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Child Support Records 1914-1937
C h i l d Su p p o r t Fr a z i e r vs . Fr a z i e r 19 1 4 SUMMONS FOR RELIEF .—Judge.— Printed and for sale by Brady, the Printer, Statesville, N. C. mee Srdbite .. ..C@ounty.-- Gn the Superior Court. SUMMONS FOR RELIEF. State of North Carolina, ee County—GREETING: the defendant ....above named, if and appear before the Judge of q : our Superigr Court, at a Court to be held for the County of at the Court House in on the....... VATA eee Monday after the........ 7 cccoeeennes Monday of the sainé' being the LE day of .........f 0:5 coe on A GAG fand answer the complaint, a copy of whith willbe deposite® in the office of the Clerk gf the ee? Court for said County, within the first three’ days of said Term,iand let said Defendant........ .take notice if they fail to answer to the said complaint within, that time, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the complaint. Hereof fail not, and of this summons make due return. ‘a Given under my hand and seal of said Court, this...... f [ ee da ace STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, \ In the Superior Court. essesses soeeseee County. AGAINST BOND. We acknowledge ourselves bound wto: 2. i... ctsscseqeeeecseneesnreeandanmnyletetdeecontnemadacssifarentieety ae cesta the Defendanut.....in this act#on, in the sui of..3605022 4. _Dollars, to bé void, however, if the Plaintiff cost as the Defendant AG A I N S T SU M M O N S F O R R E L I E F , Re t u r n a b l e to . . . 7A && — _ Z . . . . . . . —— Se r v e d .. # £ & Z it e r a A) of th e Su p e r i o r Co u r t o Re c e i v e d 6° A24 6 = 4. 2 North Carolina In the Superior Court Iredell County May Term,1914. Beulah Frazier,Plaintiff =-ya<= COMPLAINT. W.A. Frazier Defendant. The plaintiff complains and Bays: --First-- That she and the defendant married on the 14th day of June 19D6- , and lived together as husband and wi fe until about the middle of September,191--; that to this mar- riage two children were born, age respectively about four and two years. ~-Second-- That after the marriage of the plaintiff and the defendant aforesaid, and efter the birth of their first child, and just prior to the birth of their second child, the defendant without | any just or legal excuse, wilfully and unlawfully abandoned his wife and child then born, failed and refused to provide the necessaries of life and support them, left the state, and remained away ,without making any provisions whatever for the support of his wife and children, one of which was born after his abandonment of the plaintiff and his first child, and the defendant still fails and refuses to support his wife , the plaintiff, and the children begotten by him. --Third-- That since the aforesaid abandonment of herself and her chil- dren, the plaintiff has been compelled, by her own labors to provide all support and maintenance for herself and the two children, and hes had no assistance of any kind from her said husband, although he is a young, vigorous and capable mechanic, able to provide bountifully for this plaintiff and the children of their marriage. --Fourth-- That because of the unlawful and wilful abandonment of the plaintiff and their children, and his unlawful and wilful failure and refusal to provide support and maintenance for then, plaintiff has been compelled to expend everything that she could make and to get assistance from her friends and relatives, in their support and maintenance, said support and maintenance,since the unlawful and wilful abandonment and failure to support and provide for the plaintiff and their children as aforesaid, is reasonably worth the sum of One Thousand Dollars. --Fifth-- That plaintiff has demanded of the defeniant that support and maintenance for herself and their children ,which he is ,in law, compelled to provide, as she is advised ,and his unlawful and wilful failure so to do, entails upon the plaintiff great expense, to wit, the sum of, at least, Fifty Dollars per month. And for a second cause of action, the plaintiff says: First:-- That