twine All of which, hae been carafpily selected. at the lowest pmces, and will be offered am the most reasonable terms MURPHY & CO. Salisbury, Sept. 30, 1356. 6t18 UST Ree- Saoeage Cutur ved and for sale, Diton's New Iron Said w cat 100 tha per boar MURPHY «& CO 30, Is58, 6s Sept NOW IS THE TIME. Just received and Sor wile, 2000 pra heavy Negm Shoes, 150 best Negr: Blanties 30 preoce amuried Kersey a, 30 Crate Rope 3 Beles Bagging, easorted MURPHY « CO 6r1s Salesman Wanted. Sept. 80, 1856 VALUABLE FARW FOR SALE. ned has deteruwerd to all a valeahte {. known as the Alexander land, ly row's creek, eboet 1] miles Went when ope mile of the Westera Rail adpaoing the lands of T L. ( owna, dec'd., Dr JF. Foard and R W (sihespre, comtasning 200 ACRES, There are on more or lee he prememes all the ne brag in gad repair; an frovts, and an excellent meaduw Neem ry basing rohan! of chence The price an Apply ti) Eo Alerander of son. Natisbery and every and terms will he made scewmudavog places or SR Meer BRLIZABETH September, 30, 1X56, ALEXANDER R. P. BESSENT, Dentist, (OAM be fant he Rowan Mommy where he will take phessure io attending to ol calle im . f-ewon. “These wishing 1) have thew + pen will -ell enm, os hes will we short Nebs barv Repo 3. 1856 Is NOTICE. WI" eon, ROKERT, baving aheronied. [ hereby z mv» as | wit 4 alia | stock befure purchasing, as we are determined to “| Steam Saw Mill for Sale. A fie! Western Plank Road will sell, at | public auction, near Lineaiaten, North Cassie aa, on Saturday, the 15th day of November vest, « , | goed epnght Steam Saw- Mill, complete and in fixw- net | which we ase demrous of closing vat, and will offer | fale order, built by Storbuck & Co, Troy, New Lspor- York. It has been im use about 15 of 16 months in sawing lamber for the Plenk Read. Terme will be je kaown on the da Cc. Cc | WANTED 5000 Bashels Wheat AND 1000 BARRELS FLOUR. 4 pee subscribe: wishes to purchase the above quan- uty of Wheat and Flear, fr which he will pey the hegbest market price im cash. MICHAEL BROWN Sahebory, Sep. 16, 1856. 16 | DEROSSET & BROWN, WILMINGTON, N.C. BROWN & D , NEW York, CEXERAL COMMISSION W°RCHANTS, Usual advances grade on Coumgameats, NOTICE . I WILL pay the highest svarhes fon Bute Bonds or cant, tor Five Thoesand Whea, end l2 or 15 thely negro buys, fram 18 te 91 yeas ‘old 4. H JENKING. Subebary, Sept. 16, 1856. we 17 IKRNKINS & ROBERTS have, and will cow- (inde lo keep State Bonds on hand for cale. Nsit! Salt!) ~ Sacks fine Live: Sel for sale, “A ol ) Ganher, & oo ee per slid Cee tomers are iovded to cell and sepply themer|ves MOCK, GAITHER & CO. Salmbary, Sept 30, 1856 —Sula Commissioner's Notice, ( pRDERED by (he Comminsioners of the town of Salisbarv. ‘het we perma shell be permitted to erect any buitding of either of the twat streets, withen ome mquere of the site of the eig Coan, House, excep of brick or stone, with state or metal roof, and in ad other respects os»: - practceble, wader a penalty of $1000. By enter of the Board of Commiesioncn. THOMAS McNEELY,C BC. Sept 30, 1856 — 51856, T the late remdence of Andrew B. Hotman, dee , re rar Mocksville.) on the Died and Sta oext, | will eel 17 of 18 Sune VALUABLE NEGRORS, among which are several valestle YOUNG MEN aed WOMEN, BOYS asd GIRLS. Abe I -— Ferahare, wea B. BAILEY, Ade'r. Moc kevillc, Sept. 30, 1856. NOTICE. LL persons indebted to the estate of Andrew d Hodman, dee'd., are requested to make immed ate payment; and af? these having ohaseme orem sand estate are hereby notified to present them withic. (he Ome preseribed by law, or this footer wil be plead nm bar of their recovery B. BAILEY, Adm’r. Sep: 30. 1556 —4018 Notice to Builders. "PME andersigned tnvite proposes for the erection of College Busidings at Devideon College, to cust fran 30 to $50.000, rock feendeten Phe contractor to farnieh aff the material and rom. Piete the work be be tec ¢ © haetotte. N.C Jonx Koz, Chester, & ( Davies Corcewis, ( encord, N.C Aacu Banger, ) | rc D.A Dave, 4 Sslubery. N.C MB Carre, Witmingion, NC ope 30. 1<58 VALUABLE PROPERTY For Sale! her will empose to publie mle, on The reday the 8rd of October pext, hie valuable TRACT OF LAND tying on the Beatire Ford Reed, 618 eer trer hve unites west of Sehebary, containing 346 ACRES, fas go! quality ascan be found anywhere ia the There on the premises abvet mxty acres of g hw. of tredins wih b tbe rreponmble for any ef he rontracte ROBERT hMENRY VERY BEST BOTTOM Decp Wei. 1 N Sep W. Se—3 ‘ > ‘ S a! cleared and eultrweten. Peraons, wishing to see . 7 lend. ran be accommodated by colting om Mr. Plantation For Sale Themas f «ke. who remdes on the adjuining plan- ’ “ l nim» gel at the same time aad place, y hea f C4 500 er! € ” PTVIE enbecrsbee offere fo es + valunble pinata. ©! heed » cs. SH) bushels of Corn, Outs, Hay, . 2 nt aS ee ais : : iy ® oe n TP The tand oil be ed for one half each, the re- : : ahs sider on Years credit, with interest al ‘ ; ss an da Vornus of the other property made known ie . t ea DANIEL Woop. < ay feta ves ' Ik ha's : a sneitont wate NOTICE = 4 \ rere 5 ! . 1 ate he . ry . , 4 Te Anu TOATLON wrth be made to the next Gener. ae A nl Aecuihy of North Carohoa, for an amendment i . combacn iit Assih f the awe of & nV.) os tO pro ie be renwal teal i “ hijae CM 1 atin Ward shall elec wr Commanion- WMOROWSZFI wand that the tay entected h Ward, shalt be Sept Id, 1256 wou? don the streeta, or otherwime. of eeid ward; and provedvog (hat sad amendinent shalt take of Marrieve License for Nale at thix feet fromm and after the 1st of Jemaary, 1857 Office. | MANY CITIZENS S- pt. 30, 1=56 —-60-18 From the Datly News THE PEOPLE'S BONG. Ain—Suseunah wyE Ww Tl tell you what will be one day tay on November fourth, When al! the crops are housed away Routh, East, Weet. and North Well come a vast, o erwbelaiug host A Preeden( to mak« who loves his Country invet mp! cake! Bucnasan We've beard ¢ You old Ten Cent-aur, what a farce d hewn U we ie tri you before; Te rue you egamst Fiimors We'll gather then throughout the lund With hearts r Web come a mt work Wo dp and true, edlved d mgbty Saad, A pound Der Us trembles wo its bine And brave man most be mut Lpberty Ob Deehagan’ Now at your full three -eoue We'tt keep the cares uf State fran yuu, Aud piace them ou Firimone We want no worn-oot party back Te 6h Ge Waw Hogse chev Ne owe who's always op the track Bat ever getting there— Whe hwids to office hhe a leech, And eves coeth, ° Gwe, Geod people, gees, 1 de bearech Or eiee [cannot bre Om Becbanen' ce Se egg you've takeu “pep We tee! “tie Ome Lo wean you off The Naian's acting lap We want po sienderer v0 ine seat ore greced Ne ame whuse Lineis cuwid defeat by Wasyvcotes Demrecshy * germas Dos We wan: no Pelknaser bere Grows gly af an age Whee wintem leare'4 and mrioce rare Sekt wank ibe humor d wee Us Bechesss You ~ sock 6 feany ew Bireght pockets wel Fram ewallowseg Cate © mle! way beep you ya ledees um Jem as ine y aiwayed Sey wah eweet andes sad Ginweg arte Beene They wast thei mes Whe bourse Uw V be \cotdhes that fife Mat® aot 0 fairer, note: rom Teas 0 the bmg © tim baer oe They’ beard of you be tre Yeu cresty Bacheir, mand sade Dodie smades are her Pucmone ° Ve (aud bhews the «arts Anu free We apenk, ee walmat of the free, tooth, East, aed Went, sad Sih, Aad yoo wil ave what then shell be Os next Sevegter'y F varth ) Fc wah the combetg Qutmag’s so° Over cite of Vectors Sed the ibe lap of W asteggioe Le wae var yo uoe Ob! Bevbasee Att Ge mgd) ~" Wil Wheationd pre the Naiwa's pester Ged mune or emeat Fur Preitedeiphia, Aug 26, 1456 Br. Fillmore at Mbany—1 Speech. BEAD IT—KE\! 'T If ans remler bess eenog doutt that Mr F tigore eutérta.s those sepirments witch ¢:« ry pasta © ae lo oor g the chw @aghtrste A the reprttic. | read the & iiiwing qpoock by Mier F wore, at Albay ew te ens Cre tI The beart ff a@apetry el er repos ewok ted Ua mie est ouery patrot tebe be stam Leen Me b wore ot We ground bere Lakes hat gce men, om) peace 2 prueperty will gon Be te Geared tg | ume —_— We. Maver an) Fehows iene This ove Aetaing Jemooe tre ad ol me 4 - Rem hey ery fer -« coener! my poreee ce er Ju then lw fost cee 4 logaleere el) we ews. (cherry, fees at thagt tseme 44 mewer emtered mein ihe aa(y rateee of ny buat chat 4 cheeld ooey vem “ve UJTaidiaryA at ouuk © eeiAvene an tire be cajnial os ba tive Mist “rn Vou ka: ~ it we, * e my bormer wers~ rs Gx PY ole miree if should be ag al 4 @ the eatin ayes hin - rae “ , gt pleasant bo tpeak of wow's » I tron that the corm © avetiy asomd justly me tag te owe oF ted events commer id © v baet A Serves ator tt he. os Y all taoe who | «« " char a feateteus BaD ow) EF o~ @allive « grt, se enews we oo’ mete 2 fouem CSM chic lhe t iad bes a pars A eek dom It wae! vba 1 Git tes duty to rm ab Uma) prejadic. sed bwh by le 2 fe whee astae A pepe i was wee tend te everugme jung (worl) Pree - af dw regard party clarm rem and pr ged ay cada ‘. bnng thas « po more thas was dupe by mary avler an) t- a myself | we » a thes ex<trumet wader Providence hier Pee oN ties, (Ap iaue There were a ad ov redepende nt. high evced u Congress | partecs of Lhe cx r M os who spurned (hr E ; (ceeera,) aod raed arvond ms Ad mtr aliot fe esppert A the great ea ire wi wb mat peace to am azila { di<tra (Cheer bee Leena te I> devor. our ofl rte @ere er <A ant ‘ Orme (other a . : e chair, ibe « aliont, Wa aier rus ated ¢e® ented, aud var reualious 6 lt reng atyoe were of Lhe most ara wud =) bbe. cloud tha Mug Wpue Lue bord a 8s ifm ted but « care we in . co ‘ ere ' e.» ” f with ary tesmtiste be pot eek | ‘ ad ar ‘ t ret > i] ‘ by ol » een « ‘ eteabon & hope “ proioty have br tow eel t “ wily I the lout uw)» ritery, for ttre “ . ' did in personal advancement rather than in any public good. (¢ Sheers.) Su, you Tiave been pleased to say that 1 have the uniot of these States at heart. Plis, sir, is inmost true, for if there be one object dewrer lo me than any other, tos the umiy, prosperity and glory of thas great Republic; and L contess frankly, sir, that I fear itis in danger. 1 say pothing of apy particular section, mu Li less ot the several candidates before the people. 1 pre- sume they are all honorable men. But, sir, what’ do we see! An ex: asporated fooling: be wean the North and South, oa the Tost exch ‘and State vo interference with religious faith, or worship, and no test oaths for ottive. 11th. Free and thorough investigation into any and all alleged abuses of public tunctiona- | ries, and a strict economy in public expenditures, 12th. The maintenance and enforcement of | all laws constitutionally enacted, until sail laws shall be repealed, or shall be declared null and void by competent judicial authority, 13th, Opposition to the reckless and thhwise pohow of the present administration in the gen eral inanagemeut of national affairs, and more capes 1 as shown in removing “ Ameri couserval vos bi our das Ww. P. ELLIOTT, (Late of Worth & Filliott, Fayetteville, N.C.) GENERAL COMMISSION: AND FORWARDING -MERCHA WILMINGTON, N. Cy Orders for Mrehaudize, and conriguinents of Flour und other Prodace, for sales or shipment, Chamkfull rived a EAGLE. CITY. ahs et os: eT ecg. STEAD PROGRESSION MANUFACTURERS OF THE PURE MEDICENAL COB-LIVER O1L. NOV1OO0 NORTH THIRD STREET, PHILADELPUTA J. c. BAKER & CO | N offering to the public their brand of Con-Liver Ow, hate great pleasure in warranting its excellent qualicy; which, afer wany years of laborivus experience, they Have succeeded | n perfectiog, It is prepared, according to the most approved proceee. from fresh and bealthy livers of the Gades morrhua shi), se | | | } ting of all Lopics, he mali og in bhoodsted aad or cigs” ation) and [| a hey Miu peste WOES the personal tupervislon of PALER y ATTA. srineipl say ontice, aud placing foreigners and purity, and freshness, make it scarcely dis x SU yt cole uahanaed ality | See nance imeiead : ses eT ual wane ie premier Pr pee ee ip ' ANDE SON & REYNOLDS, itut this is uet all, sie, We sce a political ultraists in their pliees | as shown ia ies Sut prepuation makes It the most desirable bound of a nounce to the world, to whom be sends are ving | t voy ( he to t he market allkind wishes for their prosperity and peace, that he par. | ing candidates for the Presideney subservicucy to the stronger, sad au a Riecu fet Mes RUMEN CL oy evga hasdl fe enoeet OCF d pros pepee, CROCERS, f uncertain qual at dhe preparing Ale <5 eat auro shale atid Vier dency, selected for the flist me cow wtdiy bravady towards Ue we ater as fos God liver Uil: have ies Jed many suring porsuns from right: eae ne ve ee ; in (he mpns ntol ‘ee ¢ ; ee 1 : eee ; i 7 "| ty appreciating it r tully testing ite remedial vartues » destined, he believce, to become orgreater » r ee States alone. wath the avowed pur as shown inte opening sectional agitation, Lyre ae lig way the anpanyuncn of & xa walaficturug city ithe cguitry. ie Uf now ersct- An ‘ ecting these candidates by the suffrages the repeal ol the Missouri ( olpromise 5 asshown ui age wt UL reeyh frees We ing w new cotton will at thin place, to be called the 1 We " ts,’ ‘ v a ” \ Canon only, to role over the ia granting to wnataratized forengoers the right ee Grakea le pa hatidyg i Hopton net he taken a Voy MA and pis sto have it 8 20 ek aie ‘omIn NS On ( re an w States. Capit be possible that those of suffrage in Kansas and Nebraska; as shown oy irregularly, but perseverelugly and steadi- by the latter part of the surnmer of 1896. Tt will be = } i . ‘ , N y Comat its use even after apparent recovery, one of the best, (if nog the very best.) mille ia the NO, 10, ROANOKE SQUARE, “ are eheaged in such a tueastre, can We its vacrldlis Course en the Kausas and Ne- the Physiclan way rely, with full confidence, on the merits Lave scriously reflected upon the consequcuces winch must meritably tollow, 1 case of success f Cheer.) Would he be required to follow Une rule prescribed by those who elected him in takite bis apposutnents | I a man hving t Mason's and Diavon'’s line be not worthy President or Nee Paident would it be a from the rue of iia Cabinet Council, or to ued the Or, indeed, to col- 9 selecl Os same quarter, as vation in a forcigh country! ext the revenue, of administer the laws of the \ wed States! If vot, what oew rule is the, Presi tent to adopt in selecting men for office ! The ac are serwas, but practical questions, and boonder to appreciate them fully, it is oly ne- cessary to turu ue tables upon ourselves, Sup- pose (hat the Soath, having a majority of the electoral votes, should declare that they would bave ouly slavebolders for l'resident and Vice President; aud should clect such by their ex clusive soffrages to rule over us at the North.— a you think we would submit to at! No, aot fora momeul ( Applause.) Aad do you be hewe that your Souiberp brethren are less seo- sitive on this subject than you se, or tess jeal rus of their nghts! (Tremendous cheering. )— If vou do, let me tell vou that you are mistaken. Aud, Werefure, you mant see that if this seutivn al party so ceeds, it leads inevitably to the de iis beautiful fabric reared by our struction ¢ forefathers, cemented by their blood, and be jueatbed lo us as a priceless inheritance. Ltelis my foends, that I speak warmly ow this sul yct, for | feel that we are in danger am deter ted make a clean breast of it. | will w consequences, what ever .omay i we are tread ng ute ‘ that is | able + inomeat lo Lerst forth aud overwhehn the nauou. | maght by soft words bold out de fusive Lupes aod Ubereby wia votes, but I never cam comet lo be ope thing w the North, aed Elwyn, of Vhiladelpbia, well known for SY another to the Sveth I should Jespise myself if | could be guilty of such evasion, (Tumulte- ous applause ) For my conscience would sull ask wih the dramatic povt - “Le there put wome Swe b ddea ( adet ecere| Corse— red wub tmanwtal To bbast the wretch who owes he grealocss To bee cuaniry © ran! In the language of the lamented, immortal Cay 1 ba} rather be right than be Preside ot.” (butbesasuc and proboe cd ebeer ) It eer to me imjams that those cogaged \ on me ect re temp) baged : } Noe yea) actaned can havecen temple yee | was struck with the quality of the pew tl» fawfi Berg s of success. Tf it breaks asunder the bonds of oar Union, and spreads ana and civil war throwgh the land, what 1 ee (lan wore! tre@agn! Law @d caine ™ vod & ae respeussldde ius be gatars! pees of Ine acts, and Must wot those » hus acts teed to the desterwction of the government And bet dissolved we exqoafiy respomeitl ! (Apptause.) me aso mld, that whee this Unoo e J pot be dis ro uarchies, but Leokes into fragwnents, each led into two ret ublics of iw ear wis the other Jit, & now <otarus. | have perl.apesanl as that Sas Oar ery Ob th wavih twee pe anere ty @ lees fen ortant, bet maure ayveea “ area ‘ s me av flume J s me avce To P ” Siow (lee c lowe eo ree a of revan nm mil the er. and arr ahere th ue We . f - prime the honest =h aint ‘. ay we > ack to my Ralite Mate, wren agrante wbich roaits cau deplay (Che . . ar the ins oo a ’ we } LATET WS FITHE AMERK NPA eoP TR AT THE SBASION O& TIT \ \ SCHL, | Let. 1b x , . Hs protecting care wove wi le ' ' . . “ =s * . wide . 1 A these States a qe uler « ' © pr ° b thei * r tee. ta ‘\ ~ ’ -- ] t a * ve zg * a Z ” ga 4 noun } ‘ . > hime t ‘ he . ) as eerate awe as rules ‘ tite ut < as ar and fraterta . * z ‘ ~ 7 if vt ? t ~ at we , mis > “ t <4 any 7 i , nyeht of the na ' - cower gy a er tutiom a iw nm ‘ ahem lm nb braska quvalign jas showD wireh pervade cruiment 5 WW the corruptions ome of the departments of the wv as shown in diggracing meri turds nave Me otticers Usrough prejudice or caprice ; and as shown in the Lunde srivy MnismaDAgemMeEUt of our fareurn relations, Lith. Vrerefore, 6 rently existing evits, and cr vent the disastrou CURSE) UCHCES otherwise Te sulting theretioaa, we would Guild up Use." Ame- neau party" upon the principles: hereiubeture stated. 15th. That cach State Council shall have au- thoriry to amend their several constitutions, se as to abolish the several degrees, and institute a pledge of honor, instead of other obhgations for fellow-ship and admission into the party. 16th. A free and open discussion of all po- litical principles embraced in our platform. IMPORTANT TO WHEAT GROW- ERS IN NORTI CAROLINA. At the meeting of the Scientific Asso- ciation Albany, this summer, some private conversativa ensued upon the coinparative merits of the grains grown in the West and South. It was observed that Southern floar had largely the pref- erence in the West Indies and South Am- ‘erica, on account of its being dryer and keeping better in hot chmates. A geutleman who attended the World's Fair in London, at once remarked that ib the finest flour he ever saw was made of North ¢ mills in New York ‘arolina wheat, and ground at solicited to ‘submit the observation to writing, Dr. Being the iuterest he takes iv agricaltare and every thing connected with the useful arts, at once- drew up a certificate, of which the encaing is a copy: *T have been desired, by Dr. Gibboa of North Carvlina, to record the follu wing fact as interesting to the wheat growers of that State ofthe committee for articles ased as foud,” durmyg the ext al Pal W hile acting as chatrman bition at the Cry broad otfored for examination by L & luther of New York. It t lever saw was the T asked being a fartucr —the very natual question as ty whero they procured their pram ; and was tol! that the Lread was made of flour from Nort h Carolina wheat; and to tay furtuer astunislLivent, was also inform ed that, in there opi the best wheat t ted States wae that of North whitest and mon, Car 4 ined.) AIEEE WN Albany, NOY, Aug. 25, Iss MEDICAL UsE OF SALT v cases of disordered stuma " teaspooofal of salt is a certam cur ve violent interzal aching, termed c a a! mroutu suit te a pint of water, Grink it and go ty bed, it is the speed iest re wn. The r aj nowhe » $a dea 1 rece ving aleayy fala fi an ajeplectic fit, D rid tie t ponrnye down salt a sd wack if Heel seusibility rema to allow of . = t J the AM mat i . f t ts water unt the @ tis return, “when salt alll completely restr i lethargy rua the it, the feet showld be placed in warm water, with mustard added, ane the leucs lrmkly rubbed, ali bandages remor frou the neck, and a cool . artin 1 Peed if pa ems isle I —_— sever leertinny at the 1 aed al ther ren Ir af found thart toaspronfule Bal Co tely slaved the lend tn case of a biM from ama dog, was art wif a arr ! f A 4 > seit w a rag In tentiache. warn ealtand water het I a 4 ‘A “a t om » I sume be affected, wasli ti it ; rine ife eeth be covered wit tartar, Waeli t twice aday wit! salt aul water Jn aweiled neck, wash the part with mne, and drink rt, alao, twice a Jay, in Salt w Lexpel wortne, if nsed In f. a tnaderate degree, and aids diyustion put swit theeml is tnguriows, 1f used uu -- Ihdlocag a P'dla, a moet famous Rea fart Carecof Nervousness and jen Jrelitiry Jasper M’Cann, of fame Feianedl, N York, was withont doubt a ere sutfer mn nervous and genera east opr hed lieaeri t put Nim in a pass and faid ' 3 was caused by the bal state and thoogh he tried many sior tine Cruplaint, he wis ! At “th he had reeaurss t « | V Yo pertorua rt " "Ny clineed | ‘ E Zz f hea / i 4 vu sevdent ecard u W asi by ¢ ' a ‘ 1 ‘ ] ! j emed to be and t , rushed A d begs ertoa te hold | f her I | gi yw osha od deine eV OnA ne reatened tu en ' ein wire mtr country inachinery Wasselceted by hitudelf, and WOUwuUUPOwUs, Whe we tw the wale of Flour and other four brand of Oil, while di tu usimg ity be iy taking which Lave becw tested by emine iseased patient has a guarantee, that, vedicine, the virgwes aust efficacy of ped ical men. the latest aud most approved patterus were che Je will work like a lover watéh Pay active atte smooth and steady It is the most eGectual remedy for Cumsampt.on, Bronchitis, (io doul hinds of Produce, avoid! cespury charges aud ve doubts wot willexcel, unites products, the mont heated wees Ng ue wl 4 Asthiua, Gow, Kypapiat ball Sequsuluus affections | BUS a2 i , oftcutines prodecitag Pet denacdiiia « ects when viber | beguti{ulachieveucuts of the geyowwed Eagle Mille, rendering prompt returns wat reme » had been taken with fittle or no benefit ander whose shadow it is developrog iis fair aud de. a galed Grieg vfurthe eacel- marked confidence of numerous scientific ang ae iapnials @raborse thé supe of colon wy giving tothe publican asuraace, J.D. CUMMING, C. We SPT RON. Iyhdng praportio as, hk selfu fan © Mila lk wiorizy a uel sities wide spread, qT .) UikY y that this cine, when obtained fresh, and jency of a vae : Al i oy : ene of iuechoth falr ( { M MING S I y RON, free frou adnusture, is @ safe and reliable remedy for the dis Trvy Bille aloge (hpeaicuy tw rival it, aud heuer the world imay look out fora contest iavalving & fewolt not lessupteresting 60 ieelf, dau wl inust be desuable to every Sout pe pets wt COMIISSION AND Tieleanrepeeatarug on coming eontroigs! Forwarding Merchants, well stepia hers ae caste ng forwtd he ket be you" the boundary of proseut time, a WILMINGTON, N.C. nics. TESTIMONIALS. Without adding the certificates of hundreds of persons, who, after having personally trted many beunds of Oil, without being able to retain 6 9p theit stamach, or o eapertonas (hese rene: dial cifeets which are sure to resglt after a fair veh have re sortnd to that bottled by us. amd now use it exch Jy, in pre ference to any ether, we appeud the Notes of a few “ed theme of MA portray the wapee Use Medsoad Fuculty of Philadelphia, who bi adly given Eagte City afew years hence, Let hin sketch it Particalae attention paid to setting Plows, Corn car Uil thetr high spprovel, aud have recomesct az ayeu, | We see a city of beautiful proportions with its tower | Couon, and all kinds produce. wine, pare, and most reliable and efficacivus medicine | ing steeples pointing heavenwurds: close rauged blocks Feb. 156 1ya9 eb, 1R56 y zx of grauite buildings with g | From Samm us? Jarkeon, M. n, Professor of ha Institutes « Medicine in the Unicersity of Pennsyledrit, dx Literiug wetal roofs, reflect the cheerful beams of a veruul sno: the tuvigorating breezes of adehghiful chnale, stir the leaves of long the COWANS The Cod-Liver Oil prepared by you is as flag in quality as any | have met wit? | } rows of elms t SAMUEL JAC | streets are enliveded with @ eheer- ful busy throng: the song of balf a millon of eprdies 3UN a YR hu ‘ ot yn ’ To Messrs. Joux C. Bakan & Co hs \'s aviazted-with the roar of rome und cutcades: Ragte \ EGETABL i Ll I {LUN TRIE Tt oe mevunrent idee abewe all thiags cle, bearing on iis oe From Thowas D. Mutter, MoD. Profemor of Sargery in the top au inme use gage. wings tended, lewk down Dey * . ' , Jeffereon Medical (uddeye, de | with pleasure deel below fe Gity Baul ww! FRIEND OF THE HUMAN FAMILY T have no hesitation iu stating, that [ believe the Cod-Liver | full view, and by its liberal pohey savites all energetic AWYFERING PRom Olt put up by your howse, to be a» pure and efficacious as the article Le made basness wea to ebumits ene wragemant. Oat tere red out their baled up goods: the carauf the 2 he western Railroad reccive (bem, together wih thbu | sands of other things, the producta of the City: the deafe nivg whiatle is blow “ and the sowed iseehved gud ne DISEASED KIDNEYS, Stone inthe Blatder and Kidneys, Wok ness of the THOMAS D. MUTTER, To Mes@, Joux C. Banas & Co. From Jacpy Lady, . D., Professor of Anatomy tn the Uns Loins, be. ces pity of Pennayleania, de | re-echwoed frow bill ty hil, awd wakes thedrowsy pyw Thisinvalaable medicine is for enle at the Davie Tt afforsts oa pcosers to have the opportunity of recommepd oss of 1 h t It h " 1 Mocksville Ue. & ing your Cart or A) tothe Metical jwetresiva of ropumas fal ext(le sich Sus ee ta the neh eur- otel, in Mockewille , at De. Campbell's, ia lie have seco tangy samples of 1 ot your store, and feel mite. rounding valleys. the sceur gr we'—grows!—and the dell; atthe Drag Store iu Charkotte; at ZLeverly'» fled that a purer aud ugpre cifieacs ed in the market y vas article canot be vbiain urs, With rewpect, i LEIDY vive | ow fend is beyoud the portraying shill of the pi ] We had bat a ghinjpse | Cel prooe on vw 6 1 wil) prese ou (6 i.» 604! cog-owmaleu evi bat whet a view . liebar y . The subscriber having entered inte ex ‘ with Jobe F. (ow em. onyiael patentee, for the m From Willism Dareach, M.D, Profeesse of Muterts Matic | ANDREW BAGGARLY afacture and sole of the abbae Medmine, is prepared te in Che Panasglous itn Medieal College, dee. Feb 9th, 1855. ai7 | (armh @ empply by adlrosemg hum at Gultsbery, N ee eves te may, thai T have often, for four years, C., of calling at bee roedence, 10 antes west of the vd roe bee goes 4 i soasumes antes Leapeales Wanted Immediately, Jae bv. AU wrIN t ery Roop WM. DARRACH At the Silver Hill Mine, ee To Mesars Jus C Mises To Mears. Jums C Bicen & Co. »parinershop every © best qaali ANY QUANTITY OF |, AND FOR: SALE ’ Willie b Ri tie, MD, be sg Y : wgcenr en eommeneserg| WOOD AND COAL. ee aver DL, prepared pei vemied ly You,» gresine ah WM. LEAVENWORTH, Sept AVING of great party amd voperior quality, Coatalhing all the at Siver Hall. Oct 4. 18S. er . ‘ ofl ame! eve Fweth tive echements that imgeert tC this medicine so mpage vale in the a . ’ 1 offer my plania fae gum bh here of wee dines ve , feaiment of diptase. ry waly —. Diecut a Founth Creeb “. Daielhiry, adpoming Dr. CHARLEST.POWE :.. I gates locate dia Satisbery. reapect- vigeaiy the pub- laade ot | ~ ¢ Bub The dept u “ t The ptace has on it +! pair. Atewone ged ws To Mesors. Joma OQ, Orpen 2 Or agton, MD <¥.é of Cont Liver OF nee rematly being established, it ond thers wai be wear ce le gud re tract eustawe From Simmel Bar The ralar Surgeon C The eooreee. bow here be md 1 oped pernsrart an pogo erpepacy dpa: a) Balebury, var) caf orpll eed wl mer sete et es tm daily use, aart ss fully equal to @y ee tae . valle and the tals: t cam be procured elsewhere ees aa ‘LET és K EASON TOGE PHER, at a wishiog = qian! bergen. wust coll moo. ast ag (etme Be Marans, Jom ( rm os colhag we Won 1, Bases 6 Co. | aecele, can lave enahet From Lewes BD, Usrtow, M.D, Prefemmoc of Cbaarven and ro ee eer angen G Winsc'cal (kilivc Phuadeghe! olege @ JUN Wo eT Re Wedicine te Moreh Ula. Lroe ates : od felching grvclhcowaplsibal A eater lot es gba ok wee Ac. woven wesw (the parest pat bee = c4uE «6 seen dL a AND To Meese. Juus ( Bases 4 ¢ ae NEW GOODS. Tie eeberecswet ae ‘ “ the Cnet Bd ter manatarvered by debe ( Babe: & Co, amd Goel 4 caperner HOLLOWAY’'S PILLS Pcikcs ey kar eve . Mills, Moose & Co. Sacer | WITS ARE We SICK. pre. leave 5 apne al tricuaels : D Mare debe Beter bn rama |: ue oe foam _ cptalty epee ng in the Heck Homee focmeriy ncmpe ds by ° ° ’ 5 brs - Nenned, & Wills the t R. JUNIUS MENDENHALL, ema on te ANE ANE Y + —= a“ ' \ hr) 2 Fi4 Ls uty we LAND AGENT. Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, We SPLPET wot onter 1 Lande THESE PILLS PURIFY THE BL000. bes Warrant pes T.: x aa ; ° ponies TT ee + omedy bop oo Dey (reads ; ve reiaei a ilee 2aun Weer, a4 Aplagy ten boos & wie. ota “Or Th} phe. con ee argent bed hee miei Minerens! liu leads ree wc Bibi tecand aes @oeee seer ‘ ener le ° ova ferne emred ea mest Adil reve. j ," MENDt pits DYSPEPSIA & LIVER COMPLAINTS Ps FHM HleHe< ST MARKET PRICES twa ipa Me nmeny =<? » Naeees eee = cage Lames tor Bbe eet orn | ateg, I\COURIGE BEE Ee ae R&R. BOs. ME TC Mises, This Knooking ' GENERAL well ib Leone COMMISSION MERCHANT ° oe preet ata Char RGto; ad ©. | thes adie rege i & @ icare to ried prea pecans hes rah ms lene ob ed hin woth 8 dcr . Z = eptonad Savur ht ae aoa, i - nay] . otton. Corn. Fier. W heat. and a!) het he bas feared & the Shop lately oreupird ty < ChE Bot ot 5 F Bre] yvce & 1. odpworme Mr. d Rate FEMALE COMPLAINTS. wen wre Lab Sew pore where be te prepared io esoe a f-ee®, Pom 4, | Be ete ete ett Liberal Advameces made on ( omsigqgument> werk o hes ber. a ap cod gud af cou Or hum te) og Bebarems opted +t orkip comres 61 08 pe tee aoa ; ; aaah saad seca foes eae 7 : san as Sle Pe erm e Tarning, Cutting Screws, Repairiag ~ 22; oe A ee cir cage te shamed J HW deskine: Faq. Matcher) Umi Witems 5 fe a Chestre A Nom lates " Botlerx and Engines, He — . ee ne te a = 7 a eqns paare ney ‘ \ A all dearnpts ae: making and reparring a : ‘ 7 fees ele as ' MiH Spindles. Wood Platwers, Plows. "in)7 °° tome, Wa SO Greensborough Troning Wagons, BOL py VME coe MUTUAL INSUBANCE COMPANY. s Wead . . M4 Te vot if tne +o matee'pleniehet « MLORSZ-AMORTRG, oe see Utes TOLL meta cen eee oaee [ will compare work © arty ens for nem tneee, wes: righ trade So Shy pitta Piaslapetel aol ° - of the risk + wad deopeben : Fate rte-corg chee, 19S: emm oon ) area (he Gaputty 3 is 7 o . us . , at, eve meme : : ; 2 . - ’ . Awe ise : ce M z pheoiag Obre.. : Dyspepsia Cured. ™ SMES <LONN, Pesan on I Woerrers ? CHFLPANATELD ROT x RIN Pr Bi On ( = Dease wanted Viren, Py I ( «& (oR MEN DENIAL Ver ney s. J. PERKY aries ery } PETER ADVWs. ter yand Preacer Chartotie, May 5. b= {Sebo Rehebare M ii 4 ud the { Pikts G vb flee: AVAM GS ii * e 5 tf 6” Salisbury Planing Mill (Sausdary Naning™ ROWANFACTORY. SASH FACTORY AND LUMBER rap Tribate te whom Tridate Is dae: ifte the North Y , ab Dy Pay M--—1f aot, eococrace Home Mae afect ares. OW WEST HILL. SALISBURY, WC. rpyiiy cube tere ha ROWAN FAL TE rudereugned have new m operation the alee TORY beated ia Salide coe ne neral pe Muli and Factary, snd are prepared to (armen rer Fetion, ad are mo tk a bod dremeod, « vf Ple Torque ani nee wed by bere ees cbr a teas SHEETINGS & YARNS, (Sach, Doors, Frames. Bhnde i Vencudinas eAion’a alse its tieranel ss ind Gwtonag: ote een Tenant ate ae ee Tie poet wa fom Bal ete ae ee meetircs bas es a ie one, oe r their werk a9 eustabie fur la a ew weeke wechsH be pre pered to A anflera tne Curpente te. buariders end othe ® are frempeatfully re ie ily Ls ¥ puns ae rn COUPON BATU E D R. mkt DF E V cs nected to cal) sad examine Opedutems of the ett ———— ™ " cha 4a ak wd ON at GRIST MILLS II Teeaititiedaeen ieee cr a if Trieeng in Flag Greensbars P py 3 , ‘ i ‘ i Juilinsis; etree mothe, ney (histo Mens \pr Ins tly LONG CEA Val v, LHe “3 KET & FLANNER, COMMISSION MERCHANTS WIT MLN OLIALA Throngh Frei! fo Wilmington pr. Mail Train ; ote he Riadeooned afrerght ear with thei Mn THOWAS FE. BROWN. Carriage, Buggy and Suiky Builder, IWfiisic. \ arg: ave arwi Ponte M f ‘ ‘ 1 b SALISBERY, N.C. oe SALISBURY, N.C. an aahary tn ‘ .n ; ming " SM itehery on Muonduy and } cole | A ave W son Teorsday and Kr wu arf i] y ts bbe : : " ue ‘e ew pam ; ~ ane 7 ti " F her fay F wet ; 44 i & " alias live . ve his ; wilt tan WL MTODVEIONS SELL LSE as OLA TL Lies ; ‘ wea wie ; fal Friivaute'r That” slaw sei fio (efaneeprenr Mackerel! Mackerel !! oe ial (peel abe iyaliacr neste a laclinnibes . ry oy Pe " : Ae a t * lero bot VMorkerel ia thte half btle qaarter LIVERY STABLE mae tee Fae tire ache aA at ween ee ae eee ’ ag antae wy 4 Cali acdqee me sal = melee 4 ‘ it et W, Hw GMANT Vitis, See ae * < @ Mas (> baat wie tad RE ORE ATES T= oem Medical Discovery of the Age,!! // DR. KENNEDY, bf! Roxbury, haw discovered in One vf uur common pasture weeds « rymyedy that oury EVERY KIND OF TUMOR. Pom the worst Serofala down to a comuion Harpe He has tried it in over 1190 cuses, and never ful except lu two eases, (both winder hamor) | Me’ pow ip on wer wah under enero at within tweuty miles of ton ate wurrduled: to cde — bard Oug fo three botiles will cure the woras tind’ x Pimples on the fee, oth ‘I'wo to three Lattles will clear ay system of ‘wo botudes ure warranted lu cure the ad ca mouth. ‘ia the mouth aud stomach. ‘Thee to five bottles ure warrguled i care + aha ger cure of Eryripelas. a w deubsnet ure warranted to cure all fumed the ey ‘two a Sites fre warranted to cure rudwing of ‘tis ears or blotches uimong Whe bu Four to sia bottles ure warranted to cure pathy wnd runoing ulcers. One bottle will cure sealy eruption of the mein, ‘Two to three boties are warrauted to cure tae worst case of ringworm. ~ ‘Two ta thece bottles are, warranted to care the most desperate case of rheumations "Pheve to fuur bowles are warranted ty care the dal rhepua Fite to eight bottles will care My worst cuses of een ifula. A bevel is ylway 9 expericneed from (he first bat: | tle, wad a perfect cure is warranted when the abow’ queyiity 1 laben Reader, 1 peddied over a thownwud bottles of this yg the vielnity of Bowtoe.’ T know the'effeet of Rin eves ry ease, Do pure af water will cxtinguish fice, sprung will he eure humor. | vewer apld @ bottle of 4 bat that @Jd another; after a (rial lt alwuyq ppeaks itself. ‘There afe two Unings ebeut thie berd (iat pears to ae murprn fret thas A grows ip per peer (mrea,ia sume places quite ploutiful, wad yet ite value has never been known until T discovered if le ie scoimd, itiat it dhoald care aft kned# of homer. Ni order to give seme idea ofthe sudden res ead - a r yee) of Ue dmopvery, b will stele Unatde il, ba 53, [ peddted it, and mild about os pitches ae “iy Api, (B50, Dold over upe thease ce perday of A. Home of (ve whulemle Deuggiste whe have beam ie the bomuam (weuty eed burly years, aay bet opting tu the aqnale of palemt medwuies wae ever tthe It "Phere to @ warvertel prame of ¢ frost ull Qaarters. to my vee prectice I siweys kept sirheny fer he more —hui mate us tulerducton as a geuetal feaily Wedicine, great aud wonderful victges have beee foded in it that je 1 Soepected Se pernt owes of eptiogtcfiie—a dapase whiek wae always caupdeged tucwreble, baw bern cwed by « few tnttles. O, whai o merey if will pete aah ta all cases of that avfal maledy—there are tt few who hate seen ove of ut thaw | have 1 mam uf pe veral cases of Deopey. all of them aged peenred by it. Foc the veriveas dispeses of the te. 1, Mick Ufsdache, Dyepepaa, Acthena, Peover and Agee. Pao ‘ta jhe ‘Side, Dierasce of the Spine. oud pect ularly an dutenres of the Baderye dan the expt pe does nate gal ihen aoy modiging ever _cot the beat you Adulte ome table sponded pee ver tee youre desert epeeniah— Children from five to eight years, tea epomnfel. “Ab em dr setians cow be applentde te all cunt tat -me, RS sulberr nd Wooge rete en the bowels twier o dag. MANUFACTURED BY ’ oral arp at” DONALD KENNEDY, No. 120 Warren MF Ru aburp, Mesrechardite. Pree @1.00 Whed-sate Agents, New York Cay, O: ¥. Chekmer, Bl Darcie Hh biog, 17d Mewedway. A BAL 10u Fetton Mreet TW. Dyas & Buns, Piviedetpa, © B, Mane, ' of Geet ov et artceenry- can etl sade wogh of Lanccmene ron Cee ower lw et day —C hajd es Bireet, ache Ritianre, Geo We Keyoct, Pateborg, AB Meary Refisle: Hugh “ Her, Terome. Leman & Bacher, Torvato ; dubs Bake, Moetrra , Heatinndl & Pea. James Keed, 60; Judo Wileom, Lew we Dregyiets ia the Cal a. ae Put pede ot Pai de Odo Dirmg More, S aliobusy MU. SANFORDS INVIGORATOR. | POs ILL PURPOUES OF ( STVECLETIVG LIVER Bro ke. THERE hae tng evisted 0 demon b4 cork « rem. ody thet celd be ried um be cafe wud ofherent, Thin teteed) ae bere pr parrd to mre hal @meed; end ee cate mee trad of ect har sherme how earver - +0 ot ceee plat. 4 the parpeme red Anoug the © @phae aon o whe b whose the are, Woke. ay wach me Vover, Veeor ead Agee. Jawedur, ladigeatbes, reso wed men dh Appetite, Lederenes cod brrite af ol whet ane caved by « derened soomm of we Laver The lovigncatee te rugepes wh par then lee + cure tr the Liter, ond ehed thet dewene he teruered afl tiee rest are cured, as the cee of them be iaben aeay A fem deere Wl ibe lnegerates Gupety ° ohete the Lever to @ pepe: setnm, and te ite contineacd ame to remere the diene It hes bere [ahem eek gr eel Chole, Dye eter), blumere, © ler. Gm. cod ber Cerse tere ap remedy As hae a hestihy ec ome wed tenteree ee epwine ahd tert One dae edi pele te ihe -qqercere cw wve-ce cspermamed by coung abearty ¢ * . . degrmive of rte rs ” ' 0 de letated date of the ote the Leer. ter Ree m cqual wher © tp remre prevre, ae eate oe the oyster cad prameres the vel da dred oA & 18 Promt a. kee Yorn he BX owte amg per beatin Wee Aw mi by Bll de Bud, Drogen, Seleee Wat Pragte of Amerwea Tevet ade of yoo have onf « ° onde - . Le of he remethes Pon have f od P Ps . . a arate Vie weed cufler no Lange? Dy Ses + largereter will make 1m well “rf G pertermed by the « eee 8 are deeper Thy oe cen on et | - the Pavgeen tee JAMES HORAH, WATCH-MAKEB AND JEWELER, BALISEURY. VL 6 Que doer velow HM. & A. Hurphy*s Store: ] hehe t 2 large semorian af of NO WUTEMES ond SEWED ED of oll nants ‘ he Wap . dtew ' err the heel manner ed emt ms ome bebuary ‘ 1)3" G. A. MILLER, ATRORNEW AT AW merksert? = ee DR. J. J. SUMMERELL, y AS remrived to ha O st hes remdence. where he wel be hapry & (oamonal or pr weve pr wera) Cabin (remy baw fre No B Ticre ate ane pereone heed ta me by anion we been foraevernt venre. f eevatd orge allench | and inake eetiicemen', done by VM Court, else D ehall took amas DInBwLwD we WUNCB. Janainan B. Bane: Ls Nt ion Werchants Naval Stores, Calvin B. Dibble, ' (. Nut Commi: In Cotton, Flour, Grain, v Reuthern Produce Generally. No. 190 Freprt setroct. ter yy Pr Kylbe ine PPL NIANG mint d tt tiie Office Nerthy RO cA oe r Ng st e m readi a mertis eouri palrlis Tea the & man ¥ Fr * + . ’ , i = xy Ee = om os - — . ee me ————r aaa as TO ae FOR PRESIDENT, MILLARD FILLMORE, . | OD New York. > : " | . YOR VICE PRESIDENT, ANDREW J. DONELSON, « Of Tennessee. We ~~ time fotiune, Mat Mr, Fillmore’s iutegri- ty to the South eatinot and ouglit not be doubted by the Southern people. 3 ha besr4 adwiuisteation of the Government. whi , : sD ae , eee pao the riglits Of tlie South were av much rs pa ser 3 as _ 4 Tee 4 JOHN We CAMERON oF Cantertamd, ff spected as those of the North; the bold” ’ + . : ™ -_ | _ | a To : wad fog manner in which he signed evoted . ie 1st Distriet, Lewis Thompson, of Bertie. i) the Fugitive, Slave Law, nod te deter-, Politics, Wews, Agriculture, Internat Improvements, Commerce, the Arts aud Sciences, Morality, and the Family Circe. a eee vagy mined spirit-he mauifested i seeing, ite) | fe dan T, Lettejohn, of Graavie. unt done exeented; the. firin’ stand he} : 7 . : yh ; ro ae oun . Goa 1" Gracy of Davson ae ae 5 v Dargan, of Anson. no. yman, of Buncombe. ius took against appointing Abolitioniets anit! : . +E “ _ Fs ts thing» OL. XH, | SALISBURY, N. C., OCTOBER 21, 1856. NUMBER XXP es mE turn from Europe, in which he avewed | ee Fj : —_ ' ene ee ne — — wr - { ' ee ae — . = = _ a ene EES = FOR PRESIDENT. h hie deterndnation, i eléoted President, |& their « ents, I eannot consent to be From the Petersburg Intelli 5 : ’ > nets | : apes 0 ed drtplabit the ‘ecveusineik iepeoner »| oooh ® catwdinhate for either side, I am fae Sl ane : pila | Nothing new under’ the Sun—The N.| THE CHINESE SUGAR-CANE, _ |stand, and another eighth Iaving thepnor | MILLARD FILLMORE, att ie dal ly peer? Union, North and South, Bast and West, | E PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION—, Orleans Picayane. says : a late a daucts al yt lest canes arid the rest stand. The! Of Kew York. da Natlongl principles, kuowing no Nopth, sed if my countrymen will not weeupt me ve) SYMTOMS OF ALARM IN THE! | “It would seom that the iden of six-|trod ong the exoctie plants recently in gait T give below the canes passed nce | yon VICE PRESIDENT, aid no South, no East, no West, but his whole! "The are gil ae vl -. | DEMOCRATIC CAMP | shooting revolvers is some two centuries : ee Into this conntry by the Patent throngh the roller. | ANDREW J. DONELSON P country ; the straight-forward, houest, pa- | mond Whig, from the Byfial, Comet ir sore med Mi . ‘older, than Col, Colt, for the quaint a ieee PENSCELHOS of ite agricul- Best Eighth of an Acre. { Wifasanl me fe] tristi course of the neem 00 ull econsione| wy vrwthmants on the Mixeyuri Comsromice, It The Presidential Election’ is to come | chronicler, Pepys, in his goseipping * Dis [tare aperations,” ie the “Chines Ongar | 11 of jules from 89th eden 260 pallenr .| on rNegst AEE ATEYABOE, ‘ aad in all ethergencies,—should beenouzt | MAY OF may hot suit your latitude, bat T hare | Of thie day throa weeks—the first Tnes-|Fy,’ tells ns, under date of July 2, 1662, cane,” or “sorgho sucre,” (ooryhum eac Yield po from 253 gallons of juer 863 | [eB CARMICHAEL, of Wilkes hi we thick, ta eoavinceevery unpréjadiced not owe thing for the South: and ‘ayother forthe (44Y in November, The last Raleigh re dinner there was brought to) charatum.) The history of its introduc- gallons. 8 | JOHN W. CAMERON, of Cumberland. Acatbews AS Sh, Sills wil — regs ied it. Standard, in noticing this approaching Sir ara sebat'al Fascia s¢-! tion and:some account of its success have _ Rates per acre of sirup, 468 gal. FOR DIBTRICTS : yrine inan . io 5 F A z | 3 : : . . | s<tnet, Lewis Thor Rertie. 7 i ca tac bs tha adh an rae olde cone a e Lace pcsder enna aaetl sin- event, indulges in a series of reinarks on Bepys, ‘ thet I piel boot gnllimed been from tine to time laid before the Poorest Eighth of qn Aore | = Distr mt - tile era adil ‘ 1 man: | : . Pay . . ry - : | - u. en, ¢ m hee i as he will. be to the Coneti.| iste in my specuee ie the onndi of the Ue. the occasion which indicate considerable viceable ; and not a Layble, for it ia mach | Public through the columne of the Intel | Yield of juice from 2,550 canes, #10 gals, | 3d = * OP. Meares, of New Hanover. 1 peer sehon-and the Union of the States. pe L remember your lamewted brother well, WNeasiness on the part of that deeply died approved of, and many therefore made.’ | ligencer and other channels, exciting the | “ sirup from 170 gules. juice 484 gala. { el ( ee ame = rad the no of th Sc, a wn png any tnt Derr aa rent a egy df Marl Yt, spin mnt and ren ee WET a om, aeb ee | A em ia Se font sulle Mella) aicdidate. bal wae tele iaens te ise ane senate to aid oo the unterrified in the Old North pee nee Bgl neg ace wes | — of some, but fortunately awakening | cigh jee aa mn nes i 2 oe a ; me, 9 a , é t t : i“ ! , fashior t Sosit d A ° 4 a ’ 1. yman, « incombe. net will boldly and fearlessly maintain and | Wilh eayeonne of respect, I am truly and lot « . be up = tg for if they do gun, brotight by Lord Petershorough this! 4 intelli oy acct ala of discerning | crusbed cane, 23 Ibe. defend the rights of the South at every Heerely yoors, iCLAeD TL i Dt pu forth their exertions “ they | morning, sliout off ofén, one after an. _Intelligen bs age tourists in various gl : hes ng, a 4 Toe. American snd Whig Tichet. re hazard, ITe ig not a two-faced politician| PS. —I write tm baste, without pases , will be disast rously defeated.” This sort other, without trouble or danger. {sections of the United Btates. We have oe : “ ets | FOR PRESIDENT, come —avowing one cet of principles for the | Py ne & copy of appeal is encouraging to the Fillwore, | oo = low? the gratification of realizing the hap- es ig such vase with the | MILLARD FII LMORE “fang ' . sae | 5 : ; or ' ora awe ‘ inese sugar eane, to our com- | - ahse ahs. A perpees of carrying the Northoop ce Dewnne Ossi x or prea the country's canse. It is not National Det of England.—Bs-the- | P%. aie pe sri aria and la | on epte. Lwebls Niece send pinaed : pastas 4, wwe ha and another set for carrying the South. The Pre ei in the usual blastering and vaonting | by, speaking of the national debt of Great | of this latter class, in the suc: by 3, ome stalk to the jill, » week beyoud the FOR VICE PRESIDEXT, j 5 : 7 ? | : A sa ces noth ; se | ; y a a ied ere. Bat hp gives ide opiniuse on all vil = = residential E lection. strain of the “Spoils” presses, and be-/ Britain, the late honored and | snteg| Oe cultivation, it is hoped and be- , roasting-ear state, I selected 30 stalks : {| ANDREW J. DONELSON fodnd ul duast § z "| The elections which come off this week , trays very well-grounded misgivings of statesman, Henry Clay, need to tel lieved, of one of the most valuable pro-) Weight of 90 stalks, 35§ Ibs. | OF Tennessee , suis questions with 9 manliness andsincer- | in several States will be ded ‘ : ¢' y Clay, tell a) 4 r n the | 5 A ity, whieh } ile of ki ve be regar as a,old Buck’s sucecss in a field in which capital story of an opponent of hi k- | ucts of the soi) that has ever engaged pate aera | yOR TRE PATE AT LABCE bby s y, which leave yo doabt of his honesty | fuir index to regalia whieh will be attain, | De } ; ; ne ts mak-| 1. attention of the buabandmnan : crushed stalks, 194 Ibe. DR ChRMICH CE é nee ond petriotion | ed in November next, when the election eeaphieialeed {inet ce = often and signal- ing a stump épeeeh, in the aidst ef the d ; . ene ES Loss in crushing, fi | JOHN da el os hy — y, then, should not the South trust of Electors will take place throughout the bp reated. The truth isthat North Caro- nywet.unbettled parts of the then farthest bier uiphead — hpi erage rea: | Yield of grup, ly pu. aus - oe ~— soch aman! It seems to us that, in the entire Union ; hence to the dewalt at then lina, has only been led astray by acciden- | Western States, Ile was a sniall petti-, lor omaming, will of feeall, ins brief) 7, sirup was of a peculiar disagcecvise taste, lat Distnct, Lewis Thompson, of Bertie. Fever present crisis, when there appears not to ee All - eyes of politicians be tal and temporary inflaences. Her his fogger—“ wordy, windy and wander." a, a ae re rear E all the pe- | @dvirely unfit for table use.” p 2 E ‘ Warren, of Beaufort cally tu Ui 4 sy: . A Race, ; : , A ae me ; 0 P Me PNS - pre a load \ ia a a Vee Sine a a os tory and traditions are not all in union ing,” in all that he said, and with the ut- sosamneel (caesbinee apa ies ee aon *~ een ote arate 4th Jas 7 Ledfobn S Orenvie oe Eve Heckanen) Ghat the schele Howth, fo ane|ty moll and b telegraph Pinang a inked berm cchenaadl ace ea The ' most confasion oa to wlusthe was taking. (wowed "pom (Be whole subject of agri |. gaanphicdollege Gee? 4 oe AA cnean ot Chatee ! ‘ tel aph. from Phila- sopport which she has given of late to the only he k nasi cultare by our Government, in the intro: nal _ eh Gen J. M. Leach, of Daridaon. ret yee solid phalanx, ought to rally to hie sap °° phia, avd Baltimore, indicate that & y he knew that he was accusing Mr. : 8 : : 7th Gen ATE port, and unite with the ABST AS those States will pot sustain the numinee Party over which her patriotic sons have | Clay of wapting to introduce the “ cussed oe gi Landipanacdiea all cig ie a om (ae (i AES Hyman Bumounbe or wad Unton-loving patriots every where a, ae Democratic party. gieriously triuwplicd in so many pitebed feudal aystem,” into this country. Some = ie advantage in every lecshty ts “ N. Orca sirup, 1.824 ! so e: ties replace bim ia that chair which he adorn-, Mr Fanon el ne wastes ‘Th o. aa "i cig ik sete teats rocaun le icra eon i eas a giclee ae ee aerial " ———— . , ‘ . omy. ve fu- ents than with her interest h is ‘oe? ° af : ment @ uxury to every famuy at an a juice, 7 ed with so mach credit to himself and tion of the Black Re i i ; . tare of Clay's protective ayatem : Sacchar = 5 ee ceca benelit to the eoantry. | Fillygore party in Foca ivenn Nag the | impossible that sle can continue long to & Look o' here, now, my friends,” said ve ict re aplondo apn 0 ad laced i i | MILLARD, FILLMORE, We hare been led to these remarks by ed it beyond doubt that the State will Le aaners te _— a party, and the present Le; “ jest look at it, | want to know if oe. Side opie inte ha seca egy spiueremy ier et pad pcs actin sa ebell bliset carried against Mr. Buchanan. opportunity is a tery good one for her to | any of yon who hear my voice wants this portions of the world an article of mer- pale rene mares big batt Sn oh - sical ashen , bi i. ce a wg correspondenee, New York is not disputed. It is ad withdraw from the unnatural connection | feudal system? What has it done for chandige that we now import to the a- *™ then boiled slowly until-the greeti| ANDREW J. DONELSON, songs “i which we ¢ pleasare ie laying befure mitted on all hands that Mr. Fillmore with if into which she has t enticed Engtand, and Europe, and France, and mount of nearly fifteen millions of dollars senm — to rise: then ¢tir in a tea Of Teaneseee u oer readersto-day. Mr. Fillnore's letter will sweep the State. She never would have been foand in this Scotland, and otler fercign coantries !— ‘a year. : ey (jan 6 ene ‘aianing = cpp rreestieptel ghd crtar ape, ; Sati . our own i % be du : ‘em! of ve TAY ; . . oe a tl hana aad dentheate, | . “ARMICHARL, of Wilkes “all characteristic of the man. Ile uttets ah ar Me n State, it will not be doubt connection but for the desertion of Cling- al ar pasties ie a ee es singular and gratifying coinci- boiling antil the sirup thickens pi, eo Tons . CAMERON : ne wertand. tether, his opinions without any concealment or ed, that Mr. Bachanan’s nomination wil ae 5 | then es, and some of 'ein not half as 4 that the i rducti f this pl jown in flak the ri wf the d comcenlslae ieee Seed 2 oaarion. oad a bepaarnnene be fally endorsed. She is thoroughly inan frém the Whig ranks. That restless well off. What has done this? The blast- dence val the introduction of this plant “ : pata on = rim ¢ a npper. joa bareescrs n, Lave “4 . : Dewoeratic and will take him as “the 894 eccentric representative of what ed feudal system ; that they want to fas and the discovery of its great excellence |) are ™ d cea: shee famed Sl aol arigtlidasony gtr ani ee truthfulnces, ay bear the impress of 80 choice of evils,” although it isetated by was once the largest anti Demoeratic ten on this country, same as they did ou. and adaptation to the soil and climate of erin fie aparece hieeegrmgined hed ~ F Werra of Beaufort honest man and true patriot. those most competent to give an opiniva district in the State ne to Greece ! . the Uusted States, should be made at the rites MA oe Delete el Und patted uh Jae T Pres el Fe a porated oe Ifthe evidence we have already given that he will not be able to ound suf eee a ee of dis-| «And then just Took at the expense. prec otec ° { the ° : j 4 “on to neatrelige & portion of the acid parce. Sth AJ <chae o Blotting : : : b : appointed and mortified ambition, took) w : 4 precise moment of the apparent deca The true proportion must be determined < of Mr. Fillmore's trust worthiness to the ficient support to sccure his election ; What do you think England owes, this dence of the cul f MI conducted Th he R. Soath, with the additional {eatinony fur- The people of this State are a Union-loving umbrago at the party to which he was minate, for ware, and high living under ee "The a ee are we oO tee hae purhiehrw a eae people. They are oppos'd to changes. The attached for years, and went straight over thie feadal systen! Why, more than plantations of the South. That this may, 06 cost of making the ress c ace! ou Jno. D. Hymen, of Buncombe. = vd panera uanatay WA COM | refer the continuance of the Union if tothe enemy, in whose service he has nine thousand dollara, and the interest not result to the disadvantage of the in ce aka my be ug: le ‘lowe Thi I bs rem. eee eee South thes ks inthe mes = its Lawe are Constitutionally administer. Leen ever since hard at work without, as|/U""'n"g all the while! Yo we want any portant interests involved in these plant hall ‘t ible a ores ihe ayer a | iach ake A, The the crisis, then nothing will convince it. ed; and nothing bat a failure on the part . 4 system like that h'isted onto this country. | ati : : : ~ shad Che) MEd pad hones allied FOR PRESIDENT. aha Riot, oe will net detain the vender fren 7 hel 6 ccliored Ved anaes: Lia \ h we have been able to perceive, any bet-|1)5 wou want it, rn) rw citizens?” _ ations is not only desired, but believed planting and working up fifty acres of MILLARD FIl LMORE guidhon ore m |< c , who have winked omper ; : eee sa ene | : the wete: > caltive- 5 ; ° | aL! “ILL ‘ Aaony the eogrespendence. The article alleded * the freqeent ond aggravated assaults ter compensation thon he got in the ser-| Well—they diu:. t, and sv made mani a opr ian nari: geal “ ‘cin eatished that this plant will one A ooo date ° by the apy a a (he 5 oe the rights of the Suuth, could in. Vice which be abandoned. Uofortenate- | fest at - Is. In anegipe ogttlamant. eat pacar say gin sco Lie peop nap oa at Glaster is ae Gs ae poe VICE PRESIDENT pieces, 7 ee dace thein to sever the ties whieh origi. '¥ be was enabled by his personal popa- |? Ure wi bed , as tho orator a PpstOn eet, eee orn Btates to nake at home all the vive | ANDREW J. DO 1 Ns. commer == . —- selbal om nee nally nade as one peaple; hence, should iarity, we sappose, to carry along with saint, mine vile om rich, bet muney are latter may prosper in any locality in required for family use aud tollaee that , “ow eee eoori Compeomiae,” we have recently Mr. Fremont unfortunately obtain the him his large constitnen ith seurse,” when a silver dollar is sapposed which maize or Indian corn sueceeds, vet, oar cliemists will soon a us how tocon pacing published. cvnetitativnal pawber of Votes cutitling jzo0werful Oe ak we rt < ge Whigs, to be the size of a cart wheel, nine thous ‘tie sil and climate capable of producing | vert the sirup info sugar for export, aa LR CARMIC uint ‘ * 7 F ‘ 0 and de } ‘ - A ort, - ‘ . y v he es xs Read Mr. Fillmore’s letter, people of hue boty’ ! Hesconpest chair, it will be |t was thisdefecttion that placed the Dem seeped nina peng the sagar-cane will prove the best adapt. one of the staples of oor favored cli:me, JOHN W CAMERON. of Curmberiand. \ aon the Soeth, and then say if he is not the past ss ee ers eet cause to with: ecracy of North Carolina in the a). 1.5¢t numerous San again ® od of all to the sorgho sucre and that it RICHARD PETERS, por neerRicre man who ought to receive your support! ‘ . . condancy, and anless they ean pre- ee . he ouri 5 Auvanta, Georgie Jet Thetrwt Lewis Thompson of Bert ~ omety ong’ Wr WNeretd If the poll were opened thiaday toar serve the district they will yo by the chiuamoietin eh ioe flourish there in its greatest Sept. 26, 1556. 24 61 Ware Tele ve. 3 tas certain the will of the citizens of South board. We have strong bopes that th =e* perfection. a () P Meares of New Hanover ae Be ve the — Sg vinta vee ar oe pale ms doabt that Des people who have been led astray there by WUATS IN THE WIND? The annexed communication co:nes to rr. Lad D. re as feat resin y i | LETTE ” AMORE vuld decide by a large majority thew Clingman will reassert their old prinet Under the above caption, the Rich. 0s froma rentteman whose Ligh intelli B 2 OURY Lady DITOR IAG SAN ATY, feb ter AppR nes I I K he Rich g £ : JM Leach, of Da viet stihy 0 It We 0 vapree of the highest talicfactiwa to us se Linent a the lag in preference to ples and retarn to their firat love. They mond Whig remarks: “We learn npon geacc, social position, and character, as Papated = Ys ae ae Di lady 4p be Gea A J Dargan of Ann oe to lay befure ovr renders the following letter ala ak ie " eng Wate they must Le pretty sick by this time of dem- | andoubted Democratic anthority that © well as the fact that his name has been et ee a las ry Fao ni ~ ee miyaiee from Mr. Fillanate, the ongieal of which is Seana veir determination ocracy, under whose auspices they have meeting of Southern Governors took place re soil earn obtener td Dadi Sinpoe dae wine ot pram gggetls i pare ole toealenit te no more one sided Comper yet to eaperience the smallest imagina- | a Raleigh, in the State of North 7h ash hitherto bonorally connected with enter horee!f in marnage by means of a lottery, havorteun| cad Wety) Tekst. ye reemee ow Of dowtt m ty the conservative and patri owe or iulringements apon their nights. ble benefit. They, and not only tAcy, bat) na, on Monday. (Gov. Wise left here in prises of agricaltaral improveinent, de. Sie was tlurty years old, tired of a lif of FOR PRESIDENT vibe ret ome preition of ovr condalats. Tople of the e believe we hazard nothing inmak- the whigs all over North Carolina, will the Southern train Satarday evening mand for his representations the couli celibacy, and m despair at not finding a MILLARD F : “ tren sooth, read it, end then decide whether a man vag the dectaration, that if the vote of no doubt rally again under the glorious Some nine or ten Governors, we learn, dence ef every reader. _bacband Wit) SnOngh encase st lis core . can tf ) FILLMORE, ae Promt ied pond ee y ctneds out in dshaes of pour | Gout ( pinion - eave the | - seigend old banner which is once more anfurled | have promised to be present. What's in ae to euit = mee a She ogy . . paeatneer ate ang to aed interests, pet most worthy of tour & Kuaranice vat the commtry shall be re in their midst to reanimate them in their the wind! Are these Detrecratic (tov COMMT NICATION bereture, Wat her handeome yut rather - ws om 7 aad Delete sepport Like 6 trac patriot, he lias Go aprmon swred to quiet and the right of the South ancient faith and to stir ap in their bo. ernors ting treason! Have we an Dineen. Kocvoms: I feel my date t metore person should be disposed of on ANDREW J. DONELSON, cde = sve be dees tof peoulgrmn mike = equally respected with those of the soins the proud memories assceiated with other Hartford Convention on a emal ke k ie . Sonat! J ce M \ © the following nila She created a lot- is reve oat whole matwn ought te stand no oes the people would inestract their its past cunflicta. This ie the re-action scale? What right have these political make known to the Soatlera pablic the tery, with fire haedred shares of @ shou TOG) ee er are (ay coerce Nelenbe = . sone © Le — = Plecturs ty vute for Millard Filmore, pro which the Standard and other democra- | sdventarers—these office-loving Locofy resnit of my sieap making from the Chi- send france each. Subscribers were to PA ae A ers ane aor Heelies hee eh - an cae t be foam impossible to secure tic papers dread aud are plying every ca#—to assemble in their pitied cavactty nese sagar millet, in hopes that others repens baarigteeghhan? tet Leobened be order AOU AT GO bah rf ah per peared pose Sek Lees babe ba Sagal dr. Buc hanan’s election, in preference w effort to avert. The following extract to determine mpoe theycourse the South: whe hare sown this valaable variety of Pere she might decide on their acospte: oe FoR pastencrs meagre Lentlorip s aiding indireetly in promoting Fremont’s from its leader of Satorday shows how shoald parsne in the event of Fremont’s the millet may be induced to work it ap MIU ygss yh selrens Uae salecri ere om a ies ae i burs pee 1m wel electiom disturbed it Is at the prospeet before it: election? What power do they possess int this cverse, were to be single men. ise spl, + " an maet oe peas pace nei e ti aee it the eleetion by ibe. pecrda fale ta l 1e prospee ‘ ! tig r ey ae into sirup this season. ; scriptions were placed ithe hada ot 4 mT OT Weares, of New Hanover ane on / secure the end had in + a if t “The fact showld not be concealed that ie he premises! Our erazy “Gizcavi I send yon a few joints of the cane and netary as fast as made, and the d me ae Se reece > sarees Aedetar of Uhromcle and Sentai rad in view, and itis car 1) et of Mr. Fillinore in thie State 20%” neighbor, we have not a doubt, is a sample of the sirup, of which I have de ear “ane re Cree ee a 4 J Steviman. of Chatham ytong ried into the Hoense, we cannot suppose of Mr. Fillmore in thie State’ the bottom of this whole affair. And made several barrels was not to take place till all the shares tah 6 Coach of Teva joracne se Deer Bir —Emclosed you wil fied a letter the vote of Sunt Carolina will be thrown are becoming quite active, and are male hat littl celta tn Wimet ata Gace) . were taken —that, is, when the sum of ith Ten A J Dargan of Aneon Teme! 7 from Mr. Fillmore, which yoa el! please publeb Mr. Becl itl ing arrangements for bringing out their what litve constable in a ig has not I obtained my start of seed daring the half a onlthon frase f | ms Jno D Hynven Bu nenniaten with the enclosed article, aleo sent me by b'm scainhd ots i sapere colar pacha lah full strength. They ealenlate or nel real power than het nd then, too, spring of 1835 from D. Redmond, Esq.. Na ae gitar ath cad eealoaed in bulletser he ig erase : mote the saceess of Fremont. To parsue as large i“ te Aa Mr ¥ it : - ce thes | Notwithstanding Democratic horror of aco of the “Sonthern Cultivator. ~ 7 consid ' oy Laika ee ee = i . having & eo that course would be indirect! ot pa vote fe ilunore as thes seas : : < itt : shares were all taken. The drawin Amertesn and Whig Tieket. course wou indirectly sustain gave to Mr. Gilmer in Angust; and if ereay, this Convention of Southern Gov. ered it a “hambag”™ from its close resem cently took place ee the va a peered a a * My centiments—M. Fillmore,” as you will per ing Fremont, and that policy would be cove. Now, while | am free to adenit that Mr they should do thie, and if the Democrats SPmOr® has been gotten ap in the most blanee in see and growth to the “(ruines tary, who held the subscriptions and the MILLARD FILLMORE, 1y kw Yet reprobated by an overwhelming majority yi on for M clandestine manner. For what purpose! corn,” until my elildren, towards fall, ionld pol fi Mr - money, in preseuce of two wagistrates.— ba l s - . . > ee Rechaman is comserratire, eepecially so far ns Racl 7 7 1 ’ achanan bo morc ‘ . the Soath is concerned, (leasing cet * Ostend,”) of the people of South Carolina. than they polled for Gen. Pierce mice: Who knows! Does a solitary citizen of made the discovery of its being to their popetllne ese 1 : atch As and bare nn dewkt he wveld mehe a goad Ire These are our views, and jadging by will be disastroasiy defeated Cpors V Bs or the South know what these taste eqnal to the troe sngar-cane ap "he om ied ae P stat map . POR VICK PRESIDENT ° wdeat, yet I prefer Me. Fillmore, beoause be m recent developments, it ia very clear to od forearmed.” We obseree, inane TACmen are after? Will they publish This year I planted one patch Fad) een beat be pes ing Mumbered in ANDREW J. DONELSON - not 2 Mathem with self-adjosting planks that our mind, tat the choice will be between sail ¢ vie Aa 7 cone che whale of any pert of the ernenedings 18d: and Panther May 1auiencar Cal onler as — names were inseribed. The i uu : uae . poe oO. othi er ore Us, notices é ; A Le a es ‘ ‘ may be removed and substituted at pleasare, | ¥ illmore ris Fremont fics Know Nakine pasa meetin 5 of this conferencel We predict not.— hoon, Gordon connty, on land that wonld bite — yeacel are Pee He eT ATR aT Leper : : ; 2 2 a ‘i : caunece : ’ “let 1 ’ s « we - 1a" igs the “ Netvous Politicians ~ in Georgia wil! If thie alionkd tarn ot to be case, Te the Weetern part of the State aa wo Bat we wait for “ Giasard- Foot” to re produce daring a “ seasonable” vear for Pati . The ve Re al na abe ord TR CARMICHAEL of Wilkes = em b that Mr. — —— ce hold that it will be the daty of oar Re hear of athens tole eld Bice | erat turn. We have faith in the fact that be ty bashels of corn per acre and this year J NY 4 peppy " . deal : o sa JOHN Wo CAMERON. of Cansbectaad ey cae points, tbe bees presentatives to vote for Millard Fillwnore ing the prime mover in the getting up of not over twenty basheols. at h j a ilaee i. om ~ ‘P nae ae hetem: FoR pisTRICTS fing , : oe . 1o had already « pied t mblic Ye Your qoutrary notwihetanuimy We have no vote. We do not desire this traiterons and rificalous Jiftle con Phe secd were sown carelessly in drills pees in Ae 4 . . ae 7 re Peon . yee DO Ta wis Thompaon, of Ber 5 => WM. BERRIEN to enjoy the rght We think the pee California \ fricnd has shown asa ventional Southern Governors, hia intol. three feet apart, and covered with a one ‘he lads < s en "§ ; bneey t pak - Bed err ol heemtors . , ~ ple are troabled with too many elections |, le ee erable vanity will impeti him to blab oat horse lon a I intended to “ chopont™ cgael Poland Mao olahd Sal the b etiond ee tae os PM lee «New Hemexrs rae ues But if th 1 ed thi etter which contains the following ex J : prong ue t turban, nor the beard wor the retigion 4 } hei ft Granville Berraco, N.Y, Sept. 29th, 1856. hs : pot ap reel it anata tae tract from a lett.r received from Hon ‘ of what was said and done. We toa stand of one stack six incles Apartin age the Larem of the happy harbarves. ia an of Chatham wae . ’ day for the election of Electors, befiev Hailic P : ; . . s therefore wait. the row, bat failed to get a good stand. 9) ain di te marry ey and ia pena: bo DM Tee ho of Davetene, eaniex, Fad ing as we do that Mr. Baelhanan canner ae eyton, bearing date San Francis “This day (Tuesday) three weeks isthe as the seed came np badly, from the deep maiietmenianie uy lscnand fran oF The ‘ we NT Dacgan of Ariaon eer Bit —=V our two fevers of the 23th in secure the ebeetion, and in order to itefeat ca, Sept. 1, 1856: day of election. Let National and Union. and irregolar covering. [I wotked this : : 1 ; fae A balids A m1) Tivman, of Buncombe, : stant hare jast come (o hand, and farnish ad Fremont, we would de t our vote for : loving men every wh vote for Millard ont fe | t nd hoe happy cop te lave: lett tor ivnisi x here = ane sh me emont, | posit o ote 4 Since 1940 I have wit rn emeh ne vets ere vote for Millard ont, as fur corn, ploughing twice and hoe ye il) reste. -/’arve Cor. UY - AG ditional evidence that | am constantly unerep Millard Fillmore. i Fithnore. We shall then have no more ing once. : American and Whig Tieket. ’ } Wath Nerth nnd Roath. th the Nentb Wel | j oe 1 entlinsiagn: as ia new raging for Fillinere 3 . ; yee : } Ti nen as euere 1 am charged with being whee e have thrown vat these views atthis aig Ponelson iinuili vecentiv t wes madmen's Conventions, At the anggestion of Gov. Hammond, Peade acne? : a ery man. time, | . A ¢ i a i. : 5 Sah arin, aE Ts pre time, in advance of results wow looked (0 oo newhat apprehensive that the Fremont In connection with the above sabject, of South Car dina, I determined to ise _ Z MILLARD FILLMORE, we find, ia the same paper, the following the sirup-making & fair trial, and conse Argum ntation About Slavery. —Tiich Papas ons pal wr pe ecettt q ng to extend slavery over free terntury, and : r , J as av independent journalist, isolated in ticket in this State (California) might in PRESIDENT, Jes niet Ca a oes a oa Sonth Carolina, almost the éntire preas of are onen inore then Saat ef Taok Cand dispatch from Columbia: ae! ordered from the Messrs. Win- ard Yeadon, Esy., the editor of the bows ciilewmen'. wrebly refered to give ang pleriges, other than pp le a sare oy eee — hs ‘Breck ; but it is now evidently otherwise Governors in Counct . stalks al ape! a eM Ln ne Charleston Cour roand one of the most ANDREW J. DONELSON, obra! fomrk ' such ne might be inferred from my known chur ome for pus ppb sett e life seven out of the nine of their erndi Columbia, S. C., Oct. 13.—It is report- power Pi ; acd bes en Lie L Ea Te. Lromrmiment menrbers of the Charleston W T-emenne nas f aeter and previews offical conduct, I have not cinmatti ( onvention, wit rout qua’ i. regi datre nominated at their recent State Con- ed here that the Governors of fifteen which heey worn cea mMiral A Crishing Var, recently had an interview with Wan vom rue erere 4 . ‘ { nesmered to the public any of these charges. If Wearva disnnionist, nev erthe 208, LUE eo neion having heretofore heen Demo- Sonthern States will meet in Raleigh to- ont juice for eight yallone o SIFAP PET Lav d Garrison, of Beaton, in which acon ; , ; Om. ; shies aj) | have done, aod all (he sacrifiecs There bein convinced that it is the hs the erate, [aim iaeclined to think that Fillmore morrow, to consider what steps wr be honr. It is worked by two sore en troversial arguement was held, ou the sab 7 oe iY TAN > she aml é made to maiotain the constitutional rights of the to onstain a Constiturmal Unien, | anq Donelson will receive in this State a. necessary in the event Fremont is elected. ane hand te yok ii! the cane and a boy & ject of slavery. In the course of argu rhe Nor censal South, she still distrusts me, then I can only say, we prefer Mr. Fillmore, believing that votg equal to that of both the other tiek- drive. . aa ment it ie said Garrison admitted rat I oe that I hope she may find one more joe, and jbis administration wonld be more oon” or.» 5 oo ~ On the 13th of this month, finding the gouthern slavery was tho mildest and > } w me tt fia ants more fearless and sclfsacrificing than I have | servative and impertial. ! Singular Premiuins.— Among the Mi seed fully ripe, I had the fodder pulled most humane system of the kind that lras vd rw ¢ Noe Hicewieor : been, and that when found, he may show her, If, however, Mr. Fremont shonld suc- se miauis offered by the Coles connty (LH.) and the seed heads cut. exieted, and gave the South credit for ‘ eet lnk Once Stores, ude her confidence. And so of the ceed Mr. Pierce we are ready to meet ev “ That Nice Young Man."—N. P. Fair, held at ONarleston this week, were The yield of fodder per acre is 1.19 to ony of its amehorating features; but : Ad Stsbnan of Chathasn ay. North — Wf all 1 have dowe to mmntenn her ery difficulty whieh wonld attend arevo- Willis thus writes of George W. Cartis, the following : To the ugliest man in 1,300 Ths., and yield of seed 25 bushels, See very ifien N earl England i foe) leer 6 DME Te neh of Davaetaom ae eonatitutional rights and advance her interest, tation. Yet, we would not direetly, OF wig ig stamping it for Fremont : |this or adjoining States, to be adjndged of 36 Ibs. to the bushel. At the first tri: ing intrulnced and tolerated, and ther c are ee \nann | earaghes me, | hope she may fad one mere indirectly, do anything to promote bre 7 is ; by a committes of ladies, $10 mirror ; to al of the rail, 70 average cance gave ® having transferred slavery to the South pes sana y of her confidence and bestow it neeord: pi ont's election notwithstanding owr ab- We all tarned ont the other evening | the tallest man, €5 walking-stick ; to the qts. of juice. Subsequently, 606 average Siete . pillage have neq ves rine ae horrence of the present confederation. — 0 hear ia i a yD daaealre Fremont ghortest man, $5 pair high -recled Doots; canes, passed onee throug! the rollers, = _.- The NY. Sunday Dispatch, @ cantions » Tam only apsions that the country 711) Union muat criat give we a man at Newborgh thought he was quite to the smallest animal of any kind of its, gave 38 gallons and 1 qt.; passed a se ; neutral paper, says, “We speak advised- a — be people sed that in enter Y on (<2 firm and itapertial. Fill. , f00 ringette sor yl wes : ad Sih age, | pnb Parmer Bs beet ah J cond time through, 2 a Live a X Es = ie ek im aie pe “ ly sities = tell our re tes that THE ‘ the South should be settled, and a fraternal feel- Ore has been tried. Buchanan and bis popia” oratory. An continued *to' inal ¢onundromn, 1 vol. N.O. Pic.; to the gallons and 1 qt. gave § gallons of thick licitations for patronage, wise’ i y SIEMORE MEN WILL) CARRY Docore listorastorn Pierce think so for five minmtes or so after he be-| best original toast, 1 vol. N. Intelligen-, sirup. yreas hia obligations for past favors - an When the printer made him say, © Moss FREESTATES THAT ART Tl @ARD- ing restored, Dut [ apprehend that the diffies!- Party caunot do better than Mr. | best i is, t fs ; ; jetration | done. |gan, and then, to tell the truth, I forgot eer; to a word or fentence with comic TI carefully measured an eighth of Fie yrodundbpharugleid pene omiehas i ire | oan We een Mvebic T all about it!” , | definition, 1 Comic Blackstone. | acre having the best canes and the best , reapect fice sdent favoring they own peculiar views ae a | Columbia Times. fully offers his shanks.” LED AS SURE FOR REMONT.” fc S % : i, ey 4 ‘ és _ — - — . —_—— $$ $$ ee : . —— ~ » NATI 4 tRICULTURAL wale | wise 1 Have you con-|ing ht favor of the Presbyter separating T have the honor to be, yonr . bilge me Nees oeati Car ol Wa pitan. si ind qualifications of Tes! the Assembly. in Z i Epw’p Bares, y | EMiove all er : gsi Vain a ; os place in power to carry lis continued, and, with others, ju i wow ut apna ; ae ‘i { 4 Pa ” Ba SROR Cc. ro ° ide the vessel of State, br be rn medical kemwlodge \ a en y es . i by 8 * om! ‘ -- j b hat ms which now hang over {e Urehee F bs ued, ree senna) are how tse 1OUBANIC sOns. re were V OF . re’ ¥ i . 4 known of t re of : re é ‘ 4 hie | Ta) 8.08 TAG Miwa j spirited trials of) cod) betwconstrottlby Beg BABES IN GyBCT , * ‘F platfors Pri aicties tel e t x n ty foe, yp. Continuing his i om horses. In the afternoon a hand- eome banquet took place in an iinmence very Twenty-nine tables were set, dined pavilion. and about two thousand persons Marshall P. Wilder, President ofthe ge- ciety, was the chairman of the océasion. At the conclusion of the repast, the Presi- dent arose and nade quite a happy and appreprate specel, concluding with the following sentiment: * Pennsyleania— Tron and eqalare ler great products; fit emblem ofthe strength of prineipal und wanuth of attachment, with winch sic holds ber place ins the Keystone of the arch of the Came : Gov. Pollock respouded to this teast in aspeech of sume titteen minutes in length, His Excellency was quite felicitous in his allasions to the great natural resources of the Keystone State, and advaneed sume sensible arguments relative to the edu- cation of the tillers of the soil. The third regular toast was * Phdadeiphia—W ell does she main tain, in her institutions and character, the admirable impress made by her Frauk lins and her l’cnns.” The Mayor, Richard Vaox, made a feeling response to this, which was well received. When he sat down The Prosident rose and said: The pleasant duty, ladies aud gentlemen, falls on me of annonneing to you that wo bave present on this occasion the last family representative of the immortal Wasliny- ton, the Hou. George Washington Parke Custis, who will reply te the following sentiment: Virgime— Her nome is fall of nzh renown, Her mul as nch wrth honored story, And Washiugion > unfadeg erowae Gives deathle mrad auce lo her ghory Mr. Custis was listencd to with pro found attention reminiscences v' olden tune and hi iar scenes” with Gren. George Wasiiington awakened Moet patriotic ciietions hen! cluded, the iingense pavihon trembled with the dcafemns plaudits of germs heartfelt approbation. Speeches were afterwards inade by the Hlon. Win. M. Meresiit Josiab Qumcy, of Massachosefts, and Db. Congar, esq, of New York The premioms were thea distribated. The committee on discrelionary preiui uins found themselves unable, froin the smal) atovunt appropriated lo the parposse, to propose trigis inthe Decid of machines on oxtibitiuu. They make a recommendation for a great national tral iu the field, at sacl tine and place, and ander such regula fons asinthe opiotua ul The society weuld Le must co Bpon tleir vari tgand sdvantayee The Unnon States of America have already ontstr ped tue w discovery and prinet) ics to mac awards made unde and by a sec ty , wo portion of the te rchnce of the pes a hiigiier value than tlarme of the yal Agricultural Society of Eugland. or any siuular associa‘ivn in the world 1@ -¢ Variviis wducive tu @ Ccurrect decision Me tues they eu rid appiication of screulibe auical purpeses, sucu circunslances, large a Lau represen oo: Secrest: Expiogsation of toe As pez.— Yesterday saied from New Ur leans for Suath Amenca, taking Havana dv the war, Profuse. EC. Francis and N-& Moore, of lows 2 part fa ecieutific « Py ra Lin that State t aaumnber of yerntionen for tie t i explorat ftue f ,tbora, and pe logical character of ore f the mnt inter esting and levet knuawn re ns of Sent! w at ( nhorazy and 4 Amenica, begin: to New (rar waa vr f comm zg nortl wart It ie thorns 5 that the |; above named « be foined ir by Prof of Yale. ans! ecientifi the monantan ' ranc! asors Havana Benjamin Sith the younsver J ce gentle After emnslerm they patpwose mark sm une of tt head tribotartes oft) o Arne e@aing ther mea’ nthe AY x4 The ex Crow ja one of rls and nat a n terest wav f In the mountans of hot honse plant, Pinien Caliitrien P) tender, |iritt ar ey agpect, ow louks as if it « = alvin in tlinin eovliny ealal, tat w! rea AP expimive a temperament that i rit fairiv fe ca near flower Peay ti) ope in water, or abundatntiy wa’ vee bod wil a mime Sevastry eeuding fort) a path of cunpowder k ora Feet ae stamens ein)) r place and fornia mae Its an amusing trv, whieh pr sapientifu etplode sricressiveiv, kev, Av star’ bot t Pop gons Our Late ( nitel Mots Mincater H elevation of Sir. } Kaniyiit ( nuander of ¢ boa very distiictiv t ! ac oft rin ermument of te wa ! lat ¥ ta { hia (tes f trve of Ll \f . ’ TERMS OF THIS PAPER $2.00 CASH. FOR PRESIDENT, MILLARD LUMO. . OF Kew Yor. FOR VICE PRESIDENT, ANDREW JACKSON DONELSON, OF TENN Reem ge. AMERICAN ELECTORAL TICKET. _ — FOR THE STATE AT LARGE. — L. B. CARMICHAEL, of Wilkes, JOHN W. CAMERON, of Cumbertayd, FOR THE DISTRICTS ist District, Lewis ‘Prowreon, 24 Bd. Wannen, x O PL Meares, 4th of Jas ‘T. Livreesonn, Sth“ A. J. Stevman, tih + J. M. Leacn, Th * A. J. Dancan, { Sth + J.D. Hyman. APPOINTMENTS. L. B. Canwreuaer, Elector for the State at large upenthe Aierican Ticket, will address the people at the following times and places : At Trap Hill, Witkes County, Tuesday October 14 18.1 * Gap Cwil, Ashe coanty, Wednesday Gs * Marun'sStere, Thursday “16 * Jeffe-rsva, Coes Friday co} 17 * Mouth of Elk, “ « Satarday, = Ts) * Brow, Watauge county, Monday “20 ‘ Cove Creek, * se Tuesday 3) “© Moath of Eth, Wilkes co, Setorday ce 8 * 7 Reads Meeting House, * Moaday es eh © Tavioreville, Alexander co, Wednesday 29 * Wilkesboro’, Wilkes county, Monday Nov. 3 ome (3 Mr. Joun N. Gvasoock, is our an- thorised agent for the collection of claims due this oftice. He will attend the Courts e of several of the adjoining counties this Full and Winter, when those having un- settled busitress with us, are advised*to > the opps the tuuily to arrange ELECTORAL TICKETS We devote two colums of this paper te Electoral Tickets, and doubt not they will Prove very acceptable to a lurge uamber stitution and laws of the land—and male up Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Supreme Court of N.C, June and Au gust Terms, 1856 ; By Hamilton C. Jones, ought to vote, conscieatiously and in the fear of | Salisbury; J. J. Bruner, 1856.~ Vol. 3, Malle Great avcogeriof rape, with whom along fe FN’, 8) sp | slim sits a) you should trust the consequences, Tn these days of progress and will innovation, ) 1 preg oo THE ELECTIONS jadministering the powers of goverment can de Ta Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, Flori: jsere, is to be let alone, The present organiga da, &e., have taken place, and it isnow tien of the Coarte of North Carolina is in the full time that complete returns were in, | main, the same as jt bef the hands of phe found ‘but it fs not &o. We give them as far'ag |e of the Stpte, and geadwally dating known, Pennsylvania has given a dem-| self to the increassd population and wealth of your verdict in the light of reason and truth? It) you have, ygu are prepared to vote, as all men | é hie the highest compliment: which any syatein’ ef : alee tt : “SSCHCO » oeratic majority of apwa j of 6,000 ; |b eynumuuity, relalhs bo ICs essence tbe ped 4 lidiana Was olosted a domocratio Gover: of the Revolutionary mint, and is destined, we jnor, and a majority of Representatives, | whilst the Black Republicans have gain- ,ed the Senate. Ohio has given an oveér- ,Whelming majority for the Black Repub- jlicans—some 30,000 or 40,00. Florida jis slow in getting out her returns; we , believe, however, she too, has given ZT in matters of so-called tefurin ; but invel more | democratic majority. | the influence and character uf the Hustrious N. We shal] have more complete returns, ' Carolinians who have, in this State, so tong ws we hope, by our next issue. trust, 80 to stand for years to come unelected by the schemes of agitators, aud Uiat choap de |senption of wisdom, which secs nothing in the past but the fact uhat it is uot the Present cra, Much of the forbearance & respect with which this system is regarded, is doubthss, due tu the wine | sociated the title of “ Judge,” with the possession jof every freulty, aud the practice of every vir {twe. If North Carolina had no other tide to the esteem of the Union, she might very safly claimn epee | SEE HOW THEY RALLY. We wonld urge upon the Americans | pre-eminence im the integrity and worhl-wide )of North Carolina the importance of giv- fame of het Judges. : jing publicity, as far as possible, to the | The Judicial bustory of this State embraces cdo |times and places of the numberous Mass | Periods: 1. That from the adoption of the Cou | Meetings to be held throughout this sec- | “{e0o" RD Saeeg ee a panel seats tion of the State. Ves From the furmatiun of the 4th Circut to 1806 when (wo otbers were added. MASS MEETING AT LENOIR. | tablishment of the 5th and 6:h Circuits of 1818, _The friends of FILLMORE and DON-| 4, date uf the “organization of the Supee ELSON will hold a two days meeting in {| Court; and 4th, from Usat tine to 1830. a peri Lenoir, N. GC, on Tharaday and Friday, lod of twenty years, when tn the 23d and 24th of this month. Rally! created and adhd t the otha Durin gallant Americans of Caldwell ! | 3. Froin the es | | | th Crreunt wre | period fifty Judges were appointed, aod of then ae = | searcely a third renrained iu off MASS MEETING IN MORGANTON. | resiened of Leen transtnied t The fnends of FILLMORE will hold a Mase Meeting in the Town of Morgan ton, on Saturday, the 235th. So rolls the ;vall in old North Carolina! , 6 Nor withia the Let peril las the Saprems vhaving either other and bigher appointments; but the |ist may clallemge com parison with that of a bor in the wueld of equal number, fur exam) les of virtuc aud hoary >: THE GRAN DEST MEETING OF ALL! | C00"! of North Carobna ds yrnerated, as the voi vf vur patrons. We are also ready to I ; ff at High P ume befure us amply tesioes, Lastly tuning 4 ‘ e e . sapply orders for any quantity, and as s the one t at Comes & ab High Lownt, | over its 271 pages we Gad there reported wo bene ih - 4 on the N.C. Ltail Road, on the 24th aud ; - the tine Is short, we advise the fricnds’ y54, Uhae erghty seten devisious, all of which are up f Filliwore to make n ay in securing — Every body will be there, and whoever | 0° "Sus [uit aad many involve the trent f = } a 4 the Lerheat effo o « an abunda Price, €3 a thogsaud wishes to see the rest of mankind lad, Uistiwebouns, and af Bort of we juli os etter yo tuo cial faculty. Of then, fly ween wore deed Porm Pet that in led Prokessor of —— at Beale scl Lurene inst J wl t ' + : University eh, without another IN SALISBURY Bt Morcautuntve Au antl iia ce ’ : . Legislature was never dheplaved to be ar : ‘ And if there ar The manmoth meeting comes off on’. . ‘ie t ’ F ate e rae aa the South. the - ; mB fuse than i9 (he es'a - t uf a; Cs ‘ mort in tre uth, they TURSDAY the 28th. We expect on thal bu Fase 1 oe . nt am ¢€ oruer wr A n t suf - Prot be dicuified by a notice in any occasion to du a work that will reflect _ : hewapaper, in any for lasting credit on the Americans of Row. the tal of causes mainly arising there 7 ‘ id ! a r f 7 r t \ o<—s an. Speakers iv abaudance will by pre- @me reasons of convem Be) Becrwity whet THE 4th NOV PM BRR APPROACHING sent. demanded them, seem ow to nrewal! mn supre ort Owt Jay two weeks the great juestioe of > of the demand for another Crrcet, to be « . * . 1 «y ed o ‘ t ve Leones of t Previdem y rust x decided, and with tall) RESULT OF TU-DAYS NEWS, = treeted out of it. The beanens of the Cin he TIMRETLOUS @ of nalloual policy, and amd the labore of the Judge and Subciter has pat onal coo reeot~d by exusting par- result of tbe ee, and as beh) suepc nied on Use aavees prociam. Ke we oeuiversaly aductd that so Netoaal been bee err & hoe wd thes country eo beup iy 0 “~via a aren uu ss uw«- » may je ame and terrific a 1 . " ys e1rmtence h war bmeed away the ci itermng dew drope of 5) oe 2 la ws yet reacties! an al the polite al beaveas which -naliee to 4-t ite Le aut rave (hr eh t the earth — . by ite gemial earmth its mild of falymee Cre advnriee gem of Une itera! and oP orween! of al! matrcae Wee chum it a oer ~r . all rte mealme aml destie Z owe have teen Leoaght ™ atl 42 A ite benty ty, have bewrne | —n4 prize vt ae we o@ghi bat to speak of it fippant ar regard & jth reot (Nhegr orte have whirled ap be} reo. «whose changiog «been marty fame and arty ions , mamd the wed bers of @ pre ~ gem om tes t r parti-e tors a red t . theme | dean ches A cor seek. lead them to i Mia foert tf country wie ¢ ella ey A wm elem re 1, Verabun jer me. [hey cone their aU to par tv. nicht of wruns sow » Line end, ell eon ® om an ame and Jegradation nvertng a nat.on of freemen mio a aeteee onc | mn 1osiares amd wend beck to shales of et: om ah, eer hng to Leman copie Of res ie be mporating causes, Ube wary Mag 2 Purll s late Liewe. we know a yuxemy thouzbts, bet we f apology for them not only sm the <ul OOF m of the county the traaldag hearte of the firmest * : hoe wh lave labored ! Ceuucils of th Natiun,—who from j t haa tha reat learn ag sage are quabfied eatuee from the : {the prow A feast cone iusioe for ” {who agree in masertiug that the abe ning t we haves sl use to make of hs waramen of the necessity t ' r yet for Fre ert arms yo 4 * the mar 4 a as t esMosvent an- rans asnumn the k res ‘ r «form + peace . nt < ta warn therm, ry } Caaf * ffi rn I) u ’ «us Niue on if] al ot A, a winer eth be Thee men » las prowed be toself lo the e rv ow ” ’ A wiusimistering rw 4 then J are Wrong- vob teens tem tes for Jiachatian. Wat de 1 Joo n morely beeauee he wa ha wlecaiw | Vie person. fieation I ! so bid it io ac rough sy ~teclied Ueat pratt cord nee willy ee ey it an) gets of our gor ment? Bho sanction of If the despatches of to-day are correct, Wily @ the panipbiet demonstrates, inereases t we estimate the present Union tMmayorily ne On . . - y three Umes as muc. ast was in 186 tb 2,600, with seven cuuntics to hear frou whieh, last year, gave 1,400 majority for ‘#eMty sears age. Tben there were bat mime Nicholson, anto- Desmocratic.— American , Cases reporte! as aria 1h Unad Circeet wt Organ, Uct 1sth, ow the Pennsylvania now it will be otverves are twenty fre electiun Wo observe with pleasure that the vier of ome (Ulorneve in after Team the Se ( hunsas Fe rtiom —The Union learna « consta nth rr. as T ; from a ygentienan who was in Kamsas at oo boozer Gud . * Uw election, and who reached Washing right glad of 0 [he dew tou on Monday, that tle election weut 4 soon will be, ie the Lamis of theee suas \ off quietly, and that Governor Geary had wiciued ee oan thew! ty letlcle made ever) necessary arrangement to se . =f ' brave the air. amd) d-tm-«atice the chs et cure toe cry voter the anmolested exer cise of lis privilege. The antielavery ‘™ “1 mite) manta ec lesen voters, however, declined to avail thein- prrde ie hie prof sain t full bie eames selves of tocir mghts, aad allowed their) to Raleigh and argue ther eith th aid A thee opponents ty carry the election witout fie library provided by the State He wil 6 acuntest. General Whitetiel was voted Memr. Freman ant | simaye rm) wd fr Comyress Ly the pro-elavery party ret him te the per pusceny of Ube legal un and ws elected aod hie cen brains mee) dill genre poet chee the | ome rest, Let us abl for bie cn ihert, that Ve Junes _Prauds tn [’ennsyleania.—A private! eho an accerate amd k-arued reporter, chuws dispateh received from Philadelplia last! in bis book, that owt of tleer ¢ wldy moaen pt bight states that the estimated naraber of peale no jews than forte ome were sureras fraudulent votes introdaced by the effurta, wew trals grant] Tis is aleut sual ey the money, the bnbery, the trickery, and erage general rascality of the sham Demucrats; The bok ie proud wil! . ad ry froma twenty ty forty thovoaand! There | good paper. The lierary inechanical os ig po duult fran facts which have alres | @U00 n fects cred opus all coocermel. ( Jy transpired, that more than fiee hun | , dred thousand dollare were expended by MROFILEMORES ACCEPTANCE OF —_- the sham Democrats inthe Pennsylvania) TIT) NATIONAL WIIG NOMI election! It was the last expiring effort NATION of the “squatter sovereigns.” Our relia Bantiworr, Sept. 19 1854 ble friends in Philadelplia assure as that, were the batUe to be fought over again To Millard Fildmore, Buffut Tloworacty See ile) next week, they woukl give 30,000 ma Sefure you receive jority for the Union ticket, and that suchanan will lose Pennsylvania on the #th of November by frotn forty to sixty thousand votes! this letter the poblic joarnats will have » Wh gs of the Uni ldoa informed you that t! ted States have h tion in the city of yeneral conver Dattimore, on the 17! ILundreds of men were “un the fence” and ISth of this present month for the purpose of desiynating candidates for the Presi fleney of the who will now take their positions. Han reds and thonaands of Lusinese men ro ted fur the Demoeratic State candidates, who will vote fur Millard Fillmore, and Tho general The ier. 108 are already known to the world, thr the pubhe press: yet, by 7 ‘ chants ail inanufecterers who deal wal ve pub p yet, by its command, he & ' toe leasing daty has Leen tnposed upou » South re ne i ‘ ny fr the South, were not will ng to show a Yo me, as ite presiding ottieer and Fey mores ble organ, te make known to you tle faet, that the Whics of the United States, as represented Presidency and Vice United Rrates . procecdinge of that eonver {the reason is assigned thas: partiality tu them if they voted the Union ticket, though formed long before Fre mont was nominated that convention, parat other parties and or ations, have with one yorce, Chosen whilet nownel in and apart fiom all an you as thetreoandidate forthe Proesdency We do not dunbt that you wilt reeenve with pleasure thie mew evidence of the reapeet and lowe in whieh the nation nd we ' patation could be made on thom for s | porting Filliwore in November, as le is quite as tnuch if mot more respected aur! comtided in by the Soath than Mer. ueh It ia dn ved that Fillinore will carry the city and coanty of Philadelplia hy five thonsand mnajority.— Washington Organ JEN miwde fir ; or ~ promotion for the pe re and proeperity The Slavery Agitation. —The Preaby- of oni ‘raat you ow acce)) salne spirit Or yemr ows mor ane common country We Careitler tery of Hanover wet in Liberty, Bedford Jour election as necessary to the ge pros couuty, Virginia, on the Ist inst. Rev. ‘of the country, and t cfure our ¢ Arey WAL Mandy, of Portamoath, Virgin prayer is for your BNO 44 ta, Was chosen moderator, and Rev. LP Iu this communication Tam not per Ledoux and W. IL Matthews, elerks Awong the resolutions adupted was one uy own gpini expressing decided disapprobation of the ouly fur the otinined agitation ofthe subject of slave: servant [am ry in the General Aasein Ny, and declar- weitted te indulee in wy eapress ong of née wid wishes, but speak Whig Convention, whose With the greatest 1 spect and regard, , Yur eatninon country, andewagiug & 8e6-| of peeuvery, muy. go forth intd the vw. |stolidity, and masterly inactivity of our people, were Lut three judges for the whele State. 2.) thowsli a tapi ni Jnited States, held at Baltimore on th {7th and 18th of the preseut month, wae honored by that convention by being rchosen with oue voice as their candidate etrick him da” cine al alia lie inipare, haw: and whose patriotisin Lamu wnwilling to) opherwiseethan doubt, are opposed to my election, and ated ary engaged, some op ye gue sidy gb onae # » purify, t ; soe on the other, pf) pobltical partes! pure, ts wean, tg fetid ot ness | which are sowing the sveds of alienation | the” earth: Tlére, then f§ hope for the * irin pAnM dhorust between differpiat aeechl sufferer.” "The poor “itivalid, oy Pregidcucy j rae, if Wisi BRE HY i ooh... friends, Uhagiil uP petites tS _ whom TP have always highly ce feeble, ext attiigted jtieual warfare tending to wouken? ff nor 7 r Profes destroy the Unien of these States, it ‘is a igus Keer bernard source of inexpressible gratification to me! ailpente; whether they are of the to. tu reetviveth¢ unaninous comtiation ofthe mach, Rhee Kidneys, tangs, heart or ¢) (teat representutivyy body of the national! he refers thier otiyzin to 6 Dobe ahd re” Whizs of thy United States—no lesy dis | stores the a parently diseased ‘organ to> itinguished fr their iutelliggice than Jur | pristine perfect heath... Kno their patriotigin—and I cheerfully acer pt, this, as we de, from the experience of oug. it with the profyuudest euuotivus of grat- friends, as well as froin our own, we dis jitude und pride. - charge but a Saciagfran duty to the pub Although Lam the known candidate {jc, by wa eontial retain tition of Hok* of another party, yet 1 cam see nothing |loway > Pible and Ointuent—the~ former dishonorable in receiving-the sappert of | for internal derangements of the syatern 4! jal Union-loving men, by whatever p® | the latter, for external application ri (hitical denontinationthey may be knowns! wounds and sores, which have Fesiated | (but I contfess-that I receive this fntterivng| ever, other so-called remedy. ~ I” Atlas. {testimonial of the continued confidence in my personal integrity wand patriotisy: ° of my old Whig tricuds, with nfaeh wore} ey n than ordinary ‘satisfaction; and L trust; A powder horn was discovered § few tht, if elected, I shall do nothing to dis: jdays since on one of the Munting Ye lappoint the hopes of dishonor the prefer: lands,” near the south of the Morgan cence of these who hare su genérods!y Itieer, S. C., marked © Ttudolph,” "Te te bestowed their coutidence. * « With renewed exprossions of my high the only ‘trace ever discovered of the respect for yourself, personally, and my Tevente cutter Hamilton, Oapt. Radolph, reneration for the intelligent and patri-| which was lost off the Charleston, B. CU, j atic body sala? which you presided, j bar In 1853, and never heard of. ain, sir, | one fricnd aud fellow citige Your “ w citizen, MAIRIED : Micragp Pioewour. In Randuiph eramiy, on the 7th of Ontebe the Ree J B Alied, Bev ROG. BARRE Bh. Af ace B. Cheret of Salisbery, and We P. B Roe Ns | aM ylan! —The cleciwon in Baltimore sregunled as settling th® vote uf Mary- the Mr.! Swann is a candidate for elector on the | land at Piesidential election. DIED: Lo ihe cunety. on the 10th wf Octaber, Mra MA. RY ©. SLOAN, wile of Mr Jobe Steen. a GUN AND LOCK SmMmiITIaAmING. axe Bell Hanging. THE matgtribes heaving opened an es loblinheme at, proqeees lo carr Eiliwere ticket, and in the many speca) es whieh he made, Le put bis election of National srounds. The Amerean saye:| “It places bevord reasonable doabt the | fact that Morvland will east her @ore in! the Prosidentiat cleetion for Mr. Pillinage. ! Baltimore will ive to that tried states man astill inero deci-ivy majernty thar which M Sorann has been elec | ' } 2 oe the and the coufidence the prysent tri steve tutiness in the torwn off Hafiabe. wen will diffuee throughout he Stare TY, am Water Street, om all He verwas We ’ brenchee GUNS aad LOCKS re ave nis rt pf ; s vill have n portant of Cin awaken perred ot chert autive and @m Fe : 71 z ard txts the deefsion of We terme the theuggh scquetmtance with the bnecinges, he hupes, will cummend « tremws ere Th vacertained por nf Morvlawd on the Preatdential Qari cat tees phe wet reread Ane . ib oe ) oad ~—p tm wl rive otreneth to Mr. FiM- waded en Orders rrapectfcly altoted m Hicanalvant Hae Srath. madi (sawe CHARLES MARTWAN for him States that have been bedd?t but Pabebery Ot Bi, inod 21 Je unjustly clatmet for Mr. Bachana: Vue Datriot aay, | ADMINISTRATOR'S ALE. “We regard the tote thrown vestenlar pr Mr Swann, as deciding bevend al WILL cxpeme to pubite enle at the inte reende »- + spate, the question ty rhitteanl evnrern E { Tinwmas Ripeodt. decoaed, og We y the Ary | ream . . Dh day of Nowembee went, the Pdtvwrtng perty ic\ a CL Pearhe lial eect tien Lire ie @e: ee were iariy made, party lines were The VI ANTATION oe which the omad dag 'd re tytlly drawn, thee beeeg amd m.«f popular ded, ~ntatmng neen of Lett polition} orga trations were 25N heres promylit forward ae erp lates, and the : . result isan overwhelusing defeat of the The Pontetion «well watered, hecam it oa +: cot at MEA LOW ; is well keproved, hewing eh targr teu cury Doelnag Mewes, 0 lange cad cmven- wet Bure [Dd mrceraey Vhe encevms of Mr. Swann ans rat the pepabar will te eed cth-+ aerrcenry cal homers, end bee he (Millard Fil Pa . . whee theese ond « pall miire of Nalishury, teieree tats ‘ ' oye the Gtgeccudic sad W dh. ctewn nde. cad with nae Peretont Cir yient the pre sate of the Western Ro idland Ale, wt the same an rf { ean ae ard w ofthat the me ded plese wil be a’ tret hae heen applet arl a erwomg § LOURELY NEC ROR, Three MEN. Twe . * Ph actiewsl the effet will be felt WOMEN, and Three CRILDREN. e State on the | " Our COM. Ale, the entice emp f CORN, cane 9.668 wa 3.000 oe Ary Of Uw IMehacant Ks jnirer ex aves of Ove ere CATTLE. HOGE, 3 heed of cithy declan Wliaviit dlaltisnre veiect MORKEMS. | teer eee Weg ond Gearing: | Reet emey cad Harmees; all the Farming Toasts, Mea tudd cod Kuchen Parminre, aad vibes aptisies wm ee Ree 6” Terme marie hnown on the tay of enle Ww RR PRALEY ed the Domeemtic eandidate her the May wralty “@ was mneoond and given ner to Plernonemcn.” amd the reply to this de teenie @ majority fA 1584 votes for Ort Filler in epite of the ac arity Adm'y bth, Im. JEFFERS Svann and knowled peremal worth anel hucch eneial proaitien of the oppoming candidate, ane the really exectlent tiekes by which he wae eupperted ” HAS COME! >< EPFERS. the ccletrsted AWBROTYPE and THE RIGIIT MAN COME AT LAST, U0 DAGEERREAN ARTIST tram Checteowon, Raving chard hie Walle ry during the arhly cece, 2 from ctfully mfwome the enmene «f Medtsorny ent as TIER PMNS UP MEU AN = (hat be hae takes name .i Re 0 Meren he m per pared to tabe (mbrotype & Dagwerrean Lifkeme es In the HIGHEST STYLE OF THE AR7, having bem constentiy engaged ia the huaeres for the pect pay reas, ond being well prted om ofl the ore rerecerrurves in the ert, he dos mwa heatete in seyreg that be can pradeee |dbenesers sepenree ro ant OFRR beeen mt Te Poe Lads ond grathemen are reapecifully imyted © enll aad ¢ramine hie spectra ns and judge fur them wolves NB An entty call wil be neceeanry as I wil mam in thee place for lew weeks onty It was with no onfinary } ride amd eat- tefaction that we lately had the honor uf aninteemdbuetion to one of the moat emé Bist) yoyet cian, Professor Thhouias If vay, @ gen tleiman who bas dove wore for the ad vance nent wen of the ave, th | aaa | eut of medical serenee than any Aer that can be named, not ewlading tne renowned © evrane” ag Abercrombie, Rasli Clark or MatouJt ne Pool ( A. JEFP ERS, ‘ scala” Profcas ey lias been recently travelling in the [ Sahebary, Oct 21, 1RS® ul States, having vieited this coantry for the GRAND EXHIBITION! The Bearded Lady! Siamese Twins! and a host of other distin- guished in viduals, cat he orem at Rossene’ Hores tw « ohne! tine (Vet Qhy Ipe $100 REWARD!!! THE SU BSe1InER Offer the above rewerd to say petee whe cas pre duce ap Agsbruiy pe taken im thee Coumtry eupern te bie A. JEFFRES, Aris JOURNEYMEN. Carriage Makers Wanted! THE SURSCRIRER Wishes to employ (eu wooed workmen, ome painter and ove tack h, te work at the Corrie tueinem Tr Addre as, JAMES SMITH porpese of establishing a dk pat for the It is ; g been fa miliar with bis great reputation, but part ly owing to the heavy duty tuipesed up sale of his medicines in New York true thatonr public have |. Adrsenm free on iinported medicines, and partly to the anwillingness of plystciana and drug gista te advanee the interesta of a profes tonal brother, whi we snperior knowledge and ehill threatencd to cast their own pretensions intu the shade, the eale (al though great) in America of lus wonder a fol remedies hae wot yet eqnalted the e Norwotts demand whrie Hie whale Al existe thronghont Enr pe, Australia, the Enst Tuhies, and wrost other paris of the civil ved world, lt was for the reason that the Profeseot, a fuw menthe go, deter mined tarniake New York the Ineatton of | Ainencan lk pot fot Yhe Preparation and! ' ’ . ¥ Y . ’ sale of Lis medicines, rivalling iw dxtent aud psefulness Lis calebsated establish QTRAY BD) from the egbecnter ou thy 13us meant rN a dark bay ware, of rather @ room, left hind fort white, iwo yeartold Ine Spinnig. -Mhe git away from fre beren wifles beine Reliwery Pail reererd Ay perace whe will driver her te me. or gitr me saeh form item ae tq Cnuble me to get ber Live (wemty throp miles Weert uf Sayebury, ucar the Lincolnton road, Wy post Ofoe 1¢ Mount Monens, Iredell Coon ty, We. LABAN DEATON | CWeitetahe Bier 1956. (Mpa Oat 21. inoé weutin London which, as all travellers Know, ie one of the @ inetitntions” of that elty.” We lave rensan to congratntate vlna Iven, and Caper tally our siek and af. fligtsl follow citizcus, upen lis felicitous resolationa, Kor procceding atop hy step, on strict Iv seoentiffe principles, the Proforent, at Marriage License for hale Office. at tbls thé carly part of His ewrcer, attained to a} | i m she Wiiait’ being be” ‘ ; GA R AE R ee Po e ra p e s re 2 > ms e —- f c ff . wT e A how Ait ba Investig wan ah mn, we diy, » the on of oe he former @ syatern 4! cabeon te, @ resisted . Atlas. rod s few unting Ts C Morgan he” Te fs xd of the” Rudolph, on, B.C, f. — tebe Fy by the Pest. f , eB Roe t Mr MA. al LOCK wo. ing. peed an ce carry oe the a qd om lanes pd a frames od Alle. Prmupyy e RT MAN | Dame R's hemme ee for rd mm all the t hesitate in eorenres re TON! ly ! her distin- wt thene hy Imo DT! bo can pre ] super B, Arte iN anted ! Sa printer rie Paine TH Jil cmeiawt fi hind foot | away from rewerd why me stch ve (wees > Lincolater edell Coan PATON (Bt pd at thix RP mR a+ 9, re m e m wa Po t e c a n p r e ~ VAN &, el [4 Moree, Lath Sa de og A014 aA ds. Aatt® Ss 000 iy ieereae? Po feand UAS,.JUST RECEIVED HIS SPLENDID = BTOCK. OF inl seed MUL AND WINTER FAL ” make poh To beddtown inthe ity of Mos: gomory, Ali.,ingub- lids Oa *Phareday Nuvember 13th: iaewer YALL ptr ‘enor | embry » BAMUEL BIYAN. = Besant ' ie. Re ic? nse 90,000 TICKETS ONLY’ WaAENESS ~“mh0000 DOLLARS.” \¢ “aa, CORP IN a) 2 ed ati, Hie Stock comprines every urtigle of Clothing require | atin be wethe dleoleg« \ fed tw cunplete the wardrbes uf gentlemen, patty i“ courme and very strony, to extra fine and durable UNBLVALLED SCHEME ! 1. He Page o J— jn cued ve witicty F'S Fe ee: ) ectictgehttieglh DiPseing the ey@, ‘and shang ot oi oe, a Res » bing 3 ae Watches, cca he Beale and Chains ; 1.000 Ristds, Ken Kpives, Topth- Vicks and Camess 5u0| Pens, Pewche, Notts and Shye-Berioge | : 200 Purses and C ounbs aod many such ‘ha ro 200 ar Gull, if yuw please, and seo what I've got. | wae 100. eke ote gd #08 Fey my prices; 195° 0 oo A ee yon Whnd, 7% ri Lae Very rare lot Le t figures une! thaa in many uthe, laces APPROXIMATING PRIZES. "erie Mmeorchants in thie/bury ne ' { tye mirctna 4 Chagas pen ony Hang mmnamtl aidck» and ouperty stores, ai) we Ry} na ies . Go emiling and buwing—pelite | ob, very !— > are os _ rey pod Bu: Ht pt @ bargeipy wauld ingke eure, } a is a 2 - Be suite w call on BAUM — -— © « ieee «6 +4 Past a lwered-y eave, at the curner of ° - . - we ee <= the Mauna Uutelewhede : t $ * ro] - = poe! fost rrepeetfualy, | = 8 - oo dan , October 1h, 1656 | 1 £00 prises amonnting bo Orem | Whole Tickets, 10— Hul ves, 85 — Quarters, dl LAND s ALE 2000 Hentre mreepedeg wut tice ow te] AT CAROLIN A CITY. | Tichetwere pisced in one Wheet. Two first 350 Pri | tee are pleerd im anuher Wheet. A Nemes ie! dewqa from the Number Wheel, wed ot Use mem. | tame © Prise te deawn fran the oher Wheel Tee} Prime te pieced agama ihe Numer drown — The te ropesied entil all the Prines ote { TUE Cama cioe COMPANY \ DROPORE to vel! wo the highest bidder, wo Tuce- | ds) (be Sith day Novewb:'r wert, af Corel = we Cay, # epited wember of lez bhe Lane w sand City, APPOORIMATION PALL hte tw grened. |“ Hately wm the two succeeding Nuinle @ i | mae dre ‘ . jie 4 toe Bot Sa Pa wat es te the ORD Agpres BEALPORT HARJO, Pr evn, vecurdiag tu the Se heme. § le be beds tee: seat 14 dll dhe mite PAB th the iupratance Uf the eule The FX OMPERING THK ETS, {C4 Ie ot the termeoue of the Rat Rage rg Enchee the emery to our addres bw the Tickets | ew te Newtern to Besufrt Harte, which ja the codered, on geerspt of which they itl be furwordedtyy | TOE term of the Lateran) Improvement system of fre mai. ( Nerth Cardhoe, and where o magnilices( cvy amet The tet of Dewwrn N enstem ond Pripee wit) be meu: “SREY grow up te parchancre immediniely afler the drawing, | Teo Cay Company onty propose to well a thuiited C/ Porchnsrre wilt ytowee write thelr mgostarcs Cmmber of Lene, be allow partion whe wank at unos fo! plate, and give ther Pus Offre, County end Marg “Stee bmiledd an opportanity tc Tots : enather wit | 07 Remembers teat every Prise ue drawn, sad pay mut probaily be riven own, as the Company has po | ehte tm fell without dedertan domre tw part wilh amy conddereble sawaal f the CF Al Preece of 6) 008 and onder, ped omedate. | Mowery ty efher the drowiug —wihes Prises a the emit time! Porn bbers! and will be mede keown ot ole of thirty dey Oot 14, 1856 204 AB Cmmay cat ene st \!y ena be nimel Prise Trak ote costed wt renewed cher Tichketsm DENT |, I? ( it )\ 1 bi s. m SWAN we me GC aS aw Mae papiceta wey Siaeeps| DR. W. F. BASON; OP As the above i net vod eed eves weabe 4 pol IS REPOS . re Regee can be odd ie LESTERS UP LEP, Ootapes Bim, 1 66. * of the Tie ht. aed PRS! Colleges, 464) VV as» vy ot) (ally mek Knew e that he hes prenand YOMS un the eurarcrt peat Dect Equity Sale of Land. (2. e ior caste men eroding Iemea! sorviewst wad where be be pee catly call, wll bad « greauly oe ewhker afer. Ontbere tat thekete hcmtd be moet om early Ovdere hat Tickets com be adireee d 4 the fe aniege V pies of 0 deeeriai ander af the Bebebery, Oci 3. 1854 wis Comet of Kquty, | ©@ ¢s pce ws ante NR ¢ ‘ tome by letier or etherwiee @tib| de the Town of Matreriic. of Tunedey the Neth: dag of News Packas ee ths be et.cuded bo ine Ur Upperianity y et November County Coun, tee téarveg int dcwe ne Tere “= Ter Dollars Reward! | 393 Acres, AN AWAY fram the eubseriber, on the 99th day | Lying on the South Yadkin River (eNTN¥ cies lcsry toms badboy orp Sent boy wapcun- | < vieted at the beet Term of Rowen Seperwr C of, and Rocky Creek, area OK, Sig Re mai rn es eaten ebptaicng the lands of Wen Bass. aed others, & mies conte Bir the term of 1* months Maud Vole atime of Bast of Mtarcaritte Lame t. e obeet £3 veers of age Bre feet three ond « Tete treet of taed we very val: Me and w pei cog bel echoes beg ( pagereree4 coder, lenge ae othe br enliven hee bye bee legend moot bedi, and by trode. Terme—ane end two years cred, wih inicrent Boot wom, Plasterer wad Pernice, He was remed from dete e As wet, wel may be betting abee: Wades W PCALDWEILC WR wop-ag’ sed Aleemearte Ocer 16, (#56 Toh Pre fe, 100 Vai mre the whore reward fur bie apperbension aed devote to ae mt Mowe: Pleeseet, € eberr as seat 1 f wtond te amy yal ae the: TF grt hem Leteers addtcee4 wo we at Menut Pivesent Kquity Sale of Lend, .: 3 2-2: AND TOWN LOTS Jose 10: 1808 CUARLES ructte aati, | IN STATESVILLE. Encourage Home Industry! “ —- BE QUICK! BE QUICK!! Y wsete- & deerete orders af the B Cort af Baqesty, | will eamee tn anh STIL. RRTITER AND RETTERI le the Lv a apiloae. ve I AW ae the 17 ap of attet oe tt, & om acon - me Wake Vo on cee pate dep yet orth » & » 2 wie dane ing volmeble real catst-, bebmgrang iv the devieres of | ca geteerained Wat it hal gb bd tind ted "Ab cabs Naggine. deccumd va as w th aah fra wey. 4 » - = aca, ry Shap, ot the Reilrwsd, Lots No. 15, 16,17 and 18, near the Feetry. le csehenge tr Ragnes | wi PRONTINGIOS MAINUST REET, | ceo cre re rc eee) Seaton} prese My work shail be gud sed deratie (ati and | wg ep Bagger and Roctewars with in =e of the Gampusing 80 eniire eyware om cand Mireet canmmme my work aad heer prere. end | hawe yaw) Let 16 @ «@ CORNER LOT ON THE GREAT cae: help berg pleseed with tf rerere my Gnente PUBLIC Ky! sab and hese rt 0 gud thambe to the puisse ter (Beer wery bberret ae STORE HOUSE, Seales anil amminmcalbae sons io meer wow crenped by Stockthn & Wetrien The wither Joly 29 “ hte ae ven dee: athe tay -attpoe bommos or dr Lots No. oA andhatt often c, DR. ML WALTEMEAD OvFt care had Lie poet WV td pt a he Poneman | CE eae ate he ALA » ams he Stete A Tract of LAND lying neo milea pues 17, 1856 in South of Ntaterriile, ; , ‘ SALISBL 1 fnag apland qnaliy, cor i 127 sere Y TWEE SPOCKL.| Oe U4 Tern ‘yd gis Asai = ‘aa LOTTURY, = ‘[Aulliorized By the State of Georitd} noes. pale De Lanes, fiths, aie ‘Tree: of URSUANT TOA DECREE OF THE Coan UM crys pre belonging to the heirs of Jacob lems, rt span on land,) Jy foutiew nt ning she fom Uiaw Mazeh, sen., Goel ter Garwood and ere, i ad, 538: Acres, Lee pb eae nt FORT GAINES ‘ACADEMY LOTTERY i saare or teen, ‘Ain ot Mewes Dinsenat, Gebsiven| Hardware Coder Ro To be drawn tn cu of Aulante, Georgi Jnne te, fie, on Fridwy, October, 24, 1656, on the ay Tunkets and Kors ya, SINGLE NUMBERS !! Trou, Nails tied (ituee, Ghowwe ries, Puigts, Ujis, &e., artage Triw : UF Purchasers in weg a Lee Tickets (when ie en deseription of guide to be ftind in| the wambers rss | in 1 4, 5,6, 7,8, 9,0,) are Ty alt of which, we moet reepeti fully invite perecne | Proportion. ae Borde this — Sulinbury, Sep. 29 1896. : Af:17 SAM’L SWAN & cv., Managers. ~ Ne ee ar 30,000 TICKETS—3,280 PRIZES! ‘NEWBERN, 3 PRIZES AMOUNTING TO Meeaal Insurance Co. S2O4A,000: SN ibhntinbd baakoad sted agent atBale- will be distributed according ta the following - ‘) fig the above Cumpauy ud is prepared to Original Schemes. yout, faa ag from auy person wishing iw This ¥ | inowre property. y ie pow ia 1 Prize of 40,000 is @peration, and its business is (ust ivcreasing. Persons! 1 Prige of 12,000 ‘6 ” iebing ta huve property ingured ia this office will! 1 Prize of 5,000 is | Pease call om the esubseriber. J.D. RAMBAY. 1 Jane 10th, 1856, Cus | Shee ning iee— 1 byte 10 A New Excitement |: ime ‘AND OUTBREAK ! 4 Bd bee sabacriber heuiog pei purebu»eed the Shop, Far- < A pat ravines hod Uryood abvndientel sifure, &e of Mesers. Weirmen & Price, would 4 po i per ied ‘ angoapce w the friends of that firm, hie own friends, 3 Priscs a wo Sevamens , atake ‘ere 400 ‘te the Old patruos of his fwtber and jo the public, thet by | he is ouw beceivirig from the Northern cities a large, - fandeome, abd varied sesortment of 5,2 Prises amounting to $204,00 BAD J} Whole Tickets $10—Halves $5—-Quarters 2 1-8. t } . PLAN OF THE LOTTERY. ‘i ‘ The Numbers from | to 3,000, corresponding with | Clathe, pocorn bor peg erly is tool these Numbers on the Tickets, priated om capadine nop _— ta the bem eevte of the jerk vee Hl ened ag ev ceeireles with small tia tuber, and podria peng dreaennd Migrant Litter ous tore ec teow i ering hat =e caamd be ser. | peupbead: ead «a Number is drawa from the eckse| ve im que! t i the ot inte and cake His oor, a Reoie ache poe very | wheel. The vember and Prac drawn out ate opened prises 45 approximating to 200 prize ore 100 | Hate, Copesthirwe, Cotlars, Vous, Handkerchiefs, ‘ Coniimianoners, the Prize beia aced against th Comte, Panie,—and every thing required. Call eed! somber dawn, ‘Thia operainns Lapocncl otal oe we the Prizes are drawn oat. APPEOXIBATING PRIZES. The two preceding aad the two succeeding Nem- bors to those drawing the first 16 Prizce will be en- uthed to the 64 Approximation Price, scourding to the Scheme. Orders tut work promptly fill-d JAMES BEARD. Merchant Toil Salisbury, Seg. 16, 1856. wis +) Thuader & Lightaing' SUNION AN VIL W | figmre of the Nainber that draws the $0,000 Prior BISUNION AND CIVIL WAR, | For example, if the Number drewing the $40,000 Priae ends with No.1, then all the Tickets where the Pestifende, Patent Medicine, rec. Toa ees ae Nember ends with Mo. 2, then all the Tickets where FAMINE, &e, &e, the Nember ende ia 2 will be entitled to @ 10, and »: RE. cvile and calamities that showld be geanied o@ ‘ apviet. BAKER & OWEN beg heave to ia- GREAT INDUCEMENTS TO CLI BS. bam the publir genersily and private individuals par- j eslerty, that shey are ready, wilting and able to pro guerenteed to draw 810, we wil! sell Certificates of | eos them frum ome 04 least of the abuve (Laght mag) | Pac of 10 Tickets (where the members end in 1, j by petues ep their beikdiags, thew Pi rates which ' Lightniee Comdartars, af prices lower 1 er been deme at ia thee pariel the eoamtry Avidrese All thet the 10 Tickets draw over the ameoent yoer orden to cuar & Deen, Sausbury, N C, gvearsotced acerues to the purchaser Jaiy Bt, 16356 B—tf Certificate of Packages of 10 Whole Trehote, ero z 10 Half 30 New North Carelina Form Book. 10 Quaner + 15 1t wall be percenved, by this plan, that for $60 the ™~ ”, if OR Sherif, Condabier, Magistrates and Bow parchaser has a Ceruficaie of 10 Tickets, when if he nese wen, bus male ot J He Bowie’ ; BOOKSTORE Wh.des, thas by buying Certifiestes he has fear more Joly 24 8 chmnces fur the larger Prizes—Halves and Quarter The Great Iron Wheel Examined, | "™**8"'" Prone IN OADERLVE CERTIFICATES OR PACKAGES, AND ITs FALSE SPOKES PXTRACTED, by gE the money to cor addrese for the Tickets G. Bepwobew. PForsate ot J. M1. Bani’ ordered, on receypt of whch they will be forwarded BOOKSTORE | uy grt mail : July 22 The bist of drawn Nartbers and Prises will be rent to purchasers immedinely after the drawing For Rent. | ©9F Perchasers wil pleas write their mgnatures plain, and gree their Post Uffies, Coenty and Siate Ae FINE BRICK STORE HOUSE, two stories = 6 F Remember that every Prise is drawn, sod pay- eronted west dau to Watehmee Primung | able ww fall evthout deductwa ip oe to R MURPHY 17 All Prace of ¢1 000 and wader, paid immediate oar P=) su by after the dra@ing—other Prizes a! the oewal ume of thirty daya, in fall without dedective Geld Peas, All commeansations etret!y confidential Pree Tickets cashed of renewed in other Tickets VERY terge semoriment of Gece! Gold P-ne. and 0t esther offer d Gedd Pew Puawia, withoui the Upn For sale Address orde re far Tickets, ot Ceriificaios of Pack aid H Fanw BOOKSTORE agree of Tickets, ether to Joly 22 " SM SWAN & CO., Ationta, Ga New Discovery ! Wall Paper, &c,, ‘Ambrety pe Likenesses. AL Mare capris of ars haan Wan Paper Al Fire Sereens and Window Shades for sale by Tere Sr a teworlfie! art of 10 J. H. ENNISS, Bootsoiier Ring peiores on gies July 2 bd The beawy oud durability af theae ploteres has ple ced the Agbruvpe at the head uf ef) ihe fine arte BROWN & COFFIN, aad 2 conmdered ome of (he greatest dasovenes of ube | WROLemALe ASD GETS. OEaLres ie "Tre wubecriber hacing siadied thie methed of taking erty, te the ertimene of tite place, heed.ve cad Ucatlovece ere mricd to call and ¢rem | Seer N.C. Ne. 8, Gramite Building, o hal sirgiaenempe ot Pheelatte ender the most Getrag uah r eemrrer rete oie we on eee (STAPLE AND FANCY Chddren of any age taken in a few seennds DRY &00DS Prgets inet weter! in the art | ; (2e Opec mee GABRIEL UTLEY, a so ie bl selected with eapecial care in the Notthern cit -s = thread | wy emaret the firm, Which they are prepared to ol! a helt GewGl'bw prices. and wold reepeetiully micu FARM FOR “R an examinetion of theif Geude before purchasing «i=-- * Among thelr sonk @ill be found a large oe 4 (ah, anderagved offers af private alr, a meet cr. SOTtment of crtent Pigatation, ing (ore a8 6 halfine PAMCT DRRSS GOODS. Wee of Malishery. am the Sherrill's Fie mad. and Huster7 gud. Glance Gaunele tet @s 5 Chel | stusmt belf a mite fram the Saksbury ead Ts yhoreville . z e Plank Road, edpating the lands of Mra Marphy, W = Larva ggg te Sho; Mpme ® Meeay, Mathew Locke and others This tract Weeden Ghote: Whine Goods and E tn d mere | French and FE Printe; Ha Pape; Boots BAL 1-2 Acres, RSA Wc te ot Some a large partinn of which ie well timbered: the re. READY MADE CLOTHING ; rpsirep Sn begh state of cultivation On thie Lerge Mack Carpeting; Clothe, Coss? cal {me oup Vw Tepaks, Velwes oad Carpet Bags; Bleach- Meadow, ede Coad of 01! Kinde cootaining eboat 44 scree; as this nad o | ew It is our intention to k Qorstanity on pene ® acat Sulistury « handeame profit can be made large stock of PP Bonds at eh Binde, end we are red ry me CLASSICAL 4 OOL. oe: ——— th ad alone. These os. cle aa the ore orm roses a iis se were at owed A- Mogan? TN Yor a raid nom, 4 Haye 1 Serta gaaad cuneiioen Meraee ressen Pavinals give ae thelr petrrmnge > end 4 othe? comvemence attached therets ws 9% 0 Gan wh filinaSnaal > We Femold« he: “i « oe = pal parle The soperiog bmoality of thu farm will make ita onfe Keepect folly BROW Nace pe de 1 pests 4 fed ns the rear “ "% wiach at young men od A ghee raven A w the parchesrr Terme wif be = Pos AW ters ot i have the po ® eepetately, belonging tothe Reirsof Dy JM pen pre any chase pn SOtemdeting. (afl on the subscriber at the plan: « Pa Monee i eae Gee which they (at of, address by letter at Selmbary, NC a ; Forme, ome and (wo years credit, with hnerest, nee ae paltry ANN BROWN 7.13 Ac W.P CALDWELL, ©. QQ ween if te le Jaly 22, 1856. f—1 _ Oe Ya Test WW. avs tedy rand ending bm J (ome werk FOR CONSUMPTION Terms---Per Session of 10 Moaths. T AT] 0) R SHOP 1 y Privahry Bagh tranches, - a ft 4 yb ° Tigh dy do d Math : SCROFULA, &O, BES EU ee RE rae pete aber mated nto ‘ ’ * Cmdeeaiia! og for frvemde ond (he public. that he hae pened » NES BAKER & CO» = TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT in thie pla . One-derd of ton will be required im advaner. in the corner rams of D. A. Daevie's building, dire \\y of Mareh, and the remainder at Medicinal, Traasparcat, (od Liver Oil, ye Uhird a thy th Thghly cafoome dy he M Neal Fac ally exer pt in Gnece Af firetaicted ek neg. ve tlyne of Lhe pegiom No dedueteom far absence | adpdning the Tin Shop o wie the store of Murphy. MeRone & Ca. ane ( Withame Brown Pre ton 6 ae ted 8OBBen in the busivess ape, be thinks, thromgheat the United Statew fi. ite purty, eweeteres REFERENCES, enenet: aay [epad : f aad waiforiaity, inimediat orn + (Grae Premident aad Paee'ty @ the University : Bred Drory aD ge can noo Ss Not artivtic cas ASEM ate tan B90: B. Presidatt of Davionen & bebe ais aa Bees gle . OE | } phid ite this OM HA wanetion of their Tey fee: approval, Juha Mo Warchad. Hon Juha M. Dick, Greens FASHIONS sooth fa and eme Get of their 0.f\il nee, toehnth-ed Rte bem’ Rev A. Baker, ton real Cratge Jobe I ‘i . ‘ theit patient? and tee" tin their peweties Shaver, Faq. A Hl nderson, Fey, Jas E Keer, ends, theretire, wtwars ready to supply eamtamets in rt WAY from ties s 1 ee vp ¢ Brunt pane Beq. Salevery. th® wy af the © Latico Agony” 17 Cat ante A porth of Sahebury, on J bureds night, Septem oft nm ova 7 been " -JOUN B GRETTER, A.B hit. CoN. PRICE E | ber 4th. a negro boy named SIMO} unathige, oH be unrivalled, A cting a cure, October 14, 1856 90.9 Salisbery, Sept. 19, 1856. nn Reid bry ie egy ed 33 vears of datea gre c sa ry h rine en plerion, abuul atx fect high, rather stomt ly and i wesen tans meets Vair Notic Arnold's Writing Fluid. rites. pone |e ton smtow, et Manefuntnred omy by JOHN ©. RAKBR KOO, air wNotice. & war bediy clad when he lef. [will give the above Nod@® NomieGd etemet, Pitted. ipnalaid sald Wh. LT. those indebted to Smith & Holder either by HE, Rest Ink in the World, for ente at 3. H. Bu | foward for the defivery of said hoy to me. or his con Druggiets so this town and leewhere. 2'5t Note or Account, must pay between sow and new’? BOOUKSTORB, | Svement in any jail, ep thar | ger a mals aos November Coert, as longer indulgence will not be uty 22 8 | Sept. 90, 1536. : #19 , THEY NEY we eo _ ALR = NEVER FADE. = Notice. JEFFKERS “AMMROTY PES PPLIGATION will be made to the nest (ign AN pat up with two gine Heawerercury Seite eral Assemwhly for authanty to appoint a 8 POA pe 9d Oona rade of aro Magistrate for Rowan County Aleo, for a eharter Ff ai AT Romane Hater, for two weehe: Ny for Bonk dn the town ef Subsbury | Oet 2, 156 ae " Vet 14, 1°35 90. ot kMNtsrumes SALT, SALT, SALT. Rest Uh? TWO handred and fifty prime lnrge Sacks, ao@ in SOB PRINTING more, und for gute ns low ae nt any other oe in Mertly -vecuted al tite Office Oe ak R. & A. HU RPIT | aed exhibited to the audience, and regisiered by the } | 3,800 Prizcs of 845 will be determined by the bast | ! As, by thie Scheme, one Ticket in every 10 ir | hays Tickets he wold onty get fur that sum 6! | ABE we reee:ving a large additmam te thew to k } iZ Sept 30, 1656—6u18. | County, on Wednesday, 12th of November pest, » LOT OF pee belonging w the heirs of paid de | Badr evasedi ly ‘ber county, [aid off und alfyt- | ited to pe me, Bother of the pethioders, it {ppb etateeaede of Ddniet fort amdug hie “Preire ot few, pining the lands of Moetubiaw Bust and. jothers, containing sboat 36 Acres, The paid laude will | be mld om p credet of six months, the purchasers giv- ere Yournateeda Prize uf $40~tHalves end Quarters a b bonds, with good security, on the day of sale. Also. Evill sett, wt the Coart House in Meckeville, * “Trade for" Sate, TRACE AND WINTER 24h inset; prea erty knows ge the Bor RVVE. As ee @oTOBER, 1 sae. a Rate aaa nit Patt and’ ‘FANCY. AND. STAPLE. _ DRY-GO0DS, - in a few days, have im store bis cutive stock, which wm prise the BEST ASSORTMENT the as over bad the picasure of aSert ing. tt waneceumry to enymerete the articies ; sullice it we nage je my USUAL STOCK, “ jen Friday, the 24h igatant. the tollowiag Tracts of | which has hoon setvcted with diore than care. ANT Last, belonging ts heiraof Audrew Holman, de - jeeated, w wit; One trect, of | 400 Acres, jtvawn es the Jacob Buse tract, pes on the waters for Elisha’s Creek, joining War E. Booe; Jas. Jordan {and others: another sract, called the George Bove tfuct, cyntuining . 224 Acres, lying on Elisha's Creek. juiaiug George Bain and oth- ers; and one other tract, called the Mill Tract, cun- 000 | ‘iving 10 Actes, on which there is & valuable Mill. Sos | One tnd two yeurs’ credit will be given, with inter- i from dute Bund aod good seourity requirhd L. BINGUAM,C. M, E. | Oct 2, 1856—Pr. ady. $5. _ Si Steam | Saw Mill for Sale. = Western Plapk Bow Road —— will sell, at i publi avetion, near Lincoluteu, North Caruli- | good upright Steam Saw. Mill, complete and in first- eho | cate order, built by Storbuck & Co., Troy, New} York. lt bes been ia wee about 15 or 16 months in asktsan sxamigation ofmy stack helore ing. Bo don’t “| forget to call on 7 KR, MYERS,* a1. No. 4, Geanite Bufiding. September 23d, 1856. By ep ok Y Va FALL & WINTER GOODS. W E are now receiving our naval gupply, eubrac- big danny great variety of Staple and pene Shon: Dry GOODS, Drugs, Grereries, Ready Made Clothing. Hats and Caps, aad Shoes, Well adupied to the season, all of which bave been bought ui the lowest CASH prices. aud which we are determined to offer at whotesule and retail af _— tiret will give of. Cait and stock before purchasing, us we are determined to poik our goods av dbeep, if mA cheaper, than they cag buagh( elsewhere im this market. R. & A. MURPHY. }na, of Saturday, the 15th day of November next, »| Salisbury, Sept 1856, 3u16 | €7 We have on hand « guail stock of Herdware, which we are desirous of closing owt, and will offer eowing fet the Eienk Bi Teriss toi ke be f 2° thing o band im (hat line, at cost and transpur- made kauwa on the duy of sale C.C. HENDERSON, President of the W. P. Road Companys. Wa Lisevi tes, M. Cy Oa. 7, 1856. 6wid 5000 Bushels Wheat | | at WANTED ! ; !4 ibe subscriber wishes to purchase the abure qubo- | | tity of Wheat aed Flour, for which he will psy, the highest market price in tach MICHAEL DROWN Selisbury, Sep. 16, 1856. uwié DEROSSET & BROWN, WILMINGTON, NC. | BROWN & DEROSSET, CENFRAL COMMISSION geal pik ‘ reee made on Coumgn me ois Commissioner’ s Notice. tation expense. Ra@&aM. State of North Carolina, ROWAN COUNTY Court of Pleas and Quarter S sxions, August Term, 1856. oha M. Coffia, Ex'r. of Joba Richards, deed, ve AND } oe Richards, Wim. Richards, Mose L. Hudwre, 1000 BARRELS FLOUR. | Eine Hulmes, George Richards aad Thomas Kieh- * Petition to sell Land. IT » wieg to the satisfaction of the Cogrt that | George Richards and Thomas Richards, two of the ' defendants in this cause, reside beyoud the hats of thie Beate hs therefore, o@ matwa, ordered by the | Ceort, that adverimement be made for aa weeks suc- ceamvely ih the Candas Watchmen, a public news paper, publiabed in ithe town of Salsbery, maifying the said defendants of the Alig of this petition. and that enless they appear at the next Court of Pleas | ree and Quarter Sessaps, iv be beld fur the eventy of Rowan, at the Court Hunse in Balithury, oe the fires Muoday io November next, and anewer the petition, } the sawe will be taken pro coefessy aud heard o parte as & them : Winese, James BE. Kerr, Qerk of owr anid Court | at office, the Ist Monday io August, A.D 1856, aed ta the 61st year of owr ludependence ( pRDEtED by the C ommigmonere of the town of | Selesbary. that no pereon shall be permitied to ereet auy building om either of the front streets, wuhw one squere of the mie uf the old Coen Howse, excep of brick of rlowe, witb slate ur metal mad, aod io ad other reepects as nearty fire-prwf as practicable, auder a penalty of G10U0. By arder of the Board of Comme. cers THOMAS MeNBELY, C. B.¢ Sept. 30, 1856—Si 106 | Administrator’s Sale. | T the late remde nce of Andrew B. Holman, dee'd , i weer Mocksville, oo the 23rd aad 2th October mext, 1 will sell 17 of 18 | VALUABLE NEGROES, amoag which are several valuable YOUNG MEN end WOMEN, BOYS and GIRLS. Ale, I wit | well all the property of aaid deceased, wot anid hereto- fine, commenting of Mloewehud aed Kiuchen Ferovere he B BAILEY, Adm'r Mocksville, Sept 30, 1856 NOTICE. LL. permone indabted to the entate of Andrew B | Hedman, decd, are requested to tebe immed (ate payment. awd al] these hawng clarme aguinew sand estate are hereby potdied to preeeat them withn | he time present <i by lew, of thee netice wit be plead ao bee of ther recurers B BAILEY, Adm’, Rept. 30. 1856.—4 18 Notice to Builders. | pnt aadersgned invite propossie be the erection | of Coftege BRekiags at Devitens College, to cust fram 30 to $50,000, the beddings to be of brick on rect feendetien, three stones high, covered orth um The comtractes to furnish all the material and onm plete the work Place and epecifienimns will be ex hottie by the Chairman, st ony time after the In of / December. The contrect will be cheed of Oharietie eon Ube lBab dey of Decemmb + Any member of tbe | commutice @ill ceenmeanicsi+ infotmativn on the evh ject to persuns desirins to contrat fer the Baitdingy | DRURY LACY, Charmen DC. | A.B Daermeos, ) { J. W. Onsoase, Charkate, N. ¢ | J. H Wusor. } Joun Kuot, Chester, S C Pasren Cotemas, Concord, NV , ' Aacn Rawea, { Salicbary, N ¢ Sept 30, 1456 -—S& 16 | NOTICE. PRLICATION wil be made to the pert Gener. | a! Asem bly of North Carsten, for en amendment | of the charter af the town of Salebory, & 2 10 pro | peude thateech Ward shall clect ns own (Comminsine- ore | and that the (aa collected in coch Ward, shall be | expeoded on the streets, ot otherwise, of con werd ; ead alan providing that extd amendment shall tabe of feet from end after the let of January. 1657 MANY CITIZENS. | FAIR MT, FOUNDRY & MACHINE b SxetoO,rFr. STAFFORD, DIXON & CO’S PREMIUM -HORSB POWERS, AND THRESHERS, RE mw well known, that deseriptim is unneeesen \ For che past ten of fiteen Years their supe + other Maechince has heen fally tested by f the moet vmtellige mt and cotespriang Far 2 State, avd their popalanty may be known set that we have never been able te supply ¥ inereamng demand Ret having recent dd smereaged cur working forer able to keep pee with the a diac Alm iiating prblic may farerus with Machanece were on ethbition at the State 54 ead (35, 18 competition with WMaehiace ored in thie State. ne well ae a nember from 1 Statemy awd tok a DIPLOMA and the HIGH PREMIUM, over all others We sho mana shart poties, Gr and Saw Mal Irons, ear, Circobar Saw Mille, Wot owrding Ma d Statkh Catrera, just the thing that ed this dry sonson: em! all biede of cast- women ae m the coaptry Letters addrested to STAFFORD, DIXON & CO Snow Camp, Alamaase, NC Wit meet with prompt attention Aag. 96, 1856. Simocpd 13 SQUIRE, ZIMMERMAN & ALLEN, Warelesale Dealers te DRY GOODS, No. 148, Market Street, PHILADELPHIA Pravere Sacing, DM. Zrew rewes, of Liacetoton, N.C. |G@ranea N Acass 43.6m JAMES & BERR, Clert Pree ody §5 50 WE ARE NOW READY C.-T FALL & WINTER Goons, “ver offered in Sulabury, enosisting of Foreiga and Domestic Dry Gyods ; Silk Gude, Grovenes, Hard- ware and Catlery, Queensware, Drags, Pains end | Dyestuffs of all Binds ; BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS, Caps, Btack Sarth Toots, [rw and Bice! of afl biads, Biasung aod Rifle Powder, and a very large stock of Ready-Made Clothing, Kerseys, Negro Blankets aed Omnabergs, striped ood pte, Baggag, Rope and Teme All of which, bas been carefully seiected. st the lowest prees, and will be offered un the most reamgable terms MURPHY & CO Saliebary, § Sept. 30, 1856. ols NEW SAUSAGE CUTTER. UST Reerived end for sale, Diton's New Iron OF Saasage Cuter Bend & cot 160 ite per boar MURPHY & CO. Sept. 30, 1356 618 NOW IS THE TIME. Just received and for sale, 2000 pra beaty Negro Shoes, 1308 beet Negro Blaokics. SO parece ameeried Kerseys, 30 Calle Ree, 3 Bates Baggmg, seeeteed. MURPHY & Co. Sept. 80, 1856. Gtis wthecr*her & A-atronr of qmpiagiag es GOOD FALES MAN to attend hes tore in Ralisbery, ome af experience cen receive empty ment by making mieediahe &; = e wVER Se 6, Grantee Ralet ery Segt BA <4 —407# VALUABLE FARW FOR SALE. [PTHE andere goed has determined to wil s vralesble weet of land, Rpowe os the Alexander land, ty ing on Witherow's creek, abut }4 miles W est of Saltebury, aed within owe mile of the Western Rail and Plant Reeds, adjuiving the lands of T L. Cowan, deo'd., Dr. J F Pond and RM. Gillespie, comtaming 200 ACRES, more oe ican There are on he promvere all the pe. cvewary buddlings, ead every thing 1a goad reper ; an orchard of churce frets, ond an eacclieg! meedow ‘The peter nad terme wil be made scoremmods ing Apply © F Alewander on the place, or 3 R. Marri. son. Sehebury ELIZABETH ALEXANDER eptember, FO, | x56 Swi8 R. P. BESSENT, Death, VAN be fomnd at the Rowan Hoaee, where he will ( ake pleasure rm attending to a! calle in Wis prem feosiom Thome wiaheng to bave ther toch aperated apon wi!| call enum. as bus stay wii be short a Soke bary Nept. 36, 1556 Is NOTICE. \ Y am, RORPRT, having shenonted. | hereby forewar ah peewee ihan herb ang oF eanphey- mg ban, or tredwmg wih bre om my aeronat, a | wl} mot be reapoumble for aay uf he com! racts RORERT K NEWRY Deep Well, Ireten Ca. NC. Sep 30, “S63.18 NOTICE, WALL pay (be bogie et market pris om State Ronde oreash. for Five Theamnd Hiehets sty ond 12or 15 \nkety megre bois, from iS to Bl vears old Ju yt NK Ns Bebebdary, Sept 16. i656 tf 6 Lo JENAINS & ROBER PS have. and will cons unee to herp Stale Randa on hind for sabe Nsit! Salt!! 50 Becks fine Liverpnl Salt for gale, by Mock, ry) Geither, & Co, at 82.25 per sock. Cus. tomers are invited to call avd sapply themselves MOCK. GAITHER & C0, Saliebary, Sepy. 30, 1556.~ 5418. Aeerican aud Whig Ticket. YOR PRBSLOENT, MILLARD Fil. LMORE, aka FoR VICK PRESIDENT, ANDREW J. DONELSON, OF Ten mesnee wee tre erty % A CARMICH AFI WA SOHS WC AMBEGON ‘ ier rer er Lat The dawe Pheoy 2d BJ WwW Is ad OP Mow aX in 4th Jas T bn . ' ot 4 “u fu ' MI rs ie blow \ meh iM . hmerican aed Whig Tieket. sink MILL ARD PILEMORE, we ANDREW J. DONELSON, you THr LB CARN TH I WN JOMN WO CAMERON t a bam DISTR dee Prstrt, lew oie J PY] KF 2 Wan Re-wut 64 CO Meaaee of New Ha oh h r al ' ee “ Th Ly " Deperican sad Whig Tieaet. Poe aNT MILLARD FILLMORE, KES Poa ViICk RESP ENT ANDREW J. DONELSON, W Tenwcome oon tHe * ‘ GR CARWICH AE Vite JOHN BW CAMERON Foam List et Dy I -7T De] Var aa o Mea a du- T betthe Ou. \ Sunt < ea tow JM I Fae Ya ti bea Ste Jum 1) tum t « American aed Whig Tieiei. Pe rki-TDart MILLARD FILLMORE, (a See Vor‘ FOR Vick PRESIDENT ANDREW J. DONELSON, Wo Tem mrenes rom THA #T\TF LB CARMICHARL « W SOMN WO CAMERON of wee Keres let Dretret Lew. T a b Va M V Mea 4th a Tl ith A ~ am. \ ~~ jm il i American snd Whig Theirt. MILL ARD FUL. LMORE, Pom Vics ANDRE wo J. DONE L SON, eOnN Spericas 204 Whie Ticket. MILCARD FILLMORE, AADREW J. DONELSON, ( Aba bas “ Jot Petret les Zz bh + We or We Fe My on 7a . ‘ me of ‘ Wh American aed Whie Theirt “ MILLIRD FILLMORE, ANDREW J. DONELSON, = VALUABLE PROPER For Sale! Hh oe » Tho: otag Tea fps k Bee wa VERY BENT BOTTOM od and be ) cae Tea ewe , ; ri GREATEST PH LR OR asa ines me ss Sas a STEADY: PROGRESTIN may rtd | ie ie arog re "a te pageant ehiah GENERAL COMMISSION vk. x s proved by the annual reports of t the United States Pa- and tent Ottee. Two poaderous volumes, = . pretreat ° Hoe. yrignend embracing descriptivus of the mec hani- Mee nearly presage years ago arpa gomm cal improveinents patented during the pmenced my career. In this buildin Mr. Mayor and cto bse This over- “s that kh Iz : the npwber of put at that time it never entered into the aspi- Pm Ww 4 Bey t@ the botficd for "Pauious of my heart that 1 shoald ever receive pate onenla i Ug. Woy twice the gayuuper such a welcomed iad el i the eapital of iny nx- ranted dtd vege -agd Ty W46yten Uve State, (Cheers. . precios the-cash reetipte ot the You have been pleased, sir to alimde to my year formgr Services and wy ipebable course af 4 foshould by agaia cally wo the position of Chicl —— ot Ute udtion, (Applause) Vears otitee were 880 405, white Me hist they were FILO doy, or tive aud a hal umtes greatér. “These tacts shot how ac- tele ‘ule inventive geuius of our peaplo i einploved, and haw practically useful Iibors arg tothe mau Adumuistration, [Cheers] You all know that! Uere are desctibed anachines for ligh-, whoe bwas called ty the exceative chair by a be- | tering tie lators of every de partment Of peavement which overwhelued the mation with wire vhoomche aud making « more profita- grief, the counuy was unfortunately agiteted | or working in all kinds of metals.‘ from one eud of the eountry to Uke other upon and toc Sbreag aud teatile suabetances ; the exciting subject of slavery. Tt was then, sir, arfanements for the my wAY mani that l felt m my duty to rise above every sec- factures depending ppeujmproved chem- Gvnal prejudice aud look tw the welfare of the few arrangements forthe whole nation. Dee) 1 was wat ae in. & overcuine long cherished progtdices, an dis. regard party claws, [Ureat aud prolouged ap plause. But in doing this, sir, 1 did no more than was done by many abler ant better men than hia, aot ploatut to speuk of one’s self, vet Etre Liat the oecasivp will justify me in briefly allud- /scendants,in the preservation of the Nberties, the iy to otic oF Lwo events cunneeted with roy last | , ndependenee, and the union of these States, ils Tew 'Ce a! wiupy tyranefactures depending upon ir provements in steam vas and fire engines ; igachines, foc boring wells aud dred machines, and in fact something } naghay ju every departuvent of human in- easel L wee by op mesee.tive wb inetrpepent, dustry ibe report eu beaces about 1000 under Providence, in harmoniaing those difticul- pages of descriptive text, and 360 pages’ (is, (Applause.) There were ai that Ume noble of eAgtaviigy the designs taken from j tndeperident, lngh souled men, ia both Houses ot otkgi ual drawings and «godels of thre in- Congress belonging to both of the great politicnh; a. ventors, “This part of the report is the | pares of tie country,— Whigs and Dentocraté ; labor of Mr. M. C. Geitzner, and shows | whe spurned the character of selfish party leaders, au extensive awd accurate acquaintance (cheers,) and raltied aroand my’ Administration, with Le ms as € uaeenes bist of all in support of Uke great measares which’ restored | peace Ww an agitaied and distracted country. —| By the blessings of Divine 1’ processes ¢ rocks, lee each Seanels of rete malpty to diseover! at ofce the process made in its particular © department. Arpong the many prtdtica-“ trons which the yovernmett issues this is t the most aseful and valuable. mae: and our reb with all were of the most amicable kind (cheers.) The. cloud that huog upow the horizon was dissipa- ted; bet where qre we now} Alas! Threat ‘ened at howe with ciyil war, and from abroad Crupaign Cats,—We bave received wich s roppage of out peaceful relations. | shalt ‘° frou Ly pe Founders in New York, @ 6pe-; pos seck to trace the causes of the change. Thére The ee , Cumen shect of ylonticauons cuts, prepar are the facts, and it is fur you to ponder upon ed at tuat Foundry fer the use of the than. Of the presept Admunvratiog | bave Erves: Lhcy consist of a variety —Fill- ppri to say. [can appreciate the difficultics nere cuts, buchanan cuts, Freuonat cuts. of sdewntstenag thos government, and if the }- We dew utry mean to tell frour them for. seat exécutive and bis sappurters bave with yoo. Trpe Founder goes for the! !eteutive amd oe beart-, made a -nistabe, | “Duubuess be gues for agll-| hope Ged will Gryrwe thew as 1 ly (wud aud prolonged cpplenee ) Bal f Uhere be those whe have brought Urese calaw ities Gpam our cosatry for selfish of arubitious oljects, it is your duty, fellow -enigens, to held bem to @ aipect reapan- situlity. (Cheers) Tue agitation which Jisterled the peace of who the Presiduuc y. iug hw wares One of the cuts has amnsed a good inany 6¢ the visitorato amr editorial table. fe represents four prefessivnal gentlemen earuestiy enyaved in dissecting a tine ol¢ Boek, why is sprawling upon tis back! uy. countey im 1850, was unavoilatle. Ht was OMe table, Witl bueee words in explaia- | brougtit pou as by re acywsivion of new tor- tun: Lhe Drasection of Old Buck. guory, for the government of which it was pe- The doctor’ Jail to Jind one drop of deur | cessary to provide teeritonal adumoitration, Hut inal” —Fayeltewille Observer. present agitation, “hich distracts tbe country and threatens us/ with avi war, has not bweu recklessly and wan: | toaly prodvced by the adoption of » measure to did mm persoaal advancement rather than yn any) ecrated tt for you tu sav whether the Mrs. B ». g ken Mavacr ol (reat Che J couuty, Jdenkies of bd wou be writes ty tbe x €. Arator, tat @ few public goud. (Cheers) Yours age she had fo send about the Sur, you have been pleased to say that 1 have, nely Chien chickeus aud eggs | the auson of these Sates at beart, Thies, ar, She ged uped of thus and deteeunmel to mest truc. foe T there be one object? dearer to Tet rash yon chickens. Laet rear she solu soy dowenezgs aud some ehi¢kens. ghey of the great Repubhe; aod 1 confess Dhets vear, from bei Ju mary 1st Sept. | drat sly, sir, that I fear it mim damyger. 1 say she tas sotd 10238 dozen egy and soine thing of any particular section, mach lena an aM® other, it ia the unity, prosperity and chiekens, besides having an abundance the several candulates before the people. I pre} of both for ber gun use. She promises “1 they are all hoeorable men. But, sir, what do we see! An exasperated feeling Le to grve ber plan of raising chickens We wish sue weald come and settle ia this or that somebedy won tet pet «xarmple. Kiryet. citte Oberrver North aa! Soeth, on the most exei Gag of all lopres, resulung in bivodshed aod or- gewwed miulary array Het Los not all, sir, We see a politcal! party, prsenting candidates for the Presdeucy - | sad View Presidency, selected for the first ume 43,561 emigrants from; oor xe avowed par tweea the neigh bortroc! B msg rants kk the free States aluwe, with tu hur ope lave artived at New York dar-\ pow of electing Unese candidates by ihe saffragrs Wg Vhe first wine montis of this year, “6 00e part of ihe Upien uly, to mle over the agaifist 166.078 te sane tine In 1855, Sbole Lo States Cam it be possible that Unose 363 $3.m 1854. and 212,935 in 1953. the are engaged in such « mensere, can { base serousiy reflect! apon the cousequeaces she woust imevetatiy follow, 1m cane of sucerss | Te) Mot Drwntfal Matud, Pad ( Cheers) Word be be required to follow the Nanuing “uuen were discussing one ™< preacnbed by thes whe electal him in Jas what use wheels consiitatcs Geauty SSind Me apisnatmente If a man hvieg sae the ‘es Dieh ified iw cium 4 dhanewit's el Diiom's line Le aut worthy lo Ue l’remdent of View Prendent. woold nm Le a much as l siape vf the be aut au proper to select one from the same quarter, a= sotf hon wary they were dmquse oy jue Calanet Ceuneil, of to reprenett: the votine Pentledban frievd present natron ma foreeen country! (or, indeed, to ent a sth ard Gr Fommen eomeent thi ert the revenwe. or alminiter the laws of the presto Was fered to bun. bt was a (nied States! If mut. what mew rule is the hn ieat ate tle thonght of Paris Preston toadopt re seiccumg men tur ofbee ! aod the turce peldosses Glaucing fromm These art sernam bat j-racticn! questions, and ue ty Ove vther ab tie beautdal white o onter to appreciate them fatiy, tb ooly ne ards preeceted te bin), which, by the cmssary to turu the tables apen cerclves, Sup vur. bea) ( nuning te lsald for sesme poe that the Seath, having a majority of the suee im leis om m fot Ole ‘gl of exain. ¢ctoeal votes, should deetare that thee woahi ween nag. . we Bt lat: * ge it mp, have only siaveholders for Prewidem aad Vice Ne pa Xs G0: Gai \aed did thes Bet anh Prevent. aed should ebect euch by theit et uj wor. and they wi yon that the tse eulfrages te rete uver ws ab the North , - D> pow think we would «glmit to ie] Nu. pet imoet U@au ilar baud an lie world te the br amoment (Applame.) And do you be anil thas gtrve.” wie at BIT that sour Souther brethren are hae wom om thas sabyect than vou are, or leas ira!) of new nyglde!l (Trememduas cheering ) ya do, bet meted eum Gh pow tre mistaken Liaok re- af 4 Mend Daren \ an jap. patldasded dn Ravsas, ae a] wiybs ule ohift ae pa jeat fa bor der Pultuat reas Ws accoantel oye of Nod, therefore, you rust sce that if Lbim seutaon al party seceenis, ut leaks mertably to the de strecton of this benetiful fabre reared by oar forefathers, cemented by their blood, ami be ~ lle was eet throug) the heart by a qarathed to us a8 a priceless inberitance terzy ere narwed M an White, After © | tell you, my freeads, that I speak warmly on wg aie tris: (Cheers) Therefore, Ppa geen ff cr genomes aay = [eee sod Be yes jew, {Prolonged 4 playse year 1833, have a been issued Trou /trst saw a legislative body in session, (caw)! PLADORM orirtix y AMBHICAN 4s the palladiuar of oor civil.and religious liber | coumry. yties, and the only sure bulwark of American In- depeudenge, end native-born citizet’s Should aonage sale tades "Ghose sed State, Federai, avd a 0 |ighibag veep Ro went employment, in p to ail bart a fa fame whore cient nevertheless, ing temporarily abroad, should be entitled to all the rights of native-born citizens ; but station, (whether of native or foreign birth,) whe wud State Cobstitutions (each within its sphere) | of greate beibdings with giitteting metal rable, rovi- | Beates, and to this end, von initial by Coa- | tive-born and nataralized citizens of the United) re -schued from hill to bill, and wakes the drwwny pow- | | Warout te fume their coustitution and laws, and | conodiang safe ye: the seene growe !—growe!—and the | tans mi ibe Drag Bowe sn Chodetie; mt Lowery’ + eg oer gal» A rary ADOPTED AT THE SESSION. OF THE! NATIONAL COUNCLE, Fou, alan, 1968.; 's Codie te! handize, and convig aad other Produce, fordales or shipment, hawk tat |“ TT aT i he Une 10 threw bay Vid cry, 1% q-t4 Ist. Au humble acknowledgement to the Su- | BAGLE ayy Dept tater tends Will clone the | Pue FAG bea. ie t " preme Being, fot tis protecting ogte-vodehteftd) 1 sowece the wel =n Oe a opm y 2 M ‘AN ‘DESON & REYNOLDS, . Tre bats or soma tod ty. Aiite At . » . alikiad wishes for their coheelly oh soge nd tiwoimivalvuieric Seiten ctw |, SROSERS, | = : ir ie. » destine e ie vem, eo the gre ° tied | manufacturing city in the country. He is ent ‘ aro boda bra to cure off bestee copou pit ut this phage, to pelle So 3 88 Tow Lasibe We wervented te care fila iding of the pe ae und hepes to hage it in full a ches umong a ihe hatter part of thy evumer of fag hal er cota bles oo one of the figst, (if not the rory bey ‘ { ¥ huitles pre wassamed. to oun The wachinery wae, om | Bae wee Pech IS : the latest and most approved patleras Were — | }- it will work like a lever watch —smwoth aad deady= \ Lid aks wltgasion to the axle of Flour and uther | ewae of i and he doubts sot will eacel,iu Ue pidncrd the mos, edeot Pruduge, avoiding uunccessiry charges asid | cone | eeautifal vohid'veshante | ona »whed Bagie Midis, | edering prompt reiurys. tar] Two ante. eu Piciesead te fodir Biittes ere eternity burs hd tas pat es ca ett relict end, buh forthe excels wake foe ia always eapeticnced from the Stel CUMMING & STYRON, i . COMMISSION | wnd « pericet eure is wartagted when the [seheany le token. Meee I peadied oer» sma ten oe } viethiuy vf Bestuw E know the effect of it in eve @ Cape. Bo rare ap water will extinguich fire, 80. TGs core bowen I never wld ery”, < 2d, The perpetuation of the Federal Union, 3a dowiktinn’ must rule America, and-tothis oo | were 4 its yarns, and the pis crac ite chat Gob roy Mills alone (brealeys to rival it, and ener th world may look out for a cunteat babies er ve, | sat lete interesting in iteetf, than it must be f | ‘to every Sourhern patriot 5th. No person suowld be selected for political ‘The dreanter, apecutating o rma | eventr ott bi step inhere, end coming forwerd his hen beyun? he boupdary of preseni 4th. Persens born of Amerienn parents. resid- » pottray ¢ o jance or obligation of auy/ p- Let hin theteb I: recognises any al Eagle City afew years hene artiowler Flow, description to ang tyen prince, potentate Or | We see a city of bea (ol priperiiors with ite tower- leooee ~ poibng hinds nen 33 sone — the Reorap nd Hagobabepe tdngiate Leo power, or who refuses 40 recognise the Federal | iag hesvenw ange: wny. ad Feb, pare to me arprmng ; yotte be Hrs re fe | the cheerfabbeams of a versal san: the beriporairen | | bregzes of 0 dolighsful climate, sOt the leaves of loug | rows of elms aa paramount to all ther Laws, as rules of politi- cal action. Sth. The anqualified recognition and mainte- | fyi bugy throug: the song of half ian of ope s ye pats nance of the reserved rights of the several States, is mingted wish The Siena V EGETABLE LitwoxTR pric ce eras jand the cultivation harmony aod fraterual Monument rines — all things else, thio —) o. —. pret A654, | puld over ume thammend betiled FRIEND OF mm HUMAN FAMILY. eUrvenme reoe _ DISEASED KIDNEYS, neas of the Luina, be. } prev invathuble impdibine i¢ fer Pulgar the Devic el, in Moghévite; at De. Ko Campbell's, in ate? perde, of a Bome of the who'eeale Draggivts who have the busaces twenty aud thirty years, ony thet tw the ennsle uf paicat mediowes was ever like it. — ‘Thete a upiverse! praise of it Gum all twee. la ny owe preetice | atweye kept it stgietly for he mnce ks initduction as & mule ee ee ho it tet Gcwsad sack ol Place Maps dieeay wicks aes * piways combdred incerstle, hate been vared by & * fom button O, whale mevey if wid prove tibeumal ra 8 comrs of that ewlul melndy—thece ore bus tow! 1 howe ofee veri “ones-e/ Dragny, ef thew eged ete d a. For ihe eurkae dmeases tf the. oe pry ~ amndingery grok oud Agua, Pam ip the * side, Diesacas At the Ope. and paricwtarty im dwcerce of the Kidneys, des ther ee ee Oe ee Die atenge of dict ever ercerenry —oat the best you oe ee cee will, between the citizens of the several ie peat State withthe affairs of any other State. Weak th. The reco,uitio: of the right of the ma- 4) ' deafening whintie is ldewacend peste peel asd States, peruranently residing in any Territory | ers of reporing faigatue, which browse in ihe A pe beyoad the portraying shill of the a] the Camlns Wa bot ghuapee— bat wba « mes! Lereaten. faa ? tem: owen, ongiay! patentee, for the mbn- ) ofectare ond wale wf the abaw ee acsicyn supply by eddresumg him at Gelebers, N, ~ (C..08 ogling at be pemdener, 10 wien wept of this eee. &. 0. ~~ June 71, 1055 (LA AND FOR S SALE, 42 admission into the Union whenever they bi ve! the requisite popalativa for one Representative | w Congress, Provided always, tliat none but | ~ those who are ettiages of the Loited States, uv- der Une Cometitution and laws thereof, and whe have @ fixed residence im any such Territory,, ought to participate ia the formativa of the com | ANDREW BAGCARLY. eb. 9th, 1855. ae Wanted Immediately, At the Silver Hill Mine, ANY QUANTITY nmr, WOOD AND COAL, stlution, ue im the enactment of laws for said } SF, wsarriens vos Usq — Adulte ane sponte Territory of State. ; WM LEAVEN WORTH, Saps Taverne Meterariped bo o0if all ved ener Bptth:.| rest Sree ores Se) omen Gib. An euloscement of the principle that no| _¥!ver Hl. Ger 1. 1853. = Ffavs Mwwtetion hoc mde, I) the atom of fag ensign age Hp 7 State or Territory ought to admit others phan | De. r. CHARLES T. PO Fourth Creek, 16 wiles weet of Salshery. odpumnp euler nt loaperatc um the bowels twice o day. cittaens of the United States to the right of suf- WIRE | cer tender See Carne Jeet Baker nnd others MANUFACTURED BY éin Salt The o> putop ibe Western Extension rast br este, Neg (eadore bie profeeclonal sotvieerie the pub The place Oec—Ceowaa's Enck Row. per Salisbury, Ang. 974h, 1555 rts frage, or of holding political office. ! Och. A change tm the laws of natoralizatiog, | making a coouaued residepee of twenty-one years, of all not hereinbefore provided fur, ap io Seo. irae reyuisite for citleegghip hereafter, and | uding all paapers, aod persoes convicted of crumé, (rom |andmg apoe our shores; but ne is- terference with the vested rights of foreigners. 10th. Opposition to any union between Churelt and State; vo saterfereace with refigivus faith, | Of worship, and no test oaths for office. Ilth. Free and tbhoroush investigation into aoy and afl alleged abuses of public functions ries, and a strict economy in public expenditures, 12th. The mainteaance and enforcermems of; H* DONALD KENNEDY, a Wholerae Agents, raWat ow. c V. Cliehser, Barclay Seer; C. HM. Bing, 192 Browdewy. A. BA BD. Bends, 00 Futon Street. Cured. pea I RK HOSTETTERS CELEBRATED RIT- Perwogs emthng on We L. xicete TERS, for the cure of Dyspepsia aed Chill & | oupe le viewing the lands ‘Fever, Re For sete % ILL#, WOOSE & Co. Maren | ich, 1554 Balisbery, Wey 12 war ! : .? hig a Oblegn(Seaces Baad aes ‘labo Witham, bea - ~~. es a 8 S008 + © Semeee eo WwW ROWAN FACTORY. ee ae + aPC ted Meates nad Bene Prepeeen iTrikate te whom Tribate ls due 1 Wte the North WEW GOODS. Pot robe ot Mlk de Ball's Drag Store, Salebery, N.C all laws constitutionally enacted, until said laws; Pay t----If set, age Home Hearts Mills, Moose & Co. SANFORD/S INVIGORATOR. shal! be repeated, or shall be declared null and | TLE, subscribers have poi ihe BOW AN FAC FOR AL. PURPOSES OF A STIBCLATONR: LAER vod by competent judicial authoruy. TURY (aeated in Selishery) in suctess(ul ope BEDetive. | FR SE teave to inform their many friends ead the ew Dee peate aro es neg 27 mm tosinng ca etal aed na os ond peak Dp 13tb. Oppositiva to the reckiew aad unwise | ie, ead ore renhing eng oe ia the Back Howse formerly coewped by coer treet of tan virtmee hae shows heat smbeer- puey ofthe joes ale inins = be oe) SHEETINGS & YARMS, woed y (Me their took of y + hme the perpeer deagerd Awoug eral management of oor national affsivs, which they offer on reasonable terme We are deter STAPLEAND FANCY =soc> youn os enatet Sant Compleat, are, Biieoenem, Headache. J einie the chic ead roster lp—ed more especially as shows in removing “ pefioary : quned to produce guyde equal to the. pest minds mm the Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, 3 Boas fever Ce fe ae tafigestoe, " (by designation) aad conservatives in Bicty cad ee te —_- ; and opere no nom to att whe | prociple, from other, and placing foreigners ad gisy favor an with thélr paltonaige lagerhes with sf! erties ceuslty kept ia p Dry Goud tange~ sod kee Lead are dee reeete he lergeet aed coed S dencmse chan DP OtarcAcrene: ih vet ae ally » He on Ane peg » te 2 oom caeee Of Wich tres are Getormehed fo oft et prices (Bar boon wager ote to the lever oe whee thet Gewese wltramts in their pisces, a9 shown in a trecking fn stew acrgreispyriwh gas wimctomegenrenh | wotectod ee te reemored afl the rest asp cured, as the Grose of them | eubserwiency to the eel. ome an insolent and | Shirtings end heaty Geek COTTON carte t V3 THE PIGHEST MARKET PRICES 4% then cway A few deere of the bnviguentes ranety coward!y bravado towards the weaker powers; hep: o@ heed end'trmic The @ shown in re-opening sectional agitation, by GRIST MILLS paid a: al umes te Floss, Wheat, Core, Costue, ced «tet fal 'o sumalete the Liver to 0 octem, and ‘all pine ad commusy ptudere by ue coetmerd ame to remorse jhe dmwese, |i hme cnabare sesint. THERE bas home exited & deemed bo cack « rem. are ale the repeal of the Mesouri Compromue , a showo m geatiog to unnaturaland formngners the right °° OO" if a tear ra ant Core i bo ¢ = of sufiraze in Kansas and Nebraska, a shown r sad La mm ite vaciating co om the Kansas and Ne WORMING «& weaved Ralebery, Jape [Ter 18 arse braska quesvoo . as shown im the corruptions ' : . XS me of sAt Baumsic. anne’) Bim, 16 56. Jit been tober eth great caceers te casread Chole, - lets serie pda acvemnec ek oe 4 Large arcorineet of Premed arte Mane bt -nle ~ SS. ate mere uIsex, py el . bend . csengph ton salg cote a eo and ~ JW. EVA MOOK TOKE Lprula = ’ the ch tos beshhy oc- tone bed rvtgers the apprise ond vege Gee dase wt roles (he oppress encarinces cxperienerd by coving hearty Guerre it crertes the digrative or- gree be pepewet sctee = Fer 0 Gebetantrd apse the ov reat the tnvig-rater hes 04 pGus! Chieti aapetienee pro@es, a8 restores the evyetom sed merce the pet- beweree (mm Ge Bie. whrabie Me treelt of 2 dierneed aaval officers teroazh prejudice oF caprive wm shoen io the biundenog mismanagement of var foreagn relations. tth. Therefore. remaly exiting evil and prevent the dreastron come <puepors otlrerwise re sulting therefrom, we wouk! buld op the * Yee COMMISSION MERCHANT OChericotte, NM. ©. TU oh 8 Com teem otteq, Corn, Flour, Wheat, and ai) COUNTAY FMOYPVvCE (3 CMAELOTTE CHARLEFTOV 1.4® REP pose MANSON 2 HOTEL, SALISBURY, N. C. fican party” wpon Che pringyples Gereabebore Spray Libernt Advances made on Consiqguments |/*" rol eohath: be & Gu je ip z es TT MIR euber her Waving token charge of the shore on Romar! aioe 15th. Tlent each Scate Councal shall have ac I Eshickenent. begs lowes ss iafere ‘she tere we a Se, New Vice Price 6120 b Alin, cones mony thorry to amegd their servers! conslitubuns, x qeerratly, that the Mowse it mow open for thereeepiom J n pe apy w.we 40 dere Ale mudd by Soll & St, Dregpere, Balebe- as’) abolinh the several degrees, and — © of Boarders Texvelers, Ae 1b prowiers (hat hie a ¢.t oo lene rer tad; ae ages; re ry, NO plmige of ovor, metemd of other sled q Santer, Rag, New York ; fello@-sbip sad adrmemon into the patty, ACCOMMODATIONS Fergoery 19, 1956 lege of Americn '- Throwmnds of you have cof e. q fered Song yrerd enh wer compbemis, pele othe me 16th. & free and open discomsion of all po- fittest prinei tes embraced 19 our platform. ral! anyimthe Btate. Perens soopping 1 hee Hhewer, aleraye heave meateen theme far the amt val ead dapattiare of the € are Aucenee aad abbg- , ea corvente Swaysinatsendence § ( all andere me ‘eicab WwW. BRANT Saleber) . 1655 R. JONIUS MENDENBALA,, LAND ACENT. TVA, BRLECT andenter Geecrament land— Leoete Leed Werreamw—Pey Tasco—nmbe be eqaal to wad bene. howemers, headache, wrtahdvy, sed ather Giewntrs that all the remedies vod have tried failed to care, ead voor physicions heave promedered laceretir, Vow ocad enffer wo bonget Dr Sandford s darvgerster wilh oye well agen Creat cure wet Gaile tepewied ne beeing been Thte com pme? being bawicd in the Westers pert ofthe | performed by the ann of thts eemedy, and Wee wt Prete ccmerquensty auch the banger portion af thermks! mer tate daappoinied in its efivers A Gangeitied ere in the W oat, very many of whieh rein the euentry Phy aeine anys ie bee prectine a Pee C.cnpeny act ively free from debt; have made, © efieeteaiin relieving the shows owned Gerenre Sopatoamme ats, end 19 therefore confident!) fecomenes. the levgienter ded to the pubtie. Althe lam Aomwe! Meeting the following Offer. JAMES HORAH, WATCH-MAKER AND JEWELER, wert eleried lot theewteung, yr er mig SEAIAN., Presiden: OFPIN. View Preendi- ot 5 4 SALISBURY, B.C, @ee Geer below BH, & 4. Murphy’ Store, K vie om hood 0 large sesortment « Greensborough MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY. K.cost af Imearente of the mates iptewic het « eaeotcem. competed ehh s pont etek ewepeny ———_—_— ——— { MARVELLOUS REMEDY, FoR A MARVELLOUS AGE! May 24 a fevesternents om Joint aee-amt—nad trentect ® Gen. ' ere! Res! W come wn. laformetan of the cramer latnenlied when desired R J. MENDENHALL, (aed Emate basness om Minecents, lows, ead ENDRRHALL, Avtormey PETER ADAMS See y 004 Treacerer. PETER ADAMS, Bee'ry Agent i Addr ows, jy4 Mearcapetis Ws bo { tf waci tags Ned. atid whife ty ing on tt ve gr ratte | thee sotyect. for I feel that we are im danger. | ' A eis WATCHES ved FEWREET 01 0t kines, wet the meomtl open aud melexed in am determined to mtdte a clean breast of it asthewats OINTMENT. Salisbury Planing Mill, ‘ 41 008 Cinebe, Watches and Dewelty af every Gnstrigfti-n, dea avother stut was tired down lis will wash my hande of the > what reparred on the bert manaer tad 60 thé most reasone- thevat ever they reay be, pad | tell you that we are = be terms (rating sod ths WAAC AS «edie, ther WR The Grand Exiernal Remedy. SASH FACTORY AND LUMBER Febroary 19, 1856. wa Re ee re * the fy the nld of 8 mie Io coe millions of Hite : a American ( tie 7 *, " na ahle at ang ——- —— _— = Poy Alapaorn a oy ble a Tancun vues aes ot YARD. 7 we Winte Who perorg thes AUADL the pate roagist by t words wank « when mbbed os shin. is carried to ang organ of laward apkats 4 the dane chisalrons dbvane jusite hopes and thereby win votes, but [ never Ray oedbyf coll enat Sat pgrehhn kum, the Liver, fee ON WEST HILL. SALISBURY, BC. G. A. MILLER, “ ? é : » Decclers pulp cam coment to be one ung to the! North, 94 ant Cotte act by ite monn: -@-ernally cored, Beer: ' HF. ander-gnedhave noe inoperation the shee a ' { Rr pail ‘ av ther to Ube Sogth ft showkl deapuse myself ... pong estan” Las wipers Jnr Mii vad Fertory, and arn ergeres tc tree Are ; _ AT TORNEY aT LAW, - Cfoovuid be githy of web evasion, (Tamuita- sy ber o teshy part of poy 4g boty curing the moet a | q@Alrty lamber dressed, or wri Pane, Tongue and MOCASVILER, S.C. -_-- rome \@ward complaints, ¢ cannot be teached by ot | Giroeve planh fermahed by here. ent make all kinds \merertintety —ppestie (Ne Parte ibe one U. tent eel Dike. cre Applause.) Fur my consmnce would still means. St Gk Ince Kase. Wicds i) wont coasters i te ee a nia re with the Jramatic po 4 of varwos wn A) eawing, torang ‘que veimedion For ‘ rape) 1 : ta wood of irom, and generat Bier kernithing Apel #, 1856. Wevrasadn, — Afr G *, agell 27, was — ee not simee eens corer sa - The andermgred have fire: -rcterrbemen from Ret- Bem af : . Cally > be a thander r wih ietertal @ reth— twmewe, aud @ co the io for mg gall gg : - : @ -ve ae agerit wow r he male) wie rats Wes grvatmese ont views 6 nee ieee 3 | bi DR. J. J. SUMMERELL. * - : r ; i + : ut cantry © tute Carpemets, bnilders and athe ner retpartfally re- DR. Ss. R E EV ES = \ ‘ ati and m a. ; ; qeerted 10 call and cxamire specimens of the wrth. | {Sort o apl 9 oaend po oa ney mth pn ah $e tered a variety of In the language of the lamented, immortal MURDOCA & CAIRNS H* loopted va helishury, and off, we Ge per- a mie as pee vel) ie Cay --"T bad rather be right Cran be President.” Halietory, Aug. 12, 1*56 Git hie pr toasi¢n + serviges to the pub | euna) calle from WW the sds wes : (bathustasue aud prolomgd eleers.) AP Leringtom Pig and Greenshorn’ Patriot copy § <r tw doure below Benjamin Jeliane styre | NB There are mahy persons inileRed tn me by wane, AL ian Aas jet tasers anche, aad send acount te ther offer | ent tn - jererant oud have bean for covers! yeom Lo emma. &) Mbediauy es UOnisuent aad bi sets to moe impossible that Urose engaged . = earnestly ange all surh to call end ot, Pte fieee rete dem qqunehkiv atfeeted a in trie ertiud agitanon can have contemplated KFITH & FLAN NER, hs p wpe dows by May Coart, else I shalt ee eee eee THOMAS K. BROWN. clin Teen” ~~ wig timett were ’ ot hares meiiive, meaodter Che bods of our Pion and spreads ee y ery Cured, aie bain anarchy and evil war thro gh Use Land, abt ia cycn of 20 yore stating Carriage, Buggy and Sulky Builder, DiIBsi.s «e BUMWOB. ie city SNiwe tae rat olisned theme than awa! Lrewsou Law and commen Pites and Fistulas. : owe ware hold a inan reepenmettle for the nataral cop ™ sly fey tarot deuce coer icone ann be elyrs v SALISBURY, N. C., we WILMING TON, N. @. | re i rnoay af | ay ey ty = - mee poy alty cured j Untment be well 5 in ower pera @ re at AMpsay---4 Noble mo yecuess of hrs act, am 1 meet mot thoes whime fo A bY other wine folbrwing the printed diresticn arena j Mr. Filia» . J vty tap ty the destruction of the government cach pet, ne . SOT TIN tite Nesinees. soa netton Bho pe reg Freight to Wilmington pe. Mati Tewin. Commision W Speech. we enually respeousible ) (Appianme.y And bet - capers bs det orael erglardh Sd, ee mostorceriag tory | W bape rede an arrange: ment with the R F ihcau tenia \ o Yarnr > " ll whe wa fretrate art oa H Compaty to ran a fret cor with their Mait | PHA (i NTO me Pane dalha de ae ale tema Both the Oindtin it and Pilla sftould We aarey sieges a. apn ress at toe Tiles (alee teh ha ee ae Pleat, Grain, Navel Stores, “© Ty » ] v er pavlica o i lee “2 ° theee » 4 i th. folloreing cane b, whe rest LZ wmington dred heovlag Seoliteey of Monday and “ aty. 1 rig dota that Mt nebnmrtige, tat broken Inty fragmenta, cock mt ee tangy |mOmibetare thay puechacecleew here NAME. Pharday ; iegee Wilmingivn, on Tuesday aed Fi eee 28@ Brom Mercet, uta elicl ware ch he other Prep fess Beets WOR ee | GP tte cay bo tm the roar of bis Lis ory Stabte, wey Oot age wit arnmpony (hd cer lo pendive ‘<yueresr UwapUuRUn. ‘ Neo w-ctrzena, | Wave perhaqe said all that fore Heads I inere GT Perens nt a distamer ordering @ ark, #1i! plagsencenm. SH Aeflver freight at all the intermediate stetlons — oa . 7 ; fate Throats Vanaerat fares row the order @ith » dearription of the articte requlend etyte, The first car will tenve Salighnry on Monday 93d hnot b Se crimating the wae orenaary 68 Ver subp: (amd | ture with Mt inde Wounds of all 7 wed prive—and when telvered if ites not give satte KEITH & FLANNER REFEREE CRP : (tee repeats et Pn read the ure to a low important. but more agrecable 7 rs “eae ee we eae eaten Warmington, NC, dune 14, 1656 (fy Ss ve Sy eo SL 4 } Nore.» \ ve 4 ‘ it hes t ¢ j = *@* oe » Th etani ee Oh wise Theor etd Mf trele tn een age a aeOore, are 4 HL. Myrover, , Pagettevitte © C * “arm veorn.) pes beers ny fortune Gunner af { wt ant @) AQ, Govino ale a Whent rans Viens Guts. Reeve, Lard, Howes Provengay Baby, Mackeref! Mackerel !! Jona D Tinian. by ont Rawk of Clarepdon m le war throngh tha y The beer of the ins iraveie in Barope, to witness once or tance IP. aa. Laer GS tae wh tbe we Fa oe. .be -d Mgr ronson, & f. Betty of Witmingson (87! 3 1 Aa. vitised Bort te beter at 15 cout OFM comes, | LIVE , " 5 { A heege Wot of Mucheret In Wile net abs qoatter #1 tbr reaporaie te atch SenMents the meeption Of rayaity. msl) the pomp and wi na oa eeanies SRY STABLE Gite. ond Kis, uf atl Now just reesived and for ~~ ~ om : vend | Me Rt ‘ Mgesla goes erable sar! , ngthe oretems | — : arte cen he Never later) ptr take ne tal tre Me FT emboli arer. wre the meee oan Sn ucrmace mcapeies terion corpamran| te tetas te kee hota wis wove ace, Martane Ucrwe for Sle at more on grand bere taken be that gentle ghren to onder, amd the cheers at the ward “of erepR gage “ah bee Joby %, baal 4 Mey 18 1858 { OMce. ao SS ce r ee t ec o we a OH we ~* ~ we a ¥ a N bon as repress dead @ conceit 'nanne Two hy Mis vatchw Tay! A la clea, by as silwe work, é One | Mr. Ile A la and fliny righ, knit er xranate \ Jar raspber; Preserve Janes this lad: brought d stance tion at and tast, tion and Cataw ranklig Mr. Ley Mannfac Worth 's | Some old, by brandy, - : a ange ae : : ; . ulia we Yphonatacg sort a Raphh teatad asian dine, 13 iheca a gaan) mn : ansubiindd LAUIG os) y pw. hy AeA AL eo RNa oe i i ne a ’ a oe 0nd Preprittes,:. juvitco bas olinta fi CE tne Wt ED lbo-cette tetl { sex 5 peat ‘ ¥o Sev. engage t oy s 7 - . , i res See) Td or b and cabw bagnt soo ian @ , _ = - ———— = ee ——— 4 : oMriqaites Igmat ys y ail wohl’? aitis’ 06) soda deve 3 rw . | ight between the United States Troopa » From the Raleigh Standard, ‘iy von gyms“ oo tio RE dl ation | 2d Cavalry and Ist Artillery and the nd Ww # tho li State F. tf 3 vi at liaspyd incre Indians at the mouth of the Peeos. bs ae The eommanding officer of the Dept. ‘Colonel A. 8. Johnson, 2d Oavaley, shav- jing received information . from Captain | Wallace, commanding at Fort Duncan, | that a body of Indiars were encamped at ets — LL en ee . ‘the mouth of the Pecos, some one hundred sae orion ane = stot FT or raed AUB SP PY TTY TROP SR gg ee pee sclieinmiaaiieaaae and twenty miles. beyond Fort Clark, di- ; sah, nen 2 a fag 2 baci : p ms yi i rected Col. Mageuder, commanding at Ws Paitics, ‘Mems, Agricuttore; Suternal Improvements, Commerce, the Arts and Sciences, Morality, and the Family Circle. is ae pat apr Ao wedodst) . xe ch , Marehatt . me ge TH, teased Fooabln. |’ f Lo uaeee e: edencae ie bao Odin Ww: Ww. i, nV 7 lal Bee A nl The annal Fale of be Nort, Carols seit sapehes inate Agecanerl tly Sten cada einai ! : : . : ed at Fort Clark on the 18th of August bata and xi! slope to-day Kriday: fe ae i aan came eT ee Se ce 2 = jand fonbwitha detachtnent, composed of : > tad : Mee \, ate boaiosuqeat I : BII> » , ‘ th Jav 1 illery, z sigoonue : ones ‘wns pores a thig VOL. XIit 1 “mn : 1‘ : . > mir I 7 her ier peice e iihile ees oes ee hae rboondurger and the! © ‘7 A+ AE ee poe SALISBURY, bo, Pile hee OCTOBER 28.4826, NUMBER XXII . |sent out nnder the command of the effi- 2 obibeticles 66 alt tlidy better | ovvnsion,! « * iclent and distinguished Captain Oakes, \1 \. - - = — : : 12d Cavalry, ssigke Sennheiser e ds it bees it took « promitn. vol wil cold: @ list” 6 ¢.Wae. A lange contribution df nee-| W. $ orvexhiVition in Feat in i t t a Q fs helped ria against them. These orders were receiv- te h f ia F 5 f F 3 = = = a Seems - i ! ‘ae was Srnnied by ™ . : a : fe | Lieutenant Closeon and etherall, of the stdliou’ Telegraph,’ 2 paar T Miley 12 moe, sow ‘and 8 pigs, W. 2. ey Cuan Wee Ist Artillery and 2d Cavalry. The party abn baad, ny Mra Roane, W. Whi er, an rs G,T. Cooke, pts | ally in | dlework, of all. ki and af guiltsysédan w the op ; by ’ as ef, f : ; ' proceeded to the Camp, on il’s Liver, 4: Fge pumkins, by Mrs, E. Hall : jon ‘Henry,’ 5 years, J. H.| ‘Native boar, native. sow and 8 pigs, leigh. \ Mapes satis . , joule “Halt, th Mechanje’s Hall, and erpanes, apd the. i itis out offs Lutge baeta: by Fduoph Sindh of Pipes ¥ can Doe ‘sow and boar, Suffutk, W. W. Wiitaker, Coop of game chickens, 8 mos., do. tee Sie mates a dy sath phd yi of ve Nt hay sed H9tice, more) particularly. boro’ : . a mee, 7 years, Jno. Wins-| Wake. Fine pair Branabe, do. join Capt. Oakes cad mae aceepted—and ' a ; Seer hg. we i, . eS who, has observed the eon, Oneham, by Mre. Ruffitr Ticker. {p dtr, 2 | Two Suffolk pigs, S. Smith, Wake. Coop of Bantams, ——— then started to the mouth of the ri P ede watiet og ten real oe vetort | ha rene i? Joral = So Baira,) : one -fevecti N. Price, Ju M, Barnes | b gray gelding ‘Moro,’ 6 years, Dr.) One. Suffolk. pig, 5 mos., 1 bear, 13 Pair Baptams, F. J. Lay wood, ta cue whieh lad mane: peer rade vig ig ; , this press three Reporters | gav tas her opinion that the articles on and R. phuson,. ) nen, Drange: . 'mos., E, Hall, Wake. leigh. any tro: : Page red bio fp as grunts could! nor be avoided, /exhitivy there ov this oceasion/were much | ' Citrons, and Tymatoes, by Mra. Deve-! Tron gray stallio w ‘Bacephalas,’$ years, | Sow aha pige A. Sinith, Raleigh. | Coop Muscovy dueks, 4 mos. J. 8. repeated ‘afore led cats ike 2 ete t m possi id the press of the better in every respect thaw ‘any beruto- (réak! >!” ; eee nen, Oran ge. | » Native sow, 9 years, Jno. fF utching , West, Raleigh. : trate to it. After encountering almost : crowd and the oo occasion, | fore exhibited. \) Ege plants, by PS? Ioskina, — * | Sorrel stallion, «Jerry, the Orange Tra-; Wake. , Pair do. 2 years, J. S. West, Raleigh. insurmonntable difficulties, Capt. Oakes De to do‘eqoal and t justice to all. Aud | hy) Specimens of very ‘nice bread, by Mrs, | vellery’ 2-years, DW. eek, Orange. | ‘Two sows and 6 pigs, Obesterand Chi. Coop ducks, 3 mos. J. O’Rourk Ra- | with bis command pabenionys: fe. Lin, : wan onet ‘ne.epe. will veenetads that MECH ANIOS’ HALL. |W. B. Witians tod Mrs. E. Hall, | Gelding “Foby,! 2 years, V. Castelber- na, 8. Smith, Raleigh. leigh. . the designated region, where he met witt - « articles have been > pasa fa- | Fine oingte Bupeten dott died Benj. te of;honey im the comb, by Mrs. ry, Wake. | Jevon Heifer calf, 6 months, Dr. R.| Pwo pair wild Indian game ckickens, three parties of Tiavans on ac came day J te ly: overlooked.’ «fhe premtain n ‘ fi ¥.Aen). Patti ge. ; } Mare, 7 years, Nat. Jones,'S8. Mason; Wake. }fine, H. M. Miter. Italeigh. land droe pap rpapades ,° rad list will, after all, show who is entitied td | Petldnpon, DF. ohn Myatt and) Water ‘ncérns, by Maj. T. J. Moss, of Wake, , ide | Eight heifers, Dorbam and Devon, 1, One pair mixed yame, very fine, G. D./ 60 Peslied da Pa ise fly decgpeat y end praise for superior enterprise, Set emit wit ed Sheer 5 one tli: | Northampton This isa very rare and} Pair Fen fay homes matches, 4 and jyeat; threo balle, 1 year, W. Russell, Miller, Raleigh. wounding four becks ap thal stronghold A g . no OnM, iy . ys ani ay we, 15 08 8. +8: ris N be pationee; wed vk itt. b iA! fine two-haree berouche exhibited — enrlous growth. $ years, BD. MeNair, Orange. | Caswell. FL letie SD P e air turkeys, large, 15 mos. Mes. II. litherto considered inaccessible, captured = bee F Lai... ar et Wi » sfebbew wromiig in a box, by W.! we Stallion, Two Devon cows, 5 years, W. Gwynn, Porter, Raleigh. , ; their cattle, horses and arme. and destroy ’ LURA /oy AM. . : ”. Whitaker. ‘e were unable to make! ” Vhite stallion ‘Felix, 8 years, Jacob! Wake. | Bair Shanghai chickens, pair Shang bal bear gee eee yee in Jeans, cassimeres, fintinels, &c., from! | Att ironing tubte, made and jnvented ‘out the name, but i was rafiled all over.! Brantley, Nash, , f Two cow's, ‘Roxena’ and ‘Anna,’ grade, gaine, aud pair balf Bramah and wild Lo- Tl ‘ Indi Samal ce: moh pallial tf mes Young ané@ Greer, Charjotte—excelleyt Wy’ Madisod, a stave of Mr, Rand, exhib- | { * te be Keli 216 Hl Mordocat Wake * eMrs. Hl Portesttnalast \A2e indians fled towards the upper Bio i gringo ed MT Rows 5 pony he oe —- ; | mere ‘Kashion,’ by Eclipse, 2) years, H. eeai, Wake. man game, Mrs. Hl. Por cry ae elgn. Grande, in a state of perfect destitefion — artichva: <f om. S. HA. Rogers. It Consiats | Machinery, Le, on the Ground. | years, A. J. Lioyd, Granville. } Pwo North Devon bull calves, 15! Pair Bramals, W. Lee, Raleigh. igh. | Whence they will doubtless again be driv. << h, yarns, and ropes,from J. table and chest, and is qiute a useful! Ty) two-lorse wagons, one by WJ. berness horse ‘Peacock,’ 8 years, months, Dr. W. R. Holt, Alamance. ' Pair Sumatra, J. A. Pattick, Raleigh. Ventas soon as their place pi gbopharalhy N 1 &, Alampnee, i ec of os ae 'M. Tuomas-—the other by d. Jones, both Dr. G. W. Blackwell, Granville. }, Uae bull calf, grade, 9 months; Ebull,, Do., do., and one native cock, Ino. yy ree diniicert: A adiortinent of Joana, blankets, | Hon. Hf 8. Rogers also exbibited an (of Rockingham, | Bingle harnces horse ‘Bob,’S. G. Hayes, pevon and Durham, 6 years; 1 cow, Cotton, Raleigh. ; The banks of the Rio Pecos and Rio yea. fustian, &e., by Mrs. Barnes, Granville. !offee desk and a safe, both the work of One single and one double-horse plow, ;Geduville. Tita) grade, 5 years; 1 jcow, (Poll) Pair Shanghaie, W. Royster, Raleigh. Gris were (und eats: rp a by = A assortinent of irnits, he apr Madson, and very handsome. Alsa ® by J. F, Cuthvrill, of Davie, Bay brood mare Louisa,’ 4 yrs., R. A. ‘grade, 8 years; 1 cow (Pink) and calf,5' Three Japan, tine, C. D. Cristophers, aud sone five hnndred foot Eat oat thees, abd dried fits o all rocking chair an éandle stand. Sinchair, jr of Baltimore, and FE.) Hamitton Wake. years, Ii. Mordecia, Wake. Raleigh, The country is intersected id deep and cages i Meosers, W ost brook de Menden J. M. Towles exhibited a box of garden” Whitwan & Co., of the same city, exhib- Bey lrorse ‘Jim,’ ¢ years, W. M. Bar- ~ Grade bull, “Granville,” 8 years,S. HH.) Four Poland puddle ducks, and Of difiewlt revinics aud FP lice po fered: o-e hall, of Guilford, Mec. Westheook ép- tools, a vew patent churn, and various ited large assortment of agriewltaral tm- | ford, Granville. Duna, Wake Bramab chicken, W. F. Collins, Raleigh tle for military operations. her f the. fe i that he had oo exhibjdon aev- agricultural impleuents. plewents, such as plows, barrows, wheat Bay mare, 6 years. 1. R.Fuller,Gran- Two ative cows, 4 aud8 years, J.Mc- Three Dominician game, F. J. Hay- diowever, scems impasaible to — I jouer eniy varietivs of a yples. The exhibited ; A very handsome dresping bureau, by Mreshecs, fan mille, grain cradles, straw ville, Kiunnén Wake. wood, Raleigh. ted officers aud Lardy subdiers im the ar- ’ oo o collection of B ortleern apples, obtained Thomas Uarter, Also a five cabinet. cullers, ox yokes, reaping machines, corn Bay mare ‘Fanny, and ‘Jenny,’ match. One native cow, and 1 pair oxen, Dr. Coups of 2u wild Indian wae chick gious aud important service in whieh emer reeeat!y bv himself in person from the New patent lavalid chair, invented and shell rs, Weal cullers &e., ke. cs, 5 yeara, S. G, Hayes, Granville. N. L. Stuth, Wake. ens, excellent, H. A. Dowd. wake, they are envaved American Pamok ical Fair, at [tices exhibited by J.T. Alston, a free man of Trondbarraws and plows, by Diekson & Brood ware, ‘Sally Mitchel)’ by St Devon. ball, “Loed Baltimore,” 3 years Pair Bramale, G. Waiting, [a Hee Capt. Oakes report furnishes a valaa- A coord ter, New York, side by aide with kia own: color. . ea, Lyneb, of Orange. | Charles, 12 years, T. J. Moss, Northamp- 7 monthe, W. W. Caraway, Lenoir. Four Shanghai chickens and Qhit ile basis tor future operations and recon- eafel North Carolina apples; and e) ery one) Saperb rifles and pistols, exuibited by Yumon's patent straw catter, by H. | ton. Native cow, 6 yeare, E. Hall, Wake. chickens, W. IL. Scott, wake : bol-ances in that part of the country fai could sce, ‘at a glance, the superiurity of A. ©. Ledbetter, of Guilfird OMe atherspoon, of Wake. Gelding, 7 years, W. B. Woolen, Cas- Devon cow, “Red Lady”; mixed hei Three stone-fence and one pair wild The Ludlans ee in foand io be the a = the North Carolina apple. _— ene brick, ae ont exhidit : Wheat thresber aod steaw eutters, by | well, fer; Devon igs “Mary Kaetaltt ole lodiau rane, J. A. i ila asl nant of the Lipan tribe strengthened by ) A large assurtinent of apples try Messrs ed ty ‘almer, of Raleigh John Stafford ¢& Co,, of Chatham. Bay mare, trotter, ‘Fanny Kelly,’ 9 Devoe oxen; Devon bull, 8. Sinith, Coop } uscuvy dueks, Mrs. P. LT. De- dition of Tonkaways.—_S J. & U- Lindlay, of Guaittord and Onat- - Hames, buckles, recht ian and peitern Tinproved wheat fan, by J. Moatgome- reap D. Newsome. . e Wake, > rerenuie wake. wbadlesetiats i seaman Aan Ani bam. The Mesers. Lindley exhibited on- for lors collare, by W. W. Guess, of ry & Brother, of Baltimore. Bay mare, 7 years, Al. Franklin, Grade heifer, 2 yeare 5 months, E Do ,do., N. L. Stith, wake. . . aes ly apples, and of these about uinety vari. Orange. . Horse-power saw will, by Tappy & Wake. Hall, Wake Coop Shanghai chickens, J. A. Ley 7 eties. The elder Lindlay has been en Axles, by Dickson and Lyneh, of Or- Lumsden, of Petersburg, Va. Quick draft and saddle horse, 6 years, Pair oxen, T and 8 years, IT. Franklin, ward, Raleigh One of the Polk Men. - Among the beer. geged in the cultivation of fraits about ange Wheat thresher, by J. W. Davis &| Dr J. O. Marriott, Wake. Wake. Ovop of 40 native chickens, J. Brough: many anvedotes of the late Gubernateri- Be thirty years, and bis labors have beer Bioes aud leather, by J. Ramsour, of Brother, of ogg { a mare, trotter 8 years, Thos. Lind-; Native ox, 3 years, D. P. Stedman, ton wake I cans ays the St Louis Herald, we t : ; vg , ’ . . ’ » e ae ee ie, ’ - ae ; M i { al Canvass, says the St Louis Je 5 a crowned with ify ing ene cess. Linentn ,/ Dumping cart, by H. Horton, of Wake. ley, Chatham. Wake. ; Fine Shanglui, 4 mus., Master C. AP : jonte. These fruits, by the firms above named,, Saddles and barnesa, very fing, by C. Harrows, by D. C. Michardson, of War | Pair corre! horses, match es, 9 yeare, N.' Grade heifer, 18 month, W. H. Scott, Iuabee, Raleigh. leat 1 one the ot ler day which illustrates ed are certainly the fiuest and tue Lest ever, W. 1). Hatchinzs, of Raleigh. | reuton, 'L. Stith, Wake. Wake Coop of 22 thoronghbred game chiek. the progresa of intelligenee ia certain hee - exhibited here Good harness, by J. Jones, of Rockiog-) Ilarrows, tobaeco cultivators, wheat Sorrel stallion, 2 yearn, RK. 8. Bryant, Native bnll, “Jiin,” 4 years, J.J. Lee, ens, No. 1, Maj. W. F. apie ae portions of the State where a ne wspaper A box of rare mineral:, by Dr C. L ham fans, plows, ox yokes, brier cutters, corn | Wake. Wake. Coop of native chickens and 4 turkeys, js as grcat curiosity as a poll of Eyy ptian Um Heater, of Lincoln. Machine for tr miming hoofs of lerses, shollcrs, straw cutters, grain cradles, &o., Broed mare ‘Kis,’9 years, colt ‘Selma,’ Darbam bull, “Diek Johnson,” Zyears; Mra bk. Hull, wake papyrus. <A settler down in the swampy nC A colleefiun of butanical specimens by ‘invented and exhibited by V.N Mitch 1 large collection, by Borum & McLean, 1 year, T. F. Bailey, Granville. | Short dora heifer, “bets,” 3 yeure, J Sit Guinea fowls and 4 Muscovy ducks, een ', having beard that Mr. Polk the aaa Mr. RU Drysdale, of wareaw High ell, of Concord. It seeins to be very coin-! of Norfolk, Va. Une iron gray stallion, top Um-| Horton Wake. Mre. ky Hall, wake D J a aoe phage . ’ a School, Duplin; ale by Mr, Drysdale, plete, and 14 ingeniously contrived, Two fan mills, by C. Burnett, of Men brella Charlie,’ 4 years, Wm. urroughs,) Two Devon bails, 1 year, Lball,“Na-, Foor turkeys, Jno. Adams, wake ; cipocratic candidate for Overnor,w vald . valaable specimens of soils and mar! D ©. W. Johnson, of Eee gi ex derson. Obatbam. leon,” 4 years ; I grade bull, 1 year; 1 Pair Rumpless chickens, 2 years old, pase along the road near his house on 8 vee imens of printing by Mr. W.D hibited a model of an lmproved water, Plows, by W. B. Williams, of War+— Claybank stallion, “Gen. Taylor,’ 2 bares heifer, 1 year; 2 grades, 1 and 4H. ©. Hicks, wake »certain day, and he would be koown by Pats ee Messrs. Helder & Wile. wheel, which seems to possess material renton years, A. Shearin, Granville. + Years, Seth Jones, Wake. . Wild deer, 20 mos. old, R. Cranford, ithe two famous white mules, Getermined a Te Also, by Mr. Oouke, « proof-sheet of hie advantages. f leather, by J. ¥ Harrows and plows, ff Watortght,*” Bay stattion, 4 years, roan horse, 5 se wake. to get a look at the great man, of whom rtment of leather, b yanhouk & Co., of G re ’ ' ———— Roat} . me eT inate ftengen ep Ae EM Nath Co Gril yt ee tome Phurwinjs Fosing hala bard veh” Setag hel smens of the color type likenesses Tu 2 “ ; —- years, matches, . . oul. “ ’ . Vureday 4 Lrotling = Lime ° sateiatly. ts a las oy eee. 1 oreens: Ketel’ ome rays le acne neg és sis | The exhi! hha oa led t Bay am oe tee uae A splendid collection of Poultry. We! Five horses were entered for speed as hl ire ane rai sels pallnbbalen orm specimens of likenesses in arubroty pe, yy oOF Asheville, and exlnbited by r,t re exibition of live stock exceeded by sel], Caswell. 4 ‘ as 08 of Foultry troiters. :S. G. Hares, b. h. ‘Bob,? hours, 1g a piece of re thom esors. Havers & Mallon, Ralergh — (4. Ward, of Warreaton. It seems to be! far that of any previous Fair. We give Tay Mare, 9 years, W. Russell, Cas. "entare the assertion that a finer one was De ae ees We ae Inv. Neal's' Whistling the “ Arkansaw Travellag om a. Teas Pisoaces bak he Mr. Cociendo aplete pump elowiell licens up to Wednesday yal)” never seen im any part of the country.