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Carolina Watchman, 1856, January-June
= ee | Bevoted to patti, News, Agriculta, Juleraal Iuprovencas, Commerce, the Ars aud Sciences, Morality, and the Sanity Circle. SALISBURY, N. Co JANUARY 8, 1856. NUMBER XXXII ‘rie Ain i aig PRESIDENTS MESSAGE. ine faa wl a ote Oe “ Once y you a “I wen azid, in Asia Minor. While sauntering about | [time of ratification and now is understood by There has recently been issued from | the bazaar, my attention. was arrested by a wan | sae erersteeny VOL. XIL.--- J. J. BRUNER, Editor and prere) EW SERI ES tered so as to bring them nee to the days which [rents Scaretnoed the results of relia hab- |Widew Bedoit’s hae) A Mistake . they were originally iutended to commernoratey|| its, surely christian rents ought not to un-|} . as | Courting, and a Flare Up. among the rest Christuas was also brought dervalue them. CAL i D AR F OR 1896. back. Many persons, however, the Scotch High- “They should keep their offspring employed | | Fellow- Citizens of the Senate and of the House of Representatives : The interpretation which the British Govert- Ay eR FD ha g cn KS 1856. JAN'RY.. ““ A B P U N S FED RY .. MARC I. A SEPT L R 4 21 OCTORR- DECEME. AB PA N Y Gi ) “A B V p B I N T Lo n d e n Oe w n e © ve | 4 « to — en u c r e 4 Among the weeks past, have joir wg Christmas bat few who cant brated. Th-o to many to know and wheo it was first eo J Chatman = eo the mase of feat oF or of bee wativiiy- ton being that he was born aot leony since beard an old geniieman aay that we had no cause ty reveret birthday Judea, he rey and if shepher Moen! ght such the generally received Ie surprise we asked ine landers io particular, still reckon Christmas ac- cording to the Old Style, it thereby falling on the 6th of January. As a proof that it is the true birth-day of Christ, they say that during one of the early Lours of the morning of that day the heavens are lighted up, the cattle fall upon their knees io prayer, and pokef becomes green and grows one inch. Now whether the 25th of December or the 6th of January be the day of Christ's nativity i matters vot, so one day or the other is rightly celebrated and to the satisfactiva of those concerned. DButif avy per son of inquiring mind desires to test the truth of the Scottish traditions by staying out in the night air until 1 o'¢ lock they will have ample tiwe to reflect upoo it before an opportunity for so doing will be offered them in the year 1867 That Christ was born oo Uke 25th of Decem ber is by no means a positive fact, but he was borm sometime during the year from which the Christian era dates, and that period of the year was sehcted by the prmitive christians aa the time for celebratiag bis nativity, for what reasons Listory dues not jefurm us. Nevertheless we think rt entirely possible for Christ to have Leen tern on thatday, Bethlebetn, in Judea, thoagh only 4 degrees Scath of Ralengl ta thm Dtate, <asesees & far more mild climate; tbe fruits which grew thereabouts were the hy, the olive and the pomegranite, all of which court the ge wal warmth of the eum, and we are also in formed ty both sacred and profane history that the Jews bad no Bre-plass in their bouses en fore, we may readily conclude that of a earin winter wight it would oot be at all u comfortable for shepherds to Le laying vat in (he Lesides (hat partof the year waca A net with the husbandmen and m=! the time at which the officers woul: be Likely to assemble the jcople loywther to Lake the census; to such an assem) lage, with eee A wing a the eumber uf hoe family, Jweph went up to Hethleben W bet her t dav we celetwate be | beist's f Lot Neth tne vd oreageetend but age ia frat rooting Hovp, and eLere mine year lack tobase eurked mas day wo ave been considered we Life rence a” spn of mammom ebich would (aim cast aad © halowed ame mations which are gathered round the tirthday lence is tdustrwusly striving t m the memds men the day we a to the siafu nlola Sas hi hav us sacrifice to Al lay ehh oe hare father, metier, meter. brother the fa ' wepestem! and thank past and ask fr yi Ube Comming ear spas ce mettaicd by Jubus Cesar = daye and 6 hewre Pipe Core gey af wae banger hee and thet hy the athe fnat 4 were be frvam thee deve om which they @ fire eppante aleas be made @ ae oer me had been guard Ii wee fund eace se «(Of Cbrewtran cre de and every fast jemgth of imme nt hed own tup- A weed very cette ney-ty bor the Waichman TIFUL PASSAGH blaoM « r wheat in their learning and other occupations, suited to their tender age. that they may be preserved from temptation and ruin. All nature teaches the lesson of iodustry. The sua, moon, and stars, are constant in the performance of their | Creator's will. The earth also on which we live unweariedly travels onward in its course, and the very inseots teach us a lesson of industry. Shall we disregard the lesson” = — PERJURY. “The word of God, as well as the commoa consent of all civiliaed nations has attributed the highest degree of sanctity to the oath, and he that is pot beld by it bas cut loose from all mor- al obligations, He that bas no reverence for the awfal name of God, has severed the jast ue which binds him to truth. He is an outlaw in the universe—a star of disastrous omeu that has broken louse beyond the attractiva of its ceetral sun, and must be left to parsuc is course unchecked by the only power that eoukl keep it nits orbat * @ # So sacred were oatln esteemed among the ancient Romans, that they nevded no protecuen from law. The perjurcd mad Was simply exposed by the ( Yemsor, aad that was enough, The |rand of infuiny was upoe him, nnd hike the taint of leprosy, debarred him from the fellowship of bis apecies, and left him to the vengeance of the insulted (od.” THORN WELL “=. Loy Love — Ove of die queerest and funnest thimg to Unnk of ta after hfe, a log love No sooner does a bow acquire a tolerable statae han he begine to Imane himself ama pape manish ways, The casts wdc ling yla al all gicia Le Wag inteel, Lwootmes a reyuiar al tendant at chun b, of meeting | sports a cane earnes hia head erect, and struts a little to hie walk. Presently, aad bow very sonn he falle in alle im ts Ube proper @urd — because todcates bis Lappy, delinwus eelf a bane He bres sow re a fmry reqon, some vilateral te the worl!, aed vet somehow tt He perfuines ry chseboes Uver leaperaic!y shaves and aanu He quotes poetry mm which ue afflaius, and suckleniy Lreaks ~ar et rash— of rhyme He feeb upon the bores the ihoten a beloved: @ rarnaj t ’ she apeaks a pleasaut word ler He wm Ube great favor te The rs tdse very type of magnanrmoety and ee if alboegation bre deep ree the grovething t At he ad ralile os as tly Lave wo a | acrust, 19 (he |eau ideal my liasa, that be walet, wodertake a pigrimace to Ubina of Kham seutka ; 81m the stor trne<) .cean: sea em par able mountate, and face ne { have te lout for ve IT+ Juats wpuo a flower phe has cast away be relies bee glove —e ittie worn in the fingers ent bm beart tt A stear cap fitting medi for his ines He eighs the a loromeotiee The acrawle her dear narne the publishing bouse of J. C. Derby a spicy volume, entitled ‘The Bedott Pa- pers, which contains a vast amount of laughable material. Asa specimen, we give a courting scene between the widow and an old codger for whom she had set her cap. Thus: Mr. Crane—Well, Widow—I’ve been thinking about taking another compan- ion and I thought I'd ask you. Widow—Oh, Mr. Crane, excuse my eommotion—it’s so onexpected. ‘Jest hand me that are bottle o’ cawfire off the mentelry shelf—I'm ruther faint—dew puta little mite on my hankercher, and and hold it to my nuz. There, that'll dew—I'in obleeged tew ye—now I'm ruther more counposed---you may proceed, Mr. Crane. Mr. Crane—Well, Widder, 1 was ago- ing to ask you whether— whether -—- Ww idow- ~Continner, Mr. Crane-—dew — [know it’s turrible embarisin’. [remem- ber, when my deseaved husband made bis suppusition lo me, be stammered and stuttered, aud was so awfully flustered, u did seem as if he'd never git it out im the world, and | 6’ pose ‘tie ginerally the case, at least u has been with all them that’s made suppositions to me—you see they're ginerally coneerting about what kind of an answer their agwine to git, and itkind Y makes ‘em narvons Bat when an in fividual has reason to s’pose his attach ments reciprocate d, I don’t see what need there iso" his bein’ flusteated —thongh | Huet nay it's que cinbarrasein’ to me pray cuulilber Mr. Crane—Well, then, T want) ty huow if youre willia’ TI should Lave Me hiomy f Widow —Tlre dragon ! Mr. Crane--I hain't said anything w ber about it yet -L thooght the proper Way Was to pet your consent first I re ineriber when } courted Trvptreny. wi were engaged seme time before mother Kentpe knew anything abent it fonnd 1 was (quite a out a ertimt. So wheo it Melissy, thinks “, aad *} wou k ,and wher {hale @ bame to call ne! amagin perlite, “ Wout ) 1 Trib bemticu Kiveituy bow | always kuow cd you was @ ein pleton, Tim Crane, but, | wast confess, | gracious ewhes alive! weal, I'l didn't think vo@ wae quite eo big mw femol want Meirssv, dew yer? If that don heat all What an @verlastin old calf ty vpeth vear e for a tna ss aratiow ease what th s world sac in tewy, t( i@ Asiunishin «w eold widdiwere will wake liave Meiiaay Mr. © rae Wiiv. widder, vou surprise me —-ld no idea of berm treated in this way after yoo d been en polite to me, and made such a fass over me and the girlie Widhew—--Shet ver bead, ; There's ver lat lim ( rane nono yer sae te me nthat are table, and heres the door ang the sooner you puton one and marct ito’ Vother, the better itll be for yoo And T advine you, af re you try to get nied agin, ty gu out west and see et wife's cold —and arter ye re satisfied ot, jest pat a iiitic Jampolaca vu yer liar —twould add to yer appear ance, ondoebtedily, and be of sarvice lew yer when you want to flounsh reand among the gais —and when yu ve got yer | with his master’s wife, he | of a wretched and melancholy appearance rest- | ‘lessly wandering about and trembling incessant: | ly. On inquiring the cause of his nsiserable eendition, the following story was told me. He was once a linen weaver, and resided at a village at the foot of Mount Ararat. Falliog in love, induced ber to fly with bim; they betook themselves to the moua- tains, and at evening reached a cave, where the woman rested while he went to seek provisions. After a short absence he returned; but great was bis horror at bebolding the woman in the jaws of a monstrous snake, whieb had already swallowed half her person, aod was only prevent |ed from completing its repast by her outstretch- ed arms. ‘ Cut the snake with your sabre,’ cried she to the man,‘ or slit its jaws om each side But the maa was peuibed with fear. ‘At last,’ she entreated,' hand me the sabre, and let me rescue myself’ Her cries were in vain, for bc had lost all power of exertion. ‘Al! sbe then exclaimed in despair, ‘] see you are a coward ; Ll will live ne wager; and closiny her arms above ber head, she iwstantly sank imto the monster's belly. Then the man saw the snake coil round a pillar of basalt, to crush the Loves of hus vic tm, and he beard the smutherod slicks of the womae withe wt Half msaue with terror and remore, be rushed from the cave, and ever after wandered about, the wretched being whom | saw” oo Refusal of Coveremest te Recognize Col. French as Mieister from Sicarages. W asmmnotox, Dec. 24 Col PLE French addressed a letter to Mr. Marc y, cneloeing credentials as Mivister from Nicaragua and requesting aninterview. Mr. Marcy { replied, and instead of appointing an in a copy of las terview, anticipated what he would heve said at once, which was, in sebstance, that the persone who had overthrown the xoveroment of Nicaragwa were not cit gene; and, anti! there should have been me popular recognition of continuation f thear audhority, tee Umited States could Not recognize Col. French, nor any on else, as N'nister from the new govern weot. T know these to be facts, and you can rely upoo them assach, notwithetand ‘og any and all statementa, by whomse everr { ‘ trary oe The great Geenee Will Cam The 8 ‘ art of Lourniang bas revere] A the Seeord Patriot Coun Dyamiel Clark's w of 1818 le probated. and that Wr (reorral (panes Le pul sa pomesaon of Propel) No@ amowslag im value lo severni aniliooe af dolars The te perhaps the moat remarkable the legal annals of thie country. Dansed (ark {New Or am, was the father f Mra (anes and as such, dunng bus active life ten, made a ell beqecationg to ber the balk of bee ves estate | pen he death no euch @il! em foand hat another will wae dimcovered. making a total Tifirent dutnbation of ls pe yperty, amd Ube prpert) eas accurdiagly appropmated Some (went ods) penrs ago, Mera. (renera!l Game wae rahormed, thron sh some cOutempane of her fa ther, of the true state of the case: and from that jav to the ehe has Leute beree!fin thie cause wth © einglences of pernose, and with a per verance aod hero im of the biyghest order. tot peatrtution of her father’s property wn character me lite legal and exc! Frum one court to ar ; (but pever direcUy upon th last (wo vears,) she hae been batiling with her The Constitution of the United States re vides that Congress shall assemble annually the first Monday of December, and it has | usual for the President to make no eommunica- tion of a public character to the Senate and House of Representatives wotil advised of their readiness to receive it I have deferred to this usage until the close of the first mouth of the : Sed ty wil session; but my convictions of duty will not \Goreraments (3 Central Ate permit me longer to postpone the discharge of the rea iar enjoined by the Constitution up- on the President “to give to the Congress infur- mations of the state the Union and recom- mend to (beir cousiderativa such measures as he shall judge necessary and ex xpedient.” It is a matter of congratulation that the Me- public is tranquilly advancing in a career of prosperity aud peace. CENTRAL AMERICA Whilst relations of amity continue to exist between the United States and all foreign Pow ers, with some of them grave questions are depending, which may require the consideration of Congress. Of such questions the most im portant is that which has arisca out of the ne gutiations with great Britain ia reference to Central America. by the convention eoneluded bet ween the two Governmests on the 19th of April, 1850, both parties covenanted that “neither will ever” * eceupy, of fortify, of colonise, or assume, or exerese any dommun over Nicaragua, (Costa Riea, the Musquito coast, or any part of Central America” It was the undoubted understanding of the United States, rn making this treaty, that all the present States of the former Republic of Cen tral Amenca, and the entire territory of each would thenceforth enjoy complete indepen dence; and that both contracting parties en gaged equally, and to the same extent, for the present and for tie future ; that if euber then bad any clam of right 10 Central America, such elaire, avd occupation of authonty under it, were uoreservediy rebaymished by the stinula tventea ; amd that no domimon was thereafler tu be exercmed of assumed it auy part of Central Amenca by Great Botan or the United States Lhe (Gsuverament consented to restrictions in regard to a regwn of country wherein we had specific and pecular interrsta, only upon the omvicthon that the Ike reathections were im the same sense ol ligatory on Cireat Pritaie Hat fue thee wad standing of the force and eth-ct of t rite ve con ad ‘ har was thu understanding on (he part le Uoived States that, im corrrespoudepce bk mpotase gs with the raubcalwos A the confenUoa, it waa distinctly erprensed (hal Use oo were bol wlendel t establish mest at the Dalia The yualficaicn = to be as tiled to the fact 4 im vrwwe of succensive (realies GLb pretmous aor Fes Ss vf Lbe coually trreat Untain d obtains encession of the . ‘a =the ih pemtiive erclamean of afi domain aud | Mo contrims the natural rectwe and uadertind impurt cf Ue trea y am to all the reat of the rey wo which the sip ulalome &))) deed it bweever, became appereat at an eariv day aher cok rug apoo te dacharge of my present lumetions, that (rreat inten etl coetinued rm erence ef amervon of large authorty rm al that part of Cewtrel Arm nea communiy cal dew Mueyurts comet, and covemng the emtire tength of ile Male @ Nearegua and a part of Conta Kica, Unat ale regarded the lialite as ber alam! whe te lhmmite at the etpense uf the Mate of Honda rae. adh that sbe led foemally cotormacd a con wide ralie euler growp, kwow @ as the Thay Isianicie aud beboagingy of mbt to Ural Sate All these acts of prerteumons of (reat HKowunr mae), aed was gradoail en ming contrary lo the ngbte of Une States of Cee tal Ameneca, and to the manifest teour of ber atone with the Uarted States, as ender stenm) (@ the (nnerwnent, have lewn maie t salyect of peyotiavon through the Amencar Minister wm Lon dor 1 transmit herewith the nstructiome to bim on the saebject, and the cor reapondence betwen hameed the [etieh Secre ary for borenn Aftarrs, by which vi cerve that the two Cruveramenta differ widely will per ment, thus in assertion and act, persists in ascri- bing to the Convention, entirely changes its character. While it holds us to all our obliga- tions, it in a great measure releases Great Bri- tain from those which constituted the considera- tion of this Goverament for entering into the Convention. It is impéasible, in my judgment, for the United States to acquiesce ia sach s con- struction of the respective relations of the two To a renewed call by this Government fr ae Great Britain to abide by and carry into effect the stipulations of the Convention according to its obvious import, by withdrawing from the pos- session or colonization of portions of the Central American States of Honduras, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica, the British Government has at length replied, affirming that the operation of the treaty is pros, ve only, and did not re- quire Great Britain to abandon or contract any possessions held by her in Central America at the date of its conclusion. This reply substitutes a partial issue in the place of the general one presented by the United States, The British Government passes over the question of the rights of Great Britain, real o supposed, in ( eutral America, and assumes that she had such rights at the date of the treaty, aod that those nghts i piewasae the protee torsbip of the Mosquito dians, the extended jurindiction and limits of the Balize, and the eal sny of the Bay Islands, aod thereupoo pro ceeds by implication to infer that, if the stipoia tions of the treaty be merely future in aa Great Britain may still continue to bold the coa- tested portions of Ceatral America. The Uni- ted States eanvot admit either the inference of the premises We steadily deny that at the date of the treaty Great Ibritain had any pos scwsious there, other than the limited apd pecu- ar establishment at the Kafize, and maintaio hat, if she had any, they were surrendered by the Coarventivo This Goverument, recognising the obligations of the treaty, has of course desired to see it exe cuted in guod faith by both parties, and in the liscumion, therefure has not looked to rights which we might assert, independently of a treaty, in consideration of our a is ghical »o and of olber crreamatances, which create Lgred as relations to the Ceatral American States dif f any (rovernmeat of Europe. The Britsh Government, in its last commend tion, although well knowing the views of the ed States, still declares that it sees Be rem ) why a conciliatory spirit may not enable the , Governments to overcome all obstackee to a satis ry adjustment of the su. byret Assur d of the correetpess of the cvastruction {the treaty constantly adhered vo by this Gow ernment, and resulved lo insist oo the nights of the Unite! States, yet actuated abe by the same Jesire which ws avowed by the Beitiah Govern ment, to retpove all causes of seriogs misunder- standing between two nations aseucaied by so many ties of interest and kiodred, t has appear J to me proper not to consider am amicable so- a of the controversy hopeless ere is werver treason to apprebend thal at Britain in the actual oreupation of ferent from Usome fea and the treaty therefore s far as regards our righta, na! difficulty cannot loog remaia involving im serous dan eodly relavions which itis the interest fut) of both countries to chermh Tt will afford me sincere gratié- ll result im the success h more confidence than permits me now to enter- ed eithout ote sha ELCRUITEMENT (ime other subject of ducesmon between the niled States and (ireat Hrtain bas grown oat of Ube attempt, which the exigencies of the war which she 1 eogaged with Kusme indeced her to ake to draw recruits from the U orted States. It is the trad:noeal and settled polwy of the United States to maratan impartial neutrality dering the warts winch from ume to time occer among the great l'owers of the world Per- forming all the duties of neutrahty towards the reapective belligeremt States, we may reasonably xpect them not to mterfere with our lawful ea- ovment of ite benefita Notwithstanding the erstence of such hostilities, our citizens retam the sodindoal mgbt to econtunee all tbeir aevus- 7 t rt v’ ;. eer ‘ r - Tovet hair faxed, jist splinter the spine o Fer advemurwes for mnure than t@wenty tears and has and wreconcieatly ato the construction of the tomed pursurta, by land or by sea, st @ome or pone ) her pack -twould net hart ver looks @ mite ernemded in that tie. in this . ; ; : | , thy es tim lege bet ou beye of be age. cate Peter [ibbet« dead, le vou'd be intirely eanresmtable if vou Fikely to get froe eprecates the att-at Convention and its effect o@ their respective re abroad, sulyect only to such restretvons io thie sands of dollara, offen rammed jer the greatest lations to Central Amenca. reintuion as the laws of war, the usage of nations, difBculies, someumes alnwat despairing — bet (yreat Hettan so eonstrwes the Convention as of special treaties may iinpose; and « is our rats Mr (Crane Well, [neve unchanged ell ber pre Dreten soveregn rmght that our territory aad jrrisdictes Widow Hold yer tongne rou con. oeret ealdeed. “ar the Musjuite coast ar ferent shall not be invaded by either of the belhgereat cartes! old enot vou-—T tell ver there's rarte of Central Amenca These ' we for the transit of their armiea, the opera- er hat. and there's the door of 1 1. K ewuth, ¢ te . tot to the Moa) ast age® founded the 3 bons of their fleets, the levy of troops for their ake ' roan ta me ay pry! fetioh boy | Harq he h ? yerseit, in quick Une 6th of January was ( certainly wre not ber on th dave ta decree ol the pe f R out not to be res ected thy aefa ‘ auee he emd the adorable Angelina had earotty wana lectle grain «traiter sky Le meon could and Kat theo tt f larning to mpare thet gawky Mary Ja hes incomnparatde Aagelin and pasecna Harry Balt contempt nale emka mm the Western wave Theee aemrtwone of owe fr 4d caused us . . an te y thee enhpct and make sine rewarcles and inquines The tre, or Tl ran States and eas “ thre ttheleea, | relation txtweer t service, the fitting oat of cruimers by or against weand ita fare ite soee and A i \ i P 1 nant of a tribe of Ir enther, or other » of war.— Hest mention of CWretmae was in the rear 7 . y u “ ce bruvometick feel certain, and that 1, that unless a European ant : it : r any her net or inodent a 5 and grows ay ahotsres, ite ter rt r etre Gieuinens | ; ) t t entered into at me when when (iemene Lumanve ered tt 5t f : ; = BLS : us ; ravon turns the eerrent. one great fight rou Men : eave ’ 1 t { us t let Widow (iisiagy -Gitout, Peay—Tain't ; thot ta sudernn And these undeniable rights of neutrality, mdi videal and national, the | ntted States will, wn- controverted t ler no circumstances, surrender In poreuinee of thie policy the laws of the Democracy of Europe dues “of « Indiane of thete pre Tnited States do not ferbed their citizens to sel a word to Meliasy, it will be the wuse tor Of ‘ for gathering steam Great Britain any polity t ther of the Lelhgerent Power articles eon- \ Cre b f war. or to take munitions of war of ntl pre aaior re ropean kings. Yoo can't of December should be brightness Of pronase term imate a ywite ty stand here and be iisuited un , P ark wth tem Jer mv owo rotf— and eo—git along, and hioing Mice t ihever you darken my door agin, Or say at destiny,” provided (T des 4 pre eedl America - ie ower : ; \ vou, that's all ¥ . tain es not allege the assent hier board their private ships for trans Mr. Crane Tre menjous | What a ( her Aiifme on the Mos f too chougl in so doing the imdb- hiteter ! ; [ ; exposes jis property or person to Widuorx ) ) Wwe yo , ' nye t ~ in ‘ rhe \ pente nd ene ive treaties, renounced and re + it wae then cetetrated a somewnat different iiemere ‘ a fess : \ t n the ewmtrary, by or ree ou Woe eee hazards of war, bis acts do not in- Washington,» s A namnehed a rtenaone of her own, and re \ brench of national neutrality, nor er ror, while prom. vung 18 Yloody pereecutivns l ; F my r ‘ . j mist ison the . te Cour ; yrpis | : re rect wont, ‘ ; Aered Ries cataniac tithelnes ynieed the full and aovermgn mghts of Sparr emeclvos impheate the Government. Thos, ‘ ret Chrostiar te 1 the rurche r . ‘ as ered( or sale vealer othe news i ie a5 against the ans, order hurchea n the moat unequivocal terma Yet these pre luring the progress of the present war in Eu hills he blast of th wt vty the pele . thesia al : ee . Papers cheap, bot it was beliewed nobody was bart | od Aerit Mr. Crane the traveller slrinks in the mids lis joumney lowever, dud not deter Christians from celebra came : tensions, so without solid foundation in the be: rope, our citizens have, without national respon None genuine nnless ginning, and Uius repeatedly alyured, were, ata sibilite therefor, sold gunpowder and arms to all signed Franklin Pierce, mind- in the regular recent penod, revived by Gagat Britain agaist buyers, regardless of the destination of those ar Oor merchantmen have been and still which they were assembled tobe burned This, verdant enough to buy ting t and a few veare after, under the reagan of Eaypress the Central Amencan Statea, the legiumate eve ticles To give our readers a a oaty mntinue to be largely employed by Great Britain Wartexry ‘ ' Rise in Lat Jon debate in the House on Toesda ~ tipet idea of enenerayind Ope law among the ancent Ey sians: deo) AW asiihurn, uf Mains, deniwncing tlie herahenli nee an: K N's ae eect he Banks men ae the National par | us Wis Viren” Constantine, the custum was openly rece)ved ay INDUSTRY wismey va" Noor ' cessors to all the ancent junsdietion of Spain They were first ay plied only to and by Franee in transporting troope, provie- tons, And munitions of war to the pri neipal seat t » Rerease in the price of land Tire President's mosenye, a8 original w writen Ai ny that reg are ” t t « e Sy nenUAL alfoatn ‘ : P Malecinentiinatient wi citiel Rati around thes t in the last six veare, we atte Qa. off, L to ue two weeke ago, im manmserpt oa define cof the cnaxt-of Nicaragua, alter he following Nit rears age a treet of lamd Wu have ne doubt it wasa copy of the teal wands to the whole of ats Atlantic coast 1 Vastly to @ part ft comstof Costa Rica: and their sick and wounded soldiers > but such use of beated twelve days in the memor This was th in en ide Lof litary operations, and in bringing home ¢ v alasnt ik reonen bought fi ’ . work was to be done, from the 25th of meme ns acrme, and ther inniring there ebtideen ty —reinarkel that the Democratic party, lat * nee wry 98 4 ' ineseage as prepared on the day Congress as ; : as thon &4 per acre, which same tract was s | ; they are now reasserted to this eateat, potw sur mercantile marine is not interdicted either st from ew ry infaney In the year largely in the mnajonty, has Aled dawt sernbled. Hut almost every day must) bran f to bardshis J we vear largely in the inayority, had dewndied dow B stand ng engagements to the United States by the international or by onr municipal law, and ‘ On the Eastern coast of Niearagua and Costa therefore does not ¢ ympromit our nevtral rela- Jelay of the organization of the Hone. We an Rica, the interference of Great Britain, though tions with Russa “2 teipated thie delay and declined to purchase. exerted at une time in the form of military oc But our municipal law, in accordance with the cupation of the port of San Juan del Norte, law of nations, peremptonly forbids not only the 6th of January ; the first ar aa! week by ( Rivhards for 8300 per acre 19 78 and mould not renerent the national feel scome amendment of alteration, in the present Mer Orr inquired if M Under the patronage of our country were generally brought up to W. had not been elected Inst vear, and if his dave were the elnef. On the lat former clause of thie law they deserve to be rm [Tremendous rise, Chiat Rrp Banner f January) the tradition save the tated, even by a christian peuple If the youth ings of the country od C hroet he fatival obtained asure base, babite of industry, how much vice aod misery party had not been defeated by the Democracy The Spanish Courte has just adopted by an So, we belheve, Id the Herald. We suppose : then re peacetal possession of the oro vretgners, but « own citizens to Washhurn admitted each fact. inmense omayooty, the auth article of the the copy offered us was an old copy which had hen in the peacetul possession of the appropri. foretgners, but our own citizens to fit owt, within 5 wi Vv ate authorities of the Central Amencan States, the Rmits of the United States, a veasel to com- hie im ober atom y " : ; 3 7. ; conatitation, which declares that no. titl n prepared for the orhen wr and io now presented by her as the nghtful exercise mit hostilities agninat any State with which the vutand papist Im this of the designing, @ curse lo their parents, and a against the liquor law and thas eecured the of ability «Nall be Pequired an ay valification for had leaked ont of that leaky offiee in some way. of a protectoralip over the M maquito. tribe of United States are at peace, or to increase the the diseharge of any office in the gift of the Ttwas all out up, ready for giving out to the Indians force of any foreign armed veaacl intended for a But the eatablichment at the Balize, now such hostilities against a friendly State. Whatever concern may have been felt by e uafter taken under the fostering would be avoided. Suffered to be idle as they thie year?) Mr as remained to this time @ are in too many instances, they heeome the prey but explained that the Aemoerace thie year went that it ia not peat to sortety This i aetying evil in our day, State This 18 @ great stride eompomlors, and hore other evidences of haring So that it seems that free eoil ean whip the oro#u or of the people. Aa to the sgnature towards the reforrbation of Spain. as it extin- been in @ preating office. v the 1 ny le « pc liW Cent ve A h Lit haeny and demands correction Keatraint over our reaching far beyond ite treaty limmts into the ire atmoap here of primi. off ring @ req red at our hands, and the ya Maine democracy, hut, Upat mocracy and free State of Honduras, and that ef the Ray Islands ther of the belligerent Powers lest private arm pent sho neglects it inflicta a moral injury upon liquor can beat the whHld — the people of Maine gnishes the last of the privileges of the Spanish of FrankWn DPicroe- it waa thera, but not, we appertaining of right to the same State, are ae ed) cruisers or other vesscls in the service of one Scalen lar by Tope hia child and bis country, while he expraes him. having much more for whiskey than for nobility, and places the people of all ranks upon think, in hia proper handwriting. Probably in distinctly colonial governments as those of Ja- might be fitted ont in the porte of this country ; If to the wrath of his Maker. If heathen pe |“ freedom *. - Fay. * : an equality \ that of this privete secretary News. | matca or Canada, and therefore contrary to the to depredate on the property of the other, all ii. ' F - F A | ; ndedoin the riatianity © alteration of the the frst andl font dave were also al- se cazens bave been withheld from any such acl oF purpose by good fwith aud by res \. the law While the laws of the Union are thus per emptory in ther pr on of the equipment or arimainent of b Ht cruisers in Ot Ports, they may provide jens absolutely that mo porsou shia w territory of Jurisdiction of the Uuited States, enlist cf, on hire or retain is Fporsen to enlist or eter Itself or to ic the Lamits off jurisdic tion of the Cuiied withontent: ty be en Jisted or chtered. in) th of any foreisn State, cither as a seld ATE OF sent man oon board of ar of war, letter of margu . Or pt vat ' hese Clete tits Are Alm teatrict Catto “ jawoot ta thous, which declares that mo Suite has the ¢ be rae Crows fis land or sea service tat Sete with cet pe coupeut, mod that, whether tor fst. Ny the’ municiy dl Jaw oor uott vor attempt to dol, without each consent, is an at lack vp the nat.oual sover ruty, Sach bung th pal law of Wue L Che eubject was « pubbe nalts aud the munici tiated States, ue sobenude on utertained by this Guverunient when a yeas adace ie British Pai AL acl tk jo the mibtary service of thing oo the face of the wetor iu ats Dritas AIDEN ptt ured tthe culistment of } proside prursd Great Britain. public his tors invested tbat ch Governinent pro posed Wa allempt recrurtinens in the Uiited Dtates ; nor did it ever yive antimauon of such Matenbow to Une Cruverpiucit. bt was uiatter of Surprise, (ben turg, bo tid subsequently, t engagement of perscus wid ihe | al Lire to proceed to Halifax, ie the Britis Nova Scona, aud there enlat in tlhe Great Britain, was g witl Nittle or no disguise. O Js Were immediately Caben to arn st punish parties coucernal, apd ao putanend to acts infiing Che muuiciad Jaw aud der TV bo OUP SsOvE Peignty feanwhbile suitable representations ot the suly Wore addressed to the British Go become koow . gion of the Jritish ke attempt to draw recruits froin Rate! with itoor at least had pan oe; Vus ts eng Us approva age n States. It is difficult to frave tx her mnunicipal Law, to Vielute understand | TO Su pepesedd Chat trooy * Vritaiw without The The law was tu prevent every su nci, W by Gr Uniistakea if performocd, must be either in wolaticn of th law or in studied evasion Uf it, « native the act de the sovereignty of the Ir Mean time the matter acquired add Upon a syelemain | thority that re« opene recepoun ( and the a Pervisvoo ans byt ‘ tieh officers, ui and wil lary, sor t North American T Stausa. The « ampticity of todertaking @hich cou Lot y be accom phhied by leff ing ur laws, throw altitude of veutrality, aud ritorial rights, 1s prively denve eThate! ou the trial of su as have been ap prebendel an]. J. Scie of th Cal pos f, awl moar € tlaeta be madietion eo that legal pe reac tu multe ‘ 4 . Wieser emulrn Guan cart be ’ fart emenmee oo aeert by forte -m™ ma rg. ©. eunne ce of eta df Lie two (vere tte to m " wen Perea “ san ers tat . * Cvaire eres M pws, weder set und ing Octet nad tale id |v How me Hos PMNs amd the property of tise Vege. Brus Nts tte mM car trent: with teres: lana ive be Termtory of Orr gen | drive rs as bu be-boese tbat a cre-y rete uf ba eur jm to tie Lute) Sve <hw le tive est me aes of + AUN ai Qhemt os vtAmerd wh renwmale urns. ati, a ‘ . to Lem apd. | - - * of ( unares The «ow oy ‘ ve S Peay by eu nations a8 a close sea, and the navigation of it tsa privilege for which tribute may be imposed upon those who have occasion to use it, This Government, on a former occ uuhkbe the present, signalized its deter to marntain theedrec creat wayural channedsiof navizatiqn, The Bar lawey States liad for along time coereed the pay tent of trbate frore all vations whose ships fre- qvented the Mediterrdhean, To théigst demand of such payment made by them fhe United Sodtes, althourh suffering less by their depreda- Hons Chan tnauy other nations, returned the ex phot answer, that we preferred war to. tribute, hus apeucd the way to the relief offthe comieree of the world fAmtim troomintous'taxt so long submitted to by the more powerful na tons of Europe, It the mauner of payment of the Suund dues lithers from thatof the urbute formerly conceded to the Barbary States, still theft exaction by Denmark has ne better fouudatoa ja ryght— bach was, in its origin, nothing bat a tax on a cominen natural nyht, extorted by those who that thine DALION able to obstruct the free and scure enjovinent of it, but who uo longer pos . sal pow t power, Denmark, while resisting our assertion of the fraatom of the Baltic Sound and Belts, has. in cated a readiness to make some new arrange ment on the subject, and has invited the Gov ernments interested, including the United States to be represented In a convention to assemble the for purpose of receiving and cousid: ring « pre ton, Wuich she intends to submit, for the vay zation of the Sound dues and the distri t of the sum to be paid as commutation imong the Governments, according to the re spective proportions of their maritime commerce to and from the Kaltie. T have declined in be half of the United States to aceept this invita for the most corent reasons, One is, that Deumark does uot offer tu submit to the eon vevtion t juestion of her right to levy the ~ des A second is, that if the conven lowed to take coguizance of that par UH it would wot be competent tes lion, Net: ratification. of the seas.aod of the| : ; | ; ‘ —. Proved to be utterly groundless. effect the recognition of the right of Deomark ; also acceded to a declaration recognising as iu to treat one of the great maritime bighways of ternational rights the principles contained in the convention between the United States and Rus- sia of the 22d July, 1854. conventions will be laid beforgatife Semnté’ rig fh last annual m receipla and e been “ TREASU RX. The statement’ made in sage respecting the anticipa penditures of (he Treasury ‘tally vedified | « It appears from the report of the Secretary of the Treasury that the receipts during the last fiscal vVoar ending June 30, 1855, from all soure- es, Were siaty-fve million three thousand nine Wundred and thirty dollars ; and that the pul: substan- {lig @qeenditures yor she Rave yiriock, exelusive | of payments on™ account of the public debt, amounted to fifty-six million three hundred and sixty five thousand three “hundred and umety- Uhree dollars. During the same petiod the pay- piuculs Made in redemption of the public debt, including: interest and) premium, amoynted to nine million eight hundred and forty-four thou- sand tive buodred and tweuty-eight duttars, The belanee in the Treasury at the beginning of the present Bscal year, duly 1, 1355, was eighteen million nine hundred) and thirty-ove thousand nine hundred and seventy-six dollars the receipts for the remaining tliree quarters, amount, together, to sixty seven million nine hundred aud cighteen thousand seven bundred and thirty four dullars ; thus affording ia all, as the available resources of the current fiseal year, the sum of erghty six million eight hundred and fifty-six thousand seven hundred and ten dul- It to the actual expenditures of the first quar ter of the current tiscal yerr be added the pioba- ble expenditures for the remaining three quar- ters, as estimated hy the Scoretary of the Trea- sury, the sum total will be seventy-one million two hundred and twenty-six thonsand civht hum dred and forty-six dollars, thereby leaving an es Unated balance in the Treasury ou July 1, 1856, of fifteen million six hucdred and tw aty three thousand eight hundred and six y three duilars and forty-one cents, In the above estimated exper hrures of the These treaties_and | hs 5 United Colonics fre | condition of the pepvice ; awd it makes sugges | proved to be opp! | tions of further legislation, to Whigh yer atten- permanently from | cul willie the great Mternauonal pr he ~ \ : deat Sateliland spent aed Mts doodle preseot Decal year are included ‘three million dollars to meet the last iustelment of the tea millions provided for in the late tre aty with Mexico, and seven milion seven hundred and fifty thousand dollars appropriated on account of the debt due tu Texas, which twosums make an agyreyale amount uf ten muillioo seven Lundred vod tty thousand dellars Appropoated ou ac count of the vu \ ihe the proposition it is conte mp! which affects the mybt im other cases to Dbalue. Above all by the express terns of ted that the eom- sideration of the Sound dees shad) be commin ghd with and made suberdinate to a matter t e of power amoung WEOUV ONDPAICOts wala (Le Governments uf Europe. Wile, | reyeclug this proposition, And dosisGng of the rightof free Uausit into and Seen lebt due to Texas, which two suis gregate hundred and fifty thousand dullars, and reduce the expenditurns, actual or estimated, for ard make an ay amount of ten million seven he Balue, | have expressed to Dewurark a » 2b Ube partof die Cnited States, to raby with other Luwer im compensa nary vbyects of the year, to the suum of saxty oniboa Aivantayes who hk commerce 1 } fot Guudred and seventy-six thousand delkers > derive froma exe: Uitures ma! qT t x x amount of the pul toy 8 Cor ; (uiproveupeut ane salety of the babes ek i oe, Mobs he, sas Kon 0 of lee Suued of Helts. menoemenl of tle Prorenu a Ac was fort miltion five hundred ! Play Inture you, herewith, sundry ducum ents ne a . ox hundred ane Irty on Nar 1 deduce stil ject, a wlicls say lees ave more ful oe he sada Pian ona : y mt ive Suourd py salisfaotury arranze aaa eee ee ane Ras feasts thee : 5 r bt of the deral (rove t bee tal mri de itded IT shail ayain call your Federal Goverument remair at . wots lesa than furty Iho alent © bUlject with recommendat ‘ , ay ellos 7 , dollars, wos Dn asire ae tay appear ly be fequ 5 Gr bel secure te rights uf the The remuant of certain other G svernment Cited Sta ro tar as ibey are adecied by Use Mechs, armouncnag to two hundred and forty- re c licireoask ire rand dellar, referred to in my last ; it as outstanding, has since beeu paid FRANCE. f, l j ; ; Tam fuily persuad d that it would be diffieutt ! nine ralifieation that, since (6 devise a system anpenurte that by whieh the adypours t the last Cor ™. Ue ques fiscal business of the Goverment is now con wn ihe r between tl rnineatand ducted. Noteithetaudeg the great namber of a i; Pa spocbug t Heb consul at of pul ‘ { codectve and dbarsement, Dan brain m Wo satli-factorily determin it is tedieverd that the checks and grands prov ed, a that t relatious of the two lovern roehuliog the reqarement of moathly re furwls conuuL te af the mest foeudiy ma turns, render it searcedy possible for any conside Z Vile fraud oa the part of thuse ageata, or ocg- GREFUH K Dazard of senous public loss, ty es \ . wiehihestencteee tine cape detector I renew, Wever, the reoon = . ere the Ue SAG . ph. inendabon heretofore made by me of the er act k , wit } « Meet ofa law decanag it felony of the part ot is ‘. ’ ¢ pul Cer to iomert fale eptries im ther . A . marks of sen Jor acruant, of to urbe fale re Art os » s. auda re ymirtasy them, om the terr a wae Zane ie (Unit eorviee, to detiver to their success ; = moot the 28 bowks, reeurde, amd other obprets of a pu arty A a ature ip tle ip cust Denved ae our revenue i, in chef art fr n Jutres on Mpurts, is mag » Veith Sy * man fords gratifying evidence of the preape nity t tment ana \ opty of ver commerce. but of the other yroat in “ vn hwo hat depends ’ cou ’ A Call moneys mot reqawe) fw ‘ f t re rronk ehpeuees of the Gusermmeut shou . . tean ’ * bait: for active er Meet tu the bands of VS came ik at dba ra~ ales pear | the th \* -, Ald ve crn ptcurnue fact that the « " mea ne matete fer me thereby wal revenee fen all cures exceede. by many Mins Othe | Sates milbous of dab the amount needen fora pru “~)uerr of d~ ve Trane } ® MUrTRNe ent and ecommeal eleinsteson af pubic ” ’ (obey A he enpreme aa m URS me 80 alain, cannot fal W suggest the propriety of an ty at - + sh ~ -T tting ® ad So aniy revise aad noductwn of the uni of de ~~ in ‘ for t . ey Pare he pe , con imirte [tm now ww generallt eae ©] tater. a St6 Me Hed that the perpune of pres a ; J t bod Re ” he Me fe the ayemtoon of inte cn iperts, that ia apneu, tn wy 1 teal pam ing, the njamt iabbe aad eeted ui ‘ Vi ted Semtes who he tereeded oi) : t : re 1 etiuh u 4 ee eta tel 5 tt gee meetin Gente that ° he Sranre a P altuna, acleparture bee Pp UBC Ip ies Of Le hhem ” we aiff is (antic; ated. a 2 “oe . {was ow : { , <IMG jane e made « ALM) = @ vr t due can ae aired + The arms. during the past vear, has been ar G 4 ter tt a ‘ J ' Yr hihaged on defemliag the Todin frombes, r pals hve > » ¢ : . oon @ perm az wut @ am) + tee vet ' . «or r } r abent fort fic-nt * oa wn . . ’ ‘ ; The a) fitomal regiments anthersed at the last ' tteption of | ~ ch ts " Tl epmaiees: ft nures< lave Chew Peeruited and oF r 4 abe trope om ted, and a large portman of the tr nope hare » MOTT: ar Tew : MS alrexly lewe sou io the the bad All the duties . wh ‘ r ur : } . Jewess ' ry oes rent ee ar, ine ra vary abislmer a eee 4 nN salieactoniy performed, and the dan neve ' ~ gere am) privations Went to the character of ' Fe seme |) wet wt y he wrvice rrauired of out hor have furnieh 4 MW: ' - a ‘ ' leer cowmnge, peal, and eure a a] @ ANY rejureteon which te “¥ : aj w +F the d Pn 4 a abs v oferations th nhwtioa th ! an al; Srequir - ‘ fore Ure ary « - tn the repert f my aoe Une Secretary cf War and the accompam F : . re) ecu a a] 5 , bapenenc, rather r which have pall . a Ld y ast , aS Nae af Ne og ' ane re 7. ety r , 7 rarons. hig ‘ : 5s k Or rs ar tay = foam ‘ thers, at r tamed {, Py - re fa A be reasons Which exis } i . 4 wor i t Ree ow 7 CRETE \ rf o4. aad ta . 1 , f n ad al tore 4 ' " Die reeomomeud atone bere tutor any r aay) ty havior aritey r . I a ar an “ uv ‘ 1''% 4@ t a tlt emt, To pert the Julies of * y ari Vice Woy be: An s the ‘ ‘ A ; ‘ ol ! if r tL “ {4 1 ° i] a i} 4 ony a nver free at 1 " ‘ 4 sua oy mptoyed a the J AAP per ‘ “ sa view ol fend ald siege artery ; b : etatl 8 variuns Ura . 1 \ fomateria . * Won the wbroty ete whieh tinee du ae bes merged. tis wot, as wa use case of r 7 4 cad al aitly, Coreg dire® alse ate ite . 4 ‘ v of . ' utes oof an officer uf ' “ Av igA nied fot thre ‘ : dtha Jet SE pectititam, wit he kingdom a fan officer for cither the he or | . *, aur then let pacom. Che general stl is iesirable that he asad have ' Scare Nicatagua, abd a Seed ae Let With this ew at wan secom er ree ty with the Wended ow a tote ceca iat the dpues of Jt tiated, Vise eth trouid | : Re AIRE ~ wragur tay f 1, wit chon of ad ap ductions, in religion, differed in climate, in soil, in natural pr | vant bich waskd epuh Gopi den oahege, it w agate Facies for the eousideration | Congress. ‘ * NAVY.- The report of the Seoretary @Ptho Navy, Nere- with submitted, exhibits in full the aaval opera tions of the past year, together with the present as States to carry on the war of the Revolutio The object of that war was to disenthral jtion is invited. yo j The constructiog gf the six stem frigates for pallet , which appropriations (were made" by Tat pegpstituted, as they were, in distinct and recip- Congress has proceeded in the wost sati: t roeally independent Suute Gov ernments, manner, with sued expedftion as’ fo Warrant the! the subject races, whether Indian or African, the belief that they will be ready for service early in | wise and brave statesman . that Fes ro en- the commy spring. Important as this addition | ga in wo extravagant cebeme pi Suein ange to our faa val foruaiies ibaniy remains chundi-q gate | yma ap they. ok, apd thus debi ged dheryé to the contingent exigencies of the protection of | selves and their posterity from the anafchy aud ‘the extensive seacoast wud vast commercial in lthe ever-recurring civil wars which have prevail iderésfs of the United States. Tu view of thip be@ jp dthar wv glutionized European colonics of "fact, ‘add of the acknowl d@ed wisdom of the America. tpelicy of agradwal and «\stematic increase of | pthe navy, an appropriation is recommended for venient to modify the couditions of their associ. the coustruetidu of sie gtean Sloops-of war. )} ln regard (0° Uke steps taken do exeeution of reet the act ofCunyress to promote thevfficiency ob ie the Stated ! payy, Cis unnecessary fur me we pay more than the States as such to eX press entire coucurrence in the observatious existing cotst on that sabject presented by the Seerctary in yuidir his report, itical result was sublic of the free gir tobe nog hoaght. which was to delegate only sugh power us Was necessary and proper to the OFFICE, {execution of specific purposes, of, in other words, | tute Pus It will be perceived by the report of the Post 5 i master Geperal that the russ eapeondsture of these elena of = nase ai bowers of oe ‘ ie i the Department fox the bast tien] vear was nine aaah Dae is th os oe fal A ties i! million wine hundred and sixty-eight thousand | ace edonkey iat Gh a eee three hundred aud forty two dodars, and. the! Government certain carefully-defined functions, Xtuss reecipts seveu midion three handred wod leaving all others aa the uncheleguted rights of ‘0- | eoutiv u systems of educativn, ia | bene yale rp ie , tegislation, and in the forms of political admia- | Ccagees on the state of the Uniou, it would be pal- | senve of constitutional fuith yore scree enough “istration ; and they continued to differ in these | lo Congees not este ip-aas moe pects when they voluntarily allied themselves jeet like this, which, beyond all thiugy at the preaut | but al © the cou! When the eonfedernted. Sintes found it cou-} ween tureigu Bowers, and unly tel w be such in wos bana aunt bn bibah fation, by giving to the Geucral Governmeat di- avers 1 Sore Peap. ets, to the people of | the eccusion require wibout noticing the reiterated | JH It WW action of | but groandices alegatives that (he South bas persist- fea g now sagendd procecded to Game the | emuy weserted elwuw and obtained advantages in | by i gy steadily to ove} nt of the whole country, bound to take | ily, The new Tettitorics were ~~ H ed, wud |- | restriction» on the disputed puitt, were thos care that the laws be faithfully Copa Ny nrearel tee Judge in thet ticular for themaclves; ‘and the ble neglect of duty on my part (ou puss over a sub- | in Cong od hes concerns individual and public scourith,, General Gov. d thus relieve it from obstuelés raised up tion of some of the States. mation regarding the provisionsof law for on of fugitives i lence of the Constitution aud all the countless benefits | ment to such a de jt hag eopferreds © While thy; yf ffe Sou- | was observed im t (a aR ph or od their atten ties to pe yu af- Washington. ‘fairs, net presuming officiousy to intermeddle ththe | When, more recently, it becanie requisite to organ. social wetituiens uf the Northern States, tuo many | ize the Teritories of Nebraska and Kansas, is was the of the inhabitants of the latter are permayeytly conse. - {natural de te, if net the ine vit d seciuuous to inthe ujurgedn Gg v{ gaince veges lat ey Swnae(al acts, which would be calise of War ER. hwame gre coast presi dice ¥ systeum because perpetrated under cover of the Un- eee Kei exempt ee, ‘ft at ee. | the wentempane) proposed 10 4h aey relative fa the i | Btate uf Misewurt 1 is unpossible to preseut this subject og trath and poncho ante cere was sini the pracueai admiuistrauen of the General Govern- | the cession of Louisiana, aud incousintent with the ment to the prejudice uf the North, and in whieh | equollty of thre Stages Ss the latter has aequiceced; that i, thy States, which | They bad deon-gripped of motel euher promote or (ulerute uttacks ou the rights uf | pore slept efforts tq proedre théir indixret , | persons and of proyerty in other States fu disguise | Goo tradicturgenactine uta They hedbee to retain as mech as possible, consivtently with | the owe wjueuec, pretend of imagine and constant | arepena by Whe lay ‘the " . New Mexico, pad ly aver that they, whose coustitutiwal nghisare thus jot d ib thee tically ubbuiled, are (hemeclves the uggtées- /€ality | At th ( time ihe tupeted egge | Bway hi offved by the new he form aoee ae Fs awe vnly Wy the vague declamatory jmagiagtty Pp mod, tu tee Bepate the iret session charges of pulifieal agituturs, resolves itvelf inty mié- | of the fast \ wes ingenuous app che asion uF misty icrpre tation uf the principles end | We well ts patrtié ead just tw do this directly and Tucts of the pitieal urgauizeluw of the new ‘Terruy- | plainly, and thus Wie ve the Waluterbook of an act forty-two thousaud our lwoied aud Uniety-six the separate indcpendeut sovereignties, 1 tien of the Valted Bistce which gnight be of furuce iniort f dollars, making au excess of « Xpeuditure over Such is the constiutwnal theory of our go- | W hat is the wiee ot instory! When the ordinance | possible futuge be j and the measure je repeal peecipus Of wo liillion. nx Hundred and twenty. | Yerement, the practgal observance of which has | whieh provided fur the guwcrument of (be Cerntury A ghee het ie cussbipte Fron gnition os eee two hundred and six dollars: and | Caftied us, and us alone, among moderna Repub | northwest of the river Ohio, und fur ite eventual eub- Pe we v4 r, med af the ee States th ies hes, through aearly. three generations of time, | divine into new Suates, was adopted im the Congress | ~ Fh satin iF, thryogh qrsumption of the powers of pat the cost of mail trausportauoa dunug that |" H he cust of one drop of blood shed jx | of Hae Comfederauwa, 4 2 nub 40 be supposed tai thy | tt ene ral (avvernane nt, 40 icgate the queval instite- year was six hundred and seventy four thousand | WiLhONL Ung Cus} yt one drop Shed | question of future relauve power, as between ihe | tong of any uther pirtion. nine hundrod avd fifty-two dollars greater than | civil war, With freedom and concert of activn, the previous year. Much of the heavy expendi: | A ‘ | tures to which the Treasury is thus subjected ig battle field ayainst foreign foes, bes elevated the tu be ascribed to the large quantity of printed j feeble colunivs into powerful States, and has tatter couveved by the anails, either franked or | Med Cur industrial ae a _ & liable to wo postage by law, or to very low rates | Merce which Uansports them > re evel uf the ge compared with that charged on fet. Mcbest and the greatest watious of Europe. Aud | sure the act of the Sole of Verywua and af the Bath | Whee Lowsiava was acquires by the United States uf post a . able i f politi » quimtion not les to the Nurth than to the | ters, and to the great cust of inail service on pri | the admirable adaptation of poliucal iustilutions | it was au acquistion roads and by ocean steamers. The sugyestions | their objects, combining local self. rovernment A . yostic of the Postinast:r Geveral on the subject de with aggregate strength, has estublished the serve the eousideration of Consideration of Con. Practicability of a Government like ours to eover frets. @ continent with confederate Btites. INTERIOR. {that Congress of sovercignties which guo! men | The report of the Seoretary of the Interior in the Old World have sought fur bat could ne will engage vour atention, as well for useful | ver attain, and which imparts tu America an ex suresivns It conlmus as for the jaterest and | emption from the mutable leagucs for com ince importance uf the sulgects to which they refer. | actu, frum the wars, the mutual Gasions, and The aggregate amuunt of Public land during Vague aspiralivns Une fiveal year, located with mallitary eorip oF which couvulse from tine to Creme land warraola, aken Up Under gravls for roads, aud selected ws swap lands by States, im twen ) four millon five buudred and tifty-seven thou sand four hundred avd pine acres; of which the fier the balance Uf power the Gover Our co operative action rests | of p» presembed by the Couutuuon, ments of Europe in the condigons rmapent cunfederation Our balance: of reserved nights of the puwer ® la the separate portion seld was fifteen million seven hundn d States, and their equal representation in the S and twenty-nine thousaod five bundre| and nate, That indepetdent suverwnty on every twenty-nine thousand and twenty-four acres, Cee of the Stabe, with 16s geperved nylits of bucal vielding in receipts the sum of elevea million four hundred and enhty five thousand three hondred and eghty dollars. In the same pen Od of time emrht buudrd! and twenty three thousand enght hundred and fifty fowr acres have Leen surveyed: but, in come erauon of the quantity already subyret to entry self gow minent, seeuicd tu ce by thew co equal was the fu Wi einted weer in the Seualt Hitiom of the Coostitutton fever bave larnenial cou utit the Ca However desi TN seven ou would rows the hargrr Slates meglt be to re- wganie the Gowerpime ul se as bo give bo thew pupelaton He proportio wet htin Ue wu tbow Coupee, Pe additiumal tracts have buen Lrowyghs iete 11)... knew it eas tin Bthess Urey « wel market elto the emafler ons Mity lo ederview al The peculiar reiawen of the General Gov east a nezative influence on al! the measares of ernment to the Dinret of Comiuend Columbia rendem the Goovermment, whether beym! ative of ea cative, proper & Ubrowgh ther equal representaget io ile Seale. ) Your care not vol) ib thal’ flail, it has enabled us to contend successfilly on the | « aumerons colored popu. Yow, evcuped police uf furl , “Eps nd thse whieh did Got retain | The seupe und effect of the ot dodte States which retuined a ae Ww Bahr pape tep wan bata “e ed to be considered. And yet the concecemon of that | * the trpe iment and mangingiyf thee act wot to legie- Vast territory W the interests aad wpiuons of the New | late slavery T any - ner to exclude thern States, a temmiery pow the seat of five among | M therefrom, reol perfectly t People j the largest members of the Umwn, wasin great mea. Gee form ald regiilate their damettic insiituiions in The Congress of the United Suites is, in effet, | Sooth ; for while wus impurtent \ the country at | the moeth of the nver Measapp ty becune the em, | pormam of the coaniry above it, av ale i wae even! mote important tothe whole Caton to beve that em | porum. And ali ough (he sew province, by reasue of ite imperfect ee tth ‘ ly regarded as jon the Galfof Mexico, yet. im feet, it extended'to the oppuete bwedanes of the Caited Staves, with far | greater brradib above thas beww, und was m lero ry, as imevery (hing «lee, equally, af least, an acces- som tw the Nerthore Sistes it « mere @etusion ond prejudice, ther lure. to epeak uf Leweweng ae acqume thon ta (he «pecial interest of the Sueth. ‘The petrote aad sust mee who ‘> tbat act were influguted by watives far abuve all eveituual pakases It was. in truth, the great « by comple fing for us the valley of the Mmsesippl, with cummerccial acces ww ibe Gulf of Meuecu, umpasted aurty acd etremgth to the whe Coufederstime, and attached tegether by imdismnluble tee the Bam end the Wem ae wed ae ih- Neth and the South As to blonds. thal was but the transler by Rpein ‘gtiturwn’ Ly, wt which, | | to the United St.tee uf terreary om the east ade dt | their own way, subject umly to the Cumptitation of the Usted Mags” ia The meuture could nit be withsigad uptm ite mer. Ne akme I wes Gtiackéd with vielonee. un the false or 1. preteme that qumelithted a breach of eres wesahecten mere wtparly destitate uf substalitlal yastification. “W hed befuge was it Mnagwed by sensible mea thet « regulative ur declarative stat- tte, whethet enacted tom of forty years agu. fe irté- peslakke—thet on Pet of Longpees ie wbove the Con- ed, there mere im the facts any Cause to rmpute faith A woelt attach to thuse only @be hare néver couted, Mien the thie of the enact- quent of the resinetive provinem to the present day, to demuauce and to cundeme tt, whe bave evestently orfused to complete it by needful supplementary lege fatwa 5 who beve epered wo chertue to n of ere! Brew | who have théemecives ogem end agen ettowpied Ws repeel by the capetimons of ) -outnpals- Oe provbwws 5 aed who, by the lnevitabte re eetmmery OB ct of thet owe wmwictee ws the Ce coed the cemamtry to perorpime of the tree constitutwenl prociphe of feeting the igsticr involved tw the dmwepe- fam of Ure peopie of ibe reepe gi: eameling of incipe- om Stofre Jt ts mot protended thal this ptincipie, or any other, the rvet Mustespm, ia cachenge for large te rrmtury | precludes (he p mie) of vide m preevies, dustarted which the Catted States trenetened w Spein om the west le @ that river, @the entire dipt matic histo ry of the tr-asectm serves to dewwas raie. Mere. over, i Was 60 aequniaw demanded |-y ihe gummmer cial interests aud the ereurity uf the whale Unign fA the mean te the peptic Mf the United states bed grewa ap Ww & proper comschusm ee of thea streagth, and im a bref critest with Preece, and ia « soond setiewe war with Greet Briain, ihe y hed he kre off all wluch te unumed of wudue re vereece eq Ea. rope. aad emerged (nu steephere of thete trans etleatic uiinences whet serreended the mfeat Ke pubbe, aud bed begua & turn ihew aticotum to ibe full aiid systematic deve 'opemrmt of the uiernathmnl aime Mle ternl sulereeta induding [idee the Larger States themselsca could nyt) ressurces of the U em educabiot, more spa yin theme partes of the have failed t prrvenve that the saine power was Anning the evanesrent coe irovermecs of that pernd Tresteict cutee the <a of Wasi gten aud equa Decensary to them for the ercurity of the must Coneprcooes w he question of reguiaiem G ci fi . ' by Congress of the @-crsl eondiion uf the foture Bteies thew S domestic Mnicresle Means Ihe Aree A god us ibe Ternuny of Lewmene The ( Mis» ma t to revise and gate foree of the Geaeral Gru ereincm Ina The ordnance bor the guterument the terntery fy t wef the Prstect have male ape aon, the ongimal Slates ment inte the portua Serth weet of the rwer Onm had mutnaed a prev pe t] i f k as (league on the ag Wie of crcrting whek peuieteted tbe mer of Se rvde iahut thepese, n eH mpletr mn ecritwd ty hosp stain alps a RAT eile oubye the Cuedslarw vl the 6 sir edst we uf fagn vee - & : ” “from service doe in any otuer pet 4 the Caned ho mt antof wil ity parte, but uf wuterty etelucl Biaten Sealer quently to ihe aguptee of the Cometh RAS revit been received that gall capability of rectpeoenl arypeeicon bach tytma thee pre sem creed to remus as slam, her we of the eetthmente nthe Lee 2 colewnuls bound nari & ail others wettber to en Opetston as such was sbedetely enpereeded by the Oregon aml Washi: gtoe tarred Ey bowtie ds itaae nur pert any euchrunchueut a)on or Conesetae. Kat ‘ive reendier aon {the fact + xened . tke Wik pegees ss ; - ! the seal of mis! propaganda iw eme ge Ctnne ol the ae eles ee > = alse gnoueD an Jiling © : amather's resend ristete Confedereimn ys 0 8 oecmed Mate. thet of ‘3 ‘ ’ » Med eye 4! Miesoun. came we farmed so tne Terrier, f Low Among the tnbes ia tet quarter, the more ment the A the S ~ wee u o thd by) teeme progestin eas made to citeed io ihe batter SM tleeie pammilite eth ct rasom of iL d the (cnet ° 5 . wemle. thear | Territary the rvs ou ong ppted to the come be {1 foe a ' ering in theme , <'w aw ot do try miasted betwee he nvers Uhm sad Missestngs Territ ~ . Ae ao ties i Met quesimosin« as was ine pop eine mm ell ve " Joeere cra eee era ee wet winmel rel inne, weverihe cm ot received th - prcre ov bs Iheas ) < jw r 1 seertemn of Congreve, with meme slight om ditretons » ken ahve a be ili eat i I \ waa 1 4 hee, lo eave ihe © peteeg gh A the wiewded at! aff t r r ms 1p f fiuce ‘neal wo a! we} Bet tote Pt wo refmetar tly seed in by Mow Int t (kK there ha trem. ter. Pe 2 * apperte CLAS His teal hore Motes ass cree te Re esaee af pears and ae } ates See - tm tA na > Jime | ne ~ wf the nyliie et puleied by the c teyteiation Of tie eeveral Mute, and thoes rer caly of Lewmeame. bat of te P pre of equals have oem -ureed T Wit aners to Justi the tinse uf general wrifare and cmene fener | anmuz the Stairs gueremtiod by the Coumtatee | Feders! hecewtve. That ec, after warls defied Ly sperttc enumeretiva, Soe ‘eersved by the Nurtherm Stotes wish angry aed wuld oniv te in case af tetructiom to Besbera we being n - cclaivse \neiwos Le: reertt lal | use ing and Gap ae’, & conte ut bed ae oe of ongamend rear-tame to Terttoriai | States theme lres, oe between them and forge | Bt cmerde af whack they bad ere + woqded asenining the charseter of urtectyon, which wf « " ' oe | ine Paend U.rvagh the bane of + gulataun, K ‘ a MA whan, 'senmer of thew eormemem ite plore wi the olatei- beak, standing pen to rope al, t sheevan ec er, Mh work te futy promptly aml gemeral nature, could mot Le left to the eepa bh any cher wc of det ful comet! ot oes enaky Ly overcome air] ea pprees beret Use bey ay ik dice i Men Jr! to be premvanced mull and ved by the eoarte of buwever, that the orcurteme of any seach vate rr f Soeal condition, gate | 2% 684 Pesemag ny possible -Beac. io contend the tgienbhs CEASA CE) pres iby Ure agumd e mee rest and rol be jawinwol thewael eee whech magtt thereaNer be utgen Seal . ; ’ Nat 8.! aed at uf auy partel ihe umpecl ternary of Lees of the peuple of the Ter who, by ite of constitmting one yremt eeetion ofthe Union, aif) secs ; : gre baw pussemeng the ry J termine their! &red from the rest, and from another seetign the In all thee, Hany aggregate there were any inne en domestic institutions ntitlesl, while de | aont meportant was the peeularty of a hanger TO PE PE eR Blog mht, te whee partion of thee port 1 « the fre +P ‘ ed ‘ Un on ope they justly charge «ble ! rlauve colored populatieu ia Ube Southern thaw ! ‘ . R te of that ~ protectid in on otis Nike ca Stain ae conte ey pateed away with the ocreana, I a th thy meothing eurviviny @ eave the duemant letter of the @ ment of he brenee on the part A population of thie clea, held in suljectian, etatere Of the citizens of any of the Stats existed in wenrly all the Rratee Lat wee rmure nu Hat Kafierw.rde per, by the prepared serves The southern bemmdary time of thie Territory | merous aad of more aeriae come ernm natin th - Fence, ihe ( she bi has never been survewnd and ettabhehed The! south than in the Nerth, on aceoutt of Reter a! ‘ : os vt peomniges Lae Wee sm POIRIER ae rapidly emtandiny: eet eneets in that region. Bad differences of dinate Bgl pr-iuctive | aad it wa chard attr amse Le iwtervene in the dues otn flare av! the fact that the maan route lntween locdepee-|foreecen that, for the same ruasune while thie oneesetnm ef the 1 a cel ther nghte ae deere, im the State A Mireur ami New Mes) hovelation w Pdiminich, aml, wanee oe later Mtee@ aad of tue onpu atta if the Cometiteton Co Conliguodede Wie line. suggest the: probe | regee to e1rel n some Matea it nytt incre er These atten ple ameurmed « pescicel anere a the e : A e shape A pereey gritenvoe by wane ot the Pr pre Bilis Chal erp barrase tag: «test moe Of pirredigt0@ wm others lhe peewhar eharacter ani n agn Sage stivee im hah Himere of Comcrres i deprive mat nee nly are, Fue these and ulher tude of thre question of bucal nyb:s, mot ih imate the Mowth-rn = A the med benefit of ihe meiiera ie | madd the sulpit tagzroer nal relations vals, Pe fe 1D s@cial ones, prevemne of the act authuemiug orgsonaiem of early att 1 ji od | 7 the State of Wieser ) cana It to enter into 4! sfipolativns of ut the phe = e . 4 et t% ie ut goo! + ase of al 4 he vital force CONSTIIU TIONAL THEORY OF THE e Comfitn Gn (the Caeslibeiawii Rf 1 erctumel prese GOVERN MENT Ih nee, while the Qéneral Government acwe! fire ned the pdtis! ermee nf thw duy. ond the Mecss ; by the enumerated powers granted to it am A Terese retarned 1: the | num as she wee wih ar 1 ha thie {ine view the genera! etate ieee numerated, and therefure read to Cl eututene which i Rod chusen for (hem 1 particular concerns wae Ht trwdebe mn ter to bh thos eather oe the elves. and tela nee ae fy : mg ar vat ehe sheaid be suse putde of men f k whether of domes ecnpe of attack flr tina) placed ‘inky cen eekgsc oo oe cor f Avdafhon. we it eppenr dtu me ide he general eafeguard of the Union in the ene Wiitca ere ‘ e . serahle pad neni ta bering to emcral maties of af Jefo-n vygains! etliner on oF domestic fiat aeench, gamed by th Congrem Uonike the great Stata of Barope | einlene ke all other bowal iutercate of the aev. Pesaita, me they umloided im the progress «A ume, to and Asa and many of those of Ameren, theee ral States, Each State eupecesty atipulated. aa (Mr faghdas fram preverus cones emma made I p j ’ the owt Lia ted States are wasting their arengii: metther wall for ar for dach and all Af ite ciin ne a - though ful fnend of the Unam, te the : rn ves re 1 o wun, to r reo ” strife Whatever and every tiarti of ench S ate ber arne wile: trae bowere of their eoentry. to afl w nged and la A dimen ont ¢ publ diesatisfact exwta me bound by bis alleranee ty the Constitution. thar ered Be the full success of thie gral ec eperiment of a [re nef burcm am ans fi FOF <efvicg inone State, MPubucan ett) ue, th was cause of grataleiwe ure of j Gor Mla however pay 4 , tcnca ih wie une nat euch + tuna y hod rred to iMustrate r * ! 1 . ‘ vie Such of ? (lhoreat: 3 eo Wf udvancing powe thee coatine nt. amd te farmeh \ Any oe » Areeharged) ts the wort wal memurance A the strength aad |" re Ree ty the go from su ary r Hehe be defiwer etababhty of the Constitution Vibe w ald wish to ewe ' a atertint of exacie re tay tim of the nar whom snel eep Peomda ett a Raropean coony? Who weld fepace r rh fon ial ined cor lator mmyht be duc by the lawe of hie @ hal Tease 00 0 bur eter instead «of une sa the - + xinat ¢ iva < lary of vt h . wot opprectite the inca t Gn : he acquiatum of Louebenn? And ; i Thuan only, by reciproeal guar > yet view and @ chyna! purjrees would ine vi j * 1 arity of all the eights of ny SL taldy have cacinded the rn all from the Unson ( F 1 Py whatever eutent thee anes tefirenee on tl rt ter wad the progent But avcther etrugate on the same punt enaued froms exhthit a ten deney meanaaneg ter the stabelt fry W onvernmionl « va) by our tathire Whew our wetoreme armies piurned from M. xico, and te of the ¢ won ur the integrity of the and (rane itt Jtone, and by no other mean Uhh hies ell CORT a Proemren Ota Ne Laurens I a Shirtlecuclury (lee Whee : acquired by the treaty of Guadalupe Hitaign The ' j intl learpatid the Misid: je ig e fur ittoe nist Tf une State cence te great relations of the eubyeet had vuw become distinet ' x hd require ty be yr respert the nybte of aneoth. e atl obtpumively tn and clear te the Peree ption of the puble inind, whreh » ! A Sa ferried Mes With te Local iitepeats - a portion of SPPrecemted the evile uf eee uonal contrrver apuw bbc f; Veter 6 anie n question he admumeon of new State F € ! Mir ! s been ac the States anauine to tripeme ther metitutrona ye Tren ol the adrrimes new) Sinice Wa thatcn ee A tenl: previdesey Statiea they wer aa’, ; de intense molicitnde pervad d the nation. But the ae J ‘ hares be otlse re, or refine to full thet obligations to palrtir vmpulewe of the popular heart, gunded by the ” ‘ n mn , anaatiarlie them, wearer enger united friendly Se Ales, adiponitery advice of the Father of hie ( JUNE, Pome ry trom, mad by n uy Wiacea 1 \jvet nes, with fitthe capacity | eoperter ty all the dic wities of the \neorporntion of @ | tie nile (tanec [Rat ean wv rg, tnt mandane mene O° erpire os he Union, fn the counsels of Con “ t te was « Iva af riscinveiarsl aiiaey meied rrvine Wied greene there w meufcstey extreme setog inte of Wah Hl ie ee as elie : qaion and a» wiWwoen eome representatives, whe go Practice liv, ta ominaterial whether ALLE eomght. by the abueive and anconetitutional «mploy ernie tt The riiitase WeNCOUODA sive ioteriornee: Letwoen the States, or deliberate meut of the leguauve powers uf the Government. to vf ene Slaw J of | (re refiveal on th part of any one of wen ty comply interfere in the condition of the inehoate Stites, and 1 . zat . eer, . tt rey arian (team iCcEs 6 lerpose their o4tn domel thearlts open the battor, nly as on ' Gshcalutlew thon 4 ' beth +, and other r pri sentaswes, who replied the interpom sit ineclor a el The mien cine } sty : é ejidie “ Mer Mt thom of the CGoneral Government in thig reapect, and : atte he TAM be perpet i mtin! | y de moony chon. In tmaintained the self enustitutiog righteof the Kiatea eruage of the Drew ation of drdeye i lener, enel erther ense tas ball of ad tend sanger to La truth the thing aitempted wes, in form alone, oe State bad power W levy war, conclude (le de salanty af the Caso ton of the General Government, while in renlity it ence, Contract alia Hate llislecomiuncres: ari a 5 wae the endmavor hy the nbuse of le gelstive powell, } a Ns MM AL | s fda y raced (tinea tial CUNSTH 4 at LATIONS OF '0 farce the rdeas of mterned policy -nterisined im, pape . : | t wy 2 tictiar States npon athe de dont Mtate Ope Pee ' ; ‘ - , os , 4 jndepen den step pee fot Srates may of mghed The eacetad of Placed iu tir (fhe. of CRB Wapiirats Wie » © the Constr: Phen ‘ ri 1 ident iuthar ea the thetiphed sig | emrierved mm the urgewrtepon of a Ternicry a8 polrues! eete ws inble to be by bamen passsns — » Kaen of guvernme mt @ 6 Be pt frvet moun v: meecrs, bat m thes cee they ape the reeull of Ube abaew, aad mt the legitimate @icreme, of the powers reserved ot They nol te be charged tw the teat principle of ~~ evvereiguiy om the cthtra’y, th. ydieeppear befure tite inte fige eee 20d pot dotioen of tha grupt-, exerting thew the batht bos thew peace falamd ales bui w- feestibe power 1 the fretde of the Constitution are te ber debelh- or etragg'«, Oe -nemees qould mi présent » more ac Coptotte wou thon that el a Meter, wines constitu won clear'y eapbrecrs “ar publican Germ of guvern- Ait ot, being excteded fram the Ubine beeeuse ito Gume ste estiuinmes may bet ie el reEpeets comport Pth the ntege of qhat is wie aod captive ¢uter tereed 19 mage other Mi ase Fresh bon grmedieve lnputaiioes of breach A 1 ogrinet WR coemmme OO (he agri ction of the mew que eth Gabu tabi Coe inm of c@ capers ep <' bet the mdepe adres © mereiep p< creed the | mie i Mates and of the Ke pablie of toe Bone oh Une vddes bod -q0ed) a mpemnpecis which beware the eqaal ty of aD the States Buty é phargblc 00 would be mah a redaine of com pect in nae and ig al ie direct camerque neces. thet @ the Very least of the evhe mended When aw ctamal Og nats chal have bee cote d te be~ cing 0 the meee aon thew pretenenae (al to be ot wy Quwntc: preire een! Wii ma dbereg: Mates be Pr curely to meet eatremes Orbe eRitr the Carty ils pent. © bat Gantiowen of (Be Ue’ Tf 5 em * od frm the termicgy «(thee Ueued Meats hutety fram admenbh thereon. et fact of Heirs the derupen of enem betwers it md Op there Vad pote eermmal decwee ote ducing wach trealt by « Mapty of v-400, eather Now therm an Sum re ot aromas Ce et the oppree od eed agence d unewwity, ond place in preeeee of meh Abt iwo Wreeeedeahty bualie comtpderetines ' 1) w acceresry te apr ek thus of prgrcie, the Moyet of thal of eth ma) apit+(m ne pre g wae of the Stetem, welch ace as muprattinahis O6 ney Ve onewgettvinwel apd wher Of pero mered me, mast and el ond ¢ slemitewely either deween and ve wer oe heme te ong y, ie weno ee arkenes of paste pence end trampoity, Drengrns oe hast Il the peeememet rege of f-murecam and peruten Get Ot hore the (oct pen Gtr Witewthah, We wail fii att te ebeve that =4y considerable gertnan of th Prope of thie evightcned emetr fowmteHed théterives’ to « fx orp ned the winty hw A” - the United Bates as totolly te abandes end deregerd the ietrteets of the uty -¥e milton d American, tetr-ewte wader tn the ipametione of rqerel sad or halons ubuguom, aod eng~ge im plang aod vin- Getive hewthty agumet these whe are gemcisied with them it the enpwmem of the onetcmm heritage of Vat Peleus) mete uone Nor © it howtdis agniwet thew fe lew -cttinens 4 one secinm of the Crmm aeme The wterests, the hbmor, (i daty the phone. and the preepeaity of the people of all serine ere equally mraivedond waper vied tm th quesinn And ere peineue then in any part of the Unten prepared am such Gh tamer, thes mediy w intge all the « ae of the forte A thew o Wloie mal engnermenie! lin wn praatt> The morm of vhredey ‘und faction mact iagvitelty dash iecif om ‘nt the anehehen rock wf the Comat tation never dewht | mew (hat the Orem io ctconger a *Whoae nd times them all (h- wrid and chinweal schemes of somal change which are renerated aficr emther. ta the unetatile minde 4 vistmary enphiets nnd iwterested aghstere 9 rely copfidentiy on the petra of the people, on the dignaty amd self trrepect af the States, on the wisdom of Compress. and. abewe bit, an the sontinged trecines favor of Alamghiy God, to mniwtan, aguinet ell ene nee, whether at ham- of abroad, the enwetity of the Comatit ation and the sategrity of the Orion ANKLAN PIERCE W semcrotox, Deceunen 31, 1°55 one COLUMBIA WARKET Jawriay, 7h 1868. Bacon —Stwwidere 194 9 124; dh ot4; anc heme 442 15 coat per ib, secording tw the queliy of the arucle. Coan - light per boehel hoshe! Ovta— There is some demand for oeis, and as they The enpply of thee article hee beem very Comeequent!y precahave advanced 5 0 10 come We now quove firm 73 a RO cents per are very eearce prices are a shade hyher. We aoe quvte 55 0 60 censaper Lashe! Peas The arnele of peas i searee, and as they are atwayein demand they now freely command #0 0 Cente per bade Fieve —The fear morket hae heen dail thronghoot the wrole of aad otihwegh prices are mot qnetably lower, etl the feehng hes been tn fever of buyers, We sili qute $*4 to B54 for commun to red brands; fine family four @9 0 894 per barrel Fopoen he wee! The severe weather prevents one geval supply of thin aticle from coming in, eanpequently Wr now qante Bi g.a 1 20.100 prices ate foil and firm per 100 Ihe. ILere is the tableof “killings and hang- ings” jn Oalitornin for ten meonthay com- mencing on the Lat of January haat: Bo tal ki'bed, 386 ‘ haug by whepiff, 6 god try mob, 46, AO TORE 50 id] anoual m Jess wele gaex peel As ates’ the Presi al Lop,» 00 deem an Vasivlyo he will ce truly Ara of the U1 Ne 0: House of te «The day afigr adyvurt @ as before. coptings | pearapes, | tre first b The ots the counts we lave a tbere eit" cQp stop t cher tt dus (qj panse f tee ated t Why whe wrewel ul x whim su Aeron | If e-gr obetr wet nos Swede te rem to the course fr hope Chest wary cl. ouge Use U aawe, wh aenits the: ere pe, the ge \\ Wauseon. “ pirrrett! pe Jowce Day they are w ws credit f th. re foe vet alben> ant Dent f the part hed, hot the patyats Xow, " rampant on vet jouned | ¢ po we ok upon refuse and un States val ute mats fon ignoran of the patu WemtiBed « Labus; tb govern Am Appointed 1 soe— thew hare advoe time aad or nat, therefe to declare « aluding to cortadaaly Is | easing to li hae read Montha, be {ruth on ma surprimed at The Soni Convention, Appointed @ time and pl The Cam tens of Bel called a me January te) The Gat Injury done dons of Hat Salorday. damage sini - — i hn ; % = cm wm WAY a 11 n) ii ide hman.|. mAs) panes | RPMI! | NECA STORE, | OYSTERS, Pre | Doct. Loxe, a e } spew ticator of weather, | 7 ul BE the Propdutyr of the ROWAN HOUSE, aod i Ky tg Alig MAG. Newton, on the 22nd Gy . owes : . Woe (hie hovel rer tha there, PRLS SP oe Pt UA tn Tevnag gC en [HE ning mim meignond ny Draken me iareynn miy ned alg 6 ey a. Ci, jwould be sudw Ht hours! Some 38 ten errant fs Vie. “chen house, on cig alana od of Kareaty % rey gm Sep 1, [eoumm—airect froin Nur fell da lees than 24 houre ¥ Ee, , ~ Acer ee hivered amg hu tt will Aa tay alts by the Rex. Bi. Gegg, Mr | five feat . Bown o Lg “Caus? Of whieh is, thai (hey Wre now receiv- spenel Gov. <P teat mrt tw shivere t all willing'y GW. WEAVER to Mies KT. TORKBR. | The raid , 1 8 dt that | im nice kegs, (sizes to suit purchasers) By engaging, I A | the citizens of alisbury and surrounding eauntry, tha you can get thers WN $I.1§ per keg, cuntdiuing cach | sey 3 on $ID per dogen. ingeat Riehwine & Marnison’s eyeap cash Store one of the largest stucks of they are now receiving, disect from New ‘York and | Philadelphia, a very Jarge and well selected stock of | &* ‘FALL & WINTER GOODS, “PLOAKS! C10 AKSII Fall and Winter Goods, ever offercd.iy the utael (A) part!of which con- Ladies’ and Geatiemen’s Dress G seis tn the sollowing, viz: Ladies’ Cloaks, Talmas and Clouks, Mantillus, Taluas, Silke. Hak UB sacwived whit a culo, anidilas, Alpaceas, Freneh and Engtish Merinos, z Delsnes, Persian ‘“Pwitls, Coburge, &e. Prints, as- t.» | and figured, Satina, Hrench and kug- | ana ae Ree ce sins Hi Mees eoricd | Onkitvd'e) Iu{estvel loli Boot and Witk:| Hawi; » ralaed up oa EVFNIN NG, JAN. 8, 1856. | jedi 7 for i is ata In gong Countyyon the 17th ult. by the Rev A. town. Ci -) tr a ‘ | yj \ Zz F Atk WILLIA KIRK fo Mive ANN! gue of thea eee - of law for a "20. y 1g g U2 Wy 6 x. a di i Wirt sy: Ky ‘ORRE SE. bs aA unas | Toe made kuown oa re of sale ~ | enough, Saturday. porving. revealed a fulfilment — 1 this County, omthe 20th alt, by the Rev. Thorn. a _ 2 on Baler, i / PEE W Wit te, { | N maria } y of the Doctor's angery, Theground was cover. (and Mig We a ae Bie, 5: SULEE ay ) principle, vivo Wr ett ‘ Geek, Ab the | lod with sho@, afid the storm continued until a - ao | Inte Diane BROW Warnéon, Whdn ft cessed’ tc DIED: | THE MARKE’ f right and Ba Ty ay P b, kb js not the |"! 1 5 i” ] Fite? “et fall, it wae found to be fall eight inches in dept! lu Davidson Coumy, the 10th ult, Ms. SU- ‘ vebenes } : : | pentleene dies’ Gaile Pr 3 = less we ped l6 because | f ANNA ONG Cee uy rae aes eave Neale! " Silisbury, N.C, January 8 lish Merinos, Alpaccas, Délanes, be. Chath T. snes ces Sunn C See ees wad Ladies Gaitcs Brute and Shoes, a Mea gues before 4 rend. | Sunday morning the mercury reposed at 6 des weries, Hardware and Croekery. A very let AC! rego edie, spmudtadieaman yt wl U6 seat L) Apples, (dried) 5) 24 )/ Mixed. No.1, 10011 | Poplins, Plaids, Mustins and | October 23th, 1855. 19 tye assortinontot Ready-Made Couts, Pants, Veste, As at extitbit of the gtate uf: governinent atfrire, | K7O* MbOvE Zero wotil xfier sunrise. On Mun: Inadis Coupty,on the 18th ult, “Ma, DAVID) Gu. Green, 3003000! Do. Pure. Lhe | October 23th, ,. gh January 8, +4 42 Fee bee 8 Die ki, Shirts, Be, for imen wud boys © to orgen- oe aN CINGRULEDAU Te se FISHEL, aged 29 venrs and 4 dave, : i Prints, Broad loth, Doe-skin ‘ + AiWutiisie Gnd Gee lbewght beleses ne lea oa: in esis the President's Messyge isalwoys eagerly sought 2) Morals at Vi and this morning, at 18. Tu Lrecet] County, on the 20th of December Inst, | hagas pad eer yore is | nd Fi ty Cssme. os Sat- { \) \ I waned prin sprayed a ternined oe the conse - altepoaud -atteativety rend; and therefore we Teg is wbandant and our citians are storing itlin the Mt yearof her ave, Mek CATH SRINE, seria 5 ae Nails, ada Ou 65 | . a oe, pea tie at Ss \ | iy ( )}: | \ \ Dp fd fabs este aay peu ong tigger ger C7 e deem an apology fur Griling to give our usaal away, The suaw melts ve ty slowly, and must sy yon: xt.da poe tey es au) seopyd | Bal 19)0 bb | slo, Wrong 184404 4 | inctts, Velvets, Borscys k sg ie ae ‘ ule yore bagi is c sti i ,F : : ru North @ pesti e y vajivty ol Dews iv thie: uumber, altogether un-|/0"™ Hin with us for many days uote ves carried Off) ‘The death of this young and amiable lady, so juguy{™ hes, Tallow 18 6 90) / 100, hore hee Jeans, | Tal en pageas aa Wane Be sine iteriti eeetei cakes 5 3 ! [hy rain or a swuth wind, beloved by all whe knew her, bus clotbed w lange oir-| Adwuunt, 39p35 Outs 30g00 | R ad M da Clothin PY ordenohilecCunven Banta telat otter Ceadlp ioe ies Wal weabihecas Us Gist ware cea: es fa. be Gevessnry. . cle of relations and fiends in mouraing, though they le ie ate fol ie ig P guly 8) 123 e€ Ve ade 8 2 following vahtalde tracts of land for este wt the NU kus te uf country pry uce takew at tbe highest ° ‘ Kio ot dou ’ ose tha ope are | OReeg Me. fe ly +p ps . Court House lisbury. a Sth diy of Februor mp ate We ik te Prece ie ode Mie ors vice ru estineNT UF HELADOR, —‘hutincnere sebaabdars te Mee Esai: EL CERAM BY tak thd Fancy Bearer and Doobie fnrr ge wre nett atten onthe eggs Ms . - ae WL be Peel a 5 5 . ' a add By : . 2 bepeorgd fC im iid mispaywjou lwo or three pointe. Le Re ae . ber of religion im the Presbyterian ( hatnh ot Uenes: ic pReA En wie * jeoeiete 1eeh: ie | Over-coats, Superfine black Cloth Dicss 212 A f L d Hatishary Get 2 11655: 3m 19 ith the oases dspam ee seyenals. asters | menaneal eteiotbid age silln to the Ghar of her lls A prrtered lige er| Cotton, 7 jRage pty 3| Coate, Black Ribi'd. dv., Treeed dlo., cres of Land, cued her to this world Were many and peculiusly ben- Sold upon the petition of the heirs at law of Richard ] of our rdtations with England io regard ty Cou A fiend im South Anverien has inclosed to titee mone brvaght more fully to byht the geuuine- pen Be tbg 9p = 00 ioe Pat. A telat Ss | Fancy Plush and Fine Velvet ee Bh its malts 4 ea and i ed the q GUE & FEVER 1 ean Kouat ‘ ane i the os 4 wees of her chrimtian characte te ties witic ? ety s i vel, | mee s ; ands o eras Halt, Wither Wood, avd other may tral A Pio he 0 na. alae ie me an Leuatonan Newspaper, of the 28d Oetoe ! Herc enieiian charueter Ure lies wiiah fee! 7 Wands ai {Sato dheciives’ Brows: Lb 1 Vests, Maney Cassimere and ‘ g tare® may grow out of them, The taisunder: ber From diplomatic notes eoutuined: in this 4 Claltercebil “ Burtaps, 00.4 12) Shot, P beg $2.26 | Tal Pantee Siirta Plain Dd: Kilpatrick deeensed. ‘Dering of sale, six aad nine | POSITIVE Y CUR ED ' stating i ip regard to the enlistment of sdldiprs sheet. it apperrs that Mancos Eseisnt, Lob. 14% $4 Se Bh at ue otten Yarn, = 65 6 00 (anad, , ee lay imouthp credit—ybuud and weeurity . : ; a“ fF , ifunt gop Wo the care Coru, 50 55} Clover, 2 bush. tran and Fancy Ait Shérts, Price adv. 8950 A a . : as inaug edoias Vice President of tht ee 55 1 NEE greatert remed er dizouvered for the eur t ARS, in this country for the Russian way, is alo eae kod at ho-hsud undlei) the wertiber he ee nae sieity do. Meal, $455 | Flawecd, re greater( remedy ever dircuvered for ° » the form sented; wud it ia apparent that both these quus- public, at Quitoon the Lath of the month (Sup. tl chonete tarewall ‘Though ber sul Laie wong aut Chicks nip its rte 6 a hea Coy ta ve 9] 1-4 Acres of Land, De lvend es BAN bas! Book Stare. . ; ‘ y f - > Waid o 2gals 4 pre) u ‘ ae + fhe BND . fe ‘ea US, whelly oomtthed, may set prove mura MEY AL wi Pot be bal pheiouly Devggyi cts [MAR te Ait wt omorrurs aD rma Beene ey" MO] lem 28818) BOOTS AND SHOES, — tuutotwanwecect vynmr innate) lngéauens leach boc ehigh pugden, holiness spucpreal now, dedingbla, | F there, N93 oe A é ee. Noone need be troubled with Ague and Fever a realy and of national trouble. Great Britain is inmost od by oth poplar suffra ce. On surrender cal wide abi pe her cot ti ad Irchec lag ynmemts. 4 Floor, @ oe 7 Binks bs : Clarified ney an Men's €' uf and Ki yp Boots, Common (lo., nie an Rislen) Coe ae rn re i Pehla i single dav. if they wil use the — Rerbedy. teil i aor tala Of Furcien: belations. iicor hd venttitd Chet the Grd was dealing we gently bron, Suede allow, als dd up povitern + ne sae, Neer g et Shas been Wied by hundreds without a single case yA Had ie at prises A, oot dou/n§ $4 | ie vo pts reign Relat tite dee bo qual ii tier, and catip pe wently Clea Waitabe di. Hae 4a ty Turpentine, Pgahors!0 9 Men's Calf Brogaja, Gud dow Bia- the minor here of Someph Hyde, deceased ‘Terue ¢yituret je repeal * wot ddmpromise her fv as View President, Dr. Expinel addressed the hored bec departure trea the budy —{ Cornu "King. Refin'd 54 (Wheat, #150 umeled Cungressa do., Women’s Hid 0% Mie: 6 meuthe credit bond und sedans. . | Subsbury, Get 2, 1855. 9 as (sllowin Mr. Whi M ; Prarie hal, Y < pe Midew & |Wedl, 25400 gy , L. BLACK MER. CG. MLE ~ af i righty ot, her bener im fhe fer the sake of flowing note to Mr. p bite, our Minster Low nee t eid an Kir “ Se ‘sow the P a iD ay , 6 @1, Wislow Glass, 2 bos, jae sivres Enameled do., Oxford Ralisbary, Dee 3, 1855. Price adv. $3.50. Swe nite Wekvan Arran powers of Perey @ © cheutie that commtry 5 Which you will oblige me Qiteat Hu B M. Peursoa, if the Saptoms Cog, aba] Card, (Se 12h, Get 18 162 Baxr'ss Guiters, Lasting jigd.do., Miss- For orher sues see Banner and Hernid. ‘ ee al . by publishing je your goltions, aecomp anid! by dbeagtnee of the leie Cob. Jobo Wiliams ot Tenieeare. | l har, igae U4 929225 w 2.50 “oy ey are OTHER. imotive Bur eat portion dr ee incésage, especially move : ne ean a your gol goscrs a ' ‘ patched ail lhe pornivain ot the Ri alain! Lead, Dry White, 10u12h \ cs Enameled do., Missca 8. y Yrs TY ! HELPER & BR r as +. White y SENS 1 INTY - peal were creTADTS, s in tfaronce to the ~ Constitatiog:d a4 a peared Nt bat ite euchmachineols accompanied | { hecled Boots, Child's Shoca. ) Ye, \ PENSION, Bou Vy LAND, mia, to be ; of slavery.” as ts diecuven! P EsBeme ie io) wih fever contiuucd sieadily te tnerrese and wm was + = i} t to legie- ii . a nD mapponed to reach the head when i resthed in sudden | Tn addition to the above, we have a large and varied as General Agents. cea with fairness, bukiness and truth. However mn [TIES NEL (TION J seutatins ADMINIS RATORS SALE stock of Hats, Cape, Boniers, &e., Ribbons, Lace, Y Virtue of an order of the Court of Pleas aud; counistent some of Mr. Pisaca's actions secon Dai 190, Oetober 12, 1855 Me- V waseudewed wath many bist eee ’ BAog Luserting, Frege. Hosiery, Glover, Kad, Silk I Quartier Seasivos of Rowan County, Lwill expeee to be, yet if be has | a J | 1 ! 1 b A } . 4 sed tga’ thar in berd tlt a Taal Lane ‘Pharnd, Wore fe Alen, a quan to puble amde. wi the Cogn bua in Salishary, on the i ms ; » Yell be bas bere announce dts etre ig he undersiguec mM the honor ty annotage enter, wete Gob aed all the morat ree EENG qualified as Aduimistrator ow the estate uf Sheetings, Yarn, Onsebures, Trehings, &e. Seger 5 day ar Fe 1890, @ negro boy, calling bun- AVING competent and eonfiaential correspon tions of right and comscicnce, on this saljeet, to HB the Mipdeter Mesibet of the Caicedo he oe on ' tractor She wae | Mang le Aeiner acetate il eel|anjkhras’ : Toe 5" ead teriitile, bene, Mancbate! Sool, se SH S about Woveare Said hey was tu IT dents ui the prucipal Pitas ud wihor wmparians aad will sustain () ith d States of America, that ou this day diy utheo! ” seu) a) Deuze ed he 2 f Jenanry, at the Point Ferry ,— 4&3 oe rgrtber wih every thing use Rope aud cumtined iu the Jad of Row. Portions of the Coton, all hasinces cutrusted to ue will satan them with a currespuuding i ‘bs bidedr B he rea kabledegrec, She was tre i, comet Yuag and re ; 1 Re 7 V retei! share, whidh we offer jow (ur eash, ur at hb oan \ f lis appre. bt pounpily exeewted on the meet fevoratise te rmms— course of active for the remainder of bie tern, [urctonms de Mibidied's veers ihton fen EAaD Wi lehichi slic) wes. letant ea «Coed Wiéting and Hernced ors cei becca uel Gekwelee ai oy Per et erie band negetiatone altended te with béciny . e - Mhittate, tH consegucnor af hus baviny one ¢ nBhicts es “5 1 YQ! Vereone vinting Ralwhory wit find it to theiriite a ahs Sadan i claim aad wegru, he aed depoch J ORFICE i Cowan's Brick Rew he will certainly merit the respect of ail who are vate! by the sgtien ree cat hin ou ntry once : et firm mwah ) en ay I \ ho 2 Le Lae i fell teicall and Casmiuelour Stwk.as we aclétar toy ek Oe eee F4 pe i truly Ameticaws, aul who deairy the Porpebally Second May wistrncy ol the State Yr der au chereh, anther weit wid Cmvemacg = 7 tt 9 Hearlo 4s timed to melt To cuss ——-C sah ° of the Unleas fo mobi thie sttgummetie nt, the umlenign. “peel S. ce cuurmeut oud cxen pbary 1 Goud Lun Horne Wogon und Giaving, Al bade of Prouce tahea w Exchange , C RLUrrs. suv - ce Beods > Met urine elie tft a faanly of eight eld | J V. & & SYMONS, & CU. November 19, 1055. us of Le 7 : APS feed wall peal Inemself of Uiis est ceemmon te ex dieu ta pesusu hot eos ace ee One new Ferry Boat, i < + ree \ 33 : a 46, Ms ’ a es ‘ 2 - Salisbury, ( e@ember 4, 1-55 ; No Or ganiselion) Yt 2 U plio) hie Gine thy ake es ny oof th Le aa honorabl Oe tee bath iat be pee deme: of tia tatmer, the | Pun Mill, Cotton Gin aad Corn Sheller, S. W. WESTBROOKS, AL) Be TY jeege ily oe < is aml amtmiuctory relitedus that fiave bern woin R tnt fet Sanne rte id, Ala led pelemeted ail new end of the firm quekty - House of Keprepautapvenhage failed ty orgy tained between hinweelf gud TEL We Wisc lmeae cc ctheUbl « cage, Mr WINSLOW | WHEAT! WHEAT" Prepritor f the Galtad Pomdogicn! SALISBURY, N. C. arate ise The members coufituy to iment. low sc) aid ie mtoure Me We that le wall exery with fins PHAM Lie van aoe aie turchae ener, 2000 BUSHELS OF CORN, | es an , dain ml ok itt ' ‘ er he church hws youre: eh to purchase » large qeantity 1 , ia PRCT LON Tak z ' to thers tee - trout to ace tere a 7 HP. sobernber having teken ch ei th be» poker day afige slag, da, epangte ond clbqatin, Vis.. [v the wre pent be im svat to See: Pent oy prac ice amd pare im tn Hew Taree Thonwnd Pounds of Cotten, Pic nara eli ya OKIE, AY OULD tenec:fae call the attcotin of vas! LD iecttckanan begs love te iuhsou the pubs egaa 0 tes re fu mb the most asrecable ¢ eu ht ( re “8 besa ss ‘ ‘ - > bea nampa ee ee ee et ral Ne ree i i i eeah grove oe hitiehs We Alaa the tiles time Te tore ays) Mabeberri tae. = 1855 au Disa ie Coe Ve Perens Wlcia ovecmn ke Vitae aoe > ry al ihe sain 0 will hire tive and ac soft Fru rea embra o ; el e - ccapraeaes | ao before. How long Ubis state uf things «ii the other members of the Dipleawte Cone ney (08 @ en agremcmmary Sob the view wf prepares | = . pai A Mire ok cP (Oe Pe eee e Siar Pes Tm Fess VOC Or Tey premises that his woheusd coptings it ip imponsithe to tell, as, to all mp | leme in thus | ejtial, Arad aithoa rh the cfieral bo PrN Me Repel, rem whirl he hard seth ehowee \ I 1 it ; | B: ti t i] stit te. Are! Ve Viu Npnew, Cherry, Neeta ACCOMMODATIONS (tu tvenl Poor warke dt aevere suffering was teres . » mites ap Is nstitute, : : < dwere- pearaces, anorygati zation is as far of now as when sormminncations A the noternrm.| conse from oo” RS a ein alee ie oe nen Ae ve Negroe s. ne ; ae 6 rs {TAP hall he equal in aay inthe State. Perens stopping ot inci tive first ballot fur Speaker was male. thee date, hie exalted regard aud fotinzs of cor wot in wd é reew . AR iT TAYLORSVILLE, N.C rede cean maid CT i coke wi recive | ot bin thee, alwrayy here mrcisin wena ber she eect: . ee Wabicy Gor PE PB will ever rusuain wighiay coed ti Cut Phat whore Somers \ ; SUA al cs ay { rae ie wand the Trees meaily packed pnd) Wal ad @eparture of the Cars, Attentive and cdlig- 'y ether, The state of things Te wot only a Ciegrace we) 7.) Thee Faca th neg the Meeeideut of the lk Wee Wes the rhein. «.n8 oe 6 ae i ene aces geet eee = FENALS Tove neil! commence ite ot peemun « Gn wind : _ ni coats reNed 270 vg arvauis alway in aiendenre. Call and tive me cena the cuwpiry, but to ver mind tte alarming 1 jullie shell weommate ns Minnter of Fore gnhies p i SCR TN OS ROE LEN HL) Deore aay ial enat ine ater imei el rear ne a ae | Vecedsy ine th January Inse) The Trusiee © <= Pirie ew Z Ocvemeatal Trees cau be ° ieee May 28. 1855 W. B. GRANT. . have arriy \ sont ie « bet am the Horfohe of that Th pa nt will : nf ta ates rare Hr the metiee wit be plend in bar of ther peeovery | A are happy to pubis una they have procared ihe | suppied ‘ wists mowers: we lave arrived @t that | in one Litetory | seem | that Th eens ' r AeA EET. : aan, nant tebere either party epint ce sectional deus "MMM IN charge oF the Moobl Teo a sume 6 JL MOREHEAD, Adm'r t, ‘ ; " ie . a t \ e " See Se . . i = ser eter party ain ot etal darn trie anes ON Hl Ta ee soa Saar W rene Remenir, Spree tain ‘DIRECT IMPORTATION. ’ cap stop the machinery em iwe et ain the I ' 4 Bock b& Ly ; of pw cum use. be Gaay be perteled! to reit i Paar oi ere — lerge ed ctremademe Hric ue lg, Ome cated a ; . ss he ax Ce dure, he ime for the Amerean poy b rata the very detiipanhe! cincileruuin wah ‘\ ; iy area Fotos i pes AH yale i guesanns em ee a het te co ss CONKEL Me SI tt PEK 2 X . ©., CHINA. GLASS & EARTHEN WARE, rencag Lepense fara chert tune sad errwesly conde ehit he her ever tenn antwilicmine, Ht eas qinn gy @-s7 1; cad Logey mad ane oil ga Colleviate Institate cad the conatry ciraching Gor mike Mathcad Ran CLE ORLERS \NDJOBISERS IN x. ©. NWICKrOLUS, ro us wr the amd te which we are imvitably temling Wr White's very obediont © rvant det "Pee 1 tiie by ementy wit tie umtice mm fe : 2 dmg te the Nori and Weet, Mountane ko ® up aan 3 wb 1¢ 26 3} Cotum Ba, 6. J cheln- Why what comes meri! fet nod agarchy, of MARCOn BST US BL Ve ice i Sar ao te) | be ( ILENANDER COLKTY, &. ¢ rela boot MAI AC es (actey (at eae he % 2 AVIWG ’ ly of NEw i Ne baer oe hand 6 nege lad (sed) sede Chie karen aie eis ied eee Rei ot : 2 mew received a very Inrge sepply wore ae wreveluiua ! We |. wo (euterminent let F &. Davacte, Liste. (a,0. Hane, Droes. an = Ais he pea ea aries GOODS, = alty wr frivedy im the Gid ronotite ies of the sal a , 7 erent Sui {MK WHEELERS ANS WEE] . fo RM ANTERY YORK, President. : seyret wfege holed er nen oe FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS, H ahora ke call.” We have wow jast spewed = . al ons Sotin ua val ve os free from vie anti mgr ett and IP conte we Quite, 19th Ortubr, 1836 CARPETING, ane ee ae nutty ae gun Ty the Mair thoagh boa» 7 HOMMAN AGH mwey sre BEAT PREACH OBTNA Gagv ermine © od teal a ee AY : -7< ee Herve oor (rovermim ut ie al ae oh A The walersngned, Mimeater Keantent of the Shh we el) neff cheeierthan ever i order ts clos. | A PE Wedienduy inde bane wre sf ave it bse aleeed) rear gad charches NEY YORK : : oes ely what grows! of boje have we that it wll eam | =p PORES (ea ey oat winter enek \ sted eiaae warisice of Methadet, Presbiterian and Mepis Fred & Combiieg, Oderlee A. beepmert, Wie F Barheer Gold Band, Fancy and White, in Dinner Shi houmae (te é - theoee cue ree of instruct Whe giv ew. ‘013 madiece larm inate pul the wheels of Gor renuet be set rere tof the polfte mote of IT K Dr. Ma re Rnd Inipe tr. feet ahlpercesr . Me nee cama lice paneer plume sei WM sthoms Ze eit and Tea Setts—New Shapes; ve mon iaimnrah (oA ths patrvios tle dirs. Riel Vee ait dad Rewate Go. ee nea eee ee MOCKSVILLE So. sadtine , xd ' ¢ ‘ fi ) “ Kur [ 4‘kE DIVNER vy wiweern reebau res of the bof Dheie peatrotingn 2 et imelawt anmwwner gto Clee ubew agneed wan » Ee SRS N.¢ : par Es esl Udell Lied Z . ‘ ry c < uanere © "RE —pewret- fal. Neve Mbyire . moe ae Cee ete A ee eae ete tag rom, fiat te Fo foriner porventwemtion MALE ACADEMY. a ibbeticow (ek ae luBBe! by State hoes an) gurcrnel by fave ap : ‘ nd NM Nk aldch otf A ePIC » JU Pate, Presdent, of Carson at Taytorevitie - MB) Flex ComLa Ts » wqead er ped baal prryudiore, ml these, with wi yp Aces Ae Ma A = . ; : ee ee : RC RLRON vs Ne Bt eeenes © laeiieuen commenersom CHAMPAIGNE WINE & EGG GLASSES, femme renee suprredied, brad them os with @ cha Poreie 1 lation « pee adie . : See'y of Mesrd of Trustery, UT naraisy the oi oe IPA T ED CAasTORs, os, thet AYron W here then i the remedy ? Te wae witty tmrmmeesl £ oped eretiretumn - wile ; fe washes N tieg jimsduderd fave te erect ad Tervingswmile, Alerondne (™%. Mee - owe ah o¢ te sata hod a4 at he attr repre rrer wren d : : ae ‘ . ; . fas nies. WS le) oust ace (he rept edue AAV R (mie ws war zovenes If aegro Geata ism ie att! amiatea of! aa of reyret : h reer or ' ‘ ae o J ‘ 1 ow ' 1s ' HoOMeY pot Ory Aly cod ob hal) whiet . ' y VN. PRA RU rT reyTe nearer ats Ay ee i. ‘4 ? . ry 4 orl me pe p ite r . cae rerty . does A vate ee ol sere — é 2 . . ‘ tyr pg : LB to ~ : ‘< : ‘ D Per \ar, Stare, Deri, 0 Ber & Factory me or Seat minders bal oe eed gee a ime bun im Gis Con tens Bight Likely Negroes, eg ee en Ran us | fears Ame Ss. * - ue far tewth reum to the mogreeeors and bet them tobe t! DAL oe oF fothe meet imentonens of her come 5 Wt eMrnn The Seven I rave llers. r BeOLTy . a he. @xoy ESOLIH Try othe! Dis ime, Dapet corene Di oes. " Pio A Teneree s T OU WARK RENT oP + } ] etre.« ¢ he enmte tr Woe rp e Thee rt * ( . hehe course freely If they eensuely comic meydate The me 1! wstrr wwe f al . ‘ ' . , tel OR : r 9200 piaxcta, nove wate on - ohm : . wn wa fie hat Pee bree 7 “ ‘ ( eens, - gise@o {ow - f ve Southern Settee bet them des } a . . : salad lupe their plans aud Legin the work. Neo te 7 ce duatuon ae shat! ene ie —. (teem ys HO! : aN HATS! | ‘North parene Resa ae Socets 7 JOUN B CRETIER Pe a6 t, rary chek eo pet ap owl t ¢ i] CBiaewt rec seat if th A A McB Rab et aN eC Ress 100 PACKAGES =, a wn tel ern ate SMITH GROVE ACADEMY (ees C0 wrowtady eee rae eS Slot COMMON WARE! endian — cmiy bete marked a Nea ie ye ay ~ SYWOXNS & 60 t t . Ref, Lege ties” waite the ’ efhew tun p « ‘ "RHE rehome wheeh the shore + helonge. was Oe ie > f Ve expe ste cae ’ eat ge seta teva) ahh vita taenity of manger on the hens = . : | pp oer ieammmclegpis aia betome Be elierce aie ‘ Bie io erase, the guly harm dem io bem gimme ow tie yy py tore ieppressed the tnd | : f Sera) Cane ae he tad forward acrons othee oc tbey tows wwe m but 8 jurstion of titne >| tigh peapecsy, Het with eer oat CLOAKS! TALMAS! sbWh ros orrrd In dtNe pied NM few 9 : PETER W. HINTON Sa ae / etre and rstecm, tu wills . ‘ ' , sas (dc yaied ee (06) New wis) pid eke woes u NTON, > and : See a ; . . , ‘ CET rece od Ladee aad Gopi meds Choke op he pmerers uf tae = ‘OMMISSIO Veal 2 % reeore ee peek ame watrhecers of wuito eo} bat Canna lo-> ibe na boo . c=) COMMISSION MERCHANT, | Dr. CHARLES T. POWE wha s Lafond 2 rettnd hed Toco _ ° pefing imhed . ‘ . SV @T. SYMNOS @& OH) The w-08 Ar 8 (. ; TOoOw Nw © xX 2 x. | I loz permanent; located in Sallsbery respeet- 2 Wytsog. of the Kah ygh Stampord for (he Cosme bees b- Plandishments-of affigial - Mocks : mp Neveh (asin: s, pad en weet (2 wera North Ider roein, (Wn faliy m presen allcele ces to is dee bad prreert part ted fb hal 1d Te Workmmanslip of * he Urner and morecongen’ Uneas : i ¢ aim greece were Anck Row » Hab } : wet wockn! el <i 5 oe ree . evarmonelais Bel sbury. Awe Bik, 1655 wha or dowee Supreme Court Keporta If he mks * the | : eende & Nod tes : 6 the they are well does, i wae clever in lim to give : pS . mae Nave bere laken: hee boon oon ' ay Tobacco. Flour, Grain. Cotton Nav $ : F : ae ; ; eta hoonn . . ad weemcely tesbuet. and ihe chulacicss cre doawe. \s &e Also, to Receiving and Fo fois ng } ( ) ) | | ] wegerd we credit fur i amd be we entitiod to our tees 6 ance esp dee tar Peusior, -.@) @ nog rte we leong sme bee reted & the! — ’ Goons. j| \ ‘ y rr am, threfor Hut thee, when he came to speak fog hatha l& heli (TL BE ts4 : ; fs . san rt | \ how wt ond . : Datel aot hia i f age aN ; (LEMS BRAGG % WARREN, Cie i. \ RrotR Te 000 BARRELS FLOUR a ha ver abun to Know Nut agram, or ther t tore Lid » remlas @ vy a a . " f t ‘ ‘Whe! 1. } ae . a: ae oa we DAY | di Vn Eda A R. -dwith ave Dest we ieve no »(Saiw ty th. ducula - . J : n howkD apulactarers ang esa. Dealers A great many mur 6. erulente, dsr bein d : . ] \ a ! bee FIVE THOUSAND BAR. age of ia ; ae F ‘ sulle ae by wt t oul I Te ug feens fet and «andi = r & ’ : . the! : - REELS FLOUR, for which Fowl pe he highest the party known by that mate, wear an meteor ereecanlie <a Law: they une : * ent 4s y49 Poineme By Wiereet markt price MICU SEL BROWN tahe Veiustice dot ~ leet: OL to be bees r sen | e-teat Oe ewe rimetesh xt Ss e Sk ‘ Zf one 4 1, hot omy at Gre in done us, lat @ le bere try ubesinent 6 rent 7 ; ; Be IT & OES. : ae TRE PRESBYTERIVY, " _ aon the patyathe wb representation «f a fact . ETE — ‘ oe ‘ vee De FO Merres Street: New Vern pase ‘ ; KF (I I AND Wi \TER THON : . = } \ | J f wnper Now, it is very terme, we bare not shown a — wen . 7 en ( )' alimetsh iat ideieb oad atti r e bees : 5 alee wih the halen A RELIGIONS AVO FING VIEW IP k 4u4 K rea vy ON ™ “sD f b oi tiadias oat : ea : ones . PUBLIS yt\t KI re ramps end for this owe pany Webern LATEST BY TELEGRAPH, anew “ » ovo ee tall an, tne Wik Patan Te ey Goons. fonare tet Jaume] i, toto speak. But many of ite poo CONURIRZIONTT ree ; oa) Mere chee Rp Calf Gon amd enan en wore, emt read it, Vem will lemet an tery alternate. | S¥e u 4s * “ | - emo es Pee poe eienireke Wen ineanne an a hee V over ine faiee aad t lunes of the db the remit eharee. } - _ | HE -U BSC RIBER se nw reperwing and ogee vitally ‘ 5 . W anmeserex. January 1 ° ‘ 2 vee * one ¥. awd si the peres awiti be ts a A nce ° . cicelerge awh ball and Winter Giana, of the che upon \asigration into Uwe cownuy of tb : a acres ws { better wrt wie It not * rary. an for oe eonting nt ied gh psi men ne ros fa the Sonate, Wr Wate attach ° Pree . V the : eats geet ae aioe mcuserd'y ¢eremes! bites ; > me Pe ° pauper papulalion « vid aedr Meacuge a Kanbax (vnetig: ths 4 al a Mente 7a ore : si eames \ Pp B Sk de Pr, 2 AnD PANG? hao Un Bathe oo Beep an toncndmant of our prennea hee DISSOLUTION NOTICE. | , a woe ee ; x ho « 7 . , mnde hatutadmatiog jaws so m to hllw sefficient In the Meuse rentan en Wie g A vent every desenpimm, off of abeh wi be for =) fehl 208 ‘ 1" rere Fm alte Meme 8 msn tke Me Be ARQ AEE ean VEE SL thre die tee eee car aaa ter | DRY GOODS, a pes A \gnerant fon ynert to acquire nck hhews 7 © be ® * RE feather g ane tim J ( ane he - alrd feertwme of Semther: Lateraiure. a» berm ond aes pour { ° raw tows t . 4 Rese edo Of the pature uf aus government, aud Lecoute, Premngton, s 0 ‘abled by inte y Fou fire = Js “ a Mr M A Hea oe resin expreme hic thanke ta! Sapper minis infancy, iaciead of laviehiy expemdig t eran | ’ . Chime. Nelnh wed (itnes Were al brathte for Speaker wee taken . ' "r ’ merrlianie if Nie aredina for thriivers libel ' et, ‘ b , v oe I ye peat Wentified with ¢ as citizens in their fer lings and : “ . J be perm mind tlie h , . r z pact twenty years and respect. (ured. incendiary beke of ihe N wih wt we by thal ot airy ner weme pete Care Mirtaare and Goveenece. Ke center ros mone ‘4 5 ia ‘ r 4 a Pride Senth { . . 5 of the abuse, the primeiple that Americans should ee marae nhreied \ he enero aie ecve es ye ote at ec Me there Eerie 3 od es . Ta which ne re tha atten iawn of hie emetemere fa the Heer, Mr Bovee man! Ne sow, wnt) pro | * “r f “ Me AM \ eS an haopy 67) Pateen em to conse Me wanton ad wn Nor eine ae e cE govern Amonea— that formrgnerns elcotl not |» ae al casts gece past vena eeme | by Mr Jaime mth: me re ' 1 mds ae shove her kenibes. e » .t ee eo . s . wove z y va 7 prices be ie ; ‘ regret. (het » grea: 1d ee fi p BiG TATS SATAN - : ae clas : : . Sisers st whalssals eome— tbene nad «Aber features of the party We Sih bf phat party obtamed pose ‘ ease en ele es lata rua a 4 MICHAEL RR ihe Pry ’ hk L “85 > ake hare advocated, and willeustinue to advocate rs eu . pull, @ way Gud . . ; : Union Male Academy, and 2 lige new .o poor au u ~* Cime awd circumstances may dictate, We ent frie | II Ie N E \W \ ( RA . . ; ‘ The vame w mite Van Raeiwh ce neeee -97 . LOR TRIN i ip Rat, therefore acevunt fur Mr. W's undertaking, 1” Sihmrme of Pr nis. repued thar there wae MUSICAL REVIC " & GAZETTE Farmington Female Seminary. will cunteit shoot Thr ¢ haeired pacesse hat te : J Bini di oat ma " rs ' . } 7 e as os e - \ f Lhd ( V4 ae to declare our politteal “affinities.” pee Ne 4 Ly : ; ‘ on : ; Po Aah 7s NENTDE sre ( thea Scbeale R A : \ / ‘ z € of « . there wee opp # further extem nj ir Aree ite Seco ° wodnd 1 ; i F male : ies g } . “ . ‘ A . = alluding to thent fn the wmhiMer he chose. He qipuce:asfel belha wis them hed, oad the Hove: Al CUA ats fat on MLS hen Si dav it banner: lene fer the euperviessn 7% kw eT Me ere , , ae: . LOST OR STOLEN, » very cortalily had ov right to Puppowe Co woell be permed mime psfistectacy owe iaieans lenev: on $0 Teton ond Mre >. 0. Tara. Primcypala, ey ae fete mee : . ence en hom wart , : I: , . : eri hes ) cones Asing to ue, On the euntrary, asanmng that oe faa ; ethan SAK ere. < ses a Na = SB UIN SEAoe ARS . a ie 2 wR ; eae sank . nie per lv haa read the “ Watehman” forthe inet tu WASSACHESBITS POLLTICS na Se a ea eae ee a me ne neler Nesrosed ‘ a D ‘ : v Wd is eming thew wei be th Montha, be Must have vislated hic own acner of ® | ter ‘ " rt £ moked POA wed ay rst stk * yrre . @ they reve A geoflive Gardae: eemmenda the re verse ' ne Mathematies, B12 Mime on Pre AA MURKY WoW Cort ees mon making the statement, aud cannot be al Vaile bull pane atthe Inet oo eran Nace Henan . ; rh t nd Re : r : GPS Sup rimed at this rebuke. Dr owing. each. <5... Beard, washing and lights nay e 2 aes e ' veniert te beth eh wle, at gr — eth ‘ > 7 et ee! tm Waa Ae oo: MR CRAMPTON TO RE REWOVED D ue Reve Pr ‘ mg oth ch oa ‘ ; PR ly) \\ )\\ \ \ [3]; Ry) “ DR. i. P. BESSEN r, tlare wore rece ‘Mad le ba herp are aires either ‘ The Soathern ant Sinthteretorn Commercia Ween otras Mica ele lad tad Tila dN TRL ed Choa nai iN da ah , Wcoeee fine Bel mi eeicance ) ; ; D. Bn dow Denia . woh 1 Rives mghoat Convention, at their last session in Charleston, Ti se etate din a deter from Laude, fron) @ reepenn ' : 2 New Vira. ; . ’ \ 7 a . uroe, that the British Gey ' ' pate be vhiie ’ C ate - “ . ~t ‘ adnan Vile fod 1 de” re met cates a Comsities to determine upon the Reel Fier hare an a eer enn ete We , TID) TTAN DAT ACL 1 1’ Tin, Copper, & Sheet: Ir on x 7 4 iy ; f at Rude rde pvew of ime and place of its next seasion Crampton, medrate traneferrng him to eames other ¢ dete. the «hers here ha Rervew \ | I ~ | | : e ‘es Jf eine = ea ; ; eae pun 1o Rs lonaptic gtationg @& the gape af the mend alliat whrer ¢ 4 rl . s A) v . ’ avi ’ , £ . my _ Tha Cornrgittar, hy joint action with the eiti Ugh pines hid: fe Brie Kir Ghee j d 3 me ton es) geval tens of Kix Imond, and the [omrd of Trade, have oaaed ae Mr Crample e E adel oy ous . “8 ae | Vail Court . Sa v, ed . Sessa natal ; u : ' ne : (ve hanktgigd er ‘ , - wont ow bath nminder ec ne peve Wareeol n psc nae en = . aa 7 nently ‘ called a meeting of the ( vention an the 30th ,, Woshingi ar wk doe : % Rani : \ { ae} vay Dy at darian peat, ae ee re oe Tins x Bae! January miata ond | superintendent theur wtereete 17, Rewell Wiotin, i nety e pone reme a qe Wicm tem A Negro Woman Sw pet Hews Rewti og. cetuted in the boat manner. wt AMES AIA \ ; i \ tea be Keot | on ’ 5) ior ree acd wurmntied Pulle, and other ecop \ : ' . i ‘aat TY a | = aie Sis Veant Tn sing. & will Ie camiuten , ‘ : , Ne roa on cand leew h < . » Now York ie believed by many persone t : Fes awaits eee Aa ie Denes ty ot Me Many A arte mick of Ton, Britasnin ard Loe Ware = Uiak, Par o i ( Rs SAL] . : i { i he Nene : ; oe tn eet « micteerented ihe 1Ath March Shen ain rent . 7 ang The Cabradhin (8. © Gpblivtany ai plowed the to be deeply concerned in the shive, trabe Way oe me : " \ 4 1 [wSa, €or: tha boned Morphy. MeRore & Ca ay as Stoves. se t bet dhe ji Dorey in REMOVAL. \ ‘ el Ceneko 14 GoM i InjUPy done thie olade te@e and nenaméntal gare and tt is said that a certain Portuguese captain \ eS ; ss Hirer fal : gens BS sla cerita Aa ta werd Mlnmt 29 verre and eatery! Droit Ware i a PS edie rere . j INV WEERVWAN © PRICE haces . ( ) x A « DD | be ; Hone ff Hat benutifn! town by a heavy Alegt on egestas ied paecle ie piace eke ms U BOM Eee ents . ee ue ve Cach fone se Ne werk OLS WITLEV WS BROWN iene o vein i \ ie UE ol - ome 1 ts bd a avai Ube Lad " A ‘ y S| eu C Pie ae « L. ; ; s Ri Ke dynrt.be urpey Ik < 1 ss : . $ s(erdny. Ibaays toe Yoara will not restore the (Mty, to renew hia bebors in that and other north MASON BROSHERS, GIES BO MUMPORD, Trastee lands tl BEARD | nee K \ . \ \ damage arf ition mee Waal | tf Salva De iseien, mn Sa a ‘ : won AGRICULTURAL, the Southern Planter, From Transplanting Fruit Trees. Moasics written Evrrors: So much has been on the subject of planting out fruit trees and the care of orchards, that anything now can scareely be added The the too ger cra! rarely to be seen good orchard, and & 'vy neglected condition of thuse which do exist, is, however, proof tuat mach carelessness or ignorance still Ss prevails with regard to the true value of and luxury of good fruit: and would leave the hope, that by calli the atten tion of the public occasionally to the mat ter, some increased good might result Ground intended for orchards, slio be well cultivated and in the best possi ble condition; the soil sh ve either } full thorogghiv spade trenehed, to the Jepth of twer I voor twenty-four inches, Pe =a | 1 arial } ] vughed and subsviled to an equal Pubgand 'fnecessarr, t] orvughty nnder drifined. Nothing js more injurious to ir routs ( viedrees than having t! a ecb@fact witha Hn nad retentive sul suil—a cuud.t svil which renders anpraductive, or altozvether de stroys tnany an otherwise promising or chant Heas ALuring is another essentia ary ae preparing pyround for ar r d re tuanure cught to be we rotted an conghly incorporated w > Vv fre { igo and ar rowing \ exe arrange ary nents baving been attended to, the sea s for peanunog having arrived, and a fxn se.ection of fruit trees having leer ade, the ber peravel > preparitnys the roles fur the reception of the coung trees a@ iuatter, by-tbebve, of vreater impor ance anos senerally supposed Whee € > 5 We ‘ eye) afed, Ue s ze of these Loles or pits need not be Very large, but as a general rule. ouglit Trev ¢ any wibeiances. tu be les at « « s@ wikZe F eive cra «peated, and of ; bof } a dey ¢ and a lalf tu two feet © carth dag cot of the pit should be We ] a AT ‘ f Welt rit Wa@uure woud vot be an ( are a¢ r Ve e a r “ a ny se jit ol 1} “ ed, and wir Gi - o ws t ata not be ths par; one . _ a . 2 wt + as J ps res « refu ser a4 at the filres a tere and ¢ t “ 3 “ iv) pe ee Bert n Tin { 8 tn e . a: h x A nt etary - {most care w ve uvita ‘ ‘ * * ‘ en. ve t ‘ . r auf um nt ance Jie werk je t ” : = * se! fi ¢! “ ] a ‘ er ’ “ Dp tw * Ther i rt a j x { a ' 1 ¢ Par F f Vf ive | re . : should ever fail to enjoy them, they will be there for posterity, which will bless his memory for his taste and foresight. N. L 7. From the Albany Cultivator. Males in the Southern States. Mr. Tecker—1 see inquiries in the June number of the Currivator, on the advantages of mules over horses for farm labor, Having been engaged in the business of mule raising tu some extent, I can give my experience for what it is The ad vantayes of inules over horses are very worth, without much trouble. decided, in almost: ev ery respect, in the slave State. Though more stubborn, they are more durable, stand the beat much better, keep in) good order on less grain, are not half so easily frightened, and though they frequently run off with the plow or wagon, they seldom do much damage, as they only run from the lash, They never appear to be frightened or seared BI 8 ortmercly to keep out of your way. like the horse, and most generally stop and gu to feeding on the first green spot | they find. sideration when the work is performed This quality is a material con- by careless slaves, or unprincipled hire- lings. who work against time only for their support, without taking any interest or care tor themselves or any one else One other alvantave is, they mature in time the horse does, and ving vor half the shoeing of not e se, and are lable to half the disease, and are much longer lived. They require about the same quantity of hay rrrouch food as horses, but will do quite as well on from one-half to two-thirds of grain They are much easier broke cely ever known ! up him the more FoR THE WaATCUMAN 1 HAD A DRBAM. I sat me down to muse awhile On matters as they pase, A prospect take of good and ill Not forgetting my lass. Musing thus unconeious quite, T soon was fast asleep ; A form before me stood upright— A maiden fair and sweet. Her form was perfect symmetry, | Her face exceeding fair ; | Silken locks ike tapestry Adorned this visage rare. Salisbury, September 18, 1855. E. MYER: And bade her comme to me ; | ’ Euraptured quite ber hand I took, | 1 With modesty and smiling look OST respectfully informe tis patrons and the She gently did agree. | | most select stock of | FALL AND WINTER GOODS, | whieh he has ever before had the pleasure to offer, comprising Iu ecstacy I her embraced, And kissed her raby lips ; Pressing her hand mutely expressed— « Fair girt, thou art my bliss.” Caressing and caressed in turn, T felt th ; elt that we were one ; | Antique Silk Dreases, at $46 @ pattern. HIS STOCK OF As ove the course of life to run, A mutual part bear oa.— Chimera vain—e vision blank — A sceue tov fair for earth ; elegant, and more varied thau has ever before been jeabibited to a North Carclua public, consisting of | FRENCH NEEDLE WORKEDJACONET and A sudden nodding me awake, A dream—said I forsooth. as SWISS COLLARS and SLEEVE sort "Gh Ho) ces; HONITON, GCUIPLRE Lose oe ee es oe ENNES, MECHLIN. MALTISE. AND What foolsh dreams our auddies cause ; | PLAIT LACE, COLLARS, COLLAR- A monarch e’ea with boundless sway, TTE & SLEEVES; HANDK FS, And then an exile far away SKIRT INFANTS WAISTS, ROBES and DRENSES, EDG.- But curbless thought in widest range, INGS and INSERTINGS, 10 great) variety MOURNING COLLARS, SLEEVES « HANDKERCHIEFS He hasa KE Assortment of Ladies’ CLOAKS and VALWAS, Stella, Cashmere, Canton Crape, Bay State and others SHAWLS.” = this assortment of . __ STAPLE DRY GOODS, s complete, comprising almost every article in the line Ne’er batched out a brood so strange — The truth un many parts sv sheer, Combaed with prospects wild as fair. Another's plaghted one the pnze, Vo form my bles ww dream's suruuse ; But wide awake I will aver ben if tow late I did love her Iredell county, May 15, 1 He has a first raie assoriment of THE PERSON AND HOME OF | Gentlemen’s Wear ’ WASHINGTON. . ; . Composing Ready-Made Clothiag, Cloths, Case: wing paragraphs respecting meres, Vestags, Shirts, Cravats, Stocks, Gloves . Gauntlets, &e., &e., &e Wash - BSN- Ladies’ Heserice snd (loves,in great variety —in ington cannot bat be read with interest. fect. a general aud complete essurtment of Staple h The fol! ie person and the home of Gen end Fancy Dry Goods, which he does not think ne All he ashe gation of his stack before perchamng, as hand The writer was an English or Irish Bed cessary io enamerate more fully sar tleman, who visited this country towards ¢='" - some geeds and inducemenis will be offered, which | he dues wot hesitate in asserting, 1s the Largest, moet | NEEDLE WORKED EWBROIDERIES, ers. >: | | | | | bes ») t ' ~, - 9 ©] \n ‘¢ breaking, that de-'the close of t! century, and Who cannot fail to give satisfaction , published in ps let fi ) - . He takes this meth sendering his must sacere ; \ sublishec valet form, Lut anon Ls pends 1} > Talsing altogether, once + ‘ ihe essa aa y thanke for the very lberal pairunage which has bee spuiled, there ia nocure savethatof con: ously. an ace at of his tour, The only —— apun him, aud (rusts tu ment a continuance oes py of the work known to existin Wash. the same stant use, w he thriveson. They are ; . FE. MYERS ; 3 ngtun istu the possession of Peter Force, 17 No 4, Granite Buse evidently adapted by nature for service I } labted et book : F ! . s and ow sre indebted to a boo rewular, atid a the time Choose - R. - KELL pier. 8 : ne if yon ¢ wort friend for the extract now re D H ¥ Thev are f company, aud will not. yen 1 HAS REMOVED TO STATESVILLE, N ¢ - , i t and offers his services to the citise of Iredell and ihe € ( ed in a pasture alone, especially I the river from Maryland into pubbe generally Office oo Wain Sireet, west uf ihe elit : eae ebe uncom. Virginia near to the renowned General (4 Coart house ate, and uppuate Une Wethudiet churet , AV Vcee es 1 I } i I ! where he Hl be fomad, ai all ines wheon profee " e habit of fence break asliingtons, where sad the honor tO anally engaged ar nd some time, and was kindly enter. May 10, 1a5 (£30 Hee r vou 1 a ut ? ‘ Jt ER } ained by that worthy family. As tothe 1 1 1 " it 4 tant ne f you have u Creneral, if » may ye f J G % | tree ; ‘ e use (senera if we may judge by the coun rocer és . er es eG (He (neatvecil to those that tegance, he is what the world says of hun,, ; hrewd, good natured, pl , r SUBS r 4 “g ] aver =n eoniecured by mut A SHITE : SN ng a plain, humane | ees UBSCRIBER is @ receiving and offers : van, about fifty-five years of age, and tsale the AHwing Grocenes 6 them bNCW pace bul constant. ems to wear well, being active and 3 Hhde Cuba Sage t ds ealtliful. straiglt, well-inade, and about is X - : 4 1 Pay en The wnedtum are best for S!X feet h gh , , 2 Barrele Crushed [aaf Sugar , , ; He keeps a good table, which is al 1 Granulate be service and re consid , ” E ways open to those of a genteel appear ae y + a ere \ r the r ble . nde ¢ . seere inore ‘ ance. tle does not use many Frenchi 6 Bigs Peme Ra Culler \\ rain wles to scll, Tow L wud aor flattering useless) words 9 Wate (rid ¢ ment Java (flee } ert arye a tl could get; withe meaning, which savors more of Oo Nscka lacerped Sa > , or. deeeit than an honest beart: but. on the oune 7 nN : t tr \ rd meTY t : . Fe ink irge or tor va with c ary, 3 Words seem to point at Impe al Tee. Sperm, adame allow (a 7 , r eason, and to spring from the Pes Alopre. (singer, Xude, Puwder, Leed, Shut + peek . an 4% Or BU fountaimuf a heart which, bet g good of Pagheh Devry ( heese, &. MICHAEL B , es . . oe ; A OwN { a reasons proportion of both. itself, ca t be suspicions of others till Oet 23.1855 - ~if bh 4 hocking propensities; this is facts u gne, which evidently tack: he Its of Appear bv a long tale that he DR DINKINS ayes Ad about Arnold's manwuvres, far . : ; s ‘ tha . leciene d deep-laid desig: Piece retain fore he eervicee ty the . cre Wor kick chenl a os, ANd Vee} laid Gesigus te ff, ef Neliebery Offices Maree H D. iriny Up abuvea mont Nolhebery. Wai} vs Ara an vow hick or tappened ; and thoash hich ; ‘ 1 Jat ma things tha Ww j é cabal S anted Immediately, . : . rs x re ad net east suspicion of any treact At the Silwer Hill Mine, - ® 4 sf ery voins on tall the ny appewed, and ANY QUANTITY OF < A stad te Lackland } : € i trac a a e throng y : ACE aC 4 see throug WOoD AND COAL. } & ata sintentions fromthe beginning; which, WM LEAVES WORTH u tw be b the (reneral’s behavioe to him, of diiece Hh Oct “55 19 “ Iain well apprized, seems to me 1 ethe livhest sin uf invratitude that 4 “0 a] 7 1} senkhlnatl d be guilty of ( \ RI li Dy . ’ : 4 abb ‘ 40h ’ ; 7 ] rene . ise is rather warm R ' ‘ Fu enient, and aseful than orna FOR A MARVELLOUS AGE Vest a Ihe size is what oaght to esait aAmanof a ttwo or three thousand a . : j The out-offices are good, 4 Aisin . © atl we re not long built: and he armtna r Ae 4 feet * t 4 viv. and m - of } r w “ Ma . ; . — . HOLLOWAY’S OINTMENT. . . he hissing a Pig. The Grand Exteres! Remedy. cop oat ; By the wid of a - ° . n bennett, the nan who got ap mime. / . the tirst show in Lboston, ® now e dai ioeyaste 2 ene ony ween wr inward fancy ag torist in Towa, and relates ef the hee ' Aerie é aud Uitte, 9 : — tie lent connected with hia trees tea ven lace a leg ead oda vv : nt ¢ Juce an improved pease eral . gins api re sr 0e f roved hogs which Z AA, Were f the famous { I ‘ w Macha ] Mackay hogs of Dan 1 Weheter were the best of that breed | * Ainerica; and Mr Wester wrote ty ne at Pivmouth, from ; Wa gion. te go to Marshtield, and se. "* <a oyra nit o¢ be-t aa | le to introduce Sere Lers. Sere Breasts, Weweds aed [ leers. ( n Mla and [ per y avatied i ‘ ue - : : as \ f a offer With thia etoek Jove i © ree . more fem wwe - y n ° - assed throngh Van Buren County, on (verament damthed ta the heya stint bees oe ale ' 4 re 4 eet Nate election, and some ws i fal . = - ‘< movereiyis were rather “ tiylt,” ° Ninel a alent . i i A aa thie er nea ee ; Plies and Fistalas f rowasanian eeeiny tk XK 0) | Tene wad uher sinica = serie A hs. yrene, Maitese cata, de, all = ai ’ - ey, ; inched and Sp othereins tals 5 n I lave - na vevance, and asthe can . at Pics were ra extra, one of the “tyht” 4 { aseof the Mackavs, Both th, ¢ f t Cf Y | he 4 \ . e that pig from? f f \ I wesw Tous tron Me. Wels “ , o) fi@dacee ‘ ere Ma held fart a. eens Lean Ve, aid that 1s about as Mita . " “ ‘ nt ar rete AWS, r | Poe X Peete J toy come to <a Annide I) J rave a kiss o® Mid at the Wanate y : wae Ma * ‘ ' Ntsc ythe action to the worda, wae ne. ae ie ne . Uhikthe Markay pughy the ear, drew ’ rae 4 cente tte A tue cage, and kiss oa A lerahle caring hp tabi g th leeger dere fs / 4 ’ 4 aiye = a dibes . rey ' ¢! ov ! } ara lif reir noses at this be HAY . ( SEF ‘ ry tn if they were in the habit of E VOt FEN SAM. x a pany wrth a Letter one J! XT tervived The Vane af the § ree” heing : . . a hb story Wothe rise cal a anand deat: off " lirty batedaere hint Sat M << Drie. the well kaown plitan- the dae 5 A aye ay ii , sane’ on at r ’ 1 iy preparations ta wisit the neat Vere mee a | ” which ia ndded are oat ( avle ibetitutions of Paris tee of the | rofthe Ubu beury 8 Woee wpaimet ! * bes Vine A kone bE von the K a Nathings an A n> Mailed te ! «may sore for Sar Wiatever vou dislike in another, 87)?" uot . Sine ie ms L * take care vou eorract in yourself Salehort, Way 2! neat CLARENDO IRON WORKS. A. HM, VANBOKK ELEN, Preoprieter, EE. Subscriber havin, rebased the entire taterest ia i hee’ “CLARENDON {kon WORKS,” solicits orders for Bteam Engines, of any power or style, Baw Mills of every variety, Mining Machinery aad Pumps, Grist and Flour Mills, complete, Parker, Turbine and other Water-wheels, Rice-field Pamps and Engines, Leavitt's Cora and Cob Crusher, Rice Trashers, Shingle Machines, Shafting Hangers aud Pulies, Cotten Gins and Gearing, Iron Castings of all kinds and patterns, ease ” “ Locomotive and Tubular Boilers, Blacksmith works of all kinds, lrow Doors for Houses and Jails. THE ESTABLISHMENT Having been re-organized for the express purpose of insuring punctuality in the execution of all orders, the public may rest satisfied that any work which they may offer will be promptly pubhe generally, that le is wow rece iving the | delivered according to promise, and of such workmanship as cannot fall to give satisfaction. THE MECHANICAL DEPARTMENT } Being iu charge of men of talents and experience, 1 have no hesitation in saying that the work hereafter turned out, shall compare favorably in every respect with that of the most cele- brated in the United States, and at prices which will make it to | BABI BEES Goons | the interests of all in want to sead me their orders. of every description, from 64 ceut Prints, ap to Morte) aiways done without delay—and having a large force for that purpose, it will prove advantageous to any persom needing such to give me the preference without regard to the expense of send- | t ing the same from a distance Irders will be addressed to *' Clarendoa Iron Works,” Wil A. H. VANBOKKELEN October 20, 1855. vol. 11.44 REMOVAL. P. FORD, Manufacturer & Whelesaic Dealer BOOTS & SHOES, North Third Street, Opposite Cherry Street, Removed to No. 85, | Aare > UPURT UUs 4. UD UBL Pir ae aving Remeved from No. 4], to Store No SS NORTH H THIRD STREET, where I shall keep on hand a full as- sortment of the best quality of BOOTS and SHORS of RABTERN MANUPACTUKE, also A Fudd Stock of (ity- Made Work,—I shal! be able to offer to the Trade a better and more more desirable Stuck of Goods than heretofore To persons visiting the City for the purpose of buying Boots and Shoes, | respectiuily sulicit a persome! examination of my Btock before purchasing elsewhere, and lo my former Friends and Customers a continuance of past favors ery respectfully, 3. 2QRP. Noo, North Thad Sr., abeowe Arch, Philadel pia Febraary, 1855 lypd’r36 TO THE FARMERS Of Iredell County. GREAT SAVING OF EXPENSE MAN'S TRON PLOW bowght the Right for [rede!l County, and are FORE The anoermgnedhave no facturing the Tron Plow at their Shop, tea miles Soath Best of Statesville aad are prepared to fermen any yuanuity of plows Very short notice Orders addressed te them at Amity Hill, wilt bel sromptty «ttendec Specime ne can be ccen at al-| best any of the stores he comnty ! JAS. & ROBERT WeNEELY | Apri26, 1855 lyas LIPPINCOTT, COFFIN & Co. WHOLESALE DEAL ENS Vo OFOREION AND DOMESTI Wik ST © Dib and Fancy Trizxmmings, Ne. 34 North Third Sireet, Bot Market and Arch Me wet cor AY \cuss 7 pieme, orerwe , ‘ MIUHe | ‘ wiarny betrwery 1. bso Wwr35 Greeusborough MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY. “TSUE cuctof Insurance on the motue! pian rebel © l omalleem. compared witha ant This cumpany being iecated inthe Western part of th State eequentiy much tbe larger portn a are he West, very many of which ae ocue The Company ise free tran debi, have mad BO Aaeesarn ‘ ded ts the pub: Atthelast Anowel W £ tbe foilve ing (fbcers were elected for the enewng vee DAWES SLOAN, Pree Nh 4s 4 OP PEN, V t C P MENDENAHALL 4 mney PETER ADAMS. Se- 5 and [Dreacurer PETER ADAMS See'ry WoH CUMMIN Ay May 10,1853 Wd COWANS VEGETABLE LITHONTRIPTI FRIEND Tt AuN PAWILY DISEASED hIDNEYS, Stone inthe Bladid Kuleveclcrel rand near at Thie ov . see e Deve u Mek I mile ! F Drug o, a1 Zoe “ . Pa) eet? e <alehe The cube . chp ' * . sfertersand e “ sprees far nich 6 bepe ° ~ a: Sahebery, N ‘ allog ache res mice weet of thee are Et ALESTEN SOMETHING NEW. Will You Ride or Walk BELL, EARNHART & Co... TI‘! ened a a > be tow S alebwr ee earthe de . ont * z os STOCK DRIVERS, RELI EURNHART & 4 A W. P. ELLIOTT, Latent Worth & b ' ville, NC GENERAL COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANT, WILMINGTON, NC Orders for Mrehandar, and signments of Plows May l-55 Al - ref . hd Premendous Exeitement ABOUT THE Western Extension! ry S | HEF Su . femirone of extending ther t Neo, as 'iae all wther dicce tone, tale e g ” ne roms frie 8 and pa . ' ‘ *y are now reeenwing @ eplend dw READY MADE CLOTHING, Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestings, and Gen- tlemen's Furnishing Goods eneraly allot which wil he auld most shocking ‘ WATS APs style Don't take ourword, bute and saviely a eple Aste k and ( INO A WEIRWAN & PRICE Merchant Tach (116 Salebory NOC 8. pt 1855 | | Henry Misrooa, Ageat of New York Steamers | | | TO SHIPPERS | | | { ‘HUGH L.TINERY, & Co. | Receiving and Forwarding Agents, and | General Commission Merchants, | No.2 EBechange Street, South Aduntio Wharves, CHARLESTON, 8. ©. MEVE their personal attention to the sale of Cotton a: tomary, or by special contract, all other kinds of Produce end Manufactures, and make prompt returus uf the same, fur | | 2p per cent, commission We shall CONTINUE, as heretofore, to give our special atten- | Hom to the Keceiviug and Forwarding of all goods vousigued to | us, for 10 cents per package | Machinery, large packages of Furniture, &e., | portion to trouble aod responsibility : for advance charges, 239 per eent CW Persons shipping Goods or Produce through thi ged in pro- | freights and | use may rely u) both against overcharge and lose of goods. | We would respeotfully beg leave to refer to the following gen tlemen, with whom we have had business transactions John Caklwell, President of 8. C R., Columbia Passailaigue, Superintendaut of Public Works, ¥. W. McMaster, Librasian of 3. C. College, Columbia. | P. W. Puller, Columbia Joba King, jr, 8. C. RB. B. Agent, Charleston. y, Agents of New Yoru Sailing Packets. lolmes & Stone; HW. FP. Baker & Co., Agents of Baltimore and Philadelphia Bailing Packs ts {| tive. J W Caldwell, Agent of Baltimore tteamers and Boston Sail- ing Packets | July 12, 1 6mo'sT t | Eagle City! GEN THE GREAT POINT 22:2 OF ATTRACTION !!: Destined to be the Great Ceatre of Manufacturing Interests in their interest being POSITIVELY PROTECTED, | ( We have in no instance wor will we detain any goods for freight | CU Pins, Ladies REPAIR WORK [ea crecees | Silver and Steel Spectacles, Silver and Plated Columbia. | cee. Bracelets, and Seed Coral, | paired ia the best ma. qualties as cheapest im the whe wish to procure a. ment before they pater lowapr Jeteach pany the order with A NEW SUPPLY OF WATCHES: & JRWELRY S EEEREREEene aoe JAMES. HORAH,... - I [A8)9" returned from New Yurkjahd Phitedep. vhia, with the largest and best serortmen, of WATCHES ANDJBWELRY, consis: ing of Fine Freneb Chronomet ers, Double Time Keepers lade Eight Day Watebes, pinion eres oteeat Jus. Jubnsow 19 Jeweled Hunter's, Jus, Nardiu's superior gold Hunter for 8 variety of others, both guld and silver; rd and Vest Chains, Seuls, Bracelets, d Ge nilem Ladies, end Gold Fob, Ear Bobs, Breast Pins, Goid is stehad » Betors qeslity, Corot Nets end « few. superic Batier Kuives, anda variety of Plated Wa cismore and Knives of the bese Bd A. Marphy'c Slat, aod Jewelry of all kinds. er, and ow the most resnennhic JAMES HORAH. TF Clocks, Watches, erm) Sslisbury, Nov. 16, 1854. THOMAS E. BROWN, Carriage, Buggy and Sulky Builder, | | & 206 carry) om the above ime bie me lavitts the pub- virete article paging ys ofecd! nr 1 be devired, bat would always thouimeed the tee long rep. He wonid vod Nae to call at his establish. he ve call and wperior tebicies Wis shop ts fm the rear ef hi ji or ie Livery Stable 68 Persons 01 5 distance saly i ordering & Aeseription uf the requited— ot, WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA, “gotta 'or.ct Sete Te a With the advantages of the Rallread at ble door, he Kod perhaps a ibe almoot any bind of trade in exche werk such Y —{ - for hare — Oats, Bacon, wey allaed Prevender, Flaten, UNITED STATES. intend to have a Raliread from SALISBURY ly BAGLE CITY. People may laugh a: ihe dea, if they chevse, as I dust not many will. Bar wda'tthey laugh at Pelton whelst be was talking about propelhog boats by ses. at the rate of eit miles an Dida’t they laugh at Columbus, whee he iked of dreeovernng a wew world ia the Wee )— ol Lbey laugh at the culonres whee they grew ahs Ue rebriiwus, aud himied 1 inde pendence ! | heow I'm « small potato compared to Fuloe or ( viem bes orto the Freakbas, W sabi agivns Petneme, &c iP) revolutweery memory —ghurkwe, w hule. male d men and ethey were— worthy sree of men « better Bui pave peuple eughed at me es \howeand tunes whew | have seem fi. we talk of the which they thought I ealda't de * “work Leavy | intend to her vobery to Bagle City hour! Pedr nr race thea we oe). Tim pone of ib © Ral Read I dow’ wish 10 getie he wey of Cherktie and her Westera scheme, aw in con't from 8 aad Wesiern eiicamen Mine ete be a North Weetera Rood from Selebury It must be bails Why ( produce atd on here are millones of dullare worth and mare. { mo which thee Road w:il come out Wt chal! be the Lerminus of the ore proper lo carry we lake A ok eral wealth beyuad calculaime, beng eine Markee Ik on she come vet Eagie (ity Ruad. wulese the pe m = Bat Bagie ( acprrng berd, 0 aru het heaves iby being the home A the greatest « fiel men, as coum the ates of peace, plemiy end happiness Why mi barid a great ma: efectaring eiiy there’ I ae the water power i mber stone and every thin clan = atmodence Chere are peeutective lands per vo Gila aad fever there There water, pure ar odg bande ma tv@e, lovely vaice and ew owl epeingsand ne comeing at cheer g Meese gi et blesses aed up tu vamey The ’ ‘ Road « pre the gaie te thie F.deo of Ameren and Bagte (iy he the tormince bo 0 plece’ Wise | people thea Aad won't te betag @ priee CMY. end of chong the av sive The acreece wite the cus he Ried ee There 10 0 mint af *y oc Bvery pound aft errete nev smd thee ereet egent af ores aed 6 or ell ewun ere to gent se - cenices id the sbeaden regme { Ory. IV tobe Beip iL can g * ; ° be hald. Pe Ae @n reepomebiity The wark abell te dmc c ANDREW RAGGARLY | (Cae omy Panta wen Rows we miles We S shoher Thiet a - warrant bis * 4 ine Witheamaough Reed cow 2 B37 o> A CQ EC ee de hued until afl arrearages eqwelite gor) FOR SALE. ==: Ld W chin ctor - y bawey bere EANNY Cad “NP Wilte LETTERY from Idtewtid LIVERY STABLE aad these whe wish cit males, are | <A wth. kee are lovited te call ber le bey oF te seti, “ae CAROLINA” WATCHMAN. Two Dollars a year perd with. moet, 2 throw ne fr of sabserptwn ; two dollars and Aly cowtert ha pard before the camsoionn of the yo 1, aud three dui arvafier the year hee capued. Ne : heocootin fe paid cree pt at the pie »fthe Edita Letters iv the Editor must be pest paid, to eneure as a: i > rettse|ss za 2 5 7 ~ evenea 2 = is al * SRERSEBErm os gS ‘See ) | eax PCteyerem mes . = titstenrmene BE Sp Weyer e FS se 2s ep ~ mt ee, = SSPE ZTE Cores © & -& ~ 7eae we \ssee - ¢€ Rarsety se ee 2 & frees ig Ce Sf) oe a ene a¢ a Mma. od pesees.. swoon . © g ] i eee 7 & § tieitic, wee (G9 OB ¥ s¥ ¢ a= ~—--_ © " a $ = ease ts es 7 vo s oe em Bt y= 0 e° as b | be opere occupied by 16 clase lines Ae edverteme went + 2 ph pert nom | arged oe hier 4 equares charg Mabiog 24 of 24 —we Peqre All frectmme of « eqr herged be proportion te the whale, of #8 (ractemal part witheet eddumea) charge heme who advertise regularly through the hoch (bee none rene wale vemied te are (or senommeung conded herged 25 per hogher ere Tans sending m advertwements are request 4 te stote the sember of inceriines required : sed | + wehed (he) aheuld otenpy the rent opece pree beck the wd cleee §=6(Rherwwe “pm the aswel style and charged 1’ No deecwent om theese rates Thomas C. Halyburton, M.D. le aes wted myer! permenenthy et Btetes 1 ell! peortaatiy ate nd te these rime wah thew painmage OFFICE | Revaggs & W sther's hotel where | mey a: afl times erios prolecumonily cageged Feb *, 165 "97 New Books! New Books. UST Recevsed WOLFERTRS ROOST, by RI ALL, « new no LIFE AND BRAUTIRG OF FUDGE INGS, by The Mer Siateerile WV ¢ Irving FERN eared end © goed wat HAPS AND MISHAPS, by Gimee Grevoened — e Aor e God wudland and we HEART'S FANE. by the eother af & m® THE ' . o tne permease ged Deel DAILY LIFE ny Mev Commings “fur SOR 8 £ wa a ree, and er e OF THE SIRES of 1756, by on Ameticne A!) Twit e pegerd ta th ° For . J WW. ENNISS’ Book Stare . eo 28 gwd bende an are ie the Saliehary Way 31, 1855 ' fi Thome wishing ow and y ee ewcenece MORE NEW BOOKS THOMAS &A BIRKE i waarvwllic Rowe aty, Feb 2%, 1msS 1140 SQUIRE. ZIMMERMAN & ALLEN, ¢ Importers and Wholesale Dealers le QBs GuYuNs No. 143, Market 8t PECL ADE EPs FRANC TS Stine , 1 MW ZIMMERMAN (EORGE NS ALLEN A dnivi® — fen orn hark warde T&T Receieed— WOOD NOTES, of Cornice Carols, « ecttection of Nerth Caria Poetry, by Tenetle OUR COUNTRY WEN Bent Americans by | nosing 4 St Peel, A poral) pee ot bref Memes of em THE 1OOTSTEPS The Beck and its Mery. Comenngs The Great Irom Wheel ot Repubhean Pawel and Jalia. ot the pines! mee orwe hop ecrary, end ecrectry af the lcedees of the (Kimne Stanhope Besies A, by Helen Doha. Fit ante at JH ENNNISS’ Book Biore Ralisbury. Mey 31 ' Important. Amasing, Imstractive, Sab- Thl See WHRKLY Of Four Morse Post Coaches, stantial Book. IHE LAND OF GOLD, REALITY versus FICTION, Pat Aolmbars Morgeot via Giateenctieaxd Les " pee nce! serene of Lafe and Times in Cali . elper Tiemvre Saehar Monday, Wednesday and F Cones forwarded by mail fren of pretage for OT ch A Wi, wid aériven et Wirwant Addrees JH ENNISS, Rewkeetter neat morning pak tne end lence Mirew nt Sept 1eS5 Salisbury, N ¢ faye mod arrives 9S) shury nent d " 7 wbfaet Nu pane ot expenar will be apared | New North Carolina Form Beek, n eohe Ly now r ' able and expeds ] ESIGNED for Magistrates, (+4 ' 1)-@ stage ronda inthe State cos HROWN 6 niraetor "4 Rowan Cotton Factory FOR SALE. Salehary. June Ol 1855 4 pu wnered the above valanhle property offer t fiw Sa The Feetory buidings aud me chinery ae wetlands, ofthey may be intuced 1 cell the mach erparntely in lotete mart purchasers The maehiners ie al ceed order & barge pant of tis entirely new and of the most impmeed hind Apply to DOA Dusieor JG Carne on the prom teen TERMS will be matte aceumudauiag lo purchasers Kababury, Dee 15, 1mSS if 30 the Comet Clorka, « he Be to which are edded nitom of North Carding, and the Conetite- licncottla | Pree @) 00, and seni by y part of the country Fur sale at ted States mailto JH. ENNIRS’ Book Store L] WHEAT, WHEAT. 10.000 BUSHELS OF WHEAT. \ JANTED—TEN THOUSAND BUSHELS OF WHEAT, for whieh, 1 will pay in Casn Rahebary, May 31, 1888 the highest market price MICHARL BROWN 2M Oct 17, 1555 arte, ) cont Or 14 oebd > wile vats! alte You, tx ** maleen f on” tayrm Robert To im our city feated the we ft —that J will take 0 Cora, » Timber, PS | => | 3 si <¢ - | 3 z fp 0 | trees "397 aroiios tty, by fin0% od arates Hf Loeb devs grad v-its 06 SVE peettod od Yo witatu @ eal 1" Ls | co) eet tit tN dae ae etl pow | to mo MW aM vtlooftib dl uo watt ef Of; ! ce te Aid eb teat 09 'EF Lecoksdeagna? whey : heca] bid wi coneiteypre yaar brsbuasd old Law aotye widw bis tmodry AZ od t) 4 ey Hl souibon We alt Yo apidpol. gele wai’ Ino ; a edaliga wre imameny at FP sities buh ! t & eh eed ene \e ad A ie wulw Xs rive vaboinlt wht) oot ; ? w s hie tergell a tue ye i ive vooul oral end Lowy 2 “wt spol alriew iJptt 2 wn!) had oT aad Mi rou . pee tasers eats 52 ee 2 oe Sot sigh ef el ty hearers —settt tiie setc> haan nee Blasted fo Palitics, Uews SPE AE Bah pitts igh —tbans 4} pried set nn Sages et EEE IE wud sen .sorigsiuceass ee _ccemstes. st. th. te: “NEW: © VOL. AU J. 3. BRUNER, Editor aa micanensel eR Fane wae srt FF : ONE BY,.ONS, Y Que by one the cends are flowing, » vi fdine has 29% the mpppne mts Mall; Somme age coming, MPL .are GHNE, Do not strive to grasp thbas » il {One by one thy dutice ie Let thy whole strength go to each, Let oo future dreams glete thee, Leara thoa first what these can teach. Ong dy eee dutch. gt fiew Hoaxes.) Joy are sent thee here below ; Take them readily when given, Really, too, bet chein go. Ong by poe, thy griefs shall mee! thee, De pet fear an urmed band ; One will fade as vibers greet thee, Shadows passiug through the land Dy pot kwk ot bife's long gyrrow, See huw small cach mame at's pain ; ‘GOd ‘will help thee, for fb- worrow, Every day Begin again: Every hour that flects so slowly, Plas Vis task to du or bear ; ‘Lemtiaves ihe crown, and hity, Bf thou set -ach gem with care. Do not linger with regreitiog, Or fur passiag houte denpund ; Nor, the duly toll forge Ging, Liah too eagerly beyosd: Modrs are goldet fake, Gud’ tokea, Reaching Meares ; bet une by one Taube them, lew the cham be broken Bere the prigrumage be dune aoe 0 ee MY OWN TIRESIDE Ov sieseee Wer re Ie we & my stro aivele thal surreunds Comborte aad yuiuee potet haowse bey ued hee hallowed bem — Bunthey Let ethers ccc k fn compty pre ‘ht pal of cones ¢ jee) ; Whites ths Eee Fasten. dle men, Wer g@ded domes aud irepfiugs gsy. 1 white te wintry eve ewrwy “Twist bewk and jute ihe boars divude , And warnal bvw |e) cond rey Vem theg—my owe Brvorde My ows Groud- Tice sample words Can tad the eweetest dre wsun acme, Awahes foeuag se q@err nt cone Med fil with tears of pry Whee Treet duties wet te My sphere shade | Haupt of my ber My owe —wy oF 8 freade mine eye bere my wild heal cam prise bred 0) mpathwe A gente Germ & eee me now | A emall white head «@ Ghusped @ mine 1 gure epee ber placid brow Awd ask. whet pervs tem oqwal vhtew ° A bab be aatiece half Grime fe ot-<p bie meither’s cy+ doth bide ‘Where aay Love vet « fitter shrine i he Thar thoe— wy oe My eefege + rer from the eterm OM thee wortd © paemen, sirte sod care Trough ihander clouds the shire deform Thew fury camuet reach mm there These ef © obec tht, crim and fou Wreath, Ear), Wakes, Sunte ot Pinde Mash wc ver sede tts hated bar By thee — ny own bre mde Shrine of my tewerbald denims Birgit eeene of beams ¢ ooeaiiied hove To thee my bartered epirtt Tee Wien Fustune frowns, oo Care are + Ther © ibe bee The amide wh oe Wha. thee To thee hes mever ahve ruth bee oft been ined varel toys are this workd ©) freee Oe. wry thy Thet et = Thee «ver Te thy heart enn bing eenrt ary Whete er my futare years may be Let poy on grief amy fate be tate Be etl and Faen bright t My own —my vearwings, ted and owret thoanghte be all of thee pride rm) wandering fot me wn Atemde “STICK Yea, stick to it tateen feet high” iT” mM When you ay a bourse = never give ap, bet ~ bees “sixteen feet bygh” Hor of Monday tnet ton one, ina on” saying be is Robert Trnwnte ia our City, and while at the Fu spent a portion prommceous crosd, where he knew bot few amd bet few knew hun, a stalwart son of “old Keo tack” piebed imto pote wes well poste p—erpatiated largely ahom the noble position of his own State ead thelr polities were pure aad their politicians patriatic—come on to Ten @emsce —said Uiet the Amerean party were Je- feated there by the “skin of the teeth” —that u wee flected by Maggies that Jobpeca wana inedn, dirty demagouy- (be we too.) finaliy semeked. (reorgia—aard thet here were some notte Amuricans here, but those We, onerting demogagues, Toumba and Ste Phew, had eoiu the Whig party, he had har Priped ft away to Johnson and Cobb, he under stood that Stephens was a lit faced prok any how, though Toumles might be a lu Ue betier looking pemoonlly, didn't believe he was any better, they were buth the lowest clans of demagogues, Notwithmtandang thie conversation was di uo bolgaliance Je 2 tallow vected to the Hon. gentleman, more than any one elt he dhdn't “let on” Our Kentocks frend, who was afterwards informed who it was be was talking ba, 944]! thinks “the bourse is aix teen feet high.” Stick to it, old fellow. When foe cal Toombs antl Stephens demagngucs, amen comes up from every “ corner” ip the po litical sanctuary, Even those who have recent ly 00 lovingly embraced then, labored for years to prove to the people that they were demm Bognes, and they can now fintter thearselves that their labors were not in vain How ower! 1 anficipate thro’ ifh's varying erenee, A loved one ne nomen hirete of lite rye and indans | = wn ig 3s op nn ann - SAL ISBURY, Nec J. ANU “ARY 18 ThOSIATAIY ) t: txtinool ad? wi j { if i / uinteloe wal a agile ook | ib vab viyvd ose i sao > (ys gis? 7 40-tF OU Sp be eS a ae , Agtitultare, “Faternal Jupcooenents, Conner, the Arts a and Srientes, AMocaity and the family Cicte.. , 1856. NUMBER XXXIUII. RETURN OW DUEL LAST ARLPIE LA PLOLALS. We enjoyed’ the pleasnre yestorday, }the Lath imsts, of a loyzthened eomvedsa- \tiow with Mr. James Greey Stewart, a [Chist Tyader of the Uudson Bay Com, pany, and learned from hin interesting jfdcts concerfing: ar emails of the | Arctic region, lately made by a party an: Ider the joint eonunand of Iuoselt and Mr, dames Audersyn, another employes of that company. On the return of Dr. Rue, the eelthra- | ted overkutd explorer ofthe Arctic region, in the sommer Of 1954, Lboagimg with him the re port that the Esquimaux of the extreuig uyitlern latitudes, liad in Qaeit possessidin relics of the Frankljo expetli tion, the British Gowtrument detertuined w make one further effort 14 penetrate thy ayy atery whch, kad »y loug enveloped thas tate of that vi ara Tau which hdd Been partfalfy solved 1 Vr. Nae In ais of the Brite) Governmentse tollow ap the clic thus mex peckully yp Gained by the ad ventirous explorer, to rescuc, if possible, the sursivors of any of the party of whites wie were reported by the equimaux to lave Leen seco Bear tie outlet ef Lacks Raver, ju latitude about os degrees hotth, oratteast to procure any records they might Nave deposited, the Mudéon Buy Company was directed te fit out a party of used men, acc ustorved tu th furtherance of this ehatadel of ar Sife, to exp re the region ind cated by Dr. Rae Acting under this ¢ommand of thr Home Government, the Governor of t Uusdeon's Bay Cowpany,va the 15th day of No veuber, 1554, meted instracti in to Mesorm. Stewart gud Anderson ¢ and equip s party for tie parjowe stated, yunfid) Mr. Stewssrt, with @ party of foerteen fren, therefore, «turted trom bis post, the Carlton Tose TA degrees north Ya tod nt wth dae of Pebiuary, Is aud proceeded ty Fort Clipew) an, lead of Lie Athubaoca, im latitude o5 degrees nort at whic poing they ed on the 5th day of War It had been determined to make atrip t the Aretie Sea ly water, 6) far as was practicable, and tha party Cheretore a male t e jvrel ' M Cee oa engage ! in ’ wt and 4 mg other preparationua for thetr dreary jeri Al thet dete the party lett korn Chipewyan, and gaurneycd Ly cauue on Peace fiver, which connects Laks Athrabnsea with Slave Take, come three handed an! fit'v mice ma northwe- ely Uereetion, Uliow May GO, thoy arn at i “ ® Bitus na i ‘ | ‘ ate Ar Port \ sae} edfiy Mr Ave “ ‘ Mrs a 4} 4} ' tt ewe t ll 4 aa . for tire parpase of re t wakuip Mee last prey ‘ ' ‘ a Nut! Lise Arta men's cumet) hetedt the party started wo e (rmat be. liver, or as it huow 0 the mep, Back biver,in lat . G4 ducrves nari I « tpn f the etream to t \ Ora Mr. Stewart repreeente wn j diftie ra} fiver ail t “ with . (lar) bark ca «a t gafety lar titeu tie ! 4 Jute Here they met with heqminanx, who corroborated the reports of Dr. ac, and digceted thers to Montreal Leland, a eons distauce froin the mouth of Dack River, ae (he speotw C8 ridirvey tov Clee ‘ av] = ' ’ a) e ieee ! ‘ the @ { Ra tt party were frome choeaged in ece t «la andbon the main land, between 67 deg and OY deg north datitade We cannot reeapit@ ate (he peruse cetaped Ald prva tole ’ the brave band wu t wow hing 1 trace ft men, « 4 avs } * shores Tiree timeather providentially escape berg “ mipped.” ae Mr. Stewart ecpre<s ed it, or crushed between moving meun tainaofice, At hast.on Montreal Island, where ther explorations commenced, wy found snow slecs, known to be of Englieh uake, with the e I) Sta ley, w was e surgeon { S Franklin's ship, the Erebus, ent int! waknif Afterward they f { earneralandahont belonging tothe Fr lem em pret tie and beartuy thre ark oof the rivielh Government. Other artiches known to bave Lelongud te the expedi ties, were obtamed frou the bsquiaiawa, and reuglil y the party | r le} twith the Rritsh Government. No ! however, were found traces of Phe report of the Esqnomanx was, that one than died on Montreal Island, und thatthe balance of the party wandered op the beach of the main land oppose, nwatil, wor uut by tabiprue uel starva uv, hey, one by one, dad down wud di too The Fay many re) ted fur that Indians far to the North of them, wt had seen the ships of Franklin's party, and vievted them, stated that they liad both beew crushed between the teebergs. Mr. ¢ tain whether the party Stewart tovk especial pais lo aecet had come to their death by fair means or tou ' ery inquiry t he Fsquimaux protested tial they had died of starvation Grathering together the relics four the party set ont on their return on. the Oth day of Angnet last. The return route ldid mot vary iwily trora that taken | aera 5a 3 att lon their way ie Mr, Stewart has oc- | days, led by i a a a _ Olristmas, walked around cupigd the whole time since iu reaching | singing—* God's bounties |” our city—having come by the way of the) Red River country ,and having been ab-| sent in-all about ten montis. Mr. Stew- art loft Bt. Paul yesterday cn rvute to the | Hudson’s Bay bead-quarters at Lachine, Canada, to submit an account of his ad- ventures. And so at last the mystery is solved. Krave Sir John, whose fate has awakened the sympathizing curiosity of the civil- ized world, it is now known “sleeps his last, sleep” by the shores of the frozen cond flirough whose icy islands he had vainty songht to pass. Four winters past, the Eequimanusx suid, the noble party, af- ter gecaping from the ships which could fluat on those Wee seus, found ‘refief from suffering in death.- Died manfutly, too, as they had tived; y. like true Englishmen ; thisauct may beleve, for gansolation, that they met Wier fate as became spirits adventu rous and noble. Ne traces were found vy the Exqaimatx toindicate that, een their lastextremity, they had forgotten voor tnubphood and prey ad on one anothe: The last party of generous hearts, wii asoudht te carry suceor to the lost ones, o1 bring consolation to the living ave retin: and the Aretic wastepare 6 litudes indeed. Aid, in view of the suffering endured, aud the noble lives sacriticed ip fruitless efforts to widen the boynds of Luman knowledge, we believe it to be the pray- crof all wen a they inay rewain forever Mr. Stewart arrived from Red River lant evemiog vo les way to Osnada, bear rr =e ches for Sir George no longer bravely we ned Sampson, f the discuvery Jou FrankYir lato Sir ( uly 4 nf f the f vine and lite parte perished It was on the coast opposite Montreal Their lee wh Teliatel Lot vers buried si the an catent of twelve u Wi ser eles Ag) f that larrer Os deg north, have in emccessive lavers on the-bones of i-fated anen describes vebt2G Witiaal re) they peris a - ids region, be ¢ nein tat pile t he noble aod Stewart { iry no the the region N Pauls Pioneer, -_-. VEUR AND THE NEA move the bermes of Ciat slemder tree, whick BWeuld retned Usel sotme Weastired tae dl liwy ‘ e aed e na af vand falling car hes sor (eomiue bad slender tinger an th ad re On brcetet tel green Valles and o sever wie had A tee I a ‘a I] av iuy lhere wasadreamy « Ar la Cid vearsa dving een and a etra Anah—hiush -hemk in hia br eathing 4 fewn nfes more and the Timeheralds all over the land woald peal forth the ndruglit chime, awd the dim cyes of the (okt Yenr woold close forecer Now came to the dving couch the be oved train—the darlings of the Old Yea The was not alone lhere were many Your Spring tm re ty me tin eves of the Old Ayecther the four seasons ute Ant gor mer, inm and W in their teyaland ous robes, andthe twelve months. and the fAttv-two weeks: and te three hundred and sixty-five dave aod (we eryint thousand seven amd) ei and saxty hours; and the five bandre:l and twenty-five naand, #ix hondred million, isand seeonds —al thinutes an Liew tharty ne And Uhrety six tla were there, nem, at bed nen the le eaned his cray head en lis w thand ‘ ‘ Hear ren. Ye Seasctis Year ve the Okd was happy Itheres beautitul 1 oyenr attire, have And ever tue ye bruusht to man Sprmog scattered fresh flowers bed of mos, the Surminer waved plumes of green corn, and Antonin pour ed forth offerings of fruits and pram, and Winters hk « bells and crackling chorus stngmye forth iv answer Gad s borntres Yetwelve months, what iave ve ply: en todnan Aud the twelve months, led by bright June, walked around the Old Year's dy ing bed, “Gods Aud the Gig Lear Ye titty tw we toma Bing tye hovntrer sintled ! s, What brought ye And the fifty two weeks marched round singing sweetly —' God's borendtics Aud the Old Year rq ciced again! ‘Ye three hundred and sixty five days, what have ye brought to man ( And the three hundred and five |ty tive thousand sunny in And a beautifal smile lighted up the face of the Old Year! “Ye cight thousand, and sixty hours, what have ye given man {” = And the eight thousand, seven lian- dred aud sixty hours sang in chorus as they marched —# God's bounties /” Aud the Old year was ‘happy ! “%Ve five hundredand twenty five thon- sand, six hundred minutes, what have ye brought to man ¢” Aird each of the five hundred aud pw cu hundred seven hundred six minutes cd their tender tingers upwards and swectest tenor—" God's beur tes Aud the Old Year clapped his wither- ed hauds with joy! * Ye thirty ane infl lion, five lundred and six thou sand scounds, wat have ye brow plat bw man? And the thirty one million, five hun- dred and thirty six thousand nds clapped thetr Js and sang inhigh- est Ada = Goel wr, Old Year, we too have broaght to man our little bands full of Gods Lovntioa £2" And the Old Yoar wept tears of joy t Hin! J The miic eure fs { hat : Sn Ew tly and as gs sweetly as the CCl pidowe't away The attendaits wcep- (he Feiss, ibe tinontins, the woeks, te days, Use hours, the minut and the seconds all sav— Crowd ty v ‘ Oid Year,” tit 4 ur ] 3 1 we lie plautive t a sinyving —“ Good fat Cold Year, good bye, goul-bve Ilanw' t 1 vy bells ar "ny PORTS AW t ( w) } 1 wks lava, | re.t eo Aud a4 tly n i v VY their lean a GI \ \ xa wit ring ! y mnerr ak g and ping «t : New } “8 hin, Nid v4 e rey Ie earn t 1ce ve Wilk grafic’ ails wlrut ra kind t ; is Ra “ Pik PUREE BRIDES A Thrilliag Story. Th) ron ace,” aarnd the seu thos « Pr . ve a f aud afew mnted apple trom ascent Vellindg ik It is eacdiy reper acw, and the garden isa overg we - Ye and lranrhbles, and the ve! ‘ 1 a appeara If were gv now 1 yy ‘ the crazy slinttets flapping against ¢ ' : wind tearing thepras x u f Ma care age t lived vat | se alk an, whe ¢ tivated acre f ground that T Wasa Ww " “ ‘ aiid as Le J tel ‘ { <« ‘ wrew in the ygatden, apd treed t * late at noght a a books, or in reading the mvstie story { the starry beavers men th wns craggy or bewtr d and av nae e ig " X hunt I thee 1 oA Posed lar wore ar Ds t A 44 t 4 but tery Irapped | ’ . ) , } ar ‘ \ e\ f x ] \ ‘ i? i + ! r t ! yr f Lou Uae jiisprad 1 plves in Ww SUT]! Tipe Alt evteut flux medical hnowlue So all of them deserted hiny, and tt mn from w! , le re red ’ « ne 4 ry ' and by and by doeoked on tl daeoa ted fart ‘4 eves af aversion Ik t This son in all bis] the da aye t ti 4 ophy and were ul led, ¢ v 4s Hoot the solita ry “Years relied ay, aud 6 aid man died II ren <i Moerm consuleed the face of nature, when the wind howled |descended from a hundred kings. She aronnd the sheltered dwellmg, and the loved the widower for his power and his lightning played above the roof, and tlio’ | fame, and she wedded him. he went to heaven in faith and purity, “They wete married in that church the vulgar thought and said the Evil One! it was a summer atternoon—I recollect it claimed his own in the elements. I ean-| yell, not paint to you the grief of the son at this bereavement. The minister came During the ceremony the blackest ,cloud I ever saw, overspread the heavens, land the inqmeut this bride pronounced ‘and muttered a few hollow praises in his | jber vow, aclap of thander shovk the ear, and afew neighbors, impelled by curiosity to see the interior of his dwell-|rieked, but the bride herself made the ing, eaine to the funeral. With a proud | r¢ sponse with a steady voice, and her eve and Jofty look, the son stood above the | plist ned with a wild fire as she gaze building to igs centre. All the feimaleo dist and the dead, in the midst of the bridegroom, Ww nen ey wrriy = : » louse, ghe ss 0 , s land of hypocritical mourners, with a pistes At ank apon the thre as ; hold; tut this was the timidity of the pany at bis heart, but serenity upon his), m : brow. Le thanked his friends for their When they were alone, be claaped kindness, ueknowledged their conrtesy, ber lind, and it was as cold as ice! and then strode away from the grave, to * Ma deli: c, said he, ‘what meaus Be ls eri lie rivac Purley ( as pale : your we 8 ne ; } na ba, ete le te re Ta ls untic slick erted dwelling. ie Ma scab ronal cit, th ‘IIe found at last the sclitude of the ter’s shronc! The hi mansion almost inst pportable, amd he ot confession has arrived, Tie God t paced the ebony fl from morning til! impels me to speak. To win vou | ’ . x 4 ° . “ t rae i ” wht, io all the ayony ef wee and des My oval e es, Veo— IT am a murdercs! Hee ; 7 eg ae (1 ee Sue suiled vl Js abbon, Vissi sportulnmty Weave tor re eT ' {wet Tt came to him in the guise of po | Leta twit ete imspiration Howrote with wonder grins ar neck. but T administe ful ease and power Pave after page ed the } ' Take me to your arins . " e “fn e 1 of ri t ne ame from his prolific pen, almoot wit! I has tme soul fur you, aud min ) eno most be! ut an effort, and there was a time when ; ae ny : i Z ‘And thon.” eomtinued he in a bellow n ameg (\ai mea) oh it tlauty. rs . dreamed (vain fet) of lwmortanty. gigs at that aporment came the wup Seine ef his productions came Legere the Jc; ruilty worvau tell dea Yay © wor! They were praised and cireula we floor! ted. and cytes eet foot in the I I ance of the narrator ex i ts a) ) rat f ut r. Ile, wray Leer are ve s ran Ole is “And the hridewron:'!” eked I, th e veil yLecurity, listened to the niet lestrover ainl the vectinis voce of ap plaw-e, the more delicious be- at becaine of bim tnined by at Peor Tf akin be fare Jou LO Wie the Che of voneber tone ma cand aye answer trom this regaon to send lava that asto oe vhed the world, was indeed a trinmp!: “it iv not Hard (0 Dic.” to the visionary bard : MKS. M.A] DILNISON ij tiaret for fauine hil been gr [ : Now, choctor,” said a aweet faced girl fled, and he now beean to vearn for the : whinge woetl: conmiletice into Cie hind lace Paetiiin flan Scart Meru of F ; att iad bent over her 60 often, te 2 fthere is anv certainty that I] shall ever ecover T thins: not; se von see lan repared forall cdinea, and Tam conti anit thervoullwt t ! " t ywntiuiy aclf with the es ul Ll ' 1 : : W von not andid ‘ self the f yofa, Trt , Bical tisdase pu Willa Wd gf iusel Ww) Shoe ' ) ctwal aed beawttul woman, and ashe yoy 0 yo. yy ey en : ' ad closen for Lie motto, ‘Whatever has, ah) } ee ’ ’ } : : ’ ! d oe } Aen dae ne mg A abies “ A ) are Lived { « @isfcre, 4 rc Biste all icy t : : pane wa a a nolistied. Their vame s ' | were Marv, Adelande and Madeline ] | xrau ‘ fs : t therameraticatlimatas an I } cA ; ak Ml l j Ml r t ‘ ‘ \ iuy ee : : bad aAbytuing i this stispe use b r ard it ian - sou nef r evact sta ‘ er danced t ree) f v n t ‘ wee ' \ whe waen ' he : liv ow mi ® Ce . vex ‘ when t uf } ! ees | , ai . ’ stu a ‘ + man of taste a 1 1 r “ A - ‘ ur : i Ny eu said the Goctew, ta ‘ Ma and ‘ \V : 4 : “ lw gra AZ ! } ( withheld < 8 “i A ci 4 4 yar P 1 yl ‘ PA as 8 evf(raut ary pr . ; ane Chiat ’ mcr 3 ) te mav be protris f oy et t over a vhar at fartlieat. an if ‘ . x i} ay ° Itirkea med in the ganten: .J : a 1 ele ’ ’ = 4 ut s iw Cth s oarvtal cultivation l whta re : , a ie parlor in the evening: ar ‘ e ? * _ x « pas } at va rate isten to stra A <a sweetest m eathed ve TA afro ¢ Arie Ift ¥ i - 7 > a ‘ } ' hee 4 = t \ We yu ‘ 4 2,8 aicar er pleasure i enduring mutual affect ma t 1 1 ’ ar lee “ I ' \ I Ma “ ‘ i A it ~ 1 : : iM pe ¥ Dave verti on, ane o f ’ ; aati +: . t i i ‘ t a t \ : a va i 1 ' a ‘ . : sn SH ' W P mort F ; } \ wie bay N a vw oa low seu 4 ars ar. Adlai > rs \ alg t os \ vid i Ma 5 ; i RB you ‘ . <M yr an wow 4 ‘ ‘ ; ’ 4 5 aguluatthe alta Mla \ t Twee remeuber h Sout A> a i) Goauly Fie cline tot a W Shwe ua ave patorene, aa if ry otek i Mast loyal u rt t jest |} - \ . pagiad VOU i n tie i wer Vea — ‘T waut you to talk to me of death— of iy own death, which is certain soon,’ ‘My Amy ! was all the mother could articulate; ler veice seemed frozen by horror. ‘Yes, mother; fer listen a moment, it will make your poor sick child more wil- ling to leave earth, and find heaven. If you will talk daily and cheerfully of pas- away; if will surround the thought with cheerfulness and make the rle seem pleasant to me, this stranze I regard it would fade away, and my inind be drawn wholly to the Letter land. It may vc a sacrifiee to you wy mother, but I shall learn to lyok forward to my death, bed with caluin®ss, which T strive ip vain Will you try to do thighme' ss dtalk of itufteun? Wit_yen sing you last strus horror with which more to do now er? Willy repeat th seircet words that dying Saints ken? Wilt yuu speak of the af repose upon their faces, until fean think cheerfully, and talk withane eserve of that cuauye, even as 1 would garuient by, ready yuttire myselt dawake in moruing? Wall you tell these sae and put iny when l nlvoal ww tale ine never te ehrmk from Wilh yoa do Whe eall lo see speaking to meof death ! Inotoer ft ileas? i The matron promised, and retired to her chamber, fo shed the tears of angu- wnish born of this reqnest. She, too, had ton felt that her ¢h -t die, but had pot it afar off. theevil dar.” Andin Me strength of Grad, she perfe med her duty. Soven tients bad passed, and stall gen- \ j fatal erimson burnt we dube her eleca. aud Ice eyes UlsCase 5 vered a con id conquered her fear velt apon iting joy, | was prepar- ‘iknew bright world 0 Caunot Ccon- ered from my ' ¢ A) , t 1 vthe fthui thas of her depurtere with almost exn ‘Linew t!aet Ura sh ¢ intel, aud lo her pastor ; o wre fies 10 the suuu hills a ! quivering heart, and? Yet, since who know tisanlar and a house 1 beautiful thoughbte, unages es terrible, tall and t who un- where nosince my wher, smee al seavenly \s spoke thoe a tas from the set- eG ed) y upon n tr.ends ' Fi suid Che pastor, with: uplifted lt stix Wah 1 an bent ally ‘ 5 1arhk want » breath ‘ Death pastor, turn- saw | a garb 1 eyes e ’ grave vard “4 ace STiioaNar hand rons Qty rely ~ITr ® sor narD To pe” ‘« Organ —-- han, in J uarat on oar Na floor dis remarked that slat go farther Lankee an instant, amd | ! gracias, af vile t Rocky Moen- the West: [ had a bs hveng ane fea one t& mi ener y & r . ‘ ac He slhore— 1 ts pin- mee. and toe saf- etn- youth LAUGHTER. trofewor Flogel devotes 270 pages to pro foundly plilesoplical invesugavions of the ori 18, use and benefit of laughter generally, and treats of ite different cruses and aspects under thirty seven distinct heads. He is able to in form us how to judge a man’s character and dis po bv hearty ban laugh. The melancholy mans laugh isa poor hin la, li !—the choleric temperatnent shows itself i be '—-the pleg tration a cheerfu: ha, ba and asangui habit is beteaved by its own charuetertstic he bo, h Westminster Recrvew Two huodred and seventy prges devoted ¢ laughter Tut net toa mony As a retuedia agent nothing equals it One | arty dauoh ev ery day wall cure cach aud ali who are sick, oF any way aing, of whatever complaint, and key these io heat always wel The laugh cure Bil even teat And the two would soon ~ water cure, potent as it Is.— combined, if universally ay pled tapothecary shop] Included, on the shelf, ery phimcian, water cure and baorsh every form of disease from anouy ther, AN its: gigules effectually stir up every veeceral organ. churn the stomach and bowels more effectually (hag anything else cau possibly do— heuce the cay laushers are always fat burrsing the biuud throuchout the svstem with B real task, burst open the pores, and cast cut Morlid tia ter Most rapide y—tor how soon does the hearty laugher induce free Perspirauon — eet Ure bran in metion to manufacture emotions, thoughts and mentality, as nothing can excite and universaly 7 iced would be worth mor to the race, tha Calton pusites covered the whole earth’ Ouly when fully tried, can it be duly appreciated Laughter is life; while sadness aud Jone faced selatencss is Jeath A medical ney ibor tells th wing While 0@ a picnic excurs with @ parts young people, discerning a crow's + arocky precipice, thev started in yreat glee to see w would react fins Their haste be grea thar s Pee st ' boa. 2» were w g and tumbhag dow he! mde bonnets smast clothes torn, postures rd &c. but no one hart. Then commer ed a serpe of the most violent and | wed laughter, and which, being a. voune rm Wer acyuamted with each other Woods ev induiy to a perfect surteit ruared vel emh mers = aiul ™a epomtan OOS augiter, thet eapreased it hy hung and bollow ng Shee ordinary laughter decame insuf Boest ' cApeess (he mermment they felt at their owe Je Blows B11Balioue AM t me of row mates and ever aflerwards (ie hare Menton of tee crow nest scene, occasioned reme wed and repress Gle ianchter Yeare after, one of their numier / ick became so how that she could nots al oat breathing her last Our whormant ca lw see her gave dius nar and tned to make binee!{ recuguize|, but fared Ui be mentioned ibe crum's pest, at elich abe recogni yn. and began to laugh, and contin wed every little ehile reneeins rain thet me began to mend. recovered. vod et aA memento of the augh cure The very best appheanon of ‘augiter te epanection @ith iutelle t. mm in the teat ecu, « Nag speech elere sume putin wrong bets t tu mented + © bent mertifunema al the sicke « asus. (5 4 actus Lhew compat «nercime Bat whether we lanch wis Ai ea some K¢ CT. wives ow mts Lahe) g a ajar. se 5 ; Many ~ . a VWs al ve Over © ues ix ary pow fret amd cry --- SIN \ NOMI AL PRED TheoN Als IT lt) BE VERIFIF . Wirllinve one vcre at eatars os vat eurk T Noe Tt be ' realiwe a 4 . gi mone a * -* ’ ext 2 = | - woe rout Selur® ar aT mm f es . . “- *? > at La ad delwge th ® * eo dare Nie ~ «ary he oper 4 be sox . a of a, . M s 4 ,* elt oy M ~ a ~ tater oa rl a . M a M ~ r - 7 as lon " the a rie ~— * ang a a g hee m - vet a » wu. wee “ a . a valine ‘ 2 be we \ a nee) s 2 dre. ’ va * i ’ -- dhe ym . > ' } t kK h Meyene THE OPEN POLAR SEA. A correspondent of the New York Herald SAYS . I have read in vour excellent paper, as aleo in some others, the several iuteresting remarks and clever conjectures respecting the cause, or causes, of the open sea at the extreme regions of the pole, as bebeld by our intelligent aod in trepid navigntor, Dr. Kane. “DIED YESTERDAY.” Under this title, the locatizer of the Philadelphia Suu furnishes a few solemn but beautiful reflections: Every day (he says truly) is written this little sentence; “Died yesterkay soand so.” Every day a flower is plucked from some sunny ) home—a breach made in some happy cir- cle—a jewel stolen from some treasury of love. Each day, from the suiminer | Rail Road Accident.—We learn that @ pait- ful accident occurred jast night, on the Wil- |mington and Manchester Rail Road, in the ‘neighborhood of Hood's Creek, some eight or ten miles from town. It would appear that on account of some defect iu the working of the pumps of the locomotive engaged in carrying es the night train yoiug west from this place, | the Engineer detached the train and ran on A eae Z | ‘ni ‘ ‘ Humboldt, in bis “Cosmos,” in speaking of fields of life, some harvester disappears— ahead some distance, and in returuing to take three different modes for the transmission of heat toour globe, savs, and these are bis words : “A portion of the heat that has penerrated oto the equatorial regions, moves iy the interior of the globe towards the pules, where it escapes vote the attuosp here aud the remoter regions of *} a pal Hore uutrozen Tthinka near the Jrote. s one cause forthe waters being An open sea, enclosed and sheltered by an immense wal! of ice—may there pot be islands in that polar lake, verdant tu sumer, producing fruits and flowers | \ hy bot?) Further, what surt of people may inhib: Uthose islands! Are they bright and sparkling rast Tt the as their OWN dure In| may be w volcano at extreme pole hay, most probable, for P think TP have been told that ave occurred dark Guuds dike that of smoke, tuoidst the brillant ravs of the aurora boreal! lis Our Southern y ule will, no doubt. at some future penod, extibie tu the adventarous tavigator a similar open sea, — THE PRAYING CHILDREN, Mrs. Whittlesey relates a story, which ow ” ful td ilileresting ¢ vuny readers be useful at lng to our young reader Western t * Ta vue of var wos, a clergy inan Was vbe moms by his wite, that a ditth bov, the son of a noghbor, was very sick, n lew aL the would bot go in and sce Liaw L bardiy know what to do,” said be, * 1 fear my visit would pot be well received.” “Buy” reyuined the wile, “wheu you were ck, a short time siuce, the mother of the littl ily every dav to know how you think ‘ will expect you Cone e Was soot 1 sorrow Tbe me: over her was tussiny from sid side. tut im of brain fever. The min ter, after wat ng Lim a few moments, turne adv 4 j = Divs pence uit hild showkl be kept per t yet, Madam pe slould ut be excited a ‘ ‘ ts 3 = ‘ « | vou ofr a praver !” ated, fianog the effect upor . aught, knelt at afew sou dts Sufer ttle children con ' n The moment be commenced speaking, of ehou how seemed uucor sous of bis presence vase!d be moans “ mont and, fiaiay bos dark su uo bom t » tu every word lt Mites rose t s knees aad a few words wuther, and wer me, beaving the ei Qjear ‘ me { etal new hee 2 gene: which gr j we : ana la J « By I] a st ar . : r f € 0 ~ m Le » ayait a 1 the ra a a , a « Ler S * Frank was the * Basan u ars A . . (Tie . as . : wet meme © were ‘ a . “ \ a , . ~ 7. . eh knoe lira ‘ . en sande \ » a ee . » . nie eco . ' , i fay ig . ' rein a ata ear) a . r * ' . * as ua « ont . 2 . : ! m “ 4 ! - a “A a os “ * I] 4 Pan wa s . t le that there | preerous | yes, every hour some sentinel falls from his posti and is thrown from the ram parts of time into the surging waters of eternity. Even as we write, the funeral of one who died yesterday” winds like ia winter shadow along the street. yesterday.” Whodied ¢ Perhaps it was a gentle babe, sinless as an angel ; pure as the zephyr's: hymn—one whose laugh was us the gush of sunuuer rills loitering in abower of roses—whose little life was a perpetual litiny, a May-time crowning With the passion flowers that never fade. Or tay hap it was a youth, hopeful and }xeherous—one whose path was hemmed by flowers, with nota serpent lurking un derneath-—one whose soul panted after commiuioon with the great and good, and reached forth, with earnest strugyle, tor jthe guerdon in the distance. But that jheart of his is still now, for le “died ves- fterday.” © Died yesterday.” A young virl, pure as the orange flowers that clasp ed her torchead, was stricken down as she | stuod atthe altar; aud from the dim ais- jles of the temple she was borne to the Ivarden of the slumberers.” A tall, brown iuan, girt with the halo of victory, and, at the day's close, under his own vine and fig-tree, fell in the dust, even as the anthem trembled upou his lips; and he, too, Was laid “where the rude foretathers ot the hamlet sleep.” An aged patriarch, bowed with age and care, even as le look ed ont upon the distant lulls for the cou ng of the angel host, sank into a dream less slumber; and on his door-post, next day, was written, * Died yesterday “Died yesterday Daily, men, women, abd children are passing aw ay ) and hour Yin some vravevard, the soil is flung upon the dead. As often the morn, we tind some flower that blushed sweet y the sunset, has withered up forever ; daily, we rise from the | atour posts, we » Wlitme cl as MO, When vouac to staune a brother sold TISS BOLE eervicry in the sieges and strugyles of the past has been as fre trom heaven Upert eur he arts hach day some pearl drops from the je welled thread of friendelup-—soine Ivre, to which we ave Leen wont to listen, has been hushed forever. But wise is lic Whe mourns not the pear! and music lost, for life with lim slall pass awas as ar castern shadow trom the tills, and death reatriumph and a gain —s A True Mother.— A writer beautifully remarks (hal @ tuan 6 tother is the re pre sentative of lis Maker. Misfortune and mere cnine set no barners between her and ber son. While his inother lives, a (pan bas one fiend on carth who will met desert lam when eis needy Iler athe i tows a@ pure foutta abd cea ses v at ea f ete oo. I Na al Tite liye rp ‘ ett fi al i 4 ‘ sited e ¢ va, 14 ‘ " al ey 4 ary hk Sjreah goof the tremendous, swee * hr which the French liad tu meet, in tren if toward the Malakoff tor tw ver w leve har Ww richsee ee saves Cle Fra ‘ rohtiow the uler r ae I t tw ‘ . Die Malakoff its snotastee tower lye twe tt t ‘ etheseve 4) man ve kr s preat e x ‘ a 2 4 t he l ans vd \ e\ ‘ . " r \ I ‘ ‘ t trance ele Lie bree tappear air pte with aty ~ Maianeoth Ac v . 4 a i 4a’ f . eye fe stice 4 4 ¢ ASA ‘ ta ‘ i to} eit aides ‘ | 4 ‘ to. if ‘ ea Fl I a\aa us ‘ Royle H t . aa\ 7 renepen a ‘ ‘ NOEs DUR STREAM TPOoRSR: IMPOTENT \s « 1 « =. » fi . ward ~ * Arm ~ . geoand A a * as! as as ba Z . At - . . ' f “- I 4 ' “a 1 ~ avr 2 a al f me ’ 1 * z wy a ) \ u * | mite ~ t 1 ° a . * t ~ “ ma k f nN the race, we fear ‘ . .* r * lad er a a “ “ s a Veetorel ke i t eaved of ; i terat . msn lier « 5 fr; Avian M wierd at ( tant ' itt caf N «reat ave of i I ye wane ‘a ath otaof J ye i 4 ' ’ I a erved tos elucation at “Died | up the train again, came back at so high a rate of speed as to cause a serious collision, resulting in some damage to the train, the main éar being smashed up and some little dumage done to the other cars, The must painful circumstance con- nected with the affair is that Mr. Charles Bald win, the conductor, got seriously, and, it is fear ed, mortally injured, by being thrown from the train with so much force as to cause concussion Nr. BL. was also slightiv injured. hurt. of the brain Sherwood, Mail Agent, None of the passen- vers Were ib any Way Unui the crreum- stances of the affair cau be more fully examined into we forbear any comment. — Wel. Journal, 5th inst. : oe Rail Road Accident.— An accident oc- curred on the Charlotte and South Caro- lina Rail Read on the 20th ult, by the cars running off the track about one mile below the Catawba river. ‘Two brake- men were seriously injured, (one since dead.) ‘The engine and cars were very much shattered and the Mail Agent and several other gentlemen made marrow escapes. Accidents are becoming so. fre quent on this road that its character will be seriously iinpaired if not remedied Charlotte W Ay, A instant. Indications of Copper.—Mr. A. D. B. Allison, and Dr. Singletary are still ope rating for Copper, on Davidson's River, We know not to what depth they have gone; but the indications are certainly very good, luinps, now in our possession, show, be youd doubt, that there is Copper at no yreat distance trom the place where the are now at work, The only fear that can now be entertained by the as we think, is, that may not be sufficiently abundant to re We hope tor better things, however, and most ardently ur friends, Messrs. Allison and Sin Moral of Truth in this County Some specimen ‘perators t COMPANY, the ore ward them tor their labors. Wish yletary, success The first trophies of Sebastopol lave | ! 1 just arrived at the Louvre- two sphinxes fowhite marble, of large proportions, vearly equal to these at the fountain of Chatean dkan, bat with this essential difference, that the Russian spinxes have the heads of hos. of wotnen instead of thuee RAIL ROAD ACCILENT » record a most dis ds Dur regret to have t We astrous awecidenton the ¢ eraw at (eka rleat en enlilienrit i Me ane t the a at B450,412 P tagainst Presi Tdrcitict Sates \la Repuld im Wor Ihe Indian ereeeirt of m letter fron, the : lrew Taw, Jolin RR ph Wo Webster, ©. 4. 2 place of Loa linilstones * fo large nee gone 's ogg. ‘Carolina Watchman. = = = = = = SALISBURY, N. C. | TUESDAY EVENING, JAN. 15, 1856. Western Rail Road.—There will be a meeting of the Board of Directors of this ‘Company in this place on Thursday next, for the purpose of determining the location of the firet division of the road, and other, purposes not known tg ns. Our readers shall be duly informed of whatever of in- terest nay then transpire. eee last omitted to notice week, the North Carolina Christian Advocate, New Paper.—We established at Raleigh, by the Methodist E. Con ferenee. It is pblished at the office of the Spirit of the Age. Ttis nn large and handsome sheet, edited by Rev. Po T. Hisriis, who is a gentle man of a knowledged ability. Price €150 per year, oe: We ba ‘ tpub lished Cae sae fasten, Bey } It to de ! ! Nows, and is ve tom. We bave (ip wes haty journal to supe dv th \ th Llustrated Family Friend, fo l J andif Mr. Joboston aims at that, we hope he will moet with such encouragement as will ens ble hii to equal if not surpass lis predecessor, Pree $2 per annum —— A Post Office has been established at * York's Collegiate Institute, Aleaander County” N.C -o SALISBURY HOTELS Under this caption, our neighbor oft the “Herald” presents a rather gloony victure of the future prospects of our goodly town of Salisbury, He must have seen things through a pair of very blue glasses, and took lis observations ou a ve ry blue day, if such a day could possibly dawn Upon one se recently entered int the elysian field ofmatrimony. He save our Hotels will be emptied of a vast number of their inmates,” because they have raived the price of board frou 15 to 2U dollars; that “the prices ot Lots, ith become so exor er for anle or rent, have bitant, that bat few have inelination to make and that * scores of te in our midst, are driven off by the an any investinents in either way ; thers who would set ligh prices, to seek an vecupation else where,” that * Mechanies are dropping fone by one, and a pecking homes n our neighboring villages” &c., &e lis, we say, is @ Kloomny pacture, pro ba could not have been more ee four neighbor been suffering a regular attack {des} he We admit that @20 a month for board a land of plenty like thie, ie trighitfal te these who have it to pay, especially to these who are just begi: ning the world and wave their fortunes te make It is enengl Co give a young mean the Thor a“ “ fries tome leabea, wubaye, po liatin } Js . by &c. wt all ensential to her existe a sine ats» We woud ou t la melvice releds 2 prow nde Always “ © pa scan letter theneeves “ eatreme measure of ath | Horn sthe rul Rbertite sve pret eral Ce | / t ‘ IAD ones sta ‘ Aisle ate er sonod lncksters “ . ‘ } the ape wl pur pm ome epleting bis parse Wat ‘ edonethen dt lame Llote keep ers! They blame thame who ask gop articles which supply therta ew Ds > Land dere for tigh re lhevw aay I jew 1 tliree theeotreatnd deol are f tliat tee Ald bef, and myhit te wet at least J per cent. for the rent r demand i great, and I can get 2 t It Rouse totell tiem: pe 1 ny dl, for t wy say lean yet e demand! The demand mines the hail iv er new citizens and bueinesa men, and for bringing ourtownar mipetition with Columbia, Charleston, we, &e Blame the Rail Road (CO velopa comes booming mberty he AN avalanch, aa une acena oft vour Mpialts as vou were mnistaken of wer, if vou suppemed at was net « salen the land to change the yor ces of commodities ag well ax the epreen f ave s ato upon the whole, Iigh board And rents were things to be expected when we come to bid against thoee wl) are accustomed to pay hil prices ent twill be nothing if we can only live to get ued to it, aa the Trishinan said of langric co The Poet Cfhce We learn the Post Otten ste be removed toa balding hast of the Court House and beyond ite former location. By far the largest por tion of the business community reside in the oppeaite end of n of the wht to be made with ao Town, and the loca Pomt Office, it seema to us, ne reterence ty r CONVEnTene’ ces New York, Jan. 9.—Flonr had atill de clined—Oliio at $5 Ste Southern at @8.87 Wheat was at a nominal priee. Cort lower— Western mixed at Yle. Provisions wer quiet oomand Virginia 6's at ¥3c (™ It is a matter of no consequence the Standard may experience in finding out “just the locality of the Watchinan editor jn politics,” only eo far as it dis- qualifies him for declaring what are our attinities in reference to Know-Nothing- isin. We porsaé such a course in re- gard to politics as our sense of duty dic- tates. Times and circumstances modify our course according as just and patriot- ‘ic aims scem todemand. We are bound to no party, only 60 far as we be- lieve it is right; wor do we hesitate to | approve any meagure of any party, if it commend itself to our judgment as wise and good. Our affinity to Know Note ingism, therefore, tinds not its influence ‘alone in the negative case of opposition to the democratic party, whieh in the| main, exerts as we believe, a mischievous influence in the political interests aud moral character of the Country ; but alse because the principles of the American party appear to usas right and proper ip themselves. We accept Mr. W's declaration when he says—" we certainiy did not intend to ‘uisrepresent” us; and waiving other points in his reply, assure hia we meant uot to be unnecessarily * vwoasp ish “oe ad ta" Mr. Corrin having resigned lis post as Rail Road agent at this place, Mr. Joun Hort bas been appointed to, fill the Mr. sHaw is Conductor in the place of Mr. vacancy. Onmances Buap- Hot, resigned. oer = The Weather.—It is awfully severe. The snow which fell on the 4th instant, received a tup dressing on the Lith, of snow and ice 6 or 8 inches in thickness It settles dywn aw littl, Lut welts very slow. Sleigh riding is the order of the tines. Skating is at an end for the pre- sent, the ice being covered with snow oo eeu Li TTERL OM & BAILOTT © PrareED Cia. Dre, 15S6 Beer Carrie, 100 be $5014 650 Cores, J > Jove ll @ 18, Lagusyra 13 @ id, Re ith 139, St Deamago ld id Fesrmces. Y th 42g 45 Mallets 525 oD Prove, eel! brands 75 @ 92) ts, P bush Corn “0 @ 90; Oats 0 @ 55. Wane Beans 90 @ 125; Peas, Com 8S @ W, Rice, mugh 115 Meareves per celkm Cube iJia 45) Taicow, p lb 18 g 194 cas A Sad Meeting — Ata meeting of the veterans of the warof 1812, held in Nor folk, Thursday afternoon, upon calling the roll it was ascertained that heoenty one of these brave nen jad falleu since the last meeting, Mr Chas. HE Shield having resigned the Presidency of the Seciety, Thomas G. Brougiton, the ven- erable Ruiter ofthe Herald, was chosen to fll the lelegates to the Vacancy After appointing 76 National Couventnou in W nol, ngton, ly be beld on the Bth of January, the weeting adjourned — Mich mmd Whig o- Ma boron Pease annownee the fuliveing het fie Lntemtar (s] armel Comeasmiun ry foe the town OO Sweless and Pd MANY CITIZENS Pie Intemdant ff Podice JEREMIAH WY BRhOoWsN (Ommsgiomers Verth Ward — James Fo Kerr, Jubn | She hast Ward Miche! Draven WOLD Sen th South Ward Jobo Shoman, WOM Her Weat Ward — Andrew Marphy © F. Be — HOW To SAVE THR UNION 1 we uavereieini leotard = ; Leun and siley encts f. gexl the wme. the rob ot amd the petrautie wih wmste thetr «f forte Let cach man, meconiing to hee opporte eramine for hineedf with an oumpartial and Ng epirit, the evile of slavery and the (26 -~ and rm out of ten wil aris from the examinater rant and fraterna g JT * mot at tended wit «we she to mare an bet thoesands are ngage n lemeting and exacyeral ng those evihe ami it te eed lees fon ae to attempt te peorteny therm Living mm he modet oft metitebon. we may he ant “rvant ' ite abunace «. leave the back nejamcns tcather lente end ore . f£ that the coanparative evils of elave sootety shall be ascertained and detaded oa by © aconant the working of the teu 9) eteme Aerety, writtem be aathore og in free eo vty and preyodiord aginst slavery Nav, ee f ' voy farther bed g art! wee ive free wmrnty all the wivantayes which it can denve from Ketion and ayia nomagnifying and increasing the sand abuees of slavery wee let the atu dent Lake for fact, the mont hadecue portrait that the genius of a Mere Stowe can fe pret shavery and wk lim to compare it with the etern realy tes of free sorety, carefully Investigated, ex pomed and reported by committees of the British Par tamment We speaks far within the bounde of (ruth, when we amert that he will ind ten tines aso much evi, of crime, and of human suffer tig, 1m free sorety in England, and in all Weat ern Kurope, as fiction, regardir Z “vramemblance,” ever dared to attnbute to Southern fMeyro slave ry He will find no domestic animal. no game r fishin preone and ponds, half as hadiy pro vided for, noe half ay cruelly treate|, ae the Ja ornne man om Western Europe The impar Val student woold not hesuate a moment, like Mr. ( Edwards Lester, of New York, to subject ‘s children to Southern slavery, sooner than place them in the eondition of the free lahorers f Southern Europe And yet, as population becomes e thie ie the condition ty which all free society some to tend. No men pee thie fat so clearly as Northern Abolitronieta, and hence their anxiety toomvent and put in prac- tice some new form of somety, before Paupe ria to ns how much difficulty Mr. Witson of the North, a they have overwhelmed Westura Europe. Bet there isa vent fur eunturies to |come in the mighty unsettled West, for the sur- plus population of the North-east, and whilst that vent continues, it is premature to agitate The subject of white slavery us a practical ques tion Ju this country. Before that day arrives, some orgauization for old societies, better thiinit tic slavery uf the Suuth, may be dincovered. The student will find, that as yet tone half so guod has been discovered, and he | will feel charitable towards Southern domestic ‘institutions, Lecause he will God them more na- | tural, more permanent in their character, and | more promotive in the long ruo of human hap- | prinens, than any other as yet discovered and test- jed. If he extends hie examination, and finds jos how mutually dependent tue North gnd L South are, he witl learn to love ad tale the Union, wd to detest and execrate abotitiontets aud eisonioninta, 56 6 | Almost all the light literature uf France, Eng- |Tand and Germany, for the last twenty years, ‘is but y ictures of the evile of free society. The | plays, the novels, the poetry of these mations, are |Hnged in every page with the sufferings of the | poor, All philosophy has run ito what the | North British Review calls the philosophy of j “social reference.” For fifty years, the British Parliament has spent half ite time in. fruitess jendeavors to mitigute the sufferings of the poor. | All the English and Freach Reviews, since 1848, | have teemed with articles on this subject, All | the riots, incendiarian, aud revolutiuns of Europe for seventy years, have been the direct and im- | tehate consequences of the privations and fa- mine of the poor The bistury of the English Pour Laws, if avestigated alone, will show that free society in Europe has been from the first, hout, ( this day, a erucl. awful and appalling failure. Free sucivty bas but as yet failest at our North, we hope it pever may | — and th But it has tald everyahere else, and we fel assurcd that all why examine ite pank Fiatory, and present starving condition, will be rillag to stick to the U stn as 0 ta, rather than snatch the bread from the well fed negro. io urder to levate him to the comgitive of the Prulytanat of Framer the starving pomaniry of Kayland, Ire- Ined mod Scotlemd, the Lagaarusi of Italy, the (rvperes of Spoin, aod the Lepero of Meape ' Woe subosatly Leda © Ubere ts bat ope way to save the Lammn, nad to ave Nestherm sucety fromey emarchy : acl infil hey, that os by disp Hing the mono- mania aterut Glawery. Thies elb be fected so ~~ me mithe cumservatives of the North, and of the Svath, search rato bistory snd statistics, and merrtam, dizh and aunpare the respect eed acraneniem, hoew ounces weevils of the oppamin g erstems of society None bot a malian, after coach an Jovestigaticn, wiiite ready tu dimelve the Univ, to risk peace vil war, ia order ty emancipete the prevent the esteawem of shave ter pert pases, wiih the extenstum of free ter Lor tofore slavery Las been amsemed to be But see whether free so Ny te kd evantiws, be not @ lar greater ©)! a lo tear ¢ neoagraes, of to ries nowy be an ey ten am iF Cowntry 1 yrewtng old Richmond Bagqwirer oo. OBSTRUCTION TO TRAVEL Twiapeirmis, Jew 9 Four lonumouree are fran up hetwren Treo mand Philadeipnee The panerngem hed to take coy shih to get to thew deetuatxe No rawe were ben) etc bed wy New Yurk two day ia wotmnam, but ln rumd el protebly be jae salde thes aflernove. lie TW lemare river = frome over tight oppo sve Le Oly, abd Ue Ob m freee vp ab dan eu et might) wm the leet myht on re ‘ 1 tanowiey Ome ai ll degrewe be wr ose CUNGRBESSIONAL W asarscrow, Jan 9 Tn the Thwe Mr Smith S Tennéasee, ip an Basie srecet aed Pree) fefetdbe d the Dh mucratic party Pema from the absurd charge hal Uy are reapemeide fur the mun urgent oof (ue bhowee. <—- BOTT ACCEPANCE Yer *s Netomal Amerwen containe a Jamnein beng h from John Minur ng the momnmation tor the Pree be rey him be forty members of the comlamd comet” uf the city of Rec lemond Thies lest cheutvett mertindy charactermie of be oram Tt re Mette all over Self tm ke “ v quote a clamnal evolmporary, ~ from where a nen He vila us that the freeh demonuation of 60 bine erate toed len Wi bh grmt tbe Weihnos nd bow that we, but e- bey pemve to wg eet thet rt ow libe lv be te retaken Our min — aml we give it free gratia be moth ny that he bee bern orerabedared by hie van hos are ty mtd bee marr my mie And wre porctontde be will eontmae ty be thas over whel ed eetil the daw of tee dewsh Batts mest cvetemt himeei{ with the Pree bene y of the ~ cveneil of 40." That shewld saf fee to satefy hee ajrrations As to the Prew denev Sf the Uns Statee that's a horse of ao ther color whieh it has been predestined from al! entetnity that Rotte ehveld never ride The Immortal omght t> le ashamed to let home if be quizzed and imnjnmed upum, whether by the © Cueed of 407 of the > Triangle Cove OM New York Bat aome men prefer to be niheuk doand laughed at racher than mot he aa tt at all We fear that Bate belongs to thie enforinwate clae.— Rich. Whig > A Dovwhle Murder —On the Let inetant two murders wers committed in| Woed, brulyge, six tiles from New [laven, (Gom) by Charles Santord, an inaane man, abet twenty-six years old It is supposed he was in the wornls chopping lamber, and that when he came out fe killed Mr Enoch Sperry, who wae driving by in file sleigh Santord then went to the hate of Ichabod Umberfield, a farmer, and kil- led him with hie axe. Sanford in in jail aA raving mani Ile is the nephew of Sanford, whe was one of the Wakeman ites, arrested on suspicion of comnexius with the recent wurder of Justus Mat- thewa WINTER IN EUROPE. Paris papers of the 14th December speak of the weather as intensely cold. The Thermome ter wae 7 deg. below zeru—-the aame at Havre, and jer was abundant eren at Marseilles. In all Aireations immense quantities of snow had fill: on —~ lneh was esteeme| a furtanate circwmatance for the wheat--thoagh it wode to, and if the cold continwes will greatly enhance, the price of all edibles for the present. A winter as severe as that of 1789, would yreatly aggravate the evile Of the eating scarcity, and ike ‘89 might lead Jand crime, and ignorance and famine, overwbelm to a diasetzuus and bloods resuluuon, T sent week the Peoph it wilbege to be Info fiv Ey soldi Su which par affairs her it would f ooo it ann elected th the ninety fifth week cisely the past had | can see, t] return to | it compet the Clerk terimy fow the names stand rec: and justa tinued to, give the e en fur fou tnt less in alt gestion is foo lightly to be bey or angry r applied by the eount: the House quency of differ as tion whic’ reste, each ders to the a ble ju Th the obetina ststently a ww hopelen canduates a letter fre blamei gress andhe arg bot we mu a Ibietn oe ardin of less dey Wil The con fy the HH — am @ walte te grew m ers, wh blaine, fur +p nesil.e- with a omy Honee, an Adminsstrs carrving o ng Lat an mip) *al.vthin tration fron in the Loete ser ta who mothe with tee rately aime Han, then, cause they are Peepers they are ur them opus whe r plat ur rom al yt avot) form An fort, they fs they may d go over te porpose of Up the Grow on Thies glish Minis sayreetue refusal toe re m@ mony and surrem reyarthe the Parliament full foree. * continne Withoat an done te aus Adnrinist rs evade resp ardson 72, why Riche there no rf votes than | were defeat Kansas Ne cunging d whility of for Speaker Nhat obney iW ee, and CC've Boing © Opposit ‘lirewd etat Position to | after the pe Choice of u atform wi ters and th Oks like a Nansae, of roe nd Noy ng to put and to ptie Witho@t els to the wor ‘tne, leavi resonrces as *, the soon the better, the people t Ons, are sof the vat the phy of British fruitless he poor. ‘© 1848, 4, All Europe ind im- and fa- English ow thas re Bret, ful and pa vet nay | — we ke Ristory, willing snatch wider to ariat of Sucely enews Mono- ‘ted no th, and Al istiea, ate the we ler ree ler me) Lo free so tev «sl » Trea had to say oppo i Mar on re owe be =) . wen perty rearg? a ta Noa" exivD Mat- eak of nome Javre, Tn all 1 fal ance if the ae J ere as »evile t load Prom the Natsonal Intelligeucer. THE SPEAKERSHIP. Qitowague tandem,” dte.—In.our pre- sent weekly notice of the proceedings of the Peoplt’s Representatives in Con, it wilpeceasion ne surprise secur tlllihe to be Informed that there has yet, after fivéjeys’ further voting, bee yo dhoice m rf presiding pfticer of the bedy»— sth ip ie, w “ ; “the deplorable pees to shich party spirit has brought the public | affuire here at the seat of government that | it would how gceasion wore surprise ty | goe it announced that a Speaker has been | elected than it will to see it stated that! the ninety-fourth vote, at the end of the | fifth week of the session, was alinost pre- | cisely the same as the votea fur a mouth | past had Leen. And now, for all that we, can see, the members might just as well | return to their homes for a month, were it competent fur them to do so, leaving the Clerk still to call the roll, in the in | teri, four times every day, and set down the hames of the members just as they stand recorded during the last month, | and just as though all the members con- tinued to assemble iv the hall daily and | give the same response as they have giv- en for four weeks past. They would be bs 4 ved for a season the trouble of a iitfess attendance at the Capitol—fruit- | less in all eave irritating personal discus: | sigpeand the public be relieved for a tidee from all suspense or vain anticipa:| tiow regarding the choice of a Speaker. * | If the reader shall think that this sug | gestion is treating a very grave matter foo Tightly, we answer that the case secins to be beyond the reach of plain eensure or angry remonstrance. These have been applied by the public press throughout the eountry in vain. The members of the House do met deny the general delin quency of the failure to elect, but they differ as to the particular party or frac- ton which the responsibility properly rests, each throwing it from its ow shou! ders to those of the others, Who is to blames the trae qaestion. In our dru sment a!] parties are to Liame fo: the oletinacy with which each has se per sistently adhered, and to all appearance w hopelessly adhered, to their respective candulates. a letter from a former member of Con { ble je On this poiut we give below greas of high character, residing in a jraat reotic State of the Atlantic section Tt will be seen that he places thy bhame on the Admintetration party, andhe argues the case with great force ; bot we must say that we differ with him © awarding all the blame to one party , eta C@r Opinion, shared in a greater of less deyree by all WHO IS RESPONSIBLE? The coantry has waited over a mont! fy the House of Representatives tooor pied am! proceed to basiness. They ve waited in vain, and prapects seen: ta grow more gloomy. Now the question @rs, who is responsible awd whe ist blaine, for perlape all are, bat who is re sponsibie—for the non-organization and regular proceedings of yoverument! We answer, the Administration. What’ with « majority agminet them in th. Honse, and yet responsible! Lee; an Adminsstratron is alwave reepomaitle fier carrying on the Crovernment: and noth ng Lat an organized factions (Dy opm mma vere in the majenty, who refuse to proeeet t ‘a ehonerate an Acliinis Au Adan Stration canmd fold ite arine and aay t n ( (poevernminent; n Loete sortase bo be two ¢ Dprpereitiom parties Vihing, can tration fran reapomeslility nyrese, unite and cms we or, rather enalile Without our oem and whe mrther ayree etth each other mor with tee Adneimistration, pe form ope rately a yourity Can the Administra Han, then, throw off all responsibility be cause they have not a majority! : J J They are reeponsitle for an wyanization, andif they are unable to bring other sections to them opm one man, of a single principle r platform, they must go te anotl t with t r unite another alot avother candidate, prince: And if. after every bint fort, they fal, they are bonud ty take what portion, of pleor plat ( f rin puller « they may deem the least ef twoevila and gO over ty ome oF the other section for the porpose of organization, or elae te yive - This weuld be the case with an En clish Ministry They could not plead the sayreenment of the Opp rsit They ire @ magerity of own theme! ces leat surrender the meale Now, oe: far a- ware the organization of Car grease, tlre up the Guvernment, as unable t arr on noon their taal to come to them minal se pari amentary principle apples here with full furee. Suppese the trangular fight scontinned till the session terminates Withoat an appropriation passed of an act done to sustain the Government, will the Adnninist ration be exonerated | Can they evade responsibility by repeating * ! ardeon 72, Banks 101, Fuller 30° Fat why Richardeon 73, and he onlv? Ie there no man who coald rmceice n votesthanhe!l After the Adnuuistration were defeated before the Kansas Nelrnaka Issue, waa it a cuneing device to evade the Pees prot bade ability of a non OFZANI BAL ION to preopreome ‘Speaker tho very man who earned tC obnoxious measure i ee and who, of couree Tr people Wyre thre rete thrownghy the could: not re Ye asingle vote from any section of * Oppositiont Or was it a matter of slirewd statesmanship to compel the Op Positivon to reengnize the Kansas treasare after the people had condemned itt The Choice of the candidate and they caucus Matform would seem to indicate the lat ter; and the etrict adherence thus far Oks like an avowal of Pivhardson and A ansas, or No organization, no Govern vent, Now, are the Administration wil UNE to put themselves upon that port. and to stick to it to “the bitter end,” * ep at change, and if the worat eames the worst adjourn Congress and ge ‘Ine, leaving the Government withont | resonrces and in a state of anarchy? If eh sooner it is avowed and adopted ie etter, Tt will save expense and give '€ people time for consideration. 7.v.8 r Fa ville Obaerver. . fri bp bat 9 fo Juba Minor | Betts has Leena vomited fur President by the, Brooklyn © Atnericau” Cyungils. The Rieh-| moud Councils have also deelared their decided | preference for hina, The nomination is sustain. | COMMON, SCHOOLE POR ROWAN/ COUNTY. The (hai dents, pee pacpiard a Diewriets, setriets, show tbe number twenty-one ' ‘The number —Mules 1080, Females 879. 1 Tana at Be reported bot urd: boy 8 de Sd imptuns ¢ tee-uten of the stveral of chikiwen from five to years of age to he; Malvs 9028, Female ia the Public Schovle was ed by the Richmond National American and ¢#tion taught were Spelling, Reading, Writing, Arith- Wing? dépougeed: by the Richinond. Whig, the sand paity, which asserts that “a Majority of the American voters of Richmond have vo ednthlvnte to Mr. Butts,” no” public ghuracter” of late yeurs, and least of all, do they prefer him ay ‘the American candidat for the Presidemey.’" The National American, Botts and those whe} have nominated him, are opposed to the 12th | section of the Philadeny hia Platform, and wish | to have it: ignored by the next Convention.— | Hence Mr. B's nomination in Brooklyn. The | Whig whieh is orthodox, remarks : “As for ourselves, we say in all deliberation | and candor that we bold the rights of the South | paramount to every consideration of party > and) that before we would yield them to the unjust detmauds of the North, even ¢ the auke of the Presidency, with all ite hon- \ e! jors and patronaze, we would sce John Minor Butts, his tails, and every party on the face of the earth, sunk #0 deep that the hand of resur rection could never reach them.” The Whig challenges the frends of Mr. Botts to call a meeting of the voter of Richmuad, of the Amdgignn party, and asserts that nineteen twieths of them will be fouud to be opposed to his nomination. * The cleetion of a DemocrntieSpeaker might turn out wore than an empty trun bh Our party, therefore, expresses no eagerness to suc ceed in such election.” Bo says the Richmond Enquirer. That being the case, the Laeufocos ought to nnute with sere other party tockect the Speaker If they the office caught not te continue voting fur six weeks for one Of themeelves, thus rendenng an election hot wl to have themmanlves, they tpomeitbe Steh a > dug inthe manger” pol cy pure faction, possessing vo particle o/ Jra tnotein But we suspect that the “grapes ary sour” only becnuse they cannot be reached that the Enquirer's party “expresses nu eager nent to smcceed™ only Lecaune it cannot com mand the votes nec ssary to sucess — Fey Ob The Cherokee Baptist College, at Cass “yy . ville, Gea, was entirely deatroved by fire on the 4th inatant. The lnilding was a New one, not quite finished. and had cost the subseribers about $14,000 Rail Read Commctions, The Lexington Flag says that a meetiag of th cnn ft that town cm the 21 imet. a comm BAP peen bd te confer aie the cnizene of Salen me to the pre | ith the Central Rew! at Le aington pnety of buriting aire comnectay Salom rs The bing also save that was the animons lesire at the meet og that Lovinytom ahould be etth Bavetterith that it hoped that cusercial he rail rowel! and a Cn buy Obser eer etiended to Leaington Mr. Whitue whth eectom AS the | tLorn it] party dal agurt the eevee Wrogtet 4 tw be be a Knoe Nval Know Noung a eperch to fewyed Dip declared that th eet war mygainst the vidaals but tosvedy sc | Mr Brida sa t Unat a Speaker te eu Mr toa yreay fiwia spat ™ galore Ou wmtrom for there a Fuar bes reewised OF Vennin gte on tela seer itakem lat eden. Micharilocs af aOl 5S maitenng que ' ht ANG jarow tips rs { 16 Mirmoem, ten, wun, am! 96 mee amd their eres in th. jy arty dean midi to angler * Buber min native of Waies mty, (NY) and kt abow for the perpeme of comverting for Some of thre femmes have only t and mone over two bendred Mint are biogimh Senate fie tte a N recemtly neg ev ws Change J Affaine to th Ar agan ame Tf thre te « ty are such me sting iff Amencan gre thor 1 SHE WAGISTRATES of herehy) ma fied Sebebary , om the fret re anty Cort, bor day nicadente of ’ Soh ate JAMES. BE RERR, Clerk Jenanry th. 1956 iw33 DISSOLUTION. SIE COPNRTNERSTEDP heretofore exein der the firms Jewk ne. @ te & ( eived by mutanl come The baenese if cod fire will be eettied by JOH Jenkine and BOB Roheris J HM OJENKIN< December 19th 1855 BOR RORFRIES T © WeNERLY AJ MOWOh JW CLEWMWONS ALL DERTS doe Jenkins & Roberto. and Jenkine Rererte A Cs. net pond by the bat dag af Apel neat will pemiuvely be placed im the hands of officers for collection Langer indulgence will met he given J HUJENKING 6033 BR RORERTS “™~ EC4S ERA US MoNeely, Mook & Gaither f AVE tahen the oft sand of Jenkins, Risheris & “a. Wereenine buemoeein alt tte branches ne beret shor: dine by the off Firm, and GOOD ASSORTMENT Goods for the Winter, which will he eld very cheap The attention of the ond customers and the pudhe general'y are reepectful Iv invited to call and examine om Goode, ae bargains will be aid Janoary 14, 1856 6039 | e jot er tithe of *g| metic, Grammar and Geography. out by tbe. Chairman on account of the Common Schools was $3,983 93. eee suin of $5,400 was he en an 3 3 4 4 x of EE oer 1 9190 19... g140 2.. 140 4... 140 | 3... 100 1$... 129 4. BO | 16... 60 | 5... 80 | 17). 190 6... 100 | Io... 100 7... 80 | 1Y9.. 120 8. 0 | 20. 80 9. 80 | QI 80 10 80 | 22... 120 | 11. 100 | 23... 100 12 140 | 24. 120 The income of the Board ie derived from the | Lard, ' of Superintendent among the Distriets. ‘The fullow- adiniention for bis! ing Table shows the amount allowed to each distinct : A, Bacua, ©, (dried) Greeu, 5028000 | “ Do. Pure. 12$| Molasses, Cubs, 50 a 60 THE MARKETS. Salisbury, N.C. January 15, 35 * Mixea, No. ¥, 10 i tin thy {the | | NEW CASH STORE. PAs subscribers, having takew the old stand lately veeupied by Kennedy & Mills, one door above the Hardware! Store, uke this meéthed of anneuhcing to i Af Balishury aril ding cagntry, that they are now receiving, direct from New York and Philadelphia, a very turge and well selecied stock of FALL & WINTER GOODS, | Cloaks, Mantillas, Talmas, Silks, plain | { | Ladies’ and Gentlemen's Dress Goods. and figured, Satins, French and Eng- ssh Merinos, Alpaccas, Delanes, Poplins, Plaids, Muslins and Prints, Broad-cloth, Doe-skin and Fancy Cassimeres, Sat- inctts, Velvets, Aerscys, Jeans, Ready-Made Clothing, | ' Black ribbd Faney Beaver and Drab E _| Beeswax, 23 | @ N.Orteans, 70075 sbaperevewee ot ods | Beet, 5@ 6 |Naile 606 amour | Butter, 124@ 15 | do. Wrought, 124 @ 15 he se yee | Canales, Tallow, 16.025 | du. Horse Shove 25 do. Adamant, 33435 Oute, 30@0u dist fr do. Sperm, 45a 50 Vils, fitted Uy the Pears «ko, bis. 88016) Limeoed, Gigul ai 1%) do. Java, 16als | Tanners’ # gal 00475 Castings YH, 4@5 |Potatoes, Irish, 50 5 Fb B | do, Malable 124 @ 15 | do. Sweet, 50 4 § F 8 | Cotton, 7 |Rags ® tb, 3 a : ? | Cotton Bagging, -— |Satt “P sack,) $2.750 $3 4 : Wa : | * Gunny, 20200) do Yoashel, $1.00 o : | 4 Dundee, 15200 Sheetings, Brown, 4-4 9 PE TPs “37.8130 | “ Burlaps, 00012} Shot, # bag $2.25 26... 100 38... 120 | Cotton Yarn, 85 a OU [Seed,— 27... 420 } 39... 120 | Corn, 50 55 | Clover, Pibash #120125 28... 120 40... 80 | do Meal, 50055 Flaxseed, 7 2... 80 4)... 120 | Chickens Pdouz., $14 @ 14 8uger, Brown, 31 a 124 30... BUgd 42... 100 | Eggs # doz, BalO | * Loaf, 12g 015 31... BO 43... 100 | Feathers, 30435 “ Crushed, 124015 32... 120 | 44. 300 | Flour, @ bbl, G7a874 | Clarified, 0.0124 33... 100 45 380 | lrou, Swede, 6 Tallow, 12gal5 34... 120 46. 120 do. Bar, 4044 Turpentine, Pgal.87$!-0 35. 100 47 c0 | ** Eng. Refin'’d 54 Wheat, #125 36... 100 “Moles, 5 |Wool, 25000 | “Oval, 6 @7 ‘Window Glass, box, 10a 124 8% 10 $2.00 a 82.25 | Lead, bar, Thad) 10% 12 $2.25 4 82.50 in BC F,, ....986000| Lead. Dry White, 10 0t@b 2,958.96 7 ee, cece ell 716.50 | aa 6 months, - 60.00 | 8 ie es Cf Oe Dr James E. Kerr, James F. Bell and D. A. Davis| were appotated to constitute the Examinin, Commi: - | The election of tee for the present year oomittee | mew Wil be beld bereafter oo the first Saturdey in Apel at the echool-house in each distriet, and the persons elected enter upon the di-chargt of the daties Mittee-men on the first Monday of May follow. | Phe Committee-men nuw iu office will continue of ¢ ing. to act os such until the first Monday im May neat. The following persons were appointed by the Board of Superinteudeuts to hold the elections for Comunuttec- | meu in their several disiriets, to wit : In Dist Nol Joha Lo Hednck, Joho E. Deaton + 2 Joho Leazer, Hugh Fo McKnight. ss 30S. OF. MeCorkle, James Ko WeNeely 4° Robert Knox, David Goodman . 5 James Kerr, D. Bo Wood 6 Joho W. Mee! Ne'son Dry 7 Jobn Healey, Joba W rner 8 Tituae File, Kielard ¢ roaon 4 OO G Poard, Viees Barter, Je 100 Alexander Brown, Juba BF. Foard 11) John Co Graham, Henry Baker 120 Jacob Deal, Daniet Wo Ramer 13 Alieoe Sorewalt, Eis Fo She rri!| V4 Jehu Shoop. Philip A Coppell + 1S Charles LL Partie, Damet Ie pe ‘ 160 Juba Albos Devs Lawrence sé (7 Seose Lyerly, Dame! Menas Go 13) James Phumasca, Juho Marko C 19 Wastiagion Thomamu, Mis Aguer. purchaser giving bond 2) Jobo Garner, David W eteva. Vl Charles Ro Miller, Jeose Po Wime man 22) George Reudk man, Mickee! betaa 25) Den Eddieman, Jerrana L. Grebver - 24 Mos-s Siping. Dove Kuse ian : 29 EF EF Phithpe, Paul Vise abeuner 260 Jone Julbeo. Johu Wo Binmer 27) Obadiah Wixdeon, Kb Fraley 2 Juha Ho Cros, Joons Swisher 29) Sebret NS Trott, Ale sander Shuaf 30 Dane Wo Saih, Geo W. Raith Ji Alen Shemwell Peter Long 32 Wm A Watton, Henry A Wala 330 Geo Cauble, Solomen Brown BA Sach Klatis, Simeon Khutts 3) Caleb Heshy Eves Beaver 36 Pewi No Heshy, Stephen Hrady 37) Joho Treater, Daved Barnager 3< Sohanen J Peek, These Barohard 39 Laward Hoff Witey Bean 40 Jeame Ribeten, (reorge Hamm 410 Moses G Morgan, Aaron Willer 420 Abram Shaver, Richard Parter 430 George Ardtzer, John ¢ op 7 J Hobmee a5 Rameay $6 Thee Barber, New James Mehinght ‘ Lew: ( aeper, Edward Mowe D A DAVIS, Channasn MARRIED Ai Dandena C.dlege, om the 10th imatant. by Rew a ee Me WM MW RINCATD, ts Mice Moh PKVIN Inthe Lown he Dh metent. by 6) acheh Wood wn ben Me JACOB CAL BLE and Mio MARIA BROWN futhee Ccmaty the Jd ineten: b he Rew Semue! Kahne Mr JEREMIAH BRAVER sad Mere MAKY ANN. danghter Mr Mictael Over 4p b Janaeary 15. 1~56 WATCH sOU ND ew bee iber has sever I ) # dye) te - me mt wed grvem rd stmery Janwery FOUND wy servant: a Wa The Subscriber os) Negra Women whieh ow J ry - A UENDERKSON 133 £ the servant a smelt W MWIERPHY | ] AVING “< tere of Ader nest ration ve oording tw mithe cotee of Jemes Virphs ded hereby gives genere! mare of creditors 0. d omare — ane. duly aathewteat . nthe time gree 4b aw be that purp er there se thie nore well be pleaded im beri the C ALM CUTOR'S EXE be | SELLA. 00 the late 4 | WILI C deren dy WPHIS. 4 SALE. Viet Likely Negroes, { d flere et ages on errs Ale ab at 220 ACRES OF LAND. The treet cm winch the aarti James Culeman bwmery . 1 .. ore “ oh ve weil Ciddic ( rock Che Ke Tere en ged deeetiing hiaee . t land barn orm coh. iw. ginal neg ~s eke h grein hier, Be wth opting fer - , ode zg hwune, wth ‘ Nee ged epringe upon ihe tree ! onde mbered a e place in ged me par Th - . ’ » Reeky Rive ' 4 ’ . a . “ eh o beet far « . “ | Ly 4 room Pores qrebing te buys farm will mise a great he Fe ' eof the hand Wey chs met ' .. ‘ r meld at ihe ace Terme made know We dav ¢ DANTE: COR PM AN by Jenusry Bt. Ds 5e 24 s AG . Tan REV. JOHN () AVERIET. Ao M. Vit OPEN A SCHOOL at Sahebury Mile Academy on M sy the 21et gam. Janvary 14. 1856 2wI2 wrornzx Collegiate ALENANDER CC BRANTLED Firat Seeeion of th d Wedneeday 4 pe the Pas horevs NEGA vee ep ye wn Nnat The Ine brated Rocky Sp loge, which } tw anyon the State .Oonk, eo Unsuintion ie bansted am Lustitute, IONTYV SN President. ty January ' ng the and IR miles tiately arcund N ¢ te, from th water he + ufford ae geod water os we must | be given { | | | | | | LL persons indebted to as are respecifully called | 2A upon to pay up by the 15th of February neat, as | have money, and hanger mdulgence will not Those failing to comply with this notice may expect W netile with an officer. We have on hund a lurge kit of Ready-made Cicth- | ing, Diauket», Hats, Caps, Buote, Shoes, and CARPETING, oul our winter stoek. We return oar thanks for the liberal patronage re- ceived, and hope to merit an increase RICHWINE & HARRISON ‘I January ®, 1856 which we will sell cheaper than ever iu order to close 2in32 NEGROES FOR SALE MITE uudersigued, ae Admumeatrator of Jonathan Arubicid, dec d.. will sell at puble sale, at the Coart-house, ta Salsbury, on Tucedsy of Febraary « y vart, b™ot Eight Likely Negroes, y wil eoreof age, nud two bh They wil be mld THOMAS EF Janoary *, trou non | Two men, two women, two gurls 12 of 13 16 years. on a ecredu of x msathe, the cod epprwed secuniy BROWN, Adm'r 32 SMITH GROVE ACADEMY. r Wore we “HE the Lok Jou ry aryen N rit Bvet June in bovitic Academy ie wih At the tome m4 ne Cow ag fre mite femme os sMhrest and bealibiest potions ef Davee Cy ft © and Salen of be. he why ga Vhelpe feres 4 the mereantile . chanical esteblishmeue al DS & A Sherk end wane coneng 6 ad co aud usacqaauled with the wee shoald call at the abywe named place f ‘ . 1 erg hbortmad hae long since been noted for ih ™ * eeiual influeweres of ile cies, a @udents are eutirety free from the mypia , draw eh. pe BOARD Board. washing, romans foel and candles will be fe shed studevio at the very Ww price of GS 3! Bout Counagent erpenece 25 cents per seamca TUITION “ > | was cow be affurded at any other mir Law JONATHAN SMITU. Bee’) January = 256 3m32 6° The Leuingten & Yodan Flag oil! pubieh 4 wees. anc wer ownt to Mr semeth r 3 DISSOLUTION NOTICE. eh coprrinerohip berioker ensmtiag ender the frrum J on & Cabkliort, was cre the Je aaa by malive an Th. oe inte bie bee fire are memified to ¢ d make pave sad theo having claims pree nt oom f yement The business heretabere carried om by the fom wil be au y Mr Javan, at the same p a BENJAMIN JELIAN JAMES C CALDWEEI # pablibers as Adainisirater Welker, dred 2oih of Jamuary, at the Pramt Berry FIVE MULES. 12 Wed of Cattle, 4) Head of Huns, trood Fimr I One new Ferry Root in Medi, (Colton (ren and - ADMINSTRATORS SALB BNE Waa the r+ ate rede Good Rising and Harneea [lore . rae Wage and Gearing wn Sheller, ali new and of the feet quebty ratste edi alm pleae w mien. 2000 BUSHELS OF CORN, Three Thonsand Pounds of (Cotion, griher euh a&e It year hacks TERMS ¢ + know AL permms inde bied t ake nee vine 6 preennt the . pl» ie | Derember 85. 1855 n vee Twenty-Five and din WORFHEAD Farming Untensio—t Alu at the same retale es ber r— Pate will hwe f Negroes. requested to C cine rbed tiene r freovery Ade 407] THE NEW. YORK MUSICAL REVIEW & GAZETTE Yeor, and a New Volume, in wmmences ite Seventh 185600 In rae eve th mee eatifectery evuk n mueeal journal than te afford tention t he Rew 1 one fi has now abe : nas any er omuees dics n ° lis reeeipte from eobsershers dunng ib etntha have been more than doable theme for the resend ng f (the year prevnene Ry ent Aatienog marke of appr the publishers a ed creased erprise and exertr he x et the Renew Powe ng ie hedrediddlers. eur , ly : songs forita page OM the east namher eer eampete for thee prizes e beet were a ar Competent come and are mowin ce vats Sainte e Review When pab n pleted. the submeribe re he Reriow ws »y dealt whieh aha recewe nines Hemdes a large amoantof r ° nding regnlar correspondence from the leading cities in ih word. each number ¢ sine Meveral pag f new music A series of art son Mowe Peach by Dr Lowell Mae " progress vb " Another hy been Fo Root, Raq oon Cuitie ” the » Veal Preaning. &o. will be eummenced on Winget che new 6 ae well ne one by Ro Beattury, Be the Pepa nt Church Meee The New Yoru Miercat Review ayn Garerre ie publeabed fortngh toon , Per anown, of en copies for five dollars, pryable in advar Specunen uly MASON Sopiem ment gratunt BROTHERS New ¥ ork “= 42D EEG ce Pe made nts: ble health thre will be a moet pleaean! alee @irhsertber worl offer for ambesin the town of min fetrent Newton on the 2nd day January . A large and commodiogs edifice willennn he erected g Taredny of Comet, ome bet facing the Conrt which adil eMonl the canes ce ew huse en which there enlarge mew aie Rene mely Board ern he had ot the Tnactute, amdin the neigh — five b twee wide cand two stones high borhoed at $600 per month The sand hey eon the moet buamee part of the Por cirenlar addreanthe Preatitent, direcied to Tay. town Alesiw h swith dweiling house upon hormvillie, No yne of then WHOL SMITH, Terms made known on dav of sale Pres't Board Trousers JM ROOST. December 25, 1855. Qw3! | Jannary 8, 1P 5K te | ment Beamon of thie inetiiutmsn well commence » 1BS0, wader ihe care This ustituiva we healed the, Over-coats, Superfine lack Cloth Dress Coats, Black Ribb'd. do., Tweed do., Funcy Plush and Fine Velvet Vests, Fancy Cassimere and Tweed Pants, Shirts, Plain and Fancy Knit Shirts, and Drawers, BOOTS AND SHOES, Men's Calf and Kip Boots, Common do., Men's Calf Brogans, Goat do. En- ameled Congress do., Women’s Kid Exreelsivra, Enameled do., Oxford Gaiters, Lasting fig'd.do., Miss- 8 Enameled do , Misses S. hecled Boots, Child's Shoes. Tu addition to the above, we have a large and vaned stock of Hats, Caps, Bonnets, &e.. Ribbons, Laer, damyg. loserting, Frege, Homery, Glower, hid, Silk, asle Thread, Worsted, &e Also, @ quantity o sheetings, Yarn, Osnaburys. Tiekings, &c. Sugar, C. flee, Spises, Dye-Siails, Checer, Mackarel. Nu |, 2, & 3. Vogether with every thing usually kept io rete) stores, whieh we offer low for cash, or at short eredit Perens visting Salisbury wall find it to their inte rest ty call aud exaumuc var Stock, a6 we sre deter toined bo w& All winds of Produce taken in Eachenes JV & & SYMONS, & CO Saltabary, N.C), December 4, 1655. WHEAT! WHEAT!! wish to purchase a large quaatity of guod wheat * be pin JOHN M n Cast RORTE woul for Wheeh the arket pr Sabebary, Oct. 8, 1655 United Baptist Institute. pes eervices of James HF. TAYLORSVILLE se VUES Tastitation will commenee iis fi st session on mih Je i456 The T are beopy Lo pablieh thal they have prucered wel keewu and compeient Ueacher f harming No , ae Pressde nt e of other able Breck betiding, centaming @ *, ke nb cinineace overlooking the village ountr hing far w the Souch aod E e North and Wee, Moantaine | defend the place f . wir ercelle + © the asmst wtreetore an ty Buy eile cumple ted an elrete map m disease =f springe Chalyveate anc to whie vahd may reeort and have hw This place os free from vee and health restored as any Ne State bat sey veare of aygert hoe already reared three gia harches Methediat, Preebyienan sad Baptin Phe most thoroach comree . will be giv eam the Engieh ( laeereal and Mathematral breach 8 OM Une Inet moderale be Be ardidg onn be ub- f (mules #4 SU fp wenth , fog n=un &e For farther parven hrm J tl Poste, Presse, of A Caren at Tay horsyiile N A CARSON Se-'y of Board o/ Tre Taylorevdle, Alerander ( Wer 7, 1835 BROWN & BEARD “ x ) 4. \ . New Firm. Tin, Copper, & Sheet-Iron B' SINESS — The eudermened having formed cop ere he p (carrying on th aterv, bemners ¢1) omer weaid reapeciiully « pe e < de tand tha bob The ore prepared ower any ral h T copper Uinise Reehing ctee ¢ beet manner. at ware k mha + aale ate wrk of T Britana and I Vare — C ee. Pom and Shap Stoves. unsurpassed by se e Ntat LT Shep ppate Murphy's (rena - Coanity Pradwce. odd Copper d Pewter heo eichange for work were WILLDAWMS RROWN Lotis W BRARD Relebary, De 7: (ESS Sf Union Male Academy, and Farmington Female Semimary. SHE: NENT Davie ( r Reo beeen So heads at o near Farm . ve ded day of Jnnwary, 1556. oder the supe rrien S() bertma Mre SO Tare. Praneipais, ath eur! me «as rr bh» a Terme, for a eremeom of twen weene. Primary *t udve ading Amine re bing (erammar & G t Hegher Eng s Creek I and higher Mathematics. @ M vane Prams. on ding use of the anstrame at. € 5 bremch a Draeing. earch. & Beard. wachiag ond fights ma be ha © beth Sehania, at good homers, for 96 per remth Tr Fiw ither partecalacs addrese ¢ither of the P ipale, at Parmangton. N ( Dee 12 3w? —2)w> CLOAKS! TALMAS! UST received Ladies’ and Gentlemen's Cloake OF and Tatras, hater xt and fine sale by IV @T &SYWNOS &CO December IR, 1855 ae BOUTS AND SHOES. ALEXIS BRAGG & WARREN, Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers BOOTS & SHOES, Ne. 30 Warren Street. New Verk, FEER for ele favornble ferme. an wnnenn ( ye “Ly. eapecralty adapird to the North Car na rade commeting in part M ethic Rip. Calf. (sont and enamelled Brogane h. Reve Bracans Rowse Yihe R * BR Ales, Wor . Moe «R- ‘ Showa of ve ° w! “ ab saes ae ri weet market pricee nid» snted Mr WON Rrsac deme to cuprena hin thanke t he merrehantact North Caraima for their very prironage during (he past twenty year and resp ally meliens Hiner ve warns Mri NM Carter North Carchoa w he ha wee his (mend ae ote ve December DS. 185 ImW HATS! HATS! TENIN'® w er oaty nianufectured express (rie sid fur sale hy Jv. & T SYMONS € 60 » (fa Sahebory, Deeember 1S Blank Warrants forsale Here | OYSTERS. : \ | SE the Proprietor of the ROWAN HOUSE, and) KJ make arrangements to have your femity supptied | with the sighest, freshes aud largest Oysters of the | seagon—direet from Norfolk, in less than 24 houre— | in nice kegs, (sites tosuit purchasers) By engaging, yeu can get thea ut 61.124 perkeg, cowtaiving euch } gellon ; of $12 per dozen. 1855. 1128 Dee. 4th, 1855 UBT received and for sule, | Ladies’ Cluth Cloaks, - - - Paris style i Do. Extra Rieb Embroidered Satin, | Do. Clih Tamas, = MICHAEL BROWN 23:6 | October 27th, 1855. SALE OF LAND. { I Y order of the Court of Equity, IF shall offer the following valuable tructs of luod for sale at the | Court Hoase iu Salisbury. on the Sth doy of February uext, being Tuesday of February County Court — | 212 Acres of Land, lying on the waters of Foarth Creek, adjoining the} lgids of Thaueas Hall, Wiihem Wood, and others. — Sold apon the petition of the heirs wt law of Kichard 'D Kilpatrick decedted. Terme of sale, six and mine | | Mouths credii—buad and securny. | Price adv. $950. | | | _ 911-4 Acres of Land, | Lying on Withrow's Creek, adjaning the laude uf Cob. | Ausin, Richard Cowan, Dr. John F. Foard and others. Dedd upon the petiion of BL Mo Hyde, Guardian of | | | | the minor heirs of Joseph Hyde, deceased. ‘Terms | of sale, 6 months credit—bund und securiy. ' BLACKMER. ©. M. E L | Salisbury, Dee. 3, 1455. Price adv. $3.50. 9w26| For other sales vee Banner and Herald. T yy { x ] { NOTICK | as / hide | I Y Virtae of an order of the Coart of Pleas and | Quarter Sesavos of Rowan County, [will expose le pabhe sale, at the Court-house ta Salisbary, on the oth day of February, 1856, a negro bey, calling hum- self JOHN, aged aboot 30 years, Said boy was ta- ken up as a ranaway, aod eounned sa the Jail of Kow- an Coanty, for the, Nove of his appre hensewm and coefinemeut having beeu made for ox months, and vo Ove appeannag to ciaim ead argry, he ' wae ordered to be ed we by law directed ~Cash welye m | Teras C. KLUTTS., Sh'ft November 13, 1835. tras S. W. WESTBROOKS, |) Proprictor of th Guilford Pomologi: al} Gardens and Nurecrics. I OULD respectfully call the attention of our Bomihern chuteus to hw select cullerthon of nae tine and ac: lmsted vaneues of Fran Ureee, embra cing eons © 0M) trees of the fllowmg vaneties, vir Pear, Peart, Plum, Apnew, Cherry. Necia \ppte ' Almond vines, Raspbernes, S rawbernes, er. ot sles a chee asmortment of Grape ed wit the cosh, will recevy dere, accoinpa ue 2 he Treee neatly packed aad eRe) porion of the country Peresne wisning Ursamental Trees can be mveeuf Brun Trees, &c, at the Office fur Cates dist bation Deceasber 4, 1-55 CONKLING, SHEPHERD & CO., IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS IN HGS GH, FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS, 27 MURRAY A 31 WARREN STS... NEw YTornkx Cy .rtee A Shepherd, Wm. F Barbteer bmeo's!8 3m2kp Fred & Conkling, MOCKSVILLE MALE ACADEMY. Te Devt seem Of tie Enetaton commences on Thareday. the Hh of Angust The Subscnber m taking charge of the er hemd, will ly omy, that he willose his atmest rade scart to eustarn the repatation winch the echead has hiherto enpyed Young mer which (hey may) dewsre TERMS: Primary Department p wena of Smonihe, BS 1 Higher Boghah Bra gizn ( aseere, Bis JOHN B GRETTER Angust Tth, 1853 ieee REFERENCES Pemdewts Hon Jon Mo Mireiee oreenebeer branes Eo Shee alrebery © + Lecingion aad Yadtin Flag” copy 6 times and forward account b thre office PETER W HINTOS, COMMISSION MERCHANT. TOWN POINT, tfarTaanmn, “In. Tobacco, Flour, Grain. Cotton, Naval Stores &c. Also, to Receiving and Forwarding a oon ss. Setting Ririn Troe HL Rewards Beq Sahebury, § Charter LW Fey Wan x 3 UW Reulert, Faq Ralgh © ¢ * Mare Ralewgh S . We W Plammer, Req Warrentne. 8 THE PRESBYTERIAN, \ RELIGIONS AVD FIWILY VEWSPIPER PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY Sor neous at 144 ' het street, Phylece Broadwa New Vork A nee voleme the ie at will hegre Janes . “56. which will be o fava o be ce ene < Althwogh t ada) o Preebiters b Pvehyirsan «Swag Ae ont No efforts are sparc mane it ree ain 0! Dive om at deen g nent ti the onan Ch rite * tte re and dun-s ree ned-nce is arpa ened . © \ewapape Vine and f mre howe ¢ whe ames are koe hensephercs I re ne have they evoree hemeriresin wire . a . : oar esa were . ! r “- mastic an ; . ‘ ha ate anid : ‘ Py eabyte ae em igs one f° . . , Srubere nase ° Mudie. S Wes ats . Siales . - beet med a ‘ ’ . euch me part . . wins des a nate t he ts menie The tema are Vopr annen Pa a nace Qi men ths TERMS TOO CLUBS Fire oe . < eyes g “ Ten . or wohoes add my Ne person w i) . \y N rteca idrees, fir on ear, BW M% wihana na the Ag Tiesnleikee wy, ar gin . n vito the Ag Raten of Advertiacg Ber 15 imee. Great nee rym vs. ech p he SMcen ae bors . ees, first ver anch wpe 4 Nainania, | Pacmneuts orl ed penerments hae mdale AA rege WILLIAMS WARTIEN € CO N 140 0 heetirat Sere Prisiade phe REMOVAL. | aes A WEIRMAN & PRICE have- ° Clnth 1 Tailoring Esta thmert ican mosie Morphy MeR & Cn e mediately opomte ROX NX Murphy eStore Salebiry, Noe 12. 1858 au (sorted ; Grocenes, Hardware and Crockery. IN SALISBURY. TT 88 om of whee that they are now receiv- ing at Richwine & Harrieva's cheap cash Store one of the largest stocks Fall and Winter Goods, ever offered in the market. A part of which con- seis in the following, viz: Ladies’ Cloaks, Tulmas and Mantllus, Atpaccas, French and Eagtish Merinos, Delanes, Persian ‘Ewills, Coburgs, &c. Prints, as- sorted ; Oukford’s latest style Sofi eed Silk Haw; Geatiemen's and Ladies’ Gaiter Boots and Shoes, as- A vwety large assortment of Ready-Made Coats, Pants, Vests, Shirts, &c, for inen ead bove. Allof tie Goude were buught before the late ed- vanced prces, wud they are determined to sell them os low for cash, or w puactual payers on short ereda, at wholesale or recail, as they can be purchased in Wer- teru North Carona. We retarn vor sincere thanks fur past favors, and hope by strict attention, punctuality and pron tues in business lo merit an iucrease All kimis of country pro .uce taken at the highest market prees, in exchange for Goods KICHWINE & HARRISON. Salisbury, Uct. 2, 1855. 3m19 AGE & FEVER POSITIVELY CURED! TINUE greatest remedy ever discovered for the cure of Ague and Fever! ale at J. H. ENNISS’ Book Store. Nw one need be troubled with Ague and Fever a single day, if they will use the above Remedy, which has beeu iried by hundreds without « single case uf fatiare Salisbury, Oct. 2, 1855. 19 B. HB. HELPER. HELPER & BROTHER, PENSION, BOUNTY LAND, aap General Agents. MB. BELPER. I AVING competent and eonfigentiat eorrespon- dents in the priveipal cities and other im pertant portions of the Coon, all basimess entrusied to oe wil he promptly exeeuted on the most favorable terms — Collections aud negutiatwns atteoded io wub fideliy 17 OFFICE tw Cowan's Buck Row October 23, 155 a2 MANSION (2B HOTEL, SALISBURY, N. C. 4 subsernber having tahoe charge of ihe abowe Esteblichment, begs leave to infurm the pebhe georrally, (het the Hoase 1s pow ape fer the recoptee of Boarders, Travelors, de Le promises thet hus ACCOMMODATIONS erall be equal to anv inthe State at his [ase and dispatch Persone stopping vtime for the arnn- \tlewnve and ebig- Call and pive me B GRANT tiways have meals vel and departure of the Cars. g ~rvante always to attendance atnea Ss w, vbury, May 24, 1855 DIRECT IMPORTATION. CHINA, GLASS & EARTHEN WARE, =x. B. NICHOLs, Columbia, &. C. ppiy of SEW mn the Old I REAL FRENCH CHINA--- Gold Band, Fancy and White, in Dinner and Tea Setts—New Shapes; TID very ben atiful Goods for Christmas snd New Year presewte SCPERIOR WHITE GRANITE WARE. DINNER TEA, 4 HAWMBER WARK boa COOLS MU LDED ELAN OARE 7 C MBLERS, GOBLETS, CHAMPAIGHE WINE & EGG GLASSES, FLATED CASTONS, | AVEWG now received a very large ow GODS, we respectfully invite oar fi rth Mtate to g We have cow just ve usa call FINE TABLE CTLARY ’ FES RAS RAINGOINS Tt TRAYS (HONIG CLARE PLATED SPOONS FURKS, BCITER ANIVES, Tien, Camph-er &%). Parioer, Store, Dewi, Office & Factory LAME 5. ENGLISH TIN STHAK DISHES, DISH COVERS patanes TUBS & *OODEN WARE, BEST booms, BARKETS, DOOR MATS & ——S— 100 PACKAGES COMMON WARE! Goods wel pat op ead * the Rat) Reade all, and will try te prove that we om "Or. Src Near (ow! Bank, Dr. CHARLES T. POWE } { oviec permasentiy located in Salisbery. respert- folly ienders hee profcssemal services io the pub- (hbo — Cowan's Boek Row Se isbe Nag 2th, 1"55 wie FLOUR! FLOUR! 5000 BARRELS FLOUR. WISH to purchase FIVE THOUSAND BAR RELS FLUL RB, fap waren | wii! pay the behest mark - MICHALL BROWN (der 17. 1835S ner FALL AND WINTER Goons. Te e ft . “ Guode, STAPLE AND PANT DRY GOODS, NGane Shes weal icces Cie Dre ph eed (eines Ware D r Sienlea aod Catlery, Growence, Be To wh ye ovlee the attentme of hee customers . R ~ oe fue ners cles rIsteners at wholesale MICHAEL BROWNS R . dd Ine LOST OR STOLEN. Pa Mare Ne the % 8 (dd ton \ . . dk with BRD ‘ a ade € match 4 e gite wache > thape- ; Wwew cole i . are Nuw @ hwT DR. R.P. BESSENT, \ Regutir ¢ ’ ye Balin Colleges o 1) < = heen the rene of Row - . . tn wr Ssosbwry aud neay be fend at Ruberde’ ! \ “ Mfesernona ly atone hy ma Bier neomptly iy23 ACRES OF LAND FOR SALE, 31) ( Wy n rid Creek 14 wiles weet of Saat A ae p Depot inthe Weetern Reo R oh wale arehecrt die J vr Relchute Oerrhar W) |sas 18 TING JOB PRIN Ventls awa fee 7 _ eens int ae deeply with the gil. The called, is re- Aching process, Bs it is versed, and takes plage upwards more than at anv other time, or, in some scien- ufic phrase, capillary attraction is in- the vanlba of a sinall oreck, tligt Wanders | PROSPE eTrus through the butcher’¢ pasturpygrownds, | noticed that friend “ Billy” of the horns ‘The Seven Travellers, was eyeing ws rather too closely to be speak us much comtort in the prospective, and, being myself a very prudent person- | ‘North Careliaa Traditions.’ | CLARENDON IRON: WORKS. A. HM, VANBORK ELEN; a | 4 Cadel Rubserther trang purch ined the” entire fitersst te | TO “STIIPPERS | SOL LBW BON TON: Woks,” salie: mesa Steam Buytnes of any power er dyle, reased s each particle of moisture is ; ee ; BY ‘ i] Srast s creased. As each particle of mc aye, aud possessing a great relish for aj A NcB \ Parker, Turpine amd other Water-eteels, (‘o,|: “A WEW j SUPPLY norat rom the surface, itis enccees Fi : 5 A Rice fleld Pamps and Bo ghwen , evaporated from the surface, itis enccee juke, 1 soon decided upon what course to ' . ' Er a er pc feantga va tntcoe-« ilies | ’ y lhys sand the wholg soilistilled * } I Rice Trashera. ed by another, and the whole s ursue. ay Now Ready for the Press, ¥ Tole Madethes, AGRIC (TURAL 1 AGistire naidewass P oy aa renee : —~ shaking Masaeri auth Hullives | Receiving and Forwarding Agents, and)» ’ th the aseewding moisture and gasses, & Jolin,” said I, “you see that tree at NILE werk lo whichliaeubiveile belwgecwne us Bing Homcurs suit F { | , . Sow r ich the w : ' tb Binge and evus, WP , 3 : : we appropriated by the mamerous te bend of the creck, abont forty yards l written by a calive Nur cece ous cy Peete — Cece oe npn my MF: $ HOR . . y , bodies w variety of Uirilling Gules, sorics, legends, &e., 1 TibulaeBoulers No. Brddinge &trecd, South APantic Wharvea, Comparative Valae of Ox and Horse ; ets as they lave need trom here? Well, you sneak along here, bien osuusred taltherenud oe de Ek Sea dari 0.9 Br eee gn sp N ue A A] the deep by this underbnsh on the bank, until you scyom day. of the Oid North State, and which have | : Tur Meuses aud dalle Es Leairssunaeg fob ot Gate apa | AS Sildt Fecurned'frota New York 23 Philade}. i (ee is a blessin rtheacep | 8S une 3 ank, ) : a 2 thes Kreyual ad utien to sale o . Labor RSE SSE LENE) 2 MESSE oe: . sacle f he tree: *Pectal teferemee ty the ponecrs of those by-goue THE ESTABLISHMENT CP bah ps ails. bt beat a psbmearda| cArraadtntie Grid bo Sant wil the Sarzest: dnd best emdirtinewy UH al fet a wee ¢ toy Ihe more rain, the more are about twenty yards from the tree; ioe tag | Mavling been re ned for the express parposs af lusuriog | gid Mavutes er aa ak prowpt vemres of the came, for WATCHES AND JEWELHY, Comeleiing wh. he questacn be BIKE AS st ve > ] i d The scenes, &e, are, wih a few exceptions, laid i uequulity ia th stint of ally wl ay percent meiou Fine Freseh Chr ee \ de and other then you must get on vour hands an nea, ; vs : i aueeies Wa hall GONTINDD: oi hptctatsra: td give cur apedlaaadien: i euch Chronometers, ox-laborand horse-labor, however isavery uh . . ar f the knees and erawl to the foot of jt. When tM Nent an a eas ‘ fil to rest: North satisfied thn Wenge cal eh eu ip ths toh ts th Forwarding of all goods cuusigued to Boab Win Wi pore Tadeo tent yah ebbing F pou : ‘ : rus gelemcwts are Retin (Be soul ag if pay . ‘ , : ' ' Haran tales, | MREet T4) ade ed Sedtaetiney wh (Furs on Charged tn pu Bat irtindt tty haa coliplicated aud diticult one. abd tia g Ve? 8 ee a A uect there, don't pat more than your a extensive Des 1 i ' w see ye a sae THE MECHANICAL DEPARTMENT ates ; CEN a ee AUST fae. ab elas Joo Johnson 19 Jeweled Hanter’ *, been keenly ¢ std 8 so tie \ pe SST URLS lthrongh the underbrush, and see if Eien les ; thor in! Belg in charge Pf men oC oente and expertenee, T Rave mo charges, 2'y f Jus. Nardiu’s superiot ott Mintertir Ladies, ang a eat . : ‘ brian both Soe aus the underbrush, and see have been taken, hus t w vith Pee to | Neabtation to sayiog Matic work t tacuail eu wi trying Goals or Krudece shreagh aie feck de piatety ve yihen. buh gold And sileee} Gatd Fob, ab lectcantincntel acrerers rital eeot sueeced wonttiether, yar, iy ducks are in the pond.” wunastelly uanucr, 4 Chutuctors are dea J sompate favor mas rep of the mt cole gnay tely wins thes te | Eide MOS)TIVELY PROTECTED. Qucsd) snd Perl Chains. Geeks Hrocctets Ear ml l te vecetation: and to dissolve, : i 5 the its hor frmel but Bea et line rdet woe ‘ pale is auy goude for freight | C uf: way Ladies! wad Ge aferhea'y Bree Pin’, Tv, ud, even wher t UA AEST : 1 * Very well,” he answered, “Vl do it A vein of hamer rains th Do Nee btans La! and charges Silver wid Steel Spyetuedes, ae r and Ploigd : So Ce neoonle denwithitlicinerennic cle: : notwithstanding it weehusa iy wentictly Uiorsl AEPAIR WORK We wuikk recpoetiutiy bin tonvy to relay to she following 9B: Ruttce Kilivea, audta verig ty se qed Ware, fpense B] eo cac.ouo.s Vested, Trust vt } \ tapdraiiess xactly right; but what are you Yong Wine : ' Viways wi Uaahedesiies Mlb a ri ait Gua fi ee pe inet a, ‘@ieesar Sewwore and Kiives ofthe teat ged ea Neca _ ~~ , 3 water drains on a ; z Srelnedin t Nis per 1 Caldwell, resident ia . » ‘ d ! fo errenmsts mM dae ° ee Ee doin the meantimet Take my tlask, I Ag M } ‘ * ; e u : : fot i 4 { Public Works, Cohmabia., ces, Brageletp, wud Seed Coral, and few perie ; in lt is t ss eclly from the ‘oles oo Peedi : 1 fee ee College, Cotmnbia ® "9 00 } tl] sure to follow, and this 1s the ] tycs : Pig the emime from a abe at bo loasgrar ewys, We utuel tuheiadu ceusid: oll A My tay lose it gently collected and ine , shaped ee I P.4 6 i ; uk Te Pyke . uin nied R Vent, Charkeston EAL ec rwhicb borses proper mode of its circulation, Eael is ‘Tam euing down here and croga over. * ie . { i NR erer Te anes vt sate | OL.00 Ss, ak a , , : : hose whe wou , © Aen yuk Uf, ddilf y, Nevule of New Ve balling Pogiete. ; P toy gereruTy at a bigher Temperature the creck, sv as to get a shot as hey rise. quamted with the poet bistary ot Newt ardna, hers Yoiaber 2 euatiose a ear ee Wuitiore and Phpladelphly 204" VAfler yf bide Gibodé Wud umermas te Bhd OdCU Cale Peltorddy sb Bevel fu : & is ; ; a, iitatigeis, wud OwAL. “ tiv. Call ong iduge below Wide A. aye 'lard, ; Fai ved Jand,and the warinth Now do be careful, Jol, and dou't show Mitutens, cud abo wou ee Jez eK \ Col, Ayomt ol Beltimers : teuners amd Resten Belle eid exeminafor vursel if we w ‘ : we ’ ¥ custonie prevalent inthe ¢ Ki udeh bate 3 A ; ; Wi yal the oti thar ertorm: mom e ros s, Gergfore, relatiwely tire alt Tam ready—DPIl pive tne signal.” obs) we \ i ee Ve | ee fi OR Db, July 02, Lops Pomel basil itetien, and Je oWelry of al! hieds, he r Ses ‘ ; ; ; 2 tions,” and read i¢ ' roh wend ery atteomalge £ sonnel . in ihe sane Wan ! } raced Lhe farmer often objects to So saving, I boanded off towards 8 lit. ly over ine ec thed n Peleg Mapulacturep A ¥ holesale Dealer | tg , Cc ‘ha Shai, xi ‘ i isd Jas wen Ls ne . ) + G ea tere, and at the end of oi oa wel be both at { bed 6 ter adapt kind work 5 8 aste oP wate it would retain it qe yy rund, just behind where we were, jenerend mocernan ' BOOTS A SHOES VIED & : ty! } ap akin , } dry Phe trenched and porons and out of the reach of his goatship, who We ehect h recon S,, [Si it not rarely sthatlaburis carr ee ET : s US ent ey whale ‘ “ty < am J? 5 | onge, hotwith- had now loft the flock, and was approach: SNH Ge eat Fs ; \ ( vii b Remmi fel o hafaptod ferect, | ; ‘ , 4 : state u retains or can in hin with lis head, ears and tail urect. whe, wit a we ‘ ‘ pure es rep sete tawises! baggy and Bulsy Budidor... mor : $ Be f lve Sta nee Wife te on erkiok them Shir s Th teatiesandit Anais ot red for al wants of vege. In the meantime, eager for a slot at the vo" et Suuthere Latera’te and to che ou and IBA v Ame 1 mand aN RTM | > SATISMURY, N.C ; i ae ent ‘ Horn ducks, wy friend followed mvyinstructions supp p » (OWES waned SK wine ’ = 1 ’ aul C= Hat i ‘ - heir inowey aud threr Hatteries on , ‘ ‘ ‘ Now ce compared with deg: eater bamber of Houletertanildiaviie nerived ater nec fd ey a ee ea is Y le ys sacce tht or) ure 4d \nihen te pry than t! at afitherrn boat : “ how te manu ng very ox teams, H € to! err K - . ! : tot he dropped dow ' teluged We ‘ rer t ‘ : rit b f o1 bd feel comtiicn! be cam give itl f: , ea a ‘a i at rte eas daatien N j Pree THE C AREAT P NT = » rents atvhtes Be eu pee wp auth Shee pind Man ahh Aine aan chal an ; . wall fours,” and crawled caretully a sd Or ATYTNACTION!: (Wy, ies iow remties cous ames bed If the ox-t } : wetdat NOUVEL Ol 1s ! fone friend * Bitty tol e y wethe apy al wiltiat be iu vals ‘ wha Seth na log Mute cuitceee pera agri ay : ' : : 1 wy thaviey purch hee mwnchtof Nook ¢ ye. FORD ‘tee nire of bel bene pret ven $oeenane cheat as much work as tie! ' es ARASRISUTSUE YD pwed with the most inquisitive mot 2 Traddwons” 9 sobs would ronpacilully & \ ' vi if t i I t ' ‘ten Ju the reag of bbe Livery Stgnia alone 5 : reariyee 9) Y g CW Pere is 260 detdines i UBYQWerbvuany Le Clvajeet t aoe wn) mish tA ca Trencaing, Grain ventirely ata lossto aecount for the uctrey tdi lnenent! t ory MS ( anu at uring n erests in , a a ng rapt Sal omnb-aml SOL x ’ - t a } nit aes oi : 4 mon Seren carne whem Searveert WW Gece ot ae for a!) the work of the fa reel of ‘ ‘ prt suddeu MictalMor) sis of his intended Phe volain: wal be pointe @ tive wh.le paper 1 TE pry 1! FARMERS WESTE ik NORTH CIROL M4, Ags fa a fe joes Lot give sotto i a wit comtans about hundred pages ti haud~ane ( ttt v abt s Whe ecameiagen th the Meftvocd'es hfe door, he will tebe use of horses wholly tt al x git s ly e380 1 : ; a E . OO) bing ‘be uee log © ones seme : Nie su by hard, impers Jolu tnwidy reached the tree, and pat Supsery F oaly 81 ty Le be sold Ol Iredell County. UNITED STATES. raw, Om Bares Lard, Murees, Provender are mu slower ‘ vw. abd DV subeertpeon t e f el avieet t s dread wily through the bushes ? GREADP SAVING OF EXPENSE bot LIv ‘I oT . are str we “ ' d a five cura eat a A MAN'S BRON PLOW. "Toe anne mene ls | tet ad te hove @ Ralivead Wom SALIBBURY WERY § TABLE / { al ak: ns sreal delyut perceived c Li ; ett foe Gree (Neurty, @ I I Ch Pi . tkbe 8 * “y 98 Geuy), and . ' plish io tavoralle circumstances only on} lained of Derm ree S BINS et be i. is sod ) ve 7 lease 0 u Conrmee Sat TETLRDD Lee tone ose, ! Pte er pa ers on the water, all ” Puvesre Neg the Bron Pow at Uhete Shop. te ines ca, ma or 4 ef what a yood epan of faru ! Bo ea f ror ’ ' \ - \ PRE OT SEE eC eee wy Bropered: fir Patt in bilmy lougie Latah im b- wos telinngateee! .__ F fon } t hstracts @ great . sales hatin aS anes 1 All subs Kc. ta be ad! an . HOw © ICSE \ Mees WAH eee Pb ‘ < a miles au my upusua!) hear Intoed f 5 and s wv the part Rica cu mptly ettemd om ns can eer a ; ew werd he Wee ; Or rwe 2 ap. Ou a Wr be part ‘ ot ene of the mines in the enw , t ‘ ed elie Biber gtew afi creased er of teams 2. ! re eH ft approached w i tw r DR. H. KELLY JAN & KORE MeNERIY lawe C ARULINA W ATC MAN. . t for . f; = VI A 6. 1058 tyi Limo cme i pete “t . ' - tC Aambes Two k ; gaired to care en ere Ww e : = ee : eee ve ft ’ soscanuing lium care |). KE ral ; t \ as wsin, Fatuaee, dee Jali 9. @ Defers a) car 7 within three months from ; : oe See : : : ~ ; ; aa Mic vf UMUOT Pla, ime delas eau Sfiy eontetl eed greater otpense woth over cyt CO ES pick the mos wi ofore ee : LIPPINCOTT, COFFIN GC) Do ee + )c4s, Aad tbewe, date horses.” Thaer vara, “ He rses t t artof lis teal Having at length ap.) ens . : WHOLESALER DEALERS Lut biog t ys ery eee ne Toor Bs Conley No paper Gacogisa t , : ose A ¥ ed un + feartgcoae od a Gadetiable prefer ' f | ' rees. Lins isrevers pa ‘ CU where he ‘ Lee : HL (the Em S Tao che 0 ten egnaes i = y ; ul 7 ; aone ios FF > SD ue pieiee ‘ Letecrsto Buiter tmest be past poid. te +teure Che particulars 1. Thev are ' for . in ee May ° enc Fancy Trimmings, 2... 66). p - eo Stor where he Tepes, Le rang forward.and plan o 3 orth Third Mreet, au every » ‘ ! 1 ® ot re a] ‘’ 4 Sort waee ‘ “ hor ‘ that pure @ » “a ay hat hh On Aik Me _ oo sé nena ae ed ty his horneard torchead in that parcof Groceries! Groceries! ' i en Ff. 2 oo Ete . vi - - ! nw! : Vere ‘ ally I \—= mists) a 2 enone di é e« = Pst erefore, when be keeps only horses eatcaleiw it : * fll UB i - I : s ‘ ® : ' nT 1 ed ‘ ed, with » wood wil . - Ze: Bot ubls a ' . . Kad » ; ‘ hie rs Se id warmer by tangy uid iil i’ [linse Vas Greensborough Heavies 1 aes Bent Hite fete ke bat can use his whok team for anv hue ; : ; W y rw anil w@ ot od allerwaril | R nl Pes. i * fe be bergen ds af i Soret bey om ~~) eT 8 = oS a lain | a | nn ene ‘AJTUAL INSUPANCE COMPANY. <>, ikea Peetetecau aaa < t pe 3 = : : ane aie ou ty a a pee Fs kind of work wore rapidly. are et - 2 : zh ‘ I rau na me cue: eae Rai Pro. ~ & & - - a rae, ay 117d W : et Tere tor : ere Tat j : tence « 25 2)? i & (au, wie . ” 1 ry - - ete the with sealies | we eter esting nd end ly] yy a Lmed epeny coens:re:s teew tom dett | heve-amde ond: pe [rd | ll ee ee F t om ~ 5 t ime 2 r bad ° onde z pronptts hit reeire a nor : n “ + may be feep ste rast &.,9 + a “ ™ g ee : i ; | 1 R Ve : <0 Mtoe re See : iowa he : work i I ewe “ , A i . . : 6 5, es m= ‘ae ; : ' t Wears . wer . ig } } I b in é aa . com); |is v ‘ i ° 4 \ \ - or, @ bh. ottag a her : - rer in, wcst water “ se a 4 hee “ ’ a G von v Ud kieet biveoruge ° eee tol, 3 £ = morses toa Mv x alu ; ; CoP OMEN ORNOLE 4 sree a tm Sener aig the ‘ewal Giaurk: of at ad trey exuet ae ' ‘ Sy Sean ee sxtWeie * a alnecia en nat DR. DINKINS rieerm vty -_ “i 7h enene ss Te not more power than Olen. Tuev ore: . . : zl ° 7 => WoW CAEN \ ’ CECocr- "weve o ' f ’ © Very ¢ moe 5 ' be ‘ ‘ Net Gens Las bring sp : come ae I R 5 ' rt . cise aa eet? mas ¥ = 0 +. - v - . . T pee Peres 4 § 5 | err gfr t.4 @ feparing ¢ ue ('( i . po anne alike hea - ¥ ae Labo whe i ke 4 y . ' ‘ Sant Mer “ t 4 Fl ' ) ‘ : ' ake aaaee. : Saree = i I Wanted Immurcdiatety, : ’ z cot iy are ee 7 T , t : wetratcr of : . . an ’ rE LITHO rRIPTH eo . to er co = pe Z . : . ’ ; fe po At the Silver Hill Mine. VEubilbub LETHON ERIVTN : can te pect oo, CAMPENE 10 gengewres gr ® av@ Hersicu mle4@ tatlh ie paved a ceus : a ; : i . ASV Qrant “Fr i *¢ fh ’ . ole : co nm! le the whente, of Sky } WOOD AND OAT, Oecnenad « wrihnet edditema! charge, as we m iw @4 : 7 a Tranted te these whe ader rise regvlurty throagh the us v's work. if dhe a A hs UNE! has WU Le Sey ; DISEVED WIONEYS, POD NBN hE ponaet hg icend Utte een ect ecpelpas rf hb from t , “ v ‘ t . : . anes ; Ay 4 Lk Piao Owdeos . monte d 23 percent heghor th I J F LET cs REASON TOGETHER . Fae Orde re oa divers of huchand ead wife per a ¢ tbe \ Po eneh ‘ Py _e. at bie ‘ ba £ oP alt are rqere- , . \ aow ~ VS ° , were ¢. ends cox ; ‘ 4 A ita : a ORtned thes @ t mrs he spore past : { M ’ . ho. wet] =p es ibe berh the wan! rice Cnherwise pe . ee] -f ° Lad ‘<p @ (he same: ete and chenged high: their r aa? be e nto - > A ’ Peel . ‘ee z on un! om these rates therr { ‘ andia 4 ROR AnD . SALISBURY Thomas C. Halyburton, M. D. ne “ rt ‘ for it ly ite DY -pretor dest Li | mvt ce mee! perrmenentiy a4 Btetce- : © ve ye! lead te 9! theese eee sire cee po say HOLLOWAY'S PILLS _ oe ce ee ae a : ip ; . Via AI - 1 whereas @ W ciher 0 ttoi, @twre | oy G8 01) dee Sein WHO ARE Wr Rte SOMSTAING NEW. | \\H) FOR \\ f ' tel ade a) op . a 4 ‘ "131 Le pee ee ewe 4 \), - ! . Wei Yor Rie or Waa Books! N : New ay ew Books, ve BULL. EIBMMART & Co piamcenonice i 8 \K , | A . ys" Kecrieed Wi PRET S ROOM by ~ : THESE PILLS Puriry THE BLOOD, |! OT GTS fir x P RIFY THE L00D . ’ 111) OS) BEAU TIAS OF x Fr - ~ . oe) pau reRe mr Y Pf rest om tie 4 j t » I es =-B7 oe BAdaisea sce een Hee gly I ap date t r ; i i \ we 3 wry. Th o eeAetaie of MAPR AND MISHAPR. by tones Creenwend— erat ‘ «wie «<teed and wo HEAKT ~ FAS} ¢ -uiba of Rede ® THE ® Der. DAILY LF Ree Comores THE BONS v DYSPEPSIA & LIVE2 COMPLAINTS . re OF TUR BILE of 1778, by tn Aeneriren er com ty af the lend verse * 4. w AN Vis® ee oe : atelut are h wbe denrand cs a : STOCK DRIVERS ng owthe out S jas ¥ a rye of Bs — org . eo 4 ean tal 8 che A TVW ee | wr” AA va ' GENERAL DEBILITY. ILL HEALTH. - JUST Berta WOON NOTES, or Coredne A youre ball ona sina WIRE ZIVMERWAN & ALDEN. 0D re eit not af Sve Cate soe Poety, 99 ar aS a manor or af re alvantaps v5 rorter: and Wholesale Dealers la OUR COUNTRYMEN, ot bret Mesruse ef em rape perc auin 7A - : > nem Aniereane Me Lowsing THE FOUTBTEPS rer wane M “late he ca a aan Oris + 9 COYYD3 onl IR wet ee Xe rea lye oras at a distance FEMALE COMPLAINTS W. P. ELLIOTT, Apotalyyer The Great Irew Wheel. ot mopattiocl. ve . Bo 143 Market * em beekwarie Pani and Jettaot the polueel eye \,at- of t “ 5 s \upe y and cruelty «f jhe leaders of the : es : PHICADFLPIRIA, —()77t Sows robd hey (hea tal lord dt Bs ne GENERAL COMMIESSEON ' Fur pate at DM ESN NISS’ Rook Kiote Saiwbury, May 31 ! = bakes arr . I" ORM DIV \} Rt i] \\T, Important, {masing, Invicactive, Sub- { j TR ‘ at ccuigdueee ‘ 2] R- 2 WEEKLY stantial Book, “ VILMINGTON. WC It are: ; . <iek i a Ul sae IHE LAND OF GOLD, ‘ r *isa bal om ve | ' ‘ . r etter tm Of Foar a vine va vi aches, REVS r FIVTION. “ I. LOM Rat tie Marge via Remco Ae and Fee ont of Life and Times m Catt Wer Sea Ce oR Mer ' EGaccs aR ' Vani nesdaw ont PH (aqme fore irded he mail fomm of pemtm pe few OT ‘ ‘ rT A w ‘ Varga ntin Nddroms J. H. ENNISS., flewksetios . ae wk ee Sey r Selabary, No & y tt dave ‘ — “WADE Yar spry swe spared New North Carolina Form Book, : ood cape di yams I ESIGN ED fur Waginttates, ¢ f ag rendainthe Bt Oler ke, Cornmnee Me. Ae. te whi Aor odes a J US u raptor the Constinton ef North Omrohna, and the Canerive ' R ‘i ei . e fi MA ohofthe E J plate. Pree @) 00, and sent by = m . eth of (bye dutry \ ne ) leew Lillis ; “R ( tt F f Por wale at J A. BNN TKR Deep | iilsg oe ‘ i ovr tens OWwon CO on at Ory Book Core iD REAY MAGE C1 OUEHING POR SAL K Salsbury, May al, iP! . li , 4Bse - re z (tothe: Gucci Sli tes . ' loths, Cassimeres, Vestinys, and Gen mu ; intineie pate a : Ry “os m4 ' q TID Hemen's Farnishing Goods ‘ Seriya we DR. J. J. SUMMERELL, eek ar ; ; \ TY OT atHlY a add ohuyparbine atth ; ‘ Il avin © , x Tie LAS \ ‘vi e \ Vinery i aM aaah thon =f Vath gh. 10.000 ati SHE ‘LS Or WHEAT. ‘ “ Fob 4 ‘ “ al unpeaved head W ANTED.TEN THOUSAND BURH EIA . : ‘ oA to G Cutie ce ihe prem OF WHEAT, for wineh, | wilh pag im Coow , ‘ : NEST 4 rrees the higbeet mack , ae . aw / PPM Parehaecrs MICHAFL BROWN ry - a 6 mu av Sajyiabe ¢ spat Sroupoe bp Ive 80) Oa 17, 1588 or ls c na a n a ee e an whieb it mueb in it ie nati state of The 17,867 strength seen th maintain retary, d: better jp the pol, eountry evil day Bo prod even if « these vir Wm Lonisvi perienc tain pre mocrat) House says: Mr. | admini: doadt o qvestior coarse, | than tw him wh of Cong thernse! pinted f, wevw be certs We did hearing we hav heard fi heard e in all o @wearin candida his oath novelty amusing my. ¥ he waa time an modes « hemin ife. “ curse 9 perhaps nobody the Spe If they ertocu pray for us to men- phys Bidre, i Ringe, itr HOR Adit. » ¢ lll? UWred—wt rhe, wut give eatie rhe will take —/. nder, Com, ber, { AN. months from ornte ll wat 1 {Reem dah, | Gacomien (he opin ¢teure ghe NI S J L W 4 T A G Y SH U S T . MO S< a P e r o vi n e ! roar the 1 ewe t thew the ead wife, Caredre Poetry, by we of 7m TSTEPS ook, Men bad are added Cones daent by mar Store i VOL. Devoted to Politics, Yews, Agriculture, 3. 3, BRUNE From the National Intelligencer REPORT OF THE SECRETARY OF WAR. We insert to-day, without abridgment, the able Report of the Secretary of War. The matters relating to the wilitary service and public defence, which it a0 lucidly brings to view, possesses tvo much interest for all readers, goueral as well 4 professional, to permit the omission of avy part of the document. We could not, without arro- geting 10 ourselves an acquaintance with affairs foreign to the range of our knowledge or studies, | veuture on a review of the topics discussed iu this comprehensive Report, or uf the administra tive merits which it lays open, and of which pro fessional wen only are competent to judge. the benefit, however, of the casual reader, we subjoia a condensed view of sume of its prom Beat and more important points, such as deserve the careful cousideration uf ¢ ongrens and the country. When the public mind ws led to con template even the remote continge ney of a war, it ie natural that atteation should be given to the state of our military power and resources. The authorized strength of the army is 17,867 officers and actual strength appears tu be but 15,752. le seen that energetic measures are pecessary to men, whilst the Te wll maintain even this amount of force. The num ber of casualties io the Army for twelve months ending the 30th September last, by deaths, dis charges, and desertivns, amounted to 5.500. If thes be deemed a large figure for s time of peace what woul! be the reasuuable proportivea in the event of a war! The reader will be impressed with a sense of the magnitude of our line uf defence, inefficiency of the means to meet even the ex geocies araing from Indian have receotly been frequent in the Western and South westera Military Departments. The Sex retary, does ut suggest any additiva Wy the ou merical strength of the Army lo view of the physical geography Pegwe drained by the Colum Prospect of a great city arwing al the cornmer cial entrepot, the Secretary urges (he jin portance of forufving the entrance of that nver But the great subject in the Keport is that portion which treats of the importance of a cor neawa by railroad with our Mantk If the eperit of aggression really cxmis which » monbed to sume of the Laropean pation wil) whom we are pow happily at peace, the present delencelesa cvadition A the whole Tacit such as invites its The surveys for a read, capecially wpon the route of the 32d pernilel, are stated by the Secretary & be very satisfactory. and interestiog features hav been developed buth in reyard to the agneu!tu ral qualities of the country Unrough which it pas @ end the facilities for obtaining The Secretary states that 4.500 square miles of wn of great fertility, of which nearly one half i« 10 oer own territory, may be brouwgtt inte cu . ee ia one unbroken tract along the route The facta developed by the surveys a je the report show that we bare a narrow slope of an average width of fifty and the aggressions, which of the amd! the vast ma river Posecaenons vast is ererciae reaults of the vided t ore hundred an! miles of tilaite land, skirung tbe ocean fi. a distance of one thousand miles. The defer lew coodition of al! thes moh reynon and the om ef aunveying munitions uf war actus | Rent, are set forth by the Se figeres, with a force and clearness which ought retary—% farts ar to command the prompt altention of Congress The necessity of a raiirond 1s sustained by mkie cng evesideratior s aliagether of am ar he ectee, though as the Secretary we'! otmerves. it eetject hae relations intimately connecte:! wit! all the great interre's of the country, politioa commercial, an) socia The necessity of render ing oer immense pomesmons on the |'acific 10d indent of an! from the Atlar Frveameppt \ ace @ to deserve the earnest and prompt attentaon States and the ry my alhght so atrong Congress Far tr mling i wertance the themes which ton o nvite diectes and pr voke useless declamation. { untry wl be far better plemed and cur statesrne the public wr ent a} eouetry in en attriod fh. femes vee of evil day ehh, though. ae @e hope now detant Bo prudence or even if we coukl always count vo moleraton may always avert the exe these virtues un ovr part . ~—-— Wm. A. Richardson Described — The Louleville Journal gives the personal ex perience of its editor in relation to cer tain prominent characteristics of the De mocratic candidate for Speaker of the House of Representatives. The editor says: Mr. Richardaon, of [Hlinoia, whom the administration members doadt ostensibly sound upon the question, but he ie a driv king, vulgar coarse, and rude man We chanced, less than two years ago, to be thrown near him where he and several other members of Congress were gathered ina themselves. A gentleman by our side inted him out tous and remarked, that f, we would listen afittle while we shoud be certain to hear seme hard swearing We didn’t listen, but we conld'nt. he Pp bearing. We have heard gamblers swear, we have heard sailors swear, heard flatboatmen swear, add heard even fishermen swear, but never in all our lives did we lear such horrible swearing as that of the administration candidate. The variety and intensity of his oaths were wonderful. And then the novelty of many of them would have been amusing but for their dreadful blasphe my. We conld not help thinking that he was in the habit of devoting more time and study to the invention of new modes of swearing and cursing and blas heming than to all the other pursuits vf ife. edo believe that he conld ont curse anything under heaven —except perhaps his Holiness the Pope. But, if nobody elee will suit the seventy-four for the Speakership, they must stick to him If they elect hit, they will have a Speak er to curse for them, sud a Chaplain to pray for them, supper, mon Kanans rcle by we have we have For | Bamor ond Prevewter. (THE MAILS AND THE WEATAER. | Several of our mails are yet due, de- eney. The snubjeined paragraphs will give the reader an idea of the difficulties encountered : Detention of the Care and Mails. Puitapecruia, Jan. 9, A. M.—The four and six o'clock P, M. trains were detained on the road all night by diift. consequence of the obstructions. In many places the track was buried to a great depth by the high wind. The passengers were transferred to the six o'clock train, which started from Trenton with | two locomutives, but at fouc o'clock in the morn- ing had ealy reached Cooner's Creek, two miles excavation of Peruvian tumuli. ' Railroad in Peru. Arica, hundreds of graves are demolish-| pally in selecting furniture. ed, in which are numerous Indian relics. | arrow-heads. Among other ee te {tortuary relics, an Indian was starte shroud of gold. and divic With ed it among themselves. But a nice perception of the fitness of | twigs. The excavations are seventy feet deep, | things which is geod taste—the faculty of | }and as the soil is loose sand, and the work j producing harnuwny between the occu- The 4 o'clock train did not leave Trenton in| proceeds, everything from the top comes | pants of the Louse and the house itself, | | Piseece® ever, : ] | nat ib sliding down, dead Tudians, pots, kettles, and between the house and the furniture . | and surroundings—this is what you do} fur of animals and the fleeces of rams. In a few | not buy at the upholster’s, this is beyond ifroin his resting place, rolled up in a price, and a matter, madam, in which it Before Mr. Evans had 18 your province to excel. knowledge of the incident, the workinen ture say, 4s vlain as things can speak, had cut up this magnificent winding sheet this house is for the comfort of those who } live inside of it and not for inere callers above Cainden, where both locomotives beeame | some difficulty Mr. Evans obtained a ft ay- and strangers frozen up, Sleighs were sent thither, and the passengers were broaght to the city at six o'clock. No trains were dispatched from here this morn ing, but itis probable that the track wall be clear ed by the afternoon. The thermometer, at seven this morning, stood at 2) degrees below zero; at ten, 24 above. Two afternoon trains vo the Trentun road also froze up near Tullytown, and the passenwers were taken to Trenton in sleighs The Delaware river is frozen tight opposite the city, except where broken by the f try boats Jan. 9 outskirts Bacrimonr At davlglt this morn of the « stuod at 10 to 14 degs. below zero: in the tv, the mercury at boon, mm the city, at 9 dege above Ciscixwatt, Jan 9 —The mercury here stow! at ten diye below zero at B o'clock this mort ng Sreixovieip, Jan 9 — The mercury at day hight stoud at 20 dogs. below zero Manierva, Jan. & —The thermometer at sur nee stood at 1) degs. beluw sero. The (lio never uw fru tygbe Battimome, Jan 9, 8 POM Last night's marl Gao from Philadelphia has not yet arrived No train bas beet The Washinyton tent out to day for that point train (4 clock) brings ne —— rener, the Sergeant at Aris FPF Gila! f Representatives, isajew ~ Lofa fellow, until the Tlouse is orga ted, no funds can be drawn from the to meet th expenses of the consequentive there is a want f money Tu thie dilemma, Gloamabrener marches the rescuc He shells out fr . } afte resources, and a already advanced between fifty and sixty thousand dollars Rut, at this rate, how ong will be hold out! = Th ea nit lo every thing, even to Crlossbrener's purse So soon ae the bottom of that is reached, we may Ko fer an organiza tiet Bat ell © ca ‘ al wild na teu twhen le dies Wilmangten Heradd sce Very Amuang The Herald sa at the respomerbility for the nditien of the Know Nothing is at Was!ington, rests upon Demoecracs Mar Not more amneing than true ag ‘ te show that there are forty Atnericn seventy five pineh-back Den sur Heads, me handred and six Woolly the Huuse. Does thie make stan Ainer can Llouse! The forty Americans pro posed to meet in cances with all mein vers of all parties who would pledge themselves opposed to further slavery agitation, and willing to adit all new States whether their constitutions cou tenanced or rejected slavery. Thie wa & fair propre n,and would have s« ed an organization of the House n 4 natenal basie, but it was spurned by t ‘seventy five socalled Democrats Are ble for condition of things at) Washington ! they not or nel the disordered There ia a atranve inconasteney betweer the statements of the Democratic presa upon this enbyect The Cumberland A leybanman calls the American inembers a ermal] eqnad.” while the Mail save Hone i Anow Nothing Mouse The ea ’ ut somewhere Mig efinrn Merald ->- Complimes| to Mr. Fillmore In his lastiac gument before the Supreme Court, Att Creneral Cashing pard a bigh compliment to bx President Fillmore, who be declared had left «office marke of the bizghest integrity and telhgence. These evidences of alulity ald char acter were made most apparent in the records fthe Attorney General's office { Morfolk Herald oo. Hore fleeh va. Beef -A famons din ner was made by acelebrated bon vinant in Paris, at which the comparative mer ite of beef and horseflesh were tested by and dishes of both variot y prepare d the guesta were loud in their demonstra tions of delight over a rump ste ak of a fat horse immolated at the age of twe nty three years 5 i ied If you desire to be certain that your egys are good and fresh put them in water, ff the butts turn up they are not fresh, This 1s an infallible rule to distinguish a good eyg from a bad one The best cough mixture that has been mak consists of a pair of thick boots, mixed with lots of air and plenty of exercise People who hug OME or i} » elect {the stove and grow lean will please take notice. Come tn foras hare of our lec ‘iment and despatched it to Mr. Ewbank. } ble fact, thatin hundreds of Indian sk which he 4s Examined, not one has cou Mr. Ew tained a decayed tooth, must have been eight or nine pounds, been the finest specimen of sheet gold that we have heard of since the times of ry, the world is full of books and pictures, In some eloquent and a thousand other things, which will the Spanish conquest. ci'k and velvet This carpet is not too good for the children to roll on, this Mr. Evans notices as a very remarka- arin-chair will not be soiled by being oc- ' > cupied, and the bright sun-light may visit the inmates in the morning, bringing bank bealth and cheerfulness, without fear that thinks the weight of the entire shroud it will fade the brilliant colors of the If, when your house is and had it been preserved, would have built and furnished, yoo have money to A Discovery in Peru.—A Shroud of pic. The furnitare ofa house is mainly for Gold.—The Hon. Thomas Ewbank, in a use and comfort. ; letter to the National Intelligencer com- chairs and tables are chiefly cognes to tained by the drifted snow and obstacles! municates some interesting information | promote warmth and quiet and incident to a season of unusual inclem- in relation to recent discoveries in the enjoyment in some way. j It was floor is warmer in winter, and chi received by Mr. Ewbank, from W. Evans, make less disturbance on it than bare Esq., engineer of the Africa and Tecna, boards ; and, besides, they require much Mr. Evans estates that less labor to keep them in nice order.— in making excavations for the railroad at Let comfort, then, be regarded, princi- Carpets and sofas and physical A ad elo ren Let the farni- spare for articles of mere taste and luxu- remarks upon the preservation of souve- afford toa refined and cultivated mind Hire of the departed, and the futility of far wore rational enjoyment than a whole atteinpting to secure the great dead fr contact with their native earth, Mr. Ew bank says itis the form of features, and Which is common among all classes, to iscs, elegantly furnished, into embarraseinents which as a thoughtful net the body or substance of the dead that sliould be preserved, and add ‘The mummies of Egypt are quarricd for fuel, and, whether those of Pha raohs, their wives, their priests, or their to suffer warebouse of gilded mahogany On the whole, we think the ambition live 16 leading and di, and rational pe large | Southern Gay ople, Cultivato, . we ought not longe ttchman. and the Morality, JUARY 22, 1856. Circe. . fenily a short time she returned, a curtain was with | leau. a white mantle, and his crown was of naked Old Boreas, his musician, stood on one side, in the attitude of blowing hoarse music from heaped with blazing fagots. At his feet lay the momesis the curtain dropped, and, when it | again was raised, the second child, but first | daughter, February, was presented. Her profile | , bore a resemblance to her brother's front face, {but her features were more delicate, and her ; countenance wore an expression of softness and sympathy. She was seated by the side of a sick girl in the attitude of bathing her feverish brow | she sacn On one side was the altar on which ficed to expiate the sins of the people, and her foot rested on sweet berbs, which she crushed to suflering. Her dress was of wool finely woven, and around he assuage the pains of th OCruw was a wreath of evergreens Next appeared, in the midst of a forest, the His countenance exhibited the marks of a changefu second sun, March, babited as a hueter disposition. The brow was austere and the eve Irereing. but around the mouth played a swect emile His form was athletic and dis layed in Its contour the strength of active manhood, fur he loved the exercise of arma, as well as of the chase His favorite ansmals, the horse, the wolf and the dog, were near him, and the pve the cock aod the vulture were perched upon the tree that sluves, are split open at d ch ped up ..: wershadowed him } Batt ; ‘ ~e : t The fourth tableau brougtt he g wn Tl, indifference as se inany From the Richmond Enquirer , s he ga ' se reiray mil (salen . Sersca lovely maiden. standing io. F pine he gams and balsams used a ’ Jen standing in a en mead ne alming then have nade vclmnoa Tableaux of the Children of the Old ¥, contemplating her image as r cted a } —¢ Na eal nd tl . ; a itute for bitun ; 1s cr and tha Vear. ylasey rivulet, which, fluwing gently along, lost he ee i ide aay ryed preserve 7 Tes Ie mf Srccht teelf in the mazes of a neighboring woud. Her them have become the active agents for 3 . . 6 . } +4 } bright eve beamed with gladness: sweet smils their dissipation. So itis when materi ane adh Wiafhde ade ' or heek hg ; - ‘ . dimpled ber wks er long golden tresses als of coffins have a high marked valine Iinmolution was around |} we zb ‘ ° | Maso ere wreathes th buds rainbow encircled they are then seized as concealed trea iren, bat on IS youngest, remained to Were Wreathed with bade; a rainbow en mires and. their aewndeite rou eee e hier. heal. and. none werr'to inmenaible es not | } ) it 1 } Ar o he ful but e« - " ke heroes in the Wohemis The aged parent thought of all hie once bloom ™ the beautiful but ¢ e, tl ce s of ( ‘ vent piater . } . : oh tals wich . ad come to maturity and Her e sis May 1, and wl were sometimes, if not alwave t ' an p h t t , _— . « paiot her quiet beauty reclining up and with considerable trea , sel all dies ans : Same u , on a mosey rock, shaded by a lurunant vine codes in vessels of pold and , g y v to the weeping December ; wlich finging its long wating branches from a ‘ ewe learn t ey ar r ‘ Vv Vouogest borr dearly do I i ¢ r en om he f r Ss acinglit for often found and aacct Fi y have Loved all that have | DAPactte tree, reached over the side of the rock x f ‘ ed r iz th t t f, .] Wecen : ar ast r ther r : ! ! re ' Ir ur 4 re 4 4 hay wa “dd wihaft ifa £ ta ’ grant arbor worthy heing wl s oo. ra elupm and the | 7 i ‘ | By } . was an bask fw flowers, 5 . ‘ ‘ ay 4 i b 3 4 Short Letter om Extravaganee. : fresh witli tt , . wih ahehs K 1 r partiog . ae 8 d th } a} peat A little bower, we y wafted from t ps a ate “ oie : a rree a ees AES or and her eof naleven r t { ‘ he si Our t ses are t large and te « adorwarde were ( Hinks ar ‘ ‘e r W ,, tu i " ‘ We lave enally rtwor 1 se a . ‘ Too purr ») beautiful for th. wast al are tne ‘ A par r “mr } al - t ¢ ! \ < 1 1n Ma . were Old Year, A ayee “ 7 4 4 As ‘ * * ory . 1 AT Prone ic ren (ar Genre . ee ) er sigh Memory wa tee mice for j to pl 7 A a Z } an, ar pla \ deat ' r t h « t the + J e be warmed readily . shor et sand hie eld eezedia hie nellid of Mane he a dandy, too nice foranyt rieef : : Sh. wae walk . arran oa adand ‘ atry - atures ar siver becks. and ter (it ye . e* And, then, offen, there os ayia t ‘ = = eerret Aveta a ¢ “ “ should be gratt 5 f shed, a larye alte w ‘ a “ we at . f w . S = red : father niate aw e fa \ ir heaut ; ar flowers. Acrumehery n few J loves “ 1 . mak Memory. ud friend of bre J " Ss v as a r ‘ * ew nches of eat ar ppore wert g beck scenes ¢ ; a , f ner, w and eome broken « sanda ‘ wiraving th ‘ ‘ ar ac ters This wpper story was probaliv 4 peared reality Iw : : . ause 5 ' wanted a honse as larye as ? nd : . car an ’ f hr Ir nei rs Now, a house should P A ves were of a darker shade, th \ << . ensure. fit a family, as asnit of ' , her countenance more mature! and ber me ast ds . a e thes Iftta dua Alt . Sas AS more dienihed than worm th Parayetie the then ) ¢ and 6 rape, alwars sal The n of all the icenrof the year ea vour {re lef thev a } wet of the strancer : . 2 * J a Hic eway wa therefore. the capa v s | her stera to @ mounta where be | t : : rer. reapers, and at hie 2 che potlingys often be Vo estiina \ ‘ ‘ knew was situated a cast Jedcated t ‘ hate A Saree . heard but the sharpening nic kles , Sha L . } nkiog th wou Must understanding that a cousiderable pa k wi - =n g g and ¢ 4 f the r a to te anilereeeT attle fled ¢ Hiniandcn z ok her Ipor z hept fora anHuAL party rt r 1 . . a sk P “7 . ' wth thick cpr y trees, fur tl fea intinishe e wl pela and ~ } rt ax of bie even. the scor =A auc it) eflect uy t fa Peete’ wr ar s) an ; : I a and r and lig . we alot rat alman « ] ‘ king round, she per i a teu : ehiterta for ne at respect { . wales were bong w tapestry repre . ‘ : “= hv v A seo we “ ges ha savareathn) oe ai a a . * a g ; = ) } 4 { wearily a & f ‘ y are now : ‘ > for a person twice our size i . 1‘ her : i arth was a golden ma On his altar a Letus have “a little house, we t i A - see tire Cnet vite a at tl ase were hea y 4 4 ata 4 a ed, wit he spare room except a we nol be " ber for our frends, and no lumber & , ba ats were of form and M " “ gaz ama ta yarret, tor ghosta and cats and mice to ral The thousand dollars whieh 4 ' by Niue s : a u . o } even careful men generi expend « ' xar mn of - was “ . wilding ‘a house t ve . omerely t pted by ance of a dignified ma ta 2 ‘ , conform to fashion, or an architectural | r¢ . disrstaricies| Uh = ‘ iH Ar Was whit the poor wit and cl Ire é we = . A be “ I> mer, awe bv | a ar many @ lecture upon pe ve mh) oa . : j ; anew, rema + mom s t nh, ra K Winch might otherwise have been spared 4 1 ; 7 } va . 1 And when vou have built or purchased s beam yg \ “ ; : : : ; f ’ A a house too large for vour wants, the evil ‘ xela Oh Memor has but commenced Your large and nn fa his early a I r mn \ Inerous Toots require large Ponumer- coy ws arf and to grant r a mer r x wer F ( ai ad Willan: ana - Fh rey es he ¢ ous carpets, and curtains, and te AULT wen Tiecemtver. the: last childl of the-chi-vear y ] \ ‘ ornings but this as not all, nor j hy to bet a, pater ar ther adornings. 1 a j and bas spoken to me of his eleven the worst of it The house and the ; ‘ ‘ thevarts of nea Wesahit the Jren. mov brothers and esters, whom DT have ' furniture must be taken off, swept and : Ware tesa ter wi cme Te an [he ; : Senever se heclongs to beliold them once Tor dusted daily, and serubbed and scoured B eunrs The sl ae spring and tall, when Aonse cleaning time &od to show them to me NourOnOcanioral x I 2 } } 1 theu wast hidd comes round You must either pay for fy him. Con 8 cou I entreat vou help to deo all this, or what is per Maps witt e laet mor ts She stopped, and M wa more common, allow additional bardens gi liloeacw 1 n, awated tl 1 M ae, | ’ pla - 1 to fall on your wife, who has already a Reelin Arnette f laichos S a4 \ wa wseless round ot cares, AC sensitive , [ale remember my 1 avast field, with his hand ee nan should see that, ; f eae man vied i ey GP teeGal ral requestot st rt iH ) F sland, where servan are all etpen ae ¢ F t ech w rrowie twiliglit, | wilt be. whee < mab sive Tnxurv, at best, lias e have com % t t farewell ’ ' “¥ fort and lemure, acseltish man may "ith you Aree ‘ ‘ ; ; ; enki rlenlstahted dancin ts red t ‘ la soun learn that he cannot lead a peace Thankful a ghted, 1 nber ret } . and happy life with a woman who is over yme to resume her watching with vines that wed, glowing sunlis | rrapes, and tt ron with hard work and family cares At the appointed hour Memory arrived and sters ural wna We think if our reader himselfis notopen was greeted with delight by the father and wae studded with autumn flowers to censure in the particulars named, feugtiter said she, “to fulfil my, Naw/comeathe cartalimatronctctaher, 1? may find plenty of his neighbors to whom ise, and WT ter your sight the forte pubes are of the brightest duces brawn, yellon y ] = a smarks will apply , vee PRY th parted. Permit: that T ave you and crimes t ther at ‘ And then, again, we are extravagant in ; . - " darkness while epare the representations NY rourd bh err ttl ourhonsehold fornitare. The ladies must, k l ! J mot Around b } her mand a nthisto She left them, and arranged the acenes. In! wheel and at the loom, preparing for use gar NUMBER XXXIV. | ments from the fleeces of Ler flocks. ter her. “ Hospitabie and provident daughter,” There stood before him, as in life, his first- said the Old Year, “thousands bless thee and born son, January. He was a young man, full ‘enjoy the comforts thou hast provided.” of vigor, with two faces—one was turned as if, looking back into the past, the other seemed to | scene. enquire of the future. Around him was thrown | tended with the game, and on his shoulders lay November, in the sportsman’s dress, closes the Suspended at his side is the pouch dis- jthe stiffening hares, Dogs of the hunting breed lare at his heels, apd around him stands a jovial group. His frank, open countenance, ruddy his pipes and on the other was placed an altar| with bealtbful exercise, shows him worthy to be the successor of the matronly October. “ And, now,” said Memory, “I take my leave. Sach have been thy children, Old Year; De- cember, youngest, is still at thy side. Thou hast been the parent of twelve sons and daugh- ters, who bave ministered to the pleasure of thy whole existence. bered here; the hour of parting comes, and for But thy days are also num- the present, To may say farewell, since thou art tnortsl —and I, thou koowest, am imperishable. Yet once beyood the dark waters, and thy na- ture will be transformed. Time will be no more but Eternity, as thou wilt then be called, will know of no decay. Memory will again meet thee in the yardens of Delight, as the friend of a never-fading youth. Onee more, | say fare- wel” The Old Year stretched forth his icy hand to bid adieu to lus earliest frend, and drew closely She glance upva bis pallid brow, then, vielding to to Lim tbe faithful December cast one lus cold embrace, sank upon Lis breast and both were silent forever. The winds gave one long 4 Wa the snow the waters of Spirits wove their siiroud, aud Lethe closed over their re inains. “2. SIR JOUN FALSTAFF. About three miles north of Yarmuuth, Eng tod is a small village oamed Caistor. It re sit uated near the sea, and contains @ few buuses and a great deal of sand. There are few trees near it and those few seem sick! y, asiftheir growth were stunted by the keen winds which sweey along the coast The only object which attracts afteition is a lofty Lower, surmounted by a sien ler Ray-pole, which points towards the sky (On bearer inspectiot, it is found to be only a The winding stains which led to the sum mit of the tower have been removed, and io places the wal) has crumbled away leaving aper- tures throuvh wh he wind moans mournful Four walls encise a large space of ground t everything ie decayed and in ruins y fr g > spectator a ' gra r. Tiere is what wasan wadrn kdopw 1 and there a mass rate and t remaina a I'a a chapx ‘ where n umes pa priests with neh ves nla sung the solemn masa ructed u Jevou ana al were assembled the wav t rlasting life Bu Nests and auditor, ua h hapel ite a and wiht roma 1 ng s. which u t r ta . was ar “a ay wisie Jobo F k Faleta Yet brave k a fr hat po ’ ‘ Sir J Wa a < “, r wl and a ‘ . any a v v to f i sof ». ave a a t (i) Fuller calle at Shak ‘ Jocal Sip J . ag : kag he ya ‘ won githa ‘ ge of pe whose rea Uracter was ; aartitcs < Falstaf r r Fas was t} 4 J Fastolf a mA a any to the w a » He was lees, ar a gt n (he feudal times: was (ls guardia } J Nok 1 = t He» aflers ) ‘ ‘ LR as. Duke of ‘ | ‘ \ “ St Hija ’ 409 Mf r ~ ‘ 1 . . vo pa h a k . v , ars ka * wa a He « . ‘ ‘ a k his a nop im ieee : x " ” ‘ . aN . j n know ® inte of ntos } ay : ‘ In N \ ‘ M ‘ 1 . ver W Hareviie wae taken in D404 was ‘ ‘ s a f hig Ato Ag aan SS a SONA 1 h tA Ilo wa . nny Falsia and Ss f essa and ca Amongst . astia of S ( au) nthe captur which he was rewar led eof Baren le France Araong other honors poured upon was clected ah t of Grart \ t ” \ i ’ ehorght a S n Radcitfe, wh k = eet The fruits !the Duke of Bedford gave the casting vote in drawn, and the Old Year, raising himself upon | of the earth are dried and placed before ber, and favor of Falstaff, aod sent him a letter abound- his pillow, beheld with December, the first tab- | she lays up stores for those who shall fullow af- ing with expressions of praise. Now, Monstrel- et, in his Chronicle, states that Falstaff was de- graded from the order on account of his dastard- ly conduct at the battle of Patay, where he and his followers, being struck with terror at the ap- pearance uf the mysterious Joan of Arc, took ito their heels and left the French army ia pos- session of the field. This tale, unsupported by j other testimony, is utterly false ; for although it \is a fact that Sir John was put to fight at Patay, ‘the tale of bis being degraded from the Order of | the Garter is proved untrue by the circumstance lof his regular attendance at the chapters of the | Order long after the period at which his degra- dation is stated to have taken place. Shaks- peare, however, did not furget this story ; wit- ness the first part of “ Heury VI,” where Lord Talbot says : ‘Shame on the Duke of Burgundy and thee ! I vowed, base knight, when I did meet thee next, To tear the garter from thy eraven leg, (plucking Which I fal done, beeause unworthily Thou wast installed in that high degree.” The crowning expluit of Sir John was bis brave conduct at the battle of the Herrings; and how could a Yarmouth man fail to conquer in such a battle! With # small band of Englishmeo, be routed a numervus Freach army, commanded j The Lattle gets its name from the circumstance of our making a kind of fortification with bis rns, which were for the most part full of by “le jeune et beau Dunois” bimself. herrings; for besides the army being ted by a Yarmouth man, the season was Lent, and these two circumstances combined show the reason of bes carrying so large a quanti(y of that small but excellent fish The year fullowing the affair at Patay found Sir Joba licutenant of Caen; and he was sent in 1432 a8 an ambassador to the Counsel of Be- sel, where he seems to have fulfilled his duty satisfactorily, for he was afterwards sent to con- clude a peace with France. A few years after this event, the good old Kaight retired frum. ser- be steps towards bis native place, and building » vice, with glory and renown ; turned his castle at Castor, there spent the remainder of lle died in 1459, and was buried at the priory of Boombolm. His restiag place while dead, and his habitation while hving, have bis life. buwed before the struke of ume, and nothing now remains but a few mouldering, crumbling walls A few years more and all will be gone. not oblivious In that age, tit- Ue enceeragement was given to literature; bat lo that litle be contribateu a part. The trane- lauvn of Senectule was made by bis order, and printed in 1461, by the father of Ea- lo Oxford be was a bountifel factor, nor was be forgetful of the sister iniwersily Ie Lis retirement, Sir Joho was of the advantages of learning. Tully de t +h praoting ~ oe f Cambridge Ile was intent in bis old age apoa fonnding a leye fur seven pnests and the same number of but unexpected difficulties arrested s,and death proved an irresisuble ob von poor men, ts progr prog Falstaff of fact a sokdier of bis age, Tt will should ng for bis extraordinary owardice and droile- f a virtuous martyr, and se- So it the English lan- to recognize im the name of beaor and v tor raising marta race and conduct, and altogether, for and resjectable character atm) Mery bow Sbakspeare aduyt “onal { sensuality ryt ine, frst a thoroaghly noble soldier was . . never, whil we oease of a av] —_ The Parkville < the eng Democrat of December 20th nformation hat (sov. Shannon has de- (subernatonal chair im His reasons for joing so we he > Erposure —Mr. Daniel Eggles- North Point, died from exposure suis rong ast He left the city im the for t the storm was so se at his horse yave out, when he loused it ted it bomeward, and vs with which he attempted to he » H Death from on, Tes gat not succeed, bowever, je about balf a mile und oa Sunday by his His mbes wl as f <8 mmediately Made to was resuscitate timmore American FANNY FERN t Puveon bd we adinored as Fanny Fern.) was marned on Satur av. the st.to Mr. James | (so renowned and arton, well known author of “The The New York Day nleresting eveat: Lomoer —Last might Fanny ry Fanny. was united i the ‘ white Jas She a reome time past the benefit es Harton, Esq \ ay brid cioom os the unfortunate sab ‘ cures in-such a me manner art of Fan er th his mis We hope Fanny will not he compel- tations of Widow Be acrym } attucks persone be t nd even sisty. a 2" We have been requested by the Board of Superintendents to publish for REPORT OF THE POSTMAST ER. | GENERAL. We insert today the Report of the! the information of the public, the follow: | Postmaster General, presenting a perspic ing extracts from the Law passed at the uons view of the administration and busi- dese of Lis Departinent of uyyltiqndindas| ject of Common Schools. details forthe past year. As the ravi ne of the Post Otlice are co-exten- netratiny the re- ficats 23. The courts of pleas and quarter sessions of the several counties a majorly uf the justices erm held neat Tneach y bi\ aller Ue »— betngy present) at the t Inotest Hock and sec aan mn of dt, se Flere isn ek : no De} last day of December, ar, shill tppoint not more than ten, of the Government whose nor Jess than tive supermnten Operations ¢ home to the business, dents of common schouls for their e unty, whose and the besos. too, of so large a mum. term of ofbee -_ bean on the thi, Monday . . i < of April sacecediog their appointment, and con ber of the | le of all stations in life as Es 8 er ap : minis ‘ Nove for obe year, wand unul others have been this. A consequence is, that on the least geet apd entered upon their office. | hitel or detect of inovement in the work- . The superintendents sl meet on the thint Monday in April as osald, and clee ing of its complex machinery somebody ee yee ~ / ene of their wamber chairman. wil be put out by ft, and complaint be The free white wen of Ue several schoo! sore to follow. Looking at the vast: d's'ricts, entitled to vote for moanbers of the sphere and intricacy of its operations, House of Commons, on the f Saturday in and the maltinde of agents of this I April im every year, shall vote by latlut Pe tree ‘ men, ty be styled © the sehell comnittes,” whose partment, we lave cenerally felt more terur slinibiccuiimence oan Gxt Mouday an d dp Ore d to wonder at the regularity of May following, and continue fur one year, aud ite action an ‘l its general punctuality than | wool others are chosen, said ction still | : . ~ held at such convenient place in the sehool dis at occasional aberrations, We have per trict as the board may designate: and the three haps, beea predisposed to pay less re- persous having the highest number of votes “the school commit J any vacaney which tuay ocenr in the coma by death, removal | or other cause. The chairman of the board shall of observing | give notice in writing, at three or more publie | eliall be deel Heel elecked * we and the gard wl complaints of irregularity, from which no aduinistration of the Depart- meut has been frew, from laving closer Opportuuities, in board may general, the dilligence ani labor whieh have al-! places in each distnet, of the chection, at least : 5 ten days before the ; and the bos shal way, with very few exceptions, been em- cu days before the sulle ; : J the board shall ajyuint two freehulders of the district to conduct | plove: din giving regul larity and efficienc Y ithe eleetion. The said frecliolders shall give to to the action of its multifarious parts.— | the board, whose teri of service commences on No branch of the Government has had at! 'he third Monday of April thereafter, on the diy is a of their first meeting. a certificate under their its head al, at bands, of the voles reecived by each been f fice De lure the tl advan- | tuumber of the sct “ded, rth to make an ele« rd shail appowit the school commit ucul al an have times e Post bave lad Ee neat number of board person; and the dee e partioent, aud pur aa eTSUlis TECeL Vit tage of able: T an Nvteps, the zeal most of his predecessors, to give the hiv! te lus Important branch of that mol coun ner er more laborious stubordi Phat whenever the: chistnets fail nates ie pres head e Depart- tion, the boa ment we dou) trot and strives , whe J shal) cobuo in office Others ar hosen ; and whenever nsider thems ft mav le with which has distineuished Zens may re ANY One ¢ est etticioney 10 Appeal tothe domed of chdeutsy, whe sha d deeide ou the the public service, and we are sure mer the 88 of the coin adore any : : nau wt their opinion, has violated intel] t au no one of his predecessors has had Assista or devoted to their Vout. Litelligen > } hildren a the Mills Howse— Three ‘5 lars taken Oy pe dae t each forfeit and uv five Mir — Une ng aud aid of est, more ’ than ¢! Taran ta Thences, rey present or airinan of tle boar! of bun er ald baties of “s apd un me years nee, and ap failure so tu du sta Dariag hobbery at Thousend Lv from Venez acca trom the onler tw vf Ube nest dar the na ul hairinan of the county sanerir successful or es that s ben our aca nd ot appre at Nils [Louse brancsco tor Uae ut the gon te reeont, touk yestcrday haee Hon recently appuinted Mimster Pheni po ter the Repalbe of \V epezacia to the | awd wow on bis Washingto eredent tals was rubbed er eum (han three thoesmnd du: myed io tb at tbe mominag Heranda u ina at led Males way to with the Ar Oo sar y brar n f baie office, of no small taught sy ont whit Ile ar city early in the morying im the th Florent of the Veneruclean Leon Lt ot, as selolars ars. fsx Yours shaw! be pennitt hol Lew ist Pro ate That the ha by the ex ted, ateamer Jeabel from Havann, » dten it two dents any oe Tee tt Bima, the Sore anes : selon }s 40. V sur Gen, and Leiu at the asual |i ther bagyace and bo | mage welore Seow Li the came tu = mas com ment, thal @ was ume one connect taldisbement, and liad ny susticaon that env mis ; : ee l eheef Lad eeu dum bow ever, be tronke, & lis been bneken on from oee of dor as » an-| gentcmen took adjacent rooms any adjeming triet ro Jearmg the room im which tamittice shall contract bocked ban ten minut s had elapsed ,) i As ear Was coutamed, proper! y Lem van, the Secretary, returned render to the eomr > supposed. fur the mu the Cour, he met a nteely ar of the ebtidren fying the nu y ont, be: ed with the es Pasing to the room be nome iately dmcovered that two of were strongly nked , vagawar. Ile pux~u and the meral ran joe ¢ thevetairs anit te meet an! «as |. street of tb by sone eer making it Lei ve tities} ed the alarin Owe Chen maw for the + ‘ r of awy tee were pot deve to bere porage T * larwaris a ’ b . ; . 1 4 et. « ¢ NW roost fJlow u Hohews last Session of the Legislature on the sub- | From the Greensboro’ Patriot, THAT STRANGE LAW. The following number ofthe Fayetteville Obserper “A Strange Law.—lt seems that we have }mot got to the bossdm of the doings of the last North Carolina Legislature, The Revised Stat: utes, whigh are net yet published, though they ge re operation a week hence, will have some rare law, Vf we may judge trom the specimen published ia re by the under a penalty of S100, the public, without any profit to another Junin, Which Bauks are prohibited, to and trom doing a favor al some ex pense and trouble, Chemsel ves one bank payable at another with th’ Ss “in carrent Junds.” tate, Feeling that many in thig community would lit | Lhe present ” Curreney” law, we have determi be no d to get at the bottom ef it, and ascertain if pos- , who ae responsible for the passage of the saine, that we may kaow all the butter how to pity, the poor Banks that lave thus, sttheir will, been deprived of the privilege of tansen ting fuods for the aceymmodation of the pulle from one section of tle State to auether, tree of charge. Accordingly, we procured a copy of the re- Vised Code, printed for the use of the members, exatuived and compared it closely with the old aud new law oo this subject, and fyuud, to our paragraph is tabea from a Jate | = ‘Carolina Watchman, =a on im = TDaily S. C., under date Jan. 16th, says : SALESB Ll yD is N.C. Tam adviiod that the subject of form North Ward.—Jas. E, Kerr, Jolin ene a ly withdrawing our ininister from Eng Shavers ‘th s be vase eyenevraviene oe Tand has been “debated by the P. ent}! Wandin V nay’, Suit wm. TUESDAY EV ea aN ba 1856. fand ¢ meet t, aud fastill duder coggidera- ae 2) Our Lest of Deinguinds ene three weeks since we announced that we intended ta make upa list of our de- or four ,linguent subscribers, a copy of whicl We refornto. the checks depucd ly | » discourmoded by the operations’ of | utter astunishinent, that there were but five lines | of the present law that agreed with the old law, or the ope that was printed for the use of the tmenibers. ul It is clear, therefore, that the present * Currency” five lines was nut printed ught to the law, with the exc epuion of the test or du any oller way koowledye of the uicuibs Ley fully engrafted on the 3 either branch of the ul was art he thou Comiunissi Joint Sel ul bets, it ted by Reid, or by the Select Con vl Kevisals, TI Chiclusion ds arresista from t ‘ppears should be furnished to those concerned, ‘IMPORTA NT. ‘tion. deters .cd uponythe British governmwen of ourso doing, The Atlantic’: news ex nent of our attains. Ile has madg his and to postumsters, with the ovie wif ‘ta. | list c xplariation, and jive nothing further cilitating the collection of our dues, ready by this tinre; of other matters have failed in We hope to get it ready in the In the mean of those stricken from two or three weeks more. time, the names of many whe who are in arrears will be our list. It is utterly out of the question for us to toil, aud spend time and muney on those who are so persistently unjust as to withhold what is due us; and have resolved to send the Watchman to those only who will pay for it, and pay prouspt- Our nthat of any paper ever pablished in ld > bat the expense of collecting circulation is at present: larger this place, and we would begladitshon remain so; avuneriphiave: and other lusses attendant on the ercdit system, have bat too clear- scattered We had expeeted tu have said list but owing to a press doing so. course of to offe The question of peace “UF its op- posite is thus thrown ppon oar govern: nent. The recall of Mr. hasten events. tthe President, and the pepular veice * bab ies by the President. The rumor of an offensive aud defen- sive treaty with the U. States, lad its or igin in the fact that Russia lad trapsuit ted here the outline of a commercial and amity treaty, From the same correspondent, under date of Jun. 17, we have the following: The country at this moment is en the eve of awar. Our tardy demands and for redress in the C rampton af on fi our Pe asians, and a refasal tu recog nize the culists te of reeruits for the ie h service by her minister at Wash Winternational law ylon,: Nea Violation: f . . rivht oof construc: lv revealed to us the causes whieh im miele dune: jin tlic poveri ne out often of all the coun : ! Pulwer treaty. try hewspapers in the Jand. We have \ ed that the Mt found that th who delay payiuiest Washington intelli ; 4 nforcement to or three Years are generally unwiil st liper aN \ | thas been de pave atall; and in many cases w 1 shortly 6 - tl ‘ “ A Ww te except by compnision, which leseme and in most cases i u yt ( ve, OWing to distance or some otlier tion of 1 v1 itby tl Uni cil The ouly remedy, there: ude - liv poctisy. ore, tliat we can see, is the ad yption of wer iW ver ann nt by ecoy ‘ alker's erume , € Cush Syatem Phis, we doubt net. the Cy {States we 1 prove of vital L remove the greatest diff port ete her con Nev to success of the country press, "roversy lt here she : eat t _ mand ' ugun d ’ ft, atthe sanuie tiine, coumiane oO ‘A neal ofallienee A \ The antiN sha members of the ce approval of all inew whe are capable PI Be t Honse held aes Ss at Capital t f appreciating the subject. And so fht Mr. Campbell, of Pennsvivanta, str vis or uviction of these views,: t ur Ninety inembers were ist das they are by the encourage. pr neluding t Mr. Peouins tof fricnds in tuwn and couutry, that fia me Phe meeting was more has \ t that frou aud after Nenbens than was antic pated. Mesers vive netice thea ot ud afte ° ‘ : Wa! . Lester, Knukle, Grow, Norton, s dite, no name elali be entered on our Wit re « Boor aired ot par t ce pbine order © accommpaniod w ti rt Yiot liscuss 1 re the the castes a those wiw are clready on nding oft fthe previous forinal now } ‘ at Mr. Bank vho te tina Var Wishing gentle rnet to con Corthetsely es wuder implied obligations oe. to vote for | 7 Weatirn Leal Leonad Company The nom nof Mr, Banks was de a'r ‘ tt as ' oe clared’ nuvay aid a committer of ; ‘ . ‘ tig ay) te authorized © ca © together the applica bil tbe Vaeanev int ften ner crs . cr . =. sy BA ROAD BANQUET We learn in a ’ to what is sted : SP ye inf Acranie ho ane r ee Rioad is t ' ( loure on Turelay, wo staked otf 2 fur as States Ke / SC ' deliv: « nS anon ast ; 4 - } ( tuates sa -} ations c tra stof the Prewthevt, Mr. Fieler, that of ‘ Noone ( Ra t far as gu i F : bi j (ey Aiparet pee tre i , Mr. Jamie C. Ti xray, ¢ hayineer ; aan a ad be ad Geert at a cule 0! vet ’ */ f + t Jan 9 [is aed woby Lerard I) ore “ was a here Thine : ih] Alo NBEO FINISTI ES) nidbridaelast. ac atervally tothe ‘ ‘ enh ivecey at lid a Ka! as 0 . ° ' re tT sz te uw ' ze } es : P pai ci suis be Naws yt . . CI oh * r oe . ; , orm, p e% 5 Ae | ae as fe k cuel ' w da i V We Ir pos c als * will be ta tecta a] na I - * WP eee Hn Vat. Jom is ra = | t \W t f..] aft | Washing | ths tor ite Noor 4 FA ‘ a Ans ald to ita signit h rwha ' the Cann ’ ed at t Pg } ( ( oN ] oO. ds 7. 1 t pr . . ( THOMAS J RCOLES' TRIAT ed ia r NW ‘A ! j hey at von rt 7 tria ] tase} sehany unde fers nat to appoint ony Anew Notheng postmaster, and to tarn 3 ace 7 fall irhom yiuknuno to b v4 to the s SY oe A a | Dlits dverryy thre se, al Teeot ‘ e€ and ¢ i i, t rin t ‘ t vht be con r ; t Chas anitines ae vs ea te advantape, by key \\ : <A , w ; eg “ crett a the Depart : ent, Pita tie yo renne of making ( { f at Hecns “ t Tamand have been ‘ wa Sir ta creamer of that der, VL theretory ken may set about oking Opa toregn Rewian Catheolte to = § yapope f, and 1 woons for our little whe made the pola Daw hiapiy te &avl ied not cursed Crt t tej law wth such a beri capalle of fillmy the .. thice I supper it ‘ beomy patrfal . oe luty te Pi the offfee antiliny suceceser m8 Com 1 Poet Office, Rovear . ‘ arrives ' [hope wall nor be long 4 . lar the name Huy ek towee the tnture P.M (ay iia Tl ) ea ‘) « ( House, and washing dre . : YF el : AY be one Mw 4 been here jong ’ . Chem to be waturalized aud anderstood, ch I am. tint sel thine, your obedient on wervanit ail yostiuactor W sotox, Jan. 14 FOUN FL MURRILE icy ’ rie . It , Jona iN ! hor uw \ rat J Pas hia ' tha war w the Unite seed ( Lierical qnetiot, I Stite Masauelusetts an order \s bjs tyr cou passed directig the Conmuittec Fray dniarids t t Jidiesary to wurde ve adj. - i ? ! iC eXpeds fy me far amending or repealing the cee concembing the rolts and duties of Dy : Hi; re Sleieat r ts fy le that jurors shall not ave the power of ror de , art Nu M ireten | ) gor lecih . t Hoof the Coustitutionabty of i Pay 4 te dyed i AN Vessel dit tdou on trial in x ‘ XC el c The Washington correspondent of the Should Mey Bughanan’s regall be will not be lett iPdoubt as to the teasone? hibits an alinost entire indifference on the Vi vart of Lord Palmerston for a quiet settle: | Bachanan woald | Congress would support of | Great Britain, in all probability, would | demaud the displaccent of Pahnerston, | The lauer event is placed among the pro- rareat last replied to by a ridicule of | For Famine of Pilice. b. A. DAVIS. For Commissioners. Murphy. Souths Weed. Thode. Drow ry B&Oasper. Sor he West Ward. Overman. t J. coe May, Evizon; Vien AYnOUneE iin. fultow ins purpose, A te ket for Mrrenthatt af Police id “Cubiwision Salisbuay and oblige. MANY CAEN For Intendant of Police. JERENMTAH MD BROWYW,. Commi ieaioners, North Ward,—Jawes EF. Kerr, Jobo, Bla ver, Last Ward,—Michnel Laws, J. W. Clark. South Ward.—Jolu Shuman, W. M. Bar ; West ‘ker. ers for the town of S. Ward, — Awlrew Murphy, C.F. Be o_o CONGRESS, Jaxcary 12. The Senate session. = The | House of Represkn iv tly es vecupied the day in persoual explanations and in tak- | seone Vote for Speaker, This vate gave vo indication of a clhauge of purpose on the part of members, the pesult being: For Banks 98, Richardsou 70, Faller, 32, was not in in Pennington 7, scattering 5. til dO u'clock was consumed in the Consid- eration of a resulution declaring it the right of the electors in a Republican Gow. | ernment to have the opinions of eandi- lates for any public station clearly stated This resetntion was adept ye Mad " iny ved The practice has grown up, in the course of the present chaotic state of the House, of meusbery ste ping during the boat y ’ A roll call tu explain their votes It is teu itadds variety tu the eceue, and vecasion- ally soine very ood things are ead , but atewall scarcely be allowable we a custo iF alicor the We gular poliucal cxamimation and confe> bow oliall Lave boon ongauig ed Guilt bare beday a weber be ab sienof faith; for af cue wed, ander the sobution adeypted, be jMesben tue Candidates tur the Speaker s! nnel wilh be equally eanded to the rvidege, and the whole sitting be ldswly bo be cunsuused is this pew fuature of ley slation.— Vt. Sne M. Coffin, W Mian! Statesville and Newton to Morganton, “i Eruut 2 wn. | | R NGINEER'S OFP PIOR, , | WhsfERN N. CAROLINA RAIL ROAD, Bataounv: Jancany 15, 1856, f the President and Directors off the Western N.C. R. R. Company : ex—Ow the dih of October last, 1 hel by the appointnent of Engineer tw ny, with instruction to procged with Any ps possible tu locate the First the Road from the town of Salis! view of these instructions, Lat onee set about the ory ganization of two corps of Engineers for pra And on the 2@h7 of the sane mouth, they entered upon theiediities in the fleld fully | prepatred with the necessary cainp cquipage, in fr yintgagand #tytionery, 7 Active MA 6 aif As ho route fndlented the alidy felons sccopled different rein tonr thie tare © [ed by» the winrte pes for the NGL ania, FR, i made wuder the directian of Col: Walté Gwyn | by Wy scl, ib bieatid neetsary “4o'boiumends | napa regoweg)e tet jostrumenta! ex yminatigggagt tthe jeountey as to enable me to decide upoy the punctichbilty abd prdhabla%enat mathe) Byt the tecoritioivatiod: Tae tn “yeaa maklig the above ndmed survey, Lipa ig te j Maria the general condtebtr of th coointty | | had J was the bere? elial fed w to pee | portions wy nels ‘ad fo NV ‘cuit lish your lem with the Teust posible Ray. F a The’ ehiintry for ¢hasnination aligited Yo t | corps of Engticlis’ ou the Ise Divinton brac & within the Goundaries of ‘howan” HTredell, whilet that of the Zid Dixisiog emp ing from the Citawha River to. aie through Catawha and Barks counties, wa a; signed to the other curpa, Mating thus divided the distances and d uf thy two corps, that on the ad” teh gin near a favorable aud aceessable crowing of the Catawba Kiver at Buffalo shoal 5, and Maced was et tau several fines ty Newtow, and thence one ow to Morganton Bart salfiieng informaiig ma ' lateun to this part of the rowl, ty Caable me to reumn od any partieular Gace bas a ik leon ad. TD therefury neu ty the Exatern termi: sal a Tomeriy on of that path OC the Ural we ane prepared ty ‘ Over the Grete Db i ohne coulis hoe Was rai, x ig from the ds pwtauf NOC KR, at Salebury, aad croming Fast Cook, aleut TOU0 feud behem Mocay's mail, (hemeow wag Ue Pivuk Reed with a bea exeavation war Lu ( "syne a funmny on a pl? Tithe ow fortis @ joint alwwt ols tolles from Sulisbary I Og coaulry frpas be prot Cavek eins greatly teor Kem oy tte ti he, 1 heewte meeenre by age dee kee pres. re owith err mitted grade to rdti varkiwe trial? Vic: ey ts of abkd hed to the why tu ula coming un Syeued Crek, pear (olitau's Drelge. lane abieh )treem the few pases laa drat hee ta Thad Creek, in the prneer. vieipity A Osborn Gi. Foard and sbeat 2000 = -o- fext betuw the Dtank Raed Uridge At this Miligh —We mice in the Wibraing- paint we crea the atr wm at a hy esnble oleca- ten dberald that the Down Clark of that’ tice aed din a cid by Une therm mlge divide CUIY advertiogs Gial i wall ye FO" was Dido! aed Foaesh Crewks, an] so Goutinee ceive t we bet ay of forex v the eleitty of Bates: Me Ne own Phuiog mink boarding merece wens 4 aver a t td el » | the Lown Mu We would resgeed ’ baie are i uf Greud ofthe Herald “4e) te spared foune ‘ ther ¢ “ oviilracts neceseariby get a erp reife, verte net lee eer cee ep gether in Wiliogtes, and if eo, fe sa rian the pants lity of gutumy oggh Gi x fr Ji expect to make Town withvor ray tan grat agtl | Prof i / on . fle 4 i Catawba lever We woald refer « fr ds of the O ' veog aint aooemable by the poe acho yitithe ( mercial, as West rsd, ome eofegeed cue ateeton, ‘ the ¢ \uriseimers M'* ! == Pike ed ip lericnad hos high vist " thera ere ’ ‘ une land, te bather be eA . bart bat “a sewer t {tention than we z : oat oe , aes Ned “ite Pre ‘ ‘ vied to hed « prewiesble " Mevett oP T hep & coe bnet Gere tee fo the fra fave- oo. re e of g Micd Cheek Whe x lie Kehr ff Wrst k b, thetow mg Ay 7 | ‘ Lot New ¥ & » eo bet chming ile orweh amb - ohh wong te at dy vudbiey the Gatewe bua Lig. wert efrom the \ A « retele sommit near oes Kvh- a ' { perth. of this” Mine peg dicen lo Devth.—We eeo in the V . rr bir Siatemwalle imal A jupers hetices of the demth by cn. start * wong | SEC Uthat State, d € Uhe life ettow trans ae we iy & yw oom Ob ruige, be oof theo vent an yghih persons ty wren | j A Bele Crewe tas thee fest Gor ote four black tet on € , ° z BO fet hiwh ¢ » along the oe . ie at Kyle's eruge Tare J. Focuses NetGear The jars ' p Uullo slual ly the Buffalo ’ scare of the United Mates er, wal toad an and Kreoes's brand) ] - bocles | toma na. ler¢, the trial Addins |ine prewented features pot 60 fevere- fo winch hae been Feported in their eer hypo re \ freton Satamtny of not guilty.” The ’ ‘ = r re tliew ned eb 10 «telnck hig otter 5 woview a thind une way ese ed ui Ubataw's aud crossing ieee the mountas # et bie bead of Charles Greeley FATAL RAM RD aCe IDENT Uretre down sand creek tom pert hall a ivite ome of Janh! 4 tite 1} he Clumees New York, Jan 16 ' Vee. The down train From Aliens y bent rghit met P ag aith meihnt n Sparvtem, whrile erome . a Be. “tae he bereige wear Dhow) Oreck The haamdive, “"" nwt : A * fine one audin half wo hengegre and coe pammet ger ene went tbr hs fronn the Thre frre, wert ke the flee, le Unielye ts the rwve¢ The engineer, one affy Fw fatorm®le pyippewrh t, tha peeing ty a, Bul a tary a mn ito. choe. wh rt @e owhocet with (he tine Cried ow ++. lee coud Div ons ot-wlag the flier eth a DEMOCKATIC STALE CONVENTION bidder G29 Ft nme med at ame hme sbbeebbd ‘ ! Le] dJannary An cord an *ei'ha . I ne vetare stra yang in frum Ss aieseule to Newpon, I) ; “ ( cht tere eh a a0, bodied swath of a dasect . f (urbe clad,» Win. T Vere Wd Winco eros ' ) live porta, nmuther lene eap WV Psldin of Watko. mit in Raletoh, SUM) in yee A GOS versitaté apeiron! Wodreerdag the 16th day Mere direet lis ot one woth mre Teenie Ayr ae the tin he etry of Rakighthe <7 This hue diverge fiom the cme fhe a BL Ds tooeratie State femerit dd abetit fala met A Sict Vr Ries t a ‘ for Geuvernor sw! nad Cha Wa cnck to n point Tylhacaclune [sans : ' out ree quarters uf amie from ite mouth, ye pEAPoval of Ad winieretine: cad bere the ete > ea te the right, Rnd jpepeetgg : ly wn easy curs ia raed ton deprenpiog es the nde divkiing Olitk's creek from Bu@ielé Columbia Market— Report fur week ending Jan \9 shoal crak, we emenge from the bifk and enter Ravan 12 @ NY fot log ronnd midew 12 @ 124 sole Hey of tle @Camwha Ard Giecint od harne 126 @ 13. necure « l ¢ ! Cone - MIA Bhe ®P huwh. SE ants f Etta ENA Et Buffalo Carie™ Welhave winmilahlenchences it mame: kt fet above igh water; Wenge pe f « d f e fronting ter etert ' t f Ms gga w e 1 with an Y gta pe the ley of the Cetap- Pras Re BP hushe ba three anda hall mdes to Bat rock, @ alors Frere 054 BBY fee commad in gund brands: distanee nluve te ferry ver here PE pee BIN Aaa Jen nee e Lew’ ferry. The river bh Foner 81 @ Big 100 ihe, arcording to the TY frum west tu east, a deonnve of neatly Give malty ofthe artecle rmife-s ome Hire, ates wen pt arty enable eblrtt The Sinitheoman Inetitution, says the Waah- tion for erusaing | r, tnd éonneet th che esta junte ed asa present fi Wu from Uie Badly showt up the sooth the Unrvemarg at Jene, a eopy of the ongins) side This pulub of cromsiny as aevertaned bg work of ORty de Guenoke, tha renowned inven (our sarey, js very new by wn a direet Nae front tor of the mir pump, pubirehd in 1672. The work Stuteeviide to Newton sin felo, Mestrated by a naimber of engravings A fourth line was nleo ron fron Statescttte awong whichis arepresentation of the celebrated alot g the ridge dwiling Third wel Fourth of the rn ApH rune nt Sista to separation of | ¢ wo hemispheres, from whieh the air had been vhuamsted, vel let Hight span of lores was ay ‘ t reeks nhontthiee miles, then fnctining fo thé ft nn sity Thi! Creek below Watt's milf, Wes mere nding and cutting werone the baad wee roof Back Cook tu the Norton relye, thente id the Pointy cruv! ing the dis! regard to U the ineryaee able, & aber Ge 9 4h is 30.34 T will Ri greatent ob ww Newiee is first the | the high Hh Catawba ci ng, tty! Lamba only with a shy! Lange of ab the Catnwt Returain was between bong dates where tt cr ridge bebe, lattice, Abnem making the wes ' .e- eset Y by a alas 3Y00 ervesmg the ridge | dewey it ae tnill, aud rue Th the umape a a luse lowe. with submi - the cumnutry tween jy made. The pom deteribesl is tent, aod d The¥ are ai atthe om eur lias ia ome 4 font un the P ww used ahh Ue ¥ Gugl ws thaqibe § the Go im fering but J beg de tome le Wok whl hug about 3000 fe a level © pacers @ tle gt Uh rote able dor aw bate 18 Fe thet 7 lng by a0 (G00 bert of Road afford fur pernr both ronda. mote t ady therefry Fen berickings ae le makin of @ay thio 4 ered an lew 1 sew ite yore that | cane me gre’ pte passe by Ube will cant a the sam req ’ verte ow Th vo tan Sow wn of the tact ture and the ng 2 a sum 1. [nstemoe | *\ Salele Fiat Rewk 2. Distance | O18 miles 3 Distance | @ juin of nih & Distance posite Pla tiles. 8. Dintatice | bing oy te mbes, 6. Distance | Statesville, 7. From pol Crossing, | 8. Distance Church T Mra. Kuoa 9 Datance Reowk, 345 Distance Roek 105 Tutal num 19 i From the | that Rast i Ue North, to prs te only 0 per ry to Flat kK. direct line be The line of bury to Cata Bated on the amy er last, 1 igineer to hel Faith. ry ag <4 rect the or wis vi) Ip ae ato th ves tuber } te rm: bof the tes Ting ‘a «ts a half » free, atFoteh fd on th a odes \etore qpen, Rite yo" ot yoths meals | me On ifde onter mint ifilo ring stay aliort h the woth 1 by fron scithe worthy | the will, | BF fein yards Budlulo by a very uble, a dere inspection of the profile gertainly wuld Oa aS he. BOLI Ps vk, the ‘alypela ai fee ble Myo in 96 p blo shou! willy wou puldt Opposite >» een te ! T will b hake O¢casion ‘to! remark, that the greatest obsiagle. to a direct line from State av pile | to Newlemwraay poluton the Carawha ‘sider, is first the crossing of Third’ Creek, and secondly, the high PhterviiiPridye whieh separates he Catawba tiver ffein Buffalo shual ereul,. lend: (ng, witty! ofiposite the great bejid of the Cy. Lawba.cply aplor dinunce fram itwnd eiQguing with 9 sight iticlination toward, the yiver, a dis Lange of abou, LQ uniles, ad campty ing its 1 dude the Catne ba one mile “nbove Buttalo sbyals, Returiiiys w Salisbury amore northern ln ibwing near Mr Kibox’ * w thewuye Rm Third avd Fourth Creek, and couuuu: ing datyetu a point L mile below Neely’s mill’) where (t crowed Third Crock, thence over a high | Fidge Licteven Third aud Second Orcek to the | janew D. | } ' latter, Alivio tow puint vu the first line traced. | | making the imereased distance by this line about, Po Dk eee the OM gees Frosb ‘Segond Oreck on tie fir lide the rout. ed with reference tu # propgt Conic: | ss tak Oe North Corbi Mui Road at Satie- Gury, and. ive difsentJives were run, one *p Walout Branch ws iw’ head, thence on a ridge towsrds the bend of Macay’s mill pond, crovsing Fira Creek 'at the ~ by a ireet ue to the North Cargtiva Kail Ryad aly BYOO feet Syuth of the depot. Phe other crvasing’ W Aiwt Branch and cutting through the ridge to the heal of Belle Bravuh, thenes " . = - p sotralet, 80 per. cent of the wholw distance ; whil at 3.07 -finiles have no less euding i uly 4.68 miles wight eovding 1000 freth to which | Company. "* * 4 Peete? Iu eonclusion; Liam m yely gratified in being | at | Abad Howry firmt tb teapeaual vel diligence apd persove ei tog! The prelimionry surveys prepagatory toa lo.) cation of Abie ling on tint Division busing Veen eotupletedy t rempectially subuit: the propriety of betting AU oe aw portion of the tiet Division as soon ite located, by which time plies, speeifiva Wgne wid “wotimates of te cont will be laid be- tyre you. 1 have the honur to be , geutlomen, Your alt servant, JAMES 0. HORNER, Chief Engineer. -_ Col Pury Liter Fhe Raleiy), undard, in cothmeating upon Col Puy ' “an 8 wry 4, in relation to the Malison, 1.t told bina sel ane Moret ‘ stinaster at re nrarks:) “Mr. Partearsars the styite ter diy nepal [ative- bby citigen ‘athe | 4 year *s letter published in hePi ressot dan. |B? etherded. to uw tune, ' uppentinent of) Assist ant me 16 al “ lhc, Lot equally cain potent, were sae | ply tora appoiiturent, fie’would be com fpeiled to appoint the foreign Catholic.’ | Now, we do not elmrge Me. Puryeai | witha talaebood, but we do not believe | old hei ige place,” and thetoe | tbetween duty it and peroas First Creek below Macuy's, tnill, aud thence to the N.C. HR, bosad depot, by a lu ruotiag thrady) Une pout oof Pewa. Thus it wilh be xeen by wa inspection uf the smaaye aud profiles of the several tines her with submitted Ut a pyorumgl exaraination of the comutry indhekeh by pour dostra dons, lween Pepyoas awd the Coige be Mises lise | made, The peme of convergence of the two lines Lat Ral - deteribeal is frow § abe bury alewl bite mashes bin tant, aod differ in | wet only mtant 200 0, ¢, The} ave alert equal in grade awd dather bat little om curs ature, except that the Soath Ine lias ia ome instance a 4° revetay curve, the vals ponut un the fime where acarnature greater than Pe used. But the line # lua, evhwect ing ehh the BCL Lead, and which may be re rigs w the cabisicn, is 1000 fad aborter thaqibe Seath. re be The emtimated cust of th» Co bes bing only approviunate and dd fering but tthe w aMount, The real queation 4, beg de topped be tbe pefint Of eummeetion wil Ue WL. A. Ryad. ehth-n hug repre dive Domina ro oe out g poate tothe NOG ROR abyak 3000 feet Boulll of the Thepet, bas 30. fe a vel grade Ht owing w the (act the © pares @ hig eembhaakew nts oe pout lag thre the Tor » WOO fet mara ale her Laing j orp es eb dine 1800 bot fron le Bs Pend. The Nusthern bene eommccting ae! long ley 00 6° care bee 5890 feet of bevel grade 00 bert of wt wmnigg paralicd to NOG Road aflundiog consent aceewmalile | fue parrnger vid frei both ronda. In er tal mote tady bo tlw © vied tle at a dutance Dryas of the N. Une bt amd & Pte Crett) earn Ue grok sheen! ous heer ad tae pre therefry Peteh ring ture des Lerichings a6 the ( eempany abcunl | le making ap the cenmates tt t far rege! t of easy thivag! the Tome has. tes 08 ered an teen whit) mar fives 8 ‘ ‘ ing upon th . fii ' »* 1 wmeite your sitertion, and here kt mer that | carpe fur v iuprome Che with the importaner of scaring the night of wey with the beast j.=« ’ throagh the Town ob Daleiasy but alony t whula yne. Terfag That deveribed ont lat ff mae gre pleasure in beng abde bu say, Un © can St an a lie “eat per mill apy svat Ely j + ’ ey Link a- flat ov st pret ” gle! ‘ . cont Vt on the i ’ tamde ley Lat just to ail partes t LT eanmoty ert y passe a ime ( by Ube on stored x r Mates a mh wh bemst e yued the sam required to burkd Ure brig: s ’ verte od Tht) and Ym k | \ vo tak Soath Third (ve tu ea) me “ of the tacrwmerd cunt of yra so ture and the @orking of ul { The feet ng a sumuaary of 1. [netenoe frome stats on Ut NOC Kom depot at Salebery, le ata ‘ OUR. 173 opty Fiat Rewk crossing, 37.067 ais 2. Distance té near Hoffalo Shoal croesn gM O10 mikes 3) Distance ty Boffilo Show! and River Line te @ pint eppeeie Fiat Rock erusing, 39355 titles. & Distance. fram stavion 183450 to point op posite Flat Rock, on eecund HPivision, 5.316 tiles, 8 Dintaice from Bratoaveile to Flat Rook cress. dg by the Dullelo Show Crock dine, 14.826 mites, 8. Distaive frum Salebury to a point oppos Stateevelle, 25 9d iniles. 7. From polut op « o Flat Rov k Crossing, 13.00 sibs 8. Distance from Salisbury by Third Creek Church Line to junction with first ioc wear Mra. Kuoa‘e, 18,766 miles. 9. Datance by air line from Salisbury tu Fiat Rowk, 34.5 writes 19. Distance by air line from Statesville to Flat Rock, 10.8 miles, Tutal number of :niles run, 124.5¢, From the Preecding sammary, it will be seen that hut itbatanding we make a detour to the North, to pres Statesville, the incremsed distance “ 9 only O per cent oer an nie line from Salist Ty to Flat Rock, a pont not far distant from a direct line between Sa bury aud Morganton The line of approximate loeation from Salis bury to! Catawba Liver at Fiat Rocks ae desi Rated on the map of OUT Surveves, js BR miles it that Mr. King told hitn any sich tl Mr. Puryear is mistaken.” We should dike ta be infurmed wh has the best rid tte know wha the Ist As General and Coll’ aryear 1— Cod. Puryear @iys the Pootisaete Siti Pyatin Sb Assista r General told tuto the tative Perm Cinzen gud a fure yn R Catholic, both « jimthty Cottetonr, w r toaply for un appotatwent, be aloud a compclled toappanntt te ven (ath thie We do mot dewtt Gol Pa rs verac sand aie buwud ty believe his elute seid Fos ther itn Lol Borne wleme pro: litteal gen! liteo far wv jad a! e watpelit row ary cir jade ‘ dee be seid Lane et cf astray, and BS wre UNS ON Te smc libitscll by Us bial tue Whole matter was amore “eles, that Ma Walsaye lad a Postuaaster, &c., we weil ine: tate! “Keck A f ngs Dow eave, t i ere | at that place hed, nnd that | 1 NECEr@ts y Tigh dla Feet b ioentine diately appointed” Tie Col Poe Year waited en the bef Assistant P.M and the result was ag «tuted t W, “i ’ Cremer work r ti t a ve (CHA we Weel su ‘ Vurrew 1 ‘ relies i i vor ure ts) x ! /’ Les 5 ad ‘ \ mtu ' | a) ai gs a } Peri , _ ’ N y ' ) i] ’ i \ \ ‘ 4 t te & A ' 1 \ ' » ont b-da-a i vi (NLA LAING of Dawe ee DIED CLOVER SEED, bard and Herd Grass Sce CT PPED FMR VOR ANID WAS is TANTID ES «ES Ac. >¢ 300 PACTIAC FRESH DRUG». NbsEs, SILL Ac. « a Bh | Ww .vid tented ta thema—t a graces . Thy @ go errally uv Meted (ror th “4 do thepe bite 1 ref: by fire, thes bez 1, te Nele anihid tll euheart Saliehur N. Ct aati’ 2,18 AGENTS! ST TS! EXTRA INDUCEMENTS OFFI PEBSONS weading me road se | Pb RCE Third Sir 1 1 BRADBURY'S NEM GLEE BOOK. MR. Teen GLEBE AND CHORE BOOK, by Wa Bh Besoteny. en It rontoins n veriete of gle i] * hand ” Bog elas t " st ‘ ry f te hd 1 p the ne hig ry ve woth fr Wihier men ropes @ent by mu pet y fon reeript ; Reels prive wide Put J by MASON “PROTHERS ines} at oF FRBWUARY, 1856. ae 7" E Subseriber wildons ¢ recolved Biles from New York and Phitadeiphiaj avet Bhree Whousand Valentines fie Bait: Valentine's day. Oy point of bevury. clegsnen old finish they ite superior io any ever before otfered. Oiders will be filed and prompdy furuished by mail, z aye, to ahy point at the fullowing raves. MAK PatTeuNnn B cis. A 20 6 iB 24 12 c 2t 25 D u 37 E « de i Os 2 15 G ie 1 00 HW 6 1 50 9 ey 6 2 wo t 3 3 OU Envelopes for Valentines. Senall vize, 6 ets, modinin 124) targe size 25 cents! each “a cpb ‘aru ce COINC VALENTINES. Orer 2H) Come Vilentives of the riches and rarest Kond for town oud cowry. Sm sige A2QQ ceuls per | cauts pee daon—iuiues2 a Vale [icinceieh edetres W nee Boil b be sentiu eariv, Aya ug if ENN ok, Jinunry 16." 1258 sal a “* PROSPECTUS rae Or THe A DEMOGK ATIC AND MIsCELLAN EQUB JOURNAL, TO KE PUBLISU DD WEELLY, A't WILSUNSN. €. | Cormy 30 63} C 1, 3 bush. 80M) | do Meal, 50055 | Plaxseed, | Chickens Pdez., 214 @ beegss Brown, dha 194 Furs # doz, Bel * Lowf, W2gald Feathers, 30035 | Crushed, 12h8 44 \ Flor, W bbl, G7aBFb! oo Cluriieg, Onl) | Trou, Swede, * 6 Tallow, 124 « da! Orders | Pards Maud site anay | | do. Bar, 4a 44'/Turpentive, te | “ Refin'd 54 Wheat, f * Mute 4, 5. |Wool, « Oval, 6@7i |\Windevw Glass: 100 124) er & Lewd, bar, igad 104 12 gr... Cottoa Yarn, v LETS “A ofbyee 8 Divteremsad Lp Avptes, (dried) “© Mined, No. 1, 10ab dy. pees soapoue sf ‘* Do.Pure. Ll a lag acon 2h Mulase 8} » (50a Ricewax. ’ df | N.Urleaus, 70075 ef, Noujls, babs Butter, | deh. Wrotight, 124 @ 15 Candles, Tallow, *?0% Horse dhoe 25 do. Aduwaut, 33085, Oate, 30@00 do. > dg bri + evan é : ers Cotte . a waded, Ff) gul a do. Teva, léa ia Taupers’ peel Wy ig Castings Pio, A |Patatues, Irish, do, Malable 124 @ is | do. Bysel, i, | Cotten Rage ru bs. {C osu Begging ~ — Balt ; jd sack.) B275e ai “ Gunny, 20000 {* de Pousbel, 81,00 “ Dundes, 15a yu lane obipgs, Brown, 4-4 9 ** Burlaps, 00912) Sho, Y bag $2.25 65 200 (Need, — Lead. Dry White. 10 «42s SOUTHERN SENTINEL,” | | | EXECUTOR'S WILL SELL at the ipte dwelling house of James Coleuan deed, om Phuredsy the Ilet sust., eight Likely Negroes, of Uflerent ages apd sexes. Also, aboot 220 ACRES OF LAND. phetsam ty for SALE. | | DHE rabcrberaghas takeu the old stéind lately yeoupigd by yy & Mills, oe dagimabuve the ny ponte Biote, t this method of sanpmncing to the citizeukof’ Sulishury’ 4yd sorroand!ng ewuatry, that they afc tow réveiving, direct from New Yorle aud jedulphia, a very Jurge aod well scieoted stock of “oNSTERS, S* the Proprietor of the ROWAN HOUSE, and make, Brrpugmwns to have your ferily menging | with the richest, freshest and largest @) sters of the seitegu—direet from No fulk, in less thei 24 boure— | ip nice kegs, (siz-s toeuil parebasers.) you can get em at 81.124 perkug, esitaining cach}! gollon fj of $12 per dyzen. GREAT EXCUTEME © ALN SALISB U 4 by H Bvcative of WHICH To, eat they ie receiv- ing at Richwine & NMarrison’s cheup cash Store one of the largest socks of l By engaging, | 7 Dee. 4th. }855 17d PALL & WINTER GOODS, es Fall and /Wiaten @oods, } ff. a Le thet A part of (nt lich cone Ladies? and Geutlemen’s Dress Goods. | CLOAKS | CLOAKS | | bb pee ; ‘i sate Jd } it sista in the following, viz: Ladies € Valmae aod Cloaks, Mantillas, Tatmas, Silks, plain} UN Tete Gea Genie }Maitilian, (Alpacous, Preach ond) ctl Merinos, . ae 7 . , Cloth 6 mae Dobos Permyiy Smilin, G ie, as- and yigured, Satins, French and Eng- | Let? Allie bee Mi eenRee sium My bee ied: “aN Trl’ Faleat stile i ed ai] dd Haw ; wish Merings, Alpuccas, Delunes, Do Civils Talinas, Ed Geptlemeg’ and Ladies’ Gaiter B. and Shoes, ar- Poplin Plaids, Musli vad MICHAEL BROW N. soried 5 Gituveries, Hardware and Cudk ergs Alfety ne, aids, uslins a October 27th, 1855 23.1 (large agsortinent yf Ready-Made Coats, Po ais Vests, Printa, Broad-cloth, Doe-skin | and Fancy Casgimeres, Sat- inglls, Velvets, Berscys, Jeans, | Ready-Maeds Clothing, Court Lh Over-coats, Superfine bluck Cloth Dress Coats, Bluck Ttibb'd. do., Tweed do., and Funey Nail Shirte, and Drawers, BOOTS AND SHOES, 91 2 yee on Men's Calf and hip Boots, Common do., fou pe on the petiann of B. us yes ! Men's Calf Broyons, Goat do., the of wale, 1iDe! En- Winen’s hid Orford l 7 Congress do., 6, Lawl d do., 540 iN ALE OF LAN Blaek rib d Fuaney Reaeer and ve next, being Tuc sday of February Cc 212. Acres of Land, 6 munthe ered) , bind net secure. | Shirts, &e, for men and hots. All of thew Goode wee bougl before the late, ad- | vanced prices, ond they ate deleriuined to gel them an low for cash, or tu: Pundtaal pavers on short credify at as they cay be parchased te Wes. ’ We retam oartinerre thinks fot pies Pongivelity D, | wholesale or retai Htern North Carelita. past favors and aden Dy. wise In basins to rof the Court of Eqn ty, wing valaafile tracts o ry Salisbury. ou uve aud promytiiy oa ils of county ‘pro ute © nt at the Wighest *, in exchange f KICTIWIN E Swisbary, Uct. 2, 1066 use ip market v & “HARRISON. Bude : ay s lying on the waters of Fourth Creek, adjcuing the e zs Funcy Plush and Fine Velovt ae 2 Thy uns Hatt: William Wanal, wad anthers AS 1 TH fh PRVER Vests, Fancy Cussimere and ‘ ' priitigap af the beire at ly f Wi inrd ] By a , CLs; 2° d. coused. ‘Terme of sate, six und win are =e T Tweed Punts, Shirts, Plain 18 otedii— Lond and security. +50 POSITIN ELY CU RED ! FANE greatest reads ever geeor or: 6 fx the ¢use 1-4 Acres of Land, of Ague and Fever) Fo at Withrow'e Cove, Kdidynius ng the lane Col Ju. E Nis’ Book Store. hard © wap, D FF ! ere. No ene necd by tronic a) with Agoe wed: Reserse uf day yu he ubpve Regedy, which J by hundreds wichual a sitylc cabo’ of ‘Gearkae ot ed. ‘Torus thers eof dowph Uy _ BLACK ME + & M.E 2, VESS. t9 SoD Ace et 7). 8wt i “y eet gee Pe VLE. exeiug eon ashe i avid James C jj hes f 5 : ad f M. M. RLPER. Mw. BR, HELPER Be. partiorn mr : hile Cees EP Ghurches oa ake Guid rs, Lasting fiy d.dv,, Meas- ASN ' ei 4 . Y we pg of suc he Halwa the Souris Seating : wel es Knumelal do. Misses 8. VG Vr i (' ie \ ! HELPER & BROTHER, ee ome. Lhe preaseal, iudeed, is a ernie), ’ 1 cob, , ‘, ig as im ose polileal hire, vever witsemed before— | sauhe huwes, eran foce Skee wAUL oxi faseel| hected Boots, Chills Shoes. Bt PENSION, LE OUNE YX JAND, Phe ¢ watiucon as beea iv the laws tram-| tat wa vet! to ibe Cweliue hwgac, webb bus Y Ver ar Chant of Pe Genoral Agconts pied 7 npat He religions aasuile dd 5 be bok) three ur ery od boihe trwel Phe | ot KB 4 13%, ar he rth. ae a I Se dplisbarys pat Sel 1A toabered a repaur. The | : : ee Nerth Carotth bG| somente Aa ves Ae ; 1, - ; le pubbe s (be Cuwri-lunse in Sabushe _ fur = tiv ox Pen , wh des of} : aiirarear o wf hertinede Yarn ok ' eet JOWN, oped Set eye ae AVIN ; tand confiaential gorrggpam. Se and ( a Caitle ; ate xf ioe < MeN kia ups " bern gees ya the Juul of Mow - i oA the princips! wie and « | OCs yew uth wih " i . i : ; me urs v f «ll enirpeied seme rk uh “1 Me pat Sot ing Yea OL eek ene uate rete diatiees wa tien wc a fer at det oy nd co Bicracit bee ay beew mide tor oe ‘ w oralle terme— * ti ud if at Gi) mt take Case.) creda pa t As ane gone) se ult ded to woh fidetiny! ds Piers will be oth C pepeper y mid al bee waiee tame Perst = « phered a he sid ap bry aw dredied. rv vatch OFFICE ip Cowan's Brick Row. ‘ rain new ' ' an tock PCN, Gee oe Pare » 3 . i " 01 PARRY sla TINEL DASTELICUL Fc sie—¢ eeepc ee | Omcmmemet dair Ge - lw Vor a'nee xe X\ = EP» drs a ‘ : L Nuvether 13,5 ues as in zl a , JV. & S od WUNS, & CU oo . WON 1 fet ? = oe Dn ee et ST eNP BRO VAN cea AW , iy s le ‘ rab 5 . 1 oy, el 4 f / ss a 7 ee ony ( r rol ied 2 ares : ' United Baptist a stitute, te id Wirseoriet (LISBUR SUN... CG - Gs oy wet st | ante . pen mart ' Phe Sevriver will af he uw ( ee, to Melebore, ou Leertay of t AT TAYLORSVILLE, N. ¢ {} OULD rs v eulf ait fe CIMIE sulecaber hewan akon cherge of readings of plied fap ci i “aTrer = 4. Ms Ws = Inet: oy ue Hetali mg ro 10 infor the pybbe: ee! dase ® es : yee | Ta y 4 . : genes aiiv. inet th ican + wow pew for De reeondianl : ‘ Py ’ TQ) 7aAQq T ened sy » ™% ° cae ¢ ” « be ain ret vi 2 gee le Ar ze wela if ve oe Leones “ie Likely Ne eBrves, | eres 8] Pema te * ret , vir ; t ; a rf ’ fe : vt Boar si bar, & Ue prot! qoe j lms dae i = » - ce a BV ut 12 ceceine . i mel S oa pect mentiat Grape: CCOMUIDIT oss ' Noe ‘ fre . fru t2 we ISG y lines H Fo ‘ M4 <P ot Nr, ae nee wlieeiagtu ana i a COMUIDA TIONS + eal I i ee . ' ' fms ' Whe Wl ave tae aneiawce of leer eee te hime un 4 shal. be equal brane ig the, Sine Pecrous stepping a ; Zs ae ' ' . ; Bevis ‘ tem acd the F neatly py nd) Ot bes . . r thé arn he rite of BP ur ey KRUG WAS ES BLOM ‘ t ‘ ie) en} valand j¢parwre «) th> Cars bole ve oad ele ~ : e swell 8 that GRAN? P SUED KEENAN Ee allah ing q t I & 2 Ok cys May 24 165 AD ele Vdlwarhs cena’ ° fim iheenss, I innive Cm | < . \ > > Yau wane neo , DIRECT IMPORTATION. " ev 8 “ P peck ateoenes These pic mins icon ine and CUSALING, SHED LBD & CO, ere ’ * * 1 ] 1656, ‘ ' i. acny » ir a set G Wa papell Rs re Oe cea OE cee ey EO noe IMPOR LIS AND JOB ERs IN CHINA, GLASS & EAl ‘THEN WARE, we mat bare money, and binger i ictal cones @:¥ wo Dow | Metheadie:, Pre-eb . iu 5 re zxr. E&. IVIC EOS, brevet by are Sa pain ore ech ge > BL BAS BIEN 8, SOM eens t fie p ns way * a Enetoh, Chameat and M ' oe peers es ; : ’ ' ‘ ; > Cone x fom Pe o he mn on tate tine the " FAKGY ABD olaAr LE Day Gods, 5 Hoes peel receis Pike dal aA PAL 3.4 AUD; Tie I . 4 unis of the & jeter wat & Fu f Ae 27 mt at bade atl etap as famend Heli ° oi Daas Jl. Pome, Vir A ¢ al cay L FR nr 4 Peery ~ _? , is vi , . REA RENCH CHINA.-- - iy : aa Gold Band, ¥ d White, ' hera! pitronage ve. | Sey of Borda T 10 = 4 New and White, in Dinner : aie od foe she | Alexender'Go.. Uh i255. eae } CHSVI and Tea Se-t, New Shapes; KICUEWEN ‘ ! R ie * wnt Newy preseuls a t & HAR 4 * 1 ’ WY AT OC BEY VM ALI AC ADE \MTY. bored Beyer lE agate re WAhe DIN VER THe Vw Syiwe —e \ dt A \ \ A |). MOL eeetl ag FARA t Bia ' < a ce = ! WM ib »} ‘ . : cw Cirm 1 i broreta he 9.b Negus te Seber nber.' CHAW?Y AIGNE WInt & ¥0s GLASSES. i f ¢ m9 gt of r ’ “ ' Peis > Lo ae rin, Copper, & Sheet-Iron ahs =e aaron, rive j ’ . reee repre “9 adn: F rs b > Be, ' roe ofien oe Dx ve’ pole SArher rt ’ writ di Ws “ drorn, Doth, Other 6 Pactony ‘ « | | es | reef ’ Ean oP ss. : Mt ‘ - nu, 36 wr < BROvUES ran] t ares . ‘ t bAd + ‘ A Narre ‘ . ; } ’ \ DISSOLUTION NOTICS. :° : . . Py itr 0: rEN Wow J ral l as = a Oem . heer 4 Mt 100 PA KAGES TRIE ap \ "Ny uN ms : COMMOK d WARE! Z y z ‘ : . B Senne = ~ 2 mre ; adam@ } PITER W UINTCH ‘ un 5) Union Mate Acad2n and i Aeneas irom ene _ ae wor. Nicywere. , P er aie wd ( AC GCIIVNA. or 7 \ Barkan Fean.te dri Fy. . . JAMI \ ' ; Eb sind : TOWN POINT, : - | SURV a : a fein, “Fn. Dx. Ci a rT. POWE. i TO MOT'A A) > ; aia ~a. Saisbary San & SINATURS SAL. set ) . formers = ‘ u Tobacco, Floar, @r 1, Wazal Sore 1 &c. Al » Ree I ding 4 ’ % : B Le 4. . ae Ar ‘ Goons. ef J nnery, at the Pat F caaN * | Mreyy Ply Wy Tipe ; ; ’ tat nm 70 men {e j A ft 7 4 i] ’ : . Dar FIVE MULES aes 54 BARRELS KLOUER ' tr / \ : 1 ‘ wv. ; . [ vis FIVE THOUS ASD BAe ( is . eg th AT es eaten xd sa ‘ ? / Lede V fb, ae \Fi MKOWN i! ( (er / 4 CLOAKS! TALMAS! FALL AND WINTER ‘ 2090 BUSHELS OF CORN, ( . _ ; a fo | NISOTTPION : | vYiY me PADI AIA AUG. I ; Winter Goo. vw ’ Twe BR ‘ 1) NYPARE i : y » - “HIVE Aegroes, bout i JPAPLB AL Ag rey del anal oe. JPACLE AND PAUCY , JF M KOMEN . Pa 1 8 tppy BRBP>™z” LER ‘ Ke ; \LEXIS BRAGG & WARREN, Dia GOODS, : . ! Maaufacturers aad Wholesale Dealers ‘ ; ee ae Y ' ff I ® ‘Une Gantt a \ ) vyN nD , «ae raat 1 : BOOES ANS STLORSS 2 ~wetome Cum ' i Pits NEW VORA Vo 39 Wa Ved ; ) bs) We 4 Ata Re fA Aachews es \ ee MUSIo.b R&Scy é gazette 0} : \ wy ! > \ S Qe Chat v Db 4 16 Joon A Lee la ae eae (edeees | inane N * ’ ' eee Tee ata en ea LOS? x STOLES oe Hite SEC UU = TE&2 Ga ,. elie ole We ; H a mow \ ' v ’ . ! A aor \ ‘ ivloNeoiy, look & Gaither ‘ ; iene + R 1 ot sh, i ; \ \ ey. ; = : fan ce J ! W F ted 1 ' Y } 5 "ee ' ~ A ' Ps.) t l \ ir shoaf M t ‘ +) (,) ACK A tif na woop twos 7, t W o&an , t “ ted bw on AAA fiw 815 Try: 4 | ees . . ae Goous fur the Wintor, : : ; es "> K I Qik = \ | { t s Rn mT on! . ce. a ; The Subscriber ‘ys ee ic hit t - ’ \ \ ‘ WT \ mop Nit x t II , ! I 1D R t * a 95 domi F Pericn, I b ’ \ ! oe \ m4 ' W n Dr t , ; wood a \ t i ” th Mewes GM Anron V ‘ eng & be Gomer meet - A ; he nw ar as well ae oh WIN Tama) an Keotace Ca Wry a & : tre Lepre . la ti I wood coR ' 11 ‘ ! on \ : pies . ) “4 ( \ 1 a wild Fone ( Rarer ® Garerre ‘ ert gh eat - cone Ty ore (; ' ( 1 Wee * SFE Ne Df 02S TJ Hint F ; reorepip D. \ WAVIS. ( Wan WASON BROT REV WIN ( WERT ALM ' ; Now \ \ VEIL OPEN © SOT ' . ‘S Tye : a \\ A Minitas t \ / y 1 a Dh! \WNoarrant for sace t fe J \ a te o —_—_—_—_ > AGRICULTURAL, The Cost of Raising Cotton. a ta 04, Messrs. Evrrors :— Koowing, from the regular perusal of your paper, that you do not desire to circulate erroneous infor- mation, ] take the liberty of currecting a very incorrect statement which appeared in your tri-weekly issue of the 28th ulti mo, in a coinmunication headed “The Gulf States of oar Union and the Valley of the Mississippi.” doubtless an unintentional one, occurs in the following paragraph : “The cost of raising cotton is four cents The misstatement, a pound ; one bale of five hundred pounds to the acre is considered a fair crop. A twenty acre field yiclding twenty bales, or ten thousand pounds, at eight cents a pound. only yields a profit of four hun- dred dollars.” The true state of the case can best be reached by taking the case of an improv- ed plantation of the most available size and with a proper number of slaves upon it, and making the estimates from that | basia. This is a most accurable way of; making the estimate to exhibit the largest profit ; for it is well known to every = perienced planter—and how dearly some | have purehased their experience !—that| the expenses incident to the opening and| improving of a plantation for several years after the undertaking is begun, eat | up all the profits and often leave a load | of dirt behind, sometimes forcing a sale | of the whole property, which leaves the} hands of the original proprietor to fal! in- | to those of some wiser man who has es-| chewed the toi! and hazard of opening a! new place. A plantation of sixteen hundred acres | one thousand of which is cleared land, | and has the necessary cabins and other, buildings necessary for carrying on a place of that size, is worth from forty to| sixty dollars per acre, aocording to local-| ity. Estimating its value at the lowest! rate, say $40 per acre, and it makes | $64,000. tage—that is, to cultivate seven hundred | and fifty acres in cotton and two han-| dred and fifty in corn, peas, potatoes, &c., | To work this place to advan will require a force of 75 effective hands. | which, with the young and old, who do| not go to the field or work, who would] ordinarily be united to the would constitute aboat 130 or 140 slaves) on the place, whio, at an average $600 a, piece, would be worth about $75,000 ; 50 males worth $130 each, would mak: 96,4000 more ; 100 head of cattle may be estimated at $1,200; 300 hogs may estimated at $700; 12 yoke of at $600, Wagons, farming utensils, fur ~*® 75 hands, be oxen at niture, black-smith and carpenter's tools, and all the other necessaries, including gin-tands, mifl, &c., may be estimated (and it is an under estimate) at $2,000 so that any one, by simply adding these different amour's, . en tire value of sach a place $y} posed will be about : this upoe the supposition that the place is worked without a steam engine the cotton with Bach a place, with will make ten bales t., one bale to the acre, and « me times wher everything is prosperous, an early spring and a late dry fall, many ast bales to the hand, and in » traordimary instances even jib as fifteen bales have been gathered. Hut average of ten seasons every experienced an we pme verv ex om an planter will agree that eight Lales ty tle hand is an outeide estimate aking a crop of abvat six bandred bales; and ta king § cente as the average price per pound, which for swamp cotton is aga: a fall estimate, and the gross incoine for 4 a single bi e of 409 pounds, which js the well-known anifurm weigiit, and the whole crop $19.21"), the cost of ol pping, and ew which amouuts to at least €2 in every case, and where the place ia dis tant from market nearer twice t Ing Say a nett income of a it @1X.00 From this must now be deducted the cost of cultivating the place, overseers wages clothing, and doctering the negroes, euy plying wear and tear of tools, and |osne of mules and stock, altogether, ot a place of the B) Ze ] “aye at edt tfa ny 6 aort of $6,000, many planters estimating the expenses at @10") to the hand, whic woald make &7.500. Tab t at former sum and we " ‘ profits of such a place as 1 la serihed a stavunt to B12 000, being just about ar imterest of S per cont the value of ‘ Capita: nvested This, Mesars. Editors. T believe a fis statement of the profits of the eott 1 ter; and yeu An now nee how ‘ porte with the fancy sket f vour respondent If] have exagseerated ata Uo has been in y tee too fas 4 4 4 pect to the wide of A Piaxree Niet. dit Vude Auly, ANSE From the Southern Cultivator. | to put the gentleman [Mr. J orp through |a course of instruction, I could initiate Poland Oats and Wild Potato. /him before night. [Langbter.] | Eprrors Sovragry Curtivator—I here-| Mfr. Marshall concluded his speech as with send you a sample of the celebrated | follows : | . ” Iinvoke the country to come up to “ White Poland Oats.” They are 25 per . untry to” : . {our national position, which eschews ‘cent. heavier and ten (10) days earlier! these questions, which "declares in refer. ‘than any other variety with which I am| ence to them, “sufficient for the day is the !acquainted ; will yield about the same | evil thereof.” When questions arise, we Dever iattcltenameralthe com-| will meet them with the spirit, judgment, HuMdoer of Dashels: | | and candor of stateinent and we will decide mon sorts, and grow 6 to 8 inches taller) them according to the constitutional law, in the same field and with the same cul-/under a sense of constitutional obliga- tions, and in full view of our duty to the . oo Union. Holding this position, Iam not The first grown in this State, to my over anxious to see the House organize knowledge, was from a sinall sample by | under the call of present parties. I thank mail, which a friend sent me from an Eas- | the gentleman from Virginia (Mr. Smith,) ee ; : _| who spoke to-day, for the courtesy with They are now considerably | which he opened the doors of the Demo- sought after for seed, at from one to three cratic party for the admission of our little dollars per bushel, and the demand never | phaianx, and for the interest which he jmanifested lest we should prove lost . |sheep. (Laughter.) But, sir, we have a ed and sold for seed are more or less mix-| duty to perform. We have constituents ed with other and inferior varieties by the | behind us, who are looking to our pro- - |ceedings with anxiety. There are gen- tlemen here not acting with us, who have lett minorities behind them who sympa- of good grains and vegetables pure. |thise with us. We are representatives of | Ihave endeavored to keep them pare, | ier paee at also. ue igh pete to ; : ieee : |ge forward and execute our legislative having raised no other variety on the farm | duty without the stringency of platforms or pronaneiamentos ; but when they are I shall be pleased to forward | made as political indices, we know our to any gentleman who wishes, any qnan-! position and will firmly mantain it. And : |4 say, for myself only, that I have no s0- Pe) licitude in regard to my position. If this One pound of these oats will) House is not organized until February, ture. tern State. yet supplied. A majority of those offer- inattention of farmers generally to the | very important point of preserving seed since 1 commenced with these, some six | years ago. [tity by mail for the postage (6 cents | ounce.) until March, or even until next summer, | it will have to remain unorganized before I will abate oue jot or title from my posi tion. And let those take the responsibili One grain Las been known to ty whe fixed these results upon us. (Ap | plause.) | produce from 1 to 10 bushels, according }to the manner of planting and cultiva lion: I raised a half a bushel from a half an onnce. prodnce 2000 in one season. For field culture one to one and a half] Are not the above, words fitly spoken ? | Wesay, with the eloquent speaker, let the} | responsibility fall where it belongs. bushels will seed an acre. Whercas the common varieties are usually sown at the ee - | [Vewark Eagle. rate of three to four bushels per acre. | : 7 : I will, also, send, by mail, one or more tubers of the “ Mexican Wild Potato,” | corresponding in weight with the amount Thrilling Story. The fol'owing was communicated by Mr. F : f b ‘ Menam to the Portsmouth Journal c ,ostage sent for the same, to any per- “ rk = yr { Asearly as 998, Errick Rande, an Icelandic | chief, itted out an expedition of twenty-five gal leys at Seutell, and, having manned them with sufficient crews of colouists, set forth from son desiring them. This variety has lately been introduced into this country. The first product was not to exceed 3 inches in length and # in| Iceland to what appeared a more congenial cli diameter fur the best specimens ; but with mate. They sailed upon the ocean fifteen days ; ; : each succeeding crop they have increas- and they saw no land. The next day brought wth it a storm, and many a gall re suok! ed in size and length until we frequently a d y a gailant vessel suok in the deep. Mountains of ice covered the wa- find specitnens 7 to 9 inches lung, and the a re . S ter as far us the eve could reach, and but few gal j quality is much superior to any other now | ‘The Seven Travellers; wi ‘North Carolina Traditions.’ 7 Now Ready for the Press..1 PPRHE work to which the above title belongs, was | written by a native North-Caroliuian, and em- | bodies a variety of thrilling tales, stories, legends, &., | which occurred in the good ‘‘old umes "—the hal- cyon days of the Old North State, and which have special reference to the pivoucers of those by-gone lumes, The scenes, &c., are, with a few exceptions, laid Carolinians geverally. ‘The extensive material from which the various tales, legends, &c., contained in North Carolina Traditions” have been taken, has been wrought by the author io @ masterly manner, and the churaciers are drawn to the life. A vein of bemor rans throughout the volume; bat Gotwithstanding it is characterized by a strictly | tone. A great many stories, incidents, &e., obtained di- | rectly from the *‘ oldest inhabitants,” have been dili- | geatly collected and inserted, aud thereby, it is hoped, will be reseued from an unmeried oblivion | To these who woald become more intimately ac- ;Qauted with the past history of North-Caroliua, ber ‘asiitutions, end also with (he habits, manuere, and | Customs prevalent in the olden time, which are now j odsulete, we would say, buy North Caroliua Tradt- | tions,” and read it. You w gh andery alternate. | ly over the fates and fortunes of the different charac. | ters, aud at the end of the perusal you will be both a | ! | better and wiser man i] We cheerfully, honestly, and consciously recom | {mend the work to the patron of all tealy noble, | | whole-souled. and high-minded N Carohoians, who, with a generosity worthy of them aud their na. | live State, are williug to overlook the faults aud unper- fections of Southern Literature, and to cherish and | support it in its infancy, instead of lavistly expending | their mouey and thier flatteries on the ubvlition-tine- | tured, tacendiary books of the North with whieh we! are deluged. We appeal iv Soathern Pride and South- ern Patriotism to cease iis wanton adulation of Nor- | orth thern hanbug, and to build up a Literature of itsowan ; | aud we earnestly hope the appeal will not befa vain Having purchased ihe copywrght of “ Norh Car | ohna Traditions,” the subscriber would respectfully so- | heit a large number of subscriptions in order to defray | the expences of its publication The volume will be priuted en fine white paper, and will contain abuut Three hundred pages in handaune mastin biading. price only 81.00! G7" To be auld only re A number of agents have beeu authorized to receive | end collect subse ripuons | S.B.HINSON. | Faverrevitir, N.C. ) | Now 3rd, 1855. § | TF All subscription, &e., to be addressed to | A. A. McBRYDE, | Rawvarsvirce, N.C DR. H. KELLY HAS REMOVED TO STATESVILLE, N C., aod offers hes services io the citizens of Iredell and the puble generally Office on Main Street, weet of the | ald Cuart house mie, and opposite the Wethodist church, where he will be found, ai ail times, whee not profes. | sonally eagaged May 10, 1555 uso firoceries! Groceries!' in North Carolina, and caunot fail tu interest North | sortment of the best quality of BOOTS and SHOLS of IRON. WORKS. A. H. VANBORK ELEN; Proprietor, EEE, Subscriber he the entire interest ia T the * OLARENDON WORKS," solicits orders fot Steam Engines, of any power or style, Saw Mills of every veneer Parker, Turbing and other * Rice-field Pumps and bey, ares Leavitt's Cora and Cob Crusher, Bhingle Machines, Shafting Hangers and Pullies, Cotton Gins and Gearing, Irom Castings of all kinds and patterns, Brae “ ey Locomotive and Tubular Boilers, Blacksmith works of all kinds, Iron Doors for Houses and Jails. THE ESTABLISHMENT Having been re-organized for the express purpose of insuring punctuality fm the execution of all orders, the public may rest satisfied that any work which they may offer will be promptly delivered according to promise, and of such workmanship as cannot fail to give satisfaction. ~ ee. TO SHI (S00CESBORS TO TINLEY 4 MERROM,) Geacral Commission Merchants, No. % Brchange Street, South Atlantic Wharves, CHARLESTON, 8 ©. “EVE their personal attention to the sale of Cotton as cus- tomary, or by special contract, all other kinds of Produce and Mepufactures, omake prompt retares of the same. for 34 per Cent. commission ‘¢ shall CONTINUE, as heretofore, to give our spectal atten- ton to the Receiviug and Porwardiny of all goods consigned to us, for 10 cents per package. THE MECHANICAL DEPARTMENT Being in charge of wen of talents and experience, 1 | hesitation in sayiog that the work hereafter turned out, j compare favorably in every respect with that of the most cele. | brated in the United States, and at prices which will make it to | the interests of all in want to send me their orders. REPAIR WORK Always done without delay —and having a large force for that | purpose, it will prove advants geous to any person neediug such | to give me the preference without regard to the expense of seud- ing the same from a distance Orders will be addressed to ‘Clarendon Irena Works,” Wil mington, N.C. A. H. VANBOKKELEN, October 20, 1855 vol. 1. 44if REMOVAL. P. FORD, Manufacturer d Whelesale Dealer BOOTS & SHOES, Removed to No. 85, North Third Street, Opposite Cherry Street, UP UIT 4 DUB he lPlmith wo. 3 Gets Removed from No. 47, to Store No. 85 NORTH | THIRD STREET, where | shail keep on hand a full as. | EASTERN MANUVACTURE, also A Full Stock of (6; Made | Work, —I shall be able to offer to the Trade a better and more more desirable stock of Goods than heretofore To persons visiting the City for the parpose of buying Boots and Shoes, | respectfully solicit a personal examines Bock befure purchasing elsewhere, Customers a continuance of past fav | February, 1855 TO THE FARMERS- Of Iredell County. \ GREAT SAVING OF EXPENSE. FORE- 4 MAN'S IRON PLOW.—The voaermgnedhave bought the Righi for Iredel! County, and mga we facturiog the Irum Plow at their Shop, tea miles South East of Statesville, aad are prepared to faraish any qeantity of plows o@ very short notice Orders addressed to them at Amity Hill, will be promptly attended 1 Specimens can be seen at ai- most any of the stores im the coanty JAS. & ROBERT MeNEELY. | ly48 | LIPPINCOTT, COFFIN & Co. Se eee || ibDUR TY Gbps April6, 1655 | eancdct Famocy Trimmings, Ne. 34 Nerth Third ‘treet, Between Market and Arch Sia | Dada't they laugh #1 the culasies when they grew a lit. orto the Frankl Machinery, large packages of Furniture, &e., cha in pro- to trouble and responsibility ; for advancing freights and 234 per cent. Persons shipping Goods or Produce thr: this house their loterest being POSITIVELY PROTECTED, bot overcharge and loss of goods. We have in no instance aor will we detain any goods for freight and charges. We would respectfully beg leave to refer to the following gen- Uemen, with whom we have had business transactions John Caldwell, President of 8. C. R. R., Columbia. U. Passailaigue, Superinteadant of Public Works, Columbia. ¥. W. McMaster, Librarian of 8. C. College, Columbia. P. W, Puller, Cotumbia. Joho King, jr, 8. C. RB. Agent, Charleston Menry Misroon, Agent of New York “. Holmes & Stoney, Agents of New York Sailing Packets, H. F. Baker & Co., Agents of Baldmore and Phil Baiting Packets W. Caldwel!, Agent of Baltimore tteamers and Bosten Sail- ing Pa = July 12, 1855 6mo'sT Eagle City! a ~~ THE GREAT POINT oF ATTRACTION !: Destined to be the Great Cenire of Manufacturing Interests in WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA, Aad perhaps of the HUGH L.TINEEY, & Co. Receiving and Forwarding Agents, and JAMES HORAH, ini the leget nd bot tnatmaes H WATCHES AN D JEWELRY, consisting of ~ Fins Kem Comnemmeteny, I resid a roble Time Keepers Ladepeydent quarter second Eight Day Watohes, " % iy Jos. Johnson 19 Jeweled Hanter's, Jus. Nardin’s superior gold Hanter for a variety of others, both east Ping, Silver and Bieel Spectacles, Silver and Pleied Batter — anda variety of Plated Ware, Scissors and Knives of the best quality, Coral ces. Bracelets, aud Seed Coral, and a few / ce CLoOcKS, and a variety of other Goods too numerous to men- tien. Call one door beww R. & A. Murphy's Btese, and exeminefor yourselves. OF Clocks, Watches, and Jewelry of all ki . paired in the bewt manner, and on te waar hen Me terms. JAM ORAL. Salisbury, Nov. 16, 1854. sired 26 se THOMAS E. BROWN, Carriage, Buggy and Sulky Builder, aed SALISBURY, N. ©. eae ‘® now carry he business twvites I He ve call Ary Barada rapt Me Sen bed a Sehielen, nad fee alone Geese Aystrete tpenuatene he ena give Me My J aw Prices, if ft be desived, but woukd recommené be qeattire as cheapest fa the tone seen? ae ; thing In bis Time to call at his eotabliaa - whe wish to procere ony ment before they purchase sheewhere. GW Wie chop is im the rent of bis Livery Stable, CB™ Persons ot 0 distance pany the order with « deser ev’, Oi phate Gentes UNITED STATES. Inteed to have a Raliread from SALISBURY | to EAGLE CITY. People moy laugh at the | idea, if they vhuocse, as I duert pot meny wilt) Bei | didn't they laugh at Fulton whilst he was tolking abuat Prupeliing buais by sicaum, a: ihe rete uf six miles an hear! Didu's they laegh at Columbes, whew he tathed of discovering a new world in the Wee !— } { tle rebrliwas, and bimied ot indtepradewee? I keow Ten = emell potato compared to Fuben or Colombes 4 Wesrluagions, Peiveme, &e , of glenoes. «hile wwh men aud werthy sree of men re voluleomer) me unr) patretses they mere better race then we. Bat bara't people lmaghed ot me a/ thowseed times when I hb ere fi, to talk of Unage @hich they thought I cwide's de? I'm none of Ra “con't” mock. Leavy | wtend ioheve « Rail Raed) from Salisbery to Eagle City the way of Chartot I don't wieh te grtra| d her Western scheme, nor io | | | “i | quality and price—end Genvereds des Eanes faction they will not be required te keep it. sitet og tind ot de shone hr seek ooh $e c « Corn, Whees phage , 5 h b 5 ’ LIVERY STABLE te kept ap as usenet and those whe with either Grivate horses or mules, are invited te eal ny or ewe, » 1886, cane CAROLINA. WATCHMAN, Two Dollars date of sebseription ; twodallars and Gitty coewts if met tare after the yeas bas capwed. No paper dissantin. eed ants! oil arrears are paid sgt 3 paid except at the option Letters to Editeur mast be post peid, to eneere the Stleaiwen | leys escaped destruction. The morning of the O16 | moter nnn , _ [the way uf the Salehory and Weeere estenaine. | ¢ & g known. I herewith send two tubers.— seventeenth day was clear and cloudless; the = srerucy corns, \ WPA Re | sieiak pase ee 25 ce Ga Rinks uiptals Rood (rum Heftehary th 5 Qe : y : TILHE SUBSCRIBER « ow re j -) pas ’ | Ee meee h ¥. there are mtlame of dell ? we. & | As to yield, they fully equal any other sea was calm, and far away to the northward | for sale the etlalales ‘avaeers eens aod offers! Febreary 1, 1055 1133 | worth of pratuce im thei direciwn, and mers of wie | t ce" 5 Bec! sch a 1 = 4 ni Mato. From one potato of could be seen the glare of ice-fiel . | 3 4 . | eral weakh beyuad colularam, which the Rood will (ses ood Irish potato ‘ Lacey pera the glare of ice-Belds reflected o 3 Hhde c wba hy 7 Greensborough bring to (ne Markers Ii mast eume vet. Nebel! 2 568 > this varicty | dug 1214 pounds this fall. the sky. The remains of the shattered fleet gah. | ; ater brat sere come vat Eagle City chal! be the termimas uf the | i E st = 4 Any person wishing to avail themselves ered together to pursue their voyage, but the | 2 Barrels Crushed Loaf Sagar | MUTUAL INSURANCE COM NY. ma ers Crt seewe eee preper|te carry | str SS esate ck ee : ‘ ¢ i : 3 ; on at Bag Hy meet ree © the he sore) Ps lof this opportunity to obtain the above galley of Ernck Rande was not there. ue Pedeaenar do. | r cost of Lmsarsace on the muiva! plan is bet ©) sepring bird, mon soar ald It sslerectioycd Weaee § pa pat 8) peas 5 2 3 3 © ‘ nite Coffee, do | wa a! wh a jyornl euch ec ne huane af the greetes - at ¥ BEQV A oe) 9 seed, have only to encluse the amonnt| The crew of the galley which was driveo fur 3 Hhds Cuba Wolasece Rie es svi ialiwel Weeiee sespeppepced| load seed sliaitelines tela! patetl bey bad) ( VadeS ese BEE ; ’ : of th 61° we ° de prece plenty ens he < eene~ “4 they wish expended in postage on cither ther down than the rest, reported that as the; ce Prime Rw Coffee ibs larger pictaca’ Why on Gerdes eer -eplocss fe eo nme 2 He, & ) f I - } 9 Wale (td Gnverament Java Coffee pen ee eat yihere? tn gp RSRPEBES 2 ie, & d ne: Mle f whieh arein ae the was Piwer tables viene wad « or both of the varieties named, giving ™erning broke the large felds of ice that Lad 100 Sacks Liverpun! Selt free (rum dein ; have made Biss soeka sa i ti r , spp ela A Ai 4 E z ‘ # ebende ne ere are prudue ‘ their post-office address and directing covered the ocean were drwven by the current ; ast 20 Barrels AE - No 3 aad 19 therefore comidemily recommen 2 es hat j ec a x 5 ve Herring ‘er ‘ . Ss @ a ve L. W. BRIGGS them, aod that they bebeld the galley of Ernck fing hee ae dane Ccenes ey ee mine O Meer . > 7 may he fomad| 3 val ez : : rane oe ane vs Pi Peeper iA lame Gee ace Boos ; ss oe sat : sduwe. lovely velee ead o > : West Macedon, Wayne Co., N. } Rande borne by resistless force and «peed of the F ivan Oars rig exe & See meg tas Mbit werelel sted oie chanting belle = aS \ aprags sad eal i iY = : re ‘ m for - ous field of te cow ialie shat teas, JAMES SLOAN meres rite AM ie . 7 elle i é Ris anan Thistio alvers farrier wind before a tremendous field of ice—her crew MICHAEL BROWN Ant Tone ‘ oes - Fiore es ag cheotiog bl : 5 | & _ h ontrol ove he a Oct 2.155 ? ‘ 4 - oe ge Breet bleen age - Mr. Batoos will do all he promises. His had lat all control over ber —they were tonsing f € © MEN UENHALL. Auiccney me feverluaiee | Lick en ney ‘The 5 3 z Oats 1 Potat aralbath sore leauer theirarmsin wild agony, Scarce!) a moment had oe PETER ADAMS Ser'y and T arae North Weetere Rel Raed @ om he bare Peas Fes eon +n ® oa ol Des yoth B 8 -4 © , 7 -- -s = ee - ' fl ee ee T* | elapsed before it was walled in Ly a hundred ice: DR. DINKIN PETER ADAMS, Sec Beat Aree Veezle ( Uy Me 1 termine 33,2353 &s Fe or ee J ri in thes climate id > wou UWWING Geel Agee cate (mee | people the se Feunene en — or, and deserve a trial in tA limate bills, and the whole mass moved forwant and wm JRSPeCTRULLY cin asrees. hore Me ‘ : . G4 grat x ee ES bac iwa e nih ge Appeal * S2aeleces « . by basal’ Salichar ¢ 198 : ee : 5 Eps aco beroed the konaoe That the alley , a ary 0) at the Mans '" Lende eis aud all slong the | BEST eee wteom gt a = é nl | Sstsbery, Mey at, 185s t 1 r re no of Rad —o ad The mereces BUSR33%° sgh ioe 2 the narrator escaped was wonderful —it remaivedt ( ( )\\ \ \ N mn ther value « . ef the Reed a . . Aen = ‘ 7 white . ¢ ere ® rei A soar o WORDS FITLY SPOKEN however, uncontradicted, and the vessel of Er Wanted Immediately, shiVb BH eee ee ae) © On| ee emecesa asta yee aa } } i 5 - nck Rande was never more seen : * ; ‘ror _ = , ; sess bil . ‘Pw t erymal) 4, , It has said that * words fitly sp At the Silver Hill Mine, VEGETABLE LITHONTRIPTIC ce°"* a A ees aeeums law Gre eleaboti roll Half a century after that. a Danesh « ; ’ * o wlll ware t eo pod te Fre © propertoon to eqre All freetome of © oq ken are | apples of guid se z , ANY QUANTITY OF on mntthe of eofthe on regen “Wt to § ort, charged im proportsom to the whube,ef if . We think that t was established on the western coast of (or ° . FRIEND OF THE HUMAN FAMILY Let's basid the Ree 1 abe help if Leon ous WRN it be 0 frectmon! part 7 ; and The crew of the vemsel which carned t! WOOD AND ( OAL. bat sf me one else ws he buid. file pate Sa Ovcosmael teaewels, withewt additional ell Ha rey Marsha i ay WM LE\VEN WORTH. Sep: cel AA hd ala td © emp ore belt The wok « ihe Erenceu to (howe who advertioe reguiarty throwgh the F } 4 t} << ae At The nests yer. in their escursons into the in- Silver HM Oct t, 1835 , “d y SOREW RK bot ky, delivered in the [ House of Re 19 DISEASED KIDNEYS A st RAGGARLY ; tenor, crossed a range of s that stretebed : : . : ’ Jaiy 12 53 Three dollars for ammouncing candidates for ofice presentatives on the I8th ult, contained Pipes eae ; | VARI ELLOS REME 1 Stone inthe Bladderand Kidnacya, Weak (owrt Orders charged 25 per eemt higher them the rede eminent ; be sruoken. and: ) Bera! ares. il above rates Orders fat divorce of b we words en 1 EE CU Ts oe an any preceding » se : 4LL PALLY ® ne be Lovaas af $10 eck . caomudamee A | Sry raise ling . rt! , f re} ee in ; very BEC 1 A ghee heyy (ee timo othe | ' POR A MARVELLOUS AGE! - The z ; o* aes ° An oot conere = Svertermernte are request et e See ae ere * ro - edt ste the sember of imee rt to. 4 ; a oe 28 JLT “ J they beheld a vast and imterminable Geld of ¢ - I» tse wished they chewld creepy iis ica ax lia see the country rid of all isms, he said olluleUne inivarioas placa t. ‘ 2 ; Howe ante its 7 a Weickeacc wre open the besb the ward of Li & wish t > people “Ti € - : mer = : they will be pat ep im the | wtyhe eee ro fC oe pe eb ad fahee thousand grotesque shapes ry The ew r 4 — roh aeeerdngh eae yt cad chasgy ne of progress. in i the icy ; : A on, 4 ints j ; pied ns They saw, not far from the shore. a firu eben y wf hen andl Bodad TF Ne dmeoent om these mire ty may be asserted, and this Crovernment ‘ ofa ve eM od - may be made tu redound ¢ enetit 8B tod vessel, with glittering sacks instead es ere eet hn tee) 8 ‘Thomas O. Halyburton, MD. ore > h reende nee mites west hie } f every sect f ourr e Contedera | masta naing from Carnaity prompted them a i in aiialis Ep at MTIN eats y to approach, and they beheld a dismal sight . Jene 21, 1455 "ws I oe a aecar ayo pormooratty “ ora Mr. Jonce col Penssyitania Theat Ply Ay ye ean ‘ - - | will posetoetty sttend to off these ’ J : i gures of men in eve ade of e whe may favor me woh ther patronage, OFFICE My fiernan took the liberty f asking te a ch feck | 1 \ , SOMETHING NEW “j ’ at Beregge & W other's hotel, here Fm: 7] - Le 00 ve dec at the ere r the oy et ofl tier aestion, and Thope he will allow ine poe _— y Rt ines HOLLOWAY $ OINTMENT. ° be fuand eaiess proferme-eally engaged same favor at this point. [ understoed PERCE Shine Minnl ere G sau Te ith tid \ \ Btairovitle, NC. Feb @, 1835 "30 m if he recognizes that sec “ arms, leaning against the maa AK hatchet wis The Craed Externs! Rewed;. Wi'l You Ride or Waik <ms ‘ ° New North Carolin Form Bock, ba i : r red Hy t ‘ | ay the fa wherne ° - » “ reacribes inen from the righteof Amer meored. and the ice epl.t away. and the features! ¢ : ae . : ie rE I (0; teas Piscicias ie Gesacanne | ESIGNED for Mogitrares, ¢ Were soc eile Canines Tandereiardali ; A aiclictinintdwcisend eli and den ligmenne ; ‘ bet me BELL. EARNBAGT A bo Wed Meas wereld ah Ale Clerks, Coroners, he. de, to which are edded r zens, as 1 on and th a ; : TDRIL Dreenere of sine fs of. AVE Creek eadia view uf the Withextmroagh Road. c he Coastiotion f North Carchpa, and the Conese count of their religion and the place of free from decay doy ; s II ts BO OES vse oll oe United Sinton Prive @1 00, ond ennt by heir birth ?¢ Thee was duuttires eliveuel ta . } ime = ‘ if . be Kida . b Yet . | marl re eee pert of the coewtry Wh Beul bose Thos . . coed Sh Bas > > For esi Mr. Marstali—I shall have nod flicul-| 6gure and tiem of Errvk Kent. Benvmbed saree : ayant vray news and alg . oe OF tS iH cnpeg ty at all in answering the gentle with and it arcaviotd een aaa : - y ie AW hanced which re clenced and be @ grad state of Meticbery. Woy 31, 1955 ’ A ; Jenton rew . ‘ . - all ihe dravege that cot _ ‘ ¢ €ice . : oO ¢ “elie bad gf * * tommoder i gat wodleed and well peat I am favor ee ad ® ) The epray of coean | Frysipetas, Salt Rheem and Seorbetic Rewer. =. leche aii mae Ai eale tnalced elds = There aie. oe the preeuers, = gee De: THE PRESBYTE R reed A ; wien Gh } eae f ¢ " ee - ty - s peal cea a ae ; . ~ wih hale aod wagons heal seule ace. 1 @) pal barns, end ther oat be jee A N ’ cen si claim e rig priva - i ee 2 ee ev eZ : i ° = : ° 4 il my af lead A RELIGIO”NS AND PAMILY NEWSPAPER, iynentin matters of relizious belief and . * gure se an icy robe, which S* Saul aecom .5 A, ‘ ° . si place att hee m thes 4 as qrent bende as ere in the . . elf, T respect it thers I am ¢ d glance of a (rreeniand sun had +t ’ STOCK DRIV ERS ( ap (Row ; - wrhing to teow the land PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY \ t : ot hae ; : *? is ‘ Ai tek aod bay a geen erm. can de mw by callingoathe seb- Swmehaneoasty. 01 144 ( hest oat street, Phitedelph:s. tert and IT never have been i premorve The Dance gazed spon the ond has then bes aera Of restearing| Caue Uens ecact. WILI i day sista ed bp anon a the seriber ond 2"5 Bradway, New York favor, a I deny that the American par th trembling. They knew not but desired (> Terme ‘shall be is THOMAS A RURKE hace ws 7 Ap £ at ont « . ; Sep ae oo vom vats : ee volume the (wenty-ciath) will hegie Janes aren } ta platfor n.OF IN any Inannef. the scene might be ther fate. They knelt duwr sia ca ie — ee ee ees oe rae . soni) ; . ™ ARB NALS, 1140 ry tt 1856. which will be © favurable time fer rab a ared an intent to legiala or act 80 as hie - : ) : ss a) tei os eelpast one Mow rely entety om the peaperinicnd our basnees , r ‘ P var | SE ptnn® 19 commence ared an itten slags ge upon the deck aod mattered a prayer sa ther 27 / Ihe ome a! Oaimen é ba ie Ger auleswiurd oe SQUIRE. ZIMMERMAN & ALLEN." Siceee ¢ imarity en orgen of the Precbyterioe to jrouscrive @ man FOCOURS OF BAA Te sative woes fort soruls of t froten cree r Wl cway 3s % BELL. EARNIEART & ( Chorch, the Preshytersen » te ood ) re pater : 1 ‘ Vmporters sed Whelessle Desters | ae Cee gin. Bot Peante eRe etn Celie rr 1 r 7 ae Jonnesy ll she a: . sorter re per from all evengeten! dencminetions — at whenever the Amencar party see a : = ° waeae Me ° s cas . : Pe Sy a y N. oferta are vedio meke tin aff reepectee a 5 who dooka alroa prroecing . - . tig lee Ww < « & ( clase porns! The mest detingaished writers ip the rive F flies ce ¢ 1: i +: ; my 7 Sere) ee . P. ELLIOT Tr, Previs terme Church contribute to ne colpmma, and 10 salle siance, © ve ‘ a eas Pamper No. 143, Market St. forergn and domestic correepundence be wot serpeserd , } an Piles and Fietel a F Fayetievitle, N ¢ ome or elsewhere, they do not believe Dead Children ina Railroad Car : vee PHILADELPHIA. — >y (hen of way saber religuey orevpapery We a ‘ n trusted asa deposit f polit. Or t on] fter veanit se mi lar Avatroamine Aner an he OM TOW L XN i sod Londen correspomdente be atlemen where be - : kt hy uy I yt ba ine on he emigrant tra * ane GENERA OMMISSION FRANCIS SQUIRE ames are known grants rihare Usa he eirele of bra | had Ls y rom the Ras the Pennsylvania Ba ba " . AND DM ZIMMERMAN readers im conmamiy enlarging, and at me previ oe [ has wae] re nanvand road had changed cars at Alt “fon - r4y 7 1 . (FORGE N ALLEN 4 4n.v12 —6m save have they expressed (hemacives in warmer term? have ed to the country, that t conductor asker int r J , re as to their appremation of te bly re [have eaprewed to toe Grants hat 1 the enttucon. viking iitewear mle Beth the into ot amd Pill about be FORWARDING MERCHANT. SC ee oe wa- in favor and atthere wasn ad bee eft be 1, wash fied te tin . . c , t ner t : wi] 1h, Fill information, correspendence, dumestic aad foreign ¥ weoA Order to prevent the dead bodies of twr « tren..acel ves yawn ILMINGTON, WC. lelligenee, litera y meatier, edinuriel articles, &c,® the largest liberty of conscience and reo pectively about two and tive years. The wo paedhel te t pen 1. Orders for Mrehandie, and ce amentant Flare } . Portion of each paper in regularly devoted tw ebiidreo gion I wil now say, ee, that P would iatter w a graphed West, and it wae Cert tent. Beceitivane 2 her Produee, for an pment k ; | oe = Bc | vad youth sand ‘o agncaltorel ond domestic mewer? ee {it ; > Rt A 1 ‘ aes ’ " Sra his “ly et (F . | Asthe Preabyterian has amwemget ite swbecribers & “| ny 5 were necessar yrascertained that the parents of the ctul Maes R on ree of a Wieente ot g y aoe , Of Four Horse Post Coaches, In-qe share of the moat intelligent ferities, eapecia!ty protect ths Cuth phis ryht of con dren were poor German em rraNitauce apt . Spo sine kinds oe Ri inthe Middie, Southern, Western, aad South. wester? I Ps ’ ROM Balishary to Morganton, vin Stateevitle and and p14 f woerwliy rt ae left them unturicd from necessity o. . ; pepe eae rr x es ee Sinfes, it mone of the best mediume for adveruer juickly as To would ty protect the Protes : vs : é é © Premendous Excitement | enctShesary on Wonaes Wednesday ond Fr. /'%,'™" cresttt, and secuch in partionterty retina eee cn € = 4 Paice | o- ray 4 » 4 a 7 uel aM rot evel SS ed to puble sand others who desire a pethonel cr “ ete fit I lve ~ and Ql cect “ee ents BES tome ABOUT THE meet rr ea bre fee : 4 ie a ™~ Morgemtns culation for their advertwementa “ ithe w Atuerican part tlie Ont / iP. r . mee EATEN OD The terme are $2 50 per annum if peid ia od 1 / t went oar ula « rere Peererniee . . W t " k t 5 ' enme dayennd arrives in Xnlishary on neat dave to Dut Pave already stated, and {now aa wrasse cttie Skin af the ln ees . : pee sale eS ( rn Vy ens on 3 brenkfaet Neo pares of expe will he ‘epered to vance, of 83 payable in six months peat. that if vou will exhibit to ine a geststanding —Willam Frederick Ander. M7 0884 cach mee Lip me en ad ahr TERMS TO CLUBS ( w eves that he cee apo eonvof Yadkin South ¢ COMIE Suteecibera a t — aos Five eeynes to . 10 0 S thir arolina, auffere ] ve wing desrome of extending ther C & BROWN. Contracte. Te eres in one addregs, for one year, GM lenceria) ¢ yaoi nie aie DB Ss QUMMERRTE Ut on a Geren: ere eae ee A ; ae , ’ eo take thie methad of informing “wanes wih en addional ecupy to the person whe un cou Fn fe a-tical «kin, lis face. ar and loys, were cos OFFICE f 4s and par hat they « wires 1 may act ae Agent rule or r it ' t \ © p ; 5 ® eceiving 9 . ; f & spiritual Moaster ered wi @ pustiley wad pone fl oe ET E MANSION FIO‘LIED,, ’ splendid tock if Rowan ( otton Factory Siztoen copies to one addrews, fur ome yeor, @20 ‘ t a- rthan the dut we lacorlutic nature fin ot nfe OF lta ad . = - P in < Py with an addiional copy to the Agent aesto the ¢ stitution, PE neither vote aishtly ar macht eters t ' > R E A by M ADE ( LOT HING, FOR SAI E Twenty fire cophestoone addres, for one yeer, os Ld] ? sf ie, Lk : steer L AUS) y ’ . ARs | with an additivonl copy to the Agent (ert ; : en erie omen ees pet : ; : ; Py . nt Hit funy nor enter tried a variety of remedies, which failed Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestings, and Gen- , Hee Mette at Aderitineg For (i lmen: bene ain ANN | cal station ren to benefit lin. Atlast he tried Holle f , tte Rate, Th sp Sis ahha property offer 75 cenis; euch rrpetitnn of da. 80 conte Por @ feet ral ile sll aud! galleries way’s Ointment and Pilla whieh Ad, ad. tlemen's Furnishing Goods chinery seit now Ptante, Thee enMine® and me. | op lees, fret mecriion, 50 come ; ose repetition of +p ‘ ; , , A ‘ 2 a ° » induced to | « > ” 4 Pennsylvania -Will my oor produced a favourable change A 19.000 BI SHELS OF W HEAT Vgeneral, allof which will be wuld mom shocking eal the machinery ecparately in lotto anit parchasers paierntes Payments (or advertionmente to be me Yrie ' ; eraceorance «ith thee z # : © Alen, maplendid stock of WATS and CAP eo machinery ie all in good order A Ine eu | . - I a with these \\ ANTED—TEN THOUSAND BUSIDELS Inteet ot Don't take our word, batcall and sits tim entirely new and of the mont uated bind’ of) Address, ; Was completely cured OF WITKAT. fie iw will payin Caan yvarselve Apia DA | , : WILLIAM 8. MARTIEN & CO. y Mr Mu I Ointineut will cure ulcera th? Vighest mark . JNO A WEIRMAN & PRICE, wes Lada l ag avieor J G Cairns on the prem. | No. 144 Chestnat Street, Philadelphia r. Clerk, that if J ta : MICHAEL BROWN L TE | _ a : ’ Ytwenty yearsstanding Oot 17, 1558 . z Merchant Taslore ERMS will be made accomodating to purchasers a ii cea Salisbury, N.C. Rept, 1955 1116 | Babebury, Dee. 15, 1855 le Blank Warrants for sale Here =, vee tO men- sphy's Bterse, all kinds, re- reasonable PN I S T L L M A A G Y V J ‘e w & Ce r r a r eV ww an e ' Ls | a 3 ' | TO D 6 en Ee Oe ea ’ « ? ee fe 2 7 f ri d , MLD. ; at Cie ito aff these OFFICE = afl time "37 Bock, Nee 30 b are eetded Consive ond seni by r, goo wor, 945 00 ‘ wt inge rice. For 8 fines tition of & wo be made b co. jadelphie Here ! if 3m * ot t# ahd ,yotit it Devoted to SERIES. , Sf aM + . , b . ry seas oer ; ‘ a — Loree BD Ys aia ait g me i “i cx tuld Jeow dywgere; of mit eidt todt tashivow YF 6 tools ot “plod adel yordios « owian a“ i ilo1nD QF LADAS vere SAOVT LAAT gayv0' 4s baie cine dite will Within, dum TALS ROT TES ar es j ie ‘ " ‘ oa ; “ft Cann P ; ty boidg L hive eco . VYo fottenony edt? sedeage ; : a ti Aidt ov 9 LdyT oalt Yo ols a at aidjloball l ysihaol « ee og! id aden odj lo dow yoliget lomaolel aff wsitiow ovad ow imal bf wo ft orm rrrug welt vhf yd bn Sis y . . ages pals wi Aawilen Je theo aeogy old iow! Jaaue «velit ML teake #7TRF woqey { swv0-+14 »b tad? you 08 fea eT Lhe awe rreits tile ee bezen ay ¢ bs Mpeanag cul an boat vy aa « a sauledil “oe , _ ys ty ee amma dacs, wieinint Caalld dou vw s a , © bete aw r £S 7S | * one tid ‘i omtod de_u its ot a fe eeh —— “3.4 rr £2 S Sees AAS: Wy 4 » ET, ~ L\ ¥. 