she adopts the first, second, third and fourth paragraphs of her first cause of action, ae the first, second, third and fourth paragraphs of this her second cause of action, without repeating the same and further alleges: BPifth:-- That the defendant, as she is advised and believes, wilfully, wickedly ,faisely and maliciously charged this plaintiff with fornication and adultery, in that, she lived with the de- fendant, became the mother of hig two children, without ever heving been married to him; that she is not a legal wife; all with evil intent, contriving, wickedly and maliciouslg,to injure the Plaintiff's good name, bring her into disrepute and disgrace, and subject her to notoriety and scandal, and bastardize their children, the defendant well knowing the falsity of such assertions. Sixth+-- That as plaintiff is informed and believes the defend- ant ie able financially to provide for, support and maintain her end his children, being worth, by reason of an interest in his Father's estate, the sum of Three to Five Thousand Dollars. he | 7 Seventh-- That because of the great wrong and injury done the plaintiff by the defendant, by wilfully ,falsely, wickedly. and maliciously alleging that plaintiff was not his wife, thereby attempting to place her in a position of infamy and disgrace, an harlot among the people and their children bastards, plaintiff has been made to suffer great humiliation ,mental anguish and suffering, to her great damage Three Thousand Dollars. WHEREFORE, plaintiff demands judgment, that she recover of the defendant the sum of One Thousand Dollars for the support and maintenance of herself and two children from the time of the abandonment aforesaid; for the sum of Pifty Dollars per month from the first day of this term for the support and maintenance of herself and children, and for the further sum of Three Thousand Dollars, dameges for the unlawful ,wilful, wicked and malicious Charge of dishonor and adulterous acts made by the defendant , against this plaintiff; for the eost of the action to be taxed be the Clerk of the Court, and for such other and further relief, Beulah Frazier, being duly sworn, says, that she has read the as may be just and right. foregoing Complaint, that the same is true of her own knowledge, except as to those matters and things stated therein upon information and belief, and as to those she believes it to be true. Sworn to and subscribed before me this the 4b day of April,1914. ager 4. ne biywleia 2 Vf rin Cat A, fate Cou MN ay ew ie SGI 2 a hts. teased Caan oes Ones Lael ee 1 Re Sasol ek oes aed hunk ther oe | Be Cx - | 7 Tonk Original Summons, or names therein . . Every copy of same agnd, including Jor IN THE SUPERIOR COURT fen Order for enlargi: f time of pleading Interlocutory Orders Attachment, Order in Subpoena, cach name Notifying Solicitor of Removal of Guardian ...... . ij Continuance Notice, for each name over one in same paper. Impaneling Jury Justification of Sureties, except as otherwise provided . . Judgment final in term time Judgment final befure_Clerk Judgment in favor of Widow’s Year’s Support . .... . Filing Papers Postage, actual Transcript of Judgment ‘ ca d Sheriff’s Return Appeal to Supreme Court, including Certificate and Seal 2.00 Transcript to Supreme Court. . . . copy sheets, each.. .10 County Tax, when Jury impareled Referee's AJlowance .. .. CI V I L DO C K E T . s a B I L L O F C O S T S - - C I V I L . ' s (A s Fi x e d by th e Co d e . ) a he s c e e e c c c n e e c c n e e n n e e en c e n e e c n n e s e c e e e e LP M , IG T . 