— : 3 Vidaneock’s Ke 8 Vickers oat length the two white mules cre use, and Mesara Lavons & Malton, are ele A very iugenone adjustable improved morning Many additions were subse Day Llorse, s years, W. Russell, Cas. There appeared to be considc ree jation ‘John Mr A iaton’s gh. ‘Joh.’ ting down the road, and the 8 wampite cage yantly done, and reflect credit on the carnage, and ale improved axles, by F | gue ntly made, which we failed to colleet well. tion given to Native breeds this yoar The " Gret trial was between Llave's nd d i At I per taste afd skill of the artist Ro Crabtree, of Orange f giving this list we have thougit it bet Two Males, W. Roasell, Caswe!l! Ww . were glad a” nap ay he : bas Sad *Bob” Moore's ‘Ivyloo,’ and Neal's ‘Han. “708: 89@ Gotling his coonshin, eried ace One large case of fine goods for Indies, Bendie of printing paper from the Nease tert ) relraan frow ottemplieg a notice of One Ju: k, “Santa Anna,” 6 years, W Ft ieee or ‘ i] a fell ea ‘es ‘ is cock’—mile and half lreats—which result a arety by Mesers, Wo He & ROS. Tweker, Ral River Mills, exlsltted by Hon S.A the gralities of the stock. Thatis amat Russell, Caewet! ancy ae . ee ollowing is a his EE ‘oT eay strancer. your name is Polk, a | g, h. R ers A first rate article ter fur the j idges ; and indeed it would Pair Match Mules, 3 years, J. Jon 4, made up to e nesday monung : ; _ tt > 4 ace € a aegis Sameer ae = Cotton ging owe by S. Rowland, and'1. ditticult for ue tu distngwish between Rockingham Conp of Pe rida mixed beets st } Neal's a cock, : x Being anawered ia ‘the adirmsativeie pe Mee F. B. Pislda of Warren, We learn one Ly J. Ll. Carlisle such an immense collection of excellen Mare and Mule Colt, W Russell, Cas. 4 te of 9 Brain ey ae od EL UL Moore's Tevloo, = ie it off the log, threw down his whit a has it obtained it no doubt deserved Kouckle washing machine, by A. Dick | cies We give the contents of some 220 well fine, he E. Harris, Raleigh ; Haye's ‘Bob ~~ if tick, and striding up to the buggy thas it of - ’ ia rhea ; AT 4 ee a Four five Bramahs, Master Bo Kirk I $-lu and 4-5 ba ke f } ; road y ec. the Apes premium ton We bave tne Me machine, and galls . Gray Stallion, Sir ¢ harles, 6 years, I. J n. Raleiet ime Iv an yrs d Mr. Polk »y the hand 5 V lramcteome eit bedquilts, by Mine we are pleased with it. Bay Stallion, ‘Roanoke,’ 2 years, Bay | Tatam, Guilford mee es Se The second trial between Alston's ~ “ Well, darn your picture,” said he, 4 ty oy cr) 3. Webb and Dic . ly “(Dr tev Pil - ” > Eight fine yonng Turkeys . ant. 124 Sean Sophia ©. Hunter, of Gates— Mies Lacy Sunt machine, by ebb and k Pal J, by ‘Orage boy’, 2 yeara, Bay Fi Jack, “Lagan,” 4 years, T. W. Graves ‘ g Mee rt ‘Jolin: and Tucker's ‘Juhu,’ as follows f I ain't awful glad to see you. I'm tyne B. Myers, of Washington Mr GW leon yo by ‘Orange boy’ 2 years, Benod Mare, Yaneey ville ee eee 1 ie Alston's ‘Jobin,’ ] ming to vote for you—yon ean bet your peer Mordeeni, of Raletgi—-ard Miss Soxar Mill peck, by E Lester, of Kinat n ‘Pram’, 14 yearn, [’. (©. Cameron Two Males, 3 years W. J. M. Thomas, Ht oe 1 tg J pies fai it ded St mee 1 oa ee if Talay y bottou laron that! You made a fust paerd L. Jehasen, of Lincoln One barrel, by ROL. attersor Very Orange Rockinghain f ; Sel Cite tans all - ary f I rate President and I know you'll do er i \ 4 EU Pe ak Soe a : >» | ence and Crippletonie Il chickens o ine—5—30 mania / A rare and beautiful silk patchwork, fine work 1 ng Loree, ‘John Hancock,’ § years, Bay Stall 3 years, J. P. Faison, * a: : : ‘ ; ; Goven od ae org Aiea ri ianncover, by Mies Bleep yokoa, an ingenious contrivance, Juhu Neal, Deaufort Sampson. ne are order—Jno. T. Williamson, Ra Second heat = ; “ Thank von,” said the candidate" ber coe E Harrie, of Caberres: contain ng inveated by C. W. Hoyle, a mute, of Gas Pair black match harness horses, 3 Thoroughbred Sorrel Filly, 4 years, T. ' vie of ¢ _—— : Tucker's ‘Jolir : you are laboring under a misapprehen ute 457 pieces, and 2,919 varieties of silk ‘ton county years, J. C. Branson, Randolph. I. Faison, Sampson One pa r Yellow Gal. gare, I II or eT : 2 ee ES sees - wile : PLANTERS HALL ( vauk Filly, 2 years, J. J. Lee, Two Males, 6 years, W) Wo OWhyrita _ Rs Hepa fe k fe Cocke IT I $40 “Yes, Tknow ron are truet n’ to the wt is ° , . * ine large ac game k . ’ F : rd slows, by Mr TI N. Pree, of Wake, exhibited speciinens Wak: ker, Wake : mere ’ ] irawn af. Ditnmyerate to pnt yon throagh: and pwd \ tapkie ae plaid ld f bit fears bet, wed aa. ake (relding, 6 years, Holt and Randal. Qne Jack. 5 years, E. Dalby, Gran bee — Ducke and bresd cela ib ies ens oe i uate ua ic yi as easy as rollin’ off a log. I led t@ | : " leigh S ester Sith, of Raleigh, apecimens man, Alamance. ville aed bles NG ee eee sat posty I" 5. & ou iy vote when yoo was runnin’ shoes, de, by Mr. Henry Porter, Raleig ylvester Sunth, gh, ay : ; + rer . figs Il. Mordecai, Wake The teat was now between Neal's ‘Ia : : vetl, A ease of fine silver ware and jewelry. .f ineal, peas, com, honey, spring and Blac k Hawk Filly, 3 years, Black One Jack, ‘Nick,’ 10 years, W. M he sate “ie ee ay kens, H. Me- eck’ and Tucker's “single heat, ! and I am jast agoin’ to wet and « beastifal gun in case, complete, by winter oats. &c. Hawk Filly Fanny Felton, 8 years. Roylan. rf . & nro, Chidh eho ae for you agin btece Mr. C. LL Thomnpaon, Raleigh E. Hall, of Wake, apecinens of wheat, (inatehes:; Black Hawk Stalhon. eine One Jack, 7 years, E. IL. Ward, Cha ree ey ) hae Cie LH - tle ee nae ; - en . ; attempts ta to case of perfamery, Mesers. William | ineal, peas, corn, ee py 4 years, Sorrel Trotting Mare, Ivyloo, tham ne Hoe ee te eal deni Ges ee a 1 that he was ug «& lpoces Raleigh a a h Dine, of Wake, specimens of fh, Moore, Ualifax. : Jennet and Colt, 4 years, B. R. Ward, et an, ae cre ae Teer Several a¢ ae ‘ on ene z : canvasser whi, x or dd needle leat, a, ears of corn, gronod peas, Chesnut SdPFel Trotter, “‘Oharies, 9 Chatham. ne peal 2 agie gaine, : sty 3 } a sias “ Wurueee ew lristian ns died peices &e years, W. LH. Holleman, Wake. One male, 2 year, H. A Dowd “7 . Mate l 14 Sha 44 Frolay t supporter wiping hie coonskin and ork, ; A hy ie . - ly wens " - « , « hree raAinalhs an Shangiais, nt yo wae Gt alk. the best Pre Prineipal of Raleigh Methodist Fi male Self noproved vate, by TM. Lloyd, of Gray b ree, 7 year a ind ~ e, Wake. ; ; a ros: 4 ditto, 4 mos, F. J. Haywood,jre On ; elve o'clock, Mo the shoaty Ke lloora for I k, ' Pr Semisary. One of these paintings Gre Orange years matches, J. II. Neal, sea afort One Jack,6 years, T. Ro Bri iges, ™ ’ Per lelivered by Prof, Sent that ever wore har cian, lw leather frame —by E. A Facey, Wheat and flour, by Leroy Springs, of F arts ie Re enh lion, for dranght, Nat. J = , 1 year old, Mre. E.1. Tay- Mitchell, of the Univerare hh eas a ae i : zs % - ‘ . Tranklinton Slack Stallion, for dranght, Nat. Jones : Vg wee ye ° a puOe ian ers roe a 8) eee i “ppeased to be superior draw : ee beans, white wheat and corn Trotting Mare, J. I. Wheeler Wake . lor, Raleigh. me ey ater ae ehly tole far Nar the S ¢ Bond Onion, A remarkably fine crayon drawing Inte riee beans, white wheat an Je ‘ 2 Stalli 7 an i Two wild Indian game chickens, J. address Phe Professor has polite y fu sce . ere, and emme superior paintings, in oil, by Ly Jno. Hutchins, of Raleigh Brood al 4 i ~ : ion Black Sayre “ tide Ss Jim | le. Raleigh mished us with a copy which shall appear —Our Union wonld not have lasted twen enteo be ¢ . Colt e. . ’ . Peres ey Steele, Kale ished us i) 2 rh i i ¥ Mi : h Mash jena, by Mr. J. Nixon ot, 15 months, H. Mord.eai, Wake. Crow,’ 4 vears, A.J. Morris, Wake s Freesland andithree [tramah don (rece cc, tv years Lut for Suuthern slavery. The is step et ey R. MW Sann Noneur tris of field peas, by Hear) Brown Stallion, ‘G. W. Johnson,’ 4 Ray Filly, for draught, Jenny Lind, me ae ees ols Q ee aaa "y : 7 trotting. niat ebm N ! : hae ( ' ee Ap Ste : ye : ane brain Seo alka 9 eS a ye 7 . i » Raleigh tere Was a ’ z1 Lav, - ita Haieigh, sil eviscing ine srlin Ses sete } Ibi t . cae Stallion se ha anh William,’ 2 | Chart shit = ieitteal ‘Blacks Three shanghais, 4 mos. old, 8. Whita between horees entered by Mr. W - and 1 2, . ton and enaltivated taste: one of them, eas, navy beans, and blue stem wheat : “| ride : saa ' . rh sais 3 spel pt fey ker, Raleigh Mr. Newsome, Mr. Neill and Mr. Haves for war. W t sats ; i her husband by J. Mordec: years, J. L. Prather, Greensboro. man,’ 6 years, J. M. Mangom, Wake EEA ; We was landeomelviwoallellacecn he. and @ rlec Ciere ite me “7 Ala on eo very well OF cad ls ‘a white and yellow corn, Stalhen, ‘Sir Alfred, 7 years, J. DD Mule colt, 18 mos. J. Morde: ai, Wake soem sais hiaiiiidaeine ae i re wana a 2s sary me cultural | vets. The South co i perior by J oekine, of Chowan Hayes, Wake. : Bay Trotting Horse, Joln, 8 years, Wood, Spee ays Rav ‘ from the echaracter of her ei!, her climate picts Se ee ne aver Oh as py ie w H Secon by Mrs Stallion, ‘Morgan Lanter, 7 years, J R. s"Tueker, Wake. R ee are nee ae) Sears ‘i la - vf f ! and w : ue tion chatra, Lucy Savage, and by W. R Clarke Nichols, Washington ; ~~ eee ae eee Tie Ag ar Society held ite nana {tlie North will } its . cpt gotta ia eu ‘ gE y bed Wheat te IJ ion Bay Stallion, ‘Secession, 5 years, Jo- CATTLE, We. Pair dack-I eged chickens, J. B.S Ove = i CL EW BGK: : tte her. te ¥ manufactured pi Mich work chal. ‘very Gou by Mir Rielly Mt eben chen “ke, ital 1a ery Hillsborough, Bell, 7 years, Dr. J. ¥. Ford, ao" fo, McKee, Raleigh ne ete PE eek and foreign merchandise froun the { Tayt r Raleigh “ a R. Patterson, of Peterabarg Va . Bay Stallian, ‘Zine,’ 7 years, Bay Stal- mictitla Se et , ie : nee apt j z ahi ie a Ma CCUM gS SU cura NN ‘: Northoand toemploy Northern shippuog lor, . is : 5 7 ' ; seat ae ST 6 ) c viand hen and pair of Dramatis, Alas . ened aA : ; ne. A large cnee of rich and elezant arti A wea bat, king crah, and other speci elle Sub [ Ubrise Peo ©) ‘Titer Goat Town Eweas lant? voare, ter Roulhac, Raleigh = Regtand avocds war with us, avowed tlea, by Mr. H. D. Turner, Raleigh Ly end mere ee eie by Ve Vive Pee i ae - en Dash. Hawk.’ 5 Leicester Down Buck, 2. years, Dr. W Pair Muscovy Ducks, J Bragy, Ra ; \ W _ Vad recon =Cus Noe disp ” . the as % pier mach. 3. These were great curiosities Sallion, “Carol — 2 2 . : : f bea oe Secs | ts of our slave labor he North s a ot — — 7 ie te wilen (a Ww 1 Holt. years, Dr. W. Stradwick, Orange. R Holt, Davideoe. : 9y leigh ) » 5 Hes £3 r John C.B er, Esq oof this connev, are d Tent is as Engiand is, and in . work, &e. F . Box of candles, By 7. “fie Mare (Nelly 5S veare Sorrel mare Two-half devon heifers, 2 years Dr. J Three Bramaha, 6 mos., fine, R Bo An . AGES ASU | ; : ss : : eet One fine mahogany rocking chair, by Also, a boxby Mr. I artridye. oe aD liad” brea Wok, Strndwick, F. Ford Rowan. drews, Raleigh Pea Nuts vara UA ee f * a ae Mr Henry J. Srown, Raleigh Tobaces, by Yo and E. Pe Jones, of ie ne OR i Aan ae Three Sonth Down and Merino Shi ep 4 Four Bramahs, W. W. Johnson. Ra net thee Tonite : Mies > J come under rs ve me by A large collection 2 ne Caswell, They always have the ia) i hes horse, «Meck, 4 years, J. P. Tur. years, South down and Merino Ram, 4 loigh oo 7 ( Tits sivaley enh ; a ‘ x ‘ . . ise a 7 ‘ oi I ate ‘ . would and fluwers, by Mra. Rev \ veker, - best r Mert] a vears, three South down and Merino Pair Bantams, Peter Hines, Rates , beatae 4 = iy ment, eigh » t M Tucker, some fine Barrelaof flour, by Pearson & Sudk erth, ner, range ‘ s vs Seth Jones, Wak Tiras itire mel een “ ! I ‘ 4 A gla 4 asm y 4 tee bee oe ree filberts and pom of Burke hy I) McLean, of Gilford, " Day horse Rie abe 4 sale bid aa ee oo i: inns . Grav aa fice eRe frawnow Cott . ‘ TOUS OT he prt FOUN CHIEN CSTs wed, as . kranates JS. Holt, of Alamance, by WF. Col brood mare, ‘Nelly, 4 years, aed Per Re Wak oO Five Crippletomes, J. Mose, Baleith grsund-peas, cneng sipjome, te fill wes seehietly from the products A Jarge and rich collection of currant, lins, of Ratvigh, No Price, of Wake, S.. horse, ‘Charlie, oF aie ne ER ae Nuke 3 years, NR. Crawford, Four a fence game do, de nearly a. aon —t ventle nan ow ih Ane ; aa Ne . raspberry, and rose vines, together with R. Haunt, of Granville, Win, Russell, of son ; Con ce ate, A , Coo cfd pure Beanalia. 4 tai do a paliersl ait 4 ie era tout raring cae ak wen Preserves and other condiments, by Mrs. Caaw: Il, A. Dickson, of Orange, Ir W , Gelding trotter, ‘John, Ate Eit A Two Suffolk Hogs, 1 year. J. A. Hav Four black Shanghais and 1 Hoangho ae ; , 1 : oe t pCR. te S : . he James Ayers, letersburg. We tender Ro Hult, of Davidson, and 1. A. 2 wgers, Ray, aut rel, 2. years, EK. Donnel, wood, Wake ° : | chicken, A. Stronach, Raleigh . se ve a : a4 fe hag ey r ats this lady our thanks for the spirit which of Wake ; , Te a ve a Se Two Ualt-breeds Cotswold, 6 mos. J Three Japan. 2 and 4 mos., very fine, ant peas a ey, : Pe, at diy & bronght her here: (row eo ciusidorablea 6 Bags of wheat and flour, by Iv. i. Pa a i iaareland colt. Anna Chase’ 4 Wo Noracrd: Wale (Gr ec Lristopliers, Raleigh. S iy au Mi. Biock : : ie a 3 oa distance, with « many goods for exhibi cerecs . a Josiah Turner, Orange 1 Two Half-breeds Cotswold, 6 mos. JJ Pair white pigeons and 3 tine Shans in another se : Lonnie e ] : : hon at our Fair. One pe at te tee town boxes segeres ey Des Ws log uer, are yl snk mare and colt, ‘Anna Chase,’ W. Norword, Wake. ghais, \. Stronach, Raleig 7 It is said thatthe 1 Wetlnvie slavery tiene would bene mn yey and taste to be convinced of her informa of Pitt . 14 ye Josiah Turner Orange. Two Cotawold Bucks, 2 years, J. W. Two stonefence and 1 wild Indian we rose gener By Ge Nx wn ‘ Be cent vietwnen Hon and skill in thie departinent. Turnips, some very fine, by Mrs. J. ‘ yea es k mare and ee B yoars. dno. Notword) Wake gaine, J. Moss, Raleigh in the intluene eof the sa a : mapuete ze ETA Sa Catawba wine, by Mr. D. M. Lewis, 1. McCatlers, G Banks, W R. Poole, A ane ee we) 7 One Devon balland heifersif and 12 Coop of Guinea pigs, Mrs. Mod the e vast. Per rips te Bue oe : ‘ ‘ - “ Deh eee ranklin,—YV ery good, for we tried it. Dickson and Mra. G. 7 C woke. J Mare ond ate S. W. Williams, Wake. mos., Leroy Springs, Charlotte. Schloss, Raleigh. : ae I remed ca ee I Me . ie 1 eens \ ; Sate wis has been very success ine potatoes, DV « . me . = fi ) », ese boar, 13) mos. Mc- air Summatra chickens, 1G, ame a4 : : eed } ‘ i‘ ' tr Mr. | has | y asful inp potatoes, by J. G. Dickson, anc c a 4 naro "and colt, 10 years, A. One Chin boar, 13 vl eM Pair 8 tra chickens, fine, Maj ittle salt, or line peal Ree 7 sie ier _ , mannfacturing this wine. Alao, Long Mordecai. . ( ie a , : Lean, Harnett. M. Crenshaw, wake. Bur, nt rst he oe UN Col pe parila bien ‘eantigatk ad! Wortlh’'s Champaigne—a superior article A monster yam, by J. R. Ward, of " Cuetiiis serrel stallion, thoroughbred, Pair pigs, Max Outhrell, Davic Loe ieee Pe ve 1 D a - ay h | at He oa ie t get a der : we i Some apple brandy, forty-seven yeaure Orange fea 00 canta W. G. Caruthers, Or Sow ana pigs, Jno. Adams, Wake Pair Shanghais, 6 mos., « uno, tention of our sand-hill ae v ant icici Foy thx od, by Mr. John Teesdale, of Nash. That! Mammoth beet, by Dr. D. A. Mont. ‘Canton 2 2 ae a ea , Native es, 10 mos., two Suffolk | wake Fay. ¢ Henny Ms : { brandy, fellow citizene, woe qond Of gomery, of \amance ange | THE KING OF HOLLAND AND PEASAN!] WOMAN. The correspoudeut of the Lemdem Castsison+ Timer relates the following inte resting anecd ut of he present king of Folland “There ie a ramor current that We King (Witham IIL) oe tbs oecasion came under the Mnpresmen ul very serous iboughta Que of tis Rearest courtien. w sa man wh foam the Lord This go. op yowk tag with the Ming. in one of bss) lendid pan. savaged himself ef 1) opportune to drrcet lis Majesty's atteuuou to the permeious comseg ten cea which the Pducation 1 aid necessarily reoduce. The conversa iow had King of thir subject induced lim to between the ort! lw with the he Majesty the duff rence stubaliela parues, and lo point cut that om is ae clesirucuve iD ils tendenc Mo reat wte the House of (range as its pas “t be souls of Lhe ple The K < ned thathe wa he ‘wual . kd frond w " be done in re. @u! nus AUS Was, (lat e Mint ‘. sine, and that Var der | 2 ormibler of the orthy party am) y+ 2Uov eateetied im tl uley, should be ap; Uo Sreuiver he Aung then wok alone, a al last wend hitmeei! wm a remok « « much fabcrucd wd hed a deor of a ponsant« “ aan, eho opened the door, to ¢ mM some &. Theagh tot knowing the King, Sic } < lem eth a Aemdness and courtess whol ww wot wave bem exceedcd had she hucun at the stranger was the hing bimise!f Wier we s aewly presented bur a preve of trouble, she steadiaativ me tused to The Bang, berber at the its seber furnitere, expressed © sarpriee and cold pot hel), remarking, that beounht that some mooey would pot be up avhompe to her She ar red at there was ord who daly prod woth everything Qeat she did net k eag Uyveght that she allud ~omme of Ube bunds of tbe ox erty waa The © the |iberality of ghborbood, and ask- ; vw what wee pare Wher @ever, pronounced we bewe of Josas bret and toh on a few erdy a great many gomai things about the wd, the K.ag returned in deep and serous magbt, slut bums: up ina bs cionet and th. it day appented Lr Vau der ruggben Prine Moeter "I cansat tell bow f this marrauive streh mw oeidely spread among mo we. bet tha: it » a fable altoge 1 samreety beheve * Whatewer may be or ay pt u of tem, report, thie much = x ng ham undeniably adopted a a 7 mere wwelmg towards the = of des pert), ‘ban ever (orm- » ! te th cam oo. THE TURKS AT A FIRE i was sot leog in Comiantio poe before qmswe im for what of very fre qaeut ucewrnence theve, memely.a fire. Indeed, | belicte that aoe Storm is sai! to be always going ve iu son parts {Ue ora 0 a condagratton larger ur acer @ a. Gate rage 4 “aD @oodes streets of Suambo The people hare few patica the » eonsetered one of the |< “gy Gee demennet of the cr bensing “ar to me more interest og tha spectacte J ertecased in commen eth :! At Bess | Ses wat 4a mulutedes were moring wt! parte of 1 ke pot what 4 meant 1 hed ob wha, oa Tuk me haste, towante the conr: / *!* te oul Musqeecs and stationing themeerives ~ Les tem bed otepe, bl as \«* oes ee masse! Juang the company, | Umcwered the cause of their smemily if a ebuie street from ebich clouds of emake were ma om err at erp at the Brus . ibertt “Not erst ° Z wld ena m= be alectity «df thuse whe arg cled . é- ace we the bberer of the 2 : f tone ewbe }i! stta d the gram event. pies carts “ + ke - wr v beghiamvog lwunen red cedow r = ee out fur 2 ot abheled th me. = ~ detely arm ae | ow a . ~--i@g On, « * | je a m& , . tad als eer - ain av. -t by a temier © a 547 e : » ot malin ny r {a open ‘ ~* ® sort * fa afiea a . oa . . * am ~ . ems . ~ iba a c - ack °c - a fume he -e- Aiale do a ns ee Ss) ‘ Sua v i * ” * * Zsva a Lf s eho wre a bine ‘ say ° eerrw wey Mas wet om vows as ® ar) t Vea oa . a AL weluie ar a * at ™ Carolina Watchman. “SALISBURY. N.C. TUESDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 28, 1856. TERMS OF THIS PAPER $2.00 CASH. MILLARD FILLMOR NEW FOR PRESIDENT, oF YORK ™ 495 FUR VICK PRASIDBNT, ANDREW JACKSON DONELSON, OF TE NRBREE, AMERICAN ELECTORAL TICKET. i JOH W CAMERON FOR THE STATE AT LARGE B CARMICHAEL, of Wilkes, of Cunberland FOR THE DISTRICTS. let Distnet, Lew Trourson, J Warren, UO P. Meanns, E Jas T Lrirmons, A. J. Stepman, JM. Lesen, A.3 J Danas ‘, D. Lyman pee” Mr. Jous N. Giascock, is our au- rised agent for the colleetion of claims |! due this oftice. He will attend the Courts of several of the adjoining counties this Fall and Winter, when those having un- settled business with as, are advised to embrace the opportunity to arrange the Saline. THE ELECTION. Next Tuesday, November 4th, is the day on which the Presidential election The friends of Fillmore and the Union will assuredly rally to the wii l ve iit polls with all their force. Their duty to iutry and to themselves appeals to (hewn in & coamanding and Wwarmiug voree, and they will heed it. W « ir frien ’ ts in the sarround- ivs will sewd us statements of the eleetiou at the earliest moment pOosi- from the py! turds cinets of tl Mass Meeting Tod Mass Meet: j day. 4 1¢ lave been received Ir respective A Fillmore comes off in this place to Hon. K. Rayner and Gen. Dargan arrived Lere on vesterday “-. PENNSYLVANIA has wrought out so funny an absurdity, | Morth __NORTH CABOLINS. We learn from a friend who has attended Carolina Baal Roads, for passi 5 ME PORT HRT TNE ON Theta poe wort vere ol ME impending evil, strife and convulsions {ttre deft, oriow i bs Op) | balf their usual rates—and that the Secretaries | His course then was ino t conspicuous-in (motion! i its results; and his @hiture now with | erbnoifi, Agi ~ \& be. kL ote) @raowthoias.dOPl , WAaginxazon, October 24, onter +- we§ Lincoln Court this week, that the citizens were | j led up-| Presidential mantle in pou addret political subjects, by Col. Bu A we e.tron g haley- j CRale, | ber-ef Congress from that Distrigh j to con- | cuted a8 able ee, tree |b te from Gioverndr p40 bp eee of the diffiguities that beset gap at U “pO! Plea! abolt- ‘ry of Stabe, daléd Oélaber AUb, skates neo ‘ withering denuvoigtion of Boldt i ble M ¥ . } Hy thy 0 " h Ur: raga Hn | and quiet had-beeswentbrod to Ketan, oeg thes \ . v dle + 4 Cree rs . n 10 b wh ahs t be sll er of. eo Since the above was put in type, we THE HON. MILLARD FILLMORE. say Or the Otrailixtan iin ae a Pere Nae iy re o g ed 0 fs i y f a 5 as 7 z i : q x Hewes replied ty by Nar. Boroax, Esq. ® have received from a friend, who Seal A combination and furm, indeed, | Still, however, strong as my political some hohe whleves.in the Northerp pert of the lawyer attendant at Court, (from Salisbury,) a Northerner by birth. Col. C. did not strain at “nat,” for he could lave swallowed him were le a camel. . 7 as Where every god did seem to set his seal, delegate to the Convention, an interesting | To give the world assurance. of a man.” Ki hail the election j, notice of that ee eA tae pre-| ten my : at 2M POR bt Ve Cl 1 Rana of Beall eeeilings, If it; lidd comeits’ hand ear PPP wetigd ange lier, we should have given it entire ; but and I had properly stowed myself , as it is, we cannot do less than append ‘and luggage at the American Hotel, ses t re country, IfI de go for “ Fill-|.. = . a . . . json the following extracts from it : | I despatched to Mr. Fillmore, who ore and woah B < atyeathaid re ent | Educational Convention. This Convention organized on Tuesday 5S . re + 7/8 tiret choice, 1 cured, frém Gov evening last, by the appointment of Dr.| _ “ Two of the essays,\those of a young My hasnt d ps fer off, by a civil and ls brace the cheering alternate-of the Tasritary \with she ordi ay a reas y.¢., Wivevof Washington, and Mr. Ricnaxpsox, | Irish waiter, my card, enclosed in an — A a J. T. Wheat, of the University of N.C, of Frabiiiaton, were eburssteriaad by saab le: :) 5) ‘ ride , * Buck. Beesiyand the Unidal- too: grants, oa President; E. W. Ogburn, of Greensbo- | teresting thought very-bappity sordeh ‘and the /eRvelope stamped with the’ image or ee eer | goon: preenfel. Amb oe ‘rongh, Vice President; C. C. Cole, of latter, especially very well delivered. “ counterfeit presentinent” of that! Tue Enerenor tae Loiiox Trass.—' ty ek The dise upon the b of the Con- Greensboro’, and R. II.-Brown of Ashe-| val, , the | ‘ >n-| distinguished gud truly constitutional and That mysterious: personage, of whom ev-| The fegeage of the emi, was fand boro’, Secretaries; and Prof. Kerr, of earl Yoo eetvig alin diagrad weitiy avd 3° patriotic statesman. Jinmediately after | orybedy has heard, bat of whom #4, Titele | Pest v Ay ene of «the Murtrestors' Tesaeacer, cated men, and what was much better, that they /inncr he called on tue, and after seme! is known, the editor of the Londog Tipes, | re Ary ye wight pol yg to We are not prepared to give in detail | Were honest, sincere, well-:tenging mea, and hai friendly converse, invited me to tuke tea} i now in this country.’ He arrived in the ' MEDS 1 ee, . : hi good, the proceedings of this highly-interesting | are gener Bea) 2 rere cee ek = {Coavention, which coutinued its sessions siderations, to adopt such measures as Were val- until Friday evening last. There were | culated to effect that purpose, ; a large numer of delegates in attend- Of the particular measures adopted 60 the ‘oc: : i casion, we need only say we think them jedicious ance, representing nearly all portions of | | Niagara, at Boston, on Satarday last, and | es «(Las gume into Canada, but intends coutng ‘ly accepted the invitation, telling Nita ito Now York in time to witness the great i oh {that my ouly object in taking Buffalo, 00 struggle forthe Presidency, in Novem-| COUNCILS. w bier riny way to Niagara, was to eee Aém and ral The name ol on Lakcarat apd Naw, Yoax, October 20, ’ . . shake his henest band. At the appoint- the newspaper world is Jelaing, and, Ke) Tee Fillmore ‘State Quundile New k, abd well directed ; enpeeially « iw relation‘ ‘ , ati n th tetol >, ; the State and many of the most impor- to the improvement of foneuea Common 4 fume, 6 v’oloek, PMI repaired Oe wei nar 1 ro ttOry OF Maneaclvondan tape hdlgea igre | tant Institutions of learning withia its 'Sehools. — _ : _ i Mr. Fillmore’s residence. He lives iv a! father of Mr. Delaine was for many years! ing a unipa of the Conservativeclomest. boandallll Teachers’ of Cocamon Schools | Ds read Ni onary sees — neat and commodious, but poambitious | » sub-editor of the Times, and afterwards | out the United states ia were there, and the friende of education. 1, be, a whole-soaled, iabalts foal et de hi) wooden dwelling of two stories in Dela-|editorin-ebtef of the Morning Chroniele. ¢ of I and | We have rarely seen a bedy which pre- | manitus, and of the human famity ; and if the Ware street, with every indication of The yonnger Delaine was eduented at) ale ped awe a bird Webh ho wider sented an assemblage of men of greater *uthorities of the University permit him to leave | comfort, modest eleganer, and ey taste ile Ue latter eee ghana 5 ” fae fnvofitiom, eountenance . me, shines the State, there will bé many, wh th - i , either | Wlte Us nied hae bo sad hte aR maintai justi ateligence im a Caton gay Eve at on ei either ad wn teins afte el |ensinem btn a Among the most important subjects Ky the by, would it not be to the advantage oe are. I beliewe moderate but peti a, Parere at the saine time. There are WOM free bere phi open. rce pr which ocenpied the time and at.ention |Our alma mater if her professors and tutor ies aa yot liberal economy ratlagiia m_ this country the editor-in-chief aud | The meeting appoiot Hoa, vf the Convention, we would name the oul! follow the example of Dr. Wheel, sed | his domestic and household arrangetucats, (tf °F the Pre recall aa the “lead Philadelphia, as bay at ig: in busruess evecerns com: | The drawing room was neatly aud taste. |i Journal. re resalt will doubtless ram, Ae following : : ! mon life. , : be a much more accdrate and temperate |” The permanent organization of a State! Profesor Hedrick was also ie atteadance on fully furnished, and adorned with sever- lview of American affairs in that paper Educational Association was determindé | the first night of the Conveution. He had been | a sich ably geal ser ayn! sro Thereafter than has characterized its lead- } on; and Committees appointed to ma [ewevsad grag learvaaryce ee lal of Chen bone the Crone, ace ee ers in tines past.—Mew York Times. ture the plan, draft a Cuustitution, &e. | in politics. His appearance bere was quite em- |ciflxion,” ise copy from Ruden’s celebra- This Association will have subdivisions, | barrassing to many of the assemblage, and i is ted original, in the Cathedral at Milan, with District and County Associations. Probable that some expression of di ion and was present to Mrs. Fillmore in her Mr. R.A. Brows , chokes’ would have been called for if he agaiv at- lifetime by a E gentioman. re ihe Brows, of Agneboro’, pre | In maniiness of form and in manly sented to the C veauty, in well proportioned stature, or ort ae ? shure bh t) and spend the evening with him. ° T glad- | ADDRESS OF THR AMERICAN STATE sate due tm avery boro A KENTUCKY JUDGE. ... They must have Judges in who “say what they think,” snd that foo CALIFCHNIA VIGILANCE COMMITTEE. beige Na ay : clegavce of style, or New Yor«, Oetober 17... 6" nglish. Judge Mittal, in-his re Judge Brady to-day granted an order cent charge to the grand Jury of Boone for the arrest of Coleman and all the ex-| county, let himself off jn relation to the limbs and bulk, in fine fronta! develop. ecutive members of the San Francisco practice of carrying concealed weapons in ment, intelligent and benevolent physi-| Vigilanee Committee, on the complaint the following manner: “Now J think I ognomy, and in ease, grace and kindness Of Wm. Mullayan, one of the banished am safe in saying that one man in twen- of manner, Mr. Fillmore is one of the fin. Patties, who claims damages to the a ty has a sis b in his breeches poek- a . r jally. of Mount of 81,000,000. [rel -ensny aes) gy bengrg) Memo beraat lel et, or a bowte knife in hie breast, and if the genus homo, that it has ever been wy ; lot to meet with, either in Earope or A I> When we lear the Dewoarate you aint carefal you will come tn contact merica. Goudness and amibility seem to loudly boasting that their's is the only With some of these yonng gentry, these National party in the country, we caunot traveling arsenals, ag I call them. They > which was described as possessing new L and important featores and improve- “—o- pert wpon its merits. The Convention received the application, and appointed 5 We pervade his whole manuer, to emanate from his countenance, and they certainly a Committee aceordingly learn Abul, exrcesstt, evasit, erupat. that Mr. Bessawin Scunnr, of this viein . . : -- help thinking tbat the election of F. P. make ita point ty Jearn eoeugh of law to The tact he fn, (Me, Filmore dl. : ; ; : This Convention affurded ove of the most find utteranee in his gentle and engaying Blair, dr, to Congress from Missoari omg; i) the Bulg eut ste support te the Uowa NY Was appointed on this Coramities, cheering signs of improvement we have Jet ob tones—and integrity public and private, Slack: Htepab le they ie 1 a peti oo eee oe su whet (laerves the Organ) is suat which, by the way, was # most capital served in the old North State. There wae more | reigns in his heart of hearts. He is whol wav of ihe ia iReie Santas cna see them brace themselves back agains ; (Cum Stat selection, there being few inore critically talent among the teaching classes than we had ly above intrigne, trick or deception, anid the? tearne theegtt omalven thecagh eure wall, and when they think themeelves tnds of en ded vote at all, and Ly a) aceerate sehulars. | expected to ted; more learning among all ig that rara avis in terria, an honest poli tnind when we reflect that among the safe in the eyes of the law they Mase away. ‘ a f-w dave previsue to the ; ; Classes, More good sease and good feeling than emo and statesman, acting with a single ' Cc. j 1 t+ t ‘tight after th fel “ y the Hon. Beny F Butler, une of the Vinavber of learned aid labored es we had ever observed ia a body of the same heart, his country’s good. Of all states y Salts sted hii Ph ee — pedred: [moereiic misunnires sone co st amp says were read tu the Convention, all/ 2% There were also bright passages of wit— men of the present era, he may jentty ta ee electe: oy ihe sgh ire in I sta fe lows. eee rere declared hia belief ia the beanie une J sal Cd eee erry hit oe pn eeemetont, 80 most clotely conformed to the scheol’and/ Tania @ the Hon. Jno. Hickman, who ev cones komocrane vebet, but added, "8 Upon the general salyect OO" many a happy hit of playfal fancies. On the | a F A beige ne "1 Lach bnt ind far as his votes in the present Congress reneh . het ow vefe are ab icasi twenty (hogsaad members of CAUON, in some one or the other of its va-| whole, it was @ mast Pleasant, rational, instruc a Wa \ ofthe tlustrivus and pure ming indicate, is a thoroagh-going Repablican A Frenchman's Reflection. — hate ‘ ¢ of od Arocrcans who oul go with! ricgs interests. Sone of these were de tive and important begiaming. It will be sare |“ A ye one , . Some how or other this National coat the range thing it is,” remarked a Freneh- * ‘ee Coe vue. «ho bave teen caleula signed in especial reference to the free, (0 & followed up with others still more sa, We t Mr. Fillmore’s, in addition to his Demoeratic party wears is very |osely.inan, after in sking the tour of the United ted sjeraicu Noe tn iu , think that it was thesettled epinice of he mera. 808 and himself, I met Horace H. Day, made and is easily slipped on and off to States, “that you should have two han- Tbs de arson tienes cute capericnced “ChOvls of var State, and their anthors! tor of this body, and there was a spirit carned Esq., of New York city, (a gentlemao, ,.;, emergencies. — Wilmington Herald.’ irodldiferes ie Teal @ poi.ucian as Me. Butler lowbtedy based on devoted themselves to the development! away with them, that will aweben « new era for who, judging from the elegance and fla Cres dierent retigtoas and only one gre: valormation x6 reese! from borney, tektes aad; of plans and suggestions looking to the! the cease of letters in our dear old State. ency of his conversation, is quite Hora = A Ae a » = iandon wy te ee : : <P i From what we beard among the we tien in its habitudes and tastes) and Blain Sad Calamity.—It has become onr aac ers yreator effic cucy and success of that sys ; ; y ne Cat Oe opecula ak ula echanceaia Novem * 7 ye oe think ovr gomd towns women must have tried K. Jewett, Esq., former editor of the and patofal duty to reeord the untimely Aliases I M A ei em vese essays, in the main, were themeaives in the culcnary departments, we beard [}uffalo Advertiser, two warm political death of a prominent and useful member | “ en oe ene ee vt ape nin te “We haveacom interesting; and as they were open to mach of the good eating that was going on im and personal friends of Mr. Fillmore, and of the com:nanits vis: Judeo J. W Ueman whose name we did not legrn, many quarters, an ral hand all ’ : 6 “ ? } Gruss ale me mm the tire of a discussion, gave rise to frequent and able 74 ok “wre jeadsome allusions exceedingly intelligent and agrecable sesnue, who, together with his son Thomas, says the San Francisco Golden Eagle, ar- = cate fron Pomweylvenie,’ 4 . ; were made ip the course of the discussions to the a y fledia zs , ‘ F ’ é debates. They will probably be publish- ya gentlemen. #e areopagas and tadies an intercating lad, was drowned on Wed. | rived in this city from Bird's for the par- aod wly heard a icadieg Amencan declare at 4 ’ hearty aed bount:ful hospitality of our citizens. (the tea tall fetmment ne oi E La . Aa i apr oe 1, and may hereafter become valnable 08| we 6 aort of comante lew here that ho ows pays cf i ea lavie boon c iti our sah siad vee av tigit leat pose ol procuring surgical advices ia rela- : F See eee ica g changes and improvements in| dime who comes to Salisbury on occasions for 224 1 was then presented first to fiss = The particulars imparted to us by the nn ol the possibility of removing from : pledged Z fs I } . S Fuller, a relative, and then to Mre. Ful- officere of the stea:ner Southern Star are : c . Gor vatem the umprovemeat of North Cagolina On the \ . the stomach a large snake, which has in- F educauonal sx ste present occasun every door was to wei. ler, ber mother, who entered the rooin as follows The deceased, in ec NPONY | abited that lecaliay Ger th fi t t ¢ , q ‘ siteq met fleen \ 4 we @ Sioilar statement Mr IS. Secure moved a Resolution, | come delegates, It was a “feast of reason” in Afterwards, the younger lady doing the with bis two eons T vomas and Joseph late Sa pen oe oe le ft «clabie gentle gy ring uelittol Milit more than ove « nse honors and hospitalities of the occasion and a negro man servant, left the eity on |? a J . e . } x aring that we ougtit to have a Military bd ; 7 was taken juto the stomach the safferer be Phite pile writes ca anc Lin this Siete < or u achecl decicn with easy grace. The meal was a social wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock in a sail ja nad Me folt it in the r 0” follow Apri ae ‘ sf ? eas and cheertui one, without formalities or boat, for bis private residence below noe oo th Hash cll ite presence in 4 ee a ‘ t ' >, , » by) = ed re plan of the West Point Acade Pennayli uid Election.—The Demo embarrassing cereim: nies, every one be Point Clear, and when about a mile and Naps tond é the ku ne ye pes Aart age, . men iu Nor He sustained bie motion by read-, cratic majority in Pennsylvania is nox ing made to feel perfectly at home, inthe a half from the eastern shore, the boat,’ noes thane ee? tone though reget 7 dishearted at ( e nan able paper, pre- redaced to alinus pre fraction. [by enjoyment of both the physical and the while in the act of jibbin apect. The - pease z paper, | aiinust @ mere fraction. [ty ; ) 4 no alarm antil aboot two years since se State ¢ " igh w 2 NE favoeuC nah fi. Lo oe co loqaial feast accident ie supposed to have oceurred at Ff i ja j 4 f ane® the official returns received at Harrie . path } when, one day, feeling quite unwell, be : at “kee Aur | . . a: - : The social tea having been thne Waea | 5 o'clock p. un., and on Tharsday mom ' 1 nent, w netavery flattering burg of al! the ¢ Inties, except Elk and santly despatched. t ventl n retoen- ing, as tl teamcr Sunt Cre, was re placed bis hand upon hie bow ela, and dis- t amnea ~ ny LE = ably iy e re gentleme t B he steamer Southern Star esl ‘ 4 7s as . : / pion The resolntion was a lopted, McKean, the Denvoc ratic majority for ed to the drawing room, and there we re turning to this city, the officers on board “a pa A og biti ocrasting — a a and the Convention reqaeated the anthor Canal Comin ssion is redaced to 2,877 suined and continued, with anflagying observed two persons chiging toa cap . pre re ory red ot a rida va . ae : furnish the Executive Committee with’ Last year Eli connty gave 114 Democra. 7¢8t and interest, one coll nial discourse, sized boat, about one mile from the shore he = nd one ms fs td) thee ¢ @ J ; $ hes ‘ oO > “ y a “er f \i:a views as read in their hear- ‘tic ori The wl esl © political and other sabjects, nntil past The life beat of the Star was got out im ee ooan caltitecel bel hte : ciao Bitlet) Ce 1" u'clocys P. M.. when T retired, iny mediately and tl bot of th vr 01x ingles, Ite proportions ean be : . S » cloc ne tired, 1 ediatel r ] ni ‘ 2 * Z three Democratic majortiy on joint bal i oot ore he it lone ti id ul Tl ) I east Ut me Steamer, pretty acarately ascertained, aa its entire - Mr. DD. A. Davis, of thie place, offered jor , er cee oe SON ger aay vwonl Ts teynoida, went to their res- shape is foartull obvious to the toach oC : , not be proper to lift the ecurtian of pri. cue The survivors proved to be Mr It | he ad J ¥ - rs i eer aies vemorialiec the Legists see vate life, and make public the converse Lesesne’s 5 mngest son and the servant , f ie pine i: vito ih spews bos tor the establishment of a Normal Ww py fi t ; of the parlor; but I may say, withont man They were then taken off, entirel 70 AP relile, judging’Trum the amenat : : ¢ copy from the Colambia (S.C.) Car- } ; . ’ abi 7 | of food and water consawed by the saf ‘ S each Jadieial or ( ngressional . A a SaretT any viviation of social propriety, that I kn pless, Lut are doing well. The hegre ¢,, i il = th rot [nstriet of the State, forthe porp se Rian ye demi tic paper, the following regard the evening spent with Mr. Fill. states that in attempting to go about, the, 1?) “00% contipually parched with P ‘ ; borg annvancement. We arethas particularin more and his frienda, as one to be mark. pes got font and the buat upset in con ld not ne ae oe : ‘ , y \ ng mer » vecome teach hree ‘ ' . 4 + & ; oats Stating the source, lec ause we ko ywthat ed with a white feat rer in my life | sequence thas his inaster and hie sun.) ree le) wer gallons . a d daily. be A A Cont s if the State : , id iat lie 1 hia fiend ee Th ' the recommendation of an Ludian, he has politicians here are endeavoring to wrejg- May ade hat he ane na fnendea were Thomas washed froin the boat durin the ' } & ‘o preja % latel : Tlie we think, if carried ont as we suntident of « = " inwe! : ately found considerable relief from the youl i H dice the perple against Mr Fillmore. be conhden ) carrying, in the coming elee n glit, and that the remaining son was ince nt thirst by d k t liber cae texplained, will prove am P \ ' si = » - tion New York, Maryland, Delaware and washed off the boat four times From . Serene LE pdb lel Lal ck neal ‘ ; ves charging that there is a fasion in Poon: Tune _ es : ally diffused with vinegar. Ile has made pee ; t acqnisition to the free school ays 6 ennessee, with etr mg rer I ennsyl- all that can be ascertained, it is evident several tt t dielod h “ ° Aceqiting to tle venta: dec sylvania between |iis friendsand the Black vania, Louisiana, Kentucky, California. ¢ vat the preservation of the life of the steak attem pte to meh -. ne et - : ot . ‘ ' i; Republicans, w b is falae and with no «le spair of Virginia and sev. y suNgest son was owing to the great ex- ns : ! f an eee and the nag = pupile of these schoo , ; of atime " in Sasa POE se scloole are to be edn . . siesae 7 eral ter tates, especially since Ex. ertions f the faithful negro, who reecued pis Pee me: a A Ve ar cated at the charge of the school distrieta NATIONAL AMERIC( ANISM IN Governor Floyd's declaration, (in his hie frown de whing repeatedly, and held ed from both fund and water for threo Floy ’ f i ) \ pealely, " PO ingi eoce- ‘. y tuk - ac - fac distmiet contributing for this pur PHIL ADELPUTA ~peec h atthe New York Merchants’ Fx him on the boat till takeu off in the morn Jaya, in ts bope br 8 ry i > io pro rata, ow will not excecd Pun October 17 change,) aa one sure to be chosen a Dem ing.— MAde Tribune Fost ° ala taste of terme. ne Bret A ; e dollars., to a sum aufieient 1 ADELriHta, October 1% ocratic Presidential Elector for his own i ae e, pcaine uneasy , the secon -.. ce . en Thebilowinetreniatme passed the State, that a compromise or fasion shank oo. voisterous, and the third, furions, bet : . Men ape pa e tea : rr, Salary, being all that Fillmore and Donelson Executive State take place between the Buchanan and Singular and Ingenious Diacove ry i the man held out. At the end of the OM , gercal ar w © required The pupils, thas eda Committee today by a majority of 20 in Fillmore parties, in order to defeat the Dr. J T. L. Mledsha, of New Orloaie. third a: however, his snakesbip bares = e * 7 ated free of charge, will be reqnired to’ the ( ommittee, composed of 22: ; Southern renegade, and that he stood las succeeded in training the larger ape IHENCCGL AR iy Npon eae ys —— e LIAB Te n Nis State, for a term not Reaoleed, That we deem itinexpedient ready, 1 necessary, to cast his electorial cieg of incaqnitoes, known in New Or able ll sat ei rune fing nit oh : . eitianithatt were in the Normal 0 make any alteration in the Fillmore and vote for Mr. Fillmore, and that the detn- leans as “ gallinipper,” to perform all the 7270 TU! rit of teeth, and t . reeull wa J _ The (Ja rsibatPae) ¢ : Donelson Electoral ticket in this State, ocracy of his State would back him ine objects hitherto only ace mnplished by the me va tate snpply Of) fon more ~ ’ ia calc ed to gap 2 } ‘ » 4 . af a f f lene? rat a and we are firmly convinced that anyin- deing I repeat to yon that Fillinore leech or the capper. A dozen of these oe sik id diy Parties: ou — po Pan piya ¢ conpeten vac ers to the terference with it would Le the means of stock is on the rise, and thatrapidly ; and insects are equal to six levclos, and plac- ae » the man is redaced to a pe t : Rchigeis of approved qualifiea. giving the State to Mr. Buchanan, in- it need nut surprise you shou! Phe 3nffa- ed on the desired spot will at once com- iden % ny ied the extreme torture ve _ and as suc s deserving of ser ste a‘ f defe ating hin. lo prove an animal of such apecd and bot- mence to suck blood in the same way, ae ae 4 heat) A de capri Meant Reales 1, Tat we decline to accept tom combined as to beat the old Back of and with far less trouble than the older) 224 day, but he does not despair o barn im) ] co ; peeaida either of the propositions of the North Peonsvivania and the Pathfinder of no institation uy wvate dd the city sufficiently ekill- u 118) rite Ainerican State Council Committe, satis- where in the Pennevivania race ed to inake an ineision in the abdomen j : RU NESI ore sally cin the Weditliat the Eloctarall ticket already in I have the satisfaction of being able to . — oF and remove the reptile. We have heard ry wef the Convention, the field is the nly one ou which all op stato on Mr. Fillmore’s own author ty; WHIP THEM IN of similar cases, but thie is the first ee we s will Le yviven to the posed to Mr. Buchanan can successful Y from his own lips, that he is againat re Daniel and James flattered themselves °YC? Came under our observation—an ' lel ; | f we hope it be the last, for we have peu OC se atew davs nite, and pledging itto the unc mpro- pealing the Nebraska, Act, or restorin they would «ide orer into the Demoerat rope it may he the last, for ' : " t f ‘ ; z felt “all overish” ev nee! 1 eo ye my opposition and defeat, ander any the Missouri Co npromise line, and ig nt- ie ranka, during the temporary confusion | °° ‘ a eran via the , ' : : ’ { ; : el circutnstances, of his election. terly opposed to any further agitation of of Parties, and that without much labor ‘ assembled ir This action rende rs any further union the slavery question, and for restoring or love, they would, in clear terins, eome Holloway's Ointment and Pilla,a cer Caroina, and feel contident if t f t Fremont and Fillmore. parties in harmony a yviving rinanent repose in for ashare of the spoils Bat notso. tain Remedy for Uleerous Sores —Jere . 4 ‘ prosecuted B eeu yenile The original and peace to our now distracted country the dictator--Billy Holden of the Stan. imiah Henderson, of Wilmington, North ‘ v zeal equa ¥ the unportance Electoral ticket will be run He agree, too, with ine that he and dard, has issued his edict, that he expects | Carolina, suffered for seven years aod t. . Cwansdesienclt ate Buchanan at the North were fighting Cabarrus and Meckle nburg, to roll upin- five months with six ulcerons sores on his = 5 rile ld North, HIE FUSIONISIS IN PENNSYLVANIA, Cah other's hattle, and were waging coin. creased votes for the Democratic Party ; leg, and three on hie arms, which defied ) - mou war against the common enemy that in other words, be expects Daniel and every kind of treatinent, although he ased d € aa it doen ir Piiaperruta, October 1 were secking to poison our political Eden James to do something more than write some of the most noted venation for the avoted portioneof our ( The L-pubilinaw State Committee and with the serpent and destructive element epistles. They understood the hint: and cure of the same, both internal and ex- “ Ki! ‘ | ft wine ieee, os, pas ; panna ‘ ; n of political free-soiliem have accordingly taken the stump. Poor ternal, it was withont avail. At last, he ‘ av aff - apn ee two of the sece gz mein em of the Fill took leave of the noble, theeoneerva- fellows? = Their modest natures would. lad recourse to Holloway's Ointment 4 ‘ « , Oo STOP YO more State ( ue ttee, publish a fusion tive, the constitutional, the patriotic Ex- prompt them to retira from the public and Pilla, which qnickly canse the wounds fia i‘ anon electoral ticket this moruing. The Fill- President, who waa true to the South, to gaze, eapecially to avoid the serntenizing, | to have an improved appearance, and by lew lord, Tit ‘ yin , more Committee publish the proceedings the Union, and tothe Constitation, when gaze of old friends and Supporters, but jcontinuing with those remedies fur ten » tendered tothe I Weofthe Ralmgh and of inectings | eld Jast night, and the reg- a slavel older liad proved a broken reed, this won't anit the porpose of Democratic | weeks, he was completely cured, and has A SMR UaLION Gaston, the Wilenicton and Weldoa and the Olar Fillinure and D nelson ticket. i jaud who seems commissioned by Provi- loaders. Therefore the now coverts inust over since enjoged the best of health. es ¥ Alem, tle shaves a HORSE away an hold and Rome ree rt Ort i J EFFI oF DAG hawing Teepe et fa Vocimety, ¢ where he Ambro rit mnrying th As evra Vandien call and aelven NOR Mam in th Saliabu: Se t e a «aly 2 MAMMA, Ovtubsr 21. rie rized by the Si oo AT, 1S adeeb irrenrrns ss $50 000. eeear two seceders map ati pUC| th NTS 0 c . tint a une Epllcpat Conteotion a ay te bE ro ons lM AND WINTER THE MARKETS, | TelesiieasecmaetRbatee, i i ER a woe + (lie on (Ehiiredisy Noweniar 13, YERB, oi (he Pian of | a aa) seia7 eis my SINGLE NUMBERS! eis The ty OLROMTRAW wre. 11 9 194] which, for beauty, elegance, ; Delsane, ac. | SAMUEL SWAN, Manager, GE MM Seibel i i | ae Sa pissin mabydhas™"** 5.43; 30,000 TICKETS ONLY | TR Ae , a apo || RS AMOUNTING Me. GEIEA® NESS, do. oom ‘16a Tanners’ 4 00075 200.000 : age : Cacums PR; 4@5 Bo ee 60 e DOL 4 ba lpapagee rp ptoniditnt Polaco of Clothing tequite | Lagner — thing; crate ‘alable Li a ype 75 1 . Will be distribuied according tu.the following lacus sad Esa - Atel by weap eatin Rene tect Suter, ¥ * age ¥ | contes strong, wruble.| p ry Lesther, Cotton Bagging,-—- Sai Wereh #25097 | UNRIVALLED.SCHEME ! |! | ae —ALSO— Hots, Copy und Bonnets, Re j | Pbuebe!, §1.00 | ‘Aa extensive variety of jauketa and Kerseys, iy ORs, , crs "Yea » Brown, 4-4 9 1 Prize of $50,000/ fp i 4 MDT He 1] ie Iron, Nails and Glass, bs arte > 5 ‘ e295} 20,000 Je \ a CO ith Ve Maka Tia Groceries, Paints, Vile, &e., Cotton Yarn” “90 Raed,— ~ OF 20,000) Fee BS Saber Pps sat —— eee apy corn, ‘ ” ie oan Siuclee things wot indiepenenble but yet pleasing to inte Ehgwagiaort tiption of goods to in e408 $000 | ag a sip lately withous tills y~—a0, To all of which; we most respectfully invite perecye 4 @ Prizes 2,500 | P; —n atch-Keys, Seale and Chains ; Parehusitig goods this season. Feathers,.’ ¥ 5; 2 1,000 | lstols, Pen Knives, Tooth-Picks and Canet; Salisbury, Se). 23 1856. Pirie. Bia) * Clerifed, 140)5 | 90 © 50} Pens, Pencils, Buttons and Shoe-Siringe ; are. "“Tiod, Wwedé, i (Putlow, 124] 400 300) Purses and Combe and many sach things. = de. Bes, 4405 Turpentine, PgatAIQi-0 | 75 200 Just call, if you please, and see what I've gut NEWBERN “Bag. Refin'd 4 igi alls | 100 yy 100 | Ped foram er “"y goods aud tell ye my prices; tu “ oles, [ Wool, 3oa00 |195 + 60 | +L wot, « very rare lot, Wu al I Rh Co. 4a | At figures much lower th ie a FRG T Window Alans, ¥ bo APPROXIMATING PRIZES, | The sdvestneras marane sank Moses nsurance Lee, bar, wag) ETS GR50 |G Lo Bee er arectmating 10 tants pte ory 91,09 | Goa cae maser a aahte {IE undersigned has been appointed agent at Salis- Lead, Dry White, 10 012i ! oo ge “ saw Th Bet if -~ e + very! bury, fur the above Company, aad is prepared to eer " Vo,o00 gon | otk ao & bargain would make sare, receive applications from any person wishing to LS sis 2 meses Ve 00 oe ooh : ae son on BAUM— |tagure property. This company is now in successful MARRIED : $$. & . tao = See ihe ety BAUM, at the comer of > » and its busi io faust i ing. Pe ee eo [Psa al nthe tere "4. B. RAMORY hi A , by John C Milter, | ‘s a a oy oan oom eek en fe BD, : ee BALYEL NoSEE ane ey) se : oe © esl Oeuber 14, 1858 Yur obedient servant. |" June 10th, 1656 Genel cafe life a A ree va, LAND SALE A New. Exeltem inet., by Rev. Ste Frowtis, Dr. G. 8. J. HOUS- | Whole Tickets, $10 ~ Halves, 95 — Quarters, 24. fad 4 i ew. € mM TON ahd Mise'N. EB REID, daughter of ihe late Refes ve onal . 22d, by Rev. Samari Rothrock 30,00 hi dicaake sail on the AT CAROLINA CITY. Me MQOQHA DMAN and Mus SARA A. | Tickets are placed Guaghter of the late Rev. H. Grebe, ae saviher Wheel. A Number is fu thie connty Oct. 22d, by Rew. Samael Reothrmek, | dr from the Number Wheel, end ot the same const and Mice REBECCA SHA. time & Piite we drawn [rom the other Wheel, The voce Wheel. The first 340 Pri- THE CAROLINA CITY COMPANY Prize drawn ie placed agemet the Number drown. | Pe ne to the highest bidder, on Tues- la thie coanty, Oct. $3d . by Rev. Sameei Ruthmek, This uperstiva is repesied atl all the Proce aro me City a batted see cerembet wert, at Carel Mr. MONROE TROUTMAN and Mies MARGA,, drawn oui mnmedietely ca wae Lenasa ond City, RET A. fwughicr of the inte Peter Lew s APPROXIMATION PRIZES,—The two preced = ng 4 the twa succeeding Numbers tu thee drawing BEAUFORT HARBOR. 1 IMO Prince will be catiled to the 620 Approa DIED: tmainon Pr see, eccurding tu the Scheme |__|! @ hardly meceamry to call the attention of the / puble w the inpartance uf thie sale. The proposed la Herrisce, Hamilton county, Tema, oa the 16th oh OM OE RING TICKETS, (City te et the terminus of the Rail Road from Golds- os ¢, MARTHA ANN, mada, denskier et Ase Kackos the money seer eddies ac the Tickers but’ via Newbern to Beaufort Harber, which is the Dr. G. A. and ME. Gow'n, aged 13 monthe and 12 vedercd. ca eee pt of whech they will be forwerded by €780d termina: A the Iuterwal Lawpegvement system .f oe Gre mad North Cercle, and where @ magnificent ci'y mung i ewanty,on the 924 of Oct, daogh repadly grow up tet of the tly, seed 15 years he ‘The City Company only propose to cell « hmited God im the fall triamph of the Pa} nember of Laie, to allow parties whe eak of uence to —_—_—_———————— ee vbtein futhedd an opportaasy to do eo! asother will own, end pay. 4 probably be given eoun, ae the Company has no Wo rTrres able ww fell wihout deduction demre Ww part with any cunederable eas@at of the bad TI) All Priace of 61 000 end under, paid immediate. Preperty if byes General Anamal Meeting of the Bicckhuld- ly sferthe drew "g—wiher Prisee ot the weual time Terme liberal and will be made heown at sale ere of the Vadhia Nevigetioe Company will take of thirty dove Oet 14, 1556 24 piece ot Mocksville, on the second Saterday. ihe sith AN commeunse dey) of November pert Prise T teome stinctly ecomfidential chete cashed ut renewed in cher Tickets ai YATTY 1 JOUN A BOYDEN, Preo't. — eaher fee { } QO) S Salsbury, Oct 23d, 1656 tw Orders fot ‘eh ete chowld be set rn earls yD f d 1) TOF Orders for Tickets can be eddremed to S BWAN® } = aS SWAN, Scape Ae Lecceene| DR. W. F. BASON, bere is mt an obd aod even rembe Upumyr: Laer, Cerubesire of Packages can be ould ie ond - . Oedees Let, 1956 s of the Malt. and Phil. Colleges, ae.) Oysters and Fish. k VY OCP er inty mete tev the he . Prepared ROOMS, on the corner neat Doct. —- ity Nale of Land Whitehead, for ihe reception of Ladies and Gentle. eoJarre MERON EV, have made orrange . : men weeding Deatsl services; and where he hupes ments to ferpigk Opmess, Fish, Crabs aed Wild Decks sll wh can comvementiy call, will find it qreaily to the Winter orsem Th. oe wanting barge | thew advawtage qeaatitins of Oysters, can be (gromhed at $1 50 per! B* eee a Wits Tom et of 8! Sakeborv, Uri. 3, 1056 wis ce i by the quart ai $0 ce They oul heep o ieleesitecsian. teery ogee WENA Gommeneatees tr muse cae win own con. . whte to serve up euch (henge ae they may be de the 1th dey of November seat. ¢ ee be siieaded to the are oppurtaety ered = woaday of November ( oanty Court. the hilvwing Sekebary. October 28, 1656 ora Traet of land betenging to the heirs of Morgan N c Li Maa? Em @> Eco Griffith, deceased aes Treet contenme Ten Dellars Reward ! TOWN PROPERTY FOR SALE 393° Acres, [AW AT om te eee oot ey | OFFER for vale © part or all of Lot No 21. E. W Lying on the South Yadkin River of Mey last, a free segro wames HENRY VA LENTINE, ates Henry Lomat Said boy waerce ace and Rocky Creek, verted at the last Term of Rowan Sepenor Court of entre! Rood : mendemeanct whipped end auld for th of wag the Rail Road Lot wuh 2 gad dwellng bowers un sdpaneng the lnade of Wm Bass, cad others, § mies, me S18 weuthe. Seid of sod 4 can be deviated to curt two famine Best of Statesville Lewnet, » alert 23 years of oge. five feet three end a won whebing & parthes any or ef can eddrese me a Troe treet od we very valusbte and se gad com helt t hug? of giegerereed erdor large nese is -ogunees - eg J 4 How rae diam taf cultivate a mew begged, moet bedi, ead by trade s 1. 9a, e Terme—one and iwo years credit, wah mterest Rey, Plasterer end Parner. He wee reed F . , from date a Ane ow sod may be lurking abvot Wades Gl N AND LOCK WP CALDWELE burmogh and A lem sre . 4 aha 4 Oet. 10, 1856 - ' I« ¢ the above reward f+ hie apprehension @SMiITRmING. Moen Pieseant, C ebarres eny jad om thet I et him to me et Moent Pleasant Bell Hanging. Kequity Sale of Land, = eee THE mbeerit-; having pe ced an es.! AND TOWN LOTS CHARLES Kut TTs Je wos a tobhehee et, propuers to carry om the ~ . EO ur . thw: bnew athe owed mee IN STATESVILLE. Fy. am Water Street, in oll #9 reruns E H Ind breeches GUNS and LACKS re oa ncourage ome 2 pured of chat! notice sed «2 reeame 13" Verteo af dvereial andere af the BE QUICK! BE QCICk ©! ble terme Mis tharwagh scquaimt sece Coart of Equny, | will ¢npeer in eale wth the busine as, be hopes. command « rremme ma the Tewa of STATESVILLE, on STILL RETTER AND BETTER: be share of pat rmage AN work werrented Allor wurday the ‘ith day of November went, being dere left with hem will be faithfully and promptly et. the Moeds) of November ( mnty Coert, the faltew AM parin p Rogres and Rockaways © (am ‘ended to Orders reepeei fully enbeued ne valuable Yoel eetat?. beloagrug to the deviewes of Ee Mi work hae olwayes mvee great CHARLES HARTWAN | Ale rander Magyine, deconsed, vin eatrefartnea where over has bere ined + haown, aed ‘ a (hee SA hae, ieee | am devermuned thet 1 shell giv-e section and am oltebery ° Lots No 1S, 16, 17 and IR, ple reward to the purchaser | am et the same oid ADMINISTRATOR'S FRONTING ON MALIN STREET, |som tm Vorvey tarde es Bigs tet, he wheat. corn, beenn, Mr. at the highest market lagether com @m entre eqnare on ead cireet price My werk shall be peda vrable. (Call and Let 18 @ @ CORNER LOT ON THE GREAT | creme my wort and heer prees. and I know ye s PUBLIC SQUARE, end trae on it a ged con't help be.ag plesend wth it I retern my mneere WILL expose to putlic sate 01 the late remade ner het they have bestowed un m+ here toler 2th dey of November nest, the fullowing property, sow pecuped by Stocking & Mornenn The uther JOHN LO WRIGHT cats hots are very demrebbe for tumnes houses or dws bogs Jey 9 pare The PLANTATION on whieh the cued dee'd re —- AlLso— wded, coetamang 258 Aeres. ' Lots No. 68, and half of Lot 62, DR. MW H ITEH EA 1). © 8 more rewired part of the Town— unimproved Onin This Plantation is well watered: has on it on ¢1 ALSO nap Sota inteses tent MEADOW | jm well improved, har ng on ita A Tractof LAND lying nro m “Er (wo etary Dwelling House, 0 large sad conven - h a tae n eat Norn, end ether mecommsy cxi Sy eS oe South gi Stateaviile, sithem three end a naif miice of Ralshery. between 4 fast upland qnraby (he Btaleeville and W ithestoro poeds, and withie one roleet the Western Ral Road. Also, st the sam- with bie reedeece Ja £ see him will leage comtaming 127 acres reas | SALISBURY WOMEN, a Alen, the enter LIKELY NBGROBS, Three MEN. Tre ee cca ue" CLASSICAL SCHOOL, & =~ CHILDREN and a emall ump of tend in the rear of it, whieh will THE andermgned has opened a Claesieal Schon x b ; t . in the town of Sahebery, fur the purpase of nn m0) be mid seperately, bek aging tothe heweof Dr J M b wr porpe pre paring be Kent ame Meat ell . wee Young men for Colege, or any of the learned Prfes | fovear tearm Wagon and Gear ¢ DRock Terme, one and two years credit, with intereet mone Papi's will be prepared to rater any clase in sway aod Harness ait the Farming Toads, House W OP CALDWELL, CMB. {ht Uotvermty. or any of our Colleges, which they N be ‘i eked ' ‘ ; Per haa Pr a7 50 eesamon of ten months, comme neing on the let of Oc Pomereee ta ment Sod alors steal = tober and ending in July, with a vecatwon of one week ss t i eA ta FA sam FOR CONSUMPTION, hae 5 Session of 10 Months. | SCROFULA, «&C. ) Primary Engish branches, - 820 60 . . . Higher do do and Mathematics, 30 00 JEFFERS mare cos Sooo HAS COME! 1 Medicinal, Transparent, Cod Liver O(!. Coouees at fend aa: ue p y third of th. nition WW be required i d . = <7: Highly cateemed by the Medical Faculty ee bpd iat rs sierabiens EFFERS, the celebrated AMBROTYPE *? DAGUERREAN ARTIST from Chateston ( having closed bis Gallery daring the sickly se aeon, A majority of the resident phymciane of Philadel REFERENCES respectfully iuforme the ertiaens Satsonvny end ite phia give thie Oil the eanction of thea high approval Premdent and Faculty of the University : Rev Drary Vicinity, that he hee taken room: Ronanv's Horan, and ne a test of their confidence, recommend it to Lacy, DD, Premdent of Davideon Collewe. Hom where he is prepared to take thew patients and preecribe it im their practice Joba M. Morehead, Hoa. Joho M. Dick, Greene. Nea remedy for Consumption, Broochite, Asthma, A a hae beak eres Ambrotype & Daguerrean Llikensses dcimil Rhs cematman, Geustl Decatotcsr ch moee Helgi tg ieee eet In the HIGHEST STYLE OF THE ART, lous Affections, it stands unrivalled, effect og a cure, Fa ‘Nalbebars : ‘ ; or alleviating suffering when other medicines have “JOHN B GRETTER AB ’eving been constantly engaged in the besiness for failed. October 14, 1856 09 ‘he past re ve Manufactured only by JOHN C.RAKER & CO, us = eure in the art, he dors not heaiiate in No. 100 North 34 street, PhitadeIphia, and eld by ihe — + . “ying that he can prodace Jikencesee orreaion To Druggiate in thie town and eleewhere Q5t KF air N otice. ‘Sv PVRR TAKEN IN PHle Pt. ace Vadiew and gentlemen are reepecifully invited to ’ WW ‘Ph Bal LL, thoae indebted to Smith & Holder either by ye “od examine hie specimens and judge for them N ( ) | I( E. 4M Note or Account, mast pay between now and aelven > November Court, as longer indulgence will not be NR An arty call will be necessary as I will re QTR AYED from the subsenber on ths 13th inetent, ‘ mam in thie place fer two weeks only a dark bay mare, of rather a roam, left hind fot le how ; oF FERS white, two years old last Spring. She got away from Y . oe = GA JEFFE re me seen miles below Salisbary. I will reward any Notice. “ Re MILLS, MOOSE & Co Salisbury, Oct reon who will deliver her to me, or give me such in | “y au ats Lee " | Srcowalbor as to enable me to get her. I live twenty PPLIC ATION wit We made to the mere Cen three “miles Weet of Salisbury, meer the Lineolaton {BM eral Asermbly for authority to appoint a Specia " . JOB PRINTING road. My post Office is Mownt Mourne, Tredell Coun. Magutraie for Rowan County. Alen, for a charter| Marriage Licemse for Sale at this ., W,NC LABAN DEATON. | for a Bank in the town of Saliabury - Vertly iweouted al tite Office October Qlet 188A % pd Oet 1h 1856 20 5 rye 7} . HS SPLENDID” SE ne OR Onm Ere, CANNOP BE SURPASSED IN THE STATE. » “NOVEL SCHEME) | Lands Gr E $40,000, | ron Prize $40. EVERY TEN TICKETS! aed for.an thoaded EY y igoraior no a Cloaks, Mariners, Monsia De Lanes, silks, jon ingh ah nol by ehimvabeding the ¢ P= repid action. pe su | To be drawn in the City of Avianta, Wholesale & Retail ERCHANTS. gE i e' | Aneel Fan sel wine SoODer Beaied | Pevorion | 0 #1 tires end Ges * Reutongd Fancy Dry Goods. are er SAM’L SWAN & CO, Manag 30,000 TICKETS—3,280 PRIZES AMOUNTING To S204,00 ED | of Blisha's Creek, joining Wa E. Boor, Jus. Jordan will be distribuied according tu the following Original Sohemes. $49,000 | 1,000 One and two ye 08 ‘est from date Bond aud good security requirhd, | Hats and Caps, Boots and 10-000 Oct. 2, 1856.—Pr. adv. 85. wld bought ai the lowest CASI prices. APPROXIMATION PRIZES. $1s0 voximating to €40,000 prise ere 600 appre prise are 500 FINHE Wostern Plank Road Company will sell, at elsewhere iu ibis market. . : a'000 Seine Gre cee | public aucuon, near Er aha Carali- Rn. & A. MURPHY. 1,000 prines are 40y | 8, OO Saturday. Serge) of Novem . peuts 2 tant claedap ys Lauper anergrag Pellets arte. Troy, New| 07 We have on band » email sinck of Hardware, AND OUTBREAK! | 4 by HE eebseriber having purchased the Shop, Fur- | wiere, &e.,of Mesers. Weirman & Price, would sanounce to the friends of that the old patrops of hie father he is now seceiving from and varied of | Naga RE warrant good fits. Hats, Caps, Shirts, DOR Sheath, July & The Great Iron Wheel Examined. AND ITS FALSE SPOKES EXTRACTED. }, (+ Browstuw. Forsate at J. HH. Boone’ BOOKsTOR! oJ H Renes Joly 22 FARM FOR SALE. “HE undersigned offers at Private sale, a moet or colieat Plantation, lying three and a half soides West of Sabsbary, on the Bherrill’s Ford road about half a mile from the Sahebery sed Terk Plank Road, adjommg the laade of Mra Merphy, W SB Macey, Mahou cok: and others 344 1-2 Acres, STORE OUS theeke tothe pable for ther very iimral patronage * ‘arre portion of which is 4 Themes Kincaid, deceased, om Wednesday the TORE H fr Pe Nats 1 rh we under a high state af cali:vation rect = 8 superior coatarning aboat 40 acres; pear Sabebury a handeome meadow alone There is. sien on the fod dwelling house @ most excellent barn, and every necomodating r ay dewre The echolast | eomaiet of tare, and other articles im, ).., 10, 1856 20-5t pao . pa Alea aoa bees ne third on the bet of March, and the remainder at | and and thronghout the United States for ite Purity. eweetness | the close of the sesswn. No dedaction far absence | the atyle of the Latest Agony” 8. aad unsformmty, immediate, and supenoer ¢fiicacy ereept in cases of protracted mck ness hien APPLY to pren Oct. 14, 1856. 20:3 A d Salisbary, Sept. 16, 1856 Thunder & Lightning’ DISUNION AND CIVIL WAR, Pestilence, Patent Medicine. FAMINE, &e, &e, RE. evils aed calamities that should be aguas. BAKER & OWEN beg leas form the puble generality eed private indi vidoate par- \ecularty, that they are ready, withag and able io pro. (eet them frum one a: least of the shuve bY porting ep to their building Light oimg Condectors, at Prices lower than 1: hes ev- or been dome at im thee pert of the coaniry your orders to Baker & Owea, Salisbury, N.C Joly 22, 1A56 New North Carolina Form Book. Conmabies, Magimtrntes and Bost sees men, fur eale ai J H Eanes’ July 22 For Rent. FINE BRICK STORE HOUBE, te. / begh, siveated wert duor to Watchmen Pri og fire Apply to R MURPHY Jely & ou Gold Pens, VERY large asewiment of Gund Gold Pros. and Geld Pea Puts, without the Case cootanms Meadow, r Convemence attached thereto The superior locality of thie farm will make ja safe nvestment to the purchaser Terme will be made Call on the subseriber at the plant thon or, address by letter at Sabsbery, N ( ANN BROWN IN EOS TAILOR SHOP! YHE subscriber takes this method to imform hie frreads and the poblic, that he has opened a NEW TAUORING ESTABLISHMENT in the place 19 the corner rooms of D. A. Davies's beilding, direct! Pposite the store of Marphy, MeRone & (a, and adpuning the Tin Shop of Wilhams Brown expernence and suceces in the business are, he thinks, & guarantee for the future HIS JOBS shall be faithfally and artistically exe cuted. He win the receipt of the FASHIONS ta, therefore, always ready to sapply eostomers in CN Salisbory, Sept. 19, 1856 Arnold’s Writing Fluid. HE Best Ink in the Wortd, for sale at J. HW. En nies’ BOOKSTORE. July 22 8 STATE BONDS FORSALE. JENKINS& ROBERTS, Aug 5 tno Salisbury, N C, Mackerel! Mackerel !! large lot or Maekere! in bbts. half bbis. quarter bbls. and kite, of all Noe. jast received and for Office. 8,250 Prises amounting to g204,00, York. [has been in use about 15 of 16 munthe in| ¥hich we are desirous of elosi wan Gia mire aie anare rs | sawing lumber for the Pleok Road. Terms will be | *°Y thing of hand in that line, at cust and transpor- Tickets ~Qearters 3. PLAN OF THE LOTTERY. The Numbers from 1 to 30 , of the W. P. Road Companv. a is a the Aa peongestoe on pa Lineolatou, N.C., Oct. 7, 1856. heh State of North Carolina, | stipe of paper, are encircled with small tin lobes, and) ~ ‘The first 216 Prizes, similarly printed and encircied, ere placed in another wheel The wheels are then 5000 B hels Wh t . 5, | evolved, and a Number is drawn thon the eshes HS S ea Auguat Term, 1856. wheel The aumber and Prize draw B oul are opened and exhibued to the sudience, » frm, bie own friends, and to the public, thai the Northern cities This operation is repeated watil sll APPROXIMATING PRIZES. » . The two Preceding and the two sececeding Nom- the highest market price in cash VE appearing to the catiafecsine of the ¢ anal te bere to those drawing the first tiled to the 64 Approzimauion Priaes, accurd: ADY MADE CLOTH Chathe, Cassumeres, Vestings, and Gentlemen's far. wishing gouds, whieh will be sold very low, or made ep to order im the best style of the Art keep in his employ a rk iifal Cotter, and coe therefure His experieuce im the business Justshes him im saying that his stuck cannot be sur. passed ia quality ; and the si heademe. He stock of Ready-Mades. comprises Cottars, Vesis, Handkerchiefs, Coats, Pants,—and every thing required nee. Orders fur work promptly filled JAMES BEARD Merchant Tail 16 Prizes will be ev mg te For example, if the Number drawing the yles are all late and very CREAT INDUCEMENTS TO (LUBS. eas | j g Witoes, James E Kerr, Clerk of id Court sronied to dive Bib, oul mai Crrjcun’ y COMMissioner's Notice. |, "y0 mJy k Ker. Oerk of oor oad Com Trcheis (where the numbers end in I 2,3, 4, 5,6, 7,4, 9,0 at the following races whieh ( RDERED by the Commissioners of the town over the amoent ereet any burt gvaraaterd scerucs to the purchaser Ceorubeate of Packages of 10 Whote Tick eis, parchaser has a Cerificate of | bays Tickets he would cely Wheles, thes by buying Coribesics he has four more | syrek . Oo OoonDs seveeet Seow Administrator's Sale. G@ ad chances fur the larger Packages in proportion 1¥ ORDERING CERTIFICATES O8 PACKicES. dated Enctuse the money to war address for the Tickets is Dye alt bi . ihcoead ecalaal a ordered, on receipt of which they will be forwarded 8, I will sell 17 of 15 wo of all Lindy; The het of drawn Nurvbers and Prizes will be vent to purchase rs immediately after the drawing LF Parchasers will please write thei mgnetares Post Office, County aad Siete 17 Remember ‘nat every Prise is able ia fall withoe: dedectwa LT All Prizes of 1,000 ty efler the drawing—other Prizes 0) the veual time of therty days, im fall without dedection All comnrunicaiions stnetly confidential! Prize Tickets cashed of renewed iu ciher Tickets ander, pard immediate BOOKSTORE 8 Address orders for Tickets, of Cerifieates of Pack ages of Trekets, evither io oe 8 SWAN, Montgomery Wall Paper, &c, Large supply of most beawtifel W all Paper A o Fire Screens and Wiaduw Shades for sale by H ENNISS, Busksetier BROWN & COFFIN, WROLERALE 48D RETAIL DEsLeas in BOOKSTORE DRY GOODS, Salisbury, N.€., Ne. 3, Granite Ruiliding, og © large addition to ther strnk of the firm, which they ere prepared | hetr Goude before puretrasng lee be found a lerge as PANT DEBSS GOODS. Homery and (hovers well umbered French and Engheh Prats and Shoes; Servants READY MADE Large Stock ( arpeting Vemungs, Tranks, Velwes and ( arpe( Bags: Bleach ed and Brown Goods of aj! kinds as this land profit ean be made from CLOTHING ; { 9 oF imtention to keep cone arge stock of Dry (rox we earmestiy anben acall when vou vient P S —AN orders shall Gave the prompt atien TOWN LOTS FOR SALE. N pursuance of a deeree of the Court of Rowan Connty, Twill sell. at th . on the 4th day of November next Tuesday of County Co 22, Acres of Land, belonging to the beire-at-lew « These lands he within the boundares « town of Saliabury, and will be mid being from the fact thar we have never heen adie ta OF Call and wee $50 Reward. ber 4th. a negfo boy named SIMON Said boy ie aboot 32 of 33 years of weighs aboot 175 pounds was badly clad when he left reward forthe delivery ww fmementin any jail, mw that I get hin agar I SALT, SALT, SALT. WO hundred and fifty prime large Sacks. now in store, and for eale as low as at any other plrce im) Faascie Sarin i \ Sale. (FALL AND WINTER | PURSUANT TO A DECREE OF THE Court | AVYBsS of Equity of Davie County, at Fall Term, 1856, | : a | 1 will sell, at public sale, al the Court Houre ia | —— | Mockayille, on Friday, the 24:h instant, a valuable PRIZES GU. ~oidtil os + ramnmiisl, | Praet of Land, belonging to the heirs of Jacob Wi. SALISBURY, OCTOBER, 1856. fiame, dréeeved, (forn erly known as the Anderson | | Fomer lend,) tying on the waters of Dutchman Creek, WE sabsoriber begs leave to ioform his friends, that he is | aljwiving the lands of Willian March, sen., Ebene- woe ing RR ESH SUPPLIES of PALL and @ | ter Garwoud and others, containing | Cares [ Authorized by the State of Georgia.} 538 Acres, FANCY AND STAPLE County, op Wednesday, 12th of November next, a > FORT GAINES ACADEMY LOTTERY ! more.of idee. Aino, at Mount Pleasant, Cabarrus DRY-GOODS, ae LOT OF LAND, belonging to the heirs of said de October, 24, 1656 os the plas Lee ceased, lying in Cobarrus county, laid off und allot- 04 6M, im a few days, have in store his entire stock, which SINGLE NUMBERS !! G7 Purchasers ia buying 10 Whole Tickets (whea the numbers end in 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,8, 9,0,) are guaranteed w Prize of $40—Halves and ( i : Ul comprise the ted to Leah Williams, mother of the petitioners, in, “" the partition of the lands of Daniel Bost ong his BEST ASSORTMENT heirs at law, joining the lands of Ma Bost and |e nas ever had the pleasure of afering. others, Cuntaining aboat 36 Acres. The said lands will He de ms it uanecessary to enumerate the articles ; suffice it be wid on a cred:t of six months, the purchasers giy- | my, 1 have my Quarters in ing bonds, with good security, ow the day of pale. T % Y _ | Also, E'will sell, at the Court House in’ Mocksville, USUAL ST OCK, on Friday, the 24th inataut. the following Tracts of which has been selected with more than ordipary care. All 1 | Land, belonging t the heirs of Andrew Hulman, de- 0k han xp mination «f my stock before purchasing. $0 duu's ceased, to wit ; One tract, of Potast 12 call oe 4018 No. Aa tend Baling known as the Jaceub Booe tract, Iving on the waters September 234, 1856. and others: another tract, ealled the George Bove rp) | treet, cuntaining i eS DAY Ve ' 224 Acres, FALL& WINTER GOODS. 10,000 ! lying on Elisha's Creek, joining George Sin and othe . 5,000 | ¢F8: aed one other iraet, called the Mill Traci, con- W E are now rece iving or asual supply, embrac- 2000 ‘ining 10 Acres, sm which there is @ vaiuable Mill (BA great variety of Staple and Fasey Dry 8 credit will be given, with iuter- GOODS, Dregs, Creceries, Ready Made Clothing. ' }. BINGHAM,C.M. E. Well adupted to the sean, all of which heve been and which we are determmed tw offer at wholesale and retail at prices | stock before purchasing, os we are determined to se|l | Var goods as oheap, if aot cheaper, then they can bough 7,000 =r ~~. ‘ i ‘Steam Saw Mill for Sale. that will give satisfaction. Call and examine our | Salisbury, Sept. 1856 3ml6 oat, and will offer made known on the day of sale lation expe asec. KR & AM C. C. HENDERSON, President WANTED ROWAN COUNTY Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, John M. Cuffia, Ex'r. of Joba Richards, dec'd, ve nd registered by the AND James Rueherds, Wm. Richards, Mowe L. Helmes, hy be od th > . Hira Holes, Ge chards aad Thomas [ich a "Tha perce eropeied cout ch 1000 BARRELS FLOUR, Pits tiine, Grunge ecnerde aod Themes ue subscriber wishes to purchase the above ouan- Petition to sell Land. uty of Wheat aud Ploar, for which be will pay MICHAEL BROWN George Kicharde and Thomas Richards, two of the Sahsbory, Sept. 16, 1856 uwié defendants in thie cause remde beyomd the limus of “© motwa, ordered by the Court, thal advertisement be made for six weeks enc- 3,000 Prizes of $45 will be determined by the last DE ROSSET & BROWN, ceamvely ia ihe Candina Watebman, » public news- figure of the Nomber that draws the ew rene WILMINGTON, N.C. paper, pubbehed in the town of Sabebury, mifying 9,800 the said defendants of ihe filing of his petition, and rin Seit era ac Tet ete ~~ BROWN & DEROSSET, on cvipirtect i hit on pou ed number cade in I will be eutitled to gal Namber ends with No. 2, thea ofl the Tic ttf Namber euds ia 2 will be evtitted to sw the kets where snd w CENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS Rowan, ot the Cuurt House sa SaBpbary, ou the frst NEW YorRK, and Quarter Sessions, to be held for the ecoanty of Moodsy ia November next, aod an the petition, he sare will be tuken pro cunfesso and heard es parte as to thea Usaal advances made on Consignments ta Aogust, A. D. 1556, and a the Blot year of oat Independence JAMES E KERR, Clerk Sabebury, that no person shall be perumtied Price adv. $5 50 00 ether of the (romt atreeta, when one squere of the mie cf d Coan “metal the — sae s = . 60 Howse, excerpt uf brick ne stone, with « \ I (RE N \\ RE Al \ vet road, and ia aol other reepects ae neerty fire-prowof as \ 4- 44 0) 4: ) 15 Pracucable, ander a penalty of $100.) By order of It will he perceived, by thie plan. that for 860 the ‘he Boaid of Commussners . I aye THOMAS MCNEELY, C B¢ fet for that eum 6 Sept. 30, 1856 — 5 1n56 OR our frends. with ove of the largest and most complete sucks of FALL & WINTER Sver offered ia Salebury, econasting of Foreign and T the late remdenne of Andrew B. Holman, dee'd ,| Domenie Dry Gaods ; Sith some eeeeeties.| Maca A neet Morksvitle, on the 23ed aad 24: October Pere and Cutlery, Queensware, Drugs, Paints and VALUABLE NEGROES, _ BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS, . ; Caps. Black Smith Toole, Iman aad Steel of all kinds, among which are reversal valuable YOUNG MEN . ie NOMEN, BOYS and GIRLS Alem. 1 wit) Biseung and Rifle Powder, and a very large stoch of Cie nmaiog a Howse chices Faiee,, Ready-Made Clothing, a B. BAILEY, Adm'r - Kereeye, Negro Blankets and Ovenabergs, triped aod Mocksville, Sept 30, 1556 plein, Begging, Rope ond Twine. All if whith. hee G=aS$-l. carefully sebewied, at the lowest prices, and will _— be NOTICE be offered va the most reamaable terma . MURPHY & CO LU. pereore indebted to the eetate of Andrew B Salisbury, Sept. 30, 1856 6tLS Holman. dec'd , are Pangen d te whe ved ~ ale payer and cll thee avenge © errne wiSpeadecesarezetes NRW SAUSAGE CUTTER w ber of their reeves B BAILEY, Adm’r . Sept WO. 1556 — 4: 18 Js ST Received and for sale Dison + New Tron Sewenge ( at Sed to cot 100 Ihe per howr *- Notice to Builders. oe ee reacted cpr ped ie : Oe aa tee Sttoes obec ween Calegman Wanted. mits ts Mave Westies aie cs FIT TNE subscriber ie desirous of employing © GOOD &\LE STAPLE AND FANIY nthe Te hae Dore tw “member the ge oe oe ee a yee perepas dsr F ’ Cre: thew Bld nes DRURY LACY. Charman Dt VALUABLE AR Dirineos fe Se ae FARM FOR SALE. Knot, Ch 8 ( iiattt eae corde TT\HE wndermgned hes deteremned to orl! 2 valeabie Aecnu Baur treet of la mw. ee the Alerander land. !5 DA Mare, «% yews a “ wsereeh, abvet 11 mice West MB Garena, Wrimiaz N ¢ ry and wa swe mile of the Western R ewe ee eran ree at Plank Rinde, odpomng tbe lands of TL. (ow —— = beet 1 DF Fiend ond RM. Gibenpre, creaming NOTICE. 200 ACRES, PPLIC ATION will be made to the nent (ener neore ow icen There are un ihe premure he 2k al Assembly of Nurth Cambna, fren amendmen: CreaTy buildings. aad every thing im gwd repair an of the charier * f Salabery, en as pro orenarl of Cheace fruits, oud aa ¢ i-elle = Lae nea eaten seats a The pacssnd esac ers; and that the tax neach Ward. shall be Apr E Abs he f cs e ended n . els r ww - of card ward « Saluebery shabreaia Nie adele aoe istry cy ELIZABETH ALEXANDER fect from eid afer the lot of Janwere 1% Seprember, 1656, pels MANY CITIZENS Sept 320. 1856 R. P. BESSENT, Dentist, sccveie FAIR MT. FOUNDRY & MACHINE (0°\ = 52:80: 56 tows How w) SxorF. STAFFORD, DIXON & Co's . PREMIUM HORSE POWERS, 1\D NOTICE THRESHERS, RE w well tree st aie we Sys from hartonnag or « , \ y 1} ast te Vee ol <0 pe z* r sa) asia Merty ower Machines hve hee vs . . arte tree StinieUicentes . t ROBERT K WENRY STA rs . cr einale eee I Weil, Iredeii Ca. NC. Sep 30. ‘$63, 18 teed war oh tt = mt ne NOTICE, tders that a dw Three M <8 ' Siate I WILL pay the a ot State Fairon 1834 2» “ Ma . R a } I anh clas \S manafecture thie S se sate ond 12 R Z > thor Sintes, end tak aa DIPLOMA eHIGH aa JW OIJENKINS EST PREWIUM. ove ether OW San Se ‘ t ' F ( a saw MW Ma HNAINS & RORERE es . a . . a - hd ’ : ‘ s " 1 ‘ er ir Nsit! Salt !! oes ; my . OMe oe STAFFORD, DIXON & OO ~ w A ®t 1 = Sacks § Malt (ccs Me a eM eS AE : ty) ry Ang 2 ™ ps ’ ? \ Me SQUIRE, ZIMMERMAN S ALLEN, Setar cm sn, tare ee = CO Wholesale Dealers tu JOURNEYMEN DRY GOODS, Carriage Makers Wanted! No. 143, Market Street THE SUBSCRIBER ° weed Sishealtoremr : : PHILADELPHIA ‘ VES SMT D.M. Zimeramay, of Lincolnton, N¢ oe Groacke N Ate 478m may child to his eabin, and, arousing some of grief, the country was unfortunately lus neighbors, proceeded again to the, fr -mountarnto-secure from the attac FREEDOM OF SPEECH AT THE ‘Lheve se ne -dennnetationr more often on wttresouh. T the nese privilege for uurestraiu cations ubterahc@Sn the orthern section of the 1 platturins and palpits are filled dai Vhourly with libellers of every: Ching lufide Hty ds preach- anarchy finds tte advocates, the Bible 1} mi WT ow » sc hould be selected for political jc: jm But in doipg thi than, the rights of nativ 1 was by no Avgnns the sole under ovidence in hatmonfzig Mose ditficul- ties. (Applause.) There were atthat time noble description to ati Jy bothubbeases ot vid is doing well and is truly a hand- reeoguses :amy ‘al octarers are found to q fQon gress belonging to bol parties of the cowntry,— Whigs and Democraga, acter ofseltish party leaders, cyl actio WE DAYS oO Read the following | dle! QUPY. ia the F QUEEN MARY, PK ebunoAnt fo all ot erghts of property, Wher any oi ot speakers appeu to chijoy that liberty « warageaybs frour whosparned the eliar , | lack woud, and say, if vou can, that the (cheem) and rallied arouad my Administration, * 6m; ? . Y support of the great Wearseres Which restored nance nce toan rgltated and distracted country. By the blestings of Divine Prowt, goad w ) denes, oar offorts were crowned with signal suc States, and to thi pA SIN AES (ee ae oe Hy cess (cheers): and wheo T left the Tiresidenttel greek wi Phe iattithers Aud messi the ne aoe Spee chair, the whole nation was prosperous and cuo- | the icdiydaal It ie gener ented, and yur rélations with all foreign nations Teach State w were of the most amicable kind (cheers) Thurpx cloud that hung upon Ue” horizbh was dissing ted, but where are we yous ened at home with civil war, anc th had. waehee roped BEr™ NIT BEEK Yo trace the cted of high treason, plaged on are the facts, and Ie, Includios those of her them. friend, Nurfolk, “and her fa ¢ uigralldedeecdguition fod mainte- ights of the se Sta ) m Phas uot advanced in imorals aud in ; be nge of tepics sn) wat the very besi,) mills in th hinery wad selected by hiuwell, am patterns were choseu.— h—smcoth and steady— ité products, ihe wos °##e yf gg worm. euuwaecd Eagle Mills, i tad shadow it is develyping ite fuir und de. sl Graperate case of rheyinatiom. ated meenes onan ne ai @ 8 ond, Don-interfvrenee by Con- roe (ieshion’ apperttining- States, and uoh-intervention by 1: will work like neces aad headumpis not will excel ight of the na- | beactifal achievemeuts of the ¢ Qicen Mary *s lot was cast. wi that Henry Vill put seven two thousand persons, of all religious Uaitiols, la deatieup a scattold, during vs single reign; Gut itas cqually well aww tat tus daoghter Elizabe an array of three hundred he: imonsof the Uni pertnanently residing iw any Perritory | seit. vereof, to fraupe their constitution” and tawes, to regulate their detnestic and social affai subject only to the provisi ‘onsuitution, with the privile; henéver they have! presentative well step ia here s, that noge but theboandery of Eagle Mills loug. gained far it- 8 wide apread, buth for the exeel- its yarus, abd the superiority of ite cloth tab rs jn ries Troy Mills alone three ons, the world may jook pet f of | NOt les jaterenting ' tenes to rivalit, and hence j > raised, that the South Ma contest iuvdttings result ta iteelf, than ic must Re “desirable causes of the change. These their own mode, itis (or you to ponder upon of the Federal C Of the preséut ‘Adeiaidtéition I have I can appreciate the diffieul.'es (he requisite population for ; and, su, Of administering this government, and if the r Northern jeetarers a: adtnission into the Union w: speculating on coming eveuts might »C. yey weeds » remedy that o me ‘ i i. D OF HUMO wade "gil eiutiens “bow i i iL on Be ie | 10 / ott aft ptyG RD AM. DESON ’ Ne t 3 “ "GRO 41.8 6 nites are Warranted to cure running of ne si ITT’ VOT a (he OLA MELT : ‘Twa to theee bauiheh th) BURANIEL0 cure; ' Fetorug, M4 ‘Phree to foer bottles atv watrauted to Curethe set | 4. b. cummixe, 1 "HRS da-bighe bend chelodd nl LZ at COMMING te servfula. | Ta skeemenenel page ePeeen. BTYRON, A benefit is always experienced from the figat bots | * on ife, wud a perfeet cure is warranted wiun ihe above 25 “4 r <)>) ANDO p ‘q@eautiy ie when. & Reader, 1 peddied over a thousand butiles of hie ia Forwarding Merdhents iy’ | SBe viewiy uf Boston. 1 kauw the effect of it in is owe at » end casting phy gegen. EE cute. So sure as water will eatinguigh fire, @ sures: WILNINGToN, PL apatite ingshocked at the ghastly ar-) sept exccutive aud his supporters have with ood) those who are citizend of the Joied States, uu. Exgle City «few yeaty hen ' Stuck the foreign ambassador to Utention and honest hearts, made a cnistake, | .alie tuo guid : dvr the Constitution and laws thereof, and who HM Deutherw and Northern so willl this cure by or. TL never suld « bottle of it bat. eee _ {that sold aputher; afer a inal it ulwuys epeabp rey _Pyrticulas — Pye setivettingy Phogi, Cpre y of veaetHut a eelf. “There are two things «bout this herb thes apr) Potton, and all 7 : Ca . . “ A : f ing steeples potating heavenw tad Le fallacy of such a couiparis order to show how ‘we serve; Sore God will forgive them as I de (lond and bave a fixed residence in any such Territory, ject Pears lo me earprimng ; first that 1 grows in our pas-| Feb, 1856, BF with ghitering — pees ites tures, iu sume places quite pleuiitul, aod yet its wale} TOT — " : aoft y . ayes — —— nad “ has never been Known antil | discovered tiv 1666— CO W . N 8 the streets are enlivened with a cheer. Sed, Ihat it should care oll kinds of hamer ; must be immediately seen. Protestant histori-{Prelenzed applaase.) — But if there be these who ought to participa srought these calamities upon our coustry stitution, or for selfish or ambitious objects, it is your duty, xh 5 bold them toa strict respon-| 8th. An epfurcement lof the principle that no wns of a vernal sun: waitors in Eugland. Jaws for said | Weenes of a delightful ctimaie, stir ais lave recouuted, with just indignation that Chat Lioody Mary cast two hundred and forty mou, women, and children into : inost hcentious dis Lagritory or State, ful basy throng: the song of balfa milliva of spindies La unger to give mnad dew of the baiden rive and | 19 mingled with the roar of noms and cascedre: Kagle 8°88! popularity of the discuvery, 1 wall state that in , VEGETABLE LITHONTRIPTIC myaumeut reese above all things elte, bearing on ue; APA, 1553, I peddied Vi, and suld about sx bottles asi State or Territory ought to adinit others Uhan disturbed the peace of citizens of the Usited States to the It wus. frage, or of holding political office. 9th. A change iu the Jawa of balvralization, making a continued residence ef Lweaty-one | years, of all not hereinbefore provided for, an jn- Le thames dunny ber brief and atrocious > bat they Have not eqaally premi- nerthy brought forward, that a greater icsts aid Catholic partizans were, by Ler Protestant saccessur, seeret- The agitation which in 1850, was unavoidable, brought upon us by the acquisition of government of which it was pe- vessary to provide terntorial administration, But top ab Mamense eagle. wi with pleasure ea all below. Eagle Civ full view, and by ite liberal poliey invites al business men to @uinsits ence fagement tere roll out thee baled ep goods: the eats of the North ng extended, lovking down Cobes gto the budiness tweety wud thinvy years, aay that avihing day —in April, 1854, 1 wid over une thoesand bottles ~ - per day etn fp PRINT OFTHE HUMAN FAMILY. Some of the wholesale Draggisis who have been ia the anaale af patent medicines was ever hhe ite DISEASED KIDNEYS, western Railruad receive them, together with thou, Ehere wo udiversel prawe of it from all quarters. rand capital are ly vacked to the utinost limits whic 1 the it is for vou to say whether the preseot aguation. ime cau endure, in that awlul whieh « dispepsable rex aisite fur citizenship hereafter, and listracts the country and threatens us sands of otbor things, the producis uf the Cuy: the walieons, If cunnot tn isechued and BOle—but since ks tutruduction as @ geveral feaily nese of the ; ‘whe, ee deafe miag whistle 1s blown, aad the sound Foon convicted of fe-eehved from hill to hill, and wukes the ers of repoding faceattte, whith & roundiag Valle ve: Uhe scene en end ie beyond the exctuding all paupers, and pe n rwsy pow. | Medtine, greet and wonderful virtues have been Gong wd erime, from landiug uy f vl human agony, the Tower of th civil war, has not been recklessly and wan- Secbdike Fk cae wu that | never suspected. tonly prodaced by the adoption of a measure to “ Aticr the massacre of St. Bartholo-, 4 1 personal advaucement rather than ia aay But the comparison lavhis o ifon 6 ahy union between Church Bo rateefeténce with religious faith, YP had bots gig, vr worship, aod no test oaths for office. Jith, Free and thorough any and all alleged abuses of putitic fonctiofia-| tis, and @ strict ecouemy in public expenditures. 12th, The maintenance aed enforcement of al! laws constitutionally enacted, nutil ssid laws OF obal) be dectaned mall and | 13th. Oppositiua to the reckless and un pulicy of tbe presept aduneistcation im the gee: eral management of our national affairs, and wore especmily as shown in removing “ Ameri- * (by designation) amd comservatives in principle, from office, aud plang foreigners and ultraimts io their place ; as showa iv s tracklin subserwency to the stron Party ih of the alFto be tealized be yond ‘ RK 1 will press on to its tinal consume eantoog, prontylay hes ANDREW BAGGARLY Wanted Immediately, At the Silver Hill Mine, ANY QUANTITY OF WOOD AND COAL. EN WORTH, sep: j 4 it we at to ve es vt the court weut ov Sir, you have been plemsed to say that } hate ithe umon of these Siates at heart f there Le one object dearer to other, it is tbe unity, prosperity and ry of this great Republic: harangne atthe N ‘Lasuendt Gavabers, who bed been ¢ weg the tuck, amd curfously turning “i ch df stripped of thei They are content t. HAriLelia, wad ty each other, ‘Lhis niust Ranks, ilar section, much less re) ead kde low befuwe he people shall be repealed, exasperated feeling Le Sowth, on the most ere *, resulung in bloedshed and or Silver Milk Oct 1, 1855 ‘Dr. CHARLES T.POWE } located in Saltebery, respert- oly teaders bite profeasional servicesio Offce—Cowen's Bret Row Ss . 7th, tke sake power :| alebary, Aag. 2 th, 1655 fujturlures whicis 4o4 Brad) LIE’ abgnuty comld devise, aft the f the court of Var s ress the spectacle: ; an a> high prices We se a political party, mesenting candidates fur the Presidency selected for tbe fiest ume ates alune, wit (he avowed pu: cowardly bravado towards m shown in reopening sectional agitation, by! wal of the Mascari Compromise} as shown | © gramugg lo wmeaturalized foreigners the right measure, can of suffrage im Kemeas and Nebraska; as shown > t I @uls, as On the lidates bythe suffrages Dyspepsia Cured. HOSTETTERS CELEBRATED ~ possible that thon » Tu my ewe prectice | elways kept it strietly for he- | Stome inthe Blades and Kidmeys, Weak everal ceaes uf CE lepve tiene dimrage which was hrmpe ote i at Be. Ca it te die - ye cmbidered lucvrable, have been cured by « few lwuiesn O, what s merey ffi: will prove effcerapi fee. be Sutinbery ta all cusceof that awful mraledy—ihere are bet few cvbserbe) ered i copertnems whe have seca mete of it than | have. ae pean he bose tor 1 huow uf several anes of Dropey, al of thew aged 1 oS nto. =. Thisiavatusble meditine id ‘ “the Davie peepe cured by it. For the vatecan diersece uf the eptats ren ba hore taaten odiclue, in prepared to feroimh « supply by addressing him at Live, dick blesdsehe, Dyepepadd, Asthma, Ferer <- d bed sud Agee. Pua tu the Side, Discsare of the Spine, SO? oeting 01 his residence, ‘re pe ot atte ead paricelerly in diseases of the Kidneys, dte., ithe Seve 21, 1094 - D. AUSTEN. discusery hee dime more guud then aay medicine ever — rs = AND FOR SALE, No ehenge of diet ef neecasary——eat the best yoo | cae gel aed cemegh of 1 Y | Diaecriens rop Uses —Adelte one (atte spuonful per day —OWitdren over ico \eure desert op valeb— H ( hddreo (rum five tw eight yrurs, ire opornfal As | offer be direciame cau be applic sbte to all const itdtiune, take i (laremtrred bark meta - Foorth Creek, 16 mies wen of ‘ pvBerent toupereie un ihe b@els twice a day the lends of John 8 Carson, Jecub Beker, end others MANUFACTURED BY ‘Phe depot on the Western Reteasina ; ae = ; - Maat be wear DONALD KENNEDY, The place has on oll ag No. 120 Warrew Si-eet, Reabery, Massachase(ip PO” ONION HLT incadne The we eed Priee @1,00 shun! 350 pegen, one bail Brate Wholrsale Agruts, New York Oity, CV. Cliekner, °f ¢mlypeliits ud she bale maps tebored. , Bearley Birens s CM. Ring, 192 Brondway. A _ Thue wishing © gund hargein, est call wee, od i B A D. dende, 100 Pelion siree: : wit cell on aan mente ing Lerme. T.W Dyat & Rene, Phitadeipne | & 8 Menge! Perec calling on Wm. L. Biccle, cow here sontet. of Dyspepes aad Chills & Betienwre; Gee W Reyeor, Purshere: AB Meuse 88° '@ viewing ihe lands rislv reflected upon th Consequences 11 its Vaeillatiag course on the Kanges aod Yen, bemka quetie® ja bhowd in the | high poreale same of (Me departments of the geveronent , as ebuwn in dieyraciag meritorioas naval offers through pr Sohowa m Ue bimaderi ay © sm adagement o rut famgn relation Therefure, to remely eviefing evils, and the Jisastrogs conseyuebers otherwise re 1 sulting therefrom, we would build up the “ Ame rean party” upoe the priverples hereinbefore | The proftssoreh and weeded! of those w MILLS, WOOBE A CO, ROWANFACTORY. Tribate te Thom Tribete ts due: if te the Vorth Pay M---1f not, eneserage Dome Nawalactares. HE subscribers have petithe ROWAN rac TORY (wested w Solentoary SHEETINGS & YARNS, be Le required to follow the Judice of capnee; and resent, wold it be rom the same quarter, as poets, esta dines J KKM & prisoner suite fis vwe Inenis, loth. That each State C thomery to amend their several constitutions, 80) which they « a 6 abolish the several legeees, and imetitute » pledge of hover, instead of other obligacions fur fellow-ebip an) adinission int pee income of ald po aced in our platform ouncil shall have ae ict on resemasble terme We are dese. raed to prodece grunts eqes! to the best made im ih Biate and spare a eort we five estisfection | t ooge ard waey Gude bop’ co baad wd hareate GRIST MILLS 6 operating ead Core edi be greead fr ‘ati ee promptly a8 pormbic MORNING & MEADER Seletary, Jeane llth v sacetoiders for Pradent a Mitical primeip ice embr eet of iuatroetiva by a is b we wid cube ia nt Ne et LET es REASON TOGETHER | wembous cheenng )— arge emeoriment of Fite Forte Wun JH ENNIS9 BOOKS TORE MANSION 23% HOTEL, SALISBURY, N. ©. HE cubseriber having iahen charge of HOLLOWAY'S PILLS. WHY ARE WE SICK. Bolle, Wagh Miller, Toru, Lyman & Brother, JOUN W STEELE. Pervwto ; Jobo Berke Monireal; Brngiohell & Peo! Merch 11th, 1856 ane ton, Chwagu , Jemes Herd, do; Juba Wilham, Lou eat W w + whee +. pewoe a ¢ ono At Mevad by ol! reeperiable Dew, ete the Ua y tad (Restos end Rescay Poaviccen PS “™’ EOQW Be Bwe we For sale at di & Belle Drug Atore, Safiabery, NC AND SANFORD'S INVIGORATUR. NEW GOODS. FOR JL. PISPOEs OF 4 STINTLA TSG Keen, ‘ee WEpierve. Mills, Moose & Co. THERE hes long os wed 0 demand fur such 0 re I EG leave tm inform they mony frieede and the ody thet eumid be reed wa 20 enle ced oflect al, pobie generally (het they ere now reoerving ond remedy hee bren prepared io meres thet dotnet | end! “preing in the Bret Mouse formerly ccouped by oe pewromre W | ul ite rues hes Gwe how Caer! Koss na, aw he Me ther stork of erlly 1 hee ston phrebed ihe puspume dreng ned site ee STAPLE AND FANCY “hance Wonk tsa Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, °? Fever aunt Agte. J apution, | “hErewe. tagetber wih ofl erietes eaualty heptane Dry Geuds Cm 20d be of App Lestlosenres ond Iria fiore They are sine recerwumg the langest ond ben Coamrd by © dumesnd ott of) betected ugh ul G rece re. le ved He the mere’ sue o cummpendod uh per all af whirk hes are écicrommed io ent 6: prides thet the bever, amd Whew We! cise are censvt feil to please ere cured. as the cause af thom maces A how deers of the Invigursiar rewiy, * THE MIGMEST MARKET PRicga oe. Helnsmenese. Heads Oe re rene weeiece the Laver tu a proper ortam, ang; Peed 01 oll wanes br Pew, Wheet, Core, Cottcs, cad ) 0 fmionmed wee te remorse | Ve pas, SH! Binde of comatey produce bree tehe+ wth greets . <. Dye J.owary Mh. IeSe Ta wets. eames, Keretute Wwers & fed fr these ( hee been bewad 0 very -@ce-mag remedy As at vy) SER Mt Tele, Comore b@r tmeinics the Somath toe besithy ae. . r Md bd wa eed restorers the appetite aad vig One dune < OM MISSION MER ( AANT oN rebeve ‘be uppreance encapaces etpegenc Charlotte, wm. oc, coven ches 5 @ater hen onda Ge ppewte Ne: | +'0 pe 9 Oat. com 0 Apres actem Bare dot dase ofl the ettea, Corn, , Wheat, and all “tom the larger has nu cena» wah o6 prone er a Pt A _ " SOouUnNTAYW FuOoDUcCS eres inam the tet alee apap io argon 1% CRARLOTTR, CHantarTo™, AND YEW Yons Lover |, Cimeres Advances made on Comsigumente Prepared ated etd by Sentird & Tam Figg the gote Mt. New Yur Pree 81.0 per b owt lng} Relerenmeee es Orocr ety. bat the Meese be mm npen for of Boatders, Tratelers. dee ACCOMMODATIONS thereception 8 ders Alen auld by Sill & %,/ Dragg-ts Sabebe. He prommece that bw SE PULLS PUA. Y THE BLOOD. Mitesa shekvs kate one These famous Pilla are exprensty combined te operate on (} OG errvecie s'weysinstiondance Tole corrertiog amy fer ‘ tin their fumetiome, wim of fe amd (has ering DYSPEPSIA & R. JUNIUS MENDENHALL, LAND ACENT. 7 Dbeb. SELECT and omer Goverpme, aagrt, and when ali ober TY. ILL HEALTH. ~ vivo of the Qomatry far pm@hed «hea de mreal RS MENDENHALI Planing Mill, SASH FACTORY AND LUMBER worl mon, amd «peead. wo» Salisbury ON WHST WILL. SALISBURY, wc "TTILE enderegned hare nme in operas paliiy leaker dressed. ot wii! Grove plank ferneahed by others { Sash, Doors, Frames, Blinds and cas merce and Patiorns feneral Blacksmithing The undermgued have fre -raie wrk, seroantand have bmen fur eevegei yrere § moan rather a * emving by taking the Ineger signs Carpen'erd, balers tid ithe @ are reenert in call and examine epreomens of the wrk MURDOCH @ CAIRNS ence of patiem tei mererydisorder gion Flag and (rerpebore VALUABLE PROPERTY For Sale! =p " J Seokine, Enq, Salebary : Geo W. Witheme , & Ca, Charleston, A Hens, Lesngion | Robert —+- Better, Raq. Mew York JAMES HORAH, ote nyvee WATCH-MAKER AND JEWELER, ' Greensborough = SALISICRY, Nay — MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY, cor below M. 4 A. Murphy's Searas THE costal lepemace on the wetestplemicbet « EER mmst ently ont Wend « lerge beserime nin : amnion mean , ae toe eapopld WATCHES sod JEWELRY of oti kende Mate - ss arms aglursre by Seven tas we Cheeks, Wetrhes and Je try of every descrip inn, mg ety ; - ror? bad are inthe Weel, very Qed erete the coon + pew m the b per aad « . arpotall the best mann s = ibe mest mamene- The Gs oO) wentwety £ t det ; heve Fetres 9 ‘ an Poscaramernts. and 16 horelare confident! y reesmmes- . ry 19, 1856 ly ded to (be pebler Althe lect Annwel Weetiag the following Offer. wer elomird lot (heenew og yrur JAMES SLOAN, President & G&G COFFIN View P pete ot CoP MENDEWAALL Attorney PETER ADAMR, See od Tresserer PETER AVDAMB, Bee'ry 1 CL Visit Agewe t ' + (1 O09 é 4 > GA, MILLER, ¢ ATTORNEY AT LAW. % be wocksvil Sel Oy - CT Ree immediately opposite the Porte Rote by April *, 1956 Ain Dene. DR. J. J. SUMMERELL, 8 Ges moved to hie Office tt hie residence. whe:- he will be happy tn receive prdessmal or per- oe alls from his frie de N Bo There are ma Pereone indebted meb ° urge alleech to call and make peiilems which mast be dune by May Court, elee I che boreal Ra y, Jam 29, 1856 45 ' PDiBBLD wx BUN @Rw. oe veri tr telivills ta ete ‘ DR, Ss. RE EY ES : Ub 40,008 tn S athebury, adlf' alte Commission Merchants 23 H\! cesttche dure below Bewjautin Jatdne sore In Cotton, Flour, Grain, Naval Stores, Apa 2, 1456 ely ca) ; eave thern Produce Generally. kE Shy ® FL/ NN , ’ THOWAS EK. BROW N. Mo. 190 Front Street, ITH & FLANNE Carriage, Buggy aud Sulky Builder, BE oom ge BSz OF LAND lying ant the Ben tied ord Road, + wet of Salietery, Containing #00 the premiers aboot wxty aac, COMMISSION MERCHANTS " donn O. Meoreheed Cr » Mail Train. " a » Myrover, Rey. Paye Willem Keg + Pres + Ber pedis Si Wituceee tare, Through Freight lo Wilmip FE have made an arrangement with the Railroad Trains, \wice a weak, from Sahebery to Wil- eae NOW IS THE TIME. W: pmpany to ran a freight car with their Mail Y BEST BOTTOM. Pereone, wishing to ane 0 stance neering work © can be arrommndated by catung on Me. wh) reerdes om the adpining plan A Corn, Owe, Hay, Wheat. Figur, Date, Bacon, Lard Erie land will be wld bow re and two yeare credit, me hal cash, the re te beptap aermaal, @n4 those wh wish otherto b Tmules aresmvitedtc eal smdiua of gurcivil and religious liber pgp z mingtom direct levving Salebery on Monday sud Just renrived and for ante, Thareday ; leave Wilmington, on Tuesday end Fri- 2000 pre heavy Negri. Shoes, any Oar agent will seoompany the eer to receive 1800 beet Negri Blanksee and deliver freight at all the intermediate stations — HW preees ammored Kererys The first car will leave Sakebury on Monday 934 inst. 30 C mle Rope, | KEITH & FLANNER 3 Bales Bagging, nemrted Wilmington, N.C., June 14, 1566 ny MURPITY & CO. Sept. 80, 1856 eur | Mackerel! Mackerel !! 4 large lot of Mackerel in bbls half bble. quarter DD While and bie, of all Now jaw reoeieed and for JOB PRINTING | eale low i MILLS, MOOBE & © Veatly vaecuted at this O fice se 1h EET MILLS, MOOBE & Co AVING determined to se off eed move Rowth. om on the wetere of vt 5. Jo BRU tt 2 ADDRESS, Deliv wforethe N\ Carolina State Ag- ricultural Society, atthe Fair Grounde near Raleigh, on Friday, the kith Oo- tober, 1856, by Prov. E. MITCHELL, of the Umiverelty. i Three weeks ago last Tuesda » 1 was jonored with # eounmuntecation from the | * ‘omntittee of the Agricyltural Seciety of North Carofiia, By doa ad w the daty I now discharge. A tleman had been selected for -the formance of it, in all respects one who would have offered for your acceptance the conttsels | of a wisdom, in which the operations of | a mind xietly: eudewed by mature;;would | appear, com ned with the fruits an | re- sults of earnest study, niatare reflection, | and a very sufficient experience. But, it having beow aseertal that this excel- jeot gentleman would be called away and detained eleewhere by circumstances, at} the time beyotid his control, it became | necessary to find.a person who, on the spur of the moment, weald provide somu- ching that would mustef at this an- niversary-—The Committee did ime the | jonor of taking it fur granted that if 1) could not, 98 60 short @ notice, prepare | an address suited to the importance of the | subject andithe dignity of the occasion, || might, at any rate, © as well as some other pegs. Three | weeks and two days were, Lacknowledge, ample time for the task assigned, if one| had nothing else ta do. But we are over ranning with etadents at the University, and have abandant oceupation in the dis- charge of our duties there, not only every day bud allday,whieb, of course,alters ma- | terially the condition of things. So much | of apology seems to me appropriate in the way of deprecating tov severe and | sarching a criticism, in case that in re-| gaurd to the matter or the execution of what I have now to offer, I shall be judy- ed to have made some A only to Buta more weighty objection to the| in bis manner of lic and what constitutes his employment | fro, one year's end to another, He is noting but a monk, it may be said, (a} married one, by the way.) who is op a verpetually ehdstered ap there at the { aiversity, —— in communicating tu the young amen the radiments of science, | What can he know about the operations of farming, the cultivation of the ground or the raimng of cattle! Whatis here, as we may suppose, of fered as an objection to me, constitutes, 1 my judgmeut, my very leizhest rece wendation. It were a good thing for peo e of all cecapations, profesmom and ‘ditions in eeecety, of each sex and ev ers age, ty have now aed then from some auibentic source, a statement of the epin vis entertained respecting themselves aud their modes of proceeding, by suc! as are the farthest pile remuved fren tuern in their social pesitionand persuits it woald be very amusing at least, ani wight be useful sometinres, for lawyers, preacher, shoemakers, farmers, ducturs, | orchants, and others to listen to the ‘ike their neighbors have abuut them, lf sounebody would only come over v cor side of the house, and disclose the ommenieations the sex have with each ocher about the men, when their heade| are brought Into closest proximity, and the eweet, low toffes of their voices only are heard, bat the words they otter are undistingwiabable, or if the women could var the frank and andieguised opinions the men about themselves, when these same men speak out fearlessly to one another, instead of humbly talking blar ney at the feet of a wife or a lady love tormight resalt ia a mutual benefit. One of the happiest in conception, as wcll as suceessful in execution, of the r-lactions of the poet Kurns, is the Two d«=, where he imirodaces two individu als of the canine race, both apparently of far character in ther respective spheres, bet cecupying very different positions in riety, —one a polished gentieman, and the other a plain, unpretending peasant, a: interchanging opinions about the char eaters and cunduct of mankind, when © Dpoe a heowe they ant them d.we, Dod there beger ¢ tong dape-emee PR Aboet the lords o' the ore « i never tee two waggon horses of a Sunday ar other day, when they may ay jen to be at leisure, standing together an! Uinking to each other for benrs, shout being desirous to know what ideas may be passing throagh the tnind of each Ii i eould oa bald of a hog newspaper, in whch there was a communication from one who had lately been put up to fatten, expressing hie opinions on matters and things in genetal, I shonld pernse his ar teve with extreme interest. Ho would Probably state that the character of the human race seemed to have changed &reat'y of late, and for the better oe “iat, chereas a few weeks ago lis vener alle and venerated mother, a sow some What aged, with a family about her, could pever crawl, when half fainished, torongh an are in the fence around 4 cornfield and he p herself to a break '4s{, without being cursed, driven rudely '. pelted with stones, beaten with a and her earecroelly mangled and by ferocious dogs; here he, was, i a comfortable yard or pen, corn of other savory food always iy y him, a plenty of water supplied, . asant slee ping place aAtnight, ao that vas not his practice now ty root any hore except for exercise and his own & tudsement. Ee had doubta, indeed, nhont re all thiseonsiderate kindness would Lut for the present he was comforta do very happy ¢ the wn Now, upon the principles here laid down, Pean very well conceive that the farmers of North Carolina inay be wil: “ng to know what a body of mon so ex- Cessively learned as are ihe Facalty of the "iversity, think about their operations and upon farming in general. I assure you they entertain opinions npon these Subjects (some of them) which are qnite Peculiar. Some of these I have taken the trouble to set down: “whieh,” however, as Marc Antony says inthe play, “which pardon me, I do not mean to read.” I stand here, then, asthe unworthy repre sentative of the University, in the pres- Shee of the farmers and planters of the State, to discourse to them about their Own peculiar business, and to offer them counsel in relation to matters which they, ertt+s roger we VOL. XIII, | understand so mach Letter than I can pre- | at moderate intervals, tend to do. In navigating a vessel across the ocean, that are appropriate to these famotts conn-|it, in there are several particulars to be attepd- ed to. Net only are the sails to be trim. |ed and set in sa¢h a manner as to catcli | selves. the breeze, the elm to be managed with skill, the eonree by the compass to be not- ed aad the log to be thrown at intervals A SSS RSE. SI se gs ba an ont = Se Se Set ee ~ SALISBURY, N. C., NOVEMBER 4, 1856. throughout the ‘year. The modes of culture, -therefore, rn. | beyond the mere eradication of the weeds is to open the ground repeated! y —to keep the slow decay of animal and vegetable | matter, and other agencies. It is absorb- | \tries, may be expected to approach more | that the roots of the growing plants may ed under the influence of the light of the /Nearly to what It is obtains amongst our: | easily penetrate it in search of the nour-/snn, the caryon retained for the use of sible, therefore, that by |ishment they require. He made small ac- | the vegetable, and the pure, vital air, |the study of the ancient classics, some of! count of manure, almost the only use of which is one of its constituents, given which touch incidentally upon the topic which he represented to be to devide the} out. The leaves with which the forests of agriculture, and 80 ag to ascertain the progress the Fo | Varra, and Cohunella, treat professedly | ment to the mouths of the vegetable root- I h : jef it, we may be able to learn something lets, which end can be accoinplished, he|certained, than the accomplishment of, ship is making, but from the reeord of observations su obtained, the position of any hour is to be calculated, so that it near to the desired haven oe approaching a dangerous cuast. I propose tu examine and ascertain, as accurately us 1 can, whereal«uts we are in the great ocean of agricultura) improvement and knowledge; especiully that part of our beowletis which is qrost intimately connected with the science uf chemistry. will be necessary to look as well as immediately about us.— Ifauy art of science is warranted in tracing its eng | to the very cradle of the human race, 1 suppose Uns to be eminently true (of farming, inasmuch as we bave it from the very best of all authorities, that the Uret father of the human race was patin- to the garden of Eden, to dress jt and to keep it. Of the agriculture of this gar- though I way find occasinn to speak ot it hereafier. come down, then, at a sin- le stride from that remute era and un Pale bocality on the vartl's sarface to the most ancient seat of c.vilization and the arts; to Egy pt and what ie most wor- thy of atttention in the condition and moles of culture in that country. It seldom rains in Egypt, which, so far us the growth of vegetabics is concerned, is dependent altogether upou the waters of the Nile. The habitable and enltiva table part of that cowatry, ifnot coufiped Vabsolutely to the low yrounds of that stream, extends but a very stort distance beyoud theu.--Onee iva year, some Where Letween the inidlie and end of June, the nver beyins te ewell @rom the effeet have fallen, we do tot know how long before, inthe interior of the continent of Africa The qnanti ty of the water flowing in it gees on in creasing very slowly about two mouths, at the end of which time the channel of the Nile is Lrivaful and it be gine W come over the Lanks and cover the low yrounde, A month later it is at ite highest point, and a month later still, oral the gods ctor or bina of No vember has returned to ite Wa BH od leaving the soil, after having been flood ed for two whole months, most thorough ly wet, and is pregnated also with what ever elements of ferulity the river lias brought from the regions of ite remote fuantain head. The ground now receives what little breaking up it requires, and Ure wheat which ie by far the niost im portant crop, is sown. As the atmosphere of that country 1s always dry, at least as compared with that overhanging the oth er portions of the earth's sarface, (an ef feet probably of the deserts that border yy pt oa cither hand,) the climate j voralie te the health and vigor oft! trewlar grain Ite very Jit bimet, of rust, of unidew, or to wf these casualties, which semetines bhg't the hopes of the farmer ia own own country. The agriculture of Egvpt was thereiore mainly, if not altogether m« ehenical, the overflowing of the Nile sup plying annually the cleinents of a peren mal fertality of raina whieh foot e bubject any Palestine or the Luly Land, the thea tre of som any m raculous events reeard ed in the Scriptures, was a very different wort of country. Wath muderate extent, the greater part of its surface i¢ relling of broken. The rock that anderties the evil isa liuuestone. Here, asin Eyyp?, the kind of coltare to which the population are in a great measure, uf not altogether restricted, is determined by causes beyood uninan control. Dur ing four mouths and a half of the year— the three sammer montha, September and the first half of October—rain very seldom falls there. The rains commence in the latter part of October and contin ve throngh the winter and spring. It fol lows that the rotation of crops inust al ways have been iinperfect in that coun try. Our ecommon Indian corn, even if know n, conld never have been cultivat ed to an advantage in Palestine. Wheat was, and ta, asin kygypt, the principal some piauie of grain. The soil has always been, and. is row, faverabic to its growth and prodne tiveness: so that with but an imperfect cultivation, the returns are od. Tt does net appear that the Hebrews were ever remarkable for their skill in’ farming That they made seme use of manure in the time of our Saviour, appears from the parable of the barren figetree, whieh the dreseer of the vinevard requests to have spared, till lie shall have have had an op pottunity todig about it and dung ity af ter which, if it shall atill continin unpre ductive, he consents that it shall be ent down Vhre ame Anis of Mnprovement need by them appear te have been mostly ime chanical; the loosening of the sol, and the eradication of the weeda, so ast hin der them from interterring with the grow: ing crop. Whon we pars from Palestine to the shores of Greece and Italy, Wwe come to regions whose characteristics in the re lations to agriculture bear a nearer re semblance to those of our own land. They are not without forests; their climates are somewhat warmer than oars; the deposi tion of moisture, under the forms of rain, hail or snow, instead of being contined to particular seasons, occur, as with ue, in succession -one or the other of them, | t : jit regard tu the best methods of manag- said, more completely and in a way in all| these clan a han daa | the mariner on any particular day and at | ing our farms here in North-Carolina. [p \tespects preferable, by tillage. Tull be- a few, as Virgil, Cato, terrestrial matter, which affords nutri-| are clothed in summer have no other use ‘or purpose so far as has been hitherto as- The greve around the: | University furnishes an experiment, on a) . | point of fact we can find in them very lit- gins by showing that the roots of plants| large scale, illustrative and confirmatory | may be known whether he is drawing |e that is beyond the science and skill/extend much farther than is commonly lof an intelligent negro on any common | plantation. | The notices which the Greeks have left us of their modes of culture are few and |meagre. They are certain facts connect- Jed with growth of vegetables, which are likely tu force tiemselves upon the atten-| Tu do this it}tion of the most casnal observer, and | | C ales retty furback,| which were not neglected in the agricul-|lrardened afterwards, recourse must be|/year. An additional, and it is by no believed, and then proceeds to inquire in- |to the nature of their food. After exam- jining several hypotheses, he decides this food to be fine particles of earth. It |is necessary, therefore, not only to pul- verize the suil by repeated ploughings before it is seeded, but as it becomes dully more and more compressed and jot the truths that have just been stated. | The soil contains almost no carbon under lany form. The leaves, wheu they fall, at this season of the year, are mostly | swept off by the wind during the winter, jand what he remain are barnt at the |opening of the spring. Yet the quantity jf carbon in the tranks and limbs of the trees is evidently increased from year to jture of thi or any other ancient peo- had to tillage, or horse-hoeing, as he call- | means an inconsiderable quantity of car- ple. 1. The rankness of the grass and weeds Jed it, whilst the plants are shooting a} which also destroys the weeds that would | bon is accumulated in the leaves them- |selves, which as has just been stated, are | jest about the spot where some manare | deprive them of the nourishment: that is either gwept off by the wind or burnt.— | lus fullen, may be expected to saggest to the most slovenly aad nay. have under cultivation, as a pretty jden I do not propose to treat at present, certain means of rendering the returns in readiness for them. His system of till- careless farmer the | age was very much the same that has this carbon can by any possibitity have | application of the same substance to the | long been practised in this country in the | beem derived but the atmosphere. ‘vets of wheat or any other vegetable he | culture of corn, and at a later date of cot- | jton, ofly he would discard manare alto- | gether as too filthy a aubstance to be em- There no other suurce from which all, 1 The effect of animal life, therefore, is to contaminate the air we breathe so far as its relations to their own healtful exis- | larger, of a Letter quality, and on beth | ployed in the produetion of what is to be | tence is concerned, and at the same time | actuunts wore valuable. Hebrews, | Greeks and Romans, seem therefore alike tw have understood the effect of manures, though Hesiod, one of the most ancient of the Greek poets, whose works have come down to as, and who wrote expressly of agriculture, does not mention thei at all. 2. When a pile of logs or a brush-heap is burnt in a field, the growth upon that spot will show that some inflnence has been exerted, or sanething has been lib erated trom the wood and deposited there, which is favurabie to the inerease of veg- vtables of every kind, whether wild or ewltivated. This will naturally lead to the appieation of asies as a manare, and 4 course with good results 8. From the visible effects of the sutn- ‘wer shower, we are naturally led by con jectare that by supplying water ia any other way, we may accowplish the same ends. Tins will be true, especially if we can direct a ranning stream from its course, and lead it along our cultivated fields The great principles of ayricnl- tare, therefore, that were received, and the processes that were adopted and car- ‘ried into practice by the ancients, were few in nainber. 1. The soil has to be loosened and mel- lowed Ly means of the plough or some other mechanical agency, before the seed 16 Committed to it; and it is desirabte that | this stirring of the ground be renewed sabseequently, whilst the crop ia grow- ing 2. Other vegetables besides the one we are culluvating are to be rooted ent, or the crop is to be kept elean. Solomon represents jimselfas having “passed by the Geld of the sluthful, and by the vine yard of the man void of anderstanding, and lo. it was all grown over with thorns and wetties had covered the face there of 3. They understood the nee of stable or farinyard manure, though ther do net ap pear to have valued it as hig rly asdo the moderne 4. They esteemed ashes asa manure & Thes were aware of the benefical effects of irryation 6. Finally. they were not wholly igno rant of what ie accomplished by a jadi emus rotation of crops. Ther method of fallowing differed from ours in one par teoalar: at was extended throegh a longer pened. The fieid that was to be sown in wheat in the year 57, was ploaghed for the firet tine in the way ef preparation in the fall of '36 7. We learn from Pliny that the nse of marl was understood, and its application practioed in France and Britain; whilst, if hot anknown, it was at least neglected in Italy From agricaitare proper, one of the authors before me, Varro proceeds to the subjeet of stock breeding, to which he de- votes cleven chapters. 1 On the arya and dogaity of stock -br eding 6 Concerning esses 7 Of horses and mares. 2 Da shecp. ranvmeandlambe | * (ff mules, both hinds 3 Oe guatsofboth we resend | 9 Abtut doga hide 18 Anat Shepterda 4 About the hog. Ll Of nik cheese, de S Comcermng valle & cows All this is, of course, very learned, and fary one ot the company now here shall ye pans d te enter pen the study of the Latin and read Varro, that he may learn yver again What he knows aiready, TL have obly to say that this is a free country We will leave the ancients then, pass hy the dark ages, and come down at once tocomparativery modern times, Britian, the ancestors of moat us, the country of was Jong, like the rest of Europe, thinly and badly caltivated. Even after revival of learning, the business of farm the ing was notata logher lewel vw regard to vither theory or practice than amongst the ancient Greeks and Reinans. The tirst considerable IMiprovements were snyyested by aman in whose views and plans fora better method of culture, truth and error were strangely mingled. Down all crops had been sown broadcast, as the small grains are to hia time nearly generally with os In 1731, or one hundred and twenty five years ago, Jethro Tull published his treatise on horse-hoeing. [le was an earn est and keen observer, and noticing the effect produced by a careful cultivation and the loosening of the soil, he drew the conclusion that the one and only thing required for the production of a good crop {used for food; and he would spply | method or process of ploughing or horse- | hoeing with some kind of eoulter or cul- tivater to the crops, where each plant oc- jcupies a much smaller space than does a stalk of corn or cotton, asin the case of turnips and wheat. Of course, when the {ground is to be stirred between rows which are so much nearer together, it be comes indispenable that those rows be perfectly straight and true, their distances from each other exactly equal, and that the whole business Le conducted with the utmost care and precision. Tull contrib uted indirectly, therefore, to the neatness and beauty of the agricalinre of Great britain, and the perfeetion of the imeth- ods now in use there. The turnip crop, in particalar, which receives so much at tention there, thrives wonderfally under this kind of management, and if intro daced into the smaller patches that are seen at this season of the year somewhere about every plantation in North Carolina, would have an excellent effect. With the same expenditure of manare a crop of equal goodness wonld be produced over \9 sooch larger surface, and we shou!d have a better snpply of an article on which to feed oar wives and daughters during the winter. Toll represented a rotation of crops to be unnecessary at least, if not utterly useless Men of better sense and sonnder jody ment, Giscaraing the whimsies of Tul), avajled themselves of his reasonable say gestions. They continued to collect, pre- serve, and apply their manures as they lad done before, and at the same time adopted Lis methods of careful tillage. and his great panacea for so many of the ills of agricultare, horse-hoeing, fur those crops to which it is apy licable The farming of England underwent a gradual thouyh slow amelioration. The great agent, the science that was fo car ry it forward to a perfection, the attain ment of which had hitherto been regard ed as impracticable, was as yet anknown vas yet to be called into being The origin of the modern chemiatrs dates no further back than a single cer In 1756, Dr. Black published his Thesis de Magnesia Alba,” in which |i slowed that, besides the air we breatl): there is at least one other kind with pro perties wholly different, and it became probable that there are others still ; not improbable that there aro many other such sabstances, Cheinists entered wit ardor into the new field of investigation that was in such manner laid eper to them. and the constitation of vegetable mattcr became, so far as relates to the great facts and principles coniected with it, pretty well anderstood. Vegetable fibre of every kind, as seen in irces, in grasses, and the other prodncta of calti vation, is composed mainly of three sub stances, viz: oxygen and hydrogen, which are the constituent elements of water and carbon, or the coal that is seen at the blacksinith’s shop. Water is present ev ery where in a favorable season, so that we can well understand, whence that ia procared by vegetables of every kind Lat with regard tothe carbon, it is at tirst sight by no means clear whence it is that mes. Take, for example, a field of corn at fodder-pulling time large bearthen of carbon in it—in the staiks, the blades, and the ears Phere 19 often wery nearly, if not qiite, As mnie in the «e as there was inthe spring. Pr then, has this constituent of t! derived? Tt very fully by a long course ot tury Le There reaeA carbon in the a was at length ascertai ments instituted by ditferent Pp tose pers, between the vears 1770 and 1500, trou what source itis that vegetables are sa} plied with the larger part of the carbon they contain; that it exists in a state of combination, united to another elementa ry substance, in a gaseous state, diffused in small proportions through the atmos phere. This gas, or air, bearing the name of carbonic acid, is, so far as the wants and necessities of animals are concerned to be regarded as an impurity in the sab- stance we breathe. If it exceeds a cer tain proportion or limit, the air contain- ing it becomes positively noxious and deadly. It is what is sometimes used, es- |pectally by females, for the parpnse of {suicide in Paris and elsewhere. It is a | prodact of respiration, of combustion, of | ashes, the | to charge it with nourishing food far ve- | getables; whilst on the other hand, ve getables rob the air of what is most gratefal and congenial to their own ap- petites, and restore it purified and cleans ed to meet the wants of the aniinal. This was a prodigions step in advance in our knowledge of organized nature, re vealing to us much in the economy of the vegetable and animal world which it was most desirable to know, and furnishing ao explanation to a certain extent of the uses of patrescent manures; but the in formation se acquired was with reason a good deal more prized by the vegetable physiologist thay by the agricu Indeed, the latter cared but he could take very little use For it veget 23, the er ps we culti vate and raise, are composed of the cle ments of water, which they can easily procure, which we can supply if they are so in want that there is an absolute necessity for it; and if carbon, which they got from the air; all they can possibly want is a soil of alinost any sort in which to obtain a foothold and raise themselves ap 80 as to place themselves ander the genial influence of the atmosphere and the san’s rays. Why then should there be a difference in wils! Why should not one be as good as another! For a long time we were unable to assign any sausfactory reason. One class of men — one profession was as much in the dark about the matter as another. There was a mass of facts to wlich was given br ‘ t rather than had any valid title to it, the narne of agricul tural chemistry. It was not, in fact, en- titled to the name, and for a namber of years I was accustowed to deny that there was Any such ec:ence as agricuitu ral chemistry In the vear 1512, or 44 years ago, Swe Hamphrey Davy, at the instance of the Eaglish Board ot Agneul tare, delivered in London a coarse of lec tares, which were afterwards pablished, oa this subject T lev were written with the eleyance and precision which chara terize all the productions of lis pen, bat so fur asthe information they contain and the new tacts they furnish are coucerued, were of no considerable valuc. The pre of thie is to be found in the fact that the nterest they awakened waa only rary: esy because they tewnpe it soon died ont, and the whole eatject lay neglected for a number of veare An intelligent friend of nine, in the soundness of wh vee Judgment, as we as in lis general fairnesa, IT have preat nfidence and who had, at least, paid great attention to the suliject of agricu ture, told me that after reading Sir [am phrey's book carefully through, he seem ed to have pleaned out of the mass of chaff of which it is in the inain compos ed, one idea both valnable and new, and no more. Some exaggeration, it may be believed, there was in this statement, but the worth of the conntributions of Sir Hnmphrey to agricaltaral chem stry, it will T believe, be conceded on all hands, was very inconsiderable At length. inen in groping aboat in the darkness beyan to feel the truth and te av hold of it, and though from the want of the needful books of reference, | eannss spoak with perfect contidence, [am of the opimon that nos only te the Ger mans in general, bat to Springel in par Var, the larger part of the ere lit con nected with the more recent diseovertes n this Geld of acience, and with the new views that are taken, is doe \ r gions etride, and one of grea ’ pet Bl rablv he vale vn) its ding spon the fa it 3 We are placed Oy tina vt ’ correct our oven theomes, but aleo to prove ovr practi: There isa scier f agricnitural chemistry now, and its teac I have, tirst Wall. to state buetly but distinctly what they are. nys are of immense value When vegetables are burnt they leave a qnantity of ashes behind them. The pine tree is almost an exception, for when we burn it the quantity of the ashes pro cured is inconsiderable. With this facet, its capacity of growing slowly ondeed, but with a degree of vigor the sand hills that are barren al- most everything else, has probably a close connexion. Vegetable matter gen erally leaves a erniletalts qnantity of Is this what Tull supposed ?— even upon for © Deoated to Politics, Wews, Agriculture, Internal Improvements, Commerce, the Arts and Sciences, Morality, and the Famity Circle. NUMBER XXIII claims of chemistry, and the respecting the benefits ccuhered upen agriculture are tain counter statements. If we cansot accomplish all that might be desired, we can do something. € can suggest the erection of a hone mill in each eounty so - as to make the best and most éconensieat use that is possible of the amoant of phosphate of lime we hav y at our d—we can mend the most careful search amongst the shell limestones of the low country for masses” containing an available per cen of thig. precious substance. And finally, bees can warn our fellow-citizens of the danger of permitting whatever stock we ,now have of these constituents of a rich Deal to run to negleet and waste. I think I can satisfy any one who will follow a |fair and honest argument to its legiti- merely some fine particles of common earth, or have ashes a pecaliar constitu- fact, always loose and mellow, so|jed by the leaves of the plants, decompoe- tion of their own, and one that is different for each particular kind of vegetable rowth, and does the matter contained in fess ashes play an iniportant part in the economy of every plant? These were the questions, to be settled, and the an- swers that have been returoed have a deep and important significancy for the! agriculturist. With ea Bey state, his mind should be very thoroughly im- bued ; they should be perfectly familiar tohim. ‘here are afew chemical conf. pounds that, as they are always found in its ashes, appear to be essential to the healthy Ae vigorous growth of each plant, 60 that if they are present in suita- ble quantity in a soil, and there is no other hindrance, that will be a fertile soil for the vegetable in question. These in- dispensable requisites of fertility are few in number; they are required By nearly all, if not by all absolutely of the plants we cultivate, though not by all in the satne proportion and in equal degree.— They are potashes, or that substance in common which communicates to it the property of forming a soap when boiled for some time with an oil or with tallow; |soda, which is nearly related in its pro- perties to potashes ; lime imagnesia, silica vr the earth of common white flint, plos- phorie acid, and sulphuric acid. Now it ix remarkuble with regard to two of these substances so indispensable to vegetation, (putashes and phosphoric acid) that they are everywhere and nowhere. A proof it is of the existence of a wise and kind intelligence that pre- sided over the creation of the earth and all that inhabit it, and that he has order- ed all things well. They are diffased in small quantity and proportion throagh all soils, whilst there are few if any exten sive and rich mines of them from whieh they may be extracted and strewed Over the surface of our tields, so ar. to create in them all a fertility which is not native and natoral. Wherever there is one of those blades of yrass on which our do mesuc animals fucd, or a stelk of wheat whieh brings a single pram of seed to ure potashes and phos- The quantity substance tnaturity, there i) h p ate « Thine tr the we) especially of the last nanred inay be very ineonsiderable, so susull that the analytical chemist who has a parcel of that soil ander examination, will with difficulty, if at all, be able to separate and weigh it. The entry in his note book may Le—phosphoric acid—ae trace whilst from a stalk of wheat we obtain a statement considerably defferent. There Ce) certainty ho saperfluity of phosphorie acid, the wheat stalk wonld say, in that soil, yet Pfoand enowgl to meet my im inediate necessities, as if you barn me, stem, blade and grain, and proceed to analyze my ashes, you will readily die cover The fact that these few substances are always found m the ashes of vegetables, seems to furnish decisive proof that they play an twportant part in Uke economy o the p'aat, and are essential to it, as they alse are, the yreate to an inals of different races aud kinds. Of the particular uses of eaeh, and what changes are aceoinphsbed through ite age me of the seerets of the Detty, from over which he may never permit a haman hand to lift but in the mean tine, we shall do wisely in applying for oar own advantage the knowledge we have alrealy acquired | recapitulate, refore, the facta to which 0 18 more partreatarly part of then, nev, we are whelly ignorant. It is the veil; your alten itvited, once noi. Potassa or potashes, as they commonly the and line, are found to be contained in call it in market, phosphate of the ashes of ail or wearily all the vegetables we are iu the practice of cullvating im this country, winch we infer that if not absolutely imdispeusable, they are very beaportant and useful to the plant, and when they are present im cousiderabie quantity in the sel, promote very great ly ite fertility Tiis is not mere specula- ton and theory, but it has Leen fully es tablished by experiment. Fields that were utterly barren, and tm the soil of which no phosphate of lime coald be de tected, on recetving a generons applica Hon of thal substauce, have yielded abur- dant crops. These two precious sabstan- ces exist in stnaili quantity in the sou of Nortl- Carolina, aud in every part of it, the east and the west, evers county, mevery platelatron, tlhe surface, and and atarl depios. But here [shall per Naps oe duet wilh an ebyection ay Whab Nse is your chemistry after ali ( You fell Us tuat Voa leave teoand sous that Threrde tances are absoiutely necessary, PHS pens to pants that lieve are everywhere a vhere—everv where sinall qaa x ' are " anv exiet cai {th OY what adva w ‘ wis ‘ ‘ wey | \ ‘ ‘ \ ' ‘ ‘ 4 bs ‘ isu Th ease, ! Looney turns ritaselt with thre nately rb ate rere s Ut nnfort re at prese tA Where Tu tained. Just so you tell us that our soils or may become diseased -that vou kn restore them t applred to » sound and perfect health, out the places where, or the methods by procured vw What medicine must be but are silent s which, they are to be It is not to be denied there is’some show of reason in But they may be tivat these objections, — mct 60 far as the |inate conclusions, and who will such conclusions -as and parcel of | his belief, that these irecaakls substan- | ces are contained in larger p ion in what we commonly call the soil as distin- guished from the subsoil, than at any ‘other point that is within some five feet of the surface; and the usc I intend to \tnake of this faet isto press u the far- {mers of the State a more Siiigene use than has hitherto been made in North- |Carvlina husbandry of ail the means at \their disposal, adi especially hill side ‘ditching and horizontal plowing, as the |only means they have of perpetuating | the fertility of the fields they eultivate.— know very well that these are agrieal- tural operations which are faithfully at- tended to by some few individuals. My object will be to show’that there is rea- |sou in the methods they employ; that it |is no humbag which we reeommend, and jinduce as many persons as I ean who | cultivate rolling or broken land, to adopt the practice. North Carolina, at the time the white man first made his appearance on the wes- jtern shore of the Atlantie and the Abo- |figinal Indian was its only inhabitant, | was covered all over, as it iol been for | ages, with a continuous forest. Not ex- lactly such a forest as is now seen Te those parts of the county of Wake, for |cxample, which bave not yet been cut down: the large trees were more thinly | scattered, presenting somewhat the ap- | pearance of an orchard. This featare of | the origiual landscape bas not yet been altogether obliterated in some of the ex- treme western evanties. The trees ‘threw out their roots in every direction Jin search of the food, the moistare, and jearthly salts especially, which were indig- |pensible ta their healthy and vigorous {growth. The tap root goes directly | downwards, giving off its branches, and the small routlets penetrate sometimes to a depth of ten, twelve and fifteen feet.— [They are in seareh of potasb, soda, lime, phosphoric acid, sulpharie acid and a few other things, which they colleet and carry up 80 as to be deposited ia the trunk, hinbe, and leaves. When these | woody matters perish, whether in the na- taral course of decay or by being burnt upon the ground, the precioas ments of fertility that have been extracted from the evb-soil, and from that which lies ata cousiderable depth, have been broaght ap and incorporated with the vegetable tissue, are liberated aad mi with the wp soil. They are likely to be dis- solved again to a certain extent by the ruins that fall, some part of them is car- | ried off to the ocean and irretrievably lost, some is soaked sp and sinks to a certain distance into the gronnd, bat a large part remains at or near the surface, helping to constitate what we call the soil The principle for whieh I am con- tending is simply one that is well under- stuod by many persons, but not brought out with the distinetness iu which, from ite Importance, it merits to be placed. — That the sod from the course, and in con- sequence of the events and changes by which it has been forimed, is necessaril y neher in the elements of fertility than the subsoil, is therefore to be retained in '@ position by all the decent and ‘honest Methods we can employ. em these, heli-mde ditching and horizoata plongh- Ng appear to me to hold the first place. The deep subsoil has been in a conrse of ennetiment for ages, and what the final results of such @ process are likely to be, 1 suppose it requires nut the wisdom of a delomon ta determine and decide. What we need at this time, as it appears to me, more than ansthing else, in agricultural! chemistry, is, a long series of analyses, extending not laterally bat vertically, net an account of the composition of a parcel of soil taken in Ed be, and of anvther from Rowan; but the same thing for parcels from different depthe. Suppose a deep well to be dug here in Ralergh, and the earth examined, which is taken, af fhe werface, and at the depths of 4,8, 12, 16, 90 and 24 feet, till we come to a point where the decomposed rock differs bat littic in constitution from soch as is still solid. The information affurded by such analyses would be val nable, inas mach as, amongst other things, It woald settle detinitely the qaestion in relation to the safety of sach kindof deep plonghing, as shal bring the deep subsoi! to the sarface, whilst that which had been at the surface is buried where the roots of plants wil! lardly reach it Most of the fanners whom I hare the , to address know very well what is Heant Uy a guily of a gailed place in a fieid. This iast name ie well applied. — They are spots as unsightly, and uncom- t tose mpon @ working animal woich the hair has been rabbed off, and skin chated and fretted, until it tender at least, if not sore. A ar acquainted with farming, who teelrie, ast ‘ A large field or farin, that was in : wertton, woald be inclined perhaps Crum very tightly of it. The sides and n ‘gn and wasies, would set lave a , raddy color—the cart self te be tolerably inellow and plable Iw turn in there, he would say, witha good sharp, heavy plow, break np well, and show these stupid farm- weto raise corn. And those same irmers whom he characterizes as so stu- pod may be expected to wateh with some leyree of maiicions pjeasure the resalt of is operations. Such gullied and galled places, if notabs rlutely immedieable and neurable, are exceedingly difficult to be narsed into fertility Differences un- questionably there will be in different places and eounties : depending upon the kind of rock that underlies them. I am speaking of what is most common and general. And we cau see the reason why ers t ee ee ene a re ~ % ' things are. The surface that is in these carve exposed, has been previously enter eg and stripped of its nein su lime and phosphoric acid, by the trees which once grew just above i when ~The re wae a coil above it, and now that the elements of feruiitv have been taken away, we beed lardis wonder thiatit is barren Fhe sandstoue that les cast and oud of the Uo ues crsaty teas catensive and valualie prounus aeoug tie streams which flow throug ahi tunder Cullivation, (C some times bappens ‘vat a particular prart, Winch prodaced well at Brat, is so situa: they Woeu these are cleared &rou ted that dou treshets, as OCCUF, sweep off tue whole of its upper surtace Live set book whic CON woap ty the we @ a) ered ahd toa. fiyitol day, dias abool as isang Ab Appearance ae the reat of Goce Ger. > in culor, texture, and other sue. bie propertics, i seenis ty be awe Gegree inh Yet wile toon beautiful wita luaar Mber parle Art orupe, Upon lee Wutalicd pora m,even the weous and wid grasses wil haruly take the trvabie of ealauvueuing tuecmsciver No swewnt ol cedure—imcauing by th asimple sUrnag of the ground ——“wil ren der them productive Phey aust it ave added ty them toose clemeuts of fort iy ot weica (acy wave louy ayy veel deprived. Zt wall be and: retood that itis my pur pose to Compare Lie cheniuca: coustituuen uf Ube surtace eu enly with that of the eubemi turvouga a tew feet below, or as tar as the routs of Lhe furest trees reach, wot wile laatef teearth whick has re- suite from Lee decompos tion of the rocks at p Geptda Of Zo oF 30 feet. This last vaay be superior in its adamation to the peurshme ut of veyetabies to the surface ; & thataf a laver of earth two feet th int Knees “ ee brought at ence lu tic putea . « teat the wish of Wake c rendcred so far as i's rmculture a:e eurcermed, a ncber cou ttran it ts now, Some experiments on the earth breaght up from deep welis, upon the disenssion of whic I have not time to evter vow, have seem the bottoins of } h ed te pont in that direction, an] to war rant the tehe/ that in some fi ¢ remote age, men tnavy be driver task of tusne!ing the hills. te derive from them the means of providing for them selves the necessanes of fe —that thes will the: miwe t taina virgin suil, a . they mow do far adver and gold Some facts states by Dr. Lyell, i : principles of geol respecting ceriail lavas vo Ue is!and« a which lies in froat of t es lend a de ¥ as just bb saVae apres ' rae eart. “ ow hat years ago, they have er rapid LD posit eoi! f the ef exule Tweiled Use eon in the (ue more luau ander dec a 7 ant f v anal Aled cd \ear * we Wid Mal ua recog: pers Me tise thet Lret caine theu Creater ; tice t gion, eastward, io Eden, were the Lord (rod picated a garlen, whosn be bad for. cart anu ip ar buere Lin bps Ina cu Lat toesee are matters Pr Leu, aud oof euiyoct vt eb «et cat My maim objec veen | . t : weve ines y ream iavie a foun « © specuia . mull We ally et pra « ar Gitcian « aus Vi vee pial tere aod wh sro as 4 le ve & iat lac haa practuce , ar mi ly ile @uept 8 MesiverT aie te aud | bave te ul litle tneane P; “lust pom oe men apie me are re Bed: - ter a ~ . (ac ha, uu a 8 ag tha i ty al ~ raly ‘ 7a Cun ta re hy { 4 eseleen y der ez me vy ave . ] 4 dks Flake pr Lit ~ at ‘ i eo ¢ 2 a ‘ Wie nee et “ be HheLy « fy v Visi ve, ae fi « Vet amg! i ~ ° ae a qa Awd | “ t duths of su at fina agers f here imay J ales (es r 1 suygestiom a parteen a benef ren tot fran vear tavear to | P Vise op celine h 7} Pare oe ; pi dared of om , the ' ea, ta j 7) fe laave «ue fel ator , * fare ! ’ eu er tiemia 7 “ ‘ 1 Grree ; i Cle ye () tha . ive ' ce ery if wr fi f ree 1 t! h aie } lar ty ‘ ‘ . hot a geru Ni bert a , 4 tere | ’ ¢ } An be 3 nil a ee gause of education in the| to the Common School Systempand that we re- Fand the Common School, commend the next Legislature @f N. Cy,0 coo- hile we contemplate with tinue the office, : Pleasure the rapid advance! ‘T. mittee on Dr. Cartther’s Essay g report: sluzgard, as well as a glatton, from the Amanda Dee. tue when he is littered tll he feels the Gaston.--W. J. Alexander. ( butcher's knife. He lives ina pen or in Hertrrorp.—W. B. Carr, ig@ne canse—a a ficld or lot of small dimensions, and | Ixepen..—M.\ Campbell, D. Ramsay, beeoming pride i does nothing but eat. He is a kind of J. F. Davidson, Rev. B. Clegg, 8. Lan- “re in hie cede in en be- submitted the followin wactinery for eouverting vegetables and | der, Dr, Haugh Kelly. : staan we tly invoke the entire 00) ee Commmittes.to whem walteferred the Ke grains of different kinds into pork. A- Muoxiexscxc.—M. D, Johagon, E. operation of all classes of its citizons, believing say of Rev, E. W, Caruthers, D:D. on *School a wae ee as on that it'bas paramount claims upon the time, ex- . } ay taidst our great eatent of land unenclosed’ Nye Hatchison, Rev. E. F. Rockwell. ertions and means of all who take an intereat in| Afclitecture report that they consider the sub- and stillin forest, the North Carolina hog = McDower.—D. C. Ramsour. aa social aad jadusujal bar eee the | Ject one of practical importanee, and recommend d should be, a very different kind of | New Hanovex.—Rev. D.T. Towles, J. people , : Prog’ | the passage of the following resolution— He has alwost as much mind Thames. Reonlocd Thatiea al mmennatotvauiting thee: Resolved, That this Convention recommend tue and women that | have seen, | Oraxer.—Rev. J.T. Wheat, D. D. foriavof alllihe lalionsre acti ig to all the officers of Common Schools, and also fl lisl p 4 Willi rts of all the laborers iu this field, as well as of, te these, feterested in Cullegys and sbeademuien is one of his prime accomplish- Asquorank.—Jneo. Williams. enforcing the dignity and respect due to their i , rade t In a country that abounds in’ Roway.—H. C. Jones, Rev. J. ©. \Saliing, cA toa Tocrehaiaie the efficiency orl spore — ee, to the important _ weeds, acorns, and other mast, he Averrett, J. A. Bradshaw, D. A. Davis, Common School Teachers, and of disseminating on carl . Seog) erectile an wd reasou expected to be enter: A. Henderson, EF. 1). Austin, B. Summer, proper information among the people, we earn- urnishing of School houses of every grade, 00 and iudustrious—to shift for him. Rev. d. TH Parker, Hl. L. Robards, J. A. estly recommend and will assist in the formation abl ila morals, and mental development of If d know of one that has ingenuity Boyden, J. BL Gretter, J. FL McCorkle, of a State Educational Association, with affilia- LE fr Rev. Boob. Beall, Al BF. Owens, J. CG. |ted district and egunty societics, that every part wri, JESSE RANKIN, und audacity in getting through of over J. G. ELLIOT : : 5 s & : ‘ : . ,< Ee eae . . . 2G. ELL ’ Com. a fence acorn tield and helping lim- Cannon, Rev. J. Rankin, Rev. A. Baker, of the State may be pervaded with their influea- S. WALKUP, Dr. W. F. Bason, 1.18. Myers, W. Mure. ce dock, J. J. Bruner, S. We James, J. F. Bell, jr, Rev. JG. Barrett, FE. Sho- ber. Ranxpotru.—Rev. B. Craven, R. E. Blair, L. Bo Wyight, W. W. Flood, G. L. Hearn, R. B. Best, FL C. Frazer, J. 8. Midyett, Ro 1b Brown, C. M. Andrews,) Resolved, That the Legislature be requested F. Frazer, J. He Robbins, J. Ashworth, © require Common School Teachers to be com- ROS. Small, J.S. Brown, D. Boykin, W. | petent to teach Reading, Writing, Spelling, Ar Clark, Miss M. L. Coltrane. < ithmetic, Geography aod Grammar. Rosrsox.—D. K. Sinclair, J.S. Thomp- sou, HL. J. MeNeill. Scurry.—Il. A. Gwyn. seit Uaere, 1 respect ain the more un that accuwit, aud when he comes to be bret ) | Prof. Carr of Murtressboro, offered the Com, | tullowing resolution. J.J. Swarm. } | Resvlved, That the Ex. Com. be instructed to Dr. Hutchinson offered the following | procure suital:!s geutlemen to read essays at the resolution, which after some debate, was vext annual meeting of this Association, on the laid on the table. following subjects: viz; The best method of teaching Orthography, Writing, Reading, Geug- raphy, English Grammer aod such other sub- jects as they may deem proper, and ulso to re- jcommend the best and most appropriate text ‘ . books on these respective subj Much of the time was consumed inde- ©. {1. Wiley offered the bate and the convention adjourned until plimentary resolutions: Thareday morning. | Resolved, That the of, thanks this Conven- J.D). Cawrpece, G. W. Brooas, upon the table, I tind his bacon the more is for that verv reason. There are some men, savory and lucie Dut this is tot who af you stuff them with seven pounds of tat becta day will be ke Pharauh’s jean kine, evouaf they are not mere walking Tt te not da hein to thrive and a On the other hand, we meet vow and then with an vld woman, who Woyou supply ler with corn bread and give Ler water thatis well peopled with tadpoles and other reptiles, the larvae and sneieiolis, TOW fat. following com- e@ys of iusects will expand and swell out! Saséibox.—R. W. Millard, A. Johnsen, — The resolution of Dr. Hutchinson was tion be tendered to the Presidents of the Ral: iudetinitely, It is the same with regard LC. Graves, C. Lee. taken up and thoronghly debated, in! cigh and Gaston, the Wilmington and Weldon tu the log. Laneaa to say there istthe| Ustoy.—M. W. Cruthberston, S. H.' which a large nninber of ‘the delegates | and the North Carolina Kail Roads, for passing same kind of difference between individ. Walkap, M. G. Stegall, A. S. Hamilton, participated. The laws and regulations | delegates to this Convention over their reapee- uals and races. A Chatham man, some T. W. Jones, A. T. Marsh. of the Fase School system were read tive roads at half their usual rates —and that the years agu, as | was returning from Pitts:) Wuexes.—Dr. A. A. Scroggs, A. A-!and a unanimous vote of the honse de- | Secretaries be instructed to have this resolution borvugh tu the University, took me a- Hall. clared that no farther legislation was nee- | published im the papers of Salisbury, Kaleigh and Wilmingtoo, Resolved, That the thanks of this Convention are hereby tendered to the citizens of Salisbury . The : arama to — upoa re for their hospitality, and that 1D. A. Davis, Exq., > , r > ‘Aeays delivered this morning oo the best meth- - Yapxi.—Rev. W. L. Van Eaton. oda of teaching, beg leave aan ie acecat rhage resvlation published ia The Conventiou was held in the Pres-| That the geveral principles advanced in these After some debate, the convention de- byterian Church, the firet meeting being essays are based upon a correct aod exteusive | cided to continne in session another day. Tuesday night. After the object of the knowledge of the human mind in its formative Thelusciber Gl delecaise present ce FA. meeting was explaived by C. LH. Wiley, | period of life, and that the specified recowmen-| i nornin biases pa shh papier noe State Superintendent of Common Schools, dations are eminent!y judicious, and are evideut- ly: The ee pein To rie pre- a committee Was appointed and reported ,!y the results of vot only very close observation; : : the tollowing rere others. al but of successful experiment, and your comet: ceeding meena? sooimed to have arnsced Presidcut—ltev. J.T. Wheat D. D. Cha. '*¢ "ould recommend the adoption of the follow-|& double degree of zeal in those still re- W arxen.—Rev. N. Z. Graves, W. H.' ded at present on this subject. The con- Bass. os vention then adjourned until evening. | Wayne.—J. G. Elliott. Wakn—W. KR. Trawick, G. W. Brooks. round tu see a sow and her litter of pigs, belonging to lim, and which he proposed t As they appeared to be healthy and he cotumended Uein highly, T made tue purchase. Things went well enongh t.l the pigs were gruwn and were shut up in the latter part of October tu be cou- verted intu pork. I then found that I wlit just as well atteinpt to fatten the sauce uuinber of pine shingles Other hogs unlike these, show a disposition their pighood to laugh and grow fat. Diese, if they are also iudustrious are the yscll ae. oul kind for North Carulina, and many thoa- pel Hill a resolutions — maining. ec seers tee therefore, subd dolars may unquestionably be sav- Vice Presideut-—-E. W. Ogburn Greens Resolved, That a successful teacher must be) more animated and perha 8 more proti- ed in the Sate every year, by the gradu-, boro’ 2 able aod willing to make all subjects, even the table and interesting. Benj. Sumner, of e = ar 5 JUTL ital t : eat : 5 ie ee most elementary, attractive to the pupils. Rowan, submitted the following rescla- co AUTEN) REER 2 attention Treasurer— Prof. W. 2B. Carr, Murfres Road Tess this eli mend a tion Glisesd by an ‘olives Shieh we ww this et tand repeated trials of : ; H . ae a ee T pean eee an boro. ae the boru' constant ase of the black board for the purpose publish by request of the convention and " anal ees "" Seeretaries— ‘°° IT. Brown, Asheboro’. of illustrating even the rudimeatal Lranches fur its own intrinsic merite:— beg wall fatten on absolute starvation, is * C. C. Cole, Greens! =) of adecaticn fier the appointiuent of Committees ortant subjects, and a few Resoleed, That, in the opinion of this Con vention, we vught tu heve 19 o@r State ap Inti aureasouable , but we want such as will All of which is respectfully sabmitte! | tuake pork wotu the swallest possible drain ah , on several in }. J. Survs, upon the corn crib. When, therefore, short addresses, tle convention adjourned TM. Jones, | Com | tee *roe the plan (as Rea? as circumstaoces Hike koud of -k is offered in competi The Convention assembled again. at i Cine ’ will perrnit of oveamun may require) of the t \ tercany kind of prize, the judges nine ucluck, Weduesday werning. The “Le foll S. Miltary Academy at West Vo: it ot ld, dn ry option, pay sume regard Superinteudent of cumimon Schools rep The following resolution was offered by Mr. Suinner said: ae ravral character,” vetted that Le lad eccured the following Prof. Sterling and adopted by the conven ~ ; ; perce uat os © ton. “Our Superintendent of Com. Schools oa We vize of the aniinal. ventlemen tu write un the subjects allut bil ee j , Lhe tory ie j-ast hfe should be call Resolecd, That the gentlemen who have read in bis last ona tas estitnated the vam ed fot What part of the bone and mns 1. On the best method of uniting T | eaaays before this Convestion, be requested to ber of Schools, Colleges, Academics, and rad (alate tn ke / na, Availehies anil Consus Schuole. and =e! © SOPy of their addremes with the Exece Common Schovuls, in this etate at 3,514 (orale re ‘ ioe ber uenlioe wth Carolina, UTe Comanttee to be deposited in the archives Of all thie number, there is not, as far . are ey aicieniatic “arty so ailvancel Ube. we ees A the Association, aod that said cummittee be as 1 know, a single one which even pro + indoace . the answers 5 State: Prof, (iwen, of Wake For. "etbonaed to | ubliah such foruoos of the same fesses tu give any struction in military e } these ain ie sliould Le ston be Waldell of the Deaf aod Dumb ™ ee? may Uuok proper ; : Scrence— put one tn which so mach as the - , aod ied Asvlem The committee on Dr. Waddel's Essay, tirst rndiunents of military tactics are im- Re oe _ Ponte. a a 2. On the beat method of increasing the sum feported as follows: parted. And yet who can duabt that the ow ; iy cello lave cue todienr® theepey of Conmou Ncboul leachers The Committee to whom was referred the diffusion of military knowledge, as an ele- CNet ee cl en eCulilie GG assure Hes C. LL Wilet, Greewastoru, LF. Siler, Ma Ranay of Dr. Waddel, on the beet method of ua- ment of strength, vaof nationa: importance liveal (iyour hearings ‘ered con ; bog teachers io Colleges, Academean, and other to a free people, who, to avoid the dangers eeu ire a euloorn sae an Fe 3. On the bent method of commumeating in Schools, and frends of general education insys of standing armies and to fortify the secu mecca pairs jiulerrae struction: Pres Craven, Normal College, aad tematic effurts le prom Heike cause—have cve- rity of peace, have reserved to therusel ves wines SL. Wiley, Washington sidered the same, and recommend the passage the right of bearing arms; and that its 1 think it well there shuuld be ao 4 Ce the best method of govermag in of the fullowing resoluioa— on would be of the utmost nation- anneal auress Ob these occasions, Met Selo: Drof Lecherde of, Prankhetea aed Resolved, ‘bat tbia Emay, written 08 « sub al and personal advantage, if, unfortunate vervir ac that is new, and on that Rev WoL. Van Eatoo, Jonesy ille jest of deep interest aod making impostaat sag ly the public peace should be disturbed t aceuunt vasdaba, wil Ge Lruught lorward on Schowl Arc ture. De. Carethers, gestivos, be placed in the hands of the Commit a) d te k } sau art,at least a science, as old as ag. (rocnsboru apd Victor Darnnger, Concord. tee appointed to form as Constitutive for a State eae cata tecceradh) Latah A vay heleethns now (hal PES OES ut it serves as a deceut in Of these were read Ly Messre. C. H. 4 ecstunal Awonatios arg We ce cnatarihal ited vei tr abuc Vito the Guesnone that toto suc Wiley, Richardeon, Vau katon, Craven, T. M. done . rial a =A cnr are eats as pes le en Leajectneuch more from the [is Wihlermaarl lie Cane tiara" aan fie M. W. Ccrnscarsos - Com b any considerable portion of our inili byt Wetcarcitiecar ye a a De W id ri hte i S- vp, tia to be embodied into an army, where I e, and the ercuange that pe ena ne [tect M ada The foriowing report was then read by Hee beady person ¢ frie m the nee bal peb ade of oy weou toe beat vbyects O08 Kor, S cominiitee on the hasays of Mesars. Rich- ath veda woul he -. as he man to . : eatow their ialors, oo the best Pressdeut Craven subantted the fel- ardson and Van Eaton: Mes aig chee ite Se F Wa cic wrde ol iuiage, and @ Compariaou of wing resolution, wlicl after some de- The Committee to whom wae ref-rred the es for ay pines ‘: cores I ap a cond ee « eof diferent reg:uwe a04 pore was laid un the table fur the present. “#7 of V'rof. Kichardson and Van Eaton, of the Governor had = ore sera t and ai » Tt as on ayriculture, niques Heeded Teic wyaareniirsiol throu he best meth] of School Government, report that (pais tah se perioral acing a area t ca tum t ‘ . P « o a » s Neirtae € a na . 1 cont S f fe ‘ : Pnesl to pr ere felank emt (distr betes repens . TL ULce ee tration, than to eleot, suitable field offi ened am esa ct OY te Mase, Pace ips opment Sr hak eines ea fa eg er maternal thing t at ee ipa et MMportance to every teacher, as well a of deep I i a ie ; J va eres » rust, therefore, be re eee nites raat Mapes Blerest wy pareols ef pupils aod masters of hin i en, thé ‘ nhs uid be wise A iat - of erat Re es aa cick of he Comasmen schuoia, an al (he sugyesons and recommen hey on the part of the State to esfabiiel x stimia Nebo dntrie.t, and vec sciroctor a te Sease, SnUUes ol the essays are worthy of the most an Institution in which @ portion of her | thie aye senogs consideration of thas Conresuon, com young wen might receive instrection in ce aes gale paepentraa Pi the Afternoon Season, D). A. Davie mended by their intriasie importance as Ly the Infantry Tactics and Military J’olice, in - rae ie fieeatel teen Salebury, submitted the following reg | able entertaising manner im which they are pre the Science and Practice of Artillery and lation, which wae adopted by the eon. sented in Military Engineering ; and when too Prom the Girensterengs Tunes vention and cominitter appointed i H. led ; they migit be taaght Military Discipline Niste Fincadl 1 re Heo de d. Inata caraitice of sit be apprvat is Lda La eters —_ and might learn the duty of obedience as ate Lducational Convention. =i to memounalae the [eystatare at ite ment Ia Creoe, well ae the art of command The infor We trad tie : Mo inesting maet pees is tek Se Di One ve, etamees The manaseript of a Southern Spelling mation thus acquired wonld, im part at Ap , : lee ' a Niuemal ™ bow au Congremonal’ Look by [0 HL. Brown of Asheboro, was least, be gradually diffused throaghont E Note : “ ee LSibes . sy Niale and that sand submitted to @ committee appointed by the State, and in. process of titne, oar @ isies 1 rv fr of eda d are a Til, provid: this convention for examination. The foi whole milita would become better offi : w Nort Cn a, tliat tire ¢ : ef awe ere lowing ie their report cered, better drilled, and better prepared ‘ e fire r attens yi . ae Jace il Your « ttee have part ally examined the for active service thin t wey Now are, or _ Ps al Re MERE Qe Wl 1 ie Comm thee, RMBUAEN PE sabe ntted by Mr ki HE Brown. and are |i ks y to be, wader the present order 4 wreealov 6 wed te neck w a \ — ! aCon. ae” 1 the following points a somewhe. of things “ Hot a system comprehend ary froin ¢ : f State. and | fin n . tealigatiiGne ee the work “ appeal SE forth ing Military instruction, merely as anac » t r nmon , or Meer hoes a . a cOmnpiete systema of Botativg rand Spon eseory t > F tion, 18 foune & wromote Se : : ; : aera & 2 hes : A sserc atic made the Wetster sud Worcester and in (rthogra;hy be pane, ee shat taimioe c \ ( ne It wasle 1 i bas foilowed the same author. Kales are then Henan Se ‘ rey: a ia 1ecestablishinentof a firm grea! : awdst 1 ‘ma viven (lhe Kewi ced. Viet the Convention form itself ia 968 fur the proounaation of every vowel im all Sein eastitesen aca aeekt i , ‘ b.dive oe tee calentation W& permanent Naiety forthe advancement of Wbetr con! nations, under each rule, the setbor a ; u - ’ Me arnage by dai ! ; . ; ; ; a eit Genctal Flacautonaelilsitn bereslial (ke acl! gives every monony lat ein the language, pro dnil; o get Neatnesa, ec onemy, Sn eae hee ed a por. cunma A eaieie ( Nonh Carotina pounce] Ly that rule, and under this, he gives CQ@ality, and a Jost appreciation of oth : FS - : } Re» t Flint ficere of thie Association, al! the exceptinns The words of more than ove ©F8 Upon merit only, by aniform dre da t as ‘ ne pe ite animal 60 i reent cone an Executive Comnmt. hilable are classified by the ending with rules Of amore perfect physical development : na oe jwrked ruard to, with org eho shall hold ther office until the for acernt and rete rence t preceeding rules for and proportionate mental vigor, by health ereatest miferest # atthe yather. 4, (nl itune is Lawes Promanciaven Every vowel inthe tok except fnl exercise; of good habits, ‘wethod, ‘ ay ‘ aly f santand profit Résolced, Tiat this Aseria! shall meet an. those which are silent, is 80 marked as to indi prowptpess and stbordination, and henee oaly at eu 7 ace ae shall be dearg aU the wand increased application to study, by milita- ] vy oweg ' preee bogea &@ nated by the Ke et v= As far as we have examined, we are pleased tary rganization.” All these are to be “ r nad eoftheirregular Resolved, What a mitt (7 he apporntad with Mr. Brown's notation, arrangement and ga ‘ned by superadding to the Literary ye bopeint bw th airman of sCoovention ty draft a Plan generally, be exhibits great industry, and is and Scientific cooree of military inatroc 7 Lanne rl a apie tstit mt a Iiv Lawe for the government 'Y so bigtly commended for his emterprise tion at hours usually lost, om the volutar ra a ; el arciet f Aserctation and report the ame at the We think, upon mature examinauon, his arataal . fi Y ; Piet et oe ne book will be fownd pe lentg ar ee a . - Ue aa di oes eee ces prsims toma oer 2% One Colleges avd other High Sehinola Diehl ands r las tee Mat thinking Mr. Brown's book very likely to Usually proceed apon the old plan of pre \ » Wot oN ‘, } “ | to attend pe te une reat usefulness and extent, we respec: Paring their atadents for the learned pro } I ot F Z z Ry nrlofithaeAg Cu beyeat t s committee be allowed fesaions, thht ia, Divinity, Law, and Med e for exanination and suggestion, and cine but there are other pursuits be , I) bt R row WravenuN at we furnish Mr Drown a statemnent of our ginning ty be consdered respectable | 7 Wf Nan Es SMe I r which are now drawing to them no in a4 Bo Craven CoM Wiley. Th S vg. NZ considerable portion of the gening, talents, ( i | \ ‘ J énmled in the erie Lesa delta SOE Wiles, BoSam- and energy of the present age; such as vow [ae ‘ wing soo a ‘ i - Agriculture, Civil Engineering, Archi Aad it J cH LN ps LW Fens R H Ber Bu a0 n Tthe fall with tecture, Drawing, Painting, Sculpture, | I’ ha ibere ial ay Ve ne read ns a na, which were unanimously a Mechaniam Iu pr vide for the wants ' ( I ‘ Jopted by the convent of those who may desire to engage in any \ lp no esa qee Resloed, That this Convention tender their of these, we need an Inatitntion in which { 4 iz ‘ Woods CareJd. kote OOTP Wiley State superintendent for besides a sound English Edueati mn, there ] Na) Sow 2 a beri minon Sehoole, for hieattendance at thiaCon may be obtained a thoror gh knowledge } A [Seek I ntion, for hie labors tonching the calling of thie of those Sciences which more iminediate | « « » assemble again at Convention, and for lis full and eatiefactory re ly pertain to anc hi puranite e - Z Dive Aine resolutiona were porte and explanations on the present condition ~ eicratonn SAAT i. / ’ DN fi a prette ' ttee appointed on of the ¢ omnmon Schools of North Carolina tae - d ay " B the two ays J] ¢ als. [J N Co Ub. Worey 6 addres Keaolred, Vhat we foe! it to be our duty to and disci line. w fie ee government oa (ye ] Kee J dha tilere of thie Conven- °% prem the opar om, that he has discharged his : ’ oe } ee) ‘ ae eupply a desidera ; a / ; A t ' 4 ech the importance of the feral duves with a fidelity that eommands cur Rai an ban rogrea Me nefit upon the A (igratgnes Nhe oe Tae ve iB " North Carolioa, wil hearty approbation, and that we believe hie an tate, “\ BUG ole the tate ought to I roe 4 i E Sian Me Use is meclive ox ie aS jtobeemors in Col Unng labor have greatly promoted tbe cause of '4ve irginia las her Military Insti } . } > degra, abd as beacieors, as others of the avetem, (ommon School education tates a purely State inatitntion —and ita j k Was M.A OS tre aud aecstiz-en ol Uns mode. th promote ie fur Kesoloed, That we consider aSuperintendent graduates are filling important positions i or Alaa} (hea Mine ther na laleces aud Ax of Common Schools necessary to give cfRereney in our State Works, whieh, if we lad had | an institution to prepare them for it, might | ‘have Leen supplied v4 our ee citizens. | |There are military schools aledin Mary- | land, ta Tem in Bouth Carolina, in| Georgia, and perbaps other ae | States. Let North Cayolina too ish such an institution, accessible to ber sons. Let a certain nwnber of young men of) good moral character, of respectable na- | ‘tural abilities, and of suitable age, be se- | Jeeted from the different parts of the State | to enjoy the advantages of the institution | | withoug iminediate payment; and let these, wlien they ‘lave completed the, course at the jnstitution, be requir-| ed to teach for some specified time in the common schools of the State, and to refund to the institativn, when they be: | come able, the expenses of their edaca- | tion there. In this way, a great boon | would be conferred upoo a vunber of) meritorions young men, and through) them upon he Cominon Schools of the | State, and ultimately upon the State at, large. } fo show the advantages of this system, I need only point to the wonderful suc- cess of the military Academy at West Point. Its graduates occupy a pre-eui- nence which those of no other Institution Jin the land ean lay claim to. Ever Ca-| |det graduted at that academy, could, on | {the day of his graduation, if he desired | ‘it, obtain honorable employment in some | ‘civil station with not merely a liberal, | but, even a high salary. Their services| }are sought for in the educational Institu- | tions of the States, in works of internal | improvementin the same, and in various | jother employments requiring energy, a) disciplined mind, and Scientitic skill and knowledge. I du not mean to say, nor! do | believe, that this | eb age Nord is} due to the saperior know edge, bigher or- lder of talents, or ater fuithfulness of | the Instructors of t Point. I believe |there are in the State Institutions gentle- men of as great abilities, as high endow- ments, and as much fidelity to their trusts as at West Point. Bat I ascribe the dif- ference of resu'ts to the difference of sys- tems. It is a sad truth that our State has pot furnished its quota to the cause of Itera ture, Science and art—nay, its contriba- tions is not adeqnate to supply the home demand. Our Colleges and Academies have been dependent on other States Yor teachers— formerly Lowever, to a mach greater extent tian now; our works of internal improvement hate, almost all, been constructed ander the supervision of Engineers from abroad ; our principal edifices have been planned and built by foreign Architects; oar factories and workshops have generally heen under the management of Northern artians. Quo uaque patiemur hoe opprar fem?” The resolution elicited remarks from quite a number and was uuaoimoasly adopted by the convention The following resolution was offered by Richardson | Mr Resolred, That this Contention deem it im portant to the intereat of the Sate Edueatuna Sun 4 have ap organ devoted Ww the io tere general education Scoad/ly, That a ecanmititer Le appointed to confer with Mr. Wiley upoe the expediency an! practicatatity of having the yaarterly Common Sehool Joernal converted into a Moathty, and if they shall fied the same practh able, that they take immediate measures to do so. According to the abore recommenda tion, Mesers. Richardson, Carr and Brooke | were gt sein Mr. Kichardeon also offered the fullow ing resolation Remdeod, Ti.at we earnently invite the alten tion of the Teacher of N C to the claime of the State Ebucavonal Assocs » that we so hert the « eration of the ['rdeaaure in eur of the Pracipal and Suhordimate Teachers in our incorporate! and private Acade pee aad Common Schools in the important work of eb ateg the profess of teaching. am! thes by smproving the comdition uf our School —that we regard tbe Annual of Sem Annaal meetings of the Sate Awmxist. 9 man impor tant means of strengthening the bonds of prufee sonal fnemiship and of awakening professional ent hussasm By motion, the President was nnani moosty requested to deliver an address at the opening of the next session, on any subject he may select The present officers of the convention were requested to act until others were ap rip ted he following Kesolation was moved by Rew. J. J. Smyth, and was adopted to wat Reed eed “Thea the proceedings of this Con vention be referred to a commitioe comisting of the Su) of Common Schools and the Seeretanes A the Coarentioa with testroctions to have pab whed. in each a manner as they may judge best miapte! to given them the specdivet aad wnlest orculatiioe im the State The convention then adjoarned to ineet again atthe call of the Execative mm mittee. c -- Vielation of oat Office Lawa.—-A Postinaster in a distant coanty asks ua to notice a palpavle violation, hy the Ral eigh standard, of a plain law of Congress regulating the Poat Office, i1 enclosing sheets of Electoral Tickets one of ite late issues—" sinugyling them through the mails” to avoid paying p correspondent calla it ] boasted that it intended to send Tic keta gratuitously ,and) wes tppose they all went in that way, by which the De partanent, (out of which the Standard o¢ casionally gets larye suins for advertising, ) wasa loser by ali the postage these 50, 000 ought to have paid. There is @ pen- alty for auch vielations of the law, for which our correspondent refers to“ P O. Regulationa, Section 22.” We have sent a number of packages of Electoral Tickets by mail, but we paid postage on them all. Tlow much more readily should t! Department, Editors are not at liberty, lawfully, fp enclose anything in their papers except accounts and receipts fur their papers, —- Fay. Observer mn , our Standard The Standard is chargeable with thie violation of P. O Governor Ticketa were sent out over the laws in several cases State'in the same way Some two or three years ayo we acnt out a business card of onr own through the Watchman, when a Post Master in the West promptly “took ns ap” for it; bot we presume these officials will make a distinction, if not between persons, at least between matter debian, Carolina TW fe TSEC Ly = SALISBURY. TUESDAY EVENING, NOV, 4th, TERMS OF THIS PAPER 92.00 Casu. 1856. =was FOR PRESIDENT, 7 MILLARD FILLMORE, ; Ov NEW ¥onk, FOR VICK PRESIDENT, ANDREW JACKSON DONELSON, OF TRANSOGES, FOR THE STATE AT LARGE. L. B. CARMICHAEL, of Wilkes, JOHN W. CAMERON, of Cumbertand. FOR THE DISTRICTS. Jet District, Lewm Tnemrson, sh B. 5. Wasnen, aa 0. F. Meaum, ah dame T. Sie A. J. Seeman, 6h M. ’ Th « A. 3. Danae, Bh « J.D. Heese ec t23™ Mr. Joun N. Gascocstpis our au. thorised agent for the collection of claims due this office. He will attend the Courts of several of the adjoining counties this Fall and Winter, when those having un. settled business with us, are advised to embrace the opportunity to arrange the same. PROF. MITCHELL'S ADDREss. We have the pleasure to-day of laying before our readers the excellent and jn- structive address, deliverod before the ! North-Carolina State Agricultural Sucie- ty, at the Fair Grounds in Raleigh oa Friday last, by Professor Exasua Mrocn- eit, of the University. The Raleigh Standard, speaking of this address says: Prof. Mitebell appeared before the So ciety ander several disadvantages. In the firct place, the time allowed lim for prep. aration was short; and then the occasice wus unfavorable. Tharsday was the day assigned for the address, bat on aceount of the inclemency of the weather it was post powed antil Friday; but Friday was quite as unpropitious as the day befure, and the Professor spoke to the peuple in the ms and chilling atmosphere. Under the air cumstances, the atteution he received was inost flattering to him, and strongly evie- clive uf the interest felt ir the cause of ag ricultare and the arta It is due tothe Professor to state that has had ne opportnnity to read the proof of his address, and the probability rs that tte not 1m every respect, as if appean here, entirely aecurate. lt will be pub lished hereafter, howe ver, ander the diree tion of the Executive Committee, whea mistakes and errors occurring in this pal- lication of it ean Le correc by the Ire fessor Limeelf ry -- TOM CLINGMAN’S DISUNION MANIFESTO. We extract from the Charlotte Whig, tue following notice of Tom Clingmass We are glad tw ind that there ie a gentleman ta Charlotte (so often represented as a disnnion Twn late disunion letter who has the coarage to throw out lint of defiance T I » Rem it: CLINGMAN Me Farr that T L. Chagman ms to midreas the peop Mech len bury, ow the 13th of Notember, u bre ment elected, om the sulgect of Lieemion Ils letter ie a long une, giving a fel) outline of be piss of operations. Amung other nieas thre? oat, he sogygeste that there reay be trartor: io be enlle them) at the Sueth—wmeaning (bo whe do nut agree with hem, thet the mere rie von of Fremont, wubout any attempt at » (os! aggreseg® Bje oor nghis, # vald be 0 sutheos. cage for raning the standard uf rebellion . thew men, he anys, cowl) be easily dapred of “ver cumnmetioes of venience,” entil the work + Then, be argecs thet thume oh been standing ep to the Cometitatioe amr f T awe in the Western [eman Jone he (Meaning humee!f and others) would af = tithed to the pumsession of the new goverr amd would of course pat their enemie « war Now. sir, thie letter ie adJremed to “WF Vhefer, Ko 1 Waring, D Parte and other.” ent seems to have heen publubed at their requett I very respeetiaity ah these genthemen te rm fom the prubice if they approve and endorse the eae mepts of the letter, eich they have had ped labed, aod further, by @hat sutleority they pr sumed to mvite an open and avowed Lhesu adress the people at large, and of all per that momentous question, If they or their imli vidual responsi bi! ty, bet them “— if for and in behalf of the ]emocra) of Mectlenborg, let them so dectars it, and ' people can then jodge, whether or pot, that p* ty is for deamon oF not. © And 1 hope, Mr. Editor, you will publeh | = f the yut letter of Mr. Ulingman, so that all may read /* themesely es. MADISON Now let the Charlotte Committee sho their hands. If they are for disunion / them say so. If they are ready to carry out Clingman’s plan of treason, let the” form their Committee of Vigilance and attempt the “apeedy attention” against the loyal citizens of Mecklenburg and ()¢ country, which that political renega’é There slightest danyer that ench a Como and traitor proposes is not the will be able to establieh a tribunal her hor to maintain one in any other port jose pay who fatten on te of the State. The people of North Care lima are not to be reckoned as disanien ists becanse a majority of them are dem & oerats. The leaders of that party are able to lead, and have led them, into many 4" & error; butthey cannot lead then to make war against the legally constituted author ty of the country —against their own broth: ers—to dclage the land with fratern® blood. Tom Clingman is a pink of a fellow to take the low! ina matter liko this: W aré told that Ae does not own the hair? And yet he pre sumes to set himself up as the Leading Is there a negro inthe world. champion of Southern interests gna od oes foi lene copay ‘North in tlite region ass guctgh to ac: | with an ex jof them may not appreciate hig assertion, but aed to follow hind. ryt We doubt not the people will consider | ‘it is even 60. this matter. ‘The proposition has been | If it’ be true that the Western: ‘portion of our made that In the event of Fremont’s elec- | State will not pal the constructing of two jon, the South shall dissolve the Union. | Re Roads dae sb sd te The legislatures of the Southern States | b¢ coutent with uti, and thé. Westém shall meet and effect the work. The people, the sduree of al! power, are not to be consulted on this grave question; and if any of them object to the proceeding, they are to be speedily atteniled to by a an profitable to the country and to the State ; and | for this purpose we should endeavor, if possible, to recoucile the conflicting interests of Western N. Carolina, to the Western Extension. These are facts whieh the public should ponder wel Vigilaneé Committee, in other words,they |and Het go Preliphecsts intd \Wkneared an are to be Aung. ‘That's the policy, ac-| cay ycithcr be reversed nor rethedivd, wade to. Clingman’s suggestions, as in- | terpeted here. A more accursed scheme | Was fever conceived, Nothing could | MORE, ENT, NELSON, TO BE CONTINUED. en So ARGE. more’surely break the bands that bind | POPULAR VOTE FOR PRESIDENT LN 153 , the South, or more successful establish | The following 1s a table showing the popular | beriand. the honors of civil strife amongst onr- jr for President at the electiop in 1852; 's. selves, Tell ue—is this democratic arro- Whig. Dem. F.S, ", gance, or is it only Ctingnpe 3 inadness ¢ Wyrioceeny a 26,881 ee rkansas, 40 12,1093 ane, OUR AMERICAN asp WIIIG MEET.|Cs, SART! sages 100 INGS | Delaware, 6,203 6,318 62 At Marphy’s Hall on Saturday and Hater} pe ua hoe Monday evenings, were grand and spiri- | l!linom, 64-038 80,507 0.96 . ted, We anticipate a good result at this !ndians, 80,901 95,200 0 6,034 utpis Our au. box on Tuesday. fae ‘ 15,855 17,762 6,606 on of claims . oars I eatock ys uo ose 63,806 365 OU SIAL, 17,255 18,647 d the Courts The Democratic wass meeting on Sat-| Maine, 32,543 41,609 8,030 ounties this wrilay, did wot, we think, equal the ex.| Maryland, 35,077 40,022 o4 ; having un- ctations of the leaders. The Charlotte | rarer pespend mes - i » advised to hones band were in attendance, but it was | | Minsiaaippi, 17,548 26,876 a arrange the very apparent on Saturday night, that | Missouri, 29,084 38,53 our people preferred to mareh to Fill. N: Hampshire, 16,147 20,007 6.605 JDRESs. more and Union music. Our mecting a Nou eae poi en ¥ New York, 262,083 324,862 25,329 ny of laying was larger by several hundred, than that N.Carvbua, 39,068 39,744 69 lent and in- of our opponents at the Cyart house at bio, 192,520 169,220 31,682 ati te the same how. ia fee anc a tural Sucie- . Ss. Caroli Electors chosen b lature Raleigh oa ET The Ladies graced, by their pre Tenseaace, peeps ar igs aa anna Mevcn- sence, the American and whig weetings Texas, 4.995 13,552 ou Satarday and Monday and evenings. A esa 22,173 13,044 8,681 irgieia, 57,132 72,413 aking of this On Saturday evening they presented, Waconsin, 22,240 32 658 8.814 through Lrxe Brackuer, eq , @ beauti- ee ee : fal boquét of Flowers to Hun. N. Boy. Total, 1,393,089 1,596,305 154,123 fore rane pex, the oratorof theevening. On Mon- By Ree TCRALIVITE OV U1O6 mn for prep. day evening, another maguiticent Loquet Ne of Blectors Preree Seu he cecasice and a flag were presented to our Clab ; —— rf bd was the day and the best of all, they surprised thei, mee 4 : m aoeount of audience with a soul-stirring Fillinore and Counecticut, 6 6 fear Union song, which was electric in its ef Velaware, 3 4 hoo, mes HH fect. Ileaven bless the ladies. ame re ms im the mo “oe Ithnors, M iW nder the cir You THE Watcmmasx Indiaua, 13 13 received was Mr. Eptron: As the articles which appeared lven, 4 ‘ rongly evie- sometime since, om the resources of Cataele Keotesky, 12 : sre) allt Valley and its relation to the Western Extension area ° ° ° ai tye s tate that le have pot been fully comprehended the fullowing Maryland, 6 8 d the oref may serve as a further explanation of our mean Mas. Ms 1s biliey ts thet ing, The mmapprebension aruse from imatten Michigan s $ 9 it appear tion to our debmiven of Catawla Valley. We a A A Fit be pub defined this valley to be all that region of WO Toei ire 5 ; fer the «iree try drained by the waters of the Catawba Liver N ips 7 4 7 tee, when from ita source to where it asames the name of So York, 35 a5 ‘; Hag sai Wateree. Thus it will appear Ubat the valley he arvliae a . 00 far from betag confined to the single county ri i ‘ He = of Catawba embraces the best portion of some ® 4p) 1.14... ‘ ‘ of 10 counties in our own State, and avery fine S (ar a. 8 C] SUNTON tegioe of cvsniry ie Swuth Cerehoa lo thuview Tenucssee, 12 12 we were fully jextified in al! that we said about |: t= : \ erment, 5 5 Hotte Whig the resoerces of this valley : ia speaking of tere |, visi is An Clingsuaa'e lation, however, to the Western Erteawwn, ec \y a 5 could bare reference only to that part of the val — — ee glad w ind ley of Catawba incleded ie our own State, as our Total, 296 234 42 p Oharlorte inion Town Legislatere could have no control beyond this je directing Lhe improv eumwats of Use Mate Aud ow oul tie this was ovr view of the matter when we awert SALE. TOWN LOTS FOR ed that the Western Eatension showk) pase thee N poneaa eer als deceit he’ « vart of Eaaity for N the heart of the valley, or as far south as the 1. 1 will cell, at the Coart Hower in tows of Newton, 0 00 to catch the trade ansiag ‘sbebery he 4th day of Nowember nes, (brim ern Tema Toreday of ( wumty Court, the people from it, and thas weure it to the State. (ur eommber, ul bre reasons [ur thm position were based upon severa 22 Acres of ole Lteemion lis fects winch 1 has now become Receseary to stale the betre-ct-leew of David Thomas Tver teas be ertites the bewadence whinging fact thet west of the ---- ~ sof Sensbery ~~ ol bod Ta the first place upon the | wleas three . % cad will be odd em be ‘ale ne & oo oe admit menial Ce wha Hiver the State i arrow to adm L. BLA: K WKR.C peening \b= of the passage of two Ro Roads length wiee or it Ort der 7, 18956 —Pr adv §2 50 oe : NOTICE. ME the mere rie 1 foe rtp4 at & oe! mes through it he reason it ie re was impolitic for the Legwlature to grant Char ae wim lcitee hens ters for two separate roads, capemaliy if both re PPLIC ATION wd be mode to tbe ovat Gearr ein quired the aid of the State, since 1 1 ecarcely o! Aewentdy of North Carden, (1 on seme odmer Rags . , i of tie charter af the town of Salehery, so a0 to pr iH the work able to seppart oe mol 10 Was @ question Bh | 4, ines cork Word chall leet ne own Comanacce me eh he the Leglatare which of the two eectiows of ere: aed that the (a0 eniiected io each Ward. shel! be Moe “ , . ‘ cup « the streeus, of ctherwwe, of card word a ra ‘ Weatern North: Carolina bad the best claumeep °°" " providing thal end amendment shall take of senders on the patronage of the State, and as regarle (cet from end efter the let of Janwery, 1457 gevers 1 MANY CITIZeN« se owt of te jusioe of nght + must be adantie! tbat both Sept. 20, INS ELIA sections stood preewsely on ae equahty as both Jto-w F are equally subject to the authority of the State +] 1 others.” ot amd contribute to ite sapport. Hut am it is 0 VALT SALT SALT heir pecpyest , ‘ A = us whew ways best to eccure that firet eloch 1s most val WL , Vv. 9 vi e ae Se wable aud ia danger of beng ket, it would doult TWO hendred and Afiy prime large Bache, now m store, end for cele as low a6 at any other place ve had ped leas be good policy to guard the trade arming <.)chors R&A MURPHY uy they re from the svethern sectiom first by wise an] favor Kept 23, 1856 desea d [nese & = ve ae i able legriation, especially where the raluc aod yO ° 7 ’ N 4 of all If they wore importance of this ade m taken | a SQl IRE, ZIMMERMAN & ALLE! : acount. Wholesale Dealers ie Another argument upon which our ponition Ane wae based, was the fact that Newton lay North ¥ r pot, the of midway’ between the South Carulina line and No. 148, Market Street, y ble the Biae Ridge, and that it was not probe PRILADELPHIA thet much of the trade of North Carolina would 1M pablieh th may red i Fas « Serves, cross the rige to comme up the road when tt D Mo /:«wramas, of Lisediaton, N.C., MATSON eould find a better out let North of che ridge Geosce N Aenean 436m mittee slow Add to thie reflection the fact that Darretts THE MARKETS. disunion i Range and the south mountains intervene be an ndy to carry tween Newton and the Ridge, and were nearly Salist ‘ ¥.c. Keowmnbr4 ym, let then paraiied with it, and we have on the Northofthe qiwee dred § . °) Mizee, No 1, 10011 gilance a | Road a narrow mountainous aod bleak country s do Green ia if i lle us ee eit where fow of the must useful prodiactions of th op cas, ON Orleans 73 a earth grow, besides the road would passthrough Bee, Nails Way par apd (1e : Ratter, do. Wroaght, 194 @ 15 } renegale a more eles ated cvwntry wher the es penees H i. dice. Tallow, do. Herse Shove , 2 building it woald evidently be considerably great sa Adameai gOate, 30@33 Tne er. barthermore, when we consider that West 4 Sperm, reine a aE re pe of the Catawba Kiver the State bende to the | ae 16018 Tascers’ Yigal Oe ibunal | ' South, the reasons for asuuthern direction ofthe Castings th, 40¢ 5 Potatoes, Irak, 50 8 I ther port Western kietention, are i more ator that CAE NOM AS TT gta North Car f may pass more centrally through tle Western Cottom Bagging. — Salt BY sack.) @250" 2 7 na inn pero the Sale, Th late legion of the! yuna. T0888 te Basel, a1 m are dem i State, however, and the efforts of some seein to 00 2 124 Shot, H beg $225 irty are able tend only to drive off the sonthern part of Wes Cot! +o = to 4 a enced ito many 8° tern N.C. and all ite valuable products from the 00065 Finteeea $1 90 ern to make i State, Newton, still however, forms a kind of AL els Racer ay wn, dle ye sted author: & connecting link by which the two sections are ‘ e695 0 Crashed: 15 own broth bound together, to sever this link, therefore, by Flour, # hl Sha § rons lanfed, 14a ih th fraternal removing the Western Extension North of New tom ‘ Plies 4yn5 Torpenii ine, Pal A7elo ton would by one master stroke of bad policy «Brg Refin'd 41 bed Ais ei llow to : deprive the road of the most valuable trade. For mee: te . ay on w Glase, # box aie We ; we think we are safe in asserting that nineteen opard, 19a 13 a* 10 $225 ee 5 twontheths of all the cotton, three-fourths ofthe yrad, bar wettin im 10% 12 #220 sae re wheat, two-thirds of the Indian corn and all the ECE aid shnalstliche yet let fron and lime produced Weat of the ('atawba, JOB PRINTING phe leading would then be South of the Western Extension pe js. In there Ralisbury and other towna, East of the Catawba, | Veatly veceted at trea Office | should take sch s difeotion as should c most | age ee ne — nertasias im wtaiaibliiasinen oil | SWAN -& 00.’$ LOTTERIES! ; [Authorized by the State of Georgia] ' 8.260 PRIZES—Lowest Prise 240. MOKE THAN ONE PRIZE TO EVERY TEN TICKETS! “PRIZES GUARANTEED. stool FORT GAINES ACADEMY LOTTERY ! To bé drawa in Paap ry inte + Geog in pub- lic, on Friday, November 28,1656, 0n the plan of SINGLE NUMBER UF Parehosersin buying 10 Whole Ti dass (when the nombers end iu b, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,0,) are | gui iranteed u Price of $140—Halves wad eet oa in peeportion. SAM’L 5BWAN & CO., Managers. | $0,000 TICKETS—3,280 PRIZES! | PRIZES AMOUNTING TO S204,000! wilt be distributed according té the following Original Schemes. | t Prize of 40,000 | 1+ Prize of 12,000 1 Prize of 5,000 | 1 Prwe of 2,000 | 1 Prae of 1,000 1 Prize of 1,000 10 Przes of 200 100 Prites of 100 | 100 Prises of 70 | APPROXIMATION PRIZES. | 4 Priaes of $130 approximating te He, 000 prine 4 Prises of ng to 12,000 prize are 500 Paysite ay tla to 5,000 prize are 409 4 Primes of pproximating to 2,00 prise are 300 5 Prines of 00 approximating to 1,000 prises are 400 ’ $5 approximating to # are Primes of 4,000 Princes 200 prige are 1,500 120,000 Ao Prises amounting to $204,00 Whole Tickets $10—Halves $5---Quarters 2 1-2. APPROXIMATING PRIZES. The two preceding and the two succeeding Nom- bers to those drawing the first 16 Prizes will be ea- titled to the 64 Approximation Prizes, aceurding to the Scheme 3,000 Prizes of $43 will be determined by the last figure of the Namber that draws the $40,000 Prize For example, if the Namber drawing the §40,000 | Prize ends with No.1, then all the Tickets where the oumber ends iu Iwill be eatitled to $40. If the Navwsber ends with No. 2, then all the Tickets where the Namber ende in 2 will be entitled to @40, and » on lo 6. CREAT INDUCEMENTS TO CLUBS. As, by thie Beheme, ome Ticket ia every 10 in’ guaranteed (uo draw @AO, we will sell Certificates of Packages -f 10 Tickets (where the numbers end ia |, 2,3,4. 5, 6,7, 4%. 9,0,) at the following raves whieh to the nak on them All tha: the 10 Tiekets draw over the amount of guare j accrues Wo the purchaser Certifieste of Packages of 10 Whole Tickets, 960 10 Half 30 10 Quarter“ 15 lt will be poree:ved, by the plan, that for 860 the parchaser hes a Cerubeate of 10 Tickets, when if he bars Tickets he woald omty get fur that sum 6 W hides, thus by baying Certificates he has foar more chances fir the larger Prace—Halvee aud Quarter Packeges ia proportion IN ORDERING CERTIFICATES OR PACK ACES, F oar address for the Tickets ordce re forwarded close the money to oa receipt of whet they will be be first mat The ( drawa Nurrbers and Prace will be rent Le pure eden ely after the drawing Ls Purchasers will plesse write thew mgnatares pam oad pve hea Post Offier, Cumaty aad Biste. . Jrawn, and pay havere ten tevery Prine ve 14 wen mmediate- \ after the droe ing —« wiry dave, om full witheat deduction simmeeincily cunfide ote ached of renewed iw other Tichets A ddeowe oriers for Tickets, or Ceriifieates of Peck ages of Tickets, either BR SWAN &CO or 8. SWAN, Montgomery, SINGER'S SEWING MACHINES. prect Atlante, (ra Ale re in cal and 4 Pues SK. celebrated machiors » oof aed world ! + valn-us (rade, and im sewing every surt uf bev bet of eheth of leathes, they have been falls Rewing machines of viher man- work. bat SINGER > MACHINES ALWAYS OPERATE ell pe the ext vied fron tailt PERFECTLY. beng darebie aad complet ® * A perfect eeing . ‘ ved affords « clear prufia of ¢| OOH al erlect ome @ 8 Cause 4 “en code The entire rehetehiy of mach: aes reasve for the enparelie MACHINES POR FAMILY SEWING . 