4 Mt Ry oak! Ae 7 ty hn & " eY na? } te rd 74 A.was'! eid - ieee ny ce tas é oo “ , nee itrewe ~ AA #bite , , ; 4 tial 4 ¢ add ab ij iypale ‘ = ; ae a - a en a . —— e Ol egitim ie sips! aa e ; olitics, News, Agriculture, Internal and ity, and : ‘ ’ : y y via 4, 5 as 7 sO Seana stead ate Bac nen pals sil PLE INOS eee Cea’ Goa 1 — encrrs oe asda sidhati las ‘ 4 SI pF momma Serene eee 400 3 TS. Re Be VOL. XIL.—-NEW ee REPORT COL.. WALTER GWYNN, CHIEF ENGINEER NORTH CAROLINA RB. R. CO., #.4 TO THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS T * MEETING IN SALISBURY, JAN. 10, 1856. To the President and Directors of the North Carolina Rail Road Company. Gratis — Thave the pleasure to inform you that the Railroad track is now completed with the exception of three miles of rails to be laid, which work will be performed in a few days. But for the delay in getting the iron up from Portamouth and | Charleston, the ats have been finished during the year, The following is a list of the unfinished works : 1. The ware-house at Guldsboro’, built conjoiutly with the | Wilnington and Weldon Railroad Company. The walls are | completed, the roof framed ready to be raised, the tin for the | covering is on hand, and @ contract has been made for pat-, ting it on. | 2. Engine shed of brick at Goldsboro’, not commenced or | contractéd for, 3. Engine shed at Raleigh, the walls erected and timber got for the roof. 4. The walls for the Machine shop raised, and the roof! 5. Blackamith shop and Foundery, walls ereeted and timber for the roofs coutracted for. { 6, Carpenter's shop, Engine and Car sheds to be built, to complete the arrangements for repairs and the protec- | tion of the Coaches and Engines at the Company's shops. 7. The Steam Engine and machinery for repairs have been contracted for, and are in an advanced stage of construction. 8. Dwellings to be erected at the Company's shops for the Superintendent and operatives 9. The timber for the ware-Louses at McLean's and James- town station gotten out 10. One section master’s house framed, nine to be built and timber to be contracted for;—fourteen houses for water-eta- tion and ware-liouse hands to he built, and timber to be con wwacted for, and seven wood sheds to be built. 1l, A passenger and locomotive shed to be built at Char lotie. 12. The bridges west of the Eno, inclnding the bridges across the /ino, are not yet weather-boarded —a contract has been made for the plank. are to be painted, and it igdesirable that the bridges should be painted as soon as they are covered. The warehouses and wood sheds May, 1851--of the “entire feasibility and. practicability; of extending the North Carolina Railroad jato Tennessee and to Beaufort,” and exemplifying the maxim therein laid down. in eonnection with these important adjuncts tothe North Oaro- lina Railroad, that “ what is probable in theory bas in prac- tice alwaye proved true.” 4. Returning after this digression to the subject before me: The Contractors on the North Carolina Ruiltoad ‘were all stockholders, and with only two or three exceptions efititély destitute of experience in the work they undertook; they com- mencod their contracts very generally in January, 1852, and, on the Ist of January, 1853, without the aid of a single dol- lar from the Treasury of ‘the Company, bit relying entirely upon their own credit and means, their ried its, amounted to $500,000, which, carried to the credit of ‘their. Stock sub- ecriptions, fulfilled the second condition of. the subscription on the part of the State, and brought her in as a partner in the great enterprise, This (coupling the subscription of a million of dollars by individuals, chiefly farmers, and working out a half a million upon their own resources) is an achievement un- precedented in the annals of the public works of this or any other country, and wherever known, (and it ought to be pub- lished every where,) wil] disabase the public mind and vindi- eate the energy, enterprise and industry of the citizens of the State. 5. Ihave repeatedly said publicly, and perceiving no im- propriety in it, I avail myself of this occasion, to say that, in my experience, now exceeding thirty years, 1 have not found on any public work with which I have been connected, a set of Contractors more reliable than those with whom I have had to deal on the North Carolina Railroad, and none with whom my intereourse has been so pleasant and agreeable. 6. I consider it proper here to remark that the work, though paid for partly in Stock—the exact ratio of which I am unable to state, though I believe it may be pnt down at about two- fifihs, that is, two of Stock to three of cash paymente—was joriginally estimated for, let, and completed at cash prices ;| 5,000 tons were purchased before the risey apd: £6,000 tone}, and I feel fully justified in stating that the Road has cost less than if let wholly for cash—-for the reason that in eash lettings at the South, the work is generally taken by foreigners or non- )residents, many of whom are mere adventurers, without means | the sum of $806,950, which being deducted from the present or credit, who cannot command an adequate supply of labor in the vieinity of the work ; that which they do obtain is at |an advanced price, proportionate to the distrust of the parties, | the discrepancy as to the eost of the Roadway, between the and the imported labor etiN higher, it is apparent that these canses tend greatly to enhance the cost of the work, which, if not provided for in the outset, as is rarely, I may say, never fully done, rust lead to a failure, and an abandonment of the contract, with the invariably attendant consequences of delay, Now when the work is executed, as was } and increased cust the case op the North Carolina Railroad, in small contracts (with the execption of the section extending from Goldsboro’ to & point ex miles weat of Raleigh) by the people on the line of the Road—no one undertaking more than he can conve _ SALISBURY, N:'C., JANUARY 29, 1856," “The Engineer then estimates for ten Locomotives, six pas- exception of the link motion for the, Jocomotives,— senger, four baggage and'eighty ‘burthen cam, at $139,800—| and ap dn act of justice duc to the #del , and libe- which sum, added to the two preceding suma, gives $3,405,189) rality.of Messrs. Richard Norris & for the Road-way, equipment and workshops. of the interest I feel in the success “The estimates now presented to, you aré intended to show what sum.will be required to complete the ‘Road, all neceshary buildings and sppendages, and to equip it in @ style commen- surate with its importance, pie oe * By these estimates theentire cost will be $4,935,800, (be- ing the-whole simount ‘contained »fn exhibit A.) which is $1,285,800 over amd above the three "millions already sub- scribed. tah ti + arb eo, i By exhibit A, it will be seen the motive power yet to’ be contracted at amoutits to dhe sum of 3 "gpg 606 By reference to the accompanying ptinted Report, at page 21, will be seen the motive power already contracted for, and the most of which is already supposing you nisy also my engagoments to the iw to yourselves the Stockbokders, for the many. manifes- of cdnfidence towards me,and to offer my good wishes received, which may be putdown at.s cost’of 921,150 | F the prosperity of the Company. “\i i at , I am, gentlemen, ret ly, Thus making the motive power cost 510/760 rig arr pa ropa en A respectfully your most obedient servant, WALTER GWYNN, Chief Engineer N.C. R, R. Deduet estimate for motive power in first estimate 139,800 The increase for motive power is $370,950 To this may be added the estimate for houses, for over- eecrs and hands, whieh might be, bat ought not to Raleigh, January 8th, 1856. be dispensed with, viz: 20,000 OFFICE N.C. R R COMPANY, Also may be added at least the sum of $20,000, ren- Sausscey, Jarvany lOrg, 1856. dered necessary in the estimate for additional sheds Boetrest Soureal eceads Board of: Tk : for Locomotives and Coaches 20,000 Mp eiamidad wep al mgrinaneie “ A communication was reeeived frem Ca Warten Gwews, Chief Bngi- neer, making a Report apd dering his resig: wherempon it wea, on mouen, umaninously Reslved, That the same be accepted, to take effect on the completion of the track of the Road ;—and that the thanks of the Board being due, are hereby tendered to bin for his able, efficient and faithful services as Chief En- gineer of the North Curdlina Reil-Resd Congeay; sod that be be tendered, jSor himself and family, a free passage for lie over the Road.” CYRUS P. MENDENHALL, Sec'y. “ Ordiral” That the President cause to be printed 1,000 copiesef the com- municatzon aad report of the Chief Engineer submitied to the Beard to-day, [for distributiog, and that 100 copies of the same be furnished to the Chief Engineer.” Thus we have the sum of $410,950 |contained in the present estimate, which was not intended to be estimated for in the first. | “The extraordinary rise in the price of irom sinee the first estimate, could only have been seen with a prophetie eye. Of the twenty-three thousand tons bought for this Road, since, at an enhanced price of at least $22 per ton, making the cost for iron at least $396,000 more than was anticipated. Add this sum to the foregoing sum of $410,950, and we have estimate $4,235,300, leaves $3,428,350. Deduct from this the ————— first estimate of $3,405,131, and the gum of $23,918 is left as ‘ Pepery and Mice. tirst estimate made before the first shovel of earth yas Te-} The people of Tel Kafe, a Papal village four hours isavel from Mo moved, and the second estimate now made, when most of the| sul, have been greatly anoayed for a few years past by field mice, whieh work is executed. And here let it be remarked, the price of | increase w rapidly as to threaten the entire destruction of their harvests. labor and provisions have nearty doubled simee the first esti- | ; a a | Hitherto the farmers have made what battle they could with traps | spares : 8. I would gay in addition to the above statement, that a| le * — oe ene a ae change was made in the location near High Pott after the ae 7 agnor Later tes to be enlinted wa their side, and publication of the estimate, which involved an expenditure of 7"? house was filled with rejoicing, $12,000, compensated for by a saving of half a mile fn dis-| Ou an appoisted day, the bishopm, priests, and descons sesembied, and the expense of passing through the towns on the!" eanovica! robes, on the-top of a bill outside the village, sed sancti- tance {i War u boldigs acioes the Hiyecod red near Raleigh piently perform—there is no unworthy jealousy or nvalry and line, exceed~d the original estimate for expenditures, which | Sed s pile of logsened dirt by, ppriaklings, crossings, prayers, dc.— the timber has been contracted for. 14. A map of the line of the Railroad is in progress, shew- ing the right of way, the dividing lines between proprietors, and a plat of all the land acquired by the Company. 16. Tracks at the Shops and Turn-ovts on the line. I might here close this communication, for there ia little I ean gay which has not already been communicated to you and id generally known to the Stockholder. But there are some interesting facts scattered through the reports and reeorda of the Company which, with a view to a more ready reference, | I beg leave to embody. I shall do so with the utmost brevity ; | my aim being nothing more than a bare recapitulation { 1. The Company was chartered on the 27th day of Jan.’ wary, 1849, with a capital of $3,000,000 —the State agreeing to eubseribe $2,000,000 when $1,000,000 of the capital stock ehould be subscribed for and one-half the amount paid into the hands of the Treasurer of the Company. The first eondi tiem, requiring the subscription of a million of dollars of the eapital stock, waa eomplied with in 185), and on the 11th day sustained by that of skilful of July of that year, the Company was duly organized. is worthy of remark that the whole amount was subscribed iF justiies me a helping hand.—all from one end of the Road to the other heing engaged in the same cause, with one common object in view, become united im sympathy and kindly feelings; what one may lack in labor and means his more abundantly sup Road furnishes a safe plied neighbor will prowrde ;—the market for the whole country adjacent. —the Contractor con- sumes his own provisions, works his own horses and his hands products and the hirer of his own horses and hande own being, as it were, the purchaser of his own surplus finding remuneration and ample recompense in pay received for his work. It follows then as a nec essary consequence and it must appear obvions to every one, that the native Contractor, dent on the line of the R for a less pr res} can work dd yuld jacent theret ad,and s than non-residents the State, who w hate to import foreign labor,--and, if white labor, as in all probability it would be,— would cost an slave labor besides not being s effective (in the Southern country) by at Lol « « least thirty per cent My own experience and observation, and experienced Contractors, fully in making this mparison and rato between white and slave labor in the South I therefore, have no by individnals, without the aid of corporations, the largest hesitation in saying thatthe North Carolina Railroad, built sabecription thus made to any public improvement in the! Southern country _ & The surveys were commenced on the Yet day of An | gst, 1850. On the Sth day of May, 1551, the reanits, with an estimate of the cost of the Road, were reported to the Board of Directors, when the location was decided upon & In Joly, 1851, the gradoation and masonry was let, and am the ith the ceremony of “breaking ground” was per fi dat G bere’, by the Hon. Carvin Graves, whose casting vote, as Speaker of the Senate, for the Charter of the ' Oompany has won for him the appellation of “the pilot who | ‘ weathered the storm,” although in doing so he sacrificed him if with Roman devotion to its fury. This interesting cere mony was performed in presence of the Slockholders and a latge concourse of strangers,—it may be justly regarded as ap.event which will ever be memorable in the annals of North i era which marks her engaging with earnestness ia'honorable competition with her sister States, in the great work of Internal Improvement, which is to ralee the State to that rank whieh the advantages of her situation entitle her jof my own LT heg as it han been in amall contracts, at the Engineer's estimate, by citizems of the State residing on the lime of the Road, with the native labor of the State —has cost less than if paid for wholly in cash under the evstem of public lettings to the low eat bidder. The reault, however, will be otherwise when the work ia Tt in large contraets for payments partly in Stock and for the simple reason that one man cannot hire a large ‘force as cheaply as twenty or thirty Contractors sc attered along the line of the Road residing in the r can he vicinity where the hande would be employed, no procure his supplies as heaply ; experience has fully proven this every where—and could, but that it might be deemed invidious, cite ¢ xamples juite familiar to manv in the State 7. In relation to a comparison of the estimated and actnal cost of the Railroad,—in lieu of any observations or collating leave to transcribe a statement made by President nieation to the last (reneral Assembly, which is as follows: Gov. Morehead, late f the Company, in a commu “ As by the estimates now submitted. it will appear, that the Road, when fully completed and equipped, will cost, as ’ no distrust —friends, neighbors and relations far and wide lend Qou}d not be foreseen, by the sum of $18,500—making the | This ended, the surrowndiag crowd reshed forward io frantic haste, to sum of $30,500 not embraced io the estimate; from whieh | make sure of some of the precious dirt. Ae indescribable soramble en- subtract $15,218, reported by Gov. Morehead as the excess of sued. At length each, worming himself as be crawled out of the tan cost over the estimate, and we have $7,282 in favor of Ube | sted mam, harried with what be hed secured, and epriahied i ss di- That te, the sctaal aoet Ma: hort of Wh: 4 cs bis fal, boving thn positive promalte of as Aafedltbdy Charel at estimated cost, $7,239. And I am happy to have it in my| 14 or power to say from a knowledge of the expenditures which ee oe bai emaaadanate: bal to have been made, and those now to be made—that the esti-}*24 narca The grain wes left to the sure protection of the conssere- mates enbmitted by Gov. Morehead, as stated in the above | ‘ed @t extract from his communication to the General Assembly, will| I” due time barvest day came. Some ficlis yielded the seed sown prove amply sufficient for the completion of the Railroad, |—some balf ss mach—but the disapp dp te. very y at with afl its baildings and equipments. | tributed the failere of the miracle to their own want of faith How 9. The ready response of the General Assembly to the ap | they explain the fact that the field of a sem)-Protestant there, whese plication of the Company for an additional subscription of a} (sits in “dirt” was se weak that he coptineed to use his paws, traps, onginal estimate, b rer +, million of dollam, is worthy of record and all commendation. | ang soares as before, \iekled seven or eight fold imstéad-of one oF one The capital Steck of the Company is now $4,000,106 the | ai Geld I hace aot 2 ' 10. For my views in regard to the organization for, and the Ansther Coon — Sean sheer titan wordeip mative Pap pret, 6 management and “ working” of the Railroad, I beg leave to | Pervert from thé Nestorian Church, educated at Rome, sod who bas refer you to the “ Regulations and Instructions for the govern | travelled in India, passing by told the people of Tel Kale that this tnent of the Transportation Department and the Running of | dirt business was all tre-b bat if they would give him « consideration trains, &c..— prepared by the Chief Engineer and adopted by lhe would lead al the mice off to my communications to the Board. | fowed to try. He passed on to Tel Ba Kole, and laughing at the stepidi- T would earnestly recommend, as the resalt of my observa- jty of the Tel Kafites, proposed to deliver the people here from their mice. - ’ 4 - inact a ' mg period, that i vara ada ¢ i np of They phate Ge Ger at i erecaly foe ka i speed for their pamenger and freight trains. ere is any) West. North. and Sceth side of ther one proposition in Railway economy, and there are, I assare | ; the Board, but few, clearly, fully and practically demonstrated, | © over these, directed them to be rétarned to their place and fet it {8 the economy of low speeds ;—though the precise differ |e Promising that al] the mice would at onee d-part. But the mice ence between the cost of transportation due to different de did not keep Iris promise.—Joernel of Missions, Mosul, Jady 26, 1855. grees of specd has not yet been ascertained, it is usually esti- mated that the wear and tear of the track and machinery is equal to the equares of the speeds at which the trains are run_| The depreeintinn, then, at 20 miles per hour, would be four} that fe, the wear and | °° leot thing inawomas.” Todeed, we feel ieclined te go much fur ; : , \ ther than be hasen the subject, and call ut ove of her erowning charms. se — sped Rel oes = | No matter whmt other attractions she may have; she may be as fair as be adapted to the amount of business. To the neglect of this, .. Ve fun whe Faas uy De ESS, 1 d the estal ‘ iform of speed . , ‘ ° ' rule and R eo of pial Lisiy Sacer pre she may bare all the accomphshments coms:dered tequisite at the present | cot : ‘ ve country, may | day, and every advantage that wealth can procure, and yet if she tack « | small nett earnings of many of them. low, sweet voice, she can never be realty fascinating. | 11. Having a due regard to the travel and freight on the, How often the spell of beaaty is rudely broken by coarse, loud talking? | A Soft Voice. We agree with that old poet, whoeaid that » low, soft voice was “an times greater than at 10 moles per hour tear would be aa 4 to 1. moet of the to hold. The earth which was removed was deposited in a! Per ethibit A, 81,235,300, over and above the three millions; North Carolina Railroad and to the present condition of the | How often you are irresistibly drawa to a plain, ————- woman, | oppper-box to be sealed up with the harter of the Company ; |! may seem to those who do not understand the subject, that, Road, it being new, and the winter season setting in—with | Pboee soft, silvery tomes render her positively atiractive! Bunades, we fan- the names of the original eabscribers to the Stock, the news papers and coins of the day, with a seroll containing an Ad drees to be read at the hundredth anniversary of the celebra thon of “ breaking ground,” when, and not until then, the seals of the box are to be broken. From this memorable day, spondency; all have been united heart and hand in the great undertaking, the whole State, the entire people, eatching the | enthusiasm which it engendered, have come forth in their might and majesty, battling in the cause of Internal Improve-{reqnired to construct the Road, and fairly put it in operation, | n¢ome and profits. | ment, those heretofore signalized as laggards, now pressing forward in the front rank. On the Southern border an ex tensive line of Railroad has been commenced: in the lan- (00- proceeds to say ‘The number of Locomotives and their ger, fonr baggage, cighty-four box, sixty-six platform, and twen-! the original estimate of &3,405,182, made by the Chief Engi neer and adopted by the Board, was wide of the mark, and lenlations inn he made, it is due to the Chief erroneons in ifs ca “Tf any 5 imp Engineer, and to the Board, with wham T had the honor to act inadopting the firet estimate, short examination of the subject accuracy of the first eatimate will exci at the surprise to ascertain what sum would be “ That estimate was made, and the Chief Engineer, after estimating that the Roadway would enst @3,165,332 the work shops and fixtures $100, that it he removed. A! every prospect of inclement weather, I wold recommend a/¢y we eae jortge of the character by the vows: the studied faweieg tone | speed for the passenger trains of 16 miles, and of the freight | sem to us to betuken deceit and bypocrisy as invariably as the musical subdued voice indicates genume refimemeat. | stoppages, 14} hours for the run of the mail train through dn the <ocial circle, bow plomset © ts to bear the sez talk te thet low the line thes, which always characterizes the trae lady! trains 12 miles per hour ; which wonld require, allowing for, Tn the sanctuary of , . _ |home, how sueh a votcs soothes the fretful child and cheers the weary 12, The Road has been opened from time to time, a8 it}, oiudt ftow sweetly itsca ences float through tbe sick ehamber 5 avd reached the several stations in its progress beth from the Kast | around the dying bed, with solema melody do they breathe a prayer for ‘and West. The receipts fully sustain the expectations of if8 | the departing soul! Ah, yea, a low, soft voice is certainly © eee elias friends and verify their predictions im regard tn its prospective thing in woman.” > 18. The “ rolling Stock” on the Road consists of six passen-| An American Rabbi on Jesus Christ —Dr. Raphael, the iger, eight freights and two gravel locomotives, seven passen-!well known Jewish Rabbi in New York says: I as a Jew do say that it appears to me that Jesns Christ be- Co patron and lamented Governor Dudley, “flank-! trains depend of course entirely om the amount of business, ty gravel cars, Some additional locomotives and passenger Cars came the victim of fanaticism, combined with jealonsy and 1 uth Carolina,” and turning North Carolina trade to! Kerth Carolina ports. The extension of the North Carolina! Railroad to the bea-board at Beanfort, and the west to the to capital more than barely sufficient to put the Road into ris & Son. The working parts are all on the same pattern. Tennegsee Nine is in progrese—proving what I may be par- for not resisting the gratification to say, the verity of | the opinion T expreneed in mr Report to yon of the Sth of and may be increased as the wantaof the Company require } to embrace in the It ia not usual vriginal estimates an I charge Jerable additions, carry it through, With this operation; and with inco and enable it to do the iness of the first year. reatriction, [submit the fiowing estimate, viz 'will be required during the ensuing year. The locomotives were | lust in Jewish hierarche, even, ae if later ages, Huss, and Je- | rome, of Peagne, Latimer and Ridley, wme the victinas of , fanaticisin, combined w lal Sarid ~~ ust of power in Chris- \. ‘ . tian hierarchs, and while Land the Jews of the present day The workmanship, style and finish fully sustain the high repu- protest ainst being identified with the cee who were tation of the builders. I would earnestly recommend ac oeegaad Ga the ae eae against Jesus of Nazareth, we change from the present plan of locom character or deriding his preeepts all obtained from the celebrated works of Messrs. Richard Nor otives, with the single are far from reviling his | hind him like a fluck of sheep. The } the Board of Directors on the 2ist of September, 1854,” and | other priesis decided tbat this would be sorcery, and be was pot ai- felda, and “ making prayers” and | ne oem | | the whole train passed over him. too weak to ledve the lodge; arid as be lay” ing wpwards he saw's meherthip oe (4 shapp of » beaatifi] young tnas, dressed fn green and having green plames ow bis head, whic told bive ‘tovariep and wrestle with bim, as this was the only way in which be could obtali his es. He did so, and found bis stretgth réné ed by the effort, This’ visit, and the trial &¢ tot spoke to him. ‘To-morrow; said be, ‘ will be the seventh day of your fast, md the” lade time I shall wrestle with you. You will tr um ph over ma and gait your wishes. As 000 a» you have throw me’ down, strip” off your clothes, and bery me od fhe spot, in soft; freth earth, When yoo bare done this, deve me, but come octasionally to visif thé place, to the weeds from growing. Once or twice't with fresh earth.’ fle then departed, Det re- turned the next day, and, ae he predicted, wim age of bis sky visitor’ shooting up through ‘the ground. He carefully weeded the earth, aud kept it fresh and soft, and iw due thine was ghdt- ified im bebolding the matured plant, beoding with te golden fruit, and gracefilly wavitig it green leaves and yellow tassels in the wind. He then iavited his parents to the spot to bebold the new plat. ‘It is Mondamtin,’ replied Wile father, ' it che wpirit's grain.’ They imaedl- ately prepared @ feast, and invited their frleade to partake of i.” This, according to thé Odjib- was; is the origia of Indian corsa. fo Retort of Bishop Soule.—Dr. Elliott, in his “ History of the Great Secession,” having eharged that “ Bishop Seule Bad becowe a slareholder since luis election to the Episcopacy,” the Bishop replies by pr ing the st t “a falsehood withoat theJeast mixture of truth. not now, nor never was, a slaveholdet.— L never owned asiave by parchase, gift or any other means, and never bad an in- tention or desire to own one. But great- et and better men than [ am, I have no don bt, have owned slaves, and many have passed to that Tand where the ' servant is free from his master,’ and where, together, they adore the infinite riches of that grace by which they were enabled todisebarge their relative daties, and to eseape safely from a world morally and physically die ordered. Philomon and Onesimas are | doubtless of that company.” + emo -— Clark Mills and the Jackson Statue.— The New Orleans Courier of the 6th says; “ Among the visitors. now in our ei | is Clark Mills, Esq., the disti i | Sculptor, who is anxiously awaiting the arrival from Baltimore of his equestrian statue of the Hero of Chalmette, which is destined henceforth to ornament Jack: son Sqaare.” In addition to the above, we find the following in the Delta of the 8th : | “The schooner Southerner, | Belloney, arrived yesterday from . | more, having on beard Mills’ equestrian statae of General Jackson. This arrival is too late for its erection on the 8th of Janoary, as wae originally contemplated The statue is in five pieces, and itis prob able several days ih be required to dis- eharge it from ship.” es Accident on Wilmington and Weldon Railroad.—On last Friday night, while Mr. Wim. Gay, section Master on the above road, near Rocky Mount, was pas- sing over the road on his hand ear, with two negro laborers, an unexpected loto- motive, which had been despatched from | Goldsboro to Weldon for the mail train, was discovered approaching very near. The negroes jumped off, leaving Mr. G. alone ou the haad ear, when he was knoek- ed off, and, we regret to learn, was killed instantly, bis skulk having been broken. Mr. Gay was very much respected by those who knew him.— Wd Journal. A Close Shave-—A young man from | Philadelphia, while walking on the Read- ing Railroad, near Pottstown, saw a train coming towards him, and stepped on the other track; when he was knocked down by another train which had come up, and The only injary he received was a few bruises from the ash-pan of the locomotive, which ia about eight inches from the ground | s — : - — ee a ere nee nen noe THE CONTEST FOR SPEAKER. ' South generally, in favor of the Kansas and Ne-|OUR RELATIONS wirs ENGLAND. The Telegraph made bungling work of the braska bills Moreover, leading Philadelphia) Ag @ portion of the Public, we think it declaration of principles by Messrs. Richardson P&Per says that Mr. Fuller's constituents will be right to express our obligations for the and Fuller, and the catechising to which they *"PAsed at his present declaratious uu this sub-/ annexed explanation, which %. Govern- er, anc e echis o ce ey ; : = ae “4 | he were subjected on the 12th. We copied the in i baa, bot those heretofore a by osee Tea aaa? of . ic. | aes = version, and now desire briefly to cor- Taira = ae hrts come of the etate of attairs between ; : the United States. It was cons Mr. Richardson did not say, as represented, tothe conclusion, that, so far as the interests of the Government to make this that he left the question of slavery t@ the peo- ‘he South is iavolved, any one of the three, ig viewofthe alarining letters W ash- ple of the States [of Kausas aad Nebraska} Banks, Richardson, or Fuller, might as well bef ington and the auxiety whigh mirét to is docteine i, that the poople of the territory, Musted as the other, We would pat the three some extent be oceasioned by the start- = whilst a Cerntory, have the right to profibit or 1% bag, shake them up, and make a Speaker! ling motion of the highly respectable! MUNIFCLPAL ELECTION. tember of South Carolina in the House | of Representatives ou Tuesday.— Nat. Int. FROM THE UNION. of the first ove that should tuinble out. Fay. Observer. allow slavery. ‘Tlie is the doctrine of “squatter A q | sovereignty.” against which the South so gener- -—- =e ~ From the Danville Register. THE TWELFTH SECTION. ally protests. The South contends that the con stitution of the Cuited States, which recognises. slavery, extends over the United States, whether poequend or ris homed 5 and that comets In our last issue we gave, in a short Famers. which are originated here and the peopte of all the States Lave a right w seule Hole, Ow Views as Lo the uerite of this transmitted by telegraph, either with the! In such territory, with Uisir property, whether QOW celebrated article of the Philadelphia view of affecting the Adiuinistration or! negroes or what—leaving the State, when a Platform, The position which we then| \¢ promoting the pecuniary interests of! State is forined out af such territory, to deter 88UMed has Leen eudorsed by the whole | the papers to which they are sent. Oc- American party South, with the ©XCEP” | casionally, however, these rumors assuine | tion of a small fraction in and about Rich- | Z | | Miscnrevovs Misrerresentations.—It | jought nét to be expected that we should maine the quesuvn whether slavery shall or sball Bot exist witha its bounds. The doctrine o' | 1 For Jntendant—). A. Davis. For Commis- | Orit: | y ~ - . y give a formal contradietion te the v ida Poet yes E. Kerr, Jolin I. Shaver, James | tig, nature is suffering by this delay” to elect a lie is evident that this litle paragraph cost him more than mere declaration, it Is unworthy of "| Speaker. “The ; jon of life and property” | more and delighted him nore, than all the fest. . respect. ==--- - ——— =a My secured by the State goveramonts! “ We are “ What we have written is written.” And we see bo reason. why a similar course a j roy w 7? Fffee to say that we entertain no serivus appre written, “We swing to no mau's coat tall,” de. of investigation into the prices of Town proper: SAL BURY Ht. ‘ Bevsivns on account of this delay and disorgnp-| Whe ggpused him of such a boyish practicud¢ty might not also be availed of to prove the ~ aameaaaered ‘ * Tigation. The government will not be dissulved.”' Let the man show himself— He has nv special elle position in regurd to real estate held TUESDAY EVENING, JAN, 29 1856/80 be easy, good people ; the adminateation at liking for dollars.and cents, did will only es: for aale.» Nor is there any reason why it would : seems | Washington, are preparing a “great Card” t@}pouse the cause of those whe hive sugh on -* ly ax yoo to settle the question as to { { } Carolina . . Aye, is it —_— ——————S . secure the triumph pf democracy in ghe nest} whens # “and honest? reasud” may re- E.prices, so far, at least, me it might con. TERMS OF THIS PAPER $40 CASH. © fo ideatial clection! “fh i nd to Ww dened quienlt, Thad w@lbenty apokencwe dytibt uct. (corm borders to desire its elucidation, When | ee ee | ai ike foreign interests of the country have '—And he means to stand to his colors at all’ men are heard tu declare that the price of this | been placed, by faction in the House, ina coo- times; “so that his eveimies may know where thing or that, is too Aig, they are understood dition to be injutiously affected,” says the Stand- to tind hia!” No ope doubts bis right w do ws implying a comparison with something which ard. But there is no oceasiva for alarm. Trust!so, Who said be should nut stand by Ine !is lower, Uf ainan say the rents, real estate |the admingtration and demeeracy and it will all | colors in the face of his eaemies 1 |and Hotel prives of a particular Town are too The reader will please pardon thts lithe di- high, he either means to be understood as com. remember that, and be ready to vole for gression, We mean pot to lose sight of the paring hose rates with the rates of some other jour man when the time comes. The “ vpposi- true ssswes in this matter, We say the Herald| Town ig Most rempects sir@ilarly situatdd( o ee W. Clark, Michael Davis, Wun. M. Barker, Jolin ig are only helping us to win a“ great Card” drew a dark picture of the preseut apd future jbe means to demonstrate his assertion inde en. Shuman, Andrew Murphy and C.F. Baker. | to be played in the contest hereafter. prospeots of Salisbury, and that our fault was in dently of such accustomed rules of estimation, 2 name | onesie oa . | This is the spirit and temper of the “admin. attempting to show that it was unjust. It was In way care if bis asgeption be denied, the bur. No Speaker Yet.— What! no Speaker yey istration” at Washington, and of the democratic | unjust in representing that our town was being den of proof falls on Lins, and be must discharge | press all over the countey. Would that the peo- | depopulated of its mechavics, for it sakl some it by credible evidence, of stand convicted of | An election took place in this town on yes-! terday for Intendant and Commissioners, and resulted in the'choice of the following gentlemen: work ont right. The * opposition” are to Lame Tt is even 80. Two months of the session of Con gress have elapsed and the House of Representa: mond, and present indications lead us to Richardson pats it in the power of abundred or conelnde that this division will soon have @ thousand of the first settlers to exclude slave-| ceased to exist, and that the entire party bolders— the people of fifteen States—fram the will act together as oue harmonious privilege of setuung in the territory, the embryo Whole. Now is not the time for the State, though Ubat territory was purchased by strength of our party to be dissipated by the eummmon treasure, or won by the common division, and we should not forget to dis- bided! of ti pelle otal el Since criminate betweer a people and a cause 7 a ; ; | —betweea men and principles. If we Mr. R said moreover, that in 1848 he bad wish to court the auspices and fullow the Voted, wath a few Northern and the whole body |directions of any leader, let it be ane of the Suutherm members of Congress, to extend) who stands squarely up upoa the broad, the Missouri compromise line through the newly | national platfurm of the Philadelphia acquired Mexican gritory to ihe Pacific ocean, Convention. a character or are repeated with a deyree | * = ; : ple could see through the miserable trickery of | are zone and wany others are svou ty follow, de { Mare prose ylation. ' , . , - | tives of the U. States, have been vainly trying to| . . ; } eae ae jot persistency which renders a contradic- f : ,| such a disreputable game, Would tha they (omitted to mention that as many of more me- oe Oftlinkindtane tielase! elect a Spéaker—trying to elect did we say ;reports as to the withdrawal of Mr. Bu-| It is not so, The very reverse is true. They lchanan from England, and as to the in-| have been trying to prevent the election of a |tention of the President to send to the Se- | peaker, and have succeeded. Party spirit, or | | nate a special message in regard to pend- | sectional jealousy, or both combined, are the | ling difficulties with that Government. jcoutroling influences wlieh prevent an orgxni- For example, a correspondent of the Jour- Iie be the fornior’ thon it were wellaf i 7 aation, nal of Commerce says, on the 18th in-! | tion necessary. to them. ed yesterday, send a special mos e to) mae for the occasion, armed with an inimense yy S8ay _jcould realize the true state of affairs, and knew | chaues had come in from other towne ae trad ! just how much confidence they ought to put in gone away frow this democratic politicinns aud presses. Democracy bas bad the reins of power so long either on acouunt of high bos that they sec to feel the government belum ss ligh rents, or the “ exorbitant prices detnanded In the present Congress they find, for building lots, : ce : however, that there is a majority against them. mechanics who have left us re cently, stant, that “ the President will, as he stat- ecLPeeh ys SEE wes Pere tise) salvos But they have strength enough to sup the! the particular enuse of their removal we have wheels of goverument. Fram the Leangton ond Yodkin Flags. , THE DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATE FOR BPEAKER. We hare been puzzled for three weeks and baffled in all our attempts to diseover ‘the trne secret of unparalled defotion of |the Demoeracy in Washington to Gea. Richardson. Cancusses have been held Te was unjust inasmach as it represented that those who did leave, did se | dat the Hotels, | We can hear of only TWO! What was The question with them not vet learn, Most likely it wae the change iu | Me denied that this'woujd be a siolation of the | This platform was pat forth by the con- Monday, or some day soon, in relation to | seep every mother’s son of the disorgavization our controversy with Great Britain.” | into the Potomac. “Ss. oat : ; . Ww stu n : ] vai 5 ; the Senate in its Executive character next besom, who should go 10 mliipglon and s between giving up the reins into other hands, | the price of eve ry thing since the completion of timo and again, aud he has been Remipa- or putting a stop to it, We sce the result. They | the Railroad, if it had any refereuee at all to mut ted over with an increased vehemence, constituGen ; for, said he, * if you have power enna which assembled oe the Sth of wader the Constitution w exclude slavery from ©" 1855, and was published as a basis And, again, the same correspondent, on the next day, said: “ The President has} ' . We ke forthe sake of the count th , | would not elect Mr. Smith when they could! ters of sach nature. For it mast be remember- jand held Up as the only man in the Aimer- »pe, fo 0 e ntry, ’ ¢ : . a pe. y, tha will they permit the opposed that Charlotte, Columbia, Charlestun, Ay. | ie8" Congress fit to preside over fs de- ne a : have done so, nor varty spirit, and not sectional animosity, is the th ; : party sy 1 j Kec, Let the poopas deulke! wauis’aau aber Fewer kao tak breaigie into berations. The Honse night remafy assured several Senators that he will, afier pause off this disurder; for of the two it is the tn to elect a 8 hala Territory, I think yan lrave power to ex [ve hs political creed of the American some further consultation with the Cabi- It is an evil that will cure Msell, or glade from all, though such an exercise would |Party. It was endorsed by all the lead- net, send to that body g messave inform: that the a0vcrchges of the laud will cure The be unjust and wrong. L have mever, therefore," papers of the party, including the te Shanes ea ee SO seast come when the people wil oe L, , : : . u F i y Le as Voted to exercise thal power, exeept_upun the | y ashington Organ. In its issue of the ve ae a aie. ea deee hate political gamblers—when they will sfomk in “The consutution | 23d of Jane, the Organ says : tion.” The effeet, if not the design, of all) the nostrils of the people; and we are much in does not, in my opioiva, carry the see ku lues “The publication of this authentic and | mors of this kind is to excite appreheu-| clined to think that the procoeedings at Wash- of any of the States into the Territories: but it deliberate declaration of principles, gives | *ons as toarupture between our Gosern- ington this winter, will do much to teach them affords tbe same protection there to the institu the ‘lie direet’ to those reckless preases at | NEnt and that of Great Britain. To a- that lesson. So be it; uf it may but result in shee of one State as of another. The citaea of the South which Lave alleged that the ee eyaes na anes eae on | making them more careful in the selection of wg'oie is as much enuded, in the common ter -Atnerican party was allicd to: Abolition Cosssary fh its LUA TRACT WHOLE Letcly | thei represeotalives, and more watchful of the Hilory, to the protection of Lis property wuder '81.” Ie Yel aiet om Eee ole) eter A) aded to are interest of their great couutry wore ous of ia eee Gd Ga al entirely without foundation, and deserve ae g e 7 e ais of . no sort of attention from the readers of their distinguishing heritage of civil aud reli gious beth are dependent upon the leymlation of tbe! Its (the American party's) candidates the journals towhich they aregent. They liberty. "No speaker yet.” The phrase is +1 fernitenal goverament for laws to protect their | for State officers and for Congress, in ev. Det only do gross injustice to the Preat jreotyped. Are oot the people sick uf itt Is property, of whatever kied it may be.” jery State, can now confidently appeal to dent, but they are calculated to affect the there aman who really feels concerned for the This is mot, we think, the ductnue of those. its platform, as containing net a single interests of commercial men, whoare kept : Soutbera members who have beem young fur) senfence which any true American citi-|in & state of suspense by the repetition of Mr Wichardsom | lk se be aecaden a syeat-| 200 can disapprove, and as replete with | these mischievous inventions, ler sevcreaguty,” which, when opeuly avowed | the soundest, the wisest, and the most | TS aie by Mr. Case o/ter the Preudeatial ekction in| Patrivtic politieal doctrines that have em South Carolina upon the Northern , 3 ated from any national convent ye whl kee ee \ ana entiou, ever beets ) Gen. Taylor, irew up- assembled in this couutry.” | Nebraska Locofocox. We have had occasion freyucatly to observe ‘least evil. prneiple of compromise.” Again, in another place, it said ; nonor and welfare of bis country, but would | thauk the representatives te oresiyn their places and make room for others! W)!| they (doit Not yet Neither will they organize uotil they can com The people are all quiet! promise matters so that every man chalk be sure en tum the d.nuncauons of many of bis own party in the South, who had supported hin ua The other leading papers, both North | ¥ i der a different reading of his Nicholson ketter }and South, spoke in like high terms of that the Northern Nebrasaa |e mocrats all voted That letter was 20 worded as to be read two this basis of principles. The press was, 2" ee om ae) eal ways>-e Northern way sade Southern way) esponded to by the couneils, and by the Ealing (ot eur bara) i elites a a8 | the ple doing a little here and alittle there Hebore the election, Case could sever be prevail iple at large, and the Philadelphia titlavery States in future. Such was the view por ong a | » ane Ule there ee : : land balf doing what they andertake, and anit fd om to say whiel was ihe correct read ag: be: | 4Atform then Lecame the platforio of the | “eer of it by Judge Dougtas, and Ly President age vo ondertake, and Y of some reward, or until party aims shall have a Then, whether the ! quiet or pot, they will probably organim : and consam mation | when they have gallopped over the business of : Se ae competition with os When a gouatryman “organized, publie affairs wholly udg- |tinags im flowr, bacon, lard, butter, or whatever | lected, the peculiar Rights of the Sottth, else, he meets here in our streets persous repre | “ hich they profess to champion, be cain+ promised, and a scandle on free jpéthtu- tan elhs bis produce to the highest bidder, and | tions difused throughout the world, bus THE ALARM BELL anuing thome towns and cities, The country Beneath the local dea of “the Salisbury Uo a * Hers is r! 5 ” ded u ve Vhs . >) tela,” gur neighbor the 2" did ou ul a jthus 18 ie that the pree of living in Saliabucy they woald submit to no other election} sauuary inats drama prluce of malistors mls ae ave nally increased. Tt may, ina few cnses, | What unmentionable something is it, what we, othe Watcbinan of the Loch, characterised P , weight be expected. be the means of some of wonderfal property pertains to him, by pwhich be binds the great Democracy w Huence of the Kailroad ; but no one, we presume. | hin by hooks of steel? Soine have at- will for a mument believe that such cases eill as “ gloomy "—glouimy us to the prospects of ar elders removing to places bevomd che in = Kill the gouse thal lays the vur gually Town, golden eggs, has been and sull is the motto of : tempted to solve the mystery by refer- ence to Gen. Richardson's defenee of the Nebraska till uf home, on the ground that it was a measnre of freedéin design. ed for the destruction of slavery. Of ‘sonewlat similar character ts the confee- © ¢ C al yy of Salieb 7 . the owners of real estate in the tuwn of Sa Ot all es danger the promiecia’ of var Wen. or > eux oe Merakl,” and the editur proceed ; 3 i 4 ad th Herakl,” and the he Liab justify. the gloomy foretoin gs of the Herabl et » show tu CODse the p of the Hele os > Lto sbow thatin conseqaence of the II Cychoye (the Ratbromd) is a verty, There » po; raising the price of Ioard from 15 tu 20 dollar “ ' - ! scare crow” pot myoo-shins about it, Its pro per moous, thew immates were driven out. hat preven apd barklen anticipated aad deaired Use on gutng out they found rents seo lish they could very results which we this day renlige They an- pois of fre of the New Orleans Crescent, which ad &'¥es extracts from a speech of his ‘in rdto rent, and if they thought of bus tovpated and desired an inerease in the mig beta they were again fotied by the enorte country prodoce ; im town lots, pro Many evtizens in this town pand 1850, in which he avowed hiimaelf fur ceeded tu show that 1a comsequence of these Lendreds and tb , and claimed that tant demands of bulders of real estate It pro uy mproved aands of duller to the Kail Squatter & wereigni_ things, Mechaons were leaving our town, rowd for the 1s ccsal porpeme of imereas ng the all the territory acquired from Woxico Srop ping off, ove Ly one Mowe Bere gone value of town property and real estate in the! was free by the laws of nations and ae: apd “ mwauy other tte follow |” and euotry, The man eho did most for it was ee ture We give the extract: saye, thar though © PE UO teemed the met I brral It wae not only eon * The territories,” agid he, “are free ia ve * se ) e, he foreinued inland town in Us 4 a sedered rghit, bet prameworthy It was antie- now and will forever remain free: they f ’ ¢ s matter fur ojeculaturs to dream upon,” eheth pated that the ualroad woul! be a creat benefit are free by the law of mationes they are cron bul she & Ta addon to o, and by Selebary asa town — would be the menos of frve by the law of nature; they will re : : A Oe ' ne hifol ung much that should be done, they will break ; after the clecuon, he proclaimed that the Nor-| - ational American party. And why ee es etry ba treed es hopeaiits boon up and go home, and such tales they wil! tell REy a suoeing Eve ceciag ise be rily Hing it up. Thus far, mast f these amuc ain tree, from cause to which | lave herp was the true verswn. We ail know to should we not adhere to it now t We! tly epom ery in hie Meesage, It ie all very 2 A f aE Vi \ tele tu raime their prices, for La ris ty de patwos have brea fully resize, amd @e do aod already referred Tis should satialy all, hate = ! ; clwar thew wedividua 4 Ubese [race ” F a whet'e bonslees /sliivel the Gesell: have heard of no convention called ts wel: but be cult to have exslained why he yer Oeirks meee SEO mand the prove they do for property for sale wre any thing esther in the prrernt or futere ay i BY Julcement who are oppneed tu the t aok bis ) sé ! » i consider the expediency of “ignoring the tock so much pains — being a proslavery wan ful proceedings! Nove so pure and honest cd 5S I 4 ee extension of slavery.” And again: “[ pros; ects of the Presuieney at the South ¢ y the crmid saya, Prurmione fevers k li calculate to diacowrage the b pe tbat all p . 7 end twelfth section, and the mass of the par to prustrate the Hards in New York none so fair and just, and the people esis believe Ae re " 5 do net, and eannot believe, that cer Con s i} » 4 cao le obtained at country ponerse, every ’ * be ‘ ori) { Cate aliag : ell, just such views as (ase beld, Kichard ty are doubtless willing to abide by and| Svuth Carolina m oe of the States that can them ; yea, and probably reecket them Never at ; poles bts norton | ERG LEE tl ea NUL gee ype po eng and prot.cta aaccry, son has held, noe bods, and avown Vet these uphold it. But there are interested and %* & fone ved by Chis grows fraud. She speaks theleas, the ume must come when these thins asian ee Frees emeeneny nN rary, gave the toms uf The Alar apt tn the Slates ; mor dv 1 belwee that st same Southern democrals, wbo drupped Cas,| designing men wl are using every ef. joress® the Charleston Mereury mm fllows lwill'reack o/c aioe eurroanding vilazes” &e Bare? of the Herald Tu complain A high shuld catend this tnatiletion 1 lulicvs : ' : B, oe ' ll re rina we the popular ew ; f (0 beuben down naz, it 10 true.) for that poliu fort w lead the people of the Soath fron | Lezington Plag. dein ; : ; Lad Thiet remenilwenal. a are t Lorene and Dich prere of real estate, then, tu Chel il wae formed Jor far higher amb } “ ; make itse eard, aod popular majesty ¥ ate | . ’ BY 5 cal herest, are now vuling for Ruchardsoa, and their true pasition ; and, for the sake of It seems that Mr. Cor, a member from Ken Ae ie } ma” gloomy are” 0h Seto haves em curtelves for berlding the Kar ruad — to Nabler purprrse argiog bw election’ There are queer more pablic plunder, they would suk @ great, ‘uch, was cruel emough to « mpel Nortbera |* eS Cet Cece ney ae! er ed ther To We pot the qustom net to the adrmt thed we arted unerw cthate . e oe : nd vital principle We belie l f Democrats to the couf-asion upon the Nebraska } ha ; . ments in the pdities! rame ' Pe ee ee € believe that the I ' to lamdlonte on tem eebcpated rhemnsn : Se far fro ranting t ». moerath . si oo Amenean party can be induced to follow Karaas tell, and the principles opom which it POST OFFICE MISMANAGEMENT Me cald— tit ter acntlords anita! old es Sateenfpateet ma 8 Whemmomg. Ueugl reel ard ty the eT xerding the: [emerrstic: wan In conseqaence of Mr R hardeon’s distinet aS eae ple a Wink secs hae was delendell af the Naik Hel caterei lees cae or ~ le a true picture! We desy it, amd cal! fe letier, hae turned out a curee Iligh learg bet in Congress ae md anewernble for * the es- - leaders, cither re folk > bette r nmend o edemave of the constitutionality of the Wilmot |; xe spuila, or from the ignoble fear of de) ti Member from Michigan, and wakes them tu y S W he proof Where every Ubing cle m lich may. eee wing slate 4 theme” we look upon them as th sade > 1 « ' ; Ew. mee i attention of the [Tatmaste-r Sats bur % ‘ Promo, Mewar. Quien of Mie, and Ratce fi at The twelfth section ies saving ar. © famoing - VoOV against Meare Caen Roan Ss at Ve oh ' A thnosit 6 tas mee a) OS Snltw duce aa nalwral comsequcice the mos cy neur able of the three divisiote ia the . t tag 6 and |ougiaa sommone also the Olio an.) *howld a ave pablished tem bet fur the fact ad Bet sod M.dyaeen of 5 _ erased to vote for e of the platfors:s Without that. the Poometiez c i { further after our artle ofthe 13th January. Le Isat (ee mont unyest of all hinge ead by the | Hlowse. (tur remom fur this optmiem te tin : busy lvania lcunucracy to the same pone that a few weeks ago we calle! at the office at bow. [utevterquentiv, when Mr i awd teouk) slavery qnrestion woald be an open one / of il u the Lk mocrats make a support f and a4) thes wn nd nothing 4 lef ! They unite im testifying eet Democrats at the showed the clerk in charg a similar letier frum [bie appearance of a pon bears 1 mem anck Cent ald Mace Coma at I Wat Te Enso co N be wmag to enact the Proven. though cnmstiy | 4” ieee woaid be lef to guarantee | North advocate the Katess Nebraska talk ox : ie << bead id - Load Quesksun” in Lernld of S80 1u ligher bere (las surrumding of wre 1@ the Kanses Nebraska bill me the teat of ‘ tot Soatli the pre Pinal mas he same sourcr, “ these complaints wer fons! Uaey expres) Ubemerives satished, and T, wae fap i a of iher PYRUTS. om the grounds of pep ular movereizsn ' \“ ' | - ie MC arlicke er ltors a anu mere “ ave iba, however, to ite bate pertimal ot Umadeot They releee te wore, BS e principles set forth by the national aa 3 rare mineaye: ‘ ben made e@ padish them oew. pot from mai ¥ —_—™ agun emt thew votes for Lim, \ ' t . a i joe e {Vitus ty slavery ; r as of ibe lhemocrauc party, th 4 A Mr | Garet convention are those for which we wil! 40m, bat as “the best Abubtioe measure | 27) 1! ll towards the TM here, but of pos. MOT INP ClO relieve Une pocture conn daiued of, of Due derold ecard be plead tread a com = party, these with show ted tae « camdudate of the Keve tinue to do battle; but we mast fi ver af 4 th ; ‘ ay of ite ghan by tle additive of are ' me ular) oF an pametion of * thet Watehmine” "J ete wecited io most long fateruse Nothings, be 4 eat, mathe tuiepre, r me aL AE . jaserdl, and the surest step in comumma tiler, more efeetuaiy to ipreas Lie ain) with ‘ 4 ' yet Mas fe . « luepraph re elcea } fe ' . , , ' J tema » th tle! L hat he « : r Erem a6 a Wide, without their b bag | bee of te Baal oljecta Such we the [em nrary Ue matter complained of and the veecsenty of Of 4 tint EY 4 wie, ut why ayean & prom tee Houis le shad Love of ~ RA sulecribe t -ien. Now, a ; “ any way mutilated or shorn of their the North, as 1 by cuen lips. and ‘mpruoverment. Ie will ee that our -_ ‘ ie ste es ~ ‘ First and foremost, inem, er care mts sel Cf Hum the Amereaa SyUTi reelricti but that be was Pred to the fair preportions were the South are invoked to appleed —nar : neo - . : : wt eles support Puller, are eilling to ar- leaf ee fae , im a eked ‘ mul the Houtebe beypomd t be * iv z restoration of the Minx (omni eine enti more, to entrast our destiny tu the keeping of MUS aber by lhe inesjer« nee ur n-gl gence of i ) pi fetad teat Geg] | IS, Ry tee The pra ree Tl &. was ne in faror of ie W IW EEETR GECTION meo who tell we that the very test we 1 jrae be agrot and be led to f ' “ ans Il ‘a @i the Watelinoa ‘ wue lo acoommeiate the puble, aad, ! ee bal "i aaag Acree ¢ ro ' prov ec Nave ag laws toe all the slavery ian aed ' of thfaln to we ve th , z= b b ection th : » mn a rey j e welt amanner ap satefatory to the ‘ < « y on“, . ae we . The Americar party batineg érieen anor fa alness we re the argument with which ng the e « PY ewieted (cai! Me F efore the we chee (rune geains a oak ila £ ath i ; they demoesirate thei dee hostility Fans Come Srerec, Tred J 2 aiwwlu ¢ tt tes bh ; them ae ther chargre « ie p have & deelared themmecivnes Ney more they end in! twat eet ’ pos 10 rf sw vee ee oth ‘ . love cime yeaZ Mie, Phecced ene WW 4f and Democratic parties CAM een PIMA Ce pres of ew devetien Ny 3 Bronce ser Ai 1,0. eoubl - wnt us, [ts can hare erpreserd a aillingness to ext aside teri pradent of that inet ont Wihea the 6c : . d reht cheast ies ne oar Se comes om Py ie ais : ' e held in a» manner reeoneible fx hic reed tens ah werfully Ubey pat tu fe! de:1 to write in v8e ogee reaper mg the wr a Be ca ’ . $ . C. own ate, aed vote for an seceptable Dem the cunfederaied Sates met by ther perry : | the Nebraska Kansas by (ne might nearly, of the Wetchmen < ever the: pe a wkions acts or violated pledves of « ho rtm | J Ser ce the p ae (1) - P wera Gran the conditum that thy shall not be Gemtatives. te Convention to form the ¢ ‘ thers And Liphaed beheve of them. what Mr (rr in a huret of ng | per nate F h “4 ram ‘ ; » either nd the she as ante agitation of ju. indignation, sand om 1850 of the ebole Now @r. i eeeme to be my det fibe P WY a avy wre bir ine L vr yon ttt out of oar Kine of busines qed to repedine thre poh esl prieerpies. rom, wea tiated 1m a!) bot one of the States the slavery question by me partie jz , Sei soe: tines tn dearherge bie dety in wand r = “ ots meee as Deeeods a4 Uhuse parties hav. North. “they are mure |neisie ty us than any oe bs ee At Cae rae rs ep ST. Toa Wi know what rt m worth tu print ap eere Ther ref me ne al tense hnaed upoe the Neleae pe peretine 5 ge ed sec nal hostility into w@ pow | forsyn pation on the ¢ hese : - . CY Dal ies the glole Geoet. | eill hove 'o ropat bm | eant your @ 1 \ bomrocd trelf san os hy f ka Kansas bell, thew own tet of pohties! = ed : F ’ a Ww, . } "a De t Tem ed ght bk: by ther (ve element of political (power, and! Now. we ack ie it with net a party that the cperation m someting me im the petting uf the ¢ , hilt ey omens ya Cia ree meni 4 thas t A shall ; £ Fi : i ; . re pe — ; » meved veement th \ repreeeuta t por CPVEKUE OF wistitutiones into peril, it has! people of South Carolina ell concent te 2o into BPrImg ewes dwect irvn Nahebery on tie Wiik-stewn, * . om = & 8 fia ie pach ung aroordh igty = saan a lelabe tcl the matic ar }808 «T . erefore become the imperative duty of sovemoom Presidential elvetioma, one after - A p . , ovliy g. th ‘ - | Yo app: me tun beyh to theme eho weateok weit hatiective pring pies, more a j T i d 9 everal of timer on bore tid me mare ory every The S ‘ yp ‘ - , e American party to inte rhe for the another have gone be, and, fietrustfal of North ele Gers ee : lanl dels d was ack Ta) roe bite, @e enpeet them tk go eumeatere cles: )°*™ be avery of lhemememey assed vote far Rock - wn en (ar Ser ex barns J f ’ . nie @ elierainn » arene ares pera . - purpese of giving peace to the country (ern afitatiome, scuing mpon the highest comvic made, yom cen be ike Say rp aries b . pod we tery reesonalty cuppa’ ikea car Land arian. In short, they mk of the Amerienes a an ’ ’ i¢ t} t , ] \ - \ ' ranted th *'™\ and perpetuity tothe Union. Andaser- | 00m, f principle, sie hae abetarned from these ‘wee c me bys ‘ The © Watehiman” eadino eucl ting We jeete underetaeding thew own Lu-inees Inst. do ‘I things, imj-se impossibde cundstives ted re rlet re m elas mn o is ur a + an t " ; 4 x arn, © . anes perience las slown it iunpossible to recon a al cancuss , and now, when Alolton ~ ' were showing ” aay os ei bel wrowrilii ther them thew can test. such n of iy \ : . . « the same, and are eillmz to take the respons: = as fu man emcape Cees clauned —@ eas granted —the cile opinions su extreme as those whic m j«nsoned to its core the Northern heart, and New Insta,” recentiy « hanges Ove 5 , \ ‘ 6 ? her set . = . nS nae mie te verbeet : onerety imei rgit A @ rey fee LLaLOn ms an ciement of separate the disputanta, ar fraacthiere cay he Northern Demoeratic party poldsehe@ its is on the same stare line a foe a , : . labty of Baring sack retire as hey deem tal. ‘ : Lot food Col tase anedat 1 te the poslom joer Tf ogres hale (DO dishonor in animitting tothe lawe, Omit) and faithieseness t «, in terme clea! (- Spring, and \ A . a Mal) A Brent, dene it © The present pees are much higher than for T°! Oey have prevented an afhence and @ 8 oe Si : : Ls ’ vistakeatile. we ere iL aps pane + . : * and - mau , ew ih rm. \ Cone hehe presente a, BOA Ces ayy cor eelqetlel ain, € natioval council bas deemed it the ee ? en called om to — ton Ge WHis a z metly whether ue act y can afford ¢ 4 sf d the cleetion of a § peak er, seen ey ee ee aie ur pobiew. and ma common cause @ith them ‘ That we had Je rong t i ; oe : : when they bare had and do tiff have it ia thelr that the Terr urre eecre the commen property | nara | tpinen Justice and thei grerdy (persen’of i sssten!| Ve ed From thatlofice we rs least: ; . se ‘ ae Beep ge mt hous fue bese mone, at thee ao * Rh f all je Mates, nou Liset the | A all aare peace. ty abide ty and maintain 4), pete tr are the Gllowias acto I ae mee OER ent price of produce, gro ree servant hire, PUeer 0 eflect ae organization by mekiag a i bes Le the props Y , be pe le is skrange anid « ull wing . 7 . é, Samten handle right cole ciore tied; eee be cxisting laws upen the enbject of ela Wate keopu sand tea kk Sa yueston we are unatle to dene (ery eight comceeton If they will necind that ' bs rm vers, asa final and conels © wettl nt ! " Wee four wo . 7 dalam ett oo eee ia. : ¢ a settlement . Vinl ESF ‘ a nw ii we MEO Dol Nie Hized.beminese at prevent part 4 the reao! ution adopted in thew semana Ls ‘ al state ( n rit ane mtance y Nath ec fidiasl 4 ng xd Blame the Railroad’? Cyr eame aww ‘Pd A of the evwmirs Lnat | ongrees ncht t Nnor oe { ss 4 al j 5 : mg the French machinery « fand 2 Wil phere Line ri hes my Sree oon en meng 8s Dthis commentary :” wlnehis writ (UPs caucus, ebich deoounces the Amerienas a9 : Rms Tregardiog it e lighest duty PNA LL WO gee ra one: ° aoc eo wens oh your om ri er Wewlet~ davers inte mor exited. it fram the atuw ther pions Upon asubyectaoim. & Very inzenions and simple mode of ent ™ Yeon ns aes fut Prasais ae were nuctohen of he powers Wf yaa YO ( elatie written is Jat the woler ememrs crd amd rehgrows liberty, eed offer Teernnpwe Nevtber bad « Tornurial J mele portant, in distinctand une quivocalterus ting efone, ex ted by a man named E © POSTELL = agit ane vow uctel tohd eas aoe . anon of the Herall a candvlate more neerptable and soender than wn re od erevuns as well a0 the speed tere \ ' _ gh arate rely declared as the sense of this (betahere He causes @ wire to run at Thien it will’ be seem thai thet] ty) once clits Lg 4 elile we are ging “eommentan. a” Rec hrardean, they may organise the House at . e ; vty rbot , he enrface hich. z unec nd proceee o & on that « t or far meat mozht becom ational ¢ at Congresa |weaenaes sh ieee ~ 7 ff ‘ i mee aa agement has been > means of kaing us one Put we cannot take time te netics all the ab Pt rhape tt would edify our artestee ana musical |” ss 1 1 to transact the public busi ee power under the constitution to legis “Wishes to bisect. and by dropping on it a a ; kos Aotirarnt _ oat brother to have one in eapert to nese Kut thes pritinmously refuse to do ei- t ate upon the sulject of slavery in the ‘i tture of aand and water the one rat ete See ponds iereeenemn ee metal ; fi mie RENTS. & La ctires, (wa things Ie yerosnce of the h the e ' ! t pa a tes t w nm . ‘ hs « ’ . - 3 States > ur tu xc otk any Btate from ad. '* iNickly completed The ani tyra. SUR W very grariousiy = — if bohei Bah fd =e f mlime A Cod Orr they will not vield an iota, mevibaridee P ay ) . ; ¥ pati ° opine be . hie p ae M : “ tie.oninty the Uniw because her eon es vield se quickly to thie proeess that owe (pase over 1 etior enquires mig Pinion they aro mut higher bere, ienon,'we say the l-emocrats are the most com- fergiatn that Mr F fo fur wieke ag ; Oi ealccs as we perk ol her wad the Culoretaret ; fie ave cr =The opposivint ielalmiamtratvin ce (ie \ubat gives linracter aus gor to ans nian thanin Charlotte, We mention Charlotte, be, suralde of the three factaona, for “ the exis ting ae me feta liters ride wl oe A ‘ r arene een ' i ° = ’ ' ne 1 ‘ aera leckear > ; state of things” And we ri atte: te from g mu )ofem, and expresely pretermitting any facquare fim per House could adopt that rale, of jn * ] Wa waomay say that it etl an rat plaec and shar) are nial towne el aa si en i geen eid! uw teumed, wher he hal deriaren; Wee rewtineme to an + Xpicesione of i 1 power of wat the rate of for. «— of thew comld elect a Speaker by a majenity merchants: for he apeake of the increase of by ‘bete being nene other forming so fair a com y Jf) sa L nu alee ewer any questions He saad ther ween Congress to estallieh or prohibit ale ty feet per second. Using the ordinary of the eho miler (f voles The rinpritel- iginees min willy much elf marcanece And the PAFSON In A business point of view. Now if thre saingion Fling. © I the Memners | orm) remier ean Le resicead a erritory, it fe the sense of this saw, the same amoamt of work would re bouy from ot - continued disorganization is, Site lent peomends to cleny the tron. and to Yt 80. 9 it not worthy the attention of the Herald Nawalaes? ‘ nN . Uimusaid twirl crtarnry itis alfaiurl oli readies’ innial Connell cet Uinorice ought not te GMire three-horse power, and would ex. therefore, upon them — Ral. Standard Emerica Ge Ae dee a NM rumotons.-The Preedent ~ roe rau it ton gt o rr er oe Ld ” ata “—-_ a ‘ ae frre oh oon Kielute open the sulyect of slavery with, peid Gltcen france was (material: We think the “responsibility of this ald Sn) S tie ntending that Mechanics are - : | sent into the Senate, on Thursday, the liet Maer 7 5 f aa ele PULTE nt Tee : alan necessary, and refers ua to works on Tol nereyard to rente in Sahebury, by a comparison 2 vom at yy a yet lef , ‘ ries ited States, and eae EO \ 6 RURAL Unwed disorganization” 19 much upon the “ad ; with the romt rates of Charhtte? 1 ell do CL N@¥al promotions uccasioned by the fame [eer that Lam opie tothe aztation tat any interference of Causress wit], Mite Coals - 2 oA STEN) SUL STATICS 2 ae Ad Ed aD ae” wetion of the Ret Board. Mach an- 7 : 5 rence of Cony t ss Mmieteation.” ae npon the oppesitit . F ee , . ronof the Retirin ard, A the question sa be tb edinbe € Dyetrict of Co M I ~ A ar Z I wll, took so thaw a dranght as only te miats and it be found that higher rates prorat in jaldel . oo OMTIWENT ON DSDEPES DONC Sor é ne fthey are mot ate yorr rth tielent 7 F . nated debate » * ; i And, of the Nebraska bili, he then og SWetid le a ation of the spirit \ eaten e a 7 * fy Lis own brain, Go beck out tfoend, tothe ™ wry. property hoblere here will find it an enten iv the Exeentive } Gs Wise. of Virginia tn Rett in @ Speaker wby do they net icin the oron ’ Peet ' session of the S&S te Mr. [ Ton eee _- ies dee ie nee cee ) sly of your letaone, anal leato at enet tat [Hortimgty diffcult task wo explain why fe js an f the Senate. Mr. Deyard de- ay sah u ie ae y ny : Seateat Murari edca Ve Dietr te efagisliture in warm ap- A Speaker could then he eluaen we it diff ie " ; rather, tu show why they should not medify Neuncing the law as infamens. No ae- 1 ongress , | A emione it noe r of the Siton sanctioned by eal: , fu ese FEN NAST LNK LO Other punt : tothe United States. and ere ara re i a eat ’ Vv ralty Botif they are not wil . 4 eg N lcranticenstccre es fous - ; ited States, and a breach of of States to erect a monument in In iH nik 3 , : . atta ye eatin ther rates We will go further, and say, that: on was taken, and the Bulject is atill h ™ “ ert one yr he ° hat al tar a‘ neither of the candidates of the td : | Bik i 4 ees Ve pendence Square, Plalmde Iplia, in bo OF vel u ee un ; puch pan ¥ fit be not found that rent rates are materially | pending The Senate ia said to be die r accor lath thee. now anie ae . : m A - did they not elect Mr Smith, « a. r vl i a ‘. inl {t a ee eune - wef the Deelaration of Independence ’ ; Sahn Nin What we have written ie owritten, Qitherin Charlotte than im thie place, the feet posed to sustain the Board generally, and ate U ote geome , . , : ne mies ; ‘ (harown party, when they had achance to do , \ ‘ : ty begisdase ot hae Sle tien nant, tl a j Pier Biri Tie Rhode Istand me i os A See row : tance todo and withont anlestation, Weasing to no man's ould bem gras one, and should demand se-|leave revision in apecifie cases to the waa sullect under consideration, and a favo. Ny atlewpt to force apon the “or pen mat te n octhiea, pols or le com ’ . , weulkt mactic. nee Mimace? a) Honanie tml t ale cuid weather 24" ” da favo ; tbe | ieee cated ae al rnen ia, Hous consideration , for, although the two ple) Executive. —South Car. | al @ report is anticipated lui a than, when they are matisfie aril thou rh wens a alwaye be seemingly on eor F ey fie . : fA : ‘ ay } YE OW eee are. in inapy reapects, favorably situated for oo prone, w er did wee very ef an very J i e te e birds Pete the * oppesition” aed oul Vie the dolare aud conte, yet wep } J feeNcl yn SCL AT Grreat umm bers « 1a patrilges, an Granite ra Gold ~The value of build: unies, for sout], 11 ev are deter ever he found on th fe of wtiat we deem gen miparmon proposed, yet wy think there ae ANOTHER SNOW 8TURM — We had another 1 4 bMiie, po if , ane ; : t unies@, for sout!), th ary deters ) z ! = i It muet in 4 Ml erin A . , i f emtong fa ky ft Marsaclia ck . fr - id honest reason. pinel: whose tome it may, Pulte of difference of sufficremt IMportance to sow mora on Satarday last, which makes three sipee , ‘: “ rds | eet vmund de » ‘ ach a Disorganiza he bitter end eee * - - 2 en found dead in the ATE ren Gr a quarter of'a million ; ; a We atand to our colors at all tines; ao that gue lake a difference in rent raves mgrust Charlotte, '* Sheet The last one gave as from 410 5 igthes, ; ¥ woode There will hardly bea joailileftdullara. Tlicee oro le. tm BPN ery ae dee hooks very much ag if thie wae the at ainay know where to find ue” ih trates may be considercd, ae to a Town hich: added to the rentmins of the two former eee, Lgl Le : > ve , . x a as Teel eof the adr « toot F ! ; 1 ! é = : ; ; : iMarvlantesad jertlierin\ iriaaentantly atime ont lileen oer purpos adroicistratw: nnd tha Thin 0 e yom of the Reels Tied neaulverarinn: Will the I ‘ made a sam tote! of fron @ ind. The qreond bee ie \ . : “ ) yea and twenty : ; wh Wothe Terald wet on be od fn 38 de yy ot ap ’ ' att» ; 7 their olject in duing ey 6 te mecour Serna ae ; : : , ew covered fut 2 ‘ , t "NN t Ae presuttiie. except guel ae hare beer pe are all the t employed to carry mL ai ° BRON ee minal dave called to all tie vAlarous mid dar ilcn sy cnet ont We know of nv other plan by n ' ¥ mete Prime ! t away Tctaraniion| Gaye Acai 2 " 4, play in the appromehing Presidential aeroekle in (lied allen Create : aoe ["! A rv. playing from to 10 to 42 degrera Al noga e@ ™ g rte Me prent ara Galralie thar the sarie cua 7 elated a ice, Tene cal ate ey, penned WM AT ts peation in regard ta conte in Salish“ yedterday, at euand at 42, which wee the mildest doy =A . , ; sh alia HS ainc extent of vy dias dee POT he tated when finished it he felt Weave ntl ty, can te mireensily. fort fied, if at all capable SA Nave hed thiamonth ‘The ponds are shee: od wer x" in ( rhis Standard iterlf «ave No internat Aa tomes tH \elkniwilaicateiprratrerennn cnc 7 i (tant 4 with ice full seven inenes thiek. A alder wenter ae & jar of prow MT Ht te sustained by something peuhably never hanwae here behéee Ongena frac. =T by high tin taamphe of tein ple ass lawreds ae christian « ta hemor « seme time doing tin these bal« nadia ns ox party of fentewal, 1 mirth, of « They higte and sors boughs frown the I oleery am: aut mech Neo one which to r by Dyce tury, Mo It was pet did wot pre Aod all ow bred they to the real but etoppe terval bets year from gar Rera: lo be 1860 arrwes at a Sth year b suffered in which it is same year. Bed center 4iet year a would brn Tertullian, or 6 years ere fix it : tarmty rests We kno: tions obser to what in know wher rope we fi ma year, i and dimine bath We to change rl other reaso Christmes | 1. tine ulation to q len it ia th need the ar: Oo! for a hol 2 Ltn way for mo debauchery the year work ina a, Unworthy of nilar Course fown proper. prove the estate held vhy it woulg question as t might con. ion, When prive of this understood thing which , real eRlale vw are loo ood as com. some other atl of ele on inde ren. estimation, ed, the bur- st discharge convicted of Flags: ; JIDATE ree weeks » discover Wotion of to Gea. een held ) Hemi pa- hemence, he Aimer- r its de- t remaly lly uég- .e Seatte » be cain+ institu- orld, bus election) sit, what him, by cracy Ww have at- y refer- ce of the , ground | design. r Of ¢ confec- if, which if his in peel f for ved that Mexico and na- are free e; they hey are will re | lave tiafy all, d to the mt com- ais Ling by "ing. sent he liet ry the sh an- entive d de- io ae a atill e die- ;, and o the rec eee f your. p ‘ ak the 8th in- wish te molice. There are sume ere that Sebns-to. We Inconsistent with the history of the day, called -Cartatwrees, Dy, fin dis- posed 00 plucéthe birth of oir Sitviour* about the wutuin WOKS a ; (i ro Oh oh end! wf Beldied bens by po means an ehgible time for making an en- rolineat, and wad very jacouvenions for travel- tings @. ft tw not fikely that Sheplicrds would thea be out watching their flocks in the open fields. We are told that in thie month, “the weather is cold and pigyeing, and sowietines fatal to those mut inured to the climate, Lut ruin ie more common than snow.” lub, Culmet, page 248. “ During the wouths of November aud Decerw- der, the rains continve to fall heavily.” Kitto Cye. UI, page 482. * These is nv mention in the carly cherch of any such.oleervances {4 CUbrisiimas) till be- tween the Srf init 4th centuries, atid thén the Guy could not be found owt with any certainty.” Tacobs's Notes on Luke 2; 8, There is ve au- thority ia the word uf God for ubserving te day wt al: and as some one has remarked, “ the si- tence of Scripture is expressive” it bas been pethaps thus lef, in douls to prevent observing tpg Repebing in Eccl. History, yuge 26, living in the 3rd century, in the time of Constantine | the Great, has a chapter on “the times of our Seviotr's mavifesiative among men,” in whieh | he would, of course mention the day of his Lirth if known, but he says not a word oa the sub- ject. What Clemens Romanus did in A. D. 70, ig matter of duabt. Paul was probally bebead- ed about 68 at Rome, Mushcisn's Eccl, History. vol. I, page $7. But Kusebius, page 100, makes Lous bishop 12 years, and afier him Anencle- tus 12 vears before Clement. Every thing about him is very uncertain, see Mosbeim, vul. 1, page | 69, and the discourse concerning his Epistle to the Curiathjaes ia Ap. Father. But what is the origin of celebrating this day, that the writer of the article above referred to wishes “ rightly celebrated [” We flad it in Miller's Pres. aud Baptinm, page 76. * \Wlen Ongen about use middle of the Jrd ceutury, proposés to give a het of the fasts and festivals whieh were olecrved im bis day, be makes o tention of Chrivimas” Ie had nut heard of the order of Clement A. L. 10 “Ns real origin was this, Like many other observances 1. was borrowed from the beathen | j The weil known Pagan festival of Saturnalia resituted ia honor of Ubeir fabled deity, Saturn we celebrated by them with ike greatest spleo dor, extravagance and debavel ry Tt wae, de ring 8 contiauance: a wemco of freedom and equality ; the master ceased to rule, and the slave lo vbley ; the former earning at he own table vpon the iatter, and submitting to the aus pépeion of a!) order, and the regu of eaiversal frac. They began of the 1th of December by lighting a prfesiom of war canilee ia the taamphe of Satur: ie thew tefp ple and im all thei habitations, boaghs of lawreds and varrous binds A evergreen, The chriction chh © 9 8 api ennteod a feativel ta hoeor of ber master's Larth nearly about the In ding Une, the policy wes to retain as many of Ubgee balats ehich bad prevailed im the Satur ndbia ae could in any way he reconciled with the party of echrieuaniy They made their new festawal, therfore, a seamen of pelazation and mirth, of cheerful visiting and mutual Prrene ta They hghied candles m thew places of worshyy and stoned them with a profasion of evergreen boughs Thus ded the Keaweh Choreh burroe frora the Pagans some of her most prominent oleervanven.” Thee orga of (bretinas does aut mech recommen! it te The anene paraiic! tetwern the two, in drawn 1 Sencth's [hetmmary of Grek and Korman An fqeity, under the wurd Saiurnaim The amertion we made in the articte above mentioned that whe they Chrint was born on Deemmber os Bot, he was bore exme time dunng that reer foogn ehech the chemin era dates. Lut of Use there ie great dewlt, The fact i«, that ean be certain of the dar or of the month, of ef the year, of Clinmi's berth, and brate bee remerrection every Sabbath that ia safirent No one thuaght of mecking the an era {rem and by suspending seme time for the purpuse of supercedeng it our observance the 25th ne one as we ole which to reckon ume, tll | me pupal was inade by Dycermres about the middie of the @th con tery, Musbeio’s Bech. Hist. sol 1, page 4675 Te wes imtraduced rete Brance in the Tih, but dad Oot prevail universally ti! the 15th century Aod all ought to heow that eben thie ern was Bred they made an erroe, and dad pot gu bak to the real barth of Christ, the true Auoo Demin, but stopped short 4 of 5 years; leaving g ani terval between the tome of the advent, and the Year from ebich we rechoe our sears, the Vu gar Bera: e that really thee present pear ongl tobe 1960. Browne, tet Wwdo Saclorum, page 36, arrives at a conjeeiural date. Bih Lecember, the Sth year before oar era Jostua Martyr, sho suffered in Qed contery, makes a remark, from which it is inferred that he thought it about the same year. DC. 5 ted century, eaye the’ Obriat was born abont Use 41st year of the reign of Augustine Cwsar, winch would bring H BRU. 4 Tertullian, it would seem that he Leheved it 4 or & years earher than the common era. Oth ere fiz it 2 oF 3 years before tamty rests upon the whole matter Irmneus, who also lived mn From the writings of So that uneer We know the tendency of men to swperst) tions obser ances, and when they begin to add to what is of Ihvine appointment, know where they may atop we do not If we go to Eu rope we find several hundred saints’ days kept a year, interfering with the business of socie ty and diminishing the sanctity of the holy Sab bath. We know it 10 dificult, if not impossible to change the custome of society other reasons why it i inexpedient to regard Bat there are Chrintmes as it is generally done. 1. Ut in a great lows of time for the whole pop- ulation to quit besiness for a week | and too of len it ia the part of our population (hat most need the acnile of their labor, that take this pen ol for a holy day, ae inthe ancient Saturnalia, 2 [tie not a mere joss of time, bat opens the way for more dissipative and drunkenness, and debauchery, than ia done in any other week in the year Work Instead of keeping the day or the Wa profitable manner, nine tenthe per , Subject that we itatieidind ene ione hap@“obtbudlwhe prddts diaerve ta, bpdbd is in a very unprofitable way. De pranieed withdrawal of Mr} Riph igh, _ 8. It is proutiarl bad fue the slave popula- argon to-day from the candidates fur the tion, Being negelyghe duly Buly'day they have; Speakership” will, if nothing elee, epen they will travel, abomt and expose themsclves, /80INe change of scene in the dull drama aud lay the (Jtindatiol ef diguasd’, which it takes |evacted during the last seven weeks in A ime ta Weeden ithe Louse of Representatives. It is tu be é Fibud poi le & oe Re thee: | hoped, too, that it may lead to seme con- at thie timo-uf te year Ie woukl bo for | oreo of personal preference and of par- bdo if ig ly i ity obstinaey which may result in over- prefer could be arranged in the warm jwoming the diftiealty which has kept the seasua. Clouse se long unorganized. The motion What the British Parliament did in reference of Mr. Rust, alse, should it be adopted to the ew style of reckoning time may be found lomday, will donbtless tend to facilitate a iu Ube Acts of the 8414 year of Georgy Ll, 1740, COMPU MIMation so devoutly to be wished. page 671. lumediately after the adjournment of {the [Tonse the Democratic members held poe tee einmae is et for the purpose of selecting a lcandidate for the Speakership in place of The following is proposed as une form of the | Mr. Richardson ; and it is wiaarehed that Temperance Memorials to be preseuted to the |the choice fell on Mr. Orr, of South Ca- next Legistature : jrolina, a gentlenan personally unexcep- To the Honotable, the Senate 4nd House of jHenable, and ove very familiar with the Comes of Neth Corstinn | duties of the chair, which he has often WW herund ak the le acing a , _|temporarily filled with marked ability, Ne ee a oe eee! Meetings ales took place last evening ble body assembled in the city of Kaleigh, Jesse lof other partica of the Honse; and we A. Waugh, J. Barnes, Win. Black, W. L, Long. | learn, atthe moment of ving to press, P. IL Wiestoa, L. B. Carmichael ©. I. Cook, | that the deliberations of the Repnblicans D. F. Caldwell, G. M. White, W. J. Houston | resulted in a determination to adhere to and Mills TL Eure, tha Committe on Proposi | Mr. Banks. —Wut, Lut, Jan. 24. Gore and Grievances, iu sole council assem = - cae. i bled Yo cunsidet the Temperence Memorials to | ates ——— Huby.—A See ees | them veferred, do say “That they are not un- ee of the Caloutia err a imlfyl of the evils of intemperance and its de- } ve receptton of the English mbacey by | sete 1 |the Burmese King, says, “ The only dhing remarkable at this interview was a ruby | |ducing ja many instanees physical and mental! in the centre of the pagoda crown of his inbecility, — They further say, that they can) Majesty. It was as large, if not larger, not close their eyes to the painful facts every than a hen's egy, aud far more valuable | | where visible in social and domestic fife ; affect- | than the great Kuhinoor ; it was beanti- | ing wife, kindred, Lomo—all that binda man ty | fully cut, and almost as round as a mar-| ble. Te was torn off the ear of the Karen | Queen, by Alompra. | being suspended by a wire casing through jher rightear. It is of the purest water, jand there than two thousand years old, if traditions concerning it arc to be beliew ed. It caine originally from Assam, and belonged to the great Garrow King, Mouny Sa, who roled the whole of China India.” Hard Weather.—A good deal of the snow and sleet which fell Lere on the lnight of the 4th inst., still remains ow the groand and the roofs of houses. We do hot remember ever to known the like long comtinuance in this climate The skating, toe, on the ponds being six inches oe moralizing Meets upon the human family ; pro . > hia Cllow man —desolating hearths, beg garing children, and fn its ravages sweeping to an un timely grave countless numbers of the human Now, therefore, if these things are so — if the dismal picture drawn be true—if such a race.’ | nonster ie rouming over our State, committing {such depredations sad the “fel ts everywhere viable,” aad there is no law, and can be Wo coa stilationa/, \aw made ty restrain the ravages of such a vile, peace destroying, health -deatroving, | | sou! and boy destroying, orphan and widow whereas, the only antidote for all this evil, reeummended by --- making, murderous ayeut—and . a have the Comsmutter is “moral sausion whieh, as practiced by many of its late pealuus advocates still continues, the ice is emilar ia every respect to that practiocd by Hw Satamic Majesty in the garden of Eden- ic Thoo shalt not surely dw"—* Take a lithe — ' thick, we learp.— Fayettecille Obs: reer. | MR FILLMORE Ata recent mceting of the Drink in moderation — A dram will hurt no one” -Whaih said * bear, espeem!ly apon the souny, furnishes howe (° moral saasva,” thus brouglt to American of Monroe, New York, the following resolution was ad pt sunty Convention and hone, fut and raiment, and ell for ever contenue te do se, for the Deion whose deeis Aibges the Committee have so graphically and eo tru ly described wm their report, And whereas, your | memounalits deem it but due to their wives and herr eluidren, that the wise men of the land; the fathers of the common wealth Readved, That in the judgement of this Convention, Millard Fillmore | strongest bold, and the affections of the isthe themecives, both on roll UF the conldevuee Armeriean peo ple of any living Statesman and he is one their kgwlaiurs shuwhl protect them from the iinet choice as a candidate of Anier taferval dowmnation of such a manierous mon CAL) Party for Preesdent of these United ster-—and if if unconstitutional to destroy of DSuates. banwh from our otherwme happy state, that pro , — (haces physical aml mental mleetity, affects 0 if Among the bill« passed ty the Mi : hindered, home ant all that binds man ty hire fed | 1a Leyielature bd i ed ciate clerhe brew man, your petitioners would most earnestly Uf courte for regents 1g burths, deatle emtrvet your humorable lady to pase an act call AU Wiarriages, as rs jired under the “ (Og & comventwa to meet ie the city of Ralergh Cous some other cunvement place, ms eon as prac pd Ube C table to am rue A, that wader THE MARKETS ta provierons a law, a Cometitattvaa! law imay be paseed, placing the nyoor trafic muranee vn NSalishur VC. January 20 the samme erow ih alban And soar kei : <Misea. Ne oo ' Petronere ae in daty buand will ever pray ds Coreen, 500 990N Do Pure. lia tay PHILIP Bae Bee owas, --- _ 6. At ame ting uf the Crime of Now Inattute pg beid Janoary 17th 1856, John Turner, Bag. ( audice. Tallow Adamant wee called ty the Chaw, and Po Tusiia Apjnau de perm el \crelary ( K Ce Jay Crm motwa Dr WM Camptell esplannel suecs + tha pet of the meeung eas to seket a dn Malable : : ie Cuts * Kage pd 3 fame & e vilage aod villag bes Cottum Begging Salt Peak. §2 550 $I Cn rot rom Genay ee 2) Rewired Thatthe Chai oppnint « Carem:\ire jreater, 13.0 08 Rbectings, Rowman. 1:4) 9 fre tc prepare Kemuboteme bor the ettion af the mee: Bariaps, 008012) deen @ bag 622 og. whip Meme) L Blecherd. Witham J Cotice Var See Views! WM Compbet, EC. Pustei. and WoL) ‘ort. HY Sd howe poh Pidel2y Wole erro epuuiated, dn Mee be blarersd 5 Chechens der. 14a lg Seger. hewn bia ldy 4 «ome debate the meeting, in onder to alhow t bor matere deh leratiun, adjowrve! | 224 Jaweery n ane nee milled agvesably tis me nt nthe Char, Poolon J Turner Bag ba, Secrtary The Comat tee apperuied at (Le former meting reported as follows . Lard 1M. 124 x 10 $200.89 aC e M harman end Gentlemen Hae Srierars igen pet 19.09 95089 Your ¢ beg leave to Report Lead. Dre White 012 that, @herens, ibe name of New Institute is cum hers ane and imapperopr there-tun sy - MARRIED Reenierd ia t ° a of thee m-eung the ome vheruld bec In the cownty. om the 24h rmetemt hy the Rev & Reeslerd Bod, The: ine nome of the village and Retheert, Me RICHARD © RROWN and Mose Post Ufbee be changed to (un MARY (© . daaghtor of Mr Simeon Miller Reosived Brd, Thai we peiiimn the PM Gewere te change the came of the PO. a0 ebeve . Revolwed 4h, Thet we prisinm the Leguiatare of DIED Rem cemmoe tt ne sett seen to Change ihe name ta Mi Picsseai Geharas cute. a ike ee 1. Mee CHRISTENA EB. wife of Dr Ow motion ames im the 2h of her age The de eeted hereelf with the timed her membe rehip erased. at an carly age Ee Lacheren Cherch, and co Rewoleed. That two th o's igor Covmnry to 0 chuace f the votre reat be ne m the same ep te the time nf her death She was On motion tim her conversate and d-poriment. od Rresived, That Dr John F Foard. A Shell, Bag nerform ererme of mety and religion She ond Win BC ing Req, be requested t. semet ia cer Oe Irfi e hevband. ane child. and a large curele of ERR frends to moarn uver thei irreparable lowe —/Com After aome discusaon, the name of Olin was agreed upon almost unanimous! y DR. J. J. SUMMERELL, ON metion ] AS removed to bre Office at hes read. ace. where Reowleed. That the Salinbury pepere he reaneet ec shad tallied rofresnas| of per to pebbeh the prereedings nf ils meeting. end thara Pt! calle from hee fre -¢ copy be forwarded io the How R © Peryear N Bo There are many perecne indebted me by aceoent and have been for several years I On motion, aod make setilemnen Reeolerd, That the thanke of the meet £ rart, elee 1] shall hank for the have dweharged thei rrepe te STATE OF NORTH dered the Charman and with whieh they davee Seereimey tive sabebary, Jan 29, 1856 35 On motion the meeting adjourned sine J.C. TERNER, ¢ ASHE COUNTY V. Toanss, Se iN FOCTT Jan. 24d, 1856 h. Stephen Thomae, Wiley P ree Wo Reaves. agaimel Son angi’ Caswell Ts Nish | hn atthiaa Wa ) Extraordinary Meteoric Phenomena, ie : 5 tan er wonae Kay, ons On the afternoon of Wednesday week a me Ray WHEREAS, David Worth Step) Thoms teor of extraordinary size and briliancy was Wit PolRGGe i ree erces | : eon at Preston, England. Tt was almost as ete bell of complannt ag Samuei Eo Me Qacen 1 weil Ta Noah D el Den Wagoner Mat large, and quite as brilliant asthe moon. At oe are wet Jabi Caste dckn Ae AC z Hartlepool, on Friday afternoon, a dense patch Miter, Phomae Rav and Lorkin Rey And upon ite é : cing made uk be hirematiiaithe ceed: Sac of cload enveloped the town in darkness for two me i. Megs Pulser ate fe A ee ct ie or three ni nutes Shortly after it had cleared Wagoner and Marthioe Wagoner, are non of the State Three, therefore the eard nf rthed 1 4 away, the imhabitanta were anddenty eta \ ei OPM cae Nani Deel: BE MeQaren. Cas the appearance of a huge flash of lightning, re- veer, and Matthias Wagoner, to he and : . 7 tut tiller oranid Court Vanity smbly acnit WoC Rreofa bright pur earatithe nes m vr anid sembly a magnificent ba i ghey a he held Wicciha eaneiw nl Aehelel ine Canc linea ple colour, which shot over the town ata very n Jefferasn, on the Ind Monday afier the th Mon low Jere! appearing almost to touch the tope of dav in Febromry net " en and there tw plead, an ne A ; cant b there ent pra | me the houses in the higher part of the town, About oreo will be saken ae te the m, and a decree made Bltecn acconda afterwards one of the moat torre | aeenrding!y i thie 10h Jannary, 1556 HVE RIGs at Witnees my hand GEORGE B chiened inhalitante Prev ady @5 10 ble peals of thonder ewer heard burst upon the ears of the fr It was a pendant, | - | at the yanetion of ( CAROLINA Wass c Droggimte acl Obearists : vpposite Mansion Hytel, SALISBURY, VN. C, sick of DRUGR, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS, * TRUSSES, PAINTS, VARNISHES, BRUSHES, PERFUMERY, FANCY AND MISUELLANEOUS ARTICLES, €c., the firm, with great cure, and scropalous tegurd to genaivencrs and purity. They deem it unnecessary to say, that it shall be i A | their constant aim, as heretofore, to merit 6 BSPECTFULLY announce thas they are now receiving ated ulloring a targe and eutirely freah all whieh have been very recently selected by one of rencnomethetine ails he ee ca en aa a DO » THE, NEW. YORK (") believe they cap Ro more sutisfuctory evidence musical journal then ie uffurded in coustantly inereas- ing evegese, Lt has nuw about three times an large a circolation as any other sical perindical ia the MUSICAL REVIEW & GAZETTE - ss ; ra" ie Gerenth » Voor, and a New Yetout. aoe . Nese is Calling attention to the Review, ut to the public ite exeeliency ag a Sa son Se Soh ne AO a en en _ —- nee | | OYSTERS. Ba ui e \ BE the Proprisiot of the ROWAN HOUSE, ond make arrangements to heve your family supptied with the richest, fropen and largest Oysters of the | NEW CASH STORE, occupied by Kegnedy & Mills, one door above the Hardware Store, take thie method of announeing to pee Beta bon orfolk, in Jegs than 24 hogre—~ begs, (sites to suit porch ) By v 1698 wortd. lis receipts from subseribere during the last six months have been mere thao double these for the ted to Increased enterprise and exertion te add to the excellence uf the Review. Prines amounting to three handred dollars were recently offered by them for songs fur ite pages’ Of the vast namber sem in tw Compete fur these prizes. the best were aclected by competent committee, aud are now in courte of pabli- Catiou ta the Review. Wheu thelr publication ie com- pleted, the subseribers tu the Review will decide by dallot which shall receive the prizes. Besides a large of reading matter, incladiag ance of that pateonage which has been su liberally ex- tended to them—for which, and the gencrous sympa- thy po generally manifested for them, ov the ceeasion of their lute misfortune by fire, they beg to express their profound and heartfelt gratitude. Orchard and Herd Grass Seeds. A SUPPLY FRESH AND WARBANTED just to. SuLL é& SILL, January 22,1856. (2w34) Druggiste & NEGROES FOR SALE. “T8e undersigned, as Administrator of Jonathan Armfield, dec'd., will sell at public sale, at the Coart-house, in Salisbury, on Tuesday of February Court, 1856, Eight Likely Negroes, to wit: Two men, two women, two girls 12 of 1 years of age, aud two buys from 12 w 16 years. They will be sold on @ credit of six months, the purchaser giving bond aad approved secunty. THOMAS E. BROWN, Adm’r. Jenuary 8, 1856 t932 SMITH GROVE ACADEMY. TTRNE. neat session of this institution will commenee om the Sih January, 1656, ander the eure of E Tuasea. Tristasiution is bested in one of the wealthiest aud healihion ports of Davie Crsaty, seven miles North-East of the ( pable road leadiug lemmonsville und Salem; and pe roud leading frum Phelps ferry to Wockeville. The Academy ie within 4 mile of the mereantile and mechanical establishmeuis of DoS. & A. Sheek, and theme coming trom a distance and woacquamted wiih the wie should call at Ube abvve named place Leon od hashing since heen mored fur the cival infleences of Us curtens, and the temptatuiens of for further vs The seighhe mors! and inie students are eutirely free from ‘ dream ehope ” BOARD rooms. frel Board, warhing and candles will be farnished st uc et the very low pree of 8S SO ryyiip greatest remeds ever discovered for the care per tnt of Ague aad Fever! For wuie at { Contmgent expeases 25 cen's per seonon. | J. U. ENNIS’ Book Store. TUITION No ome need be (roubled with Ague ind Fever a Will be as low a6 ean be affurded at any other mami-| angle day, if they will use the abowe Remedy, which ar Inet cbom JONATHAN SMITIL. See'y Jauvary &, 2-56 3m32 #4" The Letington & Yadkin Flag will publish 4 weeks and forward accomnt to Mr. Semth A GREAT DAY AHEAD! Naint Valentine’s Day, 1ith OF FEBRUARY, 1856. pes Sabacriber has just receseed direct from New York and Pits Three Thowsand t-iphie, over Valendin-e fer Baint Valentine o diy La pam of ee ee and fiemh ihey sre sapernur to any ever before Mle ree Orders will be Blied aad proeptly farnwhed by med te< postage any pnt at (he following racee make Parteans 8 cies A 2 6 8 24 12 ( 2s 22 Db «4 3 gE 42 a F 12 78 G 2 1 00 Hl 6 1 1 6 2 00 J 3 30 Envelopes for Valentines. Small mae, 6 cis, medium 124, large eae 25 ents rach COMIC VALENTINES. Over 2h”) Comme Valentines of the nehest sad rerest kind fer towe end cumniry Sroall sme 124 cents per bare —large wae 25 cevis per dua Valcatine Lever Wevters 124 cents each Orders for Valentiors should be eat ia early, that they may be siteaded te in time. JAMES I! 1°56. ENNISS, Bucheetier uM Janenry if PROSPECTUS “SOUTHERN SENTINEL,” A DEMOCRATIC AND MISCELLANEOUS JOURNAL, TO BE PUBLISHED WEEKLY, AT WILSON N «¢ if pu. etm ing comdtic polocel parties, and of Partiaan mnfe, eeturally eugereisthe establish e¢ of euch & parma! a8 the “Xe The story ruses Sestiwes ~ Purprees ti became presen! indeed, 9 a nes er police ever wun-esed befire Phe Consinaton hae been invaded. the laws tre pled and epat ope bones broken a cal aacesiry parueliy effaced + Pehgrews bhert d burnt; ihe landns the woedem derived cece ensenird; srenge begh po ite axe and roam & ume homered exper and qarstmmatic men have bern probed inte ” and fanaticiem dl trees anchare e head how faggy! piles ia the North Them among oF 8 hermbte ebel p the South evile. am farase tres shall THE SOUTHERN SENTINEL will endearor to arrest serve, Tt will endeawnr to incaleate *t. and for the Con- a reverence for the huwe me (Mey ttolen, ast has been omterpreied by the wae men the past and by the Fathers of the Demoerane forth Tt will defend not ely padivenl, bet rehgeous beriy, and will dy batik against erry polveal here ey that may appear, woether hatehed in caves of cal Vertis. of open eony The Sesriven will alan. to relieve the monotony of polities, devote apace pee mal and elected, as well me to rere ews sabpecie which clude Agree e nereia ace Int eff Ipenece will be ymake the & cloned! the must eseful emt penpals in tie S The first namber Ren he first of the neat oe Ni aud ns BL nd of * « ke five F Jb REENAN, Eprtoa ™™ 2RP BBG" cle . t « ° fu called i P he | h a ex a weomost have money, and bonger indulgence given Those farliog to comply with thie notice Tpect tee eowith anofficer Wehaeeon hand a lege ktof Readymade Chth Bovokets. Hate, Capa, Boote, Shorea, and CARPETING, which we will ell cheaperthan ever in order to clos aout winter stock We rerarn oar thanks for the liberal patromage te ceived, and hope to merit an inerease RICHWINE & HARRISON Jannary %, 1856 Qn22 REMOVAL. fates A WEIRWAN é& PRICE have removed OF ver Clothing and Tarloring Establiehment from momie Murphy. MeRone & Ca, to the eormer im Iv apyrte R&A Murphy 'e Stor 13, 1855 oan SUB ELN LENG A) ttly wracited ait we 6) hice “ regular correspondence from the leading cities in the world, each number contains several pages of new music. A series of articles on Music Teaching, by Dr. Lowell Mason, is now sm progress of publication. Another by Geo. F. Root, Esq, on Cultivation of the Voice, Voea! Training. &e., will be commenced in the beginaing of the new voluine, as weil as upe by Win. B. Bradbury, Esq, on the Improvement of Church Music. The New Yous Muscat Review amp Gazette is published fortwighily, ot one duller per apnum, or six copies for Give dollars, payable in advance. Specimen copies sent gratuitously. MASON BROTHERS, | New York. GREAT EXCITEMENT IN SALISBURY. HE cause of which is, that they are now reeeiv- | ing at Richwine & Harrison's cheup cash Sture one of the largest stocks of Pall and Winter Goods, | ever offered in the market. A part of which eou- sists in the following, via: Ladirs’ Ciosks, Talmas and | Manttias, Atpaccas, Freneh and English Merins, Delanes, Persea Twills, Cobucgs, &e. Prints, as- {murted ; Oukford’s latest style Soft aad Sik Haw; Gentlemen's and Ladies’ G aiter Boots and Shoes, as- | eurted ; Groceries, Hardware and Crockery. A very | barge ameurunent of Ready-Made Coats, Panis, Vests, j Shirts, &c , for men and boys. | Allof thesr Goods were baught belure the late ad- vauced prices, and they are determined to sell thew ae | low for cash, or to punctan! pavers oa snort creda, at ‘hvuse vo the | wholesale or retail, as they ean be purchased in Wes. | tern North Carutiva. We revurn vor mncere thauks for past favors, and hope by stnet allentwn penctuasliy aud prompt ness in business to ment an increase All kinds af cywairy pro imce taken at the highest market pnees, ia exchange for Goods KICHWINE Salebary, Oct. 2, 1655 UARRISON 3m19 AGUE & FEVER POSITIVELY CURED! hee been ined by hundreds withuat s single case of farlare ! Salebary, Oct 9, 1655 19 oO mw MeLree = & waecree. HEPE R & BROTHER, PENSION, BOUNTY LAND, ane General Agontsa. Salis | [Avixs competent and cnofieentiel eorrespon- deates in the prine:pal eiues and other importaat portions of the Union, ofl basiness entrusied to us will be promptly executed on the moet favorable terma— Calleetione and negtiatione attended to th fAideiny IPF OFFICE ia Cowan's Brick Row | October 23, 1855 2 _ DIRECT IMPORTATION. and diepeich CHINA, GLASS & EARTHEN WARE, =. BE. NICEHOLs, Cotambia, &. C. ery large eoppty of NEW he our fricade im the Otd ave now jest opeund- ‘| Avine eoorm r North Sante to give uss call REAL FRENCH CHINA--- Gold Band, Fancy and White, in Dinner and Tea Setts—New Shapes; with very benetifel thomds for Chrieten: tnd New Vear presests SCPERIOR WINITE GRANITE WARK. PINNER. TRA 2 (UAMRER WARE —dowetifel, Nme Syles CT @ MOULORD GLAS TARE TUMBLERS, GOBLETS CHAMPAIGNE WINE & EGG GLASSES, PLATED CASTONRSB, FINE TABLE CUTLERY. COFFEE CREX RINGINS TRA TRAYS LOOMING GLASKES PLATE)! SPOONS, FORKS BLTTER KNIV ER Fraid, Comphens & OH Parioer, More Devt Ofce 2 Pectery LAM ss. ENGLISN TIN STRAK DISHES DIFH COVERS RaUeirES TUBS 4 WOOREN WARK REST BROOMS, BARKETS, DOOR MATS & ona A ISO: 100 PACKAGES COMMON WARE! Ry Wholesale We expect a ca bergaine Conde well put ap and sent to the Ral) Rode and will try te prove that we give good H.R. VC HOLS. Meer Com Bont, Onlumba & C Men FLOUR! FLOUR! 3000 BARRELS FLOUR, WISH to parchase FIVE THOUSAND BAR RELS FLOUR, for which 1 wil! pay the highest market poee MICHAEL BROWN Oet 17, 1855 22.¢ FALL AND WINTER Goons. a wh of Ball and W STAPLE AND FATET DRY GOODs, Hate and Cape, Shwe and Rents, China, Delph and Giass Ware Drugs and Paina, Hardware and Catlery October 16, 1855, hes large wt niet Grande Grocenes, &e To which he invites the attentun nf his enstomere and the puble, and whieh he offers at iow prices fur Cash, of om Ume to punetasl customers at wholesale weoretail MICHAEL BROWN October 22d, 1255 Qf 37) ACRES OF LAND FOR SALE, ( Ne he waters of Third Creek milee weet of Salehury At least one Depot the located 1m a short dis i4 Western Rail Road of thisiract st inevitably be taner Apply to Juha A Boyden of Salsbery, October 30, 1555 HATS! HATS! ( VENIN'S winter style, manufactared expressly T for, and fur eale by JV &€ T SYMONS Shebarv. 1) nb ry &€ co (mw currespunding period of the year previous. By sueh | flotiering marks of approval, the publishers are inci- | . Caretina. | og j | faa received and for sale, | Ladies’ Cloth Cloaks, - - + Purie style. ! Do. Extra Rich Baibroidered Sutin, ** * De. Cloth T. October 27th, 1855. rl wenn oe SALE OF LAND. declot of Gin Cons of qua C shed cher ihe Y B following valaable tracts of land for sate at the | Count House ia recgary on the Sth duy of Febraury | next, being Tuesday of February Commy Coust— | 212 Acres of Land, lying on the waters of Fourth Creek, adjoii the Keer of Thomas Hall, Wilhaat Wood, « Jt to aod | Sold apon the of the heirs oc tew of Kietard D. Kilpatrick deteased. ‘Terme of sale, sin and niwe| months credit—pond and security. _ Price adv. $9.50. 91 1-4 Acres of Land, | Lying oo Withrow’s Creek, edpiwing the lands of Col. | Ausiio, Riebard Cowan, Dr-Joha F. Fourd and others. Suld upon the petition of B. M. Hyde, Guardian of the miner heirs of Joseph Hyde, deceased. Terms of sale, 6 months credit—bond end nape b L. BLACKMER. C. M. E. | Sulisbury, Dee. 3, 1855. Price udv. $3.50. 9w2d For other sates see Banner and Herald. |——- nines aaa eee ougas { nny A] | NOTICE! | 4e | Y Virtue of an order of the Court of Plees aud | | Quarier Seamuns of Ruwan Coomy, I will expose | to public sale, at the Court-house in Sahsbary, on ttre Sth day of February, 1856, @ negru buy, calling tahn- | jeetf JOHN, eged abuut 30 years. Suid boy wae te-| ken up asa runaway, and couhued inthe Jail uf Row- | an County, for twelve months, Notice of his appre- heasion and confinement having been made for six | months, and no ove appearing t» oteim ead argu, he} was ordered to be suid us by law directed. | Terme— Cash. MIC TLAEL B ROW N: 23.1¢ | C. KLUTTS, so’ | f24 | i November 13, 1655. 8. W. WESTBROOKs, | Proprictor of the Guilford 1’umological ; Gardens and Nurseries. { PY OUED reepecifulty call the attentioa of our | Svethern ettrzens to his elect collection of ne | tive and serlunsted varieties of Frait Trees, embra- | crag some 40.000 trees of the following varetics, viz *| | Apple, Pear, Peach, Plum. Apmowt, Cherry, Neeta | rine, Almund; sim a chwee assoriment of Grape- viecs, Raspherrics, Sirawberries, ete, ee | All anders, secummpamed with the egsh, will receive | | Prompt attention and the Trees scatly packed aod } | | darected to any portion of the ecmantry P. 3. —Persons wishing Orvamental Trees can be sopphed Catalogues of Fruit Trees, &e., distribavion. December 4, 1855. Imp CONKLING, SHEPHERD & CO, at the Offce ba/ ' { Fred. 4 Comkiing, Chiries A IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS IN 27 MURRAY & 31 wARREN @TS., | MOCKSVILLE ' Tharsday, the 9th of Angus. The Sebseriber, | whieh the school has bihette enjpwed Young men j TERMS: { 5 months, Cieados: 2 $15.00. SSS. | Sx a2 | Ww YORK | a | MALE im Labeng charge of ihe school, will only any, that he | will be prepared to enter amy clase im the University | | Primary Department per Session of @*.00 | JOHN B GRETTER FANCY AND STAPLE DRY G00DS, Brepherd, Wm. 7 Rarteoer tmo'ska ACADEMY-.! FE nest seaston of this lnstitetion commeners on | will ose hes atmos ead: srure to pustaia the repatation | which they may deere j Higher Eugtish Branch-s, gi200; lig Acgest Tth, 155 | REFERENCES Pemdewt and Feewhy of the Universit: ; Mon Jan | Mo Merehead, Hom Joba Mo Mek. Greenhornes Praects E. Shober aed J F. Bell, Exgre, “alebery. | *,° * Lesingion and Yadkin Plag” copy 6 tweee | aad forward aceouel t ‘hss « PETER W. HINTON, ! COMMISSION MERCHANT, | TOWN PFPOINT, } Werfain, Vn. Special atteniion pal to Belling Tobaceo, Flour, Grain, Cotton, Nava) Stores &c. Also, to Receiving and Forwarding @aoons. ! i REFER Te MOL Rewards, Req Saliebary XC Crari-s L. Hinton, Req Wet O vO 2G B Rowinck, Req, Raleigh, _C George W Haywood Raleigh. § C tyre We W. Prammer, arrenton, VC "DISSOLUTION. 14 Baka COPARTN ERSHIP heretofore exsstmg on der the firm of Jenkins, Roberts & (Co. wo cee solved by motaal consent The bewness of sad fem orl be eettled by JH Jenkins ond BB Roberts J 4 JENKINS BR ROBERTS, December 19th, 1°35. T CC. MceNEELY, AJ WOCK J W CLEWMONS ALL DEBTS dae Jenkins & Roheric and Jenkins Roherts & Cn. not paid by the 1a dav of April neat, wel pomuwely be placed oa the hamwts of offheers fur Longer indvigence ail! nea be gece 2 HW JENKISS BB RORERTS cudlec (wa 6033 ™ ESS ERE Se MoNeely, Mock & Gaither ] | AVE taken te branches ae heretubare dome by the off Firm, and GODD ASSORTMENT Goods for the Winter, The stremime of the o Ad tend of Jenkine, Rube rte & nae the Mercantite hee ves in « which will he aol tery cheap d castome re and the pabhe gemeraliy are reapeeifu Vinvited to call and examine our (snds, as barge will be madd Jamoary 14. 1854 6033 MANSION S38 HOTEL, SALISBURY, N. C. “TSUE eaberriber having taken charge of I Eetablichment, begs leave te infurm the pubtie generally, that the Hoase 1@ wow open tet the ree of Boarders, Travelers, &e | Ue pro ACCOMMODATIONS shall be equal to any in the State at hes House, ale) s hace menlanm tem the showe nisesthat he Prreme sipping for the ar val and departure of the Cars. Aiienice a ng eervanis alwaysiaattendance —§ Cy g anal WD GRANT Sabebury, May 24, 1855 Blank Warrants forsale Heoe | ware, hep the citi of Salisbury and sarrognding ceuntty, that ia p pening yee ean get thew at $1.12) perkeg, coutsiving ducks) they are now receiving, direct fron New. York avd desen, Philadelphia, a very large aud well erlegted sock uf FALL & WINTER GOODS, Ladies’ and Centiemen's ress Goods. Clouls, Adantillas, Tulmas, Sitkes, plain and figttred, Satins, French and Eng- wish Merinus, Alpaccas, Delanes, Loplins, Plaids, Muslins and Prints, Broad-cloth, Doé-skin and Haney Cussimeres, Sat- tnetts, Velvets, Kerseys, Jeans, Ready-Made Clothing, Black ribb'd Fancy Beaver and Drab Over-couts, Superfine black. Clithi. Dress Coats, Black Leibb'd, do., Tweed do., Funcy Plush and Fine Velvet Vests, Fancy Cassimere and Tweed Pants, Shirts, Plain and Fancy Knit Shirts, and Drawers, BOOTS AND SHOES, Men's Calf and Kip Boots, Common do., Men's Calf Brogans, Goat do., En- ameled Congress do., Women’s Kid Excelsiors, Enameled do., Oxford Guiters, Lasting fiy'd.do., Miss- es Enameled do., Misses 8. heeled Boots, Child's Shoes, le wddition to the above, we have a lnrge and varied stock of Hate, Cape, Bonnets, &e.. Ribbons, Lecce, Edyiog. Luserting, Fringe, Hosiery, Gloves, Kid, Silk, Lisle Thresud, 5 AD &c. Also, a quantity of Sheetings, Yarn, Osaasbargs, Tiekings, &c. Sagar, Coffee, Spices, Dve-Siafle, Cheese, Mackerel. No. 1, 2,43. Together with every thing ervally Kept in fetail sturcs, wach we offer low for cash, ur at short ered Perens visting Subsbury will God i, to their imte- rest iv call and examine vur Stuck, os we ate deter- mined ts seit All kinds of Produce taken io Baehenge. J. V. & 8 SYMONS, & CO. Salisbury, N.C., Deeember 4. 1555. United Baptist Institate, AT TAYLORSVILLE, KX. C. Tuesday the ih Javeery 1656 The Trestecs are happy to publish that they have prucered the services of the well-known end competent Teacher James H Foore, of Farmiagton, N. C., as Previdem who will have ihe assistance af other abi« insirociors. A large and be Brick buildin we . T= Tustitation will commence ite & st semmion of | Chapet, Reeitauou raume, &e.. will seen be eampleted. Lt we stunted on an eminence overlooking the village ; and the couutry streiehing far te the Suarh and Ean. bur to the North and West, Mopptains huom ep ee na- tare's balwarks to defend the place from diveage Ia the vicvanty are two excellent springs (Chalybedfe and Salphur to which (he sevald may resort apd have be hewlth rest: Thm piace as free Gum wige and any in the Siale—ihoegh bet seven > thas alreudy rewerd ubree gud churches Methodet, Preebytecten and Buptist.) The moat thoroagh courre of instrection will be giv- enim the Ragheb, Claseal and Msthematmal bemach - 8 on the met moderate ierow. Boardidg caw be ub termed ia the beet fanabes for 8650 per awath incte- diag rem, fur!. dee For farther particulars address rewdeat, or A Carson at Teylorevilie, A.CARBSON. Sec'y of Board of Trestere. Tayloreville, Alexander Co, Dee 7, 1855. 6429 BROWN & BEARD. New Firm. | Tin, Copper, & Sheet-Iron USIN Ess — The cadersigned having formed « co- purtncrehip fr the parpose of carrying on the shove besoces extensrely, wrahd reepectiuliy edie the patronage of Uber freeads and the publi. They ere prepared to a - y call m thet bee) =6Tie ot copper Howse. Rewfi uted in the beat manmer, at thort nenee and war sated Sulls, aed other @-pper om band for eale. or made wo order, Their stock of Tio, Brttanta and Tren Ware— Cook, Perter and Shop Stoves, ie eneurpacsed by any te ube Bisce if Shop oppete Marphy's Greane Row, Comatry Pr id Copper aud Pewter, tohee ia ex henge for work or @are WILLIAMS BROWN, LOUIS 1. BEARD ISS. sent dere. Dee. 17 Union Male Academy, and Farmington Female Seminary. "TTHE NEXT Seeman of these Sehoots, oented & Dame County «, wil commence S shebary wear Parmw | the Sd day of Janaary, 1856. under the we perredon of 8 O Tarew and Mra s O Teton, Primetpets, with gach other oeormreary Terme. for a ereeen of twenty weets, Primary ttodres. imcluding Aruhrocuc, $5. Eag Grammar Geography. §8 High-r Engtish, $10 Greek, Lata, and higher Mathematica, $12 Mame on Piano, o- chademg ate of he instrument. $15 French aad Drawing. cach. #3. Board, washing and aghte mey be bad conven th Schools, at gued houses, fur asmetanis es may be “ 1 prrtrcula-s address either of the Prie- barmamgioa, N.C 2 Jw? —26~ 5. oi BOOTS AND SHOES ALEXIS BRAGG & WARREN, MWanufactarers and Wholesale Dealers IN BOOTS & SHOES, Vo. 80 Warrese Street, Yew Terk, ( FFER for ele on feverelte terme, en enesnal vanety. capeciaily adypied io the North Carshae est ng a pert of Mens & Rip, Calf, Goat sad emameli-d Brogess, Bowes, Brageee, Bore’ + " ‘os “ Boots, Mren's Rete and f whech wil be fae. oh vest market pres Le capress his thanks te coh dina for thew very bberad rug the past twee vy rears, and reepest- Bo rminuance af the enmne M erof Nor h C arcane wil be beppy . < eae ahve December 18. 1855 3m30 The Subscriber HT AVEN mording ty law he cetare of James Warpha, ed Rerehe piece ar cere ‘hee fo af erediturs of « inte be prose 2 ms duly aatheatented, = . iby lew fir that parpee, we D bar of ubeir ry D btors te ea alr will aie please to make im- mda ' ( A. MORPILIS, Adea’e. GAL TWN ©. Jananey 5, 1856 533 rm NEGROES TO HIRE. Bs enbeeriber hasecras) Negen Wamen whiek hee re ou: un bet Jamoary, INT \ HENDERSON J 3133 Dr. CHARLES T. POWE ] (rues rermaces \ localedin Sallsbery. respeete ne pubs 14 POR THE CAROLINA WATCHMAN "up his hat an’ sot rig lit dove to live like! WHAT APPETITE MEANS. | PROS SPEUTUS 7 | CLARENDON TO S SHIPPE RS THE PILGRIM a fighting-eock.” “Asking for,” that is fhe meadingt Who! IRON WORK: _— “Why didn’t you go in there? The ) | | Or ELE s last ine I came down the river 1h eard, KS a ree) oe roan tw eer ‘The Ney en "Travellers. A. H. VANBOKK ELEN, Proprietor, “S &, | ~ you were backing up to the widow ¢” being, the instinct of self-preservation, wisely aud | TYVELE Subdseriver having purchased the entire interest in | Buggesied by s Translation from the German of g OR sees nl z at 25 f yeas act mowres “Wal now, Jim, to be honest, I did benerclendy implanted in every living thing, ‘orth Carellan Tcidiileas. | the “CLARENDON reece epee "| | ( i a i f ! 8 n Kugines, ) 5 coe | think afore that Buffer stepped in that 1) whether animal, worm or weed. Nor 2 ari Baw Mills of every variety, Whale the stars from azure portals ¢ . at : : . BY hiding’ Mibhlaces Kad Bulapes | —_ ae Kept thei vigsde o'er the earth ; Just had itall my own re and that 1; ielding to this appetite is the preservation of} | GA esd thseatintccapiete: HUGH TINLEY, & Co. as in’ rey 2r—eure ~3e Parker, Purvine and other Water: wheels, L { Watching now the Old Year's slrugglea— here oo i: get ul vies As i tees all bife and health below man; he alone exceeds | A. A. McB. Ree a fe acted A NEW SUPPLY OF Waiung for the New Yeare birth pat co. y 1h, t nae ‘ a ae ee it, and, in consequence, sickens and dics thereby, | U7 Now Ready for the Press. 0 ieee alee . (svocnssons vO TINLEY & WERROK,) ) iar Ketdassseots Fines she—aavage ! But, somehow or ‘acther, ( e i" oe eaty| yf aa ea «& JEW an always went dead agains old Mississip.— [08 before his prime, in countless instances, re E work to whieh the above title belongs. was st fig Havas wad Palos iReccivibe and Forwarding Agents, and) , ery Poem bhng mihi tbe weigh: of Meo al 4 f had Kind The fact is nut r nized as) generally as it t Nortt I rl ae A man from onr State fiad no kind of ¢ ve fac vl recognize generally as it| written by « nave North Carolan, m row Castuge of wll i na grey i r , en na r oO ate ha ’ of a eS & i 4 1 kinds aad patterns, | General Commission Merchants, | Counting, tov, the flecting uiomente, Bathuig each wish burnug tears slow, aad thouzh I put the ‘teutions to, cught to be, that a Preise attention to the ask- a He Resor ae ratinanen eae if : ‘ * Locomotive and Tubutar Rollers A aguahie Wh | Ji: AME S HORAH r : ul | ich occurred im the good ‘old una e ha oe 1 ' No. 9 Eechunge Street, Sovth AUantic Wharves, \ wii) her like an uncle, it didn’t seein to be ui ings of nature not only maintains health, but is] Navaorithel Old UNGHRUSTAToaland whichis Ce Hacksmith works uf all kinds No. Kechange Street, Sovth AUantte ue ’ ary Waiting fur ive mags tant, 5 fis cyon N h have Teo Doves (OCI aud Ja CHARTESTON, 8. C AS df N York and Phitewes. ’ * ron re fur uses al t : ,— AS . rk an i . ——— When the Mitpresenitticnd: use trvin. Sout one tim he d , . ormat special reference to the piomecrs of those by-goue . I I TSU Ati let aca) bhatt hen th st and preset os 8 A IL Out °Y. time she did kit vne of the salves, surest and most permanent tree b g THE ESTABLISHMENT VEVE thelr perso Epp votes tli appar asa phia, with the largest and bes! saeyripens of Jia nae aes if can ae Ways Old F: ne ie bout tue methods of curing disease. lciuemcenen; Se) res with sofw exceptions) luidy Maul a heen re orgnaited for the express perposs of inearing Le prompt reurus cf the same. for| WATCHES AND JEWELRY, consisting © * the future de uu 1 rinding season arabule giv’ a ; : if . punctuality iv the exerution of all orders, the pablic may re | CBE tN © grine seaso: aruoule giv a It is eating without an appetite which, in|!" North Caraliua, and cauuot fal to anverest North gutisfled that any work which they may offer will be promptly ne heretofure, to give our spectatatten-| Fine French Chronometers, dance down. in the sugar-house, and ?vi : f | Carolinians generally delivered according to promise, and of such workmanship as ecclviug aul Purwardiug of all goods consigned to! Double ‘Time Keepers lndependent qoarter second | name mee Till at fast like beart-pulsacona, ted me and the widder, and a raft more, M#P¥ instances, is the last pound which breaks) ‘Phe extensive material from wiih (he various tales, cannot fail lo give satisfaction Ma envatkane Eight Day Watcher ; Pali the chunes from youder tower an’ down we went, and the widder kind te camel's back; nature lad taken away the nds, &e .coatuuedia North Cvoloa Praditons THE MECHANICAL DEPARTMENT vee Leen ibidip'’ lab covcbelnn righted Jos Johnson 19 Jeweled Hanter’s, OL thug with ther tougyes of iron ’ i have been taken, has been wroug) by the wuihor in geing in charge of men of talenta and experience, I have no gerival | Jus. Nardin's superior guld Hunter for Ladies, and a) i gw that the work bereafter turned oat, shall ry ‘3 rr te. hal cl. t . 1 r . a felt her vats, and we reeled it offin the appetite, hal closed the hguse for necessary re-) a masterly minuer, aud the charac crs ure drawn to shipping Goods or Produce through this house | q ariety of others, boih guid and silver; Geld Fob, ———— “Tie the last —the andmght bour! r it! il} life avorably ine spect with Chat of the inmost cele heir itere pase ao . . i : 5 ° . Pai eee Fe arly part of the evening fit to Kill; bat pairs, but, in spite of her, we “ foreed down) the life ' 7 ee iy Ne esc Cove Alar th ive a the act cele may te their taterest bei ming NTIVELY FROTRCTAD: | Ciyed and Veet Chains, Seals, Bracelets, Ear Babs, LE by’m by that Butter he came on an’ just) soms food,” and days, and weeks, and mouths o fl x vernal ed a EOE Fe VUE DUE he oterests of all in Waut to send me their orders Wel fh vo instance nur Will we detain any goodsfor freight Cuff Pins, Ladies’ und Gentlemen's Breast Pine, Gold Ere the Gi au of the stwithstand tis charateria ) a sincily mucal REPAIR WORK and-charees Silver und Steel Spectactes, Silver aed Plated Spoons ee Changed the ecene ts morning a me cold t ‘4 _— ,, Uiness followed, if not chylera, cramp cholic, or | tone. . theut delay mand Nay ing a large farce for that q We would reapeottally Veer Wave te refer to the fullow ig 6": | Butter Knives, anda variety of Plated Ware, Rages inyg } Bathed w foods of guiden hght “Ye see led beea down to the city ¢ iddoo denth: t “ t ve ndvAntagrous to ane pereon neeting such Scissors and Knives of the best quality, Coral Neete {2 Wie t (New Orleans,) and only *rived on the . : Tec SIU bEsit aN Ss ference withwul regard tu the expense vf send Columbia. cee Bracelvis, aud Seed Coral, and a few seperie betd Jona Z On life's narrow cries way alanding B eae | Tndiseases there are few who cannot recall instan- | gently calleeted and ins ereby, tt ws hoped, ' a itis ; variant, C; Ovilegs; (ulesbie. ’ sayou that night, an’ hearin’ that thar Tinie ; wii Ge seecued Ids 4a ci blivig Order will be addressed to ‘Clarendon Irom Works,” Wil 4 was called nee again, hiner was goin’s on down to Old Farabole’s sa,‘ cre betes S$ SUP Posed TOMEI CYS | Ty those whe would become cove laiunstely ace ‘ A HOVANBOKKELEN | si Nea Vor btedmete %. od Secreta: Meer nish ve [oe eee ees) yar-house, down he eum. Wal, sir, ae ceediven, and in the deliigin of fever or others quainted with the p Noth -Carultud, Wer | Qeuuber 20, 1595 vol 11 b0 | Holmes & Stoney, Agents of New York Suiling Packets anda variety of other Goods too namerns te meer » riug ‘neath the ¢ : 1 : raatatie c Sai) Hece ' and WP Raker & Agents of Baltinjore and Philadelphia nt 4 moti : Slumbe rug ‘neat es ees was drest to death in the handstumest | wise, had arisen and gone to the pail or pitcher, sttutions, end also’ ee ne RE Wow £& xX. fasting Pack Pod : Kf OME Con Callone door below R. & A. Murphy's Store, be! i Parmting ous with treinbliug fleger kind of re-clothe ile ciroin . 1 Beene) anton ee . ‘ J Ciltwell, Agent of Uallimore! teamers aad Boston Sail. | und eaumine for yourtelves that the of a : : ind of store-clothes, an the women war 1 drank an enormous quantity of water, or have obs {save dav Nod Cdroaua Beads P FOR bD ing Peetnis { x is A q me—aamooth and foot worn wey ; right up on eend soon as he came in. 7 ; . le, : tions,” and read it. Yoo w vaud cry altermate- ° 9 Ju 585 most =| IT Clocks, Watches, and Jewelry of all kinds, res wame for 4 Whiten lnarniierineysian P gone to the pantry aud eaten largely of some vau- é = - . » we peel pairedin the best manner, and ov the mpet reasons! . ‘ anufacturer @lesale Dealer sae tie widder « Riln: hie aha . . Dee We cheerfully, b mest 1 conecivualy ‘ eres aan iy I see the widder a fixin’ her panther sual food, and forthwith begau to recover. We fre: | 9, eieeiia moetsy ; tering JAMES mERAR. .e a . 2 ae . ie work vor} Though the path sloped genlly downwand— EYES ou hii, and I jest said to myself queutly speak of persons getting well, having | suuled, aad hoya Nera Meus, i] rN KK pia le Cc ila / mages bus Li ct Fi : tae ‘Dick Tareout, you mout as well clear ;) 4 y I ! s . : ; ° » Byer er enews Boe ty (eced , ny . nee ‘the strungest kind of an appetite, the indulgence Pa Sathah he ae Tues ' 3 Hy Fi ' that ’ere Buffer’s too much for you in the S Loethe si ere 1 . sud Wuper - Page T ared they not, those merry trav'lere, 2 d . 7 fiwhich re nd) scikeen sar . ne aa : 1 Re moved to as 85, S " Wikvre (he Aen ach chebileed close ling) Iifeltvit at onet2) Weallesin, 10! WUICH) reason and science: wOaltisay se udies feels / ; North Third street, Opposite Cheery Street, ; ; in about a minit up comes Butter, smiles be fatal ie ubwa varia ise iialeriesian ea aboleaicUieS UP Lai fits ALI MUm fol imiit ale Carriage, Buggy and 4 tally Daidder, This the first ;—aguin a finger at the widder in a fascinnatia’ manner, We found out many years ago, when engaged , tu acendary books ot tie Noch wih whieh we Hein Hemeved (on So 4, testers No SOXORTH “ = allow ume <i rer another pases raed, au’ ensists on dancin’ with her. Sezshe, in the general practiew of medwine, that when 27° 4 “antest 40 jee ae Hoa TILK ATE Ss 4 SALISBURY, N. C., aE mioet 00 th ' towing steeper, | rougher, ‘Yes! Mister Buffer, it will ford me the ue patient. was convaliscing. the best-ooneri raat 1 vLateraiare of usuwn; BATTER NAS FAUTUKE, ale Mi ptock 4 : 7 oul he citi k As he longer on it gazed ) ' 1 ; Pr g 4 Work 1 mor ® now carrying on the J . e gratest pleslure!—Gratest pleshure! wal, : Wein feerly hejee (he uiioee| WikGccbOUnvalil divi deshuhie Riek nC sale be pel if Oaly here and there a Pilerim ba] ; \ > rule was, eat notan atom vou do pot relis eat i \ ‘i 1 wuss é y ‘ ec ult , Pitend Erne the way he squeezed her, when they dan ‘ ! eg OE OT oa ce io 4 shoes, res si a porate oromin ation Af my E REAT POINT ' ibe aed ids a Abad Nalah ed, I rather think it did. 1 kept an eye{*"?* BELT NE I a ee eee OS ee mine) d zs her f Beanag cach « lamp that twinkied on Buffer. Now. you see, he'd been stay. (¢78¥% from a pickle down to sole leat A batge wii etry Cagcimersa uti fave OF ATTRACTION:: the would savior Mr. Chair 4 Dike a man accdawa cit day A ee 3 , : 1 ote) Nat a a . eXpences of it , P Po Onp bis line to call at bis eotablieh- Pe | . ie Onward preer in’ at the Saent Charleses, an’ puttin’ it Mture is Tike a perfict bouse keeper, s Phe veiw wre oe p Nsea pape ty atl fou alow Are A Lost ned co) belihe (scent Centve of | gr iis ane gots “Yo a d presemg a y . ; , 7 ‘i ; Pi hanienue ts ghop je ia the & of his Livery Sabie. through Nike fortv, an’ he’d larnt all the knows better what is wanting in her house tha oe eee . 7 ire 6 M fi I ‘ " = Hign | re me unlaa’s crert, 5 Bei ’ t - Scat er ( OO Persone at 8 dlotanee rder ; atl Ur i arta et Init acomies on eseay Gl Wow? ai ariale leganeniae at ae . “4 Niet” Manufacturing Interests in) .toovs Senses pe tee ror abe i jormos in eterna n hgh a ; 4 : t mp 3 cit 2 ae BPE . . . quality and price delivered, tf prap 4 5 alee Cnt ED scrapiu', au’ saviu' leeile nothiu'ss aud.’ ciaves that Liud of food wine containa the cle! emery ro THe | patie WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA, pa Teale gunaas Risstned k sir, he carried lis vr aa in his hand eyiect neces " : ; : i Muaber of ageuts ; \ orl fell ( ‘ Nod perbeps of the otupest say btad of trade is aehange te ost ork oh ‘ Needs he net the aid of Genu— l the sucar-honse. do atone tl ‘ . : ae ss reae vunty, Wheat, Paws, Gate, Ba Lerd ; reise pce al over the sugar-honge, down aninng the aie tw ts iu human byygirue; aod yet we do wot inet } : UNITED STATES. (fic ee oo ot it Fem peers news t4 2 Sele ‘ hilers, aud Up round bace of the tny ae 4a | ‘ Faverievi N / \ GREAT AASUN Cs LPS fel ieee] FORE I IVERY STABI EK : To the Pugnm dd ead we ? 4 € ct ) Ave F see 1 s M ’ ‘ d Ty the Pages aad weary. wharthe Loker was—every whar be to . . Nov : ) ay VEG. — 4 \ | Intend te have a Railroad from SALISBURY ‘ ee a“ LS a ? Whether of the two be chose redutliutear lat words. W ‘ est ke \ . Kuch I y, aud sce We tu BAGLE CEUY. People may laugh at the: (2 Sem OP eve ond those whe wish either to buy o hd Distance far—iwe fold the distance NOW the widder aii (ice act to make it ¢ Neuere VAM BKY DE : | Baim less . erg ir ae . aye wat.) Mus nad Fall phe are uvited to coll. Nerth Carel by De that city's dumes appea : , f es Ko pritte N.¢ . he 8) Vey fough at Patt.m whelet he weetalbing ebiaat “au of the viding ;anow what to make of if—cuz it was ‘ bot ree rer =. . ° : , — a u ‘ Prope cag buetw be steams, atthe rate of etn nubs en ia ae A . es moti ' are etan cena crusew ay hrretae er ie Ret wicelcloncardit . : . ; : _ DR. H. KELLY : a . at Avaty UD w be a b ) ei Colvaibus, when be I ERMS a vf ests ie etter let Big Jake, one of the louse ; fis REMOVED Po STATESVILLE. & . wi seri Frage ee raceme Lea n® A A hen emery tae b : u Locate t be il aoa echt of 1 ‘ mi Lthev laugh 06 the eeduse sw hev grew air ANG ah Mi Vewom from bis dnpping garmente } hina: at ase tliwas = rete lc say Fore tus Bro livde : CRORBER DT WeNEFLY : o. and ; ie SS Ae sf CAROLINA WAT MAN. paOw guat C ma e ry ta \ > s 5 Gure epou bis biecuing fee d tCugitasawrer ‘ = x Wee . | ali t r( bu» Two Dollars a year, pasd within three months from Sbow the highway passed th just as they were in ther f 2H ° Mild Sh teat soca Ud \ & ( date of subscription, Lee dcullars aad 6A ; : : i : A * y Cente aot . Leeding once through mead says Buffer, with such asi! : . heaing a oH F LIPPINCOTT, COFFIN & Co. ee - emir wor end | pat before the expiretion of the vear, and three del witc= And the thornless se ening rose ‘Mrs. Noirveux, for y 8 M Se Ce Ren N Ted les a Ne noe ‘ erie er: leiciefs year hee capwed. Ne paper diecontis. » ‘ ) \ ue ener Bb a ghee mee Bed wali! oll arreasage alences Rlher 20: Each pusscesed a deadiy fang, most enything !" An he actilly ad : “¢ ’ i. jf ! v . saree 1 eee Bou bole of things ot ihe Biter Se ° tigreed apo White the leaghior—turned to anguish at ar hat in one hand, an’ Wit it a ays ies were eaten. A fw dla POC ries (roe ¢ ries ;: fs. ay S49 £ De le eh ay ; Vin ane of che Letters (4 Kaiitt met be post patd, to omeare the “Od wot f Thro’ the ghorn, caverns rang lick with t’ot and fetched top and rim cine om ; anct ee "x's AACE Y. Salad ; lal ened Ried sites a z le fae : J nee . 3 . RHE SCBSCRIBER 2 Ne. 30 North Phied Stecet, re uae Te rece ee AAC SRN dried add ee Radler. Shedd ring turns ie from the viewe Ae bis fat | eRe, KD U ea iach . qaned oP we saul ] * : iF oe en 7 as Eo be poblint ob Turns he from himee!f away Jown fla : . ' Loy . : Eh lace en gi a ie , a f = E = pez be fore To the nerrw case meat —walc bing ‘I tell you wot, wher Ider * 1 . ‘ ’ : -— & : Ow moti : Eagerly the comung ca him do that, she was t ij . ' : . ¢ - = = 4 But beveath hum m the valley she was 50 come over with his int A} ats bat cats and : . eos ibe hile tJ et 38st sIs5 : Poet Le whTn's = Neen ae anal (Races Goines aU: A eiiniay biciape ice Greensborough ‘ : Ae pices ee Foe eth oieh Pichia by evn Cocco) | jutlal calle her Wie al ae. . ioe 8 MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY. ici cueta c le Décimant te GSR: “pe =) fomae, Only by ine seows of years ynce how he was gon’ it, : ; t « cS vn Se ecbeas © 567934 fF. Weary, dreary. ne and tre mblng i at once, vir, to head rm off r R 9 Mee (NEG J ( | . . 1 ; on ; - z “ - €@€€¢ ~ t s . 6 re . “« wie < S - _ ~ e licker was—au' I tuuk a mnt a : a5 5) 2 =—_ : mies g horn of Old Farabole’s ‘ . . ‘ oe ae | abag vuntin’ pe f dom ut. ‘ =s : ’ . ' ° SoS 358 ® = = § 4 ST ATI . - riyvlt new one —uone wi your hs . t , I , - eo 33 : eo Tee Exe 0. be mond : re bk ad or wool Lats, bot a reg’ lar be 1 / A : *« we £ SO gs - deme Beate | : z - - a stove pipe, and shone ea parr ¢ ® oot. - led ; { bh DR. DINKINS : = 2s pia ; waving ’ ac Ked bax s | lays i } ’ ; ‘ Riven as a” + = Hes. The he place of Uuth af, an goes round veeck of the iingine . tae , - é 7 } bad redr Ps au takes anot rewingia i 4 jliatt : rd It A bd iste ad = i Fe ot. = : ; e De frackos eter : F \ . ec an ent Ubark Chegiog to be beat tad grown rum—an’ then I felt jst ready fer acti allt z = , e i ne ef 2 . Gided then bbe piaciows past bus I e@ Was through, and as Wanted lamediitel Soha NaS : ‘ i iobiehd re 0 parlangaras ‘ ui - = ¢ , -- ‘ Sia rduo g ‘ was 6 », the women were all seate » also the charge of fuil sate. up i ™ hk Ae More : ia SS y —~. wikefeies tke mo iiteas eh hoe alfite eats in teunt clita taleee ime’ [hd way mstead|of lial patos At the Silver Hill Mine. (‘()\\ “a ae - J Bosh Outy reeds of op tices truth cas 6 the soft th See " } A eyuare io the ope ni io atiende: Ta tee angerh eres ' s aidder was ai <- tickled bs pieces \ Pry ; : bed = Grve, ob I s ea t , _ a . BA da WOOD AND AT VENER E VDE BECO NT WE LA ay aie = : og? na «her " irance ‘ : . : 1648 omnia i denee Ali frectumne of 0 oge the Loam Sianng « 1 yous I 1s tlie } { we urges tt ev epeattu cheat a ‘ ; a Ai 1 F ruperton le the whale, of bungurde! F Pe - ‘ Vd got har a Diatt F ; \ . 7 , . t J ! , re aes . = ter! ce regularly tBromgh the show weal i eet rag 10 - e nex Dis ivsEO KIDNEYS And hebn~ « e ) €Z >» ‘ ale x ‘ DNiteh RLY t arefre a ane oe fore ee . ae ul ts Bosadwg 1s be ° + pe or I ard we : eat +7 €60\ beghes thee the to harward Fearta oo cas ance avait Acekr siNeert , . pened ees oe We lear Iw Tw . oh 8 Now é ur one f ave Conrwmrtice A ° , . aes ung dia ie end hes eee. seeders fod that i Kindly wow sermn bering ot b a ard. s ; i pe west syere:fiet t W can . i” \ . ie ace ee ; sei stearier } ( \ . eck (he weed cince. Oreorwne het will be é ait a atthe phe nee . Syaiacay ald ese i Aas alte } ao: — 2 eee aes rwel etyle end eherged we are info Dewwary ie. =6 one bard st as Lutte J ; i : a 44, : ps ‘ © thee ratce od, sad lar : — ‘ lia 4g i , I Q * ROBAK offered ‘ tha ruvt f Q ‘ we ' arene = ere yaaa HOLLOWAY’S PILLS. SALS enone Thomas 0. Halyburton, M.D. atoms wi facure aad write brn af " é . 4 t ‘ FA < . =. , . “came Cengarv lL. Caae t Vly ARE Wt SICK. . — a he fey ae ——- He ~ permane wily ot Stoice Ib wm re * . - y oo. ' : é : : ae eee to the Edit F Ny T nce ta . you W. P. ELLIOTT, : ° pat mege OFF where Lamey es of mee will. be ere i , k I ut have db 7 ’ : ie ; Wianiog a Widow— With a“ Spring’ «4 he B dint . 3; ere VAT , | \\I) | (ii \ } . ‘ ee dation, end ' Hat note sarod wt pore r Cae an . CAE NORE CanyE ISS (iN j \ : ; : jp Vbeir lab Mee AAT SOS AO GE pan ae at c fs a ena THESE PILLS PURIFY THE BLOOD New North Carolina Form Book, hee and pr ! Jao cect “TORVARDNG MIRE, 0° oo oor DEES, TS 4 oe ' 4 ‘ a soe . ‘ (berks Co . y tm @ hoch ove arde A fe ‘ 1 I turned m iw ; RU j ROWAN, | waters 4 tie eee sae praca eit of the your ; Donaids The ahold he g ar WILMINGTON. N , . : © Vere @1 OO, cad con: by tend, will | esi gags eee cite o ip ; DYSPEPSIA & LIVER COMPLAINTS ae ee ee Se eee fe ot ee J ENNISS ny wrt d ee, ka ‘oar I as bound listake Ras lads \ ‘ rated oboe Sie HS Fiore Oat one Babee ene See ey ee - \ alten a Pa ae Fo Rawk ; mm the hote j - Sage h Miehuniccanthe! ‘ Ce aes piete ever, ond cing Lat rf neh es ee ; , PRESET Teast. ment of Uy 4 ee thes 7 cS mee ke Peers i ; Premendous Byeiement ct the + F RFLIGIONS AND PANILY NRWSPAPER, wimost deo ' ro . . “ i . Lae a! g \v ra ; GENERAL DEBILIT Y. ILL HEALTH. ! : . : | PURII TaD VERY SATURDAY expected th (reflen, wi talks ora dees ANC pipe Com tae at oe - Western E\tension! | tet Teeth a oles, v . : s « oRURE? pera eal eratienes qoyment, Gr ae isar ; i Siti de erie <i ‘ i as vc , - ert 1) ee. , a ze lp : , . ns ‘ ' & ehh wl bee farweble time be rob provided fo rmle u ‘ ‘ | , We anu wertrns ate , bitters FEMALE COMPLAINTS “QUIRE ae MANA es "Ainge pomerty an segem al the Prochytevien imposing F 4 3 : : th en ‘ ile aie bana _— ; ‘ V cabyter miiere aqenge we oub- dale 46 tan Nhelesalie Dealers } tothe wv ‘ . . +4 ch renee ermred to make nin ell tee ealaces teat, he fa eas coe ene diay is J to outer aniory tres READY WADE ChotHing Jo vy SOODS - eon ened Mors = A / ; i v . ne. ane ped at a +2: ; ; Cloths. Cassimeres, Vestines, and Gee- N Market 8 few 0:4 damectic enevecpandetre le ent Surpersr@ ne ly ae * 3 ? ‘ The practic n.ver-al io I , : : PuOee DULUEHES her tehgqrene @ewepaper, ae hoses Bike, thd « uy femens bus aist 00d mart ot e levg geutlemen whee ; i } ; MEL I wiikey 5 ere ee Pa eee Ge diieon i ! ( ) get Piet wth v4 : ‘ ° eo they vapeees erives in warmer inrme £F HONOR, i ; “ eae . ; , * . * theirs ® { tte mente nee weekly vim »Rag TO Ng pe « ‘ i i . I t ios ‘ MT)1 = fu ’ . a Ln adden te eaghn reugmee . {meg clia ‘ ate r * : . “ r F } - =? - aI ‘ pondence, dames fore n “ aes . / : | \| Sa oar, emir Cia) eet ed Siar We are ‘ ‘ 4 ‘ rrr . 1 . f ' paper im reguierly deveted to ehddeva of the The con 41> ’ 2.23 Aes meni: moliere : i a lis e j = aaa. ’ ‘9 i ae Gad Ree . _ 5 , Go Ate ar a ; ; 8 wee Ne dN E a4 AQIEN Is! Of Four Worse P +@ err nget tts ewhenribere « - ed by Ae ‘ ‘ Post Coaches, “ee share of the mwat ieicilgeet Temibes, eepecmlly [Reed bete \ ; | vie HKistsevuiclae cans pens meu f pers eair , : , . a Lveise ae of the beet mediume for ade Lid ‘ tribute th a DR. J. J. SUMMERELL, fa gg Matte Wetec ant bn Tye cant) end mnearh parbealyrreamme ae from stan | os a EHO reteteim for therr adverimemenie eather. mee . : if yen tna ’ / myn f da, an i . 1 a ’ { | tea ’ , . ; se Se C2} x “fi _ (at , We : 4 ihe = " bie i > kes ; AE Mf ; Ww 1 . PCW rid eaienp nie DR COROT AS ve the t ‘ ri vite \ f \ , Phy ‘ - =“ . - * Fire ones t ids ee rone year E | | | , \\ WE | N HEMI. Wek BRADBURY S NEW Tiyan . Teno. pee Rete yes mM TTR Be care 7 : 3 | , | | : a ie GLEE Book, Ri set! mm PAV Ret ne Agent mentions 7 , Zz OBESHELS OF WHEW CP! ons Rowan Cotton Factory || oir Pare aa looking address, fone year, 945 (0 Codnted n Ne ik - \\ ; a FOR SALE. ih aw nihoeonl apy Wine Kee in a cftel ‘ ; ne Ratreof Airertang For V5 lines, fret ievarten have peri lrea . , ‘ re ’ é : ; die Vee tT 1K owners ine aleve eal chle pennerty offer rene: # ch repetitun nf de SO coma Kor Al a8 ry a 4 nb ' ' be end ma err Bret sine. cents; ewch re { de | li ‘ peinioe fr 1. f ; . oo) Lin 3M rents Pe efor adverie mente ts be mode Dyed tr ae eee CLOAKS! TALMAS! | cena ee iaeypeiy te : ; 19" part o ano au | ease J : ; r VITTTAM S&S WARTIFN & CO the Wee ; ae ; ee ° ‘ pan 8 (ree cece No 14 Cheatrmnt Street, Phitedelphie ra g td Pe) m4 ; : : é i, + ve \ WOTHERS \ Ma re a J . mtiag Ui purchasers nee beautifully printed and fer an appear 120 sale at this office lber > = .. ON I S D L E L U & ~ = 7] olitics, Wews, We a s ae ara i saneam —_ irulture, Juternat Improvements, Commerce, the Arts and Seituces, Morality, and the Family Circte. : VOL. XII.--NEW SERIES. iad ; Seen LETTER FROM M\JOR DOWNIGG. |to take good care of the men, and I'd try if pos- | blowed Gray Town to atoms. We've struck a — — | sible to be back in # fortnight, heavy blow to knock off the Davish Sound dues, WE s Weeting of the Citizens of New Institute | To Uxcie Josuva Dowstno, Post Master at | Whea I got to Washington I thought I would |and shall be ready for a splendid rumpus there betd Jenasry 17th, 1656, John Turner, Kaq.,) Downingville, down Kast, in the State of Maine. jest run in a few minutes and see how veneer (6 the spring. We've got a rousin earthquake wens called to Ute Obair, aad P. Tomlin appoiut- Ney p ipa arn | was getting first. [ bad let my beard grow pret- | kindling up between us aod England, which od Georetary. Al eaker jastht af Sandy Hoek, Jon. 91, 1856. |ty long, aud was dreened 80 different from what will be jest the thing if we can touch it off at Qn motion, Dr. W. M. Campbell explained | Dear Uisle Johan” | baveljat gu ak | used to that I didu't feel afeard of any body's | at the right time. But you know these things Ls antnEn, Edlior and Prepricte or A " . at ° | : h Chat the object of the meeting was to select a thea Waskingise. whan | hace bovu or tha tae | CDOw ing me; so I went right into the Repre- | sometimes take fire too soon and do mischief ame for the yi aod village P, O. | "yl A i i . | sentatives’ chamber and took a seat in the gal- | both sides. 1 feel a little oneasy about this, and » wants ied rene seeun te ote oe lery. Business seemed to be going of brisk | wish that stupid Congress would ever get organ- 4 SALISBURY, N. C., FEBRUARY 5, 1856. MESSAGE OF THE PRESIDENT. Wasuisotox, January 24, 1856. To the Senate and House of Representatives : fase which reoders it incumbent on me to the subject, and urgently NUMBER XXXVI. such right to change temporarily the seat of, ernment, stilt csore had aes aes bly. The objection is of ptionabl i for the further reason that the place indicated 5 dsr Governor, without having any exclusive im of preference in itself, wasa proposed town site only, which he and otbers were attem! to locate uolawfully upon land within » mi : itary reservation, and for ja which illegal. act the commandant of a supe rior officer of the army, bas. been by your a ytopeh fore opportunity: egald have been | : the Chair 2s Commitiee oe — pele ane cc mle and lively. A man was standing up in front ized so 9s to take past of the reeponsibility.— fur the activa of the meet. Struck ber the mer, wae Ores OT) and reading off, in a good loud voice, Banks 105, | Then we've got a quarm brewin, too, with Col, gel | eS | ~ Meme J. L. Biackwatl, Willem J. | 4)( aback, and tbe Bale holds vn yet tight as! ‘et San Nagy ey ‘ ow Compbeil, : eer: AUER pigs iyiciase vases Kie vardeon 73, Fuller 81, PenoingtowS, sentter- | Walker, out there in Nicaragay, and have re- vi = some debate the theeting, in order to, wenks, head to the wind, rufliu anil pitchin, and | ate. But there business seewed to be very dull. J) Walker chooses to resent it as a national insult, Gilow tims formatete deliberstiva, adjourned tw liasu't guined eben eee is er some | couldn't find ont as any thing was dowg. Some | we are ready for him. We shav't give back a boar “gers mandipeenar in. edinere: | et in the Teo Potion, ond long guive of wink |, reading the mewepapnrs.oud some wes inlk-| hair. ‘Now, Major, what do you think of the x The ely apriars a cst (ar cou’ nomena incon mies pear capa oay ad -| ing a little, and some was seting as ealm and chances for the nomination ™ 1, Turner, Esq., in the P. Tom. nr =i hs B The Committee appointed at the weather, bet this ts the Sra thne I’ve seen | quiet as so many bears in their winter den wih “ Wal, Gineral,” says I, “1 thiok if you man- | ; a : d ng reported a8 follows : craft ae too agin s Fehedpaghioiy een Aor to ea iinfta dol but suck User paws. I soon got age right you'll get it I'H do what I can for | signation of the boundaries of a pew Territory, | Br. Chatrmah and Gentlemen : ri : pannel vcthiheced ae ; y “iy ee in tired of this and went back itu the House aguin. you, any how.” and provision for its political orgapization hese ‘of 0, ottane Yout Committee beg leave to Report See ee saree, ee mene oa eet led but Jest got seated in the gallery when the | | The Giueral shook my band, and got up and | adenrvistration as a Territory, are weaaures which that, whereas, the name of New Institute is cum j dun't you be frightesed, Unele Joshua, she man ia front got ep and rend off agin, Banks walked the floor. Says he, “the greatest dif_i- berséme and inappropriate, therefore, | won’s go down, but will live through it, and 8°! 105, Richardson 73, Puller 31, Pennington 5. cylty vow is with this erpfounded, stuff-wevked, of any such Rbcsteel 1, Ln the opiniva of thie mecting the | 00 her voyage by-an-by all right. Ourold ship J sttering 4. rere, of tus vie 4 | of State io ctanch craft; she ie built of the ve That ne name village on : te changedto Ou. Po. Gemeee! ry bet stuff — put hogether ta the strongest | 1. sot ment to me, and, save], That's just the throw a damper on the Adminstration sorne- Ee Koagad 8 age ply 7, qr. ana ee pay seo es pare oorleirere 7 jmame tune they hed when | was in here half au how of otler. Lere they've been fovlia away ° 4th, That we petitiva the Legislature of | # c= ‘< " ‘a an ri ys r - ot al a hour ago.” their time six weeks and lettin the whele eouo- — cn ee |e out mew bass hip ie the mot , and t | * Exactly,” says he: “they dow’t play but use | try bang by the eve Nds—war and all. I had tinge to Two Polles is veat. So you needn't be afeard | That haaw’ ; 5 . : : “ Of mative | + tune, and that hasn't po variations. to keep my message on hand a month and let it re j teat any sem will ever ewarwy ber; and if etal “Well, what apoo airth are they doing | * Pubbteed, “Teat two-thirds of the votes casi be ne. | . enttnsy 10 2 thowe. jSbe should be im danger of running nebore or on says I ganized. At last | happened to think it was a . the breakers by the squabbles and fooling of her)“, /, ! } Sheaker.” } ; Aer » Ow mation, sfc o.' S b ia r Oh, they are choosing a Speaker,” says be. | good chanee for me w take the respousibility manny Chega Bosd, A. Qtek, Rag) St Oe mm nd oe “Choosing a Speaker!" says I. "For gra-\So 1 let drive, and fired my message right waite 5 Chegg, eq. be requented Lo seme we var | her | clows sake, how long does ittake ‘em to do that!” in among ‘em. Sume was quitc wratby ; but { Tncle itt rund C . > ler a b of O | Yoo know, U od Tre been ssilin round Ca- | “1 can't have the slightest idea how long.” [ didn't care forthat. lmeant to let'em know I'd tome diecussion, the name lin was ba and op the Gulf a goud while, trring to car | almost spite jest because the House wasn't or- [mays he “They've been at it now about sit show + toueb wf old Hick f they didn't! Ugresd epee almost unaninously. ry out the plans of our Congress to Ostend and oy fo erates Tora le , weeks, and, if they continue to gain as fast as pind bow they carried sail. But bere ‘us now |they have since they begun, I grow it might gue yn two wovths, and every thing is ata dead requested ape ’ S bs ery ng te pebivk the promeedings of this meeting, sed thats | wy evakie’t get along wubust " i aed ecif-pre | take 'em pretty near ftom Juty to etarnity.” stawd because the [louse won't choose a Spest- ez be Serwerded wo the How. RC. Puryear servation, you hove, @ the Gret law of woter.— | 21/11, ors the cane,” says f, “IM clear out, for er. We can't have any errtainty of gettiog " Ow motion, eos Cia ee | oan lung ae that” S46 { burried out he we - | Cabinet bada't ck out wt ot never : “ Pe «wy, Bho pap Oe yeaa os hesperay padyenet - ‘dy cdbcuiced Ac kecks Ha ee aod made racks strat for the White Hoste, | ul! we get a Speaker, and all our plans is io Gtth Wein thoy hove discharged thelr rrapecuve | “CMU! Buderete ne eens Lft rung to the door, aud the servant let mem. JL of being koucked io the bead Now, j shure Uere was some hard shuffling somes here told hin | wanted to ese the President. Lc. \ MW. doves ot, 1 wish vuld shy rouod ong the Ow motion the mecting adjourned woe die We was all mght sboard; but the backin and | R aie UR UO: (oeC ac "RNER. Ch'a jaar, very well, the President was io lus private se lis le Shappel, to take Cube because our coun * Résdlded, “That the Relicbury papers be gr ‘) tibers a day or two and see if you can't bring fila im the Home Department was what both : P. Towurw, Sec. ene eee eee a roum, and he would take my card whim. | sitters to ay (Acie uchicanl eos Sam 234, 1856 fot ob 4 _ Lam i { bom be ungiit go aud tell Gineral Pierce her, fthey y organize.” 5 ee | Firat, the Home Department = are Pee Li (encore Wietand in Lieeteekion nil went nound) sorone he Mamhers’ too or STATB AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. | “Dred sa! fix op oor Untend matter the the Mesican war wanted Wo see him. Presently there dave and did my best. | found ‘em all way wecould But ae soon as | and Mr Back yi Tee Exeoetire Comumtice of the North Caro he come back and asked me to walk up 1 eery at th and dic lobby members were steffent Has Deiat Agrcebeesl Gackey, me os thes Gay anan and Mr Sooley, and the test of as in the fouad Use Prendceat woes. walking atk ad vol ony Thalthird: Gayl went leek is the Pro Foreign Government, had got thiogs well under a}! “40 ad he . en the Sth | \ A to Betiwe—pe . ir pe Sea Fa Se forth across the room, and looking kind of riled sient agin, and ways he, ~ Well, Major, bow Hos. The. Raffin, Charman, and Jolin S len ae ' F , F and very resolute = It made me think of Od docs it stand aow! Does Uiags look any more . ome Department tormed myht round and fit . f ee, *oule. = Hickory when he used to get hie dander ay encouraging | gw A. Hamiioa, W us Wo KR De agrees torch and neil Ae loud afer Leowldat oo sa ae and walk the floo- all de pelts pean mere! eee . ! joo day eetle gruu,” says I, * but wot mreh. ot eee & Sinton: Rogers Fe caus ler thw bea Mbt aed (ae wadden Sh Smith 20d Pao! C. Camerva, Eng ires — the and lay awake al! might planmag how be eowld Well, how mitt save be. bum ‘ ; the Nere-atout of ile Linene |epartrnent: unlvas they upset mm The Gineral kaew we as sooo as | Seve Toit we. Beaks 105. Richardson 78 deter of = we bare. mon avait to! was abeard we should get the most of the crein A air to of ' a } rp 5 < . eral pe rousn, 18 apite af my an au hier 47 r tywton 3. acatternng Seatb Ms. Seasth wovld we doubt hove boss fd takin Cuba: and may be J or Mr Kectanen ; oo = . F = i@ atieudence, bet from cauwe uret ehh he ul MeoM u shia Laole with ine and ead be was gia! ! + the saune old tune,” says he ¢ Mr Son ley. of ' a“ of pr Secbkles, of “ = n P ; <e @ pont Ube sare Unat’s been for the last sia weeks bad eo eosryl The ance of eo many uf Mr Sanders mugtt get to te Dresde at be ot Wel fl Lel F N L« i the Coarmitior, roolwdang the venerable and dw a _ ; ping nt ley “i es) noe, (igera, says i, want! me » sais l * you mistake bhom t fou see woven 8 Seong WA eaent tats om ane ight Ww the pint the fret shag. I've left ecatler ras fell offome 2 Len't thet @ lee Seageiteet Toca, te es re ia plndgy rel ibe carer ft alk ike es fa race Ce in is \astement 6 ores Ltn She _ We was to work eotirels for the country’s ginal | ice ; nel dread oe: 7 k aot tad’ Raid be phew nan! enuse eaufded hank ; Teant & know rght ap aod dewn if she's te le The T'res looked disappointed 1 he, ba Use ! hs art - and notbin elec And bor the Luame |b part sabledorctect ‘\ aihacw thee iG _ ate a VerAMmalincirae ; 7. woe mee atl ol theists dmposrovn to do all vo & wail etree to get jealous of us aed Lern agra us ie see ey nT ier ie je Geichet Huvkes ties talk) “Do ies to harward the interest of tbe Sowety. | thet wey wae crue! and opkrnd ft greres ey fs oe SNE: ) b were of th te ngress: ar gr ayie We lsare that the proviral bumoem of the) a. cory tine | thint of #; for | think bbe the! ey ae _ a He . or Comemition was to prepare a list of preanumes, BN Can See ¢ Home Government backed os up ia the bx t ler mon ecetned othe mast and that this duty bas been periormed, sod the | § : ginning of it: but now you've turned min us, plialle,” saye lof any of'ein Ther said they How pleases: ‘us io see het will be peblished at ae carly day Thee Lent. Borsthese ued (reeds ages and 1 endertand you've been mizing and over v willing am! reads t ryanite at hacing ev mel all ale wh th 1 the only difficult the Bamk ve are informed, hag been comsderabiy smoreas [sent deapmtches to Gineral Pere about it rie i ‘ a : ted a pele fr . he Rock we ™- t a od, ead larger sews than heretofore have been it bowprt ponted toward Cube or Centra pe Eochardenn men stamiing ow = au go. but never gut any » " sg ‘ered ie some canes to competitors for prem! | kt Really 1 out tired holdin on oot Tee: and | wae told if the Two Potiies went sinttown & ; — ap to York she'd be sarved the same sasa = Now “ What do oe tue Ih moeratic frends, the there aluoe. and hagyjn all the Lime thet the I want to knew bow we stand, Uatsall If y Richardson men, aay [ward the PreeJteat 7 y f yu ichardeon we sd the Pree Is was resolved, we learn, to tender inmvitauow | i) 1), eurmedt inp aspping. wil este ° , 0 ’ te the Editoral fraterany to be present. A stand dow 't want ibe help of the Two Tulhen Uvere's Save | say they'll stam] there and foreements from coming out to help me: so | : z ‘ wi be erected on the ground for thew aceome enough that dors, and if you duet gwe ber a Gght Ul the creck of doom befor they'll allow up helm and beaded the Teo Potiee for Dow: dation, end every facility will be afforded them | grille) Whew walgut slime Inthe latitude cf passport out and in, shell be < pretty the Hiack Kepublieans to get the upper band.” Jp \beir labors 10 preparing wotices f the sry | york that terrible Sth of January storm ik where abe can find better fnends “ Well, thats good spunk.” sed the Presi ghee and proceedings at the Fair wvertouk wn, and we jet made out Ww weather Why, my dear Major,” sed the President, dent, * but the wurst of it is Une buses will It in eupected, also, thas the tastes and vies i. oi. aad yet iesnde of Sandy Huck and come 2%! the tears almoat come into his eyes, ~My -efack my Admmmetration semeume before the of the young gentlemen and ladies, who maya oo gikee The prlote come abuerd and treated dear Mayor,” says be, ~ you rmisunderstand me crack of vom. Weil, bu do the Banke mea tend, wil) be qoasulted aad met by cofulom per. oy kind eptierly, Yow and the Two Pulles bav'es got tadk! Ie there any hope frow that quarter I” fees every evening during the Farr to be giver Them New York pilote are clever fellows ® better fnend in the world than [ am. The “They say they are in bu hurry,” says I MA the hotels in Ube cily, these parties to be. of) They benaght us lote of newepapers, from which fact a, I've been very mach trie! ever since that They had as leave vote » any tubing else Qourne, wader the superintendence and manage | joarnt what has been goin on for two months (tend Congress business It made a gor) deal They've got money erong! ao stand i, ment of the Marsalis of the State Socety. The pest. When they are the Downiagville melitia A bard feeling in my Cabinet, and as things and they tok where y are tll they starve wimost decorum will be mamntained , and it » wes aboard, and Sargent Joel ot the heed of © whed we was obliged to come out agin it e Adminstration out” expected phat the feature will add to the number dreseed ap ia hes emtorm, ane of the pilot And then we had to make a show of sticking The President jwnped up, aod I must say he present, pad to the gesera! good feelmg aod ©0- | 1. me ome sade and whiepered to me that be UP ery strong for the neutrality laws: aad that’s looked more ike Old Hukory than | ever see dseyment, An gacelient band of music will be would advice me as a frend pot to go up to N why we seized so mony veasela, Bat vou acedn’t n before. Saya be Major Downing, this provided for the orcasion | York, for f we did the Two Dollies was a gune give yourself the least anensness abut the Two wil! never do. we must havea Speaker by book We anucipate a larger, more veeful, and more goose Pole I pledge sou the honor of the Execus or bp crook Can't 3 ninve any way t imposin, Pale next October than has ee} beer ilnw so ance what do rou mean ™ (Ute thatebe shan't be touched. And, besides. beng (is busines a! ad panda ober i pemalagtiod = pte lin "I mean.” says he, that Mr. McKeen, the| !'m ine good deal of troubie now all rewnd, and Well.” caye 1. * there ic one way T think the jaal improvement, ond all whe desive advance , [hatrct Attorney, will nab ber in leas than no I want you and the us 10 mcelY me. Lusiness mat be Jon®™ ant! t know but ped perfectva among our people 1 vaned jime, and condemn her for a fillibacter vease fur. if you don't, I don't know sho w s the lati fia andy for me to go and andiwork and the fine arta, bestir themselves at and you'll all be put in prison and tned for no “ Agreed,” says I, ° nuff said; that's talking |} Set | a re and bring her Whd second and suetain the Committee an: . A | latin the neutrality laws.” nght up to the mark. Give us your hand, Gin- guns to bea tol. Then send in word pooipraraieiiieasA gary fcr Sa to | “Let him do it? eave 1 “if be dares We eral. I'll euck bys J close an Tdid by my and give ‘ein one hourto orgamae. If they don't SY BOROR, ASD MBB MEARS OF GREAT CORFUL-| are at work for the Government. Our erume old friend, Gineral Jackson. Now, whatdo you tthen hath t use down about their aero Nortm Canouwa — Ralegh Standard | has all been under the direction and advice of want me to dol ears, or mar nthe Downimgvitle melita and - —— it ‘longress.” “Wel Major “saya he, “Tve got a good i dnve'em oat, as old Cromwell did the Rump “ We sre requested to state that copies | “If T remember right,” save be. “Congress! many ticklish jobs on hand that T don't hardly Varhament” ae Sadie sege ie have been FOCEIV: | waen't in seasion when the Two Polles sailed know what to do with, nor which to take bold The President stool @ minute in a deep study Gov. Bragg, for distribution among | the penta ieee ence ~ } you he under the direction of Cor yress fa rention to meet at Cincinnati to make the nom ease sometimes peds a des pe rate remedy. If for the West India station. How, then, could! on first. You know there's a Democratic Oon At last be sand, Well, Major, a desperate dis @ribate them, but have been prevented, “I mean the Ostend Congress,” says I,“ and jnations for the next term.” (Ilere the Presi. you think you are rghit go ahead from starting by the inclemency of the, it makes no difference which, one's as good as demt got up and locked the door, and sot down Sv here Lam, Uncie Joshua, aboard the Two weather. As seon as the weather opens, | 'tother.” close to me and talked low.) * The main ques: puiiies, [jest stopt to write this account to you, they will be sent ont as rapidly aa possi , oo Well.” says he, * you'll find # makes no dif on, bow to bring things to bear o@ that Con. and shall now up anker and make all sail for the | le, — ‘al. Standard. | ference which when you get up to New York vention so aa to make the nomination go nght. [toma And of things is no better when I get ‘i The Distrnet Attorny is death on every vessel Marcy wante it, and Huckanan wants i, and there vou may expect to hear thunder Brad of fn Se coe Sedan Tiana that haw the least smell of gunpowder, as has Wee wants it, and Dickinaon wante it, and per T remain your loving nephew, mentions that during the past week, on ®") thing aboard that bears any likences to a hape Case too, though he sare he don't, and I MAJOR JACK DOWNING looking over his exchange papers, he musket. He has a moster keen scent for gun ‘don't know how many others, all good Deni poo codnted not less than eleven infanta, with- powder ; he often smells it aboard vessels where crate, you know, but we can't all have it; so \ , ' ¢ trncti . : railroad is in process of enr 0 in a cffele of three hundred miles, that jthere isn't a bit nor grain, and at all (urns out you see [ve got a hard team to pull against. As : i : ] fe i Bona. ulead o have peristed in the flames. | to be only bilge water.” for Douglas, I think he'll go for me, if Tl g Dae Ae ne 9 ar Key ‘) Florida Fey no | “TC that's the case,” saya 1, “I'll leave the for him afterwards, The Cabinet and I hav: Th & are four indred ee now at Dyed in this village, young Mr. -- ‘ 7 been tryin to get things ready before the nomi. Work upon itand two hundred more on whiskers and moustache. They had lene Lge Pollies at anker bere, and S Ms off to been an ornament to the circle in which , Washington and see how the Jand lars the: moved; butalas! their roseate line, So I called up Capt. Jumper, the sailing mas ’ ° hath departed, and instead they present. ter, and told him to keep things all snug and we over had. We want, if possible, t get afin ' an appearance of unearthly blackness. | tight while I was gone, and I told Sargent Joel Ue ahead of Jackson. Youknaw we've already |State gives the right of way nation to give the Administration the credit of their wav ont. being the smartest and apunkiest Administration miles, The enst of constrnetion is eati- gu jon by you of such mweas- the grave exigencies of the of the cireumstances refer- their causes, will be systematic interference of the people of individ- This interference, ie 80 far mary dita necessary tO was one of the itation on the subj ures of legislation as as concerns ita pri- jing 4. Then I weat out aud went into the Sem | fused to receive Col. French as bis Minister. If of the condition of tl a ae |colored persons held to service im some of the The act to organize the Territories of Nebras- Sates which has so long disturbed the repose of ka and Kansas was a manifestation of the legis- | our country, and excited individuals, otherwise patriotic and law abiding, to tojl with misdirected zeal io the attempt to propagate their social the- ones by the perversion and abuse of the po which it is proposed tw submit. lative opinion of Congress of constitutional construction : One, that provides that certabp’ of the Sporewroy ¢ [hore “aye oscuppad od use under dhe | the Constitution asd the laws duly e@acted by | for themselses in this | Congress under it, and to the power of the €x- pooted in the couvictious uf the people of ibe | seat of government to the Shaweee Mision, |eung States to decide, according to the provi- Union, then had recourse, ia the pursuit of their | sions and prieciples of the Coustiintion, at what jaune the Territory shall be receiver as a State propag into the Union. Swch are the great political Kupags, to prevent the ngbts which are solemaly declared and affirmed extraordinary ‘measure of jon of the Territory of free and oatural action of | its inhabitants io its internal organization, and thus to apUcipate or ty joroe the determination Based upon this thecry, the act of Congress of that question in this inchoate State. defined for each Territory the outlines of repab- | fiean government, distributing public aathority ‘in some of the States, atd their porposes were |among lawfully created agents —executive, jo proclaimed throagh the press in language ex cial, aod legisiauve—to be appomted either by tremely irritating and offensive to those of whom the General Government of by the Territory.— | the colonists were to The legislative functions were entrusted to a Cova desiges and acts had cl and a House of Repreremtauives, duly elected to awaken ervotions of intenss iedignation in| ings of the Territory, ensots that and empowered to enact all the local laws which | Stases near to the Territory of Kansas, and es-| not Le expended “potil the Legislature a MPerhs. | pecmlly ia die adjowing State of Missouri, whose | Territory shalh bare fixed by law happiness, and good government. Acting 18 domestic peace wa thas the most directly en- seat of government.” Congress, grted ; but they are far from justifying the | premions, dog mut profess to be gt aod reprebensible counter-wovements general object, to the PN AD With such views assuciations were organized they might deem enseatial to their pre cuomgh money Ww keep the Government a goin | 0 seme spirit, Cougress alto defined tbe per Jan, sons who were ia the first instance to be comsid- of each Terntory ; emacting wich enseed. that every free white male mhabitant of the same above the age of twenty-one yenra, Leing am 80-| primary elections for members of the Legi taal resident thereof, and possessing the qualifi Awembly were held in west, cations hereafter duseribed, should be entutied to | . vote at the first election, and be eligible to any perros designated office within the Terntory ; but that the qualafi- | srmor according to cations of voters and bolding offce at all subse quent elections should be such as might be pre sorbed by the Legaalative Assembly ; Provided, bowever, that the mght of suffrage and of hoki ing offtee should be exereised only by citizens of the United States, and those whe should have | iaw on bim alone, officially received and cowsid | declared o8 oath their intention to become such, | ered the retarms: deciared a large and have taken an oath to support the Constita tion of the United States an: Under these inauspicious cireumstances the | But how | were made buh af fraud and violence. Governor, in the exercise of the power and the discharge of the duty conferred and imposed by } appointed a new election to supply place of the persons aot certified ; and thes eatioa, complete legality given to the first Legisiative Asembly of Those decisions of the returning officers and the Governors, were appointed and commiasion Among the duties imposed by the act om the jues of the Governors was that of dwectiog and superiatem- may have occurred ding the politcal orgenimation of the respective |iate pow to raise that question. ft is 2 question as to which, neither now nor st previogs time, hes the beset possible legal y been pommenced by the Presideat of Use United States. For all present purposes the leg ken by such persons and in such mode as he wsistive body, thus constituted and elected, was might designate and appoint ; to appoint and di ; rect the time and places of bolding the first elec Leone and the manner of conducting them, both co: as lo the persons to superintend sach elections place called Pawnee and the returns thereof: to declare what persons met, anc might appear to be daly elected ; and to apport the time and place of the first meeting of the In sabstance, the same dutes were devolved om the Governor of Ne The Governor of Kansas quired to cause a cemsus of enumeration of tbe | any tebabrianta and qualified voters of the several | suthort counties and districts of the Terntory to be ts the legitimate assem biy of the Territory. Accordingly, the Governor, by prociamation, ovened the Assembly thus elected to meet ai The two houses uzed in the ordinary parliamentary form ; each sent to and received rom the Governor the official communications wsval on such occasions; sn elaborate opening the session waa communicat Governor: and the general business of legnla bon was eotered upon by the Legislative Assem Legulauve Assembly W hole, by thie act, the principle of constitu tion for each of the Territories was one and the }, saroe, amd the details of organic legislation re garding both were as nearly as could be identi cal, and while the Territory of Nebraska was law w tranguilly and saceessfully organized in the due of the Gavernor. law, and its first Legislative Assembly remove the seat met on the 16th of January, 1855, the orgaiza ton of Kansas was long delayed, and has been sion.) and thi attended with serous difficolties and embarrass ments, partly the consequence of katal mala ministration, and pertiy of the unjustifiable in terference of the imhabitants of aome of the 4, States, foreign by remdence, interests, and ngbts uonable a the bei! } Bot, after a few days the Assembly resolved urn © another place in the Territory of govertithent temporarily te the “Shawnee mannal-labor school,” (or mis ther the Assemb!y proceeded ter tbis, receiving a bl) for the extabi ah meat of a ferry at the town of Kickapoo, the Governor refuse to mgn it and, by special meneage, as goed for reason of refusal, not anything ol jec taelf, nor aay pretence of tbe : Wlegality of imcompetency of ihe Assembly as The Grovernor of the Terntory of Kansas, com- such, but only the fact that the Assembly bad missoned, ag before stated, 08 the 29th of June, by jt. act transferred the seat of Government 1854, did ot reach the designated seat of ts temporarily from Pawnee Ujty to Shawnee Mis government uetil the 7th of the ensuag Octo ; ber, and even then fuiled to make the first step to sign other bills, uutil, im the course of a fee in ite legal Organizablivn = census of enumeration of its For the same reason he coatinved to refase , communicated to the Assembly the fact that be had received not? so late a day that the electron of the members fearon of the termination of his functions a of the Legislative Assembly did not take place Governor, and that the deties of the office were until the 30th of March, 1855, nor its meeting jegally devolved on the Secretary of the Terri until the second of July, 1855, so that, for a rear tory: thus to the last recognising the body as after the Territory was constituted by the set duiy-elected and constituted Legrstauive Assem- of Congress. and the officers to be appointed by the Federal Executive had been commissioned it was without a com plete gorernment, without defect attarnad to local law, and of course without the ordinary guarantees of peace and public order, In other respects the Governor, instead of ex erciaing constant vigilance and putting forth all However trivia tays, he, by official we perceived that f any constitutional the legrsiative acts of the Asseml:ly it 1s not pretended to consist im urreg noor want of guahfication of the Objection may seem to be uires to be considered, because apon it is i ail that superstrocture of acta, plainty | his energies to prevent or counteract the tenden cies to illegality which are prone to erst in all fou | imperfectly-organiaed and newly associated eom- | agaist law, which now threatens the peace, not jmunities, allowed bis attention to be diverted only of the Territory of Kansas, but of the Un from official obligation by other objects, and ion. himself set an example of the violation of law in the performance of acts which rendered it my Leyisiative Assembly was of exceptionable on duty, in the sequel, to remove him from the of- gin, for the reason that, by the express terms of chief executive magistrate of the Terri-|the organic law, the seat of government of the 'Terntory was “ loeated temporarily at Fort Lea- and yet the Governor himself re- Such an objection to the proceedings of the Before the requisite preparation was accom. venworth .” The whole distance is 130 plished for election of a Territorial Legislature | mained there leas than two months, and of bus an election of delegates to Congress had been own dircretion transferred the mat of govern held in the Territory on the 29th of November, ment to the Shawnee Mission, where it in fact gate took his seat in the House was at the time the Assembly were called to If ar-| meet at Pawnee City. mated at three millions of dollars. The 1854. and the Dele, lof Representatives without challenge. If the Governor had any , of the Gx and. Legislative Ascem- bly.” These expressions, might possibly be con- : The persons and parties whom the tenor of | strued to imply that whee in @ previous section of right fall within the powers of the Geweral | ihe act to organize the Territories of Nebraska of the act it was enacted that “ the first Legisle- and the uther, that the inabitants and Kansas thwarted in the endeavor to impose, | tive Assembly shall meet at such place and on Territory, considered as an inchoate through the agency of Congress, their particular | such day as the Governor shall int,” the stupid Congress. They won't organize—tbat is, | State, are entitled, in the exercise of self govern- views of social organization en the people of the | word “ place” means place at Leavenworth, met T turned round and whispered to the map the House wou't—aud they seein determined to | ment, to determine for themselves what sball be future new States, now perecivin ne f , that the pulicy | place any where ia the Territory. If sa, the Ger | their own domestic institutions, subject only to of leaving the inhabitants of eac State to judge | vernor would have been the first.to err_im jy | matter, no only ia Limself baving semoved in again removing jt to Pawnee City. If there was any departure from the letter of the Jaw, therefore, it was his in beth instasee. 1 But, however this may be, it is most unpes- t & place ik might see ft. as sbe [adeccen eer Coed to anneal cant language of one of the subsequep! become neighbors. Those Congress on the subject, thatof March 3, the necessary consequence | which, in making appropriation for st [ Ni t i pare oS he penpeenent pons of | but mepgnises ihe power as.ane alzeady i if not all, of the that “ the legislative power of the Territory ghall precinets at the time and the places and by the extend to all righiful subjects of ‘poa- aod appointed by the Gov- | sstent with the Comstiiatien of the United, ‘Sates aad the provisions of this act.” IC im view of Angry sceusations that illegal votes had been | thia act, the Legislatuve Asembiy bad tbe lange potied sbounded on al! sidus, and imputabons | power to fx the permanent. seat of But the | at any plage ia its dipgretion, of couse the same enactment 4 bad the less aad the included | power to Ss it temporary. Nevertheless, the allegation that the acts of y of! the Legislative Assembly were illegal by remeon the members of tbe Couneil and the Houne of of thus remoral of its place of session was brot the provisions of Kepresentatives * duly elected ;” withheld cortaf And provided, further, that no officer, | jcates from orbers because of soldier, seaman, or marine, or other person in the | of votes army or navy im the United States, or attached | ihe F to \roopa in thew service, showk! be allowed to a: length, in all the forms of statute, and with vote or hokd office ve either Terrtory by reasoo his own official authen of being 08 service theres. Sveb of the public officers of the Territories the Territory. aa, by the provisions of the act, were to be ap porwted Ly the General Goverument, including | of the Govervor are final, except that, by the parliarmeetary usage of the covatry apphed to been enacted |ibe organic law, it may be coeceded that eseh on the 30th of May, 1854, and the commiasion | Houne of the Assembiy mast have been com of the Governor of the Territory of Nebraska! tent to determme, in the lest resort, bring dated on the 2d day of August, 1854, and | cativas and the election of ite mem! of the Tervitory of Kaneas of the 20th day of subject was, by its |forward to juatify the first morement in | desregacd of law within the Territory. One of the acts of the Legislatiwe Assembly provided for the election of a Delegate to the preseat Can- gress, and a Uelegate was elected under that law. Bat, sobs quently to this, @ portioe of the people of the Territory proceeded without au- thonty of law to elect another Delegate. Following upoo this movement was another and more importaet ene of the same general character. Persons confessedly not consutmting the body politic, or al! the inhabitants, but mere- fy a party of the johebitents, and without lew, have undertaken to summon & convention fer The | the purpose of transform) Use Territory i halure, Owe sppertunicg ex | re - ¥ _— clusively to the jurisdiction of the local author Whatever irregularities tm the elections, it seems too | State, and have framed a constitution, adopted it, and under i elected a (iuterner and other of Scors and a Representative to Congres. in extenustion of these illegal ecta, it ie alleg- ed tbat tbe States of California, Michiges, end others were self-organized, and, as such, were ad- mitted into the Umon without a Previow= ena- bling act of Congress. Its true thet, hile fe ® majonty of cases a previoga act of Ci has been passed to authorize the Territory present itecif as a State, and that this is pain the most reguiar course, yet such an act bas not been hekd to be indispeosnble, and, ie some cs se, the Territory has proceeded without it, aad has nevertheless been admitied into the Usigg asa State, It lies with Congress to authoris beforehand or to confirm afterwards, in its die cretion; but mm no mstamce has a State bees ad mitted upon the appheation of persons pag | against authorives duly constituted act Congres. In every case it ia the people of the Terrtory, nots party among them, whe hare The puwer to form a comsutution and ask forad mission asa State. No proeple of pablic kaw, Ro practice of precedent un Jer the Constitufioe of thé Uurted States no tute of reason, right, or ommMon sense confers any such power as that now claimed by a mere party in the Territory, 1a fact, what bas been done ws of revolutionry haracter Tt is avowedly to jn motive and is aim as reapects the local law of the Territory. It wi become tremanable measeeina S ie reach the length of orgapwed retistance by force to the fundamental or any other federal] law and to the aatbonty of the General Government, Ta such an event the path of duty for the Ex- ecutive @ plam. The Constitution bim to take care that the laws of the United be faithfully executed, if they be opposed im the Terntory of Kansas be may and should place at the dreposal of the marshal any public foree of the United States whieh bappens to be within tbe juriedreuion, to be used as a portion uf the posse comitatus ; and, if that do not seffce to maintain order, then he may call forth the mili- tia of ove of more Rtates for that object, or em- ploy for the eame object any part of the inad or naval force of the U ated States. So also if the »betrvetion be to the laws of the Territory, and t be duly presented to him asa case of in- surrection, he may employ for its suppression the mihua of any State or the land vor eeval force of the United States. And if the Ter mtory be invaded by the citizens of other Stetes, whether for the purpose of deciding elections or tor any other, and the local authorities find thea selves unable to repel or withstand it, they will be enttled to, and upon the fact being fully oo certained they shall most certainly receive, the aid of the General Government. Bat it is not the duty of the President of the Vited States to volunveer interposition by force to preserve the purty of elections either i@ o State or Territory, To lo so would be subver. sive of public freedom. And whether a lew be wise or unwise, just or unjust, is not « question for him to judge. If it be constitutional—that ia, if it be the Jaw of the land—it io bis duty to cause it tu be executed, or to sustain the suthe Hities of any State or Tersitory in executing it in 6. oppomGve Ww all insurrectionary wovements, Our syetow atlurds no justification of revolu- taouary acts, fur Ube cousutulional means of re- ry to a choice, 101, The private Secretary was then ayain ; Ricaud, 5; Scattering, 5. Necessa. | SCENES IN CONGRESS, On Friday last, two scenes occurred in the House, in which those abolition wor- heving the people of unjust aduiuistrauou and abnounced, with a message in writing, if thies, Giddings and Banks, ©“ saffered. Jaws, by a change of public agents and by re it was the peal, are ample, and more prompt and effective thaw illegal sivleoce. These constituuonal wean toust be scrupulously guarded —this prerogative vi popular suvercizoty sacredly respected, Lois the undoubted nyht of the peaceable and vrdorly poople of the Territory of Kansas to eleet | . . od Uber Hae ieenlanve body, wake their ows laws, ordered! by twenty-two majority. r uwn eucial institutivos, with The document is the same as that sent go or domestic molestatiog, luterfer- to the Senate on Kansas affairs. « ence, vu Ube ote Land, to procure the ablyliios or prolibliten of slave labor ia the Territory has pesduced wischict vus iuterference, ou the other, for ils Maintenance of Introduction, begets apother, Statements eotirely unfounded, ongitupely exagyerated, eonecrming events with- Wwhbe Territory, are sedulowsly diffused through retiude States ty fued (be flame of sectional ani- i F : er Wronity there > and the agitators there exert them- ‘has been organized in Abbeville District, solve indelatigably 19 return to encourage aod fur the purpose of proceeding to Kansas, eas a within the Teiglogl Ge : under the direction of Mr. B. Posey, late The matory agitation, of w the pre- Pas we 5 ia bast") guard ine 634 coon pian produced of the Independent Press. This is a most pleasure of the House to re- ceive it. ‘ House. ; The r@ading of the message was then rulate uh eo wul for adjourned. —--- + MEN FOR KANSAS. We have learned with great satisfac- ne ‘ One wrong tion that a corps of three hundren men ae = ¢ A \Ws 2 | guiling eave Uwautigated evil, North and Suuth. excellent movement, and one that will OWN responsibility, and adopted by the} Anubher Snow /—Weare almost ashame Bhat for at the character of the domestic iustitu- commend itself to general approval. We tune of the fulure wea State would have been a trust, moreover, that it will be followed tmatter of tow lite atares( te the metabitants of : 1 P the 8 Iu th the ovatijuous dtates, personally or collectively, “P 12 other parts of tho State. Iu t ~~ pruduce awong them any political emotion. | great canse of the South and of the Consti- Glunate, sil, production, hopes of rapid advarce- tation, South Caroling has hitherto per- meng aud the pursuit of bappiness on the part of the settlers themselves, with good wishes Lut fu ‘onfed : ; with vo intarteruace from without, would have Cils of the Confederacy, she bas long quietly deteruiined the qacstion which isat this pleaded for this cause with eloquence, ars of such pea aap |zeal and signal ability; and now, when sat We are cousiraned te tara our attention |... . xe re a to the crrouinstances of embarrassment as they, 18 at issue on the plaing of Kangas, we wowcxist, dt is Ueo-duty of the people of Kan: would have our State prepared, even sas w Umeountenance every act or parpese of re- there, to assist in its maintenauce. Long endance ty its laws Above all, the emergency have the people of the South been “ talk- appeals to the ciuzens of the States, and espe: | b F ay ° : ° ' idl ak emily of those contiguous to the Territory, uei- ing to the win =? and passing idle reso- ther by intervention of von-residents in elections, | lations, and this has been done to no par- mor by enautborised military force, to attempt posc—has given to us neither indemnity 40 encroach: upoa ur usurp the authority of the | ¢ -urity fi x cate hile Tones fur the past nor security for the future. No citizen of our cuuntry should permit bim For comscience sake, let “activu” Le our well ty forget that he ws a part of its Government, , motto hereafter. wad evtitied to be heard in the determination of | Our constitutional and equal rights io ind po dane marty Foner eee the Union are imperilled in Kansas; as patriotism nr quire Lim to maiutain, by whatever We have remarked before, “a practical f power or iflucoce he may possess, the integ- issue” stares ns Lroadly in the face, and tity of the laws of the Republic. EaterLoning these views, it will be my immpe rative duty to exert the whole power of the ' meet it as becomes free men and men. Bederal Ex cutive to support public order in the | So. Carclinian. Terrttury ; to viedicate its laws, whether federal | - patteane ls, peal Bean ae OC argeunned reset! Important to Postmadters.— Our atten Ciao ba sce Gales uedisterbed tion Las been called tw the fact that serie ey hreent from withoat, and in the fal! Posmasters are in the habit of send eejoyment of the rights of self-vovernment a “48 back to the mailing office letters wered to them by the (onstitutiun avd the or. Teaching thean fur delivery, because they Gatic act of Congress, were not pre-paid by stainps, but by mo Although serous and threatening disturban. 2¢Y. This is wrong, and arises from a ers in the Terntory of Kaneas, asnounced tome misapprehension of the law. In no case by the Governor iu Di cember last, were speedi- indeed, should a letter, after it has reach Wy quieted without the effusion of blood, and in a ed the office of detivery, be returned for Weusfactory manner, (here is, [ regret to say, postage, much less should it be returned Pease toapprebend that disorders will continue Sebi the postage was not paid by So-cecer there, with increasing tendency to vio stamps. It is the general duty of post lence, patil -ome decisive measure be takee to inasters to see that letters are pre-paid peer, ard ‘ee Mamsinng au = hpopenay Ly stamps, but when (having been pre os ose a = oe OF lateral agitation aid in cash, either thruugh ignorauce of Aida, 1 sere vo ene, cam best be accomplish. | the law, or inadvertence, or want of eb by providing that, when the inhabitants of tM Ps OM the part of the mailing post Kanes. may desire it, and shall be of sufBciem aster.) they reach their destination, itis Bombers to constitate a State, a conreation of Mie duty of the postmaster to deliver then: Getegutes, duty elerted by the qualified voters, the sane as though pre-paid by stamps. hall assemtie to frame = constitution, and thus Wash. Union. to prepare, through regular and lawful means, for its adinmion into the Union as a State 1 renpeetfatty recommend the enactment of a tee to that effect. I reeormmend. also, that a special appropris thom be made to defray any expense which may become requisite in the ereevtion of tbe laws or ° the maintenance of public order 10 the Terntory 08 Saturday afteruvon a sleigh containing of K anse “a gentieman and foar ladies broke thir’ FRANKLIN PIERCE. th. ¢ Jersey chat - and before assistance could be reudered nee pe the widow of Col. Peter Albright and Ler A SCENE IN CONGRESS vuly daughter, aged twenty lg were drowned. Tue rest of the party were ros While the Clerk on cused by the Pi iadelphia Skating ¢ lub pe me Merk was caluag the roll ein were in the vieimity. The body ot fus the election of a Speaker, the Door, Mere Albnght was recovered within a keeper announced Message from the short distance ofthe seene of the d saster: President of the United States the body of Miss Albright was swept ur Mr Camplel (0 de . the ice. The horses and sleigh wer Oo” rece} tiga. The continued cold weather is Saddeo excitement sprung op all over jny the ice the river and addir havigaliv > the Hall, caricos gentiennen demandir g J thc slties of Some of the we entreat our fellow-cilizeus of the South > Sad Accident on tha Delaware.— Thi earnival scene on the Delaware river, at Philadelphia, has been interrupted by a Jistressing casualty. About five o'clock ice on tt nel ofthe river W asureorow, Jan. 24 ) vljected to its we now the character of the communi Channels that were broken up the river aes by the steam tog were frozen over withio The Clock vamiy endeacored to entoc twenty-four hours afterwards suthicent!) a F en ored tc lorce ‘ Pa * b a strung to perm)t pedestrians t. cross thein or. Where the ice remains enbroken the sur Amid the turbulence, Mr. Orr's v ice face presents a hvety aapect | swarms of was hear! expressing a hope that the skaters and sliders are gliding aboot A » irection | rec f President's private Secretary m git be erery direction, while hrndreds « ook ps we erson gaze npon the busy scene Tt pers tte] to state Lie errand. rg , porary refresiiinent etands are erected at Mr (rage claimed the lifferent spots, and thase who are lungr berad, declaring that he represented that or athirst, and who are Got dainty or hard Bieteict in North Carolina which firet pro to please, can obtain the wherewithal tu sausty thetr lunyings right to Le Claisned te independence of Great Britian What le further sasd was just in the eanfosn. and cries of “490 On, Orage,” > Coming to the Point.—Greely's Tr “Tear hin “Hear him.” “(pr fer.” ete bune dec lares that slavery inust Le erad Ae \ cated, becauge slaves onder-work thi Rear yaitve meubere were now or } = 1 J pour whites of the North, and reduce thee foet them and their wives and childrente dit If they can’ yet rd of suci w that he was notty be patduwn ovale m pe other way, they will resurt to Sharp's rifles! linus 1s anew tack. Meretofore slave ry was alrhorrent ta (dod and man be cause of ite Injaetice ta fhe enslaved class and Heaven and earth we ed, in the name of liberty, eqnality Sut mow we gre told tiat Mr. (nize said le wonld let gentle men kr of fam by their penises Mr. Pasw Iu the mame of (sd and wy country, | ain ashamed of tiene pro ceedings Mr. Cra ye - At if a cCoueaguc 4 Ly 2 te be mow up aslainedts have an4 jects bo tle exercise of humanity ! ery fi givts ‘the free men Athe North can conten Henewed sceiferations of “Order.” plete the sufferings of African elavys wit ? a u im f i the i. CaN the rill” & Ty le BAIDE comp are ol soul, vat ey d 2 ’ ’ me of te euolaved insases of Linde Thee Clerk essayed to + tan!” Mr Crane (amet being partially re diere itie! all their sablime and dia ey interested professions vanish Lie eatire stinniant ‘to their maeynanin t} In sthoke Btured) made a pont. Fle said had aryiutt huow whe the u cooeuger vax endeavors in belalf of the Africana, was, and wiiat war ins business | ere . . . . yenerates alase and sordid stray Renewed cries of “order order” ete for Flehy lace The black slaves Sow frout.” lownoan f Oe er work thetr white elaves' That's the Mr. Carnplel (Olio made ine pot, secret ofall their philanthroy Rid f eayingnotiing wae in order exeept the 1 Whig dlection «f a Speaker = Prentice, it te useless ty say, in reer: Mr. Stepuens ured that tic be received, and demanded the previous icssaye ebie for the toilowimg ruaughty elip-at the tongue —" Our contemporary under qeestion takes tadinenee what he ealls a keriotts \ re rr " Ramplrey Marcia That's right. 1 quent t Can he untie anything kit second it tv’) Eeho anewers, wit h Mesorr Crayge and ( aipber witidre a their points the latter declanng that Le Eaveutum of Jun ph Wddaina.—Tiie eatfl maintained bis ject young tuan, charged wih the murder of Mr Steph: laure Mrrecutotue fis father, and convicted ont testiine tephen's iy 4 Was agrecdt t - ony of @ witness, win deposed that the ait a3 amy it ¥ preemee told tim that he smardered bye The resale f the 1241! ballot for Speak fasion, wae exeented at Rexharonel ore ' 4 las f ows. Datks rd ait the Jaw nu Thor-da ead : on Wine Jim A Mr. Craige—It ig the pleasure of the teome.” f First for. Giddings, ‘ty with the respousibjlity for the prese | disorganized state of the House, hé said— | “In 1849 the whig and democratic parties, y agreement ic caucus, adopted the plurality rule, and in that way a Speaker was elected, It was laid on the table, and the House | and it met with the approval of the country. ! The genJemae from Georgia rs Gebb) haa rvadived the benefit af- that ution, and be stood, with his party who then established that | precedent, opposed to it now.” Ih a speech charging the Locofoco par d votes polled at the Town election on Sat- urday last, than ever before polled here. | Whethet it was owing to the excitement of the contest, or an increase in our pop- , ulation, we camnot say. Perhaps it was Mr. Cobb rose to correct thié stafemcat.} both combined. In any case, it is wor- (The Wii caucus, Le said, bad adopted, thy of remark. We leave it to those to the plurality rule in 1849 5 but, it was re-laccount tor whose curiosity may lead “jected iu the democratic caucas by a de- cided majority. Afterwards it was otfer- ed iu the House by a democrat, oa his votes of the Whigs and a majority (only! 20) of the democrats. posed the adeption of the rule than Gid-| dings himself, who now advocated it. | Mr. Giddings insisted that he was right; | formed a prominent part. In the Conn- that the plurality rule had been adopted The storm continued from abont in the democratic caucus. And he at- tempted to sustain bis assertion by read ing from a report of the scene as publish- ed in 1349. Bat he read the report iv such a way—bere a little and there a lit tle—as to falsify the record. The decep- tion was exposed by Mr. Jones of Tenn., who, as well as others of the members of the Congress of 1849, denounced his state- ment as untrue. Finally, Mr. Letcher of Va. qnoted from a speech which Giddings had de- livered in 1849, tive dass after Mr. Cobb had been elected under the plurality rule, the following passage, from a pamphlet copy of the speech as revised and pub- lished by Giddings Limoelf :— “He (Mr. Giddings} desired to say to the | House and the country that the present ocee pant of the Speaker's chatr held ns uthice as the neeewary result of the plurality rule. “That rule had tren foreed apon us by the whig party, aided by some siuall portiun of the meubers from the other side of the House.” This bringing down of the [not cagle but) buszurd, “by a feather frum his owu wing,” was received with sliouts of laughier by the louse. It sileuced Gid dinys for a wlile, but he afterwards re tarned to the charge, and ayain was nai! ed tu the counter, as base coin, by Messrs Cobb, Edinandson, Orr, and Stanton And now for Banks In the same discuss n, Mr. Letcher, of Viryir know why it was that gentlemen, know ing that Mr. Banks conld not be elected, slill insisted upon sustaining Lira in pre fervuce to amy other member of the Re publican party $ Wae it because they endorsed (he pruciples advanced by that wentieman, of the social eyaaluy of the white and black races, and desired to sec the problem worked oat by which it was to be ascertained which of the two races wonld absorb the other? Mr. Baoks had made no socl: declara tion. He had expressed no opinion npon citber of the questions to which the yen Uewman had adverted, but had declared yat be ebould wait before he oli nia, desired to decisive answer with respect to them eLecurding to bie understanding of lan Crage, ihe eeninneuts which the yeotle f ] No one on that) heading, so often, of late, have we used | vecasion, he said, had more violently op-| them to investigate the subject. - “> to appear before the public under this it, But thon, we had “another snow on Sunday morning last, and we can’t! well tell of it in any other words.— 3 or 4) o'clock until 10, A. M., making an addi- | tion of 4 inches to former supplies. At} 10 o'clock the sun broke out, and the re- mainder of the day was pleasant until | four in the evening, when it commenced Yesterday morning the| } and | growing cold. mercury was 2 degrees above zero, showed no inclination to rise higher un-| tl after S o'clock. It was very could all day—the coldest day we have hud this year. | P.S. Except to-day, which is colder. The Mercury, at 8 o'’elock this morning, was 2 degrees below zero. a - Hom, B. Craige.-—-This gentleman is! now in our town, and we are glad to say, looks well. sess Court.—Our February Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions is now in session We heard it said on the street yesterday, that there were 100 Mayisirates on the We know it is false, but how did such a story get abroad. bench. oo —- Democratic Ordnanee.—Oar neigh- bor of the Banner let off, last week, a charge of pel bles, peas, straw and wind They were aiined at na, thongl it is hard lv sipposable, we presume, that such ster conld seriously affect: any At any rate, we do not feel dispos ed to dwell upon an occurrence so little regarded by our self, and in which the public can have no more interest =< » Bible Sociely Reedonl —is one of the most carefully got up hetle pa the title of pers we lave ever seen. It is a valua ble little paper for the family, and with the hape that some may be induced to snbscrthe for it, we suljoin its terms: Phe RECOIL smut event oem, te erat os retnfore. three cites to cach Awviliers branch, aod owe t)) each Lif. [ne ans! Lele Mealer, gratuitously. (ber of man bad anveoanced as MAING Lech Ge ~ perc sae b said maleties. t oS | clared by him (Mr. K.) were wot Wo Le ~ 8's per anourn, in al ance Churches or drawn from any just iiterpretation of thre * for 12 ™ e midrese ar anyuaye as used when interrogated Terite them on the sa terme, dade de on these salijects lle knew perteet sulerritere can reerive (ue wurk af 85 cents jn well, as did every man, that there was an “78 18 Advance jnality i the condition and in the pre e- sent capacity of the white and black ra ig are the Liquor Ques ces, and had never suid that they were 4°) Thecucus MoMme(Toural Wwiliwes ees 1 ‘ rbed for several dave last week As regarded the sentiiuents nuputed bk ; pe . Lius by the geutlemaa froin North Car sequence ofthe new Loard of ¢ mie va (Mr. Clingman, the er day, and sivners having ordered an election to as Wiuch be atterly disclasined upon the rtain the sense of the community in stant, be had to say that he jad never entertained ner contemplated iu jue sain any snch idea as that which was then pre sented. The theory of the amalcamation of the races Was as ineflably rer to his mind as it was to that of the gen tleman from Virginia or the gentleinan from North Caroli r fany other man Applause in the gallerics.) Af Letcher desired to read frou the eeuticman’s remarks as y eur rected by Lim, aud placed upon the re cord with all the eolenmoity that ild be given by the most careful and ansious ngnant el 6 : ap; of men something of anusual regard to the five gallon law, which las een ib operatiun in is place for the pa i The notice a wed Was very i Leing oaly from Monday to Satur t¥, 08 which latler held At an early hour on Saturday morning, lay the election was uted tu be he crowd upon the streets, and the |ittle knots bere and there, and the quick steps moving abont. gave token of interest. At lw (42 There was a larger pumber of a restriction. oa the subject, and whose opinions the law conduct theif Lusiness ii th We have no licensed shops ; and gentlemen whose opportuties | enable them to form correct judgments san perverseness such as this it is to Ibe haped the discreet and unprejudiced | members of the House will, at no distant | day, disconnect themselves. Party shack- 8Fe les become odions to all eon genet mga entitled to respect, unhesitatingly affirin) wlompignposed and tightene: that the present law has lessened the} pense amount of drunkenness aud thereture try. proved a public, as well as a priviite, be- fering; nbdecaghy to nefit to our comuambity, Tligsevaders of It ef: nif - the great iutorests of the coun e only vote ies 129th) re- sulted Banks 99, Orr uller Bi, scat- ioe 106), ted, We ” that tHe:propésition moved by Mr. TE AND IMPORTANT NEWS Froy EUROPE.—By the steamer Arabia, we have inteti. gence from Europe of latest date. Tt aunownces the unconditional acceptance, ou the part Of Russia, ot the prupusitions of the Allies; abd as & consequenc, at the On| He consummation of peace arratgements at an eany he 6 ny ee : From the Standard, MINN, PINTERESTS OF N. CAROLINA. N.C. Standard: { hit-Ps Géxtiemen: The frequent inquiries which most secure manner, They dare not set ney did not meet with the favor of the j the law at defiance and come outin open House. It might have led to a settle- have Leeu made of late, respecting the mining ay. The community has put the trade | ent of the ountest, however much it, interests of thie State, induce me Wo say a very | | femancipation from the curse, wader the baud, ct is,a wrong and dis- ‘graceful traffic, say the people,.and it {shall not be tolerated in our midst and ly ont consent, Surely this is an impor-| t } Fpl tant step in the right direction, and those of fairly testing the true relative strength ‘who desire to see thé day of complete must see} might have disappointed one or the other of the phatanses, gBagiit the guegtion is: nembers shouldmake | ever to be settled, ip their minds to let the strongest suc ceed, and with that view yield ty wy plan {ot men and parties; throw tactics away, jand, by a, dechyatory resplutign, try whether any and which) member ‘can |that the next step tending to that result) quite a uuatjority of the House iy his favor, will be much easier taken. vineed of the evils of the business—lhow ja step backwards could hasten 9 forward It is hoped | they at least feel doubtful—being con-) { Jaxvany dl, The | The Sexare was not in’ session. Llouse or REPRESENTATIVES was engaged | (aie at a4 ; eae ; during its entire sitting in’ considering few words upon this subject. It is very certain that the value of mini ng property cannot be estimated from the prices of prpining pipchd ihe Ney Fook markt” Pop , bas been illustrated during. the lyst Year oF two j with North Carolina Gold and Sopper, jn, | 1 assumed the respousibility of stating im the Mining Jourwal, 4 year age, the causes, whieh had operated in depressing the mining imtecents of this State; wud now, after further duplors Goo and observation, I find the opinion Witteh 1 movement ; and that the course of those | prositions affered with w view to. effeat | (ion expressed, sustained. To satisfy thded”Who in this contest, whose motives they un-| the chviee of Speaker; and one of them, are iuterested jn the success of North’ Cibottng derstand aud approve, was such as to (for the adoption of the pluradety rue) mines, 1 will state, very briefly, a few facts Which command their cuntinued respect. The result of this election was also yrat- ifying as a vindication of the benetits of | Very pearly placed it in the power of the | louse ty cut the knot which it bas so jlong tried in vain to untie, This propo sition escaped “the table’ by a tie vote, | e 4 > I have obtained by direct observation | I . may state, that T have enjuyed.eyery, fix oltaming correct infusmation, iboth the law in question, A majority of the and then was, by’some party fear or re. | PU of the underground workings, of the Citizens expressing that opinion by their finement, or the dread of some party res: | Lwuke sud accounla whenever 1 wished, To the votes, two years in snecession, is such a) POMMDility, rejected by a majority of on. limt place, | will call the atteation of the render public admission of the fact as to com mend it to the approval of all well-wish- ers of society. . ae . FINISITED!! On Tuesday last, about 3 o'clock, P. M., the last bar of iron was lad on the North Carolina Rail Road of the two ends took place some 44 miles west of this place. The meeting After their work was completed, the hands of the two compas ies got in the cars and rode down to Greensboro’, ainid the happy greetings And after an hour of hilarity, they retarned to and rejoieings of onr citizens Jatnestown, to enjoy some of the inner man cowforts The mail and passe: their fret through trip on Wednesday See advertisement for information as ty fut. future arrangements. — Greensoru’ February 1. ——~ From the National lateilagencer CONGRESS-~J ant any ¥y The leading featnre in the Spx arp's pre Mr ¢ Senator ceedings was the remarks of Cass, on a subject which the eminen has more than onee allided ¢ publiety which he brought on the / ups rida with inuch claborateness and evi yr paration. Tt was, in brief, the = Mourcs doctrine,” so termed N eof our read ers can doubt that we have failed to be convinced by the arguments frou trie to tune of the ch reepected Senator Boat ais tne sesston of ) esterday there was really some from Michigan and other thing to remind us of the dave when prin ciples were discossed in the Senate. and not expedrenta, We did not see «enflicient canse to alter our somewhat cheratied naon this vexed jest birt we tened with mneli deference tut md wat the | ' Sey We were pleased t ! vise Ca leed ¥ the vy ir ist? aif fait ‘ , r 1s12, @ again a \ X to draw + sword def eof th advocating what le » paler tic We shall be likewise pleased to lusve as pp mtunity tu cxamive lie obbsers at mone at more leisure than we evuld « ss) OMe Ine haletually rapid enunciation W bat ever conciueih Wwe may ative at then we are eure that we shall be, ar our readera will be editied by the lietori summary presented by the Senator when his epecch shall be published full It is possidle that we may engycet a ew cominenta on the debate, 6) fa extended one tak plac The question upon which Mr. (was? » O'Clock the polls were opened, and the } : ' reflection Hiere was the gentleman's P } ye ; based hie remarks waa a motion to rf voting romr ce ’ ickets ' : ; ] Paarye g eommenced he tick aed. ty the Committee on Fore wen [elations Tipe thie matter, that { accepe, License,” on the one part, the Letterof Lord John Tuacell ton: Fe f and) \oainacth rallontlaw r ine : ed-ece and Against the five gallon law and for construction of the Clayton Enlwer t j o the Chae.” n the er mber of . . . i : I : : A namber treaty of 1850. Meesra Clayton and Ca 7 f rave 1 ara ime Orth thes tes were ¢ allenged at the polla, and’) . ’ 5 5 ‘ St iG: to be Aeterciined onle (Us , lamer (merubers of Pressdent Taylor's ; “meq UOW and then some pretty high words : capa * bd OPagce far as | have steadied . : I ae 6" 19 abinet when the treaty waa forncd the putdoce seems ty me to be the univernal used The judges, we believe, were all - efly ex} reased’ (air . ; ft j i en : ) , Bir Views of tle eu aw Mat Ue weaker is always atacrted and dis in favor ofa repeal of the five gallon law; . ™ ppea the stronger race but we donbhe not d ject as understood at the time. ; f eh area t } ! | i ¢ he Horse or Rererss vr ‘ ag Now, if the negro was to absorl, or Le Paar tially as they could consistently T tere ATIVES agar aleorbed, Mr. Li desired to know buw it with + t 1 { - voted down a proposition by Mr. Letter ’ er ferefanding of the jaws by t ine Lal @ ) wast be doued | Laaylite Or if the . the « a OCOCCoReS for the plurality mule, and ales a rescln converse was true, that Ue white race a aa ; a “ ' . Ay: . ? tion offered by Mr. Tyson ao to evmat tute was to alisorl or ‘ absurbed in thus it Ch the polls were ¢ ae . - - tl minitt to vivet - art struyple between the races, how wastliat and the es yted out, and here ig “'* COMmetees as Bi each part) to be done? | Renewed langhter re resul the proportion justly due it, and tea Mr. Banke calhed the attention of the Nol 1 thorize the committees to appoint their ron tlaman th nitart oh ae nena ave ACET) 3€ il 3 , eentieman the fa that the langnaye respective chairmen Some personal ex ’ a lr Ve. t License 92 A ad ‘ ry ‘ , ‘ 1 , ¢ Rae ; : : , ie planations of ine crs, € ed by letters a] el he bad not t iken » Geter ° 7 4 ‘ ming No License ma 19 from Washingtor eupied an hone or | rit pS ¢ A more d then the lus; te for S Mr.Jatcber. If the gentleman las not This is, on several acconnts, a gratify.) " et pene 12 e- for Oyen ot Pee) mila - yee “er waa taken, with the following re t aac, . este pear! (, why ng result. As indicating a disposition, PSAs LAS EN : ‘ & feat uudertake WwW speak of the prot ' 97 ve ull 35 os ‘ ‘ ne t me Pre ee 8 on the part of cur citizens, to puta atep Banks 97, Orr 67, Fuller 35, scat ns sorption OF lie one uf re Oller mace i ab? ) ary } I¢ I othe | t degrading are ¢ ‘ becessary to @ ehivice 10s It w Mr. Danks. L bave not epok om of the ty the low and degrading business of de hi t t] ! : probatieabeorpton of theoneortheotier priving the besotted of the money which tee ee SRO AL Orel eu apparent | ‘el y ac! | t I Mr Leteher Phen beades, the gens yo to the « Ipport of wives and 4pprogen to conciliation or « NOP TOU se t wear 4g > t ”m yeet stad a cman naa given thie auty May, a elvidren, and the rumone occ upation of Jaxvary 30 eaten this extraet : : : . , making drunkards, ft ie certainly ao The Srxate was not in session The Mr Danke. The gentleman from \ w ; . Heras ltr . vinia tasrepresents my lanywadge bodhid Ve are constrained to believe the num UGE i pence aig ‘nade ne pro at vress ele ‘ . tassert that Phave given the subject her «f ~¢ favorable to rigid restrictions * EDL CUAL UT TR Speaker Va tid : ; , feos propositions to accomplish the re mela igain-t the Hiquor traffic, is really much ] P t aoe ' Ae Sat ” ; 1 . sult were read, aud either deferred by Mr Ys er J ead itt e Tones n tl te eec ; 4 ha Ik vote seen, to indicate. ya, t ! \ . : bow werd , : consent or laid on the table. Wiylet a J s,4 1 P mites t yy H t 7 } ] - 3 2 Loere are ¢ paratively very Wintec portion of the members seemed to ain at ; ; sent mer we think, untbias the conciliation. t were others who tar ™: Taras T nave ssahed t prea ¢ ‘ 1 “ up ; 3 . babit of drinking, whe wou hatl itested a detertnination to adhere to the 4 * . ” Ofea ad 1 ‘ 4 . eed ve s Peat ate Caut diva wi Joy Me entirely destruction of the impracticable conrse of the last twe . rin o 1) k th pati its t as abeverage. Bat months. One gentleman ¢ neidered the ' F part cf the! Sas aNd scan iinpression on the preservation of the organisation of hiv . ' } ¢ rar he ive y ? arya wiiu race wa y J Waof many. that the five gallon! law party ax of far inore MNportance b> the lerinnied by “4 and daappearnces WW HeMCent in ita operntiongs as@ restric. country than the election of &@ Speaker rile ether aw LT projyose ty wat (Gr Meo, and voted ayainat iton that grownd. whilst another, of opposite faith, 1 lared wil j © reryee i Jtiat the jaw has often been evaded, is ad- it the Purpone « f ahi party w th which he ’ pind j supra tat & ty ] 1 ‘ Jes ad thratit wads ine , vad been act Wy hever, under any eir j ony tie tre Neverth enim ayanecs, to chance ite nadie Prot lv four votes. It may be said, withent lw the Gold Hill nine, pad etate, that the books | ottenee we hope to either party, that the | show the earnings for the month of considerations which have kept ove brauch of the Gos ernment so loug unor- ganized have been insutticient in dignity jor real iipportance to justify the sacrifice | 1855, to have ‘been $10,625" 16 ‘fur Fe | $3,336 76; Mareh, 611,280 92;, Avail, 6O4 71; May, $11,642 61; June, 87,08) * of duty and yublic character which have} The average expense, per uunth, for eighs surreud been surrendered to them. Every other imaginable expedient having signally failed in consumuiating # eholee of Spea- teruativvs bow Jeft, and they are a resort ty the plurality rule, or to bave vo Spea ker and no organigstivw. Viguted, in deed, must be any views of party deve tion that can ehodse the latter alterna tive, let the adoption of the former resalt as it nay. We trust that nore clevated conceptions of duty may yet prevail, and that the Honse may at vnee rohewe itsel! from the lowd of dium aud reprowel We would net be unjustor uudury Censorivue, but reells Which Dow rests on it rig nen can hardly be yY aware of the yreatev.l they are infl.cting on thern selves, on the cv vy, and on the credit and) respectability of our Governiment abrond. The discredit does not fall ov this on Chat faction, but on the whole bully, ut the evuutry, and tte wetitutions — { Speaker Mlertel —We Nave a rn pert here by 2 passenger froin Riehniond ut a telepray! despatch was rece tint voadayor tw ‘a PM Code AN ae Lad bad & >} rv Ly es y y Vote ore Ur J’uryear an he Meaestand /'vstmaster rer ad Wee puted da mek uf leu agua wen from the Ib Me Puryear, stats - mia of B CUB tealet Winds Le bed with Me. biog, 2) Nemotaot I cetunaet ee General, us regan tue a, -j-lmcat , 1" Ube b 1 tana at Malin S ¢ Wr Wing bso *t tog he 4 F rv . wt é ‘ . lL nee “Whe W vine) Geeeeed tha ate ae coup eran oy to tictesinghy 7 i jviate wasag hie \ \ : . r b i a ehettiag rp ph.o ant wire nent: an! ack fama be ega Ree Nothin + rex fr nch anvil e Al tle Deeparkimerd tm oman ining a a se few apyems eut My, ausecs eae awe mt only » a4 N ge. € we knew it. bul thet e m oat ahenever good Phan. ras « ended for there plaewe. Hf a » haow Nothong aes! an brah | ath die, eyguasy « pee, wer preeented fir an Ulflee Buuhs rex v a) porn i Bou abswer t ay iny v her Mhis being an fi man nw af ’ coud prewcet hie reediving the arqentinent 3 he wee gem! antureiged crt. op T uight, qlee. se ated accord ame « We mlbed, that app tne wlere ny ramane pisces i Tiade the ealpet of ie a denial of th Zatiome myp-med and the riche sewared ty the cometitation wom matter whet ues BK er ape silenies Fro bajyetir ville Obmerver Vib Dead.- Qurhearty tanks are dae w the many Wilugs in diflerent seetions of North Carulua who bave within the past few weeks eo cordially acknowledg ed, and se heartily congratulated as Upon oor “straight fowward Whip conree” If wo may jirdze from thie epirtt manifested, they have not the sligtrteat intention of staving “buried.” The fact ia, they are soa tomed to “death and Wurial’ aper, that they rarely take the trouble, except by a lively wake, to contradict innhuer The Whigw of Maryland, al to be waking uf We wlories » Seem Daye the Natwoual | heniigredeoer ; “Ttis very jnatly remarked by a wri ter the Baltuore American, singing hummel An olddine Whig, that the condition of political parties aad of polit cal affaira readers necessary on th part the Wh Ze a serious consideration f course proper to be taken by them in ipproachis political arranvementa af fecting: the highest interesta of the eoun try The same writer calla on the old line Whig party of Marvland to meet in Convention to deliberate on that course of action best calculated to muke effectan! their Votes 10 simtaning the fundamental ponciplee of the Government in presery ripe: Che [ nie d repressing sectarian n ad to see public atten t ] seubfect, and we hope that the angyestion of the writer w Whe intily and: promptly respon led to by the ever-pustriotie W hiaggs ot Maryland, and taken np throughout the Union! The re sponeibilities of the WI Vatives of the cou try are Le coutng lecp- ly and crit ally Mnporant, and (hey must meet andl redeem t rwith un an; rltige fi Nity and determination? thee bau! of Vemdtds Reparation, which enutiles them. eo neh oar jf the year, fur working the ming, amounts to $3,359 Tha aunauut of gold takes eut.of the | Mtoe dn a inonth, has meched as high @s@R5,- ker, there appears to us to be but two al- | 000; aud it may be stacetly that the nen per mouth, at the preset time, exsesds 000. Tie vein bas been worked to & dope of 400 Ket, aml ib gives au increase in guid aa abe workings are carried dowt. te The North Carolina Copper mieg, hoowe, the Fentress mine, has mure thea eo tg lt hee hed ite Gow Gut it has been improving amd ws capable of turewmag pd a thee at any furtner time. One étivet of’ furniah- et alout 67000 worth of ore, ebich was coed and prepared for marked at aa expense of about $2000, At the present Lime it yrekde $8 ene- ref 20 per cent ore per mowth, benidap o ange quaully uf 18 per ewat ore, which, a6 the t advaheny price of metal, may be sent The seam of bolid oper pyrites is 22 iwches wide, on the borders i mloch. there 1 howe bert of quarts rick io me ht bounded by « Gmamre 1% feet vile Thin greet wadth comstitutes the veie ; owe fects, wo are wartmmted iq She niet that (wo prove vow of the ment vqhpable antey The Washington nrime, in Daticdeou, te new sucressfull¥ worked, after having been onle- prvred (or the last three your The Bway heretotuwre bus lon im separating the sine. fram ties © pow meeomplinbed ty the wb self dunug the past year uations, ote true ; toarket ata far profit atel fiom uch lowe cont than formerty. The prepert now m that it eli become cee of the 1 othe mest valnaide Wines in the tountry ermrerate many saleable cobl and copper eutadh wune of «hich wreot te em) to enjoy © repuap ihe led ate netghborbead @&f <atren, bet which are pevieg @ieee— Pie Peher Hi) mine. im Gutltued: the Seam Ward mime in Levideoe: the Howse: the Kuneell aston, te the Hieneer ta Oubarrus, the ho ob coppie mime im Ashe: the Howt: ad I thidh (hat the copper mimes of the 7 ™ permanent and profitable @ haret mites new keown. opper mines, aithongh enrich zohfe propeictwe and andoubtedly adding rreatl the general prosperity of the State, latter partiewler coal aad © The anarondatte delay in the completion Mrroventents apon Cape Fear and Deep Rir- mr hw heen dieeoaraging to these Veteowedd a beyond) thee ve meme aed the Korver men Mew qs mery : mine af m valuabic mines r the cont fields and anae dowbts im the wind fcochem ne to ther water The cases of the sod. are the difficulty of procuring aber. re tut there fe nothing to Tdledte thet the impentemente are not perfectly fusible, and fin there te mn imAdiment to (help befing car- d vat. and thet they will henee be com pleted a Ae The difterent com padies are really firme to take coal to market a acon es the improve Mente are completad Kallroude witl ald Be bailt to the coal fields from diferent polnte— ne ie already conimenced frm Pheétterifie, and Soeth Carolina onty teqaives a chartér te hurld Trrrmmediatety : and flere shotid tee road from Ralergh OF the amount of coal on Deep River, Ubere can oo longer ve any dowht Situated je the tides of a ine agrenitaral evontey—timbet al- so show) ant—cle facilitian toe mining are equal to those of any coal field ia the Ualeed State; avd will be proved io asbort time, thas ite lrmme- Poriaten to market will be as cheap aaguy sim- tar coal in the country in eoesection with the com! are inenhawmtitle beds of iroe ove. The great shaft at Fgypt, now ib progresd, is edfied van between 300 and 400 feet; beds of iron ore have beew cut, which will farmigh aoy amoen' vf ore, of a quality which will produce cast won equal im every respect Lo the Scotch pig, The lue of the coal om Deep iver, and the infle- have upon the prosperity of the State, when-once opened to market, cantiot ‘be This, alone, will make the rales of etchange taween this State and New You in favor ol Uhe former; a circumatance whieh will be» great relief in negotiating her bueds. Bleece the work upow Deep Kiver should be hastened to a com) letion Much: more m ght be said respecting the val- ue of the mining interest in thie State; but I Jeet it unnecessary to enter ieto further details as | shall embody in my fortheom- enee it ww overestimated. altiiectime ing repork, the prmcipal frets, whieh Dhae re- g conser beorded, nnd which may be regarded ag inapor- tant for the pubhe ty know, F, EMMONS, Geologist tothe State of N,C, Telit, Tanty Ot, 1880, & the Seow the county teeeds the agdn w Sanding | the slate t The oid Black * reproaclit drveking . cury we briegng that — “luqe open @ al! “ a railrog the com pr Dohey, at lite! "Ph They evic together. Why i trained, h ‘commtencing thit bemson at the rom the North Corin Wh ——SURRRB By NE ii vn Lcd ith tk iy s ore esha sition the most geveruyus wad a Wauduess of mun- ner highly pefin he woe Goteemed wherever known.as a gentleman of sterling worth. He. was a companivn to his pupils and at ohck won their eoufidence, thus opening dhe way for the exercige of Lis peculiar facultics ag a preedp- tor, to impart instractiou aud knowledge to the expanding wind | ii Uanting the rewith a regard Gor his newory which ia the matured man ex. ghed anipng tem something of u freterual re- Prompted ty « proper regard for his merits ™ i orien, bi relying upon the generous im- papilla, a “Our apprecia Me wort by YO his memory a suitable mondinent to be “placed at his grave in Thied Oreek Church | Yard, Rowan County, N.C. To dowo it is pro- pored Phat his old pupils raise the funds vecysas qt by eoutributions among themselves, De. Ju us ee Me, and Gen. Jno. A, Young, of Char Jotte, ” will feceive the fuade which may shus be eomtributed until the first of July next, wheo they will report through the public proms the amount collected and superintend its appro | Priatiod’ as proposed, ric ttaey th 2 jad in whe babdsfty ar gohd BAA eact the nations a The earth to respect our govermneut's ensign mpon the seas, oP Ghat need oe Het and others over the Tace of our bevad cuyatry en ‘their various Peacefil parsates, con coqneoly i duty of paying thie last tribute of weeowhom “we all loved elf devolve opps these of us who yet Jiager among, the econes of our boybuod. [t is therefore bop tl that aff will contribute with a spirit of liberality, feeling that thu’ our old prece;tor was © a stran- er ted strange land,” we are Learing testimony that bis memory sed virtues are cherisbed by many friends, and are st the same time rearing ® Moeument around which the memories of ow youth aay cluster, and the mutes! cord of sytn patly for cach other be streagiben: A PUPIL Boston Slave 7 oders.—The horrible manea er of 290 Chimes, Ly the officers of Use hate chop Waverly, ie a fit commentary oa the pre ended oppositive of Leetun Ww slavery Waverly was engaged, not in the African, but Ye the Chinese slave trade. ly ie true the Chi ene claves are calle) ~Coulies,” but the differ etiee bs it the name The The Chinese are carried to Havana aed w Uniiao, to be sok! The Wa verty bed 442 of tiem on bward The mat thet vee of them for alleged motivy, aed drove Oil ube others duwn in the bold, chet the ape them, and there beng we creulaiion of att “provided or thougtt of, 1012 beur, during Which they were thes cumfined, 441 of the me ratte cremtares died! it ty said, but that hardly credible, iba tenuing wEler was poure. Cowes upon them «tile thus confined ' The New England perjte wm purted am! aok! & the Beuth the dares with « the county ie “ cureed.” — [: evens that eeds the opportunity of profit to agdin W engaze io the Lusimena, potei:! ttanding their profeeed horror of slavery mud hatehes h they now ens dace then sare the slate trade.— Fay Observer. The odd /’ revert of >the / ailing the A Bleck“ —1Na Charkestvo, S ¢ be teat water us ed for dreking amd emwbing crsicre ws that, rain weiet collected frow | funds houses in femeveian On these aad 6 houses cog may at all time see pan- > 2 tards congpegiaedl. A people wo Big i!) ba. morght be supposed to be » inthe epui.uu- «!- reproachitg other localities of the euly i 4 drotieg @ater, Yet in the Coun cury we fied & comenunicntion BH. oy agaso- briegng wate? frum @ nver ow the growed that — * Ite qety wouk) be be! =f Weide lary open peaepin, | wumhd be an abonsinat all O08 Wd A or omen it We Should b mieded by it uf the Water ia lower North (aw lian, where it ie b- “pt im opem le to be stmnined Lefure tm used ” We have the pleasure aA ln ng ie * lower Wort: Ostutiaa* and we never “bnBrd beafd these tanks. [1 ws probable, bowewer, that they are kept et some pomt of the great thorough fare, for the benefit of such Charlestoniase a may be pasng, sad who would got reinh any Ober bind of water than that to which they have been accustomed at home Fayetteville Observer ao, aml fequires ee aprerteeg ee aa Dieline of Pork and Flour at the West A Jetter po the Boston Traveller, dared Uloein nati, Janenby 5, tage - . The “ Hog trap” 9 mot yet all ing Hoye unpreced: nted Price of 67 per cwt., have deeined-1o 05 15, at which sales were mace this day. Eastern buyers appeared in market early, and the principle part OF Gig fork wad packed or purchased by’ (Hele No Redd lsege amounts have been Wel! by per ties though many have tnmed the markets east by shipments, There has been great delay in the movements of freight forwarded by railroad, so that pork shipped hence let December, is hardly in Rew York by this time; and meanwhile the decline fe that market bes been @5 thus far. No doubt $e entertained now that thé crop will be large Your readers who do not leok at prices current will be Pleased to know that flag is sold bere at $7 Per barrel, and plenty at that, ~9 x4 man who had both arme broken f by & railroad gerident, claiming damages, the company offered him a small aun of Met and a ‘free ticket over tho road for 6 was adding insalt to injury They evidently meant to kill him off al together. ‘ @ Gear Why is a vine like a aol lier? It is trained, has ten-drillg, and shoots, 0 ig here grade | A. Caldwell, of Liveulgton, Dr. AW L. 1D. | | Heda bas Ford, Mr R BSimento., | the bills oa baits prod, sh fait 6, ey State aid to Spi or Gor gies, organized fdr the Of er grating to Kanaan, who muy be pati. from 80 | , }doing for want. of funds. Tuy that the| ‘haid shall be given ib sums of to ‘each emi- grant not to excudd ‘in thé Aguregate #50, 009, | and that the mopey.eo expended is to be fetens bursed by a wore tax on slaves, jaged aboud 4 years, below ging tw T, M. Lee. » Esq. | | of Clinton, was burned to death in conmequanco| jul the ignition of its clothiug while it was stand: | ing too near the fire, | Welaarn wee, that a genera of Daplin | eounty lyst three sruail negrocs a few days since | by a similar aceident. | We advert to these facta in order to caution | | parents aud masters against allowing the litte ves lo expose themselves ty such accidents as we have just recorded. — Nurth Carelinian. Skating Match.—Vhe Vhiladelphia papers | state tut» skating mattel: took pluce oo the |“ | puldtt up the river, a distance Uf fourteen miles, | created wo Fite interest among We friends ot [the partiga, Oliver Lip-pimgutt distanced his cum | patie abyut twenty yards, *Absorption’—The news from Washington indwates that Banks, the amalyamation candi: | date for Speaker is abuut to use his own pbrase ‘absorbed,’ that is, { ‘used up.” A man whocan't ae Ua white mau from a negro, in tact, who dow't know but a fat ox gress sequal ty lis own me The revulling doctrine af qutalgauation bas finished Banks. He must explain the differetice b tween *ubsor) ther, is surely uutit fur Speaker. eu! and ‘amalgamation,’ of stand before th country as the advocate of all the revolting and indeecat debaucheries of mixed and hy brid: pup- ulations. —Vew York Day Book Ladies Must Beware —DPending the seduc of Mr. Nuttall, in the Kentucky L Mr Re member from Worren, tion Lill Lgis lature, ay lmbed were, a valiant and acc lutroduced au ameod ment, winch, W adopted, will create some shy among Use ladies, Tt provides that any f-roale guilty of attempting to sedace a \oung man by weaning low necked dresses, and other captiy atir A attire shall be janis! alty affiaed particles { with the same pen The ya pou OF seduction aS la the Case looenvers will be ged ty correct Uber bLatbits, be ad put [ Lewssville Cour ebua'd this amend er R. -Orgintaition of the Whig Party A writer inthe Lontsville Courier pro xees tothe old Whigs of Kentucky to wold wa Convention at Lexington on the Dlth of April wext, the auuiversary of Henry ¢ Inv's birth dav, to consider ther present duties and determine their future js al Course, and to take av effoctive o ineasulres lo secur zation It is about C'rrodinr rl iat t “wi Ni bb@are eliis Heautort » \eetiea, occu rd wns epoben by either the levkel o@e Gay i Moore t ver, says houses nver Ity Nave more rascalty taoar + trip than 5 Why!” You bas 1 ever carr asked the driver niwdere the reply. 4 AL, Gemeral.” anys the driver, ©] jast benrd vee Moe make the same roiark MM Was of Your account God Swimming — lhe ©} ston Ever News understands that the «| pant w h was foat overboard from & vessel bou te that port made ite way safely Mt. Viewant Larter The vensel was far out at sem ted a heavy cx was blowing when the elepbaet went overboard [te feat of ndrny out the storm m the most re markable instance of muimal strength and endu rance yn record ile sriafer ways 4 Jack Frost and the Tie Yar moth (Wrea) Re undreds of bushels of eels, * trozen as stiff as pokers,” have been dr and raked uy the beach, packed in bar rela, aliipped for tle « ity markets sell readily in New York at 12 cents per pound ven ashore and after being froin Bank Fear Bank Stock were suld in this place Sale uf Stock —10 sharvs of | day last at 121 per share Will moe our South Carolina night wre cor sider 21 percent premiuma Nheral price for Cre stock of a baonk which they say is broken! Pavyetiontle Observer oe tohert Owen, well known for many Vedra past as one of the staunelest int dels of the day, and a leader among them, has been converted to Spiritmalion, and fa now, thongh &0 yeate of age, quite ac tive in London in issuing pamphlets upon that subject. The best way to treat slander is to le it alone and say nothing about it. dies when fed on silent contempt Ibsen Good breeding is benevolence in trifles or the prefere nee Of others to oursel veain {the daily occurrences of life. Lpavpwhidapatitasaaealhaaa Te Waaenacom pana ;saue ete oles We ‘re wonde vane rom Eat j pape 1 an ‘excitenseut tag ys eacribe. The ‘Cre- ully elatdd at the obsér- | > \vationts relative to Engtand and to Spain, while thé Spaniards: were most terribly down in Aa mouth upon the same oheays | Vathoni.” From the Fredy inion. Twelve Questions fora Wet Sunday. 1. If it were any other day, woald I be Accidents. —On Monday last a negro child kept at home by the weather # 2. Did Lever stay away from my_ba- siness, from a party, from an amnasement, fer. such a rain or snow as this? If it were a public ineeting for some ne ‘yr purpose than divine worship, would I think it too bad to go out? 4. Would 1 go to church if [eould nake or save a dollar by it, or gain a enstoiner ¢ 5. If any one church be distant, is there {none that is near where [ may be sure of jtiuding # vacant seat to-day 4 6. If 1am afraid of spoiling my best clothes, had I not better go in my eom- | DxNawnre an Tuesday, betwwen Sainuel Sand) on dress, than Jose the benefit of the | Oliver Lippincott. The parties started from ame cabs g, and negleet my duty? iare 1 not overcoat, overshoes, and jaugd renehed d'uplar street im-one bour and teu lina breil that will keep me from taking miluates from the Gime Of starting, Lhe affair leoidy and preserve wy Sunday dress from injury # 9. 8. Ain T not nearer tothe charch than many who are never kept away by bad weather ¢ the appearance of our churches vu the Lord's day ¢ 10. if for reasons that would not influence ine in worldly matters, I keep from the eta ted worship of the sanctuary ¢ Is net awet Sunday at home a more dreary day than one that is diversi tied by poiuy out to church ¢ 12. Ain 1 willing that my children should learn by my example that they may go to school, tu market, to store, to shows, in all weather—but not t Sellar hf THE MARKETS Salisbury, N.U., Fe bruary 5 Applies od 75 ‘ Mied. Nu i, do. Green, 5039900 De. Pure Bacow 124 Mulesses, Cuba, 500 60 Verswar, 23 N. Orte ams, 7 Beef, >a 6 Nails, Gaby Hatter, 12ge@ 15 du Wrowgit, 124 @ 15 Candies, Tallow, ina 2s du. Home Ahn 25 du Adamant 33435 Oate 3000 de Sperm, 45a 50 thie — Cutter, io dala Linseed, Pgul a9! 25 he Jawa, Gale Tanners’ } gal 00 075 Cummings PR 4@ 5) Potatoes “Irish, w Maliable 12g 6 15 du Ne w Cotton, 5 Rage pf 3 (otton Bagging - Salt ( Jaw do i a VO Sheeting Kuriaps 00 a 12) Sot, p bag e. Conte Y ase 65000 Seed,—— (ee 5S Chiver, } bash $12a124 Meal Wadd Flaiseed ‘ ne , O14@ 14 Seger he dhe melO Feathers Wa 35 * Cowshed, Pkvae, p ‘obo Oi0074 Clanhed \r Sard 6 Tallow A Rar 4a 44 Tarp ‘* Keg. Refia'd 54 Wheat Motes, $ Wal (dwe ‘ w dow (, lard 100 124 a7 10 l-ad, + gan 1UH 12 @2w5 08 Lead. lrry Wh Halt If any one should find an excuse for absence as ¢ asily as | do, what would be SOU THE RN LITERARY MESSENGER. ° . | Is it not a dishonor to inv Maker, ea VILLE ALE ACADE] EW in an temper 8.00 | All the Ornamental Branches and Music on Piang | and Guitar, with Freneh, if desired, will be taught on terms as moderate as at any similar iustitutiva in the couatry. ‘The pleasant situation, the h duh te 4ud mér- eminent ~taee the d She will uleo have the aid rm 8 competent wt & ul 5 of hes He. Ly rg SILL.” s: opposite Magsion Hotel, BURY, A Mae ait 4 iy v pT Somteritrabani wabeti the ‘ancients by Keane. Weridert sor tok FY the citigeuncl Saf & Mills, one door above the is’ urethod of atitiodneing’ w | ebury and surtypudin; they ate vow Bis eee 4 direct from Ne PANGCY AND MISUELLANEOUS | ARTICLES, &c., all which have been very recently selected by one of the firm, with great care, aad serupylous segard w dish Merinos, A lpaccas, Deluiies, Poplins, Plaids, Muslins' aut Prints, Broid-cloth, Doe-skin ality of thie village, the low prige.of board $6 50, in| addition to the character of the teachers, ofler pete: ‘meats of vo ordiuary character for a liberal patrona, THE TRUSTEES, Taylorsville, Alexander co, N.C., ) January 28, 1856. ¢ 396 — VESUVIUS FYAARSE, ails celebrated praperty, ritusted on the Satis- bury Road, about 10 mles East of Lincolnton, | bas been recently put in @ state of thorough repair, | and otherwise improved, by the audersigned propriec- | tors, and is now io full blest, turming off all ee of the best quality of CAST IRON WARE, ever manufactured in the South. The proprictors ex- | pret to be able at all Limes to fill all orders, both by the | | wholesale and retail, upon such terms aud uf such xuality ae will give full satisfaction to all persons who may faver hem with their patrom A Pat 8B REVAKD B.J- BREVARD. Sanus 6 BE <a January 29, 1556. | FOR THE YEAR 1856. TWENTY-SECOND VOLUME. N issuing the Prosp-cius of the Twenty Volume of the SUUTHERN LITER aRY “Nes SENGER, the Proprietoss tely setely um the emeour- “eink letters aud promises uf the inende of the Mee aid them im exleuding 4s cuenletwa, and he assure the pahlic that no exertions will be renutted un their part le marntae the high charee- Tithe work, ead UW challenge ibe puirunage of all who valoe sterling literafy merit. For Twenty -voe Years the Messenger has endeavored & reflect faith- fully the Southerm oned while declamueg all narrow end sectiual views, and has been alone among the monthly perudicals of America im defence of (he Peculvar Inetitutions of the Southern States. To this office it wil ol! be devuied, and will be prompt ty repel assealis upon the Soath, whether they come under the specious garb of fiction, of iw the direct lorw of anl-slavery pamphlets Al this exnti- cal juncture, while vor eueaes are smph ying biere- tore as their most potent weapons of atiath, the Sow there peupre will surely aut withhuid thee evovurege- meat fom a work whose emp u shall be tw strike blows in their defenee ber Sabjects With a tiew to ensur ! Meesemper, the P ly or reamng the ea larger circulation of the prictore, (heh the y intead great. | ofthe work, have reduced ihe ( Subscription, which ws now only THREE DOLLARS PER AN IN ADVANCE er four Dollera tf mot pasd before the firet July me tm any yra CLUBS—Remiimg us Sheen Dutlare im one let- ver, will be eatied lo Sur Cope. The Edintone Criucal de partment of the Mee erager will contiawe ender the charge of JOUN R THOMPSON, ESQ. aad will embrace copews nutes on current |iteratare ged reve regn workauf The Editor's opianns imterest and vefue - will be alwe)e fearlessly end bomestiy avowed general The Busnese depariinent se condacte deregned. to wacom afl eommanicathons oF eo moet be edlreseed MACRAKLAND, FERGUSON & 00, Law Beikiing, Fasuk!« street Ruehimond, Ve SHITH GROVE ACADEMY. by he en f a buenves te» 96; ~ wer 8175 Unresiung machines and huree-powers carly, <4 farnigh castings of any description, re N h ah-athey con > * a) evaoy saving he pre of reas © pubbe ms) ma be aecerred. and e T herve | here ‘ype 9 ho of proces the prwcrpal ar ici-e I mma ar Sew y ethe anewer te with fingers, 49 feet waye we 2h e355 4% to 5O iach all complete ‘ 1; Cilend nea! Straw Caiters, 12 inch 73 on, 820 meh de, $40, Pedding Harrows, 813 | Caliiveters Threshing Machiows with 4 of 6 burse ter BIOO | o very euperio: article. Ploaghe » B10. eteording to wee and workmanship fA repeerng of machinery done at shor » euch ae Engine eccks de. Send mn year orders ry) t cod making them to My furmece r= neil Allwork warran opereten ead can end where the wder 8 two eeefu erns are found pa at short power JH THOMPSON Daviteon eo, N ( F- 1856 6 mw 36 A WORD 10 THE WISE \ wed A IS SUFFICIENT. "RK have 8 goed Nec Months standing. aad would th eer rany ants r twelve beve them please aitend i alerested wi he same immediately if not sooner Sahebory R & A MURPHY Feb 5, 1856 3m 36 Dissolution of Copartnership. jes Coparinershep heretofore existing under the name and etyle of JD Brown & Lemly, ve thie day dissolred by matual content AN persone indebt ed te card birm, will fd ther mee and eer ‘ he Ste of Brown & Coffin qee 4 to evll and ertt * eed at asearly a day as pus @ business to be ic J.D RROWN, HA LEMLY:. Selebury, Feb 1, 1854 NEW ARRANGEMIENT. J.D. Brown & J. M. Coffin, AVING bonght out JD Brown & Lemly, they « nar the DRY GOODS BUSINESS nd, No. 3, Granite Budding onder the {Rewe & fin. [tm their inten keep a large ato PAN GLY VY heady M de Clothing, Boot. a, Show &, Hate, Cape, Bonnete, be, be, be We ales intend ty make te the tereat of cash cus reand penciual! dee te trade with ne BROWN & CUFFIN Sal@hy@py, Feb. 1, 1656 i Weehave s bot ot liandacn hand that weare Yat ned to er!! rege diese of cnet forthe cash. Thoer who want bargaine had betice coll aor BROW N, & COFFIN Feb. 1, 1256 686 Blank Warrants forsale Here Tr"! Net! seamen nf this inetitation wil commence m the bah J b fk I Tre Th 4 b- weoalt be md heatthiest portions of Davre « erty seven miles North Bast of the Court hevee ea the @ to Clemmonsviie and Nelem: and f ibe raed tending from Phetpe’ fecry © win Qo mile of the mereantile eetabbehimenis of DS & A Sheek ¢ Wome @:tance end enarqusinted ) showld cal! ai ihe abure named place for farther in formatwom The seughhorhand baa beg dines been ny en! and prteflectant twhloe ners of int rtedents are eutirely free dram shops . ’ od bet the trene, eed from) the tempt atoms 6/ BOARD Board. washing. parame fiel and camtes will be farnimhed sudente at the very bow pree of @5> so per month x Cootinge ot expenere T3 ernte per eramon TUITION Will be ae low as can be affurded at any her em er Leste tom JONATHAN SMITH. Ser'y Jannary ®. 256 3en32 4° The Leaingwon &@ Vedhin Flag qill publih 4 weeks. and forward secomnt ( Mr Senith A GREAT DAY AHEAD! Saint Valentine’s Day, lith OF FEBRUARY, 1856. il us Subscriber hae just reesired direct from New f Three Thowsend Valestinc’a dey le pode of egencé and finish they are superion fo an) offered tere will be filled hilade!phia, ever = ae fe Saini besey.e and prompt|y fu-omhed by mail free of postage, lo any point at ibe following rales Mieke PATTERNS B cts A * 6 B 2 12 ( 24 25 I) a4 37 E 12 50 E 2 78 G 12 1 00 H 6 1 50 1 6 2 90 J 2 3 00 Envelopes for Valentines. Small mee, 6 cia, medium 12g, large eive 28 cents each COMIC VALENTINES, § Over 20900 Cum Valentiues of the richeet and rarest hind for tow per doze Velentin Wr Orders for Valen Id he sept in early, that they may! be attended t vite JAMES HW ENNISS, Ruckeeller January 16, 1556 34 “™! €RP Ea Be sare reepectfully called e Doth of Feber next, ae ' nev. and bonger indalgence will not be g Choee failing to ewnely with thre notice MAY expect to settle with an fic We have on hand a large hot of Ready made Cloth ng. Blankets, Hats, Cape, Boots, Shoes, and CARPETING, which we will sell cheaperthan ever in order to close ' ar winier stock W“ rthanks for the liberal patronage ceived. and hope to merit an inerense RICIWINE & FLARRTSON 1856 Qin32 January & Marnag ach sale at thie office antifully printed snd for | almost Wheat, uk yt Oats, Bacon, Lard, Lorees, Pryveuder, Timber, | and pari tenoy Ch nerves, Sut- ” They deen it pigth Op ‘to say, that it shal! be and Kanoy ita ied) Sut their constant sims as heretifore, to werit «a continu. | tactts, Velvets, Keracys, aucelef that patryuage which has been se liberally ex- | tended to them—for which, and the generous sy mpa- | thy so generally manijferted fur them, on the poles tlt of their late misfortune by fire, they beg to exprese | their profugad and hesrtiel gratitude, Salisbury, N. C., January 22, 1856. Jeans, Ready-Made Clothing, | Black ribh’d Fancy Beaver and Drab Over-coats, Super fine black Cloth Dress Coats, Bluck hibb'd. do., Tweed do., Faney Plush and Fine Velvet Vests, aney Cassimere and Tweed Pants, Shirts, Plain and Haney Anit Shirts, and, Drawers, BOOTS: AN D:. SHOES, Men's Calf and Rip Boots, Common do., Mer’s Calf Roogans, Goat do., En- ameled Corgreds Go., Women's Kid Excelsiors, Enameled do., Oxford Gaiters, Lating fig'd. do... Miss- es Enameled do, Misses 8. | heeled Boots, Childs Shoes. have a farge and varied 34 THOMAS E. BROWN, Carriage, Buggy and Salky Builder, § now carrying on the above business, and invites the pub- He vo call and examine his work. He uufacturing very | ipo boay rpiries, and feels confident he € sabistgotiop to | whe wa. retrate article. He can pet up work at low | aT wh ge aed: but would always recommend the better | respond a paid fn Ure long ran. He would advise those ptecery any thing in bis line to call at biststablish. | ne Cvetore they purchase elsewhere. EW His shop ts in the rear of his Livery Stable. G2 Persons at « distasice ordering work, wil! please accom | pany the order with a description af the article required—style, quality and price—awd when delivered, Hf it docs Lot give satis. | faction they will not be required to he | With the sdyantages of the Kailrow any bind of trade in exchange I his door, he will take | ork— suet ax Corn, | e., be. 1 IVERY STABLE hd Seve opas (wont and those who ny siimer trate horses of mutes, are imvited t eee Saas at MAL E AC a \ DEMY. Ta addition to the above we to buy ortesel! gack of Hats, Caps, Bonnets. de, . rrera Edging, Loseriiog, Pringe. blodery, Gloves, Kid, Suk. Lisle Thread. Worsted, &e Also, a quantity of Sheetings. Yern, Oseuhargs, Tichings, &e. Sugur. with every thing atbally kept in 2,&3. Together cre da. 4 Pah ne rt session af thes Le-titation commences on Persons visiting Satisbury will find It ‘to their inte Thursday, the Sih of Aagum ‘The dubsenber, rest to cnll aud exa@ioe aur Stuck, as we are detes- im taking charge of the we willooly say, Usat he usined Go » Ib All kinds of Proddee taken in Exehange. J.¥. & 8 SYMONS, & CO. Salisbery, N. C., Deecember 4. 1855. BROWN & BEARD. WAT ase his utmost endeavours ty enstslu the reputation which the sehuol has hitherto capwed Yoong mee will be prepared \weuter any class ia the Umversi'y which they may demre TERMS: Prmary Department per Sesswo of S$ months, $A.00 Higher English Branches, $1200 Claasics, 815.00 “JOUN B GRETTER Tin. C New * 6 t-l Aagusi 7th, 1855 lie in 0 e hee Z ron REFEKENCES: 4 pp Tr, wee co pop os aye enomscpeaes (Teg pos USINESS.— The endersened having formed a PH smreitoy me a Oe SB ipee p-runcrép bir the purpame of carrting an the Freoee E. Shober and J Fo Beil, caves ~ adesiow ry ehuee honuese esiemmrrly. suuld foapee: (uly coment he petrunag: of their friends and the pablic They 06° * Lesingwon aod Yadkin Flag” copy 6 times ore prepared to aeswer any call io thet tue. Tin ot Cop pe short notice and wur-anted ware, kept on hand fw sale. stock of Tie Boitema aad bron Ware — ( aed fe rward account tu thie office 8. W. WESTBROOKS, tor of the Gu Mord Poumsdogical Ibouse-Riwfiag execated ia the bem manner, at Stille, and other copper of grade w order. Their nak, Porhor eer \ Lf and Shop Stoves, is anturpassed by anv ju the State Gardens and Nurecrics. IF Sep oppomte M fophy © Gremite Rune Cosatty Pruduce, old Copper and Pewter, tabes io J OULD respectfully Sveibern ciiasens | call the attentwa of out eachange for work of ware. » has select cullectnm of na- WILILJAMS BROWN, five and ac: iimeated varctuce cf Fron Tree rmabra LOULs f1. BEARD ee rh Oe ON ere Cathe) CMe w len ays ae, | Salisbury, Dire 17, 1056 30-f Apple, Pear, Peagh, Plum. Aprient, Wherry, Necte- nee, Almond, ale a cinco asmrimeut uf Grape viece, Rasphernes, Sirawberries. ete Al orders, secumpanied with Aw cash prompt atienthoe aed the Treee neally pached and direeted te eny peruen of the couairy P. 5. —Pereves weoiug Orsameaial Trees can be Union Male Academy, and Farmington Female Seminary. wc NEXT Sesion of these Schauls, located in County, near Farminrios, will commence the 2d day of Jaquarsy, 1656, ummier the supertmem of 8 O Taree and Mre 8 O ‘Tarem, Principals, with soch other sedistanis as may be neeeem ry. will receive talogees of Frat Trees, dee, at the Office fir det nbeteon December 4, 1855 Jw 2kp OONKLING, SHEPHERD & CO., lerme, for a seretm of twenty weeks, Primary s, meludiwg Amthmete. @5 Fag IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS IN erphy. CR High): Begieh, 810) Greek, Latin ¢ 4 z / end inghee Mathéntaucs, $12 Mame on Pans. BELBWwWS agree yrelguiha-certet rages diparogir | ~ > Drese each, $5 Kard, wasting and lights may neat to b.«h Sehuule, af guaad hvoses, bur FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS, « ~..:: 27 WURMAY 4 31 wiRREN «Ts... C7 For other partic olars address either of the Pro NEW YORE 07s. 3t Farmmgtoa, \ Dee 12 We #. Bertear brane 2 BOOTS (ND SHOES ALEXIS BRAGG & WARREN, Manofacturers and Whalesale Dealers BOOTS & SHOES, ‘We 80 Werres Street, Yee lori, Fred A Combing, Chasies A. Anepterd PETER W. HINTOR, COMMISSION MERCHANT, TOWN POINT, 3PJerTei'n, Tan. Specie! attcation pall to Sriling Tobacco, Flour, Grain, Cotton, Naval Stores &c. Also, to Receiving and Forwarding GaoqonD Bs. " FREER fog male, om fergsble terme. an anaeua Rrita To " VoL Reberte Foy Selietery © 6 ( Vein V. Wetec afapted w tite Worth Cardeoe Chraries L. Hint @, fing Webe Un § ( rade commstiog 1a past of = " mare = toa, Rae » c | Men's kh hip, Gait, (-omt apd emameli-d Reogans, mer Req, Warre ° B «ce. Gers se ~ — Browane, bid eons, Yube “ «0 ; Boagees, Cs B. wee Alan, Women's aed Wisnes and children's Bate and HPF COPARTNERSIND hire enieting an. SWee of every deere ol of which wl bo fer der the firm of Jenks, Roberts & Co. ie fie , 1NOd of wees ae requ red Of die lower markt prices eotved by matad consrat The bowness of and firm %94 warranted, will te oxttied by J. H denbiecand RB Reherta Mr. M.A Baseo free to capreae bis thanks to JH OJENKINS, he merehente of Raghh Candina for their very Nhere December 19th, 12°38 RR RORERTS petr.mege doring The past twenty years, and reepeet T C McNBELY, in@ance of the same A.J. MOCK, Nowth Carnshaa wil be heppy Ww. CLEWMONS abice | ) Dererher L=. 1855 3m90 ALL DEBTS doc Jenkins & Roberta, and Jenkins . ee Roberts & Co. moi pard by the ist davof Apritmert : wil! pomively be placed hands of offbrers for The Subscriber cotleriwm. Longer rmdulgenes will net be given 1 4 OJENKINGS I I’ AVING takeo out letters of Admunistraina ac 6-33 BB. RORBRTS te to na thr cel sie of Jamwee Morphis roby eves gorerel ttre te oT prediturs of — wid catate to prement: |) er chesme, daly au hr nircated ~~ RED BREE OR - e peener bed by law fat that purp ae volineg will be pleaded in ber ff their ceaveny MoWNeely, Mock & Gaither Debtors te said estate will alan plone wo make im medaly pay mem AVE taken the old stand of Jenkins, Roberts & CaM ver Pius, Kuve t \ Co, to comtinne the Mercantile buremieee in all, nan z S33 ite branches as heretofore dune by the old Firm, am are now reeerving « . . iN ‘ GOOD ASSORTMENT 0) dd &2 s OAT \ ‘FE ’ he ROWAN HOUSE an s mente te Ree \ oer famdy cupole- Goods for the Winter, oll = . Nich will be aold very cheap. The attention of the ned ee amere and the pabhe generally are cexpect fal 4 by invited t) call aad exam ne our Gruds, as barge galkon + 812 por diden will be suid AB Janovary 14. 1956 6w? tr | || aint CLOAKS! CLOAKS!! ! sl 1 ahi e Ladioe’ ¢ henna, Paree ‘ Do Ease Rich Embrudered Seun, * S N . oNmG. In Ciath Tetmee SALISBURY, N. ¢ srcnat phen ies: eatecriber having taken eherge of the alore tober > Establishment, begs ie av alae theni generally, that the House ie vow open for the ree A VT of Boarders, Travelers, d&c He promeee tha r) ACCOMMODATIONS nt "eb wr the tomes at Pee « shall he enqaal tn any inthe State. Persone stapping Pars Sees of Rowan County, | will expoe at his House Wave have tnemtein tame fer the arr publi pate, a the Court-house i) Nekebury, val aod departar f the Care Atier and oblig ‘ t atk « P n ae tealwayeinattendance Calls ne « JOUN u e Nd bay wee Atri Wok ANT henw way and eon Jy Kow Salsbury, May 24, 1855 an County, § . emwiban N - sia henson a t ’ heaving 1 a REMOVAL. teen ino at eg ws ondery he me d me by inw daemeted a 1 « ( ® yes A WEIRWAN &€ PRIC F have remoee CORLULETAUSCE G heir Clothing and T Eatablichment fron \ yeas womte Warphy, MeRore & ( , , vember 13, 1835 wea vediately opmmte Ro & A Murphy's s ARLES Ralebarye Now 19, VERS a5" Dr CH T.POWE ] | (hare permanently located in Salisbory. respert- SOR PRINTING we fully tenders be profeasoual seryiceiv the pub Hy 4 Off Cowan's Brick Row | Nertly weceuted itt ia Office. | Salichiry, Ang 27th, 1855 aor ra | | nace fling Yewr, aud a New she yertd January; allingt attention view Re ee her no # < wi pony tans | musical journal! uffieded in Ribbons Lace, | Coffe, Spaces, Dye auile, Cheese, Mackarel, No. J, | retail sturee, which we offer low for cash, or ab chert | MUSICAL REVIEW & GAZETTE its public y see inerene- =. any uther musicu! periwdies! im the Vee receipts from a peda pic the last Bdeve riorrg «the: use for the Le od the amore By euch red vat, nwt ok ers are inci. ted lo lucreased ¢ uterprive aud sth tess to add to the | excellence of the Reciew. Prizes amounting to three |handred dollars were reenntly offered by them for | sunge fpr us pages. Uf the vost uumber gent_ia tw | compete fur thes prizes. the best ware deleted. by a | eympetent committee, and are nywin evurre of pybli- j conus m the Keview. When thetr publiedtion it Gom- leted, the subseribers to (he Keeiew wih decwde by allot which shail receive the prizes. Begdon aclasge amount of reading watter, indluding | regplar correspondence fro oD the leading cities inthe | world, each numiber contains several arte tnusic. A «-ries of articles on Masie Te: . | Dr. Lowell Muson, is now in progress uf. pn id Anathet hy Geo, F. Root, Esq, on Cakivetion of abe | Vuiee, Vocal Training. &e., will be commeneed ia | the! beginaing ofthe une, as well as one by | Wm, B. Brulbury, Esq, on the Improvement of Church Masic. ‘The New Youx Musitat Renew 45D Gazerve is publbed foriuightly, ab one | Per annun, of ix copies for five dollars, peyable in | advance. Speeunen eopice sent grat uitousty, MASON BROTHERS, _. Bball e daaet® be fy a fia oe Philadelphia, 6 vety large aud Well. bebecicdimyink of | ing success. [i Hie now about three times as large @ Tanase thie oo Dave ween 2% crewrcats, PALL’ & WINTER GOODS, 3 3, metic per session, $5 Geuummmar, Geography, History, SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS, ‘| Ladies? and ‘Gentlemen's Dress Goods. | aarrooentgeg Seat thosdl oid adeceen Rhetoric’ Bots. TRUSSES, PAINTS, Cloaks, MantiNas, Talmas, Silks, plain | (oy 0%! page Pensa de Physiviogy, leas; VARNISHES ud od St F, A TF) Gooiae, 'Y> g » pe’ BRUSHES, PBRFUMERY, ; an Jjigured, Satins, French and E ig (oe. AGUE & FEVER POSITIVELY CURED! TINUE greateet remedy ever discovered fur the eure of Aywe aud Fever! For wale at J, H. ENNIS&’ Book Store, No one need be troubled with Ague and Fever a | aingile day. if they will nae the above Remedy, which jhas been tsied by huodreds without a single Saee e faildre* Salisbury, Qes. 2, 1855. | { | 19 py 6 a. MH. NEbPeR. w. k. SELPER. HEPER! & BROTHER, PENSION, BOUNTY LAND, axe General Agonta. Salisbury, i AVING competent and confisential correspom- | dents in the principal cities aad other important expose of the € aion, aff business entrusted w us wif he pre ly exrewed on the moet faxoréile, Softee Collec pe and negoliatons attended to with fideluy oes cr OFF ICE’ ia Cowal wRetek Row. 22 _ DIRECT IMPORTATION, CHINA GLASS & EARTHEN WARE, =x. B. NICO Truss, Colambinn t C- coofved a. very large ome meprty etialty Invite our friend= im the Gig ah. We have now fustapesed— REAL PRENCH CHINA:+ Gold Band, Fancy and White, in Dither and Tea Setts—New Shapes; with very beautiful Goods for Christmas and New Tear preseute. aC ranh A WATTEGRASTTE WARE: DINNER, TRA, 6 MH ABER BAR: tee Bye 5 COT a MOTIDE awit tye TUMBLERS, 6 OBLETS, CHAMPAIGNE WINE & EGG GLASSES, FLATED CASTOR PINE TABLE <CTIERY, COVVES wi en Eee rae ay & L00mITNG PLATED RKS, ACTTER KXIV. Vivid, Comphras @ OM, Parioer, Store, Dest, Offee & Pactery LAME ss. SNGLISHN TIN STEAK PLENER DieH COVERS BRUSHES, ¢ OGDEN WASR, SeNT skUUM:, BARKETS, DOOR MATS, be A TBO: 100 PACKAGES COMMON WARE! Whales ap tod sent te the Rell Reade We expect o call, aad © Uy b> peowe thet we give ga bargains Rot Ayes X au uOL«A. None Rent, Cobambia BC eee FLOUR! FLOUR! 5,000 B. AR RELS FLOUR. Ry ae @ WISH to parchase FIVE THOUSAND Ba@® RRLS rubun, for whieh T wil! pay the Wigton methei pace, MICHAEL Onow a o i " PALL AND WINTER Goons. HE <CASCRIBER man = merge sock cones OPAPLE AnD PanCT DRY GOODS, mm pow receiving and apes. v( Bell aad Wuner Gunde, Hats ond Cape, Shoes and Boots, C mae, Delph aed Giass Ware, rare and P. *, Hartw are nod Cattery, Grocesion, &e, the which he iarrees the atte ve pa’ . whoe . & ae won tamer lo panties! cestomers et @habesabe « retasl MICHAEL SS Uewher 22d 1*55 37) ACRES OF LAND FOR SALE, N oo T ! Crock 14 miles west of 16) Sebatory At hast ome Depet an the Wesrepn Rad Re s\ ner tably be cceted ia « short die- tener of (hie ore Appiy to duhn A Boyd. n of Sabebery, oO se NIN-S ce oat /ecarea Wereeeed 1 sod fw wale by Va T av MONS & CO. Re v. Deremher 1s. 165 uae STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, ASF OUN TY TNSEOUSLT Yo david Worth S&S: phen Themas, Witey P. Theame aud Cerorge Wo Reaves, eganet Semen BR Me Que € .cwell Tavlor, Noah Daniel, feane W ver, Matchias Wagener, John Castle, Juke y] Ww Wier, T vas Ray, end Larkin Rey WHEREAS. Ds Nor ephen Theaes, rT . roe Wo Reaves, beth Bled Pores eum ptainta “| Semoe! EO MeQueen, ae T \ Ip tee Wagoner, Wet thine Vag ) ( Fobn BR Willer, Wiliam Miller, Touuias R Larkin Ray Aad apon ite being nar . . b he ead Sam net Bo WeQecen. Caewe') Te Noah Danet, fegne Wag M s Nav fr, are noe-restdente fthie Sine: Preise. t roto netify the aad Samer! EM Qu v | Tayor, Noah Demsel, Ts Nain M Ww ner, to be and RpPearat the net card Court of Ramity, ve sttne Coart Bease anthe @n) after the 4th Mon. Tuary newt a) here to plead, a vi ‘. , here idgment pre Cons, ce be ak hen, and a decree made Witneesiny hind ‘lhe TAb Janusry, 1956. GHhOR GE BOWER. CM, B. F . ee] OwI6 | In view of such apparently conflicting | | statements, the enquiry naturally suggests | itself, whether it is the same insect that ~ no identity between them—and yet we ~ AGRICULTURAL, ; : that the fly will often make its appear From the Southern Farmer, such conclusion. st i THE HESSIAN FLY. After years of comparative, indeed al- when another sowing, made withina few most entire exemption from this destruc- days of the same time, or of another va- tive insect, we hear numerouseomplaints ricty, and lying immediately alongside, | nc of ite ravages un fall, and particularly on that which was It is difficult to find any explanation of earliest seceded. Many farmers,no longer such facts as these except on the supposi- th apprehending serious danger from the re- tion that the egg was deposited on the ira appearance of the fly, were induced to grain. And why should not the softiil- |, ¢ | ; | while others thought there would be no egg as any other portion of the plant?) ca jter’s day. There was a clear are not fully prepared to come to any bracing feelin It is a well known fact northwest wind, which quickened CVCTY) Hotel of the Port, to recruit her strength for|in our political hutory, never witnessed befure— Just then a little child came run- ; ; : ae ° Hey! her disagreeable voyage, by a night’s rest. ‘carried a bundle in her hand. BETTER “THAN DIAMONDS. If was standing in the broad,’ crowded |streets of a large city. It was a cold win- " : | There had been rain; and al- bas passed under the inspectiou of these |thongh the sun had been shining bright- _two classes of observers. It would ap-jly, yet the long icicles hang trom the ‘pear, at the first mention, that there was | eaves of the houses, and the wheels ram- bled loudly as they passed over the ground. Pright look and a cold in the air, and a keen ep. ng along—a poor, ill-clad ehild. ance in a field of wheat, sowed at a par clothes were scant and threadbare; she| The musical dillitanti of the city— ticular time, or with a certain variety, had no cloak and no shawl, and her little! Havre, Calais, it did not appear which—were thing else, pitied her. As she passed » young wheat this will be wholly exempt from its ravages. Me her foot slipped, and she fell with a ’ ry of pain; but she held the bundle tightly in her hand, and jumping up, al- ough she limped sadly, endeavored to n on as before. “Stop, little girl!” said a sweet voi ce; ; : : : and a beautiful woman, wrapped in a! even, demanded ber passports. cominence seeding sooner than usval— ky grain offer as suitable a nidus for the huge shawl! and with fure red her, | Y : GM me out of a jeweller’s store close by. danger from fallowing wheat stubble, and and this supposition patting the land in wheat a second time. strengthened Ly the faet that the fly is Weider both circumstances, however, we always found on volunteer wheat, and at learn that serious injury has been experi- & ‘eTY early stage after its germination. enced; and from the great number of the the only reason why fiv, which has been generated from these | : ‘ nearly always perishes—namely, the de- causes, in connection with the unusual infldness of the weather, it is to be feared that the extent of their ravages on the | stubble fields. Taking it then for grant- growing crop is only very partially devel- od, that the fly has no connexion with oped. Thousands and millions of eggs, or/any other plant than wheat—and that larvae in their earliest stages, may yet be | its life can ouly be preserved iu the egg unobeerved, the existence of which will state from the time of harvest till the only be appareut when the genial weather ‘volunteer wheat makes its appearance in Augnst—a period of not less than six weeks—it appears to us that we are neces- sitated to the conclusion that the instincts of the insect prompt it to deposite its eggs of spring shall have brought them into activity. -=4t mast be rezarded, we think, as some- what of a reproac!: upon the agricultaral : . on the grain equally with apy part of the fatelligence of the country, that the hab plant, where it remains uaotil the grain is itsof the Hessian fly should never vet have deposited in the earth. As soon as this been observed with sufficient accuracy to fact can be established, we shall have at determine with absvlute certainty asingle | tained a degree of knowledge, respecting fact coamecied with its existence, beyond | the habits of the tly which will place it its destructive effects. There hare been |alinost ander the control of the farmer Many writers who have made it the sub- | At present itis unsafe to sow wheat be ject of imvestigation, and in the results fore a particular time. In the warm wea they lve given to tle public there is a ther of September and the early part of October, it is developed in myriads, and remarkable d ancy. It dent sepeme miei: effectually does its work of destructiva ; from this that the stody of its natural bis ee? . % while, if the tine of secding is postponed tary wil have to be commeeced anew ; till after the first sharp frost, no injary is and asthe present scason promises to offer likely to result. But if it can be ascer abuodant facilities fr the investigation, it tained that the first generation after becomes every farmer to seek for and to harvest is from egys deposited on the colleet all the facts that can be brouglit| graio, then by using sume ineans, sucli as within the range of his observation, with | qaick lime, fur the destruction of the egg, € Het to a more perfect discovery of the therc is no reason why wheat might nut ha®frades of this mysterious insect, which | be sowed in September as well as Octo has hitherto so cffe battled the fesearches of the agriculturist, aud even little danger is to be apprehended from the incursions of the fly outside of the field in which it has been generated. It ber. Numerous facts gu to show that but vally of the entemotogiet. To facilitate this investigation it may P passes the term of its brief existence al not be mappropriate to make a brief state inost on the very spot of its birth, without ment of the opposite theories or opinions being impelled Ly any instinct to wander advocated by prominent gentiemen when the ravages of the fly were muc! fea? than wey | fifteen of twen' vearsé It has beer pos! away in search of a place to depesite its More | eggs, when the wiost favorable conditivas ave been withioa the fast! exist in its immediate locality We repeat, then, that we hope the sal) try be every grower of u trvely asserted by on ase of writers, as ject « taken into consideration br factadedaced from actna the fly may Le seen ear aulune and reat, and that all wil! ligenee detecting thi rihar but set strange in been in »beervation that ase fhe utmost rabits of this fa sect. It siace the year 17-5, and yet it remains as from Ubattime tl tue wheat is cat, degn fing te eggs uproot grain, woere [liv iua) Le goud microscope. 8 ber of ei oF seven they remain th!! the gra warmth and «+! ba > prodve germina'ioo, are sufficient to ani has x the country iter ends of the letec areal a mystery to the maturalist, as well! 1¢8 to the nun a ‘ | ae to the fariner, pract.ica as any The re The ns necessary a one Tain ; z problem ie paturai history s sewed Paddy and the Fop. mate the insect It rete ite shell and We were n amased by the follow ng colloqny between an Inshiwan an entere @ie root, wiere |! les iu a tory 6 V Mina srl a wmvustached, curtailed epecumen of the state til the neat spring, except in some genue humo tnetances eben. frnneariy seeding, itcom Seence— Laid ina New York city ear R ‘ T P Cause—Lady wanting a eat Me ils TAY Agee iL aus eatalbiisl gue A ’ z : Dandy (aod ua Tt ie highly disgrace temh of tite statement, such experi fy) to say the least én ti Uialie led} caa t find a seat an ,a8 crowded with filthy negroes and scape-grace Irisl ave been institu omn ments gp the fidlow ing wed «6A nomi: fe cing eclected 5 . men. I say, Pat, why dont you rise and having the appearar Ogee upon t wive e lady your seat! they were placed on raw cuottor Jalit Padds And is it mesel’ ve are spak Oe earth in ato er of water, and o g in this disrespectable manner / F h Didn't measel” pay saxpence for the rid eere erv dav (n th ¥ the gra ’ ed every da a) ee’ oe ghtn't 1 yist as we!l walk fir opew@ed ard put forth os tender t g ae resting me limnte on tine toes f insect are and wae nett sat nee? (et out, ye *} a! peer : ' Daudy—Miglity independent, to be pee Alwrien days, avec tle grammes, : o 4 t : € anre but the tine is coming, and wl! a thdr roots aid blades, were taken in be at hand, when free-born Ameri the tua Sler and carefulls examined ana will nobly exert their lawful prer ln three of them the sects were gatives, and ex)«!, destroy and annihilate atte and entirely, every vestive, trace The ther plants remained and uverspread and fietstep of your detested race the try of the clase, wheret were pre Paddv—It's not me that ud waste t eerved ti!) sprne wle examina r ith of jife talking tu ye—botif J tai every etalk wis f to be infested w is ha) adhe a : : J pabers, tud hn i the ineects ty a greater or jeas deyree save to apake at a!l, at all Still farther testa we conc! ia one Dandy—What a low-bred, ignorant ) = Ar ; 1 Bunt they are all alike, and littl other grains were e« : a t ' ; . : yetter than the beasts of the field. Tsay. plieation of canst «asta wien fart are hingof introducing extra they were ou ted t ha treat cars for negroes and Trishmer How d ahike thst? i gtas Uiose «ef cinent hec wit . ite Paddy—Faix, Pd rather consort with out any appe . pnesameex: jaryvere than the irkes of ye—bat I heard periments were tried the open ground t were going te pat on anither car ] { 4 refact I Sy Ah, what fir sIniiaar 5 - > moana CHEE Madd 4 wat for re it? Arra Other Bevis. wet ow » we cile long tured kere eliire= pid way ines ' ¢ hed fe ” t ‘ thre alintherv are aftler jaen, Gen J 1 tend that Dots that, bedi md y Maiinee the egyr ar nt tender ‘ the -trap. and Wwhades Of the poant A a the ¢j X Sanghal appen layes volunteer and carly » w at, where Soe fi Ca ANin e ‘applause of u th ¢ et ate ° assengert, Paddy. trumplant, reta ney ret rit dave er J ‘ee they hatch ints v« ' te worme, a ce. after descend: 2! wees ton three rend Tiere are in New Orleane, 2.860 pre change ist emagy t and thence A pepe {RSM it : ae ; - plouelions twent } into the c alse i sis the ve table Hessian fii is asserted frum the fact that the eggs are f {in thie positrer With what « would you paint a when the « vee « ween to make storm at real The waves ‘rose’ and tic winds ‘hlew How shonld a secret be € tae inane 8 fret appara ve fall, and iin painted? In vietet How should diat pre vt restrictive f paintan absent friend? In a brown stu ence of ta VEGatey oy . | This would appear to be the chief if not) Dot wait; I am in such a harry ! volunteer wheat | bee® to the shoemaker’s; and mother! . : | ver predations of the fly. Otherwise there | a would always be some perfect wheat on |“ to-night” | | is still further |“ Poor little child!” she said; “are you| hort? Sit down on this step and tell me.” How I loved her and how beautiful she looked ! “Oh! I cannot,” said the child ; “I can- I have mast finish them to-night, or she will ue- t any more shoes to bind.” night?” said the beautiful woman “Yes,” said the child—for the stran- ger’s kind manner had made her bold—| “yes, for the great ball to-night. And these satin slippers must be spangled, and” — | The beautiful woman took the bundle from the child's hand and unrolled it. You do not know why her face flushed and then turned pale. But yes, [— looked in the bundle; and on the inside | of a slipper | saw a name, a lady’s name, | written ; bat I shall not tell it~ | “And where does your mother live, | little girl 1” | So the little girl told her where ; and then she told her that her father was dead, | and that her little brother was sick, and that her mother bound shoes that they ; | ed Jenny Lind, obliged to break silence. , ao oer PROSPECTUS or THe “SOUTHERN SENTI} | A DEMOCRATIC AND MISCELLANEOUS | JOURNAL, TO BE PUBLISHED WEEKLY, AT WILSON, N, C, re @F Jenny Lind. The Swediah Nighténgate remaitier three weeks in Paria without singing, without speak ing the language, even—such is ber antipathy, and was about to pass the straits of Dover, to meet a London audience ; for, being a woman, she was tired of silence. She had left Paris by railroad, but before crossing the Channel, she took ber room in the partzan sirfe, naturally suggests the eatablish- ing of such a journal as the “ Sovrugan Sanvine.” purposes to become. The peoseut, indeed, is a crisis The Cunstitat‘on has been invadedy the laws tram- pled andspat upon; religious bberiy assailed; ballot Boulogve, | boxes broken and barut ; the landmarks of our polit- ical ancesiry partially effaced; the wisdom derived from a time-honored experncuce unseated; strange | bare feet looked red and suffering. She anxious to bear her, and thouglit at first of cross- | ard questionnble men have been pushed inte high po- Hits : : Poor little ing the Channel, in order to enjoy Uhat exquis- shivering child! Even I, who could do ite voice, which was denied to France and its! in the Seuth sitions; aod favaticiom, unehained from ite axe and faggot piles ig tbe North, is beard to howl among ue These evils, so far as its humble abil- | provinces, jee ices ane ; = - The process was expensive and stupid. They | THE SOUTHERN SENTINEL thought of a better one. will endeavor to arrest. [t will endeavor to incaleate Ne a a =~ lied in her & feverence for the laws as they exmt, aud for the Cum- No sooner was the cantatrice instalied in her stitution, as it has been interpreted by the wise men apartments than three grave gentlemen cutercd | of the past and by the Fathers of the Democratic A 7 faith. Lt will defend not only politcal, bat religious —and with an air of authority, and of severity, liberty, and will do battle against ev>ry puliticel here j wy th » whether batched ig caves ur cul- : t “vow lence | Vers, OF open couvention Astovished, but faithful tv her vow of silence | The Sevrinkt will alse, to relieve the manetony on the soil of France, Jeony Lind banded them | of polities, devote space tw literary twpics, origiaal and 3 selected, a8 well ws to miscelluneous subjects whic | shall include Agricustaral and the tutest Commerciah | The gentlemen read it with an air of distrust, | intelligence. Lo brief, no efforts wor expenses will bel | q . F spared to wake the Seutiuel one of the most useful jand thea replied with soberness : und efficient journals i the South. “Ob! we know you have neglected the pre- The fiewt number of the Sentinel will be issued about j caution, aud that vou are travelling under a fic- the paper, without uttering a word. {the fiewt of the mext month, and sent (o Subseribers at ' | the rate of B2 per anaum: BL 50 at the end of ax | titious name !” | mouths, and $3 at the ead of the year. Discount | aE then 1” _ | made in behalf of clubs, who shall (ake five, ten or For whom do you take me, then !” demand i aeeevereaest J. EF. KEENAN, Epsros. | United Baptist Institute, AT TAYLORSVILLE, [r= Tastitution will conimence ite first session on “ Do not altem pt to impose on us madame,— You shall see that we are well informed. An in- trigante of assumed rank has just fled from Pa-| ris, where she has made numberless dupes, and | N.C. Tuesday .he 3th January 1656 ‘The Trastres are happy to publish that they have procured ihe well-known aud competent Teacher is pow attempting to eseape to England.” { “ And you suppose, perehance—! “That you are the woman. and person correspond with our deseription. Our \astroctions are precise. “Tudignaot, and perplexed, the songstress broke out into earnest remonstrances, which Had she any! She | services of the Your features | Jawes Ho Foore, of Farmington who A large and eommadioas Brick boikding, contarming e Chapel, Reeitation runros, &c.. will anon be completed Th te situated on an eminence overuuking the village ; and the country stretching far to the South and Eaet, t un disease. In were replied to with cold irony. Lere.e palwarks te dulead ihe place: fi the vietaity are (wo exeetlent springs Chalyteate and Salphur) wo which che inv ald a remert aud have bie health re Thies place is ae free from vice and mmoraliy as any in the State—theegh but seven ‘ears of age '( bas already reared three gad churches Methodist, Presbyterian and Baptist Phe most (horough coerre of instruction will be ziv- enim be Engin, Class-cal and Mathemavea) branch witnesses ! Nowe! Could she give bail | knew no ove! Then it would be necessary tu take custody cf her person! A threat so alarm ing drew out a new volley of remonstrances, which were repeated, ‘Ul) at last the spokesman night have bread, but that sometimes of the three said : ce tay the Tut teodcralc (clea | Bueridg eae: be ob - ! 1 e i 2 a chants fe tae hey were very cold, and that ber mother ~ Well, madame, there is one method of prox a . Soa wry “as hf — Last ane ep sometiines cried because she had no iumo- ing your identity. You pretend to be Jeoay J HM Foote, Presideot, of A Carson at Tayloreyille ney to buy milk for her little brother. | Lied. There is no need of bail or of witnewee 2) Aud I saw ul : ‘ee , es A CARSON 44 I oa Uat the lady's eyes were full you bear with you the vamistakable ev wen See’y of Board of Trasiree of tears; and she rolled up the bundle Tevinvevil'e, Alerender Co, Dee 7, 1855 6129 quickty, and gave it baek to the little girl; but she gave her nothing else ; no, not even a sixpence; and, turning away, went back into the store from which she of your indentity than to give proof of your wondrous talent. Nothing i easer for you DR. H. KELLY HAS REMOVED TO STATESVILLE, NC, and offers hee eer ewes Iredell and the yurttal Your own voice will pronounce your a Tam myself too good 8 musician nut wo be io € CHiteus } : . z= as » obie ¢ Oiice on Wem Sireet, west of the had just come out. As she went aw ay ] that case a good judze Id Conor hratee mate. and opp ete the Method eheveh, saw the glitter of a diamond pin. Pre The artist hesitated and was confused" | where he enil be foun, ei altimes, whee aut profes- sere came back, and, stepping into! ~ Ah! we were sure of it Quit then, tl meas eR The : var a app rolled . ‘ ; elit disguise which you are unable to maint ad ' ; ‘1 eg ooked after a moment, and tlien, 1 ) G Or 2 j a ti or’ ’ i do not disgrace ustrious ¢ ve with her little bare feet culder than they pe en aaah abe a a roceries . rocer Cs... were before, ran quickly away. a atin etalk SE SCRSCRIT ; I followed the little girl, and Isaw her!” Eeough of that maclame you as l tall pp eas en | Cire ee ie eore xo to a narrow, danp street, into a smal], despreved by your mmataliy to give se simple a 3 Hide (ans Seger dark room. 1 saw her mother—her sad, proof We must execute our warrant.” 2 Porto R faded mother, bat with face so patient “Well” exchaumed the sooyntress, “since | ; Newt ne sed ce : arrete (rus sats hushing and soothing a sick bahy. And rust do at listen and jodge.” 1 Uk Sie sue the baby slept, and the mother laid it on And after a pause. in which she calmed her 2 White Clee. 4 her lap, and the bundle was unrolled, and ' . ) Hnde (ube Widasees eelf she burst forth with the cavatina fora Nor 60 Beew Prone tie C4 a dim candle helped ber with her work ; hy. aM , : ma, She ; diay ena wt ee owe ate owernm fave Goo for though it was not night, yet her room ; 2 ens a pee 100 Serks I ped Ne ; was very dark. Then, after awhile, she (710% "O** : Borrete Mevhere! NV. 3 kissed the little girl, and warmed ler jx. ¢ | comacs : ase pele frozen feet over the seanty fire in tli Veavo' Tt ts admra ss nied eA ae Peed ary pn grate, and gave her a little piece of read, cried, as it close: bon zyme yor &e for che bad no more; and then leard ber ~ Audapisable sublune” cubed many vores — ,, : ao LT ALE LU we > ” ‘Tid C > i, r as si ’ J Neb as faiaaebtes i, spt ‘ n the amtechamber. where vereral hat guthers! eude 9 ber LoOsOmA, Diessed her, ar . J ’ to awan the chance f the erpennient : told her that the angels wonl:) take care of . ae ; DR. DINKINS. her And the child slept, and Ve peed mot translate ‘te siory farther, m R KCTRCLLY ADA peer dreained—oh. sach pleasant dreams ¢ tell how gracefully and syrently the puoty a \ 4.4 Ralmtary (ee at the Wane Hue warin stockings and new shoes: bot the ‘en of tbe impus eiied pardon, setting . ‘ nother sewed a » and, ae the bright forth that ther longing te bear that corer la : é mm 7 : spangles glit on the satin slippers, ht wpoe their nine al y leas & ne Wanted Immediately, cane there nv repining into the lreart! reall tka 3 the At the Silver Hill Mine, en arse gy her ch seh per dre nightingale forgave them WV ANY QUANTITY OF feet, aud of the seant morsel of bread the tons he rea be : which bad not satisfied ber hunger. came eae len bien WOOD AND CO te there uo visions of a bright room and gor non geous clothing, and a table loaded with WM LEAVENWORTH 5 hoe | MARVELLOCS. REMEDY DR. J. J. SUMMERELL, all that is goud and nice, a e port I AS removed to hve Offer at hie reedence. where of which spared to her would sen] warmt he wil be happy to re eemmel ot pe and comfort to her humble dwelling | eae 8 cole ems mie: |r eee If euch thoughts came, and others of aN & These are many prrwes sade bied tn me pen SRA R TELAT AOE: eervert aud b been fer erversi yeors | woud pleasant cottage, and of one why had carnesily erge all cach ells rahe sotdomeon tearly loved her, and whose strong aris «bch mest be dome by May (curt, else | hans how vad kept want and trouble from her and 7 #4 8 collector her babea, but who could never ¢ me Spee Cs te a back —if these thoughts did not come re CLOAKS '! T ' piningly, there also came another: and ' ALMAS ’ e widow's hands were c lasped. and her J ST received Lad > omens (hamke cad bowed low in deep contrition, as ] (2 sed Telas, lates: ot lor = ao : é eard her eay, “ Father! forgive me; for , JV & T SYWNOS & ( - ‘ ‘howd ata i np December 18, 1n55 130 io og all ang well ad wi tr HOLLOWAY’S OINTMENT. vy, and some one entered Was it an an Thomas C. Halyburton, M.D. The Grand Futerma| Remed; gel ? Her bands were of Spotless whi H AVING cated an poemare wt Statee and she moved with a noiseless ste wile, NC.) wil pueciua' ys Ary eaiaes pepe fe © Slie went tothe Led where the sleeiing whe may = oe @ah ther pe sore OFFI E ee weet <9 sort ese? we Lhe PIPE | at Serge & Walker eo ttel « Dive . _ 7 7 of @a bive . iid lay, aud covered it with warm bian- be frend eniess prof ally eugeged eng hale anal drt keta ven presently a fire sparkled and! Mateeile. NC. Feb m, in as 7 e a : ‘ md ' } » yrat i : x is dele agdl oath) es ae blazed therc = little grate had THE PRESBYTERIAN, oR mma the Ang never Known before. Then a lage loaf! 4 BeLiciots AND PAWILT AEW spied 1) ee Fe ge! fi SPAPER was placed upon the table and fresh mi!|k “ERY - 1 PUBLISHED EVERY SATTRDAY iesick babe Then she passed geu'|y t t ¢ | Simultaneously, at 144 ( hest et Phiied . 4 efore the inother, and, drawing the and 2hS Boadway. Now Yurk fished slipper from her hand, placed A nee me nithalt or ms . Js t fyold, and said, in a voice rv let. lob, will bel rabis t 2 r } “r ney id pitt Z es ke , “Bleas thy God. who je the) ° one . 6e Chas been (he means 0 resting countless mumb-rs a } . Althuegs on organ if . ain Cron} « fatherlese and the widow; ernck oC ole (ovina mumhorete “ ° ‘ siilplierwas cone vanletastle gent lent ee seated ane ee Sore Leg». Sore Breasts, Woends and Cleers. : . feme of the wats 18 enegmmns new rely on <a | leard ber say, “ Better than diamonds, No +Murts are eps “& tale EE, t . fing Cee ea miter dan diaimonde hat could ahe Zam erse! 1 ee: . wr lore , 1 Preeti tera Ds . ' . mean! I looked at the mother Wiatli- Gccien gud Acmouie ox opine <A @ od clasped hands and streaming evea she by that of any other re-hgeve newspaper, i | Jeneed her God wh had seut an ange a Land res pur ebeing ge whi \y amere are wn iin bk hemiat ee Tee to comfort her So T went too: and | ders a cimetan evlarging, a a * went to a bright room, where there were © have they expressed themnerives mm @armer cre Pi'es and Vistates. r weing -tonglatnis(e ca musie and dancing and sweet flawers, 9 '0 ther appreeimtion of ue mente ana werk € complaints oun he oftetn wah I a } AG ¢ tor to thes famiiea In add e a . ois ses Sia and T saw young happy faces and spark. Pe alee. eure ineedimesce Saar m poe , ores g jewels, but none that [ knew, until teligence. iiterary maticr, editorial s & | > whose dreas was of couple a0 DMG SACRA A 4 ' Bah the Ointment and Pille ahiadd he “ t th ! V @ rise if mm t ! . i 3 . . : 1 f : As ae amings enhersiheue « nnelin the f und whose voice was lhe the sweet sonnd jage oh r sie . Ul ate fae er lute N spangled slipper Was the WwW {South w 1 le . fe Ned Glande n her foot; but ale moved as one that Mac dene (tw ad vecictiie - ene : 1s 5 ‘ ut eountry reenn ad 4 ot i vw Giving Ca Y od vibliahere and here wh tee *. ' ae had ao glorified ber face that: eqtetiom for ther adverinementa , a ae I felt, as 1 prazed her, that ehe was The terms ere $2 51 per annum (pad inad- eee “ Teritaly anne ( (ral vance, or $3 payable in mx meonihe we, New ¥ Mi eS | u ] Deage!sts ar ‘ Pris “se Ficend (Bont TERMS TO CLUBS ia yalep i. ; Fire ¢ . e address. forone year ann § , Ton copie ane adderrae Crime venr gr in twrer an . able taletn a thee larger eters J Cs ows g in Kensingte wih on addinonal copy to the pera who sav ine + st.dance of patients ie every dlenrter Fngla i deep t tounecotnpla 4 Bray nc ae geet “ ‘ aah ~ Sirteen cope toa one addrese, for ove CD) 25 ver James Defoe, ayed 77, the yreat Saban cdduuenal. y o Agent ’ 1 1 graudeon of the celebrated author of RB Twenty fre ciines o nddreea, furone year, § ” lueen (russe with an additional copy tthe Age } Rate of Adeertrong — For 1% lines. firat inesrton 9 : id } % ? TS cool, each repeaten of de. of e Fir & . Te nie . y Lussea teed] fo gay, that to write a |; ees, fret ineor'i Mi vente. onch repe mwioten 19.000 Bl SHELS OF WHE AT. good love letter, you ought to begin with. 3 cente Paymente! * eto t o \ TANTED -TEN THOUSAND BUSHELS t knowing what vou mean to say. and '@ advance OF WHEAT, for wtuch, | alt pay ie Cann F, Address he yheat market proce j without knowing anything yor ‘ . : dolocte AVN 1g Myeung you WILLIAM 4 MARTIEN ACO MICHAEL BROWN ve wriften No 144 Cneerin Street. F eiphe "et 17, 1485 0 TINHE existing condition of political parties, and of N.C , a Presiden: | willbave the assistance of other able iustruciors. | but to the North and West, Movatains kom op as pa- | CLARENDON IRON WORKS. A. H. VANBOKKELEN, Proprietor. river ha tetiased the entire interest in PE eae eae EON wane ele eae Bteam Engines, of any dr or style, and Puinpe, @rist 5 Parker, Turdipe and other Water- wheels, Leavitt's Cor pry c. by od wits’ ” ol 5 Rice Trashers, Bhingle M, Sha: Hangers and Pullies, Cotton Gins and Gearing, x ey ee) ioe ott Boel in JAMES HORAH;** » H AS just returned from New ‘York whd' Pilea. phin, with the lacgest and beet sseurtimebk 4/ WATCHES AND JEWELRY, consinting of Fine French Chronometer, : Double Tine Keepers Tadependent quatter ieoka page aa neg veal o . Poh ve Jos. neon ow nhter’s, . Jas. Nardia’s superior gold Gentes hi Ladied bia a variety of others, bovh’ gold Gole Guard and Vem Cheins, Seals, Cuff Pins, Ladies’ and Gentlemen's Iron Castings of ul kinds and patterns, Brass * “ “ Locomotive and Tubular Boilers, Blacksmith works of all kinds Tron Doors for Houses and Ja THE ESTABLISHMENT Hav t nace nized for the express parpose of Insuring | hem ity io Ihe sxqcetion of all orders, the public may rest satisfied that any Work which they may offer will be promptly delivered according to promise, and of auch workmanship as cannot fail to give satisfaction THE MECHANICAL DEPARTMENT Being in charge of men of talents and experience, | have po healthtion re Eyad that the work hereafter turncd out, shall compare trvorably in every respect with thas of the most eele- brated in the United States, and at prices which will make it to the iuterests of all in want to send me their orders. REPAIR WORK : So | Always done without delay—and having alarge force for that | Butte a & variet | purpose, it will prove advantageous to any person needing aach | Scissors and Knives of the Aes to give me the preference without regacd to the expense of send: | cee. Bracetts, and ing the same from a distance Orders will be addressed to mington, N.C, October 96, 1865. RBMoV AX, P. FORD ™ fa & Whel le Dealer ° ** Clarendon Iroc Works,"’ Wil A. H. VANBOKKELEN. ‘wot. 11. oder anda variety of other Goods too aw A tion. Call one doot below RB. & abn ty and exeminefor yourselves. , rmby ET Clocks, Watehes, and Jewelry of albkinds, r¢- paired ia the best manucr, and ou Ba i” 4 SHOES, | Hort RE, Sygate Cetty saree, Upuc tue 2 DDUBUS PUT A. | aving Bemev ed from No. 47, to Store No. NORTH H THIRD STREET, where I shall keep om hand « full as- | sortment of the be gealiy of BOOTS and SHOES of | EASTERN MANCFACTWRE, also 4 Sock of City-Mude Work, —| shail be able to offer to the Trade a better abd more more desirable Stock uf Goods than heretofore. | ‘To persons viviting the City for the parpore of buying Boots | and Shoes, I respectinily solicit a personal examination of my Stock befure purchasing elsewhere, aad to my former Pricads and | Customers « comtinuence of pest favors. Very fall y 10 Fb Phitadephia, | AN T mobs abDoa lO THE FARMERS Of Iredell County. GREAT SAVING OF EXPENSE FORE Js MAN'S TRON PLOW —The uncersigned have) beughtithe Right for Iredeli Coamty, and are Mane- facturing the Irog Plow al thet Shop. ten miles South East of Siaiceville, and are prepared to furnish eny quanlity of phewe on very short notice Orders addewssed to them at Amuy Hill, will promptly atteeded ia. Spremens gaa be seen at al- most any of the stores la the coanty JAS. & ROBERT MeNEELY. ly4a ! | February, 1855 joer? Degas leagh mm G [Sib Saal Sec | Dita’e they ange at ihe cdtonies ehew the robetines, and hinted «\ independeode! 1 hang hed ny Lae eS IT ‘ert the Preakiite, Weshiagtons, Fetsemd, “J 4 rewst , —glorines, whule-tvaied: pairete ne they Were—worthy sires of mene | race then we. Bet have" peagte bungled wt ry Apri 26, 1855 LIPPINCOTT, COFFIN & Co. WHOLFSALF DEALERS IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC Gpusp Lr 2 IDpwipe | (bogumed times whee | heave seem 6: to tath of things end Famoy Trizmmzmimeges, «> (ry thowght | eowlde’t do! I'm sone of the Ne. 34 Nerth Third street, con't” ewok. Leey [intend to hove a Rell Read Between Martet ond Arch Ste PR a rn os Febroary 1, 1855 ras Th most be bath «= Why, there are of Greensborough papel speed gerchmeanpet ewes tay - MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY, “orm '= loz Ty c= nae out. Bugle Cy shall be the tettnings, Reed, autres the shore ane proper tatenp a “Wy mast ree, Like shay 5 “ PUE costef lumranee o@ (he moipal plow ip bat » smell som. cmnpared woh a pantetwh company o8 Bat Fagte This rommpany being bataird inthe Weasters part uf the sapiring bird, t mast coer alot fi fb wurchy Sale Commmqaentivy mech he larger parton of the rams the heme of the greete and best of martet - ere pie West. erry many ol which areiaitte commtty 4 te fom the abode of preee. plenty and _ Phe -anpomy vee ely feee debi; hate made Why oat build « greet Masefect uring ch kh tasramn nents te therefore combbdeeuly rocummes. hae the @wated power, tumbler. cteae See Bec theme fed tothe public elec 19 abacbance There pt | at ae A clam Nenmal Mertog tbe (dlowwg Officers water pate sir—nao chills and fever olin ° od hut the once ng , tng beer and rrady bande» There mor 6s Game JAWES ALODON. Pee waving harvests, rich menduwe, lovely veles and em BGC ONUIN UV cc Picea chacting billea Prime val ppp srmger l ( P MENDENDALE 4 ' moras riin All mvving, aff callieg, of e PETER «OoaMe < ent 7 . end all ent And shall thene grea remare forever leehed op! Piel yom wey PEIFR «nawa 8 North. Westere Beit Ruad «i open the gure te We CUMMING, Geol Agee Eton of Amerie, and if Kagie Cay be the wounds “ Ba fad of thet Reed it be 0 plece WacA pain aoe wen) te bey tere tRere! Ad won't heen toting § price’ Lande, for ani-g ormmad the ext), ond of elpag ‘the hae of Rend—won \itey meewm veige! The reerence on thet, veloc shows, © 4! duatic the com: of the Road There @ o mint eel gener Every wd of wuere of tara to mone). and fs sad ageet of comcorree sad caterpted will sees tare ta gud Ge the sheowdewet feseerces of (he shendee rn ™ « betp i T ean geek, cleo etl! take 4.70 eteempt it on my The werk chal be deme COWA\S VEGETABLE LIVHONTRIPTIC FRIEND OF THE HUSA" FAWILY eo reenine® Peow DIVNEAVED RIDNEYS, coer! own reopen cite ty ne inthe Bladder and Nidneys, Weak ANDREW RAUGARLY an if th: Lima. he Joly 12. 1885 The iesiuchic” roo . erie et the Davve " Moekerie at Dr Ro Campbell's, ia Tre . ¢ Drag Bowe ia t herbie: 0! Zeverty’s fatthe Carotoe Wetchman Of T Ng entered iets emparine rahep . Paicwire, fet the ma whewe Medic * prepared! former mq bem ot Setehery, N ( coleeg Ot hee remdeace, 10 msiee woot of the are E D AUSTIN Jane OF. 1455 ws W. P. ELLIOTT, Late of Worth & Elbo, Foyeticville, N. ( a . GENERAL COMMISSION FORWARDING MERCHANT. 1 WILMINGTON, BC LAND FOR SALE. Vor fog cate my Plesiaiion te Rowene county, 14 telles Woot of Galichary, on the welers dt Creek aodie view of the Wihesberungh Raed, 060 Orders for Michendiae, amd comerguments of Planar)... f 2 er Produce fut ealee oe shipment thankfaly/ 220 &> AA @S ER BCD - and pr , * shat 200 of which 9 cleared and in 0 good state of May 155 wn coltivetion —the remainder te guid ‘wed wet ’ = A smbered. There are, on the premises, «gest Dwel Premendous Excitement st en.'e: ed bares, codetner on Al) wi ony bw regard to the quality of the tend. ' thet 4 heen the ide of aegbed lande as pre tp th County of Rowen. Thom Webing fo view the ined sad buy a good Fart, caa do so by calling on the sab ecrher Western Extension! A tie F Sater riers being desiorme of evtending thelr THOMAS A. BURKE ComanavMe Rowan cooniy, Feb 28, 1855 uae berness +m the West, as w- Se dof ctamng inew neneree SQUIRE, ZIMMERMAN & ALLEN, ee ethet they are now reeering © tmperters and Widlecle " READY MADE CLOTHING, Cloths, Cawsimeres, Vesting», and Gen- *p Ore GOODS Bo. 143, Market St, : PHILADELPHIA, tlemen's Furnishing Goods FRANCIS SQUIRE, ) geaeral: all af which will be enld ochiag' ©_M, ZIMMERMAN, .w: Alan, eoplendd'ctoch af HATO es Cae d |CRORRO W ALLON 5 fo vt —stem Neteat eryle Don't take var word, but call and satisfy rere INO A WEIRMAN & PRICE TRI Merchant Tatlore. | Rept 1855 16 | AGENTS! AGENTS! EXTRA INDUCEMENTS OFFERED, PERSONS sending we thew oddrem, I will mad prat-pad. a catmbogue of my Burke, Bese Wik! E_E Tw BO Of Four Horse Post Coaches, ! | Nolte Salisbury to Morgaoton, via Statecville on4 hisses baloery on Monday, Wednesday cod Pri Raliehory, Wf fall deaenptive and with rstroctione!opernioa that wil enable them 487 at7 0° By A.M, ped from @50 tw $100 per month The new ett mm a are on the |ret } be D RULISON breakfast. Nw paine or expense will he apered Neo 42 8. Third Sireet, Ph ladeipbin, Pa MR. BRADBURY'S NEW | ,,, C8. BROWN, Contrgetor. GLEE BOOK. ildaichseslli Soe ae Sa ee THe ween lee axe cores Rowan Cotton Fae Tt eoniaing « wmriety of giees and part songs, arrange FOR SA LE. Nooperee. and a selection of the mom naefal ) Mmomeal conventions and seoeratons and advanced mnging classes ere of the above valuable Fed $125 Sele. The Faetory bail apd me Phew book i hetiered to contain a larger amount of | éhimery se i saw sande, or they may Be indeced '° and popular maticr tha any of the pret. | ell the machinery anpomtely ip lnteapdmit rlilvieacecoselionrken The machinery ie all in grad order. A pert of it ie entirely new and of the most improved hind. Apply to D. A. Davie or J. G. Cairne on the prem (< Price net author Bpecimen copies sent hy mail post paid, on receipt of the reunt prioe wrolee New Vork f ttm clase by the same A tery boral reduction im price at Pubhebed by MASON BROTHERS, ene. , HERS, | TERMS will be made seeomodating to porohont, Raliebury, Dee. 15, 1635. creat capa thee cont, for re@pimg owing sen and decare and pickin. and hatch the wonde have our the discos com venience which we | KAP more « ther native jer machic chrimes whic Beat ness ar Rut stra which we | in whieh ¢! copied! im 6 Union for want. Ar thie desites are indeed man dry wi day” boot evampe an jogs > bert | dence in wu ter any chu of the audi remind one his ‘dearly home must evines such bright clou is Crowded. Is this re agaimat inc inatanes in to be fores; We can sup BIRT: ie otk Mel iy every thing uf a FB ‘ t HT H e i d Tr i o st i p t ed in g l t a re i eb HEC iid gal ‘ 4w\\ ott e ' : ew ste u ni Me . at t 4 vis fl ' SS ———————— % ee AUNOIS: f« 4 o VUctwrattarw ts eS VOL. XIL.--NEW SERIES. Devoted to Politics, tture, EE Propricter. MUNEM, Editor and TO YOUNG MEN. Some odd gevius give the following elegant ” advice to yoyug anon who “depend on father” | fur Fr sup and take no interest whatever in business, but are regular drones in the hive, oubsisting on that which is earned by others. Comie, off with your goat, clinch the saw, the plow handles, the ax, the pickax, the spade— snything that will enable you to stir your blood ! Ply touhd aiid tear your jacket, rather than be the ve redipient of the old gentieman’s bown- ty | Sooner than play the dandy at dad's ex- pense hire yourself out to some potato patel), let yourself to stop bog holes, or watcli the bars, aud whee you. think yourself entitled to a resting epell do it om your own hook. Get up in the mormiog—turn round at least twice before break - fabt—telp the olf gentleman—give him now | aed thes a lift in besiness, learn how to take the lead, and not depend forever on being led; and you bave no idea how the discipline will bonefit yoo. Do this, and our word for it, you will seem to breaihd. @ aew MI mosphere, possens « new frame, tread a vew earth, wake lo a now destiny —aeed you may then beyia ta mpire eo man loud. Take off that nog from your lilly Gager, break Jour cave, shave your upper Lp, wipe your nose, hold up your bead, and, by all means never again est the fed of idleness, vor depend on father ' Ba The friends of the proposed rail road from Cheraw, 8. C, to the Coal Fields oo Deep River, held a meeting at Carthage, Moore Cove ty, oe Wednesday last, The Fayetteville Argus states that ibe mecting was organined by the ap- pointinent of Alesander Little, Ex), of Anson, as Chairman, and Alexander H. MeN dil, Clerk of County Court, and Arelribald B. Mel mald, Esq, of Moore, as seeretarics propriate resolutions was reported by Maurice Q Waddell, Eng. of Chatham, aod sperches were made by Vol. James L. Gains, Mo QQ Waddell, J. 43. Jackson, A. J, Steadman, Jobo Manang, B. L. Howse, A. KR. McDonald, aed J. W. Cam eron, Exqre.— Wilmington Herald Our attention was called, by a frien! to the following article in the Central Presbytervan which we thivk hits other fuths besides phe peo ple A Richmood. The surshine christians are aot a “ peculier people” to that ety by meana, for we have often remarked the fact tha A senes of ap any our cherch going people are woefully destutote of “ever shoes impervious to Sunday mul.” and wmbeling, shawls and overcoats that will torn Seoday rain INVENTIVE GENIUS BAFFLE!) The triemph of American ingenuity in the ‘ mechanic arts hae been demonstrated in all the both in (ur eomtnvances great eaparitions of national inlustry, this comntry and in Earope for me@ping and ploegteng. sowing grain and ewing searm, for extracting stumps from land and decared rents from mouths for meking cotton and picking locks, for setting type without hands and hatching eggs without hens ted the wonder and admiration of Foreigner = Nor have our jerentors confined the discoveries which promote the comforts anid conveniences of Whe—we hare contdrances br which we can FIM people more scientifi ally and KF more of them in a given time other watien on the globe, There are lahor cay jer machines je war ae well ae in pence—ma chines ehich “ Beceuta.” like job printers. * with Beatness and dispatch.” But strange to aay, there = one department in hare ex their cunning to than ant which we have made po progress whatever — one in which the inventive genius of oor people «= eo hemiliating that we cannot now allule t with oat deep reortifeation. Long ago, while the Watchman and ( 'Leerver newspaper was puldiabed io thm city, an adeer tisernent appeared in ite colamne calling for the invention of umbrellas and would turn Sanday rain, and protect from Sun day mod. This alverticoment in fact went all over the overshors which wre generally copie! im other papers— Union for it gave expreasion to a great popular want. And yet, incredille as it may ay pear thie desiteratum bas never been supplied ! Ther are indeed secular umbrellas which whi! keep a man dry under @ water spout —there are “ day” boots ia which duck hunters can wade ewampe amd traverse miry bogs, with dry stock week foge ; but when a rainy Sanday comes all conf dence in umbretias ceases. and India rubbers are @0 contemaed as not to be thought worthy even to be trodet under foot Here ia a phenomenon demanding sientife lavestigation. Roth Sonday rain and Sanday fared require a epecial analysia, and some imper Hows waterial which will serve ne a protection againet both is tnqaestionably the great demand of the times. Such a discoverer would! not only leamortalize himself, but what is better would make bia fortune even in the Richmond market love. We apecify Kichmund, because we know of no place where such an invention would be More appreciated. Here weather which on any other day would be called damp or showery— oa Sunday is called inclement or stormy. En ter any church on such a day and the number of the audience, will be so decidedly finite as to remind one of the old story of Dean Swift and his ‘dearly beloved Roger.’ These detentions at home must be sore privations to a people, who evinee such love for church as ours—for let a bright cloudless sabbath come, and every church ie Crowded. : Is this remeidiless! Is there no protection agaiont inclement Sundays! Is this the only imatanes in which American invontive genios is to be forever haffled # and less liable to rheumatism than the original. == (i One is minus a nose, we ean confer upos him | another, Greeian, Roman, Nubian or pug, as he may prefer. We have invented a method by i which we can make his very shadow stick, and jean render every sear, mole apd wrinkle of his | face, in Photograph, Daguerreoty pe, or Armbro- | ty pee can we inyeot po umbrella impervious to Sunday 'rain——no overshoes which will protect feet fer- ‘inine or masculine against Sunday mud! not why were such people as Day and Goodyear created 1 We commend the whole subject to our esteemed friends of the Philadelphia Presbyte- rian and N. York Observer, living as they do in We can annihilate time and space—but the great mart where inveutors and manfactarers most do congregate. oor The Stars and Stripes.—The American ton- nage now bgures up 5,400,000 tons, and will make the very respectable fleet of 5,400 ships of 1,000 tons each, And if the toonage of the fleet be figured out in clippers of 200 tons each, aud plawed on the equatorial line around this globe, each skipper may speak the nextin line by raising his voice a httle above the ordinary pitch on shipboard, round the whole ctreumference o the globe. War would be a terrible calamity to (this immense fleet, and England would not fare better with ber commercial marine of 5,200,000, but little leas than oar own.— Prov. Journal. - -_ Game mw Wisoowsin.—The Lancaster (Grant county) Herald says: “ We notice fran the papers that game is over-com mon plenty inall party of the State. We see venison is sold daily in our street as common as pork and beef, and at about the same price. Grouse, pheasant, nails, &e. are offered at our doors, grouse and p sants at $1 to @1-25 per dozen, quails at 40 cents, rabbits $1." - There ist. (rue greatness separate frou gordiness In actual yuod each man can elevate himself. Position is all outward ; goodness is all inward. In posinen all differ; im goodness all can excel. Le who surpasses lis own animal nature, ex cels. coe A SLIGHT MISTAKE A soung gentleman ov New Year's day made a stight mistake which rather iavulved bis reg tation He wished te send be intended a pra eat of aw y, and ha yg mlechk ~ eu repaired to he room and in wrinagepmtic full of tender etpregeicns a hopes for the futur He despatched a servant “ the saive a , atl the eveniag a as useal lo pase away ao how He teed Uhat Use reory ts vtos lady wae ry cordial, aod be thought he detected a sur nor grouloess inthe parent's visage 7 tbodkd wae not adored with the jewels 4 endeavonng to eo At he mye esugy a walk. preferring to encounter the chills of wre ter to the conlnces of a descont ! On react the sidewalk, Le n jwrre ‘What's the row now & ‘Oh, James,’ was the reaponse, ‘how cowld you make euch a anetake | What bave [dome now ! What's turned up [ Why, your better to-day.’ Wasn't night! You made a mostake, Jame, for I took extra} all the enrelope was your tailors bell with a pote by the tailor, that & bad been rur amg te aod e@trenvows measures would Tears be resorted to, if not paid soon. Father was at ¢ table when the grft an) made me abow tlohm Hf ‘Hang my luck,’ set, who felt let fever a New Year and The nove deak, and apts ased by the eshilition came i Bas very angry ke a man surprised by the If thm ain't a pretty way t T aust have laid the note carek ecly ineerted the bill.’ tended wae found on the writing the second Usv of Janunry fathew was of the aforesaid ball reeet) ted gto THINGS TWO TUNDRED YEARS HENCE n the | of ao elderly nd Parlor gut in New York kitchen, and wanter ascends in a balloon | [ Scene ruse gem telegraplis to the Old yent—Jobn, fly over t South Amenca, and tell Mr. Johoson that EP owil! be happy to bave him sup with me. Never mind your coat now go ' dublin leaves, apd at the end of five nintes re tarne Jobo.— Mr. Jot nson aays be will come ; be bas got to go tothe North Pole, for a moment, aud then he will be bere Old gent—Very well, Joho, N machine for setting the table, and telegraph to Mr. Jolneon w start the mv wife's room, and tell her that is coming, then brush up my balloon, for T have an engagement in London, at twelve o'clock John flica off to exe hia old gentleman runs over to the West Indies fur ute orders, and the A Mmorment, to get a fresh orange >: Hollnoay's Ointment and Pille a won derful Cure of Uleera in the Leg — Fred erick Hiff, of Houston, Texas, was attiict ed for eight yeara with seven ulcers in the leg, like the keys of a flute, which diechaged continnously and rendered his lite one of the greatest wretchedness and misery ; many were tned ain vain, he became worse, at last he had re course to Holloway'’s Ointment and Pills, and by persevering with these reiedies in accordance with the printed directions for nine weeks, he was radically cured, remedies If aman has lost a leg/ and is now able to walk better than ever We can auppiy him with another of better shape! he was in his life. If) | From the Yenkee Blade. My First and Last Courtship. BY A BACHELOR, | 1 had just attained my majority, and like | Most young men at that age, greatly exaggera- ted my own importance. I fancied myself tol- j erably good looking, aud baving ordered a ngw | suit of clothes, thought I could not do better than | make my first appearance at Delia Wyinan’s. Now Delia was the belle of our village, and po one | Whought himself «qual to ‘’Squire Wyman,’ who | was a pompous, sareastic man, 1 must confess, I was dreadfully afraid of him, and sincerely j Wished that he might be absent from home— for ax Delia was his only daughter, he thought i Necessary to take very great care of ber, and | always insisted upon being in the room whén any sparking was anticipated. Tt was lectare wight, and ‘Squire Wyman, be- jing a deacon of the church, made a point to be a regalar attendant. 1 being a pleasant, moon light night, I thought myself perfectly safe in making Dela a visit. I retired to my room to deck myself in the ‘bran new suit’ which had just been sent home, and which had cust me much extra toil avd economy to pay fur. Among iny other fascinations, | flattered my- self with the idea of being a genius, and dressed accordingly. Lat | bave furguites to meation that our family were jn indigent circumstances, + aud the © Squire's, owe of the must wealthy in the village. 1 bad po mirror to dress by, which must ac coont for some hittle dergpancies ta my ward Saul in Arese is now impruved— were sky blee, strp- ed with red, (fur I scorned to look Tike every body else.) my warmtecat was a beautiful orange, dark drab. Tt being « bitter cold robe — (Lut of this arog) my Laste and my cuata mghtm December, I put ou my shaggy over: , coat, and as the ‘Squire's’ was pretty guod dustance from our house, cumcluded to ride our old ‘nay, which answered our home purposes very well, though be was Lut a pack of bones an 1 nearly destitate of teeth Ile was apt to be ttle *skeery’ at times, but 1 flattered mynelf good a | a! ] was tix memwan to be discomtited vany of be pranks; 80 1 muffled mynclf uy v black, shaggy furs, and salbod forth on my 4 goewpe As | sant a wrht as a sentimental k twas brght moonlnht—joat each ver would bave chus 0 for bis rhapsodies. There @as not meet sen Uument about me, even at that age, aod | must confise TL thewgiit rere of the mane chase (which young fellows mm general sould do wel to iemitale .) om at: im { apostrophligag the Y na bite wh I ava mys ( re Po I 4g ux F “ making #0) arisoe , e g r mig i gies wa . ‘ ‘ ! . a week pore a nust be was thes ehich ef s gra ripeniment of becoming lam weer coe Lat t BA» h oer b len was of ay g man, wehice whole mvest ment comerted of a mew aust of thes and a sheepekin for a eadd attempting to win t aflectn ine of a young pri by a coup de mam and thal mrt one of the nchest the villag Yet | had branes enough to determine ia my yen mind that Kosnante should not mar my fortune. fur Tmtended to leave him tied to a tree a hitle this ade of the ““Nyuire'a” I believe the old pag apucipated mr intentions and a that mument deterrmoed to beat a Umely r treat } a few s 1 pogz or yq king how lus vio wl I became the hasba Delia nN 1} . 4 aally a us as mys r F ] | } fare an ] al 1 a be ‘ at r 1 t a 1 ne kw { lar aby alf ow 4 wen an enormoin Newfoundland dog: whether was that my eteed praneed so ca along aan to be recognizable, or wl twas owing y new outét, I 1 never determine, but the Newfoondland gave most decided demonstra trons of hoaulhty. He yumped ‘ before and be hrimd” and at last eprang fairly upon the back of 4) the horse, wha, not being accustomed to per form double doty, ‘ shied m rly. pitching me and sherpsk oto the air. and with a sud len sr ' has to say ‘by vour ay left me to descend ve a snow-dr alu cv of News Hand. while he, evidently prond of Ine performance, returned without further cer emony to his stable Whether the dog thot I was another deg of the genaa, (for she and shaggy furs were 1 up together.) « whether he finally eooeluded Twas a speci:s For n the anow homo |e lad acen before, [ could not tell after giving me a good drabbing tri, he set up a most proious howl, and left ine to my own meditations These were net of the mest pleasant nature The great claws of the dog had scratched my face moat unmercifully, and the intense cold and my fright together bad paralyaed every nerve To add to my misfortunes, it commenced snow ng very hard. 1 looked backward, aud then ‘Squire's’ was the Afte forward, and as | foand the* nearest port, [ ecrambled forward r great exertion, for the snow was knee deep, T reached the door, and gave a thondenng kuock It fryhtened me—no wonder it alarmed the dea con, who came in great trepidation to ascertain who thie marauder was. He started back at first, but presently recognizing me, made a low bow, and politely asked me to walk it I was so taken aback by seeing the Syutre,’ that T hardly knew whether to advance or re- troat, but mustering my cnurace, acorr ted his | invitation, and was ushered into the sitting room, leaving the ‘’Squijre,’ as 1 supposed, going-into (the dining room at another door. | [flattered inyself that he was so struck with |iny personal appearance that he thought Delia could never have a better chance—for my family had kept up appea' well, nobody would have suspected how poor we were—and conclud- ed for once be would allow Delia and myself to | have sole possession of the drawing room. | Lnow remember that Delia thrust her hapd- kerchief to her face; I then thought she was Ulushing, This was a good omen, and as I was a straight-forward fellow, I thought it best to pop the question at onge, for fear I should eever | | again have so good an opportunity. So I went down upon my knees—as I had read of Sit Charles Grandison’s duing—and begged her te | have pitty on me. | She looked atme very pathetically, me ‘who IT had been fighting with I was in such a terrible Murry, 1 did pot vederstand her, so L answered ‘With nothing but my heart; that I had foaght with that, to desperation, but drawing room, in which ¢plendid mirrors, |ty, or whatever name the gentleman could not conquer it, and had Bow come to im- plore her to have mercy On & poor bleeding heart that lived but fur ber, and would die with out ber. * Really, Mr. Doolutle, I have very great com- passion on you, and to prove it, allow me to ring the bell immediately for Biddy.’ * My dearest Dela, answer me first, I beseech you! Let me kuow my destiny—I assure you, my heart is broken’ ——— T should think your head had been.’ At this moment, Kiddy came in, and [Delia requested ber to bring io a bowl of water as apeelily as possible T louked amazed ; I could not for the life of me, tell how a bowl of water was goemg to as gv the fever in my heart, and path tically re tmonstrated—suil on my knees, for] was wo sua weak to rise. [ was about renewing my pro testativus of eterual dehy, whee a loud laugh 1 the door threw me flat ob my beck, a niy effurts to assume a standiag position. li yunded * Squire,’ who bad beard every word I said, and who now, without further ceremor ¥ from bebir was that cor seized me by the sboulders and drew yw, from which I bebeld The dampness had twe before a large mire my fall kogth portrat Imy curls, which now hung in elfin locks vyertny brow, my face was as red as & peony, y mV exctement, and streaked with blood which bed drops over my bran new suit, and hh’ moat unf ate of all. my whrite under Karinen! projected over my pants like a pucket robe f patio the wruay place s & with horror, I decamped as « vedily aay U4 4 1 the shouts of the sy © the Ke pling I and the Learty laugh of ms » ma | wed the old mag's exam) and J ' tas mys ge « uid Carry me vowing | wow ever again yo a courting ; and hat prou ave faithfully k bou se he advavoed age of furt) e o- The a place Ca a called I i “ It ms said to Le a healthy ‘ ‘ ~< \ ‘ As presented us w gra f the t A nveted e | waz oe Bost yneand more females as six th One Smith met a fair young lady at a fashionable soiree, and not being proof a gainst the little chubby fellow’s darts, he fell captive to her charms. After many weary days and sleepless nights, Smith | determined to seek the object of his ado- ration, and make a declaration of the ten- der passion. On the morning following this deter- jmination, Smith arose earlier than was his wont ; oiled, brushed, and frizzed his | bair, trimmed his whiskers, examined his coat-collar to see that no stray hair had fallen upon it to indicate the fact that he had a head on Lis shoulders. Thus) equipped, he bent his steps towards the | aod asked | masdion of the fair one, and reached it at |tleman mean by “our party?” (Langh- jthe time when he supposed she would be 'ter.] | disengaged. He rang, and was shown into an elegant reaching to the floor, reflected bis entire | person. Smith was greatly intimidated | when he handed his card to the servant, ‘and had scarcely tine to compose himeelf | before the lady made her appearance. She received ber adorer with great cor- | diality, which so strengthened our hero's courage that he dropped on his knees at | her feet, and begged her to Lestow upon him the love which he eame to solicit. | The lady smiled, and turned around just | as a gentleman was entering the room, | and replied, as she presented Lim to the | fallen man— “ This iamy husband ; ask him.” Sinith was seen rushing around the first | corner, with his overcoat wrong-side out, | and hat, the brim of which rested upon! his shoulders, muttering to bimself— “ Plauge take the women; I don't be- | Z | lieve my wife is born yet! | A Strange Ocovrrence in Vienna.- Mr. Locke, formerly ediwor of the Savan nahi Republican, in a letter to that paper fron Europe, giving an accoant of a re- cent visit to Venice, says ‘A etrange occurrence touk place while I was in Venice. On the same evening, in different parts of the town, two young girls, nine or ten years old, were enticed away to asolitary abode, where they were Lindfolded and conducted to another re Here they were well treated four hours, with enoagh to hey were bled seve ralt es almost to the 4 tof faint ng. cand when they lad " ood to Spare, without endangering their life, they were restored to theie houes by wight, in the same inysterious way Everybody in town was startled Ly this singular in en The Lai rst comroon explanation had waa, that an old sorceress recom mended to some deluded being bathing nthe blood of young and healthy per sons, as a method of restoring exhausted natare 7 | Ga. A Fortunate Suggestion.—During the late visitation of cholera at Chicago, Tl, | a wealt! ¥ miser of that city took the dis rder and d ed. The weather being very it was found necessary to place his ie coffin with One « y, suggested, just asthe lid was div in tl ut removing his | apparel f his heirs, who was ig fastened, searching the deceased's (7 males, while Chicago Las about fif teen thonsand more males than females >< The richest man in ( ngress is said to be the Hon. Wm. Aiken, of South Caro na II property is est nated at two iilions of ars owe The I } lane says that large pockets, which was done, and the search jnantities of eanaages are made of horse. er alse found an ordinary money belt a fhe s! that city Punch says be believes Toand the corpse, containing over Q5,000 ) variably as thie t-emare Werth of notes, bills, &e whic e has eaten them for 5 r ore The Southern Commercial Conren fien This body assembled at Rich A New Madeof Killing Fleas.—Place a ie fern ig animal on a smooth board, en] a hedge of shoemaker's env, then, ase as he becomes juiet, ommence reading to him the doings of Congress dur ng t present sessiun and he will burst with indignation oo A couple of colored gentlemen got into a wrang! 1 Wednesday, and fought for thirty-two hours, and all because a violin nthe next alley advised them to ‘never g.eve itup so. [lad the fiddler not broke down, itis more than probable that they would have continued the fight till this mnoment Crave Crhoat M4 A ‘supe’ in a Western having been inducted into the ghost part of Hamlet, ‘for this ight only, performed his part so badly that he was hissed off. The manager came forward, bowed gracefully, put his hand on his heart, announced that ‘Smith reed to give up the ylost,’ bowed retired, and all was peace once t things abont human nature is, that a man may guide others in thre path f lite, without walking in it himself: that he may be a pilot and a castaway | mond on Wednesday, the 30th ultimo There were some hnndred Delegates pre sent from Virginia, bat only nineteen from all the other Southern States and the District of Col Maryland, umbia. They represented District of Columbia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Lousiana, Tex as, and Missouri. On the second day a few more Delegates appeared Gen. Tighlman of Maryland was cliosen Presider t, with seven Vice President, of whom Col. Walter Gwyn of North Caro lina is one. Fire.—We learn that the Toll- House of the Fayettevilleand Western Plank Road Company, on [aymonnt, in this vicinity, caught fire from a spark this morning, and was totally destroved ternal Improvements, Commerce, i 7 SALISBURY, N. C., FEBRUAR NUMBER XXXVI. Fined for Wearing a Shawl.—A young man d Kirk And has been ar- rested in St. Louis, Mo., for wearing a shawl, on the ground that it was not the land who acts with the Locos when he! apparel of his sex. The case came up on | gets in the Logo atmosphere at Washing- | Friday, and Anderson was fined $50.— ton, was rather stamped on Thursday last, | It has created intense excitement as follows: the shaw! wearing gentry of St. Lonis. Mr. Clingman had understood the gen- tleman to say thet the anti-Nebraska par- ty were not so powerful as he thought them to be. Was it not (inquired Mr. A Poser.—Mr. Clingman, who has been represented as always claiining to be a Whig when up before his Whig cou- stituency as a candidate for re-election, Remarkable Watch.—At the French Exposition there was exhibited a watch which created much interest and admira- C.) the opposition ‘of the Democratic par-|tion. It tells the uame and day of the ty that renderedtheai so powerless? If| month, the equation of times is a. repea- the snake has no teeth, was it not our par-|ter, striking the minute as well as the ty who drew them ? lear ; is a thermometer of tolerable aeca- Mr. H. Marshall. What does the gen- | racy, and winds itself up by the action of jits own movement. The price of this most | gual piece of workmanship is thirty Mr. Clingman. I mean the party with | thousand francs. which I aw acting—the Riehardson par- gee From the Wilmington Herald. chooses to call them. The gentleman) Outrageus.—We found the following does the Democratic party Injustice in| piece of poetry written upon the back of holding them responsible for my acts. I|an advertisement which was left at this ain asort of fillibuster, asit were, Laugh-| office on Saturday : So far from approving my course | I wish I were an editress—bat then I'd be s women I wish I were an editor—bat then I would be a haman? For oft I've beard subscribers say, When bills were handed round to pay, ‘That part by part, or ae « whole, An editor 's without a soul! | 1 will not be an editoe—just singly for the reassn, | He never dors get clothes to wear, until they're out of season, And as for meat and bread and soch, He 's never honored with a towch— The “devil” sys, with a wink— He lives alone on types and ink. Quacaruios Veaacrrrom ter. yesterday, a large majority of the Demo- cratic party objected to it. - ——s - WHAT I LIVE FOR. I hve for those whe love me, Whose hearte are hind and trve ; For the Heaven that shincs above me, And ewails my spirit too ; For haman ties that tad me ; For the task by God assigned me ; For the bright hopes left behind me, And the good that | can do. I live to hold commenion | With all thes is divine ; To feel there i a union "Twist Natere's beart and mime : Te profit by affliction, Reap truth from fields of Gttion, Grow wiser from conviction, And fulfil each grand demgn. Jonah Outdone—The Petersburg Express fisbes up the following paragraph from a paper | published im 1767 : “Oa a passage to Jamaica, with troops on | board, a httle boy who was a piper, sitting om | the gunwale, by a suden roll of the ship fell over- | board and was directly swallowed by a shark.— A hook was baited with a giece of beef and | thrown over the stern; which was sewed by the shark, and he was preseotly hauled on board.— Oo opening his belly, the boy was found snagly seated between two ribs, and umeoncerned, play- ing a tune on his fife.” I liwe w hai the ee asva, By gifted minds foretedd, When man shall rule by reason, Aad aot alone by gubd ; When men to man united Aad every wrong thing righted, The whale world shall be hghted As Eden was of old _— . | Desperate Duel in Cuba.—A duel of a FASHION ABLE SOUP desperate character took place recently When I lived ia New York,’ said Tom A—,'in Cuba, between Senors Villegas and I received a visit from @ country cousin, who Paradea, members of the Board of Diree- being a rough bewn, «lever sort of fellow, | took | tors of the Cienfugos Railway Company. some liking to, and, a be expected, invited him Villegas first proposed that they shoald to dine with me at the Prescott House. Ed fight with pistols, only one of which Se oe) ns should be loaded, and that they should Pa en, ot draw lots for the choice of this. Para A ee gmaes re en prea des, who, from hie feroeions nature, has Deal hi oe) ee been named “Attila,” declined this plan. by some chance we bad nv mapkins, | requested P some. Garcon was prompt, and the ~ hasty The sonal § took place on the Sabbath, plate” was soon before us. No scuner was iton '2 8 paddock adjoining the country seat the tatle, when my fneod El, with a mattered “f @ friend at the Cero. The weapon used “by Jimmy Neddy,” sudJenly shoved back his *88 the broad sword The immense chair, eed before | cosld tae atead lew strength of Parades enabled him, at the half way out of the room. I followed as soon first cut, to break down the guard of Vil- as poamble, amid the an rious looks of those next legas, and to cleave his skull nearly in When I reached the ball, Ed. was there,! twain sat at (he long, splen.! eyes wide open soup Was announa:) At the last accounts he was liv- bat in hand, waiting for me “ What in the work is Ube matter !” exclaim ed [, anxiously ing, but in a hopeless state. Death of a Poetess.— Mies Mary Louisa “Tom.” said he, his face looking larger and Chitwood, a young poetess of great pro- redder, “I can stand to be called green, for | mise, died a few ays since at Mount know I ain't up to all the kinks, but I swan] Carmel, Indiana. Prentice of Louisville, Mont We codiedi dete ii the Peesidnnt describes her as having been one of the « What do you wean! sad I brightest among the young women of : genius in this country. ——s Cool Jm pudence.— A few days since as beggar uto the office of Mr. Beddeme, in Loe- and thee sticks a towel in my face, as much as doa, C. W, with a peuuoce eniten eo 8 grem Mr. Brown, you might as well wash pasteboard, and being refused relief, was about Woon skontne thrs crowd.’ And, Making his exit, whee perceiving that he was ia n'y man I care about 28 exchange office he coolly pulled out a heed- - ful of silver, and asked Mr. Beddome to accom “ Well, Tom, I don't know what you said to that short haired monkey in the white rounds bout, but just after you spoke to bim, he comes and sets down a big dish of water right afore me walked to aay eat wilh Tom, I beheve be ws the seeing afore leaving this village Tom vows be gained four pounds of flesh that modate bim with gold '— Montreal Pilot. week, and never, ul! he forgets his cowsn Ed How to Subdue a Vicrows Horse.-—On look Ing over some will be Leheve ‘stylish’ soup is not fattening J papers the other day, we came b os ; across the following, which, if true, is werth Wild Pegeons —The Central Alaba knowing. It seems that a fruidess effort was mian, of 11th inst., says being made in a blacksmish’s shop to shoe a vi- Our woods are now swarming with cous borse, which sesisted all efforts, kicking millions of wild pigeons, attracted to our) aside every thing but am anvil, and came pear region no dout acoms whic! vak trees. S the sonnd of t from one part sembles heavy t by the abundant crop of 4 ave not vet fallen from the numerous are they, that eir wings, when they start f the forest to another, re listantthnnder. It is aaid they have a roost a few miles south of ‘ing Limself against that, when, by bare acei- deot, an officer, retorned from Mexico, was pase- ing, and beimg sequainted with the difficulty, apphed a complete remedy by the following simple process He took a cord—about the size of a bed-cord Elyton, where ther pass the night among —put it in the mouth of the horse bke a ba, the branches of tall long Jeaf pines. and ted it tghtiy on the top of the horse's head, that such numbers are collected at this passing bis left ear under the string, not pata- fully tight, but ught enough to keep the ear This done, he patted the horse gently on the side of the head, nightly biveuac, that their weight causes ing of the branches, so as r hazardous to approach veontinual ta : down and the cord in its place to render it ra he Toll K rs them. Sportsinen with their double bar . . A hire alae ve : = he Toll Keeper furniture Was saved Felledialiat guns have fine amnsement and commanded bim to follow, and instantly the Fay. Observer shooting them, and the children take great lorse obeyed, perfecly subdued, and as gentle They have a joke in California that the member elect to the Legislature from Yuba, thinks he is elected to the United States Senate, and has gone to Washing } ton to claim his seat A man who don't take a ne wspaper, Iv poor but will always remam se The less men know the less they learr Folks who labor for fitty cents a day, al-|¢ ways sign their names with an X. } not ¢ the dark inasses as they make their wav to the general rendezvous stance of the severity of the present win ter the Boston Traveler states that a gen felight late in the evening, in watching and obedbent as a well trained dog —suffering his feet to be lifted with entre igeanty, and acting iu all respects like an old stager, The simple string, thus tied, had made him at once as docile aod obedient as any one could The exceedingly simple means of subduing a very The Severity of the Winter.—-Asanin jesire. gentleman wh. thus furnished this dangerous propensity, intimated that it is prac- n Mexico of wild borses leman living in the vicinity of Boston ately found the dead bodies of half a doz tised aod South America, in the man- agement Be this as it may, he ‘Nn crows upon the snow inthe v leinity of deserves the thanks of those whose business it 18 house may be to shoe or greom the animals, «4 at — - ne em een a - tn ae —_ ne SED | Samaeaene Re ec, ae i - HOMICIDE. fataral | “Well, I i in’ : RENTS; key &e., de.” \ geGipite description of the Charlotte property ; and if| Campbell, Carlile, Carathers, Caskie, Clingman, | ke Nataralization Laws—-We notice that ‘Well, I'll be whipped if we ain't at Carolina Watchman. 6 Bene, the-tditor means te run out the comparison in this! Frowell Cobb, Williamson R. W. Cobb, Cor, The Charlutte Demoerat of the 5th inst., The matter in controversy between the “ Hereld” a at be | ; eu Elmuad ‘: pls, way hereafter, he must see the necessity of PE ®) Cpawford, Davidson, Denver, Dowdell, w . ay i . Pinited States 1 the eaisting Natural the boat has been bitched to the whart ___ [and ourself, is not « trifling one. Our town has beet) tittle more definite. We are prepared to do as well, | /FA*TU", says: *Y esterday a free negre wellknown hl aces ed nel ma ecard ahaa all night!” | uaeailed by a public journal within its faite in such and better perhaps, via: two houses in Charlotte, told ght: fh bill has been introduced into the Senate of the Wilmington here yet ; and, what's more, se alli Suglis Stheridge, Eustis, f ; ‘ lenin ie poner ) »D. Fuller, Goode, in this town by the name of Mice Taylor manu Jouluted to bh t. In the jnving, , jor B5,500 ts for $700! ‘The | Florence, Foster, ¥ : > he er as calculated to barw i a beg! 02> Jast Court, one for $5,500 and rents for § ne | Flo , astus Hall, J. Morrison Harriss dogg killed by stabs received from a knife, thon Laws. Of Ube terms of the bill we are not a . r > Siveed = Uutiilial ibey will olrike al the toot of It was a fact, and the drunken gogs SALISBURY, N, C. we Pegarded it as ani Jerato and thougbijmsacts Gunes, which we are informed sold high, went (Green , Auge the al uses rowing out of the present legislation had been rowing away fur dear life with, | .* _— — dante iba Gaeta bg page aes aye nit ie aa to go tothe tgouble, get up|) are Bare, Tee ee 2 while making av assault on a white tan, it b growiny » 0 ep an oy tha ‘ ri he wish or e a e Ve night, if we saw io Oo e > re dle. J- e mig go sagt Hofinaa, Houston, Jewett, Geary named Jaiues Donehoe. The fatal affair out knowing it, 4 ; ne i eater | font, ‘Tie popular | , ~~ ({PURSDAY EVENING, FEB. 12 1856. of the “ Herald” tp prejudice Une town or its varied | jreige showing the rate bere. “Buti ie out ont @lancy Jones; Keitt, Kelly, Keonett, Kidwo'l, | * Lhe Bubp wel toh ) — ope interests. But yet, whilet we do him this kindness puognoss. 1) is a duty which devolves apou the Her- Po a r see s South-¥ ri ® meus Mt wntry is cow 8@ plaiw THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Past —< ee = ] we must confess oar surprise at bis persistence va ald, not only to show the rates in Charlotte but to} Lake, Letoher, Puc Lumpkie, ae ; ‘oceurred dn rw Q i ae part “ Ind . F bess j iro 5 * . gourse so manifestly unjust in itself, aud ee clearly gompare ibe sume with those paid in Sulisbary, pro- Hamphrey? Marshall, Samocl SoMlarmbatl, town, ata place called Galt ornia. t het V for Uirow Og Ercan We lait thelladiasrofolex TERMS OF THIS PAPER $2.00 CASH. | Mischievous in its effects, Saad’ the Teditur accepts’ Charlotte amg the pluce of i bai "Molkce McQawen, Saith Mile rf . t ro Was indebted : a pepgti: wateustds aroatd Aa 1 Ctzenship is so ap). are ¢ bee = . We i: A Herald's pe Arraigned : 4 4 5 hands ax welly on , , 5 learn that the neyro Was Inde to Don. YY: ington have formed a Sewing Society for - © have opposed the Herald's positions Arraigned | comparison, We bape, for the sake of property hells yy, Mordecai Oliver, Orr, Paine, Peek, . ¢ case, pare! v4 te ultea rabod Teuton seem 7 eof naaus ie aecee eee it om the individual of partigular questions whic it rae: ery jn both ‘Towns, that the average willbe sane, Tee Porter, Powell, Puryear, Quitiiin, Reade, elec, ou account of Jumber furnished is the purpose of raising the neceesary Manes Western dort. ) The Western rail road ed, vit: the prices ef bward at the Hotels; the rates | cougiderably above 6 per cent. otherwise it will afford Thelps, Porter, Powell, ear, Ee le . , ’ stances 4 ted wee sel veguisite to fitup the Presbyterian ¢ ‘hurch go) ann a aes 1 ie ee - line b is ar of rent; the prices ef Lote held for sale ; and the de-| no evidi nee of the prusperty of either place. If ot, Ready, Ricwud, Rives, Roftin, Rust, eas him. Doneloe wanted his money and lise od , Teeclaan ite NAVE ott cc eee ee ‘se seat 4 ve OME SREY Oe ein ane s . nopulation of our towa of its mechanics as a Conse- | | wever, tf the average is found much below 10, wes ed r Samuel A, Sinith, Willan > ne d to pay him, « j ; ,; Te Reise in wstylea little more tasty and becom: surveyed and located, and is Ueing placed under Guence of the exorbitant demands” of Hotel Keeper (rugt we shall hear ue nore couplanuts from the Her.) seine Winliaes He Smith, Syeed, Stephens. ihecripgte relnces to tere lleging regulati be ur wh» ing than the dress it hgs wurn so long.— contract, jand real estate holders. We deaied ite asseruuns 1) gig about high rents; for it is » fretomsily demanatra- Saute, WR: ° ‘Brijspe Wadena! that he did not owe him anything. A FRR Gong tor the paturalzatiou of Furaguers.| A short time@iuge the tasty and pudli¢ | On the 21st January, Messrs. Shaver aad Siy,regard jo these thiags and put the edgor upoa the | tod we think, that mouey at 6 per cent, m better than Radic) cw Tal tea ary iI Whol 2 quarrel ensued and in the next place an dom en ) sprite adie. t » M. FE. Ci sli Of aponlon co anes orkn Cialis sy, proof. Whether or not he bas acquitted himself WIE Penis at & ail, Walker, Warner, Watkins, Wells, : nee : biol ies Racy iy Site Saar be : hi hit cally 1 B tl tos Ao i" state uh ands ts a credit—has sustained bis assertious—we have wothing " Bat, deur neighbor, all that has been or may be 84d | Williams, Winslow, Daniel B. Wright, Johu Vo assault by the hegro on Donehoe, who Some } f tiie a tol Can ruler ery liberally oO ) ve road with obe bundred bands, ay. if eee a allie a ' Ld aie d , peda é ; etch at) allowed ty eng a free white : FRIAR AN aITeIe Nae one . ean : art geet op Sevan dasrameg ed Ea ona regard to reais al mS Dees Wright, and Zollicott. r— 100, , Can os He 8 knife and gave: his ghsailant, similar thi wi 4 site und inte Cannes ee rey seas i a A slight correction and explanation wes Scan PCM ara »foduce, ie unavailiay as refief lo your position tour + y Mess reoin, Clark © , PEELE regi 2fridhin thes Tnug gqand being und dence had blessed them, and exhibited 4 s! wis ee 1+ nou-cuminitttal”—we think he has failed to do It ie the future prospects of Salwbury. Ef she failw to kor Mr. yy ulley t ‘i | , Muliward, , Severe stabs in the body, killing him on their me ‘ : { 1 Suits for Oo Yeu, iaeir taste in sume rich and beauntal should accompany the above. It is not, He hes sitempted tv sustain vuly three of the M4 peach the point of uaportance you predict for her wn- New York, Cullen, Davis of Mary loud, Muli ward, , tl t Donehoe, who did not ‘ai. bi = | thie Sle 2 Su A 5 a or tur ade sitrespects mechames who ef licy, having ite 1 Whito 6 1@ Bpot. 1) 10e, . ere me a Cit 1] ran eal 1 erol een . nie sn ' . dad true that the road is being placed under | BY SeserHonue made, viz: as t der the operation of sme undefined policy, having abe tney telecom & ONE ; ; : st : pangings for he ais SEE OE He ie ‘t ‘ LON i fy . ‘ie of 1 sive Neve: resmovod (rae ve Nd JOY cream eno CY mgd eens eecd in your own head ulune, and only indicated | Kor Mr, Campbet— Messrs. Dann, Hartioon, | cogipt to escape, Was arrested and lodged’ of asim won of coud character, and to take an cath to) te 6ee Chat other ladies of our villawe are contract. No notice has y seen given board at the Hotels, high rents, or eaurbilaul” de- by your ypposition to present ruling prices of certain yg . 3 i i b - . ‘ i ») Moore, and Scou—4. : chaff support Ure Consttaten, Tbe children of saeb disposed to tullow a good example, and ‘of the letting of contracts even. Mr. Sha- peaites of belders of eel eI ms ‘ Ha pai ee articles Baise reot cong oe such Cailure ee pects For alr, Wells:—Mr. Mickman. jin jail. po a ; til Waray ono , a ee : ; A provisions are ** uo higher here than y of the Ur ou te have been wiser thaw the generation of you Mr, _ - ; oom persous wader 24 yews of age, and the children that a they adorn eta bodhes, they ver, it is true, is building shanties and rounding villages 3" and bis words iu respect Go FeMle Gay Af Sansbury iw doomed tydecay—te cat —ic will Mr. Benson, of Maine, one of the tell- Renee : - “ da by m er bore beyond sea,or out of the han {#fe desirous also, na suitable manner tu clearing the road-way, by the permission of He has not even alluded to Hot 2 ee be brought about by high paces of board, reuts : i tint Naik VP. Rank THE WEATHER, ; i! ladorp the temple ofthe Hving God, whom . 5 ate faye om quite unpardonable when it is recollegted that he 00> peal esate, Ke—Nor will Ube traceable tothe past ers, announced that Nathanie . Banks, : ; " . these wu ty uf the ULS, to be considered as natural bore | % Cal 7 P ae » Board of Directors, who are anxions lowed of us a % commentary” on that particular pout 5 ee ome ron ey Gh hee citikedeca pokey wslibe (a, | ie . es ayer Continues excessively cold, the hail of . they worship, and from whom all their the ard of Direc ' RECT ree re Aen Saari ene and present ** policy He ; : raepaee jr, of Massachusetts, was duly elected , : fancies Ul ates ded 1 ee Whos vers if ; ’ f » use of ti and when we recall to mind that his first uruicle bere erat as her people were able to show, bul which you ¢ 4 > att ; samy ne whose fathers bad) conifurts and blessings flow. We know to make the best possible use of time. ay ite eaption, in black letters, © The Salisbury Ho- eve vondewaed, and Fepreseuted ae suicidal. The | Speaker. tle 4th January ctifl remaining on the of womb ree { Suutes Luvt be) there are some who object to the promo- But the arrangement between the Botird (els" Nor has he said word in regard 18 19 gisascer uiust come from sume other source or sources Mr. A. K. Marshall rafsed the qnestion ground in wany places. On Sunday we said permon | #ltion of these societies by the ladies and Ss sn held for sale. All these were prominent powts 8 Phe-only one of all the subjects of duuger enumerated eae mane teas uad aolight fall of hail and snow. At } . ; I jul ~ zi | a ta a dp and Mr. S. is not such a contract as to 8€- hus first gsaault upon the town And the propostion® by you which contains in its Ifa eapacity for baru. that the House itself must declare Hie re sas ae é a '. , duced, I lates at a lave a greatantipathy to the fairs which cure to the latter that part of the line on | which naturally sprog frou them are ali und severays the removal of ber citizens; and when you have : ] hight it it cleared off, and the most prerc- thi to f they fi rently hold f he purpose of : mee h rare nuaderavou—For instance; Is th : natal h sult, and that the Clerk could neither doe : ’ ing act of the | 4 ptos BY t hey requently hold for the purpose ot 2 . x . . worthy of caretul conmdera vou Inetan shown that this process of depletion is going on wit , suld wind ie due th ial A which ne is operating, against under-bid- | gumber of mechanics who have left us sufficiently yy compensating of cvdater movement, thea, and vot yo Ljmself nor delegate any one to do so, ig culd wind pre ailed uring the night, body at disposing of the articles hich they have apd all Sunday, We suppose few can is neyer by 1 t uniry Was just recovering | . 1 large ta arguinent ugainet the future proepeeds & ial the ears of be ruine and , f, the } ! ‘ i manufactured, and gome are even so un ders, in case there should be But, when rit Sarin at ik Be it tel boar hoy " eo prinhae i ois bs : ra? ae Sai vaur os : f After some debate on this point, in which fron ‘ volutiobary war, aud it was the pol it . OT UE LU) foe LL ela a lel coat id teteardaci Son yruspe rous people be aga ha » . a ba z : a ue i Pel) charitable as to pronounce the whole con- the contracts come-to be let in the ustial ‘aoa by which to jadge of is ree ur fall? Aadil w.' toga dereted aud reclereied. ‘The Messrs. Rust, Clinguman, Cobb of Geor recollect the time when the ground was is a part ° t . 1 tus ‘ tivra: | x ees . > ; R “ ssre ’ an, 5 Vea ey ; ver rage immigra: | orn as @ mere swindling opecutive.-iwey, If it bo taken by svine one clae, \% beh of bw rates indicate its downfall? Du bight egery aud fron which You a wt aghaat, are baru oe Al ee aie ae Nunal coutinuously frozen from the last of De Amid all tion Was a new Country, t tr Jupoand yy) ‘ be seriot Wo sea 7° . or low reat rates portend ao unfavorable future De and bode no ill. Their distorted shapes and fnghtful gla, Suit oF Alabama, 2 a d North . ‘ ‘ | Phere may a el rei objections to these 4), arrangement will be made to secure to same in reference to lots for sale j and many others, ivcia are but the products of & hasty aad nervous tem- atin 11. Marshall, Campbell of Oia cember up to this date. The Thermom- our ever @rentest wndacements Were bei societies aud fairs, Lut we must confess : quite tedious to enumerate but aot less interesting of Caluly 4 1 close! anined wae z bach iat 4 5 i j , : s niwitable y have 7 ’ peraune nt almly considered aad clverly examin ctor, yesterday morning, was down to gwue @un. rs sett | we have never been able to discover thetn. Mr. 8. any equitable claim he 8) ha Ms uuportaut, should be duly weighed in meg YP *) their hideous features fade away; and as investiga Llerbert, and Stewart participated, and t be . he € Fi é awa Theartontiact on tha ckuhicct +, 4), ) Nothing surely can be more innocent, nor for work done. Thisstatement will relieve | grave verdict involving au iuterest of at least ball © Gon progrosers they avsume now and even attractive iii which Mr. Aiken asked permis Cheraw Gasette Feb, 6. y PISCE ONT DS EME etal gs ee elavel y i Garcelare tl oof what sist otlierwiea be con: million dollars features. What before wery inonaters, assume more & : ; coe ——- As to ruj Bint ect, was puss! in 1795, and required a 6. avy scene more lovely and interesting the case of wirat mig it otherw ee ¢ But let us take a glance at the facts and argu y,tural form#: and you are led to question with your sion of the Tlouse tu eenduct the pentic A rumor is again out that the free State as comm support of thoee of te SPEUOUS Giff these are other than the mere ahaduwe of the 3 jthan to see the ladies of a Village, the’ strned as the institution of an unusaal me- ments olfered te the editor thought most worthy to be sastaned lesunge which we all prise. Nay! Are nut the ve- | 08 from Massachusetts | r. Banks.) t and pro-slavery men of Kansas Te: sitory wears residence, and that the alicn should re . tatrons und maidens, all collected toge hod of Jetting contra ; < ; : pounce furever all allezivace and fidelity to anv | rof a pleasant afternoun to ap sien thod of jetting contr: First vo oder take, tis—tt Ute ; atcha dOUiee 1) bleagingy themaelres—ithe very objects foe which the chair, as the duly clected Speaker oft) avU been engaged rae fight at E dent he =) A ‘ ~ hale eee cee puke The rat! has been so exceedingly “hat we oud sn regard te prove ve boing of DO DED: Wwe have toiled and spent for years” Me : Easton. . Juientaie, Siate or sovereignty | few hours in sucial cunversation, wile at ibe nied eae cect bare heres than in the eurruunding villages, He | "yh ore ene of the many new citizens whe hava, tle Honse. It is said that two of the border ruffians If the whatever aitcumusy Us bare the prince. |the same time their nimble fingers busily | Untavorable tor locating the road, for the dees it! Dove he deoy t knowingly! Toot) he wttled here suce the comple tian of the North Caro Mr. Cling offered the follo g re- oom t . 5 a A] ' P Mr ingman oliered the lowing re " . : am Ss eecc tuadtded apm the strength of bie opin: | Gre Rah Raed’ Lake olhers, yun have come becasor ! were killed, and that two abolitionists ( ‘ te, State or soreregzady of wloel the alien | ply the needle so that they reap both past few weeks, that we apprehent there = i ‘ _ i ‘ |b . . I ; F V4 wos which, in this case asin @ great many others, @re vy suppose this is the best field of uperaton for you solntion : were severely © ounded, in an affray which might i Was asuipet He was aso reared to declan | pleasure and profit. We trust that they must necessrily be some Unantict pated worth noduug at all Phe © werth” of our‘ opin. py s all ; kha cis cna aud 71. —— ; * 3 1 p i Ne pres of all new comers is afke pleasing « Resolved, That, by reason of the adoption of - " but this L t a aim three years | Wilt Mot pertuit themselves to be cither: gelay in the Jetting of contract Woo bea! te get the question under consideration 5 but if rratifying to those old citizens of the town whe have 4 : fee yr ue :, oats : commenced by the Missearians making = « we Yeats | : olan) ri stuinur uo coutracts ae ripe ieee! oh en a a a the proposition known as the pleralily resotution ai ne ™ hefore } ae ; ¢ ltrowned down or laughed down, but that tel he editor paye hunectf no bigh conplineot in gene thousands for ite unprovement There was no Lite Pv thee dl Xp an attick upon the ballot boxes. The ay bef s adi nt he prvileges of cuzet T ras i ' lave reason to believe, however, that not) pronvancing them worthicss Does he comprehend epee lia ement for thein Ww invest their means and the voles Laken Yoder WH, the mw. 0 x jah and i sl. 1 ated wi 1g02 ENIMAUI RO OU M LCSCUCIES BEAL SUMOTh a day will be Uirown away; and that no We take the two icading articles of the peovienn ty Ruiruad stock, than the hope that it would attract’ Bauka, jr of Massachusetta, bas been duly hos story needs comffetaation, as it has alrea- ae a rbLJe Mag ace Ua aa bed L saris ots UN, t ” nd co nd ent : aa y ‘ 5 punter oa a — bject— Ler. Flay , anes market at thi tin at and core. and quite (rv tuther many wooful basiners muon, to Sil ap, nad eatead cn Speaker, and is hereby se declares 1y been stated that it was grossly exag- re co he ja « pe Subycct Was Passed { ye will be tacking tu facie ule the pro- the Behsbary aad Dtatcerie Markets, Wr ihe wer the place. Property beldere here have bast, and are . . ° e . each 4 1802 and required of the aj pueant for the nul — C ft terpr ndiog Fed 2d. In Sauebury, corm was quoted at 90 gin erecting, houses for their aecomelation. The After some debate, the previous Gace yerated. We find the following fn the think of porate Fh Aatcast alah at tes ; A xreed of the Chlerprise 45 bush » Statesville a brought frm i } } ' }, ee] ey aNey) and 90 me tateev ene rod work yors bravely on. aud there is eearecty ® thor W ralled on the resolution, au ‘ . > . . of citiaeuslip— tbe fire years reaulence, at least : ident a v le ful Enaduran Seo oe GahcL te Sababary) wheal Wroaghl tte’ ore tccruce: cemtrcerebeubed ca nel’ tm of - <a ed \ : r 1 Kickapoo Pioneer extra, Janaary 18: of proper , tec l ; he Grand Rapids Enquirer 50 * Piete ' conded, and ordered to be put cre : within Ure Uetted States and one vear in th be 8 } } a 7 our citracns: and as wr end before, there ia sothing ’ i © Forbearance has now, indeed, ceased inl | : wht Der = c . x in a 1 Wednesday last, u serious acerdent o« The Right Dwechon —A mercas ypandon,” that this sustains he oy pap ag we cam eee. in either the present ar fatere The question was taken, and the res ok . . ham state ur tereitory where the applicabon wa> , iP bout pia scluwe usa lettr, dated Sahebury, leinet oye raiy pe ORI RE REP ra eo ee ee Catal ve le he q al y ane to be a virtue; therefore we call on exe- A ‘ rred sin Ww t Tha, abet os ) o curr rrele vi . P veludee the hope tha arume 14 , z prietors made, and that dering all this time he should b ‘ u my * ‘ hat 160 bage of 50 dorrets of fe a asynct surrounding villages?” Upimune are 2 eee eet car Town wi Wwtion wad adopted—yeas 190, naye 40. cy pooslavery inan tu the land to rally to id niles from city. A voung wan, aged had been ent frum that tuwn here Gin uae cmihing: Lates see, W * : ' Ge ee ¢ Bs ‘a0 oy hi play the a mae of guod moral character, attached to the Wee ‘ R for sale, being the bret shopmeui x if 2 . , 4 va inivvece things which w All the meabers of the N.C. delega v reecnue. Kansas must be immediate g Is vears, son of Nicholas Carlton, was Ravinend . wz the bs » he ve Statemy ale a w the comparison) Mocks hee alc peas ibe oble tb ahdu the cuntrery, (You if ‘hose’ ind whenever Precapicse die Conan tecon of the U urted States { tree s é z from Salsbury ence the completetum of the rad ville @ one of Ube surrvandiag velages ale, Le . k b yee ss iscvelvau tapers n: LION voted for this resolution, exc pt Mr y rc rom these tyrannica og. ; . Wha tree, In COMpany with Wil Hereld ; piven yr a eae “ " i Mickamo os at this danger is and we Jisposed to tl mod order? at \ oaiiae As the tr ; ( d, and Gold Mall, come under th But let os ey oud fineh and pratecuee Pattin Mr. Craize was absent tekay tangers are 7 ri us eu rae ; \ Pee Aus oe oe We joia the Herald in the » expressed signation Why ronfiue the compariaue t wheat lands are of any meek fee merenmng, hardy, 1 Ses a |, oo nomnent beating to arms! A large nam-- mente ene of the sam } Jed, however, that the | fa n vy, it struck another as and swery Pee ee atromiahalitiel® : Pork. lard : ae Bene cndicd evar a} agneuiturs} pope tres “7 Mr. Bank» was conducted to the cha ver of proslavers mea will leave thie are good. wail of the appheant shov b pe case be allow ed from the position in waich 1 was ex ' ter, bre wen a a bus he hinge cx» 2 Ndr! thing: if ehilful and perecvering mechanics ; if OMgr w is l} A shice] i - s ; ent pei t 1 teve we taken, that the produce of Weatern No che head of provieiund” as werd By the Herald, and 109 eaterprieeg merchame; learned end copehic be- Messrs. Fuller, Miken and Cawpbell,) place for Easton in twenty minutes The Jegtote tu prove bie resmdemcs This act also rejuire 5 Noreen Peeters . wert mot be umutied ie the compansca. And heving | os men, in offices and wa the profconme, f trode took the oath of otiee, and delivered a) war has again commenced, and the aho the mills t e reots thereaiio . Sie m LY Ch riy a vay bre vw Tee i rd to Wheat aad Cun, why athe far re fe trade, a8 a bank. an erehaage \ . ninte lave agnit mence Pro - nee ene = : arm to jelly, and the butt of the tree, a the N.C. Rail Road, and find a Market ANS for datum in rrepect ents a 4 Bed cade with ciel. which Relshary oud, (oR 850 brief spec . ae gol “ine te reed it Pr Winter « yarns i aimed oe : tt resting on his head, foré t th at, And having gune to Charlotte, (where alnas he owght! ag vicinage w hberally biceerd. can. at only pre | as ended the most mom Pept RS (AEs al ed Lae tn ll tats strike gates Of Ube fulsreg facts. vame, birth-pla io ’ A Tn i uy : lasa wo have guoe at the first, why did he come 884) Cores her frum decay. but estan her in her preer nt 5, rt © Ce ryour ides—strike for your rights = atter into tue proune DE SKiLt WAS) have produce to si we ant x ¢ < ATALILE = witheut a compane ( the grees uf countr duce real, to the wutais Cie : Ie Ww : y pros H 7 pereperwats condigen. then, the fair of towne and ent i veng vod of sour brethren who av Ape; Salina) sllegiane. J CnC. at fractnred, but strange tu te r t n this place and \ rton, af tmard aad seal eotate If be be aluwed to yomp as o dependent - a hedden myetery—se ruled by renentalives W e we are bv! ca ; nV tne w ardly. aseniled, but who Weldoe I country from wheter the allen et {the head was coinparatively uninjured ’ muta Ue way, would wt be difirult, OWE 16) canes which ore et learned Polivecal Bevo F hy at \ H ‘ / 5 from here to Charleston cal and ut eretoes oat a ant of case ri : - , click we trte. wetiehe doowith the resnit, as pow acer rave bravely fallen in defence of Saath fire engine place of tends! seftiement, & Ait other in | Phe young with bim chopped off the log ioe mete hare mnt vet doar . : i : = ard red to rull it off ( ee TO WILMINGTON TO CHARLESTON Dat aoe 2 4 t ” sood the grampaf echer F He cf Be ained, we dy net conmider the election rmoinstilutions Seand ue bagleof war dives wi siructiivms ctnbolsd 1a presious acts were also ‘ 4 ! é arent ca alae ered eam ental aps see eens Seer ohh Nerd Utah ey aol head Ba as tata to a disswd vo SN xth aud breadth of the baud, Miltoe Ch : . re ate ead, all t time supposing the tert } anes 4 ¢ parp ata pe ete a euch a stage ae th > , ua de tits bona , Lacon ion hconcteb he) Galadtmbad aks aah ad: | - . re ’ ba : mi . ' Mocksville had been chron inate ad of Stateevitte ibe — . “ems \ He W 4 ave an abolitionist in the tern we pe w dead it he ills 1ove y _ Peer ; : i 7 Lise four tis act was pased ip PAO4 and was ey it a nue anda T.. Cu eeu have be y Glare nt feonit even co ——— tory te relate their treackervus and con . | arid as forced to go nile an« halft < aes A : ae tivelveecer ' E ‘ salt 147 moos L F be ites Doty it my 0 ' ' , ting dewde—strike yyur piercing ao the pu Wiser] OS petal y A Le sts ve se tain Assistapce When the x i : . mig spatial 1 te th - ase echy ! “y 2 Eat i \ cu A at) 1 te the quo) eetiwn, wlich male proves for regar ed away, it was ascertained that (4 . . y gv ate prep in the & a A S] cKi } UTED “ose pe » their = “ soa - pr ‘ t . . ald Rome og the wilows and etiidr ‘alene df n was alive hic was aceordin,)y Ba - ae A roca ae ime war G a4 . Litho gels lica ‘ 7 ‘ ss again autil oar half of a 6 whi» . _- 4 na wie avi ¥ theme . . f af - vi . 7 ert lave \ t Pp rv ie rid of the last vestage of abo a dom ere ' 40 a 1 he is likely t ol } “4 ou pps pe Mere. : : youth \\ . ‘ ; = i) = 0 foree a = - 1 Meant ct protract ateny thre “Citisens I fi } ew out of the war nile cicetre c itm wel hover ke . , . Pe : = agar mt | 0 ~s an the cs we Hf ot Representatives, lw ‘le ete ‘ A ray cerated acovant, we hope good for ; ee oo. acre as . } : 8 : % RANKS ; 7 j ; , ; , . « * T reese fas nker vet w were emnewlat ta Ml \ \ yor I W {EE LEL 2 yaliaation t J ! 18 ' wht ! . d Lloine Garner is fa late and they ot ame hee marke the CANGe s ALi AND COL HEELER Hemme . hen by aarpe 4 ater pai thes this wot bs, * PE BON Une ivy , 8 Bie , BULON wii he VEEN prace . ‘ ! ‘ W \suisros, Feb. 6 a Main Shire! ney ar «© ta I wr lak the Washmygtor f rape a rear re @.a Uncd af . : . . t N ant I is Bier Now mt We Bars e . «fe I! ‘ oe! « J f ‘ W e ar Monoater to Nicara blowing J . a prov Dye z Aa reher t a a er ’ “s . ; : : . Nod ptm wa t Wet : . ; ; fiver ' i sy felln eatee ee - Missa tt ‘ . , hasrecently replied to the better of ee “ : we ’ i ‘ é , ry, any ‘ ree mule ihe ‘ 0 } t i] so etary Marcy, dieapproving of hie eon- — e . 3. . ’ . that can | r 28 . \ . ‘ 4 | ue wt if rong the new government re : © ae an [nay (ibe Ke wstom Hous ; mM go pre A thae ' fN ‘ have bree ee Ed ae ee ryinene : : : , ' ba « ( W r oaiste that from sarroand R . ins . } Set ore wok L . o. [aves \ ' and all civilized nea ikieg! A . " A t Mf Aa 5 fectly reti fi t he q ou nu a ae \ : ay yj able io t uisl pan . ni ~ at opetar wl wes sy re yn an the : ; ry Vpn nl i ‘i wa ‘ “ A speaker t He em ther te 3 - j ‘ . : . | ’ ny tw or: < \ Sa rrenenny ; m ioe wie 8 reat j ‘ a alker's e caret _ ares aide t sf satel dal : Ser ‘ ul = Jd te 1.2), and that hie govert “ ° 4 i miner I & ‘se throw . Na rl h ‘ vo. \ ; : : Fame ' \ ale y established, amd that lis about ell t > : a <0) PY , ane _ \ { “ ft f Wteey } ’ ew ' o WA 4 ng all the Central Amencan wth our V » Ae i . aol M . thess be saceesafial. eflorts wo ai oh° ot per , a Wie give ‘ ¥ M F ' , aril e . a baa re ‘M ‘ Z ‘ vw . A United States Government, if re 7 e are bow - ’ : . 1 irom to @ « e betwee : < t true, te pot disinclined to ac toa frend t retty ‘ ev of ea a be b&b et Banke, and Me AN hen of Soath Ca ’ . e Walker a» President of Nica the Gre en ¢ a ' “"e rl if be bo ’ Ade seabed Nouthere jet. © ‘ F aM Lies Rois eve rted t ter, bat enone i AZUA the reception of some new and i. ’ M sana s * bY] wi Wa — eis nt a eg? Pat “Mr ft = t { P r ‘ t M ster, in the plac e ol L eas ~ . 3 > f ® work ° 4 4 \ ree ws a n - a ‘ wire my heart | ° 2 thre . one re ; a aid he ate : i sabe : eta , caus eff ‘ : CONGRESSIONAL a Abe 9 Ores I I 1 ' J spb : i ee Ons ’ M . ‘ fay \ . impere Th >> 4 @ ee .t ot Ae ( 1 '? , - . ; . - - It was a rd tiat-a ? W isuine mn, February 6 the figs it * ‘ { { ‘ : aad mater s a y x nea ot tree “+ 5 "2 eG ye tly w { t . 4 Mer. Clavton submitted rotting of ° . = 5 " ; : 1 y t ‘ trosolotion authoring the Sergeant more thar Wy r Na ee N : t States of the orga hie the tw t-Ar of both Houses to ascertain with thia frit 4 * < ® ‘ . wer on ur +. ' f : : [liar and eir read aati r P lelay the cases in W ashington wf in tion of ev mus ws whew th.» / rt I \ F « x foot (aes (oes (aie aN THE ivedeal satferog for want of fael, and ap ed “» : 1 prreat W for the relief of the of decay fire» ‘ « “a . : ; . ae ‘ : : Sege Matt - : I us resolgtion passed ef ‘ Stes ~ ; - . 7 = te raed ada, ae ninent member «af rah amendment making the np, be of einai mation of ¢ - eo vr . ; ¢ Vl ( (is N ' ' - ir a, , i : =a wer wl) arve are Ses : ast , aa k of Croorgetown and Washington dietribators rally ont 1 ] Tine A ° ° {00 { } ] wana t . , é : A ! i ‘ aS af r,and laser Hu F eileen MOK ' \ u rf the To J “« “ tion ay 126, na f ‘ ey Nie Senate thea adjoarn ground whole fig ue ' - I R ‘ ‘ ra r \ aa a: For . " A . Wea . — he be ’ 7 Ld UST ATER aaa rr W : Sete Ine at : > putrid ina . ne : f a rg ‘ « anne and the > ball h ° : R 4 he o have Ix ae TPT “Jeneepuarie: Serra PEP Ror eee . : Ps a tien to appoint Niac fost i ; Now that Congress is organized, we tee, that ree u HY y stea r the loraes of the Creeks a pale L . CUVC KURU): 45 Fi of the sha al ravret the state of (acta dittateit. j thes } varia, Serweant ar A f ‘ st scine member wifl soon intro ( hk ae s . ¥ Reale —Wer refeered nur newghbs rr ae ' : . lor, and <ee , ; \ ved byt apeaking of the elec: Charbate sea ple Saat Speak. tous ow the wert | Priced \ 1 Vill to extend the naturalization of ‘Beyte 4 n rh hehe 44 f Dank= as & asker of t Louse of parr eth Sai doary oe « ie CFR 4 t } ralit AS AE pth g . vce. and thas bring before the 1Tddee the <3 ei j AiR A we snggee a = g 5 “ a ; ; ; a Baar tes ! ‘ ig before Cane ith , Dive t lockalba M ba | . ‘ Ww A reat Maheteur > ? i e co- e between Americaniem and there are j . - ie i ANns lwing ‘ P ' a ; Waichmane own adineenns . ‘ vite Du / uu W ras c sniein. Letithie question be er the fev "Wi betadad f : ‘ ‘ rank ‘ 3 rth t - , » \ elvvet \ n : a . 1 the Fa ml Weatern Plat ; senc, and force the adroinjetya ed iv the . - ¢ an he Pa LD | . a few x 7 et ’ folk Argu . a } . ‘ \\ - ~ ai ste a conpany. w erat QUO rete ( tt> 6 iW M +t r if . VE. | : . tat to meet it It isa practica! . . 4 ‘ ‘y ; N jar AUIA Salve ~ jing a “ mane L. }). Can 4 ; nn Mt. m j fear mn ssuc, and one which ean barmoaize ail Weal : - j . ae gm be . meowit : ' - \ r er ' | : ’ ‘ ees Bata he rucdl whe We | a We ranches and seetions of the pasty, and ler F : 4 r \\ : : or eve t + | nip t cont i i rocsmathoe Blank reg a Mig ; ; sh aie aa oe e guts pee avai Tie foliowing ia the v n deta u | I Plank one wlich carries with it the sympathies < e Vee ; - ; — ee tue terete , Be in en : t Tine Ward Wes Fur Mr funk Mesere A ' ‘ J Varma, f the wreat mass of the American people. gone : il } W t « PMank B cars eo he i r < ale : . | will test the atrength of the Amert- { prtiine & : , afew \ ; sary to les , .f ‘ 1 : me , t« . ; 1 « ' ay party on Congresa, and rid it of ail - Wieishev an. a , : vy SY : r : . " s Pactory “ Dr. Mel tonclied a Se forst om ' ’ : bara Z . there are any) epuriowa inembLers ar t p f | 1 . (lee ‘ ; ‘ r ‘ foree in ate and -t f eaat of thi ¢ re - | cee American Organ. oe Par - . i ack ba \ ’ We phek. ut that y i \ woold eri : oan : ' ; ; E : oo. ; ; . F rel I b snlluwn . 7 4 fate thie freigl| * \ Fe a ‘ , t wa rtd o f thie heavy Cincinnati steam fire et : : @ : : : ‘ eRe ' : ae ai, : t curer ee ; : raised in t } ae ‘ l it ’ . swas tiken over the Mississippi river on the ( « ( | ee } | kk . etluwe ; ‘ ern ontilet ‘ f Jee \ i ; i Ltd EF sal at st Louis on the 21et alt. A bold team ; t saint CAs “ A b M Mow M are CTTIr , ? as thia, m a ig ; . € phy a , ; i M . M ul M vf r t 1 named Meyer, undertook, for y ‘ , UA M y ‘ Se : P i J J fh v. and eb mt tirA 0) r Mort, M \ Niant Anilrew Fu valle Carolina #100 to haulit across with a team of fiwe horses Pression r ; ™ J J ! I L . \ Ces He vase a bond of #8,000 to deliver her asfely to my the : . : $ : #3 boi nA passed the legislature 7. @ = . arr “ ! In , me ey : nik : vt warehouse of Lyon, Shorb & Co, in St ‘ . \ yf : ’ ae acl aa EO ee EMM hod malt ; and accump lished the femt ° \ i " « anes U . ’ Mana aT rr r r 4 ' i ; : : nA a bow | Tur Trx ] r ] Frafton, ¢ * i ts Wale, W ; The London ‘Times points oat to Rassia and Senate on ) vlwa ; * r ! ", ; Li \ na} Sil $f Stock | OoNrs a} f } ! es Satlacy of supposing that the bill was pa * * ite i “nr @ . \\ \ \ \ t Hee ct Sete vlinesa of the Eaylieh nation to make perce an igimat ry OIE eee rl «tach Wil eton and We that wo eld re 4 ; : i sat all proportioned to ite anwillemgness to com: : | Pa aie fix AN 1 4 rial rood « wy, Were soll in Nor he grinst the . = ; tu "© t Ar ; \ ! } ? ; nence war, bata glance at the distress of t liaticos eb ~ S Ie k w) Polk lay at Bs5,50) ur Pa | . of ‘| at t : ; Fopnieadtrnete Waecednn dt \ if \ i, pantry, the powerty and saffeing of the labo Loyse Nee gran ng clases, & |] another tale, ——— e Sth inst, rel known ice Taylor ma knife, rhite Man, fatal affair part of the nia. Wo od to Don. furnished oney and thing. A place an shoe, who leat ¢tiey ¢ him oa not ‘at. Aa lodged’ he hail of z% on the nnday we now. At ost pierc- the night, few can yond was t of De hermom- wr to 6. Feb, 6. free State Tei sitory | Easton. ruffians rlitionists ay which s making es. The as alrea- ly exag- g in the y 18: d, ceased on exe- > rally bo inediate i—strike ar rights re. who but who f South ool war he laud, he tern nd con ynercing to their the war autiloar » of abo re hope Niecara letter of hie eon- ermment irrownd zed ea io the ‘a force govern that lie Merican F tif re | lo ae f Ncw ew and place of wy 6 pinitted ergean! in with n of in and ap- of the seed af ayor of fee djoarn cod, «¢ intro ligation rise the m and tion be injetga ractica! iize all ty, and pathies people. Ameri- t of all ra ryan. fire en- of on the Id tearm ook, for e horses er safely ., in St asia and that the @ peace | to com a of the ye labor in a Powder Mill.—Dickens th scribed W'Vinil to the powder mithef Hounslow, | ponte tn RAPH. NEWS (R L {row er a | ‘STEADY PROGRESION) dea NRW CASH STORE, [a SPRREAGAGES, | TUE NEY FORE m e-em vf iit chittuny sa Teaeblernd cL nett bt a = » sway. er Persia has arrived, with Liverpool dates | Apples, (dried 75; “ Mixed, No.1, Mall , ic ene s D F grin, wlll phatimincty seven’ aasemm ch. cece har eed fea ois so oun, 6040008 | "Dos Fam gal [ ML ube vig ken hod wand nal SILL & SILL, |Sanuagy, 1058 inating sienton te the Revere work Plage tit ian voice ever breaks upon.| pales doting the week 0F:20,0U0 balun — Peace poy} acon, 124 Molasses, Cubs, 50060 | erduur, See Le Mis door, legal wr Droggists and Chemists: opposite Mansion Hotel, | j,, publichers belicve the ag can present to the, public the ear, and where jadeed vo human {Ohm is ane ‘woud Bovdgect te’ F, tes the Preliminaries + shee 5 ur ine N. Orleans, bbe the citizens of Balisbury ond aaron nd mmry Capt BSALZSBURBY, Nz. C, tee more patisfactory evidence of its excellency as a al 7m ; . radars ’ « j forded in cons nereas- see in the isulated house in “w his :, } a boyy A Hr do. Wrought, 12h @ 15 {Uhey 2€@ Dow receiving, direet from New York sod! 1) ESPECTFUELY anpopnee that they are now jeespiced a ee ane Screst ' ; ‘onxy . ‘ ,| Philadelphia, a very large and Well selected stock of afer d offeri large aud eutirely fresh |!" ; Li allotted task ia performed, there are vpward of Cotton jg quiet.” Flour hay deeiinied. | Stae ix quot. | Pa taal 5 : Candies, Tullow, 18825 | do. Horse Shoe 25 pos ROR SE OOF Og 6 MAGS eud e: 7 circulation us any other musical perindiagl in the nedidd aba ki dey They are °4 8¢87.50 per bby Ohio ut $8.18 and Senthern at | wy Pg do, Adamant, 93035 |Oats, 30@0v FAI I & WINTER GOODS | stock world. Tis receipts from subscribers during the last two hugdted and fitty working people, Mey 8887. Wheat ie drvoping. Soutbera red, $1.87. No- SS ae do. Agere 45 8 50 |Oils,— P 1; DRUGR, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, | six months have been tnvre than double those for the a ree tacesnot of course by matare in Wipst | thing doing in corn. | _— . ae | ‘ i a Lf pgaee' d Pel oe <1 Ladies’ and Gentlemen's Dress Goods. | SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS, > pibinensty period of a year previous. By euch . hq ; . oo . . ~ . Java, a ‘anners’ Y g 5 é > 2 Par 7 2 ORG AINTS j fluttering warks of approval, the publishers are inci- casa,’ Qu ly the Habit of yours, The elreyi- | 07 Gen. CASS fell from the steps of the Patent ip AG Ii 1 Costings 3 i, 4@5_ |Potatees, tee * 30 Cloaks, Mantillas, Talmas, Silks, plain TRUSSES, PAIN TS, ee a eet Saretsries ay Hahei Mo cad far pe stances of momentary destruction in which they , Office on the tb, and wus severely, though not dan- ye IT, J A do. Malable 124 @ 15! do. Sweet, 50 | VARNISHES, Jeacellence of the Review. Prites amoanting to three live added to the prost atringent and ugcessary regulation, Lave subdued their minds and fe¢l: brain. He received « decp cut abuve the Ipft eye. There is s+ Jad dom any need to enforce these régulations.— op ie suid to be w defaulter in the ammount of $40,000. |C iY» destiued, he believes, to become the greatest Some terrific explosion here, ot in works of «| similar kind elsewhere, leaves a fixed. mark.in their memories and acts as a constant, warning. | Pereonut Literty Bil. Here no shadows of a practical joke or caper) oF Tho Collins steamer Pacific, which sailed from ings to the condition of their hire. of animal spirits éver transpires—no yt .cism bo chaffiing, no slang, A laugh is never heard a amile seldom seen. these uttered ia a low lone. Not that anybody fancies that-mere sound will awake the s)irit | of vombustion or cause an explosion to take | place, but that their feelings are always keytsub- | dved. If one man wishes to comipunicate any- thing to another, or ak for anything from some | body at a short distance, he must go there—he There is never permitted tg shout or eal! out. is a particular reason in thig list regelation Amid all this silence whenever a shout dues oc our everybody knows that some imminent dan ger is expected the next moment, and all rush away headlong from the direction of the shou! As to ruvning toward it to offer any assistance as common iu all other cases, it is thorouy!i!y waderstood that none can be afforded. An acei- Even the work is curried | | : f oa by men wish as few words as possible, and | President of the Chartoctc . mavufucturing city in the country. He is now erect- ;Cotton Yara, 85 900 (Beed,—— Bosron, Feb. 6. ling & new cottou mill ut this place, to be called the | Corn, 50 55 Clover, % bush. ¢12a12) | Phe Joint Special Comurittee of the Legistiture has | Troy Mille” and h pesto have it in full operation | do. Meal, 50055 | Flaxseed, 75 | made g report that jt ie uot eqpedieut by re Peal the by the latter part of the summer of 1856. [i will be Chiekeus }dvz., $14 @ 14 Sager, Brown, Ila 124 one of the best, (f net the very best,) sills in the ; Eggs P doz, 8410 ; * Loaf, 12g015 feountry. ‘The machinery wasselected by himself, und | Feathers, 30035) Crushed, 124015 | Liverpool an the 23d of January. ja now in her fifteenth ines Tah oe epirays d Pastsens Pere Cues joan ae 61591) le ‘ Clarified, Sai ld t) aad foace tar | f, % saa WT work like a lever wateh— smooth and steac y— | tron, Swede, D Tallow, 2hal5 5] be fel. COPE ESN cr fal ty, (ere beguuaning wo and he doubts not will exeel, in its products. the most | do. Bar, 4044 Turpentine, Pgal8781-0 beaut ful achievements of the renowned Eagle Mills, “ Eag. Refin'd 54 |Wheat, $1.25 | £7" Mr. Jounsron of Churiotte, has been elected | "der whose shadow it is developing its fair ond de.| “Mules, 5 Wool, 25.0 00 and Sooth Cardion Rail lighting proportions. Eagle Mills long gained for it-| «© Oval, 6 @T7 Window Glass, P box, | Road Company, in the plice uf Mr. Patuer, who de« | seIf'a fare us fale anit in wide spread, both fur the excel- | Lard, 10a 124 8410 £2.00 082.25 clined & re-ok ction. lenee of its yarns, aud ihe superiority of ite cloth fab- | Lead, bar, Thad | 104 1282.25 0 $2.50 dent here is iminediate and beyond remedy.— If che shouting be continued for some tine (for a man might be drowning in a river.) that might cause ove or two of the boldest to return ; but this would be a very rare vecurrence. [tis by ne means to be inferred that the men are self ish and iaseusible to the perils of each other; on the contrary they have the greatest consid. ratior for each othet, as weil as their employer, aod think of the danger to the lives of other, and Of property at stake at all times, and more espe cially in the more dangeroes houses. The pro prietors of the various gunpowder mills all dis play the same consideration for each other, and whenever any improvement tending to lessen danger is made by one, it is 1wmediately com meunicated to all others, The wages of the men are good. and the hours very short ; leghts are ever aed in the work the mille at half past three iv the aft-rouve Winter and Summer be artificial They leave “> BS We had thought that oar friend. of the Weldow Patriot infer fire engine and town pan drivers withia our ko Mites Chron) de on the fires claw of ie ea / te, fire engine, throw Use ae far in the ao the puny atiemsts, of an (ont Je bea nc ave eclyaed by the grand atin old Roman half af a Gre emgiie for the town of Milton, with 8 foree and feeling { ' “Citizens lS M a.” | se 8 J good for as again + ina sh vou tirnes Peace wo prepare for war!” us Chat thie bre bad broken out at th muene etn) A Main street enh a k ow : . blowing dueu the sire aed (us eup<< Pp qiestion as any 4 He commences bre ay pen! in be aracte that the fire get voder a! wa . ducovered, where, we mk « job Ubat can be ealhd ~ V It « have been found ina You he Regime —eo fire buckats ont whe — me Ind dery—no water Thee * +f em thong until yua 6 And you prefer ke tt aticre dit tow ‘at . ter, What can you now . setart ae throw rorks at if if . bet to stand uff » mow shout ali that yoo can d eth our Weldon Cate tn pot ares a flores to procure a fire e» fore theat we are bownd t) du the samt g iw 1M toa frend. He has our sympathy. I the Gre engines Bring bo k u ald Figs, ele fever, that vegvtat Ie was stated, du wt 1Wwa impare state of the atin os) re, and tha the figs in the gardens a tt iw rotting on the trees. Iti. a fa at more than abowt twenty five jx thie fruit cametomatarity. Ala tion of every kind except a smal! \ called the “celestial fig,” exhibite:! of decay before they were (Rly rij \ sinall soft spot was firat observe: rally on the spot towards and nearest 1). asmuch heat on the DWH vce Met Att YUE SUBSCRIBER has the pleasure wo an-|Cotton, 8 [Rugs Pb, - nounee to the world, to whom be sends greeting | Cotton Bagging ,— [Sadt (} sack,) $2.750 uli kind wishes for their prosperity and peace, that he | Gunny, — 20a 00 | do] bushel, G7 Jameson, the lute State Treasurer-of Wiscon- js making sieady progress iu the improvement of Eagle | = Dade: har 134 Bho ah Brown, 4-4 jurlaps, a Shot, ag & cously injured. He was inseusible for several hours, | ¢ and there is some danger from inflammation of the I jrics. Troy mills alone threatens to rival it, aud hence Lead, Dry White, 10 al2 the world may look out for contest involving « result | | Columbia Murket—Report jor week ending Feb, 9.) 00 less interesting in iteelf, than it must be desirable oo a : 7 : . } ww every Southern patriot | S th Ind Corvon.—'Phe wales of the week eumprine about) “Phe dreamer, speculating on coming events might | ou ern ustry. 1,160 bales, and We now quote extremes 5 We Bf. well step in here, and casting forward bie ken beyond | {the boaudery of present time, portray the anpect of | gE City afew years hence. Let him eketch it Sunerquently pricas aFe | We ace a city of beautiful propurtions with its tower. | drovping. We still quote, however, 114 @ 12 far hog | ing steeples pointing heavenwards : close ranged blocks round 5 eidew 114 @ 121 aud baws 124 @ 13 cents, | ame te buildings with glittering metal roofs, reflect a i the cheerful beam» of @ vernal sun: the ting | according to quality. breezew of a delightful ef stir ihe R| Becon—The demaud for this article bas been dull finee our lust report, aud invigor tale leaves of long Coan —The supply of ecora ow eile is goed, and rows of elms: the streets are enlivened with a cheer prices are w shade lower, We now quote 75 @ eu! ful busy throng: the songs of half a million of spindles ere : : | cuute pet bushel. fis mingled with the roar of ome and cascades: Eagle J HY should Susthern men go North to bay be ae {monument race above all thiags eler, bearug on tts their ploughs and machinery when they can get Pass—The demand hi Peas continues good, and | up an unimenne eagle. with wings exter vhoke down Fae good and more substantial articles at home | conseqnently prices are full and firm, ut our furmer bbe ple sorte oll : fd Eagle City gi is in Beene oy satel iba pale Se price of eA SAO ull view, and by its liberal policy invites all energetic | Portation yal {he public may Aut be deceived, aud quotations of 75 @ > per bushel busines inen to claim its encouragement Calico pna- | te save many inquiries that I hdve w answer, | here- Oare.