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Apprentice Bonds 1866-1896, Iredell County
RNa ‘yy, MICROFILMED BY THE GENEALOGICAL] LOCALITY OF RECORD A Vz, SOCIETY, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH | SS Vi wae ) UE ee AN nulll tables Ta ath ag, MST aS OPERATOR | ee, TITLE OF RECORD Pe ve ees APPRENTICE BONDS AAT Pr ee a FILM EMULSION NUMBER aL UN Sea No, | = PACA a) HRY 4tTt LKR: Apprentice bonds, 1866 we STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, hae het, ® day of Samuday... 1866, between Pbtasre 4; _.. La Superintendent, Bureau Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands, District noueoe doth put, an orphan, named em teen ante EB ners tag a tenements eae: Mare to live after the manner of an apprentice and servant, until the said apprentice shall at- tain the age of twenty-one years; during all which time the said apprentice , a ~ . ps faithfully shall serve, and Kuo. lawful commands every where obey. And -the said ------ ft : doth covenant and promise, and agree, that he wiil teach and instruct the said apprentice, or cause Aaastto be taught and in- — structed, to read, write and cipher; that he will constantly find and provide for said ap- prentice, during the term aforesaid; sufficient diet, washing, lodging and apparel, fitting for an apprentice, and also all other things necessary, both in sickness and health ; and that he will pay Kase Onze huurdve & soho aia dollars, and give Kosccwneh articles as are reyuired by Law for white apprentices, when of age. 4 hos Et SHES oe seme rigs In Witness Whereof, The parties to these presents have set their hands and : seals, the day and year above written. “a kaa fe Pp be y a 3 Lo 4. Ko ie 49-1 oe wads 2 chnjuwescdhigd/ “hey Cee 4 f ery ee ope hte We fe Go oe STATE OF NORTH ca eet - County. Lhd. Superintendent, Bureau ‘tiheaee Freedmen and Abandoned Lands, qe of West North Carolina, of the one part, and - *County aforesaid, of the other part : WITNESSETH, That the said ee Cut GL 2... doth put, & an orphan, named to live after the manner of an apprentice and sertant, until the said apprentice shall at- tain the age of a years ; during all which time the said apprentice haw stay lef taitntully shall serve, and Kuo. lawful commands every where obey. And She O066 6.8 A. Bell Miaiveneannton doth covenant and promise, and agree, that he wiil teach and instruct the said apprentice, or cause Rod Doe taught and in- structed, to read, write and cipher; that he-will constantly find and provide for said ap- prentice, during the term aforesaid; sufficient diet, washing, lodging and apparel, fitting for an apprentice, and also all other = necessary, both in sickness and — and that he will pay + “ Vesre al VewrenLey eve) fina ose dollars, and give fed. Sich articles as are poanitee by Law for white apprentiocs, when of age. eae, o ri Witness Whereof, The parties to these presents have set their hands and seals, the day and year above written. Oa tn - (Ley 2» [SEAL] {sxau.] J. J. BRUNBR, Printer. In re: Robert Lee Morrison, apprentice, 1883 bie mer trl Brown, apprentice, Te ee a Care. oe Met ie 4 la . fo Larthen Mire Aebay dos hk 20, eS ie die Pa tule dss @ wale Quek fgrho as lo v (174 _ te imi te HL, tee Gast 5 is oa D tt Boy ES itedik. lid Jie Cit Op ob le Bovest Taguc ge iy a , Zras olf eee Zid Cannd fot Ciel ms coe leita | Bisa ee afm : OZL 20 f ots UE bh Thls DF Uy FS i vcte Toe he (uy. 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NO 24610271 022 12 ea E un PROJECT NUMBER i I ea at nee ee ec Tt eee a aie oi ei ee Tt ee ne ees ter ne naa ae cee ak etre tre teen MICROFILMED BY THE GENEALOGICAL | LOCALITY OF RECORD Ue ey IREDELL COUNTY TITLE OF RECORD APPRENTICE BONDS AND RECORDS Bsa Correction END OF ITEM IECT NU a i RA a ie DD sa a ee aes en ae 2s On eee ET He eA i A Pes oy ay a | Ali IAAR CE om Te | i ay BAWsn, =, PAY Jif ee AVA! ; ’ a aS J LS a A Demeee f Nae LOCALITY OF RECORD TUR a IREDELL COUNTY TITLE OF RECORD dai La BU aL ips TS aaa)