4 end debeat Const recime, sre reeoeemended by hor maoulerterern Nuch machiors ere made + th ibe eye, eat to perform substantial work Th wh ere ing machrars vughi to be sironger the, becouse they go tate less shifel be ucie one - wanufectarers, and are weed kt a é eurk The machines ehoch bave > best fe ad other permece must be best for army oer, and they are Sogere The apeed of var moctiars 2 been dewhied No viser can pare we how tye work ‘ erhiere o tates improved style © be ee beral lerme ~wiog me =e make prrsiive machines « b orvre Lace agemis wanicd wo od 7. a fo formation abowt ‘ br apr g ft a copy ’ +.” a paper devoted eet Te wel be ment gras 1M RINGER &€ CO Prec pai Office. 883 Rroedeay. New York BRANCH OFFICES 4. Hanno ereet. Bataan TZ Vee ne et. Prowrde ne 774k street. Newark, N J 347 Bradwa Albany. N.Y (lewersy Kew Vok m4 New Hav 1 amen st, Glaagow, Neo d ( eS treet. Phils f he . a> ' . ‘ ( “ev t * tS Noth Foenh @. 8 Looe 31 Me Chartes New Orieana 2H De Mabie Nowember 4, | 456. Imes. II pd Notice to Builders. "TRUE. andermgnes of Ce ¢ te $50,000 ron, three stor Avile proposals for the ereevon Davidson College. to com Adin gs at the eck foends T re plete . eowill be ex hibitee by ae, et any ume the Let of Livecimbe The contract will be cheed at Charlotte wthe 18th day of Decembsr Any member of the comm o* mimanicate mation on the sab ject lo persons desiring to contract fer the Bardings. DRURY LACY, Charman D. A BR Davinsos, J W Osease, Charkate, N ¢ JH Wises . Jona Keor. Chester, & 6 Ds ei Carrwas, Cone rd, NC Aeon Bawee, Do, ik Daves eo b, oe & MR Garen, Wilmington 6c 1s worr1reE. CBRE General Annual Weetirg of the Steockhold | era ofthe Vadk Navigation Company will take place at Mockeville,on the second Saturday, (the th day ot N mber next JOHN A. BOYDEN, Pree't Rahebury, Oct 249d, 1856 Qw22 Oysters and Fish. ’ | be J&P P MERONEY, have made arrange- mente to fumnieh Oysters, Fish, Crate and Wild Dueks during the Winter season. These wanting large quantities of Ovatrre, can be furmehed at $1 50 per gallon: hy the quart at 50 ea They will keep a Table to eceve up auch (hinge as they may be de ered Sahabury, October 28, 1856 ea Mackerel! Mackerel !! urge lat of Mackerel in bble half bbis. quarter bhie. and kite, of all Now jast reeeived and for MILLS, MOOSE & Co » Manufacturers iV / | 4 [Highly ae aE Tis tenia COD LIVER OIL. MANUFACTURED BY John C. Baker & Co. AS, as one of its distinguishing marks of superi- I ority over other brands almost entire abscnce frem that peculiar nauseous and cay raeate flavor and offenrive odor inesperabble from Oil crudely and imperfectly prepared. It may be taken without disrelish by the most deli- Cale patient and retained withowt eflort un the most sepailive stomach. Its superiority in this and other important charac- teristics of ge has d for it the commendation of the most emiyent of the medical fac- ulty throughout the States. It in the most effectual remedy for Cons Bronchitus, Rheamatism, Serofula, éee., and may be had in bottles of Dre. Sill & Sill in this place, or of the J.C. BAKER & CO, No. 100 N. 3d Street, Philadelphia. » r Y mF N O ly IC kK. ] ANTED, a situatirn by a first-rate Engineer He is also 8 good Moulder; he ean fit up an Engine or any other kind of muc y. Addrese, WM. ADAMS, 6:20 ) GUN_AND LOCK THE subscriber having opened an es- tablishme nt, proposes to carry on the above business in the town of Salisbu- ry, ow Water Street, in all its various branches. paired at short notice and on reusona- ble terms. His thorough acquaintance | with the business, he hopes, will command a reasuna- ble share of patronage. All work warranted. Allor- | ders left with him will be faithfully and promptly at- | tended to. Orders respectfully solicited CHARLES HARTMAN 1656. 21:3mo ADMINISTRATOR'S s WILL expose to public sule at the late remdence of Thomas Kineaid, deceased, on Wednesday the 12th day of November veat, the following property, to wit The PLANTATION oa which the said dec'd. re- sided, containing 258 Acres. ‘This Plantation ie well watered; has on it an cx cellent MEADOW ; is well unproved, having oa Ht large two story Dwelling House, a large aud conven tent Barn, and other necessary out-houses, and hes withiw three and a nalf uvles of Suhsbury, between the Statesville and Wilkeshoro’ roads. and within one mile of the Western Rail Ruad tame aud place will be sold, 8 LIKELY NEGROES, Three MEN, Twe WOMEN, and Three CHILDREN. Alen, the euture crop of CORN, some 2,000 of 3,000 shaves of Osts, ome CATTLE, HOGS, 3 head «f HORSES, | four-torse Wagon and Gear 1 Roek away and Harness; all the ng House build and Kitchen Furniure, vther articles tuo Als», at the same Farny aod mume rons to me tion 17 Terms made known on the day of sale WM R FRALEY, Adm'r dwell JEFFERS HAS COME! EFFERS AMBROTYPF. Oct. th, 1556. the celebrated an eF DAGUERREAN ARTIST fran ¢ 8 C ,having cheed bis Gallery danag tt reepectty sforme the citizens af No vrewty, that he has taken nee at Il, take \mbrotype & Daguerrean Llikenses « Ja the HIGHEST STILE OF THE ART, where he w prepared to havieg been cometantiy eagaged ia the busumees for he past ras vases, and beiag well posted im all the we w imractkmanrs io the art, he ders wt hemiate un aayrog that be can pratuce Iskhenesees + reaion Te Lades and geatiomen are r fe" vited t ol and examine hw sp Cumens ac edge far them ies \ B An carte call will be neccesary as | « re mas in ihe place for two weeks only G A JEFFERS Arto Salaba oO 2 if For Rent. FINE BRICK STORE HOUSE. tw. stories f bagh, scueied mext deur to “V © Pr offre Apply to R MURPHY Jeiy D 9 Geld ick SER er oe men aac Pons. ad I f te, wrthow | ' wale awJI UE . BOORSTORE ~PARM FOR SALE. "CHE onderngned offers at private sale, © mosten t Plantatme, lying three and a half miles of Sabebery, on the Sher ot and fa mile from the Sahe T Ts od. o¢ ping the ond Mew Vareey. 4 vy, Mathew Lewke am re Thee tre . 3 { 1-2 Acres, = which ble r re and Va keg sicker tivation On the rect we a superne Meadoy wg shont 49 acres; ae this c* 7) BRalete a haudeome profit -“ ™ There is. ale he -“—-. a meet caer iicnt bere amd every ttathed the rr to of this farm wil make ita aafe orehaser Trrme o made tun the suberrber at e planta toon or, address by letter at Sahebur N ¢ ANN BROWN July 22, 1856 10 INT ET TAILOR SHOP! SHE. sobecrityr takee thie me | friends and the pablic that he haeopened a NEW TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT his place in the corner rooms of DA Darre's haiding, dereetly ppomte the store of Marphy, McRone & (Co. and adpuning the Tin Shop of Withams Br r Thre long he thinks, experience ead suceres in the busacse arr for the fi a gnaranter ature HIS JOBS shaft be fanthfatty and artistically exe cuted. He in the receipt of the + ’ wel FASHIONS and ie, theref waveresdy to en , . the atv le of Latest 4 47 and ee him CON PRICK Sahsbury, Sept. 19, 1S byl? Arnold's Writing Fluid. he World, for este at JH En BOOKSTORE i hs Best Ink mise” fut ”) ™! 4@4@P' R'E @ "> Bce TOWN PROPERTY FOR SAL? L OFFER for enle a part or allof Tot No 21, FE, W adjoining the WON CR. Road, and near the Depo of the Central Réad. [ desire to sell the part adwen- ng the Rail Road Prot and itean be devided to suit two fanmbhes Any per purchase any of all can address me at ( J UH HOWARD p>) with 2 good dwelling hoases on son wishing ti M want Oct Q8, 1458 PPLICATION will be made to the next General Assembly of the State of North amend the Charter of Davidaon College Carohna GUNS and LOCKS re- | | French and English Prints; Hate aud Cups; inl | Wholesale & Retail ‘MERCHANTS. A stock of Fall and Winter GOODS. Cousisting | |of Staple aud Faney Dry Goods. A beautiful aesort- | ment of | badies Cloaks, Merlnoes. Mousiin De Lanes, Silks, Embroiderics, &e. Large Stoek of Clothing, | Hardware ond Cuery, } Buets, Shoes, and Sole Leather, Hats, Caps and Bonnets, > Blunkets and Kersey s, Trou, Nails and Glues, Groceries, Paints, Oils, &e., Carriage Trimings. Aud almos every deseription uf goudy to be found ia | this market. ‘Yo all of which, we most respectfully invile perscns purchasing goods this searon Saliebury, Sept. 23 1656. £17 Wall Paper, &e, Large supply of moat beautiful Wall Paper. Al- } wo Fire Screens and Window Shades for sale by | J. HW. ENNISS, Buvkseller July 22 8 | BROWN & COFFIN, STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, ry, N.C., Ne. 3, Granite Bui Sal | |Z orth with especial care in the Northern cities | by one of the firm, which they are prepared to sell at | their usual low prices, and would respectfully solicit an exam jwhere. Amoug their stock will be found a large as- sortmént of Z2ANCT LESS COOLS. Hosiery and Gloves; Bonnets and Ribbons; Cloaks wygd Mantilles; Black Silks; Alpecha and Meriuos; De Lane > Craper ans Woolen Shawls; White Goods aud Embroidene d Boots and Shves; Servants’ Wear; READY MADE CLOTHING ; Large Stock Carpeting ; Choths, Vestings, Trouks, Vahees wd Carpet Bags; ed aad Brown Goods of all kinds Carsimeres, and Ble ach- It is our intention to keep constenily on hand a large stock of Dry Goods of all kinds, aod we are de Htereet of cash and prompt termined to make it tot give aud us their patronage ; wee sertly acall when you viet oer town Reapectflly. BROWN & COFFIN PS —Allorders shall have the prompt attentior of one uf the fir October 7, 1* 56 6019 LUT os REASON TOGETHER HOLLOWAY’'S PILLS. WITTY ARE WE SICK. t ° be weighed down by NULL AL'S PILLS are epectally o WEAK, the NERVOUS the DELI a ven a Bes, and constite ons Professor H uileway tomally superiniends the meow facture of bis medi ines in the Lotted Mates, and fers them ' « he pir a ot remedy ine Gord vereae ‘THESE PILLS PURIFY THE BLOOD. desist lbdi a osama m Cotrecting any derangeas a the eth d the very fowataia of life, aad thas curing disease 8 efi ts form DYSPEPSIA & LIVER COMPLAINTS {the hawan race hare taken these Pille It har that mething has been foam ‘ FEMALE COMPLAINTS be withow: th * eetebrated madi ’ « ee v« het home . ‘ ® . . hee ace ’ y Sym ef me ’ @ ewe ¥ ae > v- ’ sk . a . A . hints 8 aude “ ° Me ' Pee < te Prarriee “ CET Prcrose acon aving by » tens WOR Miraets for the cabbance of patientsime sore are eBred cach bot A New Evcitement AND OUTBREAK! VINE cotectiber hae hae Shop. Fe a) ae Meera, Weiem a 7 wreaked h vende of that fra * ow frie ade P bre fe and pebble, the hi ‘n) WE tor HIM, Clothe, C assime ree gt. and Gentlemen's fur nishing gouds, whieh will be edd very bow, of mad ep & urder wm the beet style of the Art He wil keep in hee employ a ckiifel Catter, and can thorefwe warrant good fite, Hee capenence the) beac wetifies hin ia eating the feck cannot be ear paseed in qualty : and the sivies wre all iate sad very handenme Hee stork of Ready. Wades. cow Hara, Cope, mhorie, Collare, \ Mandberehiete Coats, Pants t ver ear Ca Ce ‘ Orders for work promptly filled JAWFS BEARD Merchant Ta Raliebury, S-pi 16, 1256 tf - | Thunder & Lighining! DISCNION AND. CIVIL: WAR, Pestilence, Patent Medicine, FAWINE, & «&e 4 RE a that o& g ‘ \ ag BARK} YEN bp : art " ~ leet th ' by peitiog ap ' 1 age Lightning Condwctore , wer . BA EHIA rareliniii hia ihe ane Address ‘ r fers te Baker & Ow Ss t NX ¢ July 2 Is3 The Great Irea Wheel Examined. AND IPS FALSE SPORES EXTRAGEED WG Br For sale at JH Beanie BOORKSTOR! walow . July 22 STATE BONDS FOR SALE. APPLY to JENKINS& RORERTS Aug 5 wo Salixharv NOC, Marriage License for Sale at this Office. ‘MOCK & GAITHER’ 1 now receiving a large addition to their stock, | tion of their Goode before purchamng else- | SWAN & CO,'S LOTTERIES. [ Authorized by the State of Alabama.} $50.000. TO BE HAD FOR S10. | SOUTHERN MILITARY ACADEMY | LOTTERY! (LASS J, To be drawn inthe City of Montgomery, Ala., in pub- SINCLE NUMBERS! SAMUEL 30,000 TICKETS ONLY! PRIZES AMOUNTING TO 200.000 DOLLARS. Will be distribated according to the following UNRIVALLED SCHEME !! SWAN, Manager. Prize of “ 20,000 20,000 “ 10,000 | 5,000 2,500 1,000 500 300 100 6o APPROXIMATING PRIZES. of $400 approx ng to Ca eee prise are te Pood bd gon the zm 175 se w ees “ of 1,000 priaes amoun $200,000 Whole Tickets, 610 — Halves, 85 — Quarters, 24.- PLAN OF THE LOTTERY. 30,00 Nambers corresponding with those on the dit Wheel. ‘The first 350 Prs- Ling to Tickete are place 1 une 2-8 are placed ia another Wheel. A Number vs drawn from the Number Wheel, and at the same time a Prize is drawn from the other Wheel. The Prize drawn is ploced against the Nomber draw This operation is repeated until all the Prizee are drawn oat Sue PROXIMATION PRIZES,—The two preced ding Numbers to these drawing be eniiited to the @20 Approx diag (o the Scheme. IN ORDERING TICKETS, mation Praca, sec Enchwe the moary eddrees for the Trehets vadered, on rece | which they will be forwerded by first mel The het of Drawn Nambers and Prize | be went to parchasers uninediately after the drawing TP Purchasers will plense write ther mgnatates pias, aod give their Pus Office, County and Sime 1° Remember that every Prise deawn, and pay- able in fall w theat deduction J AN Prizes of €1,.000 aud wader, pard immediate er wing b tes at (he useal tie va AW suc \ Confideatial r Vicks vcard mother Tichets at ether off 0 s hi tin earty Orders fie Ticwerte « drrened to Seawas wi, Atlante, Ga s VAN Misies ry, Ah 1 Ne the above 4e ad aud even namber ochre ‘ Pickiees au be odd ® Kquity Sale of Land. |b virtne of a decretal order af the Court of Equity, | will expose to sate m the Tureday the I fay of November mext. being the waif Stateevile, on Turaday of N moe Connty Court, the fidlvwing T d telegeag 1) the hee of Morgen N i cceaced The Tract cvut ame 393 Kes Tres Laying on the South Yadkin River and Rocky Creek, adp nang sof Wm Base, and others, 8 miles Base s Thee tract of band is very valuable and is gaud eve » her 2 Terme a . are credet, wrth interest fro ate WP CALDWEHRILC Wk 0 0, 1s56 We Pre fee, $5 00 Kquity Sale of Land, AND TOWN LOTS IN STATESVILLE. >Y e of decretal orders of the re 4 Eq 1 wil expeme to anie b Town of STATESTILLE Meoday the avoof November meat, bemg the Monday of Nov rComety Coert. the tflow rng valuable Jee be hon gieg he devimes of Alerander Ilngg sed, via Lots No. 15, 16, 17 and 18, FRONTING ON MAIN STREET, weether com " square an nesd street Lat ine a EK LOT ON THE GREAT PUBLIC Sq and hee om it a gund STORE HOCSE, wenp Stock The wether hots are surat wore howe sir awelengs ON, and half of Lot 62 he T naam = n— aummproy ed ALSO { / LAND roomie \ id “vi 4 qabty, com ag 127 acres ALSO { ve ¢ f , ra th. F ve ( o an ree which w heed = pgs bewsof Dy J M Mis T. rma, one and ts are cred, with wier-« WF CALDWELL. C NM FE Oct 10, 1356 DS Pr. a7 50 FAIR MT. FOUNDRY & MACHINE SerorF. STAFFORD, DIXON & PREWIULM HORE POWERS, THRESHERS, A koow z re eae Cos {\D M «ha , nd by andteds , Fer erat s P b « Croom ~ at he ate « RB 4 + fired 1 work r wet . k ace with th pe aa ws wih Vives 1 . Siste Fa: 4 « Ma . manufactur , > <8 a nonthe n “ = ’ tom ut GH EST PREMIUM. os . WwW mane factore, at short 9 6 tre) sad Saw MA Prone Fa \ Gear Corowa Saw Milla, Wool-eneding Me nines, Stra@ and Sisik Cu . we the thrmg that ‘ ee vit all kinds of eant ngs ' ~ . , Les 1 ~ SPTARPEFORD, DINON &€ CO s wtawp Alamanae, NC w n wot . n Aug 2 Ave pad £50,000 | 10,000 | 200 , LAND SALE AT CAROLINA CITY. ‘THE CAROLINA CITY COMPANY DROPOBE to sell to the higheat biddor, en Fucee day the 25th day of November next, at P na City, a limited number of eligible Lass in said ‘ Lok ely on 7 BEAUFORT HARBOR. It is hardly necessary to call the attention of the public to the importance of this sale, The City is at the terminus of the Rail Road Hic, on Thursday November 13(h, 1856, on the Planof boro’ via Newbern to Beaufort Harbor, which is the ‘grand termivi of the Iuternal Improverent em of North Carolias, and where a magnificent pag “ rapidly grow up. The Cty Company only propose to sell a limited number of Lots, to allow parties who ask at once f obtain foothold an opportunity to do so: another will not probably be given saon, as the Company Ys Bo desire to part with any property. Terms liberal aad will be made known el _ Oct. 14, 1856. DEN TAL “ROOMS DR. W. F. BASON, CD UBS TPuisstP, (of the Balt. and Phil, Celleges, &e.,) we LD respectfully make known that he bag prepared ROOMS, on the corner next Does. Whitehead, for the reception of Ladies and Gentle meu ueeding Dental services; and where bot all who can conveniently call, will find it greatly to their advantage. Salisbury, Oet. 3, 1856. wid. N. B. Communications by letter or otherwise wid be attended to the first epportuaity. Ten Dollars Reward! ) ANAWAY frnn the subseriber, on the 29¢b day Ly May last, a free negro named HENRY VA- LENTINE, alias Henry Lomax. Said boy wastee- vieted at the last Term of Rowan Superior Const of misdemeanor, whipped and sold for tae payment of cosis fur the term of 18 months. Said Valeutine of Loinax, is about 23 years of age, five feet three and half inches high, of gingerbread color, large nest, thick hps, bow-legged, stout built, aed by trade e Brick-mason, Plasterer and Painter. He was mised ta Aason coaeis, aud may be lurking aloet Wades borvagh aud Albemarte 2 I will give the above reward fur his a and delivery to me at Moent paling ~~~ 4 county, or if confined ia any jail so thet f gee Glee again. Letters addressed to me at Moout Pleadeat, will be promptly aitemded tu. CHARLES KLUTTS& we? Jane 10, 1856 Encourage Home BE QUICK! BE QUICK!! STILL BETTER AND BETTER! AM patung up Baggies and Rock with jm provements My work has alweye gives great salsfacioo where ever rt bes been tried or known, aad 1 am determined that it shall give sutinfaction sed eam ple reward lv the parehaser. I am stilt ot the ome off stand, known as the Mowry Shop, om the acer the Factory. Io exchange foe Baggies § oil take wheat, corn, becon, &e., ot the highest pnees My work shall be good and derahte. examine my work sed heer ee, and I can't hetp being pleased with it. I thanks to the pabhe for their very that the) have bestowed on me heretedure. JOUN L. WRIGRT July o— DR. M. WHITEHEAD. OFFICE 0 the same lot with hie residence Ie hie abeence persone desiring to see hire wil rete thew nemes on the Slate Jame 17, 1856 SALISBURY CLASSICAL SCHOOL THE andersigned bas opened a Classical Schedt 1a the town of Sakebery, for the young men for College, or any of eons Pupils will be prepared to eater any choi the Uovermty, or any of car Colleges, whic they may demre. The scholastic year will consiet of up osemn of ten months, commencing on the lat of Oe tnbet and ending ia Juty, eth a racetive of one week at ( bret mae Terms——Per Se>.ion of 10 Months. 29 Prmary Engheh branches, - @20 (0 Higher du do and Mathematics, 36 00 Claemes and Mathemates, so Cawmtiage nt fand, : 1 00 One -third of the tnition will be required ln advance, ove third oa the let of March, aed the remainder af the chee of the sermon Ne deductam for shueaee ame of protracted mckaea REFERENCES Premdeat and Faculty of the Uarvermy ; Rew. Lacy, DD. President of Davidens Collese ; Jona M Morehead, Hoe Jobe M. Dick, Greede- tere Rev. A. Beker, Hon Bartoe Craige,dehad. Shaver, Beg. A. Headermoa, Esq, Jan E. Row, Eaq . Sabebury JOMN B GRETTER, AB 20:9 acept m Oetober 14 Steam Saw Mill for Sale. 4b HE Weetere Plank Road Compeny oil! &) a@ peble aectun, near Ligeulatoe, Nerih Cami Ratardsy. the 15th day of November wesi, o ( Steam Saw. Mill, complete end jo Get by Storback & Co, Troy, New 1856. Tt has been ia use aboot 15 or 16 months Ye rt sewing lomber for ibe Plank Roed Terms wi Be made howe he dav of sale c ¢ “HENDERSON Preetdte wt of the W. P. Road Compesr.* Line N.C., Oct. 7, 1856 wis WANTED 5000 Bushels Wheat AND 1WO BARRELS FLOUR. “ILE eaheerber wishes to purchase the shove quae- 1 Wheat aed Pleas, for whech he wl! gag best marke! pr ein cash MICHAEL BROWN ie Se 1856. DE ROSSET & BROWN, WILMINGTON WC. BROWN & DEROSSET, CEVERAL COWWISSION laa , Von tmcee made va C swore, Sept, 16 igumenta Commissioner's Notice. pee RED by the C.snscmoners of the town of person shall be permitted rect any balding on ether of the front ofreeta, wih me aquare he ete Heuer. exceps k or stnee pre 7 . v R ‘ = - THOMAS MeNEELY,C BC < : at NEW BERN Wutual Insurance Ce. FN Hore sbeem appomted agen Sale- | t F ~ve Company, and = prepaged & re . atene from any person wishing te . y v This company » pow in succesmfad . sid tte basiness ie fast increasing Pereses wrebiog by have property insured in thie office will tease call on the mbserber J.D. RAMSAY. Jane 1th, 1s5¢ Gon Notice. Ay ATION will Ge made to the next Gens Gs ral NenemBly fora anty to sppent a Spersal Magstrate for Rowan Coun) Alea, for a ehartes | for a Bank in the town of Sahsbary Met 14. 1256 bua oar] AKKEST OF A FINISHED ViLLIAN A SECOND MOPROE LLY slide Tt will be recolleeted that about a year ayo # We tan named George Goiber was arrestod iu his OFFICIAL CONDUCT AT COLA, learn from the Richmond Whig, by w letter dro Pensacola, of the date ot bo ee Min. ar A on “8 eT Kon & saan October 7th, that the whule torce of the of Brown roubers o, aoc m 4s, aera ; As forged Wile of exchange on England tor consid) Navy Yard at Pensacola, was brought Me amounts, and after having beeu kept ie out under the lead of the Coummodore and jail for werme time, was disc Pon bl 08 his staff to vote the Buchanan ticket.— pon nal amguat Tt appear tuat poor | oa iign afiter ane arrest he had also writen t) Masts Win : Mowei! & dun a forged to » \ oe Navy Yard a game was plas purporting to be from a lous wond s ~ ed te waiedu Americans Were neve b at 8. Bartholumew, wis iwc t hetges tore coumpened tesdouit Precmen who @hich he requested should t« bu le} wished ta vote had Dernocratic tekets Coeds placed to his cred De detier siated that, ther hands on starting to the polls. 0 firm warmed Mr Dewumier tad d post d ei ‘ an nde A tuline ter OBO fm that bouse in com, which was thos senha oe depomied on their v r that pad by the first vemsel A sul sequent ict 7 md even cinpled tothe polls, to ted thal a vesse! bad beep proc. red, wh ch woud | Pee tor decwpaon. Lhe pamwed te Si. Bartholomew tov te vy ee Conmmeaderw, in fall unitocim, with bis pci o baht Uae AAA te A ve staff went te the polls and voted an our eo cargo of sugar aod cotles fora port md e pie! A bic wR ecks al ‘ Mis SUiTe abd COuney Cae S. A}. & Bh eves eered M beau owe PNortod star x £0 Sh LiL ya CAR DESTROYED BY FIRE eatin ‘ oes oars ANY jerstapd that one of the passenger cars ng testis P \ n t dead dowd was destroved & &w days more capsed and a letter wasn eileen en iiedine el le eae: evived from tbe same party New York ; crimes questing that the money tor sien 2 aT : ea vole the ehowtd be went om to him oa he tata a ‘ meee: aia tee wuity 10 send some things | < \N Tigra TONES 1 j : ancorder Which be Should wake a Lauds promt saeney Sa LmMeEdiais) » i Rn ti Bowe tm New York bat was never Caied S Mur Gbaetis Were surprised to find, be 8 short Uine the bulls w , dest mace eee ie, w Considerable Hla leo wh) bile of exchange in Chariston x oubstiuw ou the tops of the huuses, We 031,000 for wha he recenved cotton, « War ics 5 ‘ ed near abl wight, and but for shipped to New York and » “ rat Ube pruwtd Would lave bees covered tu der ff George Gomer, the nane le — led Reaers <a, Pires abuuvercoats od Bes peat vamacvon was WW remington. pave ius baw Leouy ty early requisitivn WC, where be purcuased laos antes Lynchburg Vi wor Och Ll of apace of tury~ “ Lae a = Nestt tbe unck tailed because the forged ray Ghange be presen lod cows tbe peguliale A lady. a diste ’ e scienee, asked a Gatety. Lbowgh be bad Woes seleeyuct MT bearned bngist, will a view of pugaling Gusted wo the city be aya Tetearveu ‘ Wa ANacrrotaatre radians ewe frase tend preceted alone icticr uf intro | hea sal fuer . no bounces destruct vcuets and benevolence equally a 1 Qetporiing & be from Mesera ludue & Co. of lar!) veboped ! These nada, are those Ge Thomas lie was preceded by a seller pur ow h , hindaess partang to come from thet house which bere ibs wale Warts ab eas a a) etter endorsing . ered and character bat © Wai seca N t fis many feelings; in qeeed) ewer lo be a bores wo é ar it is sul ent to hos thirst tor Ge preeewtng ibe petier a iubniue 8 be ow dy pound tity Is ‘to the wor Poopores We puree aml did purciaee to | Dany eee reeiile the smoust Uf 84.300 foro a . cs ' @ et. hange perprtny . © Vole aed peta. Lie az re WE Soh cieec iad Ubedils NSE cr Valorie girl ot oh eters Ub@ soake a pas « slaves too was geld aed Lbe pee a = ‘ i “ . Rechard, the came be be te a» ii oF . a. hae ee west wert uw & Lowen wher db be ening forged bl of cachange site OU . v i ma a owe te ibe amount of 81 = pe teawh ue and lovers uf frogs: and that they ha Dower of Mewrs Cimrk liaize & te ne : . ee * yf Geared tLe send, ».8 t ~ su oy the ,e heme ok wrre pul oe Ube alert Be) sui Le > = be was arpented sed thre wt reve, Bind wt ba Deuntay of test wet takes to & |e for ine oes ™ search og we remiss t &. r 4 * Know a k Reel and Gaels Gk ee ace ; danse ei Danama « a BSE 2 ss one's al , . ’ we Meekerd. aed Adve s . . . mike tt sae rari e be a tek « weaie Paminy 1h 2 ere dine tee les gta alive ram ate al Tee few bp bes cheered hy oe hrypenes to pom tb . . above th te t wt ikere we ny duels the , tween 650 0 and GIOC COO I: OS thd wstice oi ve i ane Edom I od i aeecdand suk «ania 5 , an ites ws es fereiey of ween istwe oli ne ava. Bem © . . . z . Gap he the bree of the State feo bee wer @ a@er & ewplosed — Se deren orttie daa . I ca. le _. 2 Mette sys Pte 08 ; Me 6) me ta the | ' ' mi itl Uniehae 8 . . « 1 . Botley Versa. {a “ ’ F ) rere Simy hse e-U Me t . @eacy © ati chtecanes {1 7 o f “ iS < ee wb -- a ae | Jest w c ‘ - ed, aod f = Ore eb ureed ihe hore ie Waether «the « augtier em " a = @eeman cd, or te motiver at tie ww Pa oa one Pte there + Mert en's asf My Tremere au ee m Com! 2 a Cv etem ar of the Cipare A New 3 . Sean teite ws the fnsr@ing story. ar - ‘; Ptrics we feel safe there! ire fer » {act Teo oF turee vear - - ' r r =e . GQ came tetiiecits t r. f 4 @ dsownee {tive lunge = | I | —, dene? bre ay hi) Sper! a ¥ 4 teh- I oie ; ' a! ie aa a : * k t mena - wowe mad 14 = Vint pleasure ; ' * Sry Cees alt - Sal The hi "vaca © * « 4 felt wime + : . — VC) Siete Sno Lave caine Well, pert) st a besa Ts oe) * 2 & aot a power [Ret vie sole ¥ ; d ee ee Ge Ore ree Le ” par per at = . witwet ondeal ram . a rs ante sa JOURNEVMEN cha } ¢ «af eer ee .. Carriage Makers Wanied ' anne tute : ‘ ne te the of ‘ I} " ed ty) ola ° : iP hold the ¢ ' . = Imches lung a ‘ td MS ee ) ) Pen eee made t TN et | . pr ? ans \ t { n-tar on was . ew Wiley ca yuart of ow moa tw d “ wow sta “ a : ; NTA eET Bpoor n° - SP a MUL MANA \LLES, My Wie “ h » esa e Wralerk ee" DRY GOODS, PULLADELEAITA e hoe a Aree o We pever h Wa ete thine congenial ¢ ” * bo ur i] ace ! ‘ ee Chameng (ormens 4 . 43 fm CERTIFACTES Of the Healing and os Virtues | was at leugh Bh yc eat comes da att of] COWAN’S Vegetable Lithontriptic. «=. he house Ivedell County, N.C LT fereby certi'y that T have been aff rn aie x Gravel fora pumberof years, having been contiued tu the * Carolina Watchman, for six mooths, two of which, | wa | And was attended by a respectable physician of the peighborhood severel days with little or no relief yatil STEADY PROGRESSION thontriptic, and aft bottle and a half of the medicine | was acter. al cae and fever, cal ;coutinued to unprove and gain strength uutil I was, jable to attend to my bosivess ag a farmer; and have | | euutinued exempt from the disease until the present | THEODERICK MINTON. 4) Kept for Sale at . Jan. 3, 1553 cted with Office. witin- " a} edte bed Skiltul physicians failed to give any rebet pouawifsaanceev FALL AND WINTER. EAGLE ¢ 7 TY, la se Bp ¢ ue use of which gas y is ie Pe Epes SUBSCRIBER has the puesta to ae and Tothiok. by perseveriog ut is use, will ¢ a as ow hin aE ORT: " GRAY. QQ Vd$, nownce to the world, to whom he sends greeting Rowan County, N jallkind wishes for their prosperity and peace, that he is making steady progres in the improvement yf Eagle desiimed, he beheve: C. Jan. 5 3 ~~ SALISBURY, OCTOBER, 1856. Cuy, to becume the greatest This is to ty. that T have ased Cowan's Lithon manufacturing city in the country. He is now erect- (nptic in two cases, wih happy effect. One was a | aan new cotton till at Chis phice, to be called the bad case of suppressed Menst-uation, i a young lady gBryile subseriber begs leave to inform his friends, that he is! 6 Troy Mitts,” and hupes to have it in full Heeb 21 years of age, ia which the usual remedies had Wiegeg oe EMESM SUPPLIES of FALL 004 by ihe dutior pin uf the snumer of 1046. hw wiled. aud b V ustagr cute vet Was obiar Arkansas, Conway County, Mr. Cowan ear and a ha sound inind, a for ten ve mind gave way and was mach impaired allenten Of two able physcmus, but her health be- can worse, tli vour remedy was ased her health is as above stated, and her mind 418 mittee T write toin ter, Martha, bas been enjoy aang if ad cally restored. Ma. J. F. Cowan—Dear Sur Having beew the physician of the family for several years, and the alowe mentioned was the most hup-- less Case of suppressed Menstruation | have ever wit- 1 supposed, be yond the control of all me- But to my atter astuaishment she has beea nessed ; one, dic ine eulurely reheved by your Lathoatnpte ben other cures sumiar to thus; aud cheerfully recom inend your veluable Medicme to all semilarty afflicted Ta the treatment of this disease | have had mach ex- J F Cows 4 x Us, or inflammation of the eH Upngit and T beheve hed be persevered been EXTIMELY reheved Ta childhood st fine constitution age her menstruation became enurely suppressed, aud ars her health wes most wretched. Her Eeq —Dear Sir Im46, I deemed ut my daly to saiorm you of the eue bottle, the MosT PERFECT re- Phe other case was chrome Cys one of the best, (if wot the very best,) smilie in esto bladder, The ta a the person of Mr ontapue g ave hun great in its use, he S22 DURANKENG ALD April 15, 1852 orm you that oar daugh She had the ‘ 4 i Y } ip N) PLE country. The ime nery wasselected by himself, and Al ) L the latest aud most approved patterns were chosen.— Pe pi ead he doubts not will ex beautiful achievements of the renowned Eugte Mills, in @ few days, have in store his entire tle which ighting p-oportious, Eagle Mills long gated for it- couiprise tt selfa fare as fair asit is wide apread, both forthe excel- d health for the lust he has ever had the pleasure of offering. ree, Troy Mills alone threatens to rival it, and heues enjoyed healih—a He teem it uc mawessnary to enumerate the articles ; suffice it the world may look out fora contest involving a rewalt Tt to every Southern pairwt. U S U AL ST OC k, | The dreamer, epecujating on coming eveuls emighe which has been selected with more than « . pation of my stock before purchasing. Se don't) the boandury of present time, portray the aspect o, E. "VERS, | Eagle City afew years hence. Let hun sketch Li will work Hike a lever weich—smooth and steady — onder whose shadow it is developing is fair and de BEST ASSORTMENT tenee of its yarns, and the superionty of ite cloth fab But at ee early tesay Uhave not less interesting in iivelf, than it must be desirable evtinary care. AUT! Well etep in here, and casting forward bis ken bey Xan No. 4, Granite Building. | We see a city of beautiful proportions with its tower- forges ty call o By using 5 Gc, WITT, ELIZABETH WITT. 1 know Miss Wirt, T could wmen- determined to a | of granite buildings with glittering metal runfs, reflect ptember 23d, 1856. | the cheerful beans of a veroal sun: the Juvigureuing breezes of a delightful climate, str the leaves of long we of elms; the street mlivened with a cheer- es >a we | ful busy throng: the song o a million of sg . baa an A) 1 1 \|'s gled with the roar of nommend cascades: FE k ALL & WIN TER GOODS. | MogAMenI rises above all things else, bearing us | Op Bu imimeuse eagle. wings exteaded, looking dow with pleasure va all below. Eagle City Bauk is iv W E are now receiving oar asual sapply, embrac- | full view, and by its liberal policy invites all energetic tog a great variety of Staple aad Faaey Dry business meno clams cacourggement. Caheo prin GOODS, Drugs, Creceries, Ready Made Clothing. ‘ers roll out their baled up goods: the carsof the North- Yours truly, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shees, western Railroad receive them, together with ihus- KK. s. ROZELL, M.D Weil adapted (o the seas, all of whieh have been sands of other things, the products of the City: the — bought at the lowest CASH prices. and which we are deafenwg whistle is bi and the swund ie echoed aad Trenton, Tenn, Jen. 22d, 1848. offer at wholesale and retail at prices | re-eehwed from hill te hill, and wakes the drowsy pow. that well give satisfactivea Call and examine our ers of reposing fai cattle, which browse in the neb sur stock before parchamng, as we are determined to sell rounding valle\s: the scene gr.ws '—grows' —and the oar goods asoheap, if not cheape > P On the 27th May han the bough: | end is beyoad tn bill of th phe ceerful ue of your Vegetable Lithonts pie, CS coplanar than they can boug' sas — bots ehcp kat ater cies bens ease of Mr. Thomas Fletcher, of this wenuty tance R. & A. MURPTY | all te be realized beyoad doubt. Enough, envagh! ai dpa rd ou inna lng one dE 216 | ll prem to nal conewminat on ee gee ' al E | ANDREW BAGGARLY ts weluniug thee Orgahe which we tre decinaee of eheeng elt ond. eal aey| Feb 9h, 1ASS al ihn us mgt ! aa ° seal n that hae, at <<. me Waated Immediately, sreseh ey . : At the Silver Hill Mine, ey primers ere a : ANY QUANTITY OF a glint eee State of North Carolina : aha ae one ei et aati WOOD AND COAL. ee elel etdietactd' s ehinwerevipsis ROMANS OUNTY WM LEAVENWORTH, Sup fecung cure, and part's ners Court of [’as ond Quarter Sessions, Sitver Wall. Oet tons vf mathea, | ‘ . . . s ery August J iso . NL MESS, MoD ee eee Dyspepsia Cured. Ia with Cowan's eo. Wi Richards, Miers 1. Holmes 1D HOSTETTERS CELEBRATED RIT ‘ *, George Kichards a Promae Reh TERS, for ine cure of Dyspepea and Chills & Se ved inlteneenalee ore Fever, &e For sale by is eh : ; ] tion to s¢ ] ad MILES, WOOSE & CO a a ‘c . “ie Sahebury, Wey 12 3 have we 1 a he salwfa the Coa he oe coan ~ safari s (ocurge h wosand Tha t “ ne , tn cei a hae, ROWAN FACTORY. = & Lalas a at the = ? : ene oy . We = . ae - ste Tribete (0 whom Tribute is dee: if te the Veorth “ ehih: J eins es Veiebery y Pay it.---If mot, eaceurage Home Manelact eres. . Mis He ie me — ae aes Pie ee Tr subscribers RW an Fac ‘ eh eted in Maliehe sacreesfal ope . . Ht . . ul eax fp < ! e . ieee Soe “oat ma to : _SHEETINGS & YARNS, 3 what . A By : oar : ; TOR ream enable terme We er en . : i ; ‘ me bea eas n — - ork . ; wotief 1eteon to all whe a whee ‘ JAMES fb ORERR, Clert "” ae ae al Giese ke seat 2 , ‘ie : ; Mae COPTON BATES ) ke ‘ Siewert eee re\ine aac 1. ar Lid at WE ARE NOW READY GRIST MILLS a . Faerionsra seni Byali ese [eee needs. « 4 the largest and mat 51° sls pelea ga orn will be grownd for ‘oll as prosapuy wetordy clear of ell erwtiimme s( my be . ; plete mocks . . ’ MORNING & MEADER Rs egies PALL & WINTER | ves. 00 lh } “tl = aot wes ain . Music. ‘ : serie petiken ‘y \ Larg- semoriment of Pans Furie Ware fr ale ore ne seal ; D a J HW ENNIAS BOOKS POMP med e) chit co nid Virg war ’ ee I a Spe ee “T - , : BOUTS AND SHOES HATS. MANSION 5 HOTEL = ° . (upe. Rieck & 1 cad Qicel a8 ki nde a - ht = pevgae afte . c sad Rt Pla end a very large ewek © = , , . ce. Ba Erg SALISBURY. VC. ee “Ready: Made Clothing, “Ti eetecacsa L eabernber having taken cherge of the shove = . kart Le . h gro Blank- (wnaberge. inped ond | tabluahmen!. begs \cave heron ihe pateter = . . | Regeing!(Cosland 16 veltAt at tek! ne Ernerally, (het the Howe's mse open fet ihe rere pine " te Nt Y - - - ods west proces. and «© { Ruardere, Tragciere, ee He prpmmssecs iba: hve Z ia a raat ie ; Ml PHY & CO ACCOMMODATIONS Tas Me lishurye Sent <i 6tuls as qral to anv inthe Stvte Pereme stopping ° et hie Hone waye by vewterm treme for the arr a ree at Vale iia abe ‘ ° te and obug Be * = = < egeerve ea @wayeiae * lance L . ignite me ans . WB GRANT - ney 0 ne mae |e Salrohary, May 24. 1855 ~ = BENS we UT Reecived and Yaon'e Mew Pron a . 4 = Dice ieee” OR. JUNIUS) MENDENMALL, 0 FST f ie ae Sept. 30, 186 6t1s LAND AGENT. Ly . » ‘aw ® ae 7 ‘ ° (UU SECCCT andenion CG eornmcat Land ee Nalesman Wanted. Wo Soe, < or ’ > as . * . ° dint @ See ate Ge ehh op = val Real Ea ove in Winacente, lowu, oe Oe cukecviber uw 4 : epinving.« GAO aitan Wievme y epee Re HW PARR Ts. . ee va 1 (the evintry Caenched when denre ¢ pope A .* KR J WENDENIOALL } T A «su Py Cer ae « ‘ ‘ = ee Woieie to vaare ies an VALUABLE Salisbury Planing Mill, weserel devs: 6 : >] acre i , ’ ; . wera devs, and F ARW FOR ALE. | SASH FACTORY AND LUMBER wig . ° | att x ¥ -: a id Paani ON WEST HILL. SALISBURY, BC . Sia Viarok i ei ticias inlet nope, yet Wiswsra Ma TT. andersizaed have now in cperation the ebeee e ae Pavk Kio (T LC . Wit and Factory. and are prepared i farnwh fire 2 tay $ Ib bub: KM zt armen, quality lamber dreased ’ = Cowes plank farnahed by ot Pvpeenare eae 200 ACRES, Sach. fh ie ry Cr oom The ' 2 th fivache sree sed be > Pays « ude oe ‘ t t.. \htalad and ‘ BLISS ‘ . scehs ay Th egned ha ) alt ; <'§ it . ts ere b . i are . . ear ene ntl Se . 3 eos tea : « ‘ ar RDix H&A ¢ IRNs e Nog 12, 56 Gene 12 . { ' ¢ . Pat cop 1 - . = R. P. mes Dentist, . chiar (oe pe tea hs THOWAS E . . , oe WAS E. BROWN. Bae Carriage, Buggy and Suiky Build ae 3 . se NOTICE. vr. 2 SALISBURY, N.C., ¥5 " v 1 " > VL’ i Renee fa p os : I 5° - , ‘ Bueinese foothen : . 1 . ' ie aT & Wh NRY .- . ‘ oh ' ee I Cues ¢ 6-3. ’ ° BO Heong. ve one of is Lavery [OT Perens anacinenecinbieecti willcwacence ie y HARRI NOTICE 3 Tye de husrigen tes : re A ds wince one $ road it i6 dae + willeat : " vit fin inva | runriinralirs Ce ete : Pte ary Poeear Hake L feecurn. for Five Thomenad . =o and 12 ot ely egrets m | 21 veers LIVERY STABLE J UW JENKINS Neth a « fe wrsld Sabelm i f 1116 errs 7 ; taaeil 2 ae 4 . sheng 1 AEN RIN # ROBERTS have, and will ene Jnty 82, 14'6 wes . in} - 1 State 3 f . ols sai ‘ New North Carolina Form Book. \ . COR Sheriffs, Constables, M . d Re Theis iChat | wee + wthonfliama. Marriage License for Sale at this I Boat OF ere ae oe : 5 ’ - 4 i sep BOOKSTORE . ogre at pain, attended sinareidi fi Office. Fels 92 i ing steeples pointing heavenwards: close ranged blocks W. P. ELLIOTT, (Late of Worth & Elliott, Fayetteville, N.C..) GENERAL COMMISSION AND ‘FORWARDING MERCHANT, WILMINGTON, Orders for Mrehaodize, and rT of Flow and oiber Produce, for sates or shipment, thuokfu received and promptly attended to. May 1855. ve | 4. F. ANDERSON, W. D. REYNOND ‘AN DESON & REYNOLDS, GROCERS, Commission Merchants, . NO. 10, ROANOKE SQUARE, SIOMRUPDuss, YA. Pay artive attention to the sale of Fleur and other | ca sin isp adaets, the most kinds of Produce, avoiding uunecessury charges and readeriug prompt Yreturus. al J. D. CUMMING, Cc. W. sTYRON. | CUMMING & STYRON, Ss Forwarding ‘Merchants, WILMINGTON, N. C. | except in (wo cases, (both incudort ap ) | wilt this eure homer. THE GREATEST Medical Diseovery of the bye. DR. KENNEDY, emp et hus discovered in vl our common pasture # remedy that eur, EVERY KIND OF LUMOR From the worst Seroful s Sawa toe Pimple, wever failed He hus now in hie possession over two handred cortificules of He has tried it in over. a0 exon, | Me virtee yal Withia (wenty miles uf Two bottes are warranted io cure a nursing vore motith, ts 7 Une to three les will cure the w y Pimples on the face. ort, Wad, of T we to three bottles will clear the system of Biles, ‘Two bottles ure warranted uv cure the wyret canker ia the mouth and stomach. ‘Three to five haves ure. warranted togare the wor. case of Erysipelas. pre ba Me buttles are warramed to éure alf hamor Teck Catios are warranted to cure running of the care or blaiches among the hair. Four to six bottles arg worramed to eure corrupt | ond cunning ulcers. Une bottle will cure scaly eruption of the shin. ‘Two to three buttlas are warrquted Lo cure Lae worst se of ringworm. ‘Two to three bottles ere warranted to cere the most desperate case of rheagnatien Three to fuar bottles are warranted to clre the salt theum Five to eight boules will cure the worst epee, of sorefula. A benefit is always experieeced from the fires bot- |e, und @ perfect cure id Wartanied when the above har seb is taken, 1, | peddied over @ thouseod bottles of this ig fg winlads 9 of Bestov. | hucw the wfleet of it imeve- |ry cusp. So sure oe water will eatinguirh fire, a eure 1 never eld & bottle of it bet Particular attention paid te selling Flour, Corp | thet sold another; afer a trial it efways peaks for Cotton, and all kinds produce. Feb, 1856 COW AN'S VEGETABLE LITUONTRIPTIC FRIEND OF THe MUMAN eurrecaixe vroe DISEASED KIDNEYS, Stone in the Bladder and Kidneys, Weak ness of the Loina, dc. GT hivinvalasble medicine is for onle thewel, in Moekevilie; at Dr. R. Compbelt’ dell; atthe Drag 8 ta Charkste ; ly39 FAMILY. flee, in Rehebery ‘The subsenber baving entered into copartnershi) with Joba F. Co Petenter, for the man beove Medicwe, furnish a supply by addressing him at Salisbury, N * prepared. | teetf. v are (wo tbings wbv@t thie herb that sp- ee to eurprmng ; first Yhat it grows in oor pas- sane places quite plowtiivh, end yet itevelee \ waste poche toca hese aad until | discovered Win 1846— second, that it should care off kinds of humor. In urder to give some idea of the sudden rise and ease poser) of the is ry, | will stote that ig 53,1 vid about sis butles per repay April, 1654, 1 pio over ume thousand butéles perday of t BSouve of the who! esate Draggists who have been iv the business iweety and thuny 5 my that nothing in he of patent mediemes was ever like it — | je ee Ui veree! praise.of it from sll re my own preevece | elways kept it sinetly fur be- | more—bat since ls introduction as @ general family o| medirine, greet aud wonderful virtues have bees fuead io it that | wever anepreted. Several coses of epileptic fie—a disease which was 1 Leveriy's siways conddered incurable, hare been cured by « Hotelin Salem; and atihe Carolina Wetehman Uf. | few hutiles. O, what a merey fit will prowe effoeival (a off cases of that awful maledy—ibere are bet few whe have ern mere of t then | have T howw of several carcs of Dropesy, fl of them aged people cured by it. Fer the varias diseases of the Lives, Sich Heedeche, Uyrpepda, Asthma, Fever C , of cathng at bis residence, 10 miles weet of this) od Agee, Pan in the Sede, Diseases of the Spme, ice, _— ED Serre I. AND FOR SALE, the landeof Jha S Carmin, Joes The dep he Western Bitenanmn moet be acer » reer) beiblmgs 10 guned meauw The treet eweteme haf of which orm eo high State volun, andthe balance wo well timbered Thee wish <8 gant barge, must cell ewe. as} el Ve Sicele, comhare asernt . «wing the lends JOUN W STEFLE Moreh Lhih, 1856 ater . 7s wee t wove 4 © @emaer “= Bo aw = NEW GOODS. Mills, Moose & Co. |B v0 te laform thew many frende and ihe D pubic generality that iney ere wening om the Broek | Kenacd, & M STAFLE AND FANCY Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, together eth s!l erveles esen'! Star They are alm ng end we formerly vecuped by thew stork « beptrea o Dry Gente receiving el of wherh they are determined to endl at prere thet ee t foil to please rs THE WIGHEST MARKET PRtors ped aie for Phe or, Whywet, (en, Cantee, sae alia prealece Ja inse Ore fh. VOR Mt TC masen, COMMISSION MERCHANT Charlotte, NW. Oo, ©1208 20 Comotesicn otton, Cora, Flour, Wheat, and al) COUNTRY FPROYDVUCER MerTTe CHARLESTON a8d SEW Liberal Advamces made op (Consig UleTaere neeee JW Jenkine. Faq. Sahehery So Cu, Chetosm. Ah Seetter, Faq. New York Fetreary 19 1854 Greensborough MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPAN a costof lasarance on the metesipion sebut « emealicom. manpored @uh s pmnteioeh enmpany Truss commpeay being ecaird inthe Wes Siete coateq@entiy madh | we ferger peor ore inthe Wart. very many of whith « The Caangmey ise asitely free fromm dots . oo W Withems egios ; Robert Ty 38 Past of the sencanmente sad ip therelore c.ahde wily recommes fed he pablic Aithelest Annaa!l Meet Ee the fallowing O fice. werealecied forthe ensuing yror JAMES SLOQN Preeident 6 6s COPFIN, View Preadent CP. MEN DENHALL. Attorney PETER ADA WK, See's ond Treacerey PRTER ADAMS. Beery { OT bs bed Agen if (+> DR. S. REEVES i} 84 be ted in Sslhery, and off Vet pen fo mm wre we rveres te the pub ht orca teehee Benen Apa 2, 1855 o Satan s store ly KEITH & FLANNER, COMMISSION MERCHANTS WILMINGTON, N.C Through Peright to Wilmington pr. Wail Tretn " E hove made an arrangement wih the Ratlnend Trarne, twee a week, from Kalebery to Wb Mington direct; leaving peliehe ty on Monday and Phoreday ; leave Wilmingio n Voreday and Fri aay. Our agent wil accompany the ear to receive and deliver freight at all the intermediate stations Phe firm car will leave Satiebory on Monday Gad inst KEITH & FLANNER » June 14, 1856 3 ‘Dr. CHARLES T. POWE J iG atly loentedin Sallsbary, respect - faily tenders hiv professionalservieesio the pub- Office —Cowan’s Brick Row 1A55. nla Wilmington, NC Saliehery, Aag. 27th, the weiers of 0 Grecuons con be applicable { Sahebury. ocpemng » Beker, aud others vet parucu'erty in diseases of the Kodmeye, &e., the dacuvery hes dune ante gud than any mrdcise ever hnowe No change of deel ever vecessery——eat the best you Cen cri and erough uf Use —Adelts one table epmnfel pet dy —C biidees over ten yeart desert epuetfab— Children (rom five to emght yrore, ie0 epemiul As fi comet iothms, tobe seborwrnt to-pervic un the buwetsteice & day MANUFACTURED BY DONALD KENNEDY, No 120 Warren Si-ret, Roahery, Pree 1,00 W holreale Agents, New Vorb Coty, ( 81 Barley Biren, CM Ring, B & D. Bands, 160 Pub.n Mreet TW Dy: & mene, Photgderp Massa chosetis V Obehaer, 192 Broedsey A 0, SB. Hone, Batiawre ; Gen Hh Keyser, Pitsburg, A BR Meare Befiain; Haugh Miter, Toronw:; Lymen & Beather, Tatemter ; Jobe Bike. Monires!, Urns od de Peo- m, Chieage ,; Jemee Reed, do, Juhe Wilkem, Low - dun. «Ww A\ Revod by ail respeciabie Derwggrets im ihe U as t el & Bel s Dreg Store, Salebery WV SANFORV'S INVIGORATOR. FOR ALL PURPOSES OF A STIMELITING LIVER NEDICIVE. TUERE hes tong erised 0 demand bor sock 6 room ody thet eowld be robe d remedy hee bee on eate © 00 tate and ef ctvel, Tre prepared to mens thet demand sad ve inal of te veriees hes shoes how earver wolly | bes ecoumplabed the parpose de agned Amowg the cmmplere's whech hove been speedily cured by the oor of the Invigoretor we mame Liver Complaint, Ther h © the coger of many other Gereees, oem them arr, Thimmenees, Headeche, Parnia the ante ond Lene, Betas ever Fever ond Agee. Jaundice, | adigrstinn, Langeert sed eee of Appeute, Lestiessnces ond berite- toi) —e8 of whch are coumrd by 0 dueresed ecume of the Laver The lavqgurstior « compoended wih per teewler reference io the Laver, aad when thet disence + couse of them A foe domes of the lnvgorator rarely ever fad to evmatete the Lever to @ preper seth, ead romwet the @mease li bas been taken wth grrel cecress Sendtule * reemmrved all the rest ere cared, & takem away by 0 Comtmwed eer b coors of ( ede Dye t core, ec. ond he these ory. Homers A bes wen homo very ¢feermme remedy. As ae- o) doe Simelaics the stomach a heslihy ec wre Ond restores the appeute eed viger One doce ot eoheve (he apprrenve encasmess cipenenerd by estrng hearty demuer, set caries the digreve ap- eee te rigerwes ertien = Pot 0 deteliteted atc of the ey stem the levwgeretor has me equal beck © spereare prervr®, ae)! restores the ereaem ead r mores the ved from the he. which «ihe went of » decneed L Prepared and add by Sendhad @ Co, 168 Frat St New Vart Pree O10 pr teathe mate ning $0 domes = Aloe suid by Mell & Soll, Lireggress, Beicbe- ry, A JAMES HORAN, WATCH-MAKER AND JEWELER, S\LISMRY N ¢ @ue door briow @. 4 4. Serphy' Stere, kK EEPS comstansty om hand «large sesertment © WATCHES ent JE WELBY of afi himde Cheba, Watches and Jewelry of every deseriptinn, repered m the be+\ manner sad on the most reasons. e torme Fetroery 19 1#56 ly38 @. A. MILLER, “ATTORNEY AT LAW, gu MOCASVILIF © Cc. EW ORs immetiatcty opposite the Davie Hoset April 6, 1856 DR. J. J. SUMMERELL, I AS pemoeed to he will be happy to recente professowal or per hie Office at hie residence. where somal calle from hee free de NS Ro There are many perenne indebted tn me by soroant and have bene fer Were! pede 1 wereld cares whied allsech to call ead make sestiomeant, tome hy Way Con c'se I shat Salebary, Jan 39,1456 t135 IBLE @* BUNOCB. Calvin Wy. mibdic, | Late of Wile mgton Commission Merchants In Cotton, Flour, Grain, Naval Stores, AND Senthern Preduce Generally No. 180 Front Street, Sau eF OF uae Jonathan B. epee, Late of Kinston REFERENCE Fon Wee A Oakham. 1 "© Hon John Mo Morevee ne WoL Myroeer, Ren Jahn DW litame, eq Preset Bank of Clarendom wa ‘ ’ ether Bank of Witniagton (8% NOW IS THE TIMDB. STuat received and tw sale 2000 pra heavy Negrn Shoes, 1500 leet Negro Blacdktnn, 50 precee ameoried Kerseys, 30 Cole Rope, 3 Bales Bagging, nenniad MURPELY & CO. 6118 Sept. 80, 1856 JOB PRINTING Veatly srecuted at this Office me Mn ou we v e ae Mm 2 Ae w e e e £2 en u — @* e t e o s 82 a a - | ar Ly oi th th ne buy th ob io th tir fer an fir ece fre be of oxk ae ve woe Ave Mu Wu F SE AR EG 1? KR *= @ * im e eF 8 e (L e t r r a g e e r s ea @ s8 f a n t G e & *2 2 8 OM = ee . '* 8 S , @9 O n ™ s o e s e Ri e ve Se BG . aE . r. AND MINBRALS.QE TILE hay sty en Jom Conosies : Following ont ydor wigats-) 1 Ua ie. tion ‘amade “to' tein “Déeeiber last, to | tame visit the wee, of the Deep Hwa with | a view of exiimiuiuly itd e my esa otissnes nisling ‘thitber for ‘otUndied ‘dutettire- tigi, | prodeude: visit several of tlre’ best -tihubieyed fei Ajes that I doutd ‘hoar of in the counties bf ore, bras er and’ Ragdulph. watVO rw le Tegion of conntry ‘is! fich “in ‘iireral |: yy amigens ita toi 1iipOetatibes Mlb | we yL.. XT. the proposition of establishing a, national fou ‘on the Deep river, determined om the 15th ‘Hiistanil to, facet tla sei th-134,. $23 f7n5u | 1 Yo Vlada’ 0 ~ Deanterey ‘Potitics, ws, ‘Agriculture, 3 ateruat: Imp s —— OE genres vo" mamlinly, i uuel wf agerny da, alt bios ae? Nona od ititaart tat S$ = r ’ i SALISBURY, N. C., NOVEM tovements, ommerce, the Arts and Sciences, Morality, and the Js cwily Circe, BER U1, 1856. N = "blacie | harrienme ) Wowle-hmedhe, stil Bie waves eee te, ee id eres hes ‘of life, health iving water. And’ vay where it és o. thing Bf bones), i od the dgw-drep:; singing in the raif, shining in the icegem, till the ¢ ait eect termed to ifviagjowd be —epread. hing a goldew veil over the setti san, or a white ganze around the midni moon; |Sparting in the cataraet; glee ing i Ip ; dancing’ in the hail s ower; fold- ing its-bright snow-curtains:softly about the wintry world; and weaving the many - / colured iris,. that serpah’s gone of the sky, | whose roof is the supbeam of heaven, all |,checkered o’er with celestial flowers, jthe mystic hand of refraction, Still’ al- : = lige Poy ifn _ + UMBER XXTV 2 Aa Damn at lea it it f es on its brink; ‘te foamy brings not madnéas and murder; no ane to embrace itt yi oe By toy visit! On Crawley’s greek there fs Bye sand ‘he exatoination of the ebal dudiron, and | Kone ve building purposes, an ‘whatever elve tight ve useful’ for ord-fsnflatle far gritid: wanes poses, ) : | grees of fineness, Taking the plank road, the first point} Lu this vi ‘ on Deep river isthe galt, distant {in abundance, whieh ean be | feom this place (orty-uine'iles. | Its ele- | blacks, ° ' watiow abuvu Fay éttdy ile i8 160: feo | torn lopede time than ‘froin any other) every few tiles. “place th the cout fick and wus Nuown, ‘ ones, of Various de- nity there ts: also soapstone | wad in Jarge | There aie. mill-seats-on all of the many ‘Tie eoa) dud iron both ‘evop ont were: |¢recks, many of. whigh, : ane already jap- She former has-Loen used front this inine | proved, and aawynills are to be met with | From MeLennon's creek I passed’ on | renee bs 2 we | . | procubs, but I have not been abte to pro- | thie hillside a single figure—a man upon ed. C aud’ reported epon, at tt 6 time of tlie Ite : Rindelph county, in the Vicitiity of | volution, No' machinery has ever been put up} Ubarie river, which empties into the Pe dant that the deta to the difforeut blaéksiiiths? shops fut neighborhood. cultivation. There are sume stuall tracts reparations: for mining the coat , 989 made on a tafge stale. Ori a brogd {of lurze:size. plain more than 500. yards frourthe river, | @ shaft has bedn sank, cutti 425 feet from the sarhive of vend, and a steam engine uf forty liorse-power | Cl has been pat up to-raise thie coul, and a| sions can be furnished from ¢ similar one is svdn to be used to keep | but it Wilf Le by tuking a tree here, and the mine free from water. At this ghati!onv tere, wherever they can be found yore’, aud examined the timber on for working the wine, a8 wood is s0 abun- {dee ‘The valley of this river Leing gen. CTOWded iweeting of abolitionists ‘at Li- a nd for coal is ge jerally fertile and well adapted for agri- | vonia, Michigan, on the Gth insé. at,which © cultures it js mostky cleared, and uuder a series of resolutions was unanimously e* mitted fo stand, and there the growth is Sicable to tle ey able rights, which no being in the uni- accident, from burning fluid, occurred the cout at) Deep river, just” below Franktinevitle.— | “&se, not even God himself, can have a on Saturday evening, at the house of An- I went sip tis crevk twelve miles before right to infrige, among which are ‘life, drew Moore, in Philadelphia. The Sun Permanent buildings trave been erected, j finding « tract of any sige that. was un. /!'verty, and the pursuit of happiness. | Cloare - Timber of the i es diwen- ‘ » adopted, the first of which is lows :— At Egypt; tive miles east of the pois [liowever, where the timber hag been per- per ec seers av ‘* Leaolved, That human being’ have, | by vi. also grit, cure any record of them to make A cor la donkey. It is the only bioving thing parison between this and the oak of the your eye can detect all round. middle States. T-enclose, herewith, a map of the coal [Prot region, and a sketch of the place visit- |light upon one single seene And 60 you go on thrgugh this desvlate land. erasaléin to Beyrout you scarcely é rural fhdus- those on the. Arab pas- jtures from the top of Jabelel Sufar to the jWelf of el Mileh... There, in. plaees, the ATE K. Craig, jconntry was full of people and childrens Ordaance affice, Washington, D. O.'and flocks and herds—a rejoicing picture | of pastoral existence in all its aboundih T. T. LAIDDEY, Brevet Major. Shocking Plasphemy!Theve: ‘was | Wealtls, while liere, in'the country of till- \age, and:towns, and villages, the whole land seemed te lie under a spell.— Louth's Wanderer in Arabia. -- ome The Camphene Accident in Philadel- rtue of their existence, certain inalien. PA(4.—Lw ther Partioslen.— A terrible thas thé following particn!ars of the dis- | The 3d declares that “God himse!f tressing affair : sis County, | could never forgp, epiijony between these | Mire. Moore. as ist : : ‘ two 00 often done, was moral contPadiérfons —liberty and! in the act of filling a metal lamp while the top bench of coal is four fectin thick. found on MIM creek, auiont tliree faites stavery,—“und would have no right to do ‘barming with flaid, when one of her chil- ness, underiaid by a vein of slate eigh-|from Frankiinsvitle, a few large trees (66 *f he could.” twen inches thiek, wirich separates it from | frou three tu dliree and a half feet in di- the tower beweh, which is twenty-two in. | amotur. ches thiek. ‘There ie a vein of coalseven, There gre no extensive tracts, that | aches thick under six inches of slate, bat jovald hear of, where there was an abay this ie Bot at present worked. = e ” thickness of eval, is, therefore, wt ioe but there is the greatest aluo- feet toar inches. 1 descended the shaft! dauce of white vaks of moderate size, and examined the coal in place. When! frum eighteen ineles to two foet in diam. first mined it is eleam and fustrows,|eter, euntable fur wagons ant tleld-earria scarcely suviliwg thy fingers, and very free | gee ‘Huo best for this parpose, that [ from ecartiry matter. its quatitics tntve | bate sewn, is in the v icmaity of Franklin been summed up by Professor Eminons,! ville. The country is billy, the suil a who has examined it critienlly. Heeays{ stil red clay, with many quartz-rocks of it, “it is scarcely equatied for fineness scuttered over it ; the , timber and exceiiency im tiie eouniry ; it ie end tomygher than that which yrows on highly combustible, easily iginted, and! lighter soils, ori the & indy country burns with a bright fan; it im rich in) be thes anion [am continned by the bitemen, and cotitains but very little sul. @Xperiewce of some of thu w ‘ron and car i r . | is firwer | |dren, a small girl wes at her feet, pulled And they wind ap, as might be expect. her dress. This, for a moment, diverted ed, with the following :— | Resdloed, That the people of the non aly being in the vessel, it was ignited. The en. dance of timber of large and thrifty | sla vebolding Dtates owe it to themselves | her attention from the lamp, and the flame coming in contact with the fluid, a whole n the fright of Mrs. Moore, she threw it jand theie posterity, and to jnstiee, liberty from her and over thre children, and the jand humanity, 80 long and a0 horribly carpet being sct on fire, the dresses of the outragged by the present Ameriean Un- children were ima blaze the next moment. |ian, tw eall town, county and State Con- The light and the cries of the family bro’t | weuti |daty ane to consider the expediency and | assistance, Lut three of the elildren were of forming a Northern Republie, on so dreadfully barned that twe of them [the basis of ‘No Union with Slavehol- died in the course of the night, and one ders.’ “(y jearly yesterday morning. One of these, One of the members of the society, ;# girl aged Unrteen years, was not of the writing ont an aceornt of the writes such profanity as the folluwing meting meeting, hesuaik fer name was Ellen J Lamp son, from Washington, D C, and was a 3 the house on a vist. As soon as her dress Vis bound to respect man’s rights.” canght elie ran into the street and fell in : UM ie the Natl imelioee ing ;to the gutter in front of the house. he phar; it faruishes an excellent coke, and | Mage Maher, whose opinwus 1 hare ; Ww 8 phat he i re apa ee Wl ting a : re me eal 4 : 1 , | bad aatit 1c ¢ , st lav y others 4 ned Anyi} te well Bed spted to the werk of reabeing lear « Xpre seed, 2 i ? bl a : 2° I , nae we aved cight years ’ t the meals, inasmuch wa its flanie i fren bout theee smiles from Franklinevs ar aan uasaith the Lore . o ~ ‘ Fever More wer and durable; it is adunrabty adapted fer TL visited a shaft, sunk about siats hoe wei, with any louest 1 . when ‘seal ‘B ri “ » aged ye ~ ; d toed 2 wae it be wot oer. | passin’ throug, ran of specular ir arrayed against justice, liberty and hu-| A babe, Elutira Moore, aged one Year camming; and tor dorge ' \' ne, me) ire alae amit fno more weight than the ‘De! was badly berned, Lut act tatally Mre paseed Ly any cval in market Por thn C greater part tha: dista ty & B, inanufeciure of yus ne eval te superiog to} Mie ore hms never Leen worked. There it” } ts ateo magnetic ore foand in the vieimty At the Exypt mine I witnessed its fine} bu tus part of the country I find that qvalities for driving the enyine. It is! white uak is never use! for the naves or used exclusively for this purpose, though | lellies of waguus. wood is abundant, clee at hand, aod gum, red clus oF pust-oak, is iyvarably worth only the cutting acd hauling weed; and for the latter, the willow oak In rinking thie sleaft four strata of iron! They all possess the advant ase over the ore Were penctrated, varying tw thickness | white ook of not *| hietins @) readly froin tem ine‘ies to three fect, anwant ny Phe willow oak is & cote da all to six feet. Pire lays iu abundance | wood, growing in moist places, tough and were aleo sitet with ard, mtd premse < great strength; I visited also tlre coal mines at Parme\1s ai ways aeed jor plvegh-beaims and aac eraine | ville, about five mil-s east of bicy pt pMKe@ purposes, wher strength aod stuff This 1 a stfface ntine, an ! Aas been work uces are rey aired ed; thengh it js pot at present. Porma White cak tinier is nots ry valuable, nent baildings have been erected, and al bein uses making spirits of steam-engine put up for raising the eval ts pont barrels Near Asheboru'’ | amd powping vat the water frou the! found it was msed for laving the plank mine; pail track arm! care are provided Poad, thei the pine is stifl plenty: thee eo thrat they Can go to work on an exten | unk is heavier tu hanl, but hasts longer sive scale ag son as truusportation ix pro) The carnage and wagon makers pay vided to take the coal t. market | frow twelve ty fifteen dullare per tho Taylor's tine, two miles west of Egypt.) sand fer their white oak, dulrvered at has been worked, but no be Wiggs @ their shops, eawed thro igh and theoygh machinery hare been erected. | foand the leg, into beards from one and a half specimens of iron ore at this place also to two and a half inches in thickness These are al! the mines that | visited. The transportation from Asheboro’ to Tiere are ethers that are opened and tine place is estimated to cost fourteen worked to some exfent thoagh the prin dotlare per thewsand feet erpal ones are these | visited. At lborns Tire mad in planked the entire distance eighty miles ville, Dyee, Fusbee, Wileos, Chalinens, Tiere isa lecalty am the east of the Sinclair, and otjers, eval has been taken ¢ yu bear, al to sruty or seventy mile out, coverings a space of alumt thirty datant tthe New Hopes ro wlie . toites fu lenyt! T quality of the eoal 11 ote abeund in wh tint at these calities ies much the same, larye size. The va ey of ? except at Wileors, and one of two other resent astow and wet, n hast places, wliere it is seus-anthracile. eonseqnemee, been cheanal of ite for Irom we ot the coal formation is found growth bor agnreoutieral porposes lt was In quantities all al mg Ure ot eropymng trom the hes waters of this streawn teat uf ite eval A different ore, tire pore a coulractor, four years ago, endeavored oxide, ie fewnd in a large vew, aleout sa to furmel tunber for te arsena,, bot was Miles north of Ue golf, whete it bas vomnpeiled to abandon the contract, in been waced for several miles, east and consequence of Ube great expense of trans weet, thas never been worked About peutation, being obliged to hau! bis tim five niles farther north bes the Len! ber seme MALY OF seventy rules thr Mountain or Ure Hil, soveral hundred the sand. fvet bigh, and alsxinut two miles dom cou Since that tine the navigation of the poved almost cnurely of a rich won ore Cape Fear has been improved, and wa ~—the ted hematite. Almat the time of te, transpertation for forty tiles can new the Kevolotion tsis ore was worked, aud he liad in phice of wagoning, After far the remnaina of the oi furnace, the slag, (her improvenients in the river, thie tin @c., still exist. where the emoliing was ber may become available for ordnance earried on, Some specimens of the spe parposes at this arsonal vulat irum ore bave beea found in tue ‘Lhere is tiewber on Orane's creek. thi: viewmity. ty-three milea from here, but net of the In tue iinmediate neighborliood there bare Rind, and ite qaatity is gramtod te ia an abundance of woud tu inake cliny , Be iafernor te that of Frank binev i] coal for the mannfactute of iron, and the White-onk timber can alse be had from noarest coal nines are orl) tem of eleven the vallew of the Oape Fear, within tifteen miles distant voles of this place, and further np; bat The valley of the Deep river is gene gy, gamplea thit TP have seen are inferior pings te it enacted’ of Con cress To } ,cism Four the former, Liack | THE A ' 4 t ' a nt commadntcated to one of the al apers cM, & 1 the P Kscovered the long sought for perpetrral motion reas selfmowng power, which may be cnet hinds thana tor e¢ propelled by weights, the weights rising when tv-fiv wheo balla, the w centre of auc, the others when they bris the p The one hall at the Moore's Nyuries wie vesere, but uot such @s to Cause any serivus apprehensions. Mr. Moore was not at home at the time, bot reached home soon after, and in his efforts to extingrish the flames, his land r n were Ladly borat. Mr. TS. Fortesqne PERPETUIL MOTION DELUSION. and Mr. Charles Close were the firs: t rin Edinburgh, Scotland, bas reach the Louse after the alarm was yiv 1 they succeeded in feariug | fhe has, burningdrese from one of the chil in time to save it from a dreadta at be a Drs. Kamerty and Lawe, the latter of th: United States Navy, were early at the racted of a size suffievent to driveal] scene of the disaster, bit foar of the chit dren were burnt bey ond the power of man shill to save, the fourth be ng con sidered in a dying state hast evening. A more térrible sight was never witne-s™! iiareleatinieay alin angle of for than the four children, so shoeking!y bernt e, and leaving three fourths of the as they were about the body and head Lempty.: There are four weightsor, Tuc eldest girl, Elleo Jane Lampson, re two of wlieh are always working tained her senses to the last, ane pray ed heol, and the ather tao ‘are on the audibly J st before she ceased to breat!x } place of The casualty cansed the most intense . x stich things does Northern fanati lead ! _- { rocess hy which he alleges, Hot The invention is stated ¢ afi Ninery at ho greater ex peas tleal. Aceording w the inven lescription, the machine is a wheel ready to fi chement in the neigh borbeod in which it occurred, and the boase was threnged with the curious all of yesterday. A most wheel to lamb, and lefore sea its power bottom risea to the laxte when the other come tothet ‘p, and extraordinary fatality has attended tle 80 on SEA WAVES AND SEA SICKNESS, The moun eXayyperalion Dr. S¢ than twenty feet in altitnde, exoce Hen pare ros 4} thous f wh about Be of ocean wares, according to the same anthe ate & aea, abont 190 feet in length. A moment's coasideration of those facts, leads must pinte ch they make their family of Miss Lampson; three or four ees rears ago, her father, two brothers and an uncle were drowned, and samme months ago her mother died. Time and ayann it 1 bas been unpressed upon the pablie tse > old vagee acconnt of waves Leing } ; soe : danger of filling lamps while Luruing, faa high, was well Known to be au ’ and yet, notwit anding the namerons bat we do not think even poh Ae s Cven enfonts that } ave occurted throusrls in 4 were prepare wr the state ; 1 z Es ; rite practice, Wis still done. All mothers . 'd remember the fearful warning i the calaunty we lave reeorded Ome veara« 4 ' tay Sete 2 ANasovfation, by ~oresby, tliat ther averaged no in and rarely le ltwenty-ergint teet. The popular eta principally produced by ma en: van: ~~ ainters, Uhat wavea furmed valleve _ -\ very intell gent little girl was pase ands of yards across, down the sulies MZ quietly thromgh the streets of a cer ich, slips slid as thongh t ley were (ara town @ shurt time since, & hen she to te engul where several idle loys ly erroneous, as the maximnin kk ngth Were auiusing themselves by the very 4 ian gerous practice of throwing stones rity, is 600 feet, whilst io a modern Not observing her, one of the boys, by ve they are only 300, and ina froal) 2¢cident throw a stone towards he r, and : struck her a crael blown the eve. She was earried howe in great agony tu the conclusion that long ships The surgeon was ¢eat for, and a ve ry have a great advantage over. slwrt eee operation was declared necessary. with respect to the rapidity with When the time caine, and the surgeon joorney, as it ig: Yad taken ont Lis instraments, shi lay evident that whilst the latter have: het father’s arins, and he asked her ifche Let me Pray First. fed, seems to have been | can to perform their voyages by inaking age Was ready. ree tment of their progress, and to the dis- cole robag the wavea with their commmauding “No, father; not yet,” she replied. “What do you wish ua to wait for, my reg rt of their inimates—the former, by child? . “f want to kneel in your ap.and pray f alrort carves—mueh to the imped- {tny--4nut one sitigle scene of life that an | Very respectfully, I am, colonel, your }be compared wi obedient servant, PAUL DENTON, (GR THE TEXAS CAMP MEETING. | BY CHAS. SUMMERFIELD. |. Daring the last week of September! 1836, the first successful _Camp-Meeting | was held in Eastern Texas, 1 employ the epithet “successful,” because several tirevions failures had apparently rendered all efforts of a like kind perfectly hope- less. Indeed this ineridian, at that’ period ‘wus mést uncongenia! to religious and moral enterprise, The country- border- ing ow the Sabine, had been ocen ied, | rather than settled, by a class of adven- turers almost as wild as the savages whem they had scarcely ex velled, and the beasts of prey which still dispnted their domain of primeval forests. Profes- |sional gamblers, retugees from the jail, {abseonded debtors, outlaws from every | laud, fogers of false coin, thieves, robbers, murderers, juterspersed among a race of | anedacated hunters and herdsmen, made [Up the strange secial :niseetlany ; with- }out courts, or prisons, or chureles, or Jeehools, or even the shudow of civil an ‘thority or subordination—a sort of un principled pandemonium, where the fierce passions sat enthroned, waving its bloody sceptre: the naked Lowie knife. Let no one accuse ine of exagyeration, for the sake of dramatic effect ; Tam speak- ing vow of Shelby connty—that home of jthe Lynchers—the terridle locale, where ) ten years later, furty persous were pui soned tu death at a marriage supper Lt will be obvious that, in such a com munity, very few would be disposed to patronize camp-meetings ; and Accor hes fy a dozen different trials, at various tines. iad never collected a handred hearers, on any single occasion. Pat even these were not allowed to worship in peace ; uniformly the first day or night, a band of armed des eradves, Leaded by the notorious Watt cede ny chief jude aud executioner of the She Iby Ly uchers, Lroke into the IOUT altar and scattered the treated vt Gar aud feati ae @ | nce wil proder CVungeiiots soon learned to sion the | bank of Che Sabine, as ifit had been in feasted by a cohort of demons: and tw Whole veurs ele psed withont anv new at tempt to erect the Cross in su petious a field At fength, Nowever, an advertisowent appeared pronuusings another effort in’ be half ofthe G pel The notice was un Ji, @ pertect Lack wouod's curiosity, bet as tu ifs Lenor and mude of publication. Let ine Bive il verbalim ef lid value *Barbecne Camp Meeting there will be a Calop-ineeting, to commence the last Monday of this month, at the Deuble Spring Grove, near Peter Brinson's in the county of Shetty “The exercises will ! with a eplen fid barbecne Preparations are being made to suitall tastes ; there w barbeene, Letter | qavr, and the I be prood best of Gaspet! “Pace Desxton, Missionary M. BE. ¢ ngniar document was nailed to the duwor of every pubhe house and groce Sept. 1, 1836 Fy | it wae attached to the lannat trees at the mtersections of all eroas-r rade and rincipal traits: and even the wandering iunters themselves found it in remote tells of the monntain, miles away from the smoke of a human habitation, At first many rezarded the inatter as A x played off by some wicked Way, in rabeule of pepalar credulity Lut his hypothesis was vegatived by the stat : Peter Drivson, proprieter { Ss} wo lrreve, ow 1 it raed einpheyed And paid, oy @ stranger callir Lianawlt a MleUrodiot tusneiouars, te pro an aie baroecae, ab the period aud placed a: vertised.’ C hut the liqnor—the better Tenor are you to furnish the ytortwol? was Variaole uestion of @ach visitor “The miss 1 atte to that limee | “Fle must be a precious original, was the gene ral whiel most of tl afterwards had ao ve} ean ty to verify « tperimentally need bardly add that an intense ex citement resulted. The rumor took wings; flew on the wind; tarned to storin—a storm of exazyeration every echo increased its sonnd, till nothing els contd be heard bat “the Barbecue Ca np Mi t became th f thought, staple of dreams hus the un known preacher had insured one th gi advanee, a congregation embracing the entire population of the country, which waa, itis likely, the sole purpose of his stratagem ‘ i ; to Jesus first,” she answered Andt I was tr yin that part of Texas Ny cleared of it ‘ 4 det heelaimel proportions, make shorter and stnvothe: AG xg | rally cleared a _ ha a i vain a in quality, being lighe and oe t a ! Neisteamora grow latner add Kneeling slie prayed’a few. iningtes. and Eile thine; aud (uyetiiaciation! Gerie vatio > Tile amd they wallewe « eas as tr f m “AsSares .\8 steamers yw larg 1 i : cnitivat f : the h an wy : " i d have made some G aleof the etreneth aa Lovece mii tee fore dimin alterwards submitted to th. operaiion Ae leche “COARSE ease roof Ghe small cree ave UC ah lie vchats any is section r ha wa ta iy t 5 ) i mnany uf mall creeks have still ; f this section of con ‘ lite tin rhoan with the patience of a woman ee : primey growth upen them, aud in many tev, and givo below the results. The tim ‘ Teaver ini . ee ; ; : Tov autit 8 “ 1} es with pla 4 there ate vahs, py lars, ash, licku Va was cvaton PSSY, and waa from the i : He niet “ We aul grins uf tine size, aud wall ootinries of Hine spl and Orance D: on of Palestine. ly Jeans } ; ' ' ' ul a ee cena . pee Le feta aa EAU UY sR In Palestine y ronearly as mach in Horr; and he will love every ehild + I a ‘ . r 1 } i . mat aa In es wa € 1 3 , A Tages. On ludian creek, about thier the beuring porota; their crass n ww waldern wl in Arabia, for ae C8l!s upon his nance Let every bov and es | i ' t ' ‘ “ ' ; rs g te wridergess as Who ehPavia, to . tn |sa above the gult, 1 jound sume tite Tn ich and @ halt eqqar Vet aning : ea. cisely the things itl learn to pray; and let id s be ated task. oTima . ; ; a Prog . dures the br ing elu ta Val t { | ‘ tress —none of the largest ize, porta wereknite edies, and the breaking i Hel hee ii ileal tell careful low they throw stoves. ve ang outlines On McLennon sere ck, a tr butary of weiylita were apphetdtoan knife-edge rest aes : <i tl : tow ‘i andy syou an “> A epace had been cleared away inne Deep river, about eight miles above Car. ; nidistant from points of suppert. exceptin the towns : yon tats ind the ms mat <p er, P4 1Ag oquidista } rh 6 ie Yoncrideon day ater dav and . . diate ‘ I othe macy tic | honton, there is some ve ry large timber, Weigtits were added trl the piece cravi pile eae . ‘ee , Hs sy puree Spading Machine —Spaling macivines Ge wiicle boiled uncwitt capnbte of furnishing pieces of the grea. way BUTS Ags Sc SAU REE SB seas b le aa ni are how beimg produced which g Cina Cini renee Lon > ae } Pr A etecint an occasional en : i . f \ teat required dimensions for the liemyy one foie Meat rmtacenia. a each vatloy, and pee METI Coll eh LSet ble ot duing tha work of tive ploupl ade Un nkuata reas Seacoast enrringrs ¥ Ce hytenhe : eee ah Aili bias Ne eb aie dab a 7 wid ant trom: ¢ et tos toursielics pit had been rat edand before it wa peel . ’ 1 Ae para : vee ae Bais with Ine ) Pe pulp dt ) ras : y Taleo found on Cravley’s creek, a? 0° ob 'tq nie inuleteer, or a Larkish otlicial ‘ vin depth, with the power exerted by o the inseparable altar for mourners. | braneh of MeLannon’s, aome Rie white. Do samett ys meal party, rarely dues a moving object appear two vuoke of oxen, It does more: the so i Peer Hite te neaerid (nie aioe ; , ‘ pon the la ‘ape. v Cattle are on the (Pea : . 7 : EES St ! oak timbers trees frota two to three fect sews tere, range mine, wpou the landscape Vo cattle al ep letuns froe and lieht as won throw a AteceGNcuh HK TA ae bie A ind The | round ve ratte land, aml no passengers are on the hi ip by ha | | tameter. ne large trees are found, ns andy 1 lonele eae tian poy the form of a great circle, or the peran j ; la " WwaAVs yw lone sof 1 ‘ 38 : eit in all enses, in the low, wet valleys, which a. ae, . " ee ter of a pols zon, completely enclosing the 7] . ‘ paratel atrikes you nu ce f { tt Serf, ‘ : ve have been fertilized by freqnent Over } re for it eeema nnnatural because here Mere Sin must he resisted, and the outward area about the spring. An odorferous flows; the timber cannot be an good ns kxperi mente, similar tothe above, were for « 7 that which grows fn higher und drier pta inade at the Waslimgtoo arsenal several eliontd be Tite, and there is none. seme. act of amy sin may be avoided: but we cos: years since, to test the cHeet of Dr. karle’s times you may Make unt at acistamce on | eannot cast it out oC phone \ om: steam, of uiost delicious savor, a thuged toclt through the air; this was trom the jfifty slaves of Peter Brinson were ex blood stains its liquid; glass; pale widows ree i jimts in the adjacent prairie, where thet" starving orphans weep not burning tears in its clear depths; no drunkerd’s ‘gaged in cooking the promised barbe- | Shricking ghost from the grave curses it t pene. jwas there. in hand, and dogs barking at their heels ‘and danghters. ithe rogues, refugees, and gamblers, with |pistols in their helts, and big knives peep- \Ing feom their shirt-bosoms; while here jand there might be seen a sprinkling of jwell dressed planters, with their wives }in. words of cternal | Bpeak- out The grove itself was literally alive,|'"Y friends, would yon exchange it for eeming, swarming, running ever with| ‘ \seaaae Seas in the human shape, men, | A shout like the roar of the tempest an- Lwomen and children, in every variety of | a: joutlandish enstumes. .All Shelby county The hunters had come, rifles the demon’s dripk, alcohol !” swered—" No!” Critics need never tell’ me again |backwoodsmen are deaf to the div | voice of eloquence; for I saw moment, the missionary held the ; lof the multitude, as it were, ia Se \low of his hand, and the Tar feeling ran in a current 80 irresistib » that even the dnelist, Watt Foeman, dared not ven- ture another interruption during the The tamalt was deafening, a tornado of | ™&eting. babbling tongues, talking, shouting, quar- reling, betting, and cursing for amnee- Suddenly a ery arose “Col. Watt Hurrah for Col. Watt Foe- man !” and the crowd parted to the right ment. }oeman !’ and left, to let the lion Lyncher pase. [ turned to the advancing load-star of all eyes, and shuddered involuntarily at _the devilish eountenanee which met my glance ; and yet the features were not only youthful, but eminently handeome ; I have just reviewed my report of that D singular speech in the vy sketeb, ‘but alas! I discover that have utterly |failed to convey the full impression as my reason and imagination received it. | The language, to be sure, ia there—that |I never could forget, but it lacks the spir- lit; the tones of nnafterable pathos, the | cadences of mournful musie, alternating jwith crashes of terrible power ; it likes the gesticulation, now graceful as the the hideousness lay in the loek, fall of: play of a golden willow in the wind, and savage fire —ferocious, murderous. It was in the reddish yellow eye balls with ar- anon, violent as the motion of a moun- tain pine in the harricane; it lacks that row pupils, that seemed to flash jets of pate face, wrapped in its dream of the lurid flame ; in the -thin sneeriug lips with their everlasting icy smile. As to the rest, he was a tall, athletic, very pow- erful man. I[is train, a dozen armed des- peradoes, followed him. Foeman spoke in a voice, sharp, pier cing, as the point of a dagger: “ Eh! Yr where is the new missionary? ’ We want togive hima plumed enat?” “Te has not yet arrived, replied the planters. “Well, suppose we mist wait for him: but pat the barbeene an the boards; [am hungry as a starved wolf” ©“Teannotull the Missionary eomes, the barhecne ia hia property.” A fearful light blazed in Foeman's eves, aslie took three steps towards Derinson, and fairly shonted, © Fete the witheor PH fll your own stomach neat in ner of lead and stcel!” nutum of one whose authorty was tho ouly law, and the plan ter obeyed witboata marmur The sino king viands were arranged on the tables, by scores of slaves, and the throng pre pared to commence the sumptaens meal, whea a voice pealed from the pulpit, joud as the blast of atrumpet in battle, “Stay, gentiomen and ladies, till the giver of the barbecne asks (sod's blessing!” Every heart started, every eve was di- € and a whisperless sitence ensaed, for all alike were struck by his remarkable appearance. Ile was almost a wantin statore, thoagh scarcely twenty years of age; his hair, dark as tre ravens wing. flowed down his im ulders in masses of lista wae the wld. natural nlets, more Neantifal than any ever wreathed aronnd the jeweled brow of a qneen by the labor d uman art; his eyes, black as midnight Leamed like stars over a face pale as I’ ran narhble, achievements of calm, passion lesa, spintua and wearing a singular, indefinable ex preswen, such as might have been shed wohghtofa dream fran Paradise, of the mninens shadow of an angel's wing The beterogeneoos crowd, hantera, gam blers, homicides, gazed in a mate aston ishonent. The missiqnary praved; bat it seoanded like no other praver ever addreseed to the Urone of the Alimizity. It contaimed no encomiams on the splender of the divine ittributes; no petition in the tene of com minds, neo orisons for distant places, time yects and no umphed instructions as inidisiration af the yoverniment tthe un verse. It related exclusively to the present people aud Ure present hour; it was the cry of a naked sonal, and that soul a beggar for the bread and the water f heavenly life. He ceased, and not till then did I be ine conscions of I looked around throagh my teara, and saw ahun weeping " dred faces wet as with rain! * Now, mv f 4s.” said the mission- ary, “partake of (rod’s gifts at the table, and then come ar } sitdowa and listen to hus Gospel.” It would Le iinpossible to describe the sweet tone of kinduese in which these suople words were utterod, that made him on the iastant five hundred frends. One heart, however, the assemtly, was naddene d by the evidence of the preach ens wondlertul powe Coll Wart) Fee moan ecxchaiued in a sneerng voree: ° Mr {he Denton, ov ‘ has hed You promised us net eoniv good barbeene, bat better liquor Where is the liquor! There!” amsaere | the missionary, in vs ob tinande i} as etn ess huge rat tle ~s |) So x. ‘ a, with a . i ‘ b He rae curt i repeated with ‘ iN a Viel a Pre « t > A; re 4 bor [S ai ‘ \ t > < S nN 3 ¢ witht AS YAses, an sich ig ' ad w ¢ } ’ r 4 Myr a } st ee e pace, cold water Lut in the ’ 1 MC ASSY |, where the ‘ ‘ >» a Jivves te vt) (aod lamsel! brews its and town, low dewnin the deepest vallevs, where the fantais the rills sing, an! as tain tops t tn u where the naked granite guilters hke gold ia the sun, where the storin cloud broods, and the thander tones crishs and away far ont on the wide, wild sea, where tie spirit-land, and those unfathomable eyes, flashing alight such a6 never beamed from san or stars; and more than all, it likes the magnetism of the mighty soul that seemed to diffnse itself among the hearers as a viewless stream of eleetrici- ty, penetrating the brain, like some se- eret fire, melting all hearts, and master- ing evety volition. The Camp-meeting continned, and are vival attended it such as never before, or since was witnessed in the forests of Tex: as, But onfortnnately on the last day of the exercises, news arrived on the ground that a neigh toring farmer had been mur- dered, and hie wife and children carried Away prisoners by the Indians. le young inissionary ¢ rang into the pnlpit, and proposed the immediate or- Kanization of a company to parsae the savages. The sngyestion being adopted the mover himselt wad selected to heal the party. After several days of hard riding they overtook the barbarous ene- my in the grand prairie. The miasiona- ry charged foremost of hia troop, and haw- ing performed prodigies of bravery, fell “not by the hand of the Indians—buat by a shot from ene of his own horsemen | Such is the only fragment from the bi- ograpliy of a wonderful genins; the sole twinkling ray of a dazzling laminary, that rose and set in the wilderness. a torn leaf from Paul Denton's Look of life Peace be with his ashes. He sleeps well in that lone isle of evergreens. sarr rvanded by the ever green sea of the great prairie. ~ Na- 'ore’s betoved son inherits her costliest nh—that last possession, the inaliena ble fee simple uf all time !— Great West, -- HOW TO BE HAPPY. I wili give yon two or three good rules which may help you to become happier than von would be without knowing them; bnatas to being con pletely happy, that you can never be till you get to hee ren. The first is, “try your best to make thers happy.” © 1 never was happy,” said a certain king, “till I began to take pleasure in the welfare of my people; bat ever since then, in the darkest day, I have bad saushine in my heart.” My eecond rule is, “be content with ” There are many good reasons for We deserve |at little, we re- jvire Lat kitle, and “better is little, with the fear of Giod, than great treaseres and trouble therewith.” this tn Two men were de- termined to be mich, but they set about it in different wave: the one strove to ) raise Up his ineans tu his desires, while the othee did lis best to br ng down bis The resalt was, Mewars reponing, while he who desired but little was always contented My third mle ia, “look on the Stde of tuings. lesires to lis means ~—— sanny Lowe ap wih hpetel even, Tim-ogh olf thongs seem frhwy The sun that ote te mgmt wil nee OO morn, The shinping unh, the singing lark, the leaping fish tell as that happi- ess is net confined to one place. God n lus edness has spread it abread on the carth, in the air, and in waters. Two i women lived in toe same cottage 3 >was always fearing a storin and the Aes ALWHN bem for sansiiie.— il Vorced Dsavow t was wore a " Irown, or Wiel Ut was whose 4 wit poy a u valuable Remedy foe real Symptoms.— Mrs. Fanma Huntley, of Houston, Lexus, aged 45, last fall wae thrown tim tw esa, her feet and legs begaa ocheatigg dropay at this peri- tof ite Iler husband became greatly slat J, ast was feared that s could oot reeower so dreadful was the attack Af r trying many remedies w t a1. Mr tl ley, at last put ber under a course of I say's Pills, which she took fora t tlree w y and swelling consilerabty od Wished | by cot ng them for five weeks inor sas cornpletely eured, These Pulls will also cure a | bulous and hver somplaints in a very short Lime itl FROM THE CHARLESTON COURIER. A FAITHFUL WITNESS. We present to-day a letter from our towneman, Jas. J. McCarter, Esq., one of our representatives elect to the Legisla ture, (of the well knowa Louse of McCar- ter & Co.,) which we find ina New Jer- Mr. McCarter, as we learn from various friends and cor- eey journal, as ered ted respondents, lias occupied his simmer tour industrieusiv and zealuus!y, in com batung the calumnies or refating the er roreot all assailants of the South whore he encountered, and this letter is but guments aud appears tol owe of many aig truth FROM TUL NEW JBRSEY HERALD THE SOUTH AS ITIS BY A SOLTMERN MAK.) Mr. Euiteor. of South Carolina, thong) a native of New Jersey, to ceen ov a perten of your col Will vou permita citizen wmns, not in discussing the merits of the Presidentia! candidates, but ta coceaver- ing to vindscate the South feom the Gilse! hn | slanderoms charzes which have been 0 lavishly bestowed upon her! Year orators charge upou the Soath th the laboring man is degraded below the lewel of the slave; and cousequentiy, lias weither social wor political influcnce. 1 can spesk for the State and city where | veside, and J Jo not hesitate to pronounce Thie allegation to be absolutely nutrue. Nowhere inthe United States has the working man a fairer chance fur social and political distinction than in South! Carohing; nowhere in the North | werking mechanic a higher position or ter political inflnence Uaan in the city of Charlestot, newhere ia owr great cos federacy of States do the people took with more jealousy oa those who woald clan J 7 as the hereditary distinctivn tham im the State where I reside To prove this let me cite to vou sume facts ; our City Couneil is counposed of ax teen wembers and [| way sately Compare these gentieanen with any ou men iwany other City Counce on thas comtinent. They are all of then inen of «! wracter, of int urable sentiment, of fair staudu yg im paant of property, and above suspiciun iu purnt of integrity All of then are working men, «he pur- sae some occupation for their own bene fit, and wihise yratuitivas devotion te the pable mast wisolve, tu a cousilorable extent, the:r own private interests. Sis of these weu are practical mecca es whe, in any company, would slory in taking raph awoug the working clase ee One of thera may Le seen every d the most public streets in Car wath his coat off, and lis ap, and his aproa en, making or buots and shues for Lis own hands And yet this gentleman ius a stan ling cr sivieu ba ht ! ; eligence, ufliyli a sylo aot, sleeten in onr cumbmunbity, and an infl social aad politic favurably weil tl us Te woul there are those amonjyst us, who ander valve and bw the working man Editor, if each wen are mot tw Wealth and lusury operate patthe Nort, ~ boubd 2 man nee, which wall e-supare wm of any iman aimoryel ' that be fully fur me to deny that dyer with contempt op Mr mw fownd Let me ash sou, every @ here at the Seath just astuey d * d occas ma! y tway wiw vives Bile of Micha, Bhd Heres down on the working inar Kat with us, as with te Clase of meu is ermall, and perfectiv powerlese as regarde ther political 1G aerice With usa, as wits you, the imdusin as fuga) and et mat attains that rank inthe wecial scale tu whic bo enititee and ow bob were ty nuke o pare a wtween ‘he ta ator “ reach 1 6 shorter thaw. and wil) niecet « fewer vlelaccves al (ue Sout: ‘haw al (he Nur IT daim, Mr Falitor, tu hare a Lette kpewietige on tie peant thar . Ne epeakers. « ave ter viattod rf ert t tre “Ma “ ate -< cvuntry wit eat taking Na CUrrect wpin S ( ed terug oo the lume Becessary [7 ve il thirty fl. ree years, aud a (knowing ant ftw Sa ave resided Alive ter opin rianities Camiiug the comdition th we woo pave merely passed tireny'i it bei e me, You are deceived wid cireat t “ \ j i ‘ t ¢ eR me io the tent degrer aa re cia dees anv@ierr om the inialintatie bat, Mr biter, usere r w ine [ wend 4 ‘ atie f ) . . Your orat «a « a ~ ' va asa ‘ qnence {ha y err Yoo are cai raed e POlinous Lelwcetn eer ree Stee ate er a Stale o da « 1p t me ash * ‘ “Dp - tw a'ee a ther free States, at ete Rance Inmexjnalite ( York withans off ist and ‘ she has tetr ’ al Laut cour wre New Dork « ts gaan eomave Nate hae g t wlvanta, lis aes finer 17 « ~ oa ( kepteven wih New dere \ Canvinaient New lla alee Giee ie tot far bo M [but « M betit , y, Jomrim tee tes ade Lik Aiur ore take t ‘\ > wewh. fe li. it ve ‘ I> Pay ' ‘ ‘ ' as Pry a | Ort Ctenbelation, me ie en aes Can tweo waite ~ 5 1 peace and barn Wie voar 4. Alrer, moa dem ys ¢ Part tis yaw ft eres ba cooin New Jdutw ‘ j a ‘ ete Torus oy diss weaken thea ' ‘ and elas: ty Stutes Weare ent apecets we ath nother yiite under the Comers f f atl we “ - werths Reeocintiom Withe you if we were to accept of any inferior position in this Contederacy. Yours respectfully, JAS. J. McCARTER, of Charleston, S.C. [It is almost unnecessary for us to add that Mr. McCarter, the writer ot the above, is well known throughout Sussex county, and hela ua li ah estimation here by men of all parties. We hope those woo have listened tou the insane ravings of those twin judges, Marsh and Water- tan, will calmly read the letter of Mr. McCarter. Liditor New Jersey Herald. oo. N ducts The Louis- ville Courier, of the Sth iust., tells the moaned Marriaye - following story of sharp practice : An excaptain of the Mexican war, who sports a white beaver, and is favera- bly Kkuvwa for leyal attainments, and a social disposition, was applied to some days since for advice in a peculiarly in- leresiing case, by a veany lady of sixteen. [t appeared from ker story that a favorite saitur had taken advantage of hee youth aud innocence, broke the commandment most conimonty disregarded iu this fast age, and was ina tar way to break her heart and ruin her reparation. ‘Caw you yet am to come here ( quoth the advi ser, TD think 90,” said the lady. The clerk (foe such he was by profession) the gay Lothario was set for. In the ite ria the lawyer procured a revolver, and placed u iv the hand of the fair elient, in- structing ler not to use it withoat the young gentleman positively refused her hand and heart legally. He came, and ocvld was the salatation between the injur ed fuar one and the false lover. “Sir,” sud the lawyer,“ vou have placed this young lady in a dangerous position by sour indiscretion, avd unless yon make raparation by warriage, you will ruin ber “Can't do it, senteniousty was the reply. “You will,” said the lady, as sie suddenly rose and placed the re- volver against lis breast. Ifis face paled as he saw the stern determination in her face, ane be sank inte a chair, expressin aw iintediate desire to make hee whote The clerk ot the license fortiowith, jurever.” ww lite wile @nwity cand the lawyer atteuded thea te elarch, where they were marned tn ten tinitutes ulleewards. We our fiend the lawyer, was the bupprest of thew all at the termination of an affair which ducs net always taro out su well fepally ceurt granted atid beheve A NUT FOR THE ABOLITIONISTS Ou Fri lay last, a respectable and mtet liygent tree negns woman, appeared in court betuse bus bhoner J ndye Gilmer and lef our wie ayy ation fue lease ur luwes, Go sell bereeil to Janes J Tinsley i { Cascade in tiiscounty agasiave the dogo sustituted very rigid raquines inte leer inetives ake. and Catiset Weoth pouches twalerge a careful evant Hoouth, to show that peli preperon un tuence liad Geen brouwyit to bear, wrel that Cite ste} asl her own and will Her value was tien estriated at hime ndrcd dellara, and the oder was accordingly tmade thatapen Mr Tio ey a payin GtoV, of ene Lall her value, + ond tu the amount of ew that sue sinculd not becotne charzresble i sod piving the county, aml edould become Lis slave ibe woman ve 21 vears old, healthy, of size and has three eluldren, and ts evides a wornan of must excelicot char acter Mr. Tinsley is one of the first citizens th thee coanty, of uteilizence, integrity and usfluence, and ie withall a good and tec tc Yi ee aaa f slavery Lianerlle Lieyrater ATG REVELATION Pileovaa Comme rplote The Democracy ve iin ( ‘ 7.8 C,M ay, Oe" lots foo NA 47] fertne fiiin Lie Cons miof three Southern (sy vern ae at Raueigh, N 6 lately, toe ert the political prospecteof the corn ral epecuiation Wat was tte oljpeet of the meeting ! Wie eve them authority togeth And airat died hecide oa doing) These ]Restems are on every nygec Perches bean ge von eeme it fons On MM Chere wile In spite f deriale rat may nate of te tratis, the resnalt “ ehow wl ther itian ira! ae tert Diva oftiw ‘ -” suas . cudersi. ica ert eonre It «a J otev ‘ ols ‘ 1 t brew oe ' vow wee ancthort te pree a ey Staten inte ecce teri hut the yar ject of M r W a. = falh “ wa to } 1 * I tom lem te ce f drnye tint Me Frilinore “ ' A Vase was alera ta a a4 and ie yenerally t “viva ana. | Pi | New k t Rreesiv f Mr Duchanane fit J * r r s band tn Dthat thie f . eit aregular arcrain wit air a bd ' [De ry ra woithe Neth and at Washer yten an at asac lera f th a M i ' J cere , Py sta 2 New York if lie F Sere u y ate Meck aa j Mr | / ke 4/ / / (y W ty . v 1 i ‘ { buna } et: 4 ‘ ‘ i ! . } A Bila fa A . ) f Pies ranve A high « tot [sve y Representatives Frenont’« 4 I a ee { it is ta fio ry fy f thos wane ane coola that F nore a » third Ther © are reckoning without their host. Sup-| pose Buchanan carries twelve or thirteen of the Southern States, and Fillmore two, | three or even four States altogether. The general result will be known within ten days after the election. {G3 It is under- stood that in this event four or five Bue- lanan States will cast their electoral votes tor Douglas or Wise, or some other De- mocrat, so as to give him a higher vote than Fillmere, and thus exclude the lat- | ter trom the canvass in the House of Re- | presentatives altogether, ge} Having the game thos in their own hands, it is, believed that they can force a/l the South- crn States to join the Democrats in elect- ing a Democratic President. | What is to come of all this remains to besecn. You way rely npon it, that all | the political intrigues of the country from | the time of Burr down will be cast into the shade by what we shall sce before the | 4th of March next. ow A HOAX PLAYED OFF ON THE LONDON TIMES. | It was mentioned in the foreign news published yesterday that some mischiev. ons wag of the United States had hoaxed the London Times with an article giving an account of several duels on a railroad train at the South. The article ia entitied * * Tie Narrative of a Scene in the Rail- | way Cars in the State of Georgia, United | States of America.” It appeared in the Times of the 15th alt., and was represent- ed as written by an “eye witness.” In! its issue of the next day, the Times de- votes a leading article to this “ singealar and almost ineredible” narrative, with the assurance to its readers that its inser- non was delayed for several days, that the | editor might obtain satisfactory vouchers | for the writer's respectability, sanity and truthfulness ; and on these points the ed- itor of the Times has no doubts. Now bere is the Tiines’ own synopses | of the tale of horrors, which it publishes to the world as a true story, characteris: | tie of American society, and of railway | travelling in luis country : “The train starts with 25 passengers, occa’ Somally Cakiag ap some and patting down sume ta the course of a journey which beyrins at five and ends at half past three the The passenger know aleut as fn the afte rng tent Mornin much abwutench other at starting) a passeager wually do Three get into the (rain together, anther san acqwantance of thei) tee others ar totetwein and there are two fathers with User eoun, du the course of tea hours and a half m this achat community, no larger (bea m some Uimes assern ied rogud a private dinger party in thts metropuls, there are five actual duels with fatal results; asiath duel which was arranged dul not come of, owing to the death of aa in teadet pomeipal in apuiher ducl, a seventh du 1, which was every reason to beleve had taken ple hough the trate went on too see fer the n-sults to tranagire) etghthlv, a murder WK he two deen passenger fiteen are mention ede entering tore oe bees t tye irama weve bw ct partin duebe sis wer billed au snow we left on the wav figining Pour hie in were fnagtt at comventent spots, the ain stamping for rane; one was fought egy car el the trans was in me and tue one with amoerlain renlie eae uy al a regular sopping place Three of wl bende were whim. one was car 1 frm the ecene of the duel aad depated LAS another lay where it fell in the Lier cw, anotber was Uiruwe out ve the | ed Ll wt killed, two were fathers and two were eons, ome father killed ehile avengeg hus me child killed for lamenong bre fath e Ou avamun of the first duel, the tran wed by tei At the soond and fourth, the coo n the sport, waited, and Let mm the ast inmatanc- the cooductor seems to have felt a one of the ser ty) med stat emt, bot the rewat foll egraype Juctur becoming ket Lore remounted (ise he surt laa: joum, aod he manazed to brave vivure on the road, while with the and of the 6re wet up the other to prevent further slawchter Tie tine eae generaaly waght, the wet athar being at tutee in the morning. Ita stated that these are mot o arr wer bemt« at scar awk pees howl some fa a wubtet o@ t foml Liew sugsata ante the Times, some rather atiees A On'tuesm the future of the U ated a for eal we have deacnle! appears to . t al” state of thumge Dh date of arrade et 2Avh of August leat, only R @evbhs ag the (eurgia papers ehully st stat ~ lear. oe, of corer, nulanly oes! wougit ty jaster. Indeed. od mductor of t an, sonply for he own comfurt, bad a , aneged heave the murderer pur cf ner be ! onthe rom) But the wea of awe stization evmse to be the last to dts ” ove thes tyte Flying Machine A nan froin aw ay Jown near ean ree iasinvented a fly ing nachine in San Franciaco, which is now etiidition on Jackeon street, near the Tresnont [louse Lie Sun gives the fol fit Aig des Tiption “A frame work conaiating of two doz » eete of featiiers, of eleven in each set, wins the wings of the machine Tie feathers are from the common sea gull The machine ia bennd t ‘ber firmly with wires ih; re (pe ratioa by means of sires moves the whole eoncern Ly lewating the front wings he canr se, and yelevating the backward wings he can ‘ the machine. ITe also can, by a ¢ the foot, move to the nylit or eft, The :nachine looks rather cumbronas, ind the proprietor faa no hesitation in adnitting (oe fact, but hopes to improve sore Upeonat Il expects to make about erent mot es par ! mr 1 ita present i 1} I 18 t tried it yet, tow ll va ‘ ‘ as « as he t« - roceeds of linex We witt t nent that a dis ya of canvas at th ' ew ' ntended t 4 assert of ur nu ca t ov «aw ] ua ne ja bone dey vowid \y wster was latviyv es VLAU GE A equare Of OV ed jinner, in a Wiseon ili. tistve effrte with a t Koa 1 L the smile of the Bate f camentas limeelf \ Jun ‘ patience vanished al Ca) asin down ' ae pirst ant wit “Stran fr) uf! of 1 nt yot no sail for t anc ln fer we. you » have = respect for the oid Disis ba rogue duwn th * Tie author niwave the most ApPprecia- ted. ts the autor of lie fortune ‘retires from all coanection with the establish- ' tially. arolina Watchman. SALISBURY. N.C. by Concord Presbytery, at its late sessions in Statesville, N. C. Whereas, the Chief Executive of the State has appointed the 20th inst, as a day of Thankagiv- ing and Prayer. Resolved, That the observance of this day be recominended to all our Churches, | We learn that J. F. Bex, jr. Esq, has sold | his interest in the oftice of the Salisbury Herald, Mr. S. W. James being the purchaser. Mr. Beu ment, “- New Ad yertisements.— We invite attention to the new advertisements of E. Myers, Mills, Moose & Co., Jeffers, Win. M. Barker, Directors Yadkin Navigation Company, Lemly, Boyden & Co.-ke. It will be seen that all these gentle- mau offer something worthy the attention of the public. It will also be seen that the office of the Raleigh Register is to be sold; and Rail Road agents will see that M. Boger has lost a nymber of packages with which they were entrusted. <1. SHINGLES WANTED. 4.000 Shingles Wanted, for which cash wiii be paid on delivery. Enquire at THIS OFFICE. BLACKWOOD. | For October has been Its contents are as fullows : The Athelings; or, the three Gifts.— Part 5. Wayside Songs, Original and Transla- ted. received. ‘ - late election, at present. We shall, of course, put on record the official result, when it shall be known; but neither we vor our readers, can now care to read im- perfect statements of the vote at boxes ; here and there, the grand result through- ont the country being known, of which we give a statement below as far as as- tained. It is reported that Buchanan and Breck- enridge have carried the following States, vis: New Jersey 4p Delaware 3 Pennsylvania 27 Georgia 10 Missteelppl 7 Arkansas a4 Indiana 13 Virginia 15 North Carolina 10 South Carolina 8 Alabama 9 Tennessee 12 Kentucky 13 Missouri 9 Louisiana 6 Florida 3 FOR FREMONT AND DAYTON. Maine 8 New Hampshire 5 Vermont 5 Massachusetts 13 Rhode Island, 4 Connecticut, 6 New York 35 Ohio, 23 Michigan, 6 Miinois, 11 Wisconsin, 5 FOR FILLMORE AND DONELSON. Maryland 8 NOT HKARD FROM. California 4 lowa 4 Texas 4 LATER. Our Tour inthe Interior of the Crimea. Mr. Battle's Review. Family Etlistory. Sea-side Stadies.— Part 8rd. A New Una. African Travel. - —— = OFFICIAL VUTE OF ROWAN. Fillmore, 862 Buchanan 779. Fillwore's maj 83 The smoke of the great political battle of the country, is now blowing away, and the resalt is becoming manifest. It will require some tine to gather up all the minute particulars, and to pat on recerd the lesser incidents of the contest; bat the great grand resalt already stands oat | as plainly to view as the horns of a back. | We see men boldly dashing over the! field, and hear their victorious shouts. - Joy flashes from their eyes, aod anexub-, erance of spirits quickens every motion. Others are lying prostrate on the sod,— wearing, as they may, a visage of calm composure; and as they should, a defiant firmness of purpose to defeud the right, | whatever be the conseqnences. | The long and short of it is, the patriot Fillmore is beaten, and the candidates of the democracy are champing their bits oa the White'lloase grounds at Washing- ton. Yes, Fillmore ie beaten—the peo | ple of this great Repablic has repudiated aman whose patriotic soul rose above the petty aims and purposes of party, sec tional seLemers, and of party tricks, and) chose, rather, to settle on the high par. | pose of serving his whole country impar- | Truthful, firm, patciotic and brave to the last, le is embalined in the hearts, of his frends, who, though beatea, will ever cherish the memory of their great Captain as a man infinitely above the measare of those who mould themselves into platforms to suit (4e purposes of of fice-holders and office seekers; bat more than that, a firm conviction of the righteousness and pure patriotism of| their cause in this contest, nerve them under defeat, and enable them to regard with complacent, Lut unshaken trust, an | overthrow which ume will remedy. Their only fault was a minority—their | only offence, a straggte for the saprema cy of Constutational and true American | principles in the administration of Gov-| ernment. Their Ligh aims have not only pot been appreciated, bat misrepresented, | and so defeated | But thongh the contest has resulted disastroasly to those with whom we have acted—to the great Land of true patriots that battled for Millard Fillinore the Coo- stitation and the laws, yet, we are giad | to say, it ia not baren of results over which we can indalge a hopeful expecta | tien Fremont ia beaten—en avowed sectionalists—and in this we have) assurance that there is yet an available conservative power in the country. The demoertie party hold that power, and of good. |from which we copy the following : ELCTION RETURNS. | Kentucky.—lo 27 counties heard from the | Democratic gain is 3,000 over Morebends'y vote ‘when the Know Nothing majority was 44,000 Penasyleona— Gives Bechanan 40,000 over the Fusive ticket. Michigan—\he returns show inerensed Re- | publiena gaina. They claim the State by 15,000 Georgra.— Eegisty-iwo counties bear! from give a Letmoeraic majority of 0.683. Luchse- an's majyornty wlll be 14,000. Ne other returus f any special interest. TENNESSEE ELECTION. Ricumoxe, November 8 Lictarns of the election received at Withe | ville this mourning from Bast Tennessee, shoe large American gains, and involve the result iu doubt. -_ FoR THE WarchMa. Ma. Eorroa: sons why the State ought sot to be burdena! ln our last we gave the rea with the expense of maimtaming two rail roel passing lengthwise through the State West of the Catawba, and that it was quite innportant® that the Western Extension should take sech » direction as would be likely to give the most graeral satisfaction to the citizens of .Western North Cervlna, and thee preserve the must vai uabie part of the trade witha the Btate , and we renly believe that such wookd have been the case bal the charter not required the road to come to Statesville, At least no sectwe of Western North Carolina could have complained if all bad had 20 equal chance for the Western Esteasion. [ut many feel themecives just!) aggrieved by thes resinction and partial legis oe ia favor of a parvoular peciwoe by which they are deprived of equal rights with otbere Nor is it cay to coneeve of @ more engene rows ect, than that which would sow rmmore the lo cation frum an imyortant sectioe which felt it self mont agrievel by the arbitrary legislative im question when vader all the unfavurable cor cumetanoes this section came up to the requrrle amount of salecnpuon, aed the required supe lations. Seach condect shen comnire) at by the State wm enoagh to lead the most valuable por tion of Western North Carotina to seck anners oe toe state that would aki « im its prame worthy efforts to arine to eminence an| promote ite improvements and its real interests It may be probable howerer that if the char ter had not required the road lo pase via States: ville that it wouk! bave gome south of Newton yet we would have bad 90 remon to com plan, and would have acquiesced. Indeed ut = even yet contended that it ought to estend frum ew bere it has stopped at the Catawba, via Linenin and Ratherfordton through the Reedly patch gap to Teanesnce line ; that this would be s more pro Gtabie route and be more than two miilions of dollars cheaper than to pass through the Swan nano to the Tenmemee line. We do not vouch for the cor of the stat t but qe be heve that those who make it, profess to be gor erned by the surveys which have been made along these two routes. If, however. thie be cor rect, we know that the road could be boilt stil cousilerably cheaper by coming to Newton and here leaving the present locatton, and going in the direction of Kutherfurdion, croming the South furk and passing up Jacob's fork, of on the ndge below it, and thas heading the waters may, if harmonious and true to the trust, of Pott’s creek, Bnffalo and Indian creck, a well wield it to the happiness and peace of the heepublic. Will they do itt We elall see. The responsibility ia great, and therefore greater the merit and praise if they succeed, A word tu Were you couy ineced of the righteousness af your cause before We Difeat has nA changed af If y mo werer yt in defend it then, Adopt, therefore, the Clay motto, adopted by Mr. Fillmore on entering the canvass “1 would rather be right than be [reat hint” I would rather be right in defeat, than the friends of Fillmore: the clection t know vou were. mare right in doing so still. and say, victorious in error. THE ELECTION. We scarcely deem it worth the while ty trouble ourself gbout the retarns of the a other large strearna which would have to be crossed via Lincohiton, and some of them re quire bridges, and at the same time such a route would miss the south m gatains, Surely then if this matteras to be determined by duliara and cents and if fidelity is net to be maintained, New ton has the etromgest claims, if by a breach of fidelity, the road ean be built more than two milhona cheaper than by going to Morganton and through the Swaunano gap! We have on- ly made these statements to show the justior of our claim and not to attempt a change of the present located route; for we believe that our charter is not eccured unless the present loca tion be sustained aceording to (he stipulations on which the stock has Leen raised, and that if these stipalations be not complied with, there ie no way of progressing, but to begin de nowo. It is true it may be argued that the two-third pow- er of the State is not to be overruled by the Stockholders which have only one-third of the stock ; and this may be correet if the State at the time of nevepting the stock om the part of | the individuals by subscribing her part, was ig- norant of the conditions on which the stock was raised. If the State or its counsel were ignor- ant of these conditions, aud knowing now that the stock has been raised by trickery, which will be the cuse if the conditions are not eomplied with, thea she is aot bound to ber i of two-thirds of the stock and the charter is not A STOCKHOLDER. ~ —- yet secured. FOR THE WATCHMAS. Te the Execeativé Commitios of the State Agricaitaral | > Seclety. Ma. Eprron:—It bas occurred to me that It ‘would not be inappfopriate at the present time to addressa few words to the Exeeutive Commit- | tee of the State Agricultural Society, aud 1 have jchosen the columus of your paper as the means of communicating those suzy-stions, ! Firet, T would sagyest a scini-aunual change lin the place of holding the State Fuir, That that change shoul! be to some town ia the West. And that town be Salisbury. My reasons for desiring this chanye are, plain- |ly and sitmply because Raleigh is tuo far Eom | |for our cattle-raisers of the extreme West to ab | | vend, and the well-kauwn difficulty of prvettring | anything to eat, or a place to sleep, in the City | of Raleigh, {t is true that at the late State Fair | a number of beautiful cattle were exhibited, but! | where did they come from! Virginia. It is! ies Hepub- me ion by hav or Bi re has been ot oregirn the guvernment. . Mr. dlingman’s r, in ‘ mye suinin in yt dia ee jOw's : : 1st, He thinks Fremout's election pos- sible, though not probable, ,, : 2d. ii Fremont is clected, the spoils and the ronage of the Government rum the handsof the Demoera- will pase tie ae, il Bd. Therefore, as it isa vivlation of the Constitution fer the people, wader. the Constitution, to elect a particnlar man, «bo is not a Democrat, President bf the United States, the in power, af- ter thelr term of gftiee ired onthe 4th of March next should atill had the reins of Government in heir never true that many agricultural imyl te were €x- hibited, but where were they made and by whom exhibited | Alas, too meny were made in Bal- |timore and Petersburg, and were exhibsted by | dealers in those places. I saw but two agricult ar | al impiements made and exhibited by persons ‘livieg in North Carvlina—a horse power from | the Snow Camp Foundry, aod some ploughs | rove Orange county. | Let w-take a geographical view of it. East | of Raleigh there are 30 counties. West of Salis ‘ bary there are 24. [utween the two are a large | number comprising the mikile counties of our | | State. Of those East of Kaleigh 6, via: Curri- | tuek, Camden, Pasqootank, Perquimmans, Gates City, As a matter of course they look to the sem | board and Roanoke society as their Agricattur- al dictator. The same miglt be said with con- | sileralle trath of Tyrell, Washington, Martin, Bertie and HLlertford. Give all these to the Nur- fk Fair, and it leaves Raleigh wuh only 19) counties. Sume of these look tw the Unive Ag- | ricultural Fair at Petersburg, a the menns of exhibsiing thew industry. Seath of Raleigh there are Deounthe, Cf these, nearly every one is imterested iu the Fayettevi'le Fair. Now on the other ham! the counties West of! Salsbury have go Fair whereat to eabtbit thei Therefore, they he It ie! eatinly loo expensive a busneme for them te eve- vey their fine cattle, even coer a ywor, to Ral engh, a pourmey which, im thest eyes, is to be male industry dormant. put more than once in a lifetime. Salubery, | would recummend to the Eacce Uve Committee, not oply fur the elgrbulity of us ertaation, bet fur the renson that te inhebrtaats are men of emergy, and many of them wealihy It contains two excellent butels ehere one cum grt something to eat, and \lereare (wo more in | process of erection. Henies these pable aecum- tonbevoms, the people of the towe are as hom ste ble and whulesouled a te! as ever breathe! — the delegates to the Fducatwoal Coareation, we opine, cam bear gould testimony me lo then Salebary «as easy of acess as Kalengh. to the Eastera part ul ibe Stale, wie te the West, 1 « mach more so One ether seggestwa of another nature and | have deme. Woukl 1 not be well for the State Agneeitural Serety lo ood out an Agent over the State who ecah! urge persons to erhitet and sotient mem beesh i) | LT have bat Intile expectativn that yao oil! art apor my suggestions, gentlemen , least of all that you will miept them. Hat f they shall serve the qua! purpose of rnpreming you orth the btea of acevanpliching certain reform allod ed to, and yoo are led to dirret roar energie with that view, cor State Far may continge lo Jeserve the reepeet of the people, and may be curnme one of the fived aod weeful insti ations of tne State. (nherwre, | shall be parked Ube conpciare that t mast eventesiiy dermile duee to te meanest burlesqae om State Fars Yours, & A VisiTOR Prem the Achecille Bpretater TREASON. It is defined im the books tat Treason is an offense of attempting te overthrow the goverment to which the traitor owes allegiance. The Constitation of the Uni ted States defines Treason to consist, “in leveying war against them, or in adber ing to their enemies, giving them ai! and eomnfort.” Thie is the hi crime of a civil natare against a government of which aman can be guilty, for it ma breach of allegiance. i order to render bimael{ olmoxivas to the penalty denoaunc- ed against a traitur, he must be guilty of an overt act, of which there mast be the concarrent testimony of at least two wit- nesees. Toe penalty of Treason is hang ing by the nek antil the traiter ie dead. Moral Treason is the entertaimmg of treasonable sentiments, or performing snch treasonable conduct as does ma amount to an overt act. The individual who entertains such sentiments or ie gui! ty of such conduct, bas a traitors heart, though not a trator in the strict legal sense. Just asthe man who desires to sec another murdered, but has not the courage aml! nerve to perpetrate the deed, bas a murderer's heart. Hlaving thas premised, by way of defi- nition, we desire to call the attention of our readers, and, as far as we can, of the public generally, to the letter we pubtis! today in another column written by T. L. Clingman to some gentlemen in Char- lotte. The letter first appeared in the Charlotte Democrat and was repabliahed Inst week in the News of this place; so there cau be nodoubtas to the genuiness of thia remarkable production. The senti ments of this letter are endorsed by both of these papers. The Democrat publish ed it with approving commenta; whilst ‘the sentiments therein expressed are such asthe News has been preaching for the last several weeka. of our salecribere to lay this paper away, (when he has read it,) in sume econven- ient place for future reterenee. We pub- lish the letter just as we find in the News, We wish every one . rel their grasp upon the spoils of of- tice, The justice of this course is illus trated by history, James I violated the unwritten Constitution of the English Government, he ipso Sacto abdi- cated the | alr agp left the throne vacant, Lherefore, as it ip wraometitu- tignal for New York, Massach wsctts, and vtber States, in the North, to vote for Mr. Fremont, who is nots Democrat, they have, ipeo facto, gone out of the govers- ment, let them “get back into the Union, if they can.” This ie ot iy Mr. Clingman's letter ineans when reduced to its simple ele- ments. He says that those who would be willing to stay in the Union in the event Since the above was putin type we and Chowan, ary so intimately idestiied with of Freawut's election, antil some “overt j have received the Daily Sooth Carvlinian, NorfuJk that some have anid they beloeg to that act” of aggression had been made upon the rights of the South, aro worse even than the lealers of the Abvlition party of the North, who, he says, to his certain knowledge, are “the meanest and most evaterpptible people on earth.” In 1 to these whe would pot avite with . iu the contingeney spoken of to dissolve the Ueion—and we cia him and every body else to understand that we belong to that aumber—althongh we have no “ vena! presse” nor are we a traiter to our seotion and race—in regard to all eveh, be saye Committees of Vigilance could pay as “awyft attention.” That is, he woald have us all bang, Mr. Cha, nm says that the course designated by ue as the proper one to be pursued, in the supposed emtingency, would be nv violation of the Cometitution f Oh, shame! where isthy blue? lle speaks of “the favor of Pro- vidence” in the conelasion of his letter, as if the Sapreme Being sauled epon Aum in bie mad crusade against the Union of these States! “Le there ant come chen curse, Bume bebden hander im the e.9ee of brarre, Red ©HAh encoun wreath, to blest the won W he owes hes greateess Ww he oventry s rem We do not think the contingency apon which Mr. Cling:man predicates his spevel in Charlotte fora dissolution of the pas has arisen, or is likely toanse. Lut we tlesire to present the Lonorable genile- twan's position before the people for in spection. We desire tu ict the people of this District know that they have Leen Lomonng aman with a seat in Congress, who fag detest no allegiance t» the Conatitatien he ts eworn tu sapport, far- ther than it may be necessary to promote the aums and purposes of modern Demo cracy. Ja conclusion, we have to say, if the seuple of this District sastain the Hon. ay Clingman, after the opea avowal of the treasenablle diueanion sentiments in the letter we publieh, they deserve to be lus slaves—ty Le mitten, by the Alumigh ty flat, with the curse of Cain. To use the Luu. gentleman's own language, ew pleyed ou @ certain occasive, they will deserve “to be beaten with many stinpes aod wy lave ear-marks set apon Usem.” cee The Mask of Diaunion off. —The Reed De. Bellows on the Canada Trade,— Dia union, &.—The Rev. Dr. Bellows in a eo calied Sabbath Discourse, nvted else where, says: “ Already oor trade with Canada is be coming a9 promising, sare, and profitalle aa wer trade with the South is uncertain, riskfal and annos ing.” A Palpit Sabbath Diseurse on Tra le! —but no matter, —save that on sucl a day the Rev. Deetor shoal! have been right in hie statisties, Onr trade with Canada ie nt tee conth of oar Mather trade, — and Lat for ver trade with the Seath, yrass woald grow in our stroets, and there is not a merchant in hie eungregation that could pay bir hie salary. If there is not need alialygaloagrn —when the pulpit of our eity forth disanion vol a vta, better Leled tee the market of South Carctina than N. York, —we are tly mistaken,—for here the maak ia 8 | e sce what we showld come to,—if we followed such elerical lead. -N. Y. Express. POLITICAL SERMONS REI'U DIATED. Puscavacemia, Nov. 4.—The congregation of the Charch of the Epiphany (Protestaat biyptseo- pal) eid an elective ty dovale the question whet h- er the Vestry should be sust sine! in the rebuke given to the pastor, Rew. Dudley A. Tyng, for preaching a political seri in sete time sinee. The vote stool for the Vestry 57, agunst 46 This involves thd resignation of the pastor, agreeably to hie determination previously announced, that if estained by the congregation he would re- sign, Many ‘of thene who roted agninat the Vevtry did so ont of attachment to ibe pastor whilst they disapproved of the course be bed seen fit ly parene. Melancholy Death.—Wo learn that 4 Mr. Leeper, frown Charlotte, North Car lina, died at Mr. Minton’s hotel, on San- day night. A week preeceding his death, in a fit of mental aberration, saperinduc: ed by fever, he walked ont of hie win dow, the third story, and fell from an ele vation of about twenty-six fout, broaking the bones of his right thigh, and shatter- ing dreadfully Ue hase pan. The effects of the fall, combined with the typhoid fever, proved too much for his constitu tion, and he expired on Sunday.— Winne- bore Register =. Pe e e Bn e t Be e ee e o e e Bu e eg ee e a eA wr e e P r e c r P e s t t re g s gr e e k ? st ? ag e Ten Dollars Reward ugar yANAWAY fivpe: the: sah sabseriber.on the 29th day of eee es last, Aen eegro named HENRY VA- saa esac —_— sia steer — o naman = | Lm ta nan nae NORTE PAROLNA ver. * the proving in ) soaking s0p- is > a Bisa rao Ca wee Taergepe rags, INE “TATOR SHOP! her lust enem her faith in ber blessed Ba- . : viowr was anshaken ; upon’ hie arm she trusted es all | ® * ‘ture, said: Fay ny te sodas sl of rte of , a * le anes Henry Lomax. Siéld boy wascon- beture 41 want a telegraph wire to F | analeeey ’ re AID Sa ee pote iehar opened Ww be thejlast Term of Rowan Superivr Cort of , we, of 1 want to vend a despateh and po ram pg ter tans erent. Lge at wg AGRICULTURAL MA Plpepanatvontlindd gry seretehe aie sate ager duet pars py bap sey dicen ie ing for Iscariot to move one side aud make Lec vw Afi ety -sdooaraom Bader d devotion ther ca WEE WORKS a Pporie the sare. of Maryhy, Mellor o corees | RE now dango, snd welt’ soles amnep london MH Sproat ner Dyer ial ean- fur Frank Pi erce. pre ern wsoagrencadh na! erates wines ae a al Boyden. Lemly & Co. odhining the Tie Bhoy of W ame Ris tong | AA sock of Fall reoclving shi COODS. Consicting [hell inches high, ad ghagrterscdi cain? \erastagae! im the tre, he thiuks, | of Staple and Fancy Dry Gouds. Abecotifes assert | thick lips, bowslegzed, stout beilt; and by trade a 5 At Salisbury, N.C., are Completed and fe Ready fer ¢ Orders, foros or the future. OBS shall be fuithfally and artistically exe- ‘ euted. He ts ia the feceipt of the ud mason, Plasterer and Painter. Ha was raired ia Anson covety, and may be lurking about Wades- hurcigh and Albemarle. ment of { Elder Swan may pass! Rev. Mr: Begeh- 99,000 DOLLARS! | Ladies Cloaks, Meriuees. Mencia De Sy rx Lanes, Siths, | er, we remember, on a certain occasion, 22 000 DOLLARS ! E t oan bad ak. say about “chirough tek: I- la the tatontion of Lange Sivek of Clothi 1 will give the above d the om oge “bothiag, give a rewerd for bie apprehension timente ete” to the place mentioned! abave; Are ue ee hg FASHIONS Heodstore nad Coslery.. and detivery t me at Movat Pleasant, Cubsrrus | To be drawa im the City-of Pitan but ier Swan, in plainness of speech, is Canis Gadlalicutuararee peryer ra ane therefore, always ready to supply castomerste | Boot, Shoes, und Sule Leather, eventy, or if evnfined in any jail so that I get him ic, on Tharnday November 13th, 185600.the\Plastof . nee. P a great | ll venient an thevelk rhe ckere w it style of the “ Letest Agony.” Poss Mes) see! Hats, Caps and Bonnets, oats Ectiesn addressed to me at Muuut Pleasant, | ‘SINGLE NUM ! he de ed fas J. N. CB. Blankets and Kerse wil pily attended to. ERS t. , Mr. Berl chnge gov i SELLING OFF"! | sl aay eee eee | ree ee 117 Mom, Nad nad Clam, CHARLES KLUTTS 8 preted om we shall have to go to the pit of the eee | implement and muchine used Gd —= done tee, Wile, be, voelbe lela bs | ee * theatre—or tu the Five Puinte— | farmer shull be promptly sapplied a arringe Trimings, a SAMUEL SWAN as {,)- Bowery © nte-— lerder therek : oe at war works, Ie | ting ‘And liepn sosey dosed tion uf gouds to be found i | — el og from the “profanity” that polit-| Sallsbary, November 10th, 1850, * | ports ee ee | Arnold's Wri Plaid. 4 merket. " ° Encourage Home Industry! Pensa es ion cable are encouraging in eer i THE SUBSCRIBER j ‘aring facilities of this cotublshment are not e quelled ie tell, Best Tok in the World, for sale ot J. Hi. Eu: Uc es nlewaphend imi erect ere eee BE QUICK! BE 4) CICK i! 30,000 TICKETS ONLY! pos places, As Poattiectt determined Se cme Le preset busine | by any ofa simitar character south of Mary het BOOKSTORE. | /*1ehasing gurds thie season. lS at X. FY. Express H*% a ‘The buildings ere spacious und commodivus and the ' adi 2. | Hafibary, Sept, 331046. eft STILL BETTER AND BETTER! PRIZES: AMOUNTING TO e spoils Cited . Mochinery is well adapted to our business. = z Roe eee ~ st i t “4 + at ede wititie eneluly reshtng o | Wall J strstr poets toterer ste 990000 DOLLARS. Py * given “ emocra- Yankee Spisit.—Uiram Pearson, of paki gehen os and expericnoed warkimen, that SWAN . & 60s LOTTERIES! a Paper, &e., watichetinn where der it hes bore isied ot Kawwn, und h y bape by as shall challenge suc- Will be dittributed according to the ‘ California, is now travelling in Europe. | ¢ ceasiul competi |... [Authorized by the State of Georgia.) Lares oupply of méat benutiful Wall Paper. Al- 1 nee teinal Set i shell give antinfoation nod oan- Wiping m of the Recent foreign letters say that, having |™ eoriet 7.08 Oat prev Werth ef FANCY pe Rail Rond pe Carriage Mukers, Carpen-| °° 8.280 PRIZES—Lowest Prize #40. sy Fire Screeus and Window Shader for sale by fry pirihengl ag “ere hoya —— UNRIVALLED SCHEME !! der the pce Vv h Ladies) Cloaks, tera, Stone Masons, Plasterers, house-keepers aud all| MORE THAN ri J. H. ENNIS, Buoksetlor. 4 aoe sh wed Pdi pane = sas arp te the pro- Talmas and Shawts, pe requiring a machine, when sirengih darabilic P phe 3 GUA sree ves ee Joly 22 barfoerd bias beet! Porn os I will! 5 Pree of $50,000 ww man, ion to inspect Gentlemen's wear, Needle-worked Embruideries, he., Ae. 0 | 8d beauty are combined and that can be , ARANT. D take @hesi, corn, at the highest market “ . ¥ ade RIZES EED. |- SAS a . ss shalt yuk decane © A ‘weve dont vf outberision | anh iiinge lls ease Taree parvion of Sit | having been purchased the preseut son lien irou, a rteel, silver- piel er oh sd perongas FORT GAINES ACADEMY LOTTERY ! BROWN & COFFIN, aes work aod a coho and I ny oy i « wer, af fo J on round that ho oue botie nd em are sliced to give us au opporanity to fill ibe | . can't help being pleased with it. t fetarn my sive: i anak vse 0 marl » Congress o of Rei Newest a»4 myst Pashioaable Styles {| orde cn ie aia BOY DEN, LEWLY oe CLASS 21. WHOLESSLE AND BRTAIL DEALERS It thanks to the public fur their very liberal ee | ' : ae nooner consisting te part of— rue ieixea To be drawn in the City of Atlanta, Georgia, i thet they have bestowed un me heretofore, he reins beri in fn’ ’ ietna, could te! Begint eh atest, reves Led figured SILKS: T > OD ‘ ed ~~ , be, ow Fridey, Mescastsr 95,1856. on oo go STAPL Li E AN D FANCY z SOHN L. WRIGHT } : Praca ‘ d never mitted. Thoreapon he applied to be] — Brtat Sebeeres, erie sad Wort Motte: |THE KALEIGH REGISTER AND 8 ; qe ay. iad leo b a of of- received in the asa inember, Lincags' Sanes end bed Banioas thea i OTUER PROPERTY | INGLE NUMBERS! DRY GOODS: —_ , wernorrnmimin |@ “ 4 ie Mus- stating that his jor liad been destroy- Sestings, Pormdedrey the quuldjayite special atlention to his = ap Ee Purehasers in buying 10 Whole Tickets (when DR. M. WHITEHEAD ™ * =) aon Al od by od by the great cond Jagration in San Fran-| “a O OS ADH. WLe he sembers ond in 1. 2.3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 6.9.0.) ere \Gultabaieyy HW, Cy Ke. 8, Gramise MEMMIRTy | Orie «tks mume lot with hie meaideece. Yal!28. 773 on of the was lied with WHI 4 MN Vidor, he ba Sr Doses . Mtwed u €40—Halves Quarters RE A - ) om the eume lot w residenee. Ta A 12 '« | proportion. now receiving « large addition to their stork, | his abse: to abdi- harp was treated with the greatest con - look, M., The Raleigh Register, three-ienthe of the a <=—-+—~ | AA, eceeupd out eptninl onion thy Menhorm aes peeecons Site aer ee ee Om Vm nee APPROXIMATING PRIZES, . » throne sideration by all the members of the body, a i ond boiling ree Rove Lent gat r-| SAME SWAN & CO., Managers. -Doeglead vulgar eh Mey = eS wl St | dame 17, 1656. ‘a <_< 9S? coprenteapting paces rai any Al * ‘ sides, togeth t rea 5 a prices, | would respectfully suliex ees me ai swmelilu- except the Arehduke Charles, who yan ee BUBROIDZRIZS QD | will be mid at the Register Office, nl pore tees: | 30,000 TICKETS—3,280 PRIZES! 80 examination of their Gouds before purchasing else- SA LISBURY ‘ “ me . ie i-G tte, andl exception to his admission, as he had nv » The abuve sale will be made under a Deed of Trast . where. poe tneir stuck will be fuund a burge as- Na i * as for Mr. ol, Pearon, feaing, Nimeslt Earp tite Saree apecse ws Reser! Seoeeys toa” "atc wowee” “| @ PRIZES AMOUNTING TO |"Saven mazss cooss. | CLA cs oo: 6s He at, they aggrieved at the mannor in which the | tis Berdered, Hem 4. sed Embroidered |. Hamdherctatets ; | s-= 8 * . D-.5 ja, Ldnen, Lowe _ - § s #55 govern- Arvldake's ohjections were made, chal: | teres, tw cou sed srparcie_nome very cers oe ond) Nov. 4th, 1856. bern $204,000! Honiery and Glorer} Bonncte and Ribdvoe: Cloaks) ring | = * “ we = | Sevres, te ante wad _ New. @ - fon by sere ced rae wnderdiqued hee wponed » Clantital Sobeut| is - £ ° ne ato the langed him, the Arehdake de- bes, Maine ad Mecbiin Collars & Bete; | ——— | will be distributed according to the followi y ;_Alpsche the of Bahsbury, for — “ids bigh digeiey : ‘oad. |S | Leto Mates, Hewde, So Decsere ; Muse ond Sastre} wor rxrcs | Sche og ted Merine is tos Locos and Givghams ; Crepes ans Jowne peogres Colege fa ages areare ne ry en 2 = danaateans ,apolegi Mieiogs ord Inserts and wuice Crepe - | Original m: wolea Shawls; White Goods and Embruidesie d : wrned Pree } s letter explained, and all was satisfactorily set- Saligsetonga$ veers | W —< | Freneh aod English Prints; Hate vod Cape; Bs | me Pupils will be prepared to enter any clues im | Whole Tickets, $10— Hul vea,45—Quastera, 2h. ple ele- tled. . Col. P a a j he | ters Bierers, Loews, and Li. Cambrics; Dress ILL be wid of the late ss laps eecidoues of R Holl, | Prize of 40,000 | and Shoes; Servants’ Weer; the University, or say of our Colleges, which they carson was admitted to the | trig, Besect nictkas sod Dine besicns Bey Bans met | droreaed, 00 the 25th wf this mouth, (Nuvember),one | } Prize of 12,000 | _ | mar fester. The schulastic year ply atl PAN OF THE LOTTEBI. ould be chair of Surgery and named a vice Dre: | iar wins Orme Tad eet Meat | bhely i" 1 Par of oT haaitoretta! MADE CLOTHING ; |e of cm mn, me ig on the tot of Oc-| 30.80 Nemtare coveqpenting with: dhatd a0 eo 4 y ' wa poten J 1 of ad endiog ys with @ vacation ~ rekeot: heel. fire ’ — cident of the erent par ier, Sod, Unsaretdcone cord Gaseea FRirts; site, cotton | N EGRO BOY, 1 Prise of ova | Late a Pye Coates Cc “4 ead at i | are ol ee Wheel. A oar 44 ower - and worsted Musteries | Ladies Corsets, Kil Gloves and Gaunt. | eleven or twelve years vid Also a tract of laed coa- 1 Prize of Hi ‘aaa ag, ‘reeks, Ve nod Carpet Bags; Bleach- | drewu from the Nember Wheel, ead st the seme be @pon «J dead,” said a Western stump ora- prose pny Lo - Merine Undet Mirte fag tedics ond geuticwen ; | terug abvat 1g Prisee of ‘200 | haan Brows Goods of all hinds. | Terms—Per Session of 10 Months, | Pee as arta from rte pelt edecere ral < even y " 100 | is oar inteMion to keep constentiy on hands | Primary Eagtish breaches, $20 ¢0 opal nabeendy ons agpenst 6 —— tor, “on the broad platform of the princi- ti | Cle hing ONE HUNDRED SCRES, 100 Prisee of 46 | ecae cbsak of Drv Cacds tf Ul theac ce tTisreeetat a atl part, ‘ « . and we are de- Migher do do abd Mathematics, 6 00 Lae ia is repeated « all the Pr.zes ase y of les of "08, and palsied be mine arm if I ent emen’ S t nes » 9 | adpmaing the lend of Wm. Denlep, Wm. Bass, Grif. | APPROXIMATION PRIZES termined to make it to the mierrst of cach and poamigs't Classics and Mathematics, ns 58 00 duwe — coert we.” “You stand on nothing of| Boots, ho. &o. fin's hevrs and the hame (rect, lying half « mile cart | Paying customers to give us their petronege ; aud — Comsingony fund, = - 1 00 APPROXIMATION PRIZBs~ The toa preva xd most > Shoes, 9 jal Bethany Chrarch on the Reckfiurd Rusd, { Prince of 0180 soprasimasiog to 040,00 prise are $Y) we earnestly mulcit acall when you visit wer town. | ing and the Iwo succending Nomiun 4 Guondremen i the kied,” isterrapted alittle shoeanaker | “thie © piped thet, bail uf enid jond Mound aca Prises of 128 approximating to 12,800 prise are 500 | , One-third of the tuition will be required in advance, | the fire: 380 Prizes will be entitled to the G0 a ja the crowd; “youn stand in my boots er pg erapeyfien oy Bed ee ad ob ned | od, ALOU, aad heevy Pi eat! We everestuating fo Rats prise ore oe Respectfully, BROWN & COFFIN, | one-third on the Ist of March, aud the remainder ot | tamntion Prizes, seeurding (6 the Sabon wr . that you never paid me for, and I t in Pate serene eter te Moras pensive Six S Prise of 30 appretimating te 1m prise are a0 P- 8 —All orders shall have the prompt stteution the chee of the seamge No deduetwa for sbeonce | wolve the y t Wem | ran 7 cont] cae rue ah ce puudaes Satan nares | or Seven ACRES, © Friese of GB agpresimatiog to 200 prise are 1, of ane af the Gre. except ia cases of protracted sickness IN ORDERING TICKETS, ry body the money.” whakeca pees > it be positively tree thet | am | adpsving the lends of Davie M. Stevenson, Jocob Al- head se = Tete October 7, 1086. 6019 REFERENCES Earkwe the money to our address for the Tickers ; to thet a | Gelling at Cost for Cash! ba. Howard nod ethers, ell woud lend. Also, at 1,380 Priscs amounting to 204,00 Presidemt and Feeulty of the University ; Rev. Drury ee reccipt of which they will G- forwarded by | the same time o one buree, hendred and L ~ D:D: Fi ate othe « = “ vena! POISON OF THE SPIDER. F. MYERS | twenty-five beshele Whest a0! ies suede vee | OM ete Cee res OS -—-Qrariees 11-4.) Highly Important to Lavalids. | Jone . leskea, Soe Ske sto ee The het of Denwe Nembew end Prince wilh be-ednt ' seetion We have noticed in several instances recent!y = Ba 4 Cronies Bunting | of Cora, da, APPROXIMNATING PRIZES bv’; Kev. A. Baker, clon. Burton Croige, Juho | Prreharers ummechately after 10 drewing. ) JAS. K NISRET, COD LIVER OIL < Ur Parchssere will he eaye perious results attribnted to the bite As adder. | aha ‘The two preceding ond the two seceeeding N . Shaver, Esq. A. ienderme, Key, Jax EK. Kerr, we ranger lease oes thew gguoterce i] | SALE OF JAS. MeLEWIS, 4 | Gees bo these @pawtas he Ort) 167 i be Pasa a 75 Eeq., Sebsbury plain, and give ther Pos Office, Connty and Btate. pay 4 The latest 1 im Comes S| Kov. 10, 1056 titled w the 65 Appresioaiion Priese, eooueds mic MANUFACTURED BY JOSS CRETUCR AE Pra pee rae aa ta tc woo October 14, 1856. 209 otic wo went dedvctom. tast, which is stated to have a. oar | V ALUABLE WILL las Pp the Boheme. AUP. on cays Seaepry perer ro 3.000 Prisre of $45 wil be detcrnined by the tas SOM Acr EF Ali Pras of $1,000 and andes, paid immediate A rong man named Wilham [lsegtton, em Mabe diouse to ¢ 6 = | gure of the Nember that driws the $40,000 Prine | Seca, Saw S ty after the deawing—atber Prisee at the send! time sec ployed ia a dry gennle store was Lrben to a phys De eet cae made = ve ome © veity te | oan LOST OR MISCARRIED, Ver example, if the Namber drow seg the $40,000 I | AS, as one of us distlaguiching marks of superi- a M il for : ale. leaped ee ot reesly Atonsind Per clan's office in a tate of great suffering, caus | shall cell om the premiers.on the 3d of December ve 1, ; Tree code enh Neil. (hens che Tistete whore the ority over other brands alumna entire absemee FIVE Westera Plank Road Company will ett, ac Prize Tickets cashed of resewed sa uiher Tighete 9 aa a by a spider's bite wear the alabumen, reerived a imme valuable (net aed Naw Mille. belonging to Rew. | y Cid peck cave hrs Wilmiogion, rear! ipewte ee neon? alate u cee frem that peculiar naumous aod disagreeable flavor public serine, wear Lawedutim, North Cand | either « ° tiwered tat aad eaves, « > mber © with No 2, ell the Trehet re : = eecene tee et Pee few buwre belure. The cufieringe of Mr. Il. cue “* ‘<r eed Anne Ustence, huows v0 the 13eh of et ber, ol marked wo my pre teate onl es the Nember cade in 2 will Gereciaiod to ow. pose ~ = lente mauling Fe renee) mers ae newt ei eel iineut sie Se pre comber! Moats Oracs re Toe oa vadralici pays Giasesth ca" nace coat lca Ga like Wahireen HOSES HOLMES Mca ind ugens oi, Ciiae\ Gases! Rowas' Cocsiy (aa we Toss hats gal pny PSOE cen AL roud opeane Steam Saw. Mull, complete omd ia fire hers wer = oon Oe eoereere ry ; e letter, when he died, apparently (rn the effects uf thr C, whieh have mn yet arrived, mt been heard trom. | GREAT INDUCEMENTS TO CLUBS. ont pate a. aad wind whan sie an te oan YA fi um kee wee cee Is oa ir o 8 SWA. Meee hee poe hain bite. The cae has excited cousJerable alten | M I I I Ss be Shmmenee ot Werw = berretnate wi by heat As, by the Scheme. one Ticket in o 10 io | ramtive stamack. wowing | or ea ies Plead Toad tener caite LT As the above i+ not = ad ond oven wamber laion of in Wis acdeeal polenta haa ie piipiled 3 aia pestd pog--aR asl ager iso! rpryee salary cor seerenized to draw @40, we will cell Certificatce of) 1H euperunty im this and other unportant charer- made kavwn un ihe day of eute scheme.” on Cornteutes of —— ene of that city state that « the only affair of Permme deainag propesty of this desenpina, womld dy Ruad Agent ai thet pleee corianly deserve ; Packages af lee i nese) enereltne pee te ced im)? Soedn. tis cat el Go eS COC BES RSRRON: Crees nt Comnes Sie eee ; the bred which hes ever come wrhia ther know. 7" & ry onl sasmne es aheresnid Mille, as they | ternal application of Pine jwce 2 ender 6,7 S: 9,0.) at the Kdiowing races which ay iewaghaat the] Sista. : ASE velo ale Road ar ea | eee" hed; are very deeirvlie. Sand Mulla are sunated on Abie M BOCES | ° Go oe (m= the must ofcetenl remedy for C arctony|| Decent zs 7 * Sale f afl ~ pears co pear edo ge i bremapeloras! of re er ad Z SEI pammaned ieee ted Trenton Brune het ws Rivonsiien: part &e., cna? rey W NT > y 0 pa The Irish ¢-es0s Lables, jnt publiabed, report mawiry THE WATER TOWER orery geate-| GREAT BARGAINS IN CARRIAGES, cUSt!s % Pechages of 10 Whole Tickeus, gen | Sel ty Dolo of Dra fal AG asrove of ie wel ey open that 19 one yrar there were 21,770 deatie (ran aves coo 0 cee raprlgora There eae 4 cae : - Ne. 180 N. Bd Giaret, 5000 Bushels Wheat ee Py ee ee ay eR starvation’ The editor of the Mellen! Tims. 24S i Bed he shoppe A apecrardgis ] Ldap 3 wend end 4,000 é Mars 1t will be perceived, by the plan, that for 860 the Gm20 Phudade phen. | Court of Equity, | will eapese inenle © Ubon © mantis epue the ajpailing staceme@l, 8458 impr ving the 1\y Ged “ile und ; fare ‘aw — Acmair cracising of bee percheser has a Ceriutesie of 10 Tickets, when if he za r =a - AND ia the Town of Stateoville, on Bat we “The figure ment be far short of the wath The ©)! be aid ona cred Ya i Wetes eamikel oak eioron' liga Se goad Abe, Ss oe as bays Tichete he would only get fe thet sum 6 \ ( ) i I( N I . — ig) basal See an ee the gentle harrowing deta given inthe bely of the report (om date Immediate pesrssmn will be ges to the Bornes gece pa are atlewret Mi bison: |i bew by. beyang Cocuestcs be Bee fees mere y S me 1000 B ARRE LS F LOU R. Tract of land behunging to he here Howse) ‘ leave wo duatt that multitudes pernbe! by the Pech" Beod end approved security wil be re thuse elegant ond beewtifel chances ha the larger Praes—Halves and Quarter \W ANTED, a citwatirn by 0 Gret-rate Engineet. | ry 84 § sotseriber wishes to purchase the ab Galbih donesesd = The Denet canes ari pe wayside, and in the cheerlees Goh: kore lehew qared fr the purchase mmr). and the tith reserved HICKORY BUGGIES Packages in proporiwe Leg He is ate 8 gud Moulder; he can fi ep an I tty of Wheat aud Aa eink a Gin pos 393 4 onmple « ontd ihe pey aw wt of the sane } a(r LS, LY @2DERING CERTIFICATES O8 PICK ACES, me of any other hind of maecherry Address, the keohoa we od }. cre neither policemen sor curceer's inquest ever took ‘ : WM T ADAMS ghost market price te cash * Acres, ra) hoon rp oy J A LONG, CME \ , . sica wa avte of. Nw 10, 1936 waters! coher, Anished in the very beat style; Eactoee the money to oor address for the Tick Now. 4, 1@56 5 a3 Relehery, N.C, = ICHAEL B® : r. ongress, ‘ i= 12 tf euma an ved coved ieead; out AN | eedorekicaitencipt'el wish they oil eevaneciers vy a Sebebery, Sept. 16, 1856. “16 Lying on the South Yadkin River te th y 1g seh will be mid blower fr CASH then ever be. by fire t UIT AS 7 ab ha 2 3 = _ oblest ( pyle in the U. States, is es of-red ba thin morket 10 order to es ratealnat The es draws Norrbers and Prizes wii be vent Gl N AN D LOC K DE ROSSET | and Rocky Creek, . aaid to Le in Iingham, Mase It is a Ol pereone wishing to secere a goed ob. epon gud to parcharers immedoaely afer the drawing SMrTITe- & BROWN, edpining the lends of Wm. Bass, aad ethers, 8 miles g jenna huge square structure, the belfry rising lo | terese, cue pont bring © bitle cash to Kebebery oad ET Parchasers will please write thei sgneteres WILMINGTON, N.C. se Statesville » Demo eut of tb notre of the f de ond ove BARKER. pearn, aad give thew Post Office, Coaniy aad Sintec ROSSET, treet of land je very valuable and ia good coa- a oid pele pews, which fangs pos +0 Nor 10, 1856 rary LT Remember that every Prine ie drawn, and pay- Bell Hanging. BROWN & DE She be cotivetion A THE SMCKUOLDERS 2 APR pr ay ae able in (all euhowt deductive NEW YorK, orme—coe and iwe years credit, with interest , if the of singular antiquity. It ie nearly two Of the Vadkia \ FAIR NOTICE. 7 All Pres of $1,000 and ander, paid immediat+- THE sohecriber having opened an oe CEXERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS. cn ee or Hoa. T handred years old. Iu the adjuining ba- the Vadkia Navigation Company, ly after the drawing—other Prizes ai the vena! ime Labiecbonent, proyeses to emery om the Uses; sivances amade om C WP. CALDWELL. C ME owal of rying groand stones may be seen dated I REINS) Str to) ceermetey ond (cleat, ot tbe TH E RHINO MU STC OME. Sa ak deed veeaarars ao f ~t ‘Wore Per om pape naar ee Oe 00. see: TK Pr's fee, 95.00 ¢ 5 te . commenic ations # net tim ry, on Water Street, im aff ite reruns - —_——___. rk wn far back ae tole [obtpallgg leg eco! espera io teed 7. CORON OU mea Prine Tietev combed oe Mewed te ciber Tick Wreerea GUNS eed LOCKS re NEWBERN ve to 4 oid | ompeny we, the enderngued. bee © | esent ar saat alr Shscd kre ay |e eet oe erage a peg elma oe cea * ity Sale of ; ; : ate reqeetied lo farwrt | end make payment far Trebets, of C. ates of Pee ble terme Hie thon . ~e —s A fowl in an elevated position bee a a eet gly meeeee | by ieee tet Jomwery or bell be unde: the punted elutes Ghee weal St carat ad ected reste rece hopes gems creme Wataal Insarance Co. co rect man in a balloon—every body appears Tit: ine iach) of arnt Decem'rr. and Farmagton, Davie PIC Ea inte ed vag bh nae pea es rte AS 2 COs Alesis (ce = re9 aah ges 5) TwAiesbr ad joes ak =u2 AND Town LeTs . ° ap - re west) os 2 . al . SWAN, . Ale n with bien will be feithfully sad ey will eden ala latch octal ibid Laney Kare tirrlaard pr poodinc is chore nny OM WMO M BARKER . 7 Me ended ta Orders rapectfuily adeuea” [WLnmeinare shee erecpminicd errata tate EN STATESVILLE. . etoeus = = ices : : ¢ above Company. and rnd wo . J aw i > iD . nC CHARLES HARTMAN Leon wey ainpee pag bared gprrcontpee al ear inal er prc oma rN a : SINGER'S SEWING MACHINES. ratstory. oe 91. 1456 21 Jeno allo ne . ae = 2 pected repel Ls compesy © sow is suceresful = hem. Melancholy Occurrence. —An affray O- | cover, Ms. (use B Fiat, ott be voedy to hy tie kk li P \\ ARM | renete ye es 7 9e = eproesion, end he busiores i fica ineveeaing ee I Y virtme of decretal andere of the curred aboat 9 o'clock this morning al report, apon the Inte survey af the River, befere the 44 4 ] , oneal bsg ADM ] N ISTR ATOR S wishing to heve property insured im thie office will | Coun of Equny, | will o ale < Read the corner of King and Astecte, he | ore we. «important of cheatd attrad —s In B pemgattimy oy ea cle ; pirece eof en the eubuaniber, J.D. RAMBAY. a oe >| Wra Ley tas are tween BIL. Patterson and ftsbert Lyon IEC TONES CM GARGR eek OVERCOAT, BUSTNESS Alt. cir og ten ty are SALE iret. ee rete ers eee ee , in whieh the former was dangerously A. tN DEN, pore a art oo tied aad appooved. machin of cher mee w bef y+. vag valenble real estate, belonging to the devieses of A TLL expose to wale st the Inte re ace > «ein a JAMES B KER wfactarers ofiee fail to work, bet I pres to public wide otice Alexander H wounced from @ pistol shot in the left D. et MILLS, MOOBSE & CO. SINGER'S MACHINES ALWAYS OPERATE, | A'f Thomes Kimenid, deceased, on Wednesday the ‘ . ander Hagyine, decessed, vis nl else side. Ile was carried tomhowse wear by.) gigs Now 10. 1nc6 rs. | Mov. 10th, 1856 wae PERYECTLY. tng Gorable and complete | !®b day of November pest, the fdlvwing property, POPE ATION oe) be mode) tothe ier at Ore Lots No. 15, 16, 17 and 18, and Dr. Pelzer was immediately called : setrivance aed workme A periect wang! ‘0.0% : - LE eral Assrmbty for sathanty to appent a Special wecheme hans cecpioned cfhaede pelear chi ti tm The PLANTATION on which the said dee'd. re. Magintrete for Rewae County Alen, fore chaner MP ROVTIVG OV VS FT. Ja le be in, _— ——— the pigme and vr LAST CHANCE " BLANKETS | BLANKETS!! mechs 8 ee remo one posropaell BF slid ns @ded, cvataining ihre oe town of Salsbury f i. ae V MAT. fens nay mvaneed it dangerou ta re ' The ent: ad t . 1856 205 tagether composmng sa eotire square on rteer( — then had Leen some ‘ rds “i anal the! ~~ 400 egenypednggiocad tar tee penkarey par tooguaaal 258 Acres. Let 18 oo CORNER LOT ON THE GREAT certain, re ha! Leen ov ‘ pedeon he : Pr. Negro Bieckers 10 pr. Fine Bath and . Loney 7 4 PUBLIC SQUARE, and hes on 1 8 goud parties before, and on meeting casually |! ORDER TO GIVE AN OPPORTUNITY OF | Waseg do Fo: onl bow. by MACHINES FOR FAMILY 8EWING, The Plantation well watered; hason it on rs ANew Excitement : Tre le! thie morning, the qaarrel was rere wed, OBTAINING ONE OF MILLS. WOOSE & CO Br ui od cad dedlon ts ecmesreatuas: ete trescseneacd ig Rebonsaag th ch ——- spiro a y STORE HOUSE, Now 16, 1856 1124 by other manufaciarers, Secly machines are meds to innit Barn, and other necessary ovt-hunes, ond bee AND OUTBREAK'! pow occuped by Stockton & Mornma Th- other with the above resalt. Lyowe was im 1 7 13 = day JEFFERS mn right mediately arrested. —Charieston Fee ning 4a WANTED — ip bdo ieaing aplacied paregenror! rs pal el euikcn eke’ wad oll meal Gales of Gusisurs | tatmeun bute are very demrable for bumsces houses or dwellings : J : spe th ie, , % ee ‘ Canada News LIFE LIKE & NEVER FADING LIKENESS ES eg oallenratl dchin ds hep ae Were eencu wns hens oe ee et a ee FIV HE cotecriber having purchased the Shop, Fer ALPO— bar = oe he will remarn in thes ploce entd Setardey nest, when 1) (QO OER west: S60 tata Vives; 10;- | thea when ecld to manethotereen, oad cco ceed hur 0 appre ae caraa\ calnniauae otter. Be of cars Wewman & Pree. would Lots No. 68, and half of Lot 62, rade, — bod Jand-nl—Our readees are be @ill poatively chee S 000 tha Becowagy 10.000 fim Dry gremter garicty of work. The machines which have temne easeuies intl Meceds Gf hak Go Ge ee th, yrase : wee cee ove oe A word to the wre i0 safficrent ~ Hrdes , 2.000 bush Flex eved ¢ $0,000 Ihe C.tton proved best for aff other parposes must be best for 8 LIKELY NEGROES, Three MEN, Two the 04 peirine of tee father end to the pubbe, ther ima more retired part of the Town—animproved. there is Japs aware that a new baikding te 1m) New. 10, 1836 ete “ey For en the bighewt aiachet prices will be family ase, end they are Singer'a. The epeed of oor’ WOMEN. and Three CHILDREV. OO" eo teers crore a large —ALso— am that e@aree of crection in the Cam of the a Cash o ; machiors has bately been doubled. No ether ca2 Ales, the emtire crap of CORN, some 2.000 or 3.000 beaderene. and varwd oper 4 Tract of LAND lying neo miles bernale College. On Saturday Yast, as Nov 10, 1436 ST shares of Oate, some CATTLE, HOGS, 3 head of | South of Stateeraile P ” the workmen were busily en aged u ov 10, 185 a4 LF Now machines of the tatest mmproved syle will) HORSES, | far-haree Wagon and Gearmg; } Rock I, y a ’ vi orkmea y ong be eftchanged on Where! terme for old sewing me ; : of fair apiand qaabty, comtanmg [27 seree saving, | @way and Harness; all the Farming Tools, House - q « te forth the structure, a pertion of the sca Md Salt! Na It a chines of our own nuahe, or for operative machines of noid and Kitchen Furmnure, and ether artctes tan (PMNS. Commmeres, ase and Gentlemen's fer —~AaLeo— 1 for the cate way, and Mr, Wm. Denean and G.! WHOLESALE \ e 4 ee wther manufectarere, Local agents wanted to sl namermus to mention. , eating roi. wich wll be odd very Wwe, or made 4 elegant Tot for a residence, near ; . Moore were pr pitated to the ground, AND RETAIL DEAL — eee te ; U7 Terme made known on the day of sale a erert (0 be test ms hejed athe Ant Bei e8s y eCey ep Chan’ SPER |. York, Th a Toms | a =D ACey = ane ~ Racks Gre Laverpud Soh for sale, by Mack,| MN. B—A® peoenne desiring fall information abowt WM. R FRALEY, Adm'r eop im bis omplny 0 chilfal Cater, and cae therebwe the Female CAlege, ‘ace the e former sustained very serions injury, ERS IN 10U) Gasker aco ec 948s Per cack. Cus. | Tite machines, enn obtain K by applying for 8 PY Cet. 1Ath, 1856 ae warrant quod fis Hes expereace in the basnees : id to the extent of aero fe his life; the pe ener eT pecblores | abe of “LM: Binger d& Co's Garett,” 9 paper devoted _ . yeot dice heen in caving thai me stuck canent be exe, Onde emall cinp af tend in the reer af ¢, whith wil shoe latter escaped with slight braises. The MOCK CAITHER & CO. | *Mtitely to the subyeot. It will be sent gratia F R t ved ie welt ed thee treten eee etn and cr be onid erperately, behaging to the hews of De JM clerical Pape ae tal aka ceed aii Fancy ts fap t Rokcbery, Sept 30, 1956 —%-18 1 MSINGER & CO or nen handewme. Hie work of Ready. Madea, snmprece Wn’ ; ae o eith ‘ Rare ae Fe Pggetaien corms, ome and two years , oF life. fi i A the fall | caw NEY ME NN Principal Office, 888 Broadway, New York FINE BRICK STORE HOUSE. ten « a a ae Nome. Madi eherta, : DeE eee ife, from the nature of the fall. Y¥ BRANCH OFFICES. FA bagh. erwated next dor to Wotchmen Prenting (20m Puers.—and cerry thing ‘ NP CALDWELL, € zB ATED. Carolina Spartan. a ee ‘if BQO S Carri lage co a en offer Apply to R MURPHY math eee a, Oet 10, 1956 2O5t Pr. $7.50 ' | Boston Pel f jor work prom otly 6F paca ol ae ‘| parenmernioes 2 Wevim ear t,Frovidene pn gala Peas, Neat’ BAIR MT. FOUNDRY & MAZHINE Ht Kypiseo- Sale of Bank Stock.—Twelve shares of rE 274 Bevad eteret, Newark, NJ 9 eas, Merchant Te are now in the receipt af a large and eapurt-| Wishes to employ two wand workmen, ane petese,| 347 Broadway. Albany, N.Y ! Rabeberys, S. 16, 1256 ( . pa what by the capital stock of the Bank of Charlot :e \ ed stock of Dry Genda, among which may be | and one blacksmith, to work at the Carriage basinems | (. eersville, Few York A VERY large ammoriment of Gand Gold ss es tale hw 3% ee he rebuke were cold at public auction Inet Tueaday found a large assortment of Fancy DRESS GOODS OT Address, JAMES SMITH, | Oe Chapel street. New Haven i Gold Pen Porate, withoat the Cs ;— Oo . Tyng, for Home ry, Gloves, Bonncts, Shawls, Silke, Alpeccas, Ashsvilie, N.C ii Bechaace au Glaansecncn'a atJ H Enniss BOOKSTORE, “Th d 4 Lig ht i : Ee FANT 8 Cy) a te 44 a ec Stes rey ry —s OF hE Qtnme, In Lance, Ginghame, French and Engeh | Oot 21, 1856 216 a9 Ce Juty 29 unaer chain ng! STAFFORD, DIXON & CO’S : nk of the State sold a 7,50. Prints, Hate and Capa \leo, a large assortment of 105 Bak 7 Bali ; “al % - re ‘ ‘ mL More # feet, . more , : hs Cutis Whig ae Comtiea rem ercreens| TUWA LUTS FUR BALK | a eareem ns come DISEMON ANE CIVIL Wan, PREMIUM) HORSE POWERS, AND ¥ ‘ 4 v7] agroeably grouds of all kinds and prices; Trunks and Carpet Bags a Chicago, Hirose, TH E ERS sar pi rarity paar oo Bgl papi nome = N purenanee of a deere of the Conrt of Fanity for 63 North Fourth et.. St ont qpee undersigned offers at private sale, a moet rn Pestilence, Patent Medicine, R SH s would re- SQUIRE ZIMMERM AN k Al I EN Clothing ae 7 ‘ = we ar rmined to ee Rawan Connty, Lwill ell, at the Court Howse ia a * betes : New Orleans cellent Plantation, lying three and @ half asics f kneaws. (het O-ceripting 1s cearerean inet the i 2 ( BURA ELES LNs (Ok pence theta: erly Sommer ee Fixty he 4th day of November next, (| auphin «t, Mobsle Weet of Naliabury, on the Shernill’s Ford mad. and FAWINE, &e. ae owe, t , - e lar ue a call, examine our Goads and eee for your mane ay pet ay peed Vemeer eest (eee. Nuciacber 001856 Imos. 2 pd. eee, pir : bain tml ee naaeale mit Tock ~ peat tem or filece years their supe - ye estat Whelesale Beaters te eclvre Saliabary, Now 10, 1856 Q4af eoomeyn es Say Ue pee eR ET Ee NN BP ccla snd) colsmucce hatched be pannded + Michinee bas heen fally tested by e be . »] oe SoC en ae aguedt. BAKE & OWEN bee trere tute the moat intelligemt and cate-pnang Fer- DRY GOODS i (0. 22 Acres of Land, Ovsters and Bish, ste Ber Tee A so IN ores Sse pee. boes pe ialey Nbsk © . treelariy, that they ar wikia aud whic sa hen hal we hare never heen able to supply 5 gto the heire-at-law of David Thomas, de- sb —— § 2 ‘res them from one the sendly increaaag demand. Bat hi recowt- oe No. 148, Market Street (gag MILLS, MOOSE within the buundanes of the eo J.& PP. MERONBY, have made arrange 344 1-2 Ac res, kee unen Tee ” med moaps oar Sates foree, th Car she lt ‘ , WHOLRBALR AND RES town of Sabebury, and will be wld in bots ments to furnish Oysters, Fish, Crabs and Wild Ducke! ys targe portion of which ie well timbered: the re Lightning ¢ n fatare Ws be able to keep pace with the on Sun- A PHILADELPHIA DRALWRE IN A ae ERC E daring hele ose pialled ptlerad nk mainder i under a high state of culuivation On thee ep brew deme atin thie part of the eomntry sdecrmimating pabbe may favor ae with Faascm Saquing. October 7, 18956 —Pr adv @2 5 5wld quantities of Oyaters, can be furnie at Pee tract 1s a euperer ear orden te Baker @ O Sahsber Machines om ethe ition at the State ae D’M. Ziwnenwen, of Linednton, N.C. Staple & Fanoy Dry Goods, ee ee Moadosy TuCRT tach OT MTN patel adu sed gillemrseane ah Mester eats — — CROCERIES NOTICE so a et Meadow, Seah Meee ee hie win —— AND ’ . se palebery, October 9, 1856 tray containing about 40 acres; as thm land is lying 6 “= @2P EE @ °c. ee pe rere rier ph prsabets = x me ~ y - a et e ° nan ele DIED: Are now ta receipt of a large stock of RUGAR PPRLICATION will be made to the next Gener. near Sahebury a handawme profit cae be meade fron TOWN PROPERTY FOR SALE. facture, ac event» _ a ca Saw wn "ees roaking COFFEE, SALT, MOLASSES, RICE, Pickles, Sa cacebae if Niik Camdna (ae anheecadment Abe mec eaow shone: Thera, ia:jetet onthe prewar’ . ° = Pastery Gear: Uivcetar Baw Mabe, Word-cardiay Ma. shatter On the 12th of September. HENRY CLAY, io- Pepper, Spice Ginger, Mackerel and all kind of family of the charirr of the town of Salmbary, an ae to pro- geod declling hosee a met erceiivnt bare. aadevery | OFFER fur sale a part or allof Lu No. 81, E,W chines, Birew and Salt ( etiers, Jeet the thieg thet fant som of HH. and Paulina Dent dQ months and Groeeries aeually foand in thie Market, all of which @ vide that each Ward shall elect ite own Commianon i other convenience attached theret> adjoining the WON CR Raod, and near the Depo = pe a flects Ca = , P farmers need thie dry season: and all kinds of east. 1 Oe dae offered at low prices for cash. or on short time to pune- ors; and that the tax onflected in each Ward, shall be \Y/ VV. The superior locality of thas farm will mike iin eale of the Central Road [desire to sell the part adsaon ing? 1 commas ese in the coentry ty plhoid In thie county, Nov 4th MARGARRT MILLER, ‘val dealers [Now 10, 1856 dau expended om the streets, of otherwiee, of said ward ; investment to the purchaser Terme wiil be made ing the Rail Road Lt with 2 goad dweling bowers on Lelisse eden dae ? id i aged absat @1 seers: Ths dsoscesd wa Sp wad ales providing that ead amendment shall take ef TWO hundred and Bfly prime > as Sacks, now in secomodating Call oa the sabseriber at the planta. god it enn he devided to eu two famahes Any per- SPAFFORD. DIXON & CO Winne member of Thy stire Charch, and ees ages ace PPLICATION will be made to the next General fect from end afer the Jet of Janoary, 8ST store, and forsale as low ae at any viher plree in ton or, addreas by letter at sales > OWN son wishing be purchase aay of all ean address me at ee NK pea gee ull who Knew her, for her virtanas and esamplary Ameembly of the State of North Carolina, to 8 MANY CITIZENS Se 18356 —* ; he July 22, 1836 we Sarees: Mey a had AED WIN meet with prompt atiention amend the Charter of Davide College Rept WO, 1KS6.— GUI OES: Se Ore dmaly | , Cer. 98, 1A re? Aag 26. 1656 Seme-pd 3 ~The Cael Te Toxgs, A ea Wlapontent of the Gulveston News, thus aetks of the camels lately imported shere by the Ueited Brates government, o*d lad Tae pede ae Yep rae iu ito 1 ee aw dust country, w = ie am Tndiau spring, and a x med @at this post. It has been cela te: im as the best a aleptod to that sértice for wine. he jn- tattethon. When weartived they were ‘RASA. ma OMS: them, when Mayor Wayne very ki: wont out end bad thaw ses iu tor énepection. There are alt sn ee hive A mares nt wi pg aly | Major Wayne gaveid a ve wy yt Mogacsir BOG bee ded out nid lowued as for a journey. chet @eliag to recive the patck-siucd cae, & eanbroaks o. of ftselt) bu ame es are weed iu the country ir which they came, a fad of com was ea the aniual’s back, sutlicient tor . mules todraw iu a wagou, with winch started off at a good round pace. A ‘wimedary was next bed owt, wlth is the “anidle animal of the camel, and, deuveling to receive the saddle, he was weeanted by an Aral, who started off w wewee the prairic ata pace which sowed Yo we MOL Mech short ol a Usutyity lick ry Jhis pane’ they @xn Keep ny toe Hours int puctestiun, trice!! ng w th perfect case “449 itr Me litv nales perday. Vhey cuir alse sebsist tor several days witout eater, and their adaptalility to the Fron- Sree wervie® Far which they are designed 2! @s now a mation beyoud dumbr. Wayne informed me that he had fety hoofe annals coming dut, and he ia now @vetdieg.2 etaic Wr witith they wilt te! pt, whieh hows peew te 04 Mitislied Le- , fume Une cold: weather sets a.” — oe LIGHT. thew amacl: of the loveless of the wudld results from the com)..5ite charac sor of diyriet, and foam the refuctie pt). erties af most plirsical bodies! If in Weed of ced, yellww, and blac, which Ue: anelves Cbriom and gapcoiments of ulworyion Rave shown to be its ents, 1 nad beth bume-eneut white, how changed would all lave been! dhe groweng corn amd the Fijpe forest, the blossom and the fait, the fresh proen woes of gpria’ and aoma eubeurs, ike wes of the © ie aed the rose, te sifwery foam of tie riv Wet the ewerald of the river, aud tle purple of the ove: would have bees Pilapie oe oh ey et, thee Nh aike. The rwetew wonld have ‘ wets pate vtroak in the gris sky and du vapours would have camyied tc sui, stead of the elomds, which, i The ees tharnert brid Hemey, curtajn “ ant’ gothy down. Nay iets souMi La heen.ne sstinctivn between the |iiced ot the children, 1 sh of treatth. the yon eness of decay, , cc of dingase, ayel Senses ive ed, varhe fat thg, lem fue, where we now see the « arovritiy mad ¢ preeae coontenanes, tie thded edit), ergesses tirma ment. —-— +e. Ballooning Extraordinary. The ascension of Meng, (5--lan!. Tuareday, 23 of fas dn cr t - 9H Latloerd pm Di tek iphig, Tin mremest tavk uy pe jess Usa f porsene besides himeel! —ane ofthent'a ia. eeek was the immense of boa lal thet the car cont bing the part ried alah swiftly and graeefeliv. Mr Batches, one of the co yerpany tas frrins od a0 with come accvust vf ie trips, j of his sensations durin the excursu» whieh will be read with interest [| arg ee Domest the ballot loll I) eanaafien bi fear ahd giddim «. Vanished. Cas poemed be renin eta pavey wh poset teeeded Giolela.’ giy dis ime! Re Préal wae their ve rae that men. beerees, a thee i theeta, dwimtied down t -s bpt evew at that etties and the eries of « attic an | eounds feacher! the caret tie werona After the party tad sect tt height the « ‘ yuite ee the elbsin «4 the travelh ra euseiiere + pe paver sere pe, tne cin ta clammy mee Corp 6 Mr. Buteber deecriles the tiew fron Cupar Heo a ave as Wenn aceat mt a” nmin t, andt ew} } te ama, below Tie ba * Trat Jeff the eart!.. wa r “ steriy eter wher it wus taken 0 Oe eee A! rect ¥ the varus curr ile ii jomeeeed 16 remeg the ball. was of terme er W trom and \urretew aud Ciome 1 tt \rolaware and the Scioy aii op han once dumag ile yous ties Lk te toe sewed that the Gallus: rose ‘ 4 14,000 feet abure the eurt. mud inact for sed a; aries fs y ‘ \ yelock ¢ I on WO Mer Cort ( ( . i vere they te . , ewwere:| im tine tienn! iy Atope C9 Peeumiad Crete v i a, oe ded afew on Pr " y wer \ ‘teva, 4 te bh tare | ped Om Yer leay ae M: I “4 tthe be og res bet cad ga uit Was “ weit © img! y ree aie ‘ i. COCO yet eine ge ons * ae dot ow Nor ‘ Puey a om! with te } Y FEY ‘ @ jean wt Vea iden fle a ! 1 e, Co ‘ welt ‘ \ wrth, aud th hodarug off ae hata 1 scared a | evadforras prudent t ‘ oo - bo) eaci> Powers Tu th \ / } PomJ ert noatnte " amber of the / a « ud did not fatten, and the reason for the de- Major, thas seed Gal IG pap Wap trary to the idea Prd ea taiped, tommit, that pumpkins were: vaju- able to feed to mitch cows; therpfyna, vs lisisghyy Bag ww solved to ascertain the real valec of that | PVebtatle ' pneu «statement before taking any stock there * in, J. ing unsaccessful itr raising a EPOPy oI ow | dredeld Oownty, N. C., Jan 3, 18 1) 1 hereby eettity: teas [have been afflicte: of pap ikive uy self, the past Seuspay Geranek foe 2.dumburof years, having been eoufine ato? sured no few fouds of ome of ny reigh- the house for six mouths, (wo of which, | wae eonfin- eteatane as Ae ws : = 19 ptt beds Nici fat phy die wes tuited tu @ive any poles. vsurplus, and cusmeuc- T was adviscd by: Dr. senalt tootey' Cowai's Veyetuble “dt feo . omy yw ‘the Lithoutriptic, the usc of wtieh aaa nearty relieved inc . cc feetting AT ME Mia tu A # and TE othrak, by permevenag iit ase, withe@ect a rate-of Laila bushel por day; she was then uiplete cure. ROBT. B. GRAY riving abont cicht quarts of milk per day, bours who h Rowan County, N. Ce dan: % W853 Thus is to ceruty, that L have usé@ Cowdn's Lithou- Increased the trpuc ia two cases with hippy eff Oue wasa bad cass yf suppressed Me ust tigtoa, Id a young lady rath Jaq MUL there WPS oe et bore se inged In Whiah the uhaal beNuedion had wmimt failed | aud by using one bottle, the Most BRAPECT re. y oF naif AAT © vistuined. > Phe ather ease wad chronic Cys- Hen ehedid not mit tustéud of this Micrcasing the quanti: t hey dinanished it. deed ty a Lap A @eordase fy ae q the pampkins troze up, w C} EU v, the change! or inflammation of he bladdér, in the person of ibe wapees p Ne y Geog H. Upright. The Bithontriptic eve Nic grout Rite Dut four qdatis ieee Udy: — Die: eo ee persesored ia ite wer, ho would have begu ENTIRELY rpbe veg. ny : : , Spo N, MoD Fercase in the quantity of milk, IT could in Pere) £ Heinys meway account for, When [ stopped, Arkansas, Comoay County, Apeil 15, 1952. f ay tl] , shins, J gave a paid full) nape Coway: T write to inform you that our daagh- tcoslionys Le Lea Uae, ae a t » Martha, Pa dh i good health for the last of slops from the house, with two quarts | year aud a half.” Tu childhood she enjoyed heath—a eae eal . ; short ti sow mind, and fine constituuen. But at av early of vat wcaal yer day, and in a shor tine,“ hl aR a Wi 9 ea aicoik she was giving her former quantity; still fora hee Areal 'w ORE: Her : P. te . cniod gaye may aed waseweh unpaired. She had the I did bot Uhinak ot the painpkins doing the itgntion of two abi phyeiciaus, but har hyalgh te mischief, When Tread the statement in your re wan ysod.. By usi your paper, L had comuneneed feeding sncorey a hee are, mated, end Het ua boiled pyuapbins, ta COW, in tition , CT C3i } a ! ta the slopes and séal, With! the suthe ef- Le om aa-clypen Se: i bro, Me Was, : : ets he ot int family for verel f tet ig been physician y Cd fect om the milk as in the fail. DP then radi dha’satioss’ aavahiinaad web thy cack took out all the seeds Lefere boiliag, when | See case of euppressed Meustruation I have ev: | mevsed; one, t veppesed, beyond the eonirvl of all me - Instead of five quarts of | deme. But to MP utter aatowishinent she hes been > ay 5 a reheved by your Lathontriptic. I} could met. milk per day, ] got nearly nine io a short: Sta raymtah ft toner ap cly dean ag time. qzain kept | in the scegds, with ine ae your valuable Medicive to all similarly afflieted. : le treatmem of I have had mack ex- Bog ering tebull ge Lelatg Nbw inp trestmens of she geonee | has tus cxperiynent establisbes a fact, which, } 8S. ROZELLE, yp! we uc at least.) is of impertance.- Prob ‘ Trenton, Tear, Joa. 22d, th48. ubtly there arc some who kuew the same} yp Coy ug Bass, Dos Br) Ga es Ri May \ thse, years age; and, perhaps, there are 11888, 1 cued x my duty 40 weharer you of the suc ¢ o abl he ye, e ‘others, some that, ke ‘wysclf, were not) Ste Tek my ae eres ite oe + posted, to whom thie wilbbe of Coree- | that time T have used the remedy im Fe ep bef a diseased state of the Kidorye, Ureters and Blad- qucue ] also noticed wl et left gut, | dows, dod in every case of ths wort, with satiefaetory the seeds, that the “Sw made hd Xtra cvelences of its great wtifity, in testonag those brgans to a bealihy.cogditean. t further assure you that | quantity of urive, whieh alt cattl® fuvari- have procured (rus the paUcats fos when |b have pre- 4 | scribed the remedy, such specamens of the mbstances ably do, when fod om purttpkios, seed and | oe na eg pa ITS eee all, Tf you see fit to give this an ineer- ' hos, that the trimedy paapeesed the pywer of dismay evecustiag pabceli from ike hidoe ye. ure tx re} t, fo a very commderuble extent, and im wth of aapes ah a deeweed etic < the afiery organs tion, it nay be of Lenefit ty some who "§ have had mo more expemence than my ; LP, effecting cure, aed particularly i@ reses of ehn.et wil 74% FREEMAN gremrtbea, Tb be ve it will prove 6 epew itic | See) Yat FH “-. Peppy ryint—Some may dink this a THe isto cenity that lan scemaintea with Cowan's A Vewctuble bi outriptic, a4 have Bin fe We ral Meat article to cultivate, and, elpedy and have abeceved ae benede jah eects a sinaller thiogs attended to sreral caere of caleutaus coms in wry " hwnd, etd have beard many of the mle sey thas eV pra ve © 6 be Meh CH pleads dees le ned Se SW | 8 newghbur acriculture wihoiel yield erect perurns. ‘Lhe ol and essence of SeOrd = ate gia rdactet ena sha (aad ahem eay it gave then z ny ale Int Niporta irtiches of COU. medrese th heycever: tt “ jn, | bay st aud distiJiatiunef *” We rotati sayimg that Tt the hes s Sea a eck rn were a the plant comy be mad cry t Aitalle of om in = < - rt ¢ * . V\Ct a VEOM: J Bradter of Lyons, New York, com "py - 4 r- ey 15, 1316 wiuticated tothe Liweud Wee DP urker, Mr ¢ ! Ce ee a A ‘ ents ; tis nofa fe Mie teen hire enlti t 1ofa few a Aare maedsRihet c gag ' veut pep porauat ground on 1sobo Tle we mats nity enh d Gras V saffred on ; somting pam fran nt sinmet every tre: t anted the roots in October in drills —— een em that T hed than ordinary curreme, oF tomk a sleght average of a ewere altack every three marked out two feet apart, and covered the ear a staal hure@ plough. Th to (went dave, arm tines brent Ia ms hist safer 2tyund wageumper lee! amie gd re tory — ime Mrs fw your remed teva der, soil, a ixture of etn), mel ar pe REE a en Be a aS : be ‘em br. 1-32 ma a pe - . Lec ine aw & god I lieehonrig: Lue llevar as a hidlar PEE, come ae rd end f berthah (wewss fess Footie wuule f plowing the here, Pe cheesiy toms of atl symone of wy dmmane. aod! @ . bo Ue tree, | om bappy to siaie to you, | heer d nin setuing the roots, loeine tire plants, ltr \ die pei wwnee oh pus of aay kml, of oxy dd Gest colin Wo ee ep aml oc 2 the w ve My deee ar, ary com wee ome thal onght ia have Comme table we og eet wae uf om than therty « ro pend) amoanted to = iH Pee VOre oye Ghag. and here been at Ged by as ood e Hnigl Tsud poeple of Qos s 0 wld View was i > wemwe of, god ie sa locds bee snl] hae OFS) per prt, my cermare Ost SY Ewe ran wags fee oe ‘ we o os among SAMG2. Tlape dae qltaaped rane slihaghs cera © fmily de pay Ge be owen laboot at-the amtinary oreolBipadion: Nl te Neb We atm 1 romed f peb- pe. ae there are unmve prigl> offi 4 preret wages, and Gost e bel prvat YVeeucs eee yoe ane emwere of Mor. ehee + — yo I coe 7; oxttld Qove robe | hed a cxp-etetion 1 edd eC at CCOCET SE) ¢ CY OSPR, OT OU OTOE ie ca Was “anew | eadd lene, ue tke . clam at lx s= than the j anting \ear eemed cared: aed (nen ny onff mee « ! @tuld ; . p i bee ted the winds otfeied wewtd emis) +> |) 4 bee-| 1 @juewly the pret eufuparat ve chi al pour medy Tum GWALTN SY, | eater Gdom Ca. Tom “= ‘TWie 2 ta covtify tbat my wu- oF. with Prtap To Foratrey Vhevame Fiire Amongst tle owe Owvi. or fafling down the wornh Fw om qj moemths sme was very bed 1a be aii. ot “during the wart syrite she wed two bade uf your Vat pat ruptce and her health = mow pr siceed—-nt {1 bathnnne ementegee so secR rae She he tee turely fre @f hee tweet constyhdet Gr axes the “tuleernes of baman libe eenern of tire vear, mar be reckoned the _— izzy and obtrusive feral - moothe. BEN! HIP ries (41 fol on house Hew A cor Bo boritiaiu we tier te . r 3 ' o” } n . . 4yr wot str fcne pte 1 s ‘ f le ame bred f the t « bh ube) 0 " = dour a lite simple ovven al (a artic le rut A Cm af ao if ade eld Ny the erist WA Cnn mt yiage Kemet ety “ ~t oer he oe b j rhanere the lise a pteeu of ., p : : g e + A vf en Cap paper vd ty the shape of tt fae attack of Gow U Bale by © ttl she entye Eee - he Yemirs, ver reapet ful hOPT T PARKS or peu Aatun o Wl we Leh Br tiie li om ta adianrk the fle. Net Acted Vovérdle. Toon Jaw “2.1 : [ hereby eerts!y (mal my @ fe wee tak bot Veto v readily enter the tra ber wah eyempicane af shewtern v-7y the ened "a8 atleaded by a med Mido © trie chere dave! : wtheet aag remef: |b then cangd od a pe “pee thle ! that they had not the wit T phy messes & vera days. and then samther ' ved ft as the t Lispustun lo retarn oe ond it was thewght by off that pre mast Ge Afr’ pe bat geod Uowne's ine dichae fear} ow fit~ days lt comme need d- Prvngs to oo bh oereant ke gmvel Qieeed op. whieh) -cetan MMW ed cae Vell me atte, ond theee attacks wowk! held me from eight | - er a is LANDOR § nite thea "4 sella) dv i Woes Sahar pines i ir éffer Mp ddudactt Rita ing on the | Fo rth Creek, 16 miles west of Salisbury, adjeiping a7 * ¥ | baodapide of Soha 8. Carson, Jucob Bakersundothers | From the worat Sceofula down tg @ common Pimple, | OM wast. HILL, SALISBURY, ®; The de the Wester, Extension asust be néar. —— I Bne penecay he Wah wecsaarp rere in good He has tried it in over 1100 casos, and never 2d wo 6b Mill aad Farioryyaud are pair, Alpoone good meadow. The tract contains ?xeépt in two cases, (both thunder dor bower) He h a8 quality lumber dressed, or will SO ,ngres one half of witied if ine bigh Stare BOW iD his pomeasin ayer two vpueed ppruiretes of | j Grae ol plank andahe bal ie woll ita viftue, alfWithip twenty-miles of Bost of Sazh, Duore, ot vote al Pattvn i PY en iu woe i od apue The ow A vate g LS from Bal. Those wishing a good bargain, must eallaoon.as Tt) Two botiles ane warrautyd to cure a saris pore “umore, and can bel apes their hte as suitable for MIE ‘nignd bi now, ip ainanoie penny ee Seneca th. SUL OW aecommivdating tome, mou Persons calling oa, W — Steck,canhuve assist-| Ove to three bottles ance in View ing, Aye bay Pimples on the face will eure Vke worst kind of | "t Labi STEELE. ‘Two te three hotles will clear the system of Biles. lan be ree ch Itth, 1856 ait Two botWes wre warrduted w eure the worakqpuger | mre alls a@hers an regpecgfe! pea Marg » 1856. ; “ ins ail oy § the mogth and stomach. adested aR ud emp nd wpedl mate wt ine &. 5 ~ 7 “Tiree 10 five bottles are warranted Lo ob re (Ne Aree ret in Mpc SC CATRNS case of Eryripelys. ake I “Ong fo two bottles are warranted bo éxire all hair iM the eyes Two boilles are warranted ta cure rupuing ‘of “be ih =: by geld Lia 3 | eo it an Ors A copy Bee coud t GR latoe: ‘ bare OF bloighes among the buir Four to ix butiles are warruuied tu. eure pain 1 J apd runving ulcers. One bottip will cure scaly eruption of the skin. Carriage, Buggy eet Sulky aebicd i a 2g A. MILLER, APTO Tied bela S 4 ig hes tn PH Otice immediately opposite we Davie ete ry rer 2© b . April 8, 1856. 45:This. t | Two to three botiles are warrauted Ww cure tas worst | tase’ of ringworm, Two to three bottles are warranted to cure “| Z ; : [eG _| moet deaperale case of rheumation, s <baaiiny, x z | DRE JI.SUMMERELL, Three Ws four bodes are warranted to eure the mic 6 " LF T [“ removed tu his Office at hie residence, wher re | Heum. arrrieg We apere bar liga ‘esp eb) + a he will be happy. ta Five to eight butiles will cure the worst cuses A pcolwe wel @r per. | sonal balls froin his frie > Pema serofula. all sates Pare ley fTon be i b A béneli is always pxperenced fom the first bot- prices, (ft be desjeed, bat wom a Fecommend the Larooed s iexetera) Y le, and a perfect cure is warrauted when the above “ as cheapest in the long He would advise yh Pl sug est these) bot 2 anton sh ta procure nny thing ln histlae toenitscbielerabtior, quaptity ie taken | mutter torethey purchasstioutete, Real ren. baned ¥ ris Reader, T peddled over a thotirand buttles uf vee CT Wieshop is im the rear of bis Livery Stable, t for acollecto the vicinity of Bogtou. I haow the effeet of 1 iu ¢ oul fo red | $89 Persons at » litghosotteting wérk, Wil please noodm- lisb Janu, 29,1836 (35 |ry eaeg. “Sd sare ue water wille Xungeinh fire, mesure | pany the order with a deactiption of tke article required—styte, Salisbury, Jeu. 29,185 ‘ j win this cure hamor. TL uever sold « boule uf it but | quality and price—and whee detivered, if-1t dose uot give satis. Toa teens towne — | that sold agubher; aflepa yial it sways speghe Qe | ctive they will not be required to keep it, DIBRmoE . © BUNwOM. | iusetd, ‘There aia ney things alnaot thie ewe thot op. | "“Wah.the ad raatages of the dauirena a his door, he willtake Almosteny kind of trade ig exchange for as Corn, | pears to me saspris: aft Gry that u grewe in our pas. | Wheat, —: Oates, Buon, Lard, Morses, Neovender Pimber, Calvin Dibb. © Jonathan B.R r “ ) oad a ~ Nipbte 3 "o saver manana ts ar eal Asreee iu gute places goite jeutitol, wand yet its value ae. ae. jhes saver bewp keown unsth 1 dcmorar oft to THB | LIVE RY STABLE : Commission Merchants" nd, Mat R sfiould cure all kinds of humor. ry liye ay. ofipdl pen aeuigs ithe va dee Lo order to give some idea of the sudden ried add a one ~ vt tlabay or forse eat popularity of the deayvery, | will state thet wn % gry ubeayate \u vite Loge a4 In Cotton, Flour, Grais, Naval Stores, ' pril, 1933, | peddted it, aud sold about sx bottles per | AND duy - in April, 1854, 1 sold ever une thousand battles | pelapak New North Carolina Form Book. Some of the who'esale Druggists who have been in NOR Sherif; Constables,’ Muginraies ead Busi- the business twenty aud thirty Years, say that muihiag i fk Ress men, fur sale ai J. H. Ennics’ in the ganelsof paicut medicines was ever bke u.+ | There te a usiveren! praine of i¢ from all quarters To my own practice | always kept t simectly for i | more—but muce us tatruductoa as @ geueral far | Seuathern Produce Generally. No. 180 Fromt Streot, bn ha ty’ Ours. EXGES :— ave bagel Xe. ehead, Greensboro, N.C hay motets ° BOOKSTORE. 8 Joly 2. - Preqs. Bank of Clasendon | medici ab and mentees goss pars been Geet if A LL STOC K | n° Bang Netlog ¢ ty | $0 it that E mover susper lod. game Sa. : A imuccend race epileptic fila—a disease whicty wee | + = cree | wv Wm ye Conedered iacurable, have been cured a . yar A AL bce low butties. ©, what a mercy if it will prove ae GREAT eee en Pic saaguniiten - EN DUCE MENTS!) F. H. BAUM, AND houw of several uses of Drupey, all of them aged! HAS JUS2 RECEIVED His SPLENDID EE pad by a. For the wurinus diseases of the | | NEW GOOD | Laver, Sick tleadsehe, Dyspepaa, Asthma, Fever } | and Ague, Pare im the Sede, Utequaes of the Syane, | } ania, | ead parvetterty in diseases uf the Kidneys, & . the | STOCK. OF | Mills, Moose & Co. | aveveery hes done more guvd (hea any medics ever Ready Mote ! | 13 PEG leave to inform their many friends and the, Nv change of diel ever Beoresary—eat the best you, public generally thal they are now receiving and, CM get aed enough of lwpeaing ia the Book Houce furmerty vecapied by Diagcrions roa Use—Adults one table pree real Sect & ee oo per day —Chitdren eves toe years deaort Which, fw beauty, elegance, Neha, style, work mawepep, taste, megmiicr see, durabeliiy aad oT A) PLE AND FANCY Children from five to eight years, ine shroy CHEAPIWESS, 1 & Mouse 4 8. REnApY wo drectuns coe be apphentir to «fl eanetit oy) | sudbew nt tooperstoc us the ates a day ‘Dry Goods Boots and Shoes, MANUFACTURED B ' te exe ler wth ofl arectes eumily kept te a Dry Goods DON AL D KENNEDY, we They are alm recesving the largest and ben | No 120 Warrew si-ert, Wahury, Wassechosriis pe cled wick uf Groceries evet offered ip thie market Prieow @ | 00 all uf which they are determined Lo soll at preee thet Wholesale Agents, New York Cay, Vi Clebner cannot fail to please j 81 Beveisy Sires, © MH Reng, 19a Broedway A D, Sande, 100 Foltom sree lak LB & YS THE HIGIEST MARKET PRICES} r W Dyott & Sone, Phiiedetph NS ewne H P Pu peed nt oil seers for Fhe ir, Wheat, Core, Cute, eed eR mee ee u Kayser nea ye CANNOT BE SURPASSED IN THE STATE ali Weds of cmnimy priduce Bail. togr Wit Trev Lviwse va Mecsas The Stock compres very atck af ( fect brome repeater ~ Janaary Ith, 1556 pre Toc juke Nerhe. W A Ere Oya 1 is commpiete the « ies of gretieren, varying IP ER _ sere ride fivm cus sed ver) siromg. to orise fine cad devehte H.NVE Mt TCMseN, ‘a we , . at Ne hed ve COMMISSION MERCHANT lla reepee Dewz gcse the Cam Nn ttemmive wart iy of 2 oa ted Mtates and F oh Pree . OChariotte, NW. ca, Foe wale ot Sil & Xie Drus st tilekaryN | fore Way ties a a 0 - ew) Ww os it 8 &, , eee aoe ariictre—things mot indrepeoseble, but yet piromng be the eye, aed mt shevlutely witheat tly — -, Wetehes Watch Keys, Seats and Chains; ! 11 80 tener) ottoa, Corn, Floor, Wheat, and all COUNTRY PFPROYDUCE 45 CHARLOTTE. CHIRLEFTON. AND NEW ToRK SANFORD'S INV wok ATUL. POR ALL PURPOSES OF A STIMELATING LIVER Liberal Advances made on Consignments ata Pronto, Pra Ksters, Tooth Picks and ( sant TILER E has ong essed « demand iw seach orem Pens, Pearite, Battions sad Shoe Striage ; . y thet cmuld be rebed om 00 enie ond cfecieal, The Perece eed Combe end many such things | weTaerenoeee (remedy Ree bee e we pet d we moet thet demard: wad Jest oa. of yet pheam, and ee whet [ve got JU Jewkine, beg, Selebury , (en W. Witheme on esteamve * erloes hee shows how waver TW ote yor ery grands 1m my poees « ( pareewwe ) Ment, Leringion, Robert | enly 11 hgs ercvanphobed the parpace douig wad Aree And youl And. Feit. avery rere het antes, ey, New \ork the Goeophareis « * bere speeds y cured we ihe At figerce aroch brewer then ia many ther places Febquacy 19, 1-56 Vy'r8O wee of the Inez meme Laver ( emgplaset Tier ott mtn cae + Rantem thie bury WRieH is the © sane ™, (a0) Gaeeees, among thea With their mm th t-te aod oagerh o - Greonsborough wv, BRmeeness. He ndeche, Ponsa be aude ad Loems,| (hu emiing sod bree pie’ oh ore e enon Teas be Feverand Agee, Janudere, | a Bat yew fab im woe he as MMUTOAL INSURANCE COMPANY. mit Apprtans Lal place cee Serie see hitw ee St kan sees the muteulpianione: . | : ry af ie sore cwaned by & deme o-\ oe of Pa wl ardy “BAUM. at the eorwer af . Arpt Ns sl ecaeh cummin y . ve r lavecreewton 9 ere pr oded wuh per the Mansion tlie Pid era pany ’ rd in the Weaterm partel the UTM frterence tm the Liver, and when thsi dierase feet re ope ‘an Masoods amcerh wer (ne Nirgories weved OW the reat areenred. as 2 eae ¢ ul them A few bee the ‘ over fad te eti-mulete the | ive on of theridke “' + a —rconm wivken ewny are rmthe We sweets rarely Thel mpany ° pe pe’ eriam, eg! Ne tenet 1 61 eaccemonte antis by He rontonard meet. fe om aes © fun rec ee Atthe last Annas! Mectiog the fillowing Ofies.. rd, emer 0. Uleere, fee. amd ha theee @eory hotrod far the enee pe year haw been fo erry fice otemedy Ane i Sane crernet! dae rie ieee ibe +i ear pet = FORA caave. ious a 7 es ris ‘A Pree dent two ond retered re apprise eed vbrer One thaw , a, oo Ay NOs popes Sul Cr pete the eperoere uparmens 1 gereered by é MEND » Attorney “ Doody theser t . PETER (DAMS, See's ond Teccceres T *heotr de mt Ctttg be boost te o« [R00 We Pipe octom Fie e ey erm the | fan mit ated state of Gre bas mo equal wheok esperhare TETER ADAMS, See'ry (coe ANzom RO eaten oe oy hem sad rrmres the pet ie Per) r «ft @v9 bre mess fran the +. o. wheek either aicl a durased Liver Prepared onde Seodiord & Ca. lah Fume bs New Yuu FP 8\ © + baw A - =z * ms, Bs oe css HOLLOWAY'S 01 i ANDERSON & REYNOLDS, eee The Grand Evteradi Remedy CROCERS, SSE Goat ae a fea & AND . Veeneaee ef te Ride y's Commission Merchants, 2<< = ers hawe. sinens : pont’ tras oo escaa el i HO. 10. ROAFOKE SQUARB,' OST POR THe [Ss Nouri Mae en "Pr Qe CR et Oa, he at ° : aw. ay ~ : DR. Ss. REEV Es: Poy active sttemtun te ihe enle of b oremtmnbe ‘ Meade of Pradwe-, arom :.g unneernsary cwerges aul z HH ews DY Goamantd eee oA ne wage . ~ een OArs ry Bb yem.a Jule ote wily KEITH & FLANNER, €. © srvees Apri 2, best WAING & STERON, COMMISSION Sore Lege, Gore Breavts, Woends aad Cleers. = COMMIS] ION MERCHANTS: Forwarding Merchants, et = (eas sae Sites tmnt Po WILMINGTON, W ard) Sos Sina Tribete te when Tridete by dee; Isom . hi Be tee PALD & WINTER 400) we be eri vt ana w at that soil give sutisfantions Call and examine, une stock belory Mr 44, pro oa ip eth aR ae i a OR. we AY MUNERY:: “Sellabdey.s Oops. 2886. 1 Bent; , CI We hove on hand y email stock of Hutdwarp, gins we are desizoun of cladeg) o6ty end wilh wir in Sart = one earticvge: — A fib ara ite sale, Pega New ‘eta Bausage Cutter) ran we MURPUY & CO, Foo. Sept. 30, 1856. B) selina h Meeeeneeaianee Ladetaledataalaiaadnamnaaemend R. P. BESSENT, Dentist, t N be R House, Oxety ary ateaog chet = ie a ceil he pra vill tong Dake aa y ae us WILL pay the “ ae, worked jee, in 8. = Bondy of a, for Pive Thodaaad els “Weal, wad 12 of 15 likely wegre boys, from 15 to 21 yeu old, 4+. H. JENKANGS., Salisbury, Sept. 16, 1856, we LF JENKINS & BOBERTS have, » and wil oun tinue to keep State Bonds yn heed fur cals. STEADY PROGRESSION paged owe of the beet, (if mut the very best.) mille in the | commary. | the letest ead musi spprorrd pati 1 eit work bhe a levers aed he dvebts met will & rr) ig cdaaat sles weet beastly! ach «<emenis oi ibe renowned Kaghe Mille, sader whume shades i ie devehoping vis fess cad de. \ghting protons Eagle V ls lung gained fot it- evils forme ow fair ws it te wide epread, nth for the excel race of te verve, ead the cape rurity of teeteth tab mee Tey Mille abone threatens te nrel:i,@ud henge the world may lovk out hr a comiess sayaving © reowlt aot lows airresting ia rei, the. i mart be deoreble te every Bowthern pe ret ‘The dreamer, qeoutning on coming erent might well ep in bere, cami caning torword bs hen be you boundery of peeerai ume, portray the enpret or -agte Cy afew years hence Let hem chetch o We ere 0 esty of beatiful | “inn wub ite tower. me steeples menting hravenwerds chee ranged bieche of qrecte belting: with ghitering are tel tends, relict the chertial beome of « breeses of adekghifal of roars of etme the stewets ore eptivenrd with a cheer fel beey three: the song Of Welfa evilion of rpindies 10 @iaghed @ ah (he mmr of roms ond costedes| Kegle menses ree abewve all thongs clear, bearng an ce lop 0 pemeuse sagie. qengs etiguded, bwhug duwe wid plearere om afl bebew Kagie Cuy Bak op fall view, and ‘y its bere! policy iavites ol! energeise been res mre in ctemitecncedreyemtent Calew prin tere rdl owt thee baled ap grande { the Newet together @uh thee sends of wther thongs. the pronto ® of the (my) the denfeoing whanle @ blown. aad th «ond ecchord aad Fe eth d fram hM whl, end « tthe drowsy pera ore of repmtieg fai Cattle, whick browse ie the nek cor. foundeag wale \s: the sewer gre we) —grews!