—The dewaud for oate, in conse quence of the | ters rot omt their baled up goods weather for sowing. has been dall and pri- | western Railroad receive the at 60 (@ 624 r bushel the carsof the North together with thoa. | that Piva the Cire unfavorable ular Saw ti! 50 inch saws 43 to cee are satwoary, sands of other thiugs, the products of the City 3 $3 $1.00 9 $2.25 vii, Ready-Made Clothing, wih append « het of prices of the priucipal articles face 24 Frova —@ ONE for common to good brands, deafening whistle is blown, and the sound isechoed and | feet curtis S375 w fine family flour 9 per barrel re-eehoed from hill to hill, aud wakes the drowsy pow. $400, Clendocal Straw Cu box, $30 Focvaa —We have no quot sble change to notice ¢1% of reposing fat eattle, which browse in the rich sar. | 15 ineh do, @40 ; Fold Vators th the proce uf thes article, and we tberetore cunts reunding valleye: the scene gr we '—grows!—and the | 89 t $6; Threshing Machiaes with 4 of 6 horse to quote 64g @ 14 per 100 he — Se Cayo! {is beyond the the portraying skill of the pr power, 8175 to B20, a very supers article. Pioughs $10, according iv site and work manet ee We had bot « ghinpse—bot what a view! Hd fi be aed beyond doubt. Enough, env agh f repairing of machinery done at short ne Disastrees Five ia Philadelphia. C will prese on to us tinal consommation tice, such as Eugine work &e. Seud in your orders mie : for threshing m ee and hurse powers early, ws I . > NDREW 3G f Piieanncinnierciee ay ANDREW BA‘ aA only intend making them to order All work warrant ~ . ed. My furnace is sillin successful 0 tion and car The woolen carpet factory fine pepe lanie, takai cannes f US, MEDCINES, DYES, ooo wae Davideoo co, C, Few. 5, 1 5€ VESUVIUS Feb of Joseph Garside was burned this morning. The DR THOMPSON : : fuss ie about Bs0,000 with a trifling in surance Sy this ead event. 150 persons are thrown oat of employment ye Corde regned are open r their Spray eales rez a fre tine ut of all guawte ta their hue ’ MARRIED: \ aewesric’Soo Gases UMD Ennine oe WANASE In the ematy, on the Bth af Jannary, by (1 Pu offer tect atoeh, they are enabled by impor bali, aio? bon a Partce, Deg. We JOUN L DEAL aud NANCY tet zee io thea busnese (uv aseure eash and p } "PSUS celebrated property, eituated on the Ka LO RARN HABIT, cicor thie a 6 mien (Ns! bavere: (berg all 4 one f | bary Road, about 10 miles Kact of Line lel W county. om the Cif Belewery. by Jube &72!" f re quality to be stretiv as represented Phy. his been recently put ie @ state of Av on. Es Me JOREPH P RARKLEY Otter Bare ang Busty cas fram our ork and viherwiee supe by the unders us Mies LAINDA M LENTZ. cl ce tee ie meer uucel and chem- tors, and je now b'est, (urning "i A the beet quality of and buyers ge yw ee 5 + ladtesae Per CAST IRON WARK . © fashumabie Por tn D e he 4 . THOMAS ‘ ' Fonie tepareteome, Me. Ke. e@hich ell be ’ afant ron of J.G and M A ( hk, aged furowhed of the best qualty and at the very bey ever manufactured in the Routh Cotaloguc of prices furnwhed when demred, x etamine f stock ed JOUN © BARKER & CO x yas will give full ee SITUATION WANTED. eee Ne 100 weath M streets may fesur thei muh the ‘ 3m . : AUN WAN « ’ 4 + . J meonihe aad 10 dave mere t t t to fil! of pe able at «> fil! of dere wheireate aud rele SREVAKD JREVAKD Jaw A GREAT DAY AHEAD! Office N.C. Rail Road Company, Januar. 29. 1ns6 Satmoceav. Jan 9 . vane eaten ake . North Carolina Rail Road. alt . \ OF ENGLAND. oT Gav OF das 14th OF FEBRUARY, 1856. T } es WEST . Mete ett , I (o tefets dat SINS. Beker \ K EVs HIS be EINB TD TOR) nt De oe .M fee “ 1s jus '- feoom N York end Pritedetphia, « Taioe Thowes ‘ «Vs . ! “SE ELSEEB BE RBRe ws , ; : NEW GOODS. a Mills, Moose & Co. / ] ' 12 I} ae ore Ns - : i F\IN ( fire “aM oh Elks yee Envelopes for Valentines. : ET SD LIES oy ATS Dar ae ea vaae.. Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Set meaner et i COMIC VALENTINES. ° T ’ ’ na ar Ni kK h ’ Vale . . Office R. AG, Railroad Company, °. eee PS THE Gh. ST wank PRI oats — _ ‘ ve Te ; . : ' \ r . Bite ® time ao _ Raleigh & Gaston R. Road 7° sins esgic se \ dude fi Mail Trin om and aft ‘ Potatoes and Molasses, 5! dul fic Mail Troin om and af The Subscriber Jeet rears bor eate by et 13 minute hefere t ek, A Mon arr Scneeees e sa sete : : every. Feb 2 MILLA MOOSE & Ce | ve fram the Wret The ¢ and SON mee . ie Bg N] ill bee ~ k . . wee . PHB oe @PHE Ge r a nee a here wah ll lid at GOOD SUPPLY \ Me .™M wall trarne N zi . “oe . \ mst ty . ke sd nears MW POs " N ( 1 a rs al s t oe | NEW A Book for Every Methodist ainn. thern VW groand. This increased rapid!) Wi cr aperaven Rime imt,t Fane F a Belckena Pian Dp IS SUFFICIENT whole fig was a mass of vers off peas atl Nas oT wo My bere THIS NEW WORK EMBRACES THESTA ae putrid matter Itmay be worthy of 1 Z by Beaicice | kile a Path, by Cees and a great y f eeung informa \\ E Wser§ ged wane. Ace aercotiocs too, that portions of the leaves on sorm , ‘ faNrw ner Seah Methodret ag m se and would like to have the of the shade taces changed to a dark York Sargeom. by Dr Dia Philip the, trene fe general neade —I The cteerd All perasne eted wiil please attend \ Nested AO ictinaes Hperpers : TL Plan of Vimtetme ; 1 The Con: the same snnedistely st act cane, or, and withered as early aa the m Minoan ars Chce 2M OENNINS eee: IV Detent ( Charches: Vo Revival Ro & & MURPHY of September. This was certainly the!, \ Rn No Irae VIE Mismineee iti rea WIL Seeds e Schects Sabpbary . é ee ep Ctae With the species of willow. of whieh! Fey i. 56 iP iS Trive “s an X Pob <i rg Howse and L eet tree tr 1 of Prop! { Coder ’ there areseveral mtheeity. But whet See — " al Sheschnet XU Ricgrane eck Dissolution of ¢ opartnership. er the fever poison was any wa ern NEW BOOKS. NIV. Pere ‘\ \V BR mh ewe Letters , THE A A ed iv the rr vot allirin \ JUST RECEIVED «(The Treumony of an Californian: NVE Memonale of Bishop Capers sari ners horeinfoee: @ximtiy ' folk in Matter w fon talhr r eaped Naval run ike < : pgs AVE M NVIEL Appendix yi onges | : n J 1) Beown & le n . tyne Mees Bewkley : Fenate Life , Mormons, bh PG At ase ; fone A Pe oo. Vibe Wife of a Morn Bide The Uae Gerner by I Si for wheeh a eopy will he eent p a ; ‘ r : a 8 ace ® = . Mire Mary (5 Clark: The Lamp f New Billet Nocti «South Ca n flstke,. of : Wealern Freight Last week the firat Ka nee tie ack Bs out t Fern: Wite kd delare, ehould he went A hberal dreconn : i ie wat ‘reigt 4 oe wide world, and Qneechy, New bdirone . i) “ ere im re bu . i ase a T regular Freig t Train paseed th ugh, ire pea 1 EN Mice Nddrese CHARLES Fo DEES sae going East. The train consisted of 17 7 Bei Guldeoed iN: ( Ff dD ne ee Sane nl that as re Tannory 94, NSF aH ; = AOL : cars eo heavily | . hat it was n DIBBLE wv. BUNCE. @alishury. F < sary to leave at least three car toada un- Chtvie, R. DINbte. Jonathon B. Rance. C4 ryy \ | fir vdeo egirinme miantgn Sbgnathcn INN) () tonched at this station. | he fre Vel j aN east of thie, for fear the immense w woold crush the brides The on thie freight consiated vat of suryl wopr nlue raised in these Countic 8, secking an oust ern outlet. Anda tri weekly ad such as thia, most of necess ty make an im Pression. [tis tocomimission mereh anita, to say the least of it, worth bidding for. Greenshory 71 £ Tue Taxas Dear Burn. —In the Terns Senate on the Sth inatant the public delvt bill was passed by avoteof 17 to 14, with 80 immaterial amendment, which was that wo claim of any citizen of Tevas a- KAinat the United States for [nd Nn lations should thereby be released, The ouse has yet to act up nthe | ight ovo: Commission Merchants f _ NBW ARRANGEMENT pe ( t * t In Cotton, Flour, Grain, Naval Stores, eod where (he 636 he The proprietors es Naint Valentine's Day, A WORDTO THE WISE ve ™ t Gr SMES HOLTER LD, Brown & J. M. Coffin, Seuthern Produce Generally : Fir . ae x oe CVEING bs JD. Brown & 7 No. 180 Front Strcct, : a one I] - PRY GOODS RUS SPU IPF KOs. r \ ttl den N 1, Geranite B g. aides the eon . , snd sve of Brown & Coffin. Teas tb nae 20 Buggies and Carriages cof Han Wm & Qeahem, Millebern’, N PEATE cement QR BYQVS, Wr My beq Paret . = ahish w invehed cnr rand @ Gove I). Wiens, Req . Freet Hank nt ¢ ; = net conti & HOLDER notiad : ad he st oq. Ca Bana , cone Ae Se Aer pee Pods Wind @2a 1 Puts SE Fresh Garden Seeds, Mats, Capa, Beninete dhe, be We yak h . , e ans, ' mnenly eeery ta PO STeST ERE Ch INE On hy A R . san OE foes BROAVN Ta CORE IN rl { ty 5 Sa paper NOG f ! W Pharos : ATSO ar h t r xc Ps: Ws wen G on} Clover, Orchard Cirmes, Pimothy, bneeene, Remtucky, H ‘ Glens ' Ab shu et for 1 Tis Plies Gras Mer Grane . ew eae Acne TILL ted WS © Goer Kaw ee JU RNNISS, Ihe Hebi, test on and figured, Satins, French and Eng- fish Merinos, Alpaccas, Delunes, Poplins, Plaids, Muslins and BRUSHES, PERFUMERY, j hundred dollars were recently offered. by them for | FANCY AND MISCELLANEOUS [songs for ite pages. Of the vast namber gent in to | ARTIULES, de | compete for these prizes. the best were selected by a é '¥ i | | compete e 1 ure now in courte of publi- * ; all which have been very recently selected by one of CUMmPetent committee, and ring Prints, Broad-cloth, Dov-skin | the firm, with great care, and scrupulous regard ty Cation in the Keorew. When tbets pableextion it com- LF Cased ° | pemilnapees and| purity: pleted, the subscribers to the Recsew will degide by ane ey, aenorce, at- | ‘They deem it anuecessury tg say, that it shall be | male which shall receive the prizes, : ; | eneltts, Velve ts, he raeys, | their constant aim, a8 heretofore, to meni a coring: | Besides a large amountof reading matter, inchading | regi vrreepoudeuce from tbe leading cities in the ance of that patrovage whieh has beeu su liberally ex- | eed ' wher ede ssveeal pines ince spre Tao _| world, each number ed: 4 tended to them—for which, and the generous syurpa A eeieelat arta Made Tétching. by ae thy mo generally manifested for-them, iv me we Dr. Lowell Mason, i now im progrese of publitation. B mesbree® | Anather hy Geo. F. Root, Enq , on Cultivapen of the ; Voi veal Training, &e., will be commenced in the beginning of the new volume, as well as one by Win B_ Bradbury, Esq, on the Lutprovement of ;Chureh Muse. The New Yoru Musica. Review AND Gaterre is published fortnightly, at ome dollar per annuin, or six copies for five dollars, peyable iu Specimen copies seut gratuiteusly, MASON BROTHERS, New York. ar ¢ | Jeans, | music 340 Over-coats, Superfine black Cloth Dress Coats, Black Ribh’d. do., Tweed do., | Nj J Fancy Plush and Fine Velvet ‘THOMAS E. BROWN, Vests, Funcy Cassimere and | Tweed Pants, Shirts, Plain | and Funcy uit Shirts, | Carriage, Buggy and Sulky Builder, ee SALISBURY, N. C., E. od invites the pub- | advance. | | - NN and Drawers, $ now carrying on the @ | | BE Wie vo call and examine wanvfagtaring very if ma M 1 Xa | superior vehicles, and (eels confident he cau give satisfaction to BOO I Ss AN D SHOES, lailene cans fc krdraba icle. He can put up work at low : = a prices, if it be desired, bat would always recommend the better Men’s ¢ ulf and K tp Boots, Common O., | qualities as cheapest ia the long run. He would ndvise those | Men's Calf Brogans, Goat do., En- ameled Congress do., Women's Kid | who wish to procure any thing in his line to call at hisestablish Excusiors, Enameled do., Orford POSITIVELY CURED! C9 His shop is in the rear of his Livery Stable | YUE greatest remedy ever discovered for the cure G87 Persons at a distance ordering work. will p!-2se acensa- ot Ague and Fever! For sale at Pay the order with » deweription of the article required —style J. A. ENNISS? Bock Store. quality and price—and wt a delivered, $f it doe wot give satis te keto lk ’ . . +s faction they will mot be required eep it No one need be troubled with Ague and Fever a Gaslers, Lasting fiy d. do, Miss- | With the advants ges of the Railroad at his door we wN take single day, if they will use the above Remedy, which i - y pd of trade iv ange for k-*s + Cora, es Enameled do. Miases 8. are phate Banca! Lard: rr ssch, Prev ene? Timber. rar been tried by buadreds without a edngle ease © re heeled Boots, Child's Shoes aos tle 8 9. 1855 As ’ u A eS. a r a . Salibury, Oct. 2, 1855 19 { LIVERY STABLE : | In addition to the above, we have a large and varied stock of Hats, Cops, Bouncts, &e., Ribbons, Lace, is kept op as asaal; and those who wish dither wo bay of te sell Mw. HM. HELPRR. H.R. UELPER. Edging, Inserting, Fringe. Wes ry | Liste Thread, Worsted, & Yara, Usoabarys, : i 7 slower, Kod, Silk K Mareb 201 MOCESVILLE an EEPER & BROTHER, PENSION, BOUNTY LAND, CI Together with every thing usuaDy kept in [ { ] S AC I my | Y es retail stores, which we oiler low for cast, of at short \ #g 4 I] 4 a A yI *\ . General Agents. credit — Salis ry, Perens Visiting Bal sla bear inte yee Rest session of this Inatitation e.mimences on Newth Careline. reel to cell and examine ver Muck, as w e dite Thureday, the 9th of Augus ne Subecriber, tmined (0 wll sphere: that he) J PAVING competent and comBaentia! correepon- All kinds uf Produce taten ia Eirhenge a8 1 sodearure lu mneusie (he ergute linn den me ib Prinesps| cite radon cigar J. ¥. & §. SY WoNs. & CO . ecHictinastmikerto lela? Y in Port a the ninn a tanteees t9 _ to vs wi Babebary (NUCH Necember 4 1250 wl smear we Ya coare id the Ui ore yi os teens cca ae idiiniee ariel oe RET Coa waren ctmes ey “TE ee and dispatch 27 OFFICE in Cowan's Brick Row TAT OL TDN ERMS Octobes 23, 1855. 22f ) \ ) 7 \ ) Primary Depariment per Sesson of 5 montha, @°.00 . -_— —_—— ~ « ©) Higher Enghah Brauch - Si200 a ars fio _ |. $23 DIRECT IMPORTATION. : JOHN B GRETTER siesta Tin, Copper, & Sheet-Iron sw "CHINA, GLASS & EARTHEN WARE, [QUSINESS — The wndermened haviog formed » ee aden ae , xx. BE. NICHOLS, rosters p for the perpose ul ity oof the Univers ' Cotmid, s. c. above benness exicne wiuid'¢ Suhe WM. Dek, Gren __ he patronage of their (reads and the id) Ball, Rogen. ~ abe TAMING cor reicet as are prepated ic Cany ce nd Yadkio Flag” copy 6 Lo Madeiblen : mie Merde. copper House- Roofing ex e and forward aceveat to the «fice ate to ¢ ¢ e hav Parham ace Teh aie weenie “if - oh S. W. WESTBROOKS, A Rae ear pepe peter cet ein ee ta Pr ee File Gal Gold Band, Fancy and White, in Dinner and Shop Stoves, m aneurpassed by « ve Biate ? we l y aT s _N 8 . r Shop M G i . an etts ew Shapes; Cescuee d Crgpper aud Pewter, token in Garding and Nurseries Sih ery Weaatital Goode for Chrietmas and New Tear preseuts exchange for work uf ware TOULD reepectfutty call the atteniinn of our S°PERI WHITE ORANITE WARE: DINNER, TES, WILLIAMS BROWN VW Huathern ciisaces to hee erlect euilert + “CCT 4 MOCLEED CLA ww ee : 1oUis H BEARD ve and eeriimated var of Frou Tr 7 ERS, GOBLETS, Sahsbur dew 7. bess BOnf ag evtnr 410.00) ipeee of the flowing ver an aad eee Repel | Cowen tr"* “9 CHAMPAIGNE WINE & EGG GLASSES, ’ i ) ’ rive, Almond: alas a ch erimentol Gare PRAT ED CAsTORs ’ vines, Rasplee >i raw PINT TARR OCOTIERY. COPPER rete ‘ S, & = = wd id ». i ‘ w4) Pia @ Lam \ 48. \ Ve ’ eotwn and the Vrees neatly packed and PLATED ro ve PF nee fs rrke airte Vie, Camp 4 08, Parlour, Store, Deak, Othee & Pactory ALEXIS BRAGG & WARREN, 2 t-Tevtee mero Trove an be Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers {eter Foe! Tree, &e at the Onhce bor Kn £2 DOE SS. ; EXGLION TIN Strik f IN Db BOOTS & SHIOES, No. 30 Warren Street, New York, OU ae a TeHES DISH COVERS, BROSIES, T BROOMS, CONKLING, SHEPHERD & CO., . IMPORTERS \ND JOBBERS IN AEB O: 100 PACKAGES © 2 se +e » 4 iD | « E) eee 325285, common WARE! u-» PANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS, ... .... : sid it oe soa Se u : 27 WOMMAV A 11 wanmey sts, ae . oe eet nt ee eet an ‘ NEW Woric ". 1 ' A | Owe sbepherd Wm F Rare aoe P . = i Alen Woe M ee. ‘ et sand - ~ . olf wheh PETER W HINTON, : . , . a COMMISSION MERCHANT, [POL R | ELOUR' el toh . ait TOWN POINT, . ec aa eat Se grouse ae = tjerPeum, Fn. 5.000 BARRELS FLOUR. wes Y WIT! to paerhase FIVE THOUSAND BAR v Av r N s sh ty J REELS FLOUR, co whech | well pay the meheet A - . Tobacco. Flour, Grain. Cotton, Naval S:ores ma'k- MICHAEL BROWN be &c. Also, to Receiving and Forwarding GaoonDs. FALL AND WINTER Goons. pie st Rretan Tre ’ . ' OYSTERS. . ' . : ystere S arent Fa w 5 k See R oo Hesor pron, HAC RIRER ve now reeecting and apa . i t a w t Gouda, conerstin¢g STAPLE AND PANT D 4 “WHESCOPARTNERS IIB hecrukee ctieiee ; CLUAKS! CLOAKS! Ptusmusuvceversn DRY GOoDs, rf . e. . I t UST: nd for ee : naiecte iists'cad Cope Phare bad | Breoa: Ai i # Chait - Pena i FAL Ss aar 7 ree 2 = P ory Ih) Fatee F } Se Decetake 1 RR RO ane eee ard Pos sy nue-nen ae. Im Palmas ToC OWNFELY MICHAPL BROWN AI NMK Te . Foes Octudwr With, 1633 3 Iw LE WWoNe ‘ r Fores w prices he RT IERE BT aoe Pe ene . @ pentiaa: eusomers at whelesple Dr. CH ST. POWE tS ay A MICHAEL BROWNS aving permanently located ia Salicbery respect. * . f . , 224 eed ate siuctal Bie eee OF Cowan e Roeaw Rie W vit s< « : 13 RB RORERTS Sale Ae ‘ I 30) ACRES OF LAND “&!’ CRP EEG Ble “A&B EO4E FO RHQ Va YENSE) FE . Lltpereme mdctirditciues re rere . “ORS AD pon to pas up t hf Febroars area McNeely, Mock & Gaither I R Al | y , Nica eee eal : ahd . | I AVE. tak . d r ( Ne \ i View may expert in artile with an of : ~ w R , > Wee bead alivenciiae Kee ob - en howe by } sa. Biaukeis. Hats, (ape. Brot = “ gc \ AR f Salisbury, al eateanta PN ANE enyyrnyprrn ’ ’ va] wld bd dd Sessa ltd CARPETING, 3 en imme tock _. Goods for the Wiater, EF HATS! HATS!! TAYLORSVILLE Janes 4 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, FEMALE ACADEMY, HTN Penny Fa Oe a pele tne aie ah omnes depen ih SALISBURY, Vo. ae SE as 6e33 st ’ ‘ “ J ‘ ) RB wil ain th - : we TERM I Ihe , wwe tak hare * The ¥ n \ : yee wit wt . n Thien ve, d s | « ul os : I gin (. i | . ' ! Q P : ¥ ACCOMMODATIONS =e Varn MA agers Mat if vu t R . ’ 4 Pr G . ve Sta I . Ml 1 ' \ R And npoe us w eenn on, . . ae All the Ornamental R A Sirsa Pn ( \ t ; F \ hone ( with | ; ‘ : Wie ‘ ae tee WB CNA the maid . M I-55 t < Nomh D I c : ur ey REMOVAL. sale i A WRIRMAN & PRI é ! eth I eit . Ex | , To ‘Kits } . Spies I ice ( ute Mest ‘ ‘ udgar ! ‘ vom t A < : < » ! 9 decreeade: m . , ; Ma VN 53 23 + : a LAL tek WL LOY : A Vou 4 La ( ce Blaak Warrants for sale Pere « "PROSPECTUS (‘ CLARENDON | | IRON WORKS. | Pratt, and manufactured by Pratt & year to within 1,500,000 quarters.” Itis| On Wed-| Howitzer Life Saving Apparatus.— oan tt] I'm Growing Old. ove BY JOHN 6. oane Brother’s of Canandaigua, N. Y. probable that we shall not be able to sup- ,Nesday fureuoon a trial was had of the howitzer | We 7 ee a . . . . . . . y ime v “CK Y | My days pace pleasantly away This machine isa new invention, and ply England beyond the estiuate, for our | fF the aii 8 ped z " eps rate SOUTHERN SENTINEL, | A. H. VANBOKKELEN, Propricter, | z : ‘ . 5 : 5 ae . : }under the direetion of Thos. Macy, Ksq., which . eS . = PrOUS | ° inaeseet ta | My nights aie biewsed with sweetest sleep; is not peraps fully perfected in all its ability t t grain decreases every uf A DEMOCRATIC AND MISCELLANEOUS & iybeoriber having purghaved he, cniire | AE ti et hate flint ies ails be SARE CARED siren) hls | proved it to be an invaluable instrument for the carte OLARENDON 1 IN WORKS,” solicits orders fur I feel wo sy upiomes of deeay ; 1 have wo cause to mourn or weep parts, yet it has already given experimen- year by reason of the consuming popula-| | oe ! r= ; JOURNAL, TO BE PUBLISHED urpose of saving ham. life. The howitzer WEEKLY, AT WILBUN, N.C. Steam Engines, of any power of style, Baw Mills of every variety, My fore are inpotent and shy, tal promise of great value. Iu a recent tion increasing every year mutch faster] consists of a small mortar mounted on whack | pel Mining Meaplonty 204 ewiees . ‘ — ; ope frends are weither false noe cold 5 trial on the farm of the late Jolin S. Bates, than the producing. Jand throws a bull about seven pounds in weight, | 4 Mh oneres couse of Pere percee wes | Paap A NEW SUPPLY OF f ania eELE HEAL, xD iu growing old. Of Canandaigua, before a committee of With these deficiencies in the wheat to which is attached, by means of a staple, a ing of such « jouraal ua the“ Souruux Sentinan.” | Lennie Gers ant See Cree’ stnall line, about the size of a cominon clothes | PYtposes to become. “The preseut, indeed, ia a criss | Bhingle Machi : My growing tala of oldeu Uines, the Ontario County Agricultural Society, crop of Great Britain, and the prospects and several distinguished agricultural of supply less than they were last year, jin eur political history, never witucased before.— | line. The object is to shoot the ballin such a) ‘Phe Constituion has been iuvaded 3 the laws tram | % Bhafting Hangers and Pullie Cotton Gins and Gearin Tren Castings of all kinds and patterns, WATCHES EWHERT me YE TUN thirst for early) Be wity P . itmanner that the line will fall over the vessel, by | pled and spat upun; religious hberty ussailed; ballot Brass EEN My growing apathy to rhymes, gentlemen, among whom were John there is good grounds to suppose that pri- . : boxes broken aud burot; the landinarks of our poli. Locomotive and Tubular Boilers, AMES HOR fhe ete i larierenietinr Tol : : 5 ‘ 2 i 2 means of which a larger line may be drawa from scat ancestry partintly effaced; the wistom derived | Blacksmith works of all Xin " a ’ growing love of eusy eho VIET Si SAW Ce: advance. rather ; Re 5 ’ : ie : rr ad Jails. | ; 4 i Johnston and IR. J. Swan, of Geneva, ces must advance, rather than stand a jo waa Ujrowpl fhimole. limeshonored cxpsriencelulscuird: sirange Tron Duors for Houses and Jails I AB just returned from New York and Phi My growing hate of crowds aud noise, My growing fear of taking cold, All teli we in the plauest voice I'm growiu sive underdraining, ig old. eminently satisfactory. its performance was From data similar to the above, several widely known for their success in exten- they are, or suffer any reduction. When we reach- journals in Great Britain, have come to the shore. At one discharge the and qnestionsble men have been pushed into bigh po- | THE ESTABLISHMENT sitions; avd fanaticism, utebained from its axe and! Having been re-organised for the express purpose of insuring punctuality in the execution of all orders, the public may rest | autisfled that any work which they may offer will a distance of seventy-three fathoms, which was pronounced by competent judges to be a suffi-) faggot ples ia the North, is heard to how! among us bs in the South cient distance to reach any vessel that may be | Gea chal entves | cannot fall to give satisfactiva. Great credit is due the These evils, s far as its humble wbil- | geiivered according to promise, and of such workwanship as | phia, with the largest and beet ebsottment cy WATCHES AND JEWELRY, consisting of Fine Freach Chronometers, Double Time Keepers Independent quarter second Jos. Juohusoa 19 Jeweled Hantes's Eight Day Watebes, Getvupou our shores: THE MECHANICAL DEPARTMENT | | Being in charge of men of talents and expertence, f | Jas. Nardin’s superior gold Hunter for Ladies, end hesitation in saying that the work hereafter turned "a variety of others, both gold und silver} Gold Pot 0 favorably in every respect with that of the most cele- |, , : Seated ik the Calted States, and at Poked which will make it to | Guard and Vest Chains, Seals, Broceleis, Bar I'm growing fouder of my staff, ed the ground, at half past eleven in the similar conclusions. Oss. | THE SOUTHERN SENTINEL will endeavor to arrest. Tt will endeavor to inculeate a reverenee for the laws a6 they exist, wud for the Cou- | Tm growing Cinuner in the cyes, Massachusetts TLumane Society for their praise ; morning, a diteh 44 rods in length had oo : Tm growing funter ia my laugh, a < = : worthy efforts in behalf of the anfortunate mar- The Clover Seed ( vrop.— though an : just been commenced, and after suspend- 1 , y no rhe, pak . . . Baie, Clee AG eceper in my Se ie . .. ‘ ; iner. Through the ageney of R. 1B. Forbes, Esq.) stitu as it has beeu interpreted by the wise men | ihe juterests of al} in want to send me thelr orders. Cuff Pins, Ladies’ and Gentlemen's Bresst Pias, Gold Tm growing careless in my dress, Ing operations an hourortwo fordinner,we unusually large breadth of clever land RODEN COL lle Remco cue meonlehncs vf the past and by the Fathers of the Democratic | REPAIR WORK Silver and Stee! Spectacles, Silver aud Plated Spoons Pim growing frugal of my gold, : tthe half , , ; ic t Associ , people hi faith. Tt will defend not only political, but religious ‘ P etal ad having a large force for that | Butter Knives, anda variety of Plated Ware, sta fe) 2 de y as y y as alk 5 ro to see 0 it is ' ‘ OURAN FU ‘ ¥ es a a i ways done without delay—e: ry = > - Talerising welll peewing ieee jfound t Ee depth at ha f pa Je iree to be bale allowed to go to seed this year, iti now been supplied with every necessary article peer nae, lide Oa e 8 : hee u - paises . purpose, it will prove advantageous to Any person needing such Scissors and mares of the best quality, Coral Necia I'm grow 21 to 33 inches, admitting of its easy com- feared that we have harvested only a very for the rescue of those why may be shipwreeked OO" a PLS ett Sate aerl ei re ese Went aeouaioe regard te the expense of send- | ces. Bracelets, and Beod Coral, cad 8 few superis | . . . set - pe 4 i , - ', aan ae || Necterg Recolia steep cas “Clarendoe Iroc Works,” Wit y I eee it in my changing taste |pleticn before night. The two horses short crop. The cool, wet weather caus- off'or nearour island — Nantucket dnguirer. | Enema rine Mallet aces geil be ieinaloue) maington titers to) Morente ain hate CL. O Ck ss, ap g taste, ; . é a neers of polities, devote space to litesary topics, original aud 3 A.W. VANBOKKELEN | 5s - i T eee tin my changing hair, which drew the machine, worked very ed a large growth of stalk and foliage, , ‘hoof cae | seloete line Wy wiscellsuccus subjects which | October 20, 1935. vol. 1f 44¢ | and a variety of ober Goods too numerous to meg. phia No ’ ) g if Thoughtless Cruelty,—In Cincinnati, on the 2" ; | eee ltion. Call one door below BR. & A. Murphy’ i I eee it in my growing waist, Jerately ; the soil was a hard l stiff, but there w sufticient heat for tl . : signi miurel aad the latest Cammerciab | xX. A. Macpay ¢ Store, views ¢ steal Nee ie ee moderately ; the soil was a hard and stiff, b vere was not sufficient heat for the oth, one boy induced another to put his tonzue uteligence 1 bo cif irts nor expenses will bel | aud examine for yourselves Speaker ra kane peiclein (he truik brick clay. A portion was stony, and on | production and ripening of the seed against an iron lamp post thermometer at” we As plaim as truth was ever told, this part a man was employed with a The Ohio Cultivator fears the crop has the time indicating a temperature fur below The kc the f hatmoath, J sent to Subscribers at Selisbary, Nov. 16, 1854. That even in my vaunted youth, ro. The tougue stuck fast, of course, wand th Banks, ‘ 50 at the crow-bar to loosen and throw out the proved “almost an entire failure” in Ohio iheleiete per anaan end of ox k vel ove of the wost useful | rN) 17 Cloeks, Watches, and Jewelry of all kinds, jourcule tu the South ; P. K ORD, Pentre the best manner, and on the mest pond een Seatvnel will be iemued abuat Manufacturer & Whelesale Dealer '°"™* JAMES HORAR. | | in I'm growing old . : . Hareduarreal Rirone me see caleonce: i N NN | xen rR ;stones as they were successively laid! and Indiana. We saw some fine crops of !Y°" boy suth red une ie Several be tae ee wa bey re ads : we eb Discount ‘ 3) Y y e y } And not Ah, me! ny very laurels breathe . : : endeavored to releave him, but in vain, Mat. made tu behalf uf clubs, who shall Glke Gre, teu or | a a d hea ae sain bare. clover seed in Pennsylvania a few weeks mure copies J. FO KEENAN, Epitoa Removed to No. 85, | = . is safe, The tale in my reluctapt ears ; = ters were in this situation for over five minutes, North Third Street, Opposite Cherry Btreet, : A bid aan ~~ id pate et, and | thie elec ia th 0 We have also tried this machine on our; since, but in this state and throughout’ when a Ub Ut Ui Lhe 2. UD LE bel LIL Ane I avin Removed from No. 4], toStore No. SSNORTH Ne And every buvn the hours bequeath Institute. | MT TAY LORSIILEE. NOC gentleman named Taylor went into mie United Bapti: kes me debior to the years! ) But makes m biur he years felegraph Llouse and brought some hot water THIRD STREET, where | shall keep om hand « full as- | sortwment of the best quality of MOO'TS and SHIORN of EASTERN MANUFACTURE, aloo A Piel Blowd of City. Made | [shall be able to offer \o the Trade a better aud more | own land, where the ground was quite, New-England, we fear the crop has been E’en Flattery's honeyed words declare The Seeret she would fain withbo!d, And tells me wet wea- and whiskey, with which be bathed the tongue , and have found it to succeed well, seriously injured by the ¢ 1¢ pow ut How young you are! although the speed of its work was great- ther. We shall be glad to receive any in ~ os 5 RS , Dee ft the suffering bey, fing hberating about one ‘i t au TNR ; : my dhs Me abuut FPVALS Eastitucen will conn 5 Bsn none shte Stack of Gangs thas heretadece | eH Vian growing old lv impeded by the stones. In euch ground formation our correspondents can give us MEAG CUE BUCO (OLE PUeS Ww liere pares) Bin seuwar ys Te ops Uns ; patengal ie mr = ion, and i ; The lucklosettoyoeaectakcn wens “happy t sh tha hee Ruse beds porchamag slorehere. cas tony lorinar Bi eels ce SViase Thanks for the years, whose rapid flight two or three hands are needed to loosen in relation to the er pin their neighbor a as : i; v ate “ - wa and compes Conmeare 6 ceoeases of sie lay ig sad a THE REAT POINT weak in Rant oe aT eaale mrnce x ‘ wsony Jawes ) f \ Very respectfull Fi oe eee stones, and to throw out those which are hoods. A short crop of clover seed is a a minrellliiay : B. FORD. or aTTRacTiow! pelvis anks for the ams of golden hght Renard i ‘ No. 85, North Third Str aboce Arch — ae heulow orairesien i , : : A large aud esa » Boek He wore a aPeenttine Hetdarkieesof (heute ines loosened by the plow share. national calamity, fur a short crop of clo Beirvt, Syaxa, Dee. 10. —We have lad seri- |; Trak Reet See Pak Ma Ket TRS Ge | Destined iv be the Great Centre of this stru The light that beams from out the shy The principle on which the machine’ ver means nu 5 1s! Crop ous Gunes bere for six or seven weeks. The cho- | bts situated iience uveriauk ike oe eee Ad : , Pies beter eotner ote a ETA Ge See ; . TO THE F ‘ys Manufacturing Interests in 9 “"y:'! a = R E operates is a simple one. A small plow of wheat. lera broke out and made our city of fifty thous soci tne N b eid W M y I O I Hk Ih A RM ERS | WESTERN Atan ere all are blest, and none may righ : : Poulstaeclitl: a : : : ohne Up 9608 i : p " 7 Tm growing old @ share runs along the bottom of the ditch oo snd souls a abe From ten to thirty have neal peur oe. (oun disease, [a Of Iredell County. | STERN NORTH CAROLINA, anes of rill keira (eam artis Gs BRILLIANT DESCRIPTIVE WRI hed daily, when, at would seem, almost the «1 ’ . MLV Are tween Chalyveate and rere annt: aa - ae Aud perhaps of the Pesenta;: _ _ and loose p from one te Be ches rly 4 Bs is 5 ‘ ; > or) “ ” ‘ . - sve hie GRE SAV GOF EXPENSE. FORE d ‘ ; : ire 1 the citv. At last bh restored This place ie : { WANS TRON PLOW — Th 1h UNITED STATES. 886, SAI" tthe earth ; the revolving shovels carry TING “ eters 4S , : He nha lee - The bbl : NG. mroulside Glothe cite pinera se any im the Sa hough bul meven howght the Right for Iredell County, aad are Wene < ne up the loosened earth, until it reaches the Daa tielarcl ea itl € sea shore, sweet Wat me sofase ut how alread, rested three gend chusches | factenng the Inu Plow al thetr Shop. ten mikes Soath I Veteed te have a Raliread from SALISBURY itself, yp ee “ pele dayard Taylor, who ac anied the wore, sweeping away the keeper and bis Metivabet, Presb teram and Bape Fast of Statesville. and are prepared tu furosh any Ww BAGLE CITY Feuple may bemgh at she interest: ten of their revolution, when it falls bY layers of the Newfou aud Submarine children in t vs, 8 Ifld toa Bue mont of asitucioa will be giv- | quantity of pliwe Very shert notice tdea, if they chur, os 1 duals Bus dimi ts weightona ved platform on each | ra} toys a ei village a ESOP errata ate Enel || iersrcel and Methernsic a! tract Orders addressed to them at Amity Holl, will be | Ode tibry feugh at Fott.o wt hing shuet t dime vliton an red } « elegraph, dropped a letter at Halitaxt a bwin eowe Board > Promptly attended to Specumens cau be seen ai al. | PIVPriing busts by civam, a: the rete of ot miles ow reached. side, down which it rolls, and drops tigen healthy, ne excellent a ‘ net pecan fe BHO pre most any ef the ses _ * = Ay " mara F oe they leagh ot ( vlvmbea, Sore he vious da A ‘ a fa! ] = f - s OBE eNEELY bee testinct Bid ben meg 8 wew wold io the Weal om , each ede of the: Motion is given ‘ ‘ » 4 ave fal} Jur ! A ¢ April26, N55 1) an Dida't they iaagh 01 ihe cubusios when they grew «it. crisia Wy — ti theswhecliatresole; shovel inp J N 6 Ue rebelinus, and bined 01 independence ! 4 ann of t : to the wheel of revolving shovels, siinply Day, passed .. A ( ARSON 2 onal! pao Compared to F eral was AGRICT | T \] y its running over the earth, aud its A ! ; ~ Nec'y of Board of Trasters LIPPINCOT 1 ¢- COF F IN & Co. or le the Praskins, Washing ; . b par ! Vi ie , é : : s spow hay et inveays the Deters Vivions Nienender Corde 7, tod enD WHOLESALE DEALERS ey — ght ae, hbo memled meme amd pe Pep motion is precisely similar to that of « abd ge wha OR B10 ? 7 Malet Soa Aratihy . precisely sim " ¢ eu : DR. H. KELLY Sf FORGION AND POMESTA rece then we Bat hava pone ter mel tests ou | Gin Chelmer ied ; “e a = 7 : extra gu Ae ELEM AEE naan , mum 2 Supa thousand Lames when | have seen fh. tw talk of things A Gow. é Georgia Catawba Wine. Wis lis wet ar ae : rT oy ‘ ee ane VTESVILLE NC . ama Pamoy Trimmingse, 2) (iy (ugh LT eouide't de I'm none of the r ‘ etandadhesive,acmall | ; : nN low ate Deis f noe ae a Rhee 1 the Ne. 34 Nerth Third Street, ‘ean't” sack Lea Fintendtohere a Rall Reed and only On the 12th of November, a large pare wheel is placed at the top of the machine umn alors ini a ie eked s ! ' 2 ‘ : 1 Nee nye Betwarn Burtt end Ard Me feces “ hehe to Bugle ¢ vo 1 due’t wish 10 ge i knew le ea 1 } - wile t . ! " - Mow Linings = cms Dinu, jo weve rhe sod her Wester . the def ty of gentlemen of this city and vicinity, w clears t shovels of the ea bide ‘ art ° 5 <t ‘ at ws : wee evariin '" i (upd ; ‘ ra “ a the wey +f the Malebury and sal seared thad vel mare mat for tlie parpuse of ae eke ae : a ele, a vr awa ary § M : a r wary b, 1a5SS bv'ed5S = vary = aN us Western Reed lum ® 7 "ate ‘i : ! 8 It v it el uches to one foot ty a fair hy Onchoden rantheias - pe be be Vhy. there are millions a Native Wine made by Mr. Charles Axt, wide. and f two anda half feet deep, beaches of L ; ; Nin Thomas C. Halyburton, Wi. D. Groceries ' Groceries PA) Greensborough Cfiel poate ciethad ete. oad minds of min. ea — at his vineyards in Wilkes ( Georg ON ane a A F ; . i , = Ve Wee F eae ee ee Rood out rule, by a ) . neva . , H}@ and may be made to cut three feet deep t Prenat et chal eakers, hut I 1 AVI xe . nc ecll porns BT Mint ee MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY. sed on Ps : pee en oe Reaatiae pol ber from 1 ne prese l wa pu ) ¢ if desired It is mostly of iron, and i “nga hind tear f Y wt . s ; ; . op renee: sy o | it ! fers Ze notof Lnswranee on ihe maize! plawis bet a Kuad. anivrs the people aleve see pees saa of itself of the Catawba (rrape, only a Acie C trem alinoe liablet hesoine sniuce diel Suche ihed) oe a Be / t e omall ahi ardwche =n ch company ep g gle Cry must ree bake thet heoues on that e . eres Ae Fie . 4 . - Bi wnpaey being ’ ‘ oo ere partidine ® wg ber meat soo heft | te worthy of tele, weeks from the v ve, and e qual vn The price, we believe, is $150 A ] { Never k ly SisteevdieON, Ct . : fe : Sia gh y wweh sree! portne he rahe the heene inf : fi relen end vem of aertel paler mediate! ity known as “Nt Catawba It was ; ] \ we vy N ‘ . . vee ae ibaa ds SA I he ontey. e one ine sends «ft peace. plenty ced hepginees — mediale 5 " aw it wa } " ) 5 we ave w . 4 RS " “ T ll E PRES BITE RYAN , 26 . 1 The ( ompany toe wt) free (ram debi, have made Why out bu id 0 greet auneteciaring ty thew? w the tabl very fairly and impartially tested, os, oe lite H Rockaway came and 1 RELIGIONS PAWILY VEWSPU s Mpc ee eee Te ae Ce Le eke y 4 4 st 4 Ce es wot ( v ' porte Stnscteesse thd oe aby u by side with « 4 Rae aff for Beal Jed, and still th an wa root PUBLISHED EVERY SATUR ! . i \ a \ c follwing Officers v. a ch fe end fever pre ecars *jlat -f the direc eotne of the most noted O an ik and lake, the shy fair as wlreans sima)iemenesiy. ac 148 e : ' errs be crewing * ody bende carried | the Lest ikea e ar y a . ; oven uM awit : awe @ Nation t he best judges pres : f “ene . Koes . F BG COPPIN: View Pies rests. roml epenge end se ' nounced it sup. ne 4“ re ~ ' ; COP WMENDENHALE 4 * All mviing, el) omshog, off cheering nim Obi: ' eee vith xert iy , : . : PLTER ADAWS Ss ot . gs Ande theee great bb eunge negative 5 of flavor tu anv native « ‘ } : A Ba ; A ‘ a. £ \ A PETER «Dawa s ve rv " ey soe wey The Demoen . a ee ; i ‘ D seve fi eoff M 44 Pp ze . F . Wat CUMMING. G 4 Nerth.Weetern Red Read will he gure to thie , sented tu their o sa ea ‘ ‘ d x ‘ » ee . ; . ou I We a Es ectty Carer tern anewere } \ , . \ : = , . ° af Wue'l people thee ; it the ! est de “ m : Ww " ' % velit . : ne ri neerente ‘ toe want to buy ae And ene't ee thea pries? That vot it shal] lave a ] ; <i . : ; rate ‘ . . ( ( )\\ \ \ \ Lands, as + city, sed a olemg the Mr. B t were ‘ => . . . . oa eeee DR DINKINS. ‘ ' : - is velee eeereees faith in it mectna ev ty rods , oa Leon, : ' Te OTE Ac Rest valor] ekrer = ve cont of the Road ee . ‘ae Tee ppterten aes VEVETABLE LITHONTRIPTIC ‘seaoumc nce Teena meet TB nt a | : 1 + : Pr ‘ as « catia ene j . elf ( s - | perd fut eyac moved t eoveral of the penticnne nt, Are 1 ‘ a " : . re : ; aia ' : 4 the greet egeet of ; : 4 I k 1 a t ’ Tile, HU WAN FAMILY nome . ° “ +l moe torn te qved se- no les@ favora v t r “ ¢ a Uu ri . . ebend sear : : =e. as * jae 4 “s ; : Dey tee TA Wanted Immediately, DI BA ED KIDS Lote busid te R fwicks WolWt ree Pie gy pinw than for * ¢ , ‘ 4 8 r "3 : SESE EVs otf ae lee @ » UW es 2 wee | Le ; ee At the Silver Hill Mine. ee Ape phat EY tema ay jadg st and caj } "| ired ; } - axa G a ’ ue inthe Blaald. cand bid wye, Weak ANDRE RIGCARLY consti nt matters of businiss t we fir as tall é ES : 7 , the Lina, of Joly 12 1 =55 , the cane ‘ Any ace ° : : peers WOOD VN DP CONT en : the occasi “a j Preeby ane wee ‘ efor onic at the Dav U ‘ tert, thy es seldial xia rieemtin sack yn Pe wan Sree ake eS Union Male Academy, and Perea “4 : was aasing « B . 4 ae Ube hewto ; at Levorty's . S interests The enters. z . < ' : at the ( w of Farmingion Female Seminary. aaa ah i - - rrow Was . . >| Tr 1 . od Woe nial f ‘i ‘ ‘ Li Pas REASON TOGETH R. GS eunerees ee ves NERT Aeemnn of thoor Setenta, lecsted & by nearl soe plow about ; . erhwl phie aie ‘ a ranaviee peel: eee Paramagion, on) emrucece The ex most ans; ‘ ‘ atca ft : . . mire Mc ahha ; ie Bayt peat nol enone and ani o a ‘ 0s § . = , Sy seed Mre § 0) Terwe. Prine 'pale, oth x sha Sonté at Bewehors, N ; grea and ti ( : : car : 1 A ‘ : : eae ee shee Pitter | bach ote «a0 may bo eco = 4 Mr. Wa! for those w wna as standing liicel on oars gi0 ED alstTiN Terme. fw —— ad he, Priemery ay . i Tom rs ° ° . ¢ Gremmear & rt some juice « grupe ‘ a ( male ricnitnral invent How WM INES . as ; cree Hight Rogteh GIO trek, Lat nage teraserl imintuccei cin ce : ‘ W. P. ELLiOTT, *. B12 Maw on Preo. 0 paral 4 a . wed a i ‘ . — a . . ‘ Preach ool ulted in wieli to aid the encces ] } . Pe ° 4 Weba Ff t, Feyrttoviie, N ¢ Dore wing. « 4 Beard. wertneg sed teghte nm etperime - Byte ‘ : T ‘ . be hed . ‘ moi Se hemde, 0c gu of a mint “ ‘ ‘ : ‘ GENERAL COMMISSION " i Cot beoeee, ed cheer A ’ r Crh aber p are adre “ within ae ize, ‘ . R itve { } AND m ov her the Pao I R — z HOLLOWAY’S PILLS. ’ " ne ry ete. 8 Barmaagiom, NC ing the a apceand « Prana ere Ce . WHY ATE WE miCK ‘() } i MERC WANT D iw? Pes Toe : 2 . “ ' 4 ‘ secure to the 5 . are. 8 Brceadstuff.—Prospective Prices. roth ce He vuse jy rospective Prices ae oe WILMINGTON, N.C Speaker eatirely new 6 ; a tm stu be gener nt ‘ \ , , “ I : 6 i Pas) SNlicipa “ . - ] “ \ ree 5 - che: dere, and r . F resolutic pee ata Eng and, that “ : . ee mise * sokfuily Ib took e ate rwheate willra : ; a rit ss ile an SOUTHERN LITERARY WEESGER Mayo a ; received and calture \ sh . : = ‘ iy) . ‘ a UNE VES THESE oe theTT Votoa, ex ‘ ; ; gi wane ee AESE PILLS PURIFY THE ‘reme Pree of Wine. an! « f Bile 7] a i FOR | HE y EAR 1856. THE BLOOD. I Fein ndous Excitement baetd 7 . a * dl c ne ay rw TY whe . AROUT Tht where h niet favorable . “ nz a an i ; . ' each of 4 Hie a 0 ho ecto oe Her I. early rm ae Western Extension! oot near villas Gears i) Payline ' ants br DYSPEPSIA & LIVER COMPLAINTS Row { a Ri wa r “ giog betters a = : vu Gear ae re triad does erro : . attempt | as 4 > ‘ 4 a A nee r encainthe Weet, o = Fg lee DoF , , ’ Demoera Prem the § : ; work al any wa Vs t . meiltsbelibve cinrd nu Gabe mee SQUIRE. ZIMMERMAN & ALLEN, nba Pratt's Patent Ditch Digger tee 7 arinne err er i =f Te fink a tere feet pe eed NL Kmportem sad W betesate Destere ip time “wit! pyres j k « , at ‘ > - G id tid A new cr “ } a . ’ u 5 . : 1, ’ Te y , ar eee = GENERAL DEBILITY. ILL HEALTH. READY Mipe cLoraing, Gus «€ nel vee vears [ tI : e-" wu a Y mae ; Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestings, and Gen- No Laie Heed ar oes bat ai - ‘ lant thers Z : 7 ; , ADELPHIA. Teer be ae . ; i wr ai (ithe Nia theron wrates E ae tlemen's Furnishing Goods FRANCES eQriRE and the ; Ti ? PE ents a milf which will be eld meet eherking 9 Mi ZIMMERMAN et bo the a ; } . EMALE COMPLAINTS @ Alen, veuendd oooh of HATS end CAPS. GEORGE S ALLEN. \ in 618 te ed. Mot aut ie); ee . ; ‘ ; ‘ Q » shelnurwird. bolenilaed esi ots the two 5 roots F . INO A. WEIRMAN & PRICE ; regietere: - ae ‘ ‘ ; . . Merchant Taslore other, as : . : Ad soe ow : / / Jirardy Fava ee ad 5 116 ms swered, « ; Inanre is | a Dy NS E>) the i . r ' / yece ‘har :9 ‘BA We? . inter vine of - ee i o ‘ ‘ 2 ; bree Ma, t AGENTS! Of Four Horse Post Coaches, isene. fro « Beep keichee ; 4 , (21 5 Lp P ae | | k ; : fie a. A | ’ ELMVENTS OFFERED I 10 UW Aelebury to Miegunton: vie Biaeeyie and at startli r ; . \ e ‘ ! SONS sends me their adderas, Twill ma! New wae rivet ‘ 4 oped a fall deseripnive emtnbigue of my Bucks Fenves Xalehary on Monday, Wednesday end Fr- and cont lace ’ 4 / . Viemt ruc terme yermio that will enable then fay at , ch, AM . ves at Moegnotop j } : ‘ “ nea B50 to M109 per month The new MOM morning hast, and leawre Morganton o@ te flash a eel ves of ‘ a! for Toth are ot let same dayannd arrives in Salisbury an west dbye Os titled the coaten } ; z A 'reoe ; D RULISON breakfast No pane or expense will be apered (0 frowned | ! 1 POLE AKS BE 4 IN ADVANGE ‘ No 32% Third Street, Phitnde phin, Pa make the one of th lost comfortable and expeditions & Tire wer on ; ; i : pu : . a ven, MMMS roads inthe Stair : ; / 1) / ; Chie MR. BRADBURY'S NEW C8 BROWN, Contreetor sae and a \ me tl ’ 71) , Sa June 21, 1855 4 ven 7 ; ; GLEE BOOK. ae lre-watd ¥ vf t \ ( ( PAVE NEW YORK GLER AND CHORI , ! ‘ y teh ‘wi ils { | ice J. J. SUMMERELL, | BOOK, by Wa Ub Beapaeny, now ready owan ( otten Factory | bi . stiveices a whee | Hine a variety of glece and part aongs, arrmige . called j ving : } Teac BS ' nopersa, and a eelectiom of th at netul FOR SA LE. tle genet ie aca Boe i ra, ndapted eeprevally to mosenl conventions glyen an} oAy 5 fi ; n n , vehted ta me by en eanda ed wnging Crasea Prive 4 pall owner of the above wnlnahle property offer ond rit Vii . A Town ; A : for Sale The Esectory buildings end me- Mtr . 1 “ ; : 1h Vie tok wm believed to conian. « inrger amoeut uf chinery seit now etands, or they may be ieduerd to Abr. Beugt afew cea 4 ¢ 7 i Ses i ri “! ' T sha wok : t dads "ler than aoy of the previ, erll he machinery aeparately lote to watt parehneere ceeding, ie J rea ‘ ; ohey suecewalul works of sie clase by the same The machinery te allin gond order Ab part of caynlidate ‘ % ' tf aN t entirely new and of the most inproved bied. Alawergd Putra ( VRE AND PERGPrSON & 60 mimen enptes erni by mail. poet paid.on receipt Apply io D. A. Davie or J. G. Cairns oa thepee- = ie “ r xe } Marrin piutedawl (or An Avery hberalreduetwnin price mt gag Nok 4. can ratt’s 1D fig ' “ ' | le Published by MAXON BROTHERS, — TeERWS will } f lige frie ! . . this ‘ ’ 3 will he mide seeomod to purchasets } Vie — N i 903i Saliebury 18, 1BSS palette aw all nd Philade}. wOrmMeut of ing of arter second Ladies, ond | Gold Pop, Fae 4 , lated ® ne fare, * a Coral Neca few superio a ts S, ‘oF (0 meq Phy's Store, LISBURY he imrresse the Reed | od te 7 it erymel egent of BS KL es, reville and vend Fri- forgnotop genton et rt days apered \o rpedifiont tractor tory erty offer 1 and mar oduced to arohnaeere pe part of kied. the pres archavets ey Wi wud yoda, bh Lynd (ie cp wiyat (oeadhy bloters'E oT MNETAL vAATeSnaral omibbtnts onilotn K+, CALS FINNS BOW] TALTLOUM! Sita Beal t / ) hint eaitanad Sais oe / , ‘a Cn oo 5 Beate to Politics, Mews, Agriatture, ternal IJmpedvemntts, Comimetre, the’ Arts and, Sciences, Macality, and the Sunily iecte. 7 San toot ee fete ae aT ace | ee ie he ve * , — st ad ‘ in sind VOL XTLANEW SERTES, __.. SALISBURY, N, C., FEBRUARY19, 1856, = NUMBER XXXVI; + J. BRUNE, Baier wad Proprietor, |! sttetes ied total + ca TRE ELECTION OF SPEAKER. ! The following letter from the cxperi- sed correspondent from the Phitadel- phia North American, sapplies facts and views connected with the election of |"res, and one of the tellers “announced | Speaker, whielr ure of much interest > . Wastiixotow, Feb. 8.'! The long agony is over. ‘Nathaniet P: Banks, of Maesuchnsette, bs Speakor.— And notwithstanding that.fret, (ie, Union is safe, The gloomy predictions uf rnvr- id 6 are destined to bedi «int: si td ihe aiapared evils to resu 1 from thie election, will prove to be more imag: ipary than real. No single myn holds ig power, werg he disposed ty wild it, of disturbing the tranquility of this Un ion, aud those who believe sa, ust be weak in their faith of its stability, and in- senaible to the great influence of those weral and political principles apou which this structure reste—a foundation as inde- structible as thé ruck of ages. Atan early Nour pectactar. all the ave nues of approach to the feruse of Rep- vesentasives were thronged with an eager aud expectant eoncourge Of spectators, — The lobbies, the galleries, and the hall itself, presented a spectacle of mnasual interest and anxiety, which did not appear te diminish nutil the cohsuutnation was reached. Ali the indications of the pre- vious day had given gesurauce that the crisie was approaching, and the feverish ness of the public pulse proved how gen- eral was the suspense and excitement.— b parties, at the time of meeting, were sanguine of success. The preliminary tests ou Thursday had inspired the fricud» of Gow. Aiken with te highest confidence | and onby thove who were behind the scetivs knew Low they were to be deceived by the defectiva which was subsequently de- veloped. The firat material demonstration of the day was the introduction of the plurality iG by Mr. Smith, a Democratic mem ber fram Tennessee —a fact dermoustrating of iteelf how strong was the conviction on that cide of the Llunse of Gov. Aiken's prospect of success. A motion was iu mediately inade to lay the proposition on the table. Thies feiled by a majority of ten votes. Now caine the atraggle upon the direct question, and the plurafity was earned by nine mejority. The Northern ® Nationals” fro New York, Peusviva- nig Ubio and Indiana all veted m the negative, but the accession «f coutident Democrats turned the scak Ae won as the result was annoynced, the galleries ~ anewere| with Joud and long aj) laus That vote was decisive of an election Mr. Buvee, of Bomth Carclina, wliose faith in the effect af the plnrality wa- not as aliding as that of wave others, , moved to rescind it, bat the mayonty was increased to sixteom in the boerggel 14 € . ing seven more than the plurality carried Mr. Jomea, of Tennessee, one of the vet evan Demneratic leaders, and who lias a conafitatienal belef in the mfallhbility of the canens, tried a motion for adjoarn ment, that conference tight be lad, and opinons cachauged between the different interests Bat the blend of 11 fo vieae wasup, and the prop. falilod by wearly two thirds Of thr me present The comtest bLeeame nero itteresting tion wae and animeted ateach step of the proygres- Mr. Walker sf Alabama, renewed Ue at tempt to rescir d. bat the Pons ly inere than forte inajority, declared it not to be in order A wither effort te anjeurn re sulted in no better emecess than t las etperiment, end ite failure mratu. cx! t ed cheers from the edt “a within and without the ha & ele itg the applands of the others Them pretininarics being settled, the Huse proceeded to rete throe times fer Speaker, according. te the terms of the resolution graptingg the plepalitv, before ik teok effect. (Ou each trial Me. Dank- received W2 yotes, and Gov. Siken 93 Vota, except on the last wher he fell off 16 99 There were twenty sczrttering eotes am the first balloting, and mneteon on each of thy etlters, showing on the bigh est aggregate 19 abscutces Now the crisis approached. Another attempt to adjoarn was made from the Democratic side, brit failed by more thar thPRS td hid. Mi. Puller for the third time withdrew hie nate from the eon ret ad wihdeatly urged his frends to cast HEP eAfrayces for “Rn aller arid Vetter fa.” “The Clerk cxfled the Monae te Wet Before the calli fhe roll Began and the silence of dec p suspense snece ed ed bo the bustle which pres Fonsly prevail ed. Mota voice was heard but ‘ we of the two clerks, who called the poll and jetered the votes, One repeated the, r other, as “ Banks” or “Aiken” was an swered, and so pervading and wrapt was the interest, that the sounds seemed to isang. froma cavern, and fell with a sort of, startling cffect onthe ear. Every eve was riveted upon the ceutre of auxioty, and contending emotions wight be seen te flash along the animated faces whiel: titted the galleries, as fortune sinited or frowned in'the progress of the contest. — | Tire scene thronghout was deeply inter: eating. When Mr. Barctay’s namo wna entled, lre-watd thitr, heing averte Yo amy eal with © Kid Nothingfen,” =e he called it—he desired to know whettior the RéhMeman from South Carolia Witd Rlyen any assurances or pledges to the eonkbern wing of the Armicrican party Nr Riyi interposed ri ection to thus pre ceeding, being nuwilling to nbhject his calidate, ty exayninatiyon, Me Aiken Anawergd the Magnisy by saying he. was Not # candidate tor Ue Spoukersbip, but if ls friends saw tit toelegt him he worl sviVe them ‘to the best of his abiffity!: Mr.) Zhe Barclay Geciiwed to vote mud the call) yy Tienty. Think Annual Mecting. then a buzz ran through the hall. In an) instant it.was communicated to the gal. | th Boston. Banks 103, Aiken 100, Fuller 6, Catnj- | It will be seen that they make no se- bell 4, Wells 1—deelariny N: P. Banks, (ret of their seditions designs against the Jr., of Mapeachysetts; duly elected Speak- er, &IIOF H1iBE - LG be ele | Aigreat shoat went up from, the gal- levies, like the opeshing of thousands with | jone yyice. Again and again the tidings jwere weleamed with peuls of applause. | : 'Mahdkerchtety ‘waved, and eongrat ala- issnes with the slave pawer are as-dust ons fonnd jvy full néenance. = : Dr. Mareluabl, of Kentucky, suddenly they declare that “& Constitution which hushed this scene of rejoicing by raising leyulizes slave hanting and slave eatch- the question, that the {Rae itself—and 8 on every inch of American soil, is to not the clerk or Tellers—muet declare ¥@ trodden uader foot and pronounced the resolt, by the resolation, and only a accursed.” Lt will also be observed that majority wae competent to that purpose. Uese and other kindred resolutions were A discussion ensied upon this technical unanimously adopted, with the advice or furmulity, which, waa regarded as ex. Consent of such officers of the society as trynely wugracious after the defeat. Lu Francis Jackson, Edmund Quincy, Adin the widest of it Gov. Aiken arose, and Ballou, Joshua T. Everett, dlenry J. Bod with a delicate and wnanly appreciation witch, James Russell Lowell, (the pod,) of his own position, asked the [onse to and others, of whom better things wight allow him the privilege of conducting have been expected. . Mr. Banks to the chair, as the Speaker Women’s nights and African equality sia! are, of course, maintained by the sectety. In order to get rid of any pretence of Mrs. Maria Weston Chapinan, Abby Kel objection, Mr. Clingman anoved a resolu ly Foster, and other white WOO EEE tow qootaining the required declaration, "PO" the saine common paitfroren of abo und thers were forty members found will tise vlilanthroyphy and eeu gainaal ioe ing to record themselves in the negative with Bux Brown, the eloquent Haun! del Sak This last obetacle being removed, the fugitive slave, Miss Frances F. My wikis "t Clerk appointed Gov. Aiken, Mr. Falter, 4 SOME colored woman of Bah and Mr. Campbell, to conduet Mr. Banks and those hoary of infidel sinners, Loyd tothe chair, the spoke briefly and per- Garrison and Wendell Phillips, + Min- tinently saying he would Muctatoaiain ple—nvninyle- mingle " W tat A sweet ister the office impartialiy, and the organ and a tractive hatch of secial and polit zation of the House with reference to the Cl saints is thie! And yet between the best interests of the Union, and the ma defianr, open mouthed treason of this terial prosperity of the country Tie Liovd Garrison asylum and the sineeth oath of office was MON administered by faced Lepeeritical pretences of Seward Mr. Giddings, the oldest member of the 40d bis allica, driving at the saine ob Hlunee. After this ceremony, a resolu paar the former is Jess pernicious aud ‘tien complimenting Mr. Forney for his ability, Adelity, and impartiality, was prassed nnanineusly and the Puuse ad Jourved. Funes corvnat opua gio in their treasun and their shame. declare that“ the une great issue before imnore, ess dangerons to the Union and to socie tv than the latter, in the exact degree ¢ whieh the epen enemy is preferable the inaihions and plottiog traitor, Gar rem aud bis gang are in Lie open field, Throngteut all these exciting proceed Seward apd his set are Lysl-fighters, i inga, decorum and good temper wore pre festing the ekirts of the lighway We served, as both emdes were confident of Ay ater te qoity the ate ravings of victory, anti the strugyle had advanced i6 Garriaon fanatics, bat the ateal to the termination It was net praction movements of the Seward alllance re ble to have elected Gov. Aiken wothout qnire incessant watch.eg and active re 106 votes aa there were (wo Votes in Te pvistance at crert point ed balla a pus ce called int Licad this ante-slavery report, and mark requisition for Mr Banka, whenevertheir pie natnrally these a erscan se became really necessary, and pert "VS Of our infidel werman’s rights aud white ne more malt linve beeu bad tf the cot andl black aualyar tian 1 bene pers test had been marrowpd down te thaten oon oy a ha bata ‘ athernny ‘ a povote ena, Mr. Duele, of Marviand, and M I eral cen criat ; ( en of Delaware, deck wed te jam the peer will prohabt Ae ay : : , | F ry maition, and Mesans. Broom and Millar upon the State VV. WMerald of Pennavivania, and Mesers. Clark and 4] ° - A Coe oe W hitme), f New York, receded " Alfreud Dee fur Jaskua i?) Cet their votes of Friday, and returned t Mr. Fuller. The tuur western “ scatter cus” threw away their voteson Mr. Camp bell. Thus ended the mest extraordiva Jinge.—-ft sa the custom of the Lense of Tu presentatives at Washinton to ass the oldest member of the body the fthe oat ew Speak ry strugy'eerer witnessed since the for \ Tk v, wl Links was nathm ef the government. And itiste be pela veteciiace : deciares Cciectet ' it t leew ' ut ed top pnt th ' a“ ww = meee ( reven “” ’ meas te = Jy eat Mr. Joatma Ro Gidd duty of possilulity of ite recurrence ' swearing tiim in Thie fs what If.m Gos. Aiken, who attracted so largeand Awe Kandall would designate “an evi! ev creditable a support, represents the omen,” and Sam Weller“ werry pecubar Charleston District ef Soath Carvlina cuncidence.” Ja reference tw this iuc Dating the six comeccutive years of his dent, the Washington Sentinel says: tmetmbership in the Liense, be has suc “Tt re aatd that the ceremeny NATL, ceeded in winnimeg the respect, assuring); gin the Speaker was performed by Mr the confidence, and attaehemg the highest GidilingattlicgractieadateNtedit i regard of all partes. The larygust slave letter in Congress, and therefore more with great une matic and ponypar rectly iptergsted in the practical illus | ae if the eonle of tration of that polley wh © NOCH Marticr A 3 we theory Nas and young negre babies were infireed in 1 eae so mach exercised others holding Lat lin- ita him. He looked as grand as Japiter tee! interests he has preserved, thromgb-! aid as pleased as a basket of clips ut all the ry strifes of eectiy val cow Thenfoarnent apping of lauds, stamping flret a becoming deference Ber the views) of foot and war wot handkerchiefs AL of those with vw \» im he differed, and on, oir nieen was) lant and cxulta fo eccasion ndulged n asingle comment Avid this waa t! % othe whieh excited obnoxious eriticisin, By weck of theeedsion Withench nie the power of moral influence, and the ef ing to bueinese what will the end het fect of liberal opimions, be bas succecded We fearthat the coldest winter will be in prometing the mierests of his constit: f,)jwed by the hottest enter ever ox ,ente Bevond any formes reprusentalive, penenced io W ashingten. = Mar York and perhape there te no single man Mow! 77 -o)d om the floor whe could ao readily com: ! ++: mated the vote of the Hlanse on any pro ter Mrinuclananmtolavoidathvenns position hich he would advise, Con cessity of answering disagreeable polit eervative in all hfe principles, sonnd avd! ie , aime ; be a P practical as a legislator, high minded and CST GSS DS BLOT CLELe nce ty iets tehivalde as a man, public spirited ands lency,—a matter in which, be is pre yvnewos a8 a citizen, pliant irapic as Aw imed, about this time to be sauewlhat Christian, and anostewtatiousin hie char jnterestcd,—we see ie going to make a ities, be reflects bouor of the position he cee upies. Dacii are tue qual ties and } . } : tea whe referred tet characteristics of the candidate w {wo months on e finer. Ile writes oun + name with the Presidency, ted two parties in his favor wathont sul citing, or even saspectiny, the coutidence f we of either. They ary qualities whieh would ‘This IT neither desired 1 expect soften defeat did We suffer disappoint! The movementin my favor has, t t Mussachusetis Anti-Slavery Society ‘% t dow ; We publish this morning, at length, : Finally the roll was. complered, and the official report of the ie lee a question of the British Entistnbents for the! Ori- ¢ twenty-third anyual aeceting of the! mex, the general opinion seetfs'to! bey that the leriga, The clerks summed op the fig. | Massach uqetts Anti-Slavery Society at| British Gorernment, iw disavowing any inten- Federal Constitution and the Uvion, bat | n their most prominent resolution they | opinion, we say; the tenpressia® te, that che mpel- | tion asked by my fair country women.— ‘“ the country is the dissolution of the Un-| People of the Union,—but thst the President) has she blue eyes, is she amiable, is she | rye sounds with your eyes. ion, in comparison with which all other | and bis Cabinet are bent on ag mich Sire and & | tidy about it ws possible, in 20 = dione had an opportunit in the balanee.” = And in another resolve | nent: but, as he neither sought ner de- originated withont my previous know! ! l sired the honor, his modest merit will edge or consent. and Eshould tn quite sat find more real satisfaction in the die ‘istied ehould another bo selected Ive charge of accustomed duty than in tre ad next will be the arose Hepertamt, amd re- , iw theory paths whith beset the avennes presidential term, sinoe the bust tu the Buewker's chair, and environ ity th kngland, or, perhaps, since the Wit] prwc uliar cusbapressinents at this origin of the government Both our f jjuneture, Ixperesvint eign and our domestic atiairs will reqnit the guidanee of an able, firr. and skilfal oe | lpiot to steer the veasel ef State clear of » Nicaragua. —The instructions to our repte-jthe breakers. TL pray Heaven that the jecntative, Mr. Wheeler, by Mr. Marcy cannot but best man may be selected far the crisis! receive the approval of all who wish the Govern: and to mg it is & matter of ind fFercmne Vmefit of the United States to act dn conformity whether he comes from the North or tla DE or thu West ‘with the dutics of heutrality, in conflecte which South, the East or tho Weat jriag take place to establich new and overthrow Death of Mr Macro Wo hace the jedtublieNed ravernntents in foreign eoumtriee, — painful dute te annontes the andden | These fratractions forbal (he recogritian of Walk death of still another of one oldewt cit lore government as one de facto vetil itm Milly! pene Mr. dodlin Magrath, for many vears lreeugnimed by the people of Nicaragua. Mroia distinguislied merchant of one city. lat Wheeler is reproved for his interference. Bet; who for some tive past has retired tram | sa, died y ester lay meruing there aetnis an inconsistency between the re- busing Charkston Stagudard, i proof and hie retention in office i] The President's Menage-4in Bngland—&'|.. ‘THE EMPRESS OF FRANOE. Prem Gi Yilns Gorees’ | ow, Wak, ies ls hse ashe ata hole hot unklatiyeromntget’ Uipoe the |; The folowing eseription of an inter The Table Cloth. T make up the lence shoet ic? | | : iy — col . pon view with the Emptess of France, though Lacy,’ | 40 usb bnew about Object Otject Lessons No. \.—Tue Taste Cros, _ somewhat flavored with the personal ad-|Lessous. Mamma, what they for! (1) Our Table-cloth is a piece of linen with miration of the writer, will be interesting| Mamma. First,—To tel you to observe Sour edges—four corners, an Under Surface, tion to violate the murricipa| } dws of the United to many of our readers : minutely, More thao half ¢ knowledge which | ig ah oeia yale, eee rape a0 | States,-has given all Une spohigy that the case | La Imperatrice dea Francais Eugenie de|*" possess, they get by’ carefully noticing | (2) ong hae fa prabared oleh these | requires,and an apology that ought to be en- Guaman, Comtesse de Teba. Hog. | the flax plant, which is grown in Y¥ onuswinn, |tirely satisfactory at Washington: | That ie the! 14 the Empress pretty # is the first quee- W. This is easy; we arp to use our eyes, I Tretawo, Franpers, &e. F ; ‘ , 3) Table-cloths, cM ogy is considered sufficiently deceptable, by the |Is she tal}, is she stout, has sle light hair, M. Yes, and other orgags alec ; you do not ms este te Pi made at Lenape, Duw- the people likeher? As| W- No; 1 use my care. Pleasant Pages for Young People, y : ae seeing and con-| M. And how do yowsotice different scents! Fics tha Hane Gowen. | ie ia) | Versing with the Empress at one of the! W. I observe them with my nuse. party capital for the approaching Presidential | er | M The Rab lastinet Election. ‘The TWncs thiwks the British Govern. | Presentations of the t ulace of the Tuil-| Mf, And the differences in taste—between we ment has made a'* reparation” that would: be |eries, I will give my fair friends a graphic | the taste of milk, and milk and water, fur in-| After George’s rabit had once run away, and des¢ription of the Empress Eugenie. The | ; ae eecapalt a by the | Erupress is by no means an every day par I find that out with my tongue betes i: oe mer = wroedny dignitied Courts of the old world,"—but if Bro-| person ; neither is she a dazzling beauty, | M Acdif k deg Ly | hie litte um kept very close watch over lism, f ed if you wat to know whether your showing that he felt a little jealous, and a little ther Jonathan is bent on something more, he in| glaring ike a sunflower; buf like a sweet | ; hegged to assure himself that “the people of/and modest violet, that possesses a charm | plate = hot or cold! : | fearful that he bad not the first place iv Beaw- W. I can tell that by feeling. |ty’s heart after all bis boasting talk. England will not submit to undeserved and gra- to linger long im one’s memory. The Ein- | (witoes humiliation.” The Spirit of the Prees press entered the hig, le saloon by | Ml. So you have several organs to observe I cannot tell you exactly bow the rabbit felt, at large is much in the same vein. All depre- the side of her noble rusband, void ofa 1 | with. but I suppose that though he loved George and cad 6 cdibkon' browses thi foe eoenteies, ied pest isnt precip Laelia? pie Ww. Yes; organs for seeing, hearing, smell | Harriet, had felt perfectly contented with them ; all, av unanimously, anite iw the opinion, that if "e. } 7 | img, tasting and fevliog ; they are Sve. | Yet, wheo he got out jntothe elds, and smelt, adoption. Although it was not the home . { ; ; rs such a catamity is possible, it will be the reselt | of i forefathers, phat pata you within M. They are called the five senses. These | the air of bis native woods, and heard thé wind Ah wicked premeditation, on the part of dewa- its wall. Her step was gentle, and spoke | srance ore, al Gay long, bringing bested know. | reatheg among the trees, on recollection of some- gozues, who desire to side with, or keep posses (to ns all with that grace and ease so pe- | €dge oF other to your mind. The Object Les- |thing he had almost forgotten came over bins, sion of power and ple, ov ewer Gerry. As|cliarto het character, asking many pleas | tous will lead you to use them more carefully | and he began to call to mind his old home and fur the mpprebended ddffieuties between he two ant questions relative to America, sach and slowly,—and afterwards to furm words for old companions ; then, perhaps, he said to bim- i jas how long we had been in France and! expressing your olservations with exactness. jself, “I will just rum over there, and see how F if we bys i ple din rie a le the course of time you will learn many | like it.” If be had fairly got into the woods, yveared amazed that we did not all s ! 2 ¢ , sae t would be happily, we thiek, for both matiovs,|Prench, The Ensy speaks vary ve! things. You will hace to look at two or three | and found companions there, it is very probable if they wo@htbut arrive at the same conclaxsion Pnylish, owing to ber being partly educa- | objects together,—and to notice in what they | he would son have forgotien the kind little boy with the Liverpet! Journal, that the question— ‘ted in Enyland. One of her amiable! "* eite ised is wmetiteey ——- eepsts and get one bee Se ee Oe “Wit peedily right iteelf bv those fataral qnatities is never to overtuuk an old| them as we say. Then you will learn to find night be lay down among the-leaves, he would) > school-fellow, invariably remembering | ot the reason why they diff-r—to reflect, and not bave cared a fig for the nice; new howe them with some ied souvenir. Her| when you can observe, compare, and reflect care- | George lad built for bim ; and when be was heart is in the rig era : had oa | fully, you shall learn to errange your objects in getting his breakfast among the tender plants, . , ler s¢veral times riding, aud, froin her! eiseses, bout te nibble here and there a fui Andee it wilt ae eo 4 —if b 4 e j running a te a jucy one WE pipe era svete ts ane se | ME OT ent entra elmo ri od . heights OC em alikhi and gracetall Agere: ma! Please where is an object to begin with! once wished fur the picee of bread and cup of TEX AS DEBT BILL PASSED. decidedly s Llonde, with light hair, inva: M._ There are plenty of objects every where sweet milk, which Harriet used to bring him. The flowing better, rccaleed from riably worn La mode Temperita : her, Here on the breakfast table is a good stock of = And what is the reason that bueny would act complexion very delicate—eo mach go! lesons. The pieces of bread and butter you are mies these comfurtable things} Because he was that yoa may trace the bec veins run-| eating —you have ever poticed it half enough. formed to live without them, God has gives accepting the act of the last Congress for pre aout Digester oelyereo iva Ps cm me ae n tual rips a a aay settling the debt of Texas has finally pas- tifally arched, shading the cye of a soft |, ee - Neca cage, pines me ong eealiae! = apa sed Ttonly wants the Governor's sig ‘and tender hone that speaks volames to : ae eay =. : Pon pel Te DE Be Pts — ——— Gs tints the heart’s affections, and snys, “ will you |“°O™ the botiog water, Lacun, kale and furk to fly in the air, and their wings and the alr are Mal iieeaace the bill love me—it's the love of my people that plate, tea-cup, space, coffee-pot, the tablecloth, | s0 nic ely fitted fur each other that they trove in pal message, (ae ONL wish 7” the nose elightly bridged; a and the mats: one object every Thureday morn- | it with pleasure, and that makes a part of their comntries, result: from the imlerpretations, or Iniseepresenttibus, of the Clayton Balwer Treaty, ! laws of ocecupation and imerease of nuanrbers, whiel: raised the Union to its present unprece- dented pitch of yreatoess” Anstin by thé Galveston boat this morn ing, Dongs the intelligence that the bill nature, and as be recommended the ac Jered as having become a mouth sweetly expressive, when speak. | ing at breakfast time i happiness. So the fishes love the wates, and law, atl fils most vexatious question ing @ eonstant mile, when in repese a We shall not have time fr a lonz lesson now, the little ants the mod, and the mele te be dug uly settled. ftisheabject for general | nygering shade of sadness. suppose we begiu with the tablecloth. Now ging under ground; and all this beesese God convratulation, not merely to the suffer The ‘rea ie dex sana : her, and well! Wijle—take great nouce with your eyes, aad | has fitted each of them for these places, and the ' tet . re may be Soe iw trelvy alovely woinan, ! } | bg claimants, Latte the State of Texas. Fed the meus ci ie aa tell me all the parta places fur them. Then, perhapa, ycu will ask, aved a great reproach t dulanan vuld 4 acides ely ey W. My eyes te! me t has po parts at all; ~ Is it not very cruel to take them front the or catiilatacintyieatad ting of ite oun sink iv its ealinest repree, —it mone large pacer place they love, and cunfine them where they do and to the whole « vuntry, the winter of her Ife be seft and balmy M. Then you musi have very bad eres Wil nut chouse to stay Not cruel, [ chink, if « us leen deeply interested in the as the air of Ceylon's Isles. Noone that) e—look again they are provided for. It is wrung for a child to ‘knows the Empress could wish her aught Jom. Here os the corner of the cloth in my torture any creature for the sake of amusement; bat happiness. The dress worn was of lap. This ts one part, is it nut! The table chath but to give them a new home, and teach them ve he : black velvet; @ dewi-train, a large black ! has corner : ; ; has corners tw love it, is life .- Thin Acsrin, Janmary 80, 1856.—On Mon | shawl; the hat comp sed ot biaek velvet, M: “Gaite rghit. lon. Now more coer 6s e ro ee ap erent a : dil ay iaot the Iomse of Represcutatives: garnished with petit: plumes arranged f b ae mae . . sf engeeamettne oan if for tap ’ grr from that corner to Lacy’s corner, without have not the memory, and the tender sinsibili- vera) de adjustment of these contruovert cd t Senate hill acce pring the Uni- across the back of the crow n, inside the ted States of $7,750,000, for the pay brim a full plain talle border of white, taking it off the cloth, and you wild find that it ty of chiklren ; yet if woukl wot be right to tabe tof the creditors of the late MR pub with the lithe coquettish bow of black may travel to ber in four directions. any thing from their comfort if it would be of no of Texas. by a vote of 42 aves to 38) velvet ribbon, that a Freneb lady fancies fon I can move my finger along this edge, benefit to any one. The inferior animals were aye Mr Tarver, opposition, veting ave, so.mach, placed slightly to the left side! or the other—im two directions, made for the service of man, and if to be a com- nupder te move a reconsideration. To her costume being very neat and ele W. That is another part—the wie. The panion of some gentle beautiful creatore, which av, ¢l vote em reconsideration stom vant. The Empress appearcd particularly | cloth bas corners and edges —two parts. God bas made, will make a child more gente aves 40, nays 42, 60 the bill ouly requires pleased and attentive to American ladies Tent Or \iseteadl of ai adi tnred ond oBcas se! ths . the siguatare of the Governor to Lecuine \\ e were all arranged standing around! : ’ iad tt ie a eonveste, thea the little crestare consid te the rootn, presented separately by our 1 a move my finger acrom the fave of the crs it one of the bighcst purposes for which it There was a long stroggie overthe bill, mamister Live Emperor stood near me | o%2 & Lwey ; | wae created. and it was defeated twice in the Tlouse. before [ was aware of hie presence, an| M. To wot say “the ekath's fuce,” say avr-| George's parents saw that he had a resthew, neg by a dihect tote, and once by a post: | agreeable, lappy looking man, wit! his face. Your finger may travel im another way! daring spint, and they wished to make him more ponement to a day berond the session, | ¢ apeau tuck ed under lis right arm, with across the an ‘er surface—that will mcs four gentle and domestic. In the course of a few buten reconsideration i was finally pase | a pe if ctly or ginal * how de you do—I directions years lve became much more quiet, contented, ed as above stated, bat mut without the ain vlad to see you His Majesty paid W. Ah, then, the cloth has four parte—the , bome loving, and the companionship of Spring nee of a great mans parliamentary tac. particular attention to Mr Haley, the Jwaic f, ; . B) edzes, corners, upper surface, and under surface. aud Reauty, with all other means of enpoying tea For this intelligence and other fa), Ainerican artist, asking him many ques ; . u : Aud I see anciber! In what part is the urn home Lis parents were careful to provide, had we are indebted Mr. Wo LL Drink tons in reference to his pictures, and ; é one of the clerks of the House of Rep. when he would have some of them finish placed the effect which they desired. resentatives of Texas, who is a passenger ed that he had already seen. Every per Ada. Ia the middle ; that is another part. | “see now,” said his sister Eliza, who was ¥ the steamer son were at ease in the grand Palace of L. Here is. another part, which I meade my-| three years older than be, “how wise father and The Levrelntare has adjourned, bat will the Triteries as they would have been in! setf—the * hem” roand it mother are, to allow (reorze to have plenty of Inset agnin for an extra session in Juty. the White House at Washington Ton. And then you made some aefifches, amusements at Lome, and just sech are suited We learn that Gee, Peces wlhie ia in fa- Tam often asked many qnestions re- they must be parts of the cloth to los taste. James Morton and Charles Wild- voraf t State eyetem of railnonda, ve-: speeting the French peopte. The French iM Sikes lara er, both hat the same tastes and dispositions, toed tha rnitroad bills passed by the Leg are particnlarly parttal tothe Americans Vr, oe fe k but they had no pleasures at home which they atures but twe of them, viz: the: ] know it by experience of many months ae ; ace some Bowers markel all over it really enjoyed. and one of them fullowed tbe Galtceton, Lenten and Red River luni sojonmn in their midst. Many people are But they are not paris. erreus riders off, and joined their company, and road. and the Henderson and Burk ville! under the delasion that the busimess peo L. I think the Gowers om it must be enlied the other has gone to sea withoat the consent Ltaiimoad, were passed over the veta ple will take advantage of yon and cheat! pares becanee if the cloth bad vel any patterns of their parents.” LLB: Viw Orliana Di myne yon 1 never fonnd it the case. Om the) on it, it would be a sheet. > on contrary, I fornd them most obliging, W. Very well, ft has a border—tlat is a 2 It is generally believed, that sev- Wanted: in Honest, Indastrious Boy. honest, and wilting to serve yon in any part eral hundred fillebusters, went off in the Re Woneet indectncue re ielesr loner ic way They never think itteo much tron Jon, Oh’ oh! Fam wo plemed Thave steamer Star of the West, from New York, lle to oblige of to wait on a crstomer : \ found thousands of p lettonce) Teck = be ws ‘ a boya: wo Sou answer thiddemeriytion! Ca tadeed, often felt sorry for the trouble und thousands of parts all at once. Look beund to San Juan on Satarday last. hile T pall ot me j his yA tw We inehne to the opinion ex you apply for the situation? Are you sare that they world take, ae [ always considered . ‘ ” te " _ mere ‘ ee att our Minister W rele oe ’ Zi 18 ‘¢ “unravclled lbey are hittle t or “ra (ee you will Le alee 1 Yoo ie be smart and |t ih Yeu | a - S aie their money, Ath ea : I ca ae be able to maintain the position now held acts nt that dos nat fll the requivition— ave and the means of their subsistenee ues by hin in Niearagu Recrui hey are called f : 5 ; .ahuae ruits are ra- honeet ® You may be capable—are you ce. : rs ei ar . . <b sect pidly finding their way to that new land You may te well dreseed and : oe here Jo (he Bbres come from. mam: uf promise; reckless adventurers, will eet ; Festuniat Oral sight oar This Hand never Strack Me. ma! throng aronnd the standard of the see fir tale eceicanitals chee We wreesily heard (Se hdlowies eet icocl M. They grow in the fields. In Yorkshire. ‘cessful expeditionist, and in a short time, Ireland, and Flanders, you may ace fields cover’ Le will have sach a force under his com- ed with plants, bearing a pretty blue flower mand, as to successfully resist all at- they are called flur plants. After the flowers tempte inade to overthrow his authority. Wel. Herald. tay ly fur a % good situaliug "-<are 5 ow gare that ing incideut your friends, teacher, xequawtancet, ean recom A tatle bor had died. lfm hody was laid ont mend yua fur these qoalines? 0, how would in a darkened, retired room, waiting to be lad veu f vour¢ acter not being established, on in the lone, ovld grave, Hm afflicted mather and bereaved litte sister wevt in to look at the, are then beaten out, the stalks are soaked 10, face of the precious sleeper, for bis froe was water, and dried, and beaten, amd combed, and Willnoay’s Pilla.aewre for Siek Head- beaunful even in death. As they stood gazing bleached, and so on, until they become bundles ache and Bile.—Wolliain Kaners, of Do- epou the form of ove so cherished and beloved, of Glites BC lo wake: intoa tallcchsth ver Maine, was perhaps, one of the great- are dead, the plants are pulled ap. The seeds ; : .- earing the words. “cat employ Nothing for the Jack of these qualitics Noo readings: or aptuess for business will do it You must be dignest “aad industrious— mast jthe litte girl asked to take lisbaod. The mother, Low j hh Ke est sufferers from sick headache an bile, work and Jaber: then will your * calling and did not think it best, but her child repeated the pet earume wt ne) eres scarcely a day passed without his feelin election” fir places uf profit and trust by made, equett, and seemed very ansious about it, she M. They are rold to the chemist and oth: tie dreadful effects of these formidable took the cold, bloodless hand of her sleeping ers, and are called linseed. boy and plnecd it in the band of his weeping) yr sister. The dear child looked at it a moment, ! caressed it fondly, and then looked up to her sime.— Home (orwer evils, be pnt himself in the hands of the So my linseed-tea, and the table club, doctors, but they did him neo good, in Factory Durewd '--We learn that the Cutton came from the same plant. fact, he became worse, until his suaffer- Factory of Uriah J. Doutbirt, of Yadkin eouns| other throngh the tears of wfection smd lore L. And the linseed-oi! which James rubs the |ings were more than hu:nan nature could ty, was bared dowa on Tuesday night the 28th | and said, — Mother, this lille hand mever struck furniture with. jbear, and he almost sunk under them ; of Janes We know nothing of the origin of )me /” M. Goodemade from the flax plant are called fortunately for him he commenced using “> - tle y's Pilla . “te tla: ft The joe we have heard estimated at | ed titinen " gods. They are manufactured in Leeds Tilloway’s Pilla, which acted pon the system, cleansed the Lowels; cleared the aleut $10 000, 9 portion of which, is secured in] What is the difference Letween a butcher and! Dundee, Dunfermline, and the north of Ireland lioad 11 . ith tl f ead, and bY persevering with them for the Greefishoro” Mutual Tnsurance Company,ja gay young lady? You may look tor these places on the map.— eight weeks, thoroughly restored him to y+ y : a, thore ‘ ‘ aud which we learn, will be promptly met. } The former kills to dress, while the latter, Come, Wilhe, try if your eves are better now. health. Ile has ever since been entirely Greens, Patriot jdreases to ki! Can you tcl] me the parts of the table-cioth) free from these dreadful attacks. —_—_—_—_—_—_—_——S— ws enn = = A MAN WALKING UPSIDE DOWN. ! From the New York Day Book. This extraordinary feat was accomplish. LETTER FROM CEN. MeQUEEN, M. C., TO LEWIS ed at the roadway Theatre, lust evening, TAPPAN. by Lenton, the ~ Antipodean,” of walking across the entire width of the stage, on <= . . the under side of w platform, suspended Sir: [ have, for years, been in the+hab- \ at nearly the full height of the presceul- ut of throwing all stalin matter sant me This ap} areutly lucredible exhibi- from the vile abolitionist and incendia- Wasuinoros, Fy 5. tu. . . lion Wwe Wl with, of course, no lit. "es, in the fire; as I consider their fulse- tle curios La trout seut, and with 00d ag only surpassed by the impudence the wid of a ylass, we were satistied that Of those who send them 5 bat as yoo (with ne other enppurt than the simple adhe. some other fanatics) have eeen ft to send ave properties of the vices wort by the Mey ever your own signature, a commu- performer, relied upon fur nication accompanying a petition to Con- plishing the attempt. yress, expressing adoubt, w hether there When the curtain rose, an apparatus pes v has ever Loe el Tegal siavery i was ceen nearly as high as the proscent the United States,” &e., PE will my + wan, being a platform similarte an invert: S4Y to yeu, that Lam perfectly. satistied you are aware yourself that your every fassertion on the subject of slavery is as Was aceolu- ed ten-pig y, resting ateach end, near Que pespective wings,” upon upright and suspended by pulleys in The un : et parently polistied to the emoothest sur SUN. . . face, erlibiing teature of wood If you have humanity, as you profess, through the polish. Midway abewe the ¥ hich you cannot make me believe, you stage w as stretched for its full lemeth, a ty find around you, and perhaps your course wetting, of about the width of the OWN employment, much wore needy ob- soapended platform, drawn to an elastic JU ‘8 of your benevolen ve than my or oth tentiun. er slaves in the South. When the curtain rose Mr. Lenton sa- Jated the audience, ascended a ladder to the centre tulse and Inisclievous, us your conduct in Go to a sewing establisiimeut, perhaps within one block of you, and relieve the @ rest place, had a pair of peculiar indigent mother, Who makes a shirt for flat wo udals attached to histeet aud six cents, whilst her litle ones at home walked duly. in an inverted manner, are shivering for want oof fuel to warm across the under side of the platform, jtheir withering fraues, and are fast drop- The seles of the sandals we had ne ‘pooping into untimely graves, for want of portiwiity of cxunmtning, but presiie they ‘rood and raiment to relieve their squalid were ofa finely potisned metal or like wretehedneas. Go jute the cellars and substance, and sapperted the performer underground abodes uf hundreds in Your by their adbesion to the prepared and ity, ofall sexes and color, who associate polishe When texether withouteven rags to hide their tis remewbered that the adhesiveness nakedness, steeped in every species of of surfaces. is in prepertion to the com- crime, whilst starving for every comfort plotenesss of there contuet, the featis re oof lite, and show Vour benevolence to duced tu the mechameal preparation of them: and T would especially recom Ube siirtuces of tie abues aud Cie “ewling” your benevolence In question. The atu wplenc pressure on those described in a recent address to Upun ech surfaces, We believe issetdown the New York public, by the Rev. L.M at 4] pounds w the square duch. The Pease, the benevolent head of the Five surface 1 this ceca: Points Mission sion, might present au extent of 20 square + Fj has leches. If we way assume this natural ve winters—dark anc dreary belles principle tebe the base Uf the feat, tive ters—lhuve we speut upon the F ivel oltmts, ue rface of the “ceiling.” mend to you to bestow Pope of the s! es OD cstabliclinent, as tullows surrounded by want g ; support winch the perloruer Would gain ) ‘ Oe ’) Hy and bh rr NE, by ‘i by rary, shame and crime. De at frum eac!: fyvtheld, in Case of a coulptetle . r we s ashe iS iS ' he Beet living here is notion itself se bard as the aaplacy, would be over eiyiit hundred | nti . eae et ponnds againet @ vertical wmoveuent, ua . means to supply the SAU of the quite a multiple of his hanging weight afl "3 ee mie to afford shelter and Ayainst a horizontal thoveilwent, or that ecimoeeaei i Ute . We hare of stepping forward, there woald of course "CCM Compe! sot by our relation to thin baie asletance people, tu witness little bare feet tread Phe extended net beneath the perfor ae ee until the mails mcr was (ste a reliefto the anx ety of t A aReay ines from their foes, , the spectaior as he stepped slowly for sel seeetog Bngzers reached out at us, ward. At the termination of lis “walk,” he was gwte black iu the face, and reach ed for his support as if avetber inch of progress homeless. uy the icy have Lo ber and heartheircry fur bread, when we have no broad to pive pelled to leave the We have been com with her nev er bosom friendless and widow 1 CUOUl Ot tba orm babe upon ie Ione shelterless ou 1 the street, because we a 4 had no shelter tur her; to see b VS riper MOO) Chia mablvod, and girls tu The Best Cove Fred —The ve geta I tu wanton wouanhood. We have Leen wish to recommend as the Les, all thi er cmpelled to hear hundreds ot unfortu considered, for milch cows in winter, is tates bey in , even in hame of white flat tarn + seine persons will ir Saviour, for an rtumity tu reform r surface of the platform was ap sending them to me is impndent and in. ! Proclamation of the Preside Bt. Wasuixotoy, Feb. 11. '{MPORTANT FROM SPIRIT LAND. Judge Culver (Abolitionist) has gone over to the “Spirits’—along with Judge Edmunds—it would appear. Phe Judge: jwe are told, had a very edifyingealfubw- jlation over. in Beooklyn, the other even- political organization by force. Williamsburgh Times, thus details the conversation : “The spirit of Andrew Jackson was : summoned—the summons was answered subvert by violence, all} in the affirmative, ‘I come at your call!” * * * * | ted that he acted perfectly right in vete- ing the United States bauk bill as be did, | had seen Nicholas Biddle in the spirit! world, and is as willing to ‘assume the! are colleeting money, eugaying men aud provid ing arms for the same purpose. form! Clay and Webster, he manifested some | tution of the United States. doubts, All such plans for the determination of the * He stated that Jolin Quiney Adams future institutions of the territory, if carried in- did not stand so high in the spirit: world - as did Calhoun. He believed that Cal houn was conscientious in his principles. : When asked where he died and his age, bat of invasion’ of, or aggression, and will, in ci- he auswered the Hermitage and seventy: ther case, justify and require the forcible inter- four, He further stated, in answer to Cui- position of the whole power of the General Go- ver, that Calhoun was less aslave of pub- vernment, as well to maintain the laws of the ic opinion than John Quincy Adanis.— He does not approve of waking Kansas a slave State; neither dees he approve of the administration of Franklin Pierce.- Slavery ought not to be entirely abol- ished, and the Maine Liquor Law Ueir respective abodes, aod warns all such per is unconstitutional, [le does not interest | s0@s that any attempted insurrection in the ter himself in the affairs of Congress now Judge Culver was andious to learn if a. be resinied not only by the employment of the to execution from within the same, will consti- tute fact of insurrection; and if from without, territury as those of the Cuion. ful combinations against cunstituted authority of nlory, Or aggressive iotrusion intc the same, will Speaker had been chosen, but Jackson |ucal militia, but. gleo by that of any available could not teil. Ile stated that the rap- pings were produced by laws governing matter, Tle was asked to move the ta ble, but replied that be could net‘do it. force of the Uuited States to the end of assuring vomunity from vieleuce and full protection to persons, property and civil rights of all peacea- HliraculGrocleclia ures overing from, ble aud law-Liding inhabitants of the Territory. the effect of his injuries received at the, 1/19 any part of the Union the fury of fae- handsof Rust, Arkansas ; Approves of his on or fanabeism inflamed into a disregard of The Judy asked if he the general principles of popular sovereiguty, we ot Greeley’s shooting which, under the Constitution, are fundamental mest de 3 te said that Grecley is hol reseutiuy it. would not appr Rust on the spots he i cidedly replied in the whole structure of owr institutions, is to Nov. inconsistent, and that he withholds from us paper things which he knows to be true. Culver was anaious to know some- thing in regard to the Constitution, and, Comseremuve force on the other, welled by the bring ow the country the dire calamity of the arbitrament of arms in that territory, it shall be between lawless viulepce om the one side and Was iuforined by Jacksou that the princi- ‘ga! authority of the General Governinent. that a runaway ve ought not to be returned tu his mas Slavery ought not to be The l’resideat calls oa the citizens of both adjuiniag and distant States to abstain frum un alulished, authorized iutermeddiing ia the luca! concerns for the safety and pees Were hot correct, Was HECCsaary of the territury, admonmsbing them that its or the honor of thie Union that Cuba should 5 : yanic law as to be exeeuted with impartia jas become a part thereof. Te would not 4 ‘ object if the whole ccatinent of North Ihat all iodivide@al acts of ill terfer Aierica aod a partof South America, @e #1 iweur combgn punishment, and any were aunexed to the | nu” attempt to intervcne by ap organised force eii = be firmiv withstood , . : Ho also invekes all good citizens to promut Recreation In the oration delivered ; order by rendering obedience tothe la tw dis kdward Everett, on the celebration of countenance aad repulse the counsels and inst: The President to-day issued a proclamation, jog forth that indications exist that the pub- ic anquility and supremacy of the law in Kan- Se ee gas, isendangered by the reprehensible acts °F TUESDAY EVENING, FEB 19, 1856. ing, with the ghost of General Jacksoa, | purposes of persons, both within and without the Some Pandewonioam Reportor, fur the} territory, who propose to direct and control its That combina- ‘tiuns hare been formed therein to resist the exe- | —__ : ae eee 2 jeution of the territorial laws, and thus in effect) jrunsus Proclamation—Vhe President has | sresent constitutional | and legal authority, that persons residing with- pout the territory, but near ta borders, contem- 1 “The judge held uninterrupted con: | plate armed intervention in the affairs thereof! degen himself to thay citizents of other States verse with *Old Hickory.’ Jackson sta- j tbat other persons, inhabitants of remote States, yo are organizing for thin purpose, ae well as That combi- | nativus withia the territory are endeavoring, by the Government, if necessary, will be directed reponstbility” now as when he was in the | the ba dele fi of emi saries and other means, O10" against any such unlawful intermedling. He had long since reconciled his | duce individual States of the Union to intervene | gsi: He commands al] persons engaged in unlaw- | the Territory in Kansas to disperse and retire to! | Carolina th) at chm an. INTERESTING LETTER. SALISBURY. N. U. more particularly interesting to the citi - tention we commend it. We agree witl the writer, arid’trast his an; receive the favorable consideration o TERMS OF THIS PAPER $2.00 CASH. those to whem it-is addggeed. | Baal g | Recwixeuam, Co. N.C. Feb. 8, 1856. ' : Sir: While Lam performing a duty to you issucd a proclamation against all who shall at i tempt by force of arms to interfere for determin- He na-j{ {ou the good people of High Point, the pro ug the qaestion of slavery in Kansas. \to those whe are already in the Territory of Kan- 'sas, and notities them that the whole power of _ ee ae sees . oye voted friend of internal improvements generally Smith, of Texas, for a copy of his very | make the begyvetion, net sewms te inet able speech delivered in the Legislature which has recently passed that body. | and significant. KR. M. ve | Very respectfully, or —— State of Business Affairs North. things of the day, and is doubtless a sci-! We extract from a private letter, dated | Philadelphia, Feb. 6th, the following in- -— - | teresting statement of weather and bnsi- “The Southern Literary Messenger,”) ness affais in our Northern cities. The for February, has been sent to us, by the letter was net intended for publicution, ; The table of | but its character admite of it: Medical Specialist. —TVhis work is again! on our Table. It is one of the handsomest entific and valuable work. publishers, we suppose. contents jiudicate a select and valuable “The weather captinues very cold in this see freight. It being u Southern work, we! toa, the thermometer yesterday remaining as should like to see it well sustained. Per-! low as aeru and in exposed places even lower. sone Ww ishing to examine it, are requested Lia consequence of the unfavorable condition of to call at this office. the weather trale continnes very dull—ube ditt- ypernting very dimedvan oe culty of bi poy eitngy gourd Te Tlic * Ashev ille Spectator” comes to hand, this week, in a new and attrac lageuusly to the interosts of Lusiness in our At Here we are completely blockaded lautic etiies, _ ~ | with ioe, 60 as totally to suspend the navigation tive dress. The head contains a pictori- al view of the Town of Asheville adjacent country. of our Delaware and to inake our barbor cotire and hy inaccessible. In New York, there is Lut little of no im oo. provement om this state of things; the anneal Relaxed.—The weather here has mod- and departure of vessels being attended with the t it . , erated, suimewhat, ite xreatest difBeulty, and the abipyang business hl aes = Bs alc greatly restricted. Baltimore is no Letter off. weeks previous, On Friday niglit last Ail Wsioene eeclfaa aateraliy veer cai we had a warn shower of rain, ac cum og specdy delivcrnece | Geen Te irene eerie panied with lightning and thunder, Tle ee ans Af aSakre. and we hoje a fre deys succeeding day was pleasant. The snow may accomplish the much desinnd rlwase. : The pee tnelted rapidly A firions gale of wind wets of a large trade are excweding prevailed nearly all Saturday night. San day aud M nday col numbers of large deniers from I, with pretty Ligh the South and West are now in our maket.” ure, eRe Co a Ce Wow M sauething of interest to him by address Salisbury, N.C, North west winds on Sunday This morn Roepectfally y ing the mercury wae at 235 light clouds Irifting to the East sd Jowkcing a gto the Fast, and looking a little Maxwrtz. can learn ike snow ee ig Box 14 Straws, dc —We are pot surprsed at find f t eB "Date fle F g > 7. ject by the taniipe beeanse ic uw affect: and when we denied, give up in despair, | UM birth-day ef Webster, after alluding | mations of d sorganizers, aod to testify therr at ing some of the Democratic Joarnals attempt img ae mats vf the butter, So itdoes if fed acd afterwards die hopeless; and all for to bia fondness for field sporte, angling tshment to their country — their pride ins te reheule these ele are leprnming to epe ah of Superior Courts The following isthe raw nis cao be avoude bending t P le ” ' as al live : } A * 2 r ‘ iy ee re aro — iy { WZ want of a litt! ry on which theas and other exercises, he remarks greatness, th preciation of the Lessing they Mitiagp Pietwour for the Trenknev. It is arrangement of the Circuits for the Spring uF cac SB, Veil hal a busier of lure ands are prodiyal, lito a8 laard. : , ; | } y Bips ou’, while let add five or six Quarts Wi | } Thope, my friends, you will not think ey. aed their determination that ry an pit what might te Indeed, it woutd Ter : a eld i fen you an@ your associates ave fai, deelling on trifles You all know (ostitutons aball not fail in there hande—by co be the same if any ref MAN wae Boks f orton dy of sboria, which will swell, and you wail ribud (yur ! ae } ss ‘ ees i al da ? VeriDus rt av elke ine @iieved | } " } get the worth efit. A mess like this t a eee I m1 , * * Al A oy eS how deeply the taste for these manly operating to uphold the majestity of the law. They seem thicko the reastuinent’ lee New liert . Suundere uu eulerin be lgiitnore, 1 wi nu line a ‘i : : , ‘ : ga cow once a davw Nope fuce more moh 2. ; iad al " © sports eoterncd into Mr. Webster's charmc- to vir Neate the sanctity of the Comstitution ings to the leaders of the demon ratic party, an Ralenet “ Person fa pood joalty than any other feed at iad 3] wy Ching relating er The Americans, as a people—at « that = fresuming blly to Wechiba 6 mew ‘ k f 1 ty elaves, whe. Ad ane Aan ; : oe t | 2G] 7 ” » name ia eleorng! . ) the same cost. Lurnips fed in this way ¢ 7 Niro . l ‘east (he protessiowal and mercantile clas cunnection with the Presnles 1 a a = ; fg PAL else CCaruul re : : - 5 Ut net © the mey eter pt i te went = Bateson lted and tab Are ot £1 eis have tn lille pamaulete tis uapar SHARP SHOOTING vaeabaiea :; Wilmington, Calklecit ; sticd: thin Musaidaoftt ancl: 5 wth hemuerabe endorement <= : One thing iu tavor uf turuips as feed o,, faniie ' tance of healthful generone recreation (ren, Sam Hougion, of Tesae, it will be ree y rae re Sali-Lury, a Ellis are ing t alt “whether there 7 . i , ter rroliman, of | TT] t. afb for cowe is sat they Cau be sown in Au pe ee me ; They have not learmed the lesson contain bas taken strong yrounde in favor of th . Ve " on Miicwanten . fists i : . er N, anv feyal slavery i the « es — mee if thre soet, Dt en M y = a , gust, or as late as Septem dome the United States? Lb ontit ver ave aoe ae VEEL) SUC MIC rene lice) (lant noel maces ase, Ratiomal primctides of the ra yl . - Sumee a4 late as SUtk ee 3 ee the worn out man we recreated, nade over , ve tamed ’ Vhig Na . = | ’ awe tiaene t cD hope vom widrefratn aoa bet Amerwas party; which comree hes sul nets x were very fine aaa ; fain by the teasonable relaxation of the 2 ¢ © ( ‘ rea z } ie - : , DD oectdiby ine sions ul your false and | ' . r much dennnciay m the ant: Vine . By : . Missachuartis and North Curdina bak Pane e steained fucuities. The toworld learned protita ‘ inn thi Ce : bis af ave aml the voty men ele are The Richmond Enquirer eave way as fur cows — flu, / nm ° ad ie leseen Ceare age and fownd ont lhe an reese Ubroagiaut Ue country, So bitter ay ihrer . : : . t t t , , 4 » ' el JOUN MeQueEN reed TL, UTS) that ae the bow alwaws bent ®* he animadversiome of sume of the Say u . bs snk every aeneitte man in Mansechu : - : treniisaa . are fr . , r , -o- Lewis Tarran, VN. } “ at last Lreak, eo the an, forever on apers in Tend acainst the brave old he ; bad z ~ alte mparuy the census of Ine cen t referred | seo th the es . th retry or he B Jat F the strana of thought and action, will at r » Tevan Rurolvtionary War, thet they : at Po) v= wey alee North Ca a, wo lett H ogua [dteries A gentiemar ne oo. net in) md ur eiave linen ree Dim the movemeat against him What etee \ | ~ fish pa wiewlarged plirlan in the neiehblerhond of V shurg «M = be! ' VU aitemted the attention df the Amenecan Ongar : az : ‘ o AVOIDING SLA NC WORDs a hew Comtincnt, Cager todet w mld they dot What weld the (er - ™ “me wy the CORparen. 9 @ are Sesrpp)) Las sent usa litterv cireviar . ae oer ‘ tt 7 aa ‘A x UTEae: Sie shating thet (Dererleame pe 4 Saath nN ee te Ties otatrnties : ’ ' Mente Coat co im two, the earls ' ave dome ander srmilag crn-umetances! S Newepaper, cailed the \inercan bart ‘There is n> wit save the author of! 4,, i . « <r were opprecd to the Compromiae measures , F sheets we chal! ent moght, of themeris+s, ie . werCn perpen » las * ed te ” ' Whereis appears emanate tretu Cleveland, the AN or mei, “dn a lady to savia, 7 week i k ‘ 1950, and in favor of drunwa, sed thie ar hb "er chee the late ( that the Hew Sete wee only . ‘ tds da ever wMenking itee - « favimite ( l ‘ rage fecuits | = - ; . oy of rm ‘ | t fralmetive ad erties vel ~—r + ¥ dio. | “ ’ tes ze satcad of naps 10 Calling pout sucrsiny tub right vnidanwarvcnin 5 for these hatred of Gen. Houston, els ok ae ‘ mete ‘ , fom ae : nig te je itie Grsinl 4 tg ai . ie SD ARIE Pl ouea eee : ; : . aty nan. pr “ = epen he », Sell keen. that despate beet Cometervem, shee m ae Be . ; ; : . cee . 7 ember, brat and ual een and t git al! be enerzy and talent to Lear ia fe ATES wen dreamed A Tt tie Carcletam bed TREY Chagh termed, relent rcs, aud energetic sa 5. au , a ere- the powers the lenby maad t hose measures ar be preservauen Het Commerce a» vanufactures supply ber with Sia Je : . | Ce a aed ' F any fasorrt » nn. we ob I isee t caper cane sta in ; : : nwers les ‘ art » § as i o lnm takes «ff at the knees” teo0 of ‘ he praducte A agreultur Ds m would : x ane » 1 aw di ee - erciless activity Tire re as och of 0 Qe Nake <lie ; SE RD ORY after Ue [himerta ree reoanie, and projalty eipel her thing tears t!)- irke«t tre mirage ent th eae iris 4 se Sat Neelit evditorein the bdioeimg Prenat, , ! y a x 4 ; : sa) 1 ce ‘11e few tae a miulices aietae tal Cameo ntioon nominated Mr bere 2 p> try =| ' flee markets and aa erknles Mecho ticker a cepilaare: detcerutvic tome the iia ot , etyle Tie Organ eave VE thee evlstor of ' alto better markets ane e - . Wheel) Me Calreu aditise rents, uty ‘ ok t te fa dint ~ oa mee The } Gottccs. finixas betars Aor thc ie We un alwave scree tolliuar eo f . n News | tame man whom ' : ; j a allebehie mporrta, trmndy Che everciaes : Comenstency = a The tian “Mr rwette in 1850 wae (im Gelbiasre; whale Cie cay prizes rang rune daly eas sich a word as poth are tuo little Caltivatcalive . ab Houston, when Prete nt of Tose, par onlin thet of Neath Caruima, encht Lendred ’ poof " ft ‘ from twenty totwenty are t lea wa hes t 5 hee drnpyend ite farenite ae the h ‘ ‘ VE wu eve tens of Lasing engised’ + f an offence committed | 5 mistaking the AL ; 1 and wexeaty theamand 5 ; thik ' r would drop «ate vdge te one ; , jt ides i . ani 4 Cettain dance, too fas i ‘ were wnership of some prc I met wentes ? rs aA S eset gs The pratoctome of North Caruiina, im propor : . vibe erty to «mem re the > 4 . v i svatehal “uma if Uvaieclniae of (se Jo@erere Iles ! mer he w Sly populebon, were aluutl len Limes as great FG 4 ' 4 ey, A Trial for Marder at Hants: He Alia , uf mst conmrneme of right I home If garwelllaca I . ' ald = the same man abo las been Pleyveg ~ lide : ur F PROPC CTS OF MAROON TS PReBrers OF © caRmLits st nt reduced intense excitement ie rth Carcina who deopyed Mr aire: del — « 4 ! ) : ane] wk” with the officers Af the law in Terns Wheat, heshols,. 21.007 | Whee 2.199 900 tery ” Ws x : ie : ‘ : mM moter Tate dulin wd Ark he mae ’ i a re a tea Le COMNOGET A hme Inefen Comm, 9 345.000 | Iacan Corn, 27,080 000 pen ah emt + ear 1 " t ne ' ¢ r r ‘ r f Ms ne. eo fs it e J t i 3 Y sehen at Sear. a danced ~ Hfow can trordon were accuse AN ite in ed, —— bd nha! = 1 aaesin better vitdiemion than the nee. Psatere 3,5°3.000 | Ptotwre 5.700 nee war vem. thee @ x ere oa se \ | wan he years ag, ses Aer disap 2 the es President uf Teraa® Ree Hoge, “1 uw | Hage, 1,9 ,000 ; - 3 : ' } . r a «been 1 Hieses and Melee, 47900 | Hirece &@ Wales, (74.0 Age peming with Mr. Belli’ or, = Commer pe te : i fevers Gr 0" riot . . : pee sats 1 é Ais . 7 ( : a 1 peared ipys Wel) ave Ver sinee Freenaboro’ Patri favocnin al ma sreucceced= Cattle 267 000 | C attic, 693 "0 a, immed tue roim Willa boii / ts Crruree meu learu el | pr pal wilnces ry H - : % nda a pal witness wa dee ealont <oaivine Koprefer om What a Bold the eahibite Gr Massachusetts com A hart Saye 1 Morale a Ga SEE EE EN MEE Ae RONAN Ul CA Cwicut Character, Frozn to Death.—We hare never 1 7 = Piafag merce and manufactoren' Vet she woukd fare ; Foe . " -j ; aby mern of the Carulinian «0 gr getie ies fie a Ae oe an . ee ae me band feard,sayethe Madison: Wisconsiny Dem OP RTA better in cree of a dearion than Memartwartts P . : and fitte “ nary, ea z ng rather otherer o : = ae gress for the | uur NAT M “ RS LES HAY apr oa con on y ty The oerat, of so many enses of freezing to deat! & : oot AES ee MUD lhe WiGde! A «Cel ahelsevnlecen alli ihe mecemuarion of Riel aa rik fur th bites ) genands ’ wir ealitv neit rwt Knowne i a 4 atapprebcnsion= as those of reeent oceurre ae (8 Of fosihon encouraging It does mot grea might prwloce ite larumes within hereedf 1OLE TPeBsuus | r bor, wet for ‘wrth, a . ante be ertaived that the accused Last week the driver and two passen The editor repronches the obi The stareties of crime amd panperiam ethilnt t t t t ela t i thine “Congres seen on ; B at riye h grey . ee Hy KMTY, although ther yen-: vere in the stage arriving at Fox Lake friends of Mr F for their trestient of him quite me starting a diGewener wm favor of Nuwth leat - . ; . ‘ al wrtine - " acter forbahke any such: ippost were found dead as it drove upto the fz bh the tute-cut of thine neces. Lrothes Carclina, aml prowe that she can and dues attend Bites . ‘ - sav impnidenecey and try tere gente a Tie case waa nearly concluded loor, and two Indians were <hortly after. be: pase bim wit mberitiaiton. Duulslies to the mera awd sian orehion uf her jou ae z ; and attract the attention of gentle w sat sas; ne were Exe ted that the war { found near the villaye frozen to i¢ numir he Lenpege r ' Shi on aren Ue tel eek ot geuerert ee he ; ; tai slang. Where do they “oman was nut exactly in berrightmnd, de 4pm j ’ non ence. Th fire quetigy those at atisues, we wound ) . ng. t t extent ter ne ome 1 Fee . athe t{Ause penta 4 : « } } w luw eWepapers « siiusequent Gevelopments slowed We find the f. lowing in the S| arta - rex yewe remark, that fuel, ee dear am| ao ninch worded ‘ “ a, At lio . rae M ooppeaing loaders may urge them. the people 1? Mawachemetia, se wt every man’s dour in North pething byt and r - " ‘ ‘ : xd DMhsd ila) y e, but with Wateiman: Me ° . yoo Carclina, without any, and witheut ' \ : { 4 tnanner eo AY ml , ; : { the cor " nay fiscern't cine inge ia are ei tera” petor —|| will Urea! le hey ‘ ze ’ ‘ wal J — = Cant ae Collected! aa nearly “We learn that five men were frozen % the couatry nay Hi “ nee Cerin rlara lew lumps in that State re Mane s \ ele so pee m J ‘ callur exclude I suspiceunoof hera leon- to des te : no wiadom of ming ane emt tly e ' : . persed. [et ns ‘ erefor x sie " ; A i ; = eee ou ns c a Jeath abont four weekea agy in the y ek oo MIM MNY CON. ow Lusetia, in 1R50, Mere were 15.700: in North adjoarnment Paaaliiel nate ’ a L at > } De t ac ; y her were of sonthern part of Minnesota They were serative andy rodent ty fill the Feecutre beaneh (arctir a, 1990. In Ww chusette, criminals | sills, and ene Ser ra ticreiieen Mas , ma! ted, and turik they had a Me an open sleigt coming from St. Paul. of the Government con fin RSA, TAINO: in North Carslina 800 neqme nt won the reyular ar Te 2 m Es he horses went up to a tavern on the Tn prisone, im Maseactuetta, 1.000: 0 North < WW ’ | . 3 : ¢ mervement of the “ n ing ’ Aad prairie and stopped 2 ndle went Cundina, 44 Tm perlesrn neach ‘ ono oe ue cs -.. I i stopped. The landlord wen MILLARD FILLMORE : j 0 Maneachoetta, 1 aad an ham + i the 9 ‘tthe ‘ a ’ i af and found the five men frozen stiff g n North Carolia, 360 Tn Denitemtiaries in poorla, This we k er le Aas Urougit ! rate ~ tant 1 oW °F Rah Quarter ] r hanes are t known.” The Amenecan Convention of ¢ Bih Con Massachusetta, 4815 19 North Carona, 14 el ve PIO Fine Sra ai : She f i iced ence eke Peradiseg' {iste Vea hiectiini et ese a Hy hie th Mamachusetts, @264 rr to ant atallie = ant ao ofa certain proat Calist * sing . ; 000. in Now Pol 1000 d inte enbyie t - ; : ‘ : ie lot, ut [ a, . un A WHIG RALLY Pricwore for President, and Pon Gronoe F We thei HOR eAloceusied 4 serve the ne C Bentinent. that yor euetitte “r eae a ea eved er er Lect. Dake les = tALL - . ' D we stalin de sery he ; i x : Bavoen for View President . etter il t i Ire mre comyn ’ k are < ' “ tof by the The Whigs of Robeson intend toholda oy nies Bre Fayette pall hed ug! clirietian, patriot maul po gzgint atter 4 wa } ut pea wteve const, wit Va apace meeting at Lumberton on the 20th inst Argus” has unfurled the Pillmore anmer, and laut proptst io the Union | Ay re AA A 76 v fa s dave ny two tine little bove, sConrt week.) See Notice in another col there are many other inieatone favornble to Sie t or r 1 I ; i sity. be te eT tla rio eare Apia? ive fine uimoin other parte of the counters Moeseara Jolin Hf Haughton and John A 4 La 4 ‘ 5 next é iy t r 13 \ r , ' +} bs | " Wiiheall curcvaeeaees 1 i v A md M : \ “ ‘ take nto the From other sources we have received We tail these signe with satiefection and F. Hoke are announced as Delegates at 4 at 4i1V tp ona es Jowar ev dine re family wer ery ener Ny eye . ‘ bf i g Fac. eh te aoe ; : . eee } ! were s conragi ng signa of a determinat On Of pleasure. Noman in the countey basa leeper btrge from North Carolina to the Nation : i ay 4 md there effeets an toamere the Whigs to rally and maintan their or inant tl Wot ra 1( 7 etait Mini cat Ve _ . / / Pie ye z , | ; roklon the aflections of the people, or im more al Convention of the Amenean party, te > i 1 | reap yvanization, by hold ng County Me ngs ie fick rT i , : 5 , : : ‘ 2 entitled to their confidence sadininie , F i ‘ That ie the erree ud fe f ed at & nine to Mra. Beek and a State Convention, In this view of : Cot " adonmatration be held at Phi iaoon the 22d in ‘ ’ re A was successfil and bay beevond th Y fares far wud the Lost way ty PROCLAMATION BY THE PRESIDENT, i ‘ v* reir dutios to thenmelves and to their we oe coe ; ct tof the « en. and were country, we heartily conenr. And we feel are the early daveof the Repubhe > and - \ 1 4 = / oe. ore } Vf ace oly me M na&Tl sy Pthatit only needa ao mevement i" the moderation and wisdom of that ers ves W i 7 i :* , ; ; Pies: j ging Suetioners, to be seid. Aimong the art h county by some who are qualified and the excellent faine then won, we have « vrthy of Immitation.—It heing as , \ f r e ’ ; , f ¥ fert t 1 s “ ' Kar-a we was at old ma Ww borcau with a the lead in it, to show that the yuarantes him forthe future whieh fully ene ©! rained that the best route for the Char: der ' 4 eae draw, t ‘ , nt of ' a ‘4 x t " ] p | arte a ; : ; Ser awer aa ‘ © top, and for want of party in North Carolina is not tainsthe hopes of the tru patriot, whether Nor}, ted Rutherford R. Road rons throngh ‘ ¢ ' te bey the desk was forced open pre dead, nor disposed to die has 4 i f tant internal proveme G Gliese w lotneste institutiona of t aren ¢ ee I teh | : Tt has apm Ssuth, We | ype Mr. Fillinore’s name may te tuwnof Lineolton for a distance of a Ww Pat ; ; pu sale ny esig- trotie duty to perforin, and it would be : ees yer rileten eel? we se, ¢ i § i RULE e Je \ Jiu J sident declares vests Mhatit might contain something faithless to ite country (what it never yet Fe tee oe te eet Lesa fdr fitwe be i ‘ Bhs BENT elttonts-of Use town a per 4a ' t t nt tha whoie power of the (general Go andl euch wa © fact -for on has been, if it failed to perforin it ‘ eve he ia the people's favorite. The old W Ing WhO owns @ lot through which it will t ten ‘ t : t 4 , in E ; . f a M ' Y,. 1 tae! » ‘ ed dor the support Hig peleasa discovery waa We bid our friends of Robeson, there. "hint of Nurth Carolina, we are anre, could not pase, las volnantarily relinquished the v fron a ‘ «| ; heathy tie ore ae ar be more thorong ous wees oe raat ia Vid tor tle muprrecqan v | fore, God i Te and hope that their ex be more thoroughly aroused by any other name right of way, 50 feet wide, though many! i 3 , MWovurse thes ey ample will be followed throuvhout ty snl other ‘eg:<uc ¥ . otk arena : pst ire inoceigenta: « idee lee : A a Piel oe Hroughout the ner would ang other so succesefu ly disarm op. of the lote are quite valuable, This i« ‘ le od ad & 4: vile werver. rer * ’ pring furece truly patriotic The following letter to the Editor of “| this paper speaks for itself on @ subject pgens Of * High Puint,” to whose special at may Mr, Editor, let me suggest to you, and through pricty of changing the nanie of their new. town to that of Morekcad ; as it would be a compli- ment to hin who was the first Presidegt of the ! great enterprise of the prod old North, evn menecd, as it was, and carried on under the j care and superiutendancy of him, who is admit- | ted to be one of the best practical inen in any | , . differences with Jolin, C. Calhoun—as to! iu the affairs thereof, in violation of the Consti-| Gade Chic thanks are lie Dr Xelitie! | portion of the South, and a thorough amd de- proposed alteration would give to the wew and | of that State, on the Texas Debt Bill, thriving village a name at ouce more substantial of Poisaning.— The Pittsfield (Mass.) Engle gives the ful. lowing account of a melancholy. case of | poisoning which occurred in the town of pRichinond recently : ; It aeems that Dr. Jennings had occa- A Melancholy Case sion to minister strychnine to a pationt } on Thuraday, the 81st ultiine, and pn his f return hone left his medicine case, eon. taining he powders which were usused, Whis study, a room which the family were not allowed to enter. At the tine | the only daughter of Dr. J., a beautiful child of nine years, was itl with some slight disorder, for which Dover's pow- ders lad been prescribed. Her little bro- ther, thinking to play doctor, ventured | into ised ted saint took out the fa- tal powders, ayd offe hem te h i refused them. One y brid 4 0 an er, onthe floor Mra. denyings, supposing. it to be one of the Dover's powders, picked it up, placed it with thew, and afterward gave it as _|such to her danghter. The result was, of | eonree, ber death in a very short time, and | Lefure the prions whe bad been sum- | uwned evuld arrive.” The New Seam Frigate Merrimack,— This steam ship of war will soon leave | Bostou for a trial trip in the Gulf of about a fortuight’s duration. The Boston Tra: | veller of Monday suys : | “All who have visited her, fnclading | many who haveinspeeted the otlet steans frigutes, declare ber to be unsurpassed as 4 specimen of naval architecture. The crew of the Merrimack, wmonbering, six bondred and aixty men, are how on board the receiving ship Ohio. Commodore Gregory, ber commander, will probably gv on board to-day or to-morrow, and she will be put in counmission some time this week, and daring the next will probably tke her departure, baving on beard some of the vaikdors wf her engines and other machinery. Amony the armament of the Merrimack are two long guns, one fore and the other aft, of ten inch bore, and working upon a swivel, These guwe will carry & ball of one bomdred and tety pounds to a great distance. Some of her main deck guns are of uine-inch bore,— She will not have apon this trip ber fult armament, Lut, after she has been fully tried, will probably put inte seane South- ern yard to complete ber fitting oat in this respect. With her present armanseut and stores she draws A ier iwenty-thre@ feet of water.” FoR THK WATCHMAS Ma. Eorron :— Will yun allow a devoted friend A Drardson College, to propuse the Rev. Taree, E. Peex, of Kahimure, as a candidate for the © Professorbip of Loteliectual 1's lumophy, Lagie, Relles Lettres aod Elucution,” ia that lestitution f ‘ (f would not arrogate tu myoelf the repone bility of this suggestive of there had bee any other name offered for that chaiw.”) Me Peck ie too well known as on able dime and eamayint to nerd any special recoanmendation. Sufllee it to say that he a student of fr, Thorneell, aad stands at the hem! of his Presbytery as s meta I pame Mr. Deck only to ture towards that eorthy gre- phy sican, and in gearral scholarship themae the atteatiun of the veaermble Luan of I would adel Trustees of ow beloved Codkeqze, that Mr. Peck 9 a somthern maa AN ALUMNUS --- NEW YORK MARKET New Vous, Feb 16 Cotton beovant and pees stifl-+, with sales 47,000 bales Floer and core dull LATER FROM MAVANA New Yous, Feb 16. The Steamer Quaker City has arrived from The sugar crop in Cube Half of the cane ss left tanchag, aml planters have been unable to gred the wheat Mobile roa Havana a falore. that haa heen cet. in coeerqaence of eet eeath- er aed eant of fact to dry it oo: THE COLLINSSTEAWERS New Yorn Pe. te The Steamer Quaker City hve ben chartered to take the place of the Pacbe, elich as te sail for Earope on Seturdey meat. -o - VESSELS IN IMSTRESS Rosrow, Feb 16 The Teard of Underwriters ani Merchants hace memoraliaed Congress to wend a ateriper to the rehef of veseeks on the enast —- ope. NEW PAPER. The North Carolina Bulletin ia the name of apaper recently started at Ashe- borough, by E. B. Drage, Eaq., the first No of whieh is on onr table It is a neatly printed sheet and edited with alility We wish it success. oo poe THe warowwas Purcaperoms Feb 9, 1856. Me Eorroa —Althoogh North Ceralina bee fer Serre been comparatively largely represented ia the vermas branches of the mercemtile business of thip oly. Sel mete single deeth bas ocearred ar ong ‘hem #!| aot! the 6th inatamt, when the circle wee brokes for the first time by the deewane of ome of ite highly raeemed members, Georce M Ramerca, formerly of Lineoinion The mow rafal odi ig? © T bring griefio many hearts tn hie native State, and enddenly crush the fond and broght anticipations of the faore cheriahec for hit oy hoe friende He lef the happy fireside of hie paternal Wnene, ahi lie many loving hearts, ba: one short month om, the very Bhan aad freshness of fife Whe thet be- held hom then with the ghrw of heolth upon his cheeks sod a heart filed with the hope and promise of many \eare comtd have foreseen how ena the “silver cord woald be lovsemed ond the golden bie! broken.” Whe could have thought thet that manly form wovldso sem repose oa the culd embrace of death! In the springs treme of bre life the auanmene came, and medica | shill ailing in theie ef- and devoted friende were alike o forte wy stay the ' imeviiable hour He deed after a short Mlness, which was not conmd- ered dangerous until within a few hour of the end event. The Inet tribute of respect wae paid to hie remains by bie Carafina friends and many others by whom hie excellent qualities were known end appreciated. The funeral service was performed by the talented Req. Henry A. Boardmen, DD, chove address was beod- trful and imptepmive The writer knew George Ramenor well and ewe speak knowingly of hie many ecatimatle quelities — He was s young man of fine mind und exceflent pres jmior May he rest in pence ! a mittee or Wend. constantly letters fiwe tode fer ub acke os led jrete sept hoped for cent to he oom, of II) Slavery i« the fotlow phis Engl yp: Iw 1835 inte Lline fugitive sl away, he hit —< me and u| sel agains' Richardeo Ite and shows, whi th i eae thies are road fanat Aud. thi as been held “ Norther pe to b ‘ag Nicht bronghe te only-a Wi and abette the “Und Us no mor ther Den sainpla ‘Yo e8 the tul- y- cuse of w tuwn of had ocea- & pationt nd on his Case, con. @ wuised, he family t the time beautifal rith some er’s pow- little bro- ventured put the fa- ‘Reger be one of > placed uve it as It was, of time, and een sun Y — on leave ‘of about ston Tra: nelading wer otieaies on board mnodore my. and she ime this wrobably some nd other ut ofthe one fore ore, and uve will nd Gurty w of her bore. — her fult on fully South- g out in naneeut ty-thre@ ted (rend rv. Pues. ¢ for the ay. Logie, Mitution f ome bility ay other k = leo eayist to fice it to yell, and 8 mete I pame thy ee Sumer off whl adel NUS » V6. 4 from » Cuba amhog. ° wheat | weath- ts vertered as le 16 rchants Mecm@er a the Ashe- e first Lina with LATES@ BY TELEGRAPH 2a pobdheSioxdlO £11 orehnaert (OES 6 Maabiagtody Feb, 14, Ta the House, Mr. Banks has appointed Candpe well, of Oliv, ‘Clidimian yf the Committee on Ways aud meati—a mijority of-whipm are in favor of n*protective tariff, Penwitigion Chair. man of the Committeo on’ Foreign Relations, of which Messrs. Clingman and Aiken are mem- bers, Grow Chairman of the Committee on Territories. Washbara Chairman of the Com- mittee on Elections, Wendell bas bers rents Printer to the House. NEW YORK MARKET, New York, Feb. 13. ‘Citi liad. advanced }. with ‘sales of 6:500 bales—middling uplands 10 cents. New York, Feb, 14. Bales of cotton today 3,600 bules, at firm sates. Flour firm. oe MEW ORLEANS MARKET. New Orleans, Feb. 13. Cotton easier, Midd ing OF to 94. Tm New Orleans, Feb. 14. Salen to-day of 5,000 bales cotton, at a de- cline of fe. Parner THE MISSING STEAMER, Malifax, Feb. 11. ! We have, a . yeh no tidings of the - thivsing | dteimer’ Pacific.’ readers will be- interested to know i New '¥ sath apeOmpritg bon- vets, big. ritching in thei Ik blond istic res 1S gr aved _ toon in the SroW ia dl the are Giroceunlne vowel * to th swiling. for the tslushe and Aner! fr favor ther tH lea to hel Full, qrosen ; Nety dep, with lan lover frifl of) ed ; and, frum between the two, ten-| drills and teaves of the nrost delicate grass. | es and muss peep daintily out as ‘if ty wake sure that the reign, of stern cdid winter was over before presenting theie! bads and flowers,—Springdld Rep ome Worth's Price Curreat Feb. 9. From T.C. & B Cc. Bacon, N.C, hog round, 12 a 135 Western | Sides, 12; Shouldyis, WT a lths Vaal: N.C.18! 14; Cheesy, 12013; Doeswax, 24 a 25; Cor, | 80 a 85; Cotlee, Vii liga 134; Catton, 84 a) 94; N. ©. Sheetings, 74.48; Yoru 17; Fenth- ers, 42 a 45; Flour, Fayette ‘vill, 9.00 a 9.25; Molasses, Cuba, 41 «45; Mull-ts, 6,00 a 650; ‘| No. 3 Mackerel, 6,00 a $.0 ; “Kyea, 20 aes ; | Tallow. 124; Apple Brandy, 60 a 65; Peach, 80 a 1,005. Rice, 54 a 64; Sagar, P. k. 10 4} 105; suiar: Loaf 12.0135 Voakd Poweles, 6 a 8; Crpeuled, 3 a 34. | +--— ~ee- CHLERAW MARKET. Febroary 13, 1856. nlee f 1000 balks 9 to $46 » 94, | Plour— Nelle af Bry Bvt | Meul— Melis at T5e Corn aetle ot GO ty bbe; noms). ddeaceom eolis at 14 « LSe: gemiogl Bult pelle at si 50. Cheese sells a Ug: Cotton Bri ~~ = 0 ete The steamer Canada, now ten dave out and | Columbia Market—Report fp week ending Feb. 16 | about due at this port, has Bot yet berm aignat | tc O8t ons naiddttig (1 91; air ph 995, led. Corron —Jofsrier 8 a #4; ordinary ©} wd; mid- aad @ clksoe article Ife Bacon —thb me 12 for bog qound 5 6 -o Riga ld; A MEMBER OF CONGRERS ARRESTED), | eed hans 1249 @ Ue per ih, according to qual.iy Washington, Feb. 11. Frances C. Treadwell, of Norfolk, yesterday caused the arrest of Aibert Rust, a member of the House of Representatives, charged with two amaalts upon Morace Greeley, a few dave since | | This morning Mr. Rast gave security in the sum 9500, for hix appearance at the Criminal Court RECOVERY OF MR. CASS. Wasuixron, Feb. 13,— Mer. Gass has so far recovered froin the effects of bis re- cent accident that be will resame his seat in the Senate pmemy next week. M. Prawek, Protestant, has been appriated to the ehair of ~ drost natarel.” in the foatituls of France, to peceeed Mo de Portas. Ve ys eramest is much praised fur this inatance uf tul eration. There has been a rumor that Queen Maria Ametit, aidee of Louie lhitippe, wan agi rously iil 1, arene simply from the e:rcunstanc Chat ber physnian, Mo Gaenenu de Muy, wae arged te shorten hie stay in Tarte and return to ler. The Seeretary of the Esmprene of France is constantly vecupird in answenog the rarnwus letters frye all paris of France eapramng suber tade for the hapyy delivery of ber Majesty. and ack ovledging the varias relics and Liewsed eo! jeete ermt to her with a view of @cunng the huped for renait ia all its fullness Amoog things sent to her muhesty was a pig take im its euge by a vultignur, after the aesnul uf the Mal abe, am! 00 that very spt. Tie month of Jameuary was that many seniversaries occur for ib deaths im the Sardiwian royal fom!) wat comeqerutly in retiremeat at 1’ the senvon of Carmeal thee year at Torw as lant Prince Pashiewitch's malady ie now known to be & cumcer, and it may be plainly felt thro’ the abdomen. Mangetisen m te only thing that i OOflering. Hes death is daily os The Coentivationdel states that Mo Massno df Asegtin is to be the representative of Sardinia 'a the appevedhing couferemce on the Eastern (eesthon, Ba \ emterdsy, being St Valemtine’s Ja: we keys @etharp bed out bor ~ the ducwmen's aod, puby enough, were mt dinayprutel A equate package came to hand, wml, on qe ning ‘tebe age betrodd | tttend of ao tat Copal with efnge and arroes, and sentimental veres as waal, a beautiful pair of worked «! fokbed to our astonished vision We have no tes whe ernt therm, but feel conrine oer good louks and wngle comirtion) tbat it must have been « had y 8 we are, thene shippers will bes curnbert amd) » coteulative ; and we shal! vthout thieking of er unkmeen benefactor, T the donor we tender owr warmest thank«< and our praise for the beautifa! character of ber hands work. — Wil. Herald in lich eo fret time of The Court beh Bo, ated Was eeariy as Jeli ~ piers an 1 (from Geumg old and gouty hever wear them Painfal Acesdent.—We are cerned to \earw'Vhal Mra. Coerts, wife of var State Trea owrer, met eth a arvere acti ont on Froisy tent, —hliing on the we aud frectoring one of ee fimbe,— Ral. Register. RICH ARDSON * LOCATED.” Those eredulows Democrats who have been allalong claiming that their guon dom camiidate for Speaker, Mr. Richard oom, of [inois, was entirely sound onthe Slavery issues, will be surprised to read the following anecdote, winch the * Mem phia Eagle” gives on undoubted anthor ge: In 1835 a party of gentlemen went over! inte Lfineis, from) Missouri, to reclaim a fugitive slave. Ona Sp rebeteli ny the ran- away, he was broaght before the yroper j—and who did they find detewd. mug and uphautding the fugitive, as coan- | sel against the owner, but this same Mr Richardson! This ie stated aa an aber Mute and undeniable fact, and plainly shows, what we lave all along ilies e thag. Mio Richardson is an ont-andont Autslavery inan, and that all his evimnpm- thies are with the “ underground rail road fanatica of the North. Agd this man has been held np to the as our’ peculiar friend! Ile has, been held wp to ne a fair sample of those “ Nogthern men with Southern princi pier’ to be found only in the ranks of the ag Nicht Demoerats! And yet when orowgnt to the feat, he fe fonnd to be not Day 6 a Wihwot Proviso man, but an aider and abetter of the villainous mana | } Coas—76 « MWe per bushel Penis a Se. | Onre—60 a 62hc per bushel browa.—The flows murket has uleo been quiet but | teady + We consequently contmiue our former | Heme of $04 a 0] fur eosmmen to gat, wud flue Foppea—6 Ly @ 614 per 100 tbe —Cerol-nian Divivexp.—The Fav eties ile and Now thern Plank Road ¢ ounpaiy las declared ja dividend of ¥ per cent, velich makes liz per cunt. during the year—Fuy, Ube ’ - aoe | MARRIED: Ta thie Town, on the 64th matint, by Obadish Winndtewn, Beg, Me JUHN MOKKIS and Wiss MAKITA GHEEN lo the aot wn the 7th imet, by the Rev. Geu | Weiunwee, Me KI MAK ~ GHAHAM cad Mee RLIZABE TH A, dou ghier uf ite lee Duruee Uber sm oe At New losttute, om the Lith jwetant, by Rev WOW Ni ebat, Dr JM LOVE to Mee MAMTH A E JAMES, deaghter of Jorpe Jemes At Gudd- Hdl, oe the 1 tth instant, by JC herdt, hey. Me AVAM ©. RAKMNIMAKT ELIZ swe THh GALLAMORE Bare Ves lw DIED On Wedoceday the (3thinstent, Mr SARAH E WAKEM, oged 34 yours, dneghier of Hietun James, aad wit of Rev Arche bekt Baker postur of the Presbytcnan Charch of the place A veetim oF tave of Witenngun, N {fe msumptem, che heth p-ssed away but edm ghom Calm and resegued te the lest manent pis Jemm, twenag ia the ghrrme hepe whch the ove f - 4 en eier he manseme Saveur hee prepared for his people " Ob meey are the mange noe i bere, Rat amt mone beth gref a shar No haamtng ehade fr theogy gone -by, May there rewerpt hovgeng ehy And the art there whe g hed ance ne men seen, F re they aidag eate, We even © whe « beord te apered ; Woe unce thee wh he pre ve card, Upon var dreeme thy c ° Tn 060) cod ammer os nee fer aorte three bngemes vein T ~ th arta a The edecm of the artmag . we [heme eet ver Bether'® hease above ™ Early mm yowth che tarned aewsy from the Nandy moots of (he wertd and cmearcrated Rereell w the err co od ber Gud and Redeemer Ueppr va her 4 roreter reletneme. the enemeet of the eearal core'e. she we beng Ge remembered ramen es Ineada fn olf the relations of hfe, 26 wile, deagivter, cinter munher aod Lwud, che meandered she deep st devo te. Mer emsbtrenve periy. geaticness aed swerity of manners ced her amhww.y © rlal depewtme ot hited her to ewthe, eustam and cheer het husband se the erdanus duties of » pastas b Even the bang bingeing months of waeumg dime ase ded get deeiroy the che &. week her bright end ey m aod deeply swarned by her pattreng manner Peed over the stme=phere of non Ad the fagd wichee fa enther's heart were amrry odin cme. Tint ber chidires might br eceme (be rh dre ad God weed bre th advance the interests of the Redeemer s hinge om - Netheng bet the conmdatoons of our bleesed religion reech eww orth can sustem onde May the campasee ne ate One wh wert at the grere of Laserus, ame be ine eref of the Nasband, the Mother amd the matheriess ehnidren wm the patho. pert) end ee feiness Co Tn Phatecte tyre, om the Gi inet, afer & oben I ares WEOIGE MW RAMSAR. aged sine tweary we years, bermeriy «{ Laormdntea, N.C Tn Afbeenerte, N C ron the Gh enetem, ELLA FE leoghter of Pte @ and Vow F A, aged three Trare, (bree munthe aod three deye and thee ear Ste wesan ewusuell: minresfing ttile girl to have been tere fromm |heme eho bowed be + von hl wath . whe bh ame connnt beer ame ereiy wreertird Ren curh re the; thee ferree tee dn ye ali the entear ng ede thet tend te srengthen the tice of main mene Gr be — hey one And:shoel tit + tome As brigh!. «8 happy 90 an argel cd lrht. she © me eedenr drivel! wh anew her Bat © aud eut@ined ite oo: The tepemeeng wing. end bel dgt te revarn te Rat het eqn eit wm ten bright ker earth plered ateeet thet prima 6M ae Minetering » gris A, whimpmred, ~ Sieree aperit come The arms of a Marner enidd tee mere Leto 20 engel mve—perhape watehing weer theme che bow on earth Then for the sweet, ewnny child, weep met het paiber rep ame thet ehe is hediing in the eaeeflen cree that radvate from Geode termi throne Mayo He wher tompere the wind in the shown lem.” com tert and romnin the perenie and refer ae on this wad bereave rem thet hey mer bright ereheer of eunny bee. lending + hale of immeriat giory, wher Fie aware their ear bag te rane the tree that are broken on exrth—wll then. dear tte, fercwett * Spirk of the Age“ and © Times nheoat hee lov ety & deah doth Orgel asm aeare howe ring row make their sear here one ter the veer ” please copy Vedhin county NC SPEER, mon of Aquilia Speer, bag, oped BS veare The de ceneed levees an afetionate father and mother, three brahers and ten sisters, Mien N J and Ann MW, eo ew lowing and afiretion tte wife to mourn the lew nf neon, braher and hue hand. Bat they weep not ae thee who heave me hope The deernsed wasn pattern for al ronth te follow af He professed rehynin in hue earty daye te whieh he clumely adtered throgh life He ween etident under the Rew WE. Vaneaton, NG. where he received his fire, lemons inereanee and mor sity From there he went te the Nernal College where he wana stndent amd semetnnt teacher, at which place he became a memberof the Soneof Temperance He wae dearly belowed and respected hy all who knew At Prowide nar . onthe Let imerant, Mr ALC ter Joneenile there he came home and went to the and mar- and juned hem From weet where he engaged in school tenehing, ried the dunghter of the Rev J. Ko Speer the Christian charch of Cambe Hea hen ch fail ing hie ee that he could net mttend to hia achool, he came back this father'e with hia wife The consamp- thon having made by thie time auch inmoads npom bie health that he was compelled to toke hie ted. After endoring all the miseries of the dinease, he departed leaving the strongest lestimonials behind of having hie deunflence folly fixed apen and in Him, the Saciwoar of all mankind. He exhorted all hie friends to prepare j the election. L | Greens al 10 OT! mesthim in heaven: Fle penfesnrd bus one desire ‘alk to| un five and thet wae that he might five to dn ome goed for hiafellow man. He wasinterred at the Meth nd at B. Chareh on the Qd inet, at which time hie fa noral wae presched by the Rev John Guan, ton large | ‘and reapectabl: aadience The secrmon wae warm the “ Undergroand Railroad !” Us no Ware of the soundness of your Nor- mocracy, if this man ia the kest Reg, therty sainpla Yor ean ‘how Pat that we may ull live oo that id may be like hie seucervseh: ts uy muy be at reer never ’ i korra ene At Greenwood, near Eaton, Gibson count ing Beef, on the thoraing of the 10th Jahnary, Mies ALMEDA Caudle. G., daughter of Rev. Wm. A. sud Mrs. Livia C. Hall, ‘fumerly of Moekaville, N.C. “They reckon not hy months and years Where, she hath gone to dwell.” A. In this emoty, sie! lingering ilpees.on the 10th |© instant, WIL ifatit, sou Of Rafee A. and Faaaheth oan pe 1 year, 9 month» and = ays. ee ————— To the Free Voters of Iredell County, | North Carolina. | OP pre authorized by the Inst Act of Assembly ae to meet at the schol house of your Districts on the let Suturduy in April next, and elect your Sehool Comnmitters for ove year. Those elected will take uf- fies the Let Moaday in Muy following. A report of | I the Election must be made te the Superintenda uin be- | fure the 3d Monday in April. Alo a Report of the ‘number ef ehiidren over six and under twenty-one years of age, mut be made by the Commitice within one month after they take office. Avy two of the | T prewrot Committee ure appointed to act as jodges of {I M. CAMPBELL, Chairman. Cottey Bagging,-— 20 Linseed, Peal a8125 om Java, Xe b gd ‘Fennecs’ Y yal 00 4 75 aging LAs Potatves, Irish, 50 do. ble 14 $ ts do. Sweet, 2 Cotwn, R Pw, age P Salt (YP sack,) $2.75v a3 300) do es bushel, $1.00 15a 00 |Sheetings, Brown, 4-4 9 eee. VY bag $2.25 Seed, “ Gunny, * Dundee, “ Burlaps, Jottum Yurn, 40 49Turpentine, Feaes $4 Wheat, $1.25 “Moles, 5 |Wool, 25 1 00 * Oval, 6@7 Window Glass, P box, ard, 10a in 8410 $2.00 a $2.25 ead, bar, 10% 12 $2.25 « $2.50 7 ead, Dry White, oorael February 14th, 1855. Bw3y ems Western NV. €. R.R, Company, SALISBURY, FEB 19th, the Hlth of March next. for the Graduation, Ma- meury aud Sills for 25 milewof the First Section of the Western North Carding Rail Road, extending from Balicbury wertward On and afier the 6ih proximo, plans, specific ‘tiene aod profiles of the work may Le even at the office of the Chef Enugiueer. R. C. PEARSON, (3w3r} Pres’ WON. GRR. Co. U7 The Standard aad R r, Raleigh; Patriot, > Demorrat, Charloiie ; News and Spec tater, Asheville 5 will please espy antilthe 10th prox. fam, and send ther weooun with «a copy of their puper | to thes vflice SALISBURY FEMALE 3% 1056. é POS «received F nite pe POSALS will be received at this uffice Unt | reach all the branches of ay Englith edocatin. aler Atgebra. Latin, aud the rodimenis of the Greek Lav- geuge. Ww. 3. Mikis, = ECOGW Be Fees <1 AA AEN SITUATION WANTED. YOUNG MAN who rereived his education at one of the best institutions in the State, wishes sitnation as Teacher. je eminently qualified io! i Address, M.A. & Salicbory. | N.C. 4. K. moowe. 3. &. KENNEDY AND NEW GOODS. Mills, Moose & CO Jeewe te inform thelr many Pali and the Kennedy & Mills their stock of puble gewernlly thatihey are vow receiving and A CADEMY. Jopening im the Brick Hous formerly uceup ed by alae fourth geseion ip ‘hoa dBels ool will ead the 29:h of February “There wil te no vacation: the HED Bemeten wall comme men diately and terminate onthe bet of Augurt, when a varats will ceur STAPLE AND FANCY | Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, “"""".""* °:'~“ trae | tof iwo mouthe | logether with all ariicles u suatly kept ia a Dry Geude Ly > | Dtore They are uieo veceivetg the berpest und bes Terme will contiane os heretofore, via Verlecied stock of Groee nes ever offe rec nthe market Rensed ond Vertue per ecoston of 3 sunt hs, O6750 alist which they are determined tu sell wi prices that on Prawn, - + 2000 cannot fail to please A Vastrument, - : : * + 200 PS THE HIGHEST MARKET PRICES - 1000,,. \ C: - 20.00 Freneh Uenreses ° - 10.00 Latio or Greek with other studies 5.00 For day pupils, preva of Turion wilh vary from $5 to {BAS Contunpgennice 50 aeuie Pople enirting at amy time wil b+ charged thence Ui the cud uf (he sense, witht deduction im lewwrd oF (ailew Gor abpener, exc pl 'n Casescd protracted and fermue wick _JPSSE RANKIN, Principal 4e3~ Raleigh & San Railroad. Raleigh & Gaston R. R. Office, R.iescon, Pesecsny &, 1066 Febrasry 16th, 1* S the North Can> tam Raslesed is mow coupleted LE to Chertatie, mtice te hereby given tha: geands ve predece breght dows thar Mead, intended for he Relegh & Gateon Rasiroed, tranepertainen over ore Ss = 10.00 | pasd ot ofl times for Fe ir Wheat, Cora, Cuiton, and W hinds of eowniry produce. January Yib, lose sir Potatoes and Molasses. 20 Barrels Pink Eye Potatoes ; 4 Hogeheads Moseavado Midasecs; 10 Barreia NO Mideones ; Jant recessed and for sale by Fob 12 3 MILLS, MOOSE & Co QP .so 2DE He GOOD SUPPLY aud Sperm ole, just received a» oe sale Midla, MOUSE &lo TRG a7uf NEW BOOKS. elcayoane EIVED itier ark by Fenny Fern vlebury f Tanvers, Whale, Machine iA February 12 wil be recived by thie Company ot the North Cane Leseng's Field Book of the Amenean Revo haa pe reed De pain Raleigh omued pantly by the Gcend Time a Coming. by TO ® Achar: We hire ‘« “ommpmn ce ened will be tron d thence with. Season. by Beatrice ie packs, ‘The Indes Pah, by vot yin tratra charge, aud geaxis deogucd fr ibe the Auth of Above 2 Seenes in the Life ofa New wretern merrhauis aud sthere along that Road, wii York Surzeon. be Dr Dine; Presents Phithp the Lhewiwe be delivered at the came jaa Second, 2 volemee; } A'l dure f tebt must be pad ot Petersbarg of Weimare SS. Prentice; Abbots J. MH. ENNISS Picterm @ Aer pteon way Freoght, whet must be Li ( Neparoo Bonaparie Bok wether pard in advance us Celver, of the gant beh 12, 36 37 Heery eB ws by the ufficers oud ageats : (the Cosmipany Ui give esiiefectoum us the! \eneperie DiIBBsuB we BUNcCR. ben of gin dts aed gre are Catvie MH. Dibbic. TForathen PF. Rusre, Oe nee and upp tof goede a0 requested to hace +t of Wilmington, 8C Late of Kinston. been Aetinesty warned, m thet ther deo RA JAMES HORAH, WATCH-MAKER AND JEWELER, SALISBURY, N ¢ Gace deer below BR. & A. Sarpays ‘* Stere, > FERS coasten:ly K WATCHES ena Aden'r hand 0 large assortment of JPWEEBD or alk da Chee, Watehes an! J v dee pian reperte d ia ihe bert a r moet reesona We terme Fetrwsry 19, 1856 1)38 BB. NVE HUTCutseN, COMMISSION WERCHANT, Charlotte, N. Cc, T1D sell om Com minton Cotton, Corn, Flour, Wheat, and all “=< Commission Merchants In Cotton, Flour, Grain, Naval Stores, axod Seuthern Preduce Generaliy No. 180 Front Street, azumsy irfun. REFERENCES Fresh Garden Seats SOUOUNTRY KFPRODUCH pice (i200, Werd Grass, & 18 CHARLOTTE. CHARLESTON AND SEW York Liberal Advances made om ( eonsiguments. RaetlerenoeDe J.T Jembheme, beg. Nel steers ; (sen WW leeene S Cw, Chark en, A towt, ben agios ; Rebera | Raster, bag. New York Pebreary 19. ie6. ly39 IMPORTANT Sad The Factory Buildings AND All THE MACHINERY reel wits Hales £ fl he eupneed t ried vere to the Con ced Wann pab. |}, Bonde with apprised pera nel eecarity om the Prperty lew end three veare. with mts reat fiom dete Py By order of the Roark holder « KIAH P HARRIS, ° Preet on a credit of oe, I Company || Comeord, NC f March nest, on the ,,, eh 6a3R Ce Warrant tn Ecery Particudar * PPLY wacing arerly every tanety. just re : ceived — Prooe 5 cemie a pay ALSO bever, Orchard (race Tees 1 Kentecky sUL aw stii.s p eae Feb 2, 1°56. (8037 ry. STRADY PROGRESSION l \GLE (TT. [esas SUBSCRIBER has he pleesure re the world, to @ he Seeger £ ree fer thew pr ayer y ma ‘ ma cady prgresein the iupe ra ey te, destined, he belevee, yo become Ihe greate ertv inthe ewpiry. tle mw now erect omatat tine tle be called the and hepra to has n full operatinn v the Invter part of the sommerof 1256 Th will be eof the beat, cf mat the very bee moetis in the comntry. The marhiaers w tec'ed by himenell, and the latest and ne terme were chmen will work like emoth and ateady + nd he doalie mat will ved HA he prdacte, the mast besatifel mohte rementa 4 thet itumowned Eagle Mille nder whee shadow + deceh a Eagl> Wille b ig ve fare and de KZ grord for it Lg propert Ha farme ae fa , Feb 14, 1858 Ae it ie widke epmead. hath forthe eaeel levee of ite varne. and the supenoeny of ete ckih fab ° & Troy Muis alome ihreatens to mval ut, and hence Plank Road Stage Lino, irenlncyiivcn teers meinen sees not bese interesting inires f than it mast he desirable a ce - fs te every Seathern patr o TRI-WEEKL} Theldcenaan ct eanetlinere teemin well etenin here, « vering forwe ve berandary remer FROM SILEM (o FAYETTEVILLE, N.€. Only 23 hours ronson the gh 120 miles. agle City afew veore hefte Let hie eketoh it We ere a erty of hen untal pripertiors with ite tower © steeples pornting beayenwarde. close ranged blecks f granite buildings with glittering metal tonfe, reflect LEAVES SACEM the cheerful heaine cf a rersal@nn the invegnesting Mondava, Wednesdays and Frdaye, at @ AM breeres of a delghifal charts, star the lewver of long PASSENGERS from Suhebury or Sonth arriving Mews of cime the sireets areenhvened with a cheer st High Boomt rhe evening previo, or hy the fal buey throng the haifa milion of smndies Freight ‘Train (winch ranaup in the mame dayal hy om ngled with rn lott ondenseades: Fagte for Aehbeorongh, cP WEA Myeuw w Fayetteville yneet with thee fine eengere from South for et the Lexington of the Cars, Carthoge Ralern we met directi " y te depart rene daily, MM Sandaye Requage. Paetnges. &e., that are prepaid will be forwarded promptly Our efficte a he ovxed to give satisfaction to the 4 travellageommiunmty Whose patronage we respecifully mobreit with pleasure teremd out ther buled ap gorda: western Ratlroad recevee them, toge he PAR i Mense erage. wings extended. kehiwg deen noneMent mane oobowe af] henge ole, reg on ite mall below. Eagle Civ Rawk ion all view, and by it6 liherw! poliey invites all energetic MNCS MeN to clam Me ene Hire germent Caheo pan thee corm of the Newth- her with thew nde of the productaef the Civ the leafeniog whietl ie blown, and the eonnd me echoed and wher the re-eohoed from bill to hall, and wakeathe drowar pow. ET & JW. CLEMMONS, tt of reposing fat cattle, which b-owaein the neh sar x nite tw Coatacaus rounding walleye. the erene gn we! grows) — and the Feb. 19, 1936 : ere ceil la teyand. the: portmving kil of (heprmbet We hed but a ghmper— bat whats view! Andit b WeCMULEY'S TISTORY OF ENGLAND. . JUST RECEIVED—Tha Third aad Foarth Vul- |! nes a McCauley'e Metmey of Eagiend 37 J. LE. ENNISS, Bookseller SOB PRINTING Wevtls reacted at fiove Office. Wt be realized beyond dawbt. Eesugh, emuagh !— will pression to tis final conammmation ANDREW BAGGARLY Fe %h, 1865 38:f Marriage Gicorer boantifiellt printed wd fo vale at thie office | NRWCASH STORE HB rpeytaheer ely Sabre bp al Store, take Utis anethod of ainvuveing (o the ei sof Sulisbury and surtoanding cuuntry, that ny are vow receiving, direet frum odin York and iladuiphia, a very. large, and well sclectod stuck of FALL & WINTER GOODS, Ladies’ and Gentlemen's Dress Goods. Cloaks, Mantillas, Tualmas, Silks, plain | and jigured, Satins, French and Eng- tush Merinos, Alpaccas, Delunes, LPoplins, Plaids, Muslins and Prints, Broad-cloth, Doe-«kin out eu HY should Bouthe go North to bay Wis plough* and china when they evn get ux geod and sure subsuntial articles at home ‘at Northero prices, thereby saving the price of trans- portation fh hat the pabtic may not be deceived, and save nialy inquiries that A have uw answer, | here- with append a list of prices yf the principal articles that T manafnerure. Cireular Suw mille with 48 to 50 inch feet curriuges, 48 feet ways, all complete, $375 to $400 ; Cilendrieal Straw Caters, 12 inch 73 box, 830 Cultiwators, only intend moking theat toordes. All work warrunt- ed. My farnace is stillin suceessful operation and cay farniah castings of any descripiwm, wud where the patterns are found at short notice. J. H. THOMPSON. Black ribb'd Fancy Beaver and Drab} Over-coats, Superfine black Cloth Dress | Coats, Black Ribb'd. do., Teced do., Daspircs 01 N: C., Feo, 5, 1 56. 6m36 Fancy Plush and Fine Velvet | Bangin vara ei - 7 Vests, Faney Cassimere and ' ee ee ot Oe Tweed Panis, Shirts, Plain | { and Faney Knit Shirte, and Drawers, BOOTS AND SHOES, Men's Calf and vp Boots, Common do., ig Men's Calf Brogana, Goat do., En- ameled Congress @o.; Women’s Kid Excctsiors, Enameled do., Orford LL persons indebted ts us are respecifully called apeu to pay up by the 15th of February next, ar we must have money, and lunger indalgeuce will not {be given. ‘Chiwe failing to comply with this notice may expect to settle with an officer. We bave on haud « large bt of Ready-made Ck th- ing, Blaukets, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, and CARPETING, whieh we will se!l cheaper ibaa ever in order to close | 300 PACKAGES FRESH DRUGS, MEDICINES, &e., he. SILL & SILL, Druggiets and Chemists: rpenive Msenioe ii, SALISBURY, N. C, ESPECTFULLY unoounce that they are anew omring and offering u large aud eutisely fresh DRUGR, MEDICINES, CHEMIC ALS, SURGICAL 1 INSTRUMEN 78, TRUSSES, P. N73, VARNISHES, BRUSHES, PEKFU MERY, FANCY AND MISCELLANEOUS , nfl AKTICLES, €e., all which bave been ve recen selecte, one | the Brea, wah great care, ARR 1 ete by og af | Corn, 50 r+} } Clover, P bush. bake 15 ineh do, $40 ; Folding U arrows, $15 5 and Fancy Cussimeres, Sut- j Kenuineuess und purity. do. Meal, 50055 | Flaxseed, $5 te 865; Threshing Machives with 4 or 6 horse . Velv Ker They dvem it unnecessary to nay, that it dhall be Chickens Pdoz., $14 @ i jBuger, Brown, Jla 135 power, 8175 tv $200; @ very superior article. Phoughs enclle, elvcts, Merscys, their cunstaut aim, as heretofore, to merit » contine-’ Eggs P doz, “Loaf, 124015 | from G5 to $10, aceording to size and workmanship. Jeans. | ance of that Pafonage which has been a liberally ex- Feathers, oe Le | “ Crushed, 324015 | All kinds of repairing of muchinery done ut short no- ’ ' tended to them—for which. and the Senerons sy npe- Flour, @ bbl, — $7a87 | Clarified, Qu 12 tice, euch a Engine work de. Send in your orders Ready-Made Clothing thy e generally maniferied fur them, on the ocramon ron, Swede, 'Pallow, 124015 | for threshivg machines and horse-powers early, as 1 § of their late wisfortane by fire, ey beg to express their profound aod beartiel gratitade. Beliebery, N.C., Janasry 22, 1836. ue THOMAS E. BROWN, Carriage, Buggy and Sulky Builder, c=4 SALISBURY, N. C., fsa S now carrying on the above basiness, and invites the pub- He to call andexamine bis work. He is manufactoring very superior vehicles, and feels confident sr Sihicler, and feels confident he can give aatisinetion to prices, if it te qualtics as cheapest iv the Ways recommend the better run. He wowkt advise those i who w'sh to procure dny thing iv his line to call at his establish- ment before they purchase elsewhere. EF” His shop is in the rear of EA7~ Persons at a distance orde pany the order with a deseriptic quality aud price—and when de! out our winter siock, . 5 ss . usd pres ‘ered, if it does Got give sal We return our thunks fur the liberal patronage te- | Ga.ters, Lusting fig'd.do., Miss DWie ae irene artes door, he wit! taka i and hope to mefi( an increase. | Enameled -do., Misses 8. | simeoe any Kind of trade in exchange for work— such as Core, RICHWINE & HARRISON sia vat Noah) : : Wheat, Flour, Oats, Bacon, Lard, Horses, Provendes, Tabet, January 8. 1856 an | heeled Boots, Child's Shoes. “ ees : | y . * | In addition to the above, we huve a large and varied | LIV ER Y STA BL | | stock of Hats, Cape, Bounets, &e., Ribsous, Lace, | io pepe # usual; and those who wish either to buy or teseld Edgiog. Insertiog, Frage, Hostetr, wes, Kid, Sitk, | Qstrate or mules, are invited to call, - | Lade Thread, Worsted, de. Also, a qaauuty uf | Mere 29th, 1696. ed IS SU FY IC IEN le sheetings. Yarn, Osnubarge, Tiekings, &. Sugar, | ————_____ Caffee, Spices, Dy e-Stutis, Cheese, Mackarel, No. 1, | 2, & 3. Together with every thing usually kept io) retail stores, which we offer low for Cash, ur at shurt { ' Ww E have a good wany Atcounts ower twelve Months’ siauding, end would like wheve them All perms tuteresied will please altend tu ines same imaiediately if wut suener { R. & A. MURPHY. 3mi6 credit. Perens visting Salshury will find it to th ir inte | rest to call and exa:nime our Stuck, as we are deter-| ‘ inimed to ell All kinds of Pruce teken fa Exchange f ve Na, & CO. Dissolution of Ce rimership. u: J. V. & 8. SYMONS, i \ , December 4. 1855. tes Cospartuership ae fore exiwiing ander the! name and style of J. D. Br & Lemily, te the) dij Maced y retnel evaasca AN prrcons aces! BROW \ \ BE \ R 1). ed to said Firm, will Gad iKelr ies sad scoownte al New Firm. the More of Brown & Coffin, and are renpeetlally re- | Tin, Copper, & Sheet-Iron — The undermgned having formed a quesied to call and setur, it we abrululely necessary for the businems to be closed at as eariy a day us pos.! B' SINES3 cop rine rst purpuse of ewrrying on the abyve bum nere exienarriv, weak teopeei (uly melcit | Salisbury, N.C ible ! J D BROWN, H A LEWLY, | pitas | ip fw the Selebury, Feb. 1, 1856 AN 8. W. WESTBROOKS, Proprictor of the Guilford Pomological Gardns and Nureeries. OULD respecthuily eall the attention fear Southern ciuzens to ine select euligetion af was | tive and ue: listed varieties of Prust ‘Trees, émibea- cing aune 40,000 irece of the fyllowing serieGet, vids | Apple, Pear, Peach, Apricot, Cherry, Neeta- rue, Almond; also & choice assriment of Grape vines, Raspberries, Sirawberries, ele . ete. All esders, secumpanied with the cash, will receive Prompt aitevijon wud the Trees neatly pathed aed | directed to any portion of the eomatry P. 3.—Permns wenmg Orvamental Trees cae be supplicd Catalogees of Fruit Trees, &e.; at this Offies fie’ 3m2Bp dest ribut nom. December 4, 1855 PETER W. HINTON, | the petronage of their fre and the pubhe They : . | cre pecpered io anewer cay tail ia thei bec. Tia rj COMMISSION MERCHANT, IV]. jcpov ter Rentine eneguied See" 2B Ow mM Porm ®, \ rece oe heed Gar exe or meds io teder’ Their] Werfelim, Wav woe, Parlor J.D. Brown & J. M. Coffs, | =<* Sah mpc ar pay | aud Shop Stowes, PPR DMILERER by anv in the Star I AVING teugh: ont JD Brown & Lemiv, they t Pe wh. continae the DRY Goons BUSINESS | Coat ender the we ther Shop opiaete he phys Gr wpferand Pewter ty Prduce tehen om at the edd mand, New 3. Grantee Buk z, fires ead evie nf Bawn & Cofia 1 rge mock of cochonge for werk of Ware WILLIAMS BROWS, Lovts UH. BEARD aleo lua tu keep a Special attention paid to Selling Todaceo, Flour, Grain, Cotton, Naval Stores &c. Also, to Receivin: Forwarding ao obs : Sehebury, Dee. 17, 1535 30.if . ards, Beg. Salisbery, 8. C DAN BRLVBB meoomenmens Obaries L. Hinton, eq, Woke On, 8.6. b> 4 | | 4. B Rewiset, Haq... Reiigh, BM ©. ‘ < } toorge W eelaiag eg Raleigh, ©. C. Ready. Made Clothing, Boota, Shoes, | BOUTS \\D SHOES. lela Wa. W. Plemmer, arremtas, 1G Tata, Cups, Bonnete, &c., be. be ! \ Sao ere pm emai DISSOLUTION. cer ad ame ae eee Lok Se AGG & WARREN, | guns Fol hase | Manufactarers and Wholesale Dealers (UE COP AIT ERSIIP tren Biego PS. We have « int of Garde on hand that we are IN der the firm of Sea ue R eevisike Cote de. deternuned to ae || regard cet forthe cash Those ry’ > ‘ » od by metas! comment ve bam ms ~ mmcnamtirce =" BOOTS & SHOES, mtinet Snaee aw co Ne. 30 Warren Street, New Veork, (amgeble terms. a0 enosual Feb |, A Book for Every Methodist The Avvois of Southern Methodism for 1835 1856 6u 36 IO for ole trade o .oepeereliy adapied to ihe North Cations parting im part Men's theekh Kip. Calf, Goat aad enameled Reogane J NW OJENKINS, less RB ROBERTS. T. ©. WeNEELY, A J. MOCK, J. W. CLEMMONS, December 19th, epi ALL DEBTS due J-nkias & R-bervs. and Jentina, Fouled by Rev Chartes F Deeme. 1) D Bove A ‘ ae lenges Roberts & ( ' pord by the im day of Apeil meat, THIS NEW WORK EMBRACES THE STA ” . . . Rowe, will posturely be plaerd ia the hanwts of officers fur Lees and a grea vanety of saher intestung informa- Y¥ the Brogane, Cillectiva. Longer indulgence wil! ma he given tne tn every deperiment of Sa hern Methodiet ope : Bac J i. JENKINS, Falnone, See t he feta wren i ecer tnt, brome LE he AAU W semen’s oad Macsce oud wddern ¢ Ranelced | Abr BB. RORERTS If Pan fd Viete UL Tre Con Ee reas ran pe lickectsa Mi Chane ¥ tevweh ted bw © VIL C.teges: VIIL Sanday Sehewds; PICS" Smet “Che owestmerke( Press| a 2 Ea” Oe eee IN. Traet Mariety : X Publishing House oo Pr Ss Fre a9 Fy eC sae Ml Vastructee of People A Codey XI bh tcohan cN ‘ =t thew vere ‘A «! mM ‘ becouse romania ak sires Se = oN M Gaither Se Yorereyr Tral eu al od old thea dod earl inted diotchenid ne eely, Mock & RUV EE com mel semen NN Beaters Andre well alters | iy acheua alnwelicesnes tik mses I AVE takee the old stand of Jenkin, Rebene® rat alewin:| XC) Mcomwtete! of | Bete |€ spore) is A. MS Canes of Nish (Condhes wil be hoppy Ca, cuntings the Mereanule bumerce in oll XVEL. Mearefoorwme: XVIII Appeaden.— 360 pages 1, ote frends a0 obuve sbranches 20 heretubirc dune by the ud Finn, ond leggy 12 ma December In, 1+ 3mn3® are pew rece y Pree §: fr which @ enpy will he owt prepand . = Bie of New Can a@ Sooth Candina Banke. or ’ SOF ITMENT gold detiere. shalt be erent A Rhea! disewunit t ( Ny N G OD ¥ Bek aetiers end Memesters _ Address CUARLES F. DEEMS i : . uleledelspeos the » Rowan nousr.-~¢ Goods for the Winter, J y 24 18548 971° . { ta apead Oy which will be sold very cheap. ‘The atientam of the Office N. C. Rail Road Company. orfollt. ia tena than 4 ‘ : pubbe generel'y are respretial- J ; ' rehacere Ry engegine v ineted to call and etom ne wur Gude, as burgaine Sasrenvar, Jen. 31, 1856 you can ert them ot §! 124 per keg. contairing each §| will be madd. ©; of $12 per dae Janwary 14. 1856 6«33 oS A a5 WW 1a = aegis ‘North Carolina Rail Road. cevmmcieeieime = OLOAKS! CLOAKS! woke mest Sees eras SALISBURY, Leave Goldebers'. et Bioa @, & dies’ ( S ke F Parse ety'e — > r ° 20 { aan $0 BE BS atte ae OT bg canner tag ccs ern of se Grahan 936 MICHAEL BROWN Se od oleae! pedone , - ; wAly. that the Howse # enw apre fer the pmewptits + Greemabens’ 1110 Octabe b. 1835 = A Buarders, Dracciers, de Ile proemses that hee Jamestown. 11.56 L- ningion 131 \ Te ‘| say ACCOMMODATIONS Ralehury 23° Comeord ir Fy) Ny) ohal melee! brane inthe State. Persane «tappieg > ae ing ot hes I hes tye have menisin tome for the agri- EB ‘ YORAASS wil wad departure’ edi the Cores Avincilee! cee Gace FAST ME rrveuts away ein altenda Call = (ra Chae 2PM 3 w n GRANT Arrive at Concnrd, at 6% re - pr anted «: Sake shebere, May 24. 1855 Salsbery, Tht bury Reo ay ebeot (0 amie Rew of Liacdnio 109 wea rrecciiciseigw el. ) NS OL ie ard crwise pores. be borcorna Greenstorm’ 1146 ture, aud i< * fn Basi, Qs dial pr Graham, iidacee f MBL C spirinership Neretefiere exetng nader the Raleigh, | ame ard ctv of SMITH & HOLDER hee G ddsbor’, aya “thea day dasedved by om ef tone. All ther in- THEODORA & G re ae be Fem eo gested t ee nad artile : Rep N.C Re ¢ Somt! cerenis snd 5 s as the busnres of the Grab Deu ate eta hha ers by peas Awe wheiesale an ume seek < . DAUGS MEDCINES, DYES Seer emus 20 Buggies ee einen re rrerann ss i : ot, and sina (> on beway . tod BREVAKD . » z ‘ and wad GLASS, RS. Senuaey 20" 1856 igs yew SMITH & HOLDR = J * + ora . eM s r >4 4037 ara nh ” ~ “aD , PE Coe nening trvheir Spring en'ce STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, EW BOON, » fremh m ell geade in their hme, buh ASHE COUNTY 2 deme sire and a 1a itviee akereice hry are enahied by imp XN Egvtiy } JUST RECEIVER: § Lory. by th tant changes in thrir bene eo amenre cash and pr David Worth n Thames, Wiler Po Thewneg Weenente of Ite Weenie 6 months buvere, barging ia all desenptiona of their ai svestlawaiaena EW synes, by Jeha PI Qraute: the quality to be «treth as reprememied. Phy Qe recs Naaki Lise i lvaeet wie W Stake > Glenwee scrne have an epporiem) - ror etock M = peers od Cas Pet ( theyp Babs in Terkev. Perea, he mest r rmveceu and chem M Nv M 1? | irk Ruse Peres aroorsnce by George Land real preparaty * 2 + 11) ENNIx<s Re keofler ' yamte. and buvere generally will Bn WHEREAS, Davai Wanth. 8 Sh snipes ; a lerue cunpreing atl new and Wilze PictibanelendGerseeslvy h Biles Office R.A G. Railro: _ Company, foes : eer ' nat Samuel PB MeQave Reverse. Jue Ji, 1636 fume te prepacstione er which wr pina Rie eee a st qanity and at as v Ss neeas thine: hiapaneed Casitend ROW Col eas Oe ee eee OR leigh & G R. Road. Her, Thomas Ray and Larkin R Nod red che seas io arene oe Malice, Thames Ras ond Listhin Ney. Aed em aleig aston 0a ua AKI x Sou eel Fo MeQo Cua Da c north Bel stree ons Feb. 12. 1956.—Qeen's38 Phil dedphin . prea sed het : ee mo myths Ma hedule tor Mail T win om and after ’ ate . we oneity the sued , Pir ihe lay no bap Samect EM ae Caewell Tivtor, Nosh Danel Thar, Olatdayist January, 858. i) y rt Tema Wagoser. end Matthias Wagener, te be and Neo t On and after t-dn ¢ Maul Trete NEW BOOKS pp eet he neni ineranl at a lem, ON be Cre, an hee Madras JUST RPCLIVED. The Teatrmony of an ae vibe held fur the county af Ashe ve ( retest P93 minutes before 6 'ehck, A. Mo, upon the are coped Newer from the Rietetlend of St. Joseph. by in Jefferem, en the did Momiay afier th 4 h Mon. val of the cae from the Weer The Condactwae and Wiss Berkley ; Beaute dafe among the Mormms, by day in Febewary meet. then and th t cad, an. Reggage Waeter will hein readiness ty tke hange of the Wife of a Mormen Elder; The Home Garner by sewer ar dermnr te ead bill. otherwise judgment pa hoyggage. & Parseugers will have me tremble un Mire. Wary G Clark; The Lamp Lighter, a New comfease will be vaken as to then, and adecreeaderm shifing biggag “ rive at Welbon at 3130 Edhtion : fife and Beanticn of Panne Fern; Wide ecenmding!y \ UAL, , ° few ol trains supe North wide @wurkd. and Queechy, New Bdiwas iw one rat, Witness my hand. thie 16th Jannory. 1856 By orderof the Preendent Teh Amy J U. ENWISS, GEORGE ROWER. ME JAMES WROTE, a3 RockeelNer Price ade @5 50 6a 26 30 Ticket geome | sight and The soll sbtopwhat stig "(of satelinpg demir dut alenogt feslye ma: Pride and Humility. It may appedr asian objection that this |jestically penn! wifes Margin) Wy. prowdt ot. what f/ Of our: iibeetors t we P | cross cultivation wil fill up these fur- Lee wil ae ag ea hear orpne Dhey were driven out of paradise. Of pur pat ‘ : on | rows. But by a slight lifting of the ‘plot | *2'5 immense globe has bis per FO" | Hiuphy ? “Sid ittheritance !"* Of our wikdou oO § yak bie 6, eure luton 4 id s B 7 ‘4 cw ota rH Ws Ag F ae, C ‘tation and revolution, likeourown, Ju- | or even withont it, this is not done to piter sete about seven o'élock rl pak [Teen ome me te corm mech trouble seventh instant.thesetwoplanets will be to the hoes; and only gecurring in 40) ayparently near the new moon, the watere of Third Creck, 14 miles west of At deomtoney Depet omade Western locuted in, & ehiyrt dise Hath not God) made it fvolishness? Of onm wealth! It is not eutredt beyond the grave: Of our earthly hopours? They div in thelr irth- place, Of our worldly influence | “Phe pringe Seliabury. Red Rood yusi weovitebly be tange.of thle reuct. Apply to John A. Boyden of Salisbury, ott fama re A , > yo J ot Fe wat 4 A | ae Tt RAL. | feet, the laborof furrow opening is proba-} Now, elevate the eye nearly to the Bet | of this world” has Of our vittues} They | October 90, 1855.) id noma ty a bly diminished. }nith, and you have in view the little clus | cannot atone forend sin, Of our maricions t aan ' 2 ° Prom the Southern Farmer. | An objection to a continuance of the! ter of the Pleiades, while the mystic nuin- | They point to a ¢yld grave. Of our relapives? HATS] HATS E ppiierae,, bt ENIN'S winter styl¢, manufactured expressly oe? res ieee bane 4 bursts into hundreds through |“ 1 have said to corruption, Thou art my father: But this difti-| the magic class of the telescope. ‘Little | to the worm, Thou art my mother aud my sis- Groands Preferable to Narrow. culty is obviated by the cross plowing, | farther on towards the east you behold | ter.” Of our power} Death lnughs abit, OF . _. : eo pe es io the stargemmed V, the Hyades, (epos.\ evr immortality! Without Christ it leads to Messrs. Evrtors: | have desired for’ and had better occur onty in 40 feet than |ing listlessly upon ite side, oe ae eka eeraing destruction “from the presence of . u bd - ‘ seer al : : ; ; shot seniinel, Aldebarran, at one extre- ‘7 ; for the many valuable we meee My remarks on this point have been | nity keeping lin aernal vigil, wtile*the-|. But lwok at humility It adorns humanity 5 says which have appeared in your useful! confined to the corn crop and cultare,’ jjiner members of the flock twinkle their it dignitics ite pomessur; it ennobles hie intel journa}, and can ouly offer ite) he but when the same tand is prepared for | sleepless glances through their halt-clos ctl pee bg percuanip ed an for the delay, the want of time and infur- wheat, the preponderating advantages | ed lids. Still farther east lies the majes- | eetoatly gifted? His fellow-men a “h mation. An individual cau sometimes are greatly, enhanced. All who have tic Orion, variegated by his parti-colored } i with aac, while hi Jia a ame accomplish mue! bevetit by inciting the) i joq them know the inconveniences of four and lis martially arrayed three, all Ave bis graces conspicuous! They shine apon exercise of knowledge ulready possessed, frequent and narrow beds to the cradle, brilliants in the winter 8 pageant. Then | others, that may be benetitted. Las he been iu- corresponding permnl of the year previous. By euch te a se spin i about the eaten of ms ap | et more epecialy toa Taper, ae well tehwcope again; wee ard bi ough wah Me dha ate $5008 Ot a adnate sine Set acanee germs en ee a tami ge ma tions in the present communication, | as incidental loss of land. Where land sword and make it flash out in rapes: jard, sod.that bemust sccupy All the Master excelicuce of the Reriew. Prizes amounting ie rare Re gh anareniiane fry of aitkinds , DE. it ELEY . ware : | : : | ; teh Stach | : ; : 3 tothes the hundeed didlars were recently ull hi neue, Walohes, and coweny aye ret ‘ ED I desire more especially to enforce the! jas for some time been cultivated in nar- ame that mighty nebula which itselt | conte; asd hé relieves the neceditous, clothes the) Munda the wert nly wllered by thee Mtl paired in the best manner, and on the most reasonable pot pe REMOVED TASES. and offers his setvicdt publie generally. Office on Main Street. «dd Court house site, and apgusite the Met church, “por ; where eae Pa LD ae Wop pot profes. | vote fa lis pages OF the enet number eent in te! practice of blind ditching, as an incident t firet get the wide} : were selected by a | terme. JAMES HORA. row beds, you cannot at Bret ge 5 | wards the eastern horizon, too, twinkles, | sionally e: 50 . | ° | contains a full complement of stare, To-.| naked, feeds the hungry, and causes the widows | cuimpete fue Meas prizes, the boat ree Ndy, the (obs ra | Salisbury, Nov. 16, % of iculture perhaps less observed than!) ag ¢ ay wvex—-| . : s i ( agric t t | beds stnoothly and sufficiently convex | with superior brightness the fur famed | daltot whieh shall reecive the prizes. May ed . i one ering > la- ] : Pathe muste. A weries of articles on Muse Teaching, by | ‘ Groceries’ } filling it up, or of encountering more la 11 can show a body of low land, formerly | er in the solar system, the ringed, belted, \has communion with the Father and with biel) Lowell Mason, is now - progress of patient ion ving fon large etc uf Buitiond Witter. tveids> same beds is that each side of the furrow. ber seven returned frodi Néw York dud Phitudef: ABju phia.’ with ‘the largest and Hert esorimens of WATCHES AND JEW ELRY, eonsisting of Fine Franch Chronometers, ‘ Double ‘Time Keepers Tadepeudent quartersecond Eight Day Watches, eer bpd ““PHE NEW XORK | MUSICAL REVIEW & GAZETTE ee ne cua fluwter or Ladin, i. varietyofuthere. boih guid and silvers Gold Guard and Vest Chains, Sepis, Bracelets, Ear { Cuff Pine, Ladies’ and Gentlemen's Breatt Tine, Gon Silver anid Bteel Spectucten, Silver ond Phhind 8 Butter Koives, anda variety of Plated Wem Auoie Scimors and Knives of the best quality, Corml Begly ces. Braceleta, and Seed Corel, and a few supe rly te pure me force tor that seattle Pot Melos f— Midke a enn a aes six months have been were than deuble those fur oc t am. " | and a variety vf other Goods too nu yer t uit eo! 4. ML. VANBOKERLEN. fur, aud fur sale by anaraee PV TSYMONS SCO. Salisbury, Degewber 18, 1855 f30 > + eae ae por ee pte t— co Bliad Ditehes—Wide Beds in Low is denuded of fertile soil. some time to attempt some reciprocity | oftener. d Commences ite Seveuth Year, ard a New Vulome, in January, 1856. Ln calling attention to the Review, its publishers believe they can present ty the public ho more sulisfuetory evidence of its exeellency @s « musical joornal than ie afforded in constantly inerens- ing success. |i has now eboyt three times as lunge « circulation as say other masicel perindical ia sod world. lis receipts from subscribers durmg the leat | Always done without delay—and having’ purpose, it prove w the preference Camptell. De Witt, cation inthe Keriew. When thelr publication ie coms ]t may seem a somewhat useless OCCUPA} yi}) for awhile appear. But when once Vhim that he that humbleth himself shall be ex: | | 3 Pr . t | blue. athe that humbleth himself sladl be ©X- | cegutar correrpundence from the teading cities in the | cOooxyYDs. } pera . There is a treasure laid up for him in heaven, ot pieted. the subscribers to the Regiew will decide by tien to be engaged in digging a ditch and | in proper form, they will continue so.—j| Bat we must not furget our other broth- | #lted. Lhe | world, each number contains severe pages of new : { Maes SUBSCRIBER is gow receiving and oper Has he few companions on earth | heart to sing fur joy. Is he poor among men {| onypetent comm ice, and are sow it courte of rl : ease (foe. : FALL AND WINT any other of corresponding advantage. | {)e jndentations of the former furrows | ¢7.; 5 sleaming with its slight tint of (which he has heard by that: gospel whicl ell | 4 »8 S Besides a large amoantof reading matter, inelading | am ye SUBSCRIBER is now ditch banks clear of shrubs, &c., there 38) intg regular waves, water does not lie on | f ; . | scope in hand it may not be regretted if in heaven! —fMfappy disciple! Emviable lot |} reagon to contend for this system as a) them. >| fter th bsidence | ue \ | Heras) In opeisou: shat eee | you swing it along the heavens westward-| Who woald not fie low in the dus, wad homble | ani the public, awd wich he effere at how prices fir | Cash. of on tine 10 pavttaat Customers at whabewtle | retail nM. BELPER. mm BELPER bor than is indispensable for immediate |. yj1) pond, which had been cultivated | and satellited Saturn. You will find him iar resto . = — wanderer ra Peg icdeyrathelgr a Calaleation of the] enue “ine om 1 | User ete. sne, ewig pies ar fino i | . : : cls . . . &e.. ed | dewing Graceries man one purposes. But when we consider that! over 30 years without having ever been nearly over head, little to the left of Ori- suis wee ti ob (ey see ed ; the borinniog of the ~e rdwme. aa eH ee ine bs SPAPLB ARD BARGY 3 Hhda Cobe Sagar, be! as s jes 5 i | ras / se S : Mo Tite. despised w m. radbury, Bey. on the Daprovement et | | 2 ‘orto Re do. frequently the space oecupicd by u “jin wheat, because it was considered too on, while you arelooking eastward. lis proud (His baily & a temple of the Holy Ghont, |Cuureh Muse The New Yous Moweat =) DRY GOODS, 1 Rew eng i Spinner, : ener <§ i i . . at iH . athe 4 EN : G Te in published fortuightly, wt ane della: wtai? diteh and a toro row each side, in the) tow and wet; but which produced a fine; . . stead) a= ound ome scree 10.) and Christ reigns in bis beart. Is he unknown pcnace rae races oui ies dian. a in| Hats and Cape, Shove and Boos, rie tom do. le Saget best ground, is saved, and subsequently crop under this system, though overflown | the unassisted eye; but, through a good jy the woek!'s palaces? He has a mdupsivn in| vance: Bpcewmen copies went gratnitoasty lad ue . a 20° White Crdlke, do. R ouith ; | ) : : , aie é rage and Pai - f : the labor of keeping these turn-rows and’ several times. When land is thns thrown | glass, he brightens ay like a niass of bUT- (he skies, Dues le serve fur a pices of bread t| MASON ebabdabas oF | Hardware and Curlery. Gaioerion, de | pa pa one aye eS anv ; |nished silver. While you have the tele-. He is Christ's free man, and his name is written | Se } To whieh he luvites the attention of Wie eustantier } . Maw Carel adel in | | 20 dares Macher No ” ol UN Bosco as ore "wae <0 *) nee MICHAEL BROWN | eapoetey Qoethentn edephastie toltow Cente, aude, Pyader, Lende ta, HEPR & BROTHER, \d ci lh labor. I lateby, | -| eppet, Alspion, {i mgar manve bad saving ara . vi of an overflow, you would not find a par lly and nearly overhead to the very dense himself before the high God, if that be the ap- PENSION, BOUNTY LAND ebsbor 222, 1883 Sur Pe A were ee ered a/ticle probably on a bed, if these furrows | cluster in the sword-haft of Perseus. A | prnpriate cyndition and m necessary shore ctvibtel ae , — | pig Bally Chevens bee. blind ditch known to have been construct: | are attended to ; and as they occur so sel- single glance at the crowded mass of gtel- tic of the man of whom those things are pre- General aera Greensborough Oct. 3 WSS. ‘ MICHARL REE. DR. DINKINS,” Leask's Moral Portraits. ad ed 36 years ago, iv a remarkable state of | domly, this is not laborious. To break jar glory, with its myriad beams of light, , dicted ! Nerth Careline. preservation, and performing its functions | up land in this way, yor should com- | MOTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY, | | as it were, dancing to the music of the AVING competent and configential correspon- skool esr Ng gpd - eptpns ' \H well, Who can calculate the amount of | mence in the eentre, and finish on the spheres, well repays all trouble incurred | FROM THE PRESSTTERIAN. denis inthe principal cities and other imporian | pps umpany being bcaied is the Weer partof V ESPECTFULLY offers bie a aa At tel ° pv c ol . f mane jas i " : 8 | rene Ne het, Mice lader saved in this time, compared with | ontside of each bed, the earth being thus in this item of oar survey. And now,| THE BETTER LAND. I espenasclie ys uted ere pei airs ‘tormere-| uote. = pavigieelipe ty the lergew Partine of thesiete | cdg Me a ae ae i : i { . a f : , — inthe West, ‘ evens . / i an open ditch and a turn-row each side?’ thrown from each farrow towards the | nce it is becoming quite cool and rather) * They were strangers and pilgrims on the earth aye me and neg Hels i lceeate te ae fidelity es Ccggaey usar rellnt centrale ube sah 6 } : 7 = * i mer . uy But now they deaure « better country, the; end dwprich IF OFFICE ia C wan's Brgh Raw a 2 } ie as late, we will not wait for Murs to rise, ie ae hoceoadgn tgiecee si b3056 AL Fee pee —— — 19 therefure qunfidegily recommen. | Wanted immediately, I have frequently seen a piece of ground! centre; and at each end, from a ditch s0.cut up by these turn-rows and ditch | yenerally, instead of to it, as is usnal on banks, as to lose thereby more ground ‘the plan of making two half beds instead tha 4ras gained by the operation; wot of a whole one at a time. It was to this to speak of the appearanee acd otlrer dis practice that I attended when I stated advantages, for the land is frequently so that the open ditches frequently cansed ploughed ss to canse an elevation near the earth near them to be elevated, rath- these ditches. Indeod, when they are at! er than depressed, as it ought to be. all admissible, J contend for them on the At the risk of being tedious, I will alse score of economy, if preperly construct- refer to one of the advantages resulting ed; for they require bat littie sulsequem from the effect of getting your land in attention, and will answer a much better these wide beds, of im venves as igguay be — At tive tant Aadaa! Meeting the flowing Officers were clecied fur the ensuing yrar JAMBS SLOAN, President FLOUR! FLOUR esi 5.000 BARRELS FLOUR. CP MENDENHALL. Attormey. PETER ADAMS. See'y and Tremmarer WISH ww parehaee FIVE THOUSAND BAR ora © PETER ADAMS, Bee'ry RELS FLOUR, (or whet I will pay ihe higher WwW HCUMMIN ab 7 MICHAEL BROWN bE rN ae Moy 10, (843. | At the Silver Hill WOOD AND COAL.” WM. LEAVENWO: : Silver Hi. Cet 1, 1655. ona but postpone oar view of him ull about the first of April, when he will be in op position to the syn, aod exhibit a ronad disk for our imspection. He wal) then rise carer, and be in a more favorable position for observation. After a cow fortable night's rest, If yoa rise frum bed about six u’clock, you will tind the splans did Venus an hoar and a quarter high in the eastern heavens, and the unvon’salen Jer creecemt about three hoor heigl. Fis platiet wAt Le visible fn the nfotning till The goiden orbs that gem the shy Wish every beaming ray, Proctstm as on their course ibey By, * They soun mest pase awsy.” The liith flowers that lift their head, And ia the reph) ra wave, Beture the circling year hee sped, po er ewe TO THE FAR , Of Iredett County,’ \ gags T cavine ofiuerenre vor! é a! 1W The waeemtgued bees cnet the Righ« for Iredell County, and ane mots Beet of Sts \revdhe, and are prepared to 7 queetity of plows on vere shart eatige. actoring the Inu Plow ot their Shep, tow Orders edéreamed to them ot Amny Hi, will, mathet pnee Per 15, 9955. er oS Oa ———— | : 1 ‘OWAN'S TRI eae WEEKLY vecatGo ae een Of Four Horse Post Coaches, — " 1f20+9 ~s howe May blussom o'er ay grave The cavw, whose fecey robes ealuid Cold Winters icy beeost, Shell spaskie er (bee earihly mould When | bare gone to ret FRIEND OF THE HUCMAN FAMILY And | ebell then forguiten be; PArpose. The obstrnetions falling into an | termed, aad to as to pase off an ecafion. the middle of July ; soon after, that, i Ryn a . pr dolichery to Wurgenton, vie Stateovillc and eurrtaixe prom . ; > ve q . : Newinn way cy promptly sttraded in Specimens ens be teew atl. a opee diteb will frequently thaw op the | very speedily SS Li pearly He A peemar waghs of wermury— Leaves Salisbory on Monda:, Wednesday and Fri DISEASED MIDNEY 5, wouet ang of the ctnene in. oeen? of o , : a y " shail Pairs A h f PP | rs - , « hee water, and cause it te ooze throng! th: In supercedes, to some extent, the at uthe. : Ace alt, when | = day et To'ebeh, A MW. and crrives at Worgeatuo Stone in the Bladder and Kidneys, Weak JA8.& RO MePRELY, MN % u bestowed 80 hy at io nett morming to breakfest; and leaves Mergents-n 0 5 Aprivaé, 1066. a pee. adjacent facil ineteed ¢ Seat @vxit fenitl ( Wankin ata aving sestowed 60 much attention on Lasmingied wih my parent dust, pitt A Tae Een oe ness of the Loins, he K WoOU ai, nee o raseing « ’ etuple €o o lilies’ © sanking oO same deve ait arrives in “ellefer “ de te e y a ee ot ee ? 2 2 1 ¥ : é 1, these phenomena as to gain & fair idea of Aa though | as'er had bares, = Ny peine ue etpe ory ener : Thisivvalasble med conte as the Dewe! MR BR ADBURY'S NEW Marshall, gentle percolation throngh the ditch. 1) freshet Good management generally io we will leave the subject for the Life's oweeiest tive and plewsures most make thie one nf the met cumburtable and expeditines tte! 10 Mochrie Campbell's. 10 Ire) ef RE pr afm % an of course ouly alluding to sacl situa. | consists in the adaptation of a parucular . Forever cress ow exrift sage vende 9 1be Ma:e pig apa Chechate , at Leverty G LEE BOOK. ' 5 present, and at another time, for another C8 BROWN , Contractor " n Ba'om ;, ved at the Caruioa Watches Uf CE NEW YORK GLER ANP cHoRge tions sa allow them: but where rou can sfstein to the peculiar circumstances OT fesaon, we may be able to give them an ss Dope foreietie a happier land, Bafistery Jane 21. 158 ue “3 seamed havieg red ote copa oh BOOK, by Wn Mf Respargy, de pow speedy. . ‘ td hie ere ies % og em eee = ri nerehip «~ ne 8 vere - blind them ap to their fomntain, it wonld each case or position, other look and observe other pecaliarities wie eA nee ts y . 1 with ma F Comas i ey meeranatgnd | faire Yoh mthcord fort eomge, . oe ; ; ; se ik ni See ill cana ete be ee re we » sainted band wan otton Facter) fabled ian ary No mee ments Cam perme, watbe srieetind it he mast be surprising to many persons to see | 1 do not mean to condemn, under all spac pears beet frome th Padi = 10a y We lweed on len wide here a \ faracch'e expoly by aN we prea ‘e mypiret ont: One mach running water can Le nve circumstances, the attempts to bank out ethene, . maa de Sl Oe . , y " Cor eathug « i i ikelavac advanced singing clawen Price e ‘ pit coed Ly cus mo ‘ sees : ere te survey oceastunally the leuvens Faith's prereing «ye be) ved the tomb I OR SAL E. ore FD ACSTIN O1 2% = where r a Dreverus inet distan( shore, = ie +46 s Ths bo’ whe ered tq conta © amoana rd Ve teresting ted popular matiet than way the 4 HE owners of the atoee wolanble parperty of chrongh them. The Fervery freshets, particularly you can save ygbove ms well as the earth beneath their The human ere wae olviensty pet — Where clustering joys mmonal blum, mat ar} F tar Bale chbonge ae one side by exposing thesther, and rege. feet W. P. ELLIOTT, ne _ seenreial works of he clam BF They can be constructed by placing To tade ? } rear t P Sanaa) i tae re designed to be furever duwn-cast > Eade 048 Ge mw mere, chisery 28 & pow rimmir, -r thee @ey be iether’ b t : two long poles side by side in the vn lating yourcrops accardingly. But Id & Boden Post ae Canes . ; oh the amactnmety eyeratcly im We te ewlt pmreRieete | Late of Worth & Ejleat, Fayeurville, N.C. Speen copes pent by mail. pest peid, ow ntgpipt of the ditct Sit x re = 4 . j : man iC here friendvhip's bunds, whtreherme ditime The machinery i aflin gamd order A levee pert « : of tee ei dt pres & eeth ewel (etaetion the ditch, and hy breaking the joint on mean to bazard the epinren that more t pe cme * nai Le “" ¢ tw Piles a: : ) le prrmacence endare, Lim entire y new and uf the must ynprosed hind GENERAL COMMISSION <od-wsin Enbished by MARON BROTHERS, due > shear, Apply wD A Daveor J G New. Vork - And mule repeord in glory Caras on the prem. top by athird one ; or billetawf wood cam 1 ow and labor, and crops, and land have | Of eudiess bias weure or been lost by sach effurts, than have ever been saved by them. Firat trip of the First Locomotive in Ame riea.— Williarn W urta, Esq , of Car- boudale, Pernn., communicates the follow - ing paragraph, clipped from an newspa per, to the Carbondale Transcript. This TERMS will be nde areucmedating lo porchesrre & sled Der 15, 1855 uf 30 Union Male Academy, ard Farminctoa Female Seminary. FORWARDING MERCHANT, \ WIRVELLOES REMEDY, be pat across the two bottom poles ; whiere the outsides from a saw mil a Gbavenient, they answer remarkaljy well to place on the top of these bottem poles No withering change that region koows, Ne teers of wor are found, Ne ier aut to blast the beevenly ame That grows ow Eden's gr oad nm FOR 4 MARVELLOUS AGE! »/' I scarcely know a plantation which can not show more injury than benefit from arayraph confirms the statement eof R Aod thoe shalt rest aith Gd Where the fal] does nut allow sufficient pee , Z att bt j Last tached ada " 7 . A freshct which such banks will gene Lord, Ey , polished in the Poet Jer B i “HI NEXT Semon of theee Sctunde, lor May 1855 vanes . ft depth, it is frequentiy worth the expense - i vie Cnion, a few weeks since i graaiesuiae he I neat Far nt a . . ay s ince, and appa : . (rave Ce neat Farmngior , wif eoenme ace — — rally contret, would dip but Jigle injury pee Le ee ps } By fanh the Sevn.or's words obey, : , oo aah rah 4 » . itly settles the question as te whom be nO. Terumo s apr npg eg barre re mendous Excite ment of a thin plank on these In eae a. T a. : of a0 th ease if fs best t put a little straw, remain gaa is poles allowed gradually to spread over the bn ws the credit of t ve run the firat g y ' ‘gs um edit of having run the fi MARY ough her samaiayte oe tea) Se urerswary ARgOUr THE 7 land, if so prepared as ® nedily to pass it becomoumotive steam engine on the Aim PP P ‘ something of the hind, on the materials, f hil : | eff ta os a P rican continent ~ - . Nias an in pra we Ee Un shea W ‘fern Exte n! I SS ¢ . et ‘ : ile the usual effect is ¢ raw 8 ve : = . - ~ > +. meluding mete §2 E spammer & es wane d A befure the dirt is put on. Any kind Se ane . : ‘ le P The Trial Trip of the Firat Locomo NOWES COTTON HARVESTER cecgrenty.@¢ Wigth-r? QI Nirek Eee « : aslo ° ca s a! ) th » ntil hey ¢ res it 4 ; ? P ‘ F d megher the omator _— epbetance «ill last a long time thue cos the water u , when they do break, lire Major Horano Allen, the 5 The shove machine is one of great ra) son Me hemmeuen. @ be ale ON Se v0 bring devi > 4 x HOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT, Ms } ' . , md ng the Inertumeat. ¢1 . E Aatemevibe nae of eaterding Mev eved ; or if partially decayed will still ai ke the breaking of a mil! dam with a cer of the Ne w York and Ernie Railrvad, ne to the cotton grower. [tis the invete Drewag cock, 5 Board. washing end figine ma I tresinem ia ihe Weet, as we! os ore --~* rae ios heeecesladi . . ‘re sudden and violent carrent, sweeping int w apeec le taade duriag the recent feeG tien of Mr. George \ lowe, of Clea bad omrement to beth Metwute, af goed houses, for Heras Bled wrthed informing rir nemer ae The Grand Euterest Remedy. « » _. atevenif the epe ; , val occasion, gave the following account mil. ane t! sult af cei per remmsth and patranaihet they are now tees at r ration bhoeid be i: fectl ry every thing before it, and leaving de ot ie ¢ 5 : cing account land, and ie the r pee . Ir Fe > le 0 addrees either of the Prip. "Plratid smirk of iving 8) fe FC Fe ee a] a we imperfectiy pert rped ’ : ft the first trip made by a locomutive on vationand experiments in the cott fie eect Ba me ah é . ve 7 the loss would probably not be eo gr struction m its train. Stl) there are cir this continent By this invention r. Howe has a eg +2 ae 2-8) be RE WY MADE ( LOTHING. terns pl tq ogee, Iniensapes tp hough as the saving in ditch Lanks. t : natances under which it canandoogig, “When wasit! Who was itl And yliehed a result which. in iuportamee, “To A ew Cloths, Casstmeres, Vesting, amd Gem- coos: u-n sor pare boclpdonaum moe mens : omen aS mr 6 ” . r } rd 77 . , “-. - Pe Sree | . 1 . 1 i who awakened its energies and directed! inst rank with the great improvewer | SAU THERN LIT RiRY MOWEGER * . toes This hosting Ofhrment far mare souiitp veneeuumee Lard be.—e calculation regninng some judg °” me; but in the general, I would it. movements! It was inthe year 1828, Whitney antes Ptah ode tlemen’s Furnishing Goods nay bom mw Beaks parted the Wctng bed, Cartanp J “ Fis = . : year =". y- : 5 . oe Ps gerous Inver compluints, that catdet be resdiad ment, as crery thing elso dues—and my prefer to spend the money, f it should on the banks of the Lackawaxen at the Harvesting the crop is the cotton grow F( Rk | HE XY KE VR 1856. Dette, a af whieh wit he mt mt shertfny St A \ Le required. in preparing the land, so cvmmeneement of the Railrvad eonnect- ers yreatest difficulty rvest ft TWENTE-SEC OND VOLt bow Ale, 4 eplended etoekh of LATS end CAPS Prpcpeias, Sell Rheem aad chief object is to excite the exercise of i prey sg ’ : Se : , ¥ 1 t #-SEC ONT OLUME stesteete Deel tobe ome ord, bot eal end senery Gua ’ ne tl y ; that judgment, alread . that if overflown, the wates will not re 1° the Canal of the Delaware and Hod. his crisis of lglie forthe years The! If tg the Pemep Cano! Ane Terme Soon jourerives ee pe aah Oe Rn cy Ae j8g , Siread¢ possesec:| be nN Ane ; Vf ; en ¢ anal Company with their cual wines of cotem ita flehl du wt gil fipen v SOC THUERN LITERACY WES JNO A. WEIRWAN & PRICE, overt per . aes neem Ong mer ot hall of the recommendations enforecd air : ew : be oetasional fresiets and he who addresses you was the on- open atonce, bat cont Sei e teetalinte SF ‘ > mim by enrrm: ates ; Merchant Tators . me ofintns fs indanenee Soe sees In connection with this subject [will ™ will overleap exsery precaution , ly person on that locomotive. The cir- Angwat 1 and dJannar¢ 1 , omect oe Seem - ao: amit dll pe 1AbS wie i poe obi THEE . ~~ er 1. curnstances which led to my being alune at hneeter_eathe bollaovenani ! : : Féfer to a practice net nuw new in this Rus amy events 19 eA to make the on the engine, were these: Ther al had Bats : } ss the : or t} eee 7 e TRE PRESSTTE RIAN , \ al pros r ngye . alia : me prvad had ure expoecd to the washer, they must in g Sere Lem. Sore Breasts, Wenwde ‘ believe it is adoy oncae ision IT snggest he'l ) . section, as | re it is ad ypted by moat | ‘ been boilt in the summer, the structure pick Jt often times happens that the . A RELIGIONS §=PAMILY NEWAPAPER, Some of ~ = ihe rer gmome con nr , ' Ey } = . 1s farmers where the cireumstances alls But Lam overleaping the litmits wi h was of hemlock timber, and raileof larg: sy ply of labor fa teholly inadequate to’ Yew PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY ow Mf tity womhet id Otntmant. ohen be o cove 2b se Ce ne ee ee TTT designed for myself, having been im dimentione notched vm cape placed far sears the ery even thonigh every arall: mere oy yl oti al eas Sakae ¥s . “ gt vin ' o ye ‘ * d « ae u “ for corn. &c.. and ¢ ee ; relled by a desire to discharge a claim | apart. The timber had cracked and warp alse hand is minetered into service tel Ae td “ coder poy he dy a ; and to. sulss eds 40 ! ; ; A ; ed from exposure to the sun. After about This improvement enables one field see cobime (ihe twonty-math) will begin Janee< ashe Foret aes , pc feet ke we 1 ; k you hase on every farmer, and oy og fred f heer t ’ Pr-w'sar Inatitutions of the Soutvern States. ry dat. LBS6. whch wil) be @ favarstehe tome for aut vin’. sheabelar pabihieg, pone Ws 7 ang err SSO, BV Or Fev ere st MA AYS ore particularly every subscriber, for a irce hundred feet of straight line the hand to pick more cofton than five t ‘Ta(thes ofler wil ail be Ocemed: aad eM br) See oon satan la see copra r bedded np Letween the sane water fur) cotmmmtnication or spouse ouliicet mreceiit acd a the Lackawaxen Creek, on cight hands by the old method, and the promp: to repel ameralie open th Senth, whether Aeceareegetd Pparesd on cegen of the Prockytonse Pies and idiot A. ’ ; ) f } t trestle work aboot 30 feet bigh with wit! Ine of thi : they co ander the pp-amnus garb af Bevem, «or 7 Loerie ech ytersn wamirre Gmngm te tab. | These and other shelter Mntheasag oe eT, alee ae pr wisich if is nore ble t equ < 4 1 ith valee of this invention to the producers Pp res ge rm, th pond - rows, Wien thas wide they never , rehome » FEGUTS 8 Carve of 330 to 4U0 feet radius. The of the great Sonthe af p ap; | Greet form of ab-shevery pemphiris. Al thie erty serie-re perevn from sil eveagelival dennewwetnen—) (AL io, Le hoy - B eome t eure 5 Z m withuut subseriling the proper nase of the great Sonthern staple may be esti- oy laos wide ter ae mer SWiats Nu efberte are spored to make @ in ell reaperts « fem sree load - ‘00 i sy Ayer we iby EDWING BOOTIT Dpression was very i's ne ral that this mated, when it is congidered that the av-, tore ae th mat pdent weepme of eaeh, the Moe o— prarmch The most dieting wished writers in the _ a? 06 By pass off the eurplis water intyt!icse . - rot. moneter wonld either break down erage American cotton crop is valned at) (here prople el rarely wt withhed ther emoourage Mncersbestiryg taanarpn pecticomeaia ae re e-deman, cad te Both the Oint t and Pile wz4 ferrows. The rows for thi are | Nttuway, Dee. 2uth, 1855 the road or it would leave the track at two hnndred and fifty millions of dollars on re ee whege emn it shell be lo amhe ig ss ad aes oakes ape pinoy reg ee uth the Ointinent an should be . 4 I 3 a ivan ie ; - es peeve: ; ‘ere | ‘ . ' ofl ecrees thane ede a ae t irve, and plange inte the creek Another advantage belonging to this he a ala = S ssiviclira.puecctia tae and Landen correepmdents being genthemen whee | waed in the follorveing canta, : See MIAT IS GOING ON OVERIIEAD My reydy to such appreisensions wasthat improvement is, that it leaves the cotton der et Reviews Hisvrient & Bzraphical skeich:s page are latbone ny beth heaiepheres. Lie eiete of Ponts Lembag» fore Loge Peeled ; aware ] SRITE. : : cadens ote ealavwn eultivation breaks the ground mnelin it was too late ty consider the probab in better condition than that picked by » Cerys, Perms, Criisees. une Laos ake? pple pitt — 35 bor Leh Abate Sat hea Hines nd ee eee are thorgeghly ; and when Leddel ap for Mescvus —Tiis planet may be scen 'Y of such oceurrences, there was nv otty hand . Navy, and uther Natlonal 1 10 theie spprreiesion of We. metite peetegceor tigers Fees, ceases Pry re ~ cecal ¥2 ' i . ry . . Py ° Py ; 3 4 atiom “ winds whet |W istapstiiace Feintiowte weliitennnt farsfeniillicueees - course bat to - : : - = of i re machine is simple in its strncture, . With @ viet to eftenre & Vurger circulation of the bbatinogtd genta ye ener w i religions | Owes pov ena “4 b> Ta : sfranyve anitnal, which hac yeon brought an not liable to get ont of de he e-@rnger Vrigpe ra, thomgh they intepd gre - = ’ tre & foreige im. | Dicoaree ’ Fi varie : Pry ‘ Zot Om the first of he im ' : & g m order, being t ‘end great- | i otheceee, liter a é 4, Mond at the Manat an U and yeur lau j t et 1 rhe iy ketrnar he | oe here at great expense , bat that it was composed of geering, and an endleaa re by ieaoedind the sre of esd ete Wn eel tedused Ge! ae Bs Lovrapl Lalpapeld etmipettaserytyonnen tof Lae. Rew work wate eeaaae iF foe 1 : oe t é AAS ft ia greatest élonea 7 : ‘ f A erk' 2 ; nee of Subece pion, wineh me now only P 0 chibdera) ble Doaggivts anil Doster of and polverz } yof. nae Firnucl: the re an i os « rae that snore than one should volving chain, the whole weighing less HWREE DOLLARS PER AN IN WANG rb araatcarls, agrievitarel sed d-momie Metives. | Sime sa! i ot viftand wort, poresh ny cael by Hin tips Cnn RRP - Me é i gli the telescope lis ap be involved in its fate: that | would take than ex pounds. AF, ’ oR AUVANCE . aes Ee gicrian has aarnge ue aubeeribere a. °°4 9 cack, eign 1 ardanatot A aire ea) , 4 or four Dellere if wet cleave t : . pare ev i s ’ the water furrow ecrance is thatofabhalfuueon. Le gete the first ride alone, and the fime wonld. Jtis enspended from the right side of wr Dallare sf not paid before the firat July \ntee Hare wf a re aoe Laop-eut peace Oa eres « encore Srenuuenetis Nothing r furry nea rae ee 1 ° . & y year ” ‘ . er settons for t . Aner nencetie en (wit Pama, Oth when T should look back to the in- aperson by astrap, passing over the shoul, ¢peps—Rema in ss a bet iaicac Aco cee Cf iter pam inademes” Aer Macon g | eG MO Gs eons patients in every Alogrdey, Revolu Seas “t Cane etl Ce sialon a ae 1 A 4—Remitiing ut fifieen Dediar o ae = descunabeus wvemee = conse uently 2 avieg a xan t Pee Etec no 7 » yreat interest der, and is kept in motion by means of as ver. will be envied nae Comes. gh iad al 1 ved arosteed Alea fig ents paruieaiarly recmmend. | CS Albri 14 atte ee 1 J ‘ : ‘ ed tn pablinhers and athe: 5° rally from 12 te Js ; meen fe “ AslIp ace dimy hand on the throttle lever or crank operated by the hand or Cie Edsel and Caves! depertinent of the Mew een sReiein pnts mre 5 neteana| ee DR. J. J. sv Knapp, of that dertlet f ; K A : y = valve handle, T was undecided whether fingers. By presenting the tubnlar point "eer en’ miinue andey the eharge if Vhe terms are $2 5) peat annum if paid in ad I AB remind ty hin Offinent Be redfuete; erate, H degve ‘ f tl 1 ' A ‘ Like enus and | woald move slow ly one ith a fair de- to the cotton boll, it is immediately seiad JOHN B. THOMPBON, ExQ, Fance, of B3 parable in mx inentha 1 heelsay' be bappy te meaive profegiounlongder Ind: BC peut « e dnd, ast rows necd ~ fleet traveller presents in uree of apeed, tut believing that the mad ly the ehain and conveved to the hank 4 willlembcaneta rm Cees TERMS TO CLUAS ae = ve his fre ; apts bg : Nothing. ' | t . r 1 onld prove safe: ; £ * , Ad cee e te Poreige ” A ' not Lecome + ius vifon e conrs itiona all the dif. Would prove safe; and preferring, if we site end, where it is freed by means of Ay vers interest re Ph ee ee ee ee ON site wl eee le he foteeil Forres Fane Invalid pee crossing of the | “ Aud this f rentiona ses, from the slender cree dl go duw Is ty gu bandeomely, and with stripper, and de posited ina bag suspend Nanya feuriemty and honestly arowed “ cello at) an ae Z fapelyre dal tr FW OY rnmesity rge all Sanh io wall andj mide aoe id MNiver, of F a , " om o the n . ’ for each row is secured on asnrt ent tr the fall erh, tie apoud in hier Pr 7 any eee at timidite, I atarted od at the betteom The tag ia rapidly, Bedinees depariment ia evederted hy the nn eater cota ec tid peteon why much mani be done _by Muy Gowrt, eine 1 ehelt danke of Conn : ’ is : ; with considerable ve city, paaeed the filled and eiminiel Tae RTC IAL : : dermgned, Wy Wor comme sens of a busnee | Sixteen reper i Ader Gare a om fir a collegtor. . 7 NJ >, wise level and the water ecedit sit is nearly one linndred and ten them curve over the creek safely ay *e a Ls For any inforniation jetnre mnet he nddrreerd of me seek tence is Garike Ae year, 930 bedi Maftebdry, Jan. 2, fase. ade | Pi In | erluilteenit en teufel Wile ; afely,and wasseon in regard to the Harvester, address MACFARLAND, FERGUSON & 060, Palin pcouies e nas ten : vg BIVOR oy ewe Terrier mar Ve avAge, Of charged into these furrows. But on the ; HU UU atthe rate pf eigh- out of pao of the cheers of the vast George A. Howe, the inventor, Cleave- Law Building, Fisuklin atreet whh aw mona eae vpnipntery year, 945 00) REMOV. { VY» Lampkin, old plan of lasing off the ¢ rowe inte te sil and thirty miles a iminnte rake = ve = of n'y or eta land, Obie. — Ohio Farmer i Worn ed) Va. Retre of Adeerfising.— Pig 1s Kae, brie Yneg tiie! ' AL. ' ‘" Ronds Mle you are ont looking at this spark." ’ evereed the valve, and retarnes 75 centay each repeuion of de. 50 - '| FOUN 4. WEIAMAN & PRICE AW Knox, of direction of the leds ; : é ule Ay 1 Stas, : i - -- ARLES * » Deen For § lines v 1 o rT ' i a nic permit mayi be welll talit vonteyves hse accile mt to the place of starting, AS ank hit ; Dr. CH +. POWE pal ras, Arat cngerion, 59 conta: each repetition of do 1¢@ Vou tion gp athrign Moore, of tion, Dhave seen water standing along a dittle and observe a planet of larg having thne made the fest railroad trip “7 aukee editor says that the girls I [rier boreteneeeny lwented In Sallsbery. ete ’ oes Payments for advertioemente ww be made | rr 3 or 11% able ? nerate, T i ‘ obeerve » ‘ rg , ; reape n advante heedtAY copy s diataiumalartit lia ede wicre { - . ' hd co anot of larger by lneomotive on the Western Hernis- Complain that the times are so hard the | fen vender mem se peel verviersiothe pub- — Addreve { seer Kio. ths ao arp anes Wm Bar . nagmetude, with hre honing vuate here. ‘ ; he fice Lewern'> Whe we “ Cae ati A 7 F , g Yuaternion piers, yonnyg men can't pay theie addresses, Saliehury, Ang. 2ith, 1955, 1s WILLIAM &, WARTIEN &@ CO, 8) TR sh yt rry ste tre Nothing, Mo 11t Cheatnat Street, Phiadelyia, | Blank. Wagcants, far sale. Were Patent) He wary MW ite ae rotireT Obi tig ot pi é i ork emte tw! IMaW A rsentd _ z. meee HE S me l t i ft a 53 oe g f= t f, kb : VOL. XIL--NEW SERIES. Devoted to Politics, Hews, and the Family Circe. . J. J. BRUNER, Editor and Proprieter, | of NY; © C Chaffi« | = = == Ohio. Demoerats, § | Nothing. RJ Paine, of N ©, Congressional. | Public Buildings and Grounds. Black Re. | Wasmwartox, Feb. 13, | pubbeans, E Ball, of Obie; L Todd, of Pa, A : t, of S| , © Roberts, of Pa. Democrat, L M Kei Yo the House, Mr. Washburn, (black rep.,) ( Keow Nothing, RG Vurseor, oN C. of Me., offered a resolution for the election of perisel and unfinished Buggers, Black Re- | Chaplain. e ipublieans, A Sabin,of Vt; E Knowlton, of Me. | Mr. Washburn's resolution was adopted ; af- | Democrats, H Warner, of Ga; E 8 Shorter of i ine 8 P , ittees Ala. Kuow Nothing. © Clark, NY. adhe es a | Accounts, Black Republicans, BB Thurs el ounced : ton, of RI; MH Nichols, of Ohio; J Buffing Waysand Means.—Black Republican—L. D. ton, of Mass. Democrat, J Cadwallader, of Pa Campbell, of Obio ; R. Sage, of New York; A.) Know Nothing, JS Carlile, of Va. De Witt, Mass. Democrats—Howell Cobb, of Milcoge. Bleak Republicans, W I Kelecy, Ga; G. W. Jones, of Tenn; (afterwards excused of NY; J TW Woodworth, of HL Democrats. at bis own request ;) J. 8. Phelps, of Mo. Know P 8 Broke of SC: LD Bvane, of Texas. K Nothings—IL, W. Davis, of Md.; J. H. Camp- Nothing, W H Sheed, of Tenn bell, of Pa. Elections. —Black Republicans —J. W ash- Pa; JU Petit,of Ind. Democrat, Wm Aiken burn, Jr, of Me; C.K. Watson, of Ohio, F. EB! op go . Spinner, New York; 8. Colfax, of Ind; J. A . : 7 pony ie a Bingham, of Obio. Demverats—M. Oliver, of r hada : hares : : ee sinh Vike, Mo.; J. Hickman, of Pa. Koow Nothing—W. * CIROUT AL 5 UA UROn, oA. Smith, of Ala. Whig—A. LL Stwepbe Expenditures of State Dearty nt. 7 glad cara ‘ Republicans, RH King, of NY; WS Dain 5 rell, of Mass. Democrats, PS Brooks, of S ( Claims.—Black Republicans —J. R. Giddings rs . of Ohio; Jas. Bisbup, uf N. J: G. G. Dean, of Ss AC Sin th, of Tena; bs Packer, of Pa lad; E. Knowlton, of Me. W.A. Golbert, of | 2 zpenditures of Nary Department. Black New York. Desmoerata—J. G. Jones, of Pa; ci aha KE ¢ ia are i “ 7 : ow " : §. 8. Marshall, of Il erals, beeler, of ‘ right. of Tenn; me os ee TL Harris, of tll, Kuow Nothing, WoL Un Commerce.— lack Republicars — EB. Wash- \ LE burne, of lil; E. Wade. of Olio; J. R. Tyson, OU ®) ; of Pa; G. RK Pelton, of N. York 5 L. B. Comins Erpenditures of Post Ogice Department of Masa Democrate—J. 8. Milleon, of Va; J. Black Republicans, JOU Pont of Ind. Demo McQueen, of S.C. Koow Nothing—L. M. crats, J Wilhams of NYS HC Burnett of Ky Kenoett, of Mo. Know Nothings, LM Cox, of Ky, EG Reade, Poblic Lands.— Black Republicans —H. Ben. 2! N | nett, of N.Y: A. Heelan, of Ohi; 18. Wal Arpendituces of Pablie I ings. Black of Mieh.; 8. Brenton, of Ia: J. Thoring. Be pulieans, AZ Mi Carty of NY. Democrats pala prem Demucrats—H Cobb. of Ga; Ao F McMaltie of Val JA Stewart of Md) K F. Maswell, of Florida, Koow Nothings—J. J Nothings, SF Swuj+, of ROD Trippe, of Lindley, of Mu; F.1D. Catlen. Dol fon Post Office —Biack Republcans—J_O. Nor Espendituresof Trcasury Department. Black toa, of Hl; T. T. Plagter, of New York: T. Co Republicans, HE Wa noot Mich, J 1) Ciaw Day. of Ohio; J. M. Wood, of Me. Democrata sof NJ Democrats Wella, Jr. of Wie —[). Barclay, of Vas VP. 1 Hoof Pa: PT. ZRideeli, of Val Kuow go A K Mar Herbert, of Cal. Koow Nothings—1) Mace, of sha (hy Ind; VP. Walker, of Ata Expenditures of War Dejartment. Black District of Colambia Slack Republicana— Republicans, A HE Cragin, of NTL: J Covode J. Meacham, of Vis Dodd of NOY WoCum. of Pal Demoersts JOU Jewett of Ky Know hack, of lel: J. Uneb, uf Ja: W. Trafton. of Nuthings, WOW Valk, NV: T iivera Tear Mass, Demoerme —- WoO. Goaade, of Vas & W é ng | k Repu ~ WIEK Harre, 4 Ala: HS. Bennett, of Mies POI ey of NOY WS Deemer, of Mase Dem Bell, A Te vas rat, JV Wright Done Jad erarg —Wiack Repubsicans—G ALS Pronto Hilack Ik ans) MID Nichols mins 0 N YV: £. Barbour of Ind 8 (ealbvwny, oof OMe ALT Cray vw NAL. 1 1 blogles, of of Oto: AL Wakeman of N YON Wo Ta \) pan, of NOU [deomernis— J S tC wakie cf Va \\ s_ Feb 16 KR OW. Harris, of Ala Know Notlongs—H ay. Qaate s rs ce Marshall, of Ky, Wo A. Lake, of Mons 2 : Nasal I ivand Mek . Revolatwacry Claims. — Wack Repabdicans i —UD. Ratehor, of Ve. AS. Murray, NY UES IP OPT Te tes J. 1). Claweun, of NJ: A Ho Carcin, oN OUD, of we | wenaloe-cited J. Bunnie, of Oe. Democrats — Wo Smit { severn we wf n Va; W. 1 Englich, of lad; T J. 1) Puller, of tren ha jalt e . " ment res Me.; Jas ©. Allen, of Li ; eee : : Prablee Kependitares VWaek Repablcans— . : . Cann: J. Cuvo fittest h Mix , . eas nit J. Denree, of | Hi Wa wm. of &* . oh wrete—J K (oN NENG Ne ber reinstated \ king of ‘ M Bibou, uf A (ris Lo Dea "rirate Land Clams Woaek Repabreans « ; . VK Bice. af | i 7 stom of, . lowa, 1) FB. Rotiason. of Pal TOR Hrtos : ; no NOY. Demerrete—T PF thew M JM : Sandia flat Yoru Kmoe ¥ : . : Nithing » Porter, of Mo. bk I F, 1 Teun cet \ 7 Manufactures Wak I ~ht k h Jr of Comm. Po Whee of O Np . oA RI, FS Blears of NY 1 . . Mo J. Craelord. of tre, J ob Lhe \ Know Nethings —J 1 Can kK Jae Koecan, of Mu foricalte Black RK \ " Hofloear, of | GA Gre Va Ld , Campbell, ofO EK Meg (NYA . Rakes eV. 1s oo 0) (Ter ° am MOM { Na Rood® N gt D. Cullen, of 1) Mr M 1 * Iediam Affarra Whack j ans -| sade ! . , ge ANY, C Biliaghurt of We BM of Mam; L Tood. of Ia iF I ‘ . Democrata, JL Orr, of S ¢ i a “ of Nre: S Caru . Mo. Kove N g PT Herbert, of (al : . Milstary Affaire, Viack | ne Jobo ., : , “rate « Alimon, of Pa: WER Sapp. of OO hs of Obie: J Baffington, of Mase 0 0 Was Ue k “ barnes, of Wie Democrate Jolin A Qaitinar , iI of Mie: (J Faulkner of Va, J Williams, of ., NY. J W —Renver, of Ua re Militia, Wiaek Repubbeans, J Kank f ay t . 7] . t Pa: JM Parker. of NY RW Wa ( Mess cur te let he w . Demorrate JL Harrison, of «1 At) Wa \ ' : * bine, of Tenn: 1) B Wright. of Me Koow 5 ' : wie Nothiage TR Whitney, NY, HOW Hofhinar g Mi Renia of Md. NG Foster, of (ia ee ben hoehat ' ‘ : fenil Naval Affairs, Black Republicans SP Der 1} ® ' Cat ft son, of Me; S T Stranahan, of NY: T Davia, Senate « ' the nee of Mase, W Nillward, of Pas Deon ais, TS 8 <s ‘ Rocock, of Va; W Winslow, of NOL JTL & f reate @ard, of Gia: WW Boyer, of S ( Know N the law. eo far fror ! h thing, SG Haven, NY their former rank . bes rer Forngn Affaire, Black Tey ne cA tee e InAs a) i v M Pennington, of NJ. OB Matteson, of NY Further debate « . J Sherman, of Olio: AT ngam {Maee, UAay.! ol ; 1 ' ; a i ] BER Thaeston, & RE Pemocra's. T HU Hasty In the Pete ein das of VTL Clingman, of N ¢ Wim Aiken of, : see feeeaye was sas ws KC. Brow Nothing, HM Fuller, of Ta ipchalicic i a en Territories, Black Republicans, GA Grom, 1) 2) Menus CO lechnal —_ A Das J Ro Giddings, of Ohne: SA Parviar : L ravers TL (ite ‘ a of Pay ADP Granger, of NY; JS Moerilloof eqn wo Wirth favickanke Ve, dd Perry of Me. Democrat, WA Rich trdeon, of Hi; G ® Houston, of Ala. Know At Gra é u n the Nothing, F K Zolheoffer, of Tenn question of refer the sy M i ft Revolutionary Pensions, Wack R , 18. President in relate Nets some members CSA lbright, of Olio K Miller GON VY OCU eine tecnter ane portian ait theCou Knapp, ot Mase J Woodruff, of Co Licino: nittenian Territories. a nother | vito the erate, H H Edmoneon, of Va; S M Miller. of Committee on the Judwart It was finally r Ind; B Crmge, of NC; A Wall, of Towa. K. ferred. by a close vote. to the Committee of the Nothing, J Broom, of I'a Whole House, tn which ita bkely to andergo a Tavalid Pensions Pack Republicars, A debate of sewers] week's duration It weasyt Oliver, of NY; J Pike. of NH, WOW Walch, perceive that there w oo war party struggle of Conn; § Dickson, of NY; GR Ro of on this tefrom whieh nvat for the Pr NJ. Demoerata, TB Florence, of Pas J TL sidential election ito be gat | Savage, of Tenn; A G Talbott, of Ky: J Ho Mr. Campbell made an cffore to take up the Lampkin, of Ga. resolution from the Senate appropromiong btteer Ronds and Canals, Wack Republicans, J bundred dollars for furl for tn sutbering oo) : Knos, of Wi: J A Hughston, of NOY; 0 F the cities of Washington and tepru: town Ott Moore, of Ohio; SCO Bradshaw, of Pa. Dem. objection was interposed An odournment Coe nerats, T Raftin, of NC; GW Deck, of Mich» place till Monday Wm Barksdale, of Mise: A Rust, of Ark. K chs Nothing, HD Scott, of Ind A dog ia better company than a oman Patents. Black Republican, E RB Morgan, | whose langnage we do not un lerstand of Mass; JK Ewrie, of Seenes and Sketches from Scuthern| “What is itt who can it be? cried Lleida madres A Night Scene in London sith, ena. —— Under this heading, Dickens gives, in House- jhold Words, the following description of what he witnessed one night outside the Whitechapel | What a scene for the metropolis | “ My child, Oh, my child!” exclaimed | There is no wind but soweth seeds Of a more true aud holy life ; Which burst unlooked for into deeds, With wayside beauty rife. On a low bed, not far frem the fire, lay a bright faced boy about three years old, in a crib near was the baby. “Which is it? Which is it ? Oh God! how @ life-time of anguish can be condensed into a terror of a mo- of the Christian world, and what a commentary |upon the arrogavt assumptions of its pseudo- | | philanthropists, whose charity is wasted upon | imaginary evils in distant lands, while thousands | are starving almost at their very doors: “Light in the homes of the poor !” said a guest to her friend as they walked from | the supper-room into a parlor, where was neither grate nor coal; but in their place “Qn the 6th of last November. [. the con-| ductor of this Journal, accompanied by a friend well known to the public, accidentally strayed It was a miserable evening ; | very dark, very muddy, and raining hard. There are many woeful sights in that part of London, | and it bas been well known to me in most of | its aspects for many years. jthe mud and rain, slowly walking along and jlooking about us, when we found ourselves, at eight o'clock, before the workhouse. against the wall of the workhouse, in the dark street, on the muddy pavement stones, with the | rain raining upoo them, were five bundles of They were motionless, and bad no resem blance to the humana form. What could it bef cious ones were unbaort; but the child who followed, or “tended,” the oldest boy, a little negro girl about seven years old, Those little pre- au old fashioned wood fire, lighted up, and made brilliant by the most resinous The fire sparkled, and into Whitechapel. crackled as if to offer thein a welcome ; . and the many colored lights with which was fearfully enveloped by flames. saan tana tal Ved lcalied oat area lad 1 stood there uttering no sound, as if to un- it shone, made those of the candles quite We had forgotten dim and pale beside then. coil her deadly foe. “What beautiful lights these pine fires “Oh save her! save her!” make for the poor throughout our coun- There were but few who at that awful ' and what blessings to those who moment, thought of danger in catching without them would at this hour be left vloou, and darkness !” shrank from her almost deadly contact. Five great beehives “Don't chill her with water, smother dead bodies taken out of graves, tied neck and heels, and covered with * Blessings indeed they are; [often re covered with rays ; to remember that our poor have the fire,” said a kind old gentleman. 2 ! Et D ‘ : stat red es dgire he "8" would have looked like those five bundles these cheerful iights with so little trouble And he, that grey-haired grandsire —the upon which the rain rained down in the public old soldier, who, in times past had stood “ Some miserable peo for the poor, they lv before the cannon’s mouth ; (Mr. Dickens then describes bis inquires in the He found that the women were shut ir lightwood both light and ho in his younger days had passed How bright and pleasant the old perils, and adventures ; servant's rooms whose arm was still stroug and his cour ook, when they are swept ‘ use dvor, and touched 1 No moveynents re- age and presence of mind etill unfailing, pled, [gently shook it } The rags began tu be placed about with true negro taste, pine fire casting its glow overall, gilding brashing them down man of three or four and twenty, as I should icir vlase treasures." is artus and hands, sneceeded after Judge. gaunt with want, and fou! with dirt, but si said I, stooping down, “why are you lying he sufferer from her nto the workhouse ngsupply, and at sin: and had no curiosity , pee ! M2 A le looked drearmiy att What delight they all, asa race ld, honey,” replied the '™ cream ylowiny colors and kened and disfigured, Lut “They have warm . bere last cight, an p> told me sb lucked from the barning. *® bere last cight and she wld me she cor uine admiration for what thev consid no more of her.” he, ‘master took m«¢ ast night, but have ful, and that comprises a wide bad something to Nothing but such | | word of sympathy ! 1 was qu ckly turned into a denly a shriek whieh chilled the nerves of wonld faney he saw How often might un thee to tarn from this rest f less, wearisome reptile life, and soar up we Psyche wings, Faith and them was reflected npon the white wall ht, that looked to her like ¢ ancing up and down, ar vr breakfast cake eel oe ‘ ; any men who do no or even to look at wha their faces till they are mar- sour cream, in the absence o Not to keep you in suspense, we tle butter, i that part of the sex who {ditto « LA little molasses improves it. ntinued to utter shriek after shriek, until every member of t housebold had hastened to the fearful spat \ ) ' GAULEY RIVER. BY THOMAS DUNN ENGLisH. The waters of Gauley, Wild waters and brown, Through the hill-bounded valley, Sweep Onward and down ; Over rocks, over shallows, Th shaded ravines, Where beautiful hallows Wild, varying scenes ; Where the tulip-tree scatters Its blessome in Spring, And the bank sw Spatters With foam its swift wing ; Where the dun deer is stooping To drink from the spray, And the fish eagle swooping Bears down on his prey— Brown waters of Gauley, ‘That sweep past the shore— Dark watersof Gauley That move evermore. Brown waters of Gauley, At eve on your tide, My log canoe slowly And careless I guide. The world and its troubles I leave on the shore, I seck the the wild torrent And shout to its roar. The pike glides before me In impulse of fear, In dread. of the mutmwa That speaks of the spear— Dread lord of these watere He fears lest I be A rubber rapacious And cruel as he He w off to his eddy, In wait for his prey, He is off to his ambush And there let him stay Brown waters of Gaoley, Impatient ye ghde, Po seck the Kanawha, And nix with its ude— Pasi hillmde and meadow, Past cliff and morass, Recerving the tribute Of streame as ye pass. Ye heed not the being Who floats on your breast, Too earnest your hurry, Too feree your uarest His, bis a duty As plain as your own ; Bat he feels a duliness Yq never have known He pauses in action, He famts and gives o'er; Brown waters of Gauley, Ye move evermore Bry ters of Gauley, My fingers I lave In the foam that hes scattered Upon your brown wave From sunlight to shadow To shadow more dark "Neath the low beading barches I guide my rude bark Throagh the shallows whose brawling Falls fall on my ear Through the sharp, moesy masses, My vessel I steer. Wheat care I for honors The world might bestow — What care I for guid With its clare and its gtow, The world and its troubles I leave on the shore Of the waters of Gauley, That move evermore oe Trust For Daily Bread. Ilalf the world are listress aboot their tem poral support. Society is full of men whe are disheartened by watt of success, and by fear of poverty. Their scher rave failed ; disappomt- ment makes them sa! and dejected, and they think that they shall come to want. Bat a pi us man must not yi! to this dispondency, oor ease from exertior Let him sull labour pa weotly, and hope for Leiter days. Though be may not be able to « evond the setting sun, or know how he esha btain bread on the mor row, still let him work on as long as he finds work do, and Gud « rovid The promise is absolute “ Trust in the Lord and do good, so shalt thou dwell in the land, and venly thow shalt be fed Christians are fcriminal ut.belief when they doubt the right and sympathy of God Poor, faint disciples Have they not read that their “ Heavenly Father knoweth that they have need of these things Let them yield up their hearts to a feeling of rfe trust, and they . find a perfect happiness which no wealth can g This sweet confi.lence in (rod takes away all the bitterness of poverty, and converts their ery weakness into Ti-cause of this child ke trust, many of poor of this world, who were nich in faith, like the shepherd of Salisbury Ilain, bave Leen b of men It os instructive to eee how the poor saints are pr jed for Yonder lives a widow who seems have hardiy the necessaries of life. Yet He " feeds the vy g ravens when they ery feed her. (rod raiset frends to belp her He awakens fi ¥ ly reates a feeling of Eindness in mia rts, «o that her bread water donot fa ‘ whe bad along etper nee of hf ‘ T have te young, a now am of ave T not oe the mrbtec rsaken, nor eguing bres. +.- GREAT CURIOSITY The Smithsonian Institute has succeeded in rbtaining for its rary a rare and valuable book, printed in Low Dutch, and published ir Regensberg in 1772. In contains specimens of aper from: almost every species of fibrous ma temal, and ev ar al sulxtances, and has a nnts of the exper nts made in their ma facture. The f Wing Materials were employ ed, and specimens are given in the book Wasps’ nests, sawdust, shavings, moss, sea- weed, hop and grape vines, hemp, mulbernes, aloe leaves, nettles, seeds, ground moss, straw. cab hage stems, turf of peat, silk plant. fir wood, In dian corn, sugar ear eaves, of borse-chetouta, tulips, linden, & This book 1s well worth inspection by those nterested in the art of paper-making, as well as OIL UPON THE WATERS. The London Times is not the British |Government,—to be sure,—but it eo often |gives utterance to British Public Opinion ,on national questions of pressing and mo- |mentous import, that, when it lifts its | voice, people listen as to a “ power behind | the Throne,” which the Trone is not strong jenough to disregard. It is with some gratification, therefore, that we find that journal discussing the points at issue between the British and | American Governments, in respect to the interpretation of the Clayton Bal wer Trea- |ty, in a spirit of fairness and magnanim- jity, which augurs well for such satisfacto- |ry explanations, on the part of Her Maj- esty’s Ministers, as cannot but condace to 'an early and satisfactory settlement of the dispute. “ Let us frankly give up our | questionable right to the Mosquito Proteo- torate, and the Island of Ruatan,”—says the Times,—“ and, by way of delivering ourselves of the whole embarrassment, at jonce and for ever, throw the worthless set- tlement of belize into the bargain.” Itis so seldom that we are enabled, eonscien- tiously, to applaud the sentiments of the Thunderer, in its dealings with the Uni- ted States, that we gladly avail ourselves of the opportanity to acknowledge the frank, manly manner in which it meets this Central American question, with the hope, that its views and opinions will have such an influence in Downing street, as will tend to an early restoration of a good understanding between the two governinents; for two great nations, like Great Britain and the United States, cannot afford to go to war upon any such pretext. Humanity shudders at the thoaght of such a calamity, even if hon- or made it a stern and inevitable necessi- ty,— but Christianity and Civilization, as we!l as Humanity, would revolt at such a war, precipitated -by provocations refer- able siinply to a miserable “ diplomatic misunderstanding.” Whether Her majesty’s Ministers sym- pathize with the Times’ view of the case, or bot,—tbere is at any rate, a magnan- imity about the enunciation of sach sen- timents from that quarter, that is peculiar- ly opportune. It will do good. It is oil on the troubled waters,—a gratefal emol- lient to the international exacerbations, resulting recently from the enlistment af- fair, as well as the angry criminations and recriminations of the press of both countries.” —.V. ]”. Express. ome -— - SPARE THE BIRDS. We used to suppose that crows might be re garded as an exception, bat we see that this be- gins to be doubted. The American Agricultar- st says There is another valuable bird, whieh has fallen into disrepute with many of our farm- ers, We speak of the common crow. Perhaps we are too partial to them. We once reared one of these birds, and a more curious or can- ning creature we never saw. He became a most incorrichle thief, and was never so gay as when he could get hold of a silver spoon or some val- uable article. We used to call bim Jack, a name which he understood and responded to as quick- ly as any child. Tle had a high contempt of hawks, and when he saw one sailing along he would pursue bim, and rising high in the air come duwn upon him with terrible vengeance. Sometimes these excursions we would sing out Jack ' and though high ap, he would wheel around and come sailing down through the air nthe most graceful manner, and alight upoa our shoulder. In haying time be always accom- panied us into the fehl, and amused himself in hanting grasshoppers; and the number he ate ng Afterwards, he would go and was surpr sit on a hbavecock and ai'ow them to “ settle,”’ when be again renewed the war upon this insect tnbe. In a year or two Jack disappeared, bav- og been killed, we suppose, through the enmity 4 some of our neighbors te the crow-kind The great «Hon to crows is that they some young corn: bat this may be easily prever at a trifling expense, and the gool they Jo in our op:mon, infinitely great- er than t ury oe The Bazaars of Damaseas. Let us pass through this old gateway, and we area, whose shattered roof, r wer ig ads of smake, ia support- by mass prer, and there by stately 1 T lin of hammer and anv is al- MoRt a z. and swarthy figures are seen ruagh the gloom sitting on dirty hobs aad round mianiature furnaces. Heaps of the pre- is metals, and ornaments of vanous forms aml chaste designs, are by their side, while dia- monds, emeralds. and rubies glitter in their hands. Pasur } gl this busy scene, we enter an- ther bazaar, no less noisy. Here are scores of arpenters engaged in the manufacture of the PMAMenNtA cs worn universally by the Da- masers “ Observe how they work, all squatting. One is planing a board, holding it with his to "hers are carving pieces of wood, or \olaying thein with silver and mother-of pearl; and while the hands ply the mallet and chisel, the toes do duty as a vice.—Rer. J. L. Porter. Holoway's Ointment and Pills, are a certain Cure for Senrvy — Edward Hope, of Charleston, South Carolina, suffered more than moat people from the scurvy, and the whole of his body was covered with this unsightly eruption, he tried a great number of reputed remedies, but he was the scientific invostigator We are informed not benefited by the same, indeed, it became that the author of the book, Jacob Christian | doubtful to his friends, whether he would ever Schaffer, is an ancestor of Professor Schaffer, one of the chief examiners of the U.S. Patant Of. fice, who is bimself one of the most scientific men in our country. — Wash. Star. Ho ome this disfigurement At length he tried ypways Ointment and Pills, and these medi- cines quickly produced a benefict al change, by continuing with these excellent medicines for jerghe weeks, be was radically eured BANKRUPTCY OF BARNUM. The great Barnum has collapsed, The Na poleon of Humbug has reached his Water|vo. Jerome, the founder of a clock company, is the Wellington or Blucher, who has smashed the columns of this soldier of fortune. The partic ulars of the mournful catastrophe we have already given to our readers, aud they have perhaps scarce ly recovered from: their surprise, ( to beheve that Barnum Jt seer. as impossible has lost his luck as that Jupiter has disappeared from the sky. or Victoria: become a prisvner to the Cone Nevertheless, be has gone to the place from whence be came; his towenus fortune bas toppled over, Tramstan, bis palace, hee passed away like other Eastern palaces, deservined Arabian Noghts, and friend left but Tom 1 news Rarnum grew t aS ho “a rit of whose httle and who is said to be thouse, lo atl! deposed, bke a pe rous help the how cut to wl ve has fallen There seems something of peet stice It the manger an wlach Phineas has come to his } ) Seancial end. He perish The countryman and a clock maker fame of Yankee clock makers is commensurate with: the Linen. But the clock maker who “done” pum will occupy a niche in’ history lnygh abov ell the most woed even of clock pedd Above comm rin clocks he will tower hike Napoleon among solders, or the Kentucky giant among mortals. He wo be known by future ages as the cluck maker who stopper clock of Barnum, and prevented it from ever gain. We think we understand t character of Barnum when we ex} the opt jon that the Joss of tis immense fort “ ieffict po such wound on his feelings as that be bas been outwitted and surpassed ip hambag by another member of the human fam- Wy, and that individual a citizer Connecticut In that State, Barnum has hitherto enjoyed t reputation of being the sharpest “cutest” an smartest “crilier at a trade of @ bargain ever known on the face of the earth. And now have bis bed of laureis pulled from under bom on the very theatre where they have been won is the ankindest cut of all. How he w ach a Low, we can understanding by reading his autobiography, in which the only feeling b shows is that of mortification when he is over reached, and of exultaven » aches others. It is to be hoped that be « take that sam autob ply into bis sulitude, an! cons troubled spint by comm zg himself a he appears m that book, bis greasy stuff. t! guiten gains a cbuckling over some success! caners. Le sbouid also call in Tom I cheer his s, and sumer 1 shades of Joie Ith, t Merniand It Wooly Horse to keep him ar I . besom is capals an ® every twinge © Vn f re fle s tewk bal ben ca 4 Nimerncan y 2 ' to questionable expedient 1 the @nal chayter of tiie history os t a im bas book It - mora ” ‘ f any ewe t * se . becomes of r Wf Jack 2 swung of Ps man ( lw story « pr k ferd any arn ber k mano-r Ita * must L » “a {a J meng . r ana at sha an {# . wever ava an s chajter « . Pa (act more @ = a h z “ li spe az a ® Hun Lazy He is : z Wier) ] - gue be cls Now au : . " a . i . ° R 4 ¢ ml . 2 . and a * 4 . . . h « s " orn a ja al as tw - {1s : Viata . . ij } vl Bars » t eX ' J t t ‘ at 1 t 1 ' La fa * a ’ \ tridve & ( Macauia ‘ ‘ 4 i of a grea ' M v A qt { “ 4 ry yout ot fare ome We Py ' 4 u From the Richmond Whig. NORTHERN SOCIETY. Close observers haye frequently remarked that | the society of the hireling States of the North The re The insti is in danger of lapsing into barbarism, is no balance wheel to the structure. tution of marriage, asually esteemed sacred among christian and civilized people, is already fallen into disrepute with a large portion of the population, and the intellectual clasges lead the assault upon it, Books, periodicals and news papers, are devoted to f decrying it, and preaching the dominion of the senees. Even women engage actively in the crusade Miss Murray who has written a beok upon Amer ican manners, in speaking of the Mormons, ex ney of North has already gone presses the opinion that the tends ern society is to polygamy. It very far in that) Cirection—and she is rather a narrator of a feet accomplished, Wan a prophet vf a tact to come Of course, the Dilie is as n the way of these people; ar tecord ily set about to batter it dow l lowing article from the New York Horald wil uh means which they propose empl end \ New Tsriper Coxvestios,— pAb li toonists Boldla Displayer Cloven Hoot We find the following eall tor an out-and tidel ex Garrison's 1 nvention, in number ot WORLD'S BIBLE CONVENTION, Ww. ndersigned, desiruus of promoting the improvement of our race, and believing that the divine authority of the B } greatest hindrances to its improve « rine of s one of the ment—and believing further, that this doctrine vas no foundation in truth, and that a fair and thorough investivation would lead to its speedy an ral abandonment, invite all, in wl ve part of the world they may dwell, who f un Viterest in tl 8 matter, to meet usin New York 0 May neat. and to adopt such measures as may be calculated to spread through the world what may appear to be the truth on this jinport ut alley s livine au rity of the Biblelas fara \ thle, be examined the order on wheeh thes ntl Works Most. ay wious der ations at f t ASA aby scales Sy ' .w ward speakeTs as Va ‘ * bal ‘ rect eXpos undoa us very bia » t eecu rdera » \ ' Lthat all whe cor ‘ aKING sy 1 ~CHSSIOD W | “ 7 to t f Arra 1 so aNVines ‘ ‘ with suita sas wacter ab : sa ts va v hu *s ely Ans ‘ sow Ales herr debeya 1 * “ . the f : “ “ sa . * J Ka seein) \ I ‘ } I New Vor Tue MM I BNE ak, Tos Fe M “ JM 1 Ther wf ‘ aca ” . f I \ i} . . ‘ t J 4 t T } * \ sr eq " ala “ ft \ - . remeert 2 r } I . « \ ~ _ var ~ \ \ | SALISBURY. N. C. | TUESDAY EVENING, FEB. 26, 1856. | TERMS OF THIS PAPER $2.00 CASH, The steamer Etna has arrived at this} Carolina Watchman, -ATEsTB ARRIVAL OF THE E port from Havre. the latter port to the 8th, but no English papers. Y TELEGRAPH _—,~ Harirax, Feb. 23. She brings dates from | The confidence In peace is increasing in France. DEATH OF THOMAS L. It is our mournful duty to, record the death of Mr. of the xnd most respected citizens of our Town, who, cOWAN. Thomas L. Cowan, one oldest after a painful illness of many days, expired at 12 o'clock He had ning bealth for several years ; Jast night. been in decli- indeed he had lived beyond the age allotted to man on earth, and exhausted nature, even in the absence of disease, pointed with unmistakable significance to the lengthened shadow of life. That the de ceased understood and appreciated his condition, is well known, He stood awaiting the summon, tS and when it came he was ready. He is gone. Is place in our community is vacant. His venerable person shall never again be seen, either as a man of God in the temple of the Lord on earth, or as a successful man of Lusi It is believed that Prussia would | lin advance of all the rest was a young Austrian | not be admitted to the conferences. Nothing has been heard of the Pacific. oo THE AMERICAN CONVE ‘TION, A © Puirapenrnia. Feb. 23. The American Convention has nomina- day erners t» leave. wee ted a Presidential candidate. slavery delegation from Pennsylvania has been admitted, which caused many South- A split is anticipated The anti- NEW YORK MARKET. New York, Feb. Sales of cotton to-day 1,000 bales ket firm. Flour languid ow mar Southern $8.87. ness in the marts Corn 171: “As wave follows wave and Juyes ¢ << "Tracks in its sands are seen no more WHOLESALE PRICES CURRENT So T: nits sweep each minute felle Winwisctos Fes. 23 A victim that echos its passing belle. Bacos, per Ib., Mama, N.C. 124 215; Sides, 10 & ea ore 12). Shoulders, 10012, Hog Roaud, 10 a 11; Lard, Bishop Atkinson's Appointments. N.c bois, 114 5 Kegs. 13 March 6th, evening, Le Cons. per beshel, 74 xington th and 9th, Salisbury Peas, black eye per bushel, 100 al 129; Cow, 10th, Monday, St. Andrew's, Rowan county Rice, per Ib, Clean, 54 12th, Wednesday, Mocksville Burter, per lb, 20 l4th, Friday, Mills’ settlement, [redeli eounty - . 1 00: F 16th, Sunday befure Easter, Cunst’s Chureh, Voce pe ribhl 7 be) Ucuue supe! Ge bie hi Rowan 7 Crose, 4 Qist, Good Frday, Lincolat Corree, per lb, St. Domingo, 12 a 124; Rio, 11} Faster Sunday, Char Lesa 26th, Wade =borvugh S : "i “3 Sccar rib. F I gads tain Motas Cuba, 41 a 43 ~ ai | wr < " ' r r LT They igi aus sch Brandy, +0 a 90; Apple rcknowledgen ‘ Foleo Wt ! 2 On 60 50 a 100; Rectified, 4m a” r st a tA;n ra a y Norfolk Oysters, all f A at, and se ( ’ Fyad} vered | Ne Galata sssure t Vans ot ' ) , —- Fearneas, perib, §) a 45 r r h re ‘ A exA w a whitw R MAR ar Reser FLOUR MARKET Noarore, Va., Feb 2 mol oo ; I f10g a 109) Batra e450 94 7 0” 1 ¢ i . ‘ * ss \ és S-s4 i t e ‘ € wt \ -- G la a LUMBIA MARKET s folk lI ‘ Fe alee wf ko2.N71 be m4 A chince ow : De i Ba 1m ! = e ar w“ t He stir =) wv A \ . 4 rt ’ ( * V ‘ Z ‘ . t 8 ry art a 2 ~ , . Pevc—t oa 5 / / 4 t - 7 wd i 1 y sed a] it 1 ‘ On . . . a baw We t ess | the sqnea and whistles ‘ = We F , . S a was 4 We @-4 0 O c WA ( . &9 ey, ra ¢ “>. flow t ont ' I _ \ s I K It wa * ive y \ t A : H t 5 ™ ] 3 I : l ) Bil ] \ It it 4 7 \ - - ’ \ i cos ‘¥ ( I { ee. ' k % ! J ‘ 2+ t AW ( 4 WA i ; () ‘ | f 4 ! &)~ r . 1 1 rea ’ t arresd, J ad f \ Os ar a en ts at A are our business men, and others, to Mr. | Burr’s Card in this issue. The “ Wil- |milngton Herald” is @ capital paper, as all know who have tried it. | = > _ | MR. FILLMORE, A corres; ondent of the Philadelphia Ledger, writing from Leghorn, says: “The only person who was permitted to land officer, some nineteen or twenty years old; the other passengers, AMON whom were our most excellent ex-President Fillmore and the Duke of Montpensier, (son of the late King of the Freneh, and a capital, handsome fellow, withal,) had to stay on board of an exceedingly filthy steamer until the police were satisfied that hone of the strangers brought into port were likely to give the State danger or trouble. The pass-ports, bv. the by, must be handed to the captain of each steam- erat the time of you taking your berth, and are returned by him during the voyage, so as. to hand them to the police officer as soon as you enter the port. ‘The police officer then comes on board and counts off the passengers like sheep, to sce whether their number corresponds to the number of passports handed to him. For the first time in iny life, a real filibuster feeling came over me, and I] felt as if LT could throw the offi- cer overboard, when the ex President of her from Che fate of the Ttalian republics) walk past the petty L saw our republic (may God preserve officer of the absolute power of a petty State, in obedienee to bis brutal mandate. The Dake of Montpensier fo and T could bot help whispering to bun in Eaghsh, that he realized himself that) America Englaod were the only two free countries in the world wed with a smile, probabley and “Nothing, indeed ean exceed the unostenta tious carriage and stinpheity of the American ex-President on his whole Journey throagh Eu He yoos and sees everything, vet nobods rope finds out who be ia, and what clevated station he oceupicd until he is gone. Tn Paris, whi et the Tote ¢ ourre, the landle lever knew his stuntil some Americans had it red for ex President Fillmore: and the same thing o« curred in Marseiles, Nizza, Genoa aod Leghorn When the peopk armed who le was, tl was considerable cupressment to serve damn, butt forded them no opportunity. Living in the simplest manner, and exacting nothing that as t a! wotl Pmostunpretending and unas ming vy ly leaven yw reur 1 V cannot show him son t ns some attention cor with . icon Mr. Billieore bast I and. Fra Prussia A awn Tualy. a " have s } | be l Sta He ha . ' ' La Vw r { a atid will rete ( . vt ze ofthe F wey « fi / , on” he ba end abron oe A CHINESE BOY AT No LK (pe Dusha w are aN k ] wo owerk, f ‘ a, has ’ n ( ey lal Fi4 “ soca \ . fierht “ low rns ats a ae of th I “ . ks sD a : A \ 2 . “ ' e \ \ \ . a ‘ ore | \ ‘ } l 1 - . wis A MAYOK ASS Kl Ip u \ I» goaeeh M \ z VV J oy \ } ate that t “ " } ' if 1 (#) nm. kil 8 ] V I ( J t Lok M « c ar t r Thief af as { Bee j Niel best « f f ak ar water cannot Ie (2 We would call the attention of | From the Petersbarg Exprers. |HORRID AFFAIR—UNTIMELY END OF CAPT. GEO, NEWSOM. | A gentleman in this city, has kindly favored ue with the following particulars of a bloody tragedy that occurred at Jerusalem, Southamp- Vv | ton, on Friday last, the 16th inst. | the deed, at a party or ball given at Jerusalem, | Capt. George Newsom, a highly esteemed and respected citizen, and late the Representative of his county in the State Legislature, gave some offence to a young lady, which a relative of hers, a young medical student under the instruction of Dr. Parker of that place, named Calhoun Bar- ret, resented by telling him not to speak to her again, or if he did he (B.) would shoot him.— swaomn, being somewhat intoxieated, afterwards asked the young lady to dance with him, upon! which Barret shot at him, the ball passing thro’ suine part of his coat. Newsom then left, and sent word to Barret that he must prepare to die fur he intended to shoot him. On the next day Barret saw Newsom coming along the road in a buggy, with a double bar- relled gun, a blag man driving for bim., When N ewsom perceived him, he raised the gun as if to fire, but Barret being provided with a gon, fired first, the contents striking N. sumewhere about the breast, causing him to fall forward over the spatter board. Bo then advanced and discharged the second barrel into the head of Newsom, killing bin almost immediately. ome A SAD INCIDENT friend writes us, that “on Friday, Ist inst, John Vanhook, a respectable and bard working oitgn of Franklin, Macow County, came to hia! death jo & tnanner that is suggestive of the un certainty of all earthly things, He was out at work in the morning. On coming to dinner, his little son was thought to be worse of scarlet fe ver, and Mr. Vanhook came to the village for the Doctor. He was as hvely and social as we hadever seen lin. Butalas! in one short beour the news was brought back, that in attempting c hft a log on the wagon for fire-wood, be s! pelup. lis forebead fell ona littie stam) t goon his bead, and he was horribly n gied Surgical and was called in, and hindnes did all that could be dope, but it was of no ava Ile was hauled house. and a eater 6 woh, PM be breathed bis last. Hoe abort fe and Ww one rtar Mr. Va k ca f Orang y was living ul cae ' ir ' t ~ { ) Fron ‘ r \ Lee MYSTERIOUS DISCOVERY ( Alleghany Val) } t gary Vil BLE ) \ t 2 Jar y le ms A a we ate yor Central Ra . apty Mr adie Nee t ‘ -n ood they H Z 3 . ’ yrs ‘ 7 ] 1. . aod s f fr ‘ ‘ 8 ® I . ' f - Z a k 1 ‘ ’ ! x a pock k y \ z sar ron tite for $e (hiterarete , f “ “ ft and Bn , | hia t k mt “ wr { ’ f ‘ , 4 1s ‘ ’ t x f | net ' ; I wots A prya to J A " . a ! wlintowas Hansharger Survey, on th werend of « unty Som f r peoy Ree Ave « len of the man, and think, that at wa t hit t that he was wed; but " wd person with a notion fl wn and as case has had but a short neideration, lw write you again, when the case and circumstances shape. as Thave no doubt ther will GoO.E On the night previous to the perpetration of | From the Wilmingtom Herald. | Kossuth and the Poor of Washington.—W ¢ ‘had almost forgutten this miserable’ humbug, Kossuth, who travelled through this eumutry. al. | most with regal bonors, was invited to a seat in | the Senate, when the same privilege was denied r own great men; aod who finally left our ; shores with other people's money, lining his | pockets, abd under the assumed name of ‘Sunith,’ | And, we only refer to him now, as it were, “to point a moral and adorn a tale.” The other day, in the House of Representatives, a propo- jsition came up to relieve the poor in the Dis- trict of Columbia by voting an appropriation of #1,500 for that purpose. Immediately the thing was found, by various members, (by the way, Mr. Biggs, our Senator, voted aguinst the proposition, or a similar one in the Senate,) w be against the Constitution, and, and the my as- ure was killed. Mr. Campbell, of Obio, remem. ‘bering the Kossuth mania, and pereeiving the | difference between a foreign humbug and the native neceasitous poor, read the following docu- We have published it before, but thiuk it well enongh to publish it again: Extract from a speech in 1862, of the Hon. Mr, Jones, member o the House, from Tenn. “Now, sir, here in a bill paid to Messrs. Brown, hotel keepers of this city, for Loais Kossuth and hia suite, of $4,566 32. For that, 1 never in- tend knowingly to vote, direetly or indirectly, “Sevenat Vorces.—Read the items. ment in the House, “Mr. Joxes.—Tie items are as follows + “To board foe Governor Kossuth and suite, having tea parlors and twenty wwo chambers, thirteen and a half days—twenty-three pet. sur, $3,888 00 SUNDETES. “Champagne, sherry, mnndeira, cigars, letponade, bar bill, washing, medi- cinea, post-office stamps, porterage and memengers, hack hire paid at different: times, telegraphs, brandy suger, 1nd whiskey in coum, porter , barber's bill — and ale, enveloy amounting to 658 62 “Dill for carnage engaged fur Gover hor and suite, 319 50 £4566 32 sa Lill for twenty three persons during La half days, amounting, 1 believe, some BIA por day for each pereon Then, sir, | have bere a till farnished by the keeper of the National Hotel, at which Kossuth a his suite etupped om their return here from South, when they were upon their own ex pees, [ be hewe there were then six persons, stopped at the Natiwoal Hotel abont four ‘ atid their Gell wae being €3,08 per sy for em I ». when they were paying rown expenses, and sumething over 614 per as for h person, when this goveroment was paying ther expenses.” Ie bohl the difkereace! “eortain geaotlemen pay ball, did not hhe to vote $1500 for the poor of Washington and George eh The poor of Washington and rgrtown bave mo wole in the popular elee- t Germa Hungarians, and foreign atura ! ns have Is any wonder that the American party * js r eramtence ? —_-- AFFAIRS IN KANSAS M W Drew ech sent in the Senate r ca fren that bemly fe tefuemma " * relation to affairs Ka Mr 1 apok bfence ff t ef I ao! Mr Wilson eaprese . . t © satin | ° e . Ie m ber ast ere ems . ape a general civil war . was fire wow | Shia Ita : hk , ‘ te» parts e e lr ot that the . . oe ” mpbyed for Tivewe f ee could at . Janger af . . foot pr . : ary Le gelatur (kK e under the ve . ' ' b ‘ f wert l « f saary, re ures to eu) preee thie buddy . . ) b it been . to th Sct The Wast . fa purce with in . . to the Sen ! t noe wer tom m . They the e . nakon the sab I ° ‘ 1 . las t Nay, bg ] me gentleman “reapectfolly L the ted States be \ € We trot that . 8 . tase from « . k warcand that all partes ’ Territory, will le emo . . ' Mme tone t e t e and l as appears from these documents, ‘ nite | Samper and May fr SHV requires it, we conti al fr Neeraity eill occur, , wealia . n Kansas the same : ang prompenty «hoch exmte ip vy of Nebraska.” The 7 t Second Resides the “Inde Lal (omacd { lial-igh. wilo aie io be inr0 2 st. the Junior Volunteers have in ile G rhors of Vir aand North Car 1, the Mayors of Raleuh and Goldsboroosh, al pr ent entizens of both towns to hear fet honor of the Anniversary of Wash- gh Ihe military parade will be one of the | gand animating that hae been ox ty for some tim The Juniors Lthe Old Port Band for the ox Vorpolk Herald A LAMENTARLE OCCURRENCE Hulsboro’ NC. Feb. 40.—On Saturday Morr ny th st, Mixa Nancy Sinith, residing “ r mother, a wihlow lady, in Alamance nity, came to ber death in a most shocking ner, A lady ina neighboring family was taken suddenly all, and Mra. Smith left: in baste to visit her, nut taking even her bonnet, leavieg her daughter, who was subject to fite, was taken Cis supposed, with one of them, and falling into the fire, the flames communicated from her lothes to the house, and all were consamed. The mother, bw this distressing calamity, has not on y le n!| that she had, bot suffers the excrucia- ling anguish caused by the shocking and melan honly death of her daughter, — Recorder, yor of argue wit ject durin Te could assist him surance C sent of fiv for havin; ignorance Immigre dy strean Western | recently land to L tlerscomi forms the many as | long trair all bound CHASTIS! The Pan nounces th States slooy Bontwell, f and gives t her eruise : “The U this port in to inquire i elties comm Edands, ani der of aeve ing in the | “ The ob savages der harsh meas ams deemec ligations to manner tha and which, member. “ Duriag the Fejee yg 0k place | Polynesia, | ways Victor ~ Five of all the boa: “We les ratified bets Vite or Th half of the lars of whic “ The ve has reealted storing the siding there The Feje D'acifie Oe entire grow sisty five of baostern and west side « 048 spacious: central apac the Goro & large size, | 1 Sandal. f the rem { the cowardice 7 y ther mong t! towns of th strong pa | . hb are | y's who @pells Jarno. View fF nile yoves an “ cl t rifle. It l'ast, of ‘Ie ies nded an discharye Ata late | ' sin t Ke sat to be pat. A Peta On Friday wett prese Ant Columbia fern “to deelin United St vee whic bers of the the [ Appear ¢ x Withdraw: The pre red to the ¢ A felloy to know v milk that He said | three or fi siderably ¢ ton. Wg humbug, viitry al- ) & seat in as denied y left our lining his f ‘Sinith, were, “to The other a Ppropo- a the Dis- wiation of ately the *, (by the guinst the snate,) w the mx as- », remem. iving the y and the ing docu. ished it vwblish it Hon. Mr, Tenn. s. Brown, ssuth and never in- ireetly. .. pws i ind suite, chambers, fee per 3,888 00 658 62 319 50 4566 32 vs during bx heve, od by the Kossuth vere from Own ex persons, mt four 3.08 per we paying O14 per nent was itl men r to vote | George rfon and ular elee- 1 foreign an party ™ nate toforina It now amation crm, th organ betlee to pectfolly ‘iates be rust that from ef J partes le ome t e uments, an! May cook Il ocr ar, he same cums ia “ Tode » be by re have Li wth Car boron, rh, lowne fo f Wash- ve of the been ei ty Morr residing lamanet hocking nily was in baste leaving ws taken, ling into om her ved. The ) not on ‘xcrucia- | melan r, A MORTAT. SIN, That Romanisin on this continent is used A One of the suporstitions of. France is, that a fire ki ndled by lighting cannot be extingnished, and he who attempts to ex- Sagwish it will die within the year. The Mayor of a conutry village lately had to argue with his constituents on. the sub-\ commenced stirring up an excitement by ect during the confl tion of a barn.— | promulyating a aon Jouve whieh he de- fe could only prevail upon ten: men {0 | siguated as an unpardonable gin. He iu- assist him in pouring on water, The f0-| F.0d his flock at crane Company nerd malas wr | Cat sactars in thincunty (Can ; ; : a) Who do not use their electoral power for having arisen above the prejudices of | ie ory ae ae an * ignorance and an inadequate education. | man can donbt, It has been, bnt a few days since the Ramish Bishop of Toronto ears |the sacrifices necessary to secure such |schoole, or sending their children to mix- Jed schools, Moreover, the confessor who would give absolution to sueh parents, Immigration continues to pour in astea- dy stream into Texas, and especially inte Western Texas. Cul, J.B. Orain, who has beara parerned athe pga gir eel ielectors, or legislators, as support mixed ‘deal la rely eosaighiog: He ea heey would be guilty of mortal sin.” forms the Herald that he enumerated as |) J oer e ae should certainly awa many as five thousand slaves on the read, | en tl ie minds of the American long trains of wagons and inany families, people he ‘8 ant w atchfuluves overa my 8- li bound (oF tie West. tem w rich makes religion a medium a ‘ through which the political institutions ——— es —— of our country are endangered or as CHASTISEMENT OF THE FEJEE ISLAND- sailed, ERS, Notwithstanding the strong protesta tions of the Catholic clergy to the contra- ; ‘ a ry, there is no use in attempting to smooth nes f the United (Poo itd tes now the arrival at Aspinwall of the United the thing over with duplicity, for the States sloop of war Juhkn Adams, Commander above extri.e: forcibly establishes ‘he truth Bontwell, from the Fejee Islands, via Valparaiso, of the imputation, that Popery does seek and gives the following interesting particulars of to become a political institution. We her cruise : hope the foregoing exhortation will meet “The United States ship John Adams left tie eye of Mr. Chandler, of Pennsylva- The Panama “Star” of the 5th instant an- this port in July last, boand to the Fejee Islands nia, and Mr. Brownson, and Ex-Bishop to inquire inte and seek reparation for many cru- Ives, and Mr. McGee, of the Celt, and elties committed by the natives inhabiting other Mr. Lynch, of the Irish American, and Edands, aud to demand indemnity for the plun- bis Grace, the Most Reverend Arclibish der of several American ships trading aud fish op Hughes, and their political allies and ing in the Fejvean archipelago. co-partners at Albany and Washington, “The obstinate and refractory nature of these the Black Republicans. savages demanding the exercise of vigorous and harsh measures, the commander of the Jubn Ad- ams deemed it expedient to teach them their vb- ligations to the haman race, and did so in a mauper that made some iinpression upon them, and which, it is to be hoped, they will long re- member, “During the eruising of the Joha Adams ia Romanisur never seeks tu exert an infla- the Fejee group of islands fivesharp engagements ence at the ballot-box, its friends and tok place between her crew and the cannibals of apologists tell us but facts like these * Cathole elec tors, who do not use their electoral pow: erin behalf of separate schools, are guil ty of mortal sin.” Remember that. And a6 Re manisi is infallible, ane hangeable, and all that, what is good doctrive in Tu ronto is equally good in th 6 country. Polynesia, in which Amereiean valor ways al- should make them blush for shane. ways victorious. Springt ld ( Misa) Ameer ~ Five of their largest towne were burnt aud all the houses therein reduced to ashes. FORELGNISM “ We learo that an important treaty has been ratibed between Commander Bont well and Ta A correspondoat from Dullalu writes as f Vite of Thokamtaa, the King of Frye, on be lows half of the Ame lars of which bave not trans;Ared “The visit of thie ship tothe Fejee Islands has resalted in the re-«stablishing order and re can Govern’ Wt, the part ' A . Urcfl2d * There have bern several cases of stabbing cutting, aud alashur yg. of date, and Tans eorry t say heeVery Instat they leas been cont lo feeigner. The storing the cunfidence of Amencan citizens re j eetis Go ALSS UML Al ae ae a al dappeus, © ely every peolee offi siding there Ais Cat eae: } Tite The Fejee Islands frm a group in the South den. for ign contr [Gen Dacifie Ocean, enst of the New Hebrides, The one baif the population or for entire group comprises altogether 154 islands, 'Y *° 8 forengy-comtrodied ; sixty Ove of which are inhabited. They are the 2°°™ e 1 1} Te ee 5 J wherever t H ' yiestearnew aw bestern eed Asaw groupe the fatter forming the thse you will f re . : t fo west side of the archipelago are Numer = | a last -wia atat (thongs nousd 008 spacious outlets of parsages to and fromm the tru central space, ewclosed im the group, known as the Goro Sea Teo of the islands only are of 7 FUROBAL NOVICE. o lane) comuaseted: ta give @atiee (hat " large size, namely, Tit, Levu, and Paoo (Maou) “Mr Pease L Cowes. will ate place ‘ Theredey mire St bis. late’ rocker r Hie ie Saedaleoed Iolande! Among the others may ssvectotcnus cll tue lomily’ are ecquctous Le mentioned Vana, Kantaton, Ovalau, [anor Ambow, Muthuata, and (ro ome the VARIED thers thowgh emaller, are papules They each On Thareday the Lich inet by Chares Ro Jones ben Me JAMES MW ALBEA Me RACHEL contain from 3,000 to 19 O04 atutante Most WaRir Ali ul Iredell county f the remainder are mere ink t« Th . texte of these blank are a bartaroes anil car DIED age race, remarkable fur er ¢, a t, and Z In 4 Bee cen he Mr PE co@ardice Haman sactifoes are fr juntos TOK PAUSE glee ber of bee mong them, and cann:talem I é . " > and « © we de . towns of the wlandse are asually f& fied wit pe ; 0 depetie Com stromg pallmades, am! have bot two rancre which are gates, the pewar heing so na “ome ey ae ; Notice to persons who have been work- adn ' al a 1 a AAAS a ane ing in the Rowan Factory. ] | AVING « ' . Fae = “-- . Lf . c - le : ts 1% I! ‘ ea ! A ow \\ a s Andrew Jack t «& é v ' oo. e I New Firearm —The New York endent of the Provid ec 1 SOLOMON STE ygoses an account f anet fire t rifle. It has been patented by J. W Se ON ee Ne THE WILMINGTON HERALD ast, of New York city | " : : “Tt ie a repeating fle, wl 7 nded and discharged thirty tines 1 4 ; ron nute It is very ta conve t } aa bat one diecla r tower wried clown ripe PETS OOK, « i receives acorn « ‘ ‘ Haligteachicnn? ae rire e 4 Wie. “ ler and percussion for ] . ] . . ° act of cocking the ece aces a la . ieieeecla oad 1 see gary ie HUMPHREY, ise ged in the inest raped s ‘ ' aie k Ata late trial the gun wa . uryed ter sets Sah Ah org 7 times in ten seconde Dive ball ie wliaye ‘ : dncre WW like thatof the M rflevand the gun it 4 < . 1 selfiacaleniated aswell for long distances + asrapid firing. Wath the use of tiis yun, a Pye . , . new era will open apen the ters of BSLUY STALEY. sha the western prairies It it lias ‘ ' vinent to folle a butfalo for aw Fi ' ra) day t tasecond shot at hi how - wildering innet betheecitement of « ' ing thirty oat of a herd bef they have tine to atic out of their tracks I ~ hav been patented in Bahan tad Fra : {ye and both Governments have ordered theo in to be pat on trial.” é “> Rijn A Petition to Diaeslee the Cavin VE RERN REPORE THE PURETO T On Friday inthe Olio ley slature Mr J II rig ok eee ete i wett presented amenrorial tromt Wes " tern Anti-Slavery Asacciation of Selina ellen ® ( tumbrana r nnty, prays wthe Llons i ee (ot ee ' pita . “to decline entering into the election of fe es rJo&P WERONEY United States Senator: to 4 ned the Salisbury. N ¢ lawe whieh regulate the election of mein t urs 2f ~ i bers of the House of Representatives of i r , | * | . fhe United States and electors for Presi : | ; je .: y 1 sae 4 4 4i went, to pres de for an amendment of the constitati of Olin ( shal e PTO LIT. ? 1} . : comatitation of Olin which shall te MINSTRELS AND BURLESQUE peal the Teh wee. of the Poth article, and forbid all State officers to take an oath te OPERA TROUPE, Support the constitution of the United COMPRISING ¢ Phir Fae States; with anch other measures as may ( pearin thee p " Appear expedient to effect the peaceful Ruresqice on the H t \ ' Withdrawal of O! ne the Rodural: Wns ct ye tear ian Wahler ee ee 7s ‘drawal of Olio from the Pedera 1 ope cen erialintia und (ntiteecnn erruien . lor RoW. WELSON, Ager The presentation of this position gave February 26, 185¢ " Nise to a wari debate, but not amember cane expressed hitnself in’ faver of its sent SS Nao ments, and many oljjecti m to its exces CUM MING AY ST} RON, I ton atall, It was, however finally reter MM red to the committee on Federal Relatons co ETestor. o- - ) A fellow remarked that he would like Forwarding Merchants, to know what there was about mush and milk that could bloat a man up. so seen WILMINGTON, N. ¢ He said he never could eat incre than Partentar attention pod to etling loan. ( ! ° ° . three or four quarts withont feeling con Cotton, and all kinds prodoce 1y39 sj lerably swollen, Qnite'stonishin.’ Feb, 1856 8 & political institution, no reasonable jmortal sin. Likewise parents not making | Claseice, Drury Lacy, 2. D Hoo Joho MLM beough; FOE Shc bury IREDELL COUNTY. — IN EQUITY, February the 18th, 1856. | Jacob Fraley ond others against Lawrence Hudsow and Thomas T’. Hudson. ORIGINAL BILL. | ET appearing to my satisfaction that Thomas T, Hudson, one of the defendants in the atove named suit, resides beyond the limits of this State; It is or- | dered that publication be made for the space of six weeks in the Carolina Watehman, notifying him to} be held for the county of Iredell, at the C thi ta the Bull filed by the plaintiffs ag ment fp onferm will be enterec agai Atoffice iu Statesville, this 18th day of February, | | A. D. 1856. | W. P. CALDWELL, C. & M. E. Printers’ fee $5 50 6w39 MOCKSVILLE MALE ACADEMY. | qt next session of this Pnatitation will commence on Wedoesday the 20th of February, inst, The they may desire TERMS: ° Primary Department per ses.ion of 5 months, §8 00 | 12.00 | 1500 COMM Higher Engleh Beanghes, JNO. B. GRETTER, A. B. Beb. 15, 1456 39 REFERENCES, President and Facalty of the University; Rev President of Davidson College; J, Hou. Joho M. Dick, Greens soer, Esq., J. F. Bell, Eeq, Salis- Pk MARKETS. Salisbury, N.C, February 26. ‘* Mixed, No.1, 10al1 Apples (dened 75 do. Green, Bide Do Pure. bhai Bacon 124 Molasses, Cuba, vO Beeswax, Qu * N.Orleaus, (0 a75 Beet 5146 Nails, tals Butter, 124615 do. Wrought, 124 @ 15 Caudies, Tallow, 25 do. Horse Shivc 25 d Adamant, 33435 Oats 30@ 00 d Sperm, 45a 50 Oy Cottee, Koo sald Linseed, P gal a $1 25 d Java IGaln Ta peal WO alts Castings po 41g 5 Pott st gl do. Malable 124 16 15 ) tt ~ Rays pb 3 a malt Posack R2 750 &3 20 2 OO du} bushe #100 15400 Sheetings, Brown, 4-4 9 VO all) Shot, p bag @2.25 90 See 0 55 Clov bush #1 4 4 Meal abd Flaxseed > nehens 2.014001) Suger, Brow Iba 124 ‘ = mall Lave 124 her 3 Crushed Ivana ) wy Bega Clantied Oal2s xe 6 Tallow ing Kh 4a 4g To ntine, fegalrs ti 0 t Ref 4 Wheat e1 2. ‘ “ o o fia Window Glass, § box 1 104 194 710 $ ! . jan 104 42 #2 taed fir Whit ‘ ds Dry Goods, Boots and SITUATION WANTED. A ae. who received bie ed a strate oe T r He m= neatly fies 1 aut the Greek A - WAS . Sal xt N ¢ “A BCUE EB CA AND NEW GOODS. Mills, Moose & Co. Dy » . Kh .« f h « M nee pea Nn wer r ne Pieoe 1 yr Shoes, Plank Road Stage Line. Th WEEAL} PROW SALEM to FAYETTEVILLE, S. ( LEXVES SSCkEM M “ . . } * -~ AM |p PNGERS may os ul Boat : . t 1 ET &€IW CLEMWONS I ‘ ( WeCAULEV'S HISTORY OF ENGLAND. ST RECEIVED I 1 1 t V eof ‘ «Ils t H ENNISS, Re THOWAS E. BROWN, Carriage, Buggy and Sulky Builder. i ars ¥ BAY NALISNURY, N.C. AEB. Oe sae — a | Bese " tw : w “ Li Yate BR C i; Bee i" : ' Ou | & A Hie LIVERY STABLE Mah oa ane SOLB PRINTING Veastly crecuted at tris Ojftec. SILL & SILL, Draggists aod Chemists : opposite Mansion Hotel, SALISBURY, N. ESPECTFULLY announce that they are now receiving and offering a large aud entirely (reeh SUAS Y The Factory Buildings AND ALL THE MACHINERY appear at the next Term of our Coart of Equity, to Connected therewith, and eight seres of Loud more | DRUGR, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS, VARNISHES, BRUSHES, PERFUMERY, FANCY AND MISCELLANEOUS | ARTICLES, dc. ‘all which have been very recently selected by one of { the firm, with great care, and scrupulous regard lo genuineness and purity They deem it unnecessary to say, that it shall be | their constant aim, as heretofore, to merit a continu- j ance of Uhat patronage which has been so liberally ex- | tended to them—for which, and the generov | thy so generally manifested for them, on the cecasion of their late misfurtane by fire, they beg to express their profound and heartfelt gratiinde Salsbury, N.C., Janaury 22, 1856. PETER W. HINTON, | COMMISSION TOWN POINT, tafourroetdus, ourt Hoyse | or less, adjoining the buildings belonging to the Cov- | in Statesville, ou the 6th Monday afier the 4th Mon. | eord Manufacturing Comp: j day in February, instant, to plead, answer or demur |lic sale on Thursday, the 27th of March next, ou the or judg- | premises. y, will be exposed to pub- TERMS :—Bonds with approved personal security and Mortgage on the Property, on a credit of one, two aad three years, with interest from date. By order of the S'ockholders lle eh LE | from @5 to $10, according \c JAMES HORAH, WATCH-MAKER AND JEWELER, SALISBURY, N.C, school is now in a very flourishing coudiion. and the |(Ome deer below BR. & A. Murphy’s Store,) subscriber will ose bis utmost endeavors to keep it so und to sustain the reputation which it has heretofore | MERCHANT, PS constantly on hand a large assortment of | WATCHES and JEWELRY of all kinds. | Clocks, Watches and Jewelry of every description, | repaired in the best maoner and ou the most reasona- | Bpecial attention paid to Selling Tobacco, Flour, Grain, Cotton, Naval Stores | &c. Also, to Receiving and Forwarding E. NYE HUTCHISON, <a MERCHANT, Charlotte, N. C., will sell on Commission Cotton, Corn, Flour, Wheat, and all CSCOUNTRY KYPRODUCE RESTON, AND NEW YORK Plummer, Esq, Warrenton, N ( DISSOLUTION. TTLHE COPARTNERSHIP heretofure existing an- der the firm of Jeukius, Roberts & Co, ¢ business of said firm IN CHAKLOTTE, CHAR Liberal Advances made on Co Ure Traore noes e J. UH Jenkins, Esq, Salebury ; Geo. W. Willams VA Munt, Lexington; Robert Souter, Eeq., New York solved by mutual consent. will be settled by J. HW. Jeukine » December 19th, 1655 To the Free Voters of Iredell County. North Carolina. are authorized by the last ALL DEBTS dae J in & Roberts, aud Jenkins to meet at the school house of vour Distrers on the let Satardey in + the 3d Monday in April “2 Bc ua us oe Ba MoNeely, Mock & Gaither ] | ee tenes f old SOR TMENT OF Goods for the Winter, Office Western N.C. R. R. Company. SALISBURY, WN. C. VHF eahecnber having toher Oice R.A G. Railroad Company, Raleigh & Gaston R. Road. BOOKS. DISSOLUTION, SALISBURY FrMALE ACADEMY. 20 Buggies and Carriages STEADY PROGRESS Raleigh & Gaston Railroad. Raleigh A Gaston R. R. Office, DiIBwBLE " < with « Cntvin &. Dibble. \ 1 fe Nar & BUNCE. Jonathan B. Munce, Late Rinst N ¢ cee : ~ Commission Merchants . In Cotton, Flour, Grain, Naval Stores, 1380 Front Strect, IJUBIVF I ANDREW BAGG AREY en eee ry | NEW GASH STORE, | (TTHE subscribers, having taken the old stand lately H aecupied by Kennedy & Mills, one door above the | Hardware Store, take this method of annoancing to | the ei of Salisbury and sur ding cauntry, that | they are now receiving, direct from New York and | Philadelphia, a very large and well sclected mock of \ HY should Somme go North to wy FALL & WINTER GOODS, ‘Southern Indust their ploughs and machinery when they can get ax good and more sabstantial articles #t home Ladies’ and Gentlemen's Dress Goods, at Northern prices, thereby saving the price of trans- 77 i . a y° ° portation. ‘I'hat the public may not be deceived, and Cloaks, Muntillas, Tulmas, Silks, plain to save many inquiries that L have tw answer, | here- and figured, Satins, French and Eng- with append a list of prices of the principal articies . . that I manafacrare wxh Merinos, Alpaccas, Delanes, Circular Saw mills with 48 to 50 inch sawe, 24) Poplins, Plaids, Muslins and feet carriages, 48 feet ways, all complete. $375 to } - x ’ i $100; Cilendrical Straw Cutters, 12 ineh 73 box, $30 Prints, Broad-cloth, Doe-akin 15 inch do, 40 ; Folding Harrows, 813 ; Calovators, 85 to $6; Threshing Machiaes with 4 or 6 horse . é = power, $175 to $200, @ very superior article. Pioughs \ anetts, Velvets, Kerse Ys, e and workmanship. | J All kinds of repairing of muchinery done at short ne- | 6ans, re, such as Engi ak de. Bendin your orders} : fav iiveching tathiace ted horte-powers variy, ast} = REAGY-Made Clothing, ouly intend making them W order. All work warrant- Black ribb'd Faney Beaver and Drab ed. My furnace is etillin successful opers tion and can and Funcy Cassimeres, Sat- \farnish castings of any description, and where the, Over-coata, Superfine black Cloth Dress patterns are fuund at short lee: HOU PRON Coats, Black Ribb'd. do., Tweed do., Davidson co., N.C., Fev. 5, 1 56. 61036 Faney Plush and Fine Velvet es | Vests, Fancy Cassimere and » yO = Kite | sade ie a ~ = Cae a \ Tweed Pants, Shirts, Plain LL persons indebted to us are respectfully called | and Fancy Knit Shirts, 4X upen to pay up by the 15th of February neat, a» : we must have money, and longer indalzence will not | and Drawers, be en. ‘The faili te hy th th urtice | v = [may expectisclewthavuder | ~— BOOTS AND SHOES, We have on hand a large !t of Ready-made Clcth- | ji aes ~ . ing, Blankets, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, aed | Men's Gulf and Kip Boots, Common do., , Men's Calf Brogans, Goat do., En- CARPETING, | ameled Congress do., Women’s Kid which we will sell eheaper than ever in order to close | . . *y : oul our winter Btoek | Excersiors, Enameled do., Oxford We return our thanks for the liberal patronage re- | Gaiters, Lasting fig'd. do., Miss- ceived, aud bupe to merit an inercuse | “ ve 4 | es Enameled do., AM L88ES 8. RICHWINE & HARRISON | ’ Jannarv ®. 1856 2n32 heele d Boots, Child's Shoes. ‘ | In addition to the above, we have a large and varied stock of Hats. Caps, Bonnets, &e., Ribbons, Lace, Edging. Inserting, Fringe, Hosiery, Gloves, Kid, Silk, .Oonmnonm ’ YAY Lasle Thread, Worsted, &c. Also, a quantity of IS SUFFICIENT. shectings, Yarn, Osoeburge, Tickings, de. Segar, — | Coffee, Spices, Dye-Staffs, Cheese, Mackarel, No. 1, goed many Accounts over twelve 2, & 3. Together with every thing asually kept in fing, and would ke to have them | retail stores, which we offer low for cash, ur at short closed. All perssus iuteresied will please attend to | eredit he sane tariediatel Dol sneer Persons visting Sulisbary will find it to their inte- R. & A. MURPHY rest to call and examine our Stuck, as we are deter- Saliebary, Feb 5, 1s56 Sunb6 mined to oll y All binds uf Produce taken in Exchange. Dissolution of Copartnership. J. Vv. & S. SYMONS, & CO. Salisbory, N.C., Deeember 4. 1855. 4 ule portner-hip heretocwe extering ander the ne ani» JD Beowo & Lemy, isthe lav dine cone All pees indeb } \f ite said Pictu. will tod their ones aud a ants at withe business tu be cused at as carly a day os ps 5 a t “VIG weWw ee "ALEXIS BRAGG & WARREN, ey, . Wa teMLY. — Mamufactacers and Wholesale Dealers Selisbury 1, 1K56 p'd3n37 a a faverable terms, an anasual y adanted to the North Carvlina _NBW ARRANGEMIENT BOOTS, & SHOES, ( FFER for vanety. es J. D. Brown & J. M. Coffia, rade cousstiog wo part of ANING bhoveht oat) DlBnieala Canicciher |: veh oa eal , I | oe e DRY GOODS BUSINESS Men's thet Kop, Cotf, Goat and enamell-d Brogens, : “ “ Sef . J iand, No. 3, Gra su gy. ander th f ie f Brown de Cth lus ‘ t Pees . . 7 . Bevgane, ‘ soe ok os . a “ “s ss : Rewne, me J Sells Yihs " “ . Brogans, VAN GOODS, : ; mes -* 3a oe aa | > Alan, Women's and Misses and children’s Bute and — ; we : > ote Nowe Shue eCevery desenpoon, all of which eit be fur- Ready Made ( beng, Boota, Shova, ie { wires as required, at the lowest market prices ita, Capa, Bom A, r., Ue: «he sud warrantied Huta, Caps, B: ta, of t ( « ar va Mr MoA Banca demres to express his thanks to ists nae ; ae sy F ( Nooh Caroiiaa for ther very liberal nereand pu . “ . d BROWN & COFFIN patronage during the past ars, and respect- ’ "6 fully seers @ oom @anece - Mr. A.M. Carter of North Carul will be happy A f Gorda ha weare tome his frends as above regurdi-se of erst forthe cash Those December Im, 1855 3m30 “ had better e . TOWN & COFFIN b. wel for oule, QLOAKS|CLOAKS! A Book for Every Methodist pote 1 } Ftc Rev ( « F Deems. DD Do ¢ Tamas “ THIS NEW Work EMBRACES THE STA MICHAEL BROWN ace d . r . oO 7th, 1833 23. S here MW Ue See VESUVIUS ie ee SRA Ok \ 5 fo | Peo ( Xll . it teeter ela aan ae : : oa bs} = IV Pereonal % : \ Bishop A | Jad ALLL ‘ d 8 <i sted property. mimated ea ihe Sale \vioM f Bet ( o | Red. ob 10 goles Bost of Lincolnton, vii M AVILL Appeodis . tate of thormagh tepair, ' “ > 4. by the andermgued propne- , . ° win fall best, ‘urning of all peitene os ST ON WAR ey ner ° > ‘ ¢ to All ofl erder beth by the Office NV. €. Rail Road Company. . TPs Cy (ibe aaa aie aa Sais Waa ’ > tie 4 fgve eites hen to all pereoms who A F. SREVARD, North Carolina Rail Road. eT pelo Janaars 29, $856 Ie 6 [JN cou Aree" spate Oe NORTH CAROLINA, “I ASHE COUNTY ee a TINOEOUCLT YS i. " ' Vavid W St. phen Thomas, Wiley P Thomas . : (s Wo Reaves, against Sanort E Me hee A aQ ( * 1 Noah Daniel, sane Wag- ' fivihans: SNe John Castle. John B. I . M ‘ Mu Thomas Ray, end Larkin R ‘ WH FAS Dp Worth ephen Thomas. \ F Wo Reaves. hath filed cy Samuel Fo McQueen BA \ D Tere Wagoner, M ' ro. ‘ J BOWiler, Wilam \ Mi 1 f Lorkin R And upon inte ~ ‘ ” h eed Sam ! } ap) t Noch Da Tavne } \ ' ‘ are adente nonify the sad ( \ ' Q I Noah Dame, i" 1, Wogoner, to he and h dt emrt of Equa A i A ve Coan Howse h s \ M e 4th Mon S : here to plead. an b herwi-e judgment po . ? kena ». and a deereenders NEW BOOkS. , aT. if ‘ ’ 1 xe “ « Jawiery ~56 ‘ E . GEORGE BOVER.C. ME Mest ' 1 i r & fw We Wa Coe Petes boo + Ss De OB ARLE3T. POWE a « . rm) Nit ] I inz psrmanent!s located im Salisbary. respeet- J ‘1 fally “ sional eervicen io ihe pubs yr Cow Broek Row shury. Aug 27 “35 a4 SW. WENTBROONS, ry eo TPES MEDCINES, DYES ees GEASS, EE, \ Derr, | [ow A ( Nex qs \ . . g <pong sales ‘ « I Trees, & * ¥ bd b ; D hanis, and buyers generally will find meen eee 0 s rashoonabee Pee: Potatoes and Molasses. ©: | tes ie nhac hall he +4 + et “ vr i i, : ; . " i elle 10) Barrels Noo) Misbamme« Join BANKER & CO Jastr Cire No boo th Id etreet, Salebury, Feb. 12 3 MALTS. MOOSE & Co Feb 12, 1-58 -- 34 Philadel ptoe LIGHT, pronounce i by e of the When the « S poem, lost be the finest produc the length in our language: cheng womb ot (be primal gloom, WORT LTT RAL. \N ADDRESS / ‘ 4 i) 7 t f ; ( W ¥ \ ‘Sandman needed to know little, but had to do much. When the forest was clear- ed of its immense growth, the magnum opus of husbandry was accomplished.— The Indian squaw was the farmer’s tutor in tillage, and for many years, he required no better. The soil was of such giant that it Buried the aid of art— Nature. dig, to plant, to reap, where the sum to The ous earth needed no courteous wooing to Unasked, abundance into the laps of her children. strength, the handmaid of To clear, to tal of farming operations. bounte win her smiles. she poured e fed them of her riches, and) claimed ‘Tis strange, that ungrateful, no nursing at their hand. near to human nature, should be and oftimes dig too deep, and draw too vet was it e sturdy sons ird, and deem too lightly of the wounds their feasting made on the fruitful breast which fed them plentonsly. But it was their mission, and well they wrought it. he primeval forest, with its monarchs ot thousand years, fell bencath their axes ; the frightened savage fled before their ri- tles; the bosom of our great mother, the h, was opened to her sons, and they waxed st on its exube rant fatness. This was their work of the dy ; long it claimed their toil, and long they gave it. Their work of the mind was not vet come, nor came to them at last, is itcometh now tons. But it came at and it was a noble work—and ye most nobly, they wrought it. It ghty work—the mightiest that eer fell to human hands and heads and land Tem spires the hearts to design and rear, in the had subdued, a lofty which their ] le of Freedom, whose he > anil 108e ever Open ssh we m< down. trodden « 1of other lands to come and partake freely of the blessings their wis ns of Virginia! 5 wrought their work the mind. Your thr f yoursiree; y I need not tell y “LUbing hearts pro ur yrate ir deeds mories have embalmed the inlving love If, while they did the “ no mn f the spheres was lear the mor y stars did not sing t er as W God laid the fou { the art ratters not: far sweeter « s the breasts of their sons as av the homage of their praise t ew the valour, the patriotism of r ke fathers t y the I the ear many w Is a nott temple w they | all? They gas 5 { fre “ all ite ‘ r rhead 1 and ¢ I ha If Ri} . k la | , w x a ket r i re whi ® t Ms ary era liad the a ancied |} Dora . . vat f ar na S Mans alterna and rstitu \ S 1 West. | ‘ oe . s «k Tsha ea | t a Wi i ‘ ‘ 4 4 A Lx 1 4 4 ‘ ‘ J r x judicious men ‘hope of Pheer that they are not insu- perable, and that we have only to be faithful to our “appointed work” to ele- vate the Old Deminion as high in agri- cultural, as she has ever been in political glory. The greatest of these physical obstacles is to be found in the present condition of the soil, impoverished by the greediness of man and riddled by the rains of hea ven. Toremove it, the farmer must learn to work in harmony and conjuction with nature—a lesson which he cannot learn too soon nor practise too long, whether for pleasure or for profit. If exhausted lands be permitted to lie untied, in such condition superticially as not to be wash ed away, nature will in time restore them to their original fertility, by the opera Wiad) ui Causes Wihiell tion of the same physi made the soil at first. The length of tim required for this process of natural reno vation may be shorter or long: ent localities, according to circum ces In my own immediate neig tborhoo 5 a period of twenty-tive years, or re about. I will mention an inst which came under my observation during the last summer. © bor’s, wh Mling at a neigh e of them I have pointed ont to me a field of yIis a1 known, he corn which ever ) promised a very fine crop, and remarked, that about thirty years before he was walking through tl ticld w vf ] and asked hin thomeht itv \ hy in rve F 1 Tethiat ject and replic i ‘ po fo sow Mar t N been done for the land tron ut Vea ust tw pA vat ! ars | i A ni ' t 1 1 \ 5 1 es ive \ \ \ loare ft I vat ‘ \ wit Nota i Ww per 4 ur tua i 7 a , ] ( ‘ ‘ 1 at a 4 g y H as I ( | : | \ \\ ie ‘ I | taan thirty per cent. of wanetl profit.— Greater attention to this vital branch. of husbandry will soon reduce the cost of the fertilizing agents, without our going to that pool of corruption on which the amelioration has angel of agricultural never yet descended—whose angry and turbid waterr, however, are daily, uay, hourly, troubled by the demon of) party strife, and where ,hungry office seekers tumble in—whether for the healing of look offers no their sins or no, Tsay not. Joet ous thither for help: that source hopes to the farmers. We must cherish ond enlarge the mannre-heaps at home nurse with their fertilizing elements the lean and seattering spires of grass, and heal with stercoracous poultice the bare sores and rapier wounds of mother earth She will not repulse them who rightly sue for her favors, nor refase her increase and untiil- offal, to him whe, with wal thrift her with the ine indu which, even in her lowest estate, she rare- ly fails to offer him. Care well) bestow- ed will seldom) fail to cover the sorest valls with some renial grass > and low usily do the t isses work for the farmer! We ootten think of them on Iyeas the soft and green carpets wlric h ature spre ids) beneath our feet. Bat they have another and a higher ottee.— } t ] tas t pow ‘ y { I roots of these | 1 = ( ay t 1 tra t surface isa . 1 ‘ Vo rest n \W tart } . a slurabe SDVENTIORE WIP AA W.01 ] h 1 “} s kt st ‘ \ \ \[ ] \ an 17 \ Or’: ACRES OF LAN FOR SALE, he waters of Third Creek, 14 miles west of sbury At least one Depoton the Wes n suevetably be located in a short dis- BROWN & BEARD. New Firm. Tin, Copper, & Sheet-Iron f I USINESS.— The undersigned having formed a co- partnership for the purpose of carrying on the A. H. VANBOKKELEN, Hidden, Subscriber havi Fae CLARENDON [ROM aT aise tame Rial Road ins above business extensively, weuld respectfully solicit ts, complete, tance of this tract the patronage of their friends and the public. ‘They sree f ened mad seer Wistee-meal, Apply to Jobu A) Bovden of Salisbury, are prepared to answer any sol in sett line. Tin or Leavitt's Corn and Cob usher, October 30, 1555 123 copper House-Roofing exceuted in the bent nner, at Rice Trashers, short notice and warranted, Stills, and other Copper Shingle Machines, a pal i fer. Their Shafting Hangers and es, ware, kept on hand for sule, or made to ord Cotton Gine and Geark \ JUST RECEIVED. Lilly. Moments of an Idle e [sketches and Barlesques, by Juhu Phasuix ; Hampton | Heights, by Caleb Staibuck ; | Boy; 7 ane Rus MU Comme January, its publi Do more musical tay suce cirealatic world six mon orrespol flitierin egtot excellen hundred songs fe “om pete Compete eauion tt world, ¢ SW BOOK, by the Avthor of Basy Womnn; Glenwood or the he Adventure of Hajji Baba in Turkey, P a romance by George Laud Jot ENNISS, Bookseller THE NEW YORK SICAL REVIEW & GAZETTE sia; ‘Teresino, nees its Seventh Year, and a New Volume, in Review, public In56.) Tac shers believe they can present to the hay attention te the sulisfeetory evidence of its excellency as a Jourual than is afforded ta coustant!y bicreas- ess. Tt has now about three tunes ax large a Was any other maseal periodical im the Lis receipts from subscribers during the last ths have been more than double those for the nding per f the vear previous. By such gmarke of approval, the se und exertion to add to the of the Reriew dollars were recently Of the vast rrizes. th Priaes amoantir three olfered by humber vent in te them for Fils pages, ected by a for theme best were sel t ht commitee, and are nowin eco the Reciew. When the ribers te the eof pabl- Ir pablieat com Review wi receive the prizes ge gmountof reading matter, melading respendence frou the leadiug cities i the ach number concins several pages of new music A senes of aruelcs on Mawe Peaching, by | 1 Masor gress of publication Geo. t Cultivation of the Pra commenced it b vrof the new volun by Wir BOB mary Req. on the { Chu Ma The New Yorn w asp Garerre is published fortnightly ' per anoam Lcopies for ft Jeo ' adva Sj n pies MASON BROTHILE New MoM. HELPER HOR. WELPER HELPER & BROTHER, ik INSION, BOUNTY L AND; Geonoral Agonts. | | AVING FLOUR 00) BARRELS Salt ry, Nerth Carelina. wrespon RLOER!! FLOUR. PU] THoOtSAND Bar SSatet WEEKLY 5.8 “A Bs Hlorse Post Coaches Rowan Cotton Factory df Union Male I SOU TI FOR SALE. Academy, and “Tet | 7 ! Qre ry minzion Female Seminary Pheeaixicana, or 5 stock of ‘Tin, Brittania and Iron Ware—Cook, Parlor of lt binds and patterns, and Shop Stoves, is uarur, by any ia the State. i bd J Shop opposiie Murphy’ s Granite Row. Countty Produce, old Copper and Pewter, taken in exchange for work or ware. WILLIAMS BROWN, LOUIS H. BEARD. 17, 1855. 30:f Locomotive and Tubular Boilers, Blacksmith works of all kinds, Iron Doors for Houses and Jails. THE ESTABLISHMENT Having been re-organised for the express purpose of insur, punctuality in the execution of all orders, the ublie ara a satisfied that any work which they ma fares will be delivered according to promise, aad cannot fall to give sutixfaction, THE MECHANICAL DEPARSRENT Being incharge of men of talents and experiener, I have ne henitation in saying that the work hereafter termed out, shail compare favorably in every respect with that of the most cele: brated in the United States, and at prices which will make it to the jaterests of al! in want to send me their orders, REPAIR WORK and having «large force for that Wy person needing such hout regard to the expense of send. Salisbury, Dee OYSTERS WW 4 in . > the Proprietor of the ROWAN HOUSE, and ke arrangements to have your family supplied with the richest, freshest and largest Oysters of the | seasen—direet from Norfolk, in less than 24 hours— sizes tosuil purchasers.) By engaging, mot BL12p perkeg, contaiuing each 4 haa 5 or B12 per dozen Dee. 4th. 1ho5 FALL AND WINTER Goons. qteR SUBSCRIBER is now receiving and opra- ing his large stuck of Fall and Winter Goods, | consisting of — « STAPLE AND FANT | DRY GOODs, Hats and Cape, Shoes and Boots, * China, Delph and Glass Ware, Drugs and Pu in mce kegs, Always done without delay- purpose, it will prove adva to give me the prefere: me from a @ i be adresse you ean get th 1128 ing the . 0 to ‘Clarendon Iror Works,” Wi. A. H, VANBOKKELEN, vel. 11, dae October 20, 1855. DR. H. KELLY HAS REMOVED TO STATESVILLE, N.C, and offers his services to the citizens of Iredell and the public generully. Office on Main Street, weet of the old Court house site, and opposite the Methediat ehureh, where he will be found, at all times, when not profes- sionally enguged May 10, 1855 ] tse Groceries! Groceries '! yre SUBSCRIBER is now receiving and offers Hardware and Cutlery, Groceries, &e, este the fullowing Groceries — To which he invites the attention of his customer 3 is. Cuba Sugar, and the puble, aud which be offers at low prices f = * rto Rico, do. or oa Ume to pauciual customers at wholesale 1 Orleans. de. or retail 2 Barrels Crushed auf Sugar MICHAEL BROWN 1 Granatated, dw. October 221, 1855 gue 20 « White C.. fee. do. I Hhds Coba Metaases 60 Bigs Pome Rw Coffee Greensborough 5) Miia. Old (nvecracseel Save Goths. MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY. 20 Marvel Merteret Ne 3 epue costof Lasurance on the muiual plants bul Roe Herring |B einai sam, compared with a jount stock company | Tmperial Ten, Sperm, aden nd tallow Candies, | Thiscompany being located ia the Western part of the | Pepper, Alepice, Ginger, Sud Powder, Lead, Sbut, | State. cousequeatly much the larger portion of the rsh | Raghsh Dairy ( heese t | ate snthe Weat, vecy many af which ereintbecoumey | MICHAEL BROWN Company iwea ty free frou det have made | Oet 29.1855 Do Assessments, and is therefure euntidenily recommen: | am saat! | aoa teche ne as Rol Maxed Memcee be tutves Gael DR. DINKINS, weitclncled Cvlikacacsicr see? DESPECTFULLY offere hie sorvives to the cli: JAMES SLOAN, PF code nt tensof Salelury Office at the Mansion Hutel | B.G COFFIN, Viee President Salisbury. Mey 31, 1855 a] COP MENDENHALL, Atursey ie . | PETER ADAMS Reeve I ’ s PETER ADAMS Wanted Immediately, WL CUMMING Gea'l Ap : Motions At the Silver Hill Mine, ANY QUANTITY OF OOD AND COAL. WM LEAVENWORTH, Sapt LITHONTRIPTIC |) sorerttacocc is seat | TO THE I ARMERS / COWANS | VEGETABLE ry) FRIEND OF THE OM MAN EPO | sUreative eaee | Of Iredell County. . Ne . | | DISEASED KIDNEYS, \ GREAT SAVING OF ES EE SAE FORE. |S vthe Bladder and Kidneys, Wiak MANS THON PLOW The anaernipned hi eR bredelt( y, om’ ere M neas of Loins, githe | Piowa Sh ten miles Bonk Thisiavaiue efor e Dar Des | ° + fornish emy ul Mor kew Pr KR ¢ . 1 i ‘ 1 netics | atthe Drug Stor Che at Leow & ‘ ° at Nmwty EDM, will be | " =a ™ . ec un ta aw ‘ ° 2 be J be teem ot eo! | I on he = JAS & ROBERT MeNEELY . ) F Cee ° ‘ ivan MR. BRADBURY'S NEW GLEE BOOK. 4 pal NI ue n | HE tod CHORUS WwW. P ELLIOTT, 1 ees ae 1 maf Viwih & Fb Li ’ 4 . sid eset Os ol | GENERAL COMMISSION : mone FORM IRDING MERCIANT 28 2 ES VILMINGTON, WC : . m reeerpt t ' Mvson BROTHERS . Oads M LETes REASON TOGETHER, Tremendous Exeit ‘ Se € ~ us fad emiene G ' < Western Extension’ READY MADE Cloths, ¢ and Gen- tlemea’s Farniching bocds LOTHING assimercs, Vestings HOLLOWAY’'S PILLS. Wily ARE WE SICK. ty the ILLS PURIFY THE BLOOD. perete on th “y | THESE PRN LITERARY WE oNGER THE PRESBYTERIAN, 1 aati tary - : aes : VORELIGIOIS BAWILY VEWNPUPLR OTT YAW Tet, Rea CUR CLEaY AG , DYSPEPSIA & LIVER COMPLAINTS. t CO Mita \ . ‘) ’ «give a heaithy e ee 5 ! GENERAL DEBILITY. ILL HEALTH. I 1 i / e the beat Remedy known f cing Diseases : F , ' in 1 har ‘ w 4 i " Mu \ 1 " ‘ | t . 2 ‘ ' 44 ; : ; = ‘ o s f nA r ; doen — TERMS: TO OTA oe \ i VIVANCT . & Iny 7 ee DR. J. J. SUMMERELL, Me , ee Pe ee pcm ee! M / 1 NRO ersone indebted ta me by Z \ win forsevetal years. Tow PNaI Howes Psq R (Jee Fur A , F and muke vettleme iH i Sowhuh t ‘ May Court, else Tahal look \ ! ! f] s J fas \ Pm MEET ~ MARTH to REMOVAL. PARIASD. EERGESOS a 60 a ; | VOAWETRAAN & PRICE have removed GPUB 5 aD ie ee ara - s@ BH we . MeRorne & Co, to the ar ” / / LN LING Vee a » a \ of adele iar, f f 0 I ce om) ‘3 Blank Warrants for sale Here 3.5.8 The ing, ea “Ww ing eas accum: whilst dition « seven, inonthe 8 perc cent., a The off numer the lar, present the time as te epread prises. ~The state « Walls in the two cv Eor newspe & poet, experi cativm On the historia writers nearly all; f. but gr resoure the edi any for me mon se Ti:nes, been | all suc thie des wer, at ling, ar and Lo rarely select, country have n the we the wh est wri The « those «| with tw blonde cormage Gothic and trim has thre and asl terial There to be re niety an with ble houte at which t again w ty —etra chains { stones Bodie the fash the shar er than require | skirts ar tened J bottom with th white rv roses, h narrow | strings © velvet, w capote 1 with nar The wife of tern sec present tle res) each se and chi papa, t] adinitte rapid ii from d than he LE, N.C. vdell and the , weet of the dint ehureh, 4 not profes- __ 8 ries !! g and offers va Coffee. low Candies, Lead, Sbui, BROWN. 2a 8 to the ciii- pasion Hotel Mine, yon Til, Sept. ioal RS FE FORE. rugned have are Mene- miles S. » ferme! ony i, will be fern et ol NEELY NEW CHORUS w reedy gr. erre 1 ae fe wore Price ? ememat of he press } the seme om reeempt non preee LOTHERS 1 Outs rUER, ghed Gown by ty opepete a healthy tee hep al ad EALTH. 1 their dy known renee ne and Grave odary By mp m rd Wenknet ELL, puce. where onal of pet ed to me by ce wr removed ahement (rom corner in re asf Here VOL. XII.---NEW SERIES. to Politics, Saas Devoted J. J. BRUNER, Editor and Prepricter. FINANCIAL. The Baltimore |'atriot, of Friday even- ing, says: “ We have to note a gradually increas- ing ease in financial affairs. Capital is accumulating and seeking investment, whilst the demand decreases. This con- dition of affairs existe in all the principal commereial cities. Good negotiable notes well secured, are negotiable on the street at 7a 8 and9 percent. Second class do. 10 a 12 per cent. Money on call is offer- ed at 6 per cent. But little paper offer- ing on the street. Our banks are dis- counting liberally. “We note more firmness and confi- dence in stocks generally, with a general upward movement. “We have now it is hoped, nearly through the severe weather, which laid a serious embargo upon all branches of trade, and there are lopeful—decided- ly flattering—prospects for the future. — usiness promises to be unusually active, and money abundant.” The New York Post, of Thursday even- ing, says: “The supply of money on the market continues to increase out of all propor- tion to the wants exhibited, and rates are rapidly declining. The best description of isetesatiis caeer of 60 and 9u days is taken at six per cent., and other kinds ar seven, while paper having 00 dave to 6 months to ran to maturity, is taken at 8 percent, Call loans are easy at 6 per cent., and many loans are making at 5. The offers to lend money at six are very numerous, aod the opportanity to employ the large amount of capital available is at present wanting. This cannot fail ina lit tle time, to eceasion an active speculation as money will ied kd ment and opread itself, in eitser vld ur now enter prises. “The only speck of difficulty is in the state of our relations Great Britain, but Wall street dees not believe at present in the probability of war between the two counti.cs.” seek -- Eprrogs.— A good Editor, a competent newspaper conductor, is, like a general or & poet, bern —not Exercise and experience yive facility, bat the qua! fi cation ie innate, or it is never manif sted On the London daily papers all the great historians, novelists, poets, made essavest, and writers of travels, have been tred and nearly a!l have failed. We might say all ; for after a display of brilliancy, brie but grand, they died out, bterally. Their resources were exhansted. “ [ can,” said the editor of the Times, to Moore, © find any number of men of genius to write for me, but very seldom one man of com mon sense.” The “ Thanderers ” in the Times, therefore, have, so far as we know been men of commen "Nearly all successful editors have men of thiadeseription. Carnypl wer, and D'leraeli, failed; Barnes, ling, and Phillips, succeeded, and De Lane and Lowe succeeded Beni ne been 1, Carlyle, Bal : Ster Ju England editors rarely write for their journals; they read, select, and “cut out the work In this country, with a few exceptions, editors | ac len have not only to read, tand ‘ the work, bat do the writing tee. On the whole, American editors are the hard est writing men in the whole world cee TUE PARIS FASHIONS T'arne, Jar sary 24 The evening totletias const generally, for those who dance, of ight colored silks, covered with two or three skirts of tulle, crape, lace, of Gothic bloade = much in vou TI blonde re corage is made low and plain, with a berthe of Gothic blonde; the short sheeves are drapers and trimmed with a fall of blonde. The «k haa three flounces of deeply indented blunde, and a short upper shirt of the sam gant ma terial, There is no change in the shape of bonr to be remarked ; the trimmings are in creat va Many f feathers nety and very fanciful are decorated with blonde, and bave tufts on mara houte at the sides, according to the material of which the bonnet i composed Necklaces are again worn, and are endless in variety and beau ty —etrands of diamonds and pearls, or fine gold chains forming festoons by ass I of pr stones Bodies of dresses with ba jues remain The ouly di therein ’ the shape is, that this season they are worn ber the fashion this winter er than last year, Robes of very rol materials require Bo urnainents except the baequines. The skirts are plaited flat round the waist, snd tas tened down sufficiently low to rate only the bottom of 1! « baaquines, which are trimmed with the nehest ornaments. Some robes of white moire antiqne, with lange Lonquete of white roses, have ihe baaques entirely covered with narrow fringes of white feathers, surmounted by The cloak is of black velvet, with three rows of narrow black lace ; the strings of white rubies. capote made of quilted white satin, trimmed with narrow blonde lace.— N.Y. Jour. of Com “The in the wes The Baltimore Patriot wife of a gentleman residing tern section of the city, a few days since, presented to her astonished lord four dit tle responsibilities at one birth, two of @ach sex. We learn that |b mother and children are dving well. The happy papa, thoagh prond of these little pledges, adinitted that in these hard times, such a rapid increase of his family circle is far from desirable, and a yreat deal more than he bargained fur.” RAVSa: From the Yankee Blade. “ DEAD LETTER” DEPARTMENT. NUMBER FOUR. Facts about the Human Body. There are two hundred and eight bones in the | {human body, exclusive of the teeth. These bones | | are composed of animal and earthly materials, the former predominating in youth, and the Jat- iter in old age, rendering the bone brittle. The | most important of these bones is the spine, which | \is composed of tweaty-fuur small bones, called | ‘the vertebra, one on top of the other, curiously | hooked together and fastened by elastic liga-| ments, forming a pillar,49 to speak, by which among old bachelors. January 16th, 1854. My Dear Julietta :—If you are as anxious to know how my plans suceeed, as I am concern- ing yours, I shall wait but a few days for an an- ane swerto this. It was the luckiest thing in the | The bones are moved by the muscles, of world that! heard of the experience of Mrs. Fla- which there are more than five hundred. The | mingo, who, you remember, we all thought a |red meat of beef, the fat Leing excluded, is the | paragon when she came among us plain Miss giuacelar tabric of. the ox: |Catchum, and who so soon secured the match in town. It provoked me exceedingly, at the : , | time, for, between you and me, 1 had set my | another to draw it back again. | heart upon spending old Flamingo’s money ; but |seribe the muscles than by comparing them to|[ don't care now. As I was saying, it is lucky fine elastic threads, bouud up in their cases of | for us that I heard of his mortifying failures in Philadelphia. There was no end to the money | she borrowed to ¢ on her operations, and at last, when she cask she had secured a prize, to be arrested for debt, in a ball-room, while hanging on the arm of her affianced, must have been excessively mortifying. No matter fur Mrs. Flamingo. As soon as I knew his history, my way was clear, and bow | quick you caught at the idea, your present place In adults there are abvot fifteen quarts of of residence shows. Suceess be yours, in the |shape of a cool hundred thousand ; but I must secure my owe prize. I had an introduction to Col. Mason's family, which, well followed up, has given me an en tree to the very first circle in the place. You koow | am not deficient in talent. My ward- robe is all new bere, and [have found a capital dresemaker, if 1 new refitting. So IT luok ed about me, and soon discovered a crusty old hachelor of sixty, who has more than the need the buman frame is supported. There are two sets of museles, one to draw the Lune one way, and We cannvt de- skin. Many muscles terminate in tendons, which are stout cords, such as may be seen traversing the back of the hand, just within the skin ; and which can be observed to move when the hand is opened or shut. Every motion we make, even jthe involvuntary one of breathing. is perfurmed throagh the agency of the muscles. blood each quart weighing about two pounds This blood is of two kinds, the arterial and vein- ous, The first is the pure blood, as it leaves the heart to nvarch the frame, and is of a bright The last is the blood, as it re- turns to the heart loaded with the impurities of vermilhon color the budy, to he there refined, and is uf @ parple any hue. about (wo ounces of arterial bloud, and as there Every pulaation of the heart sends out ful hundred, bat 1 was not troduced for sever al weeks, [t was not best you know, m my pre are from seventy to eighty beats in the minute, a non fortune of hushand seek ing spinter, and, beside a hegebead of tloud passes through the heart sent character « T had a better oppor He does not bhe to be admired, and m seon disgusted with Ie every hour. In fevers the palaations are acer le tunity to find his weak points ratgsl ; the waste of the body goes on faster than tean be recuperate! | and consequently deat! wis Who seek to pleane Ss A yteat read cosves ifthe fever is not checked roof history, »] music, and, I take it F sead'y in want of a wife The stumach is the boiler if we may use anch As soon as [ bad made these observations, I a figure, which drives the human engine, Two! ca jeed an introduction to take place, but turned ete of muscles, crommng eachother transversely, at once to my frend, and bad no word or look turn the food over and over, charming it up in| for Mr. Sykes. I saw that my iodifference pleas 1 . wir eong r ed wiaed Une gnstric juice, tlt at Lina) bee ped ucec! lo: (he «i Soon asong was commenced I) noed the ey ' 1 musical cirele, and some one remarked tne emte ve t m foaste ts process Pequir s a : T lagss | ~ You do not sing, T beheve, Mine Carson, or , oto & , erg b . trom twoto four hoan. Emerngng from the tray in a duet [would atk pou te yore Moe stomach, the fiod enters the emal! intestines “TL think T could manage to perforin a sopra where ite mised with bile and the panereatic 90, if 1 can be allowed ty play my own accor nee, and converted into chy These inter. paniment I] had seen the music in the gentleman's lar tines are teenty-four het long mely packed. of > and knew that it was my best duet tel surts ] throag aa - - cueree, andl surruand.d theuech their ot We shail be delighted.” all exclaimed, an ewgth with small tales hoch act he sack: rs ¢ poor aliv voung thing gave ine ber place at wl leaaing off the ct eropty it into a lar. the pian and | reyoerd ty see, in the opps ger itobe, ated dimechanges He contents into the MMTUT old Sekes follow in omy train Thala rerfet triamph: it was a lochy etroke, the cs yeglar ven, whence Ht pacers into the heart, te : am : the was well migh stormed. Sykes came tu me amet in forming artenal blond as | was ready to go with Col and Mra. Mason The lungs are two bars, connected with open 9nd asked fle “mht have the bonue of at air by the windpipe, wlich beanches int teneling me to my carnage te’ ke hive . A but believed [ would take the Col ’s are here amall tubes, a ver th ‘ « A the with a stately bow, swept away from him 2 tet — a Aen wags, each tube termonacng ina micute air ce was aweek ago, and be has passed four evenings The other surface of Ubese ots full of ca in my society sinc I have read history, for yp ur safirotely small veroa, a thin mem he last month, every momiug; now | manage t h ! t bs brane unly diveling the ate from the blood. T >» take the hal and keep off sand bars 1 freadfully tecdhwos, bot if Tonly get the tt umpare portion of vemous blood a carbonic ac Mra. and the money, it will pay ' ” tronge ber r than fe ehh, having a stronger affierty fe a a . Last nyght be [was atonuhed t pasees throagh this thin membear na most shocked zg might still have the yeeows state, comlenes with the airin the ai funer eesidenus hun my respected fr Hi and | have con to consider the proyaaal \ ! he poriogu elle, and s enpelied with the ext expuration Wd withdraw the propoma knew he soak Meantime the otygee of the air unites with the 80 You ae } xxl and becomes purified, then passing into there is a fair chance that I shall soon be Mre the heart, being mined with chyle, tis forced Sykes 1 shall be more certain when I shall throagh the baly as hfe giving and artenal have been led from the altar blood This letter must be left unfinished, as I am summoned to see Mr Sykea Hos heart would The shin serves an important purpose in car not beat for me, if he knew meas well as you do rying off impurities from the human system. Ir ® bd : . bd e ° e s traversed with capillanes which contain more Three bours later than above I need not tel Lduxd in the aggregate, than all the ercap FOU I have accepted, nor how degusting it was to have the old fellow kiss my band, and press it larws of the body. It m also perforated with a, i¢ we were sivteen and eighteen. 1 supa ounthss presprrabon tubes, the united Jength [must endure th fora while, but Twill coon foeliuh amounts to twenty-eight miles, and show the gentleman that ‘us the establishment whoch drain away from three to four pounds of J not Aim, | want, when once we are marned Now cannot vou congratulate mel | have waste matter every twenty four hours, of five ; g : , , almost wished you had come with me, for vour evrthe of all that the borly diachsrges ney la ic aoldifereat. (ron mine. walchoeld nce Lhe nerves are another canous feature of the 4, tet and there are seventy five animal econon The v are, however, but little thousand he that you are just the person t frelere to tall the wante calc! Simpheity, sun-bonnets and rosebud< ni <a) + to will the 3°" know. Tam glad Sykes desires the wed the ” . Als @ ( viucto ao “ we : ey eee \ ling to come off su avon, for Tam getting short museles ty wet. They branch oot from the brain He made me present of a fifty, to-day: that will and spine, over the wbole frame, in infinitely keep me in funds. Come and see me after the fine fibres, like the brances and twigs twigs of a wedding, and Twill show you off. Write soor : Your « HARRIET CARSON eee . oes Thervie Act. -We are informed by a a passengeron the cars, that, on Sunday Dying w a fo Nadine ; alma morning last, about 4 o'clock, aa the pas na, one of the yreates ecl fas 8 me « i se , »~X¢ aa yitte scnyers yolny North were entering the "me, i cau a t exciarm rly , ag st | ac he eawame ) e Steam Boat, opposite Wilmington, aery azarn imeclf w ," re-came to d > s * ue se > mt f , le ray was heard of “man overboant!” Ttwas “Os uid he. I have | a world of quite dark —the water very deep and the time ULL the most prectons thing in 1 . ‘ ld the world! Tlad Ebut one vear more, it current remarkably rapid-—no one could honld t : D : shonld be eapent it vernsing ids tell who the unfortunate individual was, 3" Y hd Ih r ! Lee INE ra eo ~ } T 8. 3 ane al’s iatle 0 Sirs, all was consternation and alarm. The psalms an a e] es : said he, addressing those about him, fo boat of the steamer was accidently . . nt iene Fis mind the world leasand God more Reader, that now you are enongh to pernse the word of God, that absent,—a rope was obtained at d thrown see wise to the struggling objet, but it seemed to be unheeded ;—at that moment, a‘ slave,’ by the name of Alexander, (the property of Tlon. Wan. EL. Washington.) who was on his way from the South, asked permiis- Kion to go into the River to the rescue of a rope being tas yon may not have to erv, “O), for but one year te read it!” when yen are about te nieet your Creator, and give in your ac count. Take the dving adviee of Salmasins, and “mind the world less, and God more.” For what is a man. profitted, if he rain the whole world vse his own flee the drowning person, tened around him he was allowed to do eo, and with wonderful courage and dex terity brought the object: a-shore Insenst hen shall ble —1t pre ved to be w negro girl about? twelve years of age, who had fallen of the platfe rin in passing ty the boat. She A friend saw in Brooklyn, the oth was rmmediatly taken into the gentle: day, a poster, reading inen’s cabin-—her wet clothes removed iT ennrecncholy Mrechniane’ and to the eredit of human nature be it i said, that many gentlemen came forward, blankets to wrap noder which pretended, in big red letters, ©The most sueeessful Vermifiage in the vave their shawls and world? i : \ ( her up stu iants were furnished in the same ways and the girl entirely reste The yreatest living Tistorian is Wim ed Goulds. Tribune. HH. Prescott —an American, 1 SALISBURY, We have room this week for only one of the ikitchen, to her servant, “what a quautity of |“ dead letters,” and that one is enough to put to |suap grease you have got there. We can get flight all proclivities to matrimony—especiully | plenty of soap for it, and we must exchange it |g beaming eye. The ice was found on|'’* ees a \for some. Wateh for the fat man, and when|the marsh behind the gas works, and \vividly be paints the miseries of debt! what bit- | wished to speak to him. | |you be good enough to walk in, sir!” rts aud Sciences, Silorality, and the family Circe. THE PHILOSOPHY OF A FROG. We saw yesterday on Bollingbrook \street a dae ‘about ten inch Anecdote of a Fat Man. “ Bridget, said a lady in the eity of Gotham one morning, as she was reconnvitering in ber es thick and wide, in the frozen up, and looking quite pleasant wit comes along, tell him I want to speak to| when melted down, the frog very good | him.” humoredly shook himself and jumped “Yen, ma'am,” says Bridget, between each ‘about quite lively. We heard a railroad ‘ | operative bape ea the philosophy of whisk of her dish cloth, keeping a bright look |the thing to a friend of his, as fullows : out of the kitchen window, and no moving orem i “Ye see,” says Mikey, “the poor cray-| ture eseaped her watehfnl gaze. At last her in- ther's instinction towld it the air was go-| dustry seemed to be rewarded, for down the ing to be cowld and that the frost was street came a large, portly gentleman flourish-/ guin to power down red hot, so in it jumps ing acane, and looking the picture of good hu- | nto the wather to get out of the damp- | mor. Sure, when he was in front of the house, | "©8 and wrape itself up in a foot square | out she flew and informed bim that her mistress of the liqnid to keep the frost ont, a8 | | Whiskey wasn’t convanient, which is the | " . | correct clothing for any intelligent baste | “ Speak to me, my good girl !” asked the gen-/ __Larrin a Know Nothing—to dress his tleman. |intarior with. And ye kuow that wather is “ Yes sir, wants to speak to ye, and says would transporous, for it runs into ye at one end | |an’ out of ye at the other, and never gets This request, so direct, was not to be refused; into yer head at ali; and so, it began to snow with a fever hate, and the cowld penitrated the bones of the frog through a foot thick of dry water, so he shook his feathers to keep up the circulation of his | blood, which the iiayihive call ichor, till by dint of kickin, with his hands and toes—for divil a leg has a frog or any other natural biped in Awericay —he soon got a comfortable warm congealment of ice round him, and there he squatted as happy and cosy as if he was on Miles’ soft feather bed which was made out of hard porky-pine quills, and looking for al! the world like a bame in a sinner’s eye, or like anew ambry tipe picture, which is the representation of no mortal conceiv- so in a state of some wonderment, up the steps went the gentleman, and up the stairs went Bridget, and knocking at her mistress door, put her head in and exclaimed : So saving she instantly withdrew to the lower re- “Fat gentleman's in the parlor mum.” gions. “In the parlor,” thought the lady. can it mean | “What Bridget must have blundered,” but down ty the palor she went, and up rose our fat friend with his Wandest smile and most graceful bow. “ Your servant informed me, madam, that you would like to speak me—at your service mad am.” able thing any way you can take it. Se The imortitied inistress saw the state of the You see the ice conglommerated round case immediately, and a smile wreathed itself about the frog, for be hit un that plan like about her mouth in apite of hermelf, as abe anand: 82 Egipshun mummy to preserve himeelf in ecula seculorum, as the praist says, ull conjaynial times shonld come, when pop gees the weazel, and he'd come out ina blazing perspiration!” “And was it the frog did all them things s by hisself # demanded Tady. "Twas the frog's own natural philo- sophy,” answered Mikey. © The frog” said the incredulous Tady { L’etersburg Democrat. | “Will vou pardon the terrible blunder of a raw Trish yorl, iny dear sir, Dtold her to ca the fat man t she » take away the soap grease, whet stake, ye fat gentleman has made am u see.” The jolly eaned back hair and Jaughed such a hearty ha! ha! as Never comes from vour lean gentry “No apologies needed, madam,” aad be oH *, ha, so she took ine for the soap-grease man, s decidedly the best « of the season ARREST OF A SUPPOSED MUR- fid she! It will keep me laughing for moaths DERER | chia pond juke 1 g es ae . Purrapverrata, Feb. 21. fread al lay treet, and anwund the corner EF. D. Worrell, charged with the mar wae heard the merry ha! ha! of the oli geotle der of Gordon, in Missouri, was arrested nae lee brett sen the car ever 7) : » bescatinan gud bie ; > ee leat night at Dover, Delaware, by officers and Unen, a exclaimed such a jobe . / 2 who traced hin thither. Ile expresses cas Fal Af \ F his willingness to return with the officers A wonder a rror. Among the co ; ; : ‘ va to Missouri, without waiting for the re- riesities te be met with in the Parise kx ro} : ! position, was a hage concave mirt the quisition of the Governor. He denies the natrument of a startling species + commission of the murder, Lut acknow al magic On standing close to it, it pre ledges standing by at the tiine A watch, sents nothing bat a Inaynificently mon pair of saddle bags and a blanket, found strous is the ’ your plysiqynomy ° rune dissection of . Paes in possession of the prisoner, were recog On retiring a couple of feet, it gives your ; ; wn face and figure in true proportion nized as belonging to the deceased. The but reversed, the head downwards Sut arrest was tnade at the Louse of Worrell’s father Fatal Duel Near Paria.—The follow the Constitutionnel retire still further, standing at the distance of five or six feet from the and u see yourself not a reflection murrer, behold: ye it does not strike you as a reflection ng stery appears it ut your veritable self, standing in the The Tle da Roi, a part of the domain of middle part between vou and the mirror Neailly, was yesterday the theatre of a At 10 o'clock in the morning, a boatman, in a state of mysterious event about The effect is almort appalling, from the idea it suggests of somethtny supernata ral; so startling, in fact, that men of the great excitement, presented himself to strongest nerves will shrink involuntarily the Commissary of Police of the quarter, at the first view. If you raise your cane 40d made the following deposition : to thrust at yoor other self, you will see) Abeut an hoar ago, as 1 was standing it pass clean through the body, and appear | on the bank of the river, near my boat, acarriage drove up, from which there on the other side, the figure thrusting at vou at the same instant. The artist who first succeeded in fashioning a mirror of allighted six gentiernen, retnarkably well dressed, of whoin three wore the decora this description, bronght to one of the Hen of the Legion of Honor. They ap French kings—-if we rec ant peared very yay “My friend,” said one cas Louis XV—placed his ms f them to me, “will von row us over to the island © ¢ ertainly,” said I, and the right epet and bade him sword, and thrust at the figure he saw ten minntes afterward they all landed Phe king did so; but seeing the point ot there They then began to look more se a sword directed to hisown breast. threw ions. I wanted to retire, but they desir lown his weapon and run away. The ed me to stay, and, wh two of them practical joke cost the ventor the king's remamne 1 behind to watch me, the others patronage and favor: hie Majesty being Walked on to a gronp of trees, on the oth afterwards so ashamed of his own coward. @? of which they « opped I then I that they had come t tight a dnel I saw the swords, and heard the clink of ! ice, that he would never ayain look at the Inirror of its owner them one net the other while the fight aga lasted, which was but for a verv shert The Stride ofa Race Moree Me JS.) ciyo. Presently the dead body.cf ove vt FE. Herrir Sr., the celel rated animal og persons was br Pidawn todas boat painter, Ue re crear Tle had received sword thrast right from twenty ¢ tw ty-four feet at @ iieong s breast. and was covered with bonnd, and from the impression left on ttood. According to the little P contd the turf he infers that a horse at full gale gather from the conversation TP heard, the lop places or yone foot ata time on the Jnel arose out of a quarrel which ocenr xreund LS es BS Ore COUN E red ato the last: masquerad at the ng te the ear than to theeye. Tn listen: Qpera, The seconds had th « ytoa alloping on a hard road oe ititary men exec ting t opiers twill be tound accurately extibited by tik ii lbackcacrosa the Serie Tres ratal leary NC laced the corpse in their earringe and > other three fue drove off to Paris yers to f > by eo doing, the pre FSS Fates es Hilloncay's Pilla, invaluable to per ee ane Le Pie Pai sons afflicted with diseases of the Liver ' . ee and Stomach The virtue of these Pills, nregular suceession, Pevtona, in her \ .t tal inal es; fle , oT: having been tested in ail parts t ec celebrated race with Fashion, cleared 05 : ‘ We be aie ies Mucitcsevendcctatacbotn nized world, particulariy by the ctizens . f the Union, renders it needless to ex patiate upon their merits x Cue thonsands Do you think T shall get pnet Jone me, sal who have derived benetit from them in ACUI IE to) ne couns each and every one of the States, being ‘LT don't think vou will” replied the other, snfticient te convince the most incredn- ralecatiy a wl é acl Ail those who ifficted with regen , liver and bowel comphunts: ir tle oe sick headiac md) Wezeness, cannet ees Sm euin a, ense of a remedy so certain in its P . results as Plolloway's Pilla; for detern Heart, ebsites “Sally T wish: Cowan a fisband oi not blond to the head their efect ta ver wasa fait, Lontee, how Vd bit equally positive. They are also anoun failing remedy for asthma. if used in cer A witty doctor says that ichtlacing is apob- dametion with Telloway'’s Ointment benetit, asath othe foctish gy wid owhiehoest be well rubbed into the chest Jleaves the wise ones to grow to be women n gl t and in PTS. ‘ Leeks day and night, in fair weather and foul. REVISION OF THE SCRIPTURES. The established church of England are agitating the subject of a revision of the Scriptures. At a meeting of both honses BEING IN DEBT. It is a trite saying that the pen of genius can of solid transparent ice, | redeem the tritest subject from its triteness. A striking illustration of this is contined in the fol- heart of which was a large frog sas |lowing observation by Henry Ward Beecher on | of convocation of Canterbury, at West- |the dry and hackheyed subject of enterest. How minster, on the Ist inst., Canon Selwyn gave notice of motion : “To propose a petition to the u house, Labi ee lie grace and the Aa ships to take into their consideration the subject of an address to their considera- tion thesnbject of an address tothe crown, praying that her most gracious majesty may be pleased to appoint a body of learn- ed men, well skilled In thie ortgtnal lan- ing sharpness inthe words—what pith and preg- nancy in the sentences! He says: “ No biister draws sharper thap interest does. Of all iudus- tries none is comparable to that of interest. It It has no sound in its footsteps, but travels fast. It guaws at a «mée’s substance with invisible teeth. It binds industry with its filin, as a fly gnages of the holy scriptures ; is bound upon & spider's web. Debt rolls a man)” «Po consider of snch amendments of over and over, binding him hand and fuot, and! the authorized version as have been al- letting bim hang upon the fatal mesh until the ready proposed, and to receive sugges- long-legged interest devours bim. There is no| tions from all persons who may be willing crop that can afford to pay interest mony on a| tu offer thei ; _ . 7 farm. “There is but one thing raised on afarm| “To communicate with foreign scho- like it, and thet is the Canada thistle, whieh | ars on difficult passages when it may be swarms pew plants every time you break ins | deemed —— Ss ‘ A é ee “To examine the marginal readings root, whose blossoms ate very prolific, and every | which appear to have been introduced in- flower is father of a million seeds. Every benf | to sume editions since the year 1011; is ap awl, every branch a spear, and every single) * Ty peint ont sneh words and phrases plant is like a platoon of bayoncts, and a field | as have either changed their meaning or full of them is like an armed host. The whole | becuine obsolete in the lapse of time.” is a torment and a vegetable curse. And yet| AE a farmer bad better make his bed of Canada | CINCINNATI FUGITIVES. thistles than attempt to lie at ease upon interest.” | | Major J. J. Faran, of Cincinnati, has discharged twu of the city police for aid- ing in the capture of the fugitive slaves ;vow on trial in that city. The Mayor holds that city police has nothing to do with fugitive slaves, unless called upon by the United States officers to aid them it arresting or retaining custody of such fugitives. Ile holds that any man who | will neglect his regular business and as sist in hunting up runaway slaves, with- out authority of law, and for the sole par- pose of obtaining a reward, is unfit to. be a city policeman.— /’latndealer. A Sum for Teaehers.—“ Sally Jones, have you done that sum I set you ” “No thir, I can’t do it.” “Can't do it! Lam ashamed of you.— Why, at yourage I could do any sum you set ine.” “T think, thir, I know a sam you can't thifer out.” “Well, Sally, let’s hear and we will see.” “Trith thith, thir: Ifone apple canth ed the ruin of the whole human rathe, how many thuoch will it take to make a barrel of thider {” ARREST EXTRAORDINARY, Edward H. Raloff, physician, was trie@ and convicted in Tompkins ewanay, for the abdaction of his wife and ehild. He was sentenced to ten vears at hasd labor in the Auburn State Prison. On Saturday morning the leag period of his service in prison was ended, and lhe went out a discharged cenviet. No |sooner had he been discharged than the Sheriff of Tompkins Co., RJ. Ives, an rested him upon a bench warrant for the murder of his wife and child. Tt seoms that at the time of conviction suspicion rested upon him that he was their war derer, but the act could not be proved. The warrant is issued upon evidence suf- ficieutly strong to conviet him. Daring his incarceration it is said a large proper- ty has fallen to him in Europe. We have not been able to learn the particulars in relation to this fact.— Auburn Ade. Coming Up.- _** Pap, I planted seme potatoes in oor yrarden,” said one of the smart youths of this generation to his fa- ther, “and what do yoo think came up f” “ Why potatoes, of course.” No sir-ee! There came up a drove of hogs and eat them all. The “man gin in.” Compressing the Bulk of F lour.—The Albany Journal states that Louis Napol eon in 1854 conceived the idea that it wonld be practicable to compress fluar, so as to diminish the balk, and in that way facilitate its transportation, and yet not injare its quality. In July of that year, an experiment was made by his command to test his views. Flour, enb jected to ahydranlic pressure of 300 tons, was reduced in volame more than 24 per cent. On close examination, it was found to possess all the qualities ithad previous to its violent treatment. It was then pat into zine boxes and sealed up. At the same time, other flour manfactured from the same wheat, was sealed ap. In Oc- tober thereafter, several boxes containing both kinds of flour were opened and ex THE GREAT BUG QUESTION. A correspondent of the St. Lonis In- telligencer thus explains a mystery men- tioned some time since : We see an article going the rounds in amined. The pressed was pronoanced to : he the best. ye Ive months after thia, ™8"Y papers, taken from the Alexandria Oct., 1854, another examination took (V®) Gazette, styled “ A Phenomena,” and asking for light on the “bag ques tion.” It appears that during a shower of rain there fell a shower of black bugs, about the size of coarse powder, in Fair- fax county, Va., on the 12th of January. They set the etrangers down as among the enaccountables, and asking for light, and it appears no one as yet has given them any light on the sabject. We pro- pose, throngh your paper, to enlighten our friends of the Old Dominion and else- where. The lng is the black Cochenial, blown from Mexico by a strong wind or hurricane. The bag is about the size of place, and with the same result. The two kinds were then kneaded into loaves and baked. The pressed flour made the best bread. In March, 55, more of the zinc boxes were opened, and on examination, the loose flour showed mouldiness, while the pressed was sweet, and retained all its qnalities. Made into bread, the same differences were observable. First Experience —A very intelligent Irist man tells the following incident of bis Grst ex perence in America ; I came to this country several years ago, and agrain of blasting pow der. M hen the wind ended in rain the bay fell, and there as soon as [ arrived. bired out to a gentleman , nae la f wing snow on the gronud you could see who farmed a few acres. He showed me over the insect. [ad there been no snow, the pr , he ea. the co ' ret } } he premises, the stables, th wyand wherethe they could not or would not be seen. The rn, hay, oats, Ac. were kept, and theneent me rain of natural, and bags was per fectly n to my supper Afler supper, he said to me: could 1 have resulted trom any other * James, you may feed the cow, and give ber CAl® There are two Pe utcce of Co sralial ike car” . chenial, the black and the grey I went opt and ea ked als wt, } nhing. wiat could he mean! Had Tandertend him 1 4 man entered Mr. Whipple's Dagner- avatched meibeed hen tecliel Ie reotype saloon, Boston, a few days since, avcclarainvlcoilleent inieli(he oa and wished a dagnerreots pe of his unele. “y tnurtiase witine very les <n lea hoitsirs bat w wre is he? g } Oh, he’s head,” was the « mple reply; ewer] without looking af idve got adescription of him in an old T thonght It you to give the cow som rt . ee cee I went tr poz than ever What In Enrope, people take off thir hate te great sort ofan a <t this Yankee cow he? mer Aimenea, great men take off their hats Texamined her mouth and ear The teeth to the pe were good, and the eam tke those of kine in the | intes the ary * asked a Dropping « sweat, T entered my master's spazpil presence unce more kurfe, said the young- Picase, sir, vou bid me give the cow some ster oo. orn in the ear, but didn’t vou mean the mouth / ' : : Good at Guess.n7 \\ Pat, which ia the Hle looked at nea moment, and then berst toy - wav to Borhngtoe nto such a convulsion of laughter, that [made ; , a How did vou know my name was Pat! for t stalle as fast as my feet cou take Y OT guess thinking Twas in the service of a crazy ma ~ . ts ‘ vs Thin, be the power, if ve are so good at > . I ) } Nb elke @ ruessing, ye'd better yuess the way to Burling Let a man live long as he will, the first 7? bd : 8 ! tor thirty vears of lis lite will alwavs seem B . oo: st 8 Sa Jones save wl s was in love, she -- ; felt as if she was in atunnel, witha train of cars atest Ornitho stwas J. 7. An comir American se We once man who was badly Athets ke spring flowers, breaks thr injured ty r most frozen ground at last: and the heart ] t nceidet ead he lat Timind; whieh secks for another heart to make thappy | act tetny nfernal will not seek ia vain Je@ill cart, makes ine Used OUR RELATIONS WITH ENGLAND, | THE CATHOLIC TEST, EX-BISHOP IVES. 10th, Opposition to any union between | From the Wilmington Commercial. | property within reach of hostile sava “0 von w | K pesat deal baa been caid i Jati Nad ose lon a dime in that way, while| arolina atc Ayes a een sai in Ferahon it was equally as well known that if Con-| _ : to the Catholic Test question of the Amer- | gress did not in some such way get rid of! — . ican Party ; and now since the Catholics the claims of the people of Texas, they SALISBURY, N. ¢. of Louisiana have been admitted to seats| would be pressed here to the amount of in the Philadelphia Convention, we ex-| the Lord knows how many millions of Excitement in Columbia, 8, ¢, We present below an account of most shameful riotous proceedings of the Sta- ° A friend at Philadelphia, writes us the | Church and State; no interference with religious subjoined letter, which will be read with | faith or worship, and no test onthe for ulfice, interest by many of our subscribers, who except those indicated iu the fifth section of this are acquainted with the wavering De emoee | dents of thé Sonth Carolina College, ac- , 11th, Free and thorough investigation into / ; es any and all alleged’ abuses af public funetion- companied with assault and murder, The The Washington Union has av important ed- ftonal so relation to the condition of our affairs After referring to the fact that the Senate has called upou the President to com- hman : LAT AR u with England The Uni municale the correspondence and documents con- | TUFSDAY EVENING, MARCIL 4, 1856. ceruing the violation of our laws by British offi cinle iu recruiting suidiers for the Britsh army, Weays: We veuture to say—and we do not say it light- pect to hear all sorts of inisrepresenta- | tions from the Locofoco press and politi-| cians in reference to this matter. The! following from the New York Express dollars, for the next fifty years, perbaps. The rider thus effectually defeats the Tex-! as debt bill as enacted by Congress, and | again throws open the whole subjéct mat: | ter. Its adoption at Austin amounts to TERMS OF THIS PAPER $2.00 CASH. Puiraperpaia, Feb. 26, 1856. | Mu. Eviror: On Saturday evening last Rev, | Dr. Ives, formerly Episcopal Bishop of North | =| Carolina, delivered a lecture on Catholicity, in \aries, and a strict economy in public expendi- | tures, | 12th. The maintenance and enforcement o }all laws until said laws shall be repealed or shall | correspondent is reliable, and we are sat- | isfied no intentional error is committed piu the details reported by him. | Coicaara, 8. C., Feb. 18, 1856, Capt. West pool, with » ly —that Jord Clarendou’s statement in the . va 4 : . . : : The Live House of Lords [that England has offered us au fully and satisfactorily explains the appa- the deteat of the bill. — Washington Eeve- FOR PRESIDENT, ud aaaniee 2 gees \ Twill not pretend to give), declared null and void by competent judicial le we w «6 apology | ie substantially IUCOrre’ t, and we shall rent inconsistency of the American Party ning Vews. M Il I A R D FI LLMORE even & synopsis 0 the lecture, pelt wes too misty | authority. erably deel be g ¥ disappointed if this is not the judy- ; . . oo i scarvin % | and labored to be of general interest. A | ; tbl. less thee bot ite en (heed atesbal le this regard : | GOPNEW COuK pt : ‘ : 18th. Opposition to the reckless and unwise) A tremendous excitement now prevails teu of boll couutries When the documents shal ie ; 4 i | From the Wilmington Herald Feb. 29. | bata The drift of the discourse was, as I conceived, | liey of tt Adininluteation | in Columbi Last nigl 1 : For core th bave beew made public. * The * Catholics” of Louisiana, we see | NIE WESTERN P > FOR VICE PRESIDENT, in apology or explanation of his own late change | iti, ale saerie conmcraneg ace Sik Aa pe gaan rg Sie yrog ewes nd prices It bas been said Uat an apology has been ten-'are admitted to seats in the Philadelphia | THE WESTERN RAILROAD. ‘ aoa he f ae : : a : th R Lurchaltiougt |eral management of our national affairs, and o'clock, pg of the Students of the South : 0a dered by Englaud to the United States for the Council. This may be very alarming to) Quite alarge number of our citizens as- ANDREW JACKSON DONELSON, | Bee ae te tcoemt cnc tree S| Oe especially as shown in removing ‘ Ameri- i¢ arolina College were walking around demand pt wroug don ty their laws aud sovereign rights, some, who do not understand Louisiana! sembled last evening at Commissioners’ | s */he did not allude to himself openly in any way. | oo. (i) dual coa on sell eneeareulvee pA |the city with murderous object inyview, Consols nid eat Out govcramcut has niused ta accept | Creole French Catboliciag: but not very. 5 : ‘i OF TENNESSEE, He also took occasivn in the same sly way to give | , ; ; \itis supposed. As three of them were threatenin; ii , Y | fall, to meet the delevates from Fayette jciple from office, aud placing foreiguers and ul- | r * 8 MW at ap cdl is made by the organs of the alarming if well understood; Roman Ca-|-)” i ti it ae Sd a side blow at the new American party. hearers ‘ Bown rack strolling down Richardson street, imme- land and th } me) Fs =i : ville ea Coal Fie 'f “i vir places, as , ‘ g di in ft 4 Tea to impress ‘the Enghsh people tholiciam in France,—that is, the Gallic ville to the Coal Fields. We were unable MILLARD FULLMORE FOR THE | Conscience was his great theme. Io spoke | adda wen } feat Meo ULI IAT diately in front of the market honse, one Ne mail wath the te het Dresident Pierce's adminis Church, is a very different species ot Ca- to be present, but learn that most of our; PRESIDENCY - | much of its supremacy, and the obligation of | subserviency to the stronger and an insolent and of them yelled out the name of the Chief Y since the ar Stalin we uur > but, from uses have thuliciam from that our Irish Uierarchy enterprising and thorough going internal . se st see Vabedicneeta cits commande before all other laws. | cowardly bravado towards the weaker Powers; of the Police, whom they intended mur- Nothin, } riiveaw ondepee, we venture to assure | teach in this country, under the training |; us : as | We throw to the breeze our flag . Jas shown in reopening sectional agitation, by the dering that night. This gentleman - be y> 8 improvement men were in attendance, © He eulogized the Roman Catholics for their dis- | ss 8 : . 5” ww peti) ar the Crimea 1“ - ; ing considerable noise in the street, pro- facts therein contained will of Archbishop Hughes and Monsignor inscribed with the names of Mitrarp | position to uphold the laws of the land, so far |repeal of the Missouri compromise ; as shown in Sebastopol | exjxee ( wu, and prove tu the satistac- Rue ‘ , ns k and that the best spirit prevailed. O. G * . ; A jane a 4 Ge ares Bedini, the Pope's Nuncio. Phe (rk reuch) Pars! ei Es . P mT i ! ; P * Firpmore for President, and A. J. Don-| F ; | granting to unvaturalized foreigners the right to ceeded to the spot to arrest the parties aoe ere = Gallic Church has so very little respect | + 8P'CY) sq.) was called to the chair, and [ene e eV ee abrer dent \- they do not conflict with their couscicuce, be | oe in Kansas and Nebraska : ue shown in |listurbing the peace. One of them pre- witeh is des ; ; . for Popes,—that when the King of Sardi- | Messrs. Henry Nutt and James Fulton) “77? oe . yond that, he said, they would resist them, if bg ; ’ 5 tended to be almost beastly drunk. The Peace pr The dacuments will enable the prople of the | a as in Paris. th 1 | 1 ans re | Of all the men in the country, we pre- | its vacillating course of the Kansas and Nebras- flicer c led th { - i lee of the merits of the case, | W@ Was in Paris, the other ¢ ay, though acted as Secretaries. lor Mr. F for Presid / Py | becessary with their lives. Pe cuie aude nike eel or dul officer commanded the peace and layed be conclude teal sto judge vu ey mers of the case, 5 : Fs by 1" he 5 , ab “O » . | a . * F i ft ns ass » remoy lve : ‘ ' = he cround on which Lord Clareadou’s 2@ Was under the interdict of a Papal Ball| The present condition and future pros. !¢" Alf. Fu-Laone for President 5 and itis] ‘The dominion of conscience is all right and ir versa ri in ge tae os “3° his hand jn the meantime on the should- March, It ata the groupd ou 1 A udou’s i : t ‘ } . } 5 pe cull ip of Ne . ; H : eiXU Fact Is ihjwached. If we are nut much) excomtmunication,—the Archbishop of eae of the road were given atlength by needless to say, the ground of that prefer- proper when the conscience is truly ealightened, pire niet tea AY Sab aE r of the intoxicated gent, and as he did land operat Suns ‘ . > ‘ é A ° 5 : s 2 a ‘ £ . titel che dimjosures which will be made | Paris, aud other clergy, held intercourse Messrs. C. B. Mallett, Jas. Banks and ence is not less his eminent fitness for the | put it is to be feared that with the mass of the | Pe" false and untenable groouds; as shown this, one of the students punehed him in The prel Le tie devutreute it ell be found that our laws/With him, and tendered him courtesies |Geo. McNeill of Fayetteville. It is esti-! place, than the distinguishing ability dis-| Cau ' ; in disgracing meritorious naval officers through |the abdomen with his club; the police- r: TY “4 aces nditiat tl rote eee i place, tha I Ing g y Gis-) Catholic people, this spiritual guide is taught to hinki a at Vienna, | Fan nal rights bave been opeoly violated and honors. The more liberal Gallic) mated that the road, which is 43 miles in lRvcdeby limi wile President bofire.| k onl , in ; am prejudice or caprice ; aud as shown in the blun- | an thinking he had been stabbed, im- ’ . 1 eye . A . lave e ss1de ‘fore. , , scordauce . > . . ” “ iy British vals within our jurisdiction, aud Catholicism of France, is diluted yet more length, will cost, exclusive of motive pow- | ae ; : Meg Psd |e cand) wacom nice mln been ea bee, CuNtne |), ring miamanagement uf our forcign relations. | ediately etrnck the stndent with bis Ragland so 2 nv offer of sabsfaction, or even among the French Creoles of Louisiana. | er, about $500,000, of which they have) Ile is @ conservative man. We believe | church—is but another name for the will of the 14th. There rie tu remedy ea Ga g evils and Lindgeon, splitting his scull dreadfully, ane 9 opie 1 n ) A ‘ : ees erefure, to remedy existi san 4 terror, been made, but acts) We know very many of them who, though | subseribed and secured &335,000, leaving }& will govern, not in the fear of man, ! Pope. Fresentaihe inns . = Wl This being done, he commanded his fel- weeks. bs < ’ J - : ponte P eve ne disastrous consequences otherwi . * A i A s. n vivlauea of our laws are de Roman Catholic by name,—fiom being | $165,000 still to be raised. Much infor-| but as one who aspires to higher honors} — Dr. Ives is, at present, Professor of Rhetoric Poet reeds ° Mp a i ‘ is “ low policemen to assist hin in conveying It was ru a pea a ae ae : PA : : Aches : é ; hi sulting therefrom, we woul Ih oli wd. For exercising the privilege educated in the forms of the Roman | mation of an interesting character as re-| than human fame, or the praise of men, | 8d) Belles Lettres inthe Catholie Theologica | bi ppaiantian a tre pull up the him to the guard house. As soon as he that Lord ¢ and respectfully sugaretug that Church have just about as inuch respect /gards the wealth and resources of the | \s to Mr. Doneson, we know but lite) Seminary near New York city Ninerican party” upon the principles berein- was lodged there the cry of “ College” i tiary - AV . ais to Q UNELSON, : ow b it- bal, - - a: . * potet. to some redress for « fatal blow for Rome, as we have, no more. Bulls,| country to be taversed by this road was Baa before stated, eschewing all seetiunal questions | was raised by the studente, and in Teas ts struck at uur sovervignity, we are threateued by! intendicts’ and Nuneies anlp aie uee| wire Her Ay Sarena EEtintaNTe tle of him, and that litthe would never . _ Jand uniting upon tl purely national, and a.) tian ten minotes, 160 studente were pre- and Austria t ne ol tlent Sie Mins ato y and 4 se, -\k , Q alrly emonstratec mar en ae , < Seer eye ' ng 0 those . tonal, and wl z t 8, d y i a Lure our va Gz a ~ ct Paaeire i eralarm. They hold to no spiritual or/that the road will be protitable to its have led us to choose him as the second) KNOW NOTHING NATIONAL COUNCIL. | initting iato said party all American citizens (re | SENN all armed with pistols, Lowie-knives, — vur ¢ s, Jevastale vur coasts, d kindle 2 - . bad . bd Aa en careers temporal allegiance, but look upon the) stockholders, paying in all probability }man oo the ticket. Nevertheless, with This body adjourned on Thursday uight last. ferred to in the 3d, 4th, aud Sth sections) who swords, hatchets and clubs, and rushed There wi nore reduublable, we are told that | OPes—as a wan, the head of the Church, 124 per cent. or more. Specimens of coal’ Mr. Firiwore at the head, we shall not. The closing proceedings were the adoption of aj opeuly avow the principles and opinions beret to the guard house crying, “ out! out!” = Peet bs lo Lake part im this pleasant who may do wrong, a8 any other man) were exhibited, which were pron sunced complain of 3 associate resoluvion repealing the Philadelphia Platform | fore er ressed > and 1 sut t After cutting all’ the doors and windows the United | Wok Franee our relations are, as all Goes, and to whose opinions, as much res- | equal to any in this country, and said to ! reid ae Nol otdune latent the oe f \ ' : 4 ane Who wh salserive thee inta fragments, they rushed in upon the ised to lay f Vi ner vting of cordiality aud pect is to be paid, as they are worth, from | be of the very best qualit ir producing Althoug 1 the proceedings of the Na \ ast, and the adoption of another plat: | names to this platform : provided, peverthelos, Chief, each student giving bim a mortal respondence and itis believed that there is amu.) Ads merit and character, but no more.—! gas, which renders it so much the more tional American Convention, which nom: |!¥rm that a majority of those members present at any wound with knife, bl idyeon, or sword It was rej ° . a lore ii ' . id desire that they should so remain. tia not.) Hence, the Americans in Philadelphia) valuable. The success of the mining op ed Mr. Firtwcer, and which are given The resulution to resciud the old platform | mecting of a lucal council where an appleant and threw him out of the seeond story manded bis ver He that the Emperor of the lad little difficulty in dealing with this, erations at Egypt on Deep River prove s'in this paper, indicate a rather stormy was cartied 138 to 51, (the vote being alinust | applies for members! rthe American party Wi dow on the brick pavement. The . will ac Jate Lis al th his fleet Fs ase The (C's = : ; 7 cea 5 od A Ba Sd Nae ri z ves | ry . } 2 : : ; thes ever, are si iia: ' ste Lis ally » reine case. The Catholics were vicar has heretofore been doubte tiuve among the délesates, yet it iseafic nurvly a sectional one,) as fol ows: may, for any reason by them dee nt Blain be I was then rung to call the citi- have eccurr , } American born. The civil authority of the whole of that region isa ba : qe ‘we Aves — Northern Votes.—New Hampebire 3; coy admission to such app! t zens toxether, but too late to be of any t , t 2 t ; ¥ Ff lit } a sound national feeling eo es ee ne T : , ‘ ae eto may, of what may oe at Britain the Unfted States is with them supreme. of this quality, which will be « : : aan ee eM Marsachusetts 13; Connecticut 5; Rhode bland! 18th. A free and pee : f service to the police. This morning about Carentan, | may take this assurance that the nited States nde h ate . fac + le vg , } rata ’ ed le Domination o mie a Nf BJ Adair Shteehonil Mob ‘el lart 5 2 ' : be — : hes oe bited rk l nder such a state of facta, it became ble value to the State and counts aes the nomination of 4. Now York 32: New Jersey 5 : Deansylvay ical principles embraced jp ; 10 o'clock, the alarm bell was rang again. spoken in t vd pec ee —— nghts, ditticult to make ont @ case against their Remarks were made by Dr itself, isa sufficient guar bia 28 Caltlorniia Ohi 23: Indiana 2 ; pata litle toad On arriving atthe guard house, I foand evaduct Mr pemst to asserting thera us couuury adiunission into the Couvention.” VU. G. Parsley, H. Nate, Col. tis well known that) w 4:1 i l +00 1 7 Se A — ee an esl of hs eee es tet Cols pen its Mmitoncs tu the . . a ie Ge i scobsin dors wal oa | Seal. a i $s fave ” recruiting of adventurers of We regard the action of the Conven A. J. De Rosset, jr Dr. J the standard arer of ¢r A . \ : ' row Nothivg National Concent ie RPS WO “lemons” with pistols, ewords from Lord | Wm. A. Wrigh 3 Une eeelone ame aed. 3b crus and Lowieknives. Several of th f t ee Te Be ) : rig ) ) ’ » AnIVes BS ¥ 7 i. If sh pretensions in relator tion in the above particular as a complete otherelmanitia: ho party not strictly national and conser- 1; Louis Tene © 2. Kentucky 1g, body wae organized oo Friday last, by the ap yy en e _ re eta this cause. Pecruiting, i must give up its claim to be an ir } ¢, abet iat ha i dente were carried to their various hemes The gene de pendeer water re Manele eeanigl ae and perfect vindication of the American ente rprise. A ve r I n from the Conven- District of Columbia 2 puintment of Ephraim Marsh of N Jersey. re dreadfully eut and bruised. The students se formed Ube recruitment qaesbon has assumed a Party upon this particular subject The was exhibited by t of delevates from Connecticut, Nore — Northern Votes.—New York 1: Cale ‘eo aad a Vice President from each Sta had sworn to kill the policeman and broke imsoking to giaver aspect than it as geperally supposed to American Party never have battled Valuable State wo Massachusetts, Rhoae Island, Olio, Iowa, forma !; Indiana 1—3 Southern Votes represented Mr. Haughton the VI fromting inte the wnard house, where he had been the peepee 5 wear, against the Roman Catholic redigion—we of the exceeding stringency of the t Popusvisy Sledeed ty. sustain Marviland 5: Virwiuis 0: Nurth Carolina 2. “ate } for safety, and pulled Lim out in from of Commerc s 10hic religion cli f , Xe, pledge " s ; : : M If the acts of Britsh officials, approved and have nothing to do with their religion a lerde vial am a rd subse i" n pa prercarce a. also po to shuw the Lousmua 3; Arkanens Trine 9° Kew The committee on crlentials presented a fit, w sit they et re rae giving hima ee om vindicated by their government, are lo pass up : vn | able roney could not be obtained at ie \ Majonty (Northern) ret anda Mit S Dlow with their clubs and some of them pe Derk , ; \ jer se; Lutitis against the podelics of the | prese I Aes ' Le 1 t tit ] views and alins Re De 1 43 y . 4 th ” tie voanepeill ate “leg: | Itomieh) Churct ihe le of ahendey “ se ial ay ; The new | uw sJopted J08 to @T™) report on the Penney leauia euntested seat, | zhun with bowieknives, The few motive befus bey are wot an inde aljicwy eee! ch—that is, the principle of | acceptable t ‘ Khold the Wes- 4 abe and just | - ! An cxciling edelate Gileed cedliiet che that were present rushed apen omiasion of the pnoeiple which Eogland anit and State--that the bat-/ tern read, that our citizens Is ‘ \\ these t + before “7° ™ aa . ; i” Nem andthey had a dreadful mass e the Queen's eB gee Oe ne anes ce , ; hs ; Lon wasin session wat! 24.) ~ v4 t only exercee 8} , f the young giant, “ Sam, cribe the stock held by the co W Styt } ae . ‘ Ave \ wn — New Thang Vous selects Ah. A. Mo of Satu vlurm bell was Ain rung to sammon A i Haris of soverwwaty. bul : 5 an Welder \ ' 1 The majority report , about to sen hts « gntyv, bu directa Wheat (herefire ming and eldon and \W wrt that Ais Pan sac Li use Isla New York 32 “ 3 | > : 4 awe the military companies, and in @ short . «! stablel it, sbe throws opes our country a : Seas ’ and Manchester ra 4, Loe ayia New Jemey 4: Tennsylvauia 13; California 2; POdiated the 12uh secon, was ad 88 tine five anilitary ¢ panies were pre- ee t willing sergeant of every na tothe I ope of Rome, both tein Ina ava ith iy dicont 3 1 iract 1 ‘ oF : Ler ‘ tise! , ade available either by direct sale or as } Obw 4. Indiana 2, Michigan 1; Wiscunsia 6; sent, inclading the artulery, clearing the ‘ .. poral and sp ritaal, 8 disclaiined, as bas collateral s« curity in effecting sale of t may for w licate | Cay: 2 Nouthzraie | eine arena Ms A great at a wa I students 1 went to Ak > been the case with the Louisiana Catho- | bonds of the Western road I pr 1 fi Jard arcr, Wliose Fie \ “ar Reminer vate we et f the street and howled, and ' sition seemcd to ineet with { ean gina h Caroiiua no” , eine bs : { Nn twd Patriotic Governor lies, however much we may abhor their ch em i. meet wi Wo ‘ s hnown and } ed) from t Ve Bae e . I \ Oo Saturday the Convention pe ase Lage) x they could to make the The Britis ayetteville dele hansas be aoa - G Wricrit, of Indiana, has taken a dif. religion, aa such, we do not see how we aes a, ii ar \ , ‘ tr r kK ee . Rf vag and had a stormy tome uf 10 thromebout (h : i open o Finding thie Steameduip A 2 : ; woti { m : | * . » ‘ “ sc. t themael ve ferent ¢ rse from his free soil neighbors Can, ¢ nsistently with the genius of the y as oo simbee (Mher Southern deleyates withdrew > ameoucs A ‘ nf “hd ith vices from L 5 > ) > 4 . ‘ , sed fyht sut ded pot of Ouie, New York, and Rhode Island, in| American Party, as at forth in the | Pet ; : A Ar wouar longing, it N ‘ eran—New Tl m 1. Mae them Gov Ca { kloada, Jo W alher \! persna 1 ‘ Tbe Liver E . d we hat we re-vard I . & CPs Masiot y revard t appeal from Kansas formen adelplia Platform, refuse to admit all ja course of construction from fa to da | ! f this a» s tule. It ree ». Alabama Allert [uke of Arkanse Mr Pk varione Profe rs, the students were The Laver to was avainst an expected attack of » are pultive born, into fellowshiy Coal Mines on Leep iver as « are " Was vthe Burl Bos New York i aelael act ig i { Tennessee, a the \ . to the « 4, where they held The state pros ’ m Missour He has In support of this posi 4 - and of the highest 1 rta + East Pow vesterday eve ana I luea l Southern \m July was . ameeting this afters . the resalt of vorable. fepliel et lenga (ay cpeatiaeia the Sth eeetion of the Phi.“ uimmston as well as vench taanner Mary la sean Nps (ianeeiae \l nae hat a con , sa shuakd he The Lowd ter of « swing extracts wi rin, as fullows Pilg : \ y was ibya wana Arkansas I . Kean oe . : Byor was presented with Comeuls had Age ; . yuibe eeze \ ; Ml Oa M . Tere ¢ ineeting of the eta 918. Amer sh Eat sense Resistance to the aggressiv » pul rh forwa a We V rrel © par i: . v a t their propo nh I rtainly not interfer the icy and corrupt tendencies uf the [oi , ara, thong ed she was The new plathorr ated Ly Jade Elle of ote ‘ ' - «a that it wae his duty to pr sph aioe att 4 of your Terrtor ‘ lie Chur A resolution was pase reelf on the A an | ana . ae gene of thre und he would olin ; z - : 7 ads ‘ - the wentinme . Te A : : M anes <p ¢ . t ed to medial i eet EN bg ie tier It is - ' ; . . tuke Cir Xecalive eg lo » Ope ka for “«< . (larendon 1 I f 1 ; meal the eve \ , , ss zi | ‘ tof the civ f the « Wilh sped the m know) «lz = I Nu Feb. 19 Palmerston | . ne f 1 { ) any a n ttee t aid t g A at her death was -™ ~ yt ; | w «tn ed around oa Central A h é your Terr whether civil or ecclesias- | A ° 6 w 1 pass nd : or fa = ‘ and jail, prepared to fore Parham ‘ * your are Americans t t Ar r 3 I ar 2 te atin, The ‘ af trai r—t 5 ‘ and : = pystpuoed hi wert bona halen training us ti } : -e. a ‘ ‘ several tlireais to ee re e and lable t \mericans uly shall rule subscription, payat ® ih ENG It ‘ mete n : t Cand the tary will be kept ander ; fh curreapoade sitment ade by r ciizeus, as vs 1 se Slates Ile Na ’ » . I: ye. The Mayor ME y r the — Tht e } ¥ alive t 5 i t f } achir vata ota Pay on ¢ The latest Dees © 18 pe hue it is seen, that our‘ resistauce : i I : sf 2d. The per; ( Federal t a . . wipe eines 50) peewee t hf } ene aited to that featare of the ¢ Se . ‘ ; et = a! la ‘ ; . ; : Use Loehrer hee 1 : . ras rer ay 5 s x ~ ( es wilt as a ahiy 1 et that the id eh , which nds ite folle rat r : ne 4 1 od . pra prepoosale toll they suf . llowse ana w Mm in stock irsr . a wark \ . . 1] tlie Chief of the seraaithetees x 2 ft ve 8" some foreign power. As the (ra Pre ae i ( ( for ; i . ies ria can Cabapeta tot { . anor lou r olics den € I } \ \s ne must roe ba . ‘ ( f ] at ( yeresa an or | ana Catholics deny any suc ane } " : oo nea . 1 a seas } lied * afternann manity must governme ever allegiance, the not come within the “ille delegs expr i ee ‘ , " + sb : expected to die to ng: . ent t , ed rview of t s Section: and, there ‘ 1 ina obs: z a AUK. ar = ail Sta t ‘ " Ficve-e A : ‘ ‘ t died to A * freqnentiv arising i ait evates hal Tere can't . ° ‘ ] fo is " We are | e tT Sratesl a } Tercitue 2 re, the American Party are perfect ° | remece ‘ Mr roe “ r hat the ¢ : pa ate veen an be. bet « Atates tlie ora sistent in alinitting them into their ; 2. that Eng a @. neve theless ae ‘ need { I t las since my ar tao proed to ‘ ‘ A | E STAM ‘ a s r yasea a 4 ] ‘ fA " t 4 \ Vreanber the . ; arm.” . y i) r i {ahora Npectat a8 PArems: ree ] tet t ‘ rive y; eee ; eee. : i ‘ I t give yon the The Brit 1 carrie “ : < The call wae iy avasame gy affair gE lites . Borde yo a state 4 M ‘ 4 voutly t at t I = tis pe ree : been totally M . a a grea : , 1 with (; ) anand the ¢ a wea choot Pint wapay, 20th. land . . nivdat of . . . f ; { by Mr. Terk (« t 7 «have dispatched one of ralie: as = . . ced : " gation f moti ra : v bie wa e ( harle for the per CHAPEL | ‘ unde we _ a zn pe petentat "a en ie bs Mass m, finding The Hulht . bch a oe nng - - : od eet : , pince will not sell to eghea, we s ? car < za . I Lowa ] I a, . Wee . a ' a * . | t ther kar : I aad d rifles the Senior C i ; : A ur ; a . =p ga yore anaem blir 4 . i oy oe a valedictory & F . } > Ere ballet thes gz builete las e : - . = “ ; Ie bi M } . Vay The Mayor having mrovement a Si * < " A ’ : in Law Af N.Y ‘ Pavre of k Hose ' key of t armory on Toes We had it : r ] Fi ¢ SIPS Bs Wives a ? ; - ‘ a I th | Ni j \ ' 6 a Inessenyer to him thie ndividual wa t ‘ ‘ ‘ | 2 ‘ 2 ; ‘ a ache Unhay; - * wa ; ; ; f mmony and fra Len fey 1 ON ei K pK atoif lid net give ( ommencem etter «nd cti a efor a cower re : 5 geod w * wie of the “y. 8 they w | break open the erted } as \ see F ; ‘ < f \ , ; I ° is hell : Mine Murray trad the a (reals be i m statrevand 5 a) eee Mr. Fillmore wast ; used todo ao, aud they sa epraian” weed - A r * r Ee -éhie 1 r at the Con fie Era hee i a) P me s ane ; G adv ‘ . . os en with # . rinsing ioe “ ' g . ly I the weapons the Cowanen 2 serve tha i ~ a ( vA Sy ' . a4 Fe ce 6 f a. . i teen . : . Re a r rv thes year, st in a ‘ ; P pees : . 2 (i nt Fripay, 21st he no influen od g ‘ a Mis. M - e : Vice Prean ba r t to the campns this testant friend r A Py \ 1 ' 1 y pir aa 8 ' uiy | Bs of rig ft , Andrew Jackson [> 1 x aided the arma from the And what wi : : - a to take pa a discus 1 alrea ma and mat rena of the t . ee He Rayner, of N \ t Ng 4 em if they did not sur, permitted to A - r fthet : . lane toot ma ; Terttey 2 : stores, “« Hane ’ ‘ ld fire uy oi them. Thia can well ima; Jneen's hous F ry f t | i tentlotenas 4 { . e, they yave up their arme 6 ‘ A “Ty , : . Ate EE AT leclared t inafianenie. Uiere« HOE Poe . ; ary worthies a { . ae < witlat hevr ' nnd soctal affairs neentionct th A : bile ege mecting beld to- i o ple tacta J Was no t ; : - paneer : Sh a) utice of \ wand some of the students were ex ic inflaence ' Maio, i 4 ‘ 4 | at r al ejere to the provisior ‘ d States clint Fedomnctmthinkihelcratsee call they had the : Zine | t ik the f > M A cere ve aati, ik aristra : ee Federal Cnet with the right of Mr Don wle ar T iseres “ fathers of th iv © proofpheets, W t efore, 5 ithe ; wd the c hewspapers have said no- oe. Q ' eantitir { u (tlie f (ins er , ' > Vniou whenever they ba ay mes} Jred 5 hing about this affair t it tl anv participa L Acai st , — ] ’ ‘ nent for | ‘u , ves vie Rone : ed the institut ot - ; 4 : : ye id ‘ , as they fear oe berate sons h . df / / tr . ars Picts \ r ] r West of the ps poe tao IAS LU Union, North, Sonth, Weat te se fJownh upon them with 8 man, who j \ \\ oa wu : } ‘ i ; fatty Z fed raut, that none bat He eaponeed the Americar Hie, sen Pe id 8 blind devoti A st 8 i ive from conrt i ; : em whe ar 8 ! 1 States un tal others addressed the convent +o: endeavor to b ‘ i ' t 4 “ ee ch alt le af ; : ee af nett 5 ws thereof and whe Phe test feeling prevaile and the f f ae nation of the Woy ~ g Crave | ‘ oct ‘ t ave Rn fined resiler ach Territory Mr Fillinore manifest yreat enthusiasm j dias tay that Pose mo . a eoveruig er and t to part ot ae After other wiimportant business the conver Sivwia M Guilford Co, N.C Chapel Hill } ar ation the eon mn adjourned ane die Me JJ ; : ‘ A or, r Uloan beck ¢ I neeqnence of neglects The 1 Dit Bh Itt .4 . >: lor . semen her her im your office or the Postmas- A ccid. | | , co > Accident ; sure passed t | onan! ; ' ba I) , i \ f Path Very Queer Packag Wun ina Dy " nse discontinue the Watchman the condue " : ! Wider DUTT) f the ex | lea r t r = I a Yesterday morning somewhere inthe bh k ator you longer, buat not Railroad, tl ‘ i : } ] br * in native ' : ern ger, ; ‘ ‘ hat 2 t ] t ] nl fitters raft ‘ oMse ath pa nis t box turned nhers duet led me, as above for ( olumb oo ae eae rs « mi J cowan | ‘ ’ ps labelled, © This side up, with care voy ; ful oceurre 7 a, oe - ; ae | have Tobe well-shaken before taken.” & \ ; i raftsmen wi fexne | ; fila. i . Bj nee , . A gto t iwsof the We On opening the box a very dir fu among tl a t u Sof ‘ ishop Uhinse : a : ry : & ther u 4 ; ns : ; . i sinson's Appointments. I white man crawled out, who declare Jo oL. SMITHDEAL a Mr. Jenn; 4 v ~ ’ : 1 } , ‘ ves I d ‘ t itera 1 f \ eeat na alization that how he got in was a wondert lai U : ete ae & loaded pls . , rey : ‘ ‘ Raw y of twenty-on f 1A : . re ut was that Yo paper has been regularly mailed when it sud ‘ ; 4 “ ¢ TI M Nee hous SPIN of grinding a ki late in the evenine <:41..0 ; ay owned by ) . ee ae j t i STULL corn poet ) r ane ] you at Holt's Store, Al- tl A re \ ‘ niza ' (ie f { previona, in fr fa place where gpirits rongh dis ( rat after. an . 7 ‘ A een : : ’ and were sold. Nobody eame to claim pr \ CORN If it has failed to him. The. ; iS ) 1 f ; ie : prs ° ; | F ‘ t | | perty, and ao the * lore. cwentiel ree destination regularly, the fault ville, and tl rene = . i Phoin: waya, tone the worse atiht’s | Vnongst the Postmasters and route Over to am f vent ina ¢ box! gat <n S rs 1 va dry fy iM 1 tson the N.C. Rail Road. gation.-—So . C, of most he Stua- ege, ac- er. The are sat- uinitted 1856. prevails ut nine e South around neview, nm were , imme- 8e, ONE e Chief od mur- ee: in police ed, im- ‘ith his udfully, his fel- veying | as he ollege”’ in vl re pre- knives, rushed ! ont!” indows again. | fonnd sitizens swords ¢ sta- homes udents l broke d been in frome hima . them he few | upon « The im Den a short ro. pre- ng the ent to d, and he the ng thie ewith id not on by : were y held alt of uld be i with e stu propo o pre 19 round real to ] The ala tu ander Mayor mace is ill not | they uf the moon die to ed to been ny ar m the Mh. me of ) par nding ell to rifles e pre « last aving Te + » thie t give n the they aj os let a this m the “4 aur. This a ld to- re eX r will idl no- ir the with N.C eglects stmas- hman ut not above AL jailed e, Al- ed to fault route LATER FROM EUROPE ARSIVAL OF THE ATLANTIC. New You, February 24. The United States Mail steamship Atlantic, Capt. West, has arrived at this port from Liver- with udvices to the 6th inst. four days lu- ter than those by the Canada, The Liverpool cotton market was dull. The Liverpool Lreadstuffs market had consid- erably declined, and flour was dull at Is, per bbl. less than at the departore of the Canada. For core there was but liule speculative demand, and prices were auchanged. Rosiv was in fair demand at 4s, 6d. per ewt. Consols were depreased in cunsequence of the threatening aspect of the relations between Eng- land and the United States, No mail bad arrived from the United States since the arrival at Liverpool of the Atlantic. Nothing of interest had Leen received from the Crimea or Asia Minor, The last docks at Sebastopol bad been destroyed. Prince Paskie- witeh is dead, “ Peace progresses favorably. An armistice will be concluded to last probably until the end of March. [tis said that it will be confined to land operations. The preliminaries of a protocol were signed at Vienna, first by the representatives of France, England and Turkey, Russia and Austria agree ing to open the Conference in Paris within three weeks, It was rumored, but pot generally credited, that Lord Clarendon would be the English Plen- ipoter.tiary, and that the Emperors of Russia and Austria woald visit Paris during the Con- ference. There was considerable excitement in Eng land respecting the probabilityyof a war with the United States. Lord Palmerston had prow- ised to lay part of the Central American Cor respondence before Parliament. It was reported that Mr. Buchanan bad de- manded bis passports, ever, are silent respectiog the difficulty said to have occurred between that geotieman and Lord Clarendon, bat it is reported that the latter had spoken in the most i:nperious manner, which evaduet Mr. Buchanan promptly checked by closing the interview. from Lord Palmerswu's suiree is attributed to this cause. The general tone of the Government Preas is insulting to the United States, bat the feeling of the people is friendly of Commerce deprecate the wea of an Amencan The Enylish papers, how- Mr. Buchanan's absence The Liverpool Chamber war, Matters, however, seem critical Phe Derby party ietend to bring forward a motive before 1" omiasion of al! allusions to the Ue. the Queen's speech about to send Eavoys to Diranl ty influcnoe ber lament on the subject of the d States France aod Enjy!and are va Ceatral Ainencan affairs o- ARRIVAL OF THE ASIA New Yous, Fet. 26 The British and North Amencan Koyal Ma Steamsip Asia hes arnved at this port, with ad vices from Liverpx © the Oth suet, The Liverpool Cotton Market clus d quiet The Laverpoul Dreadstulls market was lower The state of trade ia Manchester was lens fa vorable. The London Money Market was tyhter, but Consuls had advanced aad closed at from 91 4 vig The peace plenipotentianes were Sir leary Balwer had uder ed to mediate between Mr Amencan Stocks were lower beginomg & amembie in Paris. Bechanas and Lord Clarendum. In the Howse of Commons Lord Palmerston announced that th corres pond. nee oa Central American affairs would ai b fore Parhament eben Mpletes Mr Ta pyetpoeed his muon 1a relation to the enlt ment of soldiers io the United States ur curreapoedence shoukl be pallinbed The latest adviers received at Lis bey telegraph from Lowden. on the Oth inet. stat that the London Tim: of a at sures the coarse taken by the Eayhel and Amer can Cabaneta, an-l, after remarking that even h manity must have lmits, comludes by aay ng: “ We are as desrous of peace as Mr. Cols! can be, but ee know that when a nation becomes too prowd to lieten to reason, the ary . arm The British steam frigate Poly) temo had been totally lost on the northwest coast Jut land CHAPEL INILL AND BISHOP HUGILES The Hilaboro Reorder says “Arch Brehor Hlughea, we understand, hae been « ted. bs the Senior Clana in our University. to preach t valedictory sermon at the approaching Com Men-ement We had it from good authority (hat the «an ndividaal was select som art t ‘ommencement last year, but the Lresident ex erted hie ipflaence to prevent it, Dut the effor is again made to bring that Jeauit to take part in the Commencement of a Protestant: Institution thes year, Where is President Sear II ns he no influence thie year! What will the P testant friends of this Institution think of tl And what would our fathers say if they wer permitted to visit the scenes of this life. We can well imagine the surprise of thime revolutior ary worthies who weil knew the danger of Cath slic inflaence and their want of toleration wher they had the power,— yet with the efforts of tl fathers of the S:ate to exclude Catholics from ANY parberpation in ite government, their deye Berate sons have attempted to bring into notre § man, who if he had any claim to notice, m his blind devotion to the Pope and a ready tool to endeavor to bring this country under the domi nation of the Romish We should tay that Puseyism mast be inthe ascendant at Chapel Ht, ” hierarchy — Accidental Tlomicide We learn from the conductor on the South Carolina Railroad, that on Wednesday the train for Columbia was detained by a mourn ful oceurrence in the negro éar. raftsmen were returning Ronit harleston, Some . S among them four negroes, belonging to‘ a Mr, Jennings. A free negro who lad a loaded pistol was showing it to them, when it suddenly went off and shot a lad owned by Mr. Jennings, the ball passing throngh his body and instanily killing The cars were stopped at Summer » and the parties present were turned over to a magiatrate for judicial investi g4tion.-—So. Caroli nian, him ville Puraverruta, Feb. 26th, 1856, Gotwspono’, N.C, Feb, 14th, 1856, |. M% Eprros: On Sunday evening the 24th My Dear Sir : Und in the Richmond Chris- z tian Advocate, of this dite, an editorial saying |G°"8® M. Ramsaur, of Lincolnton, N.C. at that a pamphlet willbe issued from Richmond, | request of a number of his friends, by the iu a few days, containing “the ehtire - | Rev. H. A. Boardman, D,D. Due notice bay- ings in the case” of Dr, Smith, “ exeept the speech- jing been given, the church was crowded, the au- ¢s of De. Deems, which he declines furnishing.” | dience consisting chiefly of young men to whom With the argument of the prosecution wholly I ah eee aie ana omitted, this onerided pamphlet can be of litle |"'° TMOn Was especially ad ressed. Among use to those who desire to arrive at the truth. | them were many North Carolinians, all in fact, It is due, then, to myself, that the public should | I Lelicve, who were in the city. The discourse know the reasons for this declinature, I respect- | was touching, eloquent and impressive, and was fully request the publication of the parwonbtd beautiful monument to our young friend, one correspondence. All newspapers announcing the hich will 1 hi i pamphlet, will please du me the justice to insert j Which will more truly perpetuate his memory in this article in their columns, and assure the pab- jthe hearts of those who were present than could lie that, ia due time, odd the material matter of | Vie most splendid marble. The sermon will be my speeches will uppear, with much more, that | sulivited for the purpose of publishing it in pamphb- : : : | g ‘tin pain will be more interesting aud instructive to the pub- | ),, aber desirable tu the accused and the con- terest and beneficial effects will not be confined | alone to those who heard it delivered, but will | be extended to others, Zz | —~ | From the New Orleans Delta, Feb. 15. | Very respectfully yours, CHARLES F. DEEMS. Mr. Wynne to Dr. Deems. Ricuwoxp, Jan, 28, 1856. DEATH OF DAVID WISE. Dear Bro: Ov the 7th January, during a se- | Serrosen Poisoxina.— Mr. David Wise, who kept vere indisposition, my manager, iH: Walford, | * rlave yard ou Baronue street, between Common and Jat my instance addressed you a note through | Cravier streets, died yesterday morning about 10 o’- | clock, and from some circumstances a negro woman jyour futher, (deeming that the safest way to a wom jreach you,) requesting you to furnish me copies belonging to him, and who bad been living with him, | * is suspeeted of having poisoned him. of your specebes in the trial of Dr. Sinith, for ’ : She was arrest- publication in a pamphict containing that trial, | ¢¢ and lodged in prisoa. The Coroner was informed {which [am about to publish by adthority of the | ef the case, and proceeded to summon a physician to Thre: | bold « post mortem examination on the body. Incon- j weeks have elajsed and T have received non | Sequence of the lateness of the hour, however, the lponse. As you may not have received the first | post mortem examination was postponed till this morn- Hletter, this isto request you to furnish the speech We ought to suy that Mr. Wise had been sick es for publication. Ihave now priuted beyond | for a mouth of inflamatory rbeumatiam, we incline to the point for your opening speech to come, Lut | the opinion that the idea of his being poisoned will be shall be happy to give ita place at the vext most | found entirely errouevus, aud destitute of any reality practicable poiut. proper order. Let me hear from you at once Awaiting your decision Tam truly yours, &e. CHAS. HW. WYNNE Mr. Couference having charge of the subjeet 4 x ) ing The other can come in its} | Larner. Conoxens Ixquest.—An inquest was held on the body of David Wise, who was posed to have died areful examination from the effeets of pomson. After a | of the physician who held the pust mortem, concluded Dr. Perms to Wynne that deceased came to his deuth from “ rheumatiom Goupssono’, Feb. 4, 1856. of the heart ;" and the jury rendered a verdict accor . bo , dingty. As soun as the verdict of the Coroner's jary Dear Bro: Yours of the 28th of January im was returned, the slave gurl who was arrested on sus in hand. Your tirst note | have never seen. If picum, wes discharged. it reached my father he wust Lave forgottn 3 If it had been directed tu my address LE sbould “ <Say ainggalsniaaie ea MARRIED: probably have received iti good tin iemeeacl he Stik Feb. by ihe R ; nay rity Sree ak ie » Raodolph county, on the 27th Feb, by the Rev Tam sania! J | Sih 2 malar BOL. Beall, DA. DAVIS, E-q, of this Town, to speeches delivered by ine iu the pros cution of) wir BO BEALL of Randolph Wm. A. Smith, 1. Dy for immoralty, before Io Iredelt coanty, om the 21st ult, by Rev. WoW the Virgnoia Conference, to be iuserted 1 a pam | Nesbit, Me MELAS DOBBINS and Miss LAMI phlet to be issued under * authority ofthe Com-, RA KELD, daughter of David Revd mittee of the Conference having charge of the subyet.” du vot koow who comjnme that \ '’DD row commutee. They may be metobers of that ma- | if ’ Z sis junty of the Viruia Couferen Whuse ce ssccss) THE JULLIEN ure has placed them C. Conference the alleyiaoce | owe t Confer nee, forbid any x DIverpppre ’ ’ YON ITD cupartoary with th puils (ao MANSTRELS AND BURLESQUE thing ad . A ry Y . The Virginia Couferenee is mot content with OPERA rROt PE. Me ats is boteontent with a quitting its ac 4 pels JULLIDN MINSTRELS and Bariesque Up- cased memnter , tf mast do som thimy more for ra Tra pe compnmog ten tallented performers Rs « gye tau thew eb ° 1 pepalar enterias ‘ 1h Mtast woe t wit ry ts w 2 por ren He i : ae mt ine + place wa Tursday and Wedoesday Eve- disturb the peace bur a + mings, 4th ard Sih March —Intewtucing the Burlesque bet the Conk renee d ated n tad he « i © Family, Burk sque Circus, Hunga respommb lity of all there pamphlet sh al] nan Warblers —The great for If Lr Sen ' Js bet hom ba 1 ARFKICAN GIANT, &e de yee, by Gad’s mid to take ca mh)» A C onde of adiniamn SOet>; Children and Servants half any rat the Virginia Cecbe . « last pr Drew 7. performance ww penre at body of men PT should think of asking ot . Perveular attention pad to me The put “ Jha reas R W WILSON, Ageat inv eanily 14a f } antiy @rtful tricks —ehal ave been pla upoo me by certar ' men somes secretes TAX LST THX LBM bers prdaction of a par { “ e for itt “ ctlo pay a Poli Tas to the State pe * deuslle Ls reeded in the Town of t b he Im day «f February, 1556, of who a ovedin any profemmon of to { { Sahabery for three moathe or . ' t jie Ilha aq the sad let day of Feb oreo ect arcut ° «60a ot were peoreeed 7 card Town on the sand lo : “ ji ae vid February, are hereby notified to give in to the 1 atm the I wa y fault that Is Tews Clerk a he ead Polls and taxable prop ‘ } ' ; get Virg a | e the inet dey uf March insta A one licha rae . yee feile a b ar for t ear 6 DS eae oy ms : The ( ber ettend at the Commuesoners’ runm * . } hb. Mand 2 b. P M., trom . r he 3 st for the purpose uf receiving ry ae re . OBADIAH WOODSON, CBC . J] + M od zoe 400 . a . i ’ rere . 1 "an the STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, ROWAN COUNTY ‘ a . / 5 Sesssons, February at perf ‘ i a 7 » 18 “ any . goku; Hirsee Lascile va Aberdren Campeny : , Levied ew Land and Persona! ty. Cu Ett bMS Labi, IN ene aring te the aa wfacton of the I re : ‘ + en ns ef the Aberdeen e My J i set fr ‘ “pe bd h sf thre State Ti we there lt i ‘ ace en z ’ ' 4 et pablicain be made for aie . * ne Carona Weichmen, a oo es paper dim the Town of Sabsbery. ment Tongue } has lait%e iis he parties be end appear at the neat Coen 3 Divas Q Swe be heid for the Coan boy la toy wu Raw a Comrt Hoase in Selebary nthe , artarciie pint —the thers ahha » May nen hen A there io replers * od to sard © © judgme y default will be ter at the ton Z ar be. pe d agvine eee I . mruc fast f ere “ es, James B WRere. Clerk wr sad Cort, » iis Office nS he la Febraary, A « = ‘ ° eth mere JAMES EO ARERR, Ck in, t va t aly @5 6040 Matt re 2 - f ¢ Tame ’ r re ° STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, uical ax I Tas * , ‘. ; , . ROWAN COUNTY ae 5 , Ae sa Qua See Fibrnuary ru eull z tara T “ ale Z 1M A ve Na s ’ ( ™ T * e r a for ha ( & - z . 5 t Origieal Attachments Levied on Land aed Personal : " jie ia The k Property. ~ oe APT ; 1s . appearing tothe extiefyetion of the ’ mee Smith and Clarkeon Coffin, are arony a ntsof the Siate T ordered =. y the Coart thet pabircateon occess weske Ca a Wa " newspaper When " |» Rubhiers \ he Tow Saushury. notifying the par. _ ‘ ne . he newt ( Pleas and Q Soe ® ve forthe Coanty of Rowan inany sons wear | ur overs . ( i s b he Tet Monday Irv wea tok wari | t Mavonee. th : vy, and plead to “ Py by defauli will be rendered a ' a a i a rubber « bs . b v AS aw. Jimee BE Were, ¢ k ered Court Are ver \ o » Salabury Ist M ny in Febraary t! f ] yow sloppy wea ! AD, 1656 “b rile worn on any other us JAMES E RERR. Clerk i] adv. & 6w40 hae s be te keep wa They should t} be put off wheney NM CHEAP WRAPPING PAPER wearer enters a house. and worn as tle as pos CHE merchanteot Saliebury and viewnity. ean be eup sible, because they are ai tight, a ho retain oid with hinds a siace of paper at factory prices and restraint Porspiration af the fect The T Symons & Co Rags A ‘ akena xchange for paper air cannot be ex hed from n, oF fret \ rn , : other portion of the be for any length o Ma 4 5 Qw4d limaomithout wenel flecting t Neale Tt 1s var opinion tat ow bats enteooeivnconl BOOTS & SHOES health than clean dry stockings, so as to allow a the free perspiration of the nether extremities” GENTS fine Sttehed and Pump Boote Opera u oa Drab & Bk Congress Boots The [> Diet) waren Long Island and Gantera vuund ia nearly clear of iec. and naviga Jored Button eR hia? | he rotor LADIES 1 (saitere tien has recom nenced The Potoma Uilk Foe tin . is also open The steamers commenced Kid Shippers and Ties on Thursday their regular trips to Aquia MISSES Medathon ‘ and Gaiters Creek . Ajay aclnrge Kelat hailies and Minecx Bate Shaes and Cautera: Mens’ Boys, and Gente Boote and Shoes, : : < aT yoalties and styles. Children’s Shoes, &e, Affection, hike spring flowers, br <1 gh }oand for sale low for Cash, of on short the most frozen ground at last: and the heart ponctual dealere Qoarterly payments re ! vall who p Nase goods on ne whieh seeks for another boart tot thapy MILES, MOOSE & CO Sine 40 will not seck in vai March 1, 1696 | inst, a sermon was delivered on the death of jlvt formn, and if the use of it be allowed, its in THE MARKETS, Salisbury, N. C., March 4. Apples, (dried) 15 “ Mixed, No.1, 10ai1 do. Green, $1.00 | “ Do.Pure, 110124 Bacon, 124! Molasses, Cuba, 60 Beeswax, 22 | “ N.Orleans, 70075 f, 5@6|Nails, Butter, 124@ 15 | do. Wrought, 124 @ 15 Candles, Tallow, 25 | do. Horse Shoe do. Adamant,’ 33035 |Oats, 30@00 os Linseed, gul a $1 25 Tanners’ } gal 00 «75 ewes F Pb, 4@5 |Potutoes, Irish, $1 do. Malable 124 @ 15 | do. Sweet, 50 Cotton, 8 |Rags lb, 3 Salt (} sack,) $2.75e $3 Cotton Bagging, -—- “* Gunny, 20200; do Pbusbel, $1.00 “ Dundee, 15200 |Sheetings, Brown, 4-4 9 “ Burlaps, O0a 18§jphot, H bag $2.25 Cotton Yarn, 90 |Seed,—— Corn, 50 55) Clover, bush.$12a124 do. Meal, 50055 | Flaxseed, 15 Chickens Ydoz., $14 @14)Sugar, Brown, 11 a 124 Eggs } doz, 8010 | “ Loaf, 124015 Feathers, 30035 | “ Crushed, 124015 7 ~ . 664087 i we Clarified, Ua ron, Swede, ‘allow, do. Bar, _, oe 44/Turpeutine, Pgal.87$1-0 “ on Refin'd * West, aeios “ oles, ‘ool, a “ Oval, 6 @T7 |Window Glass, ® box, Lard, 10a 124 8x 10 $2.25 Lead, bar, 1408 1024 12 $2.50 Lead, Dry White, 10 al 2d NORTH CAROLINA, IREDELL COUNTY. IN EQUITY. February the 18th, 1856. Jacob Fraley and others againet Lawrence Hudson and Thomas T. Hadsoo. ORIGINAL BILL. IT appearing to my satisfaetion that Thomas T Hudeon, one of the defeudants in the atove named suit, resides beyond the li of this State: It is or- | dered that publica de for the space of six weeks in the Carolina Watchmen, notifying hun wo appear at the next Term of our Coart of Equity, to be held fur the county of Iredell, at the Court House in Statesville, ou the 6th Monday afier the 4th Mon- day ia February, iustant, to plead, answer or demur to the Bill filed by the plaintiffs against him, of judg- ment pro cunfesso will be entered ayainst him Atoffice in Statesville, tus 18th day of February, A. D. 1856. &M.E IMPORTANT SUG Y The Factory Buildings AND ALL THE MACHINERY Connected therewith, and eight acres of Land more or lest, adjoining the buildings belonging to the Con- cord Manufacturing Company, will be exposed to pub- lic sale on Thursday, the 27th of March next, on the premises TERMS :—Bonds with approved personal security and Mortgage on the Property, on a eredit of ove, two and three years, with interest from date. By order of the Stockholders. KIAH P. HARRIS, Pres't of Company. Concord, N. C., Feb. 14, 1856. 