7 Ch i l d Su p p o r t 19 2 5 North Carolina. § In the Superior Court, Irsde}l County. § Before His Honor, Henry P. Lane. Mae Paine Harbin @ -Vs- 6 ORDER: w. HE. Harbin a. This cause coming on to be heard upon the motion of the Plaintiff to have @ reasonable subsistence for herself and child anc ooungel fees alloted and paid or seoured to her from the estate and earnings of her husbend, and being heard, the Court finds the followinf facts: That the Plaintiff and the Defendant intermarried in Iredel}. County on or about the 10th day of April, 1921, and ever sinoe said time have been, and now are, husband and wife; that on March 19th, 1922, a child was born 6f said union and is now residing with Plaintiff; that Defendant, Will Harbin, has aban- doned the Plaintiff and his child anc has failed and neglected to provide them with reasonable subsistence, and that the Plaintiff and her oh1}d are now dependent upon the earnings of the Plaintiff and the generosity of Plaintiff's parents for @ home and their supvort and maintenance; that the Defendant, Will Harbin, left the State of North Carolina on or about the 15th day of February, 1925, for Atlanta, Gerogia, and is now in parts unknown and has contributed nothing towards the support of his wife and ohild since leaving the State; that the Plaintiff in this action has no estate whatover mut is dependent upon her labors and such aid as her father supplies her for the support of herself and child; that the Defendant, Will Harbin, is a strong able-bodied man, capable of earning ample funds with whioh to support himself anc his wife and child, and in addition is seized of a one-eighth (2/3) undivided interest in valuable reel estate in and near the City of Statesville, Said property having been devised to him by his father, the late J. F. Harbin, and consisting of a one-eighth (1/8) undivided interest in the following property: A house and lot in the City of Statesville on the North side of Alexander Street ani extending several hundred feet along the East side of Race Street, adjoining the lands of Pearl West, Henkel-Craig Live Stock Company and others, and another lot in the City of Statesyille situated on the North side of Alexander Street and on the West side of Race Street, adjoining the lands of Richard Harwin, and ot:ers; Also a tract of land in Statesville Township, Iredell County, adjoining the lands of James A. Hartness, the City of Statesville Pumpin, Station lands and otners, containing about thirty (350) acres. Thessaid J. ”. Harbin died seized and possessed of all of the above desoribed lands and reference is hereoy made to the title deeds of said J. F. Harbin for more partioular description of all of said lands. That by the terms of the will of the said J. F. Harbin all of his real estate ani personal vroperty was devised to his wife, Mrs. Mattie Harbin, for and during the term of her natural life; that the said Will Harbin being out of the State and in varte unknown no notioe of this motion could be served upon him; that. the Plaintiff has procured a summons in this aotion and a notice of this motion to be directea to the Sherif’ of Caldwo!1 County where he mwas reported to be, and the Sherif: has returned said sumone and notice that the Defendant was not to be found and had not bean in said County for the past two years, but was supposed to be in Florida; thet in order to prosecute this action the Plaintifs Will be required to pay reasonnble attorneys fees in the sum of 2200.00, ani that in order to pay the game and to secure to her a reasonable subsistence for herself and child it is necessary to secure the interest of the said Will Harbin in the above desoribed lands to the said lirs. Kae Paine Earbin and her ohild, Will ©. Harbin, Jr. It is, therefore, on motion of Grier & Grier, Attorneys for the Plaintiff, considered, adjudgod, ordered and deore:d that the interest of the Defendant, W. H. Harbin, in the house and lot in the City of Stateswille adjoining the lands of Pearl Wiest, Henkel-Craig Livo Stock Company and others, lying on the North side of Alexander Street and the hast side of haee Strect, ami the lot in the City of Statesville lying on the Worth side of Axexander Street and the West side of Raoe Strect, adjoining the lands of Richard Heroin, and others; Also his interest in the thirty sores of land in Shetesville Township, adjoining the lands of J. A. Hartness, the Oity of Statesville Pumping Station lands and others be and the same is hereby alloted, secured and transferred to the said Plaintiff, Mrs. Mae Paine Harbin, and her ohild, Will Ii. Harbin, Jr., free and disoharge from all claims, title and interest of the said VW. H. Harbin, Defendant in this action, in said real estate, the said Plaintiff is to receive whatever rents anc profits tnat may be derived from the intorest of said W. H. Harbin in gaid lands for the subsistence of herself a ohild, end aftor her death said real estata is to be vested in the said %. 