—ond the cud te be yout the purireying shall of the pr-ghet We hed het o ghana —byi whet s view! Anda Ait ta be rovined teryoud dat. Favegh, cavegh '— 1 will press on te ts bnew! consummation ANDREW BAGGARLY ef wenere Rathwed receive them Feb Sh, 1855 Wanted Immediately, At the Silver Hill Mine, ANY QUANTITY OF WOOD AND COAL. WM LEAVENWORTH, & Atwer Hill. Oot 1. 1088 i> Dyspepeia Cared. {)* TRITERS CELEDRATED RIT- Tr. RS, bw the enre af Myspepem and Chills & Vever, ec Pug sale wy “ITLL Balshery. Mey 18 WOOSF ACO nan ROWANFACTORY. if te the Nerth Pay \t----1f pet, emeonrage Howe Measlecteres. TEVIUB cobeerioete have pai the BUWAN FAG. TURY (eewted ia Seletmry) im amceres(l ope- o reliee, and are meking sapericn SHEETINGS & YARNS, We ate deter vier ewettings smd Biase ned epave an effort & grve eutiefacte-® i afl whe tyewds, lu days that wore, ime 4098, and @ wae sumed @KR a lienty pled an gat WILMINOTON. N ¢ i. raahec meee I Reged Cig gt Ge Se ~ | mey tnvar as wit) ihew patrons ge, : she: the epdiment $. wewtal d.ve mare. when che | est F ; Gent Bi: NBrimnud, be Cad gets ingetinpriae oF Vo a few works we dhall be prepared be fil orders f > apetls went & the gatter as remlarty one 4 ewadang carp fan) anda acc cee | Through Freight to Wilminsion pr. Nail Train, : abate ei * peed to erthag Fleer, Comm Be act oot foe righ nos lipo WS RTI 3 Brit -ings and heavy Geaste UOOTTON BA A tie wae ely wae € I there *-o pare eit era ee her popes preg i fr have made 20 arrangement with the Rastred Eek oe é a ae ST) 3. TE f 10 stan ting , bept on hander! formia ~The le reece or t over eel . } are tro mane whe allow the (ian ts be Gone wot cme Gompaey 40 ren a fren cor os . . oe Piles and Fist elas. GRIST MILLS akg a werk, tenn Salicbory to Was 1a a ghee cmptiok ae es Vercors? | All do not Stiredaet oe pregmeney. | weld edvam ofl orenee magina diecet, hear od Helataly ool Maaass cco ( )\\ A \ \ yp 2c oles Sapaanl fistrometog emaptas no oo0 be ote | oa, ate in 1100 and Corn wil be ground for tefl ares t ve leasnead t vat tuisfal of a oo oem 0 bute of the : wiz the Thursday; leacg Wiinnagin, an Taemdny and Fr d i bt feet ANA Gy others ine Rub. wing Phe printed Auten orem, 9 pre Ly ae proombte 4 aay. Us ' aernenpany the ee "ror , Pa rn - anh pe ¥ ie a , rere! VEGETABLE LITHONTRIPTIO 7°" “ity ramets Pry wont cor a ouch asa ; ie i an4 Srenght a4 ail the 1e!>rmediate et erione— aod smu Balchory, done Tah, 1856 : A ceeor ATE ations ad fs poser aeale phe bs " ; Phe beet on: wa! jewwe ted Mendes Tid ine on Thoth the Otntitent voel P ithe abinyl | be | = — me ee “fh Waminzin 8 het s PLANNER FRIEND OF ThE BUM AN FAMDMY warsl im the fillireing eamee egryoaaie yee 7 m+, thal the Wdesle wae raitd te aticmi ber ° ss crfvaive vamp fe ”. nse Lacge apeoriment of Pian Forte Wasie for rm! “ 4 nTnot having beamed sf the greed oficial \raar wonder ncn 2 J” ENNins BOOKS TORE Ree eee CHARLES T 20WE DISKISRD KIDNEYS, = ; te Caer mem reve it ty bet in mama portams, a6 ners on ating rermanenily lecatediaSattabory. respect. Sloneinthe Maulbrand Kidn,, *, Weak- ie Pite ‘ A ocomed werner ine det twee teri at roe DD Yay So speenerroseaal A conan nse of the Levine, ded Pee Bee a Pam MANSION 278 HOTEL, 4 A ' k how Bese bm a wd abe or - -¢@ 7 eines morfemme ; { ihe Pre es 1353 wis sf , ‘ m-i' ‘ oe q ee it) 1h Mowe kw tt i redl'e Ire Se iol 4 pete: ' Ota ding F) Nie pend | PVN TT ) ye atthe 0 ‘ si deesdien bane we ke Unies SALISBURY. 5 ub 1 1, WW ce a (Cur Wistehinae (Hf eal word in mY, ewnte bhbae iene & her ting yo I = ' chee : saherihyp PA Orreis Yomatraty einite ny iabfortbn Iermerotem, | | AN Gober! Navieg taken hires of ihe sto 4 LN : wibldita & 5 WM, Te cectenmslar ibe enbtaarent pali-nteln evcep-nameny ae : Tei aerate pane RTS TER » . ah a a Mrilveve ct / Woh m9 iE = - ’ DR. W. a. BASON, ees . ed Si a of Boaldgrs, Thevdct ian Proavens hed tet cei th ~ TITY pte, in W. P. ELLIOTT, \CCOMMODATIONS ‘ ‘ ’ a i Mohe Balt rad TLE 6 allemey dey =e ‘ Laieuf Worth & Bihott, Feyetionile, NC, m I Biat™ Phang Enpping let emg tw e Comnetath. UY LAD maps “aty wake wan the: he hee aes’ we ; i oboe) tole , isin Bee en aes oy 4 Rin we Pret arxt ae — NY ' ‘ ar a | ee a JAMES HORA ; (IN BBRAL COMMISSION val nodhalepn chm Pe ACA Te AWE obhg- : : vas t a! & arm oa ae : es ine ; a © ingerrvants e'waysinatteondance. ( ANS Ee bts) ” wr tet He necec acu ee To nial eervere: and where he hapes To} - ar re AND ? W. 8. GRANT Yi al! wh ein eavement't call, « nd it greatly te WATS 1-MAKER AxD JEWELER, = = “pe a : vl ackaene May 94, 1655 r 1 real a ae wie a NUPTA RYN, FORM ARDING MER HANT i t t 4 ' . + ' Y.3 A yar t 4 ny iNitwise win S206 of r ow bk. A A, Warp, Stare, i. ' R- Jl NI 9 MENDE:! HALL, : : Kiet PAE seen nw capa” LAND AGENT a ee oe ; Pie Great lean Wheel By apne Comey deeenpanny — Ueilers for Mecha tise aut eowiguinruseol Plage : ae peered is the bemt mauues avd om the ust reaaung and other Prdeer, (ar ealee ot shipehem thank? @ 1 ; ., F n t band-— wie tame be ie 1A ’ ; ILE 8 HAC TE and ooter Government ba 8 rutire ud umter Y Bitais a as fe ed 4 PiNrnare 19. 08 é (revived wid prim ily atiended (9 W pllolng poeh Weisesis Tey Taxes —innko ( mo r por 3,38 May 1e55 investments on Joint account —and franeect @ Ndae pt NT ae i , i ( eral Real Fatate basinow in Minnesota, Lowe, am : co ) \\ ))S () hs arriage ( Warn iha a oes hept for Sale at JOB PH 1s TING co I" Kt } ALKow Arr License for Sale at this Fecrautner aleeeni oi cenmaealen eee Cand ‘ Woally acqua la Office i ’ i" UEN RINGS pals doh ! fat Anes wis edt as rs . vi (Aus nt alisha No fice. ‘ vt eh Mocrnery a a a i ce ? 9 ai i i ai a ae ee e ae he i i sd a at a ee A i cc ie ee ee i Ca r a 2o c e s é @ B e a s a r . kt Pr zr a e h A a e P a n v b m e t wo w r n e a e r a c é a = <¢ «< @- he nhove e pubis ereptom 4 hee ae erry obhig- rive me ANT THE SKELETONS CAVE % + conan “ wd te | x i eaneMMOrN hg a party | of i bE medgt oat trond dt French ket. pos heh te en ee Unt: | jut Stites to visit A remarkable cugorn dp | irs vicinity, © ‘They had affeady neo for the Wistines of about thre ibs tha | the tatl orlginat fytest, ‘atusy’ | rarely + “that R roquived ull eo tention to the tate: “Wey how par. |e Pes 6 ‘ : a” capt inaig iedenioorer Miri rr . i aa oy a distance, aud as they w'neager thuy | ‘wi ‘ A eae ee enw that it-came du i infer kind of rat! ote oot to amiboponing at the Tit of’ steep free Bf *s Batttic, Yews free. “At orory step thee vise all keuni-| Se a PR RE U od to-rice higher aud Higher; ite seans,, , ah iene aud tissares, aud “iieghalities, ‘beatin | ure enmity etl « tee'? , 1 seid 68 + _ . _ ; : Smadeey : pe , ~ gal ie: arma at sna tse : if r> “y }inether,” me Serge 3-7 You bave acted nobly and deserve aae- coin pense. ” returned the “Task no r WH ecompense, j ; - | boy, prondiy. * klavedone # imy duty, a simple act of justi i » | deserves no reward but itself, % ; |_ “May I ask who tanght yon,éme ble principles #” enquired Mr. e : ““My mother,” quawered the . ing into téars. pate euch a child. faithfu hee # ‘ihgs, my dear boy, and you wi ig aff f beg Reni noe q wags * Alas, sir,” subbed the boy, « : — <3 * ESOS 58 = m*¢ ‘ > * Ste Cert ee rar > fis iB : eit : ; . i s ie P dead, If was her sickness ‘and wore didinet cient fartyenent ¥ O55 ee ; TTYTPMITp Y ‘i ath . o 1 1 ne ha 4 which prevented ine ff ing, ytromr tho bated, suiekiel a) MATT, ores ee” SABISBURY, NuC., NOVEMBER 18,. 1856. NUMBER XXYV ietire wales Poe . . ’ ‘ “ , ' ; re Whaat is your name?” inquited My “— peta Nera ‘aces : acy A arris. ; ‘ . fee : | Ure v Ake rane ide! : . os Bats \ : ay : ’ ee ae rio! shitedinidrod “feet in lidry!t, dh Bi | si fa As jeer they. did evrne AM Niettn AL prnject: | Me roprigty of this advice; anit even hangted her weere now rednced to cef-' after: aaorher’ long interval, a sowdinl of) 3 Edward Delong.” me ha : ‘ Aa x4 Gk lobehameaalh evs a. ~ “| Mg aad af rocks innperached ovet ity so Le Maire, notwithstanding that hedeclar | tainty < ste saw the extent of thd calaini-| steps wits heard, seeniiing]¥ at a wast dis | ve you a fat orf” “2 ) With luese ) pat you ey en d bey let. as tat tirallow in ‘front gn, 6ntraige ed hedad rather gee well-luaded table ty, and felt the duties it imposed She! tinge.by a little white rtaint light shows ea) out My fathor died whem Ls 4 - a - ' of rock, whith Init ovidonily YOu will yaiton Madame Le. Mairu, aud fanqursontpright. 4 t li i Veen detached ‘fisui ‘the peep masa, vave ig’ ty make the best of my war hy feat visa a in fa ea be f . Afew myaae I wim Tut how to take, nty om leave twoohigd warty openings, oi vini Gees, srry wh h werg the flack wal Ween in chen bing rocks, us you Welt it the aya ourttete of tahig duspendedt-om nat oud tlie: wy elti, ‘ Ayl bore ahd) ene cs aes i i P'' the cavern r it, ~ Betfentt tthe ‘ pen perm denttered aniody rieéks, | Well, i this viflashe Wye pp aise,’* Ped ath {ct wir w Conhitiswittlure ow Aas a an ‘bre ielvttrey halt nat tak. | SHY Wile who has so deeyvted gy lupe (Ha emefderable digpt with ‘sail at flat moment than all the storms that) rasa froin the. ground witheat. aid and od itself in the passage, and after some WI Fan ide” > eer , te! with a eourpnased countenance, andDegan | prin tts "Le Maite appeared, parting with 1 youl cele de! : pie manifest inconvenience af at-\to confer with Father -Anubrose op the exertion, Hid fate covered: with ‘perspira. | - 1m the town. of: Linwood, sboug, ‘Bay attempting a descent, — lua few moments prolabilitics and incans of gscapp fom |tioh, thd tis Clothes sofled with the dust J va | i pad ae of = swept over the | their present sithation. At | es ’ iwi ace of the sin, and #@ teak ip the! Th thebr dwaltttell statue fc |Jvided y hunsars'h will gay that it ie mugs teaditny To thy x ag Wass Pavtetal St sky wooly qnubanced the coming of the blest, | I a) ever, blew, . preferred reimagining > vornp shies Ye re et) | VAM ior every husband whois furtunatd | by Ui Gisintegwation of the neighboring stovped lefare it, like a field of yous Pe F and ‘sent wut | SMW Hp osevds BO trud g wife, She fis roo pore bio Pk Oerr am tig recent ig ial warn ior gen gritty —she wever gpoake lag them, showed by Chair immepe size’ ty»w | WE Whom she is Lid aud then Ufwave f sed by, , AMC traversed quel hae! fi hd Waruith’ of) ME podtte” Ponty wish for yowe ike, eal sabecnas oe Wutistiine. PHO vetiePad reys rainy permitted to assist’ yoo, ii * £6 it slivoek! fall | thonght she coer ane Reavis 4d HS stadt sory Durvitte were here, Lthiuk Wwdaersetts dowt a fecluig of wlante at the Weems tit hed th Pee Gite: : et y you Wighily weer Niesd rMeks ‘hee y i 7 then clotted » if ona? erase tet turer Masripal, while the vaAting Seite: froin uttoring the thought. shite drupeig- OF ite ern fhe. “Tip tht | eh pss rg po at tereetly ‘Aa ged | Wis vatle stictroh se, too rite forsuech del: & spark: tow teren'=" Prat ae Te) eg re tlle. “Ah, Pheg pardon, J forgot | mic yenty’ a lara sdnpsinic tterth. “ Yonder is tle Sbeteton’s Cae" salt tat rey tat qiturrelted. Weth, itis cue Srpawpat fiee tie dab BP ttiony Whoistood # ttle in Tr OF tide niet. A> lie epiity Ne raed nit, | thoi Le tite Kappier for beiriy Aliyed soleil stilfngss of Me plage. ‘eed fe! ty the dark veer itlye tn) # bong. Me fry is we wintlily tad and at Uuree went forward they passed throagh the eivealy’ mrandionsl. « pexec Hert mirkem an.” 9” Lani fignse, wrt a taf, aurtxducd expreadin vt | ty whearrived At tie antiiair. m deoneryy he utp arfated an ilietfow ete yiliairy iis bow pin: fitfm, and the ona: |“ , bytiwir awn steps sounded .steaagely jcreet, and Sepbbinad Ga vx onkad: night lige wk. ery beanty A thowe tiiehdin lawns; did fond arn! the death like silenége~-A belie bt gry Biri oa the inmense ewhine forove who liad piwspod the Soatpt) 7" te lefty yrow th, undtbe minciiti¢enpe | eietit eaverd appeared ta thelé «i dit; ‘fhe canopy éf Ore Hartt three seers Yeatk aud vi | aid varity of Rilage whiel Tetingeatels | roufef whieh a de ewtrange rile tow, Sean aredbleg af tes Uaander, aceym pa- bet aytawee ar tile deni and HPht haxpt the Sacrican PRO No me A te aTinir, bad! severt paces Hdvenrt iv'vese to «| nied by Sashes of lightuing shat theaw . opie rweeld hate iuliice? thie obaevee wy) Mit Of Nite whe trae secu only th (ureat hetwht; whete the sidoke (of: the} vivid light upos she walls ol the cavern. torch akgending, mMnyled with the dark- ‘The pe j set him shown at sour tite iy apt he y, | ereves ol Karey, , ~ toga} Ara! Agthey proggedeil, te great height at! pess, Lut the fame did-wot reveah the fae: road br woo | the S tL) woh ve mornl, aud Ne steepness of the | of she wel wonere wv Tse two persone vetion he ad tredsed Med Bowe, A Tae’ rots brow cit A wetemuch younger, One of them was fn MAMy to 2 turn in tho puck, where We the prime of nfathoud and perwonal path= was nttrower than elewhere, atil stremsth, rathertall, andofa signéon previahy juthe ane a pisttion ifthe ter leads th a herge chamber, imwhieh lie the emake. He wore a hurtin cen, fruuctny MC On which they walked bad Gillen, 1 eq dues which the cox ore talus its lower aly. of whith curled » qe a re (f(a ewig a elasat ff uboat duo feet if a Lae, : ee edn: dark hait rather tos tony for ths Pelt, Mrnede etter their Mistance fou yy tog) The uew tovk the Come'y ‘ estal note in the Attahric States, chil Nhe tra se tt ite ear fal J dpparente Ve Msn ft | M nd tue pening where they 6tv. yl ) ' " hea t ' : . ape rina ene oe my'atresh-cobted counterinae, Hihtot Tin alhea ty pres.cd bat Preily, wher ntact tee wis 16 | them docreline farther withia. [1 book vA & . ne arrive! wf Clie payor, k tach Woh oe ? , . ' p< A sea Pr fall thack efea, Nhe ¢ prtew nN ar ae Lge SUreuk vacy an tgmment tac cave, it one Gomer of suzgested that they shoald take this Lad ch was comp anded of buidues aa vd he showed thaw ataman skeleton portunity to exannne that part of the | and yod-lniur. fhe dress wag a biwe ST fear D lust not be able te cross thimely ioc extencde Les i J " u é ela ty vio extended onthe rocky @ ror. Sorin Beok-enit immed with yellow fringe, cha-i,’ salt ghey tea toue of ulacun § Mv idee 1y gal fragngnt 7 Bp iareatly of Ue gd bot by a evel; at the waist, deo | ivn't e ad grows yid ly from a single luk efihs of aifiutals Jay under it Tn ‘laces shen pratt choo, afd a deer-skin midceag 4! and one xinall remnant passed orer the dwar “Ble eatried a ehore rifle on hiv left ‘Le Maire wilt assist yom, iny ebihd, thighs, lat the bones, though they ‘had chontder; and wot on Iristcft sidea lear sab! the old man, who walked behind ber facyuired frown the atmostpbe re of the ‘With the greatest pleasare in life,’ an ¢ 5 cave a greenish yellow hue, were soeimn- Te was ovi-|ewerod Le Mairey sting Leoufess I |i, ay vameullered. They ‘still retained } theit ocizfnal relative position, and ap tow, or at feast one who made hunting Werded Yankee would complain of being pearel as eel ee fe 1 Nince th Bat thie eames: lo of Aemth enme oter the frame re anh tiring ebidair send the Weathers 6) rf having w Fremeh mother, fens me — whieh ties or Reviby at hte gare aed en poets that bespoke the Let ae premde a comenient stution fer! oy tio «<p cetaele with thet nat anif horror Lamee. - _— 3 baie, as yee call Wer and ft wtiel the remaigs of the dead inspire. Oni the sem of thit pergon Teaned thy atl hel): powower.’ Ue tien jineed his, Bec Le Maire, with all his vivacity aud th ¢udivideal of tre party, a yonns rede a@sar et the rock. where the pestle fin ’ t e belonged Beirulty, was slent for a moment @emha apparentty about wineteen of meotatel beyond: bhi erew wider, wid Oiriciing binarnn ln i wweney yehry Of nze, Peuiler ant eraee fal wleamcia (te tee wetyee oT tho chaain, Hell which this jose wretch caine ta th Pa yourttal eredent of te Gade pre arth hemiie Mabrrela Cor deewrie, Tait: Ind of ho at len th ingnired : g lw duing this) Notang. Thee namo of Skelet y wttived ta a etraW hat and a dren. 20 pe teeived that the trantled Prasst-cator, fiir fora ryuntle the rah “Yow are as nate here as when ren Agines; bat I beliove thew have no tra that in forest fle fines of ber two, fere in siunbe below,’ suid Ls Maire lt wo compa: ime were chcide tly Freoch in) fyce would bat thik eo Step feeward Jock ut the Foslit lew a, are thet phyirgrom lr was ne ek) ey Bray, wd Vk vor bt gh int ie lon i toate we go Pgh American, of t. hely the maar s wennded on the« Moupitbstauding Vaie difuroace of na, Sho tok the step, Lut at that moment rors is iter dagen : ree ond flung) iy yh -gptea twre was motheny | the oe inchnatiog which we sane enemy, aud tat he crawled to this re yadiy © whe hed | = ee Se hie tev whee etambing on a@ digay treat where he perivhel from want of at LD = jee apuarn. ! Rites Ww apt oureelyes ty te Brew, tendance and from famine.’ » & Gao the mouth wltbecave, bat bow cyte pow effally over her, and she leas: we we te reach it, Father Aubrose! |) ed ince! térily and he avily towands the rape tz Way vf Betting te it witlewe verge of the precipieg, Le maten wae in igen to ameter part of the éaine chau wings, either from the Bettow ur thy top tatty avare of the inpyeueut, aad bra | oy we Pree jee.’ eng bisucoll tiryaly. stiows wath afl bis, = Ind a fee pods to tho right Euails Might to commtera Jou see the pile of broken rveks react sett prosces-ton might Yor percvite,” ated he, ‘that bag wp it) the tumldle of the preéipioe, los perfect, they would: both emevitall hye spotis higher than the rest of the ea Vor eng 16 fa lace ¢ daw ef thatin gh ave been precisa aied fran wlheone tty Yo overn, and dyer also: and indeced ne part ty Wath bad boon shieérad ite apyramil stent, but Le Malig wos Jamiime with, of the cavern ive h sirbjact-to m visture. aah ip aye uP Oar path Les that wa all the i as slaativis of fre ga A bed of leaves ou (lis creck, with a goo: ege it father, returnel the fair ques ba, reed w presence of maud be Li danket ls - ‘ Gamer: “bat wien wy atrive at the BA i ‘ a ler did ut now de : ite - Pee ee ae signees ase Spypeartte ure we sali be ne nearer the vert him. This ovntenance pore witness creo made the eute than we néw are.’ to fav witunee exertion Le was making: gear si: ce, wl > *hrem the top «that pite gowmay per tt Was flushed, and Jus wascles were repe. .\b, whut have we here! ovals, eve a hor ievutal seam in the precipice SUFRINE powe fully | his Lips were eluse teas de. liters of pitch-pine! J “ 4 tein hoy fo the wemth of the cave. Ao YW Ma ptessed | the veinsen lia brow swell iiast lave been or apied very lately fr deanig teat line, towich yon earinot discern cd, aud his arms qiverad withthe steong tho parpuse Timentioncd, an ‘eu poops ie fem the place where we stand, ing (USN Wren to thir piwews., For at too who, f dare aay, frous the prepara aa and broad footing, leading ta one ela The fate of the two seemed in su% finns they seem to have mare, passed the ieee of destination. “Deo you sec, Le | Hei, bat the strengsh of the lanter pro: wight very eomifertabhy:? Sin: coiliusell: Ketucr Ais brosct ad vailed, and he placed the dansel beside *| dare sav they did aw, thongh the¢ dressing Limself to lie other companion, him ou the rock, faruting and pallid as a jae ant ngty bed fellow yonder, umewer “dor Gon see thut eagle sitting so contpios CVF e ee ed Le Marre; ‘bat I hope you de vet SMyowa Bougli of at lerfess tree, telich ‘Grad be peated,” etid the priest, draw ink of following their example. As sGuM'a widte shenb on the brow of the Ss heavily the breath witich he hed4n-)\ oa bave shown ua, | presume, the prin jee diteetly over the cavern? Nay, vetuntarily beld during the fearfud ine chy al curtosities of fre cave, 1 take the fever lift your rific, wy goed fren’; tha th nt, ware be dad wate hed the secite, liberty of sugzesting the propriety of pada imagine a wood nemph She wal berarnm agar de elbow Cace wiegiven to thie place by the abe- Uiliow © mewrmiuy these rene ne. ‘What a death! mannared Emily The ecelesiastic thum direeted tieir at- » where he sand it was formerly not raunen for porsoms benighted in these Mad hus Bray parts, particularly Tnuters, the pase the boen hee steade, or his : laut and ins ure you, having experiment mtself mats a b canbe hither frnn bo bird is bey oud your peatig tnd yor wit! Dore OF bondor the feast assta tw rucdng aa fest ae We ean ont of thia his ONG waste yoar piwdor, The supetflir Some mourente of re pose were nceessa be \ ew, Which has already put ime ont Paine which Yell on fre Hiertiands be FY before hunly was seilieicntly recover wut epurits . fond are collveted fa the trdtow over cd from tee agitation to be all bo pro Pj geod priests, theugh by bo mreans which hangs the tree TW) eed Yort, and eee The tears filled her eyes as ur pat ving cn De Mudre'’s haste to be poardown the few @6 the rock directly GAletly bat warnly thanked Le Maire for: mildly vivhled {o fis entregtfes, oye: the cutronec tuthe cave Cienersl Als Kener exertions to save Jrer, ail Mi taily as Ghev were eet ynded Nie WE on will sce the bed of that hallow / beg rod pardon foethe fool hand awk } Camel thee aeeardingt prepared tw ects dry, as itis at presents Tut ward Ciudity, as she tenoed it, which rétucn, OM reaetone the month of ha fy. efotem Hower, orufterseverd days NU put los fife as well as her ownin snek eave, | eoatenek with the ebange MN, View! choseends fro that apota sleet ettrethe purl ur ispeet of the eavens, -Deark hea: f Wufer, white as snow, feat ving with *D eoltess, anawered he geod patured wy clouds rouuel sginicaits of which fla ‘yfoteo the qiiet solitnles around us, ty; ‘that had you been of as eolid a com were sc e beyond the ather, wave ra- ang rivaling in beauty sune of fhe cag posithtr vassome hides with whoa T lave pul restig ite Ulu Sound Urevaetly Gades that thaible frow the clits of the a Honor of an acquaintance, Madame) (he ores ini ew h dutfused the Afps, Bavlet us procedd.” Le Maire here would most certainly have sky betore then, the ain appeared at been a widow LT nnderstood iny own ready shorn of ifs bean. A soand was The old umn led the party to the pile of Tocksa which he had pointed out tothely notice, and began to ascend from one atrenyth, however, added, foron this port h@ard afar, of iniighty winds contending ' Ror suinewhat vain, ‘and if I had ah with ‘he forest; and the thuadir relied at ; should scl hase Wwen walling to rsh a distange. ee ees es alga OR at something rather thau to Jase yon, But We must stay at least wntik the gtorne WORE Der oeive that ious a re lee} treed { will take care, Euuls, that You lp net vets wid Father Yobrose soit would den that rongh path before és pri fs at feud ine into anotber sgrape of the kind ’0 paw Ws before we Cal descend these places ties alciontl mika un a tel hae When w c return, | shall, by your leave, cliffs shia letaisee and! iniaikors [lide ve aces take you in my arms end quarry you pve stand abeve the tops of these old woods: had Leen worn emooth, Emily was aboot Saawr-aud you may shit your eyes while: Pecan promise fOr ft WAL be a magniti fofollow her veneraule eondavtor, when | do it, if you please.’ cent spectacle.’ Maive offered to aasivt hor. Pret wow mrvin set ont, and twa vavil a UE though she woald sadly have fort B e 8 : . : ‘Nay, nmele.” enid she, T know yoo ar@ momcuts arrived wt the immeth of fhe ony: e'chve; Coult say nbtidrg Axtinst o tris ahd’ yp [ate Soul ave tlie’ Wildiicss ot He ‘aces \ iwar.slie had bsteby ananilested restrained | whirling Seedert\" and ru ; A ko Mire produced: frow hia hunting dons—the sand reapeethally Madded Rd roag arult of Hinder, and lighting fracith | is not toucder—it seamed ‘as if that innn-| downwards, but there the lower edge df: the night. Fron his rift “kindted’ int few | wcrable multimde of giants of the wop ig the: vast usage which dad fallen Jay ites! stalling yon id my old: bed chaurbe The | raised a aniversal voice of wailin } evtiagwished, earert,” said Le Maire¢ ‘the free air fram without will revive her” het mm bes arma, bot on aerieiwg at the spot he piacédd her anddenly ou the wzround, and raising both haaitds, exclaiu- ed with an accent of despair, ‘Lhe rock answer, then upon Le Maire, whio rep! from the gronnd a few yfaces nearer t! entran@e of the cave thrown prostrate, and the tered | It was bat the work of mstant to kindle it again, and they thea ’ 910.08 thednarrow, side openings, strotiger convtlsion of the forest’ enst lyvked: npto tro aay with a stigght | Tw tregs recked backward aid forward their leafy, spoils. >. pt e. eave winel), iu Suing to the skekctwn 6 chaunbor, they had passed on their left, however, that he believed it sOSCEV IN, was no otherwise remarkable than for it Le Maire and Einily assented, and the former tak- ing up the torch wineh he had stuck ii the ground, they went baek into the in- narrowness and its length. terior. They had just reached the ere the two passages diverge | { each other, when a lideows and int dare of tieht filled the cavern, sho fer an instant the walls, the peot, the thar, and every crag and recess, with { halinctaess of the Yroadest snasline frrgh ful crash acc Wpanied it, Asis of several sliarp and Ceafening explus as ff the very heart of the mununtain w reut-asender by the lightning, and tinue *,. dit@ely after a body of immense we, soemed to fall at their very feet w eavy seu place where they atood to tremble as shaken by an carthqnake \ st id, and a sbock that caused tl » sevyral Hssurea Aax. jy the suininer breeze—another an 4 Pest pith cane, Ae they oupur- Mercer syust desceuded—ahothier “an: of ing of about « land's Lreaddh, elles! ap! ed every winding aud every eneynyoP the *ppared, so far as he conld. cissinguish, to t leangd and.gese, and tossed and: ewang)| communicate with the outer atmogphere. | list) fn Every instahce, against the solid | their branches jn every direction, audthg! He looked above, but there the low root, ryekt | . air above them wus filled with) whiell uiet the wavering flame Of “lis! ie roar Wagtremen- | téfch, showed a ‘collection of largé Uldcks écolesittetic, ‘but to atal 14s inndNivest q noist of tie oecan in'a temnpest| fiemly wedged togetlicr ; he tast his eyes tranqn'taod’ comfortable: asswe can for indn my, aytatbe my Hat he LL jour bh in the svi} ; he pliced his ghonl, where, bias sleepits soundty: asd aid . ‘ sei Tk f ch first struck the at | the fury that sampte and tormented them, der against it, and, exerted his vtinest omee, you. will agknawledge tomnorrow |! oe iat af | ot luce’ s qrierel, atid the reedngifttie uty bf the party was the profouttd Ard Length the rai bogan to fall, first in ah to die ‘ whietr, 1 addition to the ten you ' Aa the ; uege avd. rare drops, nit then ee’ thurt- f Pet { {der burst over head, aid the waters of : ‘Tie tec! i {8 heap of dry Teaves Gyatly. pthedy which | dhe: firmdiicmt pourtd down in torrents, The speaker was au ocud mau, of ‘pyr! | Phe ee chesiaetie was the tint lee PAT the womk of the last gutumn Jagd, blawa | and the Ulase A howled ia the woods . ; ; : © point: Ute (he dare fram the sumwitof the sur- | fled bofure thom as if fr dlemnept SogniehaNee. Wlinever hotel at his Thin | Ut Corfe eompation the porwr thes | crowrelinige forest, and iloandliee port va it feared. The alpen pail nothing wis heard but the ves around, and the vcca-. ieat and his companions styod cou tetup tating this-seene” in sHenec, wlion x | rachinig of waterclose at band wus leard r . | pete : log Upp) . . ’ a rary denaer iu Ye, po ? Bes sles Abies eg Ls © chen, wade Phoy goon came ta where, as Fathers luther AmSrasodhowed the others y vere || an ectlesiasti¢ of the Romie? tilt. pag . SOU! Bale M0 the dese in “oruiesl Uso, the cave divid. # Stream, furined from the rains collected ed intoswo branches “Lhatea the left,’ )om the bighlande above, descended on said he, ‘soy becomes alow and nerrow (they, crag that overbung the munth of ths rassegge tindug the cocks; this onthe right cagern, and shovtiug clear of the rocks on Which fli¢y stood, fell in spray to the! broken fragiuente at die base of tue prici A gust of wind drove the rain into tu hi blast of ate rushed pastthem, anda sill) eating odor filled the atern. Father Ambrose had fallen vpou knees in meutal prayer, a the exj-lucion, bat the blast from the moath of the rerp threw him to the earth. himselt Ie called first upon Emily, whe fiseovered Emily extended near then 4 swoon ‘Let tte bear Yicr to The mouth is fallen! the cptrance is closed” 1 vinee hin of its trath—the tinge rock which impended ofer the entrance lad been lnosened by the thunder-bolt, and had fallen wpon the tloor of the cave, It was bat too evident rose needed bat a single look to ¢ chosing all return to the outer world to be peformed. fy t always dwell together. ifost easily overcome Ly the ee ‘ ainity af: of danger often snpport the ca Betore inquiring further inte the extent if the disaster, an office of huumaity was Emily, was yet lying ma the floor of the cave in a swoun, aud the old man, stooping duwa aad placiuy her head in hie lap, began to ase the vr- denary means of recovery, and called on Le Maire to assist hin ter being epeken to sevomt times, started md knectme om Ins gloomy reverie, town by the side of the priest, stat hy noehdting bet temples and Nanda, an anned bee cheek witli his cap untioie mspess was restored, wheu tl vhat had happeved, Presence of mind and fortitude do u He PAisent himeelf, however, immediatel ¢. and fownd in utte® silence. and dackness, % save that a livid image of that insuil | ble giare floated yet before bis ey ebulis rf. ied He ale lad |.seu carried He tank Father Atu- the hanter, af- ! A pries comantiuireated thre terrible Mtelligenee of Those who are ter it has flten with the eompesire. — ke Maire had presence of mind, but he lad nat earned to smbmit with patience Let ous Wate if frout where we } i virremediable mistortune; Icuity could t command her merves iv suddea pei mt she could suffer with a firm which beft her mind at liberty to employ Us PegoeLces Lie very disas ro oWihnel hal jbapponed seemed to ipapire her mind wnd her frame wath pew ae 5 The vague apprehensious which hadj Tathe iyedn time, Le Muire, why Nad tte rv hinsd lf ont the rocky seat besidt- Md / | Ref Hiei’ as séon as Emily cameé fo ter) eur without’ speaking. tind The sumatits of the forest waved and! sel) wid exderly employed in éxaniifing | |“ L fear your seach ims Leen unenccess- | A’ GC! Mant in | re'etitrance: where thé rick had fied (A. C. Morley. 1 wi | Diweve side it lay close ugainet the - wut | 3 fanctiona lof-the cavern; ou the other was am=pons! jitned L& Madre suilenty. “Ehaveexpior: Sunchona strensth to discover if it were woVeable, | morn it It yielded no more thas the rock of werse mighe Which it rested. : 4 Itig att over with as, said bre at length, , inmate, Lnt-L naa rapa {you nnty dushing to the ground the. toreh, whith | own experiatice iat, le +) FOU. tan) “ 7 Sot 4 Hie petest, appemching, prasdently took, arnt A wwike an cent toy eared up befiwe it wad extinguistol ; if is alt tow’é chambar, anddeave to Providence) 1 g boy ame | over with us; aud weasust perishia this the events ef4he morrow? horrid place liky wild beasts if a trap.— There is no opening, DO poggille way for aceur escape, anJ vot a seul onthe wide cath: ev f ] krows where we aro, or what 1 ow aif.) whbel tay heapat-nét fur from the peqrh ther eonid hardly satisfy his th hr to the priest, tthe: carey te-foin -ewaches ‘for their far lctond musk bobe-of tie: ‘a persun and office im the bitterness -of 4:5 crate tide was found in this part af the t f . papair, le “Tl all yu jua— > caverh, i ty ti vor, he hat] amassed, what seenied 14 — - = Phis is all your duing— > caverh, apparently left there by these who 8 larg tam of twoney, ond thid Wi gun, said the old man ties a : ‘CaJl the not son—this -fot tine for: stoek of-foel- A tire was kio jy and: You take my life, and when f re the wunnth. the light, the crackling who regarded thoney as the i proach yvool you rive Wie fine words.” not that 1 take yoor Life, eaid the daneing shadows ley threw on the Nimiurcee in ldiv, i eid Los roproaches; “there dagag | Al tn uted: hike winced serpents te the Be eae etd) ‘ Wy ices. lh we re reen of the letter aparcment of tye eave, gacetgthal mg tus lnel we wore coiny, it dues mot | recess rapeeld eo eull, dark, awd ani, a} [rosed Wwheh ‘of Ae m tollow that we shal not be unseed, or that kindof wild eheetfainess and amigrateors, } ne inquiry will be unde for as. With to- which, unkhep other citenmetances, conld inoriuyg the whole sedtlement tot have tgitedeu rewee the apirite of the and as it is probable that some of the:n, Wet rode tegrehy Dinily, taking care i - his high darnt notion, as will pass this way, we may make oyr-) tet hor_eipeadtie gocger @here dag the} . rep acly by thew trom the moath of skelutow. Fathers Ambrose wept Bh be agaiwentered the store of ut theca Sontag ee themam e eave may have somu other outlet, and inmself to entertain hisses: , ihe part we were abyut te examine vearratice of what had fallen under his.eb- uay aitord a pagsage to the daylight. Le Maire canght eax rly at the hope ed urge. lius preseuted 1 r, satel ue, b t rrible, you will alle » In k i , ; i it te : rible, you allow, to bye their damger, ven be Maire was onteo- | Atm fi: i ele mpin thes « r ltoits invath, and left no lett trial of patience merely te) pass lit here, particularly,’ said le wih | cheerial uiemachts ty eseape her. At f : ‘when you know that dinner js longte, Le Maire’s haating watel pointed "™*" Aub ss youwested friend. Watt ; t i ven shall irere ope.” Se for yu at home. Well, if the | tothe bone of tea, and the: youd priest “7 & ; 9 to be explored, let us set aldut it, comndtebeal them toseek ttpoae. dde gave ees deprede analy Hira ne oe Hately ; ifthere is any way of get thear lits blessug, recowmponding thent to |” ee Mhespecatnterhe 3 € Harris, and io three more ps = ef na discover it ag oon ad pos thee great fireserver of mam, aod then lay- Pirey agnia went to the paseare whieh leaves they ond eavered Weert pwse teeun- diverged from the path leadueg te the selves to reat skeloton’s chamber. ular passage, eoucliwes eo narrow that t Mem to walk abreast Ve a few rofs ®t became so low far ‘Remain bere,” said Le Maiew, (and bet poaily devssed bog of tweive or tlur ve the torch ny daylygut by this partaf the «Ff of oF ot wf bow kstare, twill give ans aut atitin bw The telbpaid gerk regambal the Loy ere the prewinss ves for the ett ime 5 ‘with s gppérsilions |wk apg nyewerod,, PY ment of re kind op exhibition ” “ather Aaaber se and } ly ] se} of tre cavern, wlrife tre teens for | The gham of bie toch appearieag aa and disappearing showed the-wrndi age of hua the passa be Was treading, aud some tures the senud of weasgred stepa on the ruck annoyaced that he was watking ap right, and sometimes a eunf ised and Cbitdrew Jiee you. stingyting Nise lenofed that he was ms “ “ Mny Tiis Way on hig (bows and Koces wat-lovksug, elderly mag, stepping a) & « Qa -— At féheth the eoand was Heard no long the elerk, “> what does the, boy want! Frand the gleam of the tarch cease? al together to he déseried in the prssage. ‘Father Ambrose long interval. the lowest key of her veiar, were ulagred in such a tone of awe, and seaud)d, more ver, woth puch an unnatural distinctness midst of that stibloc.s, diwt th ood farthet started, ‘What would you, vay langhter ‘This darkness and this silence ore frichtfal, and f apoke that woo might i"! whiels T wish te cor vet ca livgmrposs ul preventuig immngy ae me by the seand of your, vegge ~ Aly iny Lb ave 1 see, rephed Mr. [ber ; : tof the horse by on enssiow lous ik ring” ha Sy va tue AYE Us i Coe HY vue raasniog over bard roads er | y Tire mrere eh inte at er veainger? TP have beard ov pees By the L eo . a eS eiiare urn etrunias L pay you for the:n Sate ie : wihievh acim ir : ne . ae N t2iaker y popped the oes ty and wrthont a atragade. ba OPets em, a os Bytom bli C)rakoresay ae tollows: “ Eiagtess fv poropiuneé vatiemt—30 Tmpetaeas.” » shot] yes : ae ms pte ard vei tev, net ache purmetees with arp son ae eat rer tied movetu nie wewderfully to bem wile mrad cams ists ‘ neaieed sei fo mt ceeuil ties (9 heave auto ue Seah of may pend ng over Ws Phe cavern was drown Uh i x ae ae oe Pere flesh. and Lene of any bene.” “Kam— cplar sd ty a Gonsidernbdle diatancve wittt WYbs : tes ee p We re Ny ripe a trebre (bcten that itis Ros good for out any soeli conseq@ence as you merteen 6"! { leave betare £ cow Jeet ey ee ant bhe share, Id and beliald, 1 wil ty those who undertook in’ [did not examine the belt , eeprurny woth thee.” ‘(eee) epioethithe jas dose econ a pas = Wty \ retire aund re titye eave! Bat Paaafeud of the make!” Asked tie yeatientan ip re effect of a drsapporitine nd, tre tse aia toue sirchtly aitered ; Tega’ M and very wy. Bocuse, 9 live sore ys Mace ones teo, wore held on Sunday night © God wrantys all grace to snbiuit to his frum Gad oly and ave itot beed able to Plemeath Cour ly Brooklyn, and i the priests bat L retaraungil now Tabernacle aid Charel ofthe Pa e wrod pbeasere,” reporued think T hear tim on the return inv child, you can distinguish sonuds ans, ave when ite uttdible te my dali ears. Eunly Irstened, bat yn vam. At leugetla, , net wath ap oustaace vf this inilgs Jrow thig éjty.” ‘ “ bore! : it lelavel ell; my boy, what ace and’ vine’ sf the’ reeks: Ile was ‘alont heh wae i, ass: th a “ Tacitns, abd’ Latin D 4 - “ Jet ine see the bil, | ch fa rs fo ps 2 ful? said’ Father Aivbrose.” a F eg. | Mr, Worle -, called: Mr, “There' is wo onflet i that quartet, re vy was Hall fn foe é eons a 6 Op 2 i |the store, bowing and smi; tssuge; acd fave been’ broaght ap ati oy, Sinks hanter. vat “| * “Edward,” continued the Kind We “There it'no‘alternate, then, waid the | Mr. Martie, * Dann not Gong id otrsetres “ae |X for what'you have vt ' ‘ tfon of A ./doct th snefi’ A atner as to 1 shatl have‘ the + pla le jremember tlie’ Wb and excell 4 cepts of your mother. ffith wy store any ten books you that you might have passed a Xe uae arttp, hat fen] ee est ong Areal aeapan egl nine é : ne now, try boy, rememtbet 6a corner of itis acenpied by an idlidpokimg | * despise tite diay of little tviniga’ ever you reed u friend, call on mej Se fetus adjvnrn to. the ekele- prougl Hisevwh tears he saw the 7 = tened eyes of his kind benefactor, °°" ¢ Yo a teppperhore graced thoy went Edward Delong wished for Pe. © ak wm é igre ead me tiagh the scanty meagns“of tis “ef o tha ler @-qritntity of the deytuaver difigence arid codninng G6 had ual respect for hie might’) Repose * Attog uf weed of comid- working nights’and moritings fora, dveoyed us hither ta lay had Hatery ogemned it-forcthe night; and vemles in book oved on callectiug the brands aud bits of woed PE ‘7 wh Scarcely was fre in possession oe whiot lay ecattere€ about. thee fownd ‘ , “ : treasutet, when his mother Lees ) . t A themselves ur possedtion ofa respecta rle diett.~ ke leo now sth a ride those of that eavay aud aim of tfe,.and severe and pttysical fabor as tive only means taining that end. Fortwo years Edward struggled With hiw hopeless condition, Toil, tuif,' ard late, was iv doomyand to-his o. brands, aud the ever-nioving flames, with foie without offer walt, andtire waving strains of emoke reof and efideld away t the larger and This criptoyér anawered, wade corm grow, of tilled a | whaste theatsd of it. Ioan only ss be voutto search for us, pacty.: They Placed. thermal os rvand | Sritey and ena ; Morrisons sits * le Me. Harris in,” i - ~ Thesides, as Emily has jast{ weatebi “w anit it fs not impessible that ‘the, men a now: exerted | * He , : npanions by the| | H iy owcaged, replied the pale se rvaffon tp tha? anetent abode of crvilig- “ Will you waite werment, and hewill i or be af Nbertp-4” Pe \ © was saccessfol, and the jit- | niined. oateth te ” asked Ix ur pardon, fa | He citche forgot fot awhele, m the charm PANe faa i a 4 i was farious [a6 bie courersttion, thew ridektame ahd | re ae ee fren toa oe 1 A was la patchre, with the etane ed vaso rulatay ome of twe of bis bawling 4 Po i | “ i Mr: torrie f° exohimed Bdwardyend todo! dts \omphoes, aud Baily sudleredade uf the Jo-wad OA We ern und. , oa arch salves thatdistinguished her in were | My wobte K.leard® eatd. tee elf tog thumselves duwn on their beds uf the fom, wwe Wie gnide im after life. P crowned tris efforts, and hed hie heart—rhe ceverta: ( To be contimaed.) : faithfolness in © hate tings”? beet li was a low, irteg- lige} tu walk ohebebind the srinetines wide enoaga te Afier pr | Fullhfalacss ia Lite Things. WY sea 4. clase a” 7 z (ae Agreewitaradt 1 ventiema--The Nosth Claret rae Stace Bair, hebd at ete Ww, awanicd &. Wisttmat & On» nf lab ninore, wineteen different premiqneliet ; : ; ' i “Is Mr. Ilarrie in inquired a plainly, obliged to stoop en seat.» | Me. Mapris sai, bak dic 1a ouggagged, = . Khe Voy dovkud at the clerk hesitating Arywittal —The dase of the Bantd by, and then oud “Tf be is mot yarticn, agiinet 6 be dtetubl charged witlsstgad- larly engages, L abould bke wack Wee ir eS owerrovef James |. Garnubhe, wae « ¥ rR qestertiay, and after being “if vom have any bnsincess lo frapsact, befuré the jnery lp Mr. J. Me L eau atieud to it,” rephed the clerk.— awh Mr. & th nd for-dotence, end Mis ~ Mer. tlarns cannot be trembled with Hwewkine@-ate Seficitor an the i tien, a wecdict of neeperietal warelaneaaal . (Waansbe~ Repdeg , oat r . utter Derk for Moree -Bmvee. “dle insteted un seeing puny thon ch 1 PR del Na tneé¥anic bas conseecteds . told him pow were engaged,” teineved horses it sdch & nemner. eeeciowst _ alter g the-clerk, @ Uitte abasled by the manner qtiret m4 nails, and can be poton ky sag ‘he Withont the ald of @ blaeksyrith: * And whet weuld ye hare wath me tavhed to the shone it @ tange c yy lack P° imeyacrod Me-Hacris kiod!y rane the haf, and at the beck of The boy raced bis eres, and ames. ees foot de a joint, held in ite placwdyp the lial! scorifuad yi ance Of the clurk, aw | » atows the shoe te open tammdays PM winks you to lawk ab bre andéei we wuate a i date itself te elim , of seure bowka wiicd | bough t bere aL <9: Ot tive deaf Between. the beef aad thade montis stuce. Phete wa mistake , hate isa bayer of yates percha, ves ona low hoof stone fn * What is tas, Morley E said « pleam i : said Buy Tec wonls, thymgh ih oC dus. enuplaser, taliar ow uta : ; rn Ae eae So, et, aaswerel J Puc dmc rane as very simple, agg »evtracy, To purchass | sou ae] bia Wo yutia | reba anew and ig, , er retucn! Venelope.the spire Sige * My. doar boy, ‘sand Mr. Harri, “sou this city Thre speaks » were Reve. great pleasure. lu along ry Ward Beecher, Soscpl Po Thom g Uusiness, Place never gud Dr. Cheeret. Mr. Beechor was hind before. plaude—¥. Po Ryweas 0") Jom Listeu Ute of merce - - ee - @oathern Convention at Savannah, Goorgia. Bie the Poop! of the Starcholding States “Pia fow-Crrvens : —T!.e Southern Con wentiyn, which was held in Febraary jast W Wich mond, adjourned over by resolir WD Weer at the city of Savannah gn Oe thcont Mond av, the cighth of Decun a nex'. t Soe the resolat’ons ad pred attiat ‘ep Mn, was one honunathiog a fol to whore was referred all the res peg Wisie!, Sal been adopted @nee of the bo yy With instructions to vere and poubieh an address to thre of the Southern States developing Sx pPeterny iiure fully ite ews a A yee A Pee abaod farcer attendance by eye weal tic Yourhed eensedt Gown tree consisted of VD Ro Le Leow, A Parvomtanay Tench Tigiioan, of Marland. bert Onldl of the District Crdembsa; Jace Lyons, ROK. Meade. K Anters “oor Mvcra, FL OB ns tue Imam, of Vige os ane ds UE. Gibbon, ( Noth Cari ”Reattly &® quater 6! @ century ago firet to inanitest itself tothe Sunth Fe States, tha’, they enbraced in) pre qerua te popwiation the wea wean) Tegion in the world, theyre were ing divectly or indirectly of i's te the aggrandizeinent and cou lence wainly of other see rons ef Prophety and pate visa de that these elements of wealth be retained at home. Four-titis ecommerce of the uation are nade the products ff Sourhern ipdgs , ur commeree with Great Be. gonstifutes the half of wl te) the commercial control of peerid. Tor great economist, M’Cul- paid Jong ago, “tue cotteu mauw feature forms (Le jr.u apie business car- @min ties couutry, affording an ad we Beil fer ihe accuuulatnm euplorimwent of tu:liwas avd millions @apita! and thowsauds upon thousands @orkmen. It gives us stremgil tu eus- tein, burdeus that would Lave crushe at fathers and could not Le sopyurted by any other peop e” Bee Cumveutions, wluch were hell a » amd Aangusta, Georma, and ai . Suuth Carolima, ia isss-u, ting several States, and cuilrac | anape is wpegubers tuc allest, wost distingviehe, aud pairitic of oor viti pmmiluics the earliest emai ciineut pep 8 piso , and these Couventions have beer, soeceedied by others of equa! grepectability, & wider whence, a fours Gow place to place and Compease! of sos 1) uta «very Male oi Lie South Jin primary aagewlLlies, by i Moree crnces oc by esecntive ou . Due recorde of tuese ascinuiies, at Memphis. io 1845, 1849; Boitiusore, 3 Rew Urieans, 1851-54; Churie» bea ; te, 1555, and Iucunwnd, 1550, have leagesince been given to the po [lias oi, abe with abinry and pa rutiom sei eter surpassed iu: this Or amy volver ' > ee to seabt the evide vce these (on cn tions origimat ug ai first ecun owical eonsivetativns, bow ever, afterwards simulated aud deriving fewcwed actively from tne insolent at! —:. spicu exhibited at Uwes by States, sufficient in other evan have ted to open huetelities, and ich has tireatened, and only been ar famted pyr tke three sheid of, a Cisrup tron of the Federal | n iteetf, have cou wiheted Jargey tv a cumemirdatomn of Geuthern seutiacn’, to a better under stain r ef wer conditen and neecamtnes, and have alx seu feat in Gat general Gamalopment mow eres le = saiest ag Bu. tue Somth, extending var tlrends, emiarging and <iversilying one @uemmmerce apd mavulactare-, al deve loping oer azgricultare, ins, Caitemtang popelatwn and hauing ty new emp eeations and bo bfriier amd sini |e and cuw Fai) & hope. hares declared at [ieirmeond. that . be objects ©! the (lou veeteer wer ~& @ame te the Seoothern States Ue ef tus Gees of prepetiy as an integral part vf theBederat ( tiem or to erable tiem to maintain thew rights and mestiialeomns im any even: .~ ani allere Gare a ger Grane winich reiated to the Ucrekaner eer toil, the enlarcpement of our inter eb jap os ernent esstew, our domes! re wadeapeé direct foreign commerce, mines Simmebaciore:s, af) tire arte. thee wei ni ete eu onl netitmvens of the Deut. ver etiodds, co's ces and tue prem it wil proper sy Lethe Gaty of (ite committer therefure t) Tuake a Jew nie! reterenes beget: 4 timer ice wd, Agme tui ee — Whet are the meane of woremeng agt ural weal & the Gwuth, end vf Unag ing henne bo thee ( ferener aed ihe planter, Wun thew fields, thi largest rewuite apd the greatest pros paray, aed of promoting the best cundi Gen ed there @) cratives ( ho Qeret uo iwreorrwrrts —ijow chal! the bimes | mn. Utweeal ion sioeey 16 Bud Wetweoen we be 20 catended as w adit > thee eoememics! cistribaten of prdter feoen eection to section, with the ulmost feedty of wiercourse—cu we ets all \eportam im ce mening {tee vonds of} lew, aed tMekiug We, Be 4b — o. Bae men ster Me mtn te sentiment ( [iis and thas mi) «ia theme be Gis i’ mt bors rai etderal)ie an A Gb Blaney OW ve the aggre:!: . r trave.-- for ute mew ot ter “HE Dower: 1 Porrucx Teang Shall « fort. m of tre s ‘ i") fram these i» - P ¢ Gthey mow of etal! by ~ trader en’. ' Pesyits, ari . meaty eo. tw rk EN erm@ompetort ie ibteo lay to wa he dese Cal Commerce ie ae howe as age tire, amd Gat it is Wiel iora sc 0 purchase the wares and ¢ po di free of an aly giet bina mg bom ts we sect @Rwomidtie t 4 ad al ten ahve tb the er a le prendre actual war’ ' Norm North, ke 4 1 { t rey . ' kpew le: s Z i Rpype. Ca tern not nea Stale trade } frog. Soutoern | ta t poudines £ Euroy wl are not t ws ride fw tue a movementt— He not the shipping iatcrests of the ‘ ‘ “ 4 Sout eon at eonsn aio, Dot withstanding every cot; . ey a ane mation be early reached which all of us; Le have somuch at heart, and now believe to be practicable—a line of Steamsthips fiom our portag) Eureped IV oh tier from Hon. Thow L. Clingman. ‘Car Ubbius Abuevunre, N.C, ct. 10, 1856. Gastiemen:—When T was Jast in yolr town | Te, Maworacttres AND THE] I stated to you and your fiieuds that though 1) SALISBURY. N. v. -~—S- ES - - + Anum —The tafeeral re-earces and mau-fmigbt aut be abie! > adgept av invitation to meet TUESDAY EVENING, NOV. 18, 1856. utactuc nag Cagiytics el ute Sgath stand jen. citizens af yoar county before the Presiden without @ rival Phe manutycturer must jig} cleetion, ret | would certainly endeavor to be in constant commninication with) the agriculturist, or perish in the race of com: petitie Side ly side Uiey wax strong: er. aidonutually add te cach others de- vel prrent Tia que Hew neers Co ree type the cologan! niapd-) write to vou, therefure, to sar, Urat if all Uigs wit, Dowill be with you on Thunsher, the 13th facturine syste of the Noeth. Tt was thonughtearver Gucr this that cumimerce of Nov vel cemanereml eropere were atone the hoo Voet that fl arisdite evctan da ia cence sat the Sotite enether GQharter ol Wode her cdutyy a itke error sfiuth be cor reciwd by her ua manucr to dese etrik- tend retaarkable ' cho so after that event, provided Fremont should carry a majority ofthe voles, } regard that contingency as probable, it is still the rerofacentany las partef wisdom tu be prepared for it, Uhatas asearly a day probably as contd J aud stil would precede ture, TERMS OF THIS PAPER 92.00 CASH. DISUNION. We ask our democratic friends all they. Sentimeuts like these were em- blazed iu large letters on their banners. \\ We say remember this, fur we want to! \ . Should the Ilack Republicans prevail, there is Fell you that it was all a mere deception. Vio Soci Sysrea axp Exstircatons OF to spat of ground P would sa soon stand ow as The kadere of the democratic party in uik Socru.— [his our purpose Tat these tnt town where the first Declwation of Inde-/Hie South are not strongly in favor of the Anil renuarn tuteet amd the Cea iiZde pend woe was imade, and in (hat county whick Union. You, tbe people, will find out tions which threatca other sugietv f Tha systou add those Hasiitatioue have eva wou oHrs ated Tea of eur ancestors U cluding the very tounders of the Rept lie. ‘They lave given ue all of opalence Lord Cornwalhs (vman well qualitied ty express ghis in the course of the next three or foar | a Correct Opiaion) propoaneed “ibe most rebell- vears. You will hear these samme union- | rons combty in America.” loving democrats piping quite a different Oar ancestors had Br greater difficulties (0 tune, and they will want you to marcel, iat is eujoved, They lave raised up te, cheuanter than we are now compelled to meet. ty it. Buchanan cannot gratity the clam- fen mashons of fewer, and enabled te The Sonthon Siatey lave a population | fear ors of both Northern and Sonthern agita- ig Wider Curistian jaffuencea fomr srimes as groat ay all the culouies thea had; whi > r of Nappy, well proteeted und tte best part of the North, [ mean the mea eutentod dalweers desecatlants of bar- barigue Uurewa wpou oor shares by the struments of Nortuerm astiups and Nos therm cupibts. Have they takeu away trou renpacities as les shatore tn pegee reir Vale ated pat rens the promeiypde of donee on cutegriy, of Mahy Cornadadgre, Tie the approval of ai Wied, oF the cluaiisomneat et nse! yee are the suels! ang domestic virtuce and chranan charihes to be found existing | here in arhappy conteast with the systeus | votraze aud bower, ackuowlelge the justice eur cause, and are with us in feeling. hand of Per viteacey paking mse as ins r * « governineuts de nove, T hold, however, that the ova war Le: thiugs which way posibly occur, would nut jus: independence to pursae a high national Uy the action of any siugle Siate, but evea aa. line of policy, deaf alike to agitators North, IMCL wWhicd Tiapels chosize indie Baal resistance; fur apy fece white and South. If he should fali into the a : 4 A > The reset Gncnl Oly Amercum might well refuse lo be degraded as hands of Notthern schemere, as most like-' and now the Col’s pseudo frieuds howl piteooaly { rity the wast fuer. It io a révuledan Usp | My, Clay's sons—poor creature !—tools | towixte prejudices are with tbe North, and wo ,all know be was not the first choieo of} ‘the Soathern democracy. The danger is| ‘}man. ‘absorb that estate. They have got their has already scattered’ the news far and its 4 jhands into it—and will keep them there, wide. The particulars, as far an ere pwea its twiuuey) through the country to remember, that, if it be possible. “the Union” was one of the’ rallying! cries of the leale’s of the party—vote for Buchanan and save the Union, said | | Timger to bully freemen into disuniva, | to them—ao fair and ful | _ McDonogh Estate.—Tho New Orleans | the premiyin awanted tod. F. Cuthrell, ee M | Delta is of the opinion that not of | S.TA YLOR, } The late Presidential ¢ the MeDonogh estate will be left Hi ten B.F.LUNN, 2 +} Syelgys. | yin x Po le I rr 4 ; pre- | years— that this once great estate will be W. IL PERKY, hy iia oetagrot tim 4p ~ pe by commissioners’ charges, “y VS ne 3 OT to tha old Frderal pha Ly 'yers, Gost of court, des | The Electian.-It veil] mat_be news to very | red Ande would snggest that nnless the [many of our teader@to hewe from | at F ( Execqtors “of Maxwell Chamber's will! James Buchaimm this Veen cledted esi | ® bay look sharp, the lawyers will manage to dont, of thy Unitad Status. The telegraplt yigg Jo the necessity of r Ae ite coum “itu 2 Re fe Ai pepolit (heard fromy are given Lejew. Tt is true 98? i. brat Pasa atastacinada 2 ‘that all the Stttes are not fully heard galt: Buelignan war RBaninated.by the : inet the. wishes «ot HOWLING. > from, but we folluw the example ef all yor, Aig yp tey aay. 2 9] (aan vur contemporaries, of a’ partics, iw so is unapl MOUeLy atest gine’ the Sonth, We sce some of the Demacratic papers are arranging the votes #8 to give Buchanan | The Yankee, above all things, hates. ee ee eee 168, Fremont 125, and Filluore & > * | Papist and a duchat, yor the: Esq. presumed to answer the Hou. D. M. Bar eel edd | tre ouagr wort oof Epegiem ays be ringer, in the late canyaas, just as fit were an Whilst we are deeply concerned that : vl 5 Dh dled (w! » both) with dy Vir sh reg a (An bytpetnosit ‘enontin — of wine in ae Sas pagel for kin-falke the people have passed by, us they toe | orrent Foe sa wowthio to differ an polities. "e have not. cared 1-5 . « {% * ee Spey indie this panes Chine, tea ie25 Sela Papel often de, the best man, thore ismuch Gone |* eg lo they eay, was bora at the imation dows. We beard Mr. V.C. Barrinngr’s Solution i the defeat of the ‘purely see | Sunt 3 he was edtnewred at: the reply at this place, which he made at the sulici- tienal gandidate. ‘iis fact wonld make | and during hig brief serviee in the Senate tation of a — os peor vr add ng coment with the result, as a Juadicf| OF 10 | tetas Staten sudachoad a courteuua througbuut. © called mobudy a tra- | Poa nail i tw | ¢ Suath of all qavetions lee dal wa cod ee ang gr lies 2 amen /Cunpromise, or as the lvast of twe evils, | ho recvived pot singly rated Soom yet, of severity, the inisyrAble attempts of Col. Bur- if'we had any confidence that she Gluck bat suweps the greater past of the Nests: republicans were tinaly defeated and the! like a whirlwind: Ly ae There were large calculations of what the Col.’ seetional agitation quieted, Batthe stake; The North takes 4p @ Sontheen magate ~~ * eee ~ ‘would be able to du in Usis bis od rang. Th vie only scutehed, nut killed. ‘The’ pradi- lead a Northern ein od pam ide) aay 4 tea the people. Ho made a speech) tivu yf the colutry, aud destined to show | iy, the three hours long, full of abese of the Averica} more than halfof the whole at the nest [™ \ pce Party, dot very complimestary.to the whige nad’ egisus in 1300, is au eventof fearful ian, lin et ene the Whig a Me Ceeld Gel, Heriager of bla> cow alles ctqan | re That party will not dreguy of wiv Clay, wae audicieut, one won ouppoee, ican pl A oe |g up the evutest. Their power has in- to drive every Whig from. hie ; : age jereased tuo rapidly during the last four, ane th to it came from a spurce woexpected to him and Funre We jndily a loyd of hs duaionns deta beurre encanto etapa, j Will bot go backwards. The war will Bo y e s ei EE E LE LE T R A ER E ES E F L St r e s s cr i s . vo tecume the slaves af the worshipping aboli-\ly he will, the South will be cheated. Jf at one brother should presuine to answer. an- ' "9 merle ‘into the hands ef Southern extremists, | Our forefathers male that revolution to maia-' the Northern wing of the democratic par- | other.—And who are the mey wbo woukl now smother the Col. with deecitfal kisses !— Why men who have all their lives long beea slander and institations fo these whe elain the tain their equality as mea, and cammunities ty, already enfeebled, will drop into the ing bis private character, and dune alt they t priv lege wt relomuing our inmanwers, auil Lkew ise. 1 They resmicd the payment ofa paltry ranks of a Northern Sectional of thakiay Ne allagether as they are them: | tea lax, because its imposition was an assertion Then you will hear the ery of Disunion. selves tf) De aueene quiet and repose are | of the night of the Brits government to rule The democratic leaders of the South will eritel te give wav fee ayrurianion, se evatread, aud ali of the other innnitely di versitiud (ana, whieh agitate aud keep in, contin aed termes, whet is called by au suuse of tetas, free society. Reboruss there may Bo—inproveurents ; time and certun expericuee devehy theme in the maehi- temptible creatures upon carth, exeepling oml¢ nery of all sucieves. Shoald snot at auy those rn the Sowth who are willing Wo be tine be vecesaary at the South, if is Ours wed by them, A few onal presees that Lope to fatien on the tion, They are new converts to demoe- spnals of a government as corrayt as Fremoat Cy: It may be that ia their zeal for their ould establish, and a fee traitors to their eee. De® political alliance, they eonsented to and oars eniv, in assecnliies and eaten Hone, to discuss and parctiomce uprris Clean, indignantly repelled the impadeut Hitec fereuces ef oar beuhle ds. Vib Eeceartan.— With institutions of learning like Chuse thal have been long estal Nstieg and now theanshing in the reortve se ft altesfion from our Committces of Stater of Maryland, Virgaia, North aod) Vigukener, mn tle bude of manly, high-toned men; and set oer an- eesters refosed to acerpt even thent for masters Bat tre leaders amen. vor encines ara to my tedge, the meanest and mast tou amd race, woukl attempt to produce a di Mate govctament cot We are no prophet, nor the son of a pro- phet, Lut the sigas of the times warrant ger both voted for Buchanan to save the Union, but at the same time preached disunion, in the erent of Fremont’s elec risk the hazzard of being the first, to Serum in bavor of cur enemees, bat they might sound the disunion hagle. “= / The Italeigh Standard, we pered ve Seth Camdma, Georcia, Alsbausa and tie newennatt ste Ps lomeare tranquility. A prop-. has turned luse its batterics against the we ojom rer Gemmaed fee xiie la oor retrial iim, Where the iunest gicred ape cia treoms of their mies are denounce | a theusg of the eaeage and the larbarian, the berntage ef yout em criune, and Shere grave awl Leveroms professors ad thereby Olerg) men leave the pulprt amd the desi. town and crreulatetacyedeary political ,, addressoa, sulstiracing wifles fur Kucin or the Bibley aad Goding'in -Kauses, ” tields more classe and cewstensted than ~ were ever betore furdiaked 9 them by Attica or Patesting. Shall net gwr State be Noo). | Legislatures, acting in eaerert, provoke g bt the corr ramet. for an rocreused nawsbher wt home imetite iy cl. sphere of these anrembyetistiog Witha arger porty ue of Usorayiriy elacate| Mis-te-1ppet, uwed Ure seutls of the Sout. ,, forhag » suuth. here ee wiw anresistimziy, and im satlen ts to upperesivn and tortare rejemterous is the whe referred to in 2 tbreatening to reeuly @ Those that have stood sino are entitled to buld the or tewe ertemiing at the same time tire Denizition A tie government 1-1 by the Parliament that James steviy pervading the masses of the Hon. KRexnern Raveen, who, it labors tg tin some quarter, show, is little if any better, than an abo fest our resistance Titiunists. We believe some have gone so far as to denounce Mr. It. asa genuine abolitionists. Our neighbor of the Char leprive corseives of the beveft lutte Democrat has made charges against | Inch we are tated to sepport, the Hon. N. Borp=x of a somewhat sim + slreat.| aesame the contempible attitude ilar character —declaring that be holds than sentiments more suited to a Northern a Seoathern latitade, &c. To such ex treines does party rankor lead men. Now the sum and substance of the whole matter is in a nut ebel! These Ilon. geatlenne n area valtesably devoted to oar National | anion, and these demo- eratie editors |iave calcalated the value of party.— |! to prevent his pablie promution, The Baleigh Standard, and similar sheets, | far the first time iu fifteen years,—have discov: é \ered that tho Col. is a marvelous patriot, and them. That guecrament was coutrobied by ® Le the leaders of the disaniom movement, the discovery is mate just at the point of his ‘ tarning a disauion democrat, “Paithful are the wounds of a friend —bu; deceitful are the Kies | of an eveiny.’ this prediction. Cliogman and Barrin-| Mr. V. CoBarringer may teke to limeelf thie credit, that as soon as a King of Terror wast set up im Cabarrus, be laid hands oo him, wiliuut ‘ceremeny, and tore bi from ine throne. Cémcord Gazette. Mr. V.C. Barringer, in his speech hereon the uight of the 28th of Ovtober, also waged with greater tleroegness, and wilh ‘a coutidence of suceess under a wan of } sotne pretensions to statesmansbip, such | aa Seward, or Chase. And we toink it | will verify the prediction of Brooks and j others, that the election of Buchanan will the Lat a postponement for four years of the sectional triumph, Already are hey tuarshalling their forces, aad pe-woming ting Fremont, for the campaign of 186u, f. rhape, however it igaiet well to je idulge in evel ghawy suticipasions.— ‘Sufficient with the day te the evil phere- uf "— Fuyettecidle Mearver. seein aoe \ PREDICTION Ia the [onse of Representatives of te next Congress, «lich will eontmence en ' the first Moactay in Decenher, 183% the the stamp and made a speech in his fe- vor frou the very doorsteps, we of hie father's slanderer! . The Domeeratic party, ever bonatfal of their devuted regard fur the rights of the 'Seurh chalked oat a line of policy, whieh we fear, will end in the atter rain of theat riglite. . : i adsrecated a porfeet Voivn of the South as 146, means Lest esleylated topak down the sectionntiom of North, parcnily fergetting that iy taped iluey werw in fadt arraying the one tivo agalnat the other, tues to the the eata bitch ment of geographical Qltimate reanlt of <— stronger than the Byuth woualbet spoke in reply to some of the positions eccunity Geueccawer tus taken by his brother, Hon. D. M. Bar- Demnerate will Lave some ten ve twelve The Pico henry ney man for jringer. We regarded it, at the time, as mayrity. The great issug ie ty be, dag Buchanan, yet be waa held ap ducng the ‘ on ofa slave Stale ont of Kanne. " Toi one uf the most inanly and’ scathing re- | CrEHtVe OF a contest as, par excellenct, the Upiog cam. - On Usie question the Deax va have | dt = bakes we had ever listened to. But he on this qenatow Une Dene soreay will lease | dicing, . An oppertunity te demynstrate thetic na Mr, Filim os i heat said nothing personally disrespectful —- sonality But mark woat we predict!) antes pear ghclcr sD eel yl stypronn His matter and imanner were anexception- | If Kunaas asks alusinwen asa slave State, Fremont woukl have been elected. The able towards the Col, unless, indeed, an the Dvimerate at he Sere of beth Sh meriaas party drew off sufficient vetes dirwit Twenty of the Gy Dewurrat frou Breunurt in Peunsyivania, New Jeor- elegel fron the fres States to the peat wy, Indiana, and Dlivem, ta secure theese . Congress, and probably thirty of them, Srates for Mr, Buchanan, and thus give exposure of his political principles cvuld be so constraed. -_- t will refuse Gs vete for the acdusission of tiny vietory to the Democrats You Tue warcHwas, [Kanans with slavery sanetiosed in ber Mr. llocbanan isa minority President. The Davie Coonty Agricultarsl and Wechee Constitution —Rulegh Regy With a very decided majority of the pop- ical Socicty held their fint Pair at Farmington ot ilar voice against hin, he fa yet bewn on the 30th Uctober, aad awarded thefuiiowing The (Greatest City —Lindun is now sble ov to locate sie vote in the different tthe greatestcity inthe workl, and far States as to secure a plarality of the eles oK sarpasers all the great citios uf antiquity tral colleges, am thus achieve atriamph, STOCK. According to Gilrbon, the population of With the ery of Caivn! Cuian!! 4 For the heaviest Hog. 21 months oh! 600 Tbe! ancient Mme, iv the height of ite mag leading warchward, the result A tke'bae To Joseph F. Cuthrell 83 00 nificenee, was 2,200,000. Nineveh ises ‘iow will be, we very munch fear, to weak- To Mas. Cuthrel!, heaviest hog 1 year timated to have Lad 600,000; and Dr © a d not arengiben the bands of Us- old, 470 Ibe 00 Medharst sapy-ses the edness of Pe won —to increase and mot pat down the kin is alot 2,000,000. The population, Gres uf sectionajism—to irritate end mee prem ngs : 3 o br. J.P. a, 2nd heaviest, 2 00 . men than iste be Cruse tmeyened oar bemite : he C ; ou aes To Lv ogme of Len low accor ling to regent staticnes, 4 prase—to imperil and not perpeteate will we beild np and eucwarage heme * left the thrume the Union, anu ight out @ sum 60 ID- fF Leon, sow and pigs, Ist prewium 2 00 ammeanio te 3.50000) 406682 having te Constatathen, Mr. Brovke may aie eek ee ea lrenmey | TEAL — NO those States eho refuse to vles the significant tlat it is deom scarcely worth ©. W. Jolmson sow amd pigs, fed * B80 ee delet ta. it eked at the last tem yeare Le a trae prophet. The election of Mr, pavvcatiae bowser 1 The tune ter cction Comeivatien, held ae hasmg gone ow the saving. (ren. Washingtno, the an- Max Cathrell, sow and piga, 3d « 1 00 Peapod [regress Milwaukie wae sete Buchanan may be in reality bet “ a trece ve weme Lt wild be weil, at lemat, too bemek of thee Cmson, cient fathers of the Republic, and the! “ = Pleat pair pigs, (wo bowe thed ja 1835, and incorporate! as menty for fur y ars,” to be succeeded by a wer by owe sched leks Onn the malting of/ Lc Mesachwatts New York and others stay great patriots Clay, Webster, Jackson, sad Wobare) 2 00 im 1546. The polation ty 1340, secord- | '" einer the vest interests of the eventry theme lee entructer! ae exetiunevely tee theresa |, amt nt the same time bse the me of and Fillmore, are the patron saintson the, * “ Beat Deron Bull, 5 OO Ing . tse — pe adore it cam “> ae - . net whe br imetdiny an eceaserial betes. S ntler: resheps, an} Southern, 4 nil ie ~ Tak 1. | Let) Fulford, haif Pevun calf, 1 pe 1 00 Ma ” less than 45,000 of 50.000. Ive a Tmo every poi vi w taping eee ok Send tag n/n ee Oe ee ee manufactures in 134% reacted @2,u00,000,, and this Presidential coutest presents : ' . 4 manufacture and woport® ing genine on t other Wohnen lo Mas. Cuthreft, one Deron calf, 21 preae, 4 3 2 . ? er ‘ Loew serve at tire waste thine Coemd aired £8 u dich, peope aod wm 1<55, 5 cu.0by, ome angular features. Cr Uta) their eoeciences and thetr poeket-f The btate Legislatures at the SD uthe alos © cern petit tee deem the niet hief Preserty well aslimit fo at) tec om the mbes thet they are freed in thew con am tot Tae t A ev cteom can ane cngtit tee le maton al tie Seomits bey Mw leeels Thee pee! mien ce HON Tm ye Cabal le give tee fe ein tremel eve: and teite presa Wir! Aw A men me fodou ew ie are Lt woften io ws " av! aft Bifloweitrece of the Sone, we nia met pealtz tame] all ff theece leopmea, birt et a f vy chetialr them, Iehesing en te be wttaiacvic at wo distant day we hall arti Gomcert, meoctng ti the -aiww direetion, ander the dictates of a whrinen fitercs neecesity and pati We invite a large attendance at tire oS otras of + Savama Let every age and town throwziaut the Seat nterowurse wrth as m placed of uve oN: hadaimg con ateren beren and hole wet fend eafirent « si) 8 perperte.— ecteners freap atl 1+ turprtede of S-athera slavery then bet them. by fave of arn, get back o the Uawn of they! cre olan thew manifest the height of fat ats ’ ~Ahing bat threats and denunciations, tree om os with arma die Ay inz, 9 oh tLe part 0° «ie he che proper time a hee of policy and action ese Rayner, N. Boysen, Barringer, and all the pro wilh do es am inyory | th Carolina wall you fullow!~ for the Ntandard las gone to work on this ealject: it las fally determined to crush Keneth Rayner, and ifit shall succeed with him, then Boyden must eome ander the wheel next —then Victor C. Barring er, and then all the friends of these gen temen—and a!lothers @ho pat forth an Wom. March, of, Colt 19 mu's old Ist pe effurt to arrest the disnnion tendency of Wim fenet Colt 2} years ol. 24 pr the Democratic party. You will#e called Diet te take Pemeteion of the government, and Spon to decide whom will follow—at Stephen Dionurit, best Jack, lof the Army Naveand Treas “What shrine yoa will worship—between When that erected by your forefathers and the Mathew Foiled, best mule cult, v afrer an open declaration of war and altars of Democracy There i rmorthe! in all) their asanulta If Stephen Droothrt, 3:1 bot male colt, are! and boaners they saceeed in Iestroying your prominent un ! Joie to allow hie to ton men, aed geo your approval of the act, it Douthit ant Wm March © pnmeesmon uf tue country, and wart to see rf will be an eats matter lo bead you against the 1 am evnfient that at unwn itself I) 5 are aware of that Kenneth | j r [ respond promptly to thee appeal int te mdieated which withedt any real sacrifice, mivest mona men in tins part of tbe State are appointment & delorates Ineteroted 5 regard to their wosires and views Tie Execatives of the eereral States and the P r ° od bear wet! ” hohe fe to Warors of cities, Boar te of Trade and sary bor every ru man to hold himself ready to tihed with ger section as it 8 possible for men Commerce, Agreultural Associati me era! and pulnical act, showld the emergency occur will protect the South mad ite imettetions, both largely interest! in the peculiar institation of At priaent it je only neces the Byuth, and are as fally anal ¢ ompletedy iden te. Will yoo allow such as the Standard ani ete, Will. it i< believed, appoint according ete only entith:| le know that we anil submit Charlutte Demorral, by insinuations of open as to etietom, dAegation< of tred and ap proved inom, who will certainly atrend, or whe welt, in tue ercit of a faslure, euninaneate Ly repor a or mherwice f rfornatio +s fer the aetion of the by why, , ame OF A fthe pedtetg indicate! (ari? were te appeal to the f thee Sow yren iteentnianet Pri re ite agitation Ce Carvention mm De r ae ” Wh tutors ite Bve ( ” ’ a! bing 2 4 ay te Listes F " ' i ww aren Ir DULG dM oi Mary awd eats | , » fre ie ulia en yey vd Mow. wh Jd. K AND Virgtiva t MY ble ) ae ee I J .eGibBo ti Carolina Firat bee if lege. - a veoof ne $V heel reached ‘ \ Los | 1) F veered f parol! Ip " t» there domination whea ther hare conquered as in teett!~ ane] slain our fishery men the meregeity aria, make our arrangements, and 1 erll ander the fas or of Prov dence, meet you Vers trabe. rors dee. *CAN SLCIL TIMINGS BE Mr (Gs «ld lard sa yawae distinetiyv Za wny, and each stan sung by fhe echo, as ing important information, and statin sweet and imcldious, asthe voice whieh tat be has negotiated a treaty with Eng- land, covering all questions in dispute tue barking of betweeu Great Britain and the United Miss Mary EMfis, 24 best drawing, loge, and even the cackling of elickens. , Stares has the altitade Tie party at this al voyagers, espe- iatlvy when aided ov conmaderable quan tree oof Old Cogiiae. irions influence of a echauge of amos ent ore? - Pteraberg [nt-ligencer. aavlta to shake sour confidence in the soundnces of these gentlemen! Houest democrats of the country, do you beiseve that Rayner, the owner of a hundred claves, of Boyden, with hia large Stephee Lrowthit, best short hore Bef, G. W. Jobmon, Mi tbet * *% * Stephen Doathit, cow and calf, I. PF. Lage, best short bore heifer, Ntephes Dowtbit, 24 best beifer, —_- j ts 5 3 00 ys 200 Faportint Invention Mr TW. Whit-| Chéncae Sugar Cane We enpy an ar- 200 MOF: Hie artiat, daring bie voy age te and Uh un tits salject, whieh appears te be frome Live tpoot, has cnn} heted an ingen well worth the atrenfim of oar 2 ine ayqarataaby which the eaile of the ln ackdetion to that (roorgta experi ment, 4. W, Jobasun, belf Durham calf, 1 00 vepsel are made ty eviele the fary of the Te fed by other statements that the cane Mat. Cothrell, best sative beiler, 1 QO windkeand reefingentirely dispensed with | b#s een enttivated eaecessfully in Mie Col. & Taylor, beet Stallion, 2 00 By an application of a single salve wr | ren and ih New Engtand. And we ma 3 00 each emi) on deck, the vessel laenabled ta] Sd that a specimen f siray made from 2 00 carry sail to the last moment in a hig | by 0 lady io the viethity was exhiVited af } wind. The madel is now under exdosia | late County Fair. ; a ation at one of our priucipal shipping The high prices of Sagar, whieh it be houses themghlt can onty be diminished by the 2 caltvation of thie Chinwee cane, 2 oo Axctrst Caxoe Dreowsaen.—Threo | doubtless induce many totry it, We Be- } 00 fishermen at Aamieres, France, linve dis | lteve the sced ie to be obtained, as RP 50 covered an anesent cance Imrried beneath only at the Patent Ofice —Fay. O. Committee on Stock, Mat. Cathrell, Stephen a sandbank inthe fiver, From vile oo = it ie euppesed thatic was need by the Nor mane i ihe Meas of Paria. It i« an A Paotrstaxt Cosvest.— Prof. Gtalib AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, ée, be jy nense trank of nak, abot eighty fet '* aboal to cstablish a Pretestem Convent N. Travian, corn shelier, 2 00, long, hollowed ent, and capable of hold. i* Prasia. The projecs oe c = cles = ing sixty men. [tis well known that the 9 ery @umated conversation in many : i sae enon etl ’ a Soins. in addition to their long wick the Berlin «ireles Unie being an inetit ation 2 . er-work boata, had other cory large ones “hich helouged, antil go, exelasively @> . subsoil plow, 100 7, prrpeses of war, formed ofan wood, the iLoman Catholie agch. The Col S. Taylor, Lest sule & upper leather, 100 oii (, soppesed that ting is one of them, Tent in qacstion ie to be at once a refage ihomas Ferebee, best sample tobacce, 59 There ia a airiking resemtlance befween 20d a kind of se minary for yooth. his 4 “ best pr. Bramab chickens, 50 this and the barks of the pirates of tho ww be called * The Deaconage.” Mas. Cathrell, best pr. Sbangha: chickens, 25 ninth century i as oe are Peucass ny Arcusisnoe [cvoam— Naylor, and I} F. Lann GRATEFUL SULDIERS. Weare informed, gaye the New York LADIES DEPARTMENT We copy the followfng frown a London Mirror, that Mr. Edwin Fetrest, the se- Wm. A Perry, Cott 2 years old 3d pr 00 00 . “ beat male, 2) years ok! Wa. IL. Derry, 24 best invle exit, one horse plow, _ prestiment in this apecies of property, or aay of Mrs. Eduey Fulford, test counterpane, 50 paper: a6 haa ald his ; ywmhcent oo ofr neighbors. interesto« t bolt ss - “ 2d bet * 25 5 wideoun, below Yoyker,to Arch ae - a a d “ weds otaltattotal 7 : hen Aer A Carlow Paper mentions a tory pleat ingles. Only a porti ms of the gona a5 pessliel Ait die isathads aoeltaa Sap igiad in ying circumstance “Tn our Last publyoa were eld: the price was 85000. Un heumon threat of Clingman becomes, as we ans 3 beat cuverlet, 69 tim we noticed that a troop i My vad . Sse . peet rt qill, ome of the cardinal principles of the democrabc party in the South, do you not see that euch onion inen as Kayner, oyden and Barringer, wil be in the way of its success; and lo you mot koow, Ua in that case, 90 aecusa Lion, however black, « ve Loo monstrous — pro orded gl wrawa, you can be induced to swallow it f twill only agswer the purpose intended 1 W ask you again, ta scrutinize those movements. +2. Prom the Charieston Standard New Yorn, November 12 Private letters have been reecived froin Mr. Dallas, Minister to England, convey DEATII OF BENATOR CLAYTON, New Youn, November 10. Intelligence has teen received in thie two horse torn plows entered, and the premium y of the death of Senator Clayton, of awarded to. W. Johnsos. ware. & Mie E:nily Travillian, best lace, pot the Royal der the patronage of hia (race, the home this town — of the tragedian is to become a nunnery 90'Sinee then we have been inf, wl that \ Vorwed that tor damsele of the Roman Church. Mra. Fliza Fulford, 2d beat 7s anumber of how brave fellows, who are Mee Mary Bilis, 3] best 50 Not long retorned from the Crimea, ae “ . Mrae\ (Po) Deak, loc ben Jeanes' clock: so. tN as they were freed from theie dae, Mere Mode of Proprdaion.—An ima- Site F. Kecballi: xl ce moclen ccks 83 ty, Chomgl saturated with wet and fati provement has heen made in aang. . : ge after a long march, proceeded ta the boats consisting in an arrangement Mercy Convent to return thanks to the eoubination of ie ordinary endless chate hone whehad been in’ the Criunga, for horse power, with paddle whecls, where SO their kind attention to the sick and thy the raising and lowering of the paddle Mre. Fiita Fulford, 2.) beet * 25 Artillery passed thr may Mra BF. Lonn, the best init, ee Mra. Wan. Derry, beat batter, 25 Mrs. Jarnes N. Cutlireti, 2.1 best butter, 25 Mra. Eliza Fulford, best carpet, rai, WAS partion Important Information from Mr. Dallas Mra. McCloy, heat needle work, 50 wounded. What atda inore weight to wheels to snit the varions depthe at whieh Mra. M.D. Turner, beat pair Gloves, 25 thietoaching scene of gratitude ia, that the boat sinks if the water, also produce Mass 1. A. Cuthrell, lamp matt, 25 of the whole party only one was Cath- (a variable inclination of the endless chais oo * “ pine barr basket, 25 lic j horse power, se as to enable the hers to “4 . , bo th s] svtchet, % Accident. —-We are ar ry to know tel cfehe wad. ——— wage 28 one barber, Albert Henlerson, met with Mies Amanda J. Jubpson, best drawing, 26 asad accident on Monday eventing, om | aa 25 tlria wise: Several young men were soated| Forest Kirrs.—Four two woeks past, the Mies Mary EF. Chinn, 84 best drawing, 25 in hie shop, when a revolver was dropped | forests in Deake county, Orio have been Committee, G. W. Juboson, Wm. I. Perey | 0m the flour, discharging « ball into the on fire, aud immense destruction of tim- and MP. Filhord. foot of ny poor peers seth ry aid wat, ber bv the result, The forests wero ciel ; é ee [promptly procured, but all cffurte this anally filled with moss, whose gro At the societies plowing match there wee fowr | toe Inve failed to extract the ball, whieh! wae 1 icerel: by the season, . The pon | ie lodged in the bones of the instepe- dronglitrendored it very combustible, ane . Fears are entertained that the foot mst thie propagated the fire: Thonsands of There sere (wo subsuil plows entered, aod come of —[Corolina Spartan. ~\geres have bery denuded of timber. ES E R S E R S E Z ES S . PL U TE L SE E S ER P ER L E S E PE Fe er e ce Se e F . g “ SE P F E T S 7 2 PE E \ ee- asviet- ‘the = ‘J hate. . hed to )) with wtoin on Senate selled on Nests: le 3 i it l . PE L E L D E E 3 fr e e 3 a $ ‘t h e sd a p h r r H a l iv i t i site vodenOOsv ALi. Silliman, Agase.z, dy pther | f lentping... Bat og camps #4 . and whet.beiel, If they have,mo defigite infurasstion on that matter, we will proceed . them. “The aye: pee whieh produord Hur- | wie Aberunthy, and sthor illuminati of mer | deal ectewse. Be much for the wne; add wow fur gerwear, Werle to other ‘physicians what Chry, w Cathoun were to slateamen, what Wash- name !—was lo putriogs aud grage- Sbahepere was ty dramatista, and Teving | “3 sodsliggreaea the greatest of his | Hie ryputetivg how penetruted arena = mgt prejudice, surmounted the ber- tere of malace, and be avowedly stands alone, the vu arcs the worlds rer, mach for | od aja pare, va It, whee | were dying by thowaands, of he afl, end Portemouth, we hoamhaf a xemedy whick qpal’) arrost the progress a oa. nono the footsteps of the spaicr,acd | we neglected i communicate it, what would hove boon opr degert! Truly,.a very pummary (Honus of the Arsenal at this place, | . Lyeeb hw. Por if there beany duty nave inipersiive. than amuther,it is thia,—* 40. vids | wlany Years to cone, fever, be made wu | Wot of Salisbury, oa the Sherril's Furd rved, agd tosh te dtr elnticn,” aed t use every means | Teeter te riftaration to health. ‘This is why we speak Holloway. fae set enower ta the | tanec dabier oo much young- or man than he ie Bt prpseaty his aigntion was direct- od to the great Baproportion bwiween the cures per- formed by the ‘thd those whieh they an- dertuwk to He chedrved that not ounce in» eoeme canes were they saccessfyl. Lt seemed to bint, Githed thet medicine wes not worthy the name of 6 Gthense,—thas it was wierely 6 thing of chance. | and thavefare & positive iajory lo mankind, or thal the Pagdatens were ignorant of the jruc besling art. Huv- the stndy of bumas physiology, avd | prthobgy of discases, be alighted Fetee of went of wuccrs, and meade et which will imgortalize bis name. To om & » dectore treated it beally, topically — = “the Kidneys that were derapged! Or the Or the eomach! Or the innge! Birsigh<- oor Bony overted to ref tr Uadenya, ees oh, not knowing that the evi © as com the Mood, which fed thoes organs wih kus and contre, they should purify that vite! Ware the rest to wapore. ‘The is (be o- eres of Wer Beltoway's sstomighing emcee im of parts of Ge werkd, he parifies the Wows aad bealth foi. | wwe AP rf Hallow ay tor _ they have, we they have heard of te ao Bagiish phy: | Jes of the resolution ang rt below, ibaa cheeses jont & Prospectus, or Plan, leach oti prepared by one of the, uvet d Ieee and patriotic sons of North Oneltee (evidently without any concert with Mr. Sumner.) Tt is too long’ for fusertion Ta the Obsery yer, and was sort wed fur publication in that suxde ; Dut we intended to pablish it in paawplilut form, for gratuitous distribution, if we! had’ becu cncvaraged to hope that the, } plan would be carried into cxceution oy the people, oF by the State Legisiature. telsagiug to the heire-at-lew uf David Thomas, de- | Prine, | Le propapes to raise a stock Company ‘of | $200,000 <apitaly Buime whoin we lave jednsulted have doabted whether the | jampant would -be subscribed 5 whibat | jotheew hase thought that the Legislature | Tae‘ following Tract of Laad “wil be cinea | would promypily andertake the sapport | of such a Agsirable, aud even pecessary, hed | (Mstifution, Others, again, buce Uouggit | ‘that the United States would willingly | tnake a gift te the State, fur that purp- ee, jof the extensive and costly Buildings wud | | which it is supposed will not, at toast tor | | Arsenal uf Construction, in which capac: | jity ouly coald it be very important te this State or town, as au Arsenal. eoutume Wo have felt a deop iuterest in this! | project, aud now that we flue it received with so mueb favor by the Educational | Conven we will hisli the “pati phlet reed to, and ong it to wate f islatare, and to a others whe may in | dicate a wieh to have it. The writer | will Ye seal compensated fur his labor, jas we will be for the expense of printing, | if it slall lead to any useiul result. Fayetteville Observer. From the Widslegeen Herald. | ANN BQOWN. | Quaigneme, Qrinta aad brown ing oad Sbestings ; | Sonne few days since we pullinled a brief ab | Juty 98, 1856 w—10 “reson Litre fern leven arab onooes to bis OC ract of x letter wintieon by the Low T. L. Cling. | ——- _~ | he of | wan pe the te; ies of the day, Ww a committee uf | gentlemen at Clarkate, but, as this letter may be im ortant for (arare parpows, We have eouci uJ et to repald sh tenure, We have copied it frou the Wimington Jowrned, in ebich paper, | we believe, it first appeared, wud we tow ask (ant hee for at aaswer) whether that paper ; SPpreces ar u the owe téiuek Ht in true that the everse of action re | evnmmended to be adapted by the Suuth in the | Som ot ebdeeas py bette r at Balisbery, N.C maze \RRIZD* POSTPONEMENT. TOWN LOTS FOR SALE. 1yN PUTuAMee of a deere wf tbe Coort of reg ‘ Rowan Coonty, Twill sell.tot the Conary Hose im sliebusy , othe 25h day uf Novewber went, ( | Puesday, of Superiot Court,) za 22 Acres of Land, . ceured. “These lands ‘ie withiu the boundaries of the town of Salisbury, wud Aor he mild in bate - BLACK MER, C. ME. Octubve ?, 1956—Pr wdy. @3 00 jwid sold al the Court Hou: ¢, in Salis- * — bury, om 23th Nov., Tuesday | of Saperior Coart, FARM FOR SALE. celpot Plantation, lying three aud a half miles | sbowt half a mite from the Salisbury and Taylorevilie } Plank Road, aidpadping the landsof Mes-re. Murphy, W. |* Mncny, Muthew Locke aud othem This (rect 344 1-2 Acres, | « large portion of which ip well timbered; the re- | mainder ig uuder @ high state of ¢uliivation, On thie jieeet ip & superior Meadow, [soatmiding sboat 40 seres ; as this land i by: | wear Malisbury a handsome profit can peeps top He the meadow alone. There is, also on the premises 6 | gud dwelling house « neal exccllent barn, and every | ether convenience attached theret>. _ The superior locality of this farm will make it a safe to the haser. Terms will be made seeumodeling. Callen the ectworiber at the planta, p . ’ SaLE OF LAND.” fe? purepanre of a decree of the” Curt of Equity for Davie Coauty, at Pall Term, 1836, | willectl, at public sae, at the Court House in Mocksville. eo Tresdsy, the 25th of November, instant, the fdlow- wg Tracie of Land, belonging & the heirs of into eta i “| ieanae az 5. Sag o. HME wodersigned offers at private sale, a mort cx. , a comrreTAPLe DBT COODS, Felmas and WHOLESALE AND =. DEAL- Fancy & Stilt” wine Goons — DV © eto in the roe reste ida foley fir aoe regent ed stock of Dry Good found @ large assortment of Faney Dit DRESS O0ODS.| Teen ‘PHILADELPHIA AFIUTILPI RAL WL Foc sor eis Sqoran, | Bk yonraui Ligeviptos, N.C., nati SALISBURY - “CLASSICAL SCHOOL. | Hosiery, Gloves, Bounets, Shawls, Silke, Alpaccas, in the town of Sabsbury, for the purpose of | Merines, DeLanes, Ginghaws, French and English Hats and Cops Also, a large assortment of ‘ertd Vestn, | goods of all kinds and prices and Shoes Als uake and Carpet ‘Bugs, that will defy competition. ¢ as & call, éxamine Gar Goods and ve ‘fut Yout- Solgbory, Nov 10, 1656 Qa ! {- | } SELLING OFF! SELLING OFF !"! Salisbury, November 10th, 1856. on dcarmined eben prune “oo sacting ba canire och oo ATOST FOR CASH 908 Dollars worth ef FANCY and Ladies’ Cleaks, Gentlemen's wear, Néeedle-worked Bwbroideries, Be, he, & PT Sige SCAG having term gentiaees the yoweys em son, lt composed of Newest and most Fashionable Styles! donsisting ia part of— at gar bash.ag batons oh wghe LAS: Cashmeres, Veleucias, Popligs aad Wool Pigids ; Alpasce+ satis Big oo by Mertocs ; WHITE &00DS _seaaech uaa,” | MMaon, ¢ 4 sad, w wit: One Tract, knows as Huane Tr vod amaher Treet, called the VanEs- | tom “Tree, bh (yee om the eaters of Huming Creek, tw and crimizimag, io olf, beiweee eight apc sine hew- ‘oped Neves. A crodi uf twelve ‘qronihs @ill be at Lek any dal porton. whe bes wulfored many (binge event of the clee‘lon of Mr. Premunt ie nue, ol ay one with good srourity, beuring interest | if many phyritings,” and obisiqed po beats, give | the elective of Mr. Buchanan, peudemed out ul neod to these woute of cars aed try Moliowey's Pills — We be Ws ailing trem wonmdees sores. HLF will thank | @ bee cnr edvicw, wed rejpice thet the Profraror bee ertved & thks qvastry. end aprord_ ae extensive om thihetent ie New Tork, which promices © rival hie emt one le Leadon —U. 8 Jomrvel. -_- COMPLETION OF TILE NEW YORK! AND NEW FOUNDLAND TELE @RAPH LINE. New Youx. November 9. We anderstand that the New York asd New Foundland Telegraph Line will be open throagh to St. Joa's to-morrow. — Gongratelatory messages between the Company herd aid Goterner Dudley of New Pour !!ad baving passed over the wires yesterday. The line from New Yotkto New Foundland is one thoo _ = and fifteen miles length, for most t through a wilderness countr — Msp the ban pea, including of the cable, about« half a ie of detiars. We are advised by our Liverpool cor sre long —— Trame- Atlantic elegra i Company hae sctually been formed . ra ee the auspi cos @f Sie Joha Brett, who has had the superintendence of ali the great eabmerine telegraphic enterprises in Bugepe, and one Half uf the required cap ital te the lime from New Peand land wes jately takeu @p, and no diffcalty whetever «as antici ed in ob- the balance. Coat looking pepe eoinpletion se Me fee Atiantic nest emamer, were pres ge with ene of the Jondoo Tel egraph Manufactaring ry any and no dudlt was entertain the Canada aailed, bat that the ac of the Tran+ Atlactie cable Gounmeticed on the fret ef No vember, and be seccessfully submerged between New Foundland and iteat i the month of Jaly, 1357 -- Tees Cerediowive.— A eter trom Nees Tork pg “The Jews are now cast of Tabernacks, du they are directed to live in tenta y bat only a few strictly comply with the command. There is, however, one “ indeed” in New York who ‘ ta. thé. diredtiows tai! ip the Olid Testament. It is the Me. Lea, who permitted yoar cor- to visit his succah, or tent, which is erected in the garden of his re udenec . be ie of email dimensions, and. as yun enter, the eye i¢ attracted to a tramspareney at otter end, of Heurew characters as follows; Besnenth Jesh be Bhebagot Yamin Kol Mazrach Be Israel Yeabbo Besacoth. "Vo GaB dwell in bemihs seven days; and all that Imastnse bern shall dwell in bowh “The roof is composed of light cedar branches, and various fruits are hanging in different parte abit. Fragrant boaquet adorn tlie’ find in entre ip ata ble on. which is pooan pa elegant repast This ie continually replenished, and all who come are invited to pwtake. The eelebration is one of exceeding interest.” The Vote of the United States. —The! hrynd white male popalation of the Uni ted States over 21 years of age, and to be entitled to vote, is about 5,- , and yet the votes cast at a Pres- seleetion seldom exceed 8,100,000, ledvtvig’ tre million of inhabitants who pe a ~ gg franchise. In the State ee Lerk, in 1858, the votir a- lation exceeded 800,000, yet the totes ro-| tarned did not macht ex Massavlinsotts the whit 1858 was only 188,000, thowing that ucar- | W two-tirds of the adult population, for | some cause - oo had staid away frou the pols. ion fs megrty ° peytvry iKpereett States. ‘Wilicted, or Rthewey es Ommment,| whether the Joarnel, as one of the organs Binme hengthbe propometny Mr ' 090. In! malés S¥er 21! @re.nearly 300,000, and yet the voto, in! the questive; Lut whet ve dere to know i Of the Dremouratic party in North Carclina, wns pre | | pared ita Be. Uliagenan te desealve the Osean | in the evens of Mr. Ficinont’s chetion, We de sireto knew whether the Demorrate lenders are ey! tobreak ap the bands of uniow laters | Ceashom. » herge cley-bomt Mane, hits we Mates b . didate is oh J seeagely | oe a Northern platlora, and lwhare sume overt | act of aggheesion wren vor rights has been com- rortted Mr. 4 Jngman, we vaderstanl, duce pel own ia argo Va the workd, ard yet be wets hinamelf “y ot) peculiar champron of Swuthern reterests' Lhe anys that those whe woul! be willing to sts) wm the U mon in the event of Fremunt's election, enti! some “uvert act” of aggression was made apon the figtts of the South, would be worse even than the headers of the Abuluwa party of the bees cer iont hoow kniye, tt at) mun quntempiible people of earth.” And be te Gate whe souk! mt euste with bine it contingeacy spukve of to dewolve the Umhom, ie sepe eomapltvees of igi! aoce cool! pay all such “eelft oftenteon.”— That ‘Pi bad beew elechad, coe-tite tromad!y law, We woeld wot deselve th. Uw moo bereuse Of his glettion simply, am! \xfore of he party bad made oa (he South, be wood bev, swan te etidently a “rule ar ruin” Lhermuer atte North, whe, to are se laws meal » to one ‘ epue the rugtts of we all beag We aNe ln bee ewewewrve theret for dumination, be m realy to plange the country rete afl the horror of cowl war, neg bie meng) bors fora diflerevce of gyms — mew tow as boy al te the Uaioe, a deeply interested at be apn | be in tbe p otect dn of igterets aad the bue ot oT the South, aml as true ts the ecctoa te wheck Une leew ae the meant rated, af! ows iat wd charmyave of that aectve aed of Ubuse myles, Hapgsly Gor ail comcerord Use co@uageney epaken of has bere postpoard —for fuer yrereat temst. Tt may be forerd ayoo us at Use expire fun of that Kare, We want to keow if the Vet neratic party are prepered ty sanetion the Cliagraset The Raleigh Sieuderd uades «nh that gentioman be a late meus it sand | “The desisare of thie Uniog hang apien Ure re The on test Is betwee Ruchadee and Fremoot. If ihe if the latter, be cowardly sad pus South to rebarit to the ekctron salt of ee ehuetrom om wert Toreday. fogmet be elected the Unive bs pale; tleeatanend Ih would ibawet rem us foe tbe af Pee mont Wheat sags the Woy cegtun Jomrnel! What has \een accomplished by the election of Mr. Buchanan! be seetionsl agitation pat dowol Tt ie worse than fully to aewertit. Isthe R publican party killed? The best answer to this ie cpa tained in the fact that the Republicans of Deston are aboot to isane an “address to the pe ple of the United States,” arging them te stand by the Fremont flag, an: Continue in nomination Fremout and Dayton for the offices of President and Vice President after they shall be vacat- ed ty Buchanan and Bre ckinridge. This party has proved itself im the oe ent contest too powerful ton deep! y cal inthe popular mind North arnd Kieth West: too perfeetly organizer dito jnstily the belief that it will wot endeavor, and atrennonsly tos, tu obtain the enpromacy which in thie first trial its mearly garn- 8 ed Foar venra henoe it will asain con test the pal n, and with stronger hopes of MC COSs. It seeins to us from this promt of view that the next Presidential election will Le porely a sectional one—the North pagninst the South. Sectionalism is not put down by the snecess of Mr. Baehan- av. Agitation of the qnostion apon which hinges the sestiny of the Repablic will atil! contiade. There will be no Fillinore at the head of affairs “to beat back the tide of disunion™ (in the language of Mr. Brooks,) and at the expiration of Bachan an‘aterim, a Northern President—elect op a Northe:n idea- -iv defiance of the, dhagh’ }adsame the reins of goveru-) javent. Bt ie wdurk picture and we derive | no pleasure from its conte mplatin. ROWAN MEDICAL SOCIETY. RE will be a call meeting of thie body ot Dr. Dive brad's Offom, on Vandny 04: inet, a 18 a | Wlioadatice ie carnestfy otad. ak “y MMERELL, Ser. Novemb rt 1th, | AGS ' i L. BINGHAM, C. MB. Muckevilie, Now, 3, 1856 —-Priece adv. $1 WO. 2g | Foe Horse Thief---Stop Him! DAN MITCHELL, of Guilford eianty, between | 7 the age of pimciceh and twenty-one, aivle ou } Peredey the ith of this month, from RC. Cottes mane and! tad, Sad Muchel! wade the animal td Wigh Potnc, | where he dispemed of ber Herd Mirchell je shut Gre | fet 6 or 6 aches igh, dork comple aim, with s email | taf of trend oo tris lip, had of » bred trim bleck bac, Yothew guiters, brown sect qo fnxk eval, with the reght pocket tore down a #8 tn chow ibe lining Bald Muetel. hes been twice whipped, ead shuald be ran om ofthe country. 1 wit give Twenty Dollars re ward fur bee apprehqnama. ' THOS B. LONG 2«25 ! Now 18, 1656 SWAN & COS LOTTERIES. [duthorised by the State of Alabama.) LOTTERY CLASS ky To be drows in the (ty of Montgomery, Ala, iv pub- he, on Wedaceday, December 10, 1856, on the Plan of SINCLE NUMBERS! Jown Beare ead WW. NoGcma, Bap , Com's 30,000 TICKETS ONLY! 3280 PRIZES! WORE THUAN ONE PRIZE TO EVERT TEN TICKETS BRILLIANT SCHEME! 1 Prive of 940 000 ~~ 12.008 ' 5,000 ' e to 1 C | ooo \ o 4.000 | 1 Prare 2506 0 - 1008 oo we rs) APPROXIMATING, PRIZES. ‘ > aperesia. be ame prise cee 8 8 HE = im 7“ ‘> Do _ = ’ u 1 and yong ee ae 1 J0D pate caneetios to tm Whole Tickets, 10 — Halecs,b5 — Qearters, 24 PLAN OF THE LOTTERY. 3000 Prace of 91) ell be determined by the last figure of the Namb- 010,090 Prize — For exempte. if be Now Prise cate out \. 1) hee all the wember code be emiled to 6460. If the Nem ber omde with Nu 2 wilthe entitled to 40.204 m ot to 0 Coruhiestes of Packgee wr] be odd at the folvw: ng rates, whieh ie Une pak firate of Package of 10 Whote Tree 10 Het - x 10 Qoarter 15 Orders for Tickets ean be addremed to BR SWAY @CO. Atlanta. Ga or & BWAN, Momtgomery, Ale SALE OF VALUABLE MILLS. N abedience to 0 deerce of the Coart of FE yaity for Darvleon County, minde at the Fell Term, 1956, 1 shail aefl ea the pre meee. on the 3d of Decenther meat these valmable (iret and New Mills, belengag to Reo ten, Cleere and Anne Holmes, known a8 the WOSES HOLMES MILLS Ce Porenne desiring pr peat) of thie description, would do well w card Mitte, ae (hey are very de siimated on Abbots kin River im one portions ef the Creek, abeat one mde from the Y of the finest and best grain gro coantry, THE WATER POWER tery good— never failing even in sensons of great droath, There are four acres of land altached to the Milla, eo sitma- ted as to affird the greatest farilities Fe eapying and ravproving the Milt Property. Said Wille and will be @o'd on a erecit of twelve montha, with interest from date. Immediate potscasion will be given to the purchaser Band and »pproved security will be re quired for the purchase monvy. and the utle reserved anti the payment of the sem A LONG, ¢ ME Nov 10. 1886 94a ERULLLS, MOOSE & C0, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALKHS I” Wilmington Herald. ‘Staple & Fanoy Dry Goods, | AND CROCERIES, Are aw ia ree oo wee ok of BUG NR Lowe, Brilinste chm tos Parca Dr ae pow) sas Nari wate, tee enn Reta, Pee Case Linens, ood Dees | RTO eee Lae pias Pat Out eeneal tacked Fhirts ; silt, cott Kid Gloves and Gaunt bee Pos Fees Grutiemen ‘Gentlemen’ s Clothing ; Boots, Shoes,&c,&o. | | £7 oor Country Werehante wiehing ~ purchate Lodbcl ww" ae weigh erally parched weg 4 wth rarety * pereen Gectrege of cauberking in the Mereents basheeee ao here grt an ettailiched sinnd 20d the stock @ wecommedating terms Come one come elt and parchase Ooods at Northers Whatesale prices, as it te positively wwe that I am Belling at Cost for Cash! E MYERS, No. 4, Grantie Building = nee NOTICE. THE sTUC CKHOLDERS or the Yodhia Navigation Company, 7 failed to apeemble and elect, af the temp ape ptace appdnied, proper alflee rs for the enewing year; mow, therefore, by virtue of a By Law ef card Company, we, the undersigned, bring » maperiy of the Board of Dircetor of the Comp. de hereby designate and appeint the ertond Sarurds the 13th) of arit Decentier, and Farmitgion, Deve county. 00 the tme end place, for « general meeting of sand steckhatders for the parpose of electing office > and for the Wranerciiom of eueh other business as may ooane before them As it se capected the Princips Kagracer, Mr Case B Free, will be ready (to bey bee repett, upon the bate enrvey of the River, betre the mrecting, it «= important ali showld attend ILC. JONES JOUN AL BOYDEN, JAMFS FE RKERK Derectors | Ralinbary, Now. 10, 1856. Prer vier! Sale of Land, AND TOWN LOTS ,IN STATESVILLE ae ~ By SS eS Coart df Eqoitr 1 will <4)-+- ' ) le the Town of STATESVILLE, oa yy the lTth day of Nutember pert. being thé Meaday of November Cowaty Conrt, the follow ong valaphic real eatetr, belonging te the devisees of Ale sander Ho c deconned, vin. Lots No. 15, 16, I7 and 18, FUGRUNG OW MALY STREET. od vtreet ta ia 10's a CORNED LOT ON BATHE GHENT PUBLIC SQUARE, and hae on x ae STORE HOU. Sf eow cocupied by Stockton & Mervies The ether ote are very desirable for busness hoaers or dw thangs ALSO. Lots No. 68, and half of Lot 62, in a more retired part of the Tuwn ALSO — DB, | Tract of KAXD lying eo malee South of Ntatesvrile, of fair apland qnality, containing 127 —ALSO A very elegant Lat for a reaudence, the Female College, and 2 small sirip of tand in the reer of it be odd seperately, belonging to the heir anim proved acres near Moore Terma, one and two years credit, with interest W. P. CALDWELL, C. 4. E Oet. 10, 1956. Mx TP ) FAIR MT. FOUNDRY & MACHINE SExOrF. STAFFORD, DIXON & CO'S PREMIUM BORSE POWERS, AND THRESHERS, RE wo well known, that desrription is un one iXry. For tho past ten or filern years thei supe remy over other Machines has heen fully tested be handreds of the moat intcthgent and cate-pri tug Far- mers of the State, and their popoladty my be known from the fact that we have never be able the steadily inereasiag demand. Rat having recent ly refitted oar shop, and imareased our working firce, we trust in fature wu) be able to keep pace with the a@ders that a disetiminating poblic may frre ue with These Mactines were on exhit.ition at the State Pair in 1854 ond “55, in omnpetition with Machines mianwfectared bn thie State, aswel a number from other States, end took a DIPLOMA and the HIGH. EST PREMIUM, over all others, Wo alee mane factere, at short actice, Griet end Saw Mill Lrone, Factory Gear,Cirewlar Saw Mills, Wool-carding Ma- chines, Straw and Staik ( uliors, just the thing that farmers need thie dry sexenn; and all kinds of cust- image ie common wee in the Ponntry. to smpply COFFRE, ng we MOLASS BS, RIC Pickles, Letters addreesed to Pe Matkeret aed af dot taraity | STAPFORD, DIXON & CO say & yg wally foand im thie Market, all of which « Snow Camp Atamanze, NC ana rw parte anal set ot nor time to pane-{ WH meet with prompt attention ) | tual Geaiees {Now 10, 1856 Sine Aug. 98, 1436 ° . insure property | | Boyden. Lemly & Co. ty Ready Sor ( Orders. Te snian csonsva of te pew ietors to offs indwer- tavers and others wot to ' At Salisbury, N.C., are Completed and : » TAILOR SHOP! E subscriber twkes thie 1oethod to inform his frien and the publie.that he has — NEW TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT in thie plore © the eorner rooms of 1). A. Davis's hailding, directiv tpposite the store of Murphy, McRorie & Co, and adj ining the Tia Shop of Willams Brown. fhis long and allyl are, he thbulis, « gancanive forr the fou HIS JOB rhall be faith falty and artistically exe- | ented. He ie in the reeeipt of the FASHIONS ments to Squthérn plaat-rs, Manatees | sadis, th=refivre, always ready ‘a apply customers in be met wih | the atyte of the * Latest Agony.” Pay nary and see TH E undersigned hae «penod a Classical Schoo! | eleewhere. pena IN. PRICE ay r ‘The demand for heavy, medivm. tig! |” atinhary, Sept. 19, 1836. eT youngmen fur College, or avy of the learned Profeee | oud faney castings together woh every | y sions. Pupils will be prepared to cater any chess in! impleineat and sanchine used by ! --—--- a nay desire, at Christmas, Terms---Per Session of 10 Months. | Primary English branches, . de do Higher cud Mathe matics, Classics aud Mathematics, Contingent fued, = - - : One-third of the tuition will be required in advanec, tees, , bleueched and brown the University, of any of our Colleges, whieh they The scholastig your will consist of one j Boot we stock of Ready-Made | sesshon of ten mouths, comme neing op the ist of Oe |e Chinn &e—ell of which we are detorutined te avil teber aad ending m July, with a vacation of yao week $20 ¢0 30 00 50 00 yw the pan aed shall be prompily supplied at ver woth. In order therelorg to sreure publit cankidence and sup- | toring facilities of Lhig getnblehmeat ary not eqns led by apy of siuiiler characier sooth of cea eee The build are % und peer to well adapted Wo our businces. It is therefore confidently neserted, having the mide | of the mont contpctent und espericnnrd workmen, shat every sricle manntfactured by us ehal! challenge ane- t | | coanful competitors. Rai Koad qnatractora, Carriage Mukers, Carpen- Siope Magens, Plasterers, hewse-keepers aud wl! one-third on the let of March, aud the remamder 6t | ahors requiring » mxchine, when grength dnrabiliy | the close of the session. exéopt in cages of protracted sickness. * REFERENCES; President apd Facalty of the University ; Rev. Drury | orderw Lacy, . D., President of Davidron Colleve ; Hon. | Joba M, Morehad, Hoa, Joba M. Dick, Greens. | bore"; Rev. A. Baker, rion. Burton Cra Bhaver, Eag.. A Hendersoo, Enq., Jas. Esq., Salisbury. October 14, 1856. Stéam Saw Mill for | or Sate. O* Min JOHN B GRET TSE, AB. No deduction fur absence aid beawty are combined und thai can be made nf | woud, iron, brava, steel. silver-plate, or atl ar either of) them are slicited ty give a* aH oppor auity te - baal BOYDEN, LEWLY & Ove 10th, 1856. os an. wer Joow THE KALEIGH REGISTER AND! “} > OTNER PROPERTY {ee ee oe | Be N Pridey; she Sth of December vert, at 18 0's Raleigh Register, three-tenths «f the 7 | tor and HE Western Plank Row Road Company wilt cell, at | sides, togettier with other cal cod permunl estate, public auction, near Lincolnton, North Candie | ill be sold ot the Register Office. FOR CASH on Saterday, the 16th dey of November next, «| pa # aw- Mill, complete and in firm.| executed by Sestoa Nola Btorbuck & Co, Troy, New | Jaauary, T#56, It fee béen in wre about 15 oF 16 months in | | éawing lumber far the Piank Rosd. Terms will be ikee ath, 1656. good opright Steam 8 rate order, buijt by York made kuuws on the dey of sale. C. C. HENDERSON, President | WANTED 5000 Bushels Wheat | of the W. P. Road Companr. Cet. 7, 1856. AND 6wid 1000 BARRELS FLOUR. 1E subscriber wishesto purchase the abore qaee | fin's here and the home iract. lyvag half « usie cant) tty of Wheet aud Floar, ee which he will pey Salsbury, Rept, 16, 18: DEROSSET & BROWN, WILMINGTON,N.C. “<"=\ BROWN & DEROSSET, Ww Yo! ORK, atc HAEL BROW X. ié CENRAAL COMMISSION Saloangtiy ‘ Usaal otvences meade on Coumgape nia NEWBERN Jame 10th. 1°56 PPLICATION oral Assembly for suthoniy tu The above sate will be made ander a Deed uf Tras » 08 the Ly Yr of NEC row Those, 4024 WOTICE. } | Wis eld at the late SS isircomoume et ER Hall, ————_ | deceased, du the 25:4 of ibis mouth, (Nowembey), one yme NEGRO BOY. | eleven or aie yeersold. Alsy a tract of lind con (riding « NE MENDRED Aces, edjpniaing the land of Wm. Dunlap, ‘Vn, B rs. Cm of Bethany Chereh on the Rockford Rust. More | | thas, half f seid land ie uneloased and heavy timber. | ed, ALsv, | Six or Seyen ACRES, | adjoining the lands of Davis MW. Sievenam, J.) Al- | few, Howard and others, af woed jand. Alen, ot! the same time Will he sald one horse. nme henttr-d wad! | twenty-five bestivis Wheet ead tw. handred bushels | of Com, &¢, JAS K NLABET, JAS. McLEWIs, { Bareutors. | Now. 10, 1856. Qwtt | 36 Paokages of Merchandise ‘Mutual Insurance (€o. T PTE anderngned has been appointed agent at Salle bury, fr the above Company, and w prepared to ( reteive applicatians from any person wehing to This company is now in successful | Operation, and its busimess is fast increasing Pereous wishing to heve property insured in thie office will | please call on the subseriber J.D RAMBAY bmod Notice. WR be made to the ace ~anty ‘ - Magistrate for Rowan ( for 2 Bank im the town of Salisbury Oet. 14. 1856 4 Mele wuber ribet having porrh eed the Shap. Fer svere, Bo. of Mess Weirmen & Pree. wool’ Bone once to the freeads of the he off pattoms w he is pow peer hoed= ae, aed rane: 20-5 ANew Excitement AND OUTBREAK! {his father and mw the ving from the Ko ubere etre 0 rd nen rime: READY MADE CLOTHING, Chthe, Cassimerce, Vectiors, sod Gem lemen> fer uahing gods, which qill be ell very Lew ep 1 order worrent quod fue athe bent style af the Art keep m his employ 0 ckiifal Catier the expenence im ih and can th frre. her own friends, pbiie, rata ot made He wa ortere dommes artches hun im saving thet hee sick cement be paaed in quelty : “or ond the ettles are all ete gad very pod Dewees at that time LOST OR MISCARRIED, WE aid pock gee were rrerived in Wilmington, NG, and detiversd to the RR Read egen!, oe the '1%h af Oct ber, a mourked to my addres, emre of Rad Read ageot 0: Ch Rowan Couaiy, Ny vet mw tbeen heard tram Any mbormatwon of their ehereuhoare will be thank faily reecrved. In rate they ghd all resmarn im the depen ot Wilminginn, 0 perma wh thrag weeks, the R. Road Agemt ot that place cerisindy deserves an en- ternal apphestion of Pine jaice M. BOGER. j New 10, 1a. es GREAT BARGAINS IN CARRLGES, PRETEEN 4800 ned 6.000 sare worth of Meritios extsmung of Ane J (wo and one hots ( ermages, owas de tee ont and ve harte ing Baggies, nad common | dom. ; fine agen Baggies. emueg which are 0 few of (home elegwet pad tenant at | HICKORY BUGGIES, wotorel oder, Gnjshed in the very bea et te; tageth er eth ahd feo ms end seemed head work an of whieh @18 be ad bower for CASI then vet be- howe offered t+ thie merket order ta clue basinees a pod ph the cud ina Growe . whieh have wor vet arr = FAIR NOTICE. — THE RHINO HUST COME. 4.1. peomons indebted to me either by ants ar ee comet ate requreted tacome ore: t laud gale permet b, the Let Jen@ary. or Tsbell be ander thee patrfet of beegqeg et ageinst ae | tatend ares y hem handeae. He work of Ready. We tne nmpe WM. M BARKER Hair, Cope, Shave, Coftars, Ves Mendberchirt Now 10, 1856 set Coase, Panta—eed every imag reqawed Call and 1) — isu ctmere me KE EP WARME. JAMES BEARD Merchast Te E Saichory, Sepi. 16, 156 w A LARGE seek f OVERCOATS, BUSINESS Thunder & Lightning' DISC NION AND OfVIL FAMINE, &e, &e RE evils and erlamities thot WAR, Pestilence, Patent Medicine, 4 shoeld be gos rdex agree. BAKER & OWEN beg beeret form the pablic generally eed porate indrvdwsls pee. ucelarty, chat they are ready. willing and able to pro teet them from one at leest of ihe at or butkdnge, therr Patent bedated Laghtaing Coadactors, 41 procs lower than mn hes ev- by pertiog Op to th- He et been dome at in thie pari of (he country your orders to Baker & Owen, Salisbery, N.C, Jaly 22, 1536 Kquity Sale of Land. I Y virtue of a deereta Coart of Eqnity. | will expose to cele Light meng) Nddvem order of the sed DRESS COATS ead VESTS, wale low, by om head and fr MILLS, elite ii Teak Now 10th. 1856. BLANKETS! BLANKETS!!. Yee Negre Markers £00. Po: mle ew. tr MILLS, WOOSE & CO. Now. 10, 1856 WANTED 10, OOO Sheet 70 bbe Fleer; 10 10.009 fhe bry Hide 2,000 bes Flee ot: 10.000 Be 4 4s Rage. For wheeh the highest market prrer cd ae paid im Cash or Gouds 10 pr. Fine Bach and ” MILLS, MOOSE & C0 New. 10. 1856 Tey) N] ' ’ 7 Salt! Sa Sacks “or Laverpond Salt for sale, by Week, (sauter, & Ca, at OL23 per euch Cam on in the Town of Stateevitl-. on Tareday tomem ore nvited t call vad candy themssiven the 1Rth day of November next, bring the Wock GAITHER & CO veeday of Notember Conaty Court. the fillowing{ Setehary Some WW TH56 | Trart of fund Belonging te the heirs of Morgan N Griffith, deceased —The T ct rontaue JOU re wd ME 393 Acres, Lying on the Sonth Yadkin Rirer and adpuning the innde Enet of Stateevitle ‘Thee tract dhthon toe enltivation. Terms —one aud from daic w Oct. 10, 1856 LAST CHANCE!! -” IN ORDER of land Rocky Creck, aed! &. nme paretet, Carriage Tie lak is Sed , 8 te eraphey Core & od work me week at the Car rage busine se ; J\WES SWITH f Wm Rasa ind others, 9 miles, Ashevilie NOC 21-6: ws very valaaide amd in good con =e Sears NOTICE. P CKLDWELE. COM KE PREAC ATION wot & arate + aaueie Qh P'r's fee, 85.00 at Newer ef Ne ht ar aan e charter + ’ ba ™ ‘J * OBTAINING ONE OF JEFFERN LIFE-LIKE & NEVER-FADING LIKENFESSES he will remain in Unee place until Saturday neat, when he will poantively \ word bo the Nov. 10, 1856. PRLICATION will be made to Assernbly of the State amend the Charter of Davide College JOB PRINTING TO GIVE AN OPPORTUNITY OF of North Carolina Neatly -recuted at this Office de that each W nnd that th etpented on wad wtey providing tha feet from and after he je dahl take ef of Jawnar Is MANY CITIZENS Sepr JM 156 18 i tO ie Be oT Ge brs TOWN PROPERTY FOR S&F LOFPER fur ule a part oe at Lon No 21. E,W chome . adpmarag the WON UR Rietin he Dey wree is sufficte nt 1 : acl i Ue Cartral Road Ld toe ~ part adwee tk mathe Rul Row! bt won 2 ceed dwell mg b mers aud tenn be divided teen. two fumtion Any pee the next General eo wishing 1. sate ay ow atl enn wdtenes ome to) Morgantwn, Not Oet. 2-. 1858 JB HOWARD 22 Marriage License for Sale at thi Offer. port, it is regarded proper to sey thet the munnfac. | ro al an which Seatop Gules, Esq, now re- | ~ 4 able | Arnold's 1 Writing Fluid. | aes Best Jak in the World, tos sale 013 He sTC | SWAN & C0.’S LOTTERIES! [lnthorized by the State of Georgia.) 3.280 PRIZES—Lowest Prize $40. MORE THAN ONE PRIZE TO EVERY TEN TICKETSE PRIZS3 GUARANTEED. ‘FORT GAINES ACADEMY LOTTERY! Pare AD iy yr Coven pa lie, on Friday, November 23,1846, on ~ plae of SINGLE NUMBERS! LF Purchasers in buying 10 While Tickate Grhew the numbers rhd im 1. 2, 3, 4, 4, 6, 7.6, 9, Oy ene gaarnnteed=a Prize of £10—Halves and Quarters in proportion. “SAME 8 SWAN & CO, netiet 30,000 TICKETS—3,290 PRIZES PRIZES AMOUNTISG 10 $204,000: will be distributed securding to the fullowing t Prize of ce 1 Prwe of 12.900 1 Prive of 6e00 | 1 Prize of 3000 | 1 Prite of 1,008 | 1 Prize of 1,008 { 10 Praee of 200 100 Precs of 190 100 Pres of 7 { | 2.g80 Prises sstounting to Whole Tickets $10—Balves $5—-Quarters ¢ 1-8) { APPTOLIMATING PRIZES. The (we preo-ding and the two saceeeding N am- | sere to these drawing the fret 16 Priace wilt be ep { utled wv che 64 Approximation Prizes, sceurding to | tbe Seheme. 3.400 Frere of G40 will be determined by the fast | Ggure of the Neunber that dewws ihe $10,000 Prize, Fur exomp'e. f the Number drewiag the $40,000 Prine ends eth No. 0. ted all ine Tiekets where te aamber ends in | will be cathled to B48 If ihe Namber ends with No 2, thea all the Tickets wherg | the Nember ewde ia 2 will be entitled to @40, and ao omnw 0 GREAT INDCCEMENTS TO CLIBS. As, by this Scheme, one Ticket in every 10 is grertniced vo dew B40, we will well Corteficates of 10 Tickets (ehere the sewmbers end ie TF, Packages 2, 3, 4. 5, 6, 7, 6, 9,0.) as the following res = the risk on them ; aa thet the 10 Naproeee drew over the smount ic path a of arene of 10 Whole Tiekeis : | 10 Her 10 Qoarcer bod | M will he peroeived. by thie pian, that for 6604 | percheser has a Cerificate of 10 Tickets, whee & have Tiek-te he @eatd anty get for thet some | Wiedes, thas by bering Certificates be has fonr morm, | chenees fie the larger Prideé—Helves and Quarter | Pechages @ prepert! mow. | §¥ ORDERING CRRTEFECATES OR PACKAGES. Backes the money to oor address for the Tickete ordered, oo rece of whieh they will be forwarded | hw Great melt ‘The 5 t of drawn Narvhers end Priecs wil be sent lo purchasers imumrdesicly afier ibe dr P OF Purchasers wil please wie | paar. and gre thete Puct Offre. Coon y and Braue. LF Remember that every Prac « drawn, and page © fall web dedaction TT AN Privee of 81.000 and woder, paid ininiiiiates ty flier the érewing—caher Proes of the esual time (ihemy deve, vo fall withwat dedection All cocner enieations airicthy confide nial Pree Tibets cashed or retewed in other Tickets at euber afer Adiivees orders for Tickets, of Coniheste’ o' Pack- agree af Tickew, ether io S SWAN 2CO. Arlaete, Ga. or S SWAN, Montgomery, Ale A .oMio oDpDwiun : SINGER'S SEWING MACHINES qhsk <E celebrated machines ove in preciies! and profteb'’s ane in all parte of the crevised woetll lo af toe wsinuus trade, sad in pemng every com of tehew. euther af cloth or Wathes, they have been fally Inet aol approved Sewing machines of other man- factarer ofen (ail ta work, bes SINGERS MACHINES ALWAYS OPERATE, PERFECTLY. beng strong. dureble and complete wT oomtrivamee end wakmanshp A perfect seq@ing wechme kept emp yed aferd= = clea’ profs of $1000 ow, bet an comet ont The retire reheablity of machince Sums gros! rewemumn for the eapersiied poprdenty MACUINES FOR FAMILY SEWING, mmperfoet ome me a cane of ve cere aed bone of a fred 10d d Gente congiroction, ere recommended by ocb-+ mancfecturers, Sech machines ore made te tated ihe eye. et to perform subvteoue!l work. The tree ie, faenty sewing machines onghi (o be mrenge® bee ony «ther, beeswee thev om into lees chillfel beads than ehen add (a maeneferincere, eed ore ened for © fremtet tarry of work The mechues which bere proved best f i other porpwes most be best fee fae y mee. sen they are Smee | The ot o- mecbrare hae lerety bere deabied Ne on-r ale fummpere with them on quceuy of work AS New machines of latest »mpeeved ay - be eachanged o@ bberel terme for od ween aie chinese Bont own mishka, o fr pereive perkings ther mewefsetarcrs, Lodhi agents wrutd to aff om mecha: 5 MN. R—AD persnas desineag fall iatormaton sboat wring ~oehines, cam oMetn it by epplying er 0 copy 40M: Seager & CO n's Garetre a paper devoted enter sty to phe srhpeet, di wl be sent pret i W SINGER &€ CO Prine pal Rice, 323 Reeder. New York. DRANIT OFFICES 47 amie sreet. Be 2 Wein ster es te 276 Domad tres, Newark, & DP 342 Remewae. Alboar NY to urwereviie, Few York Jmos 2p. Ovsters and Fish. ud 0 J & PP WERONEY. have made arrange- mente io farmeh Oysters, Fish, ( rabs and Wild Deeks daring the Winter ene Th. se wanting large aminuts oF Oyeters, can he furmeahed at 2] 30 per en hy te quert at SM cre They will keep e Table w « p euch thugs as they may be de- ered Seat istu Dotoher 24, S56 22 ALT. SMRT. SALT. TWO handred and e lerge Seeks cnadlnl IN store, ond for sate aglow as at any other Salisbery R&A MURPay. Sept 23, 1956 3molt CERTIFACTES OF the Healing aud Restoring Virtues COWAN'S — Vegetable Lithontriptic, Coed Snse—The Bishop {Delaney ) of the Protestant Eprscopal Chureh, 4 ot Western New York remarks to the ele ergy : : Let me embrace th In cultewating indepeadenee ofopin suileraye, aclu and Expression, Havin early observed > bing, irritatiog, and often unjust and ds hile Sota ot al pchstne lal ie urist aod is Chur he tum ministers, is not sabcaecel: bey sage politica, enlisGng ia its } | ELIZABETH WIT. BOBTs OF Stuclumicr suld de credit tc ut to crccute a task so feet!\ as tes has been Bo 5. KOZELL, M.D » Lose gous Bore mamed (hme Stic kia Bere paued Firc The three elder ch moore, Ubey magi have paumed then Also, Mus over, Neverthetess, other family actual!) frrerd many ed the ps teat s.ony is whore thes called Kabexia, Ain aad Sug wh to ak Ube qaun: | iit ery Veen feng tee fore chew ime veplied, es ~ccnking vser = ‘nee teret, ens we oe WNEEW MOCK & GAITHPR Salisbury. Planing Mu, Wholesale & Retail SASH FACTORY AND LUMBER vr. KENNEDY, of Roxbary, tne discovered in one MERCHANTS. Beas we receiving their barge amd well selected «kof Fa cad Winter GOODS Staple ee Dry UE al Ladies Cluahs, Merkwoes, Mousiin De Lages, Silks Hinbroideries, &e. Large Stock of Clothing, Rieke oud ike ss, din. Nu aid G Poms. Cha, we, Uarrage Ditnigs Nae shee every ° mot eed bo de maT KE Poathotwtneli we most tespecdta ly Mavile perme ms Wai Paner, &o, ee eR HA ' heat Wall Paper 6 mo Fue Nevoens \ Wolo ara BROWN & COFFIN, AND #ANCY — DRY GOODS, Salisbury, N.C., Ne. 3, Granite Bul STAPLE RE new receiving a large addition to their stork, aclected with cspectal eare in the Northem cities hve of wv ho they are prepared to sell at Nec tsoal low pres. and woald respectfally solicit AQ examination of ther where Nuseng their surtane nt of 2 aud Shees, Servauts Wear, READY MADE CLOTHING ; La Caretiog; Chiles, Cr-admeten, ned Vesting, Tran ks, V dees nod Carpet Bags; Bleach . Browit Cnr oa ki be I r vn ' heep c stanil eek et Dey Cerate ofall Bonde. as CCEA le. Ue Mie Cmetmeie to gee um ther puede we r «ud e ou Vee vt ee ALL AND WHVTER iligaty Importemt to lavalids. COD LIVER OIL. MANUKPACTURED = John ¢. Baker A Co. NOPICE. \\ Sde oom awe het of @ 2awd we 7 = pee armand = rama ee Nt werk warrant . ne ely awd For Rent. i Boss LAUT, bold Pras \ ition wee ey Fe oe THESE PLLS PRY THE BLooe. au Mere FARM FOR SALE. v Vuth-e I-k . 344 1-2 Acres, cxe pation ~ ‘ et Moadow, hase WEST HILL, SALISBURY, N.C, pur undersigned have wow in operation the above Mill avd Fac tory,aid gre p gputed te faenioh i st I mlity) lumber cree or will Flune, SOTTO oe gis Doors” Evacies Buus cand wusie woupliggs ous Sizes and Patterns, Sc.o't euwimgy (onutey in wood of iron, aud genera Blacksmithing. The undersigned bave firi-rate workinen from Bal- toory aud cau guuraniee ther work as suitable fur Carpenters, budders and othecs are respeetfully ree edly Call gud exaimene specuneus of the werk. MURDOCH w C Se iebore’ Patriot copy 3 THO s K. BROW gsy and Sulky Builder, @ hislineto cullgthisostablisl rearof bis Livery Stable ae ne article requteed—-style, «| when delivered, tf it does Gol give sals it the advantages of the Railroad LIVERY STA BLI: and those who wish either ty buy or tese! yr mules,are invited tucall is before purchamng else- . 4 ‘ . F 1 5 wall be! fiend a) barge ee- New North Carolina Form Book. DOR Sheriff, Constables, VYOS Basss GOOLS, Hosiery aad Ghives; Boonets and Ribbuas; C vad Masutlue; Bock and Faney Sudha; Alpacha Metime; De Lancs and Ginghame ; Woulew Shawls; White Geueds and Embrosds Freneb aod Eogieh Peuts; Hats and Caps; Bout: INDUCEMENT F. H. BAUM, “ive HIS SPLENDID CLOVES, Regen rechne ew, sty te rertmvamebip, CEA PNESS, M RP ADOSER IN rm aT\Te. wexek oY ----— teed Woe + ean GEN AND LOCK SMITEHING. Bell Hanging. I\RLES HARTMAN SOLvowaye PILLS. YSPEPSIA & LIVER COMPLAINTS GENERAL DZWILITY. ILL HEALTH. PEMALE COMPLAIN PS a _~ ’ — — yy = a — < I WUPSMES oad DRWELRD Of 0) wiise THE OREATEST Medical Discovery of the vige. ol ver common pasture weedse remedy that carce EVERY KIND OF NUMOE: Hagm the worst, Sealab se 0 eh Sapmiiasonn 2° angst He haw tried it lu over 3300 qatmen, and note r fadeu except it (Wo caxes, (both thandér humor.) Me hae now th his possession over two bandred ceruficales of tis virtue, all withur twenty ules of Boston Two bottles are warts sed ty cure B Varkng sore mouth Oue w three botles wal cure the worst kind af Pimples on the (rec ‘Pwo ty three bottles will clour the evetem of Bites. ‘Two botdes are warranted to cure the worst canker tn the crowth and ehomract Piree w five bates gre warranted tocury die worst case ut Evry -ipelus One lo Wo OWwides re Warraated to eure all biemer un the eyes. r blotches among the hur Boar to sin bottles aie Wavititod be eure cor ape and running ulerry, Vne bottle willcure se ily erugtiqga ul the akun "Two to three Boulos are warranted Co Gupe tig wobst Case of ring worn ‘Two to thrce betiles ere warranted ta ewre che test desperate ease of rheuination ‘Phice to fou byttles are warranted to cure the sult rhea Five to eight botdles will cure the wert garce of ive sabia We werefula need from the first bot A benefit ts always exper Ue, aud a perfect Cure is Wartautid whew dhe gboye qu@ntihy w taken Reader, I pertdled over a thousand bettles af skys up the vemity of Boston. 1 kuew the effect of 0 in eve- ry cree. So suc ce water wih. uguash fice, Bu nae aul this eure bauer, TL uever eld « bustle of at bus that sold auothes; after a trial it always speaks fos Necif. “Phere are two things sbout (his berb that ~p pears lo me surprising; fires thal 1 @reweau our pas tures, iu some phaces quite pleutuul, wud vel its value has erbeen knows aot PE ducovered icin 1846 oud, (hat tt showd eure lt kinds of homer. Tv under to give anne wea of the endden rise and Kreal populsity ot poo diguvery, b will state that ie Nprl, bad, 1 pe ud sold about six bottles por diay —iue Doel Irot, ilecuitera? vite thegesnd butties per day us Wasais ol helwics eaale Denggi=is who beve been the be svess twenty aud Unimy 5 ta the annals of patent areder Dore wo a Tenet prowe vf 1. from all quarters To ny cave practior | ubweye kept it mnotiy he ba- Tawe—bul sauce us dutrudgetion as a general fanply tot thas | ae suspecied Several e+ A epileptic fiie—s decease whirb sus always comsmle od racureble, hare bers cured by « few bwttlen 0, @ het amerey i O) Eperpedveiasl sa oll came Of thot awfel smh ther! are but fe J | wre nee mea sere ori tun Pee of several apes ol Dries, ath of them ayeg Bling aby Phe the varias dees uf the Liwer, Sieh He idach Dryep ies Astin, Fee and Ague, Pam inthe Nite, Derases of the Np t and partical n dis t Kitmeve, ve damyeery hae dove oF esudth y tn tiige eves known No change of * a . can ext a fMaecrvexs vor Cy Nya sie ome per dav —4 bike ODikdre oo fre wm Be Anan DONALD KENNEDY, Warrem Soret. Meabury, Memmue hase tte. Siw e Acrats New Vek uy, VO inbaee Site tit it ru desy A Sams, (UU ba Due Dy ot mee eo. SB Sawer “ ( tt b Vv.» AB Me “ Ug Mido. € Le mese & the re i i < ‘ ~- wt ‘ a . hee me ot W AiR Mee r bot oly oi hla . \ NANI OWS TNS OU ALOR, 1 6 ALE Pi sPesbs OF 6 STIB( LATING bitte MEDICINE. TIER? t . tecty bas bee wy ou Calc nmre ‘ oaBy nee 2m ' ‘ tue T | ' . cule welcome we the Liver an! whom hl deeune ae-ved all Me ow 2 ime Come of he ee as . oon I a etAne ' om. dt trys or). Wernore t & eo be er 4 . ve | le Pir ime wm pene gsh—w gare tos t 4 . bow Bees ° tm oe love f Me, Nee ) ' « -- Wdes ‘ 4 Pr og - iad 9, * s ANDERSON & REYNOLDS. CR 0 CE RS, Commission Herchauts. NO 10. ROANOKE SQUARE oe Ae 0 SEM IS <P Sry ee av oa CUMMING & STYRON, COMMISSION AND Forwarding Merchants, WILWINGTON, COWA\S VEGETABLE LITHONTRIPTIC be ite eM Five ( . IeND oO FUE HS WwN FAMEL) DISLASED KIDNEYS, year cladacyaelheen PN MiGs ETO AWE, ww WATCA-MAXER AWD JEWELER, SALISEERY, NOG, Ine doer below B.A &. Tarphy oe Meare, so botles are warranted ls cure rawaing of the vine, great aad wonderiy! viriuce have beey aad TTAND FOR SALE. ‘| [, AVING determined cd w welt Ob mndve 8 ybotleriny plautution fow sale, Ling em the sae se Fourth Crowk, 16. miles weet of Balishury,mdjaning | the lands of Jobu S. Carson, Jucub Baker, amd others The depotoa the Westrn Bate nsion due be wear, The place bas ou itall mecessary Quildhige in goad re. ‘he tact contains about 340 acres, ome half of w bie Niw in ® high State dthe balioce ts well tinbered, raul, tmmt call oon. as J pair. Abwone good mead of chlivauen Those wishin will reo ae Noche hog: Gertie Persons calhoy on Win. L. Steele, cum have esniets WUC’ Ub Veet a ibe bards JOUN W.OSTERLE Moreh Tlib, 56 42f ©. A. MILLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, MOCWSVIL N.C. » 1x06. ¢k5aus. DR. J. J. SUMMERELL, [ AS remeved to his Oilice at hie pesdence. whee Vo receive prot soa boule from low fr No 1, Phere are many persons lode bted tome by eccututand have beea for several years. Lb woudl eats urge albouch to call sud ake eetilement, whis bh must be done by May Court, else fetal bende rt for a cotlewte o Sudabury, Jaw. WI, bso6, 135 PIBBsLE «#© BUNOCW. Catvie FR. me eetey ! oon Laje of Walgiagtua, N.C. | Commission Nercigate In Cotton, Flour, Crain, Naval Stores, AND Seutherm Produce Generally. Wo. 130 Front Stroot, LeuRVPy wow REP BREN Ke Hin Wa A Grapam, WiMabore’ SC How Jobn MM veo ..« UL Myrover, & v4 Joba D WWset, beg Prost. Bigs of Claren ion “ ‘ Bite Wate R.ONVE NO TOrTESEN, COMMISSION MERCHANT Cunriottso NWN. co. oid gon ee ‘wa, Cara, Flaur, Wheat, and all Heptieen staid te ProvvcB et bed Ck Ciba ido tod, AND ARW bOke “ib ral kde coe mstle om Cousigumecuts Btealorssccppe a | bing 2 Bares tee WA iseame w ( ‘Wa Fe magecn, Resber s f NM ow York Deere. 19, bbe Vy 38 Greensborough MJTJAL INSURANCE COMPERKY. 4p UDR cus t i» ‘ 7 eet wai homie hue « . . RK cs ctea gees ¥ Diiociwayvas be " he Bate ce eeeyme ety cree the lange prortinn of the reak > aren Wesee 8) 4 wha ke areinthem om ey if vee debt, bev e hel Vil Nee VNNER. POMMISSION MERCHANTS = Throerk Fr Gite Wifmiectos er. Wall Train ¢°-¢ eo «f . \\ | acs: t = a \e~., wa Aes sae : » mm Mintey end n Pocetay ond ba hr ret coe wa eae. x SM aac rhe w ~ FLANN KE ‘ o Dr CHARLES T.POWE ae z mt8e3 erate ie salary. reapect- DENTAL ROOMS » DR. sl : nial at Phi! Colleges. ae rey tee corp nm Lette e mad (d-atie Md sue der Vos ‘is No © omen cvterie ine beter oe ot ermiee art ho , The Great lron Wheel Examined. AND TPS EAL S RES EXTRACTED A, 6 vere be re EVN 4 “September 2344856; re! BSW ‘ALL & WINTER GOODS, Ww E are tow reociving war usual fog e HL sd Vuriety Re ae af Drags, Grererics, Re Mato aud Caps, Boots aud hess Well adapted to the somes, all of whigh aes bought wt the lowest CASH prices, and whi ore determied jo offer at whatesule and ret that weld give sutintugtinn. Call and coattheen rock before purche sing, w@ we ney dete Thee agp our gyedsasoheop, Uf out cheaper, than dy) —— Mer where ia thie market. » R. & A. MOT Salisbury, Sept. 2856 ; jae. Lio We hyve au hand « snail scek which we are de-iious of closing ‘oat, sl ant thing of Ruud in that line) ot @iwewett bation ex potas. Mh. ee ’ nae be eoely vce ca UST Reseed end kr nates ison wots a" OF Xateage Cathe. Rall to tut MCRPIEE: & BO Sefit. 30, 1856, wid hats R. P. BENSENT, Death 27 ( VAN be found at the Rowan (Monn, winnie emia take pleunwre in mt terdeng tomdl nll it Wepese a ~~ fenton, Theme winheny to hate thet tee, Foyer wi'beult rune, ue hee story will be aR bars Sept. 30, In56. ade —— NO Tate WILL pay he h Gal wy Ronde or cash, tr Ave Thaend wee end 12 oe 1S hey negro buys, rer 19 9h yours wal d-dh. SENG SBabebury, Sept. 16, 5856 * walle Lr JENKINS & ROUER D4 pave.nutieiinee Howe ty herp State Dune wa hai fh gabe. te ae STEADY PROGRESSION wr (EAGLE. CITY. “UE SUBSCRIBER tas the eens we oe Genes | © wolld, eteah ct . f al Bied 2 ee hig needy pre sen m the mapeere newt dt Regis LA). dertund, Re Dele ver, tm betemne shee. qprempess mavelectune yom the evasmte Ue pe r ' 2 Are eden Mot T s Ot Pts Se Fb A . eet hope ete have Cr fll epee ae wo |we lees eet) of the eam mer of OPO Oh ware vee we bert, 1 net tee 9eey eee > mle mde . ete es @ccae-h oo pielanee, hme, pacey meen Neda thevetermia ct ihe ttn weed Kogte Miw sey at wins oe b ° chee ts (per pad de ght ny " «© Wagte Uitle heme gureed Ge . * o« Ay od be fe Sheree + ‘ . fie cbt fam own and be w . qacce ‘ 1 earl be deegge ite bom be) ow 0d prem time portray Re wep et on age 4 2 {0 © \emee bemce bat pom wbepet ist ae Sa we be hemes ee mo wthog hrewen warts ctwe ranged Get. , £ ote, ot) homed & foal ran the tev igerei ing wreess + of @ detngthi tel oheneie. ote the beaere of he tects ote oem eh e ther” . . vowed ° -@> (ler. bower oo ne Si, WAZ? Cie eet, bqhing dame J] t ' Cry Bewk » © we wed by ite Riegel yetiny rtitee wl cevgete om! ler eromiegerrnt. | tee prie. = cap Pete. ee weep dh abe Neo . as ‘re ve them, (gether ered them. e od other th o 1 ‘ecte of the CWy the — Teh oe ww! set ele theta . . sob: poked eens peer ” ¢ é. © bomen sm thee Od om © the & crows od the 4 Salen ie of he pope sae “es bet wes @ ve | @ed@e@ », « wagh.~— AYORE. BAGOARLY Tu we e.3 yor Wanted Immediaiely, At the Silver Hill Mine, ANY QUANTIVY OF WOOD AND COAL Wu LE\TEN Wi OTUs. Raver IDM ee b 1885 Yo DR. S. REEVES fix: ~i mn ty Sher), abate a meee bo tag pee a f} ene Safiene ure Au ow ROWANFACTORY. Tribete to whom Tritete i. dae: ifte the Sort Pay - -Sf ext,e siege Dime Aveqferteres. eo the RM AN Pat , 2 saccesalel ope _SHEETINGS & YARNS, ob tom cometh, tonne We gre deter to cet dew goede aquatica tie tee: made @ he bs ape retdle atv8 © rte em to ot) whe oe rol rion fiwtee cane prepared Uy AN uedere he Shirl ge ond hewey thames COTRON SATS ‘ bend and bo ale De GRIST MILLS adel and ( ren will be gre aad for wl ae preemly ne peomtte MiG firiesbem. Fue acke wed HW Bence MOWN Re) @ WE20O8 Room < POE ope Th Rae a Ja Musia. - lien ' at 1 a iene - . and vee ” tar dre 1 arte re wat acefferee wt 4 qe qectkten n ef he © , pi a easel ke 7 th nivtetiog th fe ” iw W. sh po} eceelidia ! ‘ t Ue GiVERA ‘ COMMISSION ’ FORW ING MERCHANT, UMINGTON, W.C - i ' i] fot tole A “ JW MN NIN« rok s TORE MANSION 228) HOTEL, SALISBURY, N.C. SITE euhertite + ref the abe e 1 pore 1! reeeptee Thourde re, Vruvele re, de He pre reniwe ot beet Mew ACCOMMODATIONS ‘ " an he State. Porrone stoppers thie ff ris Was ee t fur Che are tand departure of the Care Attoniiwe and aiig- Cerrvantisa'waysimationtanee Call andhgive me Level W. B GRANT Sulebury, Way 24, 1455 JUNIVS MENDENDALL, LAND ACENT. Chwtce W hee aa ea ders ‘ menteal Flow wd Othe Oot wamicr wed uth: meme rete iy. 9A wWOrPrifie:, Fireilcem ehinment, (Nawht) W hE. RELROT anderen ( ieeen mom La tom, ve * aad veh , e fg very 19, IeSe ly 3s May RSS hecwte boved A eeren te Paw 1 cn9we wee STA ki BOVIS I OR SAL K. Warriaze License for Sale at this APPLY to JENKING© ROBERTA, ' Nas 5 ang Mali<buryy MC, ' Office, vertineuteen Lent aoenn sod ipapeact a (ecm cre) Rent Fetate businem ja Midtneaotu, Lowe, and ention of the ennniry fermahed whew desteed Adds ce Kod. MENDENHADy hyd bpd Micuce ite © - ‘ wly, couk tet ase worms fea face brea ing t Thome Work patic tbe ‘ j he ny TT wood silen: miata Th ertin ufing as th less | ant « close ‘A ‘The cal w sec, 1 tank mock Th ing 4 shout passe their bat f foot ¢ ger, ii : ju e e r e TE ir q Bt pavmed Gor YES . oebate tae pat dare te ow RY. the Sort facteres. (AN Pat repele| ope LN, Ore deere. nad ao vee ete ol) whe iN dere her \ @aTTe ne sLoppent + (he arre and ilig- oe give me RANT \LL, fs ee * a a Se theff? fitul | u i ‘a ( i) in '¢' H with w@enseo6! pin ded? ati | | ml a) a leed:: wad ad Aa Ae, 7 > Dw) mm : “ P ue Y le 7 Yq ~/ We 4 TS oct) Maar cequiy ila odd 1” beeteaio WD even mois deg tag oth) seed -— seen ar! tie to gitinel swe dirande herdsutmes beecdd adit be-mels | — _ , fied dale tem 2 ot bei tease seg he et bam Loy vad we SAAN eb ene sinned Seine lt “Tg pow * Selat roonas bees. SE Limeg Te PF bowtie La : 6 ote woh Fo inves oe te e j9W eoreeir~s wd el) dete Bat pe ateved ly i og (NS vb. 4 Politics, M : — inwy apa tr pera re cory ag Brooled ia ro Viel! come tons, Atte there, 3 é oe as of hk Ber ht iw wi ued elt wen & o* me od Pt moyen ne dsee sty Ww ihn perpetually in tl He ae ' iit KL coum 5 an tad a 01g aware) oybul ool aid ieee SMO bon. . ' ns é < nok ; caly fodiging.), (eh self te phages ode oi waewrsas oF) pea elgg ae ‘ "ged bas Huse ne yalbvesss tuvauds | eat, but which she pon fond tee 4H Sedprwet aad 9a setels aie 5 Or Re tee cece at ldo He pag at tnariahd Mebane 3) sub aot guiavika ott diy 2 2 8 | fy jf 4 ntiels « “tid oF instar oie fiw yn Swern i Bovem ofl SD petervg | e Ceiling of the. Nem House of Bepre aw “oral ALE Te tative. * wie = Sofficient progregéthind'6¥8n made with Hill «i! the cettingedf the.thodBe of Representa- | aptivVend the maw sun wing of, the,@ apip rvedael to give an idea of its surpassing. goesq@ Ne | geodtinemc’ Re the-tortheeast angie’ the meine rye AT eons Finassiye and elabor abe Uses bea ‘ | Zein eh > Ll } ¥ <i, -suih-eetinshe-ahatei-ety-ot-yieivenge aimee prewar - for of huge pine lites 79 heen B0-,. ishouawd.ect in their, places partion of, 7 1 ® nebte’ Po) Now) eo ey dL frestokd thé WHOtesprodtieiag’ Wir ettses °° vied aa ee ee RR VEO be, apellet NM WUBI MA t Tomi Inow oa «mello f! vel. aot vette bate 0: ) yition vyad Bi suv cabesuba MW a : ; ory 4 ow ie hg +4 $ 7 ai 17 the co * i ated ” Lomrcerrecats, Commer the Sets cay Selects Macally, Aid the Family Circe. er i gananing ye tthe catog FeO Sag om itty; vate 0 ete ols cee (cee ate ON + et ett} aeeom ga, 2 ed et oT ailieg wil rgus * ‘ uO" : ; ie tempat way tyes ORE ANAL i 2.607 | SATARBERY, NaOs, NOVEMBER 39,1856. < * NUMBER ONK VPS sina Tao mony Base rvmbas ot be an ew sed) Lame ud) ime M dew) “yeh eee co a) Begone heroes. “Biwehedts the-very “bid for teetions. hed rep sdsantod dma: tu-herselt | withone \idbing tied froth: HE Lhe be (OP Toke et CO: eH Hwa: le entries adthe-tlepdemin the searel that would bejs1ightof cbeniembedaipo-Ftodn dab ef irbon ini Wi Wa Re Lie'wpiokke, We 4 Ne ed set otf feotdbrthe lust, ones, wv the! widst a) oxpedient whielyt/beaen cd wlhehé cbditl tt H ge Odsy ved ites, th tf adyenturond-of thy baad, thewntose-jerge-)hunters; butaebich 1 pres neiyopensishuieh~4 Berdanan ecto ; aha he: ve vering, the myst invemtive, and ‘tlre most} teu ave vot aequainted ywitir.! Uidure dt With’ file fppondiges oe Arshilion! sty ‘ ehetce mack teolor, f be did id eukg eave Saying this, hd passa the Sanh die wore }w i n tsg!dceasion;e The snwout. \od fieteguess ancraniidnasa.of Le Maire’ by his srevipice to-nior. |" 4 A guitar , shops tien icy for Hitthe iiouk,is td carne for us.’ ¢ A piece wih bie aniph arprnlwasio wi) Mivipe ¢ tthe presents sunilunespediet, ailegingy of clascoal nese gr dink firs, Aspe LRehos at poscumen plage @' ew gal) ypop Yaad Myat, heleduutfered Jittle jgeow pte chamber, and Le Maire havin pro-}thexsfore, to attenipeltsy -nideand goord- those who are engaged in the search, ke) Vdwenme trea: wuntel feud, except aque duced: some paper from his hunting-bagy}ing dainguage itochiv crtah imi four his :bér- wif climb recipice, he will deliver siderable dugrdc of thirsty but Buri the ttrdote-dpon it a few bin Fri As : nd: kHd forte ‘hf. Bolshodtd | re weak fram font ingpaslictsed } »prites' edpon it a es, give rid BP- on Ay oj s 199 fen! on . forge it bé tity perth > shonld tioned ever} +! aie to be wep tightly in the |letterweing fldedand P Mt rai to a know the inapper and of ny death; | fuk ofa silk pluawh yal Lroeght ped wad hext perforated’ with holes; thrd’}in » thé ¥ or there will be one at feast who will re- | Pith bes.6, The Anportunitios of luingur yw hitt if sting Was itmerted, ynd tied un: |ecaredly member ward reigretsnd! ferwill -bitede- | “gre Cans teydered: lest paiutuk and addr the Wing of thé “Hird, “Emily «the ly repent the wrong he hie déue we, and Fe tonsign shea. to the enerwatud, vaj Fed Mult the opeying, throught wlifgh {di tho tear : into hig eyes at! fratge; but the® ning Wafrst wad not at he david forth in apearentjoy fegain- » the modtted: wame” <A tear gee ull allayed.-- “Phe cave wits fen étplored "ing his Karly: ates [we 4 al, } ‘hor. ings deiefaseoust of their situation? Phe " cieey friend,’ ly wid rese- Mw hs Foon ope, obaAbHTt tf'Weay , ve Aj . . . . ens love to shed, pi itedig uot del Shey! vain. Le Maire again Ventpred into theie quafinemeut, Bat night eame atythe goodness of that Power who has nev- vlqaabeethar plrwedy began to tteal over thé Jony narrow | oaye w Nich ig liad loungtha to close that long and weary day jer fo. pp you.” : r, ed out ff t the etdedd lids of for walter; overy-eoruer was dxrmined, { he hopes to which this little expedi: [settee i8 prolotteed therd is rio octasion ter, y whose quick ear had |forest, amdn young man of graceful prp- z waiter th thro’) wud doled were dugsin thewoil, wirich,in /ent Ge ss in the; Aah gas for een: You. should - endeavor, my) distaguished eed of the stream forin- | portions, drussel like Le Mare, iu a huut-jand (tiny eget erent ig. 4 the dens, When it was gertnia, Unat both weep Yous, in the hape of nowillscey erick ame “They jaid themmeel ves down apow: their) srho had listegert smpatienthy;to this ex Ld nor was if] kely that aagrery they evugld | ul, aud now frow the thor, néas, andat ) jeth nee. ‘ - from te recesses lof. the woke ‘They utter would LoLieuré belaw...Bbe ali 4 tance. At jemgels it pase dire tet -Ou'the titted day the ca ten Ine ucck me, that I, a freg bynter;a deyizen tnan's Usuuggleat Kitrmed! tien Fer thuir beads ta ‘more gitionty spectacte than it had dove tof the woo and prairies, a man whose stves into a ud, atteréd, as te ulten | ‘It is precisely the sound of @ fight robe t since the fal! pf the rock tock ptnee, Itjliberty was ‘never festrained fora mv the case with menamwel yu vewte suttary | 8X tated by the wimbyer by a ewiftinoe was Wow hbont cfeven e'otick ft the thor | meat, should beventrapped in this many! ineditation and prayér,“i0e bow Gert er boo of Cle pereyy wegring uy) said En ning, and the shril alnging of the wind) vee, aud made to die.ike a. buffalo in a Ueehte-velce: And fie dit mam place! |) abut thy cliffs and a. the crevice,) Pier dike a criminal ia she dungeons of arde .. aven Lamy QJd be renigio ba that? «lo was nathrally of B Sup retitioustarn, preach of a sterin from the svath The rable fiverd and y ath that 1 stlould posture motion Oa, Ryd at Tength, Ju we: of we swath see the thing tat indktes | oe of relief from without was growing Wither away with tng bie band’ Te ggas @ Tyok dpon pid)! fonter and faintgeGdthel@ue passed ou, sre éuthef game and the prairies covered on Pear pty obd Javing bimsell) AW we can pay at present,’ angwored and Ue sufferings of the prigoners becarpe with boflaloes. 1 could face fainting if 1 wo ou also. priscomest in that aetintam deageen, [o'r 15 Adutt, Rowevér, tat’ we shall! They were ail three tn’ the outer and far ‘ed by leopm »1 should teaweben till | sank | ania Ot ovale ow aad nauryed) dyef) dads “Teowi : row't the; fike Sthorg, “Ng has [UHce more around his body, drawing ity Sdn pow tet ns tink u contiougd ‘he,,anan Proposal heh hate as ave; ig Will dee chat the tightly anteoouniny: it)by a ifiend domi, tof waitiise tl Jett igh this dapy a Tag jen eat te 3 Mt lave thie duttaite, Father A yhroae pale writhig tbe Jetter. witch. this. dapper; wade, Jeng en ee Sn Kens : ft Bash ett OF that they cumldadi * a tear as miata {1108 places, govered Uw rocky Goon, but, tributed somewhat to.cheur the glvom.wfjron, to compose yourself, and to redy..onfed, by the collected raina over, the rocks) ngeoa panel feyokye nerged Wo is + ptutie, Aitip\ftrite, the’ NATO the ily” pre —a night still, more long and. weary.) ‘Ooms: rity MP dinsréred £6 Maile, Htlis eayesa,’ exclaimed Le Maire, start (tue peel, Joes clapped, he haugs..wigh &, ib, veaiapes of stramge ,eril, while thairy "My son, these tre but the sams of athe knelt for a aoment, received it be now wholly unfulfilled , A cere -< “tween his burning Tips,and then astily re Was lhemry Danavilbley sie knew loin by Fremont in Jad —A negro whd Rare 1H Wille the woods! neck.” 1 dh was net long betore voces qusl oleps, deeplre of the raPaiy Aét m * mt b. ud i - , arge“and Calter tte abepdy we ithe othe witred Tel Pps! we j 4 is} 3 ae ams : : ee nnuruing fot wh d OPA ort, h oy nite Aiécamlingly they4h outed sagether.and of RS Piste at ifen tint, Injury from any. rriwte Te 1 . Ay due trescomg ;: others -qrecundsegeme I! nore distinct, and at length it med) were’ auswored.. Lhechallog ofa, fal i ati ‘ © AY Lae manly voice aruse from the woudg phat proéess, and so exquisitely dewatifahs of the earth aboye they j betes) 17 oy tee at dsiwrn adh ‘i ; ny host was ope vie 48 nPaite +Dhuik Leaver, we are beeud at hast, pvisitor poats fords The sense of suffebilig rhs for a mo- said Kenily. , os Sos liguameael veineled cant ment suspend ina feeling of awe and cp)‘ Let us see if the ery was in answeg fo! 4.) aa ph all ia pied by-theBenate sud itwottl cers;aewet) depi ig! 5 t. ‘That, likey ine tp the rain, said’ Fath: ;Calledseand again, a shimt was seturoed } : er 7 feat yd atid tore inowent,, fron thie wouslad oo Wid ney lewrdy thay gs al committee rooms act Sintered, a Jur "] etter pexrtt-ontiof thet cave may be} {The clouds must pour down a rerfect en; | Corbaiay 600 NOG die, We .s9icm gard well a ha! tqwtarts taract, wheo the weight of its fall is thus, bemrer than at Hooks we alyall be. rg $6 One pi ig h js ig tise! Nase felt.in the heart of the rock.’ { At Jeagth the sound of qalek oP BM Sd vn, ak hy f the Ihe ine . ae hear that noise of running wa- on the cracking boughs was beard tnt eiidetn ale aie baing-apestat d ly Y i) without at the apoath of the cave,” Seah tle fads ofA le pra npc. As ‘el menls snd goddesses of ‘Wenld that its channel were through, saw the party standing jy the apts. p ited representations some wheray ’ Lighter, Witte of tis sun igae néomny itheng ay ‘ bY, thought bis buried in deep shinber—— tas of the waving of a tif garment, at come a current of liqhid flame. | Slegpt volce pronéunciiig iny name, as addi the main current which devpceudwd over, ont ‘lave patipew for wa mnent, aud of the magriticels aparhyente tye "eduned ‘rocks that closed the mouth of the eave, wHl Oring yuu the sneans of lol verance try is prov iting’ for tHe ‘fise of Ney, , 3 aad ‘lace agente Ws U0, Capi whrondety light that streamed thro whi the opening; knnily’s waking dreain was, in fact, Phat young wan MRS ik hue AoE hee ter QO with the cook, brigtt element, iabibed it aud fortupately happesed to beat ay great ieee? Qintmgy gf Pills. —Extraor = med are of g Bad Breast ok wife jbl The pricst fillowed herexuwpte.— tek phice. Stuck willy met umashineud at of Mh Artidr Tarik nt Neeog Gil a as (t fe, bathed Mh it fife fecerith-braw, tening to discover the cause, when be last child, a constant sufferer with a and enffivred! ft to fall mp7 his sineter! beard the elwut tu wheel le anempreds breast, titre were wera } ‘it has given mre anew hold on life!) were again heard in the wood, and a bustited eoaté aot gus \ said Le Maire: hie chest-distending with ferowd of Lhe good wilag@A Boon appear ft to heal, Affer every ot | several firlt add fing breathimys Ste has! ed advancing through the trees, ore bear filed torhedetit the sfffever, nat ently qtfenéhed the horrid thiret, hat! ing & basket of provisions, ene dricing edarte to dqtoway’s Oinrment Tit has made my Nerd less liztt, and my! ladders, some carrying rupes wuk other which, asa nhatter of eourte, 4 heart lighter. “Iwill never speck iM of! appitances for getting dewn their friendls ed an itp rovemnent fr the whiel-qiow am! thet’ showed iteci{ pain: | /meorer thy caudde befert we lenve the! rer apattnient of the cave. Prynity werldowu with weakuess and fatigue, and, licious, so cratefal, so dife-givirty” veenred hy strony corda were sandv'to che wis Coidpletel y crete Btw : fully in the ima sry of thete dress aver. , at w considerable distance from the ewtdied of we spot But fainive male At this ranment Emily cried vat, Thiet reach fran the brokwa rocks Lebnd ‘the | ul Ointment «mt ae iesoit fe ate Wica bhelty wodes ste fyttnd- hereof w Nor 1 dtther, rej 2 Le Maire, with, scmewe, c0ocliniag an # kind ef teat feemed ) ore frighttul by impfigonigéut an! Seek inovest—the rock imoves! Come! mouth of the cavern, and Henry asegad- ; dtveased of the eee ; Go z - lone ramthe® witeleton’s efuartior tft) a Tek aud tone Wiflen i awed tle awe’ df Large lovee stoves, ard overapread pith, setivity, aud théte Ureadft, is. you cal! ©) G& MrousletuGlse the darktices, coal) ‘ust ab mastercd-hinmd rae saretied of! a covoriag-of withered leaves. Therewas, thom, Vist @og ine asleep Wd! adake, pow distinguish noes yf the @ljvets a, ‘Me Geiew alrvady, Jere wasn uf ape cnvugh ot Night to show that she was ex | they aee more than ican bear Hark ! round ber by the help of @ gay flighy igs ys 4 We must pegey in this cam lingty py ‘ which appeared to gyuge an javgn Ue dar "T'S sta! that the brewtlt came thick and pane! throwing guick and wild glapces arouvd gerapartinent. The Bseybin dbead die magelet Paefile, mech geet wuenernetonied te ouly theoegh ber parted pa, wine tt a | him, ‘do you hear then yonder lo you, previcus, was DOW « wise of aples and "OLY oul dire opin iums of de priest, boli 4H we wf wld her Jeatures.rutasped tue color, bear then ydtder—do-you hear how they . ‘ . 5 | blackened brands; and tee euuches of bert *y!'C Uf bere i (ue in eet ou of that fee Faint with watching, with want mock mef® You Will wet, Hea, Jo what ’ ’ | two companions yet ei @el the protemre (1g UO 8 perstitious terroe why cleeiz viee, and with anviety, she had | ask éassiew me the vide” of their forins. Skew wend, wid wat without! OF pen lieth micle, and her heart adhe lll Mera if down of thir mide tameh,! ‘No,’ said the priest, who instantly casting a loot at the ytin mnie of tin 60 to bwa! Litel, 4 hve m weak curry was. « the care of her Gompanivng had! copprebgaded bis purpose. ‘1 must kev place, whose discoldred’ anew werd jrat! vege (provided for ber, and lad amek/ iete a the picee Ull you are cpmposed distinguishable in tgedwit te Might, peee? Dbaug story w solve | exciaimed Fath, :ompecrars stun ben The pricst stand close Te Mitre setiaed wet to Wear the mm ed into the owtfer @Gréhrher Here thelee Suber *) ‘a J your ghost, inp god tothe mouth o! phe cave, Jeaning egaine stor, bat teyimy bie grhepron the rifle. fyapd fhe priest au@ Le Muire standtyy! ! Dis only a farmdese fellow preinery t wall wit earings folled, Linself’ us aboat to pladk itd¢rum the old :oan’s meat the ritsoti: of the cavéPh~Whete a, 4 [hn LIT whieh he eter doultlem ; anged in ay vedmanee, etcept! handa Father Ambrose saw that the at stromg gt, at least ao it speed fo er deere mth the cave, and which has been that ite cheek seemed enice that wWre tempt La retain possessiop of 4 agains eYes, streamed fo through (he opening be. oMived here everwince Ae le spoke. meciated, and bis eyes were J thtod up, his superior airco th, would be rain; li trepa the walk apd he bedee rpc K, suo « heoly, sehe led tooked two the qeerteon witha kind »feclemam and pretervatiral there ore Slipped dowtt hte right hand to ing that the short Aight of suuaper was Theva the sound pease body parutel ets |iriclitnes Lo Malre, witha spot offer the ‘lock, and cockiap it, tondlred the ‘ : already passed Une bird oittung os a pryeetiom el rugk att red on cach chee€, his lialr standfag wild ' trigger, amb disch n it a an tre tant ‘We are watching the énercrsiag Lights a teak Uentay as ? pL in eeere direeritn, tnd His eres Divot! The té; rt awoke bu idy, whe eae trom ob tae were y, ean tla priest. ‘> grisen iW cpvd, Le Maire; ‘the bind shot, wis pacing the davern floor to and! | pend breathless tothe sput. ‘And waiting for the frieude whee it + tae Mhomgh Lis fitle capeass will lac" tra carrying bes rifle, ceemsionaly stop-| ‘What is tue matter ehe asked. — will bing ta sbekewet Os! restrained bath Ntrhnifia mica for cab oF GR ay to euuaing We priwing, oF peck ‘There is 0 arm. doneing cluld, ane Meira csaryrd 7 Ai, he wok ap fit Whey Whten ' {ag HF aud sujpetines stauding sid for, swered the priest, agsunuag an aspect ‘You will aeiwnte meta sitre te the ae: | end loaning wgnint frewatt F thea! a uvymwut as uf lost in thoagly- aa lenygting the nae perivet eupeslre, , 4 dischary cupation, | hope,’ aeswered Beil¥ of! ore, and rant the plow to-miwere Ami lic approgched the priest, aud said to hia, ed the rifle, but it wae not ined at an) ? am fit for nothing else, am vom trrew, tif ‘Merwe si taut and tie bird wuld bavedal-) iy a eoleinu tune of voice thiug; and I beg pardon fortoterrupting to @ateh and wa, nod J wall endeavors ‘vy ul biasiy dad oe bend op kas ari) ‘fave yeu never bear! af seamen on & Jonr tepdeeal s time whem you 80 Muc!: do that patieptly | Lannut we dake bin alise, abe asked, wiceh, destitute of provisidus,easting lots’ negd Suffer me to comduct you beck The prisoners of the cavern, however, ‘apd wake lin Use ageut ef vur deliver, te see wh ch of the i namber abould Jie, tu ue place you have lef, e Ma re,, could only distinguish the beauty af the ance f thacthe rest wight live? WHI Jom assieh / morning by die tod uw sk thou ‘How pill von dd tha” sai’ Le Maire T have so. : Sapported by Le Masre es one side, aswcep of the winds oves tha terest apa without foweling hts riff ‘Were they mght in so dang %~ amd vy the pmest on the ether, binily, eometines the nese @f thea woodthsual, ort Sent Winn cat at the opening erovter I cauuot say that they were not Tf searee able to walk from weakness, was fthe cardinal bord as+re Beet by thes with a femer tied to hie wits, rr fen isa bertid alternative in which they were ed bmek to her place of repose. iletarn face of the rocks eed G@ccasonally @iour tools of ir ertugeon. be eat atiylaced. Romight be lawfal—it might be, img wiels Le Marre, Father Ambrose «n- breath of the pertemed atin oatptrare Gow) \eaak wesw Lue chauces of oar dcblver cape hem, that one should perish dor the treat “d him to consider how mach his ing throngh the aperters. These reine! ance.” rs salvation ef the rest _ nieae stood in need of his assistance and Hone of liberty and enjoyment from tte Te is well thong! fo anawered Te ‘ILave you ucver seen an inseet or an, proteetion He bade rim recollect that world without, only het tered thetr rrr Maire, Gud now, Eaniy. yon shall see! an wal writhing with torture, and lave fife wiad haste fo quit the world bef re patience at the fnrprisouuréut to whieh how aff txperioneol hanter takes a hiRT cog ok s!atte ped M4 suffer gs by put b ed by lis Maker would leave her, they were doonred. withont harevity a cinghe feather of tte rig an end to its life? should she ever be released from the ca ‘Listen * said Emi): Tethmk T Neara wines ‘Thave—buat what mean these ques: veru, alone, and defenceless, fat least heman vvieg.’ Sa z this, be went to the m pil? a with only an old man for ber frien, w! j ‘Theyg iggoetauldy a distawt call in Chp thi gnaw pd beyan te t , witha J will wll you. Here is my rifle. was himself hourly expecting the sum is woods, said Lo Alegre, efter a witent’s splinter of wood, the fresh eart \! \s he spoke, Le Maire placed the piete moas of death. Le exhorted him to re ; silence. ‘1. t us all shows together fup as- considerable examiftion he diow f nthe Lauds ef Father Ainbrose, who touk | flect how mach, even now, in her present ‘Pask you to do for ne condition of weakness aud por), sho stood meanest in meed of hie aid, and conjured hin noi ‘te be guilty of a pum llatiomons and cow- maatauce, . ebeoth and, pralweing fem Dis tart itpechanigally, They shonted accordingly, Le Maire ex> ing bag. quality of peck tbread, lie tied what yyu would do fur the ‘3 erting hie clear andl powdr fel eaice te tae the eect t) one end pfit, and, having werw. You anderstand we? . t utinost, and the othere acdotiy bite aa welf traced It on tht polit ofa cray, retitedto Are you mad! demanded tie priest, re ardly desertion of one 80 lovely, so inno as they were abla with doit feeble wel of Hite Aho cawith th) Offre Ftd ofthe carding Gin with w lgok in which the ex- cent, and so dependent upon hin. ‘ less practiond obgahae (A aleith Aiscor! )eeede throne iit bbehands (Lie fre mentty) jp resaei) of unaffected astovisiment was Le Maire felt thre fore wf Wiis appent ant cry replied, apparent | yfront the eHW® olvie gong hie place-he caused tm Wied to ruin slg) with Chat of polow ure prook, - a le of hainan pity passed a stv cc clone find res . 5 ir approach the spot where he vac dd die ; ad! indeed Fam mad, you will) wi d &x preston of Iris ¢ ntintenance . ‘A ee i gate It was a tedions p ca a have it so—} ' ; * raat be ‘The nosy peel Twhdh tig pated tar wien at length the Wind perceived hia patting an cud ta the extsterice of a ind ho rose, en i cal w *Y Wath path of ae iy yl phen few the wd en tp hyied it wpein hoe \eoronrts linger ju this horrid plage, fool, and I have been, 1 suspec ts pat | seco, Father Autbeode, Weare foAgar en by | metastedt/-withehe autres. of famine. rogleoted and forgettea ly these Who neat becowing a madinan, You wil! you wi'l feel Tess sc hp!» at put the rifle into the hands of Father Am ‘Yon are right, sald hes ‘Tadia mankind: and the very birds of the Af¥ By @ similar pivoe ofsnanaganent le coy, soul (have come to deliver, me, stiffer!’ keep this until you are entirely willing to Tl endeavo mock out ented fh hesianandd * : teyvedk te get tp Uairend we d geveral rgtle sty approaches of demi thé trust ime with it will en leave tty : the legs of the fittle pain -the tire iu) the vems and, worst combat these fancies a little longer of git this fre’ tn the brain’ aid ‘Le Th the nieanttme, the Tight from = the 1. ‘They think, apertate grew dimmer and dimmet, and They tinued to reuzain by the opens tings aryund ape y ing, abd from ene to ue Ww.raing that cRdath fe sand, when ele pag Ine 4c hin hie fire! shout for assistance. our. afer hour, aeury ite ithe, brimriag iim flutter: Maire, ork N's foreneas : passed, and i anewet! whe. caturuosd. to! ity evaded to hee ltamd, bt prow) ifthey think df tile at aly, vy Aas vee i ye “e ol Sprig Raips iaares the. i@lt aud could have been dreret.tew tus oummonly called ing Hy stow cirthres; T wilt dlanppote otweitws bal Marae oe bpsatehll Wr Tose ly a ees ee ime ieeet vey att =e theth Listén, father,” contimhed he, cathe at length anable to distingnish ob- f P ‘ vale Y vorke ) tee syeould St nof he betrer for yotrand Erhihy fetta at a few paces from the éntrance. — foot of the precipice. The pangs of fun Ah, Rather dry) sorted Te Maire, swoald ttn vielen: “The priest and Le Maire had placed ger, inthe meamtimedegan toassail them, howe vivid ¥ réeturntdh th whatever that I were dead? Is there no way t- themselves by the couch Of Emily, bet \ iemselves by Pouc unrity, and, more infolyradje than these, a fever rovivtthfy Moped ‘ee hare ennght rom Look at my veins, shay are full yet, and rather, as it seemed, from that inatinct of Fi wee Abbe Laie > eald Le ; yeaa tangs gpe hacer ce |the nmuseles has not shrunk away from 6 oyp race which leads us to-seek each oth- iw) et « cna iv 4 ad Maire 6) bather- Am brosq; ‘wad ao have L) No wonder we did nog seg Liu, Helo | when I could get nothing jaat, Jo wy.) for bis plunago ig axactly of the color of Herbs 4 world yon not both live the lon er's prosence, than for any purpose of ger iP T were to aie? Ad |conversation, for each o the party pre-| “incniabdent load, fell suddenly and with a lecwded|y the best, Hu tad, he pecs P ta rr) en ain ' Looking ap te the vast mass that closed The reader will have no Jiffieulty in Wes = \the entranee, Father Aurbr .<¢ saw plait lavining the conclusion. The emAtens am, Lande putt Likectlomt haife J and ly that it-wae in wotion, and he ined jit (of the boeers ut meeting ander such cir. yTmlase week a” aS oyene be time tetime-Le Maire fron the spoticuustances cannot te deeeribed. The “fo, ee? Hee wet very arp) ya bina San Soe where he had stooped down to tuke agotin JF expressed by the villagers at pucov inanaged to Shave wie with | laa ef dranght of tho stream, when a large; ’ Ping their pastor, Lrought tears wos the wilsighaceten — ‘Uleck, whieh had been wedged in over yoo joan's eyet amd words are snade ; 2 t vend, gave wav, and fell in the very place yale ty Go justice to the delight of dae A Good Reisen 20h M where he left the prints of lis feet. bad Maire at cing Ke ofl Rontpawitivs andl anold tae efttr sifvet fa Pee ar he rewweined there another imetant, whew basket of privesions The reader tjackt ishy Beard, asked tim how Jt raast have crashed hime to atom The ipa ab = Le papel podiagae~ pened that Cat 1 soe nas wh 1 ‘% jer ’ ir he tlle ine deor, w Ty bevetan ‘ = diet jrrisamera, fetreating within tly cavera ie fe \ ¥ the Mair of bis be ue Tt nn. ivi en0a ch to mend tie danger, bat mot tom) Uren i KU COT AT Vg OUP eT sets tar foe cAmet ration, sted watching the: v4mely @ ¢ostem marae cefeneny ‘ 1 gentleman, ite SO-yeare — event with ominvied apprelenaen and, whieh trok pitce befire tie nem Uurkt és a* o {ope The floor of the cave pret wt the ‘Has, and at which the ¢arerable Fadet Trown {maging that “hig hit ris cdge, ou whielr rested the fallen rock.) Amnbrose offitadted. Le Maite;/when f | rofauh Leg. if “ty HG OS yawned at the fissares where the earth wom taet, wae try ing with one of dn with w h they were filled had become ile's ebitires, adidic ube man of cogitsy tek l | ns af - saturated and bwelled with wate¢. an) weth 4 few groy lmes scattered anong : eds igalde any | myger to support the ie ray én b ctoe, fell atenes of Uis voath- Wit AT DID TUE ChOCKFAXL - mense weight, settle! away, at firstsbow. fal adventures, among w eck cued Th! clock pan the fr@er ofa fe of , ander it, and finally, alo. gowith its Uedt 6f Ine trp risamattent im tere cave a- A 1 tolled forth slowly ‘ee vewer, nitty, the Knelf of te deparidd Bonk tremen&eas crash, to the base of the pre: ne ditpeminnn ty beeaine tle bere if ae Aé the last eonmd died away! st ey ce, le ttiay the light Cdatand Hed Vr other tale of the kind, ance be never ee wiht wae ett on (6 curper at His mor f heaven inte the caver [t thontler Uared int. another ewve or ark aenthes cf eicet, fifled Wis heaton nd voting earns that didruption waa sacceedel Ny the ratk as lomg as lie bvel, ard wis wort vette in ber fare, ask «l, fall of a few large fragments of rock on te acesmpans : i.e ws lw treemd- “Mother' wtrat did fhe che tay ft the right and left after which the priest ly editinertatiem to bse yur thtat wml inex “Te one” said hie ether cidty, + i¥ and Ine companions s ghing of the wind rertenced hearers ayaiist thougLtlessd » sewed to aay, geme—gone— ome!” n ‘he forest odul gong in #) dangerous & pracuce What mother! what has gone?” “Aneather hade. mre eon” *What os an bear, nother 7 Father Aunbrose and Esaily knelt vorubtariiy in thanksgiving af ther un =) ' ; , ) 1 . ww) fieawinced ;neesd! rar fro our eapeccet deliverance. Lo Mase, a The Use of Big Words lk Se * sal ea pe Fat r ive eent bv 1) te THe ee thoagty us fsed lo the devout tem : = wersing toi attitrla, | = J Big words pass far conan with some pe of for—of ne, what we are doing! what in & attitude I P ; ‘nee tu Muitate ify en a gis ' evan s nes may he vere enmeres. TORE Myint, t what wonre tl AkingReD u i ‘ ~ 5 hy ‘i } re tel A torch . 4 ne i vehieg er world, now laid ope ssiyhif, a Wey empl» whe ” iy ao ’ t t ” ah - - had Fey ly en uray with anes 2 ae : Wiuere bre it gene, mother ¢ g a « wina Nn cresil alarm, Coy Vas : ) Fe lee bear ination of deticht Hlia two cunpancons 4 Hack 1 Hin wim gent i, Nat Mad = ran to the Mabsiiste to te aon he eon)! ‘ a. that ow . & prre and white arose aleo, an | tnened to the broad open . - \ ; ‘ A see setson Cie sna aud tho rat fue when rt eane. a reacrd of all themylins, ng wit Now looked ed rom iv va » * if) abies neha ean ms li be. worl | must be ce vt tad end wiervte, and lee. winle twas wih te,* soled & be *Q. chow t tee abead. said the nist “Were thee all eveheeer Pm her anwte Tiat weaidis 4 Again, sa es ’ ; ta j= t - ven feof apnrebateen 1! Maire, with a v4 : \ ‘ . Ts thet ae’ gated Cie fragheteue | ua Ried of! what nceord are the bom as eleg ‘ t) af ‘ Yet 208 f F released at last, and . 1 . went aw al wl on. beret om ligte chat mannet we can deeren , ; ie ’ : : A very gepart awver m Wilmiongt wr oreu } ’ r enac 4 Oly “7 @ \s Spone, am \ re COKER Sine tdy Cosmrodiana. bad ‘lee ruvesteortprme: toe {s 0m kf no wheen the sev as ttor i . re Pr , Ace n sho fit every reaeon te = a 1 A Law. A —Wr CC pad lately fallen, and saw, to lws diswin Gee reed hc eae Tic chent. a ilar ot ‘ Fis a Wr. McC 1B Uw, of that race which liad - [oath jacsberi ime aston Ral De tee Weeinl in cnt Cea) s ee > bees argost 4 ; ! = tg 4 . sucep ba hag FY ives. pall weecuy , Was en Tava for neta aud mastemiig te the haw vers ottice, cap a big eu Shales Peon Site (ighinun maak Aisaynt ‘ : “avd all of dae cheigess . ra is AR wire ce thee atom. leacine the free of ranrvere “Pb thought coo tab) ine ee chow’ te =— eopr i . Vid adaware tee me te pp tantly wip that cn! 4 to bottom. No twounz appeared, ne pr Ro) dd” aud tne daever, chat rou Witat ' ie the door nme to thd ioc . ' j jection me which the boldest a 5 el ee whee TD brrgit Cay tere betere tie anor? A stop firtier —(ferthet (ge eri wrt rdeseen t Le Ma Tale, wand i Was eonam now Jadi- threw htinself sallenty on the wo rrmd "> <——* " ‘We must pass another nigit this “Well.” -aal the fanner. “ifit waa ge Cheba! — Mr. Teka Delaney, of Riels dhingé mani’ he, Send perk apseeetarve (0 had as that, Pda) wom cr we bos) ats and \ 1 tt Franklin pape each) after att. dt is clear cuowg 1 beat é pawl t eae Chae fee hesdes. WM eae cheten® ot death ow Btrras we shall have to re nain te re wa Ws dbe- ithout anot cermucour 2 np v's af ae | a f eef which he was ah body cormes to take us down, r2ene : 1 tu sWallow, The priest and hinily came np at thes aS . mament; ‘This is asal disappeut neat we said the former, bat we have this advan Serres. -Trinity Caurel amre.i: New A Prowtadle Seoret — lt ia anid that al! tage, that we can now make ourselves York, ie 964 fect, St Paols 285. Pre tis Mr vivles for the Eoghst Arte = ; eee re mate be fi rn | t both seen and hear. Let ne tre the ef First Prestwterian trefr apres in Cin oe pi ns f ra nia te pois gives Per . 5 ‘ ' . Known aly )PPMe! a re ’ feetof our voices. [tis not impossible vati, 299 f pul Sr. $ 2 ’ cy tealonsy vnaedh Bre aeerics weekly our . i ‘e t > 2? fact Po that there may be éoine person withim in Philadel, ca, is 233 feet, St. Petes nines of enue of thew aavunte te titty dob bearing.’ jab Rone, is 550 feet. ars STATE LEGISLATURE. Tuxspar, Nov. 18. The Senate was called to order by the Speaker. A message was received from the Hoase of Commons. On motion of Mr, Wiggins, of Halifax, | the Senators from Craven, Guilford and | New Hanover, were requested to come | forward and take the oath. | A message from the Louse was receiv. | ed, announcing the organization of that | war e | metion of Mr. Cameron, of Orange, | it was agreed that the Senate and House | ¥#4 the day set apart for pablic Thanks F697 saloon yaar to wait upon | 8 Governor and reseive any’commun- | ieation be may be ready to make. A resolution was then offered by Mr. TUM, of Caswell, to appoint a Joint Committee the two houses for the urent of their respective bodies. sented whieh passed its first readi motion of Mr. Ilill, of Caswel), was or deted to be pri The inted Messrs. Came- and Gorrell, of Guilford, ig i at s ae Hl i Z it 3 § a. Hi ) ee Ly 38 i Ha s . a 8 > 7 wait on the Gover. that, at 12 o'clock, wonld present them with) i i > 5 * F I informing the Senate that it-' te appoint a Joirt Commitice on erder was concurred in, the Spea appointed, on the part of the Hill, of Caswell, and Ea r i ‘ H i ' on cules, appointed by with 8 motion F t a h p I ~ o r ‘ 4 . £f ; HOUSE OF OOMMONS. November 15, 1856. called the House two order. | read the mivates of — : W Teen : being 20 petinens nor memori ale, Mr. Homphreys offered a resolutive that the P Deorkeeper hereafter furnish the Keporters with the requisites Concarred is. Offered a resolution gent to the Senate to two Heases go int an election of State Printer. Adopted. Mr. Settle moved the reselation be re considered, @ a to admit an amendment to the effect that Messrs. Holden & Wil won be im nomination. The announced the Com ni'tee om the part of the Howse to wait vn the “kB a ke a of be Mr. W. M. Pickett, of Ansoa Mr. D. F. Caldwell moved the natnes of Talest Barr, of Wilmington, and James Reeves, of Barry, offered a the Treasarer of the State be directed to pay Mr. WR Lovell §31 and mileage, for services as Duorkeeprr Hemphreys vested that that of the Kev ised Codie relating to the LDuorkeepers, be read. Mr. DL. I) Ferebee, of Camden, made a few remarks tour h this ea! -ject. pig | fexerentta moved the mileage ix strckes ont of the resolation A message from the Senate nounced. Mr Settle wished to appeal to the gen was an tive. The affair was vetiied by the with drawal «ot the mutwn The ressiate was then aderpt ed. A mew ber from Forsythe moved tha the rules of Cre [leuse Le snsjended | allow the resulation to be read the secur and third umes. Carned The resuiation then passed its seco and third readi a message fron the Se Mate, announcing Mesers Cainer t an Gorrell a commitive on the part of the Benate to conmfur with the (Gr scerm Also o message announcing that tie Se mate comeurred in the resolutien 8 Pablic Primer Jenkins aud Sett were ap Tellers tv. sapernutemd the elec tion of a Public Prater Mr Bridgers informed the H]onse tha’ the Governor had Leen waited on, audi woeld submit hie message at 12 0 cloek ”" to eleet which ewe came, aod with it the mes enge. A message from the Senate was real. proposing tu raise a joint Committee of twe on the partof nt! Hiwees to uiake wecessary rules and regulations for gos ernment) Coneurred in Mesers. Lewis and Homplireys were a ted for the House "Fe Clerk proceeded to read the Gov ernor's Message. After it was finished, Mr. Blow moved it be sent to the Senate with @ proposition to print ten copies for every member Carned Mr Jenkins reported the result of the - Slap ‘election of Public Printer, as follows Holden & Wileon 103, Barr and 45. There were a few scattering votes. Mr. Hum | that the Howse meet at 1} | otherwise ordered. SEN ATE. offered a resolution @ A. M., until On Motion of Mr. fps, 7 the House adjourned. Wednesday, Nov. 19. The Speaker called the Senate to order. | intend the election. Tre proceedings were read. M we “Re x pr nas ty He moved it belaid on the ¢ the Senate Carried. 2 : mtn M Dies the > jurer r. overpaid rape Taferrad to the Ova | mittee on claims. | The Clerk read a message from the | Senate agreeing to go into an election for | Engrossing Clerk, and annoanced Mesere. Jones and Martin a committee to super- The House thea went into the election, r. Wiggins, of Halifax, introduced a with the following results: Joyner 109, resolation proposing that, as to-morrow gnd Oates 45. iving, whén the Senate adjourn, it journ until Friday. A to, The Clerk 1ead a message from the ad- Senate proposing to adjourn over until A Friday. a preposition to go into an After some discussion as to whether election of Seeretary of State, and nomin- the Senate had a right to edjourn with-' atin out a concurrence of the House, on the part of Messrs. Wilder, Wiggins, and Hill Wm. Hill Sr. Agreed to. 1¢ Clerk announced Messrs. Bembu- ry and Holmes a committee to superin- the resolution was re-considered on motion tend the election. of Mr. Ramsey, of Rowan. Am transmitting the Governor's Message. _| Mr. Speight, of Greene, moved to dis- pense with the reading of the M The committee on the part of the Sen- essage was received from the House, ate to superintend the election consisted of Messra. Wilder and Thomas. Mr. Dargan moved Mr. Hill be unani- } bs ‘tion Leing made, a vote was taken | and i it was decided to read. The Clerk then proceeded to read the adjourned. The reading of the Message was inter rupted by a aie ssa from the House e election of an Engrossing to go into th Clerk. Mr. Boyd, of — the reading of the Message be suspended. Mr. Cowper, of Hertford, moved that the motion be laid on the table. Mr. Ramecy, of Rowan, moved that Agreed A message was received from the House, obec, | to go into an clection the reading be proceeded with. te. ag . moved that y elected. Raled out. There were 147 votes cast; all for Hill. On motion of Mr. Dargan, the House A LESSON IN HOSPITALITY AND HUMANITY. Awhile ago a vg. ema visited a venerable man,a dignitary of the - charch, who, for ial reasons, lived on small means, at a low rent, and in a quiet - lordly mansion. Assuming that the oc- cupant of such a dwelling must have ser- vants of all sorts, the visiter on retiring put his boots outside the door to be clean- ed, according tocustom. Next morning, ou looking out of his chamber, he eaw for Bngrossing Clerk. The election was ‘his silver haired host, in dressing gown then proceeded with. Mr. Joyner receiv. aq gli ed 102, Mr. Oates, 45. Mr. Cowper, of Hertford, introdaced a orate the North Carolina and eamship Company, Capital | stock $30,000, with privilege te increase been received from | f° $150,000. Laid upon the table for fu- bill to i New York tare reference. A message was received from the Huuse concarring in the proposition to elect Secretary of State, and also in relation to adjourning over to Friday. The Senate proceeded to vote for Sec retary of State, and Win. Hill, present incumbent, received 146 votes—ao of- seition. Mr. Iill, of Caswell, introduced a bill | proposing to appoiwt a Committee to rope "| whieh all bills concerning alterations in hero of this incident our readers \-ould the shortest and best. ~ |the Constitatiea of North Carulina shall recognise it a8 that of one who by ham-, | ve referred, said Committee to be called blag himself was indeed exalted, and coming quietly aloo; entry, with said boots, nicely shining like a mirror, in his triarch: hands. The astonishment and mortifica- tiow of the guest may be imagined. But let that pass. The thing to be considered is the noble old man, su ready to do what some fuvlish people would ider a me- the and al TUESDAY EVENING, NOV. 25, 1956. te paper ng vel ;, TERMS OF THIS PAPER 92.00 CASH. op a. rage Pb mere and important | : Cina wae ome, TC 9p ta” Oar Superior Court is now in i . x aarp ‘session, his Hon. Judge Catupwaxt, pre- baal i | wards of one. ministers in atten- ysiding. There iene cave on our docket |of the oe ida, yr io ared br agaag i es ecasion of the Confer- ‘Of general interest—none of « criminial progress he progress: enn. A-bubthar rein egiae character exceeding an assault and bat- a baer which Ps ccaerth tha cones: of Wane " | sormbous were delivered: at’ the’ several tery, with mere intent to batter. mit will gite cle epoca to Atlanta and gerous elements we have described. We Churches in the and were listened prea om conbdengs in the permancy and ov- propose that the South qnite with the eon- to by. large . ‘ The Fayetteville Oaroliatan boasts pial sak py orge = oe Sinem bas ee steve eye gis The following resolations were unadi- ‘that though Clingman has mo claves; hof mat sasrua ssn dese hen ke sell thal ood mal in wd be adigoriontnate teunt.| ‘has more brains than all the Know Nothé| this work i comimeused under vuch-aplees the gration. Aye, pul nich yuards, \ing editors in the State. Suppose it be| real estate in Auante will be in valve tone, and limitations upon thie forcign | Sond |admitted, is that any reason why Kaow ping pomp laenlinn apy Mroge thereal- , we would ond cnn Nothing editors should not denounce hie! Til pets alec x prpery here, ‘We al ceset i, Lat the Biath comad to threaten ‘sr waderate she ouere and Ooagrenntion of schemes of treason against the Govern-|cappoes thea thet A itand © have one : let her si the oe ae rates wine | Li a ane Tots, ech worth, sop tid dissolution, silence pe gd worship so kindly granted -us, ‘ment it a reason why democratic ebb alhae cdc Ea of her reckless agitaturs at ome, and the, the scesion of the Couferener, editors should approve that treason | If} 1320 Sellen, Including buildings, | Let w S9P North will follow her example and Lan-| Revulewd, That the thanks of this Conferenoe (ev, then men, not measures, or princi-| oy y takes stock io this Railroad to the ish all her agitgtors from the public coun- 'ere wederwd to the Nonh Cone Wil- ‘ples, is the question to'be decided on.—| amount say of 600 duller. The stock, itself, fr ag Lar ee ~ It has long becothe apparent that all admit will pay . The time of Ifone hundred of the extremiste of each |’ Ser the ! ; | ekeihs ice akcus sect Sted eat | paying in will be frim two te years. Let section could tovnorrow Le hung up be- © Fis ioesheny of alle Neal Sar ew ‘no party areso justly liable to the charge idly sapere bapademiongis peas empanny pans tipo roe Sea an eal i bel, —— py hevelasentr ged 5. \of that innovation on sound American aang a inau ee peed = Yad . ©, ‘doctrine than that to which cured. 1600 dollars and once more cart lee b etal ee tg Peat seine pene age ded age gap oyy coldet! Tho enme' vevale weeld fullow Rikon Kori annoanced the appoint. when men shall set themselves above all | 500 dollars, on the parch fr get ype ied on kes Ce ee ; others on the assumption that they | Property to the amount of $00 dollars actually councils of the nation. Until the public . gains 1500 dollars besides in the value of his | pogsess more brains, therefore a right property To what kind of on enter. ™ind finds rest and quiet, in the cstraciom Raleigh Distriet—Raobt. O'Barton, P. E. to disregard the most sncred compacts and | brag, in what other kied of an ievesimest cau of northern and southern agitators, the |2sls's>—Jem Hl. Wheels, require others to do the same, we are quite | the enterprising and industrious mechsvie or war of sections must continue,—let the °c eet sure neither American nor Whig edi-| (0! mas of malemte property in Atlanta © friends of the Union, thea, st each ex- Farrow. tore will be the first to yield submission |" that promien 09 good « veture! These oo songs the work-—let them not : Hsaderses snd Clachoville—Joba egal came veaaprin WE apply, to all the praperty are mot renville—V'eter I. Joyner and Wenesd. Boat, — Satan eit aig onagrcoriom it omer Sennen ; : eafes aay dae an es ake ot a meet upon t mot Hilleboro’—Joha W. Peanion. AIR LINE RAIL ROAD TO ATLAN.- ing to stock im this Read cocsists ia this. The and patriotie concession, aad mesawhile, | Cirewit—Heary Gray and Allen W. Mao- ' TA, GEORGIA. a a the “tux Unsow wcst ne reeszevep [” ic 3 = «x A -_ f ‘ We invite the attention of our enter- low the 780,000 pepeooetey Whee tb- Resacho-—Jehe B. hebrew and Cute 8. Beiat. The following incident recorded in the Roanoke Colured- Mimion—P. W. Yarrell. Fayetteville Argus, we know took place U>apet Hill—H. T. Hodson. prising people to the subjoined articles | 150,000 shall be sut nial act rather Uian be wanting in hospi- tality. Christian gentleman as he was. at once dignified and week, he George Herbert singr : Lf done beneih thy laws, E’en servile lahore stne Hallowed os ruil if Une the cause, The meanest work divine Were it proper to give the name of the a Committee on Constitutwnal Reforins. whose memory is yet green with the ma Agreed to. The Speaker appointed Messrs °F whe knew him bat to love him. lee. | Hill, Coleman, and Gurreil, said Commit- Boston Traveller. -_ On motion, of Mr. Boyd, the bill then A CERTAIN CURE FOR A FELON. before the Senate (Free Suffrage B:l!) was referred to that Cormmi'tee. We are sure that all who have suffered On motion of Mr. Cunningham, the frown « genuine Lone felon will thank us HOUSE OF COMMONS Weowespar, November 19. The Speaker called the House to order. nor sleep by ni The Clerk read yesterday's proceedings. last effected the finger or thamb is often by the old and nearest route. Several wemLers were sworn ia by Mr. deformed for life. King, J. P. Me Holmes intredaced a bili to | Senate adjourned until Frijay 10 o'clock. for making public so simple and yet so abandoned by travellers, who preferred = effectual a remedy as the following. Jo th de of inst weeks and months of the most intense suffering have been endured, allowing of neither rest by day a. and when a cure is at Ass son as it becomes apparent that a felon is making its ap- pearance, which is known by a continued certain laws concerning the town of Wil- sureness and pain proceeding from the ™ rd Cald ell bone and sometimes evineing bat little offered a Lill to incorpo change fur the worse for a week of too, prefer it, just as they ase to, not being rand a to Le styled “The Pevple's take « strong cord of any kind, and wrap able to discover either seuse or reason aroond the finger, above the afflicted The Chair announced the standing part, as tightly ascan be borne. Keep it in committees, as fellows : th:eound tivn antil the pain can Le eadared On Claima.— Messrs. Humphreys, Jubn- yolonger. Now loose the cord,and as soon son, Mosely, Hackney, Strayhorn, Hlomck, as the pain caused by the cording subsides Reeves, Sules, Rankin, Eller, and Jen- nett. On Private Billa —Mesrs. Wangh, tighten it again. Goatinue this for seve ral dare, or antil the felon is et blackened and killed. We have known Patterson, Crump, Giles, Leiten, Tomlin- several persons who had been afflicted eon, Ovterbridge. Southeriand, Eborn, with felons try this remedy with success ; W ileon, Jarvis, Spear, Matthew, Clarke, in fact we have never known it to fail.— and Martin. On Agricult B. Lyon, C. Picket, Williamson, and More. On Pr fiona and Gr Mewrs. Llargrove, Ramly, Bembary, Cansler, J on The cording stope the circulation, and wre. — Mesars. Yaney, Cox, thas the sore has nothing to feed on, and of Perqunnana, 0. P. Winte, Withers, J eon dies of starvation. We have faith N. White, Hall, Blanton, jy tiis remedy, even after a felon has made considerable progress. —{ Exchange. Martin, Whiteon, ’ F. Lyon, Gentry, Ruchard-on, Stewart, and Pear tte EFFECTS OF DRAINAGE. All the rain that falls upon oar fields On Education. — Messrs. Seales, A.M. ™28t be carried away either by nataral Lewis, Melntel, Ogiarn, Love, Daney, Blow, bilnstr, Pa ae Holmes. On L'rirdeges and Elections — Mesars Morriun, Drlis, (raither, Rash, By oom, N ter Mabry , Harretl, Ward, Parker, G Lewis, and Siler On Internal [mprocw mente Marcas, Erwin, Foster, Meare, Moatgeorn the Loring point! Jones, Jef ery, Waddle, Darideon, H. ¢ freve, Bethea, Glass, and Mann Mr. Holmes moved that thie bill be re ferred t Carned >the Committee on Grievances of artificial drainage, or, having thorough- ly saturated the soil on which it falle, be left upon the sarface to be carried off by evaperation.. Now, every galloo of wa thas carried off by evaporation re quires as much heat as would raise five Mesers 294 a half gallons from the freezing to, Without going to ex treme cases, the great effects of heat thus lost apon vegetation cannot fail to be striking; and f temperature from 10 deg. to 15 deg. than ‘ » | ment and of the work will be certain, Mladen hing the grand scheme of an AM ra uke a: cane, in this town, ami the “ distinguished PRE coe arta 7 . at WwW tleman” alluded to is not waremotely ©00- | Pemale CU: ; erventen nected with the “ Dilliard family.” | Balus It will be observed that thie Road will Property ia A s brian : of their earnings where the: receiv AG Rarcy —A frwed P se “ 5 run in the old roate of Southern and South- tale income fom the iwccatmene peal stad a Gas sae ease oe ade acxbrhelerd a +; ity dd we dg western travel—the roate laid out by the do better than to take one, two, three, five or reselt of the Presidential election wap known, Pred 2 herds of buffalo and deer, when this coun- | ¢® shares in this enterprise. Por the Gif- one of the anterrified, meeting a distingwisbed (; uitied — Sol Geea try was o wilderness, ali by |“? years investments in Railroad 1s have geatlemas of the Fillmore as Spr wrn Pineal To Boag Hooker. pint : adopted ‘proved to be the best ipvestments in the = What have you anw to say about your OM- | Normal C : . civilized mao iflater years, because it was country. The original stock in our leading diate, Filmore ' neo. hirey ty Semen | Road wouk! cost sow from 150 to 200 dullars a He replied, 1 have to say, a the Duke of o— Peter F. Death, T.L,Triptett, The completion of the Charlotte and |shere And those who have Railroad stuck will Ovmoed said ben he sorrowed over the dead | ver—W. Hawrin , Columbie Rail ea lige jeell all other kinds of property before they will bady of bin sun, Lord Omory: ‘1 would mot, River—ftobig?. Bibb. : : Roed, connection / 21 thet. No Read ever built in Georgia ever give my dead son Ossory, for ali the living some} Kiway ‘ Roberton. with the Columbia and Charleston and | promised 10 ba oo poufictle a» the Goargin Ai Is chatandoes (2 r L Angasta and Atlanta roads, affording a| Line Railroad promises to be. We are we _—_— happy speedier mode of travel, the direct road | ©, be enabled to say that Auasta Mechanics snd Weotworth— Benj. M. Williams. ova Yerbvila, Usnwvill, Avberlle, bu | ng Beasnad an nee ea oe eee eag in South Carolina; and Washingtoo,| aed trast masy others vill follow the RALEIGH, N.C, Nov. 19, 1606. lege. Greensboro’ &c. in Georgia, was nearly | spl. | Mr. Kditer -—Being ons temporary scheura | —Balt, G. Barrett. ‘ - —— | im the “ City of Ouks,” | comcloded you might { Rowae—Mareus C. Themes. the long circuit vie Columbia, Branch- DISUNION. | be od by 20 of matters ia the | Ratt Rowsm—lense W Keeras. ville and Augusta only because it was more speedy and more comfortable to| ienrel gn Male than o.n private carvings (te? which be comes oat boldly and °° * fall to overflowing, and the price of board | distinetly in favor of a dissolution of the *™ gee ep to two duller per day. Raicigh A - | Union, as a remedy for the Wrongs of * thes time presents quite an sotive appearance, | Surry— Simeon D. Seme gentlemen in Georgia have had : 7 A teal the good sense to see that if a Rail Read, “ich the Bouth complaine, We fore ie cumequeacs, 00 dowtt, of the Legulaten’s { ater Jo tae . get Mr. Rhett of 8. C. bas Pi | Capitol of the “ Old North State” The hotels Iredell— Wen. Caner, W. W. Alben, Fr wsigertaee, Alrueder—ledied Rhine. Goeth bredet— Wee. C. Gannon. - eal al the 06d) reese iodl Me ee ee being in session. The two Houses are organie: | davideos—Shavkly D, Adam G. W. Farabes, bore, that travellers would be sare to. elsth — > of ond = <_ ne ee ee re wre. | election of Buchanan, a2 was predicted, om To be eopplied. Mr. Shepherd, Speaker of the Howe of Com- fredig: dig: mtdadaytgs wr mona, = quite » plranant and agrenatie looking Danville District—Jenias P. Moore, P. BE. man, cod presided with = dignity becaming the 1 in, gos I. Plshet. ofce, Of Mr. Avery, Spesber of the Senate, I ee ene way nothing, a | did mA get into the Seste —dohe W. will not quiet the Coantry—will not satisfy for choosing a long and circuitous one in Southern democrats, nor allay the storm preference to another equal to it in point |! *Ery sectional feeling. The time for of comfort ; saperior, in its attractions to| Cam Peflection and wise decision is at the lovers of scenery ; safer, as to health ;| beed, ead as every man is personally and and shorter by many miles, and conse | 4ePply interested in the fate of the Union, quently more economical of time and mo- | it becomes them to wateh the progress of ney. events and stand in readiness to set in full extent the doctrine of Mr. Marcy, “ To the — safe wear This, then, is the Air Live Rail Road! the right direction. victors beivag the spoils.” For } eaderstand M es 1g ~yrd P they dul ot gre the Ameroas party « single office, no matter bow imsignificnet. Aad pot P wuhstanding the Americas member were will a —Chet IL Phill ad f+ 2 principal Door-herper to the Jan Jamcioun, Presiduat of Danville ¥. Col. Howse Coma W the Democratic party, lege. would gwe them an sesistamt, yet, with tha Weahengton District, Rott J. Caron P.E “ of a brave and gee oe crves fue, dufeated Me. Lench; ommee whe bad! '% Wiver—Lomen Shell, J. ¥. Semon, J. Plord, Ged the flee tufure to the entfaetion of of! gee je ety partes, merely becaese be did ect bow at the —T. W. Gethrie shrine of Democracy. The most importast mes W illiametoe—fi. I]. Gibbons, George Brane talked of in the subjoined articles, and of The American Organ has reviewed at which we are pleased to speak as 9 considerable length this letter of Mr grand scheme. It will be just the Rowd Rhett, from which review we make the that travellers to thy South and Soath-west following extract : need ; and we are rejoiced to learn that! We confess our amazement that South several of our prominent fellow citizens ern polticians, of scrutinising minds and of North Carolina regard the project with eolarged avderstandings, do not discover a lively imterest. Such a road in connec-| the elements of certain and swift destruc tion with our North Carcfina Rall Read.! ten to their inctitations, la thet dark and is ——— nf gta body, would threatening cload of immigration which ad immensely to ite business and pro i in vo P nts; and afford facilities to a st chorea pasion ee ean ha — — reariaiencean . h — re cf country u by any in the! vir Talkof Northern fanaticion! “1° ravhs Beek preseted ty er. Cab Southern States, for ite agricaltaral Sata eee well of Guithed, and 0 J. char industrial importance. to the Sooth from the tem poms the Stockholders of the State Bank, giving their Rath Missioeo—Te be ment of the native-born population of the "mom for not sorepting the Charter granted Neese—lekere HL Mill by the last Legislatere. Both these papers are New Berne District,—IraT. Wyeba, P. RK THE AIR-LINEB RAIL ROAD. | North, that may be eppre “ear ries Mr. Ab der Warrall, a gents of great not distant fatare, from that priest-ridden, ordered to be printed. On yesterday, the oo New-berne, Centenary —Abram Wearer. terrified were to have a grawd demomtration, “ Andrew Chapel —W. M. Walsh experience and « bigh reputation, has, we under-' priest-believing, priest-obeying mass of and at wight a torch light processiva, Istepped “ Cirenit—Jon Wheeler, stand, been employed to make the survey of the sonerstitions ———— foreignors, who i@to the Common's Hail aod beard Mr. Cling Seow Mit—Devid W. Dowd. lence to the Pope, as man make aspeech. []« concla led ia exceed ag int “Wd. Long t of God on earth, it a religious duty to ex Everettevitle—Chas, P. Jones. Mr. Caldwell moved that bis bill be that of another field winch had mot been Us tom pga pcs vingpcl-p eyesore eeate bis brutal vengeance upon here. '7 ™ id terms towards the defeated party. The (Goldsboro'—Johe & Long. published. Carried. draived, thoagh in every other respect (acts relating to the on haa bakooe sha’ pabtha |e! meeting wm not very large. Senith field —C. M 8 Mr. JM. Jeach offered a bill to re. the svile were similar. I have observed of will eeable the friends of the sea to| We do not disguise the opinion, bat As for the toreb-light procession, | saw three i AOE eam" ohmech peal ee tions 5 and 6, comp. 36, of the the effecta of this on the growing crops, go abroad and oltan alditcnal satscripices ogra aren Ms corp the seats = IM boss running along the streets with three torch ante iric ar Heptonstall. evince! Code Wilitiecelercninatton h inferior 80d thereby wrge forward the work the more rap-| the late Presidential contest, decided for a aud that was the procession I saw, and | Taya : de) IL on (lel an vane? w comes a ave seen 1 v a ane inferior ar herself the point, that slavery shal! not «, v= : Braelort— Ave Se. Churb,—L. L. Hendrea, he crop on the andrained field, bat that erop 4 * i ri watched faithfully , if they had any other pro Parvis Chapel Mimion-To be supplied re & othe Senate proposing to gota toiege ‘ Some of the opponents of this enterprise have be extended into free territory. Wheth of eee, Ww Wi oan election for Engroeang Clerk, and harvested fally three weeks after the oth- urged that if subscriptions are obtained along the er this decision was wise or unwise ie a “™"°™ be aes come ether part eemy Fa M F war , ary Idsbero’ Female hat Mr. Joyner, of Franklin wasin now er, and, owing to this circamstance and line the sutecribers will not pay their install. matter that wholly concerns the South than Yarbrough's Hote! Callege oon st : aes batiots the sevting im of unsettled weather, | ments. In ordering the survey it has been deem We counselled againel that decision—we Yours Reapectfullr, Wilmington Distriet —D. B. Nicholdeon P. E. Mr. Dargan added the name of Mr 5 ‘ . have seen that crop deteriorated fully ten ed beat, as we are informed, to have the survey t i triot- Gp fei a eke ke bo ee ee eee: SPECTATOR | W —Pront Street C. F. Deoms. a Wanted cata i aed per cent. in value [Juurnal of Royal one ghee pay for the same shall be due, in| Stas ar sass auall( = Ld Coe ed =~ | repeat Pepe = wt i Curran a cuninition for the House wen. 297nurel Buctey. a feegortarlomg f peepee Ramer we ee apon in solemn compromise, and in ae [G8 Prof. Hedrick has gone to the |N. Racor cad Ooi Mission — Washington perintend the election — arden therefore, Pa the subscribers of COTdance with which doctine, the territo- North and does not, we learn, intend re- | 8. Chaffin. Br. Suit vel a standing committee Bank of Wilmingtm At the second stock to put down this charge, by paying promp- ries nired from Metieo would decide visiting the South for the purpose of re- Sampoce—Jea. B. Martie, A. D. Betts. (5 ix “ri anted, t g = ed ye annual meeting, on Thursday last, the Uy the amoust required in the beginning ee their domestic Segetapirserd valor ciding. He bes doubtless obtcined hie Leanraang” ay goerd nittee on Comatitutional Reform. Adopt peo dent reportes ean work. So far as concerns the subscribers of stock formation of their State constitutions j : : | - ¢ . wd President cted thet the or ee yagi jon cyuakaned Gee ce nat by torial legislation. Southern. reward, and will soun remit to his cham Cireuit— Marble N.. Taylor. Me Hii. of Halifax, moved a message 1°0¢ & gd business and wueld declare oatry friends that their installments will be ere prefirred the ductrine of “Sqwatter pions and sympathizers the “fees of the setae ac J. : 5 pesenttu tue Renate proposing tu raise & good dividend. sce gid paid. | Sovereignty” and knowingl embraced it. defence.” \g rong gr? A. H. Goddie. noteem wittees on Swamp Lands, Libra Application is to be made to the Leg- While on this sulject, it may be of interest to —It was their right to do it—it is done, _ la aed ear ing re ey ry, Cherokee Lands, Deaf and Domb At islature to authorize the Bank to pay out ylom, and Mii tary Affe. re mention, that we h: letter from a well-i Saat a Pe pike eoreepeaaenl, arena a rt ee ae The Banks.