6w38 JAMES HORAH, WATCH-MAKER AND JEWELER, SALISBURY, N. €, (Ome door below BR. & A. Murphy's Store,) Knees constantly on hand a large assortment of WATCHES and JEWELRY of all kinds. Clocks, Watches and Jewelry of every description, repaired in the beet manner and va the most reasona- ble terms. February 19, 1856. ly38 E. NYE HUTCHISON, COMMISSION MERCHANT, Charlotte, N. C., will sell on Commission 300 PACKAGES FRESH DRUGS, MEDICINES, &c., Xe. SILL & SILL, Druggists and Chemists : opposite. Mansion Hotel, SALISBURY, N. C, LD apedineiPcbeederpe-4 announce that they are now receiving and offering « large and watirely fresh stock of DRUGR, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS, TRUSSES, PAINTS, VARNISHES, BRUSHES, PERFUMERY, FANCY AND MISCELLANEOUS ARTICLES, éc., all which have been very recently selected by one of the firm, with great care, and scrupulous regard to genuineness and purity. They deem it unnecessary to say, that it shall be their constant aim, as heretofore, to merit a contine- ance of that patronage which has been su liberally ex- tended to them—for which, and the generous sy mpa- thy so generally manifested for them, ou the occasion of their late misfortune by fire, ney bos to express their profound and heartfelt gratitude. Salisbury, N. C., Janaery 22, 1856. PETER W. HINTON, COMMISSION MERCHANT, TOWNMW YFPOINT, Sorfoalin, Wa. 34uf Special attention paid to Selling H.L, Robards, Req., Salisbury, N. C. Charles L. Hinton, Esq., Wake Co., N.C. J. G. B. Rowlack, Req., Raleigh, N.C. Cotton, Corn, Flour, Wheat, and all COUNTRY PRODUCE 1N CHARLOTTE, CHARLESTON, AND NEW YORK. | Liberal Advances madc ow Consignments, Re laerenu3sSs e J. H. Jenkins, Esq., Salisbury ; Geo. W. Wilhams & Co., Charleston ; A Huut, Lexington; Robert ly'r12 o. MANSION 20% HOTEL, SALISBURY, N. C. Seutter, Esq, New York February 19, 1856. ly'r38 | | | North Carolina. | W. P. CALDWELL, C Printers’ fee $5 50 MOCKSVILLE MALE ACADEMY, 4 tule next sesmon of th.» Lastitution will commence on Wedaesduy the 20h of February, inet, The school ie pow in a very flourishing coadiioa, and the subscriber will ose his vinust cadeavore to keep it so and to sustein the repatation whieh « has heretofore enpyed. Young men will be prepared to emer any 6w39 class in the University or in any of uur Colleges which they may desire TERMS: | Primary Dy irtment per cesta of 5 months, §° 00 Higher Eughsh Brauches, 12.00 Classics, 15.00 JNO. B. GRETTER, A B Beb. 15, 1256 wr3g REFERENCES. | Premdent aod Faculty of the Univeraty; Ree Drary Lacy, D D, Prendeat of Davidson College Joho Mi Morehead, Hoa Joha M Dick, Greens Hoo be J.P. Bell, Eng, Sols woogh; FE Shuber, Haq Notice to persons who have been work- ing in the Rowan Factory. II AVING seven hands in my Factory who came from the Rowan Feetory, with whom being well pleased. | would bhe to procare the services of uihers who formeriy worked m that Feetory. I want to get one bose Weaver, capable of keeping ep 40 kuwme ; 10 geod Weavers ; 2 good Card et; 1 gaud Spreader ted ia Grheoe oe enty 13 moles South west of Trenton Twill tberal prces for the above hands, and furnish farmdly hoeses to bve The leraten w= bealihy SOLOMON SHA, Proprietor 39.51 pd “THE WILMINGTON HERALD | be pubbebed daily and weekly at SF and @2 per annum inadvance. It eoffered tothe merchants i of Salsbury aud other western towns, as a good ad 10 good Spanaers ; Sinppers ; heud. Tennesace, pay F-b 26, 1656 on Terms moderate - T NOTICE. OTVARES ups rough N ¢ Negro man by the name of Vertmng mec BURR. Jr cn) 1 commutied ta Ja w“ om the 25th of Jauaary HUMPHREY. aboat five fect ght of lem imehes high; black, and seppoerd to be about filly years ad SN bey for merly belonged to Mr Dawid Grey of this enn bat says he now belo to Mesrs Wadeon and Arwheld, near Salebury. N. Th woer of sa» bey 12 tequesicd ts comme ferward, prowe property pay expenses, ccherwome he will be deall with aceurd ag to law ESLEY STALEY. Swf Feb 26, 1856 5039 ] AVE BEEN BEFORE THE PURLIC FOR apwardsof wrty years Their wide -epread reputar and foreign aswell ae sin iteelf sefficrent to establish the fact of the a FRESH and GENUINE Dre s for ce ture accompanving all packages etd Por sale by Ed: & oF MERONEY Salisbary, No ¢ Febrnary 26, 1656 3w39 wos. wt 3. 8. Bone 2. a. EESNEDT “™™! ECES ER EG OH AND NEW GOODS. Mills, Moose & Co. DEG leave to inform th > public ra opening inthe Breck House formerly ocenpred by dy & Mills their stock STAPLE AND FANCY irmany frends and the gener there 5 <'s ’ Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, *: together with all articles usually kept in a Dry Goods Store. ‘They are alas receiving the largest and best selected stook of ¢ ee ever offered in this market allof which they a ermined to eell at prices that cannot fail to please P.8 THE UlGHEST MARKET PRICES paid at all times for Bloor, Wheat, Corn, Cotton, and all kinds of @ dace January 9th, DS56. Sif CUMMING & STYRON, COMMISSION AND Forwarding Merchants, WILMINGTON, N.C Particular attention psid to selling Flour, Corn S20 Cotton, and all kinds produce Feb, 1856. ly39 aR Ee 2PE Hue GOOD SUPPLY of Tanners, Whale, Machine \ and Sperm oils. just received and for male MILLS, MOOSE & Co February 12, 1856 Sit vice are authorized by the last Act of Assembly lo meet at the schwl house of your Distric: the Ist Saterday in April wext, and elect your Se Committees for one year. ‘Those elected will take o' fice the Ist Munday in May following, A report of the Eleciion must be made to (he Superinte nda nis be- fore the 3d Muaday in April. Also a Report of the namber of children over mx and under (weaty-one years of age, must be made by the Committee within ove month after they take office. Any two of the presea( Commitee are appuinicd to act as judges of the electwa M. CAMPBELL, Chairman Pebruary 14ib, 1655 3w3e Office Western N.C. R. R. Company, SALISBURY, FEB 19th, 1556. | | Palate ALS willbe received at this office until the Ilthof M duation, Ma- sunry and Sills for es of the First Seetion of the Westera North Carulina Rail Road, extending from Salwbury westward h next, for the ¢ Oa and afier the 6th proxiimo, plans, specifieations aod profiles of the work may be secon at the office of the Ch.cf Eugineer R.C PEARSON, 3w3) Pree’'t W. N.C. RR Co Us The Standard and Register, Raleigh; Patriot, Greeasboro’; Demoerat, Chartoite ; News and Spee tator, Asheville , will please copy uml the 10th pros- tne, and send their ecevunt with « copy of thew paper to this uffice Office R. & G. Railroad Company, Rareron, Jan 31, 1856. Raleigh & Gaston R. Road. Sched ule Jor Mail Train on and after Thuvad 'Yy, the 3lat day of Jan uary, 1856 Noe F.—On and after to-day, the Mail Trase will leave the Depot, North Carolina Railroad A.M The Coadurtors and ot 13 mine val of the care from Baggage Master « begrage. Ac Pe troable 10 shifting baggage. and will errive at Weldon at 1130 apen the arr be on readiness to take charge of . have no A M., 1a full tinve few all trains gonrag North By crder of the Presale mt JAMES W POOL, 3u3 Treket Agent NEW BOOKS. Ar ST RECEIVED Rime Clark, by Fanny Fern; : of the Am Revolaton Season, by Bea Rey nds the Aathur Ahone .' Scene York Sargenn. by Dr Disce; Preseti's Philip the Reeond, 2 velom ) Mewrurs SS Pree Abbott's JOH ENNISS Luf { Napdeon Bonaparte Buck sefle r Feb 12, 36 37 SALISBURY FEMALE ACADEMY. ee Carth session of this School will end the 29th f Febroary There will vacation ; the fifth eeeseon w nrrence immediately and Lermunate he Ist of August, when a vacation of two months ' Terms wal continge as heretof vin Board and Tu n per seamen 5 months, $67 50 sO L 20 00 Ure of Instron 200 (rovtar 19.00 Drawing 10 00 Ont Parnung 20 90 Frene - 1006 I her studies 5 00 I will vary from @x + will by wither moard pt aces . an erreas sickness JESSE RANKIN. Prnerpa February 16th, 1856 4036 Raleigh & Gaston Railroad. Raleigh & Gaston R. R. Office, Kave Femavany &. 1556 . Maa te Cha a Rulroad ie pow completec in hereby pive browg how vat Rovd anep Raleigh & will be reerived t Company -N na Ka ip Rabigh owned > \ we Com . wilt . “ vit Road. wil western m Hers along hkewise be delis the aa All duce for freight must be paid at Petersharg or Portamouth, excep way wht. ow 1 toast be paid in adva ne ry of greed Every effort will be made by the othcers and agents of the ¢ give satisfaction ithe transporta tion of g a Owners and shippere of goods are reqnested to have them distinetly marked, so that suimaton may he known (f3s Ro A HAMILTON, Adm’r DIBBLE «&e BUNCE. Dibble, B. Bunce, tom, N « Calvin R. ate of Wilmington, N. ¢ 1 Commission Merchants In Cotton, Flour, Grain, Naval Stores, AND Seuthern Produce Generally No. 180 Front Stroecot, LyunryPy Luni. Jeonath REFERENCES Hon Wm A Graham, Hillebor N ¢ Huai duh Mo MockheatceenshoraiiNi« WL Myrover, Raq, Fayetter ae Sonn D Williams, Req DP Rank of Cin ie airy F Cache Bank of Wiim f Marriage ise beautifully printed vw svle at this office To the Free Voters of Iredell County, o/ Boarders, Travelers, & ing servauts always ia attendance 4p subscriber having taken charge of the above | Establishment, begs leave to inform the public generally, that the House is vow open for the reception | He promises that bis ACCOMMODATIONS HY should Southern men go North to bay their ploughs and machinery when they can get ax good and more substantia! artictes at home at ucorteere Pacer: thereby saving the price of trans- portation. hat the public muy not be deceived, and to save many inquiries that I heave w answer, I here- with append a list of prices of the principal articies that I manafacrore. Circular Saw mills with 48 to 50 inch saws, 24 feet carriages, 48 feet ways, all complete, $375 to $400 ; Cilendrical Straw Cutters, (2 inch box, $30 15 inch do, $40 ; Folding Harrows, $13 ; Cultivators, $5 to $6; Threshing Machiues with 4 or 6 horse power, $175 to $200 ; a very superior article. Ploaghs from $5 to $10, according to size and workmanship. All kind» of repairing of machinery done at short no- tiee, such as Engine work d&e. Send in your orders for threshing bi and h Pp early, as I only intend making them ww order. All work warrant- ed. My furnace is stillin successful operation and can furn castings of any deseription, and where the patterns are fuund at short notice. J. H. THOMPSON. 6m36 re LL p d tw us are respectfully called LA. upon to pey up by the 15th of February next, as we must have muuey, and hunger indulgence will not be given. “Chose failing to comply with this notice may expect to settle with an officer. We have on hand a large let of Ready-made Ckth- ing, Blankets, Hats, Caps, Bouts, Shoes, and CARPETING, which we will sell cheaper than ever in order to close shall be equal to any inthe State. Persons stopping at his House, always have mealsim time for the arn- | val and departure of the Cars. Attentive and obiig- | Call and give me | a trial W. B. GRANT. | Salsbury, May 24, 1855. | | \ TTNUE Cupartnership heretofore existing under the name and etyle of SMITH & HOLDER has this day dimselved by limitation of tnme. All theme in- debited to the Firm are requested to call and settle their accounts and notes as the business of the firm mast be closed. About 20 Buggies and Carriages on hand which will be anid at Cost, and about 15 on | the way whieh will be finshed dering the vear and suld very low SMITH & HOLDER | Salisbury, Feb. 12, 1856. 4w37 STEADY PROGRESSION | | ge NAGLE CITY {. {| 4 yD 1 fs By ) . qpue SUBSCRIBER has the pleasure to an- pounce to the world, io whom he sends greeting ali kind wishes fur thee preperty and peace, that he ts making steady progressia the unprovement of Eagte Cuy, destined, he befieres, to beoume the greairst manofact uring ey in the o ry. Hew erect @, to be called the have it im fall operaiwn = ng & pew cotion mill at this 5 Troy Mille,” and hopes to by the latter part of the summer of 1856. Ik will be ec uf the beet, if nat the best,) mille im the The machinery w ss selected by himself, and very cvwntry he lotest and most spproved patierns were chosen.— It will work hke a lever watch —smooth and steady — he dveabts not will exe © ite products, the most beaatifal achievements of the remowned Eagle Mills, ander whose shaduw it 1 developing ite fair and de a Eagle Mills bong gained for it de apread, both fur the excel enee of tte yarns, and the supenority of ite cloth fab Troy Mille alone threatens to mval it, and heace the world may leek eat for a contest invedving a result not bese interesting im iteelf, than « mast be dewrable lo every Soethern painnt The dreamer, speculating on coming events might well step in here, and casting forward bie hen beyond the boandary of Eagle Cry a few We ere acity of beauufol ts tower ng steeples ag beaven wards: close ranged blocks of granite buridinge with ghiteriag metal roufa, reflect the cheerful be the towngoreting breezes of a de! al chmate, stir the leaves of long and eghting prey eclfa fame as nee present ume, portray the aspeet of Let hun sketeh it proportions with Years hence por f 0 vernal ove ghife the streets are evhvened with a cheer the song «f half a milbon of epindies s miagted with the rear of } «rms and casce rows of climes ful basy throag s: Fagle monament meee above all things else, beanng on its pan mmense eagle. wings extended, whking duen with pleasare on all below. Eagle Cuy Bank is in trew, and by tts lberal pobey invites all energeue mane se tor Its ar t Caheo pra »gqeeds the careof the North 2 e th geher wih thoe ie h 7 = f the Cry: the afening whistle rs bbw md thy sechoed and 1 from b * rowsy pow { repoen eat he nich sar nuinding t wen grows!’ —and the dhe tesa g oh f the prophet Wehad bot ag . nowhat a view And 1 he real toh Easegh, eavegh lw ress enaummatyen ANDREW BAGGARLY tb Mth. 18355 “THOMAS E. BROWN. Carriage, Buggy and Sulky Builder, 3 ERAT INBURY. No1Ca fs. shove Dasiness, and invites the pab swork Me is mapulactaring very se contktent he cae give satisfeetion te te Me can ap Work at ew é Citbed would alwaye recommend the better : re . fone rum He wowid advise. who wah © hing in his line to call at hisestabiish. sowhere rear of bis Livery Stable emal and thoee whe wish either are invited to call aoe) aot SITUATIGN WANTED. YOUNG WAN who received hia edacation at est 1oetitations in the State, wishes to bay or to sell He is + A mitoatio ae uinently quahfied to teach all the bra fan English educaton. alen Atgebra. Lat and the pudynente of the Greek Lan- gusge Address, MALS wT Salisbury, N.C SOB IIOIEN LENG Vewtly srecuted at tis O fice. oat our winter stock. We return our thanks fur the liberal pstronage re- ceived, and hope to merit an increase. RICHWINE & HARRISON. moaeeery 0.106 ee a] ‘ AJ mm IS SUFFICIENT. W Emr a good many Accounts over twelve mooths’ standing, and would like to have them closed. All persons interested will please aitend tu the same immediately if nut sooner. R. & A. MURPHY. Salisbury, Feb. 5, 1856. 3m36 Dissolution of Copartnership. 4 he E Coparinersiup heretofore existing ender the neme ead style of J. D. Brown & Lemiy, is this day dimolved by mutual consent. All persons indebt- ed to said Firm, will find their auies and seemnts at the Store of Brown & Coffin, and sre respeetfully re- quesied to call and setile, as it is absulatciy necessary for the busigess iv be closed at as early a day as pos- sible. J. D. BROWN, H. A. LEMLY, Sclisbury, Feb. 1, 1856. p'd3m37 NEW ARRANGEMIENT. J. D. Brown & J. M. Coffia, I AVING beoght out J. D. Brown & Lemly, they wih continue the DRY GOODS BUSINESS at the old stand, No. 3, Granite Building, ander the firm and style of Brown & Coffin. li is their iaten- bun to keep a large stock of BAL BIODR Ready-Made Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Bonnets, bc., hc., de. We also intend to make to the imterest of cash eus- tomersand punctual dealers to trade with os. BROWN & COFFIN. Salsbury, Feb. 1, 1856. P. 8S. We have « lot of Goods on hand that we are determined to sell regardi- es of cost for the cash. Those who want bargains had betier ccll mon. BROWN & COFFIN Feb. 1, 1856. 6036 A Book for Every Methodist The Annals of Southern Methodism for 1855. Edited by Rew Chartes F. Deeme, D. D. THIS NEW WORK EMBRACES THE STA- ustres and a great variety of other intesting iaforme- on in every department of Soachern Methodist ape- rations, vader the following general heads —I Epscopacy; [1 Plan of Vesitation; II] The Con- ferences ; IV. Dedieateon of Churches; V. Revivals; VI. Miemons ; VII. Colleges; VIIL Sunday Schools ; IX. Treet Society ; X. Pablishing House and Liver Notices; XI. Instruction of People of Cohw ; KIL. Histoneal Sketches; XIIL Bugraphies: Sketches; XIV. Personal Notices; XV. Bishop Andrews Letters on California; XVI Memonale of Bishop Capers; XVII. Miscellaneous ; XVIII Appeadix — 360 pages large 12 mo. Price Qi for which @ copy will be seut prepaid — Bifls of North Candina of Svath Carctina Banks, or gold deflars, should be sem. A liby rai discount to Booksetiers sed Minwstera Address, CHARLES F. DEEWS Goldsbor’. N.C. Janoory 24. 1256 sue S. W. WESTBROOKS, Proprie tor of the G uilford Pomological Gardens and Nurseries. Vy cole reepectfolly eal! the attention of out Swvathern citizens to his seleet collection of na- tive and ne timated varieties of Fret Trees, embra- cing sore 44.000 trees of the following varieues, vit Apple, Pear, Peach, Plam. Aprem, Cherry. Neeta- p a chece aamwriment uf Grape vines, Raephernes, Strawberries, eté All orders, aceumpanied with the cash prompt attestion aed the Trees meatiy packed aad directed to any portion of the country P & —Persens wisning Orvamemta!l Trees can be sapphed Catalogues of Fravt dist ridbatnon December 4, 1855 .ote will receive Trees, Ke. at this Office fur Im2®p Potatoes and Molasses. 20 Barrels Pink Eye Potatoes; 4 Hogsheads Wasecar Motagses ; 10 Barreis N O Moleases ; Jost received and hor ante by Sabsbery, Feb. 12) 137) MILLS. MOOSE &Co Fresh Garden Seeds. Warranted Eve ry Particular. .* PPLY embracing nearly every variety, just re- wn ceived —Pree 5 cents a paper ALSO Chover, Orchard Grass, Timothy. Lacerne, Kentacky, Biae Grae, Herd Grease, Ke, at SILL & SILLS Drug Store 2w3i Salmbery, N.C Plank Road Stage Line. TRI-WEERKLY. FROM SALEM to FAYETTEVILLE, N.C, Only 23 hours running through 120 miles. Feb 12, 1856 LEAVES SALEM Mondays, Wednesdays and Fndays, at 8 AM PASSENGERS from Sabebury oe South arriving at High Put the evening prev oe by the Frewgh! Tram (which rans up on the same days) by TL A.M, can connect with thie line for Ashboroagh, Carthage or Favetteville. Passengers from Soath for Satem will Hud oar 4 Horse Coach at the Lexington reerive them directly off the Cars, depot ready to daily days Baggage, Packages, &e, forwarded promptly except Su that are prepard will be Oar efforts will be used to give satisfaction to the travelling community whose patronage we respecifully sulrert ET&Jw 3w3e CLEMMONS. Contractors. MecCAULEY'S HISTORY OF ENGLAND. JUST RECEIVED—The Third and Fourth Vul- ames of WoCauley's History of Engtand 3 JH ENNISS, Booksetler Feb. 19, 1856 — . ket. The outg has grown as fast as the tncuine. Ltear you will set me down as anti progress, and a foe to linprovement. Yet you will do me a great wrong if you do. There is no man who is amore ardent But] would have moral progress keep pace with friend of progress than Tam. AGRICULTURAL AN ADDRESS physical. I want to be sure that we are meessine iu the right way Aman rf nay progress towards the devil as fast as - faster, if, as is said, any other way y nay, tultu~ the road to Old Nick's house is duwn hill. All Task for going vight before we goahead and shout Te might be well to stop, is that we be sure we are “To trintmphe.” FRANKEN MINOR, if we could, and inquire, whither this PF Redgeway, Albemarle an ; . . mnighty wave of physical progress is driv ing us—Whether to the haven or the ma- Man bath irk ort ; ' : : EE aie SI AE UT elstrom? But it is too late now. The Ap whe leciares hie dignity.” . ; . steam is up, the station house Is passed. M.lion : Young America is aboard: may heaven defend us from a smasi. From prescnt TINUED ) appearances, the next generation will be The “vai lin the State: VOrds the boys n boots and the yirls in < ea elie wy etaNs What will the men and the we i 1 till 1 ts =! s the ir { avriea men be! Tiere musts prowress ELS — ye r them too, and t rt ci tants é \ I beseech von by anen Tien how w their children’s childre | they not have to start: be al brancues \ ' ) ent “ GeNavet K Vou not « ‘ \ wv obe: it ay ae : t Die ‘ t some fast generat sauity and pradence, and ly 1 | ' ) lest th iin G.¢ >¢ cre efu roduct heats ms et \ tin tl ld f “l oper 1 otra ev, which may be applied Jost in that old ved opera nay t revements, Our farmers are tuo Cbure to give their daddies the start ¢ t “ty ¢ ! t A sin their expend 7 them I Ne in ; this ave of ylis veoh ‘}] of CN thé 4 ase art i } K We Neal te zere Eur pean hnosband- ° Ca ot nem often spend Grr tines the value PRURters: for it may Come to be your of > acre ih manures ast act of ¢ f . * * * * * * Moelle ea at) id profit aC i ] find profit wit tite ad The r stacies whicl ! ‘ OX} « eis iardeus, 1 ov tov irch of agricultural in provement arc fora sligeur a fool; Lut none s much more serious and insarmounta have anv ess fi now-a-dav than the physical ones, becanse thi 5 Whe « ve and curt mie re far re perverse tha thre “ i s aAlWAVS Tr nora. © sof nature Among the obsta . ‘ s Bil Jette ; ut shind Inote, as first in magnitude a PS ANT } eX eof w twe ve ince, the w repute in u uring tT nav be true nyra - ‘ ake nor stint Every fa ‘ sens and daug : ‘ r ‘ ‘ } x . \\ . \ Wiles I Il t M a “ a ret cr < ~ Vid t \\ ‘ \\ iN r a ‘ ( Ar . \ =e i . s) . . 4 k . - 1 k ‘ W ‘ ble than other sorts. In this respect, In and shady forest—at which can be compared with ours ¢ field early dawn, and dewy eve— the open amidst the carols of birds and the music of nature— surrounded by all that is lovely and su- bliine who hath so sweet a work as the Farmer ¢ we sometimes exult over the pent up Lawyers, Merchants and Mechanics, who toilin envious walls, with no songs, no dew-drops, no sunshine # Oh? the far: mer has a noble and a pleasant work Why is it thought genteel to have nothing to somewhere Why then is work in low repute ! do!) There is a serew loose in our moral systetn, else su false a no- tion, so vile and pernicious a heresy, could never have found a place in it. It has been said that the existence of slavery among us makes work degrading. If this idea was entertained, only in that land of tsas which lies North of us, I would not notice it. But some of our } own sensible people have sanctioned this shaves Even admitting tneans to be degraded, (which 1 } el to except for the arguinent’s sake) I cannot atall comprehend, how thei honorable o wie a thing in itselt entcan make it degrading ino others to same thing, when duty call du the thei to do it, every day without detering the doing the same things. Dr. Webster dered fat Turkey for lis d day vefore he was hi no stration this day voof us that the murderers taste has not vet driv en that popular delicacy from t &> t the fas able a ret !’ ibs TP. Barnum some s taakes te era spreeclic thank G t ta t v to rT : t ' zi ala v ‘ N \ wits ‘ Ag is 4 i = 4 ‘ 4 | t ‘ \ ur , ‘ 4 wr 1 x ‘ ve wha ‘ i \ ‘ ‘ “ May we not be pardoned if ~NEW CASH STORE. spe subscribers, having taken the old stand lately wcupied by Kennedy & Mills, ane door above the Hardware Store, take this inethod of announcing to the ciizensof Salisbury aod surrounding cauntry, that | they are vow receiving, direct from New York and Philadelphia, a very large and well selected stuck of FALL & WINTER GOODS, Ladies’ aud Geutlemea’s Dress Goeds, Cloaks, Mantillas, Talmas, Silks, plain and fyurcd, Satins, French and Eng- cosh M. PURO, A Mn ccd, Li lunes, Poplins, Pladls, Muslins and Prints, Broadcloth, Doc-skin and Funcy ( Nal Vilects, Were ys, Sean, Ready-Made Clothing, Black ribbd Funey Beaver and Drab Over-couts, Supertin black Cloth Dress dnclts, CLARENDON IRON WORKS. A. H. VANBOKKELEN, Proprietor, OWNELE Subscriber having purchased the entire interest {> T the “CLARENDON IRON WORKS,” solicits orders for Steam Eugines, of any power or atyle, Suw Mills of every variety, Mining Machiaery and Pumps, Grist and Flour Mills, complete, Parker, Turbine and other Water-wheels, Rice feld Paps and & Leavitt's Corn and Cob Crusher, Rice Trashers, Shingle Machines, Shaftiog Mangers a New Firm. | Tin, Copper, & Sheet-Iron Bee ESs.— The undersigned having formed a co-p. riuership for the purpose of earrying on the above business extensively, would respectfully solicit the patronage of their friends and the public. ‘They are prepared to answer apy cull in theic line. ‘Tin or copper House- Roofing executed 10 the beet manner, at short notice and warranted. — Sulls, and other copper ware, kept ou hand for sale, or made ww order. ‘Their stock of ‘Tin, Brittania and Dron Ware— Cook, Parlor and Shop Stoves, i unsurpassed by any in the State, [7° Shop opposite Marphy’s Granite Row ead tetas a Country Produce, old Copper aod Pewter, taken in THE ESTABLISHMENT sxcrenge ter wars eS VALLIAMS BROWN, beet ged he expres , LOUIS H. BRAKD eat ee o : Nahisbury, Dee 17, 1855. 30:f THE MECHANICAL peparTMeNT | [A LL AND WIN TER Being tu charge of meu of talents aud experienc to have no} compare nvorshiy inves ie Goowos. the jute SUBSCRIBER ie now receiving and open: intarge stock of Fall aud Winter Goods, REPAIR WORK ‘ for that) eons ste of Coats, Black Rodd. do, Tewced deo., ' Give wiilauceepudiawbecxpiuce rocuas 1A 4 ay eink WO des Povbdey BETES AAS Foe AD RANG Vests, Funey Cussimere and | : ‘ . AJL VANBOKKELEN DRY GOODS, Tread Pants, Shirts, Plain oi iain 1 ' ‘ iad | Te nett re Dy Boots, aud Pua Raid Start firoceries! Groceries! |) ee seccaeis aie D MRE | slware ond Cutlery, Greenies, &e a : . — “RUE SUBSCRIBER : Tow ‘ t woof his custome BOOTS AND SHOES, reticle clinkae so wc hethie at how paces be u r cunt nets wholesale Vine .c6 and & Boots, C cone li : u ; ke ' Vence Calf B is, trent do. En ‘ ; ; MICHALL lop ) ¢ ee Al aha 2 Barreda Vets — ~ Bice, f OMT Mince | Greensborough Giteres Lastery uae | MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY. ‘ Lied af o are ya eco dusur on the mutual plan ie bul o , i ; I . eiali saat, Compared wiih @ joint elec Compas f hrvls, CMe Mack Nad J Vie compar , dvithe Wocigu pari h ine terw Roe tl 5 ' y ne larger port Fhe rink fataCape 8. . Vy Pens ’ . “ Hee, | ar re West. very ‘i fwh ji orein tho eouatyy yi g. Prioge. Hew g | Pepe t Mapes Conier ss Powder, Lead, shot | Phe vive » free fron ve wa Thre W & p, Pagheh Day Ct « | Seemminente. au fore coutidently recommen Ag ot a ge MICHAEL BROWN | sublie Coa Sait) yin reat j oO. Td Bo a \ \ val M wing Officer egies wm sen PO THE FARMERS [or tsetir teteomeyen ; ; i Of Iredell County. | RO RAIS os } i ae jexs Sloch, an we a r AEG EMTS AUING OF IENUEN SI Fore | PETER VD AMS. See's and Treasurer WAN S ERONTRCOAN SL PETER ADAMS. 5 Nin I vk Exchange he R ' ‘ \ Ml SH CUMMING, Gent Ag & TRV EAS SY MUN SAG) Ea Frew Dhow a Souit ul : . no<a Sahsba Nae werd ' h BOOTS AWD SHOES. ALEXIS BRAGG & WARREN, Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers . en at Mure A CO\WA\S . VEGE TABLE LISHONTRIPTIC MR. BRADBURY'S NEW GLEE BOOk. Pie NO OF THE HOMAN PAMILY DIVEVVED KIDNEYS, IN ch mM ’ "et } wNED " LOOT= S110 S.... 3 fae No. 30 Warren Street, New Verk, I ()' on . ; : , : ’ I \ . \ ' ' Vw tt 5 . —— R \ 4 t A \ LOAKS! C YUUUIIAY J VESEVIES TYANAGE. can aa aR {\ \ H \ UASE [RUN WARK, STATE OF NORTIP CAROLINA Dr CHARLE3 T.POWE ] ie jae permanently iacatedin Sali:hary resperi- aly DRUGS, MEDCINES, DYES, GALNRSS, &G, W. P. ELLIOTT, | AARUCLIONS REMEDL, POR A MARVELLOUS AGE WENERAL COMMISSION FORWARDING MERCHANT, WILMINGTON. NC TMENT.| "Premendous Exeitement Th> Grand Rewe ‘ ror ‘ Western Extension! ' pri Kheom » bere tem RADY MADE CLOTHING Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestings, and Gen- (lemens Farnivhing Goods eve Leg * Bre Weonds aed Lieers : ; . v 7 THE PRESBY TERTAN, pineeai ; (8 PAWIL) VEWSPIPER WEW BOOKS. , DR. J.J, SUM | | . 1 , ' r & f $i / ‘ t : ' e . boas ui LEMOVAL. isan ; J tH GQRPaRe 4D Ee ew JI Ss 4 Urry Wt Ma \ DR. H. KELLY BROWN & BEARD | | a OYSTERS W 4 ) * EE the Proprietor of the ROWAN HOUSE and CO wake arrangements to have your fomily eupplind with the richest, freshest ond lurgeet Oysters o/ the seuson—direct from Norfolk, in less than 24 hours, in nice kegs, (sizes to suit purcharers.) By engagin, you can get them wt $1124 per keg, containing each gellon ; of B12 per duzen. Dee. 4th. 1855 1128 sa » ‘ | k OR K A ji oe ( N the waters of Third Creek, 14 miles weet of Salsbury. At least one Depot on the Western Rail Rowd wast inevitably be located in w short dig. lanee of this tract Apply to Juhu A Boyden of Salisbury, VOctober 30, 155 NEW YORK _ . MUSICAL REVIEW & GAZETTE Comn = 123 3.3.38 con ite Seventh Year, and a New Volume, ig MR. F! »InS6. Tn calling attention to the Review hers believe they cau present to the public © selisfectoury evider 4 its excellency as, orded in constantly increas. lt has vow abourthree times as large a “us % let edat R J journal than i Ing Puccess. circulation us any other musical periodical in th, world. Ite receipts from subseribers during the lace followic #1 wonths have been more than duuble those for the Americ eur sponding period of the year previous. By such flattering marks of approval, the publishers are inei. ed to lucreased enterprise and exertion to add to the cllenee of the Reeiew. Prize wanting to three dential The to-day f dred dellars were ceceutly offered bu ie y them for near forte pages, Of the vast number cent in to ty ‘ © for there pots. the beat were selected by « Americ vaiperent commiitee, and ere now in cuurve of publi. When thelr pablication it eum. Heivd. the wubseribere tu the Review witl decide by feigned catwon inthe Keesw valk Which whall receive the prises Such a Beaides « large amount of reading matter, inelading canism regular correspoudence ( the leading cities in the ti th world, each uomber coniaing several pages of pew som A series of aricics va Mune Teaching, by have la Lr Lowell Mason, i now in progress of publication. ions ab Another by Geo. F. Root, Esq, oo Cultivation of the iza’ Vince, Vocal Tramming. d&e., will be commeneed ia he begioning of the new veume, ae well ae one by Win B. Bradbury, Esq, on the Lmprovement of Church Mase ‘The New Yous Muscat Review anv (sazeTre is published fortusghily, at ome duller of polit in the | office it would | Per shaun, of ee copies for five ddlere, peyable adv suce Specunea Copes seat gretuntously ° good w MASON BROTHERS, at the « New York have a a Mm MELPoR BS & BELree ed ees a dem befall to the ring hi land, | all the and Ac stay in visit E HELPER & BROTHER, PENSION, BOUNTY LAND, Genoral Agonts. Saltebury, Nerth Coreline. i] (SAE Mprirut and ene flacntiel correopen ce eod wither amperes U weve on micatiened | and io ie eae, Ch He wi 1 OFFICE in Cuces’s Breck Row the m« ‘ , ga historic as od PLOPRE FLOURED SS OT FLOUR TE ot . : : he will 000 BARRELS FLOUR. sent c | sist w FIVE THOUSAND BAR than n ot ; : MIC HAGL BROWN Sayre ra ed frot and fa m > better [P| Saber WERKLY tem princi) a.5 a] Bo cient 1 Of Four Herve Post Coaches, to wer SAY eye Sere Miwyentom, vie Btatecuidic sed The M ‘ Mu . la apot tog sort bd gives ' . York | < AN ree Brooks . . accoun' ’ @ the Union Male Academy, and 40 deh Farminzion Female Seminary. tea No pe mA\T ca ~ Setrade dae It ‘ ' ol erenane ace genera motet the eapernenn cents -? pals.« Cn wae me . . E Bre is " ’ ’ woul! | 1 The > e ' : by the : (rene ; 2 Bot on ' “ie salt in I Ie? 206 Bom) ns ' . : — to SOLTHERY LITERIRY MESSENGER aes in 185 FOR THE YEAR 1856. Pre IWENTY SECOND VOLO WE Dei-gs | “ P ' ° Tern:y Secre porte! FHUERN LITERARY MES BN ' ° wir iy on the emecm secede 7. nde of the Mee teat: “W 7 tional New ) ; . inabor . . erasers lowing tbeen shone eamnmg the ‘ te ' Southern States . and @ Lad ~ ath. wh = he or inthe ! . ‘ and m " ae ' the les : ‘ Ais . ization “T oar York ‘ ' , State ; - bis = man | ean I PUREE DOLE VS Pr AN IN ADVANCE “Pp I p . fore the fret July Vork n yea ity of cuiR f Ditlare in one bt wish « st I ' ‘ ‘ “ . f the Mee beets . ; Sisk of our d JOHN RO THOMPSON, ESQ oF ty of | ue netes on carrent hteratore », . oe 2 ‘ ty of | ' 4 valine The Eediter'e opin? to cas he ale emily and honestly avowed State fick vs nducted hy the 9° were « att AO A vealione of a busine : . ed ag: MAR ARLAND, FERGUSON & CO Conve Law | g. baanktin etreet Th Rkacede Te Mota Wanted Immediately, of the At the Silver Hill Mine, ace ANY QUANTITY OF tered AND COAL. WORTH, Supt WOOD of the 1 LEAVEN tT! ’ pou Ld DR. DINKINS. _ 1? LG TEUEIEY of Paha Rice Rone: tors LY OF eo Manmon ne @poil : i num Blank Warrants for sale Here — ‘- , HOUSE,, emily cuopie Oysters of an 24 Haina) ») 49 miles west of the Western nm @ short dig. ry, 123 \ZETTE ow Volume, in » the Review, to the public celleney as, antly increas. mee as large a VOL. XII.— cael he we the a 2 ihe emt wt min aati Siacine ont " i + ¢ } "% * q ; S 4 4 xy Pog TO ad & “A b P : Cet ew WEDAS =] Ss ' ee L\J ake ‘™ wy ra} ) Aare ah “ | epee to Politics, , Hews, Agriculture, Internal Improvements, Commerce ~ SALISBURY, N. C., MA MARCH MR. FILLMORE’S REPUTATION IN EUROPE. letter in the New York Herald dat- ed at Rome, January 24th, contains the THE LAST SEWING MACHINE. The Scientific American notices a new From the National Intelligencer, Feb. 27. Miss Murray on America.: A SPECIAL MESSAGE. The book of travels in the United States, ‘Ii, 1856. and the Samily ircle. 2k Spa atehmian. NUMBER XLII. There is beauty of feature and coinplex- ANOTHER LAURA BRIDGMAN. ion, with hardly any individuality of cha- racter. | gress the subjoined Special Message, recemmend- jing an appropriation for certain improvements lin the defences of the country and military pre- The President yesterday transmitted to Con-/invention of a sewing machine, which b promises to eclipse all others, and which | y the Hon. Miss Murray, Queen Vieto- will come within the reach of every fam- |"a8 maid of honor, bids fair to be no lit- lily. Itsays: It is understood that Messrs. |tle read and talked about. The follow-| | Jerome, of New Haven, Conn., the cele- ling extracts will show what some of her | Nothing like simplicity ; even among children after ten years of age— hot-house, forced, impetuous beings ; the almighty dollar, the incentive and only guide to activity and appreciation. Wo- | paration, which may be regarded as prudential men care that their husbands should gain A correspondent of the Detroit Advertiser gives an interesting account of a little girl, nam- ed Dillingham, a native of Fall River, Massachu- setts. She is deaf, dumb, and blind, and bas no use of her right limbs, yet she will con- supposed, the centre of frigidity, but that the coldest point is some fifteen degrees or more south of it, and that the temperature at the Pole is comparatively mild. There is in this a curi- ous analogy with the fact that the circle of high- est heat does not conincide with the equator, as we should naturally expect, and as the ancients od i yj brate | manta? A : re i shabe: i — s te following notice of Mr. Fillmore re the and worthy of attention, without any reference ae Sear iketaw a Belen | opinions are. It will be seen that she is! gold, that they may spend it in dress and verse hated sha the ute all cay writes | oe. tee thee for the American candidate for the next Presi- i siover to any pending difficulties or impend- | gon’s Patent Sewing Machine fur the sum |somewhat severe upon our fair country-|ostentation ; and the men like that their] very egibly with ber rie am, re8 7 eres me rar at was a Goose ' .—The fol- ra bp — dential term. |ing trouble with any forcizo nation ; lof $39,000. This sewing Machine is said Women. wives should appear as queens, whether | wrung, on paper or a slate, or print, (if the owing is from one of Willis’ letters from hers nei. . z 3 oC ’ . | ‘ * vet iti j . STP ERS) to add to the The Hon. Millard Fillmore left here | W asmxotox, Feb. 26. to be aremarkable novelty. It is scarce- | AMERICANS AT NEWPORT. they rule well, or ill, or at all; yet abe Ee met ine mae worn) be apes, ber agers, ‘Idlewild :”»— acing to three today for Naples, after having been for , — eee lly larger than the little sewing birds used | There is certainly 4 beauty and re- certain that I have mae ra a 7 over the words. She will also distinguish the | “ But I had a laugh at a goose, yesterday,— ee me nearly four weeks the pride of every, To the House of st shtaialodalal | by the ladies, and may easily be carried lanement at foatare & na tise'misas ofthe fence, ond ie arly Noth andar t | different colours of a} variegated dress in the with a lesson in it, too. Coming home towards selected by & American in Rome, and the cause of un-| the United States: jin the pocket. In external appearance it people, but itis accompanied by a fragil-| acti tt ave er : my-| me way: She has wrought several pieces of evening with my wagon full of children, the air vurve of publi. feigned admiration on the part of every) | jorewith transmit aod recommend to the|i8 highly ornamental. For the use of |jty of look which raises painful feelings. leat wlth to cmeh severity, | appeal Y-| crewel work that woeld be a credit to any girl over our bead was suddenly darkened by the Cation it eum. wit! decide by tter, inclading x cities in the peges of new Peaching, by f publication. ivation of the “mmenced ia oll as ome by provement of ucat Review ve » Careline. 2! correepen her semporias UR. AND BAR y ie hag twos BROWN ta EKLY ches, tateevile and tof the Mew niet, © teres © hogh eharee nemage of + Twenty «0+ refiee: fon q sll warts > aememg tbe re wl the = States and wil be ho whether At thee + beying beers ok, Ue ow 1 ene arege t anke ADVANCE firet July of the Mee Q. nt hteratore nigh worked ore opine owed iby the oF f a busnes &EC; rret, Ve Mine, ie ri Supt poe patathe anmon Hore va) Here European with whom he came in contact. Such a specimen of American republi- canism does more honor to our institu- tions than all the diplomatic agents we have lately had to represent official oe fons abroad. I am a democrat, and no izan of Mr. Fillinore’s particular views of politics, but | know there is not a man in the land whose elevation to the highest office in the gift of the American people | would go further to re-establish peace and will towards the United States, and at the same time, ensure the respect we have a right to claim from every civiliz ed country, than his, and I know even as a democrat, worse calamities that might befall the United States than his election to the Presidency. Mr. billmore has da ring his short stay in pa visited Eng land, Ireland and Scotland—he has seen all the German States, including Prussia and Austria. Le bas made a prolonged stay in France and Italy, and is about to visit Egypt and the Holy Land, Turkey, and in all probability, the seat of war He will return to the United States in the month of June, richly stored with historical and statistical information, and as good a judge of Europvan governments their errors and their criines, as any per eon in the land; while at the same tine, he will be better able to jadge of the pre eent condition of Europe and the world than most men not baving enjoyed the game advantages. Having been remov ed from the basy scenes of political strife and faction at home, he will return better temper and with cooler judym than most of the leading candidates whe principal stock in trade consists in eft services rendered cient partizanship, anc to were factions The Conventions — Re re amd Lodtere Le another part of this paper we publab the chs jag scenes of the regular KN Coerewtions, a» gives ia the Philadelphia Amenear The N York Bapress, elise principal editor Mr F Brooks, was in the | ent ves the sa account of the regular Cour a, but pa @ the protest of the freesotl Leolters signe y 40 delegaica, representing im whole of in part ten Northern States, cast 101 electoral votes Tt in also stated Faprees that it was enbon among generally wnderstom! in the Cont the conservative men, thal in case a botminatiot was not effected on the second ballot, the Il E Brooks, ome of the editors of the Expres would receive the nomination The fullowing protest frum New York, « by the delegates from that State wh George Law and Sam Hosten. of iinpor pot only on account of its te ealt in the State, t Bomination of M ble to the ob line Whigs ae rt would have beer im 1852 Protest of the Ge Delegates from the Stu 7 portal and voted for Mr Geary seceders The follow ng maMcopy teat: “We tional New York. protest against tt a portion of the de Amencan ( of n from ination made by that | onventior lowing grounds © Fire, The non American party | he } and + counc| room @plea * Raened ter betrayal of the great \ & traitorous atternpt to wrest and make it the leaders and demagogucs ization of the past “ Third His nomination we regard as ar it from ite purpes minrter to the self an A the dead orzar He, was forced upon the Stat York by Southern votes against the wis Bute de «and from those States eloch on Man pretends can carry their vote for an Amer ean President @ Fourth. He waa forced apon the State of N York against the express wish of a large major ity of our State Legralature, against the ¢ wish of a majority of the State officers anl we repeat against the express wish of two thirds of our delegates in the Convention “ Fifth ty of the States, or by the delegates of a major ty of the States to cast the whole number of State would have been were cast by parties who had previously pr He was not nominated by a major Several States were permitt votea to which his entitled. Such votes ed against the proceedings and retired from the Convention.” The above statement, that Mr, Fillmore was pot a member, ia contradicted by the Presdent of the council No. 177, of Buffalo, aasurance that he himself was present when the who gave the obligation of each of the degrees was adminis tered to Mr. Fillmore, and that he is a member of the order in good standing Fay, Observer > Punch says that the reason why edi- tors are so apt to have their manners Spoiled, is because they receive such vast numbers of evil communications. favorable consideration of Congress a communi: | families and individuals, the invention catiun from the Secretary of War, asking @ spe- | appears to be admirable. We are told cial appropriation of three millions of dollars to | that a seamstress with the aid of one of prepare armaments and amunition fur the forti- | these machines, will be able to do in one ficatiuns, to increase the supply of improved small day the ordinary hand labor of an entire arma, and to apply recent Improvements to arms jweek. The Messrs. Jerome are at pre- of okt patterns belonging to the United Stats {gent engaged in constructing machinery and the several States. CANKLIN: PIERCE | for the inanufacture of this improvement FRANKLIN PIERCE, | oy a large scale, and in January next will me |be able to fill orders. The best sewing {machines of the other makers, cost frum €100 tu $140. W asnixcrox, Feb. 25. Sir: Improvements in arms aod munitions of war having Leca recently perfeeted, whereby their efficiency has been much increased, it’ 1s c 5 > — very desirable that these improvements should An Incide nt of Leap Year.—The lo- te applied as far and as soow as practicable to calizer of the Richmond Whig, publishes both io the Government are the arms on band the following interesting iteim : Is and in the possession of the States, ; . . . beanel rites ani amie ; gate Martin Wigand, a thrifty German wid- of Staunton, lately employed a friend to negotiate for the hand of a Ger- men lady in Richmond, whom he had The lady accepted the pro: posal and went to Staunton; but on ar riving there, Wigand, to her astonishment had determined that she could “in maiden meditation, fancy free,” for aught that he would do the contrary, and Although oar present supply of arms is as - y VI 7 wer good as and probably supenor to those of the |? AAs) same date of manufacture of any other maton we should bave, in the use of them, in their pre n, to cope at disadvantage with oth. never seen sent cond ers who may have been beforehand with us ip the actual appheatou to ther arms of the re cent improvements continue It bas been our policy beretofore to carry on slowly the work of preparation both offensive and defen gradually a for military efficiency : spurned her from his presence. The la sive Wr " oe co of mes hey the emt dy, finding him inexorable, slapped a law natew cht r Department. from year to year! —* i ma U parece myear to year soit on him, and the gallant widower may have been limited to the execution of sach work | oi ri pica ty eter le get lis eyes open tw the folly of tn urly as accorded with the ordinary means of ver ? , fling with woman's affections | A Pach As far as I can jadxe at present, this is their candor and judgment; an being | jowing partly to nereditary causes, partly | 4 merican cousins, they have the Anglo- to actual habits. The excitement and Saxon love of truth, and will not spurn anxieties of business life in a new coun- jer even in an unveiled form, or receive | |try probably entail constitutional delica- | jer ungraciously even when thus presen: | ey upon the children of poe 80 eager tod. have reason to speak gratefully, | ly occupied, and the sedentary city edu- and warinly do I feel, and anxiously do 1| ‘cation and pursuits of the young of the! venture these observations, which may | last and present generation, unfavorable seem even harsh and ungrateful. I do | to ont-of-door interests and amusements, |) o¢ yet know much of the Southern la- do not harden and strengthen the nerves dies ; but from Washington to this place | jane muscles. I have been struck by a general improve- | Iam already tempted to controvert the inent of countenance and manner in the assertion of American ladies, that their white race, and this in spite of the hor- generally delicate health is to be attribu- rors which: accompany the misuse of to ted to climate. They may have severer jaceo, Ifthe gentlemen of this part of the winters and warmer summers than ours, eountry would only acquire habits of self. but these are accoinpanied by the advan- gontroi and decency in this matter, they tages of less damp, and of brighter sun- would indeed become the Preue Chera I have not had an hour too warm 77,75 of the United States, as their hills for exercise during any part of the day, and valleys may prove the store-houses for though the sun is brighter, it does not and pardens of the Union. always beam q furiously as with us i The climate . Massachusetts seems to me a charming one, and I believe anoth My pleasant er generation will discover its merits, be- Washington friend called and took me to cause I entertain hopes that the children a little dancing party, at the how prowing up will acquire nore hardy of his married daughters, where I saw shine. SOCIAL LIFE AT CHARLESTON At Charleston she says: house of one habits. The evil Tam speaking of can- young ladies more natural, and more fully and simply attired, than in the not be remedied in a day; and I find grace American are at this moment so Northern States ; little informed with regard to natural pro and the choice of words and ladies both the tone of voice arnuries and arsenals, with but a small force of propancia peratives in etnploymenut. The ar estimates ductions, and so untitted for country pur) ton are much more like old England as ast submitted tu Congress are based on these General Walker's Furly Love We suits, that their ignorance of these mat- one proceeds further South; the habits considerations In view, however, of the pro find the subj rined ep sode in the early %rs 18 at once the evidence and the cause sitnpler and more unostentatious, and the prety of assuring, at the earhest practicable pe- |) ¢ ¢ "of their lack of physical strength. dress of every-day wear is suitable and 7 ‘ life of the Nicaraguan lero in an ex ¢ +) * = r \ ary efficiency as regards armament ‘ — FASHIONABLE SOCIETY IN NEW YoRK. S20 eworuan-like, instead of being, as in aril we (webas abundantly as regards Change paper P le | : ; the North, unbecoming, stiff, and extrav ' . , ) . 1 “Ope ‘re are not at : exclu ) ) F roper Mone x and vig “The history of Genernl Walker, like er : I ont t “diff agant; the young women plastering their a8 rease t » E ) mines sive than in London, on be srence ig 1 momen heree apecity for that of all other men of inark, is not free . i tl y wu it crepes hair, and wearing silks tit for their grand . the force in ¢ ymen our in rank and wealth ar IVINCES y more \ ' ’ t sachs al do mt at our! from the ruinance of love as well as war. |" ; 4 ee Cb on ve ie mothers, and the middle-aged spending r sar senals , that shou wenare wninute and eluborate attention to dress, zs * r “ a scat hel 1 prepare Whilst a law student in New Orleans, he ey . ; natal ele ee hours in repair > ravages of tine, ro rm y arinaments aod ammunitwo for and to trifling conv ynalities, than with a conceived a warm attachinent for a very ’ by studious artifi contrivances, which, or fertificatwos: that we shoul! merease our \ “ ous I have been surprised hear soine of 1 1 , interesting young lady, who was) born : ! after all, make themselves evident to the ey proved small arms by the manu eae : 7 men of businesa butof wealth, assert that . aan ' deaf and dumb he had been well eda ; 5 superticial observers { ( ily et teration of j ' I mis ars e af y eration < cated and vervenca ay cultivation of the fine arts is a proof o ( t { n » ttl ated, anc as « ‘ epyaging manners . " » . Maddie mat datrs of lauren uding tet a . | national effeminacy American ladies THE OPINION OF A LADY FROM CHICAGO { “ snd Statearmeandthat we should Hler misfortune drew t wards her the ‘ ‘ ‘ ; ; ; : ay ae bestow those hours of leisure which Eng Before leaving the Reindeer steamer, I peas ample supples of ammunition accoutre 8) Inpall es and regard of all tender-heart-, , f ' 5 ) lish women of the same class give to ha 1 some conversation with a sens aml mente for the mumedhate and ed persons With his « acteristic ori ; ) ; 4 drawing, to the study of nature, and to lady from Clicaga, Illinois " tw {the ah yinality and pecu anty of fecling and . t ¢ ¢ mental cultivation, ¢ tw on per- ted t Ww aV which t 4 A 1 « peceasasy that sentiment, Walker becaine warmly enam ms a he ; , a : A ; 2 ie aevad at ml of a ile She reciproca sonal adert “ n mus {4 an youny er tha ! to it n y eal t t Ss mal of ba and | tf , ted hist and for sometime they eo : on 4 noe g Z alth vanity a ein at ation xs ma ere ee py ur S iniether ‘le r servants - lie 5 china a ul manag : ate { a ff c are ¢ k eeclyul ' tw ti ails the ¢ t esa wit soon actu k ‘ yeof her signs, ‘ military «ff y to the details ‘ vetit ca ‘ \ 4 A fort ana y ¢ versed w yreat facility \ c be a at the diser at rane a odd that they ‘ re far less at agility is ‘ g ly ‘ ‘ n oof their conversation, n : 1 wa Leta before ata . competent to f ever adies at « va alti fend mebediniye . their enjoyment } J t t Tha pe Very res ” F 2 Jav aod sick-rm 8 4 ri " that, s ya roown At last, sou : " terruntel t ters of our ne > 18 v8 vere - gir SEEREON DAVIS erru 1 their ; , JEFFERSON TAN ! . ain; and so long as girls “ t 4 ! t pias “ar . { W ar re LS bd } . r t t \ oo: '¢ cad 1 whole hour forevery t was da weather se ch - . " dic bu t ! t by us tot toilet, t ha ] A m v and s wily a ] Inclan¢ vtot ne T ter of Walker doh detals P etal ees . ‘ < t I te r town jae lately beer SUP. friends t ire f general inforinatior a) t r v tea v 1 ta " git, , . : “ Aon i ta Theack ¢ . » iw analbuondance of venitaeor ams change in his are | . ail iat . . : 1 ; . ; ied ] natior ter of w the ' the ted States Rt ; ina roond e We from the quiet, modest student, to oye a he or a : ted States more reset es that of self tar nw 1 s travelling alone es Pa Cat danny, dauntless revolutions , . p , ay 4 wnasomno Venison if Tai warr ar dulgent Asiatics than are Any eXtra antiv dressed; wit ‘ and wa narket in anv vears before The in Saxons And, as far as Ica ity ’ t with no atter ranaa’e ep and long continned children are not being reared a ‘ \ led much wa ha oe the canee of eo many AN AWFUL TRAGEDY habits Iluman nature eas " any other ¢ trv S ere , . 8 id these facts « “ eocne Ibis netas ’ but as dice the re ap in -L | The antlcred faircat A) a Wor Murderd by her Ilus tremes . and these fa x i aL ita va a e : ndiv f thay 1 anid sim ce ik Ame »T ‘ equent Suicide " au a be drive entirely f 7 ’ 1. fallen 1 {ma rca ( 7 taintteatntenen There are We copy fr the Memphis Whig, of character, instead of i _— fuwia ng ue now, ar 1 these are/the ‘rt ke the f winy narrative of duties ] Vb ar back the re test wilds of tl ri t st rr tragedies we THE WOWEN GENERALLY : ' ih s lator ever heard of In this Country, I ar that ‘tl gli it r lis father, w eng z ne . has no queen, all th 1 yMeenn aad We heard, yesterday, the particulars I } : A 1 . oe shou rather call t playthings ' : hae a ¢ ; {iW W Keey ge f one ‘ st melancholy tragedies aig. ¢ Renate Ge of Alin pi at Si a al wave an:| aliatacever y } j that we have known for many vears,',, . e , ‘ *, 8a ‘ < Int now ° . t unw y YI sor witha ius and strength Wieh whic a ty, Mise., ‘ r Age Please hea } aa about 1 1 re. on “ ASW te ahi a] . cas ' ma g alking \\ tae) ¥y cast aside arta of ‘ v - ‘ . all idle and pe ™ : A planes). of dolls. Is 1 fu vd Mr ok \f z ats r ‘ | " ‘ ‘ .s . * 5 mwas ir, false ev ways | { 5 whale WAS ' P < @~ antite f : = & too fren 1) \ AL AS AN witha k OH \ andt shot elfthrough the bead, 2) ‘ 7 g almost lr @ f extrava k awa we t killing nself instantly Tis occurred . : | yee t gancea ality a “ w t f re : Lf is The roof t ‘ x it wag ne show s Awa tor 1 the a - 7 a ' t pervt mor , her s . Wed aoa | 1 Sta Mint ang a veturn ros when & native cers of plea rointliae ne t r ton e¢ r at ] wor Jog was t ema y es, Ww f lat pe i ‘ i ' ; oS A in society w r han rea g I> cw wa 1 ) ‘ ) " Ire a found ¢ 1 r nee ol . a a x as ar yearea bav almost w Vv snipers ' BLACKS AND WHITES ie yecthod pieces, Verng able to ra yo x le ; Mr i ask a! meyer ad drowns nid tai tothink ‘!« i allied eo 1O Cane At one of tl i a t s Twat . give a Pgs : and 1 the door he found ed a young an srent hor ich . a | : rene Mr. and Mrs. Cox dead —she was lving man, conside ‘ 1 1 eral cir 7 t t ) re ’ r t ri Iw ‘ ta t 4 t n 4 1 re ‘ t tak t | ace f & ‘ ha k h ; . vekesrp . F . ae ‘ n') Lat ! - ; : Ne 1 m k < 7 > I ; te to tl fact iat Eng head, and he l goon the hearth, shot t ry sta } - 1 ee » bel ne a 1 - ) through the region of the heart, with dius “ t tofaw ] ’ ’ know " 1) and, Frane and Germany employ very 7” 4 : wo : ae eines _ ‘ ; : : ees ; s ite nia nofenr band s grasping the deadly revolver. from four “IX Years ‘ ] g t ately reared . w tt l above the denomination 0 ir ; 5 po maa UM oat of their Fiey had been marned but a short time, doubt wl \ © omenta ‘ f rives with astiokg Ait eayele ve - . : . ~ te r t} peat SGrihys and it is supposed that Mr. Cox was in after twent They are precocions ¢ yo, ® " . ir s belo is prece i . ) oes | sane at the time, as he has frequently dren, bei Nitative ; they seen riper ; 1 ; } co suffered trom abberations of the mind come toa stand still, and advance no fur- | . Ly ( ; - > ’ A x hief s nv ’ aS THE BUTTER TREI Both Mr. and Mrs. Cox were known ther I | Tomois a () nk file Niece. in Africa. OY als four citizens, he as @ posses myth, buat i i I mean t - . Dd as : ‘ . . } ) “ t} ven tr ca } the Shea, from Ser and o cupant some two or three years and see a sa t slaves; mv wish ist Invelices nt butter ia obtained. The since, of the dwelling in the southern part judyve the subject fairly im all its bear ' ’ wh ‘ en is obtain J j . ‘ . ; ty : ur oak. and the fruit some of the city known as the “Swiss Cottaye,” ings, and this [may rusted to does : . Ce S TIA ’ 0 af ( ‘ . what resembles the Spanish olive The While the young and beantifal: bride was, by abolitionists; forearly 4 Wices and : ‘ ' sembles Sys li A 4 : I , P A r ree Hare ees dace atvoninl ai ‘ red teelings ar kernel of the fruit is dried in the san and oe a tev mn nths ‘ sagt gay an 1 live ly my national a a required ot us ar veathe wa ; . then boiled, and the butter thus obtained school girl, attending 3 re Armstrong's certainly opposed to slavery . but ite: \ a , . thoolt 8 ant Il »reme . . ~s are * history as we 8 proplie ~ awhiter, firmer, and of a richer flavor 8 hoolin this city, and will be reme mber tenances ar history as is pro} eerie wedi as! w en i than that obtained from the cow. besides ed by many as the pretty Miss Sallie Wil-!ey,” the national express it facesint \ , ‘ keeping sweet a year without salt. The son. Leaving school she married Mr. ©.) North, as contrasted with those of the iassetion of lis father, not knowing what ie cetli at | prey aration of this article ig semeume last fall, and now she has been South, tell a strange and to me an UNeX may k gro rand pp ati oO ' - 4 tant | one of the leading objects of African in- cut off from all earthly hopes and happi- pected story, as regards the yreatesC hay | AA et a lustry, and constitutes the main article ness, by lim who had solemnly vowed to! piness principle of the greatest number. mi cht prot of the : nland commerce Ifthe present love and protect her Mr. ©. was a wor Of course, it must. be rhe in mad prices continue, we recommend our deal thy youuy man, and there can be nodoubt that no rules are without exception, but Little printed caras have been hing ny rato import a supply of the ve rotable but that he was laboring under insanity at| QO! the hagyard, ixtieus, melancholy, the hall of the IT rR ata ere te 0 supp ri | yeu Y i the f the ise of Represe . 8 4 . . he time of this awful calamity; in fact, restless, sickly, hopeless faces L have seen t butter from Africa: or may be the tree ¢ vlad 8 . - Ne - j tives at Washington, signed by Speaker can be acclimated, and ever® man have Many circumstances that transpired a day | in the Northern States—-in the railroa f acel ’ ) i : 7 ; , ) Janke. directing tl Vat 7 t re Wat will then or two previous, go to show that he was, cars, on the steaniboats, in the saloons, Banks, directing the I rke per | a butter tree in his yard. | become of the eows? jnot in bis right mind Jand particularly in the ladies parlour vent smoking on the premises. of her age, selecting and arranging all the col- ours by feeling, and using only her left hand.— She plays drafts and backgammon expertly. She knows when any one comes. into the room, by the jar of the bed, (ou which sbe constantly lies) and can in this way distinguish the differ- ent members of the family. The writer adds :—“ A son and daughter of my informant spent several days at Mr. Dilling bam’s. Ove day the young lady,to test Abby's acuteness, entered the room with an uousal gait. She laughed out, and immediately imitated the long steps with her fingers upoa the bed cover ) and said ‘Sally’—the right name—(with her fingers, of course.) She possessed the usoal bodi ly faculties till she was eight years of age, whea a severe fall brought on disease of the spine, re sulung in fits, and the deprivation of sight, bear ing, and speech, She hes on her back, and is Cireat care bed ino a moved once in four or five weeks needs to be taken to avoid shaking the much, for this would throw ber at onc fit. When It requires “She is very sprightly and playful ! j ‘ she is moves ¢ goes int Ait ver she is mov goes into a fi four men, who raise rup as gently as possible bed and rey lace anoth As lasts tll while others remove the This is usually done about noon soon as she ts stirred a fit comes on, which some ght patural sleep, and she wakes quite bright in the time in the o gradually passing off into a morning. It takes ber a day or two, however, to get used to ber new bed.” The Nomi ns —We gave, on Thursday ery hastily r views of our course proper for us, as Whigs, to pursue in r gard to the nom nations made by the Amencan party, the news of which was received on that morning. We are glad to find that the Whig National Intell: gencer takes a similar view of its duty As we are not inembers of that party, (save the Intelligencer.) we should conceive that we bad a nght to find fault eith its selection were n any respect ol ctronable: so, perhaps, it i ot particularily 1 mbent on us tk bo free as it p nly is from ht. and pr worthy as every | listing as een ‘ Wha ree the \V ¢ for any one now t yntry a wen ha ft ae } . at heaita ¢ they shall r t « w! a r know sowa we wer . eUpress f our } r a nhlence wit a 4 ountry in hie qualifications fur a wise a safe and . a President Of Mr. Tb Intelligencer aks more ghly an Ww ar And mde we oor r ac high'and bie post f\ D'resider at for that rr irene Winustouclintonemnber tage k hes Je tos rt Mr. F roper atat a put ket # That asily an r ‘ r “ k 4 he a Whigs t \ , ! Mr op would I r au 1 \ » “ “ aww * " < a . k th rs r\ ] . ‘ * rfor a \\ ++: } THE N TH 1 AGH AIN % k ar . . “ « < RUA NICER Nort! e G 1 5 i : ] lor, War . ut ’ t air rose as proached this sea tits wa twas Ware han the oocan ctu south at ducks, sBa and herliferous a als were abundant al t: and that strong winds from North brought) no floating 1e to ite shores, The inference is that the Poles not, as we bave wings of a very big bird—my neighbor's fattest waddler, who, chased by a dog, had ecncluded to take up feathers, fly over the barn, and take refuge in the ever reliable and long tried bosom of the river. But it was the day after the first sharp frost, and the stream, though as clear asa crystal, was of icy smoothness, and as impene- trable as a rock. Down came the goose, with full faith in it for long tried water—and the way she slid over, and brought up at the frozen bank opposite after that heavy bump on her astonish- ed egg-basket, was boundlessly delightful to the Besides the instruction in it, as to a winter trial of summer friends, it was a comfort with a pleasant spite in it to have one good that waddles and screams after me every time I trot by my neighbor's house.” children. laugh at a goose National Armament.—The special message of the President to Congress, endorsing a com- munication from the Secretary of War, which calls for an extraordinary appropriation to com- plete the armamects of our fortresses, and to car- ry out the improvements in the construction of smal! arms that become so manifestly necessary by recent experience, will commend itself to the We do not believe we are seriously threatened with war; in fact, till we lose faith in the national sanity of England and the United States, we shall not believe in the Bat our defensive estab- lishment is not on the proper footing ; we have forts without guns, and guns without forts; and the whole concern has great need of an invigo- ich to give it am efficient life. The ap- vo called for is very moderate. Chas. Mercury. general approval. possibility of war. propnat Riot In Jal number of the prsoners in the jail, who are al- lowed the privilege of walking about the build- ing and yard, among whom are the Elliott street runners On last Friday evening, s commenced quarrelling among them- On Mr. Milligan, the Jailor, attempting to put a stop to «Ives, and ended in a general fight. t, he was assailed by George Simmons, of the runner, who drew aknife and attempted to Mr. Mill would shoot him, bat Simmons persisted stab him gan warned him to keep off r he n attacking him, when he drew a pistol and fired, the ball taking effect in Simmons’ ieft shouldet ; thes put an end to the fight. and the par 10 it were secured in the cells. Simmons, we understand, was walking about eaterda Chas, Mercury The nominations of the Philadelphia Conven- nm surpmeed others besides ourselves The Rochmon!] Whig. a thoroagh going American ch we presume knew as mach of “the as any one, remarks that nomina mparted additional pleasure from fact of its coming upon us so unexpectedly at a moment wher all thought that the Philadelphia Convention would tern out to be aeretched failure. But thus it always is—the pure just before the break of day! The torm cload lowered over the gallant Whig and Amencan party for awh bot the sun shines bot n the beaveus to-day ' (TF A Trick of a Great Man.—One day in i) 4 Engla to the great astonshment ants. the market place was strewn * fon SM of them as were of a tim ga tas ar men of some 41:4 ¥ * r ther who were cu atura story sagely supposed a sale of wind from the north had broaght r * =! on the island of Tkth of them were wrong: they ave tned the simplest way first The wa ata froliesome bov, well known ia a “ir Astley Cooper, had taken two of ri sy ws to the top of the church, a mel up part of the spire, pen, and scattered the feathers * t more nearly with the belts of the pics, w the mean annual temperature of he eyuatonal helt is considerably below that of mmer heat of the tropics. heones are already earnestly discuss savans to account for the apen sea at s Humboldt long ago suggested att rnal heat of the earth is discharged ‘ Pores. The question ia, sball the truth P ght Ly another Arctic expedition ! It will reasure, and probably human life; but cu so far being appeased, is only stim " } ws of previous researches. It € sugge by pursuing a more easterly r r t pena hitherto encountered « and at with the experience f the past the vovage t now be undertaken with a fair prospect of safety aad success. Rash and futile as the enterpnse appears to pradent men, we have little doubt that will be attempted, and by Amencans, who will not allow any body to take from them the honours and rewasds of J ecrentitic discovery. $$ $$ —— | = f me But when shave lose their pow-| (ag Hou, Audrew dackson Donelaon,|erert of New York Market A for week ending Reb. ip rege uy, ance Comatedon Merehacs DETAIL boom the American Org this country, one of the great principles of the them share our educational facilities, Let them Ci, ali We | Is seeur | . . rasty #9, by Dibble & B ‘a AMERICAN RAG re A MON M EFTING aie ah s ‘6 ssfully put into \ an =that share-our language and our customs; but we aro ina atc tebbens er, it will then be time to talk of array-/ the candidate of the American party for} Corrennafleness AE Pt il ; ATION 3 } : vot the man tell them in all kindness, both for their sake and . “ling sections, That Mr. Fillmore, if elect: | the Vice-Presidency, having been invitud vices ng less t the offiee shou K the man, | |favorable a decline of fd. was demanded by The Pi a wae” oT nan they bad 1 dted was our own, that they must leave us to Tuanage | iti 1 ting at Balti-| ie sentinel t tt 1 nothey had momine eng u : Fa eae eee 7 awe ee vs \ed, will sustain the laws and Constitution | jto address a political mee beyers- Let sel generally ndeedadcun the 7th far awavin a distant land, and was at this time and govern the country,or in their bands, uuac: SALISBURY, N. C. to do it, w ore, very courteonsl dectined doing se, ee gen y wer secting was bold at the Waste unconscious of the figh hecor conferred on tim, customed as they are to its delicate machinery, ; Jas far as will be in his power to do | more, 7° J tad 8 at LObd. for middling, ing the Co Amel ast Upose of Tn the convengou it was found that be had uo it will be wrongly directed, and its power will ~ = fear not; and we have such aw abiding for reasons which are entirely aoa Today steamer. Ainerica reports large sales i ties have b : Sa Tali d Gale ticular friends or partisans, but that be : is be thrown susie pan and all will be involved TUESDAY EVENING, MARCII 11, 1856. contidence in the intelligence and hon-/ry. He says: Liverpool at ¢ advance, ficulties wh t } . » ‘ retpornt nhc iat Th Oe mass of splendid: ruins, { * = : ‘ . 4 % . “nee . : \ Tai wasunrededa ces oe ces if an ] ‘t ul : ; ' ‘Y he whol pl ie hy of our principles lay in = esty of the great uss of the people, that) «Tam the nominee of the American | Baeavsruyra.— Flour has been heavy during queativn wi r wander chee TEA) 1 eou ll t hha wr ue i a ' 4 : L ! Ad Vinericaus, wun It Sue eae edialtcl fieaomiinlionlel ane menoealilnorden: privet hy the Father of his) TERMS OF THIS PAPER 3200 CASH. we believe they will elect him because | party for the second office in the git of | | the whole week, Lut cau quote only 12$d. de- The twent 1 ‘ v t Fillmore that, as he was on the eve of lowing Country during the darkness of the Revolution: of his acknowledged fairness, firmness | the people, wind as it poet the iether cline on Southern brands, The Latest European and privile . \ . } ut reat urd to-uieht!” : | \ ‘ . F) ’ rey that its candidate ‘ ; "| Pues MELY : ee ane ya ee “— eel t vrei fs vase) FOR PRESIDENT, and sincere devotion tu the Constitution 7 Pgile : ne “ a elite office, it] j advices continue unfavorable, tion of ‘the tlieveshiat Then ron u forego bith io the JT ee ’ | shoule © er see ‘ e J . 2 ‘ ie oa Trans ti{cuseves vee hand the laws. Common tu good brands $8.88 to $8.62, and that they 1 " ’ it satecnee, and | utpy y but they wore not sons of the soil The \ ] I MORE and the {scems to me that Tought not voluntarily | * t rT Go ee ts buamige ho ctut nagie attraction of patniotisin did aot bind them MILLA RD } I 7 by; a5 With these views, However much we to place tnyself iu a position where I may | $8.75 to $9.50 for faucy and extra. of peace. specebes, pout to papets, to secure his to the land. The tugging at their heartstrings OF NEW YORK. et tlie loss of the Commercial in the | be chars ged with violating the spirit of| W Heat.—-$1.70 to $1.75 for red, $1.78 to to be the | z : Ni vas ot fo he = tt ' wh se service ic “4 r Py . Pp v \ Minit JE oe) eee Se Mat neti vat they FOR VICE PRESIDENT, hext canvas, it is by no meausa désheart- this maxim, If Tappear Defure you here, | 81.8% fur white, all have be oN . Sac tevatlone ha tet, if when they a the «The a vot t hea ri He wud ener, and much less so, as we doubt not! y fiends, as a speaker, my friends else Rye-—Lower; sules at $1.12, Art, 1. ; Wen fatlrinyen Bt - when they did ie Sen wy Were Hot to the mauor born, auc Y »4 ~ . ey or ire reute Cori; eof . . Ae ’ de Les. aa be Poon could potsay, Thais is my own my tative land!” ANDRE W J AC KSON DON EL SON, the final triamph of Coustitutional men woere ult the | ntire route to my place of! OarecBA to 31 cents. Gulhanneh \ , > i Bes ‘ . ’ : . ; . residcuce in Tennessee, may expect the FLAx Seep--$2.20 to $2.2 2.G ‘ \ “ " 1 ‘ lus power, Then was it not ] \ iit not philise OF TENNESSEE. ‘a asure . a LAX Seep-—$2.2 25, . Guar : avd measures. sume thing, and then Limay be placed in| * i ’ . " . ; \ j oh . ahet phieal, to place amen were bound by ae ig utltnde GF oi slewing: lite ten | Yellow and mixed Coxuw 70 to 78. White legs to th ~ ‘ } he attitude of one pleading S ¢ j thes se masic Ges i the niet Fesprans le situs : o.. 74 to 76. 3. Depr ° : " J , SETING ‘ttl 2k Ww ice | cause, and seeking votes by electioneering |! kh) . 5 it , . t not the PUBLIC MEETING. Little Doe P. O.—A new post office | cause, and secking ) s eo Agee | \ ~ uy s ‘ Sra Ve ; A latiremire ve Pork --Has taken anothe cial po ‘ . ) \ r | e but na has been established at Shoun’s Store, #holees unworthy of the great considera * ; are anenee upword movement judic pe nu Be ly Oe i I \ te tho ios rhea : tions which constitute us a party.” with sales at the close of mess nt $164 to $16.25 4. Equa Ltn ! ‘ bee A oe craw M ‘aie time! 7 There will be a public Johnsen county, Teun.,, of the above maine, : : } oe, c j Set bibet bees Wins vive \ dations tous wt this time ; i . ” : , This is quite proper. [tis tobe hoped | aed prime 814 per bb. 5. Abol : at : : yt “ Dour forcigu-bLorn brothers object to Meeting held at the Court House in this te G. UL Shoun, P.M. i , ane , Lanv——10$ to 104 ce unt of ! | \ | ' . ie , lic 29th Marelicie thatthe candidates of the other parties; 4** if to 109 cents, + acey | i wey ey when itis so constuitly owed uu Town, on Saturday the 20th March, in : care A tk | Bvrren—29 to 27 cents 6: Adin ! ! ay ‘ ’ , . Ht pursue a sit r CONPSE ! sop) as | Sh a ae :: ¢ Per ‘ spunt der every other government [Cheers ty p loot: 5 . OBES . Wil pursue a siiitar cou yan Cop as . : . ~ { t Ne : Niiiharsinftene el erh 2, was stant, at 11 o'clock, the ae si of Is the Auericun Party Dead? —St an). py trawn eters the vol | ¢ ucese—D} to 11 centa 9. Intro ~ ‘Id . i “ Fo et ee ena See the ee aga ine te 2 nominatic Messrs. gal as ve baste bat is 2s she : : A | J . | ' S \ ie sen of the work ofan overruling Providence is evident. °S pouding to the nomination - ; ‘ election for municipal otlicers, at Alex- ical arena d fie cntiva f the sum Freir— More in duimand without much alter- jubs (Turk aa ; ‘1 a Ei fesseun As band the sepef the Hero Lt was notthe work of vgandism, Tt wats I ACE ORE and Doxrisex, and the ap andria, Va., held on the 4th instant, the | werent ) atin. in prices, Southern dried apples 8$ to 8. The « Pane : nittedtan ropresehtatoes of Clay and from the germ of patriotism in the hearts of the pointinent of delegates to represent this Sela nniantieauncenedicaiiinemndt eee ule .. 3} cents for fair, 3p to 4 conte Kir bright and saieaet is , : ik oa jail \ [eo ‘nits first matt station, the people County in the State Convention to be — ‘ a ; . re Drie onl rac ° ,} J = ‘ } dit, drawn by their best ay G boroueh in April, where S°e™ee Mager ty of five hundred. American Platiorn. wan. tied pealed peaches 8 w 13 cents; 9. Cude wow ‘ \ ‘ } nhs cause. Ttspread silently CTC HE reensborougiy Th 4 geet ot In New Bedford, Maos., on the 3d ine yess si Unpealed 44 to 54. Raisins §3 per box for languages w F \ iene x ' “ wise, without effort, bang and when it is proposed to nominate a a cine - fed a eo Native Aimericany a paper pub: | puneh. 10. Ps \ . ; : - , ‘ : RA x » stant, the tnerican ir SUCCEET EE 1 Naren ; . r ‘ v . ’ | ‘ . Bvivbouly kiew ow wid wha led onward by ats own woight, when it was candidate for Governor. All the friends ne tl Ml | V halt the ( Lishedat Buchanan, Virginia, makes the Guockuies ~Ouly a small business has bees M1. Poll . “ i ‘ ‘ i ; re ee : q . Aleeting their Mayor, and half the on . ' ‘ : ; eleb Toate t v cou 1 Tt was cea uted. Like the wi GE of Minnarp Firiwekre and A. J. Donen eam tial in : t Poprae reniarks Upou done during the week at unchanged prices, 12, Re the Vice It leney on ows of our party, whence it comet cilinen,. . ss - ic : : We meevenint “nvairerconnteny vl son, are invited to attend this meeting, rar ron, to wits se and New Orleans Sugar 74 to 8}. source to t Ne wat trawes ne old musty sof pa: tosay that they know not whither it goeth ! to participate in its deliberations, and to Domnsuleaiiiee The Dennerntehieldoa “We confess, (hat so far as Cuba Molasses 47 to 33 cunts, and New Or- 13. Chr } u holes writt y Donelson aaiust [I Hod, it was evident Gonsalt with each other in’ view of the , a” ; i and jp fami gees upou the perplexing 10s 42 to 44 cents. 14. Ref Wit. Houses is State Convention on the 4th inst., andi plies : , iy Callies 118 o12 sat 15. Rig uv ‘ abt dred cam ; ipproaching campaigns. Perey Lo sanity AN nae ery, We ean see noth Kio Coffee } to 12) cents, . Rey R | m \ ’ ! " ‘ wotld ask was, that thes as plac \ : WES AECEN MINCE, OL COMMENT DOscay tal | jJeetiouable; whether ityoes fir enough, Oun.— Winter whale 90 cents; Lard 05 vente Turkey. the D> i ly ‘ Roti ; 22 < of the delegates present, one hundred and is clearly the only question F Ol atime ch 6 cen Ge 16. Dir. ( > v PIS t ets ‘ Tact lection v teat twenty-s >for Brac nan f : tioed bi iw Sot ie tf . ; _ ‘ \ : eater oo : : Tit or, g clectionccring contests we twenty-six were for Buchanan for Presi- re L bv the South One thi ' Wutre Luav—7$ to 84 per Ib. as for quality, A: Inj ‘ - . ' t sa Southern Rights poli CRs Bays nachitecand alla » her tas been trfed, a Cae teat th 7 a a » \ ! rand Our ranks are tw (aaa rduty aes Rights] M dent, and tirty-one Mr. Dalla Pro : me Naits—Cut 4 cents; Weronght 7 to 7} cents, 18. Pol Y . ™ er Seer 4 ‘ , without th tregard to party names; without > . noad . vadown paar heery other | ‘ : . k . 224 Went Oliions a eee aay Loe betug ir the tract aticted by the claimants far MUSUEE WeH Was aus ere. ciple seemed tu have merged inte that of} [0% Enghal Nefued €65 to 667, Swedes 19. Chr _ \ Pui, was Peat Last was pre: TSE tS a Tantlh uP nee great pullle heuer on account of talents or rank +: dlavorye and inecndlobit Ween iat 4 $100 to $102 of State. i 3 - : i \ The quesnon is plain and simple and may | wot Sr Parayh 77 ; * party, ecet litical dieser ie 4) Sacr—Livcrpodl eack 10 $1.02. Fine $1.56, 20. Esti F , h ; rT coy aT Abeer fle of us Understood by all who wish to understand it Tt - ai te i , alienated one portion frou ti ' tial Ga »—Iu lois under 25 tons @57 for 2240 merece. Ale nest . : ‘ is itv the Slave States a demand for the asur Our neig rof the Pa De eae endere itnias loo rulis dic . Lary een 21. Re ae. : Ron , “i : 4 nee of our corttubenal nights, without com a sermon on the above text in lis last rar \ ' , ; on Nenu : St PAE secch mata by : eats ite . \ ; F : thon ret ‘ rit at or disunion, lu the tree number, only equalled by the celebrated ; CCCs Oh RTE 5 tie Is New Yous, March 7. G , and cons i \ = F States it is the wocuustitutional abridgeiment andy ! ie ee oy Loh et ie fe ob cot awe COTTON — Ordinary &]; Middling 10); Middling again had supportiol Ronee * min Bich ey t wor : : . > chhix t of these nyhts. or disancon [is SSippl hard shell,” who PSV et 9 RS CES Eas St ES I ju), Few lly Barty in the week, with muse Wenleryda the | . ' a k \ Tow will the S ule? W he unite a naha of a thousand » xs It ah ae th Na nn al sccoeate, A advansed <4 bot Lords L wlic tin 7 ‘ F “ Hlacar eer . fo hive } 3 om Cliotiyelit y ero day aside, Weare » puealchi i his 7 bexe 1 i : ' , i; ou i ] . ee ’ the be } lu nowe have ever see SORE a aie a . < pers holding Mf Later che oan risk da len su sal , . wndewe trust we nln I a * by Baluc caured a rrecton and previous os ems , r Joos t > wet ee oo) H e A co washet Market chemmg came os last week vr vote jn rs \\ Satine hery i Wil) Com ' Vosuch d e sprin’ and s purty, wand t esta nent of ite ft 01 1'§> har Middling thane to 00 Lne Ma . eee : ; ; . ; ; ; mer, for he too ean play Bfoirp. Spite at greatest 4 j Lin a) FLOUR, per Bol—Common $6.87; Gand BSusth- views. Sicv | : : Abe tenor of article of w i ‘ fist inent” Wren cance “aid ® §" 50, Fancy Southern 69 W $1025. With Lord Ly : vo paragray | y — i vere 4 : in » favorable advices from abroad, Flour has ad- a thes Gf \ se tlintetiie: (Ny , , ; nF woes 2) per barrel Many of late arrivals of \ ; me ; : ete Selletole under thee Prat s ! . f \ al ¢ ry eri press, and» ‘ have bec n musty, which has kept that grade e een . : : ateclecte the United States and Eng es \ sive po = 8 aay = ithe bauroace ald entit : : 5 reer acttement of their existing ve ult seitiee lai COPERE—Bw 11 a 124; Laguyre 124 0 13; Earl Gir : Ae t \ e Venerabie ¢ On ‘ me arletlvatot . te , . c . rie : - Juve ja detached b A ; per i ely pat and it ; ; ' . ! ' GKAIN—W * ti -O tw $185; red 61. press pirne : . a t ref et : ex } s Coas W to TC; mused 65 to Farl ¢ ! 4 cee fe : } i) ‘ euwee At the mime 100,000 bushels ~ a i eat | tenant I] { S i fare : tie ond by otillere and choppers the papers ; , iplea Jes ia we, at thre ur Soe , : < , ati. VRS Olean 8 09; Cube 7Q 0 0; laid before t Poa re SL ee . 104 Ship A ‘ \ mo . t t > , at PRCTT. DATED Preches, peated, git, 10 0 13; ! if { J. / | : . be Applre 3 0 4e, per ih j i \ Aw \ ! . quite wh. and al oun ant : ras 4 1 oa tah : ° ot and Bast, whch the \\ 4 > . g dete ned wher om : “oO ] il ; PoLn MARKET —_—" \ p GC 1 ‘ ' ; h Bn'e he Wstchmen” SOE ; AU Spek ; y Neosrora, March 7, 1656 Creams ' ~ f esot tre Nine Any I att RACY Homme 12) 0 14, beg romnd 19 © 19% at Liver;o pate a cf LAM Ne tend 213 0 185 Nora . ' yoardian and Lf ‘ A ' winte 550 56, yolvw OO pany has | . j , 4 Kh ‘ ‘ 200 Noel : ; a ! ; Nova Si \ t ft r tg >< EEA I No \ ' ; , o P } ' r peoy * > t \'\ : : . 4 F ‘ ire i Amon, t! 7 . ‘ ' ' r 2 6 thine 97.75 0 the trad ; ( J ( e rire em 190, famdy 69s 81008 Fran ( Wt pest ‘ ground slam §) 98 1 7 ‘ ts edilaily ™ \ * the the a a Se t +) $300. 9323 wragta Way : England's kt ARAS brew . . | . 1 sulle dl eomteames; there poe x \ ; ; d by the Ba | 1 «Any permeneat “Hf . ates ot by reagmabty aa be geewed by hutding on wil * ot advan s retee ~ da -* Ase = Bs” t ! © jan Irons 4 ' vb rota in dd - " te } r ehoch ve / / Br pa alums 4 ‘ ° ] . = T Fr ; : I 1 ond adden bereave . : ¢ he fras! end ! . . wel ota mdeme eémo | +. 09 men aud 00 me- bd we comes to ae, wheth- rej ont le. * anted * ecoording to the * - ; ; ‘ * ready: and prepared tor apprers tb ! } - b widew end fami- . ar heart felt sympathy ia Sach a Ps ; _. ; Neo 1 oa ellimst tropent fer’ the imean ; ; « { we will wear the wouel bedge of : \ ‘ ast K I { theee resatatione be for . 2 . ( the deceased, and 4 . . . bh 2toe a t th a Hi R AUSTIN, See'y ! ‘ oe . a : trie ' fatict F Vewe We have four days i ,; f I o by the steamer Baltic ; v ' : : | ‘ noe was expected to open ss : oe ( ; t ’ ] bebruary All the Favoys ‘ ; f I, and } tfdence im the fourth . " \ ' (ive {| conunuved to inereace, posed to : | ancl oon relation to the “nar Pac ‘ \ t ntir su hides ° . ; alinemt entirely baided Ka ( Sane rn ! sli troops is, however, to be F ‘ in s] pr tween th} ‘ Cot hanged in price, and qai January, 1 ' past days twenty six thou- e battalior : wer Pacific « burr “ \ Le: Agee . ar ; ; : Among : Ti Stat MC hckeof Preabyteriea.—The ; x ‘ oo. t t ' ( f aie Glancral Assembly n the d \ fT ' 1 Wool ‘ Duke ar Noort \ (fe never K | emu ’ \ uled to all the Stated Clerks of ke and \ . tes 7 er f \ Bs teries blanks for preparing their at the age ; , ' ' that t ure ie terval reporta, arranged according Koman Cy ‘ ee \ ‘ ent \ us! froditications of the Assembly fthe Tay y er frand in | Bees) ! t ! hin | netrnet for filling up, printed on Aiulican 4 ’ ° f , / , . mid t t welis Hisearnestly hoped will be wien . \ ; ' ; Nea 0) \ t ' fet it ther lt The Board of Publication warn ; uf! \ ‘ afavielt. gar ‘ tau t tnvassed, t ist le blenks for Scasional reports lak ‘" ; that itl . iti — aia el te correspond with the above, with which A | . : ‘ Sal : Po pron Puerican every irch session ought to be sap- P natiler of \ ind ‘ ground for saat VO Conrivs Opin } | plied P re hy te rian : The dea Wein wement $16.25, eke 10 60, 4: 20. ily d fam- ee'y r days Baltic o open hovoys mm the we. to the bmi ded +, to be jerably rd qai- - thou- The mbly rks of their rding nbly. ed on ill be ‘ation ‘ports vhich sap- DETAIL OF FOREIGN NEWS BY THE j BALTIC. i The Priacipaltics,— Constantinople advices of the 7th mention that the Couference respeots ing the Constitution of the Danubian Principali- ties have been suspended j iv consequence of dif- ficulties which have ariven, and itis stated thatthe queatiun will be decided at the Paris Conferences. The twenty-one articles embodying the rights and privileges of Christians under the jarisic-| tion of the Porte, will be seat to Paris in order | that they may be annexed to the general treaty | of peace. The fullowing are said by telegraph, to be the heads of this Turkish Reform Bill, and all have been sanctiyned by the Sultan; Art, 1. Maintenance of the HattiScheriff, of | Gulhanneh, 2. Guarantee of ancient ececl-sigstical privi- leges to the Greek and Armenian churches. 3. Deprives the Patriarchate of temporal and judicial power. 4, Exjuality of all religions. 5. Abolition of persccutivn or punishment on account of change of religion. 6. Adinission of cliristians to State offices, 7. Introduction of civil tribunals for the Ra- jabs (Turkish Christians.) 8 The existing civil and criminal laws to be collected into one code or digest. 9. Cude of laws to be promulgated in all the languages used in the empire. 10. Prison reform. 11. Police reform. 12, Recruiting among the Rejahs— Military source to be open to Christians 13. Christians may receive military honors, 14. Reform of the provincial authorities. 15. Right of Franks to possess real estate io Turkey. 16. Direct taxation. 17. Improvement of highways. 18. Public budsret. 19. Christians to be presented in the Cuaneil of State. 20. Establishinent of a Credit Bank for com- | meree, 21. Reform of the curreney. Great Britain.—The House of Lords again had ander discwssion the question of the Wenleysdale Peerage. Lords Lyndkerst and Derby, the party, who deny the right of til poers to further the headers of er vote ia Parliament, have obtained time to search for precedewts in support of thet views. Lord Lyndharst has given notice of a resolu Sir J. Darke, f pursuance of 1 Gon that netiher the patent to hor { { the writ of could entitle him to PUIDTONS inet sit and vote ip Parliament Earl Granville stated that a steamer had been detached by the Govenmmment to Tudia to suj press piracy ia the Chinese waters Karl Grapvilic wast ar} to say whee the papers rlative to the fa h ire cuuld lad before the House Ship Au&in, Captain Gay. from New O arrived at Liverpool on the 16th. Oa overlay custom's searches " ‘ ’ wg the ship, Us & latte gil cumeraled the t eaine bank where ole had Lawn eeccret d during th az vobnown to aay ote oo bward cacept the be sean A reward e we ofl Jat Nee (Wrbemme for the gul's a) . - s bow at Liverpout Noee Scotia Minca t Wckad Ave pany has | f | work r . Nova & ato ls i Aca I pany, with acaritel f £2 ww ts ares Amon th: [> “a « the trad S bef Franc T I’a a sal. T “ e dreary a the aj ’ I srayts ‘ . } ae Eng!and’e \ } rem iva a« fen 1 \ oe Na a “Ife z 4 i - what de ta poe being Ried | Asau } . t iB } eyamlrons » Kiet wit 1 re have alive ais wets in def ea \ wart teen Eng and t «ae ehoch the pa Z ap as 4 va ai ow elwm ther . a ] F T Fr k " . vy y brat \ at off a] . uM r eof Mit M I * at . a are th \ bes y * Such oa tents 5 . * 1 { az Cha he a such as th Riou I ‘ a A al represented by h ah . | cal 5 - a b fe of Joan A { . a’ t ’ Vatocar fara lattere f J ‘ sta at the Tonietan t ‘ from the «ff cte of . “ ne fourth of their or * mb. Itsy posed to send the remainder back to Tar nar Pacha | Mon with ! Ka \ avia \ ‘ A meet ' {ween the Torke and Kuesiar ntl t January, near Zagdid sivt ‘ p lattalion of Turks. The Tasks retrent ‘ ten gn andl all their bacire ! ines burned the Pacha’s pala and vera Aree Among t] lomest vente of the week ha heen the death of the Duke of Norfolk. premier Duke and hereditary Earl Marshal of | and at th Hie but thre ve age of 65 grace was orginally Aa Koman Catholic Years ayo a Fthe Papal aggression he passed over to th His son, the Earl of Sarees atthe age of 41, succerds the tt The wife of the Duke ie a dan of Admiral Lyona, the Com natiler of the Black Sa flect The death bas also been announced of Mr Anghean Church *ho now "A rigd Romaniat present hiter has | of 82. Hy loxt the greater part of his fortung about £0 years ago by spectlations in connex- flow with the Coliseum and (he St. Janes’ Thea- | tre, but the close of his Jifo was rendered happy by the care of his daughter, Lady Waldegrave- Another event which has excited interest has Sligo, whe was foand dead on Hamstead Meath, | with a Jarge quentity of essential oil of almouds, | Frow the Charleston Standard. ENGLISIL BOASTS. The following is an extract from the } Loudon Telegraph. he | No cmnwent upon it seems needed, It is to be considered merely as an ebullition of individual boastfulness, not as the expression of pub- lic sentiment in England ¢ * * * * * % *% “We have shown what Americans can- not do; now we will point out what we can do, Our Navy is the most powerful that floate. La ships, guns, calibre and men, we can swcep the Ocean from the Aretic to the Torrid ZLone—from the At- lantic to the Pac ific, Never before in vy, itis absurd to talk of it; the Ameri cans themselves confess that we could blow it ont of the water in one broadsice. Then, how are the Athwitic cities of the United States situated?) There is not one city, from Passauaquoddy Bay in the | North to Galveston Bay in the South, |which has water enough to flout a frigate, or gun-boat, that we cannot Latter to the ground in twenty-four | The fol- lowing citics in the Unired States are comparatively at our inerey after war is “ure, once declared :— Portland, Maine, Ports mouth, New Hau po! ire; ston. Mas sachusetts 5 Ne Wport, 1h, de Island ; New Haven, Connecticut; New York, | Brooklyn and Jersey City, with the towns Jon Long Idand Seond; Baltimore, Mary Jland ; Wilmington, North Carolina ; Charleston, South Carolina; St Au tine and Apa! ichicola, Florida; Merl } Alabama, aud Galveston, Texas; while San Francisco is the certain prize of our | Fs | squadron. The article then goes on to lay uta very fine plan for an intercon campaige how the thoroughly loyal pros cr of her Majcety wonld render efficie 4> tance to the armies, which latter would tomediately gain command of the lakes and the eurre x country, sweep eve ry American town f n Mackinaw to Os wey nd anitane Jugate the whole ¢ ry The con Jing paragragp’) is an apt istration of | noranuce of Ame an tit . ¢ J . ry ‘ aya ‘ ‘ t f i {t “ _ ‘ Cana Fue tia ! tliat awa h and ow ‘ ‘ AN 1 | ves rig h Bid waste ahen forse to @s apne \ ge, will mec t s (y rc Ma I net ¢ as ate Clete aud yun t sidurd of | wn! Oar 6 Weenie ce ee ‘ ‘ iw . te » t 4 “ re avery l 1 “ s 1 | ooo A Ia) AMETTION BY VAC eM it MIND Nien ! - . co ae A ‘ “ ' = ‘ 1 y + =~ i . 1 * _ 1 o a I ‘ c =e “ k - 2 . {ast - ' “ . ‘ 1 whe - ' I 1 * * * ul . { “ ver h ne veled h . t Ilr o® " “ 2 A ’ 1 \ . iss I M 1 New York i 4 legee t A 1 ‘ New Vork Davy: News ose A Vir I > —Lonis k ith thue nterprets the Central Ameri n Treats Two travellers had but horse t the proposed a ’ ment flier charimae (bliao chiral lf royen shall walk and Twill ride. and the seeond halfan hone Towill tr }oyvon osha walk Just such would be the Centra American treaty a ling tothe Eng inte rpretation been the death of Mr. John Sadiier, M. P. for} last Sunday. marning, having poisoned Limself | (taken away, England's history did Britannia more! thorvughly rule the waves. Zhe Amer- tean wahoard is ows. We could anni hilate their commerce. As to their Na cn hohe, tas ced Sans tae! “Tur, Nowtsanioy oF esp for the . Inepro ney seeins to meet with A sdb from the|” approval at the North, except u | Abdlitic , who according to the N.Y. Herald, find ‘the nomination a bitter dose. The Albany Journal opens the campaign aguiast Lim, in a regular broadside of | rockets and musketry, The Herald says, an important element fin the estimatesof the Sewarditesbas been They ihe gn confess now ‘that they ‘had couuted npon such pro- casings at P cle uird Ste as would end in jthe alsorbtion of the bulk of the Know | Nothings into the Seward allianee ; and jthat, upon this basis they had founded their hopes of electing a Northern see tion Presidential ticket, They were wil- ling to concede to the Know Nothings all their anti- Irish Catholie and anti- alien prejudices and principles, Archbishop Uughes to the contrary notwithstanding ; provided that these Know Nothings would only bow down to the same com mon idol of negro freedoin with Master Seward’s Nigger- worshipping conspira- tors. But the selection of Fillwore flings the defiance of the national! Know Noth- ings, at least, into the teeth of Sewardism, and touches the arch agitatur in his ten- derest point. Seward’s organs ac cording- ly declare that this Philadelphia nomina- tion is but a factions diversion of a per- verse faction for the suceess of the Dem- ecratic party. It may be so; bat at all events itis a movement which clips the wings of the Abolition Holy Alliance, and redaces it to its natural dimensions.” Wilt ington ITerald. MNouway's Ointment and Pills, infal- lible Remedies for Salt Rheam.— Edward Jack of Galveston, Texas, suffered | Unceasingly for four years with salt! theum, so bad was he that for four or five | months at a time, he was compelled to! keep te his bed, and the doctors told him | kson, candidly that he need never again expect tobe well, Finding this to he the nee he disinissed them, ‘aud immediately put Nitosclf under a course of Hollowav’s Oiutinent and Pills, these fine remedies him was enabled to resume his oeco- pation, ins by short time, he seou made such an improvement in that he them for a contin ‘ Was rest red to the bless- inges of eile which he has enjoyed ever since MARRIED: Jo Clemmenevifie, on the morning of the ith ins by the Rew Q OTL Griffith, We THOMA COE EK Wied SC WOMACh, tuth « n ot sane DIED Ta Sa'hore, N. ¢ n of February 25th, sed in Sth yes ve age, Mr THOMAS L COWAN Tr emorn hnown and = joe y owas Mi.Cowsn, ond wh epred a a} 1 evan ee well asin the * b Besa t, dem <s more Mr Cowan was bor Row ( he Sih of Ju mo; « rey y ware b ‘ hurt T where oh reeriy fi er . h s BE Met ork bob “ " twee . age b od . . ' ae , 1 eucere(ully eng , atite - . . was eco e y hate ease i» ¢ etaque « with Mr Cows (+s y . . . . vy ey how “me ot re . cop aded . ¥ ca he « ere cy he uawear ed 5 . - r ged work ; ry . c “ ’ ( ork . e . “—r e Ib l« c . ‘ ot ase . ! ine “ * I Ihe A . \ . . v ‘ . . . Ww = h . 1 1 ot ' 1A . « . . . ou He ve * . ed T . ® LA} eo Tark Cows sreare ROWAN AGRICELTURYL SOCIETY. Valuable Personal Property PUBLIC SALE. \ ! ‘ rR " Wolk ; 1 S ; w ; he] rn, Alena Good Sett of Blacksmith's Tools ‘ 2 . A Tt . t ” r ap’. Clocks, ¢ STs Riacees riven ane Cars kh pote, meat rowel Rarrele, and a var t nin rm) kAMW eeel devas - at { fav until alliaaold, when attendance will hequeen aed na made kiecwn hy JOHN WAUGH, Fx ) Marchi Iss wil i & YI ‘ EDS, BROCERS. os AND Commission Merchants, NO. 10, ROANOKE SQUARE, SIOMROOuss, YLe Pay active attention to the sale of Flour and pther kinds of Produce, avoiding unnecessary charges and fendoring Prompt returus. tf 4i Old Court House for Sale. ft Bos undersigned Cisersicdenars hereby give nu- tice that the old Conrt House in the sentre of the Town of Salisbury, will be sold at public auvetion, at the door of the said building, on Monday the l4th dey of April next, at 12 o'clock, M. Six months credit, with approved security, will be required. Other terms wade kuown on day of sule. JOHN F. McCORKLE. CHARLES L. PARTE), JOHN I. SHAVER, J. J. SUMMERELL, D. A. DAVIS. March | Ith, 1856. (5141) Commissioners. Ra aD Ea" Bile \ TILL be sold at the bate residence of A. Bo Hol- man, dec'd., on Tharedey and Friday the 27th | and 28th inst., the following property, to wit; Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Ilogs, Corn, Wheat, | Rye, Outs, , Hay, Fodder, Bue on, Lard, 2 Wagons, 1 Buggy, Far ming Tools, anc various other articles too pumerone to mention. Also, at the same time cud place, will be hired antil the let day of October next,— 15 ORAS VALUABLE NEGROES, among which are several men and wome B. BAILEY, Special Adm'r. | 3wil March Cth, 1856. | THE MARKETS, | | Salisbury, N. C., March 11. Apples, (dried) 75 ** Mixea, No.1, 10ai1| du. Green, $100 | * Do. Pure, 110124] Bacon, wo | Beeswax, 70075 Beef, ile, babs Butter, 124@ 15 do. Wrought, 124 @ 15 Caudies, Tallow, 25 do. Horse Dhoe 25 do. Adamant, 33435 Oats, 204400 do. Sperm, 454850 Oils,—— Coffee, Kw, Wald lanseed, PY gual a€1 25 do. Java, 16a1s Tanuers’ {gal 00 a 75 Castings PB, 4@5 Potawes, Inoh, tl do. Malable 124 @15 do. Sweet, «50 Cotton, 8 Rags } hb, 3 Cottou Bagging, -— Salt p sack,) $275» §3 Guany, 20200 do Pobushel, $1.00 “© Dundee, 15000 Sheetings, Brown, 4-4 9 Burlaps, (0.0 124 Shot, P bag $2.25 Cotton Yarn, 90) Need,— 1055 Cluver, P bush €1 HabS Flaxseed, 2.¢.t1¢ lg seger, Brow Iba ldy melO 6 Lave 12ga15 3 4 © Crurhed, 124015 Segag “ Clanthed, Ua ids e, ¢ 124 ‘ fr 4ai tine, Pgal *781-0 Fng R ! ; at 25 16 Mites, 5 Wool, a 00 Oval 6 @7 Window Glass, Y box tard 1 ~~ 10 #225 le par ga” 10“ 12 €2 0 Lead, Dry White, 10012) NORTH CAROLINA, IREDELL COUNTY IN EQUITY. EF} the Usth, Unie Ja t sagaimet Lawr e Hudsus s T oT Hudera ORIGINAL BILI IT « "4 Y on isfe n that Thomas T " , ve ' . fihee Ree It we iS de Gor . week , a Waich fving hen e peat Derm of Coe biaye P b “ts: . ot rt Hews. . Mune ‘ih Moe ’ I d “ * { p ca ndg A ™ . . t AD WOOF CALDUMELIZG 2 Mt r ° ‘ ) . MOCKSVILLE MALE ACADE HY. "apie t f thes Loe . qe “ e 20 ' . Th “ ome very A ershing 4 . ac he winse beepite ELM es i I ( JNO OR ree ‘ft R BEIERENCIS F Facer f t 1 1 1 J ‘ 1 4M " J M ed aes t 2k it t . Notice to persons who have been work- inz in the Rowan Factory. i ts . . } . } Il . 1 THE PURDIC + . Vhew oe 3 ' ~H } 1 1 acting huges » For ' PJ o& POMPRONEY Salish ha t ’ f Ww 94 “BM ECE Be OA AND NEW GOODS. Mills, Moose & Co. DEG ’ nany f 1 1} . a ees p , he Breck Hones formerty o y LY & Mill's stock of STAPLEAND FANS pad ve Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes a Dry (sands Ss "the va . g ih arg . bee elected stock of Cr erver offered hiamark allot w t ned to sell at p etha annet fail t vie nae | irs THE WIGHEST MARKET PRICES nid ata nee for Flore, Wheat, Corn, Catton, a all kinds of country produce January 9th, Is5t a7 MPORTAN Tze 2ACkAGES SAGE Y The Factory Buildings, AND ALL THE MACHINERY Connected therewith, and eight acres of Land more or lowe, adjoining the buildings belonging to the Con- cord Manufacturing Company, will be exposed to pub- lie sale on ‘Thursday, the 27th of March next, on the premises TERMS :~Bonds with approved personal seenrity | and Mortgage on the Property, on a credit of one, | two and three years, with interest from date. By order of the S'oekholder KIAH P. HARRIS, Pres't ot Company 6w33 Concord, N. C., Feb. 14, 1856. JAMES HORAH, WATCH-MAKER AND JEWELER, SALISBURY, N.C. (One door below BH. & A. Murphy’s Store.) kK EEPS constantly ou hand a large assortinent of WATCHES and JEWELRY of all kinds. Clocks, Watches and Jewelry of every description, repaired in the best manner and on the most reasona- ble terms. February 19, 1856. 1y38 E. NYE MUTCHISON, COMMISSION MERCHANT, OCharlotte, N. C., will sel! op Commission Cotton, Corn, Flour, Wheat, and all |\COUNTRY EPROYDVCE IN CHARLOTTE, CHARLESTON, AND NEW YORK Liberal Advances made on Cousiguments, Melsrenoe2s J.-H. Jenkins, Eeg., Salisbury ; Geo. W. Withams & Co., Charleston ; A Muut, Lesington; Kebert , Esq, New York February 19, 1656 1y"r38 NEW BOOKS. J UST RECEIVED Rim Lessing's Field Book of the Aimer Good ‘Time a Comng, by T Reynokis; 1 Seutter Clark, by Fanny Fern; Revoluson Season, by Beatne the Author of “ Alone y? Seen Ys wun, by Dr, Diaun; Preseuti’s Philip the Ne ] mes; } M are B.S. Prenviee; Abbuit's JOM ENNISS Life of Napoleon Bousparte Bookseller Feb 12, 56 37 SALISBURY FEMALE ACADEMY. Te foatih erssion of e Sched will end the 29:1 of February Phere w be no vacalun , bh season will commence imimediaicty ard te 0 tof August, when a vacaiope, (wo oil econ Terie wal continue as heretofore, vin Boord and Tuten per seemca months, $67 50 Mune on Pirane 20 00 Une of Pnstrud 200 Ge lu vo Draw og 10 00 Ov F ng 20 00 Freoch Linguag leu i siGirech @uhciiherie dice a1) For day pape eof Tanwon wil vary from §o te gis ¢ eo WU cous Pople any time w m che 4 ¢ A withow ' pce, CLCepl in Cares racted and serous moh ners JESSE RAS «3s Raleigh & fasten Railroad. . KIN, Principa ‘4 Ralcigh & Garton R. R. Office, Kaceson, Fesavaay §, ("56 A“ N ri R ae te r ( " ‘s “ . at Reved . 4 foe 2 R gh & ¢ R . * “J hee ° h N he ab » R . b oat “ ‘ . - z Roa a A Su. R - RA HAMILTON. A DiBBLD «* BONCBE. Calvin rr. Dibble, Jonathan - Bunce. Commission Werchants In Cotton, Flour. Grain, Naval Stores, Seutherm Prodace Generally No. 180 Front Stroct, Po oe sae Sg JF 22 fie WeC(ULEV's HISTORY OF ENGLAND. ECEIVE ! Thee t \ eu ' TAX LIST TAX EIST | | IS! TAA Did]! \! f Toe ~ ‘ ‘ . 1 ~ . ' . t ~ . ft uM 4 . Mv ' ‘ , ‘ ADAH WwW ’ ‘\ ‘ Ne SEVTE OF NORTH CAROLINA, ROWAN ¢ ty Wi Line eA Orginal Attachment Levied en Land and Persons! Property IN the ‘ fy 1 at ( ‘ I ‘ . ui ; M M \ bok ork ( ay s M + \ | ANWGES (Bo R-EIR 1 $50 “ CHENE Wht PING 1 Tit t ~ Li a : JVeres =a R ak " . xchange for fp R 1 Mills Warch 4. Is5€ wt 300 PACKAGES Reathees Cie SILL & SILL, Deuggists and Chemists; opposite Mansion Hotel, SALISBURY, N. C, ESPECTFULLY announce that they are now receiving and offering a large and entirely fresh | stuck of | = ~ DRUGR, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, W le entra ee ane ely aay a a SURGIC 4 L i V s TRU MEN TS, eel Caio es oe at Northern prices, thereby saving the price of trans- VARNISHES. portation ‘That the public may not be deceived, aud to save many inquiries that L have tw answer, I here- FANCY A with append a list of prices of the principal articles ND MISCELLANEOUS ARTICLES, dec., 7 which have been very recenily selected by cue of feet earris ages, 48 feet wavs, all complete, with great eare, and scrapulous regard lo) g4yud; geuvinevess and purity. 15 ineh do, 840; They deem it nanecersary to say, that it shall be 85 t. $6; Thr *Machives with or 6 horse their constant aim, ue heretofy: fo merit a COUTING: | power, £175 to R200; @ very superior se Pioughs ance of thut patronage which has been #. liberally ex- | from B5 to ¥10, vecording to size und workmansbip. tended to them—for whict the gener kinds of repairing of mvehinery done at short ne- thy 80 generally manifested for th nthe occasion such as Engine work &e. Send in your orders of their late misfortane by fire, they bey tu expres® | for threshing machines and horse-powers early, as I their profoand and heartfelt grativnde. only intend making them to order. All work warrant- Salisbury, N.C., Januory 22, 1856. S41f ved. My furnace is siilin sncerssful operation and ean PETER W. HINTON, furnish casings of any deseription, wud where the | patterns are found at short notice. . SS } écRC 44 J. H. THOMPSON. COMMISSION MERCHANT, | Davideun co, N.C., Peo. 5, 1 56. 61:36 TOWN POINT, sseea ab reer roesaniee Hevtown, 72. eo le Se Os Dr LL persons indebted to us are respectfully called upon to pay up by th th of February next, as most bave money, and longer indulgence will not ‘Those failing to comply with this potice may expect to settle with an officer. We have on hand a large lot of Ready-made Clth- ing, Blauket», Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, and CARPETING, ly'ri2 Wm which we will sel] cheaper thao ever in order to close out our winter stock ] 1 T ny | We return our ibanks for the liberal patronage re- | M A\NION HO) Ik | ceived, and hope to merit an ines eve | m4 Bl 1 ikiq | RICHWINE & HARRISON. | that 1 manafaerure Circular Saw mills with 48 to 50 inch saws, 24 375 to ilendrie 1 Straw Cutters, 12 inch box, $30 Iding Harrows, $13 5 ic uhivetors, | BRUSHES, PERFUMERY. | is SY MIpa- fee, Special attention paid to Belting | Tobacco, Flour, Graim, Cotton, Naval Stores | &c. Also, to Receiving and Forwarding |“ aoonos. be yiven | REFER TO I. L, Robards, Esq.,Sslirbury, N. C. | Charles L. Histon 4, Wake Co, N.C. | 1. G,B Roaluck, Raleigh, N’C | | George W. Haywe W. Plummer, sleigh, N.C Warreuton, NC January ®. 1956 2in32 SALISBURY, N.C nme ® © A WORD 10 THE WISE oh Haat Sa tral aes ache IS SUFFICIENT. of Boarders, Travelers, &e. He pre s that how ACCOMMODATIONS 4hy E subseriber havio Establohas generally, that \ FEF have a good many Acconnts over twelve months’ standing, and would like to bave them shallbe equal to any inthe State. Perseus stopping | closed. All perms interested will please attend to at his House, always have mewisin time for the arr) py me namediately if put snones val aud departure of the Cars Attentive and oblig- & A. MURPITY. ing servants alwaysinattendanee Call and give me! Salisbary, Feb. 5, 1856 3m36 W. B GRANT. | - — | Dissolution of Copartnership. ainal May 24, Salubury, 4 ple Copartnership hervtofere existing ander the name and style of J. D Brown & Lemly, is thie dav dissdved by mutual consent. All persons indebt- id Firm, will fiad their neies aud aceounts at of Browa & Coffin, and are respectfully re- {to call and settle, as lt is absolutely necessary for the business Wo be closed at as carly a day as pus- 47 mible 4, RoBAR?” J.D. BROWN, SALISBURY ll. A. LEMLY, Salisbury, Feb. 1, 1856. p'’é3m37 - STEADY PROGRESSION KW Le rel AVING beaght oat JD Brown & Lemly, they d : ie continee the DRY GUODS BUSINESS old sand, No. 3, Grante Balding, @eder the f Brown & (Coffin p «large stuck uf VRV GIOVE Ready-Made Clothing, Boota, Shoes, at the irms a mtyle li = their taten- 1 Hats, Capa, Bunneta, be., de. Be. CLE CITY, re enas caers peo ae SUBSCRIBER has th ce ep rey ote ent aie * gree ¢ Sabebury, Feb 1, 1856 = ap aaultiatel ere y reece PS We haves ( Goods on hand that we are : = hs * fy : ee | determined to sell regen dives of vet forthe cash. Thase v, destined, he come gears AERC S cueniry He we gue erect. | Weve went barges had be 1 meen ice, iis vee ie Rig ge ral aetater BROWN & COFFIN Troy Mille,” end hg a fall cope reine Fob 1, 1836 6w96 r ' (i656 Ihe Whe hea att ere hea ahem the A Book for Every Methodist eolictca esis ee Pepe caarhoge = ¢ Nnmale of Southern Methodism for 1835. Th will wort the a lever wate stirenh and atee F 4 Rev ( co F Deems. D D . _ : THIS NEW WORK EMBRACES THE 8STA- S . - t i] 4 ‘ @ co onde ge . ty of ther infesting saforme- ( ten here t \ ve . eth wee @ rel Rew : Vpe ue { Vu 1 = : ©: IV op { Charches, Vo Kewrwale; * . ie Vine gee. VIEL Sardsy Schewde; Se 1 hie X Pat q Heese ! Lverery pass XI Ine vot (Peste of Cobo: XE : iu x XII Begraphcat Skeches ; ; ; XIV Ff ‘ «. \V Be Aodre we Letters a oe * : ‘ ' \vi M 2 of Brehep Cxpere; : ; re ° F \vil M AVITL Appeodia — 360 pages “ “ee . * 4 ! ® . . wil be sent perpesd. — as ‘ 5 ‘ s Candia Hanke, or A . A ra oweal lo - Mg * R etl re * . ‘ os CHARLES F DEEWS = es Getdaaun’, N.C . . . Je ‘ 37 ee Dee og arenes eeee - WENTBROOKS, » Ke ‘ Ronk P } t ; furd Pom dog ical = . , pss (ra s 1 Nurseries ‘ ; . . A ’ F r . A . . at Sra ‘ 3 4 . ad . * receive \ . : 7 4 ys 1 arked and L P < —Perm.ne waning Orsameaial Trees con be ANDREW BAGG AREY ‘ . ‘ roce of Fre T + & at thes Office fer 2p THOWAS E. BROWN, "oo" i Car: lage. Buggy and Sulky Builder, Potatoes and Molasses. SALISBURY, VN. ¢ f aut M M jose Snes’ ~, Ba ai Ni é) Midens , fore ¥ wae F , % bery Feb 2 3 MILES. Manosk & Coe : * STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, ROW AN COUNTY tv Hers - / « . as, Fibrwary Original Uttackhment. Levied on Land aed Personal LIVERY STABLE an dais ; | ree eons a ~ fo fre ordered BOOTS & SHOES. Seeman am 4 . ‘ +f Rowen, GENTS Pano F w peer one eR Hh. : rrudetrd 8 ms « “ PS Seacrest sud Coart, A < hk : > M bebruary, yy JAMES FE ORERR Clerk MISSI ! ‘> ; ' ‘ bw \ M w sTYRON , ff AIMING & STYRON, Q COMMISSION MILLS. M , M ‘ Forwarding ‘Merchants, fle WILMINGTON HERALD WILMINGTON, VC IF weekiy nt Mt 1&2 me SaaS wling Flour, Cor . — Seer: hn Feb. Ise 139 . ! 2 : NI PIPIEN : ‘ Pr BURR. Jr LOR PRIS TING Feb 26, bso6 1039 Ve utly Buliiiatitrig Office. | work, if duty calls them to engage in it. |ers then existed on the continent of which ‘Bat their daily work, their “ appointed he was not probably aware.” Dr. Ed- Cusp er work which declares their dignity,” is of} ward Hitchcock in his report to the legis- anes the mind. ‘lature of Massachusetts in 1851 on the Some men speak lightly of Aead work , same subject reports three hundred and as being easy. But I do not know any fifty two schools, most of which had come kind of work which we are more prone to | into existence since Mr. Colman. From the Presbyterian. A NEW SONG Whew the With thy praime, air and Woods are ringing O King of kings? Shall my gaze be ever downward, While the Give O, forgive my wilful bunduess, God of boundless, teader love ris above shun, or which men do less of, or do! Men have erred of late years, it seems Shall 1 eng love's shadow only, worse, Of all my acquaintances among'to mein the importance they give to While tts day -star is on hugh, Shall | eing, wy heart we lonely, When Thou hearest every sigh j— Bhall | sng of flowers and beauty, And forget thal tho@ hast giveu my brother farmers not one in four thinks some branches of agricultural science.— closely, carefully and systematically about Thus, a patriotic citizen of the State of his business. The other three are copy-| Georgia lately gave $20,000 to the Geor- ists, or tread the beaten track of their! yia University to endow a_ professorship All these things ia tender loving But to bind ue ww thy heaven forefathers—flaring up occasionally in of Agrlcuctural Chemistry. Now agri- fitful forts of sickly and unfruitful | ¢ SY chamitersi . Nay, wy Father, I will give thee ul eff eee cultural chemistry is a good thing, but Thanks for every gift divine ; thought. Thinking is the hardest work , bears about the ‘same proportion to the 1 wall ever wore remember men have to do, and hence we have sv whole science of agriculture that contin- > yn TP have is thine 5 oo rare 7 ete Pete Ud . é 1 og in for ane a ° few real thinkers. Will any say ‘ Far-| gent remainders and executory devises do | Wt not forget the give y mers have no need tu think’? Then why | to the science of law, or Materia Medica To my py o'er what he gives, Who has called me to his dwelling, have agricultural journals? Why have |to the science uf medicine. Agricultural | J : Soul <j Where bus love furerer vce this society 4 Why these yearly avalan-) science is made up of the experience men ches of the people on this most hospitable | have gained in the culture of the earth ; city? Do men come here merely to glut) and there are certain fixed principles of their eves with sight-seeing, and gorge that culture, established by experience, their maws with feasting ? Do they bring just as of any other branch of human i IR AL. hither with them no more thinking mind knowledve. That there are not more, of ACN aI | ee: AN ADDRESS | than the stalled ox? Seeing do they sce them, is our shame; and is due mainly | Delive red before the Virginda alyr icultu ral Socict 7, at ads Vocenber L955 | : ‘ j net neither understand! Surely, surely 'to men not studying the theory of agri. | , = a i} We come hither to get knowledge culture, just as they do the theories of} », by and to communicate it. The prime bene- | Jaw and medicine, before beginning the FRANKLIN MINOR, fit of these gatherings is that they set us! practice of it. Albemarle. Annual Fur, in! not. How long would it have Hence we get wisdom by | taken law and medicine to have accumu- Pro | lated facts enough to make book sciences portion as we have the power to think.—| of them, if the Lawyers and Doctors had | | Men learn to think by observation, expe- never looked into a book before commenc- | rience and education ;eand by intercourse | . to thinking. of Ridgeway, : 5 : hearing and seeing, because and in + Map hath his dasiy work of body or miud guity Milton Appunird, which declares tus ¢ jing the practice, and scorned to luok into with other men the latent sparks of! one afterwards? | ST ile?) |thought are kindled, just as the fire of | effects | the flint is stricken out by the steel.— of the pernicious notion that slavery de-| } If we made our attornies and physicians | | ; |as we do our farmers, they would make Agricultural progress advances with new | sad havoc of our property and carcases. and rapid strides as men acquire new! Some persons rail at book learning in But do nen think lawyers less worthy of trust Mischievous as have been the grades labor, I think thateven worse evil has come from the fariner of Virginia mis ee RE on : powers of thought from observation and farming matters: these same taking what his true work is. It is not the duing of any kind of work i ently, that declares a man’s“ d experience. When our fairs cease to af a inditfer- | ¢ 0) | 11 S ford thein they will have become effete | jy important business, or contide their nity and ma P| yy : and worthless, and will do no good tu any When value becomes to be estimated in dollars lives to Physicians with less confidence wins the regards of heaven o1 : oe : bat premium hunters. hell! because they have read the books which ways:” But it is doing his “ appointed ’ * ; “nf net contain the observations and experience work.” A man may degrade himself al + et : and cents, they had as well be abandoned. | of other Lawyers and Doctors! Far trom ; ie f other Li 3 ani ctors | as much by doing a wrong work, as most us tt Ea ‘ oe | Ihave said that the power to think) it Then why rail at agricultural read by doing none. Now the work of the . Me . ‘ maf be acquired by proper educational But itis much to be revretted that many of ingt) Ifa few conceited asses have read farmer of Virginia is an intellectual, not a bodily work ; and, it is because intel lectual labor is much more difficult and training. 1 am quite sure it may : Leibig’s Chemistry, and committed fool ish blunders, does it therefore follow that , vin O prufeseiv: i . « . x : us begin our profession with such imper clever men will derive no profita syle know NEW CASH STORE bis E subscribers, having taken the old stand lately occupied by Kennedy & Mills, one door ubove the Hardware Store, take this method of announcing to the citizens of Salisbury and surrounding cauntry, that they are now receiving, direct from New York and Philadelphia, a very large aud well selected stock of FALL & WINTER GOODS, Ladies’ and Geutlemen’s Dress Goods, Cloaks, Mantillas, Talmas, Silks, plain and figured, Satins, French and Eng- wh Merinos, Alpaccas, Delanes, Poplins, Plaids, Muslins and Prints, Broad-cluth, Doe-skin and Fancy Cussimeres, Sat- inctts, Velvets, Herseys, Jeans, Ready-Made Clothing, Black ribb'd Fancy Beaver and Drab Over-couts, Superfine black Cloth Dress Coats, Black Ribb'd. do., Tweed do., Fancy Plush and Fine Velvet Vests, Fancy Cussimere and Tweed Pants, Shirts, Plain and Fancy knit Shirts, and Drawers, BOOTS AND SHOES, Men’s Calf and Kip Boots, Common do., Men’s Calf Brogans, Goat do., En- ameled Congress do., Women’s Kid Excesiors, Enameled do., Oxford Gasters, Lasting fig'd.do., Miss- es Enameled do., Misses 8S. heeled Boots, Child's Shoes. In addition to the above, we have a large and varied stock of Hats, Caps, Bonnets, &c., Ribbons, Lace, Edging, lnserting, Fringe, Hosiery, Gloves, Kid, Silk, Lisle Thread, Worsted, &e. Al @ quantity of Sheetings, Yarn, Osoabargs, Tickings, &c. Sugar, Coffee, Spices, Dye -Stuffs, Cheese, Mackarel, No. 1, 2, & 3. Together with every thing usually kept in retail stores, which we offer low for cash, or at short credit Persons visiting Salisbury will find it to their inte- rest to call and examine our Stock, as we are deter- mined to sell All kinds of Produce taken in Exchange J. V. & 8. SYMONS, & CO | C., December 4, 1855. | Salisbary, N BOOTS AND STIOES. | most any of the stores in the county i e JAS & ROBERT MeNEELY ALEXIS BRAGG & WARREN, Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers BOOTS & SITOES, ( FFER for sale vanety, especially adapted to the North Carohas a favorable terms, an enuseal CLARENDON IRON WORKS. A. BH. VANBOKKELEN, Preprictor. IE Subseriber havi the entire interest it the NOLARENDON f ON WORKS,” solicits orders for Bteam ines, Baw Mills of every variety, Mining Machinery and Pumps, Grist and Flour Mills, complete, Pp Turbine and other Water-wheels, Rice Trashers, Shingle Machines, Bhafting Hangers ‘and Pullies, i Cotton Gins and Gearing, Iron Castings of all kinds and patterns, Brass 4 _ Locomotive and Tubular Boilers, Blacksmith works of all kinds, Iron Doors for Houses and Jails. THE ESTABLISHMENT Having been re-organised for the express purpose of insuring punetuality in the execution of all orders, the public may rest satisfied that any work which they may offer will be promptly delivered according to prowise, and of such workmanship as cannot fall to give satisfaction. THE MECHANICAL DEPARTMENT Being in charge of men of talents and experience, J have no hesitation in saying that the work hereafter turned out, shall compare favorably in every respect with that of the most cele- brated in the United States, and at prices which will make it to the interests of all in want to send me their orders. REPAIR WORK Always done without delay—and having a large force for that purpose, it will prove advantageous to any person needing such to give me the preference without regard to the expense of send- ing the same from a distance. rders will be addressed to ‘Clarendon Iron Works," Wil- mington, N.C A.H, VANBOKKELEN October 20, 1855. vol. 11. :440f Groceries! Groceries! ! ee SUBSCRIBER is now receiving and offers for sale the following Grocerics — 3) Hhds. Cuba Sagar, 2 “ Porto Rico, do. fo New Orleans. do. 2 Barrels Crushed Loaf Sugar. be Granalated, do. 20 « White Coffee, do. 3 Hhds. Cuba Molasses. 60 Bags Prime Riv Cotfee 9 Mats Old Government Java Coffee. 100 Sacks Liverpool Salt 20 Barrels Mackere! No.3 ri “ Imperial Tea, Sperm, adamantune and tallow Caadles, Pepper, Alepice, Ginger, Suda, Powder, Lead, Shut, English Dairy Cheese, &e MICHAEL BROWN Oct. 2, 1855. 22 TO THE FARMERS Of Iredell County. GREAT SAVING OF EXPENSE FORE- £ MAN'S TRON PLOW. —The aneermgned have bought the Right for Iredell County, aod are Manu- facturing the Iron Plow at their Shop, teu miles Soath East of Statesville, and are prepared to furnieh any qaaniity of plo Orders addressed ty them at oa very short notice Amity Hill, will be promptly atteaded to. Specunens can be seen at al- 126, 1855 Apri MR. BRADBURY'S NEW GLEE BOOK. FRE NEW YORK G E AND CHORUS BOOK, by Wa B. B wnow ready — It contains a variety of glees and part songs, arrange ly48 mun ments from operes, and a selection of the most eseful to memecal coeventions Price choruses, edapted eepecially and aemciativas and advanced singing ciasere. Roe Herring s ere B New Firm, Tin, Copper, & Sheet-Iron USINESS.— The undersigned having formed B co-purtnership for the purpose of carrying on the above business extensively, would respectfully solicit the patronage of their friends and the public. “They red to answer any call in their line. ‘Tie or are pode House-Roofing executed in the best manner, at shurt wotice and warranted, Stills, and other copper ware, kept on hand for sale, or made w order. ‘Their stock of Tin, Brittania and Iron Ware—Cook, Pertor and Shop Stoves, is unsurpassed by any in the State. 17 Shop opposite Murphy's Granite Row, . Country Produce, old Copper and Pewter, token in exchange for work or ware. WILLIAMS BROWN, LOUIS I. BEARD. Salisbury, Dec. 17, 1855. 30uf ALL AND WINTER ae SUBSCRIBER is now receiving and open- jarge stuck of Fall aud Winter Goods, STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, Hats and Caps, Shoes and Boots, China, Detph and Glass Ware, Drugs and Paints, Hardware aad Cutlery, Groceries, &e, To which he invites the attention of his customers and the public, and which he offers at low prices for Cash, of va time to punciual ¢: tomers at wholesale or retail. MICHAEL BROWN October 22d, 1855. a2 Greensborough MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY. geet cost of Insurance on the mutual plan is but » small sum, compared with a joint stock company This company being located in the Western part of the State, consequently much the larger portion of the tisks he West, very wany of whieh are in the country. The Company is entirely free frum debi; nove made no assesmnents, and is (herefure confidently recommen- ded to the pablic Atthe last Aunaal Meeting the following Officers were clecied for the ensuing year: JAMES SLOAN, President 8. G. COFFIN, Vice President C. P. MENDENHALL, Attorney. PETER ADAMS, See'y and Treasurer PETER ADAMS, See'ry W.W.CUMMING, Gea'l Ageat . May 10, 1453 1130v9 COWANS VEGETABLE LITHONTRIPTIC o FRIEND OF THE HUMAN FAMILY o SUFTERING From DISEASED KIDNEYS, Stone in the Bladder and Hidneys, Weak nena of the Loina, cbc. Thisiavaluable medi Hotel, in Mocksville det! ; Hotel ne is for sale at the Davie at De Ro Campbell's, ia Ire Drug Store a Chartotte ; at 7 at the “v's ROWN & BEARD. . * ER the Proprietor of ae RomER ; wake arrangements od Bond ‘with the richest, fresheat and sie t from Norfolk, in Jeon than 24 houre— in nice kegs, (sizes to sult : hasers.) ‘igs 6g, cou! ning each you can get them at $1.12) pe gullon ; or @12 ag dozen. Doc. 4th, 1855. es) FOR SALE, N the waters of Third Creek, 14 miles west of Salisbary, At least one Depot on the Western Ruil Rowd mast inevitably be located in @ short dis. tanee of this tract. Apply to Jubu A Boyden of Salisbury, October 30, 1855. . (£23 =e ar rea sae - pea YORK Commences ite Seventh Year, and a New Volume, io January, 1856. In calling attention to the Review its publishers believe they can present to the public no More satisfuetory evidence of its excellency as a musicul journal thao is afforded in constantly increas. ing ruccess. It bas nuw about three times as large a circulation as any other musical periodical in the world. Its receipts from sabseribérs daring the last six months have been more than double those for the corresponding period of the year By Hlattering marks of approval, the ted tv lnereased enterprise and exertion to excellence of the Review. Prizes amounting handred dollars were recently offered by 1 songs for ite pages. Of the vast sumber sent compete for these prizes. the best were selected compelett committer, and are now in cvarre of publi cation in the Review. When thelr pablication it com- pleted. the subscribers to the Review will decide by dalkn which shall receive the prises, Besides a large amount of reading matier, regular correspondence from the leading cities in the world, each number conteins several ® sm artodies wd Jrpereye by +e : ce t x i arp A os of articles on Music Jr. Lowell Mason, is now m Another by Geo. F. Root, ted ob Octocion of the Voice, Voeal Training, &e., will be commenced in the beginamg of the new volume, as well ae one by Wm. b. Bradbury, Esq, on the Improvement of Church Muse. The New Youn Mumcan Review ano Gazetre is published fortnightly, ot one duller per annum, or six copies for five ddiars, peyable ia advance. Specimen copies sent gratuitously. MASON BROTHERS, New York a “ M. HELPER. “ & MeLrea. HELPER & BROTHER, PENSION, BOUNTY LAND, Genoral Agontsa. I AVING pe aod LS at dents in the principal cities and other imparten portions of the Untom, all business eatrusted to us wil be promptly executed on the moet fevershle terme— Collect 4d negutistions atiended b fidethy h OF OFFICE in Cowan's Brick Row October 23, 1855. au FLOUR! ELOUR!! ant to usthan bodily, that we have , trade conmeting im part of $125 a Salem, ao he Carulina Watcha J chosen to wistake our true work, and toil even alicr a life timerspentin’ hel work A A | ‘I . : : ph interesting and popular matics than any of the previ Tis cabarihci Waving ¢aheted separ vorieip WISH to purchase FIVE THOUSAND BAR with our hands more than with our heads id . ; ral science, which explain the phenome- poys Brugane, ous bighly successful works of 118 clase by the same} gu Juha F Cowad wrqmal patenice, for the m RELS FLOUR, for which I will pay the highes . “ phan we have hardly acquired the faculties of; 4 of the vegctable kingdom! Scienex Bune ee . facture and sale of (he above Medicine, is prepared to | marbe! pres MICHAEL BROWN It is true that in some regions of Vir : . ! getal ng Pos Yihe Bese ces | rere ote ete, an eae d, om receipt | feraech 0 cupply by eddrewng hun at Belebery, N | et 17, 1858 a deduction and generalization which are lear " ¢, hick ; ; ‘ *e *| of the retad pree A very liberal reduction sa pree ot : b y | _ —_-—-——- -~ - . ‘ sadeep we'l, from which men draw ac ' Buots C', of ealloag 01 hee reedonce, 10 mies weet of theo} ginia, as is generally the case at the north, , \ ‘ t | wnolesaie. Published by MASON BROTHERS,| , ; , | , 6 J necessary for the discovery of truth ortin itor ticmetrenstiecttieic onder Alen, Wimen's and Woeses aad children's Bante aad | New-York 9034 leee . E. D. AUSTIN the busbavdiman wust be, to a considera } } cae he rength of their andere | oy every deernpime, all of which will be fer- | —— Jane 21, 1855 us | ’ Hence some in despair of establishing a We igdor er 7 ' ? 7 A . - | ble extent, Lis own laborer. In all sach ; } st sum lies vats the Lottom: <% SSA hel AA a aod mt Bates hen A tab 1D @ MIPRY W. P. ELLIOTT Mist in = . “the science of agricultare oa the firm bé : and warranted . eases bodily work is the “ farmer's ap veces ie ' a “ i and »and long draughts to Mr M A Baaca dears etprese his thanks | 4 J shh . ) . , B_Erw Bo : : : “he sis of experimental, truth have al andone : - . he merchants of N Cs af ew very lberel Late of Worth & Elimtt, Fayetieville, N.C.) iieed Gor sed mn desinor ews ee haan ler up girlage (ie powered oe aes cy cco sad ape FOR A MARVELLOUS AGE! sctinieey se Of Four Horse Post Coache-, . oy i the work, crying oat with the Preacher, the alii cuhaua o pialinaouce alike enue GENERA i ( OMMISSION Arto t seers #@ Morgentoe, via Btateeville aod as profit in deing it ne 200 ID vanity of vanities, all is vanity.” Bat not Mr. A. M Caner af Nunth Condes wil be hoppy AND “) , oey-ae we ee cone niie (arimaere lnewe Ye B x to wee hie frends as awe ’ pee , Upprte Satebery op Moaday, Wedaceday end Fr most parts of = 1e LATING ATE LAT ECS, 45 Truth, indeed, comes slowly, but she! | d ath jie th foil doe December Is. 1*5 3m30 | . Gog btT wetoek, ADM, and arrives ot Mergent and the slaves numervas, and on them are Heit \ } aie eee ee ee Byot pte jeGits i AU i SORT oruwme ty break fest; and leaves Morganton oo : ae nes surely to them who seek her right.) 404 BS RA od | -s ' days and arrives in Selshery o@ went deye to the master's work ists kao rather than yin paged at the starry firmament tnore me | | WILMINGTON, W. C, fart. Brerpeins or eiproee will be epered to ee a ereaireenrs Siltulan and J call ch yyer the | It Gedces Got Mwhak dae ead o Saake Ga Oak mabe thin cee ©! (he m0 comburiable aad expedi nes t u thousand years before the red é age road in the Stair view . ; ye eatiog : c<icnce of ence of UST recenved and for on aed other Produce, for ealceot sh pment, haghtiaiy Cc 8 BROWN Sie = ; ' shee’ OPCPANONS streaked apple, which fell at Newt ef . Ladies’ Chath Clomh« Pans style recerved and promptly aticoded to Sekchory.} 21. 1833 s Contrester of the farm, with supenor wisdom and . the | lunders of a few sinat Do. Entre Rich Embredered Seve — Way 1855 in om : “s t feet, suyyested his min n¢ law { onl t t Leo Cloth Talrmas = 9 knowledge, and not to labor with the boc : ; elo fi ye Sess MICHAEL BROWN HOLLOWAY $ OINTMENT wT ’ : U : M ] orp ime a * gravitation, aud revealed the mysteries of of agricultur ar > Bee : -}Tremendous Excitement Union Male Academy, and plough sis a work of the mind, ee a x a as The Grand External Remed astronomy ston’s mind was wel e Rot . requiring much stars, deep thought and ) v ; a ivrtai adv Yathers ew siscut faring eae _ No “ THE | Farmington Female Seminary. : issn! BBt ane stored with learting. Jacation had Fe) “CY (ths er taas of car) Gomes Tice W t K it jf V lepue Next heme, Bae | peo 7 t anil re would now atou nmandif agr ‘ nem re me Ge eat! S l BRT feomen of terse) Be Vioarentales profound sei It is a hard and re re nto think, else had that red || W \ ib | \ | | S Fisen merase me a . Cc ern GX CTS on ° Davie Comaty, pear Feruuagton, oi comme ore sponsible work r ‘ shrink ire were a m science the snee | theme of the bow fame M day Af Je 156, ender the cupervuee } ry a siico n Vain as unpuip ; adres . , -) oW AA rv ont Coa 7 ite mee TH Waberrike rs being dew “ diemdine'l wext Mre § UO Tarun, Prineipale, oud from respous v. hence comes tr Oiioses' all fallem before by everyas 5 >a . a p bewnces in the Weel, ac -!! 00 rae ate uc may be peeessary the . tua : ae Agent : ae t ad ear \ ca the aes bone 7 ye . d of oroue 1 fee eoreen of twenty weeks, Primery - tunnal wind. If we weald cateb ¢t \incrican Far : ‘ z brated prone Ere leverd complaiow = pairooe that they are me receiving 9 studwe wang Arithewr ue, @S Emg Grammar & ern fariner is ee joish- : , ; ; , a er B 1 opteaded turk Coe graph = Higher Eagtem, 810 Greek. Low tan ! ruths of ag ura? science, we nas There is wisdom and ex ‘ - = = an Eryctpetas, Salt Rheem and Seorbetic Hamers. RE ADY Vl ADE CI OTHING and Ingher Mathe me “es 6! 2 Maste on Piano. @ a EN as WOK train the farmers bow to bunt for the \ i : ’ “sv a ever dene on mast cl - : 2 é NMG, ; < wr of the metrument, 15 French sod f the . Skinber 6 ne a 4 ancl wes mee . y eorwm . . Prawing cach, 65 Beard, washing ond is may o . This br olike conuilerat ‘ gwlodenrdia ee a oths, Cassimeres, Vestings, and Gea- on es al ars i R r ® ete . . tome hs eee . . 3 \ rag “8 . tack eee clint ower many po Geas vileg ee tlemen's Furnishing Goods 06 perm " mora tach eke ealw P fix ae epemeing ‘- | OF Pemgghet portecotars addfees enher of the Pre oa g . \ ae at é + me = we been the mrans of restoring :osntives a geners!; all of which will be wd most shorking | cipal, ot agun, N ( : . - 7 al some agr al Ma teexa ‘ ~ bre Ales, 0 eplended wth of WATS end CAPS Dee 12 Iw? —20~5 : ; gree { acient knowledge ec ie . ; i ; a Sere Legs. Sere Breacts, Woennds and Uleers. wtest ils Dun'l che cor word, bet coll cad satcly hina aot va and digest these scattered stores of know peleire '® ite able eietumetes hsase of th Soureeive ne~« a vay Py t 6 ab . * all or te y the naps co - ae cargeame aoe rely © ihe f ' ne y wie nowledy I aca knowledy a i : AS ate bath By Ube | gee of thie © caterfal inntmmemt whem having sf pestastgl ee) | JNO A WEIRWAN & PRICR, SOUTHERN LITERARY MESSENGER r i ‘ ‘ . al, ope © orme end wf ca ae te a fas - \ . : - ‘ aes r fi Merchant Taslere 2 3 ng operatians which @ inan ma ’ , toay are ve fail eats all permuns whx - tne ; | > ta i ta 9] 6. ne mg cto pa cM ) practical farming directions. W ah lat ent Rabat NC opt we’ | FORTHE YEAR 1856. ’ x r try bon or from other 7 : = as ; n books ’ Mat w Fo Maury modestly apy it s ’ be lady ee : THE , . | TWENTY.SECOND VOLUME. pir Aectd-wr . andl by ; <. : R ) egos - . A of ° . yee tthe Secretar f t Na for a t Janaary 2%, 154 Jw, 036 ere ste ung . PRESBY TE RI AN, N woung the Prep-etas of the Twenty-Sernod aeiy : sie ' . |B Vinton. of the SOUTHERN LITE Mes : ‘ ee prerente. Uhinpay 6 or ‘ Piies and Piation L RELIGIONS PAWILT SEWSPOPER, © | ni:nectlm, ihe Peopnewre erty ecoty a the enrner _ ] yy : aH ’ " : ) : Thecus snd sther chnflar distrces | . . ad de f Agricultora , c STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, | ao oar PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY egies bticrs and premucce of the fronds of the Meo AS Ww i wureaut o A erage’ & od them im esicnding ne erenteti ond weit : A t ; - aie er tet om arabinose ages - . eft» ebd ther oulceding he of ion t ; . Phileas = ; i + axe foun ANH ry rein Simaltanemely. at 140 Chest nat atrect, Philedelphie, | they beg to scoure the public thet an efertines © woud at ey epee en Fy Cae : TY £EUT TI? | | end 25 Bradway, New York | be remmited om their part to marntarm the high chars bl ; : y PS a iiing "would ha Wanh, 8 Thames, Wiler P Themes! [id 0 banned Pits ahold be) A bee tolame the twenty math will begia Janos. | tet of the work. and tn challenge the patronage of © oe arned about it —wia v . : ‘ WeoR cama & EM ry let. 1856, @hich © me a faviee tne for sete | who velue sterhmg Inerary ment For Twenty oo ¢ 8 }2 4 7Ere ' Years Meesenger hae ende svored fle: » mark } . 4 . T 1 ! Woe te Fr ® i ly re;cated expe ‘ aA : : . u " F ; j | ; rn folly (he Sat d while decteming all saree gis : . I: is law ard M “ ‘ M Themes 5 Larkin | Borne “ " and views, end hee been ehene asmeng the wlvantagea from I M R- ts P eve ~ reals of Amenes in defence of the ae ee’ sinvestiyatiuns and coverie . WHEREAS. Ds ‘ T ae. | Pie a yey P--a'rar Inatitateons of the Southern States t and pr fes 7 ‘ et sh ’ fied | @ . 5 Riera aan of) T o off will eth) be deweted, and will b : h a g prea 7 on bL We Quee a pe ox ae es , | pe sale wpe the Seeth, wh h ‘ g any 8 al 4 : race. and Wawelt Noah D leanne Wag Mat . : ia piagtis pee speoowe gard of hetwn, of in! , . : J ‘ J KM Withe “ peel . ( anus ry pamphieve, At chive er . a . “ R 5 4 . ° c ; : oo eal je wh of enew employing hier? ie ; oe paid te aa is . OEE et) ore-me in met p ( we f atiack, the *o € pang BoMeg ari I ‘ Ieaae wr +s le aL prrvnr@e | neon ple @.!| eerely net withheld ther encwerer the ~ rate aa = j A I 4 “M sa We = a wr c erivee in warmer terme) ment fram a work whos em n shell be to anh } | wlio rest it t ey cis are afte -. . f nia see weekly view ja ‘ Ay beter itch Loree . Q “ > F toe thew defenee r far Z “ at g Samer! Eo We Queen, Coew Ce \ D | ¥ : e eres The Weer nger will, as heretofore, present ite re® I : weet rovone ‘ A ‘ wince t : savant pli eg Matinises W se oct YW Qa cae ‘ Jers with Reviews, Hetonest! & Bgrephiecal Strtch-s . a ( a ” sede he ae , (; ree A) - % Fr =o z ~~ te Toles, Travets, Fim Poems, Crt . ae CE : a 5. . yf Nahe. et ine ( ~ Hs ; and Papers on the Army, Navy, and other Noties a ee ao a end Monday after the th Mon | JUST RECEIVED 1, vith | As the Preeby allah tale i. * ur read wiia nh any of thing * t or ert, then and there riead. an-| Moments of an | Wom e \heces ohare of ue seo ers Comer nerre.® With a new to ensure a larger cireatation of ib _ . : » eer i oes chal aihere ce Vakeiohes ond ° P Be etiaiie oe Ne igent Conues, capecsally | Messenger, the Proprietors, thowgh they intend gree ar a < pass 5 se frome will he a as m, anda revaderm | Heights (alch Ste ho. Glenwenad ates lene wr Okie te P ponfaretall HK reamng the w2e of the work, have redweed (> e ar y By, The A¢ reof Hayy Baba in | vat me gins Bor SEN NE Pree of Subseriptun, whieh « now only is aa ‘ c ent “ aem a S6th Janver 56 and Reema. Teree ataoncntel he Cae Z . . . be commend ? a : - ‘ f GEORGE BOMERC MF 3 JH ENSISS, Bunkeetier | Hild sch a estan THREE DOLLARS PER AN IN ADVANCE : A a 8 a sing F . ® 7 Gwe 36 ‘ ac 2 tree r ® or four Dollare tf not paid before the fret July k ) rat ‘ fay t anil a abi Pr . sé “| mone yee ; seule wn |) Dr CHARLES T.PoWE |, DR. J. J.SUMMERELL, | TeRMA TO CL hs CLIK Romiting ae fiiern Dollars in one ; : remeowed ne at hie reerdenre, where oe ; , / rer. will be entitled to Sia Coptes. ‘ : ‘ 4 } and }oint r ] [aree rs ently located in Saltsbery. reepeet- I I y w happy t professional of per ile ney phseirtaal net seed eee 81900) The Editoral and Critical department of the Mes " r j not arin there folly t « profesmomal services to (Ke pub: | somal ealis from his (ne ids Tom copes tn one address, for one ve ag B20 00 | cenger wil cont der the ch { , reparate Vv , The ex ence w he Offies Brick Row NA wih aa addivmal criry to lis) peresace lee aud renee oer piped oe 5} . gut lus r RS Salisbury; Aw 5 1114 ns s indebted tn me hy may ac! se A grit Y | JOUN Ro THOMPSON, ESQ, ac « have i yerare aie > | ‘A Me Ma a , morsel spdibs : sais Lee 2 fea pice te cine aire, none yes $20 00 on bi wad ch aaa notes om pica which wee M . shall bow ie nalie we nd reviews of all new American of Foret WW " A a ‘ q rye : a ; : 1 bk Treaty fire cones to one addree, for one year, 845 00 | keneral interest and valne —The Editor's opine , ar if 1 f myer } P ve with an addiional copy tothe Agent will be always fearteanty and by ly avowed ‘ : 1 I , , , RalcnafAdreriiaine | The Busnes departinent 1 condacted by the &” : aing For 15 tines, first imee rtion for : 1 i ‘ ya remia ave GLASS A Ss cante ch orp (ot Cental Wore ned, to waem all commameations of a buen a} . = ~ “Vy ») > REMOVAL aelew® ‘ haere? ‘| ure moat be addromed f - t ‘ A ( ! ‘ ' ente Payments for ad 4 | MACFARLAND, FERGUSON & CO, \ ‘ f ' CUSULE CU idermened ar ; s OUN A WEIRMAN & PRICE have removed '9 advance Law Belding, Feanktia street x k 4 ed x ] ; ay are ome gfortherr Spring males! of, Plathiae aa Ta Paks Kaarcee Richmond, V* eae : j fae wm far rau Fare eens CHE felt LTC aah Mur MeRome & ¢ o cArner im WILLIAM S WMARTIEN & CO lL eifedee (hen clekashes are erat spore | Mretetremmte Ha N Morph ye Binre Res hheheetunt)Mttects Binlede|phse Wanted Immediately Hs s . A Pe Saliebury, Now. 13 ; 25 1f Y ’ s gre r #20 ane ash and mp | | slat piioibled fi _ 7 DR. H. KELLY At the Silver Hill Mine, fi ’ d Phy | NEW BOOKS. HAS REMOVED TO MTATERVILLE. XN C ’ , . ; omen nauls mth pi > ANW QUANTITY OF , 5 Ta f ate kT eT RECHIVED ‘The Teaumony of an ee: 2nd iMfere hie servines io the rittuene of Iredell and the . x : e 2 Me ee in| UAT RECMIVED. The Tavmny of 49 68 gahiergneraly oficre Wem ninet eoa'ed ef WOOD AND COAL. old Coarth to, and nppoeite other a + i : , eitfind | Meme Bunkiey : Bemale Late among the Murmens. by ‘Ohere'he wil be loands aveitimee, when net pean! WM. LEAVENWORTH, Sop id * r ast tw : benrpnwed | the Wife of a Mormon Elder: The Home Garner by oe SANE RUAU Liewes W NaN Ret Pree! Silver HIN. Oat 1; 1856 19 f : kouroye mirpeieed | ce ecco) ts leek ictwe cme Tachice sionally engaged , 1855 ‘a I yer, a A a fe have by ropava ’ ' Bs eh eet eden Peres Wine) may 10; 1888 1150 1 tren Afe ar beanties a v ern ide . | é J siulied a as it does wo, Meany THe anedinG- tule iter Bi ew i arid ard Qaseehy New Fale 16 on DR. DINKINS, ron . ; et ou | ; . ron : shed shew dence | (th Am? JH ENNIKS, || aPE He GPE EB ce pyrene: TFULLY offers hie services to the © hae ‘ 1a Heiapen ee a , 7 ees " pn Fhol?e . dipoleeeein and an examina f Lied wh mw ed Book se ler A wood SUPPLY uf Tanners, Whale. Machine. \ zeneof Salebury. Office at the Mansion w 3 . agiass 8 na ai) = FAKE R& CO Marriage (ae ifully printed aed fo i and Sperm ole, juet received and for eale Salisbury, May 31, 1955 a | f h ri ; E ' Bho ace : MILLS, MOOSE & © na they : ‘ we : Feb 12,1656 Din etw riphva sale at this office {February 12, 1456 Sone Blank Warrants for sale Here The C. to think | culating and its ir The rapic business prising. admired. tion, it h land, Fr: Upward: don bank interest, upon an) of time, | and thre the year, telegrap! days an, equation counts, is have bee all the d ottices, a kers, mé time is | any bus the state Com pan) @ two ecen pict tal Pala In ree day, he tions Cot recorded tol, bein tain 2,% equare f tal Pala and 400 the tran and wor ano pere ulation « 900,000, ejuare n miles eq If ou every th be six ti equal to entire mf standing tnibea, o a trifle | If 900 an one y¥ ahh 000 die many p minates minate | The e of Repre to 1,044 $684 pe Qoeen . bum, eq The r 1851, at conte pe Taw fact tha organ ¢ gins to ence to the new late Dr be misu ly trans word bi dered t tnownere the gre lowers save contina would 4 the new Vietions B is su great C the wo gainst ating th trust ot Hot mor tion.” Very the nght ed disec Bible t sccret o Deel work it Clrietia Englan Society had eon ed him, fora Bi i he e r rs a ef s r i < , F rr r i t h i e i <* t z cr f i = i a decide by fertions © sigh charee onege of * Twenty pefles i faxh nares the somt ite ree ise , Cm mg ihe or Nathws rien of ntend gre* reduced ‘> \DVANCF fret Joly » in one let of the Mes Q, nt literatare rign work ors opines ed iby the 9” f a busines aco, street . mond, Ve f Mine, LL. TH, Sept 19tf , entothe anion Hr wl » Here be oe XII. Editor and Prepricter. ; | EE FULLER'S COMPUTING TELE- GRAPH. The Calculating Machine.—We used |* to think it was a jest-—the idea of a cal- culating machine; bat we have seen it and its ingenious proprietor, Mr. Fuller. The rapidity and accuracy with which all business problems are solved is truly sur- prising. It needs only to be seen to be admired. Although an American inven- tion, it has been extensively sold in Eng- tand, France, Germany and Holland.—- Upwards of thirty of the principle Lon- don bankers have it in use. It computes interest, at every possible rate per cent. upon any sum of money, for any length of time, both at three handred and sixty and three hundred and sixty-five days to the year, and las a wost perfect time telegraph: to compnate the number of days any note has to run. The work equations of payments, or average of ac- counts, is one of its conveniences. Copies have been purchased in Washington by all the departments, for use in the public offices, as well as by the principal ban- kers, merchants and incehanics, Less time is required to obtain an answer to any business question than to prepare the statement. Full printed directions ac It is learned by one It ecenpied a prominent place inthe Crys tal Palace. company the work. @ two hours’ study and practice. In response to somne questions yester day, he stated in less time than the ques tions could be prepared of the answers recorded, that the Rotunda of the Capi- tol, being 90-feet in diameter, would con tain 2,830 persons, and allow each 24 equare feet, or 18 by 18 inches. The Crys tal Palace, he said, being 1,851 feet long, and 400 wide the transept or centre, measures 18 acres, 347, with an additional acre tu and would contain at the same rate 000 persons upon the ground. 7 p ulation of the be being estimated at 900,000,000, could stand upon forty equare mil 4, or an area of six and 33-100 miles euare. If 900,000,000 of persons pass away every thirty years, and the world should be six thousand years old, thie would be equal to 200 times 900,000,000 This the entire namber of persons would have standing room on 200 times 40 square anilea, or 8,000 square miles of land, or a trifle less than n les sqnare If 900,000,000 die nety m every thirty veare, in one year thirty millions die. If 30 000.000 die in 365 dave, in one day 82, 000 die If in 24 hours 82,000 die, how many per huur? Ans. 3,420 If in 60 minates this number die, how many per minatet Ans. 57 ted States House The expense of the Ur of Representat ves, al 68 per day, ameonnte to 1,944. The ealary of the President i $684 per day. The pensions of the late Queen Adelaide, was £100,000 per ar bom, equal to 1.825 per day The revenne of the United States for val te @1.65 1851, at 852,000,000, is eq Cents per sec nd Washington T legraph Immersion It ies a very rf ‘ fact that the V Vik ¢ ” t organ of the New Version | aj tist t gins to show signe of miagiving in refer ence to the main idca which gyre ste the new translation The opinion of t late Dr. Cone was too often ¢ rpressed t be misunderstood, that baplaee was inert ly transferred and not translated by word baptiem, and that it should Le ren dered by the English word dipping tnoneraton Dr. Cone ie now dead, and the great leader being removed his fol lowers begin to doubt. The CA savs ‘We much doubt, therefore, whether # universal Christendom were t at ] continued to practise as they do now, they would net the new rendering, than affect the cor Vietions of the pee} le as te what baptism nt of the rendering haplizo on mere, vet etaill rather change the meaning of js. But if we, as a single yreat Christian circle, were to translate the word tha, it we dl rather oper ate against the progress of our views, by cre ! ating the impression that we could not trust ourselwes to a version which was Hot moditied to suit our sectarian post tion,” Very true; bat is not this an after thought? Have the translators employ ed diseovered that they cannot make the Bible teach secret of the change ? - Presbyterian iminersion, and ia thie the es Deeline of Popery in Spain The work in wonderful. A Christian custom-house officer at Bristol, England, took the tracts of the Edinburgh Society on Board a Spanish vessel which Spain is very had come in, and the crew all snrround- ed him, and eagerly took them, and asked for a Bible. THE WAR FLURRY OVER. There never was a flatter and more positive revulsion of feeling, never a more absolute contradiction of rnmor by fact, than have fullowed the recent little flur- about a war with England. As was the case several months ago, the war alurin was got up, without any reasona- ble grounds, by the London press. The stories they put in circulation prove to have been wholly untrue. | been no angry words between Lord Clar- jendon and Mr. Buchanan ; the latter gen- jtleman has not demanded his passports ; {there has been no offer of mediation and |no necessity for it. The disputes between the two countries, so far from having reached a dangerous crisis, are in a fair | way of amicable settlement. Mr. Buch- janan, having no very serious business on {hand, was about leaving London for a pleasure trip on the continent. If he should not conclude the negotiations, they would await the arrival of Mr. Dallas, who will take out new instructions which will probably enable him to bring the differences to a speedy adjustinent. The recent correspondence between the two governments will probably soon be laid before Congress in response to a call from the Senate A correspondence, proposed in the British Parliament, has uot been encouraged by Frou this we are led to believe that our poverniment cecu- call for the same the ministerial party pies the strongest ground on the enlist nent question at least, and this is cor roboruated by the very positive declara tien of Wasi: ington that no apology whatever bas been made by the British yoverament, but that they have only etriven to justily and ex cuse what Was, tu say \ of it the yovernincnt organ at « 4 the least very great mistake ou their part uw present a ara thie yeoover England iu this pot, and at os rubble the that inakes England sly of publishing the cor Sut Ruyland, in spite of ices We have advan Ushess of this ho «¢ Comic ie respondence her blostering press, is a reasonable and enlightened ta , and she will certainly see the propriety of making the a ndif she has really done us a wrong by a vio sation of our laws At all events, she will not risk a war on a inere matter of etiquette, such as th Phals. be listinent yr stton ning Bul las now t Alvhemy — Yester tween Land 2 o'clock, : . f Curious Financial day the followir afternoon, eular incidents tock place between fou bauks The Men i the Granit Sank a bag soppesed te contain BSmH) in bls the Gra Bank paid the Mar ket Bank the same bay; the Market Bank pad the Rachanye | ke ar bag: the Exchange Bank dia it he bag weighed ( moopening it f { at t wa PI stead The | ag wast i eM ket Dank, w pard x ange a hay ' er tack t ko The Grant ithe Mer t enl was g ‘ standing. aud Granite Bauk tthe Bank Con sev} im exarninming Clee letect, 1f pemmrble where the bstitution the coin oecur rel At pre the question of loss ay pears to be between the Market) and (rranite Banks Boston Transcript, Lat oo. EGYPTIAN LIGHTIOUSE Have you ever read about the beant i git “ { white ma 5 , ANY CE s AY at Phare. byrvpt tl Tt was lat yreat ex i" A the mitef the teow ad h was severa i “i feet ale e@ the = Aas ao pieal fire kh yt bur yu ‘ ’ yet 8 cma rathat pass ed er the Mediterranean sea, came near ho ¢ Nlexandra Vv saw faraway M the di stat ‘ iy vw to at r ~ Now, t I> * saine ¢ \ a e lig ‘ the sa It isa any fe and aw diylit your pa linwiesr Gigaset cat at | ty { bright CC petit aoshia gu un gafely vert dark sea So should vou make tl vy Bb vour ygniding star, giving heed thereunt asa light that «l tl a Flow precious m the lookalis [by nsparat given Brigit asa damp ite doctrines shine lug i Is to beaver « A Cha T following la and ince ac cation of ow , fener of them berg Latin, has been used, itis aaid, asa clan ayarnat certain disease Donubtfil ast r efficacy for this may be, they may at ast serve fo amuse SATOR AKEVO IENEI OVERA ROLAS Read each line in the usual wav, from leftto right, then from right te lett, then from top to bottom, and from bottom ¢ top, and the effect will be seen. Stull far ther, the first syllables of the four lines, excluding the middle one, read: forward with the same avllables of the correspon ding lines, (as the first and fifth, the se cond and fourth) read backward will pro duce the aame And the same will hold good by beginning with the last avilables read backward, and the | lables of the corresponding lines read for Onur young readers may innecent words iat avl ward 4 ly amuse themselves with trying this. | THE YOUNG AND THE OLD; There have es . F it is carried up into Congress, and grave | OR, THE PROGRESS OF PRECOCITY. The Rev. Orville Dewey has farnished | some brief bat sententious hints on the! progress of precocity in this country.— Ile appears to think that the young are getting forward too fast ; and that impa- dence and impertinence are taking the places of affection and respect. He says: _“ There never was anything quite equal either to the presumption of the young, or to the ineekness and acqniescence of | the elders in this matter. Men advanced | beyond the middle of life are ealled “old foyies,” by their juniors; and as if this were not slang unfit for the very street, | legislators accept the title, and bandy | ‘about it in their speeches as a good jest. | In society, especially in our cities, peo- le ure scamely murried and seitlod in tite, before they are regarded as on “ the shady side” of their day, and are treated accordingly—and by whom t Why, by boys and yirls between the ages of seven twenty-one. I hear constant complaints of this, and my reply is con- slantly the same: ‘if there is not manly and womanly sense and auibority enough among you to repress and put down such folly, you ought to suffer.” But this ex- traordinary deference does not stop here; itextends to noisy and impertinent boys in the streets, in public places, at rail way stations, and wherever boys conyre The e ‘This is a free country ; what right have we to the street teen and pate ers say, or the station, more than they ¢ ‘They way susult as af we interfere—throw stichs or elubes at us—and what can we It is wa fact; this language is used ; e often heard it With a view to satisfy any canosity on this point, and perlaps to feel the public pulse, I have put the following question to half a dozen genticinen in ove of our cities, and have unifuruly received the same answer; ‘if, as you are going down town, you should approach a « m boys playing on the and obstructing it, so that you could pot conveniently pass, which would side Wala you dou—would you say, * boys, you must not gather here in this way and occupy the walk, or would vou pet off from the sidewalk into the street, go roand, and +& come on to the walk again, when vou had tby tf Aud they all said, ‘we should Now, if rights, all the proper au wd, they can do 6; but { must say that kuow of no greater, or - ge round ! nen choose to ab dicate all the thomty of mant wre gratuitous, of more pales 11% Ugty the hand of the workman o'eriaden ; take they could commit, Men can speak | Livety or agiy—t matters not —ee ver mat } geotly and frinly to bows, and be listen- Give me the grasp that w fnendly forever el t But if net, if everything ia to Vie snd give way lelore the licedless (re me the that @ honest and hearty, rie t veutht SepeePLITiaetié this will Pree ae the breeze and woshachid by party 1 fir many veare. an ; ra Let fnend-hip pve me the grasp that becomes her a Chose ae the twine of the vine of the Sammer ‘ i t et Give me the haed thet mw irwe as a brother, ] . A t bn the fore- Give me the hand that hae wronged pot another x x s va dav goes , that the Soft palm or bard hand—«a matters mot —oever, ; glit net point ont illuetes Grve me the grasp that 1 fneudly forever jl , a tions sis eded be a fast cour : “ OUR WHOLE COUNTRY t and th Americans are a remarka : VW bo would sever freedum's shrine ’ Vv provressit € But when age , I e ! ' ad Who would draw the invidwas line ceases to command respect, and when the Theagh by berth ame spot be mine, young habitually treat their seniors wit! Dear wall the rest indifference and « ernpt simply because Dear to me the South's far land they are their a« re t ie time for the Dear the central moantain band ; dear Ne £ strand t whtful and the proper-mir tel tars Dea w Feandiand's rock) #t 4 = , Dear the gturnous W «st flect upent e en ct in acalin and en ) : By our here pare end fre ert spirit, a J with a view to reform Ry cur lawe’ deep mated irre How common is it to hear boys and girls Rly the Post's dread memer 8} ak of t r parents as “the old man’ By oar Washington and x ) and to do ao too Ry onr common parent tongu ‘ An r at € everent at h r hopee—bryght. becy a ong pert Theeitanerliatices YINTTC By the ve of coamtry strong We will etefl be one aS An We TH ‘ | ‘ ’ —— ‘ ‘ BUILDING ON THE SAND ‘ | thatt ive bad hea RY RLIZA COOK A ‘ fthet at ar Taw win te well lo wed, spect fresjre y a 1 Fur m the world has t ‘ s ays ate Since egrewa ere bie w ( la “ 1 Ver 13 A g bron gt he ean } tra ’ at ce law } ry, et g and far . h truth ean t sa wy R rtain that arkeve will wear perty of e ¢ nity Thies iss A Be d the days of youth rthe resistane “ ntly For if we give net heart for heart, made t the tt re the ! As well as hand fur hand, ruft sand rowd f € Av, A resist Youll find you'v> played the “anwvee” part, nee wW 1s eof them appear t k And the sand s altoyether chivalie and herote Not Tie well to eave, ‘tie well to have satisfied with violating the law the firet A goediy store of guid, ne enanne ayn perene mee And held emegh 4 shining stuff, | I - come its agents and on sters in the «« ) Ru riitpes and ire | All « f] lors al Tbe pu I r 1 pes and trust In what t p mine brings ; i with the ntmest severity Thev Wea n vane dar uld be made examples of, and thas a Unmuaed with puree things ‘ tancolotadmuntion: aniliotar ‘ JA is | And he who piles np wealth alone, } ul 1] ! rl ty should be held up to all who might Will often have to etand feel disposed to do likewise No coun Remic he oficc chee sad awe try can be said to be well governed, no Tesh pin the sand con ty to be tranquil, calm an l safe Tie gues ak in kindly guise In which Jaws may with impunity he vio A mthe wheneer you can; 1 should one € nan d wed. or in w the agents and minis Fair « ithe human mod, ‘ ‘ And | ke man to man ters of the law may be insulted and as sailed, withont exciting the deepest. in Bat etay not at the gentle words, Let deeds with language dwell; dignat and cliciting the promptest . gueg The one whe pitiee starring birds Should scatter crumbs as well oe. > Bible Burning. The Pat ists have ve The mercy thot is warm and true . . . if 1 a helping hand rv ancient, and perhaps they might say Maat aridhell abil SUihobas 1 Py riptural, authority. for their favourite For those who talk yet fail todo . ah 3 ruld upon the amusement of Bible-borning. This may Burt Up ie ward bi ; oe be found at large in the thirty-sixth ehap ter of Jeremiah Renonncing Lomaniem.—During the last vear in Silesia, eight lundred and Salariva of Mithodiat Preachera eleven Roman Catholics enrolled their The average tries of New England names on the Protestant: registers A Mothodist ministers are said to be about similar increase of Protestants has been 8500 a year The following beautifel hymn, sung at the annual meeting of the Orthodox Congregational Sabbath Schools in Boston, on Sunday evening, the 11th inst., was composed by Hodges Read, Esq., of Tauntom : THE CHILD'S PRAYER. Into ber chamber went A little maid, one day, And by a chair she knelt, And thus began to pray: « Jesus, my eyes I closee— Thy form | cannot see ; If thou art neas me, Lord, I pray thee speak to me.” A still small voice she heard within her soul, “ What isit, child? I bear thee—tell me all.” “I pray thee, Lord,” she said, “ That thou will cendescend To tarry in my heart, And ever be my friend. The path of life is dark— I would not go astray, Oh, let me have thy band To lead me in the way.” « Fear not—I will not leave thee, child, alone” — She thought she felt a soft hand press ber own. They tell me, Lord, that all The liviog pase away— The aged soon must die, And even children may Oh. let my parents live, ‘Tul I a woman grown ; For if they die, what can A little orphan do?” “ Fear oot my cbhiid—whatever ills may come, I'l not forsake thee ull I bring thee bome ” Her little prayer was said, And from her chamber, now, She parsed forth, with the bght Uf beaven upve her brow * Mother, I've seen the Lord— His hand in mine I felt, And, ob! I heard him say, As by my chau I knelt, « Fear aot, ny child, whatever ills may come, 1 not forsake thee ull I bnng thee home.” 7 GIVE ME THE HAND BY FRANC & CARL, OF BEBLIN Give me the hand that » warm, kind and ready, Give me the hand that is calm, tre and steady, Give me the hand that will never decetve me, Give me the grasp that I aye may believe thee Soft ws the palm of the debeate woman, Hard w the hand of the rough, sterdy yeoman ; Soft palm of hard hand—«t matters not —never, Give me the grasp that is (nendly forever Greve me the hand that is true as a brother, Give the hand that has harmed not another Give me the hand that has never fursworn at, Give me the hand that I aye may adore it Liwely the palm of the fair, blue-veied maiden ; } going on in that province for years past. From the * Widow Bedott Pupers.” AN UNEXPECTED PROPOSAL OF MAR- RIAGE. Mr. Crane: “ Well, widder, I've been tbink- ing about taking another companion—and I thought I'd ask you.” Widow: “Ob, Mr. Crane, egscuse my com- motion—it's so onexpected. Jest hand me that are bottle o’ camfire off the mantlery shelf—I’m ruther faint—dew put a little mite on my band- kerchief and hold it to my puz. There—that'll dew—I'm obleged tew ye—now I'm ruther com- posed—you may perceed, Mr. Crane,” Mr. Crane: “ Well, widder, I was going to ask you whether—whetber—” Widow; “Continner, Mr. Crane—dew—I know it’s turrible embarrisia’. I remember when my dezeased husband made bis suppositions to| me, he stammered and stuttered, and was 80 | awfully flustered it did seem as if he'd never git out in the world, and I s'pose it’s generally the! case, at least it has been with all them that’s | made suppositions to me—you see they're giner- | jally eoncerning about what kind of answer they're ‘agwine to git, and it kind o' makes ‘em nervous, But when av individual has reasow to s'pose Lis attachment’s reciprocated, | don’t see what need there is o’ bein’ flustrated —tho’ I must say it's quite embarrassin’ to me— pray continne r.” Mr. Crane: “ Well, then, I want to know if | you're willing I should bave Melissy (” | Widow : * The dragon !” Mr. Crave: “I bain't said anything to ber abuut it yet—thougbt the proper way was to get your consent first. 1 remember eben I courted Tryphony we were engaged some tine before mother Kenipe knew anything about it, and when she found it out she was quite put out because I diddent go to her first. So when | made up my mind about Meclissy, thinks me, I'll dew it right this time and speak to the old wo- man firns—” Widow: name to call Mehssy, hey ! “Old woman, hey! that’s a purty me !—amazin’ perlite lew—want Tribbleation ! gracious sakes a hve! I'll give it up now! always know'd you was a simpleton, Tim Crane, but I mast confess | diddent think you was quite so lag a 1 Tf that don't beat alf you must be fool—want Melisey, dew ye all! What an everiastan’ old « to spose she'd look at you Why, you're old enough to be her father, and more tew —Melissy ain't only iu ber twenty-onth year, What a reed-cklous idee for # man o' your age! as a rat tew! LT wonder what this world is comin’ tew, ‘tis astonishin’ what fools old widowers will make o' themselves! Have Melisay ! Melissy !” Mr. Crane: “ Why, widder, you surprse me ; I'd no wea of being treated in this way after you'd ben so polite to me, and made sux b a fuse over me and the y Widow Sbet year head, Tim Crar nuo of your saas to me There's yer hat on that are table and bere’s the duor, and the suoner you march ont o' Cother the better puton one and 1 for y Avd I advise you afore vou try tog armed again, to go out west and see'f yer wife's culd ; and arter ye're satisfied on that prot, jest puta hithe lampblack yer bair, tevuld add to your appearance ond yabtediy, and be of sarvice to ruu when you want to flour x sh among the yale, and when yo've got yer hair fixed, pst spinter the spine o' yer back , ‘twou ! nt b ver looks a mite) 5 1 be entirely un resistible of you was a leetle grain straiter Mr. Crane Well, T never Widow : * [Hold yer tong you consarned Hd coot, rou; [tell ye there's yer bat and there's the door: be off with verself, quick metre, of Vil ove ve a bvst with the broomstick.” Mr. Crane ‘(samme nt ™ Widow, naing: “Git out, Peay: T ain't ge nto stand here and be insulted under my own ff—and so—git along, and if you ever darker joor ayn, or cay a worl to Melisey, il be woes for you; that's a Mr. Crane Tremenjous What a buster W “ (y r g.\ as cur T won't hear anoth . stops t ars:) T won't, Tw I wor Fait Mr. Crane -.- DOING AND NOT DREADING If we spent the time, the nervous energy and mental fire in d Jutes of life, which we wften « ] r t weandt world . be stronger and be r Ai! the sever tasks of Ife only grow more for lable as we look at them from a dista w we crow weak a " and less “ to yray ple with t We al in honest, bra art, what are our uth here and now, and with what of mental energy we car summon at the moment we should go forward to perform them. In the very act of attempting 1 A gain strenstl ben Not bef but at the time, the needed strength “ ' Not wl we dread, but wl we Jo the work of life, the Master help« us Maine Evangel st oo IMPORTANT DISCOVERIES EXPECTED Drofessor Faraday is of the opimion that) we are on the verge of important: discoveries cur serning the nature of physical forces, and thetr save that relativn to life and physiology Hl all s have a similar dural property, and that even gravitation will be ultemately determined tu possess iL One force cannot be called into action by elect ty without the other, and they jual. When the no poles of four placed rat tangles, so vtre of that cell there is no magnetic attraction at all, The * of amagnet, Prog ! to form a deep square “northless” and © southness Faraday says, takes in curved lines outside, vot inside, a Inagnes INSECT LIFE IN AUSTRALIA. In truth, this country seems the fovorite bome of insect life; insects here are endless in oum- | bets and form. Many are most singular and | curious ; but the ants, the flies, the centipedes, | ahd the scorpions, are a terrible nuisance. The | bite of all these is severe and venomous, There is a red spider, too, whose bite is said to be dead- | ly ; but the ants are the most numerous, next to the flies, They cover the whole surface of the ground; I might almost say, of the whole colo- ny, of all colors and siges, and almost every va- | riety of them stings keenly. Nor is it the ground | only on which they swarm; there is not a log | lying on the ground, ma>~\, tree standing in the | forest, up end down which they are not creeping in myriads. Trains of them are constantly as- cending to the towmosr twigs of the loftiest gum trees. two hundred and fifty feet high, and other | trains descending. They appeared to be a main | cause of the prevalent hollowness of the trees, | as they pierce to the eentre of the youngest ones, and make their vests in) their and eat out hearts. They eat the wood of the boughs, so that immense arms fall off, with a sudden snap, just if they had been cut asunder by an axe.— The other day we cut down a young stringy bark tree, and split it to make some trestles, and the beart of it was all out and occupied by ants. These insects, many of them au in inch long | fiercely contest the ground with us when we are pitching our tents in any fresh place, and their sting is as severe as that of a wasp | Birds and Ants.—Numbers of the birds bere | appear quite insensible tu shot. I have seen a parrot fired at half a dozen times, and evidently hit each time, go off at last as if there was no But the hfe tendency of these birds is nothing to that of Ue thing in the world amiss with it. insects. Tu the accounts I have given you of them I may add, that we have watched the ac tions of the large inch and inch-and-a-half long ants, called bull-dogs, and are satisfied that they of nee, which ba! got wet, to dry in the sua.— sting exactly as wasps do. laid a quantity A cloud of little black flies settled on it, but ve ry soon advanced a bust of bull-dog anta pounced on the fhes, as tigers would on their prey seized the flies with their mandibles, and Their death and the ants then marched stung them with their taila was instantaneous off with them. If black fly, we show d regard them as no trifling the bull dogs only killed the benefactors ; but they are so vicious, and sting us so aborinably on all occasions, that we wage ruthless war on them, if they enter oar tent; but as to killing them by cutting them to pieces, that is hopeless ; cut them im two, and the head will immediately sieze the boly, and ene nt fiercely with its nippers, and the tail wil! sund away at the head and th is to crush them to They never trouble them selves to die maly way to destroy them powder PRESENTIMENT. An almost infa cure for presentiment however violent, ts a good emetic, a grubbing hoe, with a few days bread and water diet F ourselves, we would omit the emetic, as we dk but patronize phywc, except by provy The reason we give medicine at all is that people are always in a burry, not eaactly to get well, but to if they f ten think they are getting along fam asly get able to eat: an only kvery bud wants to get well in a minute, and for the bare chances o so, w eff-ct promise it, baving th th a shghet nog degree of assurance to that from any knave who is willing to wit to see at a ylance that the assurance must be father to the fee—we re pest, with a very n assurance of Leing made well in a short time the majonty of invaliis would swallow a quart s soup u f Shaky ce a day, sand soup tr mc made meitherrcadcr tay rementer be ac eral old witches, of such things as newt’s eyes, frog's tues, nga stings of rattie snakes aod other set Necessary to be named all brourte t matie pornt by —ontoms Halls h Journal BOARDING I talk to me about kerping hows you “ hear a voung br say T will board, and A Very we m f aniing i not al = th ers pre fthe Home Juurna ' a f stranger “ 2 ¥ we ha g m a yreen \ « npelled to ~ ’ poring ™ ’ yt ar ay ( wwe your 1 1 ne ered ata staking away all sense of pr Vacy retirer n tro con vr, to f np be gil temeoa fom tlw vam f strangers 1 ack ¢! acfa! t at what . woke you ’ wok ry t * 7 as « ' a a rasvst tace alien ‘ hat desembed | Ravard 1 roaa ey z among the Japanese — feeling niv f, n your door is locked for the might—to feel stantly obhyged toentertain companr. and gw f t ra le wa er areless s ants bhiged k ry thing under lock and key these are a fiw of the pleasurce of boarding out. which so miny choose in pref rer to a hone +2. Mr. Francis, of New York, has exhibi- ted his iron military wagon to Louis Na The Emperor was de sented Mr lly adorned with dia pole mat Paris ighted, and y» Francis with a yold snuff box, ric monds. They | CURIOUS CALCULATION. What a noisy creature a man would be were his voice in proportion to bis weight, as that of the locust! A locust can be beard at the dis- tance of one-sixteenth of a mile. The golden wren is said to weigh but half an ounce, so that a middling sized man would weigh down not short of four thousand of them; and it must be strange if a golden wren would not outweigh four of our locusts. Supposing, therefore, that a common man weighed as much as sixteen thousand of our locusts, and that the note of a locust can be beard the sixteenth of a mile, a man of common dimensions, pretty sound in wind and limbs, onght to be able to make him- self beard at a distance of ove thousand miles. COLD FEET. Cold feet are the avennes of death to multitudes every year; it isa sign of im- perfect cireulation, and of want of vigor of constitution. No one can be well whose feet are habitually cold. When the blood is equally distributed to every part of the body, there is general good health. If there be less blood at any one point than is natural, there is coldness ; and not ouly so, there mast be more than is natural at some other part of the sye- tem, and there is fever, that is, unnatural heat or oppression. In the case of feet the amount of blood wanting there collects at some other part of the body, which happens to be the weakest, to be the least able to throw up a barri- cade against the in-rushing enemy.— Hence, when the lungs are weakest, the extra blood gathers there in the shape of a common cold, or spitting blood. Cler- yyinen, other public speakers, and sing- ers, by improper exposnres often render the throat the weakest part; to such per- sous, cold feet gives hoarseness, or @ raw burning feeling, most felt at the little hollow at the bottom of the neck; and so we might go through the whole body, for illustration. If you are well, let yourself alone. Bat to those whose feet are inclined to be cold, we suggest that as soon as you get up in the morning to pat both feet at once into a basin of cold water, so as to come half {way to the eekles; keep them ia half a tuinute ia winter, a ininute or two in saul- \mer, rubbing vigorously, wipe dry, and jhold to the fire, if comvenient, in cold weather, until every part of the feet feels as dry as your hand, then pot on your | socks or stockings. | On going to bed at night draw off your stockings and held the feet te the fire for ten or fifteen minutes antil perfectly dry, and get intobed. This is a most pleasant operation, and fully repays for the troa- ble of it. Noone can sleep well or re- \freshingly with cold feet. All Indians and hunters sleep with their feet to the fire. —J/alfs Journal. --- “NO MORE SLAVE STATES.” This is becoming more and more the ery of the ultra Freesnilers of the North; but suppose, suggests the Rich- mond Enquirer, the Senth should insist that there should be no more free States; would not there be far more of good sense of humanity and justice, in her position, than in that of the North? First —Slavery excludes, neither in the- ry or practice, auy law-abiding citizens vf free States from the States where it ex- ists. Slave States are equally open to all the people of the Union with all their property Secondly.— All the territory oat of which new States are to be formed, was either ceded tothe Union by slave States, wacynired chiefly by Sonthern counsels, Soat arms, Seathern soldiers, and Southern statesmen Third!v.—Slave eociety is the oldest, the most common, and the most nataral form of ax whilst free seciety is a little experiment, emall extent. and short in duration, vet which has been at- tended, the showing of its own an- thors.) with a thonsand times greater evils than has inflicted on mankind, thronghout all ages, and all countries.— For a single season in Ireland was franght with more of haman suffering than all the annals ef slavery exhibit? em ety; in hy siavery In view of these facta, wonld it not be rore reasonable for the South to object to the adlmises f free States, than for the North to refuse to adiait slave States. Whidlowayga Pills unquestionably the <t efficacious Remedy ins the Cnion for Ae atic Complaints and Coughs.— The of cnres these wonderfal Pills Ave « in all parts of the nmion, more ularly in cases of asthina of ise ig. and coughs, leave no doubt mothe mind of all who have used them at they surpass any thing of the kind ever tnade known; by @ perseverance with this admirable remedy, the sufferer siekly restored to health, after every t means have failed ; and it isa tenth revond dispute, that there is no case of is disorder, or liver complaints, bat that will quickly vield to the powers of s mighty medicine +o. Py fion of Rore.—Tie General Vicar me has published an ficial censns of the popnlation of Rome for the vear 1855. In all, there are 177,- 461 valitants, among whom there are 36 bishops, 1226 secular priests, 2213 monks and other and religious, 1919 nuns, At Rome, there- fore, there are in all fice thousand and 6ST seminaries eighty one priests, monks, nuns, or semi- Warists—that is to say, one to every thir- ty-tive inhabitants aa y —— . — - z = ~~ ee es . ws a Wadmeorth Riflevs. Wm. Tells Bow. ~The following instance of daring sport is related inthe Albany Transcript The feat in shooting performed ly Pell, an apple off the head of his over and ) } hhounseh hooting: ns OUT EY fon, lias been told over again, and in ias tar ld words, Was a wondertul prece of execution, Close cal cWlation and preat daring Something eunilar was attenipted and successtully performed in the village of Pittetown, Renarselacr County, al siti ‘The circumstance was related to us is fotlowe: Phere had been aturkey s ttwhicl Beveral Crach shots Had dssioce (iter the shoot was over the crowdia rhea tothe tavern, numer were ca ed for and put outots ew ‘ party. se ow it elaled, ¢ itn CK taih Ing about Wallan Tell, when one he party, by name Horace H. Wadsw retnarhes Wats its ¢ tos tas ever Tell was, aud, said ties Stud on man and Pil prove at” whereupon A go Corowan stepped forward and sa oo ar thre ant vou t aelice Uys Ve TVs said W xectan apple and Pi try Secure Wits lid Wl up ple ! i 1 litige CT yal i Nias sll etitule ghd the crawa Journed ft suid Wads in tock lis plac M tT at } ‘ e head, when Wa de ate iis ed Lis rfl rew a fine i toa r ~ pole s y No ene e at he would ind consternation Was nance of all the bystance wots) laud motile zie = xi I 2 / at Gorogra 4-1 ato dead Le i I odaa t ay Cola pe w u t j ead the for sf e ba (sr « | it Wa wort w lu bre, fora few minutes aflerwa lieved that lis sku.l was spit I] iN art ehots want ¢ Vena ; otaloes ofl & pers > that af anv si shootit must f their tary Tt ts agaitist thome persons e Roman he persuation wh ‘ t to the Pope, and the ex { er for the bx I's \ ‘ party mainly wages wa s * f ar * the best jai ge n . . or poltical im)« a “ ist at ; of the repu Hughes, | New York kins of ; MR. GALES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRE- SENTATIVES. | (ae South Carolina College Disturb-| DREADFUL ACCIDENT ON THE SEA- ‘Carolina Watchman. A correspondent of the New York Commer-; cial tells the following p easant incident ; A iatter of business has induced Joseph Gales Esy., to visit the Capitol. Tle was accompanic d by @ young gentleman, and, T presume it was his first visit during the present session of Congress 1 heppened to be present: whe his walk, he entered the hall of Representatives It was, perhaps, half an hour before the House was called to and there was the usual hum of talking and Jaughing voices. But the moment his presence was observed, the remark, * There's Mr. Gales,” went the entire round, and a general sence prevailed Those who were personally lequeented with Mr. Gales went forward to shake who were unknown One moby the band. and thes introduced honora member went off to inform the Speaker of it genticman came unexpected visitor his compliments, so thatin & wa to pres short time there was quite «crowd assembled ‘ Tithe ve il ditor, Hs step) Was as mi as ever, at vost dignified, and as he ap a" Neov r ntention "Ny set ae exam] anv of those whe surround in.) it required only a slyht effort of the Imagine that the irier times of the as was this in r was to my mnind of interest. [vil ustrated, in a powerful miat , the power of an exalted character. When men like Mr. Gales mand the love, the respect and adiniration of parties, there is po grea danger that folly and fanaticism will ruin the country, Ttis not far y since Mr. Gales and Mr. Sea ton became J with the National Intell yencer, and [think it may be safely said of them 1 wi ve land bave done » al work as tl nod of tt . . Vated ar fluential the a s ‘ associated are these len Ww Governm that tisa t eu Congress Ss oAtly \ s + out of our r we oover pages t ‘ \ t . a } s r m ved, d n » \ at ft ft Na i purpos cot wey ures it $ Pas ‘ t with tNe stares: ‘ = n ms ‘ ‘ iv Cs Adam ( I THRE Mes oy KRING Nica 4a al ! \ Dr. McBean gave a wa vidw MI \ yw “ \ King | wa 1 wets 1 z w ‘ . rw a ate . “ , . \ ic APA a atte k ry the w * I * vy fk * uf ‘ ‘ tlhe ‘ 1” 4 - \ \\ | in the course of SALISBURY. N. C. TUESDAY EVENING, MARCI 18, 1856. | TERMS OF THIS PAPER §2.00 CASH. FOR PRESIDENT, MILLARD FILLMORE, OF NEW YORK, FOR VICE PRESIDENT, ANDREW JACKSON DONELSON, OF TENNESSEE. PUBLIC MEETING, a There will be a public meeting held at the Court House in this Town, on Saturday the 20th March, in- stant, at LL o'clock, for the purposes of responding to the nomination of Messrs. Fitemont the pointment of delegates to represent this and Donrzsox, and ap- County in the State Convention to be held in Greensborough in April, where and when it is proposed to nominate a All the friends of Mirnarp Fitimore and A. J eandidate for Governor. Donet son, are invited to attend this meeting, to participate in its deliberations, and to consult with each other in view of the approaching campaigns. “o- WESTERN NOC RNID KOAD Contracts on a port have been let out paration for begint r the work, are heard in mar hore t t CUWE t } ACE Sat \ ee Ww 4 ers 1 e work WwW g bin car t I estimated ¢ C ¢ is Road f 1 rr »Staless We lear is ir & VO per inile © vrading y dyes and masouar n a1 "peru Itis a prop 6 f worthy 1 at the ¢ tractors are sat ead w { s offered by t board of Directors ry w ‘ tow KW 4 arty y i will Messrs. Fisher & S ‘ ave tah severa t euced Work Crt 4 rl vw 125 hands +. tf aM a 4 le 4 t lwwa 1 4 ore vu a gd \\ ave t is a Wood { ous ph, ‘ RAK eae \ Guigus Qua Ls Alia IL in w ve 4 Wor LOU pray: re alu cr Wee eiia pitased > ‘ 2 low eller au j} Wee 4 ‘ 1 < i A - / i i | | 4 Pt 4 v - > ‘ ( i ( ( ( ance.—We published two weeks ago, an account of the disturbance in the College | By a letter received this morning from a friend at Columbia, 8. C., reported to the Wil-| at Weldon, we learn that a fatal accident bap That representa: | pened on the Seaboard Rail Road about 11 0 tion of the difficulties alluded to, has been | clock on yesterday. mington Commercial. Discovery of another planet has been discovered by 'Mr. Charcornac, of Paris. ‘on the 8th of February, when its apprex- imate positions were 13 h. 8m, m. t. Pa- ris, R. A. 11h. 21 m. 505 Dee. north 4. BOARD RAIL ROAD. condemned by the Columbia and other] It seems that about twelve miles above Wel-|58. 2. In brillianey it equals a star of South Carolina papers, as highly exag They state although the dis- turbances were serious, and the excite- ment at one time very high, yet no one was killed, and no one permanently in- The exercises of the College were gerated. jured. suspended for two weeks on account of the difficulty, but were again resumed on the 12th instant. as Le vd in Alabama discoveries of lead ore have been made in Coosa County, Alabama, A specimen, taken from a pit on the top of a vain, fit the surface, Quite important teen or twenty feet below contains not only lead, but gold and sil ver. Black, red and grey copper is also found in that vicinity Mr. Riddle, Prof. University of Louis f Chemistry in the ia, has analysed a } be ul specimen of this ore, and found it to worth $213 a ton, > Pilar Reporte Wo have v the last few Is stories as Personal occasion: heard, duri months, some very marve ing afloat in vari parts tthe Observer and its Editors abou 1 of these was that the E One turned Roman Cat they had turnes that the Observer t ) 5 subse F notice ‘then We let them have their WV, since every reade fthe O ver knew already that they were untrue, a is fort se W ire t {8 rea We tt t is esseut ‘ vor t Kee tlie Ve for fr t I in We ally dost tiv \ r tt a Ps 4 4 ( ‘ ft ew t ft Wis k 1 Alag "ed wv hikely sides wa ‘ “ ‘ r ’ WW - } ’ \\ \\ ‘ “ . \W ‘ ‘ c t ‘ 1 ‘ ) I the accident oceurred. don, a portion of the trestle work gave way,;the 8th or 9th magnitude. throwing the entire train of cars into a ravines | discovered by M. Chacornac, on the 12th crushing them to pieces, and killing, it is sup: January, is to be called “ Leda.” posed, a large number of the passengers. Mr. ae Kilkelly, of this town, the Express agent, is said Steamboat Collision.—<A collision late- ; : Our corresponde " Vel : . to be killed, ur correspondent writes that ly occurred near Cincinnati, between two “there is sstitnate of the extent of the injur . there i 0g ¢ timate of the extent of the injury steainboata, by which twenty persons and loss of life as yet. Only oue person (a ue- . 4 were drowned. gro) had arrived at Weldon from the place where | > His mission was to 8o- | Political Deterioration. me strik- ing comments upon the declension of ability and honesty among politicians, as exhibited during the sessions of sundry political Conventions, were recently co pied into the Observer from a New York paper of high standing. The same de cline is exhibited in other quarters—not only atnong the men who go to Congress, attend Conventions, or hold office, but among partisans everywhere. The stan dard of political morals is low. Justice toa political opponent is 80 rarely con- ceded, and shifting of party allegiance is se common, that he who dares to grant the flrst is at once accused of intending the last The latest effect of this is shown in the course of the Locofoco press towards Mr licit aid for the wounded.” Our correspondent continues: ‘¢ A train is about leaving while | write, with provisions, physicians, nurses, ke. Nothing definite is known yet, but I sincerely hope the affair is not so fatal as it is represented The excitement is most intense.” Ou the receipt of the above letter we tele graphed to Weldon for further particulars, aud received the following dispateh in reply : Wactpos, Mareh 11, 1856. The trestle bridge, twelve miles above this place, gave way, throwing the whole train duwn 25 feet. Both passenger and bagyage car wer burnt up, including baggage and express freight Killed hKilkelly, Daughtry, (Meil agent.) Cary and Cox, (news Capt (Express agent.) Mr boys.) One negro woman is supposed to have Fillmore. been burned entirely up. Capt. Bourdette Wey We notice going the rounds a letter outh, (Engineer,) and three or four others are sigued © Millard Fillmore,” purporting te have been written in IS38 toa New York bad!y wounded. J. EB. Everett and Misy Rowe!) abolition Society, expressing abolition of Tennessee, are also injured There were not : r lett fi 5 | : ; scntiinents Me letter Nyures aryet many passengers in the trai Wil. Hevald ; Y inthe Taylor Campaign, ¢ yht years ave = It was first pub din the Was! ; » EN THE RATL ROAD ACCIDENT Hion, to which paper it was sent anony Arena tl oilatarcliveanl tet lemotatlien leer 7 “ Whether Mr Fillmore ever Foti Ncataardndtarinnd cas w n . letter, we neither knew nor are t s ost ' which we put \ la Wi ; Aunt thereotnerloconat bein we Was “ r ar at ul ‘ ttle é n ushily eon at . core : ' urred, was Ithat his act new k , st ' vt ( » and ‘ e exeiting t ‘ uttent fthe prog ft ® hal ‘ pr ation t ¢ tia \ 1 Nowe \ esto who t ‘ \ | *, al | t j N : rt rel : erie , sites of thatda | . eof | ; ot trse the | < tiate ‘ vo thie N 8 { hk vo oN ‘ 1 on wa ry ‘ wis “ . ft W reyret tes ' t irty « te f wok ‘ aves Hptpers a ‘ . ( K | s is hots many I t t A Saf Nor tha can afford to « ery A < ot ‘ ty Ie Ly “ ‘ : : ! - ' t at 4 ‘ ‘ 1B BY el Va PRESS AND THE UNI to tnatatair ‘ ‘ the ¢ TED STATES thom mgrainint ‘ ‘ 1 1 s / i a id . un ‘ I Es tt . | : cee e é Kepert of New Vork Warket for week eodinr March 14. by Dibble & Banee (ommisica Merchant. COTTON —The sale o giketecrh “ 4 \ M t I ' i a | ( PIA R ( n ‘ week . ‘ ‘ \ mn i ‘ . - ° 1 atens A A sa 4 = . é ‘ Li » ' ‘ ‘ | ~ Al tl . t eke ‘ \ I ‘ ’ ‘ ‘ \ 2 “ 4 ! h i" ‘ we ' PRI R ' ‘ P ! 1 \ i" ® ERIE \ } & I . . =F °. { \ ) ‘ \ ! ’ p Z ( i : ,; . Sigourney i ( I O Flah \ \ nentee f | ‘ I k 5 | ] “ ‘ ' , Iw i i) { { ‘ f ; S H I 4 March | ] It was seen The planet} yor THE WATCHMAN. | Pp. 8, NEY, Mu. Eprron; I was indeed gratified —after jreading an article with the above eaption, which appeared in your paper a few. Weeks sinco—to |see the spirit that is now being manifested by | the students of one whose name, 4s well as mer. Hits, still lives iu their memory, And I am ex. |ceedingly auxions, votwithstanding there are mysteries in counection with the bistory of this | man, for which no solution has been given, that | something more should be known, before a mon. ;ument is erected to his memory, marking the place of the remains of the man, P, S, Ney.— 1 arm not satistied to see his memory perpetuated i with no greater hopors than those which follow. ed him in the last days of his venerable old age. If there be proof sufficient to establish the fact that he was the veritable Marshal Ney, however incompatible that proof may be with the state. inents of the historian, let it be brought to light ; for the historian of that day, as well as at the present, acted not under a divine influence, con. sequently they were liable to error, as well as other meneven though “ Tufallibillity ” be their boast, [know there are men, who are ready at all times, to denounce, unhesitatingly , the idea that Ney was ever a soldier under Napoleon, (I refer to the Ney of this country,) but such I ob- served did so without giving the subjeet 8 bearing, and if the matter was urged with enthusiasm by the advocate, these men would discard all evi- dence, and throw themselves npon the ipse dizit of the “Ney was executed,”—end feel a» if bere was no error, because the bistorian declared it, Here is credulity upon the one hand clinging to everything that may be found in bistory, and infidelity on the other denying historian —* everything in relation to the particular subject, unless drawn through the line of historical re- ond, Now if we will examine this statement, remembering who those suldiers were who were pointed to be his executors, the witnesses to the scone, and the time, we will see not withatand- ng the honesty of the recorder of the event, and the veracity of the report of it, that there may Sut it may be asked shere do you get your items of intelligence !— still be an error in history Through testimony, as the historian received his, vogh a different channel of witneses.— e it from authority that we consider re- rable, that Ney was not executed. The soldiers who were tu perform this task, 80 repugnaat to rf goof sympathy, were men who had ' s command. Deiog attached to ® atnan esteemed and beloved, vieader who was the “bravest of the ule the blood run cold in their veins vof thus executing one with whom 1. associated. Bat in com ” er from big authority than \ veel{ Prmecaned. they marched to the place ‘ rly in the morning Everything [in its proper manner; the witnesses I to report, eonsatiog only of two men, ; Ney is stationed with nght hand epoa mst los beft holding his cap, he writs 1 or gives way under bas emo bee tongue filters, refusing to At that particular erisie, Ney ard givieg the word of WW mormles, as he called Ney folie t we hed. The goand report that * Neg ie 1 v eithout ever secing the . peor os * fall, 4 dejo { Une witnesses * wo weber to @ reamed that . « sail for Charleston, S.C, up . was . andimg in our own ll r seed im obmecurty, the . S {a to every thimking ‘ aioing here a num ‘ a aeity calculated to ] the prernas M al Ney's aon s s Who te ibe M \ Hie ws the som of that « roating in Third : . * home tnempory has ste . . t { a moremeert . representing the exe . romember the attire in ame to (this coun . oe r ling preemely to ome plate. a wloch be kept with . “. The may ap ae matter, bet be we made of atoms, I g many other vine ve truth of my s matter to the M as bot been lo pro but simply m ts who were “ at an than | had fortakrng of he . . he whe of trmrlies I trust @ be carrh V twithstanding nearly venerable oh) s a strange land and r flner he wrekled over w beginning to <n The tomb takes PHILOS oe. \ ahve since, the pr H Morning Herald were al whine name we hare rela a z his damages at, if ‘ The matter has in eXA at andl the jury generows- ired individual the thirty particd what hoc beireed: giving kive 1 pally cash we presume | now secs himself as others see him { at least got bimeelf appraised, and should Peona Transcript } t information of our cotemporary ¥4 name of our prosceutor, Tt is Ca WW Dalles St Louis Herald sce “EWARD BEATEN IN TIS OWN. CITY lie eA morieate: have \ ' N again triumphed in the w York, electing their Mayor The Re inusua!l efforts to carry the ety, ali majority of the Aldermen ! ag ted Christopher Morgan, former Me ‘ vy of the State, for Mayor Mr M unis a devoted friend of Mer, Seward, Vy very popular Hut his popu JA Lohin not. The Seward cohorts r ' tely prostrated, and the American waves trum ly over Auburn, spthitedtltve hire? ONE W Haura: er Aruba. meetings. of Februas opened th changing signed not conference sitions wer the negoti Rumors dant, but | have thus It is repor sia has c limitations torate over increases ( ly signed | to adjust | France but Engla isting bet begins to triple lea Prussia is dent of th tThe Lon to the eff result of tl Russia mas the confer dy occurre was agree: at the sec siderativa. proposed crowned | in the nan decision coarse pre a fall of ub and alarm Lord ©. tnatructior yet The same ¢ de fends of o rumors re There » Brith 1 ment. 7 In the tice of a hr the Gover from Can: making a! adjpnoing The ex ficulties » Mayor of anan, bw Queen, th Lord May of B, as the repre Kagiand | of all unfr ca, and crv amatie permit « Similar fe ert, ine! a Reswsia treasery | lions of r been fore St. Deter regard t sia and | Three and nigt acroas th stadt, be eighteen run brat filers ‘ rals that lou NV vena ceek O Omer te apporntn fasal row Russia dinue ma den i« to the valk From ennctats { Fa: Ago, app of the At tailing hi tleman away,” 8: thing.” § cheant, w “have re Soap manufac! manufac cotton ae same pr dark, for test port Per pour tatement, who were nesses to rithatand- vent, and here may be asked rence |— eived his, nesses. — nsider re- © soldiers ugnant to who had tached to beloved, eat of the heir veins ith whom t in com. wity than the place verything Witnesses lwo men, and upon he waits bis emo. fusing to lar crisis, y word of he called ed. The fey is et rcing the + * seafal | Witnesers eune! that S.C, up our own arty, the thimh ing ea pum ulated to Da erhas ye aon ho te ibe ym of that in Third y hee sto onemert the e1e , attire on hue coun ly to one ke pie th ;may ap tter, bet of atoms, ny other th of my er to the en lo pro to simply who were van T ha ng of hw t bwmnsives » earrh | early ten e ob) « land and kled over nnieg to ml takes LOS the pro ald were » we hace ges at, if atter has generous: he thirty wing btm presume asee him nd should orary Wa It is Ca N CITY ed in the eir Mayor The Re y the ety, Hy former yw Mayor Seward, is popu | cohorts American Auburn. ae, we ee ONE WEEK LATER FROM EUROPE Hauirax, March 12.—~The English mail steam | er Arubla arrived here last night. She left Liv- erpoul at IP. M.of March Ist, aud met with | no ice on her voyage. | A despatch received by Brown, Shipley & Oo., the Liverpool ngents of the Collins line of steam- ers, dated Glasgow, Februsry 27th, says : LATER FROM EUROPE, Arrival of the Steamer Arabia, New York, March 12. The Arabia has arrived from Liverpool. She | reports having seen, February 7, latitude 40° 36’, longitude 49° 40’, quantities of the wreck “The steamer Edivburgh, from New York | | of a cabin—supposed tw have belonged to the | on the Tth instant large quantities of ice, Ouit was seen a quantity of broken |! cabinet furniture, five ornamental doors, with | white or glass handles, a lady's work box, and | other articles apie as are commonly in the cab- in of a first class steamer, The Edinburgh was then five days out, aud in latitude 40° 36’, loo gitude 45° 40'.” | f The steamer Hermano sailed from Southamp- | ton on the 27th, The Quaker City (substituted for the Pacific) had uot arrived out when the Arabia left, THE PEACE CONFERENCE. The Peace Cunference at Paris has held three | meetings. At the first meeting, on the 25th) of February, Count Walewski presided, and | opened the session with a speech, After ex: | changing credentials a written guarantee was | signed not to divulge the proceedings until the conferences were closed. The Austrian propo- | sitions were furmally paraphrased as the basis of | the negotiation. | Rumors, favorable and otherwise, are abun- | dant, but the general impression is that matters | have thus far progressed favorably to a peace, It is reported, but perhaps is doubtful, that Rus | sia has consented to coucede to the required | limitations, but she will not abandon ber protec. | torate over the Greek christians. increases that immediately after peace is formal- | ly signed a general European Congress will meet ty adjust the balance of power. | France and Austria are said to favor the idea, | The upivion | but England objects. The evident cordiality ex | and alteration of small arms, bas passed to au cepte d iy isting between France and Austria, it is stated, begins to excite uneasiness in England, aud a triple Prussia is surinisod as a not an improbable inci- league between France, Austra, and dent of the future. The London Morning Advertiser has a despateh to the effect that it is nut improbable that the result of the moves of the artful diplomatists of Russia may cause an iumediat the conference. A very grave hitch bad alrea dy occurred. Thoagh the fifth point is last it was agreed to take 1 ap first, and aerordingly at the secon! meeting a was submitted for ex siderativa. Oriol and Brunow objected, and proposed to refer it to a Congress of all the crowned heads of Europ<, ph jinug themselves in the name of the Czar to abide by whatever decision might be reached The unexpected coare produced consternation at Paris, causing a fall of the French funds It also sarprieed and alarmed the British Government Lord Cowley was expected at London to tak mnatructions from the Groverninent of re sub prt The Low don Times notices rumor to the eame effect, which cnosed a fall in the begs funds of one per cent, bul a rally etsu t rumors remaining uncuefirme:| GREAT BRITAIN There ie talk of an carly ate slut of the Baitieh Vartiament era ce mn x ment. The rumor aff. < ln the Commons Sir De Lacy beane ga tice of a resolution dmaj proving ouree the Government io refasiny (| reet from Canada, #h making abortive attempts to et men « adjoroing neutral territory The exerterment respecting the Amer | Bewltics seems to le totally ertiect. The Ler Mayor of London gave a banjuet 16 Mr | anan, but, bag sommmoned j with Queen, the latter o { mot be preeent 1 Lord Mayor, in his ej« rere tt alme t of B. as the rreeptioe he eou sd lave met the representatives of the wling wlerrste Kagiand would have pr j ai of all unfriendly fechags with reganito A ca, and that the interssta of crvilanation and hamanity were t . permit a collision betwern | ts . Similar feelings ecre et) ns her p< ak ere inclading Mr aden and b I THE WAR Reesia how her ‘ treasery notes to th ' fie met lions of rontdes le been forward ach l St. Detersbary (or evens is manifes regard to ra:)waye 2 } sia and Dersa increas . Three thousand | and night in constes on rat acroas the ( {.f . * stadt, be Je ? . ’ cighteen alopea, f . gun boate Ciedare ha ¢ (renerale prepecting It 10 6 that Loum Nay« n has t ( erals and Admirals in I need pot return to ' ' < I absence wae frely sient) alice mea 1} A now 2 doetriag. tt ennken « ips in harter Selas and by iroppang Neary ' wat Vienna adviece state that beer Dactias ceeks Omer Pachain t A mma Omer reeently at fro ' apporntment of Minister War an fasal restienod Rusia and the Alhes, ase we Swidit n dinue making act prepara * . sw den ia to be fortified by land and sen Jing the valley of Malar From Imtia pews was reevived of the f A ennceation of the kingdom of Oaite ace 1 Fastidious Beqoar A Ieuugar, some tim ago, applied for alms at the davr of agra ‘ of the Anti Begging Sorrety After in vain d tailing his manifold sorrows, the inexorable ger theman perempter ly disin hon 4 away,” sand le yo--we canna yie ye na thing.” © You might, at least,” replied the m dheant, with an air of great dignity and archness “have refusedl me grammatica +2: Soap from Cotton Seed.—Mr. Irnes, A ROA] Manufacturer in New Osleans, Loursiana, hia manufactured anew article of soap, made fron cotton aced , Its purely vegetable, and hast same properties as Castile soap, the color 4 dark, for the reason that itis made from the dirt lest portion of the seed. It Per pound. Is said at six cet breaking up of 6. acific. Cotton opened active and closed quiet, wih sales of the week of 66,000 bales. Prices un- | changed. Fair Orleans 64; middling 555; mid- j dling uplands 5 18-16; fair Of. Consols 914 o 914. The peace confercuces are progressing favora- SECOND DESPATCHL. Appearances indicate that the pieces of the wreck seen belunged to the Pavifie. The deliberations in the peace conferences are strictly private. Sume rumors state that mat- |ters are progressing favorably, others say that, Russia raises objections whieh may likely break up the conferences. An armistice until the end of March has been agreed upon. 7 NEW YORK MARKET. New York, March 12. Cotton is quict, with sales of 2,000 bales. Breadstufls drooping No choice bas been made for Governor of N. Hampshire. The opposition have carried both branches o6the Legislature. oe CONGRESSIONAL. Wasmiscios, March 10. The Senate bill appropriating $3,000,000 for, made known to the armies in the Crimea. | increasing armaments, munitions, manufacture engrossment by a vote of 22 to 12 A debate spru nvelving our relations with Great Britain, and the nee ty of prepar ations fur national defence, after which the Seu ate adjourned Ie the Lise, Mr. Whecler offcred a resole tion, which was adopted, directing the Post Cf fice Committee to ungu re to the expedienes bu urs at Boston, Philade noatd New York, suitable for Poet ft end Vuited States Court Rooms Mr Campo lla Olneyepurted (le Cuusulse I> atic and Army appropra ! Ou Kansas athurs, Mr saemedlit mpowenny of ( - bi v wend for persons and papers 1 debat Kansas athairs, was « | until the adjourninent oor MATTERS AT THE SRAT OF GOVERN MENI Maan Marcil Nex t : ae ; . . M vs \ a hee ate f I " { atv ‘ ¥a ' never! | lec An “hyra (en: 1 j a - J ! I I ‘ v t } ‘ ‘ lp Noe . Afra a | ‘ M . er) \ y ; ‘ ' vas ha ( y v f . ; otwe « ( . { * ‘ aeu rs , . t ‘ \ AA i ve why ‘ ‘ I ( ; fv ‘ ‘ sk ter C w lias s} f asa f ] able pr . ( ‘ / ' af ASG tes ) \ . ‘ Ma rs \ tatiana k ow it M wee appa t A 4 ‘ iM t | a X i] i t aK t . tt ! ‘ , try ~ ‘ ‘ \ ; : \ M t 1 ] ‘ a whe ‘ ! \ 3 t 4 cas “ t 1s re t . wet it which os n . alitant rSt, BE A] vid with w h we, t ‘ { la voeks be fa , Marel, | ' ID 3 ereen heuin tos vt A 1 \ ‘ 1 ‘ ‘ we ping out or \ l “ Nedat If any one will stow us one { those crocuses or early violets peeping froma bank we w retract ( " tiena, apol tot] { wea ther, ana em pa sa ine, an rized, and regnilar sy ne a March “as is” a Mare Phita. B Arrival of the Steamer Arabia. Hauirax, N.8., March 12. The British and North American Roy- al Mail Steamship Arabia has arrived at this port, with advices from Liverpool to |the 1st inst. | A despatch received by Messrs. Brown & Shipley, the Liverpool Agents of the |Co!lins line of steamships, dated Glas- row, the 27th ult., says that the Steamship hdinburg, from New York, passed on the \7th ult., when five days out, in lat. 40 deg. 30 min. and long. 49 deg. 40 min. large quantities of broken ice, and saw on (ita ynantity of broken cabin furniture, | consisting of fine ornamental doors, with white or glass handles, a ladies’ work box, and other articles conmmon in the cabins \of first class steamships—it is, we fear, jtoo probable that these articles were frag- ments from the wreck of the Pacific, as the Arabia brings no intelligence of that v essel. Iu Paris three peace Conferences have been held, but none of their proceedings ‘have been allowed totranspire. The gen- eral impression is that matters, 80 oat, {have prohressed favorably- It is believ- ed that immediately after peace has been |signed a European ‘Congress will meet to jadjust the balance of power. A rumor, to which however, not much credence is given is afloat to the effect that Russia concedes the required limitatione, but will not abandon her protectorate over the Greek Christians. Another rumor, somewhat alarm ing, bat believed to be a| speculating ruse, says that Russia has sta- lted objections which will break up the Conference. An armistice has last until the end of March, but not to af- fect the existing blockade, and has been been announced, to] 1 Fi 7 pind DAVIE COUNTY. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, February Term, 1856. Zephaniah Tarver vs. Enoch Peory. Origival Attachinent levied on Land. Ir to the cf the Court, that the Pra werner Enoch Penry, is vot an inhabitant of this State: It is therefore ordered by the Court, thet publication be made for six weeks in the * Carolina Watchman,” printed at Salisbory, that the said Enoch Penry, be and appear at the next Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, to be held for the County of Davie, | ofa att in May next, and show cause, if any he has, why th of the plaintiff's debt, and sule ordered according. WITNESS, Caswell Harbin, Clerk of our said Court at office, the 4th Monday in February, A. D. 1856, and in the 8U:h year of our Independence. C. HARBIN, Clerk. By A. Haran, D. Clerk. 6wi2d Price Adv. $5 50. (ee ATE OF Ni ORTH C "AROLT? EA, DAVIE COUNTY. Courtof Pleasand Quarter Sessions, February Term, 1856. Lemuel G. Helton vs, Joseph Helton and others. Petition to sell a slave for Partition. In rhis case, it appearing to the inf Court, that Joseph Helton, Wiley King and wife Elvira, daughter of Lemuel Helton, dec'd, Lorenzo Etchison, Berry Etchisoa, William P. Etchison and Douglas Etchison, ehildren of Nancy and Jesse Etchi- son, and grand-children of Lemuel Helton dec’d, Enoch Williams and wife, the wife a daughter of Jos. Helton, the children of Etizabeth Gordon, are not inhabitants of this State: Lt is ordered by the Court, that publi- cation be made for six weeks in the ** Carolina Wateh- | man.” for the said defendants to be and appear at the next Coart to be held for the County of Davie, at the | Court-House in Mocksville, on the 4th Monday in May | next, and plead, anewer or demur to complainant's pe- tition, or the same will be taken pro confesso, and the | Cause sel for hearing ex porte. | WITNESS, Caswell Harbin, Clerk of our said Court. at office in M sville, the 4th Monday iu February, A.D, 1856, | dence. C. HARBIN, Clerk By A. A. Hansis, D Clerk AMBROTYEES. 5 IE: He ES Ww: Ou Brean ef a) . t the i. war H eo No dbo andes ‘ (or work, Those wishing work a . wilt t ee “ “ ' ft \ Ds ing, &+ te terns M im, bsoe ‘ at the Court House in Mocksville, on the 4th Monday | | said land should not be condemned for the-satisfaction | of the | and in the 80th year of our Lndepen- | PORTANT SALE d The Factory Buildings, AND ALL THE — MACHINERY Gegunies therewith, and eight acres of Lend more | or bese, adjei the buildings belonging to the Con- j}eord Manufacturing Company, will be exposed to pub- | lie sale on ‘Thursday, the 27th of March next, on the premises TERMS : —Bonds with approved personal security | two and three years, with interest fron date. By order of the Stockholders. KIAH P. HARRIS, Pres tof Company 6w38 | Concord, N. C., Feb. 14, 1856. | JAMES HORAH, | WATCH-MAKER AND JEWELER, SALISBURY, N. C., (One door below BR. & A. Murphy’s Stere,) y EEPS constantly on hand a large assortment of | WATCHES and JEWELRY of all kinds. Clocks, Watches and Jewelry of every description, | repaired in the best manner and on the most reasona- ble terms. February 19, 1856. 1y38 E. NYE HUTCHISON, COMMISSION MERCHANT. Charlotte, N. C., will sell on Commission Cotton, Corn, Flour, Wheat, and all COUNTRY PRODUCE IN CHARLOTTE, CHARLESTON, AND NEW YORK. Liberal Advances made on Consignments. | iReferensesene | J.H. Jenkins, Esq., Salisbury ; Geo. W.W & Co., Charleston ; A Hunt, Lexington ; Routter, Esq., New York. February 19, 1856 |and Mortgage on the Property, on a eredit of one, | 300 PACKAGES FRESH DRUGS, MEDICINES, &c., &e. SILL & SILL, Druggists and Chemists: opposite Mansion Hotel, SALISBURY, N. C, ESPECTFULLY announce that they are now receiving and offering a large and entirely fresh | Southern ‘Industry. stock i | DRUGR, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, | HY should Southern men go North to bay their ploughs and machinery when they can get 8s URGIC. 1L INS TRUMENTS, | as good aod more substantial articles at home TRUSSES, PAINTS, at Northern prices, thereby saving the price of trans- VARNISHES, | portation. That the public may not be deceived, and BRUSHES, PERFUMERY, | to save many inquiries that I have w answer, I here- | FANCY AND MISCELLANLOUS jee Laetoli! prices of the principal articles ARTICLES, de., | Cirealar Saw mills with 48 to 50 ineh saws, 24 | all which have been very recently selected by one of feet carriages, 48 feet ways, all complete, $375 to | the firm, with great care, and scrupulous regard to | $400; Cilendrical Straw Cutters, 12 inch box, $30 genuineness and purity 15 inch do, $40 ; Folding Harrows, $13 ; Cultivators, They deem it unnecessary to say, that it shall be | g5 to $6; Threshing Machiues with 4 or 6 horse their constant aim, as heretofore, to merit 8 continw- | power, $175 to $200 ; a very superior article. Ploughs ance of that patronage which bas been # liberally ex- | from $5 to $10, according to size and workmanship. tended to them—for which. and the gencroos sy mpa- | All kinds of repairing of machinery done at short no- thy so generally manifested for them, ou the occasion | ice, such av Engine work &c. Send in your orders of Ubeir late misfortune by fire, they beg tu express | for threshing machines aud horse-powers early, ae I their profound and heartfelt gratitude. Jonly intend making them toordet. All work warrant- Salisbury, N. C., January 22, 1856. oa: aint furnace is sillin successful operation and can STEADY PROGRESSION “ioc \< B27 roses on rns are found at short putice. AT 34f JH adalah Davidson co., N.C., Fen. 5, 1 56. 4,1, | \ TE have a good wany Accounts over twelve | months’ standing, aud would like to have them lelosed. All persons interested will please attend tu |the same isnmediately if not par . & A. MURPHY. 3m36 Dissolution of € opartnership. Selisbery, Feb. 5, 1856 “EAGLE. CITY, Pes SUBSCRIBER bas the pleasure to an- | nounce to the world, to whom he sends greeting | all kind wishes for their prosperiiy vad peace, that he is making steady progress in the mmprovement of Eagle fa Puke Copartnership heretofore existing under the | City, destined, he | vame and style of J. D. Brown & Lemly, ie this manufacturing city in the country. He is now ereet- | day dimwlved by mutoal consent. All persons iodebt- | ing a new cotton mil! at s place, to be called the jed to said Firm, will find their nies and aceounts at }* "Troy Mills,” and hopes to have it in full operation | the Store of Brown & Coffin, and are respectfally re- by the latter part of the suunmer of 1856. [i wil! be | quesied to call and settle, as It is absolutely necessary mills in the for the business to be closed al as early a day as pos- sible believes, to become the greatest ove of the best, (if not the very best, The ry wasseleeted by himself, and | Omar Pacha’s resignation has been ac- Price Adv — 85.50 6w42 -| YN y r Puentty J. D. BROWN i Ny : 5 deat » ‘ the latest and m approved patterns were cho —| . , issia, the Allies and Sweder NEW 13¢ YOKS. I will work like a lever waich —mnvoth and steady — ; H. A. LEMLY, coutinue to make active preparations Pik S/ | J = and he doubts not will exer|, 1 ite produc ts, the most Salisbury, Feb. 1, 1856. _ p'd3m37 war vy eJ UST RECEIVED Rose Clark, by Fanny Fern; beautiful achievements of the reuowned Eagte Mitte } ) * | Lessing's Field Book of the American Revoluion; | under whose shadow it i developrug its fair and de The excitement in relation to the diffi a Good Time a Commng, by To 8. Arthur; My First: hghung proportions. Eagle Mule ained for culty with the United States had entirely | 1 AVING determined to sell off and move Soath. | Season, by Beatrice Rey: The Hidden Path, by | selfs fame as fair as it ie wide spread, tarth for the cae ° sudsided in England. Mr. Buchanan had) Coffer my plantation for sale, Iyiag on the waters of | the Author of Alone; Scenes in the Life of a New | lence of tte yarus, and che supe noniy uf 19 eluth fab: | — : dined « ot] tl i Oo : doh : Fourth Creek, 16 miles west of Salsbary, adjmuwog York Sur, n. by Dr. Dixon; Preseott’s Philip the mee Troy M pe threatens to mvalit, and hence D. Brown & J. M. Coffin, y 1 sh pectin , the lands of John 8. Carson, Jecub Baker, aud others. | Second, 2 volumes ; ) ; the world aay ont fora contest invelving « reealt ‘ he Liverpool cotton in bee opened AC-| The depot on the Western Extension must be near | Memoirs 8.8. Prentice ; Abbott's (J. HEN NISS, | pot less wateree tien eat be desirable I AVING tenet ot Fle popedadigemrrry boo tive, Lut closed quiet. The sales during! The place has on it all necessary buildings in good re. Life of Napoleon Bouaparte J Bookseller ao gute alte ep eee ir een, deel Ast Le Budd 4 nee the week ending the 2sth ult. comprised | parr. Ale one goud meadow The tract contains Feb. 12, '56 37 r pal amer pias ming erent Ah: at the rp anges sgn ms — we GAG alolot & ) speculators took | 2200! 350 acres, one half of which in a high State eg eae ge meee “ neh firms Sits al sibel er is thew tome oe: een Heir Speculators TOOK | oF cultivation, and the balance ie weil uimbered. H ¢ ilr a bat paper) OA Loh Cats lnhme dy aaah ¢ urpret of | wun to heep a large suck a 12,000 and exporters 3,000 bales, leaving |" Those wishing « gund hargen, must call avo. ac I Raleigh & Gaston Railroad. pare Monee, Lae ee rary VAN GODS 50,000) bales of descriptions to the will cell oa ers wih ils lowe ; les ie ace Gh te of Penmaes e Raleigh & Gaston R. R. Office, : bn ange ee -€ 4 ‘a l 1 ee Aece im] viewing ins: nade Rivesow, Fesmcsny 5, 1556 bbe fiy eee ee Ready-Made Clothing, Boots, Shoes, 00.000 bales, including 270, i ear cs ee s : F 2 ‘ guratiny : : ’ 2 a eerie ipse JOHN W US A’ the North Candins Radrond 0 sow evmpleted ' climate, sur the leaves of hmg Ilats, Caps, Bonnets, he., h&e., be. I Liver Istuff. sarket had ; ‘ LR to Charhatte eis hereby given that grants streets ere culvened eth a ehrer | we sign intend nuke to the interest of cash cus- : bad | Pol a Res fl aN produce brought down that K a d for soug of half a milbon of ag tomers cud poactaul dvaiers io trade wiih on echined anid « ld eat had de somes raveportaron over the Raleigh & Gaston Ra roar ef home andesecedrs: bacte BROWN & COFFIN. ( ed 3d... flour Is, and corn Is () Pik MARKETS will be received by (hie Cumpany at the North Caro- monument nees above ail bearing on Suhsbery, Feb. 1, 1856 1 ye ne = ina Railroad Deput in Raleigh (owned jantly by the | top an unmenre eagle. w baking duen ; ; flour Wits w Buse Ct Sh of 196 Salisbury, N. C., March 18 two Compan es. and will be transported theace with. | with pleasure oo te beow Bank ww) PS We haven val 1 Cos on Ley ston petndit owt d \ of extra charge, aud b full view, and by ite ber No energetic determined to sell regardleee of cxet for the © ° hose 2. Apples (dried 7s ** Alinead, No 1, 10ai1 signees patra ae ere wil ers ine claim its encoarageme Cates prin- | who want bargains had better call sun. ny \ , m~An Greeu sive Do. Pure. 110124 ihewise be d del the eame’ punt ‘ r baled ap he care uf the North BROWN & COFFIN. ADDITION ANE BY TIE ARABLY Bacoa 10 a 124 Molasses, Cuba, wo Ail dure Go : ight must be paid at Petersborg of western ‘ . g° uh thee Feb 1, 1856 6036 Harmax, N.S, March 12 ded ve N. Orleans wets Portsmouth, exces way freeght f must be | sande of uiher things. the 5 ° tty: the ee a(@6 Nails, 264 pard in advance on dehvery of . d M British Hease of Commons fois do Wrought, 124013 | PFecey effet will he ma ve Potatoes and Molasses. Lacy Evans dtd given notice 33 Catteces bts oo) ne the Costpany ti) give estate 20 Barrels Pink Eye Potawes ; IY 33035 Oates, JO@VU | inn of gords and procure 4 Hogeheads Maseavado Molasses; that w tf A ore tion disap ee 4 vr . ; Oeners and shiz 4 goede ace req 10 Barrele N O Molasses ; ; : ; Jald auseed, } gal a€1 25 hem distine!ly ached, ww that their de Just received and for ale by i x of lu the Enghs wate Tanners’ gal Wa iS | be known . Sabebury, Feb. 12 137) MILLS, MOUSE & Co. Bar t I Sratea cesilis 41¢@ 5 Potatoes, Inch, ¢! 3s RA. MAMILTON, Adm'r v ogi | | ee ‘DREW BAGEARLY STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA ; 6 Rage yt 3 DIBBLD «#e® BUNCE. Feb 9th, 18 si [ose : yas , Leave of absence wa riven t ey = k. 62 aye Calvin B. Dibote. Jonathan M. Bunce, ROWAN COUNTY thice y i the ¢ ‘ The a Ss wer 15000 Sheetings, Brown, 4-4 9 = 7 Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, February ehoat Te destroy the sunken ships at Se SSS Commission Merchants Term, 1850 . I \ the su = 0 35 over, p bush @12a12 Gr obe woody, * Samoel Semi c } I e. « mS 0 ey hb @12012 In Cotton, Flour, n, Naval Stores, av EOU 7 Joha A Moody, Agt : = { Smith and Clarkson roof Onar sche t comuna : wae phon tad AND «O* fy ia kena 1g Xeger, Briwa, 11012 Turkish ar ie ‘ nk ates r pao 2 me f Seutherm Preduce Genvrally Original Attachments Levied oo Laud asd Personal Ha ae 30 038 ( ie ; No. 180 Front Street, A ie Property. | Huseiar ve to fortify t Set Pyrorr a oere Tk lai ITUEF Fy Fou. IN thes case. it apprenng to the satifretion of the ( ] &r instr Swede 6 Tathow 4 Cuert, that Samael Snub and Clarkera Coffe, are ‘ Rar 4044 Torp Pealniero L te ediptatet hoes nhabktanieof the State: [t is therefore ordered : oi as Fag R 54 Whra #12 pad eae arate oie by the Coart that pubheatna be made fore Ir ) Monee $ Wu ba " “ ay, x ve werks he Carulina Watchman, am — : Ove ‘ atw ae Glass, > a a w : Lape es P= shed in the Town of “ agit Sry iat _ r Oa 124 “ wave ° be and eppear at the next Coert of one ® CONGAESSIUNUNT lead, he Th08 10% 12 $2 50 THOMAS KE BROWN. re or Nesamne, to be brid for the Covaty af Rowen, . ‘ > eo.) 4 com * on the Ist Me ee Tp scicasnn tice scaese ee WeCAULEY N AISTORT oF ENG LAND. = he, Co +1 Heuer om Salisbury, om th a Meter ba it JUST RECEIVE! rth Vos Carriage, Buggy and Sulky Builder, BOTS edgunent by defank will be rendered a- . MOCKSVILLE wre Met aniay+ Ho of ae : \ 7 H ENNISS, Bunker ASE ANTES, Kite - Witnces. James E Kerr. Clerk of cor soul Court, | Sice MALE ACADEND 0 ABE eas tocar ata - Sear sv hestueea’ eee hb Lest a ‘ ‘ 5 : . . H LIST! Tk ust | - : Stn Wee ee saat JAMES E KERR. Clerk. Mi ( isu “6 et see . Proce adv. $5 50 éw sd i 1 h att T “ oods as hoff F “«. Th ACs P ees se rc = b Ae a cw sTYTRe®. slave ea very Larshing and th 4 e 2 Te r ~ 6. ow eh ote ee so ee ieee (Ceege tlhe cl MING & STYRON, VARRIED eee 7 i Mele ediths to very ee ’ will be prepared « poy oe ee goons COMMISSION 1 ew 95h PA S& - et . “ime £ = hb ‘ = - z = 4 beg Wr DAVID hl rs Mee RACHEL ~ 1 ~ . * 2 . ‘ — . ANY ' THan : r TERMS ' s hea wines Forwarding Merchants, ri R wh. F ew 1D ment per ere e~ 04 ant ‘ F a6 . 2 : “eM ' A PERSPRAWMAN « Mies MAKY "H Eagh-h Bra bias 12 00 y M * 4 a acces WILMINGTON, N. € Mel K Glawace 15 0 . . ott LIVERY STABLI Perticalsr aticnven pod to seting Floer, Corn, 1 res ( he 13 Ree 8 JNO BR GRETTER. AB The Clerk asi! atiend > tre A . hinds produce apa Me JOUN J BARRINGER Mee B ¢ 9 ° nb Me : kPM Send vem nn : Pee eee cere etoer CSE) Oe a Se 1y39 AK Mr Davd B i * e . . . REFERENCES eae Ma “ 2 pe ie ens R OR ADIVH WOODSON, © RB & PETER W. HINTON, DR. W.F. BASON. Mares duh, 156 i Valuable Personal Property COMMISSION) MERCHANT, | J vu wk ¢ . ae :) JF Deh, Haq, Melee . 1 8. Mones TOWN POINT, OS SOO D . ~ - - ‘ . * ersice Nevre ee ean ™ ECO4GB EB Bee Be P ao BLIC mS ALE, wwevrToin, 2 > “ee TOM With ME ADs. d Court House for Sale spss ses aL IEE I. Cos Te ° Peet OF ; 0) . \W " Yee 2 T Todacen, Floar, Grain, Cotten, Naval Stores a . rrut ve - x , Cal Wm P Wee . &c. Also, to Receiving and Forwarding regres anim raenone re r - ® ° s. VV? . Riety NE RO PELITOW | ‘ “i . . B t i - Goon eae \\ ae Nt Ws will be » Mills, Moose & Co. < u re t . 5 ; Fa 2 . ‘ Faq .Salishary VC oa Jb BOARD ‘ : ? wk M ‘ 13 ' cra the ; ; 1 a Wea Wake CoC \ ) ) R . x ¢ Ma to Aide pewe— Raw Wile, W ¢ * . R H wH = Re Raleigh, N.C tno . . * * wr F * tom, WC TTY VT )\ ' JOUN F OMeCORKELF h aM ator k Good Sett of Blacks mith's Teols ‘ CIUARLES t PARTE) yer oT TART TUT Wie . \ y ER a ’ JOUN T SHUN E R TAS 138s ft NL t AALY Ls I : . HOTE J} J SIWMWERELI bs ) ~ . age COUNTY CLAIMANTS. ...... 2srrr. Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, ’ _ nee h “ R ' Au : 6 ie ee Ot DO ir , At ; Le T Fe sens Sar notch enuchureciitiike steve {LE be aad ree ’ ARH * < } ers ’ inform the pebtie \ \\ ms 1 reday on hr Jou Wa hE Woe , ha Hower is « ma Ne eects ' aed emi wigipmienine PS STUB UWIGHEST MARKET PREEES oo < a re, de We promees that hes w t \ ‘ ( ® 7 ' Horan, ( \ Theuye, ¢ TT ee : ae = ~ VeCOMMODITIONS i : Dey, Gata, Hay, Fodder fd STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, misic) | Peteene sanppion y I la 1 ml BP Ne TY eyyehave move me for the men E . / Linda, ane Notice to persons who have been work- . ’ eeriine Care At rae ant obhig - - : ci gervanisalwaysina dance all and give me y ’ vanous other articles Cr numerons ing in the Rowan Factory. 5 2 W. B GRANT r Ale. at the eaine e and place, w ed w - iy . E i Lit cae rue as : Hee ee t ie " 1 =A M OBR VEE AEE WOODSON lo OLAS VA IBLE NEGROES, » Lwonld tke roe ure . ' Orginal Utache levied ca Land and Persoeai ( { ( eof Finane Rick ' « work t Twa Property Ma u Iw 42 OW) BATHE acpecial Adin cnet : % : INvve ‘ “nists SU AEE OF NORTIFCARULAN A Mar i isles bined Dremer J . : : - GENTS fine Stiiched amd Pump Roos 1 \ M t ( Opera YAVIR COUNTY . % x : ; drab & BUR Congress Bao | pave cots ny NORTH CAROLINA, ©": ae Fah & BN Congest 7 Is IREDELL COUNTY houses TT , ; Botton SOLOMON STEAM TH LADIES J 1 wore Baoch 1) EQUITY. ene ; mee Tensant ‘ Se ORIGIVEL ATTACHMEAT LEVIED OV LAND ] the Sth. Sot ries Fr : Kd Sippers and Tire roaNDe , . RrYS “ “i MISSES W and (satere | Jacob Fraley and others agaunet Lawrence Huda : T : eons f ( b Niaseacine ee 1 Misses inte: Shove and Kowh and Thomas T Mods ANDERSON & REYNOLDS, «. a, re a his © lige i \ ( ha ORIGINAL BILI " t Naat ener : ‘ o Shoes, de, x were Cs iat ehh GROCERS, en Se ere sal Pade a en W“ | Salisbury anid I nthe aber named AND i “4 t \ (Qauar payments re- r be a } . ext ¢ f Pleas an his Siate nd * 1 ne : i , he t { Dav ae fe We +} { : MILLS, MOOSE & CO. ee ee cove meen os Commission Merchants. gowy wee. TUR SOUT. yy K co ‘ Mi . ~ } hae M : a a o NO. 10, ROANOKE SQUARE, rnilt nr \ eet coe teentihe rom OS, ra. |! ~ ilk R Mes THE Wil, se HERALD ATTN ESS: ( “ Harbin, ( kaif anid Con ’ Pav a ithe en t 2 . \ a “ ‘ i (. 4 JF FOR S pul weekly at B6 and QQ per- at: wh M M . February ee > kinds t ‘ g . u + av ] : Ii se off red tothe # erehante Ab ’ Mh yew ir Tnaey , = ant gp . ERT RG an sass whe, se aigued od: CHARBIN. Clerk a eRe , ; / LTA VG colere Cee TRUK Rd 3 ‘ane er C.& V - / a) ; : e Ry \Ayitse av ee oie wale f Vir t z is CO) fice } . Im 39 es Se m e n —s ~— — ‘i on S sini eee a. este { yA y | while in fact it is ofttimes as ephemeral NeW CASH STORK CLAREND N fF { 1 An, as the shouts that utter it. Atone time rous workings were not only sukeceen? | b IRON WORKS. wiles swallowed up e¢ y thine else; but injurious. In harvesting corn, too, | ee . poates swallowed up every thing € J a : me , Tie subscribers, having takew the old stand lately ; A. H. VANBOKKELEN, ee DDR ry bo loners were won except ou that thea. nearly half the labor of former days is now | accupied by Keunedy & Mills,one door ubove the | f HE Subscriber having parchared be, gavire Interest: at HS | > be e A a a b " VA SS . 5 ad . , ae hrs ; ¢ Hardware Store, take this method of announcing to ; a ah ioe tre. But that day is passing by. Some saved; and so of many other branches of she siiaebect:Silicheryactl euresending Saniiry; Usel cr, of any power ot atyle, : eee S . 7 . 4 de - ean (pea i tet LONE DT Ulett Vane a Agrieultu-| yey nants Pa 245 amed “King husbandry. The stream of knowledge | they are now receiving, direct from New York anc inery and Pumps, Dilvovved be h ryine green years ago a great beast, name d King y : ©” | Philadelphia, a very lunge aud well svlected stuck of ui Ail, completey ral Socuty, at te Anaual Puen, ee Canc us,” came along from New York, and experience, though feeble, comes to) pe a Raginess . vy fe ey ee R GOODS oar November Asoo hy and blasted with his foul breath all the us laden with some stores of advantage. [FALL & WINTE ’ ou trasers a anes = : . . ot at ; ¥ : Shingle Machines, Pica SRLS ALINOIL garlands of polities. The private station It forms a part, nay, a prominent part, of Ladies’ and Gentlemen’s Dress Goods. ahanlng Hangers sud Pulllee; . . ¥), . " ey lke ry Cotton Gins and Gearing, ny He ; 1/ ) is becoming more and more the post of our appointed work, to widen and deepen ¢ louks, Mantillas, Talmas, Silks, plain See Trail binds and patterns: ‘ “Ys re ssa F ee . . oe vie oo — Bre “ “ i honor. The bar, however, still claims that stream, and freight it with cargoes and figured, Satins, French and Eng Caenaulleeend Tabular Bollece: ~- . . . po » . . ii ° , Blacksinith works of all hinds, and receives an undue proportion of tar of experience and wisdom for our poster- vesh Merinos, Alpaccas, Delanes, Tron Doors for Houses and Jails t . « k ~ ’ ] " ie » e » - r - Man bait es lents. But L hope for better things— ity, better ensured against damage and Poplins, Plaids, Muslins and THE ESTABLISHMENT A vine do abut claree tis ay ere - im * a Prints Broad. el ith Doe xkin Having been ress ryanlaed for the xpress purpose of insuring ” } ¢ rey ahhe » : . = ™ e , : runic 1 . e execution of a Milton “sunt vestigia nounulla retrorsum loss. It is a great shame, that so much , ails e punciuality in the execation of 4 | oee % . i - | and Funcy Casscneres, Sat- delivered according to pre , aod ol -_- Some erown weary of their long noviti: of the knowledge and experience of our} op i" Jocte. Ki Seeeacran a attesa GateeHk ED.) ° 5 i . | inells elvets, Nerscys acta ates, and despairing of the slow-paced fathers should be unavailable” ty us. It le THE MECHANICAL DEPARTMENT * , , _ : . , Sean, Being in charge of men of Ih > . ee ee Bs) honours of the forensic arena, are turning springs, Lam Sure, from man’s repngnance , Bihicen im tayine chan’ fare usd ‘ ee . Ready-Made Clothin Minter wrureuly nes APE ba UA Aa, Ie back to the more independent but less for intellectual labor, and from the fatal ,) brated in the United States, a prices which will t tur tt irt : ; Black ribh'd Fancy Beaver L Drath | ie tntererts of all in want to me their orders anaes” oa a li noterious lite of the husbandman. This tmistake, already alluded to, as to what) 2fack riod Lancy dredver ane rap REPAIR WORK lies useless, because seattered through will increase, as the intelligence of the ourtrue work is. If every farmer would Over-coats, Super fn black Cloth Dress | qyeays done without d tay snd having a large force for that frag , _ > See . : Yate. Blae RL a Tw. 70. eadvantigeous to any per ‘2 \ . z ‘ a furmers increases. When the young men keep a diary of his farm operations, not i Mle, Black Ribb'd in 1 eed ¢ oy nee without regard tothe expense of send : 1 IT she rat | F , i . j Funey Plush and Fine Velect Clarendou Iroc, Works,” Wile LS LS tee EIS STI COTaAtuer rhe State see that there is the widest five years would clapse before it) would ae i Bicauenic t there knowledse as in . ] . s ‘ Vesta, Fancy Cussimere and | i A.M. VANBOKKELEN gay that some of the Know leds Me cope for geuius in farming, our profes: become a storehouse of invaluable know: | : a 2 October 20, 1885 vol HL 44tf We thet part vf } s ‘ led if ; ld | Tweed Pants, Shirta, Plain ; ench Journals, Mbneb the lireer partoot) l the b nit rafts on ledve to himself, and at last it would go , Sey tere 1 he ene ears tera teas ee sala B} and. Fancy” Knit. Shirt roceries! Groceries! ! PEE SON PRC UICE, SM CT . u “the talents of the land. But TL would net down to his sons as among the richest of | and Drawers, _ ee tae w ab traatile ts, perished wit tem oy rob the bar of its due share of his treasures—a treasure which extrava- | ma N D SHOE ' qe SUBSCRIBER is now receiving aud offers Ven Ise Tiere Was no varher date 9 : | BOO I Ss Ad ‘ Hol for sale the following Groceries — baat oa ‘ = genius, The legal profession is one of gance could not waste nor use nor cousuine. | ; . on . . eee: which it ' ho let : rar oS . | Men's Calf and Ai» Boots, Common do., J Hhds. Cubs Sugar, tel it tig ‘ the safest bulwarks of freedom, and al-, 1 know something of this by experience. | ‘ yt ; . 20" Porto Rico, do tered prie-thood know My 1 if, hi a t ‘eul-| Men's Calf Brogins, Goat do., En- PE Ncw Urlontieutds a ciel : 8 senso. Ther “star My honore ther, than whom agricul- : i . Oe ; \ “ ledve t t 1 reat. Whe Sao Be ie Ee a a ame eas he . s Sie | ameled Congress do., Women's hid ; Ba ca rust . an Hager edge to harvest and secure it. n s ; lie el aranta a) Drone ryan rc : TTS : srauulatedenl ido t Teale knew! ésés” stamps on the bar the character of tural improment never had a more ardent} Fea h aid oO ror aa Ree bali Ulis slatue Cease f Ss ail We WOW ) ) ° fa z ita _ : onal f, - : 55 e K . eh ATE Ce ‘ x conservatism, which isa good thing where friend, kept such a farm journal for many | Care Laiting hed din Wee 5 thas: ee ¥ = we to dic with us, and are our childrei . A ie ; pee . ona : j ye Pame Ro itl : . —— . cn ; ‘nen are free. I honour a lawyer who years; and as he left six sons, all wishing | 26 Enamnclid do. alisce S. 9 Mara Old Wiovennineht lava Coffe © grope in « ness as we have groped { oo : : ye: LO ree iat) oo 0 EEE AUT ES CY CUTE atl does his appointed work faithtully. If, to be farmers, and all wanting the jour- | hecled Boota, Chlls Shoes. 100 Sache eblael ly Ww M t land and d n : i J ’ 20 Barrels Mackerel No 3 Wino Maury o tus PRU GISEISC TRUM he could study Lord Coke and Fearne in| al, the law of primogeniture had to de In addition to the above, we have a large and varied ,; Roe Herring ; for the fariners of Virginia what one of | tae . oe . . A (wtock of Hats, Caps, Bonnets, &e, Ribbons, Lace mpe nal Tea, Sperm, adamantive and tallow Caadles : : : ; ; 5 a the open air, with the birds and the clouds ¢ide the matter, and the oldest: son, is a g. loserting. Fringe. Hostery, Gloves, Kid, Silk Venes ; ce r Powder, Lead, Shot rer wets las done for the sailors of the ; : . eo rit hes ent hed Boao see ee tegen Aes ey Bugle Dale Chesee, 1? father fot } iaCtOrs and the sunshine to pour love into his long way the ees of the family, rm a “ - = 4 u MICHAEL BROWN Coen nnn nese eee oe ee ens Voart while he fills his head with learn. (if Tmay say it, few are better in any Siuita, ¢ Nil Oct 21855 Qu exunet! No, no. Men call Virginia - ; Dae an ha hevery thing usually kept au an nik < <x ss z | ns ag, his vocation would be almost as good titnily,) and owing very much, as 1 be-| Pyar tureeich weed bw tr eatroreannt TO THE FARMERS old, aud © ChVia'ls Chk af lie forget : . Ars ) | ) ced ss riner’s 3 owever the lieve, to the experience and knowledye | credit . : ful that when freedoi’s fires vrew dull peor abla But lec ver Uist cura} _ : be : ; : mes Persons visting Salisbary will find it to their inte Of Iredell County. 5 i be, we are vaining fast on the bar, and contained in the old farm journal of our rest to call and exaniue our Stock, as we are deter FORE ed ga mie Ways peu the pathless sea eive: band with sign Irginia is het j This dear comm the earth, and a hiy riest Was Want , aia \ need only a little more book Jearning to father. Ifwe think we know any thing, to re-kinaule and tend them, Ista : 5 , ; catch up witha in induce-: brother farmers, let us putitin black and ve birth te hin; and now, when con Ai ; A ; ments and allar talents of white for future use, and for the benefit erce had vrown weary of her winding e afraid Ins great over our ficid is) wide, a x your children for the word abother » » the lawver’s begin to crowd one an yhest authority for t “on old ocean's mane,” and mark id th h, like hemp stalks, the 2 truit of wi ’ I voards luis onfathowed waters trong smother the wea the world, will never, never s le fit t ne faripers ta t r 1 r \ mined to ett GREAT SAVING OF EXPENSE V a IK PLO e" All hinds of Produce taken in Exchange { AN s i ON { u Ny 1 ne ne men ie y, 8 ne J. Vv. & 8. SYMONS, & CU fartucoethe lew Pu. " a Salisbury, N. ¢ December 4, 1555 East of Statesy sad Neck : BOOTS AWD SHOES, © ALEXIS BRAGG & WARREN, Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers lyan MR. BRADBURY'S NEW AND BOOTS & SHOES, Eee No. 36 Warrea Street, New Veork, ()rEee rs fay Ros At * " m “ ~ 7 ve . . dw \ Carina ig trade . i I Men's k Rip. Calf, Groat and ¢ Rrogane, Beas Bove b ne, 4 Haws s Yihe B . \ K.. « . 1 “ NS BROTHERS A has eS, VU iaers oh 2 New) jadi * v “ (whch wo . aa} ’ "— ‘ , ' n » LET os REASON TOGETHER Mr MA Ba 4 N . . oa ’ > Mra M Pin ¢ * Db CLOAKS! CLOAKS!! = > ye HOLLOWAY’'S PILLS. WHY ARE WE SICis THESE PILLS PURi7Y TE BLOOD. DYSPEPSIA & LIVER COMPLAINTS AST IRON WARE, GENERAL DEBILITY. ILL HEALTH. FEMALE COMPLAINTS NORTH CAROLINA, . WEW BOOS. | sn DR. J. J. SUMMERELL, : | ie ) Dr. CHARLES T. POWE nt IT’. lee permaner ecatedin Salisbar respect- : A Book for Every Methcdist RENOVAL. , } ! rp yD J : 7 ! Tt ’ EMBRA } THE STA A ! 1 t Woe ! | RW BY yi KS ‘I \ Vill J ! I IN 1 " | . 1 1 ‘ ani 4 t 1 M \ I 1 ! 1 fem n \ 1 [raaM ( I ! | ' I \ ' | ! A 1 4 ss a ~ | ¢ , iW 2 ! \ DR. DINKINS, \ PvAnn topenwy [> EC RE At Ps ' ( ‘. ( U {! J “ \ | ee ee ee d have a AIR chr it ee BS BROWN &B New Firm. | Tin, Copper, & Sheet-Iron USINESS.— The undersigned having formed « ] co-purtnership for the purpose of carrying on the above business extensively, would respectfully sulicit the patronage of their friends aud the public. They are prepared to answer uny call in their line. Tin or copper House-Roofiug executed in the beet manner, at short nolice and warranted, — Stills, and other copper ware, kept on hand for sale, or made wo order. “Their stuck of Tia, Britania and Troa Ware— Cook, Parlor aud Shop Stoves, is unsurpassed by any in the State. IF Shop opposite Murphy's Granite Row, Country Produce, old Copper and Pewter, taken in exchauge tor work or ware. ; WILLIAMS BROWN, LOUIS H, BEARD. Salisbury, Dec. 17, 1835 30:1f Goons. ie SUBSCRIBER ta now receiving and open- ing his large stuck of Fall and Winter Goods, o y of— STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, Hats and Caps, } hoes wand Boots, China, Delph and Glass Ware, Drugs and Hardware « ute, Catlery, Groceries, &e, To which be invites the at wou of his customers h he Cash, of ou tine to punctual customers at wholesale Jand the public, aud whi te at low prees for | or retail | MICHAEL BROWN 22f October 22d, 1855 Greensborough MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPARY. smallsum, mmpared with a jot stock compuny ng located in the Western partuf the ensequentiy much the ba oe port sre inthe West, very many of which are inthe country. Phe Company iseatirely free froma dec ve mMaue No Assemsnentia, and is therefore confidently recommen | ded tu the public Annual Meeting the following Officers were clected for the easui JAMES SLOAN S.G CoP MENDENHALL a | PETER ADAMS, See’y and Treasarer PETER ADAMS, See'ry WH CUMMING, Gen Agen May 10. 15539 tthe bast gyrer (1009 COWANS VEGETABLE LITHONTRIPTIC on FRIEND OF THE HUMAN FAWILY sUrreaixe rrom DINEASED KIDNEYS, Nene inthe Bladdo rand Wilucys, Wook ness if the Linna, This ‘ tale e Davie " v I R ¢ + . 1 s Ch hew . " a « a) an 1 . rie . iton « end » | . : ‘ | W. P. ELLIOTT, cw A | tr. ‘ | GENERAL COMMISSION FORWARDING MERCHANT WILMINGTON, WN o . { t hr 1 . e | Premendous Excitement _ Western Extension! Rie ADY MADE CLOTHING. Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestiacs, and Gen- (lemen’s Farnishing Geods . . o of 4 WATS Ww ‘ A Rie t v 7 TIRE PRESBYTERIAN, 1 R ‘ PUBILD VEWSPUPER ! Y Tt im) ’ \ ' . rp I - ! * « ; . it { 1 & 7 % , gi ; \ 1 #15 00 4 I 1 * t . “ + Milne fe ! \ 1tAM CNT L060 N ‘ s ' { WAS REMOVED TO STATESVILLE, No Tire aersie Citine { Uredeli ar sof Main Street, weet of Coonet ter 7 4 wil be f M 1 0 G2RPEBB.e €@DO Bie ey y I +, Whale, Machi e Syren ‘ 1 ro MILI MOOSE & Co I ary 42, 1846 sf BARD, ese IPE costof Insurance om the mutual plan ie but a | | Mowe FALL AND WINTER | _OYSTE EE the P of the ROWAN. HOUS: S aaa feb ae raf i ne maby] ith the richest, freshest und largest vt : sootyn—direet (rite Martel, te kane s.r in nice ki (sizes to wait ey ng Bye you can ae hem at $1.12) perkeg, containing’ eet gullon ; or $12 | we dozen. Dee. 4th, 185 375 AORES OF LAND FOR SALE, ( N the waters of Third Creek, 14 miles west of Salisbury. At least one on the Wester, Rail Rond wast imevitably be located in & short dig. tance of this tract, Apply to Juho A Boyden of Salisbury, October 30, 1855. 1123 ~NEW YORK | MUSICAL REVIEW & GAZETTE Cominences its Seventh Year, and a New Volume, ip January, 1556. To calling attention to the Review, its pablishors believe they ean present to the publig ho more sutisfuctory evidence of its exeellency as y musical journal than is afforded in cuustantly increas. ing success. It has now about three times as large » circulation as any other musical periedies! in the world. Lis receipts from subseribers during the just six months have been more than double those for the corresponding petind of the year previous. By such flattering marks of approval, the pablishers are ive. ted tu Increased enterpriae and exertion to add to the excellence of the Review. Prizes amounting to three hundred dullars were recently offered by them for vongs forts pages. Of the vast number geet ie to compete for these prizes. the best were selected by « Competent committee, aad are now in cverse of publi. cation in the Keorew. When thelr pablieation ie com- pleted, the subscribers to the Review will decide by dalka which shall receive the prizes, Besides a large amovat of reading matier, including feguia’ correspondence from the leading cities in the world, each number contains several of new A senes of ariiclcs on Music Teaching, by Dr Lowell Mason, is now im progress of | Another hy Geo. P. Reot, Esq, on Cultivation of the | Voice, Vocal Tramning, &e., will be commenced in the beginuing of the new volame, as well as ape by Win BL Bradbury, Eaq, oa the Improvement of Church Mame. The New Youn Mowmcas Review AND GazeTva i# published fortaighily, at one duller per annum, or mx copies for five ddltare, peyable ia advauce. Bpecunes copies sent gratuitously. MASON BROTHERS, New York. ‘FLOUR! FLOUR! 5,000 BARRELS FLOUR. WISH to parehase FIVE THOUSAND BAR- RELS FLOUK, for whieh | will pey the highest MICHAEL BROWN. 220 market pree Oe tt, 1855 TRI Seater WERKLY LE! Bc Of Four Horse Post Coachex, Det Salabury to Morgenton, via Statesville and Ne wien 1. aves Ralisbery om Monday, Wedacedey end Fri day at To'echeh. A M 4 expeese will be spared to he mm cumfuriable aad capeditnes C 8 BROWN, Contractor 5 ue Unicn Male Academy, and Farmiogton Female Seminary. NEXT OTT pele T (Je . ve 21, 1855S Me eeeen f these Sohenda, bb te ‘ the sepervicee tre = O) Tavem, Prnespets, wh ammele eee may be areremary 1 aU hwice (esse A twenty weeks, Primary P g Anthmete. 65 Keg Gramear & ‘ ther oh. BIO Greek. Letn . . L Messe on Preae. . e's Freoch ead Irae ry sheng aud bghte may beth Netmade, at grand humors, hur 454 ber parteculars address ether of the Pra } mere I» 2 Jw? — 205 SOUTHERN LITERARY MESSENGER FOR THE YEAR 1856. TWENTY SECOND VOLUME le ** P 2p ” be Tern: y-See ot \ SOUTHERN LITERARY MES mENiod ' ew rely edely om the eme-er and» + of the frends of the Mew . 10h ee 1 0 erentetion | me eterton: © bh» , om the high cheree ' ewkie tra llenge the patreeege of © -™ t “ry mt Far Teenty + ’ . VU -coragee how os vored te eeGeer fanb . ' , eh éarinamag el saree =>. sod hae bee shome smemg tbe « + of Amenee in defenre of the Pee car Maeistations of the Seuthers Btates 1 oulire Nn wi onl) be drmted, cad wh be swrulls open the Sewth, whe wher the eporwue garhed etwe, of ve the slavery pumphicts Al shes . o. 7 at «nemure ere sonplerying barre 2 ret pica erage of atiach, the Mee . eare ~t ow be aed theer on ver ° Creve ae ‘ « -— =m t ehell be te strike The MW ger ell, och preven! ie tee 4 ° u we He & Rerephesi Mhereh-s Nuecte, Taleo, Prevcle, Beeye, Picme, (risers ' A Nev end ber Ne “ - oe larg wlateem of the M ! . ath they write nd - fihe @ort. hare redecrd the 1 bh 0 ane only THREE DOLLARS PER AN IN ADVASCE / ave op belave the fret July Cty Li of Dediare in ome Ma ( . 1 ' end ¢ P . noe rth charge 4 JOUN R THOMPSON, ESQ, aod 7 A oan ! 6 —The Faditee'e opinmne Of ileal) and bencetly erowed Th B e « comdocted by the of a . sof a bewnree “i he cond MACE ARLAND. FERGUSON &CO, Law Buriding, Fiankhe street Richmond, Ve Wanted Immediately, At the Silver Hill Mine, ANY QUANTITY OF WOOD AND COAL. WM LEAVENWORTH, Sopt 4 191f DRUGS, MEDCINES, DYES GLASS AS, 4p Undermened ar pening for their Spring sales m freah vmsort { all genseds im their line, both oof tock, they are enabled by impor ’ resto asmare cash and prompt fim ns in all deseriptions of iherr g © strictly asrepresemed. Phy rit Of selecting from our stock cular pharmaceutical and chem ed prices iD nerel and hayers generally will find . compoeng all new and approved remedies " std patent medicines, fashionable Per f r Vislette preparmtiona, & &e which w f hed of hest quality and at the very kowe prees, Catalogue of prees furnished whea deere “Noe Kuininalion of oor Block subeited JOUN © BAKER & CO No. 100 nerth Id etre Philadelpiiva which » a half twu obj each ot! the pee In Gi 80 cent and in J thing. Europe The cos Vast ex; cutuplis ing — be Nothin, eay— ta theta, pared will see really j Kary deal by Prussia emaller was div Binee 1! of Eare change ever ha Europe Now United United Railroa 1848, ¢ Now di we hav ing res with th Agana Ann Anne Now of Ear sulte Anne Anna Annu Tak: thet ii Work, Force, Cont, Reselta, To o ¢y: by what it half of of dest can de ted St than a make t rope bh creasin county: achiev: Militar the Ra The tines as the emplo as rail stand henee, soldier makin, oe urop will ne and w a hal empleo stroyit the U: evville and vy end Fri- Morganton fyestes on st days to speared to apediines sirector ue , and ry. lneated in me nce perviewe pels, wh » Primary ramanear & Letn Prene. rock end his may ome @, at the Pre ws ENGER. 6. a wes © th oho ge et rots Beer fanh Mh aerwe oe Og the of the States IVASCE rot July line, Os 1, Sopt 190 YES Ya pring sales line, beth by impor ind prompt neuf inert ed. Phy n our eork and chem- Hy will find { approved mable Per rich ali b ery howe n dese aco Ad etre delphia Mon baa cout > enone te me am ER Maen Po rade soadlady Devoted to Politics, Uews, a XIL.---NEW SERIES. “RAILROAD RECORD.’ *_ This is the title of a small sheet sent tu ee frum Cincinnati. In gleaning throngh ite pages, we find the following cunpara- tive cost and advantages of Railroads and War. The reader will tind it worthy ot bie attention. ° VEE RMLROAD AGAINST WAR—OB, TUE ViCTO- Ries OF PEACE. Ata time when Eurupe a bloody war, which has already cvst tive handred millions of dollars, two ban- dred thousand wen, it will be profitable | to eum the achievements of Eure with those of America—the glory of War with the triumphs of Peace. If, after making this comparison, any one shall rise from the study, with a taste of war, | we shall leave him to the enjoyment of; ite pleasures. In the tirst place, let us is just ending " useful work, or productive victories of Europe have ouly wasted hn- | tan bleed upon the earth The victories | of America core wade the earth fruitful and multiplied men apen i, War has devastated the earth, The railroad hus maltiplied men upon it. They are the) contrasted types of different eivitizatious. Or, rather, war is barbarism fingering in civilization; and Stéam Logomotion is driving barbarisiy out. [tis tom late in the day for civilized couutries to be guilty of such an absurdity aw war, Let us vote 1 ~ -_ - Correspondence ef ihe Natiowal leteltigencer. = From a Friend in the Weat India Squadron, Pessacota, February, 1856. T wrote you from Nicaragua about Walker and the Musquity monarch and the renew ted protec- torate of our venerable muther over Une water; but LT think that 1 did met say a word of the examine what amount of force and money (ame with which the country alcuuds nor of the Europe has employed either in carrying on war, of preparing for it, and coupare that with the cvostruction of railroads, in the Uniied States. In oth. r words, bet us set the railroad against war. Firat, of war—glorions war! In the Year Bouk of Nations is an ac- evant of the Standing Armics of Europe, which we know tu be nearly currect. Lr is as follows: Resia, 700,000 men France, s70.000 = Avstria. 46 000 Gremt Britain, 127607 Prussia, b20.117 Turkey, lises0 ~ Spain and Portugal, 12u,000 0 * Seeder sed Denmark, 80,000 Sertarriand aud Sarda, 13U000 0 Uerman Mates, luv vO"U - Aggr gate, Here is a grand aggregate of foo and @ half millions of mea, employed tor twu vbjects; ove, as a defense agaist each other, and the other, ty keep down the people ; in vither case, for war In Great Britain, sekliors cost 80 cents per day; in France 40 conte, and in Aastria 8Y cente—that for every thing. Ou an averaze, the elders o Europe cust about 50 certs per day, The cust of this vast armament, then, i+ abuut one million too hundred and ft ty thousand dollars per day ; tuan four huadsd anl ffly melema of dollare per anaun! ! Now, it will be Vast expenditure of men and money ae ovtu plished {Tt hae aceetnplished noth ing — but dtl, tarution, and destruccion Nothing else! eay—has wet eane one, of all thew na tions, gained by conquest! Net at all! Examine the map of hur pe. and yon will eve, that no one of these nations has really gained anything by conquest om Kary Great Beitain has gained a yreat alot ach or, more quired, wheat has this Seme one may, pertiapes deal by emyaest on other continents Prussia’ has been conedidated out of emaller German provinces, and Poland was divided by fraad, net by conqnest Bineew the reigu of Louis the 4th, the map of Earope bas substantially remained un pecs ever has been gained, in all the Europe, and by all its vast arinies Now let as turn wert ter the United States. Tn about seven years, United States have made 21.000 miles of Railroad, or very nearly that, for before 1848, there was bat a small qnantity Now divide this into the seven voars, and In salstance, nothing what ware of eonve iter “fie which switn the ea” This was a more plement Lope, aml if Toever get there again | promise you surne rare stories of buth, which will I heard marvelivas takes of the yame, and saw sume. stir op the vld banter spirit i you. | We spent a pheasant week in Eavana, and I had the benor tu dine with the Captain General, Coscua. Madame is a sister of the Regent | Eapartete, ws she tukl me, and jwvks hike bis gla ctures, She is an agreeable, uopreter t 8 ! dy, ns all Spanich ladies are. Coscia isa grave, ) 1 4 quiet, restrained personage vaud looks alwut forty, bat I shuuld judge bia older. high bred geutheuan, and [thik rebes upow the Lhe macivil aud Amencan offtcers as free from the sin of bihbus ile afforded Commodore two officer an oj portunity of viewing the re Loring P. aud one or nus wed Mory aud the Cobunos, aud Wittering the dill of a reygmmcnt of Cacaduns, the finest ot bes troupe D anetsted alu at a suiree at which the ~ yuutis aid beauty” of the ctly were asm in bhal iw small bar | nme achat wutiblars Tine oft vale ate postive ated atviatde, aid Love ‘eet all fears of Claw Calibrate me) tee bee, bet. Certo lbw umber ele have even lamled woul! wot lnapection @ as Us officials at the Muro, after J tm m larly shake the teland Ube 1, Wete premeuls Lu yur Commnalore, and ryuested ae a tnark uf foape Oly be portntited ty atictd baw bo bes barge, ated did su, eben a fra wily leave was akon, wiih many cipres ions of muldel eatistaction Oh Ue whude the comtact wae of mutual ads anbere «t ug se lpteted ll) = Glitm le whack @ Lewd aid spoulainwus Courtery overt sree ret Tine Morus a rouneter of ingenuity it war |i mor is ot Cotte 'y ba be tamiy purjanes. A gra Wor Bpritags breve ah oe hain otf el ant be alow which a be wt fhe we mightily ‘ ed to gunde the meni ty vie of the finest bar terre i the @wurld dtm Frew | A the test ann min! we a wl wiht te the sather on {as I have oft slLamy gu fh! and have After ithe mine w @ thre castle by the grim ult adder o mands, md bad past ened from the warre aml winding way © h he be partals A the stromgholls, ehen, k over the breast eurk, we saw lelow a and beard the clang of be beameu trumpets wloch marshalhed Ure lest webalf of the Cacadoma, im quack march iaty thee fot treme They woe Ujow @s as Be cleared tre vmullerdd preortale, eee pi by us with Qevwres read aed plunged inte the bowels of the mus 1 ster and disappeared as if they had been sudden : S bee the follow we bave in each year almout the byamaluiecl up 16 win) jeu ol ceilight pad ing result, whieh compares very nearly : “fei e frosuiny ealls, the dark and cavetiuws «mm with the actual construction of 1855 " he run bar cours eli bh chesed un places Aanual miles f Karlroad made 4,000 Af R . Annnal ct 1.00. 000,000 1 “ ravet mever hyund, ated fron Aonual namler of ren, 100,000 2 be Meaning sm seetined t oll as it hast ° : aust ut ‘ bh - ~ Now take again the Standing Aries —— tail 1 wa F } Pe ar PR REET of Enrope, aud Cmupare the annual re aes se Ope a: Ue au ay Mm ver fs ’ irene ts thos “ sults: A grand for Me Annesdl bom, 100,000) men +o: Annaal force, 2 800.000 Re Nasu pales of Gime Pere 1 ie Annual cost, 64.20,000 000 thre are ote standing all the seat Take these two resnits, and compare ae en fieerienl . them in parallel linea, thus fe ; a ’ " vet ‘ soa barges ro) The) Retired Moe number uf vols than Bechanan, Dhnugless, uf . 2 1.000 men bat : Work, 3000 miles mad 100.006 any other persun—and with a very fair prompect Forve, 100,000 men 2 500.000 met Cont, $100,000,000 $460,000 000 A being renominated. Hence, extraurdinary Resela, Prapenty Destruction efforts are making bere, and elsewhere, tu tak To obtain a high commercial prosper New Tamypebire, bie own State, t ning tv, by railroads, costes not a fourth of Ger Jer to demonstrate that he can carry what it custs te keep two millions and ait half of men, either idle, or in the work Fe ratie rma Lbamnectacy canivtaniw vert of destruction. After this preture, Whe ei throw overboard Pierce, ane tak yp Ba : ' | ' co desire the glories of “at The Ua jana, et iy as earn neinn ae d St * 5 ore t sof rai rere mine Heese fives 411) platiorm, that will kill him in the North, whe rene than all Europe, and are continuing te eginioncghe i kb ve can be retlak witt Cany further vuth make them with a rapidity of which En n ener at An) rope has no conception, These are in rr Platform than the one he ww and ever bows creasing the growth and power of the been standing upon If the Southourn Ds moc country, at arate which surpasses all the rey men throw him ove thowrd, they nut only achievetnents of past civilization. The uow ingrautude, but infidelity to one of the Military Ariny is almost nothing, but P) the Railroad Army is Tininense Soldiers, Railroad men, The United States are employing twe Ive 12,000 159,000 times as many inen in making railroads as they have soldiers; while Eu employing thirty times as many seldiers, ploying A ; as railroad men! Where will Europe stand relatively to America fitty soldiers, while America employs hers it making railroads, building ships, ane prowing the land ¢ = In fifty years, all «© Lurope (if it keeps its present policy will not equal the U. States in strengt! and wealth. On the one hand, two ane a half millions of able-bodied men are employed in either demoralizing, or de stroying the people; while these nen, it the U years henee, if it employs its strong laborers, as stoutest of their protectors rn the Northern States Its not probable that they will thus desert an ally to whom they are bound in honor as we iH] we in principle Laconic. —The late Democratic Convention of Poonsaylania has constructed One of the r a platform with coluathesta pore weventeen planks ants Mr. Bochanan the office of President of the United Stat and the administration of Prost 4 sas the nation’s chotce for noother endorses” Y dent Pierce ae national, farthfal, and «ferent “that 1 The fitecnth yravely informs the porrbelic fit was upon the sort of I ) pene nee was dechared and the Federal Const The Kansas Nebraska net nneyloania that Tree ) tution constructed.” J is endorsed and all ante slavery agitation con demned > 1) The best work a mother can do is to nited States, are employed in some | take care of her children. ndustry, The C forvign correspon ever he may be towards his own anfor- Agriculture, Internal Improvements, € Raerre --- SALISBURY, N. C URTESY TO AMERICH PREVENTING AN BLOPEMEMENT. ELLERS. | * A writer in the Democatic Quarterly Review The following incident, as well as tri- jin sketching life at Budeo Baden, records the bute to a foreign potentate, is from the following incident : i denes of the Providence! 4 noble Hungarian ford, Count Christian eurnal : | : ps : : | W——, had come to paab the season at Baden, The Grand Duke of Baden is # gentle- accumpanied by his daughter Helen. Young, nan in his treatment of foreigners, what- | beautiful, charming, and heiress to an immense Three times I have {fortune left her by her mother, the young Couut- TRA tunate subjects. crossed the frontier of his petty kingdom, |ers soon found herself surrounded by « host and each time hage met with great civili- | admirers, Adorers of all kinds were not want- iu regard to bay; and passports. — jing—rich and poor, agblr'and obscure, tender “ officer charged with the examination and passionate, grave and gay. It was a per- 2 : org toby had the grace to look a5! tual tournament, of which she was the queen Shay : he hahoed ashamed of annoying geu- and where Uhe aspirants contended for her hand emen with such stupid and utterly use- any / : leas formality; he looked only at the by exhibiting their address, grace and seductive spread eagles on the toy of the document, | qualities. When she entered ber carriage, ten and saying— |cavalries were in the saddle caracoling around ‘Oh, American,’ returned it with a ‘her caleche. At the ball, the most elegant dan- how so low that he nearly lest his hat.— cers were devoted to ber. They bad neither The custum-honse officer shut my valise | wares, attentions nor sighs, but fur her; whereat again, almost before I had fairly opened many beautiful women—French, English and Among it for his inspe tien, and saving—* Dat ish oot,” passed on to perform the same { f these pressing suiters Helen selected the most The Chevalier Gaetan M Ceremony pon the next passenger.— it is true, a charming fellow, pale aud delicate, Russian—were particularly mortified. worthless. was, When be came to one trunk, however, lis courtesy and his virtue were amazingly tried. The first thing that he saw was a with fine blue eyes, and black hair. Lu the place bottle of brandy. Evidently the otticer of true passion, he had eloquence of look and was a judge of liquer; and as evidently word « iv short, he dressed with taste, danced he was pleased with the speciinen that he held tte bits hand. For 4 lboment I could read the internal strugyle that was going on; the temptation was great, and the traveller trembled for bis cognac. Well he maglt; if was plain thatif an objee Den was made, no payment of duty would recover if, that it was a case of confisca tien or nothing; and that if confiscated, the yrand duke's exchequer would never marvelously, aud sang like Rubiui. But, an- happily, these advantages were cootrasied by great views. A dissipated gambler, and unprin- iu whieh be had been implicated. after having informed himself of these facts de- Helen ls , guard agaicst a dangeruus affoction. be the guiner by the rigid enforcement of ' wither to th But yraduaily Justice triamph- aber ut the law tened wd in the leonest Gerinan's face. Slowly vtders of ber Gather. The man fur whom be and carefully, and with a longing and etdeavored tly destroy her esteem was already he placed the bottle back and clesed the trunk Not a word was said; tout had taken the fellow Jrtasenger sald, as if closing a long reflection tuclanecholy bewrk, when we OUP \oueg Tuslan seats tn Cars, wy have lecume th Lwould willingly give tin halfof it 7S — Couutess, and the peacefull pusseasur of the un thetee tertuve with which be frantically 1 BALNC Ml IN COL RT tie tome - ul . 1 ah ib Was ir < ‘y J juve. Dut the Count kuew how to carry bis New Youk, March 15 pot either by management or force. Phineas T Juv mtd parrate Barnum appeared in Court veeter fth et pecuniary an old lion. Tle had preserved all the vigur ou’ engin and ereunstances uth, aud all the rade Girmness of ag indumita alietding his res eo herr tie tits Gino yi (ceclkcrasgt Gal ike onmna Chae ce cuem et neue mathe bet pelereel Lee Ceaupany, Bienune be heved bimeelf to be warth Gerness had ever softened. Self willed ia his fe ace a Cente iaeer and diametrically opposite systems €500 000. TE: wae in the habit of expending resclations, stern in bas executiva of them, he od Ae Le bealeal in = ’ of Allopathists, Homaopatiiets, Terrapa B50 VOU a year in Comm chemt, chiefly tone cast nlout for means to put Aor da combel thin cuntains the following thists, Aeropathists, ete., of with the zbentea, dhe hs and brides. opening ates oe daicht, whe had dared to undertake “A few days since a negro woman, belong | Eclectics try them add and perhaps sar Jestinne tren, dee. bm Jute beat bie aggressd t : ing ty Col. Juha Dockery, the worthy Presd-at) vive them all teeome bis son in-law tm spite of him, when me 2 etehire: ated meee pd Jerome's paper to the amennt of var rulroad, was delhvered of four children at We can but adinire the honest convic nt threw into his els a lett ch G ' s £100,000. The stent paper in Idauk, and t ) threw his hands a rahich Gre birth —three girls and one bey; their aver tions of the stern and uncomprising Cate, hes ating tetil, sae tied bee was rempots enhad wntten to Helen The Chevalier, iui aye wenght is seven pounds each. Whee lat! that the practice of phy sic was calculated 8464.00. ate) Terman, with the temt inte ateotty attain the goal uf lis desires, peopus heard from, the mother and her lithe darkest, enervate and destroy, rather than in wt traubowse, mbded, “1 cho mat know of mv Oy in dinat terme to the your g Countess, an Were Gong well, The Cadonel bas named the vigerate and restore health. [lis own * bere is La Se chiklren after his favunte enterprise, M passant ppt | - | \ lifi , chopement, and proposed a clandestine meeting, sf 4 ee ongevity is the best exemplification of " Ouachita and Red River Karlruad, grvimg the wlint ature ia led beat ie The Avwe-rcan Mue-wmn, Hernum sell to Geen atthe hour when the Count was in the habit of yirle “the names uf the three rivers and calling tat hature can do, are si /y u fetnperate wonel A& Hatler for 24.000. Tle gave 812.000 gomg to play whist with some gentlemen of his the boy Karlroad. The woman and her hushan course of life and strict a herenee to her <itin Sal Thee Meameuin preperty tever did ge Pr at the Conversation House were both at work on the railroad durng the restrictions. : Cate woald not believe am ” Hare aswas by tnany saypamed i Helen's bel to be the Pt sear This occerrence is regarded as a fa sickness This is the idea. We must so Seri eck laiearcl: Femme (W eecied eL Linitar A rome placed im Helen's belt was to be tne i nen of our ruad, and it te thought that) live and act in accurdance with the ster- re, plate amd pactuns at Trametan, which sgnal of consent the stuck uf the company vught to command a ling laws of nature as ty be without sick mt be mlerwt @10.000, were moll at auctior The vonng girl had not read the adroitly in premium, and that upon this meyer bass they Hess Nor is this impossible. Of course * private sabe for @2 1% All Hharmurn’s real | aarp) oP = Pie thie Gower rour belu® | be abde to negotiate a hoan Huarrah' for tn endemic and le reditary diseases We state in Connecti ut ts mertyagel for mor ; : the Mississippi, Ouachita aud Red Kiver Rail have need of the physician, but there ts " Ae een ; Raidlike Count 0 iher Berl a nasa” amdicoras Mr f ; hen ite wing but thaton thes city and lowed no peed of coughs, colds, headaches dys Wilharmstang me make ovee ty other parties u : " ; , ‘ epost pepsia, jaundice, etc, etc., of they neice Fy ace menenl (o ercese combilealt Helen emiling obeyed, and took her father’s! oo. ritinove,—Me. Brown, of Big Mud. be avored without the ad of cathartics bet 7 7 t rearnding oo the ‘ . } 7 * art at present rp go arn Tn the cuurse of their walk they met Gae bad his ley crushed by a log. and hel all and nestruma, and without the aid of the ety am) ewe Jin mo business whatever Tar meet eolikeircmele aes j lz sd revular pl ens — I mern's wonderful succ-an in bis speculations coukl ” c= . mm” the doctors of Ruchmond, Clay and Jasper, in at oe “ ior ran rel Kobe Maoh Ud Ate 1 1 t t arly, J ™, 4 poly have lawn sarparsed by seven lew Then the Count conducted s daughter tendance Not a set of surngreal instruments us I vss ae ' ‘. heed. « consistently awl stuprodvus fariure Cor, Char, Coaner the residence of one of ther acquarntances, and coukd be found — and an amputation was impet Shep pete berate: y “anmaohanrn ented alalaacel teen eae Ae question, whether all physte might not be requested ber to wait un e came for he ‘ wher’ * ratcher's i YWOSP RIC TELEGRAPH Be ‘ : ; aly A rusty batcher's korfe and) batcher thrown to the dogs, bad var terefathers THE ATMOSP ERIC -EGRA That dome. he returned to the e house in gaw was obtained —the knife whetted on abnck- pot lived as we do, apd were we deter ciypled, the Chevalier Gaetan had quitted Naples In cotsey uence of sume scandalous adventures The Count sired, but tuv late, to put bis daughter on ber adviee, the prayers uur the taster of ber beart, and she obstinately refused tu Lbeheve in the disgraceful antecedents of the If Gaetan bad had to do with « father who lacked energy, perbays he would happy husband of the young lle was ., MARCH 25, 1856. whieh the Chevalier expressed feebly, and like a jman who declines for form's sake. “ But,” said he “ the secretary is locked.” “Open it.” “ There is po key in it.” * Break the lock, then.” “ What you wish me to—— 1!” | “ Break the lock, or I'll shoot you.” | The pistol was again presented, as an argu- “It is well!” said the Count. “Take that ‘package of bauk notes; they are yours. Have | | yeu a pocket book !” | “ Yea.” | “ What does it contain f” | “Some papers—letters addressed to me.” | “Let your pocket book fall in front of the se- cretary you bave broken open.” | © What.” | “I must have proof which will conviet you.” “ But———” “ But, sir, 1 mean to have ail the evidences of } i a burglary. 1 mean that the robber shall be Robber, or death! Al! I was sure you would be You Ido pot quit you unul you kuown, Choose ! yuur chowe is made. |reasonable. Now you are about to fly. will go before me. are a league from Baden, For the rest make yourself easy. 1 will return late, and will enter no complaint until to-morrow. You may easily escape pursuit, and if my prutectiva becomes Begone !” After this adventure, which made a great noise bucessary reckon on me. Helen could no longer doubt. Gaetan was ban her cousins, captain in a regunent of cavalary in the service of the Emperor of Austra. Sleeping in “ Mectin’."— We have frequently mind, yesterday, in the House hall—viz: that Horace Greely alinust invanably falls asleep Parson Trafton, of Mase addressing the Louse upon the Kansas contest when in church ed election cane, lis style of oratory being cu cally pulj Heh; member we ever heard in the chamber, Loree went into a balmy slumber shortly after the rev f couclusion of Mr. T.'s hour. — Beeaing Star Birth Extraordinary ished from ber heart, and she marrkd one of beard of a fact that was forcibly called to our vax more so than that of any other erend gentleman commenced his effurt, and sat fast asleep in one of the reporter's elev ated seats, in full view of and facing the House, until the ~The last nomber of PHYSIC. From Hippocrates and Galen, down to "NUMBER XLII. EDUCATION AND OCCUPATION. It is stated that of the six hundred and six ithe nuinberless divisions of different med-' convicts who now occupy the Ohio Penitentiary, jicines, and treatment, and quackery of |the present day, how mach has been saic land theorized, and how little actually has |been accomplished towards a'leviating jund recovering the diseased. We speak | ti tively of what might have been ‘achieved, and comparatively with the dis- of ment which admitted no reply, Gactan obeyed. covereis and vast progress of other arts cand sciences, | Weare told that in the temples dedi- cated to aculapiug were kept the records jot different di , and the ren- | dered effective in their cure, as stated and | written down at the time of recovery. OF |these Tablets did the ‘great’ Hippocrates avail himself in acquiring a practical | knowledge of the healing art, aud by their \simple application to the cases that came under his astute observativn, did he at- tain, very properly, the priucely tithe of ‘Father of Medicine.” When we consid- er the honest and sturdy devotion of Lip- pocrates to the cause uf Piysic, and the expedients which he employed towards advancing these desultury cases of disease and cure inte a great science, we are al- Most tempted to believe that the art of Medicine died with him. And yet, vut of 42 patients entrusted to his care, he candidly coufesses only 17 were couval- escent, despite his meet strenuens exer- tions for their recovery; we dare say hardly a less proportivu, all things con- sidered, die of disease under the treat ment of our modern ASsculapiaus. Two theusand years have elapsed since the age of Hippocrates, and vitier noule arts and sciences have sprung up and become fixed and organized on the established laws of Nature, while physic, though equally dep ndent ou these organic laws, remains in its viant infancy as created by the hand of [ippocrates. For 1300 years the opinions of Galen were received as vracular, but with the study and application of chemicals came a grea! change in the theury and practice of medicine, readered even ere startling and dist net, consequent vm the great dic- covery of Harvy, tollowed by such the rists us Stahit, Hoffisan, and Boerhave, and su down, to Jayne, Brandeth, Moffat, and empirics without oumber, aud with- out conscience, who inundate the civiliz- ed world with their nustrams and pana ceas. We must now choose between the di- two hundred and forty four cannot read or write, and FOUR BUNDRED, of nearly six per cent. of \the entire number Have so Rapes, This brief | return is full of meaning. It at once: admonishes aud instructs, There are two greatessentials for success in life—pUCATION and REGULAR ocoU- pation. There are others, bat these are among the most important. Moral training should, of jevarse, never be lust sight of But without a | habit of industry, which can only be induced by regular occupation, the perils to the young are fearful. Almost any trade is better than none, The error with many parents isto neglect this great essential until too late, when the habits be- come formed and fixed, and thus ull useful con- trol is lust. The figures quoted from the annu- al report of the Obiv Peniteutiary tell and point vuut the true causes of the misery and crime that prevail throughout the land. The annals of oth- jer and like institutions abound with similar de- | tails. Many children are over-indulged, and thus |are ruined. They are permitted to follow their jown inclinations, and, with nu experience of the j world and its ways, they naturally go astray.— | Lt is iucleed difficult at times to know what is | best to be dune. We are all pt to fancy that jour own offspring possess remarkable qualifica- |tioms, snd bence tu look to some very elevated | pursuit or calling as eminently calculated for |them. Tov often we mixjadge, and by a mista- | ken partiality place them in a sphere for which ‘they are vufitted. But, we repeat, regular oceu- pativo should be regarded as an essential, Some trade, calling or profemion should be selected and fully acquired. At least the habit of indus- ltry would be secured, and thes the first great step to success in hfe. But the longer we delay |the greater will be the difficulty, The old and | expericnoed cannot encounter idleness without |great rinks, [low cruel, then, to submit the | young aud thoughtless to such a fiery ordeal |— The parent, tov, sho neglects to give bis son a besiuess inay well be reproached by that soe ia after life. Occupation is the great saf-guard.— It nut only engrosses the mind, but it curbs and restrains the passions. It not only elevates the individes! in bis own estimation, but it makes | bim useful aud independent. He feels that bis | faculties are tanked and exerted, aad he therefore contributes something to the well being of soci- ety. Nay. the real powers, mental and physiesl, can never be fully known vutil enlled into play by sume emengency of profemivnal life or busi Nevertheless, there are bae- dreds of yuung men who are permitted to grow ap with false a tions of pp ritiva, influence, and pride, and whe find, to their regret, when they bewome a htth okler and wiser, that they have been wasting the best years of their youth ia the vain comerits produced by idleness of the vie- lonary speculations eng ndered by inexperience. Ayain, therefore, we earnestly urge the neoussity lk may seem irksome at first, bat it will soon lose ite severity aud ter- white the Lact, the information, the kuovwl- ekge. aed the art thes acquired will strengthen an! fortify for alant any emergency of life.— A f calling are infinitely vex requirem~At. vf a nyular vecupatron, ror; cedecathon, industries habit, and a ase’ more valuable than a for- tune withvat these priceless qualities. Phileddpksa Enquirer. _- QUICK IN THE APPLICATION. ‘It amazes me that ministers don't write better sermons; | am sick of the dall, prosy affairs,” said a lady, in the presence of a parson tt {Relea or This extraordinary invention, “ hich is. which he ed, at the outskirts Raden, on the t4t— the saw, rusty aod greasy, was good e ‘mined to live in stmet abeyance to the * But it is no easy.matter, my good wo now onexhibition atthe Capit al, is vie I tentheal road. He had sent away hreer nyurh. The incision was made, aod the flesh laws of nature aud of health inan,te write goo! a sermon,’ saggested the ted daily by hundreds of gentlemen of vante and was alone. At the apputnted hour cyt in professional atyle, the artenes taken ny Yankee Blade minister intell ence, wher Xpress as! MUISTINON Co getan arrived at the rendezvous. leaped bghtly with a crooked fork. and tied with becting thread UNIT LIZZL — -_ ’ ‘Yea, rejoined the lady, ‘ but yoa areed melenirat i: . the Pe TN Ae the wall of the garden, and finding the door from one of the M. U's jackets ; the end of th AU? E's COURTSILIE so lony about it; | could write one in tress t cl I mm ture A . if por I " with sh ' ‘ ‘ hut. entere rouse through one of the low pone was scraped with a case knife, to get Why, rou see, when my man came a half the time, if I only had the text. na os " ” .- ’ tl her * nh She . f . c , 2 ae :, a ; * eidowe Then mounting the stairs, filled with 4 mee and rast ich lie. the enw = the Genk CoUetiay ties, Lhadu't the least thonght of Oh, if a text is all you want,’ said the listance of twenty-five feet, w : lee aan helair iit cna wneanis what he wasafter—not lL Jebiecame ts parson, [ will furnish that. Take this eee veal t lesa than inti ce. Us 8 mrs. be dire tey was turned over the end of the hone, and a cut ; f Sul ct , Ni | tof Helen. Ther ad of (h our house one night, after dark, and rap. from Solomon: “Tt is better todwellina r ")! a Mee rweree th art 7 éllcd nif "s oot 5 t rag “ oO “ o * ’ ath ers 2s pd nother words, requires ney i t | ; : no rag stuck on tu the wound with shuemak ped atthe door. [opened it, and) sure cermer of a honse ~~ than with a braw- Hime tor its accomplishment archit ' amd the father, armed w A war Eight inches of common ehiskey as pat enough there was Jobie ling woman in a wide hoase.’ This rec ranical arrangement is Very brace of pistols, The Count closed the door. into the patient before the operation commened + Come in, sez by ‘take a cheer.’ *D» you tnean sir { inquired the lady, mplete and ale ent, and only requires and aad to the wretcbed Gaetan, trembling with which made him oblivious, This is considend No, Lizzie, sez he, ‘ive come of an quickly. too bo ots dow reper scale t 5 . . : ee ari fro Nl oan ‘( ee yne of the greatest: tnamphs of the scence of errant, an L alwaus du my arrants toast Oh, my good-woman,’ was the grave Transpeort o ths free re te al 1) . : . » 6 7 2 is pert our pas J Ly j ae Tcombd kill you ace the right to do 80. | Kurgery extant, and shows that money expend: d Bat vou had better come inan take a Tespoise, Syou will never erry a good Thia i a single day , aye we are Con it ( . \ seruonizer—you are too qui in vur dentin this position, as all will agree witl You have entered my bowse at night. You bave (op instruments 1s thrown awas Olney Rep ecr, Mr \ . 2 , ; a0 quic 7 ; st Ae os } broken into it. Pcould treat you as a felon; no . ‘No, Lcan't The fact is, Lizzie, Pve application ns who examine Mr. Richardson's model ie ’ coe Prieentctliia crear Gale iiees M\ _ and hear lis explanations a 2 Ge Sm re MALU Ta) © fullo «the Alexandna Gaaette, Peet hres : ke endl . ste ae 2 a mi } ae RE Gite (ees The f wing. Say ve xandna (Gazette, > n dead these tiree werks, and TITE SQUANDERING OF TIE PURLIC e see no pensenm te doubt tha , But, sir.” re | Gractan, almost inauds|y. an extract of a letter recerved by a gentleman of evervthing’s goin) to rack and) ruin right SEY re tl snake wliate poreeporiaat - : ONE gress will make whatever apprepr 7 ' Fray etry CS hatlaty fran Thovies, UC. Waller, Esq long. Now, Lizzie, tt you're a wind t MONEY. required te put the invent ' | pra And what are vou then? You hare come | tiicing and talental architect. of the Capitol have ine. an’ take care of my heuse, an We have already stated that the House Com- ' Vespa a Sines a Rye lent that dr grr eye y . : : 5 ae 5 ~ mee 1 ee d ay : 7 to steal my daughter—to steal an herress—to bv taneror The accommudatiuns of which he Wy children, an my things, te me. an mittee on Printing awarded the binding to Mr. towall be of alimest iatinite vialine tac bios " . ti le : I ANY sms ata pres 20 per cent. higher than Mr. Ber tent a fortune I]ore is your Jetter, whieh or a PAT I} come in oan take a cheer, it net, Pil ' . tating the mails; und im view of thre : speaks w be particularly: graufying to the la Eh TT tae Farnham offers to do the work for wellknown fact thatitis the general cus tome sour eriminal intentions. Tshall je whiase comfort has never formed much con ta WV at oe . rd and sed We are now informed that the Senate Com- Lal ’ AKA as skheerd: ana sed tomo business correspondents to await show you ne meres But to take sour life did in the contruction of our Government [Tisai ie ani lita ersturtint ceness, Mite on Drinting have awarded the binding of the answer tocene letter before writing tov need of thie tra You know the skill I a inekevteaitiles the Senate to Mr. McGuire at 124 cents a vol- = trurtie es come peatast Chaar ” i tlie another tothe same correspondent, May Gfony nyght arm > a duel would have long age ; , il A “No Lcatctit fh hace Te) ny ae: for ortavom, and 65 cents for quarto A 2 . R vd The ladies have a spacious an eleyant re * ; competent amd reap a~itde beookbinder had made reasonably be expected that wath seh ame of vou. To avoid seandal Edid not wisl SOT, Aint leimrcdbicen Gall nke facilit tl swonld be theres re cening room. and a private foum appro hesk BONO AS ’ A propaumal to the Committee to bred the octavos tiine-saviny facilities, there eduelo and now Twill slay yuu at the last ex A ant rant’s ceone for 10 cents. and the qaartos for 30 cents a vol- tines the ameonnt of corre aprernnede nee that O only through the recenving room, 19 exch wing ‘T eho! ke to think on't dav or 1 ! t | hy tl Eres} me to ainy me 1h t m will be fitted up with the most CUO oe Vt a day Of ume. Ths offer was mturned to hin without ims ta 9 sae ’ » neem epn e roo! Po ed up i ow 5 there ani present, where ry the 1 ‘ saWhatia vorrei aint? age PISA t i tu comment, and ina few minutes afterward the of the Post Office Departone twonld be approved and permanent washstands, &e.. the * Now, von needn't Lizzie. Committee elected Metiaire ! nore than doubled, while its expenses ©Youoamust leave Baden: net ina few days, pipes for which are already laid. There will be ‘Well, Jobie, uf To iust, [ must—ae He.ow liberal these Locufcus are with the would be materially reduced not to merrow, but this very instant. You mast private entrances. into iefcallenect (rane inelreet veresalinmeetciven iis reeey! ‘They rue think the Uack Sam 1 6 Whatever differences of opinion may exist,” says the report of the special com this put two hundred leagues between it and you and never again come into the presence of m anbyect, ‘eof » Senate ¢ , i mittee { the Senate on el danghter or myaelf As the price of your ube “sufficient rehable data are established to : dience, and to pay your travelling expenses, enable us te arinve at correct conclusions 4 : ) mule? will give vou twenty thousand fraacs * * and itis believed that a degree ! he Chevalie shed to spe: of exhanstion very easily attainable will The Chevalier wished ty speak he amply sutticient for the nceomplish “Nota word cried the Connt, in a voice ment of a speed and power equivalent tol under. “You know me, understand! Dhol the propulsion ot hity tons two hundred vour hfe at my merey, a moment's besitatio niles per hour.” Truly the atmospheric telegraph ap pears to be the great invention of the ae will be punished with death.” “TL obey,” stammered the Chevalier a “Tn good time ! Why is a young goat arp’ like adan- [ste in that secretacy, take them veroos member of society ? Jecause he “Permit me to decline your offer lisa Aidnapnine An imperious gesture over the false modest Your twenty thousand franes y fear of molestation Evervihing ha for the l lady visitors to the Capitol that human ingenur without heen done comfort ty could suggest. All the rooms will be warm ed by hot water furnaces, well ventilated by ar of | titel means, and) brilliantly hgbted with gas.” d o “Doctor, kin you tell me what's the matte with my child's nose! he keeps a pickin’ of at © Yes marm; its probably an irmtation of th pathetic titillation the epithelium of the schuoe nan |” “Thar, now, that's jest what I told Becky , y ‘she ‘lowed it was worrums '” ceiving room, so that ladtes may go mnattended and convemence of yastnc mucus membrane commameating asym x W Squire, Then he went married usr selit So Mr ~ after the off} and LT went home with Jobre that very came in and he night T tell ye what it ia, these long conrtin’s dow t amount te nothing at all, Just as well to do itin a hurry, “>: Burly's Dovetailing Machine.—This Tetnon r ~ invention is said to execnte the ¢ dovetailing work in avery rapid and et fective manner. All the morticesor ten ons, on end of the stuff are cut sunita e neously. \chisels in the ordiuary manner. One machine will do the labor of 30) persons working with mallets and m amighty easy ohl gentleman! Bat, seriously, is there no way of compelling Congressional Committees to pay a decent regard ty the iter. vsts of the country ! Melancholy Suicrde of a Young Married Lady.—Mrs. Amanda Holman, eife of Owen Holman, says the Huston Transernpt, died Mon- day, from the off-ets of are-nic which she pro- cured and swallowed the day previews, Deoemed was about sixteen years old, and bed beem mar ret bot two ur three menths Dr. Juha Stevens was called in her case, but tow late to save life, She procured the poison at Fowle's aput store. corner uf Prince and Salem streets. It is reported that dumesuc difficulties were the cause jf the act. fi eect a ts aaa Sacha nat age thee manta ga PEI, ee RN EA TBS SELF-MADE MEN, The maxim that “every man js the architect of hie own fortune,” has been strikingly verified and illustrated in the history of Atnerican statesmen. We find the following collection of facts respect- ing some of our great men, that may not ve uninteresting. Very few of the Rens of our republic were inheritors of distinction. Washington was almost the only gentleman by rght of birth, in all that astonishing company of thinkers and actors; two or three Virginians, Jolin day, of N. ¥., and half'a dozen meaner meg from other provinces were excep- tions. But Franklin was a Printer’s bey ; Sherman, a shoemaker; Knox, a book- binder ; Greene. a blacksmith; John Ad- ams and Marshall, the sons of poor tar mers; ang Jjgmilton, the most subtle, fiery and electrical, but at the same time the most composed and orderly geuins of all, excepting only the upapproachable Chief, was of as humble parentage as the rest, and himself, at the beginuiny, the clerk of a shop-keeper. And if we come down to @ later period, Daniel Webster was the son of a country farmer, and was rescued from the occupation of a drover ouly by the shrewd observation of Cliris- her Gore, whom he ca!led upon for vice in respect to a ditticulty arising from the sale of a pair of steers; and John C. Calhoun was the son of a tanner and courier; the father of Ieury Clay belonged to the poorer class of Baptist ministers ; Martin Van Buren, during the fitful leisure of the day, gathered pine-' knots tu light his evening studies; Tho-' mas Corwin was a wagoner; Silas Wright, by heritage, a mechanis!; and = many others among our Statesmen, who receive the applause and reverence of mankind, | their earlier years at what, in oth er countries, would be almost impassable distances from the eminences they now! oecupy. Their names are the compressed | lustres with which the column of Ameri-! can history, rising in stately yrandeur, is! | belted—they are the inevitable balls of | light whieh encircle the tree of Liberty, as warding swords of fire were set about the tree of knowledge. MILLARD FILLMORE, notwithstand ing the proud distinction he now occupies in the eyes of the world, came from among the people, and is a striking and iljustmious example of the self-made man Asheville Spectak Tv. SOPHISTICAL. In the absence of sound argument and valid reasons for not supporting Mr, Fill more for the Presidency, Southern Dein ocrats are resorting to false logic as a sul stitate. In politics, as in everthing clse, if you will allow men to assume their own premises, they can prove what they please. Bat this is a privileze not yrant ed. They must prove the trath of the jises, and then their conclusions wil entitled to respectful consideration, and be judged of by the application o! proper rules. Ye are told that Soatbern men, irres pective of J, Should, ta adcance, com wit themsel ves to the support of the Dem ocrstic nominee, Lecanse, it is alleged, if the American Party support Mr. Fillmore, the result will be to carry the election t the Honse of Representatives, and as the Black Republicans have a majority there, the candidate of that party, whoever be may be, will be elected President! Thi» is intended to frighten Southern Aimer cans, and it there were any truth in it, it might very jastly excite alarin. [at it» sophistry. In the first place, the Llack Republicans have not a majonty in the House af Representives; they have, it i true, a very docided Auradity. The Con stitution provides, that, in the event of the election of President g tlouse, the yote shall be Ly $ each State shall have but one vote: f fustance, the State of Florida, t! bat one member, would have as great a voiee as the great Mate of New York that has thirty-four members and majority of all the States shall |: ry 0 a chence.” In the iate contest for Speaker Tlouse, the election of Mr. Bank-.t A Olitioniet, was the result of the ad; of Mr. (Cl neman's plarality ry should it devuive upon the House t «me @ President, whatever wight Mr Climgman’s views +f the plurality ral in such even, its adopt m would be for bidden vy the express terme of the 6titation In the election «of Speaker, Mr Mx peceived the vote of only thistern state four less tha a YT rit I ‘ Gfe thirty-two States inthe | j teen wold be reqaired a i dent It ie quite evi« r the Black hepnblieans of the I could pot elect a President, w f ing @ Canlitiuon with one r f mher pan es The contest for speaker shonki eatisfy a that the i would never forin a foal 4 n wit the Black Rey Alia W } rality rule Democrats won Course, are not able to «a Sut we have no apprel election will g ell eentatives Jat southern A ote rally around Mr. tf ‘ the lan rage of the ‘ ( been tried wl f eat, and cone f * a a rioma victory awaits t 4 Fe in November neat Ash a Sy es A Fashionall. J'art ( \ gentleman of tlie cit : al hia paper, Was ata party ( aed Phalon. the celelrate and perfumer of New ) last week, at w ‘ were npwards of seven tuners in the anusieal clhotr were « ft best performers t ntl I display of japon ' ‘ iminense Ile ! new to Philadelplian 1 elegant miniatu fournta tinwally gus ed forth su Various flowers ( P to his party, had the. ane ste ed from the entire sides, at ane xpense of t Aired Wollare, Qhirinformantsacet fire cost of that party was sand dollars. They will liv (; An Irishman, givir pne of our courts, a riot case, said “the first niar ing at ine when I got late.” | ‘milk heat. THE SMALL POX, We have heard of but few cases of this disease in the infected regions since our last; and, as we stated last week, there is no case nearer the village than about| eight miles, Our Physicians have now) - an abundance of vaccine matter, and if TUESDAY EVENING, MARCH proper dilligence is observed, as we feel assured there will be, in placing all un- der its influence, we hope to be able to announce in a short time, that the accus- tomed intercourse between the town and the country can with safety be resumed. We learn that something of bad feel- ing has been engendered in the country ayuinst the village, in consequence of the restrictive measures adopted by our Town authorities: But we feel contident, that when the whole matter becomes to be properly considered by our country friends, they can but conclude that the! course adopted was sugyested by wise policy, and calculated to reduand to the inutual yood of both the town and county. Asheville Spectator. Scarlet Fever.—As the scarlet fever is very prevalent at present, it may be of great benetit to many persons to publish two simple methods of treatwent for the disease, in its earlier stages. The one is to rub the entire body of the sick with a soft lubricating substance—a piece of fat pork has been used for this purpose. It is stated that it softens the skin, opens its pores, and produces a soothing influence on the patient, ‘The other plan is to dis- solve some salaratus in warm water (one-fourth of an ounce to the quart,) and bathe the patient’s body with this, at a A soft sponge is employing in bathing the body, and a soft towel used for drying. This operation should be ra- pidly performed in a comfortably warm apartment, and the patient placed in bed as soon as possible afterwards, The Railroad bridge over Cates’s Creek, just below town, was destroyed by fire on Wednesday morning last, soon after the passage of the down train. A’ frightfal accident was doubtless prevented to the train coming up, by the presence of mind of Mr. Thoumas Webb. The approach to the bridge on the east side is through a curve and a deep ¢ which obscure a sight of | within about fifty rr t short a distance m which to stop the cars. Thinking of this Mr Webb, after being attracted by the lytit, when leaving lis room, took with liu a red blanket. The bridge burnt down when he reached it; but pro ceeding down the road about a mile, he awaited the uj) ' couning train, and by dis- playing his red yards of it- -tov ) was entirely flay stopped it, and made known the danger, and it was thus avuid-,. By great industry a new bridze was constructed 80 that the cars passed over it ou Saturday niz The burning of the bridge was at first supposed to have been caused by a spark from the locomotive on its passsage down, Sut the bridge over the Eno, above town, was discovered to Le on fire train passed over it between two and three o'clock on Sunday morning; and being thas timely discovered the fire was put out. This last ‘was evidently the work of an incendiary, and leads to the conclusion that the other was also We understand that a watch will in fa tare be kept at each of the bridges on the read to protect th rc hop ed that the abandoned idual could thas wantoniy jeopardize the lives when the n; and itimay indis who f so many of his fellow beings as might re involved int y which he y y be discovered and itinest severity of the In b Le ler . The Borkof DP r We learr that apyheation w ade to the next sessian of the Legislatore of this State, for a Charter of a bank bearing vore particolariy fur the ace t this section of State This is pro erand riylt. and we cannot conceive at anv eart ject can be urged wliv it al © granted Randolph wihas extensively engaged in 1 2 rations, having a iarge a f cay Tes , While beran le al wealth 6 boundless a git to the light: with ar ultural and Commercial interest eq ) v other intenor connty Cha tian M.~ ariel M mtg smery, t ogh rot me Exte engaged in manutac have al interests with Randolph sn baerve respe a,and j a“ 1 \ Popmomition ulat n ordert pa Io dot roy al culara ’ sa € * A ny rtar a pres “ Tac ‘Th at yer Ota a “la au a aa }’ ’ £ ‘ « a tl “ « | r \ 1 0 ol Wish / a i * a * " wr « . a! f 4 To the Ladies. wrritere ar receiving the finest © DRESS Craate rpites ~ wk f J 1 ” MANTILLAS uteat . BONNET RIBBONS EMDKOLDRRIF . ‘ ferantte Rew KROWN & CORREN R Mer : ee To Gentiemen. ff ful herribe re hare now hand the mest cow plete metic (0 LAITHING ever beter fre po ‘ et Nov, ToCcranne Ke BROWN & COBFIN Saliehary -54 s94f To Farmers. 4 ote Teepe theeal ot . fren or ~ . I (eanta Th - OR nave ar fs b ¢ r Row RROWN & COPFREN Kilednre. Mar a3rf Carpetings, Rugs, Druggets, dc. \W F. ect t mrsterk A the aterve ariiclee. whieh os ar ned el receiv (s s d, (ote Kaw BROWN & COFFIN M ' 43 SALISBURY, N. U. ————— SE TERMS OF THIS PAPER $2.00 CASH. FOR PRESIDENT, MILLARD FILLMORE, OF NEW YORK. FOR VICK PRESIDENT, ANDREW JACKSON DONELSON, gine put upon the track at Newbern, is | jordinarily fierce political strife. OF TENNESSEE. Carolina Watchman. ——== | North Carolina. tions eminently worthy of being acted upon by the next General Assembly of ee Newbern,—The citizens of this Town were hilarious on Saturday the 15th inet., 25, 1858-/the immediate occasion of which was the running of the firet locomotive on the | Newbern-and Goldsboro’ Railroad. 2,000 ' people were out, and long and loud were the huzzas. Only a small portion of the road is completed ; but the work is going on rapidly, so that it will not be a great |while before the Eastern shore at New- bern, and the Blue Ridge of the West, will be joined by iron bands. The En- called the Governor Braco, a bit of sar- | = casm, we conjecture, inasinuch as the PUBLIC MEETING. There will be a public meeting held at the Court House in this Town, on Saturday the 29th March, in- stant, at 11 o’clock, for the purposes of, responding to the nomination of Messrs. | Frremore and Donerson, and the ap- pointment of delegates to represent this Younty in the State Convention to be held in Greensborough in April, where and when it is proposed to nominate a candidate for Governor. All the friends of Mittarp Finiwore and A. J. Donkt- SON, are invited to attend this meeting, to participate in its deliberations, and to consult with each other in view of the approaching campaigns. CHIEF JUSTICE RUFFIN ON CURRENCY LAW. A letter to the Lexington Flag, from Ala- THE mance county, says—* Happening to be in Gra- ham, the former part of this week, I stept into the court-house on Thursday morning and heard ex-Chief Justice Rrrrix, the Chairman of the County Court, give to the (rand Jury their cbarge ; a duty which I learn he performed at each term of the Court, During the course of the charge, he touk occasion tu call the attention of the Graud Jury to several sections of chap. 36 in the revised code, which be call new law After reading the several sections carefully tu the Jury, he told them it was their sworn duty to present all persons whom they should know to have passed or received any bills of what bank soever of a denomination less than three dollars That if one of the Jurors theinselves had passed or received such bills since the first day of Janu ary, he was pot bound to present himself, for the law requires no man to accuse bimeelf. He be- gan to speak of the policy of the law, but check ed himself, and told the Jury it was law, and it was their duty lo enforce iL The ones and twos, which the learwed Judge styled “miserable trash passing in the place of goud ax v.” notwith standing this violent onslaught, <ul! held up their heads, and appeared to be tl only currency of the country. The officers J! the Court seemed not to be afraid of them and the lawyers stuffed them into their vest pockets as eagerly as if po curreacy law had crept 1 Suf fice to aay bo presentinents were made during the week.” to the new code We believe it has not yet been settled how this “ new law” crept into the new code. We were much in hopes that the labors of certain editors who so war devoted themselves to the invest would be duly and coinplet and that oar legislators and t friends of his Excellency, the present Go- vernor, can boast of no great Railroad- | ing achievement of his, to emtitle him to, such a compliment. - oo - From the Petersburg Intelligencer. HARD PRESSED. It was but the other day we adverted to the fact that the Democratic party was so hard pressed for legitimate grounds of objection to the Amer- ican candidate for the Presidency that they ac- ' tually attempted to make capital against him on the score of having visited Rome and Jooked A farther proof of the utter dearth of grounds of legitimate op- at the curiosities of that city. position to Mr. Fillmore, may be found in the annexed paragraph which we find adopted as an editorial in the last South Side Democrat : “ Kansas Afiairs.—It will be seen (says the exchange) from Congressional proceedings that the agitation of Kansas matters has commenced As usual, a democratic Senator, Hon. S. A Douglass, leads off for the Constitutional rights of the South, and Mr. Collamer, MEMBER OF MR. FILLMORES CABINET, opposes the South. This fact shews Fillmore’s position, Can nothing convince Southern Whigs and Know Nothings ? It is exceedingly singular that those who set themselves up as iustruetors of the public should be so very ignorant as pot to be cognizant of events in their country's history which occurred as it were but yesterday. A fifteen years old school boy shoul! blush to be convieted of the ignorance of the fact that Judge Collamer never was a member of Mr. Fillmore’s Cabinet. When General Taylor died, of course be eft Acs own selected Cabinet in offive; but as soon as the public business could be decenily attended to, that Cabinet unanimously tendered their resig nations to Mr. Fillmore, who promptly accepted them al! with the exception of Mr. Webster, and selected a Cabinet for bimself of wlich Judie Collamer was not a member, Judge I[all, of N York, taking the place of T'ostmaster Genera made vacant by Judge C.'s resignation. So much for the Democrat's attempt to make Mr. Fillmore, now in Europe, repuosible for Jud.se Collamer's position in the Senate of | W het United States upon the Kansas question another attempt is made upon the credulity of the public we trust it will pot be in the shape of so transparent a humbag as this last - A PROPHET AND A PROPITECY The Anguirer has again pot on thi } ek prophetic mantle, and very confidently nents should be informed t predicts that Mr. Fillmore will not sece pt are indebted for such disinterested con. the nomination of the Philadelphia ¢ cern for their financial welfare But the vention. © The wish is father to th indications now are that their labors will the t,” as our magni friend of the Ex ; : : oo , aminer would say. 7 Enquirer is ob ~ vain, and that though the si viously getting nneasy at the signs of the the law will most likely ren amongst tinea, and well it 1m ay —for there is any the great unknown, yetourlearned Jadges thing in them but encouragement to th receive and expound it as law—mew knw “emnocracy. It is an old) propensity of and charge the Girand Juries to put it ir force against all whom the ate it Thia, to say the lea i new thing in North Carolina, and calle for the searching attent f a special mittee appointed by the next legisla tnre with power t> send for} 6 and papers ome BISHOP HUGHES ANID THE SEN CLASS AT CHAPEL UILL The wag of the Milton Chronicle dees not ag prebend ant danger t the bois” froe pr wmed sermon the Romrh liliop at the next Commencement. “ [f he car ake a res em,” cave the Chr he i sinarter ban e take liitu to le + John was pr bally emart er og t know that bis sermons « t more pressive than Jess II ( and erefore he has de red a given him by * the lowe oo. The Quart Law Jin This work, to which we t flv al .onr a e461) a, we are ail to eee ' ra popular Magaz a g the ‘ ra nr f “ f s e« ally | and is radnally fi g another of those a r tabie vac atiat 4 ® gy ex atcal the per lical literatnre € the Sonther tes. The propr ro Mrod W. Randolph, Richmond, Va., in one of the most extensive and ente rprising pob lixhera inthe South, and is doing as mneh perhaps as any other i for the devel t ar f Southert te ect An s publieationa, a cata eof whieh aceon panies the Journal, may be found many th oksof sterling vab mostly by Virginia authors Though, from a somewhat careful pe rnsal of The Quarterly Lior Jony are led to euspect that it is rat ial, we r too ex clusively devoted to reports and ex posi tions of Virginia law, vet we would cor lially recommend it to the lawyers of our own and other Southern States, believing that ite contiguous Jocality and affinity to home law part to it a value tps sessed by similar publications of the North We have read two articles in the number Lefore us, ong “the wsury Laws,” and the other on ‘ Legislative Tinkcring,” both of which are highly in cresting and instructive, and either of coutsins arcun mil etiteee the Central Virginian Organ to vatic ate. We have rarely, however, seen powers in this respect sustained by re suits. If we believed in omens we should wish no better one for Fillinore than a disheartening press v ! nfromt Enquirer Lat it go alead with ite y dictions Every effusion of the kind w ten Fillinore’s ta & strony en his claiins.— ich. Whig The gh (N.C ) Standard has beet similarly employed. It thinks Mr. I more will not risk lis present fame by serving another terin th Presidentia chair. That he is a cool leaded and dis creet man, and will lh. ly to ren er bow signally Mr. V Daren fa s second terin, & T ie LI ea » indeed show the uneasiness lemocratic leaders, and sleould ser neonrag the sof Mr Fi friends oe SOUTHERN SPELLING Book RoW. Brown, 4 of this pla anne engaged on a work to which be proposes te give the above title He thins Spelling books now in use are deticis n classification of words aa well as in x n: and he feels confident he will be able to reduce Erclish S} eto as te give simple Ralea that w enalle ‘ fren t yr uunce correctly, at the same time learn td spell by rule rather than by memory He hopes to have this work ready for press early in the ensuing North Carolina Bull-tin. eUluine©r a FOR SALE We offer one half or the whole of the Citizen Ottice tor sale. The snbseriptior st is now near one thousand, with a yood advertising patronage We would prefer selling half of the of fice, aa the onlv reason we off It for sale ia, the la ore we have to perform as Editor and) publisher, are more than we can stand up to; therefore, we will sell one half to any one that will take charye of the Editorial departinent on very ac commodating terma, or the whole of the office any way to suit the parchaser Se Our exchanges will confera favor by noticing the above Yorkville Citizen rer We learn from the ¢ pers, that the Presbytery of ( ord will meetin the church of Hopewell, Mecklen burg county, on Friday the Ith day of April next, at TL o'¢ lock , rarlotte pa one «ee Fort pry 0 Pennevivania have rats the names of Fillinore and Plunelson From the National Intelligencer, of March ¥8, OONGRESS. Neither House of Congress was in session on Saturday, This day opens the sixteenth week of lthe session, and both Houses find themselves in a very common condition, with a vexed ques- tion” likely to oeetipy them in prolonged and exciting debate for some time to gome, This . | question is one relating to our home affairs, the defeat in the election of 1844, ign topic being ina fair way, we , of an | ayraph or two from it, showing that fn 1829, and early and honorable adjustment, if faith be given | subsequently up to the date of the letter in 1845, , J ! bsequently up ee the pacific indications from the other side * Mr. Pettigrew bad made up bis mind that this the water. ; ; | government would not endure luager than the The Kansas difficulty, though for weeks a pro- sar 1859. However people may differ from minent theme in the House of Representatives, : \ and there apparently exhausted, is but opening | Mr. P. as to the causes which have brought rout in the Senate; and, if the secnes of Friday are the present danger to the Republic, there will be to be taken as foreshadowing results, the latter | fyund few to deny, that there és great and inmi- grave body is to be the arena ene eH nent danger; whilst many, even among the most , althous é ral eminent secing more than one more Presidential election. From the Foyei{evitle Observer, March 17, A PREDICTION — WILL IY BE FULFILLED? In. the “Private Correspondence of Henry Clay,” (page 517,) we find a letter from the Hon. Evexazer Perrienew, of Tyrrell county, N. C., is i i i 7 ir of this is the serson fur commotion in the natura statesmen in the country, du despair of as well as the political elements, have cuntidence in the timely re-appearance of a bright sky and God grant that they may be mistaken, and that there may be no fulfillment of their prophecies CONGRESS—YESTERDAY, | of evil. | The following are the extracts alluded to :— a serene atmosphere. Soon after the opening of the Senate, at the | request of Mr. Clayton, the motion to refer Lord | kK. Jobo Russell's letter to the ¢ ommittee on Foreign | Mageolie, Tyrrell county, North Cerolina, ) Relations was taken up, and Mr. ©. proceeded to | January ist, 1855. § deliver his views further un the interpretation of the Central Ainerican Treaty. He spoke some | time without concluding what he had to say op the subject, and yielded the tloor to other busi- Considerable time @as then spent in dis- cussing and disposing of propositions and ameud ments in regard to appropriations for improve: ments in rivers and harbors; and such applica tions naturally elicit earnest thoagh incidental debate, in which the old “State rights doctrine” was still maintained by some gentlemen with a vigor worthy of its palmy days, This we con- fess we were pot sorry to see, as that ductrine lias always been respectable from the character of its supporters, and, though often pushed beyond its legitimate bounds, and sometimes to the pubhe PRTITIGREW TO Mit. CLAY, peuple of the United States are shipw recked, and fear too much danasged ever to be repaired. “The result of the Presidential election was | to me perfeetly astounding, yet for weeks before it, | began to fear, as it is natural for me to look on the dark side of every subject, and [ men. | tioved confidentially to some of my friends that I had apprehensions ; consequently endeavored to prepare my mind for the evil day; that day which in my opinion is the beginning of the end of the peace, prosperity and happiness of this rising country, if it did vot begin in the year 1829, with the reign of Hickory the First. “ My dear sir, on you rested my only hope, to stay the downward tendency of this Government, and at the Court House of my county, in a few remarks | made to the people va the day of elec tion, Lentreated them to do their uttnost, to stay that decline, for four years, and it might be that affairs would be put in such a train, that misrule would pot get the aseendency in four years more, and though I felt every thing for the generations ness. detriment, it is a principle in our system which it were better to exist even in somne excess than All who revere be sutfered to sink into ne: the Coustitution will respeet and follow the doe “State riy trine of hits” when confined within »ractical bounds ; on the Federal righus it beeumes, bke all virtues when pushed to encroachment carried to excess, an evil In the House of Representatives the Kansas question was further discussed. Mr. Galloway of Ohio, Mr. Robison, of Pennsylvania, and Mr. Simmons, of New York, re Viewed the condition to cume, yet T wished of all things to be gathered tony fathers before war, pestilence, and fausine should overwhelm the land. We did well in the county in which T live, and I feel proud tu know that the State of North Carolina is nambercd of athurs in Kansas, and sustained the propositivn of the Committee of Elections to send for persons Mr. Valk, of New York, Mr. Rach ys, and Mr. Millon, of Virginia, by emong the Law and (der party, thoagh differ and papers ing with so many of its neighboring States.” ardson. of [lit touk the of either sendir “ My dear sir, | most say that I feol very much for your disapjviutinent in being preveuterd, by wmite ground, the latter « ting to corruption, after more than forty years of devo yt for tion to your country's good, frum duing ty it the a commission to Kw Th ht, shoald produce their witnowses be part wa ly ft persons and papers. he the fore t The ted, in compliance with a resulution of the House, greatest service that could fall tu the lot of any We all need deplore the cireamstance m man, Mimiitoe, ° s tional I. uf the United States transmit. % 8atunal catamity , Lut from you, there is re residen, moved a great wenght of respumsibility, and you now rest onder a pornect knowledge that you re copies of the cornspondence between the Seere tire into private life with the highest honors that tary of War and Lieutenant Greveral Scott on the ze Gulncet < pay at rralametta ean fall to any man pow living, the confidence, atter uv s atitirmatntion of.( esterm, and love of hundreds of thou Is reg bon brevet rank The weual f theme of your tllow Citecne who kuuw you best was reported by Mr Canipbell “NOB. LT omnitted to mention, that 129 Committee of Wave and Means | was unreserved in saying that T gave thes Cr tatroduced Ly Mr. Ca (\ ted States Governing nt thirty years to contin: tury of 1 exitiow bounty laud acts which has been my un@arering optmun and . claratiom up to this tune, and | fear my thine Foumthe I : v , wiil be fund too bony, and | further fear thar (oni bas given us up as unworthy of bie care a In the Senate, on yesterndiy, a Miseege was ton, aml to a hand beart and nm probate received from the Presvko nt, tranemitiimg a cops inind, at all events politically.” uf the correspondence betwcen Mr Cramrios ' } \ the llr, Miawter. ned Mr. Macy. aur Ricretary cf The perusal of thie hetter hae revived aonne State, on the sulgeet of au fing aco pt phensant recullections of us enter, In 1535 he ance by Dr Kase and bie offers of such token was a candidate br Congres, and eas cleted by at Alu — lw £ | ! ' d tha may be off a large majonty over Dr Mall, nel pres Ibe Crise nt for their a . x . . ' \ srarch of Sie John \ ee eae: ne ( (1 U.S. fact . . wn tre a leomocra fa u by on { its 7 f a Leynelatu gave Mr. | grew, f Rm he su tn was a thoruuy g Wing, a ‘oiMmeOuUs ¥ I Congress Mr. tho lous ; j ma There @ te 2 cast a t rr by ww f ' 5 ath Ma . ‘ nz ~ e ‘ Pian teen given by bes, ot ( m f oN sails) binvallow vole in Te Thon n Ava jt ~ f <8 Il ' m i . 4 the r { eo s : aL aor lhuring that n he becam S _ x Meo with Mr (lay, and we w r Mr le . etng dering Mr, Clay's Sane ' nti, Mest 5 Sen) On Con . a . ( ‘ LU bed ~ uresstonal [hetret g ' t th a ng + ; “ ate, and according re “A ~ yp . members of the ¢ r ee : he Preialiiy ane where My. ( lav anc grow ak k ub . w | c April . " ! first: fa ar faces which he ree , r Mr i f wa i | : ej wae thatol Mr Petigree, whom he acc avor " a \ Me} ; , id oe My dear | fr 1, what bas bromyht Ny nee - ( 1 « hete \ ' Av t re} i k lox The yree, “t iGhonor tall Cle . 1 1 by g r ; Ahi g T uw has been at 4 Hock . ah a Mr. Clay, eich a amile, and a wari yeas ok , garg nt a * ue Lm wn the f wehe 1M Fi 1 w, aml gu wing week ates i how } Vv “ca sO po) * z . i < 1 rk K a ay “ x ; ~ A Sar irarol thet tr a ed \ ann r attr i; \ n which peopl all parte of ea he Sta g lo bomor to Mr. Clay oe ’ Cthe'| tenly folt assured, would et é gratit ie ; rca * . t Since tu Mr iClas Cand three of * ) r * “ ( iretihe: [lina Richart ilineas ite , (44 w : ‘ ano the Hon EF. Pettigrew, ane! ( (isles e j ; Wo Pearson, have departed this hf aN ‘ } | Z ore wlvanta ” , : . COAT ( g Mr mn adil ’ rilay. © ad oerasion to go on ‘chang ! Sena Central An in affairs ar at oe 7S t f ’ pos looking amen of coal " r 4 naw {erea lor la i ted Uber f y i Sees *P un . oer treceived by steam from Egy ptou Deep Lav Tn t [lnnsatete ren Vive 4 fara r Quite a company was assembled, and muct th Kansas an brought to a interest was manifested as the hogshead contain : Perel eer itt Mr. Bow (Ma | acid the re ng the mineral tremsure was opened. We do a ( mitt f Blectiona, and Mr tonretrale | iickinan otc TIVARIACTiAibe. (lie e ae rete) stem judge: in such matters, and Genie : Rarer rie nea ae rding only give the opinion of those better i‘ ra lev eulted in the adoptior nformed, when we sny that it is a very superior fa aeriacot reanlutiina off {by Mr. Dunn, article of better informed, when we eay that it ie f Indiana AP powt ttee of three a very aupenor article of bituminous coal, and nembers, with the nec nasistance of clerks , e , : saul to be equal to the celebrated cannel coal r omic proceed to Kansas and on ‘ the condition of afaire in that Terr Various persona helped themselves to Jurnps ; ‘ atid eoprore be TC ie The eam of ten 29d opon tral on their grates and stoves, found rand dollars was appropriated from the that they burnt be rutifully, We tested the mat hintenttatie ji yaa che niatet per ] z wid of the House to me he expense ter ourself and know this much of the missior ; a . The shipment from Egypt comprises some fif fa The Salishury Horwkt « satiate teen hogsheade, we believe, and is intended to TIL naPieereiinulemuanaerale he sent to New York for the purpose of ascer Armviscany qinrty fon tite affices a (iaweencte edi taining ita qualities, particularly with reference ae | ar for Hoaywoerd Wo Gaon '2 Making gas. It is believed that it will be Pinot | \ , Metcucn , fo ind very sufficient for the purpose. If the been nominated by a writer in the Carolina hopes of all interested should prove to be well Waiclimans | We geell nelsay thateliogid he founded, what a mine of wealth will be opened for the benefit of our State. The supp)y iain exaustible, and all that there will be needed will be ready access to market, which, by the means nost cheerfully port him He in a man of fine talents, great and would stump the State thorot 5 | horouglly. | of our aver IMprovement, we trust will soun be jfforded.— Wil, Herald, | { Wl, Merakd (since deceased,) condoting with Mr, Clay on his} og We annex & par} had ia My Dean Sin: The storm is over, and we the | Fi t i e i s ‘ succee: | will wo doubt | culation. |. After iseuing five thousand these places, ($300,000,) we ‘eed letters, The red letters | etraight at the top and bottom ; these (lant ensenl Oe ed henge un the ten is changed—in are ubove the sighatures—ia these ert eo he fom r $ letters—on the firet issue it is | and bottom ; on the last it sof curved: | Of thie last we have issued of the tens | sions, No. 5,001 to 5,300—and of the | sions, No. 5,001 to 5,200—in all $ | We ask your ia | tinetive mark of the red bettors, aad a may, ina » save the ity imposi. tien. We shall change the face of our next issue en- an BWETT, Cashier 200 impres- | | 8. - -e - ZF Jobo T) ler, in a late letter to Gen, Green of Texas, claims all the glory of the antiexation of that State, Mr. Polk having been bat an ad- ministrator de bonus non, sv A five Episcopal church is shortly to be erected in Goldsboro’. Goldsboro! is represented as one of the most thriving places in the State, “oe BLACKWOOD'S ED, MAGAZINE We are’ indebted to L. Seott & Co.,.N. York, for the Feb. No. of this exeellent Mogazine. Is contents are—* Modern Light Literatare—Poe- " “A Military Adventere in the Pyrenes.” “ The Wondrous Age.” “ Publie Lectures—Mr. Warren on Labour.” “Touching Oxford.” “The Aucient Cuins of Greece.” * Tickler among the Thieves!" “The Drama.” “ Lessons from the War.” “ Religica in Common life.” try Took out for unsigned Wilmington Bank Bille—We understand that there were sheets of unsigned Bank of Wil- mington bills to the ainount of $280,000 in the cars that were destroyed near Wel- don; and that some of then were picked up and are in cireulation. The Wilming- ton Ilerald mentions that two §5's were passed in that place. The notes were 85's and 10's. It is quite probable that the notes will be filled ap by some coun- terfeiters.— Fuy. Observer. Bo Tire Western Conference of the Ev. La- theran Syued of North Carolina, will meet is hus place om Friday, 25th instant, J. 8 HEILIG, See'ry. 2G Morven, Wagons, Harness, &e, At Pob- he Sebe ' Twill sell without reserve to the high- eat badder, om Saturday nest, 12 M14 Head Valuable work Lures ; 8 Spring Waguas, sui- table fur plantation parpuses and acarly sew.— bi glt duable sete Silver Plated Harness, 8 Sets chide Lakers. Alw—Seddles, Bridles sad Walters horses is the celebrated Cioneva Chef, that has trotted bis mile, under } 235 :—well known Z sporting public North, as * Daa,’ “The North and ts a thoroagh- bred Llack Meek Morgan hore. The aluve property = that of the Haltimore Lights Among th eal!ie, ia public, in annce@z the Star .~ og Rud Company For persons wishing in the basiness, this is @ good oppor \ bberal credit well be given. Sale positive. SAMUEL REEVES. Salsbury, March 24th, 1836 lwi3 LATEST BY TELEGRAPH ONE WEEK LATER FROM EUROPE (RRIVAL OF THE STEAMER PERSIA. New Youn, March 20 Cotton was firm, with a slight improvemest jn e tetler gr The Mar keclined 3e ster market was firm. Flour had Corn le. and wheat 6d. Money was lighter, the rate of interest being at Ga 7 percent. The bulhow im the bank had nereased £24,000 The Pence Conferences were said to progress The Gfth meeting was held om the 6th nat. The Einperor Napoleon had made a epeech ed that he hoped for peace ; bet lat France most be prepared for peace or war The had met to carry out the terms of the arm steadily leaders of the hostile armies in the Cri The Rassians were sending considerable troops to Finland, and fortifying Cronstadt, The Darie Moniteur contains a deerae, calling ) aervice 140,000 young men of the clas of 1835 A despatch from Nerlin states that two cou- ors passed through with fresh imstructions to the Kusswn Kavoya The allied squadron in the Baltie had been ordere! to assemble to renew the blockade of the Lussian porta 7 CONGRESSIONAL, Wasnixotow, Mareh 20. Mr. James reported a bill in the Renate to- day prepared by the Secretary of the Treasury to prevent frauds in the revenue, and remodel the tariff, by which it is expected that the reve- nue will be reduced to the extent of $10,000,- The main featare is the abo- All raw materials for manufacturing and mechanical uses are put 000 per annum. lition of the duty on wool, on the free list. THANKS TO DR. KANE AND HIS ASSO- CIATES. Wasstwotow, Mareb 17. The Ihritish Government having through Mr Crampton extended to this Government cordial congratulations on the safe return of Dr. Kane and his gallant associates, and wishing to confer some token of thankfulness on the naval officers thus engaged, ask the permission of the Executive for As the power to give permission rests with Congress, the correspondence between Mr. Crampton and Mr. Marcy has taken that de rection, that purpore, ter only wa Thomas. ; last of the i gustus, by 1491, whie The dise travelling | Joba Read They are to Caroliea halting att neigh berbe re pamenge alo took t It is arou ticiana, whe gel their oj mination b devey. W nobly, satis lemocracy praise whic Cana, Foote pressing th l'resideat. ia getting t whole Loos thrown ote How praise for U services ar how sight o best interes aud they a the man * ert and execut Wil. Herel MRE The Nes readers that State indep all party str bet io oll | ward —that ble positior dency of th way upwar by mere str ciple; and take care ot than they | nous pame achasetta, ¥ cy, to stren by the pop Wil. Hera This ge doubt thr the arms | outinan ington Ur enta, in w gression v strous har tish Aboli claring it aot with the only | allied fan: So, Tho good lefts the Locof. Senator p It com: last, and | the groan at least tv was nearl greater pe The Boat “ We learn ington, that last week dh which Lord receive, bef uments rela Crampton « ter, but alte of his comp! that no dou cation of th carried on i the [British ever, after t and the En difficult ta s 3a rt e EF H H e f f FF Sec'ry. At Peb- 4 Head an, sui a 8 Sets les aod te brated e, under | known - Daa,’ ag bred altimore wishing d oppor te troops », calling » clase of two cow ctious to had been wkade of “eth cde L fags Sta Wy nat aa Fas * it OPL net the 2 the success- bile defending the himself. aluin avd. confounded with the ¥ of re Na was survived by two bro- thers, Demetrivs und Thomas, of whom the lat ter only was survived by two sons, Andrew and Thomas. Avdrew Pilacologus, who was the last of the imperial line of Constantine aud Au- gustus, by an ect bearing date 6th September, 1491, which is now in the royal library of Paris conveys to Charles 8th, King of Frange, the em- pires of ry? m +} ph and TN ii 7 The royal hits Leen withheld by the Tark- ish ties for more than 400 years, Yet the present Emperor of France may derive from the dood of Andrew Pulacologus a better title to the throne of Constantinople than was shown by President Polk for the claim of Texas to the city of Santa Fe, Many of our People, who seem much wiser than their fellows, venture the prediction that the French Emperor will never relinquish the hold he now has on the Owoman capitol. Their reasons are apprehensible ouly to the wise. Nat. Intelligencer, Small Por in Green County,—We regret to learn that this loaths»me disease is spreading in Green cotnty, We have seen a letier from Greenville, dated the 10th inst, saying that it is within five miles of that place, west, and that se- veral deaths have occurred, while others are ex- pected to'die, The infeeted region is guarded by armed men, and so is the town, and the citi- hee oll aitey ak re iy . he as follows: All iw- nors 80 per cent. ad valorem, now paying a duty of 30 per ceut. and over, except spiritu- ous liq and one or two others now duties are to most articles of foreign manufacture, are to be subject tu a duty of 30 per cent. valorem. — The free fist comprises raw material fo ufactures and mechanica, &e., or to no great extent. Articles not enu- merated in either of the other sections The main feature of the Lill appears to be the abolition of the duty on wool. It is revenne about $10,000,000. It provides, however, fally against fraudulent evasions of it by importers. Wilinington Herald. - - a Kee"The Covention of the American party willhave no ditticnlt task in select- ing a candidate for the office of Gover nor, as the names of the following gentle- men have already been suggested in con- nection therewith: Kenneth Rayner, of Hertford ; George Davis, of Wilmington ; Tho, D. Meares, of Brunswick ; David A. Barnes, of Northampton; John A. Gil- mer, of Guilford ; Haywood W. Guion, of Lineoln ; JohnH. Ianghton, of Cha- Baxter, of Henderson. zens are terribly frightened ! All who can get matter are vaccinating, but it is scarce. The same disease is prevailing in Carter and Washington counties, and in Bun- combe and Madison couuties, North Carolina, north of Green county. The disease was taken to Green county by a travelling fainily from Nashville, who called at, Joba Reader's, five miles west of Greens ille.— They are said to have ctossed the mountains in to Caroliea, and left it all slong the road, and halting at their home on Cane Creek, the whol: neighberhuod became infected. Two yoang re from New Market, with this fasily also took the disease, and carried it to Wash ington covnty. The town of Jonesborough i» guarded with a strong force, as the bettet states, and the citizens are greatly alarmed ! Kuorville (Tenn) Whig. peu CONSISTENCY, lt is amusies to olwerve how completely poli ticiana, who call Urcmeelves honest, have chang ged their opinions of Mr. Fillmure since bis po mination by the American party for the I'rew deney. When be retired from the post he so nobly, satisfactorily and bunorally filled, the lbemocracy were not backward in expressing the praise which they considered hs due. Cama, Foote and others were prominent in ex pressing their admiration of the man and the lresideat. And when Scott, in 1852, succeeded im getting the nominatiwn over Mr. Fillmore, the whole Leesloco press throughout the country thrown overboard the one and taken up the oth Senalonm There are no words of Ho services are forgotion, hs exalted patriotiam i» lost sight of, bis rare devotion 16 duty and the ert How is it now! praise for the man they eo much admired best interests of the country is coldly passed by and they are vow actually trying to prove that the man who signed the Fagiuive Slave Law and executed it besides ts —an .fbalsloonsst We. Heredd. MR FILLMORE IN NEW YORK The New York Express assures its distant readers that Mr. Fillmore has a strength in that State independent of and above all parties, and all party strength. No demazogue in character but ia all reapeets the reverse of Wm. Il Ss ward —that be has won his way up from an bum ble position to the Vice Presidency and Ire dency of the United States, and be has won that way upward without art, trickry or fraud, bat by mere strength of character, talent and pris ciple; and that the people of New York wi take care ot him ; and they respect him more thaa they did even in 1840, when such a glo rows pame as that of Abbott Lawrence, of Mase achusetta, was laid aside fur the Vice-Dresiden cy, to strengthen the Taylor ticket in New York by the popularity and power of Mr. Fillmore Wil. Herald, +o: CLINGMAN. This gentleman has now beyond all doubt thrown himself, boots and all, into the arms of the Locofocos. Ife has come oat in a mortal long letter in the Wash ington Union, addressed to his constitu ents, in which he reviews Northern ag gression upon Southern rights, that mon strous hambug, the Kansas bill, and Bri tish Abolitionism. Le winds up by de claring it to be his intention hereafter to act with the National Democracy (1) as the only party capable of cambatting the allied fanatisin of the time. So, Thomas has finally and we hope for good left ns, Good bye! Thomas! When the Locofueos elect: you United States Senator please let us know. Wilmington Herald SNOW AGAIN. It commenced snowing on Thursday last, and so thickly, that in a few hours the ground was covered to. the depth ot at least two inches, The thaw on Friday was nearly as rapid, for by night the greater portion Las disappeared. Lancaster Ledger. MR. CRAMETON, The Boston Daily Advertiser of Monday, says: “We learn from an authentic source at Wash ington, that Mr. Crampton forwarded to London last week despatches containing the information which Lord Palmerston said he was waiting to receive, befure laying before Parliament the doe- uments relative ta the recruiting business. Mr Crampton sends evidence of 9 rebattiag charac ter, but altogether too weak ta shaké the proofs of his complicity in the matter; and it is thought that no doubts will remain even after the pabli cation of this evidence, that the enlistments were carried on in this country, under the sanction of the British government with aa much zeal as ever, after the furmal instructions of the country, and the English ministry will find it exceedingly lifficult to sustain their conduct Lefure the world. | For the Watchman, } TO THE CITIZENS OF SALISBURY. | The undersigned having been appointed gen jeral agent, by the Board of Directors, to cullect funds fur the benefit of the “ Western Carolina Male Academy,” will most respectfully wait up on the citizens of Salwbury, the ensuing week, and thankfully receive their constributions to this noble cause, He makes this appeal with entire and anway ering confidenoe ; fuily persuaded that their gen- erosity and benevolence wii] vot turn him away empty-handed : Westera Carolina Male Acad ganized upon the principles of christian liberali ry, thongh or ty, aud open to the public at large, is yet more immediately ander the control of the Ev. Lath ‘ran Synod, and designed chiefly to afford facili ties for the mental culiare and moral improve ment of the German portion of our population The Germans constitute a large part of the farming class of your county, upon whom conse queatly, your thriving Town is, more or lens, de pendant for ite prospective distinction and opa lem. Henor, any enterprise, enloulated to make them better farmers amd more intelligent citi mens, recommends itself to your consideration sympathy and hberality The above insinuuion, located at Mt I’leas- ant, Cabarrus County, bas, ap to the present Uume, enjoyed a degree of public favor and pros- perity far beyond the highest expectation of its friemls and founders, A capacious and beautiful Ncademy edifice, Usrce stones bah (of Brick) bas been erected A professor 6 house and other necessary build Inge are wow ia course of construction, which, when completed, must be pad fur, so that the present liabilities of the Board will then be con ederably eshanced Tuo meet these claims, and to awell the corps of Professors, the Trustees have appointed, and fully romissioved, your bumble servant to call on you all, and the inbabitants of the country gen erally, for the al purpese both of enlisting your sympathies in le balf of our institution as well m to solicit and receive such contnbutions toward “ts sajport as your kindness and liber ality may inechone you to give Aod aa if you lease, in our present emergracy, and the (od of I I x all good will bless you, fur “the liberal aon! shall be made fat, and be that watercth shall himself be watered.” Yours truly, JOS. HWEILIG March 24th, 1856 oo For the Watchman First Appearence of Mrs. Rash on the Stage As this lady's husband, Mr. Gireroe M. Resa, ma native, and for many years a resident, of Lincolnton, N.C. aud as be is extensively known in Western Carolina, the readers of the Watch man will naturally feel desirous to know the rx salt of his wife's first public effort in the difficult pursuit she has adopted Mr. Rush's frends have known for some time of his wife's prepartion for the stage. She made her first appearance on Monday might the 17th yet, at Walnat street Theatre, Philadel phia, in the celebrated character of Branca, or the Itahan wife in the Tragne I’lay of Fazro the an adventurous undertaking, as it is one of the most difficult parts in the range of the drama. The house was crowded. A large portion of the auchenoce frends, who manifested the Moat intense interest on the occasion, particular ly at the rise of the were curtain Thunders of ap plause greeted the fair debutante, she was ey lently somewhat overcome, N moder! Sh had a severe ordeal tu go through, but prove herself equal to the requirement. The effort was decidedly successful The applause throughout uite enthusiastic. Every countenance in dicated that the bighest expectations were more than realized. If her future realizes the promise of ber debut she will make a sensation in the was q She at once assumes the high With the natural im provement practice and experience wil! bestow Theatrical world est walks of the drama upon her, she bids fair to have no superiors and a few, if any equals in her vocation in this coun try. The stage is 1 may add, particularly bare of very bright Stare in this country at present. The ease of Mea. Rush's manners: her correct and beautiful reading and her general style of acting astonished all. A Theatrical manager long in the service, re marked that he bad never seen a debut excell this, and but one (that of Mrs. Mowatt) equalled it. Mrs. Rash’s personal appearance is very fine, both in form and features. In the course of the week she will appear as Julia in the Jlunchback ; the Countess in the beautiful play of Love and various other pieces of alike clasa, A MAN NAMED HUNTER. A man named IIunter, has been fined $1000, and forfeited six slaves, at New Orleang, for selling them in such a man- ner as to soparate mother and child, eon trary to the laws of Lonisiana. paying @ duty of 25 per cent., comprising | are to be taxed 20 per cent, ad valorem, | Saturday with more fa said that the bill will reduee the yearly. sin’s news tend to strengthen. than; E. G. Reade, of Person ; and John! x | | | —ereepetiet argent COLUMBIA MARKET-—Maacu 22. BACON .—For hog round 1 a 31; sides 105011 oh tar i850 Whccpeetbone the party bd CORN —70 2 75 per bushel. OATS—42 a 45 per bushel. PEAS—80 cts. per bushel. Fi.O R—There isa large stock of this article on the market, and consequently prices are rather in fa. e ad Yr of buyers. We still quote, however, $7) « $8 for cvarnen te good brands ; fine family flour $84 » $9. FODDER—§14 a $13 per 100 Ibs, according to the quality of the article. a ~> — are prodnced either not atall here, Report of New York Market for week ending March 21, by Dibble & Bunce Commission Merchant. COTTON—The Arabia's letters came to hand on hy cbvics enn ica an P advices conveyed from Halifax. The week has been characterized by large sales at an advance of 4 ct. # ib. Our market closes firmly at 9 sore which Per- i 8}, Middling 10, Middling Fair 11, FLOUR— Must be quoted 124 ct. lower; but a large foreign order at below current rates and smaller stock than has been generally estimated, keep holders firm. Common N. Y. State $6.60 to 6.75 ; Southern, heavy and dull et $7.50 to 7.87 for good, and $8 to 9 for ex- tra and fancy brands. WHEAT—Remains unchanged in price with but little offering of good quality. ea southern, $1.65 to 1.70. White, $1.80 to 1.85. FRUIT—Baneh Raisins, per box, $3.25; Havana Oranges, per bbi. $8 ; New Lemons, $3.374 per box ; southern dried Apples, 34 per Ib.; pealed Poaches, 9 to 13 ete; unpealed, 4 cts; dried Blackberries, 11, and Grapes 6 ets. per Ib. Turner vs. Enoch Peory. Zephaniah Original. Attachinent levied on Land. pol sprepey: Deyromb ith ed Court, that be made for six weeks in the “ Carolina ‘atehbman,” printed i jet the Court House ia in May next, and show cause, if any he has, why the said land should not be copd: d for the satisfacti of the plaintiff's debt, and sale ordered according. WITN E88, Caswell Harbin, Clerk of our said Court at office, the 4th Monday in February, A. D. 1856, and in the 80:h vear of our ladependence. C. HARBIN, Clerk. By A. Hansin, D. Clerk. 6w42 Price Adv. $5 50. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, DAVIE COUNTY. Courtof Pleasand Quarter Sessions, February Term, 1856. Lemuel G. Helton es. Joseph Helton and others. Petition to sell a slave for Partition. In rhis case, it appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that Joseph Helton, Wiley King and wife Elvira, daeghter of Lemuel Helton, dec’d, Lorenzo Etchison, Berry Etchisoa, William P. Etchison and Doagias Etchison, children of Nancy and Jesse Eichi- son, and grand-children of Lemuel Helton dec'd, Enoch Williams and wife, the wife a daughter of Jos. Helton, the children of Elizabeth Gordon, are not inhabitants of this State: It is ordexed by the Court, beard opr cation be made for six weeks in the “ Carolina Watch- GROC ERIES—Suagar is unchanged in price, with more demand from refiners. Prices range from 6} to 74 cts. as for quality. Molasses, (New Orleans,) 42 to 46 cts, the latter for very choice. Caba, 34 to 36 ets. Rio Coffee 114 tw 124. Candles, adamantine, 26 to 28 ets. Tallow, 13 to 14 cts. GUANO—In lots of over 25 tons, $56 per 22.40 Ibs. wmaller quantities, $57. NAILS—Wrought, 74; Cut, 4 cts. - NORFOLK MARKET. Reported by Rowland & Bro's. for the “* Watchman”) Noarotx, March 20. BACON—Hams 12 a 14; hog round 11 a 12. LARD—No } and 2, 114 0 12 CORN—Mized 56; White 57 a 59; Yellow 60 a 61 BEANS—White #1 75 a §2 00. PEA—Blaick-eye 90. FLAXSEED—1 65 « 81 70 COTTON —9j 0 94 FLOUR—Fine §7 00; Superfine §7 50; #540 884; Family 89 2 89 50. SALT —Liverpeol fine $1.75 ; do ground Alum #120 SUGAR—ReGined 104 a 11; Crushed 11 a 114 DRIED A PPLES— (per bush 25 Ibe) KO a 90 PEACH ES—(peeted per 48 Ibs) $1 70 a §3 U0 HAY—Cargo #1 00 REMARKKS.—Flour continues very dull, the tele- graph report of arnval of the Eugish Steamer to-day has otifl farther depressed bread-stuffe, a decline be - tag reported ; buyers are bidding off, expecting to get Dried Fruits are very dull and hard Extra them cheaper to sell TUE MARKETS. Sdishury, N.C. March 25 Apples (dred a) ‘ Mixed, No.1, 10all do Green, giv Do. Pure, 11a 124 Bacon, 9 a 10 Molasses, (Cuba, 60 Beeswax, 2 N. Orteans, 70875 Beef, 5@6 Nails, Ca by Batter, 124 15 do Wrought, 124 @ 15 Candles, Tallow 25 do. Horse Bhoe 25 do Adamant, 33035 Oates, 30,00 do. Sperm, 45850 Ode,—— Coffee, Roo, 13014 Linseed, Pgal 0 $1 25 do Java, 1601" Tanners’ p gal 00075 Castuage YB, 445 Potawes, Insh, 50 @1 do. Malable 124.615 do Sw 75 @1 OO Cotton, 59 Rags py 3 Malt Peach,’ 82750 63 do Pbuashel, $1.00 Sheetings, Brown, 4-4 9 } hot, P bag $2.25 Seed, — Clover, P bush §120124 Flaxseed, 75 tlgNager, Brown, 110124 meld Loaf 12015 30.35 ** Crushed, 12pal5 Clanfied, 6 Talw 124 4044 Turpentine, Pgalkie! 54 Wheat, #125 S$ Wad, 25.00 61a 7 Window Glass, P bos Sell a 10 e225 Tgan 10 12 $2.50 Lead, Dry White, 10 012d MARRIED: Th this comnty. om the 20th instant, at the remdence {bee father, by Rew J Mo Wagner, Me WILLIAM KR LITAKES and Mee EMELINE STIRE WALT DIED: Tn the erty of Mobile, Ala, of Conanmption, on the 24 of March Mth veer of he age, ROBERT COWAN, formerly of thes county, and a member of the P. FE. Church im the NEW SPRING & SUMMER BLQVS Salisbury, March 25, 1856. 6 tly subscriber is now receiving his stock of Spring & Sammer Goods, consisting of a general assort mrnt of ‘Tadies Dress Goods of almest every description Hie stock of NEEDLE WORKED EMBROIDERIES complete He would reapectly ask an examination cf hws etock by all whe wish to parchase Gands of the newest and latest sty lew Particalar attention @ paid to procanng Fash (Conde, whether they hare into the section before of not won abbe been introdaced FE. MYERS 430f SQUIRE, ZIMMERMAN & ALLEN, Wholesale Dealers ig DRY GOODS, No. 143, Market Street, PHILADELPHIA Feavem Saving, D. Mo Zimwramas, of Lincointon, NOC, Groage N ALLes TWO HORSE WAGON FOR SALE. FIVE enbecriber hasan excellent new two horse wagon which he offers low for cash, of on terms Call 43.6m te wit the purchaser giving good bond on time. at my howse, 6 miles south of Salrebury JOUN RENDLEMAN Mareb 25, 1856. 3w43 AMBROTY PES. r 7 hl yO W. P. HUGHES, \W OULD respectfully annoance to the citizens of Salisbary and ite viewnty, that he has taken roome atthe Rowan Hoare, No 41, and ia now ready for wark. Those wishing work would do well to call soon as his etay will be limited Instructions given in Ambrotyping, Daguerreoly p , on moderate terma. ing, &e Marck 18, 1856. 42 \ 7K wish to hire FIFTY NEGRO FELLOWS to work on the Western Extenmon N.C. Rail Road, for which liberal prices will be paid OG. & JF. FOARD Address— Rowan Mills, N. ¢ March U4. 1856 0012) o ‘atherwise, will be atte man.” for the said defendants to be and appear at the next Court to be held for the Couaty of Davie, at the Court-House in Mocksville, on the 4th Monday in May | | next, and plead, answer or demar to complainant's pe- | Uitiva, or the same will be taken pro confesso, and the | Cause set for hearing ex porte. WITNESS, Coswell Harbin, Clerk of our seid Court, at office in Mocksville, the 4th Moaday in February, A. D., 1856, and in the 60th year of our Ladepen- | dence. | C. HARBIN, Clerk. By A. A. Hagan, D. Clerk. 6w42 Price Adv. —§5.50. LAND FOR SALE. I Tivisa determined to sell off and move South. | I offer my plautution for sale, lying un the waters of Fourth Creek, 16 miles west of Salisbury, adjduing the lands of Joho 5. Carson, Jeoob Baker, and others. The depot oo the Western Extension mast be near ‘The place has on it all necessary baildings in guod re- pair. Also one gud meadow. The tract contains about 350 acres, one half of which is in a high State of caltivatiwa, and the balance m well tumbered. Those wishing a good Larguin, mast call ewan, as I will well on a ymod sing terms. Perm -us on Wm L. Steele, can hure aesist ance in viewtog the liuds bs JOHN W. STEELE March Iith, 1656 42 MOCKSVILLE MALE ACADEMY, 4p next sesmon of thes Lastitation will commence on Wednesday the 2th of February, inet, The school snow in a very funshiag subeeriber will wdetton, and the a endea jo keep to tion which it has heretofore Young men will be prepared to enter any enpyed clase in the University oom any of var Colleges which they may desire TERMS: Primary Department per erenwa of 5 monthe, $9.00 Higher Eng! © "ranches, 12.00 Clasnes, 1500 JNO B GRETTER, A B Beb. 15, 1856 139 REFERENCES, Premdent and Feeulty of the University; Rev Drary Lacy, D D, President of Davidson College ; Hoa Joho Mo Morehead, Hoa Joho M Dick, Greens bermagh; F E Sheber, Keg, J F Bell, Faq, § bury Old Court House for Sale. goed Commmrmone rs, hereby give no vid Cvart House in the ecnire of the Town of Sabebary, will be suid at pebhe auction, at of the sat heilding, 00 Monday the | 4th day pert. at 12 o'ebsek, M e ne credit proved & y, will be re kheavown vo day uf gale JOUN Fo McCORKLE CHARLES L PARTER JOHN T SHAVER, J.J. SUWMERELL, DA DAVIS 1th, 1556 wal r MA GP BE @ > ce “mm eemoners WY EE be nt a the tate tre mee of AB Hed man, de 0 Tharedey end Froday the 27th the fedkrweng property Hloraca, Cattle, Sheep, Togs, ( rn, Wheat, Rye, Oats, Hay, Fodder, Bucon, Lard, 2 Wagona, 1 2D y } ' ming df nile, and aed 2Kth inet owt varwoae other ar Ale, at the eame time and place, wil! the let day of October neat, 15 ORAS VALUABLE NEGROES, among which are several men and women B. BAILEY ¢¢ ton nemerous tom be hired entil Special Adm'r 3w4l NORTH CAROLINA, IREDELL COUNTY IN EQUITY. Fihru ry the sth, Jacob Fraley and others ageinet Lawrence Haden March 6th, 1*56 1856 and Thomas T. Hedson ORIGINAL BILI ron that Thomas T daniain the stove named fihie State: Tt ie of made for t chman, Coar Ce re .at Stat t uM av aft t : prad he Ril by th ff: ag: ment pro b d against him Atofft t sville the [Sth day of Febraary, A. 1D. 1§36 W.P. CALDWELI,C. & M. F. Printers’ fee &5 50 6w39 NALEEIOR NORTICCAROLLYVA, DAVIE COUNTY Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, February Term, 1856 Jacob Taterrow re Enoch Penry ORIGINAL ATTACHMENT LEVIED ON LAND. es appearing to the satisfacvon of the Court, thar the dete ch Penry, is not an inhabitant of thie State This therslore ordered by the Court, that pableation be made forex weeke in the “Carolina Watchman,” printed in Salmbary, that the said Eaoch Penry be and appear at the next ¢ of Pleas and Quarter Seamona, to be held for the Conniy of Davie, at the Coart-Honge in Mocksville, on the dth Monday in May next, and show canse if any he has, why the said land ehonld not be condemned for the estisfaction of the plarntiff's debt, and enle ordered accordingly WITNESS, Caswell Harbin, Clerk ofoar avid Coart, at office, the 4th Monday in Monday in) Febenary, A 1) 1856, and in the 80th year of car Dna pen dence C.UARBIN, Clerk By A.A Hares, Derk Price Adv. $550 twa -: . DR. W. F. BASON, DAaNTIST. OFFICE NEXT DOCTOR WHITENEAD’S. Ti Commnonications through the Post Ofiee, or ided to the first opportantty 1 \ sn a et ; aa ? “a ' rfl . ' . HY should Southern men go North to buy their ploughs and machinery when they can get as good and more substantial articles at home at Northern , thereby saving the price of trans- jportation. That the public may not be deceived, and | to save many inguiries that I have tw answer, I here- | with append a list of prices of the principal articles that I manufacrure. Circular Sew mills with 48 to 50 inch saws, 24 feet carriages, 48 feet ways, all complete, $375 to | $400 ; Cilendrical Straw Cutters, 12 inch box, $30 | 15 ineh do, $40 ; Folding Harrows, $13 ; Cultivators, $5 to $6; Threshing Machiues with 4 or 6 horse | power, 6175 to $200 ; a very superior article. Ploughs | their rding to size and workmanship ing of pear}! done ut short no- ' ngine work d&e. end in your orders for threshing hines and by po’ early, as I only intend making them to order. All work it Druggists and Chemists : opposite Mansion Hotel, SALISBURY, WN. C, ESPECTFULLY announce that they are now sutieg and offering « large and entirely fresh DRUGR, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS, TRUSSES, PAINTS, VARNISHES, BRUSHES, PERFUMERY, FANCY AND MISCELLANEOUS ARTICLES, de, all which have been very recently selected by one of the firm, with great care, and serupuloas regurd to genuineness and purity. They deem it unnecessary to say, that it shall be aim, as h fore, to merii a i ance of that patronage which has been su liberally ex- tended to them—for which, and the generous sy thy so generally munifested for them, on the occasion of their late misfortane by fire, nes Pom: to express fe tude. ed. My furnace is sill in successful operation and can furnish castings of any deecription, and where the patterns are fuund at notice. J. H. THOMPSON. IS SUFFICIENT. Ww. have a good many Accounts over twelve months’ standing, and would like tohave them |closed. All persons interested will please attend to the same immediately if not sooner. R. & A. MURPHY. Salisbary, Feb. 5, 1856. 3m36 Dissolution of Copartnership. 4 Drake Cupartnership heretofore existing under the name and style of J. D. Brown & Lemly, is this day dissolved by mutaal conseut. All persons indebt- | ed to said Firm, will find their nvies and secounts at | the Store of Brown & Coffin, and are ri tfully re- quesied to call and settle, us \t is absolutely necessary | fur the business to be clused i as early a day as pus- | sible. J. D. BROWN, H. A. LEMLY, p’d3m37 Salisbary, Feb. 1, 1856. _ Potatoes and Molasses. 20 Barrels Pink Eye Pototwes ; 4 Hogsheads Muscavado Mulasses ; 10 Barrels N. O. Molesses ; Just received and for sule by Sahsbary, Feb.12. (i937) MILLS, MOOSE & Co. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, ROWAN COUNTY. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, February Term, 1856 Juha A Muody, Agt., va Samael Smith and Clarkson Coffin. Original Attachments Levied on Land and Persenai Property. IN this case. it appearing to the satisfsction of the Court, that Samee!l Smith and Clarkson Coffin, ere wet imhabitants of this State: [i ie therefore ordered by the Court that peblication be made for siz success ive weeks in the Carulina Watchman. a newspaper pablivt the T of Saisbary, notifying the par tics to be and appear at the next Court of Pleas sad Quarter Seamons, to be held for the County of Rowan, at the Court House in Salixbury, va the Ist Munday ta May next, then and there to replevy, and plead to ward suit, or judgment by defeuk will be rendered a- geost them Witness, James FE Kerr, Clerk of oar said Coeur, at Office Sabebury, the 1st Moeday in February, A.D, 1856 JAMES E KERR. Clerk Price adv. @5,0 6wsd CUMMING & STYRON, COMMISSION AND Forwarding Merchants, WILMINGTON, N.C Pervieular atientwa paid to eriling Flower, Corn, Cottoa, aod all kinds produce Feb, 1856 PETER W. HINTON, COMMISSION MERCHANT, TOWN PYPYPOINT, tvyarTouln, “Yn. Ww. ervaon 1y39 Special attention paid to Sefling Tobacco, Flour, Grain, Cotton, Naval Stores &c. Also, to Receiving and Forwarding aoons. REFER TO Ht L. Reberde Keq Salieheary, NC Chrartes L. Hinton, Keg Webe Co NC 3G B Remtect, Raq Raleigh, N.C George W Haywont Enq Ralvigh, SC We W Premmer, Req. Warrenton, 5 C Vy'rt? MANSION #0 HOTEL, SALISBURY, N. C. Tee subscriber having taken charge of the above Establishment, begs leave to inform the pablic genersily, (bet the House is now open for the reception of Boarders, Travelers, &e. He prommes that haw ACCOMMODATIONS shall be equal toany inthe State. Persone stopping at hee Heoose, always have mealsin time fer the arri- Attentive and oblig Call and give me B GRANT val and departare of the Care ing servants always ia attendance a tral w, Sahebery, May 24, 1855 BOOTS & SHOES. GENTS fine xtitehed and Pump Boots ‘ Opera “ tak & BIR Congress Oot and Ganera Colored Bation > Kid Ganers, Stk Fox Ganters ad . Kid Shippers and Ties MISSES Wedalinn LADIES and Garters Ale a large lotef Ladves and Mieses Buots, Shoes and * (oarters > Mens’ Boye. and Gente Bone and Shoes, ifferent quabties ar Clibtren's Shoes, &e just received and for le how for Cagh, of on short time to punetan! den Quarterly patments re jarred hase gods on time MILLS MOOSE &€ CO 3m “THE WILMINGTON HERALD fe published daily and weekly at @A and @2 per annum inadvance. Dt ieoffered tothe terchante rum all who per: March 4, 1556 of Sah other western towne, ne a good ad vertimng mediam. Terms moderate Address. T BURR. Jr Feb 26, 1856 3m39 ATTENTION! COUNTY CLAIMANTS, LL persone having cleime against the Coanty of to be pureed pon by the Committee of Fi re hereby notified to present them to the un wnor before the 25th day of April next, and he attended to; and Coanty offteers, recet- ere of pabhe moneys, are required to have their reapeo- with ther vonohers, ready fur minitiee af Pyaanee on the lst tive aconunta, tagether settlers at with the ¢ day of May neat Therefore, Let those concerned attend to thie call, For the aame rate will be applied to all ; If their claims are not “in @ proper fir.” They will receive no pay in the year 1856 OBADIAH WOODSON, Clerk of the Committee of Finance 3wid Blank Warrants forsale Here March 18, 1856 theie p dlnad haasauls ass _ Salisbury, N. C., January 22, 1856. STEADY PROGRESSION ——, on = z HAGLE CITY . HE SUBSCRIBER has the pleasure tw an- nounce to the world, to whom he sends greeting jallkind wishes fur their prosperity und peace, that he is making steady prugress in the improvement of Eagle City, destined, he believes, to becume the greatest manufectering city in the country. He is now ereet- 7 SALE Y The Factory Buildings, AND ALL THE MACHINERY Connected therewith, and eight acres of Land more or less, adjoining the buildings belonging to the Con- cord Manufacturing Company, will be exposed to pub- lie sale on Thursday, the 27th of March next, on the premises. TERMS :—Bonds with approved personal security and Mortgage on the Property, oa a eredit of one, two and three years, with interest from date. By order of the Stockholders. KIAH P. HARRIS, Pres't of Company. Coneord, N. C., Feb. 14, 1856. 6w38 JAMES HORAH, WATCH-MAKER AND JEWELER, SALISBURY, N.C. (Ome door below BR. & A. Murphy’ Store,) K EEPS constantly ou hand a large assortment of WATCHES and JEWELRY of all kinds. Clocks, Watches and Jewelry of every description, repaired in the best manner and on the most reasona- ble terms. February 19, 1856. ly38 E. NYE MUTCHISON, COMMISSION MERCHANT, SOharioctte, N. C., will sell on Commission Cotton, Corn, Flour, Wheat, and all COUNTRY PRODUVUCH IN CHARLOTTE, CHARLESTON, AND NEW YORK. Liberal Advances mage on Consiguments, IRelTerenees s J. H. Jenkins, Esq., Salisbury ; Geo. W. Williams mee Rew cotton mill ut this place, to be called the “Troy Mills,” and hopes to have it in fall operation by the latter part of the sammer of 1856. Ik will be | | one of the best, (if not the very best,) mills in the | country. The machinery ws selected by himself, aud | the latest and mosi approved patierus were chosen — It will work like a lever watch—smooth and stesdy— and he doabis not will exeel, in its products, the most beautiful achievements of the renowned Eagle Mills, | | ander whose shadow it is developing its fair and de. lighting proportions. Eagle Mills long gained for it one threatens to rival it, and hence the world may look oat fora contest invelving a resalt | not lees interesting in itvelf, than it mast be desirable to every Southern pai not. The dreamer, speculating on coming events mighi well step in here, aud casting forward bie hen beyund the boundary of present time, portray the aspeet of Eagle City afew years hence. Let him sketch it: We ere « city of beautiful proportions wih its tower- | ing sterpics porting heaveo wards: close raged blocks of granite buildings with glittering metal :oufs, reflect the cheerful beams of « verual sun: the invigorating breezes of a dehghiful climate, sur the leaves of long rows of elms: the streets are culivened with a cheer ful busy throng: the sung of half a million of spindles is mingted with the roar of home end cascades: Fagle | menument meee above all things else, be on ts top so unmense eagle. wings extended, lwhing duwn | with pleasure on all beiow. Eagle City Bauk & in full view, and by its liberal puliey invites all energetic business men to claim its encogragement. Calico pria- ters rofl owt their baled up guods : the care uf the Nurth- western Railroad receive them, together with thoe- sands of oiher things, the products of the City: the deafening whistle is bivwn, and the sound « echoed end te-cehued from hill to hill, wakes the drowsy pow- ers of reposing fai cate, which browse im ihe rich sur- | rounding valleys: the scene grows '!—grows!—and the lend is beyond the portraying shill of the prophet We had bet a ghinpee—but what a view! And it is | all te be realized beyond dab. Eavagh, envagh !— | I will press of to its final consummation | ANDREW BAGGARLY Feb 9th. 1855 Jeu THOMAS E. BROWN, Carriage, Buggy and Sulky Builder, S now carrying on the shove business, and invites the ped Hie ve call aad examine his work He is manufectaring rery sapertor rebtetes incts comtitemt be ene give antixfactinn to | all whe want & firetrate articte © €8R pet =p work at low prices. if it be desired, but would siways recommend the better qualities as cheap me rem, Me wowkl advice thane hing im hie Mme te call at his establinh ane cle where tm the rear of his Livery Stable ER His chop OW Pere pany the orde diate nce omt--tng work, will please accom rhe faction they will not be required to keep it With the advantages of the Railroed at his doar, he will tak aimest any kind of trade In exchange far wort— cock as Corn w Fear, Oats, Bacon, Lard, Horses, Provender, Timber Mis LIVERY STABLE is kept ap as nema! sed those who wish either to bay or to sell strate horses or mates, are invited to call March 29th, 1855 oaet Valuable Personal Property PUBLIC SALE. \ "ILL be offered at Peblie Sate on Thareday the 27th day of March. all the personal property belonging to the estate of Col Wen P. Wangh, deed , atthe Broek House plantation, fear miles from Wdkes bore’, the fullowing property. via :-— Horses, Cattle, Sheep and Hogs, several Wagons, 1a Bugay. and all the farming tools to the J'lantation an belonging liso a Good Sett of Blaeksmith's Tools, Alen, all hold aud kitchen furnitare. eommeting bed<te ate and a great variety of old irome. the hone of hecktiege and bereee be given an remade known by JOHN WAULGH, Ex March Lith, 1856 Iw STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, ROWAN COUNTY Court of Pleas and (Quarter Sesswons, February Tirm, 1236 Horace Laselie va Aberdeen Company Levied em Land and Personal Preperty. Orginal (ttachment IN thee case, it appearing to the satisfaction of the mobers of the Aberdeen m there fore ordered by the Cours that pableation o made for Coart, that the officers ane Company. are not inhabrtante ofthe Stare. | wx eucermave weeks in the Carahna Woaichman, a news paper published in the Town of Sal sbary. nots fring the parties to be and appesr ot the ment Cour of Measand Quarter Sesmona, to be held forthe Coan ty ef Rowan, at t} rt Hoase in Salshury, ow the Ist Monday in May (then aad there to replevy and plead to said t rendered againet them Witness, James Fk ° oo pudgment by default will be + Clerk of oar said Court, at Office in Salisbury, the lat Weoday in Febraary, A D., 1836 JAMES BE. KERR, Crk Pree adv 85 50 6w40 ROWAN AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. TE peccnd quart a nenitoral Sor rly meeting of the Rowan Ag ‘ will be held at Rowan Mills, on 2d Tharsday in Apri next. ‘The members are reqnest JF. FOARD, See'y Sw4l ed to attend March 11th, 1856 JOB PRINTING Neatly crecuted at tia Office. & Co., Charleston ; A Hunt, Lexington ; Robert Soatter, Eaq., New York. February 19, 1856. NEW BOOKS. 4 UST RECEIVED. Rose Clark, by Fanny Fern; Lessing's Field Bok of the American Revolution ; ly'38 York Sergeon, by Dr. Dixon; Preseott’s Philip the Second, 2 volomes ; ] Memoirs 8S. 8. Preatice ; Abbott's > J. H. ENNISS, Life of Napoleon Bonaparte. Bookseller. Feb. 12, °56. 37 Raleigh & Gaston Railroad. Raleigh & Gaston R. R. Office, Raceson, Fesavany 8, 1856. S the North Carolina Railroad is now to Charlotte, notice is hereby givea aot oe or prodace broaght down that Rond, inte for transportation over the Raleigh & Gaston Railroad, will be received by this Company at the North Caro- tina Railroad Depot in Raleigh (owned paéntly by the two Compan-es) and will be transported theace with- oat delay or extra charge, and goods designed for the westere merchanis and others along that Road, will likewise be delivered at the same point. All duces for freight most be paid at Petersburg or Portsmouth, exeept on way freight, which mast be paid iu advance wn delivery of the goods. Every effort will be made by the officers and agents of the Company t give satisfaction in the transporta- thoe of guuds sed produce Owners and shippers of goods are requested to have them distine:ly marked, eo that their destiuation may he known 38 R A. HAMILTON, Adm’r. DiBseius «+ BUNCH. Calvin B. Dibbic, Jonathan EB. Bunce, Late of Wikmington, N.C. | ~ Late of Kinston, BC. Commission Merchants In Cotton, Flour, Grain, Naval Stores, AND Seutherm Preduce Generally No. 180 Fromt Stroot, 6wuEsy rue REFERENCES >- Hon Wm. A. Graham, Hilisbore’, N.C Hoa Joha M Morehead, Greensboro, N.C HL. Myrover, Eeq., Fayetteville, XC Joba D. Wittiams, Esq . Prest. Rank of Clarendon Stevensen, fieq., Cashr. Bank of Wilmington MeCAULEY'S HISTORY OF ENGLAND. JUST RECEIVED—The Third and Fourth Vol- ames of MeCaaley's History of Eagland n J.U ENNISS, Beoksefler. TAXLIST! TAX LIST. LL persons sabject to pay « Poll Tax to the State i of North Carviiaa, who resided in the Town of Salsbury om the lm day of February, 1856, or who bad been principally eeeployed in any profresion of vo- ention in seed Town of Salebery for three months or more unmediatrly preceding the said let day of Feb- ruary ; end all persons who owned of were of tauabte property within said Town on the said It day of Febraary, are hereby notified to give im to the Town Clerk a let of their end Polls and taxeble prop- erty before the leat dey of March instant. All persons whe fa! are liable to a doable tax for the year 1856. The Clerk will attend at the Commissoarrs’ room between 12 o'clock, M., and 2 o'clock, P. M., from the Lith to the 30th inet for the parpose of receiving ward frets. (sme OBADIAH WOODSON, C. B.C. Mareh 4th, 1856 4040 ww.» Bilas 4. 8. moose. + &. SSuneor MZ ECSYW EEE SEe AND NEW GOODS. Mills, Moose & Co. DEG leave to inform their many friends and the D public genernily that they are now receiving and ‘pening m the Brick Hows furmerty occupied by Kennedy & Mills their stock of STAPLE AND FANCY Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, together with all arive es asnally kept in a Dry Gouds Store They are sis receiving the largest and best ~ ed stock fore fered 1a thes market all of w ¥ are prices that capnet fad to please Ps THE HIGHEST MARKET PRICES pard at all umes for Floor, Wheat, Corn, Cotton, aad all & fe of ¢ rv produce Janeary 9th, IR3h if Notice to persons who have been work- ing in the Rowan Factory. I] AVING seven hands in my Factory who came from the Rowan F ry. with whom being well lensed. L would hke to precare the services of others tly worked in that Factory. I want to get one boas Weaver, capable of keeping up 40 loome ; 10 good Spinners ; 2 good Card 1 goed Dresser Tender; | good Spreader My Factory is sitaated ig Gibson eonnty, 13 mites Soath. west of Trenton. I will r the abewe hands, and furnish h The location is healthy. SOLOMON SHAW, Proprietor. 39-3 pd. wh. form 10 grad Weavers; Strippers hand. - Tennessee Fy ANDERSON WwW. D. REYNONDS. ANDERSON & REYNOLDS, CROCERS, AND Commission Merchants, NO. 10, ROANOKE SQUARE, WORUoOUIM, Va. Pay active attention to the sale of Plour and other kinds of Produee, svunhug unnecessary charges and rendering prompt returns tf4l Marriage Vie wit v printed and fo ad HE NIGHUTINGALES q. The tl) wing song ise atracted from a volume f par tns TH HA Col : Lag, tu bods. "Tis sweet Wo bear the merry lark, That bide o blube good murrow ; But sweet. r to hark ia the (winkhng dark ‘To the mathing eoug of eornw published at Ob, neybtiogale, what doth che ail? Aud wehe ved or pil ! « De bhe to melanie arth was sound of emirih The werry lark, be soars on high, No worldly thought o'ertakes bum 5 He eimge aloud to the clear blue shy Aud da shi that awakes hia Asoweei a lay, as loud, as gay, The mghungale te triliug . With feeling bles, no less than hus, Her lithe beart we chiding Yet ever end anon a agh agh her lavish mirt For the larke bold sung @ of the sky And here w of the earth And might and day she tunes her lay Ta dnve Fur biime, alas away all surrow ughi must pass, Aad Woe may Come to DOTTOW Trees from Seed. ea large col A few vears ago we th lection of seeds of shade and orna talir Feta temibeate ieever mental trees, both deciduous and ever green, ated ye anted with mnel care, but did net vet a seed Oe Vegetate. This sea : 9 } een we Lave found oat what was the mit ter; we planted tay deep. It is well } t known that in the pine regions of Geor gia, this has been a great mast vear, and we now flad every where where the wing- ed seeds have met the surface seil, thes have thrown oat reots, and begun the form of a tree. They bad no planting but what nature wave them, and dame nature is a tuleralic rticulturalist. We invariably pla tree seeds; just ens eserve the moisture is all An ornamental tree, taal is becessars on wi eee ler usatc ayy de grown trem seed, may be mace a y thing the cultivator wishes if A fruit) tree | needed in the etructure of hones, which lis deficient iu wheat, and still more so in | I ate bread made of it in his house; He uses tive pounds of LA) e. | it was excellent. water saturated with lime, to nineteen No other change is ne- The lime coagulates the gluten as effectually pounds of flour. lcessary in the process of baking. las alum dees. The bread weighs well, and the bakers consequently approve of jit. He allowed me tu report the discov- very at discretion.” | —_+oo——_ | An loch of Rain on the Atlantic. | We have been struck with that passaze of Licutenant: Maury’s * Physical Geog- raphy of the Sea,” tn which he computes Hthe effect of a single inch of rain falling fupon the Atlantic Ocean? The Atlantic includes an area of twenty-five millions jot square tiles. Suppose an inch of rain ite fail upen ouly one-fifth of this vast ex- pause. Tt would weigh” says our au. ther, “three hundred aud sixty thousand wrillions of tons; and the salt, as water, held in solution in the sea, and which, iwhen the water Was taken up as vapour, was left behind to disturb equilibriam, weighed sixteen millious mere tous, or nearly twice as much as all the ships in the world could carry at a cargo each. It wight fall in ia day 3 bat occupy what time itunight in falling, this rain ts calcu- lated to exert so minch terce—whiech is Incenceivably yreat—in disturbing the equilibrium of the ocean, It all the wa- ters discharged by the Mississippi during the year were taken up in one mighty ineasure, and Cast inte the ocean in one effort, it would not make a greater dis- turbance in the equilibrium of the sea than would the fall of rain: suppesed.— And yet se gentle are the operations of Vast ure uli- nature, that imvvements 80 perevived.” I have no Time to Read. The idea about the want of time is a Franklin found time in tere phantom tw dive inte the midst of all lis laleurs the hidden recesses of all his philosophy, and explore the uatrodden path of sei ence. The great Frederick, with an em pire at his discretion, in the midst of war, ati . CLARENDON IRON WORKS, A. M. VANBOKK ELEN, Proprietor, HE Subscriber be rebared the entire interest!: | T the “ CLARENDOS RON WORKS,” solicits orders for Steam Kngines, of any power oF syle, Saw Mills of every variety, Mining Machinery aud Pumps, Grist and Flour Sills, complete, Water-wheels, THE BLOOMER COSTUME. FROM A MISSISSIPPI PAPER. Our highly respectable reformer of female at- tire, seeming disposed bashfully to decline the honor of her own bright invention, ber followers have rashly denuminated her ineuling progres- sion tuwards the trowsers a Turkish Cestume.— The women of Turkey are proverbially the most modest in the world. But Mra, Bloomer’s sume- what extragrdinary compound of breeches and Leavitt's Corn and Cob Crusher, Rice Trashers, | Shingle M.chines, Shafting Hangers and Pullies, Cotton Gins aud Gearing, Iron Castings of all kinds and patterns, bas 8 io “ Locomotive and Tubular Boilers, Blacksmith works of all kinds Iron Doors for Houses and Jai leary very Turkik ! lice THE ESTABLISHMENT dearer to every Turkish woman than her hopes | ina ving been re-organised for the express purpose of inruring u y | or face rut punctuality in the execution of al Jers, the public may rest of heaven is sera uluusly to veil her face from | Piette any work which they tay wifer will be promptly the eyes of every man, save those of her own | detivered according to promise, aud of such workmanship as - , cannot fail to give satisfaction. Tis THE MECHANICAL DEPARTMENT I hav gion and fashign unite in impressing it on her | Being in charge of men of talents and eapericne ~ hesitation in saying that the work hereafter t life most | compare favorably in every respect with the 7 | brated in the Coited States, and at prices which Appearances in Turkey are as much ! the taterests of all in want to send me their orders, | If, REPAIR WORK 7 Ye je w out delay—and having « large fo thus modest about her face, it is searcely meces-| ATI 408 T noet Sav agcoun to any bert to give me the preference without regard to the expense of send- ing the same from a distance Orders will be addressed to mington, N.C. petticoats does not resemble the extremely mod- est disguise in which ‘Turkish ladies are wout to A principle muffle themselves in the street. husband. lesson she earliest learns ; rel | after years, aud she preserves it through sacredly. thought of as in more civilized couutries. ce for that x such sary lo say how religiously she hides other por- i i * Claren¢ Works,’ Wil- tops of ber persow which the innate delicacy of Clarendon Iron Works," Wi A. 1. VANBOKKELEN | 5 October 2A, 1855. vel 11 :a4te | With ber face mysteriously bundled up, the Turk- | FE I 5 ) TI ish woman is, in public, env eloped ina long! A M \R\ BLLOUS REMEDY : | shapeless gown, Aud yelw y Mra. Bluome - } gown, And yet worthy Mrs. Bloomer | FOR A MARVELLOUS AGE! every female must tell ler should be concealed. | persists in calling that modest emanation from her own brain a Z'arkish costume. | I cannot agree with the great prophet of the | East as to the propriety of muzzling his dark- eyed beauties. There is more of heaven in a) pretty woman's face than in any other mundave article of the same dimensions that Lam aware of. No man can gaze upen it without being fe , 3 better. And itis too wuch like “hiding «hight under a bushel” to reserve as great a heat to H OL LO Ww A Y ’$ 0 | N T M E N if every society as L regard a lovely female face for The Grand External Remedy. the exclusive gazing of any one inan, were be <, we see millions of littl openings ‘, By the aid of a micr on the surface of vur > whea rubbed o the +k Diseases of the Ki lucy Throwgh these this Oi carried to any organ or ard disorders of the Liver, affec Lnfiun ition of the Lungs, A-thinss, Coughs tudily cured. Every houses ife ah bone or meat of any thick- ve readily penetrates through curing the mest dan vther forty times a bustaud. Really T think a parely beautiful wotnan aets upou a community of nen ike alum on our Mississippi Waters —sending all the sedimeut ty the buttum, But there are suine any bone or fleshy part of the living body things about a woman—ber legs, fur instance— rerous iuward compl ints Erysipelas, Salt Rheom and Seorbatic Humors. that camavt be reached by that [ would as sacrediy guard as Mahomed hitnself from all eyes except those uf ler husband. b for the fa J < co mach fo cure of a No remedy has ever de the Skia whatever forw tb No case of Sait Rnceum, These Mrs. Bloomer seems bent on exposing to the indecent comments of the vulgar elas, can long Githstaw Ot, giving advice a pe uf restoring coamtices uuubers t 1 have reverence for a pricoal, ois @ mystic spoasing this - aod hee ibus been lhe mean health Sere Leg», Sere Breasts, Weeads and [leers. garment whose influence over ine borders alinost 375 ACRES OF LAND ex | mange for te pay 6 aE da A ate ol hea alan i aN EN BROWN & BEARD. “ New Firm, Tin, Copper, & Sheet-Iron USIN BS8.— The undersigued having formed 2 co p rinerebip tur the purpuse of carrying of ihe above buniness extensively, w jy sulicit the patronage of their friends and the public. They are prepared to wnawer any call in their line. Tint copper House- Roofing d in the bent at short nonce and warranted, Stills, and ether copper ware, kept on hand fur sule, or made w order. “Their steck of Tin, Briutunia and Iron Ware Cook, Portor and Shop Stoves, is unsurpamed by any in the Slate. IF Shop opposite Murphy's Granite Row. | a} | I OR SA L 7) | Countty Produce, ald Copper and Pewter, token in N the waters of ‘Third Creek, 14 miles weet of} exchange fur work of ware. Sabebur At least one Depot ou the Woaere | WILLIAMS BROWN, Rail Road + mevitubly be lucuted in a short dis- LOUIS U. BEARD. taner of this tract. Salisbury, Dee. 17, 1855 30nf Apply to John A Boydeu of Suliebary, aa La "© PALL AND) WINTER AEW YORK GoOops MUSICAL REVIEW & GAZETTE | . Commences its Seventh Year, and a New Volume, in ae SUBSCRIBER ts now receiving and open January, 1656. Lo calling attention te the Review, ing bee large stuck of Fall and Winter Gouds, its pubishers beheve they can present to the public conmating uf— ho more sulisfactory evidence of ite excellency 46 a musical journal than is uflerded in eoustantly increas- STAPLE ARD PARST ¢ % DRY GOODS, tng euccess. Lt has y ubout three wan lurge ow Cireulation as wny other musical perineal im the Hats ond Caps, Shoes und Boos, China, Delph aud Glass Ware, world. Lis receipts from subscribers daring the last six months have been rethan double those for the Drage and Paiwts, Hardware wand Cudery, Groceries, &e, GR ahi i iad hte 2s ~ OYSTERS. EE the Proprietor of the ROWAN HOUSE make urrang men's to have your family ea) the richert, freshest and largest Oysters of the sn—direct from Norfo kin lene than 24 hearer ice kegs, (sites to nuit purchasers.) By engaging, » nt @1.12) per keg, containing each § allon ; or 812 per duses ea dik re 9 1128 correspouding period of the yeur previous, By such flatiering marks « pproval, the publishers are inei- ted to lnereased enterprise and exert to add tu the cet the Reevew. Prizes amounting ta three | To whieh he invites the atientio dollars were recently offered by thea: fur| 4nd the public, aud which he affers Of the vast namber sent in te) Cash. of oa tine bo puvetaal customers at whulesal compete for thes prites. the best were acleeted by a Competent Commitee, and ere now in courte of pabli- | catwu in the Reeww. When thelr pabbeation we com. | Uetrber 22d, 1855 pleted. the subsenbers to the Reeew will decide by | Greensborough . | MITUAL INSUSANCE COMPANY. Besides a large amouutof reading matier, including regular corres: . | Pos costof Lnsurance on the matual pla ie bat «| small sam, canpared with a jadut stock compony | or cota. MICHAEL BROWN auf Jean y tom the leading cities tn the each amber ex werd iums veveral Chis cmapany being ke ta the Western part of the mune. A wenes of ariel Mune Teaching, by | De. Lowell Mason, = new ia progress of pablica twa. | State. cousequently much the larger pert + take | ny of which ore in the covatry. Auother by Geo. Fo Root, Exp. on Cultivation of the Vinee, Voeal Traming. &e.. will be commenced the be yineing of the new welume, as well as ane by oye oe tanlaabe , aud ie therefore conlideutly rooumumen- ded tothe pabhe Wm B Chureh Aithe list \Vanaal Meetiog the following Officers were elected for the eosumg yrar | JUMEN SEODUN, Pr 8. G COFFIN. View Premdent COP MENDENHALE. Attomey | ore inthe West, very Bay. on the Laprovement of Mase ‘The New Yoan Musica Revinw AND Garetre t* pablished fortnightly, at one dedler ddlare. peyable in Speciinen copies seul gratuitously MASON BROTHERS New York per annwin, of rox coptes for tive advance. dent ’ "W) | . "D4 PETER \DAMS. See'y and Creasurer I ()| lt I: | (| lk | PEPER ADAMK,Sectry [nt eee 4 ‘ 4 8 W HL CUMMING, Gen'l Agen. | 1ews | 5.000 BARRELS FLOUR. War 10, 1n33 WISH to parchase FIVE THOUSAND BAR RELS FLUt samtket pres (ber 17. ENDS » for which FE owill pay the highret MICHAEL BROWN 22 VEGETABLE LITUONTRIPTIC e ) ! | ! BTewN OY sceu Is tient like yo be heal vu the supernatu Thee i thy t nak jd. vale on the eve of battles which were to de pein Bi ahead eh, “ mn : cena use he nd n r sa eure anc aluat le Stately fully there is respee lity nu it * me of the most scientific surgeons mow reiy suiely on the . - ae cates teh ad ae cide the fate of his kingdom, found time “"? ie cote) femiaet ability | 10 1s very . euth th ft LY FRIEND OF THE HUMAN FAMILY wanety. Tt has been a ques of tine ty revel in the charins of plilosephy and ald nut for aw regitne nt eee es _ U scrreaive prom . | 3 : r . . ; with most of us; we ceuld not wait for intellectual pleasures Bonapaite, with nets lave one lnpressive ine curtailed. . z E_E™@ Bc DISCASED KIDNEY Sy tree secds trees. A pine secd all Enrope ut his dieposal, with kings in ~ Mhere’s such divinity duth hedge” a petticunt ce Of Four Horse Post Coache-, Stone inthe Blukder and Kidneys, Weak will wake outmcle cars Ati: his ante-chamber beyying for vacant that even brutal minds are awed in its presence | Siearie Sabebury to Morganton, via Stateevitle and ness of the Loina, We ut SEATS APIS tironen, with thousands of men wWhoee [uy chaste rustle strikes mure terror intu a Cosme Th ! ; - : j 1p are : Saree ate wees, sae as ee ; ae van . eee veinvalushle medeiwe ts for ele at the Davie seeds williia 1 arin trees in four de stiuies were stiny nde by the brittle Heart than ie comiamrileen of Godel men etl ay ‘ te « “a od Fri- 6 cel! vs Workers; at 1. @ Campbell's. s0) tee yeare Grapes in ciy thread of lis arbitrary pleasure, had tine ; Fra veneer ea : , j SS ; . te don: we the Dreg Bure sa Uhesbate: of Lovecty’s 2 i - - tis aleurd to talk of ie incunvemwent hk 1 wre yartone Peac! ' to converse with books. Caesar, when thee eh ~ ait ce went duce ta fhielia Sy cm; end at the Cordue Wciebmes UF : * I he had curbed the spirits of the Reman ite ewer-ping subewalks and swabluns wp gut : , he 1 ¢iprnes wil be epared tal — a ie - ie z stege rads ia the & ¢ . “ tree in four vears. Acman may have a tran the remotest hingdeme, f Hod time Metberm Lave worm pett with dignity to Lien the fFoll: n P (oS NOW N i Contreetne wlertare aad cule sd ith: sbiee Meg to prepared t Licvel ine fend fratercdni(ilie will for mtellectual comversation Kevervinan Uhemerlves and hugo t r country And Leshae Gu-ied 2 Sa Ja boi 4 Hehatren seaaash ih sed anh | a he gaa N rest of an orci fron seed, if | Hy : , : 0 ¢ yal hve treadeane wndes weet wf thie E - i ion eer has thine; if he is car t prove thas whois Mew Bloomer that they should give then er bow as ; : “ Paced hata onle ib « 4 ‘ 4 i i Ww th t out “ * 5 ioe te net well as be aight, Ine cat reap a three ap me! De been of or contre vitor ie snr Union Male Academy, and ’**"'™* us planted with petit Plant tree seeds. fold reward. Let all unake use of the no the clastity of every woman, amd a petwount Raitt a irete ’ | oe t yrvan, amd a petcumt is ile : . . : : reader. and you will be astonished at the bourne at re Pthey want tural safecuand. J would make a petticuat tue “ Farmiagtoa Femate Semisary. W. P. ELLIOTT, let 1a areny mclel a 1 ’ owt ree Pe aah euck of . Ree rat ea re EB ain a pr isc ein ‘ Shin dod) coniferse Tet ay eis teal | HE NENT samen theee Schade ted Late of Worth & Eilat, Foyettevitle, N ( : : They can, it they please, held in the ‘ . Davie Crman ar Barun rtm, w “ime wee ‘PULD : ne ’ chan 7 huads the destimes of our Republic AEA with the stare amd stripes) for surely be ak (Js “ i ee ne Ree PV hae GENERAL COMMISSION . ving by tab ler ° mt . . — ACO Te rine pale A Home-made Drain-Tile. Assyrian Discovery. countrymen has contnbuted more than ed to wach bet Terme, tr 0 FORM ARDING VER \\T to Gere z f Draininy e anceessity. Pipe It is stated that Colonel Rawlinson, w! ee DE EE a. YEW RBOOQAS. - ou MOG aaansy riiealaeies - y sare (hat present engaged in prmecuting the oo : © aed } “ WILMINGTON, N.C ~< cries commenced by Layard a Pod > -) > JUsT RE HIVED | race fd Bon fg wer h Wirehendsse, ond eo-ne eats.nl Wives exieticivc a (rte . : : a osthumous Bi The Paris Siecle Wea me of 1 \ Pie Py eee res re ! = Lhotta, wand in exliminy from the t 1 AGEN 4B ears ha Prue ee RRS 4 oslee . anafelly te age \ \ ary tenack rich C thie ue-hemt rival cries, Ninevel: a clates an extraordinary incident as ha Heights, by ¢ ~ wt “ a Vo 06 er ene fe morse cts ehewers. hence a ‘ h ' rade Ba no the instructive remains of t iv lately happened in the Rue de Fau sp Nile peed tiie ae toh -F S it ape vil “* . sat Kasse ; — . he Ce , 7m Fires rizantic power, has lately discover , I # ' : a hl . Ecidr : 1 7 : ai i cae ° ) y du Tey As a coffin, contain } ( ENNEsS Bea b . ? Wes . . Kt zs : ot i a a state of perfect preservation, wliat : “oe Premendous Excitement her of Dark 0 ey ae gers ; alien ky {lie tin falwonanie al just Qy j a] SAS ene amor Tt 6 ee ote eniee ce ve ete awe Groceries! Groceries! socruery uireriny weyyeveer. W 7s , Dp ' ree ane r er ® Pleat - 2 . ° — ‘t ki it j cave brick Ile says I expect t a covered by ne ou rent eee ree SUBSCRIBER so mw reeriwing and offer FOR THE YEAR 1856. estera BX ension. ~~ a> ba t ' bd « fr t $ lhe te ‘ ere rd wale iG . make t« J ave brich ow : ; es \ . ; I eters wee Jere ‘ Wine Simeetin® TWENTY SECOND VOLUME ane an Combe, is cleserilanl ma ve 41 i - ; « i SATO a : | Reka © being dewnwe il cttomdiag ihe nex! x sing ‘ ~rne—t ad th anal nate Jitdlhe as eZ 2 ' {; coung Prep cine fd ine Te Se eve beonser in the Weel. oc wel co oll wher dies y : a sof an infa under the shroud. a 1 ae Vi doe SOU TUIEKN LITERACY WES oe tak . 