4. Harbin, Jr. in fee-eimple. od ; If it becomes necessary to sell said lanis the same nay be so}.d and f “. os 3 : ; prinoipal and interest derived therefrom mny be used by the Plaintiff for £hé_ sub- a : Sis “A : 7 »%, a : sigtente of herself and eaid child under such terms and conditions ag the Capit may a} woe ty ; m : . eM ® It is further considered and adjudged that a copy-of this deqren be 4 4 - > » ge Be te : | “ Gee. ’ peoorded in the office of the Register of Dectis of Iredell Connty. 8 Jt we ‘ 1h AB "3 + e order. ay 4 rs anc holding the Fifteent#t Judicial District. «7 { A { O7 3 NE Ss wy wd as WY Ky t ee boy AS wS > dosh - Se ale NES: Nase, Jak aX, hy Aas ‘Seok, sane ¢ qs MAS UNS ~ “+ eat aR 2 Qo one ky. oe ea se al AN 2" Yor. \Se 5. a ~ >. > SN yas ie i TARY eS = SON eats \. — a € wy SN \ -+ .. We * Vow ot tp aos yan “eh Ay ae 3 ONS ok <7 5s Ch i l d Su p p o r t To m l i n vs . To m l i n 19 3 0 J. T. REECE AVALON E. HALL LAW OFFICES REECE & HALL YADKINVILLE, N.C. June 23, 1930 Clerk Superior Court, Iredell County, Statesville, NORTH CAROLINA. Dear Sir: : li mlin Tomlin Please find inclosed herewith certified copies of judgments in the above entitled matter, which we will thank you to record at your earliest conven- fence. We are also inclosing check for $2.00 to cover your fee, and if this is not sufficient, we will send check to cover any deficiency. Thanking you in advance for your prompt attention to this matter, we are, Yours very truly, C._ Fhur ou NORTH CAROLINA IN THE SIE=RIOR COURT YACRKIN COUNTY SALLI#£ TOMBLI Vs SUMBONS Aw A. TOMLIS —_———lUlhUc orl el ame, oe ee ee ~~ ne STaTs of NUBARA@aReb Betiy, commande To the Sheriff of Iredell County: You are hereby commanded to summonsJonn L. Mille holland, Clerk of the Superior Court of Iredell County, if he be found within ymur County, to be and apres: at the office of the Clerk sf the Suverior Court for Yadkin County at the Courthouse in Yedkinville not later than thirty days from the service of tiis sumone and answer the peti- tion of J, TT. Reece, {rustee, a copy of which is hereto attached; and let the said John i. Vililholland teke notice thet if he feile to enswer the sel: vetition within the time required by law the said J. T. Reece, Trustee, will apply to tne Court for the releif demanded in the petition. Herein fail aot and of tv.is summons make due Given under my hand ond seal of Court, this the Cth dey of November, 1930. KZ Lenk | (sbRK SUPKHIOR COURT. oe c WORTH CAROLINA IN THe SUPERIOR COURT YADKIN COUNTY SALLIZ TOMLIN oVS- SAPRANT OF ATTACHIINT A. A. TOMLIN STATE oF NORTH CAROLINA: fo the Sheriff of Iredell county, Greeting tt appearing from the foregoing petition that John L. Millboliand, Clerk of the Superior Court of Iredell County, has in Rig hands certain moneys belenging to the defes- oF dw this cause, «nd thet J. P. Reece, pooe ce, hes notte Lened the Court for this warrant of attachment. You cfs) Bere ore commanded to attach and. safely keep all-of th» property of A. a. Tomlin now ew in the hands of Jobn L. Willhollend, Clerk of the Sunerier Court of Iredell County, to the ead that the same may be brought into Court, end make return of your nroceedings within the time prescribed by las. Thig the 24th day of November, 1930. Sgt hE ake “RIOR GOUR?. WORTH CAROLINA IN THE SUPERIOR COURT YADKIN COUNTT SALLIE TOMLIN ’ . i vs : FETIT LON re A. TOMLIN —— = Cw em ee a ee ow a oe eR a aw er oe ee 8 ae ee ee D> a aD J, T. RESCK, your petitioner, respectfuliy peti- tiens the Court: aint LL. of et Foat by virtue of rhe judgment ekened in the : above enti tied osuss your petitions says tuat Jala L. ullle hholend, Clerk of tne superior Court of I: edell County. has in he’ anus the sum of oa 50 schonging to &, bs tumiin. oo. Et That it’ was wrovides in ths jodement aforessia nen toned that 1f the meri tinner’ J. Y, neees, trustee, should find any proverty of the defendant he should apyly te the Court for a vec of attachment. ; er 34 ale . That a writ of attechment issue in tals cause _ ageinst John L. Millbolland, Clery of the Superior Court of Iredell County, for the sum of $111.56, or s0 mach as he tay have in his hande belonging to the def -ndant, a. A. Tomlin. poh Freee! NORTH CAROLINA IN THE SUP:RIOR COURT YADKIN COUNTY SALLIE TOMLIN } 4 vs : ZUOGMENT a, A TOuLIM § . a e e e e e e 2 e e e e e e ° e e e e e @ oe «6 e e .