—An extraordinary tight-| Wm. 1. oe settled by the voluntary Wm. E Pell, Principal Pagetieriile Female Boe ee, eee and pase the notes of other Banks of this nes there are five men, residing near Warsaw! gction iti .| ness exists, and has continned for near! woe aliienal Heel a - sissithang State of the denomination of three and Ferry, ea the Chatisheosbes Miver—Mr. Bonn firmed Sag er go sea ae neat) ewe Lair grepaplioess market. Will Mesare Dargan, Maso, Folk, Settle and vr dollars, which may now Le lawfully Howell, Hamptoe Howell, Jackson Grabam, H. point of inqairy is, how ean the South some of oar Bank Presidents or Directors Atlantic Distriet—Jobe Jones, P. E. Hill, of Stokes issued Ly said Banks under their Char- Strickland and Isaac Strickland, who will sub- pest guard from encroachment their explain why this is sol And why ithas Portsm oth & Ooratoke—Jobn & Newby. Mr 8 Wo Lewis moved committe ters A very proper application, whieh *ribe $45,000 to the Stock of tbe Air-Line R. culiar institutions in the States? Pl pte periodical at autumn for some years! Fintterns Mission— Artiver Harrie, re aypenoted in beth Timaeson Cartren: Qh uid be assented to for this and the oth. Road; if the Peach Tree Ridge Road route shall Rhett answers, “by secession /” In other a : | Cups Look Out—Sohn Junen, cy, Corporations and Finance, to consiet Shanker EThatlwiich cit atlee fall for be adopted. Our eapond further ink | words, by withdrawing from the Federa! There something wrong—esome defect Strait——Mediows H. Heights. eighty inembers eact ; ws that there are many others on the same Riv- Union, and allowing these foreign mase- °T Misn.anagement of onr system some-| The next Conference will be held in Gold» Mr Dargan suggested that the “am one bank to issue it vught to be lawfal for er, who will subscribe from one to five thousand es of anti-slavery immi ne on the part of the Hoase, and 32 on that ofthe Senate, which yer wastes great, and proposed nendment, viz ’ war adopted Mr [ridyers snbmitted a commanies tion fr the State bank deelining ty ae- cept the charter granted iast Legislature all to circulate Ds reetors. L. A. Hart, J. L. Hathaway, H. P. Rae sell, A. Martinof Wilmington, and R.! ; acoownt is ing at the in this these States the “cargoes of crime, Norfleet, of Tarborougl, were re-elected faster el apegroey fn pe ot “ aftd recklessness which Europe annaally | ily upon the latter? [Charleston Kuening News. ts to form ri-; where. They are, ander legislative pro-| borough, N.C. val ities—hostile sovereignties— vision, the guardians of the public as the | | with antagouistie inetivattone—to encom- | private interests involved ; and ie it not | na "|their duty to satisfy the Legislature and| Mr Buchanan is stated to be « regular _ folly the people upoe what is pressing so heav- ‘attendant of the Presbyterian chareh, with strong religious impressions, bat not a commanfieant. dullars each, on similar cond | R-publican & Discipline. | ships off to America,” anti! their nambers Po n Mo c re BE @€ a u g s Se t i F Sw e e g e 2. ee ee A lS S E a 2 z 3 , . ES X L O E . EA S S R E BS E R R R E T E TS E F . ey ER E & | F s Pe e ii t fi s t Ft a “F | ~ re . oF. Col. non PE J. Floyd, ge Evan ,P. Kk — ee RETU RNB. esa po y a of yg and devotion to the eutieg Btate.— i Terald. — —The next annnal ses, Vorth Carolina will meet of the 2d of December. a A COLT FROM A MULE. Saw Maucos, Texas, October 7, 1856. 1 bave a male that I rai three old in June last, that oon a A ber side. Please say what I must call if, Its ears are not jike the mule nor horse. n other it resembles the mule. lh dog it, I have the mule and colt in my lot, the doubting ston, ang see ref themselves. Very respectfully, your friend, Fer "JOUN D. PITTS. Messzs. Foup & Joxns. —— ome NORTH CAROLINA LEGISLATURE, The Senate d on Monday by the election of W. W. Avery, Esq., of the statement, ee re a 358 ; Lacks 124,656. Cottonin Middle Florida. —¥rom what with exceptions, seeere a) erop of cotton Inst withetending | the djsgetruua storin of the last of August | this year) Tazo m Pixasasn.y.—The editor of the Warrenton (Va.) Whig, s most eo- thasiastic Fillmore man, has the fullow- ing beading article in his last paper, He! Flo | ir. Wright Assistant Door-Keeper, Barke, as Speaker, Mr. Hill, of Stokes, Chief Clerk, the other officers same as last scesion. The House organized by choosing J. G. Shepard, Esq., of Comberiand, Speak- Graxv Dr gion of the Grind Divition of the Suue uf Tem of in Fayetteville, commencing on the night ae i i i bloom of Ww in the receipt of large snort - 9d tock of Dey Goode Son on be i Faney DRESS GOODS, , DeLance, Ginghawse, “ = Prints, Hate and Cops Also, a large estortment hanrcktped of all. Bet ahag! Crh, Camere ad Vanings, pmo raed rose might envy ta their end Shoes. Al Ready. y—eed that ewoot cqustesense | Clothing, of etidben.en Qcmmattd toed i H & But grie yr ve gut, fond Catha-|- with ber Saviour, p egeaness agne - teach of decay, aad her immortal body thine forever in the ebarts A heaven. Bat be- FE 8s he Ge ome hoarse rr) oqeehs ont caly: + but of mind I by tade. paina of the by were lost in the agonies of the soul under r-peniance. But thaghes pederee.ov bw he yrsgeecliagees, 4 Tboheld with tare a delight the very moment of her redemp- tion ; sudden lighted ap face, ae che distinet- Ogen Rete om nat afraid to die now.” “Call my par mother aud father te come and hiss me.” Then a and distinet quiee, she bid euch one fare- watil they should meet again in heaven! O! how altering the scene, when to each of ber Bile vistors, she gave the parting sdmonition to meet her in ghey. Beth gers i reapealhactheed tar dicen and relatives p the of smiles, whieh I shell never forget, she wrupped ber mantic arate’ bere a0 dhe <taned hor eyve in dvath. Weep aot perenia, for though it & herd =p, Cathanae hee gone to eternal happiness 7 laos iE i < a" er, E Cantwell, Eeq., of Raleigh Chief} Clerk : Gem Howard, Esq., of Wilson Assistant Clerk ; Webster, of Chatham, principal Door-Keeper; anc The attendance on Monday was very) fair for an opening day. | Wuxrmotox asp Wanvow Rau Roap. | —At the fist Annual Meeting, last week, the old Board was re-elected, viz: Hon. Wm. 8. Ashe, President; and Messrs. E.| P. Hall, Gilbert Potter, P. K. Dickinson, A. J. DeRosset, Ir, John D. Bellamy, | W. W. Pierco, and Wm. D. Bettencoart,| is a philosopher of the right sort; | Sareatons on the part of the individeal eet towed, and hie mane i . stockholders. Mesers. L. Hi. B. Whitaker, Wa. A. Wright and Wm. K. Lane were! Tin Shop and Stock FOR SALE AT MORGANTON, N. C. HE endemigned offers for sale bie lot of TIN - NERS TOOLS, ia Morg N.C. comprising every artioke requrd for carrying on the Tinners bust- were, Ale» his stock on hend, cvmsining of Tin plate, Tie were, Jepsoned ware, 0 emoll quantity of Sheet lee, &e. ae Morganton ia one of. the most benlthy and desire be lncalitios in North Carnlina, and here is now a0 epporianity for o Tieser so ectile there, if be chooses ; or to eupply bimerlf with « complete atock of tous to carry oo claewhere. ah ae ttm «Fancy & Stagle DRY GOODS {Authorised “by the State of Alabama.) SOUTHERN MILITARY ACADEMY CLASS K, To be drawn inthe City 6f Montgomery, Ala, is peb- lie, om Wednesday, December 10, 1856, on the Plan of SINCLE NUMBERS! Joun Hoeven end W.W. MoGuiae, Eas , Com’s 30,000 TICKETS (CKETS ONLY! 3.280 PRIZES ! BRILLIANT SCHEME! SWAN & CO;SLOTTERIES |S== LOTTERY! «x % SELLING OFF! Salisbary, November 10th, 1856. Hts ATOOST FOR CASH, 000 Dollars worth of FANCY and STAPLE DRY GOODS, Ladies’ Cloaks, Talmas and Shawis, "| may desire. sessiom.of ton months, commencing on the tet of Oc-| port, in iv regarded proper ilies of thie | Higher de Classics and Matheanitics, - 50 60 Contingeat fued, - . - 1 00 Mustiss, President and Foculty of the University ; Rev. Drary FY the highest merket priee iy cos SQUIRE, ZIMMERMAN & ALLEN. 1) Wholesale Dealers tn DRY GOODS, No. 148, Market Street, PHILADELPHIA Fasxow Squme, D. M. Zuemzaman, of Lincolnton, N.C., Geosee N Asccen. SALISBURY THE undersigned hes upesed « Classical Seboul ia the town of Salisbury, for ih- purpose of preparing CLASSICAL SCHOOL T is the inteution of the proprietors to offer induee- ments to Sovthern plant-re, Manufsc- tarers and others not to be met with elve where. The demand for heavy, » diem, light young men for College, or any of the learned Prdes- vions. Pupits will be prepared tv eater any clase in the University, or any of our Colleges, which they scholastic year will consist of ene tober aud ending in Ju!y, with a vacation of ope week at Christmas. Terms---Per Session of 10 Months, Primary Eagtish branches, - $20 (0 . de and Mathematics, 36 00 One-third of the taition will be required in advance, except in cases of protracted sickness. REFERENCES: Leey, 0. D., President of Davidson Collese ; Hon. Joba M. Morehead, Hoa. John M. Dick, Greens boro’; Rev. A. Baker, rion. Burton Craige. Joho L Shaver, Eeq., A. Henderson, Esq, Jas. E. Kerr, Esq,, Salisbury. JOHN B. GRETTER, A. B. October 14, 1856. 20:9 ~ WANTED 5006 Bushels Wheat AND. 1000 BARRELS FLOUR. E subscriber wishes to purchase the above qaan- tity of Wheat aud Flour, for which he will pay MICHAEL BROWN. Saliebery, Sept. 16, 1836. wig ~ ANew Excitement one-thipd «op the Istof March, and the remeinder at iat the elose of the session. No deductom for absence jute Se ‘and favey castings togethe! with every and machine used teria foci evtabl shment are wot equalled by any of a similar character south of Marylund. "Phe ungs are spacious und com modiwus and the Mochinery vispalry etboinad in therete nthy d. the aids ofthe mont and re d i? wond, iron, brows, “adh, MCR or all or cither them are sulieited to give gran to orders DOYDEN Le eLY « Oct. 1Och, 1856. rig OTHER PROPERTY Poo y: a Pe N Fridny, the Sth of December nesi, at 12 o'- sloth, Ma The Rutiigh Raghtor, deasabihs exceuted by Yeaton Galea, , on the Fisk day of Janvary, 1856. DAN’L G. FOWLE. Trustee. 40% v) HE said pockages were received in Wilasington, AND OUTBREAK ! Whole Tickote, @10— Hal ves, 45 — Quarters, 2}. PLAN OF THE LOTTERY. Prine ends with No. }, then afl the Tickets where the nember ends in 1 will be entitied to $46. If the New- Who Takes Pictures? - | |}™""“ ry) . “| ; ge { % 5,000 body eee Ie doch jut bt thom eal Uche| 1 Priece #500 rooms £7 oven Fismae’s Law orice, and give hin | 18 5 p00 & MYERS, ““BUIS, AMBROTYPES |* “apporsnaroye asces_,*/~ swan a0 LOTTERIES! s G P: cannot be execiled. Why? Because they are in per- $ - ~ ee foe eS SWAN é ty ‘. i fete of the Art. Call and own his work, and give| 2 = be * [~~ [ Authorized by the State of Georgia.} } ha in sas a ema $e & ‘i em anenros 3.280 PRIZES—Lowest Prize $40. | ws. BOIS. e- 6 “ lowe “= (hee MOBK TUAN ONE PRIZE To EVERY TEX TICKETS! Now 25. 1656. Land bd “ ore Rimmed PRIZES GUARANTEED. CLASS 91 t Teo be drawn in the City of Atlante, Georgia, in pod he, om Friday, November 23,1856, on the plan of! SINGLE NUMBERS}! 17 Perchesers in baying 10 Whole Tickeis (whee bd be 10 Quarter “ 15 Orders for Tickets can be addressed to & SWAN &CO,, Atlanta, Ga * or 5. SWAN, Mowigomery, Als the sambers cod a i. 2, 3, 4,5, 6, 7,8, 9,0.) are Conitensee of Pactiqus wil be aud ot the tutowing | gearnsiord « Prise of $40—Halves and Quarters in| proportios. SAM'L SWAN & CU., Managers. | —_—__—_—__— - - - | 30,000 TC KETS—3,290 PRIZES! PRIZES AMOUNTING TO name is Back. Being at | appointed Directors by the Board of In- LEWIS BEARD. = . this time busily engaged in packing op | ternal Improvements. New. 25, 1656. . yer The Traet of Land will be oar trunk fur a voyage to Balt Kiver, we | We have already mentioned the hand. | 4 a 1" ~— | sold at the Court in Salis- wil be & 4 according to the 6 mast close. we ever return, an| ; W. J. BINGHAM bury, on 25th Nev . —~ | sceonnt of cur journey.will be given wich| wre Toons and Profs of the Howl f0 | icy oy a thochorseareee ee yr ang y Original Sohemes mtil then, farewell, good |the last year. We find that they arose sc Hoot. »: Onis. Orange Comms, B.C. ou the Sape . 1 Prise of #0 000 adieo. Eight thousand cheers for | from | !tsb of Pobresry, —— es 1 Prine of 12.000 | gallant little Maryland. | Throagh Passengers, $162,341 80 ‘igus acon eos Artec = FARM FOR SALE. : hoa aiseo| Metice.—All persons indebted to us for | W ay ? assengers, 108,408 95 w Parelp eden _ a wee ck ieee ade oe 1 Prise of 1 pee shogs, boots, caps, breeches, shirts, cham: | Freight, 154,158 17 | Guage OS 8 C5 een oem s talf eateod gt tee +000) ree, A oe | ~ vegee— Maryland onesies of mails, &c. 50,964 79 nae ee eee | Weet of on the ato Pecd ogo 4 Pre 3 100 cm please a aboet 2 mile fom the Tapterewttie | vies wp, roll up, tamble ap, ersw! ay, be drag. $475,893 72 PRIVATE SALE. rir Sethe peed sep | APPRexINATion num ged up, walk up, any way vo the get ap The way travel and freight have increas HE anderagned bowing descomined to P| pcos aa ng ae a 4 Prince of 150 atmating to Sen.cee ~ and settle, a the steamer Ballmer. ed 823.473 over last year. Wem, offers tor sale hie rredence im the thriving and 344 1-2 A . 6 Ren 198 appresimauing. Vases prose acy See leaves the wharf on tomoirow morning An incostment of $42,000 has been “asiéfet silinge of OLIN, Iredef Co, N.C. Reid | 7 cres, {ic Prgeas’of te ceeoaaomnaees, ities an aoe at 6 o'clock for Balt River, and the edit. marie, the beginning ef a Sinking Fand prego rediw prea rh tardaceetealent Staal Ko portion of which is well timbered; the re pl Arp! sae ped <trepnae oom tor of this concern Pann aes ® to mevt the |nyteh debt of @229,666 67, commadeiing Tu. Lovee | msieder i ender s high state af cultivation Oe this tae Prise of a are sone pateage is compelled to leave. bight dne 28h Nov 1858. It isexpeeted that Obs, Iredet Ca, Nov. 1856 (eo | A200 Prins smonnting te 700 DISUNIONISM. Whilst we record with great regret the determination of the Northern agitators to comtinae their efforts to distract and d. cide the country, it is with equal re gret that we notice the morements of the Disanionists in the Soath, to effect the came olject. As we feared, Mr. Hech- anan’s lection has failed to pacify the country—even those, whe, in Seath Ce- rolina, had the electoral rote of the State, east for bim, deciaring that they are not) satisfied, and intend to effect if possible, & dissolution of the Unios. The last) Charleston Mereary contains « long let | ter frors Mr. BR. Barnwell Rhett, in which | he hesitates mot to say : | “le hamble t, all tree) ctareumnsabs p in Fy saree in forming combi nations and shaping events, © ato as speedily as ible, « dissolation of the present TP songecer a Southern Confederacy.” And the Mercery in publishing this letter says: heh. sgt no — Union.— e may li in ita longer, al alee agit perit. Wea ene of pence, understanding, has all pas sed away. Llencefurth we are necessari ly, two people—the North and the South.” Are we then, once more (o have to fight the battle of the Union, and that just at the conclusion of a Presidential election, in which the gentle man regard ed, par excellence, an the Southern candi- date has been chosen, together with a ma- jority of the members of Congress of his party! We hesitate not to say that Vir. ginta will oppose thie South Carolina movement. Alex. Gazette. | } | — ome Regal Ignorance.—An European cor- respondent of the New York Tribane, writes: “An authentic ansedote about F.! Joaeph ts so characteristic of that Empe- ror that I.cannot withhold it from your) readers. At the late flying interview be- if desired, ref 860,090 more will be invested during the sear 1556-7. and §80,000 dering the year following, leaving only 840,664 67 to be raised at the time of payment. The Pres ident anticipates the payment of all the Company's deta during the next ten years and then 15 per cent. dividends. | See proceedings of the Stockholders as te proposed Branch Road to Fayetteville in preceeding page.— Fay. Observer. > “North Carolina.”—The meaderation that prevails in the “Old North State” is shown in the treatment of Prof. [edriek, who has committed the atrocity of being in favor of Fremont. They only discharg ed hiro from his professorship, and bern- ed bim in efigy. In Sveth Carolina or Virginia would bave berned the me idence Journal. For this pet ef the Faculty and True tees of the North Carolina University, « was ect two or three years ago »y the antlioritics of Harvard University, who excleded from the Law Chair of that institation a jndge, for no other reason than because he decided that the fagitive slave law was constitational. As to the fling at South Carolina and Virginia, it need only be said that the history of these States presents a record, at least as free from intoléramee and proscription fur o pinion’s sake, as that of New England, whether the eabject be witches, theology or slavery {Central Preabyterian NORFOLK MARKET. Reported by Rewleed & Brothers, Nov. 2012, 1856. BACON —Hame, 132 @ 15 Hag rood, 13 @ 134 “ Sider Western, 94 @ 10. shoulders 84 @ 9 CORN — Mined, 66 — White, 67 —Yellow, FLOU 8 —Saper. 7.93. — Extra, 8.00 — Family, 64 56 SALT —Liverpoot, fine, $1.19.—Grownd Alam, 1.20 DRIED APPLES—Neminal—i37 @ | 40 “ PRACH BS—94.58 @ $5. LIME—@t4 to 614 OATS—31 @ @ SCmOo:.. MRS. BROADFIELD FPFERS her services to the citizens of Salisbury tn the capecity of Teacher, sad most respert- fully eulicite their patronage As perhaps she is known | et Be fs tw comeneeiry. barns & brief geetdence in thie plac, she me it necessary to state thal she has some ¢ xperience in teaching, having fol- tween the King of Proseia and Emperor [2% b fervished One object in view in, that her owe of Austria; at Topilits, in Bohemia, Fred- erick William introdnced Baron Haim- boldt to Francis Joseph. The Emperor npon this asked the Kin Hamboldt was, since he hie name before. was qtite netonished at iaplay of imperial ignorance, and emphatically pe » ‘He ia the greatest man since uge. never heard re- the ore mray heave the benefit of her instrec- tiows, and that the task may be profitebl- se well as pleasant, she proposes to instrect 4 school of girls at ber residence, near the Meruenmr C mvnce; thete- hesitancy in mying that no effort fure feels no ' and te who Baron shall be spared to promote the moral intellect na. | segtliallenerg frees be commited to her care The K of Pruasia | seeely taught in private shools, viz, the clementary eech « di | Engen Higher OFTICE 5. C. BAM BOAD. H NORTH CAROLINA R. ROAD. WINTER SCHEDULE MAIL TRAIN. Ov ane Arrea Tawasest Nev 90, 1856 r. EAST. Leave Chertetie oi “= Conrerd at 1408 “ Selishery, 59 “ Lesage, 958 “ Thenser 035 High Poot. 1101 “ Gewetsbers,” ise “ Urehee, 13? M Hi dstore,’ 385 - < 5a Arrive Uctdubere, seo WEST Leave Geideboro,’ at S30A M Relergh. 919 ce Hittshoro,’ 4133 “ Grebem, 129 “ Geeentbore,” - 247 High Pots, 30 = “Them asvile, gg Los ingtoe. 44i = Seb chery. baa " Ceonend -. 655 Arrive Chariotie,. sonmesoen-- OSD N C New S5ch 1956 bd NOTICE 1 /Bdy 8 hereby given, that Ephraim Gaither of the firm of WeNeety, Mock & Garther, hes anid ont and trensferred hw eetire interest to McNeely Mock & Ca. end that be bas no farther connection oF interest im seed Srm. TC MeNEELY, A.J. MOCK, W oJ MeNEELY The bamncse hereafier will be comtimucd hy Me Neety, Mock & Ca. who have semciated with them J.P Sempeon of Le ringion, a8 2 pariner We are (hemkfal for the very bherel parroeage oar | frrende have favored as with, end hope by heeping ear eres! large stock, ead selling ot rmall predita, to share a large porime of the trade of the surroanding | foentr) McNEELY, MOCK &CO Sabsbery. Now 12th, 1856. 26-% SALE OF _ VALUABLE MILLS. | N obedience to a decree of the Coart af Equity for Davidson Coanty, made at the Felt Term, 1856, 1 shall sell on the premisca, oa the 34 of December next, | those valeable Grist and Saw Mills, betonging to Rew- bin, Cicero and Anne Holmes, haown as the MOSES HOLMES MILLS. Persons desiring propesty of thie deseription, would do well to call and examine the aforeenid Milla, as they are very desirable. Said Mille are situated on Abbots Creek, about one mile from the Yodkio River in one of the finest and best portions of the coat THE WATER Powered ie very never ng even in erasons of great drouth. re are four sores of innd attabhed to the Mills, oo sitwn- ted as to affurd the greatest facilities fur o: improving the Mill vty. Said Mille and | containing about 40 scree ; as thie Innd ix tying | | eear Selebury « heodeome cen be made from the meadow alome. There im also on the preamers s goed é hoese a aoet exvefient bare, and every gaimne hearse yong ‘The superior locality of thie farm will make «2 safe the purch Trrems will be made Call on the subscriber at the pleats mosey Fab ANN BROWN w—10 | | Juty 22, ‘SINGER'S SEWING MACHINES. ERE celebrated machiers are in precticel end | whle wee in oll parte cd the civilised world Te of the veucas trade, and in sewing every sor of tabeic, evther of cloth or lenthes, they hete beee fealty | treed amd Genjng @echines of ber man.) efectarers 0 fall te work, bet SINGER’® MACHINES ALWAYS OPERATE | PERFECTLY, being strong, durable ced compicts | eed work hip, A <1 ewe | machine kept employed affords « clear profit of §| 000 « pear, bet an imperfect ome @ 8 canes of const ent The entire retiebility of machines | rat en! apenas manny tesa MACHINES FOR FAMILY SEWING, | of & fred and delion te by other ate Serh are made to | rom the eye, wot to perform substantial work The ae treth in, family sewing machines onght to be stromg-r thas ony other, becnuse they go inte lees ch itfel be ode Vben whee anid to manefectarers, end are seed for * greeter varnety of work. The mechines which have proved best for afl cther mart be bes! for family eee, end they are Singer's «The epeed of oor machines hes lntety been doubled. No other can compare wih them ie quantity of work OT New machines of the lates wnproved syle will be exchanged o bberal terme for old & wing ms chines of our own make, oF for qperative machiors of uther manefectarers, Local agents wanied to sell our machiwes 2 N B—AR permease desiring fall information sboet sewing machines, con obtain tt by applying for a copy of “1M Singer & Co's Ganetic.” a paper devoted entirety to phe subject. [1 will be sent gratia 1. M. SINGER & CO. Principal Office, 893 Broadway. New York BRANCH OFFICES 47 Manover street, Boston 32 Westmiamer ot.. Providence. | 274 Broad street, Newark, N. J | 347 Broadway, Aeny, N.Y Gloversville, Few York. 98 Chapel street. New Haven | 11 Beehanan ot., Gleagow, Seot'd | 142 Chesnat street, Phila | 105 Bahimore street, Baltimore. | 3 East Fourth street, Cincinnati. Chieago, Llinoia 65 North Foerth a., St. Lows | 31 St. Chartes ot.. New Orleans | 20 Danphbia st., Mobile | November 4, 1856 EA MELLS. OOS 400. Imos.23pd WHOLESALER AND RETAIL DEALERS IN | | | Whete Tickets $10—Malves 65—Quarters # 1-8. APPROLINATING PRIZES The two preceding sed the (wo seccerding Nom bere wm those drawing the fret 16 Pres will be ce uuled w the 64 App wheg to! the Rebeme, 3,000 Prizes of O45 will be determined by the lest Agere of the Nember thai draws ibe §40.000 Prine F 0 exemple. 1 the Namber é@rewing the 940.000 Prine cade with No. |, then all the Tickets where the wember code in | will be cotitied to 94% Tf the ember rode with No 2. thew off ihe Tickets where che Nember ends ia 2 will be cothtied to @ 4, on w 6 GREAT INDCCEMENTS TO CLI BS. As. by the Scheme. aoe Ticket ia every 10 0 gearenterd to trae G40. we will well Certificates of Packages of 10 Trhms where the cumbers cod in | 2.3, 4, 5, 6 7,89, 0.) at the fallowing raves which | @ the risk om them. AN that the 10 Tickets drew over the emoent geerenteed ecerucs to the porchaser Coniheate of Packages of 10 Whote Tickris, 968 10 Hatt 0 10 Quarter ™ 8 Jt will be pererived, by the plan. thet for 860 the purchaser bas a Cerificate of 10 Tickers, when if he phere Tickers he would oly get fur thet eum 6 W hedes, true by baying Cerifcsies be has fear mare | ehameee fur the larger Proves—Halves sad Quarter Packages 19 prepott we {¥ ORDERIVE CERTIFICATES OR PACKACES, Fackose the money to ner addrees for the Tekets ordered, on recep of which tbey of be forwarded by Bret mail The het of drawn Nervbers snd Prizes wil be rent | to parchasers immediaiety afier the drawing 17 Perehasers will please erie mgoetores plain, end grve their Poet Officer. Coo ad State OF Remember thet every Prac is and psy able in full withow deduction OT AN Prizes of @!.000 and onder. pard immediate ty afler the drawing —other Prizes 9! the mews! treme of Umirty days, in fell wthowt dedection All commemmentions stretly conlid-o rial Prize Tickets cashed of renewed sa other Tickets at cuber offer Rddrese orders for Tickets, of Certiicates of Peck ages of Tickets, either io S SWAN &2CO. Ailante. Ge or S. SWAN, Moeigomery, Ala POSTPONEMENT. TOWN LOTS FOR SALE. N paremance of a deeree of the Coart of Eqany fur Rowan Coeats, [will sell, at the Coort Huase ia Sahebary, on the 25th day of November aeat, (bring Teesday of Superur Conrt, 22 Acres of Land, belonging to the heirs-ai-law af Darn Thomas, de c5oased «These lends ie wethin the boundanes af the town of Sabebury, aud will be eld in lve 1, BLACAMWMER.C WE October 7, 1856.—Pr. adv §3 00 5wi9 Horse Thief---Stop Him! ‘Staple & Fancy Dry Goods, JOHN MITCHELL, of Geitord eoanty, teigers | AND CROCERIES, | Are now in receipt of a large stock of SUGAR, | COFFEE, SALT, MOLASSES, RICE, Pietles, and | Pepper, Spice Ginger, Mackerel and all hind of family Groceries usually foand in thie Market, all of which will be said on 0 credit of twelve months, with interest | offered at low prices for cash, or on short Lime to pune- | from date. Immediate possession will be given to the Now 10, 1856 af | tual dealers (Now 10, 1856 JOB PRINTING Vortly swocuted af this Office ~ |eut of the country the age of mineteea and twenty-ome, stile on Tuesday the Lith of this month. from ROC af Chatham, a large clay-bank Mare, white mane and teil. Said Mitchel? rede the ansemal to High Proat, where he disposed of her, Nard Wichell is shout fire fees 6 of 8 inches high, dark comple tion, with a eanall taft of beard of his lip, had om a broad brim black hai, yellow gaiters, brown sack or frock cua', wih the | eht pocket tora down an as to show the lining Suid Mitchel. hee been twice whipped. aud shoald be ren \ 1 will give Twenty Dollars re neon Cottea | ward fur bis THOS, B LONG Nov 18, 1856. 2w2s HE subscriber having perchased the Bhup, Per. | snare, Ke of Mevere. Weirman & Prine, would soneunce te the frieads of that firm, his own frieads, | the old putrope of bis father and io the public, the: | Racduune. and vaned semorimest of { READY MADE CLOTHING, | Chuthe, Cossimerce, Vestings, and Gentlemen's far- | staking grede, which will be edd very low, or made | up to order im the best style of the Art. He wil) persed in quelity ; aod the sivies are oll inte aad very hendepme. Hue wuck of Reedy. Medes. comprise: | Haw, Caps. Shirts, Collars, Vests, Mendkerche®. Orders for work promptly filed JAMES BEARD Merce Ta Salisbury, Sep. 16, | 054 f $204,000 : Thunder & Lightoiag’ “yin yore DISUNTION AND CIVIL WAR, Pestilence, Patent Medicine, A | scmeeiey of Sigg oat equi them; ot og ot thet time. 200 | ieetarty, that they ere ready, withag sed able to pre _New 10, 1436. FAMINE, &ec, &e, RE. vile ned calamiion Gout dhowkd be guarded LR egqeen. BAKER & OWEN beg leove to ie- farm the pabirc generally sod privete indivkdesls par- toot them from one at benst of the shure ( Ligttaing) by porting ap to their baildungs, their Patent leased Light mong Condectors, a¢ prives lower than it has ee- | or been dome at in this part of the conatrpy, Addreas yoor orders to Baker @ Owes, Satisbery, B.C. Joby Tt, 1856. —— | iiry. Por the rerty ever ether » bewdreds of the mont Per) to wmpely ” | the snedty mereanteg demeed. Bet heving rere: ty refitced oer she, eed inereesed cor working Lorre, we trust m@ furore w be abhe to brep pace wih the otders thet 4 dwortmiseting poblic may fer as wah Three Meet: ce ore om exbi time at the Bt ate Foire 1854 and “55, in oonpetitter with Weckines ranefectored in thee State. 20 well ose nomber fom athet Sates, cad wok as DIPLUMA end the HIGH. EST PREMIU™. over off cthere We sho mane factere. wt short masee, Grist sed See Mil Irons, Pactery Gear, Cirenter See Wie, Wad-cordag Ve chenes, Berew sad Sisth Ceuers, jest the thing het! farmers weed thee dry aeesnn; ead all kinds of east jng* |e commenen Ger 1@ the coaatry Letters addreared to STAFFORD, DIXON 4200 we a) Gate NOTICE THE STOCKHOLDERS Of the Yadkin Navigation Company, I AVING tiled to sesemble and elect. ot the tome and place app «ented, proper afer rs for the eusuing year; now, therefore, by wetec of 2 By Law 4 urd Company, we, the undermgned. beimg « mapenty of the Board of Directare of the (ompeny du hereby deegmaie and xpment the second Sa urday the 13th of weat Decem‘er and Farnmogtie, Daye county. a9 the tune sad place. furs geacral meeting of ward steckhobders for the pu pete of electing officers, ond for the Urenanetion of such other bammess a may crmme before them As it m capected the Practpal Engineer, Mr Cnse BR Fran, will be ready to lev hes report, mpon the late survey of the River, befure the meeting, it @ important eff showid attead H C JONES JON AL BOY DEN JAMES E KERR Drrecteare Rabebery, Now 10, 1856 Petr SALE OF LAND. NP persusace of a decre> «of the Coen of Pasity fer Davie Comnty, ac Fall Term. 1556. 1 wttenil, at pobie wale at the Court Humep m Moekertite, an Treatay, the 25th of Nov-mmh@t, qherant. the taliw - ung Tracie of Land, betomg o@ 9 the bers of George W ittene, deceased. to wii Owe Pract, heown as the Home Tract: and anetber Uraet, called the VaeBa toe Treet, both lying on the w atave af Moning (rock, all, between eughl anc mane has ede Lwelve months ef he ge benrag isiereet ted comianmag, 19 Cred Neren A eates, with mud security, envon from date L BINGHAM. C WOOF Moekoville, Now 3, 1836 —Price ode @I 50 215 ROWAN MEDICAL SOCIETY. OPRRERE cote cel wmeetog of Ne bet of D Whrebeed’s Offer. ou Mindsy 2t hse. a 18 oechek. A fall atiendance is carn ely r-qucated J J SUMMERELL, See Nowevaber 18th. 1856 lw2S Marriage License for Sale at this Office. | | Rud Road ageut ot Chius Grove, +1400... 13th of Oct. ber, all marked to my addres, care Cuadnty, N. C., which buve not yet arrived, ner beee betrd from, Any ink of thelr whereab will be thank- fully received. In cose they should still remain is the depot at Wilmiagwoa, a perad of three works, the R Road Agent rary agg certainly deserves ee en- jaiee. M. BOGER. jhe @ ow teceiting fmm the Norihers cities « large, | terani application of Nov. 10, 1856. eee == CREAT BARGAINS IN CARRUGES. Brrvess 3,000 and 4,008 dollars opee Bageirs, among whioh are = few of those elegent end beau: ifal HICKORY BUGGIES, | Coote, Paare,—cad every thing required. Cull 060) nessral euler, Gaited te the very beat style ; toget- of with « ht of come on aad seeond work AN | of whch will be mk? tower for CASH than eves be- fore alfered ia thie market im order to cteee basineer Al persons wishing to scoares goed jb, apen gued tofen, con jut bring « litte eneh to aon call and are BARE . 1856 ont THE RHINO MUST COME. LL persons indeed to we Gther by anteer ae KEEP WARM! oats low, by MILLA, MOOSSE & CO, Mov. 10th, 1856. was tr Kes Beaten 10 pe. Pine Beil ind ‘ = MICLA, NOOSE & CO, >» Ber. ne, 18868. was WANTED 10,000 ces Seca “teste me Dey — bee beck. Pler-cned; 10,000 en Cition gull se Coe or Gewds MILLS, BOOSE & CO « New 10, 1856 ~~ J OUBNE M EN Carriage anted ! THE SUBSCRIBER . Wishes to employ two wood workmen, one painter, wed cur Mackemith, te work at the C bomen 17 Addren, JAMES SMITH, Asheviie, N.C Out 21, 1856 Dit NOTICE. PPLICATION wit be made to the next G-eer- 4 oo Amombly of North Carnhan, ere ; and thet the tan collected in cach Ward, shall be cipreded on the mreets, of otherwiee, of enid ward ; ond shee prevubag that con amendment shall take of feet from aad after (he la of Jeauary. 1*57 MANY CTTIZENS Sepe 30, 1656 —6..1 8. + ie ot os ee TOWN PROPERTY FOR SALE 1 OFFER fur ente 2 part or lof Lu No 21. E,W edpemag the WON CR Read, aed near the Depo of the Coouret Rea E desire te onfl the part edu og (be Red Read Lu with 2 goed dwell ag boanes on aed « ene be derided tm ewi two famibes Any per- so wremng | purchase any of afl con eddreae me at Morgans, N ¢ J HW MOWARD Oct O, 1858 we NEWBERN. Wataal Insurance Ceo. FE andersiqued has been appointed agen at Safie- bery. for the ahowe Company, and w= prepared to Tecerwe appheations from sey person wishing to jonnre preperty ‘The company is now im sucorenfel operation, and iis basiness w fast mereasing. Persone wrehing to have property insured i@ this office will piewee call on the sabscriber Jee brh, 1856 J.D RAMSAY bend Notice. - PPLIC ATION wil be made to the next Gen eral Aeeembly for aathority to appoiat a Special Wagweraie for Ruwan County Alen, for a charter for a Bank un the (owe of Sultebery Ort 14, 1856 20s DEROSSET & BROWN, WILWINGTON, N.C. BROWN & DE ROSSET, CEVERAL COMMISSION MERCULNTS, , Usual advances made on Consgoments ACS ATION will be made to the next General re Assembly of the State of North Carulina, to amend the (barter of Davidevn ( ullege. THE EALEIGH REGISTER AND N.C), and debvered to the R. RB. Road agent, an the* ' i .] $ ’ wi fe J “pil things) It a "4 seen ite mfbg, good haweers > euug on board,” .* Still ft came ob ‘héavter ang heavier, and the ice began to drive more wildly aye aoe STEAD? PROCESSION SUBSCRIBER a § the! ph-amite lo during the momentary lull, and nel pu noumce to 1 heard the sharp twang.ag snap of a Luv, desuaed, the world he betieres, to ti, } eo whom he sends La} * aking steady progress in the uaproveneat of Eagte | - beeome the grewtest | stretching wyself out in my bank, ie iivod wishes for theirpr ospetity ond peace, that he cord, Our sim-imeh haveer had parted) and we wére swinging Ly the ATR rt, vy Wilts,” the gate ruaring lire a tion to the gout! {09 'h lerer pe fence ef the bewt, ward Fawaniry The te bdo gt gucaome am Rew colton will al wanufactunug civ in the coantry Z (hie place, to be eatted the t Ue is fw etects* and hopes to have itin fall « fim Helf'2 minute more, and “tyang!”) pwiteuklike thecr watch “ rang |” chine a sceond report. Eb knew 4 ind be doebte and wil excel, te ae pradwer the ri fing. Our voble teu-inch manilla stilted te ung peoport elfa fame as fair the world mi¥ calng WEdULing dows ie gn lad) fantom acca dors s-o Oaptain-Kane, she won't ho! 4/40 ser soli he The dhe aver, Pp swide sprea 1 Peet ry Wop selee ted of the senrmer of 16356 touhe very ber nachis »peearion | li will te | mitts ia the f 1) hirerewel (, were ppty ied palerbs were Chosen, tT staooth and steady — the all bear tivbechsevemeniaet ike rewowacd Baste Male, it ~ the whale tftie hy the ghijlnesa of} aader whoseghaduw it is developing ite feu aad dr. Bugle Mole long gained far t- both forthe excel. q@von. Twas Wurrying, my last ik) crea ery ins On We superiority of ine ctuth fat | > jut ite. ‘seal-skin oot, when MeGury sbeas Troy Wills alone threatens to rival it, awd fetes | ook ont for a ceoncest Inveltiog & Peet! ng iniseetf, han it must be destruthe | speeutaiag on coming eveul mighi ; moc Inhgprs it's blowing the devid dine | wetlatep wa here, and casing forward tnee hp. be yaau! eelf, end 1 am afraid to sar, -”” cellence Wika. breached the deek: and “ter the, crew, asi clay gattie re fei 4, ec u beams were Jyud in its prajtes. We could weat Yor! 8 ; Pows of elms the itadeep Aolion chant, swellinz throtigh? fu! busy threog wath pleasare on all be how. }eands of othe ged out by the wild ice, at its mgr We-vtedaied Aba tid some pretty w ar >| fe-echoed from hilt te rushing drift, bat it all cameso es, ie were We nad bar Sutera i Pade Cay afew years bence ravenwate a vernal su the Weiwcber) of prem otdnbe, parley the aspecd on! Let him sket-hua .) ania ‘cable was t ptihe Rs TAN We escn aay of Dewei propetther yw ida Me tow ers ‘ close ranged blocks | of erage salen ene this ve Pea reflect an: Me lum etree « felmate, str the leaves of long sireete are eplige dgd with a cheer- the sung of half & milboa of spindles alttie “rattle of the ruaniag-gear and) sooseb it Mbel Bbee 45 Glas ties S3UC moaning of the throwds. Jt twas ‘he death f top au immense eagle. wings extended, low ing down ank iv iv Ld ogy: The Sritfle gave way with te | aun view. and by ite dpere! polrcy uevites all emerged noise of aebette] gui and, iv the smoke} Se nese wen m clakn iscaduire ere radi out ches baled up gords We then. tgied-to beat back thrower thé iii. be reward beyynd goabt natro © idB~oh ad water way, thit wns Twill press od igs ane) Pop eq aytat nd, ee tle ' ANDREW BA dosing, @quarterof-a mile wide; berwert | the’ siioré afd fhe pack. I: ost us ool hoarse of bard tabonur, f thon, ght skit Feb. th, Wea ss fara ermen! the cars yf the res | Ahat followed their recoil, we were drage| « western Rei truid reecive Lhrm,, logetber, ith ta 5 rihings, the pradecte of the City; Bugle Ciry c S Peale ang wheels is own, ad the sound 8 tty Will, aud wakes the dpowsy paws | " eo pos: Leattle, whie ywee id the rich emr- . WH. x v # ing, and gibidiiediig'a' goed bed du the i ihagiraits ine mearemige teen's sgl the! AE STON WN, '—grewale skilb oft ta siewt pein and th i a is Engh, enyugh !- src tranis temege Tess. MANRION SB HOTEL, we ety feast foar miles re Op poate BARISBE Ry . ¢41 t valley in the centre of Uodevill- ed it Riead of ‘as, fintfic? to ‘the! “LAE ccteeeter bet Sipe “char oe ~ Rantiishntent, begs bewre to infor north, mg could see the strait growing Weneruity, the the Howse ts aoe pen “ey fives sti parrower, and the heavy ive tables Boarders, Thavelers, Be. ite protings chat hl ACCOMMODATIONS grinding op, and clogging it-detween the | ff ihe ese, COM ane RCHAN et BALL! Liberal Advances made en Consiguments indiPbuisiieets of J. H Jenkins, Esq., Salisbury ; Geo. W. Williams & Co. Charleston; A. Hunt, Lexington; Robert 3 ae . Sewutter, E New York. than I thoaght I had everseen it. | had | EA iC Ly C TTY F \ oF rey i . , ly’ r38y jast tarned in to warm and dry myself 4 } nash Df ast gt 7 jos “7 MITUAL fis rare eetg iy | de tathe pablic, Atthelast Andual Mee the following Oviee,. weredleew dfonthe eumusng your. JAMES SLOAN, President. 8. G. COFFLAN, Vice Preside ot. C P MENDENUALL, Atto orney. caRLA Sse eters Faaee Ww { tf} Ovo ANNER; 9: Sens $a +40 | eleowbere ip thig market, 5 1 diam, var that apes eee satisfaction.. Call and examine oF | « here Raed thelr mtuete will be foutd f tar ing, as we are determined ta, [Sor gud rant cheap than they cap boug' RB. & Bb. MUREHY. pie: cogtofLasaranes om Abemutealplrmisbuts Saligharys Sept.2066. smallsaum, compured whhe jual stock company | Thy compagy being loceded in the, Westoan part af ihe | which Weare dei 31a Le comsequeatiyauuch (he ditger portion of theriske | ang Uhihg OW are inthe West, very many of which afeia the dutty. tation & ‘The 4 harap watat = tba (due ded) dave atade. 1,0 Ussessibents. an Wetton re congdepuly recommen. O/ We Reve ov tind —— ok oekoe and will afte! cas ine ary ‘reen — _ sams HOWAR, f al ge _ WATCH MAKER AND JEWELER, scene pwr bus fF aes a rs tea res Wi ik a Thad ay, Nic p | (One donn pow me Aa Plarpnprei nonce, | (drumined tu makedt to tres veteet of cash bud pirorty: | Hg EEPS constantly ou hand a large assortment 0 | paying mere ‘ eemrevne ett Salisbury Biaalag 2 Wei” a Ae ll!“ peas aes | atl Ino TT’. Liss Cr pagal ves. the, ons aoa BASH FY rich ib, tabi Sg f} i Medical 1 raed od de Age. DR. KENNEDY, of Boxtiér¥, basdiseovered ia one | of yur Fomunen peature weeds a comody thal curce pewded San LPT Aa He bas tried. it in over 1000 mae, wad never tiled except in two uC: (both thunder nae ) Pimples off the fa east of Evy sipelas Ode W (wo buitles are warranted to cure all geht (Throwsh Preight 16 Wilmington pr. Train. {in the eyes Pwo dbuiiles are warranted to care ‘ranning a we \V E have shade dn wrrangrdnéat With thé Railroad | canmor Bliches among the hair. $ ere & Fave a Weehys, x C maya 136 |e om DR. W. F, BASON, gettesy PRL F, Bas 1 DENY SE ROOM A bene@i ws always w» aprvitaned Guat tine Bles-bes: a: le, aud ao perfect core ip warramed rep she above jomutuy « ihAb® Meader, 1 prddied ater a edb neaanan' = new ms ‘ “ ue vt Sarees were 4 Two Pa: sare w {oT ttle = a haouth Oue ig three ue as nh ra hind | MD RGHANTS Tey wetet eetirthtecty chet teat & Th in Hi Wedth and stumach Three to five botiles are warranted caper t-te B beMindtion wf (eit Goudh pivte bre! a = ot Gate apne, Leary Taadaheiias -— rand fb AAYENY, BEART so-so ge , py Ail i -ay . @asor DRUK. upon. © ie shake dion Bineh ~and Feoe y Siths ; rere btin) Merinns ; De dence end Giaghames ; Grapesa, }~ Showle;. White Goobe.aad dnbeoiderre =| reach end English nates hats and Ghpsy Boots + Bewants’ Weary) we iedi tare : temapy MADE CLOTHING ; Slat’ Cabpatte w duly 2, 1596, New North Carolina Fora ee ag *4, ’ ie 21 yeute of | faibeah A é HA | it taseedmeation. 00 hespigertiantiey ce-bend ota" “a dishes | large etucly of Dev Guode of alt kindsand weapede~ >}! ded Be ero treqad Lbiakiekhe ieee fs 2% skid RG sry NOTICE. - eT igtesseraeet cas ee eee Wares. . sali by ofisst-eate Raginers, mits Say kth. demas aoa irae et bea aon Rtn od ergs Rent be osetia Vramnre) Bidnag aid sald ba ilike rgeeseerges mg tee oF leet a Pata nga mayors li ae “aw Se a ae ee Cascehgtctils Rooters ect RS Woe Wit . ’ si ‘4 eer tl italy -ao-oege- out Beanerbe-lb nwo Deed and cap gusranide Greil Work ap! saiteblo ir peat, ore ; “GUN AND. LOCK sae gee . Curpoaters, baitiers snd ntlee 9, nd. LAvepecidelly, Lg | dipine. Bat to my utter astonishment she bes be xT ESTTT 4 . 0 eal Py * ene ork y v ry r 3.” f< 7 Dae ied to call and ex orey pedi Ae ae a | eotirety relieved by four LAMBAripe. I poe, AU errr ese naka See No*- Apel somal ecoms et te MCS situs 5 penence. , poe PAL STOCK T i, Soot a a y : ms GREAT. weno! t a f Segoe Company t rn frewht cor with them Mail Pu@riv sx bottles are warranted to cure ¢ofrugt Tepind, twice week, frum Saligbary to Wil- | se@veunug ulcers. racy ae s of = deren’ state , AGAR ale mnagton ee Raab ug Salebur Bay Monday and, - Que butue will cure scaly eanaie eat te y om Pad Priory r edulid 's H. BAUM, beers te wey: + te SE There PW. OW la pea. Two Wo ltd bh Other asta le cfs td worst | at those orgase i oe ter pee The Mer (a rédefhe | comm UP ring warm } Paliabuty, Oct a, sg 3}:3me | BAS Just Weceiveo uw iaeess apes bealthy condiunm — t further or jue thet 1 trend a see a ™ we tre sate epedrase ee = Tw tu tbece Botts are warranted to curs Year Geld’ P UBEUCK OF a have TRY om + Ore ger wal lepreay igre oe Meee & eet uyeee Coeperate cape @f rheamatem 1 Pens, s weds, He ho naan ne! hwit PWree to fobs Dotles are wartanied to e@re the ot ERY ° gl ised Guid Ponsa rhkasi. ; ke | A “ou iy oaenr clear or Jind my tpn petwer of SLE AHAUD Ed Rw di 4 Piew engh: botiles will cure the Worst cases al EOE a ore BOOKSTORE ere cole eh fom bing . gleerenal ‘ S fe he's tide ' ibe raw ah Reet Louw the ellen af it 10 eve; BE oo a Se wre an males mall OF plirgcc aly dt tome 1 ear pcavid » brtsle ol. bb desk / STILT. Bela rage le cea! Rew!) Made SRS ties, anariwa. “ ifs te toerrefy that t adi tequatated with Cowan's which. fq beputy, clegeuer, a bbochel foo io, and bewe jog ite ns are peal, wad meme! BET A ER AND BETTERS® c share elit on one ede and the led gw au rabvajihe cqusl to ins am the State. Perenestappeeg) eae the Malt, and Phit, Coneges, @e.)) boi mad apather, Sie arpel s always eredont | AN paring wp Begeive nd Ractaways auh fn richewes, etyh-, Wark matin Rion, oe the othen, There was vut peg thing loft Ce Uermee. eben ge hase mealies e tame foe (lee gree OUUD respec folly make krown thar he past (oa There ave, tarothings etuet Une herb thas ap- Prowemenia’ My work has etwere elven grew ele, wegudiornes, seredii(y em) | tania A val gndaieperiare.( ihe Cam. Alioowee sad oblige! Ww ope “t JON, oa the carder net! Pact (PTg® 0 om varnoming > Sot srek.4 gree? io cur pas- | paisterting whereever Whee been 140d a hibwe and! ‘Soy ger! espew rs for us :—fd keep in some sert the cum Lennon wey eee gusen: teen, C0: wed Cre ene! is : pee a " hate tants = ee ete pl athaln and ei ise salue) | maw dmerdineorae heath ive watleride thing Owed oa? is IA PIFESS eo ied pre Peed ory oh “a WB GRANT : oe emer es boon how m ors Maa Vee tr dia the perchumer’ | sere hat the pattie Watt mapPof we hel by gving icwcly wlere »* Mectt) taee men oS Dew tinevs awd shee Ch sec tnt it avaid e949 ol) hinds of hemor Sie Rate CANSOT UE WURP cdek PFE rie trite | Sony’ MO REP Bie we must otherwise be driren. We aoe See ieee amare aa : deur ells nergy aoe of ar mpaey serine pear tbe Hestury fe cectnare tor Babsics F Oth MLerténl rap. ame very Nesigie nd & sera requiesl eewme thea they a . - / eaelleearah ys the Paoovecy, | wal sense OO eerwhen phar been Mim, at the Berton ented eo megagle Othe — REIT» of be meta imeg be roalad bak Vo send poder a rani Laetnp | Vangge ends hag iT atte 1 die it, apd wd shout wt beislee per peicen— Aly Chat Onell be gered wed Grain. Cul wai Rem care ang uly emopg (e stre OG) TE Taataampet a rES, SEEN sallz alt hands watching the chewy, Ne fs hen Fatt b veti ft Rherwied Will dey vo Apel Sh hevld pent one thoossad buties |e paentbe ty cory mad heer pritea and f know yaa 4 tubes hy ’ = ae 8S Pppernnre perdey of a can't belp being pleased wih vb retary pimedre ! A ipa we closed in silence. i. ; “FoR ‘ many LIpUs ray Sune of the wholeeale Drogrists wha have been in shoaks Oe ths pabhe’ Ged they very bheral pase ag etme pasit | pol? ad yanatrv peers ory ten a eto Tagwn Ateoven in tt morming,.we wege c) os imate, We dropped | gree’ on a ote our jest atichor with the thee perate nee f sirtien be ig: bei Luere wsdl ait o withstanding the ice torrent that ful 1 VG arorees We bad oaly time to fasiew, Be Lt S. 3 a Bass cold a spar_as a buoy tothe eliain, wn tet ber] SN dip. So went our best bowert pp meat ope ve apie again, WOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT. - os mee Se ie aoa a sempipg ddoe oh eepf ice &! +7 Tee Grard Fx terea! Remed;. aT bh er deow'\ eet Am Browilow Pur eufe « Fon nares por! eave off « ymeat ur drinking coffee? > sth bver cgm Several eebe | ol cr them by saying, aiweye cogebte WF mee: . c, and dang Sw tries Mohs a mercy safficren(- PUTS erm Er ES ait by ier commer est 04 Oh ened Rate botha noms spas dliee res ywice debbind! thet Mey have besowed on ine h 'g:° a a ft iRaboe ye doeq u: bepag wea ee. aftr ous & “ RIGHT Je = vA lar ere Juty 29 Adie a t{ Mr Fis oy onk . seek dik aaa he more —but mace Bs axcrn raedvrine, great and rant that | never sobreacat ig + and Agwe, Porn ia the Sete, petal NS | DE WIITEHE AD. Pommreeromcmereenes — aeners seen (e ba anaramareegy og W atchee, Watet. Kye, Beale and (harne ie war OFFICE oa the oame jot wrth bee reedemer, t5 Preteds, Pen Remco, Tooth «he end Cane ERAGE . Bad 2 he aberoce perms demgag. ig soe lea wal ieve, Pea. Pencile, Buiine gad eper-tertget Cheereche, sad these ot PUT brode eBeraal (new oamers o@the flare. va adi cases of that awfal pce dda hokes are bat few Jena Lin OG, Ts] Sead cal, pres pte ase, and dee ht Ive ge SARI here tee 6 to quackre, The have wore eve of t than | have. 7 — Pl chow you my panies cud tell yuu my prees; be¥ Sa ce rr ‘ T how of wcreral cases of Dropay. all of thom aged} = SANFORD'S INVIGORATOR. Me iTS tx wk bee ; tS deasw : : ewer theo in masy other places le mepronteny 1D, ES daebe, Dyowcpe. Atthons Hove: /F8 sutebtaber Dada Mbeafhs tcuayecg tee ey plbeaaraom aes oro Pasece op4 Comte ond many gach ina, po mew eatnadutiad De ee ee otimeke @ wEDICINE. { VO ven ther’ mt hb packs end cape rh store aunt a9 dibee and = } and parviculariy ia diseases of the ine ys i aps the, ‘ mri ay tana ay very b~ rte ear . ° dom less than thirty seet thick; one floes R.Br cosiont sta atormeens- acees ae prodhabionigteepher dierweery bas done wore gang {hag = wadkeine eve: Allotregghat regtors Aovenan tbosteoeeobonnel daa pei you of 0 baegese would mnhe core, pepe sient” gtneks nem got» Baty z mégented bys Ive ks We'tried fo fasted | ques thei 6a the Fy . tad @ aay ory te, s the igen. khows o saat qpesyore pared ef tye \ = Th Ay Be sere w ost ow BAL M— twig ray reps lees dents of ay oe oe part Diacwane of the 1” . ° - o chan ol ever peee y--eatr remedy = Pr peee to resin 9 Vibe ’ the eoraer of oo to it, more than forty had seen saairte : a Na ace fer =§ iw az Re seeege nf imramenss et the beat you cotsasive Winl of es vitnohds hie y hab ehiver Ps oFerl + BAUM, sf the curecr ida ti ob? h bait jp? che Ert and eeougt o polip-+1 tae wher the Amour? the M eemtee Mike -t--ehade ower, My deaf &r. t +? ice opty “otce before, tnd neser in saci Sars Dra series vee Uae Adulte one tabte opacities » rr: ee Hes pare ne sea ates ree efelly es fat day —( bide 1 tee year deer qpemteb} ntapaks re sv deon prevent (yt eee reese) motion. Une pptarned magy rose |g ber ’ padeeb fremkGts a Giale space es lence Ae ee of the Prevgoreiot we mene Liver Compiatet Thu-doauh chad on har¥ Dent Pe/smadhing in par bul. § carve ar oN. ¢ free dere cies can do apphewhle to eMcome i o\nme, ake amps cataaapashgeahs gue ar reeean fe — ay | wy ply ete aia Ape > te a, - Ly . Cc" sulbere ni hoopersic we be bowels tance a day en EON wae seperti gar dealtadrnss Fea | ars. ew ar Becky be dd me that A attcasdagana lmcurehte a to depxsiting 4 ; | Betioes Fever, Fawerend Agee. Sanedecr. | other nen warky 4 hatte toh-of ice in GENGBAL COMMISION MANUFACTURED BY reser eey. | themb, ot, to de the bumee femndy & a lasop oer our decks Unacoratsied fas wild othcdtare, of At she Lad a ebamn. life But a new €gemb ¥ corpdin gig’ | alien! Divectly im cus way, )@st be youd ine Lue of Qoefite, Kai ust Whith we were alté; nately sliding and thamping, wae a zt. 1) of berga, We bad aopowertoas J : and the only question was, whetLer ee were to pe daghed an piecesaya. He hd ge or, ghether Gay migih hac gf-+ ig of ar ok wediee week etrethdete tthe enerm 'e. a) Bat as we né@ared them. «: j thas they were at some ch stance from tne ab o a g e w Pies aad fF istotes. Terese aed ather ot wiiny ¢herre. othe wear og Cones eed we ower wi ze, ant onyaputet f a val of the ©; wafer, «) ue four fonine 2 ee the gale Crove ug toward Uy rere . : end int awdug tated) scx . r woew tran sume uberpawed cause, pre / bapctlthan Sevekent batty en eddy ff the wind ayain-t Ve Re te bat eee lof see-wa! lay we lon var ea way —- og $3 Set — Almost at tht tape Gomes’, wc saw tua! od the bangs wore @ot at rext: fimt wilh mongpuun of elrown, ae AND No 120 Warren Si-ret, el Mismcheniun ot Way bert. free oreo werent HENRY VA: | nam 7 ceeee peer = Pre bueeler referepce te she Lower, and whew ‘beet doe 1M TINR: cha Beaty Lemtn Mand ba sate Mari fay <y pera ampere Ss FORWARDING MERCHANT): utes so. W a. cy camp semen cnet pees Seated Se PTY) DLR Nene Pao AT roy “ime inatineses int FATA STOP! “0 tweetion erase DONALD KENNEDY, | Lapqee: aad bmw of Appar. Letieeoee eet bree } a . hme dy pod 4 eamey—el of which are tamed by 8 forseed einer’ PALAWRY beeths onbte: bev! wm wean tin ee ree Bidens een tebe Litded [Tha Tadidie ied bs donq ended wh bh par R x ken owey 4S few dewey of the bow ¢ fare Bercioy Burre RZ Brosdeay AS" r wniemram: Chipped vad ot 4 the mapmioat Ml knee gua » ened Some ee ee WILMINGTON. BC. ir & PY sands, 10 Fags Se peced fal S emer he Lovet tn wiles aia: 7 ret come be the termed (5 cabs Sart Velo amet te gind ihe = fe ahrciad wowtd howe we -o. i ; : may). TrIN- Dyas & Sone, Pailedstphic: € Nene ‘7 ie costiene’ ose in recmnve ine tee Te lenges. wabwet BD y+ are od vee. bee fey tort therd ond 0 5e6c yet fomedy. Tuda Orderg for W Mises . memtisol Flew + Behigeore; Gen MN Keyerr. Patsberg; A.B Mure toot tahoe Gith greet curee-ein cates of Chote Wye so ok, high. of gage thread eder, barge ar pended in ty + asiee of oh: pment, thaable , Seflele; Reg Wile, Torwoin; Lyman &@ Rether, ‘077s, Hamers, Kerfate, Uirers, @> . 86d fier thee ck tae bee -logred, about GEN at by treden! — sed and grveggily a < | Toroats ; Jobb Bite Wontret ; Brinkiohed & Poa. "| hee bree Mande very -Grecinns remiy” Asce. Bk men .. Plesteret end Poyurr Me eee reved NOTICE. 4 12 of 15 bkety mw gre bre. free “ . uf WIhL wow me beehoet amerket pres. in State , ' 1 = d prenertoas: JW iuSkisice TT IENKIN< & ROBERTS sare anda e-p Sete Beate on hond br sale Wanted Immediately, ANY QUANTITY OF WOOD AND COAL. Saabs ory. Sep 1G 1058 ee Ww LEAVES WORTH, Sep At Read by sli reeperiahle Druggiaa re the Uae ou De ; domes Nerd, dgj dtm Wetteen, 1 j Crowne! dips eomatniee the stomerh to « heahthe oa gn. ¢ w , Tie 6 bo Heriily the ~ df wlth Pr Tis hg) al oe . fed bog poy be lertong ata: Wades tem and thefores rhe amperer and vitur Ope deer |, con eng Aliens ore wl rekere the coprrenre eocerrent onpetieterd by ve Shp oom pepeed.tor bo - pee he we very bel ph 1 bers = 14 Sates a0d Boveh Provinces cotrag 0 Reeny dwnrr. 0st crrmes te Ugvelive ww 0) dolicery to am ot Wom Pleqseat, Cobetras aan Wind Vos Gare a Pow tale at SA & S.u's Drag Store, Sdiabery, S| OM to vimepee cotren, Far 0 drtetvared auth of The .oniy, ot Weaburd in ony fol of vher'l 9 Wig: | ARO Rem ee otercdmenil-ety we of H {eystem te Erewgureior bes an equa! which OTP rears Joan Lnteere sddreater! te he st Muant oe }eethmer © exile so P, cl, S; ves, oh Woche evetem wad reamverthe To! oi be paapptly attended 9 Moo toe ahr (tara telapithet | foe cos Athi vice tara’ iA G vue peoenr ef « @hooeoad CUARLES aLurTs | Soaatn « 4 te one we | Looe Jens WO, 1096 hy ob k Prepered and etd by Bendfewt & (- 14 F- ‘ Hos. Hire Sa of and macro South, 19%. New York Pree @!.00 per teatile. contac h, oer oy f? ary | afer my plesta!on (ut sale, byeng 0 the wotese of) 4) deons Alen wid by Sol) & SH, Dr cagunc’ Vababoe K&G Me dider tvbry au «cag wees Poarth Creek, 16 mules west of Hobebury, adpeningi ry, NC gf cheat agement BS tmepet yt ey ed ¢ bands of Juha S Carsum, Jacob Bakes madothers : bell of & raat 1B CZtL Cob kara: =f; The depet on (he Weatern Fittensm mewrhe moar (7 SS ORSON ih Bi Mabaale ‘Wholesale & ‘Retail ——— we herderas, thae it ses beep for fied pent gre vam, & The place has on 1 sf nearmary belldings in goad ve. ' A NDERSO ogee SoS OF Pre pel aca At the Silver Hill Mine, |". crows West ae Sion a nenadibs, * MERCHANT $e oe ® Voow, very ceepecntely. RORT AL ' wll ee! on gcc anmeadeting te: the ba = wen W pisaes eect nd ood wee sanst Cali soon. as |} ASD \ RE ee receiving thei! luge eret weld eoletted | Yo bite. Trad’, Fen Hi, 8 =. , — 1 A Ket nd Wier GOUDS, Consbumg| b hereby corgly thal aly Oy wtb (ed tant Gets Pepoeme calling oo Wm. L. Steele, con huve — Commission Merchants, dt Benple pod Fancy Dry Goods 4 bea gielp! amet | ben we oy ep of ver = and ance mm viewing the lends vor TPM Med eS 194 raset of we stiended by « ee tain <o' - o ne, | SO Oe BORDORD causes. Latics Cheek, W-rieery, ood De Loves, BUR "Cries sey rebel | thee PRM o eaete ele es DR. S. REE Vv ES . . a | az 4 va. Kamdretterion, Be. | pRymeen an tem *y. en pendlinr dt hee ua ams a ? Large Swek of ( eahorg, ae) ged?! ¢t, wad A wae Meonghi by off thet ohe Lu we Por artve s\tanaee & he At Viens and other As cAaate sat Carlere gut te A fire che hed asad Uowen's militar leur j As -4 9 Sauebery, and ofe G A Kinds of Produce, avumding unmeceseary charges nad, Mute, Steen, grid de | settee, ne five days m.commmenced teh eer bes Soe, at ae ot - pat i ; \ readenag prompt retorve it 4] Haase, Cope ad Phin aeve Bae errr gAathd tp!” . WF at verel é UujamiavJabare care aes Wonbcte Lia 9 Pete: gia mad ATTORNE i AT 1, AW, f 4D Miva C.#. Trees } ; np rip a ae ems Ld ont oo a “2 MOCKSVINEE, §. ©. ; — Se me spire ey gaion ' reer par) ROWANFACTORY Vice tre iat oppaatle ine Davie Watet J | CUMMING & STYRON, im mers cece esa et ad ayes nage Wey faa of peg . very deernpinim A grende | word isey te enemy Onbrakt Ls Myre v saad - COMMISSION » rely Clot gf ele mtetpeck, Ghat aiget apocttereme ‘ Trivate (9 warm Tothate is dae: ifte the Verth . Apel *, 1836 4 5 Ine { ahich, @e mam eepecifelly hive pere me nitendent on pr graecy 1 would edviee al Games t tf wot, eweenrage “a : ANY Ls no mg gonads the sresue. Mo be witout a butthe of the medicine daring ‘he Pel ieee rcarasy tae weneeevrs DR. J, J. SUMMERELL, Forwarding Merchants, “7 Freee aa ab ree y al | ASrem naeta ine Office at b ¢ remtonce where WILMINGTON, NE Wall Paper, &c &e,, “ Vie bell, Tent, Fo, Lordy aco See sees a Tr pee mn pad te mag Puen 9 ewes SADOE Sy, | am arny purr mneoiancres 4 Sil ZETING & YARNS, <i force po ne tery AN core hood cee Wine ‘! is ene an la et er ont F are nud have brow fur eoveral yeors, | would J 8 @xNts av pot ree hey Fee ens Ate Te cise by Way Coort, oad F eatrieal ( ‘( y\W A N'N ie a ie is Be noe a, ae malas ae —_ Highly Important to Lavalhdy. «(sy apteete Ul nee we) Santas. es sm pled wate wade GAIL TON BATES VEGE TABL BA ney co + QL inopetes ewlebstnehad dd bb oro Am land end Gerecte: Tie DIBBLS # BUNOCR. D LIVER OIL. war ak PRO K eMecSe nale W ite CRIST MILLS Colvin m. mibbte. | Jounthan M, Bance, rdinanldgt vat . Re bLhA sot ce — ver oe. qaews tet noe +. wp inn oe AO ca edt beg: mend : ca in bara nega Jona 5 Vidwife and ne he pean wae cacy Jost then alta cece ; ‘ walrtratied Levicaue.! , yu miberviber ee a atid ler cameo yg Glan ~- Re oF southward The thomgit danhiet npr mw OUI we bai 8 Hires teary . c ¢ <7 ‘ ae ert re ee > A LD wee bow ov. dae 2G OF ; CAyce & . Pa) awe Murnne Welbwse a ( Law, and ae the eornice moved rayrol: ang it. Tiiamy of W eo Reuwe tbe +) reste wer + d one n ‘he ln -0 . come @boiy site ue Meira anavd pls STD es - plant an manele n : H1~ JON soleil wr bo “ t a twee 4 onto ithe @ Binidiine R wee BASH) ~{f! eR ” i Oe ro tu. * bet ie 2 er the ¢ ed eeed’ thee s Age TP ee in ; POTPNVIG Vs, Galo Ws bia 5) wy wien cov Bat epeny dase over ine windy an thorks eae Ry rd ok cp he 's Writiae Fluid > "79 re nae tl tee DOS WTiae Fis Upon Ue os Ke 4! cons 5 ‘ qui ib ‘ : Dn Larr @ed t { there f wine OK of wetraced the wards to keg We pascd ts ut ; I eliawe, oe cle Oh ry t quert t . r “ ete ‘ “ taken at “ evs Gert toe & . sma crn roof paratively cps tie vom Pek ny ir tg nvewe yrat ai ey tattle «1 ate le ‘ : ran Wit. If ’ he f t 2 3) reugi te Le suc al pepe © . “ therm = MALT. myer ce sews Oysters and Bish. MALT. MORNING & MEANDER Seal c earan Jans ih 650 9 Bfusic. ee lhieien (eqs { s+ BUR SFO ft. JUNIE Ss ADEE AED, LAND AGENT. Jom ee sagen no Me DTN WALL, ¢ vw (di Phi V TING Vertly seccuted et tis Office () ‘ommission Werchants AND DISEASED KIDNEYS, and quick oe ae Nomen the Bladdat and kr lk Weak-| AS, 08 ene of te delibgucag morke 6f eb par, In Cotton, Flour, Grain, Naval Stores, nore of Jb ers j I eady soe dle’ bebads lates at'<cene|‘ehesorN ) Ah we Meese t ‘yd viet tt we - Mo. ite—Lewan's Broek Row Vue. 270h, 1953 ai License, for Sale at this (ssen. Those withing to hove thew teash wopermedy ; Office. Bom rn Brédude Ue ate thy raadieing ¢ ei... ee vbbhe frum «hb ere p Lee ee EES Eee, “Resa menor es oe aA paaaRaT NS atingpertma nentl; locatedin Sallsbary, respect-_ i, b Secs | Pranmfactur ” 3-0 BAKER & O04 ee ss Henao, pom me, J tenders his ptoledpoeloervicenig the pub: ) R. P. BESSENT, Benttst, ’ Ne iW N —— Hing whe tote {rom that peevhar geased:: art cumgrreabl: een) Thies Me a9 p: 7 td ab ” i. < Bei). atthe Drag ih yi It may be shew withee? derehah by the aust def soe beéeh hy wanheoved zt. ; ler bw P a Dy agp UroRe a1. : Maer By ge fi A ie 4: bf Cee n@ ote patient and vetahind wahout otheet om tie mist hes beed oe wear 9 pgp .. ROP PRER CER lec, ia Balvlwry or untive Gener be Wis Wad Sovd BP viptee fF W Me ~$ eat. Pay | - Oud ye ' The tube nber having rofercd int Qapatinershp Me snpenerity im thisand ether unportamt elm rar.) : a" ra Baar. " at. Greenies, ith Jobe F Cowen, of) vrlestcp (er, fot the man. séneves of gentuncbesn, hes guatanieed for se the > lis : aye _ efectore aud sale of the shure Medieinr, ie prepatediy commpnd stan of the mast em onto! the mer ibabfen | 1 Min, - ase Sa Stal TERS e's oy iy foray a sapply by addrepeing him at Solishary. N | olty theapgtemt the Sintes, wens ay Me gu ~ - wie pap mapas _ t calling at bie rgedence, 14 prides weet of ihip [tim the. meme ¢ fimetunt remmed¢ for ( mannptiom 6 4. ul 4 haw, tre or joalt Sh rr) | - E D, ATs cub Bronthyt us, Rheo mation, Serefain, dc., and omy be Phases J ao tor vat oh eae Dr. CHARLES T. POWB » Jane 21, 1855 15 piedan betiies of Dre Srl) de Kull se the place cred tite » 6g Cire nacengha amrrattoamplrrt SPATE BONDS foRSE re nie j CEES ai upon willcal soun, as bw etag will be short im siliary APPLY to JEN KIN®@ Ronn retr H nod née Wi, 1°56 » gi ty, ne _fratewery | NOU, * ie the “ Caroling Watehmaa,” Ofer the new WY Newt ' whe embr trary hatte bapti A ‘ ius denow are mi bac am rulle The Apost, « licte tors Whos Vielen who | con fes brouy we or ed in toc. A e z ta i Ls f tF H be ! é Hi - »* Se hi g 24 a eee P 7 ’ ‘ Tie’ Cotwianiporitbasics * Taticne St” the “yorh Wit, prblitie thie flowing curious toed bear ‘the slgnature of” the Jnquis er tiene wlth the observation that comment mpon it js nged!ess : () spie~oy vie doay oPttos. We. Re Tiburks Vincent Airaldi, of tlie Order of Preachers, Mister itt Sacred Pieologyy and’ in the towns and Dioecre of Anvonas Osinw-Cignotina, Jesi, Seni- galliay. Loreto, and hvueainati, Muctrata, and Lalesting,.and other lants and local- ities aynexed, Inguisitor-General of the Moly A sfolig Seexespecially appointed vgajue (or teal depravity : lAg desirous, as iinposed by our holy office, that The Roinssh Catholic thith Crithout which, as tid Apostle Punt writes to the Jews, it ia fripessitile to pleade Gail) bheuld bo imour jy vicietion wmautained pure pil innmaculate fram, al heretical contagion 5 aud eXpericuge _Javing proven uaty us that many perseus trom walice, others frou disobedience, and, finally, others trou ignorance, do rut falAl the’ etifer OUN gation they are nader of demitacing ‘tothe Holy ‘uttice | the misdueds which éame nrdcr its attei- butions; atic that serious sinew venienees and. ertvrd result therefrein, tot only against gool mons bub especially asuipet the Loman Cathelic ra hey. grthygless we, who lave wapevially at heart the glory of God, the full conserva: tioti an@ increase of the holy faith, and the salvation af souls, to obviate alt dts order, witlr the Bpostohe anttetity) in trusted fo 18, eoquipand, in virtue of holy ubedionce, aad anider pain of excomman ication, with prejndice to other peuslies peesgribed by the sacred cannops, decteos, c age and bulls of the Sovereign Portitfa, LY iis present edict, all gui every pereon, whatever his sta rank, or Griploywront; wiethertlay: or clerical, aud within the delay of one mouth, ten days of Whieh are assiguek Sor the tirst, ten for the second, and ten for the third ye tonal coat ferm, to inform azatnst: ani aMtify Yous Sud'ctatty, or to our vicars or resident curates, al and cach of enct per sore a8 may cowe ander bis or their ac 4U4.ulanee > Who are heretical or suspoeted of be Wig @, or harbomrers uc suj porters of heretics, of who inay have adhered tu or adhére to Jewish or Mobanunedan, or who have beeotne apostates frum the true, Roman Cat! lic faith ‘ Who may have committed acts froin wlivl su itivsont proof mm igit be ieinete| that they are im apen or everet loagne with the devil, perturining wets of euce ry, of magg of necrymarey, offer to tive alors. ‘ hia — the Iloly Office at| A I ive ~ Au! ! Sacred Olficy, wider the penalias eatal b 10 helt gud meat one ef owt al bebwe ‘ RR ee en oe . sper 4 NL. | par value, 533. Western’ N.C. Railroad; piid for, par if value, : : te ‘ foe 4 Fayetteville’ & West'h’ Py i stock, ™ | ‘peer define, : $120; | i ng sop tite [Payertevite anil Watsaw, par bale, 10, ; pes . : : ‘ A ' Paretteville «& Albepniitle, paid for, 36,000 : artist ata | elias © Hi threes eck — — — — stiches made sathd pd Lawtnnpep sto oat = ; ~ SIDES seteat-S Det ga = - ' - oot iw a . at) ye ; ‘ , e $160,000 { a o@gydl geretaa beriotiwert) bimtl og iL ait ay WE ; r . ' : _ i ‘ { t} c . . . U . * ¢ h " be : raf: di $ . New River Nav? Go! ‘stock; par E ‘ . Nav? Co! 3 Devoted ty Politics, News, Ageicaltare, Iutecaal Iyrprovements; Commerce, Ahe- Rts aud Sciences, Morality, and the Family Circe. eck oa, . on Sern - lVagkit’ Nav, Co pald fo par value, 5,000 * oN, ree ee Ree wae whattere tart fet tet be sme 2 re sper rey sete sentn taped see chee #4 4 Z 4 t } pina eee f x . Peape Fear & Deep Riv. Nav. Co, é a ae ' : , por valve, : 160,000 ly , YpPTpw xr! . n ~ : "4 ’ VOL. XI. SALISBURY; N. Cu, DECEMBER 1, 1356. NUMBER XNVEROO CU S| Sits ; : : 7 ak ae ys 7 weuie : : <, The State also tolth the bond of the Te Lee —eegse. ee — wer 2 ~ a ape arse = coed nate te = —s | Wilmington and Weldén Railréad Wo one tay remain ignorant of these or {7 HE STANDARD SINIUSTICE.| (Bvt phe! Lovist ite J. uewal.) (GOVERNOR'S MESSAGE | W851, Aye F papeAye eh biel nein vd ne ora the’ inter- P ap he ae : ai So (A a ies A . ; . : 5 5) Do P md r t_ .¢s gurany i olde ah bole ashe ta ayiid obodionce, The luat Ks co nes |, Bvery piece of puetry from Mra. Weiby's pon Habe | To the Ifonorable the Gen. Aasembly 8. & W. Plankroat bonds, . iclithtdns Eovin teh Betedlcd eo? etal we order all publishers, libraries, ens- 1 iy Jas Span yan ae isle OLGA. Mhing df'beatty “etd therhfabe,u fuy forever ” | : eta r | sugming (Wenty years, 25,000 00 Tu, 1HG9. » Roanék P s toma, hotel-keepars, shop- keepers, de, § AGA HOY fi, ta dhd LOA A? a " *HOU-LT Wies' Me Ey ERMOrE | of the Stute of North Carolina. by . es props Bon a eh a abled ating pC rod ; AVON chiwiiaste: . ae 2 me ’ i ae Ld hua Pam Paty ” At ghctsth Cui ecs sian : eee “Dy i> do, 40, : c 5! >» Tater y ! ‘ to have lool ted bt) their ee ice we think, by representing him as, ree DY ANNA MARIA WELPY, ¢ Aer acho tool You have been elented ‘hy the yo dev, 20,000 OOM RE 1 a5T, pate in two atid fout trye establishments, ina prominent place, y Sat one 5 ‘ Theon'is : Pane peaple of the State to represent them in this | “Phe foregoing are regis- Fears, terest fityulds semianyu- Hiatit may. be read by all comers, wid having shid thinks in way iwowhich he : Me Arnos ae seas som eta eehorat Assembly. Pliey have contided t6 you toned. bunds. a) ate ‘ a, Dee * 10,774 28 me ort all. erate. ta rope ‘same ever oni hem, The Rantant wse"llal.”. Seeeeaapediane Meme," edo hedigteant mete hen aeaeog > dee ma oe ae i ee Congregations at specitivd peri- Ar. Iasner) speaks of the delegutes tat Wath love's qww sult nap ghearn, 40 our goverment and dawa, Coming as you do | Jan'y 1819, for condi rae- } 60,774 28 ty) ‘ the Demneratle Natfonal’ Comvéntion as! a Seebiof rogace and -rasculs’+3 nev laps of Aathe principel or rather the sole ob. Zarkness’—as infamons scapegracer, be. | ject of the tribuual of the Holy Otiiee fs, Now, what is the trath of this matter?, as already stated, the glory of Gad, the Simply thie; Abr Rayner, iv Lis speech | exUtation of the Lely. Faith, andthe sal- lade uia alla ; , riiye vation of souls, we therfore, ufler having Abigale re eee com meting und ordaiwel us above, naw tion of the Cincinngts Cannendiqn, fran echort paternally, all thors who may be * speech of Col, Beaton, used the follow: 4 yiitly af sane wffence uyainst the Sacyed ing hangitige- a J f (nffice bas oppenr befure ta, Or our vieurs voluntary, before’ they are tufyrmed aguinat by othr qofaona, to wake a fall cuufession of their faulta and errere~ We assarg dieu that should they hot be wider accusation alrcady before some other ecclesiattien! tits inal, we will re ceive them with the howels of conmpas sion, anc they éludl be treated with that EXHORTATION, #W hiv féedrding to this Heeonnt, thee | Hever wits sick a set of ‘roifeed: dnb ype. + cake Com ened Agge tier binoa the tinketlre | devils. net iu, Pandein@epiums to, devise | mens of thwarting the Purposes of the! Aliniglty wien hep ced our first par ents Tr Byles wad f Kappose that the I cackle of delight which they rdtesds ie nmercy lich: bulanpel Wnlohans ecrcuins of exnltatiess wits which the wel: Uiveah, aad will he alowest to depart ay StS tb weave west oh IE! . ; ' Nepination, were gbouf tana to the shouts sud Dares paiea | cuenta KUCs of tiendiel eestiey itdul ger nt Mf the! SPR OUAL INSTRUCTIONS. ‘ ‘inips of dyrkneia, @hen Baran retried | Tn Ghedicnee te the orders we have re {fein tht Garden’ of Ede and utéelnedd ,, eoival relate te the ve ds’ Me tmattul to tis conrédiles MH Sitainy thie fact Thts he bd rents. hon or chrealation den Looks, and havir (hatin the tuwme aud everse and foetdad x much at’ heart having much at beart thatiun the tuwns aud localities an ugceeded td definding ous tire ph. + ad Anil, gfter wards. be saigh “Must, we be- | i couo hewers of wood andl drawers of) wa- der our juri#ligh mn the pure faith NAY ter’ tosnelvan ba lamons sebul apbly taces | be . ! hich Ue the erace o ie be preserved, « by the grace of th na ie hure’\iceetihed rs Alw ity, wetually exists Phere, wo ex ' preasty ordain and eommand that mere Well, ia thepe any ths win either af these y shall Leware of publishing, intraducing, extragie io. imke sock o jive and ery n-! eeliing, or circulaung jn the townssar be 1, Will dng \Audest man, \who las > tl id the walls, or any where within ofr , , f : Le . ee t el ; re0) Col Dopten’s hescni phim of (hain. jtried Vv be 4 {hia wen P ' ripe that * / . mei antawitie: tthe cealiliinting Rikon” A Coprenlaom, gay that “uniding to thes serumt,” Mhr. Lia) ver was nut “ anod (cy purl yiner, ‘biked be apostehe Jecees capecially Glied in apply jag tp that agecaybhn gy whe on prayers for the dise. very of treasure, ¢) jee Wf Ch i vuleaml SeTON ey ube is he epJuged iv dig specels ! or prutn [ets oY ébé tce,or Py other! te. 4 a lapranit) ee bcnianaed prices ih which Its name or others arc) 4 ceib ane Ghent ee tlie : We comtess that we wete Aj toed to tmulked : Who are fainiiar witht or who prac thee netromaney, or no mation what surt, of -wmazie, with tie: abuse of the sacra inenta, sacred of hallowed thiazs ; Who, mut being ordainet, should have voncped wath sacrilegious temerity epel al itas ‘ . ‘ oniers, desrees, eonstit aod Delip Se theac extracts frow Card Uentem +” the whic hh prohibitdens and Christians fron speech pobdesbed in the eplutain of the enh marnreg corte private retations with Siendank We bope ite roade. » iii.con, each va enclt as wlceping, eating, py: thom well, eat lean therefrom witet) a! the, diecnieing > and, mercover, that all S' eu porter of Me, Huchsdan thinks of the' farnitVarit¢, with them be atuiled ander ‘ Le f ie P ‘ the penalttes, for Jews a well ne fur romdy that oeitsmeted bon fymatie J reai- With stutety rte p-wad beers prood foros!) from: the great body of vant fellow-¢itizens and from évery weetion of the Suite, it is suppos- od chat vou are acqaninted with their wants and Hiceessiaes, and that these will be provided: for, so far as it ean be dune by: wholesome and en- | Wightunied jegislation, - 1 doubt not that every of fort will be made on your part not to disappoint {these reasonable expevtations. Fer Pry own, tion of Gaston & Weldow . Kailroad, and fur improve. ment of the vavigation of the Negse aud ‘Tur rivers, mnniag ten years, Bo do do, Do do do, Va account of N.C. Raiie'd bunds, punning 30 years, a Bute ver from their bappies rayp ' Py ‘Eby spin "betwee will flee heck tts the enc andy ob: nes gate Bu filled with lave for ibee. Thou'lt migg m: Choucs jopre silvery clear Thao byger oo my lonmues Ou brighter, romer lps may cheer 7 ~ A Sry oF Where lyre and lete ase strung, ya!low me: to assure you thai my aid, however i 2 By! aull the, upforgutiga baya tfoeble, shall at all times be given towards facili te’ * de, Ly wpppmnured in sbine, eas, }danag your labors. mfr ‘De do’ do, + Before touchiug apon matiorscencerning more! Dy dw da, tespceially oamewn State am! polity, allow me to Fe 4 C. Punkroad bonds, [Congratelnte- you poo the Lappy termination of | 0g (wens Year (he exgiting septs Contest throogh! which the - @ Weraw Plankroad country. has Jately passed. Kor the first time in bondsy runming 20 years, tour history we dine eeen an attempt seriously Tar nver, wader ack of Lith praady Ly One section, oF more preporly epedk in Feb PR dl bonds run- ' : ning thifty years, ‘ey @ pdliiien!.gmity of that seetion, to wet the bes (dontrobof the ditlrent’départarent of the gede Thy epile sheig every grees of praise, Above them gt thom’! bear Thou WNW née én eee Of etitiniet tte da) Fro fuitce¥eatare’s thrown, , May ebine upan tfifne elteréd tien As uever mine Lath shop, Bor «(Ml the one fainitin? vine, ! Lunatic Asytam b'ds, ren- Thpt welcomed thee of old, tung ten year, Jus place above thar every wile, fa! go wrnment, with the Uvtermimation ex) sessed De du de, ’ : ;. + py! Within phy feact shh hold ) to erdan imbstor that gorermment omslrictly sectton. | Atlante ayd N ( . Railrogd . fab pawtyogi tent, [twas virtoctly an atte) ¢ ivuds, runes 39 yeage, Do du do, Westem & N.C. Railroad houds, ruamag 30 yeers, Bonds for auecy carticd jo public fuad by resvlatwa Of General Anse mbly, noney lawrowed of pierary Board, "Tao tiiee ervey nid Be werle gay cron 4 demtade one section’ and to endanger its mstiru THOT It mite ge we oY ore; fiuma, and todeng to it-thase equal rights wand privth ges to which alt tho Siates in the Unieu Aved Words of cotri cous lore, hare entitted, and whictr Litherte tliey lurve enjoy Buc ett when other Fipe uty tate ved. “Sha whieper where thawte fonnd, ' Thy Pheck, be fi pritve’ of blaute, Sal CAinsce at ite votre $0,360 55 Prue 0 ie that all thes wae sovoht to be done neeorbers to th. forms of te eertrcation, Hat the atéimpt was not the less attrocions for thai; ron mh 15,442 60 $5,004 502 53 rks of tse Thee Rt mise mr fé-m mghi's coleman foac, The books of tse Je general wo: ornment When hely mare took down; was intended by its (trainers Lo cjwrute for protection and safety jow account, an the bet Nev's 1836, of $140 Tired it cock im plensaré’s eng wm vain of af, rnd if property acintuistercd, will oily be ala 86, It ie pruper to slate that this amowat AU pegnes ofies & ereens feliin the wmnt beneficent manner, Hat wher ishoald be increased by aboutthe swin of $30, Pot sifbeach blomed orb ead hnaght On whiel: Tee geaed wiib-ther, ‘Sire! bring Une Lear deep to thy mght “Thy btcom thoughts of me \theeamstet uted, Ly une scetiom of the country and 29 wrested nh.) perverted from its Y + Pompoge as ty become an in-trateont r" tmen or degradation to thd other, he knows tery Weof the Seu they woe Nate ppres Thee): mace me; on ibine poling bre at AV hs ote plecwrnt baewghis shell fy Tinsagh ot bot lasret eed aiey seat ern pect who lelinws that) fore conebud af thee conus auioalign, b senha te A kewaelation at te lent mire And tencminniomele Thy wprtane 41,000 00-Futy TY, pir a 67,000-00 Jail 9; 1865. “HHd Mout Ue sane ‘be th SiGe ess om afi e hen paid, the time for 500,000 00 Jyn. Ji! 1g83. Other bond Wha 500,000 00 Jafy 1, rae? 500.900 07 Fan. 1, TAL thie S60 008 was App 19090000 Juby 0) 1084. ings 6 Of Neitac us yi 32000 W Jan dcdnets, , CUCOF Neittc titer “anit thit ler raaiting the 1,000,000 00 Apl), laps 4.000 OOduty Ay Li. 5 44,000 00 Jum 2, 1666 - 19,000.00 ddy by Load 500,090 00%Jan. TY, ‘Tee. ted and raid by the stle of “botids for thé ien- 38,900 00 Jou. 1, TERE. [provement of Terriver, to Be expended weder 200,000 AO Uct. 1, bees. Treasury further show an inlebtedmess by the Mate to the Literary Eyam ore? Centred wpm, eon ander the firms of }632 82, for inter st o@ bonds uf the State ledd p 1y the Literary Huard, as above set Gatlyeud ier dnd wavigiflod | stocks “owned by the also (fpon cenpon late of the Sinte, purtlias-)— ed! ner pow bebl ae port of Une litesaey Bard Further refetepen etil be made tu tle uattes be ener | No interest |dte brew paid onthese Test nam- (ed Bonds, and the! last’ "General “Assembly és- "tomdd tthe Tinie (or yay, ent of and interest othe first ‘Ldhd to 3d anitiry nest {the pint ment of thé ‘pritetpal and Tutérest dif dhe tenet td the 34 Jan’y 1856, Tu thie onbestion it may be proper’ to aay Wi to the improve. strety of tlie ritée fle Walince wag ‘subscribed ns hrerted, 40’ the Mock of the Neuse’ River Naw- 20,0007 00°A p'I-T, I875. Igation Mom pay. 10,000 0 Jaty 1)°9876 No fe piort hissthen-miide’'to ‘the’ by the Pre- *WMeH of the eampan y, né requiiedt by the Char- ter.'~ Bal Mara whotiiciufty that 10 | practical horiefit Its “Vern Mted fron 1hé experiditite, avid 15,900 08" Jan’ 7, Y8RG. $that the property and effets “of the have aff Leen sci titder exception. By Virtue of thie’ det of 184 89, $25,000, and “by ihe net df 854-5: STS000 wet@ a tHe direAicd ‘of contnsitioners appointed bythe Governor. " No) rSvisiog wak rtiude for tolls Ow the river; Std the sun expended i noe Ahiled, therdfore, Mrotig the stocks ow tied by the Sraté, ‘The Western tirupitte ts owyed ty Yle"Ri até, aud! will Le tofieed more bows 4 "beréafter noes The State ‘fas also stime incotisidetatle arpount Of stock im Tard ike Compainies, which have not lately been, woe are likely to becume, [> Fable Or of mach value. It is hardly Netediir? to add that the dther “ toltttttue a pat 5f the Litetary Fed. id beevipts’ inty the PUbTc Trtasgry %r two lait Tieeal tout ending ihe Sie dade, THYG, are Stital Whitlow. from the beds“ of Chat Offices al ma ais ech @ gomdtousent am! trueh a Uitom, howe Aesombie, State boud, bor Use follow igang osanls ¢ Fines! ye'r, — herr mune abpe «© Jey . a on B ees j 1834-3, 0OSS-" B easiRat nae itaat . 4 dew cee of a wa otk vy tory be amd, | ome rot to be suid, and Lee proceeds pieed se Teicigls Coston TER Gy 490.7130 ¢S9 25000 Une thentgiag Of wines heii eu, . stunt Wiatererimy have tullows: Poe &@ Wenerh Mettrondda 490008 420000 oe ' rand to the Comerary, we of the South lave Fayetteville and Albomarke Plawkrd, 1 Pas maAnerey'» home, 66500 ASH ‘Phee ented (cp at) forked Looe ~ : 1b Re Te Cotte the ales cof the country run teey 20 \ cars $20,000, Tagem Beak > uk, 797325 14,16839 Would stead yyas ppoie jaime, © veresi mem! oa to nd Ree nT oma peculi- kageitoville aad Wareaw Viewkrond, pes As Wo d& RR, sends, Tiva'l nuce me? bol why Waste fy nds wr views ged interests at the expcme of any oth tuumiag 20 years 6,Q00 Pcene co need @ bitte Phe byrngg thous hte, deel eweep (er section A und N.C. bkatheoed, for bal ' pero ate Ko pruen(gfy my being’e ghord:* All eo haw necked fur is to be protected in th ance Of Sinte’s subs apMan, 3U seer . $327,27009 $901,908,97 Kor grt them—lb me, @éep, tng ltesec ured to us by the constitution, tu be let, Londs, aad winch wiil prokeble. all Tithe itren\ Gor! pekise telat Aved forthe Pics och kiss ver la vere hoor taloe@ td their enjorinent, and to be tented as ! be called for in the -ommeag sean, + Western and N.C. Kalrond@0 year Tre decam of love is o'er | oquale-aanonr the Sates mud wn (re common Ter $32,900 , Inst fhkeal year thoulil be added the unr 10,- . : ‘OTT 34, for déteah by Sheriffs, the larger - ’ On carth acre —ebtteed ne te Htories of the Uuiom Move than this we hay Lomds, for Lalamee uf \cate seubserip- thor of whietr'hade ¢uce tan wer the pr * . ~er J ‘ ¢ s r and be right of pe toring mast, of who are Christians, expressed Inthe Wull of the (dency. Me. Re ie not tn iedaine ‘for thé Tboe li mes me evcrm. & nat souclt to oldnin Lew, H true (0 oreelyos tram, nnd which will pebble be * he will be Collected: a sa t t s the : . } 1 . ‘ ; Phe @ilf be dol q suspecte of wl ninistering the ascrament Pope Clement VILL af Ateaed mrerterte dempicalle legivt, in wiiebitbe de ules to t ‘ fe will Bw EN LE tH Ook . be cabled for leon the imevuag of Ie eit appear nitty thé sam of 83: " “ : z hoe Oran u ’ tent non e Jeous “ , \ Udeed: ha carlin mini = . . ; T 3 in- pPeuketwe tw the fasifal of J Giren ate ror Ofer Anouth, thet (om aii vo-ere stade topppesr. Ap ee dived; ne 06 brevs: tren. nimniy : en th ne (os 2 \coamnk COQOWY sercet on the bond of OP Willian, sages Curiet ? . Aironet, 1846 N@ Uke ib 1 comt-et, ve bare mothing wm far pora we bo sane Asy tua, 20 wees bunds, wilh Le Jén Hail Road ag eli : > tail Re ‘om P Who may hare abused of do al ‘ Po Tiews< Viewer Anecre bathe ern brar thaliana me mene a Tie Cabinet and Poticy of Mr. Bechsaas. made en ant (au tiem nilel the dev and Ue rywied aban earlg day, BLO ig tl cone OT age Pre “ po Pepa : t ‘ a “ siaraniert Wf openitehce, ne the beew!it 7 , : ; tarr-in ade! readers of tee Dian! and, after Rie T Nor (Tay Pe ‘prcas, in tt Site : sal DM ses cab tL peaking, Py nt : ' RU t OR Feneme . . uncas i : " heterr, whity ‘ a tere O\cettcldt, and wil (40. pdy of the: suime agninist the Aj os dian of 5 e be aug 7 rew line Ook bop ten by ace cmeat of tlre Cor “7 articha civéa tps fo anderstand ‘were Ged with fear amd mmacing Mut the r Total, 01,189,600 6) gin ae a reed te : Ly nr ti “ Py Bal pd < . » Preweht fear’ ' if } re) Y ‘ a oul oh tleet we ’ feteti dea laren | a . 5 Sees i vermnen, would, if latwerot ited, euipios wah Ure polcy ul Us Nic : Ho a Pa na vee : Zim igi $ oe | la ast Menetal Thetadifig these admeahe hmown of Yetewus for » } \ mM lg ‘ q Nah @ J " lew 1 J ie. Se f = £2 OO was rile rthe stix , . > Wheimay lave beld of who bold + preeweiy the lavgaage meal by Me Ko eras nutte be tie guale uf Nc} apg ipreeg Ui Gas ambit E ablaet 1) was sutrorited to the stuck ‘thi tast fea? vem may’ Be seC dowe at 0408,- Cret mice coutompt and tothe | e) ’ A é P m te ad vapisiration of the grove uct , he Yadkin Navig Compaer, of whieh Tra o9f : , . avoorteng te t ‘ é » lave jp aeme # pends very hazur ' ; . : Cdl oV arate bana cGit ; = . Wile wteng te thee acveunt, then on Deana aN alk ‘iat oe a . * ty. at ' ] . Wikia Ween rad cadl wade provieins ee | a : i + Tee ete, ren oh eames ts ! ; jovicleenG wears fab pay , stad tr the Cwion amd the ridite ferry ae) ae ea reo bay regr.t to.say (hat Us amogot will be fess in BC POMP aS { fr Sacer Cas ' . can wage iwe gehliewel Wae Wie be nee Fie ak oe ere eno anes n : » 2 v = ar of tle pre-ent fixe 9) er in all probabi My, by Who verve harte uttered or ntror hert The Smoidacd poem amPance, '! Hol gered Caltect a poulutenta nade ane @ur wil easy Aarcaarslichast) Wits stock wi : RSVIMIOW CMAN AY. OT a ih-mde recits heretofore from Raleigh vat eraberrirad ‘sar ae, Ga aaa er nt thefe ate Den crate in the \ . jue d DUN ae) eureorathd ic heer thie perk rial it ' e iil eile T on erat uift and partially, if eh en- < I { 1 . te t ec o 9 Pi ous S Vy 7 . tuo Mest dhiuy rgd Marviand tho Linda eUb EUR SQUALIS AMUNG th owhe mont Be Jase RP By, qgher/s#amgets (VME one readent may lLercafter test oi i HnleuWte af ts rah milventidue | »k » tho Fayetteville Western Santa, or whe jay base ve dev eapree THE {TAR MONTOUS!* ; ; ; . j the ennyectare Le aceomymisee irs and ete enternea! erat rade ofthe & bre : una ae 4 be 6 yond Ny MiFlend was made at a tate Cntewyt fur gacryl uases Snes : vert se Mlidsliciastl PEE Kal das S| 9-0 yeh othe reank We allude to I deri es ortet toe dwn erie each. sia ee my. tire Mag 8 Tre ongtieg of Aig stockholder of tbe ior 9 Wht dedbite Hf ar Sion A gt New Vok ' . Na want pan a Ndeta 16 Toye Oh. of Qeorgia, and Elon dot ered ben @ eter: them: Vet we hire ot Nels f oe - sorting fo tbe fact vlvas the earnings he > ; : y r a t be mand sar themeae _ . PrrsPenateort wt eo Witter thar rn! e u . oe . he the vi at of thre A Car iM Mr Ayfplieton ts ed Uist pees, onter amd onnd | belleed ; * aly sere clyetly urpended ip heavy andex- proved by th Chavel> ar after Narre ee P 4 z “ha, " Hoe ' a Ott srde enh: ws . To proirssoms nt pad ther price repairs fo Chat portion of the Road ‘ea- 5 ‘ - e " . : - ; me ore we Se er sal , ‘ . sch. ceun inuid enlesn may liake or da\e ‘ sf ‘ tte : : che Ulioef (he faces <hae Pine . , , ; , Mong fom Castor to Weldon, which, thoadgh : ioe Thre when ther ernitt gf tai & y “vr, + re ROW IORT Cor lee t= lenee mene ware es sn ARE bord . , » 948 & Jelectively roestrected af to re Mr. ¢ ‘ 4 IAG OEY b Qu tael @ wast iage . e a the Canu of SL Janes aur, q cc. a 3 SO Aeonds of the Wilmingtan ted , ose be palfs ichiepensa Le Ate Caren een Owen : : “ of the tone (984 cepemence rm y utdic afhare — just in toe pur aR a ee eset “ , W io dy via «| “ ty pf a Bist . a ree He hat Y weed ae LUC repress x SAAR FA Uae eee eee ai oh “ Pany re $2.0 { ile ever the Roangke river, at Gaston, take @ teed, or wu } g the ‘ ‘ a 4 viiat 3 Sonthetug cia Cv . (‘ape ext ar =“ a ae ah rad iy es be 34 ad tab 178g Lak y war, VoL 14,18 . Nie fed Soy cee SEEMS, tamed Ww heame ee " Faas poy i else a een Y sna Mg ging tharoagy refiaird, and large @ fires linwas ‘ yt " = F ; a anak tur wii give lam the prefede sce ce eae a : Pete 1: ) gd jrdins will be required TyAng’ the ensulng freer soon” ; in en are : 1 ' equally peomited! politicians of the ba win hac we lwe Ki ak oat ’ 1885 Te OT” foe Poin perpen. VE is expected after these re WA fiat ha hace cn! ! Roses In mee . ee ert ap Wins, it leas eto be a woe on ctl scleck be misuiate [mods ef Mr oy), ae ute. aro re . Ke ngwel A fhe ie are wind, thal (he stuck owned by Use le, t matte: Tow, the fa J Reon ‘ . Peano ics Ouese tgs Coe ya Haclianan adeurc us that the jw ier pa lten Of a slateen , haat carean Z aad UPR Ue, m pi Dae it (hs company will again be remunerat ’ Ne! Pareles ce ts tie Hiatter " t © \ahe Itteianind } nquiver well fol bo the, pos oy cei or yaetiie <ia-- . he od ” Rs ‘ is Be . , ; } nav Mive ate! apy tthe | ! aa pakey of tho mew adie tration baw alerted tthe evel office within ner Thy bowel Las bon mafe during the prsent ‘ 1 4 r eee A A . La £ ene 000 = CU now. 1 y lik are ; we Tinvetirpent with alalit. on Pee lew tlresg | . Witihed craic ees : phy year y the Favettevitte and Weaterm Piankroad which ranin fillows: SVL ee Saireirraliedins opto ptille party lnekstora, that cold ver wiapie pores hy mort secs, aconrhegyatock The wfon of the North Carohas ' 1 8 As ' e . Ci tet : : i 5 i i taentls ‘ ro Oust by any eledilwmnts at the of At the late J priss ne (Arb Oe ha} cal erica cheek os \s x tt n 2S , 1 fiatral to a considera Wh may } wt! ! ey N i lav inthe yearn fyinge | lece ae duleud). a propostion Po ras hall at allan a restinitiom ence md be nea . t mv yess Of the Tlankroad, awd it cies < : P ¢ : z ¢ : = aga wither endowment to Wake d ores Walmemrihen belek ah Prd etic oe tle ne) SSTOON only of a ’. ked to fur paring the ‘ Med the Re : i anh . : Coll ye was mnct by a subeenpton out my Geaben Ga bee Nae ec ne be na delitcrat Ue the ha VTemda @fich ot farmerly viehled. Pe a ‘ a, ne oie oa aha aati ’ aye-t, mane evar, of ale t Sat. 100, i: oes ime ph wenn ter te able to etate tac f wurer | whole anmonnt pe Te te con filemtly etpected that the North Car 1th ; ’ ’ ’ 4 ' + , \ ’ Bi } ~ ' ‘bh? rT taltiehe re ae : ‘ stn Nady . Ii Uren airbec vteed $5,400 each, five 1 Agt one rn Ge vhas given th Mies" oling B vl wit Ultlhately pas good divi have prateire thre attey <<. ~ ste eter Dim yd ’ vonigh! br ti ver Woe maiey ee a few MYM eR, ¢. the State kas te pea eas maa , Nac ry ialsicak ein bal Wu hore Y ihet it nay pay some divi contaming abttse or profanation of Nels 4 ‘ 4 LS Degree weld avr tn obertheon amen] | a la number perhaps tists rovernent. (ver 1 EN AS es Texeent mort raz tinsl or th cha Yar, av! “(has méasurably re ke ; : : ‘ - 4 : \ teecan Ate Met ‘ rv . ¥ ui , ‘ 3 ' tal office vehen thay shomd vet inte po ty S109 end: Be~ides whieh, &1 Lancing. @W> valle me and « sik cae . . re en eon ns vend ) iW Feasciry Ytae T am not sufli- W ‘ tre restr por er : - g ne e moe, wid whe genewali¢ on 9 nich ctote ‘ nes , n Mefed upon the sutyect at this time, 5 T fur mans Geen tent 1 - t ur 1! Piaadsaiit) ow . P 1s Seed ool pemty; oaf Common Sehont ersten ¢ I A ar © = » forin ar ° om «as to how soon such A } “ axl alt inthe Stand ird’s esti St Flea Fc aaa i . Peat ’ rat nf ! ' } 4 containtuy fierver, of retival, — . . ; Wiealls : , Ro peams perivet. ie vet gradmalie tm pr rand . compa a , wil! however, probably A f nr irreliviond nafare rowhe if. . ’ i tian that ‘yor ty heal mere” Aad etrar 2 i ihe Mant song ren SY re ree Seay went rohoves alt ut nation [aul befure you during the Fae eae S _" f a here feare of al w? ; ' 4 « whol +. AoE real aach print auc or ww such toy . NOP ree ep eer Mr Rowith abo btieniansk Unt he tmnt q 1; rd \ When Mer Jot resulte wmeripated from it, (ie great mterce, * : : a head , The wi" ae! i ior e Jor & determine whether : ; ' are 4 : ; ; t! te th vila reasohal td expected from that nrint r wl frivd t! ) ' . tr Ny net enbr, ¢ rs . ‘ “eer ’ an rae re viture, th) <ay potions re weatirect 1 ed r oom Ince 1 OU tee pedvalf tb ne. free State, amd fro torenty to ~ ale rnet enh ; a f mre i z x A ; . ‘ ® bs 4 rN . } l : ' roan wey + Cisne a) oo making provision to meet Gee Rabel Sy) } top ' _ : = . SV C8 8 are or 4 € i eth 1 YIDA eat | eeent al ech trean aster «vy ateo have Vv te it tee ne dined Ae Ap ost-—ar vas ik Uso Nuit coliectiug funds fort \ fot th } hate ' ay h wn acl a Siewhi es Pao of the Side textc@im sles - \ ; Sy =a . <v yuiry for best apodes mipre t i I peti UMN chaste’ CAN As 1 ; as he dented the privihege of expreesing lis Jimct Society. he was pulidiciy catee (sel iaieis ae ensina cs { sth" he pa The ontinary otpenes of Ue State govern Who may Have, without reagan of } Uinis A epernte plan ot ney Mi. Dechana 5 ; : . wed Cs Me Whew « " ‘ - ean t pean. ending’ the Sim be ' ypinton of the men who mtter ao proge an] Carions ylaecs oh the con lt f the, win: y uns phesweal oomfe apelin + neva ' t t < 4 ve 3 Blof, enton of given to eat to re the mek, oF of Uefen e | $13 : : , Meee Vereiect Llink. cicmed 6170 ° 7) , a eu Ved tie te sod bron asa Be ys te a ‘ id . Wear, egga, or milk, on prod Wral rot Pi peet any salelectory anse » Pile rand alaves at the Seuth. On ove occasion he mind Usd neato) \ P Ee f., om Fan avery: of $83000 per vear. They , 1 pa a ‘ ‘ ; projdes ts nepraiy nd thou ome ¢ i mur fae < ’ Mm conténpt of the precepts of the holy tem Mr buchaua ' M ud to this ‘ Kel. ' ther qnestions, wl rau crops nice presses year lisa ees e ‘ arter, granted at @ill Is \ account of your ses i. la % . 1 A ae - h t Chureh 7 a \ ; : know tl viat we 1 nee before said on tlre the negroes thoneht of their own Post sort or thewant of ely rains, vet in wew \ ’ .: ‘ W bio may have indneed a Christian to vf &n “e etrfotdt COrDOR Oe ol fear Y by mentioning the case «! be. mremitehl Wensings we le enpwel. a . —n stelouents given utowill appear that embracé Judafem, of any officer acct cone lr" : y Aeane ‘ 6 , f 1 ‘ : xX ‘ iH 4 wi we lias aparsk © annuly oa the present bs i ay al M ni flive bit e | , Lad WIRE Wek f Y ort t 4 ap trary tothe Moly Roman Catholic rel 4 a Uh . Onfinet to the 1 hanes ape ® Ko of an old seryantin Norts Carolina, wor base @reple cate to remder (hanks te that koud <“ ms . t ve Skate te $302,328 15 vio, or Wooo may have prevented, ne . eee bie of the Democrathe purty, whilst he than a landred verre old, vito lad be Picveice wliach lidleareo ars urmciti: bess . . \ fe WAS fas beicerpetundor neater Low, Juws or Lurks from be oy Se reine reat A adrotted nod belrewo) that the gheat utase) py-,,5 tfrom Aftiea in lis verth, and 1 people and comutry . Nog putin : ; a te : a. wi! te t r 70 836 OO baptized ' ; p wr wtote of tle party were hanest and patriotic cunverted to tie Cl werelig nthie Abe Bese sii a V , el so» 6m leebaread t t this alate 1 vf ; A A ny 7 F 7 wor 4 4 « ~ e » ' 23 foe IOS Saleh SESE L Beet t ' | fe mann Leal ple dae spenbie vonntry and who covery time he said bt esis ’ h sat 6@hus spewlivd by us dso! aaqat CO 8 prycetine (lene \ Va ! ry e . ; pitbue ¥ > ; : : i \ e - i wae eravere, poured forth hiedevout oratitnde In alan Atte j i ev. in Qenonuead to the Lboly Ouicepothow cas Kalery \ >I : r 1. ¢ te “Valk . ae Fi Oa | ea ral +9 at . er +m “ Pde tin ' loys o ba ao not eaxcladed wihreh couw 4 rh ENE Ge \ DIPEERENCE OF GTIN \ yoeu Detroit? } Tere ay, : t ‘ \ R Vay Comihe bucrad enmons, decreed, Constitulions, a wd au, ‘ . Sie or Ad 08 hulle of the Severeigu Lowttts .Y . " . eb the precul re The present edict doot not abrozate the Wat “ ‘ Clapper Be Live ual Moondar/ etates that ae as A - ' ! e Give SE iweceine theses , ; / Bus \ er 1 c 4 Rpostole eanenical reculatione aud other Wenie A\ \ ( fs the Jere wey eaved South in thes ries | ; : of lasts ! ‘ a heer a | son should be ry ] 7 i 1 rd tu } Clete of the ordained clergy and inquisi. Virgs Cresilucualaanteaus latte (larleat Lia Eruimontesandieks : ; to y loolare:l teatthoaa, it ‘ s ve : . re eee re. At ia, tnereover, declared tat those < ; Mercury emphuticnily dissents from this,csunty, last weeks. Daniel Stearne, } Ls eet we Br who do not interm as ordered by the pre Aid) : ; jee ) ak ; - : tle tare ' | , 1 ! MWD. al Ve “Weare sroprieed whe diad beou ul with fever for some 4 aa f sent ediet, eannot be albaclve from: * ir ntovieation ef thne, to all appearanee died on Friday ou eae ; : ee a : t A it ' . lde the ite ation : . \ atin ote Cx Ceuissaan anes leur ce Pe lj \ ! ' EO ; I afterpoon; all the arrangements were ' er : , ! . ig t 2 OeaY Lepel Pps Siotive ' j : , sical out having first “informed WUCIBUY f iN ESTELLE SS i | made, and the frends and the clergyman a rat the od juents; and, alt Me Bal) ; ‘ ia this victory ie rese’’y were assembled to pay the last tribute of. , ie mt lin: Hie month allowed may have prased, thi kon vit n that tt ' vid ow lone the Nauth that reaect to the anpposed deceased, when the Hank of Cape | - rovernncute 4 o1 or $ ve sane } | ! | he Wk otihe Sat ig ‘ sliygition of informime: reuraines th ry * won fave Vevey has L the Denurcratic party, and nat’ the body appeard warm to the ton ee ‘ peer ‘ ' + Course, and the Wider the same penalty antil the person Soo itmay rat the Pern 1 th te) Reatoratis administered, and ina , \ ‘ heya vtinge ! | t verat tv that lu irown its, i DE adore y ’ Hei n \ z Who has had information tiasanadeaclean ss pycy lave ’ y were out of (lhe The deaiog rate pany : ab ae t eas man who had come s Re the R 8 Aes irescal cnivajeiies confession of it Phat tlis ediet imvy be wo de The Ur eomol mite wet, it We Listneld over the South, 1 ied alive, was sitting up Rae Rartrond : lt ae In 2 ’ ypfo other reason | | } f rat a | ; } ey . s nding sett vide Awithe : 5 brought to the knowladge of all persons, aeom from th Nog statemer | A When doctors disagreo who shall de-| 1p. ory be on Se ane NU ality ' TR sith : inimparred, We ordain and conmuand it to be placard your horses a bit.” ctr] wait the result of (he chet hin | Stale spanecd January 2th ' 1 v4 nabling u a vlily upom the ed in all vestrics and churches, and that viet uf lis “Ebo shin” Eacclien | j ena 5 Enea penne wiber porjuses The effect of such a system port in the mauper stated, as it will be no doubs would surcly be to keep oer State bonds at par found worthy of a place in our owu juolic and very ueportant consideration,) aud iv al! pro- private libraries, as well ae in those abroad; aud ity to put them at a premium. It was supposed that the number ordered to be l submit te your better judgment as to the published would Turuish « sufficicat supply for dest manne to be wdopied for raising such a distribution, leaving oo ics crough to reimburse oud, edvising, buwever, if ove be provided, that the State for the cost of publication, should the dis management be entrusted to a competent Legislature order them to be suld. A state- duard, with a Secretary; the Public Tremmmer ment of the cust of publication will be sent iu Bo be made treasurer uf tbe baard, bet thefuade @ith the report. to be kept separate aed dishnet, at all Gamer Ure Treas'y, of the amount appropriated tow trum the oles funds of Ure Slate. waking the survey, a sum inore than sufficient li liae been already stated Usat it appears ty defray ali the cxpetse of publication, feo the Woks of ee Pubbe Treasurer, that acre was due on gorvent, to the Literury Fund able w read the reports but 1 lowe reason ty be sive ouan of 140,412 86, om the Lat Noscambor, beve that will Ge found of riuch iuterest, pot 1 96, and that the State was further nmdebted oply tu tle man of sewer, bur to » hat fund for ntcrest om amndry bends, inthe reader, Me miweral rosouresy of (he State, om oom of 830.652 32, oF thereabuuts, making Use pocially, will be hilly made huown, aud it will wuobe ammount duc 617),045 18. be sews that, in this resp cot oar Soule ds sccuud A coomderable purtion of Use balance appear to ouly one in the Uru, la some other res- fey ow We buubs Je privcipal money, and vuglt pects Lue report » complete, and more Wine 4. be savested——bow miuch does pul appear from and further examinations are necessary. tac accownt, but way le ascertained. Tha bel- Tt is duc tu Mr. Boarecms te state that, for the 2 oe bas bees ncommelating fur roe years A past (wo pears er nere, be thas had dat ene as- ge porte of the luterest wentiomed above, ms siete mestead of two, as origiually comtemplated, catried juto the account, & dec upon two jawed that dunny the present year a considerable = nie of the State, cousiteding the itewm of 64@- portion of bis time las been uevessarily det Ubed 3 1 Bd, m the etateameet grren of the bemded ly the preparation of lis report. | it of the State, These buede were etecuted with the resolution of Ube List General Assembly se Peblhc Treasurer, im the years 1848 and he has also collected aud arranced a catiuct of 542, by virwwe of @ resvlution of the General rare and beaptifel aineraly edoch may be seen A ~wbly, im lieu of other fuads belonging tu tu the west mz of the Ongetod, sud whack will tee Literary Fund, which were trausferred to be doued moll ewly of your exanmeation. ‘ow Stale Treasury, No intesest bas beop paid) Licerimg it amattiet of inuch inpertince that a WAbewe loads Calculated te the last scas- ‘abe survey commevced should be completed, | e-weal pay day on same, the interest amounts reapectfuliy recommend, dat Ube act passed for .. wwe suum of 822,955 80. Under the circum the purse by your predecessor, be bot repent! hovers presented, and in tbe present state of the ed. I know that many of var follow citizens 1a jwvbe treasary, 1 respectfully recommend that clive to the belich or perhays du believe, that ivis mmpuwut be comverted imto pripeipal, and | me bevedit will eesatt to the Sowe from what bas + ant the Public Treasurer be required te execute } boom dowe, or whut way le deue, if the work Is » bund of tbe State for the same, to the Pres (Gerther promceted. Seok em uot the opinion of 1. wad Directors of the Literary Fund, bear sctoutific moa, or at least sme of thet. I have wag SS por cobt inlerest, payable semi-anuually. before me wow a letter from ove of the most aby Fajen law on the subject dans gas eminent geuluzists and chests in the comatry, tewds of the Siate are payable tu bearer, wo speaking m the byhest termes of Ube seven! ifc avJorcment by a0 ona or bolder is acqvired discoveries of Dr Ein this State, and of the fut thew tmaosder. Tise bubder fur the time bomg successful manece in which be bad conducted - vilects the evepens for iaternat, sed auny cul. Use serves. da conctusiun be wye: “The Uine inet the pamcipal money whendee Asa gene: | will come, if the legislature permoveres 1m carry: ral rule this prowssiom is best, for bode bes ing forward this survey and prints tbe rejawte iusnederable are more salcable ia the Northere pryperiy, when the Mate will le proud of thes wwarket. But it bas beea sugrested to me by work.” Aud further: “1 do not huow of a sin aowe of our own citisum, aby tae made per gle instance, in wluch Le people ol aly S.ale apapent jeecetments in Ubeee bonds, purchased | bas ever reygretiod the caper ture of mutey le etter of the Public Treasurer or uthers, tial a geulaneal survey, wor vee where Ube onal ef whee a holier or purchaser of a lund demir 1L fected bas mot beeu tite asdy bey bd the pe the Treasurer of the State should be required to cumiary cmt of the work = pote the pumber, date sed amount uf the bud By the provmtuus of the act euuild “an acl tm a bawk to be kept for that purjusr, amd te to auctd Lee evmtiiMulou ad Norte Asuna whom it belongs, aud also to endurse uyum Une jammed af Use last seme oi te frond that 1 transferable only at be ufbuc ly ‘bly, the Guserc of Ue Mate was regained by writing ve the bood, witnessed by bim. give wotice the same Ip is gemewally the case that boulders of theme State, by proclamantien, @ oh was by be julien bonds amung our ows Otizens, base By sate ed, teyeiber with o cope af te a in lew ewes piace to beep them. They are liable to by het, | papers 10 the Siste, at leant sin urvwtion let stolen, or destruged aocident. The cumee the elective of members lo Use mat Gotiise quence is that Alawe cure, snd those ebo go not, fear vy invest ie! them. It seems to me such a pruvisiun shuald | comanied by a duis corutbe: copy of Ube act, be made, sad every inducement held vut to our was iseud vw the Z4ils Janmary, 1550, mend jul own citizens lo wake investments in these sc) imbed for ait muutin, Uk reafier, cummecutively, CUritics. me the North-Carvhua Sisuderd, Kabengt Mois ht gives me re to imferve you that by ter, Liemeeratic Meurer, WW arreuton Newa bhaniy means of the eed extended by Ue best! Jvermel, Norte Ce: ulmi, bye ites sil donee! Acscmbly, cer wae limes of Kalrued ver, Grenebury Pairnu Selecury Lauer, aad seaprercenent are being extended cant amd west Ashes tile News as readily ax. cirewmetsvces will allow. (lo the The propriety uf making the propumed amend 12th of , 1855, 2 subecrytiem, oe be arcut Lo our constitutive bar uinlergune ey mul hail of the State, <f $1,006,600, om made Ww) decusion thrazhout the Mime bor some years the stack of ihe Atlantic aed N.C. Kasdrued Ue. pest, and my vee opimion ff which the sum of $533,000 bas bowen yard by iciy eapremsed tu tte bases, anle of State bonds ‘ exmmary for me ty aay Tore jw Le sulyal at The whule sued, from Goldsboro’ to the ter-| this time time to brimy Lee meniter ty your allcu moines at Gibqpard’s Porat, <o Heowtert berbor, Won, sod cxrncatly revmincud Ue syerdy fae be under quatract, a large portion of 1 = graded. sage of tse ball by Une oj ante aed seuther portion estesding —— mks weet maprniy i the shapa that from ive tune of Meeberw bas bewe land ith (reocral Assembly | aml tee res, and © owe te ee formity to the pros tee of the comet (etun ou Ce tne 2@ub Sept 1655, 2 subserptive of tbe subgect, ~ presente a mande by shit the There was unexpended and in For reasons alrouly stated TP lave not) beer the general tretetal Asm ise by Cue peepee ob the Omer as ete ww npuyv tleat it te bardiy ue euuetit a [rtd Lee ont you wl m cv $500,000 was alco made by the State ty the sascndment may Wy submited to ibe qual.ded | stock uf tee Wentere N.C. Kaslrund Co, of voters of the Il ux Commons (bree show which tbe com of $200,000 bes lately Lewes pond | the Stuste,” fur apprus as or dimapproral by Loc by sale of bowda = The greater part aA the bme voter ot the reed bas been serveyed, and the portion At the lant ese of ft from Salsbury to 2 poet wear Statesville bills were pared ty me tiarier th ned dcume to the west bank of the Catawba river Pear aud tte lawk of Lin Sat bees brew hucsied, and bet out to costractor, aed bene | eas duly wtih ® casderable portue of it bas been graded. that the stn Klwllere ia bln Faller infurmeiwn as to these works ell wo cepted the mm eal fie harks | dowlk be laid before you by the respeetive cum ufficrally umforums! that tb steak bonk me a dering ) ver emmion. Bank of the Mate ded ty acer 4 of te ee 1 have been a fell reyort a to the charter grammed to that feaubk Th) Ue ber ues A poms ve Deep Kiver, and regret that I tse prosemt chair Un ir cu have wet a6 oppurisnity to ley tbe came before cram om the Bret January, 186 1 - st this ware. Sueme of the works oe the slueld go wie Pyutl+ tevukd, ie my yen tee wore dom: to some exicat during Ube sum, be becbly tp de varier, at gomret year by Ligh water, bat mat to the en some ber bankn, tent (hat was at Geet seppoced [eas invited de weil, for tine purjrme a omy ity rng tbe preerut fell by the directors A thee | meee tw tee pele ae fu enable Lie Mate by eumpany, to go epoe Ube lime of the works aed ere a ale ned jruBialor imi rntnn mi v Qe extewt aad p egress of the improvement, bet) ot ber stack tm the prom us I tle (reweral Age melds Vowel ot (aye do North-Care At Cape bear bana ac 1855 1 ow lee 24 am ve a hee jor beth, comtile “ If eRZAgE™: vis were each thet | cvald m4 do) dues 0 larce and ver) [teemctive part « on Nh ie reqeesemted ty me by une of the State's!) Laterary based. Gerectess tha’ the shimate practicalality af the Bhvak! a nee charter mA Le granted b wed a» levered 0 duals, ned thet sal stenmeberat present lienk | oeeje i'n recut “ wer geen bes bere tare! at Leckie, on to charter a ee ei wn wil ateu Laem Theep nver, Ubaat alawe thes pevbt a heavy stome vee of cay ~ . cate grin te Jack Lee beew dewewed ad: matsde by the Kagimerr | priwesphs, with curs guards veel costs _- ie charge. aed hem that is cummpicter!, that the etpetiem. may lave rue sn ~ navigate ell le open the cual fede Let placing mes esite a poucual or ue that sre of Ube vider works must Le repieo=! open Lie Baek. wer ut piece brated. ¢ wie ted to a C@enkerable cttewt, by wee ones Sa more sage Mpegs ate . raw selmteet el characi-+, aed that to complete al! steve judi nivale, ue 6 waty and pty tee wutk comtems-tated aad reiveve the ormmpa fur the sucors= pindrct © leasi ewe bp) of a= outstanding deta f shout $100.00 Tt we letee sed OF ou a ehiw which hes greatly emberraseed the campo wm ly manage), ey url awl re op rates, a terther sem of sbust 6500000 ing a mec) curreme). afl d a sale and pore wil be requete. 1 cam only add that when evistine nt fur uur Lb Fu a at saves deGurie mlyrmatue we ly ibe importay! many Unies be of res lal erik ~ at work we oreerived. & shall be promptiy lad be ms financia jarul of view hove gem. A report we sam eapeciod fromm the Thus tisoeing it weukl non i. ie Cumnmrmenme>n ayy eted lo wej-erut wd the eusk safer to mt wy ap + of the pam ee Tar niet, heh, eben peered. wril be land jo remlure Ulam 7 : per inet « beter 5 ~~ Lan aed : Li a wy porpose alan. nm a short time toeul eral ( usu ol the Male ise miiter mekuce mast Ye gow reperte fers thet companion, ime wd belged iimyperia Nita ale-¢ wg vo fram the age mt toy superutend Le com ve and i+ roy etrytrem of the Western [urnpre- Ble nm tat mm re ain thaw ehcp d © Ie : frorine we tuat all Af Le road frum Asbevilhe to nue requir wert oe ar aa} aw tin J+ eo-weee dae weer the Puck Town (inqet yerter beim tors ja atk } Mane: trae bee completed, enor) ting alee: te. mee bebe in rejuire) oa du ize than | a hundred yards meow Was wees ille im the evsmty eel] parte a ar) en tral Lyme te tee A Has end ie relatos Wo which a suit at bee in cone Conarts wl kines . es ss is woe preediog comulatemn of ase , ok maeiiye Thue mx what calle may le mode aja ther erpatims ‘ sek yew at lee me wre foe further aol ter bem tee of Vee Sur's “a4 Ss 1) wuths of el thal mepeememern! J bemve bret ' eullere x fore enpere nme Use epaenvon Went tle State ahh pore fortes i bered wel bs works df the hin atemel Lk , { ' wg Use a ge raped’) as ote ah 6 wtal- sow Super of a bees wins of duing ~s Tt wae a thie prin mb ai J “a f F aang sat tse Lent (Cremewad Agee bly acted, and !h {~ wack 1b bese will be the feature poly A the The warmer ’ MLale Whether farther appropriations sleraid vite le me “ be annd 0: this sematon, ated if eo. to wliat on Vet (tr u 1.3 Lent, te mere empecially yowe prusince Wo deter Mth 120 ah tro! ‘ Toone, and es eebenitied Ww your wiedum aod tet hy ( : ’ Let jury tt are tow why Vas the present tem the State Geologrt vein 4 Doe awrite. meade bom te me bee remdieeme cme gee ol Le repre Arey Hie survey Of the State, « pm ier far “—— dete d ate! Ma trimiter bias go ile ry brougst te Ube attinaen of the Loerury Heard te the presente vider wlime aujesvene the law mywitrd tb riepte ono) oe AS report to be pu tear [Pr Bersencnme ome or ‘ ~ juented to pte jwere fn qomltic ation. mad byumrd determined ase SO pies print . 1 Fi 3 5 . avd boend we beards ith sutalie plalce an 2 ed tale yan wo) an) fian ar caplamatory maps ayreat do ogree. unt . ' aioe The work eas put to pres ae prepared and hed ward fatter part of furs ished in sheets Liew all lawn pruted aod I {fa “ the f ; aber and-t. and oN) Ue Freatin of ine ‘ aol ve we lara ture Vow outs best terme for extending our public works, of for | Ye was deemed advisable to publish the re-!| Ju compliance | Hut as the country is settied up, especially the mouatain part of che Tth cireuit, other coun- |ties will be required aod made, aod the evil | be thus increased, 1am aware that this matter was brought the notice of the lant Geueral Assembly, and thet it failed to establish anuther circuit; bet as a matier of fairness to our Superior Court Judges, allowed them iv addition to their regular sala- ries the sum of 890 for each court held by them on a circuit, over and above twelve. s & But for the reasons stated, it seems to me ul that a new cireull should be established, Tt will! be secon that by reasons of the act of the last session there will be five eaten courts to be paid for in the Gili and Teh eineuits, making for each year the sum of 8000—nentiv balf The sahery of No additional expense would be in- curred for another Subeiter, a uoder the law Roliciturs receive x0 much for every court they | attend. 1 would, therefore, suggest that the 8 counties | beyond the Blue Ridge, vow belunging ty the 7th cireuit, and ane county on this side of the woun- tains (McDowell, 1 think, would be most conven: | vent,) shall constitute the 8th circuit, amd that out of the six remaining counties of the Tth aad the 14 counties of the 6th circuit, lwo cireuits, the Gth aud Tub, shall be made. | Accurate slststics of crime in a State are al- | ways a matter of deep interest to many, aod fur- Vieh most useful information to those whose du- ty itis to make our criminal laws, or to have thea enforced. Sinve | have been Governor of the State, IT have been called upon, repeatedly, | from abroad, to furnish such informativn ae to this State, but was unable to du so, Idecm it a matter of sufficient importance to bring it to your notice, and recommend, that some | menns shuukl be adopted to have reported, at least, all trinls fur capital felonies, This may be | done vory readily by requiring the Solicitors in | each Judie takgirenit to report all sack cases to the | Auorney Geberal of the State, who should be) required to report them, togetizer with the cases | in bis own cirenit, to the Governor of the State, | to be bid before cach General Assembly. » | Uader a resolution of the last Geeeral-Assem- (dy 1 was required to appomt two commissioners lo superintend the publishing of the Revised | BOF. Moore and Wm. 1. Rodman, Ex. were appointed for that purpese. The work was pruied in Lusion, and owing to the severty of the last wimter, could not be shi to es State as early as the first-of Jaduary last, whem it took effet as the statate law of the State. Some of the eaduemes were damaged at sea by stro of weather, “These directed te be distrib: vied se the Stace, aad ty the other Sustes and Toritones, were ch apatehed at as early a day as precbca bee OF the residue, but a small portion cute jaurmtively, has Lewn mobi The greater part of thee ve bated is stored to buaes tu the Capt il Nt an cubtnu = more deta stacusewl tebleg ty tee whole mat ber. Cader the dint riba tiow mupuny Ube Justweaedt the Peace, copies were on |) fs weliod ty nme eiuee mane were retard by Use Clerks ve their lets Many of time ap jotmtied by the bet General Aewmbly, qualibed aflcr the lst of Magirates eas ment up by the reejmcure Clerks Hy Use terms of the resule- tron Deas ronticted to the hist furnbbed I Usetelote reo iol eet all Unume Magintestes ayyvietod by tbe Last Gener! Asewbiy whe’ quaitiod sulecquentiy, slaall cach be farvinbed {y of tin (ale. ‘ There 8 me previewoe mow 6-1 sending oer lew, ae Ulelwed, to Une different Departneemts of Ube Levee Lawn apple ty fur Une by ote oF timate of the Lkpamrtinemta, baat an tob | therehvee peeve mend thas provision be rake for that perpose. It se nportaut lo huow, at many Uses, what ons law ia, aod murcuver it woold be bet an ia- adequate reture for macy Valuable books semt wn us ly the gemeral government. | Lommunweate herewith a copy of the thud Nrvtoual b-ynset uf Me. Wiley, Mate Supenntend- Bh Ast og be report for the 1 am informed Ly bie thet bee re Lie preent year ell be made at an carty a Judge. | Code. carly time Twill resolution directa eM ace Ge tal Crore at ons ty furtosh them seamen Se lends, t yrar 1S25 me lot be fonad te contain fous Valuable informalon vo the sabject of ede- 4 value lo the State, and epectally as to Ube opty | Jiwt and pruswets of ver Common Sebeola, aig , made lor the at r trretet oof thee The « atements made to 37 of the report inclusive, and the labies at the eva uf the report are enpectally i ae ete with sent wil sey Vaebalde say Rlires are lem mm pages 35 Interesting Copsce uf Unis report will be lasd apon ur len ks liv tle comus of 1550 4 appears that the we at { wlite persons oo Ube Mate betoere ve mgs SS amd 21 veurs, wm 215.688. Me WV) repmerts tle wiheke aumler of chtkdree at ‘ vuplies om Ubu Mate boven) Coe Une vear 1655, to bave baumauog for te few remare wg counte, be gree te whut umber of chal rot 4 Useme scheaske, tm Ue State, at about 130, ther slots and colleges im the 10,000, making the whute mamber a Lie State abuwt 160,000. Unless be stakon 1m Liew statements, aed Ido mot be- hat Le wm, the day = m4 distant-e0t more, + Laribest, than ume generation —ehem we shall nog Le reprunebed for Use gmorages, of vor prop. Vet all ot memrly all, ell be able, at benet (om a@ write. | Nn ujsnwe has prevailed to some extent ro) e Mal, Ubal the Comnoun Schogte have lather io lene of | awd Usat thee small bee ft has ere more thas coust-rhalamerd by the ing Uber trum to other schucte — Usat emt of tems ware lawn breyved —and that 10 rip plac we bave the (Common Schools but mw asiell puruwa of the year The may be! extent, and im sume localities, bat we, 1 am satfied, 6 much less Inferno schouls have ent Schemrte 1@ 7B « rum re larte | axe Li2o Meale alaut al me let the lenefit ney feow true ty © Te bee erik at 6 be uo many have suj posed womany, and toderd ia momt eventes, been supeteeded Ly Ue Commun Schowls, Bet thes report shows (hat povate shouts and seadeuties have iner:ased largely, and are aull on the io J an eateefeel from my own obwervation, (and be Ce year last past | have had ample up parle cAmetve in Lravering every section the Svate) that the murnber of schoule, male « batter,o¢ a high grad-, y wereasing im every part of the State ; observed with plemsare as one of Loe test and surest tadicatious f the progrem of Aan eenrie Iefore loaving this subject, | dem it but he wet of justice lo the Superintendent of Common She dete sey that im my omen, he has been went. tarthfel amd conseseuteswe in the die » A lis dutvees: ae cach —that be hee dune tu mtrodace orler, harmony, and and that he je zeal tn eu teavoring to carry owt fur- t plans for its Impfutement ate) lettimie, expecially | shape thalmowly i mrimity tho the ev alern is and motive No State. so far as foam informed, baa suc Vo puto operation a Common School ta Supenutendent, of sume off Athe kod and itis belived that sueh an the suceeme of our own taude the Governor |. spies of the annual report Saeritend at 50 cope whereof be ts OF coe and titra P oleges, am such other vt the State, aa ius to be delivered t for distribution by him suc thuer we will best promote the cause " edwealon on the thlate” This num 1 for goweral dist Luton s6 emtirely tuo amall fleet the purjeme designed The additional fa langer nuniber wonld be ouly that of vid tou paper and prees weds, which 1s comparauvely smal Tie (ype-eetting eousu E | . ™ he +09 dle gliitghiy one from the State of Massachusetts, were for-| (29~ Bu McLeay, on Sunday last the Govenors of those States, | vave onr Sheriff and a lurgeuposse, the | g Nov. iy ith » request be Inid before you. Mt rouble of finding, arresting amd commit-| Mr. Evrrou; Since lat vornin |e by cere that ali relate to Lo OF | hie hiin to jail. Tho charge against him | you, the Legislature has gone to work | ava earnest. I believe they have elected all: , i pmarery d, | resolves New telating to the was laying ap obstruction on the Rail per and orimoule, aod | Rogd pd. f It was removed before the | cers of the guverument except, Comptroller, 1 ie : ly no dam- | understand Mr, Brogden will be the canndid a ceoalees la ovlathon te elvery, _}train passed, and consequent) ate ia oot of theve only, that evp-|eaty such a state of the public ote ree hen age done. It id a grave offense, and for that office, For Attorney Generel, Mr. Jenk- ‘ from whence they emanate, as tu render it worse | whether or not Billy knew it before, he ins, of Warren, is elected, he is @ young gentle. than useless, in my opinion, to upderiake any |i, certainly in afair way just now to hear (me of fine appearance, and lias the reputation i of being a good lawyer, the Atnerican of Whig 7 g g : trifing cost; ies can be suppli y. "Phe Literary Board distributed among several counties of the 8 tate, for the the opiyiun of the Court on the sulyoct. nny to them, would must res ly recommend that no . ; vinbers voted fur B. F, Moore, A conside: Common Schools, the suar of $180,880 for the! further notive be taken of any of these resulves. osc ment ho ; i sear 105), a0dibe like amount for the year JOME] The alvendy gorat length of this commnonice | HOGS. Lle number of Rail und billa have bean intro- With half that amount, required to by raised by | ion reminds me uf the propriety of bringing HW, ; j‘luced, but my impression ia, that a0 Lill aghing taxation in the nepecivs sapation for like par- to a ry 1 will do so with ie single tn The tive js near at hand, when on, for any LN from the State ean poses, we have the suw of $201,320 appled to tbat 1 hope all your deliberations may be charne- ete will have ty replenish their A SBT | ear the reperte lefevre the fom Commun Sebvols purposes in cach of these | teriged by harmony and courtesy, and that your Holses 5 and it isa matter of serious ime} Pee oP ay Housed years, labore may result im promoting the welfare and portance, what is to be Cir price. Droves|* Ione ‘bt and the tost ardent friends of in- The sum of 88,000 out of the Literary Fund ; prosperity uf the State. jhuve Keen voy bachwood this year, in| ternal improvement are ing cautious, On was also appropriated, each year, for the use of | (these parts. Bat we learn frou the Aste. yesterday the free suffiage bill passed ite fing the lnstituuen for the Deaf, Dumb and the | lville Mewes of lust week, that their streets) reading in the House, the vute stuod, 02 for, to Blind. ww have been ihronged work fat bees on their! 8 ayainst it haw already pawnal the Senate, Applications have, from time to time, been | A iw | weary pilgrimage to market. There were | made to we by the principals of schools in dif- | | oy he nere WE | wid will sone by presented to the ppople of N. near oe he ae es ferniched wih | Carolina atchman. hactrogpriet that section large enough | greta by thes canidadion onl aaliedien. arms for their pupils frum the State arsenals, | = = Se erie with a view to making military tactics a part of their instruction, ‘The law making ao pro- visiow for such cases, | was compelled to refuse | a compliance with all such appheationa, Arms THOS. BRAGG. : . jl had the pleasure uf vishing the Lenatie Aay- The Spartanbarg Ecpreae says that al : Asy lot of turty was sold io that place last tome 4 fow days ago, and tre highly plensed by week, at S$ ete. proas—the firet of tine | the visit, Dr. Figher superintendent of the in- __ | geacon. stitution, is avery agréenble man, and I was SALISBURY, N.C. suitable fur eahuels may be ubtained frum the, TUESDAY EVENING, DEL. 2, 1536. | geveral government, im part of the State's an- . nual quota of ducived trom thai source. | TERMS OF THIS PAPER 62.00 CASH. 1 recummmend that the Governur uf the State | = > - ; Le authorized to furnish such arms to schvoly! ¢ 3 The Rev. Dr. Wurat, of Chapel ae ey lene’ ee ajae-| Hill, God willing, will preach in the Epis- ies. !eopal Church in this place, ou Sanday A knowledge of the duties of the soldier, iu| next, the 7th instant. a country like ours, having ny regular military | system, is highly important. Every citizen is liable tu be called upon to discharge these duties, : ; and if properly instiucted im his youth, would come of this celebrated osteconmedns lately be im manhood, at his eyuutry’s call, to! opeved at Wilmington, N. C., and adver- step forward either fur command of w serve as | tised in nearly all the papers in the State ! a well drilled soldier iu the ranks. For aa Am-| : ; . eriean citizen, that system of education is most We feel interested in the establishment perfeet which enables him to perform his duty best, under any and all circumstances. we shall nut be disappointed in any just It is an entire mistake tu suppose that such a expectativn. system would foster a military spirit — to the peace and good order of the country. lt Be has con practically mureduced in many of the | Elections by the Legislature. States of the Vaiva, with Bo such results ; but, | On T dae l lasso Mareuslikre inv dic ou the contrary, wuh marked benefit. tat Saadnia War glasied Rolicito i The Asy lem for the Insane, thuugh yet io- | a ii — Lcahod hbk 2. age ack the 7th Judicial Cirenit ; and B.C. Lines, cumplete, » now in Operation, and has | Py as its inmvies some BS paticotsa Several of those -» of Edenton, was clected Sulicitur who have beeca inmates have been restored to; for the 1st Judicial Cireuit. their reason, and discharged. Sume few deathe| On Wednesday, Williams A. Jenkins, have ucurred. Eag., of the Couaty of Warre as elec | have every reason to believe that the gener ed Attorney General of the Stat al managemeot of the imstitution uoderthe pre | On the saneday, Mr. OC. Hill, of Stokes, ent Sujorintendent, Dr. Fisher, has been gud and Mr. W. J. Palmer, of Caswell, were The institution will be well worthy a view frum elected En rossing Clerks— Mr, Joyner, jour members, sere ig will be able to wee et Granville, having been elected an En- youreetves, Ho of 8 onomy. Mure | grossing Clerk a few days previous, nak definite infurmation will be given im the report || t 3 of the Directors, which will belaid belore yuu at or al or fap merry SS early day. ** At the Imutitution fur the Deal, Dens and; We wonder if the great mass of the the Blind there are some 37 pupil, The same | democratic party will ever know,—ever greeral remarks will apply to this institution, and | 1. Kon vinced—how they are treated Iby WH the Liree - il ell eee ! their leaders in certain matters uf which The revenve law, pened at the last seasion,| the selection of public ufficers ie nut the haa, in apa plas ag ee a least! = Will they ever know that in the rev oo “) : mae ee Some of the diflcchios aria. |uanges mode by their party, ne regen! ing wader it will present themscives on a care | ecems to be paid to finess and qualifica- ful examination. Others can be puinted vat by! tion, and that the merest crose read pull the secuwaung officers of the State, to whom ticians are chosen to fill the most impor questions of practiod difivalty bere ohce bert | tant offices in the State got ernment. Jen- presented by the officers whose duty it is to an he pa Ga . lads * | kina, © man about eqaal to the smallest It in of the first importance that these difficul-| County Coart lawyers amongst us, now ties be removed, in order that our tases may be | 4) place former! yrace: ble wnifurm, and also, for the reason that in cases of werd. Fi y B 7 on doubt, the State is usually the loser —the collee- | imguiehed jerwte, 1H. F. Moure ing officers not being willing to collect the tax|Why was J. B. Batehelor tarwed ou’! by dastress and iecur the ret of a sut by the/fle was a sonnd democrat, and thay! ra, eof Use gic geld Lege nge a | quite inferior to Moore, was far superior v aren é ” vencral Bascom tora Tay sal. was ac (Odenkine. Whata fall isthat,my coantry cepted, avd Juaeph B. Batchelor, Esq. with the,men! And EC. Hines, a young inexpen advice of thie Conncil of State, was sppotwted ty enced man, who has never made bis mark, rabigel epee ( I" ld endl dpg or in any way shown ancomunn capa orney (eneral, e aaa i is , : ties of hie office after yer eeaciue shall have ead: any, takes the place uf Win IL Sinith, a od gvatieoman of acknowledged learning , narchanpr eg sirtan to be elected fr the and ability and who on a recent criuina “a, ‘ we Crreants, n q havesiiht rascal We pase tear ond ow trial, proved himself altogether the cyse! chaures therein, aciressed to me by the Hoa of the profuuad and distingurstiod Goon Jobo LH. Whevler, Minister to the Kepablie of E Badger. And it ie reported here thot Nicaragua, i» relation ty the fureible erzere,o® Curtis LU. Drugden, the blondering, half or abyot the 18th July, 1855, of certain slaves of be by jeruns in Priledel phia, white he pus- banded wit of the democratic party, takes sing throezh it, on hin way to New York (ity, the place of the practical business man — bh place it was bie porpose to embark Brouks, as Comptroller of the State. Mark fue Niearagus. Erwi fh 1 » ow! ho Thane sle:co were the doawatie corvents of win, if he will keep sober, can du a Mr. Wheeler an-l family, aod it wes bie inten. Brea! , : thum to take them abroad with him as such.— bat alvut this there is great doubt. Their ere and removal, vriekently aed agsimet Bat we quite despair o1 . vaing the the will of the owner, and emer the circumstan- | a : =i on teed, was bath aD 2 | Strouse concern of members of the dem beheved not to have bevn warranted, even in a | VOTRE party. The wninformed members ceil point of view, by the laws of I’: ansy ivan. | are so deeply prejadiced m favor of the -_ —_ - deal better than hie predecessor ; T have reerived a suterquent letter from Mr.| triumphant party that it will require noth. || incor Ce ae pee ing short of a genuine clap of thunder one of the parties to the net complained of, and right into their care to startle them, and he erprrases the hope thet this Suste will md ia the reading portion of it—a small fraction, ed ates -— = has been done by other by-the-way, seoording to the frank con hie eaipetanl a ae qoestion shouvki be feseion of sume of their own rather prom determined |-7 the highest judivial authority in inent inen—grin and endure all the pai the country he abuse of which they must be cogn | recomawed the maticr to zant. In the present cases, the public eicherat wom a aes sic? of a rrantatine Jat the last ZOUd suffere—the confidence of the hon session, the Hom. David L. Sean was appointed est men of the country is sacrificed to the by me as agent to procure ducumentary evidence ermoloment of a parcel of gents whom the uf the history of the State. The matter ia men- tiened now merely to aay that a more pertice lar and definite commanieation on the sub cet will Le sabmitted im the course of the sessiun. favorable your people at large, ifthey knew them, «ould no more eelect ty fill these places than they would commit any other absurdity The Governor eas also authorized to procure When will they open their eves! a copy of “Tryon's North Carolina papers” from o . Harvard College. Gow, Seain was kind enough to undertake | this duty also, and procured a cupy of Tryon's Latter Book, while Governor of the L’rovinee | North Carolina, which = now in his session, and of which more deGnite iafurmation the general, preferred to bin who has will be given in the above promised communi- done the most. There was Henry Clay, calwen, : am : in core;shenee with a renstation aloo panecd at whose whole life was an unbroken series ilon’ Mast leberasees ll eave ladd pened lal carcolanl int of services to the Union, hunted down and ter to the Governors of must of the Atlantic reviled and persecuted as a man never States, asking fur the information desired a8 to was Lefore—and rejected for the Presi- the State Marine Hospitals where any such ex ik ? dency by a people who are now almost Answers have been received from the Gover remly to worship the ground upon which nors of several States, in which there are mo) he trod. There was Scott, who had fought such establishments owned by the States, and it is doulted whether such au institution will be fund in any of the States, An appropriation was made at the last ses scarcely inferior to his military, receiving sion of $5,500 for the purpose of adding a wing the votes of ouly four States of the Un to the Governor's House, and repmring the house and premises generally —the money to be 5 expended under the Hoard of Kupcrintendents confidence and support of the people was of Public Buildings, The hoase has been great- rested, absolutely, on nothing. And now ly improved ia comfort and appearance by the we ha lard Fillmore pom Silica gad tepalas wad the Alas premio e have Millard Fillinore, whose aré now in good order, There is yet an unset : Ued balance due the cootraetor tur work on the titne, from the bitterest of the opposition, main building, bat it will be found that the discarded and set aside for a man who whole wovk has been execated for about $1000 ; Pa : phagrtaig hE peitaprcicbaaton jin the course of a long political life, has Three sete of resolves from the State of New “Jone comparatively nothing to advance | Hampsbire, ome from the Biate of Ohio, and| the glory or welfare of the Republic.” TOO TRUE. The Richmond Whsy says :—* He who 2 has done the least for his country ia, in the enemies of the country from Canada to Mexico, and whose civil services were ion, against a man whose claiin upon the patri ‘otic administration extorted praise, at the to the amount of $22, at least, aud trust! ) hundred ways, In Montgomery, Va, Pork was quoted at 87, and the vicinity ie said te be full of speculators, Laying up hogs. Several ‘droves had arrived at Lynchburg frow Tennessee, per ruis read, and pork was | quoted at 8&3 per 10vlbs. | In Kentucky the market was dull, and |etruck with the Rind pé.ner in which be meted jtowards his uufurtomate inmates, as well we the tokens of affection on Abeir part manifested tuw- atde him. 1 ior that on inediution of which any North Carvlinian may justly feel proad, and I hope the day wit cume when North Carina | no buyers of hogs at over 4 cents gross. | will be able to ercet a mumument to that philan- In Cincinnati hogs selling at 54 cts. nett. | thropie Indy, throagh whose influence thie in | Wesuppose we will have tu pay from jimust do the best we can. A tine drove uf 650 passed through Yorkville yesterday ; | 6} gross was asked, Lut no eales were} sought or effected. — Yourkeille Chronicle. A drove passed through this place on yesterday. 10 cts. was demand, bat no ‘stitution was founded, that shall stand im the Clarendon Tron Works— What has be: 54 to 64, by the above showing ; Lot We! memorial of a grateful poople to disinterested | pohilanstloraey. The weather for the pust work hae been wa [aud the streets of Kaleigh present a disagreeable | prospect to the bemighted pedestrian, And thie io emp -baiently «a city of dark lanterns and so lanterns, Indeed one uf the members felt called sules were made here; aud we are PTv | gpon aed mused by the spirit 10 offer the leew - foundly ignorant of the locate of the com: munity which will be willing to pay it. bit, * A Lill to preserve the repatative of North ee | Caroline.” Slavery the Strongest Bond of Usion. | Our Union would not have la-ted twen- ity yeurs, but for Southern slavery. The North oh dependent vp the Seuth, aod other sluveholding Countries, has ever § for cotton, rice, sugar, wheat, corn, coffer, tubaces, and a hundred other necessary agricultural products The Syuth, from the character of ber soil, ber climate and @ her labor, has found it (and will ever find it) tuber adventage, if the North will be, just tu her, to bay manafactared articles, and foreign werchandise from the North, and tu employ Northern sli ppung. ) Enzland avoids war with aa, Avowedly beeanse she cannot dispense with the pro- ducts of vur slave labor. Our Newt is dependent ov as as Lngland is, and in a) which England ie wot —U ulese she shuald come uuder the rule of the mad, senselcssand desperate mob, there ie no danger of disunion. She and England are ae much slavehublers, su far as profit, of convemence ie concerne:!, ne we.—They live chifly from the products of slave labor, without baving the treable and responsibilty of managing and tak- img ca f the negroes atthe No ch understand thie Bat we write forthe esjecial benefit ofthe creaking old figges of 1 Serath, ay te of dis All ewneivle men! who moe 1 emer cond With ; ry there lel tee mo emer Prnality clipeete cers, tees chee bet een North and Seeuth Shavery, ancl net xo lent slavery hae preserved oar Untonm me far Can pre serve tt herenfter. — Without tise ietite tien, Caer would be no ged remem for keeping tether a confederation ee in convenontty large. Merch arond Laquerer Nowe Naral Arrigem nt —The Wash ington correspetdent of the N. 0). Preay Seerctary Deb hiw in the nee + +h esa mine: cred tt» bin for a chan re y wteand fro the crewe } Pacific. Jeetead home, whenever taode of tranayacct of nation wlipe in the of having a slip come the term of service of her crew etpires, to pay off the wen and enlist a new set> Mr. Dobbin has determined to liecharged men at home, and new crewe send the wut, bv the Panama rail road. The wr ter saya, “Thie innovation will, rhomll pre toate! itv, lead te an entire revolution in the : ard Urief calcula « far cheaper to system of condocting onr Pacifie Fast India eqaadron A tion will show that it rend out new crews by this mode, than to bring a vessel home by the long and wand Cape Horn. Se, too, the transportation tedious route ar Ly raidromd of a large portion of th on the than sending thes supples for oar equadmone Pactic will be more cecnomical arcuud the Thorn ina storeship, toemav or ung of the advan tage of wetting ! ty daye instead of an hundred and twenty meonutin hflewn or tywen Under the operation eof the now avetem the navy vard and dry dock at Mare I. land, California, will become the great Gurlding, reyes station for our Pacitic squadrons, and ay nblhe verse! of the United States which has once cntered the Pacific Ocean will nev er return to Atlafitic waters, Scerctary Dobbin deserves much credit for the en- terprise which las inaugurated a system advantages, both on the seore of econoiny and cou- Wy and refitting which promises so many venience.” see OLD SOLDIETS It will heeeen by a notice in another an “Old Sol ny of ull the Soldiers of IX1Z, to be held in this pluce on Christ mas day We ke the idea, and hope every ove of the veterana in Cabarrna will come np to the mecting, wa it will probably be the hist time they may ever tneetnpenecarth, Many are dewd many are dropping off every year, until but one here and there remnins. We alse suggest that our citizens innke sone public de- mMonstration int That will be the holidays, and what would be more proper than a public din her, or something of the sort to the few remain og soldiers of forty years ago? ‘ Concord Gas tte. colammn, a call ia made ov her” for a meet favor, season oof the = Whereas the climate in and sbout the ety of Raleggh i» coufessedly Laud and damp, and whetoms the sul is consequently wet aud olippery , aed whereas the muwe isin the babit of bidiog herself abut one half the time, all of whack ot cumstances combsued remler ie difbeult and den grrow: to enlk aboot ie the wight time, wl whereas the curperate budy mpreecnting the anid cur ef Rakeigh, are abuodantly able tu light up said exty iw the might time, ae aforesaid, but ae A wo saving « diapvaition to do sa.” Me t enacted, de, That the Capital of said State, be removed te some hucality where the moon shines every night, of where the inhale tants have liberality envegh to parchass oil or ge to hyght ep their town, at bemet, during the sitting of the Legislature. Amd be it enacted that all lows ml classes of laws coming within the mensieg sed proven ‘of thie act be, aml the same are hereby repose. The iatralnetion of this till reamed @ gener. taster ia the Llowse, when some member moved it lie oe the table till Chroma eve, when you may huk for foe.” Respéctfolly, ae, SPECTATOR A FREE STATE IN TEXAS. The Kansas bill—that most fatal of a! howblogs—gave the Svath an empty prio ciple and the North all the tangible bene tite, Wath the repeal of the Misssan compromise line, (which formed one of ite features.) territery hitherto locked ey froin the oppencute of slavery, was thrown open to their invasion, and the resals «ll be a loss of political power to the South. Independent of Nebrifika, there is Kansas which, if it erer comes into the Union at all, will come im asa free State; Missoon, t is eaid, if slavery ie probibited in Kao eas, will hkeawtee al»lish it, and there are well grenmde! fears that at least one if net more free States will be carved ost Texas, The Texas Sim Antontan sass Some may lock apen each a thing ase Free State of Western Texas as improbe ihe, particularly at a time when each strenacus offerte are being made to carry slavery inte Kansas, where slavery dues het now exist by positivelaw. Yet there is a etromy provalality that meh an event will eceur within the meat tem years Our opinion is based upum the fact that forcign immigration is greater than by mestic, by at beast ten to one; and apo the well known fact that foreign imam gration is opposed to slavery eared pial ple, prejudice and edacativa. A there are wany of the immigrants from the v!d- er States opposed to slavery, who quietly tolerate ite long as it is an inatitution of the State, bat who will vote no slavery when the question comes np whether Western Texas shall be a free or slare State. This fact is not generally known if ee, it ie Det daly considered. The vote of the adopted citizens of Texas new ers at least twelve thousand. la lows than ten yeare it will be increased te three times that namber, nnless the ne taralization laws are changed. This ™ crease will Le in a much greater rate than the native: bor vote. If ever legislauen has been attewded with nufortunate resulta, it jas been 9 the case uf the Kansas bill te Oil of Mustard in Rheumatiom Where one third of the male popalaticos complain to some extent of rheumatic mina, in the fickle climate of New Eng and, bat more especially along the ses shore, physicians have it in their power to mitignte an immense amoant of severe suffering by reseribing the volatile oa) of mustard. [tie employed as a ralefe cient, being first dilated in its own weight of alcohol et forty deyrecs. Some pe tients may objeet to its renter odor bot that is temporary, while the remedy may in some cases prove a asa core. Make the application at Jeast twice a day, and protect the part with soft flan nel. Mnstard inills are in operation in cities generally, at which the oil may be procured, it being not inneh in demar in the arts. Were it not fur detecting | by a pungent odor, this oil would have become a secret remedy for rhenmatic pains years age, A nostram loses mirac ulous efficiency and curative properties ‘on becoming known. Medical World. the 4¢ 4 w u w F ? w H c t en @C P F e f e 8 se e €¢ Q aé c a e e e- < c e e n RH t e OF Sl C r eS an s e e s w r 2- 6 Ss = as = FP et e r te e s ? we es ws ) = aa ae Ge , en e r y, ae, TATOR X AS. atal of all ppty pro pole bene Miseran ed one of weked ay as throen reenls «ti be South. pie Kansas ) Union at Missonr, nd im Kao i there are st ome if arved ost nian eave thing ass s innprobe rhem seach Je to carry wery dues Yet there he an event lem years fact that r than «hy and ayer “gn ime um prince) ye there mn the u!d- he qnietly a Fas of mo slavery yp whether e of slate ly known "The vote Temas new usand. ia rereased to sg the ne Thie ™ pater rath 1 attew ded as bwew 19 smatiom populatios rheumatic New Eng ng the ses heir power it of severe volatile oul sa rulefs pwr weight Some p@ ’ t odor ; a end! rmanent least twice th soft flan tion in the oil may be in demand letecting 't vould have rhenmatic oses mirac pro perties al World. TIE LALLIPUTIAN MUSICIANS. | The South Caroling Institute Hall has ra oF rae areaMa@n Pensis. home opaetantignseow New, Youn, November 25. A. sovere gale cocurred at Liverpoolon tiicm in the hand. of the Directore of the 12th instant, doing mach damage.— Lusstitution for exhibition, aa ae ds | The sbips Silas Wright and Samuel Fox, out consideration, shnply with a view to, tor Mow York, aud the: Leaiciann, ia |e anne of Se Teaiistion, fart a an pay Preps ORL a ulive to our slavehuiders te fu up! r land develop anvther resource we have at Middle Banks. No lives lugt. Steamers | home, the oe sored juto the Hall, were basy in saving the cargues of the | and over five huudred tickets more were , jovld the first night than upon the tiret The salialpaital popare ybttoh | int of last year’s Fair, | 1 ‘The interest evinced by all who have conspicuously that the alliance — heard these prodigies, bas induced us: to! —— --oaly Sy gene = images our a this morning, a ever, v eh shert bistury of the 3. shaken or impaired. j Kobin, the eldest, and the leader of the Redpath, the Reyistrar of the “band,” is just 13 years old, and we} Great Northern Railway to the amount ‘should judge, of pure African desceut. | vl £160,000. At rig A = ee etc episy his fund. | - FRANCE ness foe wusic, Ly inaking corn stalk tid- dtes, peach switch bows, aud flutes of Napoleon remained at Paris. Gen. ! cua reed. Lis aint step a "the Ripely, the Russian Ambassador, bad de- nanufwcture of a rade violin, using aey-, —— hie credentials and was favorubly | press shimgie, und bourse hair strings; the | a rl sok plore fetid ies is time, a geutionan o ole not The continued diminion |» trieud of Cul. Kichurdeun, induced hiv! | of its bullion aoe to fa oid _ \ty send Robin tu the city, to re-eive pro-| e peror tu pone per musical instruction. Ln fonr months | to a suspension of specific paymeuts ha a peerers ve upon the violin, and | een overcome, hse a dpe = raps al been meri : jtaught alsu, Ly the gentleman just allud-! SE r-aereipensaly morning.—The ‘ed ty ty read a little. Ou Gh yeesra i. | Eng- recovered the Pek {his master’s plantation, he took charge ot | ee at by the advance rate of another aig we the second ake Seven per ceut, was paid for bund, and yave him a tidule and bow, | lvans on Cunsols. ; . taught Lim the notos, and in one month | There wasan active business this marn- could play very well. Sanders commenc- ing at the Bank and in the disoowat war oJ learning the flute last sumer. | ket at the advanced rates. | After teaching Sanders to play upon | Advices from Paris etree oe less die ithe violin, Robin tuvk several other boys : t Nap ost under his iuetruction, but could not suc- o epeele. ceed in teaching them. Edward and Rackorg has a- mtd were A a in his charge. “iward is nine years and Ueury eight. from Cunstantinaple Mates Their progress was very slow, a be troops were introduced | were accurdingly placed ander the taitiou by their co religioniste, bat! of an experienced iusic inaster in the soun after driven out with beavy city; Lut, afier a tral of two muuthe, he | gave them up, and said nothing could be (dune with then. They returned to 1Uob- . ari P ‘in last) February. Edward wow plays DEFAULTERS PUNISIIED. {Seti epon the virtin, end Hubin tengut Perexsscec, November 24. him the guitar in one month. Henry al- Alezender Fal the defaulting performs well wpon the violin. [ob- : , i taught hin the wetes. Mareh, the youngest of the band, is ‘not yet 8 years old, and is nuw learning the viulia bat dues not play. [Lis pefor- mance with the triangle is admirable. = Kobin, the eldest and most prominent Vasxnr1.—The vanilla beaa, which ie character, took up the Cornet-a-pistun ee nach used in flavering puddings, jel- last sasmmer. lle isin every respent au te, we ia Mexico, near Yecummon bey, possessing certain traits lies, ices, 8 of character that are very remarkable. — Vera Cres, at has beovwe very yrvbls- Uis habits and diapoei tions are thuse of ble to the eultivaturs, The Bureas the uneivilized African, and every action information that last year's importation is in character. of and consumption in the U. States, of this article amounted to 5,000 peands, at | i of cif : 6 _| bruther bin, Nv homan being can phage at'g et aay se oe nia him but his master, Col. Muchard- eout., of $20,000. At the present time Sanders is uf a mild and gentle dispo- the vanilla bean is selling at 630 to $40 sition, Tory sulimissive to his master, bat per pound. never succuia!s to one of his own race. Sanders preked last December, when the cotton, as ie well known to all planters, ie quite light, ene hum red and fifty poauds aday. [le is cmsidered a prime Bosrox. Nov. 26 bey with the hoe Charleston Mercury, Col, Benton delivered « copy -rigtit ad Cation of the Human Race.—Wr dress here last evening, subject: “State of Hitecheock, the eniment geologist, said, the Laien, ite condition and danger.’ He " a recent hg mree delivered ”y ar m occupied hours, i tany, Uva science | laces bach desing —— wan amon: the mast recent of ad of the audience left, evidently feeling it Sime We hed Uinseriaee of te cach too ponderous a suliject for an audience (inys Dr. II.) composed, to the depl of chiefly com posed of yoang men. eune eight of tea miles of rock { rocks are full of the remains of animals aml plants Tairty thousand species of PB dept a. ow ee that : thera which dffer from any living spe enother inch of happiness be copld ie, have Leon disiuterred, yet no hamat not live. lie wife and sister are obliged ry a sine are foand pie st to roll hisn om the floor and pat beim with ore si! —allaviam a shingle every day, to keep him from soil is universally acknowledged to be of i > recent orngin be remains of otber am collapsing with bapp — aa male are fund several thoaseand fret be Synod of NAC. low the surface, while the fuse:| remains The Synod of the of man have never been frand eo low as Presb terian Chureh of North Carclina one intudre! feet below the sarface. Bat, joarned on Saturday erening to meet In cridence whe n these eres on W cmecda y Soxeethe “th one animals lived wlrwe remains were Sanday in October, 18357 The attendanes aleo have been feand there; for lis bones oe Synod was larger and the number of are of the same structare as theirs, and | f i f i au ef i fo q i T H i - LECTURE BY HON. TUOMAS IL BENTON. gevlogical hese among them antl the is reached, which finan bad bee rand at such depth, his remaine woald Commeanicants greater, than at any furs consequently vu less likely to resist de mer session in the History of the body ChAT. ee > Cato ia Calitornia.—The Alta Cah fornia thus notices a sainple of California grewen cotten It ie as white as the drifted snow, and as silky asthe down on the breast of a Mr. Alvert Smith, (the London Smith.) once wrote in av hotel visitors’ book bis initials, “A. 8.” A wag wrote anderncath, “Two-thirds of the truth. eygnet. This isa part of the first crop, ome bat afew pods, all told, that has ever The fullowing qnestion je now before been prelaced in this State It was rais ed, it appears, as far north as Shasta, and isequal in staple te anythmg we have or Alabama. It Tillietudlem debating society: “It is ea i } wrong to cheat a lawyer! It is expect ae acted i (serrate ed that the anewer will be, “No; batim- doce not seem, however, to have been possible well ginned, inasmuch as we find a con ple of seeda lid away in tte unsullied tex . oo ture. Dut then we suppose cotton are not qnite so common as gold washers doors gine A man turned his son out of lately, lecanse he wouldn't pay |i honse rent. A striking instanee of pay rent al in California, nor will they be for many gs ; Tears to core Yet no doubt oar plains affection. _ will be white with the bursting bol’s of " this useful plant, long after the r rcker and Twe Acs bas Honswm.—The Sruthern arrasta have ceased from their labors .n Planter says: “A few days ago we met oy ountains a gentieman from Alabama who gare us party ma reaae ie A ga anne In truth, we own fo a strange sensa a ; rege “ thom, as We look npon the little flock ly taining the m2 of a horse, after he or she ing tliere before at so grasamer-like that has passed the ninth yom, whieh was we dare not breathe full apon itjlest it fliveat pays we, and will be, pelt Teed Macudhk to way like the downy seed we chasened —— oblast rs bpslalteaiee! the in our schol boy days. In this lithe wool ie nine years old, a wrinkle comes jie jack we see new sources of produc oft the Yipes at the apper corner of the ire - new avennes of wealth o sing to lower li , and erery D heronks thereafter he the industry and enterprise of the future. has one well defined wrinkle for each jit we have an asanrance that Califor ear over nine. If, for instance, the horse nig will always be able to apare some- three wrinkles, he is twelve; if four thing towards clothing the people of the he is thirteen, Add the numberof wrink- ) oo Tveored lands les to nine, and you will always get it. So — says the gentleman, and he is contident Smith, the celebrated razor trop man,” it will never fail. Asa good many peo- jas ayain taken to the street in N. York, ple have horses over nine, it is easily and lis sonorona voice again mingles with tried. If trne, the horse dentist must give the varied city crics. It is said that this up his trade.” evergetic vender of “strops,” after hav- ing inade a snag little fortune in his ba sincas, was induced to make an invest Tors im avover vore m wovemnen ment, by which he lost his all and more Aaggreguic rte, 109.516 Aggrerie vote, 85.1% (too, Bat having ‘ more of the same sort Brees. re Puce 448.2% left.” by which he made hie money, he — "| starta anew in good vuice and strong 19,504 | Majority, 11,350 hope. 7 OFFICIAL VOTE OF THE STATE. Gilmer Majority, Heury, we have just remarked, ie a oe El lle is a half A FORT GAINES AC DISUNION AND CIVIL WAR, eu a the mth of Ravombe een RR, stove chick bppeted on tte ah oit| SINGLE NU and caused ater least two lives.| 30,000 TCKETS—3,280 PRIZES! The great inet avas enveloped ing MORE TIAN ONE PRIZE TO EVERY TEN TICKETS! fog so dense that at ten o'cloek. iv the FAMINE, &e., dee, , hat should be tieularly, that they are ready, willing and able to pro- teet thee frum one at lenst uf the above (Lighting) invrning the traflic on the river was stup-| 1 Prine of 40,000 *Y wp to, their baildings, their Patent Leuiaied Hi“ , and on difierent streets and railway | 1 Prive of 12,900 Ughnng Conder Legare omeed spa Oakes collision were numerous, Onthe h Sod s Lo petiaaped voy “i dese, Seiebary N. Cc, and Suuthwestern Railway, a si a of 1.000 | 21, 1856. » 4 endeavoring to signal the express 1 a $008 | ome) tee ee was in the act of crossing the track, when x nas po an the engine of the train struck him on the | 199 Prices of 70) luwer part of the abdomen barked him | APPROXIMATION PRIZES. A over the rails, aud his body wag theo sts | WHOLESALE forced a distance of at least 15 yurds.{| {From ot ‘ies appronimatiog to ieee pels: ore baw! AND RETAIL DEAL- FA A man cinpleyed near the Wandsworth | ¢ Erines of tee cogecommains © ete nn eat ERS IN station, in crossing the rails to display! — § Prises of 30 » rma trek ptr ea | the signals, not hearing the trein approach. | ing, was knocked down and ent in twain. , gs prises amounting to Fancy & Staple The guards of the different lines deeorib- | Whole Tlekets $10—Balves $5—-Quarters # 1-2. F _ ed the fog as being the thickest they have) 4 199 prises of $40 will be determined by the lust Wmv & Pre) = — ( he witnessed for many years; and oven at! feure of the Na thet drews the Pumey, with the aid of the powerful | For exemple, if the Number drawing the lamps uscd on the railroad carriages, they | Prise ends with No. 1, thea all the Tickets i l ? the ee ee were unable to find their road back to the canes one ie ee prempr ying Prod found station, It was reported that a clerk lust | the Namber ende in 2 will be entitled to $40, ond oo | Hosiery, his life uear Reading, frou: being unable | on to 6. eid vt tbe Ribow Laramar Svempaare precea ibe ‘i a tusee his way acrossthe rails. Independ- i caraggereh Glens #9 - walle "| gopceben Qhaaentnete ated V cathe ps: ocak oa rpecugll Tc ently of the loss of life, the damage done | Certificute of Packages of 10 Whole Tickers, 968 to the river eraft by collision was consid- 10 Half « 30 10 Quarter * 15 erable.— Boston Journal. Address orders for Tickets, or Cortibentes of Pack- ages uf Tickets, either to & SWAN & CO., Atlanta, Ge. or 8. SWAN, Montguroery, Ala. rt t f Alev, a large stuck of Re: i thet will defy competition. 8 call, examine oar Goods and see for your- Salisbury, Nov 10, 1856 Qaatf ~ BWAN & CO'S LOTTERIES. CLASS L, [Asthorized by the State of Alubama.} To be drawa in the City of Mobile, Alubome, io psb-| SOUTHERN MILITARY ACADEMY lie, on Tuceday, December 30, 1856, on she Plan of sncLE NuMEEES. (LOTTERY! | Joux Hoare: and W. W. McGoma, Esqs, Con's CLASS K, 30.000 Tickets—8,290 0 Prise! ft For the “ Wachman.” “FATHER'S COMING.” Father's coming! father's cunsing! How I love to hear the soand, | As the litthe ones dash by me, Round the circle with « bowed. Father's coming !—Minnie’s shoutirg ; Nothing new at home could bind her; “ Daddy's tammin,” prattles Nannie. Toddiing, tambling jus: bebiad ber. Open wide the gete is swinging, | Patient Charicy, quiet stends ; While they climb by father's finger, | | i SOUTHERN MILITARY ACADEMY LOTTERY! NOVEL SCHEME ! naga | con, BAe Ge & OWEN beg tense te in: bs ave ae ‘and privatc lndividuuls psr- | of which we are determined to ell MORE TUAN ONE PRILE TO EVERY TEM TICKETS! | Te be drawn ia the City of Mowtgomery, Ala., ia pub- lie, on Wednesday, December 10, 1856, on the Plan of | | SELLING OFF" Sallsbary, November 10ib, 1856. THE SUBSCRIBER AS positively determined to chee his present busiagss— Bow offering lis catire stock ou bund “AT COST POR CASH. Comprisiay 22,000 Detiars worth of PANCY and STAPLE D2Y COCKS, Ladies’ Cloaks, Talmas and Shawls, { AY MOOSE k (0. Gentienen’s wear, Xeedic-worked Pmbrotderies, &e., &e., & large portion of which having becu purchased the prescwt sea- | eum, is composed of the Newest and most Fashionable Styles ! consisting in part of — Begant Pail, Striped, Brocade aad bgured SILKS; DeLsins, Castimeres, Valencias, Popline and Wool Plable ; Black Bewbizines, A'pacces, Mourning Crapes & Merines ; Ginghams, Prints, bleached snd brown Bhirting and Sheetings ; Vinnevis, Linseys, Negro and hed Blankets, Clothe, Corsimeres, Vestings, Satinets, &c. Me would invite special attention to bis “WHITE GOODS ‘ AND ed stock of Dry Goods, umpeg which nuy be o tage extorimeet of Foney DRESS GOODS, | *4 RUBAPIDERIBS,’’ Bonacts, Shawls, Silks, Al | » » Ginghams, French and Rontiah comprising, Jaconets, Nainsoot, Swixe and Tariton Muslins, | Sane ines. Briitiaute Robes, Cambric end Permiture Dimi- ered, Hem 6. and Embroidered |, ¢. Haadkerchicfs ead Vesting», Weached and brown Rerbrobbered teactin. Lines, Laws and Cambric Cullars and oT: Blerves, in pets » -—< tieh. of alt hinds and prices ; T: unks ead Mise ee greet ae ghey sh por rf - Cambrie fant Robes, Hoods, Walsts and Dresses; Mastin aad ade: Kalgings and Unscrtings ; BI and white Mooped, Corded, Raubroidered aad tacked Phirts; slik, cotton aad worsted Howiertes ; Ladies’ Corsets, Kil Gloves and Gaunt. lets; sil and Mering Uuter Stirts for ladies sud geathemes | alee, « good assortment of | Gentlemen’s Clothing ;; Boots, Shoes, &c.,-&o. C27" Country Merchants withing to purchase at WT oleate, | will here fim! a chance of buying whick rarely cocurs. And 8 person desiroes of embariing in the Mercantile businest, con oe a eee ere and the stock qe ectoremadating rms, Come ome come afl, aad purchase Uouds at Northern whulecaie prices, a6 it le petsively true thet hom Selling at Cost for Cash! CEaging with their little hands. Ff MYERS, Rorage opr | paws meelSINGLE NUMBERS! «= oe Nannie grasps the flowing mane— i lear rey ——-- - SAL SBURY | . Ob! it gladdens every baom, 14 Wiew 2,000 | Jowx Hvarn sad W. W. MoGuine, Bogs , Com's SALI Hearing ~* Fether’s eume again | 1 Prise of peed - 1 + ite 30,000 TIcKETs onty! CLASSICAL SCHOOL. Baby hears the uuise epusual, 10 Priaes of 200 ’ : Coos ead jumps to show bis joy— sed roo ‘ped 3280 PRIZES ! THE undotsigned bas pened « Classical Sebout 1 od ti be 2 rizes wm the town of Salsbury, fur the purpose of preparing ee i Pie Pas < APPEOXINATION PRIZES. | MORE THAN ONE PRIZE TO EVERY TEX TICKETS. | young men fur Cabege, or any of the bearwed Fimies ; val nN . sume, P will be de om clans Pipyerpcraiyelcamal sri west oman ome BRILLIANT SCHEME! jac vattte "tn ryreettcoe SES Lame and ghasmy the’ it be, oe “— - rs . - 1 Prize of ¢10.000 may deare. The scindomie year wil couniat aff one When | hens thin bird-lihe wasie, = oy yon = od 1 « 12,000 , terse of (ee mmumths, eommenting on the bet uf Or “And the prycws welcome see. ~ o - ry = O igo, i 5,000 | tub-t and ending ia July, with » vacation of ane week aes “ are 18,008 1« 9 009 | at Christmas. bet iets vsebrte — [Ag Pm eet omme) 1 1308 Terms~-Per Session of 10 Months. is coming ; | : ; Quarters | Til | bead his fovtstepe passing W bole Tickets, 040; Maters, 08; 2) 1 Prince 2.500 Pripary Enghat branches, qe co . 3,000 Prizes of $40 will be determined the nt) 10 #.qp0 Higher du do and Mathematics, 36 00 Thro’ the inte garden gate. 4 of the Nember that dramp the Prine,| 100 ~ toe Claemes and Mathe motes, + Is the weleume sow between as, Fur exemple, if the Number drawing the 940,000) 100 ~ wo Continge ut favd, : . 1 60 Free from every duebi and pain, Prise ends with Na I. then all the Tickets where the One -shisd of the (sition will be required in advance, - Evy estmnatiog to $14,008 prins are § One n sember ends in | will be emithed te 40 If the Nam 6 S af Gi80 eqyrecinating roped a tN oy = am Tatng ” habe/s ees gui cnboaRaimementameme, $2 5 = MS: ata Swlae Neca cee | Neasber ends i be enthled we ead mon to on . = tw * 2 ae . , Tae Maven, Oct 31, 1856 a at on ee Ay : & is 1 ae cheryl in case A prvirectod chek ness. a rotoa whieh ia the risk : an- & pan —_ le REFERENCES Corubente of Peckage of 10 Whele Tickets, oo — Premdeut and Faculty of the Uuvermiy : Rev. Deury Wukee's tox Porwr—Someody ia “ ° 10 Half - 20 | 1908 prince smowating to ome Lacy, 1D, Premdent of Davide Cuflese ; Hoa mee-—A Re .* «Oe nt : ; * Address Orders for Tick ertiiestes fi Puck - Iacita!ivm.—The field Adver- AS Teaser tiser takes from au Eastern exchange— SB. SWAN & CO. Adsnte, Ge, one very far duwa East no doabt—the, or 8. SWAN, Mongumery Ain eampber ends ie 1 wll be emitted to 640. If the Nom following elegant epistie: | W. J. BINGHAM. onic isteracta he von A Challenge to Mr. Brooks.—Teliev- ing that Mr. Preston 8. Brooks, of Svath | : Amisted by his wa, renpening hie 8 ELECT ae y hie ama, ate i Can Oe Sa «ee we es fallow rng Caroliaa, should be panished for his cow-| seHooL » ardly attack upon the Hon. Charles Sam- | 1hh of Febrnery, 1857 Certiheste of Pechage of 10 Whole Tickets, 960 ner, and the conceited manner in which! [7 A sustle perme to beard sebnetboys ena saat | “ co WHat = « 30 he has boasted of hie eoarage, and for his * = erm ey BINGBAM. | "isken aor Ticks con bc obec ° sneaking, cowardly display of the “white Onks, Ca & BWAN & CO. Adsais. Ga feather,” in hiv recent refusal to fight a Nov #56 or 8B. SWAN, Mowtgumery, Als man whom be had challanged (for fear of being killed,) I hereby challange, this criuging puppy to meet me atany place he may appoint, with pistols, rifles or cowhides. Now then, ie Brooks, le’ ns sce sone of your boasted coarage! You ary afraid to meet a man! dare you meet a woman! Tam a widow lady—lost | SINGER'S MACHINES ALWAYS OPERATE two sone during the late war with Mex 10. Chestette at o.. ee 620 A.M. PERFECTLY, being strong, derebic sad compicte co—tighting for what they sapposed to - Coseord at : -. 1 be freedom: and now, thuagh apwaris of « Sebcary, fifty years of age, Lam truly anaivas to PLAN OF THE LOTTERY. 1,900 Prince of $40 will be determined by the last Gqare of the Nember that drews ihe $40,000 Preae — Fee example, if the Nember drewing the 640,000 Prine onde with Na |, then aff the Tickets where ihe Bae C. Sepd 6 | OFFICE K. €. RAM ROAD. mom nous) SINGER'S SEWING MACHINES. NORTH CAROLINA BR. ROAD.| TV @est cctedeaied machine ore io precties! end WINTER SCHEDULE MAIL TRAIN. | 1 proftabic ene in all pared the erviberd wortd | be ofl the vetivas trade, aad in sewing every sori of Ox aso Avren Tavecoar Nev. 98, 1856 | tabrie, either of cloth oF brathe:, they have been falls EAST. (as Sewing weetenes of other man chee fel to work, bet de my country some service by whipping High Poot. © ome grest reesen for the eapersiied popetarny or choking the cowardly ruftian whe has — | MACHINES FOR FAMILY SEWING, taken the stand to pat down and crash Hisbore,” | af © fad and defiest¢ constrectinn, ere rrenmmended America's most precious right—liberty = Raleigh | by other manefactersrs Serh mochiors ere aundr to | emtch the eye, ast to perform subetsntial work The treth ts, fhenilly sewing mectiecs onghi to be erremg-r | thee ony other, brewer they go inte bras ckifer h «mde thes when anid te menafectarers, end ere ered bw & greater variety of werk. The mechines which here *| proved beet for af ther purposes meme be beet for of speech! 1 wait Preston 5 Brooks’ re ply en MRS. AMELIA RM. ROBINSON It is time for the Yankee women to fight when the men won't { Relvigh,..- faenily wee, ond they are Singer'a The speed of ow G ‘ mechiore hee lately been deubied No other con ~- Cw be . compare with them in quantity of work MARRIED: High Point C7 New mochiors of thy lates improved oy 'e will a . ate ile, | be exebeaged on bbere! ferme for ald wwing me On the 19th ati, at the residence of E Smyer of Hemresoseny Geenpelinolindobmonet bel gin aneaihe neachines of Newton, Catewbe Coons, by the Rey GG. Willem = fiehebery, ther mawefectorers, Lacs! agente weeted & © fl Wether of Rock Charch Gailford, the Rev THORN Co 4. ore machines 53 TON BUTLER of Lesmgron, to Mie CATHARINE Arripe Charlotte, & . N. &—AR prreme Sette —- hewnt ; b | eowteg eee, can ohtare © apples 2 oy JEMIMA, onty deaghter of Geo Readieman Enq. of Rekchery. N.C. Nov. S8eb 1896 wat | foe Hogprconegye eS polone/ Rowse Te Wilkes Cont y on the 6th November. by Thee Roberts, Eq. Mr TC PARKS, w Me OLLEY L WILLIAMS of Iredeti Comaty | | entirety to the swhgeet. ft well be seet groves 1M RINGER & CO Priecipal Office, 383 Broadway. New York BRANCH OFFICES 47 Hanover street. Boston 38 Westmomes ot. Providence 274 Broad street, Newark, N J 347 Broadway. Albany. N.Y NOTICE, | & hereby given, thet Ephraim Gaither of the Grm | of McNeely, Mock & Gaither, bas sold oat cat | transferred bee entire interest to MeNesty Mock ad | | | | RUNAWAY—$5 REWARD. PLEASANT DORY, 2 bownd apprentice, ran- Ca. and that he bas eo further Consective or mtereet away frum the ceberiber on Suedey vigh lent. ‘2 4 Erm TC. MeNEELY Gtovereviie, Fow York carrying off with bien a few emell articles of property ALMOCK, — 98 Chapel street. New Herren et bes own. I with pve the above reward for hw ap w J » NEELY 1) Buchanan st., Gleagew, Sood prebenmon or delivery tome. He is aboot 18 years Pence ’ 142 Cheenet street, Phila of age, hoe a blemish in one eve,-isa thick heavy ber, The basi b fer will be 4d by Me. 105 Batumore & reet, Balt more tether dell hacking, much given to siecp He bas worked at the Tre 20d Copper Sinith bustweas over (wn veers, ond can da pretty. gurd work L fore warn all persons against empinying of har tworing said boy, ae I shall certainly enfurer the law agrinst any one 00 offendy 3 Kast Foarth street, Cine naats Chicago, HMinois. | 68 Nerh Foornh a. Lowa 31 Rt Chartes ot.. New Orieans 20 Daaphia st , Mobic Nevember 4, 1856 Neely, Weck & Co, who have sasociated with them | J.P. Rtimpeee of Letington, as e partner ! We are thank fal for the very liberal patrosage car frrende have favored as with, ead hope by beeping oar tee! large stock, and selling 9t small profits, to | share « large portwe of the trade of the sarrousding | country x Inca pd WILLIAMS BROWN December 2, 1856. £27 House and Lot to Rent OR SELL. 4 Wa undersigned desire to Sell ar tn Rent owt for the neat year. a very desirable piece of property McNEEBLY, MOCK &CO vr ee am WILLS MOOSE, 00. Ralebary SALE OF WHOLESALE AND RETAIL N obedience to a decree of the Court of Equity for sa the Tes eS aecie Te nmamn at's pod [ Tyevniann Comnty, made at the Fal Tore 156.1! AND CROCERIES, dwelling Hoowe gad Kirchen, Shop end other bud. shall sell on the premises, on the 3d of December ne rt, inge Toe tasted convement to bum ners Orif any those valuable Grist and Saw Mills, belonging to Ree- demre io purchase sand property it ie for ene. Per- tun, Cieeroand Anne Holmes, known se the sone wishing either ta teat or bay will plener call on se MOSES HOLMES MILLS. Persone desiring propesty of this dvensipticn, es ‘ PICTURES! PICTURES! 2323" 1m Shop and Stork Creek, about one mile from the Yadkin River ia one of the finest aad best % portions of the FOR SALE Who dd al One RTH WATER POWER © very AT MORGANTON, N.C. ted as to affurd the never failing even im seasons of great drouth. . s ! are four actes of land attached to the Mille, eo atwa- Ww M ILLIA} Bl Lt wmproving the Mill rty. Seid Mille and Lands NERS TOOLS, 10 Morganton, N ¢ and he can do it as handsomely as JEFFERS, of any wig pe anid on a credit of twelve months, with interest every article requird for oarryimy on the Ts nwers bast ber) else If any doubt it, just let them call at hi fom date. Immediate possession will be given to the ness Alen his stock on hand, svmsiming of Tin plate name 7 oven Fremina's Law orrice, and give him purchaser. Bond and epproved exearity will be re- | Tin ware, Japanned ware, a amal!! quent!) of Shee “BUIS’ AMBROTYPES Ss mrenctrarsze" No So Rowan antil the payment of the enme- Morganton ie one of the most healthy and desire cannot be excelled Why? Because they are in per- fection of the Art. Call and see his work, and give him a trial, and be not faithless. Are now in receipt of a large stock of STGAR | COFFEE, 8ALT, MOLASSES, RICE | Pepper, Spiee Ginger, Mackere! aad all kind of Lamoty Pickles | offered at low prices for cash. or on short tyme to pune tual deaters. (Nov 16, 1856 Qa Nov10, 1856 24:3 oppertunity for a Tinner io settle there, if he Chinas Marriage License fer Nabe af this cary on chwwbere. we. BUIS. | | | Now 25, 1856 26:1 \ Offer. | Now. 95, 1856. LEWis BEARD hw 26 Whole Tickets, 610 — Halecs, 65— Quarters, 24. VALUABLE MILLS. gtapte a rancy Dry Goods, Grocenes prually foand io thie Warket, all of which atest facilities fur engo’ and I HE endersigned offers for sale his lot of TIN- comprang J. A. LONG, C.M.B the toralities m North Carchna, and here i now an of to supply himeetf with a complete stock of tools to Joba M. Morebad, Hee Jobe M. Licek, Greene ber’; Ree A. Buber, clos. Burtoo Craige Jobe I Bhaver, Esq. A Headersow, Bog. Jas. BE Keo, Enq, Mahebary JOUN B GRETTER, A B October 14, 1854 2a A New Excitement AND OUTBREAK! v UE gebecriber having porchoeed the Shop, Fer ~~” 5 Be ef Meee Weirman & Price, would seaence to the frieude of that frm, bes own freeads, the abd petrome of tie Gether and to the poblre, thes he «= gow tecering from the Northern exdies « large, wmortme nt of heaters. and vered READY MADE CLOTHING J i 4 4 4 ’ Cheha, C commerce, Vesings, and Gea:lemen'e fer elon g goals, @hecR will be edd very bow, or made ep to order m the best styte af the Anti He wa keep am hes employ @ rkifal Cetter, and con therefore warrant gual fos. Ife caperionce in the bearers joctibies hem rm saying (het hus stack edama be ser parerd in quebty ; and the stiles ere aff late ead very handewe He eork of Ready-Mad-s. Hots, (ops, Shirte, Cotlare, Vests, HM andbe rehirfe Can, Pavte,—end every thieg reqewed. Call nad | wesatine ead ion The entire refmbslity of machines ~~ Orders fit work prompity 6R-d JAMES BEARD Merchant To 16, 1*26 OU FAIR MT. FOUNDRY & MACHINE SsSxItorFY. STAFFORD, DIXON & CO'S PREMIUM HORSE POWERS, AND THRESHERS, RE «=, well kaown. thet d-cornptin © eaneersee ty For the past tea fileen \eure thew supe rewrity ower ether Mathioes bas Neew full) t-eted by hondredts of the mont imtcthgeat end cote pneng Fer mecre of the State, sad thew p peterty may be henvwn from the fort that we have sever brew able to sappy the meadily inereamag demand. Bet bariag receai y tefiied our sh gs, and increased oer working feree we trem in foinre i be ahle to Recep peace wh the orders thal 4 dimeom satreg poble Qe: y fons ue with Trees Machriecs were om exhw ime at the Stste Fair in 1854 aad “55, 12 competnen wah Maehiars meanolactarcd ia (hes State. se well ae ® enmber from other Sates, and ink a DIPLAIWA ond the MIGH EST PREMIUM, over al there We alo move Rehebury, Sep fectare, +1 short mre, Gert end Sew Mdl Inns Feriory Gear, Coreater See Wille, Weed-tarding Ve chives. Sirew and Niath Catiera, yas! the ‘bing thet farmers nerd thes dry erason; sad @ hinds of cust Mage (8 HmnmOER vee in the Country . Lettcrs adderace d te SPARFORD. DITON & 00 Seow Camp Alemanse, V4 Ch NOTICE. THE STOCKITOLDERS Of the Yadkia Navigation Company. I AVING faded to eememble and elect. at the me and ples app «nied, proper alfiee re fer the for a By Lae being a Vear. mew, th by verter ‘ * he and i - “npar majpertty of the Board of P {hereby desgnair and appain( the teenad Satur») be 1% f ub wre Farm ng De vie unt ae the f we geoers meeting of sand ateckhotde Drees ee of t my an come bef om Eepneer. Mr. Ur ul be pe ady tm be report, mpen ihe the Rewer, befure m ng OY bd fo» od JOUN AL KROYDEN, JAMES FE. KERK, Jherectors Sabsbury. Now 10. 1 Dot PRIVATE SALE. ed having @& o hie readence erm ned to move the thriving » heaatiful eillage of OLIN, Lrede a NE. ‘Sais honee yn 2 hora he centre, and i the dee wulual ein the village Term comored ag WM LOVE Olan, Predell t Now 1254. tf.26 | ‘The shove sale will be made under s AGRICUTURAL MACHINE WORKS Boyden. Lemly & Go, At Salisbury, N.C., are Completed end Ready for Orders. y Ir is the intention of the proprietors to offer indace- | mente to Southera plani-rs, Mantfite- j turers and others pot jo be met with elsewhere. { ‘The demand for-heary, mediom fight | and faney castings together with every implement and machine used by the farmer shal! be promptly supplied at car works In order therefure to #-cure public confidence wad sup- | port, it is regarded proper to sry that the manafae- ‘ saring facilities of this eptablshment are upt | by auy ofa similar character soash of Maryland. ‘The boildings are spacions u di 4 th | Mochinery is well adapted to our business. It is therefore confidently asserted, having the « de of the mis ene petent and experienced wa: every article manufactured by us shall ch dlengegue censful competitors. © Rail Ruad contractors, Carri - ters, Stone Masons, Plasterers, cee others requiring » machines whee are and beauty are combined and that can of | word, frou, brase, stot, silver-plate, or ail of eitierat | them are #dicked to give ap ae nnity tof) peat *ROYDEN, LEMLY & Oct. 10th, TES6. am widen, | will be wold at the Begister Office, FUR C, ie of Tram | executed by Seuten Gules, Ebq.,00 thewSlss depot | Japuary, 1656. DAN'L SFO | _New. dub, 1856. epemals.t J |36 Packages of Merchandise LOST OR MISCARRIED, ' | Tae said pack »ges were received ty Waniigtaa, N.C, and dcliveeed to the R. R. Road ogemi, ap sber 13th of October, ell qurked to my addtexws, care of Kad Read agent of C Grove, Rowan Doapeg, B. | C., whieh have not yet arrived, nee been heard from. Any information of they spereabuats will be : i watty received,” In case ther Sateen che | deguet ot W etemi .® proud of thee mecha, the Road Agent 1 that plyce certainly deserves ee ox- | teraul appliestion of Pine juice. aM. ") Nov. 19, 1956. ar GREST BARGSINS IN CARROGES. | BE TWEEN 3:009 wad 4,000 dultare: worth of Veticion coariming af Bae two and one hore Curringes, common dé fine oe mad Sater ew Hagwee. and commusen én; Gor a Ba: ame, take Oe glad ead * ee ay ¥ HICKORY BUGGIES; aataral evlyr, Muisted in the very bes! style ; togeth- co altho bet af Guns dan aud AUD vated tits an of whveh will be wuld lower for CASI thag fore offered in this murket in order lp close AR person @ihing te secere a greed ju, occa terms, cam just boag 9 bite cash ip onl and wer Ba Z sate Se pAIR NOTICE =? THE RHINO MUST COME. | PALL perens indetred to ule thet by wild AF Ge. ee earr (eqecs edt carne fore @¢ cus! mate peyeere by the let Janwary, a Lehell be under “or aoteesity of beleging oolt agulter thea; ust chomeg bamness 01 thet tine. 4 WM. M. BARKER New. 10, 1856. 7s KEEP WARM! ead DRESS COATS and VESTS, om bewl snl for onle bow, by { MILLS, MOOSSE'& CO Le al New 10ch, 1856 ‘ > > ee 2) BLANKETS! BLANKETSH! 4000p, Negr theater 16 gr. Pine Wise Whiting do For tote bow = mieke, women ete WANTED .-- 10,000 ae Oe ee a, | fides: £000 bene, Five-cnty 10080 the interes Reg For whch the bighes market prices di be peed se Cont of Quads MILLS, NOOSE & OO we Now 10, 6S New. 10, 1436. = — ee | JOURNEY = Carriage, Makers, W Winbes io empiny two eved workmen, ome permter, and ome black ene h work at the C ernage besere TT Address, JAMES SWITH, Asheville, 5G. Oct 21, 1856 2h He i SO ie OP es br) TOWN PROPERTY FOR SALE. 1 OFFER for sale 2 partor allof Lu Ne 2/. E, 0 edpeming the WONG R Rew t, ead n-ar the ep of the Contre! Rend. 1 desire te sett the part adja ng the Rad Road Ln wah 2 pwn! deeting b - aad 1 con be devided tx wit tee famiven = Aey som ereheng t+ parehase eet of of con odreas me of Me eganica, ¥ ( J 1 HOW ARR, Oer 2, [sae qn NEWBERN Hutaal Insurance Ce. THE wedermgnec dbas been appotated agemt ot Salie- | t Company, aed we prepated to © Sppleatwas from any pete winking Gp Thee company i gow in sucersst! + bymares = fact increasing. Perens z ave eared in the office wil ~ enon the euberrter. LDA ay Jane IMB, 1#58 ‘“ DEROSSET & BRO f WILMINGTON, BROWN & DE ROSSET, CEVERAL COMWISSION MERCHANTS, dvances made on ( fe the abe orp rt WANTED 5000 Bashels Wheat ANn ' 1000 BARRELS FLOUR, dhe subecrrber wishes L) parchace the above quan- Whrret and t for whch he will pay the hegheet rmarket pres in enah MICHAEL BROWN. Sahebary. Sept. 16, 1856 i6 ROWAN WEDICIL SOCIETY. A will be aealion rg of this bedy at Dr Whiiehead’s Offer. on Monday 24h iat, at 12 yohook A fall atiendance os earneatiy requested. J J SUMMERELL, See November 18th. basa 1w25 JOB PRINTING | Veatly .recuted at tia Office Facer Growinc.— At a late meeting of | powerfully j ia made | the chest, Exercising ‘he “Frait Growers’ Society,” of the wes- tcrm seetion of the State uf New York, “tatements were made by several of thie members, going to show that fruit prow- tug was the most remanerative of thie A GOOD WIFE. farmer's labor. Dr. Sylvester of Lyons, " ane a oweda clear profit of $175 per acre, Calvin hare wrote Ot ach 4d alluded the chest ia this manner, it wil! beeome feaible and expansible, and wilic ularge (he capseity and sine of the luogs, -- surth vear of los age, Doctor ~My domes to a peighbor’s) orelard Lie eroovines gave been, perhaps, oper lesa . x > “Pr ek : ! “lach averaged §10U per wcrc A. Loo Hors ti Wawa comboon pernits, ®Ae wee of Byron, Genesee cout ANCHOR gdicwig hove the Phedann lest spot om carth t rom some Baluwin apples grown by lis Wwother, that a protic of over $500 per vere Las been wade pear annem, after mith Am is pete” mee. now Dat ste is cone, Ay worldly Luss Hlow many tpoortellow would be saved fram ng allowances for the failure of the truit fromthe t nto and the allows, very other year, Tt us kouwn that Mi Neca Tees a Pell near New York, has made very laige rofits by slipping Newton Pippous te “Ste tde tonne the tatest soot (oO mm ) i ae auglaud, and he Jus devised uae deeds ons Witt a ginud tale uw mie dove, ated piety, aud common sense! Rath shich secure hia fruit every year, using : ne oer dttfercot was the testimony of an old anan, ~ te and careful yeenmg. de Cader z eeme three vears avo. in the Tombs’ vard of N til ‘ Wit 5 i 2 * sil otates dhat Quinces, prown for the NoelS eqn eerll dhe toate lati nve: bat New York market, produced him a Prot te Awns avery acgenvating woma Let cach it of per acre. He ison the ud: wideinguire, | Which fe acd Ball eJour t em, at Croton Poiat, and las wade a feetaue at tue fruit businces. 2 -<: The main thing needed by the furmers, Some years age a in thie secuon, to the protitable ratring of Ireit, is some plan whereby ther can se- wre a full crop every year, instead ot qas Bow) every cher voar, We know of ewe apple orchard of fruit S00 trees, in this county, which, fast year, prodacing 2500 bushels of apples, will not yield ive bashels this fall, The product of wer trees on Chat orchard last yeur Wrought $90 = tlis vear the four have not malot TMieulth man without family Arkan worth er relations lived in a cou ityoan mis, ald Wis possessed of an estate He wentte New Orleans, and absent: tour vears without being weard from. The Probated Jud we gran ted adiinintratic itap and disch aduninistrator. Tine Mexico “applied to the dudve for his pri yperty DoW, Was Lou his estate—wound wed the man roturned-—had been to whet in oe eourt the wrue took pe bead ae I tollo wing te your Honor please | prodaced fifty cents worth of fruit. Seine want my effects returned to me, as you taethed whereby this Licunial Larrenness eo | aun wt dead. way be overcome, is all that is needed Court} kwow—that is Tas a man that you are alive and in court, but, as u court, | knew vouure dead, for the records Boot » beyond that ry 1¥ our farmers, especiatty those owning emall farms, to wake the fruit mis: wasiness profitable to them this Court sav sey and avainst there vert there ean be ae averment “OSU S of any other crop.— Albany Aryus. I. ri Cobe, aed a sood uiany ot - b hever geal Burren —The Tribune cays: Win Led Man— But L want my projcen talt preserve butter!” No—tiat «nes a tie or une i aoe al ne ac maf tion is easily answered. One is tu asciot wieteferred ia e ysapurty, and 4 ene ta its preservation, the dairy Woman vain iie of it without my Cotiseat ty against ty thimking that plenty of salt will hep all law the tateer sweet, Ardther set add suit coer Sif Bled URL that the re with dishonest motives, with the iden ae Ae a Geis tte cuu ste that that all the salt put in the batter is sefu * °. ad 1 Men—be en ald ied tanntaciail atthe full price the butter brings It is Cowrt— Mr. Sheriff, take this assiratjon @ great mistake. Every pound of sult out pat im better over what 6 needed toyive Sherif —* lle thon ¢! tt flavoar, instead of brin: givg a casi re fumed AIL speak turn to the butter waker proves a lame tiwe tues, beeat we it reduces the vali every pound of bulicr wo oversulicd, fre ! Nould at abeey feud aie] qeentty @s much as three cents a pouted Weil mite eiwicen Batter is not preserved iv salt lie ae len Mevien ond the r keep jast aa bong and jn - Ave oth withuat salt, one oiler eur /4 rye Pilla an inparralicied 2 ataace is ineorporated with wt He rs the na - yagi oae ™_ a Woaak Comwine of milk that spurle tie Lutter, and Wisconsin, was fora leet . woless free from that, ne art can keep it sweet. Batter should be chart at six ty five degrves, and redaced tu forty degrees, aud tie leas is touched Ly nat, to thee! —let's gv he wornetivimer te cles Phe Jicige staede te if, that so far as pret Tosa us sucet an peri an awed cle er tre! a cate phil f rein ce, | \ tt ve av foe treet Be \ , C Nee thed never: whet il vy after I “ Luman hands (he better D thee ecomscbraily -- The Zula Women. SU ar — Baie i As Alcan Cute gpoOodent mys Ad BPR, pealiug, harvenimg oe dren ws Baler) ernmliny Srey. care of ’ > -, gw 3 £ “ ; 1% ? 4 al Ghthdore. tote dah het hardly wife LEVeis REASON TOGETHER we, Be Lelos 4 pc forwed in the © amr . Whew boi (he her a0) feores take care of ithe coms war! a ww owith t 1WeNL, ated sie fies se Ce —* Dive La) nowr beer elthe we tr < kK an ’ lorm, we ‘ ~ drive away the herds. aed wid pigs, | sat nang and drink ter, aed thes 1 . “ne Wwe wf thein cen) dey rors wt the J A ~ Tomes wor tow worms (it any of them show® amy 6 nt oun A \anm-— ture 7 a beating from ber whe ge asa renee bor bis cm duct, | pam Wo many eres for row we ht fo aon it yew che!) work and par me ly oe . . ee Avmssin cs Sees ies Fat 8 re woman A gwug Bi beul cms os ’ porting 1B Rhett wrth er hee nok § Vase) ce the hear! bileide. leer a heather eaek on ber ber day's work large bods we beer chicos ak Se HOLLOWAY'S PILLS. wy omerere! ju-bee ARE WE sICh 13m wilard sus emted whe wowh) + rnb { bree »- « . <® a? Sey ont es -% RO NRC Ne Fe wo: “os BR COMPLAINTS hele tie he etl nee ae C= Reem 6 ik chee eh. nts rests - mee ee ee GENEAAL DESILITY. ILL HZALTH. owe are rears rey “ . ° . ” vnpany ges carrey hrm aed wher tM - ark’ v tmhie [hee * . Vee curetgmment ma orlagee res nm ongeeats the pimter ae ~o omte ti) ful mess FEMALE COMPLAINTS ate ww owerty lente ¢ letinwen an Werey med atte ® teen is | i) or ow t great dw! ane Vive afithea ar most cructiy treat 4 --- BEALTH FROM BREATHING. Bees rs ; Zine Vien persous © o> who persue seen ary we phew lung Le “ Che cheat and thee ed we ome oh peut POPC Ur Laas *, ort eeyhevnemn anion 4 am ract (arrd « em one manner of berowtiiae 4 « Arnold's Writing Fluid. 4 HE wow f \ ; aad Fish. Ce pee to doubt oy at ‘ . r oe > wee Ovsters rg " . " having xi; o' 6 frioe ” are ther a @ ® bed ' a al ’ la i] ’ nl ' . ‘ YA jee} ‘ 4t. ‘ 4t.e pont “e ' ; Jara Noe bee kKAAY cues Ure er te much der ’ * - rey dep vr U ase W. P. ELLIORT, ud | Late of Worth & Elliot, Fayetteville, GENEBAL COMMISSION é AND‘ 550 5iee¥ | FORWARDING area WILMINGTON, N re Re aoe agg naw AN Frits oF. it Yaa" Ae 03 Wil get gn Goupmission otton, Corn, Flour, Wheat, and all pepTON, OND NEW YORK IN Cuat Liberal RAK ye ear A wat : SReite rath os 8 qtaltesan ol Wi pe Acme a Weald advise, those Orders for Miehwudae, aud courigagents of Blon “Naitaade Bat sbureg Geo. W. WWilliains cree h periahiatn fip fy Mate crieuurntion: dae, s ue ! A Ld abugeouy Robert —s meat heh Y pore ison saute tess aud ober Produce, (ocsales or ahspunem’, tanek fa ao ter, Esq, New ~ 6B Misehop in ihe manol bibhivery Static, Feceuved tind promuply attendee to Bebruaiy 19, Psat. lyse BM Persouratn Usianye ordyring@ ork, w Are yecom May isd WA, . He Teadrip: Rib ef the art iale sage oe L- vie - eee, THRE GREATE Be Whew JuKy uri il pbalyes Wut give sal, shi!l Lleave oak ¢ roeator dating Cadfeat! is Uedieal Diseoy T th { Ad vankiges oftde comes hivetnor, he ® [Litas « frequcutiv ashe b treibled wah liver com : bs ove ) 0 ne. se | almogt pity ATad of trade tu ey apdicentin’s bg gun erage ve KENNEDY, of Rosiury, hur diseoveredsa one Soa ans dat ETC Ly eee en pasiure weeds a cemecdy that vere : "y your reculabdr ils gift he gous Vil \ \ IND OF TEU Meg FAVERY sl ABLE Iy active dat dhedd A nabte » ah ' ‘ 7 te kop band ‘ eatabon dl chase Frou ig @epert rane thaw br emma Pi we st Edna ‘ Cat these mies wish ihorte buy urtes De San hema ir ol ap Cera ; Maly 29 1& , ; ts Oh and nn egy at alihy AQLIEL, HYG Oe an tae I aaVerJi00°% tas, And vever Baled : 4 : had Ub dinestewalll undead ck ri CACO en wean e aed Uuouder humor) dhe has New North Carolina Form Beok. Patt wil prevent the fixed Tow ty Ais poser ever two handred certificates ot wathe stomach, upd for ae overt. abomach the oii Viagie, Al with.uitenty ww les of Boston peer Sheradd, Constibl Magistriton and Busi Tv izorasor aves iyshent re Bet vant g adaingels diges- Peo boiler ure warrauted (v cure &@ wuriug eure mew ines, for sule ae J. A LAU BD BOE FEpid Arm awl month (am Uiree bottles willedre the worst kind ot Y Pita 6 ve thecpee. Wauted Jmmeitatety, Lag nye bptilen will clear the system of Dilen *Ewy boule lire ia tly ough and stomach At the Silver Hif Miné ANY QUANTILY OF WOOD AND COAL. care af Fry sfpalan, sory ry PRODUCE © Un Condigumenis rranted lo cure the worst eauker 7 Three (0 Wee pitiles are warranted (o cure the worst > THOMAS Be BROWN. Carriage, Buggy aga Sulky Builder, SALISBURY) N.C, He 8 pia. he cat gt Me can put tle te call and gyaiutne pis Work or) peter raniclea, bbe te all whe wanta Argiege ye, Prtees if it he deatted” tabs » work at lo cane BOOKSTORE, July 22 Salisbury Planing Mill, SASH FACTORY AND LUMBER BD eeree he On the thovetipsineds, andi vn vites themab buf would always Yecommbend the better | NOPOFICH.