4d P . My c * r ee thre ‘ s marke and regule B i PNRM. the Pree tere . Re ES I Ce re ° Pane I terest reli dare ealithatilelend womankladl leis a Berle Bf en NE POE LENE ENG : Leteropay iy Youre mem fecering « k ° k ie ; o tur the preserved in Mae lurth toa emale child! [twas , Fe, creer us ant th Lie mg m0 ton any ¥ 7 ; p prece of tier ie edie Was (ovaries | oe ete ete i KEANE MADE. CLOTHING. k J h sicies © car ; : : ‘ . & Boge » cher : . ter aud saw tli i x res” hha fra ' < . ‘ Sty Cun + 4 +) Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestings, and Gen- ' « : t~ " ‘ ‘ ‘ os - . ry t r yl romp : . + zm ' ; . bey seeteils : : ‘4 3 2 tlemen's Furnishing Ceods of eat ’ au . * I 7: at : ‘As ' i ft " ne bh mod whine 4 atevang ormew 9 geneva! all of wher esi! be . M : SKE bids Mic ddl : Ta MIE 7 - we, and hes Ghone empang the be A r FR a preyed ” bl « . = ied e . = ead « Peat R “ Mvn F y ‘ . yrea Silat eae P ‘i > we cathtly proche ale in de foure +f the cee D ak aera : Car el ¢ . eatvef Als z P A t roostrencrt ein Cee thatinrt Bagi Ue ( pa P--« Tealtutont <8 erm Statre . oan Gal : ae ees : ' MICHARL BROWN T oh “ t e se JNO A WEIRWAON & PRICE bet a and t i 7 mer f (sa o Vis rey - ~ ~ wt Merchant Tasigre ] . vines Ksisc N « « er ‘ This a ' = which referred to the anti-slavery res 1p TD oo. . . ‘ 11e fa ae ern ore : lO THE FARMERS : a . f. of A r f cro er nt ant y ‘ ’ . ear " PI ° . . 5 + Of Iredell County. . weap lisischiibe moa THE PRESBYTERIAN eo If Tha ater than this w ¢ Excellency Pres ’ : ’ Aa Ob! brenine.--Man is ano } neatecl cr eniuliy meat GREAT SAVING OF EXPENSE FORE fee / 1 RELIGIONS FUUILY NEWSPAPER, pee. S . ote SIs : . ‘ all koneds of ater | ite Shaked bine el MUG Maer tile warned have thee te f a rt teil WEL A i pembie r NEN IO Kdehiibe Mick ‘ - i 7 ried hed 4 ' ve ‘ SATURDAY J ve k I ‘ - als. Ble is yravet av and gemy tee tener fi Neri nl the ‘i & r zs ieee ! £ - ; ; t » fr the Iron sb saath ss Se ie ah vf _>* vrmsiy a 1 bd hee areet, Philedel phe pla xg . art . - . aerate Fea net of Mimiecerville « ® ar See \ aT .t Wan ' ; . 2 r Onere Ne Vic a xt sailing the ca j lat ' ; ; ; = . 4 Paper ‘ \ i nwe ° 2 - ; “ ake ° - “ rt ; s ~ i “ a « entre a ve ° A 4 y la ee gennd that . hikes b gee aga : : : : ; mn rt em ee arle “ \ JAS & ROBERT WNERLY oe ip Piel eign? Sere, ae " . rye He hota mana queer ek II ORI A RIT : es) SoS ‘- ' aerr nittol ala bia teetcns wre prrene : a x a lary ‘ ’ ’ Cote a penis = cs Creatu ¢ lv efticac aT ? : , THREE DOLLARS PEK AN IN dia . peaperie a hee ° Mis b cle ; fully ef a : ring ‘ MR. BRADBURY'S NEW ; tN ARN ANC Es shame p0 facie id ctees tenee erie te ike e ev ieenty © the Skit leotnas ’ | eae ; . araif mat pred before the f ely Preet (herh mote Ree ne ah our. te 4 te NEGaIniiorr aura GLEE BOOK. eave herene pyenalarucs ulna coceecd a’ . A Avwaty.@ acevere sufferer with sores om his fae CINE NEW YORK GLEE AND CHORES CLUBS Reeting os & De lore ia wee t ROOK, by We HOR aaeets roel be isa . Vo -vvete t of and : eins GMMR EL ET | Lt cmtianas a vanety i glee a eC UES ' ‘ Oe ee aia t 4 i r ris M ’ natur 4 t i is ae - grt wilt ne ander the charg ' readers vw = : : cast ° mh ‘ 1 anel trie ite | A oop JOUN R THOMPSON, ESQ a M This - . ‘a \ on . | and adva d Geging ° I . ‘ 2d : Tipe sta ' ys disenne * , tre ature wor ter ther & a (aletacs pea as | r 4 ' " ' very j t at wav abate, he then ¢ 5 wily ' ed gas 1 4 wings sd . 4. we tn ‘ a sive : ) ’ c enced using LDolloway's Orotment and gandp ' a eee ; Ge ine an a Aaa " tial ariwles deve ; . - "iss and by perevering with them for peice ee . The Hasneee . adel ln ae s a | <= er ’ 4 seeks, the eruptions have a . her ™ me ii re ° a busneres Ae Preabytersan nae am meet ite eaberrhers « the ‘ at adn . k v dled, and Woenpeve Af r 4 re ; ee ae gan e rv oat tru f val cones da i J y MAC PARLANE tts Ch = eee ; , A . es \ ’ Sr ue lie wimdessle Pubive y MASON BROTHERS ee Ht i fA OL Widd'e Somthern W ° \ : y New York rad Sy + Bera Mimic. oe (the beat medians yy. ‘ bs ad of 4 4 seouch wp t de . M Iam t 1 porbive! nd whe deer i - I French Story Th apyeare that ant DR. J. J. SUMMERELL, er ee rier lin lsia ming for ' ' Fiat t AS remo 0 OF a Wanted Immediately, Vn se) : N< pendiow is i all ewes exempt, The Par he wil receiee protorsiots sl ae y At tho Silver Hill Mine, eS BSL DEA a TLE 1 ‘ f ‘ ‘ A ‘ t New York bupreee nc Gif ANY QUANTINY OF TERMS TO CLUBS Mia = nN wing » b . Five . ty ' ‘ - ” . , ee . . ” e ; ' @10 0 ; ; ; oe a lotta ae. . WOODAND COAL, “os ek | bee that pz. ‘ | ack. rat kv to draw a number w which May Cou ve I ‘ k : VV LEAVENWORTH, s nue me Py be the peren whe ‘ Rilvar Wl, Ort 1. 93 ay art ok Ag wi nf g. ae ’ ‘ , te ' t : Ia t y io Baking ‘ plas ' cee cecal Sa een rg on Six aelahate + nde year, 930 00 ' rot cone t . 14 6 woh an edditionnl coe A tre S Pr j next morning hangings “ab oe Tirenty. fire rine ne year, 845 00 tiie f Mf . | | kK \\ ey ear ramet. BD smeriticnd haa life to sa “it REMOVAL F | BED ae eet nemnt ove - wh ] . henriecs : \ ‘i Prd military service. and the child. now matt a : d ’ Ritoaaf Advertiaing — Fie 1% tines, hret iner rion vn ly tnmueay rim ad etl ne eo ny v wate a ran tment — GN WOS RG, ooenebomramm natin: let } . . 7 Col oF wb Cluthing 9 Tasloring Eatahliahment from a4 >? eee Heel tHe rion, Deena: each repetition of des ( | owas wl set pee Murphy McRime a (iu (he ciheuer im Is conte Paymenta tit advertiooménts to be made at i ' +: wedve we & rphy "eo Stor ae ay Al ates ak wane naa ; ae ser canes i rena ‘ 93.1¢ lees reas peed ace cqeuing Er ifeir Bpragsslee Address thats I It wa reanize and eqinp, Punch Set he American War Qaenli Wweiiendeeigs liebe wenn? WILLIAM © MARTIEN & CO 4 hha - anya tt r t pe ’ r rt c Noo das emt ren reer 2 ie Kvieuel? fed . sis NEW BOOKS. ere ee Cheat Mtveet, Philadelphia ; : hn nt Ain-rican. war ques , ; ' woeure canh and piss : ra Seve wt rales i. - REA: AVEN “The Tea Hi cabarets DR. H. KELLY t , “ = with a versiet © (naw the Misterlenal of & ee aul ! ; rete! s repreeenied WAS R Frae : a ; ffs Nae se hiey: t ' g Pie inte eta sient Han REMOVED TO HTATERVILLE, N : i . ' ip ie ere his services ic the eiimewe of Iredell and the M ' treo ne eogiice lands he SoeG ee ee a 4 * ; t Yaukee D fcc I i ft Po id Serperallewine : and oppeette the Wethediat he , © ‘ - a ; ” wor and Queeet New Bduinone e / “| e si 3 is ; where he witl be found, at all times, when ne Pay Bead ber e@turated w ' Is I yh wil Thing ‘ ond b& Tone TTS SI Geen ence eae aed SE srinally engaged Ade ds Balie v ' 1 { f eerie nay cere 4 Bem kine furners. U ae lk ap ‘i * Moy (851835 150 Av riink th 1 P f the ' quality and at th = ml A India r ' ewer as ; : very hiwe Hens, # ‘ ‘ . ' Linden ve pr “ DR. DINKINS, prices. Catalogue of prices furniahed when desire {PEE eo GPE He us ae a ila a Philce aud A cramimation of one stock meter 7 ture r ‘ : Prrnenetn aie ; . ay R' ROPE PECULY Ame he wierisiaihe & eens ThA Ree aaa co Aa 1) SUPPLY of Tanners, White, Machine f + narier Vem chal ve a sage Woscnec(asleinry. Otis Mone Ny OU Boh ae LA gig Sperm oils, just received and for ante f } : i 0 worth 3d or qe Aud [il haw myelty Malebury. Mar 31. 15S ti Frb 12, 1956 —2uu's3s Poslediase , ., MILLS, MOUSE & Co biladel lie February 12, 1836 pe Qua su BOOTS AND SRS vk Merinos, Alpaccas, Poplins, Plaids, Muslina and Prints, Broad-cloth, Doe-skin and Funcy Cassimeres, Sat- inetts, Velvets, Kerseya, Jeans, Ready-Made Clothing, Black ribb'd Fancy Beaver and Drab Over-coats, Superfine black Cloth Dress Coats, Black Ribb'd. do., Tweed do., Fancy Plush and Fine Velvet Vests, Fancy Cassimere and Tweed Pants, Shirts, Plain and Fancy Knit Shirt, and Drawers, BOOTS AND SHOES, Men's Calf and Kip Boota, Common do., Men's Calf Brogans, Goat do, En- ameled Congress do.. Women's Kid Exc sivrs, Enameled do., Oxford Gasters, Lasting fiy'd.do., Miss- es Enameled do., Miama 8. hecled Boots, Child's Shoes. In addition to the abowe, we have a large and varied stock of Hats, Caps, Bonnets, &e., Ribbons, Lace, Edging. luserting. Fringe, Hosiery, Glover, Kid sith, Lisle Thread, Worsted, &e. Ale, & quantity of Sheetings. Yarn, Osanharge, Techings, &e. Sugar, Cudfee, Sproes, Dve-thalfs, Cheese, Meckarl, No 1, 2, & 3. Together with every thing usually kept in | retail stures, which we offer ww for cash, oF ot shon | ereds ; Pans visiting Salishery will find it to their inte- | rest to call and examine cur Stuck, as we are deter. All binds uf Produce taken io Eachange. 1. Vv. & 8 SYMONS, & CO. Salisbury, N.C., December 4. 1855. | ALEX!S BRAGG & WARREN, \3 ufacturers and Wholesale Dealers BOOTS & SHOES, ( yt FRM for paras rau gansta — specialty adapted to the North Catulins trade eumsting in pert uf Meas thick Kip. Calf, Goat aad enametird Rengans, mety : Beas Bre’ “ “os “ Ythe «© “ re “ sand Vesere and children’s Beats sad e v desenpten, off «of eherh will be for weahed of wires as requerrd, at the hrweet market prices ated ead we Mr MN Beason demres to capers bis thenks & he merchanten’ Nurth Candime te thelr tery btera painmage dunng the past teraty years, aad reepect fally aheus « comtinganee «ef the eame Mri A M Corer of Nornh Candtiua will be bepey to we bee fr ede of shewe Drererstee 1M, Ie 55 Jen 0 CLOAKS! CLOAKS!! ererted and tor enle Chak Cheba : + Parse otyte Barre Rich Enchmadered Sousa, * Chgh Totmas MICHAEL BROWN Octaber th, 1455 Ba VESUVIUS VYRAREE, a fitescncers od property. Rod ritweted on the Bete ahewwt 10 certes Best of Limeude te 2 & state of thuteagh reper d. by the eaderngued propre Mest, tormng oF af partons he ben pet here rer vem tre, end f the beet aqnatet ~ CAST TRON WARE, tthe Semeh. “The pregereters +t xa able ot of tomes ts GI ofl orders, beth by ibe whet-sele ead retad, epee cack terme end of cect tasty ac will gree fall extefertam to oll perenne obo omey fevot them eh thew patra A F. tREVARD, & J) BREVARD Janwery 29, 9856 Dam 56 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. ASHE COUNTY Iv POUITTY. Draved Wirth, Riephen Themes, Wiley P. Thoms 101 teeorge Wo Reaves. age:net tamert BE Ye Qe ( cemell Tayler, Neowh Denset, Ieane Wee or. Metihive Wageart, Jahn Castle, Jha 8 “ Withaw Miller, Thomas Ruy, ead Lerte Ray WHERE NS, Dac Wearth, Stephen Theme Wiley P Phean-e and treorge W. Reeves, hath fird eit be woplermt agaost Semael Eo MeQeree Nah Denset, Lear e Wagrner, Wei +. Jama Castle, John B. Vidler, Witten Tiwevas Ray aad Lerten Rey And ope i » appear before me. that the sed Sam on, Conmetl Tegtor, Nevk Daniet. lease V ctthiee Wagener. are aon remdente These, therefiar, to matify the sand KE WeQa en, Coow-l Tiytor, Nuch Dene To Rh MeQ Wagener au f thee State emcee, and Matthies Wager, to be so¢ spprerat the wert term of war ced Coan of Fae tobe hell bur the emuty of Ashe. at the Coun Hoe 1 Jef ren. om the ad Mowday afier the ah We 4ev 10 Febrasry mest, them amd there to plead, * + ot demnar toy ened bil, therwise jadgment - reer will be shen as w them, and a decteenc'® thie 1604 Jan serv, 1856 RO VERC MLE 60 reese my hand GEORGE Price ade QS 50 Dr. CHARLES T. POWE I | eee permanently located in Sallsbery. reeper’: fatty tend 0 prdrsemmal services to the poh lie, Office —Ce + Breck Row Salisbury A Book for Every Methodist The Annals of Southern Methodism for 1855 F.dited by Rev Chartes F. Deemse, D. D THIS NEW WORK EMBRACES THE STS Waves and a great vanety of ether investing for* trom inevery department of Seahern Methodet “pt ratione, under the following general heads :—I. Th Kpecopacy ; 1 Plan of Vesitation; TNE The Cot ferences; 1V. Dedeation of Charches; V. Revive! VI Miseona; VIL. Colleges; VIEL Sanday Schoo 1X. Traet Society ; X. Publishing Heuse and Liver’) Niticon; XE. Inatraction of Pevple of Color; % Histoneal Sketches; XOEL Riagraphiont Sketehe* XIV Personal Netines ; XV. Beshop Andrews Letie™ on Cahfornta; XVI Memeriale of Bishop Caper XVIL Misceiianeous ; XVIIL. Appeadia.—360 pee large 12 mo. wis Price Bi for which a copy will be sent paid — Bille of North Candina of Soath Carulina Banks geld deiiare, should be sent. A liberal discown! ° Booksellers and Ministers ddrese, CHARLES F. DEES : Goldaboro’. Sf 37 Jeanaory 24, 1856 oo betant tions he! majority characte vem pwr b bg ot nerity © Mert of the | and com of the a ly come for an | their pr show th selves in erement aml, if ment of Of finn resuh of cummpan: bat bed of the M who, hy cerns of CUmens + a teret to aby rmery of Gor wecti thed bey purtiowe be thee tay. a» borne Ul frvemde Mr tl of the ~ wards t | hs Tetelen the dire of law : penalty: and bel we trieh i ful enow have no ts eher doom 1 speckin, tive aud Nes resy MrT Spomlin; speaker, hirnself. tation o 1M proper he late Majority That re before i the opp ng an finene i ceeded | he had his coll In th Was rey Mittee o tions for ing 30 Commi amendn struction ™ -nt ar structed €F epeed L: » the Bete Limede te wagh reper peed propre of partens on Theane ra, hath fired MeQeer werner, Mot ier, Withee Acd ep » word Sam Daniet. lease aon reomdeats ify the sad tuah Dene , to be and OWE ary. resper': to the poh wis thodist nm for 1855 .D.D THE ST' ting snform® lethodest “pt fe 1 The IL The Cor V. Revive” day Schools, pand Liver") Cole ; HE u Bkerehet jrews Letie™ hop Capers 1. 360 poe”? ra = glitics, Wews, Agriculture, Internal Improvements, Commerce, the Arts and Scie = SSE Sa VOL. XII.--NEW SERIES. 3 jin Committee of of Tudiana, review relating to slave- ere of the Govern- Jy Jo WERUNER, Batter aud Prepsteter annual meneage was | ideas i= the Whule, and Mr, From the National Intelligencer, of March 21, © that portivn of the ry and the constitutio OONGRESS. ment, wa In the Sexare the special order of the dar | Both Houses adj Was the bill reported from the Committee on ae . Territories providing for the organization of » From the N.Y. | coplbaatn State Government in the Tervitury of Kanens, |THE SLAVE TRADE @ROM NEW YORK. Upon this subject as well as upon Kansas affivirs) The setzure of the a Falmouth, of Bal erto Munday, in general it was understood that Mr. Douglas |timore, while clandestiniigiteaving this por, on | would have the fluory and, in anticipative of aw luspicion of beiny fitted ber a shiver, tied led animated discussion of that exciting tapie of our | uaturally enourh to renewed inquiries as to the | internal politica, a large audience, in which the | ladies appeared to predominate, had from an early hour filled the galleries of the Senate, o¢ cupying even that portion a-signed to the re porturs of the pres, who wrre cunstra di to confess their “ vecupation gone” in the presewe | of such amiatle © intruders,” thus unmifestiog more gallantry un their part than the Senat. thoaght it fitting to assume for itelf, as oljew tion was made in that body to the motion f an honorable member proposing to admit the ladies tw seats on the lower fluor uf the Senate Cham- ber. Mr. Douglas, in opening his speceh. complain ed of what he designated as a breach uf jartin- mentary usage and courtesy on the part of his colleague, Mr. Trumbull, in having, several days ago, attacked and controverted the majority re- port of the Committee on Territories with r- apect to Kansas, in the alncace of the chairman of the commitice, (Mr. Dougia-,) and «ithunt having giveo him any notice that rach a di-cus | sive would be rained. The speaker thon pre corded briefly to analyze the jrovimions of the bill providing for the future frmation uf a State Coustitative in the Territory of Kanaw, and having stated its most imyurtaut features, enter ed ite the general subject of the political con ditiun and complications of Kanan affairs, He extent to whieh wexmels are fitted vat for that pur- jute at this port, and it is said that the practic is ett nlariningly and disgracefully prevalent [tis well ands rstuod that the United States ru. thorities have long boon aware that such vessels were fited up and dispatched from New York but the difflea’'y bas been to convict the par ties on beyal evidence, however strony the mor al proof of their nefarious designs To the hoa ot of eur ctigens it should be told that Chose en gag lin thin heagal end iibaman trafic are gen rally Spaniah and Vortaguese. They are nen lwhee have teen aeeus omed te the trade, and their experience and cunning too often enable them to escape the punishiment ther justly mer it, Mf they get safely out of port, the ewiftiess of there vee almost insares their sacerssful evasion of pursuit and capture, If they secure and lewd a cargo of slaves the profit is so great that they can well aflord to destroy the veas | mod thus put cotef the way that kial of ev ch wee against then The clase of ve meeb em pleryeed are lyght, ewift-sathoy schooners, built for the purpom amd) ~ for ume vetage only.” From five humded te sta homdred shaves can be crowd eb te thete bed, med bee than that wacker us eat difficul bot reckowed a complement. The ty formerly was to obtain charmer papers, bu tle mpeirat oof baw benmteems, yreem img ch flat by sue admitted that it eas in evickener before the & wethaped that difficulty. and mittee on Territories that there hal beeo freed pope male tee thee tengbed wat beret eleat voting in seven out of the eighteen ele thw arin Tt wae atternepting ter de tl ha districts into which Kansas Territory was div id Ue Paclens cath was overhaul ol ated captarce but maintained that, since no charge hed leon Teu of V'esrt os ctee ee elie were a 1a substantiated: against the valelity of the elex art be of a supe rnon clace bet there. and thom held im the remaining eleven distnets 8 cme of then preted to le a Capt majority of the whole, nt Kilowed that the byl whe te le lis to ta: th et of cminaned: ¢ character of the Keneas L-yislature could mot be of the veael, though he gave bis na tmprached beenus- A frawlabent practiors al chim Autowi aul pr mel te has leged at the time to have vbtain d only im amt oma te St Vaal de Lae A mite a nenty of the districts Sivcenal lie Wises tar 6 Prete guese cose Mr. Diseglas then paced im revi w the action when be spake me ' here, how of the * FreeState men” in K omens Territory (er bevny i WE (Hs (ese Scr and combatted with mach warmth the assertion that gor ar a at be wae a strnmgee of the minority report that thew had been mere - wat ale Jems raat bere AID thee pee ly comewrting memans of redress and providing t+ ' any bre wbedyr ef tt a \ for am aypral to Congres Ph quoted from creminatian of the cose! remened all chow { thie proceedings je successive Cony ations | ritrue che r der t up chow that they hal determined to array them Cabeably those fa siaccr Steuhd the G eclves im digeet hostility to the Terrmonal (ios erement orgeniod ander the act of ¢ aml, if needs be, aginst the Fidre ment of the U mon it-if Of afinies, he cont resuh of the Kanmans Nelra-ka 1 with it. 0 companying repes! of tre Mies uri Coen pr . bet hed ite origin in the oficiows intern “ of the Mewachaetis ~ Ernngrent Ani Sach tes whe, by their imterwention in the peso cerns of Kanens Territory, bad ete t the crtiaens of the Sath, a diately ae teret te to adeyA retaliatory ritery of Kemsas fron being aufarly = rato) Gor eectional ems Halt ben kft to le wt thed by the maturel wlan of cmnyrante fron» portions, there would have berm me antag be thoaght, amen the inhatatante of the Ter tery, amd the Kansans Nelombka act woul! bas borne the bem fierat fruits comter pleted by ite fr verde Mr. Devag!as trgmatiz «| the present ¢ of the ~ Pree State perty” im Kamen tem ling wards treason phd the dire necessity of vierts [oteteted it pon the enen of law and order im that Territory the eatren penalty denoanced agninet that crime. He he and believed however, that the Crovernn shich in repented ware had shown ite If power ful enough to cope eith foreign enema @ have no occasion to indicate its power lo puns ite iwternal foes by | deom awarded to traitor The Senator after eting Hpen them speaking for nearly three | So An very atte tive auditory buth in the Senate and the ge nes resumed his seat, Mr. Tramball then rose for the purpose sponding to a few observations move epeaker, and which be regarded as personal t himself. He excalpated bimecif from the vin] tation of having committed any parliamentary Im propriety ut discourtesy on the ocean # i he lately took for delivering his views ont Majority report of the Committee on Torntones That report had been published to the world before it come up in the S: wfte for review, anil the opportunity which be took for anunadvert ing ayon it arose in the legitimate order of bu finess in the Senate. Mr. Tramball then pro + Coeded w reassert and defend certain arguments he had before advanced, and which be deelarcd his colleague tailed to meet In the House or Rerresextarives a bill waa reported by Mr. Camptell, from the Com From th: Philede phoa News AMELIOAN NATIONALITY Can party isin tact, as ws ame, «Nations perty The resointions are as follows Wheres, The Amenern party of Che county of Brouke, ao tiat dou Whghtoned by the es winple of Washington and his cet paetrnets promdly recognize in them the tdestractibte 4 Jere of this maghty Re pubhe. and om ther eour sls the surest safeguard of ite perpetuity, and wherens, a combination of men from ally mittee of Wrys and Means, making approprin the labia re . t ’ aster: A i Hion. aided, and abetted by native mercenaries tions for the naval service fur the fi-cal year end dition,» ae have onder the garb of Dycrneeraey aied the mee ing 30th Jane, 18566. Mr. Benson, froin the at the moet of the tree of bberty, lowered the Committee on Naval Affairs, reported, with AN stara ind stripes of revolutionary | ide, ame subata amendment, the Senate bill authorizing the con Uited the msigmia of I aml tyrants, ba i ” h vaticot toe tlhe struction of ten ateam sluops of war. The amend destroved and taampled upon the be x ™m -nt ) poner] sanctuary of the popular w Ie have da Mt authorizes two of these sloop to be con Faved to unite Charch and State by their alaned wheels, 20 as to ensure great evepeed, The cotsideration of the President's eros abuse of protestantiam; have wi hountir ng veal songht to destry our syatem of popular ‘education, and have given their aid to. foster a! act as postmaster after the above mentioned date. Very respectfully, pours, dc, WN F. MURRILL. forvign policy in every department of the Gov | ernment, thereby debanching the priceless herit age of our fathers, nullifving our statues of re- ligions freedom, degenerating the popular intel- ligenee of our people, and finally, have foste discontent with our glorious union by inciting our own citizens to shed each others blood on {the virgin soil of Kansas, thus subverting and | ‘sectionalizing our common interests and making us an easy prey to the rapacity of our enemies. | Therefore, be it Resolred, That we pledge ourselves to main; tain inviolate the Constitution of the United | States. | Resolved, That to perpetuate the Union of the States is our highest ambition. Resolred, Tat a prodent: and legitimate ex ercise by the States of those rights not delegated to the federal government. is the spirit and tn tention of the original compact, which safily averts the fatality of consolidation on the one hand. and on the other, the sudicial cobsequen eos of a disclution of the Cuion, Resolved, That the State im independent of and owes no fealty to the Charch, and that all should be free te elhoose and exercise their own | method of worship: but thet no church. held in Vassalaue by oa fe be cneonraged on pr toleration. | Resolved, That we freely weleome the honest | and inlustrious foreigner who serks the asvlum * temporial prince, should noted to the predjudice of oar religie of liberty for the love for it—-and that we recog nise in that clas American patriots with whom we willingly share our liberties and our fortunes, | From the American Organ A SENSIBLE LETTER Oxstow ©. HL. N.C. Mareh 15, 1856 Sin :—The office of postmaster al thin place you mast be aware, is not now, neither was it ever one of very great pecuniary gain The contrary, rather, bas ever Leen the case, and the master ia never half paid for the small ameunt of work whitch m necessary. The © comvetie nee of the thing "is its only recommendation, and thas | was induced tu accept the same. Under th se crreunstanees TD niust confess iy disp Liew to be tm anil humer on hearing ao often “that 1 beiny a Roow Nothing, was only per mitted tennant effet eutseqmence of Ul shave stated facts.” Tu these aayings, however T prad ae Lethe attention as the nature of th case would admit, aud my week yedgment could bret ate cuning as they did frum weaker, and ee Were peeyuliod miu than t wo Ohm will amy power of any Nature ahowk! ver have Leen intrusted. Tn the | was mmtek en for, although vou have taken the troul publeh what vow and your Locufeco friends al correction” of Mr Puvear's statem. 6 aA cvuri ration between tome and that Ube peat dhs at the same ime, pa what Tomah d suppose every candid reader must whe for nerflic toes hat the statement was suletantially true, w bee ime al DNmcera otf. rend for ny Fevm wy thas Utter ta barrage mov ¢ © with rw Amenes arty, aml omy readiness tu tn at tees « wt jaat tt T scr at mimes part with the pe stetes of t sforesanl ~ mb "” inust abot teouse yuu for ae ctto pay that attention t ) terte w bh Law carmeatiy ow avd yuur Lamrdaes frre 1 \“ [have impa ‘ t | , 1th # { € rf j ' an th - . rit mtaker sof y ny feast beteasly 2\ bre an my rer . th tier” sloakt have been ober d You _ 1 i] at ' ar V day rederr at che 1 for pernenpet tems foo * vou have t eal eu mucticcrdit (rome tid te " mAdent of your having per feortives ay duty, that there pred. nee eas over se | vans he, 8 hope ted t wy | aif ar ks whore they . rly ow the w My wm ac net be grante! ) fr : la a ae {tor bo | ur « ' niedow atm determina n axe! 1 fh, f pres a~t baie eb r arn se as» * a.« f wer t | “t ] be { know u ' VL farthfelly disehany: ' \ «tw aii your mtter yw hd A ' ee | ’ * ‘ a anit rn atrl st me " . Ir wl ez tor ail Know N ' aly Co ee DA moet” yon . 1 ’ any ‘ ha = with muses on gra ene bomen ' " n of stripe oe ooffi ane { another Very often have I een packages " 1 “1 ons ln volte. t tter rote tell ated het Hills so ff that a correct per u Chie samme is an accident if ever effeted Dbrese faretta cere ter bey J rotheer Choon abvasedd: but roboreg of the mails as a matter that should Bees ot ‘ " f all host nen melon pried dove stten t the departiner Lave never known soon ‘ tf deper AL boot no the mals as roth nt present, and, no fre ae | rheard. t prepoe autlernities have nade no attempt to rig the ye Voomes ter pustne T drave heard of many robberies upon the mals in places dis tant from: bere, but now itis newt to impeossitd fora Je letter to reach its destination, whet sent from hereto Rateagh, No ¢ Phere have been two sent that place trom hore the reception of one, Tdmow. and both, Tthiwk, have Deon deemed over the signatures of the proper «Tad Lino ether inetive in designing arelease from the office, PE would not) willing!y ntof a power which sutfers such of vo unpunished, even unchased. These ere with me sufficient reasons to justify my d torminaton Thre present ywarter will end on the 31st inet. vot them Poexpect to discharge my duty, and noomore after that date de Dintend t+ reecive anymore nails DP opresume this will be timely notice of my intention, and you can act as you choose about the appintment of some person to SALISBURY, N. C., APRIL 1, 1856. First Assistant Postmaster General, Washington city, D.C. THE ORPHAN GIRL'S PRAYER. [et me go to my home—I am weary of earth, Not a friend bave I left in the land of my birth ; Let me go where the bright waters chime as they flow With the songs of the angels—O there let me go. Let me go to my father—I remember the day When the bell sadly tulled as they bore him away ; And I watched for bis ¢ ming, when the sunlight grew But he came to me never—to him let me go. Let me go to my Mother—she calls me away To the bower that is green with the garluods of May, Aud I know that ber heart doth with love overflow For the last of her househuld—to her let me go. Let me go to my Sistere—I'm fading like them, And dark ov my forehead is growing life's gem ; I shall Lowe them above as I loved them below, Their sweet vences call me—O world, let me go. Let me go to my Brother—I wept when he died, And longed to be laid in the grave by his mde ; I's been weght in my heart suce they laid bum so low, Earth » last tic was brukea—to him let me go Let me go w my home—as the lone movatain bird, To « sanmer chine wheo the bleak winds are beard ; Let me go where the bright waters chime as they flow With the eungs uf the angels—O there let me gu! Thy mght w= dark ; behold the shade was deeper lu the old garden of Gethsemane, Whee that ca my vuice awuhe the weary sleeper — mide (bow put watch one hour aluae with me 7 Mt all earthly things a gainful kes? What Uf we alweys suffer trbulation, dif thy Chretien warfares never cease the quect hb biiatoe Shall gether thee & hat Jesus once himaclf bath gone nee threagh ths dark hear only oe duck hour before the ¢ rer many upbraid thee, Ilan whe trod the wine -prees all elome ; buman eal & comprehend th m line of the reced told path though hast » bow fergotion all thy walk among the ebiidrr n + (rod thew de dre suen rean thee beeauee a per art et cammty kuduag epward in Father yrelded back a thavsand fuld irk and patnfil hour, » a popular German Melody morning opea her golden gatea Ever deck'd the floral grove, Than she, the pnde of hall and bower The lady of my love The eastern hulle are fleck'd with light, By love and truth sostamed, for flight, While morning opes her guiden gates From the Philadelphia News. PROTECTION TO AMERICAN LABOR, The Protection of American labor against the | the Americav Party. It now stauds alone in| support of thi measure of the Washingtonian | |poliey. The Democratic Party, acting under | stepping-place a large number of new the guidance and influence of British importers | passengers got on, standing up or lean- | ‘and cap ists, is hopelessly committed to Free | Trade, and the Republican Party has thus far | wholly ignored the subject, while many of its! must promivent leaders are knuwn to be with! the Demoeracy for Free Trade. Tt has been truly remarked by a cotemporary that protection of American [Industry seems to | find no favor with the present parties, if it is not | found amongst the Americau party. The bogus Democracy, as is well known, gues for reduc ys | the staudard of wages in this country to that of the paupers of Europe. This, says tbe Lancas- | ter Whig, has been publicly proclaimed by Mr. | Buchanan, and will probably be the great rally- ing cry under his standard, where all who will let vput their Demucratic blued will be invited to rally, Neither dues the Repubhean party take ground iv favour of this vital principle in Ameri- can polities, They seem tu have forgotten eve- rything but the cneroachiments of slavery. That question ts with them the all abso Ling one — and so pear have sume of its leaders gut to the bogus Detnucracy on all other points, Uhat they are quite as runpaut for war with Rugland. aud belluw as loudly fur a rally of the claus Ww pro tect the Musquetuties frou being roasted and eaten by British canuibals as the politcal specu lature whe thiuk » war the only means by which they can obUon fat jobs and amass fortunes. But we are glad to olserve that there isa class of our fellow citizens, who bave not forgot ten the subject of protection ty the American ba borer; whe are rsulved Lo sustain no party Lwhich ignores or dudyes this yreat question, We published the other dav the address aud reylutions of a meeting of working men in New York City They complain, and very justly tow, that all of the political parties save Une American, have cutitely ignored the claims of the Working Men of the Country, while all their attention is directed to pegro slaves, The truth is, the contest for and against slavery whieh now rages has entirely absorbed all other questiot wm far as it regards the Republican and Democrat ic parties, while the great ques tor protectiva to American industry and le bur, the questivn which i pre-eminentiy Ame- nean is left where it of nyht belongs, in the hands of the Ammencanu party. Tt ts tu Unis party that the laborer, the mechame, and the mane facturer must look ty for protection amd sympa thy All other parties @ho are loukiug to for eygners for favor and support, must, as they have dome, iguor great Amenecan question of sas tatuing the best interests of oar country ayant the rurwous competitive of fore count nes Nod theme who expect to lave th hts main tained and protected shoukl umte at oace with the Amernanm party, engenimad fur and pledged to this oly et We hope to see the New York movement followed up all over our country Stupendous Forgerics.—A member of the I sh Parliament named Jobu Saditer, lately ’ “ fier baxine is eo vinmiitioed) saree after baying perp~trat dd fur series and frauds tu the amount, as is beleved, uf alwat five mulhons of dollars Hes f nguished by the mast wonderiul =k» skill ded mot enal, m to evade the rualty denounced by ser A the transgressor te hand for see the end n owing extract from the London Mornay ' T ‘ f self J was. it ws believed reetptated by th tan { four bd ts of dewuds pba purchase Of ove tothe cncumtered estates, who bad advanced £10,000 to Mr Swlher, having, on Saturday estoy ver Trek ett oe, have he purpeme of having the deed reagstered, Mr Nellicn endeavored to frustrate Ub tenbun of party, bat Guled. On the Continent, too, “ his trate Gons Wer ' g aiart pr Vala * mheore bemavine ‘ IDarnpetead Heath, wher - Nistet ' ie ares 4 “ ' u Ulore Bln eof any human te snaided and - eistest. he commited the must distr al crimes vf which it was pamsible to be guriy 5 that these enmes must now be dreovered > and as they eould tneolve the mun of andreds of raneces farvetlrea, be had profi rredt 1 rating than wit news the sufferings which thev must endure. I a aeitet se € live Cewtt nten plated by Mr. Sas rhor suine tine before be ‘ hocmct tar he melincelo= ay hue Doom ne” and * vy oren t thronyt t 1 ' yet hapter ou th seenit pe fl ra nds, when be tu down the page orf he had made up bis mind The frauds of Sir J Pani Stratan & Bates are t ‘ site noat ’ they ' ‘ 1 w “ They de ‘ ’ ! vy tu Wess ny nity ated Grek s as work er beture witnessed over every other Medieme Case!!!—Emily Walton, age Waliut Street, Cincinnati, sutfere Yi and often from sick headaches, tottermns of the limbs, nambness of the whole body, and other symptoms which very much alarmed her fond parents, the actual name and natare of the complaint puzzied eve ry one, it bore snch a variety of aspects, and consequently there Were a vanity of opinions on the subject. Three months ago, the mother boldly went te work with Holloway's Pulls, which very qu ekly per s the formed their part, for in’ six. w young lady was in possession of the most robust health; after every advice and medicine had failed. They are an excel lent medicine for young ladies entering into womanhood nd the Family Circle. ‘NUMBER XLIV. Death im the Car. |fell forward heavily into onr arms. The With my hand close pressed by meer lemon sya: Sold he eate-one | Fuinous degrading competition of the pauper la- | friend, I bade him good bye and sprees | The shriek of the. mother as she wae | bor of Europe, is one of the favorite measures of Upon the platform as the train wound made aware of the terrible trath—so full of heart-beoken agony—will not be for- gotten for many a day. She swooned and fell heavily apon the floor, We carried out the wasted form of the |sleeper, and then the insenaible mother. | Fagt and hotly our tears fell, as we strait- ened ont the attenuated limbs of the con- ‘sumptive, for we thought of the mother’s out of the depot. Tue cars were erowd- ed. Every seat was full; and at the first ing against the seats in the passaye-way. | Every window was closed, and the stove glowing red with heat. The air was close, oppressive, almost suffocating.— The strong and nauseating stench of ram | : ., | bitter waking. and tobacco ‘fusion’ seemed to gather like | a hat ed 8 : s . The sick one, wandering back over land 4 Vapory miasina between us and the dim- | ly-Lurning lainps. We had been dozing fated sea, te dig'at home, 268 wet Same Se K js ’ : : te bat awoke with a choking sensation — |e" far. Use tor Ber =e 8 Sere bas The wind lent pai ‘yf i , [not to see him alive. He was taken to od SALTO Pat Fatsed had been Clee! his home in the hearse instead of the fam- ed by some one afraid of Grod’s pure air. |, A = ite : A ? ily carriage. Not wishing to coumit the impropriety | We thought then, and still think, that of letting fresh air in too suddenly tf i anfbciont pure air, the boy might on the fragrant embodiment of personal have lived to lowk apon weer tee in, ee mihcht ad badge Spon TW Other) y perareed kur holy kiss, and died with ney ar nent, Se ele yet over his weary head pillowed in ber arms. 1 7 4 He was poisoned in that foul and heat- 2 1 pen.— 7 platform, When we returned to our seat, \“* Lectis Caxues. | Life [Uustrated. we found that an Trishinan and two strap | two dirty bundles, and three young ones nore 80, and staggered out upon the} | eet ping boys had been ‘practicing ‘squatter | Suffering on a Railroad Trein.—A Ballade l-tter gives an aceount of the terrible suffering of a large number of passengers who last week left, Honesville fur that city in the cars, The writer says: ing movement he attempted tu raise the PF derlagtad rears f ly ~ — ratios bo ork city ruad, and the passengers tuok the Erie window, but had not sufficient strength road to Duokirk. They lay at Perrysburg from to do so. Promptly patting our land | Momday noun till Friday uight, where they could get no beds and very little to eat, There were I : : 520; gers and 400 employers who took in high as it would go. Like a child thirst-) the enrs all the rest they could get. Daring the ing for water, he raised his lat and lean- | time two children and one young man died, aot eutirely from cold and starvation, but fatigue jal bad air, and being sick when they started. One ledy whe was on board reveived a cheek. ic deepath that she had three children fying il ‘Thank you sir, he said feebly, and |“ scarlet fever in Ilinois, It was impossible to ' si describe her agony at the constant detentions : and long delays. The care frequently us. ‘That is so blessed—I was vearly | off the traek, and when replaced the wind fainting.’ | drift the snuw upoo the trark and render it im- ‘We can't have that window up! powible to prucved. We had the supertatend ent epon the train and five looamdives to draw growled a burly old passenger, whe look-| u. but there were sowe enormous drifts. One ed as though he had vitality enoagh to! of them ans 30 feet deep. withstand any storm. ‘Put it down, | 2 Se sir" | Murder of Capt. Stevent.—The remains off The invalid hesitated, and tried to look | the late Capt. H. E. Sterens, clerk of the steam the beor in the face. The latter, with! er Olio Bells, arrived here veterday morsing- an oath, sprang up and closed the win- | from Cariv. in charge of Mr. Fee, an offer of dow. The old passenger closed it. Tak the boat, Hy» informs as that a panenger came dat Smithland and mgistered his name as Smith, presenting a twenty dollar note, i= payment for his fare. Capt. Stevens refused the note pronuuncing it ecounterf&it. Seith after- warts presented it to the barkerper, and mat to the barber, who aeked Capt. S. to give him small notes for it. Ele agaia pronunuerd it bad, whee Swith offeret a ten dollar nate, which likewise counterfot, When the barber inferrned Senith of the f he bf the barter shop and paced the catia, abusing the boat, and Capt Stevens par go vile and lnproper language ia Sull the wood was crammed into the heannyg of the ladies, Capt Stevens informed steve, and the het, patrid: air, frenchted him that his condect was muffersble, and as be with poison, was inhaled by the foolish bad violated the rubs of the Loat he must leave passengers. In the ineantimne the invalid | the calan, and bed him oat through the forward had leaned heavily upon oar shoulder, | half doer to the boiler deck, when Smith palled feebly remarking, as he did) se, that he 008 * Pstol and shut Stevens the bali entering hvac ‘ct fart his heft heenet, in the region uf the heart, produ. ‘Lonly wish to live to see my inother, cing simost iostant death. After he Gred Smith who will be waiting for me at the de pote hurried to the harricane deck. Stevens follve- The care tthpped at the vsti ol him several paces, whee he fell seaselesa— He was immediately conveted imto the eabia, within tem minutes. He did not wt a word after he was shot. Smith was cap- tural on the hurricane roof by Me. Rik-y, second . clerk, who chastised hom severly, and was ia Close upon the heels of the runner, a ib f puching him overboard when others interfered and bownd the prisoner hand and sovereignty’ upon vur robe and seat, and excluded us from the territory. Near the middle of the car was wn in- valii—a consumptive, from the land of geuld— going home to die. With a grasp- upen the cateh, we lifted the sash as ed forward to catch a breath of the cool air which rushed in upoo hile faded turned his languid eye gratefully upon ve how Ing our seat by it, we raised it a third time, and placed our shoulder under the sash. The old passenger stormed and finally went to the cenductor with his complaints. The passengers, imagining themselves freezing to death, all sided with the well man He closed the win dow and yx remptonly forbade us to raise it again, brutally remarking that ‘one sick man’s whims should not freeze whele train to death heularly, wen ‘Twenty minotes for refreshments, said uhete he the eating-house runner, Stull the tava id stired net. We theught him asleep and did not attempt to wake him acto fire lemok nig ady followed, and passed throngh the car She returned and slow: ¢ . confeing him on the lower deck. The Vv ped where we sat, locking closely. gatement and indignation among the passen- and anviously as she did’ » She Was yore was immense, and threats were made to evidently disappe uted in the objcet of drown him forthwith, After he had committed er search, and stood besitatiig ) tn the the foul marder he stated that bis name was a car door VooJones, and that he reskled in Mossreerppt. — for aorne one & we When he was informed that he killed Stevens he replied.“ Well, Twas drunk. He is not the first man | have killed.”-— Cinernnati Commer- * Were you lookir ventured to inqnire *O, Vea, gir, for my GON, When we ex pected on this train from California, Bat 7" eee I fear he is sick,’ ' , — n - e . Ro ae a A GOOD PRACTICAL JOKE. = ere ts gee iwleman s cep on omy i An Engl sh paper tells a story of a sei- arin,” we Teplice 1, ‘he sm stranger, ane entific lecturer, wheme popular diseoarses } ay be thie ¢ A "4 an medicine and the varions aciences " therewith connected, had given offenee to She qui kly caine forward and pee red the more ‘corthadex ” members of the nte the face of the sick man She start. profession, A conple of embryo M. D's resolved npon testing his medical skill. They accordingly called apon him. and, ne of them, a tine healthy young man, with a rognish eve, complained of certain ains in the chest, a congh, night sweats, ke. The Doctor heard his oh asked a wHiriiiredcitcannat ber number of questions, and, after a long di- p agnosis, declared him to be in deep con- : suinptien This was jrst what was want- ed, and the young gents conld hardly elas thon acorpse had met her yaze A strange, pecu ar fer thrilled over hed her conntenance Nive gently from the sleeper’s The sleeper’s arin laid over the end t the seat, and upen one of t gers a heavy dianond ring glittered in control their mirth while Dr. Mill wrote the light of her lamp. She saw the germ, los preseription, sealed it up in an enve- and almost) conclusively snatched the lope, and directed it to one of our fires hand Acai prete he vig © cere. chemists, pocketed his fee, and bowed : * them out of the room. To the chemiat’s and she saw ber own miniature er gt they rushed to enjoy the pent-up laagh, to her boy when he went from home and hand ng him the note, he read :— ‘Its him! vs bint Wake up, How. * This young man is suffering from cerebré and! You are home again, God be prais hernia inthe region marked * self-esteera’ by phreiolocists. Pray, therefore, give him common sense, it grains; wit, i . drachin; borsewhip, ap libitum—J. ML” sonnd of a mother's voice, Asshe lifted We hardly expect ‘hy Doctor will get his head tenderly from our shoulder, he another professional patient here ed! The carriage waits.’ Bat the boy did not wak+, even at the OL eine -_ THE ATMOSPHERIC TELEGRAP IL. When the world, says the Baltimore American had recovered neasurally from the almost overwhelming wonderment produced by the achieve , we may ments of the electric tel suppose that it was fully prepare {toaward to that discovery the title of ulécaa thule other inventions, of all invention. That and great ones, would follow inthe lapse of time, was —than any pared with this would be ed jinpeesibie. It was reserved for Mr Morse to reac hh the t eum t po the world of invention, and win tals mag nificent trophy for the first half ce:mury Sach speculat Iso are likely to prove vate ctheclu itions of old fogyism. Ao greater inn Morse is at hand. One Ts. Nichard gon, by “craft or cunning, Wie Deca orto earlier day would have broug to the rack, pro} mail matter frum tl to New York within the perma of sixty or at the rate wses to transfer t re CITY minutes, ute, Mr. Lic gress for au appr in doing this thing na bill was report provides that the propriated to enalbic eral to test the pr ness of 1 8S. Ric teleyraj } t ameter, fo States mails. * An operative mo Jel,” 25 ft. don members « ap Government, in ch ne trans} ts tters, } a speed o a certainty and safety whether curved or on a start vine. * With this yreet speed, there are tiens on the line atu 1 the loa stopped amd Cilia! space of tine, a to another a] Vanetii is as casv as to appv Line in any other turin, ahd as progressing, Lie atinosplic 4 obviated. “ The } i ealenlable friction, sufficient!) great to crea’c heat. “The engine, te tionary. and the power used t iw tlie and their ayppurienances is saved “The actual cost of transportation is no more than one-sixth that of any of vet nuer method, and more than ten Sens fast.” The following short stat eat ne chanical facts respectin, t ie Telegraph, is ¢ 1. The a fuer hnndred and f tw 2. Tie pressal ! each in 1 peands, ¢ Uraws sever 3. A tw t ¢ r, forty 1 long, conta 13 8 H ar 4. On parny ler, twent feet diameter, at v feet : ta ex thou i « teet Iw fs i ox v v tions —6 sensation of ak TIN WEDDINGS. | : ah The editor of the New York Weekly Carolina Jatchman. Observer has been to a “tin wedding.” If our reader will be quiet, in three min SALISS GLY. N. G: utes they shall know what a “tin wed- wa golden wedding is the San | TUESDAY EVENING, APRIL 1, 1856. » fiftieth return of these are scarce. commemoration of a couple’s marriage = The * Silver Bridal” is the friendly cele TERMS OF THIS PAPER $2.00 CASH. the nticth return of twe FOR PRESIDEN MILLARD FILLMORE, NEW are less seldom. A sa novelty, but it should Y whoever reach the fifth f their irriage are at liberty oF MoTGors payehlins GAULT Buy BOUT FOR VICE PRESIDENT, ANDREW JACKSON DONELSON, YORK, m were presented, nN !s in turn, with va 1 tin ware such as are em Gt TES NEEEE hendly useful im household) eeonemy, making together a complete set of eculi uld do hunor WILIG MEETING. | re will be a W1 the Court House in Salisbury, on Mon day of May County Court. All the old line W are requested toattend. There will be several addresses delivered. nary apparatus wh even toa king's kitchen, Meeting held at monies Were con hese SC} wale Cer d by a formal sentation of anor ntal service tin,” pre pared alter the inost approved form and fashion of an address was de n, both per f , das much few \d impart covered with silver, during which livered and 2. “Captain Ericsson has not aban- solemnity as the loned his caloric engine; but has just At the sapper, the ty plates and dishes only of tin; ham, sand ' completed one for a manufacturing estab- lishment. The Journal of Commerce says WIC wes were laid out against a tin back- | 1: homel 4 y ’ ~d in by = . ape a . Mme eet cake was served ubask-/that it bas realized within a fraction the f tin; cider was dipped from a tin . , ’ : eyes } ] expectations of the inventor. , into tin caps; and familiar odes were performed on trumpets of tin! In c—* t, there could not have been imore t Farav Ram Roap Accipent.—A_ sad y other place, except in a tininats acgident vecurred at Thomasville, David or in the mines of Englan . son County, on Friday last, resulting in the death of Mr worthy young man, lle tilled the > gv thorough Wituiam ALLEN, a very aged about 20 yer of brakeman on the cident, was in the “cutting off" a Vhel . ) ear. Before he had vot clear, the trait 8 ONC ' tr } tarted, t wohl m the track and he was run over i ng thigh lles, 1 1 e hand. Ii r Wis putate Ve } « t c ( ’ VW > \ . y DD Conia ‘ 1 eve con un ent | sth y \ y w 5 \ v 3 ac ‘ 1 w ea .! thie st adage . It try ‘ ac} eat, a er n Salurday ) “ , ° 1 cor ancces ‘ ; Fe ICE H ( life There as to how vave af »atdeath! We walked } . 5 n¢ i t 1} e deceased, ether a ree minutes in silence I ’ el | ‘ r C it “ eT Vot one! I have se eee 2 : Oe nen,” he said, ‘bee rich as if | BL Le ee rhand,t ! in afterwards reach a high posi sual notice tl ong ce 1ati Lot tr e the train until he re « se even ety } ; 1 ‘ } IVE r The case, if it ha “ 4 s be si \ CcirrCculhstal ’ ’ A ae A i 3 y « vated pa 48 : 1 iis I Di On § A 1 \ 5 r ‘ 4 y 4 X ‘ i oo: i sy ‘. : z j N \ ry pa v 5 Ace 4 ‘4 Il rn i ' 4 Av, Wa ya ev al small ane r acheiner i r The me a of party 5 ] rise ue ‘ Su t t a r ‘ ves $ CAS rder, arson, and perjury Pen < . i ‘ w ere 4 ‘ ‘ ‘ ad ‘ ’ I wow 1 ( A that |e . ee Vv . A thea p si \\ sof Rox t +o: a thate it] E } \ M ' ( i i J \ o- aa - ; I \ ( ) ' - \ ( CONGRESS. | | In the Senate, the deficiency bill reported From the National Intelligencer, of March 26. from the Committee ou Finance being uuder con-| | sideration, Mr. Weller moved an: ditional ap- | propriation of $50,000 to provide for the engra- | ving in the best manner and under the super-| vision of the Scoretary of War of the maps ac- | lcompanying the explorations already ordered to | be published respecting the more southern routes | of the contemplated Pacific railroad. The intro- duction of this resolution gave rise to a protract jed and rather discursive debate ou the merits of this particular proposition and on the general | expenditures of the Government, esp cially in relation to the matter of book publishing, which latter, it seemed to be gencnely considered, had in many instances been carried to excess, and Senators very generally uyowed their determi nation to hereafter subject allgsuch propositions serutiny to the strictest Phe pubReations in connexion with Wilkes’s Exploring Expedition ervations Wi Sou rced and Gilliss’s Astronomical ( America were particular!y as examples of works which had invely dd anexpenditure not contemplated by Congress in origivally author r their utterance under the auspices of the The scien 1 lications secined, however, to be Croverniment. value of these | adinitted onal! hands, and the convict was expressed t) as to the Wel they did honor to the cou he motion of Mr distinguished authors, ler, proving as it did for the publication of en y of the built yraved maps exhibiting tho topo: rap country through whiel ry be to our Pacific possessic ight on a brief discussion as to the practicabuity of that great enterprise, which ow Yrmed by M Rust and contested by Mr. Clayton, tl ' regarding it rather 3 ble than pres f the ¢ r wh s ) pass At tl i this }iseus in which many Sena tors par ated, Wr. Weller reminded the S te that his par ir prosition seemed to hay en lost: sight of he’wide range taken by bate, and, on calling for a dircet vot s j was Mi it - \ { rtar wa \ Mr H rf ( fw with t . { al ‘ Thisw h abl Ar Vy protes by Mr. a expe ¥ eataliia ner nl f ] S WAS 4 ' ’ r on a J H was mate t committe atfairs kK s—Mr. Camp!» trust, and Mr. Shera f RCALICY Amonzst : ¢ a a “<9 ‘ - 5 aioe ra F; f ’ ’ th , a } uv }inaking appropriations for the payment of pen-| and gave the Union?” gical, metaphysical, and moral, ana ysis of the LB The “MN. C. Standard,” after mention- African and Anglo-Saxon races, for the Purpose | ing the naines of some Whigs, who, it assertar of showiug that the alleged inequality between | have joined the “Foreign Party ” otherwise called then was not generic, but the result of that Jong | the demoeratio, remarka servitude which had debased the former, He : r avowed himself opposed to'the hasty emaucips- | “These geutlemen et oo so tion of those to whom liberty might prove a| 1850, Clay and Cass, ebster au ig curse rather than a blessing, but urged that hej Douglass and Badger, stood side by side, _ could never vote for the catension pe institu. | Out regard to party feeling, in the great effor tion whose tendency it was to degrade human then made to settle the Slavery question and labor, Mr. Butler then addressed the Sevate in |8ave the Union. ; : his usual and impressive style, and the subjecet But where was the “Standard” in 1850 “in was postponed until Thursday next. The bill) ¢hat great effort to setile the Slavery Question It was battling agninst joas Sp Tissec t nem A y < s e sivas was passed with an amen linent providing “Clay and Cass and Webster and King” nal for the widows of persons connected with the : : . f others, with all its might, denouncing the Com service in private armed vessels, The bill con- cerning the action of the late Naval Board and cated them, in the South, as “Submissionists.” Where would have been the Union in 1850, if the “Standard’s” great egorts bad prevailed! the resolutions on the same subject® were made the order of the day for Monday next, to which day the Senate adjourned In the HLouss KRSENTATIVES an inti s ordered into the gxpedience of amending regulating the diplomatic and consular seu found to produce inequal ities it its op mn. The House, at an early hour of the sitting, resumed the cousideration of the bill detining the rights of voters and the du- siohers of cl-ctious in the city of oe ht Dellver us from all such Uniou savers as the “Standard.” Ly the by, if we remember aright, when the pinch came Douglas dudged. Aud the immortal ‘TV. L. Clingman, we believe, voted against every one of the Comprotmise measures the wet system, Il baving ties of comm Washington rom the Speaker's decision as to the | fora vote upen an order for the | F A zelle. Some time was spent in deciding THE SPIRIT OF THE ROMISIL: PRESS, The New York Christian Latelligencer says: an Ay pea yower to recut I ! previou The Chair was sustained by nv G to 42 ! nthe motion to re- | “The following quatatous speak for the nasel vex, consider the vote secunding the demand for the! Phe viper we are haging has begun to lina, previous stot wats disareed to, ‘he mi ” RiSy oust ! PASSE a Phe main These quotations, we are coufideat, m whit be al juestion was then ordered, and several hours rer gee , ‘ cated do number, lad we Were constimed iu thotivns tending to defer the must indetinitely jugreased Wa nun vot The p ig question is the amendment tiles of Komish papers ut curman Vout they of Mr. HL. Marshall, of Kentucky, to extend the are sufficient ;” tine of residence after naturalization before being “For our own part, we take this opportunity allowed lo vote Pending this quest at 3 5 ’ y AUT i Des Ole, expressing our hearty delight at the suppres This : rene o'clock, the Huuse adjourned siva of the Drotestant chapel at Kome. hiro the same Varch 207k nay be thought intolerant, but when, we would ' ask, did we ever profess tu be tolerant to Trotest Iho Sexatk was not in semion, In they” Metror: . r Reeesesrarives a bill was passed antism, or favor the ductrine that Protestantisn sto the pubbe lands appertaining to the ought to be tolerated £ On the couuary we Ss | 1 Tlarper’s Ferry Armones and) hate Protestan tien —w detest it with our whol Fayett (N.C) Arver Phe House | heart and soul, and we pray that our av nb resumed the conside mn of the bill deG : : ration of the Lill deGin it may pever decrease. We hold itu lit Fielisof vown and the dutus b the Eternal ¢ vts ib the city of Washi worship repugnant to Cand tions had been disposcd of, the should be tolerated, and we are sincerely glad I bill was reeommitted to the Committee for the | that the enen: f truth are vo louger allowed oa nce umbia by a vote of 87 to 75 to meet together in the capitul of the Chiastiat Mr. Campbell, of Ohio, reported fror ; sf ell, o io, reported from the Com h ! ! worl *~ttsourg Catholic Visitor, 1845 mitt i\Maveand Mntiaca bUliakiie : workd.— 2 a ¢ itor, riatione for certair expenses of ae No goud government can ertst: without reh a | king appropriations for ion, avd there can be no religiua without an mx ude! apenses Lgquimtion, which be wisely designed fur the pru t "the fh i ve t yg 1 } 5 notion abd proicctivu of the truc faith Mr. Lane, of Oregon, called : ! Tul House, in an earnest mat Sees t t nhappw « of | f Yoo ask if be (the Pope) was lord tn the laud \ t o ; : - ferntorns, ths aud you Were in a minunty, i net in aun lers os : yetin power, what would we du to you [iat . - ) sa ae nid be alonicd we say, would depend on circunmtanes. If it t st steamer was fharruwing in would Lete fit the cause of Catholicism, be wouhd aires a urged the mlopt of tolerate you, if expedient be would mrt ‘ eee eUppression Of bOrFOl- you bamesh vou, tive you, and pussibly be mize s v ‘ a tall app : : ven bang you ul, be assured of vane thing F sis would never foe mobs of t - aha rious | . ' " , ! i a . Mu cao ha any “ Ce vu la Lire Ve & g wor ‘ j lew ' ; . . ber of 6 Sta ~ ala Lae oof 4 ” t . ’ ne 1 Ju / ‘ I d ‘ « * ‘ . ' ‘3 ' \ il " { ] dn ‘ . ( . ' ; J il . «5 \ eects hin ! ‘ f ‘ ' Ir . \ i ow of ( : 1 prived of Tiberty af . .. mnt tt atin Prown Re Oo } ps me | rive t a (Cath hrow ‘1 ! , \ 7 : / / 0) > 1 Jess respectable, and leak pony ' eye | promise measures and villifying those who advo- except the “Fugitive Slave Law."— Condord Ga . ° } have been since the Reformation s ant ‘pertiou. | larly within the last fifty er ene hundred years —since Lord Brougham eaught the mania of teaching them te read, and commanigated the disease to a large portion of the English of which, in spite of all our talk, we are too of. ten the servile imitators, Shepherd of the Vat, ley, Oct, 22,°53. ' You should do all in your power to carry out | the intentions of His Holiness the Pope, Where | you have the electorial franchine, give your votes | for none but those who will assist you in so holy |» strugyle.—Daniel O' Comnell, 1848, - 7 _ The National Intelligencer contains a letter from Senator Brown, of Mississippi, in reply to the criticism of a correspondent of that journal, j Wherein the effort was inade to justify. Britain’s infraction of the Clayton-Bulwer treaty, on the ground that while the words “to oveupy” mean one thing according to American lexicographers, they have a different meaning according to those gland. Me. Brown beashes away this Spe- jeial pleading —saying : } | “L did not speak in the Senate, nor do I how, jon the authority of Me. Clayton; but I now aa that if Sir Heury Bulwer, Lord Clarendon, Me Crampton, or any one else in position to kuow the facts, and who is authoriged to for the Uritish Government, shall take the ground that the words in the treaty were understead to mean | that Great ritain was to be left in possesion of such parts of Ceutral America as she bad tp possession at the date of the treaty, the evidence cum be produced (hat the words ‘not to occupy’ were defined by the Amerigan begotiator to mean ‘not to ike and not to keep i of the country. If the British negotiater, the niticl cabinet, or British ruinister, of any one suthorized to speak fur the British Government, denies that the words were so defined, our eowa- Uy should ask that every injunction of secrecy ~ retipoved, and that all the faets be laid befure the world.” ANOTHER PROPOSED CONVENTION, The Alabaina State Sentinel proposes that the \merican party of the Suathern States held a Convention at Nashville, Tennessee, on the 4th lay of July next, and place befure the ovuntry vun J. Crittenden, of Keu- tucky, and Jere Clemens, of Alabama, fur the I'residlency and Vice Prosideney. We are opposed to it ia wots. such men a sun The eandi- lates of the American party, already in nowina- bvu are allogether unexceptivnable, and will be supported with gvoeral euthusiasmn by the mem- mre of the party south as well a North No govd can grow out of the asemUliag of nme ( lt would not reevive wnce of the Svath; it would be am act towards the party in the whole the nominations would fail still born? am! moreover, Nashville, of all places, with the alur of Sos posi ble unr ention, Lee curt A baad country; coum yet bagenmg about it, i» the last uf spots for the assembling of an Ame- Cons ntion, We sappose nothing will s out of thee now muvement. The prupasi- nowill Le met with gemeral disfavor; amd if i¢ m iuite sulbeieut vitality to ensare @ ‘ nt ts decrees and nominations will be vik wreganied. The contest will lie betworn I ow axl the nominee of the Cinciomats ‘ ettrancous influences te the eve- Merald. tt lent anton arling oe Limk ¢ Th Ve are informed by a a sett of cu pellan are rowine a ~ustry, ander rather susp » creurstanoes, They seem to hare a great . ¢ hiichens and meyro houses, and a s~ tre a that they are of no x that clase of cer pupulation — ate od with petobs aml chula, ait Le weil fur oar ctluews to be ce oud rested —\ Yankee, on eBay 4 + 1m Sbarp<'s rite aml ole lend ae “Carpenter's estoppel at Lesiogton, Ken, amd bee rom hom by the cttaems, whe acted , warnzly to the Vankee, who was Now Englaed Eemagramt Ard The discovery was male ly socket. s 7 A vessel haw been New York, wh clandestinely leaving being fitted out for a alaver. Now York paper sare that thirty veanele atiivten m that port for that They tak slaves to Llavana, &e, ‘ ted les Ss wd i) S_ 1. Alben, the bending i ew tm NC and a most @- rn of that place, died . © the 15th inet, FIRE. 12 wk, fire was discover Mr. James C anak y,in tof the town, and before it evald n dwelling howse and kitchen, pr smith shop, mgging lof, a quan- 1 yellow pine lumber, block falla seal We regret to state s moanlerut @3.000, aed that there is vit Ib Tigration was anquestionably the k tliary, as fire had not been used Z a . a for a year cee ie} k RAILROAD, arn frown the Charlestum papers Usat the pany bas declared its contracts with Anson wn Co. forfuited, and advertised for new tracts. Maj. Walter Gwyon has been elected ( { } t | Mercury saya: We may state that the affairs of the Dhue ‘ ul a how In a very promising rihan ever before, and that ite tp rly ndvancemnent in confidently Ihe tunnel at the Stamp Hoase nhus Leen ent to the distance of 170 h and 6° feet on the other; while ir shafts from alove have been sank to ' Hither depth. The rock ia everywhere nbofia y not difficalt to work, but eom- and ceding po masonry to support the “>. \ RESCUE \t Dunkirk, a few day , A young woman wacircacued| trom party of Mormons, their way to Salt Lake City, by her brother Nhe brother was a sea captain, and, hearing that nother and sister had come to this country ve Mormons followed across the Atlantic in Lovertook the party at Dankirk, The moth hive) dred The Mormons of stance, but w compelled to yivkl 4a brother on the voyage. who avow | this icu the Silibast enterprises United Stat int are di t behoove give some | fore the cot ted by the | taken such cult to offer } UNITED | Terbays that can b Mensra, Fill liters and § the fanatics ia misrepre their electic middle grot if elected, section it m to the extn of why the men of all | la readi changes, we sully effort the Ameri Fillmore ws publican” | weak enous Here, at th wet the rev more Was « sloghtest ox of a chanbe serve well « J ty.” Bat | racy,” and lw be prusti Leet aata, It is aan be greatly nomi nalva and falsified og from « po doubt th \opeade mil; more and wineb bas \roveramen «tlerminals vue of the « which it ha nm pled j agiiators uf The W shich was I’ riwter to | tor of the | pom Pres late hina lo it Tot “Frankly » and | ment of the Suipped of (em tod ems lefure wa on nee ace, talkin thiaking of yen prs ab “What | fone, that | the kn nue?! VY al can or nen wl Il as be tak 4 the imter Can any of they wer e bokl, wu Constitatio s harren Weakmene, y I and purcha Gre Baron, Beeswax Reef Dunde Bartag Cotton Vars Corn, do. Meal Chickens Kegs ) dos Feathers, Flour, @ bb Iron, Swede do. Bag, hiacowr whey, in it could n, pir , quan- wk fall o tate there is Unat the Anson lor new ] elected 0 Dlue om ining” that its fidently House of 170 : while sunk to ry where ut comn- ort the woman ormons, brother ing that country Atlantic e moth none of yivkd to Tho London Morning Post (semi-official or ber of the citizens of Rowan a” ‘eetl hy ” ages cht According to previous notice a goodly nom- assembled at the an xrticlé eulling)npon{Europern govern- Court House, to: appoint delegates to the Con- pet they have setted their affairs atthe Yention to bi held at Groenaboro,’ on the 10th Conference, to turn, their attention to of April, to nominate a candidate for Governor, measuirys for crushing the fillibusteing propensities nd ratify the nomination of Fillmore and Dou- of the people of the Cuited States, We quote | elson. its conclusion + Te will be sald that! Englarid, owing to. her Austin wits ealled to the Chair, and 8. W. James | #endinents of the constitution whieb originated connection with the: Monyuito Indians and her | *ppointed Sceretary. The object of the moet: | 18 the Senate at this session—that which pro- ng of Jamaica, with other colonies in ing was explained ina few pertinent remarks. On | vides that any person who desires to exercise rsunal and a peculiar inter- est in a question of this description, aud that her motive in movting it, therefore, is selfish, Dut this is not the case, She apprehends no danger to any of her own colonies and the vicinity, has a | reaglutiona expressive of the sense of this meet-|s!uill Le able to read and write, unless prevented On motion of Dr J. G. Ramsay, Col. B.D. notion, a Committee was appointed to draw up ing in regard to the nominves of the American possessions, and | Harty fur President and Vice President, cousist- wantsno help from any other Power fur their! ing of J. F. Bell, jr, J. K. Graham, J. J. Bruuer defence. So far ar,her spevial intereats"ure con-| and corned, her own power is nore than sufficient for theig protection she enjoy that power lasts, will be seen ty enjc immanity from this species of danger. 1 & perfect Joseph Burris, Kay, who subsequently re- aa “ela | ported the following, which were ordered to be | eo | read: Resolved, That we hail the nomination of Tf England, indeed, were suspected of enter- | Millard Fillmere for the offiee of President with taiving any desire to establish an exclusive influ- | joy and enthusiasm because ws recegnize in him ence or authority in the territories of Nicaragua jatrue andl tried patriot : one whe has successful and Cota Rica, or in any other territory of the |ly administered the government, and sustained kind, there might be ground for receiving coldly | the Constitution and the Union during one of her invitation of other States to a joint action, | the must trying periods of our history, aud be- but she has disavowed this, aud her honesty of | cause he bas beeu aud uow is our ficst choice fur | SUGARS—Refined, 104@11—Crushed, 114@11}. purpose bas not been, avd cannot be, called in | question, It has always been her desire, as it must be the desire of every man of common hu- manity, that the States formed out of the old Spanish Territory of North America should be left In pence to establith themselves in a manner to improve their weulth and resources, aud to maintain their independence. She proposes this end only for the basis of the joint action of the | States who have similar views, and who avow similar principles. But it is against this jcular condition of South America that the fiilibastering —— popper h — euterprises are set on fuot by the subjects of the United tates The erally pe, 58 on this int are decidedly opposed to those of Europe. t behooves, therefore, the States of Europe to give some strong expression to thovw views be fore the course of action which has been adopt- ted by the people of the United States shall have taken such consistency as to make it more ditfi cult to offer sucecesful oppositiva. From the Philadelphia News UNITED OPPOSITION OF EXTREMISTS Terhays the best and must conclusive reason thet can be offered in favor of the clection of Menara, Fillmore and Dunclson is, that the Nul lifers and Secessionists of the South unite with the fanatical Anti-Slavery Agitator of the North ia misrepres.ntiv s their positive and opposing their elective. They are Union mon, occupy ing middle ground between the two extremes, who, if elected, will resist agyression, come from what section it may. This, of course, in unpalatable to the extremists, bus the Lest reason we know | of why the muderate minded and Unwa loving men of all partie should uwite in their support la reading our Southern “Lemoeratic” ex changes, we are often armused at their vain and! sully efforts to make it ay { the American Convention io pear that the olgect pominatiog Mr Fillmore was to secure the success pe “hke publican” nomnnee, should any one tx weak enough to acoept so unenviable a pos Here, at the North, the Republican 5 They more was chosen, nut bocaux shghtest expectative that he stxal the shatow of a chanbe to be elec serve well couagh te break down just the reverse. cuntetmd that there w u ed, bat because he wouakl “another par ty.” Bat bere they diverze fro th I mox racy,” amd say that the other party thas ww be prustrated is hess wien, ait, the A |) Ceentn emda, Its aangcemary fur us Lo os sal wes be greatly rejuiced if the result of Mr. F sominativa veriled the and Cabeibed the charges of the viher, and jul: ug from what % transjinez arcond « ' po dowlt that Nuveruber neat » Jectte lopeadeatly of all others —in favor of the b and Donelson onganizatios wine bas for its ares (roverament, the correction of | < abuses, the etterminatiqg of sectional sinfe, aod the r . uve of the country to Liat pesce and which it has been so lamentably depr principled pohucrans, femapernties agiiators uf almost ewaomptilas of | more party —ae “the penteatwn of the every stny WARD HITTING The Washingiwa Sentinel, ( tely removed from the off shich was I’ rimter tu the Semate to itor of the | upoe Presidemt Dierce— a 100 ,) bs hedate bite rt will net be for the want fo Jo it. Im that paper of Saturday last, 1( is on “Frankho Dierce has been weiyhed in lance, aad found wanting — wantin, F ve ment of the statesman or the p Jd <a Sutpped of his by pac i probs terestedaeas aad juwe for the —~ ‘ before us ome of the veriest Mm ego nes talking of nothioz. writieag of thiaking of nothing bat the a own private affairs “What has Mr. Pierce of New dome, tha! the masses of the [emo Ilamps} ¥ show low the knee, and worhip reverentially at hrs shone! What single great mn a he mad at can entitle hie \dminmtraion to th - men who love fair and Lonest . sf IIis be taken a sin ' 4 the imterest of the party t! at Cao any of the living, or f they were restore) to ' ¢ bold, unmistakeable Ldow ® Constitative and Ure mghtsofmant Lhe recor s barren —ateolutely barret adr ary desert weakness, pulitical cowardice, trea t nd and purchase of unworthy «1 THE MARKETS Saliahury, VC, Ajril 1 / Apples, Aried i) Miread, No 1. t ! > Green, Bi ow De Pur in) Baron 9aiow ° Co 0 Be swan N Oren Oats t N t ) “ 12) @ 15 2 ih > du Adamant Wats ’ ‘. Vat do Sperm, 450 50 O's Coffe, Rio, Wald Liners #125 do. Java, 16a148 T» re. F 00075 Castings PM, 4(@5 Potatoes, Inet Oe do, Malable 12g eb do Swe 75 @1 00 Cottan, #9 Rage pth, 3 Cotton Bagging ,-—- Balt jianck, M2750 3 Ganny, 20200 do hashel #100 ‘* Dundee, 15200 Sheetings, Brown, 4-4 9 Bartape, } bag $2.25 Cotton Yarn, Ms 40 45 0 Clover, j) bush $12 Meal, 45050 Flosered, 15 : we Yidos., O14 @ Np Sagar, Brown, Ia ted Kees) dew, Hall Loaf, I2gath Feathers, 30045 Crushed, 124015 Flour, bbl, Binh6 Chanfed, Oni Iron, Swede, 6 Tallow 124 do. Bar, 4a 64 Turpentine, Pgale7elo Ring. Refin'd 54 Wheat, £1.00 Moles, § Wool, 251 00 “Oval, FAT Window Glasa, Pt box, Vanrd, ou)! KY 10 #295 Tend, bar, ThaX 1060 19 e250 ! Dry White, 10 nt 2g that highest of offices. Resolved, What in Andrew J. Donelson, the | eandidate fur Vice Vresideat we recognize a man whose previous histyry in es, “indepen dence and patrivtism,” and one who has emi- nent claims ou account Of devotion to American principles to the support of the’ American peo- ple. Resolved, That the principles of the Ameri- can party as set forth in ie late American plat forma are entitled to our approval and support, Resolved, Vhat we Convention to assemble at Grecusborough on | the 10th of April to nominate a eardidate for | Governor and that the President of this meet ing appoint a suitable nunber of delegates to represent this county ia that Convention, and that we pledge ourselves to support the nomi- bee. Resolved, That our delegates to that Corven tion be empowered to consult: with the other delegutes in the Couvention from this Congress ional district, and to Appolut an elector fur this distnet and two electum for the State at large of in case a Convention is held in the district for that purpose, the said delegates to represent us in the sar That this couuty to | a meeti of the citizens of held oa Sapenor Ceoert to » 4 lurslay of our pext inate candidates for the Legislature ty repres rial district. Dr. Jus to thone t Ubis county and Senato- Hart was then call Il. by surprise, but he acqaitted himself handsome ed out to respond reas! ution was evidently taken ly; and by his Porting nt remacks, and able ad sucacy of the priuctiles of the Amenean party wud the chs tis of their candvlates for the Tow dency and Vice Pacudency, clicited reposted Aj plnuse Chi tnoboe the meeting =!prerned B 1) AUSTIN, Prea't. SW “ ost LATEST BY TELEGRAPH FROM MENICO New Oxrceans, March 26 arrived, with $2d besieged by i ! Texas has Tamirez y besieyg red to Capit ate at ¢ fort had rejected his er \ ti} va rut build a ‘ V Vera Cruz to the city of Mexicu TROUBLE IN WISCONSIN Mitwataim, March v¢ Crov. Rashford yesterday sent nessares e Senate and Ilouse, bat the former aijourtied % preve t 5 rece} Mia the latter refused, by fuar inajomty, t eceive it Acting Grovernor Arthur re es toy e way,and Dashford threatens force to obtain the pusiGen LATER FROM EUROPE {ARIAL OF STA VAR ( val HTaripa N March 2s The steamer (¢ atias arrived, with Laverjx The conferences had r rted progres and ‘ lica ghily fa a! pence r 1 | 1 ‘ Baron Ma vd g ! Mr ID 5 | v the \ a us ably ed i y ! a ca x ‘ 8 nest clative t Da an Principalities, ] \« frontior remained unset lL. Itw ‘ ported that the sould be re red to ¢ uw sioners r Cotton had ‘ jcet, and wer nlities wer r viadva 2s bd a Js oe NEW YoRnR MARKET Niw Yora, M Cutt al unit. w alos of lea, Flour t ‘ f 7.000 barrels t for © Cor a. | ye ose I ( FURIE BY UN NN New Yorn, Mar | ] ho xquvdron was pushing town a Wat wenordered t Theos 5 Dn fivetiier } \ j ; fY} ' bhiow std gi ’ ) : \ corres tof I u Times « hat an Amenecan ¢ r Compan x 1 tI. ' at \ ‘ ] ' g direct t bet \ ta t 1 Shatea. at <r ther articles, 1 ntimat ata aty mine ¥ soon be ned between the tw countries 1 i | f | ‘ that Russa has act ' Black Wer ' resees along tl as re EXCITEMENT AT NEW ORLEANS New Ontrass, Merch 29 I teamer Daniel Webster M at hire not anived, and at is f T she lin beens will be represented in the | ‘THE EPIDEMIC AT PORTSMOUTH. | — a The Transcript publishes a fist of those who a | hot , tell during the epidemic, The list ises of 1G FACTC ACHINE DE- ig P ¢ list comprises of} PLOUGH ance. - A iy one thousand and seventy-seven names, and fills : , 1 PEAL ST. near Fyiton, New-York. two columns and a half of a Transcript. ¥ JON JONES, PROPRIETOR. being @ practical Mech and having years’ experi in the fe of all kinds Voters Must be Able to Read and Write.— The Massachusetts House have passed by just |the requisite two thirds vote one of the new many respectfully call the aiiuxtion of Merchants and Plan- ters to his large and most complete assortment of the above Goods, which he offers for sale at lower prices than any other Houre in the trade. GUANO, BONE DUST, SUPER-PHOSPHATE OF LINE, PLASTER, AND OTHEG FERTILIZERS. ; March 31, 1856. the right of suffrage in tha, Commonwealth | —— ~~ + ao | Tea! 4D Eas Ble V J E the undersigned Commissioners, appointed by the County Court of Wilkes County, for the purpose of lettiug out a contract and to superintend the building of a new JAIL for said County, will ex- hibit on Monday of May County Coart, to be held on the firet Mouday after the 4th Monday of April next, in the ‘Town of Wilkesboro’ a plan and specifications of said building, and the building will be let out at the Court-House door, in said Town, to the lowest bidder, on ‘Tuesday following, all persons wishing to bid for the Contract are respectfully requested to attend. JAMES CALLOWAY, JAS. GWYN, JAS. C. HORTON, WM. PARKs, WM. MASTIN, 44:4t Commissioners. FBSLand for Sale! | he pursuance of a Deed of Trust, by J. F. Bagarly, I will sell, at Public Sale, at the Court-House in Mocksville, on Tuesdsy, the 27th of May, 1856, the Tract of Land whereon the said Bagarly now lives, | adjoining the lands of A.G. Cafter, H. R. Austin and | others, containing 1944 acres, more or less. This land lies within one inde of the Town of Mocksville, on We have not pushed salus | which there is a good Dwelling House and the neces- Dried Fruit is totally | ry ont-Luildiags ; and well suited to the cultivation | of Corn, Wheat, &c. A eredit of three months will | be given, on the purchaser giving bond with approved security. 44:3. liy physical disability. NORFOLK MARKET. | (Reported by Rowland & Bro’s. for the * Watchman *) Nonrvoux, March 27. | BACON—Hams, 12 @ 13. Hog round, 11 @ 114. | LARD—No. 1 and 2, 11 @ 11g. CORN — Mixed, 57—White, 58—Yellow, 60. | B. E. PEAS—90 @ 95. BEANS, white, 1.75@2.00. | FLAXSEED—1.65@1.70. COTTON—9@9}. FIOUR—Fine, $6.50—Superfine, 7.00—Extra, 8.00. Family, 9.00. | SALT—Liverpool, fine, $1.70—Ground Alum, $1.20 March 22, 1856 | DRIED APPLES—P 2sibs. 60@90. “ — PEACHES—# 40 ths. $2.50@2.75. HAY—Cargo, $1.10. REMARKS. FLOUR shows no more animation than noted last week. The accounts received suon thereafter were very discouruging. 1 will probably improve in the de- jmand a little, but any muterial change in the price for | the better is not looked for. hoping for a litte unprovement. | unsale able | - WILMINGTON MARKET. From T. C. & B. G. Woxru's Circular, March 27 | BACON, N.C.—fi g round, 12@124, good supply LARD—12@12}. BUTTER, Goshen, 30@33. Carona, 15 @ 20. BEESWAX, 24 @ 25. CAN | ryNi E subseribers have now on hand the most com- s athe plete assortment of CLOTHING ever be fure DLES, adamantiue, 30@33. COFFEE, Rio, 114@ | ofered to the pubic. Call at No. 3, Granite Row B. CLEGG, Trustee. March 26, 1856. 44:6¢ “al To Gentlemen. ia of Aca:cutvunsL Lartewents and Macuiweny, would | MILLS. 4. E. Mooss. 4, A, Btanepy Bi EoOWwy Eee ee AND NEW. GOODS. Mills, Moose & Co. EG leave to inform their mans friends and the public generally that they «:. now receiving and ming in the Brick House formerly occupied by ennedy & Mills their stock of STAPLE AND FANCY Dry Goods, Boots.and Shoes, together with all articles usually kept in a Dry Goods Store. They are ulso receiving the largest and best selected stoek of Groceries ever offered in this market all of which they are determined to sell at prices that cannot fail to please. P.8. THE HIGHEST MARKET PRICES paid at all times for Floir, Wheat, Cora, Cotton, and all kinds of country produce January 9th, 1556. 37tf NEW BOOKS. Just RECEIVED. Rose Clark, by Fanny Fern; Lessing's Field Book of the American Revolution; Good Time a Coming, by T. 8S. Arthur; My First Season, by Beatrice Reynolds ; The Hidden Path, by the Author of “ Alone scenes in the Life of a New York Surgeon, by Dr. Dixon; Prescott'’s Phillip the Second, 2 volomes; f} Memoirs S. 8. Prentice ; Abbott's ) J. H. ENNISS, Life of Napoleou Bonaparte. ook seller. Feb. 12, "56. 37 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, DAVIE COUNTY. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, February Term, 1856. Jacob Taterrow vs. Enoch Penry ORIGINAL ATTACHMENT LEVIED ON LAND. I; appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that SS aaa MOCKSVILLE MALE ACADEMY. HE next session of this Institation will commence on Wednesday the 20th of February, iust., The school is now in a very flourishing coudition, and the subscriber will vse bis utmost avors to keep it so and to sustain the reputation which it has heretofore enjoyed. Young men will be prepared to enter any class in the University orin any of our Colleges which they may desire. TERMS < ‘Primary Department per session of 5 months, $8.00 | Higher English Brauches, 12.00 | Classice, 15.00 JNO. B. GRETTER, A. B. - Beb. 15, 1856. tf39 REFERENCES, President and Faculty of the University; Rev. Drury Lacy, D. D, President of Davideou College ; Hon. Joho M. Morehead, Hon. John M. Dirk, Greens borough ; F. E. Shober, Esq., J. F. Bell, Esq., Salis- bury. DAVIE COUNTY. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, February Term, 1856. Zephaniah Turner ve. Enoeh Peary. Original Attachment levied on Land. T appearing to the satisfaction «f the Coart, that the defendant, Enoch Peary, is not an inhabitant of this State: It is therefure ordered by the Court, that publication be made for six weeks io the “ Carolina Watchmau.” printed at Salisbury, that the aid Enoch Peury, be and appeur at the next Coart of Plens and Quarter Sessions, to be held for the County of D: . at the Court House in Myekeville, on the 4th Monday in May next, and show cause, if any he ha said land should not be copdemned for the Fon of the plaiutiff’s debt, and sale ordered according. WITNESS, Caswell Ha¢bin, Clerk of oar said Coart at office, the 4th Mouday iu February, A. D. 1856, and i the BU:h year of our Iudepend: ace. C. HARBIN, Clerk. the defendant, Enoch Peory, is not an inhabitant of this State: It is therefore ordered by the Court, that | publication be made for six weeks ia the “ Carolina Watchman,” printed io Salisbury, that the said Enoch Penry be and appear at the next Coart of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, to be held for the County of Davie, at the Court-H« iu Mu: the 4th Monday jin May next, and show cau any he has, why the | said land should not be condemned for the sstisfaction 13. COTTON, *}@9} FEATHERS, 45.450 BROWN & COFFIN jof the Ff Uff's debt, and sile ordered accordiugty scarce, FLOUR, family, @.25, dull. HAY,N.C.,| Salisbury, March 25, 1836. 43:16 {WIT 3, Caswell Harbin, Clerk of uur said Court d @ 1.20 aoe ape ‘ RR ip N a | at office, the 4th Monday in Monday in February, cans, nome LGGS, @ 12 + peach, | D., 1856, a ra ‘ . 75@45. SALT, Liverpoul, ¢1.20 @ $1.30 | To Farmers. | . ae 56, aud in the bil year of our Iucepen | TFNHE subscribers respectfully invite the attention | © HARBIN. Clerk of Farmers and others, to their large and ele - By A. A. Hanon “p lerk >T MJ) gant stock of Staple aod Faucy Goode Their assort Price Ad 5.50 , 5 MARRIED, | ment is extensive and of great variety of style and . mee Fk Guts In Cabarrus county, March 20th, by Rev. 8. Roth. | quality. Call at No.3, Gramte Row. J nek. Mr WILLIAM BEAVER and Mua CRISSA] | BROWN de COFFIN 4 DR. W. F. BASON, B., danghter uf Mr George Leppard | Sakebury, Merch 25, 1656 ’ Ja tine County, March 2U, by the sane, Mr. JOHN DINTIST. P. EAGLE 4 Mes LEAH, daaghter of Mr. Heary OFrriCE NEXT DOCTOR WHITENHEAD'’s, Carpetings, Rugs, Druggets, de. Wi Klotta At Woods nville, in the vicinity of the Town, on the 30th alt , by Obadiah Woud Mr. BENJAMIN on to our stuck of the abov and varied, jast receive F WEANT and Mies MARGARET E KETCULE. | ed CalbarN Row. oe Tn thes county on the 27th ult, by Rev JS. Methg BROWN & COFFIN | Mr DANIEL E OVERCASII to Mae NANCY ( Salsbury, March 25, in56 43.af CORRIHER NEW SPRING & SUMMER DIED: In the Town, on Thuredey morning, at 11 o'chek GEORGE, the eon of Mr. George W. Brow about 1) years aged ty, March 17, ALEXANDER JO Salisbary, Mareh 25, 1856. y “ Ahm, com i Mr JOUN AUK) caged cise 68 prers “Ala ae the [nth Te sulecriber tiwra rele orig TOBLAS CRESS, § ( arrus, aged ab & Summer Gude, consutiug o sme “ oe ™ of avidann count Ladies Dress Goods ‘ Mia ELIZVE 1 Seen aly . Un tevery deecnption Hie stock of NEEDLE Wiwasa me s a and WORKED EMBROIDERTES is complet iu doe d poe A will of her tea wield reepectf ek on examination uf he & n * » 4 ans fa blest es nie ¥ m pe (om 4 the newest and In bes : styles Partieniar aitents paid to procaring Fash Ia New Orleans, Feb Jd, Mre FOSTER, © 7 at (omnle, wh t they have been minaluced Mr. Thomas Foster, formerly of Mockeville, N. ¢ why thie wee taut be fie ’ amelie: E MYERS aur 'f . WNEELY, MOCK & CAITHER, ; ‘aaa RECEIVING pf well haow QUIRE, ZIMMERMAN & ALLEN, Wheiesale Dealers ie DRY GOODS, T Roberts: & : 145, Market Street, Met Spleadid lwortm PHIL SPRING AND SUMMER P5800 yas w AYYYS 4 Jenkins ts of IDELPHIA Geoase N Aisas ‘ TWO HORSE WAGON FOR SALE. HVE OFPRREDIN WESTERN CAR Dares a Aids cater eis FIVE, subecriter hes an excelient new ten hore po mner adie olla aye wage which he affere vw for cach. or on terme 1 Re ne © wart tho perchaser giving good bond on ume Ca 7a “ S adcll at my house, 6 miles soath of Nalrebury Chaka. ilaeieg Pocderc Nk JOHN KENDLEMAN ae Sea ite Pre March 25, 1556 1w 43 rain \ seated aad Agere (il. Vases) Uivmaatis (oe + & &e A large stork crocenres , AMBROTYPES. always end Particular attention se called _ t large an er * . - e ° 74? are) papi W. P. HUGHES, wo LD respectfully eamoence | * : Nalisbery and 10 vieaty. that he hee ravene at the Rowan Humee, Al. bed.o mie randy : wi be ed at enparalicled low proces ie the f¢ work Thee wiehing work would do @ afl {we meat reapectfaily invite all! ne a, eS lah teint g ganis (hee eeamen to call and ¢samune our Merch 1%, Ino6 42 ancy sa enymng that we have an ha . ~ ffored at ome hee nd we are deiernuned tn | © 7 sh heeenn WD REYWONDS e walk the » { bayere cy ach ta stammtza hiaepochearg | ANDERSON & REYNOLDS, bury. MW hai aid siif . CROCERS, AND NEW STOCK ; Spring and Summer Goods Commission Merchants, KOR 185A NO. 10, ROANOKE SQUARE, . “T . LID RUPDwsi Ki, ‘TK LQ. R. & A. MURPHY, bese or 1 Pore bite a Beek Dress Goods FOR LADIES AND GENTLEWEN AND A 2 Wig i < ME umeoarares on “i RoOBAR” IWWEATI AN SW IIA CLO TILEN.G SALISBURY van . t (ROCERRIBS * ( Qorne ( x Crockery, & NEW Carriage, Bugg; and Sulky Builder, SPRINGESUER 8S cocinces 8 2S fl GOODS. < bi i " TALI v FANCY , t . ! « rt ‘ 1 v ‘ ‘ . \ mY } & ¢ ‘ dat la lors e nde M BEES Me RORIE & ’ | Ms fi 1 ° Sel emuaner et! LIVERY STABLE To the Ladies. ‘ a ; w DRESS Cire FIRILE enhecribere now Pr . Ses lenis ecard WeC AULEV'S HISTORY OF ENGLAND. they ha roffer Ha vat bela ty a JUNT RECEIVED-—The Third and Fourth V at A-amall fit yevonvite partienlar att ; : ‘ Br fj mika MAN TILE sO Metianlayelelirys eee wait r lateet «tf f RONNET REBBONS EMPROTDERIES, & Noo 3. Gramte Row { \ ’ vitifally printed and ¢ BROWN & COFFIN : ; ry; 3 | aalea fice BSVBS. 8. G7 Commuwueations through the Post Office, of otherwise, will be aitended to the first opportunity 300 PACKAGES FRESH DRUGS, MEDICINES, &e., &e. SILL & SILL, Draggiets and Chemists: oppewite Mansion Motel, LESBURY, N: C. | DESPECTEFULLY annoonce fering a! hat they are new receiving and flock f DRUGR, MEDICINES SURGICAL TRI arge und entirely fresh | CHEMTI( INSTRUMENTS, SSZES. PALNTS. VARNISHELS BRUSHES, PALE ( FANCY AND MISCELI ARTICLES, d h have been very ILS, WERY IVEOUS recenily seleeted by one of with great care, and escrupulvus regard to geraine ness and parity They deem it unnecessary to say, that it shal! be thew constant aim ereldore ert @ conuae ance of that patronage which has been s liberally ex ded fopw ’ tended to them and the gene y manif roas sympa thy =m genera abo heir bate feorten press herr profound and heartfe Talila STEADY. ef PROGRESSION anwary 22, 1 e TAG qt sUt noe +. Sx CITY, (KIBER has pi asure an T . &p ' . on d casting ke b 2 * ¢ Bin gle ¢ a few ears - I * ghe wards e with f) al bea far . grating we . streets “ heer heey eong . . . ° - = k dow . . I Bink e k * hea . ( . ® Wet . . 4 THOMAS EF. BROWN, poco. ANDREW BAGGAREY DiIVVLw & BUNCH. Calvir &. Dibble. Jor Con In Cotton, Flour tihan §. Muarce. , ercaatits | Yi Seuthern Produce Generally NVo, 100 F'romt S@troct, 2 FOV SS Das pe eo ye ee Gr EF} ' wm 8 u \ ‘ bey ROWAN AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. rity towan A | ae Rowan M i | you A \ I ' SOB LLIN TING igs trad al ft O free LAND FOR SAL By A. Hanmi, D. Clerk Price Adv. $559 6wi2 ly. I Lavine determined to sell off and move South, I offer my planiation for sule, lying om the waters of | Foarth Creek, 16 miles west of Sulisbary, adjoming a» Baker, and ot hers. The depot on the Western Extension must be near ‘The place has on it all necessary buildings in guod re- pair, Also» one good meadow. ‘The tact contains abont 350 acres, one half of which is in a high State of entuvation, and the balance is well timbered Those wishing a good bargain, must call sun. as I will vell on accommudstiag terms Persons calhng on Win. L. Steele, can have assist ance in viewing the lauds the lands of John 8S. Carson, Je JOUN W. STEELE. Mareh ith, 1556. 42uf Old Court House for Sale. TH undersigned Ceammimionera, hereby give uo- | uce that the vld Coert Heme in the ire of the Town of Salsbury, will be suid at public auction, at the door of the said building, oa Monday the I4th day of April vext, at 12 o'clock, Mo Six months credit, will be required. Other terws made kuowa on day of sale. JOHN F. McCORKLE CHARLES L PARTE, JOHN T BHAVER, with approved security, J.J SUMMERELL, DA DAVIS, Mareh Lith, IRS¢ md Commismoners STATE OF NORTIT CAROLINA, DAVIE COUNTY Courtof Pleas and Quarte Term Lemael G Uelton e¢ Jos ph Helton and others Petition to sell a riave for Partities. Sessions, February 1856 i appearing to the aatiefection of the Hehon, Wiley King and wife aughter of Lemar! Heltua, dee'd, Lorenzo Berry Etcheea, Willam P. Etehieon and chimen, ~hildren of Neney aad Jease Eich: d-chiadren of Lemuel Helton dee'd, Eaoch W hame and wife, the wife a deughier of Joe Helton, Lx sain com, Coart, that J.eeph the children of Elizabeth Gordon, are not ‘ahabitaats { thee State: Lis ordered by the Coert, that publ cauon be made for mr weehkein the “Cas Watch man for the saii defendants to be and appear at the nest Coert to be held for the Coanty of Davie, at the Court. Howse in Mockeville. on the 4th Monday ia May | oett, and plead, answer of demer to compl pants pe m, of the sam aase ert fir heanng ex part WITNESS, Caswell Harbin, Clerk of ear anid Court at office im Mocker the 4th Moaday ia Febrasr A.D, 1856, and ia the MOth year of vur Indepeo dence C. HARBIN, Crerk By A A. Haass, D Clerk Pree Adv — $550 6042 JAMES HORAH, WATCH-MAKER AND JEWELER, URE, N.C Ine deor below RM. & A. Murphys Stere, Ac EEE some y on hand a large ase etme WATCHES and JEWELRY of aff kinds Clocks, W repaired ta th SALIS = n and Jewelry A every deecnption, et mann and on the must reasona not 1y 38 FB. NE HUTCHISON, COMMISSION MERCIIANT. Charlotte, N. Cc. - Commotion Cotton, Corn, Flour, Wheat, and ail COUNTRY PRODUCE TE ESTON, AND RK TARI NEW Y Lidvcral Advances made on Consiguments. Reels rae nose ea JW Jenkins. F ~al shary : G WW iihems ( ( stom Want, bering 5 Rebbe rt Fie) New York t eu » Vy) 7°38 N ROLINA NORTH CAROLINA, IREDELL COUNTY BN FQUITS. Fibrnary the Usth, Vs: toe eH 2 ageiest Lawrence Iledm aod Themes T Hole ORIGINAL BILE IT anng my os om chat 7 a T bh hee Sc ate 1 = ‘es fut the x " “ ee pea u T ar ( ed ! . » ‘ ! . Stateey ov . ‘ M t " he Bill file ff: 2 moor jedg t pr foxes w tr Ao - rs Ret Vb wit LW EET ae P Raleich & Gaston Kailroad. Raleizh & Gaston R. R. OMee, hy the | will be taken pru cunfesen, and the | Southern Industry. their ploughs and machinery when they can get as good and more snbstantial articles at home | at Northern prices, thereby saving the price of trans- | portation. That the public may not be deceived, and to save many inquiries that I have to answer, I here- with append a list of prices of the principal articles | that I manufacrure. | Circular Saw mills with 43 to 50 inch saws, 24 | feet eurriages, 48 feet ways, all complete, $375 to | $400 ; Cilendrienl Straw Cutters, 12 inch box, $30 | 15 inch do, $40 ; Folding Harrows, $13 ; Cultivators, 185 Ww $6; Threshing Bi Aiccs with 4 or 6 horse | power, $175 to $200 ; a very superior article. Ploughe from $5 to $10, according to size and workmanship. | All kinds of repairing of machinery done at short no- |tiee, such as Engine work &c. Send in year orders | for threshing machines and hurse-powers early, as I | only intend making them to order. Al work warrant- | ed. My furnace is still in saccessful operation and can |furnish castings of any description, and where the | patterns are fuund at short notice. J. H. THOMPSON. Davidson co., N.C., Feo. 5, 1 56. 6m36 «NT, We bave a good many Accounts over twelve months’ standing, and would like to have them jeclosed. All persons interested will please attend ty | the same limmediately if not sooner. R. & A. MURPHY. 3m36 Was: should Southern men go North to buy Salisbary, Feb. 5, 1856. Dissolution of Copartnership. 4 pal Copartuership heretofore existing under the name and style of J, D. Brown & Lemly, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All persons indebt- Jed to said Firm, will find their nvies and accounts at the Store of Brown & Coffin, and are respectfully re- quested to cull and settle, as it is ubrolutely necessary | for the business to be closed at as early a day as pos- sible J. D. BROWN, H. A. LEMLY, Salisbury, Feb. 1, 1856. p’d3en37 Potatoes and Molasses. | 20 Barrels Pink Eye Potatoes ; 4 Hogrheads Muscavedo Molasses; | 10 Barrels N. O. Molasses ; | Just reevived and fur sale b | Salisbury, Feb.12. (137) MULLS, M E & Co. ‘STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, } ROWAN COUNTY. | Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, February Term, 1856. Joho A. Moody, Agt., ve Aberdeen Company. | Original Attachments Levied on Land and Personal y- IN this case, it appearing to the satisfsetion of the Court, that Samee! Smith and Clarkeun Coffia, are wet inhabitants of this State: [t is therefure ordered by th rt that publication be made fur sia success ive weeks io the Carolina Watchman, a newspaper | published im the Tuwa of Salisbury, notifying the par- | ties to be and appear at the next Coert of and Quarter Searions, to be held for the Covaty of Rowan, | at the Court House im Salisbary, oo the Ist Munday lin May next, them and there to replevy, and plead to said suit, or judgment by defaak will be » geinst them. Witness, James E Kerr, Clerk of our said Court, at Office, in Salisbury, the 1st Monday in February, A.D, 1856 JAMES E KERR. Clerk. Price adv. $5 50 6w40 | CUMMING & STYRON, COMMISSION Forwarding “Merchants, WILMINGTON, N. C. Particalar attention paid to erlling Fler, Corm Cotton, and all hinds prodece Feb, 1856 Cc. W. ervaom. ly39 PETER W. HINTON, COMMISSION MERCHANT, TOWN POINT, ivorcToaolm, Wn. Special attention paid to Selling Tobacco, Flour, Grain, Cotton, Naval Stores &c. Also, to Receiving and Forwarding tyr? Wm | MANSION SALISBURY, N. C. TINUE eoberriber having taken charge of the above I Extablichment, begs leave to inform the peblie reneralty, that the House ie no ff Boarders, Travelers, &e ACCOMMODATIONS athe State. Persons stopping , always have mealsio time for the arri- wre of the Care. Attentive end oblig- Call and give me W. B. GRANT. any ts always in attendance y, May 24, 1855 BOOTS & SHOES. GENTS fiae Stitched and Pomp Bootes Opera, “ Dab & Bik Congress Boots and Gaiters Cobwed Bation LADIES Kod Ganers, Stk For Gasters he S and Ties ppers MISSES Medalbeon and Gaiters. Nie. a larg Ladies and Misses Ruota, Shoes and (lactere: Mens’ Bove, and Gents Boots and Shoes, hE rent quakues aod styles, Children’s Shoes, &e., aa received wv sale low for Cash, of on short dealers Quarterty payments re- mr m al! who porchese good= on time. MILLS, MOOSE & CO. Mirch 4, 1556 Jes G ublished daily and weekly at $6 and @2 per- . nn advance \ is offered to the » erchantes f Sahebury and ott n fowns, as a good ad- * om. Terms moderate ‘ ee r BURR, Jr. Fob f f 3m39 ATTENTION! COUNTY CLAIMANTS, R be ary 8 eres ‘ R * aS = Nt nereons having ims ageinet the County of A ; Rowan, to be passed uion by the Commitiee of Fi- ae Targatircoey ease = Kat Rcd alant wnte. are hereby notified to present them to the an- oe meee dion on bef he 23:h day of April next, end as aS Naik ( her vill be attende ; sad County offieers, receiv. vt 1 R how 7 \ re of pubbe moneys, are required to have their reapee- pee io Ania ; he tive recommis. logether with their vouchers, ready fur . i < lement « min ttee of Finaece on the let i x R . - f Mey ‘ Therefore 4 ' eam \" do he the pad at | ! . pelea eiicns Lo, Seana : : ; i 7. 2 t ' ne rate will he apphed to a ad > ¥ if the: ecuwte If therr ctrime are not ‘in @ proper Say” _ roe er de by th . They will receive no pay in the gene 1856, he Cr th sporta vot gus " oO sand shipp goods are requested to ha m dis ly ark e that ther destination may know : ROA HAWIETON 4 OR\DIAH WOODSON, Clerk o ’ Fimane- Sw42 he Committee ¢ March I~ Blank Warrants for sale Here yer having purchared the entire interest {> RSTO ALEXIS BRAGG & WARREN. d Marte . KENDON LION WORKS,” solicits orders for the crown of thituy may be done toward protecting the ; ) oa Rar ; C . . 3 : Ae t Vesiern Cu ‘ , efor. ; is \ . sseover that Blossoms in gardens and sinall orchards 4 7 : : 7 A Dec Millsticeere valk Salisbury. At least one Depotom the V : | at 1 Hp scus ena eae oe | Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers Henuigmaehieety abu Rail Road suai sevitably be lucuted in a ot Ina la / We Cyanjure the wheat at all, while the by burning piles of partially decayec N Ae, ela ama Sener t ~ 1 j ‘ » nis ry ) . be 4 , John A Boyden of Salisbury, pn on destrnetion of the insects relieved itfrom wood on frosty nights, but no feasible BC »¢ ) cs & S| I¢ ) IS, adder a tare ot \ That: Is Worst enenns Pie birds T speak of and practicable plan has yet been discov- Woke Wimvlics auton, NEW YORK reat M WRUTHTURYL, yeoovomisctvesy caer eee BOOTS AND SHOES, nkoN" Works. 379 ACRES Of LAND BROT coed by pissing their tills throagl: sare betore the middle of April some A. HM. VANBOKK ELEN, Proprietor, : SALE, N New Firm. Tin, Copper, & Sheet-Iron Steam Engines, of any power ur style, QO: the waters of Third Creek, 14 miles west of I USINESS.— The vodersigned having formed , co-p. rinership for the parpose of carrying on the hurt dis above business extensively, would reapectfully sutici {the patronage of their friends aud the public, They are prepared to answer any call in their fine. Tin of £23 copper House- Roofing « xecuted iu the best manner, a; short notice and warranted, Stille, and other Copper ware, kept on haud for sale, or mnede to wrder, The; bts COPRPIN, View President CoP MENDENTENVLL. Attorney _ , core the meadow ar old field lark, Not ered for counteracting the frost in exten- ( FFER for este, on favorable terms, an unusual stuck of Tin, Brttunia wud Tron Ware— Cook, Parlor r + . : r ve rao TRS etv especially adanied to the North Carolina snd patteros, I Shop Stoves, is aneurpassed by any in the 8 tere aving observed or heard anything of the sive orchards, speading over a large sur ? tea fiat ay : é ' MUSICAL REVIEW & GAZETTE [oe : ri eeteg Murphy's Grawie Row, ale, 4 . a \ an bular ilers i ’ i} HY tity Lbetore, Lhave thousht the informa: face. The most critical tine for the blos- you's tek Kip, Calf, Goat und enametled Brogans, ee Partials Counueaces its Seventh Year, and a New Volumen) Couutty Produce, old Copper and Pewter, taken ig : 2 3 werivad “ “ . we oo Baws, Tron Doors for Housee and Jaits January, [8560 Tn calla attention to the Heviews exchange tor work of ware. i chit I ntcresting to Vour readers 5 SOs 1s (according to one of our promoty Bow “ By ee Brogans THE ESTABLISHMENT ta pobushers bebeve they ean present te the pubite WILL ir BROWN, ' | low snds) “when the anthers are scat- +s on ss a Roots Te fiipele foes Crean purpose of insuring ho ibore subistactory evidence ot ite excellercy ape - LOUIS H. BEARD. ad \ egard it ds being ofumy vab ott al tricuds) ven Meow ; . ; Yih. « wo “ Browans He Beat bert Ta ‘ viy rest n isical Journal than te aflerded i eommtanty ticreans Naliabury, Dec. 17, 1655 But trv a fosuseitasvolimay teting thei poten, So, look sharp foro .. 1 “ wos B scistie vowork which they WP ng success Le has now about thre tines us begge aaa : aie I i ae ie rainnte nd delivered 0 ut Te oy reverie Ee (wen! persslical the 1 iF | ‘ to bertrit ind Year tires, and raise a huge smoke, should Also, Women sand Misses nc ate een trait Gal Gagiveratistactl Set Nae : at nt ‘ a ie ! % ) ALL AND WINTER $ Ritet , crt ‘ Shoes at every deseripie towhieh will be tur ee — 7 wo trtlom robsecibers during the ta } ! ' tally sul frosty vights come at that tine, eee eee een nnn ne nciowsatunaket puees THE MECHANICAL TEPARTMENT *" a ee i ‘ ESN STRAUS EDU ah ETS sal rpinind ‘ Being in charge of men of Ce iat hobef the year previous. By such Goons ry ert ers The propriety of Young trees, i properly lanted and Miro MLA. Baa desires te expreas bis thanks te Bete! : ! ApS i the { vers ate i e ! . : 1 1 he chants of Norh ¢ for herr very liberal prat ' kh to teal ‘ wilaks to sli ; o— ae << t CC 1 their pow trimmed, will necd ne it ee ik ie Hiv vears, and respect. Ul waut bee 5 Reve 3 SUBSCRIBER is now receiving and open. patronage during the p ‘ M . ‘ - ds rr they are inclined to blow about in) the fully sobeus a comimuanes of the sume REPAIR WORK ho wor ing hw large stuck of Fall and Winter Gouds, . : : Bee ee saa ‘ : Mr. A.M. Carter of North Carola will be bippy Qaeayved wed \ alae for that OE vi eiet eel eli, Cy fe ' ! ( Micvch L0th Wind, the them up toa tir stake With ato nee his trends as abes pa i poges. the best w 4 ‘ | roe December 18, 1555 But ECCT fave now 4 N; ie ‘ ; ee stout and: bread strip ot cloth—tallors ee Si I Work wit seouimthe Ree When thelr pabheats . ‘ er : Slith arm Culneatae dee Hadise” i cxedllent ta ASH STORE . ag cole we DRY GOODS, cnt R <Hn A , sur palit whit sieeve the prige ; : Hats oad Caps, Shoes and Boots ( Kh FOR TUE MONTH (APRIBE OS oie season, Sheuld the spring be dry ; SON POGE VEL Westen a barge 4 fire ailong pin els WeNNOHi Chins, Delph ond Gisss Ware, ) " tl hares Lived US iC 1 Vt ASE Beth. fpewn cocrerpeonde ne te the feading citeee to tbe iduecue Pein, l ‘ Arce ae nad wari, they aust be lnmmediately c cach aninber comlalial vever » 7} : 5 , THE PLANTATION, nly : acer ee ee een ary ere ' A eae) i ates ae Hardware and Catlery, Gruserien, de, iris k onlehed Wouvily (as dire ected for Roses cruped by Kean floor abewe th sf 6 ‘- lie Care MM. 1h pruztess tf pub To which he tavites the attention of his castomers ( ‘ 1 hwitdiiess of the sea i © salle aah the muleh- Wardwore Store. tak \ ro as “ov i \ ae ee il he and the public, aud whieh be offers at low prices fur , vlow mid watered, CAroudgh Te ack Was airenTidiip oe yo Uli W ¢ See Sony \ \ 1 \ “i : Cash of ot tine to pauctual customers at w sale ‘ ) vis t ! \ hale: ‘ ‘ v frou tine to time Do not del LY they are now receiving direct trom New York and - ik ee. Ae : va : eb Crete . . ; x tine, Pasiat vottid few persons this ; : ld \ Philadelphia, a very Y id well s Jetock ot \ ty ns Ne r bon t I yen MICHAEL BROWN ‘ 2 , the wedehing bevond the unddie ot ril, 7 ey Ne » ‘ We cher 22d, bBSS 22" | F : | Q i ah \ ( Vu Vie New Youn W wk “ ed plantings a : : A isc, fede wet a FALL & WINTER GOODS, > te eon 5 . ; present date (March 15 ; : i iicecs dieceas ‘ } ” ren “4 reensborough “! POrRint operathons conbected with tree Ladies’ and Gentlemen's Uress Goods y ¥ gt t > Copiom = wiett analy a \ wyit fore, that” 7 ; x ' Cloaks, Mantillas, Talia Silks, plorin a . WASON BKOTHERS MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY. _ ‘ vs : New Yok OSE ( Insuraner on the mutvel into: al : 4 ae } ) ¢ — ‘ utes! plan ix bur « > I i : Sprite t herds iu your orchard anid an lng wrod Natina, F we hi HOLLO WAY Ss PILLS. rth yu I pears tele greene aarp | , , , ) ‘ ) : : h od iu the Westere part uf \ svardens—they are vour best trier 1. he Mev nS Aly «2D eres Wid Vir WE STCw. ( )\ he | IRS Stat the larger pert + mn vhs Wits ' 1 ; . oo : Vs « Phiids, Miadinx and : . 8 1) of whieh are in the country 1 \ pray thre en 1 \ ' Z re ROWAN HOUSE d i VU , aid \ ; 1 1 * I’ Ph Lathes ) : be ~ ; uupany imemtirely free fre dew. , «se made and » : - tid othe delight which thre itforl ; , : . Ve vere famaity supp ied ater cues sad vs therefure contidewtly Feeuusuve s. 3 \ n ‘ ; / ( ‘ Nut : Loe he pubhe : : oe Ae ‘ ne A ; s ‘ Atcve loot Venual Meeting the fullowing Officers ‘ ' . r : " Creer c\ed forthe eosuing yror - ~ Ey . . - _ JAMES SLOAN, President ther sa fart : [423 PLS Punts TAE SLOW. * t ' ; 2 ast Yh Uietecderh Ready-Mada Clothing, Se ti : weak! : ‘ spanite $ , f tilled ow Black Wil y Bearerand Drab» i ’ me] : . \ ( » Praline a lia a ue | i‘ : < cme retire | Li) } I} (I | sa oe treat seat Coats, Black Bibded dag Preod DYSPEPSIA & LIVER COMPLAINTS . | LX FLOUR Vio Pibots wnt ' PETER VDAMS. see’y aad Treasurer | PETER ADAMS, See'ry \ ‘ WOH CUMMING. Gen : (\ WANS | »>UAR — ' PILE FLOWER GARDEN \ } / Pitt pee ! £ ‘ 1 , : ; ; oe ae J Ponta S p> . Mic GH VEE BACON Sete , ; ne ia eed beeen ian : See ee . VEGETABLE LIVHONTRIPTIE has « i ve pe ae Vin eaax SENERAL DEBILITY. ILL HEALTH. , 5 = aut al FATE aie TIMI aie tivat ar ; ; ; t ft 4 BOOTS AND SHOES, TRI — WhaKLY scrrenisa reom of ; ; ; F Wena 2 lente , : BL8 a eB. DICASED KIDNEYS, . ; loan V ( i ‘ } . Of Fou. Horse Post Coache . \ he Blill rand Widneye, Weak : = : : ; t FEMALE COMPLAINTS cy FH the Deine es ‘ / t ; ‘as I efor onle at the Dave . Mr. Lal . f ‘ : ! Ae . ' “ at Dr Ro Canpbeti’e, im Tre ; lee “ ae Ri papi | becaeg oh cag es 4 ( he . ee red + erpartnersh » the | bed ' uM ‘ert Sees the 4 t i h 0 Us | ‘ S ‘ . t z : Union Male Academy, and abs Farminzion Fema‘e semi sary W. P. ELLIOTT, ' ’ t Wink & Feveticvilte, N ¢ I ~M ' oa ; GENERAL COMMISSION +o EW BOOAS. ‘yn ” MPpCM 3 ) \ i | FORWARDING MERCHANT, ae CLOAKS| CLOAKS | . ein abil ee . ; UU Ko ! UUUI AW) ; ' iipeenttiksek : | Groceries! Groceries |! : \ DN \ [| \ | ETHERS | URI, W , EYVANAGE, ! \ Dr CHARLES T POWE iI Ine sxrmyets ¢ salisdery expect A Book for Every Methodist yee ony. J. SUMMEERLLL. : | R= MOVAL. EW BOOKS _ ; : Wanted Tanardiately, SPITE OF \ORTIE CAROLD: A At the Silver Hill M Lee WOOD AND CONTI ws tne ot DR DINAESS. BUSS MRDINES a ! d 1 d Pranerts i 7 | J0, ty All i), | TAK LIST! TAR LISTH 4 GUASS: BGS ee Tremendous Excitement AnmOUT T te Western Extension! \GER RADY MADE CLOTOING. Cloths. Cassimeres, Vestings, and Gea- (lemen's Farnkhing Gecds 4 a HINT = end ( Al A WEIRWOUN & PRICE M-r hawt Taslore fie THE PRESBITERIAN, 1 RELIGIONS PAWL) VEWSPIPER, { 1 ’ vt Y SATOURDAY Pinel ode ly = ) ‘ ° > gra J we bu ‘ Pree r “ a pmeet ' tre ron erik 1 e “ “ \ / ° “ = - * ‘ in , c, TERMS To CLUBS & / gue as x \ oe ear, @ V7 - vw year, gs ™ , KR { Ulrectienng For 1S tines, Are eS \ WIhTEAMW © WMARTIEN & €0 N 1h Chee Sireet. Pheiad DR. H. KELLY ! HAS REMOVED TO NTATESVILLE. Vo: on Me Sireet, wee . Werth . ie lames. where ' ' ] MSS pan Pune 2DEB- Ve YOO SUPPLY of Tannera, Whale Mae 4 ‘ ad and Ger 4, WOOSE & 0° ' ‘ MILE h ’ 12. 1656 BEARD. gos ee tach, oes Sancsig + dates, (| the vot States ; the Am and ili divided ceive a of parti Terri Joha R pool for to an i and w was fon The pa the boa when + pte “ebraa arrived bat one ing dies Four stream, toem. The . £75,000 mercha: ed in E “Old J no earth| come ac ate was ¢ a chance United § be over, | roh on o he “I hav the rema Pleasant a future | | propos from 178 ry from | work enc say nothi in shaver; both part disastron Prevail. taron, “ What *ay to th Wher ten bear globe, bu tors, and Pre Re he eee ae ae ia TS rary td rs taken ia ae th acl oslo — : ee eee i ee aes wb evant “ Pedoted to Politics, News, Agricutture, Internal Improvements, Commerce, the Arts and Sciences, Morality, and the Family Circe. TER b. Pernt oh. TUE APPROACHING IMPERIAL BIRTHS, | Frou the North Careling,, Whig. A RAINY DAY. | The Merchant and the would be-Suicide— = jon hogy tated re er ee : The devive to s9¢ the -baby-clothes made: up “UNITY OF THE RACES,” Whatever may be,some of the faults of our BY yioseo. |The Paris correspondent. of the New York Ex- mite see MMPORTANT FROM NICARAGUA. [7 expected child, hae grown'to.n manix,) Bishop Atkinson of the Protestant Episcopal | Banks, and doubtless, they are:not fealtless, we The man who does not admire and welcome press tells the following very Frenchy story: RET en _ New Onueays, March 80. | phe polive have found it necessary to prevent the \Church, delivered in the Pesbyterian Church, have for some time been st ly contending | ———~ eee ~~. —_ | @ rainy day is unworthy an umbrella, and ought} “One day last week a wealthy merchant of the The steamer Daniel Webster, from San Juan | carriages passing through 'the Rue Vivienne lest the evening of the 14h instant, a discourse |through the colamns of the Bufletin (md vther HOPE AND DESPAIR. to be semtenced to wash in hard water all the jrue Montdiguiel was walking along the banks yy March 23, has arrived. aan accident should ocour; ‘nnd the ladies provi.” the “Unity of the Races,” This was intend | Jourdals before that waa established) that, the iwi kk cau ok : days of his life, We confess t an aff wl bad the canal St. Martio, wheo be observed a Late, Col. Seblessinger, tie Minister sent by Walk: | dod with tickets of adinissivu.ate obliged, as at! “¢ Suppose to disprove what Prof. Agasize | best and only plan for those institutions to furn-| |) heap ton P iniptacanges a oi = & thorough soaking day, and never feel so bapyy | young girl of wild and distracted appearance e, py Rica, had been sent away, and; the | the outside of th pa rdinary ocea- 29d several other learned savans have promulged, |ish Exchange at a cheap rate and in sufficient | soetic sentiment raus through the lines as entities | 2% "HE we see it raining cats and dogs when | bastily pass before him. Apparently supposing cries, &e, asin Government had formally deelared niuna) to form queue. ‘There are two linen of ta- that the different mees now known could vot | amount for commeréial purposes, would be for | them to presesvation—in a weekly paper.) we get up iv the morning. We shall never for- | herself unobserved, she knelt for av instant oa “customers war against Walker. Tho latter returned Une | dies ranged alung each side of Madame Felicie’s '¥¢ Sprung from one and the same progenitor. hngprodecte of the State to find an outlet through is wai Sar ietnd ood tol sha pots get the divine satisfaction we felt last April two the ground, as if in prayer, aod was about to eels ppliment on the Sih, Walker was reinforced | Joor, estending-40 bath ends of the Rue Vivien: We Were not present, bat tearned that the dis-|North Carolina seaports and markets, to be| My throbbing heart beat willy high, years during a shewer of rain that lasted exactly | make « spring into the water, wheo the mer- a by 310 meu on the 10th, on the next day Schles | ne, The Congress of tlie Plenipotominries hace Suerte Was an able one and he ably sustained |\drawn against or paid ia State curreney, which With proad, exultant bopes elaic, fifty-six hours. We reveled in it, that is to say clrant seized ber arm, and, gently reproaching wer? senger with 280 men advanced toward Costs) sunk to nothing. Madame Belicie aud her beau- |\'* position throughout, The fullowing is the | would give to these. institutions. corresponding | A® low she marmured, Love, good-bye ! out of it, in a comfortable parlor, writing her for attempting to put an end to ber life, de- = “Rien, At 1 lat agcounts they had provided | tiful work. eclipse Buol,-Oxkih sind eve avy, “Pinion of one who was present ; |amount jn exchange and furnish the ordinary A wanderer in «distant land, to sunshine, and ditties to dust. We began at manded to know the cause. The would be-sui- aianals exis to.march agalust Juano| Lord Clarendun. The five points Yield to point | « Moxpax xiouz, Mancu 17, 3856. | demand that might be mide on them for the} Noseeme obscured my netive sky ; last to think with Leigh Hunt and Horace Gree-| cide recounted to him touching story. She PANY. Castle on the 21st. @ Alencon, As curiosity must be excited about | Me. Eprror: I have just returned from a same, by our citizens at a eeasonable price. — I ctl could eve thet waving had, ly, “that the natural state of man was the wa- | had, she said, just lost ber father, ber last surviv- ig - ‘ ee eas “feast of reason,” having enjoyed the pleasure of | +7)... ; : pe erg Could bear the murmar, Love, good-bye. y ing relative, and her sole support, and finding jan iv but a One of Walker's detachments lad seized an) a matier which in Paris is deemed of unsurpass- a ects acu Se Hes Bi P Aklason This is one object we bad in view, Anoitier is, : . . ban - ng a ond ellis of Seemed ’ mail bound to Costa Rica. The Eng jing importance, we are happy to bave the sup-'| oy eeUen of reehgshle B ser § ip vicopes by concentrating the trade of the State and giv-| _ Dsy# pass like years, till once again, But we are not only fond of a rainy Gas, but | berselfalone in the world, utterly destitute ges ecto officers 4 ded its tion, which be- | port of Galignani's descriptive pen. | fully watahiudhed his proposition, thus placing en- |S it direction through our markets, to build heat -atpe ee oe we want the lumam race, our readers, to be of thenght te oon Wag pypdewes “val he cosatry ng refused, the English sent despatches to the) The Princess Mathilde, ou Saturday, visited |tirely beyond the reach of successful cavil, this up the Emporiums within her borders and there- Acie a clade ans, quae the same opinion. Let us sum up a few of its| would be to put an immediate end to her own pic ie a India equadren for aid. the dayelte prepared by M'lle Felicic, of the Rue iuteresting subject; by deducing facts from by establish her commercial importance and ac-| oy Gu, advantages. existence, Whilst she was speaking, our benev- ™ Troops were gathering near San Juan, expect-| Viviewne, for the imperial infant, During the ion age from the well known laws of nature, celerate her prosperity. And the more we have pee anes ua {boon In the first place it fills the water tavks and |olent merchant observed that she was quite ne nen jag an attack from the English, whole of that day and yesterday, an aninterrupt- | yer Gen Wace fom the Scripture was "Hected and written on this subject, the more — While weeds grow rank where flowers doould | “hes the streets, setting @ good example to young and very pretty. Promising to provide DS) taitineae —— ed stream of persons of the first distinction in | rose Paul's celebrated speech befare the Atheni- | ¥¢ are convineed that our position is correct, and | O'er her who marmured, Love, good-bye ! Ebling. The real virtue, however, of a raioy day for ner fetare wellead, he ted her neg ba << The Raleigh Standard, iw a late sumber,| pi, visited these objects, The following is x | 0 judges, in which he said “for God hath made | that there is no other method by which the ered- | Wretched, forlorn and comfortless, is the opportunity it affords for the exercise of| Talking t her, the twain arrived upom mae of Clingman, Kerr and others, having very imperfect deseription of the articles ex hibit- of une blood all the nations and kindreds of the |jt of our currency can be maintained both a | I ask no tleesing but to die, |the domestic virtues. Our fiend Jones invari- Boulevards, In consequence of her misery, the +, Bee'ry gone over to the Dyimooratic party, says: “Wel wa: : rls There is a peculiar force in this passage, | home and abroad, and our Banks made useful Throagh death alone I now may press ed Lows up his wife, who blows up ber cook, | young creature bad not eaten anything that day, are glad to have the aid and co-operation of all | The Grst thing tl aoe ; . nideg the —— oe or affected to to the people. To show that we are not alone | The lips which murmared, Love, goed-bye ! | who revenges herself on alittle darkey who runs and, naturally, began to feel hungry. . Her new oes ing that strikes the spectator inen- think themselves, “autosthenes,” that is, sprung | | ber errands) Some men, more amiable, | found friend straightway entered a neghboring euch Henry Olay Whigs These gentlemen | ring M'lle Felicie’s ware-rooms, is the exquisite from their own soil. The fact that if all man.|'% our own opinion on this subject, we insert the IPTIC have not forgutten that, in 1650, Clay and Cnss, | beauty of the various articks cisplayed to view. kind had got one and the same ongin then Webster and King, and Douglas and Badger, | Three rooms, one of them of greatsize,are thrown Clirist’s atonement d atoad side by side, without regard to party feel: és the great effort then made to settle the slavery question and save the Union. They feel that open, and everything exhibited in them forms part of the layette, At the first glance, one would imagine that the only color to be seen <s not avail for all; and therefore the supposition that the bumao race did not descend from one common stock, strikes at the foundation of the Christian religion, brings |fullowing from the Raleigh Star, published in 1852, which fell into our hands by accident, and | is worthy attentive perusal: | | “The Newbernian very jusUy complains that | ‘a system of collecting the notes of our Banks at TOO LATE I STAYED. “* Too late I stayed—forgive the czime ; Unbeeded flew the hours ; How noiseless falls the foot of Time That only treads op flowers! amuse their “better halves” by adding up the | restaurant, and called for « privave toom.— housebold bills, adding, as every one comes un-| After eating a bountiful dinver, the young gil jder his own supervision, “I am a ruined man, | ¥ishing to make some woman's request of the | but that don't matter to you, because you have | dame de comptoir, left the room, After waiting | : : . not the torture of finding the money "” = some time, and finding that his protege did : was white; but afterwards the eye perceives that alditional force to the Lishop's argument. | = me ae : WILY the countey is im greater peril now than it Wes! ike ribbons gmd catie used or irimasbing esvgral think the'behliea! aocneet of ae creation sufi- | discount, and presenting them in large amounts | “* What eye with clear account remarks Smith reads the papers and diverts his wife by gee return, the merchant determined to pay bis then.” | of the articles are blue. Bat as bluc iss colar cient of itself to cetablish the truth of the “Unity | with demands for the specie, is regularly con Selle arighad the glass, reading to her all the city articles, dwelling up- bill, but what was his chagrin,on searching his . If the country is in-greater peril now than ix| *ppropriated to male children, as ruse or pink is o™ Races” satisfactorily to the minds of those | Jucted by Mr. Husbands a broker of Baltimore, | me Ai prs ara Sr on fancy stocks aud Erie shares with extreme | pockets for the wherewitha) tode se, to ascertain «, Weak wan is 1850, why 264 elevate to the Presidency | 10 ‘Nose of tM wile 2, (oe idee a ie Giving ae city Of the Old | the embarramment of our banking imetitutioas | = unction. that bis part hed dlaappeaned, 0-0 a ep lvoker vf 4 e wing hax a onts. ‘erd / } . “ t mensure : . the men who then held the reins of government, | prepared caclusively for a Troe Such, lLow- | sigmfies to be red, to be dyed red; and ae ie and the lessening of their usefulness to oar eiti- | saa parame atiss nia Puffer, the great dramatist, commences a new jit the contents, amounting to over two thousaad Sa rare and Who was the muster spirit “in the great ef leeee! is not the fact, for ms the Imoerial infant | brew word Adam means red clay, and also man, 228, and suggests the passage of some law to When birds of Paradies hove pele tragedy every rainy day, but breaking down in | fennen. The has to the yp bert then made to settle the slavery question and | has been vows an blanc, Line is used in acase thereby clearingly showing that God formed prevent this injurious traffic. We do not believe | Their plamage for his wings!” the first act, puts it by to a second deluge to fin- | nation that, for the fature, if pretty young Se. Ecorrecnal hea, eave the Unive.” Did not Fillmore give bis indiscriminately for either «x. man, or Adam the acknowledged representative ‘that any probibitory act of the Legislature ean} -- ish. Te evidently thinks with Shakspeare,| me? wieb to drown themselves, he will not offer _porieersh joe to those of pacification which 4 ae some of ah ast zat not perhaps aware pe shi oe remedy the evil. Our votes will always be at “| HAPPY LAND “there is a tide in the aflairs of men, that, taken | the slightest obstacle. ie gly of what wowe au blanc exactly means, it may be * aveae sdiaceented 1 phage eee eee" ots: . The md. lend » | ere eae poses wove co ably edvocsted by the guatiomen semed |) 1 ts olate that sometimes ie France a mr | thie passage of Beripture: Words Gtly opok. | dneovent in foreign markets; brokers will olwaye peirna es Coe ePslcerine gs mirts | Well Said.—The Indian in his mative comdi- plebers. NS weet of thee and which gave the country tranquility ! Wilmington Herald ther comsecrates hier child before ts birth to the Virgin, placing the infant unser her special jro- en, are lke apples of gold in pictures of silver.” Eis style is perpicuous, chaste, and purely con buy them and our banks be bound to radeem | ’ | them, in whatever amounts, and by whomsoever | Where saints in glory stand, | Dr. Mackenzie looks out for some unfortunate | author who has got a life to take, and therefore tioa, is no fool, as the following aneedote related ik * . oe tection ; and as asign of ber having done so, VeAUOOA!. His arguments combine, in an em: presented. The only efficient means of prevent: | Oh rel ear i | resolves to take it—to a publisher. by s Washington correspondent of the Belti- , Party in the House.—The Hon. An. clothing the ehiid white only (with rare orna paiatoesth iio) aa oo the og it, is to build up market towns at home, and : Werkribnn Saver King ; We have, however, known some men who re oe eee ote ta the p drew Stewart, of Pennsylvania, at an vet sei bine oe betel oa pee tecele le oeery ROBERT G. ALLISON induce our citizens to spead their money the re, Loud let its praises nag, sent a shower of rain as though it were a persona! yeas Oe boome Suamboding toy fe a “American” ratification meeting the other = ie ee : See heels 2 oo s . ere it will not depreciate in value, instead of | Praise, praise for aye | affront, acd we remember s lady, who having rotunda of the Capitol, amd while we were look- day, claims the success of the “ Ameri- the cliid’s fir. commen ~ It s a ear lan a THE BAR AND THE BIBLE outin Petersburg, Richmond, Norfolk, Come to that bappy jand, | determined on a visit lo Staten Island, dressed ing at the carved representations over the door- can” candidates beyond doubt, if the clee tion shoald go the House of Representa with this custom that some of the arty of th Impernal loyelte have been ornamented with A correspondvat of the Si. Lous Republican, Balumore, Ibiladelphia, New York and Boston, Come, came away ; Why will ye dowktsag atand! berself with especial care for that purpose. Just jas she was about starting on ber journey it be ways of the rotunda, the veteran Iodian agent told us that in 1830, with a delegation of the . : Pr “ : pees foe service and articles which could be as well : / - tives. He saye that there jn that body pac without any reference to the sex of the in *Oting from Jefferson City, gives an amusing : | Why oti delay? Menominee Indians, he visited the Capitol, and i "sol fi 8 Whi : = : } werfurmed by our citizens, and furmehed by our ? y gan to rain at a furious but steady rate ’ 121 “Americana, Pevtocns, VR*, fant. Tn the lange room of Mle Felic'e’s all the desenption of a trial which recently came off at ! ) 4 Ok! we chal begey be 7 Sr . lexplained the nature and design of the stons _ and 24 ad out Republicane, The tatjo a! eer’ } \ 7 , own markets. Let North Carviina manufactures | ns bats | Looking toward the sky, she said, “Now re | °*P* ; ont a a. table alumg the exles, ae well ae an etrerdingiy that place, ia which all the coune engaged rank Whee from sin and sorrow free ; ee . . | groups in the rotunda, when the clrief, “Getugigy “Americana,” he says, have a majority of broad one down the centre. are eomipictely eo \ be duly encouraged; let channels of communi tod eclbe doce ally, this is too bad ; i's dove for the purpose , re f : \ high at the Nissourt bar. Here is the letter : b é awd we well with thee, | Bar,” tarned to the earnest doorway, over which si ; iz: N uf ' hire, Maseachiu- ered ith the mest bead ful articles of Ince. et f A l rar | <=. ’ A States, viz: New Hampshire, Massa at ~ . ' a Mitow as I was sers as a juror io Caton from all parte of the State be opened to Biest, blest for aye ] | sie setts, Connecticat, Ride Island, New brvedery, silka eatin and cambre t periiape i ; & J : stcaa(ort Use cay) wort we Lave’ hes vane ol; MOUNT VERNON NOT FOR SALE | there is a representation of the landing of the Pil- Jersey, Delaware, Pennsylvania, Ohio, sere ever collected together for any ome clad. § CMe Of slander, Tiree of uur most prominent” Pm Vcaulemser’ al aliitimesc) let ibe Bright io that happy land $ The following letter, says the S. C. Spartan, | grtms, and said, “There, Ingen give white man 3 : eis wire envarcl— Gas tthe 1, the largest ‘ iu 3) let ‘3 " . ' ladiana, Michigan, Kentucky, Maryland , The number of Jresws alune appeared so count lawyers were engaged — one for the plaintiff, (he ‘ Jucts made un North Car K pape tists addressed by the owner, Joho A. Washington, com ;” and to the north, representing Pean’s , m that we turk the erty of ’ defc-e a Pi Fa viten and olier products made in rth Oo ‘ b father's hand, 3 ’ ‘ 4 “ment and Maine, Vermont, and Wiscousin, in . . haga : A thee : fring g the r © defemia I counsel attempted een ea ee Sas a lianas ~ to Mrs. M.S. Wofford, of our village, brings out treaty. “There Ingen give um land ;” and om oO ition ty the Democrats—16 in all. “" *" ov See) oe , apeach the veracity of one of tire witnesses [10% a Tar as pracheming, et sotmt nen! el ; : the wotle or : . a mceun te correct in lis calculation ‘@Mvidered with sack rare perfection me | sieves Pees) itd et es Niu broiler n\Vilciswioe ell tie Oh, then, to ghiry ran, the startling fact, after all that has been done by +t, where Pocahontas is seen saving the ' f seit PLS 1 " »handred of the ly ment toe rank as works of art, amd the vast oto re culate’ the (Stale (ices abioed be Be « crown and kingdom woa, | the indies of the South, and the greater labor life of ( apt. Smith. “There, Ingen save am life;” on Y . a“ pe bat nearly une h doles of th santity of peal tirsenn enh wkech they are 87:1 sleen th ansel fur plauud came to sum SOvds | fs 2 . : And bright above the san and means they are stiil willing to bestow epon and lastly to the south, where the hardy pioneer, Americans recognise another seni) Uinwed mat la cl ewes . ° holes ace. tan brougint iy through those ports, let our “ = ‘ i. werk ed mus f inuinetse va . ‘ = ell rewgn for aye a le : ° \ | mat tn promrence bt ~ Awaricanies. \ l ' Gentle { y sel on the Catitalist give to those three towns the capacity | : the movement, that Mount Vernon is not for [aniel Boone, is seen planging bis knife inte ie < 7 the tabries re nie) to w eer 1 Py ’ e t “Ho Live wry, bie Une ve 5 ‘ o-o-4 , 1 1 ' ‘ and cannut be counted on for Mr. Fill is Ps . : , : . ie Aina : : : . Jeale. Tow is this!) What is the explanation ! the heart of one red man, while his foot t» plant- it ; iit capa, hats and hea waa in ae posite side Lave endeavored to impeach the of conducting trade suited to their respectivy le POETICAL CURIOSITY ar f the Ladies’ M. v ed ce the dead body of anether, “And there ad ” bid or . ° ot the = 2 sod more. the election gues . adh _ as to excite one’s wonder: and of thea also. yo rgy Sty ami «ieetroy the character of the witecss- , caiUes, advantages aod reiations; and we will A curious performance is given in the following Mn emer. , oe vem toda on M eeerwing @ and the choice is between the Repabli- io ive duaen have been | repared-—all beaut : : Mast [ guarantee it will be fowod that there is com- | poem of diferent biblical tents | Association of Richmond, Edward Everett deliv. White man kill Ingen “ aud pur j . old frend e guarant ‘ 4 8 . 149 can, the American, and Locefoco candi |. emirudered and all irmmmed with the most Le vic ee : a hephee ; North ( to build Chag to the Mighty One, Pe txrne 19 {ered bis great oration on Washington in the 2 oun ING dat he S ker's election Leing a test mast confess, gentiemen, | trembled for my old Merce chough ia North Carolina to build up i PT Bisreu. Keen sabe letter: Me ates, (the selection being # tests) comtiy la Tecive dugen appears to have been E ’ ae nfo ep ears: Chag im thy gref, Heb xa J1 Capitol of Virginia, realizing for the funds of the ea eee from f } * us om uo Live wi PU bv 4 Lad sad Ges- the vote will be for the Republican, 14 the m number in the wder gives ve frend, when the senor counecl fur defendant, * Ad : Pet Chang to the Huby One, Heb 1.12 organization over €3000, and it is to Le repeated |? Barnum to a gentleman in Boston conchedes States; for the Democrat, 11 States; for rytinng —stec kings, glow ea, alrore, boots rf. aith hia stern nance, demanded of the old , Prosperes ton ; to keep our currency out} oe Poca § : 5 i nes eas follows . * ! 1 < . al various pornt« f ryinia ane Pie ere. bk. cds the American, Kentucky and Maryland; (-0ci exquisite gaiters Dies, 8 man, whether be had not tukl a diderent story Of the banus of the brokers, and our gionous old Cling to the Gracious One, Pa esvi 5 ls , ™ ‘ , ed ent . 3 af “I heve ne ind ts te ia to at eharis and Mlinoia, lowa, Tennessee and Texas, &e. were allt sa x \ et) hie neigliborn nad iatiodoced’ Mr. Llasraa yo Suate oul throats of the cruakers. We Cling in thy pein, Pale 4 the same purpose. In aldition, stimaleted by any Sra struggle again av Are divided. So that no candidate can re. were marked with the Impenal crown and ¢ ' 1 , } j it speak carnest this cam and wist be done Clang to the Fasthful One, 1 Thess v 24 he advent of Everett in the Old Dominion, the | *1re wealth; for the enormous debts against ooo . A aaa > I _ pros t jut gentlemen e farbec erly . ’ 2 - = ceive a majority withont a combination | anmitim i with Valenciennes La Ont ' , ul x ° : at what i may; and we call on our patriots He will cust am Pe save & Legislature of Virginia passed a bill incorporat. | ™@ OM account of the clock company will over- RGF of parties. — Fayettville Observer lot Ye ’ were not order ad ms nee J May Hew eamme out un peaa See + patriotic | Cine te the ving One, Heb via 25 | ing the Ladies’ Mount Vernon Association of the | *adow me to the grave. I have paid and se Padce . cach profmaoa, as, for ines t Z Man eca Ves, genilemen, like Danrel of old, ''°!" th erica Chang ia thy wee, Ps ixamn 7 Union, and yet patriotic ladies, ready and able | cured all my private debts.” oo , tl ' n f t t “ browg t the : | | Unton, and set patno ’ dy < »I b, fie i : we thea, of which there were ad Ber ¢ State occas 44, the aisldrmwiiheule heir of. bic brethren e pres throughout the State to! Ching to the Loving One, 1 Joha iv. 16 i , My ere _ Naw Yors, March 24 soma, most richly embroidered and wd. od rheen sip vncenirate and direct their energies Lo Uns great | Through all below Rom. vin. 23. 3 sd Ctembcherned trate Lesion Pens) OA) end hy A Woman Convicted to be Hung.—At the : ° ° . hile others were im catia, in wik, of in ensh . ‘ 1 ache Oo 9 Mount Vernon is not for sale.” 1 ee ng- l i N ’ Terrible Diieaster at Sea The ship i ie , 7 Thimescit the taibtes of nese tarmiliian walk t, zealously and persevering!y, until it sbail Cling to the Pardoning One, Te iw 7 ‘ . late soe lof the (Drees (Kent 7) am a mere, Lat ail of the greatest leauty he quilts cited sibles of t > ih Le > ouxt Vexxow arch 14th, 1826 ee uck ° oI sailed from Liver - He speaketh peace ; John tiv. 27 : , 182 z ~ = J PER, rare ies, hag a misty Ee also, some in idue satin and some in white, were nutbority quoted; but aume very broad plished | rea eRe Bi Enod 21.06 To Mei Matic S Watord Court, Mrs. Durham was convieted of murder in poot For uve OTe, g auaars ABA A ’ more mited een Y 4 f ) No bat w prophecy in 1852 is become i : z = beh fn - : F A DAY fm an iceberg on the 18th « f Felrnary d ‘ Te Sea Sietises eee notes oouens .nnace ee oe) a mete Anguish shall cease, Pe clavu 3 Madam :—I have recieved your letter of March the first degree. The murder, in which she was P inal ecto typhse ea eae aeh ss PES Pee) Hie ap - rity cou Pa ake ther ; mw ioat rte J remarked tohiehearess, “That istory in 1856, more than ever showing the M€ | Cine in the Bleeding One, 1 Joh 17 Gib respecting the nurclaselcl Moan’ \ an accomplice of her husband, took place sever- z ie the end of the room etands the era t . - ith, respecting the purch of Moun ermon id ad f, araltlice 4 = , cessity, ale necessity of patronizing Home Chiag to His mde ; John xx. 27 | ] A ead was found necessary to abandon | H hat which the City of Paria ca perparine for the for plaimtf pe t ‘ » ee ‘ lip me oe ia wel 0 « = ee el cee by the ladies of different parts of the Uoited' 2! war since Her busband was coavicted bat 20 in namber, took to | ai infa oul weal lenois rectly the passage from t wher Law, Markets he evil co ed of then, t lang to : f ' ence iy aise The passengers, 12 F tot, loud 04 a States ped \ ' , : i = < ooted no t must be In Him atade John rv 4 ta the boata, for safety One beat, which, A lofty fleche at the aN had rewl and beard much of Daniel, but ne m leeply rooted now and mus . _ rests when she left the ship contained 13 branch of git bronze, gently Lends over the | hat waa the fre nd ever heard of hie PAIN to the view of every one what 1s necessary C Py to the Coming One, ~ a? In reply, 1 respectfully inform you that Mount Brevity. —The tollowing ia the snevel men ene . — " hie ve infant is olen r he fi ; ciel s j f pe shal ance ; sue h Vernon is not for sale . A 5 - ee ee ee ey lo im order to remedy the malady. So far; see Se ee One, Pa eens I ; —— sage of the Gorernor of New Jersey, in 1713, . aes < }) curtains of i a w ve wtk a i . . a am, respect{uliy, vour ubdt. serv't, i s . ebraar by the ehip Ge phleeashey nfl liL A sR | aes guile "i lpe' w woke) bait j Nil wae how Iw as North Carolina markets are concerned they Joy higbts thine eyes Pern 11 ec hee s ; and the reply of the Legislature to the same.— Pas - ; ender ¢ de, the whole being |o« A s I ° i arrived here Sunday. Of the thirteen, *'*) aay : ; ne ; ar when t r counsel made his reply are More nccessibie than points beyond the State Joux A saat ches They are suund on the score of brevity : sia bat one sailor was found alive, firelre hac "P ne eon) Cans Serve menee So" een «tn alleding (a the remarks f plaintiff's cou y the North Carolina rail road and Car ( I heartly glad o* z : oth ot e same meta (hi wree pieds < the o ‘oO | road an ape - > Foran 1 a > “GExtT Pore ing died of starvation / pre oa heady Fetal le he said: "My worthy friend on the other side py 5 NA Feet SINGULAR ESCAPE LADIES’ FAIR sSTLEMEE |) Oem peel) Cee ee oe . * ye Of white tin, and ther ¢ ¥ n the A : ‘ liver, w } on we sed until other ‘ ms ; : < mea ah our other boats pulled for the Galf % * phen lammanaicg , ee” a not quite as familiar weil the volumes of the ‘i il sl aoe ' cis gay A few evenings since, an attempt was made Wee are requested to etate that the Ladies or, Pere after so long an absence; and believe you Hie ‘ Apa whole ie coverm| over with Alencow lace. and ii oi ce law aa he ie with thor of Chitt , thwaye can be constructed, and the system to = rae hes . re pot sorry to meet me ie se com 7.” stream, and nothing has been heard from i vaitiale N.E. in the centre. the whole meee ad aw ‘ yand Sapa adiccees Gece "| by some devil or devils in human shape, to [osington comparing the Sewing Society. form |" ; good pany toem. 1} ree rckator rhe not have attempted to attain this great ¢ nade perfect urely there | oy ow the f he Moscbuter track A b ; ] oe lucing an effect of the rarest elegance, Opp ae | 4 Wier (et ae ‘a det : ne eae vr the cars from the Manchester trac ~J for the purpose of Gitiag up the Presbyterian ‘ riend vhe Z lion's den comr e enous y oli . } << = ; ; Ai . ¢ The John paiene was insnred for site the cradle, on the centre table, stands the | tieriiias ‘ saat laa ie - ed Pt ALAA Hd Py this re as ie teed Van piece of timber some sixteen feet long, seveo by (part of arivillaceetntcod [te the nerieme of Yorr Excritexcr: It is with the greatest ques ~ ; ; . he ing ae ws headilai nie: ‘ : , ole re je erie . : 75,000. She had a coro of 800 tons of po de banter tof ead Co Ale | £ g up, and sustain Fayetteville, ilmington and ; ie a. PStt Serpe a4 ° merchandise: which a ee ae r = soe me a pra Ie I u , he ke my tT have heard of Daniel being in f ; oleae See nine, was placed parallel in the centre of the raising the mecemary funda to aid them in ac. S#tistaction we meet your Excellency in such > “ nth d head ( » mate en 4 Lad o es within the e. yulo! S ees ‘ rc - ize; wh k ) a ~ acl drone t Web | a Cig Re ices den: butuntl touay lueerce heanl oeoet races” ’ ate, 1m & populous ADC | ad, and not across the track as obstructions fvanpdohiag tecit ablaule clsek, 40 fereieh ae good company row, and hope we shall be favor- ditch ed in Curope,. muff of ermine, with a mantle of white eatin | . 5 all of the ! , ] . Zz Me dable object, turnts 1 . is ’ sia . lined with ermine. ('e the tableday the chikiia! (Mt Di* Foaring F sty made nse of fire, My all of them having equal are usually placed. Down came the train atthe | gj.eant Supper. to be given atthe Masonic [all cd with it often hens i ff ree ' : worthy friend has, | suppose, mived up the es. advantages f " with any markets 'n the Meera milestae hour andithelcew sats 8 ; If J& “Old Bullion,” Thos. Hart Tenton, says that “ fe ee ze Ls: te Hf ‘ oaks Fe INetane | cape of Daniel from the lion's den with the pas. countrr Vi. Balictin eal feed lephey a Tuesday might \y ael Ceeure The Most Ridiculous thiny on Record 4 nher, the bal r the rattle being bol a ae J er striking the log r, bore it ove ne cross ties ‘ i eres = z oe ° no earthly consideration coukl induce him to be as : amber, tha ba sein Pa sage of Nebuchadnezzar ‘hrowah the fiery furnace, ee g glass ; They trust, that as their object is good, and as Decidly.—¥or Henry A. Wise, Billy lowed from the sini mace Thie little plaything nn ta Amir senor ; . without obstructing the passage of the train, @ the funds raised on the occasion will be weil im [Jo] and b-like t t Whi come a eamdidate fur the Presidency. The Sea glone cont 600f Near it was placed an amber te MURDER—ANOTHER BODY FOUND. | 4.0 or ieee miles and a balf to the water é ni - ‘ iz cen and aacn ne a ga igs to distance of three e } ; ’ 1°52 . . here ee | nn the Sn : . vested, that their Table wnl Le weil patronized he talking about political inconsistenes. ate was once agreealde to lim, when there was necklace, with a small gold medallion Sn Those Twenty Fire Sharpe Rifles.—O Philadelphia, March 23.—Wm. J. Hatch, a stauion, where this unusual appendage te the lo } : Wi 2) a] f F “6 pie ill a chance to do something for the State or the centre, on which the Archbishop o Pans had u : ‘ mary fe n nicer ie. cit Uncil of Camdea. NJ . ppe not only by the citizens, but also by visitors hy the tale of the “coon can still be : { is B } | to given his henedictior Sunday evening last Rev. Henry Ward Reecher ete Ch eet y Cert den, NN. !~ eomotire was discovered, and thrown from the and as a farther inducement, there wiil be at the seen sticking out of those two rene ‘ ~e seems now to & DN uSRentriek eee : ; ; : : 4 egades ‘ mised Sistas. my tel emenre terre ae ‘ Three corbellies de bapteme lay all lined entertained his congregation with a spiey ac shot dead t morneng bya party of three! track = We whistled when we heard this story same Gime quitea dmilay cick and fance an (O Ulie day: And all thedemoeratic bull- & a a a GT apr Oa AMT with blue satin, and covered with Alencon lace. count of hie recent military campaign at New Zunners, #hom he had ordered. from lis promi: | bat have been assured that it is teue ia every ticles which have heen made by the ladies, and Terriers in creation cannot gnaw th , ro t iF Ss i hes : rial = « S : © ‘ er derera were : fats 2 ; ’ ails he | qn on one side of the other of slavery #Y* all bearing the Tinperial ‘ ipher ind arm T Alacer Aevclwuel tie appealing to his people es at Cooper's 1 The murderers were ar particular. The day after the happening of this which they’ sill be giad to dupose of tails to the liding point. : . . he goon would be to fill a column, and yet nota FP 1 rested and committed. The head of the unfor oy O investiga: 1 th ee, . Milton Chronicle. ” word has heen said of the contents of the other to contribute the twenty-five rifles which he bad incident, a party set out to investigate, and they We are glad to witness the zeal and spirit ‘ond has be c ontents of the f ; : , glad t ba pi noe h re ee nal rooms, equally worthy { being examined, We taken the liberty of pledging from Plymouth see ee ae discovered by the friction on the cross tics of the which the lad four village have manifested The Wilmington papers c »m plain that { } ; Ooms, & thy o ' en ‘ | ; ging Y j t niga A , . , ; : hic « ladies r age nifeate : gt: 9 ‘ a) is cman ra life, and Fa rane a cannot, however, heip stauag that the articles: Church, to aid in arming the Kansas emigrants The body Telward Merchant, formerly ® track fur the distance of 34 miles, ns before sta: ine very praiseworthy work which they have freiyht on the Central Rail Raod is so ail Neasant an table to me, Hf no Heheral to aa ii cal ' ‘ : } conductor of bo Railroad Compan ed, the ge of timbe the wner : ‘ Fr cerns a futu a hieh LT think it may be prepared for the norse (twelve dozen 19 DUM from Connecticnt. He remarked that he would mde “" sel " ; pet i se : agree ps w Sie rier a pb undertaken, and we bespeak for them the facur high as to amount to prohibition of many — n F ' are aleo nore fn wn d rich @ fu toda » De e f 78 de ates wove p would pati spose ' ee fs Led ae I ° niptirnt ici ' ‘ ; ber) are nia il SIM ULE : ‘ s any L not take up the contribution that evening, as" el sal amare mAsing | y) fea ey ately Se Ss ae of an ay sue pubhe, and doabt not that! Western luxuries from the market of that t opose to abrid, the debates in Congress) ness, as may be ju from the fret that her ! . : lcclies recaverechino far (rom the disaster of Gat vat a log o ch e force. long e e | r 5 a , " in fe 17004 ieee te continue my histo-| aprons are embruidered with ae much care ae SOME religious Journals might die of grief upon ; at which the cars were running, would have they will find their table well filled by those set ane fact is all the So Pabiiiedy Rail he ‘ = 7 erica “4 ‘lie article for the chikl, and Lhe them trimmed learning that sach an act had been committed ee) ee eer come in contact with the cross ties in front of wis wi yample jushe? tothe many delear ies eee cares Be pagan as ——— ry from 18560 to the day of my death. This is with Alencon lace, The taste with which the jon the Sabbath, but he would reqnest all persons ve with the rail, and thus have dislodged the trying a ie ie hands. and that they will righ as they onght to charge. Cheap- eco work enough for me, and of more dignity (to who lisplay is Inid out not the smallest: whe d We niniecae heron ant DEATIT OF COMMODORE CONNER. | put it seems that it did not. It was a wonder " t ee er charges would be more profitable to all d / « a ‘ d o ee ha! m who desired to contribute o fle o ore, ct PAN - la hy a sable ke . 2 . dad say nothing of anything else) than acting # part charm of this exhibition, which of the ktnd has " P ‘ ; Another of the veteran patriots, whose ehival- ful escape from accident, and if it were not au- ™ ul ‘ “ ae fh of ie venamnelgs + parties concerned.— Milton Chronicle. , : A ; [ led. It adda to the $25 cach) to confer with him after the service 1 } . : thenticated, we should disbelieve it.— Wl. Her- beautiful articles upon which their skill and taste oo ? , in davery agitation, which is now the work of perliaps never been equaller ie taketh Wd he Rev. gentleman proclaimed himself good for TC bravery added lustre to the American Navy ld y j been expended BROOM-STRAW PAPER. 2 ; 5 iene x le wae The Res ems ‘ self good fo ery ers ave been expend M- f ! both partiva, and which, in my opinion, is to end admiration excited to le ar hat th sai he Ae acm in the last war with Great Britain, has paid the oe oo es a i i ( med, embroidere 4 nile in the ort one rifle, 2 Pas! ! “ bs en re nee erington anc tin Flic = z are dieaatrously for the Union, let which side will os a . " Hey ca aia VF Journal of Commeree, debt of nature, Commodore David Conner died GEN'L DOCKERY : ; . 9 We learn, says the Raleigh Standard, de i space of two months xnd a ha Journal o “ r Prevail. taron, 1a what the country wants.” What will Pierce, Buchanan, Douglas & Cv., ay to this! A new man, unconnected with the ag / Where are They!—A friend anya he has of ten beard people talk of the four quarters of the globe, but never heard mention of the hiad quar tors, and wants to know where they are.—I'icx | Paris Cor. London Herald A country editor, in epx aking of a steamboat, says: “She h#@ twelve berths jn her lady's cabin “Oh, life of me,” exciaimed an old lady on reading the above, “what asqualling there must have been!” “2 The Seed Lost. —The seed of sweet potatoes, aave the Elyton Alabamian, ic undoubtedly Jost n this part of the State. North and South, not one has escaped the severe As far as we can hear freezes of the past winter, Several of our citi rens last week sent to Tusenloosa, hoping to pro cure seed in that part of the State, but none seould be foand | in Philadelphia on Thursday, after over forty about half of which has He the Navy in 1809, and was on board the Hornet du- eeven years’ service been in active employment entered ring her engagement with the Penguin in 1614 where he was wounded. Ile was commander of the American squadron ia the Gulf during the war with Mexico A correspondent of the Fayetteville Argus writing grom Richmond County suggests Gren’ Dockery as a suitable person to be run by the American party as their candidate for Governor The Argus has reason to believe that the Gen'l does not wish his name to go before the Conven tion, altho’ it does not feel authorized to speak in the promises, — Wel. Herald The Israelites of Hartford, ¢ shave bonght the meeting honse formerly oceu pied by the North Baptist Chareh, with the &5,000 given by the late Jahah Touro, and have fitted up the edifice and named it in honor of their benefactor. “Touro Ifall,” thus converting a Christian tem ple into a Jewish synagogue. wn that Mr. Benedict is experimenting in making paper from broom-straw, at his millon Crabtree in this county, and that he has succeeded in maki quite a ree pectable article of paper “Awe farther efforts he nay be may be enabled to pro- duee good paper We hope he will, for there is an abundance of the “raw materi- al.” ae iad tahiti AE CY 8 + New Mode of Preserving the Dead.—A Turis correspondent of x New York Journal tells the following : “M. Serres, the learned Professor at 7 the Garden of Plants, availing himeelf of the op- | delegates to the Cupventions of the America, ‘! portunity which the war in the East afforded of and anti-American parties, which are now ; collecting a great variety of types of human |totake place. - These meetings, on the Domo. From the National Intelligencer; of April 2, CONGRESS. In the Sexate the President called up the special order at one o'clock, and Mr. Clayton re- sumed and concluded his remarks upon the gen- LETTER FROM MR. FILLMORE. ]tual. When you reach the outer court of the “THE HIAWATHA MANIA. The Disputed Wisconsin Governorship.— The NX. Y. E Sioa the bk Vatican, you find a priest who conducts you to} Professor Longfellow hit on the richest.of all! The Jnauguration of Governor Bashford— Fin- bond “eee press pe t ae the tribunal, and if you are only summoned asa} veins of gold when he wrote the “Song of Hia-| my Scene.—We have already briefly noted the lowing letter written by Mr. Filliore witness, it is he who conducts back. When in| watha.” The rarity of the measure, the novelty | Supreme Court of Wisconsin has ousted Mr, Bar- @ litte more than @ year ago. It was a of the subject, the beauties of the poetry, the| stow from the position of Governor of Wibscon- private letter, addressed to 2 friend, and the presence of the inquisitor, you are made to swear that you will speak the truth. Your am | fearful difficulties of the Indian names, and the sin, in favor of Mr. Coles Bashford, and that in the various counties for the appoir of pie A ole : j ted in the Museums vuly now published in consequence of'| swers to the questions put to you are set down | remarkable facility of imitation set the whole pa-| Lsoutenant, Governor McArthur, upon Mr. Bar- | eral subject of the late Naval rages Board, - pela lnonrp oe in charge uf the | af proferynce for various goatlotee, hp fn ‘ace yee his notuination, and the doubt entertain-| in Latin, aud before being relea you mnst tion talking about it. There was uever anything | stow's vacating the office, attempted to assume The immediate — iors ng y as = | Preask Honpitale at Constantinople to make the | nection. with the Gubernatorial Pomination xineiinon ed by some as to his views on the Amer- | take another oath you will reveal nothing.” so easy to parody, aud a good parody is known | the position against the right of Mr, Bashford,| resolution offered by Mr. Iverson tu appoin deaioed collection oud capd it to Meus, ‘Tingadean ante by the mntetinge hdiardineadics a select committee to examine into the proceed- ings of the late Board, and to report the facts, reason, ang grounds upon which it acted. But the debate has, fur the most part, taken a wide range, and from the peculiar nature of the inqui- ry, and of the material upon which investigation ican question : < Berraco, New Vork, Jan. 3, 1855. Raspwcrep Fianxp—Isaac Newton : It would give ime great pleasure to accept your kind invitation to visit Philadel- phia, if it were possi ble*tu make my vis- it private, and limit it to a few personal friends whom I should be most happy to see, but 1 know that this would be out of ny power, and I am. therefore reluc- tanily compelled to declife your invita- tion as I have done others ts New York und Boston, fur the same reason. I return you many thanks for your in- formation on the subject of politics. I um always happy to hear what is going forward ; Lut independent of the fact that | 1 tee! inyself witilrawa from the politi- sara = to be much more valuable to an author than a| The Milwaukie American narrates the scene as THE WAY NORTUERN FANATICS | $004 puff. A poem that can stand the test halal Sea can Oe eas jMidicule can safely risk the test of sober criticism,| About 11 o'clock, A. M., Gov. Bashfe ac- ARE STIMULATED. land a poem that can create controversy is sure |compauicd by his private secretary, Mr. B. F. Senator Wilson, of Massachusetts, re-'to have a great sale. It is stated that over thir- | Hopkins, of Madison, repaired to the capitol, i i : | wing i Ys imme- cently made a speech in the United States ty thousand copies of the ‘Sung. of Hiawatha” | 204 arriving in the vestibule, proceeded oe ones Sons »K asti i Hoe . concentrat iscursive Senate, upon the Kansas question. This have been sold already, and this is quite up lead Gund i lcked, ‘henching, lowwver, the must necessarily concentrate, i diately to the door of the executive apartment speech was the st fi infla- : : | cussi indulg ide rsonal feel- speech was the most fanatical cand infla ‘the sale of Unele Tom’s Cabin during a like pe- late private secretary of Mr. Barstow, Mr. Hun- | cussion be indulged, considerable | pe! matory ever uttered in the Senate. It : A lod as 7 . riod of time. The profits of such a sale must tet, came to the door and threw it Open. The ing must mingle with the deductions of reason. he, Woo. oe a ef aie ai: alae console the author for all that he has suffered Governor, acompanied by a few friends, then So it is to be feared, in the progress ofa some- rahe at howe. To onable ikte, ne |from the pens of parodists and critics. He can a ho Serre apldgt onri what vague debate on topics wo detietes that complish its hellish purpose, one hundred | *flerd to be accused of plagiarism when be! cith’ those who entered with him. Mr. Ryan | more acrimony may be engendere wai sure, thousand copies have been ordered to be | counts bis gains by thousands of dollars, then approached Mr. MeArthur, and handed him jof a temporary character—than is usually pro- orinted. This speech will be like a fire| Hiawatha is the rage just now, and bids fair! a copy of the judgment rendered by the Supreme | duced even by discussions upon the strongest brand thrown into a powder magazine.— | to continue so for suine time to come. Poetical | Court. ; party topics. We are certainly glad that no Every man, woman and child, in the ne-| mothers christian their children by the un-chris-} | Mr. McArthur baving read the document, | .y¢h regretable incident bas yet occured. The gro loving States will read it; and it will |then said: “I have read this paper, Mr. Ryan ; ; . |have pa anything further to ger | Senator from Delaware spoke in reply to the re v. “ Jno. H. Hanghton, Eaq,, has been recommen, ded by a meeting recently held in Chatham,— New Hanover and Lenoir have declared fo, George Davis, while several counties have ind}. cated & preference for Jno. A. Gilmor, Esq, The names of other gentlemen, it is proper to remark, have also been suggested in cobnection with the nomination, We The matter will soon be settled, ‘The Con. heads were preserved just as they were severed from the body, by means of a new process dis- covered*by Dr. Rofx of Paris, relative of the late distinguished Professor uf that name. The pro- cess consists in placing around the dead matter —firsf, earth ou which sulphuric acid has been poured, and with which flowers of sulphur have afterwards been mixed; and sccundly, after the earth has been placed around the object to be preserved, in pouring over the earth a certain quantity of chloroform. The case must be in lead and horinetically sealed. I saw one of these heads, of an African type, which was in a per- fect state of preservation, the same as at the mo- the delegates may all safely return to their ment of embal t, three ths ago, in the | homes, and go at once carnestly to work toclect East. The only difference was a slight change | him. ian names of Hiawatha aud Minnebana; ship- - ' cal arena, I] have been too much depress- ed in spirit tu take an active part in the late elections. I contented myself with the heathens in their midst, in their indig- nation at the imaginary evils of slavery among us. When such incendiaries are make thousands upon thousands He oad builders name their crafts by the same euphoni- | ous titles; and, last of all, adventurous ladies, not | Bashford wishes to speak. regardiug the rights of authorship, recite Hiawa- | The Governor.— Well, Mr. McArthur, (taking Mr. Ryan—Nothing further, sir, unless Gov. leent speech of Mr. Houston for some two hours, in the course of bis remarks defending some of | the officers of the Retiring Board, and animad- in the color. But what is singular about the naa process is, that it is not only useful in preserving! Last evening, about eight o'clock, as Mr, Mil- dead Lodies in hermetically sealed cases, but af-|ton P. Pierce was coming in from the country, of & giving a silent vote for Mr. Ullman for Governor. While, however, Iam an inactive ob- server of public events, I ain by no means an indifferent one. I may say to you in the frankness of private friendship, that I have for a long time looked with dread and apprchevsion at the corrupting influ- ence which the contest for the foreign vote is exerting upon our election. This seems to result from its being banded to- off his overcoat and hanging it over a chair,) T| verting upon some of the gentlemen whose off- have come to take possession of these executive apartments, and demand of you the papers be- | 4 |er to hear the strance and novel performance.— deging eae the keys of the safes, fie ke, | that Board. Mr. Bell replied to portions of Mr. This last is the poet's crowning glory, and Pro- | apellat with all which pertains to the execu {Clayton's strictures, and at fuur o'clock the Sen- Ovpest Printixo Press ix toe Uxitep Sra- | fessor Longfellow ought to be forever grateful to tive chamber. > | ate adjourned. : a z 7 . | the Clara Darlings of the land who have hit up- Mr. McA.—(after a pause). Ww ell, Mr. Bash- In the House or Rerxesenratives the Lill tes.— We do not know, but if we are correctly ie hich: while j in thei ford, or Governor, (smiling and bowing to Bash- valine Sour haired and (wane thaw. informed, the “Bulletin” is printed on the oldest on an idea which, while it puts money ta ine ford,) I have to say simply this, that I bold the | appropr bg fo a b 2b ni . . Un & ith | Pockets, does him an honor never befure achiev- | ofjcs of Governor of the State under the consti-/S#9d dollars for restoring and maintaining printing press io the United States, and with - : : | C e co |. : si : : which was first printed the Mecklenburg Deslar- ied by any other poet. Trochaics bid fair to be- | tution, and denying as I do the constitutional | friendly relations with the Indian tribes on the Politicians’ stamp | rights of the Supreme Court to exercise jurisdic: Pacific was considered and passed Ly a large ter remaining a certain time in this prepa’ vion the i street, just beyond they resist the action of the atmosphere. The | the flats, and under the Maboning railruad bridge process is not only useful therefore fur embal where it the road, two men jumped from ing purposes, but may be applied to the preser- | behind the large posts or pillars, Ove seizing his vation of meats fur culinary purposes. horse by the head, whilst, at the same time, the other presented a pistol within an inch of Mr, Pierce's head, with the worls—“Shell out, or Lost or Stolen.—We learn that a little negro | ['ll blow out your brains!” With remarkable boy named Jasper, about six or seven years of | presence of mind, Mr. P. drew from his vest age, the property of the Rev, J. O. b. Dargan, | pocket a small roll of broken-bank bills, and elevated to place and to power in the) tha in Indian costume, with a background of Union, its safety may be well doubted. Cheraw Gazette. | wigwarms and forest scenery, and crowds gath- cial position has been affected by the action of oe ee come our common language. raed and sh efor ec io ter otra "Aen aa gata NNT Keer map, Ae imme sf int iwi ont Geeta oppg—otecay eee fee it has been a subject of bargain andeale has ui so long in use, and received maupy hand from pious preachers, long advertisements of tail these rooms. , nature a bill Mord reported by Mr. Cobb, of Ala- | plantation in es bhai Ew we aaa — satined with thle, and festontly Goop- Mews = 9g and cach of the great political parties of | thamps from awkward handel wag om puffs, of patent pills and potions, all are; Mp Ryan asked Mr. McArthur if he wished bama, from the Committee on Public Lands, to between the mes roads beading to Tiller’s Ferry | ying his pistol, while the other let gothe horse's par aba the country have been bidding to obtain ig Ty) otter ; o ; hich the modelled from Longfellow and are written in| to be understood that he refused to leave, and grant to the States having public lands therein | aod Dubose’s Bridge, on Sumlay the #3 of | head, jumped Lack behind the bridge, and the sure, (whi it, and as usal in all such contests, the quite ae well fer aps “ we " mu Sco us trochaics ; and ‘ts not atall uulikely, that young | then went on to explain to what extent the stat- | the unsold and unappropriated lands which have ; March. Mr. Dargan resides at Darlington Court | horse, frightened by them and the approach of relative to party which is most corrupt is inost epreerence of the “Bulletin” will show, | and timid love rs, wheo they w seh to pop the ate authorized Gov. Bashford to go. been in market for twenty years and upwards House, or near that place, and permission had | an engine ou the Columbus road, made quick vious to t successful. The consequence is, that it is It fw a singular edincidence that the use Ameri question, will be asking in iro haies, “Will you oh Me Anibiie: 1s yea vated, Mr: Beekiord, for the purposes of education and internal im-| been given by Mrs. Dargan to the mother uf the | work of reaching the city. Mr, )’ieree had 5 ; erie ry — » «| cans applied it to acunst foreigners in 1776, w . to put me out by force if I refuse to leave! Let : fast demoralizing the whole country ; tien ; ser in “| have me! will you wed me!” while the tender, us understand each other arigbt, provements; also, a bill to allow the exchange | child, to visit the plantation, a day or two befure, with him at the time a package of bills cuntain- ee ana age eines fe “enon blushing damsels will respond in accents gentle, The Gov. [do not wish to say as much as of school lands in certain cases. Mr. Goode, of | which she did, taking her little boy with her. ing $2,000, and two valuable gold watches, one 1 hat great palladium of our liberty —into | it be.—Ashboro Bulletin Bis nN Beales Mee ite feck “UL will aay ace hori en Weare now occupying ee, ce peed oem the Chae miiien om be I arpeare that whee abvet to return home, of them from association peculiarly so, TROU! an unmeaning wockery, where the rights Twill tell you; TE will have you, I will wed you.” wie: epting Gow: san a political District of Columbia a bill to authorize the Cir she missed her child, and diligent search was This is certainly one of the most wonderful es- of native-boru citizens are voted away by , Phil. Balletin, question, and -I/sball bot treat it as. 0 personal Cult Courts of the District-to deeree the sale of made for him without success, There are rva- capes we ever saw ded; end the rabbemest Advices ¢ those who blindly follow their inercenary as prhieoaiicd rargeen: ey ee affront, sir, fur you to answer me in the affirma- | feal estate in certain cases. This is a measure | us to fear that he has boca stolen, as a man searching Mr. P. can only be ted fur by had beee or ) > sited States and selfish leaders. The evidence of this is found not merely in the shameless chaffering for the foreign vote at every tive, if such is your determination. If it is your intenUon to use force in ejecting me, and will so say, | will consider it constructive force, and of great impurtance to the people of the city.— | was seen late the same evening io the neighbor- | the nearnces of watchmen or switchmen om the A bill was introduced by Mr. Meacham to ex-| hood near Mr. Privet’s, with » little megry be | (oivm ton railroad, and the early howr of the ~ > te Miss Peggy Land, a young wo man of Pickens District, about twenty four vears of after trying weaving, Py ’ B fade 5 6 at Philadelphia have given notice that par-| chases of silver for coinage will be made , A , tend the Jurisdiction of the Corpuration of, bind his buggy, answering tw the description of | . » A . fol v , 2 ye : 5 at h | might.— Cleeeland Leader, Saturday morniag. of pF Sgt Vuh the large ss hg eden sae hop vale lian Meine trane pac carding, spinning and sewing, last year Je Hunter, Private Secretary,—Come Mr,| Washington over the lower Eastern Branch | Jasper, making bie way towards Sumter or Ker-| ” [a a buw he - is | =, ‘ a | a . : . 4 . , | t . ea ee cents; old Spanish dollar, at| TC0t © farming, and made cotton which | Rasbford, out with it, say what you mean, act bridge, and to regulate travel oo the upper | shaw.— Camden Journal. Church Grounds.— We are to see The steaw home and abroad, as compar : P -. |netted ber $100. Her corn crop was two ' . ; : 7 with our native citizens. Where is|}05 cents; Mexican and South American | hundred and fifty behela, and she made | #%2 ™! | bridge. In Committee of the Whole the Presi- ..- |that the grounds aroand the Episcopal ton morket, the true hearted American whose check | dollars 106} cents ; half dollare of the U. espa bushole Ol whakieenk daa! The Gov.—Thea Mr. McArthur, I will say. ! dent's Annual Message was further discussed on | Chareb are being laid off for impruve- rece, does not tingle with shame and mortifi-|S- coined before 1837, at 52} cents ; the | Goll and fifty cents a bushel! She ac- omg eee pot er era ag the motion to refer its several parts. Mr. War Curious Brror amd ite Reewlt.—A certain nent ne y ree wae, ia ge a : : 337 53 A Fa J "8 ceably, 1 sh y duty t : t w crue he ay our highest and most cov- re pstaiagd hl eg sae ne aes cee ’ complished this herself, without any as-| what force would be Decessary to eject you. ner, of Georgia, and Mr. Allison of Pennsylvania, | citizen of Montrose. Scotland, it is anid, wrote to airs prac tele which A pa NEI forei Pay Memos, Siled by men of| © d old Fre ck Rene 7 i : a sistance or hiring. She ploughed, drove) McArthur.—That is sufficient, sir. I consid. spoke on the slavery question in reference to the | his agent io Londun to purchase a toa of copper! niuch towards beantif ing the ache foreign birth to the exclusion of native a o forin : AOE + cents each 5/ the cart, cut her wheat and cribbed her er that a constructive cjectment. I will now disputed jurmdiction of Congress over the sub- for hia: bet the letter being one of the very ' Fie otha 7 = boru f Sach appointinents are ahamilia- | German floring 41} Soon Prussian and corm, &c.—Columbia Times. Vield to you the possession of these apartments. ject; and this closed the day's procecdings. . ad acolo f pro hartned rl ri Cotten ting confession to the crowned beads of | Hanoverian thalers at 72 cents; Ameri Mr. McArthur then rose and grasped (ov. Hash ’ yor C | Worst specimens of penmanship, as well as per Kaleigh Register. (oe middling Europe that a Republican soil does not | C8" plate, best manufacture, at 120 a 12 ; : ford cordially by the hand, and after a few min = | hape not very correct in point of orthography, “- yroduce suflicient talent to represent a cents perounce, and genuine British plate Miss Page —We attended the Town utes’ conversation, quietly withdrew, having act From the Same, April 3 | the agrat read the onier a ton of capers. Sur Baytiat Church —A portion of the Ww. tepablican nation at a monarchial | 8 125 ceuts per ounce. Hall, on Thursday evening, to hear this ed the genUeman throughout. (iut. Thasbford In the Sesarn, according to a general under | prised at such an order, but pevertheless antious Congregation of this charch have per- Court, I confves that it ecems Sreae Western Democrat. lady lectire en W ier 8 rivhta, & : oe mrvcaaiangyt ard taking posession sent up bis standing of ihe wding day, the webuiched | to oblige hie correspondent, he immediately set chased the bot, on the West side of the The remo with all due respect to others, that, as a we. we are not married, (that is, we, the Lo. message to the Senate. business wae d. hae to allow Mr. Fessenden to |to work, and bought up the commulity ia al) Capitol, frunting on Hillsboro Street, inter to Nien ] ‘ hat < I ‘ general rule, our country should be gov cal,) we cannot or dare not say what we ¢ known as “Cook's Lot,” for the drawe up a] Aw Axrauas Wert.—We learn from the Charleston Standard, that “the South Carolina Railroad Company have been boring an artesian well at Sammerville, with a view to obtain a sa »ply of water sufficient for the use of the engines on the road. The work has been done by Messrs. Welton & Stearns, have foand the strata passed through the same as in this city, but considerably thinner A smal! a y of water has been reach deliver his views upon the Central American | quarters till be had the requsite amount This, of erecting a new and larger place of worship than the one now in use. It will be beik of the best material and in the latest style. The old church will proba- bly be ased by the colored members of | 80 that they im conseyucnce rose very much ia the congregation. . . Hut being, as he said, a manthst-Jestinarian to | price. The agent now wrote bis correspondent | Kaleigh Register. some extent, he was opposed to amerting our| that be had had great difficulty ie fulfilling hes . oo . views by war, but preferred delay for some years, | order, but at last hal succeeded in procunng for Rows, Feb. 28.— Mie Dis, ia — — when the inevitable progress of events will have | him a ton of caper | but that capers had ance her friemds at home to hear, has very much im- think woman's rights arc, but certainly Miss Page's pretty face gives Aer a right to tell that weak portion of humanity called man what Ae should do. She does not go in for woman putting on pants, &ec., (nor men shawls /) but wishes to en courage the energy and intellectuality of ber sex in the seuth, that they may. be erned by American born citizens. Let us give to the oppressed of every country an asylum and a home in our ha py land, give to all the benefits of equal Ce and equal aleenc ages : bat let us at the sane time cherish as the apple of oar eye the great principles of coustitutional liberty, which few who have not had the good fortune tu be reared in a free countrr. know how to appreciate and stil! less how to preserve. Slave property of the Uaited States.— Ac-| question as connected with the Lill for the great. | may be conceived, was attended with the very er efficiency of the army. The Senator ocx upied | patural efhet of creating a demand for capers, about two bours in bis exposition of the Claytoo cording to the United States census for 1850, there were then in the slave States three mill (1m the language of trade, capers came to be in won one buodred and ninety Gve thousand pine! Bulwer Treaty, the general tenor of his remark® | quired after.) and alan of rede ring them scarce, hundred and fifty-one slaves. Tab ug six han-| being in favor of the American iolerpretation — ; dred dollars as the average, and allowing for the who maternal increase since 1850, the total value of better able to perform t! solid duties of life « practical and Ral. gh Re gutter -_ slaves in the United States at this time, is esti- mated at two thousam! millions of dollars, the ed ata dept f 235 feet, the same, it is supposed, that was met with a littly over 300 feet in the city well. It does not, Washington, in that inestimable legacy which he left to his coantry —his fare- well address —has wisely warned us to anoual joterest of which at sis per cent, will Shoe Machine ona, France, has invented a seres of machines Jean earre Mullere, of Ly amount to one bua dred and twenty millions The estimated value of the slaves emanc 1p rendered unnecesaary any formal settlement of the question, Mr. Cass spoke at some length in reply to the Senator frum Maine, and tork oc {rae very much in price, and if he ehuse to sel] | Proved im health, for the benefit of which she he had now an opportunity of realizing a hand joe abroad some cightern months siuce. De- some gain on the transaction, The Muntrose | "® her sojourn of a few wouks here, she visited however, flow over, bat will require to be pumped into the tank. It is presained there isa sofficient quantity to supply the station, for the manufacture uf shoes, with which, from ted in the British West Indies was only fifty 4 the annaal in Sater Yetit sesumated by an able writer in Black wood's beware of tureign inflnence as the most ful foe of a republican government. Le saw it to be sure in a different light fruin that in which it now presents itee!f ; casion further to expand what has fallen from | cititen, a might be capreted wun very mecha the Hospitals fur the insane, and pointed out bom in the various Jehates on thie topic. The | tonisbed ia his tarn by the qacvenauiection’ an) (maey much aceded reforms, which there is | Opinions of the venerable S-nator are so farniliar | the manner in which his order had been fulfilled, "™e® © believe will be effected. An appropria- to the country, and bave been so much more | but hal the Gor sense to write immediately ty ton of $40,000 2 asked of the goverament to cutting out the uppers and soles through all the milhone not half the amount processes down to polishing anJ Lurnist og Le terest of slave property uf the | eles of soles and heels, (whoeh Gimeshes the ar bet he kuew t! > , - » sole * ot bre oo J - anitirag = in os Ucle) boots an} shows of every size and style are Magazine that the lose of [reductive property in elaborately expressed, that more ia nerdie than | sell by all means—aml thea, it is aided pocket | mae these institutions to the conditioe of those } urine nd hence . ie : ° : th acuity that tle we | . auuiuet tle ined oo wiles af’ — Pee Cause of the Continued Cold —The ™™de with facility that, while the shoema apd, bousea, machinery and implements of va | the allusion to them Mr Hell them aki remod | ed 2 comsnleraide sem from an anintentional eatabliched im the United States ender the coun- 4 » naedior ‘ a lain ‘ aa ” mae mane ar ; i ence ll Therehire) nell wall ic “ _ . Se jentifie American” contains an arti &t's man pr fur mak ‘s say 96 pare of nous hinds, which were rrmie red valueless by | the Senate in etplanauion uf sume personal pas | speculation and unexpected advantage sels of this matchless woman. Mies Dis is jane eakes to who this invaleable inheritasce|° = ee pen la Me Barrows, sin — shots or loca a " 17.50, the wean price peipation, ea not lew than for times the /sages which hed orcured betecen Mr Clay tm | now at Florence, shence she goes into Germany of self government has becn left by our i — ; mean ri me ee ine con. by the M " m for the same work amount of the whole value of slaves, Culculate and himeelf on Tuesday, acknoe lelwed that be on ber benevolent mission.— Cor, Newark Adv. p noed cold ¢ i” ’ rast winter was 16.72 rch « ver 0 per cont e > ’ a —- forefathers, as for the sake of the unter tHheromill of pol “ne be Sit di “ S16 72—e ” Per cr et. then the enormous financial ruin that wouk! fol. had been betray«d into unusual warmth of lan-| 2@ Pourics ' Poumes Pournie'' Poon Mea’ > "9 2 res e en Us etplosions, o oan woe s aoe. 5 7, wo! _ y y millions who are to inherit this land | gunpowder at Seb le i helieves Inference vm fa —_ By * the trampl of Als tiem in the Coited guage by « misapprehension of the Senatur's | Sometimes we get sick of the very word We anecdote of Methuselah —\t ia eee _ bed freee oo native—let as take warning the cacay- vas. Cotes ava Moulhere system it ths 170 pereons, at farthest ¢ aie meaning upon asulyct im relation to which be | take up sume of pewspepers daily and glance \omt oh! Jewish manuscript, now im the Beitioh a 7 ily tas centers and de what upon those « X} lesions, exercised a © rat boy oak eared) Reset U90 op) of buts and Is wonderful that Svuth shoukl be |! wae exoredingly senaitive Satefied now that | over their columas with the vain hope of finding | muerwe, thet the vihet of mankiod, Methenstel, © Cali just! ¥, tu pr Ve our institutions shows « mt j ral the Me ‘ — from 7 A ier paired % . : a t "8 | powerful refrigerent: influence upon the how uf all binds i. a dav: and they are men... natin nview of the fact that a formidali: be eas metaken, be tendered the ohve-branch | something vorel, beautiful. or wlcresting. ond In] mot live as long a be might have dune. y -_ Aim, a Ot bwUT ¥ re orn. an } on of el su TieTIOF arte . “ teed dream dishonor Lu let this be done | ‘ d | atmosphere in Ear: pe and America. Ty women and rem, of | artis harty, stromg enough to elect a Speaker of the to the Senator from Delaware. After bref ex. | meet but pottical Jim juritiuns —eh cLomeerniag The writer says (rod prom bim imo . * ” € is tl } ! ! » . . cf i r al Mas od hes t J ’ ole themselves in their auvereiu Ver) this he thinks we shall be indebted, da ve skill mw requir I amd finmh the jfnuee of Repres-ntatives. and a Hreasdent of the Planations, a reconciliation succeeded, and Ux | appeale—dull articles on the everlasting and that if be would rise wp and build bim a house, : m I rergn CapAC | ring the ensuing season, f late. sume number of shure ua by tl . his life should be prohiaged five handred = ia apholdi ty by making a proper discriminat x He season, for an alvate. same number ¢ cere and landa, by the okd pro 1 nie} States, (if th n should be thrown, amicable intercourse was renewed, which, as the | Monutonoes partman topies of the day ie pre aged me eit transmitting i the cle ee be dew | ent in the virulence of cholera and yel om, would require from 1.300 to 1.400 sees , Ly i Sok but he replied that it was not worth while to Z t f offic not by de « fever x a se net uinprobable. upon the House.) exinte in Senators remarked, has up to thee moment been | paper wodertakes to show that Pierce is the The “via priving any individs ay er, 88 Well as the potatu discasc—a i anj women skilled in the trade a bie ees i ; bold a house fur so short a periud; and so he s g ) a ‘| conaumiation devuetly to be wished. he non slavehokling States, whose avowed « unbroken for twenty years The Senate aburtly | man for the crisis—that leode Buchanan to the | hen eign born—of any constitutional or }k mall w i : J : 7 ert ko abolel alaveryic rom 4; AT (atierwards bell F Glen another advocnus (kot. 1 died Lefore be was a thousand years od. ue Pole Wie cicice fe es 5) We shall see Ore nderrouyh Toe y la t Dostx imihons of afterwards held an Executive easton | ek res per advocates the chum A | vegas paoy ty ag e ; ‘ , | ABLES AND RIFLES FOR KANSAS Svutherner of two thousand milhons of proper In the Hoven or Kere “ th ¢| 8 fourth essays in behalfuf unter —afifth epeak These are my sentiments in brie BIBLES AND RIFLES . ' Siete a eet Dree ‘oprase Kill or Cure.— A doctor was employed by « hmeeracy 9 although I have somet A ‘ Ata Kansas meet i a en Ue Maen of ether pro the appectmation iaile, with the Senate's amend. | out for Raha, and w thes go on the [temce: atic to attend bin wile, who yeh hibits ite pret x a rr 4 Vininiceh_ F N3as mce se ‘yw ave ek A ' ho : a ~our tnan to attend hie wife, w wa . be ured of tuy country w I have wit a“ a : eC f 1g os [treat Ss . =“ * worl be rend end valucless by! ments, were conademd in Committee A the ele. On the Amencan cide it ie similar, in thie t , ; j 4 ad AU i P i lpaatere aay ; a few days ay, | 1 ; oo a ee ; ously il. The doctor gave bim a hint that he Resolved, cael ra} . « of rrupt t Yale ¢ ege, entiser 5 , ; “ay” z a the porrors | Whole, viz: the bill fur pay mg ovale] and oth that papers have already One into canvas with had fears of not bei md. “I have five the Hon. Jas ' , , F ; “ : , } fe not be yet J k I perceive a experience a f He. [de Mr. D ' foci) and eons war wlich woahl necessanty oe pe na making appropriations for | Zeal and now the names ef Millard Filimore . "s | x by bus ) er ors .f = : Mad : : fea | Poonds,” eax] the man to the doctor, “and if you ! wl 1 adrid He Spanish w 1 and b for or acHne his ® ’ . flesh thie stu the Military Academy. and the defcr-ncy Lall and Andrew Jackson ltoneleon, are iterate! atm! a hes great abil “ e yreat ass «of ; ( rv t { hure 1 t ry to Kar nd r r Jerong! 1 | bill of cure you shall have the money.” The manship—aa : ‘ ttealig | ver ea } if gy ) An<aa ~Dlous a wpara * g The (or ttee of Wayeand Means had recom | reiterated eo frequently thatthe workl knows ° ? thie enligtite conntry ia once fa \ , Moa |) : Clia leeathen re ey cpt : +l them Uy home woman died in the doctor's hands; after a reas- I'remideot of aruuted, and the dauyer manifested it! . sa genera ression, Ts MAY ou a mom enncurrence im the: ~enate's amend: | them by hear unable time he calls for hia fire pounds. The commenei will fearleesiy ain \ 4 . ; . , | that the | v se : . ore Menta to the two first named bille, and the Hang poliues! Ite poor baminexe [te a sen _ mene 7 og i. aes bh Ver \ pacer 8 apply ‘ t ed and . f m, ae kee er « ” ve — - bring back the Gover ment te tho ane, | and figur “on a any NOINDEPENDENT House adopted the recommendation. The die | of black and batter waters, in which many along oy a : = Convention t « mm } ther Canits Hidipse nepee wih ' ! ; : No Ind you cure her{” “No Then, uyeuf Was ; a 4} | LACH aH oreee sien agen the amendinenta to the ckfirweney | prowl ship has gone down It has wrecked |) ae ap \ " pert, to wae } ally ' pt 1 a re ts s there per | a w paper janet etarted " whe atin wiil'e f | \ pe poor man, “you have no egal demand, ation to that F t ! ai ; : pledge 1 ar four nk, when} many a great hope, and gallant spret, and ite ' WX . 7 | apa, ay ater rout y v ; Llown of ( ton, Sampeon Coun 0 | . > ila 4 ar : ne ine AR bade = cnrmuacatin ee a iy Fiver Io cc kemnio Ginn he House adjourned j waves mercilessly roll over the afle one and Courtship A. loser chowld be treated eh Thus, whit tus Jtv, an trus t t ' aniidet - 5 e en ites fe. ng > Hg Tos aoe eons rey 4 less prace in Put ton Aine ae Hye wich mn Gn uae table lt a of apes the amenities of |ife, turn “g them to gall and the same gentleness as anew glove. The young party, hes ed over and preserved 7 : r : 1 | WEEE ever acen ae Se Janes, nor, in Spite ~ w k “ r Vurth eutral in polities, ably edited and Prayer Voted Owt.—On Monday even ng | Wnticrnese. Ik entranges friemle and makes fren lady shook pall him on with the utmost ten- , u ae cae lof all the s et ay u t elisa rth handsomely printed. Suc ape | prove “ee vvening. «Poche But Thave said inore than | intended | at A + Seen ree ule Oreea ‘ he Tu Baltimore Sun i at ‘ Y i i . ' a . ale a, ples ** the 10th ult, a public meeting was beld in Lon. | and even the rewards it offers are only obtaine | Jernena at first, only making the smallest ed- “ . ; {] eres A rench woman and = yraceful : gre eyusition to the coun ne ron bl . | . . aud muels foors than I should have said lournureentheireas|: i act moe a sn wherein it is published, and abould receive, aa it Jon, to mid im the movement to promute the ob- A oa ‘ peer ati and then are unsubstan j vance at a time, till she gradually gains upon odie a So dele tn inated friend, ar a and the twilette. An Engliel woman's > ° leserves, aliberal support in that region from the servance of the Lord's day. The enemies of the | U% 80d 'lusory he saying “How wretched | him, and twists bien ultimately round her little wens te to cy in political strife ‘cleyanoe ures oll fms it ee MARSHAL NE} pubhe indmeriminately. Sampson i a wealthy Sabbath, however, rallied in great nambers— | ™ the mam who hangs on princes,” well applies finger ; wherens the young Indy who is hasty gard to f vememler me kindly to pe Iv] ™ © ifom her high breed . . 2 d prosperous county, anc P s : ’ . case rtina a : and belies : ne nly Ww your fauily, ing and pureang, Lut the grace of the A ; correspondent of the Salishnry sara Alena qe sneer an ter ciuzens hia nite lord Shaftabury presided, and called upon a my the of the pa n, for he trusts to the and im too great a herry, will never get» lover Above all ; ; : a hea tence pp . 1 yin the State for intelligence and patni-| , a i - Truly your friend Spameu women 8 pure nature No My 7 it fel Ot ee staterm A se a tism Moreover it ia the wai place ey the COTEYMAN present to open the meeting with ae of the Prople, an] that ie a broken ~| to take her hand, bat be left with nothing but P sm ) . _ \ hie Ney's Ct r vas al shar ; 7 " So ome e earied o vr - eee ’ tng. etcice fr e e ee en cecapell ec atitce ee ibe WS Rouse Rays York Carsvecs (eros Fraser. Chictwani prasad nenine!, and, after | 2 1 Uta sometimes weaned gut by the ever. hey wits at her fingers’ ende bar MILLIARD FILLMORE whether for» rexpression, Ag "at he en aped to this country having |<), whom shade may be supposed to look down much confusion, it wa proposed, amidst) cheer lasting theme, on such a day aa this, whem the ohh been fired at th nk « rea, ke J ney tall : sicle BO rnest hint cheer : e T PRP ay ba _ an Eny advances in yeah, i n fi t . a ath lz : “ from bie Pich abode i smiles upon this enlight and great uproar, that the business | ia sun abines brightly, and there ia a Pleasant THAT BLESSED BABY. A A 1 . hos oe Wee Tipe are notaloneii Fe eavl ; of “ a moar, that the business be prooredes ; €¢ che yenera 3 othe Hanis ae “ avanilians t ns a JY ening among the people whom he lowed to the with withwat prayer, This teing i ter breeze in the air, and the footprints of Spring! All France is in an uproar. Te Deums are f pl 4 wewepaper of Turin 1 whee am better frog, CEMUEN Is apt to unwieldly = the AMIN TE SMU SUC LAREN 10 HOR BEEN day of bis afficting denies For the eake of tis . “ ( eon tee vif e budes , : ' ‘ he contracts, the other expandas and @ exeeution of a criminal by wilitary memory, give it your eupseort sacn of Samnpaon Lord Shaftsbury declared that, in all hia « rperi- | manifest in the budsand bhasoma and furest | being chanted in the charches—cannon ere Hemme iw wtih the writer thus apenks of that the expan y-t tl ali it tt we ut ce perceive that the thing ° Ni. ihn ence, he bad never heard such a resolution pr trees, we feel like wandering off into the woods, | roaring — bells ringing —illuminations blazing — { men lraat tl eye . ; ‘ pan VY howgela mm “ ; ‘ Xu ‘ bu ’ A ad 1 eard such a rese mn pro | : 2 a L _ ‘1 cee " ae’ Tneonvenient, preserves the beauty of the | re Bie a Clee is trav: C28 posed before, and declined to put it to the meet: | . | ee gol bye to polition for a day at) people generally from the bigh functionaries of further than t vl Ure bagiietoou having been turned inte ber ? Ee ' ” . and tion ‘ ey d neve tay , . enst <a 0 » wi : : Ld face Wa later period of lif ‘ ay vent A 4 aden Monument to Henry Clay —The comer stone ("8 Thit was the signal for renewed uproar, ‘ tin pleasant to walk in the woods at the government down to the lowest peasant of we language | reeks bor tee Keemch troops, the tibuual fas conpented to close a | with a dady ee a ea i tlw wichita which diw-loeielinvediond this season and when itis a little Inter, to see | the plain, going wild with joy, all on account of yet, the great line ter Aa ’ ol emer ent to erectes . 7 al Sk eh a Lordatip recipes ' beeen transferred to Ube totenor of the Vatican ; and th fa ar aon “ posterity a repu if " un nt “ m= i ew Orleans ‘ve hirmda Wise I i "| the marvellous changes which @ few days of | “that blessed baby.” Hurrah! for the new King the American Moen , , tatio ar wore deg jan lifets | ; to Henry Clay, will o os E » ole oted in, am 1@ enemy ( q ‘i hy where the Durmiuieams uceupy a parte lich iene 1 r " , Will strat Min A “ ar He ‘ i | m as y . . . i t ' 12th of Ay Rasey alltia eee MY | warm sunshine have made. The forest ia full of Algerie, and long may he wave. May his Buchanan anc hot ,art rate z nati oF lig all antecedents up to the ELL rove ml, being the beth dav « ¢ : . J | A Lut thuse who have grown old iva atonttten Garnnin, OXa ation at the Su fe Torah I oh paps ; rth day of thet illustrious man of new life; the delicate leaves are robing Ube | shadow never be less.— Wil, Herald. making a wry ever find, such is the mtnescy and updeiry Preme Court, New York, in relation to C2 OG “hentia Preparations are making fur one of the moat F wd moult det : . Na (ein Cara : Marlin Lethe? i ; oe trees in beauty: and there ia eee ceed ng in referenc A Ube ehmira meena anid Avy aie ica ey magnificent pageants ever witnessed] in this Martin Luther's Labors.—From 1517 w ; especies Co " 7 ; ° Luh te fren yan ie Icematon ig] bn i se ee snpaied ee FRESH GARDEN SEEDS. “Where ws bead tw ot W tothe Meginitore want «oth I : t \ >: ountry 026, th st le e of the lu formation, the * fort 4 eer & Adds thie pmveors h ] fa s se ' — Bere ; ere, Aa ' } . ae number of his publications wae 300: fron 1527 = | hy erred ur qucstin you. they neither ead oli er tan, but iny tate book keeper is now Svinethen Chew —Thane whe have worn - I 1 orom 122) OC mingled bhemanme AN ADDITIONAL SUPPLY JUST RECEIVED rune then A demtier a we nrrant—such extrote memuns Preparing w statement «hich hall be fur “Wee tet wrth inant ee ca eee of Ameria Fabrire othe : If " vom vend 7 e number wae 242) Hut, we hear some practical spirit, more By SILL & STLL, aimee | . ; ; he wd to lear ( motate of amla Il be ‘ an oO 3 5 e ¥e: de > " : are unly rem ried fur thane whe: attempt tue Malte divou within twenty-four hours, piv Le ee evil, Cut the ateake the stated that American printed muslin de “ r " 537 to 154 ; th year of his death, | interested in Naval Stores, than buds and blos- \ Druggists, $<, opposite Mansion Hotel : eamedn « th ties il & er teu fay r o ps * e ye “| a bas . - F cape, buta geode man calle upon youn a gu A , ; , ut “ , eels ; TE tay belie ith Alibre two inches thick. rub them laines are ¢ ming into the market in \ ou .. cae lS if first book was puly | sora, exc aim, “what is all this about? return Pes Ba ety of Colinae, cary & thou, thea, fo way, and iaturms vou that the Holy OMe 4 tH a R an oe a Oe ha vee ve wee with a small quanty A soda, wash off next great variety this season. The styles are (“CGS ovember, 1517, and he died in Feb-| to your mutton!” So with agiance out of the Colery, Squash, Cantelope aad Mosh Molen ; Woter- Ish the Bitle | quests the pleasure of your compar ‘ Henle : sles . i. Ue understand auruing, eet inte @ surtalde this kness, and far tnore Ine autiful than ever before pro- | UA: 1546 —an interval of 29 years and four open window at the bright day, and the peach Melon, Tomato, Pepper, Corn, de. resident of t (a Madde to terostelon a i Se: ; “ ard o ality aT NOW co as you choose, The same proces will an. duced in thie comntry, Very few of these months. In this time be published 715 volumes | blossoma, the plum tree and the weeping willow | 4 Also N neck, and on | Wety Han nen is @ pee or wher thaw that swer for fiw gs of mutton, de Fry it, all goods are now im ted he 1 supply of the ORANGE WATER-MELON, on smiles . a ; ea : . , all ‘ ’ ported, as the trade very an average of more than 25 a year in i . i ‘ 'iles of base peitety auggente the expedieuey of beings joins und in the atinesp lore of Wall street.” «he ede heus Gaader dishes of meat venerany prefer domestic manufacture. | furtorlit of his public lif ce ome oe one & our neighbor's yard, we come back to polities entirely new and must delicious variety, the rind of he might re ayain.— Wil Heruld, [which i peeled from the fruit, as one would pee! an ‘ [April #, 1856. 45:1 "nynous, Dhan | Orange , | i i “F e l l sh e l t i e i in e t ie } = Ed L | re t i y i g E re ee Se y rh t e l t i n i fr r e t e tf SALISBURY, WiC. TUESDAY EVENING, APRIL 6, 1886. = ‘TERMS OF THIS; PAPERS200 CASH, | FOR PRESIDENT, MILLARD FILLMORE, New vot. FOR VICE PRESIDENT, OF TENNESSEE. CS Sa Se WHIG . MEETING, There will be a Whig Meeting held at the Court Honse in Salisbury, on Mon- day of May County Court. All the old line Whigsare requested toattend. There will be several addreases delivered. Harnett County—A_ portion of the Citizens of this new county seem bent, either on repealing§the law establishing the county, orso much of it as relates to the locating of the County site. At a public meeting held in Barbacue district, having for ite object a declaration of views, the fullowing surprising facts are stated : “A majority of the last Legislature saw fit, in its w to divide the county of Oumberland, as*we believe, on its own responsibility : for jno member of the last Legislatare from Oumberland, made known the scheme publicly while can- vassing the county ; and if anything was known to any one, or even the majority who supported and advocated the mea- sure, (which we do not pretend to charge) relative to the division of the wracegh abd vious to the election, it was kept from the people.” From the Soath Carolinias. TROUBLES WITH THE INDIANS, Sr. Locis, April 4th. Advices from Sante Fe state that 260 had beea ordered by Gen. Garland to invate t b Gila country, and avenge the murders and rob- beries committed by the Ap NEW YORK MARKET. New Yous, April 4th. The steamers’ news had no effect on the cot- ton market. Sales of 2,000 bales, at 10}c. for Orleans, and 104 for opland. Flour jo $7.62. Corn 65 cents. 4 (For the Watehman.) 1 observe a notice in one of the papers of thin week, that the Stockholders of the Seaboard & have instructed the Directors to suspend all op- erations on the Sabbath, This I suppose has been done since the late serious disaster on that road. Is it not a wise recognition uf Divine Providence ; and an honest acknowledgment that the disaster may have been attributed to the just judgement of God fur the desecration of his holy day! If the running of and rail ears on the Sabbath is a sin at all, it is a sin prevailing on a very extensive scale. Is it not a reasonable expectation that men even nominally christian, instead of fluurishing the charge of fauaticisin and other imputations upon the motives of those who complain of thse desecrations, will seriously inquire into the right or wrong of the matter. I suppose there are several hundred thousand persons transported frum place to place by these public carriers every day oa which they run. If this thing is a violation of the Divine com- mand, it is one which God cannot be expected to overlook or disregard. Can the companies expect to prosper when flying thus in the face of divine authority! Ia the writers opinion the decision of the Seaboard & Roanoke Company, was a wise one ; and it is to be hoped that the Stockholders of our Central Koad, (of whom the writer is one,) will adopt the same course at thei 4, a Bext annual mecting. [Fue the Watchman } Davie Superior Court, Spring Term, 1856. We the uodersigned, Grand Jurors fur Davie | County, having had aa unusual amount of bus | imess befure us, do say to our féllow citizens and the public generally, that nine-tenths of all the | cases we have bad under consideration, origina | ted, directly or indirectly, im thesuse and traffic | NEW_ORLEANS MARKET. New Onceaxs, April 34. | Cotton is firmer—sales of 9,500 Lales, at Ofc. | fue moicdiling. -- Jan. N | uf ardent spirits, Signed in the Grand Juror room at the chose of the 4th day Session. M.G. Kicuanos, For'm CC. Hexpaicas, M.D. Anmrieio, A. T. Lawn, Ricumoxp Sunex, Baock, ts Hy if » Ignoble man! | Words! Abuse your betters and have aut the | courage ty face these you have injured.” Roanoke Railroad N.C., by a unanimous vote, | LATEST pete ve — pig t THREE DAYS LATER FROM EUROPE. ARRIVAL OF THE STEAMPR ASIA. New Youx, Apvil 4th, [ The steamer Asia has arrived, with Liverpool a decling of 11-16d. « 4d. lower, Corn declined Is. Cireular says that common gravles of cotton being in large supply, and freely offered, had dediaed $ a fd. while middling had declined 1-164. The Bank bad reduced the rate of interest on short and long paper, to 6 per cent. Mr. Buchanan Vd introduced Mr. Datlas to the diplomatic corps, aud had goae to Paris, whence he would return and take passage in the bext steamer, The Empress of Franca and her infant were duing well. The rejuiciag continued, and con- gratulations were pouring in. FURTHER BY THE ASIA. It was reported that two divisions of the Cri- mean army under Sir. Cylin Campbell would go to Canada, Great alarm prevailed in Spain, owing to the discovery of a Carlist conspiracy. The frontiers cf France were closely watched. ‘The Prussian representatives took their seats at the conference on the 10th. The b of the Conk was finished, and a of one from each power had been appointed to ‘draw up the treaty. The 11th session-would be held om Saturday. Great mortality prevailed among the French troops in the Crimea. Spring and Summer Goods FOR 1856. R. & A. MURPHY, spectfally announce to their friends & the public that theie Spri has been received, and ia read extensive and varied, for the Season, it at lowest cash prices. and ch te ott cs cae dere at very low prices for ewsh. They have a splendid stock of Dress Goods FOR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, AND A FINE ASSORTMENT OF READY MADE CLOTHING. Their stock also pr an of Goods for negro weag—and Boots and Shoes of ev- ery variety of style and price. GROCERIES, Hard- ware, Cutlery, Qeens and Glassware, Crockery, &c. &e. Call and sce, and hear prices, Salisbury, March 31, 1856. ois u SPRINGSUMMER FA GOODS. Ww ing « great variety of STAPLE & FANCY Goods, well adapted to the Seasoa—ail of which have been bought at the lowest figures, and which we are determined to offer at whotesace and retail at prices that must give satisfaction. Call and examine our stock before you purchase as | we are determined to sell. MURPHY, McRORIE & CO. Salisbury, April 1, 1°56. ww. Nos 1 « 2, Granite Rs To the Ladies. State of North Carolina, | ASHE COUNTY. IN EQUITY. WW HERES, Aaron Latheram and wife Mary, Samuel Jones and wife Naney, David Rowland and wife Susannah and others, hath filed their bill of canplaint aguinst Luke Eller, Duvid Eller, John Eller, Peter Etler and William Eller—And upon its being made to appear before me that the said Peter Etier and William Eller are non-residents of this State ; this is therefore to notify the said Peter Eller and William Eller to be and appear at the next term of our said Court of Equity to be held for the County of - Mills, Moose & Co. BR leave to inform their many friends and the Lagrsg weg Age they ure now receiving and est in Brick House formerly occupied by ennedy & Mills their stock of STAPLE AND FANCY Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, together with all articles usually kept in a Dry Goods Store. yu also receiving the largest and best selected stock of Groceries ever offered in this market all of which they are determined to sell at prices that cannot fail to please. P.8. THE HIGHEST MARKET PRICES paid at all times for Floar, Wheat, Corn, Cotton, and all kinds of couutry duce January 9th, re 37 NEW BOOKS. J usr RECEIVED. Rose Clark, by Fanny Fern; Lessing’s Field Book of the American Revolution ; Good Time a Coming. by T. 8. Arthar; My First Season, by Beatrice Reynolds; The Hidden Path, by the Author of “ Alone ;’’ Scenes in the Life of a New York Surgeon, by Dr. Dixon; Prescott's Phillip the Second, 2 volumes ; J. H. ENNISS, Bookseller. 37 MOCKSVILLE MALE ACADEMY. E vext session of this Institution will commence on Wednesday the 20th of February, inst., The school ic now in a very flourishing condition, aad the sabseriber will use his utmost ors to keep it so and t sustain the reputation which it has heretofore enjoyed. Young men will be p lo enter an class in the University or in any of our Colleges which they may desire. TERMS : Primary Department per session of 5 months, » $2.00 Higher English Branches, 12. Court of Pleas and. Quarter Sessions, February Term, 1856. Zephaniah Turner ve. Enoch Peary. Original Attachment fevied on Land. I; appearing to the satisfaction cf the Court, that the defendant, Enoch Penry, is not an inhabitant of this State: It is therefore ordered by the Court, that pee be made for six weeks in the “ Carolina b ” printed at Salisbary, that the said Enoch Lae 8. 8. Prentice ; Abbott's ife of Bo . Nocatee. STATE OF NORTITCA ROLINA, DAVIE COUNTY. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, February Term, 1856. Jacub Tuterrow vs. Enoch Penry. ORIGINAL ATTACHMEAT LEVIED ON LAND. Ir appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that the defendant, Enoch Penry, is not an inhabitant of Chie State: It is therefore ordered by the Court, that Peury, be and appear at the next Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, to be held for the County of Davie, at the Court House in Mocksville, on the 4th Monday in May next, and show cause, if any he has, why the di for the satisfacti : 4 said land should not be i | WITNESS, Caswell Harbin, Clerk of our said Coart at office, the 4th Monday in Febraary, A. D. 1856, and in the 8U:h yrar of var Ladepende-nee. C. HARBIN, Clerk. By A. Haass, D. Clerk. Price Adv. $5 50 6 pablication be made for six weeks in the © Carolina Watehman,” printed in Salsbury, that the said Enoch Peary be and appear at the uext Court of Pleas and | Quarter Sessions, to be held for the Coauty of Davie, | at the Court-Hoase ia Mocksville,on the 4th Monday in May next, and show caase if any he has, why the said land should aot be coudemued fur the setinfaction Ashe at the Courthuuse in Jefferson on the 2d Mon- day after the 4th Monday in August next, thea and there to plead, answer or demar to said bill, othe rwin judgment pro confesse will be taken as to them, and a decree made according! Witness my hand this 28th March, 1856. GEORGE BOWER, C. M. E. April ®th, 1856. 4561 —Priater’s fee 500 State of North Carolina, } ASHE COUNTY. 4 Superior Court of Equity, Spring Term, 1856. Hamilton Ray, eee HE are now g the finest and | most complete stock of Ladies’ DRESS Goods | they have ever offered to the public, which they will sell at a small profit. They invite particular atte ution | to their fine embruidered, silk and lace MAN TILLAS; and to their latest styles of BONNET RIBBONS, | EMDROIDERIES, &c. No 3, Granite Row | BROWN & COFFIN Salisbury, March 25, 1856. 43-f | | | | PLOUGH MANUFACTORY, MACHINE PUT AND SEED STORE, 251 PRAL ST. near Faites New-York. JOHN JONES, PROPRIETOR. The subscriber being a practical Mechanic, and having many years «xpenence in the manafecture of all kinds of Aeascuctunal Larceamewrs and Macuinaay, would hed DE- David Werth and Juha A. Ashley I’ appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that the defendant John A. Ashley in the abuve case, se non-resident of this State—It is ordered that publi - cathn be made for six weeks in the ~ Carolina W atch- man” os Steen aitey te) boat. Serer ct the neat term of the Saperior Coart of Equity to be held utherwise, will be attended to the first opporteanity WASHINGTON AFFAIRS. J. H. Fostxa, H. HL. McMamax, fe the anid County of Ashe, at the Courthouse in Jofloremn on the 94 Mendey after the 4th Munday in August next, then and there to plead, anewer, or de- mar to said bill, otherwise the same will be taken pro confease and heard exparte as to him. Witness, George Bower, Clerk and Master of sad Court, at uffiee, the 2d Monday after the 4th Monday tm February, 1556. GEO. BOWER, C.M E respectfully call the attention of Merchants and Plan- | ters to his large and most complete assortment of the | above Goods, which he offers fiw sale at lower prices than any other House im the trade | GUANO, BORE OUST, OUTEG-rhoernaTE OF Lime, rLasTeR, a5D OTHER FERTILIZERS | March 31, 1856 | i. Et 8 ie Bs ft Dr 443m. of the plaintiff's debt, and sale ordered accldingl y. WITNESS, Caswell Harbin, Clerk of oar maid Coart, at office, the 4th Mouday Monday in February, A. 1D., 1856, and in the “0ih year of uur Iuaepen- dence. C. HARBIN, Clerk By A.A. Hanes, D. Clerk Price Adv. §5.50 6w42 <<—\ DR. W. F. BASON, DENTIST. Orrice NEXT DOCTOR WHITEHEAD'’s.| | Tr Commanications through the Pust Office, “| 300 PACKAGES FRESH DRUGS, MEDICINES, &e., de.) SILL & SILL, | Draggists and Chemists: opposite Mansion Hotel, | SALISBURY, N. C, R ESPECTFULLY anmoorce that they are now | UL receiving aud offering « large and eatirely fresh stock of | DRUGR, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, patterns ave found at of the plaiutiff’s debt, amd sale ordered according. | - | day dissolved by mutual P 42 |ed to said Firm, will find their notes and accounts at HY vhould Southern men go North to bay their ploughs and machinery when they can get an goed and more substantial articles at home at Northern prices, thereby saving the price of trans- portation. That the public may not be deceived, and to save many inquiries that I have to answer, I here- Classice, 15.00 | with append a list of prices of the principal articles JNO. B. GRETTER, A. B. | that I manafacrase. Beb. 15, 1856. 39 Circular Saw milis with 48 to 50 inch saws, 24 bs feet carriages, 48 feet ways, all te, $375 to . BEFEREACES, $400; Cilendrical Straw Cutters, 12 inch box, $30 President and Faculty of the University ; Rev. 15 ineh do, $40 ; Warrows, $13 ; Cultivators, Drary Lacy, D.D, President of Davidson College ; $5 tw $6; ee ine Beko with 4 or 6 horse Hon. Joho uy. Morehead, Hon. Joha M. Dick. Greens. | power, $175 40 $200; avery ior article. borough ; F. E. Shober, Esq., J. F. Bell, Esq., Salis- | frum@S to $19, according to sige and workm bary. All Kinds of repairing ef machinery done at short no- tice, such as ine work &e. ad in your orders State of North Carolina, \wviee mchioe aed here-pomer saiy, asf only bonagr a oer All work warrant- ‘4 ed. y far in ful jon and can DAVIE COUNTY. furnish ge of any di and where the rt notice, J. H. THOMPSON. Davideon co., N.C., Feb. 5, 1 56. 636 A WORD. 10 THE WISE IS SUFFICIENT. E have a good many Accounts over twelve months’ standing, and would like to have them Ww closed. All persons interested will please attend to he same immediately if n0t sooner. R. & A. MURPHY. 3m36 hin & itis HE Cop P ing under the name and style of J. D. Brown & Lemly, is this All indebe ‘ . ~ he wlan | the Store of Browa & Coffin, and are respectfully re- ’ J\ | quested to cull and settle, as it is absolutely necessary LAND VOR SALE Eees2cos sass I Lavine determined to sell off and move Soath. | I offer my plantation for sale, tying on the waters of | Fourth Creek, 16 miles west of Salisbury, adjaning | ——— the lands of Joho 8. Carson, Jeeub Baker, and others. | The depot un the Western Extension must be near. | ‘The place hasvn it all necessary buildings in goed re- pair, Ale one good meadow. The tract contains abent 350 eeres, one half of which is in a high State | of enluvation, and the balance is well timbered. | Those wishing a gued bargain, mast call sun. as I will cell on acermumedating terms Perens cating on Wm. L. Sicele, can have assiet- ance im viewing the lands. JOUN W. STEELE. March Ith, 1X56. au | ~ ' ' Old Court House for Sale. | byte ter moe eames aoe | Town of Salisbury, will be mid at public auction, at c Malibary, Fob o ay STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, J. D. BROWN, H. A. LEMLY, Salisbury, Feb. 1, 1856. p'd3m3 _ Potatoes and Molasses. 20 Barrels Pink Eye Potatoes ; 4 Hogsheads Muscavado Molasses ; 10 Barrels N. O. Molasses ; just received und for sule by 12 (37) MILLS, MOOSE &Ce. ROWAN COUNTY. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, February Term, 1856. | | Jubn A Muody, Agt., ve Aberdeen Company. | Original Attachments Levied on Land and Personal J. . a. ng to hb and Clark: of the son Colin, are IN this case, it app Swart, that Sameel Smit of April aext, at 12 o'clock, MU. Six months credit made houwa vn day of sale he dour of the said building, 5 of Aged ore Be een) ine ih Gry | Co iababitnnisa! thio Gtatot) ld bs thesebiee Sndcoed b ag wil bec Ou ; | by the Court that peblieation be made fur six seccess- birt gaceadie ira AT ater . ive weeks in the Carvlina Watchman, « newrpaper JOUN F. McCORKLE. | Publinbed im the ‘Town of Salisbury, notifying the par- CHARLES L. PARTEF, | i be and appear at the next Coan of Pleas and JOUN L SHAVER | Quarter Sessions, to be held for the County of Rowan, .J J SUMMERELL at the Court House im Salisbery, oa the ist Munday DA DAVIS . to May arxt, then and there to replevy, and plead to [Sea z sad cast, or judgment by defauk will be rendered a- March I lth, 1856 March 27, 1856 Printer's fee $5 00 — 45 E the andersigned Commiasioners, appunted by Wasarworos, April 3d. | The removal of Wheeler, United States Min- inter to N is anticipated. , iM drawa up & project desigeed to injure Walker's Breese | Jamas Fosren, Coverament. Mr. Bechanan has written a leticr in favor of the principles of the Nebraska bill, a» affording | the only settlement of the slavery -juestion. | Throwing Viériol.—The practice of throwing vitriol on ladies dresses, which, a few years back, created s0 much excite- | ment in New York, bas been recently re- newed. The papers give account of several cases which occurred in that city on Sanday night week. The perpetrator had not yet been discovered ; bat very large sums were offered for his detec- tion, and it is most likely be will be brought to trial. - DEMOCRACY AND FPOREIGNISM. The late, Democratic State Convention among tteverion of resolutions adopted the fullowing : Resolved. That in the rise at home of factions based pun a single” principle inimical to our govrerument and constitution, and in the stirring aed warlike condition of the = behold dangers to our peace and prosperity, if out to our perpetsity, which showkd cause every good Hime to ponder well the steps of his political action ; and that we earnestly imvite the lover uf bis country, of whatever name or creed, to join we: in apholding the constitatiun in its purity, and Vanemitting it unimpaired to our saccessors. The “vingte principle” embraced in the reso. lutivn refers to the basie of action of the Ameri can party against foreigners, Now, while the Iktmeeracy sustain this ground, it likewise ex hibits ite preference thus : Resolved, That anerring indications point to the Hon. James Buchanan—dixtinguished alike by bis } ero al character, bis tried | emocracy, | hes great abilities, experience and emineo! sates manship—an the nation's choice for the office of | V'residemt of the United States, for the term commencing on 4th of March, 1857; that we lu hereby imetruct our delegates to the National Convention to amsemble in Cincinnati in June bert, to wee their efforts to secure him tbe nomin ation to that office. Thus, while the Democracy oppose the Ameri-! party, because of its hostility to foreign in eon, and at the same time fully endorse vewBochanan, they forget that on the 4th of ¥ 1818, thie same lauded individual, in the ” fd Lemenater, used the following language gard to foreigners : Above all, we ought to drive fromovr shores * wnfluenceand cherish exclusive Ameri ling. Foreign influence has been in every he vurse of Republics—her jaundiced cye eveything in falee colors. The thick at Seve of prejudice by which she is ever sur ', exeduding from her sight the light of we language more hostile to foreigners?! And yet, the great Democratic party whieh opposes the American organization—can swallow James Buchanan and his hostility to foreigners without taking a wry face. A contemporary, in speak- ng in reference to the apeech referred to, says : “Where was the need of a speech like that forty care ! ee ftielp ay born citizens far daring to hold an American meeting on thele ewn blood bought suil! Had “roundrel prieata, with the foreign smell all about ‘hom, then, forty years ago, determined to. ban- | 'sk the Bible from the public schools! Had a | I'resident of the United States then bowed his | A jeal hypocrites, so that | might retain power! Hnd the arrogant, CORN — Mused, 57 ore veewe at Ca WHEAT White, 81.55 to 91.90 | Sond Dry Mised, and 67 to lof the Journal of Commerce, under date of March 12, writes that Paris, as inevitable.” sal of Mr. Crampton has long been ex pected in England, and that his dismissal |now, no matter upder what ecireamstan- |eéa, whether in the face of a satisfactory Had the accused agents of ‘ : down in cold blood American | doings, will not excite the slightest sen sation in the public mind. Wa. A. Menosey, L. P. Rarcapes, Simkos Searoun, A. Aces, | Lavi Fucroup, | Jous Kixcey, E.uan Garren, | Wa LL Peaar. | NOKFOLK MARKET. Reported by Rewtaad & Br.'s for the “ W sichman ~ Noaroia, April 3 BACON—Hame, 12 @ 13 Hog pound, 11 @ 114 LARD—No | and 2.11 @ lig White, 54#—Velow, 61 @ 62 B E PEAS—90 @ 95 BEANS, white, | 7a? 00. FLAXSEED—i 65@170 COTTON —94e94 FIL R— Fine, 06. 50—Superfine, 7 00—Extra, 4.00 | Family, § 50 @ 900 SALT —Leverpxd, foe, $1 15 —Groand Alum, ¢/ 20 SUG ARS— Rebned, 9}e@ 10}—C rushed, Lea! 4 DRIED APPLES—}) te -.e90 PEACH ER—P he 62.0275 HAY —Cargo, $1.10 wo 9115 REMARKA Reume movement took place wm Flour the letter part *t has agen reiapeed to ts former dullness —teaving aft Report of New York Market fer wrek ending Aprii Ist, by Dibele A Bence Commission erehants. P COTTON —Fram the first to the middle of the month a constant dechme td piace, Middling reach mg 9}- sreppers, and more cneouraging foreign advices, large WN aihanic! Boyden, sales have been made, ot an advance of | to $e dimary ma Middhing Meee then, with an unproved demand fran th sce be quted firm at Se; Middling, 10jc ; ‘er, Ie | BREADSTU FFX —Soathern Superfine $7 62) to Extra and Family, @ 25 w @9 Semthbern Red, @1 60 to 6175; Prime CORN 62c per bush for Damp Parcela, 65. for 700 fe Prme White and Y etew MOL ASSES—C aba, per gel 33.037; New Orieans 420 46 COFFEE — Ro, per th 114 0 1% SUGAR —N. © and Cuba, per bh 6) 0 *; Ste warts Crushed, 10] +2: Colwmbsa Market — Report for werk ending, April 7 Corton —*} a 104fe The salee of the week em brace 2,000 baice Bacos —104 0 19 for hag round ; mdes 104 9 104 and hame Il a 124e WR, according to the quality Coas—70 0 The Oara—42 a tie Frorn,—@7 9 084 for common ta gund brands; fine Oa Bh: and a churce article of famidy flour woald command #9 }) bbl Foopga —@! 35 0 81374 } 100 Be Prack.—The London correspondent | “Tt is qnite confidently believed here before Saturday night. Jose I have considered The same writer says that the dismis- r unsatisfactory apology for his wrong piteously begged the Tryin’ L. Heckbuek Feq, FRANCIS ©. OVERCASH, and MARRIED: In thie Town, on the 3d instant, by Obadiah Wood- Esq, Mr. WILLIAM H. GLOVER and Mise NA BEAVER In Rowen County on the 27th of Mareh, by John Mus, blasphoming old imposter who protends. PENELOPE FREEZE : State of North Carolina, | wits County Coert of Withes County, for the ROWAN COUNTY ( | perpuse of letting owt a comtraet and to supe rintcod the building of a new JAIL for said County, will ex. | Rafes Barringer, edminetrator with the Will anvexed, fits, on Monday of May County Court, to be held on of Alexander Brandoa, | the first Monday after the 4th Monday of April next, SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS, | TRUSSES, PAINTS, ] VARNISHES, BRUSHES, PERFUMERY, FANCY AND MISCELLANKOUS STATE OF No RTH CAROLINA, |, DAVIE COUNTY Witness, James E Kerr, Clerk of ver said Coart, t Office, in Salubary, the Ist Monday in February, | A.D, 1956. JAMES E. KERR. Clerk. Price adv. @5.50 6ws0 Bw mgs, &e, always on hand w. Thomas Cowan, senior, and Joha Y. Cowan of Rowan county ; James Gibnon, Alexander Lowrance, Juba Lowrance, Thomas Tudd, John Silliman sad Joho | K Graham, Elders & Trustees of Thystira charch in Rowan county ; the Trustees of Davideon College ia Mecklenburg county ; Alexander B. Cowan, Jas | L. Cowan, Chartes W Cowan and Thomas Cowan, children of James L. Cowan ; James L. Branden, | wm bes owe night, and James L. Branden, Guardian of Nancy Brandoa and | conndas Brandon; Jerome B. Branden, Richard R Wate and wife Elita; R J Brandon, Wm M. Dunning and wife Amanda ; Preekhe A. Locke, George W. Lacke, Joseph L. Terner aod wife Mary Ann; Rebeces R Locke, Themas L. Giles and wife Genoa C Gies ; Joho G Locke aed Wiliam P Locke, Is EQUITY N this ease it appearing to the satiafaction of the Court that James L. Brandon, Guardian of Nancy Branden aed Levadas Brandes ; Jerome B. Brandon, Rechard Ro Wateon and wife Elza; Rheda J. Brand- on, Wm Dunnmg sed wife Amanda; Franklin A Locke, Juerph L. Turner and wife Mary Ann ; and Thomas L. Giles and wife Genoa C , are non-remde of Une State, It is therefore ordered that pubbeat lof inet week, with mane large sales for shipment — be made in the * Candina Watchman” for ax weeks, Later sccomnts damped the depustime of beyrrs and canmanding them to be and appear ai the next Term of the Court of Equay to be held for the county of Rowan, at the Courthouse in Salisbury, on the 13th however, © email empply on hand The Atlantic's windey after the 4th Monday in February nett, then sews, reecived yesterday, dure mot strengthen hudd and there to plead, anewer of dewmur to complamants tell of complet, of yodgment will be taken pre con feese aguinet them, and the cause set for hearing, and beard ex parte as them. Witness, Lo Biscumea, Clerk and Master of our Coan of Equity, at office m Salieboary, the 13th Moo day after the 4th Monday im Aagust, A.D), 1%55, and in the Mth year of the independence of the Um ted States of America L. BLACKMER,C ME Vietor (. Barringer, Printer’s fee 90 90—45-% Sole. for compl t Raleigh & Gaston Railroad. Raleigh & Gaston R. R. Office, Rareron, Mancn 29, 1°56 Sebedale fer Mail Traia on aed after Teesday, the First day of April. N and after Tucaday next, the Mail Train, lear ( ing the North Caraina Rail Road Depot. on the arrrval of the Care fran the Weet, at 547, A M., (as at preaent,) will stop at the Northern (or old) Dement a the City, antil 7 o'clock, allowing ample time for paserngere from that Read to take breakfast at the Hotete in Ralewgh, to and from which they will be con veyed by the proprietors, free of charge Leaving at To'choek, the Tran will arrive at Wel don at 11.40,A M and ale for the Wilmington Tram, going South turning—will leave Weldon at 2P MW, after the val of the Petersbarg, Portemonth, and Wilmington Trame, and will reach Rabrigh at 6.45, P M R. A. HAMILTON, Preset 3m Ht ITHER, ARE NOW RECEIVING > | n fall time for Traine guing North arm WENBELY. MOCK & 64 LAT the old, well known Establishment |to-day, that peace will be definitely ar-|f Jenkine, Roberts & Co, one of the largest ranged he cock to be well informed on the| SPRING AND SUMMER subject, assert that little else remained to be done, than for the Plenipotentiaries to | attix theie mames and seals to the terms already agreed upon. t member of the America party can 0! such a result, from the woment that | further than thie—in what expression do they |eard the Congress was to assemble in Most Splendid Assortments of | BLY j EVER OFFERED IN WESTERN CAROLINA, consisting of Foreign aad Doamestic Dry Goods, Hard ware, Cutlery, Boots and Sheea, Moleskin, Panama and Straw Témmings, Spiings and Axels, Wandow (lane, Queene Hate, Bonnete—Buchete, Rope, Carnage and Ginss Ware, Saddlery, Sele Leather, Bolting Clothe, Blasting Powder, Nails, Iron & Steel, Black- amathe’, Carpenters’ and Shoe-Makers’ Tools, Tan neve’, Lanseed and Sperm Oil, Paints, Dyestuffe, Cast &e A large stock of GROCERIES Particular attention is called to our large and well selected stock of READY MADE CLOTHING, which will be sold at unparalicled low prices in this country IP All the above goods have been selected with the greatest care, and we most respectfully invite all those baying goods (hie season to call and examine our stock as we feel wo hesitancy in saying that we have | a larger assortment than bas ever been offered at one season in this place, and ¢hat we are determined to sell, and will make it ¢o the advantage of buyers to give our stock am exammation before purchasing Salisbury, March 31, 1x6. 44 in the Town of Wilkesboro’ a plan and specifications of eaid building, and the burdding will be bet oat at the Coart-House door, ia card Towa, to the lowest bedder, on Tuceday fillowing, all persons wishing to bed for the Contract are respectfully requested to attend JAMES CALLOWAY, JAR GWYN, JAS. C. HORTON, WM. PARKS, WM. MASTIN, 4au Commuanioners Bra01 for Sale! N parsuance of a Deed of Trost, by JF. Bagarty, 1 will sell, at Public Sale, at the Coart-House im Mocksville, on Tueedsy, the 27th of May, 1556, the Traet of Land whereon the said Bagarty now lives, adpamng the lands of A.G. Carter, H Ro Aasum and athers. comtasnmg 1944 acres, more of lesa Thies land fies within one mile of the Town of Mocksville, on whch there a good Dwelling House and the neces ary out-buildmgs , and well euited to the cultivation of Com, Wheat, ke A eredit of three months will ARTIULAS, de, | all which have been very recently elected by one of the firm, with great care, and scrupulous regard to} geeainencse and parity They deem it anaecersary to say, that it shall be thew cuastant aim, as heretofore, to mer @ contine- | asace of that paironage which has been s liberally ex temded to them—tor which. and the generoes sympa thy a generally manifested for them, oo the cecasiun ef thew late emsfortane by fire, they beg lo express there profeand and heartfelt gratitude Salebury, NC, Janaery 22, 1856 March 22, 1456 z suf DiIBwBuE «* BOUNCE. Calvin BK. Dibbic, Jonathan B mee, Late of Wiimington, N.C Late of Kinston, N C Commission Merchants In Cotton, Flour, Grain, Naval Stores, Wo. 180 Front Streot, ayurrsy 1.F Quis. REFERENCE be gives, on the purchaser giving bond with approved flea We. A Oreken. Om c ercurny Hen Johan M Mew gs B. CLEGG, Trustee ML Myrower, & c @ wa Jomo D Witte { Clarendon March 26. 1-56 44.64 Stevenson, Req, Cache nk of Wilmington (%Tu NEW SPRING & SUMMER BWOVY Salisbury, March 25, 1856. HE euberriber is now reeriving his stock of Spring ROWAN AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. THe scammed quarurrly caccGag’ the) Rawes Ag ty well be hetd at Rowan Molle 2d Tharmday in April nest od to attend March iIth, nenultaral Sorte Phe members are request - J F FOARD, See'y Swi STEADY PROGRESSION 1656 I & Sommer (-oude, consisting of a georral aseort ment of Ladies Dress Goods of almost every descnpton. H WORKED EMBROIDERIES would reepectfolly ask ane whe wish to purchase Gonde of the ne etylea Particular attentam we pan | wuahble Conde. whether they have stock of NEEDLE been mir | Courlof Pleas and Quarter Seeevons, Febreary | | | meat Court to be held for the Comaty of Dav Term, 1856 Lemori G. Heton os. Juerph Helton and othem Petition to sell a riave for Parties. | N rhie case, it appearing to the entisfection of the Cowrt, that Joseph Helton, Wiley King and ote | Elvira, daaghier of Lemuel Helton, dee'd, Loreaao | Etchison, Berry Eichioa, William P. Etchieoe and Doagias Etchon, chikiren of Naney and Jease Etch: son, and grand-chéiren of Lemuel Helton dee'd, Eanch Withams and wife, the wife « daughter of Joa. Helton, | the children of Elraabeth Gorden, are not inhabitants of thie Stace: Lt ordered by the Court, that pabl cation be made for m1 weeksin the “ Carolina Wairh- man.” for the said defendants to be and appear at the + at the Coart-Howse a Mocksville, on the 4th Munday in May next, and plead, answer ur demur to complainant's pe. Utoa, or the same will be (nken pro confess, and the capee ont for heannag ex porte { WITNESS, Coowell Harten, Clerk of our eaid Coon 8! office in Mocksville, the 4th Monday in Freeuery, AD, 1956, and in the “Oth year of var ludepen- dence ®» CUMmENe. Cc. @. ervacs. CUMMING & STYRON, COMMISSION Forwarding Merchants, WILMINGTON, N. C. Particular attention paid to eriling Fleer, Core | Cotton, and afl hinds prodece. Feb, 1856 PETER W. HINTOR, COMMISSION MERCHANT, TOWN YFOTINT, SvooToalipn, In. ly39 Special attention paid to Seiling Tobacco, Fieur, Grain, Cotton, Naval Stores C. HARBIN, Crrk By A.A. Haaem, D Clerk 6ws2 Price Adv —§5.50 JAMES HORAH, WATCH-MAKER AND JEWELER, SALISBURY, N.C, One door beiew BR. & A. Murphy’: Stere, ” EEPS constanity on hand a large assortment of WATCHES and JEWELRY of all hinds Clocks, Watches and Jewelry of every description , repaired in the bert manner and on the met reasona SALISBORY, N. C. ble terme February 19, 1856 ly3a 4 Pils suberriber having taken charge of the above Extabli-hment, begs leave to inform the public generally, that the House is sow open for the receptivn wf Boarders, Travelers, &e. He promises that bie ACCOMMODATIONS shall be equal to any in the State. Persons stopping at hee House, always have mealsin time for the arri- val and departare of the Cars. Attentive and oblig- Fr. NYE HUTCHISEN, COMMISSION MERCHANT. Charlotte, NW. c., Tt sof on Commission Cotton, Corn, Flour, Wheat, and all COUNTRY PRODUCE IN CHARLOTTE, CHARLESTON, AND NEW YORK gee wae ng servants alwaysiaatiendance. (Call and give me inte " or r ™ e MYERS E » 2" Liberal Advances made on Comsignments. 4 (ral WwW. B GRANT. oe a ET Salesbery, May 24, 1855 43 . 1 1 why ies ls rem pee q ( 4 | JW Seohkine, Fag. Salcbary ; Gen W. Withame To Gentlemen. VAULYA, . & Gn Charice 10 Hest; Lettagion = Rakert BOOTS SHOE ne pubecribere have new on hand the metcom. "IIIE SUBSCRIBER has the pleasure to an x r, Eeq., New York plete aseertment of CLOTHING ever be fore | Roware to the world b : Febroary 19 Ty'r3R fiered to the pablee Call at No 3, Granite Row ali kind wishes for ther pr ane nat he GENTS fine Stitehed and Pump Boots. BROWN & COFFIN m making steady progress in the vement of Bagh NORTH CAROLINA ° Opera, “ Salisbury, March 25, 1=56 430 City, destined, he believes, to become the greatrat | Drab & Br Congress Buots tanafectaring city in the country He ve now erect IREDELL COUNTY and Genera sEDEL .. ® s : Ag anew cotton mill at thie place, to he ralled the “ Cidered Baton Carpetings, Regs, Druggets, &c Psy Mila” aud Wipes in hove iw) fall coccniew LY FQUity. LADIES Kvd Geners, * E would call attentem to our stack of the ebow- hy the latter part of the eurnmer of 1O6 [howl tee 7} Za Setk Fox Garters \ articles, which ie large and varied, just recerv- { the beet. if not the very beer.) mille im the Fibruary the sth, 136 “ “ Kid Shppers and Ties ed. Call at No 3, Ggamte Row country, The machinery woeselected by himeelf. and Ja ob Fraley and others egainet: Lawrence Haden MISSES Wedelleon and Gaitere. BROWN COF | eo late nd me pprrved pat ve ere che T 4 See ean os log ri ai alia egniilenl Weal ean and Thienes T. Hoda Nims large hit of Ladies and Mines Ruts, Share and : sesh nis elle ec re ORIGINAL BILL. ceieers Mave — nod Genet Bente and Shoes, ~ nd he deabta me ’ ts pradac mm differen es *t » OI ‘e 3 . SQUIRE, ZIMMERMAN & ALLEN, Ssevtelscheremeoect'ine"weitned Eagle Wie, (T appearing to my aufarinm that Thamar T fer eeut naa tet ne cate: share: LY sy Le a ya Le Be i ee ander whee shadow te devekying its fair and de Hadenn, one of the detendants im the stove named tome peectual dealers Whelesale Dealers in DRY GOODS, No. 143, Market Street, hghung proportions Eagle Mille hong gained for it selfia fame as fair agit ve wide apread, beth forthe excel. ¢ lenee of ite yarne. and the eupenomty of its cloth fab nes t | not leas interesting in itrelf, than it must be desirable PHILADELPHIA © every Souther patnot Vaiecw Baucus The dreamer, apeculating on coming evente might t. cance luecdette NOC. well etep in here, and camting forward he ken beyond. ¢ the boundary af paeaeat ( Bagte uty a faw portray the aepert of ( hum eben ee 1 woh te tomer Grorce N Aten 436m We see aeity of beautify TWO HORSE WAGON FOR SALE, ow seeps penne hesventactae cue sos of granite buildings with ghitenmg meta FAYE subscriber hasan excellent new two horse the cheerful beams of a vernal sun) the immgorating wagen which he offers low for cnah, of on terms a breezes of adehyhiful chmate, sur the leaves of long to auit the parchager giving gx] bond on time. Call a ‘ b 6 1 at Sahel rowe of elma the et r " dowith a cheer at ny be 5 miles south of Satiebury } $ F J busy thro eeong of halfa milhon of Hew JOHN RENDLEMAN ful busy ng the eong valfin of spand te mingled with the roar vo icaecadrs Fagte March 25, 1856 3wi3 _ | monument meee above all things else, bearing on ite ° lop an immense eagle. wings extended, huking down with pleasare on all behww. Eagle City Bank ie in S foil view, and by ite hheral pohey invites all energetic pos nem men to claim ent Cahen pra amt weeks in the Carehoa Watchman, aetfiiag him to Troy Mille alone threatens to nvalit, and hence appear at the next Term of car Coert of Equety he world may hook owt fora contest invulving a result be held for the county of Iredell, at the Coan Howse day in February ANDERSON & REYNOLDS, Commission Werchants. to Qearterty payments re- quired from all who perchase goods on time MILLS, MOOSE & CO Jmo40 THE WILMINGTON HERALD [* published daily and weekly at $6 and 2 per. annem inadvance. [t is offered tothe » erchante remdes beyond the hmite of this State It we of dered that pubbeation be made for the space of m1 March & 18M to a Statesville, oo the Gch Monday afer the 4th Woe Instant, te plead, a » the Bull filed by ¢ Ment pro cunfeae, w weror demur taints ageiost him. oe judg me emlere’ againet him At office in Statesville, ube (3th day of Feereary, of Sahebury aud other western towns, as a good ad- AD. 1856 vertmng medium Terms moderate F P CALDWELL. C & WE Addrese T. BURR, Jr. Pruters' fee 85 50 6039 Feb 26, 1556 3m39 Fo ANDERBON wo oP RRYNeNpe THOMAS E. BROWN, Carriage, Buggy and Suiky Builder, BBE ono ns, SBE carrying om the above business, and invites the pub- call and eramine his work. He is manufaetaring very CROCERS, AND S new ' amare ters nol oat there baled up goods | th reef the North feets contitent he can give satisfaction to W UG | rg ; cs eee : NO. 10. ROANOKE SQUARE, trate article. We can pat up work at lew wertern Railroad receive them, together with thea : praia, ‘ . ’ 1 a, 5 . P it desired, bat would always recommend the better aands of other things, the prodacts of the City” the SY DUR UP DibslES, ‘FP A. qualtics as cheapest in the hong run. He wrald advise those W OULD reapeetfully announce to the citizen of gang ping whaatle ie blown, and the sonnd is echoed and Pay active attention Wn ihe enle.cl Piour end other whow >» te procure any thing im his line to at his establish. Salisbury and ite vicinity, that he has taker colwed fron bill Us tail. and wakes the drowsy pow! inde af Praduce. wee Mont hefore they parshase elwebere rooms at the Rowan House, No 41, and is now ready ere of repommg fateattie, whieh browee in the nch eur for work. Those wishing work woald do well to call mending valle\e: the acewe gr@e! —griwe!—and the soon as his stay will be limited end is beyond the portraying skill of the prophet Instructions given in Ambrotyping, Daguerreotyp- We had but a ghmpee—but whatca view! Andit is ing, &e., on moderate terme all to be realited beyond dusbt. Enough, enough !— March 18, 1856 42 { will press on to its final comeunimatn ANDREW BAGGARLY Bee McCAULEY'S HISTORY OF ENGLAND. Feb 9th, 1855 gant stock of Staple and Fancy Geoda ig Unnecessary charges and EM His chop is in the rear of his Livery Stable ering prompt returns at C™ Persons at a distance ordering work, will please accom. pany the order with a desertption of the article required—etyle, quality and price—and when delivered, if it does ot give satis. faction they will not be required to keep it With the advantages of the Railroad at his door, he willtake the attention almost any kind of trade In exchange for work—such as Corn, “thers, to thei large and ele- West, Flour, Oats, Bacon, Lard, Horses, Provender, Timber, Their aamart. 8° 4. Mite ment woextenmve and of great variety of style and | LIV ERY STA BLE To Farmers. HE subecribers reepectfully invite of Farnners and ‘ ass ; qual Call at No. 3, Granite Row JUST RECEIVED—The Thied and Fourth Vol- Marriage vicense beautifully peinted und fo tuanty See phase & COPFTY, —# Bept ap ae asen! and those who wich cither to huy of to sell umes of McCauley's History of Engtand | i : . . L Oetrate horses of mules, are imvited ; 37 JH ENNISS, Bookseller. | sale at this office Saliebury, March 25, 1856 43af Marck Geki rns | oor ~ AGRICULTURAL. Fixed Fae 1. All lands on which clover a a aalinte or the grasses are grown, must either have lime in them naturally, or that mineral must be artificially supplied. It matters but little whether it) be supplied in the form of stone-lime, oyster lime, or marl. All permanent improvement of lands must look to lime as its basis. 3. Lands which have been long in culture, will be benctitted by the ap- plication of phosphate of lime ; and it is unimportant whether the defi- ciency be supplied in the form. of bone-dnst, guano, native phosphate lime, composts of fresh ashes, or that of oyster shell lime—or marl— if the land needs lime alsoa 4. No lands can be preserved a high state of fertility, unless clover and the grasses are cultivated in the course of rotation. Mould is indispensable in every soil, and a healthy supply can alone be preserved through the cultivation of clover, and the grasses, the turn- ing in of green crops, or by the ap- plication of composts rich in the ele- ments of mould. 6. manures are inercased in value. and All highly concentrated animal their benefits prolonged by aduiix- ture with salt, or with pul- verized ¢ Deep ploughing greatly im- p ploughing greats proves the productive powers of eve- ry variety of soil that ts not wet. 8. Subsoiling sound land, that ix land that is not wet, is also eminent- ly conducive to jacreased produc- tion. 9. All wet land should b 10 vested beture All grain crops should be har- the grain is thoroug ripe. Li intended for b av, Clover, as well as th grasses, should Inowed when in bloom. 12 tually improved by clay. most effec Wien such the Sandy lands can be lands require liming or mariing, lime or mari is most benclicially ap- plied when made into composts with rine ts clay. In slacking lime, sa!t b better than water 13. The chopping or grinding o} wal to stock, operates as grain to be t asaving of at least twenty-five per cent 4% Draining of wet lands an marshes, adds to their value, by mak- tog them to prodace more, and by Improving ihe health of neiubour- . hooas. 15. To manure, or lime wet lanaus. e. lune, and labour is to larow manur away 16. Sia s plongning operates ft IM poveristi soil, while it) Geerea os proauct ih 4 By st abling and shedding s'0Ca tor ght winte as 1 ole fourth tor be eo Teete tia U iptia less ft ar c sed to thre eney of th weat ”@ 4 ; ro oper ia wer cover, Wwilha ‘ re to touts produ 1D. Peron | pic ations of ¢ es fone >’ up t vryty en t aMpIVING , AN aka ieoore iim ht a. OF slp cessary to ‘ fin and ou { crops oy ee ant Cro, ( vert doe Is u ne) , equivalout tive C= o i ' - 1 os \ rt produ ‘ ron t ' ¢ ry P v tone te, reed ' 23. All Toeiavs rege fitte boy fall are a | should never te pl \ en Tat such: plone { Irons traters ‘ LY eat eo ( rshes sivoula ~t ay i 6 h 1 oT raters feel woth grag Winite receive Generous sup ol dor venders, it bemg essential to them ino ao fair) conmdition.in that the formation of tatisete. A&o. may be veh carried on. encouraged and conti On Snoetne Homme tuat Ove reacu.—I was bred from my youth | a blacksmith and farmer, and wheth-| er a natural mechanic or not, I was always anxious to know the whys and wherefores of things, or more speaking, the casualities and I was also fond of try- properly prevent ives. ing experiments upon such things as appeared favourable for improve- ments. Twas generally in the shop with my father evenings, rainy days, and such other times as I could be By being in the shop so much, I obtain- spared from the farm or school. ed the views of the farmers general- ly, and by that was enabled to make many improvements on the farm.— L learned also, that many farmers en- erroncous views about sull, tertain very blacksmiths - too 3 they were bound to diclate according to preju- dices ; as, for instance, one say “This horse overreaches, I want you to put the forward shoes as far for- ward as possible, and set the hind shoes as far back, or he wil. tear them an - of” IT would sometimes try to rea- son the case by saying the way to prevent a horse from overreaching, ts toagnment the speed of the forward feet, and retard the motion of the hind ones; but in order to accom- plish that, I shall have to reverse your directions. Some who had lit- tle or no mechanical genius, would cut short all argument, and say, “Fol- low my directions, or else not shoe of must obey orders, if the horse.” course, a mechanic he breaks ow- ners; so the horse would go out of the shop, nicely fettered, with his shoes clicking at every step; while, perhaps, the man of inquiry would desire a fuil explanation, My way is, to make the toc-corks very low, and standing a little ender, and the shoes set as far back as conven- ient on the forward feet. with high as to let them roil over On heel corks, so as soon as possible. the hind T have oe-cork high, projecting forward, bach coming over ' } } 1 } leet, the heel-cork low, and thet thus keeping the lund toot. while a high toe-cork, to the forward foot to get iy clean, viving time ont of the way, thus shod, the horse will travel without a click, and iis speed wall be increased fifteen seconds moa trot or twenty mile.— New England Farmer. tee Frightening 1 Sqaatter. ry t thie ira . Ifa ‘ ‘ a ‘ ‘ ‘ t t 1 bad pe \ a a8 a a aj af \ 4 - 4 f ir i ' 4 x i ) i I * * a te TABLE MOVING. We happened in company with several ladies |and gentlemen at the house of a friend the oth- er evening, when the subject of table astral and spiritual rapping was the topic of conversa- tion, and expressing our belief in super naturals, & proposition was made to verify the locomotion | of, atable. A heavy mahogany candle stand was introduced, having a surface of two feet, support- ed by a solid column two and a half feet in! length and resting on three divergent legs. half dozen ladies and gentlemen arranged in a circle either sitting or standing around it, with their palms laid gently on the top of the stand, each in contact with the other hand forming The temperature being quite cold the time oveupied what might be termed an endless chain. in charging the stand with the magnetic influ. ence and give it locomotion was an hour and a half, a greater period than is usual wo learn, wt ven the hitherto inanimate obje ‘ were to breathe, and then to move like : of life to the great amusement of ail present, and the annihilation of our scepticism. First the momentum was that which might be caused by deep respiration, followed by gradual locomotion increasing to vehemence, curvetting about the room (which was a large dining room) in an ec- centric orLit the whole length of it, like a living animal. of which invariably protruded front in the dex- ter point, the other two following the ocillating movement, causing much noise and banging on floor, inagnetizers to eq the ata speed that was difficult for the ual, in being necessary their hands rest gently on the table so long as it desirable to prolong the exhibition. That there was no humbug practised we are persuaded from our knowledge ef the persons present and our watchfulness in observing the mysterious influence. The novel spectacle can any time be witness by those who have enough of patience and curiosity to make the experiment.—.V. C. Bulletin E coe Remarkable Case of Abstinence from Food We learn from the Rockingham Register that Samuel Henly, who resides about two and a half o Rocktdylar vin Spartapolis, hast ly abstained from food tor forty-seven lays! J} he may vet survive several dars.— rsome tine h as been ina rather melan rly mood, and about two months aso he re dserd to eat, and since that time has not taken g exe water: and strane to say, b sa alive, t awh reduced toa ske rp ans or fret bin t ta ' m car sw w “ cht < r wa n take a ink of water, and wall doubtles- pers st s del until he starves to dea He is a rear farmer, about forte-odd wears } n -o- I ‘ meen anor wart zi ast week A N ( ’ F wrant ¢ ] r t } me fue ve r v ) : i ation —a areal 4 |) I North ¢ ars \ vow st r ver aan! m r 1 al norm. To be et sis not , r * ' ~ \ at wor as stubs a 2a | Vi I r * , ‘ fe y an \ a ' reas converting 8 aas which a w 1 J I srk ness ( a i v a’ 1 4 i Voard ra sa I t . a * ‘ ' ame. Kilia “ ~ 4 ) a i alow of ” a An 7 1 Ap c rh to make u kwlha Ar b ‘ 4 iF hrough ty wa Kansa rew a art @ k \ . Wen . . . we nl A ’ 2. ( , J / e | r |) Shit j Vf 1 WwW ‘ \ vr t ‘ ‘ na , ‘ ‘ it ] ii A ( won persever { 1 Se Case M ¢ t t Kk 4 i t ba J } ‘ 4 | ‘ | is f (oa ’ ‘ rand | } II i i ! ‘ 1 Nor ra | 1 Ly . } W ‘ Ata i it araal teitiaeymite anit oe Tivat tras as Croey Weateorn Dm A, There were three feet to the stand one! - CLARENDON IRON WORKS. A mM. VANBOKKELEN, Proprietor. TT | EE Subscriber hating purchased the entire. interest!: | * CLARENDON TRON WORKS,” solicit# orders for | yor Engines, of any power or style, | | w Mills of every variety, Mining Mac inlner y and Pumps, Geist and Blour Mills, com Parker, Tarbine and other W. pies wheels, Rice-feld Pamps and Engines, Leavitt's Corn and Cob Crusher, Rice Trashers, Shingle Maebines, Shaftiog Hangers and Pullies, Cotton Gigs wnd Gearing, | Iron Castings of all Binds and patterns, | | y otive and Tubular Boilers, Hiacksmith works of all kinds. Tren Doors for Houses and Ja’ THE ESTABLISHMENT | Having heen re-organiaed for the express purpose of insuring punctuality fa the execution f all orders, the public may rest satisfied that any work which they may offer will he prewptty aud of such workianship as delivered according to promise cannot fail to give satisfaction THE MECHANICAL DEPARTMENT Being in charge of men of talents and experience, L have no hesitation in saying that the work heresfter turned out, shall compare favorably in every respect be that of the most cele- brated in the United States, and at prices Which will make it to the interests of all in want to send me their orders, | REPAIR WORK Always done without delay—and having a large force for that purpose, it wit prove advantageous to any person meeding such to give me the preference without regard (0 the expense of send- iug the same from a dista nor Orders will be addressed to mington, N.C. arendon Troe, Works," Wil- A. H. VANBOKKELEN October 20, vol, 1}. .44tf 1 MARVELLOUS REMEDY, FOR A MARVELLOUS AGE! et HOLLOWAY’S OINTMENT. The Grand External Remedy. By the ait ne, We sea millions of Little openings t ar Through the don carried to any or part y's, disorders of th " f the Langs, As fectually cured ugh ben: means Erysipelas, Salt Rheam and Seorbatic Hamers. No remedy has ev the Stia whatever f No case of Salt Kheam 4 nits means of restoring counties numbers t Sore Legs, Sore Breasts, Weaads and [ leers. ely solely ‘ Plies wat suse B andi I AEW BOIOAS, Groceries! Groceries !! TO THE FARMERS Of iredell County. \ ovr ine OF EXPENSE FORE Tee J. J. SUMMERELL, REMOVAL. DR. DINKINS. 1 re TEE RAY i 7 fe VETENTLON! COUNTY CLAIMANTS. ‘ ae t > the nde ; ’ n nen cont -, ; the 1 I ‘ ! a 1 ! ‘ I a . hr ne ps he veer [not OBADIAE WOODSON . ( Coomenittee of Finanee tw 42 TOR PRINTING Viutly recuted at toute O fice State, consequently much the are inthe “GOODS. HE SUBSCRIBER is» is new receiving and open: ing his large stuck of Full and Wiuter Guode, consisting of— ‘STAPLE AND BANCT DRY GOODS, Hats ond Caps, Shoes and Boots, China, Delpheud Glass Ware, Drage and Paints, Hardware aud Cutlery, Groceries, &e, To which he invites the attention of his customers | and the public, aud whieh he offers at low prices for | Cash, or on tine to punctual customers ut wholesale | Bove’ “ or retail. MICUAEL BROWN. October 22d, 22 BROWN & BEARD. New Firm. Tin, Copper, & Sheet-Iron USINESS.— The uadersigned having formed a} I co-putivership for the purpose of carrying ow the above business extensively, would respectfally solicit the patronage of their frends and the public. They are prepared to answer any cali in their tine. ‘Tin or copper House- Roofing executed in the best manger, at | Sulla, and other evppe. r| or made two order. ‘Their | Tron Ware— Cook, Purlor 1855 short notice and warranted. ware, kept ow hand for s stock of ‘Tin, Brittania ay and Shop Stoves, IF Shop opposite Murphy's nite Row, Countty Produce, old Copper and Pewter, taken in exchange for work of ware WILLIAMS BROWN, LOUIS H. BEARD Salisbury, Dee. 17, 1655 Greensborough ee INSURANCE COMPANY. | YE eostof Iusuranee on the mutual plan ie but « smullsum, compared with @ joint steek comparty ‘This company being located in the Western part of the rer portion of the risks | Weat, very many of whieh are u the country. | The Company isentrely free from debt; nave made | NO Assessments, and is therefore confidently reeommen- ded to the public Atthe last Annaal Meeting the fullowing Officers| were clerted (or the ensuing yrer JAMES SLOAN, Pre 8. G COFFIN. Vice Premdent C. PL MENDENHALL, Attorney PETER ADAMS, See'y and Treasurer PETER ADAMS, See'ry. W.. CUMMING, Gen'l Agent . May 10, 1853 COWAN'S VEGETABLE LITHONTRIPTIC ca THE HUMAN FAMILY SUFFERING emident (0v9 FRIEND OF reom DISEASED KIDNEYS, Stone inthe Glalderand Nidneys, Weak ness of the Loina, cae. Thieinvaiaahle medreime ie for eale at the Davie Hote » Mocks at De Ro Carnphell’s, in dre. et atthe Droog Store im Chorhete : at Zeverty's Hotelin Salem: and atthe Careiaa Watchmen Of en lin Melisbor The aaberriber inte enpar * I "i . pec ha the factur dws * preg tamh a sup . one Natalie C . ae cating o ree © weet a ace iy ACATIEN Late fW & 1 f COMMISSION FORWARDIMG MERCHANT. WILMINGTON, N.C eee GhAELA Tremendous Excitement Western Exteasion! 4 Pus. . ° é eal eer READY MADE CLOTHING, Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestings, and Gen- tlemen's Furnishing Geods A'e . & WA se . aod sae J A WEIRWAN & PRICT v . Te , THE PRESBYTERIAN, ‘ LIGIOUS FAWIL) VEWSPAPER, 1 WEY SATURDAY n ‘ * et, Philadelphia _ ‘ . New Jj 4 . ' gin Je “ tee ‘ . ° ! re 1 5 ’ whivee ‘ “ Iie re ve 1 e wc. e \ Vive eri bee . -™ ’ “ . oath. weetera * Lhd ® * of adve wg i “ nalc I ~ pad in ad 1 TERMS TOO CEhUERS : ee ave & T- ety @2 en; Gren & . \ U bide ar, S15 1% Neoor Rates Aifrertie I Satta vies k ! Fue nes net etnien of $ t Us . be om Ate WILDLDAM © \ARTIEN ey Nu The ~ Phitadetphin et area Nae UST ae band tt 4: 9 vu weet of th Coon honer« decane * owt prnites May 10,4 rn {RPE e© €@PHE Ee uae SUPPLY uf A, vnere, Whale, Machine y and Sperm wile, jnetereceived and for aale . MILLS, WOOSF & Co February 12, 1856 rita | ( is unsurpassed by any in the State | | | | | Ne ALEXIS BRAGG & WARREN, | x ne sur sig ») ts Mannfactarers and Wholesale Dealers Q)3,inbuy. A Raid oot oe be lowat tract, BOOTS & SHOES, |“Suiricthaes neat ia No. 80 Warren Street, New Tork, October 90, imped on favorable unusual | Manly cepeciehy edapeed wo he North Cardioe | _NIEW, trade qvusisting in part of MUSICAL Men's thick Kip. Cc alt, Goat and enamelled Brogans, | ‘ “ Boots, | Commences ite Seventh Year, “a ow ww 4 “ Brogans, | January, 1856. Ta culling at “ “ ow “ Boots, ite publishers believe they ee == Ythe’. « “ ooo “ Brogane, | fo more sutisieetury ev! gone o. “ “ “ “oo “ Boots. | musical joorun) than is afforded ie inereas Also, Women sand Misses and childrea’s Boots and ing snecess, It has now about three &s large . Shoes of every description, all of whieh will be fur- | uished of sizes as required, at the loWest market prices aud warroated, Mr. M. A. Brace desires ta express bis thanks to the merchants of North Caroling for their very liberal patronage during the past twenty years, and reapeet- | fully solicits a ¢ munee of the sane. Mr. A. M. Carter of North Canuliva will be happy to we a friends as above. ember 18, 1655. NEW CASH STORE 4 pi subscribers, having taken the old «tend lately sceupied by Kenuedy & Mills, one door ubove the | Hardware Store, take this method of unnoaneing to | the citizensef Salisbury and earrounding cauutry, that | they are now receiving, direct from New York and | | Phitadeiphia, a very large and well selected sock of “FALL & WINTER GOODS, Ladies’ and Ceatlemen's Dress Goods. Cloaks, Mantilias, Talmas, Sitka, plain and fiqured, Satina, French and fa dosh Merinos, Alpaceas, Delanes, Poplins, Pluids, Mualins and Prints, Brocul-cloth, Doc-skin and Faney Casaimeres, psa inetts, Velveta, Kerscya, Jeans, Ready-Made Clothing, Black ribb'd Fancy Beaver and Drab} Over-coats, Supertine black Cloth Dress Coata, Black Ribh'd. do., Tweed do., Fancy Plush and Fine Velvet Vests, Fancy Cassimere and Tweed Pants, Shirta, Plain Fancy Anit Shirts, and dD awera, BOOTS AND SHOES, Men's ( lf and hip Boots, Common do., , ana Men's Calf Brogans, Goat do., Fn imeled Congress do., Womens Kid recdeivra, Enameled do, Orford Gractera, Tasat, ny fig’. do - Mise @ Enameled d. Miews S. 1 Biota, ( 6 ‘ Ino - eater h ul Caps, Ib ring Lneertiog, Krnge Thread, Wore gs. Y Ovsus foe, Mpoees, Dye stadt i * r stores, which w Verw.ne weting Salebory © 1 heir imte - ali and esamme cur Sieh, as we ae dat o wit a Cr - enin Buchenge JV & 8 BYWMONS, & CO . vG wor 4. 10 to Lincdees’ ( oh Parse ety le Ihe be t ims Ime T a MICHAEL BROWN Octower Vin, 18 ‘ T Is aad tested « Sake \ oe biew of Lee » ha - ae ona »e here awe v the anderwgaed prope . re noe ia fest beet, tarneng uff oll peticr:e - . y the . cesle and re _ *. . v ae wil give fall eatrefartion ty all perawne w vy fa emo orf priremeg F REV ARD & J BREVARD 1936 dum, a3 6 Dr. CHARLES T. POWE ] Views omens te J located ia Sallsbary. respect- © hee - . e\e the pub Cowes f Row ‘ Nog wie r diam for t k ‘ ct F Deeme DD THIS NEW WwW AS EU IL B et U STA ere and a grea vy of roung dey Rem horn Wethedeet op ’ @, ander the wing geners! neade —1 The bps ay 1] Pian Viewin HHL The ¢ ° eo, IV PD nof ¢ oe, Vo Revivals VE Mieemons. VET ¢ gee. VILL Sanday Seteade <1 Seewiy XT sheng Hewmer and Livers N XE Teeter sion ¢ f Cahor , X11 i) sk oe; Vent raphirat Sketches NIV Pereinal Nonees, VV Bishop Andrews Latiers ( rain XVE Mevwiale Liehop Capers XVI Mee © XVITE Appendia — 260 pages | Lo ° ha py ~~ * 4 if N ( aie Soath ¢ a Hanke r ares . A ithe ral deseous Hew rk we *. ' Ad jrees CHARLES F DERWS Coldabenn NO Janie ‘ STATE OF NORTH ROWAN ¢ CAROLINA, OUNTY wrtof Tleatand Qaarter Sessions, Febraary Term, laot Horace Lascile oe Aberdeen Company Orginal Attachment Levied om Land and Personal Property. IN thie ence, itn Goan, that theat ‘ ar t ' red t ac enerremye w we paper pub (angihe nates * and appenr at the neat Coer Me * to he held f wthe Con Conn ite vase in Malubory, on the \ vent enonnd there to repley : or yadgment by default will be hem Kerr, ork of our ead Conrt (fice in Bahebary, the Lot Monday in Fehrnary, 4 , ” . | : JAMES FE KERR, Cie Price adv a 50 Gwin w40 FIFTY NEGRO FELLOWS the Weatern Batenmon N. ( Ray ral prices will be pad OG & 3 ¥. FOARD Address — Rowan Mille, NOC Blank Warrants for sale Here ne Road ele March 4 | jexcellence of the Review. | compete for (hese prites, the beat, w, | | | ' | dey at 7 v'eloch, A. M, peers he Boe es any other musicut in the world. ts receipts ie months have been sacs corresponding perind of the’ os previons. ” oe tide te flatiering marks of approval, t ted to lncreused enterprise nd éxurton handred dollars were hy songs for ite pages. Of the wast competent commiitee, and ate now in eativo in the Keview, When thelr it com. | pleted. the subseribers to the Review will decide by ballot whieh shall receive the priten Besides a large amountof 2 tegular correspondence from @he cities world, each number conteine AX (We has muse. A series of articles on ¥ by aar.closely | Dr. Lowell Mason, is now in progress of tion. Asether ip: How Rom, Ey. es Catia oh OF the Voice, Vocal Training, &em will be | the b. ning of the aew vol | Wen. B. Brulbery, Fete de Chareh Manic. MASON a i FLOUR! FLOUR! ff S32 5,000 BARRELS FLOUR. prove WISE! to parchase FIVE THOUSAND RELS FLOUR, for whieh I will pay sft warket prige MICHAEL Get 4, b855. TRI Saget ‘WERKL Of Four y bora Yes Post isan, ROM Salisbury to Morganton, via Statesville and Newton. Leaves Salsbury oo Monday, Wednesday ond Fri- and arrives et Orgeatos fost; and leaves Morgentos oe same days and errives in Salisbury om gent dage to breakfost No pams or expense will be epeced to I next moraing to make ths one of the most comfortable and expeditives singe rusds 1a the Stace, the “Fe C. 8. BROWN, Contractor, Nalisbory, June 2), 1886 wae on the s Union Male Academy, and Farmiogten Female Seminary. “ITE NEXT Sesion of theae Schaule, locsted ia ~ Lool hen, “jest any of y Feudal ! Kagland Davee Coanty, near Farmington, will commence Seetland the 2d day of January, 18S6, Gnder the sapervieme Look SO Tarim aod Mee 8 O Tarc, Prineipale, end sg sach other sesmiante 06 may be necoasary has done Terms. for 2 eecomn of twenty weeks, Primary tem that t ¢ \ntheoewe, @ Eng. Grammar & country, & 2 > ligher Baghen, 81 Greek, Lens, “ And Me os, 612 Masie on Piaae. " of the metrement, #15. Freweh and What « $5 Board, washung and faghts may minate i wt to both Sebouls, af guad houses, fer thie Fee O68 poi count 1 Por other pyr tseulace eddrese either of the Prin mene es s, ot Paranagion, NW ¢ runnin Ihe 32 Jad—Dws any sys country SOLTHERN LITERARY MESSENGER. citizens . ’ VE ne They FOR THE YEAR 1856. : TWENTY SECOND VOLOME. monies Me oan z P< -ctus of the T y -Seened says the Vitome of the SUCTHERN LITERARY MES over the SENGER, ihe E oon rly wlely om the ene-ar ore eaters oad * of the fnende of the Mes eramen' comer! te and the © ettemdeag fe Cireeteuen, ved eome Y vee thet @ Cnet ieeee ool tn malatein the Bagh chenve their ne tof (ne work, aod & challenge the parremege of of thowsan * . i ety ort. Far Teomy one Ve M -eeng 6 cudeawured ts re@ces food amount + Seuthore ered white d eteumeg eff eres “+, sud bes bom sheme ermrmg tbe emi iety perentee ake of Yon rain detenwe of the > P rea Pew ver lawttutme af the Semthere States T 0 olf edi ol be dewated, ond wal be papers | ont i amsais apm the Meath, @bethe result o cane euder the © reroll fhetiom, ar in the : - , ° . 1) peenpilete At shee ore The Ri ol jen whe ar opemere are sepkeping herre clans + <2 (her met pdent wrepene of atierk, the Reo : “Pople « core!) ont thie ad ther eneserge New iT 2 wrk whee cam 4 shell be to anke ern Sta =. bew @f - The Messenger will, as heretefiere, present ite ree The Ne ore enh Reverws, Matenes e , “i ‘ 1 de Berephe el theveh-s says ths * 8, Lrevets, Lewnye, Poeme, Crssece tod Papers om the Armt, Nery, eed other Methud Delawa Wich a new lo enewre a larger createtion of the = , M-serng the Prepreerors, thumgh they intend gree Black I ohog the wre of the work, heee redeced we aseac Vr ee Seberr pine, hich @ new only M THREE DOLLARS PER AN. IN ADVANCE shire, ( var Dollare tf wot pard before the fret July w econ ” Sy rer the rest CLUR&Remutng ws Gficen Deliere ia ene let majorit wlthe enttied te Sis Cogeee Tie t er cpariment of the Meo ernget wilt oe ender the charge of Cal:fe JOHN R , R THOMPSON, Esq, pers stat l will pmirece crpwne notes an eurvent Werster Nortt wel sil nee Ameren or Fessign worked vo) Lhe . an sine —The Editor's opensene favor of he al wane + vd boonestly eenwed T The Renaces deparimont le eouducted by the oeery cregord. (0 © oom ail commamecestions of « bene® awarding stare mow he edddre MACFARI AND. FERGUSON 400 menden Law Raiding, Fianklin sircet, esports | Richmond, Ve are all fr cs ~ n 1834 Wanted Immediately, and va 1 At the Silver Hill Mine, The exp ANY QUANTITY OF Meru, wh WOOD AND COAL wiehaey WM LEAVENWORTH, a want of rE Ort 1, 1e 90 Aaliforni giand an ! , , Napo BLASS, & fener ’* = ? mn 1800, A pak LH a | ion rdermgned are opening fer their Spring @!*§ f | fresh serrtine nt of all gewde in their line, doe ul and | Comeatic and foreug $32,000 In ther stock, they are enabled by impo’ distinee; ant nithert heme aesure cash and prompt be fH months bayers, bargaine in all deseriptions of ther fourteen «da the quality to be strictly as represented Phy fo sans have an opportumty of selecting from our work pie the most reliable and popular pharmeceuties! and chem alternate cal preparations at reduced prices \ ry th Draggyts merchant, and bayers generally will Fed Avge args compreng all new and appre need could ne remedie ndard patent medicines, fashionable Per was pur fumery tte preparstions, dee., &e., which will > farnimhed of the hest quality and at the very kwe eee pet +e Catnlogae of prices farnished when denre of his Wi rod AN eXAMinaliON of oUF stork solicited. i JOUN ©. BAKER & CO atte ; No. 100 porth 3d etre medals, rh 12, 1956 0 698 delphie 1 Qmo' a3 Philadel) and may ow ra) AT NEW BOOKS. es JUST RECEIVED. The Testimony of en ¢? — coped Novice from the Sisterhnud of St. Joseph, >Y the achi Mie Bunkley ; Female Life among the Mormons, bY | : ie ct the Wife uf a Mormon Elder; The Home Gerner OY = Mra. Mary G. Clark; The Lamp Lighter, © Ne# hia une dition fr and Beauties of Fanny Fern; Wie nothing wide world, and Queechy. New Editions in one vols Alezanc Trish Aimy in ERNIS®. ay Ronker \DVANCE fret July + im ome it of the Mee Spring @'ey er line d by impor h and prompt tions of ther ented = Phv rom our erork val and chem rally will Fed ind approved rionable Per which will? very bw? hen dene 4 R& CO rth 3d ire siladelphia ry of an ef 1. Joweph, bY Mormons, bY ye Garnet by = Devoted to Politics, and Propricter Be Martin Vao Buren, thatsly, old politi- veal fox, we ace, has been paying # friendly visit toiB, F. Butler, former member uf his Cabinet, | jin N. York, by whom he has been gladly ro- coeived and elegantly welcomed. We have fallen into a babit of watching rath- aar.closely the movements of old, adroit political strategists and jugglers, more especially on the reve of great political events, such as the prepar- ts for a Presidential paign ; and vow we would like to ascertain why it is that the Sage of Kiuderhouk so suddenly makes this appearance in Gotham. Docs he go there amerely to pay « ly visit to Butler, to eat this turkeys and sip his wine, or is there not some deep political scheme at bottom! Martin | mever moves without an object, and, if the truth eould be sscertained, his visit has more refer- | ence to the approaching Presidential canvass than to Batler’s turkey and wine. — Wil. Herald. | Whe British National Debt. —Mr. Ste-| phens of Ga., used to tell a story that! some of his Locofuco constituents took to flight at the sight of a Locomotive on a newly-built Georgia Road, thiuking it| Mr. Clay’s “infernal tariff,” coming out there to destroy the country and the peo- plo. Mr. Clay, according to a writer for Harper's Drawer, told one of his op ponents in the far west, who had taken up an idea that his “ American system” was the “Feudal system,” and thus held forth on the stump: ~ Look o' here, now, my frien:ls,” said he, “jest look at it. 1 want to know if any of you who bear my voice wants this Feudal System! What has it done for Eqgland, and Earope, and France, and Seetland, and other foreign countries ! Look at some not half as well off What has done this! The blasted Feudal Sye- tem that they want to fasten onto this country, same as they did onto Greece ! “And then jast look at the expense What do you think Englaud minate for wars and bigh living under thie Feudal System ! rs hy, more than aine thousand dollars, and the intercat cunnin’ on all the while! Do we want any system like that bisted onto this country! Do you want it, my citizens!” They dido't, said Mr. Clay. and so manifested at the polls Many a lang), eays the writer, had Mr ©. and lis frends over the idea how glad the English Gov ernment would Le to strike a bargain with ot this Ube fellow aome Yankee Financier who would pay Qheir national debt with the terrific nine thowsand dollars amount” of money in the orator’s county a “most namerous os Presidential Calculations The news papers have already Legun to predict the result of the next Presidential election The Richmond Whig, Know Nothing, clans all the Northern States, except New Hampshire, and haif of the Soath ern States, for Fillmore and Donelson The New York Herald, on the contrary, eaye that the Know Nothings will carry Delaware, Kentucky, Maryland and Ten mossee, casting 35 votes; the Black Republicans, Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, New Ilamp shire, Ohio, Rhode Island, Vermont and Wieconsin, 75 votes; the Democrats, al! the rest, 180 electoral votes, and a clear majority of 31 Fayetteville Observer electoral California Quicknleer Mine —The newspa spers state that the United States I hstnet Court va Northern California has given a decision favor of Robt. J. Walker, ex Secretary of the Treasury, Commodore Stockton, and others, awarding to them the possession of the great A The exports of this valuable metal from ( aliformia manden quicksilver mine at Santa Clara are all from this mine. The quantity exported n 1°54 was 1,316,634 pounds, valuc 0658317 and 1a 1855 1,951,242 pounds, value $095.42) The exports are principally to Mexico, Chil), and Meru, where the metal is wanted to work the silver mines, many of which had stopped for want of quicksilver previous to our pumsession of A’alifornia, The remaining exports were to Ey giand and Australia worn by Sword sword N. poleon's The Ne naparte at the battle of Marrengo, Austria, 19 1800, was parchased by the emperor Nicho ‘as in 1800 ful and bloody battle $32,000! joat half a century after that event for the enormous sum of To Nicholas, a sword worn by so <listinguished a soldier, ina battle that lasted fourteen hours—and victury waved on each side four timea, on whieh sixty pieces of cannon were alternately won and lost, and finally carned off hy the French, possessed a value in his eyes that could not be estimated in dollars and cents. It was purchased and placed among other relics once possessed by Napoleon at different periods of his life, and collected by that distinguished Emperor. It is said the other relics (diamonds medals, and tokens of Lonor,) are of great value and may have entered largely into the motives of Louis Napoleon to war with his highness, the Could he possess them by Autocrat of Russia. the achievement of a victory, he would doubt- lena feel that the inspiration of the great captnia, hin uncle, had truly descended upon him, and nothing short of the fanse of the all conquering Alexander, would antixfy his ambition for glory. Buffelo Rrpress. VOL. XII.--NEW SE impatent fair, and of that mixed race of " ee? ) & | the vivacity of the Freneh is tempered | proof of it, I hope you will oblige me by sit- | by the equanimity and good-humor ol es down to the table with us 1” | dress was aftixed u RIES. THE TWO |] They were ap- | aps four- | shorter of the two was aapily made, pale, | looming, wasa specimen in whigh Germans. At their feet were two] portinanteaus, to which their ad- sealing-wax. On one might be r a4, Henri Fortin, of Mar- seilies; and on seals were the words “M right.” On the other was written, Joseph | ese of Stranburg ; and the motto on the eeals was “Charity.” The clerk had inscribed their names on his list, and was adding the quantity | of luggage belonging to each, when Ten- | ri asked to have it weighed. The man replied that it would be done at Kaysers- erg; but the Marseilles objected, alleg- ing the inconvenience of such a formality ainid all the bastle of arriving, and insist- ed upon its being dune at once, saving he had aright to require it. The office kee- per, with equal obstinacy, refused to com- ply, and a warm and angry discussion Juseph tried to pot an end to it by observed that they had barely time to dine before the dilligence had started; but Henri, who prded him- self upon acting up to his motto, never would yield when he thought bimnself in the right; and unfortunately he seldom thought otherwise. At length the man, tired of the debate, quitted the office, and as his assistant spoke nothin but German, Henri decided upon following his cousin, on whom he vented his ill humor * Yon wonld make a saint swear at your indi ff rence,” ened he, as 600m as they were alone ot even to support | ensued wwe ayainet that obetinate fellow.” “Tthonght he needed sapport more than said Joseph, for yoa piled Np arguments against him, as x or your honor de- pended on the result.” “Then yoa think it would be better not: to assert of ial you, laughing ; though your fortane one's my “When those nyl worth as are not serting ” « That with warmth ; j Henri “you are always ready to you wonld wld dream of is | ” interrupted give up to every one be trampled on before you defending yourself Instead of looking npon the world as a field of bat tle, vou seem t der it as a draw ing room, where ¢ ¢ are exchanged.” ‘Not 00,” aaid Jose ph “bat as ashy full of passengers, who ought to show matoal kindness and forbearance. Every man ie my friend until he declares him my.” self inv ene And [ think every man my. ene my until he has declared nself my friend ] have alwayve found = this sort of prudence the most successful and | would advise you to adopt the same at Kavsersberg We with the heirs t when we arrive shall meet there other ur ancle’s fortune, and depend upon will do all in ey their power to secare the best share; for my part Tam resels ed not to make the slightest conces sion The young travellers had now reached the inn where they ntended dining On found the public room farther end wasa ta Henri desired entering, they bat at the aid for three persons ew pty is the landlady to bring plates for Joseph avd himeeif * Excuse me sir,” saidthe woman, “but you cannot be served here.” ‘Why not man “ Recanse the persone for whom theta asked the yonng ble is laid have requested to dine alone. “ Then let stay their own * retnrned Hlenn sharply - them in room, “this is room and the public table, the pabl e right to e served here ‘Wha fy whether we dine here or another room!” asked Jo sep “And what iit to those persons if we ( ae to remain he ‘ hey came before you, s ro remon strated the landlady “Then it is first come who give the law n your honse ‘They are known to us besides.” “Their m mey is not Letter than ours, aire’ ’ “Ttis our interest to oblige our custo mers , “ And all other travellers must obey their caprices “You can apartment.” “With the remnants from the table of be waited on in) another your privileged guests, | suppose a The landlady seemed hurt, and said, “Tf Monsieur thinks he cannot have a good dinner at the White Horse, there are oth er inns in Cernay.” “ Very true,” replied Henri, taking his hat and walking, regardless of his cou sin’s attempts to detain him. Mulzen knew by experience that the best way to act with his cousin was to leave him to himself until the fit was over, forevery atteinpt at reasoning only added fuel to the fire. Ile decided, therefore, upon remaining where he was, and re- quested to have dinner served immediate ly in another room. HIe was about to go thither, when the persons who were expected inade their appearance , they Two young men wemitending in the their protector. The landlady was giv-| let, in which he and booking-office of the Cerm dilligencies, ing them an account of what lad passed, might follow the di The room, when the old gentleman him. ry sorry,” said he, in a friend- ing the not to drive other travellers away.as your | friend seems to have and-as a) oseph thanked him, and endeavored | to excuse himself, saying, that far from | feeling offended at their desire to be alone, he thought it a very natural and, proper precaution; but M. Rosman, which was the name given by the ladies to their patestce, insisted in so frank and good- | iumored a manner, that Joseph thought it best to comply. The old lady, who seemed little used to travelling, sat down | opposite to him with her niece, and gave utterance to a deep groan. “ Are you very tired, Charlotte !” ask- M. Resinan. | “Am I tired!” repeated the old wo- man; “is that a question, after being sha- ken all day in that swinging diligence, | eating out of my regular hours, running all wanner of risks; for I am sure it is a wonder we were not upset fifty times ; the dilligence was always leaning to one side. would give a good year of my life fur this journey to be at an end i“ “ Happily for us, dear annt, you can not tnake such a bargain,” said a young lady, smilling affectionately at her. “ Yes, yes, you may laugh,” returned Madame Charlotte, trying to look dis pleased; “young girls are afraid of noth ing now-a-days! They travel by railway, by steamboat—they would by balloon if they could! It Revolution that has made them so bold. Before the Rev olution, the most courageous were con tent to travel in a cart or on a donkey and then not unless it was absolutely ne cessary. I have often heard my dear de parted mother say that she had never tra velled otherwise than on foot.” * But then she never went farther than the chief town of the department,” o! served M. Rosman. “She was not the less a worthy and a lappy woman,” replied Madaine Char ed is the lutte: “when a bird has built its nest, it remains in it. The present fashion of be ing alv iveon the imuve, diminishes the love of fireside enjoyments: people get so used tu be away from their homes, that they cease to care fur ther and find a | e everywhere. It may be more ad vantageous to society, bn’ it makes indi vidaals less lap : ntented.” “Come, come, C.anette—you have juite a apite ayainst travelling, because of © jolts,” said M. Rosman, smiling ope this soup will dispel your prejadi- ces; it could not be better even at Fon taines. I appeal to your impartiality.” The conversation embarrassed and cheerful manner; and Malzen, who at first had directly kept silent, soon felt Rosman and they were quite at home M frequently addressed hitnself to him; } talking like old frienda, when it was an nounced that the dilligence would start n a few minutes They quickly settled with the landlady, and hastened to the tice As Jose I h arrived, he saw his consin iurrying towards the same place. Whilst he had partaken of an excellent dinner, Henri had been ranning from one inn to another, pared ; ween forced to purchase a small | some fruit to appease his hunger anchorite’s repast had by no means proved his temper, which Joseph per ceiving, forebore to make any remark , nor had he time, for the other passen gers had already taken their places. As the preparing follow, they were stopped by the e-keeper le a mistake in book gence was already without finding anything pre and as the time was gone, he had vaf and This m t ) consine were had m whe said he ng them, for the d full “Fall! ITenr taken our fare (” “Tam going to 1 “Not at all!" said the when you took my money, yo cried return it t rseillais ; rengaged to convey ins to Kaysersberg. [have a right to yo, and go I will.” And thne saving, he took hold of the leathern strap, and mounting to the top of the diligence, took possession of the only seat that was yet unocenpied. The person to whom it belonged reqnested him to give it up; but Henri refused decidedly, saying that no one had a right to make him come down, and that if force were attempted, he also would use force. In vain did Joseph remonstrate, and urge him to give np the contested place the contradiction he had met with, added to his frugal zeal had c¢ mmopletely soured him, and he per sisted in his refusal ‘Let each have his right!" cried he “that motte—vours is charity. Re as charitable as you like; for my part Tons pretend to be just. Ihave pa for this place; I have a right to it; and I mean to keep it.” The dispossessed traveller urged priori ty of possession , but Ilenri, who was a lawyer, answered him with scraps of law; and thns they continued exchang ing angry explanations, recriminations, and menaces. Madame Charlotte, who heard all from the conpee, groaned andi- bly, and began to exclain: against travel- ling in general, and public conveyances in particular. At length Joseph, seeing omy e ejected traveller ence. The expe- nay, became night. In vain the sun of Proven: to his chin: he trem in the wlios. night fog, ue; his teeth chattered ; | others. When Henri had taken such | forcible possession of another’s place, he | applauded him, saying that each travel-| led for himself. The young man then) thought this maxim perfeetly just—now he had a practical illastration ef it. Once during the journey his corpulent com-| | panion turned to look at him, and observ- ing his miserable condition, said, * You look as if you were cold, sir!” “I am wet to the very bones,” replied Henri, scarcely able to speak. The shopkeeper drew bis warin cloak more tightly roand, as if he enjoyed it the more froin the contrast, and reinarked philosophically, “It is very injurious to yet wet: when you travel again, I would advise you to get a cloak like mine; it is warm, and not dear;” and having deliv- ered himself of this sage advice, he again burried bis chin in the warm folds of his cravat, avd resummed his comfortable duze. It had long been dark when they ar rived at Kaysersbery. Henri, half dead with cold, hastened to the kitchen of the inn, where a fire was blazing brightly Among the travellers who surrounded it, he yerceived Joseph Malzen and the stranger whose place he had taken: the cabrivlet had brought thein a nearer way across the country, and they had arrived fullan hour before the dilligence. Jo eph, seeing the state his cousin was in, gave him lis place near the fire; but as f could not refrain from langhing beartily. “Uponmy word,” for his companion, le said he, “LT ought to be very much ob yed tothe gentleman. Withoat his usur- pation, T should have been frozen like n, instead of being here warm and com fortable.” The Marseillias, too mach ont f temper to make any reply, sat down and warmed limeacif aa weil as he was able As seon as he had in se mea sure recovered himself, lie asked for a room and a bed; bat there had been a fair at Kavsersberg, and the waa fo f persons, who inteuded Jeaving the town the following day Joseph and his n Ithough they had arrived ad only found one very indiff rent bed, which the former, with bis usa al ce, had xivenupt e stran ger After a great deal of and searching, sever, it was found that there was sti]! one bed disengaged; bat it was inar already occupied by four pedlars, w Jeclared they would not ad nit any e clae “Tlave ther engaged the room for themselves alone!” asked Ilenr ‘No, said the innkeeper. “ea h pays for his bed.” “Then what reason do they give for refusing to adinit another! ‘None at all; bot ase they seem to le quarrelsome fellows, no one wishes to in terfere with them.” “For iny part,” said Henr I sha not sit here all night becanse those ins ent fellows choose to mort se more beds than they can use S me ¢t their reom, and Jet them oppose im they dare. “Take care, Henri,” said Mulzer ‘they are low, vicious men, and w lpr ably insult you.” “And ia it f their vices that T must lose my rest! he asked angrily Not I, faith’ T shall goto bed in det ance of them.” And taking his travel g cap, he was leaving the room, when M. Rosman, who had come to look after his laggage, and had heard the words excl d Letweent cousins, accosted a) them in his usual pleasant and friendly manner “You are at a loss for beds, T perceivs gentlemen! said lie “TD shall not be s ng.” rey lied Ilen door said ri, going towards the “Stop a moment.” M “those men may handle you more roug! Rosman; ly than you would like. You will) find t difficult to convinee them that von have an equal tovith them If house, it will accept a bed at my is at vour service I reside only afew doors trom here, and shall feel pleasure in’ ac commodat toy Ven , The vonng men bowed, and thanked hitn: but there was a marked difference n their manner of doing so. Joseph yoked pleased and teful: whilst Hen ri, who had not forgotten that M. Ros man was the cause is having lost his dinner at Cernav, we nstrained, though polite : ‘Yon are very obliging, sir,” said he, softening his tone, “but I shonld be sor ry. to put you to any inconrenmence, be- sides, I think it will not be amiss to give those fellows a lesson, and teach thein to respect the rights of other travellers.” And bidding them good-night, he left the room Joseph, fearing the consequences, fol lowed his cousin; but whether they were drowsy, or that the reselute air of the Marseillais deterred them, the pedlars undisturbed possession of his bed. See- ing there was nothing to fear, Joseph re- turned to the kitchen, where M. Rosman nee, and the babbling of the kettle reminded her of the noise of the wheels. what had become of wars and contentions wherever he goes,” observed the old lady; “if he continue, he will be feared Ly every body.” “A better heart than lis could scarce- ly be met with,” said Juseph; “ but, un- Zctuasisly, he is determined to act up to his favorite motto: ‘Let each have his right.” “Whilst yours is—Charity,” said the old woman smiling; “ we heard it all at Cernay.” Do you travel together!” asked M. Rosman. “ Weare cousins,” replicd Joseph, “and have cume to Kaysersberg to be present ut the opening of a w ill, which takes place to-inorrow morning. “A willl” repeatad Madame Charlotte nm surprise “That of our late nocle, Dr. The two and M. Rosman changed looks So you are the Doctors relatives { said the latter; “well, chance could not have ted you better. [have your uncle's most intimate friend.” This species of recoguition served as au educa to speak of the departed Mulzen had never seen his uncle, but he had felt for him that respectful affection that nature seldom fails to establish tween distant inembers of the same fam ily Ile listened with deep interest and emotion to the details of lis life, and the particulars of his last momente; and after one of those long, unreserved conversa tions, from which all restraint is banish ed, and in which hearts are laid open, withont diaguise, Joseph retired to his ghted with his new friends, pleased Harver.” ladies ex long been direc be chamber, del who on their part were equally with the voung man when he It was late rose the next mor ning, the fatigue of the previous day hav ny made hum oversleep h tnself He dressed in haste, intending to call on his cousin, that they might ge gether to “runcle’s lawyer; but on descending to the parlor, he found the latter there, together with Henri, who had been sent for, and M. Rosinan Madame Char tte and Louise soon joined them, and Whit a “ ea " M Rosinan, a BS 4 tine t € sung men, sa N here is iene f what we vout Kaysersberyg, gentlemen; for my sister in law, Madame Charlotte Revel, and her neice, Louise Arnand whose puardian Tam, are also come cf * t at yn gofthe wil { eir erat incle, Dr. Tarver.” The 1 to Madan ( ariotte a 1i8e, W returned their aA I thoug continned M. Rosman, that as chance had brought hither the parties interest d, the Doctor's last dire t v ve read at ny raise.” Henn) bowed a they all sat x andt was alwut to break ‘ a] ed and said This w old date, and luring months of Dr. Har ra t ntly expressed lis io ent f stroying t, ao as to leave vof lis heirs the share assigned them v law I can only attribute bis not hay yg done & to the suddenness of his remus a I ight it my ity to dectare this, and now [ask all the parties interusted w are ere prese nt 10 t are w ng with one acc yrd, to destroy this will, witl it knowing wiht of them is ennehed reet aside by it! This unexpected pr posal was followed vy a pause Mu was t tirst reak silence “For my part said he modestly, ‘having no specia ain to my uncles regard, | cannot think 1t any sac rivfic t accept of an equal share, a iI ng y agree to the proposa “As far as Tam concerned,” said Ma dame Charlotte, “ [ have not the slightest } ton _ a 1] nsent t t in my wards added M. Rosman name, * There remains on this gentleman, Henn, en,” said the notary, turning to cho seemed somewhat embarrassed “Dike my cousit said “T have to expect a decision inomy. fa at very account | withhold Ns tont ny consent Whatever may have been my uncle's intentions, his will should be regarded as sacred To alter it wonld neither be just to the testator nor to the unknown legatee.” “In that case let ua say no more abont it,” said the notary; “unanimity coudd alone legitimise such &@ proce eding Let is right, as the gentleman re listen "—- each have hi quires, and be soe good as to “Of the four individuals who have any claim to my fortune, Tam only acquain ted with two—iny sister, Charlotte Re- vel, and my niece, Louise Armand, but as these two have long had but one in terest and one heart, and in reality form but one person, there is only Louise Ar mand to inherit on that side. It was my first intention to leave all I possess to her; but of my two unknown nephews, | one may be equally worthy of my regard: | the difficulty is to distinguished between | them. “ Not being able todo it myself, and knowing the tact and intelligence of my niece Louise, I leave it to her judg-| ment, and declare my sole heir whichev- | er of her cousins she chooses fur her hus- band.” | A long pause followed the reading of this singular will. The young men seein-| ed embarrassed, and Louise's eyes were fixed on the ground. | Be once eer Sere length. “Not so difficult as you may on sm to fear.” | “Then let the young lady decide,” said | the notary, laughing; ‘since it is in all) safety, can ouly be a matter of inspira- tion. | “You must decide for me aunt,” said | Louise in a low tone, hiding her face in Madame CYgrlotte’s bosuim. “My ded? child, said the latter, “ it is very embarrassing. I really do not know——_” Pronouncing these words, with a look of uncertainty she glanced at Mulzen.— | Lenri perceived it, and exclaimed, “I see | your choice isu ale, Madame; and though | must regret it, I cannot but approve of it. Mademoiselle,” he added, taking Jo | sephi's hand, and leading hiin to the young | lady, “your aunt has seen and jad aright; my cousiu is more worthy than 1” “ What you say proves the contrary,” said Madame Charlotte with emotion; “but we already knew Malzen; and you deserve that I should be candid with you. H ay on,” interrupted [enri. “Well, then, his motto gives me con- fidence—yours makes me fear: he prom ises indulyence—and yon justice. Alas! my dear sir, justice may saffice tor the angels, but we poor mortals need chari ty. “Terhaps yon are right, Madame,” said Henri pensively; “since yesterday, itseems as if everything has conspired to teach me this lesson fy determination todefend my rights has, in every instance turned against me, whilst my cousin's gracious behavior has always been to Lis advantage. Yes, Joseph is right; his motto is better than mine, for it comes nearer to the divine precept. Christ did not say—Let each have his right; Lat ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.” A Remarkable Ez We have bserved several wonderful etorics of late respecting the skill of the Chinese exe cntioners, who it is said ean strike off heads of their victims so skillfuall woor fellows themselves never discover their loss until a moment or two after they aredead. We recall to culioner hat the mind, vowerer, the story of a Gerinan execu t , Who far surpassed the ( rese in | onal dexterity Upon one ocea sion it happened at a criminal, who ras conden Jeath, had a singular tching to p ine pins; and he iin plored permnission to play once more at is favorite game before he died. Then ve said be would submit to his fate with utamuarnur The judge thinking there could be 1 a n humoring him, gran ted his la prayer, and apon arriving at the place of execution, he found everyting pfepared tor t game—the pins being setup and the wis all ready He comme s favorite sport with enthusiasm After a while, the Sheriff “serving that he showed no inclination desist, made asign to the execntioner to strike the fatal blow while he stooped tora bowl The executioner did 60, but “ such exqnisite dexterity that the cul prit did not notice or feel it. He thoaght, leed, thata i breach ofa r was blow ) if 8 k, and drawing himse ashrug, his head dropped for iis hande He naturally sup at it was a powl] whi re had .and seizing it Lrmly rolle t at A ftheim fell; and the head d xclaimasit reb Jed fron e farther wall © Hurrah, Pve won the game! {2 .-- The Hf Miss Mur . a5 mok re L nited States with the following sentence “One might as well hope to improve the mo rals and rease the happiness of an ndot by uring hin tof an asylum, as to hope for benefit for the negro trom abolbotism Washington Canoniaed. 1d row know that Washnagton has been placed in the calendar of saints There isa church at Rivas, over the hos a rery well executed Revs I was in pnneipal porta of wl bust of the leader of the Amencan lution. nnd on inquiry OCA malice of the town formed that it was a bust of good saint George Washington.” 1 confess that as I passed ethis chruch I felt lke taking off my bat, and 1 lid it, not because of custom, but because | could'nt belp it V. Y. Herald A constable pursned a thief, who took refuge on @ stuinp in @ swamp, an 1 pall ed the rail after himon which he went ont. The constable made the following return: e ‘Sightable —conversable non est come- at-able—in swampnm—unp stumpam railo.’ ARMORY OAK-CITY GUARDS, 4 Rateron, March 25th, 1856. The undersigned, » Committee of the Gak-City Guarde, vinted fur the se ae iy your wissous tv a plan for a Reapine-Room, in City. ‘The various advantages of such an institution are evident on the reflection : much as in cit) i soi ad = place for qui refined social enjoymeat—where We all cau meet to bear and discuss the news of the day, P ings, and learn and understand better the motives which actuate our fellow men. It is the i jon of the C par encouragement be given, to exte: nstitutiva to the Ladies of hob Library, ingLect Gon ssnteeea 04 dinmaios p' ability, and by the totroduction, Hae a able to state — of free use of the Hall of the tendered i if sufficient the benefits of the The Committee are “ the re rip among of the Members and others, they will be Hall, under proper restrictions, the de ing stranger one of the most delightful re- collections of bis stay in our city. The Committee ially assert that, if the Tn- be once zens would be willing to see it decay, and that no one will regret the small subscription : and they earnestly desire that every one who has the welfare of himself, his family, friends and thé city at heart, will give something and “speak « good word” for their subscriptions of money, newspapers, periodicals books, to any amount aad from any source, will be re- ceived by aay member of the Committee. GEO. W. BROOKS, F. C. SHEPARD, JOHN SPELMAN, WM. E. ANDERSON, J. © BRYAN. Ja Severe Weather—On monday 3lst March we had another snow, and on Tues- day morning the weather was as cold as ordisary mid-winter weather. There was abundance of ice, a heavy white frost, the groand was frozen, the thermom- eter down to 25 deg. at daylight. Fayetteville Observer. So The cure of Insanity.— The curability of insanity, if placed under suitable treat- ment within the first year of its duration, is stated by commissioners appointed to investigate the subject in Massachusetts, to be as high as from 75 to 90 per cent; but if a seeond year is allowed to elapse before restorative measures are to, the cures would be less than one-half that peaceree After the fifth year has —— alinost all hope of recovery may abandoned. There can be no donbt of the advantages of an early resort to treatment, but we question mach if, an- der the most favourable circumstances, the ratio of cures in fully developed is jsanity ever reaches 90 per cent. Whea the reported “ cures” reach so high a fig- ure, we cannot Lut fear thet the tempo rary recoveries of more than one reeur- rent case are reported as permanent “cures,” maugre the fact that after s few years “yoeman’s service” of this kind, the poor patient may sink into hopeless dementia An ugly bachelor says that everything in character. For instance, search-warrants should be printed on “tracing paper,’ and wedding notices on Of coarse that bachelor is very ugly indeed. should be ‘fool a cap Scolding never did anybody good. It hurts the child; it hurts the parents ; it is evil aud only evil, every where and al- ways . Brutal attempt at Marder —On Saterday might, the 14th inst, a most brutal attempt was made to assassinate Alezander Hill, of Lenow county, when returning from Kinston. Ife was waylaid. beaten unmercifully, shot at and left as lead on the road, by fowr men—as we are in- med. Hl] is recovering, we learn, and knows Three of them hare trial, eluded the hands of jus- Tribune » beat him o Kinston jal emen es ale to await their been kk and one Las hitherto <e G odd sboro If men wish to be held in esteem, they must associate with those only who are estimable A recent philosopher discovers a me- thod to avoid being dunned. ‘How? how? we hear everybody asked. Never ran ia lebt A clergyman being complained of by another for drawing away bis parishoners Sunday, made this reply : Feed your flock better, and they won't Holloways PiUle, a certain Cure for deter- mination of Blood to the Head—Ehas Hope, ne of the most celebrated advocates of temper- ance in the U mon, admits that he suffered more than any one he ever heard of from determina- tion of blood to the head, althongh he was moat abstemious both in eating and dnnking, also in taking reat, yet he was compelled to leave off addressing his auditors, and on several ocea- sions has been earrie| away from meeting com- ely senselems, Llaving seen the good effects 4 Holloway's Pills, he was induced to give them atrial and to use his own words, they acted like magic. It is fourteen months ago since he commenced taking this celebrated med- cine, which completely cured him in two montha, and he has not had any return of this complaint These Pills are wonderfully efficacious in all disorders of the stomach and bowels. plet since > Four races between whites and In- diana, on snow shoes, came off at Mont- real on Friday Jast, the Indians winning in all but the last. The first heat was four miles, and was won by an Indian named gnace, who ran the distance in 2% min- utes poe Foundry on Deep River.—Qur atten tiou has been called to vast importance, to this place, to its Western Rail Road, Bod to the Jeep River country, of the proposition now before Congress on the motion of Mr. Branch, the Reprezenta- tive ofthe Raleigh Ditrict, to establish a National Foaudry in the Coal and Iron region of Chatham County We under- etand that there is great Lope that Con gress will lend a favorable egr to the pro position, ang that ty further at, the cit zens of our town should exert Cueutsclves te the utirost of thre i In the ave of Janguaye of ken an active Tt is vastly and wotld make cettaiw of completion in thine. S: an addition pow employed in developing the hiiueral Ani a correspondent who bias te teovetient hporta t to Pay ete vi the Western rail oad very eli capi partoau pa a ’ wh Is Vel wealth of that rego Ny Very portant. Several ull propriated, aud as the artacies inal tured at the Foundry would be re eleewhere, it would inake wl! the } aud conte: plated of tra eviver, rail reads kc.) not only certain ol rapid coupletion { be luus Would ap ifac Wiealis yut would furnish the certaints of their being well sustained jm fatare, and the stock in each very We learn that Pouusvivama ! lo ealuable.” is endeavoring to induce Cong eate the Foundry within her borders ; But that it he Committee will give our State the preference if we take proper steps to furyiea the requi- site infurination as to its capabilities. Let us, therefore, go earnestly to work about it. lawn of better day so ty believed is There is ada before us, if we are true to ourselves. Ps the above was in type the Nay or has callhd a town meeting a 44 o'ulock this afternoon. fayettewtile Obacrver dince From the Fayetterill- Estravagunce New York las just | 38 feet, 5 storics | dds firin in Irv go a sture, 160 by vaults exter ing not ou! jer the entire buil but under the streets also, the ¢ which was a fractivn less than $100,000 It has 276 feet in all, the marl $20,000, The main floor is in one mense room, 160 by o» feet, on three streets, n) a marble front e cost pasoing tirouy row of | it ghtiron coluinns ty sustain the upper floor. gare is displayed merc! imagined ’ sandize th of which may when ' known that the proprietors Lave a for insurance to the amount 000, besides 100,000 on the buiid ing and r The been leased four ter year, and 820.000 a year figs been refus ower | ents upper Vears produc: J and 6 ; merchaits dthe Orel instance their custuimers, we the | end. Many |ous » New York each year, | would regarding as a large fortune thie | of the { $20,000 for clerk bi and the personal expen ; Res: ts, a eu : tle wa yen Cort ra ca 12 sma!! ite: t ppt A \ $1.20" Sof winnie ' ; mill ; Inake Ww world QW) ow Warus 1 ches ' Hye tary re » alaconidte f weighed lo fined! betwee neck, 30. 1 jMa and && Weg 4 SU js oo 145 - preave . NO), eys al oe ‘Carolina SALISBURY, N.C, TUESDAY EVENING, APRIL 15, 1856. TERMS OF THIS PAPER 8200 CASH FOR PRESIDENT, MILLARD FILLMOR, YORK FOR VICE PRESIDENT, ANDREW JAC OF NEW TENNESSE, WING MEETING There will be a Whig Meeting held at the Court Llouse in Salisbury, oa Mon sof May County Cour. All the old line Whigsare requested toattend. There will be several addresses delivered. [ag Our thanks are due to Hon. D.S. Reid and Burton Craige, for public docu ments. AMERICAN STATE CONVENTION It will be seen by reference to the pro- ceedings of the State Convention of the American Party, held at Greensboro’ on the 10th inst., that Jony A. Gitwer, Esq., The choice is a good one, and we have no hes has been nominated for Governor. itation in giving it our most cordial sup- rd to Mr. G, the Wilming- ton Jerald has the following truthful port. In re and appropriate remarks : Mr. Giliner is well known throughout the State. His long service in the Senate of North Carolina--his uniform and zeal ous support of every project of inggrnal improvement. at J of every thing caleu lated to promote the interest and elevate the character of North Car nade for himself troops of ‘. ery county in N 1 Caro r a levislator lias beea al the extreme Lhere is no v€ t the State which li Hot ct warn effectual a With tale gle der, and a heart fall of patriotisin and werflowing with benevolence, he is ¢ al.f adi ster the afluire f the State Guverr t oo. Fals t.— A traveller passing Fayettes gh Car nfew daye ay r te ‘ a teat atk 4 4 if) x a a ‘ a € 1 anks w a a T ‘ iraw tS) e ¢ ar a0k a ha ‘ Fs zg , k of ar ‘ s vau.ts, tha #169987 4 e ata Fay h abie aod w A oa) oes . Wis We ha ' ‘*% ed ebatw a prem Americar an if g ere a I a “ ! acQiIA r Ice wis pa * 5 " ro . . " a \\ a s ealoe nl» . ne ~ nooo oth ag s . « was ° “ " . a = * Sra . “ ’ s rf : . 8 ve a wa , 7. ‘ Au A J 5 | aA« a - ot ; * i , 2 a “ “ x tier 1 Watchman. pone peneeneneneenona Ee “LIBERTY AND SLAVERY.” nearly 400 pag extraordinary book. Lippincott & Co's. publishing house, in Phila- delphia. tion, and ove which every man and woman! ought to read. The author undertakes to detine “Liberty” aud to vindicate the institution of sla very as it exists in the South, Hig sty le is cle- gant, simple and clear, bis arguments close ind his reflections just. Ltis just such a work as the times call for, to arrest, if possible, the evils of insubordination to law, divine yrowiuy aud civil, aud the madness of aboliuenisin, From the Greensboro’ Patriot — Extra, AMERICAN STATE CONVENTION Gueexsporo’, April 10th, 1856. Phe Amenean S at 1g o'clock, iv the Young Men's Hall, and was called to order by Mr. William H. Harrison, of Wake, McDowell, was calle ate Convention met this day on whose motion, C. T. N. Davis, Esq. of { temporarily to the Wake, and M.S. d to act as chair; and Seaton Gales, of Sherwood, of Gu , Wee requeste temporary Scerctaries. The Hall being very much crowded, and there being many out, who destred admittance, vn the suggestion of Mr. McKesson, a Committee of three, consisting of Messrs. Ralph Gorreill, E. W. Ogburn, and David McLean, were appointed, to make application for one of the Churches for the use of the Convention; and who, in a short ume, reported, through Mr. Gorrell, by tender use of the ing the Presbyterian Church to the Conventivn, which report was received with ap- pianse, [Here follows a list of the Jelegates in atten dauce, which we omit for t! e of room deeming it suthcient fullowing Counties were represent Alinance, Alexander n, Bruns wiek, Bur Bark Camder Chatham, Ce Craven, ( beer {, Cur k, De n Das Frank Foryth Grany G nd, H ax, Henders Harnett Ir Joline Junes, | Moore, Mont z v, Mech g, McDowell, New Har ver, Cnusluw, Pasquotank, Rows Kar | Rockingham K bd, Surry, Satupson, Stukes Wakes, Wake, Yadkin ‘ Mr. Hvma Chair app 1 ' fo ( Doms ft ‘ ganiza s > ws l Wr E. M 2 J Ly Fis J. A. Bak ‘ AD) LH Alf (. t ( \ I : 8 J a S| { x t . a J al ‘ ws I fon ST ROGERS, of Wak VEN 2 Cul. EWM Ja If ‘ bOA A ~ fp A ' Ms r I = | “ wa iH . 4 F \ \ 6 a F y a a " } i < ~ i) 1 ail ] a a ', | LENA ‘ \ ai | Nv A{ 28 Kok a a _ Me. triliner an a i Ae Mr " “ K s A bree pearty a e ‘ ers [ler n of by sta at { pits the It is written by Abert Taytor Burpsor, L. L. D., Prof. of Mathematics = = jin the University of Virginia; and is issued from It is a work of merit beyond ail ques-} ‘KSON DONELSON. and unanswerable; bis conclusions irresistable, | sen Electors for the State at large. subjoined resolution, which was adopted. Moved that the Convention go into an elec-|sition when he suggests to We are indebted to Mr. Ennis fur a late pub-| tion for two Electors for the State at large, whieh certain comtingency, to put the other bauks on | lication bearing the above title. It is a work of | was agreed to L, B. Canmicnarn, of Wihkeg, | footing with the Bauk of Fayetteville, as to) *, and may well be called avj and J. W. Cameron, of Cumberland, were cho- | the right to jsspe small notes, That, we appre- | hend, is where the glue pinches some people.— Dr. E. A. Crudup, of Franklin, offered the Bat if, in Judge Sauaders's opinion, small notes the Legislature, iu a| From the ational Intelligencer, of April 8. CONGRESS. Ip the BenatE a memorial was preseated by | Mr. Gags from the “Free-State” Leyislature of | Kaneaa, accoinpanied by a copy of the Goustitu- are an evil, one would suppose that he would | tion fur a state Government adopted by a Con Resolved, That an Executive Committee ot| be anxious to restraip the evil within gs parrow ; 5 eleven be appointed to take charge of business | bounds as possible. Instead of which, if one the Union asa State. Some discussion grose which may be necessary to promote the interest | hank Las the right, he is for olaiwing it for all of the American Party in North Carolina, Mr. Waddell, of Chatham, reported to the | Convention, that the delegates from his Congres- sional District, had selected A.J. Stedman, as elector of that district. til 24 o'clock, agreed to Moved we adjourn un- Friday Afternoon.—Convention was called to order. Jolin HL Haughton, submitted the following resulution which was adopted. Resolved, That with avicw to a thorough canvass, it is expedicnt that four assistant Elee- tors for the State at large, and one for each Dis trict should be appointed by this Cunvention ; and that it is expected that our candidate for Governor, and the Electoral candidates and their Assistants should on all suitable occasions, ad dress the people, and explain and enforce our principles, In accordance with the above resolution, the Chairman Appointed, as assistant Electors for the State at large, Joho Pool; Hon. R.S. Donnell, Leon F. Siler, and Gen. John A. Young. The Chairman then proceeded, in accordance with the resulution adgpted this worning, to Ap- point an Executive Committee. It consists of the fullowing gentlemen : H. W. Miller, of Wake, Ralph Gorrell, Guilford, Henry K. Nash, Orange, J. H. Haughton, Chathawn, Jobu D. Hyman, Thomas J. Wilsoa, Forsythe, Wim. H. Harrison, Wake, N. W. Woodtin, Buncombe, R. A. Caldwell, Anson, Jolin Pyol, Pasquotank, Jobu N. Washington, Craven Suncom be, On motion of Dr. Crudup, Resolved. venti That the sincere thanks of this Con n are hereby presented to the members of for their kindness in of their Bull | the Presbyterian Church nuon the use UV On motion Resolved, be tendered t { Mr. McKesson, That the thanks of this Convention ciuzens of Greensborough for hospitality nded to the members of the ive Le} Onor of Joho TD) Hyman tes That the thanks of the Convent ur hereby tendered to the Officers of his Conver for the fasthful and ab r which they bave discharged th Pea poe ve duties On m of Mr. Mann, of Pasquotank, Resolved, Tha e member A : art r t hanks, and «w rer N \\io= } Row sua I ‘ s T T’res a ss. ’ aud ( . SoH ROGERS J T. Bes J S@aros (ra WS Sneaw aries Pat Ja E SACNDERS ON SMAI N . e Raleigh S 4 . . “ s 8 (rrand J Q T IIe sand t barg He sa re i‘ as * ] log 8 ps “ t . ! l* In 18 7 ! s . : =» . ex ] Sta “a ar ba a . ak as low a « uM 2 ‘ N Bae ‘ . es tha wear f . . b a L al J nhs stock ~ ant * 4 tl . a a . I " A as aw a , a 1 t fi 4 4 elier ty aa ha . ark «« } Ja as }’ree ar ‘ ay le any “ it Tine Kpresee auth t g a t a fas iH WAS partic beva t the we if ' te « > ( rt. If k ha " ae ermal! notes . A fille ar t ’ A a Ot I ( If feo ® efor « k ff A I ’ V RAVING wa " re Was a lier trit ) s \ Oey ert Avr . atew afer « s 1 mainta z A x voof th lawn aX “ k , 4 Large, has g ty and t How t «+B r a law n tle any sw , we tak ‘ ter awe rt ssand J a owhat he think Legislatu glitto have mn Niither lactone ; wah F ery rif utial + with the evil, other banks may share in the pro- le rf fi ts other banks, whatever it may be as to the wel- the others, so that while the State is deluged This is @ very noticeable regard for the vention at Topeka, and asking admlssigy into on the question of printing the memorial and its accompanying papers, Lat the special orde of the day was called for, and no decision was ‘had. Mr. Foot explained concisely the amend ments to the bounty land acts of 3.1 March, |fare of the community, according ty the Judge's | 1853, reported by the Comiittee on Public idea of its welfare, It may perhaps be considered assuming in | plain people like us to question the correetness of a Judge's opinion, but yet we venture to be lieve, that if a decisivn shall be made on two points, it will be found that be is in error in the assertion tht the law. of 1830, forbidding the circulation of foreign bank notes under $3, was “inade general,” sy as to forbid the circulation of any bauk votes under $3, by the Revised Statutes of 1836-"7. 1837 as in 1830, and it is evident that only the same thing was enacted. Precisely the same words are used in The second point we allude tu as erroneous, is where he says, “If the bank had the power to issue these small notes, they bad the power tu issue five and ten cept notes, as the act of the last session ip the Revised Code, repeals the due-bill act.” Quere from the Judge, or the Judge bis law from the Does the Standard get its editorials Stardard! The identity is striking There is still another puint in which the Judge has suffered himself to f take “In the charter of the old State Bank and the ul ‘!] into a palpable mis Ile says, renewal of the Cape Fear Bank, special au nty bad Leen given to these banks tu issu as three dol as | Now the ld State Bank isin Ww ars, but nothing less charter of the ~ That Sank of N l4th section of the these words ho note sh be insused Ly the State Carolina for a less sum f N.C. chapter 783, pa Laws ¢ } } Ur The Republican Banner, across the street, has a parual change 1a its edito: Mr ¢ red and Mr Ge We Lise bh ing re H Srescen succeeded him w the place vacated veme n the appeara rhb wen eighbors may 6 ve emarke, touch Some impr Koow Nuthing’ Shalle verag cog anges ark la . - chip Mr Sp 5 ewern, 7 I ee member A ihe ba a ‘ . B - He « cl\m« a “ ~- ‘ . Ba - - Mumng ite ge egy A arty » But » « " “ “ lLw worse th Ir will o with all ito mug peree iin ev . and KRooww N . ne sake, perhape ° . e opie ecu . b noe rship ae ib . r . q subyects P . VOREFOLK VARKET Reperted by Be bers, April 10, 1856 BACON —Hame } Hog row 4 LVRD—N « 4 RN Ma 256, W BIL vuhk Ee PEAS ‘ *9 WHITE BREAN ] PLAN-bED—5§ TTUN eas LOU S bine. OF 8 be ba - ry ‘ 44 04 ot oily z= Be 75 4) Me @ LE c 8 ’ REM f ag - keve I . . ‘ . .) . a The » arge.b a “ “ Fi “ . ° age « one D ’ ali hinds ” sais 2 \ VORA MARKET] “ eva . = ma ene . . ce week . . : . . £ 2 Bre adetuffe - * a ef ae oe: Calwmbea Merkel—-R: pert = - ‘ a if T . * Re ga ings eroe lO wihg Coes 3s Chere tl a4 t s— 8 e-4 . . e~ a e ta a ze a fF atl Vis @ The +2: Pre / I Petersbary by a< |ias “ a } Judge —7 M N A fa duly Ala “ a fow after 4 gran art ar " fa « t aw ar wn frot he ty ga g | some $2 +2: New Cownterfes! Fives the Merrhants ank, Newhern, North Ca ear luecale a ‘ ] Ri ! vignette pe 1 \ ‘ ; J .e- T Diack I shen w Sta Khode Island at recent ¢ ne Ly 3 \ } Wie v ] ee exchanges, that Sinall Pow is prevailing 4 a ae A while sixty feet lor g.oand contain ny about 1.000 va lons of ol, worth B250, went ashore off Currituck, NOC), on the farin of Mr. Abraham Bann, last week Lands; but the subject was passed over, to be The Gill for the ad mission of Kansas as a State was then discugsed further considered to-day. at length by Mr. Geyer, of Missouri. Le reviewed with much closeness of revsoning the question of the power of Congress and the legislation of that body in regard to the ‘Territories of the United States, and rephed to the positions as sumed by Mr. Collamer in the minority: report and in bis speech in support of it, Mr. Geyer insisted that in all the legislation fur the Terr tories the rule of Congress bad been that ef non intervention in reverence to the Territories senth of the Obio and east of the Mississippi, and that abstained from iuterfer Southern menbers enee with the subject of slavery as fined by the ordinauce of 1787. The first agitation, there fore, of the slavery question was in the attempt to Impose a# restrictive upon Missouri, in deroga tion of the existing local law. Io regard to the Kansas, Mr. G. contended that Sal at the North who kept themselves ata sufe dis disturbanees in they were first produced by societies and | tance from the scene of strife, and Chat the move Missouri ments of the aus Were ul cunne eoces of this Northern interference. When ever the ayitative of the questiun of slavery Congress be ies dangerous the people of th country are found to rally to the Constitug nod the Uuion, Mr. G. enlarged upon the ef forts of past and present partion fo get possens!ot f the spoils, and urged that then, as now, tl slave question formed anelement. He a he idem that to the “cra uf yood terling,” com mencing in 1816, more nnischief was he at more heresies « { ayn t Tove f the Cons i than at any ry { history Witbou M G gave way foram ' . His 5; was calin aud states k aud comma id to tu altent In the Horse or RK re AT t fi nev t wars furtl ered ( ’ fthe W 1Mr ik {Ss ( ava ‘ ak uy . < ‘ Her “ ( partns j spre rence for a Pres * y “as h . . a * aan N! M sjukhe tom fe : “ ken t Ml Mo I a | h a A ‘ Ainongs " . ng - . ba . . \ - ce aoal 4 . I \ ay ng been “na " iH . M a . . ' " 4 * a ° “ 4 . . k ‘ a F Ve as i J Wt \ \ \ I . . ul : - “ k ews ~ k . Mu I o4ter MI anes “ ® a \ 1 ‘ . 1 . A ‘ M ‘ ae |) “Tale w oa {1 they are now « ny 4 ae . s ' and It rowel! k eth Ss ' t : Prete | | f t bale passed aw a | at wet or t ‘ er ann k (nk - ~ here tt « ntw ti ; ‘ ’ fw ‘ 7 "7 ' ’ «tf nwt na be rates ATA t 1@ Grande, nionstration raand Coal ] se" fr un M. xicu United Some parties, we understand, are now in lence with the of the United Statea, and gong on of declaration of ndependence at atime not far distant “t respon lends Revolutionists in the that the work preparations fir Is privately a formal Ciipttal Hink—A “ood shiliig® wegas the House hall yesterday, that set the in w roar, Mensra. Junes, of Teunessee, House, tun, of Alabama, and Letcher, of Virginia, te farnous for thoroughly sifting every propositic for the expenditure of the public money, They dive at the bottuin of everything of the sort, and have obtained such reputations foreclose invest. |gatiqu gud thorough knowledge of the merity lof evgy item in all the regular appropriation | Lils, that members who claim to be ariet con. struetionists and rigid economists. im: the pub. tiv expenditures, are much given to Matening to ascertain how they speak or vote on such gaitivns, and invariably acting with them; a high compliment to the deserved influence of those gentlemen, This fact is well known to a fumiliar with the history of the House for some years past, Yesterday, in the cousideration of the Scoate's amendment making AD Appropria. tion for new stables for the cavalry hortes kept ut the West Point Academy, Mr. Letcher was fuand earnestly opposing it, while Mr. Houston Mr. Samuel A. Smith, of Tennessee, who possesges g keen rel. ish for a joke, at times, rose and said thut be felt in a quandary over the question, not having bis colleague, (Mr. Jones,) as usual in his Beat ; for he found himself at anon plus to know bow to vole upon a question of expenditure, with Messrs. Houston and Letcher divided, and Mr, Jones not in sight! It was well known that Usis state of things left perhaps fifty wore bon- orable gentlemen pretty much in the same x; and the instant realization of the fact produced a shout of laughter over the hall, Wash, Star, no less earnestly advocate) it, WOULD NOT ACCEPT FREEDOM. We published last week a paragraph from the N.Y. Herald, relative to a negro Woman named Diana, who lad been suld at Edgefield C. IL. to \boliivoists, and that after hving two years in New York, sbe cutreated to be taken back to slavery, We learn that the case is even stronger thaa was there stated, as Diana is educated, and can -is catremely intelligent and in- istrious, and as capa ble as ANY Oe of support read aod write herself otili elie preferred the warm com- vid home to the cokd sympathy of eee Abul wts of ber rear touwts.— Se. Cerolinien. see GEOKGE WASHINGTON, wing is an extract from the oration rable Edward Everett, jo Buston, oa bruary : Everett then passed to the inquiry in alocss of Washington consists, © fouud it difbecult to fernish yvescioa, which fully satinfled After the usual potmts enumerated, there was Washington that eseaped vdeseribable charm in oparleg ah interes to wher wer ein s @ there was an ahie twas not easy to reher to ite Tiers wever, Le mo doubt that the sth of Washingtou's character tw og fret, ia bis possession, in 0 g the goklea mena, of all ves required for the wxeful ' imcharge of the duties of bbe wee ve | morality which ley at the he fires pornt, the each aerenmd quan ‘ ler emer her mainte at the almenee of dagaiing agipation, eo far from one of the aracter of Washing lefeets, and « zanh a : was reality, abl balanced ebaracter the sober and lit tach as prudence, justice ne withoush by far the maunt esqf * in tnan, nether ein appleuse ma They a . alin piace thew sows eevr 10 harmony with the great acne govern the warterse, material aot higher we ree in the ecale of by Sa yuet eq2 aity of Washington's char eis ' pportant feature, and Mr be his decaded euaviction sas a tant part of the design of raving Washington to be the ionary siraggle, and after nt of the United States of the a living ex America, in eristence, may Le best eon seceesfully fought, and i at atiy and honorably admins mon of seand moral principle; to teach ard mepering individuals, and the par »! that thoagh a hendred crooked ema ( to temporary suceess, the one azht path of publie and private in rlome lead to a pure and lasting fame seing of postenty.” coe From the Nationa! Intelligencer THEY BIDE THEIR TIME” We acknowledge the receipt of several letters he country, North and “What are the Whiot What arethe Whigs going tod rein t ~ r rat es aa 7 virennial polities! year having run a quarter of ite course, and other parties ne of them indeed having place j in the field —it is not vl] answerving Whigs of the ter fel nodidate desirous to learn ngs and intentions of ther We re prepared to give any dec rhout the Union reaponee tot The LANG se inquiries of our country expressions of opinion from faith goorgans or from local consultations wens yet been tov limited to furnish any dis Tt is, therefore, at pre answer the first interrogatory The time #1! leas, and that ere long, when the few are fearless till,” will raise their nl rally round it a united power, “pre whole weight on the side to their principles and the beat in of the country ‘shall dictate ;” a pow’ which will be felt and reapected throughout the ength and brewlth of the land. For the pre* ent, therefore, wo can say bat litte more than that “they bide their time: and this, we take it, the best thing they can for awhile do—remain gg uncowinitted antil time shall fift the curtain of the future a littl higher, then meet in con vention and decide upon a eommon courte of action telue to the future vay t onda than the second ul wed to throw ! we tiiehy pustie their ithe people Col. Axel and on fi Esq., Ov! act.as Se made for responde meeting 1 dled the marks ! read; Ware: at the cit of delega' party of appointed President candidate as, the e dard Filln aod And tional an minister the first Also, it the proce lished iu | papers. On mo The Fa to the pri of Fayett tising col proper m meet the principal, sued as a! Road. 17 will prod which ab« to ereativ ment of | their mat For ou thie tax w od than t time the | sayin di sean | te prineipal. ed uncert are, i. have nobl for any « easily rej needed PARD Govern ham, whe State Pris of Col. Le iu the ear Ex pecte Official Rica couf tive to th State, and ng of the t gever Hilaven uv Do Ga more and and are | do beta and could poi their rede could their ligh were not sect of ¥ be and die, something you a mo time ¢ name in | hearts of with yoa forgotten will be as vind, @ g. (oe 1 heaven A pproac f Eagl that Prinee ems Royal The Even ages Prince f Prise and a, com © comrmn«~ regiment o propretair erwek W hi King, and “te anticipa when the 8 l’rincess ‘The ye tnade the I her Royal lousin Prt Buckingha 1840, and ry followin Superior Judge } gard to Sir Many suite # juenee, | been contin ure, with ,and My, own that pore bhon- ame fx ; > oration weton, on quiry in that the haracter ion, m8 a, of all be wef! of babe ‘y mt the wet, the daaziing far from e of the Vashing J baracter eoubl r and [it yuatier at wee! applause woe Leite he great rrial aol » axale of wet eq2 n's char and Mr aviction lesign of » be the nd after | States the ving ex ™m est eon ght, and adminis to teach the par crooked , the one private ng fame al letters rth and Whos gtodo”™ —g ru we parties g place j it te not ge of the to learn of ther We re ny dec country mn ym faith ultations any dis », at pre rogatory ime wl! hen the se their er, “pre the sule beat in a pow hout the the pres ore than p take it, -remain » curtain in con puree of é oF vat 12 M., the 25th i o March, 1856, tlicre was 4 call shade for the citizens to assemble at the Cunrt (Mouse; when it was svon thronged wh ithe people. On motion of Col. V. Teague, |: Col. Azel Sharpe was called to the chair and on further motion of A. M. Bogle, | Esq., Ovl. M. Teague were requested to act.as Secretary, when there was culls made for Mr. Boyden, who being present responded tu the call and addressed the meeting at some length in which be han- dled the present administration with gloves off—spoke of Mr. Fillniwre's na- tional princijlea, and said in the hands of such men as Fillmore and Donelson, he was willing to trust the Govern- ment. On the close of Mr, Boyden’s re marks the following resvlutivns were read; Warereas, on the 22d February, 1856, at the city of Philadelphia, a convention of delegates, representing the American party of the United States of America, appointed to nominate a candidate for Prealdent of the United States and also a candidate for Vice President, Aud where- as, the said convention nominated Mil- tard Fillmore of New York; for President, aod Andrew Jackson Donelson of Ten- nessee, for Vice President. Ist, Therefore, Resolved, That we as the Whigs of Alexander county approve the said nominations for President and Vice President of the United States and| I ourselves to support them. : Of nectves That we are fully satis- fled that Milliard Fillmore and A. J. Donelson are god, sound, true constita- tional and national men, who will ad minister the government according tv the first principles of the Government. Also, it was moved and seconded that the lings of this meeting be pub- lished iv the Raleig!: aud Salisbury Whig papers. On motion the mecting adjourned. = oe The Fayetteville Bonds.— By reference to the proceedings of the Coumissioners of Fayetteville, published in our adver- tising columns, it will bo seen that very proper measures have been advpted to meet the interest, and eventually the principal, of the $100,000 in bonds is! sued as asubscription to the Western Kail Road. ‘The taxes laid tur that purpose will produce about $7,000 per annuin, of which about $1000 will be appropiated to to ereation of aSinking Fund forthe pay went of the principal of the Louds at their maturity 20 vears Lene For ourselves, we lave no idea that thie tax will be required for a longer per od than two ur three years, for by tue time the read will be in operation, aud paying dividends,—we think more that enoagh to meet both the interest and the prineipal, But, as that may be consider ed uncertain—as all things in the futore are, more or less——the Commissioners have nobly done their duty by providing for any contingeucy Tue tax can be easily repealed when it is no longer needed Fayett. cille Observer oe PARDON OF DIL GRAHAM New Yous, April 5 Governor Clark has pardoned Dr. Gira ham, who has been for some time i State Prison for having caused the deat of Col. Loring, at the St. Nicholas Hote iu the sammer of 1554 Eupected Defeat of Wather by Costs Blea. W astisotox, April 4 Official adviccs received fru Rica coufirm the pablished acevunts re tive to the military State, and confidently predicts the upris ng of the people ot N the gurernment of Walker and the a movements int arayiia AYAils hilauen uf lis arm Do Good. —Thonsands of men breathe move and live pass off the stage of life and are heard of no more. Why t The do net a particle of good t x { and none were blessed by them. none could point to them as the instraine f their redemption , nota word they spok could be recalled, and the periste t eir light went out in darkness, a were not renembered more thar sect of yesterday Will vou thos and die, O man iinmortal! 1 f something. Dkr good, and leave you a monarne f ie that the 6 f time can never destroy Write name in kindness, love and mercy on the hearts of thousands who come contact with yoo sear by year, you will neve ‘ forgotten. No, your name, your deeds will be as legible as the hearts vou leay sind, aa the stara on the brow of eve g. Good deeds will shine as the stars if heaven,— Dr. Chalmers Approaching Marriage of the Princess R f England.—\t iw now generally beneved that Prinee Frederick of Prussia and the Drie ema Royal of England will be marned this year The Evening Post aaye of these royal person ages “ Prince Frederick William Nicholas Charles { Prieasa was born on the Lato Oetoler, D841 and ia, coneequentiv, in his 25th year Ile | . © commiaasions of major, a la suite, of the first regiment of foot guards, and chief and eclone propreetaire of other regyments in the Prussian service, He ta the ebdeat son and her of Fred enck William, Prince of Prasaa, brother of the King, and heir to the throne, equently, af Ws projected marriage ahall take jeloce, it may be anticipated that the time isnot far distant when the throne of Drussia will be occupied by 8 I’rincess of England ‘The young lady whose hand ia about to le tnade the pledge of renewed amity with Prassia her Royal Highness Victoria Adelaide Maria Lousia, Princess Royal of Engtind, was born at Buckingham Palace on the 2Ist of N 1840, and was baptized ov the 16th of Februa Ty following.” vember, Superior Court is now in session in this place Judge Bailey presiding. The alarm in re- ar} to Small Pox in the county has prevented Many suitors frem coming to town, and in con * quence, the eutiwe litigated civil docket lias been continned Asheville Spectator RAPPERS AND THE PACIFIC = ere the Rucitle bang now pretty cer- | i tain and but nidis probability of auy on board |having beem saved to tell the story of the catas-| trophey the spiritastists are revealing all the cir- wees ee of her luss with the cireumstantiality 8 penby-tliner, LUere is amaccount parport- | a to have beew given by the parser of the Pa- leifie through a medium. It beara auch a strik- | jing resemblance to the speculations that have appeared fu the papers relative tu the probaly le | lenuse of the wreck of the vessel, that it is evi- Ident the spirits must be attentive readers of the morning journabs: 20, and Very soon went d own, stern foremoust.— As the vessel sank, Uhree persons escaped from on the jee, but they were subsequenthwfrozen to pra ers to God for deliverance, excited iutense and svicmu cmytion in all who were present.” | - -_-. + | Letter from Barnam.—Phiveas T, Barnum Esq., late showman, las written a letter of thanks | to the Providence, K. 1, ik on of a kind editorial about him, which | Journal in considera. | | published in that piper. Ty coucluding his let |ter he philo osbically rm rhs gotte than anything else. | My humbugs were to up more for “the fun of the Uang” I always} s rove to make my patrons feel that they gut | Cocir mo wey's worth, thought they dil, dhey did, fur I loved to make loved to spemd it and if they “as aan thinketh so be is beter than | I gave $20 000 per annun if money, Lut pot 1 bad m fiding, | | in clarity wod nud ¢ [have paid and bits, offered chu k ered for the la-t tu years, ot leew a yuckuss, iinpul- should not have been ru ved ve secu ed all my persona Ko » $100,000 to erase iny name from all the Jerome r, bat they have proved bigger asses thin | was, for they by refusing it, lucked uy py property, forced me to immense sacrifee it aden lo pay my private debts, and thus thes get nothioy from my estate, aud | lose all IT have nu alata “uy again,” for what + the use, when 646 U are Lanying over my bad? LT can ale uomy fg. and sba Uy for wothing unre Tois bared at my tine of te ¢ ~~ 8 Tteust Pocam muster suff uty a \ warty oe; 4 Profigy -A ya nhing f alia run Tyan ba passed ¢ x villag Veeterday. en Tear He ie dewernbed a\« . 1 sa “ 44 ' pemips, at | 1 a as misd te r as tha \ikansas When quened aslo lis are nan &e, at the hotel at . . said s returned an answers oar . | am aren Mastropie — a sinall crea Mount Vesus = » . ' | ava pouring ou t ra ar zs pabeas; my fists are t Keby a r -. sprays bvery ot he w 20 ear e and ery breath | beea vr . and gin fas * ' a t a ' a J ime you e ye Z / /, ' KC RENT SASTER ON EDELAW ALL ] A New J vila : a oe ar " . a “ = a rta ar) a 1 1 ft at, «8 « . a = Ay ' . ‘ aes t “ \ k Mod I ai ¥ \ . - lues 4 oO POM ns Faq. ID Kame v, air a I wd AM g % Hi sce. « JH. Mel being ealled to expin eo, 8 " ' ; < z an . \ 1 Preside nd \ J 7 | cg »th r ‘ ots r t . a 4 Ter ROT Park ’ » ince Hie speech was ; r z wl k f \ ‘ ‘ ty with ‘ a ‘ x hail fod wae nade f t i N ny andon " ns those w 4 heard fi know an mak Il | Jed ‘ g 1 Frank I | aed keeled and apetted ( , 1 WW ane strongly fs i Amerean Part and «poke in the Iighest t f Fillmore and Donelson Ils ep hwasa wood burn ’ Walter DP Caldw Rs Yer t wing resolutions, which readin A Reederd, That we most heartity ay the nomination of Millard Fillmore, of No York and Andrew J. Donelson, of Tennessee for Tres ident and Vice President of the United States and we hereby pledge them our cordial support Resolred, Vhat we appr to be held in’ Gre a candidate Nimericat to nom nate Carolina, for the Reeolved, Vhat the Clainman of this meoting A; point twenty dele zates to represent this cou ty in said Convention The Chairman dance with the last solution, appo nted the following delegates Leander Q. Sharpe, Bag. Capt BoA Me Langhlin, AK. Simonton, 6 TE White, Col | “When six dave out, the Pacific struck an ice | berg, nt It o'clock on the evening of January | the wreck and found a temporary resting pluce | 5 * Tet rb RM Re Me al S@n, J. A. Alege. H, Dalton, A.B, PF. yng , | A. Claywell, Dr. Robt, Campbell, W, M. Camp- | bell, Capt. J. A. Davidson, J. A. Kerr, E. C. Pow | | tell, N. M. Griffin, Wyatt Linster, Maj. V. lJ. L. Blackwell, Dr. R. H. Parks, A. L. Youog, . 6.5. Morrison, H, E, Allen, and M. A. White, | Moved by W. P. Caldwell, that the procoed- | ings of this meeting be published in the Watch- man and Herald, Ou motion, the meeting adjourned. DAVID RAMSEY, Chin'p. RK. A. McLavouuwy, = : Wa. IL. Barnes, j Recretarica., tay The entire Atmerican ticket was elected at the municipal election in Co- S.C. on Monday last. E. J, Arthur is name of the Mayor. | lumbia, THE MARKETS. sae Tt was further alleged that there were | Saliebury, 1 N.C. April 15. ty eight passengers on board—furty malo! upies, ‘dried, 50, ‘* Mixed, No.1, 10alL and eight femal-s; that, at the tine of the ca- | do. Green, $1.00 | Do. Pure, 11a 124 tastrop he, the ship was in latitude 46 dey. biaiae Bucua, 90 10) Mulasses, Cubs, 60 cae Cant fale ki \ Beeswax, 22 | “ N.Orleaus, 70075 that the Captain was at fault in taking the | Beef, 5 @6 Nails, 6a 64 course he did, his ubject being to make a quick: | Butter, 124@ 15 | do. Wrought, 124 @ 15 ¢ ul the P biel ' j jc audies, Tallow, 25 | do. Horse Shoe 25 or rip au the Persia, which was then on mal vo. Adamaut, 33435 ‘Oats, 30@00 first voyage. In the course of the evening —the | do. Sperm, 45450 |Oils, hoe ang , . «| Colfve, Mio. 13415 { Linseed, P gul a $1 25 medium Leing «a ranced—the beart rending | 5) de. Neves 16018 | Tanners’ #) gal 00 075 scene was graphically represented; the general Ie avtings @lb, 4@5 ‘Potatoes, Irish, 50 $1 ce ane . | do. Malable 124 @ 15 | do. Sweet, 75 1 00 cons‘ervation, the wild tumult, and the ee Coie, 8 9 Rage } Ib, 3 Cotton Bagging ,-—- Balt (YH sack,) $2.600 275 the 6th Apmil, at the bouse of G. J Andereoa, J G ANDERSON, oged ob-ut 23 years Also, on the 10th. Mr NELSON ANDERSON, ova of Richard, aged 17 years At Davia a whe Heg-, N Con the 2d instant es, WILLIE MORRISON HILL f{ D. H and leabeiia S. Hill, aged four months The Lard the Lord bath taken away blessed be the wame of the Lord afier infant wo ( rt ul ee oF gave and In thes Towa om the P2th metant, Mine JULIA ANN, daughter of Mr Jesse P Wieeman, aged about 13 vearm In thee Tuwn on Tuesday might last, Mae SUSAN NAH HAMPTON, aged o t 56 years Tn this cownty, on the inet, Mere MARGA KET ANDERSON, wife of Mr. James Anderson fa Mia vo Tuesday the let inst of conges won of th GEORGE, son of A.-M and Sarah Hee, ag ut 10 years Aud on Saturday the 2h, the y daughter, MARY, aged aboat 7 years with same die ase May God in bee infinite mer yre wfflictnom t ne eter . b » ha cling whoved | row and parting are unknowr the 12 set ant MARAT ds ate Drew Senth, aged aboot 13 years FRESH & FRAGRANT TEAS. SIEL & SILI. Dragrists Chemists, Sali.bery. large and vaned supply ] AVI . ceived @ ver mace TR AS, whch were espreesl Hyeos (aapes caow ra) wr sales Yo » and pul « sorh a» ras berraice Gexros B vEW Ale VT - GOODS! to GOODS !! SYMONS & CO, i; i ce hen dm ng ® the tens Spring & Summer Goods, \ af } bD wy ls / ly Mad. Clot Vhiatea i ¢ ‘ B fa ct S ( f Vu SPRING AND SUMMER BVLYVS FOR 154 MICIIAEL BROWN € and opening “ay a ee stork of Spring and Sammer Gonds, conme Staple & Fancy lett Goods Hate, Capa and B Shin cand Boots: Ready Made ( China, Delph and Gliese Was Hardware & Cutlery, Groceries, &c., which he . ® nol he customers and pub Pa een . ‘ NB AM kinds of Con Pinduce tamght at ghee rhet Nalrebory, A sett $20 Reward. Rasaway from my plantate D RF f the 22th Warch last. a neg Ft BRARD Said be aah are taged. Of ' . rht. black complet ema k spoken. weight m 1300 te 140 Ihe Heo hae aowite who belongs to Rowland Marne. near ( "W , anty. and may be | hat reg eanlen w . . with Z Pa Y adk r iD anty, ane s ’ mne to ramble about theee hocalities I will g aisive reward fir hie apprehenes and ¢ eer ail mt Paget he AIL CRUMP Apnil TSS s6f State of North Carolina. / ROWAN COUNTY \ In Fq Fall Term, 1=55 Wa ah K vid. Parts. of Jease Kinead, ?} Franklin Church andothers. pearing in thia case that the defendants, Joh read and James J. Rinecaid, are inhabitants of other State, wo ordered taat advertisement be made in the Carolina Watchman, for end defendants to appear at the next Court of Equity te held for the County of Rowan, on the 13th Monday after the tth Monday in’ February, A. D. 1856, and demur plead to, of anewer plaintiff's bell of complaint or judg o confesso will be rendered againet them, and cause heard ex-parte as to them L. BLACKMER.C WE April. 1288 Printers fee $5.0 46-61 |, ROBINSON & ELDRED PROPRIETORS. Circus, Will Exhibit in SALISBURY, 00 Saturday April 19th. CARD. ROBINSON & ELDRED Proclaim to the South that, as areturn | \ fur the geverous patronage that has ev- | er crowned their efforts to please, they have this season combined FOUR GREAT SHOWS: and engaged the world renowned fe a Franconi HIPPODROME TROUPE to — in eonjuection with their splendid ANIMAL i ied Se V and SOUTHERN CIRCUS Making in all the most complete, interesting and sat-| isfactory establishment ever seen under any Pavillon, | jand the best FIFTY CENT SHOW | Ever offered to the Peopls of the Republic. * Gunny, 20200 | do bashel, $1.00 Dundee, 15000 Sheetings, Brown, 4-4 9 Burl 0412) shot, # bag $2.25 »| Cotton Yarn, 90 Seed,— Cora, 40 45) Clover, # bush.g12 20194 | do. Meal, 45u50 | Flaxseed, Chickens doz, $14 @14 Sugar, Brown, lla | Eggs # der, Bal? | ** Loaf, 2ga15 Fecihe?s: 30035 * Crushed, 124015 Flour, @ bbl, —$5uS75| Clarified, Ual24 | tron, Swede, 6 Tallow, 124] do. Bar, 404) Turpentine, Pgal.s78!-0 “Eng. Refin'd 54 Wheat, $1.00 “+ Motes, 5 Wool, 25a 00 Oval, 6 @7 Window Glass, bor. Lard, 9all 8x10 2. Lead, bar Thad 10% 19 bier Lead, Dry White, 10 012s DIED: lo Davie county, on the 24th March, Mre SARAH ANDERSON. widow of the late Gallant Anderson, aged about 64 yeaers Alm, in the same county, on SAM'L HENDRICKS, Agt _ Apri 15, 1856 1w45 TO CONTRACTORS | HE undersigned having been appointed Commis tioners by the Court of Pleas and Quarter Ses sions for Davidson County, to contract for the build ing of a Court House in the Towa of Lexington, will receive proposals for buijding the same until the let day of May next. Said Court House will be 55 or 90 feet long by 50 feet wide, two stones high, to be built with brick and a cut etune foundstion Proposals are iaviied fur the whole building in one | for the | contract, alu in separate contracts 08 follow brick and stone delivered—for the brick and stone laid in the wall—for plastenag— for the Carpenters work and for the painting, each finding materials. For fur ther specifications contractors will apply to either of the undermgned R.A. KING, SAM'L HARGRAVE J.W. THOMAS, JP MABRY A. HARGRAVE Commissioners Lexington, Apri Tth, 1556 3wis To the Ladies. pu subscribers are now reeeiving the finest and mest complete stuck of Ladies’ DRESS G they have ever uff red to the public, whieh they wi at a ewall profit. Thev invite particular atlen wr a embrosdered, alk and lace MAN TILLAS, and to the Intest sivlesof BONNET RIBBONS EMDRUIDERIES, & Na 3, Granite Row BROWN & COFFIN March 25, 1556 is Sahsbury National Agrioultural Warehouse, PLOUGH MANUFACTORY, MACHINE DE PUT AND SEED STORE, 251 PAL ST. near Faltow New-York. IN JONES, PROPRIET The eu be being Stato shige: ‘ ar ’ ¢ ia the mane re of all kinds Aue aT Re Seay, woul re ope e ( Merch ivisea' Pen: >t» he large a dete asenrt ment of the al» Crem which he off re few sale at lower prices Homee ia the trad a” SE DET, oP Ra PHeerns Or Liwe aeTca a8D OTHER FERTILIZERS Ma y1, 1856. $i 3m “= 2D EE @* Bce ae weegned Comnvartone re. app ant by \ ( Court of Wilkes ¢ f he a at @ cootract and tos ‘ ~ JAIL ward ( wil en Trey May Cow ( bres after the 4th M A x he Tow Wilkesbore’ a plan a ° ea d the barid . ” . Hows . ead Tow the howeet bedder Tucedey fuli-wing. all pereme wish md ff ( spectfully requee JAMES CALLOWAY JAS GWYN JAS. C HORTON WM PARK~ ww MAST Mar * 44a Commiameoners which there a good Dwelhag Hoos a . sary cat buldings . and well uted { Com, Wheat, & A eredst ith sie eg rehaser giving b . secur Bc Ma a ‘ NEW “VODIN GE ®& ETT) ice SPRING a! U MW ie GYODS, Salisbury, March 25, 1856. ee subecnber ia mow receiving hie stock Ladies Dress Goods alrwet ev ript eee He stock of NEEDLE WORKED PMBKOIDERTES * ai who haere Cecamte f th weet and -“ . ° ar at « pard to prow g Fee a ( +. « * b ’ ha b FE MYERS SQUIRE, ZIMMERMAN & ALLEN, Wholesale Dealers ta DRY GOODS, 143, Market Street, PHILADELPHIA Faascre Saving pM wwrawes I Nut Ge rN A . 43. 6n AMBROTY PES. P. HUGHES, Witt announee ‘ arene ehur ey that he has ty atthe Rowan House, No dbo and i new red for work Those wishing work would dy well toca ® . will be | ed egvenaa Ambrotvpas., Dag moderna terms. Te, 1056 42 MeCAULEV'S HISTORY OF Eble Lt JUST RECEIVED—The Third and Fourth nmes of MeCauley's Histor fk jand 37 JW ENNISS, Book se JOB PRINTING Voutly orecuted at tors Office rome, Animals, and) Oe Satish . ATTORNEY AT LAW, MOOCKSVILLE, N. C. ‘Office immediately opposite the Davie Hotel. April 8, 1856. | —— ra ECW EER we AND NEW GOODS. - Moose & Co. I EG leave to inform their many friends and the public generally that they are now receiving and ‘Spring and Summer Goods: FOR 1856. | R. & A. MURPHY, \ the public that their Spring wnd Sarmmer stock | has been received, and is ready for inspection. It is for the Season,—bought at lowest cash prices, and | will be sold at wholesale and retail at very low prices | for cash. ‘They have a spleudid stuck of Dress Goods FOR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, FINE ASSORTMENT OF READY MADE CLOTITING. Their stock ulso comprises an excellent assortme at) of Goods for negro wear—and Boots and Shoes a ev- ery variety of style and price. GROCERI dard- AND A | | ware, Cutlery, Qeens and Glassware, C rues Ke. | &e. Call and see, and hear prices. | Salisbury, March 31, 1856. 44:6 SPRING:SUMME RS Bl GOODS. = ae E aré now receiving our usnal supply, embrac- ing @ great variety of STAPLE & FANCY | Goods, well adapted tu the Seasvu—ull of which have | been bought at the lowest figures. and which we | determined to offer at wiovesace aud retail at prices ae must give satisfaction Call and examine our stoek before you purchase as | we are determined to sell MURPITY, Mc RORTE & CO, | Salisbury, Apni 1, 1656. ’ | Nos. 1 & 2, Granite Row WEF, NOck ITER, ff Jenkins, Roberts & ( Most Splendid Cuseimcets of SPRING AND SUMMER BHVBS EVER CFFERED IN WESTERN CAROLINA omstng of Foreig Duimestc Dry Gude. Wa utlery, B aod Shoes Medeshin and Straw Hate, B Tnom age at ond Glass Ware, Saddlery, Leather, B s, Blasting P are | ware, ¢ age, Spi Carpenters Lansee ¢ Xe re igs, Xe, GROCERIES 1 . . alwayeo an Relisbury) Ma Rey 4b State of North Carolina, / ASHE COUNTY \ State of North Carolina, ASHE COUNTY \ oert of Eqe Sprirg Term, 1856 State of North Carolina, / ROW AN COUNTY EK BLACK AMER A Mt \ {arpa Rugs, Druggets, de. otherwise, wai opening in the Brick Honse formerly occupied by Kenuedy & Mills their stock of STAPLE AND FANCY Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, OULD respectfully announce to their friends & | together with all articles asvally kept in a Dry mie, Beb. 15, 1856. ud best arker Store. They are ulso receiving the largest selected stock of Groceries ever offered in this extensive and varied, comprising all kinds of Goods | all ot which they are determined to sell at prices that | cannot fail to please. PS. THE HIGHEST MARKET PRICES | paid at all tines for Floar, Wheat, Cora, Coitou, and | all kiads of country produce January Sth, 1o56. STATE OF VORTIU CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY Court of Pleasand Quarter Sessious, February Term, 1856, Jacob Tuterrow vs. Enoch Peory ORIGINAL ATTACHMENT LEVIED ON LAND. 37'f | ty appearing to the satisfaction of the Cost, tha | the defendant, Enoch Penry, ie not an inhabitant of this State: It is therefore ordered by the C » that publication be made for six weeks in the * Carolina Watchman,” printed in Salisbury, that the said Evoch peat) ite and uppear at the next Court of Pleas and Sessions, to be held for the Coanty of Davie, | Court-House in Mocksville,on the th Mundey | let nha in May next, and show cause if any he has, why the said laod should not be condemned fur the sstisfaction of the plaintiff’s debt, and sale ordered accordingly. Ww E53, Caswell Harbin, Clerk of our said Court, at office, the 4th Mouday in Moaday in A.D, d 1356, aud in ¢ dence he 8Uth year of cur Inaepen- C. UANRBIN, Clerk \. A. Haauix, D Clerk 6w42 DR. W. F. BASON, DENTIST. By Price ° Ady. §3 OFFICE NEXT DOCTOR WHITEHEAD’S. I Communications throagh the Post Office, or the first opportanity 300 PACKAGES FRESH D2UG\, MEDICINES, &e., &e, SILL ee Drugzists sts opposite Mansion Hotel, s TLISB “RY, N.C. | peas TECULY a we that they are now \ wiug aud of ug @ oud euturely treet DRUGR, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS SURGICILUVSTRUMENTS, TRUSSES: PAINTS, VARNISHES, BRUSHES, PERFUMERY, FANCY AND MISCELLANEOUS {RTICLES, de w bh b ery re » lected b ne vf ne firm, with great care, and ecrupakue regerd to “Th : * that it shall be reuneta went @ contine ° f . v hime been we libersily ex eu genera ny ii the urcamis veut - beg (uv express P “ . Saheb SC, Jiune Po Ince hee DIbn BLS &t BUNCE. Calvin B. Dibbir. t ( ommission Merchants In Cotton, Flour, Grain, Naval Stores, AND Seuthern Preduce Generally No. 180 Fromt Street, sree Y Foe Jonathan B. Benes, Late of Kiasten, N - SALISBURY xe MANSON SALISBURY, HOTEL, Pes : taken charge wf the abnve } ® maform the publ House te pow pee tek ihe teceplns I 1 & ie praatiore thst kes ACCOMMODATIONS F State Perwine stig pring * eulein time f ° arr . re. At ee big ° ance Ce gre m a W.B GRANT M THOWAS E. BROWN. Carriage. Buggy and Sulky Builder, 33s SALISBERVAN: C., LIVERY STABLE Raleigh & Gaston Railroad. Raleigh & Gaston R. R. Ofice, Re Marcu 24 Schedale for Mail Train oe and after Tresday, the First day of April. ( »> ‘ I . a M Tea env 2. ( Rail Road D “ ve ms np (Care f he WS . AME ne . - North De pot i k wing ne . . R tok sh ‘nat a " e z . Nes wall be cos i kothe Trane arr ar W A 1 N * “ rt S ft 1 a W ar t sbury tt gion Tra pill rea Ra KN To Gentlemen. HE subserib plete aeeort offered to the pub v re have new on hand the most com Call at No 3, Granite Row BROWN & COFFIN M S56 4306 Sahiebor February, | vent of CLOTHING ever before z i sai eT ‘3 on ” By an ya a == w. 3. MILLS. J. B. Moos. 4. 4. KENNEDY MOCKSVILLE — MALE ACADEMY. HE next session of this thie Tasthation will commence on Wednesday the 20th of February, inst., The sehool i is sow in a very flourishing condition, and the sabscriber will use his atrost endeavors to keep it so and to sustain the reputation which it has heretofore enjoyed. Young men will be prepared to enter any eluss in the University or a any of our Colleges which they may desire. TERS | Primary Department per ses:ion of 5 months, re | Higher English Branches, | Classics, JNO. B. GRETTER, A. _ 39 | REFERENCES, President and Faculty of the University; Rev. | Drury lacy, D. D, President of Davideou College ; | Hon John M Moreheed, Hon. Johu M. Dick, Gree: Saeme F. E. Shober, Esq, J. F. Bell, Esq, State of North Carolina, | DAVIE COUNTY. | m . | Courtof Pleas and Quarter Sessions, February Term, 1856. Zephaniah Tarner ve. Enoch Peary. | Original Attachment levied on Land. | | I; appearing to the satisfaction cf the Court, that the defendant. Euoch Peary, is not an inhabitant of this State: Jt is therefore ordered by the Court, that pablication be made for six weeks in the “ Carolina Watchman,” privted at Salisbary, that the said Enoch | Peury, be and appeur at the next Court of Pleas and Quarter Sesrivns, to be held for the Coanty of Davie, at the Court House in Mocksville, on the 4th Monday in May next, and show cause, if eny he hus, why the said land should nut be condemned fur the satisfaction laintiff's debt, and sale ordered according. 38, Caswell Harbin, Clerk of ovr said Court at office, the 4th Monday in February, to D. 1856, | and ip the 8U:b yrar of oar oom pe i HARBIN, ‘Clerk. { By ve Hanew, “pe Maye | Price Adv. $5 50. LAND FOR SALE, I Lavine determined wo se!l off and move South, I offer my plantation fur sale, lying on the waters of Fourtl Creek, 16 miles west of Salisbury, adjoining the lands of Joba 3. Carson, Jacob Baker, and others. The depot on the Western Extension must be near. The place has on it all necessary buildings ia good re- pair. Also ove good meadow. The tract contains abet 350 aeres, one half of which is im a high State of enluvation, and the balance ett Those wishing a good barg nust call soon. as I will sell on aceommodsting terms. Pera-na caling on Wm. L. Steele, can huve assist- ance in viewing the lands. JOHN W. STEELE. 42uf March I 1th, 1856. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, DAVIE COUNTY. Courtof Pleasand Quarter Sessions, Febrwary Term, 1855. Lemur! G. Helton ve. Joseph Helton and others. Petition to sell a riave for Partition. N rhis case, it »ppearing to the satisfaction of the that Joseph Helton, Wiley King and wife Elvira, daughter of Lemael Helton, dee’d, Lorenzo Etehmon, Berry E:ehisoa, William P. Etchison aad Douglas E:chion, children of Nancy and Jesse Etchi- sn. aod grand-chidren of Lemuel Ileiton deed, Enoch wit and wife, the wife a danghter of Joa Helton, the children of Euzabeth Gordua, are ot imhabsaate it I is ordered by the Coart, that publi- cation be made fur six weéksin ibe * Carohoa Watth- « the ea:4 defendants to be and appear at the rext Court to be held for the County of Devie, at the 1 Mocksville, om the 4th Muaday in May answer of demar to complainant's pe- Lion, of the same will be taken pro confess, and the suse sei for hearing ex parte WITNESS, Caswell Harbin, Clerk of oar said Court, #1 office in Mocksville, the 4th Monday ia February, art, vis State Covert. Hoase ornt, and ple A.D, 1556, aud ia the 80th year uf var ladepen- dence C. HARBIN, Clerk By A A. Haasam, D Clerk. Price Adv. —@5.0. 6w42 JAMES HORAH, WATCH-MAKER AND JEWELER, SALISBURY, N.C, deer below B. & A. Murphy's Stere,) EEPS constantly om hand a large assortment of WATCHES and JEWELRY of aff kinds. Clocke, Watche ad Jewelry of every deseriptina, repaired ia the best manner and on the most reasona- orms ble February 19, 1556 ly38 E. NYE Mt TCMisen, COMMISSION MERCHANT, Charlotte, NW. C., w1R sell om Commission Cotton, Corn, Flour, Wheat, and all COUNTRY YPFYwROYDVUCE IN CUARLOTTR, CHARLESTON, AND NEW TORK Liberal Advances made on Consiguments. Reslaereneesae Gea W. Wilame t, Lesregwe ; Robert J. Jenk & Cc. *, Eeq . Sabebery Chartestoe | A Han Satter, Eeq New York Febroary 19, 1856 ly'r38 IREDELL COUNTY IN EQUITY. Fibrvary the (Sth, 1856 Ja ob Fraley and others agaiset Lawrence Hudson and Thomas T Hadsoo ORIGINAL BILL IT appeanng my satisfac that Themas T Huds f the defendants the alove named euit, reades be d the hms of thm State: It ie or- dered (het pubses be made for the space of ma wrehvin the (a 2 Waichman, notifiimg him to appears «4 Term of cor Court of Equity, to KS etal i. onty of Tredell, at the Cowrt Howse Statesv ile the 6th Munday after the 4th Monm- ee saswer or demar vfs against bim, of jodg- viered agaist him. thes [8th day of February, 4 Ww P CALDWELL,C &¥E Printers’ fee $5 50 6039 F ANDERSON W. D RETNONDS ANDERSON & REYNOLDS, CROCERS, AND Commission Werchants, NO. 10. ROANOKE SQUARE. 87 UR UP Dib, Fae the sale of Plour aad ethet ng anneccessery charges and wmpt returns. wal Pay active attention to duce, avords To Farmers. T" subscribers reepectfully invite the attentien f Parmers and others, t> ther large and ele- gant stock of Staple and Fancy Goods Their asnort- me se riteasive aud grrat variety of style and qanliny Call at No 3, Granite Row BROWN & COFFIN Salshbary, March 25. 1°36. 430f NEW BOOKS. rile ST RECEIVED Rowe Clark. by Fanny Fern Lessing's Field Baok of the Aimencan Revelation Good Time a Cooung, by T oS Arthar; My Firs Season. by Bearnice Reynolds, The Hidden Path, b the Anther of “ \lone;'' Scenes in the bife of a New York Surgeon. by De. Dizon; Preseott's Philip th Seeand, 2 volumes; ) Memoirs S.8& Prentice; Abbot's J. HW ENNJSS, Life of Napoleon Bonaparte Book seller Feb. 12. 56 Blank Warrants forsale Here ‘ er ——————— ~ GRICULTURAL | | 4 ° From the Papers of the Notioway Farmer's Club. COMPARATIVE EXPERIMENTS WITH GUANO IN AND PUTTING Fartow yx. ITIN ALONG Wueat Catr on Cogn wirh -Drmitp axp Broap- In compliance with the tonstitutienal regitisition of our tind, making it obviea tory npon each mombe: te rtin wri- ting the result of some ope 1 oor ex periment made during the year, T report tirat, in the month of August, 2s53, 1 ap jn of, ' plied 3u0 pounds of guano to two acres of Yand then Le ing Tallowed with a two- ’ Te Tee horse plongh for wheat; of the field was fallowed Sat no guano was applied ut about 150 Ibe the time of seeding, when per acre was sown, the gnano and wheat both turned under with a ove-horse turn tng plough, ap rtion immediately adjoin- ‘for guano when used. By this estimate, it will be found that the nett profit on the unimproved acre is $1 75; on the Ist acre, 87 14; on the 2nd, 83 654 and on tlre 4th, $8 586. experiments is decidedly in favor of using half the guano in the drill at the time of planting, and half at the second plough- The result of the above ing. I will state, in connection with these experiments, that the corn on the acre on which the gnano was applied broadcast, looked decidedly better than any other until it was about three feet high, about which time that on the acre on which the Dou Ib cook it. and even after the tops were cut, I tho't . guano was used in the drilh over- This acre, during the summer, would have produced #t Teast a barrel more than any other, but to my surprise I found the 4th acre produced the most. This is an exemplification ofthe fallacy of judging as lo the results of the experi- ments by the eye. Respectfully submitted. WM. IRBY. Mg the first mentioned two acres. and so, nearly alike that I could not perceiveany difference. The wheat was sown on both fields about the same time — perhaps the same day. The wheat on the first two acres was covered with a twenty-four tooth harrow. Thr iont the season aud at present thre difference in favor of sow ing gearo and whe t the same time was es four tu one T would, ae one of the committee ap poi ted to test thre value of gts uy plied to corn broadcart tiie t and one half the sume «nant in the driil, the other hall the er plough ng, report that, in April 1854, I measured two contigrows spaces of land, about 7 yards square each, of as nearly equal fertility and texture as could be obtained. To ome acre P applied o4 bashele (estimated to be gow guar broadeast, and turned it ie th a oie horse ptough ; tm the er v TL applies 1Q basheis ya n the tt ‘ of planting. The drills were Ly throweng it one furrow ea way W the single plough, the guano sown in the drill, and closed bs throweng ack owe ferrows with tlhe same ploug!, TI for planting were opencd xv a trowel hoe—-both picces pla ime day and in the saine way, exces t as above the lead ipcNuing to sandy At the last ploug!: 2 of the corn, | apy ; ish els guano Lroadeast to the dl 1 acre work done w the cultivat The broadcast acre prodaced 4 barrels, + bas ele and 1 16 of a buslx I drille acre, 4 barrels and 4 | . Bott acres in al! respects alh 1 at the game tiine, work ‘ os an with the same ements ] suffer ed from dr muy as crop. Wok ND BEST VWoODR OF APPI ECA NO 10 CORN Mr lresident: In a th a reqnest uf the tet ere ments “eco Inade ¥ r «order to gecerta appleau I selected four acres of s the same a ) Qev iba of gua comcast. @ r tt gader the J. Mar plough Ou the «x le Fare in the The la ™ a at time a a ic they a a Tonce (ont ar a aciny g I = ‘4 Lf 4 nto ns e: 4 - wk é at ‘ as A short ; carr { proved a » - ana RAV BS f ‘ $ ice ‘ % ’ hy the It : its x by its as Car riler toes rateiv the pr bet yila ‘ should aryge for cu ation “ put wn at do jo moderate MB prose lige 4 t Laaneelf and < " R520 jn MAPLE SUGAR. Who that was reared in the country docs not remember the delightful season of sugar-making! Lref as it was it had crowded into its “ narrow belt of time” more hilarity, more good feeling, nore fan, froficking, wild romping, and mer riment them any other fm all the tong year Sometimes the “ sugaring off" was in the “sap bush,” by the light of burning logs and blazing fatwood torches: sometitaes in the cid-fashion ed houses, such as the pioneers of civilization erect while the country is covered with primeval forests upon which the hardy woodman wages his war of exterminatiun. The deep gloom of by blazing hgbt of camp-fire, is before us now, cow forest, rendered the more intense the ng up in all its frestness from the long past Ail around are tal! old forest trees, stately and sulemn, standing tn all their pnimeval grat jeur wh ust as they stood before the man’s tread Above, and CAVER m their everlasting watch, are the laaity sky Tle J ow! hoots rd calls from lis cht stars and Ure move sinciing in she walka across the htt distant percl men and maidets, arc vowe of gladness, the merr OVoUs laugh go mngme throug | FAT M Our greatest writers have been little | attenuated men, stommachless, meagre, lean and lath-like beings who have half-spir- | itualized themselves by seapine matter | in due subordination to mind, corporeal- ly testifying that the swofd was worn out) the s¢abbard, and that the predominate soul has ‘o’er-informed its tegtiment of | clay.’ Look at the busts and porttaits of| Cicero, Demosthenese, Voltaire, Pope | and a handred others, whose minds have meagred their bodies till they became al- most as ethereal as the ardent epirit they | enshrined,—is it not manife-: that they have the true fornt and pliysiognomy of intellectual pre-eminence ¢ Lord Byron never wrote as well as when he was na cerating himself by rigid abstinence ; and the most eminent of cur living writers are all men of temperate living and a spare bodily habit. A corpulent inteltectualist is a contradiction in terms, a palpable catachresis. One might as well talk ofa jeaden kite, a sedentary will-o’-the- wisp, a pot-bellied spirit, a lazy lightning.— Obesity is a deadly foe to geius; in car- neous and unwiedly bedies the spirit is like a little gudgeon ina large fryingpan | of fat, which is either totally absorbed, or tastes of nothing bat the dard. Let no! man attempt to write who has a protu- berant stomach: let no man recken up- jon immortality who cannot distinctly feel and reckon his own ribs ; for the thinnest bow shoots the farthest, and the leanest horse generaly wins the race. If I were a publisher, I should invariably fight shy of the ‘fair round belly with good capon lined,’ and immediately offer a handsome price to the Living Skeleton for his me jmoirs. They would Lave a run, and they would deserve it; for we may be assured that they would exhibit none of the faults pointed out in my inotte, All bone, mscle, and nerve, they would be doubly accept- able toa public which has lately been overwhelmed with such a mass of flesh, fat, and flummery Nothing fat ever yet enlightened the World: foreven ina tal low candle the illumination springs from the thin wick, iproeation of the f the body up In the myste IOUS Kr Ivy and mind Upon wn Chie intimately the mere quality of our food, mn itis impossible te say how wit ut refere its quantity, may al fect every t we write. By the ke ig tor some diversity of diet we may even plansibly expel: e various char ature The national renchinan, | nitually saigre,a volauvent, and with Chablis, or cham naturally light, murcunal, y and frothy ; while th rid we The sirup foams in th atk an, dining upon. beef suspended over the Lurning logs and s sur : é 5 tnade into @ heavy qu ging up to overflow ng, but is restrained by ul Y may ufluence of the porkrine. Over a bed of visiters in the bands of all, snow gathered 18, vrave, | ft the unthawed drifts are in pans around up sour kr t oo” h t sugar is poured and frozen a tf crit r \ ‘ rs nre eof tl Suyar sbbles are owt. from = , : I) ‘ . bros tn tl fds ” * ert . - At JH es aes 4 ’ AYE 4 ‘ Ve s and {it aming ' re is uw Al ¢ ‘ ter to the writing { y garinents ra . men) for e€ vucca ) 1 ‘ «: while from the wild birds sor 4 wild beasts whic titute the pre I , nf bous e grea re pu valent f Jott nort ce mav mainiv broad hearth uf stor =, come looming ¢ educe t gular w as of the Sca the forgotten past. Suspended up. ava ! 2va cL Bear arg t ' at cau . yetl t e facts ini r t 1 . the amaties ume va th ner commer hae ye ak . yas ie : ature of mt ~~ ’ . ' . ' alos " a every ¢ anging sugar fuame ] 4 e stance at 4 t g n nog hatien s place a M = ne : 7 e ylor ry x MT a deal ta re of at * a « are jules us V errve n he ated a mea ( foaming \ T (at tan moe perance taugh ar Vout aces glow . wha <8 hot, eecking tre { merr nt and glee, ujan « b . £ c feare aredrawn Tlanpy Umes —* the memo . mes dnfung dow NTELLIGENCE OF A DEAF MUTI nd shadusy past Iibany Kk I Ay e .\ Sicar pave the oo wing evtraor ary ane i wi Tinea ne Satie \ What is gra b head, a Z " ( i . W « h a \\ } . roml, was wert t \ q ’ ae * "4 4 \ k “ \ ) A 4 Aa 4 . - ‘ * * \\ ‘ - at ‘4 k s \ 4 a 4 Aja 4 \\ vo i f ‘ « Vu a ™ * ‘ 7 meh 28 “ 1 ( [Yn a . M ‘ ¢ . atey ( 1 a he a x 4 wa r 7a 8 4 4 s “ a . “ " e \ Ayia " r ‘ a 1 \ a , 4 ‘ ' / 1 s ‘ “ \\ a- u ( was \ : a matte ‘ a kong 1 Ane ’ a If ace : la ‘ : ant ¢ ra r ar ¢ n ' K 1 ¢ & 1 us 4 ‘ say nothing i \ Apparel was Vine . +2. F. art va First te are ‘ de ] al Py } ' tA 4 1 r A wae A ‘ t Boje f “Mw wos fare fas Jerm imedue er if I ‘ ' ane dl f 4 rvappres LY Tp Droge °< - : MVERIAGE EXER NORDIN AIC) ye - \ - ‘ «a ° ail { re Mia r i . a | bay A , kK : : t ( 1H t Panes el 4 4 ‘ I 3 " 1 A [foo Peirce | 4 il ws Pr t . Ke I] Jin } ' ae 1 . ; rent Doi wee ves ‘ r J Mille tas and we . euosld the J and the ny low logetiver © roe 4 ure Alen he at . Ag ie 1 sar) ¥y Winiy ad lived a W , af pat makea is : er the ¢ rteliipee ‘ rr kitchen, J et Serva Ait | ‘ ) er A that | at gravit ntleuien evoks Tre ' a : Wine ovo Oarik "ia Nia * alioiny ie tire f uatifeet sereices ¢ ao fa binemnies ¢ heat are foes ta nator | LET ts REASON TOGET WHY ARE WE SICK. tt has been the lot of the human race to be weighed down by disease and suffering. HOLLOWAY’S PILLS are specially a- dapted to the relief of the WEAK, the NERVOUS, the DELI- ies, ages, sexes, and constitu- CATE, and the INFIRM, © tions. Professor Holloway personally superintends the manu facture of medicines ig the United States, and offers them to a free a alightened peuple, as the best remedy the world ever saw for the removal of discase HER, | ALL AND Goo INTER SIEIDY PROCRESCON 375 Ds. HB SUBSCRIBER is vow receiving and open- ing his large stuck of Fall and Wiuter Guods, | vonsisting of — | evar > RY GOODS, Hats and Caps, Shoes and Boots, China, Delph and Glass Ware, Drugs and Paints, Hardware and Cutlery, Groceries, &e, To which he invites the attention of his castomert BB AND FANCY Cash, of on time Lo puftctual customers at wholesale or retail. October 22d, 1846. MICHABL BROWN. Qa THESE PILLS PuRiFY THE BLOOD. P}RR()\VN & BEARD. These famous Pills are expre: to operate on the , the skin, and the ir funetions, purify- | nd thus curing disease | combined he lu orrecting any deranges i blood, the very foentutn v in all its forms, DYSPEPSIA & LIVER COMPLAINTS. | Nearly half the human race have taken these Pills. It has been proved in all parts of the world, that nothing has beeo found | equal to them in cases of disorders of the liver, dyspepsia, and Stomach complaints generally. They soon give a healthy to these organs, however much deranged, and when all other weans have failed, | GENERAL DEBILITY. ILL HEALTH. Many of the most despotic Governments have opened their Cestom Modses to the introduction of these Pills, that they may become the medicine of the masses. Learned Colleges adwtt that this medicine is the best remedy ever known for persons of delicate health, or where the system has been impaired, as its invigorating properties never fail to afford retie! FEMALE COMPLAINTS. | No female, young or old, should be without this celebrated medi shke seharm. [tisalso the best and icine a be given to Children of all ages, and or any complaint; consequeatly no family should be without it ¢ ri 4 y 'y Holloway’s Pills are the best Remedy known in the world for the following Diseases | Asthma Diarrbaa fiseases Dropsy Debility Fever @A t Diseases Female C the civilise $l each CM there isac NB Dir are affited to each box WEW BOOKS, JUST RECEIVED. Lilly. by the Aather of Busy | Moments of an Idle Woman; Phaemacana, or sketches and Burlesques, by Joha Phawa ; Hampton Heights, by Caleb Starbuck > Gleawoud or the Pansh Boy; The Adventare of Hayy Babain Turkey, Pera and Russia; Teresioo, a ranance bv George Laud 3 J HO ENNISS, Bookseller TO THE FARMERS Of Iredell County. GREAT SAVING OF EXPENSE WANS PRON PLOW he Right for Tredel! Coanty, @ onsiderable saving by taking the largersises ctioms for the guidance of patients in every disorder The anaer» 4 are Mano miles Soath to furowh any bought factanng the Tron Plow at their Shop. t of Statesville, aod are prepared quantity of plows on very short police Orders addreseed to them at Amity Hill, will be promptly attended to. Specimens can be seen at al moet any of the stores in the coont JAS & ROBERT MeNEELY April 26, 18 1y4n DR. J. J. SUMMERELL, AS removed to hee Office at ha reedence. where ~ alle nee ds \ #8 7 . a e ® e . a . Il « earnes ze all ew alia he o ne wh . « May ¢ | - ai fwe 4 t Salebury, Jan 2), 1-54 145 REMOVAL. | as A WEIRWAN & PRICE have rem e ner Clotheng and T og Eatabliehment (rom smite Murphy WMeRone & eer im . yoppamre R & A Murphy eS Ne eberv, Nov. 13 25 DR. DINKINS, DESPECTFULLY ofr * eervices he XU rene of Sehebury (fice att > Aanson Hl Sale May3 Dr. CHARLES T. POWE ] aviag permanently located ie Salisbery. respect- felly traders ~ services © put (fice —Cowans Broa Row Salebury, Aag 2 fi6 7 Aanels of S Uctheediem for 1853 F.dued by Rew ( ef Deeme tl) D THIS NEW ' PS THE STA ere and a grea sting rms ~ “ wteet spe * . * +9 Ea | + pe ur \ Wie T ‘ IV [be oo, V I 4 Vil« DIT Sendey Sots 1 Mt vr ewer and I . ‘ « NI Jee ' a | « Xl " Sketches XII F h keochee VIS Peremei e: WV B Andrews Ie . enlea: XVI W ( Beehop ( apers UV TL Wiereilane \VI Append — 3 t ' Bl fw @ * ~ R Niorth ( ar Hanke se nN . e. vi . ‘ - 1 ' ' FEM ‘ ’ Sar . L : . STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, ROWAN COUNTY T+ “ Horace Dawe Abe F Orzinal itte Levied on Land and Personal Property. \ 2 rae anng t fF . . 4 he rd »* ° er - - W anwa wen 1 f 4 mone ‘ . ta M. ' and ples ade ‘ aalt will b “ Kerr Clerk ofcmr ead Court, a Ofice am ‘ Febraary, A Gh ae JAMES BE KERR Cre Price adv §5 bw Wi wist bere FIFTY NEGRO FELLOWS work he Weatern Biarteneon NC Re Riva * * o* - 8 Ot & JF POARD Mirch ih =O Addrews Row Mitts, N BOOTS & SHOES. {awd Pump Bowte GENTS (penn Drab & Blk Comgrese Bootes nnd (saitern ( red Batton LADIES hod (iantere silk Fox Geatere hid Shippers and Ties MIsskx MV and Craitere Nieva y CA cand WMieses Boite, Shore and (enitorat Mane: Raye. and Gente Rene and he Ad eanitais ee CHRne ones eet received mid for eaie low for Cash. of on shor re Quarterly payments re rom all w archase gundeon tine MILLS, MOOsSkK @& CO Mar 4 f Imes Wirriare! ee beautifully printed ind fo Nelealcthinatire New Firm, Tin, Copper, & Sheet-Iron I USINES $.— The undersigned having formed a co-p.rtnership for the purpose of carrying on the above business extensively, would respectfully solicit tone | the patronage of their friends and the public are prepared (o answer any call in their line copper House-Roofing executed in the best manner, at short notice and warranted. ware, kept on hand fur sule, or made to order. stuck of ‘Tin, Briitania and Tron Ware—Cook, Portor | and Shop Stoves, is ansurpassed by LP Shop opposiie Murphy's ¢ ny int e Row. They Tin or Sulls, and other copper Their he State Country Prodace, old Copper and Pewter, taken in exchange fur work or ware. WILLIAMS BROWN, LOUIS H. BEARD 302f Salisbury, Dee V7, 1855 Greensborough MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY. | costof Lusuranee on the mutual plan is bul & allsum, compared with @ joint stuck company pany being located in the Western part of the Th State, consequently much the larger portion of the neks are inthe West, very many of which areinthe country. The Company isentirely free from debi, have made po assessine nis, aud is therefore contideutly recommen ded tothe public Atthe last Annual Meeting the following Officers wereelected for the easuit JAMES SLOAN S.G Curt w gyear President COFFIN, Vice President MENDENHALL PETER ADAMS. See'y and Treasurer PETER ADAMS, See'ry May 10, 1853. COWAN'S VEGETABLE LITHONTRIPTIC FRIEND OF THe eUrrEatve Attoruey H. CUMMING, Gen Ager 1m DISEASED KIDNEYS, Stume inthe Bladder and Kidneys, M ness of the Loins, be 9 HUMAN FAMILY th Thisiavaluable medicine ie for enle at the Davie Hotel, in Woeksvitle; at De Ro Campbell's, in dre det; atthe Drug Siere in Cherlotte: at Zewerty'’s Hotelin Saem. aud atthe Carolaa Watet a Of fiee. in Nalebury The suberriber having entered coparinershis with Johan F Cowsa o! pate for the ma afacture and sale mise Medeine, is prepared t farawmh o eo . Pa et Salsbury, N « wecalloga © temdew © west of . ace & ob AUSTIN Jun » ws W. P. ELLIOTT, Late of Wonk & En Favetier Ni GENERAL COM Ondere.ft her crived se Mey "55 Tremendous Exei remendous F.axcitement ‘|, ' ABOUT ~ FORIIA stace AND ste nde TH M ft ISSION RDING MERCH WILMINGTO ANT, Western Extension! a put . READY MADE CLOTHING, Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestings, and Gen- tlemen's Furnishing Coeds will be Wats APs . ANd f } ™ 1 . THE PRESBYTERIAN, 1 RELIGIONS PAWILY VEWSPIPER, PUBLISHED VERY “ATURMAY weed bi thee . f 5 Bemdens New Y Anas e Pac | . . | a ‘ . P er P . . « evh rie ares oh specie t . . “ . f ‘ . . . ‘ e . Par Vz . ’ whew oe ane ~ « |e . f oa week . 1 . - ar * Ae Pics ae . cube - _ Vid ~ VA ies ~ wee ~ * . efron * - wre 8 aleve , . The . paid na TERMS TO CLES Fire copes ' . & (a Ten gure ~ a ” e200 00 wih ia adh * te . re . ’ may act ae Ag Nirteen ¢ ee . ee ' 830 00 wih add Ag Tire nty fre come 845 00 with an ade » Rates Adrertis li , of eert , eo; aneh f Wrenia F ’ first - rah a = Po - . be made Address WITTTAM S WARTIEN & Oe N Vb Chestunt Street, P HAS REMOVED TO STATESVILLE, N ¢ and offers hie services he citizens of Trede public generally Off: Main Street, f the id Court howee ate, ap ppeatethe Werte hurch where he will be found, at alltimes, whau not profes sronally engaged May 10, 1855 el) QP ie ORE Ee A Fo bruiry Ia5 GOOD SUPPLY and Sperm vile, jus 6 A Tanners, Whale, Machine crived nnd for anle VILELS, WoOsK & Ce ee; kt ena MM ji a Me \CR Wy UF : a 12. | FOR SALE, \ N the waters of Third Creek, 14 miles Werte | Salisbury, At least one on thé Wester | Ruil Road must inevitably be luguted in @ shurt dip, | tanee of thin tract, | Apply to Juha A Boyden of Salisbury, Octuber 30, 1855. 1123 NEW YORK | \ CITY ‘ ) ’ 4h SUBSCRIBER has the pieasiife to an- . nownce tv the World) to whom he sends greeting and the public) aud which he offers at low prices for all kind wishes for their prosperiiy and peace, that he —TAGLE | January, 1856. In calli its publishers believe they can present to the public no more sutisfectory evidence of ite excellency ag, masical journal then is afforded in constantly increas. |ing success. 