¢@ This cause coming on to be heard and being heard before His Honor, John M. Oglesby, Judge Presiding, upon the plead- ings filed in this cause , and it appexring to the Court that summons in this action was issued on 16th day of January, 1929, to the Sheriffs of Yadkin and Iredell Countfes and returned by the Sheriffs of Yadkin and Iredell Counties “defendant not to ve found" and affidavit having been made by the plaintiff that the defendant was not to be found in Yadkin and Iredell Counties, | and could not, after due diligence, be found within the State of Worth Carolina; that attachment was issued against the property of the defendant to the Sheriff of Iredell County, whereupon the gaid Sheriff duly levied woon the following described property of the defendant: "One tract of 156 acres, owned soleyl by the defendant, A. A. Tomlin, described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on Little Rocky Creek known as the "Cow Ford® and corner of the dower tract, and running Worth 5° Bast 40 poles te a stake, corner of Lot No. 1; thetce North 65° west 45 2/5 poles to a stake, corner of Lot No. 2 in the line of Lot No. 13° thence South 286° West 100 noles (crossing the oreek at 70 poles) to a stake; thence South 120 poles ta a stake in Bob Church's line, corner of Lot No. 2; thence South SUA® Kast 18 poles to an iren stake, Allison's corner; thence South 87° Kast 158 poles to a stake, Allison's corner; thence South 30° East 3 poles to a large hickory, Allison's corner; thence North 60__ 18 poles to a maple on Rocky Creek; thence up the Creek from & poles from hickory as follows: North 30° West 18 poles and North 4e West 10 poles and North 33° East 20 poles and North 71° Kast 10 poles and North 58° Rast 10 poles and North 23° West 14 peles and North 43° West lo poles and North 20° West 12 poles and North 15° West 10 poles and South 614° West 10 poles and North 813° West S poles to Allison's line of the Caldwell meadow; thence South 25° East about 12 poles to a stone; thence South 70° west 33 poles to « stake; then@e North 84° Weet 22 poles to a stake; thence North 20° West 24 poles to a ‘stake; thence North 31° West 97 poles to the BEGINNING, containing 156 acres, more or less, and being the identical land described as Lot No. 3, in Report of Commissioners, recorded in Deed Book 7%, page 536, in office for Register of Deeds for Iredell County, North C lina*". An undivided t*utuxewkxt half interest in the following described tract: . "Situated, lying and being in Olin Township, about two miles South of the Town of Olina, and described as follows: ee at a red oak, Clandia B. Tomlin's corner on the line o Ave Ae Tomlin Heirs, 2nd rumning thence with the line of C. A. Temlin Heirs South 89° Bast 47 poles to a stone, corner of C; A. Tomlin Heirs; thence with line of C. A, Tomlin Heirs South 4° West 37 poles to a stone, corner oF €? A. Tomlin Heirs; thence with the line of C, A. Tomlin Heirs, ‘crossing the road, Worth 62° Mast &9 poles to a stone, corner of C. A. Tomlin Heirs; thence North 6° West 32 voles te a stone, corner of said Temlin Heirs; thence South 86° East 40 poles to a stone, H. A. G411's corner:on the line of said C. A. Tomlin Heirs; thence with said Gill's line, croseing the road, South 15° East 214 poles to a stone, said Gill's corner; thence with his line South 3° West 25 poles te a stake on the West side of big Rocky Creek, Jormerly a sycamore, said Gill's coynes; thence with vata II's line and center of Big Rocky Creek as follews: South 28° West. 22 poles; South 62° West 2 peles; South 61° West I les; South 89° West 32 poles; South 79° Test 46 poles; South ife West 26 poles to a stake on bank of said 9p Rocky Creek, said Gill's corner on the line of T, J. Allison estate; thence with the line of said Allison estate North 6° West 18 poles to a stake, corner of said estate; thence with the line of said Allison estate — South 60° Yest 53 poles to a stake, corner of said Allison estate and A. A. Tomlin; thence with A. A. Tomlin's line, crossing the road, North 31° West 97 poles te a stake in Little Rocky Creek at the cow ford, A. A, Tomlin's corner; thence with his and Clandia B, Tomlin's lines North 5° Kast 210 poles te the BEGINNING, con- taining 335 acres, more or less, and being all ef Lot Mo. 4 alletted to Alfred A. Tomlin and Frenk A. Tomlin by the commission- ers in the special proceeding entitled “alfred A. Tomline, et al, Ex Parte", whieh is recorded in minute docket # 14%, page 71 to $1 of records of special proceedings for Iredell County, MW. ¢., and also being the identical aite land described in deed from N. D. Tomlin and wife to Grace C. Tombim, bearing date of Nov- * ember 7, 1903, recorded in Beek 29, page 584, ef records of deeds for Iredell County, N. C., reference to which is Rereby made for a more complete description? ‘ A reversionary interest in the following des- ertbe tract, to-wit: . . "BEGINNING at a stake, Zomlin's corner on Rocky Creek, running North 86° West 65 peles te a stone, Tomlin's cor- ner; thence South 5° Bast 32 poles to a stone, Tomlin's corner; thence Feet 90 poles te a stone West of branch, Tomlin's corner} thence North & Kast 47 poles to a stone a® the road; thence Weet with Tomlin's line 131 poles to a stone in R, Ll, Tombin'’s lines thence with his line near Werth 124 poles te a stone, his corner; theace North 13° West 23 poles te a stone, his comer}; thence South 87° East 76 poles te a stone on the road, Tomlin's corner; thence North 7* West 52 pales te a atone; thence North . 13° West 36 poles to a stone, corner of Holman tract; thence Fast 48 p@lee to a stone in the line ef said tract; thence South 37 poles to a stome, corner of Helwan and Dobbins traste; thence £457* & peles to a white omk en the epeek; thence down the creek to the BEGINNING, containing 320 acres, more or less, and being the identical land described in Report of Jurors allotting dower, in Special Proceeding entitled, "Mre. M. J. Tomlin, widow of 0, A. Tomlin, deceased, VS. Alfred Augustus Tomlin et al", said proceeding allotting dower to Mrs. NM. J, Tomlin, deing recerdéd in Beok 19,page 320, of Special Proceeding records in the office of Clerk Superier Court of Iredell Ceunty, ¥. 6.% It further appearing to the Court that servics “@f: gummons by publication was erdered by the Clerk of this Court commending the defendant to appear en the l0th day of May, 1929, and that preef of service having beam duly filed in this Court and it being found as ae foct that »ro ver scrvice by public-tion has been had upon the dofendent and that he is now in Court. It further amoaring te the Coirt that plain-e tiff is entitled to mintanence and support fer herself and hor ‘infant ohild, age cabout eight <onths, ond that she is ontitlod to n roasonable assks allowonce for the ¢ saort of hersolf ond her infmt child out of the ont-*> of ¢ Rofendant. It further appoaring to the Court and being found as a fact thet the plaintiff snd defonuant wewe daly morried on the 23rd day of arch, 1927, ond that defendunt, on or about ‘ucust 2, 1928, abandoned plaintiff ond loft the State of North Carolina, and bas since failed to provide hor with subsistence and maintenance. . It further ap. caring to the Court that 2 reason- able allowance for the maintenance and mort of the plaintif? and her child up to the present timo is : 00. ‘ IT IS, THBSKSPORE, ORDERED, ADJULOSD .ND DECREED that the plaintiff be allowed anaes agoinst the estata of the defendint in tho sum of *500.00, nn4 thet Awolon =, Bell de naid the sum of $150.00 as counsol for the plaintiff, and to the end that judgment be and