* TEAC ANTE, & tifdation by @ Aret-rute Paina 0 eg nd arg Vises Ww He is also youd Moulder y beleam, fie Aer Pr 7 10M wa7 agile or any other bam * ee | Bug y baud ie ce |" COWAN Nay. 4, ts wpa" eens ia GUN AND LOCK “Vegetable ‘Lithotriptic: GUN AND Lc Lredelt Oovinry ‘wc. Jan. 9, 1853, ar \; beaeerte pain athe wees hy pag nie Bell Hanging, wry, dew Pe i The WAU tor ae pitied Oy (MA of pd we bed Blu) ‘¥ote) pay failech 4 TUE pohagriber having mpenep ange! woe DNahad ae Fie tie ‘bee Cibtlahie nt, | voto carry on the) Lacheniplion the wen bt whale Geb oe ubove buwtnest ue the town ef Satish aad 2 dink by [ie Frevgring ie We we gre effe ry, on Water Street, ia oll dg warpgnin honptece eure’ aia brinch GUNS shal LOW a fet whet motee and cat reasons bie terion lbw Prerdinch aciprutanes He etrilingy ~~ : fe “ ' Huty, NG! ra 4 walt This Htoadtity the Pht teed Chine Litide. # +S wrth ibe bo enens, he hopes nll Comentid @ retugess Irple in two cues, with happy effect. bam Lobe sh strc Nib work warranted AMT Lat pape 6 suppressed Menatsuetpay ln ogee sedettow Wo wall be fochfulle ee promnpuy ol- fee gy ye dre ot lige Wa WH Me amb be nes Hendeatithe cirdury rr apantflly wact | Poser sick doy yyy Vite den phe onto, CHARLES SA ATMAN, it wus chioit ‘4 moana sph ye Sale bury, Dob db. poob, 2b: Fite was chrodic ras bth ar amin UF tte Utada id H preh Goarge AL Up igit, PheskdOunandplinamendadoeer; diold Pens, relief, und DT belteve had te poner vere cd, sy San (EpAON rh Gil (hed es “ny nw oh would have twou 0 ae otal a FOS WO Ee be SE Man benyencat tector satel! wane ® Nicos me! i JAV. Biting! BOOKSTORE ; Tal ees Visa i. Ai haneas, Coneey County, “Aynit ppl Ma. Cowan: I write Hh ber med you that ear dough Ensourage Home Industry! ; beat se eres Sah bese 4 pee beahh~ » Opie 1 a Hey at ‘i = o . mone und f dlighi Meo hii 5 vee w a eciad are warrauwed to cure all hammer YARD RE QUICK! BE OUVICK?!? sh ceirabited Gas oneal Weert, TAN WORTH, supy inthe go ; . . 5 . ’ “ tem yours tee meulth pasty any — Silver Uills Gerd. 1835. Lda en eho wares ted fo eure ranuing of the’ ON WEST HILL. Dincibhes N.C. SMALL BELPER AND DEVE! 06 wy ond wes iinch jetpeired, he ha he x ' @ to ¢ rrope } hl ‘ A Powers My work bap plans ee gmat) eutie witch vide be rite sea pried “7 BY bhi. 5 DR. _R K KY ES, na uing ulgers. Mall wud fyctory, wad ace prepare a, Carninh Gree emer in diene ne ' tie wg Bill clisp ecaly eraptiow Ar the okin MAAR Meinber dressed. ue will Plane, ‘Monygue avid ‘3 pletincall bel ae eat hele BAUM A ae Bey a ee oie inet eA eee AS footed int Safishary, and off | ye vpiree tylild are wa veure tiv woret Uroewe plaah futssbeal by .utbdty an:heaake all kmde 0 SM Urtccmined thot aitenear se ee es eat onlin aah MES ] bis priofe ation it sePvices tothe put \cyseed rag u cel) Noch (iesras ey Miele Bud Weel imeralsbange phe reemend Gs the porehacer Lane otit atthe same ald tri, AB Th WITT. Te ee hak Soha wc? ‘ , Reena ay a stand, Kumwa ys th: Mowry Steep, on the Railroag! ed Pees is tweds W vjat ufia vie f r to cure ' " weg, lurming La erelimge for Bougres | well. Slacd. by Cen aeeetege 5 Mise Were, Aprit 2, 1556 ™ fy a be i ind geacewh Blacksmiling eta b Woes (eee icragonteartey chesnigiiece vr phy scram of the Comaly for ee ye mi becUys wee h {ts eur: the salt Buca Tue lke fe cate work m Kol pricre: | Wiceiik will Kesmest and /dapc bled cake ina Se mid the alan wey yop d waa the most hop. RO WAN F CT t ‘ ia DL aoa 0 pqnsnné my werk wad hen! prices, and b Met pas ine (a0e of wupepe pig pode bs chara eves wie A ORY. soi ‘ mintek cxers OFS B cauement ; 7 - wart Livery mncere Rom dy be, Larmppumedy be pont dae t mend abel inc . 1 ' vbuuders and others ace _ bagi : i . A eoecch 1 patronnge oy 4p Hy ie gag vet tee ante wh eee’. mln bogibedn Tribate to whom Tribate i dac;: Ifte the North Fy y shh : Mt rR if fy "c ! NS thatthey hay wed on me here ted yireheved ly yourdathampptc 1 cog BP: Tevet v wank nines Use ‘ . Selene OCH & ann Q JOUN Lo wRIGHE ton other cate dtatlue te tide: wn hee falty’ Pay R-+1f nol, chee arace Moute Mania fi cheb’. Ww (Bee ee eas eee Spee » duh 29 oa tat od wees elem bie Modirmy te alt du ibatty TEVIUS <uesesibere dave gual be ko Way FG. 1 te et ar cituiet nm onbrtieh Gal eae acne ene \ en noe “Dowel Potwuomh-ts PORT daesied ig Slipbury bin sagt aul ‘ é ) r nee \ eure Uuly Hicmy aniigewetas ae ee > v nit WO Lev logbetine, mor DR. M. W HN RHE \D WS ROLELT., wi May an Lag ss pegiir Ey b rate 1 ; wry a ; eh weit _ SHEETINGS & YARNS, Teton eed FART STOCK! wee oe Treotts Tomer ar. Aids d4 , - ‘ we thee Or eae ; ‘ dtd 4 \ penile — is yD OF (owas, Bop Bere Bier Ob the 87s Mey, ead Dice mrs lila Bet actin paste 1 emus oss wre poeane!, ad ye GREAE w tt, Irae ws Veodtiy Uwe oye d tienny dang t:0, equ Ee 16 she Sie ac ajoare ms eRirt epee, titerbh to at why! Biber eve Kanwn ent) Pam nneed sre 1EtG _— SANEOR DS FVVIGOR ATO ae Pet Ais rowley! Balto vas’ favor wn e . ayy ee 5 7 aN Tr 2 iin Wala ‘ tS) if) ( ( ode gd i © ine Cave or wuts ik ; ob ay Rane INDUCES ENTS! SANE OR IN Ra TOR. Vuk th cM Rwee-enrd (he detiontpame ina eibarebech s 9 a ke OW ewk owe hu! bey coped - . -- . of the bre ry chin WeCal totee ae Th Fehon et Sf ereet 4 vl Male tha =n FOR ALL PLAPaLes OF A NTIMLLVEING Bever , v we — yc ante ; aie . | pel id WA dade sper a . , | “le wang ahead “1 Seon canoe ah Fr. H. SAUM, mosicise. BURL ase GRIST MILLS pe WAS JUST RECEIVED HMY SPLENDND °, gf yate nn Sr teh wil eros vg Hhiapdheed room ats . ee ; pads prwcere ne = or ales oa ge Alea anya eg cari! Andy ll atm t cusis he STOCK UE weit Lime Tepe), meal, oprtsin ae wl tne, pabehenge o 1 pompily as pevile sad ax Sere es Cemenve tree . Ke deve a t ’ « oe ( vance the wnet inereds Woavite oe VE VE *) . ote \ ’ Vote) podem end Ade nn eg egeett Armie nity - the prec al Geely ~ moran 46 1 ; I , 1 k eae a Py ev ape oe om » bb ¢ @atrmz culeah fen the bedaecye. uretere ~ Hehe wee 1 . Liver Com ° wmesde rable © ui wt. aed im oth Music. mat ad eve ae ome Net Nae re % erat 4 hye Pe 104 errr organs, ee OO airy IW. tear deter geererena head Made at. Wee aieeres. Ve ante te? bo bir and Tom tf and parieutaty comes ull chrome \ . alc aaa ; . ’ Lowes beer k \ J aswaterr, latreretes ewarkss) licdsesdlem pase cae _ 5 Ju NESS He ay Pe ey 2 pose ; vow Qa: a Yor Sf Joy ve a ( ag _ V4 1 sure: and | | WEAN, MD moo nab Renee Pe Eb ec Be. a ee tN a ie ted armn —- Tain = ae nine © carmpranded wah per Re JUNIUS MENDEMHALL, fT. Pela | . Foe fare The Vovwmania @ commanded 868 P| pia, aes is that You egethsbed Cal Coen, ae I have e e alee id fe . beg: mate Lateemtst ter, arch bene dee OO tewebn! ui oe 2 ol Dre pe hem ave ; ‘ ‘ . ra ye i A LAND ACENT. aig? tion ema th Foe curate rarmis (2° H Pat snd Nave an (p04 19 bwgrtean lias ya THLE SLE eT mare be “> er eh sister oe Foie igs eames wmany id he fava OP tas ! . - te . ' ! A ‘ . . pees 4 Cease bamtot ae VWikgemta, | bene . eA t <4 \ ! Tite ' . A 1 re, Lew geet eabet, were thm biter We ° ~ er ul asi ne ot athe ‘ a hem iy ae \¢ Wiese syom, 1 hore ; nv non . : ee + heen ~~ War baste ee Wt. te Me Bb ‘ PNUBNI GTS eg sa Sys as ; . Lake ‘s J PT, dee rye bb mt vere ened ss crfel) presen uoed i ' \ s aoe se : rr Rksu 2D thew parse 2 ge sud hep $1 dav. <A WRdewn ater Lon 4 : ; : : ” we YAN) mine wD \ ; . » & “ ath! vented Me wet = write y oo . nh cf iia Pebgsery 15, [846 ae A ~ w\ een MANE \ TOW Merrtcc mr eh en nee \ . N tole te Jee tb f change of gm , i A ot diol! What mar ne allbeied DON VL. in k ls aay SOY, niet . aoe «feng ” \ LM oie by ss ot me len} SUN what» Peqes OF dalled (revel | steed oh Ne 190 Warren Sot, Kevhory. Mon Mt omwe:|y 8 . , ¥ 7 eee pare Iran @ pine! «wr ey igrw ‘leet | hed | oe Watches) Welk hous oc . age . 0, Se Wo the omwe than wadinary 61 fete. oe deb daghs W bei-cale \4 2) ‘ ' eee ee, . . 41 OO) ot Oe wer eg” ah wort ow attard ewer, thee- a “wre. Oh ‘ Ke ” A ! Se - > Saati acard “ we ~ Bed DU Pe oab vt { ‘ ’ “ie 7 © fers se ere Pua ek Carecte Ts j \ ° J erat -uY r. x te we 0 od eee pie w the i weeds Rat caripes sl Kies F Nie panera asad . ANDERSON & REYNOLDS, i lanai poe 5 - me How 1 ' a 1 q 1 2 oe wT fhe on ee ‘ 4 . o ’ ‘ mire ‘ CROCERS, 2 { . ’ ton eeere ' s “ I r s . Fe a a4 Mk avi ~ ae ‘omuislow Merchants 3 te a ; , wraely: oy 9) wyenp ° mt Serer weer feo ae Comminion Merchants. Lo haage se ome la thee ade ie) Fee X r ‘ . ‘ . BAU NO 10. ROANOKE SQUARE i eck ieg ; r . sob > Greeusborough Ndi ies % 02 she So Pre Ms Re Ob en thet ey id Le “9. legined. he bine es S Vee . . Pao thy CUES” MUTUAL INSUDANGE COMPANY. , vs ek Son hens et mae es aes ‘tine : ; Sb Anal shes mason Vegas @6s aapuss ‘ fi Md she 5 Fedt equ tod Cag $l amw wy er ew nm pr ietig ied ‘ - a ial a ti el oe ay few x. é (uel wen eas ~* newe Fut L Wall fader ks, ShentN Ro edd ty thee he Gar ceo vo aergile ae' - = meee ove 1m thee ’ eos tow A kote, ar yO hee HO hope AH muchas -y wree od by in ewe! war '‘ ‘ . . neon A» ee \ ® mo = we a. = ; A on Fue “erwens ° . WING EUS! IRON, De ae the at mee pregle oh ene webs Vics ost Ii weil woh Ace ern aoe ee t Cove ‘ . - @ tend ae yw ond aoe ume ecules duets the ee & oe <) & aimee } COMMISSION vote “$e y 1 pn oak aes ortuets: ae re 4 bate Om 44 e | Cos tn the weld that | om 4 thamne 10 fee ond oo \: Geb whee ’ wit ee ALY" Ade - woh D pemid Pin puto lh eke) ere rae Mica'y Importan’ to Pov ilids F _ 1: M b ts ee ees ent) aceln G ee = - - pathy Fee ee meet aa” “? CoD | iVER OIL or Wading ere an } 6 =) Tithe, OM AZ BARD, fists varie ead (ies ee eee ed ous ' = & e wre Lo ‘e "aS pe . ran - VIVEK NOTORED BY na - - - ae rae tn Na J ‘ ' bem seerdiy thet og ow Gade AM Oe \ > f ° ‘ me A= | jeekaeetten ita ” ohu (. Baker & Co. °, ee a ee ee me - one peels pice ; Ae oo ~ 2 tee belied it vee Laatpetinge.- oy ~- pant . s => ¢ + “- ’ 4 thew seats ge nto eee COW A\S — ie : . ‘ wr Ob ele ome Poe be dre it al ke ih b 6 mow ; reper ’ ' r ’ ~ ee = VEGETABLE LICHONTRIPTIC : EUG, P mune fateh at : Pine . . a . pemte PETar ens reteined wert: ofr! an thee wee Pak 4 { bvAM \ T « ume & ° vi AN Ve . , ao . . . . ‘~ eprenmm t: td) cite gecatte 6 mn ; $ an a , pve) bwirwyva t oi age eo ene iess Paty Sel Gos 14 D DISCANSED WIDNEYS, pene ' Cher Sh patie era sl ge ROBAR? ; - . a ee minh tie tres oho mg the . a SALISBURY mg e - NG ! ( ‘ tte ne Mevee der rn 1 . * ee - + = a ore, . * a - ee : aad " 7 . ‘ ‘ ! it PAKS” ; ‘ ete . bork ide, Fouw, dos iis Te bas olaruannion REIT S PLANNER | Tats nee atence egy amine bed ou ae oF Ger theee dave ICON HOR LA ne SHAT EHH tis EH SALE “ ae . . sich ' \ the \ a veer i ‘ eee CO Mids WML ERCHANTS. Ve Dwr dh Romer 5 beeen a haveets eears September 25d, 1855. BODINE DES cee ane co rmcamed decanting «Gad wale omem ric in . leritht a B oe md elt May arabes 4 ANDREW Bacecanry WI\MO\ SER HOTEL, os 8 SALISBURY, a De PALL A& WINTER WV (UO) ple aad barney Ve ( Phe eae , M sul Ase a FOUN Drage tsecerir Rese Wade a " rT ‘ Mas ard Caps, iat padi shoe, ! ‘ A ie pyre, Sf. , Jue i! | + “haw - "? vo acelin een dod ; (Warercitrpicccth: Une aaute mar cas Dye \ | \| RB OO\S TO Pare enctectay RE Btnaees ACCOMMODATIONS ‘ aa : : die ee 1m tac anens ingen SPEND WP, PARAGON. oa AL MERPHY ty fy See eer neateal . a \ pervs “ gat births ob eet ee ~s = , ' ’ Ses 8 Cher MMi. el Minel 6 miloges, Ae. Lp gine erperaeatlee grate nk co be © re ep A Lire ond INF es CAF 16 OE Vert om 9, wd where PLB ue ae ~ a ‘ vane Le een wiebecy dees SOM Mm tote new waa 4 i] ee The treat Irou Wheel Hramined. ’ ; VIPS PAlAR BOWE VIRACTe * \ 1 — Leo ense Oiler for Sole at WOUIIELLLK? om et vere OR. op te ’ e080. OClenee ~ Commission were ats Tn Cotten, Ftoar, G Ra Ad betes » Wradtlre Ver Wreviart esw % oe es ER UT IN C29. yal @tares crntty f4tront, ws: Dr. CU1ARLES T.POWE ie Me vermanentt) loratedin valle Le, respect- rtolem WT we a8 it i i.4 wld, DR. J. J. SUMMERELL, Saran (ba sever daye more where she - ged Les we be sth Ge pe one as ceks ea ol) pros . o- »s ‘ boo tT hentie © ame , - a) . . I oe = Me of 4 é ry . : r \ Fil Now “ f| r “ Vorkredie Teom. Jom 2, bee « J ’ oe" h « yeh of e tok “ . bow me mmeh ¢ ' . « Une : " aad +} D il R : d! ee treed bth gunned AB te of yume medigine in Ten Dollars Rewar Bh elena tga wh el em be h OG FSi sucehell iA bd. Se he PANAWAY s a a ” eomned cfrm ae Fem shart the the tieewte aby RR w TEEN ALY VN sp tnpt nas dele dies, nes empe iste er burned, hee general Rae ' ‘ - , ? all Ueyow he ls | ie s fuse Cae t eich f “ ” auch chase fe * en ae ey ot at weed it hen Lene mer ca wb Mie ower bed bekere ' a Liane eed, the oh PTT @ { aey . : Ait awh RKVEIN GL PRON 1 i sere 4 Wo lipon 6 i Mur @m, badd ‘ ‘ I ne Riwenisnist wre tee AS iewreecerena . poe aM pad wh t A eiterable 1 « « tire ths we aint Wert. me mew ot aAhen to ! heres eh om Chomg owe beitinae! Cowan oe dath ' ead ' P pte - < dis aud mtiength, and Hive etecek Was Bie as aice vheonthe than ( F we Wit teen bt cighicon monte pr lemme ! Wiest hd BARES ma m4 TY) ( Ww (+ te tbe Ba hr) JAMES TOR ATL, Mi YP Cnatige By Mating eailtcd the reel ’ Aus ’ PROM OREE KE peta fin the eM) oem edi or meetw WATCH-MAKER AND JEWELER, eae a a Ang! woh tlre \ u {ws \ Palle la alice - Qae dear briow KH. A VL. Nurpley's Stare, this bine. | 1 Omidideadueecbodwaredh "RE ' : iN WItcitns IT WETAY Keita he gr Revs if WINES Chicka, W . Jewoley fewer d prtie Pe pared mn tle be kom Fadion the invet r-esuan 5 He aris hept for Sule af \ } Ny 38 | Carvliue Waateliean il ge = =a & di e = ~— Ss £5 £2 = eo ee e oh be t cm w t a n e t. “ek én bo con jc ha ou ple t tae noe we afte «9 Wey farn 1 an rane y. oanaen, Yea to vid He cs of Neal 4 . ‘s kin of 1 gunade ania ot Ne p lod is y ase Our jegi, 42 moleBadtes oP). TOA tit fourm iidvem + Virtues POR THE WATOM MAY, ) 6 Wem loys 4)! ’ ) oRmA y +f r ‘ mi (7 vie! te Wtevi RAL SCHOOLAY | « tptic; wid vet alt rite wie ‘i y asi a - fn , : i ; & 4 i ft J ; ee : i : : : . : with his audience : hie etre J . Be 1 POU thik sine « 4 oe B 4 ( ‘ ‘omc! in stitdlants + but ay- “lipase My we HT A) 2 I fl at wre “ ti ‘ oa ie her. Grr <r 4 i in fh y ‘YY beReaghan these myti na ria cole fe 35 regrwedt rr ba w a unlcaeb clavate nt uli io 4 ol baw ji we Hart atiecle en Ney « ti ve yatitonos oty bet ot -N merce et ho Se st 8 i . ry Md + ; Mauea ils Secthth sethd <td sees peed elgg! te teenie eet epee eee nica igi cues pba vl oive bese ylanie ap thing bashes Used eer erg da Cre Awsig NY ony sede}, hy: the) earl belioe PE rout 1d 17 tifa one able gilli ys gate b aa) tesa ATW feo! baer tre get tie, doc he ee Minot ee hee uss Re petra which our young oghye dat ; errs, F dhe mmpronunept of; Nprth “hs : Devated to: f As ' ld wt tevvirg T agp xd ah sonst ot ’ ri oi fei gid a ; oy oust intorth as w new and better rien Cpinncntiendat shin asin CDOLED 16 is olturt; meals, Wanuaerce, the Sets and: Scie ai ; |Shrzem prevehee Wi nctring of 4 { y Of a billtocsiall! : joke Agriqn! tmtal t 1) ee a te) aunt Vf toe; 449 jo Ta (ae Fy api veal tid h he pane by a x . at y or ity, ad the Sanity Circte. ay te Winds ao dike it wit ash ec ’ | : ONE IS Uheot 2 OU! Yaa Ee Beak ore Py 8 eee a ge i" toma dd hd aul, like vif » like Bu ind A rn Se jp etch eG gression at distwict in! the Stee: Tig) : ' i Soy Wwe Wa OeNTh TOT Tie Mey ona F : ; Ae . j ; 7” Nie, | Hi we fats Lithée. A pirnw y oo oilers alg ica ; sees seth See tits oidialcuetdizitey oil edt enolzun vin 66 one. ‘i canta ; Adour ie, helVively, instiges i, ip ae eee ce Ciceptgieciimeeruntmenrngs SAR en a be ady ~ pi bow g! ‘ ‘ es Wo aerate: , , ? i 7 sf songh tares miugle with the wl , had : it . e f S t : ao 4 et 2 n't 1 (egy wipe: ‘ 7 ss y oa Sa ‘s | the wheat, 39% Sune MRM ATH oC ei eo, 7 AES BERY, N, Sig DECRIBER Y 1808... | MUMBER XXV ae ee erie Lt aS is we 9s gece Tht ? | = . f = : ‘ sitetative {ois toy drier belting Ri ton ‘to | I sp eyy deepest sperms Fire : ‘ ‘ : Wits . > a ' er ee debel geet TR sai cae Uma ; {po.miany dines wad Wile. : Oe ie , if . nh Pas “ 32 7 7 oh Gime t se nn a A a me — Tho follaes ini er purpero di : y y spread benefits, - | mal Seientihe Schools, wi teh) je : ; Qi WT Tadd y DAY wigh es bast 7 elt, TT _ a ‘ ing sublime‘ ode to the sta . Diy ha, ) stage Sate HE tury mdm foie tice inal re nS pee : alert Stee (0 tb sar by the maui | 11 fe oP els Beliipages, Pavionn.. a. (nie dh? Ttiok POF otw pale, coupled scith ie Moin the Russian anthology, ‘am : NyMlp a TR ive. 8, oun cm enihe ; ‘ ym, Pg, milligewoe, of her edacuted advaptages under, which bo | 1 : PERG yy Or PL The ou Hews Mat decaptt its , se VME 'p. : ee ‘ lity | ata ctiathe \eattey to, : Pu rh kta wd tea XetKill TUE PERG APORY OF PUBLIC. OF-y Ne coupeloy , capitation awaits waieten bythe-eelebrated Derghi ' ni edueate her children —rAdaswtnniali, Bie W Wdeh ob e satin” se 4145 shiny ay 0 stim of theneri| the t siveagth of vietyous arpay pel tah a Tee WHY iNANS Beso tite pee oc rate en. — te a ar are eS SE PI ee eee ocd adn GLY Ln a a to a sr the a Glemened tase cnenls WAS VW id CURR ss heh pReaktinticotor: madeira ton a ae lee “Mh Yoipiténes bappy ‘add We home, Wyo-qhpde: 2k PAMtIRINWe on sleving appointed tot ft han ! Mee es by ores of; tho Emperor, ¥ beshn i , ieee ty om agro een eulforsed tbe i gy a .f eae phish r yee an’ itil ie tor cit Yove MIs! ead sit te moa, be apaured Ly lawon qnaten : als 4 sal hieTag profession, I si Petes dil rast pa in'gold . in ome, ta edt baersed ‘ oy eine be ‘ ad rldaned mn hore patent aus deie' ; bebe fone a things. #7 leher acatedaa ee tits iy at labor, degra ea aan? drddlion gave: syne _ os ave dlity one hope to cling fo -througlr beisinetneeltaed 2 pe . je “ar chee, ¢ ations wi regard to Ay Inanger jn whicls 44 buainente {he bith dnamesboeed de dhrtase tesar, -: OY Wee dewtanrd thet be id.ne respeenen of ie thhe he who’ tol Mat take” fhe” ont oF Biking arnt of twit capasity: to fois Thi a, pels of poveley Git table ine in tated ee” nto the inese aud Tartar lan- ° A hod tbe : ‘ thie : d be done mont the a tasrecy The! edtates of Sgotland oy: tite ri oe ernemkaod: that he juilyes alt moa according | round m the social ladder? That‘ rise calf dopey bP tation they wiglit be wtimnlated te fie, dd ‘that is,’a try fr Mpmrgcs, written on a piece of rich silk, BY bhine 5 e North. Carofiun bags bg iw dager white 1606 “ fur the sewing of tino th ‘to their atfions, therdore, it 4 ‘mibrely Judie. gress shall not cntet into his vocabulary, bd: address, thoutsckvea totthe werk bofure! wig! und suspended in the I iab P, - “see Ler sintaes wore retina sechenonpeticn get ths iO: baker i ‘tiegtige a ety not heath nnd ME tamales tie fellow coor ingly. = nnn mille ll hats mapiriages Liv aatul, aug AEH Mth MH! eonfidenoe of being com uppermost. In the meantime, L lave x fut was translated te the -lenpdet- ha Wire fiuanon of 0 fow past begielntisen had told, andis tell We it Vohe Voit thy Uae is Bane yew The Fiotineti bid 200 dati eae: oe peta veep a\sicnlas sat proviléheesdOtda) ly instalbey Gon Lic. -Beithe ints family depefden ve Apen ine, who tal Palace atTekin. lewas transtatéd in- Mise Were, nor yal pho nboweiyaangndetedn ag Whew Nuttli Carolina may occupy the aame (Ae POV any wojies and, iitibeval, bat evidenecey Ade hin, Ob shawe on tenpeide wide Stic, pH nein! a.sok “xotutiol” splays ead ea apg a he haber se Neveis edb i xs follows, by Dr.” Bowting, By aa in the and bb si Leer . yrrid £| fiesitian, fa thepchovle we wink, Lurpished with of Grea} mental weaknem, end: went of ducraps+ Keliboem of Ais vpeld. Welton, wil aan ace YOR Kite 9} sch fupeies.. Froty abe | Peay vat a ptte! pale setae The apd fs said to ave lost much of its origi- open totreed'of wealth 'and nd Te-Lderohe haachary, aud pemiplete ayy:statinr eon, PRSUBA Mora pringlen, Man, whom Chal pb’ ze Bia beotber’s rights, |. Math, moment the Chief Magistragy ehemges ure scomplishiod for the paclor and abe! ™#! beauty by the translation, It ig» tr ov sured that her ale - reer rd radsek (Pirigibmy and the wegve theories of enthusins, “M *elared tris noblpet work, and whose dest, Rie ee Yo ap) Bein hands, there is a fluttering in the pfficial promenade, at ere,ag, ignorant. of the) Ube gomposiion, and should’ be pre- RY abe ‘ Senaranigeess UIYY **8 paseldcvmial ator the brigchtoe-tighe'or direct |") * Maped by Mia omnipyieet power, andl rad hee the Presbyerian, dove cotes, and afew months later thorsitclen aps slp serying rucsn 63 oye. of | 8¢rwed audvcemimiltod to wemory!by év- a 'GQt-the outf‘hopd of petit Aerating in| sherimemt—the requinerment of tay fopthfel, rune Place in the eccnomy of thie world ix ap) SYNOD Ov NOK CATES), dinerbange. eplavinates in w, generat dit Ag v4 ena Paap: lero cf OUT NPI bi Binns ta sume tx tw tbe Gdudditiod — estting'atlicated cee itt ta Ue Wudied, the best syitem Of teseb {igied bite’ by the ane Ne Power, miist “oft Limes ! e bebo, ; dng of persons and etlgeta, very aispitsar® , te , this yaa da analy eee as FiPrak One: why jonieaes ek rw! aaa tie - re oa Mag’ introduced, and the physiology of ealiute and {02 eed & the wheharitable sneer, the liuk The Synod-of Notth Carolina met at ty that, whigh ooeurs.pnapalty ew Mayday y a peed ye 4 ge is dd icbay, of mydoe pease’ aa redefltyg,' he's ee fre oa ke a me fon sity oF pingty be known,” pofeomsempl, the word of reproach, ‘by thos PayetteviMey in Abn e@tare! on Wednesday “among. the doaeen Janis of the Kare dr Ninh ey bigh Pron paenk : iis. here tebe sl fy ‘Tiind’s lt devasiasing Rigi, Jaret pied saranas wii ; ; H x {exer ah i ae Lette ee sous eho bite Gof Ard te db ide! on me perros rca lange bse gg age Serpe ray aia aya se a Fava ny tala rl eivaginelas epee cele ts eae Te eat yrockers, Now jt.may be a wees, pleas been acenstaned.to. eutentain, and ay “Being Maw Wubcringtyear A Niiprdigeads t ’ remark that “ Knowled zo is pow- pT PSEA from the hpurblest aed ‘winddle slew ‘ nl oe lg ee traits of there, D. D., the retiring Mode ralugofter (ft eee ja imagivptiog, for haegry. as Sg Lem costuin ingdility ? a thew Ri Hime Chin cuthpeht 8d Hid woe été, phic, the et,” Rae Beer demonstrated id ebery age pel Amat ye—olten G00) she Gilemnel the soil, jet , yor, thou! which the Ter. Neill Me Key sees picdnte ty draw qnbbig. sates for ei.po tS 6M prevent, position, Be slall hayera Who first existence wad THY slows nodh cubobewhee Lave the move Ustiwlada are sore oe AM Semen tan anid ef tailig, er wsemieret, that the being tho made the the next Modefator, —Althengly Eyyigttce Lio of Four jae, ba tiie euay mand tt NA PR 8 08. K a Tannen ery Sir fehelendey ining tng to vm ' Sey ole i fy) | tp elittipu oa Which thy (paiznié ee aaa pagenrpin alls Dey AB Nice U | BONE PGP Mie 8 - af publie appointinents from the mpune_ gf +Bei ig whe wd cul Gods Fe Bietinge 48 the cobtiest theif teas laf ries! nuigle & aequire av edneation — their genius, tGadlh, val obs ig ae ee = mae men nf = Sree, sy aye feeding hay its, deawhaeks veverilicless. ; urtyal 4 competanoe may Naseer iN alt Snes clined i AL teat teal y bore. This is eminently the case in the most) a el © dower ie byrnte bush apscen “ales pill an i aps a mee! naar re ve iB 4 Cust 8 From she Yq) mpuneut lacy add draftes ee Colgan qeul Gaculers ame Af Coat ales ybige em ean ahilnpty cotathow Oeeupations of Ti. Our present edu ! ; 27 eet es 1€¥ to Lis creatarés, bas twucht thee to Sry stig ride ue saceihvet a, b ar : pitty the serpigny thay fiud, thewselvos ju aes a ATE. TYLi meetin ps i Urioneres Audi iat Pel ad Mii iodide atte Saas as Soe is manifestly imperfect — we ros ni MEDS ddan epamrpsioas brother, md to fare his wars, Ix pleased ei Fear River, Tike nies ph ase rs vases Ti¥OR, Wit Unwir ebd pebitien! nasaciates pts Ab oe 2 a HR te, eke Aare ts whe ° Rommen school, the seadery and the "th many a ts of America, could doubt. | thy acfiees'I—ts. whe rs The promingpe 8 pate pA faanane eae A Geld of. 0 “ 14 Aw ww WONT ccs evegaanes Regent’ oo Re ‘ etl ; ae boble ‘wi i ee ee ee ie pe loiecaeeel ait) TERK AMEE LS ents Mie etl, riety opow :Lestowing the advan far phic Civic ee Phe | reg hig sparky collegm) The com mon rehool i» cunmdered com, | tell a seubaturpud the ivteh of & > &re will be required. The advantages which wegith : ted reity Sere Abe amportawca and yily fhe appusition art ‘basily quonter-, seeps re ask, and | kot 3 "Leng par pad ay " i La Lamar Mot danke a ar peteas eat oda aleaegh eh ee Prrelateed crater, aun many opportunites tw the dover Cr PreY Of pring gare. cffician: paler. miu04 90 .she eles. Keety atibdeh olde bia signitiqnly 5 ,Beenk stones eters! Aud check ete ee eS ies py « and m ical josfitate, on iv- | YY he evhng. A geortene, aimed of porer- trpinvat of all that is noble psy to Lee, Union reheat ben tilt: \ ; : ee ahd abet ty “ead canagles hoet »e¥ tage con apas oi igh, trofagtion, ty. cee ‘ ‘ : ely '¢ Ince ki ; : ! ; < ech Die ithok, p Sepp ing stone ty Ube guilege Thay (S: These achoule i etrthes as coe BD is Generous and dyvely at Pe Echward,Abieginia, ened ily ise.” flmse dowldy iv damper! -Victuntted nian ade ay resrig: muchinoeat “hy, like fig mateo Mensiny ¥ FOUN Brn» rb clesiring Levents: wallege engeie ithe-tnak LiberTidsiite 6 he ea Whiarthrte c for the full de ghupmeet nevokent o crations-of the Cherch, as ee fat-the Presidential term, e'ts ci- sere epttos oe eS Tet Gon pci tae aba a ae bes to prepare for the pritction! bud nane of Nite Pdr Yui me Amana Me dig “cate will bold Ue tespyeritle, Lye ; nductesd) by ple foe Dyarda tbe Cini cl: eet okarte dome by his frinde wt tlre end (ween Maren pon Aigsiiprtas Claimey Pit! Shae —thewrwatt are kaad, wa Thee ten the : i "Hilton, “Bait well oth i dub be " neptegh dl cad humble 44 ia pemigund ay, EMension Committee, and the Aiccican jst dhat teri, Or stormed out be lide or aw bu rtiben dd, ne Bre eviey Bas i)9 krapalaiate— al ero bope atadetiy’on MPI for whit | pt Sineme Bo ing duh be Very quch fu be Yess thy brother! Wilt tho hike dell Sdeidt y2> Phe Ree. Moses 1 Me... bi s ere. lor aw funest ti volibood, but don’t eee! Ben iy tay . ‘often they adither tabcbl gear Lgpt ® yatil he | feb tet hie he sadets bye working, ay ten *yttied Phrwee of - : m, like tke pBL Ln, adi [techs Vii : lube! nd hes Mates. -dho happy vedectiinethar possess & Wir pablie ottiec, hower ex gravidwsby of ' = 5 Sieret~s ad Ae pau Tvs a i] i ‘ sie of v "1 na by, er ra > yony ‘ P » tr . ey P J) Sule origin —all Inte, as abe is fo ete acetone gant show 28" FREE 9RRM the thd. Sha svelte! tbe guid Suaivrilie, etichd wen) Like ak, Ret: Willian Hogey-of Brinée Kiward, S108! A Unjoruntl: besteged, may be mia Le terndared, guid Lowes ee team: Py ward ores sll, and sob crete ; » eale wuts’ Lim the yore preagat om, behalé of Unies: Seinin thet! aw part from the felbeix 2 te. ang die aanpers way appeur tO AUER Dy wyeudur fils ul sole ear, ture prospects Yours very ytbenr, ‘Teba-toti hadasewegcae bal be : Glories! Great? 3 Vey setae beer td ithe tmatiame dae ox eb Ht Sat ghypelah, autecine peby tale ba 4 ‘ F & Meme telpiny hand and raise him from the vale] — ; > 9 : : fa U ame , z . ary; the Rey. W a of 464 qu om rma with about the same amowdlt ff Kulp ttcoige aralth. pay the geenten part ef tin Oupidtenen whil md Ay the dew of iby cliarity refresh lis heart. Pidedelplan toy i. Poo a rey rei M ae pin Jenwalen dows deve prese oT Ags owen \ oe a) « ' Sate Gt gle mppsermig Pot cntate L Bay hiber wm. h hote wm wor Tags WF uid "s the cele weturd to Listens @RN wwhind ferF poly 4 Freee ’ > ae = : a, eed gry vigor Wrarech that ie good aud aut ia his nd Publication and Ure Meve Jaured \r Ye: ichhascel ima te —— Mad, itd ; cateiad ‘ atopy biomes RV Wiebe. some fourth ligent dates gh dgalc Sattnped Br the intel. /reany gquncmrer tmnutions sell fle beart, ity the Amncricay Bible Speiety: A fan yomouia lr. hpargroa’s Pernonal Appe = beak, ‘Wheecty Fos lake win breath 2! ak 7 Oration, o the Joc ratiue of indepemdener ae ru Aiivficay cit jae, Spe |‘ principles: atid hie cout, acd im Boe tite there 8 attentive audieyce was, present Th Dewr, Satth rb have no dowdt you . hae — Theva UG Bhi ahi with the end ast bound, ; Thin difficulty we think ‘cag Ge alleviated alume | 0 87 Those cvunccten! y ith toe Nereral dhpaat feeder plouts will attaio vigprum growth, and) [15 the addrespes apd diecu ae “ay rts feat pep henge ger he wad and Mauver tu the Palpit. PAvd bestth Aaty’ othedted tit and death! SUupeden, for Uae dae \ hee ver sid | Re sparks ou upwerdy thie the tery Wine, = these vasious'tubjeets, andthe hapyt wwe Lay pres poud ne rites tywiteg forth fede “Pie woah! go owt pn!ous sad 1 { 1 i Tesens scemed te he » rl (he fonudation of an asthuastic affection + sii amie as siege ileus eden } ¥repered lo seach Che | state when polahed wi! beam reaplendvathy we | 1) wir apoe OH spenkia® at caucusses and a ile wer and Advocate thas dvecribes Mr ao -« wees thie quemy on wh Oo claw of Wus at a i ls. P | baa, j > a commen & |wle— to imedrugt, mot to i rat j : , Uy ede. Preach man ddes oti omalex ww ovat se 8 wired nye these | um. thy vision. Shall we dare say that the edarse , 8 wore Largely isa reed Borongh um-s meetings, is He best evidence of Oparweon : Shine rowed ihe miver savw, the pageantry ’ The wi 'book Sy oder hin charge—lo expect J tcachers ip the . A oa ao oe agrnet bd eema@ond who te ehiv the ee aed ae aod rung hand ase evidences of casttcness oul the pessions Sermons were deliver i Leer dewotton. They tell ‘me I have, ere pow, given you a brief ne ae ee ee = ee ae 7 Miperils, down by po wera bees | oe) Oo wicity Persont 8) roel on rwigacty of wotgliect, That the sum td KY the Rev. Joseph M. Adkinson, Rov, Get? alse that you, kave foundered tweot dketeh dt BE” Spurgeon, the -pupulag | 4 ib time torches Teh Navara eteniite Agupctnres Khoon | pitinte of the’ wrRer was that Sierra | af vont, the modest, Sepreicadiag aeehavia of P. Li Perrick, Rev. G. Wall, Rev W. emer trig eign ed Canvassing the coun: ptcdckePal Qondyn ag titis ca fe ig! w ae . eee yy aang ag? — 1 . we suppare of the | leod are a inferior order of God's geauon. ©! Gekeuck inf Philadelphia. Hev. Moses y, that the State Ceatral Committee im not pop Olar with the refined classes; wor Thy od Toy power, Ps cock ae pian 8 | (eg lew prbctnast, seni. Ledidurnd Met crelusivels, if so id showld be avenged. | A ted mad heart like the diamond m the romgh hom laid at Aather the reverse. The sentedbj-ttien, ex | Letntndl 2 Ge. oieosl : ' agalh : : a : 2 arytly indebted to yo , i | = egypt tha time, may be rained nat teachers generally in the State, vis: that they shall occu VD. Uoge, D. DL, ev. A. W. Mil! F Bee cuue to your parse for libers ie uldced { - as " gm onmen 10 oe " v PY 8 position ia the somal . ’ - A.W. Miller, and be ot s es eg ee wll after the Melyilie An gay eh Ne, off ot : wwe that dopartamet at the | niverety that w enged | Ce wt weubd In Sot, nether Lup, boys. poming Som | scale, which at unee-degrages them! Ther, of Rev, iam Hoge. Fhe andicnce most oe Carry ou the war effet. |dweded; wor it Ne aught but a violent Whee Ait wield die Plena “yata) gi Sean wemnat tabling WibAary courer, trevicdey with |” PEM Peimary nebaols, to tbe cbigber, if | Mf otters, art hore fre Weep presse of heed tthe He were ermerded and selem a Toon uoTeever you have jeopardised contrast, beth im person aad manner, ts 4 pina compos of gotten ncvelle® ve wee et Prcgent Tiber} soge if Mabe were Uney had sever acon a bak Lepord Ge. averted | pis ahd § . agin \ Bible meeting of Cxtraorfinary intus.t OM See Mean you lite put comainehp, ' the gentle, clegdut, yet earuest Bapiist bad el tléedil ecttier berway bi em ene ne eS 2 tes, gon sensilihues » loch slrink foom' wos lela , - th odd seoeurily f | 1 nv are 5s p home Mote chairs of the saine sort at Chapel rehenemts, f tiety bred newer enced their Former | harbeepe, pad wither under the Sino wld am Ratanta: veting, eh! ’ roth td Mpa thesenu- Noel Spurgevh je yt twenty-fuwe ) care, “we tite; ¥y went WER thi w oy ous beams ? 1 “ sehoul houses ; theit know ledge is no more x | ety er under (he Pvocee of ug wad nddresaecdby the Kev. James Ve Veil! arnt ne get SRE Pet borlwwd,, old. “Me Begun, like Wilham Jay, to Ba Thou heat WA cethie diets wight? rp Secre'ary of ie Amertean Bi Sailae st von Dope to relieve your phat) preach when wwost » buy. He haa ak Vee pen fea bie et ae a drop of wales jc hese TY, Urey wombl de the peuple of N. Carvlina rs resentation of cmrert learwitag than the ditapf bud, eRe bibs groped : There are in many of the northern colleges of dated Wy oO Vagie BU Weld cow vooros | ti hah fortune by Rpplying for an office. been at & college. Lis father isa Leap | ay pty Aon ano ine advive aud do nothing of fe! tist wiinister, aad he las @ younger bro whe apo woe adage P x <TH ere lee oompudt merle: qumpaged Ge Tape t. i hen. | bave Leen @ worker in t ve Care! r ud io! : + eed AS And wpat am [. Use Heases’y 80 bred bh owt Fe he C ‘ 1Gy la 1 tue Baptist Cy eye. al t if ppb w anal nay be Prestinod tet Stepney wits tires Bay, will be sUpertor. Th "t aA n ree Urader te present system of things, much by the ev. Wi E Schenck, aud Ly tne at me meble, bifly and generous i crushe! out v Witiain ye The Sywrgd.aadjor Th ora yale 8 : (0 country, departments fur Lacking agricul.” "eater oF the Seeasing Pectinewon of esr A euntengr, woes wurth recerers nocacouras late mm Satardiy wight, but nuited non Palery royf, en ap ptt alas thea: sa 1 ‘. . ty et Whey) 'ryl ee baine are Dled by men qo r pal show Whe) erat, hemble talent is frowned at an! iL bath ine dehyhttnt celetrati re { ear = a ie e = : NG aK 1 ri fe A epee d ma) nw a eho Gir} by oo kastinl chaos tack Augueie etd Horsce. | srowul of moral pen pe see) I Tol wake a Hine pledge vl ils mysteries to leateci(, Me Bs, won 8 of the wiki. ke oF he ghey od ~ ede aaheregy ed a The weather thro iyhout fhe week S @ Couton saviag dewn Seugh |e ree—thiel set om agare, with a deep whe ; Calne : ‘ ne AO shen ip be siahce wedbed : eo the antelig¢rnee of the Northers Agr Pt pene lela aby jpeteowen bene tit oan Wramecl = The hupest, intelligen!, pereayving mechamer < Bd Mls cheme thease whe Lave draft res eetethe flasty. fa at tet th-teny Wee prention cet Limam, vet bee pieced them Where they ‘ee ane Led . ov in mer - aruumg. The Jaane grit ate? PY) Us win vat yelled i wwe dra tk ny Me water | Cayteeso js chet,ani a tirrowt and tongwe,) wtelnel hy preetia’ PERE ths dcosiinal, that: clot abo - ate, bent intedligener stune ; sr ‘the Chae Mt uy popepy of fat people uf Fayetterdie was) cord ee PAM, Wave piatonate lnee for’ aud lq, all Gremmed tor eubornert aratiope 1 Acius: Loamtel Wha val f a : « rs So amting 4 dikrem ww kc ahead aad pew a we, Ube trepted ergeist whuse hands are damn. unbounded. and the tice ever aftdr. Lut oe we a tarbid cui! His lair is blatk, over a te lapr athe! , ah 1. (ew, imaging > \ vest eral vin : ' 5 heral Ae Lat Waefhar War thee Galei\ones FL Vie ae” Ot the % comqvaled ander ify emcased im strae cylured ot priunrowe baja, 0 bese 0 thommayhiy made aniler 1i cverthelyse, Wath respect te offiey the! forviicad 5 ing eta dark and deepiy got Nevgne’ Stet tee-cGluvece of Fay tigte detee, [I the eulboh af wneyWit ated ° A, i z ae Hs frotien Beate coat weriz fill the Aemet { borttc mut L areal id , ” latrines We do who ia mor eomoyrned ablogt tle te of hue exe thevetion of the Rev. A. Gilehriat. the os og Ses Uy much the same, plfis wanner in the pulpit is cwceyy Stuy Pesnedeng wu9 tiny Qae reacted my mambo 5 rodin idl gretatdre will Lek ac thm matier with Wht, the tudor‘ of bis. meunche ce per ollie ‘cellent and Leteved pastor ofthe } acette/ \ g reatng of the puble rations the; frst iy Ugst phy sical Chere), iaipmtied Vow, in may spreicat Thap nite als ne, 6 fret ak ’ . tacky {ad theatre? ’ . > ae ber . The majority of oun lepers py ct reg. a act Pit rerum determination — Let the State appre labnSrim? slew et Ines liken i, ; vaile chute, (ant the whelegresion. were | ' ie vit wi T, and tiver foul by a tebemeut petpyse, and a deteruy 2 Dd he seoletames = dtop f dew -_ eave poph Theny Po pertie tie py priate safbes tiv fur these eelcule arerit i! saved @ heeets aed) =i ; telagitfal to al comecrned. Wa. trnat rlomer satixffed, been a Nfe of case maton to arouse foun the bepouius Lp Andi bred Ove. ad on dlope's parege My oe wd Ao 2 . seed Me tact inl Rat ehh the ri F _ id prenty has rendered t ome a tt { 4 ad BYE gre ime = gesting Lnspiee Ramble cad une dling ae arta Cheie Geis om A nod the hisiors of the marid will Leer imahe runen for so Rie ; we By nod bas heft beljind them A suvet my tre devel the appetite fas’ roads Us Pein abruptly 5 be praye witli oe write a manne we Thee. egih dha me o@t 10 the assertion, that, in te savour of Cbnat, which will long alnde,) Ve Sd letcued upon us wetuahab-petartting rapidily, ay, ye sad dwell. ampumang baggh. . rem 06 :cdliege, aed thus the lrofeesors being : y 0 B very Ow era, | let whose head is Imentably ereoty SGeet { A i f sloth! a \ ' : - Aa) oe Jt WOU BAY 4) K pen 4. te tapes « 2 trading ' peters dollar eill be returned to | a \ ver) ald predace saving resuits Hulvess, Which are ditfeals to; sometiues with irreverence Aued t manele 9 TR ae |‘ heoretiqn fed must of necessity be of cory hen : wrvel to ber coffer with bes mut pet lenened thet charactet, nul mone, be o You ask for my ad vier and Hicr ied Baal Pom Gud, ead surely Troe meat be vat . ; aie papa a jrecstculelde mteret, fhe cause w// peaduce of gh 1a rf ; : 7 lean : J » And Mere te a paoewer in ity au Ja fervour aad eo wae a sak ota should br valoed; athengh the drowey power , ; | UIT prove unhalatabhy | futwesa, 100, w hick wom maaade breathe The an any. gasing oi. Th j AU ' ya yee oe et Naurth f then's enple Wave been stirred, and vast iin AWEFULLY SEDDEN DEATII Ral} tyou frankly. Dont ¢hke of" intardats Ryetisin does ete BIA, Aud jet "erect whe eotit wag u : Nas ae { gt 4 ara Rae B » 1, at iu , : ; Pay, 3 ‘ Je ren us Meee ; ; the tetas etd el arias cringls called \ ae relinas? prey le ate mew wi my ifrh \ | provements made im vanous decar ; . The New Orleans papers any . t tis fered to You without sep say, Ne is very young, aud he pin ‘ 1). curds ay waimdering heart j - 1 hte@ the treme tbe £ wid “ ? nad ( i 1 , ; ‘ ‘ bp 2 , Come. y the tempraell execueesieaiie (iru ‘pe ie a , forvet freed Grom the: i tee perticuder thy are yet mmvtaily wiep death of Judge John C. Larne, of | “ wu, tow : 7 tuan of cour eam [ct speak ot pray (luds, as au eXpyrenced, Dheragh: Bt ai Bt), si adiot fmeneiey ; 7 ‘ e ' , . Ms . boc »* Aitu ‘i A < | t Sar 8B en Miele, Jet Wer reeords uf Krermmus, of Scolar, | ct hiaea © Pagleud. The snl mi here.) Vistas pyedect when gworimial with asefil v. The Picayune cava fre ; 2 saad docrtepar Cliristian, awd with petitiuns fer evers | 1a a omethate, (apthine by Thy baud! feted salah: Namelibghond 9p: the (vende af mines) Cre mmm Wry MA we thes hase Reeves) jhesdivsdh chesl) comieced Ac cancel aos t! Ulecsiny wanld rere ee Ene a eet mime Divine teaching. >; / eet MMe ere teives smtrorti ae - j . . ' ee fe ic Mgt } rail 2 i 2 ie x4 MW \ ' ! « es L t t é Obs ‘ \ . ne 4 the vetted wallh chow, that tls 5 a Alumer cess ie nae Atha rycht grade, let ws have Agnesi:) Actdes should make \ p the wm of characte” er} rape Ih; gle : aeatl wasavtill oy, 4 : Hs : aD yp sitiun r re chagter,,, 22m ht ae ee at ee, oe & s ; (ated ephemede, wath mabe! be ‘ i . ou iden. 8 Wile bad been hadi jpn, . Nata torrent ofiw ards ! fiat tithe “SO Hee tr dems where rugeta eve thew bicth, ek vee where conmon a nee and etmmean Apete nes 2 » reek wlewe the besdt a: mot the matiunun of sbeollare atl nis and he remained home to keep hoi ¢ rhe amid for instance, an inenmbent rewtirke, quaint and pithy ! \ ] 7 — Jos unde’) of the sper t tune? ene Se Bee eed, fr dram will the achatihk P onan reward or he pradecd. | That eviis grow out of the {ser evetem wide) fan) He Jay on alow coldly «pitite we wr Years standing, wali) what the; he knows ] Bibles " ot , fa) } py PMs d ae Yr 1 i } is ; - = : is heb a o “Lae : 1 And pling Qraree ston! bre a priethon? « lruwnria wt ee Cab de beet impdeerteme of cul. | gor eens on rety, all ate glans netedeet. Tr oD wneonin mip ebecerful. Shu recd ned Wy # Sood salary, but wlich war: lectAte. The Fog)ol: will not stand tus ‘ el tec 2 warapte ap me, t te od 4 Y t op ie Pe" ' iE ‘ O18 O66 au . a] et ® = a ‘ base Ther tblscurde of Jitih Ty, thbe of law oe aml aed werd wnd afl the dierent anit | father cunecree) aber tie murda) pone of hi Meg the floor, bears gon hie sbuuluer, > ! x Amere pitta wicn Hock ia rapid, running counugntur ne f 1 + a ate ‘ - hae 207 schoo of melicwc, pet there profwices )” the State thorughly and precticsfly, ne @ell we and wank aa eye to Iie bytere ex dtation ane (1 8D about her sthe child on the sofa the Femandle of party are satisfied. L'which, jiagy miud, lan » Deda nee en en edi bore c ? Sm ileowtcaly Weed tex To pox . “| piaysug with ws fathe Seite a ve dived well ant kept good society. 'th fection Gta meee aad (h- ectnmg. and am desi eee dave Tw avery small frachor of gar eatue pupule | rein 3 be pe best ppeemeps sbywt fig lem for a profemwwe: ofttumes ha | ip Mie M!! k od auaeea: y gees Bile 1 enjoyed i it as aM scl ble | be : sa Fn eae ance a deme Teas + aNd 4 Meee worm, = (ued ’ ae ' ee F at) the pruducts of each farm be « yame : : ; © Bl asked abrupliy, “Papa, wuat : a hgh much as paaaille | Ofere, aad as preparutory Whe s ri Vb moda onl ’ poe ene @ Croero 1a bee Lee Ufbreg very gevtinent rei 2a as mr be cthilate! at) meags are slender, amd in ibe Alte) be finde inales your eyea ra A aA on at “ a sau tu do who hes bad the eword) Next coun tp path ’ . Adie Se Tao Then cele ee . e & ire \ wt i c \ ) 1 mm > 1 ' - vs Lic how {- flee no) ier 4 7 : \ tol we that” ofall the pr ditnide potreuits of fell x ‘ fae and alos ple and sinmecif laboong under pecuminy embarrass 6.11 sive streteb, Lo said to ‘ Damoclos comunually Suepeuded oser) delivered in my owt ees see i * . eo el) ; , or ’ : ® lis \ J iy heal nomy own clivred he tert Live drole theoagh on sae eae: wed 7 these i done better than agred)1ue—~nene " Sakeror mt of the piae aed tame of wowing, lreents ; whi the tan ufeo, fur want of capac ‘My darting, Law dying! Nae ur Tt has been Cepected of we—and | is, There they cructicd Him? { | Wear feet 112i when anion mis bs = : 3 ¥ $ Net unused i r : i bey cru thin (077, ee tol sheke ll uals be gives Hore lwerstive—none gre agreeable none Cultivating, ned gathermg the Aifereut crops, ‘ty, fails to accomplish what his father su much {0 spasm of tlnags, she amswered. Pout Joe Tit hace fo eonfirin in hike man.’ Place: 2d. MMe Victim Ln strcntral 4 A erent naa) ‘ ’ z ! ; nr | ee oe : more worthy fa Lceman, yet ilue barge clase ve woth the weeds of enttly trp on the Carm, and hdesires; and often falla into heapation: there ‘lear don't fr pitenine wT tel that T sliontd aatiofval! fone friends toners, 4th. “Me lvai dt neat. Lew rmers Ves (ly @idore ond thy mond pare ohe al " bs i 1 ‘ t - =f a ee ‘ ‘s More clevated walk Lave beta entirety weg janwner of rearing ench—in a worl, let the far by dishomoring a prokesion aml occamommng [tcp died, with cuphasss, Sun dying eth wien my offal station brings me!taral thedivision! Whatwien ceacn.. (7 Deon more. hfe snd pond t of preg bend Ly tlre Stage.” loner and the temcher ee and know their daty, shame and sappointment to hig friends She gpartcd to Yet rattoratives; he sucd ‘tact, tat 1 shombd defend evorv ref iestratiou aud force of Appireation op Vive ngert of ny aperrt. and inv pasrd, ae The pgricaltaral society tn ibe deougn and eine Ure Boor is opened and the cham 1s beeken jWaherems, had ho fi lowed sotie us lal brane! *No, noo She rushed t@ the wmuow ae proposed by the aduunistration, ) each head Sone oddices Appes A US I ' ate nut od = isseld ttre d ‘ i wee Oe calling for servanes, A doctor! whetlwr My cotscience approved ‘ Antl¥ hm Reo 6 ‘ ‘ n . ‘ servan < actor! «locte. ' rove oor store A/F humerous, bea = a me te aed eerial muh fy fs ally m ita wperatiqns ‘s tery gorl, yet the; a lyeely chiraate is satylarows, and ear righ of awen! labor, hie mind and beity would hin er Ae ae . Py « = Cll i othorwine “that f sho " fl ve i bare Sil i | Moy : hiv eee = — . : ahd tur le sg us e distor ! and 1 suit any $ § 2 weple emite ROS a ' 74 weer env romroms art seldom gramied te thy tfuly hard re verre sul properly tilled @uphl be ae pro-| beea disciphned, hie nioral princi strength his hands cleueled, Ilia only ek Piainerges to att immnaner of ateesements, Meugl! Many pa ie : i trae) m2 He cb es o au. . and wing 7 : : tang \ . ia ‘ orbs ; t nents, 4 ny shee obuthear f Bw otbing inteat dev eties, Lat to home dhe have | SUCUFS a8 the beat could with, pet thomands of toed, sad clarneter saved. (Mien do the ork! were: oy fant : + AN be Cuntens to be tarned out nider out j rae: pala ee Pew mp. bitty 3 re, (Non ket me che in peac out nider i and say, is nut Ue ctiect of the whole. E uy, sphere. imov ‘ : our leatue ; 7 ees : : is aa ‘ - at : je be : Th 4 g dearer i a iny and | 10 doneoatvate het thipe anf out ete he we with the refase grncam yrnwn bof tls way and fwulich evetom fall upon the When his free recovered a <n Ing eapres rotation” syetom to Jnake way fie Qed —ackrussiin y Listea, £00 tu bis Me >be inet a. much : “apital to ome partiewtar otjret, andl tlios (fn ite! “I wml sterile belle of New Tork and ‘heads of the faur deughters of ver towd They sien, Lis limbs relaxed, and he het oe else yuurscdl perlaps——whe rm iaucuace, How thorwnghly English, ver 0 Mo@eh at Me! 0 sinne Meat! } and : jresent state) the wealthy will be able always! ew Biqinnd. This need not, shiowld not be to. tao, cvotetlnte 0) this injustios, and fail to ne but two or three times agai I edn the same trices andl Gacelar! eckmee a Lativczedor Gd ce bor) Treat etintese eer mins ptecne alt of Thee: Verein $ ; - » ' i ! | . ] t » gAr lal r & ' ‘ ‘ - wr meds Hany, succesal ully {® compete with ibe farmer Many of the flower of ou? young wee are an bouwtedere the worth of a web: and genemasi 2 S® of hus wrte and child atarmed the tt ; ; ; rs ? ie weed tevin. +44 16 ary wonder with this! Ure moa oe Midneed meee (Ree beweds, ered y ‘6 oper. nadie leaving their Loumes, with all thei: swoet, pature ehun aceinisd wal ied aed Ganeal Rouse and neighberhood : butall effort. ss for | ; ive Hecome accust nd bee meh, tad, obu doctrine ot the Pao. & pute ay ; : ' . : ” at resmsentation failed From fullness of Cb be & ode of life whieh unfite me 1 iaery: cu-- tre : . - lod ’ patch (phat F North Cargling Gaal promine inucl for dre) tO influeners, with oaly a téaradrore bere, dieyust frum muy convection with those whom ih ie tiewdl a ‘th ‘i aly un a8 Me Kishliawiees «| : te at kine ; delomled, asserted ; aus Can preh< Age ‘i : ‘ x . . A Bee ent in Interval Wee ; eae) OUPS a} WIG vl ace Vibuseaied anu , " sinar K rs beiog Wise and od; “are t te, her coppe? and lier yold inns awe abund, eh the reelew of hope a tbee Sav dinhons! Wall, surety smecringiy demominates (he Amore of eciitrely tive minates Heer cannot condescend to the indignity Curist mat rt as ¢ aR i i caren Weis Tove are i] t x . ne ‘ si ; \ 2 : , \ : th as ced alah: mv, aching ; t then ' Gy prodactive, yt the bivtore of atl Firtnons 4 ie bey ra land of sheer darth nnd are wy bed and drawers of water, fuckishly prefenag “Judge Larne was a natite of Now MM Work It he was originally brought pictures, amécdetes that. ins fog SPN ler the corte oe clacneet ne more, Abafore i 1 iHome proves concueively, that tra® greaturs | 7OUs Crest ed in other States, with thet wreath ‘the vain aud selfish ¢ rcomb, who cannetifhe, Jersey. Lhe came ovt to New Orleans Mf) 4 pt Vession, he tinds on tis return Cavicances and nine Wire eetnae Ts coud ita Tagen on frre af geurtnete eed, the ; a te Ife ¢ tia | ‘ : Slee lraltaithe slerkAchl of ch: people, aed true! boner ebich they mebly deserved. but which | would, apt rcemte their worth or the disaipa- about twenty-two or three years ayo, aid t He va et i at it y vivess he had Win people bear bum gins coe meyN woatth in the futility of the soll, We ase de. er tnecteily of \iveit farther nod refased thet. | ted young mom who boasts of his own or father's S88 Crgaged for seme time as tutor in a s i rue ee eae eeia awk ot lum ae de UES) ae tamaent ls \ back rey Pentant upon Cret Or lo ear ty ned the later Rvd bet tens be rightly instructed, RC a corrset: Wealth, or the honor of his profession: aml thes family, Tle worked at one tune asa if en are ane er veers moand the cruciuaion hear hin lower hie oy, Sten ae . lola C oats ! - , i , f dy nnactr ’ Pa trade, lic wont 18 t ud s | . 2. Pras ut - one Paine vet it ie in the empfayineat of ccondary cadwfedyre of cultivation Le aff mlediand gurtales’ too afen Raed themeclyes 1 Hoan eave afd early oo aad doh r Wie eens ived, mm ins eth. ve ard oy It yow have tears pre . ; ate . ha ae ai form bs ae ¢ ‘i ves with the press in an cditorial capacity.” i TOMI Se: A MEO Ort u mebe fos t ming 6° > ahs HS CORG gz. Arm ia ns ees, Hhrough lie imteligeut ervevun, that he ! auth . Whave a dower in the land of their na neglect, and a brutalized Musto, whose : ! rats detarbss and sa] a Chitin, i at iw from Sta ir " pS edad wan sat ind him, whispers ye bath Sesto make lia Wisdom sline firth, sie the) UN. from wlach the weatern wilde can never are paused in auiQuipht orgies, aud who im his ] F s about the public crib at which others! enw a Ba wasl cbec ie | ‘ 1, and } mp ? ertion for Clatfan FP han. 7 ,; . . best 5 1h seid, : iN ee "i He gives ws plant by the don! ined agen allure then. dramken momenta, s tuples not to couple the pita a a neon r Coton Plane arc feeding, Linurily clamoring for reine “dat, Giiee tourtha ot eae ae We Toa Cienecal The dirs of all the clemeale—the atmosphere, hep! We ore proud to know thel on North Cam dnctid harie aff aff with monde of shame. And t ra— Mr, Geo. G. Heary, a merchant of ratatcucent, bat doomed, in most tastunces, Koow it, aod atiw all mature! te th a u a : Cis shit als ctrichty,— the attraction of the enypitllary lina’s scal as the first landing of the trec Anglo sho tas made a wreck of that sacred spot, call Mobile, has obtained a patent form ar lO] be tual sappetitnent, Lathe vaay dhat dees not {NO Satlely me, oy pus a ; : tantly thought , i F A “ daw) 4 secu Pa repomninan ‘Pp : j ar x t a Soels—the manifold oporations of all the or- | S#xem mce in Amepica—here the first separation ed home, whore all (bat is good mil beantiful ia ™ogemeont and combination of mach indrs at igs) nape arevomninationof Pierce, bun. Te goes on. Mow: thirdicug : v, and ue : { : : i COV Pefalning ce, the Palntinye, OF Che agen Fthin . ~ spre by dient Kin of vegitation, and He lan given us reason of Church and State—here the first blood abe! virtue should dwell Qn the other hand, the Which is expeeted to croate qaite a reve ts of which have t oe oe - A is am PR beet \ Ss seni ! arte ; 5 ANE : ea ; ave h Pa necessity Uf the erne/tied victim! buat ae thew iit Hinde us iw the proper application ef all ucans, |!" the canse of (Wil and Political Liberty here despre d ome, (whe ubfortosmntely it stiuia Tati nin the industry o6 the South, By wet vine, T wrote artieles for the pn tarns row _ the : | i a yurnon? tabie "1 wo are recreant lo owe West if we do pot ex-) the first dectaration of A métitan Independence ‘tion of the worktly wise.) ix doomed to lator, M8 means the seed coitun will be conver jJourcals peliieal letters for private dis. apestud cy 4) re fee : t ‘ a ' end is ' ' : \ era ‘ Ur private dis astute mi fv Jitu atres in 7" ide an ee etal | —here the only State Constitution requiring «may be found, might wfter niyht, within the! ted on the plantation, by one continoas Cabition, defences innumerable of the Cues, 1a a@ vorce ot thander, and eh | ‘ 1 the hoo- v do . ; . ‘ , mF vA ri ‘ {HO greatest Good tothe geeatont nem- University —here the first State geolagical aur: “ charmed eitcle” of home, pouring oter some! Process, into merchantable yarn, and Uie et sis Nebraska folly, and stultitied my Hasting eve! ‘Then placine one hand, Meet atO ld ‘i ; Pines os, 7 ro t ° ‘ ee * se ¢ ay an i * 4 bd is = x r te ’ J Mhe chief savin! duty of uiary und we feel vey in the Union. — With all there ennolibing , useful work, sedunnsty eniyared in the neqei® Without a greatly increased vutlay of cap- Lio ah "be se in a variety of ingen. closed as ona thick natl, against the back HIN aseared th) ‘ : , Ione Wave iSent o a ; ~ , \ a 1 few bile contd bo premented to facts before us, may we not hope yet ta see the|tion of knowledge ; endeavoring to improve'the | ital, ayd with the ordnary fabor ot theteri ao ‘ ‘ fe a : } , af ey care ie the oat ened eu beet) 2 hese OUT bepiedy * fake { ‘ | m wba tat ne ar e an | ting + =" r ‘ gitatare the paceage of which would bring day when the influence radiating fron her Nor- {talents which (iod lias giver bim, and théonzh plantation, ay 1 | i dor of the Buchanan /ting the acton of aman witli) a AMINE, eHON ee as : ul wi when be was | eS i pemeu, und 1, avd a maltitude ef ethers, tdriving home the mike throughtimhanic cee witht ; : ( { ' s Ls pa & 1} irreits . inarket * . oe a be From the Wiimington Herald, RL. Legistature-—Our Raleigh Corres ace. Ravmson, Wednesday, Dec. 8d In Uwe Togee, ycoterdar, Mr. C. Whit preseeted a petrion for a Bewk aw the town of Conend * Ma Bullock presented a bili concern Mg toe kt wpe Valley aslroad, te Liwit tutniueed a bill to angen ‘he charter of Ue Grecawille and b ewach ved Ratirwad bw Mh. Sulee witragiced a bul to day tl Bd establiss bus coanty of Swain. Mr Murcer cuced a bag) Ge repeci a parol ace Tay chia SB ub the Rerw ined Conde. Comaderable discuss a lal concerning } ages introdaced by Mr. Putcasord. The 5 a was rejected ‘ Bille to aimena ~cciion 6, clap, 120, and ; te: 6, Naqp Boot lecviswy Code, pass ed their fret reading. This wos all rh: ness of any impor, tance transacted, ' Gey. Swam delivered a Lecture before secarred mpon fhe Oak Cyt Guard on Monday magiit, | Whicd) wae yrell atasded. bis eabject Was the frat Gorernor and Bret Scitices, of North Carolina. Why is it that Wil-, @negtur caunot pet) such a series of lectures! la the Sevete, today, Mr. Wall, from the Cummitee on the Judiciary, reported fo favor of the amen dineat tu the ball cou- drnify the town of Wituangton. The ameé@ndinent wae adopted, and the bill its second reading. Ou motion of t. Fennel, tie ruics were saspended, and the twit passed ite thied reading. Tuc amendinent requires every may tu pre gent & fax receipt for the year preceeding } before he can vote for municipal vtieces. Ie Tins tet to be approved by the Houve. A bill ingorporating the North Caruli- na agd Virgiuia Rairoad Gumpany pass ed ite second scadmy, A bill ingurporaung the Trent River and Tychalwe Naviganeu Cowpany was bard on the talc for Che present The Speaker presented ty tte Serate a ecom@im ication from the Hank of Fay- eve@ fe, which was ordered tu be print MY GorreN introduced a LITT amendiag the law concesuing aduunistrators aud ea ecutors. . Wr. MceDiannif fnir duced a bill oa mend anact ineorporaling the Fayetes ie end Western Pinnk K ad Company. The Senate tien adjvarned; and Tie Elcet wal @tleze met aod cast the voteof the State for James Bocbamau & J. U, Deeckiondge ; Tucaspar, Doc. & In the Iboase, yesterday, Mr. ILwek tetraduced a reselutivn tu increase Ue puvishwent against peraons for placiug ebstractions upoo Bailrvad track» Mr. Picnet intpudeend a bili be forbid any obstruction being placed in the Pee dee or Yadkin rivera, wluch would pre vent the free passaye of fish ap the sand nvers. Mr. Leimes mtrodvced @ bill te en courage the formation of a military com panvin the town of Wilan sagt ' Mr. Jones introduced a bili to preveut Phe. A )t esurs. Provides that wot more isan 7 per of, suall be takes as interest unless Uy special cop tract Mr Limapson then intrelaced a to anend See, 29, Coap. luz of the Re wmed Code rerulaieg Con~abie's fee A cou 1 was presented fr mu tie Lank ff bagettevitle Several engenesed bills from the Senat thetr first reading, among tlm the Wil to punisly perts:s playiay at Faro. and a | N@ fear rratc the N N. ©. Steamship Com /-a0 A bill to atablish the o-anty of Avery. was rejecfed, Ay ~ 47, Nays 67. Iu the Renate ty ny. Howse isthle wre paced Ure first ren) img, arpamg the. 18 boot) + repeal Live ctr ter ball nanical { Y. and al enrie~6 fn tise Leow od Candee which) prevents raat ing ™ th fre; a bill wrestatdieh the Clean, a Gees of trust aed tsetse # <" . Sy ? . <anjusieilinncagigt of the greater part of the property, shall become heir to what she brought: into the marriage state. TI atte eimirde pec oupad ene | 1 Ge RO Coca slyA ve colt y ibs ordi peers fe flr 3 ¥. > a . AGEL to reg date standard wetyhts of grain red its second reading AS Appropriate the State lands in Woatauca county Co the ase of said coun. ty. patesc dats second: reading. di Tid ag teed remit ROLLIN Mpa dane it oon Ver WhoPt seaion, “MF i basa cchsou. tiradaced a turnpike Ini vegintige dh tae world aud going ett oabat te see outher dish place é ed dope ie amrcuid Lig Act Ipooepapuiiiy the Wa une wtos Savings Bink whe pat U pote ads sees gaal read. ny and telerred back Veo err tere eo Mr. W Curbeae ius intpeduced a Gill to allow tress of ule was dupe, Considerable fun was had jp this dig- nificd bods about adjourpuient, a pan ber we THINGS WURTH KNOWING, Light moves at the rate of about 192,- 500 nates per second. A ray of light Inotes severally in a straight, single line, 'S¥® smith,—a worthy man, with a family during the past month of November, in-| Domoerati# party ?— VF) Express, tyumnous point; a beam of) tosup pert, tron soue ligtt is au assemblage of rages. The ra-; ture, or cssence ef light, is anknown, Ju JSG1, the transit ef Vents takes plaee. By the transit of Veaws is neat what is ses. Pie Cramsit happens only once in a centary ! lanys are ty animals. Viatawm :5 iL. weaviest of all metals Oxsgen i> eeential tw animal life. There arc fitty-tive known clemeuts, or Proderahic substances, forty two of which gre metals, aud thirteen are non metals, These elements, by amtiug, = = ce bill to divide Chatham coygty vw, rw Dp reat la nezatived thy Aye, Nowe 38.38 on) <& PAGMBORT. NW. 9 | # “Tn Nits Tine. jobs, and therefore speak'of tris skill from! Mneh, now, depetids on Mr. Buchanan's jas good as new. Ie is aregalar German | vessels reported to have been totally lost) whar, save in epirit,'fs to become Of the) (en, we apprehend, is in danger of running geueraHy "ndersboud by an! mad, sueb is the tumult of feeling he ex: | eclipse. ‘The planet Venug will pass di. | hibits toaching his difficulty with Mr.| rectly Lotween tte eurth and the eun, du-+déegner. He alternately raves aud singe, | ring the day, and the darkness caused by, aid raves again. (it weil make lichts neeéssary in the Lou (“flv npon the coach-wheel—kicking up {a tremendeus dust,” for which, he seeins The leaves are to plants and trces what ‘to think, the whele world is applandiug! j him. ‘ectuber, is plainly intended to create a fara compu nals, of wineh the material | word cingily cousieis, Most of the ele- ments are usaally solid; bat it is betrev ed by philueupleors generally that by in-! lense beat, all the sulids nngit be con- verted inte liquids, and these into gas- sos, nod that by pressure and absteac- teen ot boat all gasses sod ibqanls uigin be setedi fig Rej-ler wage that the ylobe has vital puwers, and that its elementary atoms possess listinet and will. The vieja eas aovenied aout A. dD 1200, anak Le paps focig alout ype linn dred and twenty years ayo fron w enid te mare Ween diseorercd acAiwntealy, by the burmng of Mowot Lila, LUG veurs bet Cherise Irv is t { f snowu iwetals es ue f Taba Coe fis Couverted into steel Uy cumlinnag it with adue proportion of eatuen. Lrou was fis: mate in Afertea fy 1715 Bovete frost, of cold, injares marble Oak is trouser than ireo--both peces e ical in whi! erm tnal in weipht ! (rtd aud silver are the only perfect etale leg cee they bemwe gethic, fran the hb. at -f fire Linyertect inetale are Ce wocud eres Hy Me beat of fire, and are casily v acide, as quick ibve ’ CUURCN DIFFICULTY A dubcalty las yeenfed ja the Metho elaet chs |b recentle, Va, ower the jaestion at “Caarce Nerth” and “Cusrch Neethe The Salen: Legmter gives the luddewiag weoount ff the affair Pele ab appent ty of Afheghan:. ada bet te gree eer Vb 3 m™ ; aatl> + to the Camusi-smmers of tin AG na = Se wee. ipematees shoutd h 1 @9) 41 had nia Oenference Mr. Deoveb re ported that 21.021 31 liad 5 is - ocd | rcty Ss oe the Baltinere Confer bec t pad vat for a fn gical Saree of e the & : eoce (Charect Nort Tire property was inte 5 P wiginalig hell by the Balt infer Me (sorrel) is ia iH to imeur + é B ence or at fete wae coutrolied fy the porate thw oh 1 cate preachers A hat Confirence, and an at Mr Woiote agienswecd a Lill oo meor ¢ Boek af I Crt fa apa new truer fa aie Poa % one! oe baits Ns fo? ( = ! wae ¢! v we A by @imernd toe coarter of Dawvd a, i t r to at ter ( saamens ite eceoml amd third 4 ? P lt . ' . wae ft { cote reo. Mr. kates presented upon thie & Ce wed \ ! r wt oe aq a fe Ficout of proper aE g atvinble reqs : a . ming ® A 1 : : A ce ft Woe Sitcre yrs Je foc the DD omae = fe ae pas~ fret reading: among ahic SS sa delete Nis eee ns 1 w of dancing grea * an! distract to near the luwn v : = a Corp tate the the Mi-tiwnlieg grrr Mach the lar ms a? : my + cae rer “ort we Vilerstand, hold ow Mr Ti-etion introdeccd a bil tu re 7 ‘ ° Neath, an! tle j tinent mente! the Coents Courts ff tire State . . ' etree . a ee ftle new tructers « Mot t raicula a bey ed vee Cpa : helt és the damcneione. Sac vical te rpotate the ( ate ir 1 2 pevare oe tes are muca to be deplored KA ek ire nipany pussed iio tused reading ~ Mr |>d-chere introlaced @ resolution INFLUENCE Or A SMILI projrsing bo imetract tie [oterary board te loan Lauriburg Hogt Seteoul the sam of e210 Mr Livnmas, of Jackson introdnce | bul te extemd the N ©) dutr ad weet the Biae La tye The Grand Lidge of AY M has Leer in cements Tai. wece Mondar Tear Master. that Li old ot wae re elected ls Mr Alexander of Line Inton, Sean War den and Ur Coa fd Murtreeswwre, J must Warden ron, Dee J we WJoase, yeet Mr © “ fon ree pers the ds arm faa a yi ieee i ‘ certat se f. ta Me. bb ov pee ; prov abe thee Hs tort Jb [bai ecom J ] bast a te oo 9 af 3 font ] } " Ge im if t petty Ne Re | N. la ~ i M eon has be \ 2 ‘ M Waa , yoBiuw wn f ‘| a ts ae a a ' fe ee atep w fey ims ¢ ] \ * le "ek ¢ age, | oseommed A 'wantifile atotho female conn tecrarce what © sunveamn ie te the iand aye [tee sles an infenur face, and redeeims an ogly ome A tinite, lnewever, aloud not been fialitual. or siptadity ia the result. nor « Vd thee weouth btoak > a suniie um one bide, t rree f pane vean) aninoy ed, fur spats an mr of deevit: and ‘gr He ven tu the face A disagreea i « e listorte t} linea « eauty.an) . “hee afrown. Tuer ar “ otha Lu 9 the cate one we bs le WW sare ae « " « ft Fi Nees Aad | ‘ ' CB rit ‘ a ehore ae ; ur he f a m™ z . re . 4 ¢ eit aye ! ‘ ewer > 1 } ‘ \ ceieue y pula ft \f ota bee DG tte Ler tetar Ak } bd oalet, wort ty via ‘ adituesign af a Male sta beliewe, and Carolina Watchman. 2 ) | aes “= | is to handy: late for tis jable doc “~The fourth and! THE PACIPIO RATLROAD. | of Presideut Pierce} The Richmond< 7 | "a paper. It is a pi it, we think ; and that SG] tiga OF it relates to the dom | ttitigirs éountry, particularly, What} tonching the slavery question, we regard | thus admits, took on - : as manly and wise. We believe the sur- | the Pacitic Railroad: Gun and Lock Smithing.—Onr read-| est way to arrest the disunion spirit ef; ers will pluape notice in tis paper, Ma. the times, is for the President to, Hjrap do's Ad artioadencof Gun Smith | avid Behe wand chkabehs subtly ing; and we-call their attention to it at proceedings of the higher-law class “of bes oes gs : : this time, because we aro anxions that he politicians in the country—to show thenin} tio" BE Lone oe Pagnell o may get wack sufficient to justify him in, that this Government hus the right and is MACH Ones Hruponnded: the very )|pulrcy ht nti Hojablet bedi a ; | Tw. m ee in his Calitornia letter.” continuing the buginegsin this phyce. dje{ eble Onrrt t regee fo/the lees, at ¢ Ai } Snylis : is a first-rate workman, and’ exetates he | witt-doth r. Pierce has administered Ashe CEng! gal ed hal the véry best style every kind of chad pointed rebake to sectional agitat We have seen several of his|and we trust Tt may serve a good purpose. Lhe dite |. “For anreelvés: we distinctly’ Winolt \that while we intend to ; 2. y. Ns OF THIS PAPER $3.00 CASH. ay EVENING? DEQ. 18b6. “He was nominated by the Democracy 4 LJ | Victions, and to thetimesonored prinel i ples of the State-Rights, Str iet Ognatrac, | jUon Demecamey of Vingivial™. oe Mane Dwasters vor Novemaern.—} The Editor isa desertor, then=-a tebcl > patrousge md ?this and the surrounding } , country neighberhoads. Those who have (guns or jveks out of repair, may rest as-;We learn from the New York Expresa)—and if thas every Democrat leaves out, sured that Me. Hartman can make them | that.there have been twenty-six sea-going of the Platform the plank he don’t tke, — jvolving a loss of $1,375,800. Value of! fo ee { ar rel vessels $427,000 ; cargoes $943,000. Lut ' DISUNION PROPOSED. \ The Standard on Mr. Rayner.—To\d ove tite was reportod lost—a scaman | _ A series of resolutions Lave been in-f cere jtroduced into Legislature of South Caso- ! G. LUDGE LO. OF. jtima, of which the follwing ip the sub-' At the late anounl Communication of the G.; stance : of {Lodge of Odd Fellows in this State, held at; Resudeed, That a jest and remonable “regard | Greensboro’ the folluwing officers were clected, ; for thew oma sccurty and wc! tee ought to in Veen j duce the people of the slarcbeldimg.States 10! . . ‘anwal the compoct which sulgects Unemm le a ns bine eperene: areata ‘common gyternucat with the people of use ae se — eo a aa Jother Suates, to reseme to themierl 68 napective . lve, jen. \ A. Paul Ripiton, Wikuingtoa, Grand Secretary. dies idee sat _—— Lami Sw. Meck Wuletay Oecience, | (Ceatrmpaapend of shine besegenense w nee eegaaeenenmert ‘comstituents, amd excluding, as snack as port | a Saterees, Winalafice G. Gaardion ble, the elements Of Tnetility tu Une preulian RA. Caldwell, Wedree ne’, GC Represeatative rights, iestitutions and property. i W. J Hoke, Lineototwa, = bad Ne ' The next movting wilt be held in Wihmagtun, oo a - ) the 4th Mondey im Noveatber, 1857. | Party Platforms.—Cul. Benton has) = ~—— | been warring for any years againet the GRAND LODGE MASONS. | system of Oonventions for the nomination ‘ The Grand Lodge of Agcicot York Masom, Of candidates fur the Presidency, and phe jbeld at Raleigh, last week, elected the fullowing COStruction of platforms ty “ bpabug , officers for the next year, vis: P. A. Bott, Graud Waster, Aimmence. J.T. Alexander, G. 8. Warden, Linduinton J. M Cos, G. J. Warden, Permutmous WT Ban, G Seeretary, Ralegh C. WD Hatebings - Retegh —-- He is re-enacting the His long editorial of the rd De-' prutvund impression, not only of his owu rightuvsncss, but also of the deep, daw ning public depravity of Mr. Rayxen. The editor sheds a stream of crocodile tears whiist he writes,—-affeets a degree of serruw over Use neceasity whieh calls, forth bis peu in vindication of himself and | the rigits of the prose, which it is said Mr. Rayner attompted to infringe—suffi- cient tw arouse the piows comecrn of the dtate. Le dwell with evidemt pleasure upon what he is pleased to regard as the | political death of Mr. Rayner, pretending | seeking to make others and by comparing what was theo reject ed, (with siogelas cnanimily, eso part of ;the Democratic creed, witle,. eirag-dras becn ance adupted (with eqaat-ayanim- \ty,) he dees wut Bopress one with mach rer pect for the platform eyetem After the nomination of Cass and Bat. ! bebeve, Uiat Mr. Rayuer’s coarse in the recent Presidential eleetion, killed him What stuff! We venture to say Mr I's Nirieal friends hold him in ag high esti- Sugar Crop of Lowisiana.—An intel gent planter of Louisiana writes to the Columbas (Ga.) Enquirer from Asamp tion Parish, under date of the 16th: “The sagar crop will pot reach one hundred thousand hhds, I think it will be bet ween In 1840 Lowisiana produced 226,000 llds. of 1,000 pounds mation wow we they did before; and we haszard the assertion he stands as high, practically, im the good opinion of hia po He, not ther promivent gentlemen of the structiug a platform intermimably long. and long smee forgotten. Asan amen? ment, Mr. Yancy, of Ala., sul following : “That the Juctrine of nom jaterfaranes with the rights or property of Ory pwr é 2 r} , (he tion of this confederatian, Be te Th ! iitieal enemies more surely oh " “ 75,000 and 100,u00 Nan all same school iu politica, was, and is, polit each. really dead, while democracy is rampant Beleving that party to “7 and vietorwous. The Circassians only consider a wo man as of one-balf the valve of a warrior; oar fair readers will be shocked to bear, that the legal fine for slaying one, ie only one-half the floc for killing a man. ! . | Thos was rejeecte:|, 346 to 38; and with it, of couse, the ngist of the penpife of the territories to regulate the qaestinn of sle- It has aitice bee: be dapgervas! 5 agyreasive in its tenden cy agniest the f the comntry, and corrupt, Mr. Ro makes war agaiue it with allbieuit Le asks no favors, and, lke all lus associates, expects Hhis fearless assanlta point bin - LATER FROM EUROPE Arrival of the Steamer Arabia. Hatirax, Dec. 5. dearest: interests than the parties interested in them, us @eé true republican doctrine ree gnised by Une body.” | bene out asa prominent am! powerful opponent, and it is the pride of his friends to sue very for themael ves tain him, just as it we the fixed ardent : Mr hk. way be a little rash, at times, bot for ' adopted with quite ejnal ananiimify , and parpose of bis encenres to crush him he whod the basis of tlhe Kanaas Nebraska law, be extomuronicat: ag Mr. Yancey was for mai 1888. ~ Puy: ites ; . wa noteawear by fliis princi, le, Liverpo:! circulars aay the steamer’s news had no effect on cotton, The mar ket was quiet and generally unchanged. except for lower qualities, which have de clinded @& Sales of the week 31,000 bales; for speculating and export 2,700. Mid dling Orieans 6 15-16, uplands 6§ Stock! of cotton at Liverpool 371,000 bales, of which 274.0) are American. ] Breadstuff. ynit. Wheat declined 3d Fiver declined la Corn quiet Pruve ions dull. M ney decidedly easier. Con sols for mor and Ballion in the Daok f England has iucreased £154,000 a at. le wevery in aman, and has I new, qnite as speedily the fall confidence and igh estecin of his tain 2 it ne sole Wee taining itim J al frrenie atthe Mandard be as Le (thee iw le rn ad sured of that, and that as between Hlotlen . oo am! Kav ner, as representatives of politi Wis havelacore than eucellaken oserp. tion to the ex eedingly small mamber of important decaiments ordered te be prni- ed, from which contracted policy * apr that i >a be f peare that it we for thee press to oltain even a glimpse at on half of the facte of whol it caght ty be A posecssion to enable it to epremd before virtue and worth, the frends of Mr. Rayner will be foand no firm asa rock eal creeds and pul aneat ty Nps Dharudaon Coll ege.—\t will be seen br reference to the Legislative proceedings ut aper, thata till for the amend Politieal affiirs are more qaiet nentolthe Charter of thie Institution. ia The disappearance of the ramors re . apecting the instability of the Anglo! yter arnal Row passing throagh that hedy. We « : > | mington Junrns J Freneh alliance has caased a rise of near.) We! r felt ¢! learn that the amendment aone ate, clef lvoe percent n the funde At the | e@ hare oitem fell fhe Inernvenrenece vo im the removal of that part of the same time moat of the articles of com of the penny-wise policy which prevails} present c carter w 1 pro ita the Tneti- meree experienced a check, and basiness! on the above sabject. For veare we have! tation from holding » sam exceedieg two, lad been less animated. endeavored to obtan a copy of every! ise sd he British (rove > ! : ; o 1 » 4 verhmen c tT bundrod thoasaod dullara This was ren ‘dam : it hes nedered thing printed by order of the Logista a steamer to be fitted out to exanine the | ; F dered nccessary in order to enable the ture, with very partial enceces coasts of Ireland and Newfoandland, and make sonndings acroas the Atlantic, to ascertain the best place for lay ng the or beg copiws,--any way both steal them telegraphing cable. Contracts for the —and we do tlie get sore of whole cable were signed in London on tipo igh the courtesy, ashe wr College to add to ite resoarces the entire have anthorised oar correspon Jent to buy t tee pa, of Leqnest of the late Maxwell Chambers The friends of Uiat Institation will be thew macit gratified to learn, that the amend ment passed its readings in the Senate board twa steamers by the 31st of May next Telegraphic communication wae) ell expected to Le perfected by the 4th of! solitary docament or Lill. The members July. jeannut send them, for we ancerstaud that withvut a dissenting voice; and that gen Pesides these, we have nut had a4 tlermen at Ruleigh, at the time, interested in the success of the Lill, were assored, on all hands, ana bs members of both Houses, that the Leyistatare would ylad- ty J the saccese and ase! eluded between France and the Sand wich Islands any thing in ite power to promote | os CAPTURE OF A SLAVE SIIIP New Yorx, Deeember 8. pexcept uf the Guvernor's Message. The repurts of proceedings and deserip- tion of bills, reports, dec, in the Ralergte + ness of the College papers, is very meagre, and it is only by! ESTIMATES FOR 185; Acoording to the estimates the appro porvata of that city can get adeqnate infermarion! tee it! anf tinall note net, was pasac.d at Wie frat ae schooner The New York, was seized on Flying Eagle, from the 20th of September, at Bengvela, Africa, by the of what ia going on Indead we ma required for the polilie service stated that another act. besides hye Pnitet States for the year ending Portagnese anthorities, having on board She members thom ' J558, will amount to &71304, sion, withoat even the scargo of slaves is now in dur selves knowing it Fy dire;len Observer, “22? Jive arount req vired fur fortitica- omy 4 ! oy | eee TT ance, awaiting the arrival of a@ [ nited States ship of war. oe “> HON. EDWARD STANLY W. learn from the New Berne Exxprem that tha Uistingnished Bad Mr. Au dre — | p Wealeweis to y ‘ rales ay bef w bagzarly bas gone The Rev. J. HT La- ther, lately of the Baptist Chareh of Pen- el the Logislature Koassas Minato COTTAM Preprerstt 1 @ for the improvement * 4 , Jletun, ds. ©, has accepted a commission gentiomen Je at. at North Ga a Hie leading ecleme sreeent stopping oo that town. at tl ann ar Rileoid froin Salisbury to from the Mirsion Board of the Southern | eee : EP Beare } Cit [fh ex) cota to show that a Japtiot Convention to labor in Kansas suber Me. Sanen LAU y 2 The Fa ! t t a reas saves “W rret tu le , North West uucof read. cunsunag ta Ea — ] . } a tit ne Zz 7 ; intends shortly to retnra tu California. — rie ealnost) diapensale.and that EQ The New York correspondence of Ww ; sa : 4 . e avderstand, howe, r, that be finaly , ne rtlier eoean or will reach the im. the Baltimore Sav aays that Ex President é a aa) “ intends to return tu reside ainopg.aa, aed | resemrees of the most productive Fillmore lias been in that city for sever we hope he will) We lave eves ragret- ; . ted that one eo yiftel and worthy.-shontd | very coully and appears to be in exéel have bad dance te lanve tie rativoSentett! tied aiid ed Urls Widiaington Herald. | | ‘ \ nofitoe West He vill doalbtlesa al days, and says that he takes hie defeat chun inthe city, aud obtain a rés- and fr pertful hearin... Pati i eer tai bhp a Ae ey hey§ ‘Reilre © $ ote Ly Whstanding Lis approval ot the resola- | 2 cq) when, Biaieova lhad.p Te- cnuarkeealant scat be. haak enidonpettt be jor exercise aueh power, , the peopte.” Tn his book be gives a Vesy jgeate, wii dltener «ot ‘aical and saural condition, NMerald. Breezy Debate d slater a oe & ifs the inten that Congre ' thie power to. teh elav ory withta tre Beare, hy attered: thd sentiment hat ‘that those with whom he ected:intendedty qssuuic | ee te, Mr, Macon (of Va.) matutained:, that the constant agitation of slavery brought the pergife of the Sonth to the CopVvigtiony tliat fhe preservation of that ingtitutien rested Wittr thenikefves Mond, and if the Fremont party hat Leeh abfe' to ‘execnte what they avowed, itwonll have’ ted to a distelution of the Untoh—imntediate aod eternal. Me Trumble (of IL) demied, thatthe? Republicans Lad any iitention Jo .inter- tefe with étavery in the States. They) had avowed the rights of the States, and, Ved. Ue controverted the treciduace remark, | lete, being encenstituional, eaying be had ne foundation for the assertiun, The abové sketch [is taken froiy the! Washington correspoudence of the New| York Eapress, | jwhich pominated Gen. Cass ia 15435 ite charter. .Sinee that-tive somehave | ber bad cwubtepash fare ow thin eaBject; bat! we now lave the plenaare of laying be fore the poblig ae the fyowing letter from 1Tin” JO OP Reed, of Andereyn, rometring to wubde wit! qater al! ferns Axmanx, $ ©) Novornber 17, 1834. | To Io Norcross, Ey Tht, yo itt ' ler, the Contention succeeded in cor Dew Sec Ayseace boom home on my | t faw giredit, prevented te reewpt of yawr| avor fit ak won a Copy of the Aut Line | Oe a Weha reno prrpelee to aak He a char ter toextond phat reel to Andere wif pig, but he eqe to eviend nto Anderson | --@ | gush themed terough thedtate fo Charlotte Peweton bee been States ov in the territories, by BAY Ber |, Cheaiet, un the Ciarlotte rand, ami chiatetts sciety to carry ont the materi will Leave no other, J lease we dasseiet Lut wecan pct an Poarter we may deure ; af alt érenfs tha State bas paver hereto fore refased? f6 grit any charter asked for, and | have te. Hen’ it will now refase. The matter «traf hare my per sonal attention, ae | am competled tr Law, teatiend the eession of the Leginte tare. aed will leave for Cdamlia on det arJay west. I shall be pleased to eve, you a¢ that place, aod think eyme wf you; had better cusne At ail events let, me hear from you Reepectfally ronrs &r JP REED. | ver. ‘ SECHETARY OF THE INTERIONS REPORT, Tie Scerctary of A states the quantity of laud surveyed emer last patand ap to the WU of Deptemn | Lee Laat, at 19,573,699 acres, exclusive ul | ech! sections. The eraceution of the, liters ws Re prevre4 of Gongress, be eave @ be rportant! that the walter be prougthy de-pemed of! ether Ly sanctummay and allirmumg the} action of the Land Offce, oe di rentiong, the palette ts be teeuc } withoat farther, req oiréirrent cad, du ° ’ Mi he rwant tv «ff far 1 GA fog adres, amd tle rece!) 46 therefor ec.sh%, 414. The total ammount of land dispnecd | of is ov er 3090000, acres. The enggest«) a pecessily fur lurther power bet grent- | ed to the Commissioner of Pensione 40; pensions when the reason for graniing thew fias whfilly or partially ceased. The number of pitetits feta! within the year will probably reach 2.500. The! pegutigted, 20f which remain to be net: | ef open by the Seuate, Ly these jreat- | ies Indian tithes has been extingn relied te hearly 175,000 acres of Jand. The ; 19.184;298 The Indians within onr borders are! 60) ps ced to numberaboat 300,000 Te! has ahealy bewn at ended with the bape plea result, ata giles prouiise of rie Progress inthe wamnehonvaon oF theo ply 1+ Wils ington , REPORT OF THE SECRETARY OF j WAL. The Keerctary of War, in hia report, | renews lis recoumendations of brat yerr! het heretufure acted npon by Congress, aod espeually the merease of pay to of feers and retured jist. He proposes the abandonment of the present system of atmall frontier posta, and the Fis fotpaan by of large yearriaona at eouvenient points, from which sommerinarches can he (uate into the Indian eountry to ehaatiee the depredatng trihes, and proteet the ett. | grent trains, Wade ington Herald, hich we tre@ jor colunn, ;ou taken away. ; rye ip Cade was to have been Investigated ut Basten before Contilesiiudr Wood. ‘We have made of the Collect? at this port the * inquiries rd the trator /alsity of theabove statemeht , awl he assures ys that no vewel withthe above name has entered or cleared. frotu this port during his term of Wilinington Heralj. Tox. Ma. Lage ano sis Staves.—We base already stated Uiat the Flow. Mr, Lake, of Min, ia passing through Ohie, on bie way to Wash- ington, with several of his slaves.in company. was aunoyed at Crocinoali by a sumber pf teteat the-U tion 6f the Stated ind Consti- *boliiouisis, who fruithensly endeavored. to get ptatiow of the coutry intet be bis servants out of bis cumudy, not withstanding thew desire to remain with their gasies. ~ Os sthat the Missuan4anupromise was obse jaerising at Columber, the officivus intermeddion agnia iuterfered, aud detained Mr. L. some 86 A better says: Bis her ———-— Cr (Free the Atlenta Republicw=) | to bumve heen. They refused to bene® — Charter for the Air hint Raitroad Force was vast theentontad, but Me, L. me ’ . ed the District that, had boon : —— — oa cay ett the, nb pap h'sitl Bayemomberel by. soine of apr |(= th Gireds) to repel foren by fetee, | The, ve readers owe al aw letter from | rn on tee all spy ol wre Hon, Samoel Me Alitey, of Clyustior, Seat | wpe on the sick. of the martet, amd dinavamten Carolia, last vole . Feapecting 8 Cha) apend any with bie én ter for he ATt nd attroad Mrgagh Neat pick was vag! am maggot on 0 ‘ 1 eettein t to wine bad account, Indeed, of that Comvention sbere woekd be neo <itlicnity tp settee bn dace wan tecreyes-te-chvedighays é oa el . Ped * Me. Lake bas arrived W vsbingtes with i deed. Who veld or, - tt partite theut Rodd thew master, Teo xgmels wil! eon dopast layer the Cnijted States for Liber . Views other ai Tunis fs i ap ‘enki, Of Mar etvthe* Mary Cardline ail? heave Kahimere oo the ve atited WB! Raftrsad elarter, until my eatury. on) ber end Hampton reads on the @h of December. This vesa! will fitet go> to Mowrovia, aad then te vther eettizpavate wa the coast. Bhe will eutorerius huidred paerern vessel Sow ae by the Masse als for a college, to be erected on a bean tiful ate near Mourvvia by the Giwern- mont. <2 aes It seems that Gen. Willer, the com aeror of Nicar has fixed « cov etous eye on Onba, thar he re tains the land grabbi a, in whieh bo was pe tsar Vaited Stares, and which bis (ethers, befere hive fairly inherited from Great Britain. enor Goieouria, who was lately eo great a fa vorte with Walker as te be inted Minierer to Great Tritala, hes publish wta wndence in whieh Walker pledge ble base th eo-nperate with men and esources in the conquest of Oabs. Lhe letter of instewetions tu Geteonria in relation to hie mission to Enaglaed coe tains the 6.1! wing: “You ean make the Cuba Hritish Culinet eee we are nut omen lin any stfeme of annexation, and tan make them see that the only way to cut the expending and éepansive DOinneracy the suvoreizne a just idea of what ther! gradamin act lae raced many grave of the North te hw a poworfat ‘and com servanta lave done or are ddng.— Wed-( questions whietr call fur the interpositi peat hoathern Federation based en mli- tary principles, Guevnriasayathat Walker's first more rent after the settlement of the affairs of Nicaragna was ty be npon Cuba for the parpome a cong tering and angwexing that M1 te Céentral America and forming a Seuthern Mi Mtary Despotiem ae a coun We Time the flten! fear, was orer TEM UAT! rephalanee to the Urited Grates, Cuba inest and sliall be free, aye Walker, bat not for the Yankees— Pag. Pbecrver. -- nlie bo Lacomnchice —-The Philadel the 19th, all ty be completed and on) yg. rit) g deanocratic Senator from Cas. , pend and dunivish and disgoutione,phin Leder cites the exhibition in France fa locomotive weighing sitty tons, with ten feet driving wheels, and stated @* be capa lie of attaining @epeed of one hon dred and fifty niles per hour. Its centre A treaty of commerce had been con-! there is but one eopy for each méetaber, | report says that during the present ad. of cravity ie placed so low as to render | nsnistrauiow $2 Indian treaties havebeen! it aafer ap erlinary gngines at the asa al speed, so ar as gutting off the track 's eoneermed, t 0 donkted whether the epoed Dated can be reached with vat wach targer Ariving wheels, but there is the prited ducaments that the press ont! gregate money Conrfleration Crerefore je 00 doubt of the practicability of achiet ing 1 with larger ones, or that, by ele rat: Try the track so as to allow of @ very low Ceuire of gravity, together with widening process of erviiaaiom amony the Indinng! the space between tha rails and avouling eamimen roads by bridges and tufinels, railroad trains can move wath ease au mifety T50 iiles per hour --- The Nwirty of Friends —The Tow™ stown (Baltinsore county) Advocate this #poaks of We“ Quakers’ aod the late clec- tion; “Tt was frequently stated hy cians before Khe election that fa F tiekOt wad run in this State a large num ber of the Society Frienda would vote it and thee deerende Filhnore’s vote. We never believed it, knowing that there '* not aA More patriotic, mnien-loving class ° people anywhere than tha Friends As will be seen |y the efftem) vote in anotit- Fremont reeaved bat eight in the dis- pe! tt ‘reinont votes in tho county, and mune triet in which the “Quakers” mostly re side’ , . § i ' RI IR R ae ae tt e , Al e Ga t e d £ . oa po ai l a at h oo bt oo . et s 2 - w e Se t e wa e e we r e b s w e « c A> 2 Da w 42 . 4 8 os = e2 @ e t a é a w m « 42 . @ 2 @ b e a r c r " ? S e n s r e d g Ca h o r a 9 s> T g y | > ey | * n ois “3 eae serra et . of the Pacitic Kail leco j Oy 4 ullipe on. the ele ‘ the Coctian. The con otal rome tae Wis omnes ‘Hotgeng, Wy Kp 0. ¥. Pb Cy, Dee. ard, Lem, , Fig ley; tare a pint : he he Re removed et ‘te Salisbury, December 17th, 1856. subsoriber Weil, ut Pablie Auton, ednesday, December 17: Resatved” ii ka 3 sy drplure te tenn yn “rete? neing ut ngs we have sustained by the death ofso worthy a Siock of GOODR, Ta on hend “et member of our Lodge, That we the ig | @hich auw emb on t * Prone. Chinn Von, Tiilet Butiles, Jewel 4b Prutler, and abv to the dite of Yh Cardi- Wack @psis ad Bonectuea pees te emogeg er trtiches eudeble for Chrretmas and New Year Pre- 4 sabe iw intended © exclusicely for Ludss’ yeu win be mare witht mayo every ariele offer ped, will positively be ould pegurdlesa of \. ‘Phe store wilt he well warmed, and there. will be’ ‘De Po ipigement om aceon of bed weaiber, Pes-vne in want of Bargains, and world prefer par- having privately, are requemed to call ond exnm@ine, WwW apan blished at Salisbury WC. wud be gy petlahinliod! wt. Se. fant Le poe) Rene with @ weacal that they pyblich the name. Mesotved, Thut we wear the veual badge of tharnitig’ for thirty on al poll pm aaa ai “Tt was the dumen tietraining,” rib eabd, han the saviber who A.C ARLTON, nee f eet i. @: he in gow resting off rapidly »t New York eost— Ry an carer joverted ‘with 4 Toe rons § et eh as a ~~ + Che tule will be coptinged ui wighi. ky fh asehacirg, Setanta ah fief! , VORKOLK MARKET. Soneae “Firtied be web #2 with Siwk can Reported by Mowland & Brothers, Vee. 84, 1856, He occ rene ng ey cese MENGE, SACHIPICE 0 aad obtained wpon must frivelvas eh. "Rides Wesiera, 10. ore 84 @ 9. - pool fuce was cheattoyel. The CORN Mined, OL —White, 62—Velivm eh ver ere yp ty ig ts ggnce was the loss af all pub- |p Fi 1.96_+-Es tte, 6.00. —Pamidy, $8.50. ity Pregnarienaetly five, $1.12 —Groend Alum, 1.20 AT MYERS, - fons would wit We’ {feo to Upir g ‘ y Whe in consequence of bis determinstion to closp be- Latte Cinsar divoroed Lis wile, anubbe — fick ag dz siuers, a pow cngicin fed comand Lang Eilicbny opie wae opti! 1g LIMES Hh _ WELL SELECTED STUCK OF wine ae fap vot OATA—3 @ @, _ Goons, . freedom and prospe ed at the . aici ' AT, 4ND BELOW COST.” ee ne dois ““ Ah REED: * | The Goods must be sold. Those wishing tm, MOO ALT eae A ON Goods a. “ unprecedented low prices,” should ye Election Bett.— At) _ tn this compty, om the 2d ivttant, by Uie Rev. & | mediately. & ah ost: singnlar bet was wade Bo. Waleua, Wr JOMN S.C ARSON, 10 mre | Selmbary, Dee. 9, 1856. the Presidential-eléction by a Gu. JINN EL CRAHAM Atthe Davie Hotel, in Meckeville, on Pde ‘NEGROES TO HIRE. a be elected. F evening the Yad iastent, by Bemucl Ruse, baby that romont - — \4 B JUN ba, ww Mise SALLIE GIBBS, by pr N Maesdey, @ek Discaky, will be hived 0¢ the After hearin We | pated Jie dep. vin Cvemty. 0 femd-nece of the subscriber, wear Jersey Mille, « r™® : chi made.s tender of a!!! A: Meant Mourne, Iredell cownty. on the 25th uk | ka uf valuable Negrare, camsisrin oo fete nde, » Bat friend, hav eon, 0-9, Rev. Drepben Frooties, Mr Ric BARD | combs, house cervanis, wegovers, chit ee ving ENCE, io Mie ELIZABETH E REID, | dren, refased to Increase prabhelar beads Rufus Reid. j , |e dhiseunaiy, on the sth lastent, by Rev. LC man's family aul | Greccime, Wr SILAS EARNMART, to Mie BA- A. BEALE Davideon 06., Dee. 9, 1856 —Pr. adv. $150. Cid ‘If you want a good paper Subseribe for « gave him a of advice, | BAtf CACBLE. ‘“s ” s hng7 ot beer, : pasted quod | ce a i dae, Samuel Rod. THE NATION, friebda Is gray pt BA SWE Gad Me OILS ; Te mont popalar Weebly wn An crica which has im- 5 Ma lL. = - oe. - } ¥ epee lis inser, sprang into oa be had boon Wondafal —The Philadel DAED : | IMMENSE “A <n = thinks it ie 2 cafe prediction — ee | Thiie re id aarp fe UNFEBCEDENTED io the 4 $ lalerv onday, December isTORY « REALISE, 20d cow ont sceoe ai Mood ag san agra Frese seni il oe micnaet MOR ATIO *PURR, gee bi . aigpal the tonne the ow hese copy } { ane Mami b= poet, imaed ander & od, without 6 td expense, 1 b Mptareny. of Ba and possibly in India, oft the Babe-beem © Un Priday evrang previons w hue STAR WRIERS OF AMERICA death, efor rotarsing fam « prefeemmiuna gall ammo ules Catouls he wee atineked by quinay, which de See Po ee Hw M- TING SKETCHES of that Comical Genie, Se Saas Te" Yariwalied Hamorist, KNIGHT RUSS. OOKSIDE, M.D. sas, Ne Seep abe chad Mena o OOA the whee THE NATION We the ONLY Paper wich onn-! | nine the WITTY, HUMOROUS & SIDE-SPLIT-| and) patrons fthe bext day after it has trans- pired. + Seonlpeiptoterdnd thread of Me ea l <1) A aged vedic. Uhh Wiis dass a Uh ceanongeettn his protre: | peaks Gehnoriygh-a. tee ~ owe Ase phyecisa be was atirwire ; ase Oiend, | Cotten Mac Rikesy. Of the rapity with, pipe 4 Pepi e oly ae ee TH ce eaeen ny ‘ whiel: mune Prttions of the Machinery pereetapes wed the aly rristive thal Watched lum ie M BIG El OW | Gyw sho emylvjed in the wanelasture of cattuu be oan hor: be it be ee the reaped sel ar: ’ facudie w power te commie - a may be forthed from | be Greatly rom gmed bre syutt tw thet tied whe | mas. E D FE: M. SOUTHWORTH, oy the fact —— art ly md 2 a's gabe Map weal beuate be many wrtars, & thet, whee | Whe @ WELL ENOWN os one of the a ine ace throng: druth comes, we wmy be enabled to meet i with (lat ‘ eet strotig ies ots ' whinh barns mowed she lemmemiod sehgret of Gre adie “eC nag sey gual to erga otpapse a Com off the fieets without burning the thread rah es | ethanate | €F Beane: eed Morell copy fesel(, The atti vity eit whic the thread | CLARA. MORTON, HNNRY W.MERBERT. oo of Wot te le eo great thet it cannot be pers ae: pl “Fiore eget gy amd ALICE CARY, Ww. WwW. POs K, | , ore opived swith the unaided ¢ eo trat there ts rote Pint womte! Whe AF. LAW, €. A. PAUR, = MES EOF FLLET, BEN CAS#EDAY, 3 any mation af oe ne of Ys | Teee death bee wet sounder ved rarried Lo the ohy, PAK BENJAMIN, WP BRANNAN oon gi ii ofaw uray! the ote pect staan Nap tedleetealy EL And Nuswcrees Others. ! were perfest Wy rere Hicewes emewe, 08 free Mr ie wr Sy aN he Masso ae " me ogee bprapeplindeatondeameheatinrs TO TEE FAIR S$ zee res ¢ materi : = oy Seb oh HARVEY ap. We or cinrl: om mend sme sheet ven on a bean Bobbing 4 Church —At VPittybqry, | GOxTUs, tafaet wed Post Bees Amete | oe ley eos & eer ok are » Cavern to thee ly expetta! beorfi, amaswelly Brilliant, Attractive, [nal t Ornamental, The Farmers’ and Plantery’ Corner Peaney’ @ shiort thae duee, eninge *« the Rh month of he age. Le thin the Moe RLIZA grote ener perenegartee tpn fire mebortn— tl prem tl end wots from a tual] bat dx or «em ¢° dolla Ja small chasyr, leating utice and —— 6 ghee Dn flictivn 8 Warlag to uy whe survive, | Lad Dress * a a a pd mig the Bovith-| Flat by the death vf Brother, + les G : by drat potiti ay {But Ui nual has Tyot ove of ite must | [and o8 good gn wrgar ment of Piaey aud athe » yayon sree re, ~ ful pale Gente er ene be foms.d iu any rte vat ot shin OO oa at ES met eT Lhe tome till on Don wlaree ba of NE BO. { t ’ med of Brew = dny| Redboloed, he the Secretary, donbh 2 ops | EB EMOKOIDERIES ca WHITER GOODS. “tere OES aes tu the family of our deeews Hin mock of Fancy nciche is barges _ pie daist orion a om, capable of saw) rand iotweuty-tive hundred Thet of Ve h, at hie Siore, Ne, 4,) There ie an wbundancé sf fee yin clack, hie} ete n id, and great se her Information, addrees by — e wee ia Otin, Iredell cummy, B. Drees 9, 1856, , HAVE YOU SUBSCRIBED IN THE : COSMOPOLITAN ART" - FOR THE THIRD BEAR? is we FE TUF Bate FYDLCEMENTS !—~ lentes went have the pleamwre of umnoude cullection of Works of Aut designed fr = thar. Hs ; Mmmong the euberiibers, whose usmes ae rorived vious to the: 28th of Jenwary, ‘57, more custly (hau of any previous year. Among the foes i edi ak seer ton Lado] — “WOonpD Bee hed |eves Bertie the ‘Three Great fax ari 9 60 CLAY, WELSTER & CALHOUN, Also the exquisile Ideo! Burt, “ SPRING". APOLLO AND. DIANA, *| IN MARBLE, LIFE $IZE, : drums with the — Groepe and Reesnen te | | Carrera, Marble—of : . | STRUGGLE FUR cae HEART, { Ter US AND APPLE; PSYCHE; } ALEN; CHLLD OF THE BEA; OCENCE: CAPTIVE BRD; and LITILE TRUANT? li Wak smaeseece carta Broaze, ond a coljpetial’ of EVERAL DUNDEE FINE OIL PAINTINGS, by feading Artigts | “The while A whieh pre to be disiribuied ur allutted { | ammemg the subscribers whore wumes are received pred | Voge lo tbe. Thenty-~<ighth ane 3, when the Distributive will take plede. * TER MSOF BUBSGRKIPTION. Every Crab! of three meat She a a vin. A copy of the splendid Steel je: A copy Y feet ot aappewity 33 Migr rece one vay Nica,” of year; ulw t | A copy of the Aar Jesanay eng yout, and A Ticker io the Annual Disifibusion of Works of he ae, for every a pemeon noi only | wepativel Engrs ms cr one Spd ats | Outeiers the Art de voor, wad & in} the Apabel Digu taking foor deltare atl | Of reading tratter beodes the ueket, by which « ‘ASSOCHITION | farms is much larger aod a} ‘ “{ them are puliciied to give us dn oppor ualty w Gill ‘Jorders clock, M., BINA Ready for. ( Orders. ments to Southern plawtore, Menufac- + turers apd othefa nu to be met wih | oleewhrre. The dewjwnd for heavy, tocdionn tigi! ond fancy gastings toyether wub every tppleiment and machine esed hy Te v shall be prompily sepplhed at oar werks | order there fare to sreury public confidence and sap port, Wis pegdided pinper io suy That the inate: jacinig fuchtites of thit exiahlshment are not equalled wi J. VESTAL. bree of Be pr proprietors to offer induce. | beeadiallll | ined the | tres any of. similer Chasacter romh wf Mat iluad jum |” age are spacnms wand commadiugs and the | Mechinery iowell adapird to our bosiness. It is therefure enpfide nily weserted, having the ade Sof the-mbnt competent andexperienced’ workmen, thet eviele manufactured by us shall challenge syc~ { sompetitors Koil Read contcsetors, Carriage Mokere, Carpen- ‘ters, Stotie Masons, Plasterers, hamse-k other# réquiting © machine, aben srengih write end bequty are combined and that can be made of ‘wood, iron, brass, steel, silver-plate, or all or eit BOYDEN, LEWLY & CO. if-24 ‘THE EALEIGH REGISTERSAN OTHER PROPERTY Be o@ A BLE. y, the Sth of December next, at 12 a*- The Raleigh Regisier, three-teaths of the ~ Cec. Teun, 1856. N Fride ( | lot and building an which Seaton Gales, Esq., now re- siden, together with other real and Permwnal rotate, ! | Will be sold at the Register Office. FOR CASH. abwe made « Trost It 2 en, A ageing: bplage Janey 1 DAN LG, FOWLE. Peeve Trustee. me heel 1856. font vlon age Cr - Who Sach Pictures ? WILLIAM BUIS! sod he can do it ws handeomety os JEFEERS, a dmy body elec. Lf any dowbs it, just lecahem enll at bis oxea Fiemsu's Law ornos, and give him “BUIS’ AMBROTYPES pable painting of greet uf stewary may be eles conan be excelled Whe? Because tliey are in per- tm odds won. To those whe prete * Satarde) Night,’ cag heve either Pom fy | pe yeor: Marper’s Moyatine : Gudey*s Unued Bares Mugezine, peer yarn | Ginhom's Maganec, Diackhwuad Magimpe, amis, Literecy Messenger. No perwa le restricted to » takin; five feagitting @15, are Piebyen to ais Kogep to ee tiebow ia the dmiribu- | ono) pay ee peg yal Magemees, cov yont, tnt pis the ket share faces’ ju temitttivg foods for aiembenhip, =ilf minive, by | please register the letter as the Pum Office, to.perpems hone; on ree. ipt af whieh, & certhaste oy aoe } sup. vaether wah the Bugraving wired, will be forwarded to ony uae | For fugihe, pariiowdse see the Nepember fn | Jonras!, sacle cere “at bit momberemp, eddrees EL DERBY. Aet 848 Beasdway, New Vork. or Westeta W atee etroet, Beuderty, Obie or Mas BE. E 6H0BER, by NIC A New Excitement AND OUTBREAK WY, enbecriber having porchused the Shep, Far. | eiec, Ke of Messe Wetman & Prien, would ane-ence tu she (nends of thas Gem, hee care friends. the old patrven of his fathen.and wo the public, ths he « pow recerving fromihe Nerthera tities a large, ELOY WA Chor, tory ap i ordep dm the test \gtvic uf tiie A He ws herp im hee camploy a rh Val Cuter, and cee. thepeter | | feotiom of the Art Call and see bis work, and give preter Magagines ta the Cogewring | hin o triad, and be not fai nicen, HES ews, 1000 WH. BUIS. KEMP WARM! LARGE snck of OVERCOATS, BUSINESS | aed DRESS CUATS sad VESTS, om band and fur | | ANKETS| ay t — Binabons 10 pr. Fine Bath wos! ug tt Wheung do. | _ Fer mle how, MILL, MOOSE & CO New .8, ins6 was ae eee of 38 “WANTED LOU te areca: tee cs Hodes ; 2,000 bush. Flaw-ered; 10.000 Ihe Cotive| Rage For which the bighes: market prices will be| | } ] ) paid te Cash of Goods Carriage MILLS, MOOSE 6 00 Nov. 10, 1836 wae JOURNEYMEN ! THE SUBSCRIBER W shied to Gatbidy two @ood (workmen, oa¢ pain aod owe blackeanth, to wurk at the Uartingr bsamees ir Addrees, JAMES SMITH, N.€., are Completed and| and all) andes} Tamer Lane DISUMION AND CIVIL WAR, PAMINE, de, de, RE evile and calvmities that thould te | LX agus, BAKER & OWEN beg teate to ine Gorgr the publie genereily and prvitie Maarptres pat, ty pileutnetys that the yore ready, willing nud abld to | teet them froin ove at Jewst of the above (Light | DY putting up to their buitdings, their’ Putent snd | Laghtning Coadectora, at prices lower thon it bus ew- et been done ut in thi part of the roma Cham your orders to Baker & Owen, Salisbury, N _ July Qt, 1KS6. MILLS, MOOSE & (0 AND EAT EAL pig Fancy & Staple DRY Goons SG peg my mengeig tegen MECHA teyc nahelared of Feosy DRES +: GOUDs, Hesiery; Gloves, Struwlt, Silks, Alpaccas. Merines, DeLanes, ) French and Enytish | ] ) | | P Mate ond Cups. dda, 9 whe acanrtment of re Yectingr, Unacned snd towers of all kinds 7 T:uaks and Carpet ots atid Bhoes: .p large stock of Ready-M Clothing, Ke—all of whieh we are determined to ell at prices that will defy competition, Give aoa cally e oar Gun selves. and see fur your- Now I ‘ . 1856 Qian SWAN & (O'S LOTTERIES. [Authorized by the State of Alubama.} SOUTHERN MILITARY. ACABEMY To be drawn ia the gy uf Monrgdmmary, Ata, ie pub- the, 06 Wednesday, Deecmbet 10, L858, an the Plee of SINCLE NUMBERS! haep opmin, oot WE. wv. Motant Oegss Come 30,000 ‘TICKETS ONLY! | 3280 PRIZES ! MORE THAY ONE PUISE TO EVERY rex riowers. BRILLIANT SCHEME! 1 Prine of e429 200 ' « mee iy eS 5,000 Cs 2.000 lee 1,600 1 = 5.000 1 trace 2.500 we 4,000 oo 1ee 1oe 70 | "APPROXIMATTNG PRIZES, We? ahaating te pany one ow s rH oo je GS ‘mm - : ry or) @ am cs $ te ed (wo - o e . me Fle es iow ~ - ore L atlaead 1.At0 press aerating to < ua | Whole Tickets, $1.9 — Heal ea. 85 — Quarters, 24 | Pias Gf VUE Lorrenr. | 3.600 Primes of $10 will be determined by tbe lent Squte of she N Vet drews ihe $40,000 Prine — | Far canmnpie. if the Nowber drewing the $40,008 Pita egte Gk No J, thea «il the Tickets @here the | wamber wade le 1 willGe envitied ww $30. Wv che Mam. | ber dete tite Ba. 2 willbe catniedic B40 2nd wr ut oO. Cortifiontes of Packgne will be eld at the fulhrwing | retes, whtel is the risk Conifione of Pastage of 10 Whoete Tickets, oe = 0 fer a 10 Qeaner Ty Orders for Troheia can be ohh ned to R SWAN 20. AUame Ge or 6. SWAN, Muyo gaerr) . Ale ~ - \ | SINGER'S SEWING MACIINES, ~ lI HEE eetebepted machines are in practiral ond Pprodiatlc eee in afl parte of the civileed wartd. | Tope drawn in the City of Atlanta, G . We, on Ssturday, December 20 Ha’ cit © SINGLE NOMBERS |! if $0,000 TCKETS—3,280 pateese: MORE THAN O88 PRIZE TO EVEhY tow TioKeTd! Magnificent Bohenie, - Prize of * t 1 Prise of T ror 1 Pra of 5.000 L Peue of ae 1 Priae of Louse 1 Prize of 1,000 10 Primes of | 100 Prses of ave 100 Prizes of rr] Reiaes af be approximating to oe a Prises 123 approsivating to 1,009 ae ew Prizes of 100 approximati ioe. wre 4 eer 1S approxima ling to Prises of 56 approximating iw Prisesof = @ a, 8,900 Prizes of 4 are | 5980 Prines amounting te Whole Tickets $10—Halves $5—--Quarters.® 1-2, 3.000 Prizes of $49 will will be determined, by thelant frere of the Nomber that draws the $40, ooo a t example, if the Number drawing the 40.000 Prite ends with No. 1, chen all the Tickets where the |numberends m i will be entitibd to p.. BY the Namber ends with No. 2, then all the Tickers where the Namber eude in 2 will be entitled to 840, sad ea to 0. ioctl inrise. 2 aha wit at the follow - iug rates, which ws the risk Certificate of Packages uf 10 vey Tickers, Ly 16 ro lll bed Address orders for Tick«ts, or Ceriificates <back. ages uf Tickets, either io BS. SWAN & CO., Attants, Ga. of 8. SWAN, Montgusery; Ale. SOUTBERN WILITARY ACADEYT Loreexy' CLASS L, To be drawn ie the City of Mubilé, Alebo ma, ia pab- fie, oo Tuerday, December 38,1556; on the, Plaw A SINGLE NUMBERS. tt gil Jour Mere. end w. Loin sents Beas, Com 30.000 Tickets-3, 280-Prines! MORE THAN ONE PRICE TO EVERY TEP THR ETS: NOVEL SCHEME! “’ 1 Prize of 1L Brese of , Ai at { se of Hpsweped 1 Prine of 10 Prines af APPROXIMATION rene. i. ee B mem hy : ' r*) - ewe prado pis *o -* « ne ” tome « r wn“ fis Prtece emoanting te sa Whole Tickets, $10; Halves, 05 ; Quarters, 2}. 3,000 FP. Af B40 will be dey ermiged Figure 14 the Nember that drews the 9:4 i Re For exeupie, i the Nember draw Prine eats wit No ft thee all the Ti Pate RS Ste: code in | ofl be etiitted to 40 “SP thie Beak ber danke with Ne 9, thom. pil the i oegrernomats 4 Member rude in @ will be omtix ted wO40, and me om i. gle emrep ddr a hae pep it pr cutee whick ie the Cortese of Robege ws 1 Whete Fiekeoi», ad “ - 10 Get Pee ~ td te - + 4 Addree Orders tor Ticks is ot Certiiteies of agre of Tinkew either to - BS SWAN & CO, Atten Good? 7B SWAN, Memon Ay ob W. J. BINGHA Mye-n Aswimed by pieana, propusrs Pepemog he sec = SCHOOL Oaks, Orenge County, FF. Bo" | Pith of Pebrunry, 1657. 4+ Goan. £7 A istic peren te bard ecb-olnye ont ind © grad etentine hom Addroes. Lowy W.2 BINGHAY, » Cuba, Oroage Cn fe cet Nev. 1056. a nares Sex, as, oar y ILINA OAD A x. LORSVIL LE werrant prod fis, Mis espencece mihe busage A cherv ile . % C_ | be ell ne wathowes trade, 004 \a-eP eng every anes Rall = sigaoaactee 2 val ted x cov eights Cente is coppers im the terx. | en a: , vend Aqncuiers| }tthee Nin ie saying Much cammnt be wer) Oi 2). 1956 rn Vtabete, fier all lath oe lathes, they have beow fully WINTER SCHEDULE MAID Trare * cay Susie denotes), FEMALE MEOOL [=e SS Se a ere | cee tage aac es er | a une Arten Telly Nel, ARTES . odea ail o ie. ow jar iare on fail a etnity bend bet Sa Schidel children, and was roe dap earnaags. Yeoeerspy woe Ne +. Cape, Shirts, Callarn, Veats,, H sedterpbeto i “et 8 18. Bet @t DP SINGER'= MACAHIVES ALWAYS OPERATE a @ Laited : to parchase an ten to the Seecer ey eutpe fa dage set, “ . Pune —end cat imtng, bedend Cab ond a PERE BCTLY, being strong. deratic ond cumpirte BAsT weet , A ees i : dage here ~ The vagalouds “tho stole the “T°UE tied wee» of thie pehend, wmdet Ue gow Tis Gkse of ear paper GW re neive ihe TOWN PLROPERTY FOR NAL E | @ eenteweoce A perfees eewine “+ in. enor uédkt bet orumerwt of Mire Jas. R. Gchepic, 4 en- aes games « dovaaed, 00d) tesng -ope awe ere wok amas A = n hept ewpoyed onde a chear prod of 81 MB | Lacon CRartase ot ti madlg 5 on beoq ver UE BNOUCEEEe ouse oe Thades the Ihth df Jennery Bee mag cooaee 7 poole «pasa ao br de megh Tap «ened test -2 ie Mus sExRD 1 OPPES. far mate 0 part o oll of Let Na 1. EW oe eer bet wh lemperivet oge ies Gante of eonet ont “ Camourd at reat a fs t mttompt to eater tie chapel Ly again | te © tected memes af \oung odie com be bed iD Ey ee wok chu at Whtahaee ihsa Merchant To tp? wag the WON CR Reed, ved weer the Dre | veserin cad ine The suave miniery of urkions + Renebery, appointed cing the front deor Mew t.cfrepe's wwe famdy other pi vate femukep ia 2 ee 2 a al Gor. 16, 1066 «of alta ear J rary , he sap “dvee- | = ome greet reanre fur the enpareiied gupulansy " Leewgee tle! wl be prepered to ecrunamdnie » somber ”* — " ng ihe Rat Ait wih 2 ged dwelling bene un - pa ohn = iran - e TS Ores nad Stores amd Poems be cad «icon tn divuird soil’ toe Gemebos Antipas MACHINES POR FAMILY SEWING, < @ich Pest, ) 5 Phe Pismet Supls ~Ieyiter is now re etc pers aes the rey) hinged Sérmunse spy toe Soon BAIR MT, FOUMORY & MECMINE Domi cnc Sees Netgear keneeeeee tee ee with men Oe ere Star. end will euntiriuge an | me deet of the teabty, the morale of the comnme Weohiagton Lines ip, Ne Siiect oe Morgan’ a, N.C S.A MOWARD 1 Uy ther qtnats See atmeblers dhe medtia) ° Lrangm of Oaba « J he t ory. ead the cheaper -f thes srtund, infoce 4s the Letet Pans Foshoows Proctcal Snore Cer, H. 183A wae catch the of 0. ent to perform subtsgtinl wath, The bey jeouria in ot pril 11, J SSF. vyptter a? Aen | frwede tn wupret « large petrmnnge Recespts for the Humahnid and Tur . am AT ee oe Lrath ie, (amily sewmng machines varhi (© be sftenges ~ Ralengh —e the planets, and next & Venu, Deecenbes 9, 1856 iw? pe ; 0 * Depart STAFFORD, DIXON & CO's y mY r . y ' Vother, because they gm rmte lose aitiifal bende Arrive Gelder aed coo let,* The Little Ona'e” Lxpe a pal most baibant. Lt ois ove Usoemsnd { sg pa no i UM HORS P AND 4 4 thee when add tr manufactarrrs. ced are ened for 2 i make the FA a co ila carl | are vues : Lame PREM | ERS 1 greater veret) of work The machines whah bere WEST en ' three hundre ae . aa af : Poetry. Beaders Geede, Hew Se ow y . ‘ Mutual Insurance Co. paces best for ail cher purposes mast be best for cal Xan te about four heodred aod ninety -fre . por wal Sketches, Tramslutions, de, de THRESHERS wily wer ond they ere Sumger's The «peed of aur ; . = . > ent qufilign eight Landred thoasand mies Js —_— The NATION wi fe: Queen) Vane!) (cient ’ ieee cated wpem at a * hee lately bere dembird No wther exe Leave a. “ pp ted ay tast-from the ean. ang is aceompaniod Dy | NUE wbmerdeee will flor fr ont on Prides the pee) col cock cee coh ene ene \ev RE op weil hoown, that desorption ¢ enecersas : alte des La Sie compare with them im quaweity mf work. tae: = ad % ery. for the abner ( aod red 4 Hvtete 4133 Sineeracy | LY Up smedant. (Der) bee eek ond Faredt . =; 7 ' r For the Se y Se Leste ad a TT New marhines of the lategt umproned myle will — A, t . aad Ow be worms, Wee fare shiny our Nulec Four past ten of ARewe years ther om " foes wrens, which belp it to its lighe th at Engr ecvog 2 vimer bers ’ “ ae pe receive catwons from any peraon wishing te ~ Grerow = pear ted @ jearein rev ly mg arvund the Menken —veral catite.a ba / roweg Hoge, « cno-tever | 94 p peer (ihe your enh a stume conning 418 monty rer orber Machisce bes been fully t-st-d by wore atl anes Te anpany owt? in sac eéenfat | oa cechoce * of eatey Soy sliced eae =e ne ae -~ “45 y are} ¥ : . We a goed, mew end weil toned fen 4 ¢ h apdec de of th 4 ad opnena Fonte y = = | oMase mar cwn mak>. or fl mprrative quarhines of dean pee a } ow moli- ? : e*. . lege cree. be safely primed pages uf . the ment inteligest and eatenprieng For! or an end ive benemren is fost tw reaming. Permoue | age, oo ‘p ° =F Tigh P a) . nn, sud Larne al-ont on ite axe ence iv B-5 uw wep? Cuverpeserd Novelicties, SLetebes, Be, Ae. togetber | MTP Of ihe State, oad theiepapetacity mxy be banen | TE Nims, SOs te mua i Uo Ne ne ee on saagl ore — coal egrets wrested w of! dat firinse 4@ ccxeeee, whieh gives ta vedocity at lis With ever 100 Original Elustrations. sm Ibe fant tbat me here erred bens able in copply | Sag ca ibe dabocriacr JD RAMSAY NAW perwces deoriag fall cohamet en chee Lermgwe_ 441 irst more j eon dtd of four thousand ex Wandred an | * fer WELODEON Bede tad Bod-stonds; Tone TUE NATIUN com the (lbw tar whe. the seedy merruang drmand Ret hevieg re Jane 10th. | ~S6 bem 2 a. ‘ FR * Retabenry . 344 » affairs of F Chas a Beeramg, 4 ot 5 Stoves end other Comsags. 10 be SUA RIPTION ClUbbiec Wine, \Y htied cer abup, and were ased our works wee macters, ron vdteie tb. ryly ing her a empt 5 pany j cis i 'yreizht utes im a minete, te “2 . vn Biber wb lvegety wprivay of bewaghald eferie by otinsaosas wind “ we trust in future tu be able tn heep pace wit : owe « - — S paper devoted Ray: eom spt ma ft avameb y on y rote \ ww em pre ' rafaraes. t thotmatd tice yreattr than that ofa i ; ; orders that 4 dacrmineing pubfiamay (av.¢ os ord W . : x : exing that peta batt I ES Pp oiyer asf a ome prepay aay sak RANKIN Y SINQLE cories €2 00 per anoem Then ‘MGéehous sitlvod eprep al ihe Rikist DEROSSET & BRO N, 1 MW SsINGER & CO. Sebabery, M,C. Nev Seb 1*54 wee 1 formin , Anis z ' Hiatt ake nisin T¥U on- sddeows.) 3 50 Farr 1834 aod “3, 10 eompyinem eth Mechrece| WILMINGTON. N.C. | Privespal Office, 383 Broadway, New York. | —» j id paehdiculur to plane of ite orbit, th Vere mite bth, 1656 tom | TREK 5 0 manalsetntrd in thia State. a6 well nea member (rom { BRANCH OFFICES "nr tT) ow . = Cua pone shot ahem te Hameo SCHOOL. ©: ae AE PRY WIOM org wanes we eect BROWN & DEROSSET, «| 4: win areca | NOTICE t 3 ST PR 1 ore ot bere. e y . * ‘ sker, Vat : --- if tr And eopy free to the geiter mp ofthe (lab faetate, at chant mewiew, Grit and See Wil [nme nee aeniae ea | pod conorpantag deter I — . se reer oo ed MRS. BROVDFIELD of TEN Vartery (sear, Corcatar Saw Mille, Wed carding Me GENERAL Co Ss & apt bette S hereby grrem. shat Ephrsim (imiher oft i } > 347 Broadwev. Albany, NY A MN Meek & Ganner has eold o@t ane . * ¥ . } AU those eceding om subseripiions from ube Chars. Nirow and Stal Cotteep, jest the All bet Usual e@vanece made on mane at ; 5 4 LANDS FOR SA LE. . FR BRS het servives to the citizens of Sahebeory Phade Provimees. mest carter in adden to the aba) (arm re nerd thee dry pease: end all kinds of cast = bi - ai lie! ateabeaets rps rad Bach fae sida Te ke eo: pdsobase opoad bs 4 WE chbevihe,s henog determined to go abe | to the capecnty of Teacher, aod meet respect eeripuod price. TS come fot each eubecoler. we we are (Age ennmen wee iy the cognfry, - s i recs elbnatts Gane bard Ce ~ the: be hee ne further com on oF tuterest Philadel i T wAled for vale hee inode. ly mg oe the waters wf | fly mobewe thew paironngr ppl aio, oly whew R manpelird t prepay the United Stvtes pat ng- Levtews adicodned 1a : WANTED | 442 COeewe: street, Pade aol cools TC WeNFELY in France : TYE Heh. 9 [redell pognty. iwe miilenewe:h 4 the | to but few la thie mommoni'y, avi waly a brief Ali tetters eomiaming musry ahoald be rgterad, SEAELORD DIXON @CO | 105 Baltimuere o reat, Batimare ne AJ MOCK. ith i ~ Westity Minersing? she babincos ©. G. reitbnae te thts phew che dovtes i trovemry bschste | ous Erresed ploraly, end thes will come at ver rick Seow Camp. Alamanze, N 50. Bushels Wheat 2 Fast Foorh street, Cwemnes Wi J. WeNEBLY toma, with WRK, , Thee tracy ; that she Ras anme cuperw nee in touching, heving fed | otherw me @r are wet Femponsuble fot imem Will meet with prompt at ention. 1 Crreago. [hewn : —~ oes ted @*he large parGen af winch my bwed the famntinn wine years of her carter life, omd BT Bpreimen cqire el be ent free io Put Mae ’ 63 Neacth Powrth ot. R Loe The bamanee heresficr wilh be cmtoomed by Me. ae hon 2 80 excelent meadow, and, desired. references of character and qualifications iors. Agents. and all whe wish te got cies ” i ; | 34 Nt Charts ot. New Orton. Not Wik &.« wh» have came inted wuh them r id Bs be fermahed. (ee abyret im riew ia, that ber ware | all os here . ' ompa The ex | 1000 e S FLOUR. 0 tre a qe” NE of teen in Cultiesiann. om this place, ORM ) AR in , Denphin st, Mubrie 3. P. Sempmra af Lo wngise, 20 0 partner Its saa ‘ - J opgag—and jbo plamaten © wel weicreg Mitle daaght-re gay have the benet of her instrar. | pene of ¢ 8 come cs By ; Noccenbrr 4. 1858 Denes 29 pd. poe input Lied ently a ramege eae je 5 0 Ficting hragebes ran omg tbmagh ts dfereg: tune. and that che tach may be profit eble s0 wel as sasres CROFIT & BIGKLOW. 88 Deck St. Phiie. Fy ‘Ta ertanetit @ tons 10 parcheve the ate v* nase Prete hive ferured as with end hope by bee pong t the nem t patio “A good ae- ~_ a, sad ober necessary A fedprateastiats amyrily Popeebsadias appt ood eta A meng the hundreds of complimentary notices, er | Wtyet Wheat and Flour. fr which be will pay ser eevel lenge etek and selfing at weal prefiee, te eo track 1s : we thie pecs. 1 ie one of the gmom health», h°r Oh anteatd x sear WRTE Teceived from mewepapers in every eceiwe of ar Ora tes heghest market pce im rash 1 53 rare a large pectee of the irade af the sucrmmetheg sther the bahar iu the canaty. Alms emal formof 1b; tee the féeb go prceeeey vey og tea, Oe wait my we qmole the futhiwing extewet fom ; THE STOCKHOLDERS Seles ‘ ra ae “on . pee nas q ary, Sept. 16, 185 16 MONEELY, WOCK @cCon ty ee ae =i “ ation appearson clesr large (ype on anew . ° 7 . ; | without infiitava iio, eddrese ibe subscriber 0c Amay Hai, | growth of Uaer aa ara be amen sol ed sal dente aqbis paper Sed ehh adurncd eth slesiratone” OF the ¥adkia Navigation Company, ~- bE WROURRALE AnD extant ° Gebsiery. Now 19th, 1°56 2A here i HegaeN Coanty ¥.C, he Cpnree of sostfectinn will eashrace the hremehe es tlre ptper, yee ' rho. 4 muire. | sonal tanght in private schools, vit, the elementary — Y. Sea H AVING fated to sasemble and sleet, at the SALISBURY DEALERS Iv : f achier- . at “Tew WM atinin ts a heh posto in the literary time and place appumted, proper officers for the "y rit ce Wap nd r branches p pp prope at oa eae Deeomber 9, 1854, . “Tee cs ee i a eneuing year; now, therefore, by vurtes of a By-Law CLASSIC, AL Nb HOOL. ‘Staple & Fanoy Dry Goods, RUNAWAY-S5 REWARD. y Anaahens "Thee one uf the beet wei bhee mow pubiahed. and ¢f seid Compa we. the und rang, be a very low : Eaglich course, 912 eeiaks seure im bringing Ht the wotice wf the , pe spars yee 2 De Catena nang DLE AX ‘Nv DOBY. a bowed appre tice. rane Higher Eagtsh branches 2 90 Lj majority of U widening Rehed to commen: on the Net Moaday im Juve. Pr ahot Herrinberg. Pe. Reval do her-by deegwat> awl appoint the eccimd Satueday THE uhdemigned has ypened « Classipai Schreud ’ asa) Pilaconf SCE Su lec tale avowling 7 ty, ims oe. NSB. tf 26 Pr nde Ue prope. vere the Lath of meat December, and Farmington inv ra the town of Safiebury. for the purpose of pre paring A za writ fis ee pack of OCCAR ce eae! fe " hem a <a an : asi vad 4 - ea one * minal and va.e goo s, and the beaaty of the | nant i the timé arid ploee for s yereral meeting OF young mea for College, or any of the learned Prifee Lay adie Nel LagDS, fi bak . et hes owe wil owe shew reward for bee tufinels. VTER fra Japoary, 1+ the becinces of tthe ty magraphy cannot file eecure fort a general cir vad mreage kde re fe the parpuse of electing pohahoes some Papiie wil! be prep ter amy chain COPPER. SA1T. MOLASSES. RICE) Pickics, prehersian a delivery i» Re ee Velie bend ease and JM olf Firm of Murphy “a te & Co will be ; reteine”—Wilhemehorg, Pe badependent Pree. | sad Gt (he trinteethme of sank wher bucheces ee mey the University. i any of Cadle es whieh they Pepper, Space Ginger, Mackerel and afl Kind of fammity of age, hie a bbe ineeh sa ere sta tinck hoary how, t ind Fit . ; Drevin gh u: 0 paeedy chame 5 we winebd. tere fore, ad Tno ng Wl “Wee hterary aint f maruml, we have 0+) come before them Ap ak we expeeted the Prinerpal) gay demre. The scholastic your will conmst of ane Groceries mmally fond wm the Market, at of who we rather de | lomk ag. mr rs w avep He hte view gl! permams iwdrbted io aa, if they wih w save hreatae in wanciny he heet nmong our ex Engpacer, Me. Cuan. B. Fick, will be ready lay We Gein of ten maths. comme neing on the bet of Oe. offered at low prices ft eash or ce short time 1 pame. wrbed atthe Pn aod t Ss ae Puvnews Uses cull, ty comme forward, withum delay, om make pey-| FEVITE Rest Ink in ihe World, for onto oi JW Be « We Ladies to procure it with. regneg tepan fhe fae eneees of the River, belies the tob-1 sed ending im July, with a vacation of ome week tual dealers Now 10, 156 Parr tw reece, end con 4 tty, gad work > ment. We ore in -aracet. and mean whai we omy ‘ mew” BOUKSTORE | 0, delay wile P. oP pablican meeting, it © mnpurtgnt ell should alteed at Chreotmas Thi ewern ah peren eve proving on ha 1e Town- MURPHY, MeRORLE & 10 July 22 8 Withehhe pe@ing ctv omennivene: hat inthis & nas WC. JONES ; ’ ; N k Leenting ose! bit. we Tene aenly emtaree the b cate this Smwbery, Deo. &, Las6 fate ' saee we ari band ei pice wasn iecHinl Wale mk JOHN A. WY DEN Terms---Per Session of 10 Months. lin Shop and \ tee eqerent ar ane a: arene aibieeactauses Rel cHe cure rapraansee tli be! N van) bey oxen eter Mea aate : = ce 90 70 a a slec- Tyr Sandtord hae sret a carge of hie Tavig water tn MY bal al or ' JAMES KE. KERK., Primary Engh branches, 426 See A ae ue late NE Seibel gua pe nal By rR Ra gre locas FOR SALE Decembe 2.1556 ve ‘en s ew ard. 1p wh on wworde uf fimny, whhey.werky dell rertore SMaciK 30 00 Lr e+ vereip | ayer em poconeriel He hwe ned 1) fe many OP Rave ae < Ree vin Classics an athe matics, . . = ype years ina lenge and extended practice tlt ite + , ig Mandell trang Grstned asthe Rise Calg: | Rabatvary Nov. 10, 1886 : Coutin ge ot fund 1 60 AT MORGA NTON, N. 1 House and Lot to Rent v nont ] RB AWAY fret ted cobeertiry abewt the tet ee iNainghlt herons €ad A www af ied hw suns Depetce praved head we overs One shard of the ‘tana wll be reqnuned advange, - day of September, 1X56. a free boy of efter, nam. drsmedy kr Wabi davies landioas es I, hae the mast bean if:lengraved head we eve PRIVATE SALE HE “. tre not od BILL CRISP, whe wae brand in me by the Comm.) 90% 1 Oe ee ee uf the creatrse nurs being crm and ies ' +S ewertomingy traty * sie therd'an he let.ofi Marche nnd «he ¢ shales ball . OR SELL. d vote it 'y Ceartof Burke. Twit pay the abewe reward te | oy bho WA esa nae CPt will sarc felon and maal-abeorag Willamaburg. Vad — the chee af the wren N dedvee ” NEKS a aod by ‘ ea se re) te. We the deiwery of ead boy to me in Murganton, NC oh ve @amnr stemach (ldhesoee on emrmeheansiive. (F@celte HE undervigned having determined tn muvee erecptin dears of protracted sickness sees We FRahata cine heads sien Ties ape ande rege? deere to % » Rent nat for a AU. SABRATT, NEE Tt : : ; net euch a paper, and it hes, West, uffere for sale hie rradence 1m the thrising and REFERENCES gee Ale he ack on ha reset ing of Tra pte re i pees, fesimle obstraci none, cidere, morhas, dy ernie: y ws ae : nv Japraned ware, a sms! quaatiiy of Sheet Re Meat year. a wery desrabic prone of preperiy ati ie t December 9, 1866 Se ce saraieciiedipiain\: bv hel opie leliGe lamesill vane ees in uses seani(e ee met. ib iow re ogy President and Pace! Rev Drery tres wee. mike Pow. of X 1 a ge class 0 = : ii do apes! world - yrme on lueatcd va the centre, and is une e a S na s * ‘ rope = wchen S ou As NEGROES fof E Silo Oh she. ven comeing tet one: ke ‘ the desievite siffuattens in the village. ‘Terme ac- Tee. Ds free he ze 5 Lees: Morge stone i hecmiet Ree Wby Sed domes | dectiag tines git a k neh eo seee aver bees n / pt oe ) HIRE. om tocnre thuse diseases iry Dr. Sandford's Inviguen Peary pore erie araoeere Su Lote Joba M. Morehead, Hoa Juhn WoT h, Grebme | tte tecabtics in Nucth Candinn, and bere we ane ee wge [lve wineed © pbnencee Ur if any in anotit- ‘ 608 ar et reais cenod Fok birsenetiindrra pe yor ae beora’t Rev, A. Boker, Am Marin Orage, Joke & i coo ciamny bit @ Pinner cortile these. Ihe obroses: éeare th perce cnid peony hh fw mle. Por. but eight \ ILL. be hired, om the 20h December. at the - ’ nag hp aap ie ote clameatee ore. bat Wa thie vee Shaver, Ving. A. Henderoen, Bay. Jen E. Rei, ay tn enpply hiner!) with @ complete stuth uf ious i) ome wehing either wil please call om a old Homme sted, wil ite Negrete tnd Lands be JOB PRINTING © oi sie ae Te bast nasa a pohokes ad lage License for Sale t this Eng. Salsbury @arry om eine where me ot Fori Dubbo nee eet v the di Jowging lo (hg aminor beire of Wn. Bh Wind, dea! ( A beeen ee rledoss SG re edflsth Ae arr ea JOHN BOGRETTER. AB LEWIS BEARD WILE K & LVURENGE ation” te our readers.” — P vostly For D ce unber 9, 1686 eM reshe “jean Newly soouted at this Office Bosievse. — tw Office. October 14, 1856. bated New 25, 1836 sae November, $9ch 1856 Mia! ce uber mo 5 bdo ( | _- ~ SNOW. ‘The snow war proverbtutty vattot tre ore ores oa feu ean ti oul shalysis had shown that it yer ned pet ott A « farmer's wmaupre,” Lefo: per centage of aarmonig, tran 4@ wpres asa protecting er, = gle atulk of corn op other grain in’ vigor. Thege are Loeket Ti cadans: itff*the rit ef op thegtadt, théy call rot be scan by figs pall iy the GUN-AND ocho | (pate tlie So Ae agian, WC. sstenpely* denies ul aed. Mee Ee oe \-° GH NER -COMMESSION bre: ; iat wy 4 f “ wlth a8 Silt Yo pee! EVERY KIND OF hea THE Pigcnt torn ce om wanliinuky, x. cy _ eae y the tender he rbage and the roots of alby Unaided eRe WL accent & their, gxcged: ants against the tierce blasts and dol¢ coven nl fries Sabb sired peop: are *) tol Of winte, Ag examination of guew fn not grow rdeticare fvfes ean uboxe hygucmaae the | coms Vache aie | Fepep the’ wore segiryl Biteria chewed that wha the teniper: et te ine emarse ted und it may be - Facing: “ERS as im all ite varioat| wore dagen AS ‘ be ) S ture of the — Bus soventy two der cos "ute he as a rele, a no plants caf foe ren sare orteiet boda ay set ) pat ite Bee ee ihre ine and never tailed below nemo, te myer ature of thee gow UNM Tn a sou tbat docs nel cgwala wit Tire /, BP rutance, vn ire none hte iF ete eee ae figiies of a litthe manag bce ty eM Oer te oe mae mae ad my eet Vache calles Slecstatiod™ om) COL gate Py ’ pe fee Bey ae re Clit Viges n tr Js v coche of material se prove bia iana ae “it Work peohnaraeerne ira 8 Fuwbaislownre wma ee a wor a Cotats tor Mu ; ; de deed de, hs Mat ft ga be wished gat by water, ane) tuned Onder lbs why a ee promptly ate tives he iia bare ; ne b * and other t rhea, ud enema at Pl m deyrece Tors Tas euciw: Koc umes wiele) jean : A yaaa nded to. fers cvepedefaly wdteiied ; second - rye olen, weal yd other Prox weg. for eylen oe pith the arti just below its surtaed int — “ ~ ‘ " ba Wosuparated “hy tte: fimgvr, sehebury. Oot. wt ret ARLES HARTMAN. ers, chon they wil ngt De re a func aa lana hs aus at ere we waren, Manan - uhtion to take on « al clarugtewiice His Ter ga Uaess. . Pile Qatie abecuus of : cca 20:3me ‘bead vast pte hb h Cau ea eigen Ti clon theres stew ved Bilem) ni a hilo od Oe fs m aid wet lenea vf Gea tein TY sath ine fafen titty Geld Peas, a SN Aigo? get Wanited ene Faoy ee ly awd frozen beg cal tht Ms secu « pack , E ; ‘ \ Ane . Wa cela wreager ne bus B) a v iy } i ry i: tir dye ay obs tte Vie EU) lag “4 breuperiiee of Qo Gold Pea Aan (i BIVERY br. ye SF Bry sipelub ure Where Jiwkd. ON ll te 2 8 edhe ty, 4 alaiiota in the earth, wtiligir he dik! ty wg tay we Tebaod Che Fis sale ie acpiep ea “ * to be botth’s are wor, ar v er wi ° ywer} ae renin is te 1; axtitiehose . e ranied WO et 4 . a ot if ts &@ powerjal Abeot © ng ab od other iny Rad! elt 1 aN BOOKSTORE. ne apr pgeeennesmpe sgh Eero are afl Wij. aned AWAY Ot An'rr Wy e. a) aS retagting ( ibe einih frAson avian trou . ot Feat t fan’ ie a ices ate warratte <4 to ihe Rn W sponta hal re vagetabie and anicnad cde com past rs : 1 >: ‘Encour New Worik th ri papto! Mohs tinvony he h \ ROD A ND « OALe uy he epee, they! it fale heave ata BD tity veg” a age | ome Industry! r tarohiga Form Book. cabrases acer tnd y atone ‘te bites sit ~ «18 NAA Wiles tr dear of the poor, and brit ™ MEGS, aeetcea BATE hiny a Laily The Courter ct Bk OUH yt) BE OFR rent Froese, peel, } ner bortic wall ére-sent SBN tn , ' prea, tig poten tT, ! os deeb um nares as the Loilow nes be af gi Rie ware, for onke Sous end Desi- Tys ik GeuAR Tee on Of ; s « bar.» : © ast 2% toe devs of tre are gna Uraduaguan of Sirase WY Was tt cht STILE BEELER AND BE PTR: AE 5 cee eeoe K {euse of rimgeworm are warruaricty © ny el B, aste of the! AEs oh leulat tere - ¥ bs * q STORE. “ a a. S . me ‘ Maile 2e Rdg Inte): ae. k re 1 ae fre rey jy AH runing op Baczies any Rock BA ly 22. P5 RE. ae three tats are wartinted to Buty the it. : Cbd mae ALY he ours andl espe beives, be overture ae inn lee th reiments. My wrk. hea obit 6 atts r eu sace Se eee { Spe raty tele of rhe tila avy, Wt thu Am dd eally when the deep «pri } Ate pact Of FAtistaction wher ye given garad | Three to four burton a8 i 6) Ys duid i ub owe ‘ an ng aN Saves ok Tash tiyiit, Hany fogt, ate ele antl y drgss- | ! Acs ah erunges ante ral besa feted ox Karan wud i | rhewans ba ih lad py Te ai" tie big dey vere Loar Wang i‘ ny < re MIN STrEA MS Were Wo Seem ia, whe a Reward toth at itehall give patisfectpn and ary: | Piveite ciem bes thew 9, SG. were tate 9 t 1 fusing their motive powers to thy ergy. fibigned Vee ae emogey Ladin west {insite dees old SASH FXCTORY } AND LU Fort sh rte WAH core HS eurot hg wl PROTA LD olw er oe. ieee ore os i rae appetites of mman. [fthecloudadsap- | er wjyrwazuice-alenae eg a woman of) neat fe PUY. Ta edchag, yr» “b. ilroad, | ad DeFE lee er Wen ph Bey Bed fo ray ccttantioiditn tony Vim, Ayoo 68. : = okie ae Omeetivn hig lve ao 5 ce, Gr eq limi) YLT? ’ fle, and a p« Man TWrte ed | be ees ne a a ie RE I, og nL ET ay AND Looe Genesis ath, ROWAN FACTORY Jpexene iis we : peeaped apd bored tie carth in vain for het an wh 1 after sau MNbsitation eth ermine TAN Sock Gad’ he REpneaes = mpi Calieos) ON WEST HILL. SALISR0R pr, L prdde'| over tiyuicusAea h Tribafa fo ors 19 pal, AG thildinand aber ; en water: but, with a foot ot snow npon thes #tg aut voice * A} @ Tesi baien, pad cay he fy bring weased with uf know yoo |, 1; 5. ¢. Pad brag Be ie : wl eret Wisin Wwidodn Wes bate died ith the Nevta’ va. in ik ond anna boek a (ren th i ey Ay str Dana Ceey tin Ubmk sto the pubbe tor thew vet return any gvoete | bY pei > dar Ke pow ig « canals ue Pd 2AM it lf rr oe : ica ge De at \ the piaqaten ne, etary. My ieeband, on commer tte Fee ‘ot that they have bestawed oa sede : — patronage | rity | 1 Cafe Ye ot 0) Se, Wai »vel priest aie i sd ce netanwvansate Abeath 3 detastares port ae om Poigt psig ad ; a fin the dd ve cue he C tone d@ the harsh 8 gttarre, we hapy : me herepofage. 2, deoggest, ji ES y 7 epieier end ours cing beetaty aoe el, we happehed to Wave Yas just pag by A aoytt) I, Wetoitt Groove ite Wwe "br Bang, Toogue and nt ot elite _ baw hebay SEE eae Hy i ‘oq, AEA) eee ninaer : Le 4v to its penefices: t Bes ae oy a ogi LA titvliniseadnl 1 au eas ¥ Deere Frames, Brinds ba tan pears @ tao cacphcaiy $6 Mle, se Is" & that ape rata ee eRe ou ie al or nat yh apes Y of tees a4 sridvtes, cartline dd gulag how <etSwher Te of various sizep and Paticros 8 Weg? tured, in sung ya) 1 owr pas 5 ath was vy tage de : ie red gaaieg frente af ooh duigay i @ehill is ident: _ sand he would dy wes tage i DR. M W HI PEUDATE oid Ledeen ro! Oleabaaideheg, ‘arming has — ber aeerh be hal nite eh a wt rene “SHEETINGS & YARMS, ae iyaind = re enh = ps y be swept rwar, at 2 va re 2, t fs | ain ve fire. A eecond, (pat it staid par "0 ‘ “ <0 al rejuice iu ad Tass WRIOE ET Ww weArest Low, ANT fered ber OPPIC BE on the aensd hot with bie reside Ls | svenc att out Guarahsee their shebep ane Bal-+ Tropderts Pas ain Made af Pte oy ane ar bar flat the voters: “We ate dol rp ¢ re gai, 4A te ein Vélee baw .. ome ane ral good, and 4 atby lis se, bot she said, with an! hs abmoce pemons demcing ivade him hace om yn DEO: se boi vont PoPbfirit y Wt the Set ; ory ‘aad tad apgeed ths czars the equal ter tlhe tiohd uthdhe fie Live he vn beh mrt vs Bir Ab heow Minn ‘ oo es 2 of Hig whe ont an Bevat wpe es gat ely cogil wot Tne am (he Blake: owed of builders eurd otherw are beaper fully el, AES, Kia oat ci oy 4 a ae Bay five Get p die, peat os ef the St tor i ae sore all ileldegto as gut. Lie gsuew de a | fak df acdin pany ify f ane 17, bys “te meg Wo call and examine specimens of the eo tat Bnd J pao: leak Beiehiek will alles: Poe as reat parifier the’ atinie) liere The gun» The hash a perfect stran- ; MU RDOOH a“ < <inoees perd q e sparen aoe flow Weeke we abril be pp: act a t aleerbeut power of cayullary poae on of #4d alicra east TOD bie eh a SANPORD'S- invita tog | rr aa Gmed2 | the & Us whe'esve nf who A Fe ee re cera Pit wg : 4 = ee : ets tweht . ve been in ia auow ws iike thet of a sponye or chunteal thd pone: = SARS es juin the | moauhs, gud send ad Cretnebge Prins oe 3 Asiness Y ant tiny vi asa Bay Mal : a FOR MA rtaresss send paceman to 4b er dbo pornele ui Sr af nothing = demmediate!y after sow has fallen tell ae ree unin OF 4 STIUTCETIVE ihe : ma wes Ue RgeE Tiered die wane wr Wed GRIST. MILLS ot ie Babes #; . MEDICINE. : | tome +€toow pth qn amore are ales in ; jl “Pp aeteas, veseel ait LARA ve BUM Lo sng cred» at pacar co ae canine gears 8 wparation sd Cory wi be ground for ul te will Bad immediate ly eviaences eC i : . = mand by each « em sy { anre un ——? si Pais oy aarnily - Prene eee 3” “ath o Wer e, oe Froma| as ee om pe re) Estey “yt 4 NowvaNnd < d ; ’ bey his git Try some aday ortwo ald, * fs Neue thir “sty, slic b ed meh gal ea: Masts mB eB a | wees , oe i it becomes nauseous, especially in AE) tC avert me ‘GES ' ic had \Phid victuce! eat GRE AT ‘ pt ' - Us cae SF Me Wen sae pee ine pa alwaye coondered tweusable a > Buew water, apales Gre wet bo Nuce ¢ awit the = rehearse t | few Jupttlen. 0, MY been alot fal ite ohan + | gape and ts lena , te APNE bowl pa . oo rohan a NX £ EB ME r whet o werey at wud prove fi acest wns a bee ary. lhe aagme aie ay ghriuc + wiy nee we ! 12 N Na picve of das 4 4fud Am oG we Male Cy + musa! thet eb w i Rear 8 picts is the © sae of me a Mine bie -tdwre ase bu an ExAts wad + pd : pn upon the hands and» Farge 1 we ony - a, Hilenowe oli cg ieoarege items apes | F. mad Beas oru : EP Pe TOPE iss wlan “ole } . @pon hands anu teer pradicres rags shy “SGT 10.9 Bia Se ke bei dy 0 ra a H: Ee aunty! 9400 06 Dewgoys beat f - wasledy of chillta’ hi : ie: <aisd ool hd, 1% we REID. vies soe BAUM, ea ar ysl Pielke vertu ae i JUNH! 3 “MENDRAMY ae acs a Hi ars. Ne Yul. sakl he, evi dauwe, Tmust step for a ius + Rd OE Seal 8 gop eos Saris HAS IST RECKIVED fils sPLENDID tea A = thea dar nce, Wp ~p pans etic! pe A ’ ee en 2 tegdchapwe ockcetandkdncthic, aheler Vie bnew stnetremapientied STOCK OF Heeereey a Ne Mie ate mpg t AND ACENT.- u . y walls Srbent prapertmed. een GUD NS, WHY hore is se vigims that Lean dante yothare ame.tes (ef. robipedes ga r 7 Som oath Aa i dad 8 Noe sory the ions +. adel the » of ‘ o all the re oe | “0B Fa Sem i sn wi ‘a proce ty Bihew sp 9 eh POST TEMEEL G6 oY a uote es dal th “pope oe Uae caver af thh my Ff } — is rf "aye ayy cree ie ie Boi reales 1 Gimege: \ py poe three af Thar ya ot ’ ish. ie ped py hands fe fy ri. Yan: + eaplede oh bo ae ares | oak ae a Bee vt ether Lh 5 a heat \oq | Ante henmmee hay Ih af nant rey Y actthspe \ > of im beagtl, ana ted ttn dw fama: heres! MISS bee eomtomard. ga rd ening dlgailiebertte Thaghries eaters OO hota at fo eaave voehisdd he te by gy Sh ; mend ver . ee i ren '; Priess roa Cog — ase b a aot rune waler-woll tell pitas mAnPraid Weyeeard Ite. Ma EE wy I tN vga Se da Ready M te Y | pee da —Chaid 9 | seg gen per ae : b» Dy apd Wk tad evecwateng Cxleal fm pd a - Mes from the «nom; meter, vs fist as Jy ed ee : ‘a n : fab rn Direc me art bor . eer tes ¥ 7h. n°". ) tre biad¥er, to 9 very commidornbte- farmed, will penctrate-er be srmem vy) fiiiy fi tS we Faiod ay We same BY a Lape «very rac comedy ne =| a at » érAylabd ante appiachs this hoped RS A diivse, ry rs MEN DE core vied 9 =o segage L Bbic the mass of anew by capilary: al PA otf as tast as he Ue alana ral nor he meek som Nagy . vate p ars 5 ois he a brechisee oace We nee epee inom | Creal ver a it as by sire uf Uns aidrac wh barker deft by hones in th ye eee arid oe PP OEY un-wse see hich, #4 teeny. Aaa, v Boy NM PURED by » MRO _ -_ oe tht theemow puri tits ve alos; tere WAS fai to coutuin a) et HS ee oh. ea tf Hite, we Ye, ick N RENNE py, TT We : d pp. absorbing t ny it y win a po cnard aud the : t © RO Match & Ler, iw ping and retaining ite te vias PIP Fors. ast tf i < te | 4, ete, moguiierpee ak and ‘ Pr V Wedigefes yo Mey! sa nevmeied oh Coren! Sal bereume gasses gud odours 2 a Urepiates thewwaccon am sais | CHEAF trotemedr A certs, Ss. WW, C1v . "ge as eis CRE, b eal St $608 Wark 0: Wiha WB pera ol NESS Paper Ofek Se -_ q tenor) m =a vronlr af eee s © bd des! iu R. several cners of exfeuk ‘ wot ue Oh DY Tile PACE Acs | Cana? PB SHRPARdED i Bend>, 10 Pplinn ecibn wif,! ea talicn Coane ee jo PRmPC ars “as PRETESTICES oF Oil 01} > i ve nies LiMo de Con, 100 Paley [Hie Stach comprises ever PR TRERTATE We Dy og “BSiiew inal tach tas ond & = of the patichte aay thas om “Manidines! r Dea ae dh pare Use of a Mark PAGO ps sil Vearre eaangioeg Bd areca hes nian reap | Behan Crs ' ae PY + Roma Guvtadonsloatiing <: : soccastoned by the ct ry th Made '6 Ue pele eM Dei seg isa thes ee UN ae SND Breeden nan | Auth Cigghy Tae hd Warde of gentlemen. vas Bale. ingh 5 i . yor asinuts wagetalion. 5 feta Bae pore or tise't ‘ ts V6 ogre, & } ver} stPoug. ip exica Bue and yer Tethols bit A j fi ' ra ee he BL Me rw: th " 8 aed sem + neh _ le chee | —ALao tn. CBAe ote aha why aby. ase! : boos Pion unrest frequerti¢ wertier™ ry we. 3 cid dowenittig ae ae | ° hy Jug tenors ana e: etl re att i. tbl t @) Armag oc » é {be penertiinpactad dun. ( 9 aban Anne $b shens eae | om 3 preserve in atv el Dero :. o doet 4 nen a4 * - At Reig a eee > one horas ta éentia! auswers eq trally wel. a adhe Phe. pase? ‘nen rh ; naptandelh | yPidey & Def ois fi Waieke We ated Lek - a ‘a aS ia a. on neato walla ke Fivere seme. wind bathe. she a mould. Hv ike same > er oa a thee twee CROCE ot wale of a LE § Tt: a cp» ale T. POSK, & D “a Geistances. Mirus, fhusian leather which Baar the torch He Wri tery weil, and RS, : adie AB 0: tong peal. bet yo penal rondiy : At : mit Vo ko. Peirgeme 06, 30080 9° $e poofurmed with ple tor af laseli, sagger |") FO OmeRe MOF s Meise « Soe F0, and mk abmteaely pubes wtlap—amy Secligh” RE werden eo een ee des esda ees hh : Remames woukds » indeed, at a ge PL Mar egtle baw. dakar The ¢« omission, ) aveprecar the ecth Weys, Seale and Chame AMSUBA,Y OE pale | nM wile Ot he Goieeeetee tt ee ee Wwe a a Sate! Groat -cccarsimg iu ther bees mviateT oO ott me nes wel inabveniaen ce th rchants.’ rare Buives, Tooth Pe 3, Beaune 1 aKiy ype Pa 508 700d» pres stan clendincemlagangy ell il om we drope-Of wary exten ial vit WIT heey Gok: wniar doagithin § i re NO néaviee oe oats. Mee ry rey) efit wees ‘ Creme mete A een e tee Be th “, am : , } ‘std “Tesehamguey yo (agen sated: vend poamdatl gt from tp For pers ne oil of BAR as shes jb Shas 4) pial Pi acirgcaly mio z Re Saaes Pin! Disks muna Dene me ease ine Ade ) maces baggfou er eennl hw 5m hn epee a ob bore : tke th, . . “ tly me - y tevpent: eee. ted Ajum an dee > in | re. thesis w Oh? fa = Poy pry sos lesing neds be aad Aad hase ee: sel pot my lta AIR Meats. tyuay' . wr 7 ae . hogee We et? Bne Gold apreation | ju Vw Te _ neal eeedile preners © Lek ders, Hemet mene atten ee hy an Tain f copie ad claret ote roe OSS iy ae be Vas Gompiynb cepise:. SM alah aa rant Se jest rT Fe (hes wr aleron eae 3 ph dad = Berle: bet VK sy re kaye pli Teun the aul orus : hiaerery Ty eee tam ne er roha a Press anime a 9 4 prte poopie oe be Ube ret oh depuids mlm a romnie Dpe eae bogota” Pn | eal} rahe tet be ery con re flee vies of ws PepPErnvie, amma orth Crate guhe ee gs there memeth ante Hind soperd | Atha tom Ava e lnteet gud must approve : a ‘qe v op praharertet ws eee " fe« rh tere i . ia d pourra & he ve oad cubtn. paste tay been D eaceaieumelnraling: ve lle weno a ats = 7 : Ee C w ervees bey Tale epee goad Wh. very t+ 4 Wer: cleats nape allen se Kae thy Pall”. welt “s Ry iii yy wee’ een ~~ a. oy ety ap mas Romcnal _ tral yearg De, Mapub. chi eee y, © at New T: ag yy eee } coy N Sele BUY GF" Be care os pry gen menaced { JAWES sDOAR Anger ian beagle! ecb rated AG chen e, the edt pemnerlh dipweled, nil Ge Dhow Ate Se Eee rena tg Wks Ry Noe AIM. RETA reyes EST ie ocd Ties ae See | orem es aan SD SESE = wome brown suger and a hilic aires. — wy a Y a N Ded Mowe! aE fall AE do ocmehtibtey 7 we b>. « FO fr oy aed leather otra PO pre rad thd bead ran peedlay Smatar de cuttimets ;_ the oo asin fat oS aed Beare “Yer ry y 7 A Uf id! { OAM mov a8 eBay) pander aba ts ae ees feet freee that, og ec ae arly reas a“ +s ao th @, Had the sabliamic presin 4 Pie dd he + Sy Tr ¥ a wep ie Forge i tober bb. bah 0) ar, aXV) oes t ‘ 0 v u La V8 MS, dee’sy "\deu 9 Yoram 00d Sooty Kad oe ae wn a : “ fermuheiegg, atid | ine Ar 5 4 rifling erchan sctie { vas & da “1 paereas ee eh orm - ‘tron gar et Seed, ee eee a Wa , ee aie é iron jan A: fend Jr pn Uf ant ibiners-oone 400 ae ton® Seal WILMINUTOY. © ¢ = Paper, ac, PRB Nair a ste end! detail ape ror omg me rd Spd » a gue ae wwe [wre-tt.e reader fm, f ehory py ‘ , Par teeulee abe 8 ae terre Nf erat trnaielel Wa 2 salt aren wor ones on @ bs made. fom Be Pare _ ¢ 08 bins po dew 01. Corn Mi Pet Mereeus tod Wingy 1 ey seguro 7 PRX Digan & Berta RPC te oS eee bnew ory gree eagened 08 Whee sit, and. 111) . co Fie We pare - 5, W. EYRI89, Rechesae,” << ‘da SinT-% Kalco. preemabacy, bxtnah a an tae ao = wetting it, pers one s 1 ae 0, Php mye hv, & mewern . & ! panera pretea P= eet ot eee >a lisa preserved boy thee came ainal «nite, as = pia a wate nm Hae the Cat (acm “ft Oy 3 AWA Myaly lmiperiaat toda sooitre. Sti EYE: 83 ea ESeg tesa -~ we = ated RPL coe psiciice See Rm at ; a5 Rea em ten’... CoD é, on ie seeriak tds elberdimeshicdk daar Vek oa set 8 rr ort ne icin ae Batt ae Ta Vb aTABbe LA CUONTRIPT EY LIVER Ott Hebel Nd pandas (Cac ad scathengs = 1 oats Sao i oe man be exec vi ee ' a 8k yeasts ALE. e018 os teseh an 2 we Dep: { . MPO! Ine VE fe chon, sunsie \epeenad | © pal & «us Oy palms ot ae theaabs af atten pres a Lepmense’ eney: bee Angee bei Wh terre’ lemy oem ; on CLrURED BI apcaerh...n) PP Lal rtd > yased @ Uh 4 cheese ae varkioe mid meld 2 dhen of mae ty sr fd poe werk by oull ¢ afer, 8 FRIEND OF THK MOMNWN PARLY ‘John (. a hth 4 A, , Oi 0 rensllne® od eghaatve ) oat Ae : jal sees -— Fer casea ; : a ee tse as WY ker 4 (‘o. =F Preto) pes ond emnmwen: Vogts a, ak the . o re . 1 hye pleh ou Y om, wel 1 AS ofl thas cose beewmgeame Ty _ B hens | aual Pemmerixe Liam dacs: veces Wouews. whee fee ent ft seh he pie age wroap . ; Dis ZASED KIDENS, I Aa ose. wh. mer vate, nt BAe = an of ¢;\ «, Magic pelea oo Lien ey Sere wah ume a L PD tier. i” ny ow - £ r oye r Cn ed A be + De - then ow Webhare a ves or fi ppremare {crane og “7? Pradder iad h ye. Weak. trem that yer’ Orsay ai hale ste a Hair S FI. ’ ilichiwn (Wa Fhe ol emerge Fath cas wb OH Ge eile he eng it ly a ‘ ‘ ! u at ane we ommet> et AP sarah » ANNE Rh, 29g . a ‘Gales me he ee owregth laws weethend of bey ing dee nareof the J, a - pee Pe ot oo 1 Te ob ae 5 , tase umaperterity per pare = U, emeee Frome Bo paw ae and at : , + Newthe ON vee bow th ome battedmdnsbély freed iaie toe. ne : ‘ ( . rhb time Sey oan ™ aac tleaae , et Hire \ Pe shake aoa a eee bw BS s Sp~ gle | duare indy >y Serpe. de SSION MERCHANTS © . BOERS Mottled em pstagrtad g thoes 6) my ly 2 pate of 4 “= te wed Pas ai PA pei * omere 1 — appear. we lun ean was) 7 ' ' as Phe rence he % path | mes a et + ery fd Wwhrwrye roy, rh! pawl gale ages poe — WEND We and dal Nabnie iN berg! 1 D -& dy ed 00 nee en e ee ° > Bt aad the ” lepave « ps T a. y OAL. Nes a wow — - ae ets Of were waters: eo po SE SF puseen Pine merom tenia clin eactetl cough Seetcht lo Wiimrertion pr yr}! Trahy oe Wr And Ay wild hw bem onti oly og sary try it Lotort ee eras wer Ae e & r ( Bet dtm Boman. or gmat imate ston be om ot we Pals ¥ Wiis vO mist o: ' SUTTONS ws occe bel + (leo tuk ©) Yrptnmnd thd Cmey my ble Ulett . The: ’ wal, | sfeeduse a. rege wee ‘ a: jaem ms a ove ee as és & a ' ~ dis ial thee 1 imap ae ‘i —— w parpe eee pn tke GEM a wal eenety | parm “ Osh (pe Clmtnyed " 4: We rented & ewad dads” V.wvomth apt ot Cowed'y 6 pan we of eel oh we ‘ are t r} tee-r iF paeeneo 0 ; bens e:ev— eee af pd © + ppp ay 0. der encseg mem nt Me pa Detblhan, Beouinance hoteeey Pe ia Soaps Treas ts wa)! here the, | Selb peem on en hs aed remem Mal att bat the We c Leth fimo ay ee thee . 5 3 St '8 teeio s < natennted be les -.s proven a de = - Gs: et Wr ony = mey ue Conve towt" ry th aes , get iad aa ee ba? ( Temes ta ca 4% M. es F UTR RICG AREY gt Cems Qed teen Ge Oey oun gh ha whet ‘ - 2 Van poe) we OF & = boers. Aud this 01) be te» Tiss he Ving ye ( 6 boee Nea bedi nS ilpls Onae maerreet RD 6 meres wf ap - ” - Sikes a as hee a ee cs ly fur of -s there f “ biome t : = ae Thee rhe , est Viatte, tery rempeielet 2 call ’ : eure ame ot om tw t Advancement PitaActynin The rhaies . wil leews : Po 4 ven ont Rust uP ree cig feat one Wlicnac bh ee a ) DR. J. J. SUMMERBLL, STATE BO\DS Ft : re oo TEL Tekan = Gonern ‘ | ‘ As tern evedl (0 hve ORs, APPLY IRS ‘AT, E.. 7 ie ai a: 4 s 4" Fae tiv) Gr Pte Toon. Jo Osa : ae ; oo. where i» JP “ 1 Gh oy hep ee ot he . ; ~~ Airied we fos rah ata g ~iremoens or pe Ab Oe me Ntiad Sale dehy DE SALISBI Kh, Y¥. ¢. wie Breaded & - ue wagon aetge ‘ mi Weel tit "un al aie Srfebery. N.C, thet amy rele / ay of Cuee , rare Heat im freer gt Lok a tie | Aces bh. Th-ve ore , herd Scplemb. te \ 1 \ | tie yf )} ‘: I iF. vee plone tee! gen een Be tae 5 mphin od « voopernntle i ay w d mon be Azim a wed paul ket de beonl\y watt Plember 234, 1556, weide SMA S ITY errs cnt pad Bei lead 4 thee erctbes, <B withane 4 @ Ware efioo y.: : i ‘ PY Peter ey ’ re 1 word 7 ofuedl the Getic mat de A as vies Uhemght by all det. che, ' enh tag, Md canned sho more tham tH give * tr e 2 a o> uw , DR. W. F. BASON. re wi Oc mi ie roneu ina w fe Pe - | nerd Cowen's medirine fit 9 2 uh a AS a aos : f poer nm : ma ations hat hee @ grove! gromed ep, which ow at ‘ un lich oe When A e Cet icai Anmerican a 1135 a A 1h I, & W | \ t E R G OODS. é oe rocEiys tae, \CLON MODATRIONS Pageant pol bh seein : : a ater ' the Bolt. aad Pi . eh abive ' . k ent bw acre & ” Dp ube outa. Feu Dollars Reward! lowe a tor penetrance tn Pak etre ry tlecer eC at T= 3 = a“ Pate ne a Ss PEE o As hte fer he fh ies! Gea pate rocalere imme fae thee ’ ~ i oe bat cat m dane, Crm me or Nore va eat saiaferdl Wat Ww mgs a” TA Mngt gt ecectmscnd Mele ue epg ue woe pas thes staat Lect Pomc Wqtar. Auarsve part peaey v0 tregey woh me ns 21D ae. aid aivavs e0cig tie “uur 4 pews Vacement cod POMS : rere 0008, brass. Gracesies Rover Mea Crrveeeg hog eel tapes temtel oy cea at Ge ce ONL, HAs ApS citer m8 nono — ane that Ie : vy Ue Rvund, even : ue ‘ mB: dar : wks canis te and where heWipm Gilat er) bet wey : Coast ine (a oi aan “ : cae Arar) 4 ’ Mei lex x een aut 2H Sey ta. We iN: Roots and Shoes, Reaaen ——- thy eK RnR roger nag). May 274 12035. An peperepetat ae Att Sr oh ome Ride i alest Cu 2 oy lca tov wacrnn hougitt ba aed 146 pr, of whue bere been) ichere. 1) - * prmgnaney, we eLErA ou the + Map lie of GR wieere lente Cree } ay pre ae idan Duper noe Peed > p i. ’ age gelvpegao a vacie maf wie ics \ — Bs u Kan v a tae icone fw ld \ amt he ad . or where trey On j wud. inal it € o aft ecunss pide ott iymres « —— wr aielend ro at —— AS 7 nf he 4 Wrwies UP _? 7 4 oe Po brat Trea, Jom, 2, 1*49 and A . 4 re ; te . slewine ne | eter ei pechinoe. ne ee 7 ame ' te Brat oppor lean Tue ir fw A eA owe sume of th! r Bi ; 7 by aR wi ay ‘he md 3) nag : ree at quads Sop. sat ep ae orem r oe ) Micsutehiow guredyhiraal “pleated z saat Whe vone eae wands, Fare Ar nee totes, ate, ere heen 8 hie ae es they eae mach The Great tron W heel Lat thin s ( yp? ehh QIN wre atid in WMipdben, tad ie a oe “ ' i 4 R a 2 . , ANM TTS RAL AR op re . rotes jof om + fers, ken powe Brewing ne Fee ee re neers, tere MERE. (WH rewtew, Parente oJ rete a i ¢ : [ut one br: kina Samana Gera & tute stems aa te Lppat w&! a hrm te adinn a r “wie ‘ é Dest& ' oe Saad neath thee gmt. tht hr WER ng on yam aangees wh, co arcig s re ’ ae u : “a . : 10 We tawe nm han © enna 1 bes ‘ ‘roe? TAs ENO 8 BEET pow Ow SEW | ee med iy Pirlhws. bs nrewanty of th growth of tye ree ule tye cass i" ste guys += be bb ogee bead] SM ee nm Germs af coning mn. and Om oP, alee whee ater BAIS! WENT vn tie phy he bn ph etd CA by GP iter (ee Tees (irate ong al pe : : A ; . midi re Ce ee tee mt Mm Manat Veena Cobadred! 299 [Bree on bad in tira: Ne cat and wil of pupaalghe: veer 6 NR Drewiets teltetey, Meme fy hth. tthe Mops nd 7 NPP ins re terwed her cnerel ie aa ORE Le A 1 “ tectthe oS Sh bl breed ! on 1 get born tN COpen es “ CA sd tren spe ah dn PY EBD 6] adpaung t eres. Weltar @ On, prtd yeleft and sie ee sinks Napa Lala 4 ieee *t ; U6 etartee! vise = ; : 2 . . <i carpe - MM Jt Prenn, kaam™ { } | { [" ra pervew ‘ Ne ey be : ~ wnt eas @ i Tak © on pee ‘ wi ' TU tERMt or beer P oe am, Re a, wd eda i one ' ted the, Very | “ oe wrteen CHAULES KLUTPS DiBBiLE w& has bovine ee ye we +4 Mer Yee ver Red betore ; 1 Ti eo Se a ee ela bow wecettol the tum . “a Cefvie M. DibeIe. re aati nel edie wen " Rithd tie mii wriicticeRy Oucs beige Ind#ed, the j ee ’ ia iad “ose ‘ : s . —< mn bap B. Rance, shee i@ ae 15 eas au Wau rele Whe aud quick ill oat estes OSs ot copcbor et | ’ a i Oysters PR Brey nae ea Tones i ANHHONS navy ies i : hig ! j ( f T oe’ . au 5 Om sion Werchants Parr een) 1G 1890 fo IATKINS n ey oh er Medison'€2 Tiec, Mara ws. 10a Hine . R . ¢ 5 . an Hs) @vbe sd Ue’ Letees merein fo tm ertify that @ Meck u ae a ae + ' ann af Pe} ' In Cott Lr SENKIN ZUG. t bina rw bream 1 n Waser ack Worn of anor wee at | E i (| detbv ti Ba aew tA Lo : Fray i ny Ae ie ae aware | on, Flour, Grelt, Waval Stores, (""" bey 8 aay 2 Pisa rica al ao heer ; ‘ ' aon jicesmaee! Prenat dada Lied ettegs pi, Gay 1A : nar " eae Rent he : vere a 1y17 herself, amd Weer wotg Brad abuel tenet eg eee oe A ” _ stim me 200,180 Front mire JNA HOU AL ‘ pOtasrllpres aig ere Laugh donate Becta ut a | tse? ‘ cal . ean me B per kaar3sy “xm root, . 5 -+ NYE BA 24 astnen, hae been mm better bemtth for the be 5 ibdonbishere = , F P; irecres , . i wil beep » a Vee ees WATCA-MAKE u rere COMMISS z : Pe ae ot ten months than neta . ; = ier ee Ke AKER AHO JEWELER, ION MERCUANT PTT ET At : wey . Ohne pall * Agnia / ¥ “mn " Be & eee iNadewe 5.0 on rlote. Wo PB res. . , i ’ ore 2 Ws dete Mb Sar tte Ir pig e © deer below Wt. : Fe eC mete eatem Ts ppah Ga, Mr : atte: roel i ’ 1 ; ty Seve aG wv. Cee AK ae - A 8. Wry Kear, oon. Gorn, Flonr, Whert, and all | Mes. ea sceaa maine paola Rage ay mt - r ‘ oa " : erwtiinenty CF AG 4 o 11 mmcomteng fre eis 1 ae _ . SMT. Pelee: pA ena Then SPINES somo rereim ess pom ge fem o welpadsbe inrtis, ta tier iene po ae \ Dr. CHARLES T. POWE rene ane mrption,' b.tteeent Ae ome wee L6aTOd AND ARR Vome fem dany Le aes ia ory your Veqoette » uF t % fF ! 6 ae Rocke mown 7 terme te! Poasone- fee made on Conetgum ~ hae has entirety rehdv:-d me, unty we- F leu The fla ou eau Be igs . . oo ry aber page a | tiecor oe Salisbery, respect- rary 148% oe eeen. hed ge, Us mild che eetuily room nend it fo the p sat ae 4 MURPHY On H , the pa» 4 am On 2 5 wader thre painful disease, ne being trwl ant f Wee vw 1 ' J aahine the grea : £ ; Jara it | asteaars Nea ‘ - - JOR PRINTING ot se Fen Qatichiry Gen W Winans great Mpwereign K enmypy nH OM)N Ra ), Jit, dr ne is Veutly , a : A Wont, Leang . ‘ euliy « pie at ts ” { rr Ven New Yur ‘ Robert § u ‘a ice ] Pebreary 0 del k Kept for Sale at in es | the: *Cundnin Wriehoren, : at rE i be i b w t i t h i i f >, Fa t > 1 Se be s t i a ee ed wa n e SSAGR. | Fellow-citi the Sendte | and of tha Hauge of Representative; The Constitution requires that. the Presi-y dent shall, from time to time, net only recom: inead to ideration of Cong such measures as he may judge necessary andvespe dient, but also-thatdeshall give iniunmation do. - them of the state of the Unien, To do this ful-/ ly invol xposition of all mintters in the actwy al envdition of Uae cuuntey, dutaeatic or forcigny| whiebiessevally concery Uae geuceal wellaee, | While performing Jie comatitugonal duty ia this) 4 yr 1M gots fi DoT og ioral > eps a WE io fos : - , mn ‘ ie j tant tare tue TMH ete Ke vs ie Ps “te LE Wino roe gl ered ayy : , ee : Hi cue ised pegs aha wily thearetne , a / ! inistes e ¢ « bl. y Laie preps x j _ ~ tana cated wy ty he acl ehigayre, VOW. XIE, SALISBURY, N. C., DECEMBER. 16, 1856. ty scan with ap imparval eye the intercats of he | f f u whol, aud of every part uf the United States,’ . , NUMI we Devoted te Politics, Utws, Agticaltare Jaterngl Improorments, Commerce; the Arts aud Sciences, SMoraiity, and the family Circle. se ANEA, iti t tc interests of). , - . \ - }7 : bi ee Ar grape ead — moantlachurce, |p of angry Gefianee at the Sbuth. Thus !in from the slalaies, without al} cling, either ingle! nature of things, and contrary to all the funda-| uayigution, aud commerce, itis necessary unly ua] tbe eon ra wo bud reached: that COn- | setse of peripission oF of yrohjbition, the action mental doctrines and principles of civil liberty part) passions, have been the nay thet the internal prosperity of the “quuntry, jaummmation, w hich the voice of the people has | of the States, or ofthe in citigens. anh self. government. is coutinuous and steady advancemeutin wealth | °O".2% pointedly tebuked of the attempts of al Still, when the nominal restriction of this na-| While therefore, in general, the people of the and population, and ia private as well as public {Portion of the States, by ia seetional ONgAnitation | ture, already a dead letter iu law, was in terms | northern States huve Never, at any time arroga- wink. ing, attest Che @ledoen of cur tuetitadios jand movement, to, Maunp the conteel of Use Bev 't) repealed hy thy last Congtess, ina clause of the {ted for the federal grt the power to interfere and the predominant spirit of intelligence w of Moa Uy 8) ty tele ' | net organising the Territories of Kansas and Ne- tireetly with the « patrlotem, which, wutwithstanding occadynal te- | haere cea Aled sete “¢ a Tier. bel he Laritics of opinion of action resulting front | fs ey touk ils fatal step, | wide-spread and dungerows agitation, ral pe ey distin guiniied and characy | T° RFT PPT the, Cpnetivarion pnd Fe La the pes ae al. Amaro’ jthé 0, ons y/ wedld, pou! defiberation, ing A -eoupact of porpetaal moral ubligation, its it te a9) cory Bawiee thie torminatise an ie oie horror ny rd —— | tepenl Gonstivted an odines broach of faith, the a ) a act of disupion of civil war, ut wey wave en pA dee} wrabgir eer chalga — | ered into alpath, which lends nowhers, unless it ed, nore aspeciglly iffit be conptitarionally yadicl | Mary Cunseg with thecsre of wiceting, for sacther | he to civil war and disunion, and which has no in. the : Presider ‘ad View Pres | other porsilile outlet, They have proceeded thus) whose uty it is constitutional torm, the .* we ENO Cor in that direction in consequence of the suc- | un Leydghc United pre whevare oft cessive stages of their progress having consisted oud ‘citizen of tire Republic. igi, of comtingently, to presise over the admin. 11 WtHA wlaccondary dasues, etch of wlhielpro- bon of the | fomed to be confined within constitutional and -~ ts under our sys | ; 5 veaceful jimisa, bat which attempted indireesl y poesbeparomarangr aipueriomeieerl sone pliri red few men were willing to di dents, that reer v. peta law, t0-qrll whumsoever tey will Lo the a Othe Magietrate. Afr Uinad it is that a fhe senators represent) Ube respective States of the Upiog, and Ue mem- base ofthe Maes of Represeutatives the several eetstitecouian of ench State, se the Vronidont re | te ttre poptilation of the U. ststes ¢ election of him is the exffich and solemn | act of the qple sovervign authority of Ure Upivn | of Ly is impossible 10 nina) yerebemad the great | peemei ples, whieh. by thei mcctt pus tion! met nom, We Carsten (oe earner neicacaal ei fees aes the aa ofthe U. States have sanettoned and ( ia tbe WGuihere Pipi py tb peltant thes << aanou ° es , tradition whem reclaned aceurdinng to bw and) And Wy et tht mers, Ue en ppeacd om naet!! res clutiofiar sttack on the domestic instiiutions or bv fraud. Tess bam lls ugly ka tag es map We ovirtae of et prom proweems of tie Cunstity, liad ne cbligmary tees a to (be Necthanaf benases! of the Seathe Aad, afler a troubled ¢x : of euch aad all of Une Sustes of the Union as; twa To promote thie yljebt, legialative enact it could eat hate bad eee as to: the Seetle, for | few’ motile, has Bec rebuked | Memes; they have nfliemed the ee ments and other means were mbopted to tike all meade comprcte wast be rutua! wad uf reoup- | patriori¢® people — of cath wou all of the Pope aal ee * awey or debeat rights which the omeutehon real obhgativa, | Of thie Inst agitation, one lamentable foatare = citizens, whatever bactr relygton ke “| mdemng guarantiol In oper io outlfy (ln 1, hee not wnlrequently bappeted (lat law (wae, that it-was caret’ dn 8 the immaliate es. !to bs capable of wlf suvernment peabiarersh me = _ Cspepratbnd Senay teen exrting get of mm cuncwrming the ex ver, with gudue enusmalion uf ihe velue af the jotme of the pence and happiness of the peo hoof of (lie L ioe 1 trefition Af fugitives froin acevice, laws wore en law they give, ar ia the siew of yoperuns to ig, the Terntory of Kansas. That was nade the/! roghtsof the different etwas af therdj arn and{ yi, Many Banter, furbidling thelr offers! r t ' Me VF to prem upon Choir | bitye proclahwed tind devoted and aunlte ratte [re wiar steength, make it perpetual in terins ;, baesle- Gadd, wot vo tnueh of opposing frctious or i ' Pat’) wanker the mereeet penalties, te 4 arte ipatein the hey catnut thus Taal the conscience, Lhe, imsereste teithia Mar){, a0 of the eunbigtiog yard orien any more than we the Suit atlgchenmt to the Union aud W the riper brecutiog of any act of Cougrese whatever. (iu jedgment and the Witt AP floss whe may six Kevohae roc pom wea, as objects of (Mlerest se; enes to all OF this way that ey stern: of hanngnigs co Ooperatior cred then invest? witly dinilar responsitihties, | bowary dmorder iy Kaas had il origin in pro-yin fo — -giroape Pema se = - ry between the authoritiée of the United States, and! and clothed with equal atiuiontr guard te of all, es ~ 1 . epbonde A tive Hiberty, peace, aed greatness of the r to the salutary operation of the organic pring Jfles adopted, and the chief cause of the sueces- sive disturbances in Kouftas, The asatnny | wheaps of ve vel yobanze tht wong luwe ogcured inthe fewer, 1 Bug in what sedse | set of opinions, afd which subsided as rapidly as! bas’ exhibited itself, by acts of insurrectiohary can it be amerted that theennetment in question | they aruse when it came to be seén, as it uni- respect uf wauioran cortpact r was the compact? No distinet gontending pow- uf the Union. Thus, when the acts of some of ‘in the lands of the Exeeutice. 4, lo art aggremively ayninet the eomsiitation- (er of the Govermment, vo sequpate seotives of {thy Spates to nullify the existing extradition law al rights of mearly one-lall uf the shanty ome { tle Ltiiog, treating @s-suck, en lena GA® weaty {imposed Upon Congress the duty States, Stipulations on dle H..¢ ewad ampere glans | Hew one, the country was invited by In the long series of acts of indirect aggression, | of an. net of Camgresp, and like ary olber gon oC the Northern States, in Cougrems and oft of it,| shape aud was passed. by. ¢ of the question of hegre emancipation in the Me ting Oploiony of sentiaeuts af dhe nica bers of, siadale tcHineten wpon the imsidutions of new (to southern States Congress. But fit had morgl authority over | Blades, by a gongra bical lime, liad been repeal. (Ue The neead step in thie path ofevil consiat! men’ conseic hoes, to whom fil Leis auhority | ed, she eywulry was urged to demand.itg restora. | sach power, acts of the poaple of Uie northern States, and | attach? Wa several Ualapers of Lheit guscmniments auned repeatertty AM govertithént in the UL S. rests Not to these of the NoAb, &ho Bad! tion, and that propct also died almost with Ma substantioly tipen popular ehetion. refused to confirm ft WV extendon, Linh, Thea ra and who had realously atten to etal ish ottret | North Against imputed Symhery everoachinents, poe Of a thetuse!ves the ry thé voice of a own nglits, and tw suppose that they will mot Dd. has put power to interpose in eb« ras, Lo Bee to es. he bod rthe government muy tee it in th their commoe ipalituterna, elie hb eamige! io the Komudow artes Ae | Experience ni show it to lithe Jaw for the organizativa of the Territory Jello the ehange of asarpation, an ; , early years of the Republic, was den treny ed, con ber ta padbeet md. tat aml Wp reetienhle i@ ete! And when pror agnnedint colonization of Kotsae A Uke deatest rerlite of the « rAth US —— ADK Ane “ ay Pontes Ot Mets of jariadietion came to by Peqacit: and eution And then lesth reas avd cote cor |b 1 thas been andertaken in one section of the Unwee lame eyunliy with irrecnlarites at emphatically cond. inmed the thea of onginiang Comgrese famad ite if competed, for thee xs [Ort hme wut weretydw yustifyy bus to require its re Union, fot the evstemati promotion of its pecu | 4opment-of their 1a those parts of the U.S. where, by rehson | sources, : of passing a, of the imfhaned state of the public mind, Glse | Lapidetion bag Leen recommended by me ow! agitators ramors and awisrepreseptations have the greatest | prey character, or of obstruction to processes of! law, | condacted Here ar We perceive, also, that sectional interesta and and who still pefise of negleet on dite demand, at impedinent toopayethe same into the Creagury, i attention anew to eneh of Uneseobjeeis, The anv during the past year lias been so »- comstantly canpdoped against lestile Indians io tiom that, Wecanse in the ofgamizifion of the! varions quarter, that ft ean starecly be’ stil. omestic coudition of persous ‘Verritaties of “Nebraska and Kansas, Congress] with: flropriety (of langiage, to liave been a of Drask:, that repeal was made the occasion of Alin the ‘southern Buttes, but om the contrary have (alstained fron mposing restraints upon they tel peace estublishm cnt: Liuvite poor tes duries hive beca: rat. «/) dima vowed all such intentions, and hare «lerenk ' » hick corti other Territories: bail beeasatject, istic torily performed, and we have Teieon (oer [t wae alleged .tlpet the -orizital enactment be-4 from consphevoun ofiliation with those few who therfore disonlers accurted im the kitten Teer: pect, ann result of the rear'n dylckations, Revater pursue their fanatical objects avewedb through) tory, is emphatically contradicted by the facky security tothe frogtier inbubicants than has boon ‘ Those hithergo enjoreds Extensive combinations a Ab act of Congress, while it remaing unrepenh | ofthe gov, sad with acceplance of (he yeert disyrders, were uot the Rutiec uctiug, in Kansas, iy tod bostite Fintiene af the ‘Perritories of vemars—a Kix and servaly ware yes of Ue freglum of selfzgyernmrent canceded to, Wanbi ‘ : ti 4 men PE tHrose publig functionaries inany citizens” have suffered themselyes to be tbat Yerritury by Congress, but of unjust iyter ye hemdes astation of the newtyfurmed seuthe (tuission fins beou are a part of two sums! No Pronounce on. that point, is; drawy igte ome evanescent political issue of gi: ference on the part of persons nut inhabitants of , nients of chav@einotepirtinn of te country —, peg esha: ran aes aeconplish- loubtedly binding om the gunscience of eneh | tation afet another, weeraining to the game /the Territory. Seach loferferehce, wherever it escinornrg inforimation, we are permitted te ing the ol, jor w 1% Was instituted, in come An hope that the ss) | has been removed by an alditional treaty, wh bali * cae mimater. a Londen has cone! uded, and whidly | will be immediately submitted to the Senate fer! {its consideration. Should the proposed supple-! | mental arranvement be concurred in by ald the | parties to be nffueted by it, the objects contem- | plated by the origioul convention will have been {tally attained, ( The treaty between the U. States and Great’ Britain, of the @gh of June, 1854, whieh weat (into etteetive operation in 1855, put an ead te cunses af itritation between the two countries, hw securing to the United States the right of lishory on ihe coast of the British North Anere mn provinces, with advantages equal to those erjuyel by Tints sabjeets, Besides the signat bet treaty to a large class of our cigie wes eDrdagedt in e pursuit connected to no in- comidermbie dewrec with our national prosperity cul stievgth, at hasthad a favorable effeet upow Otter taterests in the provision it made for recip- cedum of trade between the U. States lintel) provinces in America. Lhe experts of domestic articles to those pro~ Vine sduriucr tle last year amounted to more thaw 22,000,000, excveding those of the prece~ ‘hg sear by nearly 67,000,000 ; and the ime« Joris Urercfrow, during the same peried, amount Lm mmore than €21,000,000,—an increase of \0049,0008 pom those of the previous year, |\s The Maproved condition of this branch of curt comineres is iwinly attributable to the above Moet dened Crenty. Iwurisien wus made, in the first-articls of that: (reaty, dog a\bomminsion'te designate the mouth: OC rivers to oshich the common right of fishery; | on the coast of the United States and the Ble its at thes wn the en nad Onegin wu oe time threaten-< ith Lrovinees, was not te extend. ‘Phis eot- and snccessful operations) teq uence of a serious difference of opinion bex Between whom | compacts of the Constitation and the existetice | means which the ( Jonatitation and the hie place! portunity-to make steady progress in the devels{ tuany agrivaltarat and minor! re- t should be ae In all these various Phe exeeution of the law | The tnw for! J | Cherte lon, are, in pt ints ad grent mci lett, the | Convenient ma.) em ate: Tre spaiem of erant-4 va_theme { S, mete gogcraglical paren, fuer on ge Oonatitation, and the delieation of ite j=l Ine views of potley, there ensucd naan 6 Of! Cepek! sackets of aren t frrest and beat; ing an honbenble dieeharge to friihfal acamen ebeodliong te bestsle array towerda cach aiber thes eewer, te authori the appeintinent af mew ollt Je epee aon, Supremes as il ie ove all the (COUPEE, A comnte: action h [v tte wen | ‘ t t ' roe nthe expwation of the pened of their enlist Ae parts af the cventry, Neortit or South, cor charged with the excertncy of rte eten wm of il, pay mts of tbe bv, lolete, ereeetive,, other sectrom of the Union rages Cla iy a country Like Cur where the 'neot, ard permitting them to reentiet after a Kent oe Wont , Leg. | tary send the oflinere if the Menten were the erin ain! weln ial, opr tv amendoet by ie very. Im conserymence of tinse mei) other ineidenta mle im tl: completent, Meee uf mbaance af skew months. without cee Sohemes of this maturv, Wranght ofth incalce taker, remy eotfally , af foreign ge regy ats i 8 Ty) mnt Ue Ogres or the SUabes nuay, i) leu , meen neta of duwneder tm idemiable. ba been i f Tete Tn eds né tmwt of pay, iat hevefical in rte inflnence lathe wriachee!, and which the considerate sens (state of mutual Lustidy, niles than fellow mag vO propose manendine nt ty jt, socom Jerjetratcdan Kauses,to the ocex onal terrup ; ee spe ysn ang cca Sik a ro of Ube poaple ban re ypeted, eonkd bave hed ooo fa commun qyuntry, peacefully eulmens | « mpat B Win truth ip between the suv) ten, other thag the porimanent » we %, of 111850 bs existing beval (uote lalford VUvetly dressed) to Hicorosas Galo (halal rence im no part Of the country, had Urey mew ing + the protectiun of cue weil ounetsapted er! a Rt ated of the Union Tp the premett in reywar gutecgement. Agyresive aad must repre, more pros pt aad «fon fn f the r wee nuns of our connteyinen ltherto an dif ferwe deg yise! by suggestion plausible in appomr- | Uwe. Thes here, alan, Mkgtewwn was ful: stave, a pulitical exmetment. which had ceased | homesite imctgiune tato the Vertitory were us-, dreet of wens fiew!t &) procere. Several hundred American ance, acting upon an crcitel state of the publ lowed by re metion; amd the attacks upon We, to have legnt Powet of authority of amy Mind. !dertshen, bath in the North aryl tbe Suutl, aud 1 conblentty trust that now. wher nea See are ane ea eens reet Sn — nt 5 yA rag cin Bi Rete et Comatitutnn at thie paint dad but serve to| wae vepoahat:: The prsition axtemed, that Cha este on Re northern border by the way of fur com:litdem of Kaneas affemls opportunity for! tumal vensela, and will retarn well trained sen r , and it se te be hopes! teamed ot ew came up bee larriers fur tte defence and secur gree behd Go mmiral rigte Ww comet such vopend! low aes wel? as on the eastern by ay fleence ty | Waeetrway > ene ch, snd wiegulnely eo in view | uu of Mis | cali ret etoa and wise i, And bere has exited, within it a plate af) L-gulative legryelation, either tle assembly of the Territory, of Cor fecided and gratifying indication of progress Perfect liberty of association fur poliveal of The thord stage of tha antrappy Mctiveal Con- | of she fort that the-aggument earte from theme | insuitietion against We comscintad a ithor krem, weil sew that no act sini] remain on ite (relible to an! to the country. The surges Jeeta, and the enlest scope of me Uesion, are tbe | troversy was in combrrion with | ongenizalion | who opm y relent! ebabwece to exwtiinyg lnm: of) not wi hout outntenanes from Meom iderate | satate funk vivintive of the prowmons of Use| Guns of the Secretary of tlhe Nave, in regard te received aad ordinary conditions of gut inoue | of tenerial fore sinenta, and the = Jamie of | the dal, ievveg Une anrue popular designation (tone te emch of th Freat eections of the Umm | Coors ui or subteriwe of U reat olgects, [welhoe unprovement in that branch of the ser cowelry. Our textitatsons, framed ie the a4! pew Rist iniv the Geum Wh. owas pro anak quality mm Comprvmine mcte—nay miu vo, [lat the Iiffiecttiee m that Terrntorre have be fu elmh that was ordained ar) estaldeshed ami) Vice. | commend to vour favorable action of coal beoee in the intbcence and mtegy *y Of pmgees| to elit the Mate of Meow, by epee wvequrccally daregarie| and eomlemned the, eiirevagenii¢ omnggervated, for pmrposes of pn! wail Like adi OUber ne BOAry sirps to ansure | The new tnygates onleral liv Congress are now Une porogdo, chee met fortend crtiar ne TmD lol tecate ery frum Unt ef Msenchus Us, ane! the met peeve and oldigatory injunctivns of linen! ag tatren aber where Tho sumbcr aed +r nlali apts the en) , Btthout olateu two of ther in active serv They welly of asaoriates! together to attack t “ Nate ot Mesagun, permet of a partes ef Une the cgntilulion tte (, aml soug by es ' gets uf thence has a eos mince i brit gmnt, of | pmsl einoun: Mok is of naval areltecture, and L. tpneet fa ther met) «bss > "4 " {) Peete bo ile | wale Siete ep o« heir ten fo rt vl pacth be steqeements ete rly mutrae, an | pert tz eS cue wit ' mile Letters adel largely to pulr » ad force, the Cumaytuium and ihe very ead; : = . A sh ereae } . t { } t by resternted ance of Lhe same rela Vitel Stites, ae | y engi) and aecurnty eros of Use | ason. | miler the shelter of Um * (wee Plete eret panike 6 cweantes.! alrke fatn ‘Ilia the 7 wi) line Urwin teas Q a t Tern le ee et pereses| by Seer rent bebeets, and protected by Ure Laws wml ae cas onl anh “* » padres. Al. on be fend im tial cumpet if oe Lior if. wule esinwe 1 mer, when t ; } oer ‘ ralatscmots favor of a atoll further aggre of the govt they amma! ae ciate bas -- ml a ww su Weis segarneet my anni the rege abel tie stat 9 ant of peach acts has not bee greater Ves 7 ory wil! le 4 “ ‘ al f trem fe mediiv es me the Scat of tentive reeeet That at sate pw ctf . [Oe en, Was acenpe teed i andiver mhel ocensonalig pac « bef ws ‘ ment reat bepeerth [borne Secretary of the Intenor re wate olen, Pretomling In eek anly ty prevent ina wee pneemted A irmenine rate thins (cungre 4 charectes, am! ep lly eub tre fue beste the regret of all com citizens, by Site nel Ws i" ws r ral a Ube epread of the imetitu A ndavery verter the 0 Ue resnlee uf the tegrury erd-~) ty Demme. i mes destitute of lau cabelas Rae aul tra bing rewarded ee of 5 ral of ic I teter vue ty the report of the S cretars moon pita . f ‘ peek’ of future uch ate States of Use Unwin. Tis (eetrom wm for Une tie, dase folie ; 1 Ulewk the Mme asare nrggenn Oj btn at comequener oe rem ace for particular inf snmeation eomcem catends of Mach teterest ant impertaner America are remily inflamed with dewre te chemi tee > thy Ue ml jive wl ea geographical lume of limite | 4b pron of estemdong Use lines of sia Tinyperte! ieregutartine in the elections ta er ike nanene gaccramnii I rey ele \ i Pi freee jestteume of erring Mute To aereim (ice Shetat be vial Yome pres neously ae meme tot, Karas. fhe arememenl! irregularities of th. «+ oe tar ted sertvuce p the la-t pera! veer, amonnt , sus aewh theer Objects they devicate theme Va Ulele comer tin shoal ont te few ttm | en) that ent ea ite netoral male Jrarvortinm in the K wtee. @rew byrne.) ibe ephere amc « Bina: Ge wh 4 has been received the swan of the odions tank of depreciating the got one bent breeer. wf ber owe ar eri mevitel, fe cum effect an! thea! tee we enmengmy thos +) of aeteon of the Rxewntive Hat imenioete of a Dera us t- 4i4 Dunng same penad there tention which <tamie im thew war. amb of cal. chore ft n fap sigzinte d cage ber am the Noericee State< the groan! uf *'9C tual wwlener or of anpganwmed obstraction of Lie ~ err athe fire “ “ ™ iw mibtary senp and land emmatsag erih elmer mate imi ortive, mat om). Je Ia oe US and thet arvvsce a-tadl( epee ean<titatenal moht peromacwosiy Penewed from time to Ure. have " , and f 1a a . ania, @ if . me, 30,1 w.23 ly the cities of parvewiar Mates, with whem | ons arveqpted! by the 1 oN the latter eape-aaly The repel in tena of a etatute elrich ened! | beep met a6 thoy oteurtedl, by seach means as lich, with tac balanee a as tank gute of 39.228 lees they find fect, bet afl others of their f cogaged that © the twhabitente 4 the eedird terry on mly Gleik te, and ales well ke eneres!Wutice were avaiable and as the arcummanoes requir J ; eh t tal msouroes of the year LOR acre On the Toth of S ptember last, cur low chusene throwghowt the country, eho deo mt very alpel! te tncarporsted um the Lnrom of the ai ry j ave an snflerace | = vd w: thieg wf Use chasacter noe mmans t ’ 1.892 85011 The esos ur n hal ben @ A 16.573 699 acren,a | participate erth them thet asanwlia uge@ the | uited States, and ademitied as mace | [rs wena ha pes met ‘ the general peace of the U pw ee nding €000 CAD 1< i treal's rortron of wi ready for market Comsutauon, framed aed meted br our father | o.< ely t primed f the Peleral ( A ng nee WW politi oe andal tects “' pede f the mhabttante of th t eth Mixx ao “ hing euine pail ad The repent of Postmaster Gens ral preeente ead chmming fer the prvikears it hae secured stitutacn. to the et rrnett of al ab oW he wt onganimeg | ieee SOliNam MEG orc Uiikceet aires cnet mary Governim1 ement ol the rebt he ranted t., RGN. 1 TI. | fultv the cumin of that department of t Bd aad the bhesse ce thm confer th steowly \amteges mart semeun ites of coir Like and Tilemeks ene jase. the inher-nt ‘ sv encoeraged aad supple | a $9 ad melo toes the letter, to #79 9414 702 Tument ite etpembtnres for the last f-cal sa pport and reverence of there chibklrom |S amd ie t ean ume th.» olee i eT EA ' Lae he cee ms N active agente of df \ <6 avine : ' ar. were #10 600 REN a ar CAs pen nee They srek an teloch they eel know tu le a noted Bothe free emper ment 9 1 apertnat ter begel ertttement. wae pt etinit eatthere the States, hes completely faitist * 0 97.520. 801) —makmg an etces of etpendntur & revule Loear) They ate porter tly ae ar berty pertoyperty ' the eli “f t! trom allt ~mtee wf the | ne aiike earl wrt armed men, foreten to the Terntors ‘ ‘ M amount th er ts of 82.7.57,.406 The detioency of that the ehamge im the rilative SL a that re tor say. @hibe 1 mmaine 1m 8 he cotrviegh.om of relia polices at.) iemate me prevented from entering of compe t wes 6H] 5 de partiaent ts Unus $7 44.000 grenter thar white amd black races in the elewel rye Seatem | L cenicrsal cotmbitren, ite sat ateet sare Mama b wet, three io hmul in thet dierduon, eobpet Predators tew.be engmred im ae lec rn < ‘ f @2 > wrewmliog June 30, 1855. OM the wie they would premnte me terond thew bowl) bo petebeeted we the foe en » " r ser!) hiwrteons as the cue-titutwn and atte of) y Hite f eusting polities om liva ma al of & ~79 $4 ow Le atiri lite ten fal authoruty, that te teen safe arn ol at aml prmerty eth any t t vee peggress tmaght prescrebe meow Staten, hereafter a bave been arreat ¢ dispersed \ 319 gye moa . a . | ar by Ubet 1 cated bee effet 1 liv any pear ful ins tet Ntron ot States a fete of me be edemittod tame ¢ Comm lt wee bere on spread por wow cna wliae 2 4 I saemtality of thee. that fathers and th: Mate: tet epralty with the ortgem! States 8 ld, open althe ty all mln ties the slalute lime. nw te Nome wacetothe pur 29 which might le pand within oa X me of elich they are citiaeme the only pa Lhe: emectmemt, whech estaldelet the re<tre weal relncGum eer copeaiod of nm Sar rous indasiry, for the proecce fa . . a~ el, and ammomplehment ne rvegh burning a, 48 ve eragray we, Bas a quiesced m rather That hot ope » ¢ compet mdertionk art in the setiioanentat : ri A , . : : wi * . 2 ravage! feicde slangtitors! qeuls <a than ape by the States of the | 8 Fetters prmions and dong a 8 Ue Teer ven of the holder cannat be preseal to pa 6908 nies, has mided lars all theve ve mmnt termite in foreign complemte! opine n the at Penok eee, fora numnts feb ewbnch. wit rey * | Tt affnrete me weer male) satiefaction thee ¢ ment be Ure @acernen at ta with crv! and aorvile war an | that the frag f veare, wed the perme of the reepertive States teen clhaen! azainet i} fi vas that ¢ rm mC! the nema fil eondetion of (hen con Aan (ha eraminimng the expemditun «of at Hy The ror ra . n '! n 10 the attempt ® dhe “Gorcible di-ruptum of 9» jap. r reenact t of [recipe petition 5 av! ir * sas cepectally eommdenmg the means to whoel it ars ite mn te 1 average. chedu thee [ena ” r country embracing in ite broad lemon adr as aly State of Tevas, ar was pr AM the regec 1 wes ti mtieve statute fenck eee mewecere to heave mvurme for the alt nts sy antof pu he bt and , ’ nies of prnvta ) « 1 “ Then of llerts, aed aa am-unt of individual ant pub np. ™ « noite fur roary ation an obetiimable enectimert, ancometitational meut of the on i, namely, the emy-kivt t a JOO pared aly M. a ba ures, must, for present. miok ™ he prosperity, to which there rt pparatbel in hiss the terrtory sequined by the US frown Met aml inyarims m terme ts a large per part of the mi tary force of the | } States a'n Ry Ie ws le at u ot som en " the treas Jn. - lary, amd sulmtituling 10 ils piace loste gover® Lut thee Proper tive was sucrmestully remisied Ly the Stat.« he withdrawal of Unat force from it nical ad e ' J « Ot rom 4 tot ments, driven at once aad inewitabdy wate Malm tie feprsentatives from the Nurtherm States Te rt the Fort that. ia all the meet tle] pericne efemling the cowniry agarnst fore ‘ averay \ : = . ate Jt al devastation and fratmeidal carnage, transform aha r gardlese of the ctatute fine, ine Payer the US, femgmtion be AR free to net ir the savag< fi the frontier, to e voit f ars will n veeed that « S80 A trade c Wiley, a ws . ag the now peaceful sad felicitous beotherhol appty Ng PAtNction to the now terntory wom ral « poone t for Hertf. without legal prohibition suppressor pneat “ ’ oR woIncrease 6 1 1 ; ~ ‘alo a vast permanent camp of armed men like Vy, whetiser Iyreg morth or south of if, thereby ett her wade. elave-laleor a sperrtiinewwedly wa tthe cuceney ox ma ma ! * * ~ = s _— . . the rival muman ties of Burcpe mand Neu We repewhes Was a deuimate campronice, And, on r\whewe. im prefereac ty free bor? den sts On this oceans f porate ecutel, w the ext / knowing that euch, and cach omy arethe means ih partytthe N | Vilas fect, leat the peculiar domeate utons ssty it has be } with t <tr will caneo a t ‘ r sim eums s pa and the comacqnences of neand | 6 mipact, if compmet there wae 1 the sowllern Males posmess 6 letively sy tmuch an l my satiefretion in the atta . \ ee they endeavor to prepare the people of Ficevnjamn thes suaukimant « i we lind of eur, that, wher PAW nich. i (cele ceults be sack er greathy emcha © Thee. erations w rstfyn ‘ US. for envi war by hong ty they Lilac in any gense, whether a rape te the on ty ali die w L they will pened to the contideratt that, ther wimtom n Dan Of the povemme from em “oa : ; - 4 power to deprive the Constituthen aged the lee. \ orth on Sow he and eo te effect it was trate exclusion of these of the Northern States! Taat enengy of the present Excoutive of Warcas and ehered 45 GOU.VUUOU, | « ek : ‘ of moral authority, aud to nid comane the Sabor aa thi e minieton of | Stat f the fact that the roenjes, compa dowith the prudence, fiemmess and vigriance of the in sonev for such red 8 1s IM peratiy aad {> : ‘ : hee " 2s of the Fmon he appmabe to pmseion an) am U alofor ramnization ofthe territories gy ot ay . talitecinds ficers on duty there, tramqnuity las beem arages t he “ vf RMA MT: pHs: A ‘ al pecjudew, by rmdoutrimating ite peaph eth ot New Menca, Utah and Wienlen ston ‘ ‘ Natored without ome lrop of Uluod Waving be roam . feiprocal hatred aml hy oleeathog Such was the state of Uae question, when ‘ ainita nai tivelnsent prowl t? hed ans aceomplishincnt by the forecs Lhe amount of } aw . : stand fa tify ‘ t arr for the ong thoon of t OTE Ree me t nite f the aesmmed meral U aeted States of eff “s ar jues «oof “ion \\ s) . . er to shoulder as frre mls ot Kansie and N wha Tn the progress of yy iWolmiecta to aie iieetoratiog miparat tranqailit : rest; be tig t gsitia 1 ier | “ ICsecte the aecn of ! nw treatin mnstitetronal vt ryoand mflection. it bad now ihe very ' he Nut} at Termtoer ficwislen Men Var ' tterprise a | any * tlerforen fame ‘ how abil Ie at bemyth evn te le seen chearly that Cameras) site! calmty, and apprecmiing at the ist vn } A many, utherwies gine) cits ne, dive been as bes not | ' worte br» Vie ra é m ate the or nts which bave ooeuer d { ‘ femme inte the passionate ond inntion the ty ! arn ; ¢ Penn terns getsstons of w wg ; Jomeatio rmeatittttiome of the whee States on wane S f \ hod tot ' ” at ' athength to pass ingenably to almost wagliy lscrstome ths tallest ne vert, amb aly. 6 the ;. ' Ve perce aa a) e a it le Lawants =; ‘ rreet belies sicher Vou ew . ‘ ' Tie \ vita ! f theme States, and thie tion ly Go badd i em fthe Us ami y ae stud will ys paw hoe shes fo b» mi . - ' she arary fMowsliy with the avewed on ! ' : \ - ned ft rene de Lo pauwe for are " ‘ . pewies of the Cometitution rd att) attached whether ae oft UDG Ler pa cataracts ; wel aeraboats oven e ; Vbeety vm the abstract, (hey dy not pote qtestons ufthe pabhe domain, of reliton ot ta tey Ue capenment of leaving ment Tene supy lint wrtiendar Hie . Comader practically how the olgoets they would navigation, and of servitude ly theviecive« etal er pest f at ie fa ; the ale ' ' h attain can be scoom plished, nor to retheet Chat Tire ever Stat fthe | : = ; per , ; . . u ’ . a evee if the evil were ae great as they vit of the Constioate jualin v Hiveenarine Pres ties tt LAS GtrATOCAlt a . . “ ‘ " ‘ ; they bave po remedy ty 1] that at can tive power 6 reas caMot char ‘ oe } =r the ent Cit ( ; beaonly aggravated bv their sonlenes aid wucon “He rebeton on the Seue of Moar : A PCAN aici On weer “\ tid) the eat tern ori) , wlit Mal we tice \ question, wl soon on mothe Sta fM \ ’ r at wath fi z ott ‘ 2 \ The meet diffente of all el ' ‘ tl which paupocee ta do thm ream multe Uovitenl States . ’ | ’ : ; 1 . SHtutions, poliirent! OMY omnd atitesmi un thes nway wo ony t confers nom lt tore Ae onc tatat estan " * | i hat ‘ =a ire | ‘ : . they treat with unrevconing intanpera Watuecut tire statu woh onrepealed, it reins rere in eee acciccd ae thee F Vesioalig an atin “ sy; ‘ eae Wedhen vh f ; : finde aA tet alata aml tosh si oe ipsa irene ba ener Te Gate seiie . u vevital yn \ th atin ut a | Waitowill be comly tu remove diperfcetm@s tre Utle ) mean. 1 in the onlnance department there is a As if ts con) arativety | The rent leat seoall, 8 more important that complete as poseable in all the Una freeduin, to canvass Unear, lremgrtiys that it should be efficient in the cha a wally Ma the Tore; rower efits officer, on the get ant discipline of OM, frou vessels aud eargues lekeaging lo our ts men, om the reliability of its ordmance. and in uy tbe cay menty of tts ships. elements of! Nia Sorte eae tapted from prevent such combinations! tween the commissioners, not only as to the pre-t was invested with perpetuity nd entitled tothe | fornly Aid, that they were incompatible with the hits ‘been repelled dr mfipressed, by all the’! in future, and scours to thése ‘Territories an op-|cike point phere the rivers terminate, but in INLARCCS BS be Wdkes CoDstiLates @ river, ‘These. ditlicultics, however, may be oveceome by {resort tothe umpizage provided for by tse treaty. The efforts perseveringly prosecuted since the oecasions tO core dlefters in the existing! Commeneement of my administration, to relieve to emter 166 pwwty organization for is repeal; curreucy, it has, been asammec, that. it waa the urganization, and to iwerease the efficiency of ie! ous trade to dic Daluyfrom the exaction of sound, the frat wre the atrenaous ayitation, Ly’ chtizens | tres erted matter of IeOalatjon, recewed ile tiunl { tme Ut agitation epcediby censed by reason of duty uf the Excouiive got only Lo seppress insur-, arnay, ad further otsctvation hus Lut served 0! \lues by Denmark, have pot yet beem attesded: EH s jee: of the cyn- j the mi prastientalily of it» Oljeet. Se, when Une! re oliobary Movements in Kansas, but abo Lo wee, confirm me in the views then expruased. mmf th! will success. Other guvernmeats heve alee) the regularity of lugal elections, It needs hy. enforee on my mind the convietion that suct/semght to cldaia « like relief to their commmereey: argurdput tyshow that the President has no inewsures are not oule proper But neceserry, “7 Aud ew uack was thus induced to propose, am, ms 1 dave, in addition, to invite Ue attention of| mtungement to all the European Powers jnter- The free ‘ Congress to aehane of policy im the distritae! ested iu the sulgect; and the maaner in whieh Bowed the cry of alge, fon the doin oP dectons ta fiable to bd impaired be the Gon of tropa, and to the necessity of providing’ intrusion of unlawfal votés dF the exelusion of’ a more rapid tnerease of the military artnament. and ineumpatilde regulations upon the subject, \ which ery sprang in reality frym the syarit of, lawfat omen by pnp ropet influcnoes, by #lolence,{ For details of these and other subjects relating Mowe thes paople of the U! 8. are! tothe anay, | refer to the report of the Svereta all sofficens gusrdrans of theiel ry of War. The condition of the nary ts not merely satis: | rewedy, in due seaun, any such iveulent® of | faetory, but exhilite the most gratifying eviden cid free low, yp be suppose them to have cemsod Ces of vecreasd vigor lot propamiliou was received, warranting her te; believe Useb & satisfactory arrangement with. them could seon be concluded, she made @. strouy appeal! Lo this government fur Lemporary> Suspension of deiaite action on its part, 9 com! sideration of the embarrassment which might re sult to her European negotiations by an imme. diate adjustaweut of the question with the Uai- led States. This request has beca aceeded tay upon the eondition (hat the sums collected after t } the 16th Juice Last, and until ue J6ika of June Merchants, are lo be consideral me pwd ander, the rote and subj -et to future mipestic uh — wt, qualives the vavy has made preat progteas with-! There is reason to be heve that au sremyments 10 the hast few yenrn ers crme of Kansas, he woald lave leen justly sub. | of € wrgress, of Kebrnary 28,1855, "to promote between Deumark and the maritine Pd Europe on the subject, will be sova of violation | the cfhcrwacy of the navy" bas teem attended! and that (he peoding negotiation with ae Uns bry the emint metvewtarin ie rem tts |worReting drmeiwsine runense the men om foand ted States may thea be resumed and terusimel , ina salisfictory manner, , With Spain no new difficulties bave arven, nor has uch progrss been made in the adjust ment of pan Jing ones. Re cite ious entered] inte for the purpose of re ir commercial intereourse with the Island of ¢ 1 of its burdens, and pre- viding for the 4 ely settlement of local disputes growing out of that inter urse, bave bot yet been atteuded with any resulta Soon after the commencement of the late war in Burey t fy nent subuitted to the coo fatiog of ay] inantime nations, two pria- ciples for the secu ty of neutral commerce : one, that the neutral flay should cover cnemics goods, except articles cuntraband of war; and the oth (bat neutral property on buard merchaat vee sels of be rents should be exempt from coa- 4 5 Ace pt f contraband ar- hos Tt were nol presented as new rules f international law; having ben g nerally "4 4 by ls, though not alwave admit J bv te Hreerents On f parties to the war — Rus AA na several neutral powers, promptly » rey) these propositions ; and > ather principal belligerents, Great Brit vnant France, having conseated to observe for the present occasion, a favorable oppor- ty « to be presented for btaining a eweral rea gninen of them both in Europe and Hat reat rit ¢, mm commoa with moet of t °. while forbemr- Mg to mfeet, dile ly act upoe the yrertures of the [ Ww th jJesGon was ip this position, the representatives of Russia, France, (jreat Lritain, Austria, Prussia, Sardinia, and Turkey, sesem- Gied at Dans took Imto consid. bor the subgect hts, and put forth a declaration ontaining the two principles which ' ' tte! ff maritim this govern- ) years before, to owers, and add- ns “Prive an] * Hlock- « effective, sufficient nearly ¢ C maritr {the ene s gov waten.!