11 hus now about three timenes large , jeirculation ws any other musical periodical in the world. Ite reeeipts from subsoribers during the lag | six months have been more than double those fur the leountry. The machinery wosselected by himrtlf, and | corresponding period of the year previous. By such {the latest amd most approved patierns were chosen | flutiering marks of approval, the publishers are jue. | Lt will work likw # fever watch—stneoth end steady— | ted tu lucreased enterprise and exertion (@ add to the and he doubis not will excel, in its products, the most | excellence of the Review. Prizes amounting to thr beautiful achievements of the renowned Eayle Mills, | pondred dullars were recently offered by them ~ j ander whose shadow it is developing iis fair and de. | songs fur its pages. Of the vast number cent in io [lighting proportions, Eagle Mills long geined for it- | compete for these prises. the best were selected by 4 | self fare as fair asit is wide spread, both for the excel. | competent committee, and are now in cuurre of po Hy jlence of its yarns, und the supenority of its cloth fab- | cation in the Review. Whea thelr publication is cums jfice “Troy Mite alone threatens ty rivalit, and hence | pteted, the subseribers to the Review will decide by the world may look out a contest jnvelving « result | ballot which shall receive the - not less interesting io itrelf, than it must be desirable! Besides a large amount of reading meatier, including to every Southern pai rot regular correspondence from the leading cities in the ‘The dreamer, speculating on coming events might | world, each number contsins several ges of new | well step in here, und caming forward hw ken beyond | music, A series of articles on Music caching. |the boundary of present ime, portray the aspect of | Dr. Lowell Mason, is now on a as Eagle Cuy afew yeors hence. Let him sketch it:! Another hy Geo. F. Root, Esq, on Cultivation of the | We eee # city of beautiful proportions with ite tower | Vuice, Vueu! Training. &e., will be commenced in ing et rah heaven ward» Roediela od rib the beginning of the new volume, os well as one by of granite buildings with glittering metal 1oofs, reflect | w ; . : nprov the cheerful beams of # vernal sun: the lavigurating | hata Sirchoager? apes og ae - pond | breezes of adehghiful eimate, sur the leaves of loog | ino Garetre is published fortnightly, et oe dolle rows of elms: the streets dre enliveved with a cheer: | ner annum, of sit copies for Bve dollars able rt ful busy throng: the song of Ralf a million of spindivs | Piyamee. Bpecimen cupies somt grataitoady, te mingled with the rear of boms and cascades: Fagle MASON BROT: y monuwent ree above all thiags ele, bewring on us| er ae 2S nl ae WML with pleasure vn all bebw. Eagle Cily Bauk is in| Of Four Horse Post Coaches, full view, and by its liberal policy invites all energeuc business men to claim its encouragement. Caliew pria- | | _. Sal 3 palonepenpaaeier ihe | I oat bury to Morganton, vie Statesville and Ne ters roll out their baled up goods : the care of the North. western Railroad reecive them, leogether with thew. | sands of other things, the products of the City: the and the soand is cebued and | d wakes the drowsy pow he portrayin We had bats glinpee bat whats tw Anan w| 4 Lreree Behebery on Mendey, Wedecsday oad Pri all ta be reshard beynad dobt agh, envagh '— | od Te ens be ¢ son nereee “ ———- l wil aioe o bres aves Morganton on —_———* . | same day arrives in Malisbery on peat deys te breakfast. No pe or expense will be spared to make this ove of the most comfortable and expeditives ers of reposing fat cattle, which browse in ihe nich sar stage roads ia the Stair Southern Industry. C. 8. BROWN, Contracter Sahebary, Jane 21, 1555 wea iw making steady progress in the improvement of Bagle | City, destined, he believes, to become the greatest | manufacturing city in the country. He te nuw erect- ing a new cotion mill ut this place, to be culled the |‘ 'Proy Mills,” wad hopes to have it in full operation | by the latter part of the summer of 1856. It will be oue of the best, (if not the very best,) uills ia the | top an deafening whistle i= bie ws te-echoed from bill to hill rounding valleys the scene gr we end ia bey consams ANDREW BAGGARLY 3af Feb 9th, 1855 ‘Union Male Academy, and Farmingion Female Seminary. 4 te E NEXT Session of these Schuuls, cated ia Davie County, near Farmagton, will commence the 2d day of January, 1856, under the supervicion of SO Tarem and Mre & O. Toros, Principals, with euch other aemetants as may be pecessary Terme, fr a ecomun of twenty weeks, Primary stadies, ineludiag Arithmetic, 65. Eng. Grammar & Geography, @* Higher Engtsh, §10. Greek, Lous, | and higher Mathematics, $12 Music on Piano. io ae cluding use of the metrament, 915 French and veeeues Drawing, cach, $5 Board, washing ond lights may with 8% uw 501 be had comveowat to both Behunls, at good hogers, fur N h te bey nithey can get THY choad their ploughs ac as grant and at arta « cee thereby save hat the velee at hoeme portale public ree that ay tage wave, all complete, GITS to | 6 per ammth w Caters, 12 bes, BW Por other parteulars address ether of the Pra e Warrowe Qi, ¢ vetore Ctpale, ot Parnungion, N ( h Dee 12 Jw? 2005 SOUTHERN LITERARY MESSENGER. FOR THE YEAR 1856. eG Cie TWENTY SECOND VOLUME sh eas ings . deer ripia and where the N meaeng the Prepectas of the Twenty -Seead . eave f at chert motier Videme of the SUL THERN LITERARY MES JU THOMPSON SENGER, the Prepre rely mdety om the ene Lev Ni ' ‘ bmn V6 agrog letters aad premeaee of the friends al the Me. erage’ to and them m ente A WORD TU THE WSK: <-sSzecsce IS SUFFICIENT. Nios beep be cere ely the Begthere anad @trte dart acom odeg “es cirentation. cod pure that assure the 2 these part to challenge the patronage of 0 For Teen) telee of sere end t \W\ Fo have 0 ped wany Acrounte over twelee "0d rina! views, aad hae been shone sameng ibe ecauke: ove q. and cold ut have them (methis pereaheals of Amenee is defence of the - A rene ores . ace « 4 Peewlcet Laattatens of the Southern States eame venmedsatel) if md amner To thee office 4 will otell be devoted, aad oll be R & A MURPHY oe ropet open the Mnath, wheide ' ~ Im Te * e ureter the epemome garh af fete, of 1 the fare mn of ant slavery pamphiets Al thes on Dissolution of Copartnership. : cur mers are smmphrying bere eth . pirat weapons of atieck, the Sa Pu ‘ h Sa ee wl werely met withhed (heer ememersgr J 1) Been & leet oth * frum a werk whese eum a chall be te are’ - AN perecme ndebt WErwe is thew delemee ead b s FER: The Weesewger eifl. 20 heretofore, presen! vie! Bows (Ce 7 Mole re Se euh Revwwe Hetureal & Bgrepheel Sirs . . 2s chute nucecene Niwele, Tebee Traeete, Feceys, Purme, ( ritisvee pe bus. uees . ed st eecariy e we pao. 274 Pepere an the Army, Novy, and ether Noites! Mebpets Jp RROWN Wiha new to cosure 0 larger curcetetee of HOA LEMELY Mesermgrs the Pregerve thoagh they imiend gree < 6 at orrewmng the wre ef the work, have reduced te Vrice of Rabeer pine, wheek © awe only Potatoes and Molasses THREE DOLLARS PER AN IN ADVANCE ” or four Deliare \f wat pord beflere the fret Joly M) Rarrele Pook Bue Paetee yrer sso hie baal hs CLE RS Remuting we Gficee Dullare in one or wii he entitled to Sa Copies ; : Tae iaree Te Edeioval aad Creel department of the M-s oenget wh comtrane ender the charge of STAT E OF NORTH CAROL IN \ JOHN R THOMPSON, ESQ . 4 ‘ ‘ + and will embrace eeqrews motes om cerrent literet er “GaRRIAC) TRATES sod rerews of all new Amenean or Foregn wurks eral interest and valee — The Editer’s opens / ' Y r Nee We. will he aleaye fearleenly and honestly svrowed The Ban nees depariment re condacted by the on wane all commencetions of a bencts We 4 he the acireeed MACPFARLAND, FERGUSON &2C0O., Original (tachment: levied on Land aed Personal Property; Law Boviding (meh SIS = - i “ foo “a ee Wanted Immediately, sacks WG eee At the Silver Hill Mine, : : ie Bes as is ANY QUANTITY OF Unerier Semana, he ‘ WOOD AND COAL. ee eee eames Sevseeces ve DRUGS MBDOINES, DYES Cre) BEAT AG, HET « freah aeeortment o CUMMING & STYRON, COMMISSION nde rmgned are opening fr their Spring = °* f all geewte in their fine. be . enabled by imp AND ee Forwarding Merchants, Digs he vguaut itn el aeaiis’ee epee ceeat Ph scans have an opporianity of selecting from our ert WILMINGTON, N Cc the most reliable and pupular pharmecenuiesi and chem Partiew mi perdie: esting Pleats Cuew:| S\tec concrete bree 4 ‘ end sil kindalon dace raggi*ia merchania, and boyere generally # a large nprieng afl new and appre? ent medicines, fashionable Per famery. Toletto preparetions, de, Me, which will? PETER Ww HINTOR, furnished of the best quality and at the very)? : i prices Catmlogue of prices furn en dene COMMISSION) MERCHAN cg port sod an examination of oor stock solicited. . ’ TOWN POINT, Be oa sa 3Starlaun, Kn. supply, ee remedirs, standard p No. 100 north 3d wire Feb 12, 1556 —2mo's38 Philadelpt* NEW BOOKS. JUST RECEIVED. The Testimony of a> °* coped Novice from the Sisterhood of Jemeph by By atten them Belling Tobacco, Flour, Grain, Cotten, Naval Stores &e. Also, to Receiving and Forwarding aoons. Mem Bankley : Female Life among the Mormons" the Wife of a Mormon Elder; The Home Garne ¥Y Mre Mary G Clark ; The Lamp Lighter, © \°* wey Ea 4 4 Wide ee ‘Aition ; Llfe and Menuties of Fanny Fern SiC wide world, and Queechy, New Editione in one ° vA Wag Ral'om % 6 Amy : ENNIS y W Plummer Beq. Warrenton SC 37 JH ta nesier THE WILMINGTON HERALD I" publiahed daily and weekly at @A and $2 per y annum inadvance T iwoffered tothe t erchante Satebary aud other western towne, we a good ad vertimng medium. Terme moderate Address i 6, 15K TWO HORSE WAGON FOR SALE: hecriber hasan excellem new two hem which he offers low for cash, of on 'F it the parchaver giving good bond on time at my house, 6 miles south of Salisbury JOHN RENDLEMAN aw rme call 5 BURR Jr 3nd March 25, 1856 eye. 1 lively io has rep similar ¢ Gloagow bs on, dcponde tags, an stramet dotrvad we a oung’ the reese mun th « tim be tety, an that ibe theretry ree cowl t .“* inery woh towards theond aete eu betaw! taken & poss ble Clergyn have, af to the r show hi that ref fried '« Ubud ist orded « apt Tote a hop a rer to the may be will be maine | their m any me other | caneot forme + same b ton of boly of al and been m and ser the Es will pe that a the Ex both t More | Abem r TOPR }' op. Keeping then in gent th the re! few dav named the Co Monda It appe throug Conve till 18: forth, » vre, in there, ; control this au Cie wr turn, tl @r. wi the lo: rons « we wo Parties i P i e P e re i i t F we for the Nes, ewville and yy ead Fre Morganton fgenvten on at days te eipediiwes 4 the Pre bw 5. ENGER. 36. gE ally @ 4 nd approved ona ble Per ich will? very howe en devre t «& co bh 3d wre lndelphe y of an om Jemeph. >Y fermone. oY Pern in ome vol ENNISS Bowsk seller : SA LE. two hore or on terme time. (all .EMAN —- ts ceed ‘3.3. BRUNER, Rdlter and Proprictor Fro the Presbyterian. From Our London Correspondent. — i Lonpox, March 18th 1856, INNOVATIONS IY PRESBYTERIAN WousHTr, | Lhaye observed that at Rochester, United States, a congregation of Presbyterians are said | to have adopted a liturgy in worship, I presume | without svthority from any of the superior courts ia. the Church. If this is so, you would appear in America to have advanced a good deal further oo the way to Independeney than | your Presbyterian brethren on this side the wa- | tet ean fullow you, except your bigher courts are | show take coguizance of the invosation, At present moment a cootroversy is imminent | je the English Presbyterian Church op a point of a similar kind, the introduction of an organ by one of the Liverpool congregations into their worship. The Preslytery of the bounds, after the organ was erected, which took place with- out any authority save that of the session, took up the matter, and aw appeal from their decisivn permitting it, will bring the question up at the Synod, which is our supreme court, next month, | The questiva, however, will be decided on the point of order, vis: whether a session, or even Presbytery, without the sanction of supreme au- thority, can introduce new modes of worsbiy.— On this question | believe there will Le little dif- ference of opmioe, and | anticipate that the or gr will be silenced at least, if not taken down, 4ill time has been given to discuss and sete the potat whether organs in any case are admissible, and by what aathority and in what case they enay be allowed. The intelligence that Presby terian congregativas io America are introdacing propre motu the far greater Ingo. ation of Itar gic worship, will, I Leheve, strengthen the cou vietive among ws that extreme danger is lo le apprehended from the tacit permasion to each Hs O8f congregation to act as may be The Free Chereb of Seutiand ws Usking a rg bet m eyes. lively iatercst ie our question, amd Thr, Candlisl has republished several pamphlets similar ove Gfty years ago in Glayow, seoempanying them eith a preface bis en, 10 which hestrongly depreeates the tm dependency iinpied in the Liverpool proceed dags, and intimates a very deerd-<) hueulity to vw troversy gave re» strameutal music ia pable worship, as Bite! & intruder great beart burnings and dissetrions ta cungreyattona, Yue shall hear in doe tm the result uf the delberaticms ro the Sy aud me at munth on the upportant satgect. lo the mea whe great ana time be nesored the mat tety, ond =» made @ © that ihe peace and amity of the Church may p ( hub theretry be disterte:) of endangered THE CHU ACE OF BSGLASD ASD THE WHHL EY aye | gere Jver renier a beet io my lee ian incarprent movement on the part of the Ct towards a compre by ms {the Weel. yan M thudsete, and | base now te) infrm ther a substantive memures are atually aleout ty te teken wy try @hether such a comumation ™ Jrose: ble Sume mor'he a, a (um Lew Clergymen eas formed with the view, ® have, after long aad setiows J rat to the resoletin that a pe , arg “x shovki be preaceted to Cumiocs prasing that reforms may tl» r «le ( fried to sati-fy minds of —_ »M thodits, and th ah relarat may le orded as @:/! facciita acl onies . approved Wesleyan Minster, and exjteneiny a hop that by euch measures and s srenilar a restoration of the lange andl fluential be to the communwn of the Chu ( Fngiac may be broaght shout. Low these proceedin is will be viewed by the Wesleyans them jira r mains to be seer No doubt there are among their ministers individuals who ® ir any measore giving ther the efafae and other privileges of t Bacal ' J cansot fur a moment believe thal aay pa forme winch the Convocation are able, and at same time, willag to make in the adenine ton of the Chereh, «)!] at sil aatiefy the grent boly of Wealeyans—all whose foclings. peror al and hetedua have for four generations been maturing into a hatred of that forma and semi Dopery elich are mow so ramyant the Establiement Doulbilena the mover will prodece resulta, and it is not impose bly that a section may be won from Ure Methorlist the Extablehed ramke: bat the aectanan f both parties m hkely thereby to become t more exmperated, and the vananee betw them rendered more marked and insnpers POPRKY STILL WIDK AWAKE, TH 14 Dopery in England as for rhe tee ! every now a Kooy ng a prudent « Chea indientions of ite presence amons <1 sent themselves. One of th atest the return to a wnt of habeas corpus ed fow days since, to produce the bedy of a named Mary King, supposed to be detained the Convent of Our Lady at Norwood, made or Monday lant week to Mr. Jusuce Cromptor It appears that the girl was fifteen last May. ar through a certain Priest wae admit! 1 Convent achool in 1850, and had resihed there tl 1855, when, as the return to ihe writ eet forth, she had of her own free will gone to I vrevin Feane:, end had obtained a situate there, and that no partics at Norwood bad any control or authority over her Further, that this authority had ceased twelve monthe le for Che writ was jmved In conse quence f thos turn, the Jnd re had no power to proceed furth @r. wud the mother of the girl has to mourn over the low of her child without the means of re Well mv we wonder at a atate of a law which gives to any dreas or any clue to her re-overy Parties the power of thus disposing of the eh dren mproorments, Ls wa we of others, and sending. them out of their native country without the gonsent, or contrary to the will of their aatural guardians, who, ere they ean obtain even a word of information on the subject, must resort tooall the machinery of an exprosive law-suit to eommpel those implicated to speak out. We look forward to a Convent Inspection Bill as the only seeurity against the frequent repetition of such atrucities, or worse D. G. LOUIS XAPOLEON. It is little less than marvellous how men’s of men change witht ¢ Pe —— the world, and the failure of a project is taken Through all ages The we denoune as an evidence of incapacity. success has been the tuuchstune of abilitye saine act, which in its projection as rash and beadstrong, we laud as partaking of the hervie when it is tiumphantly achieved.— The rebel of to-day is the patrivt of to-morrow The wild speeulator of yesterlay shall, two months bence, be pratined fur bis energy and forethought. The pretender tu a throne neuled and carwatured, some twenty yours ago, now commands the admiration of all Earope Vive crowned beads which io 1552 combined tog ' to prevent the reevostructiva of a Napoleon dynasty, now send their representatives Wom kun- pire whose ruler they barely tolerated, and hos Congress Uf aations in the Capitol of that hereditary claims they refused to rece: These siujular mutations Lear a g resem tncks we sometines see perforined jo a Chinstmas panto ve A seedy moking | RELIGIOUS INTOLERANCE. Misfortunes degrade an igdividaal in the eyes of | tadividual enters upon the sorne, Lustied by @ croed, his Cutward apparel! is sucklenly stripped from lim, and be stands revealed tu priterty yar ments. fo aniestaut a luodred woiers are nf ted ve bis prarme. and bes borne off the stay ainudst the acclamations of the ma «h Aud Vet the Prince in rags was not the kas a Proce than when the rags fell from bem. and he stood revealed in “purple and 6 ~ The eta I Nape « a ant. il ” .x war, and b re accorded | " culm « tory i ' ! ' lie alia “ Power k { that eas abl Mea . yth w France ali * Ek ‘ arn ‘ feet of th r Nay ‘ Ll. bas ‘ t terres . ‘ At ~ ene whose armies selacy ' tant t ! niered Pans s ' and b 41 ree ape an warn be . I I ‘ as be ' . I b . 1 ‘ ‘ ’ a* ad ) ‘ t ' g +N a my Apes ‘ “en af " . ~ <8 rk I n . I work “ } ¥ * , le a . * 4 s } a sta I \ : * brane, t rte . ean a) pres t | F 1 | y arag K t mr ala asin ia ais miry i . dared that Fra . vet | ‘ to ay ate a KR a ~~ 8 ' . J oe THE REV 4 Lk De: ikl Thee belly a ‘ asaway ii ' r : 4 Sch meryy Ila ’ I ake ry Sa ‘ AL shia 1.a bata ar 1 nr ural atnken, 2 - 1 . 4 iy iS wit | = cae a ynify an r s : ) Vtloe - \\ nat « © = : N ra { a o M “| ¢ ' . : ; \ any ' ,o ' fort tT whisk ' " re) Woolf tat cal vanety of dur ' : . : With a flask rd te. we lefy the water “ Tur p the Tuller I ‘ t aT lately at a deetu Daris arnsdr plan clothes were pe le crank wit halk bea roanous of t studet so tliat f Wigs be keown and arres “ \ Woo aud nis detected ' y | ed the police agente; when t fiers inf ¢ place, the Sergens de Vilbomrreste | ther Ing d themon prises, and kept ther re f a anda night The vitriol man bas turned t ( not and is destroving Ladhea™ dresses s verly thie he has thus far eval fection a The Paris Presse says, the presence of _ ¢ stant minister at Barcelona, Spain, has inspired M. Arius, the Spenish Minister of Justice, to ay L. vin@untél exrest. — , Little Calvin, a blue-eyed, /fair-haired child of sie PRIL 22, 1856. herce, the Arts and et Sriences, Morality, a ad the Samily Circle. ai = S we NUMBER XLVI. a a few days before, seveaal ancient | “gyptian tombs bad been discovered, and kind- lyo fered me the services of his Dragoman to point them out did I wish to examine them.— | Passing the palace and proceeding towards the | write the fullowing circular, addressed to all the | Sammere, was dying, and he Whde his father and moth- 564, jn the midst of sand ‘banks, we came upon | presidents of tribunals in the peninsula, [which has not appeared in the Madrid Gazette. | peninsular to teach and propagate doctrines con- | trary to the very sacred dogmas of our true faith, | anu to that which the boly Catholic apostolic | and Roman Church teaches, Her Majesty's | |Guvernment is firmly resolved to exercise the ulmost rigour aguinst those Spaniards and for- eigners who may pretend, under any pretext whatever, to break or distarb the religious unity to which it has pleased Divine Providence that Spain should owe her prosperity, and upon |’ which reposes—it could not be otherwise—the second basis of the constitution by which the monarchy should be guided. | M. le cal, administrauve, and ecclesiastical authorities In consequence, resident, you will arrange with the politi- | ty pul a stop, at any price, to saeh a crime —to such an enormous seandal. You will seduluusly excite the gal of the public prosecutor, who must proceed officially against the guilty parties whenever he may suspect the accomplislment of any act coutrary to the basis of the State re- It ts to be thorvughly understuod that as the piety of the Queen will wortbily reward the services rendered by the judges io this mat ter, ser theme who may be indifferent, of culpably tolerant, w wr spun themselves an ex Lastise ment COSTLY BIBLE St areeent salen Ensland of the Jibrary of a deceased gentleman named Jobin Albinson, of Burton, a Bible was sold which cost: ongially wthet tk cabinet containing it, the sam of four thousand guineas, Tt wad sold unter Ue hammer for @2760. It cousiwsted of forty fi nes, clegantiy bound, a tstrated by a ast art thousand engravings, executed by abou ex hundred won brated] engravers arid frover works ent artinte from th ar 145 tim s completion Mr wien ay ‘ vonced the work of yrthng up this edition of the Bible, in Loodor ' vear 1s ’ pe ot mor han tw f ars A He produced two folio ' * el Mauseur » volumes | * nor « the engravings ‘ ' magnificer fits ; z wing t r4 mak t n | * . a t T won ow & ‘ a ‘ anti ok ca « é bwork know . ‘ [hve Dab > } \ va tirva t I 4 \ ar “ i a hing ' ‘ . The T's tres Pree f ta * wasn . ne ' . nen . ( h ‘ t moh ‘ wor lees * Lar s ; arly be ‘surpacerd oo. ' } 1 Ni Ps . < ‘ ° anidow wasn “ ’ a f eing S san it} wow ol r end pom ato aen H 1 ae af ‘. I h 2 \ A a Rewk Istand | z eke 0 A lary hk k inane € | ] ! i] t vl res 1, he wast he wor f ir 1 Moaastr AYN fav last caw { K anu “ r™ wel Tt wasn withont a month, f sane t mine te Me William: Pollock Janes | andl his pla monen | Phasdacd ! wed ¢ nl) \ 1 ahit f length of ta I format fit fis ase that of a sheep except that the vr fits nose immed to the left, the eyes are ander none, where the lower jaw should ] 4 hhont + a oan Lia ed the aide of the throat under the eves. TI +. howcaer an orifee in the entre of Ihe Hiroat botw the ears, having the appearance of the hole ofan ear. Tt is undoubtedly one of the greatest deformities of the age— Weekly Nr but |e? come near the bedside that be might tell them the tombs. They were three in number, and | |farewell. ‘ Mother,” said hey “will you not go with | a).out twenty feet below the surface of the ground. wr 2 me?’ “ Where are you going my child?” asked his (Jon deseending, 1 entered a low vaulted ¢ham- Tbe, Geren ea lately Seco taforsaed hate: mother. With his eyes fixed wpward, he answered, tee about neues feet in length, and eight in perenyete have been made in certain points of the | + To Heaven, mother,” and te a moment was in the width, the whole covered with a fine and high- | arms of him who has said “ Buffer litle children to | ly polished stucco. The sides were embelished come unto me, and forbid them not, for of such is the | with Egyptian paintings, the colors in the high- | kingdom of Heaven.” Froth the rosy western benven, Through the tinted mistg of even Up the purple dec ps of iwilight Slowly sailed a snowy cloud, Coasting by the golden sky-lands, Sweeping rouod the starry islands, Sailed that barque until the zenith Was caveloped in its shroud. Summers six had come and parted, Since upon that sea ancharted, Once before came scraps sailing On a skyward tending track Then a leaf, of God's evangel They had left—a tiny ang-l gentle mother— On thy bosom, g Now they come to call st back All hws rarthly miasion ended, On bee litle couch extended, Lay he, watrbing with the spirit, As his azure eye grew dim Though by others all unnoted, Watehing where that vesse! floated, And the wooing angris waited For he knew they came for him Many eweet ‘good byes” he told ye, Cleme his little arms enfuld ye— Father trather pressing pear him Sbatiing heaven from hie view But to thee he cluag the nearest, Thoa the fonde » beet and dearest Ashe murmured, ** Ob! my mother, Will not you go with me, too? w“ re h! where, my chiid”™ “To Heaven Mighed the pasmag sant. Even Caaghi the cadence of the chorus Ae the enge! barque swept un Nashog up the other ehowly [thas reached the haven holy, And hee unwored witha the shadow Of Jehovah eo great whate throne oo. EGYPTIAN DISCOVERIES WW aks from the eornspondence of the es) ! “ \ act which a = aie atl} preset . alluctes rf . mo M T a ne a large w y s ‘ ‘ . sa M \ A gab . ar sing 1 row “ asia ka ‘ a lar wer! ard | king att ants. w j 1 t { Low ev, t r r atlaire er “ * e quarter of a m a re x and g plunente A assiny rh a large | . { a ay-— ea . \ \ broad “ ] r ko aale a ‘ noe of ya * ” . a k f foe “ | . ‘ le ‘ € was b arka Ww * r eas = a f f * ehak “ 1 r whore ber vk my w ‘ J and malig I ® , a flowing beanl. » great dy . beast are geua . ayina ‘ eilg then a te at fanthf 1s Sand I ha geet son of Ma \ ( Bgvyt Appa a la a « ‘ “ ‘ : 1 * ‘ . j a Py . . wes head vevfint 7 . .. . ' ' : ‘ wre 7m ’ “ ans y ‘ , F " a . * “ was ia wast <w ' r t . wast \ | I ern ] k ng AN vand her ¢ Sone wl ‘ie weratort . 1S ile ow k Ce ' f ihe ' States wer ' i has a t hack Ie 1 d, anisiand ¢ t hing ri After spet v ! ana versatior pong M acot at we al china Z \ with ter at w kK » i Mental cape v re Y . bi Sfeor 2 bis plyseal deccopments PE waealtogther m grithed with the reception be gave us rog cur interview, be was eedingly pr iy das thanks to Mr. Deda for two Mon which he bad recently presented tam AN few daye previous to my visit te Vi rov, Lcalled ure we iG of Ale 1 Dur my interview wath ber eonfort that niking some excavations tx ] | est state of preservation, and representing funer- | lal scenes, resembling those in the mummy pits | near Memphis. This chamber is separated from | | another and smaller one by an arched partition. |In this, upon a stove altar about three feet in | height, were the bones of the person for whom | the sepulebral chamber was built. From their appearance, 1 should judge them to have been those of a female, though 1 was informed no jewels or ornaments had been found. They had pot been disturbed, but were lying in the same | position as when the toml was opened, and were in excellent preservation. The skull was entire, and [ eould not resist the tempativa of | extracting a tooth, The other toinbs, thoayh not ¢o flange or not so well preserved, were bust upon the same mod el and pv doubt about the same penod. Judy ing from the figures upon the walls, the style of their whole the architecture, and appearance, they are doubtless of great autiquity, datung far beyond the time of the Piolomies. What adds weight to this supposition, is the fact that since the fuundation of an Alexandria, three bundred and twenty-three years before Christ, the Island of Pharos has never been ased for the ancient purpos-s of sepulture, and consequently Uiese newly diseuvered tombe were those of the an wut Egvypuans, and are po doubt haravnx The V leeroy, | understand, iutends continuing the excavations for the purpose scovenng f posable, sore token by which « of reir construction may be ascer'arued rug and is surrounded by salt water, Chat whe vers the floor of the tombs is perfeetly fresh Thave been thus minute in my deserniption, as it «. L believe, the first that bas yet been given of thom, bat few having seen t A fiw days since | had rratificat of . anon opty demonstratior t t art al Goreek merchat f Alew ‘ a at res f ( G ol Mr [Leon Perhaps vour readers mayor ; hat shor after the declar f war tetw Enat powers and Russia, owing to certa iit sansing from t I Russian sym pathies of the suljeets of King Otho, a Iiplo mate intercourse was suddenly broken off be ween that Court and the Sublime Torte, at (r@&ks Bere compelied, upon the short n« ‘ t days leave tl (ttomnan ken por Constituting, as they ds pr ‘ nnte and e chief me anics Of the low { va thos , and ou 1 for was n) H 4 ~ a sirema a wa a “ wy ' Athas Paecla,t + * Vicer ama { cre ~ wa to glad at f mien epla ' 4.1m a r ‘ ke Ry iu ¥ ‘ Z ‘ atialic se ’ y .) . “ . . “ * Nien . a Mri Lyd \ . . . “ r t \ . ‘ wtrateed ” ‘ ace * ye * ar A a ] atters a a wecke Ww { ( ( * M oe | arnded | the ¢ k f Alexantinrva To stow y apres anke f ‘ ] * a 4 7 -. a erthit om © is eas tus k ‘ rit wie how f : M ’ a \ I ) f ier 7 (es ana * « f * \ n < " A j } t cee I) eM } Ik New York , - I t re y of | I nes f the in the rrof 1 Ih This For u van S| e Sta { New } ) 1 pia vf less tla > l} Sccretarv of War ba ‘ These tw \ 1 ot ' +i } ries Hud and Morton, also au 8 I-loud, a Forts Ia Le ette on the I ve Isla s s my awa itferies as ¢ i ec ¢a erectert v ff 1 ‘ t tathe (ear 1 s Acie lectures by ©, of distivetion. The day expenence aman of fine aps fer fore the death under the the buddies 1 AM LOVED. BY ELIZABETM YVOUATT. Jubilate ! I am loved! Ard hie lips at length have said it— Long since in his eyes I read it, Bet 1 thought it could not be— Ah! what bappiness fur.me.' Jubilate ! I am loved! Now am I like a little queen, And very pleasant ‘tis I ween; Whatsoe’er I do or aay Seemeth good and right alway- Jubilate! Iam loved— To see him kneefing st my feet, Ob ! it ia sweet—'tle very sweet! Every day and every hour Do I glosy ia my power! Jubilate! I am loved! So dearly loved, that till I prayed, I was more than half afraid ; Lord! forgive my sius and make Me pure and good for his dear sake | Jabilate ' I am loved! Lord! forgive my gloryieg” To the dear couse I meekly cling ' Let the love he beareth me Lead him—lead us both—to Thee ! oe BEAUTIFUL IN DEATIL K. Leslie, an English pai Few artists have fet the ¢ described by the writer wheain the sedboe of Lhe dead feelings, bat of great simp The following passage is taken from a volume nler facts stated are remarkable, dithering as they do so widely from our every me pre “1 knew a man of the highest order of mind CY above al! affectauon, who standing be eof bis wife, said, * It gives une ve rasurable sensations | And yet he truly r { =t { (rimour iwh © aspect of Grreece is compared to a beautifu ee are familiar to every reader. Lord By ba pute to the passage, 6 ks that peculiar beauty remains but a few hours after But do liave been tod by Chose whe are in the tof make wsts, thaly ve ReCUnd a nous ye ally Hoprowed, and even i day . »oetdll Quer Thay vera ’ the crawin dead, and a every owe | have ¢ room wher the body AY sOtrnew hin ar vet Domvarniably felt reluctant t At Kretzborg, near Bonn, there a ¢ pavement of which he, im one vault, wenty five monks in open cothos A the ar has pres rved them from : ast burned bad lain more thar ir lv harch with a party of s who at first hesitated to descend tty the f th * We all went down, carry white er and such was the facinatior s singular se al we ered in it for t ur Was pertes ' and we | tol» wor . sown ete teres | ea misiak entl be re bby ts or by painters a | W. e ootemplal: . tel focee of old men they seem |—ar k + therw is AS A fir 4 sw va ah “ hough we knee waren f med per n gardener ‘ ” les | Alle . row ork an <a «, they el « a red to Le o decay ’ taken bw Dr Ante \ v hand 4 . ’ ai ralo we ‘ k fa - 1 ate << e hot { ¥ portrait of Na ' pr tow the most perfec ‘ le saw \ i Ne L CON | ‘ : mm Literary Mes rt poe THA tled “The P I asb e Ay g vd A t « r ataf M \ 1 . " W * ‘ . . "Hl ae = A t t t . * ‘ n? 1 ( '] < \ \ vk \ ‘ M Awe edt 1 \ surface tt ers WAG EIA ist t pa tapnr t ; ra woof Hillyeay a Ontment and Pile ( t A spa { ¢ lave ] healt 1 ‘ ] Tl aor AN UNFORTUNAVE TRAVELLER, Mr. Watson of St. Louis, commenced an un- | fortunate career of railroad travel last summer, lat the time of the Glasconade disaster, at which had he reecived, when time he nearly lost his life. recovered from the injuries the | he again narrowly escaped death, from an acci- dent whieh ocecured to the train while he was coming'East. He was laid up for some months latthe Girard House, in Platadelphia, on ne- soon as sufh- count of the injuries received. | ciently recovered, he took passage fur Pitts- jburgh. Some gentlemen who imtended to go in | the same direction, purposely delayed their de- | parture, in order to avoid participating jn his | apprehended misfortunes, Bat as it singularly occurred, Mr. Watson's train met with an aecci- | dent after proceeding a few miles, slight, indeed, but sufficient to detain the train for several bours; and before arriving at Harrisburg, a see- ond accident oceurred, with a detention of twen- ty-fuur hours, In the meantime, the cautious gentlemen before alluded 1o, pursuing their jour- ney, overtook Mr. Watson, and unwittingiy got op the same train, for Pittsburgh. Lefore reaching its destination, however, the fated train was thrown entirely from the trac k, by the heel. The passengers alighted, brenking of a w and, g ly to their consternation, found that Mr. Watson (Jonah) was on board. Therewpon the whole company became greatly exasperated, and respectfully informed the eonducter that it would be utterly impossible to proceed im his company. Our informant states that Mr. Wat- son has succeeded in reaching Pittsburgh, and is reeevenng fruin his contusions, at the Monouga- lloase. Mr. Watson clares tbat opce at boue, he N. Y. Journal of Commerce. hela 1 more will remain there An Abvlitionist Filtered — Notice to Leva We alluded yesterday to the Jian ( yo movement of Mr. John Ked- zie of this city, who is travelling in the with his rain water filters, and writing letters on slavery Ile is, and avs las been, a rampant Abolitionist the most unpracticable sort, and bis first Jetters were iu accordance with bis Ilis last, however, Well Koown " iets. shows that be bas thrown a complete “0 erset and landed flat npen the pro atferin We did not belreve that he was sincere in what he wrote, and at It how appears at Charleston, and had | ) rof citizens, who did not approve of lis Abelit scutimente— This explains the whol atter Mr Kedzie was filtered t Charleston, and went as far North as Portsmoath, Va. where e wrote the jetter taking ack wha ri ad formerly written, aad prononncing Limself sound onthe slavenr lle sent to the Advertiser e names of gentlemen at the South t e desired t hare papers con taining lis last letter forwanled, in order at they vit onderstand lis position st 8,0r perm hiin to sell \V net eve e bait will cov h M had | er it ‘ »> can r ) was yor > 1, and ‘ eu r ] t sa «Xx ent ar e, we ‘ « “4 w i ut lar mere " er hands tha hose of Mr “ " Ff ‘ . ain i ben Loe by j cast A re and work } ’ ’ knowing that M \ es at ar gid I ¢ i) cork w t W the ‘ ar le ore "1 I 1) ; y a rr < t Fert } I . * &150 é 4100 ¢ fies Seika t and . ho ew« an ‘ . = . 4 A a ’ lie wen f aif nl nex I \ Sta ’ ‘ " \ l mie ‘ a r Wil Herald D 1 —(e ergs W J . Amora han Mor a ’ yoars ans t t ' wh ened wl croseiny t arlor ! Me a ee A MARTYR OF Alexandre Tineoni, fifty wally frow Cyastantinople, and a mau of leltess, SCJENCE. years of age, oly wae recent!y found dead iu Paris, in the todest lodgings # lich be ocoupred No. 7 Rue des Vieux Aagueting Phe commissary of px was im wediately summowed and betook Linmelf to the It was prov Tiacon bad yor, accompanied by a} hivstonen, ed beyond duubt that Alcaumlre abed of starvaben Jt was not waut, however, (lat put ) fie calmenoe, tor atthe Gime of tis dewt poyed a sery considerate Wicome, but absorbed by be love of science, be forget iat man has a body no lems a soul to provide fer, and would ut Lahisige tian! - Bis dews body was foand cxter eye of ocks and manusenpts in-every Known ha guage under the sun thea, amd im sume of the rooms tis Babel o pars days together withe ‘ halon His lodginus were ful literature touched the cenlioy Alexandre Tincom spoke twelve languages and was wel suitierd tore. I filled thee haybert posts of honor; were his, lust be bad renounced every Ching feu The stat ot m maby rank aned Weallle pure love of sceonoe. wlych his rogmis were found is tides As for bes persumal appearance For the last two sears of his lite bh changed bo» Jinen nor bis clothins. He body was cory ing lam je this condit trymen, who had known lim the post of arutassador o.clamed ty the man | mg with gold and precious elo when he « Ls that ulitter real used to see so nchiv clad es, and keeping sach a croed of eager bul respo UUs sulters wall ing tw hes ante-chambers |” In the hudgings of the deceascd were found a great namber of rare ar amous Clyccts—artns from all the countnes of the East, real Lamas cus blades that vou could roll up ike ar Malay creases, &¢ Among the objects most worthy of mute was a complete collection of au tographs of all most distingt 1 wits, sa vans and mea of letters ir the late Alexandre Tincoms left to the Library six manuscripts which A great vate Qs for bas t f rdered thar it should be ed tate pour and the church of Lee Petits Peras CRIME AND SUICIDE @inee cur ast issue, @ case volving Aor cumstamee df dorp aad exo uty dea chopped ta cur very midst—er im every acta ie the tration Cur readers wii unm. an advertmement we by our townxman Col FJ Mee “ wes who frou 1 ' loag sbeenor, ehich coud mA le on Ue fered Lem their part, taken in copter Pee J seppearance, sume Cine |« gro boy of another one of our Jword the belief in the 1 that they fixed the sesyx« particslar wii) Jaal however, for some Le, u at Gmeming. a sufficient wberatouts of | mas of wowr Amencus nved there, he tran Ue Lbepnnimg bs Uc remem iar t siner, were Meeiag secure of any Prova or : ur uf aby eh tees d malin lae wer stoke Vanou- ances ms of the ' “ a the lower part of ‘ \ we . per-oa to wlym they had b * fying the veyras ppoe bemg cumsince! that aed, readily yckied then a at Z grevon of the geotheman w uf them, consented Ww returt po arrive, bere « the 8: After some ihe mecewary vaper Mr Iluoks shenff They net by our cfirwnt the new sture f haeus | com )any Mr. Hovks declared tha: ut ham F nes. al frum who eber:f] then ents of Mr Llowk Ie me diene properts that be had « perwaded to make Heed & Lowe |r wes t gbted up am! was | * " lmmestia aod » be bad ur red tbe store, ac . . frend om « sfaction abwuu jar ‘— nal te sad tO ate tdbeor - u rm trates “ee Dh awomp! iebe aeary. s Jery returecd s Suet t Jutmet wa tive t ‘ at once arra: rr i a Attorm y+, Use es day 7 MASSACLIIUSETTS “PERSON AL LIBERTY LAW,” Governor Gardner, of Massachusetts Laving recommended a repeat! of so much of the “per sonal liberty law,” passed by the Lust Legisla tureof that State as was wuconstitutioval, the sub ject was referred to a jeiut special committee of sixteen Metiber, who on Friday submitted the Legislature the result af Uicir delibenation » athe form of three reports, neither of which is the members of the wre be expected lo to sanctioned by a majomty of favorafat ity of the Lege stature We gather frum the Boston papers the tulluw ing t suitaary of poveral Cpouts: Messrs. Phe plurality report as signed) by Warner aud Mills, of the Senate, and Briggs of Pittaticid, Bovee’ ot Berkely. Pike of Newton, Loni ot Marlborough, at ld, Iden of HLaut tther Vv ostat dl Pare UA lng law which are not abso use, of the Hl the sccuriny of the nghts and by the fugitive slave law, aud present a thew yin place of the present ow oof somewhat simpler fori, cearer in its pruvisiots, abd apy lying tore exclusively and } vite the shave few This t aid is accompanied by a re g munoly of expla voent dn favor of the bill ‘ four are Americans and three Ke publicaus. Phe Gill submitted repeals sections bine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen aud fourteen of the law of last year, and modifies section two sous to taéet the objection of the At they General U aL it attempted to declare United the uieauinge of certain stautes of the s. Voluntary servic the militia in aid ive slave agt is prolibited emiborith. poports is signed by Z 16. and G. W, Warren, of the Senate, an Thomas of New Bedford and Ma sol » of Chariton, of the House— three Ameneans, one Lemocrat—who recommend that the Levislature adopt an. order re questing the Judges of the Supreme Judicial Court of the State to furnish the Legislature, at as carly a Jav as Convenient griter the present sone n with the opinion of the court as to the constitu 7 nality of the act of 1855 Tbe other minonty report is signed by Charles Hale of Boston, Brown of the Senate, Tilton of Tieton: Jones of lt re mone ol Newt . ae y y—tw Wha \ < This ' Port <ays) w billie columns fuur paper. Tt ues the constitution alg bons connected w ' Mia wolive slaves tL cites 1 3 . Supe ( t . Massa ‘ KSB ' sud ahes Mass 6 ihc nan Livy . s perme = 4 s , tf x { . ‘ a aA a “ . ras Vv atta : * s aS 4 ] . 7 - vide ' t THE TORN A SE EHIEADECIITN l ha I y Sa . “ * " y “ t . ry , v had te vw . a i “ “ . 1‘ \ = ‘ ail a alt ere are al reed me of tl . v © br afew . g and “ « . . . ‘ wasn fous ra fw wosh re, fluttering t * . ' | : * 5 ay ! a - . In . ” v * r Carolina Watelman. “SALISBURY. N.C. TUESDAY EVENING, APRIL 22, 1856, | cvived. rte Oe uuh FATER ened MELE - Jenues of Washington, and a bill to repeal so | From the National Intelligencer, of April 11.| CONGRESS. In the Senate the agricaltaral portion of the Report of the Commissioner of Patents was re- Mr. Browu reported from the Commit ~ |tee on District of Columbia a bill to ‘cause the FOR PRESIDENT, MILLARD FILLMORE, FOR ANDREW JACKSON DONELSO? OF NEW YOR. VICK PRESIDENT, OF TENN ESSEK oo FOR GOVERNOR, JOHN A. GILMER Wt OF GUIL HG FORD MEETING. |removal of obstructions in certain strects and av- lmuch of the act of the 8d of March, 1855, as provides for an Armory in the District of Co- An important resolution was introduced award in regard to taking possession of and annexing uninhabited guano slands lying bevond the maritime jurisdiction of nations—the right of property in deposites of guano to be ves ted in the discoverers. The Lill in relation to foreign coins, excluding them from circulation except ata reduced value, was called up by Mr. /Uunter and passed, This is a subject of inter est to the people at large > and we are gratified to find that the labors of the indefatigable chair man of the Committee on Finaace have at length been crowned with success. This UHL guards ‘against a reissue of the depreciated coin by pro lumbia. There will be a Whig Meeting held at viding that all quarters, eights, and siatecnths the Court House in Salisbury, on Mon- of the 8 day of May County Court. All the old anish milled or Mexican dollar shall be received at all the offices of the United States at line Whigsare requested toattend. There twenty, ten, and five ceuts, aud made legal ten will be several addresses delivered. Jt We “7 MIN A. | ILMER. run up to our mast-head, to-day, the name of land act of the 3d March, 1855, so. ast this yeutleman, whose sterling worth aod irreproach able character is well known throughout the State | ders for all sums not excecding tive dollars; and that these fractions of the dollar of fore when so received shall not again be paid out, The till amending the bounty gn coin but be recoined. allow parol evidence in Certain cases, Was discussed Upon amendments As We Ih “us Upen is ra eral Phe American Couvention could not have ented us merits, and occupied the greater portion of the better if it had consulted var wishes, as could be made day's session, It was laid over at half-past three appear by refereuce to our files two or three years o'clock to allow Mr. dones, of Lowa, to reply to back ple of the State at large will also approve the nomina tion and testify to the same in August next The democratic prints, as we perceive, regard the nomination of Mr. Gilmer with uncommon concern, With the sentiments of the people of Lowa, and afford indications of a most bitter and unscrupu fous warfure agai hae already led off in its assaults voting againet free suffrage, « the democratic pa was the sole obst p was supposed membe support the Const net hin. T arty, and tal! acle to th bound by b gisluture to vole for it rs of the Legislature were ew ations of the at thie did not bind them t he Standard, at Raleigh: Tt accuses hin of e of the pet hobbys of ks asif Mr. Gilmer's vote ess of that measure as a member of Wonderful We ns oath had State and Unitec support measures of tful use, mach less the clectone nag a scheming. clectomenng party. Nev ne Sta d ecason in his votes a m et 1 re C \ f the St { f he myhts of the manses of » ev lune fl Arte he Legrlature ou thee ’ ali ght have be. id ew words * ‘ * the state Cone a n ‘ ci net od We te vure of It ~~ ww af suce a € raise aw re—a ga a wo gray I We a i £ A Db as l = copy of hes Ke port \ I . Kansa Nebraska, a a I BLACKWOOD M M was ear \ N nom . Re Ma . a ret wea oag The merenry Z. wae at 36a “ ay com tres re new och ale fue the mai T » the ( Rad t * Rea . e Pree . o od ° » (™M » aan De ume fl R Poms * Li of T saye ‘ ° ’ ‘ R- = . 4 a 4 h a «- M ew ‘N h ‘ wae R h 1 “ ss . " \ “M \ - 1 o T ‘ . “ ++: as \ { ) ( ! Ae Ae ’ \ We tes pearly at morta And we are stroagly of opiniwn that the peo- | the speech of his colleague, Mr. Harlan, deliver ed some weeks ago, upou the Kansas question Mr. Jones argued to slow that the opinions ad vanced by lis culleague were not in accordance reviewed the positions taken by Mr. Marlaun regard to the exercise of power by Cougress over the slave question in the Territoric Mr the only actual intervention on that subject was in 1820, when the Missouri ca mise was adopted, a tneasure which be theuazrht pir mhuce the direst cousec ches. 1 sil had produ the direst couseq uence Phe sit lng was {until nearly five o'clock Inthe House or Revkesentat th } Ube » EF per pension laws it otic nary t ty ‘ vale a j at r lhe mic] as awit ful Mr her bar ” mn owar, Mr i ks, of South Car a made a yetit and affective appeal to the Pus terw he bill was so amend«d asto a . rap n of twenty d . yer how was ja nl st enimwously Mr. 1 t { 4 {ce tabe ‘ es r haw ny) lie, Ka work Ga \r t t ars twos nea: nin . sto be struck a res I} his ofcers and met Thos go vxplanations, and ‘ ro ik Ta | ‘ or . , ]m “ \ al ¢ r ‘ ta r ] i . t al . f s« and wet a he 4 merty t . 1 t Tike. LOST STEN Mi \ « for the safety of ' } rer seas ‘ 1 \ i a, } I i js Ls ( \ 135 » pts } r A Nuvustas Ervin, | Secr tary of Ley ] j longs to Tlar i le was acc * wi M h. ¢ | \) ‘ and « N ‘ ‘\ (rs, N. ¢ f Dros ( t Rk eee Jets . ‘ k . e f ul uM | M \ \ \ Vl : I M 1 N | \ } fre > a) bork o- MONT THIN \ I I i - i I \\ “ “ Vow} ate / » \ wasn t ad Lave thus boldly taken their MR. GILMER. | From the Raliegh Register. | The nomination of this gentleman for Governor, made by the Greensboro’ Con- \vention, without a dissenting voice, will, bation of the Americans of the State. A man of unquestioned ability, ef tried firm: ness, of lofty integrity, of unsuspected ltidelity to his friends and his country, bis lelaims to their support as an American can only be equatied by his claims as acitizen and aidan. loa him the party, will find a leader, who will shrink trom no duty—who will bring wigdyin to the Council and valor to the field, —whe will lead to success, Where success may be ob- tained, and, where it cannot, will, at least, leave his friends the proud conviction that he deserved it; and in him the State will tind a Chiet Magistrate who will ele- vate her pride at home and her repata Uon abroad. But itis no purpose of vurs, in this aunouneemeut, to. lavish any ex travagant praise ou the nominee of the Convention, No eulogiutn of ours is ne cessary ; and that party is, indeed, to be whose candidates euvied, the names of carry with them thetr own best eulogy With feclings of pride and pleasure, then we place the name of JOUN A GILMER at our inast head to-day. [tis conductor of a our good fortune, as the Press, sustaining to the best of its ability of the Amencan party, to know that our duties, as such, are render ed, by the nominations of Ad/more, Don not only but exceedingly easy. The Americans of the OJd North State the interests elson and Gilincr, uvrecable, ‘And come what will, they meau to bear it ut, And vet tive with oO lic Ww { ’ From Hilisbe R d American State Convcen t The Atmerican State Conve ou Wab eldoa l lay and t 1 ‘ M Iwil | bret port \ \ re murine Ina ‘ men never be ‘ ~ Ate VaneV stinthar 4 the Couvention 1 i ‘. bia ul " i t ‘ J AG n ( AAs ‘ { t ' . t ‘ ( and ps. thereof \ yand Va | Mr. ts ‘ 4 ‘ ‘ ‘ \ ‘ ee \ ' }> 1 \ ‘ ( t ‘ - Vr vi ‘y ( \ ( | Mu i \ If _ . - : hie oldeat,) in that best of schools, | most pect | A. was the eldest) in oe eee Nee J aw fy reggie «J }where, on the farm and in taught the useful arts of life; avd by the fairs; ' ‘ under the watchfulyess of! portentous cloud ¢f difficulties rural fireside, a religious mother, is instilled that bigh a ee ne re * 1 anttane igh EW aL ana sen te 6 oow y a3 and it wee in the face of pan Yiat he es. used the cause of a thorungl system of morality which is the impregnable bul- internal improvements, manifested an un, |publie life. By going to ak A we believe, weet the MApanOMONs Aappro-| wark of character, whether in the social |doubtin walk, or in the temptations and storms of | and pat a neigborhood to infuse into the Je islutive counsels g confidence in the intelligence otism of the masses, and hel lgchool its the winter mouths, he received | yigor and efficiency that are now suffus. ‘a common English education ; and after- ling with the flush of health and beaut wards, on means raised chietly by teach- ing the same school, he procured a sub- stantial knowledge of the classic and mathematics at the academy in Greens- borough. Recruiting his finances by teaching a classical school for two or three years in South Garolina, he came home and engaged in the study of law, under the direction of Judge Murphy, procured a license te practice in 18<2, and entered the legal foram, withont inpney, without wealthy or influential connections —without anything bata vig orons constitution, a strong understand: ing, and a hopeful heart. His associates and competitors at the bar were such men as the Moreheads, Settle, Nash, Boyden, Mendenhall, Gor rell, Graham, Dick, Poindexter, Wad- dell, Kerr, aud others who had achieved snecess and distinction in the large eir cuit which he chose for his carcer. The array of talent anoug the older members of the profession, w ho wnenopolized the practice, would have been disheartening to a youth less hopeful or less dependent Hpou his own reguurces qnd ehergics.—- Bat he entered the field against this odds | -and achieved success —a fuct which fur Hishes its own He now fir many vears held the position of f the first lawyers of the State commentary has one It has been truly remarked of Mr. Gil mer, that “without pretending to be Be, ir perhaps without knowing that he is such, he is peealiarly the peoples man: he is identified with thetuan bistory, io crest. and in fecling and his talent Tus and wh » fame and rere he was born, He Is vouthy ever in, and never desiring wants, and interest, yveneral houantty 2 w fault- liberal, al qnalities: which sclusively from dis then f earlier ily leaning more tea rofuston The early which he had to con ~ warmed hia heart pe arly towards vounyg men in stra 1 ‘ 4. whe have manif . ancl talent foe vralole t W ’ wing trust t ' t t 1 r weet | arn ure f t ted spa ‘ ' and hie maner 4 « Netlarctlrancwrr t profes * It in anv tance he has beet re ac yratie let them rest t atiela t tha ‘ y as 4 ‘ ly bee cod 1 ’ , lw “ ar ‘ Mr Gs « ‘ a . ‘ a v he re t y 1 ey, a rar S ’ ' ’ r ‘ il I « re ‘ \ ar r \ ' } at ‘ ‘ ' ’ \ ‘ r ( 1 \ ‘ State I it tit \ (‘a ' cat ; M her ’ t) t Y. a Sta vl wom mind, bry P t t ly ’ | ‘ ‘ ’ farlur i} ‘ 1 t it vit | ‘ 1 4 it | \ i loa the once waning cheek of North Carolj- ua With the Central Railroad bill were passed acts for the improvement of the navigation of the Neuse and Deep Kiv. ers, the relief of the Wilinington and Ra. leigh and Gaston Railroads, of the Wil- mington and Manchester road, for the coustruction of the Fayetteyille aad Weg tern Plank road, the Western Tobpike, &e., Ke. . “To all these measures Mr. Giliner gave a most cordial and efficient aid ; and during his legislative career, looking on all North Carolina as one State, and as his State, he has favored the iiterests of every section, giving te its contemplated improvements a judicivna and firm sup. ort. ae To the East he has been more liberal than aimajority of its own representatives, never refusing his inflaence in favor of any measure designed to benefit any part of that portion of the State, and anxions- ly desiring to see its rivers and ports grappled in wedlock, that cannot be dis- solved, with the beaatiful and productive West; and to this latter, his advent into public life marked the dawn of a new and brighter era.” In this sketch we have nothing exag- yerated; but rather fallen short of a suffi. ciently high estiinate of Mr. Gilmer'e character—restrained as we have heen by the apprehension that the cireamstances of neighborhood and friendship might be- Iray us into speaking too warmly for the appreciation of strangers, It is our com viction that the “American” standasd could not have been confided to ablee hands —the broad limits of North Ourolé- na, among all her worthy sons, being the tield of selection. And if the members the party and the people of the State, de their duty buat balf as well as Me, Gib mer will do bis, in the canvase, triqaaph- all success BWAlLS Le. LATEST BY TELEGRAPH Four Days Later from ELarepe. 1KKIVAL OF THE WASHINGTON, New Yoru, Mareh 14. The steamship Washington hes arriv. ed, wi I iverpool dates of 26th alt. The lower grades of cotton were casier etter qualities were steady at anchang- lates. Sales of the two days 15,000 Tiade at Manchester was steady ned Je to 3a Peace Was considered as virtaally con bicur had de and corn 2 uh adiftic alty hal arisen in mt of the de- by Prussia to sign the treaty rrowing growing aue of peace as though ehe had Leen a party rec allance throaghvut Kussia sus nine her prefenetonsa kiya acl sent two steameret. searoia r the Pacrfic The French Army nthe Crimea wae ! rapidly The binekade of the Ruesian Baltic Ports Lad been renewed Three Days Later from Eerepe. ‘ Vt, OF THE STEAMER CAMBRIA Harwar, N.S.) April 14 lhe steamer Cantina has arrived, with I tpn lates of March 29 Peace had not been concladed, bat as announced that all dificalties hal ‘ anil the treaty woald Le . fow dave Mr i anan woald leave forthe Ur 1 State t Arago, on the Sth of \ . Nie gained groand that th ‘ resolve intoan European ] 1 sw ! lishing the enclo earcund Sebastopol J French army was dying off at th ate of r2) per day Ilarina was ina state of siege, owing the frequent disturbances and aseass al « Dost Mohain 1] had taken Candabar and a De nariny wasinarching against I &n ( niestoners had com rations forthe abandonment N vieff asa military ploee. ( t at Liverpool was qmiet, at stea y «sales of » five daya 42,0") ‘ to spec ulators, and $ etportera Fair Orleans 64 x Ld, fairupland 6$d., middling Trade at Manchester firm Floar had Canal floor White wheat td and wheat Ohio re a Sle. Ad Ila; red #4. 6d. a los Corn 304. a 30s tel Provisions steady and anchanged Snyar advar 3d a de = Coneole 921 BR t nk decrease | £180," RTHER BY THE CAMBRIA I America and Baltic had arrived The deliberations of the Conference on 27th were inportant It waa con tly beleved that) peace would | r lon? nt Napo on expected e event r,and had tered that stmald annonnce the fact, and a Te Deum be celebrated 1" mor of the birth of the King of Algiers Prussia’s claims were earnestly reaiste:l by Clarendon, who carried hie point TI London Times dislikes the dem trations in favor of peace, and thinks th | f England will not like the tern: as not been posit ve nyed, but deap arches have been sent That boost -guns of Invalides y Hes tmnnat not be renewe lexce} t i express ordera “*. DESTRUCTIVE TORNADO PuthaDenAHtA, April 15 \ terrible tornado swept over thia city ‘it, nnrooting 150 honses and do zyomuch damage to ohurehes and mblic lings. The Franklin Tron Works 150 feet long, were totally demolished the Railroad Depot at Kensingtoss h injynre d The Ho tion bill, o gin. LA] By thee have dates stant. ih thoagh th eons at ) participati revolution has been | ed to delit took foreil pera have from the « Lilly, frou at the Ale disaster bi LA The ste: this port the Sth in Indians ce Northern prised the ty-two, an © Col. Ga has been { §40,00 LA ARRIVA The ste Liverpool Peace amid salv Paria. FF bengtame | Four wee iBeations was #1 the E npe fival imets gre 6 treaty hor I ~ bews } " and € peop asm Dre ats eversytiin the Austr ad Leen Catton f 4.000 leana, 11 and. Sa In the Sardinia ave the said it w rtwo y Mr. Di ted with The fr t tyal arhong tl (oui ARRIVAT (ren Pierce to and ane between aily inte Pensac (rapetle is at city, market fo valuable | property heen to t sold on th of thin tthe fe Surveye ¢ Within th "x trains Pensacola and tone bana & ) few years Orlenns ti and Mobi such 9 he @- tem of an Un igence ‘ests of iplated i sup. liberal atives, wor of ly part nxions- | ports be dis- luctive nt into - new ead y } to da ly con neon in de- | trealy J party \& bUe he MERI‘ 114 d, with bat es ha! ald be ne Ur Oth of sat the jropean enclo T at th , owing aseass wdabar aga fies Ad con vament at astea 42,000 ora, ancl a 64 iddling ar had } flenr , wheat a oils red K i) le RO (er RIA arriy ! ence on y confi ald bea vector] i that Nnoanee rated 1 Algiers resisted! int demon inks the » terins eitively son sent lexcept il hia city ind do | pnblic Works, alished singtoly \ +e GRESSION AL. Wasnineron, April 14. The Senate, by a vote of 30. to 11, re- used to receive the memorial of the Kansas Legislature. In the ise, the Committee of Elvc- tions were: discharged from the further onsideration uf the Louisiana contested election case, A motion to suspend the rules to intro- duce @ résulution for adjournment on Jaly 14 was. lost. (iF CON Wasuisoron, April 17. In the Senate, the Counmittee of Com- merce was di tw consider the expe- diency of | ing to prevent the Ovvlie trade, or to extend to it the provisions of recent acta regulating passenger ships. The House tabled the Senate fortifica- tion bill, on the ground of jmpréper ori- gin. LATER FROM MEXICO. ‘New Onreans, April 11. By thearrival of the steamer Texas, we have dates from Vera Cruz to the 8th in- stant. The country was still ansettled, thongh the insurgents were totally de- feated at Puebla, In consequence of the participation of the clergy in the Puebla! revolution, the property of the chureh | has been confiscated. The Bishop refus-| ed to deliver up the books, but the troops | took forcible possession of them. No pa- pers have been received by this arrival from the city of Mexico. re achvorn Lilly, from New York, had Leen.wreeket at the Alcona, but no particulars of the disaster have been received. LATER FROM TEXAS. New Oxceans, April 12. The steamship Louisiana has arrived at this port frown Galveston, with advices tu the Sth instant. The depredations of the Indians continaed without abatement in Northern Mexico. Col. Sengua had sur prised the camp of the Lipans, killed for ty-two, and taken two hundred prisoners - oo Col. Gariand Admitied te Baill. New Oxceaya, April 12 Treasurer, the sum Col. Garland, the late City has been admitted to bail in { $40,000, - LATER FROM EUROPE ARRIVAL OF THE STEAMER BALTIC New Youn, April 17 The steamer Baltic has arnved, with Liverpool dates of the 2d Peace has been formally proclaimed, amid satvos of artillery at) London and Paria Paris was ill tated, and in knytand the charcl bells were pealed - Four weeks will elapse Lefure the full rat mn ications are exchanged. The treaty was signed at 124 o'clock on Sunday the E nperor having previ maly given his mnt Walewsk hual inetructiuns to ¢ The English Pariament would reas semble on Slet. Lord Palmerst a ewer & @ question as to the condit sol the treaty, replhed that they woo J oneot be made public till rauifcations were ox ranged, at the same time erpres P 4 ie vptuive that the terns would be sat isfactury to England and to burope FURTHER BY THE BALTIC Lord Palmerston sail that t J {the war had been fully a . The inteynity and indejs vile ft Britieh E:npire had béen ‘ and a treaty honerable to all) arties effected The news of peace was duly hor F ngland by offleral deaionestrabons, ¢ people rece ved it witht t Dre state of siege Parma t everything being ander the dictat ’ the Austrian Grovern or ver S)) arrest ad Leen inade NEW YORK MARKET New Youn, April 17 Catton has advanced ¢t:4 \ f 4.000 bales, at LIQ for ! g () leana, UL for apland, and 12} for fair oy and, Salea of 10,0000 ba a ff at £6.62 for Ohio. Spirits turpent cents Freights firin oe FURTHER BY TILkE BALTIC Naw Yorn, April 1S In the Conference, Count Cavour of Sardinia endeavoured unsuccessfully to ave the Italian question dec ided. Ile said it would force itself on Enrope with 1 two years Mr. Dallas writes that he has been trea ted with marked courtesy in England The free navigation of th Danube and the organization of the Principalities are atnong the matters to be sett ed by the ( ous missioners. oe ARRIVAL OF THE MEXICAN MINISTER Wasurnoton, April 16 iblea, the Mexican Minister, his credentials to President Expressions of friet Iship, to preserve peace > . I presente d Pierce to-day and an earnest desire between the two Republic a, were inuta ally interchanged. Gen “_*- Pensacola in Future The Per (ranetle is jubilar tuver the future prospects the aacola at city. Property which last year was it market for the smallist possible pres is now so valuable that it can bardiy be bought, and property whieb was valuable before has now heen to be beyond purchase. Two lots wer sold on the 22d for $1,025. This facorable state ’ of things is in consequence of the certain snocess j f the Fnserols and Montyom: ry railroad, the surveys of whieh are rapully progressing Within the apace of two yeare “there are to be "x trains per day between Montgomery and Pensacola, bringiag thousands of bales of cotton and tuna of produce from the interior of Ala bana d Mississippi” to the latter city. few years it will bo necessary for people in New Urlenns to send to us for and Mobile would be desulate only for us,” In a the necessaries of life, Ma. Eprron: The fullowing is an, extract from a sermon lately delivered by the Rex, Haxsy A. Boann- xa, D.D.of thi ly. like these cannut foil to create ever they go. Alehougl the " come mia-guided, fanatical preachers, it iw gratifying to know that their number is gumparatively small. That Dr. Bosroman ie not of that class is apnewbasary to udd. iu the South be hus numervus warm friends and ad- mirere, avd in the North hie bigh feputation is as | wide-spread as hie name. D.M.Z ” And o dertain cen turion’s servant, who was dear unto hin, | wae sick, and ready wo die, And whem he heard of Jesus, he he sent unto him the elders of the Jews, beseeching him thet | by gh a heal bis servant.” «A Centurion was a Roman officet in command of a hundred fout-suldiers—wheage bis same. ‘This man the nuisance entirely restricted to the night. Of late, dogs have. become so numerous in town that, like James’ heroes, they may be seen prowl: ing about the streets during all bours of the day ; and it was but yesterday that we saw eight or ten at one time ‘within twenty yards of the Court- he would try them on, The seted that they lock by means of a spring and cannot be opened except by a peculiarty shaped ‘key, which is made to, fit each pair. The man’s wrists were soon inser- | ted, but they were not so easily removed. He| louse. Most-of these, | » with pl antoyes and arched tails, we confess, were civil evough in their deportiment, quite harmless and inoft-usive ; but, then, there are a great many others, some remarkably ugly and ill-hamored, disposed to growl and snarl and suap at every passer-by; frequently, in their desperate efforts tu devour persons, leaping against the paling | with horrible outbursts of ferocity, terrifying un- suspecting children, shocking nervous ladies, and was no doubt attuched tu the garrison which | provoking the imprecations and hickdry canes o{ the Remens bed statiuned at in aooord- | vindicti i pert ian gerbes . pos rd + vindictive gentlemen. —« slave—siricken with ‘the puley, and grievously tormented,’ go if, in fact, that he seemed * ready @ die.’ This servant was ‘dear unto him.” A faithful servant and « kind master were together un- | der one It is pleasant to know instances of | this sort existed even umidet the rigoteef Roman bund- . Bimilur examples may be fodad elsewhere — ‘they are among the elements which mitigate the institution of slavery, os it iv established in our own and some other countrics,—these examples of strong lage y between the superior and dependent par- ties, Not onfrequently « fumily servant ie regarded with a kindocss and familiarity due rather to a child than a . And this t they requite, by identifying themeecives fully with the family, and en- sympaihy into every that cates of thin murt dreds or thousands of ‘ believing masters’ and mis- | tresses: they employ the best medical aid fur them, and even saree them in person.” -- FOR THE WATCHMAN. | The examination of the students of the North Carolina Male Academy at Mount Pleasant, | Cabarrus County, which came off on the 15th ant 16th imst., was a literary feast to the spectators who witnessed the pleasant scene. Indeed, an other light has sprang up in the Good old North State, siguibeaut of her progress in unproverment She will wot be left behind ber sister States | Literary institutions are springing up all over pur State. Our litle Mouwal Pleesant, which, tweaty years age, could boast of nothing more ‘than a ltde grog shop, has vow cast out that fill monster which polluted the community with its abominations and 1m ite stend erected a temple to the Guders of Scremce, This Institution is in the midst of a laborious and industrious people, Aod, though the Esuinination touk place mght in the whuse chief cocupativo ts farming vi planting season, yet the busty ‘dl farmer and the ruddy p' ho bey kft their ploaghs for a ehile to attend at the fuuntaa uf bearmag. Aad therr Scores of times have we seen the side walks yielded to these menacing brutes; and a week has scarcely passed since we saw a trio of ladies whose right to travel upon the pavement was disputed by a surly old cur that maintained his ground, and compelled the fair pedestrians to make a half circle in their progress. Some years ago our Commissioners passed an ordinance re- quiring a certain tax to be levied upon every dug jv town; but we believe that the ordinance is now bat little better than a dead letter. Let it be revived and strictly enforced ; and let an- other be passed tothe effect that every dog jday of May, bein |barg Superior Court. We hope the American Party in the ‘several counties, will take measures to be folly represented. Concord Guzette. found running at randgm outside of his owners -lenclusure shall Le a lawful target fur the police- | man, and depend upon it, we shall bave but Jit-| | tle occasion hereafter to complain of these worth less disturbers of the public peace. WATER STREET. 7. are preparing to leave Montgomery, Al abama, for Kansas. Their equipment is somewhat different from that of the New The Montgomery Ilaven emigrants. Journal says: “On Sunday morning last, the Kansas | emigrants now rendezvoused in our city, | all repaired in an appropriate manner to the Baptist Church, and after listening attentively to a sound and well delivered sermon by the worthy pastor, the Rev. L. T. Tichenor, this much esteemed gentle man, after the services were over, pro- posed to the congregation to aid him in presenting to each of the emigrants a Diner The cony testified their appreciation of this praise worthy move, by appropriating the de sired amount. egation immediately pleasant countenances declared that they were Mr. Tichenor delivered a few remarks greatly delighted with the ies that the Fount suitable to the occasion. This is, we of knuelalge had Leen opened among them. think, a go d example to some of the i ini “r ar ' Matrons and their handsome daughters beft their Northern ministers and churches, who, homes to cheer the cause of scrence. What a har instead of promna ing and trying to spread abroad the Buble, dash it aside, py cuuntry = ours Where all things are inv ‘ i } \ ( " f M and say, uneq ti voc ally, that it is not sait Ing lot juve >< ado ) . pth! cami) deeper *Y ed to the times; and advocate in etrong intent the aad 5 é we ete comine be that happy people bo terms, Sharpe's Rifles, and who desecrate know bow to appre iate our privileges, and im their Charches by taking up ce Nections prove our opportunities to purchase them , The yoong tnstitutioe at Monat Dleasant 1s lestined to be a literary sun to the community pos ) . I y Clay's Birth Day. —Saturday Their worthy Drofeseor ws just euch a mana | y*. 5 : j : : last, e Tsth Anniversary of Henry h J te at the head of a College. lle = ut . : A : (lav's Hirth, was celebrated in the Nor fouldtedivy am rut and worthy man, ca : thern Cites, and att Slash Cottage in lie (exer ext sway over the m . : , Hanover, Virgina, by many 3 . ‘ a : ae versonal and 4 ‘ is ' _ ™ toby s Many Me er Cony t un Suee Gc ehue gheet regard ™. parties were at a spon t Ha A gent ‘ rcelebrats and epecches wer ad w . m move fr At y (ve al ( } yi partiality, re ’ to lenck oF ' a S Douyla J s, Ma a . | . wh j - } 0” . ' 1 oe Whe Vard Att {le Por ‘ piven . * Na SE PEP show tt as ete . ge ' t etannnation 4 ' ad «l™ ees £ ! al 1 one lle y anewe . larut 4 At =. ‘ ariv = ws - ailvea lost 1 Ld - ' wae Mint \ . * . * " = . =e . we far me Algvten in Math \ “ Ae Mita; s Latin rer, 2 . x g t gl ke : vem g ! Thx lana " VORFOLA MARKET - “YY e ‘ Reperted by Rowland & Brothers, April 19, 1856 4 athe ; BACON —Hame i2.¢ 02 Hoge a 1g . , LARD ON x ‘ an) ‘ ‘ Mi i oN \ + N \ ® ss WEAK E PEAS WHITE BEANS ’ ° wt FLANSEED -¢ 9 = A fines COTTON dia Lr k artmment was eu FLO ' r } i] r 1a ar ba a ninate for ase a WALT—U s \ stGARS Refined 4 ‘ . I al ir art. a DRIED APPLES = Be ry charming ral P waevery charming Truly ® Malet. PEACHES —® 40 the @2 ) mental feast at Mownl Pleasant, and s gta HAY Care. 91100 115 ing that new cnerpes have been aroused, ar REMARKS new actions 4 peration, which « : - ; . R ( Flour the Inet week were er 2 reaelt great go 1 This Academy 10 atuat Tycidemund highly vat «l pd is a very pleas . = s tches ober A ant situation indeed, ae the name of the villaze 4 1 == n the North s ates. May njov heavens nich blessings usta =f ° e | “ and may it sh ae ary influence uy a the ser ling con an] be tuated - nd of ume. Ma v str THE MARKETS that shall make Zion to bud and bloss oe ray a) aa { 20 rake glad the city of our God / ; \ Mitea, N ( On AN ATTENTIVE SPECTAT : 8 arte Rowan ¢ April dsth Ra: da Moineera. ( coe Rerownr, 2 No 1s 5 Hee re 6 N fats FOR THE WATCHMAN 3 124 Li Wervtig Wate »\ WES Cand do. Worse St i WN Wit THE I d Wats Cate nm “) f Fi rreaders are not already fo Sperm a5 Ov fae tate Be ‘ Coffee, Ro 14ald — Lainses if enlightened upon the subject and we have rea d Je lee Th I - 1004 son to beleve that they a towe would re Castings ied on. Trish 0 & } ' t} fact. tha do. Mala 12g re 15 o Sweet > gra apectfully en eon : ee ~9 Rage PD ’ ' | fourths of the d tl are | ¢ wn Rag Salt QPanck,) @2 60" 27 A ’ ; ‘ pul fisances that onght to be at h with. Fur several night past, generally bet weer | midmyht and morning, they have, by their ma | Taturtet the titudinous and incessant clamor, sturbed th repose of whole t yhborhoods, and now, with all ue candor and kind feelins, we give o rice to their owners, that. so far as certain parties are concerned, these eanine revels will be endured no longer. If the publ r local authorities won't take any action ypen he case, private if dividuals w Three or four families, in part ular, have wreatly annoved by packs of barking, Low | RAMSOUOR, aged at.at 60 years. | Bibles va, Rifles. —A very large coim-| : | pany of emigrants, nearly three hundred, | rushed frantically to the police ‘office, and then! in turn to all the poliegmen, but no one could | unlock the scuffs. .. He wore the ornaments frum Saturday till monday, when he was released. | - —_-- | The Delegates from this Congression- | al Districts, to the Greensborough Ovon- vention, we are informed, agreed that the Convention to int an Elector, for | this District, ae held in the town) of Charlotte, on Wednesday the 14th the week of Meclen- “MARRIED: «| In thio own, on the 7th instant, by Obadich | Woodson, Esq, Mr. BERNARD CONNELLY aud| Miss SUSAN J. MINOR. | At Richmond Hill Yadkia County, on the 15th instant, by Rev. J. 1. Parker, Mr. DANIEL G. FOWLE, Esq., of Raleigh, t Mis ELLIN BRENT, daughter of Hon. R. M. Pearron. In Charlotte, on the ad instant, by the Rev. Mr Miller, Mr. M. L. WRISTOR, tOMline MARY E SPRINGS. — 1 | DIED: At Chapel Hill, on the 13th instaot, Mra. SARAH | G. BURKHEAD, consort of Rev. L. 8. Burkhead, in | the thth year of her life fn Liveolaton. on the 3d in nt, Dr. ANDREW | etme Vee) Cardenas Molasses. 246 HA'DS. ® TIERCES—Superior Early Crop CARDENAS MOLASSES, in bright, new packages, now land ing from Brg Ellen Hayden For sale by J&J 1. HATHAWAY & Co Wilmington, April 16, 1856 47:50 Factory Hands Wanted. XHE Subscribers intend puiting in operation the r l Rowan Factory, in Sakebury, by the first of May, and are desiruus of employing a number of Spinners, Weavers, Spuulere, W id Drawing T Alen d two Picker House h ders TM ant employment and good . . others need apply A number of fom vde can reot lenements on the MORNING & MEADER AL ROAD pret Ruhob ary is Apt 15,4 NORTHCARG Office N.C. Rail Road Co.’ Metco eta : Sebedale for Mail Train oo sed afier Monday, 21st day of April, 1856. WEST EAST Leave re Guldeboru’ at 640 4M Charlotte, at 545 4M smaive at RRIVE 8 k b ‘ wd, a } Th inte 113 Salebar , (.rahew 1wPM Ls xingt m1 Gr re on wo, 1041 Jamesiveu, 340 , i Leviagion: 5 “oP M Rehebary t ( " ‘ Cha - ‘ » THROM ORE So GO AENET and Eag = Nc RR AND SUMMER QYVs POR SPRING @ pr) WA -_— MICHIAEL | as p : Staple & Fanoy Dry Goods, : Late, ¢ ‘ nd Bonneta / s ; RB YU ( ( 1) ( Lardware & Cutlery, Groceries, dc., NB ‘ te vs t Ny ’ { ‘ - N! FUN GON J. \ We Spring & Summer Goods, mes PSY MONS.S COF (: F Dp ( [i VM ( Tut ( / @ ‘ ( ac! a7 « Groceries & Dye Stuffs, \ s $20 Reward. R RAN ANNEAN . a aay “ 4 HU REA = n " Wt oa wt R Har ce tl A 1 . t W \ Dp Iw j a tt 1 SVG ATE CREME Wy if State of North Carolina. ! Wish AN COEN EA \ g Fall Term | x J h " } \ ( 1 \ ] he ‘ raw ‘ en 4 eat ¢ tof b v t “ ' ’ ‘ Mv ' cp tA wll be render i¢@ yarte ® thern CORENCKMERSE: Mich Prov = facenes DL) \ wos } Fran for Salo! ith nb cared tg Alley Kates Court sHosee at Public Sale, at the Ci Mocksville, on To the 27th of May, 1856, the Tract of Land whe; the: said ly now tives, adjoining the lands of A. G: Carter, H. R. Austin and others, containing 1944 acres, more or leas. ‘This land lies within one mile of the Town of Mockaville, on which there is a good Dwelling House and the neces- sary out-bujldings; and well suited to the cultivation of Corn, Wheat, &e. A credit of three monthe will be given, on the purehaser giving bond with approved security. B. CLEGG, Trustee. March 26, 1856. 44:61 National Agrioultural Warehouse, PLOUGH MANUFACTORY, MACHINE DE- POT AND SEED STORE, 251 PEAL ST. near Falton,New-VYork. JOHN JONES, PROPRIETOR. The subscriber being a practical Mechanic, and having many years’ experience in the manufacture of all kinds ‘of AcxicucturaL ImpLements and Macuineny, would respectfully call the attention of Merehants and Plan- ters to his large and most complete assortment of the above Goods, which he offers for sale at lower prices than any other House in the trade. GUANC, BONE DUST, SUPER-PHOSPHATE OF LIME, PLASTER AND OTHER FERTILIZERS. March 31, 1856. 6 le ak © Dr 7 E the undersigned Commissioners, appointed by the County Coart of Wilkes County, for the purpose of letting out a contract and to superintend the building of a new JAIL for said County, will ex- hibit on Monday of May County Coart, to be beld on the first Monday after the 4th Monday of April neat, in the Town of Wilkesboro’ a plan and epecifications of said building, and the building will be let out at the Court-House door, in said Town, to the lowest bidder, on Tucsday following, af! persons wishing to bid for the Contract are respectfully requested to attend. JAMES CALLOWAY, JAS. GWYN, 44:3m. JAS. C. HORTON, WM. PARKS, WM. MASTIN, March 22, 1556. Commissioners: 44tt State of North Carolina, / ASHE COUNTY. § Superlor Court of Equity, Spring Term, 1856. Hammon Ray, vs. David Worth and John A. Ashley T appearing to the satwfaction of the Court that the endant John A. Ashley of ths State—It w ordered that publ * Carola Wateb- de in the above case, ma non -remdent cation be made for aa weeks in the mau’’ for defeadaut Ashley tu be and appear at the t term of the Superior Court of Equity to be held ounty of Ashe, at the Courthouse ia J: fersun on the 2d Monday afier the 4th M August eat, thea and there to plead, answer, mur to eaid bell, otherwise the saine will be taken pro afeeso and hea'd exparte as to hin. | Witness, George Bower, Clerk and Master of suid Court, at ol te 2d Mooday after the 4th Muaday 1 Febrwa GEO BOWER, C ME March 27, INS Praoter's fee $5 0O—45-6 State of North Carolina, / ROWAN COUNTY \ istrator with the Will annexed, Rufus Barnnger. ad Ale sane Br r Thomas Cowan, aud John Y. Cowan of Rowan James Gibeon, Alexander Lowrance, Joho law Thomas Tudd, Jobo sdheman aud Joba aura church Davideon College fer B. Cowan, Jas xan nand Thomes Cowan an, James L. Brandon nee L. Brandon, Guardiad AND GOODS. FOR 1856, R. & A. MURPHY, \ \ the public that their Spri I has beon received, and is ready lespection. | San leave to inform their many friends and the extensive and varied, comprising all is of Goods publie generally (hut they are now receiving and for the Season,—bought at lowest cash prices. and pening in the Brick Hovse formerly occupied by }will be sold at wholesale am! retail at very low prices’: Keunedy & Mulls their stock of " "Direen Choods. STAPLE AND FANCY ry Goods, Boots and Shoes, |FOR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, AND A D together with all articles usually kept in a Dry Goods FINK ASSORTMENT OF (Store. They are also receiving the largest and best READY MADE CLOTHING. t selected stock uf Groceries ever offered in this market | Their stock also comprises an excellent assortinen | of Goods for negro wear—and Boots end Shoes of ev- “ll of which they are determined to sell at prices that ery variety of style and price. GROCERIES, tard. | c#auut ful to pleare. ware, Cuilery, Qeens and Glassware, Crockery, &c.| P38. THE HIGHEST MARKET PRICES &c. Call and see, aud hear prices. | paid at all tines for Floir, Wheat, Cora, Couoo, and Salisbury, March 31, 1856. ‘all kinds of couniry produce 6 January Sth, 1b56. 44:6t 37uf STATE OF NORTIL CAROLINA, DAVIE COUNTY. Courtof Pleas and Quarter Sessions, February Term, 1856. Jacob Tuterrow vs. Euoch Peary. ORIGINAL ATTACHE LEVIED ON LAND. ? ATTORNEY AT LAW, S > MOCKSVILLE, N.C. CW Office hamediately opposite the Davie Motel. Se “a 153m. ¢ April 8, 1856. SPRINGSUMMER GOODS. <: any) Lt =~ E are now receiving our newal aapply, embrac- I appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that the defendwnt, Enoch Peary, is not an inhabitant of {this State: [tis therefore ordered by the Court, that publication be made for six weeks in the © Carolina Watchman,” pnuted in Salisbury, that the said Enoch Penry be aud appear ut the next Court of Pleas and Qoiarter Seamons, to be held for the Coanty of Davie, st the Court-House in Mocksville, on the 4th Monday ia May next, and show causuif any he has, why the saul land should vot be condemned for the sstisfection r of the pluintitf’s debt, and sale ordered accordingly. W ing a great variety of STAPLE & FANCY | WITNESS, Caswell Harbin, Clerk of our enid Court, Goods, well adapted tu the Seusin—ail of whieh have | at office. the 4th Monday in Monday in Fi , Jbeen hought at the lowest figures, and which we are) A. D., 1856, andin the 80th year of our Inaepen- | determined to offer at wnoLess.# aud retail at prices, deuce. . that must give satisfaction Call and examine our stock before you parchase as we are deterunned to sell. MURVILY, McRORIE & CO. _, RE ee sae a ‘4 eae DR. W. F. BASON, = DEwnwTIsST. OFFICE NEXT DOCTOR WHITEHEAD’S. 17° Communications threagh the Post Office, or herwise, will be attended to the first opportunity. 300 PACKAGES ‘*' PRESH DRUGS, MEDICINES, &c., &e. C. HARBIN, Clerk. By A. A. Harem, D. Clerk. Price Adv. $5.50 6w42 ! | Salisbury, Apnl 1, 1556 ’ Nos. 1 & 2, Granite Row. § | JAMES MORAN, | WATCH-MAKER AND JEWELER, SALISBURY, N.C, (Ome door below HM. & A. Murphy's Store, ” EEPS constan:ly ou hand a large WATCHES aod JEWELBY of aii assortun kinds. w Chocks, Watches a Jewelry of ev boa Aerie —_ SILL & SILL, February 19, 1556 1 Diugzirts aud Chemists : opposite Mansion Hotel, SALISBURY, N.C, ES ahh Bb beady DESPECTEULLY annoance that they are now COMMISSION MER CEEANT, BX) recerring and offering « large and entirely fresh Charlotte, N. C, ewe! DRUGR, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS TRUSSES, PAINTS, VARNISHES, LRUSHES, PERFUMERY, FANCY AND MISCELLANEOUS ARTICLES, éc., will set! on Coma Cotton, Corn, Flour, Wheat, and all COUNTRY PRODUCE IN CHARLOTTE, CHARLESTON, AND NEW York ientom Liberal Advances made on Consignments. Ure lace moses s +, Keg, Salebury ; Geo WW ‘s “ have been very recently selected by one of eston A. Me Lexingty ube firm. with great care, and serepalvas regard to aa New Yok . “ ne tae panty Febewary 19, 1056 33 Liey deem ( unaecessary to say, that If shall be ‘ wim, 80 hereiofure, Lo ment @ contine- a been » liberally ex- 4. FF a8 DEROON w o ef ove heu—tor which, and the generous sympea- ANDERSON © REYNOLDS) 4 (Gun ene tse dof . isfortane by fire, they beg to express heave pretow and heartfelt gratitude, » sacl N x C., Jenaer 1856 CROCERS, b r AND ~ Jf Wm M Du ee: 1 : , DiIBBuE #& BUNCE. ' o « y o ay Marv N € «he ( ommission Werchants. Catia BP. missiles sh rseenrhntm me epee l snes |. Gib e aad wife ¢ wa CC. Giles; Joh La ( Vitimiegton, c ate o ineton, . G Loehe aud Waban P. Lock NO. 10, ROANOKE SQUARE, 1 wen Is Equity AID ul, ae Commission Merchants ie or it appeanng satisfaction of the | Pay active attewtion ty the ele af Floor aad ther Tn Cotton, Flour, Grain, Naval Stores, ‘ that Jame L. Breadun, Guerdian of Nancy | Keds of Pridece, evvnting weary zee AND Brenden and Léeonidae Brandoo ; Jerome rendan, | edenug prompt returue (fal Southera Preduce Generally. Kut K Wateon an Birra, Roeda J Brand No. 180 Front Street, : Win | ua ‘ is un A To Farmers. Lsumr sy Wiuiiiie a J r iow vy An d ae [4 and wife ¢ a Uv are pon remdente | VEE sobecrbe * he ee / - Its ¢ j at pubs ow ft rm st t r : - A i" Par « aw fir mn weehs, k Mts it Crem Li ) ‘ uC R ( : he 12t BR COPREN ans el Ml M I ats th Salie Ma . erating NEW BOOKS. ; “yeoman Neils Meets Coat Pest ReCKIVED Roe Clark. byt ' 4 Ml A a 1, Ik Lew sft fo Week New t : : 7 \ (ont n rsa M z < a ; Seam, by B Ube 1 rh 71 RoORAR? I RLACKWER.C MOB | Vr Aaths ee As Hi ; SALISBURY / Mencad edie F 1 = Wemmar oS Nt \ ofa MW OENSI . 1 ‘ \ Bon Carpeting, Rags, Druggets, de. fi - we eS MENEETY MOCK GATTHER, WANS Wi "00 VEVEELD MOCK GATHER, A\SON 3% HOTEL, 1 ’ CORFRIN MA ‘ \_ NOW RECEIVING ye? os SULISBURY, N.C. NEW aN RIN Ad U8. TIE ew take eof the above . aa A a ryt yyt Tit { Jenkine, Roberts & ( f | } + to inform the poble jae ae N ie y YT LY Bs 23 Most Splendid Assortments of " Apia eee in the receptive ’ ’ ' , > . P mises (hal hee GOO, SPRING AND SI MMER ICCOMMODATIONS Salisbury, Mareh 25, 1856. GLYVS salle oligo ep ee T * ris . ok vF IPRERED IN WESTERN ¢ \ “ opie ki ; fee sstingiots giiners! can ' Pe Domestic 1 ' W. BR GRANT Ladies Dress Good ee ee « W ‘NERD as ~ r <. I } rie ‘ ’ Tey r ye MUTE RLS We Lae, Maaing Pons Naas don 8 PHOWAS E. BROWN, | Spe Onl, P sate Carriage. Buggy and Sulky Builder, A A : GROCERIES S88. crisarry, h MYERS ns - aS tne . ; ; T) THIN Syne. ZIMMERMAN & ALLEN. BRADY MADK CLOTHING Whalesale Dealers in — : Ay Se cumauien DRY GOODS, — No. 143, Market Street, - ase PHILADELPHIA xs Jeseatekt bigs : ‘ - . . * 4 Timber a 26m —— LIVERY STABLE alin e hier e hele wtakuy eet AMBROTYPES. © stat : W. P. HUGHES, Wie: WeCAULEY's HISTORY OF ENGLAM <T RECEIVED: -T I t »V 1 ol } JH ENNIsSs. Beck \| & ON | k " TUE WILMINGE | note IER ALD COB L WIN TIEN e of North Carolina, \ as \ aes i . MIOCKSVILLE \\ HERE AS. A i \J M 1 1) N y ! ae : \ \ \( } |: wife Sts 2 ‘| 4 4 “ i 4. ‘ rar | t bv Peork \\ I \ P ’ I ’ a leommence 1 ' st. The \ t ' and the « heep it 80 ‘SY t t tofere r ‘ } \ Oter any \ ( Jas ' eges which ). M \ . { 1 1 nthe, 8800 te ‘ 12.00 how t 1500 4 ‘ 1 INO EITER, UR £39 r To the Ladies. RFEFREVGES filial ere ar wr ' r fount Un versity Moet * f La DRESS © ure I WD Lt t Davidson Co they hav v t he it wi ‘ {Taw Je MM , ut Toho M Dick, Green ata small Phey imsite parteuia Vo homegh; FOR Shober, t JF. Bell, Eaq, Sale- their fi vik and MAN CILEAS td nd ote thor dn styheaf BONNET RIBBONS EMDROLDERLES, &e No 3.6 Row M wil fe BROWN & COFFIN : abe Salsbury, March 24, bs o6. ie AGRICULTURAL, ate er Southein Farmer. Oa the Uses and Value of the Roller. | Masses. Eprrous :—l have no hesitation fo saying, that aittong the improvements | of modern husbandry, the roller holds an | important, and 1s hould say, an indispen- Phe roller to lands laid down te gtain or grass Henefit of applying the | sable place. | | in the sprint, alter the sowing, bs ungques- tionably serviceable; but not antil the} surface has become so hard and dry that} the horses hoofs shafl not penetrate the | | soil too deeply. Lyn ecede the rolling with alight harrow never fearing the oecasional I low with the roller, though the plants are The rol- ler then settles the roots firmly in the Aislodgement of the pa then ful: often four or tive inches high. ground, which had been raised by the preceding winter's trest, and in one week [ percieve the beneticial effeets, though its first and immediate effect seems to the unaccustomed to its use, pernicions or A Smoother of 18 in 34 feet in length, ora destructive. log ches diameter, and ¢ plank one of 3 feet in’ diameter, will an- awer equally as well as a roller of stone, having directly over the axis a box filled with stones to such a weight, as a com inon horse can conveniently draw over an undulating SUPrhace each indi This can only be eetded | vidual, aceordi to the his It of which every ground, horse, anc CUM leds be the coy vivly a thre use of tic rik ‘ ' tas) lates in the aluable, spring bat [ shealds or grass Without t pe mience bas ois loamy lands, som Bore will st I have: ledye | must of thetn to that excellent manual, |}a mure elaborate article. Proverbs For Planters. Farmers and others will heed: the fol- low ing, whatever they may thiuk of book lor fancy fartuing geverally. They will direct the attention of their sons to these Universal Rules, and commend every one to follow them. We are indebted for |the Jdlustrated Register of Rural Affairs, every line of which is a text in itself for Never keep animals on short allowance —if you starve them, they will surely | starve you, | Although, in draining land thoroughly, | your purse may be drained, yet the full crops that follow will soon fill it again. Trying to farm without capital is like trying to ran a locomotive without fuel. | Money and wood must both be eonsum- | ed, if they are to move the machine of } | If| | this is well fed with manure, it will feed all else—plants, animals, and man. the farm or of the rail. Always give the soil the first meal. I you wish to give an energetic Move | ment to all your farm machinery, and | keep its hundred wheels in rotation, be) sure not to be without a good rotation of | crops. | if you allow your animals to shiver, | your fortune will be shivered in conse- quence ; that is, the farmer who leaves his cattle to the winds, will find his pro- fits also given to the winds. | Heavy carrot crops for cattle will soon return cacote of gok 1. Did you ever hear the musical notes of herd of hy food those notes speedily, if you would a starving hogs?) Extinguish avoid even more annoying notes after pay-day has passed. Fences operate in two ways— if good they are a defence, if poor an « ffence Many a farmer, by too sparingly beed ny his new meadows, has had to cede whele fart Every farmer should see daily every iniinal he has, and inspect its conditior Weekly visits. as with some, seon result h Weablv alia Life Llastrated see 4 Goob STORY Hawa f Eulitoes of the Montgom y Ma trates following good tal ~ ‘ i ’ nt fa . hw y wea Iy por M st . arn ver know \ ah arlhn He was ¥ abd ecveutret, bul poe ‘ f i . * ' were fully ar ated by " { th ainct. Ma ke are shin the mem f M a ‘ ( ne u . wal oe ‘ Ly ’ ‘ . » | , hee pong ® ‘ne aj a ‘ ‘ “. . . Es . ‘ he ae * . . . ~ | r ’ * « e ate e@ . a rik . r hee eas aw ‘ Apt . a . wn. alfa 1. a | * ko Mal deny k iH ‘ ‘ \ 5 1 ie ‘ “ 4 e g wa ‘ ( | k creek ana t . ’ an | ‘ “ ra , ' awit awl | ] i A wiped Lik ‘ - r ny | naaisupr alartiial a Hock Of greene rf mer, which, as ' athedin met tim with iietr gated necks, aed hraaea cliee Hl ore “ ‘ | 4 ¢ n twas @ he y A moat i matin: heap abrown wighy hieside a bas aecattered around children of the pea The white-b ont first, took a distant view of. the. sensharen as penned to them—and then returned wt progress, After # litle the father of re came, and the affair bein: ps coe i sisted the colonel in making hie ahead swearing, and the countryman eat all the while. Dressed and mounted, our hero started off with a woeful phiz, and was soon out of sight. ae “COURTING, Boys, whentacr you court, You should deport | with ci It is a sin To seek to win And trifle with affection. ion Nor, when sincere The men appear Tn gallantry and wooing, Can woman jilt Without the guilt Of similar misdoing. ‘Too many ¢ourt In thoughtless sport, Nor think when they have parted On what they've done — ‘The loving one Left courted bruken-hearted. Too many jilt With equal guilt, Nor think, while thas they trifle, That mmx have hearts Teo feet Love's darts, ‘Though they their feelings stifle. Io all we do We should be true, Nor raise aa expectation, Unless ‘tis meant, To full extent, To meet the obligation oe Negro Minstrelsy Declared [egal.— A novel decision was rendered in the New York Supreme Court recently. The Court affirmed the decision of the Jounty Court, whieh, in its turn, had attirused the decision of the jastice of the peace, inflicting a fine of tweuty-five dollars ap- on ope Sharp, who with bis troupe had given a performance of what is generally termed " Negro Minstrelsy,” in the Court House at Delhi. In the lan; guage of the Court, “they appeared ding nised, and dressed as negroes, and one of them asa dressed in Bloomer costume They sang negro songs, perforioed ana wench grotesque inanner, gave inuck physecet owical beetures, and mesmerized each oth and performed feats with chairs ou Lhe Court was er, 4 opinion their beads.” perfo the that such | head of mounte rmances Caine under Dany Naud Decture f New ining the last ¥ poy A rrt« According t hief one-tet at ¢ yp the Orleans | ritlin t RIX the tl ulation of Iruly ty Were juder arrest “ t affairs Vee } Var: Be tile ric i and Tome Va ed te be lung asi, bas had bis sentence coma aportal ’ State of North Carolina, « DAVIE NTY Corl ’ LAND FOR SAqI Havas ta r 4 os ' . ( ’ owes Sa . e panded Johnit: 1 ares: le Reh-r. oe . T ~ “ Bietene ° * ! - * wonry Alan oe ~ The we re - aol ° * - : ' acahng “ fs -< HN W oSTEETFE Mer ‘ TALI A ye TH CAROLINA DAVIE MONTY / \ s sf 1 ' ’ * W . Petition to sell a ciave for Partition ‘ ) WW ‘ bh ' a 1 W i ein, Rerry ' iD ae F - Ne wn ander ae " t “ sand wif wife a dang Jie oa 1 b ’ . ‘ “ hace F a ( ( ay Hone M nw Ms tt, and plea anew 4 ane . eaine ow we taken pr ee) muse ae toe hearing x parte WETNESS, Caewett Us ti Pret aloof Micke he t ROT) INS aod th : I 4 < COPARRIN, Clerk By A A ibaamrs. DP Clerk Ade bw42 Raleien & Gaston Railroad ° Raleigh & Gaston RoR. Ofer, Rawr Marner Sehedale for Wall Train on and after Taexday, First day of April. ()* and after Taced Maal Trace, | ing the N (ar Ral Read Deport arriy the Care Nest, ol ATA Meee at present.) will at N r r Dep mn hee (Av, ont k " wir ample time ff pameengere from (Ra Rivne take break fot at the Horete Raleigh. toand f “ h they wall & eon veyed b hey ra. free of charge Leaving at fork, the Train will don at L140, A Movin fail tune for Train ame ale forthe Wil ra | n.gow 7 ring —# “ at 2PM. after the arr ‘ p Porternomth. and Wolining Tr meh Rairogh at 6.45, P M OAL WAMILTON, Preet April &. 1856 I~ It the “ey Avadhe ics eae) i nan aie it 7 acca BEN Rito ian \ i WN it FOR SALE, N the ae Third en preg mrt Salisbury, At least one tom the e Rail Road pal 8 ittevitably be located in & short disé tance of thie tract. Apply to Juba A. Boyden of Salishary; October 30, 1855. NEW YORK MUSICAL REVIEW & GAZETTE Commences ite Seventh Year, and # New Volume, in Januory, 1 1356. In calling attention to the Review, its publishers believe they can prevent to the public no more sutisfectory evidence of its excelleney as a) | mason! journal than ig afforded in antly inereas- | Jing suctess, It has nuw ubout three times as large a | circulution a» any other musical perindical in the world. fis receiptafrom subscribers during the last | six months huve been more than double those for the | corresponding period of the year previous. By euch flattering marke of approval, the publishers are inei- ted to Increased enterprise and exertion to add to the excellence of the Review. Prizes amounting to three |hundred dullars were recently offered by them for | songs for its pages. Of the vaet number eent in to compete for these prizes. the best were selected by # Competent commiiter, and ere now in evurre of pabli- cation ia the Review. When thelr publication ie com- | pleted, the subscribers to the Reesew will decide by | ballot which shall receive the prizes. | Besides « large amountof reading matier, includin; | regular correependence from the leading cities in the ete A series of articles on Music Teaching, by | Dr. Lowell Mason, is now in progress of publication, ) Another hy Gee. F. Root, Esg, on Cultivation of the | Voice, Voeal Training. &c., will be commenced in | the beginning of the new volume, as well as one by | Wm Church Music. Dhe New Yorn Musicat Review |ano Gazerre ia published fortnightly, at one dotler fun, of am copies for five dollars, peyable io Specimen copies sent gratu al y MASON BROTHERS, | New York. 1723 TR See WHRKLY | Of Four Horse Post Coaches, | Ev Salisbery to Morganton, via Statesville and Newt Leaves Salisbary on Monday, day at7uclockh, A. M, neal moraing tu breakfast; Wednesday and Fri aod errives at Morgante and leaves Mor same days and arrives in Salisbury on next days to breakfam. No pains or expense will be spared to make this one of the must comfortable aad sapediicee) stage rvads ip the Siac 8S. BROWN, Contractor Cc Salisbury, Jane at. 15S we Union Male Academy, and Farmington Female Seminary. YHE NEXT Seamon of these Schools, located Davie County, near ples ogi Bd day of January, m5 s4 Tar Lear Le es rite Prone other semetant® as may be pece f “ ry wil comme ace the er the supe rviewn pals, wih fwary a ermon of twenty Primary Anthine uc, 5 Higher Engheh, 810. Terme he studies < (.rammor & Greek, Leun Geography - and hig Mathematics, M ume sding use of the inotre ’ a Drawing each, @5 Board, weet: vghie ma be hee reatent to buth Schools, al guod huases, fur 6 per mouth Li Por thes particulars « se e Pre pale, ot Farmengin, N ¢ vb 2 Ie hie SOUTHERN LITERARY MESSENGE! FOR THE YEAR L856. TWENTY SECOND VoOLU WE en ve Pre . he Te See v ‘ sol Tiel VLITE MARY MES SPENCER the Prarie . - he “ ri Py nies v bight che rT | age we . ' + T~ ’ Me om . 4 ® « ‘ v, five s Siatre T of wile ° p og 4 elas At hee “ 7 a home . etek The Wes as » ren e: He et . ‘ a | Tre ee ' ‘ . Vepere 4 Nar Sot “ “ v - ' ’ . . T ' I ‘ ‘ \ ' CUR ginet bb t Mo ' ' SON BSQ ‘ ' work Ae 1 t oop n . the « . @ bens ANC PARE ANG FE x ’ Lael . ' \ Wanted Immediately, At the Silver Hill Mine, ANY QUANTITY oF WOOD AND COAL. SM LEAVENWORTH WW GLASS) &S, a . ~- A - s : 1) . on ro e a . i te ne T y he . ( . Jivign ie RARAR & OO ' 1 =» iy 4 * NEW. BOOkS. ia T RE Weep The Tee . M ' k Fe at a 7 Morr ack = ' “ M idee ae rh Mire Mary G Ctach The I riiee, a N 25 nm: bidlte and Penatice of Fe “ wile @ 4.0 Que Now bs . ney Trreh Aue J oH ENNISS 4 Buk To Gentlemen. ’ rye subacrbers have now hond the moe ' i] neerrtinent of CLAVPELENG ever befor red Me pate Cath at N 3, teran Row RROWN & CORFIN Saliehur Mareh 25, 1856 4haf 1 world, each namber coutuins several pages of pew | B. Bradbury, Esq, ov the Lmprovement of | | | i ae Sh ussia; Teresino, ra me i Pn Buea, The Adveulute of He: ENNIS. TO THE FARMERS Of Iredell County, dudat sa¥i MAN'S [RON G Of AxreNse. fis th dadersigned have FORE. bought the Right for tredell Coanty, did are Matiti- factoring the Iron Plow at thelr Shop, ted diiles South Eos! of Staterville, and are prepared to furnish any quentity of plowaon very shart notice. Orders nddressed to them at Amity Hill, | promptiy stteaded to. most any of the stores iv the JAS. & RO Aprita6, 1855. sonal! calls from his friends. N. B There are many persons indebted to me by | account and have been fur several yeors. earnestly urge all sueh to coll and muke vetilement, | the patronage of their friends aud the public. {which mast he done by May Court, else I shall look | are prepared to anewer any cull in their line out for a collector. Salisbury, Jan. 29, 1856. REMOVAL. OUN A. WEIRMAN & PRICE have nee their Clothing and Tailoring Establishment frum opposite Murphy. MeRorie & Cu, mediately opposite R « + Murphy's S10re. 23 Salsbury, Naw. 13, will be | Specimens can be seen at as) wily. T. ae jie b¢ DR. J. J. ‘SUMMERELL, AS removed to his Office at his residence, where | he will he happy to receive professional or or £35 to the cerver iun- bs DR. DINKINS, ESPECTFULLY offers hie servicers to the riti- tons of Sulishury Salisbary, May 31, 1655, MARVELLOUS REMEDY, FOR A MARVELLOUS AGE! ( tl Office at t's Mansion Hotel HOLLOWAY’ § OINTMENT. The Grand External Remedy. § fous inward complaints By the aid of o microscope, we see millions of little « 00 the surface of car bodies means Erysipetas, x emety Throagh these this OF: Salt Rheom and Seorbatle Hamers. . wren ibe means ote ring Sere Leg-. Sere Breasts, , , « . . s te Proteases W teow sy Queer ‘ hed Metical Mall ouret eas « sheer elas se o cl@uaae t are) ste < Plies aed FT isteles Tiree ' ye 7 7 7 m~ oe . ' “ F P ee ‘ oot 0 - Weeads and Lleers. Dr CHARLES T. POWE avler pr sh ’ rmaer ett, ercatediasa sbery respert 14 | | 1 would | above business extensively, A Book for Every Methodist SIE farch 4 yF kK - DRUGS, MBDCINES, DYBS, “== Van Property ELERS Nicer | NORTH oF levied em Land and HEKR RO FELLOWS tienmon N.C. Rar pad ee ay wun Mille, N ¢ Personal « Ww BOOTS be SHOES. GENTS 8 AROLIN A, hed and Pu None Ypern Jrrab & Bik ae Bowia ‘ i) kh sarier s Bor Ga h SUppers a Ties R aid (satere f Ladies and Vieees Roote, Shore an vecand Gente Roote and Shore and atvlee, Childeen’a Shoes, & fle en w for Caah, of an fenleres Qoarterly paymente re po ae gid thine MILLS Mii SE &€ CO mod ag Ge Ss arena Tine sunoRInex is bn peeing 0 and pees avapig amp pane ape, Shoes and Boots, mee Wace id Glass Ware, and Paint A ere and Cutlery, Groceries, &e, Ta Which be inwies the attention of hie customers and the pablic, aud which he offers at tow prices fur Cash, or on time t@ punctual customers at wholesule t cetatl. aes MICHAEL BROWN. October 22d, 1855. 2208 BROWN & BEARD. STEADY PROGRESSION TAGLE CITY. 4 Babes SUBSCRIBER has the pleasure wo an. noance to tbe ste whom be sends greeting qT kind wisbes for their prosperity und peace, that he reesin the improvement of Eagic eves, to bytvine the greain doone city in the country. He ie now erect. ing 4 pew cvtion mill ot this place, to he culled the “Pray Mills,” and hopes to bave it in full operation by the later part of the summer el 1856, Li will be one of the best, (if not the very beet,) mills in the country. The machinery wus selected by bimesel!, and New Firm. | Tin, Copper, & Sheet-Iron USINESS.— The uadersigned having formed cy purtuership for the purpose of carrying on the would respectfully sofieit They Tin or | the latest and most approved patterns were chosen.— 11 will work like a lever watch—smooth and steady — | and he doubis nut will exerl, in its products, the most beautiful achievements of the renowned Eagle Mitts, onder whose shaduw it is developing its fair and de. lighting proportions. Eagle Mills long gained for it- self a fume as fair av rt ie wide spread, both for the exce'- lence of it nd the superiority of ite ehh fab- rics. ‘Troy Mills alone threatens to rival it, and hevce copper House-Roofing executed iv the best manner, at) the world may look out for a evatest invalving « result | shurt noes and warranted. ware, kept on hand fur sule, or made Ww order. | and Shop Stoves, is aneurpassed by any in the Biate LF Shop opposite Murphy's Granite Row, Country Prodace, old Copper and Pewter, token in exchange for wurk or wore. WILLIAMS BROWN, BOARD. BOnf | LOUIS I. ] Sulisbury, Dee. 17, 1855. Greensboroug h | MUTUAL INSURANCE ‘COMPANY. Pe cost of Lasurance on the mutual plan ic but » | smal! sam, compared with @ joint stock company | This company being lueated in the Weetera part uf the hoe consequently weeb the larger por are inthe West, very many of which are in the country. The Company iwentirely free from debi ; nave made bv assenmnents, and is therefore cvatideut|y recummpen. | ded to the public. Atthe last Annaal Meeting the following Officers were elected for the ensuing year JAMES SLOAN, President 8. G COFFIN, Vice President Cc MENDENHALL, Attorney. PETER ADAMS, See’y and Treasurer PETER ADAMB, See'ry W OH. CUMMING, Gen'l Agent May 10. 1853 COWANS VEGETABLE LITHONTRIPTIC FRIEND OF THE HUMAN FAMILY SUrFERING From DINEANED KIDNEYS, tM0w9 Stume inthe Bladder and Nidneys, Weak neas of the Loins, Thisivvatactie medicine is for sale at the Davie Hen Moekeovilie, at De Ro Campbell's, ia lre ¥ Char * he Carohna W atc { e meray p for the mae awe Med te; ewveredts cwnz t « NX 4 oe io , . weet f thee ED. AUGKTIN Ww. P. DLLIOTT, a £ Fayeties “GE NE k AL COMMISSION FORW DIN wt \T, sfc mesttad hel wc 1 Mrehs Orders f dite, a eof Plow afatiy ‘ge . >. Premendous Excitement aRfotT THE Westera Extension! i RADY MADE CLOTHING Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestings, and Gen- tlemen's Furnishing Goods ® HATS THE PRESBITERIAS, A BELIGIO‘S FAWILY VEWSPIPER rt [ISHED EVERY Sari RDAY sit r Hiede« Now) A * . ° J . = fr A ”* . 1 P ees ~ ‘ aie eal ‘ « oak » . . i w . ‘ 4 . . . . e h we e Pare / being wh. w+ fare known in he emipheree lie adere se Comets enlarging . ven Pupreese erlveein » erie ae . reeiat f te menieeen & k ™ torte thet feemtion In add general relagnons resp onde ne « f Pa tera r a ce & nol each paper ie regula 4 chet {yooh and to ag a ’ matiers Ne Presbgter a area berdhere « ye «he (th < AL M es Wis ~ . poblisbere »e re 8 Th ary $15 , f va £3 parvabte on ore ve TERMS TO CLURS i copies . : & T> pres to ane addreas " * a ad ¢ ¢ pore wt ss act as Ag Sistecne cae ‘ 20 114 * an additional copy to the Ag - Tirenty fre comes ead wf or, $45 00 with an addinonal eopy tothe Ag : Ratea of Adrertia For 5. fire ow n ri) e each rep. fdo 0 cents For ® * es. fret rm cente: each rep. not d as . Payvm 4 eementis by ' Addrees WILELTAM S. WARTIEN &€ CO No G4 Stree iM] 4 WAS REWOVED TO STATESVILLE N 4 ‘ the eitirenaof Ire aad publ Mu Sire st of 14 <a Wecheddamt chin where atin ea, when aot prof monally engaged 1 May 10, 1835 5 PR.» €@DUR oe GOOD SUPPLY and Sperm M MOOSE & ¢ de Tanners, WH MILLS A Fobruary (2 1856 Mills, aod other copper | not leew Theis { tw every | stuck of Tin, Brittavia and fron Ware— Cook, Parlor | f the rinks | ov interesting im itrelf, than it mast be desirable Southern pai not The dreamer, speculating on coming events might well step in here, und casting forward bie ben beyond the boundery of present time, portray the sapeci of Eagle City «few years hence. Let bim sketch i: We see a city of beautifol proportiors with its tower. | ing steeples pointing heaven wards: close ranged blocky of granite buildings with glittert petal touts, reflect the cheerful beams of a vernal sun; the ivigorating ~ | breezes of a delightful climate, stir the leeves of long rows of elms: the sirrets are euliveved with a cheer ful busy throng: the song of half a million of spindles jis mingled with the rear of b~« od coscades : Kagic monument rises above all things else, bearing on is | top eo immense eagle. wings extended, looking dow, | with pleasure on all below. Eagle City Bank is in fall view, and by its liberal policy invites all energetic business men to claim its eneouragement. Calier prin- tere roll oat their baled ap goods ; the care of the North. western Railroad receive them, together with thou sands of other things, the products of the Cuy : the | | deafening whistle is blows, and the sound is echued and re-echyed from hill to hill, and wakes the drowsy pow | ers of reposing fai ewttle, which browse in the rich sur rounding valleys: the scewe grows !—grows !—and the end is beyond the portraying shill of the prophe: We had bet » ghinpee—but what a view! Andi is who be realized beyond dvatt. Enwugh, envagh I will prets on to its final consummation. ANDREW BAGGARLY Seif Feb. 9th 1RSS Southern Industry. HY should Southern mea go North te bay their ploaghs aod machinery when they con we gad and mre ot \ cubsiontial articles at b at Northern pnees, thereby saving the price of trens That the public may mut be deceived, a to eave many inquiries thet IT have te» anewer, Dhere with append a let of priees of the priacipal artivics thet | manufecrare Ciree ‘ th 48 to 56 ineh saws. 24 feet curr 4m feet ways, all ce e. G'S Bie , Cdendnen| Straw Catters, 12 tach bes, §30 1S tue de, 840: Fidding Harrowe, 13; Coliiverors 05 66. Threshing Martiocs with 4 or & - : ot a very atpenoraructe P ding (0 mae aad @orkm of mactmery dome ot gher ce. tuch as bagine work &e Bend im your hreshiog me 4 d mek e aod herve powers ex wde suceresfu All work wary ae any desenptmn, and wher 4 at shert m J a HOM FOS 6 A WORD m THE WISE ISSSUBRICIEN T- W". B navellalen dir cevich arom pieireriiesice othe *ta vd “ bee er pores mcd| adil grece « he comer > ot were R @A MURPINY » ery Fee 5S ~ dm 6 Dissolution of Copartnersbip apes cchip) he ectedare (citings . JD Beran & Iom _ All perme . t wll 6 Ls es and » ™ ‘ en & ( offic. and are resp. and set * o abe e 7 ~~ » wed sf a0 oe . . JD BROW NA LEW « , “56 p d3ed Barrels Piok F 4 Hogs e Mo . «. ene I o NO) Mideames Jnet vr ond ko oiohe Sa lend F-» 12 ’ MILis mONE & Tan . or Ar : STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA ROWAN COUNTY Divas and Gua Nessvona, Fi b 7 1836 J A Meedy, Agt. ws Aberdeen Compan Or Naal Attachments Levied om Land aed Pervene Property. iN + eee appranng t Cae hat Nem Se Lp « he ( ma V the Town of Se d appear at the > none, tobe held for Re loose in Sehebery nthe let W th and there to replevy, » . adgmen\ by defeek wil be re nx geinst them Witness, James EF Kerr. Clerk of our card | at Office Salisbury, the Ist Monday in F AD c JAMES F KERR « t eade. & ’ ted , ‘ Cow sre CUMMING & STYRON, COMMISSION AND ele Merchants, WILMINGTON, N PETER W. HINTON, COMMISSION MERCIIANT. TOWN KLRPOINT, SForlrei Wu. Special at Seling Tobacco, Flour, Grain, Cotton, Naval Stores &c. Also, to Receiving and Forwarding aoon s. nee: 5 ied Wim W Plammer, Req. Warre Two HORSE W AGON Fok SAL ! 4 pale. wat “nher haa nn x whiel he offers porchnerr giving ¢ at iny house, 6 milew a RENDLEWAY Iu id JOLIN 5, SRSA ° to ane greeting that he Eagle Rreatest W erect. Hed the fation will be in the the most le Mills, rand de, d for ite he excef- loth tab. nd hence eon rewelt deri ome nts might Ww beyond aepect of etch it ite tower blow ky fs, retheet auk is in energeuc heed and WEY pow nich sur \ j \ OPIN A Per-ece a ‘ t CR ot er F Ewa’ Quis > EW SERIES. pcsee bab tiv®: rete sa uternal Sriencts, foraity, VOL. XIL--N jy. J. BRUNER, Eé@iter and Prepriceter | (tice of the Colomizathoa Society, Wastixorox, March 14th, 1855. Ar ths late meeting of the Board of Directors | af the American Colonization Society, on mo- Yion of the Kev. P. Slaughter, of Virginia, the following resolutions were adopted : { © Resolved, That the Executive Committee be instructed at the carliest sticable period, ‘to build comfortable recepta at lenst at two prints in Liberia; and that for this object a spe appeal be inade for $10,000. . Resoleed, That the Executive Committee also be instructed to take such measures as in their judgment shall be most expedient to test | the climate in the interior, by planting a setthe- | ment at sutne suitable point Ley ond the supposed sutluence of malaria, Oa motion of the Rev. Juseph Tracy, “ Resolved, That it Le recommended to the | Kxecative Committee to form ao estimate as ae- curate as may be of the expense aeccasary the | Presemt the interior settle- ment, and make a special appeal therefor, pri rately, to individuals of Societies as they may Jecin expedient.” year, on account ol Executive Committee have considered at tvely the preceeding reselaguns, and upou ury are of opiuioa that it will be ia was tle to carry out the parpuse of the Direet tu an ry nterior settlement, at a hess 000, Such is the immediate , . : cossity for the receptactes, that or ziven to have them ready for re 4 1 |, with the company of emr capected to leave Baltimore May, and Savannah on the Dat ] $10,000 for which the Com- appeal wil, they trust, be immediately lhev have had repeated experience stances of the prompt hiberali Is, and in this ease expect po The harmony of opinion among © “ajely at thew recent meet a regard wo general policy and the means by which ot shoukd be parsecd, mast «lis ags, both wer 8 Mate Suceties and all persons interest a to unite ther counsels and means in [ a) © measures 80 vilally important toowmma lol in the preceding resolutions, Th: mint a health, if wot the fwes, of many m a! + must de pemd apon the speedy con wee ~ ~ rrerptaclen, These interests are <@s to be wanecessaniy cudangered and fe otee! fr want of mlequate seeom mo ert nase of the Society aml Libena 4 ured. From the views expres me of the Thrctur, the Com one ill dismeet, and with a soestaces and emphases they mak de) 2! to the several State Suctetive and t& { Afficato mad m carrying them ft The Committee have made pase ligements, and meat rely apon the friends ase for means to meet them Anis wgration showkl be attended = 2 rovementa, am! Lilena be remler vi Lome # i grows ia population. Th ~ crs cte showki never be separated of di i" 19 the prantical operations of the Sumetys The frremda of the Sorp ty, Nee have eepecially in Jersey herished for ame time the deen wtabl=hing a ecttlement on the elevated vantry of the imtemor, in expectation that would prove more calulrous than that beader L wg upon the een. and in compliance with vrews of the Lhirectors, the Committee have rr suleed to proceed daring the vearto found eu: } settlement, to be dome, we believe. at the exp mot bene than 615.000 They earnestly in + coatribuvens for thie oby-ct. Important »-mures for the benefit of Africa and her ch) anoot be executed without moner As ees of fande dedwated to measures well con wd red and recommended by the Directors, for tereata of humanity and the regenerator \frea, the Committee will seck to expend in|s economically for those high parry w+ Ther commit this appeal to Him by eben provudence Liberia was founded and = pre erred The early history of ancient leraei wel trates the method by which the Sapreme Kaler of the World ia tarning the curse of Afr a saing, and working out the great ' dren intellectual and moral elevator Shall we not reverently mark wns of the times, and the operations of the Hand . sas a shadow, rejoice in the permanen and duryag our brief life om earth cesty and benificence of the counsels and ! of Africa le ‘Yom, to whom the peopl * 2 and te whom a deomeand years are as une tler of the Exceutive Cormmi ttee RR. GURLEY, Cor, Srerrtary, Wo McLAIN, Finan. Seeretary From a New York Paper Keronw.—The T’ostal Keform Com eal New York and Boston, lave taken WT ab. Ay ublie Opinion, as ex presec dat large zeheld in each City, and gwen an cut { the needed reforms. The petivions that ation ask for the following : \' niform Postage of Two coats on all ront exceeding half an ouner in weisht, ut the United States 2. Receiving sand Letter Carriers in all cities and prin towne 3. Money Orders from one Post anuther, fur sume not exeaediog twen irs, 6 A Uniform and Low Bate of mtage 5. The Postage on Fraeked Maas he paid out of the Treasury, 6. The f Compulsory Prepayment. 7. The all ltew! Letters to the writers several ports have been discussed over thermselres, not law makers at ‘ 1 f commend but Une sod mast be Cowntey | Une eo etter freve his a | ed mw the great enterprise a Kiican Culses | th failure of a letter from t caw : . Washington. Every principle here, except the | Creare Ocean Postrace, has been in sueceseful operation iv Great Britain, for many years, and nearly all of them in several of the Continental | {States of Europe. + When we see the immense jand afew more standard works, for five long | circalation that our principal Daily Papers have | obtained, at two cents a copy, is it wot evident | that a low price has been one of the principal | causes | Of the advantages of uuifurmity there can be} but one opinion. Before there was uniform pont age in Great Britain, the cost of baudiing and | sorting the letters in that country was $30 or | levery thousand letters, and since uniformity, the | Y | cost las been but $7 a thousand, and this ime | cludes all the expenses of letter carriers, and re- | ceiving houses, The 443,000,000 lettin in| Great Britain, in 1854, cost in the Laudling, (not | tatiun,) the sum of $3,233,195 while at the rate of cost before having a uniform postage | the expense would have been $13,309,470.— These facts are disclused in Mr. Pliny Miles’ Pamphlet on * Postar Kirory.” Several Eu Fopean nations write from two lo four times as many letters in proportion to the population, as the United States, and vur self gratulation and pride are every day mortified by compromises like these. To use the language -( Putnam's Magazine, “We are now enduring a Postal System which Worries guternorent, teres and injures the pub he, demoralio-s the officials, and pleases nuboly At the seme time, in Great Britain, they are et joying a Postal Refurn which canches the gov erument, serves and Lenents the public, oomteuls the officials and satisfies every dy. © © A call is made va ver merchants, leading men, and the public geuerally, to stir at once iu this matter, with decision, We cebu this call with all ver heart, and wall notch spain of the tnempl of facts and commun seuse.” If we had a sy em of drafts or money orders between all of oar principal Post (thers, ehouk! of fill oar journals we see the dat'y calaknruc matl rubsberies, losses, and crimes, that ¢ If letters mailed wnteutionally, of waimtention ally, without stamps affixe:!, whether by the mob or poor, by the learned uf nguerant, and if better f all ty the permons addressed that have their stem) thy se letters were forwardes! hear of a sinali of stolet should we remittance lo a poor woman Leing detained here, of of the de we of the lose of an estate of thirthy thousand dollars for want of a witness's testimony, com fecaled in tention of twenty thousand dollars, there an unpard letter, oF of an actual bows of lite frow Should we hear of the bong catalogues of calamities like theese, were it pat for the ment uojuet law of com puleery pre payment Dre pomy rent age is very well, but whem not pr to destroy the betters | With the © ote when pre paul, and double thatia all cases shee aot prejpaxl, scarce a letter wou {go with at pre payment It me a very grave quesbom and one which can ecarcely adnut of debate whether all letters fumed with ut elampe, shoul) be actaed. taken to Washington, and lurne . that without giving any inforinalim te we er Such te the operatwea of the preacr a” The Nabl ress of the Poetal Reform Committee shaves eoatnlity of a firet clase slate paper 1 aberghe) tee reed bos rv » wl = . ler “cma A te Wiy ado 1» that our Congressmen and the 1 tt Is parte nat @ hy evet £ scart, at ‘ } b P i W. + “ star y aleaves gue aud be Ar . “ ' many ebart comings om our ort lw } phe people, whu are so ‘ t er and oo repreeenialives k f eral tye em 7 eante! Peaceful an] on v athe "a eapreamon to the puble sy > tome tert omyreme. bas met of vogee “a Uw ia a ware . 1 the b.4 >t metilet Kinz Caucus ard King Money hav rated a throne in ple 4 repre - o Je cur Lost (fice w 2 a! fe te atari! If ak aor ® “ “ \ sural . ' watts f \ pt from j~r on of ' shoall r at hand " aa a: z a ar tthe jetinons, exgned by a greater of les number ashing for epee jrmta provements, go of ta Washiagion (rian ay cegiesnasm Trstriet Linton. and that @ithin nm at the err weeke!) Will ot the cometituents 4 onl Seva'or and Kepria ntative b-« that they have a right t waist a hearing, and that r apres t thea Ke every stn be makes and every vote he caste! If we will our representatives eb ur appenis as much waste paper, atl pace be cur prayers as eo mang idle word! It will be me t onead er there reaponatality, when we have acted, and they have refuse! HB a Falling For the first t many montha we sce that common to good New York State Flour is quoted, whole sale, at a fraction onder six dollars a bar When the channels of fully ope nan ral commanica tion with the inferior arc avalanche of he mand from abroad is diminished, except breadstuffs and provisions j will down Upon us, anid as the «le at reduced prices, there ia a fair chance that consumers will yet reap some benectit from the immense crops of last year The farmers, millers and dealers have had the consumers will now Mach, however, will de of the growing their chance ; have theirs. pend upon the prospects crops, which thos far as we have learned, are generally favorable No J Joan GC: or SOULE’S MISSION TO SPAIN. The New York Herald understands that Mr. Soule has completed his book, and it will be issued from the presa in season for the Convention in Cinemnath It will create a prodigious sensation. Soule has not put himeelf to the trouble of wriuag a book without an intention of making “Rome howl. Pierce will be raked mercilessly, sretary Marcy may look for snch a scratching and searing as he never ex perienced before. Even his tongh hide, supposed to be the toughest in the world, will writhe under the sharp Jasb of the irate ex- Minister. while § \jey the covl and refreshing breeze, as it geotly AFTONS RIPPLES. Not many evenings since, after poring over page after page of Wilson Bartlett, Carpeuter, hours, I stule' silently from the office of my kind precepter, to indulge in a short ramble, aud en- sighed through the furest trees—to gaze on wae ture in her loveliest form, which indeed furnish- es enough for the loftiest mind's perusal and ad- miration. It was an evening all beautiful and gay. And as the last rays of the departing sun seemed tu linger upon the tree tops, as if loth to depart, the serious question patarally forced it- | self upon my mind: How long might it before, the bright sun of my existence, in common with many other's, would set and set forever. 1 was! well aware that death was no respecter of per- | sons; the youny, the old, alike must go; and I ask no proof of the facta, save that which was presented to my view, as IT found myself walking leasucly through the quiet path of the Jackson ville | Cemetery, situated at the east end of the town, and oh, what a melancholy spot. Situated as it ts oo the Lank of a beautiful little stream, which winds its way on, calmly and sweetly as Siloan's nfl, until it mingles its bryht waters with the broad St. Johns! The seclusion and perfect » lence which reigns throagbout the whole place gives ita character stil! more sublime and beau tiful. True, there are nebly executed monuments reared to the memory of the silent sleepers, to whl artifical beauty to the scene, (which sou womuch admire) But it we adormed by t hand of a preat Creator with the evergreen Ok and Vine, which sigh ain jutem over Ueme that silently repeme beneath the culd sod, and stand there tow with their as ao cinblem of crerlasting life. hited boughs to heaven Hut back t porated to me T have wander too far, and must go rp the tomts, and notice a few as they ap hat eveuog mm my lome and » I say the tary walk young, the unddle aged the old, aml a stranger im a stranger's land, mus dia And oh, how conclusive was the thing | my mind, then, ae IT first woticed a short little yrare, in the cast ead, and eabhich | have doult a food and affecthonate mother, a bind and dusting father watch «| over with food ar Ipat of the fature, when it smiled and thew ae s gor » * the stlemt lear uy the littl: Lamb that marks the apot, and + hoes as an embler (purty and inmocence the uncunseuus sleeper, while ite sainted so s baehom sin the sinties Of a gracious Redoemer \ little fartle ys (was ofruch eithuthe ¢ r plece A the yuut ! gay aod bot heme Youth, eho wae just « reg pon the arduous Jutwe of life, perha eithow Spa agghet th ¥ tem unnust ay r t bas | a wali t sely forte w olay mould gio tb jus pes gready urna Te “ ‘ n ‘ “ - fa Z am) weefu ! ’ tom ow g* a as sb weke uy her a my gi nk fey . ‘ etrot = ewheb « ha . { fron the story fa | nad “ eo teew paraly peed ve + * combort and “ we lw and f wl he r cts thet mbvrer vind cou * a dating fathee : ways ant tov be leeon nae thet ark oon Ste rous a ' ‘ r And ag res f . es atand (th ana a , are naif fs vast al per L ru f { ’ | ~ ] “8 Ww ripe and romly ¢ ha r t hint Mas made w ! male t heavens, a! fa and relatives bedew his Tearthiv talernac with the Le ore ct wand aff ”“ . as! Lute tinayuitude, the stranger 1a any } jre, and in ne place could it be more fu s trated, than io thre land bor mang when hea lecomes impaired tw disemes tt i and chilly ' ( the Nort ave friend relatives, and all that mo near, and dear to them with the sain Lope oo thie land of sure ar fliw ( being restored to health and farmily J alas Iry hacking nyt tinaous, bronchopong is frequently beard, a her fall goaure 8 2 rey tothe yg Mout ter, pe rhape thousands of 1 a from | without a groan or murme at the final diseolu tiem, and ton, no ult, without even a hand of f } pote wipe t fuse of death frown rmar Lrow ! nly ader what difference does itmake to us, whether we die while young, old, of in a atrange land, of under eliatever crrcumetance we may, so we have our who ca beads pillowed on the arm of Him i make our last rmomenta the happiest moments EDWIN of our existence A Strange Head he Napoleon Ar kansas) Sentinel, of March 21, aays ~We were shown by Dr. Lebrader, aday or two since, a tnost singular and remark able head— that of Fouchee, a celebrated chief of the Crecks the head consists in two perfect mouths, a front and rear mouth, with a donbl ser of masticators to eac h It avarkable fact that it made no difference aoa re in his eating or feeding operations w hich woth he used, as cither answered the seme purpose, ut whenever he imbibed from the rear mouth, drunkenness ensned much sooner than if he had taken it by the front. Sach a head is worthy of the jstudy of anatomy of the medical faculty.” The singnlarity of VALUE OF PUBLICITY. Notoriety or publicity is an indispensa- ble elemeut of success in the merchan., | mechanie or manufacturer, who would | give a speedy and wide distribution to| the commodities and productions which he seeks to exchange for money. Ile may have capital, skill, convenient posi- tion, punctuality, industry and | The cost for keepin | a <== ass | “POBTcaAl THE MISANTHROPE. Selfish, fretful, peevieh, proud : s silent, seldom loud ; j —vevery possible fitness for his basi and all is nothing if he have not sufficient | notoriety. This notoriety, let ft cost more or less, he must purchase or provide for as carefully as he purchases or maunfac- tures his stock of goods. And it mast, | in extent, bear a certain relation to the | business he would do. He must be most | positive and comparative. People must} not only know him and his business, be- | canse otherwise they will not find Aim, but they inust know him, because other- wise they will find and trade with those | who are better known. Customers, like sheep, are gregarious, and flock where they see others flocking. If nobody else were engaged in the same business, it would be important for our dealers to advertise in the newspapers, because peo ple are tempted to buy what they read of. It is like a salesinan with several thonsands of voices, speaking politely of our wares to tens of thousands of people, perhaps at the same moment, never offend- ing, never obtrusive, never tired—sucha ialcaean might be worth one, two, three, or five thousand dollars a year to you, ac cording to the nawber of his voices Sutaf others ary engaged in the same business, even if they do not advertise. becomes the more Important for our deal ers tu do so, and if they du advertise, it is doubly tioportant. tis, in fact, rum not to be known as eateneively as oir rivals SLAVE TRADE IN A NEW FORM The J } rual of Commerce publishes a etter from Swotow, China The writer aves that ship, w ch was about to sail, bac on board TOO ¢ tel to take lies, and expec DU tore ees hot con ceal that they are kidnapped, and eays they cost from @15 to @20 per man, an! sell for R250 Am lu hess, requiring, we think, dininediat Ppression How would afew of Mis. Datton’s nfles Joon tt anda of tt sor coolest Where 1s Ad//am<s benevolence ia this estreme case of liumat itraye, misery, death? Where are Beecher's prayers, and where ia the \ societ\ «avin pathy? The Rev Mr Dutton's deacer had better open | le and shoulder bie tfle in the cause of the poor China at tead of ¢ . tier Governor | th ‘ himself at one f the bes l Tf at bree thee spur { true christianity that moves ye Reechers, St na, Patter Killa f ve are mot J t t t J whet tur ir eves to the ternal Throne above a proclann that r ite ghorv alone ve tleor te evecute Ite will emly, strive your votees wall arecd for the « cor, protect ny nal al fi. poor Asiatic brethren whe are at erietherod, star 1, drowned ’ | avery et “a s Upon t atele. w ry tears are Twrriitege it) streams ve ‘ anifern jawe toe Ka as Kansas, w v danger « your gral s guardianslhiy ! t f the eo t eoul these ba x 4 riguect t se TheteV, Poster reverends — these | t “es al lenge the attention of the world, bu merely t ileerve the end of conning, eelti-l aniloutior toe pain party power aticieam, ted they w yield n “ in} ec s aS Ww ane f ffering | stiity A “4 my i vf Jt co: A SHEPIERIYS DOG A shepherd once, to prove the quick neasof his doy, which was loiay before the fire em Chae bene where we were talk ing, sara to me, in the middle of a wen tence coneerning somethunge elaa “dan thinking, sir, the cow isin the potatoes.” l vyly he peurprerme anlon ‘etreas on these words, and said them a quite un concerned tone of voice, the dog, who appeared to be asleep, rimediate ly jump ed up, and leaping throw the window, scrambled up oto the turf reef of the house, fron which he could see the pote to field He then. not seeing the eow there, ran ane hed intothe barn where she was, and finding that all waa right, caine back to the house After a short time the shepherd said the same words again, and the dog repeated his lookont bot on the false alarny being a third time given, the doy get up, and wa, tail, looked toaster in the fage with so ging lis comical an expression of AA oid that he could not help langhing aloud at him, on which, with a slight growl, he laid himself down in his warm corner with an offended air, as if determined not to be made a fool of again. The Railroad. ~The work apon the Eastern) end of the Atlantic anc North Carolina railroad is progressing as rapid ly ascould be expected, The weather has been unfavorable for rapid advance- ment, but as Spring opens we anticipate the contractors will place additional hands upon the road and that the advance of the work to campletion will be much more rapid We are sure that there will be no lack of energy on the part of the contrae- tors for this end of the line. | Beanfort: Banner. Always angry, never kind, Sees ail faults ; to good deeds bliad. Hears all sander and believes That every man bis friend deteives. Thinks that truth is scarcer far ‘Than gold extracted trom a star. That virtue is not oftener met, Than drops from clouds that do not wet. That friendship inet offener fond, ‘Than pearls wpoa the barren ground. That honor has ne place of reat Within the wicked human breast. That honesty, twint man and maa, Was never known since time began. That wives may do for kaaves and fools, That children should be thrown in poole | Aad drowned, before they ope their eyes To all the world’s deceits and lies ** Religwn " to himself says he, * Grand ey stem of by pocnsy ! A faith which many men profess, A practice which po men possess’ When lying vo bis dying bed, With aching heart aad buramg head, He whispered, yet twas heard; he sad, ** L pever knew but une truc man, Of women, never ove Alone he race un earth he rau Aud hw w pearly run - A CALL POR DOUGLAS Ais Ok Dow t.” Douglas! of Rye-tand ! Haste iran your howe ; © Jeakus aeprants Pores y Dna t heme y fuggle we | Rash to the opt, Danger t) Diagtas Death in the pot! ma be “ue Link vat and ore Sampo im your aay, Or there wal be the Devi to pay Heater = smehing poo Out from your ly Old Bock we pubing you With bre bong jade Bee te your elicheoe — Marcy « here, A-paichang hee breeches, Wise tm bee rear,” Abr dead as a cork nduw Ik-we you well fof Pirreed themgh by [hubten, Netled to the walt Beat wp the Reverse ; Romer be the fray * Mere e ~ vel bad oe te Cuene as wares cm Beanding a Dheugtee of Rye land Hho ve Nesh (as N. COLUNATIC AS¥ULM While in Raleigh we visited the Ney lumverected by the State forthe reception f iusane persoiia The building fs eitaa tedabontamile south west of Raleigh ot whati«ecalle’ “Din TE so named in hon or of Miss Dit who made a tour through the southern States some few years ago for the purpese of inducing the Legislatares of those States to have the necessary baild ing constructed for the accommodation f that unfortanate portion of humanity ho are afflicted with the lose of mind elarvest balding 74) feet long and three There are two wings extending from the centre building, in the Statea, bein 5 feet basement about Go or wide stories high, with a one for males, and the other for femaies It coutains 352 rooms for patients besides those occ J by the Superintendent and first fle are much deranged and rather on mangeable are placed. On each side of aten foot passage, the situated, the doors openimg om Use passage and beth men during day time, in order that 8 assietants. On the whe f, persons cclls are the inmates inay walk and converse to gether when so disposed An attendant stays among them and regulates their conduct as much as possible by coaxing and kind treatment. Sometimes the pa tienta conversed together in a rational manner and laugh and enjoy themaelver very much indeed: —-at other times they are melancholy and sullen, and not dis posed to notice any thing. Some are nut troubled with a crazy spell for a month, such are allowed to take recreation outside of the building; or even visit their acquaintances in Ral eigh ifthey have any, always being at tended by an officer of the institution The rooms on the second and third floors are not yet completed, but will bein a short tine. These rooms are designed for the accommodation of not mach deranged, and who are vut bard to manage. Every room in the bnilding te warm ed by steam, no fire being used among the patients. Water 18 comducted through the building by cast irom pipes, either ina cold or warm state as may be necessary. The building is lighted by gas, and the cells are well ventilated and as pleasant as could be made ; There are now twenty-three patients am the institntion—12 males and 11 fe males, and there is provision at prescat for about 20 or 25 more. Insane persows in this State, in the Jails or ont, onght to be immediately sent to the Asylum by their friends, and it they have no friends, of perhaps six months persons the Family Circe, stitution at the expense $12 to $15 per pie | From what we saw during our short vis- it, we know the institution will be a ben- efit nore or less to persons laboring under | mental derangements. The mauuer in| which they are treated is conducive to, comfort, bealth and restoration to suund- | ness of mind. | We did not see Dr. Fisher, the chief Su- | perintendent and Physician of the Instita- tion, but were conducted through the | ises by the gentlemanly and affable | Yerk, Rufus K. Lerrell, Esq., who is| courteous and polite to visitors as well as | kind and attentive to tients. | Oarolinian. _ REMARKABLE CASE. A gevtleman in attendance upon Un-| ion County Court, last week, informs ns | |that there is a family of nine children liv- since, with a swelliv ing in that county, ont of which seven | are deaf anddumb. They are very poor, and several of them, who were old enough, | were brought before the Court to be) bound out. There are, we are informed, thirteen mutes in one half of the county while no canse can be assigned why 80 iarge a number of these unfortanates should Le born in so smalla space. The country is remarkably healthy, and the habits of the people unobjectionable. Union County is represented to be in arapidly improving condition. New farms are opening, buildings going up, the hab- its and morals of the people improving, education and religion penetrating all neighborhoods, and a very geaeral ad- vanceiuent in all that constitutes comfort, | happiness, and substantial w ealth, visible. Ifthe Wilmington, Charlotte, and Ruther- furdton rail-road should be constructed, we know of no county where valuable re- sources would be more readily and proti- | tably developed, or where a more desira- ble place of residence could be foand for those who wish to engage in the pleasant aud patriarchial porsuit of agriculture. Weatern: Democrat “7 IHRE WILD MAN—AGAIN. A correspondent of the ¢ ‘addo Gazette, writing under date of the 28th ultimo, from VParalifta, Arkansaa, on Up er Red ver, states that the cold during the pre sent winter, has Leen in that region the severest of man The rivers were frozen soled, the plains presented an anbroken sheet of snow. The writer relates the following story of an attempt the farnous wild inan, whe bas runtered within the memory l» capture } been so offen enc n the borders of Arkansas and Northern Louisiana “In my travels To met ay yvonr cour arty from ty in pursnitiof a wild ian They had struck his trail at a cane brake Brant Lake and the 8 border Nye n in flower Prairie learned from one of Une party that the dogs rnn him to an ann of the lake which was frozen, bat not sath ciently strong tu bear his weight, which consequentiy pave way Ife wl, how ever, crossed, and the dogs were at fault ‘One of the party, mounted on a fleet hore. coming up, eneouraged the doge to pursne, bat found it impesarble to cross with s berse, and concluded follow the lake round antil he could ascertain the direction taken by this monster of the forest. On reaching the opposite side of the bend, he was surprixed to see some thing in the lake like aman breaking the ice with lis aris, and hastened, nnder cover of the undergrowth, to the spot Le maeclf near the place, where where he expected him to come out concealed | he had a full view of tin, until he reach ed the shore, where he came out and shook himself He represents him asa stout athletic man, about six feet four inches n height, completely covered with. hair fa brownish cast, about four to six inch es long. Tle was well muscled, and ran up the bank with the flectness of a deer “He save he could have killed him with his gon, bat the olject of the parte xcing to take him alive, and hearing the horne «comrades and the howling of the dogaon the oy bank of the lake, ride op and head him, n to bay and then secure ; the } neluded to wo as to bring | their wild however, and rider rushed frantically towards them, and in the to the himoin the meet dread prize So the Boon, as man saw horse " an instant dragged hunter yronnd and tore ful inannet, scratching out one of dita eyes other so mmeh that bis of his large pieces ext of lis shoulders and various parts ef lae bedy “The tmnonster then tore off the saddle and bridle from the horse and destreyed them, and holding the horse Sy the mane, broke ashort piece of sapling, and mount- ing the animal, started at full speed across the plains in the direction of the moun tains, guiding the horse with his club.— The person left with the wounded man infortmed me that the party was still in pursnit, having been joined by a band of friendly Indians, and thonght that if they could find a place im the mountains pet covered with snow, or @ canebrake in the vicinity to feed their horses, they might overtake him in a day or two.” and injuring the omrades despair of the reeovers sight, and biting A SWORD FISIL. The San Francisco Ilearld, of March 9th, save :—During the last passage of the steamer Cortes, from this port, a large ewordfieh was observed alongside the of the county. | plunged its LVIIl BER X % motion of the vessel, as she rolled over. to the otlieg ide the ares caus- ed a severance of the blade, ship, wounded and disarmed in the ‘oa charge, retired from the field. haat pe of the beak which was left in the of the vessel, measured eighteen inches im length. It was removed with diffieulty. A HUMAN HORN. Dr. Porcher, of Charleston, has in. his a a horn, about seven inche® ia ength, and in diameter two inches and three-quarters, bearing a close resem- blance to a ram’s horn, which he ed from the head of a negress, : 52, born on @ plantation in St. Johri’s, erat, oe Carolina. hee tamor commen orming some eight years and discharge, and, after a while, a gradual increase in size, During the four months preceeding its removal, it grew some two — and having, in curving around, reac the face in the temporal region, just-to the left of one eye, and having commenced to prodace suppuration of the skin with which it had come in contact, its imme- diate removal was necessitated. Ite re- movel, which was done in Deeember, 1854, in the presence of Dr. D. J. Cain, and several students of the Charlestou Preparatory Medical School, was accom- panied with comparatively little pain. It was found, npon examination after that some retains of the original growth remained, and there is sl pore that it may increase in sige require removal.—Aug. Chron. & AN OLD PRINTER. We have in our office an old printer 76 years of age, who commenced his ap- prenticeship of seven years in the King’s Printing Office, London, in 1784,—64 years ago. He was a soldier under Sir John Moore, at Corunna, in Spain, 1808, when he received a ball in the right arm. He was present at the barial of Sir John Moore, and remembers the minutest par ticulars of the scene. Ile was also with the Duke of ——— throw hie whole campaign, and lost an bone by agrape shot in the battle of Waterloo, This old man, after all his hard service, is still one of the ewiftest and best com- peers we have ever known, and ame from his woands, is still able, at “early orn and dewy eve,” while yo er men are wasting the golden cane sensual pleasure; or snoozing them awey in bed, to ramble over the fields sad throngh the woods in search of wild flow- era, with which he forms tempting bou- qnets for the belles of the village, or grat- ty the wishes of some favorite little girl. It speaks well for the heart of the soldier that all the children love bim.— Black Eng.) ¢ hrontede. alone Distressing Circumatanoce.—We learn that two little children were killed near Tiltunville, in Jefferson county, Ohio, seven nuoles above this city, on the river, mn Sunday last, under the following eir- The day being pleasant, the two children had taken a babe, and gone out doors to play. Last winter some trees had been felled, and cut into saw- log lengths, and left lying on the hill- The thawing and washing of the dirt on the hill-side had so loosened one of the logs, that of its own weight, it gave way, and rolled down the hill at the - ticular time when these little children were at play, and rolling over the party, the two eldest were instantly crashed to death, and remarkable as it may appear, the little babe was saved with scarcely a scratch, a knot on the log elevating it so as to pass over the babe withont hardly teaching it — Wheeling Jntelligencer. cutmmeatances sick Influence of a Smile.—It is tetated in the life fa cclebrated mathematician, William Hutton, that a respectable looking country woman called upon lim one day, anszrous to speak with him. She told him, with an air of secrecy, that her husband behaved unkindly to her, and sought ther company, frequently passing his evenings from bame, which made her feel extremely 2 happy. and knowing Mr. Hutton to be a wise man she thought be might be able to tell how she could manage to cure her husband. The cause was a common one, and he thought he could preseribe for it without losing his repu- tation asconjuror. The remedy is a simple one, esd be, amd 1 bawe newer known it to fail. Al- teoys meet your husband with a emile. The woman expressed her thanks, dropped a enrtesy amd went away. A few months after- wards she waited on Mr. Hutton, with a» couple of fine fowis, which she begged bln to sevept. She told him, while a tear of joy and gratitade glistened in her eye, that she had followed his advice, and her husband was cured. He no longer songht the company of others, but treated bur with constant leve 8 | kindness, ee A Mun With Nine Wiwves.—The no- tecious Nathan Brown, the most remark- able bigamist ever known in Ameri- ca, was ht by an officer Elliott, the other day, from near Jeffersonville, In- diana, ander a reqaisition from Governor Chase. He is reputed to have nine liv- ing wives! His practice has been to live with each abont three months, get hold of there property and desert them. He is now safe in Butler eounty Jail, at \veeedl. Far a moment the gladiator of the instance of his seventh Wife, a resi- deep seemed to contemplate the lage dent of this city. The old scamp is fif- \the officers in the county where they re-|prepertions of the vessel, evidently spec |ty-three years of age and has married Cy | ’ A 4 side should take the matter in hand and have them te enjoy the benefit of this in- \ulating upon the chances of battle, then leuddenly darted toward the vessel and three wives within two years, Hamilton (O.) Intellicgencer. | i] 4 sso saci di saints ame nneleae ace eae eee Rael RA RR tn ed age Caroline Watchman MKs wee MUREERER CONVICTED BY A HORSE. |« marketh the sparrow when he falls, J i igh,|in his inserutable providence, had yet in| , COTTAGE. Wm. Peterson was tried at Raleigh, in his Abii obgidina Male tS ded aid Under the above caption, the ‘ reserve an elognent witness against him | TIT SEE=SESS | Jae cnntainah King leaden artible valelpondanvel omy It bad eminently the character of Shelly comuty, Tequessap, tor Caeci er Stabe fadtital heart tvel to th “SALISBURY. NW. t. 1 ye character of ana : BPS : ses sk : | a itt 1¢7 was stcel to the y a, Aad . uve t cceerion: Representatives of | Se" ot Thomas Merriweather, a FONT wiles of the corrupter, and whose’ testi- —— = ok oring to convict Mr, Fillmore of * treachery to the parts of the country afd of all respec {planter of Mississippi. ‘The incidents de: | mony fell upon the astounded ears-of the} TUESDAY EVENING, APRIL 29, 1836. South,” any unsoundugss on the slavery” ques ____ | tion. Such an attempt will be vain indged = Je political organigations were present. | veloped upon the trial were of the most jury, as - | 7 ve Admjnistration was ac tie board in| romautic nature; and the evidence al-| : ¥ more than vain—before the discriminating tntellix’ f | mode, M ig become ‘ abhorrent where . ; : : Jie | 19 choose thelr own t, Gilmer baw) z of} the person of a distinguished member of though circumstantial, made out a clear - | gence and justice of the gréat mags of the Sunth-/auiformly advocatid Free Sutleago ti the ab- ‘Jourtel-—the Fesnlt of ita p ) jern people of all parties, who can tell a hawk | Street, but’ has, we believe, nS uniformly Vote pico of a anecessfal party, hd ) 4b ‘ratic party and . 4 A p Uabiner. The apeb te : pen) ane’ case of one of the most revolting murders we beheve, { old Whig party and the pew JAmeri- inst Legislative tinkering, preferring Unt all cohesive poweoof pabliepplander Bath ahi afirmetion etrong TERMS“OF THIS PAPER §800 CASH. Ae proof of holy writ.” No blood had ever been scen on the | |road—and no appearance of any strug- FOR PRESIDENT, | from a hand-saw, and who have no motive to | 88 f “to be found in the chronicles of guilt.” | a . m party had each its honored and cl g gle there, If the killing had been done i , / | necessary end me x: WOM exinta plinder,” an P geet paar in nttenel ance Sah There was ope point in the case, ahout fe the read, the horse, whose rapid flight MILLARD FILLMORE, | misreliesent the conduct or defame the eharae: |advould. be locate of tee pene . eo pes 2 m6 hi 4 Carolina aud Massachusetts met tegcther which alone there could be said to be and wild fright) must have been ocea- ee eee jr of one of the purest and wisest statesmen The | to-be held for the purpose, aoe and thetRiry -awatpine! . the a ye im goud fellow-ship, Hiinois aed Ponusyt ‘doubt, and this point was met by the ev- sloned instantly by the death struggle, FOR VICE PRESIDENT, country has produced. ‘They have no sympa: | ; faa is | ficlelity of selfiatiness’ its Uullivs of the au Ved 7 Vauig exobanyzed Novisc! fulcrsal Hid idence afforeat by the horse of Afr. Mere, NUM have kuowic nothing af the use i) ANDREW JACKSON DONELSON, {ti te Zrairer's made of warfare amd) rue uive wanes any ormen pamres, |“ feral e. des sender eh Hetant, ing. 1 mm election to Uhat plage, " and allegiance to the Union saith Kem ey ithe wood, The scene wag pictured be- should have no confidence in its conclusions, : honed vere endl . oe Ns " ‘ tucky and Tennessee, ut pre of tics bee fore the aninds of the jury—as if typed ON STESNESEEE: ! : ate yet das Leagtseacarr ret cordhable, tq “ixleg phew siete ina mattis $ iat ser ’ the and th ri (4, ine 1, ee 5 ; bet . when its judgment is se palpably warped by onen that they should he in perpetual dread of alleged demerigx of th z hat ne Bbrines, of which somany are to be found teeter se weulerstar) a ve Ure glorions art of Daguerre; thy de- ues vl ty t th triv voter if the reap mld of deat im ay Yet a good jrather than in ade, rhs kage a! init Fee $ eee oops + cA 8 : Wietee sernble > < 0 trivtic v ‘ y Peappe nce o tte « " ; 4 wpon Virginia soi where if the heart of state, by the laws of Tennessee, the erlm- coy into the weod-—the robber'’s demand FOR GOVERNOR, abst ARES lek ae abe eaten lle . " ? i x Pine wl 0 the merits " mining a eng q af * ; » A ‘ ) 3 ; ; uy : a } the Commonwealth would be disappointed if wnany of the leading politicians of to day are }ehampion. In this At sachs ‘ the pilgrim tee taquickerthred as he inal court of Memphis bas criminal ja. for gold or blood—the death st rigyle at JOHN A. GILM ER lt Ree ‘ted ¢ t Mr. Kitt kept in discomfort and aueasiuess by apprebeur | would find an apehill i et walls o ‘ : eed) bared oe “ ‘ ; eet m Inatincte wore dested! cs oe Bagnes¢ tte asail Mr, sre as ; a i ‘ Me bosiness, | Fecals she aseil Ns that clucterarcand |v oion of all erimes comanitted ia the | tee oe and the instincts were destined Faye TVET Be Ae GEE OE LO ES EE MOSS Gon of the reappenranes of the party which nan Gov, Bragg, ia veer clever “4 wild roe it, lie ig nog Worthy of American citizen Hah fiend sudh ates Coane to vindicd as it by a mirtacle, the un wae ° an Vbahitionist—for they very distinetly FeMEM “they have long since over and over deehited: to | is Allowed on wit hands 5 but 3 ‘fre! the throug! “a Lerring certainty of retributive justice, and | bev that it did precisely the same thing with re- be defanet, deceased, gone from - among the | grent public mensurca: whieh he has ever ovigi- , ‘ ‘Sime ie a great reformer of abasesya STs os {thus the Venue was proven—-thus the WIIG MEETING. hyard to Me, Plournoy, « Virginia gentleman and | things that ore and forever numbered with these | nated or advocated 1 -Wihat fins he ete sen ye ey rectifier of wrong judanents Phe circuit gout ar Shelby connty had! doom of the prisoner was sealed, and There will bea Whiz Meeting held at, and a Southerner, whose very instinct, feeling, | Hiab were, So mnch of a terror in thin terrible | ot atiempted todo, for his Suyted Wiebe a a 4 wd Byron apostrophizes th. Loman criminal jurisdiction in the 12th and oth- | thus the Conrt House in Salisbury rank Mon-| thought sbhorred Abolitioniam —and that ton | Pomibility of the resuscitation of the dead-men | he ever ipked:popnlaely, of committed himself a Boo i Py as the * beautifier of wt ge , 1, . -bble ae ' . - ae ; : sas : Neches : twh ‘e shed under the Whiz "ot Bytr , ol — veep erype 7 Ulerat pent ! or civil districts of the county. The pri- A EF nee os Ree ce day of May County Court. “All the old! when nearly the whole Democratic journals of noe ane — sac phe ban there if . ar yt prejees calculated to arouse the the wil owl” and rd Bacon tells ns that eae : ee, | ath turned the course of many a river; aan owe ieee ee pas : leas : certian gentlemen who ¢ NEHROH el with jand the energies oe t 7 ho Lapeer bommeats all inn , e a Sree Sumer Was ind cted in the cirenit court at A dew drop on the baby plant line Whigsare requested toattend. There) the State beside were absolutely ashamed of ite] then, that if any ome bad sendddenly ebbaorn ian | people of North Curt is 5 Pigrg Se none ol i Wi a. 8 Sry A : . 7 > severt “OABOR ivere | ‘ = i p treet ¢ | ty he gl A aan nee Raleigh, and the murder was alleged to - Hath warpped the giaut oak forever. will be several addresses delivered. ishortsighted, partisan injustice and folly, and |their ewes, “The live Whig are coming,” they |exhibited led erypat iy wits Seite t cout p who among even the present: generation have heen committed in the L2th district. | T w verdict of the A hed that the ° nate ~ | indign intly refused it the courtesy of ever al. | start with horror and dismay, aud ean only tee | The aewors taal "@ questions ar. to e painter seaclioets kine ShealHeare ¢ in Hot Phe dividing line between the 12th and | prisoner was guilty a id sentence of death APPOINTMENTS, Hatin Sionta eevacdl fence cece tains jcover their cquiniaity after the inust vociferous | sufficient, we suppose, i ahe fact of his. quil re, t fe“ acini a ; we u [sth districts was the read leading from) Was pronounced against him, which was John A. Gil 5 ' ; jPaetity Coe Croundieas CHATS UXCe pe [OE | elseutions that they do ‘not believe ft. Fig | adem sa & pow fealoral ae trade a yersary 0! we us just b Blk : A Je A. or, Es » Amerie: abate atid conc ve ane t e a ’ f P . «. Foe : ali | . : pelvaiers oy me Any hi y, Memphis te Hernade. jafterwards commuted to imprissonment i HY eT ads Util War American candi- | robate and condemn tem, A paper that thus) jad assertion of thor unbehef, though it gives | and suflered, aud ticket nothing at all— ; than the ae . ee i mes i, J : - If ho crime was cunmitied incthe 13th | for life in the State Penitentiary. date for Governor, will address the people of the attempts to convict Sumhope Flournoy of wos) thea time te recover a lithe selfponsession, ix! stwek to hin poly: and lone ity ; . pe of whos ay i a ce i 'Y civil district, the courtof Raleigh had no, In that gloomy catacomb of human | tespegive Counties named, at the following | sounduess on the slavery question, and frithtess. | imtobitatle a sign of their apprehension thot | yround-of bin clator’ wpe the adniteat pa py . hose most 18 us Je: aoa z : a : . ; < a f i ” H 5 a ay ves the : nee ae . aes in jurisd’¢tion, and the prisoner would have hearts and hopes, where time is as eter- mes and places. It is hoped that as much) ness to the South, may very well be excused for after all “the live Whigs ere coming,” me ett port uf the people wf Nurth Curdling} travell emi art We soy - a tte |to de acquitted. nity, and by a sense of Jiberty lost, W il | publicity as possible will be given tu these ap- trying to du the same thing to a Norther: man, ie sucklen starts, the suspends d respiration a We are waking go aitaek apon. Gee, hensior +} shner ! eal The deceased was found some forty or}liam Peterson now expiates his dreadful! pointments, and that the people generally, with. B S Raanice ater te : the mattered maledictions and dixappoimtment | —inach les would we a to bully him bef: marty fvelmg > nre atfected B, : ! : that the people generally, with. | But we suspect the Auqurrer’s real to injure ; iy we epira of party feel we are affected! ., 1 a peg iv, ! 7 U"'e ll which were th neal ol the 1G eRe 4 Pp I ) 4 fty steps fi he Lernad: ; The crim h were the natoral expression of their emo | his fi rT f . . fifty steps from the Hernado road. he ie. lentcroenect t . Me. Fillmore wil at | his friends, as the Staudapd. dove towards thine by none——we mean no onkind reflections ee fis tia the tule ek Healey aay 7 out respect to party, will turn out and give Mr,| Mr. Fillmore will meet with about the same sues qians when some wag of a polition! gossip first} Mr. Gilmer; bat #e won Rane outer ) IMness statec Vi ie body, as he tho’t, ea . a ; be : ; 3b ald fellow citi upon the Democratic orators who united had been draceed there fin iNeed A Visit to the Mineral Regions. )Gilmera patient hearing. We are not prepared cess, eyen at the dands of its own party, ay it) communicated the ay promeh of the dead, ache reflect upon dics Shaan, uot ’ “a ap re th ae evaleays is a mae Thence the doubt. whether the mnider }One of the Editors of this paper last] tosay whether the Democratic caudidate will did in the case of Mr. Flournoy —and that wns di etal oe ht ge ae ean) ale Mr. Gilmes's talents sed ¢ disposition have is ie ore & ee eee ee no Sue | took place in the 12th or 13th district. | week availed himself of an opportunity) accompany Mr. G. in this part of the canvass or! exactly equivalent to nothing ela Was aoe ! Mas are capes BE) plwwed him, dering bis poltic lie in positions thoasa of doubt, and the Rolceis! just enlogy upon At this critical point, the counsel be- to carry into effect a purpose he has long wot : Bat while the Aaguirer is thus assailing Mr aay at aii mn Haut, who wal provoking | og respowibility. Amd that he has always bobl © ataeeia line Vacced AVE. of \ Le ALE) 4 . 5 af a fd bs sion 1s ih le ed preerti sue ery a Ne Re. a the _ eset ageroencie rane ine passed away took tlieni ahoortain marvelloli@and nor. had at heart, toy isit the Coal and iron Murphy Thuradar Sth Mar Fillmore as unsound on the slavery question, its frou ine mt ph aa Aad aed grees ' ly shouldered Ais share of ity, fow will “toe dull ola ‘ ar Ne Ihe mali ils el conduct of the noble herse which had Region of Deep River, in Chatham Coun Franklin Saturday 1h + Riis ANT TOMUULOPAAL [lel N etree APA las! of th phe and wh fe savas dear. vow his omrating tu give him sume te ran all, cold ear of death, « s sracefally at . Slevin Im comiaivin: aenine ay f , ‘ day, allies and comljutora a ve North we Alli | rol ” ee yO Was very appro j - 0 Fry SOE deni Hulicien) GRIF , been referred to, which had come to their BES Ae at Ny suet » tha friend who had | Webster, Monday, 12th “ tion press —are assailing bin with equal fierce. Plately greeted on Satarday wight, at the Chay * : im thie particulor, « ak bjx pattiotiont and deur of B &r : 2 ss tl ! Ae | i J , knowled: in conversation with the wit- | 89 oMcia te rest in these minerals, but Warvnesville, ‘Tnosday, 13th r - s who @1 . 1 : festival, as the man whe wan first to repel the mem iw thin fwapeet hate been made the which | ut yt me yon ae fore Mt Bu z ¥ LO aera more especially in the i. imber of that Hendeesouville, Thorsdav, 15th“ ae ae AG Mas pant onl a Kone in assertion that the Whig party in deat We subject of attack and elamor by a Mabe who vev- omale soon, when aa ben set lis seal upon The known inst of animals has, region, we left here on Tuesday and Fri- Asheville, Saturday, 17th et servility to the slave AAA Such ts give to day a speech ty this distinguished Whig red ponacd shee nied or the pers to do wey | * the great nahh tad oly UTES UT from time iminemorial, been esteemed in day in ridit id rambling over soiuch Marshall, Monday 19th =“ ve tone and bungutge ofall the Abolition pruts delivered at the Clay festival on Saturday even: thing a of bras ly the pruterting: shaders of ne end the actions of partics have passed . ey a of that interestine section Kolev'a Store las Silt -« ) ; . : 2 the party ais, That whieh their alves. on his: ‘ De : ee the law as among the sources of evidence hat interesting section as was access Kelsey's Store, Puesday, 20th wd Orators at the Noth: nnd th Kuqiiver Ws, which is as timely as was his wel remem. | ' . ’ > oW into history, aud clouds of prejudice are | the «al re Dro. | ible within a space of some 15 or 20 niles Vurnesille, Wednesday, 2h) “ F Peas nee lemech Leics en halihiwn ; they can de; and that which their part ! Hr wy : by which the dearest rights of life, liber- 1 r 20 inrile < : I-t Knows it, snd vet has in eyisties to acknow red letter t Vor of the Juurnat last ies Pe PG one in jown away and the serene, shining dise |= , . square. And we have returned heme tron, 'rieday By os a : Sui Au Wie pcos . $e ollea ‘y dare » f A tvand property have been determined. i t WAVE Tec Taevtave : : y, 23 dvs the f tocite a Set er ane Fr, r nimeml tote the theughe z - of & great orl is revealed opus all . re ie Penson rice propos: | tore than ever iinpressed with the tru ‘ furcton, — Monday, Zou ~~ : ; i j PTY fal reacdhog ef every Aineriean citizen who de The particular oljeet of attack, in the bite ie who 3 his majesty in the welkin of i MUGS Veditollceuuniticidiniclelinlt attlicstate of the langnage of inspiration, “OT, hoop a ios ory arlale (rit gives vy ily to discharge bis dwty to bis coun sue of the Sudand, i¢ SMe. Gilnet’s knew t fame, A few Years avan ai v Clay Watwaeat io ininssen lee tlieopisatces how manifold are thy works! in wis J) Capt. O Wee sox, of this place, has been ap I cra, . the devoted and uneven try at the pest eleetion Every one will admit — . Vhatm kuown as the ~ Western Ack dietane Was, as Very man) otis IA ToL counsel, wire kne wots over ‘ veluing hast thon made them alls the earth cx pull, anted to a Clorkebip in the office of the second Aw. PEON NS Ore the notorious: Senate, Wil thee ermumil takiin be eo:pontrtieslly that of etrang bt i a. os oe poe rng et honestly believed, a inan of sordid ambic'p Car thy riche. : iter of the US. ‘Treasury Deparinent. He ttt Sit ho, because of his singing the Fugitive Wt Whig perrneisles Nothing te alamdooed, | °F OC the western members of the General of wh Gon, of overbearing, temper, selish, disin- fe , : as , Nie lmundlese wenllle lich ti! jaca bere (his couruing: for Washinglos, iW cot kis Slave. Taw calle Me} Sy Ear oleh bee gis abate! nothing bs et On that — of 1851. This, we peesame, fe to be guards genons, even corrupt; now tine helds ny ee ee os AE el hs US breather lave all GATS CXSe iene : f (tbes —Cupt Woe howes eipuk Fails rr ' Venn | creund the Wigs of thin Union will stoned He grand rehawece for locofuce capital iw thie by al is aharucter vo tlie cle deep mirror of JeCHOuS and acrnitte d the testimeny. It ee acne i en i cys Pestng Mls ca : r ma vl MEET Around that banner they will mille, To the Site the mong sammer, Advantage is tobe poet-la truth and its lineaments are given bach had been proved in the course of the tri whi \ ce se Ee iteedayeud the Repellicre c—7C Telegraph's Litter iuvcetive aguiust Mr acund of that muse they with march with an ot frou Mr. Gilemer's de tation to b's home arude ith the loafiine and dien ae oh pes ui that a WN clock « the Sunday arae eo Se ia ue AL Piblinere sulle! banners and nel eanted hearts Pertive of the State—one of the best avd wur- treatios »loaftinessand dior ch real phived i ortlicern Siar ean? ose . Fy bel aa them. Jt is well thatt SL following that on which the deceased and | MN . te rthern Stat had been fa ett aren, : ; her i It owill be cern that Governor Hunt brrewtly ein eter bal er hatore is to be were ii emt th tis well thart prieotier tet? Mr. Haramella,n gentlemen Yored by Providence with t ; ame mitre rs ‘ LEELA oh tn tinnntia ihalitteemneres te ie belick lring UM bed ayaint bin! Iu the of the Stand. , : ners foimione ’ . ais e _ . ' aken te lerte n oy w rit —fur it tenches as thath swever raters he Coming toward Memplis, met the horse fet, Aba point so easy < mie been at The Prosnlontial record af Millard Filmer Whigs tozether that they mag act in cnnecet in a7 before us the Weatern Addmab bo publidied sets @etractian or conten qos = st Sune S proven t wolbocn Me Moriwcathorn. Warmest | world We bo; ; Sse ioe to make need the s Filacwtl esicke ntinl catnyome Se far ws thie Sear, | ™ full, with «preface full of hurrurs, ip onder ” igh may assail our ears, the steady purst cae {ite (ae : OY 4 2 osee the daty pert al 1 : ; ee . . Sc pomreeicd iki acll o . vie tb fighient ¢, 00, le frown Mr. Gilener a rectenns Sere ee | , \ mid Z I leads = by igs menns will, eemoneri ee i the dnd south of IE pregress a pleted Phe coal mame it it ( | ! le tine: probally when all the Persibentia ~ ber to something, it duet know mages or later, mect with the jn-t imeed of ape) . : ; ai; \ { te and iron which lie at reverv fect Ppa akaleh tte! te mie UO Car aa wever just H K , nominations have loon made, an that the whet | 7" ™ sat joornal forgets that this sane Ad- ees ‘ a ? ; ae he sane, ¢ yomt full speed in the so 8 Woeverv tect WAL eg Weenie Ale P ‘ at the wh ¥ . , proval. Time jindicaic: (ie! / pee ney TWh Cae dee neta be brought forth. The wealth and the seam fod eraala weet thal an sae rs “ grote can le ane ved and an intelligent judy ie me was bit the cebe uf the tulce of the Wet the lone Eeprees. ; : tened © with dathen!. power reuch ininerals WC Ot ree Chalet ) , ‘ nent be formed as to the best coarse of aeiion (06 People at that time —tlat the taithited He wo WE EXCL slitenesls wath aut I pees hr mn im diatice ot ; wvtaiives who magnet it were pwd hal ne “a eal. in its Wola the. ; ite cen ofg thet to other States wud be secured t “ . wine ote. | ' story ot dade Conk Weean muster a gould fore of comacenane ~< ore eXpresmng , The N.Y. Werald, i f roepted and cansht Lani - ane cn TE Dal SO er : Sarr iy hae He Fesiaey a Ay Lthe State of New York Sos 80d opiinves, aud wisheseramd that be king ; Stinat alaaed ' \ 1 Lindt igomet to In : ‘ game celebration says 1 a DFAS As ee tee ke ic ren ei era het mcabic Vian Dee Was glomus Jirtyer 4 11s 8 pecree ¢ OA Chie tritule weal te ander fo concern alent the rie attempting to tweet ane bully thone feith- any cor St eugene inte eae ne c ‘ filing tho a a . cone eared. ., cee . irccintnh calsrettaml lee, lamas Intel: hat Hows mensemse im wach some: mune lane ul mentors it iments the homest amd respects or to a rery remarka!! ae : th i ; i ~ end rail r 1 Al ee et? : Wavitla pa “ as a ‘ ‘ dectana lie ah tetimiatnon te ‘Nhe prarnale inchiler, whe een to think be | people when they represented, Ile wor eeeasion of the cist } Abe : : Vaca we ; fctlitok there iaemctiforeercue i ' lcs Screen ; es ma party. btm this we they bees rt cd the Whig prety, there There is one thing alomt this matter which we emed | and statesmen of al wii Were fe) ec eee De ent reccetiiat mn dele ent f waniee att 5 en nes a ; : Meche RS eal ere tee fuvet. What at might Lave a ~ to Know —whethet the Standard tee widyly phere. Coald Henry Clay hare retarned a. ean man who ela the} ree Aan clic iets Gur in Series ‘a ii ; jean So : eg TO ET Uy Pivnuas Ven poker of itm Le by a — Address im all ite nanbere lished ' or \ > camed r ‘ ‘ t Wiik | y ' “79 ome r t ntob vid th > on N we presi mot to oar mele © twto the e tn ° fer an hear or two, in the body, to that , Prarie incite -% ; eee aoe : 2 : | . “ et stra portion of the State , or tea , MBlash Cottage,” on the day WAS reeng ’ cx lemer - ote ey ‘ . . at 4 ‘ knew thot ite het nowas alt the tet Shether, im tle ansity to mhkindhe ected api- in the als Sete Toad Neal i -t ant Prisoner at the bar I[u Measnres for another regil, t LON SM conmchae dla . . \ States thing te I ted from tle be eceesion from Mme bet the Ks leat, - perecognized by the co Aliant ws! : gene: thateity with the mines i F I ‘ ‘ fae an Y ‘ ‘ ‘ icy hel os the Went, it has ment « Boor y : I ai Baal gentioman, cla ' : \ . . N bow Veork ‘ mill otar sd bop afir with an nm *4ppeesmed the Ackines in ite Weatere edition. taking , B OBFpTiee they & ; J ule ) ati acct in yvracel pr the sehen ved t t ‘ ad ntl se ee iy great . air perhaps i [le perly i Quod st each mantetrern—inetenge co ahi t In hear <x aig ( shee mee : redemnilnele ee Charleston read to the NoGo ¢ via race yha hour ‘ h : : oS mee tle: WI ity ancht mor: fresaent the trhobe, with ite pulbentivos of the Nerth aad eee : Dongias, and Senators fa- Bhs ! ie ° ‘ of Hernado. The tuner of 25 or so cn Arid it re pecpeup, bauer rcupes , . ‘ . J . . fthe Iv to expe ite "0 wee wh nf ~ th aud matter euitathe to ene merklian. they outenlogizing even J: iT M i (ota lice : al ta the ain rot ted that Norfolk and Pere ae or Waar Sarg Pp fee ‘ Mr F with the forcnt ot a wie ty Pwith vt mt i shared tte homer. dbut cme, we teeudleet, the Loe. Deeid 8. reditar bimeelf, it would certain edt Spee ; ete ate thea: ready todo thia when Charest mle “ee . and | in, kuewing that Camble could lee time a Whee Stite eonieaten ell g name wax oad in a Southern} a such ¥ fnoble Harry of the Wee bose \ It w r nbered the : ‘ Snr. t aise . ; : Mi ting sorkt wesnrams Af a Whine party in thie Srat “c maternally frou that intended fe the ekdier pong okies nage ; eae ® ' ! sas of extraordinary ir dur zens { therefore Lestir t pte Retee ‘ ‘ ta . \ Z ' ter belies Noe Vink © neerhet aml wheel went out ander the Ife ah am, I was «© ln ] t J eee] ¢ tlie Pibitce oT aoe safle ‘ Cos ies)y ' " ' ’ white armany Sata prestept of morthera names. We hope the Stand- held to P ence, aud srwularty attached t . ott Uh thort oe : Chee wean ‘ ‘ a2 dneey 1 ! amoung these lemen--it I ye at ‘ ai © halt of f inthe race. The Western rail road ree nears : - ise : , t th orl hae podyed of proper to extewd the cierula- tat ha geome other Ilenry Clay has « priat ; , a Taal be pushed forward t d ; yee f duis : Moses} 7 . mel Whos party We fof the Aline in question ne thurvaghly as wheres my history.” fo ¢ , the farm vard where (Mtmost energy. [fit were now woe . ' . Coamtropate Nemevee, that a pure Who to: tere stim will allow, sed that some induste What a pity thatt oa = eee ' é ‘ Anais re eee ° ae : . ae . Pies rt « 1 4 tts towlers mnt mre its exim aed exndid pe- the we semal and politica - aaa nianterry alittiateweralicnldl limeeiiaialin . ee : = a ate eyes the a eipaetirtgar ar We have beew refersty- ual lat reat and deservin, a ree 5 noe nhavine the t r Vecns Ae hee Wa tver the - a : - - < : . re pe Le res tb — har reo he are. ‘ ‘ ‘ ' ‘ i. os = “a oh ‘ t rt thee n ws . etlrmenclinar * ! et late to de him as 2 : r W Merriweather, ace apa. Fended t fg oricina nw 6 ; th f ; ’ y ' ‘ a ft len sa porit ff eandee mm s ar a gpm ca shied Myr. Clay was inthe fail ps Gi Soe ane a ener oe ’ Aue GF piel eters an ; 4 Z ; : Pea ered pftiies, puwewese 7 aa ete ree a Seoth Cobitine, have f ath af his Cecnitix r ; 1 ‘ Bilas a j ; r wee bw ou ’ . Jd} pe : > — ae ba at ; ; { thecr ay be ‘ ‘ - os . he ae ' they oi. yam, and We cefy the Stendent amd ine elede tribe te : ibe Longe pe ’ ‘ : Hcltial eect itn tliva t Stat ic” erie . ’ ' alate ; front Ou= a sentnarnt of a doctrine ie it, which hit a) See : M , F . Pr. t «rt ths ‘ ‘ t ast ‘ " od State. that owereatis roles upou the rights of ou Easter flew ope. bile charac’ a) ‘ : ae had @ ine ' ' . piries aye Wing , | ‘eon pe 2 ms or does wot tally with the gremt prime phate s rater fle et ecovered e fa ,. OM t “ " ‘ . eat ! ate fer t ' ' ah nis a + A bberty aul eqnalty ehieb we all profess. eg glo wed imine ‘ ‘ ) ' sas te fon . & shes f * ard th F aries . P ° 4 he POA Helen ar ee ; I ey fa yt iM ad ul - r ; - ot hts Nes ; ye I ' read im he of ig amd see who is to inte & FR : $ "a F ; tre teenly ml Van large / ( , ; ; laa = nleeesd with tem permit y + exp ouxing ite manly aes romp = Xs Se : Whice abarmiy (aur alterct oe ' epondent stoehan sony Te “elim ote amt well ectaltinhed repeblienn dut- politic bis — : = vore t eof th miurcler, thre , Curr OS Vide Vinegro arr i ‘ 6 aed Pte | ake Z ) M I AAD Was troates| wit cea Let t be rend sm the Beat, amd when it conde WS SeTV CEs, his i ‘ a 4 . rr) ‘ ' eternal f ate , sant) te rt tf meon that it a nae N= i . > ae | fl tee feveegned reote: Mr) Merriweather was f Uh hT Se a ' ae astra ‘Me. b - ri * A 7 wil le feed amd confemed bey nawe te thc ; ' f° dt eren-ed elf tye ea fitdy publsls1 at soa ac itizen of ; oe i ; a ‘Lond magnanimous poupde of that heroic avin ns F : f ( r . 1 ei ie “ . ( Wes ? F rs - _ ae ee ee thathe had panda xonvte forint, Ong tu. W plik Gt t ry worl et , mreeritiy ct aia ‘ . ; te rteaustesl from cage, minds ae ooal in lapertistiyl T . ' = ' ieee ecg er cate “ny <7! ' fy “x PEN : oe ee : : thatess the 24th, se theat ann thre Cysteine eonel oar secret DA of Right. The pria- which tin J é I i mid the gee ‘ xe ede naw ba > P copdese t ae ‘ i a wscriin , pee feta, Tere ‘ ee Commer) thie aft moa reeslution was (4078 that Asbir-we —thowgh goad ten Inay whom ene Omtacns a paracr " : ; ; . ; las lincini econ : as : | ¢ ‘ : " Fs ‘ . Teron! ae i te duomm:! to die onder it, a they bere dose than t Iateom fron a i re : : ae PES Apres Sappre ahe Hoe . cwere As ' atm ' fo feat ates a arate aa jell ‘owl smear mnniiestors— hate sate progress the Hi mandic. .” | F , : ie SS ee are CA) tae nse ow anv owlor fog He a Ia : al iMlichtireress¢ ae) Het upon the ppalar mind wherever they shedai it s stated that a lla ; Gale ee ee mene Peer ¢ et ; ; ot the congratulations of die frends, whiel 32 aire T theme seth weer gry ol ental ‘ ' ‘ at 6 ic ; ' S eg ee F j wrens of development, mankind owe tg r mn r . ; ‘ t ft ynart se. \\ e enica j a liecete } enl elcebate of a tyes 3 } of the -— at, tls lap co Tis wae : pele, eee, | : rae 5 ; mere Fie — Matic a —— Repatties ; os the end 7 sofforer, ws an safc t Keile ft tie ‘ be (ss : he 1 hts more compltely they are enrried out F eitmior af eRe AT . r tbe ton i 8 “ ' J ‘ I? » 7 ; pe epileptic fit. It aldstiatan ae ree eae th as priclitiiat meetiiine ne ine pe ee te M Suthers ge all etl cant “iad Cae eee ied _ - ‘ “! yea , i , ; was finally defeated, by a vote of 33 te rit A beleves had » powerful the time. re mit plateau ii Ava Maria 1 1 1 "i tt t r m tae 8 i sinew J : : — ; EHC Mise fart wochecked ther 4 a is sata aa - \ k nd ele O20 Tathe Select Council a resolution “0 er w lich bas simee rendered erred | young man ja f nt Momea tw usheay anid pea ay — : f \ lon great degree, the inuisting epom ite le any re ja . Cir nent. roar ' \ ind grave hia ey coast! _. rie lasing Grice einlar impart was aleo presented an great degree, ) suddenly attackes, ' ne ont : reel witli act er Le ite wath ad ¢ mn . 2 Pore ee L bea | get iacies h ea ation to the fundamental tows, It eon and w z flositufa ey ; Dur . , at ln r | ; a . plo ‘ ten mied by the vvst tensile \ chinent fests qniverc ca ice pee Ba Tiel tars ge pee ia Wiliaingtom Herad. — Von athe Woe sae pinogeh | maponalry od poor, « ‘ rint a AS tae reer ; aol vad bien! halt verds nreON Pnacis vt ‘ “ia : ined ws ¢ , ale vem and vet it wae ents ' is ee ; were hie t ter ” ee spree been ope == “giao tlie ta af te - Carolina —n practical recognition of ite rights te whieh @ravat and covered the sf a oe LZ; hilt 7? bres aan monte : we PRESIDENT PIERCE parocipate in the benefits of internal i Jean bore Pe conte al iter ; : red pees ‘ ralwoneietive sal-ers) ccicmtnill l\\ dues ae improve consid i. The effect » as ’ Saas ed wee -, a5 s r trave i i oe i ip ee ile The New York Times save President o. 4 ue e en ifee eirrges Since then, Raleig i : : re uv Bh oe ( ; ; ’ . on - i x ; - we have heard of le ‘ m ; fro the man's mon Fale erty ne ee. : iting és ; aati . ; i Pier would oe able probably to com tetween the Kast aratvetes coalipipee scl ves Wat, ane ina chort tt : I , : beat ' rele ¢ . nat arial : - » the d the R owing Rs , ye 6 Ae ' \ F . miter t ‘ - s sites y MAAND he nomination, of lis pretender wnarnl . AP ROC twakened fron a . ' 5 5 aie Mics y : t t } ee Mer . { whal ie tte: boncsl-acl not ties ®ere at all a : : Be e ‘ ety to the firm pohey of Mr Gilmer aad bis . . A ' athe ‘ ! I P fixe ts nppreciat ‘ . ne i at all eimeerc tut none of comtjutors. For this the Standard lle Thiwe owls wit ' ; ; vA m oc Press ; , . A felt as a stern opponent of them have anv confid ; j A ; aon i fel aufferinire is Je thw the | ry] Wiis eee ee ie seregarde vite Mf ; Wiese erat : fence in hie euccces, abuse: thee grathmen, and aaah ty of war suff. y Nie 7 . f ; Ven - ; : ‘ ras a : = + ANOS Us rr) nominated > they are all, therefore, rea the per whom they truly and faith we ting th t 1) a ° - " " ‘ te desert vat the first opportunity, present ‘ a - hasaed ‘ baie 7 ’ a ; A t acer available eandidate Mr Gilmer hae hitherto appeared in had a. da ( eae he “al ort - Pee f 7 yn a fet learnt Natth Carolinian fe ax the Senator feom Guilford county. the me , w \ a F ae it AGT , . i pens nase ae: \ blevuitivl chun done Uncere et) oe lie county he owed hia frag doty. Bech a robbin ‘ t «l \ : the be : tr \ ther If ar , , : the General Assembsl . he \ t at Hee] it te eiste : ae J * ' Vo protessen Tee Ree 2) leather Good Few persons say mer th 1 i ie erat there to vepre- bathed wah ‘ t t pe witent {emad: iw ee : \ ? A fica ¢ ) = acnt hae oven ple Convent 4 ea 1 yea t ‘« by . Cw len him + good things than Mr. Choate. Our rea: Ve, Gilines : et, a { the Standard expected aniah Qoti ti wet a t Nin P oy 4 : : ! or ctily ae ser ders recobleet be wave an lecture in Boston, bs ns ter be 1 ; nattey Hoard of the roa? 5 aww Giler mat 44 : ss imal vinit \ 5 pmo rew exper a few weeks aye, upon the last dave of tank, or a ee io ae al ; dpe its . Dy fi cite forces iito7 Maina) Lomuractireleann lic 2 y ‘astern county—why, the pocket cr of tire + ‘ . ? si r gers, for whom he expres a thonght mvulved nut only nbeurdity but ire t : rine - ‘ 7 T or Scene ey \\ ! tla 1 woul deal af admiration, and whose “Ta. | te the people of the Bast and the ? : ( ' | uae wait } : on Bl teenies ri f . oe im) we. 7 ! lk = In ' a rat " Ih esi of the hae Mr. Gilmer hn ever boon fwith- birth nae end 6 , K's t \ A Sn ean r * great per alattachment to Mr, fal to the trusts repored in him by Ake conatite trad «ade icr ; t t Sreieat Re ili ect : Webster, and adimiration of im are alee C&—@ fact that ought certaink to be reganied ie e wt tP t hese It 1] mone of the 4 vad dh Mr. Grilin ; | td -I r : } veytg REEOEN is ead he was recently asker eof the best pledges of hereafter, hy fhe wae js rsonalic ou ’ e ; ; : eetion tothe Pr . Construction pen the p how he thought the conversational pow no matter whether his constituents be of the edenmiel clevcrtal sol; . ie : ', t ! f J 1 ; rican ceniceatinr ede. oe f Mr. Rovers would compare with el of one senatorial district only, or of thd keep : fea ; ae State eve have given nf ‘ Ws steely elia Fain hy one. pty Heme of Mr. Webster, He replied, + An ee " a t t i! t | on Woate on, having thre : ea) Popresuriv ’ ar that at ' a the Ameren fiddle to two hondred organ, ron stern members found that theirece- : teri be beien i Asses , eto t Sitter The NG whuryport Hvala” nial a vials proper comsideration im the a b, ston ald ' fil Free Suf contends of the State—w lastern members aw t nie . ‘ ‘ nr f ' ety, nel be n thoar ; feat A ; an i plate te ; caine forward cordially to anite with them th tion of ‘ r ‘ \ ‘ hent the i, eo \i Loman p Any Path 7 cenraeniceaes crea: Several large black whales were scorn devising liberal things for North C ' Viees, " “ ‘ : ' yoaurmet the law half a dellar’in the street, Oud Arueticun Darty. porvincly. in. the eam distinetly from the pilot beat W. \W_ tenal bitterness ceased. And whe sinee, and Men | : we per Jot iid Majesty te thats mot Ket t heer 4d wag rascal, weird te th hint alka Shachelford, on Sunday, and also on Mon. #!! the tine, has had more steadily im view the induls ‘ yvtiouiay \ Iie Riprosen. ar sland if cc Did yours havea Niles: lise parties day last, near the bar of Georgetown, whole State nnd every proof | 6 when im- the id! ine efi to thet hole ite Aakcteold Wian ae Wos euliin flavins si nahn something quite unusual for hia latitude provements were to be made, than A. Gil- cre Ore 6 ' Want, sail } il . .? ' ve (lat. re Ie thee. snvirils The weadvoented achange inthe basia &, Capt. LD. Benton and Isaae Lyneh can ‘Mer! He hae known no Rast nor ao West, land 4 ‘ ‘ \ AMER eet Ulsitis ily repiied the old ian teas Pree Suthrage is concerned, we presame YOuch for the fact of this statement, hac- when the State has called for his exertions ; and, vree t bo tre Ioan thre net learn t ailitt sharper ery few en f any qurty in North Carolina | ing heen sutticiently near them to observe Pe Hes bven the wide ge hia affections in’ “Ys gr en, : ect it this tine, whe are nat im favor them closely, and ilistinetly heard them the Senate nll, so will it be in the Executive rect ' ate abstract questions he differonee be- | apontins Te Dio Ti, . | Chair, if his fellow citizens shall homer him with binkes - ¢ nie | “ a 5 Fi e i t e e s l i n CH E E E E s i fr te i ct r P a k r e Hi e Fa a s re d s j S 3 it , ¥ Pi r k e i i“ had "ay THRE eigen bolt i the Grampians a6 With the 3, , cas. In the south of Ourishind scarcely thin = of, fand sand what was known ex- cited po feeling but contempt apd” loath- ing. The-crags aud the glena, the woods and the waters, wore indeed the sane! that now ewarnnevery autumn sith ad miring gazérs and sbetchuis, Tie Tro! sachs wound as now between gigantic | walls of rock tapesti wild roses. Puyers eame headlong down through the birchwood with the same | leap aud the same roar with which he) still roshes to Lach Ness; amid, in defi- | ance of the sun of Jund, the snow. sealp| of Bou Cruachah rose, as it-still rises, over | the willowy. islets of Lach Awe. Yet} uone of these sights bad power, tila re- | cout period, towatract. « single. poet or painter from niore opulent and more tran- quil regions. Tuilewd, Jaw and polities, trade and industry, have. donu far wore than of romintic dispesitions will | ily admit to develop in our wind a} rete oe the wilder beautics of nature. A | traveller must be freed from all appre-| hensions of being murdered or starved | before he eah be charmed by the bold | outlines and richetints of the bills. Ile is| not likely to be thrown into ecstacies hy | the abruptness of a precipice from which | be is in imminent danger of falling two! thodsand feet perpendicalar; by the boil- ing waves of a torrent which snddenly whirls away his baggage and frees Hin | te ran for kis life; by the gloomy gran-| deur of a pass where he finds a curpse | which maranders have just stripped and | mangled ; or by the sereains of those ea gles whose next meal may probably be on his own eves. . < *) “ Wemay well dealt whether, in 1639, | one in twenty of the well-read gentlemen who assembled at Will's cotfve-house knew that within the fourseas, and at the dietance of less than 500 miles from Lon- dou, were marly miniature courts, in each of which a petty prince, attended by goards, by armombearers, by musicians by a hervditary erator, by a hereditary poet-laureate, kept a rude state, dispensed a rude justice, waged ware, and concluded treatios. While theold Grelic institations were in full vigur no acconnt of them was given Ly any observer qualified to jodge of them fairly. Had sneli an ol server studied the character of the High landers, he would doubticas have found in it, closely intermingled, the good andl the bad qualities of an naciviled @ation He wonld have forind that poopl hal no love foe their country and Ceeir king; that they had we attachment to any commonwealth larger than the clas or to any magistrate saperior te the eliet Ile would bave foend that life was go ermed bs a cede of moralty and honor widely different from that whichis estab lished in peaceful amd prosperous socie tres be woald have learned that a stal in the hack of a shot from behind a fraz ment of rock were appro “dit taking satisfaction ter uieulte have heard men relate boastfully bow they or their fathers had w réditary enemies in a neigh such vengeange as w mid have made old eokdiers of the Thirty year,’ war shudder Ie showld have foaud that rfbbery was held to be a calling, net merely innocent, La: honorable. Ile would have wherever heturmed that dislike of stealy industry and that d the weaker sex the b ual labor which are cliaracteriatic o ares - e ° Yet an onliy teved and disspassionate observer would have found in the character and manners of this rade people something wi ' might well excite adiniration and a good hope. Their courage was what yreal ex phate achieved in all the juarters of the globe have since pro to | Thete intense attachinent to tnbe and to their own patriarch, theagt politically a great evil, partook of the na tare of virtue. Lhe sentiment was mia tt rected and ill-reulated ; but still it was heroic. There must be some elevation of soul in aman who the ty of which he is a member and the leader whom he follows with a stronger than the love of life. It was true that the Highlander had few scruples alout shedciyg the blood of an enemy; bat it was not leas troe that he had high notions of the duty of observing taith to allice and hospitality to gnests. It was tru that his predatury habits were most) per nicions w the eoinmon wealth. Yet chose erred greatly who iuagined that he bore any resemblance to villians who, in meh and well-governed communities, live by stealing. When he drove before him the herds of Lowland farmers up the pass which led to hie native glen, he no more eonsidered himself asa thief than the Ralvighs and Drakes considered 1 selves as thievea when they dis ided the wargoce of Spanish gallons. the wes for Ile would aked on be , borg valley soon eveitiots to tlarrw ou aviest part of mean aay loves Aree love em He was a warrior seizing lawful of war, of war never once intimated da jing the thirty-five generations which had hasseed away since the Tent sad driven the children of the the monntaine. Thar. if he robbing on such principles, he shonld, for she proteetion of peaceful industry, \n punished with the atinost rigor of the law was pees jnst Bat it was net jst to clasa him inerally with the pick pockets who infested Drary Lane ‘hea tre or the highwayman sopping coaches on Blackheath. His inordinate pride of birth and his contempt for labor and trade were Indeed great weakuess, and had done far more than the inclemeney of the air or the sterility of the suil to keep hia country poor and rude. Yet even here there was some compensa tion. Tt mustin fairness be acknowledy- ed that the pitrician viitnes were not leas widely diffused ainong the popula ton of the Highlands thar the patrician vices. Aa there was no othor part where Men sordidly elothed, lod. |’ and, fel, indulged themeelves to such a degree in the idle sauntesing habits of an aristoern- cy, so there was no other part of the is- land where sneli men had in such a de- xree the better qualities of an aristocra- vy, grace and dignity of manner, selfres- pect, and that noble sensibility which wakes dishonor more terriblo than death, prize invaders eoil te was canylit he 1 ro ¥ list’ hog-stye, would SMA chap teved ehh 5 weorttiy of the splendid cir- ery hd BSeotiand, for his sequwut of their un- 4 “ A ae Oe ays “a babe was known about the LaTean By TELEGRAPH ad bite One Week Later fiom Eureye. ARRIVAL OF STHAMER, ARALIA : : Alavsvax, (N.8.) April 24. | which he would “tempt the old line The steamer Arabia has arrived, with Liver- | Whig” to come aver and throw them jrelves into the arma of the Sunterrified.” Goatin during the week had been firm, and Of course the American party eame in tied with laroom and the tlek up to Friday evening, the Ltt ihat, for a share of almse, denunciation and | family and tw chareh to the guardianship of hie Su- | prowlclates of the 12h ist, lind anrouated to 70.000 bales, On the iy the Persia’s alview: came which, being bighly favorite, caused tonand, with xules during the day uf 000 bales, at 1 16d. advange. Wheat bial derlined 24, 0 Flor Is, aud corn 26 Canal Four 25 a 318; Ohio 32s. corn 28 9 B06.; mixed 28 a-@da. Gd. sions were generally unchanged, Saturday to han an active over 20, Provi This eouvention (a f ; “fu thie y lai evk, begiuning op Wedncely and and | } | Democrats who had joined the American jparty for the sake of preferment and not ing on Thursday. - Of course, Gov, Be HR was nominated for ro glecton aad ee Ries : , § ted that post in a speceli Defore the con-| ty this Town, ibis moriing, Mr. MOSES RIMER, vention, in which hy in NO Hittle! nged about 40- years. self laudation and glo ion ‘of the | » At Lincolntony NC., on Tuosdaysthe 4st. instant, Demeeratie party. Has Felréshifng- ta, Or ANQREN KARMAUE, th'the Otet yo0p of, bie Witness the gusto with whieh heextended |” the right hand of fellowship te reneaiig! x Ramsaun wad, for many years, an active and ex| emplory member of the German Reformed Church. While yet eotoparatively young, he was elected Dea- con, in which office he tsbored with great piety and geal, for the welfare of thé church, patil disease and deuth released hit from ‘We dutivs and responsibilities, of bis office. { He wus not afraid of death jin trath it was no hard- ship for him to die. He had Jong “ had reepeet unto the reeompeuse of reward.” « He * kuew in whow he | had believed; wae persuaded that he was able to keep that which he had committed vnte him aguinst that day?’ And he was pot disappomted, He could, there- fore, the more reudily consmit ull the interests of bis, rising fast cnongh had retufned to their old allegiance; and was more than refresh- tng ty listen to the dulcet strains with { } l ridicule from hig excellency, which exam: | vieur and his God Yeu stily to lay down his office in ithat his exceHeney, entertained no little | White | | The bullivn in the Bauk hind decreased by £430,000, At Manchester prices hadimproved, and (rade was better, le was MT ant i ,|the churel which he loved, and teave his family, to ' i | om mnt faithfully copied by the | whieh he was tenderly attaebed, and eubniit him speakers, both big and little, that follow: | to ube sentence, © Dust thom art, and anto gost shalt ed in his wake. It was very evident | thou return,” was a great trivl to his faith, For the | sake of the church, bis fomily and fireuds, he wonld | dread of th . ° | (if it hed becn the Masser’s will) fain have lived awhile Lhe t ve Ieetics of the canvass, and longer—but as be feltsssured that this could net be, well be might, for there will be no child's! it was of right with him. ; | play for him) befure he completes the | He died as he lived, a etavch believer in Him who campaign is ‘the resurrection aud the fife. i Redan . . | He has left « widow and two daughters, together J. iG Shepherd, Esq., of I ayetteville jwith a lurge circle of relatives and frieads to mourn! presided over the convention, and when | his lors,—a loss, which, fora time, at least, will be sorely felt—and yet it is a loss which bus its consula- he took “hair felt ¢ - ook the chair felt called Npon to de | tions. It i» soothing to refleet upon the calmness and At Havre the sulos of the week had reached liver an elaborate and apparently care- | composure with which be met his Jast euemy—those | 4.500 babes, 118,000 larles. Spain refuses to redtrgss the grievance of firing inte the steamer El Dornbe. The two steamers sent in search of the Vacific, had returacd to Galway after mine days unsue eeseful cruise, The sessions of the Peace Congress continue Imports 65,000 bales, Stuck Austria, sypported by Russia, had made some difficulty alewt the evacuation of the Drivexpal- Mies, ander the pretext of taomtaining order ae the last accuunts ber troops were leaving the tortiterios, The Fiench army was alout to be reduced to speak hearafter. 400,000 men. Rassia hal repealed the probibition of the export of produce. The grain ova ket lation « Th Prepestions in reyand to the Sound duces, were falling im the expee dare ree iyts from the Black Seay orty Kayhab cabinet had maveted the Danish tha kade at all neutral ports hue been raised France dems that she has conte tmylated ay expedition to Madagascar, PURTIIKR WY TILK ARABIA, The correspomlent of the Loudon D: the telegraph has Leen cotstantly emipboyed ot the Dialunn question ia mealing memnages be teem Nagdes, Vienna and Dans -- Count Cavo wie prepemition having been referred to theese urs —bravce aud bayland to uuhe the final lecmon A comimieion af Austian and Rassian off cers for the retificwtie of the Moldavian fron eo. sere walling oman Austria bad agreed ty evacuate the prinetpal Tarkev shows creat anwiety to be relies the porectece ihe als . Napole woul! aber eit Aten The question of the Svuud dues haw ne prvsres Thee netion of the United States Goverument will pectatly be awaited Remsia, is emi! will mow cevete her ener aie with France, the comp bk tion and the diffuswo uf a lussian few hing upon the Continent oy lays sate Thee was clit at hy t ~ 1 eptned amd retarted - >: MISSOURT POLITICS Sr. Lowi, Apr H > Dentonitesa ta the Nlsoditionists for (sovermor ted Reply ef the Spant-h Corvrremest le Regard ie tbe 1) Derade AMair. Woastixcrox, April 22 steamer brought d ' I ley thee Ministe } Re'ati note our Minister at M tis Cheer ede bast s panies vreyly nes Vo onr Cente tor reomatter of the firmay into and ce ton of the steamer Bl Dorado the Spa man-of war) Ferrolano. Syo decidedly but cautiously refuses to ¢ ly with the wishes of ear Govern } tal showing by a serios of ar-uments that a combing tothe law of nations the ¢ der of the Ferre!ano did nothin nvore than the peculiar cireniustances at tiat time existing in the neighbortood of Ila vana justified. ore Ferther from Nicarages. New Oaxrpans, April Ry the arrival of the steamer Char Morgan, Schlesenger's defeat is conftirin ed. He lost SQ nen, and the remnant of his foree had arnved at Rivas. The re sult ia attobuted to S gers car leagness in net taking: pr ton toy vent a sarprise, and to hia cowardice when the attack was made Walker was in a good position, and was being largely nm A battle had taken place at Aristopa ka between 14 Americ 1 Ricana, ithe feated with t loss of 0 killed ine and Bou Costa in whic latter had bee rhoan wee The Reards Wile visiting a Vouh'a A [line friend in Sangamon Bottom, in this ecu aan SAYS called tv. ashert tine since, we were examine a specimen of atone which had lately taken) fram ao neighboring quarry The curiosity. consisted of ty aandatone recks, which were found j ing each other in contextual form, wire when separat 1, the fice of one present ed the Appearance of having been a part of the side of a vessel near the gunvwale There seems to have been an over lap ying of the timbers, in the form of mould ing, around the vessel eee An cvehange paper, the editor of whiel doubr, lai ly set ap with a widow, goes off thus others was one endorsing the pres: | “ent administration and recommending | | The | “Kor the other half of a conrting mate h ther is nothing like an interesting widow There is as much difference between courting & Iainse and an attractive widow, as there is inerpherins of threr in addition and the double rule ll vervit Courting a girl ie ke eating Gur, as far as it extends, but doing the amiable t blue-eyed bereaved one in black erape, comes under the head of preserves —rich panzent, sir For delivious courting, we repeal, give u ” up. ja live ‘widder. 1) ny fully prepared address, whieh did vot, | words of peace, and breathings of hope, which fell to our judgment, eome with very good | from his lips while living; and that ar of seronity, tiate: f ali pe: etl lingered upon his wasted coantenance after bis uste from a prestung officer, The asn- dissalutiou | and made us feel, us we stoud sormowing al nomber of resolutions was adopted, over bis: grave, “ Blessed are the dead which dic im to which we will have oce the Lord.” Jt frequent referenee he. sion to make aratter. Amougst Pocket Boek Lost or Stolen ! qom ETIME in December last, I missed my Port + Monie from ite accustumed place in my cout, siuce which ume all attempts at discovery have proved frait- | . T were a note of hind on Juseph } Ired and eighty-five ,of Boaties Ford, for | four dotlare in mo- cee p™ x y | $25 REWARD! | Pierce for renomination, and advocating | the claims of Mr. Dobbin to the Vice Presidency. Some nich and entertaining scenes took place of whieh we shall take occation to m Dr DW. Kerde reeetpts [ hereby forewarn al] petsocs, sons We should not omit to say that “father twenty-six dollars ; 9 moatly wlver At salam” was in attendance and went Q4er en) meer tl heicé. alee home before the convention adjonrned demuity the priucy tof the above with pretty considerable of a “tlea iu lis votes 1 wil , for the Puckes ear.” North Carolina Star. Book aud coutent treby det aa an sD “-- Rowan coanty, Apri 29, 1556. ama A FABRICATION To the Ki f the Uuion NOTICE. Having but little desire to appear in print uy Ae wgued will offer at pubsde ‘ Pa the Conect-Hlowge in Saltebury on any subjcet, but particularly in regard to yp a t ON Fpl bd Ls erm «of Supernwer ar os, teat we me osupypomed that po was sur ‘ (itl :é Wesle Wircie porisead ter te wen heur at finding mv bu K R Z *, Jobe aime yy jo the / r ant ! 1 , | h » ining muecty acres, ue al at ta j the od ‘ by asd we iy withdrawal froin kite Notlingeo— © eo ae [am a Whig a to the cher} a Scale eae ae Tg ye I am wy . F vel oh vail thea \ Ne Asvet I have « ecivew of thus m Ve reee a huowo um : cs au : a MARGARET BURKE AD t u t 1 anvid ‘ bbe Ap ) 56. 14 t ; r ite ya ples, vanegatad aceur sutmehe on wl it te bent ANOTHER reine PMESE «orgy ‘ . : STOCK ture royeenl wie [peas on arlv “emeue ‘ e ‘ ‘ | ‘i ; ' ° " ’ ne cca. Spring & Summer Goods : ; a feat : JUST ARRIVING ' Vonmy more pliable a { — if . AVING « r re perchwer cf HINT. HALLECK ee ee \ ete Fieauswiccicd \ [hen : the ( fot ‘ y la ey eae 2 ' maN 4 FET NVORFOLA MALAL : Rie \ f Reported by Rewland & Brothers, April 24, Isc ¥ wr a] BACON I ! " i j NOTICE. LARD—No baw + Be: ° ow nam \W leek CORN — Mardi ot W Y - I oe ‘ - BLAch E Pe As Male ‘MM ( ‘ 1, WHITE BEANS ¢ : Weal . \ ve PLANS RED—€ ' 1 JAMES bk AF TTON 494 Ay Ts wate Phot we ! ) ' ' ’ al) t , . Valuable Land for Sale! SUGARS Jia 174-0 cuietewd, 115 WILL. eel! pr ORI Peles m= Re TS I. f a Hunting ' WES 40 fs ‘ . <7 . he & “ VV 6 ag | wtf « dune ia, - 1 t fm . rilk MARWETS le . my sth. er : Ces k 5 Vere y "9 ' . \ A x GHORGE Lt 6 ' 1 ! Deal +b pr idan | 6 as a me uF Wires ' ‘ N Ortee ais Aped & ‘ f “ ‘ t Kn W reag ; Candice: , bi Nurse ° STOLEN---¢100 REWARD é ry 9a3% (ate " 0 “TOLEN ¢ Ure plantatnm «f 4 (uf K 3 ‘ Tanered gyi ae si an a ecwesy ae : ce elas oak Ware: bli nad © Th ode hal 1 rey gal 08 z : 1 u . s \ n A oe M “+ t s ad &. ands . i Wi8 8 wage . : le > Rag 8 k. & fe Ts y, F ee bo ba ‘ J MW JPNAINS Du nde ~ ng a.4-§ § ; fe B 21246 vibog § \ os , - : 1s Giserr ynaiy SPRING AND SUMMER “ ‘ Haxeced 73 a aoe eens J on QYVIVS Bees wat af 1290 an > XQ s XY ;. t 7 4 * A j ' » $5 ( erifve ] = ce. t I <* © Tato age Rar 4a 44 Tarp <>, tr) t I Wheat - . M . > Ww * : o 6 Window wk Rae cea fot ee dae Ta , iad * ' j ' Staple & Fancy Dry Goods, ead. Dry W alts y ? ; ee aes hes : bivw Bensamin Junon'e sore Hardware & Cutlery, Greeeries, dc. McCormick's Reapers. 2... MALIN, Aves \ eal” YEW Aly Fashionable Dancing Academy DR. S. REEVES Pe ‘ , GOODS! < OTIS tt PVs « * Dh. tke be COOLLLAM, LLY annoanere to the T pe PESEECTEL Renter sbury om ’ ee ss iy pen Monday, May Sth, at Moe * \ Has Spring & Summer Goods, Borrs of Altendanee Poa Lapens and € torey —on Mondays iT c eT D ; dave frm bite Bo'clock, POM d & $s bres Ja sed Abid Cloth For Greerirwes—the eam nings from to 1G ris) I ‘ tack. POM Wat d Capa: Ferme for a cour of ten leamone, 810 2 beta’ r/ ; Salebury, April 29, 1256. raf Booteand Sh Glass and (Qucenaicas Groceries & Dye Stuffs, A oehott eredit Land Warrants Wanted. whieh they offer eheap for eish ar FESHE h chest ene’ pe ces will be paid for Land Ware Call and examine, as we are determined to cll l rants Apply at the Store of Brown & Cof. April 15, 136. 46-tf fin, No 2. Granite Row HOA LEMWELY Ap rene sent 7" < HATE Blank Warrants for sale Here | ~~ & 3%. SALISBURY, N. C., ee » ARE NOW RECEIVING Ai iT ‘the old, well known Establishment Roberts & Co, one of the largest and Most Splendid Assortments of SPRING AND SUMMER BLYVWSB ott consisting of Foreiga and Dome ware, Cutlery, Boots and Sh. and Straw Hate, Bonnets—Bac! Moleskin, Pi | Trimmiags, Springs and Axels, \WVinduw Glass, Queens | together with all chee ally k Dry Quod ond Glase Ware, Saddlery, Sole Leather, Halting | Store. teats unlit Ald eltlhd Mad saa Clothe, Blasting Powder, Nai's, Lron & Stel, Black: | selected tock of Groce: nies ever offered in thi market Warehou ! re’ and Shoe-Makers’ Tools, Tua- | ail nf! which thex ere determined to sell at prices that | eh BO, vere’, Linseed and Sport Oil, Paints, Dyestuils, Cart- | cannot fail to please. smiths’, Carpe ings, &e., c&e. A large stock of, GRO TES i" ....Partiétlar attestion is called to ad well sclected stock of always ow hand .. our large | | { READY MADE CLOTHING, Spring and Summer Goods vim nee ami tt compte seurment ef the | which will be sold at uuparalicled low prices in this | country. OF All the shove goods have been selected with | the greatest care, and we most respectfully invite all} those baying goods this season to call and examine oar | stock ns we feel nd hesitancy in saying that we have | mileeger assortment than has ever been offered at one | has been received, and is ready for inspection. sengen in thie place, and that we ae determined to | extensive aud varied, comprising all kinds of Goods eel, and will muke it to the advantage of buyers to | for the Season,—bought at lowert cash prices. and | will be sold at wholesale and retail at very low prices | | for cash. give our stoek an examination before purchasing. Salisbury, March 31, 1856. 44af Antes | THOWAS E. BROWN. Carriage, Buggy and Sulky Builder, 8 now carrying on the ahove businers, and invites fhe pub- lic to call an jue bis work. Ie is manufacturing very superior vehicles, and feels confulent be can give satisfaction to | allwho want a firstrate article. He can pet ap work at low | prices, if it be desired, mend the better | qaaltics as cheapest in id advice those | Wo i, MILLA, opening in the Brick Honse formerly occupied by sary out-buildings; and well suited to the eultiv Kennedy & Mills their stock of EVER OFFERED IN handy AA erg | STAIPILIE AND FANCY | Mactan nome Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, =» 26. 156. all kinds of country produce of Goods for negro wear—and Bouts and Shoes of ev- lp the said County of Ashe.at the Courthouse in ery variety of style and price ( + &. mooeE. 4. 4. Kenneow i. se Oey ve ee ee AND N » of @ Dood of Trust, by Ji F I wilh self, at Public Sale the Coart-House . Mockeville, on ‘Tucedsy, the 27th of May, 1856, the Tract of Land whereon the said Bogurly now lives, WEW GOODS. [scents Mills, Moose & Co. others. containing 194} acres, more or less. Thisland EG leave to inform their many friend» and the lies within one mile of the Town of Mocksville, on pablic generally that they ate now receiving and | which there is a good Dwelling House and the s of Corn, Wheat, &é. A credit of three months ‘be given, on the purchaser giving bond with approved F wecarily. gq | I. CLEGG, Trustee. 44:6 National Agricultural They are also reeelving the lorgest and best ;PLOUGH MANUFACTORY, MACHINE DE- PS. THE WICHEST MARKET PRICES, PUT AND BEED STORE, paid wt alltimes for Fleur, Wh oat, Cora, Coie 251 PEAL ST. near Folten,New-York. JOUN JONES, PROPRIETOR. _ The subscriber being a practical Mechanic, and having many years’ experience in the manmfacture of all kinds lof AawiccLromaL Imectements and Macroneay, would od \ Sanvury 9th, 1656. NEW STOCE si j above Guods, which he offers for sale at lower prices \than any other House in the trude. GUANO, BONK DUST, SUPER-PIOSPUATE OF LIME, FRASTE aND OTHER FERTILIZERS. Mareh 31, 1956. 443m. FOR 1858, R. & A. MURPHY, W OULD reepeetfully announee to their frieads & | the public that their Spring end Summer stock | State of North Carolina, ASHE COUNTY. Superior Court of Equity, Spring Term, 1856. Hamilton Ray, Tt is} They bave a splondid stock of Dress Goods FOR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, AND al] re. David Worth and John A, Ashley. ‘T appeoring to the satisfaction of the Coort thatthe defendant Juha A. Ashley in the above case, is « FUSE steer eer OF | non-resideut of thie State—It iw ordered that pobli- READY MADE CLOTHING. | nto be made bo six weeks inthe “Carina W oteb- 5 man” for defendant e and appear a Their stock also comprises av excellent assortment | next term of the Puperior t Sorts of Equity to be held GROCERIES, Hord- | j.¢-reon on the 2d Monday after the 4th Monday in ware, Cutlery, Qrens aud Glassware, Couekery, &e. | August next, then aud there to plead, answer, or de- &e. Call aud a+, and hear prices. mur to said bill, otherwise the same will be taken pre Salisbury, March 31, 1856. | confrsso und hew te as to him. q -— , Clerk aod Master of said 44.61 who w'sh ment before they parchase ¢ “ §W™ iis shop is in the rear of his Livery Btable | W™ Persons at a distance ordering work, will plesse acecom- pany the order with a desertption of yuired—style, give satis. nt in ha Oats, Bacon, Lard Morses, Provemder, Timber, 1; and those who wish either to buy or to sel! mutes, are invited to call aS 4a MOCKSVILLE MALE ACADEMY, Ee ut sees bie Dns on Willeommence ao W adsy the 20h of Febraary. suet, The “ pavery fl ching cond: and the Lone bie uta! endeavors te keep it pe he rep wheehit hae here yore be prepared ver aN er : y of our Colt ¢ they TEM f ae BI ’ erees ond Smonths, #00 ghch Beauches 12.00 15 60 INO: DBD GRETTER, A. 8 Beb 15, 1° wf39 REFERENCES t . and Faculty of the Uneerity ; Rew D v Ione YD, Preeite ID toon € ' Hon Jobe Mo Morehead, Mon John MDs bwnagt E Sbober, Eq. JF Bell, oq, Sale To the Ladies. f hi subscribers are now re eiving the finest and ' nplete stock of bates’ DRESS Gaute rave ever allere he p whieh they wi peeit Trey a arucalar attentenn ” r sik and MANTILLAS t et ety eof BONNET RIBBONS EMDROLDERIES, &« N 1. Granite Row BROWN & COFFIN M, ni 43ef Cardenas Molasses. . jG 1s (6 eae ~ I Crop CARDENAS wg f nh ar ul y a Fe San is ek anes iu ABIL pA ian Factory Hands Wanted. Wesco +. Warp er end D- seine Tene , \le ‘ wr 28 two Ty kee Hearse hance Office 8 C.Rail Road Co ? Satsomae, Ap J 16, 156. \ Schedale for Wail Train on and afier TS MONS SCO Monday, 21st day of April, 1856. WF T EAST ‘ a FwraM ge aS45AM R i + 21 we = det G33 i ~ Sale ~ 9 i ru lew a0 1 : Grot . ‘s rw _ i" ' R Tilt Bos. RNET Eng Sih BS EN s $20 Reward. ’ Rr v en March tye . Tt ! ARE s * rrp ad Ay aeerea rien et Cedar H Ane wrhing vat r Ww « ~ b e Yadkin r and ard 1 a fr y Se neiapive (ead ke eh , eome julrest Poget him again SAR ATL CRUMP Apnl 13, 1856 daft State of North Carolina.) ROWAN COUNTY \ } i] - in f] The F 1 ( chore « * tthe next Court of Faymty te be held. for the 4 r ty ih M t A plead to, ar swerpla T's ment pro co ow be rendered agaimet them, anc ise bh rhe as exp them I. BLACK WER, C. Wt Apr t Printe re fee 85.00 SHH Macria ioonse beaut folly: prog vnd fo sale at this office Monday after the 4th Mooday GEO. BOWER, C. M. E. Printer’s fee $5 00—45-6¢ YY - amas ot 2 G.A. MILLER, ©) “suc: tee ATTORNEY AT LAW, 5 ~ MOCKSVILLE, N.C. ) LH Olice immediately opposite the Davie Motel. State of North Carolina, ROWAN COUNTY. Rafos Barringer, edwinistrator with the Will annexed, of Alexander Brandos, ve. Thomas Cowan, senior, aud Jobn ¥. Cowan of Rowan eomnty ; James Gibson, Alexander Lowrance, Joha Lowrance, Thomas Todd, John Silliman end Jokes ’ K. Gruham, Elders & Trustees of Thyetira charch 1 in Rowen county; the Trustees of Davidson College q 4 zg county ; Alexauler B, Cowan, Jas, 4 LS L. Cowan, Charles W. Cowan and Thomas Cowan, Te children of James L. Cowen; James L. Brandes, bh Apri 5, 1856. NEw SPRINGS GOODS. | 4 in Meek » : < ts his own right, ond James L. Brandon, Guardian 4 ) of Naney Branden and Leonidas Brandon; Jerome eae gouruersleapply.embrac-| 2. Brapd on, Richard R. Watson ond wife Bian; & eee yet =TAPLE & FANCY J Brandon, Wm. M. Danning and wife Amanday Gonds, well ads ited to the S Nofwhichhave! Franklin A. Locke, George W. Locke, Joasph- de. been bought at (ie kowest fizer-s. aod which we are) ‘Turner and wife Mary Ann; Rebecea RB determined to Ter at woeteesce and retail at prices) Thomas L. Gies and wife Genow C. Giles; that nvust give sauefartion G. Locke aud Wiliam P. Locke, : Fe ae ee restock Lefure you purchase as am Equity. 4 we are det is | Seer ecr N Unis case it appearing to the satiefaetion of the 4 PHY, MeRORTE & CO. | | Court Ubat James L. Brandon, Geardien of Naney iebury. Apri }. 1s Se newt Branden and Leoudas Branden ; Jegome B. Brandom Now 1 & 2, Granite Ruw. 6 a | Kuchurd Ro Weteon and wife Etiza; Rheda J. Braad- 2», Wm. Denning and wife Amanda; Franklia A. ALicn: I Locke, Joseph L. Turner and wife Mary Ann; and JAMES TORAH, Thomos L. Gil «and wife Genoa C., are non-vesidente: -MAUE M 2 of thee Stake, Lt in therefure epdered that WATCH MAKER AMD JEWELER, be made sa the **Candiaa Willnnen? ae ee RALISHURY, N.C, commanding them to be and appear at the sext Term . a “5 of the Court uf Equity to be held @r the oa npehilicrant hah ride o pista © Moree Rian, at the Courthnase im ‘infohery, om the feb REPS constanily a large semortient of Monday after the 4h Monday m February nest, thee iN ebb adese : JEWELRY of af Kinde and there to plead, answer of dewrur Yo complaingets Cheeks, Watebes and Jews iry uf every deeenption, iit uf complaint, of judgment will be taken pee ese- Hep red in the beet warner cud um (he must reasoMa- sregg aguinet them, and the cause set fur bearing, and me terme Tor heard ez porte as them, February | = Sf ly33 rk and Mester our . ( alebory, the 13th BE. NUE MU TCI, day afier the onday ia Aagust, A. D., 1as6, COMMISSION SIEHCHIANT, | == = Ss rem + & Beene Oe o s i o we re Charlotto, WW. C., L. BLACKMER, CME wits i Nathaniel Boyden, Cotton, Corn, Flour, Wheat, and all Nests) C Recene Priniar'o fer (8.98-—GGMy COUNTRY PRODVUCH Sr err : tN Cuiat yTTe ua EeTON, AWD NEW YORK i Carpetings, Rags, Draggets, &e. \ ’ F. wonld coll attentiod to cur stock of the ehor- Liberal Advances mace on Conusig Rae loerehoss a joe, which ie large and varied, just receive J. 1 Jenhins, Fe ebury ; Gen W. Wilheme d Ce No. 3, Granite Row & ¢ Civar \ Hem, ba mragion : Rebe rt BROWN & COPFIN. Somiter, beg New Salish ry. Warch 23, 1856. 43a February 19, 15 bys + = To Farmers. eran! ners. AT Yh 74) 1 nw : nh STR OES C TT" pahertte Ee TURG ACH anh : SPF ING SUMMER of Parmere thers. te thei Larce and . stack of S © and Pancy Conde. These samort BOY VS: @ ettense { creat vatety of et ane oe cy ae —_ Salisbury, Mareh 25, 1856. te « COE Sahetury, March - ane 6 tks subeeriber in now receiving his stock of Spring & Summer Goods, consisting of a general essurt- meat of NEW BOOKS. ils stock of NEEDLE ry description oJ UST R echo hy Benes ff EWRROIDERIES is complete. He Leemng’* Field Beek os Amenean R ". woold reepeect(nily sek 20 exemmoatin of bie stock by ail (ron Time » € r & Anb Me Bir whe web | parchase Gands of the newest and latest Reenm. by Reatree R 6. The Hidden Pact wyiee Portentar attention is paid to procuring Fash the Aaihew « \ Scomosim the Lafe ofa New unable G whether they have been imtraduced Yeok org be Dr Dim, Presewti's Phillip the sate this eeetion befete of aut Seeand, ¥ volemes } E. MYERS. Memmare SN Pre Abbuite J.T ENNISS agar Life if Napedan Bonaparte B.. keller Feb 12. 36 7 SQUIRE, ZIMMERMAN & ALLEN, Whelesale Dealers ta DRY &O0DS, No. 143, Market Street, PHILADELPHIA i ‘ Faavers Serrar D M Ziawrewss AMBROTYPES. W. P. HUGHES a ae - a d that he has taken B DENTIST. OFFICE XEXT DOCTOR WHITEREAD'S. LP Com moarcatrrs Poet Offi\e. or dthereiar, will be attended to the Gra « . ~ - DR. W. F. BASON, threegh the pportenity { lsnedatoa, N.C., 4:6 # vicinity rooms at the Rowan Loner, No 41. ond i¢ new reedy rowork Those wishrag work would do well te call soon ae bre etay will be lhemited ~ DiS & BONCE. » Ambroty ping, Dagnerreotyp- Calvin TT. Bibbic. Jonathan F. Vunce. terms. e ' 8 wh: j ; - Commission Werchawts y.cjccevs wsvory oF eNeanp. In Cotton, Flour, Grain, Naval S*ores, JUST 2RCEIVED—The Tweed aad Foarth Vol- ‘<p mee al MeCauley's Heory of Eagined. Senthern Preducc Generally 3% J. H. ENNISS, Bookseller. No. 130 Front Street, THE WILMINGTON HERALD us SF FOB Ke ; : ay aes y and weebly at @6 and $2 per- vise x ' teance Tt in off red tothe merchants ; Ae , ’ ee vite, S { Salishe L other western towns, a@ a good ad- > ‘ An oe : 1 . ferate "8 ’ A hte es T. BURR, Je t ci 3 State of North Carolina, / HOTEL, ieee | , SOT es ‘ . ny SULISBURY, Ver ‘ HEREAS. Aaron Latheram aed wit Mary, i wife Naney, David Rowland Sate rect Jom « | t x“ Srsa n vers. hath filed ther bil of } Li ve plant t Loke Eller, Dawe Eller, John Etter, ney Hasse < apen Peter F Wilh on Etter —And apon ite being Bourdire, Pre & We promrees . F ot fore me that the amd Peter Eiler A { OWWOD VI HONS and W nt are rowed ae thie Sia: * ' tify the ead Peter r Aah Ass vtie Sta Peraree cw ' t and » rt the next term «have meals ' r : Ban veld for the County Cae \ Ash ( there J. tiersor on the 2c Me ante aiw eudmace Calls Ay a th M Angst next, ther W.B GRANI eet Sane r to anid bill, othe Salebor 1 4. 1"35 idgment pra centres: will be tabem as to them, an a dectee made ting JOB PRINTING Witnexs iy hand thie 21 GEORGE MT Naw'ly thd at trie Office Apni sth. Esse 1.61 —Prater’s fee £380 AGRICTLTUR AL The Selence of Agric Mach has been said of late years about the science of chemistry, as applied to agriculture and, although I am the last map toutterasyllable against true science, still I think it very questionable whether th: substantial benefit which has been se far produced, has not been overbalanced by the injury which has been inflicted on the community in its name by the igno- iving the rant imposters, who are de eredulous with their various nostruimns and 1 do not intend to depreciate | reality, | gence and application that is devoted to ‘those pursuits elsewhere. The best sys- | tem of production, and the only one which | | we need, is the protection and develop-| ‘ment of the mind; and if our govern- ment could only be induced to apply its! power and immense resources to this pur- pose in lieu of attempting the acquisition of more territory, we should be a much more contented, happy and prosperous people. The cultivators of the soil in this country have misapplied the word “subdue” in this divine law, for in) con- nection with the word “replenish,” it simply signifies that they should subdue the earth to such an extent as is neces- bat the same aise of intelli- FEMALE LIQUOR RIOT IN INDI ANA, About three-fourths of the women of Princeton, Indiana, held a meeting on the 22d ult, at which they resolved that no more liquor should be sold in that town, | On the same day they armed themselves with axes hatchets, &., and in a body set to work to mob all the liquor shops and | destroy all the liquor. The first shop) reachel was a place called “Golaher’s Finish, the burly proprietor of which | Stood at his door declaring that he would sell whenever he pleased. He disregarded the warning, wherenpon the women broke into the shop with theiraxes and destroy- ed bottles, Kegs, jugs, liquor andall. The Nquor dealer Yad fed at the commence- ment of the work. The next place reached was a German shop know! as ‘Ttuten- frauz’s,” where the proprietor also re- COWAN'S 3 is) ‘ PTIC the : VEGETABLE LITHONTRI \ : roe FRIEND OF THE HUMAN FAMILY. SUFFERING FROM DISEASED KIDNEYS, Stone inthe Bladder and Kidneys, Weak- ness of the Loins, de. Thisinvaluuble medicine is for sale at the Davie Hotel, in Moeksville ; at Dr. R. Campbell's, Ire- dell; atthe Drag Store in Chartotte ; at Zeverly’s Hotel in Salem ; and at the Carolina Watchinan Of- fiee, in Salisbury. ‘The subscriber having entered into copartuership with John F. Cowan, original patentee, for the man- ufacture and sale of the above Medicine, is prepared to he furnish « supply by addressing him at Salisbury, N. C., or extling at his residence, 1% miles west of this ace. kb. D. AUSTIN. Juue 21, 1855. 5 "W. P. DLLIOTT, — f N the waters of Third Crnek, 14 miles | O's. At. lenat one Bren Green “a : eotery tance of ‘thie er * = ant de ; Apply Juba A Boyden of Salitbury, . rans October 30, 1855. EAGLE CITY. WHY ARE WE SICK, TPSHE SUBSCRIBER has the pirasure wo an- au has sere the nd of sae Samal ing os seinbes fone by | basi oo world, to whom ~ bends faye sease and sutfering. HOLLOW AY" are spectally a | ailkind wishes for their prosperity « woe, that he | dapted to the relief uf the WEAK, the NERVOUS, the DELI- | iy making stendy shpat the Roeser Gorat of Enyle yy destined, he believes lo becume the greatest | manufacturing city in the coumiry. Ele ie now erect- the best remedy the world | iny a new cottun will at this place, to be called (he | jug success. Lt hue now whout three ti |“ "Prey Mills,” ond hopes to have it in full opernti | cipeulution oe any other musiesl | by the latter part of the summer of 1556. Ht will be world. His receipts trom subserib _* inden! ove of the best, (if not the very beet,) mills iv the | si, months have been murethen é fags: country. The machinery waeselocted sy himself, 004 corresponding period of the yeur B the fetest and most approved pattoras vere chewen-— | fattening marks of approval, the — 8 NEW YORK MUSICAL REVIEW & GAZETTE Commences its Seventh Year, and & New ¥; January, 1856. Ta calling attention te the its publishers believe they con present to the public no more satisivetury evidence of ite excelleney ag musical jouruul than is afforded in HOLLOWAY’S PILLS. ever saw for the removal of disca | THESE PILLS PURIFY THE BLOOD. | These famous Pills are expressty combined to operate on the stomach, the liver, the kidneys, the lunge, the skin, and the fe i r i VOL, é hambags. : 3 . . ‘ eas aad ; hi ; : currecting any derangement in their functions, purify: | Twels the labors of those really ecientitic men, sary to bring it into cultivation, bat not fused to pledge limself to. sell NO MOTE. (Late of Worth & Eliivit, Fayetteville, N.C..) ing the bloud, the very fountain of life, and thas curing discuse | It will work like a lever wateh—emout y and steady — | ied iv Increased enterprise und ¢: tb add to ho } wce ho have advanced certain theories in re for its ultimate destriction, The system ITis lager was speedily emptied into the) YOWD ac ~ ar jose oe ea [sud be dumbia wot will cxent, te Me poe! Owes the must | exceltoace uf the Review. Priaes amounting Wi three slice who have advancec ce ADU Sah Te leclele wi a gutter. A number of other shops were G ENERAL ( OMMISSION | DYSPEPSIA & LIVER COMPLAINTS. frarsettar aceasta vee oe oe yar Mille hundred dollars were recently offered by them for gard to the application of chemistry te of cultivating the soil solely with a view tien visited, the liquor ferreted out and AND ties rly hc the becsoa cues bar iytiae these Fille. 16 haphooe (enn ee eae ee ced fer He eae etn ee Ce te : : eanray ; sil rat ae eau 3 a proved ia all partsuf che world, that nothing has beee found | Heh ing proportine tagle Mithe long gaine ‘t- | compete for these prides, the Best were selected by { agriculture ; for noty ithstanding prac of obtaining the greatest possi sle yield, destroyed, and only one vender escaped. WA \ | M y equal ; of the Heed, dyapepaia, and | eelf'a fame as fair ast is wide spread, bul ¥ forthe exea!- | competent evinmittee, ond ete Syteete va ft : 8 ‘ whten ree . - ; f stomach hey soun give u healthy tone q cai 2 , ‘ = : now fh eum publi. dice may not have fully established the Without any regard to maintaining or in bie 2 te morn Delied Tat eee MI aN LHe these ‘ b deranged, and when ail ether ize! " As lille ake ‘ marred ee \etatod phos eager ees tele eae 4 " \ A, ~ is ee . alwavs bornea very highe ste ‘ wean! failed. | “ : at aah thad tard , eted, the subweribere to the Review aw beauiilal truth ef them first impressions, still the creasing its natural fertility, has reduced rR nenaibee meee iH Seen aa es WILMINGTON, N.C. ‘GENERAL DESILITY ILL HEALTH | the hts may look out re & coalent i nee hte dullot which shall reecive the Bao - } tiiy: Ger : : . ne 3a i f ducted th , es not lees iuteresting in ieelf, than i met lesiruble| Besides a lag; } ats Gy ngers, direction given to the human mind by the average yicld of the old States at least basiness in the best possible manner. He orens “ cairns ae See ee Many of the most despotic Gov secgiare evans eats |W ELEY Bomtborn parrwd, | regular curreependence rn yy in ninniles, are abl by 5 Kooks i ° and other Pro e, for sales o G 1 joes een snap ° OH vi cule Pe ¢ wht | han. iT nea eatly be: pro oe half, and ha driven their inhabitants. gave the required pledge to sell nomore, swig cat prompay seen nnn NMAAIY ee earn iy ap The ear aia on cam steam way cash tamer cocaine 14 eee i : le : : P . y and his liquor was spared. The news May 1855 no! Mes P i jmucie. A of entices on Mase by luctive of important discoveries. One of to seek the rich lands of the West to com- bobo as spared. ‘ ay t the buundary of present time, purtray the spect of | Dy, Lowell Mesun, ie cow cent, jumping and ductive of im} ; : : vers of that locality published approvi lavigeeatt Eagle City afew years hence. Let him sketch it:| Agother hy G PR an pengrens of pablicw in. | ile ; sf ite theories o i Viect is mence anew this destructive policy. Itis ]y ve : Th) ; Kien: whl denteslan [Lota caer acted | Wiacee eee of brauiil | eecereccinee Phas Eb mot, Eng. on Cultivation of the haps, in its baby gh the favorite theori on this subject i: I 4 w of beautiful bw ' why ke favorite theories ') J y long accounts of these proceedings. | emendous Bxcitement FEMALE COMPLAINTS. uta ices = oneveee oe i es | Voice, Vocal ‘Training, &e., will be Commented ih M ” ’ J . Re e waKl i ~ - are ee | . ing Beeples puttin; avenwa t ohve ¢ rang: vek® the be ‘ Manner a vew that which maintains that in order to generally supposed that the exorbitant poe | ABOUT THE No female, young of abl, shoud be w 1 this celebrated medi of granite buildings with glittering met of reGcct | Won . eatery, pgp! yt > ~ a «! b parent's b . 4 ; : as . ; vy Feces Ike . y. . improvement th parent's b raise the most abun dant crap on any soil, | prices of breadstuffs during the last and The New Orleans Picayune has the Ny ee iike acer the cheerful beans of a vernal san: the luvigereting | Church Music. The Naw Yous Mustoas Rev. pete . : oie F : y é tern xtens on to Chik breezes of adehghtful climate, str the leaves of hug) axp Gazerre is a“ } expression of intell it is only necessary to apply to the svi] other years, were occasioned by the hea- following : | ) y, mi ty . Pr any complaint, consequently no family should be w rows of elina: the etreets are culivene | with a cheer per annum, of {hal mind ph E i . —— , . eeu retolobateed4 } ae sbataited Holloway's Pills are the best Remedy kacren {2 beey throng: the wong af batt aay tow uf spindles | cdvance. Specimen enpies seat gratuitously, 1 gray Cuatrence.—I will bet from one hun- jie mingled with the roar of kome and: recedes: Kagte vy foreign demand in consequence of the in the world for the following Diseases ia the particular ingredients which thre ash of that plant-contains, bat Professor Way, the Analytical Cacmmt of the Royal Agricaltwral Society of Kngtand, (very high avthority,) controverts this theory, by declaring that experiments show that “the crops which are most ben- efitted by gypsum, contain far less of line or sulplinric acid than those wpon which this mineral has no effect.” It is there fure impossible fur agricultere te derive any material benefit from these Various theories of scientific men, anti] we lave agricultural schools and farms establish ed where the science and practice may be taught the one in connection with the 4 pe Subscribers being desirous of extending their dred jp one thousond dollars that I can business in the West, av well as all other diree- ument naes above all things elee, beartug wn tis war which is desolating Europe, but such is not the fact. Upon examination of the exports of the last year, it will be found that during all that portion at which prices ruled highest, viz: from September, 1854, to August, 1855, there were but 140,000 barrels of flour and 203,000 bushels of j wheat exported, whereas in the previous year the exports amounted to 1,800,000 barrels of flour 5,846,000 bushels of wheat Notwithstanding these statistics develope the astonishing fact that the annual pro duction of the United States is but little, if any, more than sufficient for the con- suinption of her own population, and the walk half a mile in three minutes and thirty-five seconds. The money and man ready at the Phoenix Hotel. The match to be walked in twenty-four hours atter the money is up. Or L will walk any man in the State of Louisiana half mile for five hundred dollars. CHAS BL. CURTIS. Holloway’s Pills possess most aston sh ing powers ip the cure of General De vility.—Copy of a letter from Henry An torne, of Houston, Chickasaw, Miss sspp . ty Professor Holloway, “Sir,—I sutfered for a number of y ears from weakness and ral debility, and was bronght to ath’s door by the same. [was told IT consulted, that there was no yt] rv those MASON BROTIIPRS, New York. tio take this method of infonuing their numerous Astin Diarrhea Indigestion Stone and Gravel) lop 40 Ummeuse eagle. wingr extended booking dewa | frieuds and patrons that they are mow receiving © Cessna peat Iutluensa | Secondary Hymp: | with pleasure on all below. Bagie City Bawh is in splendid stock of pater Peay ee vcereraman luccra Weatace = view, and mi liberal puliey iuvit wall energetic >. y ’ " yan Chest Diseases Female Com thoes Liver Completing snes men to claim ite eacouragetme: |. Calee prime R EA DY M A DE ( LOTHING, Costiveness plaints Mo Lowu'ss of epirit, | leew rollout thei baled up guoda: the cael the Nerth- . ed ccotte) Headaches Pile western Railroad receive thea, logetier Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestings, amd Gem- | +.¢ sia at ine taoutactori eande uf other things, the prudvets of the City tlemen's Furnishing Goods a general; all of which will be sold most shocking re-echved from hill to hill, and wa ers of reposng fai caitie, which browse in the neh with thew deafening whistle is blown, and the soa: d wechued and ethedrowey pow: | TRl SSBsetee WEEKLY Of Four Horse Post Coaches, oor Mae Salisbory to Morganton, via Statesville and low. Ala», a aplendid stock of WATS aud CAPS, | 67 ThRere iss considerable saving by taking the larger sises | unding valleys: the scene gn we !—g wwe! —eml the Newton atest style. Don't take our word, bat cal! and satisfy NB. Direct forth re ead ie beyond the portraying whill of th. ve shod ’ y ’ ee of the guidance of p pevery dl a ? P ying LD the preqihet yourselves. are affixed tu ¢ box ' : wr We had but a glimpse —but wheatasirw! Anda is eparponareat ¢ apy beeen honda ph, A. . arrives at Morgentos w!bto be realacd beyond dvaht [will press on io ie 6 JNO. A. WEIRMAN & PRICF, ~ Merchant Tailors Salisbury, N.C. Sept. 1855 1f 16 +! Comemenmaty we Dr. CHARLES T. POWE THE PRESBYTERIAN, — | [slsermsneatty tecated is saitsvary. respect. mesincsss ‘ ally tenders his professsonal services io the pub rie . : > ie. Office owan’s Bee ow f A RELIGIOUS PAWILY NEWSPAPER, ee ia Southern Industry. PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY Simultaneously DR. J. J. SUMMERELL, at 144 Chestoat street, Philadelphia, and 25 Broadway, New York tes Office at his reedence. whe re En igh, envugh !— ANDREW BAGG AURLY Peat morning to breckfust; and leaves Menganton on same dayeand arrives in Salisbury on mest days to breakfest. No pains of expense will be pared to “| make thes one of the must cumfurtable end ehpeditions sage roads ia the Bair C8. BROWN, Contractor Sahebury, Jume 21, 1855. we Union Male Academy, and 7 : ee ioe of tay ree } ten AS removed | otter, We require, and should have, a positive evidence which we have that Dope of iny recovery, when I resolved to A new volume (the twenty-math) will begin Janus ] . . » National Agri iret Coll and Farm, there evust Le a heavy foreign d ng eve Your Pills a trial, after using thein ¥ !et. 1856, which wil bea favurable time fur omd- gina} ais : hme he Farmington Female Seminary. 4 co m4legre ane arm, there ye re eoreign deinanc est ’ nye thet io tat gos “ alls : a grice: « ; J abant five weeks ivliealthiens coed aptnns nen . a te see a CPTUE NEXT Session of there Sehouls, larated io under the patronage of the General Giov- for our surplus, if we have any, YOU erably impr al ! ' Alhoogh) pom snly aaiergsa of the Ereebytenea(.. ‘ t is & Deve County, near Farmingin, wil commoners I 4 : ] ) J erably improved, and at the expiration of Chureb, the Presbytersan numbers armouget is ub BD Chat LO ecres wre ween the 2d day of Janwary, 1456, wader the superviche ernmem which would admit young men tind the whole commercial and manufac: two months every sytuptomn of iny disor: senbere persone from all evenge cal den atve oe ed Rasa Ry fe taev of SO Tarem and Mre 8. O. Tarem, Principale, with ‘ ; aaa yo Nov effets are epared io make it» pes teowe by May Court, elee 1 otall bao ’ we : from the various sections of the Union, turing press endeavouring to depress pri der disappeared (Signed Naas ere ck cine eet dest ah = janie or a HY chald Nuuthern men go Nurih to bay | uch ther seaietante se may be scocanary I \ NE i ) " pstingwished wricrein the . a heir ploughs aad machmery w renthey con get rms, 6 a costo of twent Y . ) ' ANTORNE Preshvtenan Church comtmt ; a] 4it 24, 1-56 iP © aty weeks, Primer upoa the plan of the Military Academy ces by the mort glaring deceptions New . id : cea rite columne, and ite as grad « tee at heme ctuheg Anthmete, @4 Eng. Grensmar . A . P . : forerga and domestic correepondence is not surpassed at Northern prices. there ‘ " Higher & oir Sac t on woul o -onnsvh Ohio an rit c ; > of any other religuon Bi » : f woe of (rane yon gher Engh, 810. Greork, Lotia, at West Poist. Sach aninstituti ne yuld) York, Pennsylvania, Ghio and Virginia, oR cot ” ee les sists “2 face chet tate REMOYVAI ‘ Se That the po tvet.aud and bgher Mathematics, $12 Music oe Plane. be juctive of incalculable benefits, in produce mere wheat than the residue of on the dine of a Prussian railroad, and re- aames are known a both heauspheree. Iie eucleol) JOHN 4, WEIRWON & PRICE have rvs pte pie t. There. cluding eer uf the metremont, @1A Poensh end . ‘ ~ 1) ot ae « = Suh apprad a ist of pre ariietes Drang. each, @5 Boant, washing and tights may @ national point of view, to the rising the United States, and it is ascertained, filled with sand. A inicroscopic exami. oes Ne Tmetaats eolerging, and ai mo prewmas @F thew Clothing aed Ta g Eatablichment that FE manefacrare be hed omvrnivat ty buth Sehuole, at gud homers, & f ; . . nation of the id: glowedith sricalar ime have they expr d themselves in warmer ( oppoente Morphy WeKone a ¢ + meer im mile w as te St hs 06 per math o OS e, he . H ting » 2» » best s “es O o ation, tle . i oath ‘ . a C a to their appr 2 5 1m o= wee padhetel\ i\spiemete = - ‘ ¥ @enerativn, by instracting them in the from the best source int ms . Le ation it ca from The tield of detec ie cikee faunt mg Pek rea 2 er etek ud hom i. Sa a e ; Na a fc Ss ait su alee ah IY tek math ate St aend beens res cither of the Pra, productions and necessities of the varions these States will not exceed if they come ive janie. tie nar mt 1) information, corresp : . zit i a he) Kirow Catiere, | inch bea, G30 ciple, at Farmagion, N. ( ; ) uquiry, th rarrowed, was immedi naiagostianay ace : : Fitting Hareowe @ 3, Cultieotace, Dee 12 dw? —tows. eectiuns, and at the same time have a up to, an averaze crop This, coupled ately o¢ cupied by the agents of the } Ay Maps pity eds pad : si a ; 5 tg re s 00 or Ev t : Threshing Wartiocs wih 4 a 6 horse ae : peta of each paperie regularly devoted tw chidree S31 opr eff elletral ay ail tlie allen teensy: tom ale (le, ca aw ee ee ere ea coe A Book for Every Methodist $a RM w very aapers arte OUTaE most happy effect on the whole by alow: with the large foreign demand and the TAC US Un Urea, Th Ballons ts SAdhe Pssbyionie hee smenga ie oaowrin's! The .tanal 4 rereading ia tcl aad care “ye | ’ 1 sae id 5 a ota wad vod - . ‘ n ee JA vla oo ether t alis f 5, ing the mutual dependence of the one on entire consumption of the uld stock, inust, pad argo share f the mnst inteligent famubes, cayrcenlty : : : z f A , Jenks re FOR ‘THE YEAR 185 ’ the adie, a ery esiern ” western . ere, : ° : uy , £ y the other. We shonld likewise have ir according to thatinvielable law of supply — here att om ae hag mee and huree-p.e x4 a be 6. a eshon ewise have in g Vh - + the Sabbath —1 THIS NEW WOKRK EMBRACE: THE STA i P TWENTY SECOND VoOLOME : thlnith St ng them te 4 . ‘ \ ad demand. kee B ~ ‘ rrict d a great warety a . oom each State, such colleges or schools with 4" I demand, keep prices ups The agricul ning American, in ite issue of wer ee BE? ie CA a pry eyo sey lin cwrerente:! pretium aed can N ssening the Prap-eree of the Twenty Meend farms attached ; and the quota of cach tural classes are grossly misled and decciv remarks: “Under the work hele ins devenpias, aod where the A reorsGegashes THERN LITERARY Mes . F r Sunday | Lasheneudhy aie e mere ee SENG the Preopreters rety entety am the enone state in the national institution, shoald be ed by the commercial press, and to guard 2 a inday lawa, onr city has be Soiree dete) Sear soot C5 Verme cot, 4 a gaieble ere ot Bank egreg viters cad promusce uf the roadrtor a a ; come orderly, peaceful net durir . es J, nf HoMPsON out the ’ selected from those who had most distin. against it they must establish papers of 14,6 : - eae TERMS TO CLUBS -10. erntemco, NC. b bn t6 rete re . Grished themeelves at these etate or coun. their own, wh ch will protect their inter: ing ot . A med Rn tet dl the @ y eclrouls. Such institutions would at ¢st agaiust these attacke uf thei en es vier k WORD T0 THE WISK ve velur cicrhag inerery aoe ot Teeny one e >» ag al vn Gomane >: opere tthe Messenger hes cadeseuted te relbres Geeth once clevate the agricultaral profession, Poni fa ii (Gaines eet pee God ee folly the Shavthery muad while Gantemmag of ser~e and prevent the ambitivas and high-mind Radishex. : fea linthitothree | g Tecenty- fee copes : c : IS SUFFIC TEN | i fovciomal vy @s, ead bes brow Chums camag ibe o three 2 . a « PS ~ A Nereis in defence of the . . . ea . ‘ é ; ‘ with en addete-nal copy ; ed eons of agriculturists from abandonin; We are fieq y taken to task fort fw ROO WH Co Sipe al - ‘ . rth Candian eS fans inks \\ kes « Pee pee anne P etwes of the Seathers Btatre the houws of their fathers to seek distinc: war we have wazed upou this worse t a Ae tg . 73 conte; each re peiioen uf Bobo haa Nien a nal artical De ae : set Gorn " a a eacterl aie MW tell be dewted, cad will be tion in othe f 1a. Until sucl hl , during . ablae ed leah eld Acido oe CUDURLES b DEE MS he omme ‘ ie Sie ET eee cen oe es het Jon In other professions n such im worthlesea vewetalle For fifteen vears adr stra nv a ladv of I ; ave 24 conte Pevarenie fur ad ; wire ” uw = er new . let the epresame gerbe Bete, ar on the ' Bs oe ; siemerant ‘ MER ‘ mm of ent, ctovery po @titutions are established, agriculture ca e hat arinitted canent birth te four alors! el Hie Jenowy 24. 154 Vi Nias . AU erry pomnphioen At shee oe » ax re Ci lave ed one ‘ : a ee aah ‘ Sadist ee ol yo +. whule cat corcare one canphping berre neither obtain nor maintian its proper in var pn ‘ Bon : Wison a WILDIUM © MVRTIEN &@ CO Tanne . + how meat pient wrapune of atieeh, the Ko 2 i | } ur yard dD emerace alrl a f : i , i . ; , ' whon to manhood. The aa Ne lilchcanei Miret Paastcine SCALE OF NORTH CAROLINA Dissolation of Copar:mershi aah pect loa Str coe prot Gita in excicty ; for however plaus we have found the advanta f pu yoludy: lefire lor death weetlemuthcect PN eS CEE P- we ms with whee can it shall be to erste oe iat toes theorks may Le ou paper, it ia ceeds heaton re A ree ; ty six ¢ r S f N h C , ; 6g NL ‘ Aime ee ee . : oer f ea Fi I ns COUPE, I © im} ‘ ved heal tate 0 ort aro Cua 6] « aps Sw, ee oo rare ee oy Rea Z us tare - os arharge = eat ” practical tests t! sth or faleity family Tix the < ; ier ros : . ; a ae iowa Wome as pomesiee! Seyret SEE Mei Ne Ae Oe ae - DAVIE COUNTY Term, Vast ee os has er volar ea ea hoe can Le satisfactorily demonstrated cat a radish, etthee raw of cooked. The 4 falee of Negra —N aale of 183 Courtof Pleas and Quarter Sessions, February tozaes: | mas lire) Nero hes Roa rese ee ond Popero an the Arey, Novy, cad eater Retimoc! . negroes belonging t , | 1 A - e ‘ 6 ae be science of agriculture iethatknow sagacious wz wilbetarve before he « py ities ‘ g - ( T. U8. Cavbdeloy Tirm. \858 Orgies! Attachment Levied om Land aed Personal 4 aN and etile, ect web a peer Win hialvicw lie comers) lareer i clscehe Fe ; allas county, Alabama, tock place at Usphomsh Tererss.ce Eaob If Property tthe bumuees is: be chord a1 eer ry a day ce pe Werermerr, the P : ledeze which teaches the ne by which, eat the p us trash, Crade radishes hate : : Ae . ‘ a capt aia ia - ; ot. he Tigran, Gaagh hey meved gore 4 s the wea y nic } ' Cahaba on Monday of last week The Original Attachinent levied on Land IN thee com arog Po 3s t aon CTR h werreemmg the ane of the work, heee reduerd the the greatest Lan be produced frou, are the mont livestible food, that can hegroes bronght in the aggregate @124 (wort, the Sornre and’ casenhore rye Wo LE MLY nee of Suber pine. wherk «© eee omty “ Ing an ’ rts ) 5 J ° os - lebwr s P the @arth with the least expense of cap w taken into the homan slimach, inde 5 spa oa A RTOT SS The og : hat < : i ' S<iabe t = ; TURE DOLLARS PER AN IN ADVANCE were sold for cash or ite ec alent A { an imhabsiont ‘ pgeiocatemed or (our Dollars of od bef ital and dalew ; awd in order to deo this I ndent of the acrid, puisoncous substance 4} Pow oh dade: \ egas aca SF ee ek . BARE Soother wed Noa N ceed Es ‘ ' the negroes were of all ages and capaci by the (conn, thet A 4 be Foe a uh aheknc aa Potatoes and M dlas e rer edfectaaily, the asthe pol hey contain Dut they do not hart me, tea, the average isa very high one, and Lana aie ot be and & , ’ a1 6 wae sses. CLL AS Remain os bheee Dullere we one ivt } Par : F : j nstrates the inn t P be aud appea? > “ resem eee ™ Coe FO Rarrete Pink Five Pitan ¢ witl be emtrtiod to Bea Coqere ereal capacitros of the cultivators of excialms I can eat them w ces vatrate ve provement in valuc y ved appeer at the meat Comet of Pleas ane Sa en Pee sue i arenas } | f ile eyeciea of peers peop aaa ae Sally ape ee eee a Bp - five pM oleetery » 4 Wl igeteads Wer svece: Ms. cones ey : iow wel ond C raseet degertment of the Mo eril mast be atteeded to. It is very ens ity, and w arclish but dear reader, : o: the Coert H.wer ia Wirhordic. an the 4h M.mde eee paste ae 10 Barrete No 0) Wedeomes "Et oh comtrowe ender the charge af ; os Ba i i er ee eed Pee arte ° grew! by defaul well t [eal ries: vod cad kacks ke JOUN R THY rs ®mary tu denommate the wild theories of do you not have the headache, or a b aid eset © sneer. fans he hes, why th OE arg er ote n ouPE RQ ‘ ’ , yi ’ ; sur lee eee rei eid) bane A fot the eatrole We gaeas task We ke ee ceed ee ‘ Vi MILD. Worst awe sede hr are eequrme antes am certee: htereters professore as ectemee, and true science is Ureath! Pave you ne ductors bills te pay! Rale igh & Gaston Railroad x Bins ines eieiecr kine oie eertea ia creat) fee bars ike la Mestde pte wie rovweod ance Amerwen a Vargo warbe./ ° v NEas news etna. t tee 44 . ee ] nf tal Se . ” . t *r ° ee Sorel iimek maderrainel ocean Aral eaten att ; ‘ ITNE ( Hart otk A ver eed Coan D JOWES HE ROR NTA I E OF NOR TH VROI IN \ A voter —The Edeest's cprenes y ind Toy practical nen: ¢ eaten in the spring inay cause a Raleigh & Gaston RR. Office at fire. the Gh Wendey in Febreary, 4D las6 Pree als Qo XH ian VUE, \ ont hemeetly evowed on this account, but there is a vast differ. fever in the “ If any one doubts the Ratricn, Maacw 29. 1-56 bed ja the eh yrered cor ts TRU Riad ROWAN COUNTY ‘Apap on couterted by the os : ‘ ak Clr Beek sure FIFTY SbreRO PE — romeneatretines of @ besnee ence between the speculations of mere potsonons qualities af Paddislrean let tleets a art Trate ee aed afer Tersday, the RecA Hicme tl CoA VW neon ey ere _ ve ' _ Phas (aa la eree sary PMATS et he adel remem t Pe Aipar rel Gey of bre. Price Ade $55 Ga 69) Raed. GA piper libeesi prices ell be paid é 7 ; MACE AKEAND FERGUSON & CO mn isfs and the trutie developed b) eatin thin slees three or four, and soak ( » and after Tier a Mar Tre . i Cilite i. » a Law Dockheg, Peenkhe street , Par he Nueth a) ’ aa : J \ ‘ @lady of those natural laws which rego e shees in water for twelve loars, and aprval pele As tcl ae ’ ) ' ’ Worch lit. 1-56 Addeeoe Kwan Wit Boh ‘e ba Richmond. Ve ; . ,8 45. 4 . 4 /~ ‘ | Original A\lachmeats Levied om Lied late the universe. Certain eile will pro then taste the water. Our word fur at pree will eto he Nuwthern [o> pet Ach ‘ shade Property rae: Wanted | diate! ' am . Ae ‘ e¢ tmme y duce mune thet xuriant cr tha hey w n r tact } 4 P 5 Md ‘ pe thes 5 ever taste another radi- Ls poser ngers rthat R a he SINE a IN . q ulthe eatiete 7 At others, and certain pastures will fa! a wate - iene Wa 7 K c nid fram wh wil be 1 - a > _ MM Chee “ A ns Chark ane aart winrbh tag —— , ag Nidieet. Fearth Creet, 16 sweet Salad GEN Es ey * eth ; } \ A inaving's . . adye , ' 1 fe. b P : animale mach more rapidly than others wer, we cannet mineral the Ae ‘ y scl ty “ " J «| (aren. Jone eid ia hava ‘ ‘ { i * ae = W OOD \ N D CH Al ' ; errhe sa 4 ra Wh althoagh in both imetanees they appear t fa veyet that we kniert dale f “ Drave Sach § ' 4 “ t sorb . » at 4 ° i WW LEAVE “WORTH. A « set Mo naae t sear eee ss 3 opt the eye alike. If science can instruct us 703. — Sod of the Sinth SSPE waar cA eo aie Mie “ad ‘aw Th ; “ ( nt " Pet b, 1058 ioe - d . fiieeres. wae half cfs LADIKS . why this ie 6, and how these differen: oo aT Cela a haat Ko. OW re : eee ue : Pea NEW ‘ HAMILTON, J ’ ne be yes : nes - ¢* soils can be made equally prodactive, Fisk iver il imetere vere . Se Three wie 8 ged harga Ir ern] Kid Sitppere Line Seeder palat renin ed 4 EW BC Mi KS. | will sett on Alohing terre MISSES Mid hem JUST RECHIVED The Testmsey af on vo there a man 60 prejudiced or isnorant a ; t : . Wm bs . nonset. Nias a dare fs ' a t ped Newee fren Sreteptenad é : : - aeting Brow peas LOSE Mh OP NORD CAROLINA “ = lands ‘ Paling hn : — eB Keer Clerk «me coed ¢ Maw Hank ofhend of Ba. Seorgh.. br to close lis senses to such keowrw le F a : - iNT nis e bheyace . Solon be Ie Mu day in Febrwary, the Wo Ver Life wemong the Meormes ; em asit is t atees Yon Ay ore Davi COUNTY Mo: : HN W STEELE H-rewt qualiuce end o &e #56 . eof a Memon F. « Hane Gorm who wonld deprive lis « Jren of the Comrtot Pleas and Quarter Sranoas, Fibruary : : s2if - foe oho JAMES BOKER Clerk ae wipes Clark; The Lamp Lighter, a Seo sa t P ‘ tof « “ rT P a9 . ; ° adv Abit maven Me aw he el VeneGt of it? Then establish these inet : ‘ ayn ES Ias Term, Vx STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA mh pares as BW “wide CaN sal thoy Wee eke a ee ia) : : , . ‘ /e BL Ae a gee ’ - 4. amd Queee ‘ dy mene im ome ved | tutione at onen Gwe in fanninccevery ids plenty of room on the gr und: but Jar Tuterriw re Baewh F DAVIE COUNTY MILLS Woop f : ae Trveh Amy JM ENNI®® " bere | . ; ' : ORIGINAL ATTACHMENT LEVIED O8 LAND. I Marchid, leet oD So tirans a Rew on ther battia lost Corever fichanicecesars (rca! grow either twice as well upon sete I Courlof 1 { (Quarter Seascons, February ( | WMING r ) BLY ; ‘ ; MING & STYRO the povernwcntvestallial siiiiars a Gg nee thooanl anata MR pe the Greensborough pe ‘ To Gentlemen. : F ie @nds Verh Pony om) malsnt Kei nit amelamnclGctl re Juseph Helton and mher 4 Mules Pe ete a edie ee be ean Rowe Peary a oe an haat = MUTUAL INSURANCE COMP MMISSION [UNE porter hove mon and the meet Zoi) lecidedly better yrown opin the air Can. gatieaton be made tne et weeke ae ; Petition te sell a siave for Partities. ’ Emr ; © AND plete aseortiment of CLAITHING ever before the savage ecience of destr ny their + t 1 arcdine | fTnsurance on the mutoel plefite but » n offered to the public. Call at No 3, Granite Rew z the ear € rr neler the shade of g atthe ead Fave matleam, compared . cate ns ie grow ' ad a stihe el e h ee email scom " wih . t mpany Forwarding Merchants. BROWN & COFFIN felluw-nen, bow innch yreater is he ne masse of vines. The best support for a ‘ ices hinguacdiont Wrejern BaMt of the ] Ralibary, March 25, 1956 aut ‘ anivof Dave, y : chothe larger porien iM he re Wit ITON. VC ecasity for exta y theme fortheir ed tomato vine ie a ahort bual, eet firmly in he tth Munday ' he 4, Lorena sos x es poccitieas ILMINGTON, VO % ; : : ! Nene if eny heh norihe chreon and ae Bt Pariewar atance veation Inthe art of sulduiy and re eran | branches have r ' e me “A i ¢ the pune 2 4g ‘ sompbiict s = se) mede oe andes a a ne to @iing Hoar, Corn 4 QB, ; ¥ g ave TEAK) Tepe vielen : ; ’ ; coangi omy mimen : nde produce : ae re Minliiicetiecartlic w Therersilne Gre . : : ,; fA the placntiff's debt, and eale ordered se ¥ : bas Enoch Few. lkse ne JUST RECEIVED. Litty by the Author of Busy : ‘ cada gthe libs and supper WITN EN, Caowell Harhen Clock ofiur anid Court o o Hel Mecting the folloding Offi ere y33 Moments of an Idle Women; Phanisicane, « command piven ont an frat. “Vie plan «tine better than tine at lier the Mth Wondas Monae Echeacr ere mo sohalttante were ted for (he ensuing yeme tkeiches and Barlesques, by John Phenia ; Hemptot A ay ] 4 v R10, 42h. Gadi ta tke IW ocrhGr wel eo ba ines ‘ = JAMES SIUUN. Pereiece PETER W. HIN''ON, Peak ites by Caleb Starbuck ; Glenwond oF the Parish sis the first and » ‘v : t h t ny ‘ rt deuce hn atch ' ; : : re ry; The J i wg and yerea ‘ 1 4 wv. a din, r Seeld arenes 866 COFFIN, View Prog ah COMMISSION MERCH ANT ee { Hejp Babs in Turkey, Pernt dence, and the rmprovernse r ¢ expe ‘ W ave tricd but A (CUS UNG e rs ‘ = Ciantv it Davie: al ihe COP MENDENMALE. Qiuefney ‘ 9 (ane Reems; a romance by George Laod : a ; ; P By AA Haney, 1 Clerk n ihe dh’ Minday in Ws PETER ADAWN, 4e6'y and Tecccarey TOWN POINT JW. ENN ied, Beborti alions must be Peng ert eta - eee r 6042 yee ee z y 5 . Y - eee ar cron demur to complainent’s pe PETER AIA Wi) Mae'ry ktJevr2dm, yn ah | : t ( eorres , {ha-tahen pro eratesan SW HCCUMMING Gea Agen i 7 Gl TT i , : Sot tae tatice (Rdan ah onGolier ah ia space neater aon arennd Samndtee stim peomterion eB ACEM. oe . LO THE FARMERS tine ' A : inct ae e ie referred to in the New ANDERSON & REYNOLDS, WITNESS, (oswell (lartane Clerk ter ead (nen: T rectal attention pelt ty Aeiling Of Iredell County. Stacey Miccbrcilss Ueel4in - obacco, Flour, Grain, Cotton, Naval 8 t ; ,; I keeps a circle of pes dey tal Febcwaey DR. H. KELLY aval Stores GREAT SAVING F ‘ avored™ Incseerrtlen l ! CR OCERS AFI Rc etd Nahe lanky cart (eek (edit a - 2. ac. Also, to Receiving an.| Forwarding aN ao ING OF EXPBNOK. FOR anit reat: tersidite. af , 0 J ror every trec ’ ’ WAS REMOVED TO STATESVILLE. N Gaoons : IRON PLAW.—_‘The anaeragned ha'* e nat \ Aaa AND 1 WARREN, Cistk. |endinffere hi ecremen (nthe riraane af le fey uF ia tlle, Right for Dredett ( y, and are Mone the v , ite eee IF ; i y } rielies with elip ( oe By AA Hanne i Cink cubis eeereanel OM as ale of Iredell mad the acturing the Tron Plow at their Shop, ten mites Sout 7 af \ inure, and several other kinds of fertil OMMISSION | ercha nts, Proce Adv —§5 8 eid da Coat eon iene SEE RETR eRe Le Reharde, ¥2 ee ihe! sararieant lees are prepared to furmeh #7 we 1 tm ¢ Cre Ca Cou ‘ Z ’ ~tar We ha rere ed charch ae cf qeentity of plows on very short notice gv ’ a ara where he wit! be fuand, iN\ciasal : fi a ives it ad wren AN wee at ent fra wineiad NO. 10. ROANOKE SQUARE, anrprun enpaER ewmnally engaged atall times, when not profes eat Orders addressed to them at Amity Hill, wil > ' Hie mest. peony : an 25 OU ek, <2 <= May 1M, 1835 . ins Pam promptly sticeded to, Rpscimens cen by seve 6\ o , : } nta ringed re money than any od = ae S'PPLY of Tanners. Whale, Mech 150 nme: Keg. Warrenton, NC most any of the stores in the eoonty 1 ' ' \ af te attent i ' itt me, * ay ‘ 4 a af heighhorag farmers obtaia from La oe emion in tha sale of Flour andither . and Npemcilecjectreceieed ani M JAS. & ROBERT McNEELY ' 7 k dave aviading eemrermenry charges ane MILLS, MOOSE | arriage a wutifully printed vad fo JOR P NT'NG April26, 1@85 1yae AP! return aa Fo breare 120156 q att . sale at thir office ( Neatly ve-cuted at Urvia Office | Blank Warrants for sale Here file eApane t now i ther at they fection as flowers them te the sa: lag tabs then with Cee ane sen gthen short, to draw « w the sepiles a 856, = the goons Soa | notice aay | ut is expense, When they see the}, Digi cloth red, they know that we are keepi i! nd jaome feast of the Holy Ghost, or of some! sy, martyr; and they think of the gifts of ce, and of flat powér which makes! roes for an Soe trom yee —_ boi n crowns. en they sec the cloth aninacopolist » they know it is the season of Trin- | set terms, and will ask how ty, the ordinary season of the chareh, | Diggs will inform him that they and they remember that the ordinary TUE EGYPTIAN PAPYRUS. | Jt was inpossible, saye a recent travel- ther, to. visit pt and not observe the \striking coincidence’of the statements of Scripture with the facts tliat ‘were sone great. of the di or euw | ithe ange! 1S or for aby ecclesiastionl offiver, cap veet any estate in his successor, Such property ; A Tmasteither be held by a eorporate body, or ylse The Rey, A. EWE ALIe editor |at the death of the individual egc ic in} the “+ the Wabokal At whol ‘for some time trave’ 4 vo the Christian: Adyoeute ‘hak a ‘the great body of the sure rendy So throw 0 Re. y, and advises the | Methodists to haven spitable missjonary | ready to send to, when the are, § arrives, whieh he believes cannot be! inuch longer delayed, Te says : } +A St SS Ses HOPR. ; ’ wr -vonrenen. {We spodle of the lip, and we dreath’n the soul » JOP ome better and fairer duy ; our days, in the meanwhile, to that golden goal “ne tliding away. world becomes old,.now again it is young, 4 Better 'y' forever the word of the wague. ruprictor Biishap are doing and ‘as could be expected under the cireu \daily daty of Christians is to think ofall | and will go.» little into particalars, w |that God, the Father, Son, and Holy | the Pharn will be highly, | Ghost, lias torre for them, and to practice | #7 his knowledge of the wh his will. When they sce the cloth black, |_, 19 four weeks after the birth of the, it is ever before their cyes, that they are | Gnd Mistress of the Househild keeping the day of crucitiction—the dark- premises, Jiggs will them: rvesive. jest day of allthe year. And the chancel meee lotind Ea teaet aber ven. separated by a sereen—what does it teach 7 Ao seut, they may probably find. thabthe best! rise to-day; aud drive the Pope gut of his they can do is ty be content to follow the exam territories here AF the troops of) or Protestants, and alld each oungteg Franee and ee Wwithdra wo.— IS own its olf Property. —/reabglerian. foreigu foree alone the eccle- s . ‘ J siastied! despotiant of Itwly, Que King, | ONGRESS.-ARMAReee” Immanuel, of Sarah Opposed the | bi aay a mi ' ecclesiastical, enoramities Gf the the day ; Tu the Senate Mr. Wetten called up-the three + hi pw ieiaced him, but his thillion Lilt to promote the etticieney of the ar voted eo , 8 my. Mr. [lave spoke, showing he was notamis te . "el whew he seid yesterday that the ; bat the separation of a distinct order of a wed: othe clergy? as suid the Ilely Ghost, “Sepa- | Mdensstth hecidinans Ge rate me Barnabas and Saul for the work times ; ‘There's a voice at the heart that prochdie aloud, Y We are botu for something belter And that voles of the heart, oh, ye may believe, Wit never the hope of the sual decvive ! SECRET SLYS. ‘The conscions sin is that which gives us fits ; We bide it enagly huched ap in ourectves ; ‘The soul ie constant tribulation sts Hoanted by tocrurs, like assaiing elves The true of beart way bear the surrowing péag, obli ‘ x jersene in things pertuining toGod.” | six months «fier the event, Digge le The men who write and commend such e- — = oa var. al pases aod! ifutlies as the foregoing, are those who 6k % may Satis end cance | lelaim tebelong to the only true Church eae Ht at Te poser, Dias. Seltitin, Ts |of Jers Christ, aud who consign tu “an: , Paopy aso te Lovens, on, en Unsecioble , , infer, frown : . be the proper course “ oe . | y SOL coveninted mercies” be had in via tiooary mons ing the @t 0 the Bible im hia ty and the words of salvation of He could open his mouth bat onee any other time; bat at such a time he-could hardly fail to rally a host ofthe people around him, aud then heweulkd only have, like Lu- ther, to point @t innumerable legeudary | follies of thé charches @round lim to set | the popular edmmon sense in against | thems like a flood, Me would not need; w complicate his mission with the polit- ical nidv@ment: les must keep atterly | clear of thats hts “Arerienn character | would signify all in thas’ whielt | would be Geceséary 5 his shuald be} only the resovery of the people, | by pointing ¢ away their mons trous delnsions. a —_ of a vhich Jaketh away sine of the world. } ~ In the nortlign: of Staly the true light is slowly dawn.” fated THE RATLROADS OF ECROPE The great railroad line from Paria wi Marseilles, a distance of tive handred and thirty-five miles, is now completed, ex?! cept the bridges at Lyons across the two! nvers, the Saone the Rhone, at the} jJanction of arhich the city stands. These! bridges, wheu finished, will be as fine! specunens of workmanalip as can any where be fuand. The one across the Rhone is already near dune, bailt of cast iron, it presents a most beautiful avd pi turesque view as seen froin a point about half a mile above it, The piers of the ridge actoss the Saone are now building u water that is forty or fifty feet deep Great cylinders of cart irvw are first planted ow the Lettom of the river, by some means I know not how, which reach above the surface of the wator. From these the walter is pamped out, and the workmen descend im them as in a well aod carry on the work of rearing the piers frum the bottom of the river. This ridge aeross the Saone is approached by a tunné? Wve or'six wilesin length! Ilow far it is below the eurface of the earth | cannot tll} bat it is po ancommoen thing a this country to travel for a nile or two ata time through @ tannel, and that tov at the rate uf aboot forty miles per hour! ut the railroads io this country are so Jeligtfal; there ig searcoly any pereey- tible motion. The roads are beantifally graded and then covered with pebbles or small frag ments of rock poonded in so as to make them firm. ne sides of the embank- ments sre turfed. The tracks are always double, so that there is no danger of coll : rion. The coaches are elegant, and the whole management of the ruads is con dacted with the strictest reference to the! convenience, courfurt, and safety of the passengers. Travelling by rail in Eng- and, and especially om the continent, is much more pleasant and vastly safer than ithe United States. The express and the direet trains, as they are called, make ut few stoppages of tlre long routes, and rdinarily wet wore than one or two min- ‘tes ata station. Then every thing is 80 vet. There is no Lustle or noise at the itvona, In Obtaining tickets Lut one person can *pproach atthe same,time and he must get s change and retire before another cau wply. Ine word, there isa perfect sys ‘cu about every thing. The coaches are ke ours; they are divided into apart ‘nents that resemble elegantly farnished Tivate carriages. On the continent there are eight seats in these apartinents; in Luglaud only six. The first class on the outinent is far superior in point of com- mtto the first class in England. In Kogland they bave no’means of warining ¢ Coaches in cold weather. In France| ‘hey warin them by 1oeans of cylinders of hot water, which are changed two or three ‘ies during the night or day. They keep the coach very comfortable. [Letters of the Rev. Mr. Edwards, | city, with ' 4 cee Homish Church Property Confacated,T ee thle Joss of the Rowan Catholic -Bisbop | ‘rItilly, of FLartford, Contieetient, ow-the Mteum- | P VPacifie, has probably oecasioned the eon- heeation of the valanble ish Charel proper- yin Hartford, and perhaps: in the State: Uy. This prepecty was lok ta Bishop 0” teu millions 4 year dad ty matwtain VRC ie eg oe wo ARS whey dhe: be Tas that has ever Ween attempted, and, from the wemerous betters which the Commissioner , vt Lotteries bas received from perons at s Mitabes, ti believed that imaby thousands of these louery circulars, disguised as vepepayer, og) Bare Leet ment Uvoughuat tke evuncry, and that clamaing them sew wer, of Ne wor + voteresting to sportgnep aud military The first speciuen is a “magazine repeating nordic gen.” Wt wolves ian very ingiuious inanner the problew of the application of dimcharging vve- dié to revolver, A cylindrical magasive coo taining forty cartridges ws attached lw gtadrual- ly uaderveatle the barvel of the gua. These car- iridges are ruccessively fired as fast as the gun lean be coclted, and the mechauines is stich as to seeure » most perfect loading. Mr. Lindoer's needle can also be adapted to cartidges fired by cape contained (therera, the seedle acting a a perewsion panch, The mext néedie gun.” but without the gue wesaw was also a “reeuleimg ” bay wy the great advantage over all uther revolvers that it can be werd wrth cartalces. The prime’ ple apow whiel dite ie bead eril aleo answer for the wifey ing aed rewos my of the discharged ay* Wo case percussion revolvers are ued kh oustets in the backward and forward motion of me the direction of th» mengasi ne the revolving evlinder axis of the barrel. saw strikes us ae lLevng a rid ( wotend a breech-landing The lest gan « mest Wpertaut invention It te ae Mates musket gun, and this ts done by each simple and tr converted inte Gus means, amd the gun operstes with euch fa ity, that we camnct but anticipate the Lest re In all the atternpts at producing qum that have hitherto been sults from it brecet-luading made the great difficulty was to keep the slidiog surfaces of the breech and barrel sv completely aninjured by the combestion of the powder a+ ty insure votform nicety vf uperation. Mr. Lind fer's gun has a contrivance whieh, effecting the opeoing of the breech by the dracharge of the bullet, prevents any deleterious action from gase os on the breeeh by producing an instantaseom dealt of fresh ar Uirowsh the barrel and breech The tovewtor claims that the latier imprure Ment possesses great alvantages, especially in a military point of view, that it enables wen to stoot from five to six Limes meure rapidly and to obtain a greater range than with the present musket, and that it obviates all danger from pre matare discharge. WIIERE THE MONEY GUES. The imports of merchandise at New York continue tery large, and the total for the week ending the 19th instant is far in excess of the amount for the cor reaponding week last year. The largest item is sugar, nearly $800,000 We give the totals for the week and for the period since January | lust: 18 56. 503 91,030,398 1.292.900 3,118 30" Dry goods Geuerat met handice $1.756.903 94,144,206 30,127,445 60,322,855 Total Previously reported Total since January | Ineluded in the imports are $125,325 in coffee, $18,526 in china, $32,450 in ei- gars, $11,600 in lemons, $16,278, in nats, $29,035 im oranges, $15,746 in raisins, £34,002 in fare, $11,527 in jewelry, 140, 516 in brandy, $10,561 in gin, $28,579 in paper-hangings, $189,012 in tea, 16,460 in tobacco, $38,603 in watches, $29,554 in specified wines, $15,818 in champagne ; and the exports (exclnsive ‘of specie) fur, the week are also large, but the inerease is not as great as is shown in imports. The Greevsboro’ Times says: We un- derstand that Mr, Fisher, president of the Rail Road, is maki "te Ww seliednle’ for the maf! tfains, which will hearafter run only ithe day, leaving Charlotte. and Goldaors egy. 4 er 6 o'clock, fn the ing: ng West, . will pat Eih Pvint at 4 Debt? te Returni will pass the saute ‘place, about 100’ clock, #. m. daly. a many credulvys persuns have been swindled of tauney, Let it remembered that the ames of Morris & Cy, whe are alleged ww Le pageme of the *Graod Charter Lotteries,” aod }whe date their circolars from Cleveland, Ubio, are fic vcvous, wad tbat the * Grand Charter Lot- tefite” are ali bogus concerus. There is anothe: cuneern of a similar character which, under the name vf Marry & Cv.—ernbently imieeded as a corruption of Maury & Co—aley baile frou Cleveland, Ulio, and disseminates circulars, far aed wear, of bAtery schemes, based upon ny ree poumble authurity, and in fact havie ° fence caceyt upon paper.— Belt. /’atrvot Qv «ip —_ Dradical Ruina.— A tenaut of the Moy- vss estate, to build a hvose, is pulling tu pieces one of the most perfect old Druid A few the vuter circle of this temy ly desc tewples in existence years ago ibe 4 a circumference of beiween 20U and 3uu feet. Atl6 feet distance from this there wasanioner circle about 60 feet diam eter. 12 etunes of large size in the outer circle represented the $2 sigws of the zo 60 in all On the suuth side were two immense boulders diac, and 19 laryer in the inner ~pointed to the lanar escle. me the Crorulech or alter etone, the oth er the Ls rocking stone. This latter was im the rhomboid shape, broad at top and tapering Lelow. It measared S feet Ginches alung the top by 3 feet, and was fully 3 feet through. Ite weight could not have been fess than from 9 to 10 tone, The lower extremity of thie im- mense stove was laid on the crown of another boulder slightly indented amd deeply sank in the earth, but so nicely pored that on the slightest touch of the finger it would vibrate six inches on each side and continue to rock 26 times before steady ing, w hen it always eat at rest fair-| ly Lalanced in the centre. } { | A Pelidical Story—A itieal stury was told in our oF. my fe here! since, by an 6ld line Whig, which we do! not remember ever having seen in print. | Of course we dout Vouch for its truth in every particnlar. A few years siftee a party of rery dis- lingue Southern plant two of whom | were Democrats and one Whig, being on a visit to the North, were invited ed | election time, to dine at the hoase of, a wealthy aristocrat, cnd withal a ve ry beantiful lady in Southern Ohio, Af ter being seated with all the delicacies which wealth could command, a large borly negro came in and seated himeelf directly opposite the gentleman at the ta- ble. The gentleman were too well bred to notice the intruder at the time, Lut immediately upon his retirement frow the room, one of them remarked to the lady. “What conld have induced you to in- jsult us by the presence of a nigger at yonr table?” What, gentleman, he is my hweband!” replied the lady. ‘Your finsband!’ exclaimed the three simultaneously, with unfeigned astonish ment. ! gan of i } j uae in marrying, and I resolved jher. This colored man was weal \eo I married him. wi who did your sister marry? asked the ir ty. y se married a Locofoco, #0 1 lave néyér been able to hold up ‘wy head since!’ _ The two 'Locofoeos made an excuse for | cutting’ thefr‘visit stort. They endeay- ored tw ‘the secret, bnt the Whig eee at oo hipped | | | 4. one “Bathe, anpanoptied by virtue’ aight, Peete deep within his heart the reuthug fang, And rutbed @ carth, to him, of all debght. ‘The wg angumh, Whe a conkering cham, Weare to ble eal, with ite covenomed maett, - One couptant feur—one constant sense of pala— One proeeace hideous heucking at hie heart! Just lhe ® jrahas womens w the dark, | Dogging ber hasband’s steps, his pertidity to mark Twscueast | | or ' FOUND DEAD. Sv seSERT Batouwae Foand dead—dead and shme, There was nubudy neer, mbody sear, Whee the Unicast died on hs pillow of stume— No mother, ao beuther, no sister deur, Net « friendly valee to athe of cheer, Not « watching eye of pitying leer, Pomad dead—dead and shune le the soulless stroet—on o'filow of stone | Meny « weary day went by, White wretotied und worn he begged G0 bread, Teed of Ue, and longing to be Peacetully with the sileut dead. Hanger and cold, aad enor ond pain, Med wasted He form and seard his brain. Te at test on © bed of fare grand, With « pillow of stume was the Outoast fend Fownd dead— dead and shwe Oe « pillow of stene in the radiess stre st — Nedesdy beard hie Inet faint mou, Or knew whee his beart had ceased to beat Ne moarner ingered with toare oF sighs, But the store hushed dows with pity ing eyes, And the « O'er the be wll winds paserd with « wailing eund y pt where hu form was fond Fi mad dead—yet aot shone ; There wae mumctraty seor—enume lady erat To clam the wanderer os hes own, And find 2 home ba the bemmeclees here One whee every bames door Ie chwed to hee cbidren sooreed end prow, Whe apres the Heavenly portale wide ; Ab (ead wee weet Ghee the Outeust deed TO A CHILD ev eaere seoamae 1 canmedt kok epee thy face Witheat a thought of sarrew, Thegh om the present fartane ensues, Huw changed may be tomorow Wheat of thine sfler fate, my child’ Shall hope end yoy be bhghted ’ Shall caok'nag care disturb thy rest, And Wve be aerequited! My heart beets witty when I thunk Thet pears may bring no pleasure Theat tho sewy'st Madty offer up On earthly shrure thy tressure 1 couk! got with my bkrve and pride Wish thee 0 bf: anehuded, Mafel sed vain such « wish, Por fife's im mystery shrarded To hamen ken i# ne'er disckmed ‘The fetare’s many changes, The heart's deceitfainers that oft Rome dearest frend estrangrs 1 comme tel thee off I wish, But that ary earnest prayer le daily offer d ap to Heev'n, That I may meet thee there PANTOMIME PREACHING. Our contemporary of the New York Churchman, who, if we believed in the tranainigration of sonle, we should con- clude had fallen heir to the seul of some old monk of the middle agea, considers the preacl.ing of the living ministry, even of the “ apostolical enecession,” as inad- equate to the work of edifying saints and winning sinners to Christ. [le was not long since desamrtieg swith mach devout- | ness on the ites of the purple colour’ about the altar during Leut; and in last | week's issue be republishes, with high comipendation, an extract from n dis- course preached by the senivr curate of the famons Poseyite church of St. Bar ‘Yes' my sister first ruined our*fumily | pabas, London, in which cloths of vari-' cook and mnid uf the berkclumbers of the sec- ous coloursare exalted to the dignity and hvamctity of « menus of grave. -@w 'this topic the St. Barmébas curate thus dis- courses : } “When the poor of St, Barmibas sec the “#ivlet cloth to-day, they know it is Advent; and they think of Christ's sec- {ood coming to. judgment. Or, t he i know that it is Leut, and ¢ think ot their need self. , and of are eee: white, they that we aro keeping . \hammediately repetr tothe Uizge enathe eyae the moat tle voted of God’s people, Whe-will nat ptter} their’ Shitibeleth. | What wold Punt or! thelr graves aud-tind these who should be preaching the te the poor, spending ‘their. tha. pious uses of white, red, and green tar | cloths! —J’reshyterean. BIRTH OF AN AMERICAN PRINCE. Programme of the ceremonial to be observed on the bivth of a child to Mr. Diggs, one the Surcrecges of America Whee Mrs. Dngys begins to fxl Chat the long expected time has at last arrived, she will wake Digg» from the sound sleep be will be enjoying, | * | } aud on bie askin z, “ What is the matter [” he will be juformed by Mr. Ding As soon as [igre ean hastily get on his pantaloons, buots and cost, be shall co the Gram) Mestress of [Lh gc ; nn mediately for the N arse, | h awhold, as soon je she steps her foot within ins duor, amd after ettorting the Grand Mistress to the said door, he shall inform the family physician, who shall They | the imfurmation of what is who held rank ia bia hvese- —the shail appear in fed badly, tee state | A her nerves on learning the farts, being in shall sles cvnrey transpiriny to al bob whatever chuthes she Le muther in-law cau such « comdion as to prevent an elaborate tui bet, On arriving at the Diggs Casth, she shall excham, “Ah, my poor, dear Eroily,” sud look at lange, as if she thought Liv the wort of orvwnmeale \ Diyos, om reeetsing this look im si shall cnuve the head couk and the Maid of e le! chambers tc nee, be called, and be im wait wz beaters orders the srand Mistress of the Hloueehotd Dyce wihrs ™ wot bse th ’ they ate aceon plied. > vy b at tire Gr i te) may fe i" . of ee Aan atte nan for ° ( ay sere them meipected to hentbla'ly te Usewe | berty lo re te bh tient, aol A watt v the Gramd Mistr hes net o prise there rders fro hobkl vee wee of the 13% a *Ne are ia the relent a Lhigyrs shall fre poettly Crnrd Mistress of the tilts that ated oe em ue cor serprent apon thin effort, Digs is expected to m teth shoul The cook shall retire to the kitchen, stir op ber fire amd hodd herself rently for any ser The Maid of the Ped Chamlers herself any abere within hatance from the door of Mr. Tiga.’ vrand Mitre gives her orders and tile b take beth skbes and carry water dere view needed shall mametentrle calling apartment! A the Howu hold r mA to be all day nied whem the ¢ th vem alwat it she elm!! ol At the moment at @lich the aigne are prog tiows, Diggs thal) be informed that it ie nenety all over. Ihggs will pat more questions thar an be anewered, and he will be tol.l to weit a little whole longer, that hes dear Kimily is bear mg ap wonderfully, and frequently calle uper her dear Tommy. Thomas Diggs shail such aml wish it was all o* In the morning, when the room ia put to right, oe agen. j Dygre shall be called to Mrs, Digys’ apartinent, | and the cbikl shall be preseuted tu bim by the Grand Mistress of the Huusehobl, and Diggs shall examine it, first with profound astoorlnrent,; and then assuming a more jovial air, shall wuch ite hele check, and call it “the dear, wee ny, peeny, fithe thing "Diggs shall then kies bis dear Emily abvat one dozen times, and express much sympathy for her suffk rings, Mrs. Diggs will then give him distinetly ty understand that that ehik of the suffering of poor Wworntn, name having been long fixed, Digys shall then proceed to the parlor, and taking down the fan ily Hille shell make a minute ( proces verbal) of Litth of the child, in accortlance with ‘the stablished asages of the Ate riean Sover ena, Svon afier daylight, the annts, the cousins, amd all the relations that are recughized by the farnily, including all the relations of tho mother: in-law, shall call at the house and be informed of all the particulars by the mother-in-law. The cook and maid of the bed clambers will convey the bitelliyence eter the back yurd fence tothe 1s the last, and that men have wo idea Phe his ond yard, 80 that every fathily of the block shall receive intelligence of the joyful event by break- fast time, 1 will then take his gre breakfast without | eth, chore goa a lap Pale getters Bd - éxponnding the peepanions rather fry thet Lyd-fe'lue.—S fow troutle hince, « marek Exist, about viylt Auluek one ereuing, called at «comm fore [Peter say, evald they emng back fri Mya te the testers part of Pountyteanis and demawlal lodgings Grothe le ident that be end Siquur lod Dimnsetf. “ICT ghe you a light and tell you where rvom is, can you find the place f” said the ny was ao lazy, ord, “Och, aod it's meseif that can du that Wignotty. Vust show sme the way, an’ I'll jit as aiey as the Mouly Virgin showers down € ¥ Ulessings wpon the siuful,” rejuined the Irish} man. The directions were given hint and also # cae- die. Le was dirceted to gu & a room on the second flour in the house. by the time he had reached the tod of the stuire bbe Ih come extinguished, and he bet Goan i what direction be was to go, Seeing mys of feght iesuing from a room, the duer of which of the foom, and foand it to contain « bed ie which lay a man, aed « stand witha ' ed lamp upon it, Focling dmisclined ‘to make any further search for the room to which he had been directed, he divested binself of his ° thing aed quiely crept into bel. He lad yoou in bat a few muments when @ | and geutheman entered the rum. Se red { man eped them checly, They sented themselves | tend cultiont oe the clarirs in close proximity to each other, and after chatting merrily for a short time, the yoveg man threw bis arms arooed het waist ie a very codsinly manoer amd inepriated « kiss up om ber tempting fips, The secwe atmeed the Irebman vastly, amd being free frven selfishness, | he cunclude! (hat bs short ang comp-ayrun should bea participmat with Lim in the expeyment of | the seroe, mudgrd bien, bat his cunpeunsom stirred | mt. Le pot bie hand apoe bie amd found that | he was ugltly leked in the etnbesee death yinows with this discovery, be bouuded of bed exchsintiog * , “ Murthet ' pretect noe Le had searcely touched the Geer with his feet lefore the puung bedy and geetleanan were making taypil -trides towards the »Lerway, ter ror bing depicted on theif conntenances, | hol just resebed the tup of the stains whee the | Irsbioan came dashing alung as though the! femme of Ercbus were cheing at hes ‘hed, intent va making him their prey, aml the whule three’ went tabling down stairs, and it is hard to de- termine which of tbe three reached the feet of | the stairs fleet. Hlord stom aghast a the Irishman rusted into the Lar-rodm, sithruthing between | bien and nedity bet a guetment valgerly called shirt, the hair on bis heal standing cud, | his eyeballs ready to bmp frum their , ad | he gasped for breath. 1 was a sight that would | have made a man laugh who had #orn a} } Sverre vt mverther! Holy Suiuts of Liven Thee tame a vinegar face from the day of ‘his tirth. Noth- | waz cvubl induce him to seek a bed Untinigh, When the youmg lady amd gentioman } found that it waa pot the corpme that had sg an: | ceremoulously beanded from the bed, they re- tured to the roo, (they being the watchers for the wight.) and duabtless commenced their qvarting wt the broken off. aya Sedaction by a Bogas Ambassador.—The ful- | luwing curious case bas just come to the notice | of the emigrant police. A goung D’russian girl, but ninetwen years of age, Wppenred before the } Mayor. She anys that she is the daughter of al chancellor of a towa near [ielefichl, and} while at a hotel in her mative couwtry, she made the aequaintance of a Mr. Charles Augus- tus Kokclvata, who represented bimself as an} Ambasaador from the United States, an bork. ried man, and possessor of a fine furtane. Pre: | from her a promise of inarriage, which she do- | Ly the nesumption of fraudulent dignity, and aided by other false representations, the fellow vbtained the consent of the father to his uniow with the daughter. A few days afletwards lie appeared before the father in great tribulativa, posserting that-he lind been recalled t0 America, and wouhl lave tofletre-by the Bultic, and here | follows the strangest part of the tale: | Confiding in his honor, her father confided her to the care of the svidissant Ambaxaador,; her with a large sum of money as adowry, to serve as support wotil the marriage was he He ip Bad acy alee ms married, | eup first at mi oka ins Taylor's and subsequently at flonase, Where sire betrayer, who paltry e wie St | great party at Devonshire Honse, to tive or jstued slightly ajar, he recunmoitered the inside |tO were ive, bat cultivation, tev, brs ner, bed we curry ofl i bat none 90 viulently as Lady Caroline She almsutely besieged him. Me the fret leticr he reecived from ber, in aeurcd bim that if be smelt sey numb of ney, “all her jewels werw'at bi , 7 frequevtly tee) quarrels; and on conting home, f have jim the gandea, and waiting - | would reconcile tiem. at a party she #uald home frum it in Ale by Aim ; I recollect u te town together from such was the insanity of ber that sometime, when get where be wat to ba, die would the rect +i! it wie oven Ond Carclioe had mut, been Fevited, C sem, sow hor—tallking with Bend Bytom, ber buly thrast into the earriage. | just entered. In spite of all thie firm belief is that there was nothing tween them. Byron at bast ems When their inthnacy was at am es she was living in the coun try, she U solermuly on a sort of funeral pile, all the tiers which she had ron, anil a copy of a wi , (bie por which he had presented to hers kerer Georgia lm passed ab act to define ¥ tes of the husband for the of the to define the faitilities of ~property through the wife for the debts of the ly existing at the time of the vides that “ hereafter, when persons the hesband shall not bo linble for the : the wife further than the property fecetved third? her—yen , rtencling tw be struck by her banuty, be aaticited [the wife will satisfy, wed thet, the property tor. ceived by the bushaed throwgli the wife & helined yiving without the sanetioa of her futher, | 0° cate"be fable for the debts, detitults, |trnéts of the husband existing at tbe time of they marriage.” ~ Several .her Sites hav into and secured - wouren’s rights do/this taut particular, age Holloways Ointment and ge ye ebrated remedies for the Gare of Sore Arms. Sanruel Wentworth, of Mi Maine, was for five years afflicted with sore four different gleers on the ture of hit business, (a magh worse, compelled to better, and hie call four weeks sitce: to nacelle amas. Sas sears, Pm ae} a “ial ita in entail Piece tyndred Thousand fe the City.” & These were the Gechinations wade by! ‘Dr. ‘Boowason avd~ Mr. McMasters, at Chapel, ou Tharsday evening, as, by the reports of their specch was the raising of mo- ishment of “a Library iv’ this cliy, aud acombined for that purpose. more learuing we have, the voally duuproving, iutellivent » and benefielal kind, the less ef Roan. With a free Bible, free schools, intelligeut wora! teaclrers in our schools, and traly pious divines in Ipits, if childten are allowed to at- day sehools aud Sabbath schools, and wn persons are peruitted to hear and wet the Bible and Bible instruction, would have very little fear of Roman- ml a ation” effort is making Je ait right. Tha oiem there will bo. [From Dr. Browason.] * There were at least 3,000,000 Papiste in the LU. States, and their uaubere enti tled them tu consideration. ©The Papists have to Roman- feo these United States, and make this a We are new in a good @ouditioa to make this a Romavist coun- try, ee were the carly Christians to offer Up sacrifices in the Catacombs, becanse they had no other place. } The ovutitry wast be Romanized, and the way to do ft’is: by literature. This was ¢ a teason why Dr. Brownsen would. aid the society, by Lis feel “feeble means, would do the samwe. Popish coantry. te power and his and Le oped his audience (Great applause.” is Country must be Romanized !” Farewell.to its civil and religions liber ties if. it-ever should Le. ig civil. and reli ical independence ! us freedow, all polit te their own welfare. [ Frou Mr. Me Wast- vs.) “There were 300,000 baptized Roman ists, and morc, this night sleeping in New York ; he thought they ought tu assist ~this association.” "Whew Archbishop Hughes declared there Were one million of Konan Cathe ; pire State, we supposed it ® misrepresentation, but if : > hundred thuusand bap- Atized Temanists, wad more, cach night io the city of New York?” per- are 1,000,008) in the State @er schools, mc: bapeful indwenc BITU MINOTS COAL IN A few weeks since @atement that t dear tisat these « A peri entirely saccess!.!, following notice from t. four this vew © ur Lands iw Chatham ¢ miles by water feom the sea is engaged in dam g and locking the Constrection from Petie the Coal Fields, whic! seans of tranepertat ket. The outlet cheaply & any part of the A ot Guil ff Mexwo, as wei! ladies and Seoytl A menca tonbidered highly Intau ard Hiarly valable for its gany ici a@xties, full and watis{i-1 +r) having Leen made wit! here and elseu ix ly and beaatifully i is cunsilere! to Le @eamehipe aw! all stearn « gee caluable fa forgin, and a very grea ht gous out in hand- TON, | The Boston Traveller represesting the | jmaunfacturing interest gives the fullow- ing views of the cotton prospects. There are always two sides to every question : “The appearance of the market at this! time indicates the progress of one of the | greatest speculations which has been con- | templated formany years, ‘There is good reason to believe that parties at the Suath, in New York, and in England, and possj- bly also in France, have combiued to con- trol the cotton market &carry up prices tua high figure. ‘These parties have no doubt Lect jutluenced to this course by the ex-! pectation that the cessateu of Uie Rus- siaa war, cheap breadstutt’s, and ul easy inoney market in Europe, will produce an active demand for cotton and increase greatly its cousumption, The expansion of the loans of the New York and the seuthern banks, the largest purchiuses of cottva already in ¢he sowthern ports ur in transit, with vagious other miner circum stances which itis not necessary to enu werate, convince us that the covering of: ten practised in the Wall street stuck tarket has been transterred tu tie cotton crop, and that it isthe design of the spec- Wlators, who must have beou furuished by the New York banks as well as by those in the southern States with an iiuecnse sun of money, to bold the stock of cotton ou hand and compel atly enhanced pric ring the remainder of the seasoa. he articee * We do not belicve in the success of this speculation, and think it | buble that it will before many v and use them ap too con ) reasuns fur this belief are, that the cro being ample for the wants of all coi they will nut be ina hurry to pa their stocks, and that the speculators can bet carry Uir ra the teen auvtlioe like the quantity winch will be reqa to force prices up nbove present rates, i indeed they ure tu ehetain them where The stock inthe s! wes, Gud There tis ho reuseuto doubt at 600,000 more will Le rece season, in this case. te carry ont the specu abon successfully, it will be requi site to bold the control for mauths of at least half a nallion bales, which will re quire 825,000,000, and woth sum the speculators will be who!ly unable to com mand, with all the md which the south ern banks may be dosp sci t) extend to them, especially if exehanvze hoops | pt the specie p tf, Which was like te dey for Tiepiee ri ire nthis t « ae ¢ ch cuit ‘ « { a\ heN\p t t 4 f - \ t a 4 4 ‘ 4 4 d < “ ‘ Sav ann $ this ’ witiee * Al Y ( “It t } t . Vv ¢ vu dj thev are net ¢ | ++ LONE AND MATIN 1 ) La I ‘ e le >» really re eS \ , As a yallar } “ 1s) i t : ‘ {| \ 4 : ee ‘ hy I Cilat i a Jl H ea and » j J bra 4 net a ‘ ] r : : tale cin er any “ ' | yr 4 A~ ! r tion 7 t ; ( Vo A cow Ij £ WY a rn. and Vin wdonveis off ean wansed t i f the M Jia end 1 he fo Deineceracy ! ! \ ¢ sa / sitnila ' sty eth oft e wie dl t t i t 1 otrperwt Lilie lo terine ( 4 ‘ risy or bascuges { ; ba ives go tar thie ¢ th Is ater wR and 3 Sir > We have been " jour citizens to wait oar za ah anil tation, which gh would: bas , APRIL 20, 4856 capes Rh w200 Caan | AOU Solicit you to address the people of this place, | man, , Were he as rich ae the eu, he would TERMS, OF THIS PAPER 82.00 | to-spareaie evening { * rby’s Lal, i” refer: * {ene tothe nontinees aud j ciples of Ue Amer- FOR PRESIDENT, MILLARD FILLMORE, FOR VICK PRESIDENT. With sentiments of high esteem, ANDREW JACKSON DONELSON, FOR GOVERNOR, JOHN A. GILMER Sacisyery, April 30, 1856. GextLeMeN s—I find that Lam competed to decline your very polite invitatioa to address a sf : ‘4 ee necting of the friends of the American uowina- | HENRY W. MILLER, Es Spent a day or two i nominations, both rer of our citizens, aud State, are entived, in my humble judgment, | who were pleased to pay | dress on the politicn) affiirs of the State and country, but dcchued « It atfords us whole duty, in the approaching political contlict, much pleasure, however, to 2 to bis they will be thumpbantly clected. very able letter in reply tu the committee, whieh At the bead of that ticket is the name of one, | fied of his may be seen in another column, who, daring the three years he administered the 1 Natioual Goveroment, after the death of Gen. | able, by bis inflexible frinness, his wan, ty exalted patriotism, Lis bold resistance to fanati- | osm, his unflinching © Constitution, to disarm the bitterest partizan | © : ZF Our County Court is in session this week, rancor, aud to extort, even frou his political ad- | above all, to secure regular mail service Can any man erase from hiv} tnind a recollection uf the imminent and purteo sluse tous character of the dangers, which threatened ¢ during the peudeney of the Com rotose Measures before Courress ! » dead to every bigh and noble emotion, tty recur with pride to the feark ¢ sturta of fanaticiin, which v sweep over the country ! tine is near athand the yreatimen and noble patriots, who aided in when KR stuck will be th carrying through the Compromise micasures, aud as nstuire Latsis, and that restoring peace and harmony then ow the bouk of dreuuen and civil war- av, Welster, Cass, Foote atid othem—did but erest of such ain ¢ when acknowledging, that to f Jolin A. Galiner! lh the ineans of transportati «\ptem of Improvements, whe is nut tilebted ty some extent, to dobn A. Gilmer, as ties and advantazes when Chat evstem of improvements, which ted with that of many other patr cand bberaf modded men, las been already ernor and Wis) projected, shall be completed and be in fall of eration, po one will then dare taunt os with be - te a favorable Mupression ing the Kip Van Winkle of the Union mi the company assembled thy C, by lin there will be living. moving, speuking proofs uf Lopen, pleasant inanner,” tte falsity all over the State! Soa St howe PPT gin, Pa Pra By | Permit us, sir, to add our personal solicitations , OO® | to thuse ef our frends whom we bave the honor | be as liberal waithe’day ! 1 shall'wote for hia will ih koe yee as I Hannon, oT wet gate a ele BABY a aur, Gitinde tythe Biae Ben tho Lath December, 1853, on tho ti of Gov. Graham ty strike aut alk of ME Boyd's Bill, providing for Pree Suttrage The contest in which we are engaged x, vo | ordinary one, All we bold dear aud sacred thy remains; may be dependent upon its issuc. As the con- . ‘flict deepens then, and the day for §ual action | by, Legislative ehactyient, wud insert aw |’ Japproaches, Iyt our zeal dud resulution be com-|amendinent, providing”for the Call of ay pie jmcusttraty with the fportunce of the evase in! Convention, We eubjeiu ‘the following to gg, which we are struggling, and looking to nothing! extract, in adviinee ¢ ‘tess thaw a glorious vietory, let us rally around | Ry “Tam in favor of the leading provis- ter fue | Board ‘the banner iuscribed with the names of Fitt-) jon contained in the bill introdaced hy | No | Mokk, Doxecson, and Giiaer ! With high respect, Youur fiicud and fellow citizen, lions, proposed to be called for that purpose this | Hl, W. MILLER. > place, last week. cvening, oe er? Mail Fuilure online No, 5,731.— nthis mark of their ty the most cordial and zealuus support of every|.Phe Contractor on this line, (from. this ¢ was also sulivited to deliver an ad > and we have the strongest assurance, place to Lincolnton,) deserves to be well; tif their fiends but do their duty, and their! seortched fur the apparent abandonment of his contract. We hope the depart- | ment at Washington has been duly nuti- failures, and will enforee the aw against hho. If, however, no such {information has been received there, our representative fron. this district would Hone lenthe Ueion and | confer a benefit on many of his constitu- nts to have the case looked after; and dou yesterday the Magistrates of the County versarics, the bighest admiration, and the mest | On the line, Were Ju attcudavee to transact cu WIIG MEETING. Pursuant to appointment, the Whig pte make the necessary changes, will, we Meeting heretofore aunoanced, was hek at the Court House on yesterday. It was ’ ‘ 2 , " Py & » ta & yr ey well attended. H.C. Jones and V. Bar.) '%) when they come to Lue properly cou : . ° -red— hevs. " ringer, Esqrs., and Ilon. N. Boyden, ad- sidered. —A sheviile Spectutur. ! dressed the peuple, We have nut yet lem) pecartOUss OF THE AMERICAN PARTY, furnished by the Secretary with the pro-} > ~ ceedings, Lut hope to give them in our next. - - From the Wilmingtoa Herald. GOY, BRAGG. te-clection ty the post be se ably fill.) at the or Camparyn paper, and we intend te wid to daeure bis ehction.— Vurfolé ie i é We tthe attention of men of all parties ‘ extraondivuary paragraph, and we . J ask w long must we put up with aoch ctihediing ia our Stale corneeras ! \ ie people of Nurth Carolina capable ws wr ten! matters, with \ wlary oa Jot assistanee of ‘ Hi.vw oo at that the Ar timate eph ' sown leg ate sphere vr ry fi a v “ Is the ‘ | ! ' st ' r n ! \ t “* \ } bee me niglits ba . 7 W ' ‘ ote olen Mr d , a ‘ Pal. } . . t . ' v«¢ ! hie te . , gr J that they = . Teles a. £94 ae . « ‘ What better evnd-mee af the alarm which i} ation of Ne. Coctemer me t spent ar ne . i ' amis he of Laweha i. ! i} quire \ ' * Arg } 1 r Nee Now York ob . 8 4.8 apf<—- wer ai! patromage of the Coneen « “ ’ tt ar ™ - , Mua ee pee | J ' a ‘ gar t Viry a ID u“ rat rte be a ted anti American party at ther Na tional ¢ vention to beheld in Cir nat jnst one tenth from to-day. stonll v) diate ey) tf aoreriignty and ¢ aol vaacrt State equality All right enouy but will they do it! We shall ec« Phe Engnirer proceeds ; We must declare that it is the duty of the General Government to see thats invidions or injarioua distinctions are made between the people or the property f different sections in the Territories We do not mean to dictate It inay that the aseertion in the platform of t alsstract yr speaitions of State ey ® carry along with ‘it which we ! att ' thatthe Kan-aaN kal ytat uw the doet 1 ‘ athe toft , Frees . ul Vortheen Don Pn niard) Are omineiin ae THI CON MEST Br <piwet “ft nvwat ent ! ' platform that we Maritain pres fie! State equality, and repudiate tiat troction of the Kansas Nebraska act chow I defeat it. The Sonth only emaneds ¢ prality. of right. The more clea tappears thatthe Northern Dor eracy is ready to concede it te her. t Inore certain is our candidate of snocoss Tis reads pretty well, but the Conven flonat Cinciumath will do nothing of the sort so valiantly demanded by the En quirer—for the simple reason that it would lose the party too many votes in the North and Northwest, where the sinatter sovereignty principle is popular. And, the Enquirer will calmly submit, and raise the banner of the nominee, whoever he may be, platform or no plat- furm, squatter sovereignty or no suver- vignty at all, and eleetioneer on the gen- eral principles of the party, whieh are !the Senator (Mr. Boyd)—the extension of} | suffraye, properly guarded, and granted jin a manner safe tu republican freedou. | | J concetve it but proper that all free white, stock, and’ | eittzens, who are alliaced to vote for meine | | bers of the House of Commons, should be also ullowed to vole Jor Senator, cords ENTIRELY with wy feelings to permit all who vote at the one box, tu vote If nothing mere than the extension of suffrage was effected by jthe Lill, I would be the last to raise my Raised and @Jucated as 'T have been, it would be contrary te ny j inclination and natural impulses to oppose any measure tending to secure to my fel- |low-citizens eguud rights and privileges, i wherever and w henev cr the sulue can be done consistently with the rules of justice jand freedom, securely and satistactoriby | the Road, with a salary of $1000, Ex. is It ue-|4 / also at the other. | Voice against it. This is adequate tu prove that Mr. Gil- jiner is not opposed tu the thing iteelfl— ) His reasons fur preferring a convention, ‘have no duubt, prove entirely satisficto ADOPTED AT THE SESSION OF TILE NATIONAL COUNCIL, Feu. 2st, 1056 Ist, An homble acknowledgement to the Su ppretie Ueimg, fr His protecting care vouchsuh d hte gar fithers in their syecumsial Revolutionary straggie, aud bitherty tnanifestes tu us, their de | It is our intention to heist the name of this | scepdapis 10 the preservation of the liberies, the thstinruished statesman, (who pa cundidate fer | indepetdener, and the union of these Soot elmericane must rele Americo, awl t 4th. Persons borr (og tewporarily abrood, shomth) be cuuthd too the ngbis of pative Lure citheme; bu Sth. No persuu sbould bo wlheeted ft ‘ station, (whether of wative ur foreign birth.) w h« sae Invy leothor Vingota papers thas reouguives any ailegianer ot obligation of an) deserptson to poy fureign primes, polwotate « ower, or who refoses to recognise the Pb. ders J State Conatitutions (ench pilbin i w all uber laws, as rules The unqualified reeognit From twenty-six inedical colleges in th: United States, there graduates radnates in New York were as follows: Tniversity of New York, 98; College of Physicians and Surgeons, 40; New York Medjcal College, 35. 2" Mr. Alfred Randal! of Stanly coun- , in this State, was ingtantly killed near \aa thelr capital in trade, to iftake gore s rates jae ce to hare been ©x) hive been dovited 4 . this sum bef Th Reserved na opel Nathan A. Sede cd President; ‘abd. Musend. Benbow, FL Fat Kelly, Win. Wee i | L. Cook, and Jaa. BP, Tho Board subsequently M. Rose as Secret: a ‘of $400 instead of 8500, and 8) Wy } ae Ae raepel at a salary of $150, fi of 200. +E ig Mh {| The Board also ap) nted- Worth, Eg. General Saperintendent of perience has shown that. gue! indispensable; and the Company is furtu- nen securing, at eo ® sala- ry, the services of a gentleitian of such bich charncter and thorongh qualifica- tons as Mr. Worth, Fuyetteville Obeerver. DIABOLICAL We learn from the II that as the Eoying of oo the N. Co Rail B on Wednesday of last ¥ six miles west of Ili} sine logs placed across th Recorder say: in time entirely te rivasda vot have been the case had the train pas-cd in the night, as it did iy the week before, Two individpala, and Abel Turner, were seen inthe . borhood under cireometaneed — whi strongly implicated themund as they start- ed te rea when the cars stopped, (sey were peremed aod taken. The @arw arrived here so mach behind time that they comd net wait t have the Prisoners xuwiitcd, aud they were takew to Ral- ei, wl € they were regularly commit- ted for trial, —-- aad EX PRESIDE NTTY LER'S LECTURE. Ou Tharmday evening the series of Loctures for the tewon in Libeary. fall, vas cloeed by one from Ex-President Ty - r who addressed a erowdedandience un wovccasion, The row wae filledes ite y and many whe coald not co away. Mr. Tyler's Deal of owr (Inia) Cabi- euvject Was The ® | net He commenced we Sea: Swin- * ton Legare, hie Attorney Ge: amd for a thine weting Seeretary of State—giving an account of the manner in which he and that gulted Svuth Carolinian first be- rare acqualnted, and the prooi- nl cire urnetaness of his life, their ficial consection. A mare oe a | sclvdar—an abler public cog lor— trner patriet—~—and a better man thaa isthe lamented Legare, dil not breathe - day. He was in every way worthy t rm whieh were con etred ap- him, and tue nativg hed caase te mourn the hereavement whieh eudtained ova lwelancholy death—which “ lsuddenly in Borten in the tidet © fest tics th whiek the celybra- tien uf the cuopletion of the Bugker Hitt Motitniwreut was wnngled, Mr Tyler next commiderad the eharne- - ervices of Abel P.Upaliiie, wha, indor his aceviuistration, @Ded the offi- roeeesively of Sceretary of the Nary, and deveribed in a toochiog méanier phe vn board af the steamer Praceten on the 28th of Febru: , 44, yw Ll pelur and Gilme?, Ken- hand Gatcuer were begried ifte eter- ) ju a woment, and the eouvivial per- tyof w 1 there promanent members, plunged all at onee into au abyss @ hor A grief which ne langsege ean . porlverr maved Gitees eae side! by side onthe deck of the Princeton when e fatal eaplosion oec arred—- they were ~de by sule in the two codttties to whieh er natues have been given, Jobo ©. Cathoun, Daniel Webster and Jolin Co Spencer, the two first of whom presided over the State Departihent amd the list over the Treasury, ander Mr. Ty- er, wari the themes of hie’ warm and tray \ ! these distinguished men— Webster, Cactoun, Legare, Upshor, Gilner, Spen- ‘ died since 1842—ita period of | )cars —a cireumetancée to which feclingly alluded at the close of - [he lecture as and yracefat watt cloned ot ed the attention with Which ft wae iistened to and the applansed Which it re- coved. —-1' ferehurg ntelligencer, “BLACK REPUBLICANS.” The Boston Times winds op a powerful n° Llack Repablicaniem” with the following staternent that nobody can wunsay We call to it the partiedtar at- tention of the few Whigs who ate hesita- ting about supporting Mer. Fillmore. . Ie poblicanisin procs in for Demoeta- cy, and is and will be i@ best ally. It prefers Mr. Prerce or Mr. Bueharan to Mr. Fillmore, just as it did Mr, Pelk to Mr. Clay. Itis true that it keeps up a great blaze of warfare against the Demo- cratic party, but that is all sham. It is dong to build itself ap and get possession of local spoils. It pretends to have great regard fur Kansas and freedom, bat it takes very precious care Urat-Kansag shall remain where it is, as professional wars take care that their children 1 remain ragged, and sore, and distressed, now understood to be the logygs and) Memphis, Tenn., on the 18th, by falling|thy, Take the sorevsickly infant | bentey daily till i¢ bleeds, from the arma But it ts geetess, fishes, — Wilmington [[rrald. from the deck of a steamer, Pa ee e a > ~A Dias Haig of the Ce os. Safi alo, |? Hesebitions et {oUF winister at Niearayw. Pei , | in favor of Watker, Messrs. Seward aud But , Dri 9 as Mortality : F jer oppased preset action and the resulution 2744, Zondan kg ~ was withdrawn. (the 20d) ai: ° had ‘bie gig. | The House posed the Indian Appropriation ded "The Hampi City Urin > ae Bid Fhidet ‘ the ; es ie Sia es oom te : Wile residing wear the estos ed, aud all cle baggage in ouee. as Filed, Among the killed MDuboia, of Louisiana, and asilile. 40 (get thy Wawes of the diad. Of ’ ia Abe tailruad freight-bouse only ony name Avows, thit of Mr. Stokes, Among the wo wee Willinin HL: Huvter, Theodore De _ Seeretary of the American Consul at Pavan eid Me. Palmer, an ewplove of the tailrund company, all residents ou the [sthinus; shee” George ©. Figlds, of New York, and Rev. Johu hate of Grahamnvilte, 8. C. The eoran ‘Were those which left San Francisco on the, 20th March, iv the steamer Cortez, for Ban deal del Sur, but traded at Panoma jn cov- sequence of the Nicaraguan troubles. The figt Originated with a druvken man why ve We Dad austive a dime for 0 piece of wa- _ F _ There was i at. Arplawall that Walker had: been again defented. tal Fof Walker by Costa Rice, w Vous, Apel 29. Tho steamer Oriasba q frum. San Jean wo the mi of Beblssinger is confirmed Oo the Ith the Costa Ricans took possession of Rivas with two tWousand mee. Ov the 1th Walker, with six tusdred men, attacked i> m, and her fighting seventees hours and « half he at Shiged ta alandua the vity for wat of am mubition. The lose uf tle Coste Rcaws is said to dave teen sis huwdred kilked and a large Wounded. Walker's loss is set down at fifty wo sixty killed ond about ciglity ned missiig, Agrowgst the killed was Col, Mathie, cominander of the native foros * ED) Biepraguepes,” Walker's urgnv, clo me it as & ghurtots Stetory. Rt ie enid that the Conta Ricans temion of the Viegiv Buy, bred ind ritmiaately OR every persou they san, billing ciybs Americans im the eurploy of the Traust Compa ay. Oe the 10th instant Lieut. Green, with fifteen Wee, eheourteread about tao handred Costa Ry cone, killing twrnty seven sud vest. Th American twe ®ougurd. It was repurted that Walker intended to attack the Costa Dicans at Viegia Bay about the 25th. baring ene thuwand Americans and thirteen beudred’ natives under his command. With the eteeption of a few prominent men in the fur wer Legnioate party, the Niearaguacs acted with Walker. Memduras, San Salvade, Guatemala are sod te be ie fever of peace mi will not imvase N corages. They received! the comminaioners / Nicaragua ies friemd!y spirit, aod had disc tieged.enlisiments and disbawled some new bevien, A attaber of Minnie rifles were taken ( the Coste Ricans at ive Several Regt - end Pretehmen were vlecrved iv the anny The Britioh frignte Burychoe was the vnly vessel ot San Juan, Mer bots wore Oa.duty entching the murem nts of the Am fetes, “Pasengers who come down the His AR peahibited by them fromguing on shor At official Valietin eued by Mura, declared all Glibedtérs taken with arms in their hands shoul. be put to death, bat all who he! mot used arm, against Cotta Bean army shoul! bk pardoned Appended to this was a list of screntece Bclibeedtager’s parts, why were takin and shot ; they Pete mostly Insbmen and ouly tee Antericans AMMA is be ree pert tu the slaugiiter of Amer jenn citingte at Virgin Ley aod the J Gf the Trane Company by the (us pz been made, Mr. Whe protest to Mora, aga met sock woud uct, tat agains | rive the Americana from Costs Kien and Nic agua; and, anles explained or stoned for, «| ded measures on the part of the Uuited strates Goverament were threatened by Mr. Wheeler Trowbles in Kansas Sr. Loem, April 29.—A letter to the Domo erat, of this tity, dated the 24th imetant, sys thist while Sherif Jones wae aint ng in the tent Of the soldiers he was shot by a party anid Gaiiferoarly woandal. Jouce had ‘ Swalv@arrenia during the day, assisted by ac: pany of dragoows. There is much ex Va Fegard the affair, The keows. The sitgation of Jones m very or The investigating Commiuee commenced its semion at Lawrenice on thy 23:1 instant Politics in New York New York, April 20—The Republican meet fog to-wight ia very iarge. 1. F. Butler presi ded, ; Wim, M. Evarte, of New York, and Mr. Bingham, @Ahio, are the Prncipal sponkers _ faa tog po wwe Impersing the hilked and lune was ony coustant!y (rernmans ; etru er ad pot * threat vatsied te me perpetrator i ut LA The flarddiell Democrat's State Committ and the.Délegates to Cincinnati held a Confer rita At Shracuse to-day. The regplutions adop- Abe National Know Nothi ted by the test Hardshe!! State Convention were reaffirmed, “A determination is evinced to te epulee the Cincinnati Convention to decide wheth- ot Preesdifcts ‘shall be accounted as Democrats in the State of New York. Epidemics at Sea, Naw York, Aprit 29,—The ship Empire State from Liverpool is MoW at quarantine, She toad 9" her passage thirty-three cascs of the smallpox. The big General Taylor from Port an Prince lost, ducing fer homeward passage half of er orew by thé'Fellow lovey. targe amwane ot | bers : ; “ rey The ruilroad property aug) New Yous, May J.—Cotton is dall—eales of | vit by this fatal disease. The statistical {900 bales. Prices unchan, eaen vAccrof Walker's army. It is! npow whom this outrage was, Wanuionys) May 12" ,. Weller eubmitted } ¢ shag forthe correspoudeuge with | Hy rpoke strougty | New York Markets, { nd, but buyers dy. | Mand a reductiat of Joout. Hour better— }Obiv $3,870 6,18. Com finn, Whigs wheat | V, t, W, Marks, | $i,i6 4 $1,806. Kiey firm. Tremendous Fire, | Putcapeurnia, May L.—A terrible fire Uroke | Out bast wight in Seaway and Muyre's paper Wate- housé, on North street, below Cth, whielrepread with great rapidity and consumed all the build. ings on the cast side of Gili street to Market, aud imany uthers on Market, Commetes tod | Nurth streets. ‘The lose is estimated at 2,000,- 000, which is mustly covered by insurance, - > - STAIE FAIR We understand that letters have been addressed, by the Chairman of the Ex- ecutive Comaictoe of the State Agrical- tural Sucicty, tu the Presidents of the several Kuiroads fea ug to. this City, with a view to effecting an, arra t fur the trausportution of passengers Visit- ing the Far, at half prices utd fur the free transportation of stuck aud On€ 6peci- men of agricultaral implements, anil other mauufactured - articles from the wime Wwanufacturer. . The Wilurington aud Weldon, ond the Ralvigh and Gastom Rows; we urd Tap: | py tv stale, have, thrvagh their Board { of Directors, prowptly responded to the | cunmittee, aud acoude fully to their re-| Ytort. : We have no dunbt that the other Roads} will respond in the same liberal spirit ;| for we cuneeite the interest ofuur fail- { ruads are cluscly identitled with the ste: cess of ovr Fairs; and the advancement! of agricultaral futerests throughout the | State.—Buligh Standard. i A QUESTION, i The cvanty of Northampton, ia Which | Gov. Beagg lived and cored, at the time the new Constitution in 18385, giving the) elvetiow’ of Guevrnor to the people, yare less than twenty votes for the Coustitu tiom, thas amended. The question wc sire tu ask is this: can he got the ¢ tifieute or statement of a single respecta ble wan in that coamty or eleawher., that he beard liu, (Mr. Mrngy,) vn the da vf election, any tune before, ba) tat he was ia favor of the ratitics of the Constitution {This question wa propounded two years ayo, but, we Le auewered, May wi: hot legitimately couclude, therefore, that Gov. Bragg Voted apuinunt giving the ele And i Inin to ut lieve, has fut beeu tion of Guvernor to the people R pot in bad grace for Lask the peop taith be iu utd, tow, t bed Cath wy, is & arvend an ft de le to vote hin vp ay a I's wertiian towards the No confer taken place jiestion ‘ intenti (ruvermiu ’ here, and te quest for an tmimnediate thay and specn <The editor of the Patriot, one of the must A Casio Eortor Greenville (8. { ancomprom sing anti American papers that State, compliment to M pays the following deserved lard Fillmore: “Ex:-Prespesr Bins Thie distin . i gnished stateeman and prre patriot tia been pominated for the Preside ney MORE in Philadelphia We rejoice ination, though we do not expect port it. We rejoice on the principle an honorable man likes to have a ge tleman for his opponent. There is an other feeling which gives us joy, and it is, if the Democratic party should be de- teated, there is not a man iv the United States we would prefer to heading the de feat, and enjoying the success of auch a victory, to Millard Fillmore. Ho is a gentleman, a patriot, and a statesman of ability, soaring above all seetional con- siderations in the administration of the! governinent, In his hands we should | edit ot ne con Gofeat,” “Wonld:ivt every Demoerat editors every Desverat in the South, say the ( sine thing, if-they had the independenee Con ty vive uttersnce to their real ~ tes sentiments) from Cholera at} Ldands.—Recent advices! from Zante state that thé eholera bas’ (Ceased ta rage at that place; bat while disposed to"rejoiee at this cheering news, We must tet overlook the fact thut quite | a large number of persons were carried | report exhibits the startling fact that from the Sth of Octuber to the 26th of Decesm- ber, 1855, out of a meagre population, there were 1,082 cases of cholera, atid O11 deaths. ome Daniel Webster,—In- reference to the death of this distinguished statesman, the followitig expressive simile hag been cuployed ; eHow well he full asleep ! Ike mime Proud river widening wwards the sen, | Culmly nid grasidly, silently und deep, } Life joived cermity. } ~ -_- ~ oT he Mormon Exodus.—Last week an ex: | traordinary scene.was witnessed , at the | New strect: Railway Station, Binning: | har, A fine ship, the Enoch Train, | having beet chartered to convey & cargo) of Morwions to the United States, en route | to their settlement in Utah territory, three “i men and women, boys and girls | forined the contingent supplied by the Birvtigham district. They left the half’ past ten trains. Allseem to belong tw the working classes, aud the proportion Of the sexes was nbout equal, Hat han- dreds of thuir relatives and fellw ‘saints wesemblud ut the station to bid them fare- the efforts of an in- to cheer the spirits of the femalea, some very affecting scenes were Witnessed. They sail to-day from Liver pool There will be 900 on board. — Lu, muigham Journal, Saturday NORFOLK MARKET. Reported by Rewlend & Brothers, May Ist, Ise. BACON —Uamie, 12 @ 13. Hog rund, 11 (a | 4 EAND~No 14211 @ 15 CORN—Miaed, 50. W bite BLACK BE. PEAS—Datl. 90 WASTE BEANS—#i.75 ge 2 00 PLAXSEED—¢1.60 @ tzu COTTON—94 «@ 93 FLOUR— Fue 75 @ + oo} stumental bai 5 Vets eh ¢ SALT—1 SUGAKS tpuol, Ene K~fine d, 94 DRIED APPLES— PLACHES may Pa ’ MARRIED; ‘ let instant Me it P daaghter HE! exe SPAMS DIED f Mre KB Lene. wear th Mee ELIZABETH RORL be, Wr JUIN LU. VOGLER, aged simant 2 Apri. Mre JAWES C geae Tuk Pus 1 rae Nt oe EV\COURAGE This Knocking! © he vs pr red tors p and goud as can be dw Tarning, Catting Serews, Repairing Boilers and Engines, drecrpiions ; making aod tepurin Will Spiadies, Wood Piainers, Plows, Ironing Wagons, Pes HOBSRSAOSING, compare werk with any ove for nest synich: Interferne end mn ow. wear commen deo M CSOT COMPLETED (VD FOR SALE, Ory met ove these WA NES a . M ,w Ma months rv» t p42 I THOMPSON 193m LS TAVAG For Spring A Sammer, Wiy 3. t4 RECEIVED a Se amen Chothniag of hor quality and work a . ren very low prices Our stack compraes HATS. CAPS, COATS, Veers PANES, SHIRTS, COLLARS and CRAVATS ; DRAWERS, SOCKS, BOOTS and SHOES every other artiele of Clothing reqmred, of the most varied styles, quality and price Ti Cali and see! Oar tock is going off, and we are giving bargains to every purchaser, 7 Onor store ai the corner of the Mansion Hotel, w e w ell t and H. F. BAUM & CO Satiebury, May 5, 1855 49:40 Marriage License beantifully ptinted vad fo sale at this office w and beratiful Stock of jlic, Office, two doors below Benjamin Jutian (Potatoes, 50 at Pda Swe, 9s gr 00 . ls ‘ ‘Salt (WY suck.) $2604 275 do Pburhel, $1.06 ings, Brown, 4-4 9 Shot, P bag $2.25 Seed, “ * 15000 s} U0_ 124 v0 Barlaps, “ Cotton Yarn, "ity 45 43 Clover, Pbush. Rial do. Meal, 45u50 Flaxseed, $i co Chickens Pdor., $14 @ 1) Sayer, Brown, Jia 124 Eggs if doz, Bo10 Loaf, 12ga15 Feathers, 30435 Crushed, I2hat5 Floor, Pobbl, $5 00u Clarified, — Ua 12, Tron, Swede, 6 Tallow, lI Bar, 4445 Turpentine, Pgul87e!-0 Eng. Refiu’d 54 Wheat, $1.00 M. 5 Wool, 25000 6@7 Window Glass, P box, Oa ll 8x 10 $2.25 Lead, bar, Tha® 10% 12 $2.50 Lead, Dry White, 100124 ANOTHER FRESH STOCK Spring & Sommer Goods JUST ARRIVING ! } AVING eold off our first cxteusive purchose of Spring and Siomer Goods in a Very short time after they were to band, we have since laid ia ae coud supply, which is mow arriving. lected with care, bought at very reduced cash pr and will be «itd low. No more desirable goods have been brought to this market the present year, vome—we are sure, cun > be sold fur lees, BROWN & COFFIN, Nu. 3, Granite Row April 29, 1856. doit - $25 REWARD! Pocket Book Lost or Stolen! SOMETIME in December last, I missed my Port bD Monie from its seeusinmed place ia ay cust. site: which time all attempts at discuvery Lave proved frost - lows The contents were u note of baud on Jose ph D. Cowan, of tredeti, fur two hundred and eon Dr DOW. Krider, of Beats me tee I here Tom Uradie iniars ; o Lwe wix dollars; m etpte; four di: ry th for said rat, ney, umeily sitver ewarn all persons whatever ¢ f the alu Pocket demaify th. notes Pwill giv Bowk and conte principale ag vant the Pay iC aC bove reward for th ule, thereby detecting th bef Tos. Woop Nprd 29, 1856 1m: NOTICE. TS He (oral ie Fic mtay of the nag Torn ot Say under a (ra ] south o at! Romd, dpa ve bare Jacob Mens Kweill, aud oth € 4 Moet \ nde if laud “= mo Wind r Th fe we on tk MARGARET BURKHEAD SPRING AND SUMMER stk of Spemg and Semm Staple & Fancy Mita, Copacand Bon Shona Dry Goods, Wirre - Hardware & Cutlery, Groceries, ace £ hen . gathew ° he to punctpal enst.anere on BAN bends of Contry Prue. highest market price - ry. Aped 10 BY NEW Goons: <. J.V.& T. SYMONS & CO. Ke FULLY NNOUNGCE aca Rows 21 we beds +6. GOODS: Spring & Summer Goods, y Dra Go “rla v Groceries & Dye Stuffs, which they offer ce} p for cash ehveew Coll and ¢ tamine 5, 256. 4 A prit Fasbiomadle Dancing in Xr mn WR. Fe Le Re" Ha COOLLC AY, ePECTFULLY ane u * McCormick's Reapers. FUGENE MARTIN Far the Nts }) k LAND 2 SALE. e Qthof May next. a Pract of Lang to the heirsof Jeseph Westey, dece ne Lande of GOW. Joh », Wo Cathrell and tactes. nore or lea Phere ina th a well of peed. ad ptaiming 2 dwelling-honse ot nthe piece, w ex n the yard; ale chen, ke-house, wagon shop, barn, and tubsacen bar ny one wish ing to examine the Land ean enll on Mr. Levi Putford whe will show the A ered H will be given, the purchaser giving bond, wrth guud se curity, on the day of sale L. BINGITAM, C. M. EL 49.31—Pr. adv. 1.75 Ceilent water <1 premises f sixim April 28, 1856. DR. S. REEVES H AS located in Salivbory, end offers hie professional services to the pub- ‘a store. Apel 29, 1856 Ply 3 | ware ~ | stuck wea we feel no hesitancy in suyiog that we es Rabest En eof. sho any INGE ANY CITAT } Pavame land Straw Buckets, Rope, Carriage | Trimoninga, Springs and Axcts, Window Gtaws, Queene | - snd Gingse Ware, Saddlery, sole Leather, Betting | Clothe, Blasting Powder, Neate fron & Steel, - wuithe’, Carpenters’ dnd Shoe-Makers’ ‘fouls, Tan- | ‘ ners’, Linsoed und Spemmi Vil, Paints, Dyestuffs, Cast- | PLOUGH MANUFACTORY, MACHINE DE- all ot whiok they ngs, Ke, do, A large oa POT AND SRED STORE, Canwwt fai) to .; 3. PUB Ht 41:3m. | GROCERIES , 251 PEAL ST. wear Ewitem Soyo k. ae JOUN u TOR. , always on hand Partiealur atte ation is called to vr bidecsibey bibig'C orebiion bsnl aud having | our large und welt selected stuck of {Miuny Yeurs' experievee in the nynufeet sea! all kinds | (of Acuicerreast Larceamyes vad Mac hee, — reepectfally call the attentive of Merchants und Plan- | % , tere to his large and wort complete assortment of the ‘Spring and which will be sold at unparalleled jow prices im this seta Tag oy raea at dower peley country. » : ms ! Lr All the above goods have been selected with 459 BON® DUST, aurEK-rnosruaT® ov Ling, rLasTe | the greatest care, and we most respectfully invite all March 3] ‘eo bebo orn those buying gouds this seuson to call and examine ou | bls ALI Loh have | 4 farger assortment than has ever been offered af one | season in this place, and that we are determined t | Ss es | sir State of North Carolina, } | \.. ties Weptetoaeel a ASHE COUNTY. 5 lextensive end | for the Sedson, Supestor Court of Equity, Spring Term, 1856, | Will be sold at Hamilton Ray, 1 " ey oe for cash. tiv} kere ogee ke THOMAS E. BROWN. , Carriage, Buggy and Sulky Builder, FOR LADIES AND® \ ese SALISBURY, N. C., feed carrying om the above business, and iuvites the pub- examine bis work ile is nanufacturing very d ; Sell, and will make it to the advantage of bayer te give our stock an examination before purchasing. Salisbury, March 31, 1656. dat Vine Astonruns? OF oo 5 READY. MADE CLOTIUNG. up Work at low «ual the better | advine thang who w'sh to procure apy thing i his line to call at bisestablish- ment belare they purchase else wher: E97 Wie shop is in the rear of bis Livery Btabte. ‘ UH Persons at a distance ordering work, will please aceom Primct’s fee $5 OO—45-t i Pany the order with » deserip rn of the article required—atyle, 6 ee ond when 4 ‘10 1 dose wut give satis { | i State of North Carolina, } ROWAN COUNTY. §! Rufor Barringer. admivisteator with the Witt anneted, | of Alexander Broudou, w coufrase and heard expurtc as te him. f prlaitiientneniniog) Witness, Gerge Bower, Chak and Master of said! : Court, at offier, the } ju February, 1656. ; March 27, 1856. 24 Monday after the 4th Menday GEO. BOWER, C. M. EB rhe willtate euch as Corn, nder, Timber, LIVERY STABLE Is kept ap as aswat and those whe wis wt are lurve ther to buy or to sell »¢ a Y. Cowan of Rowan r Lowrance, Juhu | “iiumae gad Juhu! vot Thyatirs chaseh } sot Davideos College Alexaucder B. Cowan, Jam { Themes Cowan, 5 James Lo Brandan, woo lL. Deamon, Guardbam Lacon 0, Riehard Ro Waeteon ep Wm Vo Deawsimg sad wife ege W. backe ry Aun; R . Gis aud ef eacd Will wad Jol Sumer Gileon Tr" o Teald, Jo Wan, seni March £9 auf MOCKSVILLE WALE ACADEMY. aE Ul keemo fu . on willeommerce wu W ad sy the Wise SPRING:SE * Brandon: J. name Praa, KW Amanda demephy 4. heeroa Ro Lathe, ©. Gies ; Joho ye ate now ‘veelving our eg © great variety of Goudie, well adamted tw the inst, The wit neal son, wad the keep Feb raary tre bev om P. bax we are detenmaed to self. * MURPHY, McROBIR.& meyers a a JAMES NORAH, WATCH-MAKER AND SALISBURY, 8G 2% (One door below H. & A, Murphyts } ” BEEPS coustanty on Hand & Ca N\A. WATCHES aud JEWELRY of gia Chets, Worches aud J, of every deserigtton, tepaired in the best enaat oo the mont feasoda- ble terms. iy38d. Pebraary 19, 1256 & NYE UrTEniMox, . COMMISSION MERCHANT, Charlotte BW. oO, ¥. +) Deel #0 Comelete pd Cotton, Cora, Flour, Wheat, ~ COUNTRY IX CHARLOTTE, chantistO®, Sep “ Libcral Advazees made on. JNO B GRETTER REFEREES ° teh -reridenie that pulses ien * fot wa weeks, praary next, then cwaplainants taben pre con ‘ for hearmg, and To the Ladies. dbus. eulmeribe re ur w reeciving the fine 7 rh and Master of our ney bave eve ‘ Sah abe 13th Man. partie. t ‘ wis) im Auge, A DD. 1855, ot the Uni- Y. the BONNET i NX “ BROWN & COFFIN IRBONS, tee BLACK MER. CWE 43tf se) Cardenas Molasses. _ 5 + 246 HH'DS. eed ae me rho Barty * TIERCE Ss i foe #8 P15 Mefsrenseass " - in Jenhian, Bugs Seicary ia W. Wiliinue © n- Charleston ; A. Haat, sagen Heber, Sumter, Bap. New York, Febrwary 19, 1°56, To Parmers. TT. coherribere trite of Farmers aad others, to their rant tock of Staple and Fancy Gatda: or etcek of the ebov ( » CARDENAS hm beryge vared, just tecerye MOLASSE< P we *. bow am DB t Hivdeu Jas tee N & COFFIN au t b MAVTHAWAY & Cc ORTHCARO RAILROAD sexcave™? SREREHE ,stkbay Mar Office N C. Rai! Road Co. / 2 ‘ = chi a Ladies Dress Goods Schedale for Wail Train on and after Nw stack of NREOLE Monday, 21st day of Ap: il, 1856. Ke ber steek by aff E\ST ewest and bntest \ N SOMMER VS. Salixbary, March 25, 1856. tod ele tog bee stock of Spring (a genera mmmert- WORKED EMBROLDE RIES @ empl te » precaring Vash been mtradaced RN MNVERS cme Mok fetes Alba t’s Life of Napulren Bos aparie. SQUIRE, ZIMMERMAN & ALLEN, "2 Wh-lesale Dealers ie DRY GOODS, orkedSimer! 1) Commenieations thragh. the Post Office, oe PHILADELPHIA Abnteinn, wil be airended te the Ril eppuitininy: * {om ex 3 $20 Reward. Whine AWAY $ N ¢ {3.6ea 1 OF ENGLAND. T ad Fearth Vul ' EN Nis Wer WLEGy HINTOR Pe | Pic heetler State of North Carolina, ; ASTTE COUNTY \ : oe es Mary DIBSLE «e BUNCE. “FERRE raw ° W . { Rowhed Ontvte m. Pibsic. | —— ee : Dds Late of Wi y A ther bil of Lote of Witmiagton, N.C ~~ Commission. i biker + bing Ia Cotton, Flour, Graik, wD o State of North Carolina.) COENT\ \ Peter Elier ROW AN Seuthern Produce Wo. 180 #r Btrect, o. erat S72 uBrosy \FrDURin.e T a n I honea REFERENCES ameother ety made t ( thes Jeth Marek. 1s GEORGE ROWER 1x54 ‘ Preter's fee Apel ~t Peel) Land Warrants Wanted. < et pa to tt 1, BLACK MERLC WE Apnl. 1s56 Prt #500 AGc6e ANSON #3 HOTEL, SALISBURY, N. C. : Pode subscriber having taken charge of the above Estebdlichmeat, begs lesve to inform the pablie generally, thet the House is now open for the reception rs fee cash prices will be paid far Land War Apply at the Store of Brown a Cof Valuable Land for Sale! ".: i.‘ & HALE MEA iil WILL eel privately Na nted, THe Subscribers intend puiting in operstion the Rowen Pactory, ma Seimbars by the firet of May. and are desirous of employing a nomber Speaners, Weavers, Spoolers, Warper and Drawing Tender — Aleo, two Card Strippers and two Picker Honse hands and grain ; 18 shares in the Central Rail Road, provid. To good hands, constant employment and good wages ed feel my land 1 will sell a Jot of corn and fire will be given. Nome othere need apply. A namber head of horses, whether [ sell the land ar not of families having hands oan rent temements on the GEORGE WILSON pre mimes MORNING & MEADER 1 will alan par a libern! price for a white single) man Salisbury, April (3, 1856. A731 asa manager, until we xt Fall, G. Wises. April 2, 1856 42:tf my lands in the » Hunting s 7 ek bottom ¢ d five vears on { Boarders, Travelers, He promises that bis ACCOMMODATIONS shall be equal toany in tite State. Pegmone stopping at his House, slways here ineuleie time for the arri- Val and departure of the Cars. Attentive and oblig- ing servants always ie atteadance. Call and give me W. B. GRANT UO a howe Hanung Cre Jnnd, J offer great indaccments, ae bam erin to sell. L will give a eredit from one to the purehase mone y Tf will alen ceil all of my stock crop, farming tanks @ trial. Sabsbury, May 24, 0855 JOB PRINTING Blank Warrants for sale Here. Neatly rvecuted at tis Office ‘ ees gapges | Mee the Bion; Latins ond Anvil. t that little improve- Tectep) in thie art uf agri-| farmers exattly in all their ideal was ho tronble with their decreasing af-| ywh sbcen, witnessed i agree ultare within the Mast twenty-five years ‘good farming) and yet there is & privet: !terwards while they had plenty of corn. * mit be quite unacquainted with the great |!" le, Pha of ew inventions designed to wa very cursory view of the list of pat- ®ill show very ins has not been unmiadful of the til- ‘of the soil, The attcinpt to me Wants in these respects hus occupic b great deal of time and has deunandutl | conclusively 4 el. A single oue of the many Us oe is §-machines isa Loon of yreat val- ag improved ploughs, planters * ition they would make ! Ke @ they design to oc-| Bye object would not Le so forte of the painter, We filaite ou laumlle mite by /pre- Soar following s Gaeaxp Tarresc. With the first rosy ight of morning, the Aeorld of living animals, including every ia , goudc cs jC Css of Wes before the a Tho whole human race, P Rentals, dike dependent wit! 1 inferior 8)< stand fo the immense throng, wait fpon busbandmen, ber servant. while they produce and prepare for thy jmiltions their daily sustenance Aang the multitudes of mei. and a agrical wale aud gees, Lorne in trimirp) at 1 ura, armies, and 1+ tder in their Sanaa nine Peet. Kings come down fiw 0 Mit Fide oth the t ralin ackittg for their dai'y Ls @ecience aud mer of Jett al} « howagt alike to the lords of Bad mothers, sons a! and sisters, Magistrates and )« pie, ralers and subjects, all occ mov wd Ab thie davur, al oo | : elt ghoe. ert of wh thie os dees ever presented to the eo thos “Wi thie whole world, there i< tig vOlew!, Wot owe is silent for even tin Gckand dying sop) ticate for vein fiend At at. this oor, confess U welves t ‘dependents of him who plants aud nur 3 tures aud gathers Che fruits of the earth "FS Lenduien labor on in fle arla a werk. The severity of the task « ; my Hl them, our by one, w gv ep th: task, an! all labor “in the sweat wf their Lrow.” Bet dat .05 Gow, y whe had stead for a widig hulking npe» the tee eC Le féte Wim, with bis eye optarned to loa Yeo 06°C giving thauks that bence } destended upon | us th ’ sti we ite quitlifed him for sv bevel teps forward : stiendes by a throne of in telligeut artiste, each deliylitedt his on appropt tat: work, W a “of paticact $e ib aise baw skew Clee rin fer fot evereume by - nt a service Each is at once « rto pre ff jag, the res f lie inventive shill, tl "am of which w 1 ute the Turder A those wh ix tit t for these jim Jaborers om -s Yor bO weelu img theony. i bute of gratitud valualle « the possess focluaiw as ‘ to Hie een aid even the nd the t ; articipal nen batl the miagt {which they cat Ccutt 'v comprehend t t evers ible @pport { lustrating ots | | | that Pee pare.” Bor array the whole list of modern CULTIVATION OF CORN byt Oo Comparative merits of green iu the dmventions as to show how the spring : heen Bone for the agricultnrist the crop to a full degree. z by the Inventive genins of our own age. that a hundred Ibs. of plaster with some We could portray a visivo illustrating leached or unleached ashes, Mplied a: his poi, which, without a large draft planting, or after it came up, was ben fe fancy, might affurd full senpe ficial. of age and condition, present ¢) * Waals, all alike depen lent ppon the success of it could be fy ‘of this one petition, are the great zenerals ¢, ’ the entire citele in in industrial pursuits. a > From the Plow, Loom aiid Aatil. Modes of Farming. We are well'aware that no two good the guaranty of success, which runs through all their diverse systems. We are always amused and sometimes in-. give increased facility toagricultural ope tracted by the discussions of the farmers tations, It is true that this period is em- jn the State Wawesin Boston: ‘ ; Natty for progress in almost every depart- dently ge upon the principle ‘ semper dnent ef ynanifaetures and of handicraft. paratus,” They evi- which in this case liberally i semeantt MAY mean “take no pains to Hence all uranner of positions of the on almost all branches business, et} jand tuaintained by suggestions that occur a to the inoment. The following worthy statements are cout s effort, and it Las not Leen un- of attention. They are taken from a re port of a recent mecting, in the Provan MAN: -MODE OF FEEDING Hon. R.S. Fay, of Lynn, said he lad drills, corn-shellers, mowers, reapers, ais himself that corn was a hungry | threshiers, feed cutters, ete., what an ex)i- fecder. He then makes his land rich. Ile turns the grass over in autumn, would be am oceasion of very great ploaghs once or twice in the spring, put + sf Gur Viuitod States Axricultura on twelve cords of manure tu the acre a jastitied i in departing and ploaghs or harrows it in. He wade no hills; kept the land flat af eopld edllect these g great ma-| ter planting in rows three fect and six é exelusion of il) other in-/inches apart. ie stiow ‘in Piffadd hia. gf the hoe. could.not be afforded | da; s were allowed to intervene with Si teesibeling detox oll kt ck they Wight passing a Jight cultivator ayes - Weeen im-metion, and a tolerable judg- This caved labor and left the land clea tested their probable action | ner. Not much use was made Not more than ten or fifteen manure nfehed in fall. Barn yard was yp! It was composted in This supplies the wants of Has no doubt He cuts the corn to the grean| as soon as the kerna! in stnall shooks and stands till sufficient ly dry. The sap is thus stopped and dricd stalk. Thinks matter is thus secured. Tu the mere saccharine The fodder is salted. [¢ is 2% cnt before feeding out. A little weal is added A jet of steam ts let on for twenty-four or forty-eight irs. It was the main food of lis cattle for two wonths. Tle sees vo cattly that are ke pt better. They leave none. The eutin crop ts utilized. Not @ picce was lost In Chien there was a hind of coru va uable for sucar The inquiry was whe made aseful Lore for corr PR. RUER'S PRORPUAT Hon. Au rasa Walker, of Yrouobfield, sekd The Corn crop Was nots ficient v The use of it for green fudd ae incress:n 1 it ‘ ur pastures were « ef, and it was the thing wanted. The cufta “ co z thinen He used last rear Qe 0 phate of Lime” with reat «necess va ems ereps. The fasa, ecu e ¢ * - Its eFect was tee Wrekin toes He used it als N bas with a clay sulatrat It was ‘ rowing lan at ' rh W hve he « twenty five to thirty-three po ere this 4 “| Ma 4 Li tue secuud crop the inerea Was «tf greater Ir asat <a tow there wmiPlt be tee Ceceplet I ght ofte 1 be adultcrat dreutit e for the erest: of anu »heep up the 4 A | Iful in the ¢ ‘ fea } { vlar = “ 1 pA a) a e - » ans . smlk of dirt was real w { nen were direct setore ] atting “he corr I « f ( wa s corm n roy He planta thes land tan s ‘ aaCcees yr na ures teal wensons. The secur b ahs let and wat sf ¢ port band raises 9« Usherstot A otrie ( t was ko pl, ane f his r win f elit cents | isha Malf the on Hy “ ged toll ai I Aid bal h tote lar per d His « f vty four pounde to th ‘. Ju r tl uglily de BUTE OND ott Mr. (4 hoof South R ny, sat it A en . sto travel in Mas-a ~tte and New I wlive Livy ing tynt " cee an ij meat lyut a t beat heese wae pr alaced by ers who resorted to the use of rh fabler Pir eattle aloo looked better I welt Sond large flu ; and planted! fr to J f une, inca Sferit sundy oil, Ott wi U “ ela Leen Faiset I Ne rill plac J nyanure wae * His ‘cory increased their anvount “of milk when hie cointhenced feeding! wi th green corm fodder. They, incréaged for the first fyur days constantly.” There! His cows eame nearly up to the best week in July. < oo MoB LAW IN ARKANSAS, Tha Nemphis Bulletin has an ageount of « terrible tingedy recently cuacted near Mariva, iu Crittende: Vikansas, unity, Juhu Tb. Jenkins, a citizen of Crittenden, was returning to las residence frou a visit: tu: lis vetght The distance was ouly half a mile Shortly aiter he liad feft, two reports of were heard, Lie body was found on the re eH shot L. 2 Hendrick then arrested on susp ers, Much ex On Friday mi on the jail with crow bars and pis tehom ol bet itenient followed. wht the mub urede an attach up kanes, and, tonamed Jeuhins hav: log forced an entrance, an cousin of the murdered rman, d the con tebts of (Wo pst iehary taand a sbot gun into the cell through whe bers) where Headicks was eontiu ( ed without effect, however, “The 4 of the prs- overs cell was then forced, aud Dr. Blair, repre seuted as the doader of the mob, was kuocked seuiscless Ly Het ui “ Who, armed with a pices «f searding, inthe wound upon his head four or five ithe 1 ae neath. Heudnicks was then taken from his ceil a Pty the ede of the woud vear the lake, where be was told that he only bad five minutes to live, and to anak bis peace with his Maker, Mendmeok's wite glang to bin, and appealed to those m the mob Vhe appeared intent apou deprviog her bus band of lis life to eve hina bur tual by a jury trymen, ~The court teudon Pomeet on the of his coun county,” she suid, "w scouud Monday of May, for the crime when you ca off murder, and ify try wy husband wt can cons fim upou the evidence whe meh, hang Wi” Mex IPS appeal bad its effet the proup assetubled, and ber hustsnd was ta hen lack b ‘ where be ret teed at Che Latest Fears were nt ‘ wever sy ttack v 1 tn ‘ " that Hes \ (on . manly dealt with by ul uraged: populace The Sea Serpen Vhe Norfolk Terabl of Tuesday sis tha t lay bs for 4 Derse, of the schoouer Ehza Ann S “ at Great Eye barter on bis w \ saw the rg AN sek BAT} x “Whe watch bias below, be suta b vtly other pemon on deck, to bray ” H ‘ ‘ r cet . ‘ . etectedl ite “ " ve f nln water folate y me seven, w v ‘ 1 bas t ’ { tL disey oe ! s thea 4 me h - Ile » sa 4 ‘ s wer {f al a i) tea ppcared capte - vi a ra ’ Sve fn a4 " . ‘ a t ‘ wiia “a . ! ~ a \ ‘ aNie vl out Ane One ¢ " Ke t ) : ( ate ‘ Z 1 i i ‘ ,a a we > H F \ | | e f fica 1 4 | j n { ( ‘ | a atl fhe is ‘ ; es! « 4 { 4 rre fie ‘al er or lenwt teeta ” ners raise Corn al ne t Last vear, though all t s thatim mense eXtta A vd wheat iad been planted, ated t ro was general with the « ception af partiad . t wheat harvest, the alariniets and croakers ac tually persuaded themeelvos that there ad not been more tian an averaye crop | events, much oft truth was con ¢ ib people and “held on.” Now the truthis, little by lithe, coining to light, hea n bak supplied at ‘would, ina few ye ‘eau t Europe to tutu to the: vn States for eat and Gorn, a3 Raly and the Mediter- |. raiean States of old turned to pt. But no; oar good people of the far West mnst necds kill their goose to get ‘at. all the goldeu eggs at once, and now —they | Cuiminennes j hee dune st! Janaury, 1856. La ps Nay eitentiog Oke oe a ite publishers believe Ua present ta the pablic “Ibis a great pity that our agricultural | glee: (2 mn een ee ibs etgetvery. on friends w il} not, in their buying aud Sél- }dtasical joorual chad igullurded in coustuatly iicreas- ing, tuke example by the city dealers. ing succoms. 1, has wap about three times as large a What would be thoaght ofa retailer. in Sead 1 caret — ay Laphenntcas Ke ae = . 5 : y te reeetpts Prom @ubseribers during the last the city who would charge a dollat a pint six mouths have bs en more than double those for the for ee whenever le chanced upon corresponding period of the year previous. By va . rereen enou lh te ui » it, or flattering marks of approval, the publshers are inei- eee ae eo ‘Ss OF ted to lucreased enterprise and exertion to udd to the w ho we val t kee 4p ene irbitantly in AQVANCE | excellence of the Reeiew. Prites amountiig tu three prices? Not- tunding: all that is said of city deal- = on inde 12 iweh box 0; Folding Mhareows, 813 ; Culileators, $5 Ww #6 hevebing Machinus with 4 of 6 horse power, ¥ to BI ; « very superiotarticle. Pi, from $5 we B10, according to size cad Workmanship, AU kinds of repaiting of machivery deve at whorl noe tice, auch as Engine work &e. Sead ie your orders for threshing machines aud horse. powers eurly, and only intend waking them teurder. All work warrant et. My fornace ix sili suecesstul vperation aideen. (urvish castings of any deseripiibn, aad where the putierns are found at short notice. ! $400; Cilew 15 inch do. handred dollars were reveatly offered by thea for Of the vast number rent io te rizes. the best were selected by 4 rises in wholesale for its pages. apete for the ers, we de not believe that one in tens | competent commirtee, aud are now in courve of publi. | U7 Teems cash, of bal amet i “ grecbe however sharp-sct he imight be, would, cauon im the Aeeiew. Wheu thelr pablicution it eon Wovides 00.05 For. 5, ric ie | pleted, the subscribers tu the Rerww will decide by Gare CO s¢ ballot which shall reeeive the prizes. ‘esaw his prices ap and down as breadstulls have managed of late, while | qosides a large amountof reading matter, including sincerity believe that MANY | regular correspondence from the leading cities ja the amed to du it. | world, each uuuber coutsins several pages of new | music. A series uf ertieles on Musio Teaching, b: Phitadetphia Bulletin Dr. Lowell Mason, ts now iv progress of galbepiiin Another by Geo. F. Root, Bag. on Cultivation of the 2, Voeul ‘Traini Xec., will be commenced in) beginning uf the mow volume, angel! Wes one by We do ou STBADY PROGRESSION : would be ash ngs Rogersville; Ao Lucky fe low.—Tne (Teun) Times has the following: ‘A short) Wm. 6. Bradbury, Faq, on the baprovement of lime since a fellow) from Buffalo Creek, Chureh Masic. ‘The New Yoax Musicac Review Curt Su i yf Sak t 14. |4No Gaterre is published fortnightly, at one deilar Aas ter cot nty, ’ as NO pris med in Eliz per aguum, of six copies for five dollars, peyable iv abetitown jail for burning a barn, The | advance. Specimen copies sent gratuitously. citizens of rie lace, learniug that he ws as | MASON BUO'PRERS, | mn from the ocd where the yest New York. | AG 1 { (‘| pox was raging, broke open the jail and turned him ont, and then told Lim if he} Put leave town in fifteen minutes they tar and feather him.’ hee sUBSC aTTTy has the ple ta ane , founee to the world, to wh grectug ind wishes fur their prowperiiy wud peace, that he is making steady yoravorele the improvement of B “gis in Peat WEEKLY scree ee Lot! Bo Of Four Horse Post Coaches, | awafectaring yin katie Ne "valled the pac ey to Morzauton, via Statesvile aud reese th mero ia e . goonies , . >, bone wf t! vw very beet,) wile ly the day wT veneh, kM, and Lirince ay, Morgeaien, onl ‘osiucaory west dy Iamiant cae | IE POTOMAC FISITERIES. Piurvry or Piru.—We mentioned last | J Ween the larze supplies of tish received | from the landings at the fish wharf in! 1, eden : ‘ ,| next moruing tv beeok fast; and le M t so Ale sandria. Ou Saturday such was the ef shairat ict Fi scisery a Riginigira to twill work hike «lover watch ~amusth and sieady — suippry that quantities were sold at S1, treakfnne uF expense will he opmred ty 2edhe duabts wot will exert, In. it» prducis, the mart . echiererents of the rrm-woed Bogle Mills, | wider whites shadow is is develupiug ite foie wand de. Mills tong guived for iv selfafame as fale art is wide apre at, both for the exeel- lence of ite verbs, and the saperiariy of ts cheth fab. | ries ‘Troy Mills alone threatens to nivel it, and hence the world way lovk oul for s cubteat invetring a reealt vid even beiow that price. Most of the rit at the lower land- e being munch upper sl davsthe “river make this eve of the aust Cousfortably wad ex peditivgs | stage roads tu the Stare. G. 3. BROWN, Contractor. 1855 us Union Male Academy, and \ yrealer For several with herrings, ¢ Salisbery, Jane 21, than at the Ores. was alive” and the seine haulers kept all the time 7 ut bee bo! ll 7 tolerestng to itrelf, ven A meet be desuable | isily at their work The demand was Farmington Female Seminary. to every Southern pairet hobso vreat as it would have The dreamer, speculating on coming events might been bere die NEXT Sessiun of these Sehuuls, cated in ruingian, #0l epmnemsecs well step mm bere, oud coming firwatd bie hen be youd br nt or . Davie County, near cak in t not taken he Vd davon Succes 1 under the supervision | (te bvandury of presen: wae, portray the arpeet of place Phat unfortunate accident: pre ops oO Tine cod Mes. O. Tar u, Prine:pels, with pap City e few years hence. Let bins sheich n< vented t vale of t t tt tish euch other asswtants as may be pecessary We see 0 city of beautiful propurtiors with us tower. ' \ = ethos peony Term, 7 curan 4 ing sterples pointing heaveawurde: chose ranged bhehs The tish wha “ us th ‘ yvreat ac Terme, for a seeswa of tweaty weeks, cheno AE granite buridings with glittering wretal turfs, ref ct tivity Yesterday the arrivals were nu ~ odne 0, ert ciliate He, 63. Eng. Grammar the obec rful beams of a verea! sun; the rmvigorstiag at far exceeded the: 2 Bun meter ret » then Barre breezes of a delighife! climate, oie the leay of hong - a ‘ ~ a) browelit Ro per « ar af (hel tepiroment, G15) Freesll aad rows of cleus: the sre emliveurd wn. cheer. : Ne “ B. ; 4 ful busy throng : the eung of belf 4 un llion of trodes 4 “a i pert 7 i mar ashing and lights may | ig mingled with the roar of buns and coscades: hagte Pn finlenor herring were se 2 buth Schuule, at guod houses, hot’ monument sees sbuve ‘ail things cle, bearing uw its eae top ae imtmente + Wings cxlemied, hwhing duwe . + oddrees esther uf the Prin- | @ith pleasure on below. Eagie Cry. Boab is in sa fons! \ ? [ah veew, and by ite isbernl pomey revises alt energeve busine es meu to claim its eRcoursgement. pre tote roll wat their baled up quads: the ears of the North- weatera Kelirund receive thea, together With thew-/ cunds of other things, the products of the Citys the | ' dea le ning whimte e biews, wad the sand wecherd aad «echoed from bill we bil, and waheathedrowsy pow. 1 MARVELLOUS REMEDY, FOR A MARVELLOUS AGE! SOUTHERN LITERARY MESSENGER. FOR TIE YEAR 1856 TWENTY SECOND VOLUME cre of reposing fat cuttle, which browse ia the rich sur- ] Noi > & ihe Teeuty Moca!" vag Valleys: the sceeeer.we !—gaews!—aod the v UN LITERARY MEA vd & beyond the portraying skill ef the prophet SENGt rly widely om the eucum, WO bad but « ghinpse-——tut whet e view! And it is egvez Ra es e Mee. "ll te be reatierd beyond deakt. Keogh, envogh eroge gue ng F wil presse on to ie beh consummation they . : oo 8 ANDREW BAGGARLY Feb 9th. 1855 mer eieueeine ee CASE Veatehe Wrcernger bac cudeovued to eefce HOLLOWAY’S OINTMENT. ally the om while dnlomuag - a) WORD T0 THE WISE The Grand Bytereal Remedy = P 3 : ie atand hand IS SU F F ICIEN 4 te Sea . - . . Peca'ser Last tainmns of the Soethera States . = To thie effin . . be dewsted, end « Necwants over twelve ‘ ss ” - Meow th wher 1 would like to have them ; i= they rt bet inom 4 wil) please sitend t ; ; RS dioccae Gotu fad’ hat rp ao © cal yonciore. whl , ° MURPHY aa ; : ‘ wee - — > te ae ° ert, th Sa « whey Pee 3 6 Im 6 Sern ANTE Ap retary, oe ; . “es Dissolution of Copartoersbip. The We = moret ite (ee M reeubK me thie & Beripbcel shcichs 4 Ua ' ership heretebre exit ag ander the = Hh . Nat Tee 4 . Seeds Peryie of JW Brown @ Tomy, so thee z S Par nee oA eee . . hen ive motes! merwt All permme inde’ i < erie . t . anes end ecemwunis of “ ae * emeute @ larger eletn-e 4 = ind { Dowa & 6 i fer erpectfeliy re i Wace P . ogh q ae oe call ard we a 2 abroluicty necesary Sere Lec-. Sere Breasts, Weead« aed (beers. 3 undated a iin nae saa tara a stweceny © ey oath ee Suberr we here aver y oval ei ; ie HEE DOLLARS PER AN IN ADVANGE + f ae N. ~~ er Deliare wot paid & ¢ frat July Sn} whom Vem 1. 186 yp Oat? ; alaceleos ris k ° thittsce in Potatoes and Molasses. Piles and Bistelas. a ' ! oe ted Oe 20 Rerrete Pink Eve Potatwe t JOUN R THOMPSON, ExQ 5 aes a Rar “= _- . * n . —e . nm current ratere Jewt + tole hy Peace A sn ne Porrign wieteed Sababory, Feb 12 MILLS MOOSE & Co ¢ Ir ies . ree > P sure * vines peat cle bse nose CUMMING & STYRON, ise toting Phen ae, COMMISSION . Roch Va AND ane , Wanted lamediately, Fo arding Merchants, “" At the Silver Hill Mino, . lea iiliiia oii : ANY QUANTITY OF ee on pad to wthng Fores Ciz WOOD AND COAL. Pei. Inte 1y79 WM LEAVENWORTH, So; Sitver MLM. Ort 1. 1-53 lou PETER W HINTON, Dr. CHARLES T POWE Rew a COMMISSION MERCHANT, | | lead permanent!) located in Salicbars. respeet- : EW BOOKS. TOWN POINT, faity re JUST RECEIVED The Testimony of an ee ijgevrTeum, “Fn. OM outta i rf) ps me nan the Nostertwud 14 Ni der L tae fy Wie Bek Hensile: (le smicmg he Mixinine , ian F Che Minne te . f > ad amma Greensborough 4c : G4 Bh 7 | D 1 ee « E . Tobacco, Flour, Grain, Cotton, Naval Stores &c. Also, to Receiving and Forwarding GoonDs. MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY, Fico fet St Pi ees s) freq dod, ‘pap Telurte.. COWA VEGETABLE Lit , Stone in the Bladder nessaf the Thisiavalueble mediciue is for Hotel, ia Mocksville; at Dr. R. dell; atthe Drag Store “ia Cha: aad atthe C Hotel ia Salem; Hee, m Solisbury with Johan FP. Cowon, origi faruldh a supply by C., of calligy Gt hw reside lace. Jane 21, 1855. W. P.D} (Late of Worth & Bio, Orders tor Mrohendize, and comsigaw@ents of Flour” and and other Produce, for anlew or received and promptly atiended to. - May 1855 seolie The subscriber having entered inte | wal patentee, “ifqeture and vale uf the above Tremendous Exclbonmeas ABOUT THE Westera Extension! TH Seivectiees belan Oa eee eo teele basiness in ihe West, as well ae teas, take thie meted of julormiag frieuds and patroes that t spleadid stock of a genera! haw Alea atest wy fe Joursely os JNO toy oh - ww - wae . READY MADE CLOTHING. Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestingy, and Gen- tlenten's Furnishing Goods A. WEIRMAN & PRICE, Salehery, N.C Sept. 1455 allot whieh will be sold guetieherd odd tock of ATS and CA Dou’ take oar word, but eal aud sauely * wie THE PRESBYTERIAN, — A RELIGIONS PANILY NEWSPAPER, PUBLISHED EVERY SATORDAY Sumoloaromnly, at 144 Chestaat street, Puiledetphia, N ead 295 Readwey A uew vobame (the i v les onptwas te Come nb. New York enty -sinth) will begin Janes- 1856, whieh wil bee favcraBle twee fer oeb- A ete prrtariy an opgen of the Chemwh, ub enh Presbyterian aumbere amonge the teh. oe rment from el! evangelitel denomiastions— No: elkorts are spered io muhe ot in all tespecte « Gret clase prarant Pre horeers terme Foe amet datingwisteed weners ia the Charch comtrbule to ie bolamas, aad We and dumesticc correepundenee i tut by that of any ether rolig=uae sewepaper; He Ports end Leedee cmrespemde ni bring eames are haown in beth Reem Lem lee civele of tooders i comtentiy eolerging, edd of te coe have they ¢tpreesed (hemenioes in verme * thest epprectetios of te merhe 66 ys es ; trmaton, correepudence, dumestio od & slerary Ae the large share « the My Sates, te mee of the t edvertne wnetret, of each paper « regulerty fend (ei 1 youh, aed te agueuliarel ead Preehylaqian be terage Ke f the moat intefigent rallies, epee le, Southern, Western, and bent enedimene for soar country, aad sesuch « part sod ahers who desire & savonnl che» odterat arielee, meme The terms are 62 50 per encom if paid la od- vanes, ot B23 payablere ms monthe TERMA TO CLUBS Fire cymes to one adderes, fot one Seat, Tra coqnes it ome addrews, fet one your, wih ou addtwmel copy tu the pers whe may ect os N stern enpee wih wn add Tee ut y- hee oe Agent rnal copy eh an ode Rater Address to the nes to one addrew, he one eur, evel copy to the Agent. fs ss we addrews, fur one year MO, Aernt ae ' advertiootens to be madw WILLIAM Ss ep: FN Om No 164 Chestawt Street, LAND FOR SALE. | | AVING determined od ty coll ff ond mone Chet 1 offer my pha Foerth Creek, 16 two Tor sale, lying ow the Setere of miles west of Seflsbury, adjiuieg lnude of Juha S Carta, Jeeub Baker,and ythers. The depet on the Western Bateneion ninet be ante yt all necesary buildings ia es The tratt ne haif of whieh isin @ high Seale # well timbered. Those wishing 9 gred bargain, miist eof eugm, aot fing on Wen. L. Steele, can hate assist: JOUN W. STEELE. ant wish lo hive FIFTY NEGRO FRLLOWS kon the Western Extension N: Co Reh & J. PROARD. Addrene— Rowan Mi tte, ie mails Piet eu te ‘ Pens mhPEM TO atk : Hit Ramanan font ai hahery (Sr re ; vo To peut emen, c | font) gn greed moitiens \ Tae (he eects 4 Wie nibs hendiiheamerine Mone ge W Mayet Raq, Rabigh. B.C) bent 130 acres Cis pare ‘4 a ( THING : Uyeet3 = : ’ Warremtoe, SC ef eahivation, and the hel ‘ (oil at Nols (rena & BMS « COFFEES A f M h 1 eet! on accomimestating term Coon ing Rien Moreh 25, 4 Ai Book for sella et Sedlbingt : \ SEW BY The Annale of Southern Methodiam for 1833,' 2000 1" Mewing the tunde 4 ALON QO% a Se Woot ~ 9, ‘ v Chari4e F Deems, DD March Lith, 1656 COP WENDENIAVEEG. § JUST RECKIVED f vu f Bury A NEW eR EUNEAC ES VHC PETER ADAM ye 7 Meanie \ ee ssieaals Pm great variety her inteaing smforma Ww (Z PETER A M : ketches n ace he din Werntac partinent of Sunhern Methadiet pe bed vo CUMMING. ¢ es ’ ifeiehis (alee Miaek oe PL ; he f ' : The Road, for wlich borat prices sill be " ee l " alas ; fe tra Nae fib ! ve ter 1V of Chamhes March 14. 185 : oe Hy iM ne te VIET Sunday Sohete = ! AN s woke we r DR. H. KELLY JM ENNIAA, Hookeellor i Trice mney ; X. Babe wg Hone and Leary fusructon of > xu Xu n thes chen t DE. J. J. SUMMERELL, oe WS REMOVED TO *TATERVILLE NC, ; mre ra eern , Iredell and th ] Grae revved to hie Offers at hie remdenc Vo Personal Notwea: XV Biclip Andrews Fetters ‘ y Oras Min M be will be happy in reesive prifree naline ney 0 California, XVE Meimorale of Bishop Capers; ( . nd oppeste th + sonal eats from hus frie ode XVEP Mieecethanes Appendiz.—360 pages! “ be found, wt all tun NOB. There are many pereone indebted to me hy tee 12 me aie urd wevunt and have been for arvcral years [ cey: . Pree GI for which a copy will be ent prepaid. — May 10, dea) rurnestly urge all euch to call and ineke scptierncgt, Billeof North Carvina of oath Carclna seas or whieh must be dove by May Court, eee 1 thal keok 20Md dellars, shoald be sent. A liberal discuuat be T NE W ILMINGTON HERAL J) ot bor wendlector Booksellers and Ministers. ; 4 Sulisbury, Jan. 29, 1856 1193 Address, CHARI ke ise ec P tB6 end @2 per. Py — y 2 56 37 | it ee couee tn REMOVAL. Janvory 24, 1856 7 { Safiebor ann good w vertm ag eda A. WEIRMAN & PRICE have removed apace Pa nue ° their Clothing and Tailoring Eatablishment from GC opposite Marphy, MeRorie & Co, wo the cvurndt im- | A sp yeah joni sate dep ' mediately opposite R. & A. Matihy's Store | La J MILLS, Moose a0 Salisbury, Nov. 13, 1855 a5 | ‘Potwunry 19, 1836 uj BURR, Jr sit Blonk Warrants for sale Here BOOTS & SHOES. GE N’ TS fine tuarhed fond Pomp Bowie {RADI a nary & Br upregden Boe ond Guiters, “ Colored Bottéa Lid “ Kid Gaiters, w Bitk Fok Gaiters. w Kid Slippers and Ties. M iss ES Medallinn Alen a le Gaiters; Mens’ | differant quilities aod st time punetaul dealers. qatred froma all who poyiees Na on "| March $y 1856 tnd Gaiters lotof Ladies and Misses Boots, Shoes and Boys, and Geils Ryots abd Bhs, ns Chittroa’s Shots, &e:, jost received and for wale le low fr Gic or on short MILLA, is t6- dividua home to ant mia a mob, Into pri lo pana, he did. ba, hos prooved bis test similar ¢ the Sie Lecome while st Februar vanes bi of Ubat | ‘roneral him to ¢ of Chris “Dur of fatat: have ge have bi deprivin Vhey are them, ee sen ates & ] ed agnin belief? I] ever de the stake —that w Protestat Protesta; is my bh he will b er to be | before a what caw with the accusers’ inprovements, Commerce BURY, N. Bena to Pati “Rats and Sciences, Sora ; - - the Sanily Circte, SERIES. MAY 13, 1856. eee eile SR Soe omer ap $u-tsra i Fe ‘ ae Daviogon Conceae, N, C., May 2, 1856. Mn. Broneac—If you think these lines worthy of » @ pluce in your paper, please invert them, They ure “meant asa tribute to the memory of a lovely ebild : { The Spanish press has leant to the side of Tib- | It is uptorions that Expartero, the army, | ithe people, aud a targe number of the Deputies, despise the clerical sway which produges tis in | tolerance, luwering Spain in the eyes of her no | Uhest sons, and iu the eyes of the world. Spanish Misisters only appear to abet the op- The present wpeet of things in Use Yenfusula is, however, most hopeful. The Broom Business. —Perhaps there | Iuterested Hypocrisy. — An is nut a branch of American inavufac: | referring to the so culled “ Democratic” party, jtures that has within a few years in- % | creased so rapidly in extent, attended at the same time wih a large advance in Doaniclitta-ee Gatiueniu snd tie asile | Whigs of the coantry into the belief that it is mestie habits, their relaxa BY LELIA LELAND, Gy “ Canecess words ! ungentle words! Thought- FT randed tints, mouth and rosy | ytiful as tho renti- | LITTLE WILLIE less expressions, perhaps hot ineant to give pain, j Yet finding a reoting place in some over-sensitive There is a little grave ia u lonely place, heart, aud causing deep shadows to fall there, exchange paper, Relaxations of Gréat Men, ~ es . It is interesting to note the am very properly remarks, that “it is endeavoring | of learned and great men of t by a show of moek sympathy for the virtues and past times. Their predilections, their ba The memory of Henry Clay, 10 seduce the Old Line: vate tastes, their. dmmusements, their do- | ment there of a large population depend. | 80 the only exponent of the sentiments adeo-| Word, all that satisties them, annoys them, A child of rare beauty and sweetest grace, As ooft and a8 mild as the bulmy air Lies sleeping #acaluty iu Jesus there. We shed bitter tears o’er the new made mound Aud sadly revere it a» hallowed groand ; Bat’ the soulof dur loved one is far, far ay ay Lo madsions of dazzling and eternal day. Bright ‘wngels now hear a new harp above— Jesus now fints to a new sung of love 5 "Tis the guldew harp of our ble seed boy, | Friends bound together by social ties, af school, ! . j at Lome, or in the workshop, bave you not some- Whew’ the little inno- | ihr in ite Burde’s arms, hesicred nxines, * Papa,” Pot joy is awakened in i hear thi first audible nee that embryo mind | to revelve the impress touch, How pure and holy jing upon importation tor a supply of me- eated by bim and professed by -them. a pairs are Ace: J “ ce icessary articles, and the increased Popu- praises bestowed upon bim by organs of that wscful lessons ito. ong race 5, for # lation of cities and villages, have of course given an impetus to the trade of this city, ‘in brooms, as in almost ev erything else. an ACM ela est traducers, are as worthless as they are hypo- ing their hours of ré in the MACAULAY ON BUNYAN, To the names of Daxter and Howe must be ‘added the name of w man far below them in sta- jUvn and in acquired knowledge, but tu virtue | their equal, wud iv genius their superior —Juhn | Bunyan hind been bred a tinker, and er iv the Parliamentary | times beard ungeutle words, and have they not | jsundered one link in the chain that bound you Lovers, who, in your communivn j with each other, watch cach word that falls fiow the lips of the Joved one, each ehange in their bul served a private sole j expressive features, beware, lest in some unguar tions—in: a, of manners and habits lielpuato a of him, and aré the ‘best. evi ¢ real character, ae mow proceed from sources which were his bitter- Many great men hay: ‘deli slited in paad-™ party would in his life time have been eunsider- ed extravagant even by his friends ; and as they leading cause of the large increase in eueal. The Washington Union and the Pewa-, pany of children. This betokeng tsi if f-4 ~ the nie i this particnlar business. 'sylvanian are foremost ip these attempts to en- ‘aud loving nature, Richter says To wateli those facultics, army. Karly in his tite be bad beep fearfully tor-| ‘These are bis strains of sweet raptare and joy. ‘ jded moment ¢arless or bitter words arise and | The dealers in this city are principal. snare bis old adtnirers, aud their efforts are du- "8 to be shunned who’ does not love tured by remorse for Lis youthful sins, the worst j Of which sectaa, however, to have been such as the wold thinks venial and |is powerfal imagination made his interual | couliets singularly terrible, under sentence of reprob: mitted blasphemy ay aus; the Lely Ghost— that that be was netually pos | sessed by a demon. Sometimes loud voices from heaven cried out tu wary bin ‘The soft plaintive moan and the sharp dying strife, Are fost in the bliss of an unending life ; His cup of delight is now filled to the brim By that precious Saviour, who once died fur him. The suffering child hus a peaceful rest, Bo eweetly recbning on Jesus’ breast— The tull, pearly gates that shot out ul! sin Were thrown open wide tu let the babe iu ! ly supplicd from Scheucetady, in this 3 bs - State ; although the tewns of Ifeadley press, and of which the people of our own coun- siouately fund of them, and d and Hatficld, in Massachusetts, furnish a considerable uumber yearly. The Alba 1 A : ? . ; that no Whig, whe is e tr self 3 " 7 Sut ny Journal noticed a larze shipment of Uist ee Whig, wly is tee to bins and to the all foure, on his“habde,end jeause a cloud to rest where there should only j be suntight, and gqnench, lithe by little, that fig the ‘Auolight of parcuial xf 7 joan in sprivz-tin luences of truth ; to nour- ipure precepts of the gospel, in its glorious light; in the young sul which dreans Dimtighing eves of the little che- if first lessons of love, gentle- {> unfold in a thousand Of love and lwks of tepck rhers, parent's heart can devise, Vbore lit- ‘ ‘wad 6 » Which mast Le shy tg tapas life, those nice aod delipate perceptivis which mark the uprigtt being, 6 wlio Heaven smile “ofadicdte, or rather to give a ‘ to the embryo passions the tharavier and desti- being, —this is an office ILis keen sensibility | | flame of love which should ever burn, true aud He fancied he was ou— that be bad com Brothers aud Sisters, who faney in your daily intercourse that Liddle courtecies and vets of kindness are may afford some idea of the extent of the Celved by the croc: he had sold Christ leasly or fre tfully, Just as your inood hay We'll mies thee, our lost one, at dawn of day, bw, the tine will cume when you « WoW mise thee at night when kus eling to pray; We'll mise thy bright muile, so beaming aad bright, Alike ia the dark, alike w the light We'll mies the strange luck of wildering surprise, Bo oftea expressed in thy beautiful eyes; We sf uiies thy glad ebuekte und innocent glee, As thou didst exuli vo thine owe mother's knee Thou'st left im our hearts, dear augel-boy Will, A wad sebing void thot this world cannot fill Bot w oar kind Father be honor and Praise, We st. can remerber and hwe thee always Thine ows little hand shail remove fron When we merot thee in glory above the blue shire The tears that avw drop ow the fresh Ute 1 We visit so off sa the burial ground Whispered ianpious suryestions io his ear. sa visions of didtant mountaintops, on which the weary heart aching sboesh!y, but trom whieh be wass And mmemory’s bitter Wbebind Linn, poling hin clothes, Wat he braud of Cain had been set upon hint. He feared be wae alow to break asunder hke cous disordered his health. reu's yrowth from tlaney to inanboud, whe have a fire within his breat ferstand how he survived suf. foring sw intense gnd sv long continued ogth the chuuds broke. ff J spat the peaitent paved to a siate c Au trresiststle impulse now urge d bite fo taipart to others the Liessings of « brich fle jorued the Bap sta, aad Leentue a preacher and weiter, been that of a mechanic, Engleh, as it was spoken by the eommoo peuple. MMe had studied | Ag rican, pablished at Aberdeen, M ve xreat mak) of compowtion, with the exeep- | tien wador Vedly of eur noble Lraughation uf the Bible, Tw spelliug a fearless and clo He frequently transgressed the rules Yet the native force of gepius, snd his experimental knowledge of all the reli fous patslons, from despair to eestacy, amply supplied lp kim the want of learning. oratory rotted and melted bearers eho listened nterett to the laboured cutans amd Hebraists, culatel among the bhumbder classes > Viycricw'e Progress, was, in be © was hitneedl pummesee d. ene if it Began with the ft in the hheart—the heart, whence are the itetes of life—whence all evi provetde—whera all quad is re. ved —thal in/ Che soil whet the boeds Of education sbhumbd tint be sown—sown with » skilful, gentle band, and Getets, Watched over, pruned, reared ; ternbernens. Wacend wich a moth e's ears, and purtared by ® mother’s’ prayer this oyssion well are sowing vecds which will produce happ nes a PLAIN TRUTH FROM AN FRISIAN Irehiman by birth, an aceon : : : ia, elas! even hore the fatal genta which imherit, & hak wot a ret developed iteelf im ac No malicious temper ha» heart, no unbiod of bitter those inueornt lips, The black of shame has wever Cinged those lilly chooks , that little hand was never raised in anger reed even the meanest rept: that draws its existence from Ube great seurce of It kwows nothing of the ould professions of a vain, deowitial world. It has gever felt the chill of disappoint wont, the sotrud of bereavsd affection, the mo ary of confidence betraged breath of slander has never cas raflamed that btle The putsone! ar The cap of bts canma le « ri atiegy wrath, artfal y « ag beoenth the Mimsy yart of ; : aod suffering that follus in his pathway YD! haw aude, then, shuald that pou @ pray, ia siveeni'y Lead wa not ipte temptavon ~ shoe cat eeblee these anhall waves of life, sweeten ite surroes aed be i tt i i ee ee le i ee ROMISH INTOLERANG | A Protestant minister, a Spa some part of Britain to visit a ret ves. Seon afier, fnchag a nun ready to bear him preach, he ass mb dividuals if his howse permits, and Bo inore. "ty could sot be repressed As a wataral cons yr: of the city beeame enraged tune to the police aga ant mioister were Jisk med i a mob, the authorities sera him and cast lnb) prison, whemee they were c! to pasa, of coniition of Iris beast: ba, however, eaclainw d against t! bis testimony was valnabi similar case ie recorded in a recent the Siecle, Senor Kuet, a Sp. lecome @ tember of the Wah! while studying iw Italy. February fast, hé bet himself iil i vance big Protestant Opinions, and on the 2 of that month be was arrested by th» ‘roneral of Bateclona. The letter addressed | tim to General Zap: of Christian courage : “ a, VC ? & eo Se ero was worthy of “ During several days past an incensed 1 of fatatiea, efcited by some anknewn ayeney have gone so far as to menace pry have at length succeeded, but ecalunmes, in depriving me of my liberty ‘Vhey are, by the spirit of intl: panish citizen Telaim: from Your sense of justice the protection of the laws of m country. Tam ignorant of the crim of fe this persecution ditect ed against my opinion or against my religious I have never disguises! thet, nor Wall 1 ever deny them. No, not even if | be le My religion is the religion of Christ —that which Roman Catholic intolerance calls Protestant and horetical. Yes, General, Lama Protestant. The temple of my religious creed is my heart; God alone can read that, and he will be my supremo Jndgé, 1 demand cith er to be net Once more xt Hiberty, or to be bro't before a tribunal, where at feast 1 shall know for what causs I am accused, aid plaved face to ‘ace | bh had ever held t perforime I, the ¢ day Was to be regarded and used and especially by the ‘ people, as aday of innocen and recreation, and that such she | afforded to them by the State by every means Wits power, which J am accased, This, he thought right at this time to deelare publicly, was and is the mind of the Chureh of Cliist on this subject.’ umerieally, supreme ? lish Protes I stature amongst the ity with whiok the Meth: d st Chapel, if the Pope could provent in-cach; mere than 3v0j0U0 soldiers ai s= > waiting numetical strength.) New York Crystal Palace. The Crys- , haneltal tal Pa'ace is to be eold on the 29d of Ab, sir, there would be no chapel there May—unless the city of New York or ‘stimate ave ished by discas f . estimated te have perishe | Ai ‘ rom one creed to another is really mar- davoan astonishing iustanee ot absent e- thunders of the Vatican would raise it * and battles; the battles average more than velluas tor they doticer’or 1; onc a week. Itis one of the bloodiest years with those who have beoume my enemies and |eotne other body choose to bry it before turret to foundation stone,” just as soon as it society of children, Henry Iv, Uifully secouded by their fulluwers of the country their gambols and. little are sure day, when crawling found ty have had a choice specimen. We pruciples he bas ch fished so long, will be de- the Daaphin on his back, and © tears of the Demoera- dren abont hin urging the kiog horse, an brooms on Saturday. It ty state, that one firm in thiscity ev.” “ i oe 1 Panunually about forty thousand dozen, Our Locofoco fiends would better be honest | GOF Bat den y entered, d si ee ‘ ; royal family in the myidat of Inanutactured wi Schenectady, in this matter 5 they never biked ¢ lay. and as ? : mast . ; pe Henry, without rising. to his feet, sand dozen from towns mn e hand-writing is now on the wall, it's of uo !s hts lnaetta. Must of the brooms man ; na vit Have you children, Mr, Ambassador . ‘ . bt ol u rying to catel ol Juss thus. Massachusetts tiud a niar- “Yes, sir.” “Tu that ease I iors seit ; ; be the sport,” replied the kin 4 ae ets Am wer Aed veement.—_In a The Duke of Wellington was extn ire principally in Fulton sP0re!l it the Senate a few days ago, Mr. ly fuud of children, and was. F 1 pail) Bell of Tenn. mentioned the fact that a, vonrite with then. He i British scientitie soci society had declared) yambols, took partint st ‘ that Lieut Maury’s rescareles and dis- stantly presenting them wi : coverics | the wav of shortening voya sakes ane presents, Pe oe Ser eG) SUAS wes at aca proved to be worth ter Leibuitz aged to pass months t etfs manta. il ' é - i] } ari 4 j Millon Of « rs abnttully to the Di nl > y L atpen the mu Ni oe Bri- in is study, engaged With hig 5 tish Commercial marine Mr. Bell dwelt investigations. At sacl: tities his * ' i f Npen this cause as a striking illastration’ relaxation consisted in bey ie | te ; 1 7 . le ; Re ee the tallity © judament of the Retiing him in his study childrem of ler aliise 3 . [3 . ' D placed hit amore the “re: Wht he watched, aed sometimes he ¥ a me tu het! as tucapable of pert ring his. part in their frolies. Seated in. bis Bs es ities as Licutenant in the Nave A ichair, be delighted to obperee theif] 1, wo iti hovements, tO listen to their conversa- uid to Observe their several i- nd when his souk bad seffek sed the innoeeut spectacle, heswould: niss the children with sweetmeatyand _ return ty his studres with renewed r. lines Lonis Ravine says of hie father tee ie es / lle Oba re he tock part in all the ebildren’s ita en) a “I remetuber a procession we once Sie cyyes Be informed “Ys he in bis incmories, “ fy wig ig wth itiscon that a fow dave « ea young man whe steers played the part of the .€ ’ Leen married but a few ve are, and, “& the curate, and the author of A vas litthivales drunk, and ab 1} singing in chorus with 98, carried thé. us voung wife ina \ view years Goutal manner, he , some of her. ,peleon, like Wellington, was fondot A ee tane itef hier i: | vanil sailinew ice children. He nsed to take the infant Woe ad | raising her: but this did not satisfy him, Of Rome in his anne, and standing in ; ther abowt 3 Of @ mirror with Lino, there made . eo clockoon Lieaday as ral this week vest ces in the gins. “Ag “brealk-. f | take the child Upon ? * \ Wetelit, at > *" capacitate | but lis services on | Sk pena a ha ) ‘ jeter to tl Vavyoa F; e hap. vis aud lees bauble te angery Peo i kranktort, got “gloriously } hehe bad & * croa nk, and = ; : veral of her K2Ce. ip his finger in the : Pabe is now inadying state, if, Gaul his face with it; the childs govern- ope talready ! 8 es3 sevlded, the Emperor laughed, and Little Filla Sonen the child, alinost always pleased, Rey ed to delist in the rough caresses bia | Fo . iy : 7 uwocr. Those whe on such o¢éasions had /; aa + ' n ’ favour to solicit from the Emperor, were \ i ‘ clue ‘ tivavs sure of being favoarably ae at temeai lat ww REMARK ADLE FOUNTAIN IN PRORIDAL, oy ; ; ‘ . Pree Thing 9 merte ~ path, Terossed through some ie ” erwoud, amb all at onee I strotl on the . ; Bitles \Vas s s Thero was a basin of water i vards in diamater, almost ciealar, I Lusles were almost growing to the 7 , \ ( Virginian * j and busing their heads under the “ - s . I stepped into @ skiff and , Ir “ “Some iinmense Gshes attracted mip ; ( inl LU seieed a spear 40 sétike them, \ ‘ viiman laaghed, and asked me tow fer toe he ~urface [ sapposed they were?! I \\ . ‘svat four feet. He assured me that . .. bas ra tt bast twenty from me, and it wae F Tle water ts of the most marvellous tease Ve I dropped an ordinary pin in the wa- : .. ty feet leer and saw its head with pet , ; ae t as itlay on the bottom.’ As - he centre, T noticed a Jegged fone rock beocath ws, pieresd with, these hols one seemed te fook py pths The boat stored sy onand roe we lung trembling ovef the f safien cli and far below it: lay a 5 Vathonable abysa, From. its rf », wul immense veléci- 1 : st beyond its mouth, I dropped te nt » the water, which is these : i ty feet im depth, and T » its! goon the bottwem. This I think the water possessed < joer. Tam confident that the unctly see } om a tow- zh. We row- verth side, and suddenly we water the fish which were dart- thither, the luag flexible rects, wer srasses on the battom, "yed tn the most beautifal prismatic hues, } »y the boat gave to ; n : lean cundulding metion. Death-tke ind a more fairy sceme mr ty of water here poured ; 7 var f itself, large enough . planter who , j tt bier op reas nvarrie rs Poo as transported Lis eotton to St. t the ; ' ‘laa Nise Act N pers Nour sultan We saw some of the roy 7 : he @icat tere thc t) bie dy ( tJ the G . etalon which was taken from \ ar) ree | rilar bone w the knee mea- mani L sul Almost the en- , , i sent to Baruim's Muse- silirous in tris atte une I Hl | Tn ime of the fountain is beautiful : fasou Veigu tot Wakalla means “The Mystery.” ter Thc Itis sail that the Spanish discoverers sprang to twihalmost franne jov supposing they nel pass An editoreut West exhibited the other had red tl ag sought “ Fons Juven- ten to Pro- mindedness, by copying fromanexchang tutis, cr fountara uf south, wlich should rere ‘ t ) testant sermomson Sunday, and are kuecl- paper one of his own articles, and head y marches and bat- |that time. IJtis a beautiful building. I had subjects enough to carry out its behests. jin modern histoy. ling at mags on Monday. jing it “Wretched attcinpt at wit venate m ater exliausting Wes. Ballou's Pictorial HOME.” ‘inder this heading the and another person im America, which equal any in the world, and wi gard to shame, branded follows : They imported city, they pandered to “erable fabble to be “bet > “From an examination P of “squatter eovereignty - minant amongst ewn comments: ng . Sand Treasorer. Jobn Duniap, Citizens of Chicago by the city and county tay ALL ISH and shameless doings of the foreigners of | that eity, under the direction and by the eae ee of the great leader of the for- ' eign party in that State, Mr Douglas. neue 7 Stung with mortification by the recep-| tion given him in that city on his return from Congress, in 1854, and barning with the Citizen states that “he deci- dek to deliver Chicago over to the cneny, to sap its foaudatious, make it the home A of vice and infamy, a discredit to the na-| tion. To this end was erected by him! the largest bar-room, | Young America upon it” The Citizen | forther states that a newspaper was issued “stre $ i} uy o y 3 . we “ea great expense, and strewed aurongst | date for Governor, will address the people of the through August, then scourged the lowest rabble of the town.” Other : . yellow fever. respective Counties named, at the following ~ ae doings almost hw shapes times and places. It is hoped that as much a aa are also made, which we om! "| publicity as possible will be given to these ap The Citizen then goes on to charge as} poiotments, and that the . and Fascality obtained the control of the routnsellers,) secompany Mr. G, in this part uf tue canvass or ste glean the following facts, which show | moat conclusively that this is the howe Thomas Lloyne, United States District . Conley, United States Collector David Walsh, Keeper of Bridzewell cif officers, appointed by the United, States the State, of [Jlinoi-, and elected 98" Squarren SOVEREIGNTY AT \Gargling XWatchmam| sa AIR LINE RAIL ROAD. ~ There is a movement on foot, ia Geor Daily Native SALISBUR the infamous Ae or NEW led in splendor | th an utter disre- | the name of TUESDAY. EVENING, MAY 13, 1856. - FOR PRESIDENT, MILLARD FILLMORE, FOR VICE PRESIDENT, NDREW JACKSON DONELSON, | present liness FOR aoVanNan. JOHN A. GILMER OF GUILFORD. ¥N.L ~~ |taid out; and will pass through a coun- ‘try abundant in resources. It is the route were made on horse-back or in private | ee carriages. It is about 470 wiles by rail-| | will not exceed $80—a difference of 140 is miles. The proposed line will pass through a high, healthy country, an item of no suv l importance to. travellers. There |, camphorated spirits in passing through John A. Gilmer, Esy., ,out respect to par'y, will . parleyed to hack-drivers, and even court: | not : 4 the favor of the prostitutes, and af ' ‘terwards, insult us by declaring the mis-| APPOINTMENTS. the towns that may fall in’ the line, as the American candi- if ee peuple generally, with. 0” ‘ Rie turn out and give Mr night last, by boring through the ceiling.» They were sentenced for twelve months * les - voters and by fraud | Gilmera paticut hearing. We are not prepared you, body and soul, to hell our)|to say whether the Democratic candidate will | ) imprisoninent, by his Ilonor Judge Saan- - le ander Hill. They had served out only bh Hendersonville, Thursday, 15th fourteen days of the term. Asheville, Saturday, 17th “ “= ac meat by fan Marshal!!, Monday 19th “ hem ar. ‘else’ tore. ‘ues ‘ Or . . . ) : - | aa ye bs) oe 20th Medical Society, will be held in . z issille, ednesday = of the Records, Mea ae " on the 13th instant. h Rutherfurdton, = M vaday ‘ eae " y” way, that is do- in the ¢ day week. ! these are your tutions of the ce worthy and patriotic MEN '_ 3 creed of the Whig } The Hon. B. Craicr has Leen spending as. . ; a few davs in this place. Look at the following list of pablic of | . a i ity, and d e , : ficeholders in our city, and draw yvur| Whig Mecting in Rowan. Quite a rally of the Whigs tuck place purt LDouse of Nothing could have their adversarics are pilfered from the warts and though tor Dieidends.