heroby constitutes 2 léen upon the aforedesoribed property. It ie farther oriered, adjad-ed ond deerced that the plaintiff be allowed out of the estate of the defendant the sum of 380.00 »cr month from the date of this order until furthory ordered by tho SQmmmky Court. It fe further ordered that attachment in this cause be made 2dsolute. It ig further ordered, adjudged and decreed to the ond that this jfudement and the cost of this action, tesether with the afeores:id attoz 's foe, be satisfiod tht D, i, Raymer, Esquire, be aad he is anoointed Trustee to sell all of the right, title and interest that the defendant has in the aofresai:! mentioned property, or 90 mich thereof as may de nec- essary to satisfy said judgment, at nublic auction, to the high- eot bidder fr cash, after first advertising the samé at the Courthouse Door of Yadkin Goumty and at the Courthouse Door of Iredell County for thirty days, ond publishing o notice of anid sele in some newspaper published in Iredell County for four consecutive weeks next preceeding the day of sale, and the said D. L. Paymer, Trustee, is hereby watherised and eaqpoverol to oor the rents and profits of the «fore-described pronerty, d epely ly tho proceeds of escid rents ond profits, tocother with 9 procecds of aaid sale, to the satisfaction of this judgment. It is further orilored; agjudged and deorced that the sefd D. L. Raymer, Trustee, Bhall endeewr to locate preserve and keep any other properties belonging to the defen- dant that my be found within the State of Nrth Carodima, and if he should find ony other property in which the defendomt ovne omy interost, he shall immediately cause to be iscued from this Court a writ of attachment, ond report his findings to the Sourt. This cause retained for further orders. This ll day of December, 1929. JNO. M. OGLESBY JUDGE PRESIDING NORTH CAROLINA IN THE SUPERIOR COURT, “AY TERM, 1930 YADKIN COUNTY . SALLIE TOMLIN } aVs= ‘ 4 A. A. TOMLIN This cause coming on to be heard and being heard before His Honor, W. F. Harding, Judee Presiding, and it appearing to the Court that D. L. Raymer, Esca., was formerly appointed by the Court as trustee in this cause and that said D. L. Raymer bas exvressed his desire to withdraw as trustee: IT IS, THEREFORE, on motion of Avalon 2. Hall, attorney for the plaintiff, ORDERED AND ADJUDGED that J. T. Reece be, and he is hereby, apnointed as trustee in the place and stead of D. L. Raymer, formerly apnointed by this Court as trustee, said J. T. Reece, Trustee, to have all of the power and authority that was conferred upon D. L. Raymer, trustee, in a former order of this Court. This the 20th day of May, 1930. W. F. HARDING JUDGE PRESIDING. NORTH CAROLINA YADKIN COUNTY I, J. L. Crater, Clerk of the Superior Court of Yadkin County, do hereby certify that the foregoing are true and correct copies of the judgments in the action pending between Sallie Tomlin versus A. A. Tomlin as appears of record in my office in BooksC%™“, nages 237 ana A357. a Witness my hand and official seal, this the 23rd day of June, 1930. 3 PERIOR COURT OF YADKIN COUNTY, W. C. C h i l d S u p p o r t R e q u e s t t o d i s b u r s e m o n e y t o mi n o r c h i l d 19 3 7 NORTH CAROLINA ! IN THE SUPERIOR COURT IREDELL COUNTY J NOVEMBER TERM, 1937 vs | ORDER IN RE: BOND j J. L. McBride It appearing to the Court that the Defendant, J. L. McBride, signed a bond in the sum of $125.00 for his appearance at the Superior Court of Iredell County, and deposited with the Clerk of said Court, in addition thereto, the sum of ONE HUNDRED TWENTY FIVE DOLLARS ($185.00) cash, and it further appearing that the defendant, by letters hereto attached, has requested that this money ($125.90) be turned over to his wife and that his bond continue: It is,therefore, ordered that the said sum of ONE HUNDRED TWENTY FIVE DOLLARS ($125.00) be placed in the hands of the Clerk of Superior Court to be disbursed by him for the use and benefit of the minor children of the defendant, J. L. McBride, in the discretion of the Clerk of Superior Court, without prejudice to the bond. ett tee E