«! un Jwars z indem- practical violation of the Lal vr jul ous to Our Com of the de ‘ans hat prive remwns abolehed I certainly seerhe t powers represented in the philan . t ing e oun whore a Ast remaining artick . ‘ mer awn regard to : er propa mn was diubt bese the principle Ueag although belligerent captare; and Propumiiwn heen so framed as to give received rehau of the LoS Bet 3 \Nalejuat at par- roper- bps ’ MKCPAN, sit beioug t eens of a » prneipee, it woul! har ‘ tw ub vt trom one neanwhile, wid Ge ase] with inm- Apacity aung- . others ‘ ier off nploy A _ —— - aoe - SEUNG — Privatecring can be so amended as to effect the! Under the guaranties of treaty, citizens of the ‘olation té the effect that all bonds, notes, | Mr. Maftiii introduced a bill amend | Wbject for @bich, as ts presumed, it was imtended, | U.S. have, by the outlay of several millions of &e., fasued by Southern States, cities or the act ineo: ng the towh Salem. | Wamunity of private pefty On the ucean | duilars, cunstructed @ railroad across the Isthrous, counties, should be made payable within) Me. The of ideo, @ bill to in-| hostile capture. Vo elect Unie vlyect, 1 fs and it has become the main route between our said Status Thomasville. som. Og tw add to the declaration that “parva: Atlantic and Pacific possessions, o¥er which mul) 4 fler some debate it was moved td re- og ® and remains abolished,” the following Uludes of our citizens and a vast amount of fer the resolution to the Comunittes on ‘allowed for the registration of deeds aod fmen.iiment: “And that the privete property of properly are constantly passing—to the securi- | Wuljects avd be contraband presented wot only to the powers which have washed o8F ament to the deccaranon to abolish © wateering but to all other mantine aintea ! Wen far tt tins @Ry cormMucieation In Mpls Beverat of the gusernmenta, regard ng with 4 favor Lie propomivon of US. Gave delayed de Un fetiinus. Bettie action apon it, only for the pampeme of by ensaiing WIth others, partios ty Uke comtenetice Cruse puri wnt, Oy the spoutameots action of T ave the aatiafection of statags frow. Che ec pati uf Now Granada, or otherwise, some wh aris ever. tat ward | xpin the hmperor of Husa bas et Well Go opermte in cadeavunag tooouldart Ure vecatic Comiimaralion sy iiporlant al Uns Cie et that assaraucs ota Rutty Ube U.S vais, but to all ulber marine Rmme Et ee perme, Riawiae putyort have bern Poocivad ie retatow to States bute of Burype aud America Une Uinjromton ot Cie bempenor of the breach, Tue pres et aspoct Ue tus bmporiant abject by eocans Uf a apeviad commtussron, ty ubtam See something practical etarted, and the Road ; referred to committee on Internal allows es to ub mists te lope Ulat a primcipte po | bum ave im bts charactor, su just and equal ini Gateed &y oer ciUacus vu Ure Isthiwus, aud satie ‘the bali in motion, poration, to essential to the prapenty vl com tecteny security tur Ue general tuderesia of the adopted amid considerable applause. wecreial mavons and so con-vaant wo the scot Certed Statos | tecats of Luts enlightened permed of the work, wks wd the approba of all wartime |t power, mad ties be twcerpurated taty the code ©ajtess ny congratulalivas fe view of Ure peace, | vbjetewnntonal baw. The government of the T Degended with frend! y imterest the other States of American, formesty, Wee thes country, Earo pean colonic, and mow indapemdent mercanbers of 8! peace at home and abroad; Unat its irdhestrval A Hut the wusetthed | Me-test: are prusperuts; that the camvnss of i= at New York. This resalted from the! ptoye : ecm |Mmarmers whiicus every sem, and te plough of | : the frmity of natrous. condition of some of thetn, distracted by freq revolutions, wed thus incapable of tizeus of a belligerent on the high ty aud vrotection of all whieh, and the coutings | fens, nhall be exem)t from seizure by the public auc. i Mr. ori of Alabaina, 0 armed vested. of Ure other bellggrent, except 1¢ poss Le fou the gov't of the U.S to be inditfer. | He Peso Wtion. This amendment bas been ent y S bees rgectad hy any, and ie partu. our taval forve ft the harturs of Panama be sett to the favorably entertamcd by ail witch have unmade arial Asprowaly te utter ty protect Ure persous ed duteresting etatistics would then be Bank of Greensborongh, fn the town of ated property of the citaens of the CoS im these elicited to slow that the South had never Greensborough, durely adeq@ace arratigement ahall awe teem tnade tor S approved of Chat mmtibeation, aid Ube yrutection awd esecunity uf a tine of inter- Bg iste cn abe object are wore fly nt Plaats wich tre U.S wow poe! reconsideration uf the resolution, and of one copy vf Cook's inap was on motion fest mthe reply of Ube Seerctary of Stale, a Venues doparcnrents of tre gov and uf all the | capg ef wich w herewith trausmited, to tre! greet trmuches uf Ure cammanioations on the subgect made Co thes i tadmry, tm wren tu speak of the mowt, esjccially to (be communication of kad the imiegrty whech pervades Ue whole, | the present state nge ) a | would be ty redicate bet imperfectly the adrain-!y opposed to this building of steamers, & has at all times !8fauwve comditum of dhe cuuwiry, aed the bene- | and railroads It wae a useless waste of | was bought t ficial cifects of dat 08 the geucral welfars Nur; the capital of the South, Through the Syme, o ‘wowld & suffice ty say that the aston is actyally agency of the Federal Government, the fur 65,100. | ene | tt basiandmes is marching sivadiy onward to by the tariff for revenue. ry the towa ae! { r. Wiggins » bill to extend the time) other conveyances, Mr. Fenneltt # bill'to regulate the sale He was for obtalning! of spirite of turpentine in the town of money whete ft could be had, and the bil nae Alea : I have deemed the danger of the recurrence pointof paytuent must depend upon the — Mr. Stubbs, a bill to lay off and es- of acctes of lawless Viokcnee in this gtarter au fender, tablish wa new county by the mame of Mtuent as to make omy duty to station a Mr Swan hoped the resolution wonld Swain. committee, a8 he belivv:| Mt. Gortell, a Dill to incoporate: the Business of the public advantages involved, it a im Mr. Houston a bill to remodel the Coun: cutis, aud ty insure ty them sate passage weruss Geen benefitted one dollar by loans ob: And it would, mm my judgement, tained by negotiation in New York. ty Courts, and establish Courts of Pleas uusise ty witietraw the Qavad ture wo 1 Pig qiotion to refer prevailed, in North Carolina; referred-to the dadi: | Mr. ©. Peoples, of Georgia, offered a ciary Committee. : ay resolution dooking to direct trade with Mr. Dockery, a resolution authorising , Europe, and urging the subseription of the loan of two thuusand dollars from the | Blvy by cach member of this Convention Literary fund of Laurinsburg High towards the capital stuck of a company School. , to establish a line of steamers to Europe Mr. Thownas, of Jackson, introduced a Moamwtide, weuuativas have been instituted froin some Southern port. He wanted to bill to extend the North Carolina Rail com N. Grawada fall umdemany fur igucies ane wrembers uf this Corvention should set, Lioprovements, The resolution was) Mr. Rumley introduced a bill to incor- jporate the Boaufort Branch Rail Road | Several gentlemen moved a fe-consid: | Company—from Duplin to some point on Iu audresing to you my last aunual message eration of the resolution, not tegarding it te Central Rail Koad, in connection with be cccasion sects [0 ine an apprepeimie one Wye Linding. ‘the town of Beaufort. Mr. Bethane, of Georgin, advocated a! The resolution authorising the purehase Tu punt yuu to the state of the thonght ft should not a in the pro-|of Mr. Cherry, amended by fnserting ceedings of the Convention, as it was of “five copies.” ; : “no binding force upon any member. In| Mr. Fennell a bill concerning the in-| D thines he was eotire- |Spection of Naval Stores, &e. | The Lorie, i Register establishment iis moruing by Jon W.) the Petersburg anlar: peblec svrvies, itil and capital af the country was concentrated — The following is the Report, mentioned : sah ; ee seme eeeieece The Committee on Corporations, to The only rem- Gem juternal e)itinetravion, has tended to em. | the bivodbess cowqucst of the continent: that | dy for the South was ts abolish the ta. Slow wae referred the memoral of the Wares: creastonally or public intercourse, by cies and papelous States are apringing up, 98 | a patt down the Custom Houses, etab- | Lrwstese of Davideon College, and also venson of wrongs which our citizens suffer at Uber feeds, xed wlrich they are show to redress | o# Stade, aud Une the couragues energy of ovr 4 b ahevenhe ¢ wR pris of Pople ts making of Usese U.S. the great repub- be on pada : he of Use werk. t ‘allaoed without passiny thrveh trials aed penis and adduced statistics tu prote that cut- Meaica, with whet: it is oer special denae to mean tale es good understandveg, Usat such eump)uits are H. 41 pUMeroes: and althoagh carne!\\ urg ed wpon ite attewtion, they have mot me ret ociwed the comsrderaten which Lbs goverment bed a mgt to expect | While reparation for pet begurs¢ bas been eithbeld others hare been wbded. Tue joltucal conditivn of that country, | bowever, has bce sach as to demand forbear | wate on the part of the US 1 nhall cvntinge wry forts wo procere for the wrongs of our cil: | gees that redress which is Vhew pee tesant she to the esetinerd fneadiy asocation of the two repab en The pecuhar eondition of affairs in Nicaregea | fe thre carly part of the presemt y car, tewdend 8) important that Unis Qureroment shoekl hate dy jomatic retatiuns wich thet state, Thevegh as! territory bad been epemwed ome ff the prectpal thoronghfares acrom the isthewes comerciing North sed South Amonta, on weech 2 ved « moont of property @as transported, and to whack | oer citiens restored @ great wembees, mm pass. between the ALantc aad Peciic cunts of Ure U BR The proveetive of both required Unat the va teting powcr m that state shoal be regarded a! = Pray ver tole gent, sed its miata? @ms scour dimgty recewwed But be romased bere vely a short ume. Soon thervaficr the polsvcal affairs of Nicarages underweat uniavoralde change, and ' became evolved m mech unceriaety aed om fae. contending pares bawe been recemtly seut ww the guternment, bat, eth the imperfect fur pusersed, it ous not posible to dee whe inp omatc rey eeseutatives from lwo goverument de facty, sel awart tedev lopemwts, | have refased ty re moms of Une moat senvas nalere are prad "SN wd Une Kegautabec of New Teme of Leet or peide oe to Magwme temeage duurs sp ber parts bet the perp wm gu! | as beemg comicary te s peiavee wih tbe LS asd to ryghts om i ey charter ape the Penama Kadroed Congean), aed fas acouegh im | qunbed st that Goer, at beseg adenetied tbat wor vameck fete cult by be ca-mypt from tonnage | duty wm tbe Pree parts of | nmame amd A-jene ail | be: t porpuse bas ewe reoretly end on the part of New Grameda by the -oarte-et of 2 law to setyert cemerls vasstomg bee pruris Wo ive df bert, comte poe om, amd, atthe ch we tom put 1m borer, yet thee rege tomange 4 thee jae jae te enforce ye at aseertied aad mays ume be at the get of that repo { hee | The ~ <0 \ « Grameada ean sho co { san Fear, ent lew a, ested a ine, erin, tas fo mire ue ats em every poand of mae) matter areyeied stress Use lth. The oem tau boty bee pad om thee marie ot) the S ey wear'y 62 +>) 090 amewells oat) mie sem pew aia by orniveri the Tacsme he roed Caampamy Lf the only aol oa lw ‘be hai @-e i tarda «df mw ee eee t mye power woe - hy * . Da I a ia . o ® ‘ a - -_; rv miol key 2O BR: fortune ore om bee subg t Gem thee gus td Ue re puis. | + alten Af lb 4-terumine Looe agevt Sta aeute we a or he Am * amd = cart ree, ly tres!) si jw = b erent “git the Panaina ~ ” oe Awe * - pte wl J be s te~ Sell 1 regeet te-den As Cat onrasem tits tom Vite Com atime by a eebgeet af dl greasy om Por er te late wrth tee Meapatider of Now Qrepueda fu Une Ot emth dev 4 Aprd tat os rhtow= assem 40 4 the tehetetawts of |’ seems Commend av + at aed outreg ons atiark oe the promnes / the restrand campeet. an Lise | pre aed aber pereume wm or ear tee eame, ov 0s Oe bemthe A eow-en! entire of | the id on ef many other. and the | destructs siren dh paruyerty be { loagrne Omypnee 1 au. 4 fof In romlse phe trai ated the | resale feat comm ide te remyn om | qtnits for oie ‘ nates ly the gw | am Nie nis L heve, thentuce,| dwn ae mw tha ery | aie : ; ar » len Aen oe lee wut ” rat Be amt: + mo. / a mea av! | - tw) Ld e thar . ous be “phed) re . rages “ f fy ae prove t lawe (hie ia tp \» * | Geng. een be comet tae 1 | Opn ‘the Lill entitted “a bill to amend an act! {to incoporate Davidson College, in the year 1888,” have had the same an-| Ly cochentunemt, fue Use of our weet lish free trade, and sapport the govern- direct taxation, Mr. Eochene “lat length to aupport these views der consideration and reapectfully fe by eaporicnce of which, and thus only, natvas | tonalways conamanded high prices ander eae Lien aha yes eae caw basse Wito maalwnl. Uwe borctather wore |® low tariff, and brought very low rates! ii. cpruetees of Davideon College,’ and! \ (rarued to Use winches whieh cowceived, amd the (wader a bich tard. His remarks were frei) cig Louth section of the Charter did courage wlock achieved lade pcademce, by the quently applauded, \ f el Correentrmccs whech serrvended Ubcm, and thy Mr. Kichardson, of Maryland, thoaght! pip saber ae poring don app sl pacer i volved ict = poryle oe ete eee Leesan nut more than sufficient to provide Libra repebie lt devulved om tho fer gewcration ty ed to adopt thre sweeping mensate jist re: | \ A 4 build cumsuiidate the wert of Ube revolwtion, to diver | commended. jtes, Philosophical Apparatus, at ild- Ube commtry cetincy frum tbe iaflwonces of con Mr. Calhoun, of Soath Carctina, endor. | 18" sutable fur a College of the first fhoueg Wramsatiantac parlinkit« oF pochasroam the views of Mr. Bethune, thought! OS which attacked to ver colveal aed revoieimeey | they shoakd eee aie lattenttoal| Your Committee further that ofr arena al ge ae can the Ooncention, Tre South had oar OS ebery, in hie. lat ind. fete Unrom. To as, of Unes r \* in spite of the unjast laws of the : Se neato Se eles rvemete Lam er dogenrrsaee e Se of ome the yoow of teu U. th We bare, at beng, | hed By ax Gadnel 6 yecen of inkateon ae Trustees of Devibes College, bat that reacind that stage of Use eatrmal career, wa [thon taunted Ly the North for ber Want 6 inetitet nena & f the Wheck thee dangers to be encvmetered, aad the of prosperity. The Soath pays §40,000,- | eepesntreer’ at Gua wat sata cations to be mmde, aru the mecrdemts, out of UUU yearly as a (bute to Union, He *”” sf ait ay on fer yr mslorsl ari weniwon, bat of stremgih. le wer force pete: | Liewaght we should meet the issnes et banter e extent, pri ia 4 lems we have to tempor our jouer b> Ure tees! sented by Mr Bethune boldly and at! poanty uf the Lestat ot unless relief sball beagyy (tne of wiles repelins wa Aiuencs! once, . / | be afforded by the General Aesembly.— neni te [dec Cermelt 6 tu the calms aad Con Mo eReciiciarcsduticnnwestthoakee!! Your Committee are of the opinion that monet eyguity ot git by Ube ade of Ue promt: comsidered and referred jthe relief asked for ia the memerial oug!it on ote we alent at Ue cmypters of arape. be Ne. Cloppe, of Virginia, offered rese- | not to be demed. The provisions of Ure! ovr d-cnetec telattous, we have Ww guard agwad! yo) ons, Senet inaeir ' ae will of Mr. Chambers manifest a high | Uae rte of Une dimenretemis, Ube eembeticn, the | Of ee sr pee nl a ey Pate degree of liberality aud peblic spirit, a SS Te Se Safer en, ice abs tne fie, core ed Saeeins S actne, @lich are the natural prodect of the pre |tcdness of cach Southern State and to ea i A ld = ‘ ' © At fe met puliical cdevatmen, Use seit-refenmor aad Use | ¥ leu duc; aler the amoant which each | maabbatcha soe teat t to every person of intelligence and remtiens * - Svuthern Stat ‘ibs Liens spar uf vaterpome of the people of the Svulbern Stale aunn ally pays as a tribate liberal views. if the praise worthy efforts = to the Unson. Referred j the Executis Mr. Kean, of Virginia, offered reaota of the testator in the cause of Edacation liadacleiirecaltns thu elécatiun of Suatt should Le def uted by reason of the diffi pracaliny Jueatr nth j culties already mentioned jm thie report Your Committee regard the institutica | itself as a meritorvas and useful owe, and | vit aske for nothing bat permission to en- | jov the fruits of private liberalty Yoer committee are farther of the nanefsetares. WK+-ferred japinion that iC woald be proper under all Mir Ganlduurlil Gewgiaccfered alse ‘the ciretinstances of this case for the ‘ : , Ie Fatal Vorpobeaae Fapepe aemy pee LL Wa dta tol Ly leonvey to the Tras JU aa MLAS ; y in {tees of Davideon College, all of her right Sikes 2) lass pros ntatives ia Congress to ase theer, . ’ { best cifueta te secure the repeal of the and title, and that of the University, ( f} ! her of the tie « tari, the repeal of all laws interdecting the! hag! either Pas silos ar bine | Ui lie vat oc ‘ siate trate, and the procurement af atree- tattle.) im are! estate and ¢ Lee } ‘ Hempel tw be given in the wil ty with Great Britain for the rendition of /O8 OF ™ . y : . ‘ : . of the said Maxwell Chambers to said In. | stitution, The memorial itself contains no prayer for this last mentioned relief bet it has been suggested t» the Conminit tee by intelli cent friends of the Inetite Thane results bers not been Preece I sball prepare to surrender Urwel bo imy ee censor, aad retire to private lite Cee eemeeis of peofued grautede to Ue ern yout we Nerthern inatitationa, and et rieoce whe bh during (ee perwed Amv! reeommending the patronage of Southern | Ptmwiseinn, has vouchaniend ty carry the inwks amd newspapers tothe exclnsion of cuse.r) (nrvegh many difficelues domestic awd Northern ls cumicinpdale Une apr e be of aeeecate aed rempectial reiauems be tee ours and ald Abet guveruneats, amd Ube ontattneee te! of Cutt lat veal 10 heen teem ile | They also advocate the beild ing of Seathern railroads by Southern la we, and the ence tragement of Southern weet and ranqu VW wine Seuthera Commercial Convention. Rg Savaswau, Ga, ro ¥ | fagetives slaves fran Canada After sane | The jororeedings of the Coareution ap disc usseem, the first reselution was refer. | the Beet dav were Vevotd of sper sal in bred ts the Caeumittes on Basineas, teat terest. Alevat five tundred and ifty dei | the others were cmdemned by a very egales, re; reaemting tet: Southeru States, etn jhatic tote ke reported themecives The States of Ark. Jude Moore, of Lomisiana, offered a res joe and « rm ie are to thew "Y hay or aneas, Kentucky, Miasise:) ji, Miseours vlution ia favor of the construction of a} le and proiably necessary. . ’ | over therefore reesm mend tl asease were warepresemted. A) railroad from tive Mississipy iver to the native bs wmamend the pr ae and Prelawarc, : . lof the bill with the accompanying amend Co neuter ayam Urgamization was ap | Pacitic Ocean, sleug the thirty seeoud ; . nta ranted, aflor a temy-qary organization | paralted of latitade, and Piste eae J we eas bad been « Mectel, aud a recess Sas teen | Comzrens ts make approyrialimes for thie Prom ‘b> Pay-tters Mle Obeerver taaen Gl 4 pom At tes boar tie Com-lolyect Referred 7 = I | vente re asinine l and the C-rauater Lie Curnrve tleet ay mernod oll & PL sINbm GF bOKE THE Was LAT Re We continue as ninents, for eich we are indebted tothe Hlonw. J. G. Sceyherd and oar Correspon. | | dems > — | 4 lcrimametmt (Pr gateiza teens repeted ab Vopr cf egislat ve doe be name of James Lvcma, of Kectinond, Ts. PitdsOr Va, for Chamrinan tocethor with the asu al neler of View Vreadentea and secre From (he Pageticrede Oberrver 4 ali ol ali Wuinalt we wee LATEST FROM RALEIGH Tre Weateex Ran Roan --The bill! _ ntrodaced Ly Mr. Itethea, ts aid in the! Meo] Z ‘ ACHES . a Maal ie SB construction of this nad to the Coa! | p@etl #, ae Riarrin, Friday, Dec. 5 Fields, has Leon oo ainended in comnit.| = eae Vs the Raleih papers of todas du not tee a8 ty restore it ty shape in which | ( \ J . aiaig avi rairrdavs proceedings, | wae approved ly the stock bolders in the | +a ew! ti e Canvas and to jar ave concluded to gee vou @ brief san Company here, with the addition of a Maypete 1 be proce Luge nary of those procesdinze, althoa gh they proveon for ita extension to some point] mn the N.C. load, Tt provides, as we have herets | A (raamiitce of Lwcuty wae then or | gers not of 1 Nportaner 'n the county of Da-| {nthe ones, Mr Wa de red te lee apqeriuted be prepare basinens, Mle bill eon Srleon atid, cos seardne of Me. Seinimes, of Luis cerning erdows was tak : pe fore atated, for an exchange of Compa a Me A Wun Maun eas male an iitted [tia an imi-rtant | Ir a) nye bon de for state bonda, to the amount ' : terdoor dM that Career owen wide te held al! property w (P1000 for every $50,000 paid by in t ¢ ani ! ' . Q ‘x ! ! 1 = . aly LUG ahe wened previous to marrige, if herhuse | viduals Tine world add wrcvbabl y $500,000 in state onda to the individna | al eulrec ription of $25,000, whieh would p be ain) le for the road ty the Coal Fielde And then a proper subscription woukl trina the Qoee | carry itontothe N.C Road. The whole femn David |property A the Company is te be mort wage! to pay the debt to the State, and ite wiwle net iucome pledged fur the in-) lorest The Stockholders are anthorised to in-) ee 7 it § jlaud did witht iesue fea amending and repealing , _ section of the Lk wised Cede were pans The Conivention re are l Ties ae re, a Tie Pees we fedbowinng yentlemen t»| Oia UNe DAD Deveral dav aeorn Z \ message wae recerve:! announced pm Lee O tbene eft iranemitting a Clan tates ty Prepare bus Patton for farther Compe tmal vets for aer- views rendered inthe building of the cap ‘ en) & } A! athtma —Mesers Corlicane & Bare. td Lax! om the table Crorgis —benwet al Uerward Mr Witte. wa bill te ineurperate the | Margiand Wad amd Pergue sn Bank of Lincolnton, inthe town of Lin. ceemse the capital to 62,000,000 ; and | druid | b Cate & Gund ootnton, Mie Mactia, a bill to ineape. (Countics and, Towne on the route are! Na Welle: sud ti Wem Vents the Raleon Lemire ( mnpany nuthoriagd to sulmceibe te Ml ' ines Tie Committee ou Corporations and Faverryvice® & Atoemarie Poayn / we MO Blea Currcnes, reported miverw ly on Chee till Roan —A till inteodaced by Mr. MeDi- Lia ina —Ah |bow and Serots irtering w Dank at New Berne On taried, and reported by Committee on in: | hebi ada Maswell ate) M aeles vAiaical Mr Hiapiresy, w rem luticn , real oprovemente with recommenda | if aoe —MiCioud end ow. A, Dud sis as pte autivoriaiiy the Grovernior te tr wi to pres Authorizes a State sal-| oo hi jake certain iprovements inthe public serpin Of B15,000, thon sane terme as M vee Mice vecin resiutione vrei le meni the Capatad those provided Ly the act of last session, Ge i) (Gira {Cala [ine Secale, the (alliue amcnud the heretofore pultised in the Observer. “ joer refes we Loi charter of Dividenn Colieue pamsed ite 2] Porinite the ase of other material dian I, isitene jmated J) ready Mio bsten wade a rej hin baying OF Fepare ne the road, M H vared, A tM DM et poe it wletcde ta ereewith engbawad, when the Directors may think it heat, F ‘ 5 toe Poynter reapecting Me, bea ; A Dans af INCORPORATE. [Mb Nota! aime Picea pleaiuer-, Winco eoe. tat bt kk Lome oftie first wen Wiatuan Ran Peoap Co. -Pntrodueed by Aane refi ere wy Clee Soa ortarniv Che tiret ow the Mi Leach, of Davidson Capital 82, 100,- \ Cn) WWM [younaceulie wile vf lAuiiae nd Couupans to be organaed when as rt v J is vos Loday, the Senaty eat Gut dittle aver S600.000 are mabeceded , and when balf ming oan hone Mee Sirhan inners Wthat subscription i patd in, the State t yaw Spr tps viet te be aulaertbe el. e000 Lie road inde een fiie Mint ~yned to conneet the NO) Rail oad, ( sn created me pent Ppavideon County, with A t Piast ‘ wid walt works an War | Guilford. The oljcet ia to afford persons, proposes to pablich in the town of States to voar people, ioe Hit ininduced neenee |daced by Mr. Bllett, of Ramdetph, No day “a ing bene Chan 83 bills }zen, who fears his portion of the pablic e ginia } and te to Haji dling the talloy of Dills; Eller, Erwin, Folk, Gaither, Gen- | FROM OUR MALEMOM 00g) the Yadkin; in ont watern. d try, Gilliam, Glass, Hackney, Ha ; apy dake stem at tion; throngh Ash® or * bount 4, Harrell, Hest to ins Reh war Moret N. te fit or Halifax, He he like tw know if any thing ‘ vhhson cross! the Blue R ne at) phitey, dary kins, tre interowted..\ will tay to a North Weep of Couk’s ace yore. elly, ¢: of Leitch, | ment of affairs. Fath pes oe the Char. A But ‘to woorrorats Tun N. C, Oxn-| of Talon, of is of | tof of your Lowa has boo fopdtied GAG front tle com. reat Attannic amp Paotre Raw Roav! Nashy Little, Long, Lo g Or. mittee on propositions and griev short, withthe request Co.—Introduced by Mr. Thoinas vf Jack-| ange, Lyon of Granvilley Ann, | that they be-excused from the further dousidétation son, Capital 84,000,000. Coinpany to) Martin, Muson, Masten, Matthews, Mc. | echo mata Bince then, » cotuter pe tition Hie buen organize when @200,000 are substribed. | Intosl, Montgomery, Meares, Moore Mor- | presented @ideh, with the original, liew om the table, The State to aid in construction of the! prison, Mosely, Ogburn, Outlaw, Outer. | subject tohe eat of the mover, Un to day, the road by subscribing $10,000 por mile in! bridge, Parker, Patterson, Pearson, Pic. hardest battle Lapeer ra ef heeled ret te N. © or other raitroad etpoks owned. by !kett, Pitehtord, Ramsour, Rand, Rankin, Sought | Hwan w Bilt to sid in the eonptewetioh of the the Gute, and Ly endorsitty te-donds ie | Reeves, Richardson, Robtb, Rumley, Waren Mat Rona” The Bi provides tor sued by Counties, towne, and incorpora:; Rushing, Sauls, Seales, Settle, Siler, ree ihe vhs mldoatheee-to 4 ted companies which may eubscribe tu! Slaughter, Sinall wood Southerland, Speer as: pein Bae vai a Lesingtog. Ie the Road. The road to commence at) Speight, Stewart, Stiles, Strayhorn, Stubs, argc pho og a 7, and wet bobs. Duektown Copper Mines, Cherokee Coun: Tate, Thompson, White, of Sampson, ay 4 ao haat ts ag Athen ty, thence tu be continued Bast and West, | White of Cabarrusy White of Bladen, Go ting Re} Te ae t tonad was ov as to effect a conneetion between our) Whitson, Williamson, Wilson, Withers, | sebesd etm the shaaing Coneties voting & le Atlantic coast and the roads penetrating |and Yauey—100. | wey judgement the building of such 0 meld ot thie the valley of the Micsiesippi. Those who voted in the negative are | time would be bad pulicy. 1 believe it would be » A subseqoent Bill introduced by Mr.! yfogers, Cauldwell, Kiliot, Fuster ans |deoth bow us the North Condina Rall Road, in which Thomas, conters Banking privileges on | Sontreces u u the Ktete te bpterested tu the atnowpl of Meig Mi. the Rowl, upon the terme granted by the) Aleent, Neusers. Puater Durgan, | Hons of Detiare, and besides yar peuple dre justly dot. State in 1536 to the Charleston and Cin- | Mareh, Ferrebee, Eborn, Sharp,—one! plaining of high (ated, apd from reports bow before civnati Rail Road Co, Ivacaney in Franklin emnty. (ae, they. will har: to be doabied to meet the limbblities Huin- N.C. anv Virnunua Raw Roap Co.— | ' shor’ Patrivt, \of soe Suate. A Bill, introduced by Me. Ramsey, of Lbo- | dda ME eset In view af all thin, Ido mot believe the ¢ wan, for the eenetruction of a ruad frum | —— NTE orth Carylina 4ro prepered to shonider an . Salisbury to Mocksville; and thenee to | | ab deks of there or foie millions of dollar, For not. the Vieginia or Tennessee line. No Stute CAROLINA WATCHMAN. withstanding this road dort net eek for more then two nid asked, Capital gee to ecient | to construct the road, and mo more; and) * RUBY. , to be created by individual, woanty, town | SALISBURY. H.W. and incorporated compagivs, subscri = - sins stable asa tions. — nem Pl TUESDAY EVENINU, DEC. 16, 1834. Trext Raves Navioatios Compayy.—| + : soso A Lill introduced by Mr, Ward, of Jones,| | Taams oF TuJe Parca gece casn. | | map pig ney eontepe pepsin to ineorporate & couipany to improve Oy oe oe te ge = cae a pa navigation of Trot rar in donee Govt The tte of Boat, N. Care| mentee saree me pare to subscribe §7,000, and State to sub. | Memorialiaing the Legislature fur a Ruil- itp aca seeminman tenirp drag scribe @16,000. The State to appoint 4,| read from that town to intersect with the | i crer the fir pe Agere cago and stockholders 3, Directors. Atlantic and North Carolina Railroad, at | 5 verity betters, shat if the vee were bm Barth * bets Po | bury { and lesly. © road from Fayetseyzitie te Bean. r Noma Soacess.—A bill for the ee! the most eligible point Letween Beaufort Gomtes; for Aahe ot ie A benay ataneile, chs tublishnent uf a Normal! School in act ns New bern, pe’ te day Jog peghes ng at Congressional District, prepared by a rmmgh to H j ie eee echemes | bob ~~ Committee of the Educational Conven. , IRAE E Omnibus wade oh doing. butiwets, one af oa tion, and introduced by Mr. Oyburn, of, [rededd E-cpreee.—J.¥. Bras, Esq., Jr, pam apt e iad ; 7 inale and female, who desire to become, vie NO, a paper of the above naine partie ry gtoah De eden Mi. Dasa has been connected with the spa ence tom Them ie The Chairmen of the several eonuties in press ura year ur two, and has gaimed ting staves in var Sate a0 pomhle; and of oll exch District tu locate echowl, preseribe | some reputation as an editur. anplications the books and regulations, and empley a! cen gen eee teacher, at a salary not wore than @L000. | ? . . The salary to be paid by a rata con-| The Air Line Rail Road.—We ee There are ome og (wo ether of 9 t triharion from 1 Coanty's Bchool fund. | by the? Athens (Ga) Banner, that the prea A Pupile to be reeciced only on Fecomimen- | people of Gainerille, in thet State, hate af cherecting Gel Binet proved. « t f dation of Board of Superintendents, and | agen at to advance the Air Line, a8 & otipped sad lave the State. The Mil to vei pledge : solves to tench, ia Cy ea Oe “cuthaciestte meeting was mupeold "The pet ppc” Pyaghhampienai “4 - State, for as long atime as they receive in- 3 { of Craham, bas bee ie struction —with compensation, of rss | etd there on the Sf iustant, and arrange: |" s Cmaitive to han h web ba The Trustees, in cach Dretrict, not to, ments were thade to canvass the country reg Pag pd are 0 di wow naeety Pi con draw more than $1500 per aunum from | thoroughly, for eabeeriptions for stock pomp ap vem week fw ah. the County funds, nor to expend more! The Atlanta Republican ease: ere, the Proplee’ Book BM If say thing @ a im procering x rvands We ke ve tescived thrungh ihe ener: note orcers, you may etpect to hear from eB serge ; a teay of Hom. J.P. Reed fu 7 y mn, wel, & Copy the — A bao ge berg Charter of the Air- Lane iallnned Con pans i fPmagp etme anys Weettwa.— > hate howe gure. ut Seuth Carolina, ae introduecd intu the = 4 tee apollo ay a ovetnne cad to Inline © grecrs! ettentente or ae —lutroduced by Mr. Ogdurn, of Gail: | ford. Provides fe the trial and remorn) \\pevclature ef ibes Biate pects 1 be mretiing. a+ Oe wmderety ad. |+ te edeGheote paw uf a Chaleman of Beard of Boperintve: ht 0 abecet werd for werd with 1! rete. ‘caabeons dents for neglect or incompetency. That | a i . : peggy taperalle Pipare of wag credbey Cake preeume tore the Superintendents shall divide the| ore Aur-Line Katired Charter, 00 far {TLS latpatnaee wentent oon of coer? suas te oo oo school fund, received from the Literary asthe provicinne are appheable te thee | cetcet oo castiantp qe tatetive Nb Fr lewation. The Bill has been reported ty seem Beard and from taxes, fairly among the . Late Betint, he t+) districts of each county, 60 as to secure, | ‘"* Committee of Corporations, which in| py sor water s Seer « on bar oo ible seaalty a SNisten bur that Btate ie an important step towards its Soaet See diatetee mow ether comers: tine te ihe commence possible, facilities > B tat rece . i ge. It gives a wide latitade for the = sre ar é ae rad tgp rane ‘Sa: weation of the Road, whieh is the more | arapaho meg y Soe the of- favorable for ite constrection We are, MARRIED assured by Col. Kecd that the only dan re Joarnment of the Leygisiatare, to collect <li lta Cailure ia’ Gor'want of tines inthe | hie Coomty «= the Tih of December. by Rev all the Common Scho Laws, make ol fame! Ruthourh. Mr MOXES LINS ond Mis jdegislature lo pase ik DShowld it anler ELIZABETH WARMINGTON plain digest of them, with explenations, be the ements, ow the Hith met. by Rev 4 Baber, tunately fark at thus semssom, frou thes &e., amd present the to the Lit ) . te., w Pp ve same to ere |causr, we may rely om ite ge at the Mr ROSEET & COU, te Mae MARY ANN ry Beard; who shall have 6,000 copies ' i < OWBN printed for distribation among the Saper rea yeare Pilon and it need : 4.¢ . intendents, teachers, coanty and State spt ad Mia ened Montell lato), DIAD Ail &c 7 fof the enterprise in (reorgia : officers, &c , &« ! Re thes County am the 86 of Rocombrr, Wes O80 Swate Novena — A bill to antherise their | — BANNA BEAT ORD. i the # let yrer 4 toe age be thee Comm y om the th Ueoreter, MARTHA CTU ARINE, demghert of Jose oud | ctharmee L. Beever, wm the 4th pons of ber age leeds emmmtry. -@ Une Db cham, Mr DAVID Te delmte inthe |S) Senate, a few Mr Bizler, of Pennaylvania re the formeladuwer of Ms be iseue by all the Lkanmks inthe State, stm 4 ank to have im cirewlation, at any one time, Sls and @y te a greater amount’. : . than 10 per cent. on tte capital : nor of Duchanam's views, declared that “he, $30 and O46 nore than 20 per cent of itel( Mr Buchanan) likr adi 5O yr use, be bed beens mo metent member of Meck capital Requires the Banke to mak: lp fired and desired thal Kinase cherelel cag Uear: 0, vad Uhemgts wm the testes past of tte Oto semi-annual reports to the Pablic Trea be oulle od mach. ant s memrmer Wes ever meant. oad ay - : . : whee the bnanp of ile wes aime guar, reeme cudl . er of a ‘i nutes teaver! neil Tite te perfectly 1m areordance with tle aept ter hrm, be with thet hnulde cobemvam-a der thie ee spems c@C. 4, Chay ; qeheeh had corr ctraractcrie @ hie We be earrresrd Rew Casle, prdubiting the Treasaret to bee deetreserd feemly us te @ Ghee “ko glee hee op.” roeeive for Lanes the nutes of Danks wee ris said te RP LD, wm the Bet ye or of tee ogy Vorthern men \Cveme wate Lhe Union as @ free Mate declarations ofthe American party before Ow duw@e UL Agree WILL) peamedeg tee thet & re there wee o enet, fie thet b- i & ne the contuneuts of te Suthers demuerary, 7h Sd etre be pa mw - He «00 « en ff reg aed { aecarste yodg Beal tant, deci a im hie peepee 6 beep able to stengere. sacl, Bechenan protere and desires that Kan. S052 8 Se 0S Ore ee be beede lt ements, BLEZABE TH PATTEN, the ele of Vane! Meewiry. th heart Drapery, oged V9 )<0re ome meth ond > days bat vet ther The drewscod 60 mony years eee.e member of the “) Presty:e ran ' bareh. and ber ant eave rmion ooh ee were metecet aed crcepery | beet e conkd only prefer and desire the sane aa ber besbaed cad femuty of right chidroe, she ef © large earek: of fremeds to mmoarn ber met the elec tien Tut oo- whe supported hun with The Free Suffrage Bill. sas siivald Le a free State. to ow very The free suffrage bill, whieh hae been clear that the Southern demorrney prefer osed as a prlitic al hebliy for the last or or eught years, costing the people of the State thousands apon thousands of dollars, has at last gone through all the cometite onal forme of tegislatiem, and now omly i regarde Kansas, an that on that question, awaits the app:oval of a majority of the Lochanan and Fremont etand together voters of the State at the poll«, te became After all, we agree with Rayner that the Lest Volame —-Briag Mt Ia. a part of the Comatutution of the State. It). question waa iniserable hambug of QOWE menerr bee tailed te rovers 4 Vidme of will be sahinirted to the people fur ap k bel ' reel, fy ne Wate Reman man days edd. bs dey, Ieee proval of rejection in Anguat nest Hhhee-ewekere and puliticiame, by wheel iy) go they wul plea de we ihe favor to revere Ae principle of right and justice, we they eeck to promote e tial PUrpoers——a 1. & we are freqoretty weeding have alwarss been in favor of every citi and desire no anch thing have cleeted him Preeident. Frensont 33 pReuvere very dangeroas one for all that, and may, 2 we , J ndeed, yet explode, and devastate the Dicer meer 16. 186. Catawba College. - [Te neat wenn @ Mh cugmence on ‘he third Woe- dvs of Janaar Dering the eomeng rer apres! eficetion will be pacd to the Kegheh, Mathemateat sad Seventiise ée par moni A eran of eetor:e aptreted by exprrume ste, o tb given on Netarel Phteampty = mt ue steed eric eces te be eetiowed by ethers oe Phy ston! Geagrephy snd beonteg: A Tee-Rere aives wilt be Crmerd far tbe bene tt of vem Mr Ro was present, and aldressod the wh: demre to teach Terme the same ae here lek we my dewere parirmlar imberme lle was characterstically va ee ae eylikc coherdbee Cc oW SMYTHE Ow pe? burthen according to hie ability, shoall entry he secured in @ participation of all the . Vv social and political privileges of the State as —But notwithstanding Une ie our long Am rican Meeting wm Laleigh —A settled conviction, we firmly belewe the large meeting of Americana was held in introduction and passage of thus bill thro on Moeday night last, whicl the Legielature will be @ lasting curse te) j a the State. [t sets a precedent for contin '™ reference, iu sume mensurc, to Use nal tinkering with the Cometituuon by the attacks of the demecratic press and part) Layisiature, keeping the pablie mind in leaders, againet the Hon. Keneth Rav- a state of constant agitation On eonetith tional reforms. divertiug attention from the meeting. « ibjeate caleniated to develop the re | “4 Jaevere in bis remarks tonehing thee whe sources and ald to the prosperity of the State, besides affording domagegues with- David Outlaw, Mr owt real merit, hobbies on which to ride| Cherry and H.W. Miller, ales allressed ase e, the mecting, and treated with contempt e know it requires moral courage on | ihe insinuations imet the patriotian the part of & ote tan, who, Garlare isla fide a ule looking to futare and higher popular pro- motion, to bear litaself againet the eur rant, avd oppose what he beleves to be | gare ennilar expresein, as the sentiments radically wrong; and, it appoara that on Jof the entire meeting the passage of the free outrage ball thro’) ite third reading, in the commens, only Ave meibere “held out tarthful to the) end” and voted against it, Those five ' ; 1° tack of were Measre, Caldwoil, Elliot, Foster, oO"; for wo regard Mr. Root only aaa i “Lol ger ee oo cari Seott and Buarp, We give them credit/true man, but aa a daring, foarlves cap eodd Mat cnet All persone demruas of pure basing for their bold independunee, Heady Made Clothing. of any thing cler peel ner The Raleigh papers do not eontain the rf business. are tavited to give aos call be foe Jude ed oe ahasing clecwhere, ae we are d- termined to oll yeas and nave in full, on the final pas vauiie Mook at eet sur perchases were made wave Of thin IAM, On ite second reading, wih great care, we are confide nt that we crdeare it passed, yeas 109, nays 4, ae follows: +:- agape ee ee ap eae Raleigh Dimer mbes 16, 186 BAGS! BAGS! 000 BAGS. reach MICHARL BROWN 16 | RSE mn had assailed hin lity to hie seeten of the Ton WHat Mr. Raynor, and resolutions adapted, rurcabte tor Brae or GREAT ATLRACTIONS! SELLING OPE AT COST. We are glad of this meeliny, and of there recently held in other portions of the State, which have taken similar ac ltain—one every way worthy of the conti danoe of lis po! tionl friends, and enti thed to their Kupport Those who voted in the aflrinetive LADIES AUCTION busine se by the let of January went. Orve aoa cell : | | Ot the earner of Mansion Hote! are; Ifave the ladies notioed Mr. Myers FH BAUM & CO Moasrs. Speaker, Badlian, Barnes, Ben- bury, Bethea, Hianton, Hiedsoe, Blow, Bridger. Bright, By nan, Bulloek, Can OF Pereons indebird 6 ne aro notified jo call and of their acevunle 6 for collec tien ladvertiserment of anauotion for their es- : ? * ‘ ; eetile up by the firet January newt, pecial benefit? [tis a novelty in these weal b placed in the (i ff ' dt clare mip car beets eler, Clark, Cotton, Cox of Jones, Cox of parts, thongh quite common inthe cities pedi , uM ace Porquaimans, Crainp, Dancy, Davidson, [t will commence to-morrow, Deerimber 1h, 1656 wan AND 4 pu ~ Comnty, Jane a CATT Wik Alen; af Househ of Mal & \ TWEEN owne 9 mide k Doce i | id s , pi i s t i ? sa e N i d e be ma aToR. ’ . hel Rage h OWN alee T. e rtock of jo, will be wrchamng n our hoe fore par yo eel oar rere made an eel at hae ever er ap oer aoa cell & co » call and acquunt® collection or beets a C0. uw . ' ' ' t ¥ — se e s . 28 5 om ca n e e n n e m e n m m e r sy : SALE OF: LAND. Irae casa State @f North -Oarolina, 0) ) ox ane cowhry! ot | © Tenee Davie te dames Davie. Mite twas WRACNMENT. 0 w ‘ NOVELTY. LADIES AUCTIO: LADIES’ BALE, | a Salisbary, December 17ih, 1856. ae 4 r ite bee om be beCERT. 0 the jw a ry gh * wot a resident of thie Suite: Lt is, by (¢ Cope, teat psaneion be ; au Watohimen, for dit weeks, jilfy to Eppear at ihe Heat term of thiv P et he Court Hoate ta Te bah” day ty March went, then and Thule tv anewe uherwiod Jodgineut mi i wil te »| with epptuved security: | hen. » Witte, A. Cartons Clerk af aut etl Cogty it oft " A n vod berired fee, b> pine fm December, 1606) und theeTet belonging wt iy eétale af Peter Pooler; dedeusud, ad- | bol, pes lagyrable iu f iike om this fi year ef ver RCRRsON, C pape iy fandé i Dawah Hiuits, dueppn Poder wes | tes milton hand, » large lit of MEBDLE WORK: SCARSON, Cth. [incre sale j0.Aahy place um thy Pires of davesty | BD BMBROJDERIES wud WHITE GOO, Price dv @5 50. : wy went. at ibe preinives. ‘Terme of ~~ cry wooihe| Hock of Fancy articles it large, sompricing Pe... | Siedlt, budd wath upparted tegurity. Pr. adv; 8-60. | Fronrh, China Vasra, Toilyt Bottles, Jewel State of North Carolina, | Work Birce und Bashers, bod & greet vasiety of atts ROW adr DOLE pens | 18 LOTS, ler pointes seitelte for Chiged sod fo ar AD i | eente. sale is intended ' ewcluginely for ion’ , ~ | Srlunging to the heirs-at-lew of Mn Thomas, ud will be mace wi init, * Court of Plews ond Quarter Seesions, No | wots sande frogs mers, pee ral Gupesed woh Se a. will ite Opps Bed care Fm - vember Teri, 1868. | @ take pluce at the Coan tiuose Fy fo at The store will be well warmed, and thefe wilt be Wini . ‘ : jerday the BIR doanary peat. ‘Terms of Beles #4 | DO poriponeme vt ou eeeount of bud weathet. ole teow Paes Merely tem siee credit, bund aud seouriy. Pr. mde. ew. ile wont el Warenion ond oa f pur. eaemine, | IT appearing to the eutiohettinw of the Curt. th A sy Jerry Marsh te wa 00 nbabliant of (hie Bite: Wh ve 80 Acres, (netefure ordeted by the Court, that advertisement be | the Mabeet Bossi , oy he made, cin weeks Suteeenivety, m the Candia Which. engl Diy Sh uping, dake Bossche, deh Reals | an, 6 newspapers pabl@bed in the town uf Gallebur), | wud weet Bale to take phoe on the Milrduy of | Ad) lng the defendant io appene at the weattorm uf Jumuury weal, at the preunees, ‘Terms of sale py sockay oh peed erwin ry remnras ond mutha Sredit, bond wih approved seeeriy. @2.50 Court Hoan oo Abueday « beware Meat, aud. then eed shore tu plead, suswer oF 145 Acres, demery ut Judgrevet peu confor, will be ahem ageine ! and Mille hie wile, wld wt George Carnier, Atew=" bate. Wisneds, Jevere Ri. Kern, Clock of ene vaiht Cart ot | mtveding to Micheet cade: theetian, Meghuet Alongs sud uther, Baby iv fh se, the JetiMlanday in November, A.B. 1066, 00g | therm sane uit the in whe Oi Your of ves ee © . i ERR. C om tT od0.25 30. MBS Gove Preumes, Terme of sale, pocthbenareth, hier ee Peer emt wih approred cocarity. State of North Carolina, 127 Acres & 150 Acres, ROWAN COUNTY. winger © the rand Morguret Avdersum, dra'd., Neovews | '¥" f ae " the Inada uf Kul Courts cia wg cnsays sac bijdonuascn’ megeacn Wied und sheen Gale to tthe Joerph Ma shall vs, Aberdece Company Original Attachment. UF eppeering w the sutiafwetion of the Court, that Uhr ulderrs aad mombers of the Aberdeen Company, the defendants, orm wit iehebiinat of thie Sime: |, te therefure ordered, that pubtinedvs be aude in the | Condine W ascb =n weeks yo 2 news Pepe’ pobliahed in Re tran of Bolmbury, greg wo a Munthe eredity boyd | Pr. adv, 92.50 | January nest. Teraw of sale, twelve months ered:i, wih micros aher a months Buads with approved | veer) { L. BLACKMER, GC. M. E Dee 8, 1H56—Pr. adv. 2 SO Tat —ALSO— Bt Gole, wt pubbe sucinm, when the tere Margaret Andrtem bred, couamug ohret 181 ACRES, wut « gud dwetheg house aed) wthet prove ments pont Dee. 6, 1656. Pr, ade, 62 0. ; 7«89 thea, sad 4 1 , - Jamtskikkgaancn | HOUSE AND LOT | Prien. adv. 85 Guay f FUR SALE, IN MOUNT PLEASANT. pe be Wen ff a btlowing proqpert : FIVE HKAD OF HORSES ; tot, pad ether ost-eecrn, The bt onetnios A bt of Comte, among whch ore a few pant Mack 182 Acros, Terme onny t cau (owe; sheet heed of thags, Bo. 5 Une ged W og- ® aed deer | ee Ged wee maree wagon | ue pad Carnage end ont of Herece; an erection Hay & —- = ’ ss . j = eegnqeetty of Mey, rem dep end at of my State of North Carolina, Parmag Useunie, cod « curety of ther efucivn ar IREDELL COUNTY. ANN BROWN. Becemsber 16, 1956 nn eT wb ooory j the porctners. | Pa C BmITH | Caberres en, Dee 16. 1x56 ues : othe plwce wm he, BOrk of Growite Building, commenting ut 10 v'etock, ‘tie ; wot R wiincd | Suet of SOOM, reemratey oh heed’ ws tone hon Orédli, bod | which now emb: did 53-4 Acres,” | Ladies Dress Goods, toho ghwwe on the Bitte dey of Jadmary ments bhahe | * ey Monday, 28th December, will te hited 01 the readenoe ' A Al the eame tume and piece, G. A. Locke wilt offer of valuable Negrove, omeiming of farm bands, the ubd Ceara | oA Roa ervenin, wugoert dba ‘The moet popelar Weekly mm A werice which bes im- “HE cubeorites olb-er Cor ante hee House and Lot ‘This rapid enccons i¢ UNPRECEDENTED in the crete be wey bere “The ht ie well impne- | SESTORY of JOUR SALI, ned con only be accvent- od, beving th-reom a dwelling. 18 by 87 feet, (\@0| od for by the fact tivet the Proprietors have sty) te Revue, «gud hieh-s, « well of gad we! od, without Tegerd tm etpense, the TINC SKETCHES of that Comicel Geaivs, sod Coutt of Plem and Quarter Scastions, No Of which wrics, one therch slone ie Worth the whale | of 4 bad fiber will'tell, ut Pubfle Aadtion, on Wedareday, December 17h, ut hie Gore, Nu. 4, of Staple Dry Chupiig privately. ute requemed to ent & Os he is now hy off repidly at New York com | the sale will be coutinged at nigh. EK MYERS. December 9. Qw28 + IMMENSE SACRIFICE OF 7 ele poy ft WELL SELECTED STOCK OF Goons, AT, AND BELOW COST. The Goode must be suid. Those wishing to purchase Guude 4: + unprecedented low prices," should enti im. | *7 place ut the prémines, om Setuginy the B4sh duy of | twedintely. E. MY ERs. Salisbury, Dee 9, 1856. rT) NEGROES TO HIR R A. BEALL Devideon co., Dee. 9, 1856 —Pr. ade. §1 $0. Ifyou wata good paper Subscribe for 5 “THE NATION,” | Together with the Pat arble—uf Geveael HUNDRED war Niowr,” of (acge| Year leo beewifel Enagreving or Mugezine one year, but she receives the Art Joernal one year, aod a Ticket in \ i her wish Bigh three-quarters of & mile diatunt. The mili ie in fanving condiri of tn it tied edvoeasyclee Nuedeed toot od Lovee to ee ee HAVE YOU SUBSCRIBED IN THE COSMOPOLITAN ART ASSOCIATION FOR THE THIRD YEARY LEK THE BARE INDUCEMENTS!—The - tneot have the pleasure of annou thet the Gullectivn of Works of Art dengned for me smoug the subscribers, Whose uumed ote feasived pre: views \0 the 28th ut January, ‘57, iw much larger and more costly then oa ang previews year, Amumg thé lending works in Beulpiute—eaceuted in the fnew Marie—is the new bed baa atifet Statae of the “WoonD NYymMrx,” The Huse of the Three Great American Matesmen, CLAY, WEBSTER & CALHOUN, Als the éaquisite Idea! Basi, “SPRING.” AND DIANA, IN MARBLE, LIFE SIZE. — ing Groups and Statues iv Cerrara M _| STRUGGLE FOR 'THE HEART, VENUS AND APPLE; PSYCHE; MAGDALEN; CHILD OF THE BEA; INNOCENCE: CAPTIVE BIRD; and LITTLE TRUANT? With semerous works in Bronte, and « collection of FINE OIL PAYNTINGS, riists. The whole of which are to be distribuicd ur allotted serag bg miousben view macs on weeareame|” BUIS’ AMBROTYPES the Twenty-cighth January, '57, when the Disiribution will take place. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Every subscriber of three dollare is entitled to A oupy of ihe aplendd Sicel Eugraving, “Satva- A cupy of any of the following §3 Mogasines one A copy of the Ant Jovanas one year, and A Treke: @ the Agsual Disribuuwa of Works of n Thus, for every §3 paid, a perava no only gets « mediately epon its leone, apreng imp an IMMENSE CICCULATION. |e STAR WRIERS OF AMERICA THE NATION i the ONLY P. which con sine the WITTY, HUMOROUS & SIDE-SPLIT Unrivalled Humo KNIGHT RUSS OCKSIDE, M. D. | cere Subse nptre the Annus! Distribuijon, makiog four dollars worth | of reading matter besides the ticket, by which « ve!- | ouble pe Ae-eng { omploy- one yeor | Unned Stares Magsuae, K nek erbucker Groham's Maganac, Biack wood Megenes, Southers ' Literary Messenger. ' taking Ave me te tz Engravings, « lon, or any five of the Magesines, ove yeas, and as | thekere. please regirier bnse ; on ree. ipt of which. « certifieste of Member 8 ie hy Os Dr THE ceteris wil oH 0 wertin. 0: be pheete age, oe Tecmtay, the O36 day of Deeeuber, ee wember Term, 1856. |? Petition to sell Land. | THE NATION is EDITED BY GW Kerr, Adan't of Andrew Neill, ve. Alferd Nevtt wed thers IT appeerag tw the sousfectam of the Comm thet Alicwd Neit, James Nevil, bere of Nutle Boal and Withem Neill, beers eclew uf the sad Audewe Neil, T MOLES CATTLE: 1 VAGUS, TPLOUGHS, CHAR, de, BLACASMITH'§ TOOLS, |S, terdur el “Koved S. M. BIGELOW, AND mes _ E DE NW. SOUTHWORTH, V ho oe WELL ENOW I oe gue od the MONT PoPTLAR WRITERS 16 AmERICS. le edfuwe to the ahowe we heave cogeged as Coo: 1200 or 1500 Burbets of Corm, Ke. Ke.) cme Tw. of Satstury, fer the mpece of tt works, |) thators ; Tice wade Levee on the day of mie. ol mg the ed mm cetdents te he ond appear ai | ( (MARLES Lo TURRENCE Petember 16, 1856. le” 12,000 DOLLARS! ELLING OFF. thee wad there wm pwed, anewet, ot dram: to pine Us potdnm, ot 0 wil be beard caparte and order eale grammed | Warm MOF Frectemd. Chech of oor med Coori ot leo. im Bi airerile, the Ird Madey to A.W 1-%, rs \ "Eo are determerd to eher ap cur preerettee 4. oot eed wile, oer cmtee tere of tems ot M F FREELAND. cn owt 6 code Teeter Diemecnd Lnadlere eorh. om Pr ody @S 608 wore of © geecrel rerwip of Ladies oud Gomtiomwen « { Lees Cimende. m | caer Wry himate eom ty bapt im oy . ' ° moe tee cent. wgeitey ont Reety wee Sate of North Carolina, Chetan. Mee, Bene te. ( ope, Bets, Steee, Bank oem, Tremke, Treveteng Bags, @0. @e. oll of eb ch IREDELL COUNTY owen, cad eli be etd (Wee rwepretioly ere Ube e the a ot Comet df Plewe and Geerter Beams. te be) ALICE CARY, etd ter thee comnts of Iredell, at the Cort Howse «=| MRS A F. LAW, c Metcwdie, oe the thed Momday in Fetewery erst.) MAS K F RLLET, PARK BENJAMIN, 1) We perucelarty emanend oar heet he cod (he Bim your 4 Ammerene ladepen | ~~ el be Edued euh the etmast cere ced ab os | preee .« lolae apered to remder the columas dee.ted | | te chee copemel bearti, causally LARA MORTON, HNNGY W HEGBERT, WwW. W. FosDick, | A. PAGE. { BEN CABSEDAY, WP BRANNAN Awd Nemereus Others. TO THE FAIR SEX. Their dapar- le 1Y Adres uf @uud land ‘ F %, FOUNDRY | exer pi at Ready Sor ¢ Orders. ments to Southern plam-rs, Menafec- lee where. The demand for heavy, mediam, light tnd fauoy eastmgs torether with every implement and muchine used by the farmer shull be prompily sepplied at une works In order thereture lo eeure pate confidence und rep. port, it be regarded proper to ey that the munwfar. | daring fucilition of this bh nt are not squatted by ans cfs similar chareeter south of Marytend. ‘The buildings ere op end diwus und the Machinery iw well adapted to our basiness. [i bo therefore confidently aeseried, having tle ade of the most competeut and caperieneed workmen, that pada f trticle monufuciared by us shell challenge suc- ol competitors. Rul Read contractors, Carriage Makers, Carpen- tore, Stene Magnes, Plamerers, honsc-heepers and wh others requiring « machine, when sircagth durabiiiy "THE NORTH. CAROLINA Thunder & Lightning! At Salisbury, NH. Cy are Completed and T ia the intention of the proprietors to offer induce- terete aud uthers nut to be met with” we aD. yi « | DISUNION AND GIVIL WAR, | Pestilence, Patent on FAMINE, &c., &., | RE evileand calamities that should be guarded 4% agains, BAKER & OWEN beg leave to iu- form the public gewerally and private individuals par- ticularly, that they are ready, willing aud able to pro- ‘feet them from one at least of the a Sek (Lightning) by punting ap to their boitdings, their Patent Laoluted SWAN & CO.’S LOTTERIES! | FORT GAINES ACADEMY LOTTEAYs To be drawn in the City of Atianta, Georgia, if pubs lie, on Saturday, December 20, 1856, on the plan of SINGLE NUMBERS !! ; 30, TCKETS—3,280 PRIZES! Mos TUAN ONE PRIZE TO EVERY TEN TICKETS! Magnificent Scheme. : 1 Prite of Ligh Cound: , ae slower thaw it has ev- er been done atin this part of the cowry, Aadvona| | Erie of is.008 yoar orders to Baker & Owen, Salisbury, N.C, | 1 Stee July 22, 1866. sy 1008 1 5 WwW 100 = MILLS, MOOSE K (0). UE sace of Lad | WHOLBAALE | APPROXIMATION PRIZES. ; AND RETAIL DEAL: [BSS | 4 Proce ct “ep Sicccumaan’ & Esse prine ove gi EkS IN ~ § Prince of 96 ob ot prieg ve + Fancy & Staple a? GOO Ss and beauty are combined and that can be made of | Wood, iron, brass, meet, siiver-plate, of all or either of | them are sticived to give ae an oppor anity to MM their | orders BOYDEN, LEMLY & €O. | Owt. 10h, 1856. 4:24 | PICTURES! PICTURES! Who Takes Pictures? WILLIAM BUIS! and he can do it as handsomely as JEF FERS, of any body else. If any dowbi it, just let them call at bis toome [7° oven Ficuine’s Law orrice, aud give him @annoi be excelled. Why! Because they are in per- feetion of the Art. Cull and see his work, and give bia « ‘rial, and be not faithless Nov 25, 1856. KEEP WARM! WM. BUIS. 6f ead DRESS CUATS and VESTS, ua hand end for tule low, by MILLS, MOOSSE &CO Now. 10th, 1856 wae ag of pace of Mauery may be received on. To those who prefer Magazines to the Engraving Seterdey Nigh!.’ cum have either of the titowing | Harper's Magemne; Gudey's sar » Bea, ogymac. No permon ie restricted to © single share Those remitting @15, are entitled to siz tickets ba the dietriba Persons, ia remititing fonds for membership, wil! tee better at the Pus Offlee, tx prevewt hip, together with the Engraving of Megenne de- Gred, will be forwarded to any pert of the ewntry Por farther particulars see the November An Journal, sent free on application. Fur meimberssip, address C. Lb DERBY, Actaary C ALA 649 Broadway, New York. of Weetern Office, 166 | Water street, Sandusky, Ube of Mas F EF SHOBER, (ae Sebebery, N.C A New ExelHement AND OUTBREAK! HE ewbeeriber having perehesed the Shop Far suere, Be.of Mesere Werrman & Pree, would | snawenee te the freeads of that Gem, bis owe frends, the oid patrons of bw feiher and to the peblie, thei phe © mow teorvving from the Northera euss = large tee. nod we READY MADE CLOTHING, Balliant, Attractive, [nstructive and | Crane, C sommerce, Veotings, ond Genilemen's for Ornamental ep to The Farmers’ and Planters Cormer «rr» = Coert of Ticar und Quarter Seasons, Neo Balen « Preeueal Suggretimes aad sretmeg gods, which will be add very bow Agreators! pp or made ordet ta the beet stvle of the Art He wa fete employ 0 rbilful (atter, and can therebwe | ged fas, Me caperience op the bowen: chem i@ aeving thet bie atuck @anet be ser BLANKETS BLANKETS! Pr. Negro Biawkets, 10 pr. Fine Bath and Whiting do. For ate low, by MILLS, MOOSE & CO. was WANTED 10 000'Ss Wheat; 5,008 bbta Fleer; 10,- 9 000 the Bocowa:; 10.00" fhe Dry Hides ; 2,000 beh. Plux-ered; 10.000 the Cation Rage Fur which the highest martrt prices will be peid in Cash or Gouds Nor. 10, 1856 MILLS, MOOSE & CO Nov. 10, 1856. f 96 A LARGE sek of OVERCOATS, BUSINESS SINCLE NUM BERS ! \ J E are now in the receipt of a larre and sseurt- ed stock of Dry Gods, among which may be foulid & large assortment of Fancy DRESS GOODS, | Homery, Gloves, Buunets, Shawls, siths, Alpeccas, Metiam, De Lancs, Gingham, Preach sad Kagheh Prints, Hats aud Capa Also, & lenge aseurtment of , Clothe, Cassimetes and Vemings, bleached and brown | foods of all Kinds and prices ; Trumks and Carpet Hagr, | Hoots ead Shoes Also, a large stoth of Ready-Made | | Clothing, de—all of which we are determined te sc! | at prices thet will defy compe tition. Give us a call, examine our Giuods and see fur your- selves. Salisbury, Nov 10, 1856 Mot SWAN & CO’S LOTTERIES. [Authorized by the State of Alubama.} SOUTHERN MILITARY ACADEMY LOTTERY! CLASS M, | To be drawn in the City of Montgomery, Ala, in pub- | le on Saturday, Jammery 10, 1857, on the Plan of | Jous Hvares and W. W. MoGeme, Bop, Cums» 30,000 TICKETS ONLY! | 3280 PRIZES! BEARLY OXE PUIZE TU EVERY MINE TICKETS. ~ & a’ “RA Sece TOWN PROPERTY FOR SALE | 1 OFPER for enle » part or all of La No 91, E,W adpiming the WON C R Road, and n-er the Dep Of the Centre! Road. I desire to sell the part adjuen | jim the Rail Road Let wih @ gand dwelfng b-aare on ond 1 can be dewded Wo suit two femiesn Any per fon wishiog > perchase any of all can address me a Morgantoa, ¥. 0. 3. HW. HOWARD Oct. , 1854 2? NEW BERN | Mataal Insurance (Co. TTY andersigned has been apprented agent at Sake | bery rece fw the ebowe Company, and is applications fran any perea w heere property This company w new in successful "persian, and ite bammess 16 fest iecreamng = Prrenns wwhiag wo have peperty ineured in thie offi\er wil please call om the eubernber JD RAMSAY Janc 10th, 1t56 Ganv2 100 Primes of & Prizes of 45 appromimating to Simm Priges of 4 are to prise ~4 proximating $0 6,000 prise z of approximating to 7,600 prise are 50 approximating to = 1,000 prises Bay) Prizes amounting to Whole Tickets $10—Malves $5---Quarters $ 1-8, | 3,000 Priavs of $49 will be determined figare of the Atoll a that draws the caus tee Fur example, if the Namber drawing the Prian eude wih Ne, b, then all the Tickets: number eadsia | wil be entitled Ae wh Namber ends with No. 2, then afl the ie the Number ende jn 2 will be entitled to §40, and ap oe to fh, 1 Certificates of Packages will be sold at he lollemte jog rates, which is the risk + Contiics\e A Packages of 1 Whole Tickets, ~ 968 10 Heit = 10 Quarter ~ Address orders for Tiekets, ot Certifientes of ages of Tickets, either to 8S. SWAN & CO., Aileste, Ge. or 8. SWAN, Momgumery, Ala SOUTHERN MILITARY ACADEMY LOTTERY 1 CLASS L, Tu be drawn in the City of Mubile, Alabame, megul- he, ww Tuesday, December 30,1556, oe the Flaw af SINGLE NUMBERS. Joun Hoare: end W.W. MeGume, Boas, Com'a 30.000 Tickets—3,280 Prizes { MORE THAN ONE PRICE TO LVERY TES THESIS NOVEL SCHEME ! | 1 Prise of owns | | 1 Pree of 32,009 1 Prae of sag 1 Prite of 2.20% i Prize of aay 1 Prize of 9® Prizes of 108 Prasad APPROXIMITION PRIZES, NOVEL SCHEME! || Peme 09 erring» ot rn ae 1 Prize uf 815.00 is 15,000 <3 eS br] be ae) 10,000 ie 10,000 ‘ o - rmcae oe ae 10.000 is poo # ~ e ce — at hows 10,000 1s segue | S08 = * bo hone pow 10,000 i 10,000 | 5 250 Prine ememutiag to oe i] “ 5,000 16 5,000 ‘ehirt: > Halves, ; Quarters, y ‘= 1000 ws 1 208 Whole Te ore; & ts; bs 200 are 2,000| 3,000 Prizes of 940 will be determined the inet 100 are 9.000 | feure of the Nember that drews the $40, Price. 70 are 7 Fer example, if the Number drawing the $40,008 W are 5.000) Pree onde with No. 1. thew all the Tickets wheeethe 40 are 120.000 | samber cade in | will be emtitied te 42 If the Meme ee — —— | hevemds with N.. 2, thew aff the” Tickets where the 3,307 Priace emosutng to $204,000 | Namher ends to 2 will be emtuled to $40, sadseen to@. . , ; Conidieates of Packs Whole Tickets, @10 — Halves, 05 — Q waar tere, 24] pce reek ne don canine Silibe odd at the f emia, Tue first 807 Priare are kesded in the eauel mee Cortulrase of Package of 10 Whole Tickets, en aes « “ 10 Hatt - 3,000 Prines of §40 wall be determined by the last ba - 50 Quener ~ ss Gere of (he Nember tbat drews (he $15,000 Pras — Addree Orders for Tickets ot Cortuficates of Pack- For example, tf the Nembor drawing the 915,000 | s¢re of Tickets either to Priee emia wih No |], thee all the Tickets where the sember code re | wll be easitied to 840. If the Num- | bet cude with No 9 wllite eotitted B10 .20d mw on 100 | Cortshicsics of Peck cee will be wuld at the folk wing rates, whch @ the nek | Cerufeate of Package of 10 Whole Tickets, sa 10 Half c - - 10 Quarter “ Orders for Tickets can be addressed io ! & SWAN @CO., Ationta, Ga 8 SWAN & CO. Adanse, Ga, or 8. SWAN, Moatqumery Ain. W. J. BINGHAM, 0 | Assisted by his an. propeare neopeniog bie SELECT 13/ SCHOOL at Onbs, Orange County, N. Cea the lth of Pebrwary, 1857. T7 A ~witetle perma to board schoolboys can ind 3. SWAN, Mi ery, Ale © good etasinn he ose iret ee wD BINGHAM, ’ "OUDtY > ' ’ al Ps Oaks, Orange ¢ Cc SINGER'S SEWING MACHINES.) Nov ese Supd 36 is ed E celebrated mac 8 are ia practeal sed) OFFICE ¥. ¢. RAIL ROAD. prodiiable woe im all parted the ervsbaed world Sehebe:y Now. 17, 1856 Ip all the veteme trade, and in eewing every eur ee dicrse Ceties Biter bathed Sikes I VORTH CAROLINA R. ROAD. tned sud approved = Sewing machine WINTER SCHEDULE MAIL TRAIE. . oe fel me work, bet tomtene of the Gommare arty sod ma medbng commiry. b pemker Ti: 5 | Boorse. emeted ond culled fmm merers the most paserd ie questi; and the sijles are afl late and very pitied ' ~~ Se | ; the Oberwe bert of mnie. ced ode emtagee oBewed to a secs j irhabl- sodeuateining iafermeaton ehirh =i! pre beadewme Hae pork of Ready. Wades. ramprae DE ROSSET & BROWN, abla aati bl pont OE ERATS Ow sev Arree Tuwaso.s Now. 20, 1856. boron venres Petition te sell Land. jt thew so (te eparwe of o single year, Of sim io Hair, Cope. Shirin, Collars, Vests, Handberchint, | WILMINGTON, Nc. | DELS Agen Det, Cats — FAST — A4 heee @ tend om 0s, im 04 Wer. are cote ababie be melt. 1 Pante,—ead ever) thing required (ail and ah Leapeage Pk ee ham ome. te pmy op by the bew of Gane, Kmart Beeiy, Adeineremia of Jobe Beary deed | dher depurteecate fear payee OW receive the ge th BROWN & DE ROSSET pagent ron pete tell ere tech a 16S), a0 kenge tetatigeae = ell emt be pere ve James Beaty cad wthers etteetee (hog reapeet welp Gemand, ea6h bine cop Orders fot work prompily filled | : g = bin . ae spear tes ener oon so Grate; Loewe Charkste w Ri MWINE & WV RRIBON UT appearing te the satiefatsion of the Comm. thei | cml) so cagetally prepared to meet Ureeane! ian JAMES 8 BRARD NEW YORK, arose oles aml Aba wtnbities smeshtere, Cencord al . Bobetery. Bon 16 Imad > domes 0)). Jem Beaty, Wiiem Beaty, Jude Wy | of the wre rad cheemes of terendere = Amang thew oe Merchent Tote | CEVERAL COWWISSION BERC HANTS | 2 Grom cone enperciied popularey © gBherert - = wang ved ele Juar, Witham Wesiberman and ile | may we ni- a Reerbury, Sep: 16, 1856. “ Neneh edepaces wade C seamanie MACHINES FOR F * taeqhe,.... 1 y al edvenc on Contegame ) AMILY SEWILXG, \ [2 tt ) EN ' hina furl assthiginaeeyy ony So Coarts daea{ Orrsee! Stories end Posme, Biéditerni Rom 0 fend and delies to Hee Pose eae vee 1 om therebar, o ’ « Coart, a ° Ma al 0 fred @ -— ded ° Reber sViau MU probtins eon tr made, Gor ha weeks, wm the Candas) ‘eos and Sirichinge, Spry (sy News F MT. FOUNDRY & MACHINE WANTED orbrt manafariarer. Sock mochinre ore made; Greens” Val ble Mill ' Wich man, © me eepeper pababed ie the barn of! Washington Foasip, Mee Vork Chit (hat * | = . catch the ove. wt te perform gubutemtianl work The = Ceten..... ua y @ | SAber). wid ing the sad we wendrais » & cad! the Latest Parte Pashums. lrecteead | Smo rk 5000 Bashels W heat eo yore pass (pram ooe di By Keine AND kK ANS AS LANDS oeprer at the arti Coon fd Plow and Qearwr Keo | Reco pis for the Hamarhold and Tar | . ines ony : getate teas dhe! bead | . pean AL ANOS ANE ome, to be hdd fe the mmmaty of feed B. ot the Court is -_ 2 thee «hen anid te manafactarcrs, sed are ered fox 6) Arrive (iuthbeo,” FOR S Al E Hoase iu Brewer ile, we the rd aera s I bet, me Little Owe “pach STAFFORD, DIXON & CO'S 1000 STREETS FLOUR greeter veririy of wark. The mechincs whirh bare _ 4 ‘ Ort! thee aad (howe te pirad emewer ut demer tu plain pal, Yems from 3 | - y, sz AD t proved best br =f ather purpewee meat be best fer aS SALE. eb pemrsnmpntetd mp ssl, fiche hel exer T'ectrg. Reoder's Guide, Hie- | PREMIUM HORSE POWERS, AND 2 ay ‘ensl' Sud theses uiaprv-ot Tar aerate WEST | We rope dt on rape & sages — capac aad podgquern: pr. evafeaee wil be iho agnine: torical Shviches, Trrarlations, de, de THRESHERS yt sehecriher serge & pores = ques. | mechers a bene dembied Neo other con, ; pees 7 eo ak the a of Bel ehary om | @ dn) «! Jewes bee ! tty of beet a Meow which he wri! owmpere wu UJ etry od work wave saad 17. 6 Hovde (sl on edd pa vein! y trber- hat day Werner, WF Freetied, Clerk of war eed Cuan.| TN puts ve @owrd in Quart, Fram, cgi id | che hight we orhet pieces . oa cP Nee wecktass of as te at ape’ atk eo = Raleegh, 9.9 > , -p’ ’ | at offer vdle, the Ded Madey of Bue peeve, ond rach member oll waise of eect we RE & well known, that d-seripting © emncecsss | WICHAEL BROWN be ¢xehenged we bhers! terms for old sewing are Hitetee, ay | , 4 5 oe RLEVEN VOUNGANDLINEL?Y ha PREFLAND in ‘ Eagresmg:, thes ferumtuag our Subenribers Ary. For une pom ton or Gere years thar cape Salisbery, Sept 16. 1856 16 | chines of car wwe make. or ft persiive mach Ser | terehem 10 “WY Bcdaés 2&4, cite i) ~ end fhe year with o rulume qumiesaing 416) rerny over other Machiecs bes hoon fally weed by cher manefectanre. Leal sgeats med to oll Lirer echree, 247 See Ma'es and Gre Femeaire Among them, there _ tage cine, toocitally preted pages of hendrede of the most intelligent and eaterpri ing Far- SALISBURY | om: machines 53 ~ High Poe: 36 © Ged Milter wed Beever, « Binehowuh, eats gmd Casarpeserd Nereiiettes, Ghetebes, Re. Re. tegetber mors of the Siate. sad (herr pupalarity may be Raowe | > aus N B—AD prams dewrngz ‘ slwrmtalcee tele | = — Teemacvitte. 4a Teeteg-r) slen, toe caeciiont ( mhe, oar df teem « with ever 100 Original fliaetrations. frum the feet that we have never bees able to supply 1 16) 4) wowing noctumes, can obtain it by seplyrer tee a orgy} - Lermgies. a4) Gnt Weems wot bo. | THE NATION @ wm 04 the (wing remarhe. | the seadty mereamng demand Bat hearing recent - CLASSICAL \( HOOL. Jo ol M: Seager d& Ca's Gareiic.” a paper devoted | - Sebebary. _ S44 Teens Megrare oo te etd oe « crettl of twrrine | | yy lee SUBSCRIPTION CLUBBING TER Ws. ly refitted cor ahep, and secreased cor working force. - 4 eatirely to the ewbyect. Tt will be ment greim - Cmenrd. 638 mmeies, with edema fmm dere by Come bend ods . ae joverubls 0 advances we tren ra fatere w be site tm hrep pase with the = ruse o4 raned hee pened o Clamsieal Schou 1M SINGE® @ Co Arriee Chartaate, 00 Orprored erewrny Bet aw teer 0 8 Bie tev enln am Predey the aici CUTIES @8 00: por coewes, | Te ul 2 Coram imowes pete e may W™< 88 SAP | in ihe tern ed Relshory, for’ tho parpran of peoparing Prinespal five, 823 Broadway, New Work | Refabery NC. New Sth 1856 Peer ? ° she . ore « he Beers ALAO er ebsfepiota pen, Le tuset pane pllppeaeed oe Le to cnc cdrom.) 3 0 Pus a tone ood "sd, Saas OA Me |e pei ey ne oe Ae eters Cree BRANCH OFFICES Serene - 1 will afbes bor one, provagety, ali thet vreleable Mol Ween. » gud. eew ead well-emed rie bE 5 > - menefactered ia thie ware oe aca |= Finke oraligges aay pat Coma. pat dlrs ee 47 Hemowver street, Beaton Ad A \ Pri coperty, aad other mpretements, tagether wah ep > = y = othet States, end tewkt a D ’ the , an ne sr peatl 99 Wenananer a6. Provide nce nose 2 a” S& | ODO TEN 1s oo FST PREMIUM, over all there We vino mone. | DY Srcire. |The achaloctic teed ata rere eer W816 Grcad WIR ANCoEIRe wo I 4 500 ACRES OF LAND a her VELA RON Reds ond Bed ctonds : Tobi-s, BT And ome copy tree io the gevter ap of the Club facrare, af chart araice. Grit end 8 Ma reo, | ioe cad eacdiong ta'Jaly wath © otadivn ef exe week | 347 Broadway. Albany NY 3 hereby gree, that Ephrerm Gaither of the frm I . CE cus. 4 ae 6 Bares cad ther C epings, 1 of lag . , ;. . - Periory Gear, ( center, S0¢ Mile sobeesragtaaas ns ‘a Caen | Gloversville, Few York of MeNecit. Mock & Ciaither, has and ont and Rod lands one d:tded imin two mparste Tracts One! gether wih ovary vemety of hommetedd Bere ! Soar ete e, weineen) Weewee Lm OS, dimes. Sree ead Sieth Covers, jas steog ibe . 9% Chapel street, New [Haven romafered bee emure rateres to MeN Mok & bores 20 the Huane pace, sembraeng the stl! prawn ag of th abers property will be sold prisately of! DT Princes, ment cncher 10 eddies to the ceb- | farmers need thie dry srseon : snd all binds of cost Terms—-Per Sesston of 1@ Momths. 11 Rechassen . Gisegre, seoi'd Hesipe g gears, Rie an a 4 * r a priee, comes t+ ene e ’ (9 Cranmon ese in the country Cc a ee i See ee eee ame rhea Oy eesltelashd aides Jesse RANKIN CTO prepay the United Sistos patage. 0 Vic caged vs Prmary Eoagheh branches, ea9 co ie prea seal ae ae sic ore TC. WeNRBLY pogyc ae ee ees Deeemtes Sah. 186 f= > All lethors containing money should he registered. STAFFORD, DIXON & CO Higher de a and Mathemetea, 30 00 2 Rast Foarth tree) Cine: mas Ad MOCK , senna ate ‘end erected phmaty, aed they will orme aj ver mak Snow Camp. Alemanoe, N. (. Clasecs and Mathemaucs so 00 la 1 ¥ treats wil be oid peratety. raf pee ene ol Arnold's Writing Fluid. atherw er we ere wet rrapemeible br (hem | Wl meet with prompt at ' cation i Cantegent fand, 1 00 ah ee W J. MeN EELY. ohne re 08 em the preprete, eel ' y z ‘ \ = 4 Bevebary, 3 mies Nerth of toudi Hil, or ome mite EF Specimen eyics wilt be oret five to Pat Mes. One-third of the tartme will be required in advance. 31 St Charles st. New Oricana The besace hereefi-r will be cmntiwerd by Me- Rast of Bch wille, and eg emine fer yo arsetree, enh TT" Rest Ink im the World, for onto ot J WH Re a on sons, Cl am determ ned to eel and tee mat wd eee’ BOUKS LORE r to wan Ju!y 22 a JOS VLINN Dereenber Sth, 1856 2. 2 : ee Dr Sardied bam ermt a enrge af bie Ferg ester ts gg. TAY LORSVILLE toon for te ee me tly af every beady tnvabled with beer eompl ate ar indigesdum Me hae weed 1 for ue FEMALE SCHOOL 00 cecttuet rerutrct: »: deren Hundreds hove | ates of the cures being pertwmed where lifu one ot Ue wll wurety pelievs 2 eur ttomech, bll-weness, heacashe, eaxtivr he het ert he CTRUE, third eroaon of thie ech ad, wader the governs oren hint . ment of Mire Jane Ro Giflaepne, will comme mee | | pese-ner aempl sit, by the mee of 2 few doses 1} be cveniry nee, (ommale cin rae ine, oedere, enshes, dverstery, | hate iS ters, Agerte, awd allah. wreh wm get op aduab—w - ethers. on receipt of four Contein tampa The er vee od regetering @ only 3 conte Address CROFUT A BICKLOW. £3 Deck St. Paiia. 4 A mang the handrede of cmplimesiory nies, ee yy we reserved from sewspopers in every seeime of ter we guns the following extract from: The Nain appears ia clear large irpe on anne we paper, and a nebl) aduracd wiih ilvstraliona” a ne-third «m the let of March, and the remainder at PRIVATE SALE. ths clues of] x esedaa a dcdecias Qs cke ose HE ondersgned having determined to mow ont, offers for anle he readence anirfel village of OLIN, Iredell Co, N C. Sad | hones end bu m Liceted ia the centre, and ie ane of the devireble mitestions in the cnammadet ng. — Terme ac- M LOVE oe. Olin, Iredell Co, Now. 1858 was ~ ie ert attain te a high petion ie the Mterary Ad —Phile Deity News. t = Hh te ome of the heat weeklies now peblohed. ond he pleseure im bringing 1 Wo the ntiee of the | pe —Herrieburg, Pa Herald. | SCHOOL. MRS. BROADFIELD to ihe thriving eed | pn ssoet end Pocelty af the Unier re LOOK OU Foe pt in cases of protracied mck meses REFEREN( Ex 2 Dauphre « , Mobic Nowember 4, 1556 Jmoe Mp4 J Necty, Mack © (a whe have emmuesnted wuh them P Seanpe-e of Le magies, as 8 partacr We ere thamk {wl far the very bhers! paronage ser he howe facored es wih end hope by brepag or eeeel lenge och aed eriling ot ermal! prdite, to Lacy, DD. Premdent of Da aS "aa MILLS HOOSE f C0 shares large purtmm of the irade uf ihe surrounding : 7 wid win Cilleep <a hati ¢ , 7 ' ees | ’ *5 - - — ere yr Ay et tits : _ ra! WHULKSALA A earale | gehehere New 1 M Aer MOCK & CO. ns A. Bate vn wm Crneg A . . . see Shaver, Fen. A Henderene, Esq, Jas E Kerr, | DEALERS ix bead Feeg., Salabary October 14. 1856 bs] Jon B cretreR. ag Staple & Fanoy Dry Goods, | AND GROCERIES, pues: mn RUNAWAY=5 REWARD, boeod Apprentices, rae. mer omg Sanday magi last, FY ; m - s fe Marvelea of property ae - alent aod energy ef the propticiars, ite ori . z = of Sab - Are now in reeripe of ao large stock SUGAR 7 ame. (erpe's owe Funily other private families el be |e ee ent re on ae mcibreg thet eva he nplied nd riaienaeetes pana erases eu acorns ae FFERS her services to the citizens of Salsbury OT AEERR. AA LTO MOLASC ESS RieiRe Ca wo Lill eve the ahmee reward for he ap Neepared to aceomm dare any numberof beard pe Tec es (ian diecee ir tilie Mansiced’s le ,jmneie € srg im the capecity of Teacher, and most rempert . - i ; ~~ ‘; eles «eve me. fe ic abun 16 Mie. (illeapie’s repeiaiinn 06 0 tracker. ihe basly : rts ‘iypagrephy canard fool to srnere for it © general em. | ain, Co cits iherr patronage Ae perhape she is known FER first Jonnary, 1857, the business of ihe | Pepper. spe ss og Mack y : are halo ck aves ose anid ints ae and health of the haaliy, the morale of the oo oma —. : ee. | Calan — Willemoberg ne fae: peware Preee {to but few in thie community, having had ealy a bnef old Firm of Marihy, MeRore d& Co wilt be! Gricence avwally ee GU bets all fe . 5 Fading, mmol givca ws dep) Me Ree pip wad (Ne dake spores at (kesiske eNeeel de aa = | i Tree berry and family prornal. we have ©” | residence in thia plane, she dev ras it necessary to stats brought (oa apeedy chim, we wonld. thernfore, ad | offered at hew bos fe me ime ibe Pie. end (haapey | Saigh ove frirnde lo expeet a large pai ronage LANDS FOR SALE beeiathn in pronunncing wt the beet emnng oer OB: Le) che hee mume experience in teaching, having ful- view ofl perenne indehied tn ne. ifihey wish tn eave twal dealers {Now 24 nS taeda pen) Deceinber 9, [856 tw 2M TENA determined to gn Wear, engce We ndvior the Ladi-e t provera N with: | Coos ine wosathen pine years of her carter hfe, aad | eve. in emo forward, withuat delay. end make poy. — Ltuewern alt a ve eee eee pee wa the ee ‘ "—Pulten Pa Republican 0 desired. references of character and qualifcethmne | ment, We are in <ersce!. and meen whe! we oe Third Corot, in Uredet! mrunty, (wo mies eo of the NEGROES! @eee we are beund |) give way to ment mations, bet in thie Ualie ma. like puffing rity en "Waster Eucaren,” eyinly , the Nata ie aompreed of AND OTHER VALUABLE PROPERTY Cremere fA Pevcran mend subsianiie! snd ueaful mation, and ie ant Allied y ‘ , onnisine $35 ACRES, «' ap with on vverdwe of fimey, widhey-wshy suf FOR SALE. well timbered. Phere wea oucstiont meade, pin dg i er pr ot ye rr fleoving the Micte, a qeentity of gad battom in caltigation, 09 (bis plane, Dupates.” 4 pe Subeeriher being desir 4 god anring—and the planiation is well watered can be furnished. little daaghteres may have the benefit of her inetrne- | theme, and that the task may be profitable ae well ee pleasant, she propoers to instruct a sehnol of giro a, fowe she feels no y ghall be epared to promote the me One object im mew os, that her own rt residence, near (he Mernoprer Cavace; there. | esitancy in oq mt | al aad intefleeton Aes SS from the enbeeriher about the haat MURPHY, Babebury, Dee. 8. 1856. Five Cents Reward. , McRUORIE & CO 6~ 28 dev of September. 1856 a free tev of coke, nam r — lin Shop and Stock FOR SALE ' AT MORGANTON, N.C. temmring art bey, as | | aquinet any une © WILLIAMS BROWN. at 856. deeeuber 2.) House and Lot ‘to Rent “ “ Wel dh « Will offer at pablic Bale at ber tepdence in Bianly by num-rwe brieches reneing thrangh le differen! 1t heethe met oes re ee aie rwth of thew that may be commited ta her care od BILL CRISP whens boa td tate brake Cian HE eregned offers for ente hue tot of TIN OR SELL cmnly, om Frday and Baturday the Sih and [Mh of ris, A good dwethag, bara, and ather nearseary ane, and es sraie . y erp st co ' a © nurse of instruction will embrace the branches iy Connie Be 1 will pey the abive rewar! for NERS TOOLS, in Margene, NO L hy Jinarry megs, her eatire took of HORSES. HOUR, | ee Idinqe om thes plane Lim ome of the moet healihy K i SS ee ‘ s wounily (a at Atha naga vin, tha slementary tbs delivety Ul pad bow (cme int Marwant Ni every artiche requird fer carrying ow PaStiR locas Ae ae . P car ft ats ; jasefte nd higher Engtish branches ) ¢ Ales bis sucha hend. aussie bales S undermgued dreire to Bel! a ent cet far Witter and SH BEF \ slew qxseuite A CORN, 1, one ia the enauty Alaa a emgall farm 7 1 There ie mim far Just each a paper, and it hae ee eT oe eine atic wis es ea: ACAI RUA TT Reon Ale: Re escn he beets s rae ] oi eae LRCLG YER. S, an SL ACRES. well improved, ndjoimag ihe shove 7 ereured (woes irue heads and hearts to contro! ls Eugish euros; 919.00 December 9, 1-56 Yay : rear taithe Townial $ amssine: IT) adunae Car “creed Nes — hey = . Fatiening Hoge, ~el! ner Limhormetion nddrogs ihe cubsariber ot Amny MW. is as ihe Nierary and ere! world hulda”— Higher Engtish branehes 20 16 ~ _ os tre ~ “ Poa Ga Mise the miet heohhy and desire |dwethag Himer gurd Kishen, #hp sed suher badd. ion ne chat a Forrhere, & = Tepnn | Uredett Cownty, N. JNO. A WHITE, | Wellsherowah, Pa. Agitator . Achat to commenae on tha let Munday in Janne. f NEGROES TO HIRE, Hla bnehierin. Merb len died! cadiWereraiace’ on lisex “Wwe ateatad aie ee TS &- At the eame time and place, she will sail | December 9 1086. Li 4 " Spee pay rome oS Nor ise a \ ee ee Pia Wee mined ak wriniae k tales eek a 0 ie ae el . ! nhe 56. de," —Beoneille, Ma rer t ; rie ace ele macho tablelG pinac@iaiing erty wi ple AN o Tweery: Like LY NEGRORS emening of] We colon codes northern papers, bat la (hia —=——— = ; prog aneriaceee eran cece Caen aaa ane t p ois laa oA) Ce ea aon per tere _ . wne og he feld an ese t Be jonging t« rag here of t ry on ete = Niimerisieaeae JOB PRINTING re torved ta averocmne cat priutics-ond Marriage License for Nale at thin: “8% the mmr hein of We fh. : LEWIS BEARD MILLER © LAURENCE ELIZV I WAL | , ee around EN alles lo oat renders Toy Peacaad Office December 9, 185 tw? Nov. 9a, 1898 ym 26 N 16.27 Docember &th, 1°86 uted at thee Office 4 ' ser | Veatly or Bulictin i ee aD meas — aia i ee pA eS ce ‘GUNSAN Gg CVU RLELORTAM | cil @OREAR! Whar bob if, Wy virtue, 5 . not merely a person acqnainted with in forms and etiqneties of life, easy and sc}f possessed in suciety, able to a a and act, and move in the “world wit wk wardness, and free from habits which are volparand in bad taste, A gentle (Lente of Worth & Tihete tay earilie, N.C. dh inna CORASAN | ruc CAE Of the DeelingvandsRext aA ose OP viegt swuet © What profits thy paris, What one thing thou lackest,— ‘The ‘art of all arte? 1D LOOT 114 "7 | Carriage, } sia'dank | SE: SALISBURY, N. ©, ® now carrying ow the aho¥e basinces, andinvitert! *EavOu cy Buildex, . A Mealiciniy on Cy vy Ball Hanging.. rout bs TUE subectibes. baring opened an es- tabishrme at, proposes to The only credeutials, | Paseporis to success j man ie something mucl h beyond this all: Ojrens Castle/uud perbut,— : ‘ rc ive se in tire tows (x Ligte onl! oy sane spate zien ipa a sinns| ervab fl a WMT eed, wid llaP di that whieh lies at Ee root of all his ease Adircos guns Addcer ps Ses ‘Mor Street, in alt ie nite dhe Sopa nut op Ws thea at earep hia kwo Oaneg, (both dmades humor) He rel & > rt. eho tem CaS ooh cot) ae ee brane’ GUNS and LOCKS re- | prices, if it be desired, bub weal recommend tebetter nyw We bis posession ever une hurelned eontiGuyt 2 wd and refinement and fact, and power ot i saaidea in agar pail at wnt soticegnd ow ronment hr negro aca eee | Garten a wenn omy amen? Hontows |, ee pind abet oils of i pleasing, te the same ° spirit which hes at % : ble teres. Hie thorough acqtiintance Meath they purchastefewhere art Pwo bottles ase w said Aeeuen od “g citets nihh i: F iReas ap saved by the swan; {with the business, he hopes, wall eonihand a reanons gape peainop to tn the gear of his Iavpry Stabi inouth. qdhces, sf ence. r} the roo of every iristian virtne tt j ' j ld tm the gear or Be Tt pry poate ‘| ) LY iz le i hi rd on ere This stout writ remtered ber {ble share af patra Atlwork warranted. Ailai rere Citapa lg tance oedering work, Vit Waa ca! One p three battles Bey © wwe ot hina ot ond ery at pe hi EN ta Gre theugiitfal dori a x i To Broudway again (derateft with him will be faithfully an / promptly ace ? ~— Fibs Ww ic mene tne bit walk {5 i t t t a a Pt Bree ashe would that others: stau d . © teitded to. Orders respectfully suticired ain ity co—and when <1 08 Boas wat give FP: ibe. erm ry G t fh bs Fond unto him, He igconstantly thinking, The maid would reward him,— be On a a u ARLES J dink Taine ilra Mtake | Suweacee es wprey canker | ane sea) cma vs indeed Low he may give pleasare to RE (Sta anien « aiten nae : mG) fwhect: Sirary Oats; Paces Risa Bi vende! ot Wen, i t et righ de wi t whee? Se pepe tt a a) a rie eee «tet leh ine Pye lange, ake Ianghg ws thea Gold-Pems, sly ony waa ena a Nat animes Rohe q Che AAS Piya 16 Hh he A | “At the Silver Hill: Mine, : yes. Meageg Coulee tes ea” Nie car Ree ogee fete We i+ muoustrack agd damp PERG lave centrarnb rend ece cat’ 1H DENALI STABLE 0) wed bare walerbhibe tp eake of flaenigt | ANY at anthiry’ de ; ae io certify, Fee Mer aee tora retiiie i farina Tift caches the bufwhin I tn 5 . ‘. “e ju two cases, wil t ane ba pcs sea e Rie ea mow entry TMs et ia a ; a : ; ee Ail suis, i a te kerNepap neal aad ae vbawish he Athen todhurdh tose! | ah NT ted are Pe oti to oft rilnnihg of’ thd *WOOD AND COA 1 Oe Pa fA Sete th us! cig fey ng hey When Ne is in ROCIETH, eet : Sale Oud e bay, at J. ramen RS ae dele by ; La “er ber fe their” meee N RTH, Su R in ef Gécert aus the position and rel feos Gets uy s uhe Bewate, July, 22 ee bd 'y North Ca : i k Bo cal Pfc Warrduled ty ctire edrupt | Silver Will. il wae? Ae wt 9 te altar ws a + vale Reed » the MOST PrRvECT re. 7 hon 2 is bre in ce Spite of Websters and Cliv, tw or rolina berm bd swt ake hef was « anak! Fy f cate Was chronic C Fe en ea Encourage Home Industry! ie wok. [ake Steck deity eripriga vt thera | oi Up 2 namaton of Whe baddest the penn od » that he may go ve to-eechy tisdale Has for gene uo mercy, 4 AOR Sb will, Gongtadles, “Mogi entes end Besi- | ore ue pa bal Ato Warranted cure the basal DR. S REEVES George A. it. Thé Lishoutriptic gave han’ orece e. Wis proper op wm. He studies For speeebes no heed, ti BY QCICK! BE QUICK !* wesiaped, forsale acd, 1. Bauer tee 4 twhel, and I ‘betleve had he persevered in ite use, he lov be fan avd Linge in Conversa Golake lathe cy teens BODE STORE. rat ee hes * ye © ure hala ted to care phe! Mm So Yoeacdl in Sullabary, and Uitte | would huve been expiaety relieted, one, twhich may nevd- ; ea ee J SYSLI. BETPER AND BETTER! July da. wt Ahab bf rheuhiniiti i: his profe dsicda services to tne pat | v #.D. RANKIN, M.D Cc ppouw any sul, ct ve x \ u (leaps to us dey ’ vd» eo a “ ? Bie ey ae Heir foclings, how he may ab , ae AM pwiieg or Degas aud Rackaways with im- Ladi hare wi —soe rue VO Fad Harter ite Wicratted to Care the “lr hoe rece ot »%! ‘p oe ‘ym — ae Arbeativ’ Ces are Us, nese. Huge, t Chorchyima anddaverns powemeuis. My work has always given great Salisbury ; : . in oO eee, n April 15, 1862. dais from Re ang _ which may cal eee eee wal ees, senate mihere over wha paca ir Asa ad | _ Five wo sight bottle wif cure the worst eases Ml ual gore tO apa to iuform you thet war de op a disagreeable or offensive association Th has ne to-morrow; paed nanied rasta toler “giles menealen: anal aap ment 7 A bimetsj is always experienced rouv the fret bot. ROWA Fy Late Storthe, woujpying good he skin the A gentleman never alludes to, ne serene eee pi iylobebes nat ar yormahcanajang al petaeers HES CUL ney Ne LUMBER | esse erent So5n ia 169 Abe ply N FACTORY. | zrarsed = Salt seretitinnd dos enpyed be ita ple nese aa Lele a = Ses sees ariel tt le srovenes for parece sl ard h ae Loan Tddste te whem Tribate le Py dees. Mia the Norta | a aye paneberlprenione miro ped formal ol re) « , os . A take wheat, corn, bacon, Be, atthe beghest ny t] vy ‘tem yearether heahh worm wr rank, -, cgay inthe person in whose: Seercte of Ventalation.—Let the air em) prices. My work shall be gud and durable. Call ed om Watr' if weer we hogs ee Pay lt----1f ae, wfactares. | gund gece way cod was-dredb teapalved: queteomy edetet he is placed. He never assumes fer the honse freei iy by a far aperture, | Peer pole being plowed wth Feap aq inage 6 bgpe 4p undersigned have now rath the eulte he CL SPM Re it bat TS subserlbers have put the ROWAN FAC. a my abate Cee ee tes te . ij. like a common wieduw, an capable of} bd nay note | Mit and Pactory, aud are leh first | that suld another ye opeaks fur DURY (emetrdia Palishory) ia saceeselul ape | CHM Worse, Lill your ringed was used. y @uy superiority for limse!{, Le never s i i Ta tk cat thanks ca dhe public forither weet Word pabmatgd quaity lumber dressed, of wih’ fis Tate, Th Riligue und fiteclf. ‘There met a ae te ret hak Ges |» Oak ate Making superbur | buttins, tear health & 40 ubove atc one daules, never sneers, never boasts, never rege ation in the saine way. WeNter chat they Rave bestowed un me heretefire. Groove plank furnished by others; « ‘alttetnds | Peave jo, pre byt ahs, . enarly socuaind . ‘ ot graws ie our wife god yt iver| SHEETINGS & YARNS, . | SMCABeTR were, expe reasonable terme. We are deter: wered Yip \ete— | MeL F Cowse—Be Bie: liknew Miss. W. ire ya it ng Neh Hex gonds equal to the best made in the " sal kes cud having been the physician of the femily for several ata SONOS EOE RE ND” POP) COU aT ARTES ROTI a stove room, and be there completely | warted, and then let it pass freely thro’gh the whole house, and enter all the apast- | ments either at the doors or express chan- | pe a display of bis own power, or advantage—such us is implied in sidienle, or sarcasm, or abuse—as fie never 4udviges in brabits or tricks, or in- JOHN WR rT. July 29 Zak OR DR, M WHLTEHEAD, | of Sarh, Doorsy Frames, Biiads and wed trbbididgs tires, in mune places ‘of varwes sited and Patioras’ Sorell saerlag Atoing | has never been known un wood or iron/a ad general Blacksmith ‘The undersigned haved firé: rete wotkinen from Ba!- | | esten aad can guarenies thee muchas aumnble Ra greal px “ag mandi | ah eee Som Ctinations, which may be offensive to els Take off the used ajr by the chin: Og FUCK om. the same lot with his residence. Lp, frst clase houses. aanrael ld abqat gix bpies per |" heree P ecisebat ie +! Facets cand “ ney and an open fire; or, for Crowds, hie absener permns desiring te see bim wil lepwad Carpenters, builders and othera-are peepectfully re- 1 uae thoves circled orvek ks ott pre! Eat Serre lene. ‘Bat Ww ay once need we nde hoe Bis 7 . p ace lerget act express openings ; thae-basee on (ks Maxie. qavested w call mamas rere the moths kept te Sli tnd Machate dé by your Lith | tdiewr dn ° st) eee ee Jane 17, 1656. Te] | JOCH c AIRY a caaigidie access been in : jie pn oh curve signins eek ie there is yo pore to Le done Uouses ieee ipoery et es te pe ee | ary: Ate, 19) 1856 4 \the bedded witaty and thir Seay hee : ad wnshisy and cheerfelly recum- sd Man W joie 09 Jafe—An ime that welinee sdde4 dheilated iethis sit SANEGRIS EN VIGORATUR | ertosiagioa Fug’ sed CSnihorn’ PEGE Hylan nemo of parece wecidale woscdbcn saan) GRIST MILLS |tacad your vanable Modis t ait smiirty ofbbeved, op egies ai ay seta x Be pie, uapretendi unnyyeterions pray ner,| wo. ie r f . = and send account to this office oat ay =e wine io Sperainan od Cora will be ground for toll peicees! Lpeagphes | moch ex to cout sgicide at Newark, New an. best Seutibiedtee lave ever FOR ALL PURPOSES OF A STIMULATLAC ven! : | bx | a promptly us pasaibte Ie | _ #8. ROZELL, M. Bp. . ; et } - MORNING & MEADER . dersey, on Sunday, by taking a large dose tered” It ts too ‘often the fate of the mys- | MBDICLYE. \ V4 if |medirine, great cca wondasateiace have bees fol Baljebgey, Jone 17th, 1836 9. | Tien valle J , of lawdanan, whieh rendered Ligs nse te rrons little pipes, mele, tubes and| THERE Nas tong existed a demand for such a remp- ¥ J |p that | nevermespreteds - | rentem, Tenn, Jon 20d, 1048. , sible. Lhe Newark Advertiser says: valves, by whieli ventilation is frequent- ody that eneid be relia on as cafe and MMctenh “This | sppoteere oars coege of apilops Bfursic. 3 F. Cowan, Raq—Deer Sirs Ou the 27th -_ ager ; remedy has been prepared to meet that demand ; and | G re : let, I deqmed a Abe tw afore you ff the we A physician was catled, who decided ly evuibolyaed, rather to indicate yeutila-| es eXlepsivg ial of its virtues has shownrhew ugiver- AT Yaa sles coneticned O, wit a meqap-if Laced, Wcorale pr of Pian. Forte Worle Tor tul6 comstyl amp af your hi te the that the eaty means of restoring anima: Gon than to effeet it. sally 1 has pqbor plished the parpand degen ¢ I y DU + hy N 1 ce all qqrewe! phage J 1 ENNISS' BOOKS TUNE. | © ence of Mn Themes Petahe tyul thie visinity. ° Bnew tion was to give the suliject a severe be at [llustrutivng ra Ue Theory oy Viens, the corgplapds whict: have been spready ca the C E at if E TR! havemee eer u ee Phew. rae b hawe used the remedy th» mumber of casey use of the Invigorator we meation Liver Complains, pow of several cares of gta ell of Phalltpe BAT whiek i the cruse of many otherdiseases, mang them R. JUNIUS: MENDENAALL, pre ee i hich was done Ly two wen with he itehes for a quarter of te atime, A ! F. H. BAUM, an leur, ome ‘ary Lihousness, Headuche, Pasnim theexte and Loves, |and tage ag AC NT. veutone © of ite greet utility, i remoring Those bees: signs of areturming animation wer : 7 B.lwas Fever, Fever and Ague, Jaandee, ladigpepamey = to a healthy eundithen: 4 farther esvere tha f bdo i ir ati in nie i ‘ \ pikes date rewting trom Central America.— Vamquer and oe of Appeute. Listiersness and Irrta HAS JUST REC ELV ED H{3 SPLENDID (cod pene . Ww Mint heave predited drum the feticwts for wheag have pre- ae U . It ay pears by ‘adv ices fran Cuata Lica to baliqp—ell of whieh are caused by « dmeased art wapl STOCK OF | disovyery ied ie ahaaweay patirdeeagncs EC fa be Government ae soribr Dake remedy, euch specimens of the sulietdures pdy was then given him, when he iy * the Laver. The lavigoraua i compounded with pas jteees Laeate toed Warfente—Poy Tarco—mabe diasherged by wrine, pe to fe nerd fal to sleep, and the beating prvess wae te UAW, Brot Piesidedst Math be ys eres uy gn tog nad eee ech aoe Xe ches afi wT = wines is yaad wearers 2 Gon ban, that the tneve f@mumed until be was fully rest: ved te Colsented to wet for auather teria of three mq rempred all the rot aregurad, as the caper of thew | jean eo hauoee 2 star" eral Real @) Miewrets, Lowe, sed ing and ov veare, and that an extraordinary credit of ™t*8en away (A few duare. 1 On ieteren oie) od at nee eos » Beara spoofer, “ | aud Mather, trevery commidetallle extent, ick 3 @nsciowsness. He is now counparative Se ae roto bao ra ral Ha pie cree fail to mimelate the Liver tw a proper ect dren over =e deer spentolr;; 1armeslen OF Ike atry Fare hod whee desiedl | cx easel cOw atukid esate GPa ly well, except sowe suffering trom the ® e f by ite rumtiaged usr UL: remmgre the dence Beaty zee Piselowe five to cight facade joa spmotal Agi .. Adderon, 1. MENDENUALL. + fivcting Acure, bo 4 particularly * saore b~ see Mite received from the extracrdinary ™ car. All dee war boydpAssucd du been taken eth great sace-sp in cases of ( hula, greed | an difettiuas can be pgiey oho sameucnanss yas : (ip Me whe epelix —- I believe n will prove 0 optic Spoureg of sproute™ to whic he was ani Tg ihe struggle agayet Walker were |) [nrg Homen Sentole, Hiecre, de. amd he three x. & lame os fe ™~ Ny, . Be, M ® : 7 ve GCovgerees ee en rt Rcarees semety AS 6 rac . —_— . eds. Thia is the first case we cver VO “paid In hehioual meney x senmal & imataics the stomach toe heslihy ec- of wh@re a man was wl pad ie had voted a sum of $75,000 in order tw a tnd fecksaes ke Faperiie ced cae Gparee which, fe ay Presse | DONALD KENN he "opm ast earnpiateretteoe ma state bordering on cathe carry on the next cammpaiyn ayaipst Geo, Ht ve ihe Oyipesantr Qpensinets gapenenced by Piemeresy | Ne (20 Warren sere t, Busbary, Masstchesetis ht howd “pier, hove 8 hw soverst tr os of whippeng todeath occasimly oc- r, but cases of whipping to life seidum Walker, and a special envoy had been ° - fees to sretees action, tvasem ihe lavigwetor has an cqent whick © tperente semt t) Peru and Clali in order to perfeet hearty Grier, at st excites THO digestive ot Pot 0 deteinated gape of fhe ne aoees Maas workmanship, ¢, magudicence, durability and CHEAPNESS, Auras, New Yok Feb yee Ge City, WY, nl. PA, Bawdany, 4 | yonre past, pad here, «te reed tts bemetr ini «frets m ecverel cere ol golqphme capre my we eughber- beat, pont beve hened mony af the patients ony that OF never. the allied leagme. ‘Lhe Aimerican brig: perves, anu restores the sxstews ud srmowes the vel: | eter leet great ait oo shes it bed pros ee Dover iad been bought for war purposes, See (ram the shin, which ws the reeult of a decamed| CANNOT BE SURPASSED LN and STATE |p akin ik = ; . ego SN bail tae te webetters « . j aver i‘ ; Gen eyeer, Pi = ea > Ont . On Fikion There were cigght vessels at Loa Coen toe Pacpere/ nd oad wid ford Ca lm Fem oe esac wpapresep every article « of Clothing reques) Bafta... Mek rig ; gh - so qe) dst iiteatetrents hase ik, J p Change MA, : the purpose af comvering two thoasand | 8. Mew Yoo Pree 81.00 per latte, cnet comme es cans wanindars of BO PMOWER. 1 ES Toronto | Peay’ Poe bees Pee = w mteinen im saying thas | bebeve it bbe the beet i frum Parise says ab preety rcnialan eokdiera tu Nicaragua, and (dee Va mut £5u, reggie, Salsa.) y Mrueg, bo entre hws sack dere wa, Chieagu ; Jai pork al Aer pas z= Rey fe gal heat ae ewe om eee Ubere és at the xperna! court an orgame Ne ae ‘| - . weN G ~ — fee. c Ww -—— te all aMcsed myth these pepe iran. Ord bate opel sollte 9> "ra esi ae cethee elt L ie une oe San Salvador hn ¢sicamve varw At Retad kg ad) Pe (poh ip ite Kechies the Uwe orto meurehle malades JAMES T BONE. M D on donne : were euibarking at Realejo for the same Reo 5 ee oa gas ‘hey Mates end ‘Brnmh Prensa 7 |i; C] oo : A eds by the aaeed At ia haere OY SICA been A ‘! ER: N & REYNO! psd BAY Fit ale ag by od hy rag siyre = weber) N ( 1 1 Fobrwory 15, 1846 m a circumference more se heron) N D So I D a: Le | < oe aa ua Pies CREO RIBER has the fale to en Mr Cowss— Dear Bivvy th se with feehmge of pre: With that of the erinoliues. ‘Laas is whi) —-+e--—- ’ Geeensbor pledge be thy wuld 10 when be cade grerting | tade Eo. Bite of the guests have appeared wi vel- \ Fatal Ladroud Acevdent.— Alexander CROCERS, | erteelee—hrage aot inciape meable, but yet pleasing to r bd @ithes hy theispr \ t eddrere ye. ted i thet mean be tte ied uh wisi’ fraueas eulled Grevek | seemed « he eye. and int abedutcly withvat atdity —es. wee eameee ANY wm tend re . s tree Gmmeet #re vet hats with large brims, iw te buglish Wareham, ksq, aged about twenty-tive | Aad Ww tog, Wade Hp » ae Chrine | TT THE cost of lacurance on th , a Nacbined wv He Vos, to bedume the . eee Ded] a oct es tad style, called chapeaus de [ alleunce. years, and drafteaan for the North-wes Ral be Rbtee a sy Pa Frey | cabcinaas anasamaas c papers mors teers! wchamcining iy ba the eupntry he: *@ mew erect: could, ray ol an average of « ee vere siigek every hare - tern Virginia Railroad Company, was ‘Commission Werchants.! er Peocds, Cecscas and hes Saas ares and (vente ead mawy euch thince This compmay being ltetr din 1) « Wenewe pees Dike bie lige MAT ot thie place, to be called the WA pl RB ele hate il ie fall operon tenths, smd (heer attache would Tedd te Pudn cig: i to tweety days, @emetanee berger Tn my best cud date ften. the ae } Stale comsquesihy much (he larger partion ul the tbl! er 4 The Nerves of Horers Fmpairel ly see - a ei re ie nag? el oe NWO.1. ROANOKE SQUARE, je pitied i heed ey = nat L ve goat jar eile West. eery many of which asetn the ri went, et oleae nes gfesdace- i ye Ry ag vs ry pan pat sano P» ve Baltimore ne lito, : . Jom my gente aed io yorary pried os ‘ , ave Reitways—M. Alexander Aamout, the Wedneniay last. He was upon a tran MF ROT Oe a0 7 ane Aad you'll Gad, | wat. 0 very rere tet, ie Coeper enn y ies (eae aaa ( Gtbe | eoutr) TH gochey) 9 scouleated ts Cased pat cttach ahi: Sexe f- a Napoleon of the French tarf, bas broaght) ye jas ing (or Clarkel ens. when, per Psy pirate murenleiths os laret Piper sed rot Aa hqurewmuch lower than in many aiher paces ded \ gee pablo : Dare ——: 4 paticrne wore chumn— ln ~epme bert veer wp action against a French railway cum > Snllen ay \ ae ‘Ce : O¢ aamteds.y ate} ‘Tee mtventoren: m-rehants in thee “bary ‘ AU nota Apoanl Meditg tha fullowing Offer. ‘oll mek he ales ban py mre der ome wah Guretiome bow to wer A I tend the y ceiving the necessity of aac yo other erne t With thew memth tants end saperh stom ‘ aed he dn rae! ie ite prdec samme se dure cigd, mang im pay (Ron teewly days | we pany, whose line crosses ins celebrated K. thountict P Ge anahar Gnd taStae puis oh) ony LZ + rts 0 lected sor (he eapaume yeas, breuflfily ole A the + perteerty clear bf BR bymtndne hf bry Gite nee. sed o inet! rate field and stalres at Chant : nie "s ahh i } “ ) Rect ei d's bard ae 6 ears ! JAMES SLOAN. Presideme sader ae & fA te thee tome, | an bogpy to ciate to yun, | habe y" ,Jaying his dan sat Slow, He See wien glia ee ian CP '& vere @ «she RAL Ws te © CAM VIN. Veve Preantras | Hehung pregpytewe bee M fot the Reet ease of poem of ony Pater flag 9 | 3 3 : ; Sis ‘was Uineen back wards under the wuce!s CM MING & STYRON, Parttreo’a-! @ BAUM. 0: the Awned CP MEN DMENMALL, Attorney om 1F8 fame we fal? a9)! e wide eae cee passage of raliway Ug NS Ges Oy _ = Al aeean iia y crn iaulca: i ike SMaaeos tha skalicawe | PETER ADAMS, See'y ced Trancurer coce of NO yarns. on My deer 8, my ense wee ome thet ought te bere trpys the nerves race berees. Hiner i hie skull 1 scattering hi co MIS meat reope ct faslly | PETER ADA DS, Ree'ry re Tryy Wille copes te wergit. a0) wee of amt toe thee theory uf Ligeded irorsce ss advertised to Le « < - aw ei serie . M SION x ar uk Ge ui errv en ! (1 NG. tire) © geome the peg et oot Lede sow apremps oa have bree attended by os quad : t ula ioe eal ND Met ou ! (109 Lad od £ ~ he oo ott Vitguee © oe perenne af, ond ateection , this, however, 6 the third or 5 ; : al _.. A i vei ries ey ply teren comid ontp gree te tompertry rettet ead foarth time they heave Leen eo at nec - Forwarding Merchants, Wall Paper, &c. ' : abst OG CTLs ergh! finally he tatd me thet the dite ace wee qaapubie coer voa, and he will, doultiess, buy them al! Sed \fir-- Twe Celidves Larned te Death. WILWNOTON, 5c : ” } sud ce dhe hen em permenceey. | themk. ate. te de the hamene feanby & ears dice mer ! earn . : ’ AtPe Ctpply of meat henetifel Wal) Paper AY he ewmdery uf prwedat thee, portray the sepeet Juereel juctenr, re aught tr mabe your rmedy pad- in, as he has britherto d The railway | A shanty etuated about a mile weatof, p., qping piaatcns pacd ts e-thing Pucer, Care @ Vie Screens nad Witdeie Shades tur vole by! Virgie (ny ota fem prag, ‘ enrich (be, ce there are mare pragle aflleri-d wuh the guuvet cotmpany offers kina gon! the Court thowse, at Loek port, N. 1 wan cn and off b.nde pr.dece J Mf ENNIs# BRterfier © \ We we conte it Reuativel pha tibwd wah is tower thee em pee awee of Sit, where pom Gud eee yeu cooe: destruyed by frre on Friday mormmy, and! Fe». 186 lyfe detr 29 s ) Drs bapa pe cle TR Stall asad dire’ or tots \ lind ne's tpeeaetiow ches joo a } On 4 ) two young children who were locked in pA rise pena pany ee eee ee 4 a eee sig le pater ne day ast : ' = zane High! important to Invalidx the cheerfat beams -{ « tereal eum. Ube tagereheg pmed cored | sed fece my cal cng oe mach | eowk! week tleman of New Sinyrna, Hier Cvneuied Ths shanty sas cocapinl ( ( )\ ' hs . ee a 8 ore ey enee-es eal ne), Weve.ce May bead they) © ty ocr eee cual Shon sev bee bed oat Src Tn S Cw by Juliu McCarty and wite, both of whou iF i \ COD LIVER OIL reel cine so glia ot y eae gitean «ltapeas lea wah fetes af year ereedy THOS UWALTNEY ida, arvived harlestou, > ,with 72 ; e "tal easy Ureong the spng of belle evdhen of syandice 20 Ov oranges, wineh he disposed of a O40 per Urowsand = Tlese oranges wer are intemperate und freqoentty left their children ahne lowked ep im the buriding VEGETA BLE LITHONTRIPTIC MANIFACTURED ie | @ waged wih the pear of berms oad camredew: Fagte oewens rere shee pil henge cle. besrng oo ae CheaCo, Troe eee Thre @ to ve rtity the: my wily ook red with Praap They did so this morning, and while John’ '(. “ &q! tap 20 ememee © wing? ¢ateaded. behing down rod wt “ unas. ‘ae - . * lard -—- ue Amp ue ee ed ie abeent the above awful catastrophe FRIEND OF Tuk iO Mas FAME, <= cast btw. Engh Cay Bosh b ~am edove b ab lef. Re p-st> 9 one, aed from an orchard of tries only curred. The bud Fen eh . cecthtd vobd tall wee, mad by itp hese! peters merites all emorgein ope he pol few pele ed your Lathent four yearecid. St Augustine was for : ‘eam térem wore ea € re) a A bestores ore ta oleate com-arcqvenret. Cabs pre. | | howe an tao 40 Wy Nom mmer iy celelrated for cite abur.dance of @*e™ vet of the flames half consamed DISEASED MADNENS, I | oshded oo Soe heer nf Ba KEITH SS F LA NA E R, baad ae ci Tinka — solar lattes cool pases tele nib i ae Leated ' ui.dance o : : atees “ety pe : i mowehs Pt} eves oranges grown io ite vic a « >: Stn. inthe Blalder and Kidue jp, Weak je J ° ing oes feo, © “—o ced ey, pater “abe isiags day hes oneal frre tare ly frve oh eet Admits Comptia “Gd entre then | 7 4 > ~<A Dest on. = yense agu a severe frost bile early a Brevity ness of tho Lowa hee bar ern ce a TS deol arog © hertte yo bivw a, cad thy weed wreheed gas," '** BENS MULE bd it - if > i} ne . Co ‘ apt iat tae rain nm men | as Fs eae shipm torbab grt b= = perp depthaptorkaotnetrenalon fruit has beet comtined to races aA ine ant, at the seasun of lusmess envaleablc mederine ws fre onic at tee Deviny pare pated amd retaumed withwat eMart om the ILMINGTON, E ag ual eats Shean tapenade n bre o neh om The tet: cnrrily thet omy wile hee be oe ontivety re Ak | a th ets Memtovdic, ot Ue kK So ep a pounding vate \e the arene gn we’ —grres'—and ihe. beged of a Orr) umibe ane dneg- ally Siriba Om AY, ‘ ep mM. recor ved ‘ nif hie ex r a more egatern pa ‘ beryote eaten iv rain ome eens 4 the Drag % < tees at Leveriy > bqponpatbarey 11 thi end athav empartcel herad , | recone Preight te ihe Bet! Prete. | 24 0 reed the waives wag shill of the prgphet. 64 the bap ond Baleg ya be the war of 0 ingle APES ata shar, iuanswer ly @ pre He ond atthe Cardoe Weichman Ol (aspemoed geenecece, hee quadinwed ter « the | 4 We had bat » ghenper — bet whet sve’ And © nate @@iaren’s V «gp istic! aa ample at fore e oer TE have manic ae arrengeme si with ihe Ratomwesti of he reeled beynd da = Em agh, covngh eral beaith hes bem mech better smee she used | be Seth Cardina Made amd Waterers O%° ° eS r ape 1 OS SOt C8merd MK + Cosh PD olny tht agheat the Meats ey a Fale Natt “sear wah thew Mag)! will press vn ae ee moderne. thee 1 hed bere for hee youre previews, & ta (Ade Jememin tnening over ‘ Cyueal.ng ‘ li on . ao fe wthe ema: -6 rreal remerly fw C scweapa an: | mete mn Selebary ie Wi TANDREW BABiariy 2 meld porta of the medsume -etrrly pelewes her “ peer © 4 awe ' afer pope bihg = B~tebeyep-e-eseo Deunctetan, Bins ematom, Heveiate, be. cad mey bo) Cte ied i. y pm Monday ped Feb ath. 1* $5 Dxi( of am atinrh fl the Clube to whert der so entgeet heaves of a ‘ A ot tie coanting rx * fereuds capply by aldr- mae hee Of Stimdmers S tod om bmetive of Dew ml & Ho om theeeptnee, ov off the | oo a sui Reiag 6 Toreday aod Fr . Youre. tery sesperUally, BUNT. MH PARAS pel ieleu, our I okey beret vote Chee ig spl wy sub J . rk Wt cote eg et bee freer ee papa ‘moe. * qmenn facterers J ¢ BANKER @ Ow) pane z at cor le reegve ° 7 ‘ . ; are are r rm wre! [reveht ate termed ate eta! mone j ) fullowriy = j- bet eyed vo mallee Oy cn Jane 21.1835 ins ae eo h@ wh eget ' Tee Gent cor oil lanve Malshory ot Wenday Pld twee MAMION HOTEL: Thereby certify that amy wile Rigas aye mmnede O) (iimriest Semaren in \ . ae pea lw, KOITH &@ PLANNER | . “4 ber wrth cy mp-vane of cloztom very thevatonmg, ond Ge ene that provi ae As 1 1 A ‘TATE , | Ce Pa ] ’ 1 | otegiem, MC . Jone 14, 1856 " wae ottemded bry 6 gued Midwulr, for ree of three Gere 1733 : i Aas ready, gid the pen fill DR. J. D fe SUMMERELL, S a 4 SN S } 0 LSA LE. 8. AL ISB ‘RY, J. Cc. whet soy retef. | then compiyed a reepeet attr “ h best ving any ince ! ; . ' TAT - . A \ermm ceveral dave, and them amaher, all @rrbeat : g any a ' : : a 1 ph) ermm oe oye . Tou Ie Ex vrsany Gov. Jimce i . miatita te ‘ehark anke [PARR Ted tobe ee a he reitones, wer ays icq CTNRINSG ROWFETR [)} V1 A I )( )\ N[iiBrripgoter nevine ate haere of the store toy post, ond t pe thaaght by a that 2 D me Secon ula the Mad: hee will be heppe ts receive prsteamene! ar per . ' ba d d ma) aS Estabirehmes!. begs leave to aterm the patter | must dee After ote hed ated Cowen « ttedicine (or eb ine petiu s 4 : a eonal calle from hie fre de tember 23d, 1456 ‘ frecraly jhetihe Howse @ aw « Ot the reeepime or frwe days t commenced de punting © thet sedun- et whuer fames are oiderwritten Wiha al lwr NB. There are many permwan adeBied in ane by Sep ’ : | Jef Buarders, Craveters, de Me prommesibst he he gravel grmnd ap, which conumerd for er vers Whereas, Wet im le fiopers : ng or rg, and that very servent end hare be Ces * Ie | DR. W. F. BASON, ' jaye, and ob wee muned wake Lindy correption, sod { present aa ver > vith . sort \o eu and anahs soulrmen ™! EcouwW ' ACCOMMODATIONS sien the order nt for seversl days mare, when she are at} . i , } lerk j mert be dowe by May Cowri. cise | shall lek Mou PL ATP, - Cumamenced mending very fart end « sow « Qed position of mind, com Zlwew a bat adeek w ve clerk, and veil wedlerio. . ° TINT DP ' ' (of Che Walt. awd Phil, Colleges, &e.,) Aeolthe aqua! to any inthe State Perens st-pmne neath, oad bhely to go thrangh ber pored of prog: 1! Re ney f 6 ince ; Ss st hee Hmene, aw age been mmtaisin time lor the bachelors are nd ‘ ated wi rey ' J lis flnyers over the paper, Sebebery, Jan 29, 1*5 +125 shisls & s J 0. W ADU LAD teapecilcy mas Lance thai he kao lcci ces bp tad dn Coa homie perp nancy m betier heath than she ever did before, om- dower, and vur )eutufu, charius ibercly Tf War susel ly thee, aud by = prepared BUONELY ya the ewnrr neat Dort img enrvemte s'waysinationdence Callendgire ad pantslnneg cof ores eet a pear ner yao = y , . = "y adv wore neghe ted the eo: mequence of thm cur r atue ” tter from the ena Ki D il * R ‘4 d ' F. afm new terete og on meni " o | Whitehead for the rece ptr 4 Ladvws and Genile. «trial WB GRANT atte at om pregnenry bad LF ie anaes H or = ‘ a fi T. ca 0 ars ew ar Ml cod oaven rca ick come p-égisben mialacsdos te nial erviere, and where he bpee| x aesbor), Mey 94. 155 at to be wii heat @ beithe wf the mednerme dare the a ! ‘ ce Usal ‘ 1: GOODS, Drags, Groceries. Ready Made Clothiagg fel whe can convement|y call, will find it greatly cab fase 0 UA ERATE oh Ulee buture, ondee Ue a AEN te Cs < nid aNaway - welaatths with ids Wate and (aps. Boots and Shoes, iehe ecb a ate ; man till the inarde are a wided tor f sail LEN CINE. abes tl Vemat See! tiny wrerim. hnegit at the bweet CASH pricee end aheeh we are) NOR Conn rieviws br} Proguancy was tale ® with oy myths of lbbeg. me Wwe r t ft d at the inet Te (Row Seperer Court of Grtermenad te offer at ehatrente and seted at preee, be ation te! ty the fret oppertanty ' ? ' else ly pay wach ol tiers a 4 {von writ Qevart a \ ) ©: that the Widpife wae entled jo attend ber. o¢ ig : piemad-imeanct whipped and eld forthe payment of that weld give entsfariom Call end evemvec wor | bering heard of the goad «ficcts dt paw modicum © fawpteon ter iivadiug Gar dibertios 5 ahd 1a J wisal 9 De OO ee uke teres id # Mad Valewisoe ot eter bekaee parahanng. 06 we are dc -remeed to se} The Creat fron Wheel Fxamio ' ’ M ® 1 ch dena poe likewise a tre la a ‘ : f the letter Lpemet ve abet 2T yore age five feet three and a Ot eredie mechan. (net cheaper, (Wan Umy cnn boogian mined. NSE, echearibrr taheo th - ' bent poe Leseeed moai \ a \ ‘ : clewher hie market AND ITS FALSE SPOKES EXTRACTED, by - ‘} . ng tatlag opens Lied Gotan sealetavedl saad Ulead Ghdo ts Me Meed fla) Leper cetacean seein elors as Sliall be tear it “oj we ue tu os ktteag tok a ad yeniog wrhoe hegh. As e “ - w Ce Be swibrw Fur emt atl HH. Enenee fneate and the pubiir that he hos sgened a NEW (ee rined to requ In a eheet time the iereowcod Nie et aia nce a aaa Ie & A.M TOBY, hoowsTor: "TAMA MLN Ha TANLASIMEN Uo aie pia re eymptiane IR her her appeiite returned, bet gone the A 4 care Saned ois : , mi6 Jeiv 2! e auener corms DA. Davis's budding, dereatig she atth unprowed and she prameined free from all (hose oy " “ . ‘ Ae dite setts s' rm hing, ond ce rt an os - i heVatite eb AY Md 1M oo hand a email oct af Wieder i * ppresite the store of Marph), Meone de Ce. emd pale ful md ark Pa commen in euch enere remy: ] "4 ) ‘ ) Ae a = ae . | . mang cet, and with ofler ’ ray re i] aera the Tin shop of Willems Brown bbe lemg antl the time of her ent, and weed it then exe j ] me shows toe thee morchemageen | & Min EME eRe! () ( { eepericnce and sucr-se im the bamarse mre, he thioka, and an ohe never had be fore , 7 ; . . , V berrrus ee ieee Raan ! Oy 4 grmranier foe the fai nee 10 whe time — Indeed, the yomd wus» ‘ . ; 4 Fcoufined 9 amy yal me that To get tom ‘ = i. HIB JOBS shall be fautnfally and a ally ene. Midwife and neighbors present, anid her time wae rasy we h ¢ ; i aiitrwerd tome at M Pi asant - WICC pavikealieientens force, in Sante rmted Me we © peered the and quick ERVIN GIBSON de 4 the A e &ylean of? prom ‘ se DiIBwBLED «&® BUNCE. ada maemo tin hive ‘ sahele Whe ; ’ T. ' CUARLES KLUTTS Mirada sn caret hise Up wmnd Heeb ie Wibeac, FASHIONS Madionn Cn, Tenw, March &, 1A89 eee . miur ria “ j z rela ver pee Calrin i. Diphtes Jonathan B. Rance, metas 19 oh pees ome to lee) veers 4 nels or Be a ary wit proventar firt r ’ } ft baw: Ww { Kineton ( 3. JENKINS and. th-mhe span ginal fe eupply crete ere ip . ' ' ; if i that ; block woman of mi at Balelwry, Sept 16, 15% att fre atybe of the Latent Agawy ° Ti Cat amd wee OMected with Prdapese J tag fer seme gonedersl® Aid we ' r ure ~ dd silve Ti 0 ‘st a | Ki h (' is j " ha ts heen CoN hine=—eh burther ‘ . q SN oa i re PRICR tine —ehe A OFi-98 ging nd G miikewer tae (« ral ¥ CTs am Si. omm on ere n x : Le aH ph Aghia Saba snd Mem Malishary, Rept 19, 1856 byt fier using two baile mran’e Lathe hme tr keep State Bonde om homd for onto rt fhe vilvaide ripe tee ot sof | i oe Tn Cotton, Flour, Grain, Naval Stores, ‘ Aled ead bod babel sid ae 7 > p iW © Y. heveans #8 . eter im better health for leet tep months Wee ever ‘. \ . tenet oF APR MALONEY, be o-t99 . : F “ PAMPMS HORASL, BE. YVR SC OMESEN, ‘ 1 ben ba Giglbed meine brb eer j ; nike a . } peg elected Oo . Hee ke outhern Produce Generally. : : eas REL EV ILARRIS poled. ae ring te Wanton wean “wwe te) No. 180 Front Stroot, | WATCH- MAKER AND JEWELER, COMMISSION MERCIAN Sis t hAICY tn ‘ C ‘ ure . o had at 01.58 ’ s a Ubhe - P f palais : ee ee ee Ase FD US wianCEy Charlotte, mw. C., Tippah Co, Mise. March 29, 1850 ' . « | he . 21 eet! om Coty retention Mr JF Cowas—sie: Macing euffered the moe! ! - 1p bark qe ue may be de ; ! « - eeu ' woah x : Re reeteler hac ame One door below HLA AL. Warphyts Store, orton, Corn. Plonr, Wheat, and all (¢trruriating pom from the ppl bef seth lle Agredt ‘ eeorne ) , 5 he det Pye wrt - rom the rast efficie eee | at Jian W Myre tareenne ge OM | Ke ancten'ly omhand singe weonments COUNTRY PROD ee eee en ee Variable \ ‘ } S ‘ ‘ es WATCHES nad JEM EMD of ol! kinda AB CUABLUTTD CHAKLKRT A Lied fae ‘ J ea ” ( Marendan . ULGRAUW Dice ea ndldibe eet neni Gece d KLbeT AND DOW LOKK Lather tApue, whe hae emturety refi eed me, only! vA a York, v ie ' Ai 58 etioes v1 I ‘StL I. ALT. toh u ie Rank st WW elncton 7 f Tt ane Fcad ce ikon es pabaccren Liberal Advances mnde on (Coneiquenemts ing tes teattee Powemld chee filly rerommend it 1% ps 1 7 ‘ atau th arde f a vhs all enffeang ander thie prin ht disease, ne being tr t ] ' tie ar A rvora f Dr. CHA RLES T PO WE terme ; f lyse i LB? wo P br wir, Oo the great Sovereign Remedy mW WINE % : yiit ie Jia w Pwo h sacke now eee veormament!) located! n Salichary. reepert- JW Jenkins, Ren, Saliet ‘ W Williame —_ k “ Ls ¢eale « . aher a " 4 wolfe alee ¢ Poy 2 , ¢ lesen 7 Ae Puhr y . ' titi ; inten ts te retire fon the repre co ran ine a ath a caked | JOB PRINTING Be Cama Hemrke tanh Moke Kept for Sate at 0 tee prasace Viney 17 \ Wh, OFS 118 Meally vaccuted at bin Office ) Be hrweey 09, baa bye Die ande\watclinencn Uliee. mane ) . | . . > ¢ p a ‘» # i * ' " 4“ a 4 a Bt : ) ~~ , , “hin ode adage Beeman jhe x mi and Se 4 . ee - ieee ween ov" , z —— Virtues = wom) Oe ' hes ‘ * Excellent Senses!) | '\\/ M. io. bill hefore Congress to'mu-| © $ WH aan & ‘ : - + ‘Gonéral to yyyike} oP pea): : Frances D, Gage of . Louis, % ey, of rare gense, whicse wilhgs be J om viatle repnitation, makes abi ) RE a nee Men ‘or | a proof-reader. ‘lug r ts be made op and defivered’ at ths ‘ re Was Comting R T a seal . » ry . e ; ’ » sany anh , The Wilmidyton Heralds M4, =e Se er NERY ess ort nay acme pt peers epee eee Be ae . ‘bree ape” oman's Aibvocite sue hy apd od sol sen ome tod Wa ae ee . ,; ee yp vache areas fae Ae ee arcaioer nea een, a SOE eh atthe Adwvard Ti « Abow MM amgton, 2 Cusoliva, ; the worst tiand in the world; can’t wit. ‘quail bn olainr gate ton otic Us| toute ty Potitirs, Mews, Agriculture, Internat Improvements, Commerce, the Arts and Sciences, Morality, and the Family Circle, wmypciewhes ie ges dey, ye33. should start, and at whtel: Peyetveil.y ee ee rea Eee pat . . |The, T's are vot crumed, the I's am pot dotted... - gence hope the vulee of thio’ [feraid thay, ‘ cia : RS eae ee ree ee eee ee _ ; —_ . ue? _ i Bone more expunge poh apy beg apach the ears of Congress, fur its views WM) I X.VO ‘Tl I . ; ; - eitidgey wo © lettory ip oa a subject atri i ) j i Py “ > a woety can (eR what l'eq gtitiog Shap = Maint itn erty, EX V ; SALISBURY, N. C., DECEMBER 23, 1856. NUMBER XXXX. MSSLOS I Seo etilin pen vee: wincuden: eaten —- ee . . j j ; . ae A Cpe nega cen “|The P's and the Q's are taactly shihe} ; - ite use, h THE TERATS KROORD ON Li 1 J the recent b ay . at ° ae ecaieitesiestnaaiinibamaeeeesiaeeiadadideiiaint A — ’ a I Tg ee ot 15 The M's, N's, nud U's age out on a strikes nee a . a MOUKERY “4 | sd Y Ay the fo 7 ee a al I'm Growing Old A TTGER STOR Y—FOR: AM From the Scientific Mtnerican. { Tae High Pride of Melaisds, a peng letters are large, and some very fr aif » M.D. gy Pr Sg ‘ \ fre gee DR be { lowt ° = OYS r y ‘ . } “a 4 1 i“ c— And the words hep ubout, ttké straws it, aft’: 15, vase, Dalad, 1S etna Swhadvehan ot fe ste ici te te Spel Weleda the: Sera ake, vad Lue a Fave Myers eg, ttl sith GROWING THE CHINESE SUGAR CARE. | Wiss, the exception of sugar anil mo- | No wonder the jor gimcan mid afk . dent upon business or pleasure, how, anony) sod | ‘f: +f dhe Saath Rivas Me ae et ; -npts oe ngs : ee id sd dba errant : ‘lasses, our market is well supplied with; “You wifl “ask why I: 5 Wee wards ‘and aoth lea | Topuy 66 gala the Sith Should secnse her | Wee Written, a6. we happew to knew, by: whe hived with their father and wether 7 ; asses, a pp ask why | athe “ _— mre eoncraled by emiling eusiu- jiér shave of the foreigh coumeree, which |* lady of Now York city, However is iw London. When Lacy was six and, Missys. Evrroas.—As the Chitiese Su- every article, commanding the very high- {myse f. [cau only answer, ! zie he .tenances we niwoy sovnete lip hiddew- tom’ peiely opted by her tydqet ry. may with the frail phy pi frame, |Houny five years old, their Uncle Georgy gat Cane is attracting the attention of the gst prices, in fact exorbitant whicn com- begin ie every Ss. be -eurions exes buried away te dhenstecnsrs TiN nd iusrét be sceompligho 1 —it ig ne Heart, we ure sure, that gushes out {nfeaae bome from ladia. Tins was a great | community, and it ig likely to be of great! pared wi , Last y write, I think.oF it, and am ever stry eal We ahupyoienn house Whe! Asert; Link Qh a/hkon| ctl y-ts The WelRN, Yee iach crits tee thee Kines-ean wever “grow old’ |juy to.them; | TE sivhcy Book Bt ar ACR Or CO bart len hcabe eee wer ed Cr RM of ’, me Sa he: if ery ne | can never “grow. od joy HeAn , WE WAS £0 and had 80 | valve to the farmers of the Unfted States, this tine, molasses was selling at 26 to 29 | frth os ee ae a merhad the caf the auguith secretly endyred thiuae We nda’! On gth, atid the taluty Of th fur growing vid—'the surely eo ; iach to tell them about faraway places, ; F \ i = years old Thad never a eeri seagrenthade Ya Baily Tver , 5 ithe Ss off kai Slavehuldi It “ean be i) Aad Hi pean ad u jand strange people and pa aie ayy | 22 as you have given us an_ article on eents per gallon; now it commands 56 /abvat the natter—had fa thers pent wp ia, their qoub, uf the ss anon we ses el peat atte avecmplion | Winey yes bot » morte tid things, such as sl had never scen,— | this suliject in Nu. 1 Vol. XL, of the Sci- to 61 cents. In 1858 it sald at 10 to Ps) write—was a constant te 7 woue mist know. Could hp # the,» ied. Ie edimiot be done Dy voluntary Enjoying childish deeams | ‘ j They nerer. Seacice) of hearing, his stories, leutific Anricap, I thonghtJ would write cents. Sugar last year was 6 to 6} cents; OW Amusement, and fix rr oe > tae “ gotsiive a ail, commercial agapciations; it will ait be Peed ee os eer ear be . not seem ty weary, ether of ;down and send you the result of wy own now the same quality connuands 9¢ FA eit or br habe . astouvdin elation made, A : ‘ comes t : ar < . : M us reat andimuch that we now sdidmire and den any | LCOD th Srn eamalatiin An With much am even poor ; | Out day alter diunér, they Soth elimed Habitat pal flan we alice: me pet —: Those, mil undoubted) y he julié ‘young: Strive the. 3 megs beim var dhoatd thee pity, We ; ithebte bdo Riots "eced egies | Tmork wot when the wegiukles full len: bia beonen, ancl Lay pO i « O, Unele, | Sometime during the last wiuter I ob- heavy impgrtations of forciga, sugars. | write wél}—that is, a clear! reek hr " menry 98-6 i‘ an ; ie Srwidtekion | Upou my fading (ace. |do tell ue @ tiger etry ?” aid " {tained about three hundred seads.of the |The shiparents from Calcutta fromthe Let yer! or Hoar not § has been afin ey rma, trig teria radon jean bring j ech an noting ley cap,| “Yoo Fm oi noe my ba “Very, well,” apid lye, “I will tell'gpn | “‘Sorgto Sucre” from the Patent office, of May tothe Ysbol Auguat, 1856, four, A lind, Careless, handwriting wpe bw Carefully sesey | ° ile, se lg 3 it Vuion ‘exiets. "nie power, by just os young and gay 'a story about 4 new ged Fs bapse wbich | whiek I planted onthe Ist of May last, months, were tight thansyed seven hun: bole on bay a cpt) writes J ty allicted. lo the gay young swan of sparkling wis wal re © © governipent to tax without) — 4* *'er "was before my looks | awe ty syme friguds of wy OWN. | on land that bud bevit cleared thtes years’ drad and one bags, egainet twelve Lune} ie “1 fiend 7 r p * mech ca $i uh fe 7 an lidhte, all Metis of-matérial wealth wit! OF bright trowa Forned td gray. This gentleman anf lady had one sweet * , ‘De ‘ letter of friend of mipch of Its Porte whise plana aallive areen lysing Aree her Juri diction, ‘ia ‘deat, ieyaiet!: wed | thew 7 little ‘baby apd thas becie toke # ery |S I laid the field offin cheeks three {dred aud vinatydounbage.sanre time, to it is so Sefawled ag to cause real f L. M. be Adee om she tender Pam ovaee tetas nd ijt neti Tho Federal Courts’ these eyes, 16 other eyes long journey wiih if through a wild part feet apart for corn: In some of these bills; 1865. The high priges Abroughout the suse to make it out. Ab bd, hag. Niireolviang, we bebuki the powtlial sepireet whee | have ciproaty ant repeatedly fitrrined | pel eg shot pie Son | of fndia. ere were pd houses. there, | plamtell the” weeds of tris sugar’ eatie,!couptry, with: short production:.i9 this letter, badly written, ge is ea 27th Mey: cheriahed hopes and digtiot wishes-hiave-dhe| ie. A @ patroot, Under | “Federal! Weceece ae ig they had-te sleep ip a tent, Doar ig, dropping eight sedds fn a hil making ‘State, will encourage shipments from jor etreht PAS cus beh yy Mf the wie eulved before his vision Me the fabric yf sywe Conetirutica “e duifies of} imports, burt | a kind of house made of cloth, by Griving j ehirty-soven hills inal. I worked the ‘every part of the world whaye it igep ar, | be esti 1B ae ortune Sock said rd fairy rahe, Weaving We Utne dinlWewitderey 2b6 cde ten Ht Tusparted giimuioditics of- |) ' Serer watched with par toy phigh sticks firmly into the ground, #4. eatie preciecly ax I didthe com, givingtt ticle of production. ..There will ba ore boat nine noc th Cadi tebuee Ook Sr erans a bee hirrtedity the wien fered fir aille Within Ter Mutts: j The floating cowds ait guwing thics, then drawing eurtains all over diem Xt) h inetuirand ce il . . . Pies Tay not be edsity or0ken, @) i of canoe vb _ ties eery™ thife power: Me.Toonys! Wilt thateaing teucn.f ropture ia VOry com Lia dnd ed of war ee geand three hoeings. kn four dirt and saud eousumed ia the Uwited, a re af the Handwriting ‘is atwavary A viea ted a, epi aR eth | would rf the Sonthers States lety up! These old and fading eyes country where there is yo rain; but then | months from the'time the seeds wisphih- ‘States than in any previous-year since! habit; with mS it will ¢ost ove orpany APS Bad inrubes Lie guy oemile ef phewere | 7 Jordin tad dpou all goods, w ds [there are no doors or we to git as ted the eané wae fully manared. ft dben ‘sugar has Leen regarded one of the ne-| perséveritig trial to atfgin ¢ tha f yithin bienself tothe furce A veretumbag cireuny | 5 % Wares And | And when I mark the chert, where oace : : } a: , wv ; this braagh of education have pre- guid Gala That toi inn, BAe i ia werclandize offered for sale within their The bright ruse used to ghiw, | ®e dbo at night, towake all pale. pneasured ter feet six inelies high, and one :cessities of tife, theagh in the oldea time much a die aie fm : 8 i eid. dances, to Kim, fife is © wwiclior). | inanite viher thaw those bmported directly ls getewds ine nad te wes leche “Ove vight they had to algep ina ver, }inel; and three cights in diameter at the it was meroly deemed @ hntury, The, xe ae paige, er-stcoredt The gentle maiden wlode guict grace apd! from foreign conutries, Tila tex shouhl, ‘The alnwad ervwn my brow | wild place, near a thick wood, Thy luly eee ae : yore +Y Gente - i . betel “error oukl, my { 7 : eae {butt eud. The jeinte average twelve in| weather has been, in most of the sngar| : ‘ : weg dl emibe oft excite alihication mt pomined | by Righ engl (1st) fo prevent pif jidt. | |said, *O, J fee] so afraid to-night; 1 cau- | A . are A Cure for Stuttering: gentlemen Lee 9) wigh ety, bovte that to her, life ing mg Pe ytaflons furtign gina, and | I've aren the Gower grow aid aod pale, }not tell you how frightened I an. 1, nomber to the cane, measuring frum six; regions of this State for the pest twolin ys ucighboring y_ malta Fee! tae siregyie, no grove spot in lel oy. which her , 4) hight enomgh to raise suffbeieut reven.) fe winered meme thee Fi know there are inany tigers and wild ani-/to eleven inch long, the shortest at the mouths, as favorable as comld be desired payethat he wue moed “eured mse on aaaiel ie ace ed healt the Wants of the Blas, ‘witheot erat huse Ws every charm, j mals in the wood ; aud what ifthey should bottom and the longest at the top. As for the snataring and ripeming of tha cane; from stammesings stafterimg, -tah gueeim- _~e turned tek pon ty Loar that once with nie Noenbi-n. wpos the peuple, af any ee leone eg ve.rey re |soon as the sced was ripe, ayother head and theestimate of 199,000 ‘to. 134,000; pediment, suturing, vinkit gand ant Smanrav boro cians pe ge mtn eh ete Whaler)’ Aste tem emmamie, Hl aed nap My ars! gt ap hc lt fm aban natalie Ti rine Atom ey rope pte AE “RC. ‘ re ™ asthe hing ohy, , " . . . a wing over, iwe B rede ing Bi hamas synnpathy, dhe furtifics herelf ##E wie Cotbed tion pu this ce oe And young aed pare sad besetub keep a wateh, and you need haxe.no hear 5)? La) oad inh Short Hate! guew a0 big, jed atop will Rade somewhat of 5 fel ing Leneds meal, avi pra keeping altont a grein = ptm pn be de woperctralte barrie thet) Mr. Toomita, Nor are we prepéred to Aad Ah Goat to ctmed f and wa mam, pat. 06 tcaat ja God.’ es the vtiginal head, though not quite so | effect ye the many Leata,epasters, giurtet Echo auewered, “Where” rie <2 ony thet Bowdi feeling escape nyt to myenl the | om wiquatified concurrency thery Dive otest 1 die growing otd— “So the lady ki ver baby and put large. By the time the seed on thishoad rangers, Lrokers and others who have for -Theepbilva Thistle, the thistle sitter; = it bed opirit’s agows; wears the mocking sinil and >in. ie & novelty in ite way, aod de-! My hori bs shaeg ek oud, it into ite cradle; and thep she aud ber began to turn dark a third hgad: sprung so many years Leen yigaged one way or| Sifted a sigve full of ansifted thi | amy othe mings wth Earth's pleaserrivt ing civtiren to ba em paps Indirect Taxes are, Aed Gud hae gen me eoough ragy spare ts nal le daiaya, up frou the third joint, whieh was about ‘anotber'tn the article. “Fhe shipments te: ieee lhiathe, the thistle dies, BA +... chade the Gying pheatom happiwed, tn tm Rode lates ond . ihr od paid ing Ths loving beort to 68 land thay pair ea| opin Saar eae (the size of the Inst toad; amd now # fourth | Northern ports will be litle or none. \¢ a wei Se re a a at etme ee po pal var he wager” itd ther the adyption «he Toomsh's, 1 NTe oe the oan go down, | will both lay me dow io peace.and sleep; thoad ts waking ite sppearance from a New Orleans Circular. Theoplitus Tidatle, the thi ge eer or NE “D aye pbos 2 re bebaeslyray on "© | prupapsition would have a teadency 10 a ries — = | for te) Lord, ouly inakest ine to dwell forth joint. Where this shodting forth “> eee ° jed. : : 7° poner ser Cane © bring dirett tradé fo par ports, give pro eng the great, winte o'er my head ime mn leot y.” aie of new lgads would end, if ao frost should ; bean tie Cn , ro pe, | ore “Hr 15, 1846 mores, crime and Uinaypuiptinen(, betirt rewmew haut 8 employ ment to cae cayitel ed la — ! tlw the middle of the aight the Jaly | come to kill it, Lcapnut toll, The roote, te Aon n rib rank den. oy en Payinga Member for Doiay Nebhing.. i 1 Ee ah a -An r ice Ww P ° sol beeamecs movagghe 10 oer daily ony dark sbad. pep ea Serbo Aasist in building up Teer, bev omd those gurgeons clovds, preg oy hip acaba ery, “O, my yon * where | eut off some of the canes some! yrertioned in which the clay soil of . md of —The act a Poh etre nate cae tn aa ey mala en Ea en a Peale lad cede eli ie ey a wndlg op apsta vo of Sonera arse hy tet |aiee 6 ga AGC RS Ace - ode ung Gad that relied for which tthe spirit piues ' ——- oe - : soo Ces coe beaty ore larver stirte ty ™ ual b le j which ak ed ries high. lam of the tion of a coating of about two Inches of| dedaoms + for cach day's abseness ; he vgs Sed indeed ts the recur of the Ireart, and hard | CHURCHES BURNT I eoem to Beer the wondeoas ang ba ay wae ae { into the cradle, opiaion the Sorgha Sucre is © perennial welt. drted and patverited mock. Au in. 7 Qate member hast ood thd Wet ol the spirit-barthened. Atume in thelr | Bsdesusd canes ag: ie oe ee there! O, yoo may ,plamt, and would grow all the time if! stance of a similar kind is noticed in the | tM w bole sorme vail ¢y ' wey este, wih ie Gate'eowds Mowat, Dee. 10. Aad wy been vege to pda the theung gt tink Low dreadful was their distress. | there were no severe cold to kill it’ It) Boston Cudtivat. { Se ber 6 jwodraw aboat, $4,000 from the breasury. pet ow, crushing weight upve Unt ovule | Christ Churches andthe Episcopal Cath T the Heavenly’ K They ran out of the tent, and there in the sthi ee Of weptomiver o. Ine This in @pretty god prominm for deing f..- @ falee stork! with ite evnventionys form bide eden : ‘ Pe rea, oo“ oy ae mooolight they sdw a.great animal ain prod shag oy ap le can plant fullowing secount of the eooversion of'w{mothing. if the principle is riptef amk- your them sasile on while the tery hearistrs oat l _¢ | TP eeeen te see three cheretboys, ing toward the .w with ‘ in. prodecing fodder fureatle. There are) bard ii ing. ‘ Sea chs ery heartstrings may yn caer rep 730806 a am £i7 ad retro ' clay soil into # loam of easy tilt Mg 4. der 8 account es day! wee be sampplug, mocking fends at every 000. : As hand mm hand they go. whute ia his mouth. aroysed al! commonly twelve leaves on a cane, amd) aay sorve hint of ¥e aineout 1 ree oe AY Ge! renal raemioahe ens * . Wah golden cuss and snowy ings, servants, and got isaded 4, and “St lames measure on an average, tliree feet‘ to some agian ir partreronelincad asmuodnt reesived for + er Le ft cdimoted Wight gortante of carth'c ieaodtie } waNesn wewh . Wiese eyes with mpture ghee —* pain! ee hii ame long, and three inches and a balf broad ‘ hovtatite tewadity of olay nei Week teh “> : BD’ bala helpless Ledger. - ead bare them: oo thromgh a pathway friaght) : Whee | wee yomang | called them mine— 4 ye al enti as they — ’ We commonly plant two stalks of corns g ee ’ beh paotaiih mv. o die oe wal ov tied wi HE arco To the derepied & eat ire Demenrat policies s A oie vgreantehete = they i eae rear Foapeade rg agra in a bill, T bad eight canes in the eames exceNent pase ee wee dovatas te al . Abobitiom: Pl. ilenthroph, 8° tite ak oo ca Pomona another mame for Chmyel ond! ciel By Col J. A Harvey nad mine _ W hee | um eelied — hed laud down and aire playing with the space, eseh cane producing fall es urvelt’ ariter, chitfly by the applteatioh PY Bs vedios Pi rn y retet ead eo face , to co) when the quail of sOeTRAP free Stas setthors, demmnecing the hanens vaby, just As passy does with a mouse fodder as ome stnik-ofcern. At tiris mate, craps i zi aay Mai hent fee peer miy4 “ = halides Wihed. ad tach iegpcamaaidaa Ai aoc ssipieas Muaine omar ce ee en , Pe Tre peated. before she kills u. The baby was aot) which ist me matter of fact, enc secre iuaicibiedigbas setae erche vere Peet oe time + ak anedy pad- fade tefore that git, iy winne akbet oy igivating in Yeukeoodan eed warviug al ; a hoard overs . orying and did not segm hart, The poor uf cane will prdnee as mach as fodr a-! ' 1 vey Lefactrci ie finn in this ate The one whe gore them bath to Cid f a } dust weet epréad on the surface f cit boy gut thereserete of a!) lbencts aball cheatly te revesion /vinget — to be duped wo lum cer for Aud Waste to call me omchor a be spate so se psa a ye res of corn, Bat | am persaaded that I tifck ni : : “ ‘ en ran - Ler otark ch are lewd by ye eal . te ane ote a Sa - ” Ay r e!p, and whe owe of the wen 2s esWitek and araded ih nm part, the lot et 1 Jeu watt wap, , coding Kanses , ; took up his un, the lady cried, ‘U wight have planted the eane in dritis of Acad a ee ‘for Mslppen : oe O! Lew giad I'm growing aid ap SRE y cried, UV, you , to Epatics deep The taine dr oasing was) xe Black Hepa ot lyre oes, - : ; Ver every day | opeed, will kill my child £ three feet apart, dropping eigit seeds #0 Heide. sececed by the ter wel tO . eee GT Pelitien! Edits ore chen ¥ory SINGULAR PEREATH OF A SPIRIT sarap aye bay panes that Peeiniea eid yy od plows bags her end ali wy space of eighteen inches, and by! oss ete ~ dees ae, tchangiog Doesarcn Oe bitter tawards the opposing members of | U ALIST. ugh 405 thet bas wo end nee, and (e n modo at well. means hare eight turcs es mack ’ tebthcrs om gw, by Co, Troe «Al “ > ve = ly moderate applicat® ug « tek. the CTY mer, Gearing th the frovernits : lent dhew periment is ove Wis keous tu eomund sie dats dfn sans ee The tiger gave 4 lwed howl, and joinped ¢ider as corn would produce. ) yn rate app ce ‘ae f mencee, the, oared « dake ke j ¢ is ge g up, and then fell dowsragain, shot quite ' gecien was bronytit \o a pitch of fertility | a ian Pray erally only ink “deep.” They know how tp lady, Moe Baeriet Eager, welt hnown es TITER GARDEN OF GETIISEMANE. dead Then they all ran forward, and there me head tat T picked wp at rendyea nd producttve x « apeqnelied in the oo — - bebo -» tay appreciate a noble adversary aud hye ee ee he Teesday m.r- was the Jear baby qaitesafe, and siniling ‘eastired three gill, and one gili eo® |j,,):5 apey vi pane an npr - have ft oe terhips te Linde yorcan! elle mone cememceak, The mermenanee The closer mpan the groand rae fy st ree nat at llated | tained ight barred seed Them ates : remy fee remraient ee reaper pe bees oe notwithstanding they have ty break many jnatare. Prarteen rine to the dum a Vion, aol altogether, the gardee, in ite, a os the baby realy live r ed @ barge lead, measared it, ani? found Torre udieg —Inquiries areoften made dont ren lly are” aT en, : ap ere " a lance in the pelitieal arena. The fol- her death che wee inte the trathce a ata 7 kee — Ea UL it to Govtain four and> a hal f_gitls of , @ to tne most sucegsefy! ineodg of growing ; ss Ve. ime b- lawiog from the Petersburg Detmvera!, is state, and being cuntroiied by an infla gin ela ! Fight sc rey have seen it often singe then. Vou may seed. The 37 jude that T planted. pra, hurso-ra:liah, aud havieg hasd soure ana. rewrrviszivtc Tar weafhrt” = vagal diag nd ood aelat oe euh estd omer pepaaaee - inevlated froin the smaller and lese ine be eure that often when they looked a! dneod three pecks uf seed, this, after drv.| rience im the business, 1 will cogampan-4 R Monk of Tresok . . " ' o weeks! ¢ . - " £ > t F . Pagal des — in nd tint eee ished aodieee,, Sadism a wks sas web baewrnet et [sing ues which ekirt the pase of the = one otr lat niocodren paramts wre gee n the san, weighed Sy! cate the process which 1 hese fomnd te whe haw ieerd cathe Sh lhe f went of Chives, form a consecrated hanks ne who maur the ponies, vad no mfll to aqqeeze thre be the most gerveraliy successful. The! weather.” att whe fir heen mahi be - A - - vl the Petersiang Jtellige eer | The wwe wooks expired an Tresday lust Li ctgrove. Iligh abeve, on either hand, mother dreain and awake jast at the mht cane, in order ts mak experiments in. seid most eongenial to the horsc-cacdieh: ig: 98Ge himeelf a munrtyr fo meter nee |S shortly leave this city aud LecoRre On Memday sie 8 i j : "i ‘; \ ypeered mn her weval , 1 ’ se S . A vem, © Editor 3 . towers a bo oan ; f minute, and made the tiger hold the ba- , i epttamn beer hesy svodit s Rags beg 7, WhCh , cheerfeloves, anil at 6 o chuek, while st: ; vawuing : oy . a tet eden by by the elothes eo as afl se hart feat rap And sugar. I made a little rollor, a moist, deep oil, replete with Arwsue, taking homely observations of th® cotgeet ‘ . sa} sno | 4 . of 4 « A « 'y 8) A is ' : a : PAmAS ¢ make » diame al with an- pile | oP el irs “ — them, Crowning one of them isa living the wasn fire s0 as te shout the tiger awd whieh [ tunght migit press owt sume but not wet, The hand ehod.d be tiver cone, oe ee, thes afri affected regret, for while we haye ptrredd No ee ed Glee be ic roman el au *€ city; om the slope of the other isthe great 20 the child. But now good night, me Of the ap, but it wasa failure, for want oughly ploaghed and reduced te a five! — Wi; all see sederin dey eed pro ‘ . . e ~ < . . - - ‘ n ractie sates and jarred frecjmenthy in the pupers, oor it, MAI wil be revedied in fos Jew tahoe rmctery - ( ity of the , d, Maar ae = before 4 geo two iof sufficient power 1 twisted s jot in filth, and have swttieiency oki, wet de observing since hetie ot, Din along sang, ond social relations Wave beet al wnye Marte 008” Eben doubling the paper, atic sae ie rg vane al ff et and fri rai Gals pig Ahegea e. as WF my hands after Leing flattered wih the composed waewte, well worked fh. Prieerding boar by hour ayd day . Goocntohert jeer Kindly fewiinys, courtesy ami cegmrd.! pve it te amaher hedty, whe earefnlly eam saw furrowed by ol yet beaa- : roller, aud vbltained shout half a gill of shonld then be tidyed tn rilpes'tlitee fet thermometrhes? and Mesto 0 iy ' ‘ : : a es . : . ; ai onions pow ashe ie yomyg tv louvre as, we it. from her, aanhe bad « lod the" ua ad peli poh ecay, a aly > , sap, which was as *woet as any of tle say, apart one Way, hil The roots—abont alt *t7° 8" and in counestion with stinedl- abana a at that we part with him is SATO, cx ier Girenmetanees, 20 that che was ag ("H UNM aUENt of Yroeflechag scenes thet) OOLT) REGIONS EXTENDA f the eager f the South tach tn dig AN taneous observations male and rege Petorcaces je only sulaced with the hope at woconesieus of tee last preceeding as sie NAV taken place beneath and arvand it. . gn] [arr ae cers wr como . + Pbmend, tan inch in diageterent into pieces ‘one | claewtroree P feel more and more prt most he the exeliange for his gen cred, ene of the preshetivn madetie two weeks The olive perpetnates itself, from the root Tt ig wel] known as a matter of bistory, Providence permitting, to ptant at least inel ig length, and plante:! in the ridges, ed that it ia not mm the pamdr of ew rasa as @ut to sedis Rata when we MM) befor he went up staves immairaiely vie salccon at “ew ‘he Wee oe that when Cireenland was diseovercil, it coh ihe ae be and procure aytwo feet apart, and Lat ome picce iu a, en being to detormineey ome s sep anton whhin the iestla ef site ‘Shook road ——< — eccauiel saan cul cha ewe of ea possessed ainneh warmer climate tiran it proper mill end boilers, aud make o place. The covering should nuk be deep, ke advency mhat qhanges will S ataal reel er there cannot te foand a more caustic and sit hanya celal agg Cat proeeeding grewth, Urgrefase, the Saviong, does at present. The ice packs have been thoruagh experiinent. e say one mel, awl tw aftes cukture bothe, Phe atpomtphere. vie : odfing 8 om JOS. MeKRE. ~ same | ' nc rem bhe ener hemeorous parngraphist, Of omrsel{ be dred ‘ ; wae wort te pest; and uue of the present extending soath from the polar rozions ne la Overy Teapets aa (hat uf p> latees. | re aie hes asid very many capital primge; end dee ain ee cue cb may mark the very apot where he kweli, for some centnries, and ihe Nortlieast coer eee cere oe Lee The crop may be pulled after the severe; Teseer re mew re: BEA, Pre bie, a rally eaart ee He betored am! respected among the frends rl eter a one et Coasts of onr continent are wach culder /Aatwenal fresta, stripped carefully of their ng fel lowing tin portintvtatem ont was papa da ey ARSE Ne with whem intimate. , ‘ tar ; é Newy: ne ‘ fibres, and exh ’ made by the Rev. Br oJ fR 99, ind ok incision, yet thie fact shall not de — ig aban amit Von at graphiet boundaries are too «Dstinet and than they oe three centuries ago. The Short Seyur Crop in femisiana. —~ A ub mart . sad arketed of deposited elk cy herp : 7 oe ard Hh pwns of dot da either from awarding blu bis mot ‘ Clear for an instant’shesitation. Uere the Came of this ie not well understood, te letter from the Plaquemines distriet, No Be ee eee Oe Seay eH *: Edneat a so iy alvat Te "4 wer. ped polars bespeaking for trim the frien dshitp | oo: Cliristian, forgetful of Use present, andab- fact only is knbwn. It is believe! hy! vember 22, says Gearmantron Tel -grah Shactd a . ty este wi’ " pad kindly contidence of tl vn SUMBER OF STARS. irbed in the past, cam resign himself ne persons thut there he atotil , ; , — vad the priviteme of heina chilis 9 ara prea oe wi shortly tabe wp ive aba _ & vee oh ; peng acelin ‘alate. ‘The few a pi part win ote picliy whieh * The sagar crop in this region wil le Parte Bilt. The Cal Hs 4 ; Fase . ‘ oan e sereemt? oe OF thre ethers. hogan are ttitte tothe! purple and crimson, flowers abont the aometimes changes it direetion, and ty sorter than it was at titstexpected. A { tir © Pts —T flowing 1. ght ee a . paah “apiains: Stare Trad: at the North —T™% odketey @, anil ld are diechvered BY mts of the tree will give him aunple food , drifting large icebergs from one place fa boot a ninth ago, some of oar planters an exceedingly useful, and certainly an eurprised Relike hres Heche oan an oll (heer the York cds . a - fs - yr entre As rota oa for contemplation, as embierns of the gaf- another changes the climate of these ealcniated.on invking aboot half a crop exeeedingly cheap, filter, Lt consists of whe eonkl not read af nt. and the wi? ch eners ml ev , ce has * hate Ted ” ve writlions! ¢, ce . i ; ; S t A . anes ' Lot read Ns t ae ilies: ing paragraph fer the digestion uf of plea ree visitle etfoagh in Matty heinie beloaie ensangnined death of the Re over hao i Di the! tip they then generally believed tlat ti ac ” eal fyrmed jar, with an aperature aa nSniber wh comitonty read very eon reeen € ys ny f att milton a ye ol le . . bad ? yecial) - : ae ree jhe deseveriants of the mien wie puckuted ‘plrerus to he disfinetly counted in atwe ° i Aer dpe lsai neva tabed ic eae vee v bes yield of the eane woul! be equal te that at the SOLE unto wiiol a clean sponge = Mi fs was apecially the Gash am legal eae the of she stave (rade, which snow ey feet reflector, ami thihkw that the em oe pe mona Sel Bas Nia the Whi Of furmer yours: but im that, as in many '* Pressed as fiemly as posdibic: amd the oh sand I wan: te er me rage afl pre TBBON to be piracy by act of Congress ; al fomiber fe innch greater Tia fMius A Great Land Grabber Mr. Buch- dea was blocked vp with hinge mountains other thiries they were vreatly mistaken gar being them filed with water, wt 1 pee a - fhe ~ i ay eae goad @ \ ove " a rs ’ a ese ee ‘ Pee " : 3 we : nes, y 5 B ’ . f ee es o efore as. by nmnp pany eee een rial pa ie oan, | WGes segval = Lal ane see NG Riri ring not Se ort w con of tee, an] the Commerce of Archangel as they found out as goon as as they cotn- @d on such a es ras tovallew the water theese Mecfsce ten inweli eatnowra’, 1@ proposed revival of the sive that ofe Wart ard twenty five thos fined to the Osten) Manifesto Ve see stopped —emmething whieh never happen inenced grinding. The average yvcki ot iy pene thrunih iF wei a reetinen it will Kiraeeen 6° diac) a trie ad enon la the country, and bave re t . of hia |i i ado Co 20 - * } My 'y, anc e come to and star praaed through the field of his it stated in abe Journal of Cowtmeree, ed Nefore: In the Fare (slanda, enow {lie beat looking cane scarc'ly reeclres A De fonnd that at) the grooser imptrities laboring popntation learn to read in tite. t fuaioy that if ever It should come | forty foot reflector ina qnarter ofan honr. | that ac the close ef his mission to Eng ; - ) lyk ve . . - fe wif! be Gune by Mussachubette ‘Tiife wonk? give teeter millions for the Tad, he told the Londoners at the Lan te Whe of witch she never ban a thonaands pounds to the acre. The snunr ithe sarees re mats) toe ws Ff ‘ ratiz ‘ Nee ae than South Carotina. % ineditlod benfire emenit df the henvens, fh a sittgte Mayor's diuner that “the honest aud fair jeform. If thie drift of ica ved Fol ap reg. Is generatly speaking, of much snperior ter at the tame tine will be iach softer 7 eof : nes : “ ne 4 ees It we 4 A slave trade ie giready carried on frum! twiescopic mone; and this cstinmte was! extension ef the borders of England and gtaety for a few sensona the caasta of tie quality 10 that of last season. By the mint leat dangerons ti drink wine “ay ears ome bd at \" y : hity t j y) 2 is | not unnatural t Besten as well ae from New York, buts made under the asenmption that the ne rthe United States over all the unsettled White Bea will become as inhospitable as 90th of neat } | | ] ridiculed, t] tot ling | cn i net all froin Ulsarieston or any Senthern pbnhe tere masses of hirminons matter not! parts of the carth, ought to be considered those of Greenland qmow are 20th of next month, at the farthest, grin Prath ofan OM Colored Proachn j “ . pee artot reading becomes fine y pert. Wo allude tw the tra in Chi yet condensed suns. But with the in- a LYoasthy to mankind.” Micntha Aner oe will be ever on all our sugar eq drew Marshal. the old enter siireactmth: fy ae lea ee oe : * coofies, who, being comparatively crease of instrumental power, especially . tates Rleoeelliandlch ticoriblel Cane naire nae ues a ud ne a ro oA . te, their euslavone voder various! auder the mighty grasp of Lord Rovse's eo . vee Ritisenai diedtin Michiel: Vaccin | ia m : as SRT eee ear fobtnd of fm position, ts all right, as Bsfl {gi nie reflector wie great refractocs Tripl: ta. -A lady in Jay strect, New PURNING OF JEPFPRSON De I ; , day last. aged one lund: ‘ \ Ce ‘An oe ‘ ph in a. sta wy oe! - tire mated by Northern enpidity. So far nstat itkova and Cambridge, the meet ir York, gave birth to triplets on Thareday COLLEGE me, — Lt te ements Maat po less tae threw was une of the tos hed ot hk ce ine eel - iy “ ¥ rad 0 lend. the Afrioun slave trade ix devicd on from) pedal vable of these nebule has given ways | last—all Loys, and all doing well at last ae 120,00u sta ong Linds are disposed of every and Uy is many excellent traits of, ler nian noe a ae ike the bent i Nerthern ports, it ie done by foreigners, and the better opimion now ia, that every | aocounts. The eldest Was bronght into Purcapanpna, Dee. 10. year im New York. They are raised acter fad won the respect and a one Ay ih ‘ ; ler need te i who skulk from pubjie observation; bytyene of them he galaxy, dike our the world Fifty-four hours before theoth Jeffereon College, in this city, was chiefly im Germany, among the Hartz all who knew him ile was hic mat, tea an pie “Ay ee ant read, str, pe aad slave trade ie eguducted uo uidky way, eymposed of ipiljieys of er two made theirappearanee. The vame burnt last aight, together with the libra Monatains, by the peasants, and are rears) mstorof the African Baptist Charch that lik | ve nen se four ke haggely by Yankees — suns, jot tho mother is Roper, % coutuining teu thousand valumes eda over here during the samuner. (of this city TTA Voera a ne anil ail ‘6 o ea Frail wis earty % MP?UDENT DICTATION. OF RLECTORAL COLLLGE, The action of the Flectoral College of neighbor Virginia, is about as strik- a commentary upon the principles of self styled Dewoeracy, of this ee as tave seen for some time. Chosen by uajority of the people of Virginia, to AN & the Electoral vote of the State, for a, wsident and Vice President of the Uni- 4d States, these potent, Set, wnd Electors, poteonteut witha ae La @ this simple and single dutv, must wooth, resolve then ven tu un ad ery body of the President cloct, and ke wpon the nselwes the task yustrier at least wi part his Cal sand ve ing for him the organ S adiiine ‘etem According to these Dow erat.c tectors in particular, and adecsers in } > uweral, ky-Governor An PP ist have a seatin old Back’s Ci 1Mr. Bee. Tucked yup bes org Well, 1, aa wd utwa. emacutperlaps ite the eppegente of Douoeracy as well any othet, but Yor cue we Cesine to gee the wade dericaiur of the wority tder which these Electors un! work te 1@ite te the President elect? What man in the Sate of Virginia voted - Electors, believing that they Wald @o anything more than cast te e of the State? Who asked them eeted them to sclect Mr. Buc Binet for him? Did these \ Yeotors fiud anything in those ainogs 3 of 989, by which they se eo frequently swear, and by ad ¥ prove with mathematical } c mem, that a borsc-chesnut and a elies- are one and the same that things equal to the same, may we Garasion of deiocratic uecess!ty jaires it, be constraed to be very wa wat to one another, to justify their pro epingsY Ifthere is any anthority for : ' best aa pro ° » dF evndact, it must be found in those, but we donbt very uwnuch whether they best ty avwmd prodaciig unnecessary ex- Aud thoagh do we nut now astic “Resolutions,” for we will venture Dukedom toa beggarly deuicr,” it can Bound no where else under the “san, abd seven stars.” But there is some 20g shore im the evndact of these Vir wa te woald be dictators, thar ‘tet ag extreme impudence. The: ischief in the aftempted precede: - hope Mr. Buchanan may ‘4 ~ | wmpect and fiirinness emu) te tien ete impertinent interfereance wit!) !im. bets the scorn it se amiment y wierits. VU wgreia has the rig!t claimed iw her sectors, then has every other Brace in e Union a siilar rigitt, and, as cact rate hag ite preferences am! pot-, tl. ‘eseident would require at least atu. ive wath, to make a seleetion frary tt fwen who would be reciininend * persons for his Cabiiet Asniu- } @ Blectore of a State can constrict the twusident’s Calnet tor bin. thew have ~trequal right to compose for hin bis apegural address, and chalk out for jin e pobey of his administrurion. acd. as «cl, State would, equally “ Stee we entitled te thie mgit. the lresiten tect would Lave either to chen ne het ace ewtp-one inaugnrals, or tike nv xtarc 4 the whole bot Gied Litters '— what . eumoern the imaugural woul be! There apdid he fen ea, bet for a high “ewtectwe Tariff: and there winll be verge, “Reeclations” in hand, dead game a Protective Tariff, There would -@ dedimota, clamorens for [Li er and Har af ap, ropriations, and a stapendons #56 ean of Internal lwprovements in general od there would be Norté (rrofing ax ameorsasiy opposed to any cach proce ve Lastly, there weald Le South Curo one, demanding in stern! ian vuiee “th. erqpening of the African stu ve trade,” and culenting the lesson Liat a disseletion fale Union of these States, woud be the vatest dlessing Leaven couli Lestow » thes land | I! these Virginia FE ccturs en » more than their cousins ; wen & se domeonstrabile tint iie Noo etvlina Electors did todo i ticir wluie —_——— duty, for the batter were stin ply Go cast tie verte ( tin ‘ate, and leave to old Buck tix May of chassing bin ewu Caine We wrdhwe respectfally -agyest te cor eighbor and tandbursi, (roverner Brage, “« ip aye ef calling thew bur k aga. putt fa « Ae to tNeee ret entn eed work North Car a old Veoek e Cal nevt—1). , « pleaty of her tizens Ae ey A wibern san can make 4h te were 4g@f covutry for ac need. , ew in @ bewws that fa prope <4. Hise . oe fabe @ wat the (Caleret, we twhase 16 perind “wirtuue oo be whded ue ver jack, OU iuctom, of in eM. Edu Leeome “Abr Secreta “— Plaleryh Lb? pastes wae QE REOPENING OF TUR BLAY: TRADE The il-aleiecd of ali: enmadsievd gm of (ror Adame, of teeth Cardona bringing this © nestion forward in ise at® message eee ne to ha on methey cruelly thay. ~ vetuet.te'n and vet agrees. Om Momiay last) Mr biuer amerere, fyiuag the «nest m the j me by offuriny the £ wing :rede mm wheh under a + wept Pf ctand thecoertica / Mpretemiag ® was paseed ir gn ' of macabers “ Stew far as if « hayes tame p= the re apeuiing J siace ak a w distwert y eae t hut hb te be u end muri 6 ow “Joct : Read: 4 | aed~ wil sayy ' ‘ dino - . . ‘ ‘ Wea ms j . aig are anagputen tion, which was passed by a vote of 183 tos Res That itis inexpes cor eis States, to r peal the laws prolibicns the Afri- ex trade pear tocmbody the real opinion Thonse. and was so voted for planation pret yy Etheridwe dis Wowenft avy farther tt without ex est, While that offered not, at least not where i an this of Mr. Or: But woat bad the House to do wigh this thins. Ttowas not before them formally ot ' liv. beither air \ rieyam ! jon House hada w ’ sy t Coneress is made to 4 wey 's for the pe Wndugton Journal “CAROLINA WATCIDEAY. © SALISBURY. VC TUBSIOAY EVENING, DEC. 23, be56 TERMS OF THIS PATER 8200 CASI SUUTULEN LITERARY NESSEN te Tw lent periodical ts te hand. Decemn! The table ef sent a list ef attractive arti- of the Messenver It is contents cles rE contains nearly a hundred pages. number thing, published at Richmond, Va, Jolin Roy Price $3 a year iy{'? Wvice the reported troubles in Tennes- Thorr pson, Editer. advance. Those of our friends who want |S¢¢ and elsewhere of au insurrectionary the apprehension of an outbreak, and! bg “he a | levi > ye. a > } in “ ;} > ur r ‘ tench a work, can get more picturce and character, believing a3 we have, that they | justify the peaple in the most) surrimar e show by sending to the North; Sere greatly exaggerated, and that it was | easures of suppress! on outesi pcan obtain a work af greater real worth The Messenger is got up in exellent style, feeard the matter as very grave, yet We sof their uccon plishment nevertheless, and is highly valued by scarcely feel at liberty to withhold from ying so wide-spread a spirit ofrevolt among “ those who Inive proved its cluracter oo. Arrican Reposttory-—Weare in iebted to the lishers Of this work, for num matter ered VW sini ae = es — Thave thus given you a full history of this exambned separately by a jury, who de- My ofily® apology for dwelling so mi- cided whethertfiere fe agroun or not to of the A SVnopsis bere. Neved whe Me. Danan move frooemaney Mr. Sis Wis t ' Th ¥ inportrnes shauld be acted vu pan trom ter Wode wy pert wah tle Hest 157. Ind yd eeeabmany of t have alteaty peuc home to enje Haye, Every thing seems ty baoedic el ses Yo Bills of any } beat consad tthe Free Sof and t ‘ugles If y from me nert week Nonny kn propensities for fan have led INSURR citement. our feaders the facts and circumstances, which w be nore veed for watchfnmess than we r ) ; ‘4 are aware of, anl a knowledge ef the tdotocied in mere than one ceanty in Vir re. nthe vote ate ved Che Batt passed its seeotud: pear Tiles Were Tou suspended, an Nird reading toe tery decided) vate Ms too peti had: been were jake from the tal! Wilbon, ao stave, belor cing teed HO Was] nasecl ot! yer of this excel: smoky city in search of “- iil be fount | tinele Wintel ou sromarks ty Mr. Dar y Bail, : vod Mr. Hosnpiirey against it, a vere exposed, and we have not to dread ary rot the tuo tb HuUuseront ent mniwise, ang vatelyon this subject is, the great importance the settled polipy of the Dunited. of the measu 1t jp Wonsilered one of the meat iupdrtaut that will “he before the Agsem- | © blye . As Psup paige the speecles on both tet} Watcher the. whites upon insolated farms , Phis, from the vote apon it wauld ap-: willte printed, dhwi!l net pretend to give even! and in the workshops, and then to march | The consideration of this BN to each chief town of the county. » consumed five days, and all seemed to feel re I a taken, and seve along the Cumberland from Nashville to and fost } h y Ww 1! ten pu ab n vid M € importance have wn DB a shoud not hear that m Ine away frown this! SPECTATOR Deiow, ECTIONARY TROUDBLE We have bitherto purposely forborne , Tiere may ree, that the fears of the weak tis gl, sid edeematie jon ed. wh tk: own Ba Ls¢ the subject. When and whore is this sectional agi- The people of the South vlay’an acensation before a justice. —This i eae recaution has already had a good inoral effeet antony thei. As I told you yeaterday, the plain was They would thas bave established a free road Gils. tation to stop { By this route all who took part in’ the did not commeuce it, and they are most rovelt could have Cong ht a retreat to Ing! atixigaefor poncey ¢ Lhey wil y ick gegdy ana and Mlinois. No one could Nay e thing bat their vital interests and their a tbe them, for they would Have (a> honor to preserve the Unions but they ersed the feast) populated part of the C Thus, though the plot! i \ ' regard the Premont party of the free ro ¢ is been . . 1th A . ? ei oe ais Ubey yrasuil foos > and before }. actin explosion; there still remains ane Alert wiff #hbmit tothe rake, or be ineus- Wneasivess abyut the future, and we re- santly disturbed by the inachinations of ‘: houteng this plan, it it had ngt been decoy: ylike Suni pso@pto Ure pwhars ef the temple ‘allowing Is the article from the anil erie itty the earth, theagh abl, berh r, referred tor — North and South, should @e ‘ruincd and ro Insurrections.—Every day de- | foredene.” Luis is no ible threut.. Lot ype seme fresh scheme of revolt among! the Northern people reverse the ease, tthe slaves ofthe Western and more Sonth- , aad th ern States. Ty those already reported in » conr ealninna, we have to add another pre- | : : ~ pared plan of Insurrection just detected Ung are taking place new, what wil and deteated in Sonth Carolina, Oeccar tbe the condition of the Souta, if this sec- Y ring at the same time in so uany separ tional Ayitation ous en, © ate localities, these discoveries suygest the! suspicion of a yery general spirit of in-| subordination among the n popula: | tion. Why should this S one be ex- jempt from the danger which impended cold about now # over nearly the entire Bonthern commas) PY), nity! Ttisnot, Ti Montyomery county yo and jn the vicinity of Wilainsbury, facts) ~~ have Leen Lronghtto light whic! warrant | det the same cipcnimisaness. And if such wht, ur of, four Yours henee ! - oe - Does it wvike you that the weather is wl. Herald. wind strikes us, this ate morning, at degrees below freezing. oo CONGRESSIONAL. Wasmuxarox, Deo. 23, | Tu the Senate, a memorial was present: el, that the Colfing’ be reli¢ved from their present mall contract Inthe Tease, Me. Quitmau wade a speceh Ww taver of Walker. It is a remarkable circumstance in all Ythese schemes of meditated tneurrection,' that Christinas was sclected as the day Nove, obser line _- NEW YORK MARKET New York, Dee 15 he slaves, porcelying that the same in- cendiary canses operate in futh viger in and seeing, indeed, that indi ft intended onthbreak have beer ils Cations tas advanced $, with sales « “ ° . ‘ect with terror upon the facuity of exes HEE Men ther will pitt their shoutters,* Sn say what they wonld netde au { i evens »” In| evenk that danete they jinn pt hy Paton whose 6 YE is to mee! State for the Pi tr “of vot : ry is nominated, by: tie the report vis pat zB n his scoured 163 votes. At lareét date’ the Presidential @fdetdi had rida aséerabled in their 8: cajitule; ever theirelection bine not begme: pithoritaively: proclaimed. the. nap: ary gnaligune te our own upaothor Gov. MeRae, of Mississippi, in his re- Ms cout message to the Legislature of that Ye Site ents prop mans ef the aboli jon ue telbeltt af He Nutth, — Amony other things he enumerates the following as acts which should justify @ resart to resistance : ; reports of “the finol state of the nl Bi a ive Dini hte bb te a Survives the mairity was 4si*dect j aia ee with JOST OR STANTS ig aot probable tint ang dobtfat: retort! e States, : . will woaterially affect in There is vo pre- ReANCNS in the rooted ere ccslent ae split vote among the Presi- betwee Stapes, sntial plec: § © “Any actin or Coaraeh ob the dike ential wee of ied Pte | pena ‘Qn ject of davery in the District pf Cohuint let Giaes rie. pet . O . ; um bie ‘ d yi : rmwiprle v stays o w rel urha, r. Ducp- bing Ad i ee ied are ati hed helene Foe ited ad Yhe iow President bf te tinn : eee LS! ther by ‘Btntes for the next tern.) * gnc ane ene hoe ee ith. ‘The tetihal by, Canter Yo anit! Redee de Leas tret eet ecto Cal anew State inte the Usien on Vrgervand rac 8 sep rapid subsilence.-—J hare wae, A uf her tolerating alavcry within her Tun. vaygordinzly a marked change ip the 8, : ' So dwith whieh. Mr. : Sih. The passaged of any law by Con with which, Mr. Bughgnan was, alee J, ay : : yurenthoned. Ninahers who opposed him areas veolibiting wry i / , i cress peonibiting efavery in why of the ve he efdetion would now probably srép! Perritrtes. 2 . |forward to defen hin acuiret take ” Oh. The repeal of the Fugitive Slave j © . A jcanee he has beeome the President of thet Law, and “the Neglect or refueal by Whe} United Prep 4 emir vodbdad pad General Government to enforce the Cou leh i ; af , an gget buat dane | stitation proyisivuns tor the reclamation of hi ud t = be plaee vt sete lpevrartad fuiditve Ata vas . ‘higudicnd positign puperodes wae of the, “3 ie _ “ As the mt lava? Wi ’ Hi aaae, which Waa, wade kpon hima . fi eee athe ¢ aN a donee MO ls purely personal character, He Stafoa NEE a conven Mot) resp tive ) neceseayri. y rover scoring ta the cir- oy ne tekothn © ce ee Pine cumatanees 1 & witch KS to stirrotifod 4 Tselpprt tar fa w 1 pare) ‘ { oe dtikesnon “al ' the Lm A pee {tnt he-is a nian of the worked, ahirewh aig * BMA or) vey wadent, wm but is fir to wntichute trae “ho 4 pectively approve, that Ur view of the} ie ade etrasivee iil be praetiont daugers which threatea their Wea ons, | levee. aud the overtheow ef the G Vernmcur, | they may waltedly stand apea a weil dey fined and unmistakslle position, co resist). F : s : (Ch A : i the ugreesiune of this sectional organiga Lance Leonia Views MAS O she pale ap ton, avd ihbaintain ther constinauvanal Dee. (he werenem The work pet the righae, amd preserve the Cuiuw of the | Tulatlay ab yey of Semthe Capobinny bynes ' ' j Hubber, dee Dt ater turw “” omreed, For oor own part we trustthey will dy pobleestion bids fair ta be a vale im vonle —_— The Xew York, gorevepandat of thea NSiales . : - “109 ’ & Py Pare g 1 , +s heuee. he vers recnlarty sent to us for voars past. transactions here recorded caun ot fad to gina, we ventare, at the hazard even of Meee dK Orleans 135 ee Maks bat ll sien everluntipg menncte fo ee 7 4)" firy troas devoted to the eclonization cause, enyvest a a ure sees evelting unnecessary appre! ensioma, toin a i Ir and Weal buovant, VAvery Qreoliud aleg)» fie awhile at Toast prim bere nirewy oaks Linh are déy ed ] \ t f ul t | - : Y ? itis not the dary of the author stouly Preichte r . This bugiuess of bobhag Qouwoations aud to thé raord Gineen varibtics of The Tn- a : we Lave been frequently gra Be to Pies ite Euingh Steadand nesandofthe pple te provide every There isan expe at proritalcca tia PS nitiinaluusef d stedying PS trite, bet tie interne iim te thy give"a” hete the progress 0; that canse in this Ter We ecm it Pea Ie meetin cent ionea ni aatranilieds thie port et rol fess ! zg the Union gheruately—has ! complete aad @hbs tate Mistery of all then enantry, and tue neing fertunes of the ..! Det inaiereeia anieuietk ; Wore ree ae roa we tiie qicthe reliclh al Walle becte netderubly woverdune, There i& a | *peetes, tet ouly ao the inhabitants of © hegr repablices tn Afmea, of whiell tt and to cali the attention ef oar rewlers ta! get Shall we net be admonished by byt wavoof blouderes clase of mea atthe Senth ae at the Bape), the eam iohete atch «pore meee, bet whew . . ag > - se , < L in » | ‘ . ‘ od Peers peers a, jablished (ue fullowing article fou the. Richenindi timely disemeries in wher Htates?! Or, . ‘ pl tical sfook in welq im mggitqtign 1. the wlaad panls avd visena, dt den 1 Wa : A Ya ( a 3 . r hye ager aay be appl to they, hall we negtect onr own seenrity, until thle Lo r othe waters they supk Yo, prradnably yom a to encapt uf Jer seaderee, as. rt age t " i a i lo eS aS i a 4 . P ‘ gtute, A aCe Sixties ul dll yedidlite act gil as Gi We, to are exposed to extreine alarm, if IMPORTANE ARREST cla whe The Caters be a bigh windy that De Ddbrook hoe apptied to you, cms y» ‘a ’ ' \ ! riel . °} ; > : . We fatcn cin fallthede “not to intra! I" ril? Loe ITIL, Liew la j wite Leu keoe ve on lhe tempat of Siate i egretaturc fw ae ielance Me oye 4 dudkin Navegutgm w pany. We tails of the atten ed irmurrectior one The military system of Virginia is in \ Mer! : a Male Atected pe r aloe: Whose on [4 his work . : e ° = A 4 : . aml preachc Was ar ' r ! , To —_ ave just puciwhed at this offtee, ja oC crebes lured pres sin Tennessee, utter dilapidation, Ont of the cities we ‘ eahien) ' PM cede Une a LAL us acteun : ; i Pte Cutmber hand iron in Tennessee, utter dilapéd : rested last Saturday on the etewmer Tete as ofectf These men prefer agitation —? Tan Save Tes0a.—The feilurewf Usp- ’ let forin, the reports of the Cirief Sothce t to say ai no white persons bave no orgumiged means of protection a a < al Nece men prefer agua te hy f k t ere ony pw z ; Jute gainst a suchlen emergeney Evervoom id vba valine in Nid perteene- 5 afc hy it—they top be patrivte bat, * vathern Cosmeverc unl (hater eptedn, a6 Bat cmeer, M Bann the sari ed, the ao lasing been duteg- armst a su ’ ’ ARB " iy ; eS " poe OP ‘ ro ; \ { d la Cos tag rod) Ot amber sideration, sts the necessity of | gE lash Nnek | rnes Tapcaeh ete eddy | on for Weg eset part pores bea iggy = fenep ® ry At\cse ante e Yadkin |. “ Cites octave dens a Gein: urn perven been engaged im pmnuing ablasee thre Ho hocliawical ; rake, i the Riack The pronial icant) jaar F ihe proceedings 10Ct angers ne inven Panny Coe a week Briel wes rullne. alere a reward ol 36 Vi Let us hase no more Con ‘als verone nerpthw, Trey had hen, # if the frany, Arn [tts marily ed fas thee ob 1 be dane ander the cireuuetunces, is to ap ia nos . sar Lo was tu vent o jut yet Let as frogn dows a ies Paty nak ES nem san UL sine , : ere yesterday » he S hi bas retest caeaas ; ote fire opin th vf rn. Jt weroaly ook reverand whenever detected in the poiut patrols for the coanties, and to” ‘ ee ‘ logs ” tN . Ahaha at on frvs 1 what quarter it may aye le ‘ eH ah sig J : sae ee nh Seat fae SE nmale i eae Ce a mum ea vunplicate prominent Norther When the issée fe freed upon us thee 2m t ll 08 el Wet wit! Pte webs d - j at ala, osiant death, 4 ca ’ Thee ne, and h-seer - ' Fe cor amd vignlance It ie espe tally jem ‘ tak, The Seuth wil ” : we the etper ‘ , . Pari thaGaha en ption ehiratd heitlior oo on Mat day }ueuts of Abolitionians, however, are cam , . morta at ' *. : } In view of the great smportapes ef tis, One of te bai tore of the Conricr des sautty patrolled, s0 a8 to intcrrapt ee INTERNAL IMPROREMENTS IN Witmington Icrald | oR hemselves arity the ntew thet thyme ay pe ! | tORE ME Pie! : ’ P phée, aud of ite general satereat Eta's ais, writing from Clarkes ille, Tenn. teuaive comint tions among the slaves NORLM CAROLINA AND THI — ayo oy « hog. per Ler @olaath.. les is ie a Lok é ANrl Ik. . i vagrees, and tha a ] j for, t the enure regron of country iv and to prevent t m from, gs@eernbier ’ REMOVAL OF THE SEWINOLI « bd 7 lueve » 6a. ial ' ‘ ’” t , l eure jor i 1 {t urge na:nhe v pe between ’ DEMOCTIATIC PARTY, , Arson! f ebb Masel 4 ablerelt (red leg ° cumnpiwed ia ihe valley of te iiver, we “The town ie more tranquil than any of !! rc. : A ieee INDIANS their dexterity, Tu hampeon ing ue Sow = . ihe \ . 7 - i ané instmas the Connty suTta TRAY 5 r otlwoe dae nc } “ i have cancuded ie pubiusl tbe abore pe a other | pee that we have visited nut hate an opportunity to attend to the ‘ ‘ 4 nN ‘ ety "It one y The Tampa (Borida) Peon!neula Was an -_ — . . . : beet here. ante ihe al . 1 : ; , t t y of . m0 ‘ é pers iv our be xt iene, the nuumLer onler- ,abumt here mis ia becanse the wiite matters but the tnacistrates of any district ntelligent Demnegat ietereeting art fo on the proposed rem on Another Lirge Congressional Dithcieh . . ¢ . ) pepelation, wore pum a, les h . 2 oe "» . Siena ~ edua panphlet fon Lemgestrely uaa an fe ; g 3 se . «28 \are power to aj nt tro's, and they’, e West trans * , “ . I la indians, frown which we —-Nr. Th ington Mewmbe- of Congress. » etived : ! cates ‘ agitators ; ‘ ar mer Sr . @ teogtily e ; , : - quate to supply ad way have a desme tet ope ye oy nae, . os sb do it wit In defanft I . \eoran Fas! ma vengertiagts, agiisclosing frym Jowa, writes to ue Natwnal Latellie, PRT vOate PEC iees PO ered Tay been 2% sss acti, } a ren by t » relate, to Internad Lenore. | porations an] the confidence of Keager that one of Lue Districts in thet. nee measures fc the Rerorervy an . ee whthont apsicty. They este ain ne tier Se esa at sAitated cathe) (ect en neta On: very ier nrites that Thee will Fesylt in the State gave 30,047 vdtes at tle lete eletre FROM OLR RALEIGH CORKEPPUNDENT. things, the working ef an ron nune wine “LP ot . : : ‘ Ns we ancdewstand the | deer ,, Line dea: ws aa This is a delieate « ect, and {Mires : nun thee W eet, the P tA 7m (ud bong Ge sired ype ten, with Gheom conniies not |.eand bros haces, NLC Dee. 2h, 1556 ee arent a a ee an leliente handling We teach : SoriinC arian s : me bat probally heaving 500) mao vefeeah Mr balitor My 4 O80 wnses awn inborn Pe Oe cee eee oe {ie “ze of one tive ob ee, hee ; i * men ite : ' ve ; cous : fl are : : 4 » ( bate bape mie aihiaet ate ring the Indtane! The District het 68 counties. He mye eis ff tiwe vute am Saturdat baw tse } » th wrveTs tee re Tepr ‘ A : aed Lceolt Hd ro | os ; : were t party cosas wr bers agate! snd @e revert toi thet in B88 that Site dthea TurvieshypA ‘ re er pepreohe ny i6 af wit «an wa tes unwed 2 Mee Tes coe at Live cad © : all ayy ph pa . , egery of in <u “ ’ Meseing neetrance tat the hed 00,880 nhabi fant: te 1450, 109,90 ber Mr. , 2 erate of ¢ " . ed ~ ~ < ‘ mitt Am te at , ey t n . ae . ‘ eos than b A with a criminal Weres + | the State, plela tela ta af * im $858, 85.2 Tho say « that 4; hos weit, hace 6 « s " euce. inthe) Se taleeotieyy ae as wey ae pwresi > Goew. Mar est have eesen ptesc s afer the cl we ale ye n surrection. Tic work Ceiniiche aoe nie tit . Abbey sin ecca ome! of the 7 ape in Paes. ni, of 1850 r , ° Y ' ° ry vv ‘ iu tsa c . » j sin 5 . ; * > poRerve GMT with oar odgect” ¢ . - ¢! character a 1 * re ‘a A! ) art 2 t T Mite thn anleee i 4 . ‘ xeottc man ail eaccee f Pon vee wre! ® ‘ ‘ Vie i} : ; . a . the | 7 I 2 : . y. ‘ hier cmt 8 fodlan fighter aff-rde ae geed ground ® TOCKET DFP 7 : eeu arrectest. on aw t- ‘ der dimrd ilee aD Cratte mcm or! wen ~ teat, onder anon fatoreirfe anepices, : { ='>s nt " euts 1 % ae ¥ . R ‘ Pie credulity of tes f pie 16 Under our tev crap ne head : Le juan diBrew trem will son be set View -aay, dee your why oe ge jwher teop | . I Tac cao at = ef that, om t'en et of " exswhe ¢ startivny rs ° < ah ne s ‘ mi, the eav ages rein oved or exterminat- 4 © Jou sm cred un'y in the vt story J rn ‘ . eee a 2 A > : ¢ in-r } 7 . ‘ ‘ = b . *} os ex “ x at bs Cirreet int Nonth: Candma. To DE ek abe okf tran haly wrote! of om he Ete \ ° ¢ ay , ~~ t 1 ¢ ¢ ' a 2 - . “ ~ i 2 ach ea ; ae Fa wirat exfert Vie inauerect om srurit of thr ~ . ue ‘. Aer pearts reaty db vween the Uni deol! Phil”: a religian rae ontt! Adide ave? " e s wae Mourn : nk population of t State extends, we ; 7 ; a S fle Rhoda = the Cewokas tied te Sumimedce + mf fer ~ ucraly mamter te that cut yey” mnevawt (7 valiebln twa reatwa os Pm the micdt of thy. rath ALD are tnt apprined. We truct tier et Sroodieenih An 34, haa RUE i. the Wert maeee kara! prepares tes OW id oa wet beh eet toy 4 berbemy ard ~~ Ie ae arciced ] «ar In aiansallies bert tite try. (ust war feera tf" aul a 1 ne ae © Swenedoe tu bherthe —msaring in ae ve ot grerrnly once won . : NaN edit fw the worst | reare pat Nee orare fo hk piel emit 6 r notty toe O)) 6 verte « anc oxen |‘ cer 5 na aed At Gow l- ature pwmes~eg re > ’ i A : ~ Te enduce rr enimaries e bas mr caer tmaebag DENT EHCNE « i ly : Me wri mconoving to tre West, aad Geis peel set -4 sree raed Sea 7 ' , lapering ath oe We arc: e r fr Ver.ort aay Sootiong woth ther brethren alewa-be [ty 77.” pocket, pewter beer ae) all! Nene semper ’ a Rone Pe ‘ ¢ PR a , * . } * . ; . son camer rer tee j f 1 novel, url mecemmary. 9 4) temet gne-4ty the mm, pore theese ent fiero oot <hr” yy atte { wn s ' ( %. ar Tee ex ? t i riven ct! tr catheer «term btigerel temenee, ¢ha-pernd«. tes hae delle ay! -oeter iF a A epere @b bh ww Eman lend elit (7 apadina friends n ihe fa : ae M . np ' wi educett.mal and other ndvnutayins whW, oni Ket Sap fend wen Gal one et 4 iA) @ ae ads dis re bent «pres { sin.ie when tise heen arerte y i ya ; ‘ is , villaet ¢ ®ermmente, prvveketreg prtoe Swen. dh) ha meert, hoax orm ofey seweco | om vever leward @ ep=+ t ” avu WO! treat went of alms ecoantre le wens! od A is be trene trecrget Leagd ord NOt nm mml sige, s ule. tater Tyre. Vege and ali! Y -: - 7 3 os ; : ti rile, joteter Tyre, wer a ® re te With ae: bi cay! elienimm, he arge 1 em 1 ang it at therm ' Bile tarmuygt! tt Fece ‘ few on aston by eather tril. &e re ' > ons Pe ce ads a ma mid and jeer!, yet = : ‘ ‘ al tag om ting aa a>ehion. *° “ "Utne toute 4 tee treaty Grr. Hee oma a oonlent ae Ge — ' . M+ Veater rae e Die mines alsrige the stir ithe ¢ st oe lmti a vr, and oo fa eso, € Nil WA Te yey wit ew demeor te have @ corsaltation )/ 0% deep oul pow have «| poate’ dep ti Veoe = z an? orincd, for a distance alrcut thirte ¢ ehae oy ad «a te 1M Thee tee brectemme: ( ion t wih ety te | emg eee lente te? few wrare dee) ty’ —<| om deat! . - mee oles, hare suspemled work Maclune , it AN mle cass Nanlen « ~ “f we beet e 80 tle TD rive pr eent, ordure | a cessation of oe | pert tep, or fey dn on igo want wy bel eer” one “ ; ; ete af O ; CCapsyiy fun lout, zim we sree wore Vfl ve ' r 2 Neate ve fhe 9 : ies eon the part of the wlhitce, esee inrde fit You ton ty! & roa “wht ‘we’ ; sci : ' . 5 t ¢ A / q Vi " “ art dd - ie -¢ . . near cing wth ¢ . ’ vk ¢ T the dotensen, and that flare of trere led hy. +1, ios 4 ineter® Nye fect pee. ies ae ' rely wate F ra’ . TT 4 tlie Px ro aigece, BAY we Yoru elf reat row 1y WA 2 splayed wievever agul win rever imdes,, <8 “ . > paras US i [beets tog tathe Camisertand Wo-ka of ace nity. of ¢ ale oni enir fain ve Vr ! t TIETE TT aris ema bn feveseert, pet winiehe dee wilh pros Jeu think ; eh favar A tle PAN and Mr Sw f Wor “ k rlae In these lore #, and iue pr ’ © vated anton He Pode anree with aft ae tthe wberal off-rs of Goeer rment as \ ee ome ene o wll ppeleens ee : A rt i P fo ane fain ; Jerr 1 I> veratic Par, hae the folly of longer rearang ly mi heel bor porwr Lewtlecty wed yest ood mm your , ' ) aA a os feve a * orrestes { a9 f ' y have wm occrahetn a AA mtr in The farce: an! a word, aval imedfatey. Pore! Lum fel for the pears weil, bot to ? w! ca ‘ f , enare and Horner “either wish Inter Vbom st inducement te prevail opon soor pocket Yom feed fr “the came”: welll ¢ eur r ' Pe sarive ; a A . , = 71 . | A os ; ; vomda Bal bupteve 4f ties Te 8 Hite reaeve peaceably, at the same bylon your pordet Yon fel fr pow preach C gtr tes MOTD \ ane n a) bere ewe : arwd rt wi @ rec States shreking tw fe Ferrer te icae, “aint f ' tem, of temee mia. ere C8 ¢ nicht AA svt fe <u. ne . 1 ' ‘ ' t., emai atl | ttaing in Ine ave’ de ps j - ? mand urging u', fana Ee bas » hae the w eri'y a ke r a Nye ay , = aoe é ; . aur . 7 thrond aviv and awake Tenens . ve) ee — ol . ond bel very "! ie) ° thee ev-bhew ( erveom purges a warkful wou, that fod has some seit guts ghar ? 4 4 ’ “ ’ A ; ary firey every arpangemnornt : Me . ‘ ‘ ri! rick em Ae Sle TS un Powe, hey ave oly on ty wt ow ule te contrenee AB isis e 64 wn 9 pockst-deep, “ < é , ‘ a . ‘ - = wuikorod epartu sda aa V Toe Trea nry eer aione, as cove we te (yity uf tig ox O, b don't leh-ve im Uthiog oo mmch shoud ree a et Wises . t “py ion nie how pais Lali = Y periven.s above jwenlmed ehail Meee g gS Ey Omit rs Viste t Sh, oot, ! renapty ‘ vA r ely it ' a , a . Tae MES peter : ween Wa \ ta ' ; + dem ongtrated Pa that esént we F gwen joer retain ms tet jie jueet deep ; aan, at “ Ron ane ext mi Fiespovrvaihat +5 t bt! 7 ‘ | ‘ A . 1 an eu saries —and when wed ot . ; bars every reanat ta pe tuab tag war yey Tey agan—get a biti memeur |e 7 She, ~w 's ‘ , A be, A ty 4 epee rat urtre ! A ; ‘ ‘ p ‘ is natter Str ve pusesi yaiad, ous Ue ' ‘ 1 ‘ sd ahha Pa succenslul LErTaiud yee rele” mied © beenrne poor” fer you bent - - bl ‘ , , re o< U r ‘ ‘ * ' . to . x - ‘ oF aa a k- we far ized fora es for ite tow Sturn anit Phey arc the shortest pogiblie tuge, by 9 | fev! eather please! when O.xt's biesimgs come - « Zie tis , v dieae r f t l 1 Hi . art aie were Or 4 od Po zt icy are : * vlancens action of all the available suing wnto your jamee ard de citing —<tleaat pit P * [ ra ra) “ . e. ‘ roma ie wie will anmoun ale 500 _ ; e “ abe aed t : Arye ; gee 1 . int af : 2504 nght, bat the Lord Jesus aad," 1) i more “ a A a . : F \ Auk aud file Line of posts forthe pro ' 4 penpedee our ¢ it abd ; ate y v p . ‘ee™ You" . Fi a t ie east Tlnnceeaee Ta T Sowlg h wetion of tue Croptwr isto be estallisued, elt ” a lo recive Yow, Jon's » “sb ' reat J , ' 4 ! ‘ wt wu er ’ eu t ‘4 nr te y fr Dime Ne A ‘ ' aod pure me Ps woos Cher +) ; i, sae 10K at sore oi table port v6 he ee ee om SPs bel * oh . rete : Fagonia: Seer z ' aabe ' 1 “ W Comat and ending at Fut Capron, povoe from you, don't ba alarm 41 woulda'h t ' ; ; Veashial a ; ren < ners. ™ * cru | " n i) : Yom Dadian piver, weteisomed Gy abut bon, mek gou to give mea doikar for al the pet eae av Mere area th lot sf ee CV dpatios, wml buree or foar Companies late in the world , Don's fret; of 1 tanto ‘ t « t t : LC ‘ ata aud our ¥ for tt, : Ae gee > 2 be cruployed ta scouting duty below prow « whetieer your raliqon = pocket deeper « Fi P ak t oa A ‘ eo A me Sue via wih oe tew aud fag lithele tail yk ties \ ] ; ss@ Gen, | ArHey 1AM not, Just tbink of ite lire, | dont ask ofer . ; _. . ra voaye tw f thive ui J ie par citi tage, “ vee we Inuel be Reps Leluow ther row Whuld veattor berry thir y te the fdr ts ‘ ole nenls en 2 a : / ‘Tenet cee winds if you knew the Lord was coming so that” ’ ‘ r law : ee “you couldn't ame it; But whether you are ie . a re are tie result, inthe hr i ne IE PRESI DION 1-ELEOT. J ee ae " ’ wouttey be , remdy lo vpea the* bay” now when it com by pg » . marty ata A cotionval \ The London Getator of Nov, 29nd, Use, Aa at some other hye, wlen a will be Sopp 4 i ' mr " ! Vu + v t auf ' ] IN WIR: Pp , mee Ne ne ofl Oi ‘thos sliudes to the result of the late €- pred i@ haste end fess, and-do mo enean hy A ‘ 1) sihew a ra back eaul Trout It Ya alton ’ , a ; a " e Keates, w ,; ‘ Syne ait thectiyn. lt isin error about the. aggre yaad perhaps will do much lvort, as has often ’ | 41 i # r ‘4 u , ) ae ‘ 3 viiae Mayeri Pa ‘ , ack wo ore fu onorar ' plans Ito ear \y r =p nN dical: a ate clcetorel vote, which is 906: ‘been the eter tn tires pant, : hav Junta ees ae — linn wth i is ot, d sideration, ; > pe . brew are | : ry fr t wor} Man Sr - i ! ell, ar hut, pass Mr PBacthanan je the Proatdent elect of! fora word te ron rdigion pook Aver, or . : at firet apperescnd we ingars « race She Tomes. and whet lues vad cor the Csted States, Notthat the eleecdti TA owly ain deep CROSS & CROWN, _— yo man mark ricult to 6e wise edly t worth true, | cuura his co wend mingt chang tails cash t wae whieh ermne obser' grew tuarke near f Jages aes abies count itte tr bat th ounce i felt ov of (ils railros @ecom ture. and R mons t flagnes With fruits ¢ ment t nts now seers, gaa le “ the dif power ar ae wt thy lid fed these 4 pred ae of peop (shat dene set of $ ning th colt ote. ‘y rere y om duets m ofr lista "sabletas nder ys hie ‘Tiwe at "| save Y hie ¢ wule ag ant da now awh 6n abeport roma rade ‘ly raat wv ¢ ‘4d to no Cet of | rough rarely no the 9g Mus ” Lyliters. oft i nr man at the dinner table t s other aah re fern: Lit marked, N TY was au ag. ellvct ricultural Saat a to sce Any other, was pers Nf edly trae—it is an et matt worthy of the aame, “but ts ‘the truc, that no other callifig shoul . cuuraged t This yeatledan woold uke wen his corn, Cottemy wheat and tolacve) and a well-tende eh at t > 2 Gee = PE S lehing viel Tia phnttlenthen Pa bs taste Iywp, for roading is being ties aaa ithe in- rae gh rs 0 ae Gat y URI nie ent ia sentiment ee morals, nd ice a ck of sheep. “|! SALE.OR AND, a | | | fs) wai PORBSALE. =» ne ior Parry Bee gued, having determined shed Te er 3 A qe cre land couvecied,for-eute, on ihe mont ce) ana Tl S, lovato, toget beriav ich . re might George Earahart ond other, gabjeet to the widow's iculyn ? nigh Hower. Sale toteke oluce on the JOb Woy of AUVABLE!P ROPE: oral | N actontunne with ww Orde if ihe Cadirt of Lai he pe mgm fAbow hag trante of valu ie tend » Offers 4 Soma Baw AI village of Olin, with tem inthe iene (othe evtate’of Aat“Miller; dreewved, nde! Mire: “Aiiarters uf « ratte that a Joining-te tande of Jobn Levis, @avid Kermhar;' sgn Sp Ike, fSiowery Wet, mt the prenices, biddings to be opeted hte peithboihond, aud t iret wt &379°. Verms tule, ux monthe creda, bod forth ver information, at 4 Trew " There fe an abundance of tine timber im the ven reat demand foe haober. Bur! Me soheeriber at Nis eee ac THE NORTH CHA | AOICETURAL: MACHINE WORK Boyden. Lemly &Co., Realy for Ord ra. A / FOUNDR aa oH Ab Salisbury, N. Ci, are Complete a ahd’ T €LASS L, « fe aan 7 Bidens @,| vd Jomn Honranond ww. MoGuian, Bane, Comfart BISUNION 1 AND CIVIL Wak, « Pesti FAMINE, de, oe, RY, evije and calamitges tha€-shovld be doarded | agaihet. BAKER & OWEN wd lanve 19 fa-| oad par- ~ form the public geerels aod private | (Lagnt licularlyy that-théey tre ready, by putting up to their butidinge, their Patent fetoves| Sa ee ), MORE THAN ONE FAME TO BVERY TEN Tie. NOVEL SCHEME ! ‘Leet them from one at lénet of the » (Ys ‘ » for with epocoved eburit P). of 4 pWlogee i ia Olle, Irodefl tubal ns : , ——, be : ‘ : send it by his wagim to CU warlesson, Wil.’ then? —is that all inen live fort es Sah aot 8250, | oie w M. J. ba ov cn T+ is the intodthos of Use prupgietazs fo offer jnduce- kas gs pry re np anges an grote 1 Pete or nington, Norfolk or Pay ettevilly, and ux- je 85 3-4 Acre s, | Abetember 9, 1958. ee ' meaty to Bonthgtn plait. Manatee. sunt uhead to Baker wong, Seisbery? war wat 1 Price of 2001 change thean for such iccessarive ws iris! fm. “> RGD. | AVE Yoo” UB RIBE tarers and vibere nut le be wet with Juv ky 48 Pret Beas!) Pree of ] family wired, and pe rhs aps suthieicut C tpagried «gn tom ips 48 prenehtt. toty- " bethany ng ws Whe estate of Petor Pecler, deceased, ad- N Nt t ip here. F a§e-8 std + eae ' Prine of é cash to pap hie taxes, Without going in- eet Wo Tie frends, and to geemre then he wilt und she bile ot Baw alt bu is penta tilled! IN Tite pone ; at | Sree v , ae 4 27h Wl Bt ver with « Ng wy a considéfation of all of he partiqulacs as ; ie na doe th te Oak nepehl Uh Rn Loe cnet fee premives aol oan aula Si tmaan! COSMOPOLIPAN ART ASSOCIATION Lis, NOOSE t (0. | 40 Prines of sue! MeL . ul il > s 7 i which how cocina more sl doe-| De 79, Ten pole th oti pr, ORCI, bund ‘with approved reurty. Pr pay e280 FOR THE THIRD YEARY oe eet eine is fally carried gat, it ja sufiteidut wo! — ~~ ; au ‘ . EX TUE BARE INDICEMENTS 1—The TAMAAge- pei it in regarded p Wit the Ga pra PPR I7¥s. pre- observe that ho villages aad tuwa would Ak ARR IED: ' Is LO ts, Sar a let oialady of wanoauc cing thet bbe Variog fur ifities wf Pre f are vet i int ath DEAL snp a sre as i wt Fust~ gruw up in ‘the. iaterior. of the State ; we; r m ' heime-at-lew of Mr. ‘Mhemns, ope pew ng the eubses i] mn bop aityory peceivcd par : EY eens ° pos 22 oul Hn ins hsar - ERS IN — t : “ 13: : aoe Qn market could be found except nen ar! inthe fin at Rew ae ah | | ‘wbury, on Hie Cimeord rowd. Supe | vious (the Mb of Sanuyry, "SF, ie seach target oad! Moeehinery m welbed me ss os enneat jo o@s mB 8 seve > in- near the seaboard [tis trie smyll vil! J ea Una f ey MN, ond Mise SALET lace at i Court Hose in Salisbury, on Sal- | more comly than om eny pre viogs year Ahwug the | fe in thetefure eoiident'y uscrited, huctag the de : s ry) = 1,000 Prines are nck: ‘al, ie Hoult le t no! Cotewbs waney 7 i | I i Deital Pasiaaey. iiegh, “Tere op bole tia pane wike A Besipiste—ereciited i sha, “iget of the onpy comghtont vod Caeilecad oot mcs Gen am & ati le nooo ~ ¢ a) oe hs ueomchs eyed ', buud aoc eundty r. ady urle— athe mew and beausiful Siatne ' ! hel p lages wi ite co wouses, (wo or UK ~~ = : f Jt, bund God de s. Proady. $239. | Mi h a aeutile . at . v ape 2 o ¢ { 0 are iE bt uiblic houwey a few stores, ty whieh in DIED : ed “WOOD PEER, ccmth vrwapetinne 2 Pes chalets eee. 8.20 Prince amounting 4 - . 7 ‘ , av Ppiantd de Ht asa asin all tha Pi te : v3 ie thie fince: ts she wie sod Use @ lav in: ! 80 Aq Cs, The rh thexThrpe Gteut Awieigin Htateeien, Rad Rand contenetors, Gartiuge M ake ris® Caren. | Whole Tickets, ate; Halves, $5 ; yr ae ty towns t State. "Lhrese te uli My he ms , , CTA tors, Brome Masone, Plastercia, housekeepers lat att! . cous rie . li Tred wns 5 Sta RE By Ai pies ae he Mich wef vu laud, udpauing ol , WEDSTER & CAL IOUN others equiring wv machine, when streng wih dor. abitivy | i ois at, 3:00 Prizes of 8400 will be deporsiined ody Sh, yiteub itis true, are markets toa lintel exteur, bende of Sarub Shaping ‘ Ha. Jha @unith A Gaui exquisite Feat Rent, | etd beastly hte! combined und thot web be abate = Number thet draws the lev: bat they are'sv ivuch so that theie inthe | pe Othets Bide ay tke place on tbe 26h dey ul | “SPRING word iron, beven, steel dlver-pinte, or alflar bitha@ut | IW. % are now in the receipt of «large and assort- | For exa:apie, if ihe Nember cepieg th the wae, quce ia extremely limited, ant snreel 7 | - NOTICE, oF wien ia sarge erin aad Terme of vule, ron . NG.” them ite solicited tig ve ne ve wit to GM hes ed stock of Dry Gouds, among shich ‘may ibe | Pete ends wish unaata © jammies eredit, boud with pyroved wownty. | A Pp LLO. AND DIAN. ovders “BOYDEN, LEWLY & €0. vuad a larse asortmentef Kaucy DRESS GOODS, | 8embrr ends in asa aly ar ingd corn etstt Tee AS Acer. Wi saaatre ee s-ybr ictus rok ect . hrenz: Gases, Searle, Sharla stig, Sipaanne. | Soros ik 2 i of te Vaca ¢ vf Tu) WV. iO LUpruvemeuts jaf ry as) enue, Delares, Glughams, French an gtiah, hija pape, Was a exact representatin, of} \ R > | Togkiber with the fuiuwing Groops and Histuee 4! rats, Hale and Capa Also, a large assortipens of | Cetificatrs of Pockages will be sold @chefo ren Brep! wwity devoted entirely to aericut-| | Debmistng fu Michael hping and Milla bis wife, end | Carrara Marble—of the ! | | I; Cloths, Casniveres and Ve stings, bleached and bewwa | ee which ie the rak : s ecommanity devoted entirely to agricu others, adpauins the t {Goose Cartier, Mes) STRUGULE FOR THEM EARG, | ‘goods of 9ll kinds aud prices ; T: upks and Carpet Bugs, | Cortifieate of Package of 10 Meg nee Ss — ture. Gmatdhetes Salisbury, Uharlott T Widiteia da Kab, Geo Takao, cnter Bintan Nirhact vr “ud whem Selew) VENUS AND APPLE; PSYCUE; ' * Beads and Bloes Alewca large stock of Ready-Made | “ 18 Quenen, ttre” and Raleigh had grown to the full dimen- |... a 37. a day. zee , he 27h Wey of Jawmary meat. at the} MAGDALEN; CHILD OF PHB SBA; \ Wh 9 ;Cothaug, &e—all of which we are deterinived to tell | x « sdthee an tes dee a stow, Under theta oad G Sy Jeet: ae Prodi Ft fate MA meme, pred, eed} IN NUCEN “CAPTIVE BIRD; and | o Sa Piotures ? er that wil defy ommpetin, Pergo dapat Tickets or Certiientos of Rndlie. ' . epproved sectr 0. WE a he meas ~ ase na : oly Vege flagnee uf the doctrine I have alluded to, | 1m thre mitew Nurth of Géld i, all wy a7 ance eit tit. selves. Salsbury, Nov 10, 1856 2lit | 5. SWAN & CO., Adante, Lenn 3 (tbe. \inarket supplied choed te fetior| By | Property, ‘127 Acres & 150 Acres,Scurmmare beets et) AL M BUIS! “t, | w EAN Nemes " 5 + ‘ oi. 6£Veaal WUNDEED { oe a eee {= _— \ it protitable-exchange to those who have ersona rope y; Velsapeg lesen Niner kad PINE OIL PAINTINGS, | and be can do it as pandsonmely as JEFF ERS, ae SW AN & CO/S LOTTERIES. | W. J BINGH. 2 Mw) more to sell. 1 avlil, it is wold at. the Consatiag of — Mules, Herare, Hoge @ettle and Sbe op: * 4 ogyvo Fourth Creck, adptwing the jands uf Bates he, beading A\iints [body elec If “9, doubt ty fet chem ee | AM SN os price wl the buyer. Le van’t carry bis! ati reine. ach CORN. pera se own, Setumn Hob and sibems, Bale rag | ISH rhagat abate dla onplospomteadtatler gaat a ial Re Ene dar ce Sel Be = [datheriend ly te Sto of — Arsisted by his son, proposes re pening his S BL, Tod ¥ yrrdabe lemme, but ig obliged to Beth, father rw nce hg a ew at the vecauece, un Betnrdey the 94M day af | “APOE ihe eabecnibere whusg wanes are raprived pre “BU 7 AN 7 SCHOOL at Oaks, Orange County, N.C, og aie? With gnelt very limitgd markets foe they Sty ge an cone Type. {eth sot aaery teat —— peterdbenngs cate Twenty-eighth Jannary, ‘54, ' IS A [BROTY PES , SOUTHERN MILITARY ACADEMY | Lath Sfitentent 1857. ; ‘uwie nom a i's that fruits of the evil, there is ne encourage VALUABLE i UPL FEMENTS twee mitt y re when the Disinbutivn yi take place ental be excelled. Why! Beoanse they are pak A ae ee sehvolboys on fa and ment to raise more than will eat's’ y the m L. BLACK MER? C. M. ER; TERMS OF BUBSE RIPTION. {eciwe of the Art. Cull end-see his work, and give ! W. J. BINGHAM, route «ants of Hatore; wird sneli has boon the! TURE me ‘SEHOLD anf KITCHEN FURNI Dec 4. 