—Tihe Bank of Cape Fear has declared a semi-annual dividend of 5 k this county, vester M Where Accepts We are an- ¢ ADS a thorized to state that a letter has been beer CEN ceeived from Mr. Filimore by a gentle gis, to build aniair line Rail Road from | paper since test Qerober, Atlanta, in that, State, to Charlotte, N.\tt, Yan ee Reding. © et toon G; Itis a capital idea, and we hope it |has, And, sir 1 want you, immediately, lo ____| witt'sneceed. It is the shortest route for Theta d= Kn ere ike ang ped con! a0 | West, that ca wteet ‘TERMS OF THIS PAPER @200 casn. | New Orleans, or the West, that-ean be sega Bip sow pn eh apr a Paoes ao overran : ; they are termed, are sach fouls, as to be able to swel- rowdies, the seum low down Know Noth'ngiam by the wholesale. Diwe| tion of onr great cities, read. travellers used to take when journeys re miazan: my paper immediately if vot sooner, any cause, and to do an | { you sys jroad from here to Atlanta, Ga., by the ET cunts aun se but with a road direct, it jimsetf by drinking whiskey. If forty yea community in which he lives. select to speak for, or represent them, nor will they Will be no need to stifle one’s self with acter for sense. They will be spt to sey, Wilfong is, lieve they are speaking from personal knowl: dge- lady passengers did in ‘ot while passing hereupon denoances us with oaths !—asif had the with right to control our sentiments spirit, exactly. . ) . . ct — by ’ ors us ec o AYP Es ped I ani rigoners c8CaF ed from they wil excommunicate and curee you: they will im- | the jail in Kinston, N.C, on Ww ednesday prison and starve you 5 or torture with fire and water | ders, for a violent assault upon AleX: the same extent, he will have work enough on bis ficient number of men of Martin Lather spirit to keep it. bim well employed for a long time to come. =- . > Luther !—if he were living, what woald be be, « dem- y re > State pe The annual meeting of the State nencoratKnow Nothing” Read hislife.) But—we t Sit Raleigh gismise the inwleraat, profane gentleman, assuring Gilmer has treated Gov. Bragg discourteousty, ui ma- the louids per 4 ; : Serve | urge no objection— i ) for MON-| Bass taki , p. E. WILFONG. ;¢y—men utterly reckless.of the well-bein, iohing andy the Hae! gen rane eave ea Wik ee lof American society, and the most a & it w fact that“ ht, tibet cent, polite fellow, that Mr. Wilfong! I yoengs | icin are superstitions vassals ofa eraf.|4"4 his Weatern trietide, whe fotewe to go with ty and insolent priesthood. whose only ™ Yer large inajority ‘of “old line? * Henry, Clay re old, he | #1 and endeavor is-the extension of the | \V higs,” even for Fillunore, beewuse as they ol-| power of the Church of Raine, at any | ledge “the rights of the South ia the paramount! f whatever, a character, we conjec ure, of sonal! value to the | We venture to say he cost not sach a man es & the dutch of Catawb:.” ank him for this uncalled for allusion to their char- mately redound to the rain of those whose loch & . present interests it subserves, Raieig® Standard we get, holds up ne & Gids | fe bigest fool among us, and half the world will be- | ie Gaeasd cocked Lal hee ete DANIEL WEBSTER ON AMER- ‘about them, and all through the Bast, and nev- | ICANISM er raise their warning voices! Where are Cling- . . - i ‘wan, Mill, Coleman, Erwin and other Westera The a per of the American are bY | jaders, tie rs wet spect peal ind prt novel. ke But he says we have turned a Know Nothiag, and nd send us to perditiion Th is Roman Catholic NO Means we did not please him! You must ag: ent und subnit to their authority. If you do nol, hile nature can bear it; aud if stit! obstinate, they | foreigners ; and the immortal Washing: | quite as loud, if aot a little loudet than any one | i not lack for expedients to eall in death to remove ton himeelf declared that the insidious | else, against the White Basis business provided yearry out his opposiiion to the Know Nothings to our liberties unless the jealousy of a free | 198 dishoawstly thereby. ands.“ The dutch of Catawba” can produce « suf- people were constantly aroused against \if they Gail vo do this, it will be taken for grant- | | {Mario From that time to this the most saga- cious statesmen of the land have foreseen the danger, and warned the people of it. hb . . . . )unwor' -. Americanism is no new thing evolved | ans, Tertygee’ from restless fumentation of parties. 1 . State, whether correct of not. \ matter how much other issues may have | im that 1 does net distarb us in the least to lose him : im asa subscriber. His curses rovst in lis own bosuin NOT SO.—The Raleigh Standard charges that Mr We can only infer the reason of ' a seini-annual dividend of 3f per cent. —; the greet alarm, and direatiofactiun evinced by the ity —it i : i rve i agogt june i feret oF ope 4 1 ty it = another thing to preserve I. | dem. gues al have raised to injure lien, to nntions o u, of all its They make a fatal mistake who suppose! his own advantage iu the West, as well as the | nal eacmies, . wco press, at Mr. Gilmer's beginning the canvase in he newotane Thatrheet says it allu KON tnck, nd (ioe? evidently deares to keep as far from Brogg that liberty once obtained will endure Euet, he will be justufied in so duing. ; sprue. ‘Thisie all wrong Me. Gilmer's appant- forever, unless properly wat hed and and as Ot the truth of this position, ly powerless in the Kast, Shadows, mare's a ORS Charles O'Connor, Pablic Adimaistea ia “ spur ; eering ne (WAN? iar: inotliin city which he sfates (hat Seats were made for hiun by his fnende here ; aitarded! 4 ter. ifestations of tie occasion a about e@ lil mot r} Ry \ mon as he was infor of them, he communicated a ~ 3 . = ‘ t he had met recenved the oMcral annenice » have dau rh] > rec ’ vo +d ame . Michiel Gleason, Counts Treasurer. the Whig party being dead tt T ice no bat. declared (Mem 8 Governor Bragg, and requested his cvacur we have abundant proof in the recorded nests and Locu Foreign “ eands,” have ceased to 4 st Prosecuting Attorney. . - a Hinations but declared ea a: he agreed to these appantments and SCUTINENLS of the best men of the conn.’ be matters of cunsideration by the iutelhgeut id 5 : se 1 Was Mosttr ipuantly ref ; fa service of his friends, His a i fecurder’s Court ech te i ; cume on to this place with Wir. Gilmer and they are try weople of the East. He who attempts it now, . A. Hoyne, Clerk he . 5 T j tors aC eof thet : ey I i K [eer f Pee 6) its SCAsIOn lere w a fe at Poe : oe EEL toget im Cherokee aot ue s ymnean ° - . - . Owen McCarthy, City Collector. a a lite 1 ier J xpeoted itt the cof _ patient! 7 ri es te gareun De eae In November, 1844, after the defeat feels that be deserves the euntempt of all honest >’ vor and jofiv bearing calibit : ' oman yervurt ad the " Jobn Town Collector , ss uring calilited, which Dien Tea eur wid haus hee pang “ian far distaut a posable fram Gor of Mir. Clay for the Presidency, Daniel '"e® Demagogues have played upoe that * harp James Donelly, c ity Mars).al assured ust the Whig spurit can hever fish . Bragg.” 1s munply as ndiculous, a0 praee that the Wuleter trait piveecl Fanceil ilall of a thousand strings,” wotil it ie alevut all uo Owen "Street Coramissivver. die. Tris the spirit of freed : ; The kt correspondent of the NY. Standard, wall wegieet any ppertuaity (ole apun ebeter made a speech in Fancat all, 5 1 Cis the spirit of freedom and con sod de laine huni .deh. Mpectuetor boy er As strung, and discourseth vers dull masie, © mach Charles O ler ; oe ; [le j ut Mr } will neith P Boston, inp which the necessity for the © 7° 1 he spirit of na Sess : i so that it will only play ome tune about Augest, ‘Thos. Pendergast, A . cro. “ct aation on American organization of the present day ok . i 4 ion 1en of nier a ; . , A Saad that will be “ rogues retreat, when these Patrick Lamb, mete) fae fil atter 1! Sr ttt , ; PIHILADELPHIA ELECTION was distinctly. asserted. Said Mr. Web : ’ Jasticcs « ¢ 1 atic 1 Wee e Cinciunat - Michael McGsire, ( as ° ads rovement nv “ The De aT , graceiess imps will “ march backwards” im dow pe tl f r. Fill : NOC? carr 2 Cl | ster Peace, ndds att Mr. Fill 1€ mocrats cared the city clec t bh quick linse ta the tune of of the recent election, (de- ’ en will not commit himself Gen in Philadelphia, on Tue day last, | y The results U, carry me along to the head uf Salt river | 7 or declaration, bat wil! aboat 3,000 majority The Weekly News” feat et Mr. Clay.) in several of the States } is the i i = ’ se i or j + ‘ = t stand solely on his persenat merits.” of the Loth has the following, tou hing = gael Firat WU nd Rwith (ne deep TUE WOPXDED PIGEONS BEGIN TO PLOTTER. , Powerve se - mee jetye hia s thee ‘re “T- y “>: the manner in which the election was con ‘ ction; that is that there ie au imper . : : i vuntry. ATL that is Bhandy Drot We learn! vite Ae ative necessity for ceforn the nator. Sowe kind friend—of the Administra in the platforms of urday last, a dael was fought on the line ae : alization laws of the UuitedSates. ‘The tion we presame—fearing, and naterally North and South Carel between THis OUTRAGE ON TUESDAY preservation of the Government amd con enongh too, that we might overlouk an Dr. Wilkins and Mr. Flanner, both of Walia A commis yton, N sion merchant, sequently the interests of all parties, i : ‘ . One of the greatest outrages ever per at ‘ : a bape ne a a Piel ae editurial devoted to as in the “ Paleizh , ‘ 4 Standard,” hae euclysed it tu us io a let- ie law-defving agents of la» et : in. A political triuinph question now,” is it a fret, we sayy that these pe- constitute i + ould achieved, as this has been, carries With culiar Southera guardinus (111) will alive this | i P it no moral influence, and can only ulti-) White Basis queation which the copies of the , Ca% lism, ane | dings abolition question—to be agitated around | eoukr aud ai) statesinen foresaw the evils which would |jn possession of all (1) the niggers and vigger | the main eventully arise from the annnal influx of; interest in the State, ught, we think, to talk support of our tranqnality sbrond, out safety, oor liberty we so highly p Tf Witwng has a mind wiles of foreign influence would subvert those who have raised this qaestion are nut act- | cordial, linbitudl, and fi Will they nut, at once jour national Cuion, that we | enter the field im oppositiva tu this affair, Trac, | palndiaan of our political Ubat we will wateh for. its” ‘ ‘ 5 venscless ¥ ed that those who now agitate it, are not neting | cunt | very creditably, as they are only endeavoring to that it can in eny event Ge agitate and foment sectional strife for miserable, | will ladigueety frown ape In fact, we believe, that , any, ate No| is already, the expression tn this section of the = he benda chal . ae | Beliew u ‘ ris inmertal W, . overshadowed it, the principle has always} ee ue men tehould eae the spotand alL, W eboter, that . per cent., and the Wilmington and Wel cen deenly tinpianted) in: tt i of their own dishonesty, we think that if Mr. | une and inseparable and we | i king bie appointments in the West, without coasult- cep!) piante nh the peputlar Gilner, in self-defence, should turn this q loon |i " lon Rail Road Company have declared ing the Gove “ j » thing in liber- don Rai AC ipany hh de ed ing the Govemor heart. It is one thing to obtain liber- | y hich capital seeking seet al ngitativa-making | or, mow fe The fact is, this White Basis hambuy is near- acai pintrutive pohey of the W their foundation im the oé imuat consequently be as basting am ment; and therefore be it ¥ Reselved, vnat it io hi expedient nd per, that the Whigs of North ) Pail of the union sboold preserve aod ‘maletda their political onganization 5 aud that tunel Conventions of m, to etal ju ity, provide foe the common He neral welfardy and” As fur Lack #8 the their neighbors against this White Basis “ xbo- el nat { with them in senti- adoption of the constitution, our wisest Jition” move This stripe of patriots (1) being! Resol rly Lo ou weds Tek the of our Resolved, therefore, every attempt (07 f ons common countrys from Resolved, therefore, in Resol ced, that tinniech oF at ap early day, to the course to be pitreued vs Maal = ¢ la the cumiag State and national Kesolved, that the Whigs of Nortly Carolina will support no man fur I'vedident -itent of the Unio d States, on acoantof wny platform of privciples anvonuted snd by ay nominating Uonvention Ut potetdoos State or National; as the experience ‘of the ‘ast twenty years has tangtt as, that we can have oo well grounded assurance, that the prie- ciples of platforms thas promulgated, woell be wdbered to, aod cirfied out, thuukd their eandi- date be elected by the people. ‘eg Resolved, That the ouly piatiorm of principles thas can eecure the sod jort of the Whig party Gt Month . he services, Reroleed, That ia our opi utun Wilerd Fil more of New York, is the mao, whose-parity of life, amd patriotic devution to the tree imterests of the whule coantry and whose trie and trith- fal evoivent public services, justly entithe him to the curhal sapport of the comserrative portion A our fellow-<itigens ia every pert of the coun- try, and fir these remons we recommend him ty their zealous suppurt for President of the U. Sates, wb the wet! grounded auserasee, that in hes administration of the etvestive depart mer of the guvernmect, he will kmow no Nurth, fo SNoath, no Bact, no West; bet with an eye amg to the true Mnterests of the whole country he will exert his best efforts to secure to every ete of ver widespread Hepublic equality uf nals aud lepetite ; cahe the arctional strife and sib shech ambitwes, interested amt unetepalons prliticinas have affheted the vation; and testore ofee tdére te oar beluved country, that harmony aed onion of sentiroent wml fraternal goed wil) ah which the adunns- tration of Miliard Filmore was so signal ily Ue | elem lew retire from the Escegtuve Ubair 1a March 18533 Revd eed, asthe opinion of this meeting John A Grtmer of Guilford county, for bis purity of vic, ie ardent patrution, ine epergetic support of ail var great works of internal im nate » dwtieyumhed atelty; aad We Season to constitotem and anion of heat Simes, ic aiation ; ntrthed te the cordial amd sealous aappor | of be old line Whigs for the offlee of Chief Magie trate of the State, and we therefure recomineed that a anited efit sball be mad@ by them to aecre his electun R-mdoel. that we have no confidence in the present Natenal Exeetive; that his open and potonous interference in State electiqn« ; bie charvcless proatitution of the patroange of the Government, by expelling from office comes va- tire LUmon men, aud Gling their places with free-scnhire and abolitionmta, fur the parpowe of securing the asceudency of the demuctatic party, nat-ad of promoting the general welfare, de wrves the severest reprobation of the Americas ‘gee solved, That the Chairman apport 18 de} sites to represent the Whig partyin a General Convention to be beld at such time and place se may be selee ted The following gentlemen were appointed by the Chair ia pursaance of the resolations, viz: N Heyden, A. H Caldwell, M. 8. McKenaie, Jolin Benson, Kiehard Flarria, Prat Seaford, A. M. Henderson, HL. L. Kobards, H.C. Jobes J. 0 blewming, James Daugherty, L. Lingle, Joba 1’ Rymer The meeting then adjourned, A. M. GOODMAN, Chm'a. F. Mrens, See. _ Sad Suicide +An Item for the Legal Franternity, The Chenango Telegraph annonnces the death of Benjamin Wilbar, aged 60), hy his own band, in the jail of that coun- ty. Itseoms that he was imprisoned for costs in a soit, which he had commenced against a man who had charged him with |perjary. Ile abandoned the suit because of its frequent postponement, and from his inability to pay the expenses of his witnesses. This, of course, threw the cost upon him, and being unable to pay, he was placed in prison about a month since, 'This so preyed upon bis mind that on the night of the 80th of April, he gashed |barely alive the next morning, When |effurte wore thade to restore him, he The revenne of the United States the tured and disfigured bw this new com ( & an j i petrate dby tl mand this All are wilting aod desir ¢] } A I he first tire, the bi y a ‘i _ f . 5 ; extire taxas of the city and county, the minglemwent, still they are the pure ua, ' oe oe : ie - > co Fucoism, was the appomntinent of 900) Gus of course that Ainerica should contin. (er envelope, fur whieh we give him our » ) 1 : ‘ . . he latter cut of a i tf the meClOr s ; ; ‘i : . P B whole State tax of Chicago, are placed in tive, elemental doctrines of the Whig ear. the eccond ae ve bad? thromgh | Lrish bullies by Sheriff Magre, on Tues. net be the safe Asylum for the oppress. thanks, We do not object to this novel i the bands of Lrichmen ' party, and the lifeblood of the Union. the Doctor's hat Nothing lanited. the das last, to overawe and cheat the None OF all nations. “All are willing and mode of calling cur attention to what The public prosecutor of the United Shall the authors of thats le creed dis. latter coolly remarked that his hat was a ican voters We have nodoubt whates catrausy tint {1c bivesluge: is 2 free 20%" therwise might have eseaped aa. The . ' rey 1 } ; er rents ald tb mente the et vinent . . States the State Prosecuting Attorney, band asa party and surrender their birth ew one ed that af should not that this was a vrately devised o¢, etlie . ‘ ee en Lindly elements of inan's nature mast " ; } } ; ' cy sec ' 5 - o ‘ Oil a - i éix Justices of the Peace, and the Mar. right and eritar to strangers?! Not" “ ; | pie : - scheme to aid anccar ying the election bY conntres, w ; ‘ hither for the sometimes be excited, else it woukl be A : : JA 18 ‘ ei » , chal, who has the entire charge of the Not We will say with Mr. Jones, in tir, : ee ara b enceess, WERTMOEE means What right had the porpose of bettering their crcaimstances, come tou hardened Ly constant contact peace and order of the city, all are Irish remarks on the 0 “if ever the The combatant py Fe > «licen the Shentf to appointt extragidinary num y the successful em lovinent of their with the political world The piteuns men! time sh lcon en there were but fated Doctor was k 1 at the first) ber of deputies! Ile las BUUORIWURS Co et Ade ead Lebel t But t wail that isenes from the * Raleigh Stan . mers , | . , : . . J not reas le that the elective fran a9 We call this “ — reiguts ois Whigs in Rowan tv, we w t 1 ar iia political der the law to call any extra force nty se yg ee 4 _ - eenin ut lard,” at the havoc we have made apoa . gf that befor tor . 4 5 galt. S i t she 2) : ne i ; . i ee wil find np 2 : be one t : / vice, Unless ublic pea cndane fore t til after ench a residence [We prspects of ite immacalate master at long it to be sach ‘ x r ‘ Byt r . eered. | me il m pint es sriinie te. watt cee 6 cae " a i 4 Sear bdsed iicll atllen ue ; - é D on ] ; The gered, or a a | ce Was rc as that he may be sapposet Waslington, ali net overcame oor hurd outrage—such an utter, open, aud unpar aalhiee a aker this ‘ ‘wie I ot Gane Os pitts . vdisturbanee of peace, Nave become, in neasure, acamain nos of beart We can even forgive the alled disgrace ! Are you now satisfied cas ] another _ ‘ | eee Tire and at tie tine ah 2 "ise there ted wit! ireconstitation and law our nontang indignation rt etichitoecnts fs . 7 anys 1r r t - 1 r t sts (?t ' as to the aims of Doucglas. Can you read don nk Je ane oT be was vielent cate ofa : : z a fl \ © ite spleen upon ourself for what it regards ine plans and rpuees ! Do you se ng the seed of Whos » Liowan t Sent Reivlita VIEWS. Vriceediow of the Suer af at - ‘ ae ae | mea ie tre rare thd “attacks apon Frankly that be is vileameong the vile! Triste (ew : aA nel GR Ae bien + oreutl « can clang prnenpde, character ant 7" ; hits we owe onr thauks for snc an ex ! ideally Db : : pA } igh oa srt be songht tor i otuer ws avinpathy aswell as by having este ierce. We were aware when we anler hibition of ef thie 1s the lestionetia Fld . A , ere exer nsef jesurcab inter ed lias ' nue Thee a mh the task of ctposing the whitened ef esteem Shich we have frou | )+ lanes. "1 tds We ead pra wue « a eo DLT LES, a ate ft vint itnralized have, of conrse, thoi nigits sepulchre at Washington, eo fair and and it is with this splend fai inet atthe W . ( aC cr Al Gute) eee cohen thin , oes ; eh ! ce Set dale: _ beaut ful ta Suathern bebotlers, to the lis power, his magnamity x10 !- hat 2 ae Mir M ar fot 2 ‘ ' , ven iblic gaze. that we ebould moet with ality that he presents binnse!! as ass , P 1 lie alenop. ; : oe aap. ¢ {t date for the Presidency But, A t c ee . ne : rn Thus . Mr W i” “rack al wi om enune of ’ guns, thie te wet all, these ar or t * . i; pe vounaticl x te ; : : ere " aropered pet-eheets of the Actus setrn " . ' ry aultic ' ‘ t 4 ‘ Are, t i aie 3 e ’ iment featnres inthe picture |) 1 J wr re - : \ ; : t ' mn. Tn this we have not been diay th “wl ) ard t « , ° the E glass chosen frieude—be has ,; - Wore ene , ‘ cl aera ale 1 Every now and then a beagle each, who would occupy these postin ? { J deputies SUE BEB) ! prrih,, PRUE es ay [tant HM i elp arrests one ear, bat the cove te Pp } © 3 i /s a n thie vr teat «ft ¢ J bat failing in thie, consent t = r x : : ’ s fa . t v4 voavy for their tiny frames, an ] secon at men. Four-fifths of ev . “ \: ead of , nen 5 re "4 “ ‘ ‘ SALOME foree Irielsmen——the ert A Aten hts \ : oes SET . lin % sya Hat we have at last some canee te thank between the Dutch aad tue A Abe = : ne ere aad a: es eee : Somaard,” and all others of ite : P ' t att ' foireus iy germlies ; the latter w be diswiseed as ermastier ~ Fer eee } st ‘ i atrij Tieie flattering gives me asear * services can be possiliy d+ ed with. fore : uN ree \ f ‘ ht LANNE: vice that we have sped an unerring shaft, I J } - onde ve si 1 Bball we call your attentioute toe Boars vn dy TONESUs a ‘ - \ wants joyalation te and piniened our victim to the wall A Aidermen—abi wo! sou are wel a ov = : x We gene \ t These lamentations, while painfal to ua, o oe i = F abetting v t that thre } quainted with them now tp IINk MN <3 a) RT eee ab tie ei thirocitahaliteralvh cCuatants dus hope that we have done well car Yo have seen in « fen . ase - te - - } ae . : ‘ ay _« th. and that oar mission inuet ultimate A ' eo ; py eee -- j | ! ] y and completely succeed. And what stagge . ; ) \t <p Waa t j } pra fa 7 2 f their mot ‘ the . 1 eee it = Lovk for a meument ats } Se : ; } : at wt J Me a mission { trea ae 4 tot s Fi ‘ , fives in the [board of County Soy % as | pa . t H ar wrea t \ fa Jislovalty to the who are ther’ Rediomu 1 Ir t ) ° ¢ ‘ Jat : a i el ned thar gceat Ds ID ALIS Varty! Is it a inery ae! . | wate fully z Bren dep vee gy apite suit againat Franklin Pierce! No, pee y , paz How .- a! ¢ ( ft roeme e~ -and we know of none we ' f { r ; it xf ert 9 v w , pe ‘5 , . I’ r i . ' iia 1s nt his friends -inay ascribe this ines ticr eos t tine - ' wor , ic alt z . ( P I | . t «but it passes ue hy aa the you like al epee ’ ; | et { | 4 ’ " a wind w h we regard net, for it has eround the land, or w ' ( (nd J M ) \ \ { it. Wel alias ite course! You se then ( f t J ‘ jeanne a 1 “ 1e 4 Z ) ‘ t Av é listocar ! : 2 r om. Cf opurpese oa purpese springing has been placed opor = A ne at : HOW Dib I Gk re tr veth nee Code aie ry @ man, und utter you J Cathe r 5 ere HOO add ' LUTE TCE i r seoot ! . levotion to that party Whose prit rlew vowel po Hub even Lic: ‘ . Sto act 3 its The Nortel Herald: tian to ; el ae fe Le. mt ; . ae j } : A wlieve eat calculated to preserve where be belds you np t Va ) ven §& en Never f one of * ntegrity and perpetaity of l é , : ee im PA4 y at |"« }’ nity ‘ our behe tcorl your Senator e+ ‘ / Journa > 4 A / ent afitut PA 3 ned eeu 1 , rai : / \ >: y - re , s u : s vf oH Aoinan has reen 1 the nineteenth ee ice or that fre ie! fal 4 ; ; : \ ( I) f Geo Hp roiised, ANGor A ene ! t ah : AT id $8 © Teaned century who has done everything to de’ ca stac 4 Is id -» prevatled im the portant ofthe ‘ r Tver count Ne 4 r ' vA ed ‘ Crreensbero 1 ! : s! ’ at lize a great party and to weaken the ae ay ) Mat : * which lie presides, Persor | Nee hice rec tliienit ' | 5 ’ z . “2: ’ o draal Fea neh pipertcs t maliv, heist youre ywoiteelfin 1 the fish ti jane ¢ Shite i { * 7 A \\ t : 8 i ; L i Ue inost unpepulac man in thes com ‘ vlan Tree ce cntanvied ig aalbad 4 ie ne of a glorions and happy coun THE WAS TOGET ACT LIM . os ‘ par ona ie ° Ao d trost in hisna- ty —aseeitl Islimaclite, | and te tl angto gm eent fan en . ] 1 “ . Bae ies oc) all ‘ ' e Stat aerved several term ie 62 : aiinachite, bia Lands raiseu ein gentleman engage the arts and artifice Horace (rreeley t " the Tr ' . ‘ Mouse “eR i tat 4 Nai! a ae ayainet every man a anecriny: esein that eount The para ne ty gf hari hg a lealtins . : EDSes . a . snarling and snapping at dis fel oem Preprieter mot Thing auch nterle J ee ty pcs) Dene: . ; F G yoand US, Senator frown a 4 Apps AC lite Telbow tne | u vanonterloper, can command, this man seeks to forst Ay J er r 7 My arlies raiiivcelocliactriiet 4 after his rand a reded ing i 1h ea a 1 ie wa deand pop from his earliest mant (s rustea ya t after and aucceeded in sloot jineself again upon the Democratic party pare lee } ata ‘ ‘ no one, and me one it ' Wiisile the anioal which, when broneht too and . on teddies! lain cat sf wy : ’ : ve andthe coontry, and he basely employs ! “ ) or reclg weoand deropatit ta this F ' ‘ Ifa size nt ry j ¥ Fy i = 6 far ive : ; an au eS a aan er F ‘ : ze that ithad not the patronage of the Government, to ef yur or tive ensand doila wneed , ne wiccetae Geet i Co. rXMTCDEL . of all the rest of mankine, a criere scliigh meth ted ita opportunities in the matter tece ttendanee at the ¢ ital fort rt f ; r ‘ ee oe COUNTERFEIM GOLD DOLLAR vt fect his anholly purpose, It ia to atrike attendance at the Capital forty rr tant AY unmitigated eyotist never SM We of good Living. Tt vielded three gallons jim down fre nm the seat of power that w 1] ' es 4 be . ( ' _ lay ! ! % ne 2 W re sessions to tie purpeme At length a We «aw ecity afew aya pity the party or the individual that puta ofa, ind the shin ia now in the posses have entered upon this wheal n. In = . By 1 vet ¢ , 7 ss ’ i ' ’ e , . . als on, a member who knew \ er jee, * quite an ae ewe ase iinitation af tie gold ar any faith in him, for they will find that sie of Mr G. MW Bluford, of Norfolk. country like ours, itis the pen and n ‘ a 7 > r t at | { | . 2 dl e M hie pertinacity, called tin a rsand mem [hes hel w yot up the dies evi he cannot observe any ordinary obliga Where itoiay he seen by the carion i a 5 ! , yave hin the benefit of an Kiet , <4 ; ai f , \ . : = ae , . the sword by which we may correct the x in the bene®t of same xulubies erat UTeeNt Church ‘ j eden good deal of skill tion. He was elect to his otlies, des We believe this ia the firet seal ever iuese of wer and visit upon thei ° ae i t a owe . eounsel My friend,” sad je, [wen : [le siz came asthe genuine but pite his notorious or popularity, hy tricks inthe waters aonth of New York, and ioe ! Tl pe ree that you @re ywreet long as y Wwe beer J Magazine for May. is the word > ee a4 sad of lil Ist Need tenes] : author a just and wholesome punishment - “ go May. | t sin tue | ead o iber- and stratayems with characters whom he though some suppose it may have taken! for the treachery We shall continue to rT soy lee Juet withdraw ra ( t Revolut ot and ao blurred as not to) is he Id in his power, such as no man but ab involuntary passage on it ake of ice, employ ours in tearing the meak fror , ' ‘ t ' vce a] t : " " 7 : 9 pers and inercund ur cla weity [fo. Car a The Stndy O ve reverse side at the bot- himself would resort to. To appeal te the question, we consider, is still open for sak Lins [2 iss vos fie Pere eae v\ireaniid a Utrel iit a ee ‘ 2 Tos Vy ; ; | Franklin Pierce and his Adininistration aie \ } 4 " q+ Cr ERY Mani vit -jetter ©, showing that the die a law officer of this stamp to protect us the diseussion of naturalista, how did it} de : . reak ees : ! sand te this one and two thousand to that Aga ! ‘ pee nl Si) Calitoriiall : ; ' whicl = ; ‘ XN 1 @ and exposing its weakness, its imbecility, | Tiel [reat ( i reotey tte alifornia isene, against abuses, which, in all homan prob.) get inte - orth Carolina. . ; ; A A and soon through a let of hata ‘ due nild’s |nis 21853. We advise the pub- ability, he himself was cogniz f. if His cone pices hes be oe one ee 7 ; ; 4 $ ty- | . as cognizant © : aan who can help you, and of course ont Carolina, The Artof Print nthe look-out for counterfeit advil f would i Bee aU ~ Tee : . jrottenness. If we shall aid in accom- oa wee . vere , ; te look-out for counterfeit not an adviser of would indeed be a chim tag A writer in the Raleigh Register plishing this end, so devontly to be wish ingen o ning your clan hy \ Inan Pl tie 5 . P C y ‘5 Lonkiungenc your gaming you all - : CEPR ie Falitorias ler Atlanta [iacipline. erical idea. orges npen Petersourg, Norfolk ew- | ed, we shall fe / 3 Af iyoe phiuld belcut downs litte i. TI fa f a : a) ye: ed, we shall feel no common consolation | 1:6 Jost ; found seed’ Nn ai ath . 1e power of a free press is of potent bern, Beaufort and Raleigh, the impor- jn the fact that we have done something ia leftarm with a razor, and was foun ‘ard | toant anh fall : Me Crer q ° i { wits . " £ pratt epee Le elaine ‘ lly Me Portt Hens Stren GOR be Ge ae pee has put him- inflaence in ench an emergency, bat tance of constructing a Railroad from the|in our day and generat for the y > acted un it, and in due :e eld for the si Velee te little ; A 5 : . ion great ok et ae Her arid Gary eat paper never table forte ‘ i in the Me the Ae ey. a rages chance of any remonstrance os Fields to some point on the N. C.\ party with whites & has always been our J he ts honest dae and 2 } ' t s his own candidate, and not likely to be-|in behalf of an outraged pec le G i ink | pri fe y ged people from a, Road. The length of the connecting link | pride to be connected.— Washington Sen- Jittle more first time come any body else “* would be about twenty miles, tinel. | press which sacrifices the dearest princi | ex a wish to die, and refusing ' |take any medicine, soon : & ls ee lm me . UB Se t as e 6 EO Ba s a ee bs e SS O S E E R E R TE R R E TE E S TE L SE 48 4 E £8 5 8 e2 ; Pedy ig a : rad Rew. set bata elt qt bt erage of Waters. By what right, then,| at ; oe sig arte Hate, Boune es Aikin hake exay its innocent}. Phi ole and Axel, Window =e hnndreds of dollars by makin, r, _jbeliewe that dlig © pscutaapol the powers - Whenee did he derive anthority Bay a, i t . . the divinity, as she must be if she} to . act a nari bird og Lo Rigs = tele Pores pes ie! online, Carpet agar Ae bg ae “Phe Bendto® passed the lll appropria- | Knews the events of the futare: ruthless and eruel hand ? Shame on Mr.} sss, mould dathg Cee nore, Linees hong! Lh tng 1,80}000 ners to tka Bigyeard : “Wao Era. | Aikint It was a wanton shedding of in- od Rai Opa peg <n Fahy as Ria pate <n 251 PPAL ST, me row dal s-diotaaeh nocent blood. Shame ve every ~ who estas, Cinnogs & atone, edpacitg Mr. 2 eet GROCERIES Gols Sones: : : \ Fa SEL. kills without purpose, ithout 'e Planing Mills, where be is prepared to execute all) ways ov band ....-... Particular Sttention is culled to i igen —s | Faas Dees.—We regret to learn by | Kile withou purpose, slays without ne- | Mn Thine, we cheap aod govd as eun be dub le etch Moe reer ee rcceiaenat : dogs 7 steam ceasity, any of the harmless and beanti-| we state. LOSS AND SUFFERING AT SEA. |the Wilmington papers that a duel was | | rina Gall tf was 8 a i are of ‘ cowardly | of Acascuiruman burt New You, May 7. fought between Dr. Wm. ©, Willkings Ling Ae Mr. ‘Askin to letoat ag thie! Turning, Cutting Screws, Repairing RADY MADE CLOTHING tp ster «ee Ys : and J. H. Flanner of that town, on the fee the security of its victim, and then, | Boilers and Engines, 2 tuve Gqude alae bs obra which will be sold wt auparalleled low prices in this ie eines House, i the. teidens bids 5 The Britieh Larque Blake, of Ship Is-| 9) 5.54 i that the f ; ie ; ke j ; al a land, fro Mississippi for Liverpool an Loanlad and that the ormer gent eman (i e an asasain, strike it to death in an Bn of all descriptions ; making and repairing euuniry. | ! : e” Te ie Marck Kigur| ae killed. The difficalty originated out guarded moment, It waa savage and) MII Spindles, Wood Plainers, Plowr, 2 (ste care and foods have been afecied wiih | 182 HM et Sr ed eter men were washed uverbourd, two died of of a speech made by Dr. Willkings at a| inhuman act in Mr. Aikin to kill that) r Ww iach itenrtie nae: tprenigas ae eee ec emine car, Meeh 31, 1856 Sinb-sp POF sturvation and seven were rescued and | democratic meeting on the 80th ult. The beantiful bird. An honest-hearted man! zoeine agome, | Mock ce’ wet feel ao hennay a asian shal tes bove| ome taken: N i an wonld not have done it. Shame on Mr. e-. one 1a orge han has ever been offered at one . , to Newfoundland | duy after the speech, the following card| Ajkin! Nature and humanity cry, Shame RMORBSL-SHROBINS, | eee ie daa lames pera pete ge er State of Worth \ oii 2 datacaeeatam appeared in the Wilmington Ilerald : upon him !— Albany Register. ee ane any a sonia wear, sell, and — it to the nirasinge buyers tw cy _ we > ° | a atch ; Luterferring shoves 1.25; common do. | g'¥¢ our stock an ¢ parel i . i CAPE V i 1ALANDS. “Witaixoton, N. C., May 1, 1856. = 1; cant steel ses oe taal sans “men \* Swinbury, March 31, 1856. gaat nares, Series Sant Re es ra Zh rye May 7. ; Dear Sir= I feel that I would do ine’ y shies hare ides: haan ctemind aA eesripeang lal oe en - - , ~ ~~ i Oe ee a wean, | eetings for the relief of the sufferers | justice to myself as well as to the other ;7oUrne: hsEues vat the war made UPON Brags and Composirion Castings by calling at the above THOMAS E. BROWN. oe tcthene ang %, 4 ‘ ef ! apterior to the in the Cape Verde Isluuds were held in| gentlemen who are associated with ime|the best interests of that city, by the for-|establishinent aud furnishing patterns, Alwo Bran eign “ Democrats,” is the resnlt of a eon- melted over at a reduced price, with neatness and de- | Carriage, Buggy and Sulky Builder, ™ this city yesterday. The Portnguese re-| upon the * American ticket for Counnis- | spatch eangy, ever sidents subscribed $2,000 for a vessel to | sivners of Navigation,” in permitting the *P'racy among certain Sag Nicht-specu- "45> Old Copper and Brase wanted. saeiioe of be chartered tu carry provisiuns to the Lsl-| remarks of a Democratic (would be) ora- | lators in real estate, with a view to lower s. J. PERRY. eee SALISBURY, N. C., gE next term of the Bu; | |for the said County of of anders. tor to puss unnoticed. Mr. William C.) Prices, and thus epable them to grow Charlotte, May 5, 1856. 49:6m réun onthe 24 any other system ft {irich upon the ruin of the comuunity.— | SE ee Sarin se Be Sere et ss coeerommtns reed gies aa A, lic \o call and examine hie work, Me i< manufacturing very August next, then and -_—-—~ x Wilkings, in the course of his remarks . : ; with a! CONGKESSION AL. last evening, said “that the American tick- | Be the motive of these attacks what it gc) U ST ( ) M PLET ED super “Tehicle, aod ela eam tet he ene give antiaacrion te Roget Mere ann jet for Conunissioners of Navigation was | May, they have, it would seem, eutirely hip pen Ae bricea, if it he desired: hat wowld abwaye revommen the holte? confoage end heeidt jeomposed of merchanta, who would sacri- | failed tu produce the end in view, as real ( NE of those celebrated THRESHING MA- Tice w'sh to procure ony taiag ia aoatine ve cai st his eetabbiah | Coon ciomee til ; ment before they purchase elsewhere. z $ et r e f £ K s : z t W asutrxaton, May 7. fie Sxxarx.—The Senate appointed a third | fice the health of our town for the sake of a estate is said uot only to hold its own, CHINES and HORSE POWERS. kuown as| F “ | : ; ms ' eee oe P : . ; W@W His shop is in the rear of his Li Stable. in February. 1856. “eonquest”: By these trans | committer of cunfereuce ou the deticien few dollars and ceute.” He spoke the) but has increased largely in value, while pad iit Meera gest wr iay sceer eorbine Se poracct ats thassce erdortog wort, wit piocse oven |. Moreh 82, 104 ‘the primitive ferocity of these |cy appropriation bill, the two furmer be-| truth in saying that they were merchants |#!! branches of business are in a most ge in the Sia Will do whhaxiureighi. Mode with a description of the article contrat ey ts: : = to hate t Bot |i ying y : te will du ah ade of price—and when delivered, if tt docs Lut give Satis- : a ee sd tet eect "§ unable to agree. |—he spoke fudsely in saying that they flourishing condition, and imechanics @Fe che best material end warranted for 12 monthe active they eit! vet be required te Berg i State of ss their very pctsg and | fovse.—Mr. Pringle reported that the would sacrifice the bealth of our town fur)!" demand, with plenty of work, Kvod Mey 5 18sé Jiu THOM EEO N: Sisreccey clade emir (are Roper limaeaathe tty, = | that nen a ie wiinm |secund Committee of Conference in the|the sake of gain. Ye told, as the com- | Yass and the assurance of prompt pay- ay 5, 1856. 419:3m Wheat, Vioar, Oste, Bacon, Lard, florses, Provender, ek aia ducile and sobun' . A : : i afus Borvinger. ' luter- i‘ pre - ot ial \deticiency Lill hud failed to agree, and |imunity well know, and as he well knowe, |e" LN) t X LIVERY STABLE of Alexsnoor Brandon, waka ander ; a 6° | offered a resolution to discharge the uem- a base fulsehood. Grant ime the use of; : ; = 3 a z ; : ; F have rm, : ihe Ghildeve of Ge wih: bers vn the part of the House, and re- your columns tor making this publica The Duelling Law.-We extract the For Spring & Sommer, . solacanredb can tolled he bey or tated Th x n, senior, and Joka Yy , Saddiaredl, end are to be Sond — soot re House adhere to its, tion, and | te be obliged. following from the Revised Code of North “ UsT hy a ee eNae and pare ape “ hadi wore Chees S they amendments and disagreement to those of ours, very respectfully : : errouable Clothmg ef superior quality and work- re K Graham, Elders & overu- as wild savage, ve the hend- waters | , A } salt AY Carolina : Inauch'p. which we are pow selling af very lew prices. ’ ' ’ Graham, Elders the Jubabitiog tbe chaparrals and | (ie Benals. 7 J. H. FLANNET. whan’ el recline Oar wick eanpesce HAPS. CAPS, COATS, Vests ; MOCKSVILLE _ begretnounm pe ~L ye of the Bastern V'rovince of Ecuador Muuphrey Marshal enggested thatthe To T. Bens, Je., Editor of Herald.” f any oat fight a dael, in conse: pay. . SHIRTS, COLLARS aud CRAVATS | \ ; { ‘\ L prtmstomiios, 20% and ~ s hands of | ‘nce of x nye se SCVIVEL K SRS OS F s ? , fe fi os + Chares W. Cowen of t wader the plastic fel House bad better continue the conference Atter the publication of the above card quence of a ¢ valle ize sent on Gos we J, pe AWeER “ ks etl and hi ee. de i E maw) ! ! ye : chitdrew of Jembee & C : & . A - i ve parties shall | Med, pigsty owen ; dames Se: Brostens : their f hd the “ J. suits,” they com thau, by the adoption of the resvlution, oye | ie ; meee: und cither of the parties shall be k | A eae cid . “f ‘ os vee Lak it i ney fee in Los own right. ond James Le r - * n the risk of losing the bill. Dr. Willkings immediately challenged then the surviver, on conviction thereets oo) tuck ue eee plan he eae te pee es! teamon of thie Iuetitaiion willeommence of Nasey Brendow “ Mr. Cobl of Georgia, was unwilling to Mr. Flanner, and they repaired tu Souths ® antl a cheat 5 Cat all ae wa srs or a r +h a J) Our wore at the coruer of the | aco a tet Bay esicraled breary lope HM —- we : iat sna. Wide } b 1 irre ; ¢ Upon a ; |jtake the extreme measure recommended, | Carclina to settle the difficulty, the ine SUE" At re CUISIEEESE ACS wt ice Si . IL FO BAUM & CO subseciber will use bis atrmat endearore to keep it Frooklia A. Locke, Geog W lathe, la the therefure, it is Lelieved witbuut knowing the points of difference lancholy terminati Fe hele 7 before the fact ee , : vid ts tact.ta the repatatwa which t hee herrtuher ‘Tarver ond wife Mary Anns £ t v © Jancholy termination of which is thus sta } Releburv. Muy 5, 1855 oat YT ; region, ebich douliless due between the jotst committee of confer oat “1 If Ll otSadart Ttuny | m send, accept, or bear a enpived ymen will be prepared to epier ans Large | org ~ Genoa C. _ adly the llerald o ouday last: 1 htad iy ode = class oe the University or a any of eur Colleges which G. Leaded @ lia P. Loeke, arolina Tatent elements of much wealth, ence, Le wanted the House to declare ; Be he sabatat ys cha ub A a ‘ “ it eee ene TCs we oh ‘bey ae ae roy my ef eer Soe Bee © Ix QUE} 7 < ete me TERNS N this come it eppeeriog to the satintvetion of tbe | se Pre- commercial and ngricuiteral, —is duom- on each separate awendment whether “Our cominunity was painfully startled, ctome , i vile, N.C. will oceur a " , a wry 04, for the presrut at least, to = hopeless a de 1) 1) setup the ye oft Saturday afternoon last, by the recep: abet him shall be deemed guilty of a uiis . 2 : . - ~ 8 eolation ms the Inexplurable wills of the African Mey will stup the wlivis uf guveraueat real , : ar ay mr Peunary Deparment per ees jun of Smonths, @800 B Court that Jomee L. Brands " a Wane Mie by rejecting Uw bill. tow of a telegraphic despatel frous Ma eM canon. and oon cons sor theres, ei! deliver tae munaal addrees iy he, Boheh Beauehon, . 12 0 Brandon and Leonidas Brandop ; Jetemd of the dent at Quite, is desicves of ese those of; MEF: Staunton said the principal dim. rem, S.C, te the effect that a hostile: =! all be pais accordingly, wand nore amd Cacrmiria Seweiee | Claes, Seg Kchord Wa and wil Eee; 4 and r ‘ . . etingr taken place, ne ‘aie Bi ver, be wellizible to any ofice of trust, - F auinadt JNO B GRETTER, 4B. 0M, Wan Danning ead wile Anmnda ; we can culties were relative to the amendinents | Mel's had taken place, near Faie Bluff, ever, be ‘ : : May 6, [x36 —1049 Beb. 15, 1°56 39 Locke, Joseph L. Turner and wile Mary And ¢ and C. Wilkings and honor, or protitin the State, any pardon Tics Caw and oe say lon a ah m at ' a between Dr. Willian de the mutes and Wuunds | “pproprating $1,300,000 for the arwy and | J ch a 8 Ee mec de x pag hk aa $800,000 for the Washi on water works. | 4" Ul. Flanner, keq , beth young men or reprieve Holw ithstandiog ANOTHER REFERENCES, f this State, It ws therefore ordered publicaue- cand more prectical chanect than | lie was willing to lose the bill on and citizens of this place, and that, on the FRESH Preadent ond Feceliy ef the Univerity : Rov. be made a in Caine Wace week 4 | j i r rn ae Premade t + avideen Co ej | m to ot n lead them to the wilde of the | less the Senate recede frow these amend third fire, the former recieved the ball Cotumbsa Market— Report for week ending Muy 10 STOCK eat hues vs WR wees a Des oe pray dy Seung Prey weed a >a of his antagonist through the lange, and, ( cece FE nkuher, eq. J. F. Bett, Key, Bolle Bho as’ tas Constomas ie Taansroenerte “oe ; pe 3s goon of deficiencies was x orron.—The sales of the week foot up or ee, ae i ak be, pe wre, there may be disc 'ples ofan evil w threatens to thruw intuthe '" * very few minntes, expired he | , . > & _@ 1 ,) bars onday after the Monday in February : difficulty grew oat of a speech made |) 450 Dales, and we now quote: Inferior 9 Spring & Summer Goods To the Ladies. parperpaberk alge erence , 5. ¥ ko sep- a trunt Thumae Moore among them, « otow of re-| bands of the Executive all the power of , i / ; a @ deco meven oy and generation a living the Government. He wanted the Presi- Mr. Wilkings, on Wednesday veniny 4 94; ondinary OF; widdling 9 a 10; JUST ARRIVING: fesen aguinet them, and the cause get and wl pul- founders some “ model common dent tw exhibit la of good faith in last, at the Democratic meeting at the: good iniddling 10% @ 10f; fair log a , HE subscribers are vow receiving the finest and heard es porte as them. . ety the realms of “Urorts,” by whom |), 5 yj he | Court House. They foaght with pistols, Loa, and jee 108 AVING wid off oar first extensive parchase of most complete stuck of Ladies’ DRESS Goods Witness. L. Prscunen, Clerk and Master of rd Fil P, advice enight be deemed having the laws faithfully and honestly w x pistols, @. and civic } Sing and Kumincr Gonde ia very sheet lime they have ever offered to the public, which they will | Court of Equity, ot effin fu Gialitheing. Cat aw a, ERSTE hs | executed. at ten paces, Mr. Wilkings being the chal Bacon or hog round ; 6ides aterther were to hand, we has. ence laid in a ercand | ell at « emat! profit. They invite particular ottemtinn | day after the 4th Mooday jn Adguat, A. D855, ary Faget at ot ° , it were perhaps bope- | Mr. McMullin said that Mr. Staunton lenger lla lsd; dls 11 a 196, according supp'y, whieh we wow errwing. Li was selected with tu thew fone cmbrondered, wik and lece MANTILLAS; | and in the 80ub year of the iadependence of the Upi- on were to pelentace bis coamsele: But to satior of had done the grossest injustice tu the We do not feel called apon to say more to the quality care, baught at very reduced cach prices, aad will be | end tn thew tatret styles of BONNET RIBRONS, | ted Ktatee of Amerien a i . add . vo ° de arable mech have been eR s e a“ . v db bxithe- feet vo of with an homest vovernment, and he replied at length in ¥pon ‘ilies (numt) anfirtanatel cocarm®re Cone We now ae OT a Tie per | a fy: mone prude have t brought EMDROIDERIES, de. No 3. Granite Row. ; L. BLACKMER, ©. MB. bien to purpose of betiering 7 cond.tion, be would * i) . t & : : to thre market the present year, mune—we are eure, can BROWN & COFFIN Nathaniel Besdea, —) = p portion ie all kindness, thet the “ Naro couatry” is proof of lis assertion except that the parties were very tuch Lusi be madd for ken Salisbury, Mareh 25, 1856 43.6 Views C. Barnager, Vater’ foe G8. 90—4506t eoun- ogee for them. Those Amedamne che a South Carolinian. esteemed here by their friends and ac Freus We now qoote 86 a 64 for BROWN & COFFIN, Biel's. for rouplt. ’ A nd him greta thither some two years ago, finding the | — quaintances; and that thie tragical result conimon to good brauds; fine fauily q pet ay, 1956 inate : Cardenas Molasses. gh a ge sate the yield of the * place” wo xcanty to “pay eed) SOUTH CAROLINA COLLEGE has cast a gloom, the like of which, we flr 85 a OSS per 7 , one Carpetings, Rags, de. trust f ‘ ot 4 HT ay--¢ W rot ) oe, thet their party too feeble and their means too strait ; ; rust, way never occur again vy Country e quote T5c a Sl 825 REWARD! 2416 HR'DS VW Erte attention (6.ser saeknelie a 2 , At the meeting of the Board of [rus wee per 100 Ibe Sav 4 ‘ : RCE . ee erticles, ~ depart ened te enable them to colonize with ether pro held ih , ! (3 TIERCEX—Superioe Early Crop CARDENAS | © (.SoMeies me Ce Sere ‘ » Nurth, Gt oF takets, most of them who survive hare rn ee yesterday, am va Tro Fas In the speech of Secretary Cush ieee Pocket Book Lost or Stolen! ’ ent Ame « Me el ~ onze Soper nod. ° Se ae “BROWN & COFFIN Ty an eye abandoned the enterprias 2 onbemsibic, abd are adopted, reorgauizing several ul (he 1 ine in honor of Henry Clay's birt! VORFOLA MARKET WOMETIWE ss December beer L mmmed my Port Se ee aL LLMATHAWAY & Co Salisbury, March 25, 1856. ear * evumtry coming away, preferring rather to take Unwr foes obi} , , dav, at the recent celebration at the Minin frie ‘ place wo my Comt. ance — Wilaungton, April 16, 1856 47 St _. CELSO St every chance in Califorvia, or even Australia The Professorship fonnerly held by. Siasice fie mlecied “aaingla print as Reported by Rowland A Brothers, May StB. 19560 whch tiene all a''« z pality uf - a Professor Reynolds has been divided. 0 Leliant ane te roof t BACON —Beme. 12 (@ 12 Hog nam , The ‘ $20 Reward . NEW Po trife and Fut the Weschmon. part of the duties being assigned to Pro, Sine een ee eeraley, USRD=Ne 142 1a id Hp loti ile 5 SPRING & SUMMER } ere e . = : ne Sn domee 12 ree eotean f ales , Ie . are > __ : , — ~ THE FAME OF WASHINGTON fessor Lalk rude aud part te Prote H Rey fare twill r nly | , ar CORS Miaed. 30) Whate, S Vile 52h Oo) \eeaty-ened I AN AWAY fren my plantainm. ia Dow ne s nolds, in additiun to the chair uf Sacre! | eet ett : theese A) WHITE BEANS 6175 a 30 . matly » ounty, am the neght of tbe Dib Wareh last. @ negre belyred As a0 iecident in illustration of the world [uterature and the Chaplaincy held by Co ee . * FLAC RED—01@ @ 170 =e ene ba named HUBBARD. Ned lmy io abret 25 yrare - patiooent wideadmiration of the character of the wmmor the latter In heu of thes professorel 1 ny paebl WUTL . : perated 2 COTTON —104 12 104 f wank 1 al giuig sine earl ka ike Pocket le b fet 3 ow 6 inches in vail a omen : Salisbury, March 25, 1856. = , tea com cere rad @ripertay Client rontie . ' omar que > ae eght “ny »tol > Ve . a - aapine tal Wasstserox, and the profound reverence a separate professorship of Natural aud ‘ ue in x ff ” as) FUR 86 50—Seper 7 00— Batra, = tack aud evetemts (hereby de 2 the ther f pol faith aN ena one nah ec 4p! ce eer TPPUE enbecriber ia pow hin ctock of Spring ly Ueoe Phile \ , wi men bere pres those ef ss cs ro Woop : I Bs ’ necting § heir ia chericbed eumong all civilieed people for he m - Mechanica! Philosphy has been instta | Aor ee : Pe 1 = . ; " Codar Hill, in Aasue county, end may be lurking oo & “ommer Goode, copsiqting of 2 geperal aaport- ted, and Professor Jo LeCoute ananimous bt os - ° a SALT — Lavery fi 8 ih 4 ) meses . — hat regee He ve ale well acquansdt-d with the ac- moot f ~~ See Pos mory, we bave been farnished with the follow ’ ture to aa nthe perpetnal and unsha- Jy we along the Yadten nver im Davie mmnty, end Ladi Dress | : . BUG URS — Refined, "4a I veh : : os 5 ing Joho fag sentiment, drank at af entertainment given ly elected to - . hableestablishiment, 1m the pab! clawand ws _ ine 1s NOTICE there in Nahebary ; and f mt auning t> grr to a Wee < Goods: purity of by Mr. W cer Mixiner Resdent E The full wing is the new arrangement alee ig I , DRIED APPLES 2 Be R de chlo wick coatines td ramble clvat ieee beaiice of 6 Geel exer 7 r arre, oer twter m ve Reve > \ = ile a ve ese ay » ‘ a ) fe . a = tha abate 4 r WORKED E b 1. The Protessorsiiip of Mathematics ; A PREACHES 4 + HE mceed « fier at publ 1 will pve aber d fw be apprehe nee b eepport of Waly i u the absolute eqaatity and coequal polit = ri " 7 art Heer 1a Salebury, and confiuement in re jauire that | grt bom in wowkd teepect fally salt comenhs dor, of the len mee mlvegton’s and Astron muy ie retained, and assigned aah Ani Mee hae a haf u ay Carg. ¥ ame l rl a : ve! = ee 4 ame } . vi a © : n “1 regeltadan Lon. ae potion to birth dey, by Dr. Kanon Mivo, as distingursbed wy the President cs iwenlalitles states. reenter REES® aX —24 cts Ais se ee dike Weater be ty te vhs. Perticular ettentien fe mo, lawyer of Quito: 2. the Profeceorship of Mental Phil 97), 0 ‘ eee ets ONTH— 20 a 3 Bivad. odpa ctlaka Menges vob : . thie Conde, whether they” Bare ‘ . she se rig he aa ri ae y. Leld Ly Pillars of t trine is the e-tablish: WHISKEY —2 o 18 ani eta enAmeA SD : Sedat . ; nie ecctina totus t0-nell git ee rine f [Tearxecarios } : ¥ SUE c ‘ ‘s : iv siology, b : ent oof the corresponding theory that RIMARKK : ate eee spk on ie State of North Carolina, / Pte agree im ; rofeseor Laborde, Tbetore and the wo + cenit inel ca State ot thie | ven Fleer wees mueieratcly 0 . . ob ces ; . Tirerel wise ihe OOS ‘ \ sat é nea pominend . The sod A sbaptoskh - Sd oF ni be spection ut ( viipositivons hare been ad ‘ F t { oH It ‘s atesha +. mand rq to receopta § ¢ . lowe ve ; VM. edow, @ re ee Ie F. Be \e whe nla iL ate ES re them to Rebernt purpos soo, the 22d « ebcuary alin letermine f sell atest TI 4 sori’ SERS pe Bs . gaity ‘all Term, 1+55 : ™ as an sespicious era, wheace we ded. A van institutions. Tt he left no other le niieer ® PS a ' ‘ r , Sead them. Hannah hinead, Barts of Jeme Kinrmd, ) SQUIRE. ZIMMERMAN & ALLEN, 3. The Professorship of Sacred Litera , nate dwt at @l tol | ne ne in the may a happier destiny fur the haman race. { Moral P ; oy Bucy to his countrymen, it wonld be nf els ” [ ade known on Re rnc eee nea ck r ~<, ae open ao-l On Ghia day, 2 wis was born whose name was ture and Moral Philue ply, together wit cat to perpetuate his memory that he 7 he ot Fens pareh and othe Wholesale Dealers ta ae om; bis destined to give triamph to liberal institations Elocution and Criticisin, is assigned ted in the eatal ment of that prit THE MARKETS MARGARET BURKHEAD ning io tees ese that the Se feadscts Jetve : i , \ aides he estabhelment of that princi wn! 29, 1256 “5 and James J. Ki ere imbabst ante « # =e Ce i ar ae eee ne ee ow oe we Pereira! ppy eured, that the world will revert to its primitive | 10 Profeseorenip of Natural and Meo Caute. in spite of all the cl eee Silishury, ‘ 1 +h “40 : . + Candina Watchman. for end defeacants . * a ohh chace ere tytant one sececed in enslaving Ub | chanical Philosophy is given to Prof *) ’ - «| rep ‘ comer od ” Minea. N Nall SI RI N( 7 A N D Sl M M ER tthe neat Coart of Baquity te be held for No. 143, Market Street, rpms Sn Ad cher ol Grits ctintroces chal here LeConte, who ia to discharge the duties RT re. ayhtih this passage to dircet the gies Fares hat GOYDS Dogicrelodrai yi erageny ae PHILADELPHIA — igen or Ae Stil Sere wk cng Ilene ‘aloo of Prof, Branby's departinent of aieyy stavatem tothe tact that the hig tal Meee ee WVVe : 7 oo oe | re 2 Mare, de mae ia memory of the Nativity and the Name of Chemistry, Geology and) Mineralogy nes r x : ee na x ™ . ; we re agaist them, ard (goace N AtLan . he , es A B . praise it bestows (we . t as net we ; s $ American *Usonct W seni Koro.” winte he 16 anable to attend to ite duties Saat feliene . 7 “ * . sae ‘ ie - Batter, ie Wrougt ie sc sner beard ? are : * Dc ME ie omit “ : The other Professorships remain as bef re arts pel aoe ets Se Candies, Taliow is ilorse 5 ‘ MICTEVEL Rows - BLACK MER E . 4 at 18 del yor THe WaTcaMas Tr "7 [Rivers was Graki cual confirin oe Mr bee ’ ‘ M ba the acte : 1 de. Adamant 250354 tate 10.23 I: \ ui $ 64 State of North Carolina, . a r , the Senate, ‘ | re, for the do. Sperm $50 4) Orie € a Cc ¥ » General bl in Pratesscealiipy of Greek’ Literalure, oe ye oe, co - his lary oil ses Sie COUNTY A gecers! meet of the Stockhohlers of the Cu in F role orety AAD. . . > suppe > e these measures as Pre. Coffee, Ren Balt lanered. $e t ! 1s a ‘ d place ss ied : *e Stoo . : to whieh be had becn appo nted at the appr’ he gav . te ‘ _ Ze ) 4 Jav 1 i . r ack of S 4 = ’ os Valuable Land or Sale ’ eww. nal ee doh “dpe: walk Satisbory aed Taylorsville Piank Road Comp. . ae eident, and for his official ratification and oo oa \ ; ue ' St le& F D Goods VW NEREAS, Aare Lethersm Mary. held be CG tl Saliabs extra meeting of the Teor furthfal enforcement of ther This is Go Walet ios ’ apie ancy ry oo0ds, WILL 0 ft pe or ara iar he Sanmet Jones and wité Nancy, Rowland yinted by oy > =) malts tetatepr taal arsine The action of the Board in thea lop . ‘ . f lie fier Oe a ; White C. Sed és ae | Cos : Dat nd on Haoting and wife Sosanaeh and others; beth fled their bal of oa, viz; on Wedeceday May Tth 1856. On movor tion of the report of a Committee in re hi bata BLE ls ae hy e aH Hie Guiekes wou vere, Tosheor ereapiaint sgeinet Latte Filet. Dovid 3 bok ar ‘ . ; one ae \ t hore, in giving encourage. Cece ‘ ns . : ‘ oe? ; Ss ona eee Mantas Core Peter Eder and Wiliam ERer—A being 8 cis. Osborn G. Foard wae called to the Chair aed jgtion to the President will 0 Fou ta tle a =e We. oe alan ‘ “ md sie) ay : 7 VY ( fonts areal iad eta aol als ie nate oat Mabe gates beforecime that the aud Peter Bier vatord. A K Myers appointed Secretary The President, another column.—Seuth Curodiner sake w opoaltiats athe well knew Rarta HAS Ae vyetce ee a 225 CF iD 4, . 1 Gres we a8e 6 ae aed Witten Eller are non-residente of hy wate | yoes J) Dr. Juba F. Foard, submitted his report. --- \ ea ae y oa at Fe Cana We pate att - TT ‘ perch ie . ws re fewe = “7 ~se bt ~~ 4 » 4 5 : RU wh pi hak i - ; . le aie il = stock nf eming tune ham Filer te * next term » Jobe | Mears. Wan. Murphy and E. Myer, were = AMUSEMENTS IN COLT MBI lemma the section of tl nfl Corte _ ‘ oi) Hardware & Cutlery, Grecerics, Ac, ; — Crate! Ra Rod, por nt vend Cont of Eahy tu be held Tar the i « ittee 4 i, ; . | toad 1 oie a een ae Site ; we . . . (3 . a lt of een and Lhe ot the Courthouse in Jeffersot 69, Mon. appolwted © Ogpemntnee to examine the Prev Madame Swett and the Demovrate Con eracy ™ Ro . (fel ‘ 7 tty ; ans a gar es otces ate ae ; =r ; ate Gavan | there r ce t . Pan r the th Moaday ia Angest next, then and Chm's. dent's report, aod submit the same to the next! tention was niider (he em barrasstiig Hee . cee ds oi : I a ae es a eae i : - CREPE Whi) here to otead, anewer of demar to aid bil, esherwine meeting of the Directors, and to the next anna- nN hast A) ent throwing bimnselfin opposition to a cher gets Sear es ae, Ha STN GR ane Pin chins ie ‘. mabe p fem snzie m m ii ——_ ea re past has been an eventin ek! acliemelot Ue sen | Burd we kpaets) ° 551 bighest mnrhet es a rane oe ‘. G Pa a de acco al meeting of the Stockholders. \ rf Madarne Swett, the celebrated ished heme a n N Viens Sacde. 6 Tallow, ; __ ah het as Re poe. : iC : a Wore ss my band this 28th March, 1456. On motion, it was : our city. ac ee . the people to a tip than ’ do Bar 4ga5 Turper ec. Peal sh O ehebary pre GEORGE BOWER, Cc. ME. t elt nim « BEng Refin'd 54 Whee #100 orit Mh, 15.36. +icGt—Piinter's f ©5300 te Legal Resolved. seeijent clairvoyant, has been telling people What Cie siy the «ame Mh hat brew Y — ad anumbuoen of the Press mt Chay Ange Leen, (not dificat citer) and nin ' oe fe n. Cushing, haa quite ane Woes, . 5 Me 2 eee eee NEW GOODS! & McCormick's Reapers. ‘ centers aon i va fa Mega a EN S: 3a "Land Warrants Wanted. Resolved, That the President of the Compa what they wild be, (tine of course, Will iitentionally, no doubt, passed a high ed 1a tl ax 10 #225 _ p A . I Va . \ : nnonnces py be authorized and required to issue to the give the lie tothis.) Ie cages oes ae enfoginin on Mr. Fillmore. In aingling | trad. ha ran 107 12 @2.50 VEW GoOoDS!! EUG Ne MARTIN \c ‘ f f, j w the State of Cartas aged 60, present Stockholders tickets to the amount of six | easily peo yle of soft heads are gu bids OU oat from the many illustrions deeda that Lead, Dry Wh Wala = es eee — . — ; i epee ah ewe ; ; hat coun- gent, on thei¢ stock, to be applied to the use| of two dollars by hambays and impos adorned the life of Henry Clay his ef JI.V.& rosy MONS & ( QO), ET Uilice neat to Cow ) l HE chest = rhea bor o 1 fi and benefit of ‘such Stoekbolders and their fam- tors, Here comes Madame Swett, claim: ¢ jt. in behalf of the compromise mea Sa RRTRDS our ETE ; 7 _ ; — reate ol ine sid ators of Bre Se phase) aad ilies for travelling on the ruad for one year, and|ing the attribute of omniscience, Which cre, as inmost worthy of remembrance, WARK NNOUN( Eto the eussene of R o anand me | \ ‘ |) = \ \| |: April 28, 1836 40034 nmenced pet . belong to God alone, declaring she hae). | salted Mr. Fillmore to the same Le thieCannte, May the tik. be Rev. Samuel Roth. ¢ & Jnmng si! elat ey £ Ni zw 4 Ve Sevan MEAG _ itl The meet t int leetion of Di ili vailof the f fel aad orale - . rock. Mr PAUL MISENEPEIMBR and Mrs MA. [ake and wr Leclected stock of ; him with ting went into an eleetion irect- the ability to penetrate the vail of the fu hich pedestal, as alike entitled to. the RTa Ss. BROWN Scr &S Good , ve Factory Hands Wanted. t because ofs, which resulted in the election of H. L. Rob- ture, and fortwo dollars will tell A. B yerpetial gratitude and admiration of tn Davie County. on Treaday, fth May, by Ree pring ummer (roods, | Ae oo a pplilles ogy lei —« ad fro arde N. Boyden, P. B. Chambers, D. A. Davia, | or OC, every thing relating to their fature ie country. — Raleigh Megister 8D Adama, Meo LUTHER F MELLER to Mise CONRIETING OF Seige Conn Wines ta Mickandic’ TPE Subscribers intend potting: in operation the nm rom . Bava i de ] g 2 d Col Samuel Taylor, all of : ? Rowen Factory, we Salisbury, by the firseof May, i if : | Ble, an + Band C., poor ieee’ i : ‘ : Staple & Fancy Dry Goods, winy, the Vth of May neat. a Tract of Lap Oot a et his aod T, A, Allison ; : life, and A. B. and C., } serabl : MARY A. aughter of amuel Tay Stapl a Fancy Dry Go ; M 1 cad are desires of satghnping 0 nauther chiipiastahy On motion, the meeting re oo | weak asses that they are, plank down the — . Ready Made Clothing : behonging to the heers of i Mesiny deevaera vt Weavers, Spader, Warper aud Drewin Tends F the cost 0. G. FOARD, Chm's. | gwo dollars, (that might better have gone Shooting A Sian, —Mr. Aikin, of Ypsi " Hata and Caps; “ sen esacant Aprons 0. Comber 0nd tee, tow Card Bariggere del awe Pieter House hands. pay be aii, oo tome mission of charity, of which the lant, shot a beantiful ewan yesterdas, in DIED: Fe pm onde: mpm caer mere es, Tar 2 Ta ed bea mn rere Fie nth since, - ~ ; | world ie full.) Madame Swett luaghs in a large opening in the ice above the city At hie residence near thie place, after @ short illnes, Boots and Shoes} a hemt water in the yard: alm. Kiiehee, ancke-hoame, Toe ving henda cxn rent tenements on the A Chance for the Farmert-—It is stated her sleaves, tl i inqni into fu: [t wae @ apleudid bird, and the marks: | Mr WILLIAM 8 MACAY, aged aboat 50 years. Glase and Queensivare ; eaten shop. barn, and tobsece bare. Any one wiah- Oi MORNING & MEADER 1 that on that the New York State Agricultural Soviet se aap end beoy analogs quer ; ¥ . : ki In Cabarrus County, May 2d, Mrs. CATHARINE g to examine the Land cen call oa Wer Lev Pulford Pr anilabury. April 85, 1856 473 he gashed with aes a ihe papeboth Seal, tty, thinks he ie not the man to be fooled nan had great difficulty in getting Dims ee rere etn ot Me. Henry Prubet, ia the 69th Groceries & Dye Stuffs, Of eschew ihe premccn A ciodh: of a3 mronthe sfisbu p & 4 re a tetting the presen wt edaot.| While he is undergoing the operation, and: ashore.— Detroit Free Dress. Seeee et Wor age: ‘The| Gecsced wes on @Sompheh9 |e a casa cr onchertieregil, | wt be Gwen, Cee Perch eer oon’ bond, with good se . ,wwyr pee foun 2 ot dare aiviog the tanere best od P| vice has achieved an advantage over vir-| Wedonotthink Mr. Aiken did a thing | member of the Ev. Lathern Chareh, aod neiformnty | en] ee nceine, to we arid cn thant ered canity, om the day of sale, DR. 8S. R EEV ES Whea Leeda. 5 < agtliaderabaten per gered 1 said of ti boast of in shooting that “ beantiful | sdormed her ehristian profession with an holy life and srr cs hag anne cat L. BINGITAM, C. ME. 4 for the most satisaetory experiments with the | S@¢- t has been of ue, as a nation, |to oast 0 in shooting th Fi mous conversation. She hae left a large cirele of re-| April 15, 185! , April 28, 1856. 49.31— Pr. adv. $1.75 } AS located in Salisbury, snd offers him, he vistons Gaaiignaratatn. tes, gud ware jasved | that of all the people on earth we are | swan. What had that ewan done to him | (iinne wad friends to mourn over their irreparable lows JOB PRINTING A hocalemal aeavicce woibe pubs fusing to iristeuctions gud spegifiestions fur those who de the most easily gulled. We begin to|—what wron had it committed—what| — Iw thie County, May 5:h, Mra ANNA SMITH, | : wae . lie . two doors beiow Benjamin Julian's store red. ‘tire to enter into competition. who de-| ink there is truth in the allegation. |harm to any living or dead thing that he | wife af George W. Smith, in the 431 year of her age. | Neatly sreeuted at tiis Office _ Blank Warrants for sale Here. April 29, 1856 Bly & ae ty elelyact ¥prapos af on ey pbarleite, lovers of or- ve Spirit uf the Times gives the | dun lovers uf ice, repu a by thn nnsing Btory? /ttire and by adoption, drawing-a pre ree 5 Mason’ ated, 10 4.4 Enter a jigious filth froutle well of liv } ooking man, dréssed in a seedy! turs, and bowing the Inve to mo |} coat and black whiskerg.), i bat that of the ron Gent.—Ts the, ayor W.—Y oa, sit, ’ Gint.— Are you the Mayor? Altyor (looking dignitied.)—Sir, Have | that honor, jtry, or the genius of her ingtitations. Billious citizen. —Tave you a book in whieh people can liave thei complaints! tive peenliarities, Let any traveller in Attentive dignitary.—X ea, six; and at} tlre interior of Pennsylvania turn aside to once progeeded to open a volume large | one of their uvambitions dwellings, and for a county umbrelta. The Mayor hav-| ho will fiud as much kindly hospitality, | ing aeited a pen and di »ped it inthe inky) as much parity of lite, as much cheerful- proceeded a3 follows: Will you put your | ness and content, as much acenrate infor- complaint in the book. 3 | mation on all questions of public and pri- Gamboge Subseriber.—W ell, as Tam a vate interest,as he can find among the little io a harry, you can put it in the book, people of any rural district in the bounds Interested Functionary.—W hat is the | of civilization, As the Gerinan has ¢ complaint? ._|@rally been able by his superior foresight Sallow individual.—It is the—liver and wealtli, to pitch on the limestone val- } ronder complaint f It is sufficient to say that the } }Ous volume was shut in a jiffy. The pen | dropped, and when we caught a glimpse may find the latter pour in the goods of oppressed with the cares ofa yor in? Piss colonics, we reevived any people more exactly snited to the wants of the tonn- To | times been obliged to Letake himself to the slate or shale land, such an inquirer {Of his Honor at Hauk’s, a few mourents) this world, jafter, he “confessed the corn, aod put on fainily, and breken by noremilting toil, j bis eustomary “smile,” butno where else will he find a being tnore deveted tu Lis country, more just Good Advice.—-We find the following to man, or wpore loyal to Gud. excellent advice in a late nuinber of the } London Comic Times. Bear it in min }: de; wh | Uf yon have a rich anut, don’t talk to Bhves sat lagghing avd chattinz her about Lilliards aud braudy aud wa)" 8" exclang ie eS eee Oe ter, . vow of var suleenbers whieh cut Mo Ue white gate, and beyond | If you intend to doa thing, don't change the New, dimpling iu the sunshing, | YOUr mind 5 and ifyou puccess a ten pound wo ® reflection dirche yothg wive's| Hote, doa't change that, If 5 ee 7 to say something in seciety which canses P said tittle May, shaking her hem), “1) a painful sensation, you had better yo vu to ke Low Chartie gives io to! fora walk for five minutes ho-ls very finan! oh, drendéwity | If you dent know what every body else ) ' Twant todo aby thing be ; rs me we very evtiels, 1 tgok so rcek msive, amd aay with a sigh, ~ Weil, Chatfie, Til lo a you think best.” > You see, | ue knew hell think aR best for ine to have my own - WAY Fe they cnt” He lovks at me two oF tli: tiihes out of hd coroée of his eye, wud tn ‘A moinents Le says, “May, the more I thisk of ix, | the motel think you had better do as you pur pote.”, Ad@ then.” vontinned little M ny, with o flourish of Ber’ owy hand, * 1 fill in bis aris, Whe, ete.” * Yeu, that Inthe way!” responded Wives, lawghing wutil the tears cam be Se said May, as her childli sion gare » to & Wok all woman FE poul, © try so hard to net | oe } A. friend, i telalwn le Tuke a Teper y royour told Wife duspa und Moral foc husbands, and also fur san ex- aiple for wives whieh is nut auwort youl im tation uoder similar etr The stulecribs wherred to a ’ his jotent Hat the office, ! Vine Ube paper very promptly gphed od © dreuntine UNS! abe you happen t had been pay wp be fears, ve the ' P A kuews, you bad better held your to husband, “1 aus so i and if you know seu it knows, you hi yor { dutinn ot to walimes, and have » body else ur tongue Should y a-k the man y pre you whet SiMAcicL Aut anytiiug ve eee eR other phen Ohio) Reg y and full 1 pray y learn w beaft to Leuven, Aud it dues POTS 8 that he grows sweeter and kin 8 came to haly cepuiog w ws any Don't! vari if * arul May tare pet lovk towards an old wornan wh gute. ui wish to al nother woman w The women went tw t! ig ty get iuto bed <itet of heat Wwe seg di to the lige io poverty, a sellered greatly: before ber situation was ¢ i had. keown it in tink ead Mi fe the thars rove ja ber ey en Wine mah came frum tle bitchen, Ms the , fet Tauted her a half bbe, eaying “Won't you | As Pi lack to the porch, 1). wt ber roost says ~ Int she the sees Preside that ene «a Within bers if . 7 heck to ber own boceis Vy Losbanst Bits mA at Atte Fite dietary | ‘ tele bet straw the motron, striving we her SAGO oRerd ahs whe felt sorry tor oral to hetell, “ht «. that dle #hould ork Jet nos Mies wt tock alte. | t fre, eftiben I have Bhe went Ws tw ast my r tulle tably warm.” ak to the parlor, Lat even Pag throagh ber mim oF Ried for me to atiow pan HOLLOWAY’'S PILLS. Wr » rellee® My girl when tn i Agfas ag 1 um! dincerned, that whieh cust + effort is the best deed. Mart LF am & WHY ARE SICK. ih, 1 hate tagy iwthat kite Set AOA Bit che talker! to Mix. Potter, én wardlymasing the while. At teagth sl witha beat This Iesitancy abyut perfurm 9 pluie duty will meer. win bh. be tome alaeapr!y aay ing pecs, M6. Ate 2” 3 Dabetity, tle kitchen the « abe wae poot Aun slowly kindling » | eet. On the fluor, with wn, hand) YarP emt. “ Does foor head arte /° est tones, laying bier euft brand brow of the girl j 1 we, TH Fn tay morning, TW grt | 00 badly. Bet Wie j Te gitk took & clon nd s No the tewder date Of her your Teate gushed (4 bier «yes, down ter cheeks “ Oh, tot bthtdk Of my mother whoa | aw dies selerscniatar ; ~ : Neha dag sick | she watso gol! broke fromm the Sips of ane 4 gr aladdin an FEMALE COMP |) the poor Irish gird edet ] Fle sas el © Ob, veg, Awh, Our hearta will yearn for our! nnd hin « eo loaket ‘niothers im Sickh T kcrigry w luaet {We all ino vl the table, was sick nee com Wouse,” And May the party imuely ‘ted, YY smovihed the corl's hair, then lmd her fixe] Ipoh the venerable ficore band on her ving, “tin fie hefiretnest wed Bod don't tronlle abont the work afar are so faithful, Agr t know you will be vn #0 do all you are ale to.” a Ann songht hee room, sonthed ¢ centre of her heart; May's kind manner had pr 5, vented af hour of pass nate weeping; she full mleep quietly. 4 Little May put on an jan fitted about the ki! art in thé world; sh 4 31000. THESE PILLS PUSISY THE DYSPEPSIA & LIVER COMPLAINTS nae ENERAL DEBILITY. TLL d EALTH. LAINTS. eau) ates ' ot A <4 how yf fh) chomk! be without the beat Remedy known he follow ng Dose fe Pillaga Ml for avny with « a ree ler dawn, You atixtions mm, obera ’ Atome and Gravel nndaty Symp. ats aay : : Diarrhea yourset eded usin like man we had gone the roand of pe lingering procession, we The perseon that p - ia ta » 46% Rid ab the Want Mactorivs was the celebrated Folin’ | se tial Al soetetnoy appa tolldy carneat request ¢ f his! pe » + of Metiet " " ; ttéd to take | Mates. world, in bo ten, at 25 cents, 604 conte, c y e permitted to > ad $1 each, { apron, . ’ . . , . Pe this pathetic anil allectionate farewell of CO Phere tac metdoratie saving by trking the larzersines NB, Digwetions for the gutdance of patienteta every raoraer | dure wfiwed t cack how caine tet Diveanee Pomate Ov plaints ia Meadaches vativennee 6 Caine yope cheek with the brightest t so joyously gratetal their beloved pasty . |the present day they retain their distine-| ley, and as the Scoteh-Irishinan hus so:me-| ing tem the rig! Sth, No person shoul! be selected for station, ( Feuguises any all pean tppral frieuds und patrons that they are sow i eplendid eiwel uf boo Mee ogg Oe READY. MADE -CLOTIING,. A.’ oe Cloths, Cassimeres, Vextings, 'Gen- ATTORNEY AT LAW, tienen’ Forebiag Ceoke, : %e Hall of which i i MOCKSVILLR, NOC. & generat; w Aone Sores | Laveal! aud sutinty { | ew 6th, The unqualified recognition aud mainte. nance of the reserved rights of the several States, jwud the cultivation of harmony. o-:. sratecnal gvod will, between the ditizcas of the sevetal States, and to this edd, ueu-imurferenve by Con- | gress with the questions wp) ertaining solely to | the individual States, and nvv-intervention by each Suite with the atfuirs of any other State. {| 7th. The recoguition of the ngbt of the ua- | tive-lorn and naturalized citizens of the Uvited States, perowaoently residing in any ‘Tortitory thereof, to frame their coustitution avd laws, and to regulate their dome stic and social affairs in ing @ ysent variety of STAPLE FANCY | Pr ga _ subject ouly oan tr eeg el benng 2 = prog. ayn t rf i Lage | of sch berg | of the Federal Constitution, with the privilege of n bought at the reat figures, und whieh we ote | + . . * admission into the Union iabebette they air | deternined to offer at wuotseste aad retail at prices ee ne amare tn rite puplation for ow preety f ttn ena af rset at of Saf St cite in Congress, Provided alwayy, that none BUC! wo sre er ie® oUF mock befure you purchase os ’ ig wnnccessury che re bed oe a readering prompt returue. those who are citizens of the United States, an-/ der the Coostituvon aud iaws therwof, aud who | Potatoes and Molasses. have a fixed residence in any such Territory, ought to participate io the fornmtion of the cun 20 Rarrely Pink Bye Potators ; e ; 4 Hogehends Muscavady Motorses; stitution, ur ju the enactuseut of laws for said 10 Barrels N. UO, Molumons Territury Staite. 8th. An eufureement of the principle tbat po Jost treeived and fur sule by ‘State or Termiory ought ty admit others than Salisbary, Feb.12. (137) MILLS, MOOSE & Ca. citigens of the Cuited Stites to the right of sof. | fiw he tow, Also, weplendid aiick of $F" Ottice twmedintely oppoat Hotel. ” ¥ SPO te Boyt Mont syle. Doa'guske nur word, yourselves, INOOA. WEIRMANS PRICE, a | Sulibucy, NE, Sept. t835, SPRINGsSU MER ani FA GOODS. = FE ase now receiving our waual snoply. embrac- “April ®, 1854. NO, 10. ROANOKE SQUARE, @ are determined to sell. MURPHY, McRORIE & CO, Salisbary, April 1, 1656. 1 Nos. 4 & 2, Granite Row JAMES HOR AH, WATCH-MAKER "AND JEWELER, SALISBURY, N.C, (@ne door below M. & A. Marphy’s Store,, K BEEPS counstouity ou hand « lorge asortwent of WATCHES sod JEWELRY of all kinds Clocks, Watehes and Jewelry of every desenption, re paieed in the best wanner aad ou the most toma ble torus February 19, 1856. ty + 2» CUMMING. C. w. ©TTEeN. CUMMING & STYRON, COMMISSION AND Forwarding Merchants, WILMINGTON, N.C Portitelar wttéation peid to ee ilin Corton, and oll hinds peuduer Peo, 1856 , of of bolding pelitical office. th. A change in the laws of naturalization, making a continted residence of twenty-one year, of all vot berciabefure provided fur, am in ip bereafter, and pauper, and persous consicted of Jispetioatde Peyuisite bur eilieeu cludioy all 38 g ur shores; but no in with th shite of & renrne re. BE AVE NUTCsesen, Oppe ny ven between Church COMMISSION M ERCHANT. Be nlerereveus 3th retiigae Golth, Charlotte, WNW. oc. PIE se ou Comeenienson Cotten, Corn, Floar, Wheat, and all COUNTRY PRODUCE IN CAMLOTTE CHARLASTO4S, ASD SEW YoRA { Liberal Advaumers Made ow Consignments, laws the, fr Upon « terfer ener vested nt loud g Fler, Com sud Bo teat oath lya9 kom tte functiona yp Mowry IB pats nies of PETER W. HINTON, COMMISSION MERCHANT, TOWW PWPOINT, Werfoein, Wa. ares o tTbaite le a tulivamily ¢ f, of aba talaors mowss febury ; Gan WW fire b 8 Mont, beringion ; Keobert Byveial altention Pelt te Se iting eras Plonr, Grain, Cotton, Naval Stores &c. Also, & Resei and Forwardi ‘opal ts eo OL. Robards, Rog Salary, 8. ¢ Cheetos L, Hietn, Req, Wale On 8 € ty'r38 ere an! web lung TH eubeeribr re rosy f Varun re aud « eutand &"t : . when (wes , Relegee, S COWAN'S VEGETABLE LITHONTRIPTIC PRIEND OF THE NUWAN FAMILY NEW BOOKS. RROCTIVED § ‘ ' FFERLNe From DISEASED KIDNEYS, Stunec inthe Bladderand fii dney nese of the Lorine, te The “" » bee , VO “eble me deve » Men tbe D * 2 > DR. A + " ne ~ atchmen Ot Sofeersy DE. W. F. BASON, “444411 DEN TisT. Orrech SEAT pec Ter Werte ae ares. t Ja “us 24RPGH.e GPE BL \ tel eas "ty r oe. Vo bole + Sperm ule r ¢ ‘ \ i wo ek ale t SALE. d mer m the w * Peet ed Sateery Derm Raker Ee AWAN MO} av" i oe A i ‘L Ropanr® SALISRURY *€ M ve ® LAND FO] Lliviiewecas 1 Mer eats ¢ on t th Crerh. 16 « DIBbErLyD «&e BUND. Catvin f. Dibnte, Commission Werchants ° In Cotton, Flour, Grain, Naval Stores, Jorathan h. Puen. eater « b> near vuthern Pro@mce Geucratly 190 Front Stroot, SPLFFY “+X Ofek. Wo SIN Wo sTreLe NEGRO FEL Lows te a. comen Nt d FOARD WW 42 wort, BOOTS b SHOES. NALISLURY LADIES ACCOMMODATIONS ~ ' MISSES Ale rg ‘ M 4 t , ( WB GRANT Qovar 1 DR. H. KELLY Ss REMOVED TO STATESVILLE, + he bred MILLS, MOUSE & CO 6 ju 40 se Greensborough the MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY. Costel Loews tptenixhat o ck company orm parted the F the rinks ¢ Gown! y have mvnde on the we enee!| eden, eoropared wiih os pn company bere May! TUE WILMIN Nida doo wron.’ h wre ia thy wm debt ; kind and nhis whole walk and « mibdenity rocummen GTON HERALD vl of pr pricty ene ; ayy Lea f Salisbury " #2 ded te the pu Althealam Annual Yectiog » were elecied forthe en JAMES SLOAN, President 8. G. COFFIN, Vice President C. . MENDERRALL, Auamey PETER ADAMS, Seu'y and Treasurer PETER ADAMS, Ree'ry W.1f. CUMMING, Gen'l Agent : May 10, LSE, v9 Dr. CHARLES T. POWE 37 J. 11. ENNISS, Bookseller | aviog p J. respect. I y located fally tenders hie profesional Services to the pub- lic. Offico—Cowan's Brick Row. Selisbury, Ang. 27th, 1856. ity ehly re temphante good ad Newing Ofleers and other . wife of Sober swcond Thou jshts.—Tha a respectalite tradesman in Liverpo ot waa indnced by a mormon impos to take ship for the perpero of proeceding to Utah. Her husband, whe was not made nequainted with the fact nntil the vessel hind sailed, procured a steam tug, and succeeded in hailing the ship sixty miles | off. By that timo the fayitive wife had | tasted the horrors of seasickneas, and was | JOB PRINTING overjoyed at the opportunity of retutaing | to her homo. Moutly rocouted at tiie Ofice vertimeg medium Attire se Feb. 26, 1856 McCAULEY'S HISTORY OF ENGLAND. JUST RECEIVED~The Third and Fourth Vol- umes Of MeCantey's History of Ragiand. Pr. BURR, Jr 3m tor 4114 | Salebury, Feb & 1856 Babs, Cosine 4 for ane JUST RECEIVE D, ‘The. of | M j Mire. Mary G. Clack ¢: The | Edition; Life und Dvantien af | wide world, and Quveehy, New j Wish Aang. : 3 BR | Balisheiry, Mareh 25, 1856. ASW B |JU8T RECEIVED. Lilly, by the Avthoror Bas. Moments of an Lille rf Phesaisicous J | sketches and Bu: ds Heights, by Caleb Staihurk 5 Thi; The Adcosture of Hs | 40d Russias Tesetine, « 37 : 4 DR. d. ds sv I I AS cemuved to hin Oitiee at bin eceidenee, where he will be bappy (a receive of per- mal calle from hie fre cde. N.B. There are mady persons inde bied ta me by serount aud have beew for several yeor. | would carnertiy Grge oll such to oul and euke pettoment, whieh want be dutta by Mey Court, else I shalldavk out be « odlectur Monebery, Jen. 29, #36. was REMOVAL, yous A. WEIRMAN & PRICE have removed CP their Cluthing end Teileving Batabliahment frm “rete Murphy. MoBere de Co, to the enrsér im. wedately opyumie R. & A. Meephy's Bture S.lirbery, Nov. 13, 1855 tour Southern Industry. He W WY shewld Soathers men gu Nonh to bey thew pioagh= end mechimery when hey con et or gual ami more eubewntind articles ot heme - hereby waving (he priee That the putitic y mut be decewed, and equines the: Theve tw answer, Dene. trod = lst of prices uf the principal articies thet | meneferrere Corcolee Baw mille wih 48 to SO inch cows, B46 fret esetages, 4" fet wares, aff Cotmphete. oe) $100 ; Cileudries! Mirew Cuter, 12 inch «. ome 13 meh do, 640; Pobbog Bertows $19 ; Caliveters, ~ $6, Thevehing Merhioce wich 4 of @ hore 6175 te BIO; « very saperorertiote Puaghe » O10. ecturding w ane end Sort mensl » wiv of rrepewing of mecheery dune at whert m- wh a» Fager werk @e Seed in pow aders wet cud horenpowere early, ae t Chowne te Ad wont w atrem- oe luperatee ead cae why deectiptes, and @heve the whott nest ee atte * te rin cece ( tegambie mire at Bonk 4.4 THOMPSON N.C, Fem 5, 1 56, Grade STEADY PROGRESSION 7” we VAG AGL [es St we femnte te the wi biwd wishes fr th Slay UE CTPY, werkt show be ends greeting *pereg ood peter, that he exert. to Ke prateeta, che te of the renewed beagle tev choping we fait Fegte Mode teow geleed tr ape rer y rivet. end wtest bovedving @ smut be erg events reat bie ken bey pertray the « Let tim shetely with ite te onged a! tote, tue: the mvigurey eter che leaves * ore enlivened with « f Wolf a million of opi wendeascades: B . em, bewting on witge extended, lowking tehew. Kagle Cie Bank ic ey jevites SH ewergere «! en eRe ment. Cahee prim at their buled ap guuda ore of the North. 0 Retirowd revive them, tagerher with thoa- conde of other things, the prodwete of the City : the te wf at whisle @ biowa, and the eoond is echoed and < wed freer te b | wakes the diwey pow bh browee io the pieh eur growe!l--and the z shill of the prophet. whetaview! Andit ie oH te be te Kovagh, envagh !— 1 will prem on m us thas! sree eth ANDREW BAGGARLY old A WORD 10 THE WISE IS SU FFICTENT. W “wesaw hate oot steiner closed. All persons inverestéd Will please attend to the same wamediately if nad pooner, R. & A. MURTY. dae ortey sure vm at and by its liberal pe and yeh f scene gnowe! end is bevend the We had but » ghy portrayt tot } vgrme hited be wer ub nen Feb. 9th, 1855 Caroli . Devoted to Politics, Wews, Agriculture VOL. XEL---NEW SERIES, - wa =i 5.3. MHENEM, Balter and Prepric@r. Vativoul Intelligencer, of May 9th. CONGRESS. schate, yesterday, the general 1 the question raised respecting ity of the notice given by the with the advice uf the Senate, royation af the Treaty between { States and Denmark, were discussed at considerable length, in an debute pal of constitutional law, as well as the Unite pe rreatity involving important neideration of the prerogatives res | etively promaenne Lby the co-ordinate rhment. This pa by Messrs. Sat ner, Stuart, Scwa ny Hale, ard, Toots, ’ ; uu Crittenden ; t : tee on | already yriver dk branches of the Grover de bate Was partic Thay n, and as esl Relations to Deniuark authority of ‘ chute, 4 constitutional aud effec tt . r abbrogath } rr "oor vetween Det Cdra the ity ‘ { States tended that since, ( onstitution, all uy trea f the land, between the ited Mtates as they ply to ous repeak uly in the laws of the land ve act of both Llouses ved President smittee Was supper and La \vaeriuae ur s i, Ia preme law the treaty f the [ by the ard, aud suwarranted «nee was then made Jay next, and, meidera Senate ad From the Presbyterian. | Railroads and the Sabbath. One of the mast cheering featares of the times is the rapidly increasing num- the profits of the company—even if it sentatives from California, ber of railroads which have cansed to run their trains en the Sabbath. A large por | tion of the more prominent of these tho- somnd one. roughfares are now quict on that day,— ‘Their officers and men can eujoy the pri-' vilege of joining their fainilicsand going with them to the house of Ged. The pub- | lie are no longer teuypted by them to de- secrate sacred time, vor aided and abct- | ted by them in daing so, This is as be- | comes a Obristian people. - Sabbath | is acknowledged in our statete books, var | legislative bodies, and all our public af- tairs; why should it pot be also honored by the great cerporations which are in- vested with so mach power for good or evil to the pabhe. We believe that the sentiment of the country is reaching a higher and more healthy tone oa this sub ject, and we cannot but hope that it will ake itself felt in abating what has been a most formidable evil Our object in introducing this topic at present, is tv express the earnest wish that hat great thoroughfare, the Penneyiva tw Railroad, might be pat upon the Sab ath basis. We would also add the Cam len and Amboy Company, but we fens they give but | heed to remonstran ces or persuasions from any quarter. We are aware that it was the desire of many {the wartnest frends of the Peunsylva ta Road, at the outset, to make it a Sab ath keeping concern, but that their par nal vote of the rt pose was defeated Ly a fo It grecud upon w that nes daly, ted stuck belders we are b mnistaken, ered was, inasmuch heir tra taday is Road w we nt ne | atrontes wi his plea, lias tor ¢ thear Sunday trai lit for the of Sabbath brea rat nm to the ie good there ch necessar in hand, tattach a we Sunday pas It belong me who throw the wav, and afford them the means for doing the wrong. Just in so far as the over throw of the Sabbath would be fatal to just ao re, ina measure, temptation in their eevarerh arpre tot the best interests of the country i »S far as their co-operation can yo, are + ab- | » duternal Iuproveme SALISBU nts, Commerce, the Arts RY, N. C., MAY 20, . Ps itehman. and Sciences, 1856. - ora lity, ub the Sawily Circle i all ] ——S———= NUMBER LI bath-breaking railroad companies aiding to bring about this dire calamity. The plea that the loss of one day’s earn- ings every week would materially reduce were worthy to be weighed against the moral question as to the right or wrong of the thing, we do not ieve to bea More than a year ago we published in our columns statements from the Railroad Journal, showing conclu- sively that in almost all cases Sunday trains were run, all things considered, at a loss, Such, we believe, has been the fret with the New York Roads. It is gratifying to know that oa the Pennsylvania Road the usnal day trains jare suspended, and only those run which leave at ten o'clock on Sabbath enening. Bat, unfortunately, those which have left either end of the route the previous night are on the Road during half the Sabbath, earrying all their evils with them. That would be a blessed consummation, if, from the close of every Saturday till the be- ginning of every Monday, there should be alony the entire three hundred miles of this yreat route no stir of toil, traftic, and travel, but’the quiet of a peaceful Christian day of rest. What we have said with reference to Railroad will apply with equal force to numbers of others, many of whose chief directors and stock rsin various parts of the land are readers of this journal. We humbly trust that these suggestions nay avail with all snel cir carnest efforts to the Inauguration of an era for Sabluth-keep the Pennsvivania hotel hold ito secure t ing railroads over our whole country Popery Losing its Hold. the Preeby tenan Bat remarkable f the power « } nperor, who, before r Finland, issued a pro yvowlich, fs hereafter, the se ive the privilege ¢ fxuing their mas lor bef the tril f the realr Former laws granted the serf tl but sible for hin to make a practical use « it. Heneeforward the nobles can no long er transfer their serfa to another district, ters for their free re yunals Ia power, it was almost Im pos f to incorporate them into the army, with mt being authorized to do so by the de cision of a competent tribunal. Wasnincton, May 8. A tragedy at Willard’s Hotel.—The | Hon. Philip T. Herbert, one of the repre- Waiter at Willard’s Lotel, about 11 o’- |clock this forenoon, the ball taking effect in a vital part, and producing instant death. The affair caused much excite- ment in the Hall of the House of repre- sentatives before the hour of meeting. The circumstances seem to be as ful- lows; Mr. Ilerbert, who is said to be a very quiet and inoffensive man, eame in late to breakfast, wheu a dispute arose be- tween Lferbert and the waiter. Sharp words ensued when the other waiters in the establishinent came up and made an assault upon Mr. H., with chairs, plates, ete. Herbert, with the assistance of an- other gentlemen, defended hiinself as best he could, and only shot when it was evideut to all the beholders that the in tention of the assailants was to kill him Later accounts states that Mr. Herbert left the Hotel by a pack door, and took a hack, but subsequently delivered him self up and was carried to jail, where a long examination took place. The District Attorney, Mr. Key, ap- peared for the United States; and sena- tor Weller, Mr and Messrs. Bradley anc Phillips, of Alabama, 1 Ratehliffe forthe ner The 1 f the « Keati ‘ A leceased was Thos viter, an Trisnman by having a wife and two riny to ir tes \ number of the servants bel hotel were first examine ‘ hy Wass Wlhiat ry, but “etfeet he dining Was toaitly te the nto t ck, Accompan frend, and called for breakfast, t ! lie he ert came half past] Oo tal leur, Wasa iti could order frown several ser the subject, to The Herbert The nak 1 lames when haphin ec tr wit ay, : when t the deceased trick a broth aving heard rt seized ! Her her, ane It is generally many ¢ . C8 ade from ¢ ars of and the parin f the hides, sk parings ot ox and other thick hides, make the strongest, and afford about forty five Phe er like parts o mals mnake glue, bntit ig not eo strong as that made from hides Animal skin in every furm may be made n xen calves, and ya ne, ec percent. of gloe tendons and oth fan linto glue. shot the Chief the interesting subject of the rights of woman. RIGHTS OF WOMAN. Many essays have of late years been written, jand many eloquent lectures delivered relating to The advocates of woman's rights, however, seem | |to gain ground slowly ; they do not even elicit | the gratitude of those im whose cause they man- |ifest great zeal and sympathy, a sure sign that the evils which they so forcibly describe, exist mainly in the iunagination. The age of chivalry is not yet over, and in a civilized and christian community, woman has a stronger protection | | from rudeness, injury or injustice, than could be | furasisbed by the severest statutes. A writer ia a late British periodical contends that the laws, after all, are nut so very bad, and in an article on this subject, points out the dif- | ferent legal positions which are beld by the wife and the uamarried woman—showing that the wife voluntarily acts througl an accepted repre- sentative while “the single woman” bas the same rights to property aud to protection as a man. Lfe says: From the National Intelligencer. FROM OUR NEW YORK CORRESPONDENT New Yorw, May 7—P. M. The anxiously-looked-for anniversary of the American Tract Society was held to-day. Un- usual efforts have been made for some time past to secure the attendance of those having a voice in the direction of affairs, more particularly By those whe take exception to the course of the Society on the subject of slavery ; hence there was a very large concourse present at the pre- liminary business meetimg at the tract house.— Chief Justice Williams occupied the chair at this business meeting. After the reading of a report by the executive Committee, showing how prosperous have been Ubeir operations dur jing the past year, the President sunounced that walked in the light of Heaven. | the election of officers waa the wext in order.— |N0 age in which euch preachers would Motion was immediately made to postpone the jelection and to appoint a committee of inquiry | into the management of the Society. This was the and a most undignified scene of confusion im signal for crimivation awd recriminativn, | STRONG BELIEVERS. | Luther was a tower of strength, ‘be- ;cause his whole trust was in the Lord.— Baxter was a burning flame, because he lived hard by the mercy seat, whereon the glory dwelt between the cherubim, Whitfield was “the voice of one crying in the wilderness,” because, like John, his cry was “ Behold the Lamb ef God !” | Chalmers formed like a cataract, because the deep rapids came rushing down upom him from the everlasting mountains.— Iall’s words were molten in the furnace where his faith was tried with fire. These were great preachers, because they were strong believers; and they were strong believers, because they loved the trath kept their hearts with all dilligence, amd There is not have power.— Kelectic Review. “ oo Accident on the Harlem Railroad.—An ac- cident occurred on the Harlem Railroad on Wednesday, near the Station at Pardy’s. The “After all, let us Leg everybody to observe | mediately sprang up. An exciting debate was mail passenger train was proceeding at its esual that there is no injustice except, perbaps, as involved in the law of entail, which touches more than feminine rights which —real of apparent, in the laws concern women. It ws only wrves who are sulyject to these huniliatiuns — women who have accepted representatives, and conse quently cannot expect any longer to represent This ts an important distinction that of themselves. All coercion exeremed on ber must be influence, She cannot be compelled to marry any but ber owa choice ; of not the least trouble nav, abe bas the alter nalive so without marrying at all, and de hivering bh orve f from al We are ob. ed to say that thos makes a great difference in the matter, for bat ao official pe me ul realeaing perils Ho leyislat a wife ms not simply mnan wm much ron as ber busband she has volanlanly accepted certain du es and a postive y and the quest unlurly when thie ts wot recognited his sny porters rode on at the with shoes of presented with the sum of 87500 beats “The Golden IHorse-sl it renowned Governor Spotswood o inia Colonial memory. fc b carried on for some time, and various amend ments were proposed and rejected amidst much noise and disurder; wheo finally, after numer ous explanations going to show that there was no want of confidence in the Executive Commit tee, and that the committee courted iwqniry, a resolution was adopted for the appointinent of a special committee of fileen to injuire into the affairs of the society since its formation and re port to the next mecuayg. The President ap potuted the comauttee, whech includes such res pected names as the Hon. Theodore Frelinghuy- De Witt, Barna, and Wayland, Judge and others, at whose hands ao impartial All the old sen, Tre Jesmuy expostuoca may be relied upon t I sficers of the soriety, ine Jing the mach abus ! Executive Committee, were reelected almost th unanimity ; so that the antislavery cru tf nibs has proved ull Manayers see al { Talerna greulyiny ex was the theme 10,441,081 Oimtion Somety celebra th anniversary last evening Lafayette 1 "lac The Treasurer's report puts the total n the dlegwate (burch ia year imlaing a lean of leon Jodiars meet the w that he temporary than five hundred bonds w he issued, beanny seven per cent. in le at from six to twelve This difficulty terest: and redeemal be agreed apen months, as may 1 of course attributalde to merely local which will, it is to be hoped for the credit of the city, be speedily removed causes, | speed, when the axle of the hind truck of the bagyage car broke short off, and the truck was at once larled back wpon the first passenger car, Four other trucks were driven throegh the floor of the Laggage and passenger cars, and were fouod piled up in a heap io the end of this cas, and nearly reaching to the roofing. The two cars cvatained from eighty to ove bundred pas- sengers, men, women and children, and though ths Boor was mpped up and the seats torn out, rs scattered, with a single excep- not one of them received a scratch. and the passen, Uon, Paris as itts to be.—The Emperor Napole- on is said to have under consideration @ gigan- lic plaw fur extending the city of Paris from ite ts te tts fortifications. 11 sequiithat has hitherto done is pothiog what be to do. He is often to be seéty Bemeil Louk in band, and secompanied only resent lin what | by ae aid work je camp of General Roguet, busily at of the Mithiest end mest anfre suburbs of the city h some The United States y, dispatebed some time since to 1 Krpedition the Mediterranean for a cargo of camels, wm @ the 13th ulumo. Of these aniinals she has thirty-five on board. The Jianola (T tn of the 12th ultimo Kingston, Jamaica, on ras) Bu © erecting enclos- are daily expected at Westero }laina. nals at that R now busy Is that fmrvne om the me ¢ eroy of Egypt them were pro- yrter, under for the purpose at the Some Arabs acoom- 1 Capt. P gathering in 1 (sarriaon offer- which was fiddled while stinguished Massachusetts, time when the | war, and re in the dust power, goes jn fulsome aracter ef Wash- r himeelf thereby Natrons multitade, f found vener- “Father of in view of comfort and ] y, to per- pact, and to aim move- t rut slavery crazy, and with- © 8e VC ral dis- mld have es of the Everett's the ques- nd y ever upon We have f the Fath art t-jacketa SOME r antidote Mrs. Elizabeth Mississippi, aged ast fall from a gen- feet and legs rly indicating drop- y»imneh worse inthe ecks that she was to- bed, at last, her irly looked forward toby her made up his mind, as eve- had failed, to try the effect s Pills, whieh his wife com- ; after four weeks persever- , she was ¢ nnple tely cur- yom of this medicine | that dangerons period of ese Pills are also 1 young females health. er her ans yinan ® evistence ] ful medicine f > the “he replied. And she neighed Bardstown Gazette. And wilt thou be my own faithful, loving wife? Oh, wilt thon? And she wilted.—[{Johnson’s Age. “ And we shall live lovingly together in a dear little shanty—shan't we ¢” And they shantied. sneveannne sitet sosmtenemmarncenstenneaae S — — Abolitionism makes men crazy, or de- rangement makes men abolitionists, one or other. We are not sure which is the cause and which the effect, but they are cause and effect- The resolutions of the American Anti-slavery Society, adopted at its late Anniversary in New York, (uo ticed elsewhere.) show that their authors Asviun Land experien are fit subjects for a Lunatic And here we fin ed Legislaior Like Giddings, « he is the lane fa eo old a member that ‘Father of the House,” penly avewing the dee trine that the Presid { t States ouglit to execute the laws or hot as Ae may consider them con or not! The following report of a discussion on the Deficiency ! further that the Chairman of the Com mittee of Ways and Means propery chat acterized Giddings doctrine as leading within one ste of Cospetism Mr. Giddings w elte know whether Mr. Camp thatt pp priabon of & eNpenses of the Judiciary was to pay tor the of fugitive slaves Mr. Campbell took it for grat the monev was for the necessary execu tion of the laws. Tt any law is odi the people, im adifv or should aid the executiy carry out lis to supy tation. Mr. Giddings did not deny the daty of the Executive to entorce the laws, but denied that the district of Ohio had the pablic funds by employing four hun det and fifty special deputy irshals jn Cincinnati to return fugitive slaves to Kentucky. Ile would - r die in the committee room than grant it Mr. Campi I marshal of the Southern al ny col Lan ith me as to league that ces the duty of the President to execute the laws including the fugitive slyve act, to whi he and I ar d Mr. G I were Pres ] would imitate Jeffers wou tutional law were on the would treat it as Mr. Campbell « dings, and said if the latter were adojt the President sh fanctions, and dk ‘ ality of laws lependent f the preme Court, there w et i step furthe despot—th legislation snc There was aterrible atfuir at ‘ Maine, last Joseph Gr Brown, owner of a 6 f ed t his home a When his » exclaimed, I afraid \ He immediate) tupaknif sued her to a her throat, sever.ng t by carotid t years © er, seized the kr w ] xt ‘ through her hig . cutting t ol r ly The monster fed, and ert kK eecape toseaina 4 rt by Capt Deny. A others. He threw ee .f a rock tied t sr K, #3 W you know what [ha my wife, but p care of my the waves Aa he was tis week water craft, re r artery ] the ex velop clas: the at large a: seers t Carolina Watchman. BALISBURY. N.C. TUESDAY EVENING, MAY 20, 1856. TERMS OF THIS PAPER @2.00 CASH. FOR PRESIDENT, MILLARD FILLMORE, OF NEW YORK, FOR VICE PRESIDENT, ANDREW JACKSON DONELSON, “2 FOR GOVERNOR, JOHN A. GILMER OF GUILFORD. APLOINTMENTS, Jo \. Gilmer, Esq., the American candi late “or Grovernor, will address the people of the respective Counties named, at the following unffs and places. It is hoped that as much publicity as possible will be given to these ap- polutmeots, and that the people generally, with- Urespect to party, will turn out and give Mr. Gilmera patient bearing. We are not prepared to say wheiher the Democratic candidate will We my wny Me. G. in this part of the canvass or Hendersonville, Thursday, 15th “ Asheville, Saturday, 17th “ Marsha Monday 19th “ Kelsey's Store, Tuesday, 20th “ Burnsville, Wednesday, 21-t “ Marion, Friday, © 23d“ Rutherfurdton, Monday, 26th “* Mr. Gilmer in the Lead !—lt it richly amusing to see howthe Raleigh Standard “takes on” about Mr. Gilmer’s appoint That concern sees to feel, and as if it thought Mr. Gil mer was snatching the wind out of its The fact Mr. Gilmer’s friends, hot having the fear ments certainly acts, robbing itof bread sails, or f thes dard before their eves, he made appointments for him with con- the Standard or its favorite, Mr Drage. and it bas fallen upon the latter to follow Mr. G. or notin these appoint: o s, as he thinks best \ vo inthe tater, th ul plain of; for we suppose ve is ade up lis mind to fi t c.cet and having 5 efore gone Ver the State ‘ le ta v look a t mear tt allow Mr. G er, with a dead weizht r tive thousand votes to carry,t sown ground for the tilts. We ave no assurance that Mr. Br him self docs not take this view of the @rat But the Standard is yreatly « vit, and wherefore, we cannot ce niess it be the simple apy~ arduce ft yg. arrogance and dictation | ing abit. For our part we hail Mr G rin the if. and) we don't care A wsto trot his lege off t keep uj “ t read how the Standard talk ’ t H wing new ap) r t . I sare deep fy hurt cart sing fror A | WV s) jatnte \ ] at } wa . at \ ' M ma L at . * “ « h \ ~ . z ‘a x ue M ‘ 1 “ * es . if \ \ ato r 4 ra? A 4 f e 4 ‘ : aaa \ any A ‘ y BP | toe} t ie Tonlratinval t ed to cir ideals | Cincinnati Convention.—-One of the difficulties which will be met in the great | democratic Convention to be held at Cin- 'cinnati, is concisely set furth by the Wi- mington Herald in the subjoined article. (Our readers will do well to keep an eye on this matter, for it is remembered that Democrats, in this region, claim to be the only natioual party in the country. One of the most delicate and dificult duties the Cincinnati Convention will have to perform, will be the decision in the matter of the New York delegations to seats in’ that body. The Democracy of New York, as every body knows, is now divided into two factions—the Hards and —the one represented by such men as Dick- inson, Bronson, and O'Counar; the other by Jolin Van Buren, Fowler, Cochrane & Co. The former constitute the National Democracy of the State; the latter are notorious Freesoilers, who bave been fed and nurtured into some sort of political importance by the fat) Treasury crumbs that) have fallen from) their master’s, Frank Pierce's, table. Both factions will knock at the door of the Cincinnati Convention for ad mittance, and then a scene of family jars will, ip Phe Llards insist that the Convention will not dare to reject their delegates —and they say in advance, that if, by way of settling the ditte ulty, and pleasing all parties, the Convention should fall back upon the plan of admitting both sets of delegates, that they, the Hlards, will not sit and commune with the They maintain: that the all probability, ensue Softs in Couvention. question has to be met, which is the Democrat le party proper in the State of New York, and whether the within the Jast six months, supported a ticket upon the Freesoil platform, are entitled to seats in a Convention of | National Democrats ! | Der cootra, the New Hampshire Democrat, the home organ of Gen. Pierce, abuses the Hards witbout stint, and accuses them of having “the Softs, who, brazen impudence to demand seats in the Dem ocratic Convention 3” and the Wasbington Union, we are told, assumed recently a similar position Moreover, we are told, that the Southern d gates, with afew exceptions, have already dec ded upon giving the Softs their seats in the Con n of the Hards knot as they, may, One or the oth vention to the exclusi Solve this dithculty must grow oat of it Gordian and erof the factions will be disappotnted, and the tinal result will be the loss of the electoral vote of New York to the Democracy. Of this we do ated sta teumplan we think that Hards, if r claims are neyatived at Cin influeuce and | whom nobody here knows, and whom, probably, | nobody, tilt now, everbeard of! . | Recoguizing Nicaragua, and General Ww alker, |—is one thing—but this coquetting with the | Romish Hierarchy is another. Walker, be it noted, was much stron, r—and much more jlikely to maintain iiceclt_-reantha ago, when [French was knocking at the White House for ‘admission—than he is now, when this wander- ing ‘priest is so lovingly invited to come in.— | However, if President Pierce, even now, were satisfied that Walker had established a govern- ment de facto, the dictates of good policy and common usage, would suggest its official recog- nition, To that proceeding probably nobody would have objected—nobody, perhaps, objects. But there are objections to having a Papal Priest exercising official functions near this gov- ernment. The people have pronounced against it once, and they will pronounce against It The whole thing, again—or we are mistaken. Tt bas a bad we repeat, has a crooked aspect. look. It needs explanation. “ Railroad Record.”—\We have received from Cincinnatti several Nos. of a little paper bearing this pame, which would be useful to men en- gaged in lailroad matters. “ The Weekly Message,” the “Sumpter County, (Ala.) Whig.” change of editors, but a very material change takes the place of No in the appearance of the paper. “ The Live Giraffe.” revived, and looks much the same as “ ve ani- This paper has been mal” of former times. It was a sad mistake of the editor when he led his Least upon the podst- ical turf, as be now admits. | ~.- | Western Sentinel." —We have received the first No. of this paper, edited by Messra. Cullins and Booner. It is quite a neat sheet— Demo cratic in polities. It is issued from Winston N.C, oe Mr Fatal Accident. David 1B. Houston, an elder in the Presbyterian church, accidentally | ‘fell into the fly-wheel of a steam saw mill, three miles from Greensboro’, on the 10th, and was instantly crushed to death : “-- Small Por.—There are several cases of Small Pox in Madison, N.C NEE. Also, ia Johuston Co, the other day,.and Donglas, we dread vised, has no objection to a Nicaraguan plank in the platform, if he is the nomi- nee. Pierce did not wish to be outstrip- ped in the race, and wecordingly recognis- es Padre Vijil as the representative of a government that can hardiy now be said to hold its own.— Wilmington Herald. JOHN VAN BUREN ANDTHE CIN. | CINNATI CONVENTION, | | Since John Van Buren’s quarrel with j}the Washington Union in November last, | ‘we have heard from him but once, and ‘then he was writing to a friend in Cin- jcinnati about the probable action of the | | National Convention of his party. “If ‘that Convention does not recognize a North,” wrote he, “we will let loose a Nor- | thern host that willoverwhelm the South & No one of the expoun- | its supporters.” ders of modern Deimoeracy has yet ven- |tured to explain these words of Prince | John, and hence we are left to guess his} | meaning. | Prince John is an astute, managing He knows that though the | politician, | Democracy adopted a fine national plat form in 1852 and pledged themselves | never to disturb the Compromise of 1850, he contrived to make them throw over- | board Cass, Buchanan, and Douglas, well! |known supporters of the Compromise, | land ultimately to take up Franklin Pierce who had not been identified with that measure. Their platform on that ocea- sion was national enough to rally to his support all the freesoil deserters of 1848. The Southern States have generally laid down a stringent platform, which, they say the Cincinnati Convention muot adopt to secure the vote of the South. Jobn Van Buren (spokesman for all the Northern Freesoilers not stlenced by trea sury pap) looks atthis Southern platform, and says if an attempt is inade to cram it down their throats, they will all bolt, ! and issue a proclamation to the antisla very Democrats throughout the Union, to rally tu the support of John C. Fremont More than half the New York Sofis nnat, and that too by Southern | ) 1 made : snc Bn ee are already vusly at work in’ the n votes, 0 Ave Just reason to renounce , A | he ; , F . ‘ranks of the lica a am hereafter all fellowsiop wih the South, when: ger The ladies of Chesterfield Village, S. rab nesol Une ae cle Olea c i ' ¢ \ re ' thie remainder (except those im oice) clingy very ot fF whose | Monal INS peowutly called on a groy seller in that place, and i ! . . sve ber ale P rn avainetand de ¢ e i te he Democratic Organization with a g 4 roliti t fir ot fice that be mus | ae . } vy but firinly potified him at be must. very feetile yrasp Their hearts are now We ar < know how the ~ quit selling liquor. They offered to buy hm with the Black Repubheans, and if the n s State will v t yu ’ it, in order that they might empty bis stuck Convention of this latter party shall have (an any | A spor ruus! the gutter; but he preferred leaving the the shrewdness to nominate Fremont, P wr ? fat ! Village and taking it with bim Cliecly 1 as tis fatheran Lecsnpmr liom er Government 5 5 ! ' > RK nal Walker Gover : ee has alwave been with the Van Borer 1 ! wing a 5] m New a t tte s es A AT THEI DIRTY WORKS AGATN, The Sette 8111 all soon be out of the Them York Rapress, will read with ipterest. It scratic ranks 7" I Ticrve. shall. ta The attempts cf the leaders of the Lo Prince J will cover, regulate will be ales. Cofoco Party to excite sectionar preyuds the ¢ nati ¢ re nh quite as easily t r 1 a | matter. Mr. Ce mcd the reference ces, and arouse one part of the State ne he a 6 CEO steal ¢ Val more Conventior atly. wa. the the Pres , \ shyeet, and against another, to serve Party purposes, © : , ane as tl ; : Southern democracy talk about national arruel against ( isu AS ety, premature § 8 THUCI LiKe Locufucvist which scru-', ’ } : y and the eccuring of Kansas to slave Ms . os pies at no ine pu volders, Joh ind his Freesei! adherents PADRE \ k NIZED poses! If there is a man nthe State, w Aina ry over them. T s ( I * stioe of for who has been more liberal to ad/ sections, EPO sprlfres w h kKounder atthe st ’ shake of Silat lena: ; : 31 | vy of as certainly ne the East and Centre as well as the Wes wie I Itt ( Wy ; - nati vent vehall adepe anv platforn a oyreat many , ary 8 xploe han John, A. Gilmer, we n't know ; ' is ; will be just such a one as can be mit ation we have hiims—never heard of him! Is it T vas " t ce f t | Dp ' . } { 1 me ja a Koma . I'rnest—the Bragy! Where are the proofet What tons Bat voany acc t, a rea )] re \ » ay “% vote did he ever give by wiich @ singie hing platform « slips new id ‘ fro ip t ! t r ~ tre { « ' ! wed ae Minsster , ker Kiva Y footof land—a single noo hborhoad or 6 aS with ¢ n } ceme : Pe r tha orthern » ters of their ran Nicarag be . Villiage in the State, — hasbeen iinproved PM ' ‘ ' es shall utter ul he for Boece nd rend d bette ‘T - A f and rendered t rooff in reality of free : katikasc andconotanditlactle ad , ! ‘ z . > prospects ¢ Where is it! Pointat out! Nebraska “ vet secure it . k a tad len F ~ Yet, there are men mean ¢ gh, to ex l KZ ase with ow Englar x ' panits atrae Nithecte | . h te the East aya Mr. ( ¢ ‘ ; a . 1 \ ints 4 tat ‘ ' i + t \ as never failed to v for every 1 : , , ‘ f ‘ Ls ACt “ Ae * ‘ ‘ ure which was Npros W atk a1) 0 ' are ac “ power ( vit i, a a ery other pa Stare? W aa Ary re k a where a eaiof Cs ca {va aid “ " 1 atriotis a 4 iow - - i “ ) } ] \ reue ‘ 1 Jéa! « an | a a | \ > ’ therw " lia f t “ ay 4 sa} : knoe Bug The news f Washington it | S ices . tt at Pa r \ enew M A ad “ ‘ \ A : ; Nicara: pa\Vini kere c v anel A « ‘ A \ ’ . a . ‘ a ‘ XC I @pite 4 ‘ ary Ma Prewide 1 ’ A 1 \ - i) are teld that as crea } ‘ frees a . pscnsation at W stor : ete : ra | Dhrtiulas w tons that the Administra AV ali. on t { . ‘ u ‘ ‘ AS} 1 in thie Nicaraguain t " t vo about « ar anewer ay slut anidoaliugiine cv. Walk Piatt wea at ality . “I M = ) r \ I wey € the yrea r ales " A antif a a ba bt i : b A = . x A the 1 fa} t W saw ' t ‘ r A alitante eve a a ira ] \ ON promaes and esta ‘ ‘ r than M sowr OurM ‘ \W r ae | : . 1 ’ , f ( 1 a gtoallt , a 4 / 41 * \ 8 an r yriecae . the ew Gs ' J , ' i a WW * if y \ r . ar r Z- I i a . . Marcy, « te t ‘ 1 t af W a» ’ : fi Int meantime Walker o < t : whether t a M nisterte thee ’ r a Minis Wie Parker I] ke tM ! “ t Nica J ao , W Ura 1 ale ra 2 Walker, with becoming epirit, « <t r « offect he proapectaof Mr P or ‘Of stat rM W rr ‘ t the ( ve r t ° fa and w recognise re) a at ¢ A xt © aN ‘ aventofthia try. Attempte are t \ Nssert " | \V as - F t aaffected t . ‘ 1 I erate eitaa late \ atrat Ride it wns r He, how & <a ‘ | ‘ Padre V ariel a NN Iti ‘ m Lole it . ya, aait wer Mares ft ‘ a ROW a t A ‘ ~ around and recouniaes a stra “ ~ Mi ihe (adee yr ‘ ' ‘ i ‘ tials, a ae are 1 A a ‘ lg r 1 that ’ < ie tial Te ept 3 ‘ < ' [3 it t aev z It Ma ind the President int j at all s f five a have bee : “ty recognise Walkers government, the wlit ft into procure that r v ild have done so wit It coque t and asain te deteat it, on grounds ex Te eed tomar iit eatallis referring tfeet pon the ; shen | pr J scr tha xt | 1 t | it baw in Neve ct | was ret ane tewlrat ra trathicking, are the \ re y | lr ht Cs ane atid ner and terests fa yreat | the rey ante 1a totte ie te iteoh ation yht. by the honored and trust I \e Mareyvsr hot ed Represe eset the people, when it ' ills back v owith n poles | Nat il law, and “ A ‘ possibly any rt Nation® pence ny wlit t pyuided so contempt 2 Anal rept ; nan 1 ys iteeffeet upon the nonnna ‘ DION IFORAT TAT ltaribactintedi WW lice! Con arcatilate torrerdents \ . Wa . } I t/ } r It strikes us enrions that the Ad 1 rille Observer ‘ stration should recognise a Govert “2: ke «t ' rae: ; - > \ ment expected every day to fall, when it Vmall Pos Nine cases of amall pox 1 \ ’ - | : ee . étinately refused this recognition in the ney teaeeacn) in Wie leuaiike ah ae ; a rani ny days f ita trinmph And, weean Richardson in Jolnston county Mr. kt cnt or y account for it onthe snpposition that sickened with the disease afew days at a and to make a bid Ula recognition is one of Pierce's last tor retarning from Petersburg, about the ‘ia that an Amencan Cards to strengthen hia chancea for the 10th of April. [undreds of persona were knew —waa given the C neinnati nomination with the manifest with him in his store before he aickened, a myetenous, destiny men. Gen. Casa, it will be recol- but no one out of his fainily has taken hinga eugn tongue lected, threw out a bid of the saine sort. the disease Fry, Ob Festimony ‘of Léivis Cass in favor of ‘ TION. Millard Filmore. The Romish Bishop of Toronto has In March, 1851, Lewis Cass, than whom ,sued a pastoral in which occurs the ful- there is not a more devoted partizan \lowing extraordinary passage ; among the prominent men of the country, “ Catholic electors in this country, who delivered a speech on the floor of the Sen- do not use their electoral powerin f ate, in the course of which he paid the of the separate schools, are also guilty of following compliment to Mr. Filmore's| morta om ccifleee po ne rag Bans integrity, and to his efticiency in “pact-|gueh schools. Moreover the confessor ying the country.”—We quote from the who would give absolution to each rents, clectors, or legislators, as support Congressional Globe: jrer 1 “The Administration has placed itself’ Peep schools would be guilty of @ mor. high in the great work of cifying the | country, and they received the meed of| When the full support of this triple approbation from political friends and po- | anathema is coneidered, it cannot but be ue ve A elacsad of the cea ae ‘regarded us one of the most dangerous ment. do them justice. ut Tam ) ree Democrat, and, Ged willing, 1 mean to attacks on the spirit of the electoral free- die one. This is a Whig Adyuintel ation, dom that this age has as yet witnessed, but there is no reason I should not do: It dimjnishes the just political power of them justice, and Ido it with pleasure, those not under its dominion. It de- in this great’ matter of the. salvation of stroys the political independence of those this country, if | may say so. lave! vio are. Itinvokes bitter hostilities of done so; shall continue to do so, whatev- : : er sneers their papers may contain; for caste and creed—for the introduction of I do it not for their sake, but for the aake such an element provokes, if it does not of their country.—|Speech of Mr. Cass necessitate, connter-organizations, Per- in the Senate of the United State, March | haps, among these evils, we may still 10, 1851. |have one hope, and that is, that the intel- This was not only a manly tribute from | jigent Roman Catholic laity of America a devoted partizan, bat will serve now a8) wil] revolt at such an usurpation, and, a withering rebuke to those “lesser lights” | by revolting, will be disenthralled, of Demoeracy, who recklessly essay to | N.Y. Express. defaine the noblest living statesinan of | ae - America—Millard Fillmore.—/etereburg| Mr. Buehannan’s organ, the Pennsy! Intelliyenger. | vanian says of his Democratic Highness, - ‘ = the President: A QUESTION. | The county of Northampton, in which Governer Bragg lived and voted, at the! time the new Constitution jn 1835, giv- ing the election of Governor to the peo ple, gave less than foenty votes for the Constitution, thus amended. The ques- tion we desire to ask is this: can he get the certificate or statement of a respecta ble man in that county or elsewhere, that he heard bim, (Mr. Bragy,) on the day of election, or any time before say that he was in favor of the ratification of the Coo stitution ft This question was propounded two years ago, but we believe, has not been answer ed. May we not legitimately conclude, therefore, that Gov. Brayy voted ayainat giving the election of the people ft And, f se, isit notin bad prace tor him to yo areund and ask the poople te vote for lint Let it be t too, that the old LEO wn proseribed “The Democratic party has been over- Bat we sll have more tosay whelmed at the North by Abolitionism, ng hereatte is and is powerless, either “for its own na- Ieheoidle Njm tional ends of the protection of the Soath. The party is Abolitioned, dismembered, and prostrate “All the Democratic presses in the land, with a sea of ink to back them, would not be able successfully to defend Franklin Pierce from some of his outra- yeous acts, not yet made public.” This killing sentence is supposed to have been written by Forney, who was until lately chief of the Kitchen Cabinet and knew all about what his master was doing up stairs. Some of these days he will probably do as he advised in the case of Jamison, make himself drank and tell all the horrible secrets “not yet made public.” THE NORTHERN DEMOCRACY. The Charleston Mercury is in favor of Bat it does It says: Grovernor to Pierce's re-nomination bot neinimind, like the Democracy. atholies! eee thi tutor “_-. POLITICS IN VIRGINIA ts pee Convention of the “Ameri: py rther from Raneas—Free Sate Opt can Order” at Staunton, red on s 7 Wed ; : ae : L OE core Indicted for High Treason. ednesday might at te chee lec St. fauie May 13 Mra. Robinson, wife tors were appointed for the Congression Messrs of the Free State Governor of Kan sas, has arrived here, and publishes a state J] mentin regard to her husband's deten tion at Lexington. She denies that he was aware of an indictment against his sto his leavin the Territory al and Senator districts, and Lotta, Thomas J. Flournoy, A Il Stoart, and Jolin S. Carlile A senes of revie rem ude The first rat The Lawrence correspondent of the hes the t Fillmore, ¢ Democrat, ander date of the 7th, says: forsing lim as true to the Union and sfadietments for biygh treason have been Constitution, hwewing no North, noSeath, faand ayainstex4doov, Reeder, Gov. Rob- Fast, and no West, emir TOT nein, Rebt McLane and other Free ntcrests of the w Cs MEAR Ta The e State men News was broaght to Law cond . lorses Me Dhonels Ao A rence by Missourians that secret hand- f the Unien.a patriot, and faithful t awere circulating that forces were the Conatitutie The third condemna arshalling onthe berder connties he i eynatter 6 retynty feature of the 14. ple are warned to prepare for de Nebraska tf ung that under it al ¢ ave v { thie sufura at ‘ awa and that.t ascendency of ant Diaturtnincoain Syria A serious dis avery ae sw ‘ eeccured torbance has taken place at Naplous ‘ voi tory reaft t The Rew. Mr Lyde, knylish missionary, ' ! ' at pir: ae was leaving Naplous, when a half witted ‘ ‘ the Dd \ra hed upon by the natives as a bo atic party towarde the A an party ly inan, demanded alina, and seized Mr us t eon \ \ | ee gn, ch was hanging before t ¢ athe Tp atic arty vithe aad Unfortunately, the | ef Arrcunae ece ev Jed and killed the man. The ! finance f Virginie Vat / Arab peopulat minechately rose, plun ered the hone ofthe English Coneal, Ea wlieh « and a (sreek charch, tore Lg \i8 zon Nokole ’ ant I hand Enylieh flage, end aiiltisacaria ‘ thy Hoy ve ended \ ythe father of the Prue b 2 M.4 jatnala ~ sian il, ow was attempting to de coe . . a property of the English Mr . Lice teok refoye inthe Governor's house, mid was brought to Jeroaslem by an ee . re ate oN fi. Ie ) tof cavalry sent for him by the Pasha af he fine et Trem oe Phe port of Sve a ina ve ry lieturbed . ; be tate In and alwout the mountains there . i are thirty. theasand men, all carrying 2 arma andthe Turkieh Government would . : ‘ . be powecrices aAyainst any rising of the wee ee HOE et hewen yes ‘tyes SEWING MACTIINES , . puree . _ = We lately recommended Wheeler & Wileon's Ther fore be it swig Machines, wlich are superior to any Kre d) Tastee learn e a A ers in wee, That we have in our family, we a ue ythe Sta {oN nevler a moat valaatle adjunct, and would ad Pie : Cid araian f Ih se the ladies to apply to Edgerton & Richards, wil gee stach nal a thee tects rat eower trag {tntistem, and be sapped. The following Ss pemtaciece ol eal bua shows the estimation in which they are beld af Kewdeed 1 from infesmotion « h we ' North South Carolimran ” r es . pers at mer ft r Sewing Machines. —The Wheeler & Wileoa < : M Pa ' re caer, - pet ne i, aie By Manu nog Company, we understand, have athe Peis aa ue : ret neladed the purchase of the extenave oases o « ‘ J . ‘ uidings known asthe “Jerome Clock Facto ne E oe vat Bevlgeport, Connecteut, This ous ery, . ore oe wtory om now being overhaaled and fitted op ee ava tN Fite ee wit! wand ingemous machinery fo manu ee re facturing the Wheeler d Wilon improved Sew eres peal amiWell ee, fee ip Mt eral Secreta s demand) fers anuare . ‘i er S ae. : machines, that the company hae incrensed thett echt SL inll Temes force to ia 400 handde, and atill are anable to KRreoterd, Vat a copy of Uhese proecedings he s! PMD MES Te) Eto pe) Cot for Genito cete) Somralara,apil the Itey nsantative, mene lay Fig are rapidly g ing into gen- fom tine Tatar Landes ars ie geimeal ee of allthe New Eog tee Dee ELE ePweatl tari v1 and Western States, as well as at the South, linen Natusnali bionnidecy ie North (arcicna Rented, Vat a Comm tee: of mone be Disclosures ofa Meameric Subject ey It rate with our frendein th A San Francisco paper by the last stea- YN State, and to viet the coal and won mer save: . F nbeove met I wth a view to report ank Bell, well known in the cities your cig ns hereafter on the subject, of the Northern and Eastern States ast! pr neipal meameric subject of Laroy san- FROM KANSAS f derland at lectnres which he gave in 1846 1847, and 1848 has commenced publish- ing in the Chronicle a series of papers en- titled “The Adventures and Revelations of Frank A. Bellas a Meameric Subject.” Sunderland and he made more converts May 13 Ndsicee fror Kansas state that Grov attempted to leave Lawrance on the plea at indietments had been found against him hat the people compelled him to remain. War- to mesmerism than were made by any r val been issued for the arrest of Reeder, other ten persons at that time. Ile now but he had defied any one to take him. The States that he never was in a mesmeric sheriff would probably return with the 1’. States sleep, but did all the experiments by collusion and he explains how it was done, and appeals to a number of wit nesses to confirm the truth of what he says. Tle makes affidavit to the truth of his revelation.” Dragoons to effect his capture. J. 1). Lecompt had directed billy tu be found ayninst all parties concerned in the Topeka Convention, but no bills had yet been found. For these re full determi for a settler and honors which oeeu shots, I rep honorable a willingness tion to the | challenged ceive and ¢ be made by the course placed in th yond my di withdrawal the Card, s Walker, in both partie difficulty ec had takea Mr. Walker other party, presence oay, Me. Ww replied, as oer former | ogise for ye you have | thee said gy to make Use second | The obje count of all field —it be | ao more, te spon the f the position tlement, wa Flanner's 1 regret publish eve May 6th Exstreore en by the \ won to belie Major Del Clellaa, Uhe ed from an ted with gr ter of War * Copees of wooed to th the Crimes 1 fased, bee whee they would prob Sech a | Cabinet off alculatesd | tbe am belie gerded, ia ti'9, to the beep the F ercited, ane hearts an oon why F A : the eiebes a pretest. W rong article ag: it te well at Mr. Cl Randolph the g and eo in he took h accidenta a ®° ng ed bie pr (lay once Mr Clay ed hie pts It etrik r as it “ Every would not lown, bes ia tre g reapo ake ah the bach keep him the reas wor 1, the Puned eadachey ne “A, retreat to Vaiite teel much as | room long Unfortung about the One ia, or and do has heen a chang will vani Piece of Wrapped ng with pears. § 18 requis haa been neous eu question ese ri pte been one there ¥ ing onld the leon 's > any ly, we id ad harda, owing eld at ) leon hare eneire F acto 2coue j op manu | Rew their | thetr ble to ) overt » gen- Eng douth, hyect stea- cities us thy san. 1846 blish- rs en- ations ject.”” a by at he truth From the Wilmington Herald. TO THE PUBLIC, : T take this method of making a statement le explanation of the course pursued by me in con- nection with the recent duel. T can say, with a clear that I was fully impressed with the responsibility which was attached to my po- sition, I knew that, one unguarded ex- ession, or one imy it act of mine, might a the life of a fellow being. I can say that T was not actuated by any feeling of enmity towards the late Dr, Wilkings. We had been bora and raised in the same commu- nity, and though vot intimate frieuds, we had ever had any personal difficulty in our tives. [can say, too that Mr, Fianner made the decla- ration he left town, as be did on the field afr the second fire, that he did pot desire to take the life of his opponent, and that he hoped a fair and honorable settlement would be made. For these reasons, I went upon the ticld with the full determination to accept of any proposition for a settlement which | could regard as fair and honorable—and during the conversation which oeeurred after the second exchange of shots, | repeatedly said that I desired a fair and honorable settlement, By way of showing my willingness for such a settlement, I call atten- | tion to the fact, that as the representative of the | challenged party, my duty was simply to re- ceive and jder such propositions as might be made by the challenging party—and such is the course asually pursued by persons when placed in the saine position —-and yet I weut be yond my duty by making the proposition for a withdrawal for « specitic pu’ , a8 set forth in the Card, si x soe published by Mr. Walker, in the Journal of yesterday. I deem it due to the public to state, that the fret mentiva which was madeof settlement, wan immediately after the first fire, when De. Janes P. McRae, Jr, who was acting as the surgeon fur both parties, remarked that he had hoped the difficulty could sew be settled, as the partice had taken one fire. Whereupon, I turned w Mr. Walker, who was tbe representative of the other party, and asked him the question, in the presence of all the : * What bave you ty say, Me. Walker!” To which he immediately replied, as fullews: “ Well, sir, we still occupy oar former pesition ; you mast retract and apul- | ogise for your card.” 1 thea said,“ Is this all you have to say!” Ile aewered “yes.” Aw! LT thea enid: “ We have we retraction or ajpolo gy to make.” ue socond Gre was had. The object pis card is net to give a full nc count of all the facts which oecurred uj en the field —it te merely to state what is sufficient, and po more, te explain the course which | pursucd spon the field. In conclusion, 1 will say that the position taken by me, with regard to a set tlement, was, that [ was willing tu retract Mr Flanner's card fur a specific purposs—it being eo expressed in writing—but that | would not make an vnconditiveal retraction of bis card [ regret the necesity which compels me te publish even this much wpon thie subject, O. 1D. MEARES May Bth, 1856. coe Estraordimary Statement en by the Washington Star, (aad we have rea son to beliewe that it is substuntially true) that Majors Delafield and Mordecas, and Capt Mc Clellaa, the Army offiters who have just return ed from an official viadt to the Crimea, were (rea ted with gross discourtesy My the French Minis A report is giv ter of War at Paris, just before their return * Copies of certain drawings, dc. wood to them when in l'are on their way lo the Crimea, which were sulecqoently + fused, because, as the French officials declare |, when they mest would probably be at the cannons mow'h” had been pro harelly met the Amerwan officers ul Such a remark from so high an official aes Cabinet officer, the Miamter of War, 9 certainly alculated to excite uneasiness, particularly aber the ambatives character of Lown Na garded, ia comarction with the » tty, to the etabslity of he power, that he st j beep the French ,rojte constant!y amused of ercited, end that aothing so much takes thes rte ae military glors We know of no ren era why France should quarr . ote the wishes to do a, she can dou! ce casily fi a pretent —ehay Obeerver Wrong The Raleyl Standard a article against ducting, says, * Randel} ite well remmembered, refused to fire at Mr. Clay.” This is a mistake Mr tandulph had determined, before he went n the ground, not to fire at Mr. ¢ and eo informed hie second Bat wise he took his place, with poatel in har PL accidentally disc red 4 pet rall going into the ground This chany ed hia parpr ree am After that fire, he Mr. Clay's second fire and then discharg (lay once ed lie pistol in the air It strikes ua that there is ac! world wisdom” in the following quotation rief as it is: “Every echaol be knows that a kit would not fly unlesa it had a «tring ty tdown, It is jostsoin hfe Lhe O who ie tied down by halfia degen blooin g responsibil jes and their mother, w ake a higher and stronger flygtt than e bachelor, who, having nothing t him steady, is always flonnderiny the mud. If gon want to rise int world, tig sourself to somebody.” -- Punch on) WMeadach The feral eadaches are innumerable, bat they arise principally frown vexation and disappoint inent. They mav be divided into as” and “pick” headaches. The ners nery is irritable, and cannot berr boing ‘ en to: the sick is despondent, or hokey, and borste contradiction. When a lady cannot have her own way, a headache ia the painful eonseqnence home into tears at the least An unpopular visitor, br rt accidentally to dinner, will pre dace an alarming attack of headache, and the symptome that snecessively follow are 'nstant lose of appetite, deafness, peevi st, hysteria, and finally a precipitate retreat to the bed room. The poor ser Varta teel the effects of the headache as Much as any one, and do not stop in the room longer than they can help. These Unfortunate headaches are very frequent about that time of the year when every one ia, or te supposed ta be, out of town, and do not cease until the patient hax been carried to the sea side for a change of air. The milder forms Will vanish upon the application of a Prece of jewelry; or if the forehead is Wrapped up in anew shawl, it ia astonish 'Ng with what rapidity the pain disap pears. Sometimes a shifting of the scene ne 18 requisite, and thas a box at the opera | has been known to produce an instanta- neous cure, even a the headache in question has been of the most stanning ‘eseription, and the opera played has been one of Verdi's !— Punch. also | Mitigate them. John Randolph of Roa- We thea loaded the pistols, and | AMERICANIS AGO.- At varions times, distinguished states- men, since the days when Washington and Jefferson had, respectively, ant J}. ed influence in the nation, have portrayed the evils of immigration and sought to re CONGRERSIONAL. Wasuroton, May 15. The Senate to-day passed a bill grant- ing land to Alabama and Florida, for rail road purposes, A message was received from the Pre- noke, in March, 1816, when the question sident npon Central American Affairs, in of charting a National Bank was befure| Which he says that Vijil had been receiv- the Honse, in Comittee of the Whole, | ed as Minister from Nicaragua, on the moved to insert the word native in the | ground that he represented ade facto and clause which limited the choice of the di- | eG rectors of the parent bank to “citizens Of oes Bovernment. the United States,” and the motion was agreed to without any debate. When| Walker. Crittenden replied that in less the committee reached the clause provid: | than ten days after this news reached Eu- ing for the appointment of directors for! rope we should have war upon our hands. the branch banks, Mr. Jewett moved that! ‘Fiiedecnrient Tt is. the word native be also inserted in that| Paes siaccom palyiog t re mes clause. A debate ensued upon this pro- | 8° a voluunious, embracing letters yosition of Mr. Jewett, and it was lost.—j from Vijil to Marey, and from President tt was upon this proposition that Mr. Ran-| Rivas to Pierce. A spicy correspondence dolph made a speech, from which we} has passed between Molina and Marcy, quote as fullows, viz: relative to the massacre of Americans at * Huw long the country would endure} yo. . this foreign yoke in its most odivas and | Virgin Bay. Marcoleta had _ protested disgusting furin he could not tell, but this |#g#inst the reception of Vijil, and was he would say, that if. we were to be dicta-| preparing a circular to the diplomatic ted to, and ruled by foreigners, he would corps, protesting aguinst the act. jmuch rather be ruled by « British Parlia- ment than by British subjeets here.— Should he be told that thoeg wen fought inthe war of the Revolution, he would answer, that those who did were bot} Jn the Senate Wed last, M vocluded by ‘bin ih the class ‘he ‘verted to.— oRenatey on Lrigattats acai) tl Phat was a civil war, and they and? we were at Claytou called attention to a letter from its commeaccment alike Britih subjects. Native! the British Minister at Washington, Mr. Britons, therefore, thun taking arms ou our side, | Crampton, to Lord Clarendon, in which gave them the same rights us those who were) . born in this country, and his motion evuld be | 1 is stated that Mr. Clayton had, in ensily pagar “ as to provide for any that) conversation ou various occasiuns with might be of thts description, but no suclr modifi | ... ey em a be(wan cure eccld (bel orasd mecosnary, | tity (Mz. Crauipton,) stated he consider- | for this plain cvasun, (to wit] | “ Where were the suldicrs uf the Revolution | British possession, as Jamaica, or any [who were not uatives! They were either wlrea-| other of the British West India Islands. {dy retired of else retinring to that geat reckon Me Clay an ; b! ing where discounts were not allowed. If te aytou, in the strongest pussivie the honorable gentlemen (opposing the pro MR. CRAMPTON RATHER CRAMP- ED. postion) would point iis Guger Ww any utterly fulse, and, evidently with feeling, such kind of lie persee vow living, be! called upon the British Minister tu ex- {would agree to bis being made an exe: ption W the amendurcet. [twas ewe tat the Aimer Plaiu. Other Senators bore testimony ean people should bave a character of their own, Ww the eXpression of a conviction, on the and wire womil they @ud at! lo New Eng land aud Virgimia only, because they were a peculiar people. They wever yet appuiuted foreigners to eit in that house (of Con them, or to fill their g high oltices, lu buth States this was their poll bumoyebevus race—a Minister,—anud, in sv far, certainly con to) fur tributed tu place Mr. Crampton ina very awkward position. cyt Tt was pot foand in, nur was wm owing to tee paper Constitutions, but what was better, Mr. Wells spoke warmly in favor of jed the island of Kuatan as much of a! Juanguaye, pronounced this statement as part of Mr. Clayton, directly the reverse of that imputed ty hin by ber Majesty’s The more we hear of her M yesty MARRIED : On Tuesday the 29th of Aptil, by Rev. D. Wills, Mtn oribaB de incce: pallor Laurens- In this County, May 15, by Rev. 8’Rothrock, Mr. ELIHU HOLSHOUSER and Mrs MARY M.. BARRINGER. DIED: In Iredell County, on Thursda: HUGH R. HALL, Esq., aged WANTED . 50 SHARES Cape Fear Bank Stock. Apply 9) with cash price, at this office, by note address- J. B. the 15th instant, t 54 years. ed to May 20, 1856. 6:51 PITTMAN, WADE & CHARLTON. General Produce COMMISSION MERCHANTS iestersbwirg, Wn. | | BLAKE PITTMAN, ) late of the firm of Witis & | 'JAMES WADE, , Pirtwax. Late of \T. J. CHARLTON. | Montoomeay Co., Va. | Liberal cash advances made apun all consignments | \in hand. | | May 20, 1856. | 3051 | YUT ’ >) Val | BEWARE OF A RASCAL.) A man calling himself Nathan Green, (green by | name, but ripe in rascality,) came to Mocksville abvut | the 3d of October last, Green hailed from Albemarle, | Va., and stated that his shop wag destroyed by fire at Charlottesville, Va. About two months after his loca- | | tion at this place he paid his addressees to my daugh- | |ter, and they were married on the 23d of December, | |H455. From that day unul the 7th instant. (when | | Green deserted her) they lived together in the great- | est peace and harmony. Green while here was steady | aud industrious, and until a sburt time before be rau! off, behaved himself like a geatleman. Green has swindled this community to a considerable amount, | and we make thi« publicution to guard other commu- nities and especially females agninst the moral mou- eer DESCRIPTION. | Green is a tailor by trade, is six feet high and well proportioned and would probably weigh about 170 Ibs His bair is bluck, his eyes blue and his nuse sharp ; bis whiskers were full and dark, but these I learn be had cut eff in Sabebury ; his voice is singular and quick —it sounds in conversation as though ite tone and volume was @bstructed by something hot rolling under his tongue. He bas a apall mde on the right mde of bis mouth ummedsatAy under the nostril, and one of his teeth i font om the left side, mw easily seen lo be longer than the reet, or curre sponding woth. His walk ws quick and very short, and resembles a hotse with the stnag-halt. He is about 30 yearsof age, aud said he was a suldier in the late war with Mexico WM. OTRICH Mochevills, NC, May 20, 1556. Editors of N. Carcina favourable to virtue will please copy, and eopectally the Richmond and Danville Va, papers. woo May 20. 1856 NORFOLA 3wi MARNE was interwoven in t!s frame of theirthoughts Minister at Washington, the more sao geperted by Rowlaed & Brothers, May 15th, 1856. and seulments in thor steady babata in (ber are : F + shoul 3 cal 5 y batate, in ther Hed are we that he should be recall BACON—Hame, 19 @ 14 Hog round, 11 @ 114 pnweiples from the cradle— a iuch more subd ; I ed by his own, or disusssed by vurGov- EaRrpoNa l & 2, 10 @ 114 peccunty than could be found io any abracadabra sf Wed , - % NN ‘ “ ; Y ebich Constitubeu monger could scraw|] upon erument il, Herald. ee Pon le in I oe soir | 54 @ 544 La eh : WHITE BEANS—No sale ft might Le indisereet in him to say it, for The deepest artesian well yet bored is COTTON —10) ty say the truth, be had as little A that raseally atin the centre of the court of Abba- FLOUR—Fine, 86.50—Super 7 00—Eatra, & CO virtue, prudeper, be appreleuded, as any man, - , } ‘ " toir It gees 1,700 fect into the bowels Family, &50 @ 9 and could as litile concen! what he felt, as affect ’ AHR A P en s ave . fine, = 1m, what be did oot feel Tle koew it was not the Of the earth; and the column of water, oi ae ‘ nen m= { . co Gh f, DRIED APPLES — Dull—oo soko wey for hin to conciliate the manafeetunny bo nine mches in diamet r, rises in @ Cop} PEACHES ie dy; yet h ound say 1 ‘ th al , ody eC UGHl 98y)(tat be le emed, ath) al! tube, 112 feet above the surface. From HAY—Cargo, #1 00 his beart, that his buo maker@his hatter, and LIWE—@i4§ to @it } , . ther manufacturers, would rather tay in Great (us elevation it descends by means ol peeswax— 4 cts Botan, under thor own laws, thao come bere auuther tube to the ground, and is con- (yTs—30 @ 35 wy make laws for us, aml bave us te imports 36 ducted tu the reservoir at the Pantheon, WHISKEY —26 @ 2* covernng We oust have ver clothing home 4 Apes ik bat! d b ke ' whence it is distributed for the use of Bb M ARK See Nie Lee Laghon tad dreamt af aoa " (at rT) ? Privieone generally dull, but bithe dewg Plour re my eurkmen bute made, and impart my cloth | the inka ntants. The temperature of tie pte hght Miederate demand Ke bume cousamp- my. Wasit best have our owe uapolluted water is always eighty degrees Faliren Cotton I receipts, sales at quotation Ie pubic people with le om pure mater Rey Ai ong ite varion ee Dred Fe male ra Among its 1us peculiarities, | se peblicans, uf crit apether Shetheld, aauther |'* Ls I - Manchester, and another Bonninghem, apoo the hel Is several! salts in solution, among the Deets atot Custody of a } auhe of the Nduvlh Indaware, and the iron - which colors glass submit In the Soper e Count of New York brandy « ne, or have a lnat of Laddites armunget action—and is very highly charg Tharsdas lve [knmeencr, a9 ——@retclee from eho cvery vestige of the 7 Be * buen creation evcrecd to bey (Gaced | Would With carbonic acid gas " h was ec , wy wil to have th \ oe on that thor iv ra. M ply aa to the cus fa j bd. by ary WW iat was the rut Fa Toiainy The morning of every 1 The | aintiffs appears ia v Hue WW K their gates a avis the beginning ofevery inan’s life ng inthis country some vears ay ad z ead = wut - Oneof your greatest errors, for T know ng , : . gee. several « and the defendants ha wis vou well, and do not mean to. flatter ' : ~ LJ [rerrve among F f vour greatest errore ia. that ost all by slap fever except ) s ; . a i = f v Mw t eeize the ~«<— lve vine va nf was ac my ! | . I —¢€ hhaole t! ‘ { 7 ; : 24 yes <* ‘ na might d You the tn av t! Av Riive a ay { ‘ : ved vesterday tea good old) age, and “4 avor » thant of te miyre ; - P ve ( ator tafter the po a 1 \ mus . { barge that ‘ nat fal : I ics J r cears of age, t ' he ¢ salt mind and bedy were entirely exhausted : . et have no share Dut Tniust remind you, my frends, that z g " br ° ' atemporea Vou ave spent the greater part of the A peri ' } 4 A ry party oma a wus 1 vent f this dav in the etate of t atin who @ your Jus 7 lea ] yreat Lusinesa of yvonr Alopt } rultises t i) 5 1 = x t Was t before vou: von have been rn ha 1 nea { . re avy great d yo nfter at this 6 ¢ afternoon. and | circnms Vind gre . 8] fra \ “ not overtake tt i i £ ut ad . . ° ° . . . air . Aheay f 3 aes vertakes \ 1 I Mr iia sala " taking 4 tha Mmoke as a mrnyratiot bee ' t a of tiie f ar { hee een thats wer ELL the Dialing of at F wn winiict : ain witht \ tes ne naturaheavon Weed.” — Itt aS sened Je whe persone ar nto this custedy.— Vee Pork M Foe jean lis since the alore scribe fur a newspal .. take it, that they o was y snirymen, and ct : ite 1 GLORIOUS AMBIT \ rice r ih take / LI J { av bawe f na . ‘ Pe y week = BY A WASTER-WIND 5 h Miber aM temp tne Pail s e hinow f They s t Sexth an haseaders 4 ar tires slate _ permon were as test as your a . “2 ' \ petiole . <e We her me ° t-27 The ( ton Independent purports ee . . en ye no bowadh-os a6 Ales ) ' 7 ' r *. = . ser . t eaniuls pay sitwe have on our peed just rend in your name and take \ . . f D ' uP J ve? ' 8 he hae emght th “ ref prospectus e Samy ) ur gtd aad, oH daly the paper course! Prifeone Hidhiway, wheer deare w ia brnefi ms tlic (Cam party ashiect to be pub h wasated b , es cares bes medicines shed by the Democra Clab of that The Doe. West Telescope savas A Te hare accomphebed, he re now actively engage 7 citert six monthe from the Ist of months ago a dram-seller in Columbia S. ralavenamne rea f dine ane hes coe ; , i rere ie 6 aold one James McCombs liqnor un ¢ rest and eubjugation are hee objects P ut leveot xelnsicely to : ' oe 1 lhe was drunk: then ordered himiont of qucet and eubyuqatwe varmes wjaledie tha thee terests of t arty, : 7 } ‘ hie den and sent fora Town Marshall to flict the bhaman race The wee of Res obi! are andl to be iss I frourt thee of the In ; _. Sats eae er tee } lent - puiet the demon that had been stirred be re lor hie epee er printe n tl satne types, . ’ Pape ace we vt ; : 1 } ty within him The Marshal came, laid are emmpotent. and eo he have 5 palsiy vie ote Toe Rel whe ja banda on him, MeCombe shot the Mar. dicate: hes grea ea | rian inflne ( ampargyne " t . ell, WHO IA ‘mabebly there ar ha saperv mn exe Ampatgner ; ~_ Ind shal, t Marshal died. MeCombs was Prot mines yo nyragre nth tt f the Indeper ’ ar nee . eet ed Sa ' hanged as a murderer, and yet th qe ates ad lent; and ow | thess ntinne the - : Aer eich es Holkoe Pile and th plan of furmesbing the people of Sampson ECALGT GY. It hash ‘ n b eraplaint aga co and vie ty withanentraly aperone day, a4 . we at th = 4 : %~ rid acrabod partisan sheet the next. This FAMILY JAR a aluativesc re bes weranty, | = s oneutr yo with a vengennece! We The Washington Union and the Penn. bat ney aching t ne @ mor ht r warn the people of Sampson and the eyleanian the two preat lights of Demo. of disesse inthe blood H dhoways Pile, ont cighbering eonnties agamatthis donble craey— the former the organ of Mr. Pie trary, act ary cause of the handed yaarne " ington Herald and the latter the organ of Mr. Buchan. malady so and from which they F ‘ a Ointment 10 weed as an are assailing each other violently. as "rn I ment 18 a Rated : F nn s en-awadary to: ( panilive (efccte. ar . Nitin : to whieh of the two shall be the nominee A wr! 1, PROPOSITION the Cincinnati Convention, The Penn an i ih Marehele vexih Spx aking of the war Question, the New «evivanian has a ae mn ap an mold g a. AVe } warrant for them ae seree, at ’ Df athe yvomntedly York Herald has the following : Pierce, anil the (onion rather | tie sdnwaaninn orethe: fa aiatrmenie ; : : intimates that Mr. Buchanan is notentire- i. dard medieal permdieala on both sides of the A “War is perhaps, out o the question ; ly sound upen the Nebraska question Pees) Chr ein) poorer here ll be ne atiafacto « t ‘ . . ener clentanit ts t ‘I Ke ‘ We cheerfully agree with both of them jyndeot grateful convalescente—and last, but not leas between England and hy nited States the one ia unaafe, and the other no 8a- 9, far ae our Private convictione are - while Palmerston on the one side, and ine ie one isa Freesoiler and the oth: own peresnal erpenence and obeecrvations ' ho athe H thia Pierce administration on the other, er a Federalist Ahingdon Virginian To the maniwhiwe iif Seneg mm continue in power The true pohiey of oe skiflin medical erence ha ® 1 pro both nations is to set these two blustering . : > tion of such unequal iratives, and whose business cabinets aside. Let them be superseded, The Washington letter-writers stat Peevey aed ceteruioe haslifused thee (hrc! and then, in accepting Englands offer of) with confidence that the British Ministry arbitration respec ting Central America, let onr new administration select Russia, the four ¢ ‘onsuls, and decline and abide by the result Our Southern States are particolarly interested in put tng a stop to snel trifling with their vi tal commercial and social interests as that which has characterized the foreign policy jof Mr. Pierce and his good man Marcy.” ; nothing else to offer. Central American question. As_ to the firs’, they have made all the expianation have refused to re-call Mr. Crampton and to relin- quish the position already taken on the they intend to make, and as to the last, they have proposed abitration, and have ry inhabited region betwee tor and the Poles, the homage of the wor due He hae re ceived it. Wherever he has traveled hie journeys have resembled a triumphal progress, and the most - have been proad to haughty of Europe's arstocracy asmst at hie levees. He wnow a remdent—and we hope he will become a citizen of a land where the on ly titlee recognized are the titles to reapect and grat: | tude earned by pubhe benefactors. Among that class foo much to say that his European and American central manufactories, 244 Strand, Londen, end 80 Maiden Lane, New York, are doing more practical good than all the medical colleges of Europe and America combined—N. Y. Daily News. —- ome THE MARKETS. Salisbury, NV. C., May 20. Apples, (deied) 50 ** Mixed, No.1, 10al1 do. Green, $100) “ Do. Pure, Llalds Bacon, 10 all Molasses, Cuba, 50 60 Beeswax, 22 “* N. Orleans, 62a65 | Beef, 5@t Nails, 6a 64 Butter, 124@ 15 do. Wrought, 124 @ 15 Candles, Tallow, 25 do. Horse Shoe 25 30@33 do. Adumant do. Sperm, 374 Outs, 45450 Oils, Coffee, Kio, 13416 Linseed, P gal a $1 25 do. Java, 16a18 Tanners’ # gal 00475 | Castings Yb, 45 Potatoes, Insh, 50 $1 do. Malable 124915 | do. Sweet, 75 $1 00 Cotton, 9 10 Rags } bb, Cottua Bagging, -— Salt (P sack,) 82.600 275 “Gunny, 20200 | do Pbuashel, $1.00 “ Dundee, 15000 Sheetings, Browu,4-4 9 “ Burlaps, 004124 Shot, # bag $2.25 Cottoa Yara, 90 «eed, Corn, 15 43°) Clover, Pbush. #1lal2 do. Meal, 45050 Flaxseed, $1 v0 | Chickens Pdoz., $14 @ 1} Sugar, Brown, 11 a 124 Eggs ? doz, Bald) «Loaf, 125015 Feathers, 30435 Crushed, 124015 Flour, @ bbl, $5 Oa!“ Clarified, 0a 124 Iron, Swede, 6 Tallow, 124 de. Bar, 4445 Turpentine, Pgal.8781-0 “© Eng. Refin'd 54 Wheat, $1.00 “Moles, 5 'Woal, 25 400 « Oval, 6@7 Wiudow Glass, } box, Lard, 10a 11 84 10 $2.25 Lead, bar, Tgad 10% 12 $2.50 Lead, Dry White, 10 al2s Dyspepsia Cured. I R. HOSTETTERS CELEBRATED BIT- TERS, for the cure of Dyspepsia and Chills & Fever, &c. | For sale by | MILLS, MOOSE & CO Salisbury, May 12 (37 Mackerel! Mackerel !! large lot of Mackerel in bbls. half bbls. quarter ZA. bbls. and kits, of all Nos just received and fur} sale low | | MILLS, MOOSE & Co 371 May 12, 1856. Bs HNCOURAGE ne undersigned begs leave to return his thanks lo these w favored hin with a call daring the and he informs the public emoved to the Shop lately occupied by & Whisnaut, adpwuing Mr. J. Radi- ug Mills, where he ws prepared to execute all year, reepeetfully that he has Messrs. G mils Plo work in tus Lime Turning, Cutting Serews, Repairing Boilers and Engines, making and repairing Mill Spindles, Wood Plainers, Plows, Ironing Wagons, as cheap and gud as can be dove in of all desenpt sos & and wr LOLS Sse OV Iw, spare work with any one for peatness, wear s¢ hore $125; common do plates, #2 > Are Purnance for melting ely The pubbe can get gt by calling at the abuve ng patterns Alay Braww once, with neatners and de Brase wanted s. J 1) Old Copper and VERRY 49 60 2c" JUST COMPLETED AND FOR SALR, ( NE oof theee celcheanted THRESHING MA CHINES and HORSF POWERS kaown as he Dru Machine { Boa whieh do ae ache k + » f h anv other machine " . wih onion egh Made of b al an! warra for 12 mevmihe JW THOMPSON May 5 493m FASX OWNS For Spring & Sammer. UST RECEIVE! » wand beeuifal Stock of OF Seacomable Chahing of euperer qasiiy and work nansbip. which wes woe ifn er very bow prices (der etek © wo THAT (APS COATS. V eere FQNxt SHIRT LELARS aod CRAVATS DRAWER SOCKS. BOUTS SHOES. and ev a ‘ sr 4 of the me 1) Calle te Olar etek oe a . g bargeins “ | WE IEG We eC s M “ 194 ANOTHER FRESH STOCK Npring A Summer Goods JiST ARRIVING HERS S f et en archaee of . ~ Corw a short tin ae « 1 . 4 with gh and will be - ~ N t broogh ‘ . wears eu an Bk UN 2 COPFIS \ 1. (ore Row 4 f SPRING AND SUMMER stack of Sp Staple & Fancy Dry Goods, \ ( r (G } Hardware & Catlery, Greeeries, Ae. NR AL ‘ I mongt a ee ia male ‘ us 1 Nf BL NEW GOODS! RW GOODS” - JILV.& T.SYMONS & CO. 1 SVs ry ae ee ef Rowan antl a Spring & Summer Goods, Nuipl be Fancy Dey Goods , /lat 1 Cape Bonnets de Strine Goode Bootrund Shoes: im Glase and Qucenaware ; | Groceries & Dye Stuffs, | which they offer cheap for cash of on short credit | Call and examine, as we are determined to sell Apr », 1856 dou ' P | | Rafus Barriager, administreygt with he Will anuexed, ‘THOMAS E of Alexander Brandeo, | sod hy No C.. will orcur on Wednerday a W°NEELY, MOCK & GAITHER, ARE NOW RECEIVING bg Ar the old, well known Establishment of Jenkins, Roberts & Co., one of the largest and Most Splendid Assortments of National Agrioul Warehouse, PLOUGH MANUFACTORY, MACHINE DE- POT AND SEED STORE, 251 PEAL ST. near Fulten,New-York JOHN JONES, PROPRIETOR. The sub it being ap ical Mechanic, and having many years’ exp in the fa of all kinds of AgaicuLtuaat ImpLements and Macuingay, would respectfully call the attention of Merchants and Plan- tere to his large and most complete assortment of the SPRING AND SUMMER above Goods, which he offers fur sale at lower prices than any other House in the trade. AVSBs | GUANO, BONE Seth SUrER-PHOSPHATE OF Lime, FLASTEX| EVER OFFERED IN WESTERN CAROLINA, Mareh 31 iss FERTILISERS, | consisting of Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, Hard- . g 44:3m. | ware, Cutlery, Boots and Shoes, Moleskin, Panama ~ and Straw Hats, Bounets—Buckets, Rope, Carriage | Trimnings, Springs and Axels, Window Glass, Queens land Glass Ware, Saddlery, Sole Leather, Bolting § Cloths, Blasting Powder, Najls, Iron & Steel, Black- | smiths’, Carpenters’ and Shoe-Makers’ Tools, Tan- | ners’, Linseed and Sperm Oil, Paints, Dyestuffs, Cast- jings, &e., &e. A large stock of GROCERIES | State of North Carolina, ) ASHE COUNTY. | Superior Court of Equity, Spring Term, 1856. Hamilton Ray, va. | David Worth and John A. Ashley. T appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that the | prpheree taae A. Ashley athe seas case, is ra always on hand.........Particular attention is called to uon-rer ident of this State—ft is ordered that publi- | our large and well selected stock of | ation bx made for six weeks in the Carolina Wateh- {man” for defendant Ashley to be and uppear at the | next term of the Superior Court of Equity to be held . ‘for the said County of Ashe, at the Courthouse in ; A Jefferson on the 2d Monday after the 4th Monday in | ¥bich will be sold at unparalleled low prices in thie August next, then and there to plead, answer, or de- | COUMtTY- - mur to said bill, otherwise the same will be taken pro| Ty All the above goods have been selected with confesso and heard exparte as tu him. j the greatest care, and we most respectfully invite all Witness, George Bower, Clerk and Master of said | (bese buying goods this season to call and examine our Court, at office, the 2d Monday after the 4th Monday stock as we feel no hesitancy in saying that we have \in February, 1856. GEO. BOWER. C. M. E. | /@fger assortment than has ever been offered at one | March 27, 1856. . 5 0045-61 | #e880u in this place, and that we are determined to | “res ” ymers fos 051004: sell, and will make it to the advantage of buyers to | . ~ ~~" give our stock an examination befure purchasing. | State of North Carolina, | | Saliebury, March 31, 1556. 44af | ROWAN COUNTY. 4 a BROWN bi ve. | Carriage, Buggy and Sulky Builder, & now carrying on the above business, and invites the pub- Alexander B. Ce | Bh ite ve call and examine his work. He is manufacturing very 1. CawaccCherue peter te cucu aroeed perior vehicles, and feels confident he can give satisfaction to Fi : : vi ‘| allwho want a firstrate article. He can put up work at low ebildrea of James L. Cowan; James L. Brandon, | prices, if it be desired, but would always recommend the better in bis own right, aud James {.. Brandon, Guardian | quaities as cheapest in the long run. He would advise those of Nancy Brandon and Leonidas Brandon: Jerome | Th? *'sh to procure any thing in his line to call at hisestablieh- B. Brandon, Richard R. Watson and wife Eliza; R.| "0" sec sete the rear of hls Livery Stable J. Brandon, Win M. Dunning and wife Amanda;| FU persone ata distence sdering wort, will please accom: Frankhn A. Locke, George W. Loeke, Joseph L. | pany the order with a deseription of the article required—etyle, Turner and wife Mary Ava; Rebecca R. Locke, | quality and price—and when delivered, if it does cot give sate Thomas L. Chk ce . : | faction they will not be required to keep it. Gl E a a nee ea o noa C. Giles ; John | "With the advantages of the Rallread ot ble deer, 4. BUCKE OM em ache, almost any kind of trade in exchange for work—sue! hs IN EQUITY. | Wheat, Flour, Oats, Bacon, Lard, Horses, Provender, Timber, ac.,& LIVERY STABLE is kept ap as usnal, and those who wish either to buy or to set} Gstraic horses or mules, are invited to call Mareb 29th, 1855 Genova C, are non-resident VILLE MOCK of thus State, Its therefore ordered that publeauo- | < be made ta the ** Carchoa Watehman” for mx weeks, ). \ hy commanding them to be and appear at the meat Tenn i [ ) of the Court of Equity to be held for the county of | ~~ oa . Rowan Courthouse ia Salsbury, on the 13th) ¢ Mooday after the tih Mouday um February next, then l and there wo plead, answer of demur tw complainants ball of cx dgment will Le fesse against them | Thomas Cowan, senior, and Juan Y. Cowan of Rowan | county ; James Gibson, Alexander Lowrance, John Lowrance, Thomas Todd, Joba Sillunan and Joba | K. Graham, Elders & ‘Trustees of Thyatira chureh | in Rowan couuly ; the Trustees of Davidson College | in Mecklenburg county ; Itake I this case it appeanng Lo the satisfection of the Court that James L. Brandon, Guardian of Naney Brandon and Leouidus Brandon ; Jerome B. Brandon, Richard Ro Watson and wife Rheda J. Brands oo, Wen. Amanda; Frankhna A Lacke, Joseph Lo ‘Turner and wite Mary Ann Thomas L. Gils and wif Dunning and wife 44:tf > and the eter YHE next session of this Institation will commence on Wedoesday the 20th of February, inst., The school is pow ina very flourishing condition, and the subscriber will ose bis utmost endeavors to keep it eo and \o sustain the repateion which it bas heretofore Young men willbe prepared to emer any class in the University ofa any of our Colleges which they may desire taken pre con dd the cause set fur heanng, and heard ez parte as them Witness, 1. Biescumen, Clerk and Master of our Court of Equity, at office in Salsebary, the 13th Mon day after the 4th Mond August, A.D eapry ec ay in Iso5, and in the 0th year of the tude pendence of the Un TERMS : ted Statics of Amenca Primary D. partment per seston of 5 months, $8.00 IL. BLACK MER, C ME Higher Euglich Brauches, 12.00 Nathanie! Boyden ~ / : Classes, 15.00 Victor © Barnoger, j Proater's fee §8 9045: JNO. B. GRETTER, A. B. Sol w for compl ( Bed 15, 1856 «39 REFERENCES. Carpetings, Rags. . peling Rag .) Druggets, &e. Presilent and Feeelty of the University; Rev. \ E would call attention to oer stock of the abov- | Drury Lacy. 1) D, Praedent of Davideon College; articles, which is large and vaned, just receiv-| Hon Joh Wo Morehead, Hon. Joba M Dick, Greene- ed. Call ot No 3, Granne Rew bormogh; FE Shuber, Eoq., J. F. Bell, Eeq., Salie- BROWN & COFFIN bary Sabsbary, March 25, 1MS6 43.6 SS = | To the Ladies. NEW | HE subscribers are now receiving the fimest and mest complete stock of Ladies’ DRESS Goods SPRIN G & SUMMER ee have ous off nr the public, which they will GWOV$S, eell at = canal pri oat hey invite partealar attention to hear fine embrosde red, alk and laee MAN TILLAS; and to thew latest styles of BONNET RIBBONS, Salisbury, Mareh 25, 1856. 4 ie subscribe rie meow reerrving hes stock of Spnag EMDROIDERIES, &. No 3, Granite Row @& Sammer (rounds, conmsiing of a general assurt BROWN & COFFIN 1556. 43f Cardenas Molasses. March 25 RSalebary, ment of Ladies Dress Goods = ey . ‘ha { almmst every deernptun Hie stack of NEEDLE 246 HH'DS. WORKED EMBROIDERTES te complete He (¢ TIERC EX—Sape nor Early Crop CARDENAS wo speetfully ack an ¢tacmontien uf lew stock by all Y MOLASSES. io bright, mew packages, sow land who wish & purchase (rants of ihe newest and latest ing (ran Bug Elien Hayden For eale by re “0 pad to procanng Fash J &J L HATHAWAY & Ca whether ‘hey have been intraduced Wilmington, Apri 16, M36 47 Sa “ fore oF o FE MYERS os Lx $20 Reward. q » ~ SQUIRE. ZIMMERMAN & ALLEN Ravana by named HURBARD. Sard boy is about 25 years Whelesale Doalers ta 4 aged. Sf > of 6 wnehes in height, black complez- nem. emart, quick spoken, weight from 130 to 140 Iba RY GOODS He hae aw who belongs to Rowland Harrie, sear 5 Cedar il Nome vanty, and may be lurking ia \ het r Hew iat a 143 Market . t sibel herd based bors from my plantation, ia Davie + county, om the mht of th: 29th March leet, a negro Street, grove ak Va 0 Dare county, and PHILADELPHIA r r and if net anmng to go to a free Fas © Neriee v e to ramble aboot these lecalitier DM Zimmeewes. of I wae Ie give above rewad for he apprehenson. 43 6m ’ wnfineme y aomne jaslreo that I gee hun again SARAH CRUMP, . April 15, 1*36 6 State of North Carolina, / oe Asie county \ State of North Carolina, ) \\ HEREAS. Aarnwm I ram and wife Mary a RowA COUNTY ) Si . wi Nene, lao Boole In Equity, Fell Term, 1855 aad wife Seaannah os wre hath Bled their tell of Hannah Exrtx of Jesse Kiorad, ) mplaintaganet Lake Eller, David Eder, John Eller re ' Bileriand W I And apra ite bring | The Ekirro of Framhlin Cherch ond others. § h hat the sand Peier Eller l T appeanng in thie case that the defendants, Jobe r are readents of the State Kincaid a Jamee J Kincard, are mbabrtante of ‘ said Peter Elier and another % * ordered that adwertisement be ° an) appear at th extterm of mad e Candina Watchman, for amd defendants Bee) (eee F be held fir the Comnty of te appear at th rt Coart of Equity to be held far re he ( - Jeffevann an the 2d Mon. the Com Row nthe 13th Monday after the bevlaher (helaihoM Augest mest. then and sth Manda February, A.D 136, and demer, ~ ta plead, anewer rour to ened bell othe rwie | plead t ¢ anew auntie « bell of complant or jodg- ’ confrere will be taken as them, an = o wil be rendered agaist them, aad z his cauer hear as ex-pa to them Mnnem my Nawd iw 25th Moreh. 1834 I. BLACK MER,C ME GEORGE BOWER CG MOF Ap “5t Prate re fee €5.00 46:64 Apes “Se 4-61 ra fe ( Valuable Land for Sale! ll tl etl vy. all my lands in the ( ‘ ving J) Creckcand S25 REWARD! Pocket Book Lost or Stolen! OME TIME D ~r lee 1 mine Por ung ~OO acres. pean OY Wome from ite acewetaned ple iene kis Aes. a Crack ican wt all attempts at seers mroved fre 4. badl-> er reoments, se Tam determined spo The : nis were a b Jim ph . le ven dit fran one to fire yeare oa DPD Wok t F rs se (omy stock, emp. farming tone . ‘ . . Central Rad Reed, provid- . ! . “ne ' wil eet a { corn and five what es owl 7 r Lerll the land of not GEORGE WILSON . Ie ’ « ' Pak 1 a. psy a liber fora white mngle m Keak anc v “ next Fail G Wirsosan Tos Woop Nie ae an-ae Rew as 4, Ay 1, N36 Paes . NOTICE McCormick's Reapers. « 4. HE ow . iw Fer at prubire } +ENE MARTIN, Aces, “a ‘ Comet Hwee Salisbu For the State of North Carolina. “ g Ver f Supers Court iy oo <t to Cowan's bnek row (42th) 1 =~ Wee g ) v e Joh anna 525 SBLAND 2 SATE whe ie 5 I ae 5 4 Re Le ane ALde oracan ck Me win 1 = Tea . . DUERSUANY to a Deer v the Conrt of Equity iran . ands va for Davie Comniy. at Spring Term, 1846, 1 wall om Le rave ‘ known on & al poble sa at the Coort-Hoese in Mocksville, n Tueadtay, the ( Mav next, a Tract of Lana, he heirs of Jeseph Mesley, deceased, ad- MARGARET BURAHEAD behonging t Neen yoming the Landeof GW others, conta Johneen, M Cathrell and g 254 acres, more ot less. There isa h a well of ex- 1, stnoke-hoase, Any one wish- o Mr. Levi Falford, Examination of the Students of \ the place. w ROS \ Mt yard ; aley. kitehe Taylors Thoreday arn, and tobaces barn © examine the Land can ca 1M te. Feq., w d rthe annual addreas Whe will show the premises A eredi: of siz monthe yea : cand ( will be given, the purchaser giving bond, with good se- A. CARSON, Sec'y canty, on the day of sale May 6, 1856 —40 49 L. BINGHAM, C. MLK : : April 28, 1856 49:31—Pr adv $1.75 JOB PRINTING . Neatly rxecuted at tis Office Blank Warrants for sale Here. = From the London Athenaeum. ASSYRIAN ANTIQUITIES. We have much pleausure in penne ing that a large collection of Assyrian marbles and antiquities has just been re-| ceived at the British Museum, from the | excavations in Assyria; and as the ane tures, although of the greatest possible valve and interest, are not likely to be exhibited to the public for many inonths to come, owing to there being no availa- ble place at the Museum for their recep- tion and arrangement, we are glad to have it in our power to give a brief no- tice at once of thei@extent and charac- ter, as well as of tho time and place of their discovery. When Sir Henry Rawlinson returned to the East in 1852, with full powers from the Trustees of the British Muscui to car- ry on excavation wherever be might think it advisable, in Assyria, Babylonia, and Chaldwa, he was naturally anxious in the interests of science to coalesce with the French Commissions already established in the country for similar purposes. He accordingly proposed to M. Place, the French Consul at Mosul, that the mound of Koyunjik, in the centre of the ruins of Nineveh, which was known to be the great treasure-house of Assyrian antiqui- ties, and which, during the four years that Mr. Layard conducted the excava tions, had been in the exclusive occupa tion of the English, should be partitioned out between the working parties of the two nations; and in furtherance of this proposal he even drew a line of demarca tion, which placed all the northern) por- tion of the mound at the disposal of the French. M. Place, in the first instance, appeared much gratified at Seing thus) ermitted to participate in the spoils at Rinevel: but in the sequel, either mis-| con trusting such extreme liberality, or sidering the mound of Khorsabad, where he was already working, to be a more fa vourable locality, le entirely neglected to profit by the offer In fact, for two full years from this period the northern half of the mound of Kayunyjik, which, as it subsequently proved, ¢ mtained all the most finished aud valuable specimens of Ass) rian art, Was perm ic fallow, while the southern divi e mound, and al) the other ruins i vicinity, were completely ransacked in search of anu quities At length, in Sir Henry hav ment of one Lut marbles and tablets (the which, it » added, have tombed for the anda caverns of the Museum, wie fev are being put together and rey ed), and tiay ing thus pretty well exiausted ail ‘ sculptured bu excavated uy period, either r self, determ hitherto re- ‘ M. Place offered no lions were d forthwit 4 the ex 1 tive agent on the ep 5 Rassam, t: open tr eson the northert platform. Pickaxe had been tard when wa font the soil; a aiite ‘ e sent off lis tirst instal Ired and nftv cases f yreater part been en t| may last vear s were traced out, and » the r fa weeks the wor ‘ ‘ reda " cious palace, a} halls, corridors, and virt eculptured t ehout. I ~ presente ] t t diversitied tha explored the d a the subjects were cution t above a the ma most part a ve »reservat the et A closure, ‘ ae \ here seen cr f 1st flowers, « eated pointd &ec Ms repre Neere ‘ cong he ‘ 4 specimens of ptur and) of est interest Jhe remaining twe slalys belonging tothe ! were ® ' Susiana chambes, which ired, were made over to the Frenne e been Joat V. Six pavement slaba —one pave twooth ive sin ment cor ers patte rhs are moét superb ; in taste, richness, and ele- gance, they are, in fact, unique. VI. Four slabs, representing two my- thological figures, which are as perfect as if chiselled yesterday ;—and VIL Eleven other slabs from different parts of the building, selected as speci- mens, both from the interest of the sub- jects and the beauty of the execution. Sir Henry Rawlinson further selecte half a duzen slabs from other buildings of, the age of Tiglath-Pileser and Senna- cherib, and completed the collection by adding two statues of the God Nebo, (one colossal and oue life-size) bearing the famous inscription of Pal andSemira- mis; together with an obelisk inscribed with the annals of the father of Pul, which thus fill up an important blank in Assyrian history. The above is a correct list of the mar- bles sent from Mosul in March, 1854, and which form the most interesting portion of the collection that has now arrived at the Museum. ‘There are, however, in ad- dition to the marbles, nearly fifty cases containing objects of fully equal value to the historical inquirer the objects con- sisting of inscribed bricks, tablets, cylin- ders, casts of inscriptions, and numerous small relics, collected from the various excavations in Assyria, Babylonia, and Chaldwa. The correspondent of an English paper says * Rawlinson, the antiquarian, has found Nebuchadnezzar’s hunting diary, with notes and portruits of his dogs, sketched by himself, with his name un- der them. Ile mentioned in it having been ill, and while he was delirious, he thought he had been turned out to graze like beasts of the field. Is not this a won- derful corroboration of Scripture {” “*- E eae ie ee fee abu is too wicked ; [ cannot do it.” Here her yep uie Constitution and laws thereof, and who Hadward, wheu dl ca you back to shut feeling a . , . ue ve tuu ' 2 Ar te. doer: g ' es fe a feelings overpowered her, and ehe burst ' io. a fixed residence in any such ferritory, 16 door; grandmother feels the col’ into: an agony of tears, throwing down ought to parucipate io the furmatvou of the con r 6 wintry wind; and besides, you have got to spend all your life shutting doors, and wight as well begin now.” AN INCIDENT. A few evenings since, as a gentleman residing in thie city, was about entering a wood-shed attached to his residence, his attention was arrested by the sound of a noise within. He paused, and lookin through the half opened door, beheld, standing before his wood pile, a poor, thinly clad woman, whom he recognized as one who at various times had been |temporarily employed about the house. One of her arms was filled with wood, taken from the pile, and in her hand she | dependence. |had another stick, as if undecided wheth- er to place it with the others, or to throw |it upon the floor. As she stood thus hesi- jtating, the feeling which agitated her bo- soin found utterance in words. She spoke aloud to herself. “1 know it is wrong,” PLATFORM OF THE AMERICAN PARTY, ADOPTED AT THE SESSION OF THE NATIONAL COUNCIL, Fea. 2ist., 1656, 1st, An humble acknowledgement to the Su- NEW GOODS. me Being, for His protecting care vouchsafed pre rs sobs m to our fathers in tbeir Revolutionary pa struggle, aud hitherto manifested to us, their de- Mills, Moose & Co. Bs leave to inform their many friends and the scendants, in the ). oservation of the liberties, the public generally that they ure now receiving and independence, aud the union of these States. 2d. The perpetuation of the Federal Union, D pers in the Brick House formerly occupied by ennedy & Mills their sock of as the palladium of our civil and religious liber- ties, ante only sure bulwark of American Lo- STAPLE AND FANCY Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, together with all articles usually kept in a Dry Goods Store. They are also receiving the largest aud best selveted stuck of Groceries ever offered in this market all of which they are determined to well at prices that | Cannot fail to please. P.8. THE HIGHEST MARKET PRICES for Floar, Wheat, Cora, Cotton, and 3d. Americans must rule America, and to this end autive-born citizens should be selected for all State, Federal, and municipal offices or govern- ment eimploymeat, ia preference to all others: nevertheless, 4th. Persons born of American parents resid- ing temporarily abroad, should be entitied to all jsaid she, “to take this wood. O, what the rights of native-born citizens ; but jshali ldo! Must I go home to our'cold| — 5th. No person should be selected for political jrooms to-night, and see the children shiv- station, (whether of native or foreign birth,) who | ering and freezing, without one chip to recognises any allegiance or obligation of any | paid at all ti all kinds of country produce January 9th, 1556. 37 build a tire! it, but—my baby! and will never miss this armful ; they have always been kind to ine. I cannot, will not rob thei.” Here the poor woman threw down the wood ; but she turned not away from the The family are rich, spot standing there, as if yet irresolute good will, between the citizens of the several whether or not to yield to the temptation. States, and to this end, woo-interfereace by Con- | Finally, the thoughts of the comfort which gress with the questivns appertaining solely to | so slight a theft would insure to her fam- ily, decided her mind, and again com: | each State with the attuirs of any other State, menced picking up the sticks, still talk ing to herself, and endeaving to excuse tive-born aud raturalized citizens of the Uuited It is wicked for me to steal deseriptiva to any foreign prince, potentate or but then aud State Constitutions (each within its sphere) | No, | as paramount to all other laws, as rules of poliui- = y To Farmers. TENE subscribers respectfully invite the attentioa of Farmers and others, to their large and ele- gaut stuck of Staple and Fancy Goods. ‘Their assort- |ment is extensive aud of great variety of style and {quality. Call at No. 3, Granite Row BROWN & COFFIN. Salisbury, March 25, 1556 adit NEW BOOKS. power, or Who refuses Lo recognise the Federal cal action, 6th. The unqualified recognition and mainte- nance of the reserved rights of the several States, and the cultivation of harmony aud fraternal ; fi eF UST RECEIVED. Rose Cla ¥ , ; the icdividual States, and non-intervention by foci Nec eaite Ke eo aman Good ‘Time a Coming, by T. 8. Arthar; My First Tth. The recognition of the nght of the na-| Season, by Beatrice Reyaolds; The Hidden Path, by the Aatheor of * Alone ;’ Seenes in the Life of a New York Surgeon, by Dr. Dixon; Preseott's Philip the the deed. “They will never miss it,” | States, permanently residing in any Territory | getced. dvolumes; she said; “it can do no harm to them, | thereof, to frawe their constitution and laws, and Memure WM oPrestioe, A bbull'e ly H. ENNISS, and Q, how much good it will do to my |t regulate their dumestic and sucial affairs in| Life of Napoleon Bonaparte Book seller T their own mode, subject only to the provisions) Feb. 12, °56 37 Nobody sees me, and it poor children! Yes, nobody |will never be found out. | sees me, nobody to break his commandment! Shall I steal for the tirst time im my lifet No, no, it the wood ayain. But she still hesitated of the loved little ones suffering through but God! Shall I dare |™ of the Federal Consutution, with the privilege of Imission into the Union whenever they have the requisite population for one Kepresentative Provided always, that poue but FD NS 2 G. A. MILLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, S -~ MOCKSVIELE, N.C. Cs EH Olive immediately in Conyress, those who are citizens of the United States, un pposite the Davie Motel . stitution, or in the enactancnt of laws for said Apni *, 1556 The thoughts Territory or State. Bth. An enfurcement of the principle that no NEW 8 ' Do forgive me, grandmother Tought) the long hours of that arctic night, still State or Territory ought to adinit others than to be ashamed to you. But what do you mean I am going to college, and Cross then Tam yoing tol “Well, admitting all that; [imagine Squire Edward ( “ hut, if he ever makes vc a lawyer.” served IL have a many doors tos much of aman.’ “What hind { Do tell of doors ine yrandina “sit down a miuute, and Iwill give you a list loor of vour “Inthe first place, th Bags tntist be closed inst bad lange and evil ¢ sel of the and young then vou w tre “ Be licrent ‘ | ri e,oryou Ww ‘ Letthen nee pet | ns f that d a I w Oot rive r kdward (¢ 5 ! re yr eet Lhe ty vis, t t ® t wa ‘ A ‘ 4 wowicks LEW Spr or yours t “ ‘ re t and Vow ow row up at ye Ant ma rwill have to clone them semetimes ayainst the fine t Flas exposed for sa acthe shop w idows, or youw ear to save Vourin v a 4 to give Away Th r your Liim w ccd espn 4 are, { v guard an unruly men ‘ akes preat u f thre ‘ t loors of t “ 4 4 | ris ver apr t ‘ a 1 “ ed, w r r “ ad ty t 4 t ie left 7 Iw ‘ you hoe} . { you a aid Ls ‘ r at ant t iv « va ‘ to an i hay ‘ A art 1 y 4 ' : | . A // ( j Ff \ i) ‘ ( M { I ) ‘ ‘ , ; Ia ; z ! f eartan . a an | ' N rt 8 aia , i A ‘ ( 4 i it | " , sive, © WV as 4 t P 4 1 \\ 1 1 ( \ ‘ \ wr r fa i | 1 ‘ 1 ( cen \ corre pon tw \t falea ts ‘ ‘ beast, Mr " | pal of tl Acad v ie 2req toma \ 1 t wid} iw ft I In t \ ‘ I towlrot his \ sita ind oals ‘ ray | I ‘ it dow amid reat 3} plause A The Firat th ein VN. Mampaher Jnet one century ago, in August, 1756 the first printing presa was introduced in to New Hampshire, the first newspaper book in » first printed in Octols November of the same year, tnore she beyan to gather up the wood Phe tempter had prevailed again for a moment over the monitions of the pure spirit which strove to restrain her from the contemplated sin,“ Tinust, Post,” she cried; | doit to save their lives. God F ee eainre (kageiisleeine But enine, from landing upon our shores; but poi Goude, well ax apted tu th 5 oll of whack have Winer ‘ 5 i lerference with the vested ny of foreigners been beaght at the howe s, and which we are ut ; : . Pilg a cep then warin ane oth Oppos WiDanY U Le-twoen Church pretense to offer at wot mesta and retad at pneee ri fortalble have no money ny raulistata bo intetfereuce with mligiwue fait bat must give eatiafacte an and [must take this, The family that 1 op worship, and no test oaths tot ita SLE E Nel eet raroe? le rob are ric and | aim poor Thev have 1 Free and thorough ins enouuly tileateand’ clothes anil ive say and allvalleged “abucercly MURPHY, McRORTE & CO keep themeelves warn Nid Tae wit ren, wt @ atricte my in| eapeneli lures. Relebury. Apri |. 1hat { 4eef “ ; | : Ne l&2& Row 4 ‘ \ fore wood. Tut rot 12 The ima 8 a ment of take it would be stcaline—elruling—- all laws tuvoua ~ sntil said laws ; STEALING and Tv n neathiet!’ shall be repealed, of ot Jeclared pull aod JAMES HOR ATL, So saying, oli snoher load for mnpetent yudieral authorty - Are ris ne, ane e hurriedly, 13th. Opa ed guwae WATCH-MAKER AND JEWELER, asa earners: nic ects ‘ iF SALISEURY, N. wa aif ohe dare ist herself t g k att ie Hal AVOAATHG ral mabagement of uur navoval allure, and (@we deer below M.& A. Warphy's Atere, ; = ; 7 ' ally as shown im rernusing * Ainen ee vetaaly hand a large asertn rm ad ane Noe 4 pee cecomepvatives iy BN WATCHES ond JEWELED of all kine ‘ I ary } thatt : rea pe Chobe, Watches wud Jew vids enriptices rentionia n } serve these It : : Bae ee Ses oe repaired the beet ma a on the unet reamna 1: ne ultra . av ehown in a trucking ble terme . € CUM COTS “’ y subs nd ae dent aod Pet a, Im « lor breaat bilectr mer lhe reast, and the vty ' h wa 7 tran t weaker powers hastened to re ‘ 1 saitios r im « re opm . al agitation, by W es were il {a ‘ *® tT cfr H a Minn ¢ ~ “tn . DR. . F. BASON, 1 Mer baby did not perish, and she in granting ts unnaturaliard foreigners tbe right DENTIST. ha tu bless the t r “ ( suffra Kansas and N wha am shosn one SENT DOC TOM WHitreraps, . ‘ fou an puve t va RK vnsas and N tre : ho the Poo OF ak "uy therwier. will be e ° fire : = 1 t 1 . A : . ow ‘ e & | It show ‘ c . : ' a . . a} 2 . ‘ ‘ t ‘ { re ™ ‘ . 1 ' 4 \ ‘ sca ‘ . : . ‘ ] ty “ fy ' f aa : - ‘ty ps | . : i an party bb s ber a hie RoBAK 2 SALISBURY ‘ ‘ a ‘ ‘ - ‘ 4 . a ‘ l | ‘ x . a ‘ DiBDBLuD &® BUNCE. . A ‘ 1 s f Calvin M. Dibbir. Jonathan H. Bunce, Late ry j ‘ ® x 4 1 : , . ' Pe apah« A ; - Commission Werchants [ V \\ s . “ ) A ‘ i ae In Cotton, Flour, Grain, Naval Stores, ‘ sik \ : Seuthern Preduce Gemrrally ‘ ‘ A ' t ' No 1890 Front Strooct, i | : asiuti +7 ¥ tiie A ‘ i , ‘ t "oY ; are ; F ‘ ‘ f a ] « rs oe y RK J } c oe £ ms ’ ] } ‘ / \ ‘ ith 1 , , an MAASION 23% NOTE aech FOR A MARVELLOUS AGE! SALISBURY, NOC 4 at ‘ tf aly | rust aire \ y | M 4 j I ' ‘ A V Peay ¢ . Miner re nie i - Bea 1 A 1 . i i> ‘ 5 ; cath ie io) ACCOMMODATIONS . , : ; — ee | ohatih . . . Parone slampng k cur t Se Lf é ; \ : A “ “ anv = si Og . e ale ‘ - . | , . . “Woot NI cet HOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT. secren wes fair ur that The Grand Futermal Remedy. : . DR. BH. KELLY a ‘ ct HAS REWOVED SPATE SNVIELS N 6 ' ae . 1 - I f ; . tie @ \ M “ . ' , : 1 ’ ; | t : S whe « . . . * prifes | erin ‘ * ' ‘ t \ Ferysipetas, Salt Rhewm and Scorbutle Hamers THE \ vers | THE WILMINGTON HERALD \ mie ‘ : : [ . = Re * ; { Naliet mer . Pa Nes fia j 2 1 : . ' ) , A r ont : \ : “aint = : a ; Sere Ler-. Sore Breasts, Wonnds and Lleers. : ‘ Jah ] Apa “ ; ' 7 . ‘ = anith . sree Paro : | Iperstition. Lease : g WeCVULEV'S HISTORY OF ENGLAND. _.. * ; . Ae) JUST Ah LISE 4 Third and Fourth \ Camph md S ’ ] hens : nmeeof WeCauley's H OFuelaeds ficia | focamy woan antidote 4 ee . . ui JOU ENN SS, Mek ent “ t uted is t Z perted by Dr Powkes F H W wort Portlan a ee viusitk actory Hands Wanted. Msarne 1 tt vat Z n 7 TRE Sut ' tend with ¢ 1 fon vid ns ned : B a = Dives’ ton Sanh fret of May ut ale i 1 Tp at eect ‘i j atecdemniaait ‘i ; me : 1 ; Niece Weavers, Sp 0, Wa and Draw I 4 nade for , QI rratecnnil (ath the Osntisent Pita al, [es ute re ma Vicker House hands conta 1 th ‘ alice ‘ { se 4 « he give x * \ . . A r . 7 « ae vith Severe thatciinciinte deathwnacinevitae wore Me pyle a ave! is op mine MORNING & WEADER ee ionaliallthe manall reniedion were iesteant Bore Mev 1 : Salisbury, April 15, 1s 47-3t resorted to. Catmplhor could mot be ine Pitttes Rb atiem 8 Rade Weesdrer an’ } : nee ‘ YEX.WE? trodueed into the stamach on acenunt of aie DR. s. RR Da Da ks the continued lock jaw Aceordingly AS | { 4 ol strong injections of camphor were used, hie provfe om ee aire ty aiid the (iady iininerscil in w liot camphor | lie Peles two doors below Benjamin Jolan'e store bath, and a few hours the boy was | Piano Ly ; | SR Directions for the guidance of patientein every disc a comparatively we iF } icld) possession of her breast, and once citiacns of the United States tu the nght of suf | ave axed to each bos frage, or of holding political office vth SPRINGSUMMER GOODS. <& W EF. are pow “receiving our weal cupply, embrac ing a great vanety of STAPLE & FANCY A chanye in the laws of nat iralization, residence of Jed fur dispensable requisite for ciligenslip hereafter, and making a couuoucd twenty-one vears, of all not hereinbefory pros au in excluding all pauper, and persuus cour icted of | Blank Warrants for sale Here. P. DLLIOTT, + (Late of Worth & Elliott, Fayetteville, N.C_) ¢ GENERAL COMMISSION FORWARDING MERCIAN? WILMINGTON, N.C. } Orders for Mrchandize, and consignments of Fig, ae and other Produce, for sales or shipment, thank( EAGLE CITY. ceceived and promptly attended to. aay 4 Nedas SUBSCRIBER bas the pleasure to an- ‘fl Tremendous Excitement ABOUT THE Western Extension' Ble Subscribers being desirous of extending their business in the West, av well as all other direc. tions, take this method of informing their bamerous friends and patrons that they are now receiving splendid stock of READY MADE CLOTHING, Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestings, and Gen. tlemen’s Furnishing Goods a general; all of which will be sold most shocking low. Also, a splendid stuck of HATS and CAPS atest style. Don't take our word, but call aud vatisly yourselves. May 1855 nounee to the world, io whom he sends greeting allkind wishes fur their prosperity and peace, that he is making steady progressin the improvement of Eagle City, destined, he believes, to beoume the greatest manufacturing city in the country. He is nuw erect- ing a uew cotton will at this place, to be called the "Troy Mills,” and hopes to have it in full operation by the latter part of the summer of 1856. li will be lone of the best, (if not the very best,) mills in the |eountry. The machinery was selected by bimnself, and | the latest and most spproved patteros were chosen— | Lt will work like » lever watch—smooth and steady— and he doabts not will excel, in its products, the most beautiful achievements of the renowned Eagle Mills, | ander whose shadow it is developing its fair and de. | lighting proportions. Eagle Mills long gained for it- selfa fame as fair asst is wide spread, buth for the excel- | lence of its yarns, and the superiority of its cloth fab- rics. ‘Troy Mills alone threatens to rival it, and hence | the world may Ipok out fora contest invelving a result | | not less interesting io itvelf, than it must be desirable | | to every Southern patriot. | The dreamer, speculating on coming events might | | well step in here, wod casting furward bie keu beyond | Salisbury, N.C. Sept. 1855. the boundary of present time, portray the aspeet of = | Eagle City afew years hence. Let him sketch it:|% 9. anogasen. | We wee a cily of beautiful proportions with its tower- jing steeples pointing heavenwards : close ranged blocks of granite buildiogs with ghileriug metal tuofs, refleet the cheerful beams of a veroal sun; the iuvigorating | breezes of a debghtful climate, stir the leaves of long rows of elms: the streets are enlivened with a cheer- AND | ful busy throng: the song of half a million of spindles | ¢ missi if | ie mingled with the roar of noms and cascades; Kagle | om on ere ants, f umeut rises above all things else, beanug on its} | Lop an immense engle. wings extended: looking dows | NO, 10, ROANOKE SQUARE, Syn Urdu, “yA. | with pleasure on all below Eagle City Bank is iv Pay active attention to the enle of Flour and other | full view, and by its liberal policy invites all energetic | basiness men to claim its encourage t | oun eta toees kinds of Produce, avoiding unnecessary charges and rendering prompt returns. 4 | JNO. A. WEIRMAN & PRICE, Merchaat Tailors, 16 W. D. REYNONDS, ANDERSON & REYNOLDS, Calies pria- of the North- with thoa- | the | deafening whistle 1# blown, and the sound echoed and re-echoed from hill to hill, and wakes the drowsy pow- ers of reposing fal cattle, which browse ta the rich eur ' rounding valle es tere roll out their baled ap goods: the western Railroad reecive them, together sands of other things, the products of the City J. D. CUMMING. Cc. W. BTYROs CUMMING & STYRON, end ia beyond the portraying shill of the prophet | COMMISSION We had but a glimpse ' Andit ie] & re Feit rem oniene'ina emmmnan.” “| Forwarding Merchants, I will press on to tis final consummation ANDREW BAGGARLY. | the ecene griws !—growe!—and the but what a view Feb. 9th, 1855 ga | WILMINGTON, NeC. — | Partiewlar attention paid to selling Flower, Corn | Cotton, and all hinds produce Southern Industry. sre — PETER W. HINTON, COMMISSION MERCHANT, } TOWN YLYfPOINT, | twerPolisn, Wn. } Bpecial aticntion paid to Selling North to bay Tobacco, Flour, Grain, Cotton, Naval Stores &ec. Also, to Receiving and Forwarding Goons. nibey ean get we substantial articles at home we of trane public may mot be deceived, and RECER Te y yo sthai Ihe te anewer, Phere = ' ‘ HM OL. Remterds, Req Salisbury N 6 a hee prices the priacipal articles Coartes L. Hieten, Faq, Wake Co NC th facture JG. B Rowinek, Faq, Raleigh, \ ( New mille with 4% to 50 ioch saws, 24 ae bce, med Rayeued Faq Raleigh S € feet carriages, 46 feet wave, all complrte, $375 to fii See ee ee ne Bu Crtendreal Straw ( ullers 2 h bees, S30 r ’ a 150 b+ @40, F a tarcowe 819, Calvators \ 9 O5 uw oF Threst Marhioee anh 4 of 6 horse r { SS article P aghe wate ved workmennioe VEGETABLE LITHONTRIPTIC ee es “ FRIEND OF THE HUMAN FAMILY SUrTERING From DISEASED KIDNEYS, Aileork warrant ed spr ratwon and can urech car eud where the patiorne are foand at short notice 81° Terme cas luce tisbios. gutrecet Beak Stone in the Bladder and Hidney«, Weak ee ee ee neas of the Loins, Thisinvalasble me ne 1 wale a Dave ‘ ow 1 V4) ’ Hetet, 1a Morbeviile ; at De Ro Car - ive r de atthe Drug Store sa Char Peat) 37) ACRES OF LAV) Sees e e ‘ \ iB. flee. in Selwebeary . , The suberriber having entered is coparinerhe ‘ > : wih Joha F Cowan ginal patenice, for the me | OR SALI. efactare and eale of the aleiwe Medicine, is prepared io ( he a welermar tT Crcholé mies ose fermsh a supply by eddreemng him at Se ’ atc \ Ibe eR C. of calling at he reedence, 10 miles wee he Ras! Mi. . ae at ahs a ere E bb. Al sTtis z June 21, 1*55 \ ) An Se y o m3 | LAND FOR SALE LES Bc Of Four Horse Post Coaches, Bi M Salebary to Morgant ff aad Mae & mn he wale : * rm: ned * worth Creek, 16 mites wen of Ne shary » wf John 8 Carma, Jecuwd Be The de pet on the Western Fisteneen mast be nee The place hason a all necessary bask the len snd via Stateevil « l.- avee Me ’ Vv » Ww coday and Fr « A | and ee Vv g*e Miceax ; : on) : iene JOUN W STE ; an . Moreh Tith, I=56 : ce \ e FIFTY NEGRO FELIOWS Wanted Immediately, Resi ae sae He ees y os At the Silver Hill Mine, yonnjc ese aces Meet MOAN ANY QUANTITY OF woop Np cost. BOOTS & SHOES. WM LEAVENWORTH. S Ht oO GENTS fine & J and Pamp Roote NEW BOOKS. ' a ics & Bib Congress Bewis 1 T RI iver T T . ee . : - Mie neck wie 1 A teats a LADIES “ »™v ' t '" earner hb Mre Me (ae 1 | 1 ’ a New t acat ‘ A t t Wid cs ; . - and Qu New | eo ev : : Trish Ne JH ENNIxs, — (asters, Mens . Sa 2 Beckectler MMferent qualuce ~ s poet received and To Gentlemen. me tn panctos lls paherhbers have averon.s he peret en ai ee eee bal ne = / ass ales = Mee tinee i RROWN § oO Rahebary, March 23, 1476 ae Greensborough WEW BOOKS, MITUAL INSURANCE comes». : : ” s a Fin e ’a* enste geurance on the meu * - JUST RECEIVED ike \etheees Bese | pas oo = ne WE ce f 1 “ Pr t ne , Thiseompany b 1 he Wee ; I et fester thro State, coneequentiy moch the larger pe c a < ( ae he are inthe Weet, very nin fwh “ Hv: The A Mayet Twh The Company imentireiy free f and Rnesa, Terre pee hy (anies es Ganpmme inc and ve the ~ v7 JW ENNISS. Ruckerller ded tothe pablie Atthe last Annnal Meeting th . ' DR. J. J. SUMMERELL, ecreviscied forthe eneung ses | AN remo =O) ni Wisromilrnce ce here JAWES SLOAN, Pree he « . , SoG COFEIN, Vier Pree minal entinctrocey Wie (rier CoP MENDENHALL. 4 Nuon 4 e heady PETER ADAMS, See'y and Tr aceon and Wav nee ven lw { PETER ADAMWS.S ' . nit a CB temen,! WOH CUMMING, Gen'l Ag " bm hed by M ' se TD shall look May if. 1852 Sishat Jan’ 29, Uw at TAs BE. NWE HUTORESON, REMOVAL COMMISSION = MERCHANT: ' Charlotte, N. Cc. es A WEIRMAUN ® PRICE haceremoved will ae . ° \\ Ming and Tarloring Eatablichment fron Cotton, Corn, Flour, Wheat, and 8 So te eon COUNTRY PRODUC® Salisbury Noe. 14. vrpnye - , IN CHARLOTTE, CHARLESTON, AND SE S Liberal Advances made on Consignmen™ Uae laren oes J. Jenkine, Eag., Salsbury. G W“ A WORD TO THE WISE 2» .stssoes: IS SUFFICIENT. Souter, Bag, New York : : February 19, 1856 W F have a good many Aeconnis over twelve m haves god many Acoomnis over tweive) Dr. OHARL ES T. POWE All persons in respect’ Ww i] closed erested will please attend to | finvieg permapestly located in Sallsbory fally tenders his p pair Office —Cowan's Bick Row Salisbury, Aug. 27th, 1X35 he ease iinmediately if not sooner R & A. MURPHY he | Saliebary, Feb 5, 156 3.036 “soa so che ‘ wilt te oe sed tcas ¢ RIES. age dunn i - NICARAGUAN AFFAIRS, yester ay the followitg Special Message : | Tu the Senate and House of Representatives: | vy, and the Attu a resolution of thé tives of the 8th-of May These documents relate to questions of the highest importangeanud interest to the people of the Waited States. The narrow isthmus which couneets the continents of North and South America, by the facilities it affords of easy transit be: | tween the Atlantic and Pacitic oceans, | ss ate with Great Britain a convention to as- sure the perfect neatvality of all interoce- anic communications across the isthius, aud, as the indispensable cendition of such neutrality, the absolute indepen: dence of the states of Central America aud their complete severeignty within rendered the countries of Central Ameyi- {the limits of their own territury as well ca an object of special con all maritune nations, which haa been | greatly angmented in modern times by | the operation of changes in commercial relatiuus, especially those produced by ideration tu , against Great Britain us against the Uni- ted States. We supposed we had aceoi plished tuat ubjoct by the convention of April 19, 1850, which would uever lave been signed ner tatilied on the part of the general use of steam asa motive pow- the Usted States Gut for the comviction er by land and sea. its geographical position and of ear polit- ical interest as an American State of pri To us, on acevunt of | Maat, in virtue of its provisions, wither Great Britain wor the United States was therealler tu exercise any territorial sev- mary magnitude, that isthiaus is of peen-| ereiguty, tu fact or ty name, in any part liar importance, just as the isthuas of !of Central \merica, however or whenso- Suez is, for correspomdiing reasons, tu C1 maritime Powers of Europe. But, above all, the importance tothe United States of securing free transit accoes the Ameri can isthmus has readered it of paramonnut interest to us since the settlement of the Territories of Oregon aud Washington and the accessiou of California tu the lon, Impelled Ly these considerations, t United States took steps at an early cay to assure suitable means transit, by canal, railway, of otherwise, acrirse thie istlinns, We concluded, in the Grst place, atrea ty of peace, amity, navigation, and com merce with the Republic of New Grana da, among the conditions of which was a stipulation, on the a of New Granada, guarantying to the United States the right of way vr transit across that part of the isthmus which Tie«in the territory of New f which the of respect of of commere (rranela, in consideration Unitel States gasrantiod ia territury the rights of soverviyn ul property of New Granada w effect of this treaty was to afford re people of the United States facil nen road a T es for al omec opening a con frou Chagres to Panama, ond for at le eun-‘ructing a railway in the same direc thou, oo cunnect regularly with steams!ips for the transpertation of mails, specie, anc passengers, to and fro, between the At lan'ic and Pacific States and Territories of the Cuited States The United States also en Jeavered, | unsuccessfully, to oliain frau the Mexi can Republic the cession of the r of way at the northern extremity of th mus by Tehuantepec, and that communieation continnes to | of sticitade tu the people of this Repuls lie. Ja the mean time, intervening le the Rep rblic of New Granada an! Mexica:: Republic, lie the States of Ga temala, Salvador, Honduras, Nicarayt and ( the mentors the foriner Kepublre al Niner Here, in the territory the American States, is th the isthmus aod hithet, of ¢ ue, | atte it ow | Iwen directed as the ms inviting Beld (or enterprises of comiumnicall between \inerica, ally to the terri ragua and Jom! uras Paramount to that of any Earo Sta of the Un Svates in the seeurity and free dlomo« el | the way of Nicaragua and Hondur etli we did yield in this respect any suggestions of territorial agyrandiz even of exclnsite aldvanta.r f communication f « had not ted States to procure 61 ont rit tel 1 Tie oo re at ol pec {wee } vsta Rica, severe] f Centr of nar *er-w P sj" 1 anie ) the site shores of and more ¢ wry of Ure States « ve as was the interest ines of travel across the not nent, of ore ties been wa ' y peaceful means and with fall and of those who alone had a» authori in th f led these opportin is alike of dumestic ist as, even tu the present day ent aud foreig persevered in a aystem of pnsric » rights and inferests our own in regard to each ia {the States of Central America It was with » irise and regret ther ¢, that the Uuited States | a ned, afew er the conclasion of the treaty of ipe Hidalgo, by which the [ s Lbeeame, with the consent Mi vican Republic, the rightful ow f California, and thus invested with Ss of Hinented special interest in the pol lition of Central Ainerica, that a tary ¢ ypedition under the anthority of Dritich Goverment had landed atSan Norte, in the State of Nicaragua, 1 forcible possession if that a rt, iry terminus of any canal or : i the ter th across the isthimus wit f Nicaragua t diminish the naw | on the part of Great to find that she assumed to jastify yrouned of an alleyed protec tor- fasinall and obscure Land of un I dn lians, whose proper name had meome lost to history, who did not te a State capable of territorial ty, wither iv fack ur of right, Menese this act ever acquired, either befue er after wards, Tae essetitial object o. the convention— ald, beewme a nullity ft ether Gs: cal the neatralizatiew of the wthinas— w uf course, Britian or the United States were to cow tinue to hold exelusively islands or main famd of the isthoms, it, tu ler any protectombip uf Indians, eitier Crone to re inaim furever sovereizit in factot Athuitic States of Costa Rica mn ol inere especially chain nent were sheres of the thir. Nicaragun, and Jlouderas. the ” Lave already commanieated to twe Houses of Congresa full of the protracted and hitherte effets whieh the United Stat O Grate Lire eeternatwonal tis sent vevasion only be« cenne tion with the special vbjeet now to be browg!it to the attent of ¢ Phe ume tied pulitical card i 4 the Spanresh n ve tifornea! f frivithes= have miach purest mowith Cireat Beituin vfered toon the pr ace of tte iitinsate 7" mere ie erniient wit heir own aceount, wh Leen tue nit real erst tine them can Roprts W Tah autioority TY a | from wooed mit thern woul sartnre 8 faith towards these Win ina s a ey hare cene te enjoy, mm their rican Reputlies iy) entitled t and never 1 eordial eyrmpatny and in their prosperity efficient. good will of theG ut and of the people of the United States calamities the the Vernrne To say that our laws in this respect are cometimes violated or suceessfn ly eva ded is only to say what is true of all laws jn «] countries, bat no more so in the United States than iu any ove whatever ony, tht’ the ofthe Conntries of Rabie ae ¢ ements, Com er 1 oy é ee ete nan * <p ey MAY 2 merce, the Arts and Sriences, Morality, Becht nee ens iy rs ety aie ‘ fi ion ies te) Me rir: REE ME Keg Thirty *¥) ree Tsay ref : ‘of the United States in that coantry re- Gor the attention of their Government. ; the way of Ni¢aragna is vances at Patama have oc- , involving thesacritice sof the lives and property of citizens of the ada. The condition of Nicaragna would, it is believed, have been much more pros- perons than it has been bat for the oceu- pation of its only Atlantic port by a for- vign Power, and of the disturbing author: ity set up and sustained by the same Power in a portion of ite territory, by means of which its domestic sovereignty was impaired, its public lands were with- held froin settlement, and it was depriv- ed of alltho maritime revenue which it would otherwise eallect on imported ier chandise at San Jaan del Norte. In these cirenmstances of the politieal debility of the Kepnblie of Nicaragua, and when its inhabitants were exhausted long continued civil war between , ueither ef them strong enongh to a perunnentiy inain- tain internal tranqn litv, one of the con- tending factions ef the Llepublic invited the asistawce and co operation of a susall of Citiaenes ef the United States frou ia whose pres« nee nd at enee to civil ly pork overcotie @ vmdy warat stiation, having at ite head a dis- j \ rnished iadisidual, by larth a citixen ! Patricio Rivas, as its wticy of the Un stalolishet 4 > all Governinents >» Fucranise t reurce, or the «nears by which tain their power, erument de fucto of Uw country, time as to the reeognition of revolutionary Governments the 1 we 1G pe rpie ad with reserve ouly of subdivision of parent fact are im reials vinvel thee evere pnestions leyrits aful reve ma ite ir Brion | row rhas been Catal wing te pre geen) for ( Nicarag Anatlier Nicaragua Miniate has Reput hic hi hh, antiafact Jive been receiver dence appearing that be represe » far ith the estallis! States, wae likewise Hom t PEM pre mah eve Spree ' require that this Govorn | wth lace, a dither the Gros at wit of Nicaragua ence hing oc ment of President Rivas and the Nicara gua Company, whi h involves the neces sity of inquiry into rivhts of citizens of the United States, who allege that they rieved by the aets of the inte diplamatic relath In the first betwe urred n have been agyr United States. A special commissioner has been dispatched to Panama to investi- gate the facts of this occurrence, with a view particularly to the redress of parties agytieved. Bat measures of another class will be demanded for the furture security of interoceanic communication by this as by the other routes of the isthuins. It would be diiticult to suggest a single object of interest, external or internal, inore important to the United States than the communication, by land and sea. between the Atlantic aud Pacifie States and Territories of the Union. It is a material clement of the national integrity and sovereignty. { have adopted precautionary measures and have tak u for the purpose of affucding security to sit routes of Ceutral Aimer and te the persons aud property of Vit cted the maintenanee ot sich " such acti the several tra zeus of tl dd Stat mn oru eve oWillin my the eXipen dined PIERCE , bob PUANKIAN Wiasuiscios, May 1 Fivm the Nea ' CONGR Patellige Ess. f this Gros farmily clon and a ter of so much conseg ‘ rane Jt asa revolution eff cted, voperation of our o ur se!f almits, by the trymen, going ‘rary to the laws of their country, to aid and as sistance of Unis already “ perinancnt™ Govern and security from the time of its existence un- til this moment, and which is now engaged in war. Is this the vational prudence and national policy which have guided our course heretofore ¢ What said Gen. Jackson upon an occasion some- what, aod only somewhat, like this? In regard to Texas, long after she had given to the world assurauce of her ability to govern herself, and her capacity to maintain herself agaiost Mexico, and had by victories established her tide to res- pect among the comunities of the earth, what eaid Gen. Jackson in a message to Congress on that subject tT am sorry that I bave not that! ment on the character of the Government which jpropricty of dying it; or, if so, it must be ander message here ; but gentlerben will recollect ‘it. It is worthy to be read by them. Tt embraces every principle and every policy treated of in this message, and gives them » thorough and profound and patriotic mfutation ; and it marks out as clearly and distinedy as daylight the course which we ought tu pursue in reforence to such cases, This message i+ totally contrary to the puli- cy aanounced by Gen. J by th can eeotiment, principle, mid poliey which hav. We some- Hines mix ourselees up in the affairs of uther ua ckson and approved whole nation. Jt is against the Ameri rovern dl us from the tayinning. tions (varying necording to cireumstanees) as by the quarrels of commiuuitics rising sud- dangerowsly recognising, and thus fur es- potrsing lenly into existemee, as we do by engaging with in in albanees, oi nsive aod di fomare. This ' san cotangtmge alliance, Can. Jackson th crmiore, as any l read that adenire itheman wall find whe # m a hew commen f nalions, contract its powers ty authority alusat Uae lind a of Nicarngaa for Wwe lent at tl ut several years, and one there when this revolution k chang Wi. wl their Government Was bas had a Minister resident here cn on terms of political intercourse Dr heylw Biyee 4 4 Circle bose a, Ae eee te NUMBER Lit” | with the State of Nicaragua fur a series of years, as we are with the other states of Central Amer jiea. We are not now recognising a new Pow. | jer. take to criticise the conduct of the Dresident,' | who must, by virtue of his office, regulate, not ‘our relations with forcigo nations, but our inter: | course with foreign goveruments) that, knowing | | the fact (hat a number of our citizens bad gone | there from our States and bad taken part in this | revolution, I should hage paused, as I chink hy, jhas paused, before furming any judgpreyt which jcoull be considered a sudden premature julg- | ‘has resulted from that, revolution. That day, | |bowever Lins goue by. The Guveroment has) been established apw fur a perio of some six) or eight months. So fur as we are informed, | lit is a Goverument of greater stability, more | j tranquility, more repose than has exiated ip that , wofortunate country for @ yeriad of years; and if it has been brought about by the instruameotal- ity of one of our own countryinep, We are not to diseredit it on that account; far from it. 1 adinit that we are to do nothing which would invite of encourage our people tw intrude thew selves offen ively, far ke with Lostile views, in to the affairs of othersy bat when the thing is sad end. d, the Government becomes the act of the people of the cuuntry whose Govern tent i ws, The Government of Nicaragaa having chang ed bands, un pdause bands has yt been deposited ( Mr. Rivas ix, as Lam informed, the pres isiona! Presideut of Niearagaa. What ie a provisivnal A Vresident ad interim until, accor h President to their smetitutions, « which we have » doa President can be ‘ . ti royulasly tis fundiaimcutal law: bur facts, the organ of that Gore He to pat time lf in , and to domanad that can sl Now, ar, I from Kentucky means when be sa)» Jo not know ebhat the Senator Cleat, rm the course of a week, the couutry will think jtrelf m Use of war because the sed Cuverniment of With very Nicaragua has been recon whom are wet Senater ®& meaning that, transatlantic G tert Newt ( athave always refra n puted Th ywneto this Gs otto tn power kt ermine I Wn xprodsly given to lit by the ¢ an re ceive a foreign Minister san authority nstitut If hy Miniater ning tla bea ” Whe responsibility resiles with him wire lto undertake tu receive a foreign my leome association of people cl jw a litieal community, theretofore anBoown to the | world as a political community, i} would” eer- ” tainly be # very great stretch f ‘responsibility, {which might involve the ‘country, and whieh I Tam free to. admit (so far as T would under: | think no President, ednscious. of his true * posi- tion as one of thé departments of the Goverm- ment, would éxércise, - But ‘where Shere ip A mere change of Goverament in an existing and ‘ ucknowkdged political community, a mere change of the hands that exercise powenrit san Z 4 ordinary case fur the exertion of his resp ity, And he must take his own goutse, Ife ean not consult us, he ¢antot consult’ ahy branch of the Goverument, L should conceive, f . mtich graver cireumstances than those-whidl abe tend the present ease, - ie Why, sir, how was it but the other day fa France? France passed through all the interme” diate states of a monarchy, an anarchy, a millit- ary despotism fur the time, a republic, and” aa autoeracy, and we recoguised them all; aocerd- ing to my recollection, from time to time, in cach stage which that Government assumed, aa- ‘til it terminated in tbe grand coup dtat by which the present ruler of Franee seized the teins of cwpire, md held them ever sines, “Ageonde in to my recollection, our Minister at Paris, though be was unable to obtain instractions from hix Government, forbore no longer that! tép ér fifteen Javs as to whether he should recognize Louis Napoleon as the ‘autocrat of Frames in- stead of Louis Napoleon who was President of the R-j ublic same teu or twlevé days Geferie— This Government perfectly approved of what he did. We did not hesitate at omeeto put our sclves tn political comerunication with France af ter Napoleon seized the reins of empire there, and Incame the ruler, the sole ruler, wap = Llesen to (he people over whom be ea I shall go no farther into the subject. J mean ty say what I tuiak—with all the respect which [Lear t the Senator from Kentucky, and [ bear that rspect to Lim for which he is en- thd, a sery great respect—he has rathet con- founded cone of a reception by the President f oma political community just com- g and out previe usly recognized, with ai ordinary Change of government ‘Power with whom we have bad Hiieal relations, \T!. 1 wish to put an ingniry to Virginia. It appears to me, is question in a pragtical point of there is only one resalt from this a. Jf the Nicaraguan Gover coznized, our citizens, indepen- » our part, will have a nght practical result of the ae lis ¢ ernment will be toen- he United States to go there }crmauvent Government whi A permanentone. It ane sterd it was considered # carried 0 im a great emigrating from the Upited laws of this country —earried rinmentality almost exchusiveiy. ch fomght the battles of the rev- wenticths have been Americans contrary to the laws of our od, ver, that now by the G the President y American Gt- ee ower boew and th ny ay pty strugule, how . vorument, tte pr vent a I nt at fi Pa | t tll be that in Jess than twen- Ly means of steam people a rernment which but ere] as trembling ia the bal Ietiewed that it wae aboat we statde (ageinet the o lo which the revele- n Government is t- alt of that. frr would it be ving ascertamed the stability of Uted ty be established by our away the restrictuns now our ciltzene to go nent and stable Gors- orday was a tablished by those e! The practical that by the reeog- rent in Nicaragua re in accordance hat they will go tofore been au ua- mean stable one, [| uninst the po- stun to which wll be n is, how I rom Maryland «ether the prac- existing Gov- le to give a fi- Mates to go per, after they get which is said now and Nicaragua. — the laws and policy give them fo great- exsts in regard to any arth, Tt will n the slightest de- we thern nnimpaired and in full that the citizen of the onginate, set on fyot, or linits any mititary expedi- try with which we are at peace, l embarrass our relations with ur citizens are free to go n they get abroad to be it peaceful or boatile. lained the history of the justified the action of irks have teter-been of- ws prov « alall un please, and wh Were an any pursuit Mr. WELLER ex Nieuw revolution and This ren } WW Mo oCRIPTENDE N again rose to address the ate, he yielded to a Duke of , out of curiosity. Il, when tor nversation, the duke Hought his blindness him, because he les T, bis (the doke's) tal poct replied, “If that nop our reva misfortunes are indexes Heaven, what must 1? al er 7 I have “e e a CL — = —_———— SPERCH OF MR. FILLMORE. |Fiteore regretted that he had felt ealled on to In the Spring of 1854, only two years ago, speak of those who stood by Mr, Fillmoss visited, among other places in hia Wotetn tour, Louisville, Ky, where he was, as | everywhere elar, treated with the most marked courtety. Tw reply toa welcoming address, be vale anpeech, a sketch of which was published ie time ia the Journal, which, now that be iefore the people for the first office in the rd, wi'l be rend with pleasure. Hlere it ts: Mr. Fillmore said, on rising, that he telt ex vvdingly erabarransed in being called on, for the first tite in bis lefe, to address an audience like the ene before him, and that he hoped that there was no ~ eliel ” present ‘takin notes, but that what be shoukl ulter should be sincen dy fomgatten with the occasion Ile was at a loss to. wnderstand what motive could have prompted each a great and unexpected expression of re yard om the part of the citizens of Kentucky. — It he were in the actun! possession of the power wich ik was once his fortune to wicld, of cven sgwin peeking that posivon, he might sce an ob- Jeet fur such a manifestation, bathere TD avn, said ha, neither holding or seeking office, with noth jug 7# a private or public many which in my own estimation, should cal! forsh such a testime- nual as thie, To vothing, said be, can I attri vate it but a real Kentucky hospitdity, which roeks ap objet, whether worthy or not, and lav- iabes w) on that object its own yoarrosity. Mr. Fillmore said that it was his misfortune ta be, without his solicitation, and certainly agaist his wishes called to the administration of the government. He ba! not even songlit the nomination of Vice-Presidency, and none could te more surprised than be when he learned that he had been pominated. It was only ten hour bore General Ta ‘or's death that be had any thought that his ilustnous friend was in danger. | The knowledge came upon him lke a peal of} hander from a clear st). He felt wholly vo- vepared for the great respoosthiliies about to devedwe pon him. Thoagh be had been for waamy years a politician, Le could say that the uly sleepless nigint he ever passed, on seconnt A political anxiety, was that on which General Taylor died. [lis sleeplessness arore from lin leep feehag of the weight of the duties unex prety d oredl apoa him. Lie reviewe! Jur vg the heers of that night bis own opinions and s own bik. he hal ‘gah ia with his mother's m lk and chermbed m his own youth on, a feeling, even aye ju ¢ agninst stavery. [le endeavored to He was sensible that ook 2 this whole country, from the farthest cor nor of Maine to the utmost ome country —the country that bad given lnnit of Texan, as birth. [le saw in the gathenng clouds 1 North and in the South a storm «| acly to overebelm him, and, he fare-! cvantry also, but be tunk the cunsituuen aud be laws as bis only guide. He well knew, that bv so doing. he must jose friendatsip of many prominent men of Cie o1viry, especially ia his own State, and encoun thetr repreaches, but to him this em roth »e The man sho can kek apon sach a cree withgut beieg «dling to offer hime If wpon Ure sitar of bis country is not fit for a publ trust de the might of Geo. Taylor's death, the mem ere of the cabinet presented to me their reaig struggle of 1850. He said that he would glad- ly name in tbat connection many living persgns, ; not whign merely, but democrats as true patri-| in the great of propositions oppe ter to enable them to aid the enactment the States rights and strict construction | Democracy of Congress.” ‘ Such, then, is the evidence of a leading nsed by the mass “Carolina Watchman =_— = = ~ gt - | TUESDAY EVENING, M. SALISBURY WN. ©. camot ece in what other ‘ effeet, nor how. a change | Mr. ots as ever lived. This work of pacification; Democratic Journal, and it establishes | said he, was by no meaas the work of one man, these positions : or five men, or ten men—the evisis was one inj tet. That Mr. Buchanan is now and, TERMS OF THIS PAPER #200 Casn. which the true patriots of the @ation, no matter jag always been for a Prorecnve Ta- what they had been called, witigs or democrats. pipe ! or any other name, rose above all personal and | partizan considerations, aud lovked only to the gol of the oountry. Tle referred beautifully to | the voble parte taken by the dlustrious dead, Mr. Clay, Mr. Webster, and tle late Vice Presi- dent King. | The speaker said that though he had, by his efforts in behalf of the compromiune, lost fur a time the confidence of a portion of his fellow: cit- izens, and especially in bis own State, be loved | that State as dear as mother, and was uawilling He trusted that the excitement of the moment would to beliewe that he had proved a recent son, ipass away, and she would: at last see that he! bad at least acted with honest intentions, if be | had not acted the better part, But, fellow cit: | iaens, said be, let me refer to your owa Siate, | When the gathering tempest of fanaticism, abo- | lition fanaticisin, was culling up from the North | {and an equally violent tempest of fanaticisin, was rolling up frum the South, where then did | | the State of Kentucky stand! She stood hike a| jrock amid the serges of the ocean—she stood | \ firm and unshaken, the pillar of the constitution. | | His eulogy of Kentncky was exceedingly hand- | jsome, and this portion of his speech like all the | other portions, was received with the most en-| Few public speakers ever j thusiastic applause. made $0 fine an impression upon a Louisville | | audience as he. | — | | From the Raleigh Reyister. | ITHE HARMONIOUS! HOW THEY | LOVE! The three factions— Pierceites, Puck- | ites and Donglasites, are engaged in mer-| \ciless intestine warfare—which inercases ,in fury as the time for the meeting of the great Cincinnati conclave approaches. The “Sentinel” at Washington City, pro- fessing to be the peculiar guardian of the “ Buekites,” has opened with a savaze venom on the other factione, headed by ard the “ Little Giant.” and if the broadside has not scat- the “Greytown hero ~ tered their forces, it has left the leaders The “ Washington city of the Pierceites) re hora du combut ! Star 7 (a satellit turned the fire a few days since with con- |siderable spirit. He has evidently net inissed his aim, and the fluttering and shricks amongst the Buckites shew con clusively that somebody is either kiled ro weanded. We present our reader- with e following, as a sample of the kind of weapons nsed by the * Star a “We do not agree with the Tiiunes and Sentinel! in the Lelief that he is the greatest iman now identified with the Democratic party. He has Leen in pol lie life almost uninterraptedly since 1820 uatiogs. | deciiwed to jwwk at them, first, be Where is the legislative measure of deo come I deemed it respectful to the honored | mestic of foreign policy or ginated Ls dead that 1 show! ] not coasider by whet meags| hin that lias become a feature in ons b lietere ? e has beer re heat I shoul! carry on ube government anti! be was P® lic history! He has been att \ ad ' ’ ” y State Dep arten t t r ints decently interred; and seomn Ip, Leeause the { our State I rte 7 and ter at the Coart of St. Jamet here ts avaleeche of res comliiity bei fate apon mv Lo fi le - the treaty negotiated or consummated desire oar seprepare « dG at asta fow boars t throughs is ageuey. except the unimper fhect } ’ j t - > on what t wasmy duty to du Mere tant commercial treaty with Russia, wm Be cabinet, wleeted by Gen. Taylor, ceseral which isalmost verbatim a copy of mans them my personal [ weds, whom | eooki d. similar treatics with other governments, ng thing in my power ty erre, short of crlan before and sioce mude, in many instances poring the peace of my cowntr: 1 oe the vy comnpara ively secure Charzea d At (2 rica ant rtf we rT ra over, thet Gheit policy was not sh as | pi) Cm tie pe JOULE AY ghd Kok - n dea of pecuiar pu anity prove. I enw that the execu peer y : , att > ss se fhun a < e The t ~ Tin ° meet See — * {tie a dhangerons sappre ve $ tine ines to eac!, other. and that, eo} th * I STA Iert aie onle f thi. g> contine-d. peace could wt be restored. to mid « In ner est The quest x Neer fore, pre ee t | aiteyethor acernriins O01 reteim tle calinet on « aie and wineneter before The batter course wns » od: trot iio err reeerds only are cone seared: come Braces ih the jon birt nest rm THE 2 Ur { ‘oe : W . ) 9 which Ue y » ' V ayainst the doctrines wouh-mis an th Soa that anv yer ian «f wuatle be fer teeing t fice toe eobet part “ as ever beens sited to act 2 beads «4 wie { ] silers 1 of tt arif vty came ureom me in ial a cat Ir estion as ever nade any toa e memwnbers of the Tas lor eal . hugh protective ta ff speech. oof given Tae, _ ; ther than whigh protective tanfl nd to give w Pe the fact lias eacal< ir rec ect aed and welet t re , , Pa ; . CU). ' Pave Rained quest wily dex lr Tiwe, o . CH orta 7 Tor . ' (f rt I> aning up im tie N a > ' acve of the S as anv get was wbhewiy called to a ter roar “ A l tt, withent a calanet, ar . tnine slavery qGue- v 1 st one, but thank trod | war y a “ exclus { «lave wateem, | oar an ba unate as to oltair ry fron ail lon | States territory nort athe escentoore which a mrelf ale ( thirty-six degrece thirty 1 tea of Nor ! ' t ther w aM rewd hese 2 , . ate @ A eonrr ¢ promise ot he now stansl{s ether, i ar ot tone own * k ¢ 38 r x 4 tacky was rarcacned ty arse Es a | ahiel every inar ecesear' is Mri ° ern Siities py reaina «of racand puesto arow, wl at ene | >Cineinnat: Pres ° - , » T. mas Now Meio. ace, « Lef hiypmiae!f ect “ d Teams , ‘i . ¢ ' t “ * fay N i yee “ a sing f atv t ° ' t \ t Bat wt Now ‘ ~ am tw 4 ay , I ‘ x aries Ga * t ‘ ' ! ; ‘ . Py \ se earl Ma oe qe Pe - ; | ‘ ie . t t ' kh i re fuy . j a ve prove . We fraukiv ¢ ‘ e have a egretir ~ trie ude f tine ariel . deere af. ‘ ’ ' ‘ 4“ ‘ PA Mr | aha = ‘ els - i ‘ hether thie wae I) 1 mata ‘ 4 . \M - Meutt ; 1G < : haw . ’ F ' rome i \ ‘ ! iad far -! vers tot pera! wi aeof medi 4 <2 ‘ “os (y 18 Geel t wil Mt : rf re and i ' we }) ron | 4 «Is 1 thee vu f t ny Vv P) ws e-em and f Mf }) t's, oe wh on re bet 2nd. That he has heretofore been in favor of excluding slavery by act of Con- gress from all the territory of the United States north of 86° 30 min.! 3rd. That every northern Democratic Free-sviler is fur Mr. B's. nomination ! 4th. He is for the Pacific Railroad ‘and in this “differs widely from the De- moeracy of the South.” Sth. * Every npsonnd man at the north claiming affiliation with the Democracy had mounted on Aés (Mr. B's.) back.” Now, if these things be true, (and sure: ly the Democracy ought to know, as they say so,) how can Southern States Rights, strict construction, anti-protection Demo- crats support him? But let the caucus of Cincinnati nominate him, and these peculiar friends of the South—these men who are horritied at the very idea of pro- tection—these men who swear vengeance ayainst the Government if it should vio- late the Constitution by building the Pa- cifie Rai} Road—these very men, “all the chivalry.” will swallow him and all his odious doctrines, with a guste !— What a willing and convenient cousci- ence docs an appetite for the * spoils” give to politicians now a-days! TUE TROUBLES AT PANAMA. The United States authorities have, it is understood, adopted prompt measures for the investigation of all the circuinstances FOR PRESIDE: a MILLARD FILLMORE, FOR VICK PRESIDENT, ANDREW JACKSON DONELSON. OF TENNESSEE. 7 - FOR GOVERNOR, | JOHN A. GILMER | OF GUILFORD. | District Blector.—Gen, Atras J. Danoax | has beea appointed Elector for this District. He | is un able and effective speaker, and: will make | Mr, Warnine see sights, when they shall hap- | pen to mect oa the stump. - see Hon. E. G, Reade’s Letter. —One of the moat complete and unanswerable political papers out | this year,is the letter of Mr. Reade to his constita- | ents, imamswer tu an address sent out by Mr./ Clingman, If our fricnds desire to know the! political history of Mr. Clingman, or if they | want a peep at the Pierce administration, let | them rend Mr. Reade’s letter, which shall appear | in OUF hext paper, | The Dapville Register, speaking of this letter | befure its appearance, made the followin, remarks, | They more effectually “ used wp” by a political adver- , Says the Register: “Tt is said what Hon. Edwin G. Reade has are literally verified, No ian was ever | sary, than Mr. Clingman. and that it will We long it, as we can iinagine, without being told. Chigman, to his constituents, be given to the pubbe ina few days. ‘ ’ to see connected with the recent outrages at whatan excoriation itis Reade, beyond: any Panama A special avent has been sent tan we know, las the faculty of saying the hard * 7 P : st things an the gentlest way, . ld- thither, and Capt. Batwey, of the United a hi ay. [lis very mild pews is the very sternest rebake to the dema {States ship “St. Mary's” has already held a correspondence with the Governor. The Captain, in his letter, alludes too nt rages, robberies, and murders that were umitted for the most part npon inno cent and unarmed men, women, and eli es be can torture his puts an end to his life. The nginan will be amusiag to the rves the showing up which he eo and when he choos victim, before he wrthiugs of ¢ us he dy partelic s gubkl lu have received -_ Ze@™ Vowan Supenor Court ove in sessivn, dren, and asks for “an early explanation: jas Honor, Judge Ricis, pr seling. There isa of the canses of the catastrophe, as ¥ lavee of geutiemen of the legal pro- as some evidence of the Governor's inch ’ bos ness seems to be pom off the nation and ability to prevent like cecur het pretty speedily. We notice Mr. Laost rences for the future.” The Governor in &8 aown, ( ly arpuinted to the place,) ated Ctficincaing at the Clerks desk Mr. Deown's a» reply, says that “the difficulty origu ' rom tl eo tne bilm ° = . ‘between a passenger and an individnal ‘* oan Z . ral. and we therefor of the country, in conseque oft { that be will acawit himself to the ) satisfaction of the ’ ! ah mer having re fneed to pay for the fi atisl ne | }owath ereht to ot . : ‘ nw There os owe of cousnberable im whiehbe had purchased from the lat - tance t 4 ter. r t “In caid dispate the passenzer vile are +f — Ps ; r u DELIC VTE SURGICAL OPERATION use of his pistol, discharging it at lis of ponent, who had aftemptea to flee and Dr Chas T. Powe perfortned, some weeks ago, was followed by said passenger and two the opermtson of pemonving Stove from the bled others, who united themselves with hin; r,—the sult, Mr. Damister Colley, aged 55, for which re the people of the countr ben aftlcted for some Zt rears, ated foe the « » gs t e | 4 t h var’ ' who we rea vat lecalitv. took y Sanlde to al 1 the ahve t r f ! nh é 1 pate in fas f the wm II very tre atinent man, which led to a contest that a . Sune na Gh alinest general, and was ¥ ” t sad eome boure, without the efforts ‘ TE Sila with thatobject, the anthorities ar d-o - < system eueld Granadians and strangers ule tn R = peely sufficient tu pacify the t t if Know, that Dv parts ~ we perf with complete 1 . + been restore] The Governor states f{ , ‘ ee restore The Soone w ! er 2uLnCE it! rity nN ist . . = oo ra cut an t 1! ‘ , 1? N we Davie mea If stration wast ‘ at a mat c tacenia to ms peete ee weent a tof thie road Nima lilert dod eigint attach either ty ' ia . \ i \ s or Mr. Gear « n ; i ' ' ~ t the Direc C ences, le It : tw plac AS A 1 ato t ‘ ' © * . " ra rene “ vy of the ; \ = he con ; P bs at (rota Charlotte piac Sa ' r Nnother police 1 1 inc ‘ ( ( ambia re sliy atc r ‘ kote 1 1 7 thes promises that for the fata “ «pare ‘ that ongl eff (tor other means w ' 7 : ug KK tlheaccommeada t tov € ! f i} reliase a tick and «¢ gra na “eat 4 ( prefer going ¢ 1 ; aie fi met BEE Pe Tire 1 States G ‘ N va we ‘ - a A a - 4 . Y xeteel A sta cd aa we \ g > ; tthe Ra as at Panama, wits the ( al wf yg respec the first plac ar Virth it] J ‘ © case of . i tra . | We . for sake of ff very ot ‘ r wong f t vt present } { tr < rr \ fi NIG ron x fo poo and ft t sof other <e. it ceans a ‘ 7 Sie . ‘ as ? r t delay in travel afew ur res ¢ “ ae ; ne re v ape « a ‘ ane ities n ” / if } te, a yust a better I } I ar I Ls , F 5 we aube i Ps \ } ‘ nate have been de ‘ \ t afe vay travel, | ftiains ane a lay Lyi W. vids wav travel - than the through trav . ( ie Read ven the uv ’ AEN " t au pr irrany e i4 and vood | another place of ¢ ( ’ s Ont er band the rouzh travel . ana le f uM " t Direetora have not After fare f Furlong 5 : ( te { Stockholders in vital i Ha SUG AD treasury of the ( mo, nt a3, i J the hazards of i ! » for the | . x . . I t nt 1 e article, j riarice nt was design ant ‘ | { ‘ fury hol oMiot, line, to our eye, 60 NA } t Pe i : we cf 4 ana \ los {on rie is a look, that itis Merely ta renegade W , } 1 . rere xa : his vowor of hn What political enega lite t ‘ ut +. z : fy aah hace? . » of. Was ytou Sue 1 1 1) ] ave Are the of : a4 : ayilwen rot ' aA the trains all demo- epsof Midrow Pack ‘ they take advantage of the Washingt Ovan dar t tlre wits to plot, sche:ne, disclaimed any jhave a strong affinity for the fat ottices, desires a eof aebedulet W way there can be a political would remedy the eet, if the case be as we have suggested.) eee The Whig very property, we think, setiung on Mr. Fisher, Mr. F. is a democrat, as all Know; but his neighbors. believe him to be a great way above any act which would comprise his honor as a man or as au officer, fur the sake of advancing’ party &:hemes, nuder any circumstances, We have heard that Wels which he defended the | + Western Adsdless,” and for the White Basist We call of tle © Standard” to publish that Speech, Was not Mr, Erwin a meuber of the late le he opposed the present schedate; bat however that may be, we are utterly val | a loss to see any political bearing it can possibly exert, or any relation it has to | matter so plainly foreign. It is true the Read would not have been built, had it not been for the Whig party. It is true, that to that party, the people of Nerth Carolina are indebted for all the great improvements which are develop- |e . | ling the resourees of the Commouwealth, | ions are adeasily madeaud cost ao litthey| and elevating the State in the seale of| importance. And it is troe that the Road is now in the hands of the Democratic party—the very men who opposed its construction, It is true that a demvocrat- \ic Governor has packed the Board of Di- rectors with a parcel of young democrats whose capacity for managing such a charge is doubted by many very respect: ble and interested persons; but whether or not they have employed or will use their power for the prowution of purty purposes remains to be shown. and will take care of them certain—pla- rather bad grace. >: | THE NATIONAL DEMUCKATIC PARTY: We have amoag our readers and patrons, a! 4 few liberal minded demucrats, and we desire to call their attention to the sabpuncd better from one of the big guns of thetr party, a Northern Let them read this letter, and see how the “ Nation man, who is writing to a Nurtherw friend. al Demorratic party” os playing inte the hands uf the abulitionists | results of demucratic memures, as here tate!, Surely the facta, and the shoukd cause Soathern men ty pause an] ovo sider weil the effect of a vote on the fiture weil fare of the country LETTER FROM LON. ©) C)CAMBRELENG Hewtrsoiox, December 8, 1855. My Dear Sir: —Even Southern men in Nan sas acknus ledge that it will inevitably be a free State. This ws the Last stragyle for slavery; for the half a dozen remaining are already free, aml will remain a. 1 aut have! the trouble shout Kansas but for Atch <n strug gle to get beck rmto the Senate. As the q wn now stands, there owslt to be me diffe nity whatever jo uniting the Lemocratic party; for the principle of the Nebraska aud Kansas ball — mpualler sovermguty — whatever ite onygin, gives There w wn hal us every territory Lelowging to Ure U aited Mate st and all we have now Ww insist upon is, that ot vabaced, Practieaily, shall be huoestly Usat Kanase shai have far play there ws po dither ence worth quarreling abuut It appears tu me to be perfeet|y abeund fur os to grumble aloat “squatter? sorretznty’ at the present time, shen squatter soveriguty will make free exery inch of Lerr bluaying to the Ua led States with the prospect of the aiditve of mure Mew After the s-jatetwa of California van temtory, Grea, Cass proposed the ductrine uf hom wmlerTention, 1 @ae an lenportant qeestron ae it ig leave Jte (he intreductwon uf <0 many siave State=; leat, afteg the Swath had been y Californias d ck metal rol freedom, ee hel pe comnpk & by ch clara min fav samen t s pet to ler aowretgnty the Juctnine ul bua Intervention, of =) "et We hare now, b-saka Kinases and No tracks, N -e Meticn, Ureh W ashimgton Mioneata, Oregon au! making seven territoms, which Zz ae eeren free States Meme think the *e of Kansas duutifu!, but the rm asion of Mie tob-pembot of natural wn rowdtes awe make ita free State Dhese borderers cum- uiet first ts) vote fe proslarery men, the w« J time to tute against them ie the beatin of therd ting: te make a blaster thee Thre te the lant and dyrmg struggle o the eapetal, ated the a aluskev Jer Shannen, pland-¢ prey, aad dnnk svety. Under such earcumstances | canmot eive what we pawuldy can gan by ressetin a principke which has bitherte cachaded slavery from our Territorwe Thre atechol bre ow opt gt hase, and ley ate the pretest fee ny int n of 36 dey. 30 mm, nder that compromise They generally of pose! Ron-ilercembun on that greund, and cor teoded fr earrving the ceamp fume line to the Lactic eat pow to have that compronnee line restored Why the South shoold voted for peal wea question foe the: \aclves to eetth tine, admitted ocean. It ws certarnly not for our inter have Ie re ther all, at the that Kansas would new er be a slave State I hope eur frewse etl! vold and leave the question of State organization to the people of the Terntory meet the ran who have the nutoral awdbest nyght to deede for hemselves. 1, bat Tat the eyaatters ectile imsiat that the eines de Neteneka. act shall be honestly carried ont, that the equattere shall have far play, and shall be Aled by invaders n Miesour or any military power @hatever “As ly “inure slaves States.” there are nor Prospect. and ee mseloe to embuarrana cure tree y anvecipating questions whieh may on may net ariec We have no alt mative matte atick to the National Democrete party, and we have n ahem. to nbeardon it s done the p Heal of nuns eon whe inte 1 her have shone the cause of freedom no harm aned se far we have no cause t wn They ~downin the free States by the rer. al of the Missuan com promise: but that i no res eon why we shoul! extingnished ours-leee, and fuse” with men who have po pring ie in com mon with ue I] we meet the qucation flat footed, an. leave the honor of abvodoning ther: abd prir ciples, of embracing the'r enemies, and of throw , Ing up their eape for Win. H Seward atman, and <tieke to H. whatey phetinately hae no inter yes ine terion inotive Truly, yours ~e 4 WOW Lepiow, Fey AMERLENG Fire.—We learn this morning, that a fire broke ont near Adatn's old Hotel in Charlotte, which destroyed some & or 10 buildings before the flames could be ar- reated cofves Convention that re-nominated Gow Bragy? Ta he not one of their Electared How will he and Gove Bisbee, i the snine “ political truckle bed” on State re> form t Bat will the * Standard” publish Mr. E.'s speech {—/tul. Reg. Which is the snrer test of » man's sin- 'cerity——his professions or his acts t Why, lin this uncertain world, where profess any one of common sense will respond — actal If aman is willing to carry out | his profemions by acts, —ta endorse thea by hie coaduct, to assunie the responai- bility of aeting up to his professions, we nigh aid bear lowly organ erows over what the is expected to de: for abe thew tnke uvte of lis ago tation that the Gernsmay: igranta from the North 4 iu have the bear proof, whieh ean le given, that he is sincere—that he is * honest’ ih the cave.” Is,thie not sof Whe with gainsay it?) Then bring Taunus B and Juhn A. Gilmer w thie test,—and | how dothey stand befire the people whose | anffrages they are soliciting t= Look te} the record of their public careers. That of Mr, Gilmer is covered all over with | They | bright and patriotic acte—acts—in the than to ask that it be | cause of the State, in the improvement of jation in the Sunthern her condition—in the developinent of her | . a ae rx : . | pesources—in the advancement of her) written a reply to the late errcular of Thomas 1. Gea, all things considered, they fill with | alata! And where are the acta of | romas Bragg which entitle him -v the} support of our People! Where are theg? Echo answera—twhere ?— Raul. Meg. PAINFUL OCCURRENCE \ It is one nnpleasant ‘luty to notlee an vecurrence of a very painful character which touk place yesterday in the Cajt- tol, being, we are srry ty aay, a personal confiict between two members of Con | gress, growing ent of what was regarded ava Anil varions Versions which report has given of it, we can) present only a very general netice of the transact, | the true facts of which will coubthewe be correetly elicited by investigations which will probably take pl we today. The saerhat facta, as tl ey have been related te us.are, that Mr. Senator Sumer having in his apoeeh of Taeslay last, male sore offensive personal reflections ou Senater Re-riar, of South Carolina, alsent at home) h the Tbe Mr. Breoka, of the House of Represea tatives, songht Mr. Scwnnn terday in the Senate Chamber after that beady had aljourned, and made attack ow lin with acane. Several Senators and oth ers who happened to be near immedi ately interpered, when Mr. Bracks with drew, and Mr Sumner, who was a good deal hart and bleeding, was convered te his led yings sccurtence we personal provocation. the Coosenenperty Chee ia trees bephes a ve In meticrny thas pounful have confined oardeites to the briefest acesunt of it, leaving te the Jisehwearce which will nodonbt be elicited teday a correct statement of it Nat Int THE MASSACHUSETTS LEGISLA TURE. Daetos, May 23. The [louse Ar Representatives toalay ananiiuensly appecniedl a committee t report what acthon to take concerning the assaultapen Sancier, Great eveite ment prevails, anda tneuting of witizens hae been calle! for tine eremng It is said that Brooks struck Samner sone 50 blow. Brooks was sent to jail Sumner ie rec werng from his injaries will Lo in the Scnate agnin in a few lara A CORRECTION Several of thesqewepapers have qnoted the National Inte re«ponsil le erons } gene for the billowing paragrupely : “ During tria in the United States Circint ( the Now progressing urtin tine ents extraordinary fact came ent imieve dence that, when a hiow Nething ie ad mitted te bia second degree, he beesnes A party to aneath which linde him te stand by a brother of tive smi wrade, te yardiess of conscqnences, even mea wil ness in any Court This item refers t ifthe ¢ rts of what occurred in ecity of Mew York, and was crulaxhed in a letter of our New one York correapomdent, (lated the 6th of May.) whe mtimated his want of confi denee in the statement by econctnding the paragraph with the following words: * So says a laal reporter; but aurely it a not 9.” Lhe copriata, by omitting these worde, hinve located the tral in Washingt and made the Intelligencer the endorser of a ement for whiels it Ishom re®pons Ile than at won te for any other iten: convered N Correspan denee or bw telegraph No sich oeenr Le rer resented took place Vout. [ateliqgences The Ralei Carolinian, st dard and Daily South Democratie Ndininistration printa, cop I this paragraph without the eeplanation here Will they give the ee Standard wiven The rreetion ¢ . copies pore with aw flourish Shooting by a Neyro.~-On Taeaday Hight last, in Sampson connty, Mr. Fleet Cooper acd mvother , ; Read 1 discovered a hegr ntleman were tra velling the ther, when thes on the way side, whom they accosted. The negro replied in an insolent manner, and Me Cooper and his companion, supposing the fellow to be a runaway, dismounted frou their horses and attempted to seize him. The negto immediately discharged a pistol at Kir. Cooper, wounded him slightly in the left arm, and fled. The negro, who, it Ap: pears, was free, las rince been arrested and lodged in jail—-2iry. Curolbntanag jemegrants from the State clections at the “ Democracy,” has) oot of trim this effers effusion.” We have nan ther comments ofeuch an artichs now, 8 free eireu- end te sug: , to the Bon, Thos. G. ’ he exhibiteit tall bisold line in order that they may seo” “wort of an “only National party” mvatern De mocraey is. Read :—Jialt. Amerioan, “ Mthe valaabte Tari) opin to mettle. ment is already * staked pat,” + and daim- el,’ and eternal decrees could net make freedan more. ae Nor is this the beginning and the chapter, though eh Se enongh by any reasonable’ man,” Tt is now proclanued by antiyNebraska that such is the rash of yon ag this direction that, like the tee al rains which ewell the rivers, it wil} ever flow ite natural banks, and » . ‘om tet the immense terri-ory of Texas, theo oc three neve Sree States owt of vil which had been ected to Slavdty! emigrants are aniversally” antialat men, beth fran principle and from being unable to eodare contact with Neth and Aes in organizing Jree States on the soil of glare rv! “Nor ie this a/7, great and good as it i in stated that Miasoart Oke. mm. tags to thoughle ff freedom, Slat was never strong there, and fs mnainly énbfin- ed to the rich Lottom lands of the Mia-is- sippi, while the western portion Wf the State is alinest exelusively ovcphed by free new. Daring the hast fo sears the namber of slives hae Leen dinsvishing as things then were; and now, when the State suall be nearly serronedad by free States, and the cord pe gf elcece become easy, aml when ow large a portion -of the pouple are oppesed to tt, buth frum inter- est and privetple, it is thought b these well acquainted with the state pabtie feeling that slavery will give way to snr. roomling cirenmstances aud Miaours it- self join the sisterhand of free Srates anund her! Should not auch aatidy the mest scalods abel digniae 1 Shewid not the part ouly, which be moral certainty, create the nvt decont thanks moving f Utah. New Mextea, Nebraska, the territery of achaen Intarg imbepen- lent States, and Kansea, all «ure bo be fied vesiies twerar three to be carved from Texas, aut Missouri itself te he free!— Who coud erp mo wweh? Who asks for more! The dlsclitionists have har rangued fur frecdun, preached fur free- lom, and ae they say, praged for frve- hom over thie vast ferritury, Sheali! they wid thavk Hheacen and be content when they veecice what they asked? = [ndeed, they now adunit, almost with- nt an exception, that seach resalte have been seeured by the Nebraska bill,vreull, yrand, perce, and glorivws, euch os ue single ae! of Congress has evet defore wenred. « The Nebraska Lill works glorionsty and trinnphantly for freedom! No eet i Mad Preaciont ec ony Congress haa at- cord m omuch and mw etddenlg-and comly Jor (abe rty, and men of al jes will be obliged to acknowletge, with the intelligent aul honest Natiomal :Jntelli- geacer, on the day after the pagmage of the bill, that theagh they opposed it from beginning te end for the sake of peace and yood feeling throughout te. pation, yet truth and honesty vired’ them fo confess that the Nerth and South should change their positions, and the Nurth go for the Lill and the Suath oppose it.” A Thavy Businesa—The town of Winchendon, Mass., is more largely en- gaged inthe manufactare of wuodenware than any other place in the eonntry. They furnish annally 1,56,000> nat 240,000 tuba 15,000 charns, and-1 £00,- 000, toy pails, that have a total ¢alue of R360, OO0U, or abunt 1,00 @ day; inelud- ing Sundays through the year. ooo : The Martin.-—Aw exchange notiecs as asingular fact which has no doubt struck the attention of many, that the commen Mo fin-dird which has heretofute made its appearance here aboat eqninex, has this year failed to visitas. We bave not, to our knowlege, seen or heard one of them yet, either in the city or ite vicinity. We feel their absence very sensibly, ur nothing nsed to be more pleasing to one cars than the lively notes of those cheer- fal and familiar birds, especial] in the carly hours of the morning. Waa: der what has become of them? Wheeling Times. oo : Terrible” Freahet in Tenneasgee.—The Tennessee paper reports destraetive fresh- ‘ets in that coanty: in Giles county, hog, cattle and sheep were drowned, bridges, carried away, and mach other damage jdene. One farmer lost 200 head of sheep, At Lebanon, the town was everflowed, ‘and many families driven from their houses, to soek shelter cleewhere. ing the Goi npe evidenc Jesty, iT Whieh | Majest two eu er ties the Ur Mainta feet ey Car any ed bins ie Bea | Cer Nae Sheva e. Wadd, Jie, BOUT Sahil si Ie ahs CM ie yar ian were i Y Rae espe! Bat no bowie than he fore laf Ue w ily and daingeroug hictiod. Té'suy ietli- AME (distnise @ fOr not appointing Free-miilers} nt, ' Howey- immense! power of the New York Ouistons : there. des | House his giviag the office of Goyernar| j se ee titude tater, Reedet, is ehooghteadaan hia in, PE R E P R E cr e Y 3 c FA 5 8 E 3 5 4 5 at in nware nutry. yeile 1 fw0,- jue of nclud- jece as struck nent made x, has re not, one of cinity. ly, ur to one cheer- in the won: nea. .—The ) fresh- » hog, rides, amage ‘sheep. lowed, | their fore named have gow received in this out, by ancurray of tire aging. from the'| city, avd as the purport of the papors whieh Bid north, he refused or neglectal to remove y bidit” And who was appontad Reeders successor, when Picrce foiitig 1 conven- | : _petinissible aul pie hands?) We have Lefuré-ns “Phe De! pers themsclvee lates in the Califortlia Coblegiatfon,” edi- | which wo are enabled gh the courtesy of w fellow- we qmute, (see patye 43),055 eget: { Lywnegan ws 4 nes days ago obligingly | & af,, Shasinon misvell to'insert ‘as an | y of the volume already | vdditional seetion the fillowing’— | mentivneds > | ‘Neither slavery ner involudtary servi- | In submittinig these dosawents to the | tide, duless for the ptnishmient of erimes, | rasa) of ot readers it forms vo part of \whall ever be tolerated in this State. ye ya bb eed Heit Mr. Shannon's amendment being first our present purpose fo agconipany Uve jin order, Mr. Halleck, after debate in re- with any comment of our own, except 1 | ference to tha particilar portion ef the expres our gratidication ethat theiz eo0- Constituiion whieh the provision shenld ciliatury character is eneh ds we had be-! appearinwored tit adectantion agaist if sei ged thefi.en the authority of theintrluction of Slavery jute Califoriia ate . een which we way Aaghy {ohall be imsorted in the Bul of Rigtits.*— rrent , = r, 8. temporalily withdrew his amend: add ® ecoyt ae bepe, perry sen ment tu enable Mr it; pressed, 1 our Wermimnent WH, 1 mw pie, spirit of ‘feankuess aud courtesy, foreg Tie inetion of Mr the further prosecution uf this vexations cH the affirmative abe 1 “ef Mr. Shanuen then again yabinitted bis comtryversy, - i ‘ 3 ’ ag pin ame ndlament and the ) 1 of apy d SCCTION Wade hand extended to it by the British Go- ps 5 t toa, . ae on - on La ag orale - ' Sueh te the recend fro cos To take jis te ITullee k was deci daanineeusiv vd u the Debates Lett, however, wane of our realer the Caliioruin Convention: aud this is ’ ' ' . ' may, in the re of daily business or the man, who firet propased to exely I from disinclination to wade through long Seathern slave-loliers fran carrying Whe Was ap diplymatic despatches, find it inewnten- | their property te Cal forcria, ient to peruse al — the papers in : acetiat, wo extract: from the roply of) , od Clarendon several of its ching arn | Reeder ! ; a, Which be that rune may read, eympathy for the rights of the Sout! which will enffice to show Low am ply the British Government, inthe matter athe woald de ail in’ fie power te 4 ar Gnaplaint, has Wisclaimed any iv tention “either te infsinge the law, or ' disregard the policy, of not to respect the evereign rights wt the United States; and how carnest is the | @X}j Tease! that these “uxjdane’ions and assurances” may prove satisfactory ty var Govert | sicy is the fricndeli ment ; ' “The British Government neither or vinted by Pierce to sneceed Governor Would sach «a man feel any ? Were not his antecedents enon sh t shiow slavery fei Was At dae cot tnahetng waciitde wae in fas ahhornia wm fies State, wil he not de everyting fo pat down slavery in the territery which le ' » ’ ' wap Appeuutet Pieree 1 govern ef the Aduunistea thom fer asand our mstituriows end rglite! (When will the people of te Seath be dered uur quntemplated any violation) oe seine of the dancer inte whatever of the tuws of the United States, ss os ee ; . bat, on the contrary, isareed (ike Utoet jar whieh they have Ieen paunged by the itive aml rupeated orders that these law. treachery and dou Jealurg of this cor should gut befringed by any pe seme) ropt and un-crapnlous sty igh Royster acting ander their authority.” Ry ~ tes wndersigued must refer to the Pea offers of satisfaction and te the explona = [ijt QUESTION OF DISMISS Uf tions already made, and to the repeater! a ey expressions of the sineero regret ofiet Copied ve us ie Majesty's Goevrernaent, if, contrary to Wasi ingten correspondent oft Phila there intentions amd! te their reiteratiue dellia Gazett there has Leun any ninngenes! wg let apy SP G of the laws uf the United Stutes.” . th eae * The (jvverument of the Unite! Si) ; Mise Ww, had been led to sopyrme that the law and (Ne Ut n ‘ the sovereign rights of the United State. Aad by the annexed extra t had nut been respected by her Majesty's ter of the fellowiag day oM Guvernment, and, relying dpon evide eenin ge for a loop : eunia deemed to be trustworthy, they belered and apolar of the Li i thas that law and there rytits had been Sue te re , : tty : : infringed by Lritieh agents If sach hai Ce hie: ie Ge bewn the case, the Govermmenc of the United States would have been entitle ugg it om the me a to demand and her Majesty's Govern «iu which it had proviensiy cor ment wueld nut bave bustated to afer! oo. demanded by the national . the must ample satisfaction, for no dis a ‘: credit can @ ach te the frank adiniss AsHENG TUN, ALAN and complete reparation of an unqu STHeriaronerdaurtninlil te wrong. fo the particular a ke t 1g 1 Her Majesty's Government aMeqnil: cenious answer of onl Cliren| i ceally dieciaim any iwten ion esther te in dicvowal of the I ie P fringe the law, or tu die egard the polies she pirjwme.tn Gulrazeulr laws ot not te ret the sorerencr elite et ei iity cueaieic: Giatnires the United States, will now forthe fies wich corresponding consideration HH tue learn that her Majesty's Minister chery 16 int Mulieaeylinvelrin) al Washington Aiemiecal of Mr. ( rant tama withent em , and ber Majesty's Con ele at New York, Philadel ptiia, O00) barrasainens, as there la Compr sou Cincinnati, solemnly affirm that they have poce bing after wh ae oceurred. Idle bot committed any of the acts that have! South, always sensitive alont war, is pear been impated to them. The Government ten! ily nervous now af thre bare prose atench « eontingency, aud arpeals of the United States will now also forthe |,,,.:5 Great time have an opportunity of weigh vrry thea qn irter beaver bere heme bt ing the declarations of four gentlemen of Presuient with mun Womans woinpeached honor and integrity agaist poet faver i) 1 a6 ect 1 evidence upon which no reliance vaght jiyh quarters 1s not a dentinal as it to be placed. 1a a fortnight ago. + Mone Sartre “The undersigned cannot bat express woo lalered carnest! a Sato ‘ the earnest hope of her Majesty's Govern personal representa Mr. 3 Ment that these explanations and assnran _ dig aluntaiia ees may prove satisfactory ty the Gove vere he has filtile . vo ands ernment of the United States, and effeeta. yn. additional steps” ally remove any risapprehension which cas may have hithurto existed ; and he can PELEGICALIIIC DUSPATCILES hot doabt that such a resnlt will aff: tM aarcherea ty Bight as much pleasure to the Government of the United States as to that of her Ma Newtoxs, May 21—T 1 jeay, by putting an end to a difference “personal liberty | ' t Which has been deeply regretted by her lower House testay, © t Mr Majesty's Government ; for there are no Tale the minornty Hicae ciulexterne two countries which are bound by strong: for the majority by Litto Lis. The wa er ties of by higher considerations than jority report sustants the pres nt mneon the United States and Great Britain to stitutional State mae. tie ray maintain unbroken the relations of per goes fora reper t eordiality and friendship.” Thonn War A It must be an “inexorable policy” in Cricon Mav Titus fron Dea deed which wonld reject so frank and vencorthe Wk nae: Sari releet a full an apology aa this ia furan uninten- Woy ceday (the Qist) waa tived fora tonal injary. attack on Lawrence, ‘The refdn of tert > . Hiare inihe Toeriters Tcnien A Cactwx.—We saw the other day at was com] U the Bank of Charlotte a 85 bill changed non lad croased the river at m, (es '0 $50. We would put the public on their tined for Lawrence, The Buford compa Gard. it ean be very easily detected if ny lad been enrolled as tnilitia. They persona will only bear in mind the differ: had been furnished by Shannon with Un enee between the genuine 85 and $50 ted States arms The Free State en bills. The vignette of the @3's is a steain want arms and ammanition. Marsha car and that of the 850's is e@veral moant-| Donaldaen had proc! tin J inis intents hunters porsuing their game. te make clean work this tine. Gry { Harbinaon was still iu Lexingtoo, Misson (.Vorth Crrctina Whig. Seiten ey etl Tinie tothid iy [einigrants entered the kaa he rt ee pithe Agéipub wy, thectiyh fi jh ing of hig diryeting Judge Branson to bb ae eines ent ie docu | wy vftices ‘aud td substitation of the infa- dence of the t6th states that eight to has recent- mous Coshfaus in hig ple swieldtug the} twelve hinndved men wereeveatped near acuf auite to Col. Sumner, asking we understand of thy hig Bok” be- (tors of Kansus,.anl keop slave-bolders iJivered ayy; the citizens of Lawrence! david a compan re hotel at the ' Henti¢ “concerning ‘Mr, Brown's fate since hits capture, ° The St. Louis: Demnerat’s correspon, Legoupton, The people of Lawrance had him fo station a body of troops in the vicinity | Of Kansas ty theaweh-abolitionistand agit we prsvaucthe mob procouding torsaugni-| mary extrevities e uslectined, saying! al manitions of war-at Lawrence be de- | should. pledge themselves implicitly to | obey the present enactments of Kansas iiitter tat.” On reegipt of this the citi-| zens held a wiéeting; drew up a letter to | thy Marshal, stating that any person act- habjtant ot Lawrence, and, sf called npon they wonld serve as a posse in aiding the arrest, taw,. They ouly awaited an opportunity fo dostify their hulelity to the Gaion and the Constitution. They eluimed w be a haweabiding, order-loving people, and ask- ed protection frum the constituted an- thorfties, The purport of the Marshal's answer was that he did. believe the pre! opiniun, warn us to sclect nen of capaci- mises of the people of Lawrence, but re-|ty to represent as in our Legislative yauided them as rebels and traitora, They sueuld know bis demands when he came. ome LATEST BY TELEGRAPH WASIINGTON AFFAIRS. Wisuixaros, May 21. Clarcndon'’s despatch to the Govern ment neither refuses categorically uor as serts that the recalfof Crampton is dest ! - 4 1 ros he opinion of the Executive will as his first wife. from whom he lad ob- ; ee = EN : ae , May thin dimpenaats “ne BLAKE PITTMAN, plate of the firm of Wits & wot be comnianteated for some days. tnined a divorce, waa still living. The pod fl bere [nies : oe JAMES WADE iceace (ietaowe Tie Senate tolay passed a consalar guit is brought for having interfered with acters May thew by nd VJ. CH ARETOS \ Mowe. weay Ca, Va Liplematie appropriation bill Mesrs. the domestic matters of the hasband me hers, und enter vet “ Lab ral eceh advances made tj ali conmgnaneuis Doe Casa, Mason and Donglas denownced _ “ Re a “4 er es wpeecess : ie terdus, as Ues Report ef Yew York Market for week exuding Miy , . : = ae . . . pute of truth 21th, by Diddle & Bunce Commision Merchasu. Ty Couch and Carriage Mawers. BU\V ARLE O} \ RASCAL. . . ladul} . in 4 : Yn . 1 ~ re in 3 pate grantir '§ ‘ CaAwa, nader more fevurable news fron Europe, « — . cards of one mule acres of land to W firmer at a sight edvance. Moderate sales are wa VARNISHES &C ‘ ¢ . Gr green by stimata bit elf of rane we king of 8 tome of L0je Sa midhag. 5 . ams, but 2 oes Without any apparent cause, wheat hee advonerd ities he Bu af Uctole ‘ 2 witha the lest few daye 6 to Ke pee Busiel, chums SILL & SILL, Pregzists, Sellebery, X. ¢, x . FROM KANSAS at 140 for geod « hite Meuthern ; : ; Ch vein, V ‘ bs r oa , P Flasr hes oho anproved 374 10 S0e per bbl ] | AV a terse strk « y emperor V . wy doagh Sr davis, May 19 Pork 815 per bbl fa Meee Seger and Cod o ace peatews —eu: hh niet Ne ! > T4el tata th more abandlant camerpreee Flax seed 165 ¢ ri Cesck Bods, (each, Diylag Japan Copal or Faraitere I~ | 1 itvet ane wher Ran-as advices of il D state Cal tides 12h tw Dh Varuish, Bick (pneitem barelb, fer Nea ‘ he grea Stwriif June a niemcent, parts oi Varriates &e., Leatucr Verabsa. w atc ad t { tw ! of ec y - oaeaee at * ’ b- f ne ras sa isiatan cas imaar rior te cena VORFOLK MARKET ae Go behared mimaci! he: a genueman. Greea hae had Leen arrestett }leeder had es apeu Lawp acd Pow Jered Pamice Steer; White and Brose Qo ue cuunteunity to a cu Soak S eee Lt was reported that 1,5UC men, aruid Beperted by Rowland & Brothers, May S2tb, 1556. See oe corde ach ay are Piet 1 ie thee pibler coh to guard other cmnne ‘ a s . oy t ith Stary ee saute two Cane, Were: BACON —Hame, 19 4 12 Hog roand, 11 ainatiwk a ne seatachte Dien oaperea melee wrest the morel mon- ‘ bipenat Lawrence, and defy all ur LARD—Ne 1 @ 2. 41 2 “ i. PLSCRIPTION on ' OS aalet Cau Green ie 8 sd, wins feet high aad well die Ma vil 1,000 CORN —M i~ vt ) — Vela OM) 2 o, suet pecenved oe ; acaler oe eich eke lll 26 Ihe w were 4 ar Lawreuce, to WHITE BE ANS—15 lis =~) TLL ad ALL born g Se tic bs : ; Koti career \ . fig FUOUP—Ruper. 00st, 6£0—Fomiy, #80) fe IP ot nee an eile t . ae aran as i SALT —Live reel, An £139 —rnuwad \ 1 > ’ . ‘ ‘4 c sinr ane ‘ wi se A eaids - es theugs rie teve aud ea may that the AMEE NPT ca a \EW GOODS! <2 paren ‘ res luiye uumbers | PEACHES & . . ; - om™= he { mda of : a ( Sk " aT HAY Cares. “ia 90 VW Geers ' nr .< ' y ‘ = as P - 6 eas » 5 Croat Vast j LIWE—Gib & O14 ICV & 1 SY MONS & CO. cor noes pending tec Hew weil : PEESW AX—24 cus . ° wee with a a P ' A lacy : : “ep : tans erties Ciwrcuce lad bec =e NNOUNCE ca eee * . nad end Dah Cocadl Shek WHISKEY — 26 @ 28 Vc, otis eltale , bomen sac euh M ~ bat Raeae Cit paning Avie Ue ) erry Wi OTKICH => REMARAS te oud wel & ted 4 ul , PROM WASTEENG PON Prece Flas r tein the almort stereotype qnotsteons = Spring & Summer Goods, } rier WA ne P for a month past the small supphrs conmog Dawes! Va x, Mav 18 : oO . maintain th aot withetamdng «© man pe ates & ‘i ( ' ‘ s (74 Cotton is qute firw Lamber is 1929 ‘ f ! ( ae f . : Pah i . = - ‘ Naval stares o0 doll as KAD» | \ ( \ )] hy \( ' |: yarurcularty Ta al ' neal- e ross : ‘ . : ayis Mr. SM parte {ruts wnevale abi re eg i ; ) rh vs re TTL Xf » . \ ji 7 s 7 ‘ THE MARKETS eee) This Knocking’ 1 1 . N d “ al G “ . Qirenery j S aud Cras bea wr il ‘ srs la : rescat my beply > WV, May 2 Groceries & Dye Stuffs, | rr « a Mat . ‘ ‘ ‘ pe A © dm ~ ** VWine@. N 1Oait whe Fr s . (ores $1 v0 ‘ De P libaizy & = SS) Lah te : I Bacnn Lea th Mest 0 FO 4 i ‘ yu ‘ ’ R- swar $2 Ne dat A} ,ox Re & Noite baé 5 I? i: ante jets de Woe FS! SORING AND SLSIMER ‘ t ( adies. T . 23 dai = 23 ” . P A : ce Ge Adswient 350374 (isis 0.439 AOOQVYS Turnia-, Cucsiay Serews, Repatring ; ae al vitlend bla Poilers and Enzines, thas Coffee, Hae a lé Lines ed cia } ee I f én deve ib aix eanl Oa 3 : . . Mi. Sartisee bre Mis 1 eee ig ‘ ;. ie As => ! : ° D > asting nal : ; : se — ' ; te bie Bee ptt A aN SP aiken Mic d Will Spindics. Wood Plainsrs, Plows, iit Ma. A : Mi. Cotton y io ’ Ironing Wagons, ’ A Cotton Bagging - Sa wrack. & “ = . i ‘ v Gane a 4 ' eit yt ay ae ae < I x ‘ wor ae mac Boe ce ait Pa daeee PO Te ee ibe amy s tae wove twill a LOA T2) Shot, fF beg 225 |Staple & Fansy Dry Goods, ,_,—* ~*~ SEL GSL9G, Py j A Mt ( : ors ae F 7 Abe ( 7 Vp 1 coma & Corn > ; lai2 j > p s <? sisesU r tha feu Mee toe n @1 of S B : : ce , and will ata ing Circkeus —4 #14 }Nug Brow ey fa y WM ( ' ‘ I Ae M Datine writes thal be is how dn Eg dor Lied lan ’ ‘ 1 > rel (s Hise tog ape iheeoeivu at an official eter trou: Lord Eether boule Cracked sas W : “aime P Vie: Besos ' ; os i F 2 bl &5 Ua Ciane 2124 ; Bre si Viareudoa ty the Britis Parents Mh 1 sa ede 6 Tallow + Hardware & Cutlery, Groceries, Ac. which bis dordsiip wives the precise con Rar 45 Tarpentine. Pe e ; arin ; ; ees wmruction to the Cray tote Dbuiwer treaty Eng Refin'd 54 Wheat #100 wh AS . = if “ernie gel - . os . Mostra 5 Wis .o ering . : ' vicuded | sy SAU gees 0 6a 7 Window (Glee, 7) bor ' e * é 1 $ F Me. Dullas saya, a tat Kos 10a eae as SR Anh ( + . j 1 gan 19 19 e259 | eile pe % 9 BWARG =) 1 Dry W Oalta Sabet \ : . % . . ~ sp Sprirs emer. Tit ( Ricana--O re : ‘ 7 J \ ( I Wrenn vl Ba ft : i . ; : 4 {1 8 i ‘ \ 1 ALN ~ ‘ Vat. ! \ 8 At Pp ~ . ‘ \ ston Wa hs) yea : i erat ‘ ' ( un w 1 Ve i wis r } ' 3 } ve ra. Aftecwards be took up iis pes ( Amierieoa, oN gentle “a3 ANOTHER ww aaw t no dPouduros several iRESH vears since, States that hei one of the ow T @ kK Most expert marksmen he ever sav, and eC Vpresses ti notonm thatoat Chere are many Tine ron the Costa Riean arms oody and doubt contest is before © for Peron. Walker and lis Nicat iyrinan aires Boston Lyra a Its Af corel , They would not now nor at any | ted by J. Ry Browue, Eag.g from whielv) fittuce tine make any resistance to the! ot! gs 3 eandor and Lonesty ; but not wati) then, un our positi of Ti Ww me din the ‘Atiieriean Platform, : some reapect. When it shall meet the issues which it: made touching | ithe Niiow-Nothitiga’ and concerning which we | & Neh vila cull for the cit may make saricnilows 16 \ ay ar aga of Mr. J. N. Lawrunce, of Iredell Coun reference to the old Whig and American parties is pointless, ' though intended to be fanty, beeause truthlexs. | ANN, wile of Mr. Duvid Casper, in the 39th year of Has Casson forgat the eollar, the chain aud | - At Gold Hill, by J. ©. Haroirerdt. ag. on the 26h inet, Mr. RICHARD GRIBBLE w ELIZA RICHARDS. Al Davidson College, on the 21h inst,, by the Rev. E. D. Jenkin, Mr. E. M. CORRELL to Miss AGNES DIED: Io this County on the 17th instant, Mrs, AMELIA hf Oe. Jo the vieinity of Mockevil'e. on the Ist inet, Mra the block—the block on one side of a certuin JANE BINGH VM, daughter of the late George MI- fence, and the collur, with a head in it, on the | other 1 —but yet free ! Strawberrics,—Our acknowlgements are due | ' Mra. Marv Mumvor, of Mockeville, for a fine | inrlades wir catire communi. We are free—if you please, a wanderer | ler, geand-daaghter und oldest female descendeat of Mathew Brandon, of Revolutionary memory. Mrs Binghwin was educuted in Satisbury, aud was married by the Rev. Jesiathau O. Freeman. She was for many years « Colsistent member of the Eypise pal Church, aud had cudeared bermell ae a chri-tian wo- man to a urge family, and to a circie of fiends whieh They mourn the low dy bat are ecoamforted by the } whieh they have eurtaine parcel of most excellent Strawberries, the best | hopes which her life and the inanner of her death have ter. o- we have scen this season May her vines yield three fold for this kind rememlwanee of the prin- | composure of une, mectiug death, ve it were, a ten. Salisbury, May 26, 1856. Eprron Watemmas : Allow ine the privilege of your col- inspired. As she lived a» she died, in full relionce upoa the meriis of her Redeemer. And hers was the porary stamber, on uwukening from whieh she would enjoy the brightuess of a celestial morning | Ln Predelt County, on the 22nd inst. Mr JOSEPH S PARKER, oged 83 yeurs. On the sane day, RA- CHEL, hia wife, aged 83 yeurs, in one hoar and « quarter after his death nmns, to nominate the fullowing gentle- | LEsPIE. ‘next General Assembly. \ For the Senate. : | HON. N. BOYDEN. For the Commons. J.G. RAMSAY, { LUKE BLACKMER. Ht we ary! igut to ismaies. bina yy tlw geyunl of frau pig Qoslun bin should be allowed to exe-| men to represent Kowan County in the lal sources, We }dulent or illegal speculations ia the puts Pensa te? thy letter.) a any iu- id, Divides Connty, on the 22nd MARTHA LOUISA, daugh- iza Simmons, aged 15 years 10 fa Thomas vitl ultimo, of Cc nearpt ter of Benj. W> an | wwonths aud 22 day». Although desth eame to her ia the spring time of life it did wot find ber anprepared. When she was bat a child sire yieled to the verce of God and gave Him her heart, feeling that Ile was the only soarce ‘ fram whence ull blexsiuge come. Llerlamp & es trinna- | ed and burning und “shone beishier and brighter un- j til the perfeet day.” During ber life, she found the exviour » sare help | The qualifications of these gentlemen |i time of ned, and ta her bates breath, obo cuald no ong will dispute; and the times, in my | Halls. wee A Priest Sued for 810,000 for Part Wife.—Rev. Mr. | Quinn, of Meriden, Ct., has been called ¢, inga Man and his to answer inthe above eum for having told ene of his parishioners, who sought his advice, to separate from her husband, oR. A VOTE | * Lean her head upan His breast, And breathe her life out -weetly there.” She was «0 uTectionsts dauziter, kind sister and lowing schead-mate. Long will her teachers and sehod mates. to whom she wre devutedly attached, affection s for hers yet they have was wetted ca i ‘ e willdra brsting Lome capmediaiely (. —A few betere her dinch ele om he pus steams doing? We tad her she woes en hong before she woeld be gtr “mad bus then asked oud warn ke dd her * sie wun call an rif she wor wil Hoe sary did lv Uesien and get before h 1 ee of her faiih.’ te reasio looger om eortin, ou tea 1. ue dwe'l with nin Leave m Lae pure Jo Teedell County, ov the 22ud inet, JOS. GIL- Salisbury, March 25, 1856. Gomer bags mf eefeomd ment { "Vadies Dress Goods ‘ef almost every description. “His stock of NEEDLE | ;WORKED EMBROIDERIES is complete. He | would respectfully ak av examination of his stock by all | | who wish to purchase Goods of the newest avd lutest | siyles. Particular attention is paid to proouring Fush- ionable Goods, whether they have been introduced jatw this section before or vot. ! EO MYERS, | ( ‘ AS | $25 REWARD! Pocket Book Lost or Stolen ! ! CCOMETIME in December last, FP nsssed' my Port 1D Mouwie from its a customed place in bey Coat, since 8 atdisenvery have proved frait- ‘The contents were a note of band ov Joseph a, of bredell. fur two hurideed and ghty-five dollars ; one on Dr. D. W. Kriderof Beatics Ford, for twenty-s.x dullars; some reeetpie: four dolls in mo- ney, mostly silver. TF hereby firewarn all persons, | whatwever, from toading for said notes, ve I wiil im- | demoify Ube principals ageinst payment of the abewe | notes. I will give the ebuve reward for the Pocket Book and contents, thereby deteeling the thi-f. T. 8. WOOD. ASS Rowan county, April 29, 1856. ; y ; NOTIC E. “Pue uudersigned, will offer at public 4 salé, at the Gotirt-Hbase ia Salodbury, on Tuesday of the Spring ‘Tenn of Superior Court. | 1856, 9 tract of Land, one mile regth of the Western Rail-Road, adjoioivg the lands of Jaeuh Méninis, — Bloekwel, and others. contaldiung niaety weres, more or lees. Nbout twaé-thirds of the: ‘tand is wood-land, | comprising muck execient Uinbey. Toere is on the} premises an excetlent Meadow, ud a good, constant epring. i can be mide a desirable: ploee uf 1 the doy of «.1 MARGARET BURKHE AD. April 29. 1856. st ew THE Es bes wile neten of the Ste i Baptiot Eastitate, the Uni N.C. will o the 4h end ath «8 A.M iB befor ihe i? atin was € rune AL. CARSON, Ree’y. ver the enmusl address » Bertie tire. May i- @ 41.5% PITTMAM, WADE & CHARLTON. Succcssorsto WILLS & PITTMAN, General Produce COMMISSION MERCHANTS WelerzLnurs. FDR. Dyspepsia Cured. RQ WoOSsTECERRS CELEBRATED BIT 1) PRS weoihe corm of Dyspepaa and Canis bever, & For male MILLS, WOOSE & CO Sviieh ry, May 12 } Mackerel! Mackerel !! lar ( Mackerel ta bb'e half hble quarte aN hte vad ky sw of all Noa. just reecived and fi. MOOSE & Co a7 MILES, U0 SSsEaK’S PATENT REAPERS AND MOWERS. COMBINED. AND EMORY'S PATENT RAIL ROAD HORSE POWERS & THRESHERS DERSONS wishing the above Michines for the appr 3 ] thn A Rovden, general agent for Western No wcturer’s prices, with addition of tranaporialien only r Tn the wheence of Mr. Boyden appheation may be made lo Office pert to Cowan's brick row A supply ofthe very beet machines always on hand mar Met ormick's celebrated michines. Salimbory, May 26, 1856. aching barcest will rth Caroma, eho wi 1, Bq, who ie ales age Eug:ne M JOHN A ROYDEN 157 Spring & Simmer Goods WANTED - SHARES Cope Fear Bank Stock App 4) vt clus office, by not ed to May 29, 1656 €t 5 with cash p | almost apy T the ady-well Goomre |of Jenkins, Roberts & Ov. one of the dargent and. Splendid Assortments Net « “ SPRING AND SUMMER QVSHS « EVER OFFERED IN WESTERN CAROLINA, isting of Foreign and Domesie Dry Goods, Hard ware, Cutlery, Boots and Shyes, Moleskin, Panama _ and Straw Huts, Bounets—Buckets, Rope, Carriage ‘Trimmings, Springs and Axels, Window Gtase, and Ginss Ware, Saddlery, Sole Leather, Cloths, Blasting Powder, Nails, Iron & Steel; Black- smiths’, Carpenters’ and Shoe-Mekere’ Toda, Ti jnere’, Linseed and Sperm Oil, Paints, Dyrstyfie, Cast- ings, &c., &e. At stock og always ou hand..,...... Particular attention is called to our large und well selected stock of READY MADE CLOTHING, which will be sold at aspuralicled low prices in this country. ss Ur All the above goods have been selected with the grentert earc, and we most respectfully invite all thome buying guuds this season iv call sad examine out stock «= we feel oo hesitancy in saying that we have a larger assortment than has ever been offered at one {reason in this plooe, and that we are determined to (weil, and will muke it to the adventage of bayers to ris =te Sar) give our stock an ¢ i Pp Saliwbury, March 31, 1856, ‘THOHAS E. BROWN, Carriage, Buggy and Sulky Builder, SALISBURY, N. Cs gE & now carrying on the ehove business, and Invites the pebe’. Me ts manafactaring very lie vo enti and examine bis work. ment before they parchare elsewhere. (B™ Mis shop tein the rear of his Livery Btoble. EWT™ Peveous faction they wilt not be required te keep it, With the advantages of the Roilroad at his door, he willtebe of trade im exch: for work—sneb as Corn, Whes!, Floor, Outs, Bacon, Lard, Horses, Provender, Timber, $r.,a¢. Me LIVERY STABLE > is Lept om s+ nemal; and those whe wish either te buy oP tesell G-tr ste horses of mutes, are invited to call. ent MOCKSVILLE MALE ACADEMY. 4 pubs next seasion of this Lastitation will commence on Wednesday the 20th of February. inet. The ~choel is pow on a very Geurishiog condnion. and the solmeriber will one his utmost end-avers to keep item cod ( eastein the reputation whieh it hee heretafere ’ Young men will be prepared to emer any” clom inthe University or a any of owr Codleges which ary my desire TERMS: Primary D pyrtment per eeaciun of § months, $8.06 12. Higher Logisa Breeches, 00 15.00 JNO. B. GRETTER, A. B. 39 REFERENCES, Poesiient and Feealiv of the University; Rev. Deory facv. 1. D, Prestdent of Davidson Colleges them Joho Mo Morehead, Hoa Johu M. Diek, Greene. benogh; FE Sober, Eeq., J. F. Belt, Keg, Saline To the Ladies. HE anhseribers are now receiving the finest and most complete stock of Ladies’ DRESS Gende they bave ever offered to the public, whick they will The y invite partiowiag etteution © embroniered, ak and lace MAN TILLAS: and t ur latest stykeeof BONNET RIBBONS, EMDROIDERIES, &e No 3. Greate Row BROWN & COPFIN. Saiibury, March 25, 156. s2tf x $20 Reward. ~omatr, on the mgitt of ube 2hh Mareb inst, o aegre by pam d HUBBARD. Saad boy @ shout 85 years ‘ t 5 of 6 inches in beight, black =~ cack spoken ight from 130 to 140 Ihe wife whe behnge to Rowland Horry near sell at a emall profir ‘ + Hil. ve Anson coauty, and may be jerking ia t rege. Me & alee well sequanted with the ee- ie Yadkin river in Davie eoenty, and . ~sunhe ond if not siming to go to a fee may cote to ramble about these joenlitier e above rewad f+ be apprehension. mane jailreo thet | get hie SARALL CRUMP. ane sear Ma leur vad conharme nt sa Mond 13 State of North Carolina. ROWAN COUNTY. Lh ak Ear'ta aid, ) Fravklin Charch end cthera. 4 case that the defendants, Juha ordered thet adverterment be scidina Watchman, for end defendants t the next Coart of Exyeitr to be held fer ‘ / Rowan. on the 13th Monday ith Wee » Februery. A. D. 1856, and demar, Pery conswer plaimt cfs bell of commpleut or jadg- m frace wll be rendered agameat them, and sw bh rarte se ea-pa to them. L BLACKER, C. ME An 1-36 Printers fee $5.00 46-6 Valuable Land for Sale! ] WILL cell privately. aff my tande in the Ceanty of Davie. tymg on Hunting Cre. k, and containing “00 actos T.. thoee ¢ Hanung Creek bottom « lan determined ive years ca { my etct vtra! Rail Read. provid- ell a bet of core and five f herees, whether | ell the land ar ant. GEORGE WILSON ahberal poner fur a white (angle) m ene forming tools as y . nares im the ¢ edie ery land ° head Tei! alas per 5 enti wert F G. Wrsessa Vine 48f McCormick's Reapers. } ENE MARTIN, Nort, For the State of North Carolee Tee neat to Cowan's bnek now 48th Wational Agricultural Warehouse, MANUFACTORY, MACHINE DE- bor AND SEED STORE, 251 PEAL ST. sear Falten.New-Vork IN JONES, PROPRIETO! real Meek and having \ ence in the manufecture of all kinds ur Iurcewenre and Mictmear, woald not Merchants and Plaa- te assortment of the sale at lower prices i de ee | gapr The ante rhe nA Tr OF Lime, PLASTER 4+44:3m. Carpeiings, Rugs, Dreggets, &e. ur stock of the abor- \\ EB would owt articics. which we ftarge and varied, just reevive ed. Cail at No tention t Row BROWN & COFFIN 431f 3, loranite Salisbury, March 25, SOB PRINTING rf twee Office J Kincerd, are inhabitants of ne e as Missouri Republicat, in a letter Kansas correspondent, has the ing i #Atst. Josephs Tsaw Mr. A. T. Gor- man, of New York who lad just come in from the mountains in) such a state of eodtration and attliction as could) only save been oceasioned by such exposure, hardship and suffering as, perhaps, no other man ever survived. Tn company with) a Canadian Frenchinan ana two hishigh posit thought P | { Thel lealers fl hat dependence - Seay vteft the country of th presuinity, upon lish vosition, thought resto, Change? he liquor dealers flew at that dependence. , : : Retief e e eet fatenin mekestanty sae reece Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes), Tota eshcratack nto rk tee dias fast Ve , nt ul S> + ANG a ee 4 : con paaiy yl ends with tmapurit So without apy notice, he o¢ 5 : eaioat cs end native-born citigens should be seleeted for all ’ ii Rind wishes for their ny und that be. verson and party at Bort Pierre, and a . <dasket and ehella, The ef its cases, types, stands atl presses. State, Federal, aud municipal offices or govern- together with all articlys usuatly | Lae Y . Li! Le gaa Store. ‘They are h company ther to the States, Phev ar rived at Fort Pierre two days atten ¢ ul i ay my du taat ae and Ll lick Avoid Them.—Southern men should not pa: nevertheless, A fateomarh Pepeciaan | ae ee : zi he sells into the Dasket,? lenize the Astor House, New York. Why? 4th. Persons born of American parents resid) canuot fail to please. Seiten a a aman sand see if don't.” The Because the proprictor, Mr. Stetaon, was one of 118 temporarily abroad, should: be entitled to all! pos) THE WIG summer of 1056. Th will be | buginers in the vot the very bests) dnills in the | tions, take thie third day, ove of those suow storins known euly in those Lleak and clevate T revions, opened upou them It cu down ee pepe ; y ) suldlineeeto the depth fir fool, whe aie a Pring , soud their dauszhters to Miss Dutton’s Female | recognises any allegiance or ubligation of any To Farmers. | ude Quahta sort wilt enork ta WD prndiones eG , a Wray tt Tite Wis tee ee over the shells; and the lady oydeny, in Plartford, Con VW eanse description to any foreign prince, potentate or . P oe " ‘ ite, | rooaeean me ra - ‘a j ne we : ' i “pitched iate tim ~ and wave hin such a ‘i ; . a at ‘ ay ; A . ie s fee or who refuses to ieee is Federal f ys vee ot ee agp mediante poy na area Sven te ert eda a ee Casximeres, Vi ‘ ‘ laces, | ra ~ she has oven enty-tive dollars to bay a Sharpes iy ; ‘ . if 4 ora, e' : i . . filling their wagon aud clothes and ob- kings as a tew princes: ever had. His Ae. ta al i , k IS und State Constitutions (cach within its sphere) | gaut stock of Staple and Faney Goode. ‘Their aesort- | lighting proportions, Eagle Mills bong eined for its tlemen’s Fa Pe a thet os eorex ip Was cut cnyand hiseyes of a colour fle. to shoot southern men with in) Aanses.—" ag paramguut to all other Laws, as rules of poli. at is extensive and of great variety of style aed oclf'u fame ao fair ait in wide spread, both for the exept: | eat EE Pes 0 “ veting uu PUOt peat ols is which amis have ow ell’ become the We must love our enemies and do them good 3) cal action, quality. Call at Na. 3, Granite Row. tence of its yarns, nud the supe rivcit y of ite cloth fab-# Ceweraly all of which wit sold hing approaching, aud they re solved to make ‘ : I oo fue alouttlclonly wavit an all ih. The nedlrecomnith Tinainte BROWN & COPFIN, | fice Troy Mills ake threatens to heave | bow Also, « splendid stuck OC HbA %, is istic ired er ve ouly ay toowin an abolitionist sth, re Unqualified recoguition me mainte: Sulishury, March 95, 1856. 430 | the world may look out fora eoutest i ving 2 rewuls | atest style, Don’t take our ward, bat and ove effort to reach a tore protected place before the nizhtset in. Theyt horses forward, bat had not more than a few hundred vards—Cror- Lesson. During Queen Victoria's residence, | sone years age, at Osborne, in the Isle of Wight her children were accustomed to ramble aloug the sea shore. Now it so happened, ou one oceasion, that the young Prince of Wales met a boy who had been gathering sea shells. The boy had got a basket full, The voung Prince, . vpret the | | Svery indignant, and observ- Yupand put inte the dd the lad, stoueh vem 1 rie toa rize i r champion of a prize ring, ong be concealed from r She inquired the Tne Prince tace could t the reval ime cause of its di-tignrement. men has just been exbibited in Indiana, The women in the town of Salem, in that State, | mobbed the gtog shops of the place, spilled | their liquors apou the earth, and literally smash- ed the business of dram selling. No resistance was made to them more serious than . barring But a man, an unlucky he-owner of a newspaper, jus- doors and uttering humble entreaties. tified their action in the “ True American Flay.” the Vice Presidents of a Black Republican Mass Meeting lately. Southern families should not from his ways, is to cut loose the bonds of pecu niary interest, aud leave him to refeet in mone- tary isolation. If this fails to bring him’ to his NATIONAL COUNCIL, Fen, 2Ist. 1656. Ist. An humble acknowledgement to the Su, prewe Being, for Lis protecting care veuchsafed to our fathers in their successtul Revolutionary struggle, and hitherto manifested to us, their de- scendants, in the preservation of the liberties, the independence, aud the union of these States, 2d. The perpetuation of the Federal Union, as the palladiuar of our civil and religious liber- ties, and the only sure bulwark of American Ln- ment employment, iu preferenes lo all others : Sth. No person should be s¢ lected for polRical nance of the reserved rights uf the several States, and the cultivation ot harmony and fraternal good will, between the citizens of the several States, and to this end, non-interferenee by Con- Hate i vn ‘ = 7 cme weet — = Neen ee —_ — — —— — SU REE RR eee 1. A Fearfal Adventure | ‘The Prince of Wales Recelving a) Our Deference to Women,—A_ remarkable | PLATFORM OF THE AMERICAN Party,’ ; evidence of the American's veneration for wo-| ADOPTED AT THE SESSION OF THE, | { E B public generally that (bey are now receiving and 7 pd im the eanedy & Mills their stock of | STAPLE AND FANCY paid at ull dimes for Floar, Wheat, Cora, Cotton, aud! oae of the beet, all kinds of country preduce January 9th, [ost Sif NEW BOOKS. A UST RECEIVED Rose Clark, by Fanny Fern; coautry. net lows interesting b to every Southerr The wi eras were Chuseion- iteelf, chau lt wast wat The dreamer, speculatiug on coming events might well step in here, ond casting forward hie hea beyowd - \the bowudery of prescut time, purtray the arpeet of " hinery warseleered by hinwelf; and | | the fatemt ard rem approved | Ht will work like a lever wateh—smooth and atoudy— be desirable | ourselves, INO,,A: gee : Solisbary, N.C, Sepl, 1868, otal os aatlone PF caman Keli od Sa ee READY MADE CLOTHING.” : i Wi lent, it last confessed the truth, . } ’ e man being mounted on onc of the team 1 : ; . say : nen censes—still Tet him alone, — Ral, Christian! gresa with the questivns appertaining sulely to Kagle City afew. yeure hence. Let him Avisk is| yore me t fi eres vefore e 2 4 . eae we , ¥ : M Ng sters, and his companion in the wagon OF | lle 4 ea , t * I hi Adcocute, the individual States, and pon-intervention by | Lessing's Field Book of the Americua Revolution: We ere a eity of beautiful propertiony with ite tower » wheu suddenly he f It hi:neelt’ precipita an el 11 fe wns asker D) ‘ ; me each State with the affairs of any other State, Good aime A re: by T. S. rer ie Fires \ we Sah egy ol tons wept Wobe) 1 how far, into an abyss story e did so in aw Very sthargit- ae . 7th. The re tion uf the right of the na- | eason, by Beatrice Reyus Che Hidden Pach, by grante tinge with glittering metal Tole, refl-et = he cut ois Be f ) ihn ans i forward mannet At his conclusion Che Montpelier Freeman says that ata ‘ : i " ee i hae me fe ore, Tithe Authar of | Alone 2? See in the Life of a New | the ebeerful hears uf « verautl ean s the invigerutiog of snow. e Was Co vlelV Covers Fi ; u . ° i ‘ ve-Born and naturalized CHEERS oF tod 2: York Surg by De. Dixea; Preseott’s Philip the | breeter of a delightful climate, sur the leaves of bo ) A, wt r ‘r cl 5 nse + | social & ering i 5 * rece . ’ - > p the « pute, eur ng ever, amd could not tell which way to turning to he ech Queen said : auc ul gathering in that vicinity reee ntly States, permanently residing in any Territory | Seees mes; ) rows of cline: th streets are entivencd with a cheer- | loch sake “You have been r tly served,sir. Tad, a you ‘man had the task of! thereof, tu frame their constitution and hews, and | Metoirs 8 Prentice: Abbott's 6J. HL ENNESS, | ful bney throng: tte soug of half a aithow of spindles | : Suukaeller. is mingled with the poar of b ud cascadre Fngle {monument rises above all things else, be gon us! top an dumease cage. wings extendest. baking down Kagle Cuy Bayh i in! however ’ m Bonaparte 6 37 turn, He stru inga slow at to the surface to regulate their domestic and sueial athairs in “wetting a wife” imposed upon hin da- Life of Nope ileueveniners sere atl ior F ring the evening's amusement, and with Bite) vounot been punish ]suthciently already, shed vou severely. edious way, until he came i J should have pun their uwn inode, subject ouly to the provisions he supposes a hundrec NO. 10. ROANOKE 4 Flour and vther yarde fran where be sank. He looked When you commit a like Gffence, L trust! young lady went through a mock cere: of the Federal Constitution, with the privilege of sy - x Sih poonaags (inlet | bekiw: - - Seiten Se serthigns you will alwavs receive a similar punish mony, as they both supposed, of being admission into the Union whenever they have full view, und by ite liberal potiey invites all energetic | veihsiuniny air ennai meen ial 0 nent.” Turning to the poor boy, she com. | alr ied; but it was afterwards discover- the requisite population for one Representative A G. A. MILLER, busiarce mre 0 Usencontegement. Galiry pria- |, if tera bagge wr ehped ic Nos they nor the wagon could be seen he a Tee | = ealedll that the pers j Arried. them iw Congress, Provided always, that none but ATTORNEY AT LAW CoH | tere roll oat their baked np geesda: the ears of the North. oy oir » Stuiding pale and place where they had fallen into. the manded his presence the | © LIES et a married them ! Soe be | : aye ° ae . vo ’ westery Railroad reecive thear, together with thea | eiag preamps Betorne. tM ey BB vesm was sinesthed aver, and presented following on came—and Was a read Justice, and the matrimonial | eat who are citizens of the | nite Diales, UM é MOCKSVILLE, N. ¢. a sande of other things, the prodnets of the Cry: the - ater a pla: f n ‘ I] ried ! id 1 a ‘a the result of t was that her Knet conld not be untied! The parties wae oa al caetgen cetera “ FET OMice immetiately opposite the Davie Hotet deafening whistle i¢ bhown, and the emnd wechurd pad) 4 B CUMMING. ¢. ©. #iYRes. re of snow. e cried aloud for them, : aye ( : Ree é 4 she phic alsa pay lave a fixed residence iu any such Terntory re-cohwed si} 10 hill, aad wakes the drowey pow - béC was on!y answered by wild and wail M Yesty ted noshe had made arrange. | re : te mi their bargain, but Bre ht to participate in the furmation uf thecun: ° Cc. ts 9 ors uf reposiug fal cattle, which browse in the rieb sor CUMMING & STYRON, jaw winds: | - nents for educating and providing for Cons derably onettled at the manner ins tiie ite A Apnl s, 1so6. Tome | nawading vellevs: the scene gw.wa!—gnowe!—and the . (Seale biens \ } ) 1 Wend, al Seen ; stitution, or ia the euactincnt of laws for sar = A feeling of dread and desulati ag their son, au : wed he would make, Which they were launched open the seas y ; int end is beyond the portroying shill of the prophet co aaa _ A fooling: f dread and deselation and a ee uf t eanteaws whieh of matrimony srelory) Or otal: . a NE We had but a gliupwe—but what a view! Andit ix) Hy deapair cane over hin he was alent & 0 uf x ) 8h. An enforcement of the principle that no WwW all to he teakard beyond duaht, En-ogh, eovugh !— AND to vield himself to that death which WY’! be |} WITHA Jats F State or Territory ought to adimt others than <4 TAS 7 1 will prose on to ie final consummation: Forwarding ‘ ; i : ‘ me spore are ’ pecined inevitable. Already had the ent B phim Sou S Miro Gi. G. Negley ine entizens of the United States ta the nyht of suf PI | \ ( - \ | \| \| | ' ; ANDREW BAGGARLY. - xenetrated Lis frame; dark luss WAS er =~ foi ts clearof the rava- tage, or of holding pulitical oftice. S \ + Psu. : \ Fob. Sth, 1855 dof WILMINGTON, W. €, . ‘iis Tt 1\ ate | rest Wives 4] rears Yth. Ach in the laws of naturalization Nae ing the skies; the in Vh EXNTISME DN IES ' mien, Dw austing his , : _ Particular attentive psid to gelling Fiver, Core whirled the alill falling enw fea bis cst Sines when dry with the finest dust or makings CatuaC Teil cn, ie €> Southern Industry. “awe ~ a . ba & ad eer r h ore prov en a ’ 5 ously, be was al ah Uae x : sand he can obtain from the turnpike, Reid behige ’ nes r a a if ‘ ny) - se x = Feo, 1°56. y39 ’ own ¢ rv, withe m where the les and sand is wround ST PSneen ite fur citizenship bereatter, au Dare now cerening eur newal sanply. embra HINTON re be iy ara * ant BD : A [lis was t unte ' ven — = ihe ae . a 1 veluding all pauper, and persis couyicted ot VV ' ayreatvan ty of STAPLE & FANCY PETER W. ’ eine, thomt she w on) t . | : : boas 1S ertne. (rote A Pee PRT OIE stat Goods, well adapte Seomm—ell ol bec > j agemonition, aud he was fearful te take Vt atat | Liv 1831, by Mons Aut ; ee NaC eter a au nd Is u| : ur slic - bat sisie: Soe, SoA adapted te Soe oll of wtnah bare COMMISSION MERCHANT, : : : ‘ ta ; , . — a : , . ; rfiirenee wit e vested nm of foreigoers sis rae ‘ ne and wie * ere : astep in any direction, lest he sl { ‘ ‘ : : . Mente ! Van ttige tier re loch, O pe eany dice le cacen Churchill cece: Sr ot wworasses sed retad at prices TOWN FOTN, agam Le hanced in some ilcep aly es pletely : : : sand, retires Tle god state; nu iuiterferevee with religious faith Call and examine ce chal HaviToin, Va. r ae ation ‘ 4 ‘ 5" : . my ch bebre you purchase as His manhood was sulx I hie at’ ‘ ‘ , Sie : ove r cworslip, aul no lest oat th wear mained ter o {I achikd; the memories of la 1D} “t ' 2 ae abe ei \ pest Witly {Nie 1 Fr it sh semen int MURPHY. WeRORLE & CO. Hy Now th ee oe > . ot taf tel é sheald Berathern an ~ wt a bacco. Graia. and of his mother, caine tre pom tains ' . aru : BUN ent sisi ee man 4 MCHONA Ss tshury. April Lb their plaagh+ eect on oe ps hagas Lie Flour, Cotton. Naval Stores he knew the many anxious haunts, the wie sited when ¥prnelitures welt Raw | ate we ait oo oe and Forwarding miserable vears that his \ oo ‘ ih. 7 m tenance aml onforcement of et No rthere proces, thereby saving he price of te aoe s. would eause her: if he « loonty send ; sre tae tubynatly cnactsd unt! said tes UE Pos REASON TOGE THE pulpit as oe Cee [Re ge Sone " , y ! 1 WV / \ ball be pepesbed, of shall be deelered oull at cs N= tet ware] easy) toneteer © UBstLE, ose a OU ae ML. Retamie, Keg, s. wrone werd of offe tea iM uv fa ssid tliat a p Ff : ea) wiih append «ect prices af the prnenieal agierter yy a coukl die in peacc; alos we ’ t ; ice nt jm nf el , that | manalecrere Sas wt aS wma er uiusl fous { ‘ re ' ‘ And . be wile wih 13 te 50 .erh esws, 26 ‘ Gorge Fh apeon, ae gees lasonts — ; ‘ ( f : wi ¢ ey 4” fort ware, all om 615 Iyrete aW rimnarr, beg, ¥e ed bis first prayer for hess ‘ A | vere Sen rag < Ay 9100 | Cdleadreal Mrow Carers, bt pach tes, BO = ae ae arose and ioved forward : Sars coer AES 13 mets che G40, F og Warrewe. G12; Cab iv eters, ‘ F Teo darkness aud the dnfis I] r ‘ \ ' Be cn fs Y an + Morhres wrth 4 at 6 hare f i S fell fron exhaostion, a ul } i 1 of ma Le ietes yen saree gias nae y rs) wl . pond ay ; . . 4 Dae ean tele ‘og ta war wad eorhowrecton VEGETABLE LITQONTBIPTIC peuse was fatal, and he strug. { \ aall t rn - « - 7 sta a > . bade Be wd yrs sade ge - The next ; ; Bis : eink : —— sce ccad turer procre cori, oo f FRIEN , » next day be saw sorne Lusle « “ bra ‘ ' . o f 4 oe me h , - a Aipiag . ; : . = : babii sh | , aaly intend making there to nde Ad wort warrent- D OF TAK UCMaN FA SILY. mre hi m hope of rs a wari ; ae [RN a - as shown In reopeuimg © el acitatwoe, bey HO OWAY S PI : od. My furnace 10 = ecercehel pet tue ond ren corveawe freow when he reached t f tte! ! - ate o orth Carolina, / M . ferwish evs ings +f any deeerpiem, sad where the ‘ED diamar, that th at ; <a , a WHY SKE WE SICh Lees : acta : ‘ DIELS KIDNEYS, were uct a ASHE COUNTY \ . . i, Terms rac Sei ebio pestreiat adh Stun: in the Bladder and Kidneys, Weak oan Pia ee —— Seperior Court of Faaily Sprieg Term, Is 6. . hh J THOMPSON Pike Yas ignited YW " ‘ Hes ' y ; Teas. Ste ike 6en36 nem of the Loins, Be. and swollen : ° . . Th viardasble medieine is fet gnle at the ° burt th » , a ante . : SES peesIUST COMPLETED Sr csoaeten Reo : r ; | I A . ; : eee —~— * : ahs 4 dott: atthe Drag Mere ie Olav ; te Bewerty's compelled Kan A A e ee . ‘ AV\D fom SOLF. Ihacton Me em | eed atthe Carctigg Wessheee 6 along 2! ‘ sca ve 4 s r } “y. r WR 4 - sted TMRE<HING: WA. , ee, in Sotoheory Phas lie wacked his . 7 THESE PILLS PURIFY THE BLOOD. ( ) CHINE = ac! HORSE. POW ES Anew ap The caberrder thawing ratertd late enpertecribip omnaae a : Mi x r t . . Pao eR the Drary W £ Rabimer which wl ds oe wth dhe FF Comen. originel patenter, fee the wae. Pra ae « ; ‘ f cad te Terk owt « berere a0 sey cther machine testers and cole of the steve Medecus, ie prepenrs te t ay, beeuruny ' 2 ‘ 4 ‘ : i . z= i Heh : yele artly . ° - whos » Wede of fermah 0 soppty by eddrrsmng him at Betrters. X. boar, and enffering a theonsa ( J- ‘ ws of it. attag Giesn=s jhe bre ead @arranted bw 12 meaihes C at cxthog ot hue reatdeare, 10 miles wer of he ns He 2 t Ny - we JW THOMPSON hare cP aleTly = thirst, | { k j b hindplduen: & LIVER COMPLAINTS May 5. tod Im Joos 21. 1655 us yee a ta uM fiat Pe iy fad 1 14) 7 ’ 7 1 , Py revived . , \ND FOR SALI t st ! bk “or ; : Ad ‘ ‘ . e t : \ A 4.84 bd hse j « 1 - GENERA ° . > . | v J \ = ; . . GENERAL DIBILIT/ t ‘ ~ : AVIENG determms = = ; State of North Carolina, , vf “ - WL HEALTH. FOR SA 11 9 1 der my piamatew 64 oalr, ining ow the werere of } ii : tm ys hee cere nt Piard Urecbo 4 mades erenn Paitin Crrrh. 16 miles avet f olebery. edpeniang cam AN Cont \ e+ otent Sol of A, cece ne [equ ca the Weerery thy Nate rd Jnbn ('erene, Joa® Buller, cad bree erraiis ea - ; Red Knew be ne a chew dew The dept on the Westers Batturten aveet te over. aave + ' . eg sais dead car boone + afl over wary berbiege be greed ve . , . . Rr I . ’ ' et Saivcte — ome gad meekes. The hart reemee wece aoe) 145 earh ‘ FEMALE COMPLAINTS ieee ; whee! 330 artes. wer hell nf obick ie imo bigh Hate ar il " ; | \ \ --s { erteeetoo, aed tine beckatte te @etl thedkernd etlera h . ~ \ ‘ Three wonting © grout bergen, seest) onl! Geum. oe} ae 3 = 2) 8 on er creneedviing forme. ; ; ¢ Bisel sae ra Perome cofeng om Wn. L. Steele, coe bore evvit- we ; seer om . q vee lomds oa ‘ - bad alee) te ; ry dea Co ee sone ee we ; : - z : Of Foar Horse Post Coaches, ; , au " varia WV EK wh to here FIFTY NEGRO FELIOWS G : : : € ’ = |: Leaders chart to Marcanton, ore Matec: ¢ iad to ork on the Weeere Eateasken ©. C. Ged : ' An ev Read, fot whoeh ldeeral primes wilt he paid, Chane - neice = : ae bol ; ' O 6. & 2 FROARD. t I \ ' : oh “ March 14. 1856 Addrres—— Rowan Wille, 3.6 mip : ‘ ‘ “ : be sg is - P . temdve t ‘ | ; : (a Rew N Costes GENTS fine Sttelerd and Pamp Boras. : ' y a ‘wae pe re o : ' = Drab & BOY Congress Boots Views \ ' ; sa : woe JAMES HOR ATE, Wanted Immediately, Pea pa i i : bd an ve ‘ A ‘ LADIES Kd Liwserse, Sieh bet . WATCH-MAKER AMD JEWELER, “~* ‘Be Stlver Billi, Mine, Se at a “i . i. . QUANTITY OF were Kid Shppers and Tie i Wanciaesterie . ( () . SSEM Madelba = end Unites ° M Wie ee Le ae » Dn ies 9 barge bet of Leadion and Mraoee Rete, Hers ved J , M iN WATCHES ; y SMO wee HNO pSV EN We Tt Sse tieners, Meus’ Buys. vad Gente Brase ond Shore i \ ' : ee JE WHEY of ai! binde ao rons Afferent quabiiee and styles, Childgen's Mees. Rr a ' , SAAr post received wed for anle low fot Cadh, nr cm vhett . baiae NEW BOOKS. heme t9 powrtmn! denlers, CQearierty payments 1 A TR CIC Gn ee quired (rue afl whe parchese guade ag tine . uw is RO ir abl nat aE he : of an ee MILLS, WOOBR 4 00 1 : “. - : R ; erin st Jemeph by Mire 4, 1056 ee iv ‘ wo Rambles male Vale » he Murmmome. by “ : £ DR W F BASON “ fon Memmi Fide Cio Une erect a LY 7 : es . es Hes tet : Greensb 1% ’ ork The f Lagi. pen sboroug + HOPE, © Ze ner SSS SOS My TUAL INSURANCE COMPANT Live : . Opes SECT poctOM weer A Pa d New ba , . . ANCE PA , ' SN CLISBURY., N.C. ai JW ENNIRS fires wiol Lnearance on ihe matqel plan iv be! & j f 1 ( ‘ Piet (> x ‘ Re ’ semalleam. con pared with @ jatet tert oanpery a ; ; This company being berated in the Western part ite : ; | . fe To Gentlemen. Mtate. eorerquentty mech the lerger partine of the rae f State of North Carolinz Horner ve wee ' . 4 pu wech te have now nn hand the mes! com. 2¢ iB the West, very many af whieh age ig the epee): ‘ °.f - a Gg arnnnns ice a Ss SS petr sematmcnt M CIAITHUNG sie bskos The C.anpany ie entitely free frean debt ; have mate ‘ 1 NEY fered tu the ee Ve mee . nent 4 N HO ve pubs Call at Nad, Granite Ree mtr. snd ve therefore comfddemily recut OM ACCOMMODATIONS @OWAN HOus,. NROWS gC iEE a ded tothe public te \\ . es Pore 7 a , Nalrat ‘ ~36 waar pares plead, Meeting the fullowing Offeer* a ive were clected for the envumg year . . ae ‘ =-8 DR. J. J. SUMMERELL, JAMES KLOAN. President ! ' eale ‘ , { \ 8G COFFIN, Vice President F AM rem ve hee Office at hie readence where 6 \ . WB GRANT 41 ROB ,Rv> Y ] | pi eRe aa tea tal alot C oP MENDESHALL, Attorpey ‘ : f : ' ' Site cake } eee yr . Deano eae PETER ADAMS, See'y and Treavaret ' Pare b pe Ae a SS NB There a Any persone indebted ta meh wiecu _ PETER ADAMS, Sees) Arey I Saat WA zw Y Prat it en aa Hafaties etal shed We MMING, Gen'l Agent ii en \ : ~” . 89 . i Sarmertiy irme millennia coe ae May 10. 1852 119009 te Mon OP ST RECEIVER OF Mather A oh cede May vlwe TI shell Fr. NYE MUETOMENON, 2 4 . ! Ww ' ' ' * . ’ - . z ; . ea DiBBLE «& BUNCE. Mehebury, Jon 20, 156 s COMMISSION MERCHANT, A , ’ Calvin FF. Dibhle. Jonathan ! ‘ Phil . han fh. Bunce, Charlotte, NM, OC. hie : t a ‘ ; " ' te Vere : - eae REMOVAL. wifl cet! om Commission - 7 oe" Commission Werehants Jovy s 22003 se ttictrecemat Gouna na wee ues = ' i ; their Clathing aud Tarlring Establiahment from m bs c FE WHLMINGTON HERALD 12 S2tton. Plow, Grain, Waval teres, inne Monti Merc @1C ihe mance om: CHARLOTTE OWARLERTON, ane PTO er waa Ee ZIMA Py : ano vediately oppemte Rod Murphy's Stire ou - nts erat QUIRE, ZIMMERMAN A ALLEN. | EEE EU uaa clic | CCR ee ee eee ee en os - tothe verch int NWo. 1890 Front Street Uet ll War je-ale Dealers te P | . , sTe?enoeee fad niker wane. ne pga! od a7 tbs A : : I . 2) See DR. Ss. R EV ES J. Jenkin, Faq., Salisbary ; Goo. W. Wilhome her ‘ SURR. Ir & Co, Charlemton ; A. Hunt, Lexington ; Bobet the r BURR eveHEStD \ . , : ; ae iH ] AM bneated ia Suliebary, and fiers prea Em, New York. aaa shar Co Sees 4 tes profesional eerviers to the pub- ebraary 19, 1856 yf the . : “ ee , ' J iow ac eerie ’ _ . po ‘ ' \ $3. Market Street, ee oo wow Vet bs A tw doore beisw Benjamin lahan'e store her vaepepnnea MOCALDESSINSTORY OF ENGLAND. Gy ious A prt 2156 vty Dr. CHARLES T. POWE ’ , i ‘ t ; fj JEST RECEIVED The Third and Fourth V spett- _ 7 ee ee JOB PRINTING FL rtas peeeagoeetts tocste to Sete oe ; ‘ Bian’ . fatty te is profeaxinual services to the Pe ‘ ‘ ie ' JUL ENSNISS, Bovkertler aut Warrants for <ale Here r . our 4 cre, Nuatly ve cuted at bsia Office fie, (thon a Brick Row. con Madisbury, Aug. 27th, 1855, wis Hine Ye 90 fi aud, w meets Rewih. he wereee of wy. edpomng 1, om others, momet be ever. bern part fehe then of Ue rene in the eoan'')- bt; have made ity reeeenere- pw ing Offer? | yey ‘renvure’ MS, See'r) 119009 ™, CHANT, Cc. , and all »DuCP sew YORK nsignmes'* ;@ W, Wilhome gion; Robert Vy'r38 OWE bery. respett- tees to ihe poh uid 4 i i = @ 2. s = 2 = F a s E ¥ £. = ®S = z » [% + > hat ps ygorernimenty wind its exninple to the world, and af pices. ig ~Ayrbvag al distractwa of in fatture, oF the avils of its overthrow. fervnee dies. uF sah exist, i youst be beens We laut only stand moupperted by, Lat must stand have enjoyed ‘the choicest blessings sv long, a» | ,,, ; that there can be ny end to them ; that I fear some one will doutt whether be un failed tonemember the leswn, that! jo gtands the ie the price.of them. at alarmist, but it ie my duty to the position of a watchwan, unl to cry wile tis yet ata distances, there a dasiger wow, The best infyrined think so. Mix Ulingraan, in his late better, says: Pied far owes destiny of our present pulitics! tw and eternal vi desire Ww gcuyy danger detvermitied by | euutry x it wy colléngar, “Mr. . whiels iy valcula- the reanedy. of vast extent; 4 is AH experiment in gov: ‘several ibilependent sovercignties uni- wie Buon Lo vocur, ™ SSA GD i it i ae sags or, ganii | American platform. Wew nig Ame | cans, you may be Democratic Americans, “Yoo j won't do it? Thenjdraw anu fight to the death! | That is on spirit. “But Mr. Chi \ ‘ ae OY: “To show that this ean be done with Q ‘and without loss of self-respeet, let us recur to pust action of our party in the State,” d&ev | Tle then proceeds to show thatthe "4 ty had frequently elected men 10 Woh who had not always been Whigs, 7 x {that this is trae. . N UMBER J. Lam glad to say that the’ Whig’ party has heen liberal, and is libeeal still, and does re- quire « humiliatiog surreuder of an: sis 4 Mr. Clingman means to say the Whig osth Carolina ever held its Rites Fv. ily, the old love I bear it makes me“say-he is mistaken. It never yet for; its di | Aud he is himself a living evidence of las was his merit, mueb as it desired do chonor him, yet as soon as Le bore upon ite: infixmities and prophesied its downfall, it tarned jtedadk upon him, preferring rather to die in. bis date than to live in bis servitude. * > For the long service he rendered, it,.still wishes hin prosperity, and bopes that a few years of hard servige and short rations will still leave Lim vitality enaugh to.come. back, as comes the tired stag to. his starting-place, and rest io the old range, By which time, retai in all his desire to do good, be will haye lost his pew- er to do barm, and will be kiadly - And wow, in very love for his new associates, T will gently remind them, that Mr. who so truthfully prophesied the downfall of the | Whigs, said that your Jove of publie was “the rock on which you would split! And ithat the Native American spirit iT influence was that which would sweép you from the country. And, akhough gow may semore Atlas and the Pyrenees, yet you shall not eseape that prophecy ! ‘ Mr. Clingsnan next addresses himself to” the Americans, and says be told them that the Americans woald be disbanded, and advised them to stend aleof from them, and thea asks affctiunately : g @ eS = Saou Devoted to Politics, News, Agriculture, Sniernal Iuprovements, Commerce, the Arts aud Sciences, Morality, and the Fewily Circle. VOL. XIIE. nid, widow hich, ‘of Whe author, oo am snlileieieieiideaatedl a = . 1 finve quoted thus freely from. Me, Clingman’s | nally iu the United States, Of thie number @ very Pater, because, from his lung experience io pub | barge proportion are Roman Catholics, By this means, lie athsirs, oud bis whmitted ability, PF thetrhe it which time dogs wot permit age to recognt, but the wiaild ee the most satefartory proof DiS Ane font in idions and unjustifiable, the Democratic party n r ’ | succeeded in influencing them to band theumelves to- niinistration party, with which heis weting; and, gether, avd gally to the support of Mr. Potk. ‘Some | att Ivast, to atune for ang | 7 ‘ lay, becatne L design to use it for avother jure of shear avowed their preference for him, because his }[ auswer no, Ou the contrary, its course in re- and cover a multitude cf faults. . ‘ " wnt. fee trade policy was more favarable to the interests of gard to Kansas ought te meet with censure ev. | test appointments is that of Solicitor of the U.)tiony or, that the Bemoerats wili ever surreu It appears, thon, that we had our quarrel about Ma eed PaSnC ies Sees Bae Oey Comsenitnen that '¥ Where, and especially: at the South. And the | States Court of Clais—not in the North, bat der tu the Whig otganization, is alwurd to sup- We incy wind aul bo Let c Americans. Bis, hey the (witness L offer here is the President himself | here in Washington—an important office, with pose. The gre a tess of both of these parties foreign Catholics been divided in the late election, us These are facts: Kansas and. Nebraska are Terri- | a salary of $3,500 a year, a son of the President were honest. Each believed that he was right, other sects aud elasses generally are, Mr. Clay would (ories of the United States, Kansas is just west, of the late Free-soil Convention! Aud no in-}and the other wrong. Each beheves so still; ste ape by large mujoritics the Btotes of New of Missouri, and Nebraska is just north of Kan- | stance can be veh of Iiia removing from of: | and neither can surrender to the other, without MidB ag ble Louisiana, and probably othervin | oe Missouri ix a slave State. Kansas has the fice because o Abolitiouism, while thousands a forfeiture of bis independence aud self-respect ww ie aid ke ker 4 with the inflo- | 22'"¢ latitude, soil, and elimate; and therefore in- | of such have been appointed, Everybody knows This is the illustration: you have Leen at law benociof Reviencis: bees, bel Sauce gid poe opeaty viting to slave owners, Nebraska is not suited ; that the way he shows his dislike is by rewoy- | twenty yours with your neighbor, ; Both of vou and profusely used,” &e. |tu slave labor. In May, 1884, Congress organ- | ing from office. Yoo cannot show an instance are honest. Eth thighs that he ie right. hi ized a guvernment for these Territories, It then where be has appeinted an American to an in- desirable to end ity wade, interfere, and get became the duty of the President to appoint a portant office, and he bas removed thousands you together. The first-préposition that your a Governor for each of them. He appotuted a: for po other reason than beeause they were nehbor makes is, that you should make to iw Governor for Kansas 20th Jane, 1854. The, Aunericans. Now, why did he do it? He did! an unconditional surrender! Does not that Governor of a ‘Territory has almost entire power it beenuse he hated then. Well, dues be net, put an end to the co: ference? Will you not nt first. Now, under these eireumstances, what, hate the Abolitionists, too? If you will show me turn away indignantly ond say, Thlave no soch sort ofa Governor ought the Presidenttobave ap- au instance where he has ever refused to ape) mean spirit as that? Twill compromise, bat I povnted? Tt secins clear that if he w inted to pre will . serve pence he ought to have given a Northern Now, has the Demaeratie party ever propasid man to Nebraska, Southern man to Kans.s; middie ground, he ouzhtte have sel-eted a sound, , Nncelings able man, distinguished for his! Abolition meeting? ' Again, turu back aud rend the extract from the New York National LD) inocrat, in which it is waid that Aeretofo sdiministration party Se i sides with the Free-soilers, and bas prostiatind fet his billet-doux fo the South, whereqnr chiv- | been, aud always will be, a change now and thé Nationals? alrie feelings make us regard a man’s word as then from ong party to anuther; sume from the But you ask if the course of the administration ;his bond, he is satisfying the North with the | best, and others from the worst motives, But, in regard to Kausas onght vot, with the South }distribution of office and emoluments, where | that the W higs, who hive been battling the and all sapposed errorst such things are prized at least at their full value,| Democratic party ‘upon principle for twenty One of his da-| years, will ever surrender to its party organiza- Of every varie: population, and TP diave stated the danger, and the eause,— Now, what is the remedy? And here brat) + UN) reqrettiat Lew yet ne further aid frum my die Ihauy dif tingeished collengue, Mr. Clinginan, 1 must i the world may interfere in our domestic mat- tera.” bd “And we as a ration sit stupidly quiet white she foments, fur her own advantage, our desestc institutions “ Men who had not been one month in the coun- try from the penitentiarics of Europe. unvequainted with the language in which they were sworn, for that fi can only be explained they knew not. “thet, “the hair of the mnie) And if the foreign Catholics, or foreigners gene ral- But there ly. contioue banded toge ther with a view of controllin,: the elections of the country, there will be aroused an- tagonistic feelings in the hearts of all true Americans, which will aweep away the party to which they have attached themectves.” Thus spoke [my distingui aiust hin Indeed. so strange is his remedy, oe ey point one, or where be ever removed one, then never surrender, L will beheve it, and pot tll then. bevause that was North,auda! Again, how many advertisements hove you or, at least, as that was | Seen, all over the country, of anti Know-Nothing » but when did vou see one of au aut Tide wot! pon the old mebe road that bites wisl cure the wound.” ism philly whieh tow hes that long experi enew in politcal life, while 0 furvishes much in fyurmvation, cluwd~ the judgment with a thousand pliaetasies uf the interest of self and party; and whieh teaches further, that what we have been accustumed to cousider very bad, and, upon in a compromise with the Whigs, aud a union ap- on a common platforin, outside the Demoeratic organi m, to cure the evils in the country? Never! Its only terme are, subacission, Now, if there is a Whig in this free laud who, when a compromise is refused i» willing to sur have to that I think ever!! consers ative, and such were the sentiments of he 23th Coo 1e sevius to have moderation, and whose character would have been ' d cuil rue, i : ' ved cuileague, ir a gtiarantee of impartiality and justice, ty all see But instead of that, he gresa, But then, as now, whi render at diseretoon, xi) I say is, tions, and all interests. unt Jepection, tind oft wot te be 20 bad ix we Rp Tee ee ie was utterly at Rae pia , ! Aaer Fe: tone, ‘ " g beck eye IEC HE UES DM datas dale ING? va hac eae nt a Southern man to Nebra-ka, and a North. (las sided with the einocrats, and pre: his is wot the spint of fis fathers, and T do not : I am sorry to be oldigrd to agree with bin ¢ vd. may etd late PR hs Ree wt wa to remedy, Then he said the Whig > , aE Sanaassand ferred “ uneoshed tomiste” tothe Nation envy him lis der ners ve {thr “ Do you pet wish that you had taken my sdyiee but L devine te eweournge the hope, teat Une de tis mew Tight te creditable tuo our natur 1 in \ ; Wat snatenllor erm man and thorough Free sailer to Kansas, and r u ‘ ‘ wy H deg nemey, A ry diffrent , storia which threntens te wprout, will virly steady | that, ahen our bate &® turned to lowe, a sense of baityne BP OC CGS Ste oN ruts inaicas xf further, a map of no weight of character, and, if) al Democrats; 2 says Chat the tine hing come course e perued by the Aimeriono party. ; T answer, No. We have more confidence in and make as the firmer, “ur injustion wakes us love toy much. And that the evils put duwn the Whig party. And 10 president into debeved, of dishonest parpos- wien the juestion iste be sulaniited to the Dem Tp ten how tu slate my reinedy for the bis propheey than we have love for bis advice. ; oe ” ‘ nohks the Democratic pi re ’ . site it } | ys tt wid t aye cetin aekt t Vins = low the f le Dre catincs uf thie wiiectiled condition arene when we have loved au uuwerthy objet, wel" ra ae ae | i ned Unt Se rile cs But Pwill tet the President spesk for biui verity tn ' a they Sa Ss a [2 its ty eveperate with the We must follow the fate which be predicted: for coral; et sat which seems ty be proniovnt hate i the worse forthe dove we wasted leeesib. but the traits, (hat metier oF Te it le bis Kaness nimage he says: euisc as the true men, And then) read the An us years ago, fo wit: thet if the foreign influ- 5 ni ; ; ould partion standing alowe could cure the evils . . . fouth resolition of the bite Di amoeratic Conver } for it perfection cither in its enee continued to be jujuriously exeresed, We , : 5 iy now, ie the Cuntrovery tegard ty elavery. fn Lean (ll teow much P must Llane any oe “The Governor af the ‘Terrgury of mansas, com- : / ! » 7 Ch Fthrewe virtues fer the home EP fel in not havins levee the neeity the Am ricau party, A Weh, 1854, did net reach the des. tivo in North Caroling iu which they pris their orig s ptactions, of its principles, for it pha would sweep the party from tbe country that so the aame better, Me mgr Raye * “ feed dn ties ving rine rm missioned oo June BWth, Ind4. did o each tt : ; ; ! : 2 3. Be the sanction of Mr. Clinguiam, and oa few other PDOON thes Ole) | ATS iguated seat of his government unit Tth eneumg Oc. Northern Denoe arte ft nd say that they inao: bet Edo elann that itis thoroughly patr exercised it. That is our mission, ~The hage dorap-dhmaprnr-erag etd otal i iusucbecl fricedsctn) dle a leat nti! the Demoerate, ae such, with lber, and even thea fared tom tstepin te “willcheestally waite with thei as heretofore” atic. Ls seercev aud ite oatha, which lave been | hue predicted it, add we mega fo" inelsitgin ie Podersi sisee Senta Soctings tise dargetite be weds we views Penterta yuot chage 5 ‘, , with : ‘ ron ; pe be ta the North wwards the Rupihern @etmem as te Ube pater remiedly for thie x° Pee atti Charme the ladiuilictras intent toe core of ordering the cones, wml Mark! as Aoretos er pen se much abused, Lan mnder ne pec ssity tojus infallibiiity, No adviee, 20 threats, so allure- nad caprecially the institution of negro slavery ae ie gaol! Com hue" Farivn a ' , ee » of dl eT | L. pate day that Sie, ciclo eet Ra - sti the trae De niu at. tify, boeeause, ont eet ty those who thouuht ments, shall swerve us a hair's breadth, Ov ) wel e hoeet gr nthe tee as ove ou -) é Hien, OF dealrge doulle. Loyastative (Nesemrbly did aot te ; ; ; : : 4 ae elie F jae emery oo” the Whig pourty more than it crserved, may © nih Cand that it hae pandered ty 30,1834. nor teguceting until July 24,1925. Ko that, tng agarnat them oljetonable, they have been abandoned conre is right on and onward, up to-vigtery-— 1 have vow stated the danger, and Phave ls tle ad ey Aevers Wey iy , A bali mene: and D proceed to offer 66 © year ufter the Terntery wus eventiuted by the er Uj the trae Democrits South, to be co J _ ~ tne Washington, who was a mencer And then, when our mission is ended, when we ted one, at beast, if met im the vmmin crn rere srr Wick at pe iaeierranie ee ani, line autieeeal ame obase = —— fs to be wens bop Weitted Ga such asi ass ( the Concsanati Sci ly. rcouninvide:l the alan: have cluthed the Amerienm name with more us- Aud ave, my fllew-citians, wh) Eo Lo sinh i | sre eet Girasviet Met ; ees : eee eames re shel spn eaaa anny ACaiaead at hve. > Went o titstea <whi ! { tret ns bad, then we will listea - ° ¢ ° ithe cutapir Le soverament, ¥ i gee © ° ’ . = comroversy Lettevn jou awl th Be UM tlie we Momy eA Chale too unwed « at such wos, Up tes ALIV, its patiey son ae eathuriay, wi wat incul awe, and of cure: wth. culycal ls wothev denomnece t Hinhated. | ‘ he thought them wrouy, to the a friends, though t may be that steer, Hrgaten the sfesteuetioon of the | ey tree Cheat bee fae $oitomnd tads that ato vea@ayo. Read aceon the extenets Dhave qa: out the ordinary guurantces of peace and pubic order KK Nathices as correpl aud ece how they but because be wae willing to yield something te eightly inter sted therein themselves MroCling- fees F Thanet thee North obavahl Ge copped tr latte i oe : . l favui litecereecl They prove that they had “le other reepeets, the Gutcrmer, iusies wer Bake! cet Ana ae pothe projudiess of these who dd. Bat To saust man next addresses the Democrats, and says + ry, cheat te 0 tent, wet that vue should be ty te May wot ns 4 the ist whine done etre N r South; that they Mee ¢ motaut Yechne “ nee ya rs ilies : F ' { ‘ } speak -Y puess In mecteey whieh chara Veith respeet to those persons who have formerly : } orgies to prevent ne eri itemet the tendeuey ty ale ' i ' f the party, by he De ity,” (of he docs sore W, attest ty aman, is just wheat beth sabes . aed i ; acc. § e and bv 9 et ; r r “ ‘ 1 acted wih eomectatic party,” (of comme ch ure pre toe vist ine , ~" wae SN = t mean the free-soders of N.Y.) “lean sce so pestem empoet, and is, i Geet, just @ leat vints. Bt rece fiias 1 : eR mom ne ALi! ¢ voles tard and newly apport d ” ” " artics (efor ' ‘ \ cy mene s 3 : canst Yue camnot Uniwk olke, bs sah my Fem ifian it loacry Cunlicirsy cared = Jinee aber tue Of the Cum. the sttenu a to be diverted fn ‘ ibe will the woebl cern in) emai lueneis «fer ther mow @ ae peta a : objre 5 if eet an exasey Lo terinine its propriety i enthest of I onswer, that T ean. (Unless so far as whey post ehvell dentrwy the yuvermimot ! Vem gtde sunty feria (ict) . ‘i ep iow er objre's, and himself eet an exaray ‘ ; t ' ! preseqtac diared aiaret vt, nel you have dl eral: ripe a | . of es m the eheenance 4 . + hie ter ; ne fe oilies : Dns F Bl axe ‘ New York fice callers are concerned, I neither, : “ a leaders at ih rth. my duty in the ecquel to remove bin from other ‘ Sut ; A land of moot Lmad tisynied theneelven « any reason why they should wi (ed hnwat, vilees mation 5 bar you lave aleay> . pede of cn mera co okaa : ; fin orate weetian in ste But bans nee | 4 1 Vise y they | withhold 3 ) ‘ x z * De umcratee 9 i » wo are thee: thine true! Ifthe are not elie ' Al fei vecwie la Mace v slip bused aud threw their «ny port) And the Grst tease ia, enwentre alone nny i annie vee hind befor make no dasfinction be 1 f the ren y je ! because wett “ \ “ i eT » ’ ] tt a Fa 1820, Wieouri acker! to be alin it'e Lm we thet x ; . ‘ j alos the Democrats in the die Would t President say they are sit Mot back pen at as a Bybt of fections irs ver the t They were denounced at the ume Mr. ¢ nis aimember of it—not beesnse 8 ate, inte the Uw, Bet comstiuinn alowed ‘ paren ie : ks I I ad mm the oe of that the Governur of Kansas would not 2 rand the comutry all the safer the 1S dawhess rebels. Awl vet which one of you | scctition is disrepatable, but beeness he of slavery. The North vbjeetond by ber comm ina Pee eederer ei clea hia powt until the neat Mareh, or a meting uf t atiave Cee other, They are but pow would 1 +! proud to trace back his “an lures to batile with the elements of strife, brave ia, sued there @as @ Very dangeroes exert & ue . ' : ; . ineinters aotil Julyf{—Is wt true that for twelve yy eratrat tical cea nie vestry to these sate sere’, diaguired, lawless re nd Lare himself (@ destruction, @nd p, ne Cniry be ate “ru 4 reig hast . ; ; ; ‘ . " wwet AS Wegth A wes crnpremerl, 1) ide ace, etre! of jing thee whe woth ‘ wnonths the Terntory was eithou AREA . 8 They occupy the posituan of fups bel! Noble men! they kuew thai they would bis unnateral—it may be bis prophetic thie eng wae myroed that Misepuri elvrrhd he dh Nome 11 Doert baw ewlerot the party in Congress. Lt being charg a atate of anarchyt Ts it trae that daring (ue iS stake amazement at tl ! be denounced, but Ui interest of their country ste enables Aim to eseape, yet corteie i we ckere Sek» and Usk sl ihe bo : = - : . 1 N tha Kansas bill was f re- tine the Governur eas neglecting bis duties and), Nom toe tiie io ye requ t and u patriotism euabled them ; dest » awaits his confederates, So iecher me . eh an Use in : , i 1 waite ™ ‘ ‘ © wrote to the Concord New engased in dereputalde proacticeal The Pres ‘t ' rete to a above eve const deratior . ti-ct been, and so ft be. pever nage of Ue Gerritenry ee bind, wheal) be divebedl oe o Sry Rowe at - : ; Sr ee Tha manic 10) Corey vin Pte ee ere iais Wes upon the ty re wine #08 ' and suty.-« seaee euro lacti He ever juined the by a lime right theeyagh i, amd that all po ( : \ po mt ~ . t fe Reh sake AE tol save mer, mrved 1 AL oNght . rya tht me wa t ‘ themselves pure and suspteryt The brave party until saw the rock in sight of which : eseeuiy) Malet. 1 aa 2 W'lue Thea. Ameseran: thiqmation, Why did be nol Cth ; os nit hat tohim he predicted they wuald split, and be wants to hee elew =. fwrul ome lee ae e PS ¥ mi ala ta 1 beth sides t hire + ne 4 ‘ " (way st seems 1 were I they Wun pnt, rg tol ine — patra aes Need Aes | ; ‘ } * “ du thes ts matter truly, and eta remove hin Was ever such a state of the : / 4 la . wa | “ “ew Witress t n of the wreck wed « on _ ! te ’ Z . . D ea ore Aah anbertiy vA vc enioat oe Ne _ oie - trecdem by leaving the heart uf befard Seppuse, my f weitizens, yictakeac it aWertine arene will be the tof it, fearing the worst Thes Ancther olj-ction of Mr. Clingman’s ix, that be bie letter, says: . t nut ‘ Piatt tr et tor twelvc months the State of North Car h &k. they wat Bud A” t rowy let : patenere j i that acer the American party is too weak to doaay . . “i” . - , - < ath S swore ® laws awl w A governs * nae F Lchis ond! and dagume, which, ¢ cia hes rcumatancea that ite ticket can searcely cet a State i <The cot-dlevery (cling gredecity cubeded ther ielwiin, « Nan , na I tem that w ( dowu at their lidding, a 1 dmg ler other crreumata arcely grt a (at the Norte.) nd the commery pe meawed quirt watd whew th ak. A ) new al preva What woald you ess . Sv ' widow w ( cninge wt t they woul " « einned. And ao theme [ Well, that is jit what he said would 2 ew inbacsce Pee bruagh bres oo 4 ae t t P ‘ Niwd of how be a wh ul a Star who siat franizalion t tthar | Leen the fate of the Democrats, if & bed o hav-l, to beat ron . Here, then, you ee, we had war quart wot yyy . J Fhe Wace ashe Tey meruared tows aes SUR ewan fey eh od ions, a grea ak =< mip NAU EM Ay aachn Setiol tad not bern for the Whigs who went to thelr sup- we at it, and divided out the wh . Bd . inc . . foo Lea lacdicaiea “wo you ex tin the aneett nd t _ : oo ie — ‘ =) 7 Z ; e | rt. Hi then, these same Whigs Jeave them of war territory, and the country «a : yu. _ : tls \ dom forever by @ ous provis roe |< fKansael Yoo w Ap ect alte " \ weal N Ho deserves t te with the Americans, a J thinkabey Mow macs oy A fer eegretiend that # eumbl mt : : . t Mr han eit 1, distraction and \ Ra . Se pataucls y and be F ‘ . . t down the Demegeats nd ¢af ap ; . Sul : . that wea me . ; . ' ' ne. Dut 1 will show, ont of Me. remain quiet! Uh ve tae sit rs be be rg ane " : { ls ; f 4 " sos mihiny \ ’ . t only atten . ‘ ( sn inouth, Urat be te mubetaliem, that any infeence sleuhl fo bromgh <* 1 . Mr ¢ « Mie | “ ‘ ad fo ; oa! disterh the autnra’s quet! | has len 1 Ml . tens ovals vie ie ir I : P » Hlie ship a Wwhis . uv P subd that, . , x \ , | - t . see ce naa L ' Ts tbe ago in correct to be Geena * The tung. trou linsard wil mar the Loner vt Mt peliene « ~ ¢ : J . . . ¢ organa 2 ead membre re +) ase mbbed ' t ! to port, but saeb ad stra . ee r we e F wever, net Jone, it = well Keown, that And ow it is that somthing hae bee br he 4 ] are - ( ie ci 4 = ‘ . t ‘ 4 ite plattorm 3 | ; ‘ Vid we enadem ty bear 10 trenk op Use ~ poet” oof the prey . \ - ATS RA ' tle ' Ue bree eiicmeebetga te . N e ‘ . Tery egnatum, the delegates of 12 Netherm Geutes, that inBeence what it may, i & an olinvwe! arth L-ma rate . | ‘ x4 fa. AN canal Mee! on . ' at did r rate shes tt : : mit “ . - d " ‘ : : . ptk te y me bresent . tv 6 ‘ one, aad deserves the penqies comewr i a Med ; i Seat AN ; . " . Clingman states that inthoriwe a Kullows on Wy a ’ pesado \ t great ney ‘ oS failure t as : : “i ue lave "Ee : ue t e ‘ * Gewet Brtaia bad seqsired by the fore of ber -itm : ‘ a = ij t a toll « Pe % z A ; a t ’ - wer me the orm é } Cor prmerere ee \inl © . Ja the aie ' : ' » I whore t ogatos heft, Lay Aogyl Pre eet tee ward brews na hey Tl rae Ae e . - : uy ; ee re these del lef ate. 4 in atta thf ae ne Sites Mr ie aorta ' nt 1 , . - mC stop; Tans gates came back again, is it meee thee one beadred entimee of poop . \ i \ , ‘ a t- f *\" u Nue. « e Pe A P alia usw lea te ¥ : . \ a ot Tate , © ate of erent shyrct sterery Ke 5 \ J " s Dilega Cong hk : . . ; M : | wen otwt, le Wa mites . ; : eS TE 1 hike ; i x aco, when everybody admite it an OS Oe y j Met : m . ! _ & ae 4 8 . ; cnditeipce a ran. le = 4 a tiaeral tive oo ; nee at P ’ ‘ ‘ eR \ t ‘ v . ] - l t e bs that ' pe ove treated by Eagleod, Mr Congy a ata Tee g better; levee ee ' Se ae : I , 1 en » J : ear ae ceil’ easaumkar that @ toe Gores: hi ia = ~ ' ' ws ; “ ] rea i . . . ARE © Trece micrrsthe \stawere are man! cngaged in ; , is . ad Uae wide: ¥9:¢ © Hands a nr p-calarone w , . RAW ner E eajou even for him a duet os onegy, a . , , : \ ‘ Sais orb » ! al and sleg! that ot became m “ , tomer? pretmalires cope tana ia : s : - ats | ' the 5 rt . . ‘ ‘ li “ to aa demand A the marker of Grew Hert ee ay | Harden Trek 1 anid ot emt proper quarter . : . ee , . gen . . tor Contemers Wi wee ern. wr: thet we ng | Hor dal UN ‘ ~ Van Be Kedltie lily a tho eventos mse d from uly A : . henih 1 ninated Fillmare std Dosclesm. Mr. tee waperier chil and corrgy of tee plant ® thee fe " ee ‘ . celle silo id you suppose And, epeakir f the « Juct ( N z | . “it t . has no strength im the Saath, they were able by means (da yd 2 Llows \ ‘ Vis with rene, . “ ' a : and Dew . Gxte Gaten, enger, fee. Ke wt bewerreice sed the . Ne i ; : x en ° : ® . ‘ Ride . . prtectve grown in bade The Briich . oneal Pe / " : came sate this ten * : : oe ; ; ee Oe Ce aa res ; Wise : } ’ 1] Nee ie ral Appeyenag 7 eclier _ It . — pe . s : North, and it indies, ealtivared by ergre slaves. hut ae (he sum ities oN I’. ane if l ' \ yerar lt we, and t c bs \W a ’ soup : \ and the North ef bee interest there wee comper.Ure!y small. che oe ' Sofie, it => ( and numinated #- termiaed 00 gectifce 1 hor whet ohe regerded sm re , were ly w hed ® “ : 7 S . \ . rt ite own asm vanpetent pet. me eccordngly cman ped t ‘ Aner ’ ' aa ~ ° ine . prep N ~ \ I \ . t a formidable ticket ! megte dares ia the W eet ladies, aad ther by tra + Mor 28 mark. th he memb> ve of aie Zz € prep : ; the beets to © otste af anpralertive be Seren Roe ine oore be we oe . - P| . 4 t wn fl n 6 t * : \\ at has po st 9 thee orf ba rive @ eyetem of aprretic te force the he qpp aie od 0 anree pedey em cfusades ag viriet Wig cre arly i P r r n J ‘ zinan's ish was father to that Cested Biates to «mancigats her chaces ia lake manerr. new ye. Bul alm a canin ns mihe aie - tere 1m é a Niair . ‘ . Sell eranhandinul shoals eupreting, Mf Unie was accemnptehed, to be atte 1 eH ihe election d Lee ‘ a : “ mete earth ak im ‘ ; : ' ' ; ther . e beeu a 1, Lat | lanch at his cowces- pty the werhl, at her own proces, sub al } od eras , t~- as up . wok h : : - se Gane fom hor great Eanern pesrem ae ty ‘ ere pe . i Ste . ou 1 az M ’ : pit : Mr. Cingman states farther thar Engle mad t. : : ; ; \ fae : . : nhs a ste the North an Swath, aw! break ap the eae ~ . . | at . ‘ l | . : sath osha and then he proceeds as follows at bene, @ beret : rie (ce : * : Ney as ’ CEvewt + a! & ; - A ie \ : 7 I . cle e ponsitde thet ” ‘ » aceomplich theer ot c! \ car . : ‘ areage . , With « view, therefore, to ® mn i In . et iE » Mr t , ie . ~ k ] ~ anow 2n oppose him ' prets, more than twemy year? age Brush ; 1 . « . ¢ \\ . M to tab e ead ek-mak pe gee rally, were lated | ee gs e . . I . . 6 - ae \ 1 a asthe \ , \ Zz ’ os to take ama © eB &m 0 cyetematic War aguinet Hogm™ davery im the arr drotined tee : ' Papas : xs panrwuthe bre We } ( weit f : ( . \ . Fugtive Slave act, aod Oeted Stason Abstitinn bciarere were ermtuterand sain vs a ent mle ; a = ; ¥ x ~ , ‘ ace to hie effet tunry farwished ta csiabeeh papers and How h ‘ \ \ . 4 k . r , hos terrible concession, Pe mphicte te influrnee the miode of the errs « ‘ \ vs 4 7 - ee 1 ‘ errensth in the Nertl N the Northern States Levhing far shed. they ought P . \ | ~~ ; N M ae meh ; be te inrorporate their doctrines wto the echead beaks . it R . , Ml ) to aN ‘ noagan : ke an oath with his end publications best exleulated te iofucn:s the minds : - Be . ' et ey . «ert a man who has lost his of the 5 ead ignursat. Theis ve we mere nent . ' \ igigte AAT ataisal i Rhee +l arae , Nine Now . acting “ip sbedbence to his off- C-adity roertved in Masevchmerite. where (here were vt ; : ~\ " t oe titchant theo a ' t ot r r L know * : the remaine uf old anti-dlavety fed rites, wird wer t gy rit BOE Ea cA ha ai } ee : : S Ceeatia y ues , . ‘ “ike . t Te 1 here. that Mr. Fit Ure British inflerwoe bas, fer the bust half centr ' asets Ie blag tle of his | see sta : 1 hope, that Mr. Fillmore been greatest. From thie Statethese dev trues errr oa < a) . Ja) ue gative a alt! ' vous \ I J . «lt atthe North It im trae qredoally diffused, to a great extent, thr mt the [as : a iaite : ye ; ave ne reason Toalonbt iG amd ba | { yup M i ] vest He pat coarse, he did worth.” Fi i i ) tosant afer sis April 19 feel A Se ‘ \ ak f Is ow . {* nists every-wi s retpled A \ ' ss : ‘ ‘ ' > f < ; ; Now, are these things so! If they are ne’, vO. » 1 quct® as follows ; coke nthat nights | j ‘ Ld ts + yathercd around hine the why would Mr. Clingynan ray they are! Vow me : toes wer \ Ihe time hae therefore ime when the quertintie gal its ' wid was the man ow But then < R t know |» ‘ t men every-whers, And will romcede that he would stat~ nothing eluct ee ; : te fore th Demecr therastuies ; t , ( # \ : ch that will lest, he did not leliewe, and you will comersde that ' - = ‘ e be ee ~ 4 Sot omay vat ] s fi \ ~ « of Mr. Pieree. be will juformed. And as confinnatery that | ; | ay M ee 1 t that as liad ms free State the sa \ is t ‘ wit he conservatives by what be says is true, (if any comsraaben wer n ee . Stee : (Leciecoaniiion by thie pice j fivakes at ‘ mid vt s | t \ s SN ' s who make this nowe.— Wanted,) he copies from a late Len don paper a ; / ! erie ee 0 out adm 1 sh {be tak bar Wonves- why thesleepy trusting South wonld suppose that Ss ( { \ sto ln soon, whether ja a fate fillows : - Fann ' er hand the Hard oe og hay soy and fated, why he dl , \ ves the factionists have ( ‘ ; * vet rae mnand « ¢ VN ! ; Ae * evive epirit of the people of the Uniter oy | t t y AU ‘ pees : bean could say te the N Mat het given Tien ‘ : \ ! 9 rotest will be no States requires an humbl) and it v0 fuer ue te pr ‘ ‘ rr ) ; “it : PECeIP aH “ yer \ eee n, and « aA ma (2 i : spa ! bearts, strong arma, fo m the tack. Eagiund’s mission @ to complete (he init : ; - i Dem 7 sclecasiats A i wen . w Rus " irs. And the sesult Breet work commenced by her in |KI4, when she lib new 1 ‘ ‘ p eeu . \\ latins. Rees Anal . \ \ p “When coe ara about erated her slaves. “There are now over 3,000,000 ha. re ME) are] = : ' t t } t | t 1 man beings held in cruel bondage in the United Statice ‘ When the separation of Harde an - tafthey | nh j ; ot, heed not the Vf therefore, the United States Government deny luws ; ss rred in Pn53, acter the prennunary & will send the { ds NUE) 1 t ‘ . * . . rechart trattors among us.— and resulted to jon, the right of Great Britain t The \t par ‘ Sorucuse Convention had been broken | lone then? Yes, he bass a ty w ' hy Mr. ¢ u \ l by which they 7 questi, ¢ « p yous Mor but the f t wrted by the Sof \ her Central American posscrsmwe, we, the people of date forthe Pre : Oe ered Ruan ne ‘ Hd TEE a Wa eae aeeerRdreS tla it | tlle \ \ : s langeage of Mr ' o party wide wre * t he adm ration ® £ the British Empire, are resnived tn etrike off the vcrauie pal aM ott d the ine acnecuby Mat upon steel} to declare the Bre that t S will swear that le og a6 . elt A Y Ulivg vnly would not be shackles frum the feet of her 3,000,000 slaves And ihe Leglatare of ticle areca ducnoed Dy Mx P Dem ocr Natl and the North at adie palvas \ . : + ; dD ges there are those among we who will sanctify such a nation, and by that meaue rp tispe Dy . eo [era oot the Nationale to be the regula y rshoot th 1, and the v tha ne i‘ ' ; cing any consider thorons cause.” appliances, he wae induced ‘ Re it shown you, not by what TP, he is tu shoot the South u ‘ ; ts ig hy | ‘ zens as traitors, and Now ha n : hee party for Wr Poth ; Toatential Wolk. but in bis annual inessage did he not Batw trey math bs t ‘ vidor \ Vesir ’ tuuage may be confined And then Mr. Clingman anys, a follows hmy strong, however, mr, was ! 1 way, hat by. the best ne authority . cae oy lieltelis onthe Soul? i « front ot bite Mit eit o ninety % 13 “hare marks upon them by “ P " saa even this ma rew , osual lane Ay as large as ha ai ) “ “ ’ 1 uf } There ie, ton a complete understanding between the country, that ev at E : : ramilar deriers ares ~ ‘ * } z ial teh sarty }did. But at the same trine that he is sending 1 J fr, Never re always wo not lou yw a pla ach the know our enemies in Great Britain, and their allics m this defeated ae, had it not bes arriy 1, dozen sioall States, the administration part : set Nearly 100,000 foreigners are cet rated to Having met the principal vbjections, I pro- coed ty uytios the claims of our party aud ticket | weed wobstate to you, my fellow-cituzens, thatthe leading idea iv our movement ws to counteract the uudue and inyunous foreign iuflucace io this couatry. Out» assuch | and w polat is ho Critpade against tureigners, s no selfishuess of exclusiveues Wi agaiuet, Gut writiimatory of tle op ot houspita ] tden, That gurcountry ist isycani ot t pressed. ln y higuse tess a place ty, and yoneto and chants ws tein tw yyursell the tight tos wlio shall come to u, and wpou what te \ ail stas No Ht iw this tiaat tuakes it rho ery body's, nod enables 1 lspci spo tal tality, Just ‘ uuu met ss hos Yuu fr Jou » ae Lacrtune pitable, and we would to it, and vy vs this that mah body's: aid weet will chabie We, tee ares | hope, to mcur t ae , t i ers, the t Pls is the iin * Where d 1 trovw @ 1 am frown] 1 “And do tet ‘ v, and th place of your uativity have the pow suv whe stall Code s soot cy util ws bers “J came a faz jus t ve upon the countiy ay lL ypica Yo 1 v eountry is des ed bas ue aid bustiy, a has no ple r Te ther l MW here “Lan - And piace of your nat “Lone it? Vos! I t ach rout Rugia Jo vou gut ture vour country, aa “ Because society and goversment apptess me, awd | caine tu brent tre in your yiel civil and re To bum we say \\ stranuer ve among us, will rbunicus than Ww selves will our proud na: 10 you vt t \\ wy forciuner your pure atr move all | ’ . ¥ France tum x all ber poverty w, 48 places, wath s an Euaje land, 1 4 ness ant ; tes off sve t having Bed from Komaus. a: lead, and the avew read, also, Ub of bersigquecs we) (a Aad «arety o nlarm wae ite ue t . O00 a year, » * 500 M0 a “ « have 10 alow remy ts was at ticket in the coming election. I] Lave given you the sum, the answer is with you. And pow let me urge vou, iny fclow-citizens, $f the cause were trifling or pot press you. But it is over-estimate its: im- to the contest. vour own, | would pot vour own, and you cannc portance, There tay be a crust of partizanshiy around aome that forbids me to approach thei, but to the old: men whe have lad a tong lite of hbert ~ Luho may have retired ! wil, Desay, puto your Ma ds chew wenn, ‘Too the yout nel Wi Who must t he strength of the contest, Psav, t tus s worthy of and \ w ' Ciel ‘ 1 Crean Us . s the word iE ay EE | ’ bat \ bl ‘ ! t det It Med 14 . never fom Hl an \ Hv ts t \ \ purses \ tee ‘ 4 \ will et 2 \ ‘ t hit t ! ’ Oo LEAD t t ‘ {ou S re Tha Aa i S f 4th ory ‘ wid Wa Peng fC WH 6 | \ Guanine ( Tire \ < aie tr y Discovers Lids RY the is | fs r i ‘ ie at t ! js > ’ \! But fronet ! ta \ Pla ' “ a vader Ww LIC the se sanv thing t i MW aul ! ¥ 1 Live capt ( t ( V fined at ten urs, al nty shares Gk ! ls sald to have LIV rt that is, the « ilfot moll sof YOO ehares t i land benefitting agents and lawyers. — |ed the post of Minister of War in the new | be postponed until thé matter coukt be cousid- ’ ° 1 No inventor coul through the meandering courses his| treasonadle corréspondence, he was tried, cause would have to go before he got a! condemned, and subjected to the penalty valid patent, and attorneys could not af: | of his duplicity. ford to conduct cases at the expense row| Such is an outline history of Walker’s paid for preparing applications and ob- ‘connection with the evcuts which resulted taining patents. Is this the way to en- in placing the Government of Nicaragua e mechanics and farmers, whocom- in the handg of the Democratic party.— pose the majority of our inventors, and The Nicaragnans submitted quietly to neral, eannot afford to pay for the Adininistration of President Rivas, money-sweating operations? — We and tor months, while Walker had notan t. Sach provisions in oa Billap- American force of 250 men, and could Sanattempt, also, to force poor not, therefore, have held the people in to plaice their inventions ander terror had they beet hostile, not a single attempt at revolt was made. The popa- lation of Nicaragua is estimated at over v have been so fortunate 820,000, and it would be most absurd to nigh to obtain pat- say that Walker intimidated this popula- tou by ahandfal ofmen stationed at Gran has been ada courag Who, In oe such trowod pou tronauge of wealthy capitalists, or » benetits of them: Gufter tive vears) and one or two other poluts on Lake svefomn tnost simple and perfect Nicaragna and the winoriver., So 1 it has heen a medel for far from there bein inidation, even ] > oth Hations, who’ Europeans in Nicaragua, writing for Euro j \ : \ ude Ts of dts fea pean publications, have borne testimony wo it \ ( ldrag it to the satisfaction of the people that civil Kt \ wraft wa iatanend, and peace and order t et t these em: restored. The new Goverment also set i eid nelish the interests and . of Niearagaa It 1 i i sia sd ' vue \ ti eoteyts: ts sy had been ba to passe puede vA Sar proclaim \ ‘ ‘ pe its desire. A n Vi Ww \ | 1 Was paramount erated sr we is OUT | tC yprate cok OV vthen le deserves sada edxped \ i cd disposition which nen are weil aw t cd Tadeed, even selfish conside ey ‘ ! pres é tious would incline t stuatl force of 5 inv ful ¢ ir al air Am ne in Nocarawaa te peace, and it rve ipod explicit, at was While they ; line out the olive aaa \ h to Cost at that Stat 1 s | vound ' Dby malty tl a, scorutully re > \ ( tlie ther and od red aosava en w \ 1 on tom en ) sl We arn oS Vand doa 1 lous what rich 1 $3 id W Viccarapecibaa Uout hee 1 arg \ an cor t \ Lad t Deu \ party in N tts t i tte dusite iat Te \ ' Mv Voitherr cna t ‘ asi r es MN \ \ ! N ce Costa Rica jibs \ ] i . \ \ ) wrte \ \ \ \ rua, ( . ear) ) ever find his way | administration, but being detected in aj ered with more‘ almness. Mr, Butler apologized for a word which fell | from him in @moment of excitement, | | The subject; after further debate, was drop: | ; | eleetion. | ped. Carolina Watchman SALISBURY, N. l. TUESDAY EVENING, JUNE 8, 1850. TERMS OF THIS PAPER g2.00 CASIL FOR PRESIDENT, MILLARD FILLMORE, UF NEW YORR, KOR VICE PRESIDENT, ANDREW JACKSON DONELSON, oe FOR GOVERNOR, JOUN A. GILMER OF GUILFORD Gen. Li American Elector of this District will address the people in Yadkin County as follows: Thorsday the Sth of June Friday oth Saturday 7th i acu, the at [luntsville, Hamptons ie Jonesville. American Meeting. The American party of Rowan held a pul last, for the sinceting in this plice on Thorsday purpesc of nominating can ites to represent this county ino the Assembly. ‘The meeting wis Verve la rd Cue Msiastie Tt was lressed by Messrs. Blackmer, Vo ¢ Barringer, Brevard, and Thon. Ne Dos ‘ We « tl ype that seme of " } ent, Wwe ote r tit Ver t tn 4 oon ry wi 4 \ that with wl \V t { ) ‘ e ¢ | ! 1) ing , t hes ( ‘ | t r BUA ' ” \ ) 0 Trovbe i M I t | “7 ‘ Atianis \ ratih ‘ ) * ( 6 dich it Awerican part knave, or both? We would advise voters 'to be careful apon whatsort of statements Statesman publishes the Aunual Report lof the Secretary of State, transmitting aby ‘tendente of the Poor,” made to the Legis: | of Ohio, said, if necessary; hie, ‘ erument, so far as + y was either a fool’ or a they maké vp their deeisions at the next) Paupers in Neo York.—The Albany | the Senate Obamber to ya ler, of South Carolina haw: was in his: seate-he brit | Mr. Suinner’s speoehs, titled the agsank ou Sam aati: stracts of the reports of County Superine (ej lature of that State, from whieh thé ful- fighting for liberty in del lowing startling facts are gathered ; | Mr. Wilson, .of The increase of population from 3831 | Honneed the. assault on Mr. i oy oe eng | brutish and cowardly, %, to 1351, 61 per vent. | ich emefted prommnced. Wiks The inerease of pauperisin for the SAME | Subsequently’, Judge Butler: apo period, 706 per cent.) to the Senate fur the harshness: theJan- The whole number of persons relieved guage he felt- compelled to-ase, dnilothe during the past year, 104,761, at a cost debate closed. Sey of 81,379,049,51. Of the persons relieved | A despateh tw Mr. Dallas, anbonating und ‘supported during. the year, these! Mr. Crampton’s disuissul, loft today in : the stenmer Asia, ] were Y4.197 foreigners; 3.779 of when, | - -_ — CONGRESSION AL. ¢ Wasuryoton, May 28, In the Senate, the Committee appoint. led to investigate the assault ‘npott Wes jber, tuported that they had po further Do eeutE a iid a pe eae Eager Ser tadlictone than te complain to the Lense or be forced to lighten the taxation of foreagn | UE the act, ‘ Tivie report was adv A Whol towns and couatios in Earupe | the complaint accordingly sent the ILeuse. (with 6.224 natives,) are perumanent char ges on the counties. | The report winds up with the following remarks! “Ttis the date of the State to take care of its poor, but it may be qnestivoed whether New countries, find 1b more econonmea! to poy for the trate wm. f portation of paupers to ur shures, Uae sup peet them at home, and heneg deposite thea in ship) SEPUs. Our poor records and crim | inal statistiets are used by foreign histuriaus at licau form of qus- jualiaing the loads in our cities, ‘-- - FROM KANSAS. St. Loves, May 27, Letters from Kansas say that topes eae lwellings at Lawrence were indiserint- ae nwehaa a Mitely broken open aud robbudy rie the attack on the 98d. It was’ bellev this day to prove that a repul means cf sub nistence and protechng property ane bike corned, is a failure, bts fearbossly ase rt d that tation for the support of thy pressive tn this country aes ip the the Old World. We owe it to ourselves and © rinstitations tu arrest this fluod of paaperian | Hat on the night of the 220 the euneen xiclcrtie thar acts eo Guostautly on var ueune’ (ut Pruukln wel) bis ontneinnen Free A . State men. Gov. Shane would) 2/7 The Senate Committee, appoint LWW United States troops to le statlaned a(n a eoyilh moe tite Cera at Oswatrouie, 1UU at Lawrenwe, anid 700 mvesticate and: repent the ta +8 at Dopeka. Justion Cate, uf the District The cise the assaaitef Abr Brooks en Court at Oswattomic, had &cea prevent- > tor S roof Massachusetts, made cd from belding Court by the thigats: of rt the vhoule. inowhich it the Free State wen, A passengor infers aie ie Senate had iu juris hed Luis Democrat that Sie LP feres case, Whereapon it was nk gaia thn fans) on es ed to Pthe report and accain wl. . = 43 pun fopupers te the Honse, of whic — Mr. Breesks isa ery that troy abeone FURTILER FROM KANSAS. ‘ at ac aut Cutcaco, May 28, te. Ih ~ of the 28d, says Sere I Pech 1 Reece yen Cur atoth yating Committee were edits Pee . at Loascuworth, Schuler and Onn- Macon ett. ft lack been liberated, bas Denowgp sacl os [ierlriteoont were still presenti. Gwe, Dhan- | Wg Tene Hh laid been roquestet by the etftmuaete 11 . road ther, wlite rovent further cotriges, tet hued dewtin- piri deeoe Liter cher ner, The saneots tacel ssinest one Donec pear Lawrence i mere wagtenypese i TD lawares threatens revenge fot his 1 tt “ » vie vr . t » . - aed Me Soe . ° x “ LUE CENTRAL AMERICAN QUES. « “ 5 ‘ye THON . " ad ty : sii , ; W s-tssctos, May 80. . Spec Thier vie ofthe President vesterlay \ ( Masem hue tts nthe Cente American afinire enehe . - tror te Dallas from Nlarew, dared, : M ' which be eave that ntherthdn . ta ' tions withont reeipmdéal a ‘ Pa e Towns it Ihe dary to pre ~ x wer ter vices an anunloenre nt of the t Heise wilhoyg, however, te refer . : acing the mgltfal bisnis : f lelize. the Day Islands and Masgaite ‘ Sheen ae tithe men bre burspe amd ; \roverte tt cts Ldol lice whees tee ae ‘ the dfi-rences ean be l bv direct megetia- f ‘ t site Uf te desi red bias {hk ANSAS late, May 30. . \ taf Rvpabliean, at Wedneelar, mye that I. *tawat ° hy the Free State " ers bad asked aid \ll was tet at Law- I 1 Frauhbia. owe N TATIONS 2 ste reeviied fous the he acevant in the (the ducoeion im Chee- Gor, Berg, amd Mr, mot ghenng distor ; Mr. Gidemer, oe t weition fm which w votes alladed to ” a bhirn, atl the Fs ‘ terests it be t, aed seleniffed te i a oe t wae faw that 7 wow te used te preyedien biee i } ( Hew the erewd that \ coword was maid abeal he decumion. Govern \ ‘ ag ; thier ply ty stating the r af (ei years, and hea my compdaint A any hal made ap fre to party Ile ‘ way Mr Grilemer im bee t nor that there had 1} vl net been en \ » bios in the appotn’- ' ‘ siate Unrectern 0 the N. C. & ard thote w rnplanta abst the a leiny the athe amd epehes I 1 Row, Chaowernor f h rm vA ve eevee at excited, demanded pop Ma Critiner te ay Mer. Gilmer in reply, af I ! cou ' k ‘M Dortch and Dick as very rox ' ‘ poutlomen, stated that yume te 4 | rl rhe dl by gentlemen of Gor J ‘ot {ov Vv . vty, that Gow. Reid in appoint WoPpod hadope r others of hie owt j \ ty fricteds, who were more interested) in the it 1 Loot tnverr we and eT perience ; and br aT tle ' 1 renewed the appotut- fi et ; mote Thee has nerer been mentioned since; . uw en who ompose the State Dire vy leon present, they would simply / ’ / | ' vied at the metake of Gov, Heagg, ™ boon gthathe, dffring from all other men, it ot vl iD mplaints Dini We wonkl ask, in simple justion to Me. Gil : r that Fastorn frends, and all others, wait ' oe { Lhear tine speak for himself, We learn ( : ut. wher Noce ken he has given «f ire satiafact iidis considered an ovee matcb : Bay the stomp for Gow, Bragg. Ourinformation is Lanith cies Withe West is eneonragin With the vote s half-a waar marie ‘ HY TOT that Me, Giimer will mest newuretily feceive 5 . vel the latter weccel weg Tey the Kast amd in the West, the large Central a . Why ; Vs bare MA vontioss bp a united effert, ean triomphantly ; a roverhinent jobs thin Governor of North Carolina. Greene A 8 bat Patreot Suuner's situstion is considered dag We sta ton and 4 Philad diswi the : before Be tu Congr long . to outa Mr. Dalle publish t extreme | self of M4 cated twos main pou Under cy says t side goch of A its conelll eu friend vernme@ul tion tv vi and exp to the it ish gove infringe sident; 4 ing ler moved, grets, th Clarendy ton aud delphia. | ted ist those wh eo Vernin TLajesty’ the inet yp per govern Ore i low any inte tous bel Lv ituin, of keuph most withdiay grvotid a uietet babe an Uleet Lritain, the sabsang consale vtlicers. 1 believds, lowe of 1 reiterate ernment eulely a ilerta, l Crauipto The d denee ag Afier accomy<@ were fel eu lel Me. } terme of uen had Me © war evul Mr. Cra ter teen uff vy in It now ft acted in hreeteor Mr. T avd of at all. he sual igainst Veet oy tits wh etter tM “nt ag discover It is t (rh verm rv | atienmes thei ensne INVE Was Comat Suwmner re sardin in bed, very we ' not i Tite 1 i aerial on Poo neve vee at at fer| cow om when tf! leaving a ljoar eccupn teh, un Whiied ed by consult Pron ps for the el Wine J reve coutin lime « Many | boty bent vo: Uva p v de. Wasn heard Op, wi tall in farnil at the Word, OVER ¢ ( bve of Wi tl bi thay head, wu we | mm». erlay riche fared, r than neal » pre f the refer heels mpuites e and tee me an be etia- esi ted y 3a. an, at that af far. State el aid Law- y im bee re had A tern pyrene’ cK mont the | spokes eve Thnor manded ply, af me very ed that of (iow apport hie OWRD in the ne | and appoint 1 sinee; me the J simply rag, i rer meh, Mr. Gil ere, wait ‘eo bearn ven ef ve-mateb wmation he vote yphantly - (Freens- Coan | Phila diswt the i extreme self f Ly = sated to, anon paper, as eu mae pele rac hs ; Und of tig: if May, Mr. Mar- cy says the: ident has onrefully cou. dered the aatedr Lh wd Charendow of the iphic eaumary comunni- . ing the) its comeitian su frien ae ay The disclaimer of wny inten: | tion tv vivdate the laws of the U, States, | and expressivns of feyvet. that, conteary to the intention end divection of the Brit- | ish governuient, there has been stich wn infringement, are Batisfuctory ty the Pre- sideut; and the wfalo complaint respect: | ing lew Majest *s Government is thus re- | moved, But the Presideut extremely re- | grote, that he -cannet concur with nd, Clarendun ithe opinion that Mr. Cran ton and the Gonguls of New York, Phila | delphia and Ciucinnati are wot implita- ted inathese. peowwedings. Reyarding those whe fiaye ng connexion with this wvermment, he has nuthing tu ask of ber TLajesty’s vermneut, but in the cases of the individuals mentioned, he deen it proper that their relativnship with this yovermment should cease. In taking this »opy howere, he dees net intend to aiake any interruption in the diplomatic rela tous between, tlie TV. States and Great Lritain, but, ow the coatrary, is desirous of kee the two countries upon the wost friendly feeling. Mr. Craiupton’s withd?awal was asked expressly on thy grvoted of his eanection with the eulis: went business, Which had rendered boi an undeteplable gmprysentative of Great frowy iny-seat,> wreuching “np _}inan, When L soon recognised by voi aid inanier as Mr. Morgan, of New {st reeoyhize any of then, et i rn Wht id afters was done -ulwiest uneonscivnsly, natin under instinets of self-Jefenve, with, head alegady ‘bent dows, 1 rose 9 f desk whicly was screwed to. the floor, and then preased forward while my assuilant con: | tinued his blowa, Thad’ ne other con: Felousness, nutil [found myself ten feet forward in front of my desk tying on the oor of the>Senate, with my. bleeding head aupenertee ou the knee of a geutie- York. Other persons there were about we offering friendly assistance, butd did Others there Were ataclistinee, looking en and offer. ig he assistance, of whois E receguised | duh of Aprils amd Weiuhiele rarities by |) Mr. Douglas of Ltincies Mr, Towunbs, jof Georgia, and, L thought, also iy as-! spirit and desire tostrengtlh Nang u : v echalione between the two gu | sailant staring between them. L was helped fron the floor and con- ducted intu the lobby ofthe Senate, where { was placed apou asofa, Of chose who helped we there Phave no recollection. As L entered the lobby Precognised Mr Slidell, of Louisiana, whe retreated ; but Lrecugnized wo one else autil T felt a triendly graspof the hand, which seemed to conus trom, Mr. Campbell, ef Oli have & Yasue dupercesion that Mr. Bright, Président ofthe Seaute spoke tome while I wasin the floor of the Senate or it the tubby. te the interregaterios af the Cconmnittee, hand offer Was prescuting completely nll my recollections of the assault aud of the attending circuurstances, whether finme- diately before or immediately afier. I lesire toadd that Lesides the words which [have viven as uttered by my assailant, [have an ind stinet: recollection of the words “old man,” but these are so gnvel oped in the wists which eneucd frou the tiret bluw that Lasu not sure whether the) were uttered of wot. On croseexamination Mr. Sumner said that he was entirely without arws of any kind, and that he ing of any kine, dircet or judirect, of this desault had ue notice or warn Brital ’ le G ae In wiswer to mnother qrestion, M Jritale, weme title, psarnuent ; Bee, Sener re poteds Dhat what he Pet the sung ig the withdrawal of there MrETiCn gC eminem et consule Was dillgwise reytested, These yy oi ccc ' otticers are all, as this Govermment still ss : believéa, i a Vied.tion off the A YEW A lowe uf the United States, contrary to thy reiteruted iwatrections of their own Civ The Seuth Carolioian, in alle t ernment. This complicity dul not rest the publ ehionste ' \ eulely on the testimony of the Strobel and yee Prooks, 1 : Jterta, but ow origyial Ietters trou M. Cuitet - : Crampton and others me ‘ ; . The dspeich gives in detail the evi Me Be! . ; denee agaiuet the Uritish otticers. on nbreniset v ' | After the reading of the despatch and iv, f ' accompanying papers in the Senate, they Aun Dee a : ‘ were sefeered tu the Committee ou Bor Oret | sh lant oyu Kebations A slight debate ensued. 4" | ye ' Ne. Masun spoke I complimentary . oe ! ‘ terms of the abilety with which tle ques 0 ven had hee diseased by Mr. Marcy Was t ever bef Me. Ones they cht that wo pretest for piah. i S ( war evald arise out uf the fies) ul Ps ewiniee vt laa Mr. Crampton, usless Mayland was de e a \ termined te gw te war. el Mr. Trastoleg thought that if this cos ] “ ‘ : : crumeut was satistied with the expls.a a! . ; tee of Lard Clarendon, Me Crampton Now, these mee . Son ( ol tthe pet hase been disiuieecd ter aroetuin Mr. [Bremche. ne Mr, Casa replied that this Geeveriiicit ot North, a ‘ | ad tet esproseed the matinfactiogs wit whee ( ‘ t s ‘ Mv. Crpasayriests's comsdict, but with the ay ae 4 ‘ sermmce of the British Government that ur t \n vy intended no vielation of r law It now turped out that Mr. Crausptou bard t acted iy Viedations of the intentans and te Lireetions f lis wun Government Mr. Te« did mot believe at Fay on t laud oe her allbewre had vielatod s” ‘ \ at all, While the after Was | - he dad wat chrwee tu arcane tlic pees against o@r Geverniued 2 bat be wou ! wot gap tint be dics qerved the we tite whiels this Gro « pest ely ujp- our mestraiity lanes \ Mr. Buthee theachtit w uve i 1 better to have dimixacd Mr ¢ nn ad hie complicity in the mation wa r discovered ‘ \ It be theesregtyt this late dav act f Govermment will met dicterl t { lations existing between ba ia \ this eunmtitry. ite I INVESTIGATION OF TIT! =! NER ASSAULT \ ' Wastrsctos, May 86 — The Tense : . : ‘ coumnittee of tus cstigal Attend Mi " Sumner teealav in checharge of thom duty Vi. regarding the recent asanlt. dle w «press in bod, but give his tesiso ya ‘ ' / cromeesamiticd Ile was ‘ ay) bene ita, Clow vesit of bie Cormitton, leva short tiv teda [lets very weak, and his plivencans notte weve val of Lue lo werk, A t Tite fiMowing ia Mr. Sri r’s stat montonm osth: * PE attended the Senate as Shivky \ DENT seul on Thraradag, the 22d of May \f WV . ; ter some formal business, a mesaaye WA ; . . : rocteved from the Touse of Representa oy . . bis ree announcing the deata ofa . \ at nody frnn Moisaouri I : wilowed by abricftrilute te the ce . when the Senate wl) | lustead : 2 leaving the Chamber with the restent . @ijoarument, Lo continaed ino omy sen - eccupted with niy pen Ww e this feut, mm order fo be in seas teor the Whieh was soon ty close, [wae apprea el by several persona, who od : comsalt with me, bat Eo an-ewered \ : : ‘ ; Promptly and briefly, excusing ing . so forthe reason that Pwas much engas | ; ed Ml When the last of thes J dreve myarm chair cl \ Coutinned writing. My { Me 4 ‘ 1 “We Was so Cntirely drawn frei alle ts, that, thoagh ‘there must have ’ L : , : Many persons in the Senate, P saw ne : body. Whale thins inte ut, withmy head vs 1) II brent over my writing, P was address ysuige® i . ) @ person who approached the front of wiGt et : 1, . \\ My desk, 80 entirely anebserved that 1! Be Was not aware of his presence un ele! myn heard My nAMe pronounced. As tlooked Ul \ Op, with my pen inomy hand, I sawa '"! 4 ‘ ta linan, whee countenance was not forth \ : Funiliar, etanding directly over me, and fare oft ‘ at the same moment I canght these tomas ' Words; —of have rend yonr speech twice MWAte tae I Sor carefully, Ltis a libel on Sontl ‘ 4rolina and Mr. Bustier, who is a rela > * Oo Uve of nine THE CONSTEEU PION OF D ‘ While these words were sti!l passing Ken i th hie lips, he commenced a sucecs ; ron 4 "of blows with a cane on my bare The Constint ot oe ; ; vad, by the first of which I wasstunned brief. Tt eye m KW mt "a8 to Jouse my sight. Tne longer saw | folerates all religions ards!’ “\tuins the decisions. of ‘December tern, L make this statement dn answer | week he ofthe « The disease is di bers. We learn thatthe ‘ ar were neatly all in attend- ance. af pa " +e i No. 1 of Mr. Jones’ 34 volame of N. (O, Supreme Court Reports, is just out jfrom the press of J. J. Bruner, Salisbury. | We are indebted to the attention of Mr. | Bruner for a eopy. It is a-well printed land highly interesting number, It coni- the | 1545, There were seventy-tive appeals taken. Iu forty-one of these the Court reverses the opinious of the Superior Court Judges. | We note among other points decided | that one may recover damages for an as- | sult and battery, although the fighting | | Wate by consent, | The first case under the lien law de- cides that the mechanic's lien for repairs tu steamers, &c., attaches to the vessel, although the person in possession and or- dering the repairs, is not in fact the ow- wer, [We trast the time is not far dis- tant when the Leyislature wil’ extend ihe provisions of the act, 60 as to secure iechanic’s wages as far as practicable by creating a leu on work done, such as dwelling hotses, tuills, machinery, ¢ ) We shall hereafter recur to this subject. An action of deecit will not lie for fulse and frandulent representation, if the buy- er by reasonable diligence could have in- formed himself of the truth of ter; nor where the seller does not disclose tations of the unsoundness of an article which he believes to be untrne. th Jufiuts are liable for necessaries fur the mat- ) FEPrene wished thew, aud the same rule applies te: tu lus : The Legislature liave no power, after selling wa tract of land and collecting the hineney, te grant the same land tu anoth- er pet ianity eansed by dronkenness, to ex tuse the guilt of murder, must exist tthe No presumyp we homicide, vistence arises from antecedent G vet cured, Decudls f haves are to be @ateter sand if the bevidence of it Cale proved and uoregistere!] deed Porstiay + tim ul Cn soother States may sneand be | ir Cou ea ; tah Stand I} Veelien lati llagere May 24 CONGRESS. ' ca and We have heard which were con but we think that they d certain elderly and wealthy gentleman i-mgentleman did we sayt-—fellow, who the mark, when compared with the act of having married qnite a young girl, re- fused to pay fora portrait of his wife which she had had painted previous to the marriage, and actually put in the pleaof infancy to a suit broaght for the sate, alledging that he only paid seventy-tive cents for the orfy/nal, and that he would never pay fifty dollars for a copy? Lewingwn and Yadkin flag. AMERICAN MEETING. Agreeab'y to previous notice, a large sisstic body of « in Saliebury, on Thuriday the 29th instant, ut half past une o'c'ock, P.M was called tu the Chair and J. K. Graham was up- pointed Seeretary L. Blackmer, Keq.. explained the object of the meet- ing iu @ neat aud forcible speech ; in which he stated its standard-bearers in this coumty—imen who were suited and qualified to represent ous interest in the next Legislature of North Curofina. speak ia behulf of the great principles of the Ameri- can party tu some length and wok his seat umid the Ou motive of Mr. Blackmer to appoiat a committe vf one from each Captain's district, or more to suitabl tons, alsy a buituble Neuator for Rowan and Davie, Chairman a who ime diate! V.¢ arom sound doctrme aud wed by Boydeu, whe were ready full Th ighed th owe e deiberatio Racisny ties of Day elutur izens assembled in the Court House persvus lo be run in this county for the Com- y retured for the purpose of co and ¢ hvered u | { Was annaimced comm North Ca 1 a 1 Dav Phey also ree mend Robert A Great Artesian Well =A now “Ar- tA tesian well has recently beea opened near : many things San Jose, Oal, The pipe jaieo fect in ‘altalt far ane cirenmference,and the water flows up thro” : it to eight feet above the surface. It rush- es up with great forge, and With a noise thatis heard at a wile distance on acalim evening. It sends forth a thousand gal lons per minute. Artesian wells are de- signed to be the great fertilizers of Cali- fornia. Ei) NORFOLK MARKET. ~Hamea, 12 (@ 13. No. 1 & 2, 11 @ 12 UN—10 @ 104 CORN —Mixed, 51—White WHITE BEANS—150 @ 175. FLOUR—Super. 7.00-—Extra, 8.C0--Family, 8.50. 1.20. Hog round, 11 @ 12. + —Yelow, 50 @ 544, and enthu- 4 1T—Liverpoul, fine, $175.—Ground Alum, DRIED APPLES os PEACHES—$2 00 wv, BO @ OO. Big to R14 WAX—H4 cts S—33 @ 35 WHISKEY—26 @ 23 Nominal—75. Oa motion, O. G. Fourd, Keq, HAY—Ca LIME At the request of the Chairman, that the party bad inet for the purpose of selecting REMARKS. Breadstuffs show some improvement, particularly in the higher grades, a good deal of flour is coming in made from Wheat dauaged in bulk. and warm weatb- er soon turns it oily, musty, &e. ‘This hus to be sold at once, for it will nut keep, and ut low prices. He proceeded to proloug: d plaudits of his fellow-citizens, —-: THE MARKETS. leet Salisbury, - Vo, June 3. Mixed, No.1, 10a Do. Pure. lla i2s os, Cuba, 50 60 N. Orleans, (2415 : 6 a6) Wrought, 124 @ lo Horse Shee 25 Apples. (dried) 50 Siw MWUall Mol wintcd a eulumittee of seventeen ulta do. Gre wer, Hay, was thea called upva, Bacon, nygthy speech replete with Ile was and N that the committee luansweraly Brevard arguimeut A.J. Dargan ake their report. ‘The Report is as and Rowau ia ths Souate of the at “ob ng = B 44 Res fates fur the Cumamas (yyy 3 8 : 2 ome, St vee eS 2 PRESBYTERIAN Eee ee ee ee ee PATENT ht EMORY'S PATEN ) uren COMMISSION MERCHA = 30 DW tie ES Sl LS S85 SS” Rs, COMBIVED. AV) OWE Reported by Rowlaud & Brothers, May 26th, 1856.) BACON SPRING AND SOMMER WPNPRIY MOCKS Ci QLSBS eo FOR 1858. MICHAEL BROWN S now reeviving and opening hie Jarge and well-assorted stock of Spring and Sunimer Goods, consisting of — ‘Staple & Fanoy Dry Goods, Hats, Cups, and Bonnets ; Shoes and Boots ; Ready Made Clothir Te, China, Delph, and Glass | Ware ; Hardware & Cutlery, Groeeries, &c., to which he invites the atte ARE NOW RECEIVING | T the old, well known Eat i of Jenkins, Roberts & Co., one of the largest and Most Splendid Assortments of SPRING AND SUMMER GLSYS EVER OFFERED IN WESTERN CAROLINA, consisting of Foreiga and Domestic Dry Goods, ware, Cudery, Boots and Shoes, Moleskin, Panama and Straw Hots, Boanets—Buckets, Rope, ‘Trimmings, Springs and Axels, Window Glass, and Glase Ware, Saddlery, Sole Leather, Cloths, Blasting Powder, Nails, Iron & Steel, Black~- susiths’, Carpenters’ aud Shoe-Makers’ Tools, Tan- nem’, Liusecd and Sperm Vil, Paints, Dyestuffs, Caste, ings, ke, Ke. A large stock of GROCERIES always on hand Particular att: ution is called té-\ our large and well selected stock.of READY MADE CLOTHING, which will be suld at uvparalleled low prices in ¢his Ca try u All the greutest care tion of his customers and the public—otferiug at low prices for cash, of on Line to punetual customers, at wholesale N.B, All kinds of Country highest market price Salisbury, April 11, 1856 # ENCOURAGE 2’) This Knocking! ue undersigned begs leave to retin hin thanks yy ht at the 460 os ae above goods have been selected with we most respectfully invite all to those who favored hi vith a call durin those buying gouds this season to call and exemine our lost year, vod he respectfu informs the public ook as we feel no hesitancy ia saying that we have that he has removed w the & Jately wecupied BY a lipycr assortment than has ever been offered at one Memre, George & Whisnant, ljeining Mr. J. Rudin ge OU ng that we are determined to sills Planing Milla, where he is prepared to execute al oy ind will muke it to the advantage of buyer to work in his line, wx cheap.aud goud as cau be done in : the State Turninz, Cutting Serews, Repairing Boilers and Cngines, of all descriptions ; Mill Spindles, Wood Plainers, Plows, Ironing V/fagons, StDkgs Lada} {will compare wok w nud desputeh yt { Tomb give our stock an exaimioation before purchasing. Yimbury, March 31, 1536. 44a THOMAS E. BROWN, Carriege, Buggy and Sulky Builder, Ae. am. Dd 33 ZEE SALISBURY, Ne Coy S now carrying on the above business, and ipvites the pel lie Lo call arul examine bi anu factoring vebicler, aud waking aud repsiring “9958 FR wot GS, these, wear, com pou de y purchase elec wheve is im the rear of his Livery Stable, k, will please aeeom~ patterns livtanece ordesiog « fe che je, er, Wh mealuecrs and de rah sat give tekerp it «of the Retirond at his door, he wii take Iu exchange for work—such as Corp, Bacon, Lard, Horses, Provender, Timber, ERY STABLE ‘ + who wich elther te buy or to sell tv call 7SVLOVANAG ... t . . “ er a vie Cee bos Bo Sommcr. 5 set MOCKSVILLE — See CANS WAT ACADEMY, ‘ rl s ; ~ | » of (he Institetion @illeommente ‘ ' \ Och of Pebroary, inet.. The 1 very fl.aridhiog condaten, and the cndeovers to keep ites ch it hos heretofore orepared to a >t our Colleges un of Simonths, $9.00 12.00 15.00 JNO. B. CRETTER, A. B 8 if BIrregeyces Fore ( the Unewersity; Rew. ; ' \ D.t cutet Davideow Callege % : M Dick, Greene- J. F. Beil, Eeq, Salle . , To the Ladies. és «re are pow receiving the finest end ' : “A etek of Ladys DRESS Geade ' he which they will . ' i artiealar attention MANTH ‘ET RISBONS, . Granite Row RhOWN & COFFIN. “ auf $20 Reward k and |. 1M 1° eof WO” fi \ Ay RS W. GOODS! < RIGS. wa ! : ~ x x 179 wo 140 he towlnd Marrs, near 1 may be lurking ta ~ ted with the ee- Durie county, end a to go to a free slat these lecalitier d for he apprehension. ~ t leet him egeia SARKAIL CRUMP, staf NicCoriick’s Reapers. \ IN, Acext, ( North Caméina. seat Grocervies & Lye Stnffs, lfational Agricultural Warehouse, FACTORY. SACHINE a} STORE DE- Si. 2 r oa. New-lork seortment of the at lower prices Liwe, rLaeree 2 Cirpeiines. Rows, Dinegets, Ke. f the abew- ust receive COFFIN sf \\ & ALLEN, DRY GOODS, LADELPHIA Ae RM H ‘ ivf N. ¢ (2.0m NEW 3 VMMER ™~ -s AYVYDBSy Lara, Ware 23, 1856, j stock { Spring a eral aseort- Ladics Dress Goods NEEDLE mplete He s stock by all *t and latest curing Feeb- atroduced FE. MYERS. a THE USEFUL AND THE BEAUTI| FUL Tho tomb of Moses is unknown, bat the traveller slakes his thirst at the well of Jacob. The gorgeous palace of the wisest of Monarchs, with the cedar, and wold, andivory, and even the Temple of Jerusalem, hallowed by the visible glo ry of the Deity himself, are gone, but Solomon's reservoirs are as perfect as es er. Of the ancient archivecture of the holy city, not one stone is | ft upon another; bat the pool of Bethesda com- mands the pilgrim’s reverence ts thie resent day. The columns of Uersepy lis are mouldering cisterns and acqueducts remain te chal lenge our admiration. The golden house of Nero is a mass of ruins; bat the Aqna Claudia still pours into Rome its limnid stream. The Temple of the Sun, at Tad: mor in the wilderness, bas fallen tits fountains sparkle as freely in iis rays when thousands of worshippers thre its lofty colonades. Ttimay be tit Lon don will share the fate of Babylon, and aothing be left to mark its sit Mounds of cruainbling brickwork ; Thames will continue to thaw as it does mow, And ifany werk of Uiat art etill rise over the deep ecean of tin may well believe that it will bg palace nor temple, but some vast voir, And ifthe light still fash throngh the mis twill probably be that of tie man wae, in his day, seaght the fellow-wen rather than gl: his memory to some great: work of ba tional utility and benevolence. ‘Tits is the glory which outlives all othes, and shines with undying lustre from genera tien to generation, MMpartine te als Wor k something of its own immortality, some degree re nary neuuments of histurica: tradi ti inte the dust; but ats save shouig } ¢ pitess of > - i Vv, and tithe uli scuing there! lion of -- ANECDOTES OF THE BAR. The late Mr. Henry Fuller was one ofthe most ready wifs that ever graced t u anv country. Many aman | been immortalized as a witin L ! on half the capital he possessed Ile was once ewyaged trying a case, 4 closing arguinent, he n allusion to some ote bot namec, a was done insuch aw: counsel took it in bigh d Jasion to himself, and wr note ler replied his offended brother sorry that lie had taken himeelf, becanse it wa- « meant for him. but foram ‘ i ber of the bar than esther the devil.” Moral- Never tak ! } nt ary allusion to vo it It may Mr. Fa ia a neighboring count posing conns radu with the wondert canscientiv: the occasion referre) ¢ ad (metaphorical! y ly intumating to the jury st tow ide to think of living ss they f for his client Mr that the jury in theirthen st demanding an apelogs ; I in his happiest strain, Welling ben er Was Lee ¢ ained ywreat « _t twas w lest. DSo rising to re 4 measured way. an! } ’ and subdue) air, that well known f will-close-these-solemn cere Be‘ore he cou pry rce f of the whele thing was : ciated; 1! eonrt were convulsed charm bro« The lat. ade Wild " was quite . is He was « t xa very hard to ta a frow a re a . counsel i t mark —“A to paw ti ¢ only vt “ x said Mr. \b ‘ a grrr “ne ape he words M ( \ rising t ” “May } a* Mmiak of him, before him by the reugh handle. le, served his apprenticeship in the shop first, and rising gradually in his capac- ity, he always found a higher place ready for him as he was able to fill it. All this time Isaac Siuith was a Christian gentleman, and was ever welcomed inte If ever we this city. and word the best society in saw ayouth whoin every acy was a thoroughly guarded gentleman and Christian, that Vout was surely Isanc We crave to speak of his tithing hard earned income for charity's sake--ol Smith, ness to serve his prounpt and cawer willl his friends—of the instanees in which he (id serve them-—of his gentleness and his high honor Bat this tnay seentttscent Iv to present to the cold world, and we reserve these remembrances for tae i her circle ot ends It is an honer to the avoeation that Mr. Sanith ft {and it should incite his fellows tea close emulation of his walk, te reeord that the news of his stdden death tiled the town with gloom We feel our hearts too heavy to write what we should off Stays adnan eled mass dn rown hi One word Wa pet wn inconerdous Onshtnot the Hes ofthe countey ta do pare the coum whit bed to MWrehee ¢ { seh reid) aced eare vialt » that tue Geor iliios auamenced the enclos a It Is} cov and liuman ydothis. Bat wether itis pol cya ,we feel sure that to save one stich manag Isanc Siith, we could afford to enclose every 1 oad track in Georgia for a thousand years. HUGHES’ PRINTING TELEGRAI We learn from New York that this wonderful invent: o has at last received the finis e tone), and will be dimmed ately place Jupon the new line between that citv and I vdelpliia We are also informed t es, so far ast has been 4 test them throogh a oil of wire eda 2 ave realized 1 t monies n tions of Mr. Tin > \ + uts This invent p lela] y ess ated te \ , for ity t - > hoonna eapitals w a 1 at ‘ Tu n I } s ed, ¢ ‘ n - a hetook hold of the work that lay |be has been subjected by the government PLATFOR: officials. Mr. W. had been in the habit of sup- plying the Navy Yard with iron for sev- eral years. his contract was taken | trom him by the Seeretary of the Navy | preme t and given toa Roman Catholic. Met. W.