1456 —Pr adv. 92 50 Tay ' Evyecy subscriber of thpee dollars i euinied go ee Stee ned Oe ek AES WM, BUIS Oeks, Orange Ga c. hactay ma ! ticles too aumet- + . Ltseaaahadll bs Ms. * an aah Men Uarotinn fortwetast fifty joe ect see? 8 “a A re se et AL3O— 7 2 1 splendid Sjecl Engraving,‘ = Nev 25, 1056 2646 CLANS i, Nor. oe. . . : i 3 pa cG o 1 = * — tas Hetty ack pyc a gala ncaa gence ot a ers onay fers te YP | omnes 6 a a : . ‘ ‘ , | cote arr a0e enterprise shoal run int PINE LAND, a eh the live Mangeret Anderam teed, hetatometathe J far Siang Arr Jovewar ove Sear, and ! k if |: p \\ A RV | To be drawn inthe City of Mc ontgomery, Ala, ia peb- Selishpcy Nov. tee, 0 the direction whieh wowl! proamuty tics Pe ah pee Neiedes Ben ~ 1:4 MiB Tees TS EREN, wes ged Nerthng Geeeond | TLS, a ibe. Sanne Wiens or eke on) 4h f bee he ww Sajarduy, Jamuary 10,1857; on the Plan of | NORTI CAROLINA B: Zz \- vee wie fartr-cisea * ™ Perele- woh power aad means for Mone lac are aon ob i ty P . Deer. ipoG Pr. ade. &2 59, Tw? |An LARGE ack of OVERCOATS, BUSINESS | wilt then ‘teem with Wer tae thew psseti un $ wh ous : Ud fed “aud tied: wy are, ao far wo, ha amining Devers cluster ut dwelling | ess cools Me wahenes Se Ped pp: Peative sale, geaiiemoe—he print te Ther, fr every $3 paid, a person , bewatiful Engraving « j Fecetves the Ait Jourval one year, an ee Agave! Distsibation, makiog fore dol! NEGROES! your ds po only gun, 1 Mugezive une ) cas, bus ah Fr DRESS UOATS and VESTS Ticket in S# tow, by son hand and fu m | MILLS, MOOSSE os ey WINTER SCHEDULE MAIL TRAIN.” « od - ‘SINCLE NUMBERS! Ow ano Arred aw Nov 2, 1856. th J u et. and W. W. MoG Hom, Chay ed, oteae a ven wip} Weer Sarysies ef reading matter besides jhe Lchot. by wh |.) Now Ich, 1856 eee soto “i a (hese Becussaties ary erecermed, A MeN) Literd terms, which will be mate koowy on the Valuable Mill Property! | eable M6 OF piece uf etatuaty may be received a prolueng pay. Tire are th ucands| sr a Wo Tie 30,000 TICKETS ONLY! | 7 ‘en NB Dhee abewe Lande are red hay wale privare AND kK, is “a ‘ie o- Who prifer Wagrrnes tu the Engraving he ‘ peopty now living whe wit ee 60,090 ty SAS LANDS (‘ Setyeday Night,’ com have exer of the fdlewing ! | a pot jake adi Villages leet were) Dee 9 TRS I ( R w (I E une yens: iarper's Magapue; (sudey's Lely's Bork . : 3.280 PRIZES! ie iu Dye's, ow the coal field, und For > Br she I choeety Keates Magezee, Kactern ker Mogusine, Yr, Negro BM. beta 10 pr. Fine Bai band \ a oh: in é * her di : D> LAND FOR § type ; steham'e Meraniur, Biockwuad Marenne, Hus here | pal we Fos nih how. hy NEARLY OVE PORE TO QTERY WISE Te ETS | PPR we the nike Frectiva ape Dee; Ame aped wilh epee Ot pattie ane ion a eSRDR waaay: MILES. WORE & CO NOVE 94) M ae liver. The different pornta for min ng . Rilke peg a § = we ‘efug Nu peteen is eveincted to s sagie share teal Nw. 16, 1856 wat M KL Sl HE E . A ~ v« re ” . } : a ame go bifuated that Villages or owns mus coir SNOT ya« 0 Ye vatbabts fied i ** , - vey TOWNE, ‘¥p Lik rr y tratong hoe wembersipa, remitung @15, ere -ntated | 1 Prise of 815% « af. lyme ohh-e ene add of Bi«tevedic XS ¢ © we Bogravings, and we mz ihebews in the dirt riba 4 = ap , a 6 Manta akan wp the eanay Pie ree ets Nt ALEV ENT eee ee BOMOOL,. || rs a) tre coal and ipom, Now what wowld be | “470% alien ahaa , Gaia RE CPHL. toc hese ' a 1 v.60 te . te infiuenee of 60,000 inhabitants in ph i 230 4 a eprom: Vemaden Plere.. them, there we) Pere .us.in reasitith¢ fends for memberthip, wil MRS. BROADFIELD ! 10 U0 6 ie a c . ~~ *t 7 Sewyerr es rk, Bad» gpud: ple eget le he Post Offlee, Us preven 5 yu ure- cen're uf the Beale mpow agriculture, all) ‘ eres, . Veametw ; olan, ton excretions ( adit. tine wt ew e 4 eae ree plist Site peas of “. aay ( PRERS her services to the citizens of Saliebury i : ane ; pe = 1,080} | Go : show ary ty be fed! | weet not ere jt Peer bs corre t which fe well timbered Where ord Warten ond J (P% lagether with the Harrevieg or Mu geniee de- tn phe caprcity uf Teacher. ryd tet rerpeet. 1g ¢ ares of 2U) eve 9400 | - laaa, ) describe if, Let ue watch in the in at "te on mredu«. andes quentty of ret apleed Thue HN ge ne Old yw rredl Of twelve, ered, wrt be forwarded tw any part of the emontry. | bully eae thew pelrenags Ag perhape the blown! ay 08 ere 9.600 en A Sellebery fur vuc hey in the ww * Pile of voliv tae; there iq chemo pend we-arbe, Wiltednsoret fran die by givleg Imad eed) Fir further particwlain see tne Movember Ary {i bet few in this conmenity pa dhe Heady onl) sunel nig io) pate 700 i Wits « + Y . | Awe tag bergen, end 08 ncoemery oat boltdings Ber *pproved meer) | Jowrmal, sont free on app caves weeidence bn thie place she de " mary Leake 1g) 50 ore ioe | « veix., ning the iphucace of markets wpm agri far he pertionties Gpuly we AW Jemetaon of Belew ALsQ, Fit moe mbecemp, eddrend thet he has mene ci per Vee go bing bl 2 0ng 4 ase 120,008 | fron the! cite ot oe pabereper af 0 aly Bh . CL. DERBY, A CAL A ewe the weston ene ye alice oo | 5 : oe oo colttume, “Aman fe seen convin iF eda cis pale Wane w le +» Actwery and Pennetta si eee dat ha: RB.) AD. Ms privetete, off thet vetestle Wi! q FF Brosdwey, New Vart. V cesagn Ulicw, 166) demmred, for wes fc iarectcr and ‘fom thes . ern- gh raed with al aaah 5 1° Weebrn Demorkt Chadnad cop} 8 sated ant fe aol aadsAber improvements, lugritier with op shen were. "henduek ’. One er - can we louie bel oe @ewusteeses 3307 7 rer of eranancaes Sid anmet = a ter, how do you tell your bay this nag) tecwe sd 6 Wax lie kdscan te Mes RoE. STORER, theta seve have the benefit of her initrée + Whole Trckets, 810—Halees, $5 — Qverters,2¢} * tar ® ag “Six Yolfars a load sir.” “W ell, pe Bae bros, deve 500 ACRES: 4) Sekehgry, NC | me, od nat the tgak” way be well as ? i % thet. i} ound . Ti of ; gS Roh vig: Pr csle nr | Pde Gra 30% Prince are decided im the emma mae-| Arrive: (ners ae cant gira any euch price se that, 1} —————-—_ al ebiaiod, imeehoraner WAY Ome BAGS! BAGS! her resadeins, Gea! the’ Mevumeerr Corsan | tears, | Satcows, BC Hew. Suh 1a6 ae wood to bag just «nok luade of hay for hows + he Home piace, . ny ows = ; 3000 Prace of 10 will by determined by the leet the : : ~ omhenemng the mukgropen | be she feete ng beetancy in siying thet me effuras : cas Kota wy vee duttara” “Very we'll,” gays fic the «<her, ae the Cannan Tract, on wheoh eo {h Vor | stall to promote the jmeed und ieee eten, \\ nats ve Nuwut-r hac drawe the $15,000 Prise — a rua “J can send it, w Cearlutte ‘PORT GAIWES AGADEMY LOTTERY {' vole Teo'Fexd oe te wee, © goad All Ante. meth | | Nf }( ) ‘. that may be eammulted ty her care |4,77 Ctamnte. If ine Number drawing the §1 5,009 | ae wan, two Werifing Weeser, aod ether buddiuge Th ALLS rt, Sexgantiontiines cs aye : Pare cade wtih Na |, thea olf the Tieltris where the f Codumbia and realize thateou my hay j trent will he old or paeretcly, ot ensere, we. 08 pee ly i a pita adh yao ed cig a chee * a. somber ends set wl be carted w 640. If the Nem! . { Whos Userithos kee i | weuelly te Be le, Wit, the elementary armas = “3 oiien te epany tee eitager bran 00 take! o. 1, suse ie thal ian of detcete, Oneogis,ta pute Pep led sated ral a st ive beset Beer! sad hegher Bored branches cnet Peet oe Ring | noilacasieine derma -e the hay at the count ng va jee; and it! he, on Tacantay. January 90, 18546, on + sod ipa ® : Sve rth of Gntd-te Sane mae MICHAEL hows. Terme of taitom fur echulastic pear of tes months. ie hich a tha wk @ ee Serica as zo “Ute. tad caemine for yon or. wrele- | s i Sha + true he bie hay a) SINGLE NUMBERS !! Toot dingy ./s0 lam drive aad sees8. aad do Ga cea Seihars 6 ese Ly sar argc ‘anf of Package uf 10 Whale Tickets, jaf tovee dollars head towel ang A Pibieas ag nelwe ee atl ~ a oHet me atete Sames \ wd Lo eemmane ac t Munda sae ie . Again: A Orifg Gart fa dowly pushing! 30.000 TCKETS—3,307 PRIZES! " oe JO3, A LANN rool 8 Writing Fluid. ‘ry, 1837 2 Ouse te Pubes we dae is sung through the eteot af the same vil) “EAST ONE PRIETO RYT Sis maT | _ mee ran “ a SWAN @CO, Atteate. Ge. | § il “ > ~& . r b age «6A wwerbhant walks - and inter. | Brilliant Scheme. ' N Er G R 0 oda co: I us ee FAIR MP) POUNDAY & MACHINE or & SWAN, Mowtgomery, Ata. “+ ae cepts the lewd “ M voter, eX meter, ; = 073.000 1 J 7, ; Tee Rewttior wil be coptinand , Outes « r . | what have you gt” “White rau Po | woe D OTHER VAIN SaLE PROPERTY I. \ oe WOR SxoYr DEROSSET & BROWN, | ¥or, Met A Spree tere semmiaies tataae.” “Law do posal “Onedsl-) 1 - © 08 POR SALE SALE: TAFFORD, DIXON & Co's witmixetox, sc. | GA Gaha may ar a . ' -—- +@ 480 @ ‘ { x BESS Vb wub-or ae . STAF E > De x ¢& St E 3' ‘ ~ 4 py ’ we Wetgw gear ead curt wll] meals rr gee mgece toe Pe i aan net dg ald pe cel gted ND BROWN & DE we mescgr mt Sop mag ne ek en! uscd po : fagelh etl rope : ROSSET. bag tee er: 2 actlped erie ty-tir : - ewes “a . Fete oad eed fs ea tel lg -~ PR ORSE POWERS, 4 : bred peut aoe “5 sot boat) sh Pond Lond mea > ees, Vrotere Be rie ALT NEW york, } nip potinn i ° 16 Pees ere ’ aares . vitere: ro & tens at & he m4 oul mignieg rare eos - 108 ore VOM CAITIV » de® a KN . 335 ACRES. = orge ptlive ee on THRESHERS, CENSERAL COMMISSION BERCRAYTS, aes! MeNEELY. wee bes! man us pie op “se” t Srl - YR oie = © W ave oe WHEAT. bul [ vt Tiges'& so covdines mene >. qr med iowa shat ance: ~am. | anal edvenece med- an (Cordigneinnen Salichery, Mew 1th, 1656 F ra, a ean get acbrilar a lasle, ce © 60 are 50004 Rim shew SOO . adh oe .the : e - ‘ oupe ' =e aeanead + sm Charlotte of Oolambia ” Well the 308 7° #2 ove FOP BO Hewes a of yey yom one he ole een b> . . omens o fay ivad ~~ : : } ~~ te 3} te, Al _ _ ‘af MM. x "yom “D Gait veer Dae a + tan tee -¢ ' WANTE b 9 WwW $5 pare ve ‘ pais j ‘ ae 9.208 Pence war ating wo oom & * ree | — eat ner ie " mboket Or deeensy of cad +> on i 5 phish ' RU NA AY Wh-agapX meee ee poe : foe TR py owlporir ar oe 00 Bashels Wheat ’ > . -_ ¢ ? a z eof he gee hb , ani bets ‘bar we hace mere: bere ahr to eapmly LEACANT poser Aqgwin: A ehrewed capitalist meets 9 Whole sebets 910 ~Uaises to Quarters & 1-8. te eid ae Vs cmaty, Abo @ emslly. eed.7 fe he noe: rectradee d denmsd. Rut tating crores. ! 28 ea > oun Gant the ity tS deme sreen who lives come twenty fire vies Th bee 907 Prrare wre deeded in Ned maw! met: bn Sie Gam F SEE eo reed, etmieitg mee ar fh hy work wn | narryeng off muh hee 2 fe email fo OTiz. uw ww ee! 0 the sub 1 et Amis Udi oe de n - 1 ms opt wot Salisbury wear ime eland « af the Thue adterdie we ta tarred bee lt S Gece pirdcrs nals dic Rudhenting Bulle 019 fru ee 1000 BARRELS FLOUR skate inn hen ne ee V0 He acecete hina th 4, “PF rien: the Nembe 6 Glew! des@e he OF! O8P Pra : ‘0 = Ae pila ses Lla 4 : pre 1 aS" rip ‘ er Cert erree sn ae Fy : , be) dace. 5) A WHITE : Ki ie (of age, Bas « emir in onewy sine thick . ‘ ca at adm o agi one el ¢ cvompe. @ oa wreg he ‘hy f Pg ‘ »1 eceep hes So 424 ea R58 2 oO apy mb M> "CUE, enrtee-ter we chemi. perch see the at - = Med a ond Ga ae wee Parcs: Ni ite . will Pree onde eth Not thes ef the Teh te emer, ny iG eA | A | l R \( 1 [ONS ‘; ca . et dita \ hae Otete - bs endl ae a nombre ¢ l . os RS nga nias <= ately ca |SAe A hctine mete aren to deo 2 oh " 7 1 miter oulo ve Vee be rwtitted tr 9OB B- 1h a” . ‘ be hears wed tome YMA ved the dLIGH the beet mei he! prike in mech ¥” ° 7 an a ° + { : : C p 4 de prev work pei oiled ead og three Inndred acres 1 Notte amity ae Pi peapdlisel iced Mr de wher SEL LANG ORF AT COST State of vorth ( arolina, EST PREMIUM weer o . . mre MICHARL #ROWW P71 docwues ll geecne squen cmenaite ee v iat Pa ee wer rete mie wth’ ¢ 2 Ee - lor ete wwe. (et on! how M * s ary, Sop e ’ ayes os ee ee ae sere la ele 2G, 16 I NOTE bets gee. thes oat entire sand of IREDELL COUNTY triers at hat wie, (ist anima Mn Tek Saha n 18, 1876 (16 bone td ty. I et eer cular te > : : foore [Man Rit) rents Cetenee et Pe tagre win t old at he Cue bet (mde, © I wed ( fer “Stevens, Vu cess, Gisew cad dealh Casers, jor ihe! Bing oh aime 8 pot . vd at the fh. i « wa cad Maik Caners. paw the x thet . . i ILLIAMS BROWW. ee acre, but nme me Cant eudl for Lee sep rete wth ie et rok part on AL pe ree ert ae ber Tirm, 183 erecie ard he anes oN kid of wane SALISBURY Deoweber 2. 1856 1a {he pa g ow « af i" wT ove ’ oe pied Ee 0 ow h ege eR ew me the ew E .‘ “és sen aps dudlar and o heyy, oe ; t eihewte of Pee ey o- be Ae Tre ve be Wek ieaeue een o cies te sell Land. a ——— ' r - ay r ae Te ee ee nate Se ow eee CLASSICAL SCHOOL. : ar recor! of the con veraations of parties, all A Meese -/ ore fe T co es - Ae at 4 00 ar parehanes weve meaty b'sctrth Beste, Admin revit af Inhe Beats oe « Cur ~ . ae 0 aed . Shop a Stee: ~ * (which shows the iafeence af eear. e¢- Dececre ’ “ . ‘ : we are conlde at thet we cam eof | Tei commre) Brats sed atners Will n-w h orem dt vitent i THE wodersigne4 has opened « Cheesical Schon - i wad — a € anew ant , en a-hew. of wt newer, than chithing hee even IT eppesring to the a» of the ¢ hae % a ‘he tree of Gefedury. fer the of pr: parung FOR SALE Se - ots te on Pe iid he - AN mere ae i rt A bat WN, _— : chee eparr J . : ¥ : he e- “ & Bes ed “ PRIVATE SALE. \aneg as i < my fe. of wey Of the learerd Protes: ! does ; 1 rr wing tle Janmary sve mp acrin wry vfe Jane orw aw ne ple wi prepar ermicr eey close in, ~ 9 ee pa = " narkete home to the far r Ma . . ® . t the cor { Msomon Aiur Nance sed Serwh i od ' the Univerat. 6° oy of emt Colleges, which they AT MORG ANTON, INS G biog : pate ere { “State sof North Carolina. FUP RAUM) COM 8irin 1 lil cokers tar crss ale =iner cas nay desire. The ortedastie year wil consiet of ano | #e ge Meming Cotalriielmi ics clo : T > Perveen wads bard 1 oe dtelcak eo eqn be made, fiw ma weeks im the Carmine HE oe ne . eee of tee manth@, comes ering on the les of Oe i | -_ o lot TUX. > se RE sodontgued efleta te he he of x et ane so, Name markete say ALEXANDER OOF TTY erttle up by the Gre Ja or them ereomnte ‘WY aichaet, & bomepe ner hed in the wwe w fc re hat sale he remdcare be hn ng amd oh 1 ond ending in July, with a vacative of une week! ) NERS TOOLS, in Mergent, NC enmprsing Yes « wil be fond thal tle Prosperity of logsé Ded ca J Bere. wu ple be Nanda law fb in *be . : . ne end fol wie. eal of xO LEN; Tredet 4 Said Chest mas pao article requird Gt carry: ag on the Tinnees bene t — Gerihwth, ae we are descr 4: clear hog emt athe mrt Con \uer , wer vad bt ‘ le hen hand. of Pin platey » et ¢ farmer ie intima’ ely linked wrtt, the! ORIGINAT (TT ACU MENT a 2 ¥ "a Wate if Ir s tt the demrable eftigaioes m the vilege Ceres a Terms—Per Session of 10 Yonths. Toe pm esa hae aystis of Skeet proaperity of other ite But wt ; | het “ww th vf Tec le Cree UU ENO UT aise peated tal cl chee oes hice om | Decembet 16. 1436 es ‘ eves | ' ret (ine x bala mn sevemery, Baris : = tear ec: €e "he are the 6 who are really Len -fiued bn stendh ant nentut Jaa Os aie | rete lend. anew erer dene Hw Drecledi ( a 5 Nee Ai w aod Weaken stun 90.0 Morganton © ome of the mat heathy and desre- ba Y nprovements and markets! — it 10 thre) these tiotentinn of the Coe, het oak! Innes Deve zh State of North Cc arolin: a. . Pip wll Habe mere, 3 0 bie tome lites mm North (arms), aad here = now 6® ~~ ‘srmer, whe te often represented na com | me rmaten of re Mat He pret, pais . : he Soak x= t food, 1 00 oppertwany for a Tignerio et ie thew. iT he hosed aining of? fort! oe nok pebbles me be mpaie om ih ( ROWAN COUNTY For bk f the Us tion will be rqmredie advance 07 2 SPRY brmeelf with 2 complete sock of taal — s° rag r thea le aber ta.) .. Wie Oe dv O60 matting Me dei. nden - oe Re eran es Rd ene “ cath ramen = carry en eisewbore. LEWIs BEARD red boomy wucn in gpality he is the man made rich ce ogpar ot the nei! term of te Court, w be berg Plas omd Qanries Scemons, No ee q ' ee ‘. . PWwIs ‘RD. om our “y Werease af tanstion. Por @x em jrfer, | Ot he Coors Meage sn ieee the first Mon rember Term, i656. ' ay Ft Poort a2 42 3Pa Pape? an ~ te we pie Nov 25, 1856 Swat he f, {day Fa Martek mest, then and there in answer, repleyy “ EP y i : : te ‘« Tarmer wear Salisbury who broag! ul wher tine Selgpre ad a 0:l ba rendered amare Pa Tewe ve devry. Muvete . ,T MYE RS! REPERKNG Es re i rentered agers ’ : ‘ : é * . | vo Wed = vers. doe ae — > © ard i «Gear pteg.' Wepre ae Dal: of pag State of North « vrolina,,,, Fe elas: fide oD Ob dA train btwn fn ees te ime ene ao x shite Rccaeey fn. rr i re ee then, Clerk af ow rat ance satefart oe r ve ary remo nt of [Pa vide ~ oh santa Lintated CtE Batol the bee the le Wonday on Derembee ory Warsh ‘ : ox Ii IRADREL COUNTY atin whaetet eels Mion i Joom Mo Moredad. Hoo John sare Feor’ fo pay more than lalf the hrerease . . v fi pea C00 of wet lade prudence ‘ hel» Meat be, \ iy Pine and Caericr Scenens. (VD WEIZ SELFC Trp STOCI h OF be: Rev A Raker, tt «. Bor @Cr WMULESALE (3D RETA Uation, aad what he geteion theres es ie cn o sik k a he ( 1 Waret se . . avet, Ee A Het moe, Eq, iS Smear! PCALERS 1% very oY hay te real gain Dern agognes will Pree ade $5 vw. A . >. 8 me wap Mioted in the men of tel char rember 7 1858 GeO Oxy? &3,. 1:04, Sakebury ea : { ° nO eppenr . : ‘ ; : : JOHN BRB GRETTRR. 2B ae lg ioeioun ati 4 veut ly? ax ye oe R Petitton to selk Land. AT, AND BRLOW Cost October 14, 06 9 Staple & Fancy Dry Goods, ’ Cc Fe of taxation sive 12,000 TU Hiame co Salish ney + tet Wore y r 7 mde mest he <nlgd Yhowe . wrchase omg y small rativ to the imcteased value sud Urea ag plowed. Fn a Si Meroe marcas EaLN ee ee Dane dat ling Ee r AND CROCERIES, me . balers ¢ Jed em@re' be: rin ntl be A ageine we ER T. yell, ae coeery Ont NON @ vastrip tte: SELLING OFF } eo gmew' p ahen age: iT ames . wo of ster Camry then AY aint Lowy | OOK OU Rr — ‘era le stock of SUGARY rep in of markets and the mut pPeation of "Raw drtermined tn chet ap ner yee Ya “ Janne POW 6. sul Comrtas S So a nies f N ible Nest ava P © COFFE SALT, MOL re RICE. Pretlen, oie strlove mon, thomgl sow producing \ wom, and offer nue cere ctl MM Cite xy Of “ N or, A 1D 1858, and am BIW, Moire os tw ean Sees w New, , T HIRE. FER J mannered the | Peppre, pce Ginert, Marke alt hind of 6 g " alitante. erat fe trot Dw Drensand Pollen earth com inte our Lodependence rerdonm nth . of i nie Mint s. there uN . ower ce fee anally feud iw Pre Market, al of Puek , 4 JAMRS FO RERR rdered be the Camrt i alls Marsh Mite & wll be | Grace w= : — ‘ nder thi« etate of thing ge the farmer ee yoo ate n. a pliers he Deri sh OP 00 : i. Aes ‘ 2a Wate Oe Wapipe hehe = bree ty ke wel. wr. ad gra abe unten Le agi short Fe ores ae shag . ad ase Pee 6 eostty kept if et ree cgi ga N Meudev, 28: tei veensber. rill be bered ot the orm se a iiw key Sons ease (eal Quake (Now 1@, bx in od = § cuffuc » S0yar, toa aud MOL BPO | gree ee poker with Ready Made uA aa oS res ae ae a i oe ( 7: ens sith OF Re eal sember. wear Serene, Mille. @ come (oem ard, Wthovt delay, and make pay > we ata mach less price; and indeed! Chaming, Mare Moawets, Cape, Boris, Shoes Dank State of Nort h ( ‘arolin: Lh % nichepane sae ay Wiartr Soc: ni kactient ga ee Neg newiing of (arm bande,’ me Wiilare in’ seracci and mcr aheiles si Five Cents Reward. T. save enoagh on redaced pres ta! mast ty ra ies oF . ob aS ri an ie ae tor Uae comaty of Tredell 0 he Court Howse’ jeooks. bomse sere unis, wagoners. & ; MURCITY, Me mete & 0 . ‘é ‘hie additioyal taxation fer smprove Coreratinaes Seudd celaee hi Aik ; LOWAN COUNTY : Me, an the ted VM in Pebrawry nest Docu Dasen test i DAT AWAY from the swteeriber sheet the haat ‘ vite and accessible market Tuean ’ bend ayo Coe Miveunl Gaurte Sesctens, Nesenes then aad th «ine ty. piaey aise VU day of Repicmber, 1596.2 free bey of Colm, eempe a Cee bic hiarkelte, UCIN@Ps (he above stock of Gude and atesath gee (fered 1 - i a” / y “pl ane ‘ Fees i : fh " ny hubtipa cor | inom that Ciccone: sn@ortie® of 7 fed BILE. CRISP. wity was bound to me by ibe Came in'h ™ does not suffer by the change He! be Artis ema sponges : : EMER LE sale grant ¢( danke ‘LoReee WANTED fer Court of Barke. Twit pay the above rewend fay > im W transact his nsinvss will a’ Acai nat : ipiky ike hal ar Wares y Ma shelve Aberdecn Commpoey Wonca, MF Free ind, Clerk of our ened Const, may, Wr 5 mht er. 10 the delivery dead by tom M organtoe, N, Pe a ) smaller capital and lose cost in. inst) ae r sill nit be piece Onipinal Attachment taat Nts he Sed Mond Novenver, \ ; a 10), wy) Beeswac: 1000 Me | \ JARRA " —_ “eportation; and hence, both bayer and RI UWINE & UARRBISON UD ecpencg ti thy: watlemaiun wt Whe Clan Nee sO ed leek aM tee I ey ee Pec - " Pavan: 10.900 the ¢ von December 9. 1854 Swpts pore “Or maintain thefr rel tive shire, Mee TR, PAsK Bans hears aed mem ioe of le Abert ‘Qrres : - See spe wee : DHE aot MAL ie lh fn positions as : > v4] M. F. PHEELAND, cri Dowing the cong ~ attentive @ a os peony eee We + ew F rade The former, however, secures Uh A VI (Odi VU 1B “ ens ao 1 lala Meats BF Tite Pras aly & Away pear teth: Bagh-h. Wa and x o MILLS, MOOSE & CO, VEGROES TO HIRE. i, “| » ai woe, he Seah : “ fodv ‘UVO gain, while the latter is anliyec- vay + At Caper jie WEA ax we Ay . Lalit ne icn aoew i ' < mov Ahead \ ULE be hered omni be 2 oth Baiada bh bat ‘119 no less, Bat the ‘re aré silent infla I EW (LE NY | HO0] free published Qa ibe: (ach ar ul aaure vine et we re Sk AN D La i is So . . . = ie aa ecm ta Deeks os yee x “ee Of the most salatary kind up: OT MLE sori ‘ow of Mat. wnede# The Pens smth bAdG Otte feat of FOR SALE, to be comtined Tho sioa’ Gaccraphy and “HAD EE QS Ee ten ne 0. G FOARD. G : Aeliad Mi 2 shied Thien Wal, ender eet rye. he 3 eo rear y J ath ugh the whale bed y politic. It tw ment of Mite. Jone Ro Guleagtn, wil conmme, co of Rowan, al Cari bbs eee tial il clearer eae IW MOUNT PL EASMNT. the tthe to me Od TON NV PROPERTY FOR SALE December 9, 1856. at ‘rely noted. It nay, however, be ecen an Tharedsy th: 15h of lanvery. Dyarheg for a Nec Min Pe brvary meet, be reptery, plead on bode Terre @ @ hare . eee . ——* re 'e apread of newspapers—iuen find feted wither of Void fadiee cas be balm Mere ae ri be niet aquest 6 Ls werteantd of orm le be Sateen ae tabs, whore (cere ps tbh AOFFERT. « c lou Nest rN Ay Lest Volame.--Bring it ia. m ey . Gite ome e own Crm! hee private fampiues ben wd ex i ad we eleetey he aula ae ye . F the Depe . —F niet know the state of the markets: Poise In arta dat way Pe die nice JVMES BE KERR. Che aging ilireeoe’e lose \e by foam, rm) : . CW svvtTnr a Cenical Roel 1 veil he path adgore- QQOME Bormarer hee tay wivte a Ytaee of iat know what wheat, cotton, corn Gre Gillespie's repataiion a leeehhr ne beadty! PF * Seo) Yo mx Rooms, a gerd kitehen, a welt of gad @a-) | Deneguber 16, 1856 ea og fhe Raf Riad bent w vd dw atting hweserm! WY the Watchman from July, IN4i. to Jety, . 'obaceo are worgh Li * wegh a ve Wand heath Of the fanaliy, (et mtorete of the commu aeliaihsr re The bit camnine mately - nd { niiies Atay per- Ile, she ne they, wil please worl) reeee . ) . é o j Sane : i we eis ig : ee, , yas Dh y = 5 eaticr reea me at om, ge we are frequrcatl, nee ig ow ; JW Umington, F aycttosille, Nogf. ty a the alin apieae of on school, indoor te’ Murriage License for Sale ,a¢ thi Agree. | sme eee ae JOB PRINTING Mars -_ JW Hew arp . RRINER larleston or ( dumbla Tie¥ reaill aoe oe edie au palronege ae Office. or , aye hear a Verly ‘mre ml saa (tice x 54 wy Deceneber 14, 1838 ! Good-by. ‘ Priore is mgt ca sc hadegurmgtt ersion of phrase in the seal sie contained jn the for jot ein my ft ide: imes pepe akan ining oo pope, SEY when ing from those be. loved or to corinend ‘them pro of God. The phrase iu “Freuch was “a Dirt,” w Ged, Anglice adieu” pow used by thousands with a edge of its meaning lewd A ag form of expression, “God be withyou” most beautiful expression when thing of a friend—is superseded by the tion, “ good-by.” ear a4 is a not without meaning. tet Saxon, siguities gurry or AeGAy the meaning, & good passage or yy .— ree.) —: oeQvoe Frauds Vy a resolation at the Maabaersign of the US Senate, ab the were suthurwal to eopler who were paid & per diem forthe At the preseut sess) thorize the Comnnittees ty) Fish of N. Y., stated that dur-! éessfon, one of these com- bef ee once, and he had beard | did not hold a single meet- there was no use fut a Beatin cn. committess. The object ev-, idenaly to provide salaries for some om haming Locofocos, who em Ne se their at in elec- | ing for The pa we e, is 84 a eae or pagan than ald F3 the last’ session. { shelpem mitte on Ketren chment. Fayettiville Observer. Fhe Passive Fleow —In y, “hasd 135th, Order 5th.—This fer ova je koown p Nee ot Bea Bp, ‘thip “May I hope the yh pe this juanly cel, preted and wmuelr adinired flower will’ a ant tmyoEr ae fara, especially to. the devetess vf Ay wer- (ihe passions of our Saviour's death and yesurrection are most solemnly presented 4o-ae-e every part of this Gower) The dedves resemble the spear that jlered aur Sadlonr’s side the tendrils, a rocks that bomnd his hands, or the 7. scoarged Wim—ithe ten petals; the fen + postics—J mins paving betrayed aa Be tegcddqserted—the pillar in ge the eros of tree —the stamina, the hate are Ue Sthe nenie—the inner ¢tfele a & comtre pittar, the crown of —the radianee, the glory — the bite in the foxer, the etiblem of puri eine ois: “SeelkS eof Ugarew. Us . the ota abeta-te ven deep oa are are seen wpon~ the! erids Sowers coutinnes three days Span, rat ther —thus devoting the r reetiae of the Saviour. -- - VIVL A. - “> = - HowTo COUK OLD BIRD = of the Cultseator a circle wr. Gomn, Soph —— for _ the bottom of a fresh bacen, eran wero pe and ie nebly adurecdevds shusqrettens.” y ,y ~~ Sam ap aap he : ~~ Pile. Oededtom fenid, whee picked pre * Rie one of he meet ter nhonmm gallant. wad! + frees one ca Oh palaptng re mented om bregibiang 44-72 04 onalty, avid sopptyteg teore’ 6 Tree ew ee, bet the® awas in ordich 6 eal wet wt. ol Lirde Gara im aaa a a v = Ste tohd Aba, “s an is. cocks are exe! icui ben en ames smmcl cos oe thee mi tring to ty Whe Gre, that Nh de it Pes feo qoick, as ibe dunsrwd sesali. tough bires cawwely ve athe @ilow, gradual process, Jn hast the yriveipal thing & ln aflead Gusev bastag, .« whieh case the fize capom Le to ardertt oo oo Lanting We that there ae be bed..1s Pe at ure 4 oR: See ised wt i pay Qpent The acsemilf isidtvely JSedi pire . 4] od hte” Pot negated (Leco,) offered a res! Mas. & F. BLLET, again during this session, | " Jones's resolution was relerecd we)" Rott an gp enstgeband|' cyppneey peptides A) a others, om reqmps of ha cogs matampa = The cs oS ta goed paper subscribe for’ are NATION,” jar Weekly in America whieb has im- ci Lie imsue, apraug ime wR Bell Hanging. rapid success UNPRBCRDENTED in the rece 71 gray advo Mer Tose Raodeveniog Ties vers, ™ SH, and can vuly be acgymat- abeoe tory ee” EET: ar ne pyese tive Poe nie) for by the ee j.the Pruprieigrs have compl = Bincnas. Stns F Ter be deaied, bat would a ey resoenpneea se od, wihodt pegerd 1 expense, the pakced at shot notice and oA fe: | ee chegpeet in the long ren. He would adelee § OF AMERICA. tic terme. Iie tniaweif soquaiatencs | SMuRichur Rrooere sey ting” walinete callat hostel Tu B NAT iethe ONLY Paper which econ- with tbe bustucay, he hopes, will comamud « ceasuna- | y We shop isin the rear of hie Livery Stwble. taineahe WITTY, HU MOROUS & SIDE-SPLIP- ble shure oF se wage All werk wartanted. Allon. gg perddns Wt a listange orderin, TING SAEDE uke wf thet Coeuced Genus, aud dem left with hina will be faithfulty aad promptly aly Darivalled Humorist, “So ee eRLee HARTMAN. Ll RUSS OCKSIDE, M. D. Satiebary Oct. tf, 1858. 21. Imo A “am Tron Spsenh ee s Woah the whdle Gold Peus, as VERY large assortment of Good Gold Pent end E NATION God Pou Posutey without the Cone. + at Jadh. Bunine’ BUOKSTORE. tHE sateen Nee qeteten | GUN AND LOCK THOMAS K BROWN. | Oariage, Buggy and Sulky Builder, yan the order with a déscription of nal wtibn delivered, i ' feate “will not be required to keepst. we “ah eaten the Railroad at bag ad oom Aces 2} be: nd Beck 110 dows Hot glam door be “LIVERY STABLE | Salradp hates vf mates wreduvited te “i been dimelbaboe Far eale {bs Kepenpasuceed ; and these wee — , He preven aid of the Age. bys hep DY, @f mag peg posture EVERY KIND OF HUMOR: . From the worst Ho bay tried Hw Haode deer ghar wd thunder hu gsor.) better | oom lahis possession overt (we huadred eertifcetes salt Within wwenty ales af Hosen. _| Que so thope bodes wileum the worst kind } on the face. ja the mouth @nd efuihach. ae Seren | im dhe eye eves of bloiches amung the hair. iD 2 2 sambis ant 0 eases sad wares leg ks rue ate warranted \o cure a purdog wore | wo to three butiles will glear the system of Biles, aie wo bol tte wnry Payrarutcdaucmse the @ourstcauker | The ta Sve btUloe are warremed Loeutethe wort | Que te two dwuilra are wastauted cue wtl homer Vwe buidlesare warreuied lo cure tayuing of tee WP. BLLIOFT, (Lateg! Worth & Bitiowt, Payetievilie, N.C..). eenibat capa of Orders for Mrebjidile, *tund other Pipdued, Tut ailed or of | received anil prompity mienaee to. | May 1855. ~ ‘Wanted Immgdiately +” At the Silver Hill Mine, ANY QUANTITY OF WOOD AND COAL. WM. bh RAY NE “el | eaee orn : | woe hy! County, to cert! i ’ | teipeterin tov cele “ht Mere tae oan: IS EDICED BY Joly 22 Four (o ik boty drewarrqnved 18 cure eoreupt fuile® ; end by ys ; Bo Y . Reena “Bilver Hill. Oct 1, 1855, 19:0 weed tml Ay. ope bottle, he MOST renrgey $S. M. BIGELOW, H | New Nerth Carolina Form Book. At eile aa cemcm an Veer eptliprerle rng vi. "Bye ater @ Was Chronic Cys. AND Eacourage ome Industry! NOR Shecii C gnsteblen, : wad Basie Two to Wye eisare Warranted lo Aine Lip worat DR. ss, REP VES. ' Fg Pereet Pr mms. ED. E.N.SOUTHWORTH, § BE QUICK! BE QUICK?! ee men, fur sale at J. Hy Enmine’ cone of be wae a = eatiees ; We: : v ; pers uy sale at Cy )e vive ¢ itp Me, bo. Who w WB&LKNOWN ap vue yf Une - muok STORE, ee Tor "wth . gar Hats earrmaies te euite ™ Hs tr vted ‘ig Satiehaby , snd ott] wobld have Been Cinta, re ma. aie MOST POTUL RICA. SMLL BETTER AND BETPERt July 24 | # Cuse of rheuntuliom, ene one ay 8 the pat ®. 1 en rua ition aS a Ra giey NM pine lon Badcics cad Mncketays with tas *- een | a are warranted to cpr: the malt |. ‘ane te A ~~ + blow pe Pi Bamana ohare fest | ‘A REN, M.D, in addition te the above we have cugage. e p Buggies and R. ) s i re | tribatory | proyetmepig. My work hae always given geest > Planin “Pee ta ctghd baliles wth cure the Word ssesstot | era tea 4uly | earn Cenmdp Comin Aad area, CRABA “worron, HNNRY W.UBRBERT, outs where ever it has brea tned ar kaewn, and 5 Se eee | oman: 1 write trtofetm Pemthat mr aALiCr CARY, W. W. POSDICK, 1 am defermined that it shall give satistaction awd au , “Fetnew always experienced from ihe fret bute} R: eactony i hes bren ¢ ee MRS AF Law, CAL PAGE, | ple rewagd (a the parchaser. T pin still at the same ald, § ASH FACTORY AND LUMBER | po w perfect cite es piace ike above | ry ray Pe den th tie ed eakh—a Ree CASSEDAY, tag, kipmmes the Mowry Shop, on the Reilroad ae atity is when. { wad fine constitution onda e PARK BENJAMIN, W. P. BRANNAN. neat theFactory. In exchange for Boggies 1 will YARD. | Xeedbn I pended ovet & tbamsand bottles uf Ubigig ; Pribte te whew BANG © tag dftte the Nerth | erorercraiettto Abe wcceecas emisee prake wheat, core, bacon, dee, ai the highest mashes ow wast with. RY, ¥. “é: | hd victeity oF Beste. -T koow the effect af it in eve- | Pag Hepa | for on youu her Sr é F [prices My work shall be gond and darable. Gall and |ty case. Se sure ye wpigr will efibguieh fire, mroure yolt a | wailed gave wh: re i 7 OD TENS F ATR SEX. i eeted my work and hear prices, and L kuaw you 4h. undersizaéd have now in operative the abyve) Will this eure huwtor, T never soda bottle uf it but} pee Fac. | Be ts hye esis 3) We partic atarly eominend our sheet. “Theit depart - ‘help beutg wleased with tL retgraswy aindesy) BMW dnd Puctory, andaré tedty firyish fires | that sald another; afer o trial it always fie | - worm, vith fo mody peobemedirnd Dy Going & arent rr be Edited with the utmost Gare and wo ex- |ibdhese bpubhc for their very flare petronege quality lumber dressed, or wilP Plane, Tongue ‘and | teetf There ave two things wbuget this ahh g orgie rahon, that Upey have begiewed en me hres tolore. JORN WORY. 96 < peter 4 tabor spared to render Whe ¢ufamns devoted | w thei? especial benefit, enasaaity Brilliant, Attpactive, Inetructive and | Opnamentat. * DR. M. W HITEHEAD, Fler Farmers’ and Plaaters’ Cormer OF FICR bo the mie lot with bie vesidencd. In LBuggestiage! ang Agric éitera! his gbsenee persons desiring w sen him will leove- ints, ad and culled from sources the invet | HEH 8EtBeS On the Shate. a ’ ae liabl, andcomainng seforumiive wich will prove Jape 12, 1856. te SANFORDS INVIGOR ATOR, July 20. to them ia the course of a single year, of almost in- Original Stories ae Pbems, WEtorial Ram blings and Skeighings, 'Spity) (vy News, Washington Goasip, Your York Chat Chat, the Littet Parte Fashions, D’ractical Receipts for the Moushotl aud Tai ot ¥ < Ontly * Depart- ¢ nage le Prose oud Poetry, Reader's (sande, His bogies! Sketches, Trondlutwas, be, de. The NATION és tesaed in Quarto Form, cg yen e ) of thas. a (A WDA Y SO ho -4s 0d bog at the cud df ihe Yras wub 4 deme Cupruuwog 116 large se, beanufully gthaved pages of Cusarpessed Nevgiietics, Sictedes, Ae., de Lageiner with ever 100 Origine ti trattens. THE NATRONA bee: ot (bb Glee remir te bly oe SUBARIPTION CLUBBING FERMS Gabe) © advance remedy has been prepared to meet thal Gemma; an exicamve tnal of is virtues has sally i has secomphehed (he perpoge nek A — eumpluige w Beve been speedily cared ye Ube of the Lavigertor we mente Live Complayn, Bilioas Fever, Fever «ed Agac, Jamedos, | odigesion, Langeor and les of Appetite, Listhessore: apd Lerua- The seuter reforene the Liver. lavig wd wheo thet dhesee | . — the cutee @f em, ove bal se otiundgte the Liver we 6 pepe & bg lis Aewtinbed ase to femmeve the dibease A har Manors, Serfula, Uleers, &e, tt bes jweu hapa @ very ofleamous remedy At ve cameogal dute stimalaics the stomach to @ becky par im and festyres the appeute sod vigor will rebeve the vere ea-arnness ox, cating sheortf Mines, oh exdicathe tater One jp MINGLE COPIPS, $2 00 pes angum, Tews (wo dee Witress | 2 30 “ | mee tigre eerie “Pile 6 Sti Btal i Trea 5 08 eyeicm the Invigurgter hae ay saapll chishigg (pavieaze a 9 ww prewes, ast reslntew the etalon? wad reateres ihe vel 1S 08 low ores framiive shen, whech = ihe resell uf © dmpger¢ Laver a%i~ woe onry Fras to the geiirs up of the Clg, Prepared and gid hy Sandlerd & Can P .. Sew Viwk Sap. eg + hast the, cpa eng SM theme sends we suberriptnne frp th r ol Coe note TATTLE 8 dere Ake ey BL Sei, Deaggme, Babee, y Gee 25 deme Gr h eateen ber. a® We age cette? to prope d the CU nied Sistes potage , - WtiefT Crmiaiornz mene y atrmuld by ry gered, Ss OGn 008 + © egteces ed ploie'y. 0. ve¥ Wil Gomae af « cumes copes ol be wot (reg wo Pit Mae care, Wee ede a @ho wiek b oft ep cei, to, peste of Vegultecing te waty 5 cents Aédpess CROTTT & BICELOW, 54 Deck St. Phite. no TS ony hapderds of o-wyleoraiary maces, we | ee, pected: fone gemepxpernsn every ecuun of WO .1. ROANOKE SQUARE, Li separates to the ente of Ploer tod ot) w 4 duce, aveding an ertesse reederins prompi plareae a asians (rp eee | 6 wh eeete © begh pewtion te the hierar woes —Pide. Deady we (ake ptemeere op tem og © te Me aetice of the rootng patie o. Ce Beveid . eMicse taigat and eeergy of (he propretars. its ory “cote eget apd Line brannig 9 94 Ya = bts. Ps = hey tens * dee Rteraty dud tamly eahian we hove o a (= a eee & Pacer wide aetey Pare R- pebisces + We dicfihe pullbng Gip cosgnsinrns, bat we ihe cme we ade and ty pé @ iy td meth Tle me oY CY Otecepenen, the Nate co eoeeperd of pater, tad re mx Biied f i webey wet, «af oct Sedard ani fibre — fw Cay creme, c errees CUMMING & BLYRON, COMMTSSION WILMINGTON, 8 ¢ ' weer ree otieg Pexd Cor 1 68 Leeds pr 1.58 COW ANS Parucal Canine to med ruletmn al aed we op Or an werden frum ime wands of Despatr ae Soke wacentk tir VEGETABLE LITUONTRIPTIC ‘Johm (. Baker & Co. FRIEND OF Ts mt Man FAMILY werrrernts ries DISEASED KIDNEYS, Stoncin the Bladder and hi tncys, Week Therake tom tt po ooideienas. ond it bee freered (O0 ae rue heads wed hearis e Abtenp an the ietery aad ope! wodd Pee <- Vrogtorges fe Agtetw~ a eacheg paper aithe hve pile aan Me We evih an re etre pn, bmi @ ine neee Of the Loins, er omar + *r aad . co . ae f° I Fe wack ; Py a er This atateebie medwrme is ha sale at thee Dawe Ba vue te2- Heated, be Maehewiie, ot Dr. Kt emptetfa, se bres lef.» c Drag S40 om f tm rts: at Leomrty's) bat nae aed @ithe Ca W etches ()/ Sebdtind bee cont » te 0 Melee gr stor b [Bee ie eden . seat ae ° & ene eee Ah ove: tee i rhelilted with Fer! The enter rides barr catered imi comarinership woth Joha Fo Cowen. ongmel prtcnter. for the macs her © and sale r- aiarwe YW Marnie a sepyty by adkicrsemy heen o °. pre ae Salesburt, the 2A snch ap act Spel” cept C Lot calidg 2Ch@ reski- cee, 10 amice ere th. bate te the bytinés Aron p nate iis lace ep \feris «2? as t than any Ling elee that cous WY ante rons mae @. RB eacache, comtive Jee L id 60, Ca PR pat ems. chad rs, motes. me aie On law agin WMG Sarena ees, BR. J, J, SUMMERELL, woetacy *1l, net bee without, os. a cee Gk hs'cge: hel rioed . wetter at long as « sheep can be foand- in tang Pry trp ’ Dithonest Ctton Packing. --Die Tit ) Asweri: an Clasp ber a1 Compaerce Cre (etton Drokers emanated the agine place rere adn ted a pial 648 rennesi | a erned | tom trade ofthe |: J it be ptgted that as aed pen . faleejan d dheliouts' }. ng ims pres to anh an ¢ rtent A941 cause eevee to the miitiufaarcrs of | crt n " ere The New (or T “adding © © Vis fain ges on Rrewen fr A Noys and stones being her eotiee bales, toyerher with @& Incr see tf weiss, al « Mee Caeuia ) Meee ug pape as pi raters, meer chats 6d Lactose ltrs alee — gir) to eer os iat rience: whielias jig ety A Agtwowe am greroidl tran sac thin —-- Bis 1 4 for Megrigs On Mon-' day at Warrenton, Va, many we @ave were wld at pull anewan, and brought ext: ~s prises A bow about 18 years fag, il fr 81245. 8 eaother boy net overt for M79 little gegr giv! ales suid for ery le ff 9000. AN of tiewe wales we comader on ermoualy | 2) Ata recent mle uf Use | estate of Zep) Turner, deceased, of Hap pahannoek county. e vit megt) slates, reaging frows the ot twelve te twtr seven years wserag.d tue onm of EVIL bw each ASewerwe d to Whe Oi on hie retidente, where he will bob oppy + pruteswont! oF per. sons! eal frnen bee fre de N 8 td te me by erenaee get Ware trey GR ge: wore onrdag@y orpe Pinach ta eb afd die whee fovea b- dwar by May Cok. 4oe | or al A New Excitement AND OUTBREAK! 19 edt.e-r: be £ ~t te Va: S cleeberr = \ caty cnet dete te oy Ue nls Lamar: I There are man rererne mde yeild a (ban. 29,7858 ae AM mere A Pte o.mid te ll Met form tee own fremnris - 1 cose = rae. Tem Dollars Reward | Sod y at dl mm ie ay im Cree a large, AN AWAY fram ihe guter river. ow the 20h dap {Mex Re ar) ve — io Ghee heey A Fe We dome: of the lee guentm ofiret , menerg dy | pees ANDERSON & REYNOLDS; F BRANCH OFFIC + > “peopel street , ras 4 AyD j Forwarding Merchants, , ty? ! say a1, ALL Groove plank furnished by others; aud make all kiude | Pe®re to Mie wurprisiog ; fire, that i gepws in’ eur of Sarh, Duure, Paames, Buudé and woud mogutdings n weed or iron land genera! Blacksmithing The undersigned have firer-rate ssaehines from Bal. | Uimore, aud cag guaraaioe the woek as sussable for ber waddss of tee ghecuvery, | will a@e ¢ first class houses. ‘ MURDOU , 1856. Sutigbury, Au pon yo? t Nehal Od Carpenters, builders andothers are respertfulty re- raed to calf and examjne specimens of the work. IRN. 6mu12 H2eca moaubs, aud sand aceyun| to this office. prifadly acc in all parts of the civiheed world |Sway* considered inédrable, hawe been cured by « execy por of {HP tuition O, whet « menoy of Rowil prove ethers | wa how aniver-\ be all the vatious trade, aad ta ew ave been fully, i Ol enewscol slent Ber fal mnaledy——i here vere bur few | whe tativie, ther wf oloth of leatbes, Urey Sewing pile the of osher mag- tned and approved ufectarers offen fl te. work. bet | io Guttrivente and wark mansbip. Keptempioyed affordé a clear prufft of $1,090 | dad paruculedy 1a digpurce of jhe Snlpey tity —all of winchare coumed by © dineased action of & Feat: but ao juperfect one ma eaney of eymspant {B@ovrery has'dupe imag ged run boy p compounded geph par Ve tathin anid Wee The esitive reliabilily of machines Ee ra SHEETINGS & & TARE, | of varioné thmaanth Patterns Serull sawing, (wraing | bas hover been kuwwa until P discovered it ia 1846—| » trar TR, should cure all kinds of hamior. La order to yive some iden of the adddeu ripe’ alid | Wad ta produce goudy. eqaal ty pediied h, and soldubsun dvboe pops April, 1854, 1 sald over une thousaatl butiles raat its ia 4 OF the whylesale Draggste who have bodnin | Kewt oe bend ah | the besigess (wenty and thirty Yeart why thet ay aad Greensboro” Patrigt éupy % 18 ee ch is Uve cause of many Other cheeses. among theag, SINGER'S MACHINES ALWAYS OPERATE, , pProple currd by ei Hoek Peck de PERFECTLY, bemg strung, durable aud Pesan Saree Bripesuces. Headne ‘etnias sopnad bind < Ge Soramre one cumpigty, Agee, Pain inthe Side, Pieruses of the nee. perfect sewng, + one greet feasun for the anparalied pypularity MACHINES FOR FA\AI bf 0 fred aaddeligatc consirection, ste sechenmended | ( Radree foun 6 Y SEWING, , by @her mauuistiorer. Such mschises are made ty! thee ony gweter fareis of @ork fnemsty eee, cod they ure Singer's. machers has late! heen tebe with greal success jn cases uf Chole: DSO erick ghe epe. and ta perform wimtegnal wort.” The aod hat sheet Mirae is, fasvily sewing machines daghi to be strenger other, becseme they gy intetews stele! borne (hag wire auld to cnamefectucers, end ere axed foro ‘The speed of war! No ether ees 1 Barclay £7 New mechare of the \stemt wapraved meyte wit! be eschsegrdve bherel tome for ald newing me- Chines of wet owe make. of fot operniine en achiues of! 8. 14h Front | ther weeclertaters Leoni — ~ aches AE NR B—All perenne dosiviog fall jeter ion eboat* ved cw {@pwiag machiace, cae wuhtord Woy oppyter Go eeupy! wnt tl * bh Simgerde C's Gntsne,” Pet ieet) te gee wuhgeen. 47 Hoover perapt. Botta 32 West aster ot. Prow nigner 74 Broad stebet. Nipwee\ 347 Broadway, Abang. % i Serena Few Yak New Haven EA. mth Claague, Beu'd 1423 Ciypenat street, Phdte, 15 w rect, Baltinwce 3 Fatt Poorth sreces, Chinas Linge 65 Nenh Pionh &. te Lee 31 Me Char New Orieane BD teph © «| Votre Cimere aati Al Noweather 4. 1264. Wall Paper, Tbs easy J. Af ENN Je, 72 a= 1% &e, 158, Biucheotier Dighly Important to avalide. COD LIVER OIL. MANUFACTORED BY "PLS bet pee alae em 97205 dant eutte Wi meny be dere ine ¢at> pat nice wh het montane on te fhe eopere mine and ather meee, hme gwaraniced hw ol thr asedonni tac. TOO0QCH Freight to Wilmiagion pe. Seil Ponies ond i be yeed iol pueieay wemce of ooperi aeer reamed olemat +a sees sad ap pci a dot me perabble fram Ul - h by the most de ofbwt ne the meet meporian| cherar * aberare t the caneeetadien: Bia oh | "Yu ey ome promine I chou nope Sey Ka Jn wy owe practice | cbways kept it Htrietly fr kb. tee promptly ns have seu eure of 4 than 1 meee C Astge sdrsesant soene of Sure it at eee nga! Bie the rari.ae Giseeeee of the Fever Lod Dyepepda, Asthma, ae. brown the anwals of patemt medicines wag eve? fike ict iciueever | ope. | yume bottles, her health ip ae shove ptutedy mine 1 ecurly retard . (ty Se may fe > ibeig é sme Re ~wiore aber tig tigi re aps - 0 we bibadedd for | Served i wappored, beyond ibe onmgrl of pH me, | Bhiktcings and y Gude COTTON BATTs | Sting lo pict sctvngbmess bee begs ' Rtenles ‘Phe jentirely re your tithionttptic. Pp.git mey- | Gen other ogres buniter to this > aad | wend your solenkle Medians tw GRIST MILLIS. - Wome ieee hate an tard’ thes i opéfution and Corn wil be ghowad lor tll | merience Sh ycly demand, pach FOR ALL PCRPOSES OF 4 STIMULATING as . more—vhat since its intruductwa as a general MORNING wabke | ee “Woven, » ED Prague te mee ap =| MEDSOINE. SINGER'S SEWING MACHINES. pore great fhe Janae" amg carci Soligbary, Jong, LZab. 2456. sa a | » | ema sare Ble reader Bias Be} THERE has long cated Romances a thay J’necer cocpwoted. ‘ sno dap on ta, Be ate: ody shat ovoid be relied on as safe and efhetaal, Thug ESE Celebrated machined are jn .praciical and * Several eunce rte oe 2 coocace wien) was . 4. 8 Ce Beg —Deor tors On te Ub - ery free ae te inher +a A ae ee fee mo he eS ae ee w the Ry e.hane: BOYES TOKE. awe ot Mr. Fistns Flevohe wes thet ond Py Godin reap : of of 0 diewage wat thy Krdorge Bvicfran nw | deve, 00d ty bvery exse of the tft, we patielve tory jeviheweee of WO gr at thins, ta welg beth Spa ia JUNIUS MENDENH ALB, LAND ACENT. ot nee a destordinret. goloas Ud SBUBCK sade wes G eae of reg va sr aoe sade mes ayers) at “ wart rr . a aad, Warrantew Pay fo Gotti ab ww ee ~—ten Ww Lieaic Na cha. Of diel emer peceusaT dat the bey Wb a of a om deanl poewrag— ireamect a — emer oy the the remedy pam esed ‘he power of dome. ten got rma of wral Geet Keine bypoes io Minneswta, lowe, ond ing aud cracuming gubemle fam ree oe tere Diasévions ron Use — Adults ome pa pa epenfal Wepmsip. ond +, \o a gery comidernble ettens, ae per duy—Obdbivey utter woul veven dese ou fei— (akermsiion of the enuniry butnibed whee devived jer Cue At f ane ff ihe “p- ta eoght years, sep sepeful pe, Chieage - afin 2 Reed, do; h. MUTUAL OMPANY. fue Castel tasarwnte on 1h rb pts nos seemme.is. sadis ematleam . Compared with joe ommyen 7p Thiteampatty betng taeeurd ty rhe We. akan part ol give | $i Matevthnenquentty moch the lerger pottiow hf the sche Face hectp- eee very amy Company te entivnty (fee frm tat have thetefure AP poo) Griphiohe & Pons Joba Wiltem, Lan; RJ. MENDENM@ALAL. «Broting core, ued Pe dreciions con be a; we io whe ) apetic Maidcat sowpuaets Medes boeetnies ae a> wade oh emere inter ren ieee. tu. MANUF XETURED BY | . : DONALD KENNEDY, Heer dar aig ia a Bey ge (press No, lad Wareqn Stores. MS anpachupetis > Vegetelae Ti “ ys te eral for *. Pree $1.00 i © yokes port, end work aveen ee ees Whatesuhe Voit hy, CV Pictmer, Pryde 9 ok a orp ate may ae Pgh Ring, Brena > > ve bard many ee pelenis a] BAD heats. 10 F, prednars sar to they tee whe & be ‘bak & : or oo vg ree To Dyk gs »h S Vea Bete a emngiow—eute ith tie fet ned other | Raltidthete ; bog Be Refers, fu + & Uh. Maere (PA7 8 ete lew gréet biel, quire thew any wits ¢ Towaies aoe gree fms they eves (ned Wheteayee,d pee © annem fe om) mg wt T believe it te be the ee new is Gor. and chrerfally heed © : (Sane sae eT Oe EAGLE. CITY. ee 6 i SUBSCEIDER bee che gitecure wees (| Me Conse — Dear Bw) Bur Geeber te the world wo when betpadegaretmg tod thet | addres yuu ond wll thet aity be offcted pit hred wishes for theirpr-eperiy wad peace, that br with whut ie GPquestty enited Ureddl PAM rer re : arene ana etamatong pon (rom 6 aignont—~« Geny Gomme thao tbat Pebrbery 5, ree Lo wpa ter ew - * to take ayes pr bag 5 Perer, oe eek fb ge voy Ms wae « erry there qa4 Pm stehs: & 4 content bape oe Aber bes 8 a ee Call operation open dugrdenpets <omifuined ere 61 Whied ard le the evngicy. "ipl fore heat ruphnad ds yee h ow > ty eam dy pee quad hoy 1 wwe , eee wt the tent, (al mast thee very beats) waille im the (hove bere in my grate 7 oe y ea woe a ells oon letest od apprered pacicme were ewe — le Eepwroten Pee of ee 1 wap owt ME Dleto Geel cents tah Rowdy — arden. aren pant ens fetid a JS twwh soe Atche bat Anwaest Weeting the fotlow (ng Ofies, weer cleared for the eneamg yrer f oet bow tei Wall Paper Ai} £0 Vice Sereeus and Wipduw Shades fur cule by ‘ JAMES SLOAN, Prosdept. 8 G COFFIN, View Premdent CYL VENDES UAL. uM FETER ADAM A Ree pend Prader, rere A eae a ak P| Pegt Hm d o HNN ese7 Tr ones dors KEITH & FLANNER, "COMMISSION MERCHANTS <2. 22: WILMINGTON, 0. ned be deghgn are whaport, \@ sm: tre ane came on Gre eret, ned im heme i ig =p meow: tel eclid dete nls ol the pemew We perenly clear of ofl pitted eo ke honk r wader eho ade” it te det phey Vf fiir ont ten chee ome, | net bagpy tolstale te tT heteee ace, Re PR cohen eee: oe owifs fame Wat tor cece! cane cece Of Wey eras ond he euperenry of (hehehe My dott dr. my cate Sus hore eee Terr Ville clewe shpemons to mee! |, Sed bent cummndereliie @right, 46 © oh: Fon, Tog teary Une qertd en) hak ont hae ame! ~lvimg etewal yeate santiog. ond I here ee ie by oo eee not teenie: <r - og ss ti ahes \ be deatrah® pape ine Vi wot Wo pornteerie’ and, fe emery ee bere po ret. ihe qeukd only Te me be role (, ond $ Dine reser epreulasag ee cmmng evens engin roll thd wee her PED pene «poem Velewap io here. cod contin forward bee how bey pemmmanctty, @ teh Jahr, 66 de the Beles Tea & Ve teed ir) of preeret sme porter) (De ae & yourpell puma. pte ange (© teeke pee Bee) gute Bags Cu afew jeere bewee Let ham eeteh rts be. ap there ere care Poe, Pate? sh ew: ot We mee mty of betwen! gr gee ter woh Gs fewer! (med gem ate Wwabe thee pow fy'g me s+ WE thecples ne eag bemeree@ cris bee reeged Herta hecutt give Ged 1 bed G0 engitedetady teet pom + olf of Grete behhoge «ah Geterng me ie! rent. enn be og bet Abe | embed ong to te morkd thet | a Ane cheetiat brome of « errant cam (he cwrrperaseng amme@ gered | aged fm my enibreg ee seek | ome ereenee of @ feteyhifal oReete, ses the hanvee af bay Be ght the wht eacdic td pomtd haze the bee | pews chee) the etreeie ave owlveerd ehh 9 chert, oft of ywar rommdy THOM GWALTVET | hot key rnag the ng of els aint mpeg leet Ce, Toe | to erngied wah the prepa bees and owrredre. Kage monnment rece sheers all (hage cle beaneg om ae, Wp oe aameet caghe. rege eRe. b~hing Gone wth givens om ot! trt-g. Engie Lins Mand & ie tat, wee, wud by sie bbewee! pale) rete? ofl emmcgein bequcee wee pe clare as rep eregr rece? Lehre tere dl og: tinge beledmg gueeds . the aereol the Nath. wrderm + Sire pa od them, ‘og bet euh thee. conde af les (mange, vee podmave of the Clg. the + bbws ( eretmmd wad, e hi aed achateedaury re atthe. eherh browee rm the rich per-) Pain 6 ter + gruel —emd the Bee of as Theo toner shat my rye mfirred wah Meee pa Vien, o toys of the womb, Phe owes Poetke We Gas Very Gad in beath feng: a oe See wap Tee bettie e of Your Lie me © tod Bes be hh © pot rence —cmmely Mee af thew bethemee opestines mewch gence Abe bene bere: © teow ty Wee A tree ferme r rommpisint fr mms thas renthe PEN miy end the ees from hel bow oe lly inp wie valle ye. the poner arms - cot, thent ohy Wife Be brew pot! -!) > 1) pepleseent t 4 Gite gresetle afbe nt eranmne ndate af Lhe Bom compen the gumenserg shill of the propir’ of ihe ime ond haderye the aoe of od By thremagh ot the ates 7 Beoce mete rregemoat with ihe Rajdpuag | 04 bod tar 6 ahthper teh pheno’ And pel of Cowan's sendy posts ar oe Dt me the fmt ofierienl remedy fer Conemmmption Company te pI or with Foe Mae 20 te be rentined be ynad donk. Rerggh, cumngh>- coat Reelih hes been mpuel Betic: wimer dhe urd ib eorprgane Re Senate, Seretain, ine. aad may be Drews. twine eo werk, frum Saleab-ory ao WA | on ee At [oka 6 nal monpppentnm ow Garter thea ® Wad bee fer By~ gown pre thins bt wm bettics of Lire Sel dt Soll we thee piece, er of (h® mimgeem divert: tos vin ¢ Weldeasy ma Mendes end ANDEEW BiGUARLY 2 cond. perton of (be qualitine eutrety opie eve ter morathe turer J ¢ BAKER ACO, Tharedsy / Z ‘ Feb Sem. |ASS 3e:( Ne 10 6m20 'STATE BONDS FOR SALE. JENKINS & RORERTS, APPLY 10 ‘ ASe¢ me i September 234, TE, ane awe tercwing (ROOOR, Pree. Crorerits 7 meme any! y tage geek vo rie 4 Staple and Bases Pry” Ready Made Clothing N 3d Sirees. Plstadeiphn Satebers. N. ( 1856. “= BcKE & WINTER GOODS. vy, ov Bats and dap, Boots and Spurs, Wert coae-n, all of adorpted wheh bave been LWhitehend, for the rerepurge 14 Ladies aad (nmie bevtegtht 21 the freee: (ASH prict®. anf whieh we are Veet. a free nteto waned MONEY VA Lert Mas ewe Lek BMY Wien SUI ART ak whlenale mod sete a priers . wrtad a ee tee Porte AP eran Sent e Mehr of thet ol nee & selon Call and erammne vor 4 eed wn mere, Venom amt & tte nicaner, @higped 204 mel for the gaya of Ok before p 6g wm we Bre dricranned io en! cree oh - + ° tre + wed Seria of iin © Said Veleuteme oo ott great oop fan che: per, than they can bregh , - ' ‘ ‘ fle wd pongne ghoat 27 ye ve *- Nree aud a) * Amwherte om this market a bus ay > pa pp Sa oe 6 Inches high. frond odor. tatge Gummy | R. & A. MURPHY. g-4@ fiers. als We Beier pick ips, iw intel, os bali, aed by ieede gg!” Satithery, Rept K 56 Imre vats Br im ah thd doth egnmn be mmr Bik neem, Plasterer and Pal 10> Ceo taleoY aa oma austere: ap A 0 092 al Nie end ve A 2 TT We bere on hand « mnagd atock of Menpuare " . avd oh ‘wire | dome He’ wrk Wades compan 4 ab end Abore : och sere Ww hog we bre dewroms of elbowing owt, end wil offer we 6, Cg. Sitere. Care Coase, Wandho er lucte low ished tHe cberee peaard fir hfe aprietee her | 9 Poing on hand in thet liar, at ert ood (ramepor mi Pate, — ated ever Pz whmered Call and cod 4 me at Veen Plescom. ( eC oveneet bam lu sherr rue. ewan = W maiheed ta Ce oo orem lmiiere afdveserd ta are af Worn Ptegewa: attr uthed tr CHAM AA KUMIVTA 10, 164 m2 bee Wier s Cr @ irk proapt WES PR RFARD Bec'aA Tatlin S slider y, Bop If, Tele , June House and Lot to Rent Oysters and Kish. OR BELL Distances ooops, well bee pee mr epely 1n2 Orbe rey 0d deere tn ® oe fee Gute the Dh me Wang barge Kens . ‘ ras aes ‘ rhe d ot 4 50 yor ihe Via aM i ik eee on geacd Ett her the quae v ’ eM hery 0 én 7c Wnmse ger hk we 4 ther twat Vette ove Op srrm tmenge oe incy may be de ge bts eee e (iricane eo One path eer Ape Wn” Ee mie F Kelebyry, Ordedert $F. Liavih S mising aliee . - 4 Fim Withs, nee Fi ew MILLEK a Ly a Newember, ah bn56 147 MAUR. SALT. SULT. Sumeeeeeres ed bhy prem ge Racks, ace m @Warriage License for Nabe al thbh sire ved forts ar tew aru) say wther 2 - | Seatitetonar y kaa gn ePat Ofc +. Kegan | bA. Jee i? eulete tate of Pibbt. mingion , %, ( DWrtBBwse « BuMcD. Commission Werchants In Gotten, Flour, Grain, a aval Stores, Semthern Predurce Gemerntty Mo. 180 Pre av.ars REFEUEY EF Nog Se Pred Fito ad tks OAK WoL Myre immed w fw at-9 Sp Pts Foe Us ae 2 Street, iia. Be of Wine egidn Dr. CHARLES T. POWE iE gre y 7. respeet. Fally tenders bee profeastonst eery ic ester ihe hd Ofiee 4 in wen's Broek Row Srlcbory, Ang, 27th, 1865 ya 4 od Taretay and Fr eas. Cee egret wit seeungony the eas Bad detever frevghs a) all the otro ale eta writs The Geet ar ol eave Malithory aeirh ‘k Lal ee Wiaegin, N « , Jame 14, #56 DEN iy AT, ROM )MS.- “PMR enbacwies besioe aban shasge of she abews shapes. 2 sehen pipigradh weer, DR. W. F. BASON, oumiz7ipu 4p, (<8 the Badt. and Phil Colleges, ac.. Wy ee respertfatly make keoen prepated RIMS. an tee Gere er went Bor © rrente » Wirdar T34 inept that he hee of pn etiech af the ( hadre we _ Pours, trey npn art your PH r Verbestie. | Tem, dn ee T berebg cerecy tbat mag wi'e wee takew dog 4 heer bee WIth of tprmtne od iy Bree For, Vergtienag, we wet ettended by b pad Ridwite te two on Mee withee: amy reterf; Bitten camplagind w hempened rumen thar om bishment. begaloers to jaierm the potter, met die After the had ated Cowan's me dibune bor open fw the reeeginan | ot Gre 40)t)\ comtmennnd depediiang 0 (ME we dine premises that he pike grave) ghead ep, eheeh crertnerd de eover! Sys, ond i wee mrned with a baewdy Cyrrepins. we potew the apie nt fer te verst doys mire, whee oe }eommernest me uding very fet end cere ie port — qed wane tathe Sta a romping | Libeeih, and jibely im gu ihrungh her porind of pet rt hte Homes, dewys have torvigin ti for the asm weary te better heolth them she cwns ded bebe, ?™ ‘ rut bad doperiare Ar the Core! Bhigitive ned lia. geAy oleuy if sith commer, Ral meat troghire oe ag boreanis a wah d di cedtiales” CalPeod give me emeodhes de am. V aadd tae a ome MANSION 45 HOTEL, i SALISRURY, N. C. Oerercilly. (be) the Loree i « of Boarders, Peancters, de ACCOMMODATIONS men weeding Dental eryrors, avd where he bupwe: ©! rial W, BRANT net fo be sen leew! @ bettie of che meahaine dene Or aif why ond eongeinently call, will find it greatly jas Aig Way 24, 1839 pregusucy. & Ebi AH aoe thefr advantage - Setisvery, Ori 3, 1956 iy Vert rite, Toa», Sen 22, 1°°% NB C be alieated bo the frat opperiauny The Great Iron Wheet Examined. AND TT FAESE SPOKES PX TRACTED, by (7 WG Beowatre Por edte ui) WW Pnine’ BUURSTOR! NOTICE, July 22 WILL poy the tb ta @! marked iprirr, 0 B® ined ive "Phineahd Wiehele Wheat Hertcty or wade for meer ard IZ oe 15 likely negro legge, from V5 102) ven Aa JU JENKINS Haliebery. Sept 16 1®56 rary Tr JENKING & ROBERTS vive. and wile treme to keep Btate Romie oe hand fr ad JAMES HOR ALI, WATCH-MAKER AND JEWELER, COMMIB¥10N SALISBURY, NO, one door botew BR. & A. Murphy's Sere) ” BEPR constantly on hand p large aneortment WATCHPS 04 IBWELRY of 21) kinds Chane, Warshes and Jewelry of eve the te rome. February 19, 1456 1y38 JOB PRINTING Fetly taeruted at Was O flee reNag cain hy bwler of athepwrae evil heen. ry demeription, reparred im te beet wranwer end on the mnet reasote- Thies to errtity that my Sie On O86 Phir mem « pre greery © 00 lnkne onl ayewtonad of kubor, hm me" ch mr thet ft Batwife was called wo aitepd ber ore I AT oi heareiah vier pnd Meets: Jt var wed TMLOR SHOP! Sirens air er es sobeerber iakes this raetbed jay interme hee cine caper pel ” pyran ia endinger ere frends vod rm that bt bes debe a NEW seesmed to rr Ip » pleat ape, the three tre ot desis ARLISH WEN Gira y etapeedied WA Bee hero rgeecs } ao the gorwer rooms of DD. A. Daowre's tuasttreg, deere: he GR leper d dad whe ned feew frctte wll (hor Pree the wire wh Macphy. Welt dp im. audspeintid and erbrning frehnge commen im peek come adpening the Tm Shop of WilemeBreea. Hie lowe Bett the wine of er mimbrmarcyt, wel heed 4 ber” crerens ved sarcess im (he tmmness erm, he ibimine, ead GH edther aid qitekes lober she ar wes hed beh © Capron Ne the (ot eee ue ee vermaAed at the thpe Inder’ { 3 BOGS phot) ne tric lath y wad ari ratienelly em Midenife ord bie weet Ol rprO De ie yp the reeapt of the aed quck. FRVEN 4! lated : ’ ee © FASHIONS Mdfines T Tye, Me: 1m Je ond w. thatettey atwaye ready to snppty comtamers hr) Thin ie ty erridy Great © Blank wamean of Wir = the dtyle uf the heteat Agony 11 (all and-wem \@fteeted with Padapees Her rh fie some comedy roth CON. PRICE trae —ebe woe singe! perlere te me and & AG ry ng tite relurwed, he tee fee if -dind afte? udjing two b ttles of Comer omtrtptiay atte tercived ber Bealth and strong’! and has beg tw beti-g heal te ha tite lant Com mtanithe her she hed bees Reoetinen REY @ WARM Tipped te, ilies, Maoh 92. 1H" , Mr. J. F. Cawan—Siur : Heving: enffered whe #°* exerutheting poly from the effect of enlenli of bis a wer rm adds, wittint relief from the moet) Mew osu neal @ OB | ine Ged ‘chill, | row inahewed 10 try Geue Vereen” IN ORARIATTD, CHAMARTON, AND EW TURK. Lattsmtsipiic, whanh hee eetwely rete ved mete 06 Literal Advances made on Comsigaments ing (wo bottled | wapld cheerfnlly recommen’ |! '* | a Nolidbery, Bapt. 10, 1A56 P. NCE WIPE Ibe, MERCHANT Baie Nw. c.. Bas Silke, tee en! ° edtering under (hid painfil diense, ae bring | the qfeat Bor reign Remedy " —_—s Kept for Sate af «Carding, Watehimnan,” Ofl-¢e- Mefarenese ® ill J, H Sonthinn, Bag, Setiabury ; Geo. W. Willems & Co., Chagnon, A Ham dee nemg vere ; ert | fr Syartter, Beg. New York Vebreary 19, 1456. aad the Fe w e s t =F ie Ni 8 + Millicted wi bee Foubued t pip Gaye | mp bor, apd cp pall) That ee pale yt ame omght te here Teatg teaty by oo ged “omnes 4 mek eke ae ae am & etm 4) pe ruth, she gre er| a fy'd me 5-0 tet pee othd, thet} =m iy @re of thew ye bee bere ® f mre thee hs Pry thee aft ect te dng ee LH ae y Chere wm oer? Nd | Hagens am, eo cs of tin wt oe coped: roe id 9 bugthes Coman es La strength sn’ 1m mhearitine HOw —_ y BARRIS pee BP, 1H ‘ered vhe wert culi oe tens 4. NPS Ofi-¢e- as iain thé Gily.of Mubilé, Alabama, in pub- | vie ‘Tippatidbes 30 1866, 00 the Pluu ball GLE NUMBERS. Joux Huare: and W. W. McGuianz, Esqs, Com's. ' $0,000 Tickets—3,260 Prizes} woke TWAN ONE PRIth TO AVERY Tew Trexrrs | | NOVEL SCHEME ! | es : ys Ny) 7 ~ SALISBURY, N. C., DECEMBER 30, 1856. Devoted to Politics, Mews, Agriculture, Internal Improvements, Commerce, the Arts and Sciences, Morality, and the Family Circle. | NUMBER XXXI. _— —————————— ‘ering in Liberia.-The N. Fore, Aeten Society Bendy tah ial | gence from Liberia that*the inhabitants |of Sinoe were in a vi distressed condf- tion, arising from the late war in ‘that section of country—four town had beet | deetro ed, and the inhabitauts feft'in “a © | most destitute condition. The people of |Monrovia and some other places have done all in their power to alleviate the ‘most urgent wants of the s much is still to bedone. The New York Society have issued a strong appeal for ‘aid in bebalf of the sufferers. A few days since in Boston, Michael Donovan, an Irishman, baving lost a ebild by death, went out to buy @ coffin, bat got drnuk on the way, ail wn run over »y the cars and killed. 1 Prize of 640,060 1 Prize of 12,000 1 Prize of bo:0) 1 Prize of * 2,000 | 1 Prise of 1,000 | 1 Prine of 1,000 he Bowed 200 | 1 ines 100 | , 200 Prizes uf 70 | ¢ APPROXIMATION PRIZES. \ OL. X Ill. 4 Prizes of $160 approximating to $44,000 Prise, are 9600 4 © 1% “ lim ove i: ie imo. iio ——- . : 6 a x “ suo A] ’ és ow : 1400 Prac are | in REPORTS auwo 0 are 120/09 . 8,380. Place ausounting te $204,000 OF Whole Tickets, $10, Hal oes, 85 ; Quurters, 2h. | CHARLES B. FISK, ESQUIRE, 3,000 Prites of 640 Will be determined by the lant Bgorgnf the Number tbat drewe tha @40,000 Prise, CHIEF ENGINEER, Yor exemple, if the Number drawing the $40,000 TO wude with No. 1. then all the Trekets where the Rawber code in 1 will be entithed & 40, If the Nam- | het ends with No. 2, thon all the ‘Tickets where the | Number eudy in 2 will be entitled w &40 to 0. Certificates of Peckages willbe wuld atthe fo owing votes whictyis the sek : Copiificate af Package of 10 Whole Tickets, — §f0 “ bee 10 Half * 30 TUE STOCKHOLDERS OF THE Padkin Aadigation Companp 10 Quarter «© ON Address Orders for Tiekeots or Certifies rhe “\ Path + STeLDAT ESA? agai af TinhadGahse st bul RECONNOISANCE AND A SURVE) BS SWAN &CO.,, Atlanta, Ga, OF or 8. SWAN, Muoatgumery Ala. . : » THE YADKIN RIVER, W. J. BINGHAM, MADE IN THE YEAR ‘Assisted by his sou, porposes reopening his SELECT BCHVOL wt Uske, Urenge County, N.C. vn the Dhah of Februsny, 1057 LP A suitable permen to beard schoolboys can find = © gued situation here. Address, REPOKT ON RECON VOL 1856. W. J. BINGHAM, Oaks, Urroge CaN Stpd 26 ANCE. Nov. 1856 OFFICE N.C. BAM Row. } Sotisbary Now 17 1°56 4 NORTH CAROLINA 2. ROAD WINTER SCHEDULE MAIL TRAIN. Lo the Peeaident and Directors of th Company, Vorth Carolina. CUS TLEMEN | On anp Arvea Tuwasoar Now 20, 1556 T was requested by vou in Apnil last, to make a recon EAST. neisance of a section of the Yadkin River.” (between Rock fe andl Toluies’ Mill.) and advise as te what * plan in [your Loose Charkite at FIOM my judement should be ad ypted for the improvement of its * Comeurd of 71. 7 s iE ree navigation “ -o\ A- early as other engayements permitted, | visited North 1035 ( n and fe the desired reconnoinance, and then pre bio . 1s pared, and, on the Pth of June, read to you a brief report, in sap wl which I pave my opinion as to the plan that should be adap ¥05 ted for the improvement of the seetion of the river Thad ex PY Releigh. bbs amined ;Latas asurvey was made of the same, as well as other Arrive Gebdabore, =o z . sections of the Yadkin, in S50, by Mr Thompson, it) was WENI ought best, upon ty suggestion, that [should postpone delivery te vou of tiny report until the notes of that survey Leave Gaidetewy,’ oi 630A M could be obtained —as Tomight, with their aid aud the infor ~ Raleigh 919 ination in detail, they would furnish respectine the fall of the re ’ Hittete, UU river from point to point, be enabled to make it somewhat * Grehem toy ; Gees ashore v4 fuller, and perbaps, in regard to the probable cost of the pr Nigh Pan 146 jn Jimprovement, more satisfactory than it could be, wher “ "‘Themeacviite sa based! almost entirely upon the information obtained on a Leamgioe 441 3 Mab sbury > a8 there Peconnotsance Came GSS Anat notes, however, have not been tained, I shal Armee Ch sehatio = pestpene no longer, the handing over to vou of my re port Sebebery, N ( Now 25h 1856 26.1 1 x dingly now Pes pec tfully submit it It is substantialls the same as that read to vou on the 16th of June AY my 17. This postponement of the delivery of my report has not | ) \,, hoon the cccasion of any delay in the preparation for, and commencement of given, that Ephraim Gaither of the firm eoly, Mock & tlanher, hes odd owt ead | (3, Lewisacre, Va., J uly 6, 1856. Yadkin Navigation the sarvey which T advised and yon au thorised in June. The survey is at this time actually in pro trenctorred bee ewtive imterret tp MeNeriy Mack & cress. and is making in accordance with instructions proposed (a. end that be has ae ferihet consecime of iwteres tne to cord Brn TC WeNRELY Nn ion of the river that T was requested to examine ad MOOK evtends, as hy tated, from Rockford to Holines’ mill Wood WeNEELY Rockford being about 74 niles above and Holmes mill about 1 |< wothe y tatwhich the North Carolina Ra The bameces hereafter © ~ mmecd bi W Necty, Wet & ( he: bar a sd Vadh JP suenpese of Le tegion ‘ vex af 1s distances Rockfornt tothe We ere thankful fur ihe nege ¢ lia ‘Jj \ ar fall S35 fomt. af ‘ ‘ ' t theme « : : Hel a ' ear eowel lerre mek cod ow 1 hie chars a large poriics' of ihe (reds af ibelse > NY ' TONG feet, The tota itn therein coesiry ihe feria lel ! By oo and fall 22d fe WeNPRELY Wook & Oo } . rel ~ fall pert o f Relabory, Now 1? 4} ‘ 4 " x 1 } | Tiowch | le f rit ule is lo feetal . “ eae , re far creas rthree a g th RUNAWAY=s5 REWARD a pale feet is ‘ I cast PLEASANT Don away from ou beer Sawdey nigh: \ect I fir-t tak ‘ the f r shecthe mh = ad ‘ . J als 4 1} a c - . a 1 Lohecr " “ a . ( sweet ‘ - t ae : . ' . tenes a Dock a re he . . ware tears, end « ek ‘ a j tatw he North Ca ‘ mace ol prea Walk are liwiw tre fx heey oe ly . ‘ } . . = 2 i -° hia aN ‘ ‘ ‘ The eer bee 6 =‘ 4 | - { aa 4 y ‘ j 4 a lac art 1 Tin Shop and Stock yo on, thie FOR SALE Tie oly icligee| gat ie ta eater cael cel AT MORGANTON, N. ¢ ee ree ose ent should be effected rr pen a plan some wlia I WE endorngned Ar re hiro PIN that nena vlopted on nver iinpreved by means of NERS Tehkttes e W Né eog yl al u resembling t Wt) meonnne ws] « every arteh ‘ t ’ at Nees w the nae «of k I nee Ale wk he . 7 T fin ware Jopes wiaretslnwstinne 7 r ~ with even a greater descer anf ! 1 © advantay votioproved in the sa ai b : . woe a f . he ° ‘ wd ‘ t t , ‘ 1 LEWIS REARD Nov 25, 1856 “6 : q " ome ral por ples at MILLS MOOSE f CO : ; hee : an iz F , ‘ 1 \ ned a stated WHOL PS ATR ON ' 1 eee thor A tle natientianet DP Abbe . Ves neof slices and wing da a< it st cases, } ' aed } Staple & Fanoy Dry Goods, foloand mamlycas Pthonk, forthe t : sete rally Leen ter eve ' j we ff ' i ND Made (ere jaa a A CROCERIES, | that poo | ee Tet Temmecnne Vo deepening ‘ ‘ Are meow im receipt of @ large atock of SUGAR ; { rapid. it has been at the expense of the navigat COFFEE, SALT, WOLASSES, REE, P * ) leas | ] } ! till S fa ; ve, Where shallows have been made still sha Pepper, Spree Giinger, Wachkerel aod all bine wily ! dimeric nenally foand in thie Market, all of which er, Dv the lowermy of the water over them, and with ta Afored at low prices for cash or on short time to pane atte plte remove the new obstrnction te the navigation th twel dealers Now 10, 156 vias erea { ts R 1 I re oproved in this manne ve fit for wn t | : ; Hive Cents Reward. lycra ern DANAWAY from the anherrher about the lat nay five feetoand at another a mile or two below. oned | RU day of Reptember, ISG, a free bey of eestor Mtl doccent sens any Saw one: fot that each was taker 6d BILL. CRISP, whe was tou v the Cone ; Tl aeeaen tT EC rat 8 ficitte haa ein creer hand, separately and without referenee te the oath 1 te delivery of ead bey to mein Merge aN ce asloice wasomade at the former with the fall deseent tl AC JARKATSE fact woth, ot tinge took at it any attempt te tray December 9, 1656 Yw put part of its tall te the smaller rapid below, or te at pesey Say. GH ; ‘ sointermediate between the twa, rif lessened WEGROES DOMME. cue atentonkit te Lome pink air oe thiat tas \ TULL, be hired, on the 2th December, at the tetated. thus transferred without any attempt te rer old Homestead, all the Negroes and Lands by ) Fe ) . Vices eer longing to the minor bere of Win Bo Waed, dee'd The new ohstruetion: to the Navin there erented OG FORD, Goardian And with regard te wing dams, we find, that little or ine December 9, 1856 twin Ronit » has heretofore been given te render again lad rer deepening, the contracted channels lett opposite te them Lost Volnme --Bring it fn, many cases, itis trne, the bed of the river is of a material WOME borrower hae failed to return a Volume of that ia proof against su h deepening but in seme it ts net ‘ the Watchman from Joly, IMAL. te July, INE? He, che ar they, will plenee de ne the fewer te return “At ri eins tupen the survey et Toe * My ge we are frequently areding ut hen prontt ite JJ BRUNER ; aa Vere 436 : eongy las well ae December 16, 1856 , It ‘ ete Hol " Jand in that event the increased force of the current oceasion- | ctly interested in having the river mill owners and others dir 7 And 3rd. That the fall, at low water, available to the above led by the wing dams, through the narrow channels opposite, improved to farnish at these prices the timber that would be) mills, with the present dame, (which, generally, are mere deepens it more than was desired, and thus prevents those dams trom producing one of the effects for which they may have been constructed, viz., that of maintaining the water at a higher level over obstructions in the river above. Now upon the plan of improving the river channel herein needed for the construction of these dams and locks. When the survey shall have been made and the informa- tion above suggested shall have been obtained, an estimate of tween the probable cost of the improvement may be made, that eH enable the Company to act understandingly and decid- a dajns,) averages rather less than three feet. , The ee and probable cost of ane the navigation be- Hlenn’s mill and the rail road bridge will now be taken | up for consideration. In ny report of the 6ih of August, I advised that the recommended, I would, instead of leaving the whole of the edly in their subsequent actions relative to the construction of improvement of the navigation of this, as well as some, other five feet decent, in the case above supposed, to be overcome entirely at the upper rapids, transfer a part or parts of it to the lower rapid and to such shoals or shallows, intermediate between the two, as would admit of it; and further, as imme- diately above and close to the head of some rapids, there is deep water, I would, if such was the case at the head of the larger rapids, and it was desirable to lesson still more its fall, and it could be done without interfering with the improve- ments required at the shoals aud rapids above, (but not other- | wise,) decpen the channc! at its head, and thus lower the sur- face of the deep water above and transfer a part of the fall to the shoals or rapids at the head of that deep water. The distribution of the fall, at the rapide, and transfer of parts of it ty other points, may readily be effected by means of wing dams properly tocated, that would close up the whole width of the river, below the Jevel at which it is desired the water surface shall stand in its ordinary low water stage of navigation, except the space left for the sluice oc channel.— A level, even a fittls higher than IT had named for these wing dains might be advisable, with a view to obtaining a greater debth for navigation in stages of the river somewhat higher than its ordinary low water navigable stage The bottoms of the sluices or channels lett by the wing dams, [ would place at levels, that the descent frou one to another hiall be sume that it is intended the water surface shall have, and TP would make them permanent and secure such against deepening, for the effect of the deepening of any one, would be to lower the water surface at it, and thus to increas the descent in the water surtace above IT wou ‘ a sutt nt number of these wing car away With the pecessity of Constructin nextensive and long parallel wall» banks, alony the channels, as would other wire be nee Ary In places these latter would be dispensed with altogether The descent in the water surface from one wing dam to another PT elould ain to reduce to a rate not exceeding three feet per mile, and the « re tall now occurring at any rapids, proved th this mann I ild endeavorso to distribute sud Uisprome of, that ild livided into a number of very small falls, occurring directly at, and in the imupediate ueiy! ly wel of, the wing dains Seme of the rapids on the section of the river of which we are new speaking (between the foot of the Bean shoals and e head of the rapids at Holmes’ Mill,) have either too great rfall to admit of being improved in the manner above de scribed, or o is such in reference to other rapids and deep w that they could only have their f tended water tt where sufficiently great torequire ity by transfernng a the improvement. have as yet said nothing respecting the width and Jength of the locks—the width and depth of the sluices or channels in the river, or the probable cost of the improvement. The contemplated inprovement is designed chiefly, if not entirely, as I understand, for the accommodation of the valley of the Yadkin, and the section of country immediately adja- cent. . The dimensions, character and capacity of the improve- ment should therefore be tixed and determined on, with refer- ence to the duty it will have to perform, and should be no greater and expensive than that duw requires, If it were designed tu form part of and connect with long lines of similar improvements between distant sections of the country, a improvement of a mueh more expensive character and larger dimensions would be justifiable than can be thought of regarding it merely as a local improvement. I have been governed by the views just expressed, in my advice relative tothe general plan of improvement that should be adupted on the sections of the Yadkin, which I have exain- ined. And as cost will enter as an clement into the comparisons to be made when deciding upon the capacity that should be given to the iinmprovement and in fixing upon the dimensions that its locks and sluices or channels shall have, I would sug gest, that the decision in regard to all these matters should be postposed nutil the results of the survey of the river are ob- tained or of such sections of itas may first be taken in hand, as that decision can then be made with a full understanding of the effect that the capacity and dimensions determined upon ind adopted, wil BBve upon the cost of the improvement Iam unwifling with lay present information, and in advance of the complhetton of the survey which [ advise and that i. how in progress, to submitany estimate of the probable cost of improving the section of the Yadkin examined by me But [will repeat what Tetated to you in June, that I feel con fident the survey will show that the improvement may be se plat edoand constructed as to answer all the expectations of Its project 1nd ata cost no yvreater than the trade and bu ribess for w © accommodation itis designed will justity Respectfully submitted, CHARLES B. Fisk, hngineer, be REPORT ON SURVEY. Rieusonxp, Va., December 6, 1856 |parts of the river examined by me, should be effected in part ry means of Jocks and dams, and in part by means of formed in the river bed, se eonstrueted ag bot to re the | use of locks; the one or the other mode to be ad + at the several rapids and shoals, according as their fall, or the ar- rangements that might be made with the owners of, the mill |property on the river, or other considerations might render | hecessary or expedient. | The survey = a that the rapids at most of the mills, from that at Glenns’s mill, inclusive, to the rail road bridge, must, or ought to be, passed by means of locks and dams—their fall | being either too great, or not admitting of being sufficiently distributed and spread out, in the manner Ae of in my Angust report, to allow, economieally, of the adoption of the other mode of improvement, For this reason, and as I am confident, as suggested in my |former report, that arrangements between your company and the mill owners, generally, could be made, that would be advamtageous to Fock parties ; provided your improvement js 8 planned and constructed as tu enable you to secure to the mill owners, without prejudice to your works, a larger amd more steady supply of water, and under a greater head, than they now have, with their preseut low and imperfeet dams. 1 shall assume that the rapids at all the mills, (nine in sum- ber,) will be passed by means of Jocks and dams. The survey shows, also, that there are two points, where mills have mot yet been established, at which the fall is such as to render nece ssary the construction of locks and dams, viz: at the rapids, directly below Carvers’ mill, and at Eckels’ shoal. (between Clouse’s and Grimes’ mill.) There is another point, also, at one of the main rapids opposite Mr. Hairston’s pores: at which the fall is such as to render it desirable to lave a dain. It would also be advisable to construct a dam at, or near, the rail road bridge; but for other reasons than the greatness of the fall there inet with, so far #+ least as regards the im- provement of the navigation above the bridge. The advan- tages that would result frout the placing of a dam, at that point, will be apparent from the tolinwine statement: a dam ruining: the ordinary low water surtace at the bridge, six feet, would back the water a little more thao five miles, to a peint about one-third of a mile above the mouth of the South Yed- kin. It would, therefore, be the means of improving five niles of the river, and would, in addition, form a large and convenient basin at the point of connection of the river im- provement with the Railroad. The water-power, at this dam, considering its location, would be valuable. The dams at the mills may be so located and planned, thet part, or parts of it, to dcep water, when the ¢ lee HENCCt: a on ecedenl and Directorsof the ladhin Navigation Company the fall at each, in low water, (from the water surface above, iny euch transfer would be very great At all such rapids, , to the water surface below them, after the improvement is an improvement by means of locks and dams, would be the, [FS TEMEN completed,) will be at least four and a half feet; at several of preferable plan In June last, at your request, | made a reconnoisance of the dams, the fall may be made from one, to two and three After t r 4 n of has been thuroughly ex. of the Yadkin River, between Lockford and Holmes’ Mill, for feet greater than this. But although it would be of advan- & | gales 4 : r amined, and the descent from paiak to point, its width at all the purpose of obtaining such information, respecting that| tage to the improvement, that-the dams should have the points do the posit listance across and depths of all section of the river, as would enable me to advise you, “as to! ter fall, I shall assume that the average is only four anda its slicwals a rhallows have been accurately ascertained. it what plan you ought, in iny judgment, to adopt, in and for’ feet—thinking it better and safer, in estimating the probable can be determined and etore, at which of the rapids and the improvement of its navigation.” cost of the improvement, to assume the minimum, that, under what pla t t can best be effected byt Tniny interview with you, immediately after that reconnoi- any circumstances, may be found necessary or advisable. adoption of t tthe plans above recommended. sance, | advised you, for reasons that I gave, to have a survey The new dam proposed, below Carver's mill, should have a Ihave t far kept " fview the fact, thation made of at least thirty or forty miles of the part of the river fall® of not less than five feet; that at Eckel’s shoal, of not les tl ‘ ve been erected and where improvement 1, most probably, first be under. than seven feet; and the one vpposite Mr Hairston’s proper- ‘ the dams at these, taker anil said, that although my other engagements would ty, of not less than tive feet | ‘ nitelow, oS ' rmiit a take have the direction of the There ff course, be required at cach dam, a lock, with - 1 ‘ : i 5 ’ ‘ \ (ther «tl T would vet give such instructions and explanations, a lift eq of the fall of the dam : he bute fra g ‘ hind of information that it was desired These 1 dams would overcome 63 1-2 feet of the itisy ‘ \ fit. te ow slaould be me fall, ft vl at, Glenn's mill dam, ivelusive, to the rail road Iw z ‘ lo hata te carry iten pr briclyre I ~ ‘ car ‘ ft Atthe nine dams, at the present mills, at 4 1-2 ft. each, 40§ ft ‘ repa | f arift id decide t ave the survey datu below Carver's mill - Dy \ as would Ine Iw 1 mo subinita report, in which at Eckle’s «heaal, 7s a \ I hil could t Iu Lbe able to speak more definitely and decidedly, in re ppesite M Hairston’s prope rty, §« w { te the m ‘ wrt tet planar } ‘ mtof the improvement, than ] Bailroad bridge, 634 } , re . ar I was t a tte prepar Lased, as it must a A al tha A ome pron inf ation obtained 634 edbya <a ; oy This would leave 44 1-2 feet of fall. on this seetion of the ‘ pany . wt 1 “ TA: 8 nised by von, and inthe following river, to be overcome t pr ed channels iv the river bed, e 4 hat les wt " ‘ e 6th ot Nugnat, Lanbmitted a without e ; « placed 4 re} ance in June, tr which T stated, gen- ae wih of the slack water portion of the im- wills, with a rat ‘ { annerin whieh Tthought the seeti prove ~scction, would be about 37 miles; aad of \ ! ~ proved, taking cost. a), nprevem rthe river bedy about 24 miles. The laster at would te clistrilaarte ts fool A VEZ | Phe snr : teu, and ite profiles, fe Doet ( the bead of the slack l ! i ‘ ‘ piace ur direet) Lang rau " 4.06 miles. it nd that examination having beer the now da , v Carver's mill and | 1 1 \ ] 1 Ilha . subnut the following as an ad alack water. almve (imine ec nillcidis ] wa t ‘ ripple Al repert to that of the 6th of Angust. Qadinrs ¢ cet k wat rucns M La Ik mond, Va, took charge of, Othe ence : S k's, Dronthet’s and i :. . al w { Tn He continued in el Chica _ 6.8 4 : nk 11 im) wer hat day he resigned his \ . | the headlatcthe : \, re x 1 Mr. Nereus Mendenhall, of North Carolina, gack w ‘ i ! 1 {ow badd breed 1 t . ve from ats commenc n “ eact nat ack wate a Leveler, and st . to actin that capac la Mr. Hair t <a Tate te k ke the direc t The» en Lat the point where the Yadh ae \ Ca mm Rail lan \ \ renerally, Bean shoals she cone | : ' : powit intage. both | t and t 1 ‘ A i i “ F e445 s fir ’ he \ s : ks m a \ I su! essanly very Sees ava tua ate rr. as an ap ; ' + ls X ’ ~ and ta an t ; x 1 | ‘ t t tlre formanion \ h \ . pee TUT Ses 3 ‘ ata ‘ ken by mein ar ‘ rm . : va i is entitled to your s kK A t i “ | \ } \\ , last, T passed : Wits t k ty Holmes’ mill, in a : t ‘ | It was, theretore, dete ‘Whur, pnt & nt \ c, the rapids, at werk, will UU 4 ar che 4 \ ; {ted ue he survey eluefly to the ony ‘ . the river, that I de- | : it tl a aah ‘ ascertaimmet fia t and the posit ane fi at VRE ed, should thors eva ‘ {thet ral My eva \ ~ res satistied me— ' t | Tand d led on bet ANY part From the su vi a Peo veel| That the f thre ution of the river, as A r _ ; l sf thi w water surface . . onal ' hand. but at would eertainky be adwisa | That th 1 n { « : : \al j bres feeted —cost and other things lori port ean . ty oof the river, at ra ad v 1 ane al 1 by oe ie | inner snysested init August od pal } . I > . 1 att rweoritnt, is ONT wt : rare e North Ca v Rail J atthe point, Ie aniiaw fort Rectmnitet river new under eonsidera- Thiat er. from Rear I ( } ~ ul . ‘s ~ \ < a8 w recommended Ai Tae SGN ind t $ “ 14) , | ; per That x ‘ f lations conki, in moat al ' it water, tes ey Seen by anv. fi ] ! ; ' ; ee ~~ incl that this ¢ 1 I ta 1 t s distributed, viz i ee . HAN 1k : Valane the ris ey In \ k | 1 to place them ; t ' f rag vats wee ‘ r tor the construe- re ' f . ll \ and) shoals, + ° 44 of the it t L be Conveniently. and ata mod- t eof still water where tl = € ° erate ~ i | ant ind oa halt feet he , . Mhe sar tet trat ance, furnishes, in ele _ itd mich clot , BS Addition le tothea at all pots 1 UER Wh I the entire seetien 1 T tS . 1 ‘ Wners what tre of the The Aton 1 the vinand most ot the smaller rapids We and at 4 Verse . | ; c expe \ \ aye led poadand: = ere, «8 f i al ron | nile ota *\ " all, at bow 1 r is . water ceuleitonthenuat all vlarg F water and , net : the iinpren ora great \ ' \ Sy timo all on lam, ales | ’ use | the i . . t . ation ee han \ netr wv tl lames and 1 ‘ ‘ ate, Wil aN eke: nid } rr old | le with the : qpaeaee : , — The width of the rivey at many points, and soundings, at and sero the main, and most of the smaller rapids, and at many of the shoals intermeliate, made with a view to whieh of the rapids, the fall may be spread out digtribu- wo a to allow of their being passed without leeks. evundings, it is true, were Dot taken at all the points, at which it was desirable to have thew, nor was all the iuforma tion vbtained npov the survey, needed for planning the im- vement, in detai) ; yet enough soundings were taken and ration vbtaived, fur deciding upon the general plan and features of the improvement —the uumber of locks and dams that may be advantageously built, and the portion of the im- provement that may be made in the river bed. And although the information, obtained as above upon my feconmmeéisance and the recent survey, docs uot furnish suft- chent data fur an accurate estinate of the cost of cach of the C. tw be built, aud of the work at diferent poiuts to be done, wpon the improvement, it vel furnishes general data that may be relied yn, with seiue confidence, in making an appreximate estimate of the total cust of the improvement. ne course taken by me, in making the estimate, was to make such assumptions, frow an examination of the protiles, eonndings and ways of the survey. and the notes Thad made gpon my recounsisance, respecting the lengths, and heights pve founda ion, of the several dams, and in regard to the focks and their tuuudutions, and such other structures and work that would Le required on the improvement as, in my §adgment, could be relied on; and from these assumptions, ee arrive by caiculation, at what would be the probable aver- age esst of the dama, per foot fall—ot the locks, per fout lift, and of the improved channels in the river per fout descent. It is er I should also state that the prices applicd by me, in ing the estimate, to the different items of work at the dams and locks, and particularty these at and in the neigh- borhood of the present mills, were such as 7 supposed they ought to be, under arrangements that { em would be made with the mill owners and others, to guard against a rise in the price of timber and plank, much, if any, above the eus- tomary rates now paid ov the river for such materials. The general plan of dam for which I have cstimated con sists of crits, say fifteen feet wide, placed upon a secure found ation and fiffed in with stone, and extending the whole length of the dam. The crit work rising with the above width, ver- tigally, to within say five feet of the intended height of the dam—to have sheet piling on the upstream side and to be eevered horizontally on that side, and Se say three or four feet ia width with plank. Upon the crib work thu. eunstructed and af right angics to the dam, triangular frames of timbef to be Cad , at proper distance. apart lengthwise of the dam. that one side of the triangle, five feet in length, shal stand vertically and directly over the front or down-stream side of the crib work, and another, say twelve feet in length, shall fie horizontally on the top of the crib work ; the remaining side of the triangular frames would then incline downwards, from the front and top of the dam, to its rear and top of the eovered portion of the crib work before spoken of, to reecive and support the plank with which the dam would be covered, and which would conneet with the horizontal planking on the Fork. triangular space under the plank eovering of the dam, and above crib work, le to be fifled in with dry walling ; and after the daim is, in other respec's, finished, a quantity of suitabje filling is to be thrown above, for its protection and the urpose of making it more secure agains! leakage. if in any case a rock foundation cannot be had, the plan would be & modified as to regder the dam perfectly secure The geners} plam assumed for the locks may be described as follows : The teed of the lock, placed ina line with the dam—its wings the head, and some 15 or 2) feet of the side walls of the - ha directly \eclow the npper gates, w suld be of water-tight rubble masonry, well and substantially built, and the repiainder of the lockof crib work Tee masonry portion of the lock, at the head, would be raised above all fresbes that occur except at long intervals The erib work portion of the lock w ruld net be raised as high, as the masonry portion, by seine three or four feet 1 entrance of boats, at the head of the lock, would be saade safe, whenever there was anv necesitv. by means of a erib, filled with stone, placed in advance of the head of the Jock, op the side next the dam, and raised ty the height of the hi stage of water in which boats would run ne chambers of the Jocks were assumed to be fifteen feet by ove hundred fect, in the clear, To these dimensions I shal! call atteation before closing this report The depth Ihave assumed for the navigation, on the slack water portions of the improvement, at three and a half feet Tre improved channels, in the river bed, woald ene ral] y hare a depth of not leas than three and a half foot, but at extreme low water it lew la regard to the improved channels in the river bed, IT would vemark, that the genera! principles that should govern and control their location, and plan of construction, 1 stoad, it is Lbelicved. from the « Yplanations given in my Aa gust Zeport ordinary low water, is would be somewhat The manner of carrring ut then principles, at the difter ent shoals and rapide to « |: are applicd, will necessa rily very greatly, and a it» d. far that reason, be dittienlt to give, in alnef report, de-cnyprions that wonld be onder stood, uf the me. cral plans “ Ll ad doine —_ portions of the: jtuper tment, | sha t att pe width, asenried inthe cst te. for 4 nl wels in the river. m siaty feet, at the level of linary low water The work rejuine! te aecomplieh th mpr t fron Chen's mill eo Bailie) bed pen the plar rein ne oamed, would be the comstrmetion of thirteen dates and backs with am aggrewate fall at the dam-. or |i att whe of Oc feet. esu) abeout 2 we A panes eient am the ris having an aggregate liscent of 444 fen A py fulimate estimate of of eatiof impr ’ fron Colenn’s mill te the Railroad bride ' ding a deck and dam at the former, as w atter J irtest, dame x an ayyrese nA ace 3 hook a a Ha f a B50 per fat 1 Geb foet at KR tem Kos Ten yer clas 5 F ; pie Bs yale descr! f $44 f at &1 6 arf $44 feat at a] am i - &? > Nah 20 per os for yeite ' ' trndence, ’ Tutal L rs) Ten othe nual allowar : , eupe eT It ie ‘ h ty aliv a The . . ’ dase v5 In fa fa] Glenr tar atin the retewilditiy dime been ¢ | rr the HOW Gagne re rea} ft j 1 1 woethlene for the allowance bee tia ‘ thf owner ma ’ Paitint ‘\e milla, aeapt the a epliat ft A fixtures alent then ! away wil ater as! ~ the ‘ f Met, at oa f 4 TSG rea om ! Before ao woe wite Pleat t a nes that a rho wl outed, that mocure, all five J ae peruseurul a ‘ etrucbun will acm af Thu (eal aud suc parts ' (iin cult a Xj rer Ie cobmervod of ues mide rat ' ! ur U wl there to mcm rennet ta papeeh ow ‘ ' Meili berrten ne! ehowdd met be leegbt entin ' ani dams, abso. comtatient foauc! quarn t Pn fe magelat Gre built on sere as the jochs and da ' y ! @nd beach. bait a tluta} on ¢ ‘ 4 Comparalivedy ite de taalise J cost of dain and tbe ewan! wie “ tn ands Nat of dame and locks of niascn tot re fren fa a ' etite ar ‘ Pep | y ortain, at) = 7 wn oe gr ome an most costly description, is by BO means as great as is ly imagined. If the object, for a time, should be the improvement of the nayigatiog—merely from Glenn’s mill to the Railroad bridge— any expeaditupp u the dam and Jock at Glenn’s mill he be det until iets ieein of the improvement toa er | point on the giver should be determined on, And so, also, | the construction of the lock at the Railroad bridge, except! those parts, atits head, which might be connected with the dam and under the level of the water above the dam when completed, might be postponed uatil the extension of the im- provement below should be taken in laud. And again, if for any reason, it would be desirable to limit the expenditures, between Glenu's anill and the Railroad bridge, to those works whicl should accomplish the greatest benefit to the navigaiion—parts of the improvement: in the river bed might be postponed tor atime. The locks and dams would overcome the worst rapids, and a comparatively small expenditure, at some of the more difficult: places that would ‘romain for imprevement in the river, would give a ae ed tion, of less depth, it is true, and not as good as is provic for in the estimate, but which still, particularly in certain stages of the river, would be found of great service. The dimensions that should be given to the chambers ot your locks, is a question that should be well considered, 1 eoufess that J have not had the opportunity of making myself acquainted with the facts, and obtaining the information that should control the decision of this question, 1 understood, when in North Carolina, thit there was a strong desire on the part of the friends of the improvement, that it should be con- stracted with a view to steamboat navigation. The estimate 1 have nade, and the dimeusions I have assumed for the dif- terent parts of the improvement, are such as would enable you to carry out these views of its friends, if you should be sutis- tied that they are correct, and should adopt them. The dimensions, however, assumed for the lock chambers, | viz., 15 feet by 100 feet, it wonld be advisable, in such case, to enlarge te, say 18 feet by 115 or 120 feet. This would ren- der necessary some addition to the estimate for the locks ; but on the other hand, an egtivalent reduction could probably be made in other parts of the estimate ; for beats, moved by steam power, would be able to ascend the improved channels, in the river bed, agninst a stronger current than was assumed and provided for in planning those channels ; and which, there- tore, could be made somewhat less costly. Besides, with the longer and wider boat that would pass the langer locks, some lessening of the depth of these channels would be admissable. If, on the contrary, you should conclude, that it was not advisable tu provide for a steam boat navigation, and that boats carrying, in ordinary stages of the river, say twenty or twenty-five tons, would answer your purposes, you might so reduce the size of the locks, aud lesson the dimensions of the channels in the river, as to make seme considerable reduction in their estimated cost. A few remarks will now Le made relative to the iinprove- ment of the navigation of the -ections of the river, between Rockford and Gleun’s mill, and between the Railroad bridge and Holmes’ mill. Those sections were examined by me, as before stated, in my recompeisauce last June. The recent survey gives no ad ditenal information respecting them, except the aggregate fall, and some general imformatieon, ia regard tu the position and fall of the main rapids, and depths at them, on the part of the first named section, which lics between the foot of Bean shoals and Glenn's mill. I have wothing to add apon the plan of improving the nav- igation of these sections, to what ie contained in iny Auguet report. My views on that subject, as thercin expressed, re- tinain unchanged. In regard to the probable cost of the improvement of these sections of the mver, [would sav, if the ne dimensions are adopted for the locks and other parta of their improvement, ail-| wonld assume the probable «qual te te the ay ason the improtement between Glenn's mill and the | read bride, that an estimate that Fim fall, a- erage cost of the latter, per fod fall, would be ample. average cost of the former, asked, wouk or advisable, if the largest dimensions that have provement between Glenn's nil! adepted, that the on the provement of lew dtinensions and capacity, Rat it mav b heces.arv been saguvested for the im and the Railroad bridge, are same dimensions should be adopted, also, Would not an im and extension above Glenn's mill ¢ much less custly, answer every purpose { , leeiwertnile submitted, \ CHARLES B. FISK, Aagineer, cb MEETING OF THE STOCKHOLDERS OF THE YADKIN NAVIGATION COMPANY. Pursuant to notice, the Stockholder of the Yadhis Company, met at Farmington, on Saturday hic t. The proxies Le and vonfied, a large majority of the individual stock was found te vpreeented. and JOM. Cleinent, Bay. predneing the com aNietdots od the Ce ror, appointing him the representative of ¢ eteck, the coting was organised by the appoint veut of Dr. Wa. KH Chainnan, and Dr Wa Roseanne, Neeretary Journ A. Tb rr. Fa} the Presid he Compa orem ized amecting I for at purpeme. on the 24t f November, 1s am) a syetom of Rules and Ty Laws for ite vent at that time adopted In olree] te anon he feentof 1) mend atitheir ; eon thatda Mr T (, ‘ ! gned undertook and mad ] eens a ‘ t gh arver f tt} t and Western States, s a ew toe examine the peculhar im eiPisace » enid ¢ wn been constmeted pon certain of pec aniiovathor theretrer farts and informal r rc tight ! f ser guiding and direct Fi } effort. of t ta contemplated ' svivat 7 The adsa sta f the season, th nelemeney of the , - 7 Heel atau tho watora Lorreat riy'| iff nake anythsr L, aatinfact ation ‘ “ wl tote de} 1 the pany ¢ « ‘ 1 hav f wed thre umes t n nder more favorable ¢ stances and at - or i CE r turt er h facts and ‘ 1 ! - y as liad ' A Jeeard | at r 1 ouapeom thie Care ae t and « ‘ engineer, t i ‘ ‘ rt what jila ! te } 4 1S5 “ r J ola whe " spinor ein liye. there t | Int rv} eee alocefu and the lows oft toe off . Va. There | ! ‘a ass ann dir j loa practical wan ‘ Pere |e \ } nt sited dadertak MS About the ! Juin A record ny bt Sa ' ‘ Matanonth, bad « ' ‘ 4 report. ox j fe-ard the r f ° rs wiione, and the an of ware he dhouglit quien te recommend wey uf varda this rey fi! edly an awn “ yroater Jenyth, \ , ; \, } ee se eh ae te day, the 16th of June, after listening to his yiews, the Board unanimously pasecd a resolution empowering and inviting Mr. Fisk, to orgayize a suitable corps of Engineers, to make a survey of the river, in detail, from the N.C. RB, R. bridge to the mouth of the tittle Yadkin at the foot of Besa shoals, On the 24th of July this party, composed of John Lawson, Laie assistant, Nercus Mendenhall, leveler, and James W. Wilson, transit and draughtsman, was in readiness, and commenced their operations at the railroad bridge. More than three months haye been constantly oceupied in making the survey, and it was only completed on the 28th of last month, (October.) On the 11th of October, Mr. Lawson having gotten info a diFeulty with some of his party, prudently resigned his posi- tion as Engineer in Charge, &c., and left for Virginia. He is believed to have been, so far as mere capacity is concerned, fully competent for the place which he held, but cntirely too indoleut and inattentive to discharge faithfully and conscien- tiously to the company the duties he had contracted to per form. With these views, and feeling that Mr. Fisk must have been totally deceived in him, and that his resignation could, in no way, in my humble judgment, affect injuriously the best interests of the Company, but would rather result in good, I took much pleasure in promptly accepting it. vent it, he should not receive, because he does not deserve, another dollar from our Company. At this juncture of affairs the eare and direction of the party devolved upon Mr. Men denhall, whose energetic efticiency and zeal, in pushing for- ward the survey to a specdy completion, after he took charge of the party, cannot be too highly commended. Mr. Wilson also has, likewise, discharged his duties with marked fidelity, and from his untiring energy and application while in the ser- vice of the Company, merits no small share of praise. Mr. Mendenhall, in compliance to an order of the Board, has recently been sent on to Lewisburg, with the books, maps, notes, &e., of the survey, to Mr. Fisk, with instructions to re- main and aid that gentleman as long as he may require his assistance in the preparation and completion of his report and estimates, which I have desired him, (Mr. Fisk) to have in readiness to lay before the Legislature, (f possible, by the first week in December, at farthest. Though somewhat, if not altogether, foreign to the usual scope of siinilar reports, and belonging more exclusively to the Engineering department, I herewith submit a brief erhcb- it, showing some uf the more prominent featares of the river as developed by the late survey. I begin at the N.C. R. R. bridge : Ist. The shoals between that and Locke's bridge the distance being less than half a mile, present a fall of 2 fect 3 inches. Yud head, extending 2 6-10 niles, there is found to be a fall of 7 feet 3 inches. In that succession of shoals of which Boon's shoal is the 3d. Sowers’ shoal above Ilurse Shoe, presents a fall of 3 fect in the 3d of a mile 4th. The rise in one mile, including the Molly Wood shoal opposite Mr. Hairston’s, is 4 feet 9 inches . Sth. In two miles including People’s and Swain's twill sites, 7 feet 5 inches 6th. At Garner's mill, a sudden fall of 2 feet 5 inches Tth. In two iniles, including Eckles’ shoal, 9 feet 7 inches Sth. At Eckles’ main shoal, an abrupt fall of 2 ft. 8 inches 9th. On one mile, including Clouse’s mill, 4 fect 5 inches. 10:h. At Deouthit’s mill and near the seat, 3 feet § inches. 11th. From Sheck's mill to ing 4 miles, the fall is 12 feet 9 inches 12th. In one mile, inelnding Glenn's mill seat, 7 ft. 2 inches 13th. The rise The whok river, froin the Railroad bnd to the Sycamore ford, at the femrt Shallow Ford, the distance be in the last 2 miles is, 7 feet f Bean Shoals, is in round pumbers, 6:4 miles. the avcrage fall, 2 feet and nearly one ineh per mile. wl froin Sheek’s mill to the bridge, it barely I r . reaches 1 f Sf} inches to the mile Your Treasurer has found great diffleulty in cting from private stech re the first installinen Though }toanl at its first mecting, on the 2éth of Last November ! Meret ry order for its immediate pay MJ ] A ment, and ce of the sa yiven to all concerned et, te th 4\, after the most strenuous and oft-repeated ex ng travelled) on this special bu- of col hems, ceting, m an SOO) miles 1 and down the river, thers has not tn collected ina " ash, net more than &2 145 it of the & 1 Some paid up promptly, aad att call ma ul them 5 aon adthe momey, but wished to waittillothenm pared while other had none and could not Some again, Ir greet the ne« ty that nnipels me te sav it, whe could make ne CCCs re of a want of meana, but whe on the contrary, ar teased bevomd them fellows with the amplest abundance ave. and atill continne, tomanifest extreme back wandine-» at aillingness this matter. They do net it tend to pay ata f ani«a led, and their example ar fluences room trserd ter thee irv of the ¢ Vproar Whet «the case, when the oppesite course is manifest) Wh per ary interest and advantage, | shall mot hee niertake to say T have onl ne what I vi daty in staing the fact, unpleasant as it is ready | tair ; warrant wiwaver entire | of the seheme, and to A vay data derate and justifiable erst, as well as atone which will albandantly repar loth the State and ind Inale. Toimay contidenthy assert that thia on terprim in ite magnitude ane mportance, its learinggs Ipen the intermta of a Jand-owners and fanners in the valley of the Yadkin, as offering a safe, speedy, and cheap means of transporting te market there eanplos prodnce. and a feeder t ! North Carolina Rail Read. in whieh the State is al ready de pl fois not, and has not been « Ir] assed bry a lar I indertaken wit! e State, du yr tl 25 Vears Plis is especially the cs when we rok at t! jerate, anda rt trifling outlay at which it ma effected when compared sith other enterp izes, which costing ; ti what thie @ill. fall far whort of it in the ! fite confer ! Iprom society The mere ee penscs fkeep ing up and oy ving the NOC. Rail Road, for three vears would be more than sufficient to give ua an ovcellent sfeam boat navigation, from the bridge to the foot of Bean Shoal | ~ then uniteddys per andl wu mat, and will, ' Oe AO ip ocMirta \ fw respectful oanitted JOLIN EC DEN fat Novexpra sth, bso ] report. of t Chief Enyinee } k. bag, were read, and, on motion, ordered te be One copy for each Stockholder, and one copy f crof the Leg fature. ue all 200 copies On motion of DP. W. Hairston, I sy it was mdaved and oe d, that the reports of the Chief Engineer, made to this inceting, Withats plaus and estimates be adopted, \fter a bef and animated disenmsion, in which Mossre Jones, No Bosden, Wharton, Glenn, Douthit, Hairston, and the chairman participated > several of whom vouched, in hand soune torts, to tha ability and ligh character of Mr, biel. the " n vd toad vert thor - — . a geucral:| presented for the aatisfaction of the stockholders. On that | Hairston. bé appointed p committes to praceed te the City | the present session of the Legishture; and to endeayor to procure euch wapeps!- ments of the charter as am ; i wo Procure samme adeggatc gineer, C. B. Fisk, Teg. behalf, setting forth the propriety aud nccessity of these amendments, Dr. Wharton and Stephen Douthit, Esq., were cleeted Di- rectors by the individual Stockholders during the ensuing year, | It was ordered that until the lat g€ May next, when it is ex- ‘pected the work on the river wil! be begun, the surplus funds ‘of the Company be loaned out, by the present Treasurer, and \that he take bond with two good sureties. It was ordered, that the Secretary have printed a hundred copies of the proceedings of this meetipg, and that he send one copy to the Governor of the State, and ene to the repre- sentative of the State’s stock, and distribute the others among individual Stockholders. Resolved, That the next annual meeting be held on the day fixed by law, (2ud Satunlay in November pext,) at the Town of Huntsville, in Yadkin Co. WM. R. HOLT. Chm’. Wa. KR. Suanre, See'ry. He left with | but one month’s pay, 8125, and were it in my power to pre- | REMARKS OF MR. RAMSAY, In the Scnate, in defence of the North Carolina and Viryines and Tennessee Ruilroad Bill. Mx. Sreaker: As] had the honor of introducing the Libb now before the Senate, it may be expected Ly Scuators, ae well as by my constituents, that [ will say something in adve- cacy of its passage. 1 do not rise, however, ty make a speect, for 1 consider that unnecessary; but [shall simply make a fow remarks and give a tew reasons why | urge the pessaye of the vill. has been settled long since tu the satisfaction and benetit, not vuly of Senators, Lut of the great body of the peepke them- selves; Lut I shall address myself to this particular ill. The project of running a railroad fromm Salisbury te the Vir- ginia or Tennessee line, was discussed by myself and my cou- I shall not discuss the gereral policy of railroads; that petitor for the seat ] now oecupy, during the past ean vase list suminer. At that time, under the supposition that aid frou the State would be reqnired and asked for, | confese that [re garded the scheme as rather impractable, beeanse EP believed then, as [do now, that cousidering the financial condition. of the State, the Leyilature oaglit ty be cantioas with regal to making investweuts in new schemes aud projects of luteal Improvement. But, sir, my constituents have requested me to present this ‘Lill now before the Senate. And they ask nothing but the bare privilege of building the road themselves, by their ewn labor and capial, eulject only tu the asaal protection of lew in such cases. Dut, even this meet liberal propusition ou their part could net induce meo- and I will say further, ought net to tuduce any Senator to vote for it, auless couvineed by better? and stromeer reasons, for I coufoes thar LT wenld pot be willing tu authorize any w or set of wen, to Luild a read or roads that would injure or destroy other reads in which the State is interested, however much eech a proceeding might beuefit cer tain sen or localities, or however willing or desirous individu als wight be vol sntarily to conetract euch works Lt is my duty, and Tm ty add, uy pride, to ewe well to the interests of My lnmediaty Cometilwents; bat it as equally iny duty asd ee to defend the interest of the people of the whole State of North Carolin Now, sir, the read proposed to be built if cometructed, will le a ferder ty the Ceuteul road. All the puttable produce of the counties of Davie, Yahin, Wilkes, Surry, Watauza and Ashe, together wiih mach of that from vtber cuuntices evnt snows to them woald take the ruate of this rom! te the Coutral road; and thas, the Central road would be supplied with an immense amonat of freight and travel, that itdees not vow, and cannot otherwise reevive. Iu fact, the Lberal proposition of the citizeus of that eeetion tu buiid the read without ail from the State, elwws clearly tomy mind that would be a profitable investuxnt for the Srate itself, were @uCll ar nvestinent ashe { Tn alditvem to Shaan, the State Treasury will Le pomtively benefited by the buddany of the road. Lt may eontilently be pred.cted, w Len we hek to results ela where, that the ralac willbe greatly 1 wilimt se letter har thie of real and pers-ual costa f tarable property, nereased aly the e of the reads a eople is, that their a nal taxation, will be aoe of ther pro WW ten pray addit increased pire pawn, we tine creered salve i rty Anuther reason fer the pacsace of thie lal) ce fem in the fact. that it wolh be dba bat an act of justice to that hitherte neglected but meble pert of the Stale Tle porpee propes titted ed ty be Ler th ( thas iill, ave assieted, by tive passa rt heir representatives, te pase the Central [Qsad bill, amd other internal improvement sebemes, beneficial to other portrouna ef the State, and they Lave cheerfully sebuntted to tanate n foe ec benefit ofothere and for the alvangment of the intervete fthe w e State, leliering that the day woah! come when thev w Je remembered and repaid When the for the Western batensson was pressed, those people fondly beheved that the dav of there deliverance had mistaker The western extension rans benefit thre me, but they were »» far sonth t ‘Jonow, sir, after salynRting tb at rerease of taxation and te other very great diendvants "7 to benefit sectiona of the State ar » whee State itechf, and sceing no P forthe preset, latin a fro, we ted, and wis rome cffeert & hely theinactece, Lin their name, ask ven, cena rete yrant them the poor! won of the paren of thie W When we reflect that thie Read te to pase thro a ecetion of the State, produce cannot fr loa eomvrenrent onthet ley the weetern extensien, bat melt pomsilly pase pete Virgen mith tliaiw ie ttn the Sts confidently expect: the port of Senators fr West, and asthe beanl s he bast lov passing the frenght and travel freee thre ve Baat, | ow with incrowsed confidence expect the Nannon ‘ t ‘ Senatc ENGLISH Thtal BLES AT CANTON We have ( a dates to October 13 The Chinese at Can ty ave been cntting off t ve of the crow of a veasel a ler kn colors, and there are intimationus that the Britiel putliorities willitak mcuson to settle long standing inat tera with the ¢ hese The aceount is as follows: \ serious distor! ance a occurred at Canton The ¢ nes ndarina seized a vessel ander English colors, and ent tf the heads of crew The British Consul demanded an explana but sidarina bad theaylit proper te give the Consul no reply. Commodore DB. Edhot, of TE MOS. Sybille “ la arin jutok and sent her inte Hong Reng, fro. whence she managed to escape i thes it I]. M. stea mer Sain a, ( nander th IE. M.S. Encounter, left Tony Koug atl P.M sth, for Wharnpos, with \dniral Sir Micha el Seymour is fortunately on the spot, and, if we may judge a large force of inarines and blue jackets y lis recent determined: cor if uct in Japan, he will not be ANDY Hotseen a [tis both expected Neney Ste Jolin Bowring wills isiation yates of Canton bein, opened this time 5 for, until free ad mittance is obtained inte the city we cannot look for that res peet and security wloeh, ynaranty the continaance of peace and the advaneement of trade The cireuinstanee of our hav © fleet of fwar in the ¢ aseas offers avery pportunity ty adjust several matters which have re red long outstanding.” THE NEGROES AT THE NORTI \ colored preacher of the city of New York lately brouglit sat ayant the Siath Avenue Rail Road Company, on ac count of bemny ejected from a Car in which colored peo Ne were not permitted to ride Ile rested his case on the rights He was non enited and will carry his case to the Court of Appeal. Our northern of a citizen withont reyard to color ! ' evmpathisers are exceedingly particular about keeping negroes t Wtenpe for Chem ita distance, and showin tuerr es Prem the Babeig hyn 4 (herve pho tHe, Eorroy * “Prrexsuora,; Dee: 20th, TO THE HON) ROMULUS MS AU DERS. we Dean Juvar:—You may perha rhaps ree ripe when Med Chan. dley “United States Mg it was his m, when absent from his post, te “Arn Chait.” Now, as 1 have no arm chair as yet in the Reg- istey Sanctum —in facet no chairs of any jeort, txeept afew that a kind neighbor jlemt me until 1 could supply f, have addressed myself to your honor, well knowing your warm attaghment, te jmme, and your anxiety for iny suceese et jany uew home. | get to this city last | Thursday after a pleasant journey front Raleigh, and found all your ~ enguiting ricuds” well, and delighted to hear from |you at eo recent a dite. 3 eum asenre ‘you, my dear Judge, that sixee our ef- |forts to reconstruct the Ratetste 4 Gaston | Ruilroud have been erowned #hth snes jeevs, a journey from Raleigh tu ‘bury, is w mere Layatelle—in ftrwth it's [just a pleasant ride. But we had touglt | werk, dadye, to get that old readew mew jleys—did'it wot) Cracky! > How wedid ‘eweat!! You spoke and sweated, and jsweated and spoke, while I wrote and | perepired, and perspired and wrote. But we weve sustained in our arduous effurts, by the pleasant and familiar intercourse whieh existed between us, when we could snatch a lvisure moment, We positively becaine as think as forty tom cate in a wallet. You would put ine in the plural, ,wod call me * Symmes,” instead of “Syme. 1 attributed this to a suppositiva on your part, that ae J wae an ediJor, and every editor, saye “we,” that you must pat my name in the plural. Asa guide to your future prommaciation—so good in gene- ral—of my wame, [ refer you to the 595th page of Gilbert Bun's edition of Burw's works, on whieh you will tind the following extempure reply to an invita- tom to dinner given hin by ao My. “Syme,” and whieh it was out of his pow- ep lw aeer pt. ‘No more of yuar guests, be they titled or aot, And cowa'ry tile best im the asiwo ; Whe ws pre! to thy mrenel cumverse, cad erm, ls prof to all other iempietwa.* cr ate Again on the same page you will see, *O), had malt the strength of auad, Or tops the Garver of tee wit: “Teere drivk for first of human hied, A gli thet een for Syme were fs.” Now, my dear Judge, I must candidly inform you, that Lam net the Me, “Syme” grenvauced Sim,) spoken of by rma, for, theugh of couse you ‘vn't know it, Burana died before | “ciipped the uf Whe” This “Syn however we it, was a deuce of a clever fellow, and J am pretty eugo was some hie to me, 1 ar ewel a dence of a clever fellow my - olf. In this laws romark } knew you will cordially eomeur. Such lemg the character of the terme which subsist between us, it will be rea dily anderstood, that | take a great infer- est in all that concerns you, pri rately and publicly. Yoo wll easily imagine, thea, how shocked | was when I saw that the other day yoo were a speaker in a politi cal party ineeting. | knew you seegmé mthing wrong—I knew that happening to be present, you were “walled fas” b inconsiderate persona, who, in their wie to hang on your melliflacas tones, forget, what TP might almost call, the sanctity of your ‘great office,” foe “great” it ie, when lonestly and intelligently wadininistered , as italways has Leen, im your hands,— and Lhoew that it was im yoer nataral ardor, and permit ime to say, impulsi ues, that you vbeved the eall But this, alas! is an unciantable werk, and it paimed ime to bear men of all parties speak of you as they did, and assign fur validity of wloeh, Levuld wot in conscience deny their censare, fvaene, the sacked as they are Ly the commen sense and commen history of mankind, from earliest times to the present. Yoa, | know, bave been a constant student of the [ible, and know that ome of Cud'e varliest yifte to Lie chosen pe ple, after these escay« lawe for thesr government, ard JSadyra to inter Tarn to trom bhyypt, wae pret, aml see them secuted the Leah of Biacxloe and read io 18th chap. frou Téth to 24th rome, roel waste, these w * 14 Amt when Moses faher re bw, saw ofl vat trek ter thee prrnsgele, lee mated , What 2 te Ure eat Uh cn demet te the prope | why ettest thew = If, ahve, aa! ol thee rer! stand by from Morming ano even! 1> Nod Mines card unto hee Gother in lee Lh cmuee the peuple come esto me to iaqeure of 16 When thew have a matter, they come ee °, aw! | Le letacen om and another ain) {de meshe them Looe the statute of Gud. noel be howe IR Amel Muses’ father in law sand onto hie, Die thing that thew cheats mot geal 18 Tice elt surely wear away, both thee armel tls progle (hat se enh thee: thew art Gut to perform it thyself slume. 19 Herken new unto my voier, | will gire | ated (rod shall be with thee: Ite to God ward, that thoe may es amto (nd 20 And thea shall teach there the way @bere y muet walk, and the work that they mers de out of all the ashialt pros Jevple alde men, soch one fear (rod, men of J haing covetoasmer, aml place eech over thow d ruler of ref fifties and roters of tena Arel let them yadge the pouple at all eee ancl it ehall be, that every great matter het every small hem, lo be rulers of eom eho brag >» thee: they so shall rt be easier for matter Gley wlenll ued ire barden wih thyself, and they shall bear the thee 21 If thou shalt do thie thing.and God com min then thou shalt be able to endure antall the people shall also go to their plaes in I thee eo nme 24 So Moses hearkened to the roice of bis father in-law, and did all that ac bad said. Here you ace, my dear friend, what nay hot inaptly be termed, the model of the jndiciary aystem of our day and our Country, Moses conld not withoot “wearing away” settle all the canses of difference arising among the Jews, and Jethro, like a ¥ensible man as he wa, advised him to appoint SJudger, and par: cel oat among them the jurisdiction 1" all cases, reserving to himself, ae Goda iinmediate representative, an appellate jurisdiction. Jon't yon sve the resem blance between this and onrayatem, with ite Courta and several jurisdictions more or leas extensive, until it reaches the Su ec h i s e r e s t y g. “Th , forget, netity of le, when sistered , pa nla, — ; natorel »pulsive But this, , and is parties eign for lndity of deny on sense ud, from Yoa, | wlent of to imter Tarn to io 18th vwclusite, 7 «oe hat 1@ te why Wiest stand by y Come ee J another 0 of (nd, } ento him, both thee ou art ae will gee ) thee: Ihe thoe may way where | they mars t of all the J, men of ce swrhovet d rulers of f tens at all see cat matier very small yo easier fot rden wih | God com » to endure eit place in ico of bie said. nd, what model of and our without canses of Jewa, and s he wa, and par: dietion in as Goda appellate he resem tem, with ons more ¢ the Su por divetion, Steiieny of bane favo t or the*hope of reward, and 8s they S in their ht sphere ao Uoart ta his sphere.” ‘Bee, tor of a Jadge’s qualifications: “Thou shalt provide out of ull the people able’ men, ewély as fear God, mon of tréth, hating covetonsness : and plate such @v ut to be rulers of thousands, al »np g and let, them, judye ss peop % fy bea Back dout| Judge, 18 the character of your pftive, an) all thetory teaches fiat 4 political pene san Judiciary is the most damnable in- straiment of cruelty and oppression that man’s wicked inveution ever sought out. kvery body knows that the best laws in the hands of an ignorantor corrupt par- tizan and partial dudiciaty, furnish as high a road to wrong as the very worst! ever cnacted. What Ken ebuild I say, | when a ee de me tu _— worst of | itical Ja freys, whose conduct 1 feared to-him ap Asphaltic Column of Yufamy,” (if we may aso, Mr, Everett's lan, as applied to the Duke of Retccengh J iitent and humble, we distened. Unable to reply in vindication vf you, we held our peace. Los, my dear Judge, this is not all. You not only made a. political speech, dut yor, by wut dissenting from, assented vo, resolutions aduptot by this politieal enveting, deuvunciug ong of your own fel- low-citizens, a very large slavelulder, as 4 traitor tu the Sonth. Now, Sir, in your heart you do not believe Kenneth -Ray- ner tu be an abolitionist; fur setting aside the higher considerations which govern | him, you know that he has ten reasons! of interest to your one fur upholding the | institution of slavery, inasinnch as he| owns ten slaves to your one, and that in| truth his whole large estate is in land aud | negroes. Fou think be vaght not to hare made the Philadelphia speech, and J do not hesitate to say that, while respecting Mr. R.’s motives, | think his course was! exceedingly injadicious; but no more than you, do | believe, that he is false to lic native land, his family, friends, and vast stake in all that concerns it ur them. Once were, dear Judge, du you not ace the mischief that is dune in constani ly holding up to the true abolicionists of the North, Seathern Slavebolders as con federated with them; thus assuring then of aid and comfort in the vey heart uf the South. See too, Judge, the mischief suct charges, now probably produce. Whence | these insurrectionary movements said to be afoot among the slaves! From the constant charges wade by Suuthern Dem ocrats against their fellow citizens in the SéMb of another political faith, as muc !, as from any other source Review your ground, thea, my dear vld friend. You tean weil, you are Liessed with exalte d talents, and fil! an exalted station. Prov, yourself worthy of your blessing your station by “leaving all meaner things,” aod particularly “the low aml tion” of a political partizan “vehind,” and press towards the mark fur the prze vu! dur high calling. But, my dear Jad: can't write forever, and witha! am slee YY, 80, as We used to say in “unhappy Spain, “buenve noches,” and **teep on thy pillow, happy cod high: As the mown on the blow me poss at o ght” and P.S.—I am sorry that my busines will prevent iy dining yoa en Christusas day, bat [ will be sare to ‘drop in’ apon yoa on ‘New Year's,’ and ex change with yoa the ‘comptiments of the season. Adieu aw recur, alich, being intepreted, means good bye autil we cla) our visuals on each vier onee more with Yours temdlerly, Tue Eptrog og ruc Ratrion N. B.—We to«day Judge, a slight fall, and the eky 1 now of a sort of rean color, | a little whol ago, wasthe line of our old frend San cho's *Dapy le : Reuesree had snow here En Rat oe Bold Attempt of an lacsndiary. Aboat 2 o'clock, on Satarday morning ’ Rew last, the watchman at the depot of t Qtarlotte and South Carolina Railroad, ad scovered that the ineie {ther erty ce {asa bed-chamlber by Mr. Satmnner, lat the west m fire watcdusan the Superinte treberat, (aitiomte end of the passe sp depot.) was Just before the discovery, the was at or near the freight depot, and eur Ing aman at the pas Jighted lantern in nyer depot, with a sand, he made for the latter place, fear wall was not my n hie approacls tlie incendiary made at his escape, the watchman parsaing tin in the street, and discharging the contents of a doable barre! yun at him without ef fect The watchman then retarned t the leeation of the fire, and with the J rompt assistance f the Master Machin set, Mr by.) the flames were extingnished with Lut little damage to the building. The watchman says he is confident diary was a white man, and his object in t Anderson, (whose room is chose having a lighted lantern was ned for the purpose of indacing him to lieve thas he (the incendiary ) was one of the officers of the company It is hoped that the villian may yet be detected, and receive the punishment he we secrves Mr. Suinner waa the city at the time of the occ is watchman (whose name we did net earn) deserves great credit for his viyil ance and prom yptuese in the matter absent urrence Su. Card inian cee WISASTROUS FIRE—FORTY- ONE HORSES BURNED Savanwan, Dee. 23.—About half past Y o'clock last night, the Livery Stable of Mr. Thos. F. Stephene eorner of Barnard and Bronghiton streets, waa discovered to be on fire, and ina few minutes after the whole interior of the establishiment was enveloped in flames, A tolerably strong wind was blowing at the time, and owing to the combnstible material in the build ing and the free draught of air through its large doors, the fire burned with aston ishing rapidity, soon defying all etforts to gave the valuable horses, carriages and other property in the building. Out of 58 horses in the stalle, only 15 were sav ed. Eighteen bugyics and one valuable carriage were consuined, with saddles, and of hundreds and rulers of Aiftys | master of slates, “In dhig. vlew, the sefiptural doctring on this subject, differs on the one hand, from the doctrine that slave-holding is in itself sinful, on the ground that one man cannot law- fully possess or exercise the rights aud authori- ty over his fellow-men, which are involved in rt be te be nfonly $1,500 on his i uf * 4. A the relation of a Master to his slaves. A H A W ATOHMAN. “This of necessity Jeads to setting up a rule of pos Smamntae. eke S "5" d | faith and practice higher than the Scriptures and thus tends to destroy their authority. It jleads to uncharitable feelings, and to unright- | es as —— === cous judgments, as well as to unwarrantable TUESDAY EVENING, DEC. 30, 1836, | means fur abating the evil, On the other hand | SALISBURY. N,v. : a SESE the scriptural doetrive is opposed to the opiu- TERMS OF THIS PAPER $2.00 CASIL liva that slavery is in itself a desirable institution, 7s wt as * saa land as such to be preserved and perpetuated, | The close of the Year.—Tiia noinber | This leads to resulis no less deplorable dian the | of the Watchman closes our labors for the | other error. year 1856. Few persuns who narrowly | “As slavery is founded on the inferiority of one scan the past, but ean find instances of | class of suciety to another, the opinion that it | shurt cominga, errors, faults and wrongs |9exht to be cberisle, uaturally leads to the enough, in their lives to indnee a subdned | aad ees of eons lo lacey ase oF ved perpetuate and homble mind. Absolute perfeetion | that inferiority, by preventing the iunjwuvement i ired ; owever . is the standard sone weer : e | “It preseuts also a strong temptation to deny near it one mmay Come, bu yet fails, hele the common bruther-lood uf men, and to regurd | reminded that these he ought to have} | the enslaved as belonging to an inferior race. pin and not to have left the other un-| 7, great mistake of thyee who adopt the form- one. er crror, is— We trust we have something approach-| «14, That they assume the right of property ing a just sense of the many imperfec-| in the master to extend to more than the servi- tions in the discharge of our duty as the couduetor of this paper for the past year ; aud we certainly feel very anxious to] isa right to use the slave as a man possessing avuid them for the futare, but whether or | the same nature as his master, and may, by the not we shall be able to do so, is a ques- Law of God and the constitution of things, be of the subject clygs. ces of the slave. “The ouly right of property possible in the ease | | Esq., on ORGAN HOWARD to Miss SARAH A. F ER. properly used. And, “2d. The confounding slave-laws with slavery, | bi as to t ism as a forin of civil government, with the laws of any particular despotic State. Those laws may be good or bad. Their being bad, as they | too often are, does not prove either in the case tion experience teaches us to regard with cantion, All are prone to plead excuses in such cases, and soinetiimes to offer pro- mises in profusion. We shall, however, on the present occasion, forbear doing It is the office of experionce to teach, and of the past to admonish. These which is as unre } despot- | either. of despotism or slavery, that the institution itself are now quite confusing us with their The mistake of | clamer, all well, meant; but if they shall accowplish any good result, the fature | is contrary to the Divine Law. alone must show it. Meanwhile, those who are whe are signifying the same by substan jdvred perpetual, This is as unreasonable as to tial tokens of their favor, will please 8c- | maintaia that ebildren should, if possible, al cept our sineere thanks, and our Lest | ways remain minors. wishes fur their happiness and prosperity.) “The Bille methed of dealing with this, and May their shadows never grow less. - -- Fanily Flour.—We are indebted to} sured that those principles if allowed free scope, the Messrs. Foard and Austin, proprie-| sill put an end to all evils both io the polities! tors of the Rowan Mills, for a sack of fine | and social relations of maa. The Apostle there- It is | re, without ether denouncing or commending similar institwlions, is to enforce, on al] coveerd fed the great principles of moral obligation —as- family floar—a Christmas present. No 1, and we are assared that these gen-| “very, simply ineulcates and master on slave These remarks of Dr tary on Eph. 6: 5, strike us as very moderate and julicivus on this much their appeoprat ty.” tleinen are now prepared to produce as nein apyrupnate duty - A | Lbealge im his cor splendid results at their Mills as can be z : They wheat, delivered at their mills, at achieved any where. purchase Salie- bury prices; grind and pack at usual toll vexed subject shu more eateus.vely before the minds od we consider them worthy of berg baw of the community EF. AK rates, as may suit these who patronise oe there establishment. From the Gi censborough Patriot > | DANVILLE CONNECTION. Neveant Hiring.—Negroes are hiring at very high rates in Norfolk, Virginia, just atthis time. Men bring from @1 50 ty R160, Levee from 860 to rouse servants, from $60) to 6. and ironers, frown 87U to 8U; g 840 upwards. There are two bills before the Legisla ture, introduced by Mr. Boyd of Rock- ingham, and Mr. [ill of Caswell, to ef fect a railruad connection between the women, washers s, from Danville and Richmond railroad and the North Carolina Railroad at Greensboro’. We have refraiued frum Leing nosy on this su able prejudice against our town and coan ty, wiyit render any remarks from this i We will quarter of worse thau no avail however, we trast, not lay ourselves lia These rates are not mach, ifany, above ; ect, believing that the unaccount those which have ruled here for several years past As a consequence, there tsa growing sentiment amongst the holders of wegroes, that itie more profitable t hire tiem cet then to. work them on 0 ble tu censure for a word in fay section and the best interest of the State, net the fact is so farm; and we doubt by copying the able article on this sub The owner of 10 vegro fellows can real ject from the Lexington Flay re BL by hiring them out--clear All that 19 asked for is a vaked char clear protit—and avoide all the trouble of ter for Cas work The State world not their management. We venture to say |° ed upon fora cent Th Kealerch there is not a farmer in’ Western North cocrespsnideats Tuc) Use) Star (tte 1). mo crat im ces the opposition to the propos Carvlina whe efeara, by hie farin, over ed work as “arbitrary and unjust dis and above all ex, enses, that sum ont! crimination It io not sutticnnt, bhece eame vawber of hands, year by rear. So tinues * that taxes are enforced for ot he ft t be tracutheuse who hare ne, Bvrks f internal inprovement, wwe ren yf tha ath ho h ! | are prolibited from the poor privilege of mee, consult their own best interest bv } ' 1 5 » ciploy ing o& own means in a way that nieg them out, as lone as these prices ; urheg ee ’ berths 1 we think is likely resullfoour adva can be oltained Phis is downright oppression: oppress Bat bow ioit with those who pay thes tho free people could be expects ! ou tto ' 1e jit tthe D pricesl Of course they mast find ther t And t I f / tee f pertinently asks “Are not tA interest in deing sa, or else they would . : peop the State, and why set up } etep it t Phough we cannot well sce how tion and keep down au make more a farmer can out of a hired citizens of a particular se toclenil< servant than the master himself con prised { the benetits of foal uy | . , 4 Tee e tomar nake ontof him, vet we are oblimed to Which tu transport their 5 luc ark 1 ¢ et, merely because the Btate eeyht rot melude that itisss, the practice of ma : : Jerive quite as large a dividend tr F live ovtitl niin fhe cost ielityeut g tlemeniin cou Soy so wlich ele yaa invested if the pre ing all doubts t sul) \ ~d charter was granted! Awa And yet, notwithstanding these may be witu sach acoutracted policy We find facts, we are much inclined to regar A commubication inthe Standard of Sa ] jay, sinned * W 1 epeprersat these high rates wit ttle faver. Are DFURS, Sen ; Vh x rranting a clarter, w 1 we tba Ave : t ’ '! fentt: = a ; ’ ot tar ch re cy nota fr ey n » tiny A A } ecasion to reply to hereafter lend men to seek out other available We dimiss the subject for the pres handa for working tle farme, washing witi the EXpress fo a copvicton mi their clothes, cooking their potatoes, and Cured in eur min Js without any influ t thea, g 4 ; J ’ ot / tlety ov aecteonality, to wit 1 at rocking their children? Ta there 1 ealdes J the opening of railroad connection eome danger that these rates, which are tween the Danville road and Greensboro mm) @ Feyeuiar ive rease, year after vear. will do more than any other legislatiy fur tlre Central Road, by throwing upon its w willattain, one of these days, a point of ex policy can do salvat treme pitch from which they will tainble nN ad an amount of travel mor ) beyond the hope of reascension t There ere ead an amon J raves tt pS \ } t able than could possibly otherwise be se m re None . here ia none ) : : Be Ut MUSA ‘ cured. At the same tine freights to the | : 1; tain most other things whi {rane castward would not be diminished, it ascend certain ordinary bounds, we are ratier increased DISSOLUTION NOTICE. Sausavey, Dee. 29h, 1°56 prone to look ahead and gness at thre consequences, so in this We hnow the pride of many pe ple to have negro about the house will bear an enormens THE firm of Boyden, Lemly & Co, commsting of pressore, even after hire-rates shall bave Sarkcniall Nagas Tees AL Tena A reached a point altogether unreasonable. Boyden and \. Bo Hendren, w thie day diesulved by utoal eonment It is certainly no businesa of other peo hash bts NATHANIEL ROYDEN | . » ahs HENRY A LEMEY Vates trfere in auch cases, and we shall ple to interfere in aach cases NL Waa) BON (TEES therefore close our remarks without an A BOHENDREN Salebare. Dee 3th, IN56 ee ANOTHER Ie NAIL ON LADIES’ AUCTION, ON WEDYESDIY, 31st Dee., 1856. dacena}iiere werd jamili (cen) the ene Dae PTE gebeeriber wil offer PUBLIC AUOTION fect that slavery prevailed thronghout the Ro oa Wednesday next, commencing at L0e chock f hie Stock of GOODS remain " aeatrime ut other word JUTTING THE HEAD Ke Itie evident both from the meaning of the » ballance shire during the apostolic age that thia the balla man emypir during the ay she ag hand. which till compriaes an exte nave and other passages of the New Testament refer dry guoda; Needle worked Embrontenes, Drees Silke Shawls, Ladies’ Cloaks &e &e —Fancy Articles THE GOODS MUST BE SOLD. The Sale will be made positively and without re aaly for the Indien to that institution. Tt ie dealt with precisely as despotiam in the State is dealt with. Ttis net ther enjoined nor forbiddea, Tt is simy ly as eerye —Thw eale ie ex, The aale will be continued during the day and night F MYERS sumed to be lawful, so that a christian may consistently be ao autacrat in the State, or a those who hold the other extreme opinion on | | this subject, so far as the Bible is coucerned, is | that what the seriptures tolerate as lawful under | satisfied with our labors, and | yiven cireumstances, may be cherished, aud ren- | ! | that death is no respecter of age Typhoid Pootrna Tia ant nan ragga SALE,OF LAND. y. | | % eee aes of the Court of Equi- a stand that several wae have falen'! Ww: wD aoe, Pointe wores nts— | 2 ty, 1 will offer the following tracts of valuableJand victiuis to it within the past two or thrée Ad & notice “a published by Mr. .C, ¥ or sale, at putblie apetion: | | * a — ‘on ; janieo wi . weeks,— Marion Star. oe ry ae cog at ecict ie hee | 112 Acres, ie ———— Fase Mils.”| This notice ye arenigige ra | Pi ag 7¢ ”- ps not toerealo @ lusion by whieh the. . N OLFOLK MARKE T. rags that we wish-to mawafscture into peper ot home igpheorecprgs at prong, Unvpersete bog EDWD a Tt ‘ Reported by Rowland & Brothers, Dee. #1, 1856, | ms) be diverted to the North, where Mr. Benedict ie Geogye Barnhart and ~thers oubject to the widow's . Oe aod 33 Real Wt ee e ed to #e: m, We ore unwilling that our | s e . ie ’ : BACON—Hams, 13 @ 16.. Hog round, 13 @ 193 econo operations, or our eredit should be con- j comer: Bele (9 take pase en the 30th dey of 7 ILL be prepared on apd after, the fet,” : Joauury vext, at the premiscs, biddings to be opened ; aTte 4 Sides Western, 10. Shoulders 64 @ 9. (founded with those of any other compary, or agests |. 9379 50, “eras of sale’ Ga months ened: band | ee their SPRING TPO: pw Rag CORN—Mixed, 62.—White, 63.—Yellow, 65. | for Northern Paper Houses. with approved seourity. Pr. adv. $2.50. | prisiug an extensive und varied assortment oer, FLOUR—Super. 7.25. Extra, 8.00,—Family, $3.50. | SALT—Liverpool, fine, $1.12—Ground Ajum, 120 We give the hightet price for rags, which can be given, without aetual loss, Our prices are the same | everywhere, and are well knowe to those with wham novel and desirable 85 3-4 Acres, | Sitk and Fancy Goods, “ie | adepted, especially, to the wants of pecrethc* “aro the DRIED APPLES—Nominal—1.37 @ 1.40. jwe deal. We cannot efford to sustain lows; and we ihe eslkte af Peter Peslec, dcecacsd. ads ee Mcrehunts, and whieh will be offered ~ expect to pay ulways, without dispute and withont | | oy Y ie 7 LOWEST MARKET PRICES +t “ PEACH ES—$4.50 @ 85. delay. These who pas ia give taare| bud waa [ni me shears: — ace werkt 4nd | Dee. 80. 158. sis pgb ee LIME—€14 to $14 | prices must design: to cripple us, a8 we ore sure they oot ay «1 ball gr hclllnsad pada) tral alate tal eee - OATS—37 @ 40. j cannot realize profits from such parchares. Bett ret (he | prewmlece: (it erme cf sales) six luentlee Look here, and believe what as tell you of Saxp- |vorn's Inviooastos ia relieving Biliious Diarrhoea, Cholera Morbus, and other kindred compluinta lt will do it, we have loug know), and feel grateful to Dr. 5. in giving it to the public. It is surprising so | |many should suffer when this remedy is iu uourly ev- | ery town in the United States. | We have beea often surprised at the amount of suf- | fering in our commanity frum Biliious derangements and kindred disease@, when we kuow, from vur own | experience, and what we dally hear from others, that there iw @ certain remedy for these evinplainis in al | most every town, We pave reference ta De. Bagu- | vonn’s Invigonator or Liver remedy, " MARRIED: lu the Presbyterian Church, Mocksville, on the 28th inst., by the Rey. Jesse Raukin, Mr. A. A. HARBIN, to Mibs E. J. BROWN, eldest daughter of Thos. Brown. lo Davie County, on the 18th inst., by J. B. Jones, ‘OS In Davie County, on the 24th inst., by J. B. Jones, Eeq, Mr. JAMES C. AUSTIN to Miss BARBARA Cc. GOWAN. In Mocksville, on the 24th inst by J. B. Jones, Eeq. Mr. YOUNG HELFER w Miss REBECCA HOL- ME In Iredell county, on the 23d instant, by Rev. R. H. Griffith, Mr. T. W. GIBSON, to Miss MARY A. HOLMAN Oa the same, aad by the same, Mr. C. H. KES- TLER, w Mus E. K. LAZENBY. In this town on Tuesday 16th inst, by Rev. A Baker, Mr THOMAS CRAWFORD, to Miss MA- RY C. PRICE, all of this place. DIED: At Oak Forest, Iredell Co, on the 25th, JAMES B. STEELE, wa of W. Steele and Mary Siecle. In Iredell county, oo the 20th of this inst, Miss NANCY McNE In the death of this amiable young lady, we see She was cat down iw the bhean of youth, leaving a large circle of friends to mourn her lose; but they do pot mourn as those without hope. She died in the triumph of faith, with full confidence of a happy immortal be youd the grave * Hope buoks beyoad the bownds of ime, Whea what we now deplore, Shall nse in full, mmartal prune, | And bleu te fade ao more —Com. FAIR WARNING. : | LL those indebted iv me as Administrator of Mo- | é ors D. Kilpatrick, deceased, are requested fur the last ime—to come forward and make payment before the Fedruary court; at and after that ume f will be commpelied tu take legal stcps to settle ap the estate Those wishing to settle can call at my residence or that of Johan S. Carmm, at either place they can be eccommedaicd JAMES G RAMSAY jw3l THE PROHIBITIONIST. ] . ed Moaihly, by the EB auve Committee { the New York State Temperance Socety Aman, McCorv, member of the Execaure Commitice Edur The ables ead most earnest advocates of the Cause ia the Nation, contnbete of thea wisdua ead chau nee Ww 4s colamns. With the Number for January, 1857, it begios Vol Iv ne ecope and epnt of the Peomsrroswr « No sedapied every State im the Uswn. and eareulsics very State The the adherent of wove Pp cal pa ot the opponent of anyother So be vided the Reppreemme of the Laqew Troff se of latemperamee; an al! uher o which divide the pubbe mind, it absie Ise printed in the Fube Furm, am a double medion heet, makiaz eght large fuar-cotumaed pagrs . vambe ym BOCRIFTION One copy fur ome year, $ Three, ts oe address, one yeer, tiv Nod fr each eddamwaal foer eupees, £ witl be changed for aay quantity ieee ts one address, Lopes, loone addres, 8 The petage on the Promerios' * witha the Cumety of Albeny, frees beyund ‘le ( Three Coates Siste, ead wnhen the United Stairs, Suz tr —payahle quarterty im advance a the Mate, Barren Peovivces — Uherware no poeiage charges ig 2 see7 to suber ribere im the ( ane ¢ any rf the Preece in Bath Amenre se at Orrca To facihiate the grata tous be Paper, we will send One Hundred ( for avear.t eddrree, postage pend, for Tue Five Doucaas. and at the amme rate fe any terms barely cover the o« amber Them whose hands this ehert may f cla, and pata eng Speewmen copes wii b ste orders reapectfally « A ddreee O SCOVILLE, Pi avientwa Morey Areas NOY CAPITAL PRIZE $60.000 SOL TAHERY WILITIRY ACADEMY LoTTéEal: CLASS NX, ( Wobile, A'ebama. in] ary 30, 1837. om the Plan T ” 1. h mn brday, Jan SINGLE NUMBERS. Jous Hearee » WoW. Metseime, Esas, Com's 30 000 Tickets Rize T 3,295 Prizes! EVERY TRV TICKET BRILLIANT SCHEME! MORE TITAN ONE 1 Prae of een 000 é Prize of 5 Pore ' Pn vf 1 Prite of 0 2 Priace of 2 » Pree of na Piizes 00 Pr aes of ‘ 100 Prizes of 1M APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 4 Prizes of @2 approximating t Prise ‘ ” 4 - bai Prie w “are amounting t re Whole Tickets, 810; Halves, &5 ; Quarters, 2h, The first 219 Prizes are deeded in the usual man 1,900 Pree of 860 will be determined by the lvat fthe Number that drawe the $60,000 Prize the &60.000 etample. if the Nunther draw Pree ende with Nol th all th kete where the nam endeiin 1 will be entitled to 60. Tf the Nome herends with No 2. then al Tickets wher he Number ends in 2 will be catnited to 860, and anon to 0 Certificates of Packages will be auld atthe fo ewig eawhich ow the risk Cert ticate of Package of 10 Whole Tickets eeu 10 Half 30 10 Quarter 15 Addrees Orders for Tickets or Certificates of Pack agra of Ticketsethert BS SWAN & CO. Atlanta, Ga or S SWAN, Montgomery Al or S SWAN, Bos 00, Mobile, Ala | ‘Te our felhw-eitizens, we suy, if you owe favors to | | 7 “NOTICE. i | mouths credit, boud with approved meunty. $2.50, ELY, deughter of the late Heachiab | ascertain their position McNeely ; deceased in the 22d year of her age. | credit, buud with approved security. 35 Throader & Lightaingt 18 LOTS, | DISUNION AND CIVEL?WAR, belonging to the heirs-al-luw of Ms. Thoman, one | P ; Nu wfefsn Suture Crnaartned See’ Pestilence, Patent Medicine, to take pluce wt the Court House in Salisbary, on Sat. | i i urcay the 3i>t of January next. ‘Terms of sale, six | FAMINE, &e., &., 8 tneouche credit, bund aud security. Pr. adv. $2.50. “ ne { We evils aud exlamities that should be enggied 80 Acres jo A against. BAKER & OWEN beg leave t@ in- | be | form the pablie generally and private individuals par- known us the Michael Bostien land, sdjuinidg the | Heulurly, that they are ready, willing and ankes lands uf Jecub Shuping, Juhu Howling, Juha Muith | tet them from one a4 least of the wbuwe ¢ aud others. Sale te Gike place on the 26:h day of | BY Putting #p to their buildings, their Patent Leokinga Tarune atiecic tae k Lightning Condactors, at prices lower than it-has.ewe ‘er been done at in this part of the country. Address your order to Baker & Owen, Salisbary, NiiCy oly 22, 13é6, the North send your rags there—if you would ruther | encourage Southern investinents and home indestry, send theud to us. | THE COMPANY. 8. H. ROGERS, President. hm. B. FREEMAN, Treasurer. J D. ROYSTER, Superiatendent. F. J. HAYWOOD UW. W. HUSTED. | EB. B.SATER | W. D. JOHNSON. J. BROADWELL Dee. 23,1856. dw3l January next, ut the preunses. a ee | eee oe ate ela Mn ANOTIER SLB. WILLS. MOOSE { others, adjoining the lands of George C lex. | I Jander Bustian, Michuel Albright and uthers, Sule tw WILL eell on Tuesday and Wednesday, the 20th | take place on the 27th diy of January next, at the | and 2ist @»ys of January, 1857, at my residence in | premises Terms of sale, six months credit, bond i | WHOLESALE County, ten miles South East of Ba! , | with approved . . adv. $2.50. 7 J sed thee mace North of Gad Mil, ebimy nn | gre eens Pearce AND RETAIL DEAL- |127 Acres & 159 Acres, ERS IN Personal Property, | belonging to the estate of Margaret Anderson, aee'a,| hG { | we Cousistingof—Mules, Horses, Hoge Cattle and Sheep; | S'06 1 Fuerth Creek, edjoining the lends of | ane D aD t x D. Juhosion, Solomon Hall and others Sale to take a! wable stock. N, . ’ or, A ‘ t val stock. CORN, oats, hay, fodder, and |pluce at the premi on Saturday the 24th day of other roughness, a large quantity. Algo, a large quan- | 00 Bt Ne Picea en ile twel ; Tata? Re .” ext. ‘ hs credit, | 4 sx ty of aon aad Las ent of ach Fades ta aes moat Keele Takes ER ES SO my farming utensils, consisting of many eceurity. md Na ace mest VALUABLE IMPLEMENTS. | L. BLACKMER, ©. M. EL ; ue “ Dec. 8, 1856.—P 82 50. pay Als, HOUSEHOLD and KITCHEN FURNI.) Pee ® 56.—Pr. adv. 68 50 =? ed stuck of Dry Goods, smong which be TURE, embracing many valuable articles tuo nuiner- | —ALSO— | Goalid « lars esortastol of Fescy| DRESS ous to mention. Also, I will sell at the same time ATi : ! Hosiery, Gl and place, wpa nade of $00 acres well timbered At the sume time and place, G. A. Locke will offer M AS for sale, at public anetiwu, the old humesieud, oa) Senos, De PINE LAND, | which the Inte Murgaret Andrreoa lived, containing | Prats, Hate and Cepa Also, a brge assortment ef . aboot 121 ACRES, with a good dwelling hous, and | Cloths, Cassimeres and Vestings, blesched and heown lying one and a half milee East of Gold Hill. These | other improvements. goods of all kinds and prices ; T:unks and Carpet lands will be divided into four tracts aud wld eeparete-| Dee. 8, 1856. | Boots and Shocs Also, a large stock of Ready-’ y- Persons desiring to sre out-lines of plats of these | Clothing, &e—all of whieh we are determined to evil ands, will call an me after the 10th uf January, and | at pnees that will defy competition. | Give us a call, ¢ ne our Goods and see fur your- selves. Salisbury, Now 10, 1856 @4af | W E are now in the receipt of a large and serert- Pr. adv. 82 50 NEGROES! Valuable Mili Property! | 729. | Positive sale, geatlemen—be prompt in your at tendance, or you may lowe bargaias. Liberal terms, which will be made known on the Pape an 30s SWAN & CO’S LOTTERIES. N. B. ‘The abur > lands are affe red fur sale private: | AND KANSAS LANDS : ty aie F¢ yR SA e k. | [Authorized by the State of -Uubama.} ndersigned will exp: t pobi ¢ SOUTHERN Y AC on ot pobiie enetin, i MILITARY ACADEMY 2 of Salubary,on the lst. dayof Janes- Decree cate cnr ete ot Bisicemte Nt) PLEVEN YOUNG AND LIKELY . rene CLASS Mi er, @ Blacksmith, and a ge ’ | adjoining the lends of AK. Sunentoo, PH. Dato &| A TOG ses BaD BS te 9 Poe 230 Ac res, vexcelleut Corks, une of them a | Tu be drawn ia the City of Montgomery, Ala, ie gu j others, containing eh vat ged Washer and Ironer lic og Saturday, January 10,1857, 0m the Plag.eg a credit of twelve | ope handred eeres of which is well Umbered. There 1 meaduw, end a quantity of gud upland . eremiege Rea “te ell SINGLE NUMBERS! | farther particulars apply to A.W Jamema of States ALSO, | zs ~ ville, ut the subscriber at Ook Furest all that valaable Mil) Joan Hvares and W. W. McGuise, Boge, Come For, 2PProved wear) JR B ADAMS propsHAy vend bikks laaruees i A tr Western Demarrat, Charhate, copy 3 mec ond | wards uf Ot amie Sree chee | ~ — 500 ACRES OF LAND. | 30,000 TICKETS ONLY! 3280 PRIZES! forwerd bl! to Me. Adams Said lauds are divided imto two separate Tracts: One NEARLY ONE PRIZE TO EVERY NINE TICKETS, Dee. 23d 1556 3w:30 known as tbe Hume ph embracing the mill proper NUVEL SCHEME! Six Males and five Females “a Nigons ce w an racelie These Ney a ; there os Menthe, with interest from date dwell-ag house, and all veceesary wut buildings T will offer for eule, private SWAN & c0.’s LOTTERIES | the other, as the Goodmaa Tract, on which w a | FORT GAINES ACADEMY LOTTERY !) toc tesnag theme cct vce’ totangs "toes tracts will be cold separately, of entire, to suit pur pay a4 ore $ Bl 1 Prize of 915,00 is 15,900 To he drawn in the City of Atlanta, Georgia. ia pad- |“; rare ae. ie | sta aceoal alah rag bows 10,000 is 10,000 he, vn Tureday, Janaary 20, 1856, 09 the plas of Boe of Rock vill 1 See bow 10,000 is 10,000 SINGLE NUMBERS !! envy ca are ee 10.009 10.bue ” ay, ee Foam determine y SINGLE NUMBERS |! coping mined o sell, and du wot wish| 4, 10,000 is 10,000 30,000 TCKETS—3,307 PRIZES! JOS. A LINN Je poets Hy o4 NEARLY ONE PRIZE TO EVERY NIXE TICKETS December Sth, 1956 20:29 10 Prizes of "209 are 2.908 B z : 90 bs “ 100 are rilliant Scheme. NEGROES! eae roles Yoo ( Priae of 815,000 $25,000 = ; : 10 OU 50 are 5.000 ; es & tou AND OTHER VALUABLE PROPERTY 3.000 ~~ 40 are 198,000 1 10 000 vs 10.000 ) ' . = = SET 1 10,000 10.000, ap FOR SA LE. 3.307 Prizes am-unting to $204,500 1 4.000 ve 4.000 Swhecnber hens destroms of leaving the State a * 1 1.00 se 1 owe wil rat publie Sale at her rerdence im Stanly Whole Trckets, $10 — Halves, 85— Quarters, 2} 1 1,000 ve 1.00) Covaty, on Fratoy aad Saterday the 9th and Mth « The fire: 307 Pracs are decided ia the veuel men- ) Pres of 200 a inn) Janwary me stock of HORSES, HOGS.) ger » 10) are som CATTLE SHEEP; « largeqosauty of CORN 3 000 Pures of 81 will be determined by the “Inet an oc poo) WHEAT, FODDER, ONTS and COTTON rare of the Number that dra@e the $1 Prose — ‘ Okie any Ale stent 5 Ou of Fatewng Mere,—all ber Far exampie, if the Namber drewing the $58,088 oo « is au 1%) 000 Uowerkdd and Kiche Farcware, cmmetmg in part Piss emis auth No |, then all the Tickets wheen the ; pene { Mohopiey Chars, Rules. Setters, Centre-Tabirs ends in 1 wll be eotithed to 960. IY the Nem- 1.307 Priece onv.cesmg to 204.0 : fe : \ _the ee se and place, she will or » 2 willbe cottled to $40andsoen o@, Whole Tilrts A10—Watres 63-Qurtern 0 tt. oo ure VY NEGROES, eamernz of) Cerficstes of Peckges will be ould ot he ed ond bewse servania 2 Terms rates, which m the mab The firs 317 Pritee are deesded om the asnel man. made bo dey of sale Certfeate of Package of 10 Whole Tickets, 960 ae ELIZA MH WALI “* ‘ 10Helf » 3.000 Priace of @45 @ilt be ruined by the les December * 56 tw? ‘ 10 Quarter “ PP fig fthe N tthe 25.000 Prive Orders for Tickets can be addressed to bie enampie. ff the N he $25.00 GRE \] ATTR ACTIONS! S SWAN &CO. Adanta, Ga Prize ents ow Not * o Tickets he “ ‘ ‘ bs or 8 SWAN, Moatgumery, Als. onde te . be es 1 ’ + ’ oT hl ’ = Pelar cadets uni etl the Terkets whee SELLING OFF AT COST DEROSSET & BROWN, 7 2 810. onde "OTICE ts hereby piven, that oer entire stock of ‘ Ready Made Chothe J r¢ WILMINGTON, N.C. MING , K q an tends. ow o« be - eres of purchaande Sey Pokies wero BROWN & DEROSSET, es Q i r pned to w fue NEW YORK, aN wee priest TP ckesd gt oll eb artara GEVFRLL CO1TISSION MERCHANTS, egret Tickets suber ss e hing hes me Ucn! advances made on Consgnmenta S SWAN &€ OO We wish t kre ep _—_- ers SWAN, Mow ry, Ale business by the let ef) oy Par rage Steals 2 a5 - . . : He ores WANTED Siate of North Carolina, Po RATA & co ~ hole W fr aaiin coN ooeowssones 9000 Bashels Wheat leane DD ve James Davis fan officer for collec ” AND py ca / : . foriherth, a8 we are determmacd | ae up cur bus > pL an A) , ORIGINAL ATTACHMENT os FHM @co 1000 BARRELS FLOUR, reese rd & onabht c— at eae on D «mbe ve 185 | a } : : fs i Ls Pain Peles hee) oe alae oes rw sheet Ride retheagtt evens 20 (ef act no Coat, that sad James eee” Beate of Nor a . : whee aad ares Pa Nie etd . e of No ‘ ‘ gheet mark ems sch sate “eterna SUE North Carolina. oc eaowe. .W bee LOW AN COUNTY Sahebery, Sem. 16, 1856 urges elect alien a Cverns wbelbeld Cowrt of J i Quarter Sectums, . yrs ~ Go eh eee ee ane her Term, 18 SALISBURY pe ern ee ee eee re CLASSICAL SCHOOL uae bes = Ahie gayi) Deer pi ber | ES Giana th J “ Marsh = Serakat ant of co : a It sopened « Classteg) Sehgal veer of our Tne P a ) ~ ant for parpese of preparing Poe ws ; are VRSON ik ee Pee . Ge Re i : 4 rany © the learned Petes “vr wr) ma ve : s mis wel be pared to eat au \ i ‘ oe es at rm any of cone ( cacgon eh + Oe 12 000 DO: j (RN! , oe et lee vd [Se seh laste var will consist of ene =~. 4a4. Se HCY -H = } : “g om the Ist of Oce- 1 vacation of ome weeb ws---Per Sex.ion of 10 Momths. « ‘ 3 w sowed ' bh ats at, f <b Ce 1 D ead * t M R A Du- r } aS Fe yy 920 co ertine of a ge varvety lavas Hseut the Se I Higher ,¢ and Mothematios, 30 @8 Dre an Ce rdioth Dry Corte. nea kept AMES EF KERR Cit Ciweccs and Wathea *, 0 stores in thie eoan wre hae ho Ready. Made t eee | ter 4 germ fund : % 1 @ Clothing, Hare, B Caps. I Shoee, Rank es ; ! «, Trac Hage. & {wh LP . . ‘ . ' will be required in advanee, aad wil be add Werreepeoifatv acacia, eetate of North Carolina, Tae hs nnd the remainder at - f this wanilne . : WAN ¥11 . - - ae ducts for abectee the abevo stock of (reels and advantyz-« offered t ve oe. buyers rho fT « rs A AY REFERENCES All theme tndeb tan any wav, ore k ad 8 Rives ' } 1 vied, the last time, te pay ap by the first of March ie ~ 1 = D. a iit ‘ i abel ddl Drery 1837, as longer ind : en ph Ma shail va Aberdeen Company pelea Won dr wvideun Cullece ; Hom. RECUIWINE & GARRISON Original Att aU ie chad Alle Sled tall ant Burton Craigs, Jae » Beg, Jas. Bo Kerr, JOHN B GRETTER, A. B October 14. 1256. 228 s p ) » ais he. A 1 TAYLORSVILLE ifr rod nents of the Ahern Cannan, Het: Sala FEWALE SCHOOL, (02% 8208: Headers. en ; et sbur. ¢ ays . ut ‘ l m Mra Jane Ro Calleaper, 0 Piens and Q ~ ; aniy \ U T 7a the lbh ne Jaane n cfir a of Raws " \ ‘ bes = ing ahaa uM frat Mond t vy. b FreER ®& ’ ‘ i x : Nin nonery, 1857. the business of the “ oy , powate fa «will be sin , “ es * ofa w > ted aza net \ t « Mu y. McRorie & Co will be wnmoda moa * em, anc ¥ e rougt peedy chim 6 won Mre. Gillepie’s repa re the hean JAWES EO RERR, Clk niece “ cy peerage, oa RineuOlor Ress. te eyes wcike caus cena se fe be ash eimae foc aid weithyvel dries, oust mae Gaye ' adthe eheapreee of thie vu f nem " Gaeuiedeareee Mh peel meee , OBR PRINTING Se en oe December 9, 1956 ‘ ° Tw2k Verully “mounted «te ait a ten Ne RoR & OB, / thed ut ve Office Salsbury. Dee 1~36 bw 9 aman _ Medieg! Diseoyery of the Age. DR. KENNEDY, of has discovered ia one phous W. P. ELLIOT, (Date of Worth & Eiliott, Fayetteville, N; C,.) GENERAL COMMISSION VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. determined te amove (o Mf you want a good paper subsertbe “THE NATION,” Pi wod, ee a i ‘pagtucre weede's remedy that cures "THE sedersigned, baving ‘ Y KIND HUMOR. the West, offers » Sieum Saw Mill in the OF AND sud Hoarahing village of Olin, with ton vr Prem omy eh do down to 8 common Pimple. pores of land rar tia te oa oo mes FORWARDING MERCHANT. Some ahh Fh Sens a yee cna sean. ai oe Wn apr 3100 aeryeedones, nee PY ’ sige tester Sih Hoh Aero ding ra ene’ i: i relomatens = of WILMINGTON, N.c running m, « vlodied ot sawing from two thou. } ; i : a cheapest In the . its now i withia twenty pang Boston. ee sh A At pancimgg NV. C., ave Poonplstet ead Tew shen = ive of fine 's etiam per day waa Or 2 AMERICA. | bie terms. His thorough acquaintange | nee treyne eine ny linbag in his bes bottles ure warrauied to cure e nursing sore| Orders for Mrehundize, aud consignments of Flou | 4 , ” res eartaay) Fiery . ag ar Pla the janmedi- ‘tus MA LY Paper which con- | with the business, he hopes, will command « reasona- meatteereieypurabuse ae hie avery Stebie. month. and other Produce, for sales or shipment, thank! a Lteady for Orders. Pe’ sy vorwaneard e ph Gao brs poraba Raera Fo talne TITTY, HUMOROUS & SIDE-SPLIT- | blo share of patronage. All work warranted. All or- wre tacanny piocenesrttiaten *h, Vit) plagse accom One wo thige botties yill cure the worst kind of receres see rempsiy attended to. Sdshind a'Oe, Iredell eunaty, Bice at his res. TING SKETCHES of that Comicel Genine, wud ‘ders lott with him will bo faith full nod promptly At- | pa the onder wil a description of Jaltinle reguines—etyie, | Pimples un the face. May 1855. ue ihe proptictore ta allt ladees- , Ee Unrivalled Humorist, tended to. Orders ree a mhetics diaihy dprice—ata payed veeeera \vdoos cotgivesatio. | ‘Two to three bottles will clear the system of ire ms Southern plant re, Manta: December 9, 1856. ; RST AL. | CHARDLEBS ARTM AN. ‘Two botiles are warranted to gyre the worst canker turers and vthers not to met with | - | Raliabury, Oct. 2), 1556, 2):Ime ra taleoee ine ate i hie door he wie in the moth and stomach. mr Wanted Immediately, elsewhere, HAVE You SUBSCRIBED ‘The demand for heavy, medium, light and fancy castings together with every implement and machine ased by tic farmer shall be prompily supplied at our works, In Three to five bottles are warranted to cure the worst case of Erysipelas. ne to two voitles are warranted to eure all humor in the eyes. , Pisars Oats, Bacon, Lard. Lee Merete tienen, ‘LIVERY STABLE IN THE COSMOPOLITAN ART ASSOCIATION FOR THE THIRD YEAR? M.D. series, ong sketch alone ip worth the whule At the Silver Hill Mine, ANY QUANTITY OF WOOD AND COAL. Gold Pens, VERY targe asortmeut of Good Gold Peus, aud | A + E NATION Gold Pen Pointe, withoat the Case. For aale Hietebed sseeve!| and those who wish eltherto buy ortose!| ‘T'wo buitles are warranted to cure running of the order therefore to secure publie coufidence and sup- 18 EDITED BY J. He Banioy’ : BOOKSTORE. | w| det, Toe. wulve,are lavited to call, ws eure of bluighes among the hair. WM. LEAVENWORTH, Supt | port, it ie regarded proper io say that the munufas- Se THE BARE INDUCEMENTS !—The manage. { ary 23 Pour to six boitles are wasranied to cure corrupt! gijver Hitt. Oct 1. 1655. i9uf ee facilities of this establetinent are wot equalled KI meat have the pleasure of announcing that the by avy ofa similar character south of Maryland culleetion of Works of Art deagned for fr detec New North Carolina Form Book. — POR Sheriffs, Constables, Magistrates and Busj- ness men, for sule at J. H. Ennis’ BOOK STORE. 8 ‘The baildings are spac _— and compodivus und the | @meng the subsetibers, Whose numes ere received pre- D R. S. REEV ES| Mee hinery is well adapted to our business. | vious to the 28%h of January, °67, cape of ringworm. 1c is therefore confidently usserted, having the ads | more costly than on HY previous year. Among the Two ww three botiles are warranted to cure ihe I sted in Salisbury, and offe | of the must competent and oxpericuced workmen, thut | leading works in Seulpture—executed im the most d ease of rh foesions! services to the pat | every aricle munufactured by us shell challenge suc- | Maurle—ie the new and beltmsifal Biaiue of the Thseo to four butiles ase warranted lo ous; the salt}. Olive two doors below Benjamin Juliuns store | censtal competitors. “*TH7TOOD NY DrPx, ” 8. M. BIGELOW, AND mas. E D. EB. W. SOUTHWORTH, Who ie WELL KNOWN as one of the MOST POPULAR WEITERS IN AMERICA. and ren Une reer, ya id cere scaly erugtion of the skin. Two to three butiles are warranted w cure tne worst maa Pome industry’ BE QUIUK! BE QUICK! ! STILL BETTER AND BETTER! July 22. eee (L emremate Mr taatee seeps coreeest| Salishury Planing Mill |"Fiw cmv en scene vos case o OP! ee ene re cereal ry epee ee pe ed i ence deh teed nob apleo OY Pang Ma |nititetomescenane us esee| ROWAN FAGTORY. Feel Ve map Arp Mana PLkw. Coa PAGE, | eects the farghaer. Lam aul at sho mame oi) SASH FACTORY AND LUMBER | ue. onc s pertcci cure warraried when the above wrote, besieey sirels oes: plais, ar ail or okcber ef | “ SP RT NG. ne Pamk BENJAMIN, W. P. BRANNAN. |near the Factory. In exchange for Buggies I will YARD. — Tpaded over e thoatend buttles uf chiela | Trbete te whem Tribate is duet If te the North | them sad caattanaell A bb Ne mais os 6M their | APOLLO AND DIANA, {take wheat, corn, bacon, d&e., at the highest market prices. My work shall be goud and durable. Call and examine my work and hear prees, and I know you can't holp being pleased with it. IT retara my sincere thanks to the pubhe for their very liberal patronage that they have bestuwed un me heretofore. JOHN L. WRIGHT, Oct. Liseal 1R56. “PICTURES PICTURES ! Pay \t----1f wot, encourage Home Manufactures. 4 | HE subscribers have pat the ROWAN FAC TORY Gocated ig Salebury) ia successful ope- ration, and are muking supernor SHEETINGS & YARNS, And Namereus Others. we O THE FAIR SEX. alariy commend our shee! Their depurt- will be Edited with the wtmost care and no ex- @ labor spared to render the culuinus devote ‘| the vieinity of Boston, 1 knuw the efféct of it in eve- ry ease, Bo sure af water will extingwish fire, 90 nure will this eure husnor, I never sold u bottle of it but ; al it alwoys speaks fur abort this herb that ap- pears to me surprising ; first that grows in our pas- ON WEST HILL, SALISBURY, W. C. THe andervigaed have now in operation the above Mili and Factory, aud are to farnied fire quality lumber dressed, or will ne, Tongue and Grove plank furnished by others; and make all binds IN MARBLE, LIFE SIZE. Together with the follow ing Groupe and Statues Carrera Marble—of the art heals FE FOR THE HEART, NUS AND APPLE; PSYCHE; Py to theit especial benefit, eausually of Sash, Doors, Frames, Biiads and wood tures, in sume places quite plentiful, aed yet its value P: ? i G LD , : | uty 29 ote. etc lage ” y Who Takes Pictures AGDACEN; CHILD OF THE SEA ; . ros sizesand Patterns Scroll sew ares has never been known yniil | discovered it ia 1546— ‘el y w deter- | IN NOCENCE: Cc Vv { . Brilliant, Attractive, Instructive and | Biachomithing. Be | seed thas W shnabd Gass el Glade of Wisner which they offero reasowable terms. We are deter _ | J ah ase a E BIRD; aud ia wood of iron, and general mined to produce gouds equal to the best made in the ‘The undersigned bave first-rate workinen from Bal- la order to give sume idea of the sudden rise and Ornamental. | DR. M. WHITEHEAD. The Farmers’ and Planters’ Corner |oprjce ov ihe some lot with bj msidence. fa| Will contain Practical Suggestions and Agricultural | bis absence persue desiring to see bim will leave Hints, eyatributed and culled from murces the most hei names vn the Slate 4 pe omeasly pend containing jnfurjmation which wi! | ave 17, 1856 then earn ot Sag pres of ae SANFORD’S INVIGORATOR. walealable benefit. ‘The other depasimeaty of oar paper will rec -ive the | moaths, aud sead sceount to this office. FOR ALL PURPOSES OF A STIMULATING LIVER MEDICINE. ‘ttention they respect vely demand, each being eepe = J ‘ ~~ SINGER'S TUERE has long existed a demand for such a rem Lain class houses. quested to call and examine 3 Sablebary, Aag. 12, 1856. | aril ead G at ne 4 oh @iglly and carefuity prepared \o meet the vaned tastes edy that could be relied on as safe apd effectual, This | 4 Pasha A are ia of the severe! classes of its readers. Among these we | been prepared to meet that demand ; msy mentiog Original Stories and Poems, Editorial Ram Uriel of ite virtnes has shown how univer. eally ithe complished the purpose demgned. Amung binge aad Sheichings, Spicy Cy News, Weshiagion Gossip, New York Chit Chat, ° the complaints which have been speedily cured by the ume of the luvigerator we meaiwn Liver Complaint, remedy h an exicom tried aad approved wfactarers chen fall to work, but timore, and can guarantee their work ae suitable for Carpenters, builders and others are respectfully re- specimens of the work. MURDOC H & CAIRNS Cemex 2 * Patriot copy 3 SEWING MACHINES. and profitedie ace in all parts of the civitiued world. ta ali the vatnus (rade, ead ia sowing every son uf | & labrie, ether of cloth or lwethes, they have been fully Rewing machines of ther man. | reat popalanty of the decovery, | will state that io Sprit, 1853, 1 peddied it, and mld about six boites per day—in April, 1954, 1 suld over une thousand butiles | per day of it. Bome of the wholesale Druggists who have been in the business twenty and thiry years, say that nothing je the annals of patent medicines was ever like it.— Thete ie » wniverssi praise of it frum all quarters. le my own practice b elways kept it strictly for bu ut sineo us du medicine, greet aod wonderful virtues have been found ia it that T never ow Several cuses of epileptic ‘fo—e Ginease which was y® considered incurable, have heen cured by « al tottiesn O, what a mercy ifit will prove effectual a oll cases of that awful maledy—there are bui few who have seen more of i thaa | have i om ae & general family | haww oipagrte cases of Dropey, oll of them aged Sipie and spare no effort w give satisfsctivn to all whe | may favor us with their patronage Io a few weeks we shail be prepared to fill orders for | Shirt od heavy Goods COTTON BATTS kept ou hand and forsaie. The GRIST MILLS ¢ also in operation and Corn will be ground for (vii | as promptly ae porsible MORNING & MEADER Salisbury, Juve 17th, 1556 Ts) Bfumsic. | Loree seporiment of Piano Forte Wusie for cule A” JU ENNISs’ BOOKS TO) R- JUNJUS MENDENHALL, WILLIAM BUIS! and he can do it as handsomely as JEFFERS, or any body clue. If any doubt it, jast ler them eall at his rome Ty oven Fresxa’s Law orvice, and give him | “BUIS’ AMBROTYPES cannot be excelled. Why! Because they are iv per- feeiwm of the Art him @ trial, and be not fuichleve. WM. BUIs 26.46 Nov 25, 1°56 KEEP WARM! Call and see his work, and give With aamervas works ia Boose; aad @ collectiun of | Seveaal MUNDRED FINE OIL PAJNTINGS, by leading Artists. The whele of which are to be distributed of eluted ameug the subscribers whose wanes are recerved pre- | vioas w the Twenty-cighth Janeary, 57, whee the Distribetive will eke place. TERMS OF SUB@URIPTION. Every sebseriber of three dollars is evtitied to A copy of ihe splendid Bicel Engraving, oar Niweer,” of A copy of any of the following &3 Magazines one year; ohm A copy of the Ant Jouanat one veer, wad P A Ticket iw the Apuwel Distributive of Works of ia “Barca- the Latest Paria Fashions, Proctcul Receipts for the Household amd Tu aes let,“ The Little One's” Depart BUSINEss) and aud for LARGE suck ff OVERCOATS, 4 DRESS COATS and VESTS, on SINGER'S MACHINES ALWAYS OPERATE | people cured For the varus diseases of the PERFECTLY, being strong, durable and complete | Laver, Sich Woadecbs, Dy-pepaa, Asthina, Fever vence ond workmanship A perfect sewing 884 Agee, Pain in the Side, Diewases of the Spine, suse of many other diseases, among them Dilunewess. Headache, Parnin the ade and Lxas, Taus, for every §3 paid, & persom not only gris a beaatiful Engraving of Mageuae woe year, bu » are, LAND ACENT. ment, Gems from [rose vad Binous Fever, Fever and Agee, Jaundice, Indigestion u { { 3 ‘ od of ad tert dice of the Kidi « sale low, by ri 5 Poetry, Reader's Guide, Hus canguor and hee of Appecite, Lastiossnem end irris ae kept empioyed afurds « clear profit of 61.000 204 perviculeriy in asee of the ineys, &e, the y POT < ’ teceives the Art Journal ume year, sud a Ticket in é ryt Pie ~~ - } tabty —ail of which are caused by « dieramed eciwe of * Fear, bul an inpeefeet one is a cause uf cunciam | dscuvery hes duwe mure guud than say medicine ever V tes Arey af d eater ¢ : mat Land 10 $6 MILLS, MOOSSE & CO iy. Anawel Distribution, making foes dellere worth a pre I Alar aes ta the Laver tem and bene The rntire reliabelity of machiues beowe ees Ae Mhelvere Bhd Mi tree tise 20 of reading maticr beades the ticket, by whic’ a va! The lovigurator s compoanded with par ’ weon Jor ‘ ni—eod + 1 @ bee avesiments Jornt « i—s wearerte« n Gis "painting uF proce gee Ce No eh of diet - [can qetendemegh fi nT oral Meal Katate bamnese iu Minnemte, fowe, oud in eddeioee Diascrions roe Use — Adults ome table eparntal Were ee tenes To eas ws prefer Magazines ts the Eugraying = i" Saturdey Night,’ con have either Uf the fdlow the Liver, and whea thal disease | “* ome great reasun fur the unparefied popelanty veal e reference to Tee NATION be wowed 10 Quarie Fiajp, (righ ) ead cach wember will coaiain at least jeu Bagreving>, thes fernsting our Subeeribe rs e reaped all the rest are cared, as the cagee uf MACHINES FOR FAMILY SEWING, M farely A few deere of the nvegurat h habas ke Gail sd ton 6° slate the Laver wo a prepet ectam, cad aoe ware . per day —Chiidrws over tow years desert aprunfal mgd! ear wih av Son aeenene ‘l A aeons ea io aan resis bal © Wed ond dribwate cuscirecima, ore recummonded (huldros (nam five to eight years, Lea spewful As we NDENWAI one year: Harpers Maguame, Gudey's Lady's ¢ iy porated pages of Dy « nalec Mech merhiacs ed M PrN < Le Bouk leew taken wih great success in coors ul Chile. Dye snes herp ere ore mode Ww , dereciwns con be epphesble to afl constitwimme, tab « omte 4 ‘ er 0 pr. Fime Beth aad ' aned M -eime, Kesekertucker Me Seaipiand Aetshene, Sketebes, & etrty; Uuunors, Nevuhela. Ulesrske eed by ihces ant tw» perform cubstactel werk. The | ce@incet touperete us the bewele twise « da) eA muee as Po abe ow. ‘ arever, Biack woud Magazine testber with ever 100 Original 11 alas boa bans cl erry mltrmedy| Aneel tpectee cree Goce ee ne MANUFACTURED BY MILLS, WOORE & 60 RT Se soeuger “ a Pare a °) than ony other, becwens they go inte less shilful hands 4 1 (2 THE bata, N a iret eon ran ts enmeal hee et iauleire the wh 0 he kas ehee aid \o acacedans pape ee DON ALD ewe OY. was Nu peran w resineted to « vingle share Those Ay low 8 QIPTION C GING TERMS: hoe Feetores the appetite and vigue prashee eueas (Gh GeicU Pee a peare R ave onaeet st teh taking Bve mewbersheps, remitting G15, are entitled jeveriebly we advance wil reheve ‘he oppreenve ancannens eaperwaced by | Koved hot by all coher ines rea nei rey No 120 Warrea Sirvet, Roabery, Mccsee boosts Al SS CETO Ox. 'o wa Kogravings, and tw os tchets im the dust nbe- MINGLE COPIES, €2 00 per em. esting shearts dinner, act ¢ the digestive t- | temsly wes, cad they are Fras oe Ths ed 7 Price 6106 - (um, ot any five of the Maguaines, one year, aud as a 3 30 fone ts vigwne Fito detuitated tate of the machiare hee lorie © ¢ ra es wf out! Wholesale Agents, New ¥ ort City, C Vo Clicker Sa ee tackets Ba Seer “ 5 oy evetem the lave V eqeal which eaperence coompare guh va habled. No viber ean 41 Barclay Breet; C,H. Ring, 192 Brosdwsy A MRS. BROADTIELD Fermms, ia remitting feeds for membership, «iA six ow pa A . idk povmves ia bel ras 2 (heen te queauty of work |B & D. Beads, 100 Feloe Stress. , pleame regwier the letter at the Pust Office, tw prevent se F ee i es ve ot 6A maaed © * machines uf the latest mmproved myle will T.W. Dyat & Suns, & B Ieee ( )" FERS her errviwes ty the evtmens of Schebury jo.) on tre wt af wheck, 6 acrubnete of Member on free to the gotice ap uf the Clee [t°" re erchenged oa bbere! terme for aid erwing ms- | Bahiamee ; Gen Hf Keyser, Pittsburg ; A.B Mame wal oars de! Teacher, and must reopert- sup. uagecher wiih the Kogreving of Magenue de cr “ry s . Pre and odd by Santiond & Ca, leu Peres pes aes neabe. of hs operative machines of! Baflate; Hoyh Miller, Towa; Lyman & Brothe: fatty mderete thew patronage. As prrtepe che io hnowe red, will be furwerded Ws 00) part uf the esuetry OT AB thoes modiag 08 mmoberriptans / St New Vat P BK) per tedthe. emia ning a, if a ve Lewal egevis woented & 28 | Torumta ; Juba Birks. Monireal ; Brak abut & Peo at ee Ce omnes wg had only abref = Fue ferther periice ece the Nuvewsber An Brinch must Gaabuee lc cance bb bare Alm wold by MH A SU, Druggions, Salada NE ag ' ye Arar heey | Ot: Coveney ; James Reed, do; Juba William, Low anon ey we itnrecemmry Us etst Journal, erat free on appmcation . mea te ihe sub \ = prreme droning \afertmaton shout dua W \agty spies Caen | Fut membe p, addre cortpues © conte bes ench culserhe) ae'as on . wing machsars, ran abtern by applying he se-py| Ai Retad by oll respectable Drogyisis ie the Uns | (eeealete her carter ble, ond 7a OL DeRBy ATTY A to prepay the Unried Sistos patsy Ct M Ringer & Co's Garetic,” 0 paper devoted | id Mates and British Provieces | ft ‘ on S48 Broadway, New York Ww AB letters mweey herald be peestorend ¢ ss0E8 eos ~ © BET SOSb emtirety to pee cwbpret fi will be wom | te f J (doe .sdage ¢ . oe Western Office, 166 oud Greeted plainly, and they will comme ai cor nok IM SINGER aco | Vos cake ot 841 & Bie Drug Sieve, 6: wy WC * Wetee arvct, Hondacky, Ube oe . 7 ae tise fe an« ae a hae the eure io . fe ony Bec z OBE rane ee ANDERSON & REYNOLDS) reo psivnce ra toon nee A _ HRUBACRPBEN te enero on op 7 wae atone C7 Specimen copies wil be mat tee to Pin: Ma E gaiveworrices reensborough ad cichos tut theseprraperiy ad pesos imei ts pioerent, che prupeoce (o matract e cohnal af gists of Kebebury, N ¢ tore, Ageuts, aed of whe wish to pei op se cleb —« CROC RS ; ‘ seguaeeesin t aes eiuft beet re nade me arthe Me Mu, ther ‘oe ‘ , spt egeninat gh pelle lace tas Pos , seers aan ees | MUTUAL INSBRANCE COMPANY. “28s OS EO a, BAGS! BAGs! pone of regutering @ only $ co nis 23 W estan ecw 01.. Provuleace ss 2 B shell be spa ke prwmae t and ateteetos - 1 SHE caciof Inserance 0 the meteslplen shot. Menefectorimg cuty tw ihe oommiry Me we mowe A Address CROFUT & BIGELOW, 53 Deck St. Pris. Commission Merchants, 274 Broad street, Newark. N J saueiin, ccomnee Guat ae mpgantypin Dik a aorenennalda here Ca a mie tei ber ears ‘) 1 Among the beedrede of complmeniory metres, we D I fe emersy ap NY | Thtccumpaay being tnseted le the Wewore pa * Trey Mite.” cad bprs to he pr ot wee Je euuree of = . eal = he eee hee i hove a wm weer vo te ovcry eretnen of NO. 1. ROANOKE SQUARE pe pete led oc . sameeqeratty mark the lorger porta of the rch e he ear Lede ogimgs a out & Geers peeeaign enn ine . SS" THLE outer river has for cate, 5.000 two bushel Regs oom ° gest vinow ing eatrert frm Wee are inthe West, very many of which areiathe Pei aanitecel adatom serait MGI ae Napscned bathe : iy sertebte tr Fh W heat, at 10 cemie rar <™ Netien agpesre ie civer irene 82 Do Dk, PT ass sp orremanadg Ere Rout 4 ‘Th; Company ts cadisely| thos trams phon hace weds own etry The mart Ty Wee acterte 4 himee!! cad 1 ’ _ . a a or of tee tine ot. alt bee ee MAE eat w . 1, and 2 nebly edurned « desire nme me to the enle of Pheer sad wthes - = sotenamments, ond 16 therefore cumtdent!; seeummen. "ioe! set meet approred ores © = fiat ' ie sia Ralebery, Dre 16, 1856 we . Son Cuumeceseary “hargre end 99 ay ams Siest) Dak conve ded to the pobloe 1h well work tes cement), cad ot cod eh branches “ Free g ’ eels : 7 ; ~ m the te day m Janus Sas : = . on knee te | kigh pumie mre) pore mes cay am Voarth steeet, ( memenats Atthe lass Annee! Weotiag the fu owing Mee ead he dealt me ‘ pee . = ; - . A ld WwW word.” —P sla Dasly News Pigenar pm a.m 1 elected fur the emewing year broctife! erties ve me ate ee Bezhe Wilt us St Tno 'S riting Fluid. ches ox od - 4 Leen We a ete heme shade 11 18 de vet ofs ee Wc trader drarlonsiy moe pubiebed. vod eee ce ervaen Sia Uhetos ct Neo Gee JAMES SLOAN, Preadeot Eee pay Nena A a HF UF Meat Hah to ihe World, for oot ot J W bie we take plessers in a tn Ba Halles ce cry MIN , vaya Se teesite a). Vchis s - pad AL ed oon aaah ey ae, Roma! : FAIR MT. FOUNDRY & MACHINE © BOUKSTORE ss Noveasber 4, 18 ‘ 3 ol. Attmgne ied Netsioe Te nt cad nee othe. progretar. i & STYRON, mucins 4, 1008 Yowe Tp PETER AWUWH, tec) ond Te ceare, a iarnen : SxxOoOPrP = gael eroding Cunten!s. end ihe beeet ci : = . ‘ ; a Net me a ee . COMMISSION Ww : nvany eons ADVAMS Nee ry = ancy heh ° oot say PAFFORD. DIXON cos L ANDS FOR $ SALE. Benn” — Weltiomebeorg. Pe Indepradent Pree wen all Paper, &c, GPC piel See = ‘ enue STA . « SPINE ewternter having determined to go Wee ea Merary lacm!y pereel we hate © * ‘ big Ms »>1D - pA . re fer sale hes lands. tring om the weters Nectains ig poomneng win We smne =» Forwarding Merchants, oped a seep erful PREMIUM WORSE POWERS, AND rest wet. fete mccnss ins mire math ft CT oad © wdevee the Lades 1 ae . one end ww Mhad-s br enle softee lhe 2 bathed . ‘ ’ ~ leeds f FP OB wat delay ~— Paitoe Pe R-pablican WILMINGTON, N ¢ JM ENNIss, Baderfticr a z : THRES HERS £ ms i os * We Gabbe pufirng cy cman no he hee r F c Joly 22 " ' : . ! s ge pe f x b : a ace age painn of whirk ease we are brand we give wey (6 mer Uath- me . ae * Ne eee Rhee wee dar ph en 1s wanee ees ‘ exte: wiN cine! « aw ee ° - sae teculveccs . wl tamu ad a eG Pee. tos Iya Highly Important to Imvalids. . . ON, | mt tent G term veers that onpe soe ep Pith on overhear of fimey. wichey wich) wolf 7 - COD LIVE . ‘ od thy ome te-pnemg Fe throngh us deferens from the booed of crach brsimed asihes — Bre (ity ( ( )\\ \ \ ~ OIL. mils . palit mess br Lue Jie mre ee ee Vo MAVEFACTURED BY ‘ ‘bee : is St gametes spol pinot wil emgrar . Ce 2 i . * ° : c ory vere a emal form of 7 Oe, and its cumtemis are deeply VEG B rho PI PTI J ‘ . ' . weehing f “pm the atewe PF meg EGETABLE LITHONTRIPTI an ¢. er 0. } a pe a ae iadecnel ape seit tee pte ‘ = . ie € potiw may for. one @ There 0 ream b+ ject corks paper and it FRIEND OF THE WOMAN : ° ' ‘ . ! . at the Beate JNO A WHITE eoetred two ee tree bends sed hearts SEE AMILY ] pee asa sllozg reap crates pombe of open - . - , ' 4 smd wprinen wah Werhince Deer “36 2 fare ’ aver 17 - ert eheeers . - —- . . .* © ‘ a Woedlchoreey eperiee ce ce oe DI rf 1 ED hl + freon that peculiar mamerm and dumgrrentic baru Ditlaws. para " : : ‘ ae Agitator ‘ ond whe wave . a aub : . phils . A ed geieden ELM tae tee ar : op] eng Oe yrange towers oe potter eres) KEITIE & PLANNER, 0 tonto Sepeer i! Se State of North Carolina, hdr.” — Bevwrilin, Me Oberreer Nem inthe Bladderan aNrek se) Clad . ‘ os fave Sew Mill Irons ; ~ We cotta cadre owribers y pers i aretha tle wah by the mos de ee . ' en a Mineiwicdcermee IREDELL COUNTY vactagee we are borred to oF Naw pros X / ae, af stil crates wd retemed withewt «Bat om the mnt MERCHANTS eahes “- - . : Mivle 4 re yee the theme thet (owrl of Pleas amd Quarter Sessions \ ow nentive stone aaa Kt can phe terestere «of geeemsaren line guaranccd te & like WILMINGTON. ( Ae ae A Ti Gbvires waaccax Petition to ell Land . bP . ‘ cramnse ndetom of the geet comment of the medical fee Woe hed bet a ¢ - the “ A TRUAFI RD. DINON 4 ; Dv. Saadierd hee cont a cere: of hee Invig os " as and atthe ( erea W wity thragheet the Teroach Freight to Wilmington pr. Vail Train es ee Haast Nisa ean as Elasbeth Beaty. Adame raina cf Johan Beaty town for the be metin of every \maty irevwteed w ver for slebor I be met efectos! remedy ha (oneemptime elas , wie: a : sere amee 7 ve Jomec lcaty cad cthere fom plas m He hae werd : Thee outro r vb Rinachtes, Kheometiom, Nerndula, be. end may be TE have made » ‘ . . A 4 ’ , ae : TT appearing to the entefor of the Cour years ia e tad ettended pracine tei ue remus Su Thu FC f hed im beuttles of Dra Rall & Sill wm thes ploce or of the et SE . AE RE BAG CRIS Jomee Meaty, Jom Heat, Witham Beaty. Jedin wre thoreghly hewn. aad te www oFered bor es - wide nae M spropwtedia manufacturers J ¢ BAKER aco “ ‘ itd . fe Jone, Witham Weraother / ee 2 treed remedy bor | wre te " trecs rach ae . ot Mahehert, W No (GON Bd Steves PRI VATE SALE end agen pater ppc are ra seas oe vem fee thew or Gowtes 4, he gresicet carce be ze . weet of fom 20 Phedad- tytn ' 4 ah Oy “4s Sinte Vt we. therefure ride red ‘a aires pe rtemed where id he fb ALSTIN o HOT iTF t bieraton be made. for wt weeks. mt ‘ rehere 8 4 es J i , . wor Ireegtn ol) the ermmcdate et« a +t Me fe her on . . te rving { Woatehmen, @ neespeper pobbehed ia th ' news, female otets m er rime. dye NT { fh 13 BON DS FORS ING EK. Tre bret cor will leave spepea y oe Womdar TU . MUNS Nt Se Sebebery. metifying the sand mm reedenis © (4 commas eamplernt. by the wee of 0 fom dors ITH @ » ; ' -> . entre, and ? oF al the west Coorts ; ‘ aes wil'day Ge sll whe eth cumciting ihe we DR. J. J.SUMMERELL, orriv. JENKING& ROBERTS Waeiegve. VC, Jone 1418s ae SALISBURY, N. ¢ he thes : ; maa eee tareegi noah acti radiosity Noutlal Ucsead eiye i la an ju Cuts Unee diecaers try Ur Seudhisds lavigewe as Oe JAD Beotubery. N ¢ TUF 2M Lave (ites otinions aren dices rok Pe, ’ dsare * onhe rh gick - ue eo there day wr - “7 rr. y os ’ am bl | auth mes ‘ E nett. then aad there anes be ene LL Roeemereaos eearlaras September 23d, 1856. ])}: \ | \] ROOVS mes Hecn cae n Go hee ek ee < eipe od gin. . fama a a ew UVC emen ‘ a Th “~~ FECES ACCOMMODATIONS Witowee, MOP Breeland. Clerk of our sand | NOD OUTBRE ! eae Nach hes fee ’ r re at fier. oe Siatesvilie, the Jet Mead \ AN{ TBREAK é eibyeM pivetite n [ ALL & WINTER GOODS DR. W. F. BASON, chel!\e/onnel'sainn.e Par reat a&2i @ Da PEP@ts5° er, A 1 IN36 MOF PRERLAND. cha - E eskarther baving parchcodiika Kinet 3 UU 7 UP, : alwayehe caloss yb MYERS Pree adv @5 50 bar neszagil enh earea a ted ol tera eerving wer a f the Malt 4 Pris. ea wayeina . ‘ . a ‘ - a: ‘ : wd esi tpl a early Fate la vas Doll: vas , Tie a ee oe ne \ ~i State of North Carolina, « fathe ds fe “ , ) reap . " * hacwe ae e 8 «Af alae ive oe it poets ye = * Fen Dollars Reward « SOODK, Dror. Groceries, Ready Made Clotbing YY! Wirrialy make bows thar he hee dabehary, May 24 by Sage. KEDELL COUNTY pode 4 aadighar! ag coaag Cases ate Hate 004 Caps, Roots snd Sheers, chro ether of Ladies and He ° u. SELECTED STOCK OF \ BRADY MADE CLOTH \t eae anrenneeray Beenie rc pene pie Sg Wa wince anh Ne IN OU Goons elkaoirens ie naa \ Mu NWENRY Van Se ttel ee SIT proece. and which we or : all. wit? God . rrmber 7 NE J, CEN CINE ati i rel “ued nce eae “4 4 hese and reted at prieve 1 advantage \ ) { : ee ’ PE Petiti Wi d a ell give extraction all aed ¢ - " i a . Clb, Deadeporee Veatings, epd (iseibince’s far rde ' hee ~ Cow ee Ana a (et Mahebery, (et 31K iis TA L On NTO] The ¢ ° . Theae wish ng tn pa ~ cUUlen) te'xe . Ge, which will be edd very hw. or made “TS! reds sewhoop, ad cheeper, then they NR Com mancitione by letter ot otherwise e Cawute a weprecedented lew prices.” shemid call yn. (Woh ‘ A Nudrew Neill, 98 Aifeed Nev im the beet etvle of the Art Me wt (oie! sed cleewhere wn thie merket be atiemled ty the tirat opportamty r rae oubee or «Media hOMYER and * tay oy ae perhlinle aes re ene ae peed Ro A MURPHY Lae BS UABLISUY : a oe ‘ IT appranng 6 satisfaction of the Court thay . * err oF ene ' . ’ Noe “ { ’ i] 4 jecalhes tee saying that a ie a bk hipe. beew log Ralehary, Rept 1AS6 3m l6 The Great lron W heel Examined. a: the ciener nema il 1) 18 i : ify : \E ‘ wee rm ; q ! SNe nee Nettt, Weore of Nettle N hss oop a pete ne eealcied og rents at ot Hoare, g ERNE NTE, Gece coeete= NEGROES TO MIRE S82coee eee 4 He eu ee ; 1 Avaea eemnry sa winch we are demas of clmng owt, end will offer WG Browalow, Fur cale at J Wo Bnnes i : fax CN a " : eg ay caiees ane sy ieee Mets, Cope, here, ¢ fer ach and Alb : ir an) thing on hand wm that hoe, at erst ted iramepor BOOARSTOR! euperier nid enecres (he bualeces’ n 3 WAS nd ih D ae : : ' reg ag Cand aK ee neue a Conte, Pouts—ead every thing required. Calland | 7" mee the show = i 100 ad ae latum efpenere RAAM July 22 a gestexis Jt: ( ) i 2 ’ « . aye e Ue abate y ccnme ne {ad ver t ome . Wis SOA ne ‘ reev io. i hebur bes. ere * : bar Together T ny ’ nei fs " , x of Ne . eof farm hande ving the ead emdenie ve 1 Orders for wtp yromrias filled : , pa, 2DIRBLE es BUNW \ TEI UO whe ™ . ‘ : er i ren iPiaene: om. { mee servani®, wag he neat Coart of Pleat and dear er JAWEX &B RFARD : held for the eon ede ' Morcha nl 1 ath it “CHARLES KiUTos CLUS Rite sch recwspry pete pl . i I SHON: s Davide er 9. 1436 — Pr nd Pri st ny hen \ \ 56. ¢ s stew rol ag ter « ate jaston, § C ronde > »~ ev ille . Rahebery, Sept 16, 1*56 t te a pay the b f ot market Une aid ie : ° oi ex there ts | . . w m SS ts onde or cash, f ve Thomannd Hashele W sions alee 1 (' f , ( Hi » ARAMA IEG SIRs Ea DL, R and K ish ( 0 mis jon Werchan and ge 15 Wh a Real b» pea iy tw oe CoN Ff t 2a il A) da 0 { ve, sale gramted d ‘ SH. ‘ad JW OIENKING Malis aroSept 19/1 Wileeesl MoE FieclaedsClerknfsureatd Caer House an Lot to ent T In Cotton, Hear, Grain, Naval Stores, Helebery, Rept. 16, 1456 ie Zp aay Renee ae a! fier in Statesville, the Ted Monday a : %s ; : ‘ iy 4 WD In56, wd the “Jory f Nir er OR SELL. See en wee i Melt anes aiiione Seutherm Produce Generally Ur SENKING & ROBERTS have, and will cor PLONE Ht FOtsON, re . . ; dence mente t armel OD . eh mand ¢ ihe Us ta rah Ah] tention w 7 ; i No. 180 Front Street trawe to keep State Bund® on hand fur eale COMMISS ay 1 bh Ma < P MOF FREELAND Crk HE. undersigned demre to Sellar i Rent ee yi en Ea ace ae azar cr oumu. . a. ls 1ON MERCIAN parinents meee SS Pe mde B35 fez phony tad as aii irs ; - f fon; by th lew They oft ‘ ae 7 JAMES HORAH, Charlotto, N. oc, A course of lectures illu V CApernene rte, will HOL E A N I I oT ia ‘wqn of Miatewv Co oA Ue, date r ; RFPRRENC ES | willee ( est we Noataral PD a ¥ ) sides mer » ouch things ne they may be de 0! Philmophy wndite allied ae ne “4 4 dwelling Howse gd Kiichen, Bhop and uther bold i premnt « y tt lo: ; inibe continecd by suhera al , aoeee It be sitested enavement tn bumpem Orit any ie Brees ea bo: WATCH-MAKER AND JEWELER, otton, Corn, Flour, Wheat, and all Haga Phy meal Geography a FOR SALE. sal cai egrabaaa ead Ieee TT Aa ATT eC’ ahebury, Ortoher 2 bs 29 Mil Mjeneer leas Pogeeer site ne : sae SOUNTRY PRODUCE (or bay will plenae cai! un John 0 "Witthama, Rag. Preat Rank of Clarendon SALISBURY, N, ( \ Teachers clase will be formed for the benefit uf ; : ome ngeasta, Wg! Ca) os = a plee v 1 Stevenson, Req Cathy Bank of Wilmington [97 Wwe TTR CHARI FST AND NEW voRK thee who d ' Extms: the aameeaker Iv Mol NT PLEASANT. - 7 ¢ Rtateavile ( . si ¢ me wt Furi De MILLE & LAURBNCF @uc door below M. & A. Murphy's Store, Liberal Advances made ow ( onsignmente (ere Te theee who may demre particular informs aes snbsenber offers forcrle hie Monee and Let Ls ; ’ pep tm corcalars the ment b he suheeribe herein he hives 1 tox November, 29h 1856 (1a Dr. CHARLES T. POW JK REPS crsstantty on hand 9 large aesortine nt» : ber . . : ° o T. POWB NC WATCHES and JEWELRY of all kinds Rel ere io wD . COW SMYTHE pecans RoLnarnsesegessciUng ALS eb) 2 . ; TWO handred prime Sacks, now in F[ stostermavret toon sis Setebery respeet-| Clarke, Watches and Jewelry of every descriptor JM Jenhins, Feg., Naliehury: (sen WoW . REINS Ae Sw p29 story mig Reve, a goad bitehen, a well of gaat & Marriage Licemme for Sale at URS ctsce. aiid for cele ue low nent anyather pliee in falty tendere his professwnalservicesto (he pub | repaired in the beet manner and on the most reasona & Co, Charest: A Mant. Les Rolinher TOR PRINT AIC GLa ada UY et Conon Sahebure kK & MURPHY Office —Cowan's Breck Row |e terme rere (ek vgion, Rob $PPRIUN TENG wu Acres) ‘Terma casi ti su hae A ept 29, 1656 Imai? « Aug With, ISS 1s 4 Ute ee , ‘ PBC SMEre Office Sey n salisbury, Aug @ith 14 | February 1° af Wy 1 ' 19, 856 ol v. uly uted at trie Office Csbarras oo,, J in “ Mirrofilmed hy North Carolina Bepartment of Archives and History, Bivision of Archives and Manuscripts Raleigh, North Carolina ———— — wes ones en RAAB EES G O S | a e ee er ms 1857 FILMED FROM ORIGINALS IN THE NORTH CAROLINA STATE LIBRARY EXCEPT FOR THE FOLLOWING: FROM THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA FEBRUARY 2 OCTOBER 13 APRIL 7 DECEMBER 22 JUNE 23