| to our fathers in their successful Revolutionary | is one of the most respectable citizens of! struggle, and hitherto mauifested to us, their de- | ; , H : | ‘ hei friends and’ th Washington, und universally esteem- | scendants, in the preservation of the liberties, the B's ase sh form tele neRy 9 “ ed. | While good Americans are thus pro- scribed by the adiwinistration, it pains us, to state that supporters of the same ad- ininistration are rewarded with lucrative offices in ITouse of Representa- lives. the owe A Harp Case. —The Parkersburg Ga- zette, alluding tothe difficulty experienced in tinding grounds for by the Loco opposing Mr. Fillmore, remarks: The truth is, Mr. Fillmore, confess, is rather a “hard cisé.” — Alinost any other unin has some v ulnerable poiot, persoually or politically, which might be successfully assailed. Bat halted private character, his uny ieldiug integrity we must his ¢ and his Consistent, patriotic and national course, while President of the United States, are familiar to the country, and the scurrilous and abusive mode of war fare usually resorted to by ants Aineri- canisin will prove unavailing. The Locos also prevend ty believe that Mr. Fillmore will net accept the nomina tien. Let them not y that flattering unetion to their souls;” for as certain as the san will rise tomorrow, Millard Fillmore will be the standard-bearer to Aierican party in the coming con test. Mr. Fillmore is a hard “ease” in another respect: he is not electioneering, a vd will hot € r the ¢ He thinks the seek the man, and not the man the office.” He is unassailable, therefore, in tl Ile is content hev think best he is ready to ein Cx tal prefer \ rhtiirate mar sere ¢ »wil 1 Lhe c ‘try ting and ca rt 1 } . + ft t an | Nisin f es ote > ‘ 4 ‘ i pt € Piet Ge ws are ready to sup ‘ bow a Mes } uy i A, 4 t can uo s t He ne \\ VA “+ ANOTHER VETO P 1 H } ‘ t SrA vaM s Mi ce Ntate M ar i “e ‘ t rving ieeta ‘ Ms ai (es Vive t I .) I \ “*- 1 (y -- ( aT f t x x ' M OF TIT AMERICAN PARTY, |: % mite, a ane — ADOPTED AT, THE SESSION OF THE NATIONAL COUNCIL, Fen, 21st. 1656. Ast, Au humble acknowledgement to the Su- | | Being, for Hig protecting care vouchsafed public generally that they ute now reowiving and| Orders for Mechundize, aud cig opening in the Brick House formiey occupied by jand other Produce, fur sales or shipment, thankfully independence, and the union of these States. K : ea : . » >: | Kennedy & Mills their stock of received and promptly attended to, 2d. The perpetuation of the Federal Union, Muy 1855. ut as the palladium of our civil and religious liber- STAPLIE AND FANCY Peeled me inte ake a ties, and the ouly sure bulwark of American lo- Tremendous Excitement dependence. Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, BU. Americans must rule America, and to this i ’ ; 4 1) ABOUT ‘THE nd uli born ciuzcne aliould be selucted fur all together with all articles usually kept in a Dry Goods | . t end native-born citizens sh k Store. ‘They are ules receiving the largest and best Western Extension Suite, Federal, and municipal offices or goverd- | selected stock of Groceries ever offered in this market | * ment employment, in preference lo all others 5) atlof whieh they are determined to sell ut prices that | nevertheless, cannot fail to please, | a E Subseribers being desirons of extending theif 4th. Persons born of American parents resid- pos. THE UIGHEST MARKET PRICES) business in the Wet, as well a@ all oUien direc- paid at ali times for Flo ir, Wheat, Cora, Cotton, and tiune, take this i all kinds of country produce friends wud patrons that they are wow receiving « Jauuary 9th, 1856, splendid etwek of vs | ” r " bl } To Farmers. — READY MADE CLOTHING, | # » fou Pee 4 descriptivn to any tureiga prince, potentate or TINE subseribers respectfo'ly invite the attention Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestings, and Gen- power, vf who reluses tu recogtise the Federal ing OU sus es eine) Cnak abel cota Uemen’s Furnisktng Coeds and State Constitutions (etch within: its sphere): ment is extensive and of g variety of style and! a general; allof which will be sold most shochiog as paramvunt to all other laws, as rules of polit- quality. Call at No.3, Granite Row Liw. Alls, a nulendd wack wf HATH and CAPS| . BROWN & COFFIN. jfatest style. Dou't ike our word, but cull and satisfy | Salisbury, March 25, 1856. asf yourselves. NEW BOOKS. Rose Clark. by Fanny Fern; erican Revolunen; ing temporari'y abroad, should be entitled to all the rights of native-born clugens 5 but . aie 5th. No persyo should be selected for political station, (whether of native or foreign birth,) w ho recowbises any allegiance ur obligation of any cal achion, 6th. The unqualified re cognition and mainte- nance of the reserved rights of the several States, and the cultivation of harmony and fraternal good will, between the citizens of the several States, and to this end, nou-interference by Cons! oJ ust RECKIVED gress with the questivus appertaining solely lO) Lessing's Field Book of the A the jiudividaal States, and pot-interveation by Good Time a Coming. by T Arthurs My Birst | each State with the attains of any other State, | Seatun, by Beatrice Re yuokle; The Hidden Pah, by the Authar of * Alone 2? Secaes in the Life ofa New Zth. The recoguivon of the nyt of the ua! A bs : aca ; are Se he Ceiba: York Surgeon, by Dr Dixou; Preseutt's Phillip the tive-Born aud naturalized ciuzeus oft ve nited | geeand. 2 volumes; ) Duattes, permaneully residiug in any Lerritory | Memoirs 8.8. Prentice; Abbott's | J. H. ENNIS8, thereof, to frame their coustitution and laws, and | Life of Napoteow Bonaparte Bookseller. Feb. 12, °56 37 JNO. A. WEIRMAN & PRICK, | | | Merchant Totlore. | Salisbury, N.C. Sept. 1855. ie | a. F. ANDERBON w. dD. et NDERSON & REYNOLDS, ' GROCERS, AND } Commission Merchants, NO, 10, ROANOKE SQUARE, yun uP uel, Woe to regulate their domestic aud sucial affairs in their own mode, subject: only to the provisions ° of the Federal Constitution, with the privilege ot Ge S Pay active attention to the snle uf Minar and other wduission joto the Union whenever they bave G. A. MILLER, | kinds of Produce, uvviding unnecessary charges oud the requisite population for one Represeutative A, wp, in Ah r y © rendering prompt returue aly 1 por t . | Provided always, that nove bat ATTORNEY A r LA W ’ | | in Congress. Cc. Ww. FTV Ren. “ MmOCKSY ur, N.C. 2 JD. CUMYTNG. FW Ofice immediately apposite the Davie Hotet 2d . 45:38 t huse who are citizens of the Cutted States, un CUMMING & STYRON, COMMISSION der the Constitution aud iaws thereof, and whe have a tived residence ia anv such Terntory, vaght to participate io the formation of the con Apnl 5, 1o56 tution, or in the ebawctupcot of laws for said Perrluory or Suite. Anu epturcement of the principle that n« AND NEW Forwarding Merchants, SPRIN GSU MAMI conan sttes rt tent Par Co Bh State or Territory ought to admit others than wos of the Laited States to the mylit of suf frage, or of buluiug political office ' A , Hi binds pradwce. vil. A change iu he laws of naturalizavon JA GOODS BS k 3 a cootinued residence of twenty-one lg pes ye 5 ; ? x al) not Leresabefure pr he J for, wu ie oF as PETER W. HINTON, equisite fur citizenship hereafter, 10 are now “eectving oar asmal eaip! rob ma . . ) a ‘ aes ee VN ee re ani COU ICN OM BRURANT, fou Laiid tie ujaon oer slits UOU Holw voce gic cqem ye eae Gears. teeta TOWN POINT, tere w the vested nights (f forenzoer . bee ruined toler ot wecessts wtal ae pores twourTrun, “Pa. Lt A 1 ANN Dini miweere Chure th wast give en fre(sets : ‘ Sua fere “ rie gwus fo Cal won ok le fare yuu purchase ae Bpeciss atten paid te & Ming v { st oath< for oft el : a : Todacco, Flour, G-ain, Cottoa, Naval S:ores Dhih. kr cud tit oag vestigation int (RV Mehonhth & CO &c. Also,t> Receiving and Porwarding y and all alleged wynses of | functiuna os \ \- ) Gcoon,p.se. sued a strict economy ia public expenditus Nae 1&2, Grete Row § J 12 Phe maintenance aud enforce nore 10 HL Rdrerds, Haq Sattemery, Xt ‘ 1 ‘ Babel ia ( L. Mie Pq, Wube CoS C j shall t ured 4 A Rai wt, Fy. Wigh Bf Pee tee ge W Miya not Beg Katetgh SC 1 by #n4n nt) aul \ € Wie W Pemumer, Eq Warreeteo, SC , Weg at th Ls A we 1 Bas . ‘ . ’ g ‘ > ty ee ne COMWANS au ' ne Ain vy a Aree aor 7” /™ ie ROBAK VEGETABLE LIPGONTRIPTH etd primey forengmere wy SALISBURY oa FAUEND OF Tih HUWAN FAMILY eurvmaiy SED BIDNEYS, Cet neeeccee A MARVELLOUS REMEDL, vis oticrpt ter : alte . . 3 auilu ‘ j 4 ‘ I Pan ie: ee an Ponmoi ules FOR A MARVELLOUS AGE! i erlany eae resree cuerh j ! Moet be MO pe hetero Ire A : . _¢ rf ' i » 2 x 2 ; . ‘ ve : Poe ig Say 1 P ©: cart eoeshis ' . { t > : " HOLLOWAY’S OINTMENT. | (V1) FOR SALE Tar Graad baie. nal Remets ‘ . j Bierr ead there \ 1 ‘ t * c wat ve ‘ - ' ° chu Mate ONG WR SALISH Kick... ©. A e HN W osTEPGE iP ; 5 , Sorel Sore Breas aC ends and lieers. \\ ’ . Aad phibeenaly fh aie ot 7 A " , sd ; . . , ACCOMMODATIONS . ‘ Nan ante Ma 8 ae er ~~ BOOTS & SHOES - A . . - or A ; Pies and Li-telie I . ! Li . : } t YE | 4 ' ‘ f h uM a Tice F wt ' cud (cetera Q a , 4 ‘ ; he : Fi = Site ‘ ° ‘ o Nios, Ae THE WALMINGTON HERALD ose : ‘ ne . : 7 MILLS, WOOSF & ¢ A #. VO g8f FO BESSON, JAMES HOR ATL WATCH-MAKER AMD JEWELER, COMMISSION Charilotto, MERCHANT Nw. Cc. Co‘ton. Corn. Floar, Wheat. and all WeCAL LEDs His fORY OF ENGLAND One door below A eee 1 \ A t \ kt us mn ‘ow ’ Store SOUNTRY KEYNROYDVUCETE if WATCHES \ ; Np Srm yor Ju RN Rewk ( gE TLRS Ciberal Advan s mnde on Consignments Dyspepsia Cured. , naar ereneees ! _ ‘ wow one 1) Ih VTERS CBLERBRATED RET , : eee C ea : i \ ( : _ at Lig Aitiher Sts wee co Sweat DR. W. FP. BASON, (OY — tN a Dr CHARLE3T. POWE OFFICE SENT DOCTOR WEITERE Ipes | [oe yormine tly loeated in Salisbary. respect faly ‘ ‘ I 1) errvicee ep Macherel! Wacherel!! Mock . 0 ‘ ' Row Greensborough Ad TUAL INSURANCE COMPAKY. Commission Werchants Poo! Salads MILLS MOOSE & ¢ DtibeELE Calvin 1. Dibbdie. tc BRUNCE. Jonathon B. Mance, K Valuable Land for Sale! ; . dtcdin the Weetegm part cf th lie ‘ " In Cotton, Flour, Grain, Nav.) Stores, ‘ hit ' . , : : portenaf the rs - ey) . ez “ fale ei il ; - Southern Produce Generntly 1 - ; ‘ jee ome) ' wv debt; have mad : j Wo. 180 Front Strooct, << s therefore eombdemtly rec gies 1 te pe ga — eS wa tf) 52 oe " - oe ‘ Nooael M gth g Ofer ‘ } } 1 " " A \ i . . " I uM x saws SLLAAN ' ‘ nM voy p ‘ XG COFFIN, Y eadunt : PU miltheland ue ied Sant w Keg ae . COP MENDEN tty GEORGE WILSON % s ‘ ts Bank at W P PETER ADA uN . nee i J « err te Ciewak eeree ‘ AWS. See y and Treasurer ie ha fen tapas PETER ADAMS, See'ry . : ’ ' 1 roo. . Ww A * roy Blant: Warrants for sale Here. gia Mat Gent Agel 113009 | ers of reposting tthe, loll ty be tealined heynud duntt. Rinemgth, emengh }— Cet g eC RaE Ocaecs rt a MAL | “a y Mille, by thet “+ ie ‘. rethod of dufermiog their ab barat pepe ek A he very. bes conutty, the latest aad mrvet 1 will work like 4 lev and he doutis aut will ay eo r watdh — a “the ‘rence evlfa farive w . tence of ite yarue, and = \ tiem Troy Nutte aking aaa wo the world may hook ont fur a eomtest not eve interesting ip iieelf, than & to every Soubera ee cilstrp 0 beth, 20d soning: Bs well step ” the huwndary of oe et ee Kagie City afew yours We ae » city of benatiful ing sterplrs panting hesveawarde: of granite buildi with the cheerfil bewiis of a vernal ma? we mtin brecae® of a dehghifad efimute, er the Maves of long rows uf elaa; the Mteets are : fal huey ie mingled wit monument rises dbeve all thingy top an immenre eogle, wing with pleasure om ull below. full view, and by ite liberel y policy e Prk typ: Le ie ft val it ad he Feeult be a Aa inen 10 ethim its @neosregemomt, Lore rdiout their baled up garda: the omen od western Rytlrond reewive the sande of mber things, the 7 deafening whistle is blown, oad the re-cohoed from hit tw hill, and rounding valle ver the srene grewe cod is bevend the (partes) ait of | ye sna a 0 plewthe tie gee Lad 1 will prose un to its Goal eonsanitnatinn, ANDREW BAGGARLY. Feb 9th, 1853 ” Sed Seales pieces Southern \W HY ¢entd Sesthere meee ot Netthern ot, thereby saving (he priee of mete tale bat the public may mnt be deeeived, wad eve many inquiries thet T have te auewrt, Uhere- woh appeed & fist of peers cf the printipal eriictes that | manafecr are C.cculer how avhle with 43 to 50 inth ba] fmot cartinges, 45 fot weve, af ompine. go te S00, Clentiriest pew Corters, (2 ineh bet, G30 1S beets dee G40) Piddeng Hecrows, O13 | Caltiweters, $5 6) 06. Thresting Markings with 4 af © terse power S17S 0. BQO, « cory euperters ee @5 to G10. eoourdong to eter bed wer heensbep. AM hinds ad pepewrng af mackionty dew et-aiest =. wor whos Kagine ek Ae. Brad in poor ander fm thr nhing mechines and hetee-pecmrre eoniy. ap I \ twend meshing thom tcomder, Alwar were cd My furnace le tll me secersetal operetee andres areah casrage of ong deveriptes, cad where ihe ~tieres are tmud al g she woe 17 Terme cast, of urgpainkty etre at Beek. " THOMPoHuN Des Fm 51M bon 6 rep ft gce~JUST COMPLETED 450 Pom S4Le. ( yr! of theee cotrtrsied TURESHMING Ma CHINES aad (HORSE POW RR, bewee oo be Phrery Mucteee. of Beltienwne | Ohi GHP & os beck «0m beer heteee of cap ether atertes- ote we (he Siete wil de wih stn oe eighe. Mate of beet menterial emt warranted bo 19 amehe + &. THOMPrON M 5, i836 de ‘ ap food ’ a) _ , 37) ACRES OF LAND FOR SALE, ( ie mies oe coi Crock. 14 mallee weet Wat Wind we eevsctty Wo trl te 0 tt oo She A Doydra ad Balicbery, (hr abe BO. 15S TAI Saar WEBKLY Of Four Horse Pest Coaches, eibs bla S«\bary to Morganton, vie Btesreville +04 Nee EC —n om, Appt L. orcs eletery on Mewder, Wedeceday aad Fri fey at leek &. AM. and copives ot Margent-- went merming to break (est; amd leaeee Mengietes come devennd atrives om Malishary om geet Gaye ie brrekfoet No pare of epense qt be opered rowks the ome of (he meet comieteble ond eapedinees «leg ade athe Mta.e C. 8. BROWN , Contractor 1955 we Wanted Immediately, At the Silver Hill Mine, ANY QUANTITY OF WOOD AND COAL. WY LEAVES WORTH, top: Ot |. 1°66 boar NEW BOOKS. JUST RECEIVED. The Teetimeny of om °* coped Neuwee fran the Seterhoud of Gt Jeorph. >7 hie y | Frenate Lite sameng the Mermo.>7 fa Mormon Bidew | The Home Germ: < he Jone @! Kilver Hel Mie Mere GG Clort : The Lamp Lighter, © Neo ' , bale ond Deamtire of Panay Frere: WO ° «tld, and Quecehy, New Edation. rn cme ve Tint 4 2. ff. BNNIsS 7 Beto To Gentlemen. 4 py sobserib-re have cow on hand the moet oom Picte meemtment of CLOTHING ever bere Call ot Nu 3, Granite Rew BROWN & COFFINS March 25, 1856, 43af DR. J. J. SUMMERELL, | AS removed to hin Offtes at his residence. he" he will be happy te reeeive profesevcns| or pe’ somal eatls from hue frie ods. NB. There are many persone indebted to beh aomnant and Nave bron for apverel youve. 1 eve earnestly arge alleuch to call and make setilern which inst he dune by May Coert, etoe I shall! book oat bor a collector Nalebury, Jao. 99, 1856, 135 REMOVAL. jus A WEIRMAN de PRICE have emer? OD ther Clothing and Tailoring Ratabliehwer! LCase) + opposite Murphy. MeRorie de Ca, to the corner medtely oppowie R. & A. Murphy's Store 2 AEered to the pub o MS mbembeery + Saleebury, Now. 53, 1855 sf eh DR. S. REEVE! ] AS lorated in Salisbury, 074 cnohtd hie professional service® to the ake lien, ON: two doors below Benjamin Julinn’s 7° Apil 21856 ly JOB PRINTING Neutly scecuted at this Office EKLY hes, ovis ved y end Fr Mergen! + - et Gaye i opened vapediiees rectet we y of on re * bs 3 ws distin: Pai, Bedeyiinble UW) to & certain ty lndiaee that of; from «singly une of its The Bll wil be so mune the more keenly ite Biiginnd, Whe Lat articdes of the 1.» don “Wadi “eeatidenes that de tin spat ly ba am wowk! le ateepted by the CW Seatée nae sufficient satiafnetion.— That Biyehriok of thie puiblic™ urind assures to the Miwtatry the for all the memsares it may think take by way of trprinak. Uf Mr. Pierve b Miairey fate cotnted of anything ef wit wo We dietiiiation will not x lutng cowing. yy bee them from their complacent error - Meitherthe emnritinsury harm which Was petites beew given to the tespeime, hot the distinction established betaocn the Eegt-h Gy tettneat WH je agents, can emevten the bitter bee of the deed. Nome of that cvosideration displayed te Led Clare tow hae leon shown to We. The dewpatet, whieh aw euced woniea ed to Wien, fh was sent dirvetly to Lun dul by Sratenday’s Mesmet, ned it was only af ter the & pattore of the steamer, that it was of Sidty Keoww here, that bie paeports were od dread. to bim, © © © © * If M Comme whvre bemk owt dintuiesed, tert eusls have beve & cartels degtee of cone miun, # me diam b the Girt 4 th Ad atinitretion wid te be fimtive resulotiun That whe ca supyeme that 2 Government otrick ep ie the pervs of (yur uf its agents, after ba: ag emiploged every trans to defi) them, can m eept thrice dima we a chenple afbar A md Vides? © © © The eventastin.sty whith T Rave alfeded Wilh as-ume grever propat ume them ever, if it ie Crue, an aeeerted, that the Eny Niahe wqpamicom te Ue West Luciew bal a doable eto! deetrections to apply scoording as Mr Cran Held be mattered at bis post or revive hie Peeper, This bows require cow firetative before scorpting tt. What [ believe od du kewe te that bn ot. reg the Brteb ebaieal stationed! af UMatifas we ap yr i of th dcteraination at Wishington.— Wil Heal! fetid Glo AND S*W JERSEY One of the edits of the New Vork Frupree atetaed the American State Convention of 5 cddlars Ona Bn) | dering the bet werk, and Gives the hollowing eepert of a procceding- | ~The Armoricems Late met in State Conrre then aed suteimated a sand, chan, State am! actioned teekt, all for Fillmore, which starts * certain, with 100,000 cuter al whch deetenen, erbews thee Fasrte pal ap som that gran mre Natiowal, mor (eronceh, than te She. Pilienore dei. Hy meaning all (rnd Uhenes, Sewards. be. ther teest dene tiers than thew bere bet The delagtn bepresetied shea: 400 commeria, erm! Ceport shee test chterring (ets frum thew oom eh, Tewthinde of the delegates cw hon coved Rar Oleten, with: theer cutacis«, ton beet cror epen the theat the was ~ Amenean.” but new are ah Fillmore. Vhe Southern part of the Skate preserves entire ite vid Vier cam organinstion, wl things sre rapelly ing im the Ventre aml the North The 7 gentioron chase their eyes apon (hese facts, bet 1 hawe econ and talked with the men who go into detail nod demonstrate them Th» American unganiaation «9° party on fare of sperch, hast wemmerats |, 2s o's, that can be abded wp arithmetical!) ‘The proceedings of the American State Coo vention of New Jersey. behl recently at Newark, Pete enthasinstio aad harmonwes, and cach a to encourage the prevailing wopreenon, that the State will give a geod report for Fillmore in may Amero m freon bat fact +o and ld] OF Methuturtie, 06 ch ot that ff Parliament aed of) fitaen of Mr. Dotlas, «iii | he fetes fF is distical wae Bot cron com | be ol the Ameri | Fa ment Satine el eee ¥ ry er tas : Wor. xati. Cae 8, » Hae & Smith's Lporjenl ‘speaking of w growity, desired the part | vise erin Gévertior, ie | Adena of reeelt ing One from’ Hie Mother Country, | makes the following remarks ss) The people of Mellon hé slates of thie lat neoounls, were eng: agitating a very be qe Print, ia ents thine fal ta stare wring street, ah & Ot wel ail ening LL-cie Seopa : Phe woe, i ayant tucies permitted ty chet their gum Gurermees + We think this requey | framunble, and we will Ly titer oor remmetix for Ko tearing it, The wdupition of fred trade hey Unesmuthit © sinters, ana Che eumersdo v6 seliegovernment to the Colonies hate altogether [thawed the relations which fturtuly existed jp etween the Crowe and ite Uistunt depeud-o dea, The vhangu ix so couplet that for Ue future awe gnly hybl on the Cylunion sust be » tk memes # cord soft aud dediente, whi b be b | rae ew ty the eoutract will tepect, We mus’ jfthe our progeny by moral, net phesical power j eoncede all their rations) requirements, for je give their produce uy protection which we ldo not extemd to the ym rest forcigner; and it \they desire to elect their own rulers, subject to |nweto on the partof the Home Government, jet thems dso. They re very likely to make a jMrwch better wleetivy that the Colonial otties jean makes for ther, aud i they are unfortunat. pis thy choice the tame and mixfortanate will | be theirowe. If they are detiod these privilege, ated some Hihd Lieekghead trom the old cuamiry | fe frond upon them, with no qualification prot. | ably but the sulitary one that he ia a ns mbes | ‘An edifoeial iu Wittnes. , He the > Harmecle fants.” the silken chord will | step woomer than will be jp) asant, aud we may | wr mene five mormug of another Ke publics | {| Corrterd Staten wt the Attipaabes, A Legilatice | Connell, even in ite ancefamed state which ce j | ewtaasinee tos ranks the balla port ancl por vi | the constitution, mast be cormpumed of very star | july Adhenimetrative Ret appt feiate Tonthan’s avions of the appr | wows of the yreatest wurater.” aud such met «yl! tewwtue “te | ' gime. | mets — men ol ” yreateat very restive wader the ~ basun! ad Cowada —The value uf yous exported fru the L wu C stm da ws $855. wink-r t Panty tremty, was 0,500,000 be 4 the gunde enjort d te Cameda in 1855. Und fl States prude: tor mamutecture, was £4,158 TOL. Thee tated of vy] ne oof the ger H twty Canada in 1°55 through of | Cound Mats, wae £6. 600 000 The exports fun Can whe to the United Seates te $66 were B46. b64 | (918, Tie Canmban parwind te erytind to for ded bare Untied Sates curr wes The Now Vouk ‘werer states that cae effeet of th. Catmbiar mold fecipreetty treaty hae lewn to gree Lastwess te thew bsodemg tarlrumie of New Yirk and Macaa cheeetin, aml te maduce the expert and ie trade of Queles, thu. beaentimy t on te Pm, tiey Canada Weet ob three Lawes ate became atel ene the ut tras why maent Thus th experts of « nie yrors have do cftte] one-third am 1 the saane rates: etole af heave feariy doubled amd the teehly perceut jranle Tiseuty the on; <wt- wmporte | Pemaes arn] 1653 bwt@cen (he Vears 1853) Buildiug in Now York.--The J nal of Cennimerce bas an article, thre eolpuins in be srgzth, detail ng the rn prove , mente at present in progress in N.Y h ft shwews the nauber and character of | a bn ihebiegs 1) prreogeregs, imeedwir wal expemiitare of more than Sour mille tet eoomach in enlarging asus deeurating the city Decides this, al arr amount is being expended for alteratnns ench as replacing store froats, increas height of Laildings, &e As is very sensibly remarked liy the Joarnal of Caanmerce, “ this extraordin ary fact will suppes! a query whether there rs net danger of runni gto exeve- in the matter of «lendid baildle we }- there not a liability te ‘hre leetneee capit ef the city? W trot stures in inary cases be cosipelled ¢ trespass orn thre ge the oeeapants of these expensive charge larger protits Aud wher cerous of wrarketa, to « ble terms? We that this result is already be realized, and that Piuladelplia, anc perhaps other places, are pr fitinege few thee extravagance and folly of New York Aunt, t tust have on their gronls / this is tie, Well treet jes j urchasng, res rt to { r btain reeds on more fasora have heard it agserte:| treyiriminiye ¢ merchants with splendid stores hevisee of Corresponding jfance he disease grows wit! at if feeds upon.” “7 The Washington correspondent of the Charleston Standard says: f° He (free tom @aroaias ) THE GRIND FATHER MOUNTAIN. sas thief, Groud Fother, in. thy might, ¥ Craguy peaks thy towering height,” Wide y's world extends thy fame, All creatioli tise tby wine. Dhow ginat monarch of thy train, Wiih titme began thy peaceful reign, ‘The litle hillicks pound thee greek... Lake waiting aubjects at tby fret, * Pile upon pile thy clifveariée, And seom to mingle with the skies, And runed thy ancient crest display Thy waving Jocks of seveted gray, Thy ceaggy boow with heughty frown, Thy digy height with cloud-capt crown, Thy misty mantle shrodds thy form Regardicys of the raging storm, Though vivid tichtoings o'er thee flash, Aad bellowing thanders round thee crash, Aud maging tempest or canthqueke, They ne'er thy calm repose can break. Thow in thy eraggy bosom rears ‘The prowling w:df and savage beare— The nimble deer thy herbage crap, Aud feres rport apo thy lap. Around thy breast wild toss gtow, And groves of balsam fan thy brow, While rieces triok'ing fron: thy feet Te distant lands aud climes retreat. Thy covtime changes with the yret, To autume yellow robes thon wear; But with Dccember's cutting tast Thy enuwy mantice round thee cast. Then 2 the calm returu uf «pring, With scanty beste thy garments fling, tu Jane tiry wowerng form is seen Dres'd im thy somunwt cust of proen. Thy beauteows grandeur we admire, Bot more that power that built thy apire, For thy proud furm would oe'er be ausecd, Vf tvtied fume crv otion's list WATAUGA [threat of the Afebbishop against the Demperat- jo party, “Sle wo they aetouMable “for the Keating turdyr/ and in order ty show. his power, sell out the distinetive rish vote to Ke- poblicanisin, or sme other party.” The tan- ix incapable*of aay other. construction, The Democratic Represeatatives are to be j by the Irish citizens ‘and voters of the United of Keating, « Thewld sly teens. ap Of its own party! " . : The Cob also severly attacks one ofits Wash- | ington correspondents for venturing to shidd | Mr. Herbert ty extling him at * boterdble man,” jand say'mg tha: hed. ep'y regreisthew for upate | Uovarr¢mee.— Washington Organ, i —-—- os —----— AN INDIAN TRAGEDY. The incident reeorded below, and whieh is of recent oceurrence, has been copied from one of our Western exchanges : Logan Fontanelle, chief of the Omahas, has just been slain and» sealped at Lonp Fork, by @ band of Siewx.. Logan was a noble fellow, and in this hut mor tal conflict, he dispatched several of the enemy to the spirit land before, to herald the coming of his own seule’ He fongit long, desperately, aud) with good effect, but numbers finally overcome him, and his life departed through a buudred jwoands. He died a magter to his people, jand hie uame should ‘be anne Bpon \fame's brightest tablet. He was on his annual hunt with his — A namber of his ledges were |pitehed upem the plains near, Loup Fork. | As a young warrior one day rode around \the adjacent hille, he espied a powerful }band of Sivux portlna dam gpytd 4 strevan in a seqnstered vale. Fe hastened te in- form Logan of the proximity and power of their natural foe. Logan ordered hie people back immediately, procewded in CATHOLIC SUPREMACY IN AMER. straight line, with al! speed for home, ICA. The Right Rev. Dr. Reze, of Detroit, (now in custedy since, writing tu his master, Rune, says at Reme.) a few yours iwhile he would remain behind, aod di jvert the Sioux, by false camp fircs and other devices, frum a different puromt of them, This was abuut twiligit. The people got under way as quich ws pussi- > . the Pope of tle, bat not tov gues for ecarec ly bad they turned a highland, when several + We slall see the truth triamph, the, SUS Warners came in sight and discus tenipde of idels overthrown, the seat alsehoed brought to silence, awd all the United Stares enihraced in the same faith af ered the place of their recent encamp ment, Toey examined it and fonnd that Onmbias had been there, and they then f that Cathebe Charch wheret dwell returned ty notify their chief and bring truth and temporal happiness.” A Popish priest in lncbana told a Tro I ivstant winister that the time would come knew that no time was to be when Cathelies would make Prvestants iny their attention frum the wade knee decp in bled in the valley of they would svon discover and foriow, In conversation with a Wy nting his horse, he dos thee Miswiwwig psi. Catholic priest, a Protestant miuister late y obserbed : an adequate force to pursue aod slauyt, ter them 4ygan trom a hidiug place, saw all, and slot indraw trail, whieh ane ol away a! full speed across the prairics, at right an vies with the route bis tribe bad mken, and struck a fire alout eight tusles die “Catholicism is making rapris) progress faut, eu an emipence where the Srous i thts couptry, and will duubtless ere could distinetly sew it, ong abtain the ascendancy To which the J Frest rey lied He had scarcely efor: ew powerlty) band wer the spot be and his people bad just left, and whe, Whom stepping to distuegnish ! Gone mm on * There is not amember of onr Charch the trail, started for tue nre, which they rut beheves the same.” AAW rising aymmet the clear, Line sks, Bishop England, in a letter to his Ho and where they expected, in snother me tness the P. ye, Writes: “Within thirty yearns the Protestant had been vowary, If we can take heresy will come to an end secure the West and Seuth, we wi care of New England.” This same dignitary said to lis Cathe brethren at Vienna “All that ia necessary priests to aubjugule the mock libertica of alse rice THE DRATIT OF KEATING The American Celt. an Lresh veh peace to the kodbog { If. rtert paper. Keating [ef rring to the Noe tert's cuse, we bate ‘ 5 ret ater shall not «honk from di- ty mm to amhounee, on onmetakable teres, the adoget crtiget f Lresh teeth theong! rt montry that the Dyanocratic party sar ¢ erveas have shamefully deaertesd there duty cette | their own professes of they have, 1 teeen clasees of tel Uheoat poarn y ms ue ‘ fa man of oh te oh te ie of gies to | jury, Is the Ubenecratio party mad. of i rly rotten, thatrt shawl se hall adoern eecrin very man of the vo for Kean efer 9A is money and devotes \ vote tev Vr Viet bert was ehicided from am investigation, the tis Cleft eave That dn d Impartiaity be ne re mune Wil and knew that los only « hange ot na porrbemeend Dobroe tue bands in the gv Bar I. maa the ment, to of their unguarded victinns As » was lighted, he aguin mennted and rode eight of ten wiles further, and kindled another fire just as they reacted the first This rateer bewildered ther They die moonted and exanined the ground. das gan anberpating this, trotted and walked lis horse arvund it, s) as ty the appearance upon the gras of treadioy wf adyzen horses; and this drew into the belief that a ema)! gered behind and kindle ts fire, and then gone where they could see the now tire Lurning; and so they renewed avidity before. Loyan had gone an, and anether fire met their astetished gaze, while the same sort of hae trom theo demdy dead tin followed with The same thing hap pened as fomot w hiel prints were abent the one around thes gathered Their Prev examined leoth near, and discovered that a solitary horse uian had deevived them, and they knew it was for the sole purpose ot leading ther fF from the party whose encampment they had first discovered Logan was then going ronnd with glar ther obfeet were how aus} clons were now awakened the gronnd more closely. far and , Ing terchas, and understood Balety was in immediate flight towards tand he further knew that iy Sora eg ape tutes; for the charge ¢ An the ‘matter “of it for: arge of grailt - SALISBURY,-N. C., JUNE 10, 1856. ZY ‘ , she agen pathies were with hin. time to dismonnt at al-bower to whie! po the verge of the woods, while she inoant his horse and tend hie tee He obeyed her, ‘urd ‘she mounted > hi Witse andalashed on in w serpentine way through the woods, leaving marks. al the bushes by -whiel’ she eld betraced. “The pursners’ soon followed, . When she had got ‘some distance down the braneh, she rede inte the water and fal- lowed its descending course for a few steps, making her horse tunel: its sides and leave foot prints in that dircetior, und then turned npr thé stream and rode above the place atwhich ‘she entered in| without leaving a trace, ahd back to wherc | Logan waa concealed. She told him to mount and speed away, while his pursa- | down the ravine. He did sc, and got a; long distance out of sight, and again | thoaght himself oat of the reach of dan-| ger, when in a valley justin front of bias) Hhe saw fifty braves coming ap the bill te |meet him. They were seme of those who, were returning from the parsait of his people. He changed his direction and | thed to escape, bat his poor harse was | too mach exhausted to bear him with | sufficient speed. With savage yells trey | jplunged their rewels into their horse's | pane, avd gained apen bin. As the fore-| linest approached within good shyoting | distance, Logan turned endl@enl + and sent | a ballet throngh his brain. ‘Then load-} leg as he galloped on, ie sean made an- jother bite the dost; and thew avother, and gnother, antil four were atrewn @hong | the plain, Just then, however, aa he } was again reloading, bis horse etunrbled and fell, and the baud rushed npen bin before he had well recovered | whreorek all which, he + his clubbed rithe and hunting-knite, be jited areunt bite tive prostrate bextios, and fell with Lis back upon their Corpmen, aud expired still fighting, He wa-ecal, e! jaud hundreds of warnors held # yreal | war dance over him. Thos Logan Fentanelle departed, and this tichle sparit wan fulkewed te the spr lrttand by the sighs and lamentations of [hie nation, and the seagpathies and aspi rations of the brave of every land “> Lite in Poria-—The fashionalle clabs have bin thrown info sane excitetnent this week § by the pub colo » D ohe of the morning papers, of the ened of the mest powerts) damshes of Paris, with their jdebts, which are to Le put up at agction and seld tothe highest bidder. It looked at first like a sort of © black list.” and m Hong was talked of but horse whipping the impertinent scoundrels for noney Whoeh was owing them! Bur It seon appeared that this publication was amatior of Jorm consequent to the diss> the nopaid It creates) a that snch bills; lution of a partnership, all toadls boessai gy me ld at wuction of astonishment hh) be found wath for men reputed to puma és larg fortunes feted te balls eight years standing unpaid ! reat deal ane Halnes shon “ere ave ef seven and Phere are reerete wm rich men's lives! Some times it mole siran re ered thata atl tad vtcher.s bill for twenty tive Was | fashional rhe-pepare net pat bist years; another wealthy man badd paad bis servants ne Waves fer twelve veare) and we have seen lhere venny men of fortune, with fine tart inpatd for; adware fire thes —On paid for Hide berses—unpatd for; furniture vipaid for, ane tine cl Tiere flies balks wv settitny day € Hes) Ly with ite accustomed apeed ; rease thew tems and interest : the yuung wan finds ! evh spends hie ast Napoleons in a fine at the Cafe de Varies, and quietly leaps, after nitdnight. fro the Pernt Neat, or blows a secloded f the rene. That's life in Paris! Cor. VY OE > NS patrinseny arstodd : er, vat his brains in lane > Sua cayenne A Trait of the Sx —Scene—Market Lov adwiring a very little —** (Din, Lady versell vuly lewkonge lady avery my fee tthata beauty, neither 2 who appropriates the speec lh tol “Well, mere taste than the Lond really, these country lads have ave Walked from Nensingt og following y Minister considers i reasonable, regatds thé purpese out of it unfriendly @® his Fak mad pnydgtin to Be aid avews lite fifin uy to De thar uuder uo circumstances will the poliey of Pern be changed, or the price of the guano be reduced in favor uf American or ther foreign consnmers,’ We uiake the fullowing extracts from his letter :— “That the Peruvian Gavernments sends tu the United States for sale the qvan- tity it considers necessary tu met the de- mand, and it dues the same with otber price of the article im the owe more than im the other, although well aware it might make suci: difference in the price} * without exposing itself toany valid ol- jections ; that it ts unable to supply the great and increasing demand fur the yu- anv iv Great Britain and op the continent of Europe, where it is being ht into general use and sells readily at “$d per ton, without any complaints about. price or arbitrary conduct yn the part of the Peravian Government or any of its cote | signees or agents in the managewent of the basiness. od wt the flage will ada} pre nen te Migal exit.” » Ss ‘etal * The size of the stones varied re ns @ pea to as hg , ers were going in a cmtrary direction | tureign markets, without increasing the | reid. ‘Springfield (Mam.) American whol ti to Iranistan, the late place seat FS A 3 aye: That as the United States do not at | is present consume one fourth part ef the! guatw exported from Peru, wnably be expected af the I e > consumed, wasted, ur! ryed is a fess withowt reparation, | because itis a cnnmedity that cannot be prediced by dint of fabor or judustry, and consequently every redaction of fits} price is protento w lows of capital. | lest Mr. Fillmove's Reerption'in New York. The Journal of commerce, has the Soh Thot ese tagarde Wen pines as gram | *”* ing account of the arrangemeute de- deposites a sacred trust of mappreciable | termiped ott for the reception of Mr, Pill. value, tobe preserved from spoltation, and feetered and linshanded wien the greutert f Euruye. care and vigilance for the present as well | us the futare benetit of the nation; and! thar, in my typ irre, instead of promotin., the increased cmsamption woud hencefurth be its true poliey to di m teh and restrict tie sume to such an amount yearly as may be deemed suatti- ctent ty pay the interests on its national debt and ceutnbute with the other pre! ductive resources of the Republic to de fray the current expenses of the Govern- tert thereof, it The Minister seems to have no fear of} whe asked any rival guane, te the Peravian, and | saysth: tooth -r known ferti! £-rean com pare with if _- _ Five Hundred Children ina Heap.— The Pittsbargh Gazette of Friday yives the particulars of at accident curred atthe City THallen the day pre one of the ‘ excnpes from logs of life we ever heanl af A tmenster concert was te have beer 6 ittedt Oe vious, which was Hharrew est wivenin t evening by ousaned children, The tanager’s arrangement for seating ¢t was te hace each seat ither at en OLY 4 tor. e vildren thoes fron all parts of the hall. The deseritws the accident aa follows “About handred children were arranged on these seats yesterday morn ng for re! when, just as they commenced to stuz, the scaff siding gave way. prc pitaing seats and child ev to the grounding ertemfasion. Th- crash was tremendous Miny ran tethe batl when they witreased a scen-> that baffles deseription Coddren, screaming at the fopet ther vitees, were being picked aml examine! to see were injare | Fortanately ithe slightest injary. thong) manv iwnust have fallen a: least twe nty raised above the listances, the top row renee nearly to the cal wv Siaihie Gazette tive arsal, ont from the ruina whether ther hore sista vet oo Whit wor Wiiverin omy can dv —The iblistied at Flint, quite an oor Che “awe article i presents sore aston what was done at East | feport in favor uf securing more on bis arrival at New Yor “To have Mr. Fillmore landéd-at’ Sle ten Island, where the Juint Getmuiitide will meet bin and bring him tethe ina steamer chartered for the purpose. L pon his arrival at the Battery, he will be received with a salute of one hundred xuns, and escurted by a procession of his triends to bishetel. The Comusittee mill vartinente fur jhies at the St. Nicholas. a bilisore is expected to arrive here alvitt theaid- die uf Juve by the Atlantic.” ome + “ & ; | The Methodist General Contivenn ie ting at Indianapolis, is as otti¢h about the slavery question as the New |School Presbyterian Assembly at Mew |York. Reports, and reselations,” dad speeches, against the South, are or. der of the day in both bedies. The Schell Assembly closed ite aetiear off subject by resolving that slavery ies! in itself. What a pity thet their tors did not make the diseo they were — in the tery business of stealing African «ellog them to the Southern a he sume Bible which detines din, cid elas well then as new. Bot the Bil was not cifed as authority in their disemp- sion, exerpt by the Southern memberd 4 the Assembly — Fay. Observer. Lard and Strychnine.—t short tiene sivee a paragraph was peblished ine noamber of onr papers, in which itwss stated that lard was an antidute for thet terrible pois, strychnine, i M. D., of this city, in a comuvenication te the Actectioal Medical Journal, states that he bas been eXperimenting, in orte® te verify of disprove the correctness of the lard antidete He operated a ma strong and healthy dog, te whieh he adminie tered 8 onnees of lard, and five minutes after one grain ofstrychnine. Insix hours after taking this small quantity of stryehe- ine the pour dog breathed hig last. This experiment proves conclusively that hard isnot an antidote to this frightfal pei- son =: A Tinengman in the Lountry.—Mp. Berrown lately went into the cowntry for the first time in his life, and records ®@ November, Resolutions ratifying the non those of Fillmore aud Doneleon —re afieming the distinetive princyphs of the Amencan parts ther could retrace their way te their place elle ; topes : ‘ «at eet Atwater’s aan null, f starting. and find the trail that his own 0" can ‘ \ re ireenw. Tn dt) would be 5 it 2Pe.425 fet AN fret. the din tinenn? Oi can itmean anvibing bet one thime—that an ix peuple lind taker, thes “The fase aml excitement al Domoerat cistigation of Mr Stoner ty ¢ fristenan tron, howeter peters an dont bre vesticd COFFIN 43af and frre les to the pob- alinn'’e eure ely M Office fe fulluws: © The protection of the Amencan citizens in the tegsl and pepe t erercise of al his civil and religives prril yea, at home aid thevnd —resistance to al for ign influence agarnet Oar repeblican inmativutions—the placing in a! nl a. five of honur and trest, none bet native-born express Very frecly there entire approvil tidente and Washington; it was for four days the topic of stbes citizens —the protection of American Jalan aginst foreign sompetition,—aod preservation of the Union of the States,” were passed by a vote of 100 to 5. Other resolutions, some of wiich were and the Philadelphia dournal all condemn dave ago the bh tatively unerceptionable, were likewme paerd. Suiner's apecch, and say as long as sucla the hands of bat one Democrat, and the Coavention adjourned in the best fer! ing.— Wil Herald. 5 til The Washington Sentinel says: “It witl require a new administration to turn out the Freeavilers from office, The present oes not dare to do ii.” Fillmore . r : pt. to drop here. ‘. &- 1 in the search fur Sir John Froaklin tu ace pt to drop : . Pape oa pia ken of acknowledgement: frum the Jot. hasit now in hand, ond he distinctly warns the to present, Democratic Representatives at Washington, that Among the | tf jastice is vo’ done on the murderer, Herbert, Asa Biggs th UU be held accountable, ax the party whe . Oe ‘ ‘ : the and about to cry for help, when he hasti- calle for, He turned out the Freesuiler, when he wag in office before, ant he haa no better 1 Gon to like them for sitting their foal cnium hres at him eve since, Me. Fillmore turned them out, arid Mr. Pierce turned them in—now let's turn Mr, Pierve out, and tarn Mr. Fillmore in, Why agt Mr, @ a(nelt — Lynedbury Whig tem So Drovoks the aulject is hard!s tas all yy heled named will remain in deors fora few days under the wlvice of his medical atrendant Several members of the Maassachasertts delegation to Cincimati, are here, and of the affair, and they say the people of Massachusetts will dolkewise when they come to their reason. The New York Express, New York Journalot Commerce, orations are allowed, 8o long will fists and bludgeons be used in the halls of the | Capitol as | Characteristic Liberality.—to the Senate of the United States, on the 22-f tist, a gotnt: resetu tion, allowing Dr. Kane and the offlcers ass cinted with trim on the late Arctic expetition such tw ish Government as it may please we paced by sens 33, nave 4 four, we are ashamed to state, Were jand Laer S, Rend,—the two very “ «mall frum North Carvlina!— Raleigh ” | Monume.its ; ' Reyiater nly fit to be ts he Dinceratts and, @hen axed, eet oun for a Langet, means, and ports with impunity Thais is what it thes meaning we shall held the ener We hold Mr Mr. Dy Bochanan respotrible for thie conduct supporters They were the towns af ther fnends have taken ayainst the wietin and ayzainst common justice, r A few tien ina straight line, and therefore one wd of Thomas Keating was on party went on a little further, and the 1 has spread others spread out towards the OQuialia souls of the country, for the porpose of intercepting they are not wholly above auspiern sno: thes, and itis now upon the 76, whey refised all inquiry party ard shot tO vided It is on the Dom the reach of danger. The Sioux, in the tmeanwlile into stoall bands, the largest ot which was to retart the Omahas, and the others to endeavor te captace the one they had trissed. They knew that he be an Onimba, ane that he world ether go farther and kin dle another watch-fire, or start for lus na had di and pursue tnnst him. —PLoyan passed forward as fast as oerotic party, as a party, and aceaned be he | his jaded steed could bear him, antil he who helps sach a party into power, autil that thought he had entirely eluded theta, bat blood 1s lawfully purged away.” Tirta ix pretty strong language, bat the Ce} conclnd.-s with the following unmistakable hint: * Let them net eappose this matter is going One who seldom drops anything interposed to sereen and protect him from penalty of his guilt.” Who fa this “one?” The Celt is a Cathol eland assistance. us the day dawned, to his horror and d.s- may, be saw his parsuers close upon his track. Tle turned his course for a mavine whieh he distingnished at a distance, cov- ered with trees and andergrowth. Ile snceeeded in reaching it, and just within its verge he met an Andian girl dipping jwater from a spring. She was star led 1 Hy assured her that he needed protection With the trove instinct AMinew analiclinnii av tard and veding atowith kisses and cartesses, they louse doe doef my wins to try its power of sung s bends over the grave, on the thar oo will not fold ots winge nor chose te eves not ot sparithend, nud delwemad os the has flown te the previous burden of affection to lowed and lest TUis not onfrequent to see twenty or thor ty binds let louse over one grave. —dlarpea's Vocenee >: Angel Gabrid at Hard Labor for Three Yours. —Bvy advice from British Gratanta te the Odo rust, we af the trial aod conviction of Orr, known as the “Angel Gabriel,” for sedition against the crown, in having excited the dreadtu! anti Creole and anti-Catholic riots of the 19h of Febuary last. hia dupes have also been convicted for d ferent such as sedition, riot, reobery and open plander during the The sentence of Orr will be learn crimes, Comtusion, imprisonment at hard labur for three ef an a'ligator years. | I the fe Bit Inst miaiitee —The fi} roof the dk of 4p, stir Care fo i anake lewing mothe W isesns Aprerlic -—"Take the y ined put itin a tes much galt as will make it torun off. Spread it Inowith wea thick en asa plaster and apply atte the wound, ra sit If thesis a reliable ree ipt is Nagch met and we will insure vour life f prence a ne ha vet seen the mast staple we for the purpose, but we waut evidence of its Valine +. Fich with Legs —The Rochester Union, Nl wat De. Langworth, of that states t Abont sixteen of city, has obtained specimens of fish with | four legs froma stream of water near Fort Detiance. in New Mexico. They are about secon ine ies H Thy, and resemble aveunyg codfish; the legs are like those They have heen sent to Profe-aor Agassiz, at Cambridge, Mass as a singular cuincidence in natare, that pond he saw—“and there were en ‘em —had land around it— Mr. Berrown is evidently a “nataral” plilosepbler. every soany - 7: Aoloway's Pte an untwilie fine Ry irons Complaints « Thoma ehen aging. street, Philadel bia, bad the misturtane € be afficce! with the severest of bilivus disordem, nansa nnd a foul stomoeech, whieh preveuted him rehelins any kind of fuod. fr-quently theew hie him ow a bed ef srknem for ever) weeks, He ted many remedes recommended him by they only tended to inerease bin ma- > his brother, last fall, recommended bie Llolioway's Pills, whieh he did, the re- to Us “was traly extraor- tary, fur after about six week osage of this inestimable medicine, L was completely etred ; bout it—I goes.” friends, lady lis on words, and will never again be wit The emigration this year from Missonri to California, stated to have been larger than ever before. Larce parties bare geneont and taken with them over && teen hundred head of cattle. vane EE - - - REMARKS OF MI EVERRET ON/|Gen. ; PASSING EVENTS. Boston, Juxx 2.— Hon. Eowain Even grr, on the occasion of delivering his ad- dress on Washinton at Taunton, on Fri day, after alluding tu the pleasure with whieh be must always dwell on the theme, continued as follows * Bat with the satisfaction which I feel in ing you atthis time are min- pied profyuud anaicty and grief. A sad wese which I strive in vain to repress overwhelms ine at the occurrence’ of the past week, and serious aj prehension for ces iteclf manryoanind that events are even now fn train, with au impulse too mighty to be resisted, which will cause ty beloved country to sled tears of blood through all its horrid train of pillage, fire, aud slaugiter, is carried on withvut the slightest provocation against the in- fant sctemeuts of our bretiren on the frontiers of the Union. “The worse than civil war raging for months unrebuked at the Capitol has at length, with a lawless violence of which B know wo parralicl in the annals of con étitational government, stained the floor of the Senate cliaunber with the bleod of defenceless man, and he a Senator trom Massacliusctts. “Oh! my friends, these are which, for the goed Haine, peace, aud safety of the country, it were well worth ull the gold of California to blot from the record. They sicken the heart of the pa- friet, of the good citizen, uf the christian; awaken a gloomy doubt: whether the toile, sacrifices, and sufferings of ow fathers for the sake of founding aloe ier, purer, and freer civilization: tery continent than the wor! have not been in vain. “For myself, they fll me with sorrow too deep fur tears. |] ain wf weakuess, for ] sorrow not for myself My few remaluing Vears are running too rapidly to a close w alluw ine to at tach mach importance tu any thing this side of the grave which concerus me indi- vidwally ; bat 1 sorrow, far Leyoud the of words to €X press, for the ot jects of affection which 1 leave Leliud my children and iny country. Aud God is wy witmess that if, by say poor life this hour, Ic has been dope within the last two veare, beginning with the the Missoari comprumise, I would willing ly, cheerfully make the sacritice “Did I not think there is a healing charm in the name of Wasuiscroy, tha! attachment and veneration of lis clarac ter are almost the only remaining hind! sentiment which pervades! lc wliule coun try, and that in the cout @haracter there is & spirit of wisdom ts guide and bore, ty suothe and unite, | would even now Uirow wivsclf upot your imdulvence to excuse mic li hie duty wf this evening.” events tuts Wes had vet seen vot ashamed for 1 1 lavilye Gowh ! unde what lisastruis repeal ol ‘ iphatiou of tuat THE DLACK AND WIHIIITE “NIG GERs” AGAIN The black, wbity and mon zrel “niggers” are just Bow having uj. euse, and have 19 wow af Sire i Gernt Srastt of New York, fur President, and S McFarland, of {’cnusvivania, for \ President. Thigre was awaris discus eas to whether it was best to fy!.t Lewis Tappan (white niger couLsered peace Rev. Mr. Prime. whi du.) of O thought they ougit to send 100,000) ner ito Kansas, pnd a park of artillery. He ead, “the Abolitionist» sould, and + doatt could, recruit ap anny from the lanes and bye warsof New York and oth er Nosthern cities, and warehal their fur ees for the conflict” Me. Prine stau:!. 6. rT d thousan: chances of bein; str h v one of eter getting al a a x bye-ways and laues of this city to fign fur Abo hist The t whe dive w each huni eare Th ats.a if Mr. Prine should iosu!t ask ty them to equalize themselves wits w fight fur them, they wou tar and feather Lim, or ‘iey + No—there is no man in this wide wide Jand oo debased as to fraternize at beach himec!{ wit!) negroes, but 1 Abvlitionist. | which we har 1) guid ©” be wow - weuld do any gu I! ‘ den thee ef if y 7) wou “ of epee Ile « tle , wae justified in taking the ifeof fie tor, if it etuod in the way of jie tiberty ; and that it would be right for the pope to assist him in doniy Censary.' Ver ) ry which ov tuend frank any Souther citizen of a tre fectly eonnd ask —a stall the cl ! (ray le ‘ and pu'r rer J dment ian of uw et j tennac \ a t ! a Py piown of Ndod \ ; ' : or principle. os fanaticistn, nik t re More Consers ali: We. te Vor ready to stand ’ rights of the S 4 stituuon, Southerners, r Grov (5 tha 1 cul ab hae 14 t Va Defers 1 wl W it) ee THEY éhe Southern |) peserting reck od lelic without the slirtitc st tia Fillmore wo ‘ ed him a lett ved the Th Fae | Ness i! }s I {slavery in the States. an advantageous comparison could be made. Respectfully, your obedicut servant, Jouyx Gaye. a C. C. Langdon, Esq, - ee el Arpaxy, N. Y., daly 8ist, 1848. Tlon. John Gayle— Dear Sir: -Lhave vour letter of the 16U, instant, but my ofticial duties have been so pressing that Ihave been compelled to neglect my private correspondence. I had also de- termined to write no letters for pablica- tion bearing upon the contest in the ap- proaching canvass. But as you desire some information for your own satisfac: ton im regard to the charges brought againet me from the South, on the slave question, L have concluded to state brief: ly my position, While Twas in Congress there was much agitation on the right of petition. My votes will doubtless be found record- d unifortmy in favor of it. The rule upon which I acted was, that every citi zen’ presenting a respectful petition to the body that by the constitution had the power to grant or refuse the prayer of it, was entitled to be heard; and therefore the petition ol tto be reecived and con- sidered, If right and reasonable, the prayer of it should be granted; but if wrong or unreasonable, it should be de- nied-—I[ think all my votes, whether on the reception of petitions or the consider- ativa of resolutious, will be found to be consistent with this rule. 1 have none of my Congressional doc- uments here, th being at my former residence in Buffalo, nor have I access to (uy papers or mcmoranda to refresh my recollection; but I think at) some while in Convress [took occasion to stats in substance iy views on the subject of Whether the re inarks were reported or not, Lam unable to say, but the substance was, that I re garded slavery as anevil, but) one with which the national government has neth ing to do; That by the constituuon of the tine | United States, the whole power over that question was \ ested in the several States where the institution was tulerated. If they regarded it asa blessing, they had a cumstitutional right to enjoy ino and ul rdcd itas an ev, they had the bhkuew Lest how to apply, the | ] hedy aula gives bad any any way responsible for its conti tenisted. ] power, an | hut cunceive t over oT Wile lh power Ance iu the several States where have entertained no other scutiinents on this subject, siuce T examined it sath iently to fortn am opinion, at ie | t not, that all inv wets, pablic and private, will be found an gaecordanee with this 1 have the honor tu se, ent servant, MILLARD FILLMORS! View — It will be seen from the f canto ter, written by the Jlon. Edward | eit, to Guy Lb yey. ba rep to am bavita tion given by the Students, Faculty and Trustees, that it will be iinposertle for hin te attend our ensuing coulmence ment, bat will probably visit our Univer sity mest fall rox, April 25, 1846 Drag Siz: | Isth, together Drown, addressed to vours and at Lave vour favor of t the ecomrnittee of the students to the fin ty of the Un I feel move het ored and gratitied by the express wish eo warm and gene ralen the par f the University of North Carolina at I would character of Washington befor at dis versity address Une repeat my tinguished Ipstitation to owill et ‘ WV power wave home for thes the per but Th yy ‘ tt » fulfil a elwis fl ' : rt that, ina address (cicept tle arp ng tl sat the | ginia and New Je that the proceeds rae rile urine nts 'Pierce?” In bpief he “objected to the scoundrel, as ied to Washington, because, it was not sufficiently graphic, Let an Ameri- | caf say seoundrel, and the ear ached for Web| ster” | | Buch was the tone, such the spirit of the; meeting. | Now, ifthis is to be the language of nigger ‘worshippers at Boston, how can it be a matter: of wonder that) nigger drivers at) Charlestuo should vote silver pitchers to their Brookses t Is it not plain that une extreme involves and necessitates the otherf And which, may it please the Northera anti-slavery party, appears MIT PLARD FILLMORE, | obtained from hig public epeech in the | the most offensive outrage—an attack upon a yeung and hale Senator with a stick, or an at tack upon the hallowed memory of Washingtou with brutal epithets by a mecting of intelligent men, many of them clergymen, and others prom inent citizens? Would it not be more sensible, more logical, more feasible tor the Northern followers of Mr, Seward to try fo puta stop to) such disgusting ribaldry as that we have just guuted, than to trouble themselves about what men dy in Columbia or Charleston / RATES OF POSTAGE. Letrrers composed of one or imore pieces of paper, but not exceeding half un ounce in weight, sent any distance not excecding 3000 iiles, 3 cents; over 3000 niles, 10° cents. Double rate if exceeding halt an ounce; treble, if ex- ceeding uh ounce y and su on charging an additional rate for every additional half ounce, or fraction of half an ounce. Absolute pre-payment being required ou all letters to places within the Uuited States, from and after April Ist, 1855. From and after January Ist, 1556, all letters betweea places in the United States must be pre-paid, either by post age stamps, or stamped envelopes. Letters dropped in the post office, for delivery in the same place, one cent each Letters advertised are charged 1 cent each, besides regular postage. Dir p let ters are net advertised, Cireurars, 1 cent to any part of the United States, to con prepay for 3 ounces or less sist of Lut one picce of ment optional, Dayly newspapers ounces or lees, 45 1-2 paper three cents per quarter, weighing Vhen sent from the office of | licatiou towctual and bonafide subscribers any ere dn the United States Pownsient eWspapers anywhere within the Cites States, 1 ceut tur three ounces or less When the article to be mailed is ac ilar, pene, or newspaper, it should »ped as to be open at one end otherwise, it) will be t be ao envel I charged as a lct- SALISBURY 8 | IK wins vou \ mouruius t i) 4 a tharg. [tas altered very much » ' J al J mat ib ! 4 » hie a) peared and “ 3 tekis 1 = r “ ' ' . cou r 4 t “ ! ’ t t A cha \. roterd the building being erceted for No Boy fen, bag. op Main st. wlich will make a fine {ppearance when completed. The corner lately burnt dowa was still unoccupied abd there was v appearance of rus being but | f sone ie cul The county has cr ctel a fine Court Tous Snot quile « ele \ he every yo abwut it 4 range ‘ . 4 ' almu 4.8 . a. 2a Ve had every oppor Y 7 - ‘ if mwjcurn a Ma u Thue, @ . ar e uf \ i vwe woull re nmet ~ . 4 Is as Mav have « : . eo contr { 4 ~ ‘ Depot and New Court Iloas vowill find Mr Corant an ace ] th ” Mi« wr linwyine . va S : . © out rection « ‘ r a a rops ever mad ore 1 H haa e * * Z Tatuclligereer co. / Cir Tie Rufus Chiva i (pat ¢ 4 ‘ ( 4 tooffer anda nize in f ( “ 1 t t ’ f | is were ¢ Liver ‘ \ r | a ; \ thee bd fer fil . ‘ eCreds fo oer Ais Irela ‘ ptie er penitentiary th t sto 1 domes of Correct " 1 “ { ted States Whilst there Is 1 j ‘ f me infthat country at been tate of t oe / ; J / S [iivke 2 Pndoaticy ft t A - ster \ r t Ld A wnk x feet dee | e@ haa nett \ ‘ fat, twert r~ wie es te a) adty nthe dl towns of this inty as it {the past winter “7 AM Mirae Chrrtth, Miry Ve ‘ I ow 4 h Miler A lew in ealin { | Yow Chk edd nity + your term | Carolina Weitchman "SALISBURY. N.C. TUESDAY EVENING, JUNE 10, 1836. a 2 TERMS OF THIS PAPER §2.00 CASI FOR PRESIDENT, OF NEW YORK. FOR VICE PRESIDENT, ANDREW JACKSON DONELSON, ome -- - FOR GOVERNOR, JOHN A. GILMER OF GUILFORD. PEMOCRATIC NOMINEES. The National Democratic Convention, recently im session at Cincinnati, Ohio, hominated for the James Bucnanan; and tor the Vice Pre- have Presideney, sidency, J.C. Breckenriper, of Kentucky. This is a better nomination than we ex- pected. We feaved that very small pat- tern, Mr. Pierce, might receive this hon- or; orif he failed of it, it would fall up: on some obscure and inconsiderable per- The democratic party, then has done itself the honor to select gentlemen Mr long been known in the the country, and has occupied a respect- of some prowinence. Buchanan has public affairs of though nota very distinguished po We regard hin Pierce, but also sitiun as a stutesinan, as greatly superior to greatly inferior to Mitrarp Finiworr, nor is there in his lite or public services the same amount of assurance of a pru deut, wise and just adwinistration of the Excentive office, should he be elected, as we have in the past services eminent abi! and public and private virtues of Mr. Fill 1 Tudeed, Mr Mr. Fillu: inthe Nation, a boast, however, which, nore. Buchanan, if he beats vy Will beat the very first man we think, bis posterity, if he has avy, will never bave the honer to claim - os . The Vigger Worshippers iti Boste ) New York, tthere are rease: e and sen 1 Froth pol ledacdur ecul CMG ton) Hearted proceed Hoes arot. Tac are Tanipant om tiie Dicohks assault y would ne d issaiiit Sumner for a million of d rs. It has affocded them food an vital Dreath, avd their fanaticism displays tself in great swelling words, fureuas threats against the South, and blood) thur der and brimstone aygainet ¢ ery body ho disagree with then Thene are the sullt U negro stealers the men who thonak they are doing Grd service when the ean rob a Sonihern man of his perty «! » prdion Croors Woaslitigten ! at ail i acuundr Moral darkucss, ar trong delusions ty eevee lic, Wit Ulve Heequences { 6 ueparture from 1, Is their re war -o- Mr. Brooks bas bee el in effi at Cambriedlve Masea raette The ¢ cut Leyistat re s ade ted resol nilinnge ff f Mr. I ILon enna I rsxacline { ft ta the 2 . Wa tnced ins s Ad treme a 1! State to nA fit Sena sand Re presentat ( srr tw f ( anix | ! evolvers, saavet Du Sa ‘ « 1 ow } al viuwer jocon ‘ ‘ ar beaened x lar ‘ thie Fi Stat Vl , . “2. pe fe VEN J ast \. A Mr. I] n \ upar t Mr 4 4 Senate, a t ‘ Vir Crampt I I it a ’ it - - Ad ; t ement of the Ce lA \ : n, at least aome t y ex y, theres, ters 4 1 \\ -s d. Nn d, athe SS / Nore ikable case ia reported | I? feor, of a lady re us \ ry hianel conte bovery nual, at ut tere f times distr . ets ator t ras f white t/ i ne ¢ Jou stand, was recently vie inanifest by her ejecting a | miiahe e water adder ~pecies, wliel tensnred npwards of fourteen hes in ength, and ong and a quarter inches in circumference aa) hffective sympathy, on the part. of frendsin New York, was lately tender !te Barnnom, bat he declined it, on the ‘ nd that he was able te apport ] and fan y Ly lua own efforts; but as for paying the debts with which he had been loaded, he never expected and did not intend to try to pay then wy spate cone ty male Me Mein Ade! a | rd) | Mr. Gilmer and Free | As tlie position of Mr. Giimer \eubject of Free Suffrage ist ing vetymugh wi ineorde®that Te may | Ss hd at gree, wo have taken pains to inform our- selves correctly and particularly in re- jgard to his stand in relation to this jast ‘measure. From all the lights before us, Legislature, as late as December 1854, from his recent speech at Danbury, and from other reliable sources, the following article is reepectfully presented to our readers as cmbodying Mr. Gilmer’s views upon Free Suffrage, and may be impli- icity relied: upon, a8 we scons knowingly | argument would apply to @ propositivn to publish anything not strictly cunsist- ent with the truth. In 1835, it was asked, and properly asked, that taxable slaves should be pro- tected against excessive and unequal tax- ation, by the General Assembly.—It was readily and properly granted, by putting itinto the Constitution that capitation tax should be equal, to wit:—that the slave taxable should never be more thau the white taxable,—so that by the Cun- stitutional provision, the slave taxables are protected against uneqnal and oppres- sive taxation,—the Assembly being bound to raise the tax on the slave taxable when the same is raised on the white poll, and prohibited from reducing the tax on the _ White poll without reducing the same on the slave taxable. Now, when Mr. Giliner and his friends failed to get a Convention, they, like hon est, Candid wen, set about exerting them selves to get the Free Suffrage bill in such a shape as to be just and agrecable to all Voters, as well those who own land as those who own nene, by adding, by way of amendinent, that 8300 valuation of land should never Le taxed by the Gen- eral Assembly more than a taxable white or Ulack poll, —to supply by a Constitu onal provision, the check against op land Vhis CHeChR pressive taxes on the is how, as the present Constitution etar pros ided for, by reason of the Senate ing elected by the free) ders alone. The present bill siaply provides that all whe Vote fur the Comitnens, may vote for the Scnate, but puts no Constitut nal re strainten the Assembly as to its power »TUNn Vis amendiuent wade andl Hot gimere being added, pute it tut prow f the Asecmbly place taxes on the land Had the Dill been amended as was pr pesed, it would have been acceptalie to every body. Nu voter would lave opr romed it, The landhelders would havc n that justice was contended for und secured te them Asecrubly reased the tax on their lands withouatio Mhey would have seen that the would not lave in vasing oun the same prep Ttierte cote Cone “ ce and blaek pol, vr could the Aes sembly increase the tax on the poll with by the mtalso increasing st on the lanl is hecessary and just ainc idinent, | would have been greatly improve, b justice and equality would lave been ecured, —yencral satisfaction would have en given to all partics and interest. By this amendment the final passaye of romisyoity of the NUhale attic Heat cession maul) bave oe erta secured, ath t t | Suffrage cuded These who exerted themselves to put sshape, were the true and mest friends of the proposition to let who voe att Comimon's bor, vote tt < te tok All tt ) . ‘ Ides ha t ‘ emoved It ia} ‘ er thease fear ‘ ® ar ' f*,—are « they would have been re ¢ rend | ' r | r t Free Saffraze w pass af the next bession Sev vetes inthe Senate against the at the next eens will kal Then a expenee, tine, trouble, discussion and ' a t kiee Suffrage, will end | ts ve cars before tl I ‘ y | suff ’ 4 | for rd | tf v Mr. Ra Is4- prasne l Sotfra ‘ ‘ } a ‘ : eee } © ta teoatied as | X t+ ~ tris tthes SIE ! they wer “ rte tet it piss . ra Way that ere would be objectiona te itp —that they were willing that it might be de teated before the next Senate.--They were x iweto det the bill be nproved, for ear it would base ite final passage. and t qu stion ended at the next Bession lhe proposition that land «xhould not be excessively taxed bevorned the present pro portion between land and on the polls, “ have ne Opposition from any per son or from any quarter,- and this being secured in the bill, all in the Rast, Med He, and West would have been pl nse] fied N , would have been done to any interest, or and wrong or injustice any voter, or any section Jn any view that this whole question may be taken, no satisfactory reason can he yviven why this protection against nn- equal and oppressive taxation on land, should not have been added, except that such objectionable farmers in, a snfligient ge mix ht bes | before the people,—that they uiight be ; kept grasping after the shadow, but the | substance be kept out of their way. The seply to.this gepermlly is, that thie ‘Constitutional provision inst oppres- ‘sive taxes on the Jand, is nonecessary,— | ‘that the Senators have each to own 800) acres of Jund, and that all who vote fur | high taxes, would be toed down them: | selves, at the next election, This same | | | ‘to dispense with the Constitution altoge- | jther. It does not require much to get} 800 acres of Jund, in order to be a Sena-| | tor, or 100 ‘acres tu be a Commoner, in| most of the counties in this Btate. For-| ther, such is the anxiety of many to get | into the Assembly as indicated in the} sums of money that they will expend in| electioncering, and iu securing their clee- ' tions by the various means, that the in- | crease of Jaxcg on their lands would be a matter of very small moment in a con: | test whether the increase of taxes sboald | be put cuthe voters and taxable slaves, | or on the land. | Atthe very last session of the General Assembly, the Joint Comittee on Fi- nance reported their bill tu double the taxon land; but in this doubling they threw off 5 cents on cach white and black poll, and they were only induced to drop this and double it on both, lest it might | open the eyes of the farmers before they could yet their free suffrage Lill through in its present shape, and Ly which the Assembly, if they chose, might put the greater portion of the taxes on land. Be svles all this, it is very easily to be seen, that as svon as the farmers lose their hold in the Scuate, that theie inflceuce in both houses, —the Senate as well ae the Com- wons,—is youve; and that the very mext the qual Seation of Seuators and Commoners, proposition to dispense with land will very soon pasa, in detiance of all op- position which they can take. There can be no good reasou offered why this just, equal, aod popular amend trent providing wyatt uted ual oppres taves ol lands, should not have been 4 a In this State the Governor has veto Tiose very perens who now vote in the Commneunus but du notin the Senate, to a tan would have been pleas ed and satieficd with it, No citizen of the State, East or West, could hace been dissatstied with it, —none displeased These views are presented to slow Use whe Mr. Gil shed be Oh y huey Were actituy in wero and his frieuds yave earnest, effectually and practically, i What way tha Wd tase effected the Dicoplea Pixaa _-- DL) otrurtion hy Lighten y Two ne frocs, a young woman and bov, 5 mules and a horse, all the property of Mrs. MW bk Brinkley, at Brinkley's dept, N. ¢ were killed by lishteniiy on the evening tlie ' stant. They tad all tak clr A a are rth oe od ti torhe ero I ¥ “cet cethoer ity pereat ¢ ! ' Thiers t many other persuta anil soe present, when it occas red. Ttis suppamed the Gusd wae attract Ite th 1 e of steam me ec epet by the webu ! tea eated animale tnd the Mid A cus that we ob ® a "yh " wt oinm as I lPassing ov many ar eof thre sert, brow r ea J t 4 hew es ta mente, one of which has just ced operations, and the other no pro both destined as we relieve, te exert considerable influencs the bustuess interc ats of car comman ty We allude tothe mills jyust put Moesre, Cairns, Mur “" | re) re.) and the Founders Ma now be crect \ M « | Law Co Mears Cn a ( we fi pp what ist ‘ ed a planing and sash-making \ take to ten von Gr ards. they dry them, if required, a ’ mothe v eof therr machines y e i * t v ve « i] v ul rea for ‘ she 2 1 4 ts 1 | ron ! r t Peter t elect r - ‘ t ¢ 49 “rest And many ot t sea they iv te pared to une facture tas we lave not yet Daw the pleasure of visiting their establishment, we cannot now more distinctly describe them. They have in connection a grist mill, and as all their worke are driven by steam itis likely the y will be able to a 1 Commnodate Cus when omers ata time other mills cannet shinent which Messrs Boy Lemly are erceting, is intended for the COM TAEY especial benefit of the Farming vthongh such will be its cha- as to afford chanica and racter convenience to me thers throughout the sur rounding country. This is to bea Found: ry and Machine Shop. They will do all kind of casting in iron, brass, bell metal, Ke They will manufacture every kind of agricultural Hoplement in use; and when it ia remembered what an exten sive varicty is now reqnired to stock a} ; ‘ ; well conducted farm, it will be seen at! once, that they are undertaking a great \ | ind Osean oi 80) at r prices, ne We hail. tle erection tablishwents aa sure ind permanent improvement country. They are not periments, Lat have come’up aa! of them has. been felt; and 96, Weare in expectation, of seeing other intereste’ pros vided fur. “We need now, anid a wheel factory, a bicket broom fuetory, @ candle and soap Y a paper mill, a farniture mill and ¢hais factory, and many others, whieh, in the progress of thia,advancing age, capital will seek ont and establish. It will make us wore inde t as a per pendent on t whe now i saucy on the patronage we give thei. ” ae ete ES From the Asheville Speetitaly™ +) DISCUSSION IN BUNCOMBELY ” As we gave the main points in tween the candidates for Governor in out Just, we shall be brief in our notioa of ‘the in this place. In reference to the question of Constitutional rcform, Gor. Bragg, whe made tie first speceh, said that the Westerm peoply hal been hoodwinked about the Copventign question, and claimed eredit foe predicting that the Last Legishture would nut pass @ Ut galling a Convention, Ihe spoke at length on Free Saf frage, as if the anivation of maukind dépended upon the privilege of putting « piece ofipaper ia a tox fur Senatur—said that the Ouastitution established no religions testy {le aatthe Gor- ervor aware that neither aa lafidel of g Jew can hold office im thin State? Is he mot qware of the fact that it is = prerequisite qualifiention for : uflice in this State, that a man mast be- lieve im the truth of the Christian religion. — We advise the Gorerneor to read the Constitution he ® swore to support, And bet us here whetier it is more dangerous to eunfer office upoo a Jew or am ToGdel, who may be lopal <t- acne aud owe allegiance to thelr country or-ap- ona set of mea, althvegh calling themelves ~Lans, Whose 1 lca Oot only requires hem all giance, spiritaal aud temporal, fur » foreign poteutate, bet who openly ackoowledge such allegiance. See Brownson's letter to Dr , Hoch Dase. Gov. K. said im the course of bis spore, ° Lam no Catholio—I em so Pretest ant.” and further remarked that (bose peteone — (having mference, we suppose, to those Ivotest- ant minaters who will nut avite with the Dem- vere party in praming the Catholies)—whoe splurge owt guste a parade about Protestention had *ay mur relypon them his bere.” Ger. Ik then epoke in the most felsome termpe of that Ll Kesberntet, Alerendér Hamihom, whem the th me rats have Leen in the halet of denoencing me out A moad Bet it terns oot thet Haw- » as bau om some Gregge inhend ead came to thes coontry whee quite young. Ileece the prose so« lavished on bin by the Democents. Ile alee spoke in very enhkayindks terns of Gen. Slickbe, lwenuse be ts a foreugmer ; but be fngut ty tell the people that Shiekde is owe of the het test freewuilers im the Northeast. The Governer cmcloled with be stereotyped sbuse of the Amer ans—a la Clngman He rend cortaie perts of shat purported to be the onthe of the order, aud sacl that the meavbers were eqore stl bemed to vete for ome of their gember, thoagh they knew be hed stokes = sheep.” The (rovernor may oot bave heown it, bat we «< controversy be- hole tu ow Loow it ami aodertake to sag, that ia making th slits be stared that which be es-entist fuer biery man whe hes been imitinted is be Arm can onder keows it to be fates, and « ante t acoord ogiy Mr mr comtneeed by referring to his Internal leprovement record —stated that ac 0 lee Leywlatere be had advweented ev: member f ery Ikeral ob fur the improveremt of the Sate — that erence to the Fremeh Beoad, be w! voted inthe Senate aguinet the restriction . Ls charter somght to be imposed by the «of the roml. He charged Gov, Bengg wi having san] outheog abawt the interests of | meclenies —that be bed said (.anmeon Sehook ; trdeed be asi oot etth o bare allaston, all quesinns of tet nla -wt Sorte padiey im wloel the people are cently im- ae | ancl devoted threefeurthe of his tiene to shusing shat he was pleased to enll the * Keow Nothing” Mr G. discussed, at length, varbous jucsbons of State pulcy, amd that f& Constita- bons! reform. which «as substantially, of course a ocien om car last. He thoaght chat there or amendments besides Free Sudrage cnactoent ander certain cirewm- ~s Shel we gave m our hast meue, Mr Gilmer thee tok ap the question of Amer- sumin and charged hie competitor that be ccna the prinecijtes of our party He then turned pan the Guvernor and remind- no of a rule of evidence, m giving in bie tes st the Governor bad constituted bie st the Amerean party, and, ne so was teed, as an honest man, pot to Sore ot . fo nee aga sje ak of the additional obligation, as the Gut ror of miate to speak the whole truth, But load be it! Tle (Guvernor B.) bad read, clas a true exposttua of rt ol.jectrone of the tet and 2d de- grees, bat there hei stepped short Me. Gil then rad trom the same paper whet per \ t re 21 degree of the order, which “ menibers lo nothing that any good man would not assame. Le read the Guverer a lecture ahich we t no doult he will long remembs Ike scorpion inch told with pow- ful cthet, and the immense concourse of ple acknowh dred) there appreeation of the jast- fess of the castigation by roost aprunous # plause. He charged the Gow, whieh be felly sustuined, with af attempt to impose apon the yood sense and understanding of the people He explained the reason why the Louisiane cs were adinitted into the Philadelphia Convention, which was heeanse they disavowed veing any allgianee to the Pope, That it, wes thes foreygn allegiance the American party were opposed to, that we had nothing to do with the relignom A the Catholics, This explanation ws satisfactory to evcry intelligent mind. He spoke of the danger of presteraft, and stated that bo Roman Cathohe priest ever had token the oath of allegiance to this country, which was the best of evidenow that the privets owe a paramouat al- | legianece to the Pope. Mr. Gilmer’s defence of the American Party | was cloquent and most triumphant. We eae- not pretend to do it justice ; bat the effect was in the biyhest degree sntisfuctory to the friends uf the American cause, Te said, iu conelusion, when urging all to be governed and controlled by principles, even under the most untoward and adverse circunstances—“ As God fe my , jadge, Lam willing to suffer “ny the principles of the Amerigan Party 1” Col I "hound EF, erament renee. Cov, I deck ban cromeed j Atchison parties | against | grante hs FOUR The st Pool date Cottor Tater 10 When More act a 38 Com 30 tulton fo Trade at posale bs he disap Niearagy A Co Turkey ’ The » came oe the hora hee ek e rr ay bs ic e ? =f f ; * Lis a viok 5 thelr election, but hi the Now Work ened aad tnd teftecd tickets w both nets « i Medary yaule « Wiel «peech on thing the Chair, . The Bentonian delegation from Misswuri will certainly be rejected: The friends of Picece, Douglas and Buchanan are very sanguine, There is @ tremenduus outside pressure im favor of the Jatter, ayia A Committee of, Uredeatials of one member fram each unoottested Siate was appointed, Mr, Richardson alluded to the Missourians fur- cing themseleys into-Alie hall, and suid that the Convention should protec: itself. Mr. Hall, of Missouri, attempted to speak, but the chair refused to hear Lim, whereupon Mr. I’rice antouticed the withdrawel of the Missouri legate form were thet appointed, omaisting of member from each State, and the Convention adjourned till to-mornyw, Concise tia, June 4. Mr. Dawson, Chairman of the Commitiee on Organization, reported the name of Julio Ward, of Georgia, for President, with View Presid. :.ts from every State, and 31 Sceretaries, The ree port Was aauimousty adupted, eed Mr. Ward aor « briel epeeeh touk the Olair. The Commition ow Credentials reported in fi.- vor of the AnthBentynian delegates frum Mis- svuri, Several motions to admit outsiders to the galleries ware tabled, gud caused great cvnfi sion. The Convention tok & récem tN 4 p.m. TherMisissippi delegative bave nauived to insist epon the adoption of the platform bel. & sowination is male. Edurts are making to reconcile the New York difficulty. The Buch- Qnan mee are sanguine, The proceedings of the Cunventive in the af trace were whully uaimportant. Cixcixwart, June 4. The Committee Spon the Piathrna male a re port to-day, embencing the general principles wdupled ly the last Convention. The tions denounce religions intulermnes and proscrip oa on scooumt of birth, and atliras the Pree ples of the Kansas Nebraska act a» rales! y ing Se only sulution of the shaver; qeeetun cous eat with Congressivnsl now juierberemes iil slavery im the States aud Territuries. The Commitivs upum the Matforin abso re ported the Yolluwing resolutions, The first Je resolu clares in favor of free seme and free (rade through | wat the world ; the sepond declares the Moanx dvciring to be sacred ; Ube tind says that the ventral highways throeghuut (he Atiantic an-{ Pecifice should be geoured | the fyurth sy 110 thiges with the people of Central \urerica fifth expects the peat Administration to make evety effort to imure en merodaucy in Ube Gulf of Mexico and to maintain the permseent pro tection of the great omthets imte it All the tescletions except the last Gve sere wnanimeoasty aduyted—New York out voting The Virginia delegstive eked sad olimned leave to consider the last five resolutions, and the Cotvemtion took a recess till 4 Pm CONGRESSIONAL W asmiserox, June 2 The Senate met, but mlpurned till Thursday Ie the Lvese, the majority of the Comunitiee Spee the Drouks and Samner matter reported be teror.of the expuision of Mr. Brooks, and the consare of Mesare. Edmonsce aod Keiti The ™isorty reported Chat wo vivlative of the Lvuse had been committed. FROM KANSAS Cie ae May 3) (eemeral Pomeroy hes cxerned from Law rene eed is expected (4 arrive in this city lot A meeting is called to (Wy op June 22, to consider measucs to be taken relative to the burning of the American Hotel at Lawrence. The building is atid to have lwen owned by the Emigrant Aid Sucicty nasern | h ‘ KANSAS AFFAIHS Sr. Lov is May 3) Col, Wdridge has aerived from Lawns "hound East to demand sla wages from th eroment for the destructivn of Property at hence, (ov, Reeder came down the Minsiseip: asa deck hand, and landed xt St. Charles, sere he cromsed into Lilinvia, His trunks were left at Atchiaom, and are anid to contain letters from partes East, involving bim in a comspiraey Many Granta bare arrisin) he re, returning beet against the government Kansas em FOUR DAYS LATER FROM EUROPE ARRIVAL OF THE INDIAN Quang, Jane The steamer Indian hae arrived with Liver Pool dates of the 21st wltimo. Cotton was in limited demand, at unchanged "wer, Brendstuffe were dull at 9a Gd. decline 10 Wheat and 6d a te dectins in Flour more active, Canal flows 220. Od. 0 38s: 17 8 38. Red Wheat 0s. 6.1. 5 10+ Corn 900. 8; Yellow 24a. 6d. The sales of cotton for the three days were 24,000 Lnles Trade at Manchester was dull. Consuls el \ M944, In the House of Lords, Lord Clarendon in re- My toe question anid that the letter signed ” K. Hammond” was genuine. The agents of Costa Rica sod other South American Governments} _ *pplied to England for assistance, against Nnieer, ing a protectorate, but the pro- bosale bad been rejected. He further stated that he disapproved Of the existing state of things in Nicaragua, n A Convention had been concluded between Urkey and the Western Lowers, The weather in Rngland had been boisterous, Corn thio i} | been repitved, Mud thet gront excitement pre- weALPa PTS Advices from Aux Buyee reputt int: suttction had brokemoltt near Suulougue, and that the iusngents in, aygninet, the ee Ph 7" si vk Te tate pro wily ‘hah thd “Eda hak aor r vuiled, , Pen | NEW ORLEANS ELECTION. New Onteaxe, June 3. The election for Mayor tu-day resulted tn the choice of the American 2,000 mujori- All, the, Awnerican candidates Gxkerph two Cuunedlinen were elected, © Mack fighting and stabbing oveurred, ‘Tepagnigr, Clerk of the Ist District Court, wasthot and stated by « band Cheilinnm vy the H1thy Ward, bat three uf the | Sicilians were aul ly killed. | + 7 REPUDIATION OF FILLMORE. { Peovivence, June 3. | The American Convention of Khod» Island has reyrdiated the nomiuativa of Fillinure, ‘ ’ “COV. BRAGG AXD“TAX ATION. In bis message to the Legislature’ at the last session, Guv. Reid said: * Persons aud property jug the "principal “objects ‘of taxation, ‘ bets aitend jae he Hepapsy Prd jim @ system of revenue. It is believed that, of: | {er eaerpling ures, ench petsos'’s cstute, Jand personat, including money, whether at ine! | terest of Mul, ought to be taxed alike, acourd- | jing tu value,” | This was the language and sloctrine ek) hy} the great champion of modem de woeracy in Chis | State, Let ws examine for a moment, what the | |langugas readly incane, Lt ntenwe, first, that | jevery thing « person has, in te nature of prop | jerty, should be taxed—thut your baud and its! productions, as corn, wheat, oats, potatoes, tur. wi cabbage, in dhort, ewerythi Yuu eah pro bri vpon your land | nt ang Hp isos, (shoul! be taxed in miditive to the band iteclf: | tiant your horses, muke, aud live Stock of all | sorts, should likewise be taxed Kt means, secondly, that the man who is abl to own slaves, ny difference bow much thos slaves may be worth, shall 1#Y be Wor: tax on each une of them, than you pay on three hue dred dollars worth of your land. And if these! negrucs should be unk ¢ twelve, or over fifty years} old, then the gwner uf them shal! pay puthing —he shall yu tas free, sv far ne these classes of, ogres are concerned. Let us illustrate this by an easy example: Here in a man who is just able to own a emal! peice of land, worth three hundred dollars, and he pase va this lamd owe dollar and real! a half, ‘ns There is aman whe is al ' a hero man torth oae thorrmered of he pays ofe duitar and a | ans y ety slould 10 Fears ol oe [ah * tow dollar amd a | tas Use one if for your ba jouer the man whe re month three hatedres wilars on lamd, must pay just as muh tin ‘the man, who is worth ume thousand of hegrues: hay, Lot us put awetler case. Llere me a pow iechamic, who dome a chop sed tule enough to carry on bie businene Thee shop aml thuag touls are tased acoomling to thesis value, but the man that one the negro. pare but frvl tay MNe Mes Riore peehay These are fait illustrations of ibe duet voraysl by Gow, Rend, and tbe Le fy. Tt omnmot be demoed by at Nod yet tive parte ia Nosth the Detmactatic party Catui.es has bern the peculiar {ne w the Weetern portion of the Sue! Shame vo soch a party! Shame on such a man! Well, buw dues thie ductrine Operate apron the two extreme sewtione of tus State! In ub Kastern jpurtion of the State, the yreat mans of coment in the pegrors: and about on- half of these negroes, ae we supp. are unber ver fifty J. Im the Wes of the State. ul t mee ' roperty ry twelve and years o f « 1 ace be strate { rs . Bork heacis In the Westera portion ( laud wus if pave would la the Faster portum of +t a fartret bas a tract hemi red dotlace hewdred duilars’ ehech. om the whole tract Ow thie fan worth, b one amount t Uerteen dollars Stair, to make the exes equal, there ve a mar wh thousand oem thirteen megro men worth thirteer om these peers i yest the amount the rns f the Sit dosians negroea he thirteen dollars tax th the Western purtun mys treet of Land f eonrth Now we ask elhere if this ardid men svetem HOR, Ra ( oppere stom, be just! fet cht that the property A the Sate strogld be thus tated sumply beeamee ut happens Wal ani Bastern men themselves, to boow if tl No man, no party, that loves justices e people of the Westera partion to be land, inatend of negroes ! am) equal ry bta ever did, or ever will ad such oppreanes e pohey Why not tar ma MPT property | eye \ re dangerous Tt will beget in th honest, prowd, and pats evety pomtofvrew It stitution of slavery itself f ub men, such a hatred of the elas Ucnsererve jour oener and tee slave. that clavery itself wil] be unaafe. Thea: are facta and conclusions obvious to every think trend How ateange, then, how very stre have men and a party among 1 at prarty uw Phey are vation that the ilwut thewular Ihe reader aske what bas Gov Ira anewer, Giov, Dy Joctrine, and will, we pr the Eastern Mr. Gilmer, bis competitor, ex Jo with thie deetrne! W believes in this very dict, advocate it openly in of the State posed rte oppressive workings, in his speech this place, om the 17th inst, and ay pealet portrot Brazy, to know if he indorsed the doctrin V8. refused, and could not On this su If he condemned it, why hd he not) say Ife could have done so. He knows that) his party is committed fo it, and if he intended do justly and tairly, why not say, as Mr. Gilmer r He isa canili dor (roy wasdomb as deat anawer rect he did, that he was opposed to it? date for office, and our people want to know hia views on political questions, especially on ques tions that interest them so much as this one.— Nay, they have a right to know his views, and we are pi path that they will know them be fore they will hazard their votes for hin. We undertake to say, that a candidate who conceals lis views in reference to vital questions lik ought the votes af th yweople ye rested in buestions \\ think that our people in the mountains, ought to speak out and condemn the oppressive poliey jof the Democratic party towards us, That par \ty has, fur years, endeavored to make a foot! fot to receive such this 5 | courage to do jt, ie is Sm 9p 7 & vena i os We flak binwelf upon the people of Wt orth Carvlina, as their | Cotumervative man, while he tholde pressive policy.— Ache, Spectator, A USELESS * NIGGER.” Some time since, when Charles L, Remond, ® mulatto, was speaking in this city, we suid he Was “a Useless nigyer,” and that if he were set to work raising cotton he would be of svine ser- vie to the evuntry, We now begin to think that we were mistaken, and have come to the conclusion that Remorid will be of some service even in the North. Hu is likely to goon with impudent, Uack swagger until the northern peo- ple rise in their might and tarand feather him, not bang him. We can tell all the worshippers that they may blow abyut. “the freedum of speech” ail they Vike, but the Mansea, wha love their couvtry and revere the memo- ries uf the noble patrols who founded it, are hot much fonger going to submit to have a lack raseal going around the country insulting theay with bis infamous language. All we have Ww say 40 Greely, Beecher & Co. is, that if they ge on upholding und stimulating the runaway | [arenes at the North in the following, they had better take care of them- selves, Ata mecting just held in Boston, “My. Charles L. Kemond, @ colored maa, said he was ylad tu see driven from Kanan, as it then ap preciate bis rights as Well 1 il. “ora, said that, remembering he was a davebolder he cyuld spit upon Washington. The hissers, he agid, Were slavelollers In spirit, and every one them woald enslave Liu if they had the So near tu Fanuel Dall and Banker Hill, was he wot to be permitted to say that thal scoundrel George Washington had on slaved his fellow men!” We pity the people who are ao lust to every seutinett of patrivtism ax wo allow “a wigger” fy get vp io public meeting aud thes chracter- ige the futher of his coustiy, Yet at iiss very meeting, Wendell Phillips and Theodore Par ker, whe spoke at the fivet meeting called in Boston, “by the conservatives,” were Present and among the spukers. Let it be remember- ed, tou, that the meeting was cuantenaneed by Henry Wilson, Senatar from Mo ssuchoo!ts and that a letter from him was read in the meet ing. Whe can doubt what the ueat demand for frecdow of speccl will be! W hy, thar ab oliiouists may get up im Congress and call Wasisingtou a scoundrel, and if AY Une cance | them for it, we are to have » terrible bullabalwy abvat “freedom of specch.” We can mesure “unger” Remund that if he comes to New York 20) ase sech language a he has in Bos tun euncerving Washington, that the “bors” will Le around, and his akull will have to be 4 hau most neyroes if itis pot Pretty se voinjgured J A the North cub sick of thie beastly abolitioninin Y wot't etand thee * Myyer” in st Mew York Doy Book Biases oe b- Gov. Bragy, prior to his election to the chief office in the State, was Ly no ~pular inan even in bis own t is true that the people of Northampton sent hin: to the Legislature in 1842, but two rears aterwar: » when he was @ candidate was beaten » and two years after, 1846, he was aga na candidate, and was again hea tren. Atter that, he quit running for the Levislatare in Northampton county The county, since, las sent Loco means # county inembers tu the General Assembly, anc s Indeed, classitied as Democratic pro perty. Now, does not this feet that Mr. Bragg has wot confidence of the people of his own county! How different this from day. A. Gil cas! Tlie name ie a bousehold Guilford. The people there ani versally ve and respect him. They hie abilitv, his mtat prvve vers werd it ete it s patritions, are fect of his ow f t rt a »a kind ne glibor, neeful citi fested their confi n by repeatedly electing him othe General Ase ubly, aad in Auyost next tl jule up sach @ vote as will verwhelin his enemies with coafasion The fact 14, the crows nia They jevee in zen Have mar ey wu rly Gtesiniilar Gos Bragg is @ Mouse tician, skilled in the tricks of the ! 1} fica well “the worse ar pear the strategy, a AWwayw i take advanta ishort, you d thi : to Mr. Gilmer, you carnest, practical, sincere before yon.- n the peaker ia tan, at i// teome ofthe Sag Nicht Gen. Houston J ned delighted in eulogy uly, are now calling : Ww. see aper here, which, four efforts to We per editors, whe, u the American party, vatinat especially ts ntmost Hits wythin the ast ten Vear It looks a little curions that thoae, whe ampoon the hero of San Jacinto by call ing him the Diy Drunk, are enerall y very willing to bring the little Drank ap itial track in June next. Louimille Journal mu the Presice _-- The Freneh doctors | is eafer and better to form surgical operations than eh appheation of pounded lee and common salt parts, a surgeon lately succeeded in removing a tumor, without giving the the patient any pain, and oceasioning very little Joss of blood. The only ineverenience was, that the doctor froze his fingers, to the desenaed thus) causing namibnées and imsensibrlity large Preciowe Bullets——Capt. Ryder, who had an encounter with Arabs on the cuast of Africa, liad d from his leg at the Massachu aetts General Hospite), which proved to be a For want of a ball extracte garnet stone carefully polished lead, the natives need these pebbles der has another of then ia the thigh, which may be a diamond, Copr Ry Using such langunge as the freesoil men Leing orth are} for reelection, he two candidates arc ut. | 5st i: ‘ecm i i 4s C Fe OF mn Monday in June. Onudes ‘will be called a8 follows: begs i June 12, those froin the IstOirenie. “ 16 “ « Sth “ 24 “ 3a “ 4th “ 6th and 7th «“ 23. o “ : 6 July “s ——-'o— From the National Intelligencer. METEOROLOGY. Destructive Frost,—Vhe frost of last Friday night destroyed all tender growths in low grounds, Coro aud potatoes were cut down to the ground and strawberries much burt. All the grapes in frosty situations were killed; to- Matoes and all early garden staff much injured, mr@ || am informed that in some-places the cold was 80 severe as to kill the corn entirely, and that it raust be replanted. The fruit bere was too far advanced to be injured. Wastxatox, Juxg 2, 1856. C.G. PF. The Deep Drought.—Can any of your readers |inform us Low much sain bas fallen in two years past in this region of country, and how the quantity will compare with previous periods of the same length! We are passing through an interesting, extraordinary, and somewhat omni- ous geological, meteorvlogicol, and agricultural eyele, with an unaccountable hy and indif. forenve on the part of scienti : Olwervers; and We trust there way Le found some means of keeping the community advised of what ie oa above, around, and below us. It ie two | Yeats since the deey sprivgs beyan to dy up, and in most places they are still entirely ry. subject cau hardly be over-estimated; and if | the present state of things continues the sub- Jeet of water will before long be more absorbins to us than all the party fouds aud incidents of the stirring Unies. CAGeP: ad The crops,—In this county it is too carly to predict what the crops will be, but from present nwes, barring mishaps, the es is encouraging. Wheat fared badly from the eold weather in winter, is thin and seems rather small but vigorous, and weather moat favorable to rapid growth and development. Onts is promixing as the crop well can be, with every thing im ite favor for a large harvest. Cornu has cutime up well where Manted; Many are yet | Seeding and the ficlds and farme are al! clean | ead im fine condition. Meadows are indeed and the [lay crop must be very large. Croj® Appear promiging as they develope, and there ia on the whole gud crue to hope that the hushandman will te blessed with a | large reward. — Sshelere’ Kul | FOR FUE Ware: Man The Anu profe se to be Bat m- mow, du they express a findnese fur the Uunm which (menecan Party, a! over the country por escelleace, the great Unew Perty eepecasly, im the Cungreeswosl D sinet hovws no bounds Huarsty demands that, with these expbeemmume of hove for our ghawos | shemkd curreepond with What is the fact? Why in their late Electors) Coer-etion | a the Town of Charktic, after hong and bod profes | stone of devotwa to the Uniwn, by their oralors—-es- | qpeeially by © certain uffice bolder —they ture ngtt | found, aad—do what! Select a Union man 666 cap- | dedate for Elector! By go maneer of means. They Somineied on the other hand an open, avowed and =p tothe bub disumsenst ; aman we me an. of course, RP Wano; Een.) who has Preclaumed hemeelf « disansuset, mt because the Uaioe ws on Ses th, beat dreunmen per oe, a2 one absolute bi-ssing Party indeed Tell it mot im Gath @ the streets of Ask ston” / Owe would have theaght the Aati- (meneane had | learwed mene thing by © Aperience ; amd that after the [Poem of the Congresmumal elrctimn, in 1851, they would aot think of making the sue aguin. fet ‘hai brome wes bet upon them, sad we must teach them over agen, we wil nan, thet actions Uhe-e prede seus. enone of ap presse to th because he isin favor of The Unsiwe peblieh tay make it wapreesre (his (une have becn bed emungh fur any party to ete such a men; bet @ perty, that cians o% t « dows fe the Uren, too de this th: ate tige nee of the pesgte wpe ack bread wil you give them « stane a pire them @ eerpem UNION AMERICAN _—-. roa Tre warcwwss | THINK OF THEE There's mot 2 bird I beer There But what t brings to mem'ry dear Nemave Soot & fewer Fen. beasteous charm of th, Theres mt @ ahady gros There's net a leafy bower Rut wo ecalls our early hyve me yuwth @ hed “*: THE MARKETS Salishury, N.C. June 10 audies, I . 25 do Adamant 33435 do Sperm 45a Coffee, Re» 13016 do Java toaisx Tanners’ @ gal 00 075 Castings » 4@5 Potatoes, Insh, 50 81 do Malable 125 @ 15 Sweet, 75 g) dle do $ Oats Linseed, Peal agi 2s hee Raathere Fleur, » Sbl Ctiass Tron, Swede, 6 Tallow do. Bar, Eng. Refin'd Mites, 44.25 Turpentine 5h Wheat, 5 Wool, Oval, 6@7 Window Glaes, 3 Lard, Ma di Re 10 Lead, bar T4hak 10 12 Lead. Dry White, 10 at , ¢ Ten Dollars Reward ' ANAWAY from ihe ee ar riber, on the 29th day R of May last, a free negro namei HENRY VA LENTINE, alias Henry Lomax vieted at the last Term of Rowan Sapenor Court of misdemeanor. whipped and add for the payment of costs fur the term of IR months Sard Valentine ar Lomax, is aboot 23 years of age, five feet three and a half inches high, of gingerbread color, lerge nose, thick fips, bow -jegged, stout beilt, and by trade a Bock-mason, Plasterer and Painter He wae raixed in Anson county, and may be Jurking abuot Wades. boroagh and Athemarte T will give the above reward for his apprehension Mount Pleasant, Cabarrus county, or if confined in any yal a that FE oget him agnin. Letters addremed to me at Mount Pleasant, will be promptly aitended to CHARLES KLUTTS wr? Sard boy was con and delivery to me at June 19, 1956 The practical bearing aud importance of this / huxuriant | Mp Pa hie aie? Be Ahern bugle—~ ‘eee MARRIED; 1a this pry B Jure ist, by Rev. Samuel Rothrock, Mr. JOSEPH CRUBE and is RACHEL, daugh- ter of Mr, Elion Beaver. DIED ; In thie county, Juno 2d, Miss SUSANNA REI- MER, in the 2ith year of her age. In this county, June 3d, ARABELLA FRANCEs, iafant duaghter of Mr. Henry A. aud Mrs. Anu Wat. ton, in the 2d year of her age. Tu Tredett county, Jove $4, after « painfull illness, M,N. GRIFFIN, io the 27h Yeor of bw age. Ta L edett county, Juve lst, JOEL WHITIKER, aged about 30 yeurs, fu Iredell county, May 29th, THOMAS HALL, aged 56 years, Ip Lede)! county, June 2d, Mre. DORATHY GiB. SON, about 70 years of age. SS ciaeea Office N.C. B.R. Co. SALISBURY, June Tth, 1856. Ne place at Rai All transfers of Stock tandard and Register, Comme reial, Wiliing- publish twice. NOTICE! HERE will be sutd at the bite rewideure of Hogh R. Heil, decensed, in Vredet! ¢ ounty, near Be th- apy Church. om the bet day of eight likely NEGROES, three | oe is a good | | uly wext, six oF Kely men, of whom | Shoemaker. | Foor emall boys and oor woman and girt Regroes will be sold on a ere. | mterest (rom daic. | JAS. K. NISBET, ) JAS. W. LEWIs, 4 June 7, 1856. | $25 REWARD. | R 1X oF se Vea wwehes high. lips pr geot aad good hukruy ppyerd to be lurking about Salsbury, ur tu the country wot very far uff Hf, however, he w gue tue distance, if is prubeble he will etlempt to peas os a free nego I would advieo all men Ww exouec ihe free Papersof negrm » prufrss- img Ww be free. as there are sumectunce forged duce- | mente of this kind in the hands of those who weed | them, and sume negroes Profesniug te he free have mo papers at all, I will give the above reward for the artest of Chaiice, f coufined in mune er het aga ) The abuve Jitof mine mouths with Ezccaters lan AN AWAY (ican the subscriber ia Salebary, on the Bist u May. CHARLES, aged eb 20 vearx He ie yellow of capper color five feet pt, quite juts Mi He wo jad ao thar [ WM HO HORAH RebeLur Te) DENTISTRY. Dr. Bessent won, tense of Sale t t Row 1 foase prof eons! ct Juve th | LAND FOR SALE. WILL ell to the highest bid 1 i|- the 24th doy sf July, 1656. «@ tract« | Wiikestry’ road. ten uns Belebury. »« zg th aude if Prat ia + Merka at the danug vt Vately 315 ACRES. The emp r 1 the Wheat 4 and Kitchen © three hore wagnn Tinie, & Terme mad Uw growing os : Horses, House b farmture re Tends end gear, ome Baggy aly be sold at the same lime a va the day «of sale ZACHARIAH THOMASON Jane (Oth. 1656 ‘2 NEWBERN Wataal Insurance Co. PTRUVE wade reg berm apmanted agent ot Sake : * =n wishing Mac nth wnd d place koowan Property Phe company mew ia cecceef Perens ave property insures bes office wil t JD. RAMSAY Gum 2 NEW ARRANGEMENT “ "pe rainom. and © hong plceee call on the ee ee reamng eabecnbe r DISSOLU LLON, Kirk. hes been duamdve J'MES KIRK sipl Makers To Coach and Cabinet VARNISHES, &C. SiU1_& <1UL. Nrarsiite. Sathbars, WoC | | AVE . Ve foack Bed). fesch. Drying Japan Copal or Faraitare Varei-b, Black Asphattem Varsinh. for tree parts of Carriages, Ac., Leather \ arntse. ALSO Lamp aed Powdered Pamice Stone; White and Browse Glee the vartows Stains: seek as Rese Piak Aqua Forth. Red Saenders. ae., fmlech wiihew “(8 ARE NOW RECEIVING T the old, well Known Ext Roberty & Col, one of the largest ond | Most Splendid Assortments of H SPRING AND SUMMER SW9Bd EVER OFFERED IN WESTERN CAROLINA, | consisting of Foreigu antd Domestic ry Goods, Hard. | ware, Cutlery, Boots and Shyes, Moleskin, Panama | and Straw Hots, Boonets—Buckets, Rope, Carriage | Trimmings, Springs aud Axels, bara Flags, Queens z and Glass Ware, Saddlery, Sole Leather, Boltiog } Cloths, Blasting Powder, Nails, Yoo & Sieci, Black: | Hardware & Cutlery, Groceries, &e., smiths’, Carpeuters’ and Shoe-Makers’ Tools, Tan- to which he invites the attention of bis eastumers and ners’, Linseed and Sperm Oil, Paints, Dyestuffs, Cast- . 2k inge, &e., ke. A large stock of she pe song. 08 haw prises Sak cast od yrs customers, at whole GROCERIES ‘AB Al kinds A highe Price. Particular attention is called to) Salisbury, April 10, 1856, our large and well selected stock of READY MADE CLOTHING. { which will be sold at uoparalleled low prices in thi of Jeubius, China, Delph, tof Glob Ware; 46at ENCOURAGE 7 All the above_goods have been selected with | : TPTUE undersigned begs leave to’ return his thanke the greatest care, and we most respeeifilly invite all : ‘hase bayiag goods this season to call and examine our to thuse whe favored him with a exll during the © larger assortment than has ever been offered at ove vp he bese aerate lad the pare! age by season im thie place, and <bat we are determined to| Merers. George Henant, adjining Mr. J. Lars sell, and will make it to tho edvantage of bnyers tw | *!"* Planiog ills, where he is prepared to execute give our stock an exami wre h 5 1 work i bis line, a» cheap and goed as can be dowe ws Salisbury, March 31, 1856. | the Bate, ~ 2... | Turning, Cutting Serews, Repairing McCormick's Reapers. Boilers and Engines, = \ of all descriptions ; making aud ps EUGENE MARTIN, Aces, Min For the State of North Carolina. Spind! ‘ood Plataers, ‘ lex, W. T Office next tu Cowen’s briek row (48.10 Iro &e., and in s National Agricultural BMOLSL-sROovry|s, Warehouse, [ will compare work with any one fur neatness, wear, aud despatel ; Tnterferring shoes, $1.25 ; common do. PLOUGH MANUFACTORY, MACHINE DE- S!: cert steel toes or stee! pletes, $2. POT AND SEED STORE, Ls L have abo erected an Air Fernance for mei . . > é Brass, which answer finely, The can 451 PEAL ST. sear Fotton,Sew-Verk Brose aud Composirion Casi ings by calling at the abuwe JOUN JONES, PROPRIETOR. ing | Crtnblishinent aud furnishing putterne. Also Brace ‘The subscriber being a practical Mechanic, and having | nelted over at a reduced price, with nentnese aud de- many Years expereuce ia ihe mapufectuse of ail kinds spate of Nearcunreas. Lurcements and Macuixgay, aa respectfully call the attention of Merchants and Plau- tris to hus lange and moet complete assortment «f the . . % 8. J. PERRY. sbuve Gunde, wich he offers te sale at lower pnces; Charlotie, May 5, 1856. im | than any other House im the trade. —_— FEXS VAVASR GUANO, POXK DUST, MU PRA-PHOSPHATR OF LIMK, PLASTES . sid pare pe March 31, i2l6 44.310. For Spring & Summer, UsT RECEIVED » arw and beeatiful Stock of e? Seasonat'e Chithing of seperior quality and work mourkip, which we sre now selilag wr very ae Our stock compriees HATS, CAPS, COATS, =. PANT., SHIRTS, COLLARS and ORAVATS; DRAWERS, 50CKS, BOOTS and SHOES, ond every other article of Chihiag stquired, of the mest varied styles, qualiiy sad pree, (7° Call ond seat Vor stock te guing off, aud we are giving bargains to every parcheser. TT Our sore at the eurner of the SQUIRE, ZIMMERMAN & ALLEN, | “os Hote I. F. RACM & 0G, 56. 49-3m0 Sulixbery, May 5, 1% FY NEW Coops: ge J.V.& T. SYMONS & CO, , Mobile NCE to the citizens «f Rowan and ad- ‘ pang Counties, that they are now receiving a arge und well selected stock of Spring & Summer Goods, COvemsTING oF Staple & Fancy Dry Goods i Ready Made Clothing ; Lute and Caps ; Boanes & Straw Goode; Boots and Shoes ; Class and Qucenmoare 3 Groceries & Dye Stuffs, which they offer cheap fur cash of an short eredit. Cott and examine, a8 we are determined te evil, April 15, 1856. shar ANOTHER = FRESH STOCK Spring & Summer Goods JUST ARRIVING: { WING f onr Girt extensive purchase of Spring and Sammer Gouds i very shert thme fer they were tw hand, we bave since hid is 8 treand “wPPly, which = now arriving. I wae selreted atith are. bumght at very reduced cash prices, sed-wiiPhe wid ow. No more desirable quads heave been bromgtet to this markt the present yes?, sone-—we are care, can ~ od for bees. | stock a9 we feel no hesitancy in saying that we have |'¥8t year, and he respectfully informe the P z diat * ©. Old Copper and Brave wanted. Carpetings, Rugs, Druggets, de. A Se olansoy ela ’ ed. Call at No 3, Grannk tv oer stuck of the abov aad vened, just receiv- Row BROWN & COFFIN Salisbury, March 25, 1556 43af Wivlesale Dealers iy DRY GOODS, 145, Market Street, PHILADELPHIA 43.600 ” " ") S 4 SUMMER BLYVSE, Salisbury, March 25, 1856. qe at baa its * receiving his stock af Spring \ ¢ Conde sting of a geurral sesort Eadie Dress Goods (NEEDLE se te He ° ue F ecriptmun. Ufe stack WORKED PWRROLDERIES would reapect falls ask an © ramination cf bis stock by all parchase (rms of the newest and latest Partieular aticnine paid to prucunog Fae (+ axe, whether they have been wmtruduced thts eectom before of mut who weeb si lee E MVERS PRESBYTERIAN FEMALE COLLECE, STATESVILLE N. ¢ - mad seron of thee inetiteteen well oy her ccet nor pains, A commadans rmtare and sparatue will be ' wrth, sed tHeomec Pry ade A excot BROWN & COFFIN, Ne 3, Granite Rew. ef Wer than any other swnidar in be pa ™ pos . WANTED 7 () SHARES Cape Fear Bank Stork Apply ODN with casts pric hus offier, by mute adderan IR is ) | ‘THOMAS. E. BROWN, Carriage, Buggy and Sulky Builder, ® new carrying on thr above We sed eas 20. 16 ad Towels fornmhed by the B rier of the Ruard S B OL WILSON, Pree M tal Owl PITTMAN, WADE & CHARLTON. Successors te WILES &4 PITTMAN. : ° : c . advise General Produce : ne Me aM advtee agp COMMISSION MERCHANTS “=<: <= —a= Je regeired—et yde, Peter m hw wy ss { dees wot giee eatin. RIAKE Pires oth * door, be-wtlitabe : ‘ ae a k—surk as Cora, Mt : “ Oats, Bacom, Lard, Horses, Provender, Manbet, WARD ee ane . : LIVE! BLE ber te buy or te sem mine his 2.and els tent he can give vatisfection to * + ’ oe pet ep fork ot ew ond the better Lirs. iY STA OO SSE '°Ss PATENT REAPERS AND MOWERS. COMBINED. LN | EMORY'S PATENT RAIL ROAD pr pphes OM -e nned always yma be ext to ¢ on hau MOCKSVILLE WALE ACADEMY, eae his Lostitaien will commenee 0 F inet. The Aeunshing & ton. and the met endeavars to keep it ep hee heretofore tbe prepared to enter aay or Colleges which tteonm whee anvot of 5 monthe, #2 00 12.08 15.08 CRETTER, A. @ re) ob RFEEREACES " t and | ality of acy DD, President uf Davidson College ; n John WM 1d. Hon Joho Wo Dick, Greene. broogh; FOE JF fell, Eeq, Selig mary he Universtiy : Rew Shober . Beg. I> ORSE POWERS & THRESIERS penne hacribe re are * receiving the fincet aaah I « DRESS Goode Mred to the pablie. which she yap at a amall pr ey vie particolng attention swe MAN TILL am; ind ’ st oateof BONNET RIBBONS, EMDROLDERITES Nir Sc Grneece Mee \ COFFIN fees y har mpl wherws cof HRW SN Ni ~ AGRICULTURAL. ge TT —— — om Application of Manures. | The value and necessity of manures to: successful farming is vow generally ad- jtted, Lut there is still mach that is foniey im the modes of applying them ; while it is acknowledged that there $e etill mnach to learn respecting their op- eration, there are afew principles that ex- perience teaches are worthy of nore notice than has yet been given them, Qne of these is that in the same soil enme varietivs of the cultivated plants re- quire more manare for their growth and) perfection than others. Every farmer is aware of this; he knows that) corn re-, quires more manure than peas or beans: abd that some of the tap-rooted quick’ growing plants will, w ith the small allow: | ance of manure at the outset, give good crops on soils where the grasses, or W heat and barley, would be a failure. Few, however, have inquired inte the reason of these facts, or allowed them to have their proper infleence in the application of their manarcs. The causes of this differ énce in the requiring of manare are sev- eral; one of them is their adaptation of | drawing nourislwent from the air, instead of depending sulgly on the eyid for it—, Quick growing plants » ith broad Jeaves, and few roots, or those single and deep penctrating possess this power in areniar- kable degree. the commen pea fur instance, and coim-} pare it with that of corn or wheat, and; this difference wil! be manifest at once — The rovt of evrn spreads in every direc Only examine the root of tion ; it clearly requires a large and rich pasture ; its double set of roots seeins provided at once for support and nearish: | ment, and itis rewarkalble that the last throwing forth of the roots take place pre eisely at the time when large supplies of gutriment are required for the formation of the froit. The rect of the pea, on thi eontrary, is very moch smaller in propor tive to the bolk of the plant; it dues met spread tike those of corn and wheat, but it penetrates to a ecoms wore adapted t) provide the movie tere than the nutriment of the pliant Another canse why plants do net re considerable depth and qaire equal supplies of manare, is to be found in the fact of their not all consuin ing the <ame time in uriiving at pertectin Asa general rule it may be said, that the Jonger a plant is in th seil before it turns its seeds, the more the soil is ex hansted. Of this, kuown instance as ¢ winter wheat # @ Wel. upared with sum mer wheal, Lat perhaps a still better ex ample is that whack allusion bas already been made, that of corn and peas The leat Fequires not mere than twu thirds the time of the funmer fur maturity, and 1! exhavativn of the se! by pared with the former eof aremarkably raped grow tl: and be ha beep selected as one of the best plant» known for its process of groen manuring Ueed in this way, it evidently returns t thie evil more than it takc.s from it, ferti tT cannot be enn Buckwheat th jeing instead of jinpove: hing. and leas mg a moct larger sappy of organic at ter fur the use of t iture crop, thar existed pres ious! A canse not renritely allied to one jst considered, 16 found in the well Kron re eolt that where tie seuis are ty be tered on the # s crcater than w the seeds are’) be matured on the « more manocre ia required, ’ ‘ worse, the exiaustion of the wl ia urea ter tha: where enc maturits, OF f for mate of seels ches mt take pia Thus while a er or beets et hauste thes i's r v little, ited for of turwiys eaine plants whic: an aneting hind, as evers ate of the mnt ex grover of the sce iaknows. an tnay be sad do matnre ther - ethe fi a h ‘ rarnple I the «are ver is ale VW chover is cut ef is af Toots seen) searce ger, new 6! amd the extant is tah fe evi nt f : ee: comrary, if « r 2 A ont poant thie ’ as Great iivlec ‘ at of wad { re and reseeding ts ter teed From are pot ale at thos ' 4 ther, it } f equal quant . \ tren Matsecle aseer la n these i ‘ daces the ext offect Wie F ‘ not lett pleatian there are few « coils on w epanure ta Het ‘ are « crepes V irc ow tions of strony or q@ould be fatal Thos “ ‘ feta quantity that v J deatrov whet and tire pea re Un seer an thre ‘ aaa vot a i plat e that reo e etna | oreing that characterizes the action fresh manures: while that action to oth-| ers wonld be an injury instead of a bene-} yin, fit. Of this, the vigorous and productive corn grown in or around okt yards, ¢ posits of manure, and the lodged, rusted, slirnnken wheat of si:ilar places, is a con- clusive and instructive example. We are convinced that the best application of manures is a subject which has received too tle attention from our farmers ; and while he is to be commended, who ap- |plies all the manure within his reach, more protitable results would be realized by many, were they to be applied more in consonance with the laws which gov- ern the growth and nutrition of the seve- ral plants cultivated.—Ohio Valley Fur- mel. Seg ge From the Svathera Farmer. Weekly Gleanings. Though the propriety of eutting wheat in the dough state has been advocated as long as we can remember, yet we believe most farmers wait Hl the grain becomes We be- lieve however, the harvest might be safe- hard, aud the straw fully ripe. ly commenced wheu the wheat is in the, dungh state, not only with advantage to ithe pertion first reaped, bat with the ad | ditional advantage of being able to secure ! the remainder before the straw gets toy, dry. The grain may be said to be fully perfeeted when the stem, fora few inches below the ear, has changed to a golden color. Tn case of rust there isan obvious | propriety in cutting at the earliest mo- ment. After the attack has conmmenced, the wheat, so far from yuluing anything by delay, suffers a daily lose, For the satisfaction of those who may be in doubt as te the relative advantages of early and lute cuthing Far ner the tullowmy account of un we subjoin from the Tenues ee of { and holds whatever is intended as food, meme parm nnmeeesees They gfew to a very large size, and so strong as to drown a man by embracing - sn A ADOPTED AT THE SESSION OF WATIONAL COUNCIL, Fen. 21st, 163 This I was told did actually hha WEW eat 4 ¢. “2 F Mills, Moose & Oo. EG tedve tolutorm theirmany frieads and the puldie generilly thatthey wre tow receiving and epeaing iv the. Brick Hons erty oveupied by Kounedy & Mills their stock of STAPLEAND FANCY ; ; . : hyd a cunent te ioe BO ren tv @ native of the Sandwich felunds| **- An hamble acknowledin ment to the Su | Pewas there, I have freqnently | preme Being, for Lis protecting care vouchsafed seen large pieces ofaquid floating on the | to our fathers iu their successful Revolutionary j water, perhaps killed by the sperm whale. | struggle, and hitherto manifested ty ts, their de- [ saw a piece once, while sailing, which | ceadamts, in the preservation of the ibertios, the ] | : ae to ie teu ae in diarweter, jindependvmee, aud the anion of these Stiles, | are is rh : an frou the nel sels ek tbe perpetuation of the Bederal Union, pees h vole, from two te three feet ys ihe said of cur eivil and religious liber | tength, . ties, aid the uply gure bulwark of American In- ’ ly Lhe squid is active, and lg ea dependence, = Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, ov an enemy, can eject an inky fluid that F y is ; ‘Ne a j ca Jee te ds y re t i Ba, Amerccans must yule America, and to thi age enaityit ab tbebeiedie + bison tapeiods will cover the water for seme distance | end nu lige bur citizens should be selected for nll | sige. LY wre ube reoeiving the bergest aud beat ronnd, and thus escape sometinies frou | suite, Federal, aud runieysd aitices or govern ed stock wf Groceries ever offered ip thin market his enemy, tient employment, in pectereues ty all others: re thet sel ullot whieh they are determined to sell at pr | | ' [have said that TI es the squid | nevertholess, ore o ne ane ST MARKET PRICE iv : ‘ti : j He : % 7 E “ric. are He) S. iHES q , t lived by suction; this Tohall prove by) 4th. Persons Ve ee eo paid at ull tines for Plier, Wheat, Corn, Corton, and | fanalogy. As betore stated, the sqrt bras | temporarily abroad, sould brs eubiiled to ald) all kinds af gouairy produce {ibe rights of ative: burn cildeis 5 but January Sh, 1556, jno teeth, and of course cannot chew; its)! ‘ : ie ibill is to hold fast with. On good whale} 2! Nu pemun should be selected fur po itieal | a station, (whether of uative or foreign birth) whe | ground, if we take a piece of smooth se tines Te mt . + . . ‘ COLLET Ese y Albee ol Vb t P : : pearl shell, it Will shine brightly s Ter it ee eae Lana B iede i ppiatale Re FEVUE sabscribers! respectfully invite the attention f Y dlescrptiow tu any bk z ey ¥ H * . ee ys { . f of. Farmer aid others, to their lerre aud ele- be jiye fe dled inc ‘bs long 5 ey we TOC) Gwer, oF whe reluses ww recugitiee the Federal | gyut stuck of Stapleand Feney Goods. “Phe asaurt: | Wide j to this ash three fish hooks atthe id State Coustitutions (cach wathia is sphere) | meat is exteasiye and of great variety of style end [lower end of the shell, back to back, 5°) 4. paramount to all other hws a8 rules of poli quafity. Cull at No. 3, Granite Row jas te have the points outward; have a} cal action, | a — | ry : R : i jlong line attached to the upper end ofthe | 6th. Lhe unquahticd recognition and malate _ oo ! ebell, with a small sinker. On some still | nance of the reserved rights of the several States, ee: ae | night lower the hooks by the line inte the | aud the caltivation of larmeny und frateroal N kK W BOC KS, Jecean, andas it lowers jerk it up and quod will, between the crizeas of the several J ee jdown, and continge te lower mt una you States, aud to this end, uot-umtertyrenee by Con- (eV UST RECEIVED Rowe Clark. by Faany Ferny ‘feel something on the hook; thus Yon pares with the | questions appertaining solely to | Lessing's Bleld Book of the Aweneea Revoladaon; | a ’ . } | A irece ave . tond Time a Coming. bv TS Anhac, We First may at almest any tie hook np said, | be ' Aeon pine Reason, by Beatti © Révnckle: The flidden Pu h, by Secing something bright or shiny, they oot eke WED baad : | te Author of Aloue 2? ine the Lite of a New y ® . a Tth. The recognition of the right of the na | y z gh az A nnomedately dart te it, and embrace it]. » Pe it TUE) York Sangeots be Br Disoas Preveott's Philip tae mifewiewdl (ee lacledoa ‘Trivebort and naturalized citizens of the Cuited | Second, 2 volume; : aif | To Farmors. | Salisbury, Mareh 25, 1836. and wouintervention by | airs of any other State. ' 451 ENNESA, (thereef, tu fretoe their constiqution aut laws, anc 5 Beurkoctler ' the requisite population for one KR sprescatatire in Con cross, /roerded atwuys, Uhat none but hose who are citizeus of the United States, au der the Constitution and jaws thereuf and who} the aqnuid) which was The jaw of disturbed, liangs “5 t , Sites, permanently retideng in any Territory | VMeniiirs 8. S. Prention ; Abbott's Now comes the qnestion, how Goes tic ’ : : {| Life of Nup lead Bottaparte | \ a vast hak . ; lel a : fo d "i 4 | bie ae ue ae ih He LY pai | ty regnlate theie dumesue and suet wll tins in! hs = #8," tbe me _. a | wnt al hie 'T “ot r , think itis Gone ftheir own mode, subject only to the provistons | ° = | as follows:—The whale goes down te) of the Federal ¢ oustitution, with the privilege ot : . such depths, tanght him by a law of'na-ladanssion into the Union whenever they have G. A. MILLER, saan ea oe : - vaser . oO ture, where hives ATTORNEY AT LAW, * created for his subsistence, Pr MOCKSVILLE, N. «. a the whale, het error . 3 down, | Suppose froin 45 fa when imuvediately uppusite the Davie Hutet Ms yreat wort, and so his mouth is open. Displaying, Se 8 fixed residenes im any such Terntorr, | ‘ a ehite A sy : ; Apri! ~, Is these large white glistening teed, and [5 to participate im the turmation of the con , sUiiulion, or vn Ube emactment of laws lor sat! sides of the jaw ales white and slime, { . 45.Jine | | Territory or State \ | Bea. An enforccinent of the principle Ghat nu | Stove of ‘Territory aght to adamt others than eatiacns of the United Sentes tu the right uf sul the squid ne Rooner sees te thie le darts on te the jaw and teeth and se be comes an easy prev. Hf this were not so, SPRING:SU MER ‘ soul he w pk re ‘ 4 how could the e hale. large a | CTUMISN | trae oe of holding pubttion! office, ashe ix, ever find his ab Woth bir wih. A chausre tu Ube Laws of watoralization, SX where [have described it, he wold | araking a couduucd residence of Cwenly cue “ - tact ali mot heretebahope pers ted fur, ate dee be likely to go by it and reand it, or sew vc how cree ting our Geen! sarply. eobrac at ated dese sight of it Does any ootves ea tisite bor citizcumlipe berentter, steel wire ne UP APLE @ PANCY EXPPRIMENT LN CUTTING WHEAT. suppeme the squid woald dre still, leper gall popers, aed pervs convicted uf I adapted Ls the Secese—ail ot whieh have * A practical tarmer in this State ha that the neat time the whale came roan aiding Upaem our ature; tre tas been tmaaght ot the lowest hgures. aud whech we age oh ee . mc ®* he weld be ae lucky astetakeand devour Wille the Vented riggtils of be re determined to dfer at wei cate and ell ot prices sent tu one of one rural papers two sue Lang DP boleve not LOG. Op amt on ty ay Gntet Lele e ware Se w enti ictom ‘. : 7 7 . ' , - mn sud ex ain, cur muck Lefore you purchase ap Moles of wheat of the same hind, grown The fernale whale ismnch smaller than Vel Date. wu sberivsetes walle relaguse te we are di tenmmned to eet sia i “ the same field, but cut at different tines Ne males ben tall green she as tren Ye ae bens catlee ber vee MERITY, MW RORTE cn sd ’ : lwente tal tiwentwhve foo lune. ina nm Lhth Bree abd Unmsough tavestygation plo , : : : He etutes that one sainjle was cut on Qilon the male im oun i Ce at All alleged abeimen ot prublic tune! beta Nihetury. Vwi ¥ eae - ’ Pony, : ss a} ara ; ‘ New LA ®. Gran wrist toe Suth of duly last, iv a green etate, She has never more than two veunsones Se neh aloes Dn ee — ‘ a ; 7 ‘ _ Ie . hea lematce ate enter etl when the crushed yram 1 the appeu CBU 20 ! ! pe Betty Unbeor Ue " a ies Pe aA hiatlt Camel) a Peele pie woce of thick dough 5 the «ther saul Ae SUD ae CD ei UL " 1 es ‘ as onl Ge two feats, s fienart . raf \ Was CUL mid Gade later ha Cope state, be gy part oft ‘ ‘ Ve ts 1% fovkbess and una ears dr» pong, and the pram firms and ' slits or creases thas ‘ | t =i: mhin rT ny x hare Bet satuples rema ned in stack eat putes SNe om Ln tierool f ‘ 4 4 1 ‘ ‘ fairs, é . enek, a the water ts etcludead “ reimosing 7 An Celi Octubes Wotie v whalcign : i : . disc valiice te was threebed, it was found that toc yen Cuecebe Doce front off awd qlmcsie loeizin gs o ent portion was equally dev w thoes ent Warren, RI led i ne ' trenger, ated « or! but besides Maat, the green ¢ yr Vhe writer of the fore nog ar CIS 8 Somanthy tend aunls skher power Accdi tw eut ; ; oo ; well known sea captain, ated moreover. se : eects . 4 li , : “i saa _ weighed tweuty-eight eunces more per i . the a ° ie Lick us REASON TOGETHER. ’ exist it eehijeista te ; bushel t 1 that w lh was allowed ft ates his a iitorthiont va laater f ie ; nia foee-b reat i ' etaud till it was quite ripe, at 1 othe fier sen i VM ‘ we tlveten ot anets and Nebo: 4s we wer has been also found te preluce a bet Ovcea in stn wie hat the Ko iax , refore iv ft L ca~k ss gine whom th rt ler Gunite uf tloa , With one twee lila less sides in u ¢ 1a ‘ orvn th pre { stat reauer } - . ! ire 4 ‘ ’ — ‘ Peers ae a rue : From the Sevenufic Amen Exoouxsow witia W . , ¢ fh halve The \perm W hale and its Food. or thre: weeks r a sery x ' Len. bheres rely ¢wetingictils. art eal 7 ‘ * ‘ ut rte ul 0 brace nee mers thera ie & * Fe eine eee nale ig tetcbsen ta hong re wes HOLLOWAY'S PILLS. 3 tedele sap jealances be rect pitine tree eee it mary i ety ton \ vou 2 ee Ale Neer ae Rope miles ; act iles iWererulcie WITY ARE WE SICK. r t ‘ vin ; r paris wy Forks. Tle conn Ne \ ; Bsa iatssr FA ware toe er ‘ Ses ar ii , - ‘ ’ . . ba . oan bd $ pote ? ‘ ica ck ee Gn ; earn 2 WK Nrasete he DELS my 0A ‘ ‘ urs ‘ pee a , : rv ar . ’ . } mike PL WAL siitanice Went a ; ee ae : aoe tant abe oe tne man £ " tat ( : beet ’ thee ubines isthe uss pase ! . i 4 . « Oe dita t > “a. a ‘ ‘ peer nah : “en bis tracns t aol ct "Nal? bf Ee 7 eee IC". TAESE PILLS PURI;Y TAE BLOOD. o , se t at aloo n-the = haben thd theta) ' oP ite serves ¢ ao ¢ 2 re fi- = ~ ‘ ‘ , . . . a owt - t ‘ + \ 4 ; r . - t I ‘ % ery ’ : ( pepecaney an r ‘ i ‘ “ tries MRS ime. it f whack \| \\NH0\ OTE D7jsPS231A & LIVE? COMPLAINTS ' ; ] ‘ . a VO . a . ween re ere tatee Pi. be “ F = ‘ ' no 4 ‘4 is ‘ ‘ ts 4 — . : ae ' 1 ' Liye tent SALISBURY, N.C. ° ve : ; « , } weal autete ste ° j a ; Ser: eling ithe bare . cae i. : . ie : . e ne a : SINERAL D=BiLITY. ILL HEALTH. r ‘ ee nae 7 | f at s ou eee tnalitis : ee CSE oe ; , ‘ elf puren belie Dtonse ACCOMMODATIONS . peat ree sy en iiigece wealhant IS ‘ ‘ ; - Bye Petraes s . as uf Yi spers clown t Le Sep , oes un i. FEMALE COMPLAINTS ‘ t & ‘ ~ "a . sa we le . bd ° ‘ atet i e 7 ‘< ‘ " “ : ' } 1 it r Ma ry . rua : ; . tracter, Phe wolf sna Ioiine vot : faluws sore ' i / ‘ / i : Reape eee uitete | I ENN RBOQAS. ey elim aly ‘ al aterinnse ia ve > ove 4 ‘ “wy ana . Acaienier : SP RPCEINED 7 . 4 ' ‘ oh oe . r 1 I ares CA < . 4 ‘ Pie hy ss la 7 = RB Pie " . ‘ these flee wr t uy 9 ! , vida halt It ees " teagan s = bispocate ait ow ‘ e ; t r I ' J ENNIss Re , Beachy ea ina of y 3 . oe TUE WILMINGTON THERALD oe ‘ t W . . fd eerk Ri and 6 ron a Le mn | tole : eee ias ‘ \ ‘ ere ba Det {iowa tale JAMES HOR ALL es f mst y r\ ‘ ; . WATCH-MAKER AND JEWELER, i pier yy. Bah ' on rf . 1 M I, a y RINTOR) i EWGLAND Ime door Wrliow I. A A. arpley ts 8 i r] 7 ’ The t t aa k ERE i , : .. thse “7 No owercns weeny ‘ = J Sa ee er | ‘ acaKs ; . D “ ae . : : . Dysp2p3ia Cared. ens “ art £ Ae ie . ‘ 1) Hoe CCERA CELEIRCN RD. At 1y44 ' tn . ~ = h4 4 uv . pany | “ ( , arte it brie “ ‘ Les wt ' e bore v ‘ : . - - parte | . jue weston gcggleee DR. W. F, BASON, meat ' Salis Mo J ; : ’ . ‘ set008: y DENTIST. | “ ; a ‘ - OFFICE VEXT DOCTOR WHITEHE (nes. Pat ‘ ae mr AaceHIAt tliat ; Mackerel! Wickerel!! rae - r t ap aos coment \ ' Csi geet 2 e Mibet Gh lice, J ' Mirae tee bete Wall bible aar rf] " ° . - . wow ; MILLS, MOOS @¢ DIBBUb «+ BUNCE. . z ' ie eG We ,; Hiden ’ " , Calsin tl, Dibdte. Jonathan t!. Hance, ' - . . , ‘ late of W © sf Lat Kinet we rk : : Valuable Land for Sale! (' isi a * a * » e ‘ Jer de Tribes No ee r dale: (ommission Merchants : . ' ' { . WILT, etl p lgneltmme landane (he eek : | parca oy ees eee ("In Cotton, Plour, Grain, Naval Stores, a ee moins eeme ung <0 acre Peete il mETON " = ‘ Ny Feel ' want te Wan gi Pak vanes Seathern Prodace Generally u“ . ' ah Aaauinenignise lism determined No. 180 Front Street, Temas Pre t a be a eredit mun nme Wo five years on LIF IF Fosse. va door nes ind , ; the parchaer ra : - : nN Powell ger eel mint my eteed. erep. forming tools ROPPRENC HS Ora ‘ i \ ' poten thie etyt and gr “ he Central Rael Road. pr Han Wm 4 (ewhem. Wilevorn’ V6 . asthe ff wens f Jost Ia f hoe cd Leet my taod 1 will woth a bert of even and five Men La I ates . . Aer ; ne iy . or . : cad of horses, whether feel! the ined ne net DARD Wane, Fg Pret WinWial Cliren der , ‘ It lias ar rt ; wt am ir fiw St lNereire. cmaelli GEORGE WILSON Btevenenn, Raq , Cache Banu of W s SH z if ; far ; ; Twill ales pry a liberal pre: for a white ‘angie m ‘ urd " wv odee for | r Are yuu not asuamel Of age moinage. ant neat Pell G. Wisenean 4 AE 4 { eit owineh it enbraces courelf, Jonata? Ao 92, 1856 mor Blan Wirrants for sale Uere. Ordere for Michandianemitd cots rignnie mtr tO) and wher Peoluce, fur aalenor ahipaent, ima fally repeived and promptly atteuded tu. Moy 1855. Rist ey il _ row Tremendous Excitement AROUT "TRE Westera Exteasion! |* G Ride Subeccibe re being desirone of extending their boetvese in the West, as well ae all other diree> tiruestuke thie method of jofumuing tric umimerour frivude ond patrons that they are now tecriving » spleudud eiock READY MADE CLOTHING. od Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestings, and Geit-| cae emen’s Farnixhlug Gecds a general; allof which wilthiqecedd most shneking tow. Alaa, a suleadid eivek of HATS and CAPS, Dou't take our weed, byt cull aod satiefy country, the bntert a me rv vig wil stent stvbe, yuursely ex. JNO. A. WEIRMAN & PRICE, Morchaut Tailore. 06 4. F. ANO@RENON. Ww. D anYNoONoS. ANDERSON & REYNOLDS, CROCERS, breeare of wdvlighifbehmute, Hut agp towa ot eine: the Mee! Commission Merchants, "25 "522 | be cess & witle rte te Apemwnerel fees al J NO. 10, ROANOKE SQUARE, top an inimie nee eagle, wit ge emte: 2 DO PD ing SFM Dee with plewrure ott alt beh Pay artive attention tu the ante of Flour and wthet fall ¥ wud by ts fberel plies invites hinds of Pruduce, owed a charge | beeitp 8 bond Pradwi auoion wanecennery Chere pda thes bd wy ede te pn he Mth wrateru Reilewd rercive thea, together with th». j randy of veher things, the producia sd the Eny: the dealer ug « hivthe « bhown, oad th: ound w rehord ond uw? tA, . > | ce-eel ova fi bill te ball, end wakes the diowes . CUMMING & STYRON, | ove af mypining fol volsbe, uilirh bowie le Whe Aen. M MIS TO renndmg valleys: the secne gn wel—ginws!~end the co. Ss Ww cud je leyend the partte)ing hill of the 1 We hod bet a ghinpee— but whet Oy , aup | 0 tu bet cv ntinnd Mery ‘ Forwarding Merchants, |! sw= os ciea som WILMINGTON, N.C. ANDREW wepnete Pombern pane oC at ) ‘The dreamer, hing. the boandery of present tied a Kagie City o few youre bente. be) ul We st w city of Henuiital propalitions ag tee ples pramting brwvewe wide ¢ of grembe butions wank glitperag the cheerful beams of # Vernal same Sulisbery, N.C. Sept. 1058, 3 COMMING Cc. W. pT YRON ; he ‘ hahah - BAGGARLY. dew F.b Sh. 1455. Particular sts en paid ty etling Bloat, Corn) “tton, and al kowd> pradwee bee, Le PETER W. HINTON, COMMISSION MERCHANT, TOWN FPOINT, iyerTois, Wa. { | | | | iy39 | | ; Syrei.! attewtion paid te Sriling Tobaeco, Flour, Gcain, Cotten, Naval Btores | \\ ny Micoih shoott Reahers cum ge Marth te fey yp wche eotemmehivery hen ties far ot al ood tee eubetention! artiotee #t heae peers teorky saving te ptie® of tren. Liat thee pooper mony Bet he Gereined, aud oop cnet © that TD hece te emer, O het. eh pond «tet ef peed of the ppletipal aries thet b manalcrere &c. Also, to Receiving and Porwarding Gaoons. VEGETABLE LICUONTRIPTIC va }\ dim tout aden FRIEND OF TUE WOMAN PAMILY | & - worty, oo | ovrewsiwe row cod we hog theme teveder, Ab @ork warren: ference thee eacerental aperation aed ren DINELSED KIDNEYS, & i ath Ped l ; fer ; pa pe se ate feud a) ohett wetive, do hed . un i A dur ys, W kh 1 Cerme corr. of me gticble Bhdeo pt Rend nena the Lena, We | 3. & THOM PeON Throne sischte modwnee 2 hh eclc os the WMevie Da vetme en WO, Bem bet 36 Conti tae ehovite: wt Ibe. 0 Cennphedl’s. on be coag wi Ree ag Mute ta Chetan evens BESS UST COMPLETED ' : srelina WV ‘~ re hl dal os 4\) TOR SALE. . SNE a ey peepee eae, peep nn XK ff thee cobbeeed THERAMING Wa- e | me se : as ee ( CHINE= ast HORSE POW BRS. tees darters and = : he Virwry MW ctine of Baltnmenre ; whieh wilt de v0 : : ech th my er heenew ge aay ether marten ; ° h- wol ye wee ne ee. Made of seat oo mater od «rvected he 12 aemathe nae M1 eS 2 8 THOMPSON : . My 3, 36 (de. LAND FOR SALE. 374 AF PANN 4 \ | aa sha ) : b a ie od tcc Ml and ener Smt * . 2 14 - pee he en ‘ j 4 Pevmeri te € ‘ eo wee A he ohery rox _ l OR SALE, re Tae % Ceram. Jor Beheor. cad ake ( iy he watereed Thed Cree, 14 mules erst « ras pa he: Wiestere Eerenceen mac be weer Sebetmry At Wom moe Dig cn the Wencre ae eek va oe 2) . tly be erated a 6 atl o* ; e o\ems See Appts tes ddew A Bey dow of Molshory, 7. Oer.ber 30, Leb “wa * - - ; . a, pe rat TR] Soeaseeee WEEKLY JOUN W STEELE ) “6 4a a.58 Ww Bo \ Bec re DIOTY Nba RO be awe Of Fear flerse Post Coache-, . he Wesier he oa. t Re snows Wer; ; : ha dedig ikceaes AL sisbars to Morgentom, ria Statepeile ard Nt & ae FoOARD I bs Mirch 14 1e%e Rbtrce Ream Wie NC wares Newnes on Mantes eseremanens ' > doy 01? we 4 vod arrvee at Margera: orl va broek fret, and bewver Weagenton oF sie «and arnves is Melehery om erat deve MH terri f ‘ pone ot etpense well he spared tx 7 make he mae combertabhe aad eaprditn-es CENTS ¢ bs feud Pump Rene see simithe Spice a Pa : € § BROWN , Comeeseter » & Rk aires Weve - Ju "1, 1058 aa aed Genera = a con ‘ Soca eeree Wanted Immediately, Baal tan Users At the Silver Hill Mine, cere allies H . ANY QUANTITY OF Stes atetge hati" leg an! M mee Mhede, Shoes WOOD AND COAL. i me . : : _ : io ae ie a ‘ WM LEAVES WORTH, Sep Setver FEM. ee 2 beSS. ball . ved an tue - wt ”> o ont, 0 het s : relers Qu peyumrnio re st > Be rereanacicecs NEW BOOKS. \ . WILLS, Moot aw en JUST REC. LIVED The Teotemony of 08 0% y tie Tenet pa N fr he Sistert cad of Me. Jone ph Po OND ED G9t FC EtEses, oh: Be mate Lite mepeng the Bermnne. 1 » Mi temen Elder: The Meme Geran O7 COMMISSION MERCTEPANT eo Wi 6 Chirk: The Lamp Maghier, © Xe Oharilotto, N oO, aglicedt Ny sot eden 4 Yuen) Gere Se : oa om «@ ard (Querch), New Edumac in owe tots fh 4 BN Nias Cotton, Corn, Flour, Wheat, and all ‘ sikad Rees COUNTRAY KPROYDUVUCHE To Gentlemen. In cteme TE CHARLEST UN aN) NER Vere Liberal Advances made on ( ensiguments qh subectt re heave mow on held the most ere- " seorienent of CLOTHING ever tebre ‘Sietnie an see fi re vs CW ag Now 3, Grane Rew SAL desks, Bey. Ralontuity (he WAV iewmes ROWS &) CORE Sahebary, Mareh 25, 1aa6 4aif acs. ston NV Mont, Learngion, Kobe t , . s beg New York ae i» DR. J. J. SUMMERELL, Dr. CHARLES T.POWE ] AN rom ved tor bie Often wt his tedidence. whe? he will be happy te receive prafenmumal of Pr reer tite fre. de irlog vormanently loeatedia Salisbery respect. I [ Folly te # yorsol viereta tt if LNW There are many pereans indebted to me M4 (ree C ewes We aecinnt ard have heen tor veversl yrere | ome Mahobury. Awg. 270h, we eornesti\ orge allewch to call ead aw whe hunet he done by May Coart, eloe I chell bn crt Ger a erdler Greensborough natebury, Jn. 29, 1856s 3s MITUAL INSUBANCE COMPANY. dae REMOVAL. flucuranee on the yatplanie hat a aed tino compored with » jntetoth company OWN © WELRMAN & PRICE have rem Mite ccmpiny being leeated inthe Western port af thre of their Clothing wad Tailaring Botabliakwrn''" State. com wily mach the burger parte nef thenshe oppeme Merphy. Mefumne & Cu, 10 the eorner ™ nite Wet. very mediately opposite R&A Marypby'* Swre Sati-bory, Nov. 12, 15S af wy tee uely free fron eve mage DR. 8. REEVES I ANS located in Raliebary, ond fr hie profeseisnul serviers to the M O fic twy daore betuw Benjamin Jniinn * nore April 21856 aecly JOB PRINTING Veatly -neruted at tite Offies tnd up therefure euntidently recommen ° Ntihelame Vandal Meeting the following Offiee.. wereriortod for the enemng yrur JAUME S SLOAN S 6 CORBIN, Vice Premdent ( OP MENDENHALL, Atuormey PETER ADAMS. Mee'y and Treasorer PETER ADAMS, Mee'ry Cran’) Agent President be w Ma WcewMerrs 14, saa, 17000 rend an step ile ard wend Fr Merge © gent tare ted ta me vettleme 1 shel! b=a was we remored ehmons fem eorner 1m lene Dt ahd rg? EVES , ond «flere ‘4 to the per alinn’s wore 4erty O fice fits Aol sates | RIMELLION MAS CRAC. TORED TOOL. i b « Iolitnkeg and Aérlous duistaky, be uy prose that the recat diflivaltivs jn pik uboat Lawrence pepe eotmsimed hy any. consideral ly wusshdrol bote fide Kansas wthers Arvin the! free Swmtere) We baye exjagased, guys thi De triot Pree Prem, Cte gtarfids ot »; inion at the collixiga At Laweence wax predityrmined by the wortherw, Abolition Vresidvutial aperators—that the resintidoge te the execution of legal pros cont Wis Eetrrangel fee sale dd eX reat pars pose of Procitting the Very result over which ve much #scilement ie sortigelit to be needs The plan. wae se Comprobynsive as to cinbrave the manner and the menus of spreading the ong erated ageduita of the Affiir Grout ty us by celograpl.” Ef jroo, flier than teat whiel Ube whole Trtesetion wears Upon its face, wer wanting te couvinge exon the skeptical that we did pol express oe mistaken opinion, tix to be found in On eit joined iateterpicd letter, «! dressed. ty Gow. Kubiuwn by ane of the Pow renee fells, Lh Gears slate, * Lawrener, Mas 1363 ps 1” BH Was welt after Robinson, who Vad belt forthe Bast : * Gaeeriot Robinwn: We ware Ais i one of us, We linve, since yom deft, inn adadition ty the fences, wine huudeod aud « iehty wrore 4 fefn us, all well armed, and will osc Une bordes riMttans fell, Whenever and elerever we fin them, But be sure and got us more of rifles, fewder, and ball, We mast have two mor picevs of cannon to plant on the orth-east cor aot ob the fort: La the meraiag we intend send gtr women and children w difkaent part. of thir Territory. Vefore this roches yea, you will hear of a slaughter anny the promlavery own aud puttiane im caw be canmat see yor ine Gicdintely, * We waatamore men, if vou ean prevail on treme is Oliia, Mirmachacetts and New York ty come bmecdiately, Coll on Greely, Banks, Campbell, Beecher, ete. 15» Fille we's triende; Ifyou do, we inay bet befure thy election ones off. see Dec eel, and have the pravers of all the churches in behalf of Filerty, freediin and the etitire anil tata of the treble of the Southern Ststes.- While writing, wows tas just cone dred and fifty were amen, armed. mokong in all pal] cote travel rye C0 Urvtand seven buinlredintd sixty 6 torte od wal well dtithd mew, well. ape ted and travelers, Reader ie at woh o Vhes thitel, tae Dew heft thay petee. Wort as nuen as yew torke the eyght tayression on the eater people. Lthivk we can hold out throe or f taonths with prrustenms, Ke. execpt pow ¢ Lathe. By onder of the Conpmitres ~ Hee sure atl take enee of this mere io Lexington yet it.” Thee aabdbcean aprote thiie bette way Treat bea te inewn, badep td-wee, ot Levinton. or Sofie Cuy.” Ik neot a prcioes decunin [ace at tat throw @ Bead ot dehe upon 1 fre State” ope cations in K sus. Phy te de tard at of ite & pele ace -. The Di Ricalta ta twecn Sia ry The difficulty be tees ty Sposa ane! te be a Thr, Tie um te ' s ‘ bemnes decurtdl bey Npeaminls saljoets g etre gghe of Monsees for ab peted mee ie sou foresee, Monies heme called for res t chetmes, tegiig that scmte of thy ' Byave refa~ d thee cmon wet Moy Fated le ewhwer ut bey er rverte | Mate to deqemit thor ths « as ty Gee the mpecunts alee od posted theeniowing to ctteeate tlhe ' Nya bsbbews wlovathd heey ovtwally emervimg out th Checes - sl came Thee is rrevnted by Spain, nel 2 syne ~ ] » Vera ¢ wh ’ we 0 a teu { ‘\ be pe deteal, ah let bts assert k by wall bee atte mytest A - ul Roewnpamies the squy!r a in| of the 23) elim The Ueetrag in Nee Jul Niew Viork Day Vewk gives the foliar ie Use lete Sasmwer meeting in New \ "Ia rgd t wohl etempty «ay tes ua Me bp who we aul ag active mink + an tees ting A Lonel wast Semgg-e eveshopping” es Tey what te calle! Al stag re re " bowen ergs ged for the ben e v & + every mee rtm thet bas th re cal sarees ae) pr fire N ‘ eonetiative Con cine Ve was fiterally a" Gwk waede ap of that cles «hos ben years bhastere| aml there greece on the Suamh a teover “del ancvthing” an! \. the Gishtoms thoy ar tl “ ere of “ rum aways” ( Lae * They omy. (0h. 5 ~ < On a Nitthe home tamed you lis N Gght,” at the eume tine no hae any more when of figiring nb art gen to hunt « bears There are men in t plenty of the m——thowanls a the emer foo tiv 00d cabeet to cdsy te fylit te Costa Kienns, or thie Speer Baten oF pepe th or im b healf uf + real « men; hut mot one « Seath ve fur wry rf The citizens of Nas! 1 beeld a rareet ing ter erveb sree Walker and Nicarayin brome declares © [urn, reared an! (Walter) lane ever mamts an honest and bonoraly \ ' the Univerwity of Nae! , Frere a stud wt at [ars, « Mit to the men aiait fh teal ct biwinente, h rary 0d knowledyy Hnguished gallantcy and hie nv Jden, eminently qualify f “\ ’ MoPerating a peuple curen) ws a bal government, ail the bhesaimys of fred operations of wiee and leneti “ iW bef hie home and native band 4 spot Vemish pon hie chars . “ know him well, feel sure that wha Ime bis fatere career, he will i st ' hie bright fame.” coe Serap of Mistery. Daring the res tionary war, General Latayetrec, hemny Raltimore, was invited teaball Ih went as requested, but instend of poining the amnsement, as might be expected of & young Frenchman of twenty-two he ad dressed the ladies thus:—“ Ladies, roa are very handanne; you dance very pret tily; your ball is very fine —bato my tokliers have no. shirta.’—-The Was irresistible, The ball ceased, ladies went home and went to work, and the next day a large nunybor of shirt were prepared by the fairest havds of Baltimore fur the gallant defenders af their country, Reward; | j ” Devoted ta Po! VOL. AIH, SALISBURY, N.'C., JUNE 17, 1856. AMELIUCANISM THE ALLY OF SLAVERY, The Southern anti: A merfean press and orators, in spite of the strongest prof to the contrary, persiet in charging that the Atnerican purty is freesyil in its procliv- ities, The Chicago Demverat thinks dif- foremtly. Tt suys: “We have never been alle te com- preheud how any true opponent of slave extension could Lea Kuew Nothing, anil especially sinee the nemimation af Ful- wore and Dowelaou ad the tad section in their platforis, As hetween Fdlimere and Donelson, fand the Douglas ticket, eVEryY Consistent Democratic Antic-Nebraska would have topreverthe latter. It uppenrs that Doncleon wanted to make a slave Strate of California.” OL) That will do pretty well, Mer. Fillinere tea Letter man for the South than Don. - Nas, aid Douglas ao better tan for the Noth. The Democrat takes the view ot the old Democratic Lead wv, that thee ire elements at werk in that party, Coat will etrake the fetters from the finbs of the slave and imatwurate in one vast retherhood all of the diferent races of © earth Mere is what the Ji aaverat thinhs of ten Gemecracy, as uuderstood “ut Wear; Tiere is A vlik-trne dea scries, the deisoera ( detereon, Madison and h . ! Us Sach at 4 al LF } all petoccution of tte r tin ’ ! corr os ariel \ ‘ corre of the age, he plavery \\ 1 VDL VE J ( F i ‘ ; Naw 3 [on \ il aN / I As | New Vinh . i * . \ ' f wa f ~ t ke awe . aaeiN . ) . : ' ‘ } . | sa . a:¢ at | M “« * r \ bed I ‘ if \d j l & \ \ Rasy i! ; thers f m * k ' ated at See S | whit bea « house nto r rand k New Olena wath bee \ Mepeaenee ! has nee hen went beard and order stean, & he al ea dnd mp pear oD mathe WAS just expiring, was potion motion —the cable made taut. nnd the theives’ tenement subjected to a atea that made very stick of tiuber in itgroan, Another 1 nent. it would have been dragged hewd and all, when one of th ard the boat was unloosed, the | the river black heyy tushed on b with th fraternity vr. The cable Captan lly tonehed lia hat eu to the die wicks comfited theives, and the no! é er disap appeared behind the jutting Lioff with ao tr stean winphant snort , Gider the Hil? after that, but the blacklegs al- ways gave him a wide berth, TUE RUNAWAY MATEO. A great any years since, when bright- eyed and fair-haired lasses were not so plenty in New England ax they are now, there dwelt in the town of P—— +a pret- ty village, distant then, some five and ‘twenty miles from Market town, a peen- ‘iar, comely and graceful maiden, who had a peentiar, ugly and cross-vrained, bas wealthy ob} father. Minnie was Danforth’s only, and re- port said truly that she would be bis sede legatee, The old nian was a sturdy old former, apd was estimated te be worth full ten thousand dedlars: at that period avery handsome fortune, indeed. The sparkling eye and winning man- vers of Minnie Danforth had stirred up the finer feclings of the whole male jen (lou of the Silluge, aud her suitors were ptuncrous, bat her ulner Was particular, and none succeeded in inakinyg headway with tae or her : , In the and loyal tocantine, Minnie had a trae Whe would Have supposed for one weoment that sach a fellow would dare to look tn wuty and comparative rebnement é 5 ' lover in seciet Vis vane wax Walker, or, as he was generally called, ‘Joe, Joe Walkers and he was a sin le Manner, Caployed by oll Dantorth, Whe lad cutrossed Joe with the Near « f dite barre place tw ror three vears uve excellent farinwer amd aright seed tannacer, was this plain nnaasiniiige vat yrrwai | edoe Wather, Me wie \ w, too, only twenty theee : and. he actully de n we wail t) beaut! Pleasant, joyous Mine Danforth, h Mploye ' aughter, Batthestrang est partoof the occurrence was that M te bohits uth re ! tel ‘ ! bly, ane Hised ‘ at favorable tiouent Pith went on tae rily for at ! ld Danforth diac vered glances ail at tiene between them which excited Curly wlinpeic ‘ Very nano marie Joins beurtied the o tas thine direct ‘ ward the future ob { f Mu c 1 ‘ juice ‘ . ! ‘ . es Met os : : i ‘ Ce at y Th j ayeree t ure \ 4 * J alistance wus ‘ ) eta ft A ~ ad f ! a ou ‘ wil a ‘ ‘ pres ‘ sda ‘ } Phir ‘ ta J ithe ! t e elt afer uy t at! ‘ yf AS : ! kh was shred, t ‘ Vaerns ‘ Die w sala Dan i . oi f with A eM A sg , A f ‘ . | Llive wae } Just what st . ak : ‘ a \ ave J x \ i S W ‘ ) s J l sary \ ee Alne anny Wan Put l 4 . ‘y . . a K I er hi) NT t ‘ | i ‘ ls | I> I \ x \ 1k J y low A ‘ ( we is * Tine ‘ . } : \\ ‘ 1o (ry 4 | re . Yes ) | ( N N [sa Ta t ey vy Morya ’ ron est t thet ‘ ' hiv \ t ba ’ Co t tat thre Ver tar Vill k Wer sum { w \ ers Jon’t knew i Sa \ wid raid, at t \ k c. ‘ Parr weoernar Phe old nian vw ws Nes nen. yp n, Well turn t langh him, Vd tke care of youa | vorr wile at any rate OEM do ine sored ive Vou « )owatdl Duanforth. ard they parted in the best of spirits An hour after on the following evening, doe made his appearance, deck Ulack seit, really look- The old man bustled helping te dark, ad iy # Nice new ing very comely ont to the barn with bite; harness young Morgan to the new phae Y C2 tits, News, Agriculture, Internal Improvements, Commerce, the Arts and Sriences, Morality, and the Family Circle. NUMBER IT. as — a Captain L——— often tonched nt ‘Natehez ton and leading the epunky guimal him-!wafted like sweet incense to the throne ‘self into the road, away went Jue Walk- of the Most High. jer_in search of his bride. | “Long the mother had watched anx- A few rods distant, from the honse he iously for her boy, and when he came she fond her as her previous engagement, was greatly surprised at the story he told and repairing to the next villaye, the par- her; and when, in conclusion he said, son soon made them one in holy wedlock.“ Ob, I am so happy, dear mother! won't Joe took his bride and soon dashed back you kneel with me, and thank the Lord ito the town of P-——, und halted at old Dariforth’s house, who was already look- ing for hime and who reeei¢ed him with opened arm. Is it done?’ cried the old man. * Yes——!' answered Joe, ‘ Dring her in, bring her tp,’ continued ithe off fellow, in high glee, * never mind compliments, po matter about the dark eutry ; here Joe to the right in the best parlor; we'll havea guod time now, sure!” and this anxious farmer rushed away for lights, returning almost immediately. *Hfere’s the certiticate, sir,’ said Jue. ‘Yes, Yes—’ ‘Aud thisis ny wife,’ he added as he passed his beautiful bride—the Lewiteh- ing and foving Minuie Danforth ! "What! roared the old tile: “what did you say, Joe-~you villain, you scamp, you andacieus cheat, you, vou—' answer him. twilight, and though her lips were un- used to such words, she imnrmured, * O Father, I thank thee for what thou hast done for my child.” That night, long after little John was sound asleep, one was kneeling in silent prayer by lis bedside. Tis mother was giving her heart to God, and dedicating herself to his service. Oh what jey there must have been amony the holy angels, for itis written: “There is joy over one sinner that re penteth,” and here are two whe had en tered into the narrow Teneeforth in the blessed light of a Savior’s loves to devote all their rans iia riedty to his service wav. | powers uuwea Pinwediatcly a family altar was erected in the widos and evening prayer and praise were of tered to Him wo Pichly fultill his vractous promise, * Lwill bea ti and the Gr s household, and morning ‘fe is the truth, sir, we are law fully tarried.—You advised me to this COUPSe, whe had You assisted me to this course, you plann ed the whole affair, you dent me your horse, last night you thought me worthy ow ndefthe wid tu the fatherless, vf any duane cuild, vou encouraged ime, Thave but little more toe add. John you prowunsed to stand by ime, vou offers never became weary in well doing, a ed ine the cottave at the foot of the h the older he prew the more he loved and you honored his Divine Master When only *LTdidi't. Tdeny it, You ea tC prove yltcen years of ave he bey to preac it; vou're wan— Jesus Christ frit ¢ goa ©Calmly now, sir,’ Jun And the theugel yours pasece vo contnucs eutreaties of the ft t ‘ at the py iw ” titted to prell veire, and Oli yous ld hear hint preach one of toy pre tude hiiua t Wheive The ute his beautiful sermons to lide ehildren, Ty mevititey Chem Co Gomme, tow, to the dear The father relented at last It was n Savior, whois wait K tobe pracivus t of hisown tanutactore, and he saw them, telling theme tow Jeans loves t finally how useless it woud be to atte 7) witibs of frie told, ated carries thre to destrov it yomerti, abd wartii Chem of the dais Ile pave in t fair ot u Minnie Dunfor bie uly i at ac pted t if 1 acknowledyed 4 k ¥ is Met your d never may be: | The marriage 4 ed a joyful aid of vour bite lel De wre “ it thre tvitnal assert 1 ved trathfu e well te remer rl that ehY respect The ¢ ving crow ‘ [wil ous a. fraeurastliceas ed aiaree yonwd ote and a Cathe ebiand, ane 1 ia ai youue ( . * “ * are ‘ vate y > ’ ! And mok ry pour ‘ t ae s rulaway tated i Y) while the na r cane car M J i a 4 I is of elopeu 1“ VC pletely bouve HOW TO POP THE QUESTION = Cora ’ I wotinne insane ko arte N MIE WIDOW AND TER SON Nopedingedurin (bent. Ssanveee i rus the only sonofawidaw, He lone, Lax AAS «4 a Veurs ‘ st A , ( a ed | a e] wa J Me ‘ ¢ 4 « r ther « ‘ : | t ver t !, I ' a * t | , l tu ‘ s ; , for « r, tl whoa 7 1 art cree W a ( er sit ‘ J wa acquire S } structed r : ‘ iD [ wet ke retrang ‘ ' ' of mora N c ; ‘ wrong t A ariel ert { eer a Hoe ester ae \rey \ ‘ | Ma x I) i“ a : +a v S : to give A | ' Beck lw i! ) Sez > ~ ' y i e ¢ slit vi 4 ‘ tt K ue : il 4 an’ - x Sao ! t \e ¢ atid, J : 1 vd vn d Am 4 ' ‘ lve a ' s ] sind and alitaicec \ : < la x } Nora F ow was being bre 2 8: i I re ] h at ie ‘ ¥ a? l« t = | M . as ' ‘ t pely « wet : : are i nz ups s us red a , eheart. Voix, Ltn Cath Ss t t i t ‘ t pew, wire a 2 n ~ \ Nance SCR k adler { witha : I t ala h : ‘ ry woof G \ ines x \\ ect on : f ' . ‘ I ant J : y I I \ Ves ) \ ] “ | Wins I 1 I | I y WV ; aned | Ny x I e “>. welfare of th tt \ / { a La ' ‘ ue Q ) ¢ ( . : ; f - [ I ‘ n ‘Surely nV a promises the Lord a ‘ ] watrd s i ut hone t t Coal in) ’ t Poa Withinasread t eal es : ' Tesns ¢ “ 1 y au ram ] t * ] ' - re | j ‘ fn ’ = 5 5 fy and rls t ’ SEEOLELE severe, the leaves were a tine dark ereet ' MUEenictite q : : [will te i Be ae und the silks Inxuriant, aec seareely and read thy Balele and pray e herd to suffer from the preat heat leritecercl for anew hear vile ltounia auuirntcdntic einer aril Bat, sir’ ead the ber, “what it b 2 . : fabs) $ ; 3 gail fence, the stalk owas ’ tl lhourle | ref t ary oat ) r sh leche t re I : ‘ irs Stina und } \ sy vl vont he toe deate What world Leecric was pr ieotl ; ] lug al ely f me? ; ' es deep, whre we \ ton rd * True, trae,” said eold ventlentar pa and with ralole ‘ roke lelay isa ways da us Thou ar revues | vit ith was as dry pret riehit Naw isthe t e tu give t rn | ‘ ', } heart to Jesus Let us kneel wher WO ' “thes f 5 are, and | pray with thee ‘ ror 1 it twos 3 4 So the two, the white le ude | vel ANNU Wars Hiei ctl Rin iene lilt meN neo dlc. and the rosy-clieeked child, kraclt and Heearialoakelen prishing,” prayed together An hour passed, then . ; oes another, and the galden rave of the set ting sun came in atthe wide windows, Wien yo vto drown vourself alwavs aud filled the oly teniple with glory, as, pall off voar clothes ey may fit your the “Tfalleluiahs “ of a redeemed were wife's second linsband that Tam saved?” she knew not how to! But she knelt in the dim) \ Se é |} A Beacyrvy. Stexrmenr.—Shortly he- |fore the departure of the lamented He- ber for India, he preached a sermon which cantained this beautifal illustration :;— “Life bears us on like a stream of a mighty river. Our boat at first glides down the narrow chanel—through the playful murmuring of the little brook and the winding of its grassy borders. The A i trees shed their blossoms over our young heads, the flowers on the brink seein to offer themselves to our young hands; we are happy in hope, and we grasp eagerly at the beauties around us—but the stream hurries on, and still our hands are empty Our course in youth and manhood is along a wilder and deeper flood, amid ob- jects more. striking and magnificent. We are animated at the moving pictures and enjoyment and industry passing ns; we are excited at some ehert lived disap- pointment. The stream bears us on, and our joys and yvriefs are alike lett behind ns. We may be shipwrecked, we cannot be delared; the river hastens to its home, till the roar of the ocean is in our ears, and the toss § t, and ns from onr eves, and the and we inlabs whether reugh or smooth, ip f the waves is beneath our fee the land les floods are lifted up around us, tuke ta . ntl of of earth and its | our loave sur further vovage there is to Witness save the infinite and eter nh ~ THE Loss OF A WIFE. Noman bat who has been called up »tounonrn the loss of a dear and le loved Coupanbet fully appreciate the Lean asd ty ss Of the following ar- t ' e copy from an exchar Daria th the spard now : , Jaoss fa woite, all other bereavements are trifling The wifel she who fils so large a space in the dotmest heaven; she who busied herself se un wearily Jor the pre ns ones iret 1} rman OAS om Uler is the te at ’ i reoldlclay! Ye tand be think of the past. It seems an anber ed path way, where vcautifal flowers, and voverhead Fa there—n these your thorns hands Her ne hes pen lo your ius? are remembered save antod { her now as all gen al) purity Bat she 5 sur head that las | oF sts in the etl) darkness up ay The hands that ve ‘ tinovly are folded white and I, beneath the gloomy por tn J jeart wlio eve eal nieas red an ete ty of love, s under your feet The flowers she bent over sules, l es nbove ler in tears shing the ‘ } petals, that the verdure ‘ " ‘ kept y and bean ose PRUSTIN GODS PROVIDENCE J work the field t ‘ (8 ‘ ancl ‘ | aay? ’ \ . < h : ! e field " ‘ ® tw ‘ “ 1 a dia } ' ca } r ‘ A a een om a he fore thines more sera! i] Bivet a t hg rou at lhad er r saw , work ] n re . vt € 1 vked staan - 7 aK 8 He x \ j “ i \ i ! | v=. P ; iD r { ; , l ] Vovtirna i : “ ‘ \ t le a I lke wit \ 4 ed ‘ Spo | hy ANGt, W is s uctua t ibl N . > 4 . \ pi s' ~ 3s ur -<- A Yankee has invented vplagne whieh hills off'all who do not pay the printer Ie is more destructive than the sump | A WORDO THE “ILARD U, | For goodness sake; don’t look so, aucholy! Better tiines are in, store™for ‘you, see jf their ain't. Why, many one would stppose you were condenied: to ,the pillory, tortare, or’ some?! Vike | the a and the pendulum.” Come, é 5 ed . ! now, be cheerful; if you can’t pay your ‘debts immediately, do the best you can and pay them as you are. able, “Gare killed cat”—-if you haven’t fifty cents to lnxuriate on juleps and strawberries with, appropriate half the amount for some- \thing less delicate and more wholesome. Kiss your wife, if you have got one, if you haven't then kiss somebody else’s, or get marricd immediately—for acts of desper- ation frequently result happily and-ben- eficially in their effects. If you have got any children, roam with them; if you haven't roam with your neighbors,’ 0 jupon the bright side of everything—put on a cheerful countenance—keep your mind in the right trim, and, if you find that your native town won’t support you for the services you may render, why, pack off to Kansas—there’s plenty of room out there for you. At all events, be cheerful. o. - A Rich Sermon.— Where is the man. with is barp of a thonsand strings? The following rich extract from a sermon will he recoguize I at a glance by some of our remd- ers here at home. It loses mueb of its bumor, because we cannot put in print the sing-song style and appropriate gestures that accompany My friends, sin makes the purtiest man or }wotan in the world agly-ah. And Dll tell you how Lkuow-ah. As [was come up to church to-day-ah, I saw some youog men in the road- ah. And thought one of them was the parti- est young man I ever saw in my Hife-ah. And a [drew nigh unto them I discovered that they were playing ov marvels; and they all drew night unto « place they called kee and they marveled ab. Aud this purty young man was the last one to marvel-ah; aud when be mar- veled, he jumped up and fupped bis bands like a rooster docs his wings and save be, “I wish I may be d—d cf I haiot fatah!" And gh, my friends, then I thought be was one of the ugli- est young men T ever saw iu my lifenh, And L opened my mouth and spake untohim thus ah: “ Young man, this ig not the way to salva- tivo-ah.” And says he: “Old hess, ef you had been salivated as bad as I have, you woulda’t want to hear talk of salvation-ah.” An bow, my friends when rhat ar young man said he was fat, he tuld a lieah—for he was ae Tan as that hoagry louking sister over thar that's always praying so pious when the hat is « Lein’ passed arouod-ab, And, my friends, if that ar man hadn't been blinded by sin, be nev- t could ov mistuck me for an old borse-ah. oe. LY A worthy old farmer residing im the vietuity of Lake Mahopeck, was worried to death by boarders. They found fault with bis table, aud said he had nothing to eat. “Dare it,” said old Isaac one day, “what a fuss you are making. 1 can eat any thing.” “Cau you cat a crow!” said one of the board- ns. ~ Yea, T ken eat a crow ™ ** Hest The bet was inade, the crow caught and tice ly toasted, bat befure serving up, they contfived lo season it with a good Juse of Scutch si.afl— Isaac sat down to the eruw. Le took 6 gould bite and began to chew away “Yea, | ken eat crow,” (another bite and an awful face) “I ken eat crow; but I'l be dara ed of | banker arter it!” you a hat,” saul tie gacat The Tender hearted King. ~< ‘ocomnas, an Italian of rank having been execated in the reign A Meory TL of France, on suspicion of tremson, the King rendered the following public testimo- ny of his character:—*°Coronnas wae brave enoagh, but he was one of the wickedest felloes 1 have ofien beard him boast of of St. Barthulomew, parched upwards of thirty Hoguenots eat of the hands of their enemies, merely for the sabe of killiny A a More cruel wethad. Le began with making them renounce thet peligive, and then he tortured them to death by slow de fo Uns eulagiam the tender-hearted wided,° T never died Coconnaa tharoigh- ly, after | haew thie story, and am mot wery for the cod to which he has broaght himself.” ihomy real baving, at the massacre princy ADVANTAGES OF POLITENESS, An elderly lady, passing down a busy street » New Haven, a sodden shower She was some distance frou any” ac was overtaken by JOA Alance and bad no umbrella She was de- erating what to when a pleasant voice —“ Will you take my urnbrella, The speaker was a boy, perhaps ten bee ¢ her cand madam !” vears olk “Thank you,” cand the Le lin afraid you will yt w Never mind me, ma’'am: Tam batwa boy, and you are a lady.” . But perhaps 29 . pany me to « ni's nls f t necessary tu b you The Lary « i thanks of the * and depar Teo years ¢ war. the lady often related sta And uften wondered what had becon ( r froeted, bee the thinking ever to 7 asain. In the dui! eeaam of the year my was throm it of employment, avd imate g knowlelyze of ‘ ; «cof bome ull Mareh, 5 ag vatlon h as § g T even { ' Ss “ Admiral Ver fu a [‘rotesta t whom Bonaparte eater. ‘ hist mM, went over to London afew a Waterbuo, to ~p ~ l ant I s Vrance at ‘ ‘ ne of Botsh and Foreige ~ 4 \ «i (rain bier met on I “tC tume they had met wes * ‘ vt ean Then they met “ anid root of cannon and all the ; jy contest. But now us br n the faith of a ) Sa and to mlyocate and promote <x mor a “reign of righteousness, pen atv he Holy ¢ The scene 048 yo affecting, They ved into each ars. and wept yrea'ly, and that in the » ¥ ‘ am - beuurse of people, The Mecght of Tnpudence kor a null fying Sta ke Mascrchustts, which has dk be rately mulled the Constitution and laws of the United Mates, to pise a howl of indignation because the pers ther representative m the United States Scrate has been d for the sias (ot his ton.u Shae as tu b “sin the Senate, any Way, aud + & Grose outrage upon the Sewh, thaca Wing State is permitted to enjov the he swhilst she refuses to perform the duties of a member of the Unieg,— Ried mond Di sjart Prom the Wilmington Herald. THE NORTHERN CANDIDATE. Iteannot be denied that the North) gained a great triumph in the nomination of Jas. Buchanan for the Presidency.— {le was their candidate, while Pierce «as the candidate of te South. On the irst ballot Buchanan received 101 votes rom the free States, and only 34 from he slave States—135in all; while Pierce seceived 74 from the slave States, and only 50 from the free States. The slave States that snpported Buchanan, were Delaware, Maryland, (in part.) Virginia, Louisiana and Kentucky, (in part,) only five. The slave States that supported President Pierce, were Maryland, (in vart,) North Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, issippi, Kentucky, (in part.) Tennessee, Arkansas, Florida aud ‘Lexas—eleven in all. It is evident that the North succeeded fm forcing their candidate down the throats of the South, by party discipline alone. Look at the determined resistance of North Carvlina, for example. She could not be induced to vote for him un til opposition was out of the question. — She fuaght against him so long as hope remained, aud then with a wry face was forced to bolt the unpalatable stuff. This nomination is a direct: condemna- tien of Pierce's adwinistration, which, we ere told, has been eruinently Southern in its character. And, in confirmation of this charge, we have Democratic testimony The Columbia (S. C.) Zimes says: “The selection of Buchanan is a repudiation ut Mr. Pierce's adininistratiou. Mr. Pierce aud made some atonement to the South tor his affiliation with and official patronage of Northern freesvilers, by his late annual message to Congress, in which le clearly set furth and ably vindicated the constitu- tional rights of vur section. That rery encasage, owever, utterly destroyed hex availability, and proved the very means, in the hands of lis Northern opponents and truculent Southern poliucians, of de Seating his nomination. We care noth ing vow about the wotives which promp ted him to write such a message ; we pre dicted that it would lose, and now huow that it bas Jost Lim the nomination. Te bas Leen | seca repro: ) cnmatred, condemned for writing (t—for ex, ressing werely in cheap words lis views toncl ivg the rights of the South has been selected iu lis stead, not utter, even if he entertacns, awrvaticc scntimentsa—sel er has nerer erpre ased such wnutiments lected fur the very purpose of repudutting the annual meesaye of Mr. 1’ tei ce To sam ap. The more conservative the rights of the South, Mr. Pierce has shown hiinself—and he lias by nu mean- been as conservative as we would have lim to be—the leas aorrptithle he has In come to the Northern freesud Democracy The consequence has been is rejection at Cincinnati. We conclude that the noni nation of Mr. Bachanan should not bea ceptable to the South, because itis virtu ally a repudiation of the little regard which Mr. Dicrce has shown to the 1 and interests of the South Not only should the nomination Le re jected at the South because of its acce;> tab:ity to Northern but at should be rejected for other cogent ren coms, «Mr. Buchanan thougt statesman, who would n abt the fureign relations of the Federal Gry ernment with skill and success, yet en tertaine such views upou varius tions affecting our internal relations, s should render him extremely obnoxions to the South, and especially to Sout rolina. He is net avand on the paraincinl question of the timeca—the alavery ques ted hecanse hie vale tyhts frees rniliein, an aie Inanage tion. He is a high protective tantf adve cate. Fur these we ghity reasens he oaght not, in our view, ty receive th sup: of the South.” : What more can we add’) Is not t safficient and more than suthcient ¢ dewmonmstate var pos rf The fact cane met be denied that the candidate is agreea was rudely set aside, and the candidate most ayres tw the North was nominated Phe N triampbed over the Sou t South is cailed for j, and ve Upon tu s y lial 4 THE LOCOROCO NOMINEES The Leeafocs National ; tat assembled in Cincinnatus at werk aated James Buchanan, «! |’ «vivania as their candidate for the Dresden a J.C. Breckenridge, of Kentucky, tor the Vice Presideucy The nemuuation Mr. Buchanan was tad nthe iit ballot, that of Mro Breckenr Yad. Pierce was nowls the ¢ ention, But Lasting tv and euch like. was iB ” Of the noninees present to say fenit partisans, atid at! < ja the record and course ot M a’ t ‘ A Railway laberer | Bye Jand, fran iiflanats eo Ns} of active the pol tof being suff ‘ ‘ was a few weeks eo omy ms edicn! treat 4 wa desperate reine » opening the windy ip Wir ‘le t upom by the sur Phe wit made a littl atube for to ‘ ther cli Wis introduced for about a fortuig hye the oni malady |» moved, and tle w man has resumed the active d whieh be follows vs min he never e: oY) ed the desy oe completals nod nea Uy ] Ie Now comypnetely re vered matter pve ‘Carolina Watchman | | York, has given notice to the House of regard to Southern rights, is copied froin }are again brought to the attention of the public; SALISBURY, N. U. TUESDAY EVENING, JUNE 17, 1856. TERMS OF THIS PAPER $2.00 CASH. FOR PRESIDENT, MILLARD FILLMORE, FOR br by PRESIDEN 7, ANDREW JACKSON DONELSON. “-. FOR GOVERNOR, JOHN A. GILMER OF GUILFORD. AMERICAN NOMINATING The Committee appointed by the Amer- ican Meeting held at the Court-House in Salisbury, on Thursday of the last Superi- or Court, to wit: Moses 8. Holmes, Casper Holshouser, Solomon J. Peeler, RL Mo Roseboro, Jo- seph Barris, C2 LL. Partee, Thomas T. Locke, J. H. Jenkins, Win. Murphy, Luke Blackmer, and several others, whose names are pot recollected, are requested to meet in this place on Thursday neat, to nominate new candidates tor the Com- mons, those appointed at the May meet- ing having declined to accept their nom- Inations. A full meeting of the Commit Also all friendly to the American cause are invited to at- tend, tce is very desirable. Mr. Filla toswer to the lectorof the committee appointed by -leeeplance.— Mr. Fitiwone’s the Natigtal ¢ vention of the Amencan party has been received and published. Ile acer pts the notninatior We regret having overlooked It was too late for Mr. | ved and bunest!) spoken Wis important matter unt this paper Trois Tike all Imnore’s acts hatdsumely FILLMOLE AND BUCHANAN However badiy the country is aplitup by par Use and factions, the that the grat px Uc! contest into which the country is now en reg will result in the election of one on the ther of those genthinen, is fast Leeoming a ed com Aud unless all the facts and ctrroumstanees baying albeariag on the suby-ct are delusive, Meo Fillmore will Le the « f the Nineric I" i re ise Hler tear ve asemn iy 1 ' wr a jus ‘ ainl vittues ff z ' we place a nes, He is wise, finn rate ar and bis election will give m ram jn of peace and un ariel “ wlirmt bate fisarm (he disturbers of the public tranqai!its RANSAS DIFFICULTIES Mr. Cairn as, Senator from Kentack ferste neeution on the 10th, requesting th Vrcambe nt te ee ¥ Gemeral Secon . ftom of Kansas, ar ak ze of United States ' c tha ’ ahis - r, umder as ay cue ' He S \ ha a-end . Wee M work gis a! of Wheat nng DY - Py 4 . Were 4" uW, ‘ The , af is (Me) as b \ : a large oree of b wos seston and ma \ greet T'res at | , a Ww } * Tres ea dew} * ' ry ate ; Sh ile wo { wa a) “ 1 M Die . a , <a wae AN c a [. am W a ‘ Ps ' \ eM « Ale f . nization a valuab work 4 ' r nl ba “ byw ‘ . | vis { | | .“ ahi te ' Diveon iii . a f nor of Minmea . etyn VOT Tie fon tee fiat any ! . - ctunder sidurut ‘ wziced to d enee wit . ed Hac Road celebration a (1 COMMITTEE. , Removal of the Seat af Government.— Mr. Edwards, a representative of New Representatives ot the U. 8. Congress, that he will introduce a bill for the re- jmoval of the seat of Governinent from ithe eity of Washington to a place within five mites of the city of Cincinnati. We doubt not this ball will be put in motion, and that in less than ten years the remo- -val will be consumated. We shall re- gret it, on many accounts ; but it is very apparent that the increasing power of the great West, will, ere long, exercise a con- troling influence in shaping the affairs of the Nation. Indeed, Washington is no longer the centre, and if the country should stand so long, another half centu- ry will suffice to render necessary ans other removal of the seat ofGovernment, further West even than Cincinnati. | 7. Fatal Accident.—"“Sam. Brandon,” a HE, ibs Robbards, was caught under the wheels negro man, the property of Col. of the Eastern Train, Sunday evening, at the depot in this place, and 8u badly ine jured as to cause his death in some 10 or 12 hours after the accident. “Sam” was a valuabie boy, and extensively known as a waiter at the Rowan House. Report says he was “in liquor” and attempted to leap across the tract when the train He was tripped up by the “cow-ceather.” Que Was within five or six feet of him. leg was crashed in a most shocking man- ver, and the foot of the other leg cut part- ly off. the train was running too fast. We have heard it charged that The ac cident was witnessed by hundreds of persons then and there present. By-the- way, there are always such crowds at the depot on Sundays the wonder is that ac- cideuts bave not frequently occurred. a ee ‘Village Gazette."—We lave prospectus fora paper to be published at socn a Jonesville, Yadkin Co. N.C. te be enti ted as abewe, Mr. J. Mo Bacon editor Price, 82 in advance. Jonesville is one f the most moral villages in Western Carolina, and is situated in a very Leal yorey oo. Sivek: The Charlestou Mercury 1 ates the experts of a party of gentlemen in that city, who recently captured seven sharhs e dav oe. ier T v Kansas seem t Nefease, a cust possible that ar ON \ ivi] war may vet row outof the The abolitionists con eto raise money and send men to the scene of action Phe citizens of South Carclina and other Southern States are leouy the same. What shall come of these other than wischief, and where shal tend? oo. NORTH CAROLINA RAIL ROAD \\ lei (ow lave nara tliat tle chany slide Mies road was nude for pe thc hur Saltebairy W ‘ hee nok sa . arg ‘ “ a a both . .. Cua wks ~ 0 . . +} . |< " \“ w “ ar eek meet ’ knoe I> wrate | ! ‘ ate * f : 4 | set & a layin ie | t . qtr os . 1 * ‘* te le * 4 . . ph acantes 2 : Nine Me WV On N | : 4 < N r k a a N W . - « ‘ fences te f ro aa ‘ « Wh Wey - f crate << [tis we 1 ‘ “as : rs tir eaves A a Oy ra ; hiscta ys K aint i ‘ ‘ £: ‘1 3 at + A gin aah ce { it is Te bes 1 4 ‘ ‘ i ; t 4 A 7 ’ khicke ’ arn I] A J ‘ a ® stra a Ib “Ta / ay / Ip ga raf ‘ Wed I hile ae fe Onwege a f asain, Te Fe peated several fines 4 og ssels to be for rapidly their ou va, and creat Hye yrreral Genres pet the harbor -.- Pupm dl liev. Moses 2). Moor, DD, fit Va, will deliver an A@ ‘ of the two Literary Societies of Dec leneCalter Wednesday prece ia ementday, t D Jane a! td k, A.M oes SENATOIC PROM CONNECTICUT Now dixvces. Ct. dione: 5 The Leyis lature t 1) elected James Dixon (Aue rican and Reyes can LT onited States Se natoc bron this State Dixey 115, Toney dod, Charles McCurdy was elected Judge of the Raprome Conrt . | ‘The following truthfully, drawn sketch of the popular feeling of the North iy the Petersburg Intelligencer. Those in the Soath who endeavor to persuade them- selves that there is enough conservatism in the North to prevent the calamity of| a dissolation of the Union or a civil war, | : : , jthey are eminently healthful, as, indeed, their) be kicked at in reputation even by Dem-| growing ontof the negro question, always encounter the grave facts announced by the Intelligencer, and are soon driven to ‘hope alone in an over ruling Providence to conduct the country through the dan- gers which appear to beset it. THE SENTIMENT OF TOE NORTH, Ao jtelligent friend, and withal «a Southeru man, remoustrated with us the other day on what he was pleased to term “the violence of our feelings towards the North.” We denied to our friewd, as we now do to the public, any cou sciousness of cherishing feelings of undue vie ewee towards the North. Notouly as a South cro nan, but as a Nalioaad one, we feel, and we express in befitting language, a warm indignas tin at the conduct of the North towards the South, and in relation to the Uniou of these States. We see them daily endeavoring to op press the one and desuivy the otber, aud when we see tremson staring us du the face, we have not fur to luok fur the term “traitors” to apply to the perpetrators of the damnable crime, no matter What may be their geographical position, The old Syren sony of “the great mass of the North ty sound und cunservalice,” has been} sung so thread-bare that 1¢ will out lull a South ern baby to sleep, and no gruwa up Suucbern man who is not deaf, dumb aod bhud, should hesitate to Leand the monstrous falsehood with the epetbet it deserves. Lf it be riyht * to call a spade a spade,” it connot be wroug to cali a lie a lie, particularly whea that he ws told to de- jlude us to our ulter ruin, Huw can it be be- lieved that the mash of the North is sound? What are the indicia of public sentiment, aud where should we look for them! Are the sen timents aud conduct of the public men of the North, indicia of Northeru tk chug aud opinion, the sentiment and conduct of Northern mein bers of the National Congress, and Nurtheru mem bers of Northern Leyislatures ! we see but an unreleuting bostility tu Southern If so, what do Roghts, and, of course, to the Constitution of the United States, Would these meu dare thus pemotngly vearafler year lo untsrepresett Nort er opinion, if (hat option lustead of ber. W bo can credit so monstrous 4 propesitiva f Is the Jex of Northern ten, was sound | Northern Pres au in vplatwe! Lovk at its news papers. its periodicals, ils bovks, both rol ious etd secular, Wing CUE ih cahaustlss unilers, and tewtuing with the vue great tue ul an slavery Poke from a thousend a smtle exain ple—the "Nee York Couner amd bagumer Phat Journal was for years matioual aud cots vative, apd tried to turu back the current ut isis chk and anarchy, which Uneatened ly awe away the i wot the country: Gut at bast t tomud its slur were vain, and Muy ather ty swims with the Current Cha be enauibal \ ois vowin the van of the emenns » “ou Is the Northern palpel an iuder of North seuciment! Take a Boturious Lact oF “ Inte cutsideratig Lew at the thee be tnous howlings of Ward 1b ‘oa cod associates IU Lanatncisune ted beak “ avuther meat slokiiiy Jo pisigee tat of we nsigtre athd Gal . | Northern churches pie a yoverament, all yr At aul pe slavery Is thete any sane tan eho is either far enough of haave envugh to deny tha great Metlendiet Church of the Ciao was ret ntwan by the perevenng altea ts of N ern Methodists tu cram their at avery h see down tle throate of their Southern breth eis that tbe | ’ woke ° uv the | \ Aceon Jno North ~« duet t Warr yap J ship At Liaw. te . beamed * t wns ' n of ' Sla las , were | s and 7 a i w v ase ’ ' ws art. lupe vue e “Ss " hd - the Nin u | ha pie} wlat tow. was Me (iar Rens her ri . . Irs sistem ( : reat city ane Virk. ale . r I « N Stage ar ‘ ‘N au k the “rune ow . z ‘ » we € = a * otit *, ‘ rel posse " . Nurth, a ansect jucation WW . « os . public men od N Reper yale ” . . vr A ) press s be-luy “ ‘ avery at f] dthe Nove . t abe hinny tihematnws Hea . uted lave be { as robe a ’ aviv ow show “ ine ale ‘ Wiomas . (+ . [lene a . ON atm hte ‘ ' a ‘ ‘ \ - ' < ‘ I Eo MEET NG \\ Wa wt / mitt A f tale f ‘ ! the Ss Cha n Mr Brooks cxercis <A = atid wit . i] ‘ 1 | wv t | pres { . \ bh ( arn ers I’ f 4 plivs cally of detinguts viduals would be pleased t ave +) . al \ Wa Of the prarties ¢ aire ! etinagniahedd 7 mopher andl ’ 4 South Ca ta, leas are ! in . te r Ir Miuttay wa fret intl worl a pr the mntred 0 of f apar alisen wha sucersstully bie able ros tig was efector bye ne ANNO snthe contraction of the mus ott arias, atel by an uneur ever nf thom theomy ee xereiee { Jaator low been engaged for som ars 4work ‘ J Language of Natural Forns “and ww proba cture on thes sulyect in New York! .2- at Gsov Aiep it be fore the Prople.—T ernor Dragy «county, Northampton! vot ed largely against ratifying the new State Constitution, giving the vote of Governor tothe per to 12, of Northampton's favorite sons, (the Gov.) and now one le, 286, Is soliciting the votes of the people for that same office Sulphur Springs of Poan the Wielogin Herds THE FACT ACKNOWLEDGED, We have frequently charged that the Cutan’ Oo, NiO, we see, and we are infyrmed that liberyl arrangements | for the lation, of - visi have Leen! paleuluted, if not designed, to give “aid jmade, We are not personally acquainted with | and eonfort” to the Freesvilers aud Ab; the character or properties of these waters, but! olitjonisis of the North, and now, when are assured by those who bave tried them, that [the poor, disuppointed, deserted man can | growing popularity seems to indicate, = They | | were liberal trovized last Summer, avd the ocrats themselves, they analy ” fur : ‘Figg . ‘e. — |ther use fur him, the charge is admitted, | proprietor, Mr. E.O. Extiorr, has put himself : iF ; jaye, proclaimed in the Democratie Con- in readiness to accomodate all who may visit | vd ‘ A As evidence, the following, 1 | ew, H them the present season, ae a ha ea sil H : . . . ¥ i. vu » vin * It must be gratifying to iutelligent Southern | rich we fine reps vf vavil g ocet Ls geutlemen and Ladies to tind that our own foun- |! the proceedings of the committye on ; credenutials—the claims of the two Now | tains of wineral water, inferior to none in the : . world, are beginning to be appreciated, and that | York segments of Demyericy being under enterprise and capital are being appropriated for | discussion : Tt must be gratifying sim- Mr. Stevenson, of Kentucky, thought it neccessary to settle this ditference now, and, although he sympathized with the Hards, he regarded the Softs aa the reg- ular delegation. He was at Baltimore jeigbt years age when the same question was raised. The Llards then clanned to be the regularly organized party ou less {grounds than the Softe usake the same jparts of the Svath, that Surafoga is the only claim now. Besides, the Hards had ‘shamelessly abused Franklin Picree, and had inade, as the basis of their address, ubuse of the most sacredly consstitution- al adininisteation ever known, Ly was willing, hywever, tu allow the New York ‘representation in the couveutiow to be ou the basis of the vote last fall. Mr, Wigyina, of Maine, denounced the abolitionists, for Pierce lad been as fa- vorable to the abvlitionists in sume acts as te the South ia others. | Mr. George, of New Hampshire, said he would not stand by and hear the g)o- rions, Godlike administration of Frank- lin Pierce abuscd in that committee. Mr. Wizyins—I will net be brow-beat- en here. 1 will stand in the couveution ‘their improvement, ply (bat not only) as giving to invalids amongst | us, the benctits whieh they afford ; bat also as opening up Summer resorts at home, for thuse who pant foe the country, and for relaxation from burdensome eares after along season of Wnremitting toil; aud alsu, as a cheek upou the extravagant aad foolish wotion prevalent im some | place in the world where healthful waters and | good sucicty are to be found. There is abroad in the South, a very strong passivy to visit Northern Watering places, Van- ity js at the bottom of ir. i Indice luve to say,“ While I was at Saratoga, Soothers men and last Suiminer,”—" T became acquainted with bin at Saratoga” —* We waltzcd together ut Suraty- €c. bows will be sure tu call on them afier return ga,” &e., and they know that their ucigh- | from Sars'oga, when they shall have the pleas- ure of making thew stare and wonder by rect tals of vice things seen and enjoyed al Saratoga, To many cases considerations uf health and cow fort are lost sight of in those anuual trips North. aud the results of positive iigary to health or that in his appooutuants at the North, he had endcacored ty nvariah Abolitioniam, It was vot fair to adinit the delegates un the basis of the vote gamed on the Free- thurals not less surely Chan in proving that South ero men and women are the casiest ated most pro titable dupes "hat fall into the traps of Vasher sharps,— whose business itis to flecee their vic Zi 5 tine first. und then te inault and woure then, ell platform. [ly weut for the adiission Tt is devoutly tu be hoped that the day of LS athe . | : Mr. Valford, of Indiana, was willing to such folly, on the part of Southern poople hom i the ore apousibility of letting an the attaipedd ite climatvand that henceforth we shell Uyrds. He looked on the Sufts as rotten witness the gradaal dastitutien of anon ratoo abolittonets, at heart. Phe binself tad al and virtuous dime “ he pursuitothealth be ad Jol Van Boren declare that the and happriess,—adheeretien governed, us adinivistration of James Ko Polk was a» ding sual Gasiere lvl jadievslavine ereanlio Terenupl as bell * Te (Talford) desired ast en i eo eeiiiaarent id) Adee: to vote for the _ whines emit the Hards, Saini mit reese Tbe mountains of wo UIE he Wite wilh to Ut a CUUIC Se rt andadiwat halfef cach delegwtion. Pur \ La iss ving A APO WU favre! itt El fak ote roc cosstot he woald not make, se “ pall the elements of hen vindcwel ied) we tal * Sate might and should bave Samer resorts tal toullehcirwatta: \Wehave leu! Uy pater ee mite fal waters of al mites Vv ohinel . a . ’ JOIN : V1 ‘ IN¢ INN ATI phere Dewciig and purce 5 treats whime (Pte of the ¢ st things of the season (thie ese hinged waves reflect (he gonduces anil A owe athes s the Fobra better to the Ther urniuring ever, as they : ; waite ace roarl nip p Ae praise to Tiina whe taught them bee tossing oe lb Any Mad " ” We have scenery, tun, mad if i be desin id aa . v called ths I pial and of the must refiner of the feelings —as a subslaer of evi) jae | ; pola ul th mt Hivercnd An LsLaahrenp -oms—as an humbler of paride ma prompter Stine De wy devution, ite equal to all Use. Man suk in Ts ‘the / the Demearavhe Netwael be own estimation just in proport ae Cind is , . maniisted in the great works of his emdon ‘ Lut Nassat Sreear, New Voaa, ) fenluess and power, and these displays He has May toh. 1856 j . ' af MuvHlalD MCEbery Its a la a lord of yeoce 2a beetl ct ; Gemtlemen XN word sparen im treme be said i = ie a Le weath more them edd med Tbe to Me rue jhe soem hat cute rie be alerek as witht ya eh a word bee Levce of Ube C tesetenal ar Laat yorad enchanting in ite rude prese Vou er! have at your dea, P etill bape AERTS ause pide Mt ot yuu bees lee a deb gate from Calibrnta The haaslut eae se mal he (Mr Der bert.) tr winwe bane yet amokes Ube thmmd Of a pean erty rman of meme bow Larth hes 4 oe ately murs ‘ el at Waehiny nee ‘ “ etive hiike— eo i ae eote lw 74 viele stretch Core and fue pee restoring fount aties prestive | " ry | lowe mee te a ee ~at versin 4 es EL 1 siteeetely ; ; - 4 a Lhe ve mre ardor bee y barred NORTEL ALLIS A NOVINST BC Pret pest) (hrs al her the mucho of Thiessen LIN NAN hk j wut eerie y emegh t ota Kuvming all the . . ‘ a v ‘ were uf tlhe z I Na ‘ a keep 1" ‘ ; be less f mietaled your eumber, and < - f wawmedta t . oof tragh mever personally zeclin any D's Melt Seer 1 = j ae P a beantame of tin throw | have witmeeses) in Vrnrted Staten, there ate tine enh pou anes hoe | } a »! at f “ rtify Usat a Y pt Gevnces have bither . bd ° » ad ae if ee tert jetinn ta min ov @ n acoun bimgly . ~ [ssa glee It was ' In TRS2, P was among the fest, the most cart eee wat milia eins peult wan 7st. 20d L hebes the least efhetemt im reaist arly mae and 19 r pry Gia al Cad E Mr. Uvetis a0 5 eeratde tae the tia test he Now Tan; ‘ I ana ’ ¢ the “y wa Ce ation Nn camparn publen - foe eg 1 Oppemition te ve A that day tenet frm t tices the ‘ la sctant @ Thee ane lhetun Dnt, A s Argus, and Washiagtos Me WOW Avery, of | , Nave e ts ley STL bain kel w ” Virtewe . minutia. ries " A sri ' mon eth ae A libs to @ Te ee ae at North Carvlina lowed Me [achae fared te ol t neimry of vmdis an (qneer way wing airman by bal wrong eanrleerr Kinga’: : [icisly in tbe antes! sect! womlenk oer ( } ” k ie ten Me Meroerts erclanon Sinew 1452. @ ferce sae , wna war has lave ibe on the adhoptedd ent Dote be Par was coufned lo evctanian . , " m4 ann Jroght mole, we eudeas ured « Mr J Mr rewtat . af clmnrat Hut eben» ta “4 Deen ratio metile¢ of Cotegrema, amd debeyat = " Re wr le ty shrew ete, be fore beeeehs femt, a wirhiog ime aus he rreentel Ininy calbsl ‘ ’ J Trish som of ' = for Us ter wake 4 4 tne 82 M "t an fromm woh , an a I ‘ m lise ar ‘ U mls on tos be equality of all clases a ‘ a " a Kg ‘ { h - ad ad - men . , S yi! [adit anssowe 6 f z . n's at b preceding S Sit t we OD Dreman, g n Very respectfully eitiot NGaritelint anenit \ tthat Bese tia DHOMAS IO ARCY Mea RE. cry N ‘ ; ; a Tt will te Trish wine of the J) r . . "4 weorat arty nande not Vo the enporrlaneon Ar I) el AVG rhe PPvnee of Re prewentatie es II was Mr TD nee linerat Coaneentaay The lie . : ae fi theceautions, 4+Juhn ie not UT aU stat mh Tarenian ta le trifealawithy [leceaitents hs make way for Me Mreckenndges a youngman po ng, ee ie : ih ue War ae tie owind suntey. jus mes tually me sariee rat? Suerte cae eee heailina the priesthood N.Y. Bepress, ad = natone honed; other counsels preva ver her'as wna she will chrmanber the treatieent, 1 in effet CONNECTICUT SEN ATOR. gives the State to Fillmore and Donelson a Consutiunation devoutly to be wished The Senate of Connecticnt on the sth Wal derail Instant concurred inthe voteofthe House of Representatives electing the Hon fu Orphie Saying —Mr Sphynx on Jawrs Dixox United Senator for six years aring of Buchanan's nomination, mere. from the 4th of March next, to suceeed ly responded, Poe BR Ing pressed the Ton. Isaac Tore KY, whose term of to explain himself, he growled out Phan service will then have ¢ xpired. The New Pierce's Pheelinxs.” : cy Pierce's inx York Express thus speaks of Mr. Dixow: “The new Senator from Connectient was amemberof Congress fromthe Hart ford district many years ago, and has served in the Legtslatare of his State Init Sos Morning says Fhe Pennavivanian of this “In the Detnoerate par ty the yreat Aupe ofthe nation now, more sp ene sis ‘ Se presie the editer He was nominated by the American par ote “Ae 0 > nation.” &T . . dhe ~ ia : hits a ie Ms There is ty, and haa secured his election nanty many atrne word spoken by the types fron the members of itlink t Wi “in Jest. NOY. Com, Adv, hace at party. e nawn Mr. Dixon for many years as official course of President Pierce was reacy to denounce Pieree, .and lo prove | ' a aie Wit ee and upow the for free Perritutigs: sour act, he wi ed tim, andowill bat MesDizon pind ist, no sectionalist, bata u | BI Xi Mpg « MASSACHUSETTS. . The Legislature of. Mussaghnsetts. ad. jonrned sine, die on: Friday’ Mast; after ‘having been i months. euys ‘ e * The Governor has approvéd lt 108 ressiven” Ueber hen Gen /ed deserves to be honorably known and |remenmbered rather for the little harm it jhas done than fur any thing: else. Most which of tb isel « roposit have "boce Eokaah fs 9 been ‘crushed before ining @ part of thy ‘statute book. “One very important amendinent to jthe constitution has been" initiated, viz, | that establishing the equal district ersten itor the choice of re ives. ree juther amendments have been initiated — one establishing the district system for Se- jnaturs, another confining the right to vote |to persone who can read and write, aud |the third requiring fourteen years’ resi- | denee rom persons of foreign birth as 9 ‘ alitication for voting or holding office, |None of the amendivents fuitiated last year have Leen consummated.” | | - ~~ . (277 | is amusing to see the caution ) with which the Locofogy papers denit all imention of Baek ‘sold kade Fed- ‘eralisn in the early part of his itical jlifl. lw all the menrwirs of noted | politician that the Loco u [net a word ig said about Ki Fedvmline They suy thar he was eleeted to the Lez: \islature of Pensylvania and to Cumgress, but they will hdt infor their readers that he triumphed as a Federalist and over the hodies of Denecrate. We should not be surprised if they made the attempt to prove that he never was a Dederaliat, but the record is tu» clear ou this poiut. For fourteen yours ow thereabenats, he acted and vated with the Federa} party, and it was only when Gen. Jacksou loomed ap in connection with the Presidency, that Buchanngn took 0 lis Federal trousers, and appeare bas as a lark in Democratic small Lis Federalieom will) stiek tu ime closer than the shirt of Neseme, Wilm ington Lhevald. MR. FILLMORE’ ACCEPTANCE. Mr. Fillboore was in Paris on the 2oth f May. A Paris letter of the 2iet aays: “Tle left Rome with a view ta go te Russia, bot fond the Baltic blocked with ice. Sv he retarned here, and will, in a few dave, leave for England. You may expect him heme in foar of five weeks He hake remarkably well, and 1 ventare ') say is the met composed candidate for the Presidency mow extant. Mr. Fill- tore received the tirst official informa Gon of his nomination by the American party in Venice, and a dnplicate of it here the day before yesterday. Lis ae erplaner wasout by the aune mail whieh carries Us letter, Me. F. enderses the geveral principles of the platform, aml cmmlcmnns all sectional agitation. Le ae- cepts the nomination as @ pational man.” frents clothes A Jetter from Copenhagen says: “The ex President, Fillmore, is here, aud had alow interview with herr ron Scheel, the Minister for Furiegn Affairs. Mr. Frilmore speaks German very fluent- ly. m Fugilice Frow Lilor.—The Be. ir. Victory, from Nassaa, whieh arriv- ed here vesterday, had on beard @ black man by the name of John, the property 4 Dr. Carrere, of this city lle was plac edion Loanl the Vietery by Capt. Mae- farlanl, of the Br. bark Intrinsic, when ff Cape Lennain, on Monday last, hav- ing been discorered snagly stowed away loony teat of the bark a short time The Intrinsic sailed from this port for Liverpord on Saturday last, and Capt Mactarland very correctly pat his vessel about as soon as information was given hit that the negro was on board, ' “« previous and wason lis way here when he fell ia with the Victury.—(harleston Mereury. The Wigvest gun in the wortd ie in Ba- japoor, Inha, and weighs forty toms, A “cat in the interior accommedates fire persons, without mach crowding. It is formed of mined a |, of which there is said te be some portions oa gold and a considerable qnantity of silver. Upon being tired off as a salute on one veca- sion, thengwh not charged with more than haltthe werhtof powder whieh ite eham ! the concussion was ber could contain, awfu Tt is (reat —P} stated that the government of line issned orders that no tary corps from New York, of any of the are States, shall he per- itted to land on the Canada side, with muskets, rifles, awords of pistuls, of any warliks Any company de- strona to visit Cauada during the snmmer can leave their aria at Niagara Falls and cross when they please as citizens, tod part Instrumente APT SIMILE. What orator was that who said in most beautiful and appropriate metapherical langiage thatthe * United States was en- larying ite berders and spreading her wings like a green bay treet” A Tub to the Whale.—By way of ap- peasing the disappointment of Soath Car- olina Folgesles at the Cincinatti Conven- tion, and of propitiating the State for the loss of Pieree, the Democratic National Convention has gracionsly designate: Charteaston as the place for holding the next National Convention. This secures the vote (does it?) of the State fur the nowinecs, Wilmington ITerald. The city of Venice is to take $5,000,- 000 worth of stock in the eanal across the Isthmns of Sueg. lt wre N bette W hithelJ Vrairte © pere. T A strong cept Uhete Advice r Tong al There ie i Aja Ba bidem tare dia, m be ca pportim, Leoume, ii Lord Pah a whl beh mor me ws morning, j rs at Dales Arab, «7 ha the, Cetin (i, word afisnced | Fuod,” a her childre beliewe, I vore dd fro eth a GO shere she went b mavra she fellow, whe to marry b eu plored cish Cone oly if vol all Tay sve wished ‘rt and * Arab ot, “ie keops hom an ele for long w U. w far away pee that bey va he koew it to ‘ure yoo t believe tha reed ia th tures ol been a who had ¢ who was m fan Ans Sivtka of Arab row Mysterio over the bo cre, obtais Dreservat “Some t ome, with lary gland of an ogg, | hard that I by medicin Y an opers bring her “OMe appli lirwet ed lo Pursaed fur Afler thie tation | Mended te "8 conta t with when ion or 4 w bias emall ek ty here, vou fairs, vent. ih this ~ and nt his 1 Wae bomrd, ell im Int of { ne any per with any ly de- inmer ls and toast brical en her f ap- Car- ven the ional ated the ores the ross (3', wershipped. emt th View,” a Premeh work 4 PLEGR AD a4 Ax €5 Pp PREY Hy galas ip ag iis IMPORTANT FROM KANSAS. LE 8 Lavig 3 aye 10, Advices. from, of a state of anarchy and bloodshed, Oncthe night of the 3d, the abulitionine burnt the town of Bernard; # pro-slavery settlement, It was re- ported tut the town of Franklin tind been enp- tured by the abvlitioniate wher ous botic’s fight | ing, in which threy pro-lavery men were killed, Anotlier report discredit the capture of Fravk lin, but confirma the fact of the assault, Marahial Donaldson arid’four of his posse bad been killed uvar Hickory: Puint, whily Alten pt. ing to artkat those whe tid mailed Captiey Patti's party, Ia. the. weighborhod of Bull Creek, the abdlitiqnists were burning the houses and driving away the families of the pro-slavery settlers, “Oue- buvilred andfifty wien had goue in pursuit of Uieie matrdders, Gov. Sk haved proclamation on the 4th, commanding all lege! military orgauize- tions to disperse or. be dispersed by the msilivary. Le calia or vigitanes im enforcing, she the protection uf the property al. He had inade a farther Col, Sumner ber troops, petxous of inition Upon Curcage, June 10. Advices from Kansis rvovived bere state thut Col, Samuer pared tlervugh Legmpion on the 4th, bowad» for Topelea: It was reported that a new attack wpow Lawrence by the pro slavery party was contemplated, It was said that the attack would be sade at wight by 600 men,— The free State meu are determined to offer re- sistance, It woe reposted that Sheriff Jowce bed becu killod iy the @y0t at Franklin, - _ FROM KANSAS. Cuteseo, June U1. Later advice fry) Kansas covfiru the catsience of civil war, Twenty-one Southerners have leew killed in diff-rent engagements, and several Abulitiouinis had bere wounded, tat pute killed. Shannon's proclamations have proved incflee- tual, The death of Marshal Donaldson is incorrect, Many Missourians were eutering the Ternts- ry, aid » general latte was es preted The Washington Union has reliable advices from Kansas, which tate hat the excitement wa imereaniing, aml that forty meu had ben killed. Col. Samer had tied tu disperse bath partics Sithoat secorsa. An attempt bad been made to rescue Holo ~~, The Union's correspondent hud met fhany FURTHER (rovps wear the line ow Sunday. St Locis, June 12 A letter from Lawrence of the 6th nays tlt WinthelJ"s command wearbering 300 wen, near lrairte City, wete ordered ly Samuer to dis pees. They complied, but afler wards reforined A strong company of troupe are ready to inter <opt theie movements, Advices from Kansas state that Sumner is dis persing all the armed bands of bush parties There ie « pruspeet of peace. Aa Baglish Countess Astray —While Lord bidesturough, the Es Guvermor General of In diag busily engaged in the Howe ff Lords capporting the Tories, in the hope that he masy Leoume, im the event of Earl Derby eupplanting Lord Palmerston, a Calinet Minater. » beading a erhd life among the Arable, A cortesjomdent of the New Yurk Observer writing frow [bainas cus, March 23, thus speaks of bes You bave heard of the eccentric Engliel Countess why married an Arab Sheth Ke tor me eenal was falee, | was iu hee villa thee ‘morning, past owt uf the gates fh Dsinamcus Nive sat Palewen with ber husband, whe is a pretis Arab, etmall ie stature, and generally contemy4 ls it Got & strange bistury ! the, Cotates of Pidewteroush, rowng bau! Ler umly daughter was th» ianeed bride of a Irie of Austria be She was [an Tow tl pow, [caw ber Mouduir this morn ag, and o8e of ite ornaments was her portrait at twenty years eld. She was really beustiful care hawe changed bet perliays tenske Lew familiar volumes Food,” a well worn copy too Time an. Amung her Daviy wa Owe wne> Nuother @ Marriage from « Christian Port of Lee buediar was opden ‘idly ofpamented, and bad ber portraits of her lather, & Gwe lvoking old Kmgtieh gomtheman, atl her children, one hiving pow, the other dead. } beitewe, Her histury me but half kaown 1h voresd from Lord Kidenburvagh for intrigues et) a German Prince, she went there she maried a Greek Count. Tinsd of hom she weet to Darmaccus, where la a viet to Pa mvra she was proectet from robbery by thos iow, whose name «x M djul She determine! to marry bim, fhe objocted and ran away. Sb. euploved Arsbs to bring bym back. The Fn Cish Consul interfered. The Turkish (iuvernor euycted. Shoeard she was worth £15000 year ‘ol all Turkey could not prevent ber doing as soe wished. ‘oe she followed Mvijui into the wrt aed was marrid to him in Turkish sty! * Arab style, No ome thiwks st will te last og “te keeps bim supplied with moner, has given him an elegant place mear |enascue, ant be hong will travel away in search of new elven Uber friemda are de-wiroas of keeping her ™ far away ae pussilde. and it ts a ration of sar se that he sent her el Want presente of mo bey va hearing of this marriage. though they boew it to be bath Wlegal and iminoral, [as *are yoo that [ fownd it almost impossible to leheve that [ waain the villa of one who had ‘eed ia the *pleadid circles of St. Jamia, who el been a speeial favorite with the Tron Duke "io had vivalfed royalty itself in Es “io was now in an Aral tent, the wi 4 an Anema. He is not even A respeetal “ieike of the tribe—he ie merely a common Aral, ber Cote nd, and ev of a doy TOWRR OF MIND OVER BOBY Mysterious inflnences exercised be the mind over the body is well illustrated in the following ‘, obtained in Dr, Warrens treatise on the “Treservativa of Health :” “Some time since a female presented herself Me, with @ tumor or swelling of the submax Ary gland of the neck. It was about the size of an ag, had lasted two years, and was so ve hard that [ considered any effort to «dissipate by i nedicine to be vain, and advised its removal by an operation, Wing her mind ; ome To this the patient could not therefore, to satiafy her wish, applications of considerable activity were ed to be made to the part, and there she Nisund fr a number of weeks without change. \Rer thie abe called on me, and with some hesi- ‘ation begzed to know.if an application recom. st ta her would, in my pinion, be safe. "s consinted (a applying the hand of a dead Kaveas confirin the existence | maky’ ° mn rae woe sie its 4 ae na) 4 i tal ee ca os gst, ‘ate wh Aethe ag Sen Mee Ae, aetna Siem ee ae Si ss, Lauda ae? thy = ah gs * 4 . ; today sol od che el onl vas perhaps many of ow, received @riny, the Colonel “was ! wd visiting this place ow bnsiness, aadon cunsequenoes A. while ater she prescuted er ‘ A i" with amallinng Cenanice, | OMe occassion accidentally yr wee i a By eo A dive . ope gona , wa dts frontiers, other, and op exauiiulny fur the tumor, it had Yl revolutionary patriot, | din prrerwd™ } “ “ 4 | eee | TS29, Ms. Fwyyite pecsived the couse ties eS ston of @ captain ofa rifle corps which he A POISONED V ALLEY. | raised in life nelighborhiinad ¢ marched | _A poisoned valley has been discovered | to Canada—was & brave and successful near ny in Japan, Mr, A. Louden | officer, and was several times promoted | visited it laut duly, aud states that when |for gallant and anecessful engagemeiits withinw few yards of the valley, a strong | with the enemy. For each achievement suffucating siicll was experienced, bat | his former host would give him credit ou thie ceased as the margin was approached. |his books for part of the debt; and when, The bottom of it appears to be tit, with- | being Cul. Furaythe, he fell at the head out any vegetation, aud a few large stones | il his troops, whieh he aad often led on scattered here aud dierg. Skeletons of to victory, the patrivtie old gentleman huutan beings, tigers, bears, deer, aud all ‘finally balanced his account. sorts of birds und wild animals, lay about | - . in profusion. The ground on which hey! Jpocen | lay, at the bottom uf the valley, appeared | jte be a hard, sandy substance, aud tie vu- 4 Joxes anv a Lies: Preseuver. por was perceived, The sides were cuv- |e Northern menbers of Congresa, are lered with veyetation. | writing to their husbands to arm them- | It was pew 1 to enter it, and each 8¢lves with pistols and bowie knives. jof the party, aving lit a seyar, Managed Some think it would be more re jt get within twenty feet of the bottom, t send them parent India rubber life ‘J | Whereavickoning, nauseous sincll was ex. |preservers. That's what Jerusha Jones | perieneed withsat ane difficulty of breath did, when her husband, Pardon Jones, ing. A dog was vow fastened tu the end bad the life e’en winost hooked out | oa baniboo aud thrust to the bottom of | repeat : lak luf the valley, while sume of the party down South in Louisiana. | with their watches iu ticir bands observ- i - jed the effect. ; | A Rewarkanix Boy.—IIas turned up | At the expiration of fourteen seconds in Naples, where he bas been Creating a he full off his lexs, Without moving or! sensation by a public display of intellee- j looking around, aud coutinued alive only ‘tual abilities of a high order. His name eighteen minutes. The other dey now | left the company and went to his eom- | panion. Ou reaching him he was observ- age. He possesses an inexhaustible fund ed tw stand quite motionless, and at the of historical know ledge, and translates at jend of ten seconds fell down; he vever aj cht and with the utinost ease from the j moved his limbs after, and lived on ouly Greek, Latin, Freneh, Spanish and Eny- [seven minutes, A fowl was now thrown fish languages. The King has granted in, and died in the space of a winute and him a persion af 450 Neapolitan ducats ‘a half. till the age of twenty one, to assist him A heavy shower of rain fell during the jn completing his studies. |time that these eXperiueuts were yor ” forward, whieh, from the interesting na ture of the experiments. was quite disre- jgarded. On the opposite side of the val jiey to that which was visited lay a hu- nan skeleton, The head was resting on the right arm. The effect of the weather is Giralamo de Mayo, a native of Paler- mo, Anger.—Is a burthen which men not unfreqaently inflict upon themselves, asa kind of equi poise, to enable them to bear that imposed by others, forgetful that while one would ouly serve to bend the 1h, doubling the weight misht crush the had bleached the bones as white as ive Ceubling the we ig ut might crush them Sometimes itis a voluntary punishment ry. This was probably the resuains of sine wretched rebel, lunted towards the valley, who had takeu shelter there, un- | comscious of its character assumed to show our spleen vainst fate, foor or @ real or supposed wrong cee ' Holloway Oentre nt and Palsare aston A Deascrtation on Hope —The «: Bad Breasts-—The i ’ z on, of Cincinatti, correspondent of the Pawtucket Gazette slittie Remedies for ney ~ wife of Mr. Jolin Lan: i Obie, had @ remarkable bad breast, in t fo “ » ‘ 5 thus “lets himself out” on the « SPMUOve wirich there were two large running subject of hoops iu ladies’ dresses wounds, ty what canse to attribute it, the “And, talking of the ladies, they are Utlors did not kn my but advised the * i - adeortion of m varict of vf | positively gettig bigyor ant Liigesres iE : trrety of remedies, which " Tew € a af tharfes The petticoat mania rages fearfally. They “Ore T no tee At la Mr. La " determined to trv what [olloway's Vill. i) the sidewalk they brust by fl! up the aidewalks as ti rush by and Ovatineie waulledoaia fortunately you, you fell bones, | inean whalebones, } : fur there are no others in a haif mile of aie Saar & qaantity, and after his . | you. What a dreadful reversal of the "8d used them for three wer ks, a visable order of nature is all this [ do not ob. Peprevetrent took place, by Contrarian se thew for two she Ject to plaupness and rotundity in the ' muutle Was pertecty ; ae {proper places, but what sense is there in Cun being eo tremendously orbicular about the — ut EI Mauyre feet! Between you and me, Mrs lias fallen into this fashi on, aud, PERUVIAN GUANO From information tebe relied on it ” smonatrances, bas purchased one of : sf tbe Hebe Rea of it Inventions, PCAs Uiat the Peruvian Government. for edamined it with mach awe, the other 4!) 4 care, anxiety, Ke, actually re ves night atier she had gone to bed O, Rab palate (4 nett per ton (2,240 pounce rte, it te “feartutly and wondertulty Mf t4 guano made.” It isan institution In size itia If the Governme tof Por contd be in Lhe aamall country law office. f thin duced aller her policy and ae the ar it must have been raised like a cr tae e at the ielands to any and a part It is latticed and corded and stiffend with “MS to pay that price, Chen, i ans the utinost ingenaity When the has it ‘t + : ae ree ya! S ( i sa, dary “Sserude wife ia ttaa to speak ke 1 ‘ Het a of "1 as cule " ars ae Hamlet's tather, “clad ine Haplete still ue Cuethy a Slee is peat as sale as if sive were in acon “ee d a sh ad! ; Salles len nix ir 6 Vent. She is entirely shut uut from this VOT aod tnporting merchants would iu Fain world Yucnid the earth, she is ne a . ae ite = les ie nee ve . the im af thing bat @ large shirt. So unwed for he we a a He leu a He) anid the safety of the contrivance. Ty ques” . J a «x afes tarke€: price tou vf beauty isanother matter satisfactory figures May wee a fa . ¢ that Uns can be dune! . MARYLANDER GOOD ADVICE TO APPRENTICES Piney Hier, Mav te, 1836 When serv ng your apprenticeship you “>: will have tine and opportunity to stock SOME NOSE your tind with useful information The The fslloe ny incident we had from a only way for a young man to prepare friend who knew the jrarty Dee himself to study du ing his Jeisure Comatock, of Martford, Cone sis We ours Firat lie indir 6 in your bus known as be Ng provided woth an en ae ; 4 mons handle ty sig corte tance, in tnesa—be frigal, be cconomical —never shape of ahuge nine. in facticiarenert complain that you are ebliged to work: able for its greatlensth. On alate o goto it with alacrity and cheerfulness. « . wher taking up V collection and it will become a habit which w hurch tow J € Dercot oelor make you respected and beloved by vour diss: : chen sa i ai ee) master or employer; make it your bus 0 Soll Pep J tee weuihien 7 tIhess tu see to and promote his interest mtroll t sites 1) Disa by taking care of hia, yon will learn t did not know what t L ; take care of your wn Young wen at U nd bef it the present dav are te f madoof getting sne ad! he es af rid of work hey seck forecasy andla « lowes thea zy employ me nts, and frequentls turn ont t cted fora 1 poor miserable vazaleonds on nist two with a sor Pha tatsal apy are avevl all wishes to dive without labor, ar ad placed a sina piece of sticking labor is a blessing instead of a ¢ Iirees ot ister over of Daring the crore woot takes vour food, clothing, and overs lav in qnes the plaster divd drey ther thing neceessary, and frees you ped off, and ¢t Jeacon see fooms tie Irom every temptat tu be dishon- sed t fl. ropiekKed it op and est stuck gf ON again. ¢) Rian f now . n make vroat mistake ©] edoup ate ray f lrease Leie % af HOW MANY NAILS TAVE Yor DN eh i Trae ce Pr THE Posts Colton paste on the end of every 4 A father whose son was addicted to and which rea Warrant some Victous propensities, bade the bow ont 200 yards Si a okie ali ; to drive a wail into wa certain post when nose was enough t the wravity ever he committed a cerrtain fault, and eves ] lan congresation eod that a nail should be draven out Nei fal whenever he corrected an error. In the re course of time the post was completely Cigna pritensionndatiln filled with nails AU Ea peat most refined feclinga, went to her bnteh alarmed at the extent of his indiscretions, ra hirer tie Craenity ATE ia na and set about reforming himself. One ; In by one the naila were drawn out, the de practices. “How can you 80 barbar ; 0 agate put tittle lambs te death ¢ lighted father commended him for his “Whe Me int " @ f } ihe butehe : “von noble, self-denying he-roism, in freeing nrelvowontditrg it ar u o. pal ) Ure onld'n » t t himself from his fanits. “They are all von drawn out,” said the parent. The bey Jooked sad, and there was a whole vol ume of practical wisdom in his sadness [all, in his Joornal of Health, aave that t ‘Tr e ethod of ke preg oi endeney to insar With a heavy heart he replied, “Tre, best meth - 5; ks preg : ® = i r ; ‘sn * ‘ oO dWe Vv lOnMY oy ome oh father; but the scars are still there. Pa- ity, is not to g | ' : hildren see a tendency to inaanity rapidly developing renta who would have their children ish ny ath ins Ae ne one 4 tepublican” friends grow sound and healthy characters must nee ta ak "g a i ie ae © et the pes wn Ww ino: ms sow the seed at the fireside. Once bad, Ps ‘vos i . 4 Y ) : d become teh od alth mgh they uy sha en We fear itis already too Jate for some of ueefal members of society, “the scure w ill still be there.” [low many have ruined their constitutions and health by bad habita, which no reformation can re- pair, them. — Exchange Poverty is no disyrace, although it is rather inconvenient he PR ania paisa Dg Riad 25 > ite name orsythe, a North Our. Uie war of 1819, on the Before he entered the in the liahit of At the commencement of the war. of'| Colle, Rio. A Washington letter says the wives of | Lead, bar, in character | of | him by a Tuckerpaw beef when he was and itis said, he is but ten years of 5 Pa Sabiibiry, N.C. Tune Vt, Apples, (driv) 50°/0} Mids. No. 1, 10at1 SETS. Groou,, SLUM} . DorPure, ite 12; 2 «638 Bacon, 10a41 (Molasses, Cubs, 50 Gy Tipe Beoswax, 22)" N. Orleans, (2a 65 Beef, 5 @6 \Nails, 6a 64 Batter, 124@ 15 | do. Wrought, 124 @ 15 Candles, ‘Tallow, 23) do. Horse Shoe 25 EXCINELES OFFICE, W. N.C. RB. g., ~ Adamant, see Onte, 30@33 Salisbury, June 17, 1856. } 5 rm, 45a ils, ‘1 A » Ft are « | PPROPOSALS witt be feceived ul Statesville, Ire- f 2a f nate Lb set $s I del! County, N.C. until Ju.y the 15th, for the a: SUV, = anuors y gul 00 a 75 Gredoation, Masonry, and Crows Ties for the remuind- Castings Pb, 4@5 etatens, Insh, 50 $1 | oF of the first Section of the Western North Cur do. Malable 125. @ 15 | do. Bweet, 75 8100 | Ran Road, comme ncing at, and extending West from Cotion, : 9 10 (Rags Pb, |_| Stat ewvilte Cotton Bagging,-—- Salt ( sack,) 82.600 275 Oo the frst 15 mites of thin work there is important a Meso bre Paar # apron. Nat Mesos: aud especiatly the Bridge acrossthe Cataw- , ’ * ive - DB - “ Barlape, 00.0 [Rbhhae, beg 92.25 pelt bat alt of which iv particularly worthy of ut Cottoa Yarn, 90 Revd, | _ Plane, Profiles, and Specifications with estimates Corn, 45 48) Cloves, Pbush $1102 | of the work may be aren si ine office of the Engineer do. Meal, 45450 | Flaxseed, G1 00 | aflerthe 4th July. JAMES C. TURNER. Chickeus Pdox., $14 @ Uy Sugar, Brown, 11 « 124 | Chief Kazineer, WON. C. KR Legge P doz., BeiG { Loaf, 124015 | Cr The Standard and Register at Raleigh ; Record Feathers, 30435 hed Crashed, W405 er at Hillsboro’; Spectator ond News at Ashevi'le ; Flows, dt, B4 a 5 In 23 Clarified, G9 Ib | Pytrint, Greensboru’ und Demoerat, at Charhotte, | from, Suede, 6 ‘Patlow, ag 124 | will eupy uatil the 15th July aud forward their ac- | de. Bar, 44u5 Turpentine, Pgul.87$1-0 | Counts to this office. | “ Bag Refin'd | 54 Wheat, si. |; ~ —-- ~ «Moles, 5 |Wool, 25.200 s “Or QF Window Ginn, Poe | State of North Carolina. Lard 10a'Tl 810 $2.25 | Th ab 10> 19 $2.50 | IREDELL COUNTY. Lead, Dry White, 100/94 Superior Court, Spring Term, 1856. { Divorce. MARRIED: In this Coon’ ne 32th, by Rey. Samuel Roth- rock, Mr. GEORGE A. MILLER aud Miss LOUL. | SA, daughter of Mr Lawrence Lingle IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that the defendant in this case being absent +o that the usual process of Lew cannot be served upon him, Te ie or. jC arohaa Weiechman for six saccessive weeks, for the defendant to appear and answer at the wext Term of "y). | the Superior Court for the Coanty of Tredet, ut the DIF D: | Court House in Statesville, on the sisth Monday after June 12th, DAVID ALEXANDER, infunt son of | the 4th Monday in August next, or judsment pro con- Mr. Juseph A. aud Mre Margaret L. Patterson, iv fesva will be then again him | the 2d year of his age | Witness, C. L. Summers, ( lerk of our said rt at On tho 3d of June, et hisuwa jeadaues! in Ucdell office, the sixth Mouday after (he 4th M v in County, in the 97th year of bis age, Mr, MORGAN | F babuctblie : cb sUM eee GRIFFIN, Riddell in hed It will no doubt be gratifying to the many friends INO PeKCE * #9 well a8 relativns of Mr. Gritlin, who were bot per- tuitted to mitend him ia his last sickuers, (u know LI ; sume thing in relation ww hus state of miud when the A a Perens. in any way, ind-bied to we 90 Ad messenger of Death came to summon bin to a higher | ¢ a Yaetasad of the es alr uf Muses D. Kilpainete, sphere uf sctivu. Being awakened by the Spint of | Seated, are hereby westsin a ps cues Retward ‘ond \e eted the property of the Perrine! estaie h 50 God, he was euubled to lay huld upon Jeeus Christ, | ke immediate pay meni LUT tbe: osle uf, the ** Lamb slain” for the remmeion of sine, in whoa s expired, and alone be was willing Us (rust. Conscious of hin situa. | the cotate Alm, all theome ton, he clearly recognized the vuice of his Saviour, ig MSY claim : egein notified this the last sturu: of ihe. onying “Tt wf,” wud there. Prement them for payment, of this nouce will be plead iu bur of their reeure ry JAMES U RAMSAY, Ades's AND. fore counplied with the exhortation, © Be His aaxiety fur those whe had been hia compsniwus Was so great that be earnestly desired that they should cumply with his tart une seage lo them. “Seek yo first the Kingdom of Gud and hin righteousness.” add. tog with emphams, * Tel) them du it mow.” Hie ow a cvavietwne of mn, preceding bis first cousulatwns in Chrwt, weve exceeding deep aud thurongh ; hie (ruu- ble and exercise of mud. by « seuse of sn aud muse ry pot afraid June 17, 1656 SALE OF L ty, L will offer the at pable auctiun were exteumve ; and the ght let int couverseu, appears to have had ts Mae end at hie suine aud hum blog wiuence wpow hin, ty have kept bun kiwi hie 24 ye oe eyes, wet evulidiag i huneeif, bat in Cline ~ 0 Ac res, haoking fur the mercy of the Lard Jeaus to cirrual ltfe Ove-eash and There was sfirm aud vudmabt, ag bebe! inthe Mesh Duel Over we the Saviour of the world, the gre and King of God's Church, wih 1 Cand, oO earuest demre at Prophet Ndaw Con that Gs. nay be glorified and hie King does ad vave dy 66, the 24th 28 BveuM Mun Fem@gnalion Lo the wil God, i this ¢ Je hue last, Lat eweetest afflictun ; applying the words Terme—ox months credit, bund and security f bie Savas to tas weepug wile Weep net f fy eae on sarap yest! 112 ACRES. deotly did be appear to b ct mere fall of hove, mewkuces, qnietne venesa Aud “Tu be mold upon the petiiion of Davad ( snap ond «th wow while a devited wice with two bith children 1) ndoon which Ase Milles beed and eMeetwonte muth>r, a watchful brother and a larye Woe # freer Cooled Hit, edyun circle of relatwne mourn hie bes, they muurn not ae I *, Daved Rarnhert, George hw one who is leat, bul for cue who among those of Farohort hes tand will tw weld aubyee the upper sanctuary muging the eumg uf Muses and to the wehiw'sthiwer Sale io be nade ow the pr the Lamb” Con meses, the ie July ure Tertie— ssa be Git, be nd and secaniy - BLANCA WER, OC NM FE DR. M. WHITEHEAD, 227 tsar sere . . . i oA . r; ’ OFFICE on the cower ht w hie remdence In iy a D He > R f I bis absence perme dest > eee hum will leave en 0 ars eware be f mee esl Jane 17, tf? DANAWAY fen the oubscriber, on the 29 tay U of May lat, a free neg ame i HENKY VA ray ‘ Ney LENIN E Hen l. oe Mend boy was Lo) SALES Teale sot Tare of RiresalReeenne | 4 a share niademeanet @ , * * . avin { ()* be Sth day of July, IRSA, im the Town of ~ x ‘ © t w ¢ ma diately surround ug the . » t f e united Tue ©. will be teld at publ Nocti qr ed or ' He was ed be lerk-ag ab VW ates mer agh and Albem srle * for battling o- ercand the Twill give the above reward f * or . 0d swomnen of s aod detiwery me v Pie ae C ob . the 2 win yaty. of if confined any @ tha LT get L te surroen “8 Le tiers adderened ment Mow Preace he State h. trate s ell be promptly aitea rate Mineral Springs Pe CHARLES KLUTTS suse of dieeeme. Vis oe sy ae June 10, }xsf 2 " andes the supe rn iende ne Lim. ead HS Grimce, Fe \ mn 12 i) t coronene OTICH male, aud s f “ 4s we im the eomuiry os 4 « aviend alive sal (THERE will be mids ree Hogh WMG JAMES | RH ecrased. im Ir-del! ( t Beth Ja 12h 1656 tw? any ( rch the ie ay et J at. ma oF ght toh NEGROES k ( whem s1 1h . , “4p or mk goed STATE UF NORTH CAROLINA Shoemaker. ALEXANDER COTNTY } omall levies om 2 T above (voart /f # and Quarter See s [hws ew be ma a cred 4 - he with reet fro Term, 1856 IAS KONISRET, ) Dovid Finger 0. EC. MeLen JAM WOLEW In, 9 "7eenteve Origins! Attachment Levied oe Laed. 1aS¢ i I ers : ss as ghoehen cal ( : N E Ww BR EK RN hee Ste th hore ordered bh b * ‘ siesim te moade for we works wie ous MAMA Tosarance (Co. 8 sichman, pe st Nateber hy avd Oe MoLetiond ms a t "i'd TAYE nade re b aan agent ot Sake (Quarter Seaeicne . ‘ | rae f j ' Compa P arrd 1 sauder. at the ( he |e - a ef . > re shing Aunday im S tod hae pe rpaprals Ths & pier ial sacra why the eutd je wrratnen, and its huemnees 0 fee on Pi we eet reverts Goda Hae 7 har perty « eff £ ose 66 ' — JD RAMSAY Witteres, A: Carn, Cloth if nar said ( Offwe Teed 1a ese Cuns2 a M J A DvD = mah ar of “ te pe wm or vrs’ NEW ARRANG t«3 Pr 2 \y i The Board of Trustees rpg memes so de Siwee ) WeCas NA wey tres # tock v rhe we he Sa-s ‘ J " . AM isear WooKrown € ¢ AU perm Phe eam o> .. eae . an M CEO W’ BROWS WoW PHEARR, Pree Ss Ye CO ree) Oe, ene ROWANFACTORY, Se fonts Here Tribete to whom Tribate is dee: Pay it----1f mot, eneoerace Home Manelactares. PENILE enhecnters he ROW TORY (hocated in Salisbur se and are mak ~ SHEETINGS & YARNS. if te the Verth AN Fv = . 1 HUpe riot nee fin produce goods + ve heat mad State and apere me effort te give matin latallwh may f usw } g Tn a few weeks we al ered to F clone for hirtonge and Wavy Goode COPTON BATES ke 0 hand and fore The GRIST MILLS are ales in Operation and Corn will be ground for to as promptly as posmble MORNING & MEADER June With KEITH & FLANNER, ~ COMMISSION MERCHANTS WILMINGTON, N.C Though Freight to Wilmington pr. Wail Train. Sal sbers Mob it) AN veowith the Railroad ) E have made an arrangeme Company to ran af Wt car with their Wail Trains, twee a wee wm Sahshory to Wil | dered by the Court shat advertisement be made inthe | IENERLY, MOCK & ArT, S282 ; ARE NOW RECEIVING ware, Cutlery [and Straw & and Glass ats, Boanete—Bue Trimmings, Springs and Axels, Ware, Saddlery, j ings, &e., de. | always on hand.........Partieular attention is called to | our large and well seleeted stuck of } READY MADE CLOTHING, ich will @e sold at uuparalieled low prices in this euuntry. | . €7 All the above goods have been sek-cted with | T the old, well known en of Jenkine, Roberts & Co., ene of the largest and Most Splendia SPRING AN Assortments of D SUMMER BVWSBs EVER OFFERED IN WE consisting of Foreign and Domestic D » Boots and Shves, Moleskin, Panaima kets, Rope, Carriage | Wiadow Giaus, Queens | GROCERIES STERN CAROLINA, | ry Goods, Hard- » Sole Leather, Bolting ; Cloths, Blasting Powder, Nate, Tron & Steel, Black- smiths’, Carpenters’ and 8 hoe. Makers’ Tools, Tan- vers’, Linseed ad Sperm © il, Paints, Dyestuffs, Cast- A large stock of 1 ens Jaen a ine Seer eee AND SUMMER FOR 1456 MICITAEL BROWN 8 now receiving and ope | furge and Wwell-amorted j stock of Spring and Summer Goode, consisting of — ‘Staple & Fanoy Dry Goods, i Tuts, Cups, and Bonnets ; Shoes and Boots ; Ready Made Cloth ing ; Ch ina, Delph, and Glase are; | Hardware & Cutlery, Groceries, &e., |to which he invites the attention of his cumumers and the pablic—offering at low prices for cash, or on time to punctual castumem, a wholesale og retail. N. B. All kinds of Country Prodaee bought at the j highest market price. | Salisbury, April 10, 1856. 4bcal Fey COURAGE | the greatest care, and we most respectfully invite at pute undersigned begs leave to retuen his thaake purchosing 44af McCormick's Reapers. | EU E MARTIN, Acext, For the State of North Carolina. {7 Office next to Cowan's brick tow 48:1f) National Agrioultural Warehouse, PLOUGH MANUFACTORY, MACHINE DE The subscriber being a practical Mechanic, and having many years cxpenence in the mapafacture of all kinds vLTcast Eercements ond Maciingay, woald of A POT AND SBED STORE, 231 PEAL ST. sear Palton,New-Yerk JOUN JONES, PROPRIETOR. reapectfally call the attention of Merchants and Plan tere to bie large and most complete assortment of the above Goods, which he than any other House in fers fer sale at lower prices he trade Naney Pritchard vy. Ransom Pritchard, Petition for, those buying guods this season tu cal! and examine our | | stuck a8 we feel no hesitancy in saying that we have j baat a larger assortment than has ever been uf red at ove | that seasun in this place, and that we are determined to | sell, and will make it to the advanta gtve our stock an examination before Salisbury, March 31, 1856. ge of bayers to | sill’s Planing Mills, CP ANG, BONE BUST, SU FKE-FHOSFHATR OF Link, PLASTER *NP OTHER VERTILIZERS. March 31, 1556 413m. Carpetiags, Rags, Druggets, &e. \ ed Salisbary SQUIRE, ZIMMERMAN & ALLEN, a Faave bw Grown \ eo Rave Zimuranan Mare} Srticies, which ws Call et Nu 3, Gramte Row * E would call attention w our stock of the abov large and varix d, jast receiv. 1556 BROWN & COFFIN 43. Whelesale Dealers ia Y GOODS, 143, Market Street, PRESBYTERIAN FEMALE COLLECE, STATESVILLE NX. ¢ YEE eecond | seemon of thee justiiaton will open im the new baeld the 4h day of Aagust vest To make sustable arrengriarnte, the Trustees have epared neither cost nor pame A commedwous i haudenne bud furmture and eparatr itl be a due . Worthy and «med dent will have a be f well qua t Aoneet . * Oar terme are b r any other smiles ia stitulion with which w nainted Board « be pad in advance Terms. Per seaann of fiv monthe, $60 06 Freneh La a¢- 5 ao Loum aad Greek, each 19 00 Mame, w pee of Pin 2 Ww o i ow Water re 4 Ornamental Wer . 10 06 } > Of Coouage . om Candies « Towels furmshed by the popals By order be Boar S BO WILSON, Pres May 28 PITTM N, WADE & CH PHILADELPHIA of Lanectot No ¢ 43.600 iOwi Successors te WILLS & PITTMAN, General Produce COMMISSION MERCHANTS Pete rah Prse Wme PITTMAN JAWMEX< Wang J CUARELTON BLAKE Lab May 2.1 Offic \ees f ral cash 4 the Gem of Wits Prrvmas jiat Late Va epee all coumgy ne a \ Moxraeweny ( “VCRR Co. SALISBURY, Jane ith, 1 ven that the anc ° £ nal meet he Stock m2 i9 ths Company « at R nthe 1th da July nex f Stork st be + Office be d J “@ mav be th ’ , & tear ke bees, CYRUS VNHALI Secretary 4 Treasurer C, . Stan rnd Regeter 1A we Wilenng ! ahd se * DISSOLUTION, Siok > hork ~ < JAME S KIRA I) “ w mingion dreet > leavag Salishary on Monday and [EONS wishing the ahowe Machines forthe approaching harvest w Tharedny ; leave Wilmingtin, on Trenday and Fri John A Buvd-m, general agent for Weetern North Carolina, wh Gay Our agent will accompany the ear to rece.ve manufacturer's prices, with adestan of tranapertatien outs and detiver freight at all the intermediate saations. — Tn the abrence of Mr Boyden appheat , The firet car will leave Saliehary on Monday W3d inst. McCormick's colvbrated mictines Office next to Cowan © briek + KEITH & FLANNER A sipply ofthe very beat mactines alwaveon hand Waimington, V. ¢ Ju 14. 1856 Tal Siliebury. May OR, Ps BOI SSE ’s PATENT REAPERS AND MOWERS, COMBINED, om may be mide to Eug ne Wartin Req EMORY'S PATENT RAIL ROAD HORSE POWERS & TURESHERS hy letter wher wis maa them in Salisbury who ww ale agent for JOHN & BOYDEN RLTON. tes these who favored him with a cal during the year, and he. respectfully informe the he has removed to the Shop lately nceupivd hy eorge & Whisnant, adjsning Mr, J, Rady where he is prepared to exceute elt cheap aud good us Cun be dune it Messrs, } work in hw line, ua the State. Turning, Caiting Serews, Repairing Boilers and Engines, Of alf descriptions ; making and tepairing ‘Mill Spindles, Wood Plainers, Plows, Ironing Wagons, &e.. aod in ROLSL-SMORrw|, { will compare work with eny one fur nestness, aud deapateh ; Luterferring shoes, 8! 5 cast steed toes oF stee! Plates, £2. ), J Lhave also erceted wo Air Foernance for melting Brass, whieh answers finely. The public can get Bross and Composicion Casings by Calling at the abe establithinent end furnishing petterun Also Braen mehed over at a reduced priee, with peatners aud de- Spaich 1. Old Copper and Brass wanted. 8S. J. PERRY. 19 ign SS SAYA UST RECEIVEO o« sew and beast bel Steck of CF Sensonable Clothing of superiar Quality and work tanship, which we are Rew selilag ar Very how prices, Oor stuck comprises HATS, C APS, COATS, Veers, PANT. , SHIRTS, ( OLLARS and CRAVATS; URAWERS, sOCKs, BOOTS ond SHUES, ead rvery other article uf Chuthing required, of the mest varewd oyirs, quality end price Tr Cutt and see! Our stuck is going Off, and we are giving harguine w every parchaser. J7 Our sore at the corer of the Mansion Hotel TW. F. BAUM & CoO, 193m EW GOODS! g py \ : VEW GOODS!! J.V.& T. SYMONS & co, NNOUNCE 5 ghigpddens Rowen and sé- kawing Counties, that they are now Teeciving « erge end well selecied stuck of Spring & Summer Goods, COXsrINY oF Maple cl Fancy Dry Goods + Ready Made ( lothing > Hats and Caps : Bonnets & Straw Goods t Boots and Shoes : Glass and Queensware f Groceries & Dye Stuffs, whieh they offer cheap for cash or on short credit. wear, $1.25; common du. Charloue, May 5, 1856. Sablebary Call amd examune, as we are dete Tunaed to el Apeil 15, 1&56 seat FRESN STOCK Spring & Summer Goods JUST ARRIVING : ] AVING mold off our Geet extensive parchase of Sprng end Sarmmer Geods in a very hast ome sherthey were to hand we have siece laid in a erenad sappy. which ws new arriving ft wae selected with ea bongh' ai very reduced cash prees, and wil be eid bw No mete deetrable gouds have been brougie to thes mark: | the preseat year, nane—we are sure, een be oo for be om BROWN & COFFIN, Neo 3, Granite Row Apri 29, [R56 wet THOMAS E. BROWN, Carriage, Buggy and Sulky Builder, ~S si SALISBURY, . , BE $ now carrying on the shove busin wd examine his © vet Would always recommend the better rapes » from He eneid aveive these mre ony thing in bin lime be call at bivestaDieh oe ° they base rier where CH Hic an * he rear of his Livery Stebie wr = rdering wort, wil! please acecm A - teaeriptiog of the article reqetned—sts in When delivered #1 it dors Lot give eutle " Aye wre of tae Rattres At Ol doer, kee take whe Tork each a Core, ‘ ate, B Ler wes. Provender Timber, ‘ 4 , LIVERY STABLE we..° berte bey -— MOCKSVILLE LE AC » keep ites t has heretufore » enier any Negrs whieh x parece ( ur ( ene fSmanthe, 9°08 gh : 12.00 15.00 No ew crerrer.a'p 1139 REFFRENCES f the University: Rew ( Davideon College; M Diek, sterns- J. JF Beli, Feo, Salis. To the Ladies. FINE snbarribe re are now receiving the Anest aad Most cor stock of Laces’ DRESS © thev have ever ofl red the p whieh they wit a smalf t , par euler attention diver WANTILLAS, 4 BONNET RIBRONS, Nu 3. Granite Rew BROWN @ COFFIN their la Myles EMDROIDERLES, & Salisbary, March OS, 1x36 4310 JOB PRINTING aN otly wfoel att . (on ome which a shrewd old kvew many years ago, made to one of The latter had obtained AGRICULTURAL. Horticaliare and Agriculture. BY L. DURAND. his neighbors. some pigs from a man residing several miles off, and who, because intelligent, p i r irticulture and Ietwixt the terms Horticulture and particular surpassed his Hajgls Dora eae ing. Shortly after, ally meeting the old gen SUP prose Agriculture, there i» § to be a wide division of interest and mean coian referred to, he says Well, Mr. ral you raising hows ¢ : eile. treated as nes . ing, and they are invaria ly treated a Sweetsir, Pua ee ate scie s. This Opinio separate science This, in my option, iis year; [ve got sume is an cgregions ¢rror. The two terms or J AEs breed.” are so intimately connected toggther that “* Aleaho’ brawled ont the old man, it is difficult to tell when gina and you had better get the breed of his hog eaves off. Many farmers seem the other Sean to have an idea that Agriculture au 1 bis ee. Horticulture have no particular or sp Fron the Southern Farmer cial connection together, This idea is a Harvesting Wheat. great mistake on their part, tu the two Misses. Eprrons :—The interesting sea- have a very special and close interest’ an to tue f r, wheat harvest, is pow wel ca other Agriculture proper: papidly a pyeaen ng, the results of which, means the improvement a 1 cultivation will be the realiaution of his hopes and of the 6 the faru tears. ‘The harvesting and pmservation arions k f « e ff this valuable crop is a matter of ne eultiv . tion stall anportance, net only to individuals faring © rehned but to communities. The farmer, in or- culture. ue there vatior all classes Her tO avet {unnecessary delays and <7 (pvt nie, REE iupeditents to the progress of the har: vest, when once commenced, should duly & = ar sl tor : \ t if rake every preparation beforehand. EN earn to be a good farmer or agricuitu : ) ery implement requ red should be in or- i t be should also aspire f Stee er, and in fact everything In a state of " be pr o W t ) " . PERC CS e S iness, and all other operations which are ed together with skill and i will net posit velv sutter from d lay, post Lice, science, &e.,, the farmer then may poned. Amongst farmers there is some s t the head of his 1} : diversity of opinion as the state of matur Few of us ‘can or do havea just appre: ity at which wheat ought to arrive before cia of whata yproy ure Feaping. Ttis sometines net altogether and horticalture w ; ath easy matter to determine from the eye when wheat is ina condition for safe reap- mun at larve in re ents and civ : afe rea) ae ; yy. Occasionally wheat straw will com iza an la $ v f the motive : . nence ripeuing from the roots upwards, rer s of ad wards ret rs 1 dwilly Pappearance of toaturl eiv 4 . nw 4 4 nay ‘ © “1 ty at which the grain bas vet arrived ar ‘ The ‘ \ 1 nu however, the the ¢ De fi \ asa pecullared ‘ ie vrain t who engae ts cu 1 tiie t FEL reg purat, to s fen Cow ‘ ght > the ture of man, and make 1acreat Koco lene patience, pe. a goud works ] He Grain this may e the case ot faurnuers itis -°e- Hints to Farmers farmer whom we! was quite green, in shock. heated, it was closely watched. , but there was no heating. three were, however, pulled down, and on examination were found to be perfectly sound. No further them until they were threshed, when the straw was found of a darker color than usual, but the grain in’ every plump, bright and wood, It was first determinec to leave this to mature more fully, but having discovered symptoms of rust, the | whole was reaped and immediately put | Ist. Apprehensive that in conse- quence of its greenness it might become | About the 4th or Sth day afterwards, some of the shocks felt damp on thr usting the hand Two or notice was taken of Fesyr et The expericuce WP. BLLIOTT (Late af Worth & Elion, Fayetteville, * Cr GENERAL COMMISSION NEW GOODS. yy nmi’ WEROIANT, Mills, Moose & Go. EG. leave to tefortrthete matty friéads and the! WILMINGTON, N.C. public generally Uhal they ate Hew teoniving and!) Orderafor Mechaudize, and conrignwent®of Plour) farmerly ecenpied by gud other Produce, for sulesar shipment, iho wb telly; received mut promptly attended to. May 18. Tremendous Exe coment! {PL LATFORM OF THE AMERICAN Y PARTY, fee i, uti, 1. &. noose; ~~ 3. &. RRaneoy ADOPTED AT THE SESSION OF THE!) SOT WN ae we en NATIONAL COUNCIL, Feo. 21st, 1639. | AND =~ Ap humble acknowledgement to the Su-! preme Being, fur Hb» protecting care vouchsafed to our fathers in their successful Revolutionary struggle, and hitherto manifested ty us, their de- scendants. in the preservation of the liberties, the | f dpening in the Brick Hunse Kennedy & Mile their stuck of STAPLE AND FANGY Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, ABOUT THE together with all articles wsuntly kept ina Dry Good T 1 re. ‘They are niso receiving the lnegest and ea W N 7 ey Ext ‘i nh { selected sluck of Groceries ever otfered tn thin neueket CS ei ii BS) Cis 0 « bof whieh they ore detenmiued to scl at prices that cunnot fail to plense. re EF Subseribers being dealrous of extending theit pos. THE HIGHEST M ARKET PRICES Dasiness ithe West. ae well ns all other direc. independence, and the wulou of these Stater, 2d. The perpetuation of the Federal Union, as the palladiaa of var civil and religious liber ties, aud the only sure bulwark of American In dependence. Te Americ, and to this ed forall 3a. slmerccaus nousty end xetive- born citizens should be seleet Suite, mont employment, or govertt Federal, and manenal o in pecterenee ty all vtlignst nevertheless, 4th. Persoas boru of Aenerican parents resid: abroad, should be eatithed to all Thy temporarily receiving # paid at all tin for Bloor, Wheat, Corn, Cotton, and thane, take this methed of intommang Uneir mamerone une of Une bent GF iat 4 iD ‘GLE. CITY. PEMHE SCCSCRIBER bh ponece to the bee sit nn i Wiehes for their pre peti wane ode rar pp veeini ed pe Rapier city/in the lng o teow eotien mill ott Troy Miley? und be pe to by the hover pact of Yaw of your correspondent is in favor of never i.e fights of native born eitiacus 5 but Mi Koel le of cout niny pe uduce 7 frie end patrons that they are ww counry. . Phe mivehivery eutting when wet from external canses Sth. No person shoul! be scleeted tor political suanry Oth, Teott tf spleudid etek of ihe Heteet nud mont approved pateryn wi g ’ f Ne sou ste yesclected for polities ah ry rh) ' nF 7h tte cheery — ae ern ee Suiee MEH (etRtti mi bistiusor tecaaa ited ‘ h h hi will work Like adeserwe tel ttueath and and to put it up in shocks as it ¢ mies st ‘ (whet aE t ae bith.) wh To Farmers. READY M ADE ( I, OTHING, and tbe debts 10 witty ett finn ah cradle privachines Tite end rice au hg oF SRO OH GAA ay tay ites mann ChOth Cuslareresy Veattiey, a8 Gem: Scoot SPS ata bsaans tralreenltienmeninech: Toit serption to can reign prite wotentate ot Ane eeray avvdba resent _ aie ; under hare vhaddew: tf erleping twit wad de, na “st will; ole ee eet ale alive ts ssi iii the Fader oi gk ore le at iu their 4 Hs aa ele flemea's Furnishing Coeds Lighting pevpert ign, Behe AMithe Vf Esl d for i. v spread out, or expose Wheat either in aid State Constitunons (afteh within its sp tere) nent is extensive aud oo great variety of wtyle ald w ge neralg albef which willbe sold wont ahneding ovife foe ws talege Wea ae thorn buth (or the excel. a loose condition or sheaves, when wet as preamount ty ale ociet laws, as rulcs of pole quality. Call at Nu 3, Granite Row , low, AT tang a sptond | stock of IVAT ube CARS, ree te ae and the tae i be cloth fab. ; 1 qitality NP FIN * uh A ree. ‘Tras Mi tN ae velit, aud hrwe meant fully Aon ripe, tntivetervil rays ‘ vs a. , ; , intern eae eee WNo& ae . eet miss Dor't take our word, bat call end putrly | chewerld may look Wut rw eons Bhawdesc. . hha. The une talitied re roguitic ac t ed STS Se ah es bean ds. : Ae wt ty ofa Virginia sun, evea for a few tion iireen! ' a , an i" oe ate JNO. A. WEIRMAN & PRICE, Pai Me Peerage eanery g “spared will be found injurious to the quality of aud the Woleaitiny cal tier TOA ; LCOS ny EL heat The dreamer, specutating ot eondng «vente mi br the vrain, giving ita din wy color, andiat s vod will, beta | Oliva us of the several N EW I 3( i ) KS oe ue well oe erate oe ee elt bn pte eo eS eases, aruda, Weusiuterte Wises Wh Gl” gh sree Ho RETR Tin b leoe prame, Meine hot bie eee He aie tine Causitie Ww wreater ar less : t vid te erfere Ww Cou Pusy RECEIVED Rose Chak. be Fanay BE: lagle City » few) sears. ghey. ° bet Rite sbeteh | ce ve Un aia Hema oly WANG action afietauiy ally WoL) “hash. bs Paves Heres ' ANDERSON & REYNOLDS, oe «sity of tepccitl epee town egree ial eum mise, dccarditts to the de idy Soves amd vou intervention by Good Pine a Comi Ta cuel Mv First ing eterples printing hen venwarde §elwerepged berks yeee of maturity. N wh Foany other State Seam. by Beater Revnatdes The Hidden Pa hy by GROCERS diyreaae aan. 7 Set ety wars 7 f the right of the wa. cite Aathar ote: Mane i” Seener tw the Lifeofe New 5 the whereful beau of « vermal ema? the tuvigersting wee ; Hoenn Crater Natk Singeon, by De Daxoas Presiti'e Philip AnD Meeerest 6 ot ae heres of RICH WIVES. , 5 = we BECE Seeond, 2 : 1 m the sterete are eblivercd Wil & cheer. ; Stratos, pertna res qa any Perritury Wears 8 ee; Abbott's / 1 HL. ENNISS, ORM SS on | erchants, ful : the ong of belt a toillen sf opindins Low often do we bear young men assert that Cher toftane theres stitution and bows, and Life of Noy spurte ) Suokartier ve gle with ihe soo ED Cp ehd Crary» | Keple they will uever marry until they can find some te bez tte thedenice and auciiladhcie ii Feb. 12 37 No. ies _BOANOKE SQUARE, eonneel meee vines eff pre bet laly who has mone Our eve day exper their own mode, subject only to the provisior SOLI2 UP DOLLS, * 35 top an laste Nee Cugie. OES yg toy EE i Tin eun Mente GOST | trent atertt od on jessy ie eral ! ! ’ eu we whow a ! the pris thee ¢ Pay active atiention to the sale of Floor and other, tell ey © vad by iistibecal policy intites ofl emergene WU eecwork| kite Say + im ail hrections, wlinission inte the Caron whenever they have pr) G. A. MILLER, hinds of Produce, avundiug unnecessary charges aud sitgengoatagement, Coties yrin. Lies ee he : toi Winrune [eireseiiauist ee . zak . rendering prompt returie. If Ab terre ile at thels he te dluy ponds the gure of the 2 Wine tue Ub purpose of “eatehat 38 n Cotsres if ted aleags, Uvatt AT POR NE Y \T LAW, wey drat te a gee oer A loa Melee ene es ne atl Ae RS Wea WOCKSVILEE, WN, G. 3. b. CUMMING cw stiees. | of ober ng th protvete of the Muy su. j N reed ates, Ui a Seas ca , ; ’ - om ’ deatoorng @bie(le ie bhywnyend the peand ie echoed od ion when we | = that on of these forta ler ( t boand jaws thereof, and whe de ie the Davie Ht 90 ( | M MING & N) | \ RON, ee eT hint, thee adie a runters las, lu-tead of au h . cian fave @ fed residenes tu ang: such derritury by —_ — ue ° A erveriog fans Om poe Sep fan eae ac eatin Fo here eae ae COMMISSION ding es hive: tbr metvog here -—RGae- Oud. serve dam onght.” Put we pouty ( ethacth Wits (or na AND cud ie te yond the yastzeS ingen it 4 tie: goog her creature wi liccart, as well i [iis ~ . iM h We heed hot » abyiver ME We view! Andit dose hhourt, as As purse, Nas bee ) ‘ ; ea sit tos te He setias a tae pasted ak aay Peemyh— “ ne of erecta w t 8 \ forcement of the principle that no (: EW orwarding t TC ants, { will press ul 10 be hood eeenmmetiog, . “ ey . pry. \ ~ I voought tuo adenit otf 71 YT) WILMINGTON, NC ANDREW BAGGARLY «Garden mil a usclow preee oft : Uatied States to: the right dT Vera \ 58 nl ae) elke mwar Corse Tob tee. 1658 ae 1 Int arts i t 2 peoliGeal oth a 4 « am, me b » produce = Circe —t ’ \ uw the lows of uaturalization 2 bee, ies 1039 C a aed Waller re | H GOODS. Ss : Southern Industry. saber daren ere cee? = ETER W. HINTON, H.W hos . ane for ciigensay hereatet t " £ ‘ith COMMISSLO MERC T ein . | eros | ee iaee ces, COMMISSION MERCSANT, atm “ ; i coe Gonads ‘ winch ha vw FrPoiItinT, Aw s 4 mtd ns . ° ashen cise t ‘ ’ 3 «ewe ate tJeortounm, Fie : Sait s ters d ( wielvestaandiscicd allpneee ' ‘ oe le r ‘ th us _ ( 4 - s e 1 s be r ; s ferns aith religious Lath ‘ ‘ ar stock 1 purchie ae "3 == vee “ Ss tes regis) 28 . : eile ie ern . rae Tobacco, Fl ar, Or ain, Cotton, Naval Stores ew ; t br ub hy tee stoyn r i WY, M , &c. Al.o,to Reeeivimy and Forwarding "HY -homid Sonetiir aon ge Netrh tm bay qo ‘ coonos. iheur pha gh aad mathinere when they tan gi a. : : 7 sare ee pad « tte cabetantiot ert lee et leas ‘ ; ini s Mivim cre tNusihern prices. thereby saveog the price af tree. ; : : | nicl i i. s a ort r Theat the peice auey met be Greeited, one ‘ Pr ee t A tu 0 q, Bob Cob sare wemny empetics That D here te ehetes, bhee aha . i aro a P . re ed alimet pocreed the prietipal erieics Ne oe feerere ; \ Cuculer Bow wells wih 18 to 50 iseh ewe, Be : ‘ : 5 \ foot cartinges, 48 feet woye, aft et plete, 6376 . ‘ { ) \ \ Bie Chendree 12 inch a, 620 - ; ; 4 ‘ by chee. pat t BID: Cadtreeine ; of segs y pp | eo te 6 mh Mocrtives @uh © ot © ben : 'L ROBAR?” | VEGRTADL ae BONTRIPTIC proce otis gre 2 very superiw agtion. P ve ! \ SALISBURY : + te BIO wreene Ap Re pa espe wns ; r rRIEND OF TH HUMAN PAWELY 4 sales ert ( machomers dere wf chert ne : e : ’ sPegear ewh ae Beod tome orden . ete reoe b b od hetee-pomere warty. oo | ot D! | wD KIDNEY s, * ed mobing the me to atde All work war ee ; x z tT ba f a corey ela! opr rete end ree : LET is REASON TOGETHER iahrponh er Cp egal aaa ; r / f i Ferme cock, ot ep getiable antes ot Rawk . : =.) ' . « Dus 2 THOMPF- ON { 4 > ' ' » 5.154 bend 6 Pe | p . . ‘ / : ‘ a © ' a rl " a4 7 Rise Gey Cues, go JUST COMPLETE) iy Amp 1 ‘No roR sur . a j ' . ( ay ( thee cobbeseed THRESUMING Wa » es . » “ < SUE eos GA he EK POW BRS beows x : m . Machine. of Palimece ; who OM & - PLS, . . ch leith) Ger Kessel as ether worbene ; ‘ ti’ ve he 8 + web oe ot eight. Made of r ® . . dhe 12 menbe HOLLOWAY'S PILLS. : ee ’ ’ b ; WIT) ARE WE Stn | \\P men XN | 9.2m 4 it ‘ 4tde 1 \ \ y II. "300 ACRES OF LA ! . . : : I OR ‘. ALE, a 1 ‘ ' 27 ON nit) ed ' . . ~ Come, 14 teh . TiZ3z PILLS PURIZY THE BLOOD. Se are pase the Bene . ‘ - ' aw (%u u 4 oot toll he beewted ce oe eter: O° re -—~ ==. a _ \p J A Ro) dee of Malishury . 7 . - . . | o we 4 wn WANA HAT | { DY3P223iA & LIVER COMPLAINTS |! 5 « r , . > : STEER. SA SALISBURY, N. ; “ oe TRI Sete WEEKLY Fhe a uve sa’ Bo VINTIAL DIBILITY. HL ; Re Of Fear Horse Post Coache-, “ ; ro ROWRD access hory to Morgeuten, rie Bieter esil ved f uu 4 - A 1 s N« ACCUM WDITIONY ‘ fr u Wed z avee Mest . mda edncedss ond F NEW Revici dice WA\ els abd cesiece eal Maegscee eA Te 7? rey terior nent meetermg ¢ Rleet: end lesere Mergent + \ FEMALE COMPLAINTS Tend Nie ts A ta ee ene ee smash io| fete ° gues wa expense Gill be apered > ay GOODS mehe the » aan quaahorebie oad cxprdi nes , EW BIOKS Silisbasy. Motch 25) 1956. nceaes tn hack MORES ~~ cs } ae Se eerie Wanted [mme diately, . Tadice Drew Goods At the Silver Hill Mine, . crepes ANY QUANTITY OF A a - . ‘ , - . . ' PM NLOTDERUD = ee 1 WOOD AND COAL, : Se hes . Sights WM LEAVENWORTH, Sor ss ar - . 4 Silene Mell. et 1. 1655. 19 ’ uM ~e ve ike WILMINGPON HERALD ‘ 4 ene z LNG WER AL . . NEW BOOKS | % os Ls bk M\E JUST RECKIVED The Teetrmeony of of ’ ‘ wo the M thend of Bi Jongh “ Dehn Be emmle Life women g thee Me com y ; AERIS JAMES HOR ATL Tren samebetdnaay eee < We bow ten se CO SSION | MERCHANT Petal og Soar W Wee ’ - \ + Vite and Rewative of Penne Fore “ i ATCH-MAKER AHD JEWELER, Greliatie fe eu, paige mtcgtian oul - MeV LSV SS HESPORY OF EXGLAND a ae : ' ' One doar briow M.A OV. Wurphy's Stare Cotton. ( Flour, Wheat, and all . COUN ‘€ >} We K's WARES an bed ; gabe foe Reh SE To Gentlemen. een von we ters bere hare mew an hand the 5 ree tances mace on Consigument« wet o= nt of CLAITHING ever Dy3 ‘pepsin Cured. ‘ Bored inthe pobre. Call tt No B, Grnets Be 1) or t Sinel wre ie wr BROWN & COFFS ' Jus ' vow m A] 5. 1856. 431 : ; “4 ( cf ! Lite et yuh Ome a ” ~ ' views ° , noeee, DE. W. F. BASON, | . DR. J. z SUMMERELL, 4s need te hie Offtee at his reedeore A DBONTIST. D | RY { re) r.CH hipay to receive professwns Macherel! Wae'serel "! SENT DOC EOM WHETEEEE Vets, I CHARLE3T POWE rhe fre. de ma ; : - | | URE vermanenity nealed lw Salicbary respect- S & Tks as many pace od we " \ he Hs Hi “ vob coantand have been for several 5 2 Pees . Bre kB srnesily arge nll each in cal and make veliicw® \ ) ie Mere ; ’ (f14 ahahinnehe done hy May Carl, eleo 1 ehallt== : DIVBuvBoeD w# BUNCE. Greensborough ephemera Wa Catete @. Oihbte. Jonathan FR. Rance, alt " Z rs Ualiahienand fe ‘8 le! von , /MITUAL INSUa tANCE COMPANY. REMOVAL uab.e Land for sale. (‘gmimission Werchants | fos cepa , WIL po , a ‘ v lm pen pany heels A. WEIRMAN & PRICE here rr : I: Dive are In Cotton, Flour, Grain, Naval Stores, ~'- Weline ED er Ud Ur 02) thelr Coes tue ore Tater ae gepscunteii Se oo ; : ! SR ie tae atis eet porte mol therishe opposite Marphy, MeRene & Co, to the cure x o ; ; merpprss Fehrs Geer re : ; mye det ereimthe country. mediately apposite de A. Morphy e Store : os Nes es Mea Coo ped wick. pete re ftom det; have made saliobary, Nov. 13, 1655 , & { . ge The ed gs ae pt Pp coe he . men y ne Pun I . sci sy bn fe “Woes Cnn Yosne te tumae tee Ql DR. 8, REEVE! A \ Ee alle Horace JVWES SLOAN, President } AR incated in Batisbary, ond ; wie ares eat tall wim ’ v ue Soe CORPFIN, Vice Preadent hie prof ssiimal services |" the ka , Ne EORAY WIL ne Fey. Brest arend COP MEN DENTIVLL, Attorney We CBr ten deate beh w Brajimm oo' 4 Ate. 1 > a herallpees Rr ale ~e “ vitae PETER DAWN, fee's ond Treacerer A pill 216 56 tly , eedn awhile ‘ange om ats mai x el ea ee G. Witsowan oo eae . PRATER ADAMS, Sec’ ) NG ‘ Herat \pr ' rey ‘ Blank Warrants for sale Her: WO CU MING, Gew'l Agent, i JOB PRIN TING . May iiss (Mav Neatly ceewted at Ute OF a bette litical ed thai wai’ a deeh untae ple, at i wae But Bucha loware er reli of whi Idia wih “Bary Mr. C Dacha and de te. Fj Kreme eal, Conger chief 1 deuce was LL ry obi civilia prefer the ch had & Chay that } supper himee' of ye the pea that A hy Ge the tet frooenn f Jacks Ienry fret } h rem svn, not t diree the subje the the Olay, “waer mae eel ician elev neas felt b shan ject wont ‘bought m: ne \@. in ny pocket. » tain that no man éan pre jand blow up his congrégatio }nnlesé he lias got something [ jto inspire him with confidenee. therelore Dorrewed five dallars of every Sunday, that I might feel it oeea- sionally as I preached. You know liaw |independently I do preach—how I make ‘ ‘the rich shake in their shoes, Well, it $e ee eerie Se ot St SS SS SS all owing to my knowing that [havea ir ahh ; . Chee : . : five vag teee billin =) et. Of course tics, Weis, Agriculture, Internal Improvements, Commerce, the Arts and Sciences, Morality, and the Family Circle. |pose, Bo noe changed’ ton eee ais sees . "> . |ruarned to yon the next morning. Now, ee eT « ad ce eee CS ae oe _ ae ee - ee oe ates a8 Mr. George Law is coming to hear me vis Si oti, As ng “ == srs eS SS a = ipanael tosmorrow, I shoagh woul . 3 eos pg aed re 7 > jthe effect of a ten dollar bill on hia!” wore VOU, XII. ALISBURY, N. C., JUNE 24, 1856. NUMBER IV. a tet 5 fiti- v ty s z) a on ; ‘ we | A leap-year story is told by the St. hint, 41] —_—— eee ee. — — coment , Louis Herald, which shows that itis not ithe ; Mr. Fillmore’s A : } : ee.—~—WV e co From the Phila, Presbytertau'y Wastiington Correspondence. | we feel assured he will do again, unless our sins News from Califora(s, Costa Rica and Niearagea. | COUNTRY GIRLS. |always best. for bachelor to look—long— , " lish the letter of ‘ of Mr. fin. Wasnixorox City, June 10th, 1836. | provake him to forsake us. is own people | New Oxrrans, June Wl. | ygprry Victoria Fricxr, in the Ohio befure he leaps. Here is the story : As Pg Rn a of Lis nominatioy for the Presiden- Messrs, Hditors >-— When the boys of a bad-| have an important office to perfoim in averting) The steamship Daniel Webster has ar-' Cultivator, in a sisterly way thus talks to! There is a certain fashionable board- ; 2 és " Bairrogy i13 approval * # eoonpeiin ly disciplined school learn that soldiers are to his judginents, and. ia pouring oil ov the waters rived at this port, with San Francisco Gountry Girls: ing-honse Hi St. ng viet wee thy, } . withou epeeon, ire + . z Ys A eer A “ ae - " , On a Ss ; . . ig vido ‘ A " “ on saci tees ip, exeu-} of ‘the pringhples tele’ American at fire at w target fora silver cup, or that tiremen | of strife. Their influence and. their prayers can dates to the 25th of May, and San yuan | Phahariners dangines wrearon ta lets ae ee eee Cnet; hr dhe 44 pon. are to try their new engines in the main street,! aceumplish more than al) the wixdom of legislators Gates to the 6th inst. ‘ ‘ prs : ho ove ae wants to a those boys need go to! and atin ot 4 Hors, “Instead of j isin the| , Great excitement existed in San Fran-| life a ee eee S yee yan, aes pod teres fh ] ig * ) . " . ‘i peat d fi es a : d, cisco, in consequence of a man named /# glorious race of women which no other the school-bouse on ibat day. erhaps a few, | )0e and cry of partisana, and foumenting discord, 7 3 J AS % i . 4 “i ojo Pst mig whose fathers and oS rather ete may het them | the things that make for peeet Case having shot James King, editor of raga be ecoclnstetemgiraaeid Banuel 3 cles ke— Smith, Brown and J ey : ; ton,. | et them humble themselves before God becanse |the Bulletin, in the street. Casey was Ur Dee ey ie aes neil who ia boarded at this boarding- Ww forced sith reluctant supe to their secustom| of Oe aati nal sins; let them lift up their hearts immediately arrested and confined in jail. | have to make earnest effort of one or tw house, called upon the landlady on New ed ink-atained and penknife-hacked desks and! jy, é i T : < ae |kinds, There are eome who depreciate yyapy day. The wido Cheerly was fn earnest prayer to Him who controls our des- |The shooting of King occurred on the: ms er Rorka ear’s day. 1e widow Cheerly was benches; but the master will koon conclude that | tinies; aud we xball svon see that, however) 14th ult., and on the 16th he died. their condition, and some who have ‘i the room, and saw the young men ap- with so sinall a manber it is not worth while to | gloomy may be the portents, b2 can bring light} Ou the announcement of his death, the, Slee pride in it, beeanse they a lie proaching. She immediately dressed her- vat of durkness—that he can dissipate sectional feelings of the commanity became arons- | Hore consideration than a Pegi ‘self up in her “ bridal array,” called the nuimority, aud once more restore peace and bared to the highest pitch.” The old Vigi-) Want of intelligence upon “4 oe anbjects: landlady and inqnired their names, The [mony within our borders, The Presbyterian iance Committee called a meeting, and ; Uf the day aud of a refined education, 18 jady informed her, viel she remarked, Church, extending as she dues over both the lacards of an inflammatory nature were 20 More excusable in a eoontry than in a! 6 J jptend to have one of those young men North aud the South, we look Upon As one of heated calling on the citizens to take the ‘eWu-bred girl, in these days of many fyp 9 husband.” The landlady siniled in= Pfeigacoh rape ne Lehn ser \ pants law into their own hands; and onthe 18th | books and newspapers. __ credulously, aud then went down into the nae zt vill aha anes Ry uae of we three thousand citizens, completely organ- Many girls are discouraged because parlor te receive her visitors. Thewidow that, as Christian patriots they owe it to their ized in divisions and companies, armed they cannot be sent away from home to! jlowed immediately, and withont wait- ing an introduction, approached ‘Smith country avd to the interests of Christ’s cause so it A e f superi ‘ : si | q vourding schools; but men of superior intimately connected with it, to exert to the ut-| With muskets, marched hy three streets bal ’ b Abat “all was'tair | (which jt ie denoweal that we and wany in politieah® It wast picoe of sharp jo jother” Whigs do not approve of, to that litical peacres nore of one who Deliev-| extent,) the letrerofMs, Fillmore breathes ed that the @ud jistitied whe anedns,” i: | patriosisin in every Hine, a@ His former ad. wai a tion whtet gukl” be opposed, | ministration of that high vifice manit-s‘e.) a deglaration which could be denied, an {it in every acts Would that one so will- untene statement, made before the peo: | ing and 80 uble to restore “ the original ple, and. whieh could be answered where | s'mplicity and purity of the government,” Lae eer might be again in the place where his But vineteew years before 1344, Mr.jnuble ends may be accomplished by wo- Buchanan comnienced a piece of injastice ble meaus.-~Fuy, Observer. 10Wards Mr, Clay, from which he tus nev- er relieved himself, and from the injustice | of whiel he can never escape, We menn | vention of the American party opposed \s silence in oan to the charge or te Mr. Fillmore, met in Xow yk on Bargain and Cyrraypt on,” made agains Thuréday last. Eighteen States were re- Mr. Clay, and with) Mr. Adams. Mr.) ta, bes ? [reseiied, Dachatian Téfesponsile for that eheige, | fortune of some $30,000, lett by her de- ceased husband, and vo children. Three. have the lessons recited, and boliday will be yiven, etre one Kiey de, Poub iow a The master will set wisely if he remembers Anti. Fillmore Convention.—The Con- that the seboul-ruom needs scrubbing, or to have its windows restored by vew panes of glass from the condition to which they have been reduced Ile may cause the extorted holiday tu coincide with by the skill of the boys ja throwing stones and doubly ao, Gecanse he knew its fulsi- ty. It was first promulgated by George Kremer; of Pennsylvania, bat Gen, dack- son, 60 hong estranged from Mr. Clay in consequence of ity made Me. Buchanan chief witness in the case, The only evi deuce of the charge was that Mr. Clay Judge Conrad of Philadelphia was cho- txen Presidgut, with a Vice President from evel State. Speeches were deliverca by (duelye OGonrad, ex-Gow. Ford, and others Col, Fremont is said to be evidently the favorite of the Convention for Presi- dent of the United States! ! AC thy taste necoanta, the Convention the tine for fiuing up the room. Those auzust bodies, the Senate and Tuuse, of Representatives, beard that there was to pe! be & It for pood a great Uial of skill in President-making at Cin cinnal dn vain did the mute eluquetice of a docket till full of importaut and unfinished bu- sittess, plond with Chem to remain and attend ty 4ad Gacticians, must a healthful and conservative influence.— Let thein do this, and their power cannot fail to Let them be expecially care- ful that that in selecting men fur public stations they cast their sutfrages for such as are distin guished for their wisdum, prudence, patrictism, aod pure morals, rather than as party loaders from the committee rooms and took pos- minds aud knowledge of the world, would | session of the jail. From thence they took Casey, together with the gambler Cora, the murderer of Gen. Richardson, and carried them to the committee rooms, where they remained strongly guarded It was supposed that they would be hung. on the sailing of the steamer, is ‘rather Lave fur wives, women well and properly educated at hume, And this education cau be had wherever the de- sire is not wanting. A taste fur reading dues wonders ; and an earnest thirst af- ter knowledye, is almost certain to attain a sweet draught of the * Pierian Spring.” aud said: “ Wil you consent to become my hasband #” The young man binshed, and backed out. “The gay widow then addressed Mr. Brown who “jutnped: at the chance,” and. the twain were made one. ‘The next morning, when Brown awoke, le began to think, as be was ont of employment, that he was “ifthe fix;” ai i : . ry fy a & ts ’ was “ift was ove to the ren pt ofa heap had determined to unite with the Black the work for which they were clected. In vain The committee is fully organized There is a marie jee ces tis and, while he was revolving if ti a ‘ ny an , e : ‘ : F Ae ‘ ‘ ary or rhiic yriting, eau- Gy . ry ot 4 tok attics under th Repabtican Convention which is to meet did the increasing wartath of the seasoa testify Caution.— An incident occurred here ‘throughout the State. It is said they | Very Tver ta which Daan woitog whether it would be better far bitn.t civilian, Joba Quincy Adaing, whom be ' ba is min preferretl to Gen. Jucksen, So far froin the charge being true that Mr. Adams (oO mmerrow and to agree upon the same ticket for President and Vice President that twenty-six weeks had passed already, aud that mommy more would be required before they recently which shows how easily an hon estnan may lose character in this un- have raised seventy-five thonsand dollars to carry out their measures, and that they tiful, refined and intellectual woman, in w house girlhood Looks were not as plenty as now, and who obtained her fine educa- run off or to commit suicide, hie sffe awoke, and said, “My dear, have .you Alas for Northern Americanism ! . charitable world of oars by au accident | intend te drive out all the gamblers from . : {uy objection to collecting afew bills? had evermade any pryposition to Mr.) Gonece Law, wha was before the fore oot! Mbouen. That warm weather itself sup arising trou: Lis disposition to oblige a the State. tion under ditticulties which a tery have ‘Thinking she supposed he had some mo- Clay to recieve enpyert from him, oF mer Vuteoned Convention asa candidate da sort of excuse for absence. Must not fend: The whole city was draped in mourn diecouraged any but ove who had as true ney due him, he wnuttered, * No, not when that Mr, Olay had ever promised avy carpet be taken up and matting laid duwe in : . < love fur study. re oi mw . : Lael for the thuuination instead of Mr Fill A young inan from one of the upper ing for the death of King, who was most) # I . i % saa live lithiakutheconntry there is any money owihg to me. I support to him, this very Mr, Buchanan twere, made a specch in this Convention Ue Legislative Halts! Railroad cars and stemn counties called at this office a short tine highly esteemed. Casey was formerly PAM OE SLES ALD , h 4 rth + do not mean that my dear. Get op.and r . " ‘ure , . sf : . . 5 i ee ¢ virl ye 2 . sytt = A himself, aa we learn after nearly @ score aleoeutiny the resturatio the é boats were in remdinem. Sy many memberagl since, in considerable distress at the loss an inmate of Sing Sing prieon, and it was 8 sare yet lu peuce tie Nope OF LIS: CUNT OG to my Lareau drawer, and there you gh wt ifitn (he restoration of the Missou 7! erable s a | . we ry Aye nd cities are , he's pen “Y vf years of forbearance and silence on ri Comprounis Congress went off to Cincinnati that the Cape ofa sum of money which a neighbor had a statement to that effect in the Bulletin [9 He wottel 18 : is & i i ‘ will find Lills to the amonnt of five hun- whet » > : tl ’ - ray » , whe ive. ane - bai ot seh the part of Mr. € lat, declared to Mr. ¢ iil aslesn very iwucl ikea desectediaclict wakad (it tbrneldiaen Tonic place that caused the difficulty becoming so universally unhealthy, ver dred dollars, for the rents dne me for the Of trees that he could he wade Secretary of Stat . ~ fica limithe ss a small Hy" with hin. Tle stated that it was lost ont Phe committee were well supplied with sv alist universally extravagant, fuolish, past month. You will please accept the ’ . * ° T ’ oe House nw Senate small quorum has oe atl i fac a A ts . - a & Ly Gen. Dackaon's election, The motive, The Teat + BV im —\ pin our neigh é : 4 of his pocket, whilst another rell of bank artis and aminunition, and their proceed re eae ate: » aud men tee ae money from ine asa New Year's Gift. the tetder, if there ever was any, cane bor county of Taruett, where things are oot SEE CC, RN) SMR Bi eree Rew Hae ' ey ' : Aeetrertet he lies vp. despair of yetuing wives who are uot in . : ; , - notes had been saved ; that teo hud work ings were characterized by the most per : wr fot } s had been “ dun from the other side. Tt waa from Gen. sadly mixed up in Mandanuses, and Jn- lave been made Ju the House business has | ae thi cker andi fallen iin he lect order aud propriety - valids, and 4 roviding them with what Brown fouad that he had mn “ dune Jackson's frivat—James Bachanan—to junctions, aud auch things, the wreat ques teen very much at a stand still atl ina Jie I itetesulancct The George Law, tron Aspinwall, for ey demand after they have married Brown” ia a most satisfactory way; and seatof his luge + Bale rw could no hb wry aw, tren spinwall, fo ae : ; Pid -t g Heury Clas, when Adana, Jackson and nou of the day is, what side dees anu, On the present uccaston the grave aul sok mo vetsed tu lowe the am runt, and advertied New York, has nearly two milliuns of (vem. Culese a soane wan has tie ae has been happier than most lords ever Crawherd were in the fleld toc ther ae cud especially a candi late, tuke ou the \. pe owliich are at stake, mud the dooserous it offline a reward ll Tape PCHATOTI TInt ReRE RCO GRTTOTTIIE tupe (good or bad) tu be the besebea atte since. H i " J Question ¢ . aegis ie eae “sore ii chaaaias es ral : > ” ge Llov f its - rival can lidatesn for the | reel loue Harvett question?! We loaru that w , Hal nial cixald Gs s which pa Y ounavailing, and on Lis return hone, wen From Nicaragua, we learn that Ger pe cwreae bs miu t mand om hoes mie ‘ . ; The Times of the 91h, relates tie facts the cand.dates for the Legr-lature, &« Beton Rianne kine A f persons seo uncharitable as to hint Walker had removed his head juarters to JOUth i acquiring wine € 5 a t Ilere is an account of a marriage cere- , aoe : > cy eal | 8 o reople : pecte "4 v . : > as we fave before, and indeed continos were anneunes ‘ RUS Mee Ves UE eT ther duties to secure the numination of le had not lost the money atall. And Leon. There was some sickness among a oes La, teed ted hi a 1 reg! ‘. maid mony recently performed in San Fran. beam ° vant Can as he F Shes rah ~ , . days. Meu even io high places, wouls ° * thew: — County Ht last week, ge GAUL Le age Nate for the Presidency. Butthere this notwithstanding be lad borne an the troops i oe ey fieth fd Al vice, if they “i8¢¥s Under circumstances both romantic The bargain and intrigne™ slander noltitude of Qhestiones, mud explaining - unblemished character. A> week after Jt was rumored that a revolution had S° & the country : we ~ | and ridiculous: eth Warne originated with Mr. Buchanan, although their views open the Earnert qnestien sume who Like po such Ligh avd | ety at TRE We re- broken out at Costa Riea during Mora’s Met there equal refinement with intell- 3 oder ards ‘ ine ® lo The vee is , 4 i (Bl G a : « a . . 2 . nodes Eos first prownl gated by hisevlleagueG very non-committal, of course,) a leading wens tios. Varty inumyh and pe reonal at Ref Het Gr ; eS eandibe ai absence, [tis said to be headed by an in. genee. Wemen are preparing to take a! For the fair hand of a young, beadti- , - covered, having bee rune ve alesen 8 said to be hear bv ati : ae asp oe Kremer, Genus dacksou,in repeating or frie! of Mr. Fillurere thongtit to wind terete are doubtless the anumats Gee ee inal iit the rand willl atnilooriiie Hucntial fanilematved (Caste noble stand in Instory, aud they cannot ful, spirited, and fascinating widow, two t Rewt giving credence tothe charge, wile Mr. up the stump exercises by proclaiming tusmane Exactly the sane coune « ie is cu All wasquiet on the lahmus do itin ignorance. gay and dashing young gentlemen aspir- late Dachanan bie principal witness, When Fillmore and Donelson as candidates for seal - =r ~ | ncident aucwest foratian y Town girls bave the advantages of more | ed, but she gave notice to one (Lorucey 36 ’ : etal be raved if there * Jangerous tie incident euwreste ennsiderations ; , ¥ pallicly appealel to, his letter, although President and Vice President. No sou i Vy ; ‘ oo : ~~ highly polished manners and greater ac-/ that she preferred him to the other, (Syl- by . ® ’ feo Tse { ¢ cua. Ula a vie ula { 4 ¥ ryitiye at oft or iM tes tn . or, . = ETE) sixualy fuling to confirm the testimony « deve than a sel faced Wa Fim I’ : v,a t i t Ay then a ‘ “ } \ VISIT TO SANTA ANNA complishinents 5 but country girls Lave vester) and an evening Was ase) e J nice wa ; ’ et ithessness with ch E - i , he was expected t) give, dul not do Mr. and stated, that as catechising seemed t : , Hey , re ier a a epee NrearrecininlentrafithomNcwnClrleana infiuitely more to recommend them as their union. As the would-be bri “groom, : 1 . on I Al Muse Ais some : ete eet oiey ; Behe ade ba Ay Aad = ; sof their fair city sisters. They have acco od it ¥ ‘ - MING Wa. Clay that ample jue teow which he, above be the order of the day, | al @ ques J j ‘ we tecd mitt detail livev willladenlielta Nw Grenadathusnaticesca vias vals of He . r city ‘> ae \ acd si ergot ya iors Ni emp Ap Reuws v0 all other men at Washinszton, while the tio which be would lhe te ash riety ‘ . ares ATED, rote eat ty the ex-Dictator of Mex. more Crath, Louseliole nowledyge and proached the mansion of the fair one on Ps vee themselves to ryore ‘ ‘ wid imto tl ietator © hoe contest in the Mouse was pendingin Fels responded Bo Tie ques pets . tn « } | ] economy, health, (and consequently bean- the evening appointed, they heard sounds a Meee uaty, 1825, had itin his power t MOV Polen to answer ts bn terest \ea -o- “XN tx re’ charming ride led us to (Y) sunphieily, affection, on freshness of of masic and saw dancers flying past tbe abe der. sof Menars | C pun . , shew HW \ Thed ) Tur ; emit ole re to HUpulse and thought. When they have’ windows. Subsequently inquiries reveal- IMPRON “The charge rested wholly on the fact ‘ i bynes oo , Scie ‘ ee a , id ordered a suinptuons Clllvated mmiuds, (ey Lave more chances ed to Murace the melancholy faet thathe \ * of ba in nat rnd an ‘ ‘ 4 frem ws, rdere A surnptuous ” ° : 73m that Mr, Gar talk as oni: My, A iv clam tle apie dew Het ulead dra at the farewell breaktast, This village, situa, (0 their favor for goal sense and real abil:! ad been vietintized, and that Arubelly at mr. : e 5 ate her “ at : nD of a th ewell lore “as a llage, situs 2 3 - - ning, as Secretary of State Tero was woe net answered; b A few wis t ; ° , x Y aineee ; ; ' A t f alwout fone leagn ify, because so much of their Gime is not (the widuw'’s name) and Sylvedteechad baat | . ss : ' f * str linaster ‘ siet nite at a distance of alwout fon Payries ; . 2 > pe om ¢ not the egmblance of any other proof, bnttena were afterwards 1 ! t ; . ‘ A \ ‘\ a ‘ re ty fan an a the nt residence Cemanded by the frivolities of society.— | veen of “one flesl’’ for over ant hour, and a ‘ p a ¢ - ‘ eutral Tail be whi Trev a tena, Is The presse sgh eee fre Oreste ~a free fas . . direet ur by implication ef bargain; while ground. — + ( , two} s were killed a eter f General Santa Anna the ex-Dietator of !h* added lustre of foreigu accomplish-| that their friends were making themselves the first pnd only overt jutrizuc me . * re ‘ Moe ments could easily be caught by such a) merry in honor of the event. Phe h bo angle ; ) P t ontac u : me . 2. i sulject of Mr, Clay's sujport, that ever Nuranyiis Ac/uenteni/cmcboy et “ aiing . ' pelea ea Mn Si we ny inedinp ¢ stice to the Wied from avery lite contact with the | pointed parties then rushed into.2the the oonutey wassensitde of —and that Ml cos va hk , tie fare ue by one World heuse, demolished furniture, ‘nsirrers, P f Sutnner «beat , - vas Sas fuund seve Y ‘ 38 t ( e us } 1 } 1 sha ‘easuanianiasl Kalcaraice of Mi: f Bins Etemtihet Pieckererice ne at ees - ae 4 7 Wo which would not speak as thoagh our far crockery ware, chandeliers, &c., knocked Clay, not for 1506 20 vears afferwa niin | N v yaj , UNT PERE ae . exp mers’ dangliters were deficient in educa-, the successful saitor down, together with he : : 1 | ™ CES sILS u { ron where was r At ‘ plains, wae really iuitiated by Janis « wht dan ge Te bas tree fail rt , ‘ ; Serene ire le Many brilliant scholars and talent- all his friends who atteinpted to protect . » : ‘ t RV oma of th ur ad x ligelite ir Cigars, and &e a meaelf. It was Ac that e1) inaetis “J 14 ely f . at as well as for ind nls ; ‘. et tee a were \ it one time, cd Semen may be found among then hin. Sylvester rose npon his knees and fe * grief, clas at she was iis « it ‘ ‘ t t \ " ¢ ° ' a } t a “ ma ils 8 es ially -—— i dre shales i ra _ oesily jucrecly,” as he r wel tes t ' od ee : ‘ * demande her effects veered exe 1 ao cc \ at fluer : i bugis a + ti Seen fee 7 ! beh a ee t “ shan —— at the pis- clined the uverture of Lond ¢ p « \ (! . hme es, ahve 2 tat re lle lave sitex overt afi rM Wee ae es }oseek awaken the ambition tol, but missed it, and the next momeng a ( ‘ ] - “ ppl ! } t 4 Ld as * that ¢ ' : arbitrate the Ceatre!l Ame 1 one< : . af weperkiel na! 4c xe aii J : ; - aoe Z . fall to be ’ iat admired and favor- ‘the pistol ball cut off about one-sixteenth r fro « . ~ ams ar treme w Ye rere we se OM aryre, = x. 8 x ; An aa : " F ; that he could be made Secretary of Sia site . aot owe wt " that A ni t Spa ' far with a col ed class which they ought to be, if they ofan inch from the tip end of Frank's s j , . . weve a « “ tk “ ithe Was an imposter Ane | t : : etl ices . heir. ‘ ~d tl * by the eleetion of Gen. Jacks m nd © predtable CUTE LEER ; . Paimointiy exiellealice iy the « : a large‘court « arden. Ita ap. | WH! bata refined culture with their nose, and also passed throngh Llorace’s Me. Bachanan is perbays bese of apel tions Dat it seems to be, as was ts = ee V \ctiar : .} tliat oe Serre (Pitt ltorme q Clber most excellent graces cravat, and within half an inch of his je- ‘ | * " 1 ette ’ be se ‘ s o t 2 : : 2 ; ician now than in ISv5 "27. bat ‘ P rte WT anh a : y ae trast ; " a A sweet country home, with roses and gular vein. Sylvester was at length ren- i ‘ ’ ; s 1 « a 1 ‘ : ) shoven to impreventent: either lie I Ves é : tabla , ' I ; lontiw ¢ : vie wretched | ation, Heneysuckles trained to climb over ity) dered peaceable by several bluws “om 4 r ain ta * t ! el a8 iu iv ‘ s . ’ nat } 4 ‘ neas or fairness of character ; ; i r ma lo a r yes f ‘ . re LA with dd taste, intelligence and beauty | @ cane, and the inelee was terminate. oy fi hefirelttic Pe was taking the body of he " ss . : . rapa ; ; felt keenly this injastice, and t ; o3% . a, he ¢ ‘ I far « : : Pr leeedit) } A es Feet hp within, toll cnongh to insare health, and the departure of the various combatants 7 Pry . ! } 4 " terec le a s € ‘ MEIC > ner t ' ance t i 4 slander has been exploded, and. the ( tee, states under oath : Hoe ' lactizn sna iL, as a pti e . S oie : + a leisure enough W court acquaintance with) and guests The lonely widow, on be- redise t \ sun y i ; i ; ject of it ie beyond the shafteof all ca have mcet no uM@eical nian mee ‘ ee irate Mitt ating nf fs ature books and fluwers, and the loveliness of! ing asked why she had treated Horace in al Ww. W . , . sarued, bit after ele oi the ‘ ’ at the ner A o wany, thers are a good inane friemds of jae gy Dhere has been neve there ee = fe i ali raahied 5 ' 2 f lof erent nature ; with peace, plenty and love, is! so treacherous a manner, replied.that she ¥, F th ae te r ‘ z art * ie Lb ra ht r wreck, sh shed to the car, a t ' ’ ini ' the BP . . } , i Leary Clay who think of it, speak of it, {here were a ervat many friends tresent It met art-rendin Dine r art ire papered in elegant French SUF ly one of the Paradies which beaven | had prepared for the marriage according a ap a ' ' ton be thpewnl Tne r ene ne i ‘ r ir a}? CR ‘ 2 fee ' 4 and whe will, at the raht time and nlthey make Mr. Suener cut agreatdes : : et ficat kk ted with some fine en. [as left for the attainment of nan to agreement, and findi. + that Horace es a ; tah ay a grea f ( . atr screams and warlings a . a ut & ; pe : ny the right war, show their apy eoim ‘ a lec aay nea h ; 7 ahem edistance. She was fearful lest the grasings, The parl peu tne trot ome did nig Wee di a Hes etiam of i . Tyra a ral r . See ‘ x ee ' . ey: rrAc ct a sire to be marned any how, anc rere iy. the aatherofthe wray vy. + / F ] never edie ered ans }} . . remiaitacther lustanl lad participated ing the street. a) wicotlie MONEY BORROWING MINISTER em ec ) na{ . kes wl e. | vires ry distra . . eee an id Sic ie hh re she sent for Sylvester. x n the ge il us wifi v Gorrlite % Wwe \ a ‘ ’ Mine, TATLRR Rb vere Pence sited t tice a day Vie der ” . that Srod reogns « he fu act a eoth . A . r A man named Porter said he once had p tS rab's Diiee era: c ‘ , prrte : . : na R ~ j , (Me B ; ID i wht net te come trand ‘ a0 good whats ) mnaircucucl tania = ¥ <n 1 ’ rs clerical fnend between whom and him A shrew having threatened her has- «eof 3 brecke hace oe ; Ne fe liars ee ERE : a A f.. a : ; R yreat ee : We \ : . , 1 ao enenotw ithistandine einlon : : idle ia a seltt rere « \ intiinacy Eve TY band with “» blow up,” “My dearest ' t e t ! 4 » i ’ t t bai 4 t t t As $1 ' y teal ' ” iy TH. Kort € nuninec for th ‘ i wervation Paris. w soar an theme w auf anders, her crics 1 not ' centr \ ‘ exqmisitels ray te ter was ortting ba vssoin,” said he, “ commit your remarks io eading Democratic pape rs thef “ ah Ne mosis weeks f i ‘ h e " flower vases The vec mble ot a! y come re ) paper, and read then to me.” z I : . shies s a : s per, and reg ’ items ine : : ly Pecan una eicu 4 re hag an appearance of ca jnesting ar 4 Pp Vane “ ‘ } merit t ‘ as alwa et “ runctin : i 5 Me Rreckeuril “san { ke P ‘ S tor Su r f « h Sot . No GLOOM AT TOM simp vy. and reathe a perfume f The v wa arent Te rned ponctu HIewwise Arrarates, by S. P Chapin, breockeurilye : ; R i. cee: | } ally at 8 oc ouday morning . ae fi t ' ariel . troy sw Strikes a = . f New York ¢ This contrivance is the year IS2L: he yraduated « < . \ : a be : tie 2 rk e ; . ‘ i “ < \ i Ephe xs eae niattant net aia? ' Unetion in W838, at the Centre Collese. * ner re forall : wutds Tle « “ wk ' heel vy ar eennealwacs an atta vent sewing machines, and ° t ' . : r E im . t f i} . scot a Sve Kentacky, then and * der uy ie iy atAte Fane En ject t ‘ vot fees , : nnd wasting filet r : rie aire fea ten crear t rowed Since he had diseow its object is to fold over the edges of the F-ro ™ } ~~ ed ee aid ope me ny wnoke There wasa low ' with thresbhold, throes ' we wk ut Llavana, a expected to see ered s fact ad mad I ‘ Jie nto the proper condition for hem- ' Ina rv ane t “ a : : . “re Wace ne ©. Yorng i an =" xcitement at that ant deg A . ‘ Vv olike f ‘ \ ps teat enn ! f hie tis on SAIN CE ASDA ning, while the cloth is being fed into f four or thirty-five veers of age \ \ t ll ack M ‘ yormi One Saturday 4 D ; ? ‘ t oir M ext eather If yoo w iP Nas \ Wa e. There are a great miany spe- e S, Constitution ricie 2 ' ‘ 5 F i 3 t . “ ack @& five dolla be The V8, Constitution (A a aa \ meen the N heen ' ! : : . es of garments and articles made by the 2 tion Ty provides that no pense . ‘ t whit w ! < : \ t ! ‘ a - } oe fe ee ; Nba . s nS Le! eae. , i ll s r at SS ‘ War | ad of sewing machines, on portions of fa rited i St > ; t LF | s A G ’ te Cliy e to that offic te 2's ' = Sen } ak ( i M : | 5 . ' - err reed TN ] | ‘ t en. x I > . s emnming 38 required, ic branite Ree alin ' al tothe « { ' tea < wed ; . tee ; and ora dently ; 4 ae iS sall not have attained ’ way Baie Ieee wi. n ; ; : what prieeges, 0 reasures grea r Ee of tein allt ee Pa t in sleep at vention here noticed, is capable of @ 431 Chirty-five yonre : Woven ‘ strongest cont at than thine ? spect of concavity wl rames fod tuibhinead ve would wak 7M variety of applications, and is @ highly ; ! I l t t r r , rintl t F : x BPE ys ‘ ELL And it ia again declared, (Artele 12, aye wil be I ' Vid bet hn fotg ; chang ywrewith the va gfiu : Dees aie tseful tinprovement ; ss : belind as he winds around t narrow toand A hice ae ae e what she t 7 f such occurrence | : : ‘ ; sien Anendmenta tothe Constitution.) tha 0 Tjtadinras al iiur Necounts f . w mer break i) 1 a . . w His } aa ’ ; wn te ; : oe - Keientunte American. ede nee is ‘ \ 5 . < © = < I } t oR noof whiskers and t ‘ x sily, : en Person constitutionally ineligible to the Rome report that the Frenel and Nus) thes Woe tis F ! ht . : at u iS ae eee es ne. q : " ) ri var t . ; nonstauches, and as te Woh ee a ; eee office of President, shall be eligible to trian Note caused great ¢ \ geod s aid | Am pare befor Heo ha n borne UE anny are nape: aoe slight rower, one | stinaseve, askin§ the loan If you want to see a black sqnall, just ore. ore that of Vice President of the United there, Tho Cardinals aaa rel De huvea tbat tiey 9 ioe ‘ Je Bau en Ca pili = ' ar the ar ftheeve. His of ten dollars. A brilliant thonghtstrack look at a negro baby attacked with the . n {x votherem at self up to an ener 60 Sporate frar ‘ ‘ . he vetilew® Siatoa”™ that he minal Prepare ! re anoiher emg eee thas glorions | mn» orent asunder, or tt ) i i aud 8s ; t a ‘ : veantiful tron gray color, but our friend > pation his great coat, re. coli shall hed . : , The Pope is believed, as. wy and spirits are weakened at 1 \ 2 f : - oe I 2 ‘ tion to Gaeta ' | ley w yr tolerate ¢ ] Powlich now I 1 Ithathe isin the habit ofdye: solving te call and demand an explana We call attention to this statement of at the commencement of lia reign, te be H i a Westen ; . He o_o — t j tery It | t t] It of th th oy ‘ ie on e eee fierce: aac Commas Cale yee a : ee not tl Vs honest men are the salt of the earth, \ - we's ~ and the consti iets va ae ] measures It is even | bow t yuu a * - os a e fr Breekenridye'’s age, and on favorable tw | See oe i) lation may secm a de ate crisis | Wey lake Rant application Hi arcely knowe how te Ile entered t parlor slowly, walk Mr said our friend, fo you pretty girls may be said to be the sogar. tational provisions on the subject, imor reported as far from inpossible, that on AC ite tiavecthat (late Neem een ‘ ant a ea nharrassment. and slieht. will answer nestion, Twill let 1 . ee ry ceasion. the vist ’ { r at Soy swifew Sa © < YI van liv See der that the matter may be set at restyas the ani Cre ay his ac rf , : Were ail (i = ihecefalie Usrlitiacmeale « 5 ins ; resting Wy 1 cn His have the ten dollars * Tow does it What kin ot tendedo tie vows te the a * of June, his oliness may make a te owill cor : ‘ . u ; se ; that von alwave repay n ' at Wot bands do the young la- hee “ err s = eee » Presidential ’ i , , time provided with so much care 3 Was evtremels ’ ig ‘hh RIWAN ep \ ieee A me | pa Ze is ier dialer Pee uate Id} winphal entry into Reine, after proclaim uot always a But the door pened —the overcoat throw: 1 farmer “er | wl | money von borrowed on the Saturday, in es Tike best¢ ILus-bands, to be sure, ne Sectian > D. is bat 34 years old he , tee Tat ee tlemicht But the door is d-—lcovercont tl fas r iri in: 1 | : ; ection, Tf Mr. B. is bat st ; , ing an aimnesty and nia ref u mus when they will a EU Terris aie, <\ Dreedy a) falls mpem ant Aree linieniidGeiiterenche the very same coin or note on Monday ¢ f q t te On F ‘ ont . eet ay VATA ak | ‘ . aes - 0 Cannot continue a eandidate buy. O Lomdon Morning Chron aie tand maintain thein rigl Weer conroand ihe (ones: areccacentt iid vl. tha ‘Hire ake AQiraee af eR Hl Pie Parson raised his head, and after Three things as good as their betters et ES Conntenoct Ro isitar Gated Nuew cli . fiance of the plotuags of ran mad ps nie hope tike a winged angel, fles right to his bosom. Loma nt dian L brest- a violent: stragsle, as though he were dirty w ater tor xtinguish fire, a homely | : ares . oe 7 uw Sick. The Weaer Gazette, We have a scrong confidence that God bas a and nestles agamat lis heart : vbout to unveil the hoarged mystery of Wife te a blind man, and a wooden sword Connecticut says; Connecticut folks do The | Ihe | * ! ) hed: Medco Fi ’ ° . ary, ord fer t eae f Mr. antler date of Vienna, the LOth ult, states yreat purpose to fulf regard to our country, AV home where gloom is bateshe Pavettess his soul, said in falter ig tones, * Por to a coward ke wb ‘of care mnch forthe nomination o r 5 ; i Fee es Me a ver by one who has learned to rule her house ; } ' } t y r on F hol ieee te R . rae that the health of the ] ope ra such as ; ik hie machi al lar, which line : ter, Vou are a@ gentleman, a scholar, a \ chanan for President, as it is not at th \ : , ff! { thromgh it for ina ’ ges hold! OObeds thee consoled for all hie tr ould tl! Aime 1 arty feel @) ‘ an New Yor! I or 7 , all likely tt {I vote for him, but they cause serious treasinesa, eymptomes of eeu letneacconiiil eel Vaachand hetican 1 A . \ Why should the nerican party 1 Christian, a v New Yorker. | know A fool in high station is like a man on iitkely > rote fo he not vet beer com plishes s ! nie ered cay r 1 +1) r x : me y they wh M ae , ) cH rosy hecoming every day more and sal Ue Wer Tn tai I ’ nt ’ | a g sure of stceess ! Becanse they have till can rely on your inviolate secresv; lis- the top of a monntain every body ap- , ‘AVe some curjosity to learth why wes ons Say na jast enter. round about usin all our history e a hat sweetest, best, dearest solace is tis ' 1 ar w nd 7 “r 7 - } \ e + Pcp as 8 ? ‘ ' offices, ar are now bound to te rl > secret of n at ance OU pears em o lyre ’ , anes IG Unterrified and anflinching Democracy” more ev ident. The f pre ha just ente Gore aa aan pean by fleas Gert om with: | cheacfal lone. Mowou womlsrribat thiemantcu nay hi wn t n to the secre f my el wjuence. \ pears 8 nal to him, and he al pears small = , gt : ; Yh year, having been born: live iste g 1 hie : Wot know that Tam poor, and when | have to everybody else, OF Should take up a musty old Federalist as ed his sixty fifth year, x if thout. Whatbe has done before | is strensthened anew for tomorrow's cares : : > 5 "Qe in atid from withow a as de \ i yn the pach May, b(92. | its candidate, Carolina Watchman. SALISBURY. N. C. “TUESDAY EVENING, JUNE 24, 1836. TERMS OF THIS PAPER 8200 CASH FOR PRESIDENT, MILLARD FILLMORE, OF NEW YORK FOR VICE PRESIDENT, ANDREW JACKSON DONELSON. -- FOR GOVERNOR, JOHN A. GILMER OF GUILFORD. : * ALAMANCE.” We copy into this week's paper, from the Lexington Flag, a communication over the above signature touching the management of work of the N.C. RK. Road, to which we invite theattention of stock hulders. the charges and insinuations of the au- In any view of the matter, thor is worthy of notice, and if he is a man of sufficient courage be will appear at the next general meeting of the com pany in July, aud enter his charges against tlhe officers of the company, and demand a reform of the abuses complain ed of. Indeed, the officers themselves should, and probably will, demand such af investigation into the particulars of the operations and contracts as sliall re- veal to the satisfactior all the facts in cases of questivnable pro priety and fairvess. [tis nut less due tu them than to stuckhulders, whuse pecn niary interest is involved therein. of the charges made do not implicate the present board of officers, we think, the subjects of them having been begun, aud im some cases finisiied, under the admin- istration of Mr. Morelead whatever ad ministrat favoritism is admisivie in the manage mest of a public work like this; Lut that itis the dutv of officers to conduct the basiness of tlre f coneern fer their interest. We al- the conmyunity Sume But under n, We hold that um eo well hoow that it is next to rm | for any eet of officers to wanage affairs 80 perfectly as to prevent those prone tu fault-finding frou coump.a.u jeg thew fur ofBeial acts. and we hope it is se, that g and abus It aay be, * \iamance, weooe of tuese natural giuW.ers,——a wry Vietuned, warrow-miinded, curvetous-lieart ed, white-livered feslow, morally ui ified to meet a responsibility or to defend jual & position. Welk spe itis ee. Our con- fidence in the integrity anu item, and basivess qaaliteationus t part of the officers of the cuupauy with wir we have the pleasure tu Le acquainted CvGsirains us i Le Se Wial [ ey Would @corn te abuse Loe [i ust re t mec io them, and that they cogld net be iuipesed upon im the arran Neu ot iitracts Never theless, fucts are tix v tinue teat, avd since facts Lave piraleu to, let them be yive Some of the uratters alluded to by © Alamance,” a: ‘ elecie ile tiie Te peticula ze, we ablated ere? i why tx: shyold cust toe rail wd ¢ aliv ¢ ¢ oe 42 ‘a Uasese as muck as it Costs a j videal. J: wary be tuata wmmcludes the buidias Miup aad other appenca..« A, ane we fice are sare a eostly the difference in cmt occurs theac Bf suet t ‘ ye tnatre Welw are tv ae ia te anu r ‘ as those rege af } ‘ Live would make ive st «4 j times as tu © 6 var wet that uu vest ' usually ex ‘ Met walled, or ex! C ¢ ‘ ! b we caunot un elas Vv \ ev eo id ject, and Jy acqua himee ltt ‘ it, ant > ara ‘ ‘ . hanudsotu in From the Raleigh Standard, June 18. Arrention ! invite the attention of old line Henry Clay and Daniel Webster Whigs to the following article | from the Favetteville Argus. No Detnocratic paper has ever spoken in half so bitter terms of the old fine Whig party. This article, be it re membered, is by authority, fur Mr. Cameron, the Editor of the Argus, ts one of the K NV. Electors for the State at large.—Cau Whigs vote for such a man as Elector t “ Tonies UNDER ALL Circumstaxces.— There are afew, a very few, men ia the country Chat hold themselves up as old line Whigs who are, in fact, about as much entitled to that appelia- tion as were Fynning and his cut throats im (he Res olution S-cessionisis in 1851, they are wuti-Americans vow.—Conteaptible always, aud honest at nv time, such men would have been Pores in 1776 as they are cu-laborers with for- vyism in 1856. Weeaution our readers against he machinations of these whited sepulchers Phere is neither Louor nor honesty among them. Sceessionists are but to be trusted, no uiatter by what name they call themselves, Thea and should be estimated ate trattors: all, accord nylv. The Standard makes a great splutter over this inconsiderate and unguarded remark of the Fayetteville Argus. And wheretore?) Why, its object is, to arouse the ire, the indignation of Whigs against the Awerican party, to which the Argus is allied, and thus, if possible, cause their anger to drive them into the democratic told, and to the support of Buchanan and Bragg. That is the Standard’s object, and nothing more. It is a vile attempt to tuke advantage of the bad passions of It is no better than saying to the Whigs, “I know you are a parcel of asses, creatures of bad passions, and al- teh. though there is uothing in Democracy at all pleasing to you, yet when you see yourselves abused by Cameron, you will yet into a rage and vote fur Bragg aud Buchanan just tor spite, aud to show your independence.” What a shallow device! —W bat a contemptible trick! Does the Standard hope to see Whigs play the ass by heeding such efforts to drive them out There can be no doubt it means to pay this ve of propriety and coumon sense { ry cvmploacnt to their semse and virtue ; for it hus been ringing the cha.ges on his A s matter for the last six weeks or wore, and keeps it up with a dogyed ness which just.ties the belief that counts largely upon it for the final su es$ of its candidates. One would thita i would ainanitest a grateful spirit tu wards the Argus tor such a precious bit of clectioneering ettfh; but nots We copy trom: another column of ee eit paper, thet Vig parayrayels BF Vhe thre cent editur of the two t 2 Agus save Mr. Buchanan ous advocaling (be neluction 4 tO ten cebls a day y atid the afore pes the speech wall be furthoun in It not, we preuwe he will have vue yout up | tder at sume KOON. manufmtory Thais ts the f the Ko No State electors, wh lor, ube ¢ has denoupecd uld Loe Whigs as * > amd a oe. it will be seen that whilst th St ird is persistent in its attempt se the Argus to enrage Whigs and ¢ eth over to the democracy, it sls wan snrount disrespect and contempt £ at irnal ouly eqnalled by its A pmrne: oof cher Lat we a net adverted to thus ‘ ter with a View to counteract ai apy hended mischief likely to result tre ards ¢ rm It can Gv hu tur American party, or to the candidates at jeart Its eXpusure in its Cin esti py MerILed, ML Baek me sth rw ohard pressed the den at “ . Weak and thisera <n are their dependence for the » t a Jates. They want Whigs cote They rat, screme and scold by turns es het vet appear that any ora t tuvus of Winning them w 6 > W, yien & Retherfordt M /, \ earn from the W ft Hera f 14th, Que and 21 4 vo iu regard to t } peop Ikail Road aa ( r ete Ruther As ntlere w J 3 W ert eoth € ran ad onal 6U Ue ck of the Company t ‘ x) , r e res flg c 4 i] " 4 s of Kms pw aming W . Teo \ z rast roth, that ¢ Rus f ‘ wind the ¢ this a I ja “a t RR vs \ ‘ l ( ‘ ur Mayor ' ! ‘ & s z att 4 ‘ thre stot . » . ' rece ’ 1 ‘ r Jitu ‘ \ \\ 2 \ ( } ! ( ea \ Ie soe \ e ‘ 7 ‘ . 1 “ nUON ef Com ree le voonsh Paris Wonder what the “reasons” aro that the Ow Live Wares.—We again |Commitice deem so “ unnecessary to mention here the people who would attend see that the is under most unexoeptionable management, aud thereby have ocular demonstration that the charges of Mr. Gilmer and his friends against the Road are truthleas,— Rep, Banner, Bright, beyond doubt. What light bursts upon the orbs of those who travel over this Road, we should like to know, Very likely that they are afraid to let revealing the falsity of any charge Mr. Gilmer has made t= What can those, who simply travel over the roud to Greens: boro’, Know about the management of the Road t The Conductors, and all other otticers of the train, are expected to per- foro their duties on ‘this as on all other roads, and if they fail, they are unworthy. It they do it efficiently, does that prove or disprove any thing? The Banner i, hard run—very hard ron for something to say. The people of Greensboro” have private reasons for declining to give a celebration, as every body must conclude. Butthe Banner thinks they are atrad the public will give praise to Mr. Bragy for the “ unexceptionable management of the Road” —a sort of negative praise, as it should be; for if be has ever perform good in re- ed a public act for the public yard to rail roads or any other improve: went, it has never come to light. THE BLACK REPUBLICANS. The Black Republican Convention which metin Philadelphia on the 17th instant, has nominated John C. Fremont for President, and Ton. Win. S. Dayton, of New Jersey, for Banks, McLean and Chase were all with Vice President.— drawn, and Fremont was nominated on the first ballot. The Wilmington Herald, THe is Ben ton’s son in-law, whose daughter be ran nye aking of Fremont SAVS: away with, Benton oppescd the match, but after the knot was tied forgot and for yvave, and now thinks Fremont the second wan in the Cuited States, himself being the first. The nominee of the Black Re pubhean party was born citl in South Carolina or Georgia, enter ve Aris snd distinguished limself ws an explorer and a fieid canny timer, stiardest) ox ploring expedition lis present ar tthe Presidenes Ie is w very nine \ Vye tense ss a To comstit Vis alte Lear heat and dew Het ed up B ity Ca B, et pe if) rye geud oo there, amd is now 6 t Mchest man io the weer } oVear . sented Cu ria el | S. Senate, and then fa far ecthor ll ase jal ties VE de a Gare promitvon f et, me a oa ope w ¢ beaten out of sip The party tert 4 wotlns ¢ ' waver va iot SNCCESS AyAst » nen ae Fillinore of B ANNAN Tive t F ti evad heep t rty n 2: PERSIDEN TIAL TANI DATES \ ay r sets I hets I t t Mf 1 } a I> t t Ans 1 ar 4 a | t a - ‘ \ ih s J ar Hs r. \ | ‘ t 1) sles ack Roy itis the Nort I ‘ } 4 tw . ‘ Mi. | as es . 1 S r 4 ; ; h A A ¢ « f t ‘ ( rv. aud S ‘ ‘ { a ‘ ‘ a ef r . y t fad x jiiiet aM Z oo. 4 i y 4 ( M [> BBs (s ( No is a A { | r a I) ( S , = \f ae Wea « eo. M ’ a ‘ ry 1 4 F ‘ M I s a6 5 € a ' ( ( 1D e ‘ :: [zien cave a ‘ ~ B ’ ACA 1¢ A a 9 r 4 ta ' Lf ¢ \ OA TA4 WASeR ‘ \ Can wet ae t Road | 2Y THE NEW YORK DAY BOOK. We call attention to an article published to- from this sterling paper, on * The Great fs. swe,” as worthy thy attention of every Svuthiern man, It is true, as stated by the Dag Buok, that the only hope of the Cuion is in removing the ignorance of the North on the great issue, From our knowledge of the people uf the Nurth, from frequent visits amUny thou, we beleve that the noisy Abolitiouists are a stuall party, and that the desire tu: abolish slavery ts eu dw compartively fow—but we believe, in fet, we may say we know, Wat a large megonty of the people there are Freesvilers— willing to leave the institution as it is, but opposed to its exten- sion by the admission of any additional slave States. Now, we recoguiae no distinction be- tween them, so far as results go, as the latter will in time be merged in the former, untess they can be enlightened on the subject of which they , flow this is to are now profoundly igoorant be effected, when they tike ny Southern paper. | Ts aw serious question, aid duless it is liken up by some of their own, iC eed nut be expegted “The New York Day Book is the only journal of the North that bas systematically und. rtaken | this important: work. Tt has nobly and man- folly stood up for the rights of the South under the tpplied itself to the tek of advocating our in vustituition, and bet only done se, bat has stitution on plilosopreal and plulanthropical principles, Dro Van Bente, who hits rendered his name familiar to us all by his very trothtul and scientific treatise ou the of the contributors to Chis patmotic jonurual, and beyry race, Is ONk does wood service in our cause, We world Most earnestly commend to eur Suuthern friends this valuable jowrnal as richly worthy of their patrouage, th largely lucreasing ia its cirew- lation, having had 14,000 subscribers added tu its list since Ist January last. Lion papers of the North circulate amongst us, such as the Evening Post, those Unat are triend ly to us are neylected. We have frequently drawn from its pages, and will continue to do se. In another column will be found the terms of its publication, We will take pleasure in for warding any naines for it.— South Caroliatan. This is right. Newspaper establish- ments require cash tu sustain them; and althoush Northern communities stand tht and trath dis- Book,” Sonthern oues, yet we regard it: highly ) in need of the | the “1 Jay tore semminated by than inportant that Seuthern people slould Manifest a proper concern for the sup- pertof those papers which are devoted While the Abuli- | ga white man And we ovnfidently appeal to the patriotism of true men avd honest Democrats all over, North and South, East, and West, to sustain us and aid us in thig-gloriots work, The Day Bouk has now @ large circulation, but it shoukl have # million of fendeim, not of the segre of ability of nny kind, but because it is dealing with the most momentons truths that ever Interested the humau intellect, and a | knowledge of which, by the Northera tases, ix j absolutely gnc immediately essential to the sate- {ty of our institutions, Since January last we have reovived over 14.) 000 voluutary subsctibers, an inerease, wholly without parallel in newspaper history, and an overwheluning demonstration that the great heart jof the people is sound tothe core, aud only needs to be applied to drive the abolition (reason from the land, aud to bury the abolition traitors in the profoundest depths of the popular con- tempt and indignation. —N. Y. Day Book, | | Fos the Danville Register, | |) UNDERGROUND RAILROAD IN | NORTH CAROLINA. doubtless be surprised to learn that there isa branch of the Underground Railroad jin the good vld North State.” Yet such) is the fact. | On passing through the town of Salis- bury, ou Thursday last, TP learwed that {that ancient corporation was in a state of great excitement, occasioned by the dis- covery that a wagon had just been driv-| en up to the public square, in which were two boxes, each containing a living ne-, | gro. | It seems that a daring negro feilow had | some weeks ago, broken into a store: | house, in that neighborhood, and stolen | A gentleman living near, overheard | him, a night or two before their appear- ance in Salisbary, concerting a plan with a negro wench in the neighborhood, te take her to afree State. Having thos become possessed of the proposed plan of operations, the gentleman alluded to ap- proached the negro and told him that without better arrangements, they would be frustrated in their purpose, and that if he wenld subeut te be governed by hit le would insure hin a safe an | spee- Wy transit to the free State. This being tua cause pot lessours because strictly de . ; ( ; ; - 1 agreed te the negrod ore safely packed fersir of tietitutiona ual’ ap 1 rT ies . Ee | (as ayrecd) in bexes, and well siypeplics! “f aii rit : ‘ simple pustion We too shall be pleased with provisions for the Journey, the ne viel odte entetedingg the irculatian oof yro having first delivered to his) white «Das | k ] ~ a first class pa ctr his ineney and pistol r \ stteat “4 » comlition they were dsiven to ‘ ' artis . , yury, for the purpeme, us blacks ‘ stl fi ued anit ‘ 4 t 7 . supposed, of berg puto the railroad ' / | ' y t ‘ Nor wou We tre mare for the Noeth wa t cement the narrow idea Ou reacuing the town, the conductor f Wehenelebitpe ter Souther ciglte, lout ite rined the cit. zens that lie leach seonme plate, stock tes nit micb sone ssteectiiile re a ' erclaime as a fearless, bY] stock tor ¢ P| ‘s the boves, the whole affair was revealed cn nd stesdy defender of truth ae J much te the present sued ' “ The nege x ale ted We pliall cont | ‘ r irke by ja Pr ty , ‘ J Vv thre } } ; 5 There are several erroneons statement= ( ' = : nthe above, ogh the material pout. poet THE GREAT Isstt tthe cuse as here reported are correct T ert acl Drestden oo . aettes el, ree , - , The “Shanglar” edit J F. Bell of . ~~ t ple, Neath mals \ apd baldness the Chin Ludepen ty having offered \ ' 5 RS for nw tont ithe ath otthe Mis vy te qu « t Pn andl &5 more for a tee nail off the yer ° : fimot cof "y ari Mas t ; = . . ‘ a few ave afterwardea I au ed thet wing letter, sappy ing v A ) © reward I Filut Nhauk high Qua ‘ : Ra meres ag temo . I ‘ I j \ f 4 M i dow t t . " Mevrean wa figlit nier Cs - " t ola roan a at alow I t off : . fist nar a // ‘ vou 1S « «ft Atewtl fron the \ \\ ‘ie Mistise ya Sodollare tur a 4 { {a Thag makes are \ . Send t eney ‘ at Chine where Tecan . : vit it next Sa ay when | « tu we ' klelerries » . . beours a Meer Vrs ub rant. Bro-esat rs My ‘ ghtv sore where I « ff tle ail, wo J ko oven ight ¢ y nye ‘ ‘ ( areXtra from tlhe ye fite s | fear 4)" fy r a ™ N eng M. il . La ‘ : . Tired of Fre 1 —The Clarkaville ; . z Te Cir eof the 6th instant has . . ature wing: Mr. J S. Hart of t! ating vr ved, a few * ago, his negr \ . a 1 At Je, Ww ra ta tweveare 5 . . = uy Tle was apprehended I naa few ‘ I k to whic 4 a] ak J ' ! red a 4 r ‘ T) 1 a Canad t oon r f a u a Mas a Dix 4 4 AA wR 4 aste natu N aN “ “ . t nese t uk (Ff ’ \ \ ‘ k © exactly what rere | \ t ' ' a nen uns ’ . t k lo Lr e ] ‘ a Pr \ ( vt { wine f 1 A x inyge paper ] rea ler ia ero t s4heiadis ‘ H yratuit ‘ ~ , PROGRESS [hn sat presentin oper / ; wit we AEON Hear Best vjrap omg pnotine . ' eathe gr | ceina = , ' itis perfeethy romud, the machin a ‘ the centre, and ia coated externa \ | ur Ser soon is Che pat ] t rie 1 ’ . 1 Cen <4 | tor } or) " eatha ' “ he aeci i | : ; that t * | ality aith oak er \" ~ s l ; \' > 4is rea a ‘fast ' ae | mabe It is t fin nthe veologiear survey A \ 1 . 2 a Las The wey f Missenzi, that the State ean furnish : JOM CN OD focoal per anni for t ‘ tlaecuee e next 1.300 years; and that there as ; ryoat ironore enough, of the beat quality, with ‘ tied beectee fees shert, in a few ntles of Pilot Knob and Tron races, w ’ the Monuntaina, to furnish LOO.000 000 tons . of hurmenny st enegre yearly of manufactured iron for the next 4 stiliood and t loi of the 9O0 years Mr, Fillmore’s Letter of the Vommittee. Parcapasrata, Feb, 26, 1856e" Sin: The National Convention of the Amefi-)t can party, which has Closed its, session jn this 4 has oa _chosen you a the candidate for the Presideney Of United States hi the eleetion to be beld in November next. lt has aswciated with you Axpréw Javkson Dons LEON, Kay, of Teunersces ae the eaudidute for the Vige- Presidency. The Convention has ebarged the nndersigned with the agreeable duty of conmpunieating Ure proceedings tu you, andogf asking your weowp- Uanov of a nomivation which will receive not nly the cordial support of the great Natioual party in whose name it is made, but te approbation, also, of large numbers of other enlightened trieuds of the Constitution and the Union, who pine, a single bid exeept their over Sevtog tore receited, ef « will rejoice in the opportunity te teatily their grateful appreeianen of your faithful services in the past, and their cuntidesce in your expert envs and integrity for tbe gatdange ut ve future, The undermigned take advaulage of Uily yeoa- Messrs. Editors :—Your readers will! sion to teader tu you the expressive of Uheir owu [a day for his own serviees, to gratification in the proceedings of the Cynven ton, and to assure you of the bigh cousideratun in whight they are, Yours, &e.. Acexaspes HLL Sreant, Anvurw Siewakrt, Ekas.us Byeoxs, E. K. Bawrcert, Wa. J. Eames, Ersuuaim Mausn, Counmittee, To the Hoo. Mittanp Fitrmone. Reply of Mr. Fidlmore. L’anss, May 21st, 1856. Presidency of the Catted States, and associated with at that of Andrew Jackswa Dunelsve tur View Presileney. tauMication inet me at Veulce vu my reture from tly, mod the dujpleaste, waded thirteen days lalet, Was feeeived ou my arrival im Uhas erty Laat This must mecvunt for wry aypareut beyh wh in Yo ing a Mivte prviept feply. the evening, Yuu wit pardon me for saying Chat whee my ; adininetration clveed 10 1853, 1 cumsidered my poliucad lite as a pucdic at au ch, and theneututh | war vuly auaheus ly discharge wy duly wa private ction, Hewes 1 hare taken wy active part im putes, But b have by ov means been an tdilberent spevtatur uf passing evenk, nur have | lesttated lu caprese My upte wn vn all polivecal subjects when asked, wor ty “y sute and prvate inflawee bi (bus git best cokulated to man O00 Bod Uewpures bbe pretote the prope My Kier) vf var comme Bo yond Cae b dewt dH tps pace bow ’ “4 But Us eusuierted snd ue whee Pe ee has epee — upnrts te aw tee uty, tren whch | cotmet shrek 5 Bod then tore, approving, as TL do, of tbe goeeral obp ote of the party eloch has boaured toe wilh tte comtidence, | cheerfuliy mcrypt he Whatcom withewl waling ly elyuire of tts Ptusperts of sucress ur defeat. Lt te suftietes te te bow that Ly we chor b ytekl to the misters fm bance penttnnte of may bk bho cate poet of thee Coders, whe, bike rey wed . ' \ aubarue be» < histration uf our events reatotd ty Unee wtginad mitplieny ” V wlinks eared the Aret Veareol tees we iE paswitoler tar cpurte t Clemt baring seetronal agitation which, etirle 1 de laghte th reomareh abe hari, caves every true foewd 4 wou yieryvt w mn Hhavins 9 A ant eervicw in the atratew ot the gusernrnent, | ney ba: per ed tu nb “tL mee thee et pmrne tet ol the re, maved . jit L tthe (sve pa - ‘ wr ogeh L adewli, eorte nite mer er gard be riyghte f e Fy meet om of | ehe« fh te-tae > ‘ ry " . ‘ - be bane A. pe Nive " wel * berv A nies z a “ . z Anes . ‘ we | take t at ote rfdetee im th Bie le a at gareenete ebhcb I ward me sy <0 a yale os att hur J wins ain Ute wrt , yuLriunate a ‘ . hanger @ ep y wf - . . | ’ “ I) aboe ny fa r cal agen e GW CLIN, 16 [n mmenee 4 the power > arbene - aie eyilation, and restore harmony ty ite own erampbe of mote atrn and furtearame. ft has a clam, therefore 1) earn ot lorem of the Se eetimating toe parte, beth ia ite present - 1 ctine, DL freely mbupa tte strat lembing ms 1 he ¢ teu lore Niitwinad’ Cuacel at | * * ‘ v f « ’ 1 & fe h -- ~ f » them mw yast and lileral 4 ’ . ( try, aed ei +, my ot ot al dint ' and tt of a. entgt 1, ambe mend 1 A ' * woth the sa ' a sof our Hepub Deve , ba \ no arel, with angel Pros tehenee, hope enon t ’ “ My qeaturnty of com a J tee ' - . t je. hee on yee We . grad " shell petoen t * 4 r - Atle a4 Zz sY t mv thanks A. wt vou ba ‘ reweuta ch t ! “ v arn] t - oe “ + hoot wepert and J and etn MILLARD FI feof M View UW Ws 4 © Ste ba ve ke BOT Ube Nin J F } uM (cmmmnting > af eee wtiract tle at and which are of eniGor el smi) Kitt 1 allude ent the Shope and ele to the anneresaary since To apent a short. tinne tome lf at eon trot tevnns the work mt the ' ' AMV at DFID Eb rths ON pret ee ment how thre work ie " toviot bond«—about 25.0 nom 1 Mesers + COND PANY 1 CONN poser Croldabore’ tr gol mechar d J and Road pave theee hands $1.50 per handle; ri only iw lemrd theme vated Dudley, about $25 per hem a net profit of ®14 a or $350 on the 25 handa, ow bere 994,200 nnneees expended just inone item of hiring 25 hut weit On AN avera n on-enct res sarily 200 a Vener (his wae net enough, one of This wuer pected cute: | I should think the Stoezhollers would tike to hao saaet whet tating, YS aoe work. | ing at the ehonge? em re ‘he wus work. | ing a company on igh Pressure « | tem, getting one Char ieaoy , “ | coat him from #60 to, $150 rer yo Also $1.25, as. |} a free ticket, " Probably the Stockholders wonld lke to know what was the necuessity of shutters to ‘finishing shop door, one Costing 18800, and the other costing $900, end hoth now cotively useless, béchusg cthey"wers “Gug at the | wrong ple. + oy Probubly those concerned would fike-to know the méwwensite of » tei x ap little: p laces, for | Messrs, Garovt, Roberta and Allen, to live in. | They would also like to know what has become Shops, pegs so that when the two by the day. Who get to work whew they: please, quit when they phasw, go home Rat anday twelve, aud come back T What, would } their fare amount to at the of the year if they had to pay every trip! bguevethe Stock- hoblers would like to know how the sheet iron works is getting al and why the boss (a New Yorker) tell bie hands net fo work too fut. for if ther do thes oll get owt 5D Se soon. Why do some men have fred tickets on the nawl, when they had Contracts and got bet- ter pay (haw any body ele { Moore anonl ALaMAnce, Correspondence of the Peterobarg Inielligeneer, Sassswrry, June 10th, 1856. Mr. Elitor: The completion of the Nerth Carulna Ceutral Raileuad bas established a evn- neaton between the valley uf the Yadkin, Wee. tern North Caruhoa, amd the cithes of Petersburg am! Kichmund —evaseqem?!y a few facts aud figures im regard Wo the poruon of our State, and espowially of thes dley of the Yadkin, may be of retest to the cttiaens ff these towne = If stl le the fact suo wll L hope be kind eaoagh wove the f wing btter a place im your oul For bru ty of mul, exovtloenee of climate and variets of j nabucts, the vatley of the Yadkin eo met excellod by any other segtive of the Atlee te Mates of mee Ulm rqual extemt Is fresh lamde tiekd per aere, without manere eoght buedred tu a thowsand jour be of eaton, enght heandeed to a thousand from to to Sern burb-ls fromm twenty five to Unirty five barb Prev ious ty the emstenetivn of the Cewtral Kem it may be sasd that the *Valley” eas eithout « market, ant the former eas men peikead to wagon off bie pr adeete adetande eary- O an aletage, prrutels of tobmery | ( ol ai, el. od curn z fran coe huwired tu ten hnedeed ead Gy - the & a rh) of by a epstem wok wo wm gotl whenever a beter could be od a bw Cotton Factories a lemme market joe what L The tebempg (wot rar~sd ea ntites) we etthet tena } eepemd Mvath, of ems sent to the prarest V smarkets, at a emt of cight-en Cora dd pot I hare hoown are thee benpebem:/ ay onwe «df Vrareportatron af wr to gieeto a arigh hur ten barrels of tar as remuneration fe haa oy ten other tearrele to t Het tittle more gren eas gruwe than A lar ze we aheat was wastecdh—the bul far come annng 1 bushele of wheat to Use bertel The average prvee of wheat «as stnty-two am! a half omits pet Core twenty Gre to turty conte Agneuhare coukl po far! to lenguieh ender each » eomditwe of things as Une, and Western Nunth Catches was Svedeed,” « sealed buck. — Tle average proce of lande was fre dollars the Since the completion of the road they to eight che The conse: of counties of Rowan, Davie, Serry, Forsyth and Ds ideon, comprise was mero weery bot ote GoneeentiOe jnantety of ourp ance grvand ia —the rill booshed “re have gone op tare 18SO «how that the Irevell, Ng & portion of 1 ve Valley.” prvlaerd m 1650 ree hondred theaeand bashele of wheat, The roped the pear acl) more than dowlbe that of 1850—arl in all peolmtelty there will be to theme cru « asurplas of bows haudred thow-and le@slets of wheat, and the deve) omemt uf the tew rere A the Vallev, aaa wheat aducing veeeeele mame yet ine infancy fe gas mn ition of things, the farmer ia com pelle to grind bee wheat inte loar—en bemitt. -g r all the cape mee and troable of fear tieeee howd gan’ anh nnd im han omg tte and from the Le ther with the gremt bas froen teed erré lery at bor ond+ the present tariff on the raneperta { wheat, Or even ata redacrd arf bene anber cert me comditene, it wool! le alrang beeinem to the farmer to semd hee wheat ra | reborg oe Lehmomd —owr only acai thle markets —onlene we ahd shipping to ra al (aviehte Chor mike w Pot anewer and yeare mint sixes fore we eat mye te (fever) with thse Vetershory and R n ~whieh J am t cut a barrel of fuue from 44 borb- : wheat L te leve that experience baa shown, “ every 09 benz cqual,” that it is wy the alvantage f We: farrrve-¢ ter oa-'| oat rence to fur snned the option ver he given to fariner of the y"—and wit wot tu the stof the companies owning the entire hve y, © the great depot of "to Dvtersbarg and Richmond, to give t farinee * thee option rom Salrbory, Taking things as they now stand, four hen deel thonsand bushels of wheat are to be groand nite flour and sent South (for Ure destination of wir flour is Soath) and sappesing Ralisbury = the starting point, thie floor will pay frenght only on forty miles ef ron 1 On the contrary, if thes four hundred thousand bushels of wheat is ent Eastward, it will pay toll ona hundred and thir a wide margin for profit even To secure the ty miles of road atly reduced rate of fare transportation of Une lange quamtity of wheat, wil it nut be aleo greatly to the imisrest of the gh and Gaeton Rulroad to bring down its rates —aned the interest of Petersburg and of her rom demanle that ite fare be likewise reduced Phere will be a meeting of the Directors of the North Caroline Railruad in July mest, when it will be necesaary to readjunt their rnilrond tariff, Wart it not be well for the Directors of the Raleigh & Gaston and Petersburg & Rich mond Railroads to appoint delegates to attend this meeting, and by a consent of action among nll, so tu arrange. as to give to the farmer of Western North Carolina the choice of selling cither bis wheat or bis four. a ar Ra wile “No. “will ge anan!” and ey tide somebo was 10 that an: Bachar and wit Why, | and the of Jaly He is Federa before 4 he in his ¥ it out— clected is the u tr or at le him, ua of State he ie th believe had ma inan wi ated, at all eves years, 1 never « Ile i Clineh, Duteh Mr, Px man th who to the full or fa Srate, t five-lar theat b whereb he pont of whie place; ne op protects wa len TiN OK: otter it Now Buchas The there a lea F inany ) ' law, sank, ai OO” te the Ki: reteorm, ing hee afectr: the Kis and ob. tiean, power went h rentaa \ alley Teas, inflven A meri ing, & the Ar preelai reo, the con flee 000,00 Str railway eer namer under | ance, | finer should act, tl value « for eve OO, te tives a willow there t vased In t the re were t Hartfo I de mean slande the anf him to be inal be to make | ofa bl terane becom try. It Senate body i ner a Obsery n that The w echo Meno posed have ¢ The n there Ly are prehe gle id hen y — : ; 2 “eee eret teeter Varney: reve ' ‘ i ; fi ide % 2 a Dap trae ea "a Aaag : Z «10001 ara a ae , Qn | | , tes wud} 44. The triumphs of the niind,—Edwin Mare w- ; ern wu We tia, Wilkes Co. Booman. ‘65 T the old, well knowp Establishment seca me 1 = 2% Of Tonkiiygs Rodents & Co., ote of he largest aud 2 Dlooal Ath. Which exerts the greater influence over! Buster, atiow 82 BS | de> Wrought, 124 @ 15 EXGIBEERS OFFICE, W, X. €- R. B..) Most Splendid Assortments of ¥ a . ’ . o ad . enjoyed, Ane sex Buuiety, grant Wealth? : ar agae Poul nena Sallsbary, June 17, 1858. §| SPRING; AND SUMMER those walle be no longer we Al. —W, C. Thomas, Richmond, N.C, do. * Sperm, — ROPOSALS will be received at Statesville, Ire- Q - . dhe only echo whieb gas to - Nug-—A. C. Stewart, Tuy lorsvifte, N.C. Case, Oe: be a | a Pix a N.C, ontit ate the 15th, for the QS +) and B i 47 itter cul- ; a = ava, 16018 ‘autiers’ al OO. 75 | Gradoation, ory, and Crome Tes forthe reMaind- e cohen of suede laden’ wit <s ANNUAL’ ADDRESS. | Peed P bb, uit? olutues, Ina by . | Ar fradeon Seetie uf the Wretepy North Carolina | EVER QereReD IN WESTERN beni nod Shoe poe yang . cae . ie. @ \5, Sweet, t ud, com: at, and extending Weet from consisting ‘orciga and Dotnemic ode, Murd- 5 eee aie ~ Cae, * 10 “ws ~ se . a cnprot oe ee sr ware, Cotes ty tr and Sirs Melon Pisaae Hnedy Made reapers A. M. Boous, Esq, Cotto iag,-—- Suit “FH sack) $2. 75 | Op the first 15 miles of this work there isi anti and Stra is, Bonnet kets, » Carria ina, Del; and Glass For-the Watchmen. ahs. gxse? Tarconertehs, » ‘On do PF bushe ' 00 | Mesonry, and depeaietiy the Bridge sbmasiba Cota Trimmings, Springs pa Axek, Window i on. Qeeves ph, Agrvealile to ireriites notice a meeting of the This last address bas, I understand beea so-| * Dundee, citizens in favor of the-Americnn Party assvin- | licited for publication, which [ thiuk, the speak: | “ Barlaps, Shee Brown, 4-4 9 | bey River, but al) of which is paruiculerly worthy of at-| aad Glass Ware, Saddlery, Sole Leather, Bolting Ware ; seution. | Clothe, Blasting Powder, Nails, Iron & Stecl, Black- Hardware & Cutlery, Groceries, &e., Sh ee . } ‘ ‘otten Yara, Plone, Profiler, and Specifications with evtimatés | smiths’, C. aters’ and Shoe-Mokers’ Touls, Tan- A P ‘ 2 fete hatte ae bled iw the Courthouse in Muckaville, on Sut-|eF ought nut to refuse, as it doubsless is worthy | eye, 45-48 bush. $5401 [of the wurk may be gren at the uffive uf the Engineer | were’, Linseed end Sperm Oil, Paints, Dyestuffs, Cast- depreciate peste ado regan WHO 18-34 MES BUCHANAN ueday the 14th jnstent. ° of publication, aud refleets much hovor upon the Pleat Meal, rea na = * afterthe 4th July. Ch rl rid wires ies he, Ke. A large stock of) wy puctaal custumers, at wholesale or retail ~ ie = aise Shickens ny Sugar pwn, a ief Engineer, W, >, RR. fi %, one," Saye the New York Sun,| On tnotion, Cul, J, B, Jones, was called to rhe | heart and head of the speaker, Figge @ Se , | bbe 15) OF The Standard and Register at Raleigh; Recurd | GROCERIES ee Bes osbercort Country Produce bonght at the who is Janes. Bu ch- Chait, and B. y appointed Seerrtar At night Iwas invited, and attended @ social Feathers, 30435) “ Crushed, 12}015 | ef, ot Hillsboro’; Spectator wad News ut Astievi'le +| elways.os haud:..... Particular attention is called to Salisbury, April 10, 1856. AGat Y with mach anction | A . : - re © en party ip the Jarge study room. But there was! Float, Bob, 8405) « Clarified, Oe 124 | Patriot, Greensbura’ and Demoeras. at Chosriate, | our large und well seleeted stock of ht SO a ge LS ey De Ue SAE FF Well, it ie! 4 the requent of the Chairman, G. A. Miller, | ’ f ron, Swede, 6 ‘Tallow, 124 | willeopy untilthe i5th July and furward their ae. | ‘i 2 - Aas ia: such aw feast of deliencies and array of beauty, 1\ do. Bar 44 05 /Purpentine Pgul.8791-0 | nonets to thie office. | ip t + ana . | Exq.explained the object of the mex ting in a! - Bl be lent wage ’ sobre roe? [ A GE : ay a lant of 2 ven | meat and fordble apierch in’ which he stated that | will fot attempt to deserite. I must not omit re ig: Refin'd 54 [Whe t, $1.00 é y { 7] : ; : Moles, Wool, 25 4 00 ’ y ng before he | the meeting was to select a suitalle person to to mention that the music added much tothe} a Oval, 6 @7 [Window Glass, @ box, SA LE O} JAND, a be sold et uvparalicled luw prices in this This Knooking! , ppen | veecome a candidate for the Commons, he pro- suring scene and reflected credit on the perfurun- | Gard, Ida td:| + So4.00 92.05 } ’ , Lead, bar, 7448 10% 12 $2.50 | . , \q EF" All the above goods huve been selected with ‘ that any one should ask ‘Who ig James! vevded to speak in bebulf of the greut principles era, Yours truly, | Lead. Dry White, igre { BY order of the Coart of Equity for KR: wan Coun. the greatest care, and we most respeetfilly invite all | ye undersigned bege leave ‘to return hie thanks Bachanan P. you can tell them at once, lof the Americagn party. A VISITOR. | Se ast = j he irda offer the foliowiag valuable land for — buying goods this seasun to call and eseean oe : lo these screech or ar ns eall ie J the a a t ‘ Ket > - sale at public waction, | stuck as we feel no hesitancy in saying that we have | fast yeur, am respectfully infuraw Public “4 and without ate ppg to think abent jt,” | On suvtivn, 8 con.mittee of cizht were ap- ai 7 ~ ; KEIT ¢ 7) A N E € PS larger assortinent than hac ever ee off red at one | that he has removed to the Bhop lately oveapied by . Why, he is the man whoabused Madison}. eal be: tee Htatde - 4 For the Watchman. | s 240 Acres, j season in this place, aud thut we are determined to| Messrs. George & Whisnaut, adjuiving Mr. J. Rode , aud the war witl England ina Fourth apes ons one potion to by run in ta) ras a ppl | to be wad h ce Jen aoaas feeff, and will make it to the advantage of buyers to | sill’s Plooing Mills, where be is prepered to execute ull ( July oration in 1815, at d ptlis county for the Conuions, | UNITED BAPTIST INSTITUTE t hs ye pew the petition wf Jumb Ove-cash and give our stock an examination befure purchsing. j Work in bis line, a» cheap und guod as eau be dune ix Il is %, wo A og ,. igeanclelae The Chairman appointed, 8. Lo Furchess Tayiorsviice N. ©. 14th J 1856. | ree rater Lp ie ce Oa cl Salisbury, March 31, 1856. Ae ee mee eis ¢ man who was such a rampan ay ~ be chess, | EBN.U, » dupe, v0. | 7 on y ~ we wii ied, si wate wear the Organ are +f | Federaliee, that 6 solowny “declared, (fot Marvell, Matthew Pull, Joyh W. Acgweaderncroy ot te pene | WILMINGTON,N. C.— [Sipyktel std de: ataaied wear the Orpen Church, a —| Tarning, Cutting Serews, Repairing ‘i i : i } f ‘ pe d others. To be suld un tb eMises, 2 | : = , ‘i eee | before God and main, thatif he thoaght Hudye, James M. Ijams, Eli-ha Gible, Wu. C. tees of the above lustitate it was resclved— Through Freight to Wilmington pr. Mail Train. aay ur July west. ctl aad | National Agricultural | Boilers and Engines, he had a single drop of Democratic Liood | Chafin, and G. A. Bingham. Het, Thal the Had noe silts yircaed ot we 7 have made a0 arrangement with the Bailrad| T#rm™e—sin toonthe credit, bond end security. | Warehouse, | Of all descriptions ; making and repairing cate an ea easiness cestcg tM MME Mi ange ain ln Bada om] Wiese cera riaate te] 112 ACRES, |novon wawtracponr sce ov-|aut Spedign Weed Pace rege it out—He le hWHO Was four Lines | which was adopted { 43 ; (ae oe ; | f RE, 7 - q ence ‘ : . ton direct ; le: Salisbury on Monday aud | F aes | cleeted to Congress as a Federalist. le} Reaised, Thos: «0 helt \he ndasination ee ev peimiee such thoroughness of scholar near rake pe Hohe Se he Tobe ried open ie leapt — and oth. | 251 PEAL ST. sear Falten,Sew-Vork | Troning Wagons, is the man who came to Mr. Clay in 1825 Millard Fillevere and Audrew J. Duochon. fr [sp and excelleut deportinent SUFPAGSING ANY: | oey. Our agent will ercompuny the eer to receive | 47" Wines eek wee eames Fst G ips eat ay JOHN JONES, PROPRIETOR. | &e., and ia and tried to make a bargain with him, | the Preshleney and View Pesad-ae of the U thing we bave seen with so large a number of and deliver freight a1 all the intermediate statiena— | ine the lode of Jobo Loots, Deold Basahart. aecrsl The subscriber being « practical Meebanic, and having | WOLPSR-SROLIVGE, rat least heid out & tetnpting offer t [sy ¢ ‘ : y | vous men, tor according to the statiatics ke mt | The fret car will leave Salisbury wn Monday 23d inst | Barnhart and «thers. ‘This land will be sold subject | B&PY Years’ experience in the manafecture of all kinds | { wilt cumpate work with any one for neatuese, wear, or PUR OGer ty | Sutes asa bright siga ina lowering political) bd acai & L KEITH & FLANNER. | \° the widuw's dower. Sale to be mude on th et | of Acuscunrvaan Inriemewre wud Macitmear, would | and despaich ; futerferring shoes, $1.25 ; eommon do. him, namel » that he should be Seeretary | sky—~and we lelieve should this nomination be by the teachers, there was not a single deha Wilmiagwoa, N.C., Suue (4, 1866. ws i sas! whos ne Fe retfully call the attention of Merebauts und Plan- |g): ¢ P ; y jem) 3 é | mises, the 31st day of July west. | rempe | $1; cast steel t6ee or ste! plates, £2. ef State, to vote for Gen. Jackson; and |r d by the people, that it will exhibit to the quent io school duties during the session : ee | Terne—six muuthe credit, huoud and seeurity. j tere to hie large and most complete assortment of the | 7° | base sled esvcied an Air Furnance for meking he ie the man who led the General to | world the strongest proofs that patriotism and gud That it is the opi ; { STODDARD & CLARK. { L. BUACKMER, CME. | Shuye Goods. which he offers fr sale at lower prices| Brees, which suswers fively. The public cxn get hi é . ' wd, That tt is the opiniow of the Board that f ’ | June 17, 1886.—Pr. udv.k6 23-703 | than any other Ho@se in the trude Brase ad Cumposirion Castings by calling ut the above believe that» Mr, Clay and Mr Adams cuuservative statesmanship are still appreciated this unparralleled sucerss of the school in mor 'COMMISSI( IN MERCH ANTS | ee - —______ | GUANO, DONE DUST, sUrEA-rHDSruATE OF Lime, FLASTED | establishment and fareiehi Z patteron Alvo Brace Lad made a corrupt bargain. He is the 2d rewarded in our euuntry—that the preceyts Gale jes a Ad esis ees: | AND OTHER FERTILIZERS. melted over at a reduced price, with aeatness and de- inan who heard thia charge made, reiter- of the immortal Washington (* unmized with "8 a™ earning, isto Le attributes mainly to 150 Frent St., New \erk. | Ten Dollars Reward ' Mareh 31, 1556. 443m. | Spatch ated, and the changes made upou it rung buser matter”) still retain their pressure on the the zealous cfforts wud watchful eye of our mest } e | KJ; Old Copper'ced Baase wane: tatles of our memories—that Americana can. worthy and esteemed President—James. Rerearsces ne Carpetings, Rugs, Druggets, &e. JR ANAWAY fran the sutseriber, on the 29: dar | Te er & J. PERRY. named HENRY VA \ 7 E wonkd call attentinn to our stock of the sbuy-| Charlotie, May 5, 1856. _ 6m F * Henry Lomax, Sed hoy waseon articles, which is large and varied, just receiv. z = PMRIere eed GL.SVAANG For Sprisg & Summer. Went cles lorua iceney . = say UST RECEIVED « new and besevitul Stock of U bath, sud by “rede cj SQUIRE, ZIMMERMAN & ALLEN, oJ Sesronsble Chuhing of superior quality end works " manship, which we are meow selllag ar very low prices, and may be lurking ul.u: Wades Wholesale Dealers ta Or wk cunprises HATS, CAPS, COATS, Vaeva, = herp tie PANT. , SHIRTS, COLLARS and CRAVATS + tive the abow reward fir hie epprehensian steteddrtele, aetna ae wy JS. - very to me at Mount Pleasant, Cabsrres F} sierkd pope pasar thal irpandiag ay (a ~ ar f om all over the country for fifteen or sixteen ; years, and yet, knowing it 46 be faleci, ought, and should @evern America, unaided by Fuvte, why has such « peculiar tact in goes Mesers. Gea W. Biowa & Ua, Salicbare . 2 fore grt cruninals, amd sagabouds, and that th. « Ww ic LENTINE ; 4 ent hea q nl of sustruct he runing & Styron, Wilaingion, N. ¢ 4 never contradicted nu. { Usden aud Ce itution of the Sts pace Ph aioe tweht ans so happy a method of sstru ng le a : Ss : . Wm H. McRary & Co, & vieted at t ta Term of Rowan Supenor Court of\ ed. Call ot Nu 3, Granite Row. Ile isthe man who said to General tee destroyed either by democratic traitors or PM's and enforang his precepts, as to gacn Lutterlah & Eltuit, ce miedemeauor. whipped and sul! for the payment of BROWN & COFFIN Clineh, in 1844, that he could make those | 7. pactnien; Uy AbdMbingias Ge the cag 64. tbe ew iedewe ob ol Mr: Jolie ©: Lana, ai curts for the term of 1B months Baid Valentine or| Salsbury, March 25, 1856. 43:0 Dutchmen in Pennsylvania believe that; Socesignints on the ode, 3a Me, Polk was a better protecticr-taritf — Remiced, That Jobo A Gilmer is worthy o! wan than Mr. Clay; and he is the wan cor most enthuanric enppert— sea patriot wed | iuciet under the inet n of hac shucte 4 THe 4¢@ Ital reetion oF our mgtily oe who took the en | in Pennsylvania in statesman, bis tried devotion to the intemanc cf (eral Nestle times. Genie Ke JUNIUs MENDEN WA LL, the full of 1944, and, by pledging the hon- hie naawdiate constituents, and the whole Mate, we tober him our thanka LAND ACCENT. or Ren em a to the people of that | curmmands var andivided respect, aud the Mr. Pol N. B. Particular atieation given (© the sale of Sauness tw about 23 js ears of age. five fect (hree aud a Flour and Grain half mehes high, of gi very able manwer in which the classes were con: June 24, 1856. Awps hick bps, bow-legged, Boekt-wesun, Plasterer and Paricr He was rained Phat we are cufirely satiaGed with te ; on : ‘ bs ; d sivien queliuny end price. EF Call andoseet Sr « bette vtec. severuds qualities of bis heart, have embalmed 4 Tint we Ul use ur united eflart« to aaty, OF tf Confined in an oil om thar [ oot | = F g varte queluy price. i toe ate, th k was a better protec ae schol oh se : whl od imple ebats\p "ILL SELECT epdenter Government Lind | ag Lnite-< uddrensrd) ur’ usa’ gt Wout Peace, No. 143, Market Street, Var stock @ guing off, and we are giving bargites te f 7 th M Cl d k fiw in ome best affections \ at u bas ‘ ® soe rif man wan Mr. ay, did inake led Ti . wake thie Lasttuton rok with the first in our lewate Land Warraets—Par ‘Tases— make will be Promptly aiicuded ts PHILADELPHIA “SPT Purchaser. ET Our score at the cornet of the theat believe it, aud veto for Mr. Polk, rigeeisit ' wat Ue S-natorial nomination |, 4 tuvestaras wa Jet eccouni—end transect a Gen GHARLES KCUTTS: Peers Satie — Manrion Motel ; : Shereke they boat the tariff of 1842, and marke ty ame vtbres of Huwae meets ver cr oe er re Gt Real Eatete busines iu Miuu wuts, fiw, and June 19, 1658 2 DM Zraweamax, of Lincutaton, N.C, H. F. BAUM & @0, ; ve : ; noleative 2 = hs Coiemin inte ci oth. That our next session shall open on the! Wiseunen - Salimbury. May 5, 1856. : . State. al tal approbation We reeognige in the char ) Gronce N Arex 43 6m - ys, 49am he Led the ufiiee of Beery 7 = sbi ced acter of James (i. Ranmay, an abie adeucate, a 6th. July nest Lateran of the country furnished when dened TANT 1]. ce oat e of which he knew betorehand would take wearer pati” @ eckadericatll'e : : ; Addsoes: R J. MENDENUALL \ ( ) | ] ( |: ] DE Paes . i R 4 aaah siterre patriot, a aches od a genth-man Bil, ut aluve resalut 1 went to the ) place; and he is the same man whe «sid eit pay That the t - ac ae ‘ vey . : é' i eens sn sh Ce ahs x PRESBY TERTAN NEW GOODS! e L Th tee Cotecetition wtmniious R ¢, Sprcit of 1 re oat . ° na epoech, fu the Seuate, that the heat , ice , : oe Stee SPA ON the “Age ancl Cro . etude Cl Wo March, to the favors CPYHERE will } B) } prolection the nen sm are a ble comenberation of the viters of Dare Conte : AR Te Resting | Uvcie: jie iat ® | R Halt, deceased, in be-d ‘ y, newer Beth FEMALE Cc LLE ; NEW GOODS!! is Ie WAGEA—" bring Wages dewnt) ae a suitalde perow to represent them ia tl AM. fhhootr any Charch om the let dav of Jaly meat, sit or TaT , _\ ’ Md 7 r on . nb tloerer te thee ’ --- ; ; ‘ STATESVILLE N. : ‘ ; LQ ; . T2N Cests a par, and they would need Wo ffeame of Cominuns of the peat General A. AV) Gi) Mavasy, LL perenne indebied in J.D. Brown & Lonely, Eh Whcly NEGROES, three bhely inn, uf whom a It co J.V.& T. SYMON 3 & CO, > otver protection. sembly Woy d will find thew autes aud ace-anie ot ihe Nie | U8 8 RH ITN. eecoad AA ¢ ter ! BESPE r . ) \eboaes " second sesamin of this instita'ion will open ie BPECTFULLY Now, whe does not know who James Kewl ved, That the late fall and fant of Gen a of Browa & Coffin, Those tbat fer! dimpueed to ¢-it Shoemaker. | the new burdiny on the 4th day uf Angust neat AL ROS SCs to the citeus of Rowan end ade Reskonan tef Vises aunid ba laea jaditired Gisele at Chacon Comm e sod poy will Gnd me there, reody sod wil fw el Four small hoy and one woman and gw The above Teo make suitable rrangementa, the Trustees! < jowong Counties, that they are now reeriving « math clenas our Sansa re ofa ep ee wes ee — . More? ae é ap etd ports PY. wegrues will be mid vee credit of aac moaths wah have apared neither cost gor p A commodings | large and well selected stock of . caoge _ | Matte, West eytporthies | ane . cau (6 ates, ond E will ove of | conma ndlovt them | aterect from dae and hand ad ith be pa - weld mut carmtly rrommimced thet some FROM KANSAS. wecwrdsog to law me TAS KO NISBET, 0 realy bm due time; te wthy ood enrmed, Spring & Summer Goods, WHene oF opery n Anstria skilful operater at once would inject Ine vers s ) Ger wert Coanty Court we the firs: Monday in Aw JAS. W LEWIs, § Ezecatere Preadeat will have a number of well quahfied Assist there are more than three and a half :ail-| ish » eo droge A the [emunratic JOG St. Lovis, June 90 esc imi WENRY A LEMLY June 7, 1AS6 Imo? ante Our terme are lower than amy other similar ip! _ CONNERTING oF lo Protestants. In France there are cat by We: Bucbacen Veal daactel AWiirs an Kansas Sintec wGldec as woe 24, 185) Gas ea 2 z stitute with which we are acquainted Staple & Faney Dry Goods ; 4 oe trom te be od in va ¥ M4 inany Protestants, wh» are protecte! iy wee ad Ge a per. Hancwsd vilenus ame eden s ALINSBURY MALE At ADEM) NEW BERN Boerd and tution w be paid in edvance Ready Made Clothing ; ‘ 4 é 4 ‘ . a . Vv law, and the annual Papal revenue has moy he ware’! cant. The armed Indies are vither die : ; " t a I I . ; ( Terms. Lata and Cape ; sank, since the revolution, from 8300000.) On motion. the chair appointed. GA Miller inded of hulking in remote parts Bes. JOWN C. AVERITT, A. ML, Principal. ita nsurance ©) pee cccome of five monthe, $60 00 Bonnets & Straw Goods ; 100 te about $20,000,000. In Sartinia SL Furchew, and G A. Tongham. acount CARNE nest ecen.e will copes ve Mods th of Freach Lunguag § o9 Boots and Shoes ; the King has st ly onward in tne to inform Col WB March, of hee nonnimatieos caste I ) - P[VUE vedermgned has bron appainted agent at Sale Latin ond Greek. cock, pode Glass and Queenawere ; Boron ton ae Papel ahead Saiseld | Ox Makom ae wid in kaa \ Wensiso —A man by the name of tates sf totam per sees of 6 mea ine ore 0 Groceries & Dy Statie, ; vice p joe ol Bs = Roplecsisssie (ries Gy petecar oockior Pal 13 oo ing hie way at the rick of exeommanica. that the Seeretary os requested to firrcch ob Wath S rece tefat Me Prmery) Evgteh Branches 8 eure prope Thie company aa = me sof Water e.bours and Ornamental War bad toe, and granting religions liberty to all [lerall and Carchoa Watchman auth a ¢, Tenn, of steuhiue a newspaper.” tm 10 WO | oumraten, ead is bueiwee 10 fect increamag Prrmme Work, each, 19 00, whch they offer cheap for cash or om chart credit. ; . 4 tT. ibe i tinea os of this, meviing. bp . ff '. F ei . reenat Lice ace aT) a whing * Sia ee a a nllee @ Embers > OO Call and eromine, ae we are d-termined to wil. dvnem inatous. " tscany inich dis boa ene ; a : : : Pend etpenere, per echular, rN Paes RES JD RawMnay Conuage nc s 1 00 Apel 15, 1°56 af affection has bomye existed In Naples Apes ene os ae ow be WAS mc i ty ' 8 a wilt be arged . ‘ enc -l ree Candice and Ti.wels furnmshed by the puy atest the Kiay has firm!y resiete! the Jesuits a . . ‘ . bo ches he aecn EN ae Re lurdsr of the Boars JU JONES, Chane = SBC SON, Pres ANOTHER and chows some independence ofthe \ . i Barca. ers 7 . a — pera ee prerected sok ne ss fees DR iy HITEHE (1) May 9@. 1456 Bo witsu% Ee ' teas, Jy Spain, the wanmg of Rome's VORFOLA MARKET 2 . Ae - , 4 i PRES — i ble “Ty @ Gre cae ’ 4 ’ trl same woh b e . power is unmistakable, and the Govern For ike Wevhme Reperied by Rowtand A Brothers, Jane 19h, 1856 DAGUERREAN ARTIST. ae d ay + perme drones : PITTMAN, WADE & CHARLTON, ST oO C K went - — ——— the enn aroun ton ; : Shey we Sucers.ors te WILLS & PETTMAN, . 7 “ ventaal property n the Canatas, the EXAMINATION ; pire Ea nit 7 Jane ; a S i & S mime Goods : ep ‘Fea tf RK iW would form ine . ° \ alley of the Miasie« Ppt. the Florida-, (Sersemitic eat rere Titcnece : ' we = i i@ b ( 1. i z . ‘ ee Hecho ase nN . General Produce + pr ng ‘ u Tr Tetas, it has suecu nbed to Protestant } _ a CORN — Wise is , : t- LIKENE=SES eve te Pra I ( ae i \ I IS | JUST ARRIVING! infuevees. In Lrazi), Chili, and Central Se A bee oe ton of frery esses t.- I ovare. x ay ees Li : \ ~. lil i oo et se ra Me Kai 1 ; ; Ps WItITE BEAN ei whith oud bead bow. cad ecthas aan e Sit. a a Ay : owe of bs 4 I AVING wid off our Set extensive porchase of nerica, hern sentiments are advanc tdi ter a oe . FIAIUK—Reges 6 EE; oars ” on € 6s hee ek of matereis Al pereune ( Vrs re vcihe N c ¥ ture Re he iPwelerfebnurgs, Ia. Spring sod Sammer Goods ine very short time ng; while New Granada, Venezuclaand 41 Loucrery Festivale 1 have ever meee AE Ly te $ Hels : whe eh! ihe to have e gad Pietere, wie ‘ arr or s : A € ae after they were to hand, we lave since laid in « sreand the Argentine Repabtic, hare fermeally : a ie a Deseret ane esas lboaee ape Z i . ectus RLAKE PITTMAN, ; late of - firm of Wires de “<pP'y, whech is now arriving, It was selected with J l - Western N. ( On the 4 an t . » DRIED APYLES—\ .nonas 5 Sa ot caoouns' I ai alan ble ding JAMES WADE Tress, Late of care, bought 1 very reduced cash prices, aad will be proclaimed hberty of worship. In Mex ary: audware ettended at the Culleyiate | PEACHES— 52 pie Naga Se OS 3 L@D' 8 e564 T J. CHARLTON \ Mowrnonvar Ca, Va sold tow. No mote desioble goods have been brumght reo, the estates of the Church have been ; { the plare where the examination of the WAY —Cerg. § , Op g Rewo ot the Rowan Hos. r Labrral cash advances nade apn .{ conmgnmemts to thes markt the Present Feat, RONe—we are aE, eam confiscated to the ammount of about &55,- ia } . ; ; LIWE—@14 wh} Jew 26, INSé we ameve bus ore lerge, well oer dere the in hand be ould for bees. 4 ihe May 20.1 tudcats eorarre, large sumber of ang 7 000,000. students occurred A lane nu © BEES Ax 0) cua ss BROWN & COFFIN, = me re tse om the are hol. ene gt STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, ceri srieeate eyes, Offee N.C BR Co owe he . ne as far advance) as the Sophomore cle WitISh 6am ; Stringent Railway Law Sérinvent wr . t : HWIShKEY @ DAVIE COUNTY C--. = ihe State ionimee demic 9 : ; : . . “ A ty rauii@ay laws have become cistomary (a. Sho Mood up lie men = RPMARKS Court of [leas and Quart: Jol) ae ma tee Ball Sh tallad en *SEESBERE Jone S06, 1856 THOMAS E BROW € every where, in cumseqnence of the vemtnune propuse|, and anseered with ree ' aes wihowt chaaae. eum fe Vay Term, 18506 ae (isa ‘ : ee es oe . \eeets se sR ay Wag eens aay “ : . yw = r : . sling sunerints . ‘ ¢ Stuckheiders in thie Companys will : numerong disaatrons occurrences on ina “ Pm er geod eting at reduced prece John Banke. Ad : Heire a . Le J Wb A mee bag take plane at Ralig the 19th day af Jaty next Carriage, Buggy and Sulky Builder, ny of the leading roads; but an enact Twas pleased io are a large new () As wee Bose oil aca bo : e Phumpaon Th g* he beamifel 4 te ia | of the went of thie kind has just been passed bv and | bh the Legislature of Iowa, which is rather. ,.j,. mere eevere than any other of recent Sse eye a tor mt te . ransfere of Stack st be fled in thie Office be learnt nide'd Aw ( pew wheat arnved 5 Petition to sell Land. eee fim: ny ame mg the fore the Ist day of Ja A 8 correct hat may be eee SALISBURY, N. C., ea eacat NewS sn the 17th from coupe, and auld at $2 nae ~ Z ported to the m rae bet a Stockholder Sf the eve Can be a pros CYRUS P MENDENHALL, I WW GG. JAWES me on the shove business, and invites thé pab- hoes y P ta 1 remcte H 5 Serretary 4 Treasurer nd examine b & He) mafactering very per mg, date, It provides that traina shall come ne heceches | a Amy. E de 1 ~ Patriot, Creenstor’, Standard and Regrter, v4 whew the cies ip them v the ; der th to a full stop on approaching eromsin-s, A VARIED f5 ae ; . ; Raleigh: Recorder, Hi'tstom'; Commercial, Witting: petecsit ‘ f te eh acl Hipetent imetrvetor, Jerr | Lele a we Vis bo By c " > { say shure “ % 7 29 cheapret je the lene rea e ve vit ila under a malty of 8500 for non-obese ry - atpahtt \ - . . ae hee NT (TE Of NORTH ( LROLINA, * 7 Se ve Shred ee vit i { , et ' 262 » bie © call at bis estabtinh. @ howd ance, half of which enim goes to the in. Fuste. the Dread : at Mi PIILEIE OVHBGRCH ie iG b med- ALEXANDER COTNTY ae ray : F ; bette ; fwiner. And in care Life of proyerty —( Weimalay mght we hetemed toa sont Meee Me PINLCUP OV ERC ASH Go Mion WEAR ther the, iii ke ae DISSOLUTION, jigs eaa o\k g o n at Goer « - should be destmyed hy vislation of ! . “Fy ie een ee a ae, (YO Pe oem aat : paian of tho acttvhe résutredsctptn, sha rres . . ce 4 7 "IHR & Stoker and Kirk, hae been damtved ® delivered, if 11 due vet give entie ers penalty shall he den es eran ites me 1, JOMWN P DEWAR Vee ARV EF { trav. at the Coon If wee ar sce ; : e = } } v 2 rd ° and pic eaera I Fe ( ly e Z 2 . i » Teak value of the property so deatroved : an wicur Valea aes WALTER Z : : mis oe : ! eae aricinal! Atticweeat Ceviel en (Cane JAMES KIRK ‘ ony tind of trede tm * 5 comes for every life lost, from 810,000 to : ve k Pye In C abort + aa ay Rev Sar i # ttae t ed. Row June 3 sept RP ear: Oats, Bacon, Lard, Horses, Provender, Timber, “ pec o ae BENS é : : a Mr ENRY i \ Kk lie S ad Uh. = h h ~f . Oto be reenverel by the represent i “ ar (ere tis ( : ‘Car ! aring saiefe ( at the © -7. pe > : Tat how No A. daughier of Mr Juha Fiuse : : ' Wel < , ( LIVERY STABLE ne tree af the decensed, mitogen te the TetemienN © ot fess Meckavite ihe tM Mala Steam BC Mob ord « wot an ovate ¢ Qtate Of North Carolina. EM rABLE oe widow and children, if there he anv. of i 2 elaration Wa VER \ eA Te seni ; IREDELL COUNTY. SACTIET ALINE BB Doce whe tah either ra bay or tose ere be not, then to the heirs of the de Ney N ; LISLE) Rv vA TAKBEN, BP ¢ Met : : rn I ait ( s 7 1958 M sett rare cased. 3 The Raghte of the I WesoTs ! NDA inetert, M- THOMAS — Proters fee $5 5 fet ‘ oe ‘ Ge * I andy. Reneom F Pr f then 4 ETO . i LJ = \)) sander ¢ RENCE ag , ‘ . \ . . Ne] | B r he Howe if - . pd ° MOC KSVILLE ae > > > ‘: . tr a Sey ’ 1 ~ : fe . a PROPER ViLWS th Chaneond Napion WP ALI teow toons ewes war mon SOAMEY School Books. : , ote > sPinmiy pwr ~ J . Roe ir » mee . - 8 2] bs ¢ tb In the Connecticut Leyislatcre, whi! mah rey N ¢ 5 . Bt Net acy ae be tt "? : . : ! \| \ | [: \ ( \ DI \\ ce } eee F Wt ' ‘ 1 treet J RB MARSID. Age Amenern Sunday e . ee nee Me hs : a4 4 . 4. ‘ eve fe the resolations denouncing Mr. Brook t) 1 cmtiee Corea . ‘ y f vate indcs hile > OF 0 Sited Ceomis he ts + where WW - A ( ( rt at Mire is ; ll Sac L we == tage were onder diacuasi my, Mr. Ch apinan t [avidaon, ¢ 4 and y ; ave oon th th keeps on ha : 4 ww eta " \ob rt and e a 2 y . ] “ : a ee = Feu cotter oes fot f | t SiH > 8 publeane: a, a .7 _ “< prwarr, iwet., a to Hartford, said : Cone fn teathicol; (rset do MEL ge Mein Ute gone featey eh onan vie A CARSON, Crh . ‘ 2s y sered re pow in avery farthing conden. and tee " ‘ \ = e : < Pre fe nee A Were ~ mike ws Twi ose hie atmos endrarere to keep it 0 t tu the I do not regard freedom of apoer hh ae a : ante , Pa . ‘ vol Labranes, & * Ce 4 A . : ve oh M \ sone nd sw pre and (oemstoin the repatatma which ot hae herrtudere re line meaning the existing in one persen t ho Amenea,— HB coins ; = 5 00 Qo ROWAN FACTORY aes. { Ne shea elon ed at al a a d ar roan. ¢ ‘ ‘ Roof ue ad Comrt » ae he fart a vot our eges jepot of slander and calumniate another withont 8th. National Character —W. Ko J me Bunks, per due 7 ° : M in © imeem : . Colleges bie’ ou : < saffering party having « right to ¢ “ Alevander Co Srter Mowe mt? bts Tribate to whom Tribate is dae: ifto the Nerth | : 7 (LSU MMERS TERMS ‘1m to acevant. To so regard it, woul Oth. The destiny of this Country,—Jancs wasane tender mether, hind nietreens Beep r ! & Gat . . sf s ’ de t toh es che c ru ‘ Aries Pay it----3f not, eneoarace Home Wanafacteres, Proemary Domertr Pr meee of 5S mon ine be making a mockery of all law. Teeould gyiyh, yeaa Se ances cohen Mae SE UE meres goer poiie BOWAN EAC ON OIE ERT toot rae os { : : . euhacribere hat ip : Sa, be to abulish the courtesies of life —to 10th, Adarne avd Jefferann.--N.\. Peehles ae - Nevin aks ‘ ' noe keene eae j ae balay eid ae Danieeas NG a rape oped orl es make the gift of language a curse instcad D i religi n and # with Chor ve ek Utes da Ne eed * falon. aod are miking au \' F . er Une: er, peor saan ~~ i JNO. B.GRETTER. A.B. f 7 of a blessi The ¢ f giving ut arte Me AURIS TEREST Misha neh ais tae eee as ‘ rea , oA mine Une DP Krinetnet yO ES | 1138 ft only : Caaing. The custom of giving hth Riecation D. J. L. Smith, Davie « tele af frenda tc lament her death. bat met Pree ate bd SHEETINGS & YARNS, . . ward a REFEREVCES if thes erance to gross personalities in debate, is eth athave no hope Os the moming of her Inne 24, 1856 ‘ a pe Oe eter : ; ae id au -FERENCES, ‘en becomin ite lve eummon in this coun. Co Nees Ce bee ise ith eact of Hernki and Banner please copy Bor 4 times i — Lea ae . om : See Presient and Faculty of the University; Ree. is & & Q4ite lwo comm \ — wince ge ' ‘ e . i 1 DDT : ; . bs a s : cr t Vv Vary . President Yevdson Co P ad thie wy It is out of place inthe United States PROGRAMME For THERSO A RA KIN & MARTIN x roar i r gts , aii wh ates ais a 3 a Ee Nw ash on ad, than jana wu Dick one! ure the ray i our tar if decorum of nan } : vie peatecctive Tanner ' IN T NID 4 a iN Shirt ine thas eas iy i 3 < , ore nae ads Bes ms r cieties formed lines with their reey . COMMISSION MERI HANTS, ‘ he rads: CVON BATE EE _ : and propriety of speech ure to be } Badges of distinction in fon he ‘ rdtovente \ RAMSAY, 4 of the Ole » At 7 , an bal ore U ’ » » . v4. - * ’ } S ut . uf is ea pe lier it akan a uld be Sieaic kd Peas isercol lic Ingainrie) ete WILMINGTON NC. GRIST MILLS To the Ladies. Pane ‘that branch of our Nationa ingress if Nn os b i ihe voutc imliea cfs Mrae Cullen WAKE Dheral advanceeon eu@enmenteot Karey nls ston and Corn w TUN Ue tcuhacrisers nesters mieten (heen iS ve The walls of the Senate chamber have panied also hy Yoong imealol Pomesne produce. mr Apeehug prea eh id NEW ARRANGEMENT " : : ‘ ‘ ‘ : (ce DRESS G ve due ! echoed back the voices of the yrentest pic's echool in full uniform, then th <A ieee lat Jaly., 9 carge 0 _ MORNING & VE SR { . eek. raubired \piibe publi: winch thee ete ors . Sa J t = T i die ; Met of one land. Tntelleet has been Op Truestees, teachers and the “Speaker of the WEST INDIA FRUIT, &c. — FINE eubeerber having made Jowes J Wetoy Sl tt aemail profit, They particular attention ; nie TR . ‘ De iontol ac veralchatilnal “ . : ’ ray . tT Lae : . on hie Stock ot Werchandia: hye U0 tear fine embroidered, atk and lace MAN TILLAS nilrond Mere orate to intallec:, awd great minds dey” making procemion of several hu ; Conststing in part of Phe Board of Prustecs [peer ners qatesccker Merchant he ung fee ominadenrds ah ved eee M RIBBONS, sey, ave contended there for the tnastery yardein length. The exercises were opened by ORANGE OAc PLANTAINS n Pnertaray. awe Ain 61 a rRace EMDROIDERIES, &. No 3. Granite Row c RANGES, : x, Rak Nexclacek reel ment at Dignan College nmaye Grice Ren & Co debted : capil healed te Rich 2 Manes of inen who have legislated prayer from the Rev. TB. Adama, of Wolke ee he gnantian and guid acre PEMGNG) MRM WD ABILE ae dih Jine, at iisshk, Ac Me slme previa’ (09d instant, 1836, will pleces cau cea ea Pre eu N-& COFFIN - z one God wae th neon ° s “, s ‘ ts Salisbery, rch 25, 185 attend nacre for the best interests of their coun i after which the following young gentlemen | He gave thee, he touk thee. and he will restore thee COCO NUTS, PRESERVES, JELLURS, ae, The eemination o e will commence on ett _ GEO W BROWN Dee ve 43:08 among “Y are reeorded in history. Menof com i : Ladd repared by themeelven And death has no ating, for the Saviearh < deed.” ; s he hich Monday WW. PHARR, Pres’ pita ROE Nea dah ie JOB PRINTI 7 ; rehensi ; ‘ 5. : delivered addresses prepares er B.G.JONBS. | whieh will be mold on arrival, at Auction, to the by v PHARR, Pres't JO INITIENG mer of tbs tensive minds; men not chain to sin ee Ok wna lo Was vehCeee ie ae Pe oe ; 3 fs VG selling kie ideas, like the galley slave tu an oar; se , i Achat wer A me ened Nort Witenington, June 17, 1N36 Iw June 1a. 1a I Blan\ Warrants for sale Here, Veartly creeuted at lois Offce “en who dared to raise theit eyes from | T.F. Grimes, Lexington, N. ¢ onpy ’ My eS AGRICULTURAL. from the Southern Farme r Stacking Wheat in the Field. Every observing farmer who has pass ed along the main road near upper James River, particularly in the county of Gooch- Jand, after the wheat has been reaped. has doubtless noticed the neatness and ekill displayed in putting up the stacks in the harvest fields. It is, indeed, a most interesting spectacle to see them all arranged with perfect both in s and each stack, uniformity 5 and stracture, bailt as it were after a particular pattern We have often contemplated it w ith ad miration. In no other part of try, except, perhaps, on an farm or in a limited district, have ¢ the coun occasional served 80 much care exhibited | ing the labors of the laarves the crop, after nature has crowned we ob- ncoenduct tp or securing the hopes of the farmer, from the injury that is subsequently to be rains and storms. apprehended Yr} tron It was in the carly part of the present century that an E of Boot was cmpioved as a liman by th i} ) school Name in the neighborhood of Goochland C. IL. who was no less intelligent in regard t the operations of the farm than in the management of a schoo! means of introducing impr varions rural practices, the ' tant of which was in the the sheaves and putting np th Doth small and large stacks good stack it is ir tied sheaf. compact and we in the proper manner, these (as they way be called) will 1 Aan weather forany reasonable le: VENICE host ny e He was the Or art of binding wheat in To make a little more being necessary 1 sional adjustinent of the caps, liable to be Llown off or disp lac wind. We have known ther with the straw perfectly brigh ral months The time of harvest | wa we have thous lit a descripti of stacking wheat to wi we red mig}.t be acceptable to sorn ders. cannot we}! be described, a bat one secure way of When pr thrown a! wat and band!cd a wecned. In without Leing tious of the harvest field there of the work, perhaps, & car ed asthe binding, Proprict seers should be carclu how to du it themeeclyes, bu every binder int f “ of i It 5) ea to da ; 1 move r bara There is no uf ecribing t @0 as to in rea ) ‘ telligent fa - I be re straw. If the w be put ap in stacks ¢ ‘ bushele; if there is r the :)) %<¢ tu in pla bashels the fuundation, & The manner of binding t When male Tesist a a whic are } tr ed thre 1 ve t Evil ave Te AY e€ suet if t zent ~ Vices: ¥ i is no] ‘ k Milk Veese?s.—V arious materials are recommended for the manufacture of milk-pans, such as glass, tin, procelain, | stone-ware, glized iron, wood, zine, Ke. The requisites for these are, cheapness, coolness, and cleanliness. Glass milk- pans are undoubtedly the best, as regards coolness and cleanliness, but the cost and their easy breakage w ill prevent their be ing generally used. Procelain (earthen or China ware) is liable to the same ob jJections, though not so easily broken as glass, but, if of fine quality, more costly, Well glazed stor easily handied or cleaned, ie-Ware pans are not se but where a cool room cannot always be secured they are probably the best, as they are notex pensive. Glaze d iron pans are very good, but are somewhat objectionable on ac- weight, and their not Wood count of their cost, being very cool vessels are not easily kept clean and sweet, and are ob- ° —It used, shonld be ven well scalded after ev jectable vreat care itu have tl ery Us.ne Zi > pans have been highly consider them very ut of ility to produce p jectionable on their ¢ and lial We furnished tous free of cost, corrosion ous salts. would not use them if unless they For « room can be 7 well glaz 1 internally, ened mialk kind of milk pan to “tin were aluse, where «a cool secured, thers ' . tl ! ve preterred to the oldfashioned They are ¢ kept clean pan.” heap, light, and easily © atmosphere is not, or a low innot be kept at temperature, >t! ! t or earthes Milk should not be Kept in deep ves Sets e fluid seldom, or never, xceed 2g incelie depth, aS IM proper on to tl lowness of the vessels will depend the ray vy and perfection of the lish butter-makers set the milk about tw 8 Jee ] Country, thoes ‘ Ve ¢ ved t r >. } ELE } e! | ] f butter f fh as hoa run h t 4 {3 Sas the } } Mok le I Ness, ¢ . and nea It 5 ] > {> er . ‘ > { it ave sw A * \ k mda r Where | ‘ h “ eo ur used 4 r doit “ Ci avery oy | pose Kept ¢ md ow ve ‘ W hic as ‘ Ta aliitew ‘ ‘ r i a o-: / ) ply of grass. son, ply of eggs unless you feed well. learrots, etc. and in summer a daily sup- It will be found beneficial to feed oncea day with meal, wet up with| ' warm water, especially i in the winter sea- It is useless to expect a large sup-| preme Being, for His protecting care vouchsafed | ! to our fathers in their successful Revolutionary | PLATFORM or THE "AMERICAN PARTY, ADOPTED AT THE SESSION OF THE NATIONAL COUNCIL, Fen. 21st, 1636. lst. An humble acknowledgement to the Su-| Vermin.—The greatest nuisance to struggle, and hitherto nanifested to us, their de- | contend with, and whicls i is the cause of , scendants, in the } nore failures in the management of poul- | independence, and the union of these States, try than all other causes combined, are the vermin of hen lice that infe +1 ORG infest: their ties, and the only sure bulwark of Awcrivau Jn- It is useless to dependence. roosts in warm weather. expect profit or pp are allowed to increase. in keeping the roots comparatively clear of Went employment, ia preference lo all ‘others : them by once or the roosts with a mixture of poor oil and spirits of turpentiine, be cleared ont quite often and kept clean, and a box of ashes or dry sand kept where. station, (whe ther of ative orf the hens can roll on it. and we nity from th Disease to poultry ’ e Veriain, are kept in large nusubers, often cent. of the flock dying with this disease. It is with congestion of the man subject, causing suffocation, The only remedy appearance of the disease, doors and windows of the por at night, then burn withinthe building a few corn } cobs, the Luilding, cansing a cor sucezing Which affords relief, trom: corn-cobs is recon laryngitis in the he mic Wanos cases are piven of [eneinns ing ete, by ; ; F In the stheke Waftelitig Hartrord The roup is often very lungs, in that we know of is, on the to close a iltry inended tf sasure While these pes's T have sueceeded , The nests should Use these means, can Warrant comparauve lama very similar to malignant erysipelas, the hu the windpipe closing up, effectual tirst Ho the when the fowls are ou the roost; smoke from which will till the stant snufling or Suroke ibyect, and have a tised reidenee ino any Boset s hurme that g The Gira: (te Mtiice Shape, bien . 1 deny Wealth, « . hew ( . 1 ! ‘ On b ote hy» : ‘ s a Lad aul he ‘ - ke Ob “ \ . I : \ ‘ sitd f \\ ‘a ‘ ‘ M ' ‘ ry i i ¢ ‘ ‘ \ ‘ i 4 j ire ‘ ‘ 4 vw " + \ \ ) | | its offer arant V Hella ‘ ‘ Y] fatal tore particularly where they 25 per honse weservation of the hberties, the | ) The perpetuation of the Federal Union, as the palladium of our civil wnd religious liber E \" Ba, ctmericans must rule America, and to this | end native-born citizens should be seleeted far all | | *State, Federal, and municipal offices or govern | twice a week sinearing nevertheless, 4th. Peaans born of Ameriean parents resid- ing temporarily abroad, should be entitled to all the rights of native-born nde ns; but Sth. No persou stioult be s lected for political foreign birth,) who recognises any allegianee or obligation of any mn tol foreign pribce, potentate or or who refuses to rece the Federal ions (each within’ its sphere) deseripti any power, J Ulge and State Constiu as paramount ty all otic hews, as rules of polity cal action, unqualified reeogmiton and mainte: uit of the several States, de fraternal ue ee eof the reserved t wand the cultivation xd will, between the und to this end, HANG f harmony at citizens oF thy sev eral Suates, non-interference by Con- gress with the quescous appertaining solely to the Suttes, each Surte with the affairs of any other State. Tth. The recognition of the night of the na tive-Born and naturalized citizens of the United tudividan and nowintervention. by Terntury nad States, residing it Ue permanently any f toframe their constitution and: laws and sucial athais in to regulate their domestic their own inode, subject: only to the provisions of the Federal Constitution, with the privilege of vdinission dute the Cimon whenever they have the Isite population for one Representative vi ss. Proented alwaus, that vow but those who are ciiizens of the United States, un ante such af the con ler the Constiution and laws ind who rhitery ought to participate ia the formetion ¢ nor i Uae tactipent of laws for sa Perrtory or State 8.h. Aue weement of the prine chats State or Ternitory ougdit: to admit rs tho . Uinited States 9 the nuht of sul ve v we pulit thee ' A ehsng vthe laws of naturalization amine wt fed restden ot twe ‘ ‘ wore | f 5 ay 1 tin \ ' \ ‘ ‘ my, abd | Perth Comes . ' " the sid rigits of f 2 . vu ulate <} MA * ' “ ath 4 tt br f ‘ Z ‘ 4 ‘ \ 2 H ‘ a vitae ' ‘ ‘ 1th. Or \ ~ ‘ : * ; ' . “ Air ‘ ‘ a: “ . 2 ‘ ‘ \ ha WANSION 2:37 HOTET, NOLISEE IY N.C. l ' & " “Accom LAL oh) WEW BIOAKS THE WILMINGTON HERALD Wel A LEV s HINTORY OF ENGLAND I t V Dyspepsia Cured. ane t Cees yn t S I Macherel! Waeherel !! Valuable Land for Sale! 1 WW . j ul ( | | 1 vet * ! t ( Rit rie GEORGE WILSO J for aw “ ’ a t aa ome of Worth & Entignt, Fayetteville, N. ©.) FORWARDING “MEROHANT, ca e Cloths, € a general; low, atent style yourselves kinds of Produce, ave reudenug prompt returus COMMISSION Tobacco, Fivur, G. WP. ELLIOTT, GENERAL COMMISSION | WILMINGTON, N.C. Orders for Mrehandize, and consignments of Flour | wad other Produce, for sales or shipment, thankfully received and prodiptly attended to. May 1855 nl remendous Excitement | ABOUT THE n. tern Extension! business in the West, as well as all other diree- ws that they are now receiving @ splendid stoek of READY MADE € LOTHING. Cassimeres, Vestings, and Gen- tlemen's Furnishing Goods allof which will be sold most shocking Also, axplendid stock of HATS and CAPS Dou't take our word, but call and satisfy JNO. A. WEIRMAN & PRICE, Merchant Tailors. Salisbury, NOC. Sept. 1s35 11o r. ANDERSON, WwW. PD. REYNONDA, ANDERSON & REYNOLDS, CROCERS, AND Commission Werchants, NO. 10, ROANOKE SQUARE, TY Du UP Duss, 7 Q- Pay active attention tothe amle of Flour and other Jing unnecessary charges and ual MMING CW. BTYRON CUMMING & STYRON, COMMISSION AND Forwarding Merchants, WILMINGTON, N ¢ 7 ee Van PETER W. HINTON, MERCIAN T, TOWN PTPOINT, IWarlresn. “IT r2~- ain, Cotton, Naval Stores &c. Also, to Receiving and Forwarding Gaoons. COWANS VEGETABLE LETHONTRIPTL FRIEND OF THE MUMAN PAMEIES Divi si ‘D RIDNEDS, i; A « It 1 wsle 0 DD WO sreg 1 “ t \ IN LAND FOR SALE II, Je ont TRL St WEEKLY M 4 ' u N EW WTP ? pooper a soaih) GYODS, Mareh 25, 1856. W dis did ada Salisbury, Ladies Dress Goods “ < RDS is SVE COMMISSION Charilotto, fat be sisan, MERCHANT IN Co an Cotton, Corn, Flour, Wheat. and all COUNTRY Eri ODUuUow "4 , k Liberal Advances made on (Consigume bia ler we om Qu + Ea airerey a Ca wow . an] ( s aon 1 ! be - he, N y ° t ' Dr CHARLE3T. POWE | Pay rermanently fall) r lacatedin Sallsbary aa Broek Riw Sue ' tees INSUD, ‘ANCE COMPANY. : fee A OWEIRMAN & PRICE have ren i “ £ ‘ 1 Fatahbliabmentt u \" a ne the cou I ee aaa . DROS. REEVE JAMES SLOWS. TE | er ited. in Saliebary, at S13 (COREIN, View t ne eal Pitaervinient COP WENDENUALE, 4 Nprd ' Se Lonenia, Jy PEPE ADS Ves ie PETER A1CN a we WoO CEMMENG. G ‘ . SOR PIRAINTING May 10, 1853 wyy Verutlhy sz respect- yy at Northern price portation to save many ingniries that TS inch do, $40 JHE Subseribers being desirous of extending their $5 to 865 power, 8175 to S200; sthod of informing their numerous from @3 to BLO, lice, euch os BE for thresh bag only intend making them te erder. ed, patiery gc JUS ir the mue de work with m the best material and warcanted for 12 months FZ their plo an ghed and more substuntivl articles at b ‘That the public ith append a list of prices o { aba i] pence rure Circular Sow wills with 48 to $0 ined rein in ‘feet eurriages, 48 teet ways, all ce rier 3s | $400; Cilendriew! Straw Cutiers, 12 inch box, $V, Folding Harrowe, $13; Cultivators, Toreehing Murhines with 4 oF 6 horse ahs d workmanship. ng of nucbivuery done at short no- Send iv your onde rey chines and horsepower early, we 1! Allworkwarrant- ccessfuloperstion and can furnieh castings of any deeeription, wud where the article, Ph avery su vecording to size de of repa ne Work & Cy My furnace im eullin are found at shert potter, ‘Terms oarh, or negotivble notes at Bank, J. Ho THOMPSO . Feo. 5,1 56. NAC Davidson eo., aNe TOR SALE, of those Cele brett Machine. of Baltimore ; horses as any other a do woh wa on eight. Drury in the Btate wi J. 1. THOMPSO URS. Srey THY should Southefn men go North to bay! vughs and machinery w hen they can get f 18 | thereby saving (he price of Lrane ny nut be deceived, and} have to answer, I hetes | f the principal articles N. Ne 636 ‘COMPLETED THRESHING MA- | INES and HORSE POWERS. known ve) which will do ae| Made of | 37) ACRES OF LAD Urtober 30,1555 STEADY PROGRESSION FOR SALE, urd Cevek, Depot ou the ( = the waters of Th salem) At Rai Re Jenst one tans sue vebably { he rect ply tu Joba ‘ A Muy dem of Salisbury, 1f23 EAGLE CITY. .2 2 Bo ){ Foar Morse Post Coaches, Ls se ar Wanted Immediately, At the ee Hill Min WooD AND COM. ‘ rit NEW BOOKS. ' ' Vv W ' ' ' ' \ 4 i \ \ ' 1 h * To Gentlemen. (i Vira ' 4 pt 14 miler weet o Western be located in a short dis “IEE SUBSCRIBER bas ie anute an ert how whom be ence { e ' n ‘ ‘ . hav nee rue . if 1. will t vers be f . . 1 wee ody himwelt. ae a we teer Pred 9 * ail steady t t Mitte a lnear . = of rand de ’ . + M g cemed bor ut Trew MW \ ae ' eke ‘ 1 . ‘ ctw A b ' ‘ ! ‘ \ \ ! WA ARLY WN A COOPREIN DR. J. J. SUMMERELL, ' May ¢ et REMOVAL. k OFFICE | paid al all dines for Flo eV together with ofhartlalee Gimaity o | Blores They are also eer: Yhe i rn selvoted stock of Groceries ever offer ze of ull of whieh they are dete cannot fail to pleweer Pd. THE NIG weer MARKET PRICES at, Corn, Cotton » Mud ruined w Hell Wi prices that al kinds of ieee dJunvery Dthy ss: st A MARVELLOUS: MED, % 108 Be oR A MARVELLOUS 'HOLLOWAY’S OINTMENT. Grand External Remedy. By the afd of « wither: We see wiliions of tit on ihe corlocs of car, bading, Porough there Pri general lwhen robbed op the shin, be niga) ate organ oF laward pert to Ver, aller. tele 6 sthinas, Coughs re by (te means e-otually cured. Every homesite n paren ¢ OH Dlecusen of the Khiowg"s, sit of the heart, Inflvunstion of of the living body, cunbng the trent jute, that eanwet be remched by otier wren twee Bi Erystpelas, Ne ware LS Salt Rheow aud Seorbatic Humer:. ever dene se much for ap ge tg Movant ‘ 2. oe aramee, on thie Uh war vv, hore Thea, Reewifels or « gobe, visiting the principe sibs (hutene wt. givlay dvds ab te Ro appliandos thar bee the means of reptocing COGnthess wamber to < hapa te tread tes t mente wf Uhh (hates ot, tn be qred andor She Gifvetites (6 Mection! Mad. in the @orst canes af @ounds. lt wilh ewe ony weer i \fluce or eomtraction of the } Piles aad Fistetes. r ned other stuitar -Listtee ing ewampisints eam be oft ally caret M the UNutmemt te @wll Cutie bm over the parts « t eed by wher wiee bulbow ing the priated direction arvend Hacnt and 2PiNa should |} wd iu the fullaneing cases, » ‘ ine © toee Lege Pw etied Giants ’ “ Frap. tere Breasts Mende tome hore Mende c fore Thr Vie ' Geet ' ® . ‘ ' le Neo ‘ * . ete t ’ ior - e JAMES HOR AHL WATCH-MAKER AND JEWELER, SALISHURY, N. One door beiew BH. & 4. Nerphy's Store " EPS cometanly on heed a ba WATCHIS aod JEWELRY Chake W . Jracley of priedinthe best manne aad om ' 1) 34 To Farmers. pi cuterribr re reeprettnity save thes Li ve. 6 s ' ‘ . T ‘ ‘ ‘ o Rew BROWN & COPPIN Malis M » “a NEW BOORS. J, PT RECEINEDD Woe Clerk Fe ' Ive bld Bod o im ‘ (00d 9 ‘ ‘ T SS Anbe wet : ‘ ' ~The iddew F 4 ‘ Seenee thee Lite ave Yous be bee Ds Preetse Philly “ o 8 8 Pee Nb o/s WENN ‘ late of Nop Beene Beak ' ‘ 2 G. A. MILLER, \TTORNEY AT LAW, -.- try oppemcite the BD. NEW a now “weerting « enst enrply stvarwiye STAPLE & PA . * . «) bed ‘ ‘ Pa a par ° MURIIH MRORTE & “ \ se ’ wi ical) (sraree Raw. ¢ ots 2: = 4 Ropare” SALISBURY ‘ DR. W. F, BASON, DINTIST. NEAT pocTon WHIT wns throagh the Poet OF the first oppert! ps. r Bie therwine will be attended to DIBBLES #® BUNCE. Catvin #. Dt Jonatha Late uf Wilming Late of ee" Commission Werchants culed at lite O fice 4 offers In Cotton, Flour, Grain, Naval Stores. AND Southern Produce Generally No. 180 Front Street SeuErsey Fouls. REFERENCES raham, Hittebore’, NC ob ( ot. Rank of Clarendon Bank of Wilmingtot paper sonal unias 100,0 crup A last ¢ nem! blew urees publ stant ical weal lattes ingte Al A Repr ton bt long penta ous «¢ Bpen save Or since ing t throne lishe f safet who and | cmea and them latio thelr the } lod arine Y we cano actisy repo Of ¢ fron the « ton ¢ depe tion, whet the ¢ ern whet ov mak mitt M | er Than le te plait Drove wha